' ic~^l \ PORTRAIT OF LESSIXG 2Tttnna son 23arnfyelm POTT (Bottfyoib pl?raim Ceffing WITH INTRODUCTION, GERMAN QUESTIONS, NOTES AND VOCABULARY PHILIP SCHUYLEE ALLEN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GERMAN LITERATURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO f NEW YORK CHAELES E. MERRILL CO. V V A \i l Copyright, 1907 BY CHAHLES E. MERRILL CO. F2] PREFACE. THERE are already available for the American stu- dent several excellent editions of Lessing's soldier- comedy, but I believe there is ample space for a new one. In every way possible I have endeavored to meet the practical needs of the increasing number of those who read Minna von Barnhelm, and to profit by the omissions as well as by the pains of the editors who have preceded me. The Introduction tells the story of Lessing's life and artistic development down to the year 1768. Pursuant to my belief that truth is the more evident if simply spoken I have contented myself with setting forth succinctly the main data of the poet's interest- ing career. For this purpose I recast and abridged the first half of Kiy's popular biography of Lessing, which is the latest authoritative account of the poet's life that is unembarrassed by prejudice and subjec- tive criticism. I hope that none will complain of the large use I have made of another's work. As on other occasions I was concerned merely to offer the student the best material at hand for a helpful consid- eration of his problem. The text of the play is that of the Lachmann-Munc- ker edition so changed as to conform to the latest 239165 4 PREFACE. official system of spelling adopted by all German- speaking countries. The Exercises which are in- cluded in the book will afford the teacher opportunity to give his class some much-needed drill in the ready use of the idiom it is attempting to master, and will assist the student to understand the play as nothing else could. The Notes are designed to fulfill a double purpose : to explain difficulties in the text, and to aid the stu- dent in his interpretation of Lessing's masterpiece by occasional references of a literary and appreciative sort. I gladly acknowledge my indebtedness to pre- vious editors, chiefly to my colleague Mr. Cutting, and to Mr. Calvin Thomas, for more than one crisp statement taken from his Practical German Grammar. The Vocabulary is fuller than any of its predecessors, for I believe the presence of a word-list in an edition of this kind may be justified only by its completeness and its adequacy in furnishing a good English render- ing for every implication of the text. The illustrations which accompany the book were chosen after a long search among the many engrav- ings and etchings which have been devoted to. Minna. They are distinctly German in conception and tone and will doubtless suggest the characters of the play much as Lessing would have them. PHILIP S. ALLEN. LAKE ZURICH, ILLINOIS, May, 1907. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION : PAGE LESSING'S FAMILY 7 AT SCHOOL 10 THE UNIVERSITY 12 BERLIN FIRST WRITINGS 17 BERLIN AND LEIPZIG Miss SARA SAMPSON ... 22 THIRD RESIDENCE IN BERLIN 26 BRESLAU 32 MINNA VON BARNHELM 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . .45 TEXT 47 EXERCISES (gragen) 175 NOTES 189 VOCABULARY , 225 INTRODUCTION. Lessing's Family. GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING was born January 22 1729 in Kamenz, a little Silesian town some forty miles south of Breslau. His father, Johann Gottfried Leasing, was burgomaster of the village, and the son inherited from him, poor as he was in the goods of this world, a richness of spirit which fitted him well for the struggles of his later life. The father was a man much above the average. During his university years he had devoted himself to historical and linguistic studies, as well as to theology, and was possessed of the desire to train him- self for a professorship. His slender means, however, would not permit him to attain this far-distant goal of his ambition, and he was compelled to enter the church. In 1733 he became head pastor at Kamenz. One undesirable yet characteristic trait of the father's temperament which Gotthold inherited was a tendency to quick Danger. The son himself recognized this fact, for on one occasion he wrote : " You were so good and yet so irascible a man. How often have you regretted with tears in your eyes your sudden impulse to passion ! How often have you said to me : Gotthold, I beg you to take warning by me ; be on your guard ! For I am afraid, I am afraid and still I should so like to see my- self bettered in you." The theological attitude of the father was likewise important for the intellectual development of our poet. 7 8 INTRODUCTION. He ever avoided the religious wrangles and the partic- ularism of his time ; he was a zealot in no single cause. And yet he was an enthusiastic and orthodox member of the Lutheran church, and never failed to uphold decis- ively his Protestant doctrine against Catholic teachings ; the full comprehension which he had for the ardent com- bativeness of Luther is significant of the father of Les- sing. In another direction too he was an illustrious model for his son : the list of his writings as given in his biogra- phy fills more than four pages. Self-discipline and frugality were the basic notes of his character, and they made it possible for him to rise above heavy household cares and in some measure pro- vide for his numerous progeny. Yet he was not ungen- erous: his house always bore the reputation of a freely offered charity, despite the poverty which reigned within it. When fortune began to wane, a healthy body, an upright mind and steadfastness of purpose endured. From year to year the condition of the family became however worse ; debts began to increase, and again and again in later times the pastor was compelled to address himself to Gotthold with a request for money, to Gott- hold who was himself without means. At last his una- vailing struggles against circumstances made of the father a querulous and broken-spirited man. But the old pastor was ever dear to his son ; no uncer- tain testimony of this is the grief which seized and held Lessing when in 1769 his father died. Despite every seeming estrangement Lessing was close in spirit to his father his whole life long, as close as was possible for a INTRODUCTION. 9 son whose emancipated views of the world the father never shared. Lessing's mother, Justine Salome Feller, a daughter of the pastor's predecessor in office, was a simple woman whose life was embittered by illness and the never-failing domestic cares. She appears to have exercised upon her son no lasting influence, as Goethe's mother is fabled to have done, for she seems to have never possessed the slightest understanding of his inner conflicts. She had the consciousness of being a good and faithful mother ; her philosophy of life found satisfaction within the narrow scope of her environment and could therefore not admit the ideals of her son; and so Gotthold's development brought her only the bitterest of disappointments. She would have preferred to see him enter the church as his father had done before him. Lessing had eleven brothers and sisters. One, Justine, was three years older than he ; a brother, Theophilus, stood next to him in age and was his playmate, and later for a while the companion of his studies. The other brothers were still children when Gotthold left his fath- er's house. Karl, who has written the biography of his brother, was born at just this time. During Gotthold's early years a tutor was procured for him, the older brother of the Mylius who was afterwards his comrade in Leipzig. In that a tutor could be provided for the talented boy, we may believe that affairs at home were not at that time so bad as they later became. Gotthold's youth was not clouded by the dull despair which was afterwards to brood over his father's home. 10 INTRODUCTION. At School. At the age of eight Gotthold began his studies in the public school at Kamenz and continued there four years. In the last year of his attendance there strained relations suddenly arose between Lessing's father and the head of the school. The rector Heinitz was a man of versatile talents and much in communication with the partizans of Gottsched, who by precept and example were striving to raise the contemporary German stage from its low estate. Thinking to aid in this worthy cause Heinitz wrote a pamphlet entitled " The Stage as a School of Rhetoric," which, because of its alleged unorthodox views, soon cost him his position. No wonder the pastor thought his son would be compromised in such an environment, for he had long had it in mind to educate him for the ministry. And so when Lieutenant Colonel von Karlowitz suc- ceeded in getting Gotthold a free scholarship at St. Afra in Meissen the boy left his father's roof and in June 1741 was admitted to this celebrated institution. How quickly Lessing outstripped his fellow pupils we may learn from the note which Grabener, the rector at St. Afra, once wrote the pastor in answer to an inquiry re- garding his son's progress : " He is a horse which must have twice the usual fodder. The lessons Which are too hard for others are as easy as anything to him. We can hardly do much more for the boy." Now the curriculum was a difficult one ; without cessation, except for a possi- ble furlough of a fortnight every other year, the students lived as in a cloister away from the great world without INTRODUCTION. H and were allowed no time for distracting play. Twenty- five hours a week were devoted to worship, prayer, and biblical exegesis, fifteen hours to Latin, four hours to Greek, and what time was left was given to French, to history and geography, to mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. No instruction however was offered in either German language or literature ; Karl Lessing once said, " At St. Afra they spoke more of Greece and Latium than they did of Saxony." But Lessing seems nevertheless not to have been led astray ; for we find him laying little stress on Latin com- position, but rather striving as best he could to under- stand the very spirit of the Greek and Latin works he studied, in the conscientious endeavor to gain a pene- trating insight into the spirit of antiquity. He read eagerly in private the old writers of story and of comedy. At this period Hagedorn, whose views in these matters were akin to Lessing's, seemed to him the greatest of contemporary poets. His first poetic effusions spring from this time. Little need be said of the ballad which deals with the bravery of the Saxons defeated at Kesselsdorf ; he wrote it to please his father and dedicated it to his patron von Kar- lowitz, but was unable to find in it, even in his eighteenth year, anything but a waste of time. Greater pains, how- ever, he took with his first comedy Derjunge Gelekrte of which we shall come to speak a little later. He was al- ready persuaded that the worst sort of fool was a book- made fool, and such a one is the centre of the action in the comedy. Pedantry Lessing could never endure, and 12 INTRODUCTION. characteristic of this attitude of mind is his well-known statement regarding bookishness : " Other men's experi- ence derived from books is called erudition. One's own experience is wisdom. The smallest capital of wisdom is worth more than millions of erudition." Amid the horrors of the Second Silesian War Gott- hold repeated to his father the oft-expressed plea to leave school before the termination of the prescribed six-years' course of study. This letter gives a vivid picture of the conditions obtaining in Meissen. It runs : You mourn for poor Meissen, which now looks more like a death- pit than a city. Everything is full of stench and filth, and anyone not compelled to enter the town stays as far away as ever he can. In most of the houses thirty or forty wounded soldiers are lying, whom none cares to approach, because all who are dangerously maimed have inflammatory fever. It is a wise provision of God that these terrible happenings did not assail the city in summer, for then the plague would surely have raged. As would be expected, the pastor was moved to beg for remission of a year of Gotthold's course. The gov- ernment soon granted the request, and Lessing was thus enabled to graduate on the last day of June 1746 the subject of his Latin valedictory address being, "The Mathematics of the Ancients." Eight years afterwards he referred to his schooldays at St. Afra : " How gladly would I be back in those years, the only ones in which I was ever happy." The University. In September, 1746, Lessing matriculated at the Uni- versity of Leipzig to study theology. He enjoyed a INTRODUCTION. 13 scholarship given him by St Afra because of his excel- lent work. Notable as was the influence exerted from the first upon the young student by Professors Christ and Ernesti, who led him to interpret modern art and poetry in terms of a thorough understanding of antique models, the great cultural force in his life at this time was the city of Leipzig itself. Life in this important mercantile town with its manifold activities offered a glaring contrast to the monastic seclusion of the school in Meissen. Even then Leipzig was the headquarters of the Ger- man book-trade and commerce. It was at the same time the seat of a celebrated university where the newly awakened study of antiquity was directed by two of the most famous linguists of the day; where Gottsched by his creative activity had established a nucleus for all literary interests ; where a new school of poets was the cynosure of all German eyes. Lessing himself acknowl- edges that in the beginning he was fairly stupefied by the new impressions which flooded in upon him. It was some time before he adapted himself to this new world. He soon realized how far the young and rich people outstripped him in the matter of social presence and ad- dress, and recognized too late that he had neglected life for books. He was ashamed of his rustic bashfulness, of his ignorance of what went to make up good breeding, and he registered a firm resolve to repair his omissions without delay. In a short time he learned to dance and fence, and soon progressed so far that one could scarce accuse him of lack of adroitness. 14 INTRODUCTION. Leasing had met again in Leipzig his cousin Mylius, known to him in the old Kamenz days. Mylius was seven years older than Gotthold, a journalist and natural philosopher, as well as a more or less seedy sort of bo- hemian poet, whose verses could claim but small merit. This cousin introduced Lessing to the theater, and made him acquainted with the actors and the greenroom life of Leipzig. The theater in those days was under the di- rection of a talented actress, Karoline Neuber, and was consequently enjoying a period of ephemeral bloom. Even Gottsched was glad to support " die Neuberin " with his counsels, although the vehement artiste was prone to be bored by them. Lessing made use of the inspiration which he gained from this intercourse to revise his comedy Der junge Gelehrte. It was produced by the Neuber troupe in January 1748 and greeted with much applause. He contributed poems to his cousin's periodicals and shared his studies. He wrote jovial lyrics in company with Naumann, who in more serious moments was an imitator of Klopstock, and spent much time in the company of Ossenfelder, a schoolmate at St. Afra, who was known locally as a clever companion, a confirmed votary of the weaker sex, and the author of many a whimsical quatrain. Lessing thus consorted with actors and " free-thinkers " and cared little for the celebrated men who adorned the Leipzig of his day. Klopstock had come to the univer- sity a term before him, but they did not meet. Likewise he never knew Gottsched personally. Lessing was, to be sure, as little calculated to appreciate Gottsched's dryness INTRODUCTION. 15 4 as he was to sympathize with Gellert's mildness or Klop- stock's emotionalism. He preferred to translate French dramas in collaboration with Christian Felix Weisse, to sketch new plans, and to cherish his love-affair with the pretty actress Demoiselle Lorenz. This passioi was cooled when in the spring of 1748 the Neuber company broke up and its members removed to Vienna, but not before news as to the son's conduct had reached the par- ents in their parsonage at Kamenz. To save the prodigal from utter destruction the pastor wrote that his mother was on her deathbed and that he must make haste if he would see her before her dissolu- tion. Lessing hurried home, not without suspicion of the pious deception which was being practiced upon him, and was much relieved to find his mother worried but quite well. He remained with his parents for three months, writing verses of love and wine, conducting long theological discussions, which convinced his father that his time in Leipzig had not been wasted, and even writing a sample sermon for his mother as proof that he could "become a pastor any day." Nevertheless he declared frankly that he had definitely given up theological work, but was prepared to study medicine and incidentally lin- guistics, that he might secure a university professorship. At Easter 1748 he returned to Leipzig. True to his promise he registered for a course in medi- cine and continued his studies with Christ and Ernesti, but he could not refrain from giving much of his time to writing and to visiting the theater, which appealed to him with renewed force because of his long abstinence. And 16 INTRODUCTION. he had not agreed to give up the theater, much as his parents had urged him to do so. His previous debts had been paid through the generosity of an uncle, but he had been foolish enough to give security for certain actors, and when the Neuber troupe left Leipzig he found these claims still unsettled. As he could not pay, and as his creditors were pressing, Lessing found himself in evil case. At first he meditated flight to Vienna, there to try his hand at writing for the stage and acting in com- pany with Demoiselle Lorenz. Finally, however, he de- termined to go to Berlin, whither Mylius had preceded him, and with never a word to creditors or friends he was off. On the journey he was taken ill in Wittenberg and forced to accept shelter at the house of an acquaintance. In August 1748 he entered the university there as a mere pretense, but his creditors were soon on his track and he suffered the bitterest need. He then determined to give up his studies, paid his debts out of his scholar- ship money and sought refuge with Mylius, who in the interim had become editor of the Berlin paper later known as the Vossische Zeitung. He arrived at the Prussian capital in November 1748 and in the beginning of the new year announced his latest move to his mother. In Leipzig he had made an honest endeavor, along un- conventional lines it is true, to find an activity which suited his talents and satisfied his ambition. It was re- served for the future to show what rich fruits of knowl- edge the two years in Leipzig had borne for him. INTRODUCTION. 17 Berlin Lessing's First Writings. Gottsched had transplanted French tragedy to Ger- many, his wife had performed a similar service for French comedy. Their pieces were rather crude and of no great wit ; they depicted customarily the common trivialities of life, and coarseness was often the substitute for comicality. Their people were characters with small personal appeal, whose names were borrowed from an- tiquity. They observed with painful exactitude the three unities which the French demanded : unity of place, of time, and of action. In his first dramatic attempts, all of which bear the stamp of the Leipzig days, Lessing occupies the point of view of Gottsched and holds fast to the French dramatic technique, especially to the three unities. Evident proof of this is given us in his translation of an essay of Cor- neille's. But while Gottsched and his wife were wont to compose their dramas without awaiting the dictates of poetic impulse, and merely, as it were, to round out German literature, Lessing writes his plays to satisfy an inward craving. He considers a perfectly motivated progress of the action the essential thing in a drama. Even in his first works he proceeds from the actual ex- periences of his inner and outer life. The figures them- selves, however, have often as little flesh and blood as those of Gottsched. The material for his second play Der Freigeist^ like that of Der junge Gelekrte, Lessing got from actual ex- perience. In this drama the agnostic Adrast believes all 18 INTRODUCTION churchmen hypocrites and knaves. Theophan, a young and pious cleric, frees him from this false view through the influence of his patient and honest character. The servants of the two leading figures are pictured as comic likenesses of their masters ; the play closes with a double marriage. The dialogue is animated and realistic and much witty repartee is indulged in ; but this comedy can scarce have displeased the father of Lessing, because of its forcible conversion of young Adrast. Another drama Die Juden which appeared in the same year 1749 controverts the opinion that a Jew is by nature an evil-doer, that the real Christian may best be judged by the measure of his hatred for Judaism. In a certain way the play may be considered a forerunner of Nathan der Weise. From the artistic point of view this piece appears but a weak performance, and yet it is built on a significant moral truth in that it demands that we see in the Jew a fellow-being to love. Other youthful attempts of Lessing, such as Der Misogyn (Woman-hater), Die alte Jungfer, and Der Schatz, may be omitted from discussion here because of their comparative unimportance. The dialogue in them at times rises to an impressive height, a certain skill is now and then manifest in the handling of situations, but as a rule they reveal the uncertain touch of one who is slowly feeling his way towards his real vocation. Two of his uncompleted sketches, however, require mention. Das befreite Horn is notable for the convincing scenes it contains, where groups of people are successfully handled after the manner of Shakespeare, whom Lessing INTRODUCTION. 19 had come to know through the medium of a German translation. In another dramatic fragment Samuel Henzi the poet used historical material taken from contemporary life and depicted the conflict between municipal freedom and the arrogant violence of the favored aristocracy. The piece aroused universal attention, for there appears in it the free breath of the new time, the spirit of which was first made manifest in a journal edited by Lessing and Mylius, entitled Beitrdge zur Historie und Aufnahme des Theaters. They criticize severely the current imita- tion of French models and sneer at the monotony and insipidity which this has brought upon the German stage. Altogether Lessing has left us more than fifty dra- matic outlines and fragments. Considerable interest at- taches to these slight schemes. They are like the pre- liminary studies of a painter and quite as valuable for the student of his art as the more finished results. But before we follow the further development of these and other themes it is desirable to pause and view his life in Berlin. Such support as Mylius had to offer Lessing he gave freely. But the poet was stripped of everything except the barest necessities of life, and a month after his arrival in Berlin he had to write home for new clothes, so that he might venture among people without shame and suc- ceed in securing a position. His request at first met with but poor success ; the pastor wrote to demand that Les- sing proceed home without delay. The son was willing enough to leave Berlin, to prove that he did not hesitate to separate from Mylius, whose influence Lessing's par- 20 INTRODUCTION. ents particularly feared. But home he would not go; he had determined to give up study and live as a free- lance in literature; his parents might choose for him, whether he should go to Vienna, Hamburg, or Hanover. Catholic Vienna seemed to father and mother more to be dreaded than agnostic Berlin, therefore the son soon re- ceived money for clothes and books. Great plans now occupy the brain of the young poet who is just coming to man's estate. He lays the founda- tions for a history of the world's dramatic art. He plans adequate translations of the Greek and Roman plays, as well as of those of modern times, particularly Shake- speare. He busies himself with a projected reform of the German stage. These vast schemes, as might be ex- pected, scarce passed beyond formative beginnings, but in their enunciation his reputation as critic was so widely disseminated that he was offered the editorship of the literary supplement of the Vossische Zeitung. Except for a short interval Lessing conducted this popular magazine from 1751 to 1755 and thus found ample opportunity for the expression of his ideas regarding the literary questions of his day. He defended Klop stock's Messias against the attacks of Gottsched and his partizans, and even dis- covered a certain lofty tenderness hidden amid the ex- travagance of Klopstock's odes. He denied Rousseau's celebrated thesis that " science of any and every kind is a misfortune for mankind," and showed that the reign of science and the deterioration of morals may be contem- poraneous in human history, but that they do not stand to each other in the relation of cause and effect. INTRODUCTION. 21 Lessing enjoyed the personal acquaintance of Voltaire and for some time was an occasional dinner -guest at the palace of Sans-souci where the great Frenchman was then living. The break in their friendly relations was un- doubtedly the cause of the prejudice which Frederick the Great entertained for our poet. In December 1751 Lessing went to Wittenberg to gain the degree of master of liberal arts. This was awarded him in April of the following year. Here he turned with unexampled zeal to the study of the Roman poets, find- ing himself especially attracted to the epigrams of Mar- tial. The consequent productions in this genre by Lessing belong to the very best of their kind ; since the time of Logau no German poet had written pithy quatrains with such caustic humor and so barbed a wit. Horace too was read and read again and a campaign waged against pas- tor Lange who had just published a wretched translation of the Latin poet. Lessing's mocking scorn soon put his opponent to rout. The brutal manner of his direct attack is a clear intimation of that forceful severity which ani- mated much of Lessing's later criticism. On the poet's return to Berlin late in the year 1752 he resumed work as critic and editor of the Vossische Zei- tung. The old friendship with Mylius had passed the latter was now devoting himself to leisure rather than to work and had small place in Lessing's growing circle of acquaintances. Sulzer, the doctrinaire of aesthetics, Quanz, the renowned flute virtuoso, Yoss, the publisher, Ramler, the poet, Nicolai, and Mendelssohn ; these men of widely varying social aims and aspirations formed the group 22 INTRODUCTION. with whom Lessing enjoyed a stimulating intimacy. Friedrich Nicolai was but a few years younger than Les- sing ; he had learned the book-trade and acquired besides culture of exceptional breadth. An essay of his published in 1755 was generally regarded as the work of the older friend, so carefully had Nicolai imitated the style of Les- sing in his attempt to perfect his own. Moses Mendels- sohn was the son of a poor Jewish teacher ; as a boy he had come to know Hebrew and the Talmud. He was master of several languages, offering instruction in French and English as well as in Latin and Greek, but particu- larly was he devoted to music. During the early years of his friendship with Lessing he had to work hard to secure a miserable living, but after his marriage in 1762 his prospects brightened. All during this time Lessing's fame was growing in the scholarly world. New impetus was given it by his essay on Pope ein Metaphysiker (1755), in which he treated the question, how far a poet may be a philosopher. This writing, like the later Laokoon, was the ripe fruit of his association with Mendelssohn. Not till Lessing's sojourn in Wolfenbtittel did they definitely separate, but their friendship for each other never grew quite cold. Berlin and Leipzig " Miss Sara Sampson." While living in Berlin, Lessing had by no means lost his interest in the stage. A prime requisite for success- ful activity on his part had ever been the fascinating en- joyment and the beneficial stimulus which the theater held for him. INTRODUCTION. 23 In April 1755 it was said that Leasing had been living for seven weeks in the retirement of a summer house in Potsdam at work on a new drama Miss Sara Sampson. With this work the poet offered Germany the first domes- tic drama in prose ; it was at the same time the first poetic pronouncement of his new ideas and principles. This frank justification of the bourgeois tragedy proved that he had definitely broken with the traditions of French drama. The study of English literature gave him the impulse to do this ; it had become at this period the soil in which German art found root. It was Lessing's great merit to transfer tragedy to the realm of reality and of common human sympathies, where we meet with definitely drawn characters, where our in- terest is won for the tragic conflicts and mistakes of indi- vidual persons. And yet in Miss Sara Sampson foreign customs and conditions still confront us ; another decade must pass before the poet is to present in his Minna von Bamhelm a picture of German life. And not till then did he strip away the last vestiges of dependence on French poetry, in whose fetters German literature had languished from the Thirty Years' War down to the ap- pearance on the scene, of Lessing. Ackermann, the celebrated actor and theatrical manager, who was playing an engagement in Berlin, accepted the piece, but the first performance of it was given in Frank- fort on the Oder, July 18 1755. Lessing himsell^con- ducted the rehearsals of the piece, and its success was immediate. A friend of Lessing's reported that the audi- ence would have sat four hours as still as a statue and that they were melted in tears. 24 INTRODUCTION. Then arose Lessing's longing for some city which pos- sessed a stock company of actors. There was at the time no such troupe in Berlin, if one except the Schuch com- pany, which from 1754 to 1759 played low comedies and vulgar farces in a ramshackle establishment on the Gens- darmenmarkt. It was not until 1771 that Koch laid the foundations of a permanent theater in Berlin. Lessing's gaze therefore turned again to Leipzig, the hub of German culture. Without notice he abandoned Berlin in the autumn of 1755 and went to Leipzig ; there he found Koch, whom he had known in the old days of the Neuber troupe and who had meanwhile founded his own theater. When Lessing beheld his tragedy presented by the members of the Koch company he saw before him more clearly than ever the truest direction of his future efforts. He set himself with intense eagerness to the task of creating for the German people a national drama and a worthy stage. He entered into a close relationship with Koch and his actors, began to adapt foreign pieces for the Leipzig theater and became in a sense a volunteer stage-critic. In these endeavors he was heartily supported by Weisse, the acquaintance of his earlier residence in Leipzig, who had meanwhile found enthusiastic recogni- tion with his lively operettas, his drastic comedies, and his sentimental farces. Bat after a while there swept across Lessing the old wanderlust, the longing to Snow the world and life bet- ter than he could in the narrow trammels of his routine existence. Once before he had been on the verge of ac- cepting a professorship at the LTniversity of Moscow; INTRODUCTION. 25 again he had been tempted to accompany a young Swiss as traveling companion on a long journey, only to give up the project at the last moment because he disliked to sacrifice his liberty. Now came the opportunity of spend- ing three or four years in different cities of Europe in company with a rich gentleman by the name of Winkler, and Lessing eagerly accepted the offer. In May 1756 the start was made from Leipzig. By way of Hamburg, Bremen, and Groningen the friends came to Amsterdam. In September, just as they were about to cross the Eng- lish Channel, the tour was spoiled by the outbreak of the Seven Years' War; Leipzig was occupied by the Prus- sians, and nothing remained but to hurry homewards. In the Spring of 1757 Major von Kleist joined the Prussian forces; he was in delicate health, with some tendency to hypochondria, and therefore sought Lessing's company continually, as the latter never failed to arouse him from his despondency. They had known each other in Berlin when Kleist was in garrison at Potsdam, and the earlier acquaintance soon ripened into a sincere and lasting friendship. A long descriptive poem entitled Fruhling is Kleist's best title to fame ; but Lessing, who became his unfailing counselor, led him into new paths and he wrote a heroic poem which extolled death for one's country and under the name of Cissides und Paches gained wide, if temporary, currency. Kleist endeavored to secure for his friend a suitable position in Berlin ; he tried to get him a secretaryship with Prince Heinrich ; he sought with the aid of Gleim to make Lessing head-clerk in the War Office or a librarian. 26 INTRODUCTION. Gleim, however, who regarded Leasing as a Saxon, pre- sumably did not second Kleist's. efforts with sufficient warmth, for nothing came of all these plans. Gleim had long been renowned as the Mycaenas of many a struggling poet, but in return for his good offices he was prone to demand not only the gratitude of his protege but admira- tion of his artistic successes. Lessing's pride as well as his honesty forbade his entertaining such an attitude towards the father of German anacreontic verse ; although when Gleim was ready with the manuscript of his Preu- ftische Krieyslieder von einem Grenadier Lessing procured a publisher for him and later greeted these songs mis- takenly of course as true folk -poetry. After Kleist's departure from Leipzig in May 1758 Lessing returned to Berlin. His political position in Leipzig had been growing more and more difficult, for while it was rumored in Berlin that he was an adherent of Saxony, the people of Leipzig had suspected him of being a Prussian sympathizer, largely perhaps because of his constant companionship with Kleist. He was filled with the desire to be back in the Prussian metropolis, where, as he writes to Gleim, he would not need to lower his voice if he wished to tell a friend that the king of Prussia was a great king despite everything everything. Third Residence in Berlin. Lessing found awaiting him in Berlin a swirl of activ- ity, center of which were the fame and the heroic deeds of the great sovereign. In the very midst of this stir and bustle stood his friends. Besides Gleim and Ewald von INTRODUCTION. 2Y Kleist, Mendelssohn, Ramler, and Nicolai were enthusi- astic admirers of Frederick the Great, who with his troops was opposing half Europe. Is it strange that Lessing too, despite his much-vaunted cosmopolitanism, enlisted himself in the party of the royal hero ? Frederick seemed to him the champion of Prot- estantism, of enlightenment and freedom of the conscience, as opposed to Austrian Jesuitry ; to his mind Frederick was seeking to uphold the honor of the German name in the face of Latin arrogance and of the barbaric rule of the Muscovite. In the ecstasy of triumph at unhoped-for victories, however, Lessing's heart was suddenly saddened by the fate of his best beloved friend : Kleist was killed in the battle of Kunersdorf August 24 1759. What the de- ceased had been to him none of his later friends ever be- came ; it was in work alone that he could now seek comfort and oblivion of his grievous bereavement. While still in Leipzig Lessing had been brought by Glenn's war-songs to devote himself more exhaustively to a study of older German poetry and had written an essay on certain early Swabian heroic poems which the Swiss scholars were re- editing. This interest in German poetry which was newly aroused within him by the warlike deeds of Frederick finds expression in his edition of selections from Logau's epigrams; he included in his book exegetical notes on the poet's diction and a glossary which is said to have given the brothers Grimm the starting-point of their great dictionary. In the same period were published Lessing's Fables and 28 INTRODUCTION. his study regarding them. He came upon them when he was rummaging through his writings of an earlier period, and although he realized how little they satisfied the severer demands of his present art he did not wish to destroy them. Thus he revised them and replaced older ones with new creations which were more deserving, more truly poetic. He excluded the moral from the realm of poetry and limited it to the fable, a field which he con- sidered a sort of windrow between poetry and didacticism. He defined the fable as the graphic depiction of a moral problem by means of an invented narrative ; epic and drama on the contrary he maintained had nothing to do with such an end. Lessing's fables are notable for the clarity of their poetic depiction as well as for the beauty of their style ; they have ever been regarded as models of German prose. In the study on fables he theorizes regarding the different treatment of the action in them and in the drama. The action of the fable, he decides, is sufficient to attain its end if the poet but gain thereby the basis for his instructive moral ; but the dramatic poet makes the arousing of passions his goal, and this can only be secured by imitating passion. Proof of the validity of this doctrine appears in Les- sing's martial drama Philotas which was born in the same year 1759. He chooses for his play the simplest possible train of events and traces them clearly and suc- cinctly back to their essential beginnings. He wrote his drama in prose because he believed he could thus attain his end most perfectly. According to his own testimony Lessing based his work upon Shakespeare, since the lat^ INTRODUCTION. 29 ter in the development of his simple plots more nearly approached the ancients than did the French so extolled by Gottsched. About this time Lessing was also working at his Dok- tor Faust, a dramatization of the German Faust-legend which had already been elaborated by Christopher Mar- lowe. Only a fragment is preserved to us, the one in which Faust quizzes seven devils about their swiftness. Long before, in 1753, Lessing had begun to work upon the drama, soon after he had witnessed the popular ver- sion of it at Schuch's theatre in Berlin. The fragment which has survived belongs to this first dramatization; in a later form of the piece first appears the arrant rogue who betrays innocence, but the manuscript of this second reworking of the theme was lost during Lessing's Italian journey. In one way or another this play occupied the poet his whole life long and yet in the year 1768 friends tried in vain to induce him to publish his work. Later it was commonly hoped that he would finish it, but this ex- pectation was never realized. Nowhere have we the slightest hint as to how Lessing had determined to treat the problem of the play. In 1758 he determined to found a critical magazine of his own and thus achieve what had long been the object of his ambition. In January of the following year there appeared the celebrated Literaturbriefe ("Briefe, die neueste Literatur betreffend ") in which together with his friends Moses Mendelssohn and Nicolai he reviewed the newest productions of the book-market. These reviews took the form of letters pretendedly addressed to an offi- 30 INTRODUCTION. cer wounded in the war (Ewald von Kleist). Although the poet was not named in these letters it soon became evident that he was the author of most of them, for there was no disguising his ardent and impetuous spirit. Literary phenomena were not criticised minutely, for it was Lessing's contention that the individual merits of a work of art must be judged according to their unity as a harmonious whole. In his articles Lessing created mod- ern German criticism and thus laid the foundations for the classic literature which was to follow. In his three great dramas he was later to give Germany illustrious models of his poetic theories. Sharp words were directed against the poets and authors of the period, and no less caustic criticism meted out to the German translators who were without the requisite special knowledge for their work. Thus the insipidity and pedantry of Gott- sched and his disciples were pointed out. The unpre- tending simplicity of popular poetry, however, held his fancy captive. He recognized the significant value of Shakespeare, was charmed by a love-song of Moliere's, and paid high tribute to the poems of Kleist, Gersten- berg and the war-songs of Gleim. But he returned ever and again to Gottsched and rendered harsh judgment against his attempted reform of the theater. The acri- mony of Lessing's spirit led him often to a biased view of things. This is no place to consider in detail the suggestive work of the poet's critical mind. Everywhere through- out the letters an attack is made upon obsolete forms of expression, upon what is unprofitable, un-German and in- INTRODUCTION. 31 artistic. Directness of utterance and a note of strong conviction rarely fail to make them attractive and full of vigor. The Literaturbriefe soon became a power to be reckoned with, and they made straight the paths for in- dependent criticism. Thus sped the time of Lessing's third sojourn in Berlin, filled to the brim with multifarious activities and inter- ests. He lived content in the capital of the great king. When the day's work was done he took his cheer in the " scholar's cafe " of Resewitz, in the Monday Club, to which every celebrity of Berlin belonged, or in the Fri- day Club, which included the narrow circle of Lessing's best friends. Often too he might have been found in the wine-cellar known as Baumann's cave, which was close to the dwellings of both Lessing and Ramler. The sig- nal that either desired a meeting there was a red flag fluttering from the window. And so the poet came to his thirtieth year, still fully conscious of his youthful robustness, and yet realizing that his prime had come. He had attained to the meri- dian of literary celebrity, his friends respected and ad- mired him, his enemies feared him. His income during this period, if not abundant, was yet sufficient for his wants. He had even been able to aid his brother Gott- lob to study theology at Wittenberg. But the old spirit was astir in Lessing to leave the great city and set out again on his travels. He found no enduring inspiration in either war or the rumors of war. The victorious army did not seem to him a troop which fought for its native land because it was inspired by love and duty; it ap- 32 INTRODUCTION. peared rather a composite mass of Saxons and Austrians decked out in Prussian uniform and enlisted for the pur- pose of cutting their brothers into shreds. He had ample opportunity to view the atrocities of the struggle at short range he was present when two editors who had con- demned the Russian policy in their newspapers were pub- licly beaten. Added to this came at first misunderstandings with his friends and then recriminations. A distaste for his environment soon became apparent. At this juncture General von Tauentzien offered Lea- sing a government secretaryship. As governor of Bres- lau the general needed a dependable and clever assistant in certain complicated operations having to do with the establishment of a new coinage. The terms of the posi- tion were especially favorable and Lessing accepted with- out hesitation. On the 7th of September 1760 he left Berlin and took up his new work at Breslau. Shortly after his departure he was proposed for membership in the Berlin Academy of Sciences and the nomination con- firmed by the king. Breslau. Lessing's chief in Breslau was a brave soldier and a worthy sort of man with a respect for intellectual capa- city. He possessed small culture of a formal kind, and yet he soon won the esteem of our poet. During the whole five years of their cooperation the relations of the two were of the most friendly nature. Despite the kindly reception extended to Lessing in Breslau, however, there never left him during the first few INTRODUCTION. 33 months of his life there a feeling of isolation. The stulti- fying occupation of his days could scarcely appeal to him who was used to far more nourishing mental food. Amid the confusion of martial life, even amid its diversions, he often yearned for the stimulating intercourse with his friends. And his Berlin friends who heard that he was spend- ing his evenings at the theatre and his nights gambling and carousing with officers condemned him. In a similar manner Goethe's friends were later to pass judgment on that young diplomat's first years in Weimar. In both cases none paused to consider the favorable effect which new life and associations were exercising. Lessing's ac- quaintances could not know that he often stole away from his office in the government building or from the faro- table in the officers' quarters to read Spinoza and to work at his Laokoon. It was Lessing's intention to learn from life as well as from books, and in his position he had the very best op- portunity to do so. In his surroundings, if he would not always be talking of philosophy or politics or belles-lettres at evening gatherings and receptions, there was little left but the card -table. Goethe understood his dilemma well, for in Dichtung und Wahrheit he speaks of the years our poet passed in Breslau as follows : " In contrast to Klop- stock and Gleim, Lessing liked to throw dignity aside, since he was perfectly conscious that he could resume it at any moment. He was content to lead a frivolous and worldly life, as he ever needed a counterpoise for his seething mind." 34 INTRODUCTION. Distraction of a sort was offered Lessing by attending the theatrical performances of the Schuch troupe. He made friends with various members of the company, par- ticularly with the beautiful wife of Brandes, whom he himself helped to train for the stage. In later years he met husband and wife again in Hamburg and stood god- father to one of their daughters, who was named Minna in his honor and who later won much fame as actress and opera singer. The personality of the mother, of whom Lessing was so fond, is visible in more than one scene in Minna von Barnhelm in the figure of the heroine and in that of Franziska. In every way the poet's knowledge of men and of life was broadened by his years in Breslau. In company with officers he visited the Schuch theater. Army men were his boon companions in the Golden Horn inn, where he was wont to sit till late in the night. A story is told of how Lessing on his return home was wont to disturb the slumbers of his landlord, who kept a baker's shop. The latter revenged himself on his luckless lodger one morn- ing by placing on sale in his window a gingerbread man shaped in the figure of a nighkwatchman with the legend "Gotthold Ephraim Lessing." Long afterwards, if we are to believe one of the Silesian poems of Holtei, this caricature in cake was a favorite morsel for the children of Breslau : V erleichte hab ihch salber gar Ack blus daB ihcks vergassen A Lessing uf em Kindelmarkt Perschonlich ufgefrassen. We can never be certain of the reasons which led Les- INTRODUCTION. 35 sing definitely to give up his connection with von Tau- entzien. It would appear that the demands made upon him by his family were more than he could fulfill ; per- haps, too, the poet had grown tired of dependence. His parents expected that he would retain his position until all his brothers had been educated at Lessing's expense, and now they asked him to make a place for his brother Gottlob in Breslau. Lessing flatly refused to accede to their wishes, because the brother was an idle fellow who lived in constant discord with his family ; but the poet never failed to aid his father to the utmost of his ability. He was offered at this time a professorship in Konigs- berg which would have made him the colleague of the philosopher Kant. But this post was refused, for the duties of such an office appealed to him but little. Our poet was ever prone to speak in disparaging terms of his sojourn in Breslau, and still this period formed a happy and an important chapter of his life. His un- troubled occupation vouchsafed him contentment, it fur- nished him with ample leisure for his scientific studies and his literary avocations. The great achievements of these years, Minna von Barnhelm and Laokoon, bear the imprint of care -free and creative joy. Minna von Barnhelm. We first hear of Lessing's soldier-drama in a letter to Ramler written the 20th of August 1764. After men- tioning a recent sickness the poet says : " I'm fairly wild to put the last touches on my Minna, and yet I hesitate to work on it with only half a brain to aid me. I have 36 INTRODUCTION. not had an opportunity to speak with you about this com- . edy because it is really one of the last of my projects. If it is not better than all my previous dramatic pieces, then I am determined to have nothing more to do with the theater. It may well be that I have rested too long. You will be the first by whom I shall expect to be judged." / Minna von Barnhelm may be defined as a comedyjof the more serious type. The influence upon it of the Frenchman Diderot is undeniable, for he it is who recom- mended to the poet middle-class life as the source of his plot, who differentiated the serious comedy from bour- \ geois tragedy. In one of his Literaturbriefe Lessing had sent forth a demand for a real German drama, one whose material must concern the poet closely, which must drive him to treat of it. Such subject-matter was now ready to Les- sing's hand the moment that he sought for it in Prussia's history. Goethe was right when he said : " A true and higher standard of life came into German poetry for the first time with Frederick the Great and the deeds of the Seven Years' War. I am compelled to mention one work which above all others is the truest offspring of this time, which is animated throughout by the North German national spirit : Minn a von^Barnhelm^ TtaTiis comedyT^essmgstarts from the theory that the fate of y r ar affects not only the existence of princes and peoples, but disturbs the relationphipa of inrMvid^ In their private fortune one may thus havftajnirror of the great changes which are being wroughtin the world INTRODUCTIOF. 37 without. This^ individual lot has escaped the notice of the historian, but is shown all the more clearly to the imagination of the poet. Minna is the first German comedy to deal with recent happenings, with the scarcely completed war and the figure of the greatest Germanruler and general ; it im- mortalizes the fairest of jiis sovereign gifts, justice. His person is kept aloof from the stage, from motives of re- spect, but Lessing detaches most effectively the shadow of the king from the Background of the play. The work was fif st iskethed~mT7o r TTn a garden situ- ated on the Breslau Btirgerwerder ; the final draft was finished in the following year. In 1764 the poet sub- jected the manuscript to a last revision with Ramler in Berlin, and wrote with his own hand a careful copy of the finished work. Lessing confidently expected that the play would prove a great success. In the comedy the characters are j figures as in the works of Gottsched, but men with all man's amiable sides, with^alLhis weaknesses. Neither Tellheim nor any other of the soldiers who appear unites within himself all the excellences of his profession. If their characters stand out in relief from the figure of the dissolute Frenchman Biccaut, still light and shadow are divided in the play just as they are in real life. Thii^ patriotic pridegains its due meed, although jingoism re- ceives no flattery. The action of the play is six months after the Huber- tusberg peace, and yet one may hunt in vain for any allusion to the Austrian. In like manner the Saxons are 38 INTRODUCTION. not criticised unfavorably. With subtle tact Leasing places Minna's estates in Thuringia and the major's home in Courland; despite his military proficiency the latter declares that he is a peaceful squire and longs to divest himself of the king's coat. For, he says, he has become a soldier " from adherence to the king and from whim," in that he thinks it good for every honest man to try his hand for a while in such a cause, in order to grow familiar with danger and to learn coolness and determi- nation. But now his whole ambition is to remain a quiet and contented man. By means of this temperate inter- pretation of the military class the poet brings his protag- onist closer to civilian walks of life. The major does not vaunt his heroic deeds and his scars received in battle; even the saving of Tellheim's life by Werner does not seem boasting, for the former would have done the same for his sergeant if occasion required. * The reconciliation between hostile Prussia and Saxony js typefied in the relationship of Tellheim and Minna. The peaceful adjustment of fraternal discord is in a cer- tain way alluded to in the reconciliation of Minna's uncle with Tellheim, the moment they know each other per- sonally. It was a daring thing for Lessing to mention the per- son of the king repeatedly in the drama while Frederick was still alive. He did it, too, without descending to crude lip-service. How simply does Minna say to the landlord : " The king can't possibly know all his deserv- ing men, and even if he knew them he can't reward them all." And when the chasseur hands the major the royal INTRODUCTION. 39 rescript, Minna tells him that she now realizes the king is not only u great man, but he must surely be a good one also. It is everywhere clearly evident that Lessing takes his story from the period and from real circumstances. The Seven Years' War is the background of thej)lay. There was no iackof_di8charged^fficers ? even if there were not many who possessed Tellheim's nobility and unflinching honor. Because there wasnolonger use for their services they had ton5e^smised^with^ul,scruple and without ellheim's generous act towards the Saxon Estates recalls a real occurrence of the war : To guard the hostile city of Ltibben against being given over to the flames a major von Biberstein advanced the citi- zens the sum of money demanded of them. WJiile Lessing was effecting the justification.^! bis stage-hero at thejiands of thejkmg h pleading the cause of those^discharged_^fficiers who in t^irstrai^htened circumstances had to endure the envy oTthe^^^gters^ Justice uses the Janjlord^yf this when he says : " Why were^you landlord gentlemen so tract- able during tEewar ? Is^this Jbit of peace making you so arrogant ? " Paul Werner takes his name from a worthy sergeant who was ennobled because of his bravery and quickly thereafter promoted to be general and head of a hussar regiment, contrary to all military precedent. Thus Les- sing has drawn much of his action from real life. Kat- zenberg, which Werner likes to mention in the narratives of his martial deeds, is a locality near Meissen. And the 40 INTRODUCTION. mother of the philosopher Garve even insists that the whole episode of the meeting of Minna and Tellheim, according to Lessing's own testimony, really took place in the Golden Goose in Breslau. The action of the play passes on August 22 1763 in the Berlin hotel known as the King of Spain. The unity of time is the natural result of the simple action which is limited to two rooms in the inn. The main action con- sists in the apparent abrogation and the final maintenance of the betrothal of Minna and Tellheim. The former finds her recreant lover in the inn which she has just entered in the company of her maid Franziska. Her uncle and protector has been detained by an accident while on his way to her. Chance wills it that the women are assigned the very room which Tellheim has vacated shortly before. The meeting of the lovers is thus easily brought about. Minna frees her major from the phantom of a false sense of honor by means ofhe? faithfcilJave and her woman's wisdom. The actors are readily divisible into two groups. The T^ifipian circle includes Tellheim, Just, Werner, the cap- tain's widow von Marloff, and Lieutenant Biccaut ; the Saxons are Minna, Franziska, and the count of Bruchsal. The landlord is a connec ting IinTT "between" tEem, and be- cause of his avarice, malice, mesulaaUyptrewardicB, curi- osity, and garrulousness he furnishes an excellent comedy figure, although it may be objected that his characteriza- tion is too one-sided. But the comic poet has license to exaggerate in the portrayal of secondary figures. Even the subordinate action of the play which Goethe unjustly INTRODUCTION. 41 critic! s&Lis so tightly woven into the development of the main denouement that it could not lightly be disentangled. Mendelssohn once called attention to the fact that Lessing succeeded best in the depiction of characters most closely related to his own temperament. Thus Colonel Odoardo in Emilia Galotti, the hero in Nathan and the templar jis well, exhale the poet's own spirit. And it is safe to say that Major_von Tellheim is Lessing's very flesh and blood. Lessing introduced into his play the concept of honor which till then had played its roleonlyin the Frenchjind Spanish tragedy ; and most of the code he takes from his own heart! The free and independent mind of Lessing echoes in the words of Tellheim : " The great ones have convinced themselves that a soldier does but little for them from inclination and not much more from duty; but all he does for the sake of his own honor." And again : " Service of the great is full of danger and is not worth the trouble, the repression and the humiliation that it costs." Besides, the poet endows the mature and lov- ing Tellheim with that bitter and melancholic trait so pe- culiar to himself in later years. " Thus I thought and thus I spoke when I did not know what I was thinking and saying. Anger and sullen rage had clouded my whole soul ; love itself in the fullest radiance of happiness could not flood light into me." Every virtue which Minna finds to praise in Tellheim reminds one of Lessing ; his foibles are those of our poet; carelessness in money matters, a certain spendthrift humorj etc. Lessing too would have sprung to the aid 42 INTRODUCTION. of a mistress whom he considered poor and unhappy and would have said with Tellheim: "My own^nisfortune weighed me down; her unhajjpmess raises_me.. I can look about me unashamed again." But like the major too he would have given vent in a moment of depression to that bitter laugh which affrighted Minna's ears. Herder once wrote a trenchant description of Tell- heim's character. " This man," he says, " is of a turn of mind sojiojble, so strong, so good and yet so sensitive, so humane towards everything no^ matter what; towards Mmna^ancT Just, towards Werner and the captain's widow, towards the poodle and the landlord, that he is just my man. To be sure he is not lamblike with Just, no soft fool with Werner; but he is always the major, the noblest, strongest_character, actmgfwith a certain dig- nity andnbarshnesTwiSoul which ncTmalenBelng should exist. I should change no word ttlaTTieiiitters, not even in the place where with a quiet and bitter laugh he speaks the cruelest curse against Providence for, ah, one must have at such a time the strength and manhood that our common, Christian, cowardly, hypocritical souls lack ! Not in vain do his pistols hang behind his bed, and that touch I forgive him too ; he is always the gallant Tell- heim." But although the poet unconsciously incorporated into the character depiction of the major many traits of his own temperament, his friend Ewald von^jleist, who fell at Kunersdorf, served Lessing as a conscious model. Kleist disliked army routine in time of peace, and like Tellheim he was never repaid for the sums which he INTRODUCTION. 43 advanced his company out of his own pocket. His ser- vants stole from him as do the servants of the play's hero. The occasional pessimistic philosophy of Tellheim, too, reminds one of Kleist more than of Lessing : " How small, how pitiful is this great world 1 " The poet bor- rowed from his friend the ruminative trait in the major's character ; the latter, for instance, when conversing with Minna, does not hear what she says and answers her with fantastic speeches about the Moor of Venice. The dialogue in Minna is especially witty and full of verve, the answers are crisp and to the point. Turns of speech used by one character are often taken up in en- gaging fashion by another actor and utilized in his own interest. Thus the landlord repeats the phrase of Minna's : " The king can not know all his deserving sub- jects " as his own opinion quite. Tellheim reverts to a former criticism of himself : " I am Tellheim the cash- iered, whose honor is mortified, the cripple, the beggar," whereupon Minna sets herself to contradict him. Wer- ner's remark to Franziska, that a soldier may easily lose one ring or one sweetheart more or less, is paraded be- fore him by the maid when occasion offers. There is life in the conversation, in the manner of question and an- swer. Lessing filed somewhat the speech of daily life and brought it to the stage. The comedy was published in book form by Yoss at Easter 1767 ; in 1769 a Frenchman made a free adapta- tion of the piece, and in this form it was produced in Paris. Minna was soon translated into English and Italian. But in Germany, strangely enough, it won its 44 INTRODUCTION. ground but slowly. Its appearance in Hamburg was at first forbidden, to please the Prussians not until Sep- tember did its presentation come, and that moment, says Devrient, " the roles of Minna became almost the pass- word by which one could recognize the capacity and dis- tinctive quality of a person's talent. In every consider- able company there were people for whom these roles seemed to be particularly written, it was as if they had sprung straight from the womb of dramatic art." The comedy was presented in Vienna the following November, somewhat condensed and with a strong cast. Berlin witnessed its first performance in March 1768, without the omission of a single line. At the fall of the curtain the pit rose and demanded unanimously the rep- etition of the play on the following evening, and this action was repeated ten times in succession, always amidst great applause. The director soon came to regard this piece as his money-making venture, for in the dullest season he gave the comedy nine times in four weeks and always to standing-room. " Minna von Barnhelm was the first German play," an authoress of the period, Frau Karsch, writes to Gleim, " which gathered together a large and unified audience ; the poet succeeded as no other had in making his appeal / to noblemen and tradespeople, to the scholar and the \ layman nay, he infused them with a sort of enthu- / siasm." And Goethe remarks : " There lies in the \ comedy not only Lessing's intellect but his great, warm, noble heart as well ; his heart full of honor and love v the whole Lessing." BIBLIOGRAPHY. A selected list of books which are readily accessible and will help the student to a thorough understanding of the author and the play. Biedermann Deutschland im xviii. Jahrhundert 2 vols. 1880 ; especially vol. ii pp. 241-359 Bieling Textkritische Studien zur Minna von Barnhelm 1888 Borinski Lessing 2 vols. 1900 Braun Lessing im Urteile seiner Zeitgenossen 3 vols. 1884-1897 Bulthaupt Dramaturgie des Schauspiels vol. i 1898 ; es- pecially pp. 12-31 Danzel-Guhrauer Lessing s Leben und Werke 2 vols. 1880-1881 Diintzer Lessing s Leben 1882 Dtintzer Erlduterungen zu Minna von Barnhelm 1896 Eloesser Das burgerliche Drama 1898 Fischer Lessing als Heformator der deutschen Literatur 2 parts 1896 Freytag Technik des Dramas 1894 Frick Wegweiser durch die klassischen Schuldramen vol. i 1898 Geiger Berlin 1688-1840 2 vols. 1893-1895 ; especially pp. 440-483 Kiy Lessings Leben und Werke 1904 45 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lachmann-Mimcker Lessings Sdmtllche Schriften 14 vols. 1886 E. Lehmann Forschungen uber Lessings Sprache 1875 Lessing Lessings Briefwechsel mit seinem Bruder Karl Lowell Literary Essays vol. ii 1895 ; especially pp. 162- 231 Minor Lessings Jugendfreunde 1883 Muncker Lessings Verhdltnis zu Klopstock 1880 Poser Das deutsche Lustspiel bis auf Lessing no date Proelss Geschichte des neueren Dramas 1881; especially vol. i pp. 146 ff. Redlich Lessings Brief e 2 parts, no date Rolleston Life of Lessing 1889 Schmidt Lessing 2 vols. 1899 The best biography Schone Briefwechsel zwischen Lessing und seiner Frau 1870 Sime Lessing 2 vols. 1879-1890 von Stockmayer Das deutsche Soldatenstuck seit Minna von Bamhelm 1898 von Treitschke Lessing in historische und politische Auf- sdtze vol. i 1886 pp. 66-74 Wundt Lessing und die kritische Methode 1885 Zimmern Lessing 1878 ZHinna von ober bas Solbatengliicf er SBirt @inc 2)ame in Xrauer, (Sin gelbjager. 9iiccaut be la Sftarliniere. S)tc @jene ift abtoedjfelnb in bem @aal etne6 SirtSljanfeS unb einem baranftogenbcn (48) (grfter rfter Huftrttt. 3ttft fifct in cittern SBittfet, fdjlummert uttb rebel itn fcraume. @rf)Urf C Don etnem SBtrte ! >u, nn$ ? grtfd), 33rnber ! rfjtage gn, 33ruber ! (Sr fjott aii unb ertoa^t burc^ bie fi^on n^teber ? Qtf) mcufje !ein 2luge ju r mit t^m fjenun. atte er nur er(t bie @af| t)on atlen ben @d)(agen ! o^ fie^, e$ ift STag ! 3<^ mufc nur balb meinen armen errn auffu(^en.^9)([it meinem SBtUen foil er letnen gtt nte^r in ba^ tjermalcm'te SBo ttrirb er bie 9ia^t jngeKaqt fyaben ? Ztuftritt Strt 2)et SBirt. uten DJZorgen, Qm Qnft, guten SJJor- 10 gen! @i, fd)on fo frii^ anf ? Dber foH td^ fagen: noc^ fofpdt auf? age gr, tt)a^ @r tt)tH. H|t^^^c^ fage ntcf)t at^ ,,guten 9fiorgen"; nnb ba t?erient bod) tt>ot)f, ba^ err 3^ wflrofcen S)anf w 15 barauf fagt ? 3uft (Sro^en Danf ! Set SBirt SOJan ift t)erbriep(ic^ r toenn man feine ge^ - I)Brige 9?ul)e nici)t ^aben fann, 2Ba gtlt ; ^ r ber err 33ia}or ift nid)t nad) aufe gefommen, nnb Sr ^at ^ier auf 20 if)n gefanert ? (49) 50 IHtnna r*n Barnfjelm. Suft 3Ba$ ber 2ftann nidjt atteS erfaten faun ! 2>er SSirt 3d) toermute, id) Permute. 3fuft feljrt fi$ urn unb roitt ge$en. @ettt )iener ! 2>er 28trt wt t*. 9Md)t bod), err 3uft ! 5 3uft. 9?un gut; ntcfjt ein Wiener ! 2>er SBirt (St r err 3u(t ! id) nriH bod^ ntd)t ^err Qitft, ba^ gr nod) Don geftern ^er bofe ift ? JDirb feinen 3 orn ^^ er 92ad^t be^alten? 3uft 3d); nnb itber atle folgenbe 9?ad)te, 10 2>er SBirt 3ft ba d)riftUt^ ? 3uft (Sbenfo djrtftttc^, a(^ einen el)rlic^en ajfann, ber nidjt gtett^ be^a^en lann, cms bem aufe fto^en, auf Me (Strafe irerfen, 2)er SBirt ^fut, n?er lonnte fo gott(oS f ein ? 15 3uft Sin ^riftlt^er afttt)trt 2)leinen errn! fo einen 3Kann ! fo einen Cfftjier ! ?**^- 2)er SStrt. Sen ^atte ic^ anS bem aufc gcftopcn? anf bie tra^e geiuorfen? Saju ^abe id^ Diet gn Diet 21cf)tnng fitr .einen Officer nnb Diet jn Diet 9J?lftrateit 20 einem abgebanf ten ! Qfy ^abe t^m anS 92ot ein anber 3tmmer einruumen muff en. )enfe Sr ntt^t mel)r baran, err 3 u ft r tuft m Me aene. otta ! 3d) iDitW auf anbere SBeife ttrieber gut mad)en. em sunge fommt Sring ein ta^^en; err 3uft mitt ein ta^^en ^aben; unb 25 toaS utc ! Sttft* 3JJad)e gr ft^ feine 23Kii)e, err SBirt. S5er Jropfen fott ju ift lt)erben, ben bod) id) toil! nid)t id) bin noc^ nii^tern. SBttt 511 bem Suttgen, ber eine Stnfc^e Stqueut unb em ta 30 brtngt. ib f)er ; get) ! 9tun, err 3uft/ it)a gans JUST (Erfter 2Iuf3iig. gjmetter 2tuftrttt. 51 33ortreff(id)e3, ftarf, lieblid), gefunb. er taut unb ret^t t$m ju. )a$ fann einen iibertoadjten 3ttagen ttrieber in Orb* niing bringen ! 3uft. S3alb bitrfte id) nidjt! )od) toarum fofl id) tneiner efunbfyeit feine robfyeit entgelten faff en? r 5 nimmt unb trittft. 2)cr . 3ttfl; ittbcm er ba toSc^ett ioieber juritc!gt6t. 9Zid)t libel! Slber, err SSirt, @r ift bod) ein robtan ! 2)cr 2Bivt. 9Kd^t bot^, tudjt bot^I efd)tt)tnb no^ 10 ein ; Quf einem Seine ift nidjt gnt fte^en* 3ttft nac^bem cr getmn!en. a ntU^ id) fagen : gut, fe^t gut! elbft gemad)t, err SSirt? 4Bepte ! Deritabler Sanjiger ! e^ter, r - is SBirt, n)enn i(^ ^eudjeln fimnte, fo tDiirbe id) fur fo tt>a$ ^euc^eln ; aber id) fann nicfyt ; Sr ift bod) ein robian, err SBirt ! 3^ tneinem 8eben f)at mir ba6 nod^ nie* manb gefagt* 9Jo^ einS, err 3 U P ; ciKcr guten 20 inge finb bret! 3uft, 2)ieinetmegen! r trmit. ut ing, toaljrlid) gut S)ing ! 3lber aud) bie 9Sa^rl)eit ift gut )mg. err ffitrt, @r ift bod) ein robian ! Ser'SSirt SBenn ic^ e ttmre, luitrbe icf) ba iDoljt 25 fo tnit an()oren? 3fuft O {a, benn felten ^at ein robian atle. 2)cr aSirt -^^J^^ 6 ^ > err 3 u f t? ine ^ iers d)ttttr pfFbfffo beffer. 3Jein, ju Did ift ju diet ! Unb toaS ^ilft ? ^ so 52 IHtnna uon Barnfyelm. , >err SBirt ? &$ anf ben fefeten STropfen in bet glafd)e miirbe id) bei tnmter SRebe bfeiben. $fni, err SBirt ; fo gitten Sa^tg&r gu Ijaben unb fo fcf)led)te 3Kore$ ! (Sinem Sftanne, tDte metnem errn, ber ^^^* 5 nnb ag bet 3^ gemo^nt, t)on bem @r frfjon fo ntand)en fdjonen Xaler gejogen, ber in feinem Seben leinen Better f^ulbig geblieben tft ; toeit er ein paar donate I^er nicf)t prompt bejaljtt, meit er nt^t mefyr fo tiiet aufge^en tci^t, in ber Slbtoefenfyeit ba^ 3^ mttter au ^' 10 juraumen ! 2>er SBtrt. J)a tc^ aber ba$ 3^ mnter ttottDenbtg branc^te? ba id) tjoratt^fa^/ ba^ ber err SKaJor e felbft giitiDtfiig tuitrbe gertiwnt ^aben, toenn ir)ir nur tange anf feine ^urMfnnft fatten marten ftfnnen? 15 SoIIte i^ benn fo etne frembe errfd)aft tirieber t)on meiner Jitre inegfa^ren (affen ? ollte itf) einem an* bern SBirte fo einen 3Serbienft mutiDilfig in ben 9?ad&e,n {agen ? Unb id; gfanbe ntdjt einmal, ba fie fonft mo nntergefotmnen mare, S)ie 3Birt^iinfer finb je^t alle 20 ftarf befe^ ft inten an bem Jaubenft^tage ; bie smifdjen be^ 3Za^bar^ genermanern - 2>cr SBirt Die 9lnefid)t mar mofjl feljr f^5n, el)e fie ber Derjmetfelte 32ad)bar tierbaute. bod^ fonft galant, nnb tapejiert - 30 %nft. emefen ! ; er Ser(? f fdE)on fo iibermiitig? farigr fic^ nnn, cr ereifern. 20 Drifter Jluftrttt. . S)er SBirt 3u|t im $ereintreten. ^ttft in bet 3Keimtng, bo^ i^n bet 28irt nenne. 3^-ft? @0 be s fannt finb U)ir? to. 2eJ3Hj.eum 3fuft! ) batfjte, id) mare tt)o^t err $nft fiir 3f)n ! 25 54 ITttnna r>on Barnfyelm. bet ben 2Rajor getoaljr wirb. t I ft! D err > err ' err 3uft, fefy' (r fid) bod) um; em err- ~ t>. SetUjcim* 3uft, id) glaube, bu jantft ? 2Ba$ Ijabe id) bir befofylen? 5 2)cr 28trt O, 3f)ro naben! janfen? Da fet ott t)or! Qfy untertcintgfter Sne^t fotlte fid) unterftefjen, mit etnem, ber bte nabe tjat, 3^nen anjuge^ren, gu janf en ? 3ufi SBenn id) ifym bocf) ein^ auf ben $aenbii(fe{ 10 geben biirf te ! 2>er 28trt g^ i(t ma^r, err 3 U P fpvic^t fitr fetnen errn, unb ein tDenig ^i^ig, 2tber baran tut er red)t ; id) fc^a^e i^n um fo trie! fjofyer ; id) Uebe i^n barum. Sufi* )a id) it)m nid^t bie ^aljne au^treten foil ! 15 Set SBtrt. 91ur fd)abe r ba^ er fid) umfonft erf)i^t. J)enn idj bin gett)i^ t)erfic^ert, ba^ Qfyo naben leine Ungnabe be^megen auf mid) getoorfen ^aben, tt)eif bie 9Jot mic^ notmenbig ti, SdHjctnu @d)on ju t)iet, mein err! ^cf) bin 20 ^^nen fdjufbig ; @ie rdumeti mir in meiner 2lbtoefenl)eit ba^ 3' mmer au 3 ; i^ muffen beja^It toerben ; ic^ mug n?o embers unterjufommen fudjen. Se^r natitrlid). 2>er SBirt 2Bo anber^ ? ie ttjotten au^jie^en, gna- biger err? 34 ungliicfli^er 30?ann! ic^ gefd)(agner 25 9Kann! 9lein, nimmerme^r! (Sfyer mu bie S)ame baS Cuartier mieber raumen. er err Sftajor fann i^r, tt)itl i^r fetn 3^ mmer w^t laffen ; ba 3i mmer ip f e ^ n 5 fie mufc fort ; ic^ faun ifyr nic^t ^elfen. 3d) ge^e, gndbiger err 30 to* SeHfjeint. greunb, nic^t jtt>ct bumme treidje fitr (Erftcr 2111(3113. Dritter 2lnftrttt. 55 etnen! te S5atne mufj in bcm Sefifce be$ Dimmers bleiben v $er 28trt, Unb Q^ro naben folften gfauben, ba id) au 2RtJ3trauett, au$ orge ftir meine Sejafylnng ? 211$ toenn ic^ ntdjt iDit^te, ba^ mid) ^ro naben s beja^ten fdnnen, fobalb @ie nur molten* S)a toer*^ fiegelte ^3eutelc^en r fimf^unbert Stater 8out$bor (te^t barauf, irel(^e 3^) ro ttaben in bem @^reib|)ulte fte^en geljabt ; ift in guter SSertoatyrwig. tj. Jefi^cim. Sa^ milt id) ^offen ; fo toie meine itbrige ^o Sadden, $uft fott fie in gntpfang nefjmen, iDenn er ^finen bie 9te^nung beja^It ^at. 2)er SStrt 53a{)i^aftig r i^ crf^ral rec^t, ate ii) ba^ 53eutetc^en fanb, Qfy l^abe immer 0^^ @naben f itr einen orbentlic^en unb dorfidjtigen 3)lann geljatten, ber 15 fid) niemate gan5 an^gibt. 2lber benno^ tuenn ic^ bar elb in bem c^reibputte fcermutet ptte t> Sctt^cim. SBiirben @ie ^oftidjer mit mir tierfaljren fein. Qfy t)erfte^e @ie. efyen @ie nnr, mein err ; laffen ie mi(^ ; id) fyabe mit meinem 33ebienten jit 20 fpred^en. cr SStrt. Slber, gnabiger err b. SeHfjeittt, ^omm, Quft, ber err ftritt nid^t er- tanben, ba id) bir in feinem anfe fage, n)a bu tun fo5ft 25 2>er 9Strt 3c^ ge^e {a fdjon, gnabiger err ! ift jn ^^ re 56 irtinna con Barnfyelm. Dterter 2luftrttt. to. Xell^eim. Six ft. Sittft ber mit bem gufce ftantyft unb bem SBtrte nafyftwcft. ^f ni ! to. Seflljetm. 23a3 gtbt'3? $uft. ^d) erfttde nor to. Settfjeiw. )a$ toare fo diet ate an SBottKtuttglett. 5 Sufi. Unb @tc, ie erfenne id) nid)t mel)r r mein >err. ^d) fterbe tior 3') ren 2Utgen, ft)enn ie nid)t ber Sdju^engel btefe^ t)(imtfd)en / nnbarm^er^tgen 9?a(fer^ ~ finb! Jrdft algcn nnb Sdjroert nnb 3kb l)atte id) iljn ptte id) il)n mit biefen anben x erbroffeln, mit 10 biefen ,3af)nen ^errei^en tDolfen. to. Sefl^ctm. SJeftte!' 3ft. 8tcbcr ^8eftte r ate fo ein SKenf^ ! to. 2eflf)cim. 2Ba^ toittft bn aber? Sufi. ^(^ tt)itf, ba^ ie e$ empfinben follen, lt)ie 15 fefyr man ie beleibigt. to. Seftljcim* Unb bann? Suft* a^ @ie fid) radjten. Stein, ber fieri ift .Jljnen 3U gering, to. ZcK^ctm. onbern, ba ic^ e^ bir anftritge, mid) 20 $n rci^en? a^ inar t)on 2lnfang mein ebanfe. (Sr mid) nic^t t^ieber mit Sfngen fe^en nnb feine au beinen cinben empfangen foflen. bn eine ganbtoott elb mit einer terci(^t(id)en SDttene fiiniuerfen fannft. 25 gnft. @o? eine t)ortreff(ic^e 9xac^e! to. ScdJjctm. 3(ber bie tt>ir nod) derfdjieben miiffen. (Erfter 2Iuf3ug. Pterter Sluftrttt* 57 $tf) fyabe fetnen getter bares etb nteljr ; tdf) toetjs audj femes aufjntretben, 3itft. ftetti bares elb ? Unb tociS tft benn baS fitr etn 48eutet nut funftitnbert Slater Soutebor, ben ber SBirt in ^^rem rfjretbputte gefunben? s tj. Sefl^eim. )a$ tft etb, tDet^eS mtr aufjufjeben gegeben toorben, Suft oc^ nidjt bte ^unbert ^iftofen, bte ^^nen $fy alter SBad^tmeifter t>or trier ober fitnf SBod^en bra^te? 10 ti. Sefi^etm* te namftc^en, Don ^JJaut SBernern. SBarum ni^t? ,** Suft 'Dtefe ^aben @ie nod) nicfjt gebrauc^t ? 9)?ein @err, mtt biefen liJnnen ie madjeu, IDU^ (Ste u^ < 3luf ntetne SSeranttuortung t>. Seflljehiu SSa^rt)a[tig ? ; ^| SBerner ^orte t)on mir f ttte gorberungen an bte ^ SeH^eim. Sag id) jidjerhd) - U iv. Btttfer lucrben 20 miirbe, menn id) e mc^t fd&om ^ : . ^g^ j{ tt ^ t ; r fe^r ocrbunbe^ 3'^fi - : u ^ 4nd)t SBernern, fein j$*ffc %mitf nm mtr ju tetletu @s tft mir bodjiice, ba| ^prferrafeft habc. $ore, ^itft, ma^ -ritW^r.jjffii^j^to^ -fccine ^edmung ; tt)tr finb qe^ 25 -!-* r. : , ' ' i I ? Sort melir ; e fomntt iemanb, 58 lUtnrta oon Barnljelm. ^unfter 2luftrttt. (5inc2)ameinXroucr. Same. 3$ ^^ te um SS^tjet^nng, metn err ! to. SeWjetm. SBen fndjen te, 2ftabame ? 2)ic Same. 6ben ben toitrbigen Sftann, mtt toel^em id) bte (Sfyre ^abe gn fpred)en @ie fennen mid) ntdjt 5 me^r? 3d) ^tn bie SBitme Qtyctt efyemaligen tab^rttt* meifterd to* Seflfjetnu Um bed immeld toillen, gnabtge gran! toel^e SSeranbcrung ! $t< %ute. 3rf) (^^ ^on bem Sranlenbette anf, anf tod u ui cr gc^merj itber ben 23erlnft meined Scanned j^/T. 3d) i"' i R 3D nen f ri ^) bef^tocrltd^ fallen, err 3)?aio. r - 3^ re M" e au f fr a $ 8anb, too mtr eine c. ater f hnt ^^ ^i^t glucfUdje grcunbin eine fieim iu 3^- el )/ ia B und attetn. 9icbcn mtr bitrfen te ]itf) 3()ree lhtr,tucf /] ^ann id) 3^ ne ^ toorin btenettl^i 2>ic 2>ame, 3)Zetn err SKajo^H 20 to, Sctt^cim* 3^1 beftage @te r pdbtge ? fi?onn lann icf) 3fynen btenen? te totffcn, 3^ r <9etnal;I *vw (Erfier 2Iuf3ug. Sedrfter Huftritt 59 metn grennb ; metn greunb, fage id) ; id) tt>ar immer farg mit biefem Zitd. $>te 2>ame, 2Ber toeift e$ beffer ate id), ttrie toert Sie feiner grennbfdjaft tt)aren, tote toert er ber 3^rigen mar ? (Sic toilrbcn f cm letter ebanfe, 3^r 9Jatne ber s Icfctc Jon feiner fterbenben iHppen getDefen fctn, ^citte nifyt bie ftarfere S^atnr btefe^ tranrige 3Sorrcd^t fur feinen unglitcfttcfyen (So^n, fur feine ungludltdjc attin , v geforbert - oren @ie auf, 3JJabame ! SBeinen 10 mit ^fynen gern ; aber id^ Ijabe fjente feine Jrcinen. 3?erf(^onen <3ie mid), ie finben nti^ in einer tnnbe, IDO id) teidjt jn Derleiten irdre, tDiber bie 'SSorftc^t jn ihurrcn. D r metn rec^tfc^affener JKarloff ! efd)toinb, gnabige gran, m% ^aben @tc ju befe^ten ? is SBenn id^ Q^ncn jn bienen im ftanbe bin, iDenn itf) e$ bin Sic- 2antc* Qdj barf nid)t abreifen, o^ne feinen te^ten SBitten gn t)oltjie^en. Sr erinnerte fi(^ fnrj t?or feinem (gnbe, bap er ate $l)r c^nlbner fterbe, nnb befd;n?or 20 mid), biefe @d)nlb mit ber erften Sarfcfiaft jn tilgen. -3d) ^be feine (Sqnipage Derfanft nnb fomme, feine anbfdjrift etnjnlofen. D, Sett^ctm* 2Bie r gnabige gran? barnm fommen @ie? Sic $ame* T)arnm. (Srtanben @ie, bap id) ba^ etb 25 ), 9)?abame ! 5D?ar(off mir big? ba^ fann fdjtoer(id) fein. Saffen @ie boc^ feljen. er jie^t fein S;afc^en6ud) Ijerau8 unb fuc^t. 3^ P^^ e tltd^td. 2)ic 2)amc. @ie merben feine anbfd)rift t)erfegt so 60 ITtinna oon Barnfyelm. fyaben, unb bie anbfd)rift tut nid)t3 jur Grrlauben @ie b. Seflfjcim* 9?ein, 9)?abame! fo ettoaS pffege id) nit^t ju tJIrfcjfenl SSenn id) fie nid)t ^abe, fo ift e$ ein 5 4Betoei^ bafj id) nie eine ge^abt fyabe, ober ba^ fie gettlgt unb Don mir fd)on juritdgegeben toorben. Sie Same. err 9Jta{or! to. Settljeim. anj getotB, gnabige gran. JWarloff ift mir nitf)t$ fdjutbig gebtieben. 3d) tottptc mid) and) 10 nidjt ju erinnern, baj^ er mir Jemaf^ ettoa6 fdjulbig ge= toefen toare yt'idjt anber^, 3)?abame ; er tjat mid) Dief* met)r ate feinen @{^u(bner l)inter(affen. 3 tun fbnnen, mid) mit etitem SDianne ab^uftuben, ber fed)3 3 a ft. re Wd ^^b Unglitd, g^re unb efal)r . re ift 15 mit mir geteift 3^ toerbe e$ nifyt Dergeffen, bap etn ofyti Don il)m ba ift (5r irirb mein @ol)n eiu r fo* balb id; feiu SSater fern faun. 3)ie 3Serimrrung, in ber ic^ mit^ ie^t felbft befinbe .Ste Same, (Sbetoiitiger 9Jfann! 3lber benlen @ie 20 and) Don mir nic^t gu ftein. 9te^men @ie ba^ @e(b, err 3)iapr; fo bin id) toemgftenS beruljigt, ti* SeB^etni* 2Ba^ braut^en Sie gu 3^^ 33eruf)tgung tueiter ate meine 33eritc^erunci, ba mir biefe^ e(b nid)t gefyort? Ober tDoflen Sie, ba^ id) bie uner?o- 25 gene SKatfe meine greunbe^ befte^fen foil ? >BefteI)kn, SUfabame, ba iDitrbe e$ in bent eigent(id)ften SSerftanbe feuu $$m geljort e^, fiir il)n tegen @ie e an. Ste Same, ^c^ Dcrftclje Sie ; t)erjet^en ie nur r ttjenn ic^ noc^ ntd)t re^t toct^ tote man 2Bol)Itaten so annetjmen mup. SBo^er totffcn e^ benn aber and) ie, (Erfter Slufjug. Stebenter 2luftrttt. 61 ba eine 2)httter mef)r fitr ifyren @ol)n tut, ate fie fitr il)r eigen 8eben tun toitrbe? %tf) ge^e- to. SdHjeutu ef)en@ie, 3ftabame, geljen@te! 9teifen @te glMlid) ! %fy bitte @tc ni(^t, mtr 9^a^rt(^t t)on ^{)uen ju geben. @ic mod)te mtr ju enter 3^it !ommen, 5 io id) fie nit^t nu^en ffinute. Stber noc^ etn^, gndbtge grau; balb ptte itf) ba^ 28i($ttgfte uergeffetu SKar* loff tyi uo^ au ber fiaffc unfcr e^emaligen $egtment$ ju forbent. Seine gorberungen ftnb fo ridjtig toie bte meinigen. 3Berben tneine bega^t, fo miiffen au^ bte 10 femigen bejafytt tt)erben. %$ tjafte bafitr* 3He 2)ame* )! ntetn err Slber it^ fdjtoeige lieber. Siinftige $Bo^Itaten fo norberetten, fjetgt fie in ben 3Iugen be^ gitnmete fc^on ermiefen ^aben. m^fangen ie feine 48elol)nung, unb tneine Jrdnen ! et ab. is Siebcnter 2tuftrttt. 2lrme6, bra&eS SBcib ! 3^ mu nirf)t Dergeffen, ben 53ettet ^u t>enudjtetu er ntmmt au fetnem Srieff^aften, bie er jerreifet. 2Ber ftrf)t mtr bafitr, eigner 9)ianget mtci) nic^t einmat tjerleiten Idnnte, baDon ju macfyen? 20 2tuftritt 3uft. Xctt^ctm* Sift bu ba? inbem cr fief) bte Stugen tifcf)t. Seflljeittn 35u ^aft gemeint? 62 tfttnna r>on Barnfjelm. $ fyabe in ber Sitdje meine 9?ed)nung ge~ fdjrieben, unb Me Siidje tft Doll 3Jaucf). ier tft fie, mein err! tu Seltyetnu ib l)er. 5 3>f* >aben e Stonnljergtafett tnit mir, mem err. 3^ ii)ei^ too^I, baft bie 3)Zenfcf)en tnit ^^ ne ^ ^' ne l)aben ; abet 4 k XcH^ctm. 3Ka^ toittft bit? 3ufL ^(f) ^atte tnir e^er ben Job al^ meinen 3lb^ 10 fdjieb t)ertnntet. n. SeB^eim* $$ fann bic^ ntd)t tanger braudjen ; i(^ ofyne Sebienten be^etfen lernen* auf unb licft. ,,2Ba$ ber err 2JJajor mir big : S)ret unb einen ^alben 3)?onat 8oi)n r ben Sftonat is 6 Jqler, madf)t 21 Jaler. @eit bent Srften biefe^ an $feinigfeiten an^gelegt, 1 Jaler ? r. 9 ?pf. umtna ummarum, f $2 Staler 7 r. 9 ff^ nt, unb e$ tft bitttg, bag ic^ bir btcfcn laufenben 3Konat gans be* jatyfe. 20 3ft* ie anbere cite, err DJJapr - to* Seflljetttu 9Jo^nte^r? sieft. ,,2Ba^ bent errn 2)?a^ jor id) f^ulbtg : 2ln ben gelbfdjer fitr mic^ beja^It, 25 Jaler. ^itr 33Bartung unb ^ffege tDal^renb tneiner ftur fitr mid) beja^tt, 39 Staler. SJJJeinem abgebrannten 25 unb geptunberten 3Sater auf meine Sittc t)orgefd)offen, o^ne bie jtoei Seutepferbe ju re^nen, bie er tljm ge= fd)enft, 50 aler. (Summa ummarum, 114 Jaler. 35at)on abgepgen Dorfte^enbe 22 Staler 7 r. 9 ^5f v bleibe bent errn 5DJa}or f^ulbig 91 aler 16 r. 303 $f." fterl, bit bift toH! (Hrfter Bufeug. 2l*ter tfuftritt. 63 3uft. 3d) gfoube e$ gern, ba$ id) gf)nen toeit meljr fofte. 2lber e$ twre tieriorne Zintt, e$ baju ju fdjreiben. 3d) fann $f)nen ba$ nidjt bejafyten ; unb toenn Ste mir Doltenb^ bte gideret ne^men, bid) id) au^ no^ nt^t Derbtent f)abe, fo tDottte id) lieber, te fatten mic^ 5 im Sasarette frepteren faffen, to. SeUJjetttu 3Bofur fie^ft bit mid) an? )U bift mir nidjtS fc^ulbtg, unb id) ipilf bid) einem wm meinen e= fannten empfe^Ien, bet bem bu e$ beffer ^aben follft at^ bet mir. 10 Sufi ^sd) bin S^nen ni(^t^ fd)nlbig, nnb bodj motlen to. Settijeim. SBeil id^ bir nid^t^ fd^ntbig iuerben 3ujt J)arum ? nur barum ? @o gett>i id) f^utbig bin, fo gett)i^ ie mir ni^t^ f^nlbig n?erben is , fo gett)i^ follen @ie midt) nnn nidfjt tierfto^en, @ie, tua^ @ie tooflen, err 3Kciior; i^ bteibe bei ^I)nen ; id) mu^ bei 3^ en bleiben. to. Sctt^cim. Unb beine artnci(Jigfeit, bein Xrofe, bein nrilbe$, nngeftlime^ S33efeu gegen afle, tion benen 20 bi| v meinft, ba fie bir ni^t^ jn fagen t)aben r beine titaifd)e djabenfrenbe, beine 9?a(^fnd^t Suft. 5Uia^en ie mic^ fo f^Umm, toie ie rotten ; t^ toitt barnm bod) nid)t fd^tec^ter Don mir benlen ate Don meinem nnbe. 33origen SBinter ging idj in ber 25 S)ammernng an bem Sanafe nnb ^5rte ettoaS iuinfetn. %fy ftieg ^erab nnb griff nadt) ber timme nnb gtanbte, ein Sinb. jn retten, nnb jog einen ^nbel an$ bem SBaffer. 9ln(^ gnt r badjte id^. er ^nbet lam mir nad) ; aber id) bin fein giebljaber Don ^nbeln. $d) 30 64 IHtnna t>on Barnljelm. Jagte ifyn fort, umfonft ; id) prilgelte iljn t>on mir, urn* fottjt Qd) Kefj tyn be$ ;Kadf)t nidjt in tnetne gammer ; er blteb Dor ber iire auf ber (Sdjteelle. c2Bo er mir ju nalje fam, ftiefj id) il)tt mtt bem gue ; ,cr fc^rte, 5 fal) mid) an nnb tnebelte uiit bent djtocmje. 9?od) ^at er fetnen 53tffen 53rot au^ nteiner anb befommen; unb bod^ bin id) ber einjige, bem er ^ort, nnb ber iljn anru^ren barf, (Sr fpringt t)or mir ^er nnb macfyt mir feine Snnfte nnbefoljten t)0i\ &% tft ein fjapdjer ^3nbet, 10 aber ein gar jn gnter nnb. 9Senn er e$ Idnger treibt, fo Ijore it^ enblic^ anf, ben ^nbeln gram gn fein. tj. Seflljetm wfeue. o toie i^ iljm ! S^ein, e^ gibt feine tbllige Unmenfc^en!- --3^ ^ir Weiben bei= fammen* is Sf^ anj getoi^! @ie moflten fid^ oljne 33e^ bienten be^elfen? @ie cergeffen Qfyw Steffnren nnb ba^- @ie nnr eineS 3lrme mddjtig finb. @ie fonnen fid^ }a nic^t attein anffeiben, $i) bin ^^nen nnent= bef)riic^ nnb bin ofyne mid) felbft gn rii^men, err 20 3Kajor nnb bin ein Sebienter, ber toenn ba @d^(immfte gnm @(^(immen f ommt, f itr feinen crrn betteln nnb ftef)Ien fann. t>. SeflJjeim. ^) u ft tow bfeiben nid)t beifammen. @d)on gnt! Heunter 2luftritt SBebtenter. t?. XcU^eim. 25 $er SBebieutc. 53ft! ^amerab! rfter 2luf3ug. Heunter 2luftritt 65 Set Sebtente. Sann & tnir nid)t ben Offijier toeifen, ber geftern nod) in biefem Dimmer a f etne a ber @ette jeigettb, toon toelcijer er fjerfommt gelDO^nt Ijat ? a biirfte id) leidjt tonnen. 2Ba3 bringt @r 25ebteute, 2Ba$ ttrir immer bringen, twnn tt)ir nic^t^ bringen : ein fiomptimcnfc 3Keine errfd)aft I)5rt r ba er bnrt^ fie 'ticrbrangt toorben. 3rteine ^errfdjaft tt)ei^ sn leben, unb id) foil i^n be^falte nm 5?ef5etf)nng bitten, 10 3uft 9Jnn r fo bitte @r if)n nm a3er3eit)nng ; ba ftefyt er. er Sebtente* 2BaS ift er? SBie nennt man ifyn? n Sctt^eim* 9Kein greunb, id) fyabe cuern Stuftrag fi^on get)ort. ift eine ''ifberftuffige ofltd)feit don enrer errf(fiaft r btc/ id) erfenne, tr>ie id) fott. 9JZad)t is i^r meinen / @titpfe^C' - 2Bie l)ei^t enre ^errfc^aft? 2)er Sebtcnte. SBie fie ^ei^t ? @ie Ittjjt fi(^ gnabige^ graulein ^ei^en. t>. Sett^etuu Unb i^r ^amilienname ? 2>er Sebtente* en ^abe id) nod) nidjt ge^ort, nnb 20 barnad) jn fragen, ift meine adje ni(^t, ^(^ riif)te mid) fo ein, ba ic^ meiftentetB atter fec^6 SBod^en eine nene errfd)aft ^abe. er ^enfer bet)alte atte i^re 9?amen ! Sft 33rafco, Samerab ! 2)er S3cbientc 3 U biefer bin id) erft dor tuenigen 25 Jagen in reSben gefommen, @ie fnd)t, glaube id), Ijier i^ren Srttutigatn. d* eH!)etttu enug, mein grcunb. en Seamen enrer errfdjaft tnotlte idE) njtffen, aber nid)t if)re e|eimniBc. nnr ! so 66 . Xninna pon 33arnlfelm. $er SSebientc, $amerab, baS toare fein err fiir mid)! 2Juftritt. SettJjeinu SKadje, .^uft, macije, ba ttrir au biefem fommen ! . )ie dfltd)lett ber fremben Same ift mir empfmbltdjer ate bte robt)eit be^ 2Btrt$. biefen 9ting r bte etnjtge So(tbarleit r bte mir itbrig ift, fcon ber id) me gegfaubt Ijatte, einen fot^en eBra!3 gu mad)en! 23erfe^e i^n! Ia^ bir a^t^ig griebri^bor barauf geben ; bie JRerfjnung be^ SBirt^ fann leine brei- 10 ^ig betragen. Sega^te i^n unb i^itme meine 3a f h)o^in ? 2Bof)in bu toittft. er toOfjlf etffte ^of ber befte. S)u fofift mid) ^ter nebencm auf bem Saffee^aufe treffen. Qd) gefye ; mad^e beine @adje gut, ISuft. Sorgen ie nidjt, err SDlaior ! 15 ti, Settljeim tommt tuieber surttci. 9Sor Qtteu ^ingen, ba^ meine ^3ifto(en, bie ^inter bem 33ette gefjcmgeu, nicf)t t?ergeffen tuerben. 3ufi 3d) tt)tH nid)t^ Dcrgcffcn. ti Setffjeim lommt normals suriicf. RodE| ein% i nimm mir 20 aud) beinen ^Jubet mit j fyorft bu, Ifter tfuftrttt. iDtrb nidjt gurittJbfeiben, S)afiir laff ic^ ben ^ubet forgen. m! aud) ben foftbaren ^at ber err no^ ge^abt ? Unb trug ifyn in ber WERXER (Erfter Zli^ug. gtsolfter 21uftritt 6T afdje, anftatt am ginger ? @nter SBirt, tmr finb fo lal)t noc^ nid)t, ate toir fc^einen, 53ei iljnt, bet ifym fclbft toitt .i^ bic^ DerfefeetvfdiBtteS 9iingel^en! 3c^ toeix er tirgert fi^, ba^ bn in feinent anfe nid)t ganj fotlft toeqefyrt Kxb&K** W) 2luftrttt. ba, SBemcr ! guten Jag, 9Berner ! fommctt in ber @tabt! SSerncr. Sa^ t)erlDunfd)te )orf! 3^ toting, u moglid) tt)teber getoofynt tDerben. 8uftig, Sinber, lufttg id) bringe frif^e^ etb! 98o ift ber SKaior? 10 r mn^ bir begegnet fein ; er ging eben bie SScrnch %d) lommc bie intertreppe ^erauf, tuie gefjf 3 t^m ? ^^ ^^ re \fyw t)orige 2Bod)e bei end^ getoefen, aber 15 Suft. 9?un? lt)a^ ^at btd^ abgefjalten ? V SBeriter. ^uft fy a f* bu Don bent ^rinjen eral(iu get)ort? 3itft eraflin^? 3^ ttmftte nidjt. ,^/t^ SBerncr* Sennft bit ben gro^en clb'en im 2ftorgen* 20 tanbe nidjt? Sufi >ie SBeifen au bent 3JZorgen(anbe fenn' id) IDO^I, bie unt^ ^enfa^r mit bent terne ^ernmfaitfen. SSeruer, 2Jfenf^, id) glanbe, bn lieft ebenfotr>enig bie 3 e itnngen ate bie 33ibet ? )n f ennft ben ^rtn^ 25 eraf(iu$ nic^t ? ben brazen 2ftann nid)t, ber 68 UTtnna txm Barttljelm* toeggenommen unb ncidjfter age bie ottomcmifdje ^forte einfprengen itrirb ? ott fet )anf, baft bodj nod) irgenb- too in ber SBelt Srieg ift! ^d) fjabe lange getwg ge* Ijofft, e$ follte J)ier toieber {6^^ei)en, SIber ba fi^en fie 5 unb ^etlen : fi(^ bte anh Dlein, Solbat bat mu itf) ttrieber fein! Surj, tnbem er fie^t, ob t$n jemanb be^orc^t tm 93ertrauen, %u\t, tdE) wanberc nad^ ^3erften, um unter @r. ^onigltd^en ol)eit, bem ^Prinjen erafltn, etn paar gelbjiige tntbev ben Jitrfen 10 ju tnac^en* u? S^/ ^^ e ^ wid^ fyier fiet)ft ! Unfere S5or* fasten jogen flet^tg totber ben Xurfen, unb ba fotlten totr nocf) tun, tuenn tt)ir e^r(itf)e Serfs unb gute (Sfjriften 15 toaren. gretUc^ begreife \fy tt)of)f, ba$ em S e ^S u 9 tntber ben Siirfen nict)t ^alb fo tufttg fein faun ate etner iDtber ben Srcmjofett; aber bafitr mu^ er autf) befto tierbtenftlidjer fein, in biefem unb in jenem 8eben. S)ie Xitrfen ^aben bit atte 6abetS mit Stamanten be- jofefct- ^uft Um mtr Don fo einem abel ben Sopf [pal gu laffen, reife ic^ nirfjt eine 5Kei(e. !Cu tcirft bodj nirf)t tott fein unb bein fd)dne^ rfjulgengeri^t t)erlaffen? SSemer. ), ba^ ne^tn^ ic^ mit ! 3JJerfft bu ma^? 25 a$ iit^en ift Dcrfauft Sufi 3Serfauft? SScrncr* @t ! Ijier finb f)unbert )u!aten, bie ic^ geftern auf ben Sauf befommen; bie bring' id) bem SKajor so 3ufL Unb a foil ber bamit? (Erfter ltnfon$. gfaolfter Zluftritt. 69 SSerner. 3Ba er bamit f ofl ? 3Ser jehren f oft er fie, fcerftrielen, fcertrinlen, tier twe er nrilL )er 2)2ann mug elb fyaben, unb eS ift fdjfecfyt genug, bag man iljm ba$ (Setnige fo fatter mad)t ! 2lber id) ttwgte fdfjon ma^ id) tate, toenn id^ an feiner (SteHe ipdre ! S^ 5 bdd)te : ^ot ? en^ ^ier atfe ber en!er ! unb ginge mit SBernern na^ ^erfien! --SHfe! ber ^rtnj mug ja mo^f t?on bem SKaJor SCctt^ctm ge^drt , luenn er au^ fc^on feinen gemefenen SBadjtmei* fter -^aul SBemern nic^t fennt. Unfcre Slffaire bet ben 10 Soil id) bir bie er^d^ten? SSerner* u mir ? ^c^ merle tooljf, bag etne fc^one !0i&pofitton iiber betnen ^erftanb ge^t. $i) tottt meine ,^3erten nid^t Dor bie "due toerfen, SDa ntmm 15 bie ^unbert ufaten ; gib fie bem 3ftajor. age ifjm, er [ott mir aucf) bie auf()eB ! en. ^cf) mug je^t auf ben 9JJarft ; id) Ijabe jtDei Sifpel Stoggett ^ereingefd)i(Jt. id) barau^ tofe, faun er gIei(^fa{B ^aben* 9Berner r bu meinft e^ fyerjficf) gut ; aber it)ir 20 m5gen bein elb nic^t 33ef)aite beine ufaten, unb betne fyunbert ^iftolen fonnft bu and) un&erfel)rt tt)ieber befommen, fobatb ate bu ttritfft SSerner* @o ? Ijat benn ber 3Jiajor noc^ etb ? Suft 5Rein. 25 SSerncr, at er \id) tro lueses geborgt? SBerner. llnb tuotjon febt t^r benn? 3ttft SBir laffen anf($rei6en r unb tuenn man me^r anfcfjreiben ttrill unb un jum aufe IjerauSftrirft, so 70 IHtnna con Barnfyehn. fo tterfe^en ftrir, toa$ tirir nod) fyaben, unb jiefyen toetter. >ore nur, tyanl, bem Sirte ^ier muffen ttrir einen ^offen fpielen. SSerner, at er bem ^ajor tt>a$ in ben SBeg ge- 5 legt? %tf) bin babei! 3njt 2Bte mar^, menu h)ir iljm be^ 3lbenb^ r n)enn er au$ ber Slabagie fommt, aufpa^ten unb tfyn brat) buretten?- i? tl)rer jtuet SScrncr. e^ 2lbenb3 ? 10 einem ? a ift nic^t^. Sttft Dber, iDenn toir i^m ba^ an^ uber bem anftecf ten ? SBerner, engen unb brennen ? Serf, man tydrf 3, ba^ bu ^Pacffnec^t gemefen bift, unb nic^t olbat ; 15 pfut ! 2lber tua^ t)aft bu benn ? 28a3 gibrt benn ? 3ufi Somm nur, bu fotlft bein SBunber SBerner, @o ift ber Seufel fool)! f)ier gar 3uft 3<* ft)o^I, fomm nur! SSerner. >efto beffer! 9ta^ ^erfien alfo, narf) 20 ^5er [ten ! e8 erften 3toetter Sluing, >te @$ene ifi in bcm Simmer beS grauleiit& a graulctm 8a{$ ma^en, fitr bid) ! $rattjtfa. gilr mi^ ? ^^ toottte eben fo gern fiir 15 mttf) attetn pldubern, ate fitr micf) atlein trinfen. gret(id) n^irb nn^ bte tit fo lana tt)crben. SBtr toer* ben dor 8angtDet(e nn^ pu^en tnitffen nnb ba^ ^leib Derfudjen, in lt)elrf)ent tDtr ben erften tnrnt geben Gotten. Sa ^raulettu 3Ba rebeft bn Don titrmen, ba id) 20 bto l)erfomme, bte a(tnng ber ^a|)itnlatton su forbern? ^rattjt^la* llnb ber err Officer, ben lt)tr tje'rtrteben, unb bent tmr ba^ Sompltment baritber madjen laffen, 71 72 tftinna son Barnfyelm. er mn and} nid)t tie feinfte 2ebenart fyaben, fonft ptte er tool)! nm Me (gfyre fonnen bitten taff en, nn3 feine 9lnftt>artnng macfjen ju bitrfen. Sa3 graulcttu & finb nidjt atte Offijtere 2etl^etm. 5 J)te SBa^r^ett ju fagen, t(^ tteg tl)m ba^ Sotnptiment autft bloft ma^en, um (5k(cgen^ett jn fyaben, mid) nati) btefem bei ifym ju ' erfunbigen. granjisfa, mein erj fagt e mtr, ba^ 'ineme 9?eife gtiidttdE) fern rrrirb, ba^ ifytytt finben toerbe. 10 f^rattjidfiu a^ erj, gttabtgeS grautem? trauc bod) }a femem ^erjen ntdf)t gu triet. a rebet un^ getoatttg gern nad) bem 2JJaute. SBenn ba 9JJau( ebenfo geneigt toftrc, nad) bent e ^i en 3 U fo icttrc'.bie 9Kobc fangft anfgefontnten, bie 15 nnterm @^fo(fe gu tragen. ^raulein. a! ^a! mtt betnen SDlSuIern nnterm )te 3}Jobe toare mtr eben red)t! Steber Me f^dnften 3^^ n ^ g^3 e ^t, aB atle SIngenbttcfe ba erj baritber fprtngen laffen! 20 2>a ^rittlettu 3Ba? btft bn fo gurftd t)attenb ? 3fratt5tf a* S'Zetn, gnabtge^ grcinfetn ; fonbern id) tuoflte e^ gern mel)r fetn. 3)?an fpric^t feften Don ber Jngenb, bie man fyat ; aber befto ofter Don ber, Me nn3 fe^It. $a ^rauteiiu . @tef)ft bn, grangtela ? Sa t>aft bn 25 etne fe^r gnte Slnmerfnng gemadjt granji^fa, emad^t ? 33?acf)t man ba$, toa^ etnem fo etnfatlt? 2)a^ ^rattlettt* Unb mei^t bn, toarnm id) etgenttic^ btefe 2lnmerfnng fo gnt ftnbe ? ie ^at t)iel so anf meinen . FRANZISKA gtuetter SJufsug. (Erfter 2Iuftritt. 73 , 2BaS ^dtte bet Q^ncn nicfyt and) auf if)n? 2>a pfrSuletiu greunb unb geinb fagen, baft er ber tapferfte 2ftann toon ber SBcIt tft Slber met f)at ifyn toon STapfertett Jemal^ reben tjoren? (r ^at ba^ rec^t- 5 frfjaffenfte .erg, aber 9ied)t[c^affen^ett unb gbelmut finb iEBorte, bie er nte auf bte 3 un 9 e brtngt. SSon tt)a^ fitr Jugeuben fprtcfyt er beun? 6r fprt^t t?on feiner ; benn tf)m fe^It leine. 10 tDottte td^ nur ^5ren, ^rauletn. SSarte, grangisla, tc^ befiuue mid^. r fprtc^t fefjr oft t)on Dfonotnte. Qm SSertraueu, g(aube r ber 2ftatm tft em SSerft^menber* 9?oc^ ein^, gnabtge^ grttulcin. Qtf) ^abe 15 i^n audf) Jef)r oft ber Sreue uub 33eftcmbtgfett gegen @ie ermdljneu ^oren. SBie, menu ber err aud^ etn gfWevgetft indre? 2)a^ ^raulcin. >u Ungtiicflt^e ! 3lber metnft bu ba^ tm rnfte, grcmgtefa ? 20 Srattjigla* SBte lange ^at er 3f^ncn nun fdfjon nid^t geft^rteben ? 2)a^ ftvanltin. 9l(^ ! f ett bent grteben ^at er mtr nur em etnjtge^ 2)?al gef^rieben, granji^fa. 2lud) etn eufjer lt)tber ben grteben! 25 SBunberbar! Ser grtebe foHtc nur ba^ 935fe lutebcr gut madden, ba^ ber ^rteg gefttffet, unb er gerritttet auc^ ba$ ute, tra^ btefer fetn egenpart ejttria nod^ t)eran(a^t ^at, )er grtebe foflte fo etgenfitfntg nicfjt fetn! --Unb mie lange t)aben tt)ir fc^on fjrtcbc? 5Dte 30 74 HTinna son Barnfyelm. 3ett tofrk etnem geiwlttg fang, toenn e fo toentg 9?euigfeiten gibt timfonft gefyen bte ^often ttrieber ridjtig ; niemanb fcfyreibt ; benn niemanb fjat toaS ju fd^reiben. 5 2)a^ ^raulcttt. & tft grtebe, f^rieb er mtr, unb tcf) na^ere mtt^ ber (grfitHung meiner SButtfdje, 2lber, ba er mtr bie[e^ nur einmal, nitr cm emjige^ 5Ka( ge* fc^rteben ^rattji^Ia* S)a6 er un$ gtDtngt, biefer (grfuttung ber 10 SBunf^e fetbft entgcgenjucilcn : ftnben lt)tr t^n nitr, ba$ foil er un^ entgetten! SBenn inbe^ ber .SRann bod) erfiillt ^(itte, unb nnr erf ii^ren ^ter g[tn* unb m$. ci^ er tot toare? gitr te, gnabtge^ grauletn ; in ben 15 Sfrnten etner anberen, $a3 ^raulettu u Cudfgetft! 3Barte, granstSfa, er foil btr e^ gebenfen ! Sod) fdjtoa^e nur ; fonft f(^laf en nrir n)ieber ein. etn JReghnent h)arb nad) bem grte* ben gerrfffen. 3Ber tt)ei^ in toeldje 2Sertt)trrung t)on 20 SRed^nungen unb Sftacfytoeifungen er baburd) geraten? 9Ber toetfc, ju melc^em anbern Sfegtmente, in toetdje entlegne ^Jrobinj er Dcrfcfet toorbcn ? 2Ber lt)eip, lt>elcf)e Umftiinbe @^ pocl)t jemanb. eretn ! Jtuftrttt. S)er SSirt. 3)ie 53origen. 26 $er SBtrt ben ftopf tootonftetfcnb. ^Jft e crlaubt, meine gnabtge errfcf)aft? gtpetter 2Juf3ug. gnmter 2Iuftrttt. 75 Unfer err SBirt ? 9?ur fcoflenbS Ijeretn. mtt einer geber Ijutter bent Dfjre, etn S3tott papier imb in ber anb. $(i) lomme, gntibtgeS gr&Ulettt, 3^ ett etnen nntertanigen guten Sftorgen ju itwnfcfyen, sur (f)5ne^ Stnb, 5 2ftcmn! 3Bir bebanfen un$. llnb tDunfc^en ^^m and) etnen gnten 28tri J)arf ic^ mt(^ unterftef)en r ju fragen, ttrie 10 naben bie erfte Slac^t unter metnem fd^Iec^ten e geru^t? )a3 S)a^) ift fo f^Icd^t nidjt, err 3Birt ; aber'bte 33etten fatten fonnen beffer fetn. 2Ba^ f)ore id^ ? SWdjt too^l geru^t ? 23iel^ is t ba^ -bte gar jn gro^e Svmitbung t)on ber SReife ^^wleitt* @$ lann fein. JBiri enrifc, gemtp ! benn fonft ^nbe^ r foHte nic^t DoUfomtnen narf) ^}^ro naben Sequemti^^ feit getuefen fein, fo geruljen 3fyro naben nur ju 20 ut, err SBtrt, gut! SBir finb ntd^t bldbe ; unb am toenigften nwft man tm aft^of e bfobe fein. 3Bir tDoIIen fd^on fagen, nrie unr e^ gern fatten. Set aSirt. iernci(f)ft fomme id) sngleid) snbem et 25 bie geber ^inter bent O^re J SBtvl .Ofjne ftmttfti fennen ^ro naben frfjon bie lieifen SSerorbnungen unferer ^olijei. graulcin. Widjt tm geringften, err 9Btrt. so 76 IHinna pon Barnfyelnu 2>er 28irt. 3Str SBtrte ftnb angetotefen, letnen ben, toes (StanbeS unb ej4Tea^tj8 er f ei, tiier* unbgipanjig tunben ju befycmfen, ofyne feinen Dlamen, eimat, gfjarafter, fyeftge efdjftfte, mltetHer SSiri (Stnen Keinen 2lugenbltcf ebu(b! on ^Barn^elm" $otnmenb ? N r, gna.btge graulein? lein* 2Son metnen iitern au^ @ai)fen, 2)er 28irt wtewt ,,iitern au @a^fen" 2l 20 fen ! gt, et, au^ (Sac^fen, gnabtgeS griiutein ? ad^fen? S^un? h)arum ni(^t? (S tft boc^ anbe feine itnbe, au^ acf)fen $u fetn ? 2>er aSiri Sine itnbe? 33epte! ba^ tt)dre ja etne 25 ganj neue itnbe! 3lu^ @atf)fen atfo? (Si, et! aM @ad|fen! )a$ tiebe a^fen! 2lber too mir red)t ift, gnabtge^ grauletn, (gadjfen ift nicf)t llein unb I)at mef)* rere nrie foil i^ e^ nennen ? iftrtfte, ^rotjingen. Unfere ^Jolijei ift fe^r ej aft, gntibigeS grau(etn. - so 2>a3 ^ttutetiu $tf) t)erftel)e : t)on metnen utern au^ Xprtngen alfo. gtsetter 2luf3ttg. n?etter 2Iuftrtti f)urigenj ^a, ba3 ift beffer, gnabigeS graulein, baS ift genaiter. c^retbt unb tieii. ",,)a3 graulein turn- 4Barnf)elm, fommenb ton tljren @iitern au^ STtjitrmgen/ nebft etner ^ammerf rait unb gtoet Sebtenten" 5 gfranjtela, tner Sammerfrau? ba0 foK itf) iDO^I fern? 2)er SSirt Qa, tnetn f(J)dne^ fiinb* granji^la. 9htn,_ err Sirt, fo [efeen @ic anftatt tonmerfrau Sammertungfer, $3) ^ore, bte ^oliset 10 , ift fdjr ey aft : e mod)te etn SDWftperftanbnt^ geben, mefrf)e twr bei meinem Slufgebote emmal )tittbef madden ICnnte* Senn ii^ bin hrirffid) nod) ^ungfer unb grangi^la ; mit bem efdjledjt^namen SSttltg, SBtttig* ^(^ bin aitdj au Xprtngen. $Kein 23ater 15 3Jiiitter anf einent t)on ben iitern be gnabtgen ^at je^t mein -SSruber. ^31^ !ant fe^r jung auf ben unb tDarb mit bem gnabigen ^raulein erjogen. 28ir finb t)on etnem SUter, Kmftige ^ic^tme^ emuttbjtwnijtfl 20 ^a^r* $tf) ^abe at(e^ geternt, tt)a^ ba gncibtge grciu- tein gelemt f)at ^ foil mir tieb fetn, iraenn mic^ bte ^otijei redjt fennt. 2)cr SBtrfc ut r mein fd)one$ ^inb, ba^ toill id) mir auf tneitere ^ac^frage merfen, 3lber nunmel)r, 25 gnabtgeS graulein, 1)ero 93erri(^tungen airier? 2>a3 gtatt(ettt> ajfeine SSerri^tungen? 2)cr SBirt* (Su^en S^ro naben ettua^ bei be$ 3aicftSt? Srtattleitu O nein! so 78 tKtnna con Barnljelm. SBtrt, Dber bet nnfern Ijoljen $er SBirt Ober 2to ^raulchu 9Mn, nein. gcty bin tebigltd) in met* 5 nen eigenen SUigelegenljetteti f)ier. er 2trt anj tt)o^I r gncibige^ griinlein ; aber ttrie nennen fic^ biefe eigene/ftngelegen^eiten ? $a ^rSitlettt* @ie nennen fid) granjtefa, i^ glaube, toir tt)erben t)ernommen 10 gfrattjte!iu err SBirt, bie ^olijei h)irb bod) ntdjt bie c^eimntffe eine^ ^nntcttjumner^ jn tt)iff en tjcrlangen ? 2)er 28trt. StBcrbtng^ ntein frf)one^ ^inb, bie , at(e loiffen, nnb befonber^ e^eimniffe. a nun, gndbige^ grdnlein, tua^ ift jn ? o Ijoren @ie nnr, err SBtrt; aber ba Ja nnter nn$ nnb ber ^olijei bleibt! SBa^ tDirb it)tn bie 5)tcirrtn fagen? 9Sir lommen, bem dnige einett Officer - 20 2)cr 2Btrt* 3Bie? toa^? rnetn Sinb! metn tinb! Sranji^Ia* Dber nn^ fcon bem Offijiere fapern jn foffetu Seibe^ ift ein. 2)a ^rdulctm granji^fa, btft bn toll? err irt, bie ^QfelDeife Ijat eie sum beften. 26 2>cr 2Btrt ^rf) tnitf nii^t Ijoffen! 3 toar m ^ meiner.- SBenigfeit fann fie frfierjen fo t)iel r toie fie toill ; nur mit einer ^o^en ^5otijei- ftraulehu SBiffen ie ma^, err 2Birt ? ^d) mid) in btefer ad^e nic^t gn ne^men* ^c^ bddjte. so ie tie^en bie ganje (^reiberei bi anf bie 2tn!nnft\ . gipeiter 2Iuftritt. 79 meineS OljeimS. 3$ Ijabe $l)nen fdjon geftern gefagt, toarum er nidjt mit mir gugleid) angefommen. Sr tier* ungliicfte jtoet 2fteifen t>on l)ier mit feinem SBagen unb oolite biircf)au^ ntd)t r ba mid) biefer 3 u f a ^ ^^ e 9 f J a ^ t mefyr loftcn follte. 3^ mu^te alfo t)oran. $Benn er s t)ierunbsmanjig (Stunben nad^ mir eintrifft, fo ift e$ ba^ 8angfte. Ser SBirt 9^un ja r gnabige^ grautein, fo footten h)ir i^n erlDarten. 2>a3 Srautcitt. @r totrb auf $ljre gragen beffer ant^ 10 iDorten fdnnen. / (Sr i^irb toiffen, raem unb tt)ie lt)eit er fid) 311 entbedeh f)at; tt)a^ er ton feinen ef^dften anjeigen mu, unb lua^ er bat>on t)erf(^tr)eigen barf. 2)er SSirt Sefto beffer ! ^reilic^, freili^ fann man Don einem {Ungen SKcibcfyen bic granat?a mit einer bebcutenben 15 3Ktene anfe^enb nic^t tjertangeu, ba e^ eine ernftfjafte @ad)e mit ernft^aften Seuten ernftljaft traftiere . 2>a ^rSnlein. Hub bie ^unmer fur i^n finb bocl) in Serettld)aft, err SBirt? 2>er S3irt SBJJKtg, gnabige^ grautein, &ottig ; bi^ auf 20 ba~ eine .. tycanySta. 2lu bem @ie t)ietleid)t aut^ nod) erft einen efyrlidjen 9Jlann Dcrtretben miiffen? er 28irt J)ie Sammerjungfern au^ @ad)fen, gna- bige^ grciulein, finb tt)ot)I fe^r mitleibig. 25 2>a gfrftnleim od), err SBirt ; ba^ ^aben @ie nic^t gut gemac^t. 8ieber fatten ie un^ mfyt etnnel)men fotten. SSirt* SBie fo, gnabigeS grixutein, tDie fo? Srauletn. 3d) I)ore, ba^ ber Offtgier, cl^cr burd) un^ terbrangt tuorbcn so 80 ITtinna son Barnfyelm. $er SBtrt, $a nur ein abgebanfter Dfftjier ift, gna* bigeS grdulein. 2>a3 grrbtleitu SBenn fd)on! S 2>er SStrt 2ftit bem e gu @nbe gefjt. $a3 Srrauleitu e f to [glimmer ! g$ foil ein fefyr fcerbienter 2Kann fein. SBirt gd) fage (Jfynen ia, ba^ er abgebanft tft. JJrattleiiu J)er ^ontg farm nid)t alle tjerbiente 3Kdnner fennen. 10 2)cr aSirt D gettrif;, er fennt fie, er fetmt [ie aKc. @o fann er fie nt(J)t atte belol)nen. @te toaren afle belo^nt; tuenn fie barnarf) gefebt fatten. Slber fo lebten bie erren, tDii^renb be^ $riege$, al^ ob toig ^rieg bfetben miirbe, ate ob ba^ 15 )em unb 5D?ein etpig cmfgefyobeu fein h)iirbe. gei^t Jiegen alte SBirt^^aufer unb aft^dfe t)on ifynen uoH, unb ein SBirt fyat fic^ mo^I ntit il)nen in acfyt $u nef)^ men. 2$ ^ n m ^ biefem not^ fo giemlid) tDeggefom- men. atte er gleicfy fein elb me^r, fo fyatte er bod) 20 nod) elbe^mert ; unb gtDei, brei donate f)citte id) i^n freUid) nod) ru^ig lonnen fifeen laffen. ocE) beffer tft 1 beffer. 2tpropo6, gndbige^ grdulein, Sie t)erftef)en fic^ boc^ auf Qnmitn? Sag graulcitt. SRic^t fonberlic^. AI 2)er aStrt. 9Ba fotlten 3l)ro naben nicftt? Qtf) ^ ne tt etnen $Ring jeigen, einen foftbaren 9ting. gnabtne^ grdulein fjaben ba and) einen fe^r fd)dnen am $in$tr f unb {e mefjr ic^ i^n betrad)te, je mefyr mu^ i^ mi^ txjunbern, bag er bem meinigen fo so ctynlid) ift O ! fefjen @ie boc^, fe^en @ie bod) ! u?etter Slufsug. u?etter 2Iuftrttt. 81 mttr ~^/ .er tfjn cm bent guttetal IjerauSntmmt unb bem grautein iitretdjt . cm geuer! bcr mittelfte Srtltant altein toiegt iiber fttnf ttt t^n &etra<$tenb. 3Bo bttt td) ? SBa^ f C^ trf)? )tefer {Ring 5)er SSttt. 3ft feme funfjeljnljunbert Staler unter JBriibcrn 'crt 2>er 28irt> ^d) t)abe mid^ and) tttdjt einen 3lugenblid beba^t, acfjtgtg ^3iftoten barauf gu fet^en. 10 graitleitt. (Srlennft bu tfjn ntc^t, gra J)er namticf)e ! err Strt, IDO @ic biefen Sting fyer ? 3Sirt. Wnn, mein Stnb? @te ^at bod) toof)I fern baran? 15- nji^fa. SBir !em 9tec^t an btefem $Rtnge ? ^n* auf bem Saften mu bee, graulein/ Dcrjoflcncr 9Jame ftetien. SBetfen @ie boi^, graulein. 2>a graulcm. gr ift% er tffs! SBte lommen @ie ju btefem ^Ringe, err SBtrt? 20 2>er 28ttt gd)? auf bte efjrltdjfte SBeife t?on ber SBelt. nabtge$ graulein r gndbtge^ graulem, @ie merben mtcf) nid)t in Sdjaben unb Ungliic! brtngen tt)ol* (en ? $8a3 h)ei^ id), too fid) ber SRing eigentltd) fyer- f^reibt ? SBa^renb be^ 'riege fjat ntandje^ feinen 25 crnt, fe^r oft, mit unb o^ne ^tbeitnt^t be errn, tjeranbert Unb rieg toar Srieq, (S^ toerben me^r SRinge a;t^ @ad)fen iiber bie renje gegangen fein, eben @ie mir i^n ttrieber, gniibige^ graulein, geben mir it)n toieber! ^o 82 . tttinna con Barnfjelm. (grft geanttoortet : fcon toem fyaben @te ify Jirt 23cm einem Sftanne, bem id) fo tt)a nicfyt fann, t>on einem fonft gnten SJJanne fSfraitletu; 23on betn beften Statute unter ber 5 onne, luenn @ie ifyn Don feinem Stgentumer Ijaben. efd)ttrinb bringen @ie tnir ben SSJJann ! & ift e$ [elbft ober toenigftenS mu^ er i^n fennen. SSirt* 2Ber benn? ti)en benn? gnabige^ grdulein? ie benn ni^t ? unfern 2ftaj;oi\ 10 2)er SBtrt 3JiaJor ? SRedjt, er ift TOajor, ber biefeS Dimmer tor ^}^nen betDotjnt ^at, unb t)on bem id) if) Sa JJrauIein. 2Kaior t)on Jetl^eim? 2)er SBirt. 33on Jed^eim, ja ! fienncn ie i 2)a ^raulcin. Db id& il)n fenne ? grift^icr? 15 fyeim ift ^ier ? Sr ? er ^at in biefem ^tomer gett?o!)nt? Sr ? er Ijat ^{)nen biefen 9?ing Derfe^t ? 2Bie lommt ber 2ftann in biefe 3SertegenI)eit ? So ift er ? gr ift fc^ulbig ? gran$i3fa, bie d^atuQc ^er ! anf ! tnbem fie 5ranjifa auf ben Xifc^ fctjt unb Bffnet. 2Ba ift er 20 3^ien fc^nlbig ? SBem ift er meljr fd^ulbig ? Bringen @ie mir atte feine djnlbner. Qm ift elb ier finb 9Bed)fel . Siae^ ift fein ! 2>er SBirt SBa^ l)bre id)? 2)a ^rauhttt. SBo ift er? too ift er? 25 2>er 28irt. 97o^ cor einer tunbe toar er ^ier. a ^raitleim ^B^tf) e ^ SKann, toie fonnten @ie gegen i^n fo nnfrennb(id), fo fjart, fo granf am fein ? naben t)erjeil)en efd)iwnb, fd)affen te mir i^n jur so Stelle, gtretter 2Juf3iig. Drttter 2Iuftriti 83 Set aBtrt. ein 33ebienter ift trietteid)t nod) t)ier, SBotten 3^ r naben, baft er ifyn anffnd)en foil ? 2>a3 ftraulehu Ob id) toil! ? (gilen @te, lanf en @ie ; filr biefen tcnft attain tpttt ic^ eg t>ergeffen, toie f^tecf)t @ie mit tfym umgegangen ftnb. ^attjiala. fo, err SBirt, ^urttg, fort, fort ! Drttter Zluftrttt. ^raulctn. 9^un ^abe id^ t^n tmeber, te^ft bit, nnn fyabe t^ t^n U)teber ! Qtf) lt)et^ mo tdj t)or greuben bin! greue bid) bodj mit, Hebe 10 granjfefa* 3lber freitic^, tt)arum bu ? )od) bu fottft btc^, bn tnujH bid) mit mir freuen. Somm, 8iebe, id) toitt bid) befdjenfen, bamit bu bid^ mit mir freuen fannft* @pric^, granji^fa, toa$ fott i(^ bir geben? 5Ba$ fte^t bir t)on meinen adjen an? SBa^ ^atteft bn gent? 15 9?imm, toad bn lt)ittft ; aber frene bid) nnr* Qtf) fe^e tt)o{)t, bn ft)irft bir nidjts net)tnen. SBarte ! er Sirt 2>a8 grauleitu fjraulcitt 9iun? tutrb er !ommen? 5 $er aStrt. 2)er itJtbertodrttge, wtgefdjltffene 2Ber? 48ebtenter* @r toetgert fid), na^ t^m gu ge^en* Sranjisla. 53rmgen @ic bo^ ben S^urfen ^ei\ 10 )e$ 2)2ajor^ Sebiente fenne ic^ }a too^I afle. SBcId^cr toftrc bentt ba^? 2)a iJrattlettt* Srtngcn @tc t^n gefd^toinb ^er. SSettn er un^ fie{)t, tDtrb er frfjon ge^en. er sstrt ge^t a&. ^unfter 2luftrtit. grciuletn, granjisfa. fjrauletru ^^ totin ben 9lugenbltc! nt^t er* 15 toarten. 3lber> granji^fa, bu btft norf) immer fo fait? S)u nrittft bid) no^ nt^t mtt mtr freuen? tootttc txm erjen gern ; tt)cnn nur 3Benn nur? SBir ^aben ben Sftann tDiebergefunben ; 20 aber nrie ^aben ir i^n lutebergefunben ? 5Ifa^ allem, tr Don ifym ^oren, mu^ e iljm ubet ge^n. r fetn. 2)a^ Jammert mid). n>eiter 2luf3ug. Secfyfter 2Juftritt. 85 ffrauleuu ^antmert bty ? 8a bid) bafitr urn- armen, meine liebfte eftrietin ! )a toifl id) bir nie Dergeffen ! $d) bin nur fcerliebt, unb bu bift gut. Setter Ztuftrttt 2)er SBtrt 3ujt S)te iBortgen. SBtrt 2JJit gcnaucr 3Jot bring 7 id) ifyn, in frembe^ efic^t! Qtf) fenne iljn nid^t* 5 3Jlein grennb, ift @r bei bent 3)iajor Don etfl)eim? 3Bo ift @ein err? l)ter. 10 3lber @r ttci i^n gn finben? Sufi ~Qa. SBtQ @r i^ $rauleuu gr ertoeift mir bantit einen ef atten. 15 ! Unb Seinem @errn einen ienft. and) ntd)t SBofyer Dermutet (Sr ba? @ie finb boc^ bie frembe errfcf)aft, bie % ifjn 20 biefen SKorgen fom|)timentieren (affen? grautetu. Qa. bin id) fdjon re^t. Beig @ein err meinen 5yjamen? iRetn ; aber er lann bie aKgu ^5flid)en !iDamen 25 ebenfotnentg tetben afe btc'attgu groben SBirte. 86 ITttnna son Barnljelm. 2>er 2Sirt )a$ foil tool)! mit auf mid) gefjen? 2>er SSirt @o taft @r e bod) bem gnixbigen grau^ tern nid)t entgelten,. unb Ijole (gr if)n gefdjitrinb I)er. fSfrauleht jur sranauia. g^cinjt^la, gib tljm etma^ bie bem Suft etb in bie $anb briirfen tota. 2Bir t)er* tangen Seine )ienfte ni^t umfonft. Unb tc$ 3^r etb nidf)t o^ne S)ien(te. (Sine^ fitr ba^ anbere, 10 3wft* 3^'!ann ni(^t SKctn e ^ ^t mir befo^Ien, au^praumen. a tu ? id) je^t, unb baran r bitte id), midf) nid)t l^eiter gu fcerljmbeni* 3Benn id) fertig bin, fo ttritt id) e6 iljm ja tt)o^( fagen, ba^ er ^erlommen fann. r ift nebenan auf bem Saffcefyaufe ; unb toenn 15 er ba nid)t^ SefferS gu tun finbet, tuirb er aut^ n?o^t SG3ia fortge^en. @o tDarte (Sr bod). )a$ gnabige grau- tein ift be$ errn 3J?ajor^ @d)toefter. 2)a ^rauleim %a, ja, feine @c^tt)efter. 20 3ufi S)a^ tuei^ i^ beffer, ba ber 33?ajor !eine @c^tt)efter l)at. r l)at mic^ in fedjS 3Konaten an feine gamilie nad^ ^urlanb geft^id t. gibt mant^erfei @d)toeftern 5rattjif a. Unt)erfd^amter ! 25 3>uft 3Jtu man e^ nicfyt fein, lt)enn einen bie 8eute f oflen ge^en taffen ? @e$t ab. ift ein @d)linget! fagf e^ ia. 2lber laffen @ie i^n nur! 333ei^ id) bod) nunmeljr, IDO fein err ift. Qtf) so toitt i^n g(eid) felbft ^oten. 5Rur> gnabige^ grautein, n?etter Tlufsug. Siebenter 2Iuftriti 87 bitte id) nntertdnigfUfobann ia mid) bet bem errn 3fta{or 511 entfdjntbigen, baft id) fo nnglndtid) getoefen, twber meinen SBtBen einen 3)Zann son feinen 3Ser* bienften \ raulettt* efjen @tc nur gefdjttrinb, err SBtrt 5 tntH t(^ atte^ tirieber gut ma^en* set sstrt ge^t ab, unb ^terauf, granjt^fa, fouf t^ttt nad^ : er foB i^tn meinen Seamen nic^t nennen! granstsfa bem mite m%. ^ / ' Siebenter 2tuftritt. ^s 2)a6 grautein unb ^tetauf 2)a ^rattlein. ^ ^abe ifyn ttrieber ! 53in ic^ attein ? - Q$) tt)ill ntd)t Umfonft attein fein (Ste faltet tie ^panbe. 10 3lii(f) fiin id) nid^t allein ! unb wwt aufmarts. @in ein^iger banlbarer ebanfe gen immel ift ba$ tjollfommenfte -^-^ ^B' ifjn! id) f)ab' i^n! iKit ausaebteueten 3^) Bin gliidti^ ! unb fro^tic^ ! 3Ba^ fann ber er tieber fe^en, a{^ ein frtff)fid)e$ eft^5pf ! is !ommt Sift bn ttrieber ba r granjMa ? @r jam* mert bic^ ? 3D?icf) jammert er nid^t, Unglitcf ift and) gnt ^iettei^t, ba^ it)tn ber immel atte^ na^m, nnt i^m in mir atte^ mieber jn geben! grftn^fefa. gr fann ben 3lngenblicf fjier fein. @ie 20 finb nod) in -3^ rem ^Zcglig^ gndbigeS granlein* SBie, menn @tc fid) gefdjttrinb anfleibeten? 2)a ^rauleuu @el)! i^ bitte btd^. @r luirb ntic^ Don nnn an Sfterer fo ate gepnfet fe^en* ), @ie lennen fi^ mein grdntein* 25 9JJdbd)en, bn ^aft e^ tt)iebernm getroffen. 88 tttinna t>on Barnfyelm. SBenn toir fdjon finb, finb ttrir ungepu^t am fdjdnften. 2>a3 gfraufettt* SWiiffen ttrir benn fd)on fein? 2lber, bag nrir nn3 fd)5n glauben, tear Dielleid)t nottoenbig. 5 Sftein, toenn id) tfym, tf)tn nur f^on bin ! granji^Ia, tuenn alte 3Jfcibd)en$ fo [inb, tt)te tc^ mid) je^t fiit)Ie, fo finb ttrir [onberbare linger. ^artltrf) unb ftolj, tugenb^af t unb eitel, njottitftig nnb fromm SMi mirft mic^ nic^t derfteljen. Qtf) Derfte^e mtd^ tt)o^I fetbft 10 nidjt !l)ie greube macfyt brefjenb, tt)irblic^t. ^ranjt^fa* gaffen @ie fi^, mein grdulein, id) fyflre I ommen. 2)a grauletiu 3Ki(^ faff en? 3=^ fottte ifyn ru^ig em^f angen ? 2luftrttt. , . 2)er Sirt S)i . 15 tJ Sctt^Ctm tfUtJcrcm, unb tnbem er ftc erblirft, flte^t er auf ftc 511. Sit)! meine 2ftinna! $a3 ^rdltlettt i^m entgegen ftic^enb. 211) ! mehl ScQ^Ctm ! fc* ScH^Ctm ftuftt auf elnmal unb tritt luieber juriicf. S?erjetl)en @ie, gnabige^ graulein, ba^ graufein Don ^Barnfjelm 20 {)ter jn finben - 2)a ^Sttlcttt. $ann ^f)nen bot^ fo gar unertoartet nit^t fein ? Snbcm fie t^m na^er tritt unb er meljr juritcftcei^t. 3^ * fott Qfyntn Derjei^en, bag ic^ no^ ^^re SDJinna bin ? Stergeil) O^nen ber immel r bag iS) nocf) ba^ granlein 25 Don Sarnljefai bin ! to. Sctt^etm* nabige^ grautein @te$t ftarr auf ben sBirt unb jucft bte Sc^ultern. gtodter 21uf3tig. Xteunter 2Juftrttt. 89 ^tattteitt tmrb ben SStrt getoafc unb tointt bet granstSfa. err, y\lL<^ u* etti)eiu SBenn ttrir un$ betberfeits nidjt trren gfranjigfa, 3 e r > err SBtrt/ ^^ti brtngen @te un^ benn ba ? efdjurinb lommen @te, laffen te un^ ben 5 fudjen. (t e ni^t ber 9te^te ? (gt ja bo^ ! ntrf)t bod^ ! ef^tuinb lommen @tc ; 3^oii)ter norf) leinen guten SKorgen gefagt. 10 fait i$n an. Sommen @ie, n)tr iDotlen ben Sii^en^ettet mac^en, 8affen @ie (e^en, toa^ twr ^aben toerben 2)et SStrt @tc fotfen ^aben, t)or erfte 15 grauiigfa. Sttfl, ja [title ! 2Benn ba^ granfein jei^t f(f)on n)ei, toa fie gu aJWttag fpetfcn foil, fo ift e^ um t^ren 3lppetit gefdjefyen. Sommen @ie, ba^ miiffen @te mir altein fagen, ga^rt i^n wit ctoait a^' Heunter 2Juftrttt. , 2)a graiitcin. trren toir un$ nod)? 20 ber ^immet tooltte! aber gibt nur eine, nnb @ie finb e. 2)a^ ^rftitletm SBeldie llmftanbe ! 2Ba mir nn^ su . fagen ^aben, !ann Jebermann !)oren. t> Sctt^eim. @ie Ijier ? SBa^ fnd^en @tc I)ier, gnd- 25 grixutein? """" 90 UTtnna son 9?idjt$ fudje id) mel)r. ma offenett 5lrmen auf i$n augment. 3tt(eS, teas id) fudjte, fyabe idj gefunben. to* Seflljetm suructoetcsenb. @ie fud)ten eiuen glMlidjen, c einen 3f) rer S^ 6 toiirtrigen 9Jiamt, unb finben etnen 5 (gfcnben.. $a3 graufcht; So Iteben @ic mid) nid)t me^r? unb Iteben etne anbere ? tj. Sett^ctm* 311)! ber Ijat @te nte getiebt, metn grauletn, ber etne anbere narf) ^^nen Iteben fann. 10 2>a3 ^raulcttt; @te reij^en nnr etnen @tatf>el an^ metner @eele. SBenn id) 3fy crj Derforen fjabe/ Ite'gt bara'n, ob mid) (ei^giilttgleit ober mcid)tigere L barum gebrad)t? @ie tieben mi(^ nic^t mefyr,^ unb tieben audf) feine anbere? Ungfitcflidjer SKann, is toenn Sie.gar ni^ lieben! b. Sett^cim. 9?ecf)t r gndbige^ graulein ; ber UnglM* licl)e mug gar nici)t$ lieben. @r t)erbient fein Unglitcf, toenn er btefen ieg ni^t itber fic^ felbft ju er^alten it)ei^ ; n?enn er e$ fi(^ gefatten taffen fann, bag trie, 20' toetc^e er liebt, an feinem Unglilcf 3lntei( ne^men bitr- fen. 2Bie fd)tt?er ift biefer ieg ! Seitbem mtr 2?ernunft unb 91ottt)enbigfeit befet)Ien, pinna t)on 33arn* ^elm gu t)erg'effen, tna^ fur 3Kiil)e ^abe ii) angelDanbt ! (Sben iDotttc id) anfangen gu f)offen, bag biefe 3)litl)e 25 nid)t etDig tiergeben^ fein toitrbe : unb @ie erfdjeinen, mein graulein!- Sa graulehu SScrftc^ id) ie re^t ? alten @ie, mein err ; (affen ie fe^en, mo mir finb, e^e trir un^ toeiter Dertrren ! tnotten 2ie mir bie einjige 30 beanttoorten ? groeiter 2Iuf3ug. Heuntcr 2Iuftrttt. 91 to. Sefiljetm. Qtbt, mein grdnlein $a 3rraulettt. SBotten @ie mir and) ofyne SBenbung, ofyne SBinfetjng anttnorten ? 2ftit nicljts ate einem trod nen Qa ober 9Jein? $a grauletit. @ie fonnen e. nt : nngeac^tet ber -Jftnlje, bie @ie angeiuenbet, mid) jn t>ergeffen, tieben @ie mid) nod), Jeflf)eim ? to. Seflljetm. 3Rein granlein, biefe grage 2)a ^raulcttt. @ie fyaben t)erf proven, mit nid)t^ ate 10 3a ober 9iein jn anttt)orten, to. SeCJjeim. llnb ^inpgefe^t : toenn'it^ fannJ- 2)a fjrdulcttt. @ie lonnen ; @te muffen miffen, tt)a in ^rem erjen Dorge^t 8ieben @ie mid) nodj, to. ScH^eim. 2Benn mein 2)ag ^^wtcttt. 3 :a ^ er to. Settljetm. 9tnn, Ja ! 2>a 5 r ttttlcitt. ^a ? to. Sctt^cim. ^a, }a! Slttein 20 2>a $rauleitt. ebn(b ! @ie lieben mid) nod) : ge* nug fiir mid). ^tt tyaa fiir dnmi ^on bin ic^ mit 3^nen gefatten! gin nnbrtger, mefan^oftfd^er, anftef* fe^ber 3:on Qd) nefyme ben meinigen ttrieber an- 9int!, mein lieber UnglMtidjer, @ie lieben mid) nod^ nnb 25 fyaben ^^re SJKinna nod), nnb finb nngliidli^ ? 8ren @ie bot^, toa^ 3^ re 9Jfinna fiir ein eingebifbete^, af- berneS 5Ding tt)ar, ift. @ie tie^, fie la^t fit^ tran- \y men, 3^r ganse^ (M fei fie* efi^tuinb Iramen @ie ^^r Ungtiid an. ie mag t)erfnd)en, tuieDief fie 30 &effen an 92 ZTIinna con Barntjelm. to. Seflljetm. STOein graniein, id) bin nidjt gettioljnt -ju Ifagen. 2>a3 Srauleitt. efjr tooljl. 3d) tottjjte aud) titdjt, toad mir an einem olbaten nad) bem ^rafyfen roeniger 5 gefiete, al$ ba$ Stagen. 2lber eS gtbt etne gettriffe fatte, nad)Ia[[ige 2lrt r tion feiner SEapferfeit unb t^on [einem Ungtitcfe ju fprerf)en ti Settljeim, Sie im runbe bod^ auc^ gepra^It nnb geffagt ift; 10 $a3 ^rauleitu D mein SRerfjtfyaber, fo fatten @ie fic^ autf) gar nicfjt ungfiidlic^ tiennen folten* anj geft^tDtegen, ober ganj mit ber @prad)e ^erau. Sine SJernunf t, .etne ^lottoenbigfeit, bie 3^nen mi&) jn ter* geffen befiefytt? $d) bin eine grofte 8ieb^aberin t)on 15 SSernunft ; ic^ t)abe fef)r t)iel (prerbietnng fur bie ^tot* wenbigleit* Slber laff en te bod) Ijoren, toie Derniinf tig biefe 33ernnnft, it)ie notmenbig biefe 9Zotit)enbigleit ift. to* SettJjetm. SBo^I benn ; fo fyoren te, mein gran* lent. ie nennen mid) JeH^eim ; ber S^ame trifft ein. 20 Slber fie meinen, tc^ fei ber iettfyetm, ben @ie in S^rem $5aterlanbc, ge!annt ^aben, ber blitf)enbe SKarm, uollcr ^Infprudfje, tjbflcr 9?u^mbegierbe, ber feine$ ganjen itorper^, feiner ganjen eele macljtig toar, Dor bem bie K .jj^^djranfett ber @^re nnb be^ lUdd eroffnet ftanben, . 25 ber QtytZ erjend nnb ^^rer anb, iDenn er fdjon ^^rer noc^ nirf)t toiirbig toar, tdgtii^ toiirbiger jn toer= ben tyoffen burftc. Siefer 5EeIIf)eim bin idf) ebenfo* toenig, ate icf) mein 9Sater bin, 33eibe finb geluefen. Q$) bin ettljeim, ber t)erabfdt)iebete r ber an feiner I)re -,o gefranfte, ber Sritypel, ber Settler. ^enem, mein gmettcr 2Iuf3ug. Zteuttter 2Juftritt. 93 grcintein, Derfpradjen @ie fid) ; tootten a Sfrauleitu )a$ Itingt fefyr tragifdj! )odj, mein err, bis id) {enen ttrieberfinbe, in bie ettljeim3 bin id) nnn einmat fcernarrt, biefer toirb mir fdj)on s cms ber ^ot ^elfen miiffen* Seine anb, Ueber Sett^ ler ! ^nbeni fie t^n fiei ber Jpanb ergreift. tl* Seftfjetm ber ble^anbere ^anb mil bem ^ute Dor ba ^efid^t fdjliigt unb ftci toon i^r abtoenbet, S)ClS ift jn t)iel ! 2Bo bin (3) ? Saffen @ie mid), granlein ! ^^ re ^^ e f oftcrt mit^ ! 10 Saffen @tc mid)! ^rautettt* SBaS ift ^^ e ^? ^ rotten @ie fyin? ^etm* 25on ^ nen !"~~ 3?0n mir ? Sitbem fte feine cmb an t^re Sruft jtc^t. trimmer ! 15 t>. Sett^etm* )ie 25erjiDeifInng ititrb mi(^ tot su Qfyen toerfen* ^taulettt. SSon mir? tu Seff^ctm* 3Son 3^nen. @ie nie, nie U)ieber ju feljen, ^^^^ f entf^Ioffen, fo feft entfd)Ioffen /t ^) leine 9c^)cnft!^tf^feit jn begel)en, @ie leine befomient)eit beget)en gn taffen* 8affen @ie 3Jf inna ! Steifjt ft(^ to unb ab. 2>a3 Sraulcttt t^m na^. SJZinna @ie taff en ? Sfeltfjeim ! be$ tt)eiten fritter 9tufug, (Erfter Jluftritt S)ie $ette : ber @aat. eaten Srief in ber anb. 9ftUJ3 irf) bod) nod) ettttnal ttt ba$ t)erbammte au$ fomtnen! Sin 4Briefd)en feon nteinent errn an ba gnabige grihtlein, ba$ feme @c^it)efter fetn n)tl(. Senn ftc nur ba nidjtS un= 5 fpmnt! @onft h)trb be^ 53rteftragen^ Icin nbe toer* ben 3^ toare e^ gent Io^ ; abet id) mb(^te anc^ ntcf)t gern ins ^ mmer ^tnetn,^ S)a^ grauen^^eug fragt fo t)tef, unb td^ antmorte fo ungern ! a, bie Zurt gef)t auf. 2Bie gemitnf^t! ba^ S'antnterfd^en ! 2luftritt 10 fjrattjt^la jut iire Serein, au ber fie fommt, @0tgen @te ntcf)t ; t^ tt)ttl fd)on aufpaffen. @ie^ ! gnbcm fte suftcn ge= tDo^r hiirb ba ftie^e mtr ja gletrf) lt)a auf., Slber mtt bent 33te^ tft ntc^t^ anjttfangen. Sufi 3^r SMener- 15 grattjt^fa. 3^ toofltc fo etnen Stener ntdjt- 3uft SKu, nn, Dcrgci^ @tc mtr bie gcben^art ! a brtng^ id) tin Sriefdjen t)on nteinent errn an 3^ re errf^aft, ba gnabige graulein @rf)n)efter. nicf)t fo? @^tt)cftcr. 20 5 r ^Stla eb' @r ^er ! SReiBt i$m ben S9rief auS ber ie foil fo gut fetn, ISfct ntein err bitten, 94 fritter Slufsug. n?eiter 2Juftritt. 95 unb e ubergeben. ernad) foil @ie fo gut fein, mein gerr bitten baft @ie nicfjt ettoa benlt, idE) bitte Sftun benn? Sftein @err berftefyt ben 9?umme(. @r toeift, 5 bafc ber 993eg ju ben $rau(ein$ burd^ bte Sammermcib' c^en gefyt, bttb y id; mir ein! S)tc ^ungfer fod alfo fo gut fein, tajjt mein err bitten, unb ifynt fagen taffen r ob er nid)t ba^ 3Sergnitgen ^aben fonnte, bte 3 un 9f er au f e ^ 2Sierte[ftimb(i)en ju f^rec^en. 10 8ScrjctI|' @ie mtr, tuenn id^ 3f^r einen unredjten gebe, 3^ @ie! 9tur auf ein SSiertetftunb- c^en ; aber allein, ganj aGein, tn^gef)eim r unter Diet Slugen. gr ^citte ^fjr ma fefyr S^otmenbige^ gu fagen. 15 SranjiSf a. ut ! icf) fyabe i^nt auc^ t)iel ju fagen. - 6r lann nut foramen ; id^ crbc ju feinem SJef eljle fein. Slber r tnann lann er fommen? SBann ift e$ am gelegenften, -3 un 9f er ? @o in ber Sammerung ? ^tanjtela. SBie meint Sr ba^? @ein err lann 20 fommen, U)ann er tiritt; unb bamit pade Sr ficfjnur! 3ttft* ^ergli^ gern ! ssta fortge^en. ^tanji^fa* dr' gr bod); nocf) auf ein SBort. 28o finb benn bie anbern Sebienten be$ 3Kaior^? 3uft* S)ie anbern ? )af)in, bort^in, itberal^in. 25 SBo ift SBi^elm? )er ^ammerbiener ? ben td^t ber SKaJor reif en. f a. @o ? unb Wltyp, ^ ift & er ? 3uft er 3^9 e ^ ? ben fyat ber err auf jufjeben ge* ge&en. so 96 HTinna t>on Barnljelm. SBeit er iefct feme $agb Ijat, ofyne- 3 fcL Slber STOartte? 3uft. )er Sutfcfyer ? ber ift toeggerttten. SranstSfa. Unb ftrifc?.' ' , 5 Suft, U)cr Saufcr? ber ift ammeter t $ranjifa, 3S$o tear gr benn, ate ber SKaior bet in 3:f)Uringen im SBtnterquarttere ftanb ? & toar not^ nitf)t bet iljm? Sufi O ia, trf) mar ^ettlned^t bet tl)tn ; aber id^ lag 10 im Sajarett ^ranj^fa. SReitfne^t? Unb iefct ift (gr? 3uft Slfle^ in allem ; Sammerbiener unb ^ager, 8au* fer unb ^Reitfned^t. granjt^la* Sa^ ntu^ id) geftetjen! @o t)iefe gute, is tud^ttge 8eute t>on fit^ gn laffen unb gerabe ben Slfler- f^Iec^teften ju bel)alten! Qtf) mo^te bod; nrifjen, ma^ fein err an Ofynt fanbe! 25iet(ei(^t finbet er, baft id) ein e^iiid^er Serl bin. O, ntan ift and) fcerjtoeifett tDenig, tuenn 20 man toeiter ni^ ift ate e^rlirf). 9BiIt)eIm irnr. ein anbrer -Jftenfcf)! 9?eifen (a^t it)n ber err? Qa, er Ia|t iljn, ba er'^ nid^t fjinbern fann. SBie ? O, SBil^elm toirb fid) atte S^re auf feinen 25 9?eifen maiden. Sr I)at be^ errn ganje arberobe mit. ^ranjtefa. 2Ba$? Sr ift bo^ nic^t bamit burdjge^ gangen ? Sttft S)a$ fann man nun eben nidfjt fagen ; fonbern, ate ttrir t?on 9Wrnberg meggtngen, ift er un$ nur nid^t so bamit narfjgefommen. an Drtttcr 2luf3ug. groeiter tfuftrttt. 97 ) ber S e$ toar em ganger 2ftenfd) ! er forntte frifieren unb rafieren unb parlieren unb fdjarmteren. 9itd)t twfyr? %van%i$ta. (Sonad) fyatte id) ben 3irb er bo^ luo^I njieberfomnten ? 9Keint @ie? 30 1 98 ITttnna oon Barnfyelm. 3Bo tft er benn Ijingeritten ? gefyt nun in Me jeljnte SBocfye, ba ritt er mtt beS errn ehtjigem unb (extent SReitpferbe nad) ber djtoemme. 5 ftranjisfa. Unb tft nocf) nicfyt nrieber ba? ), ber algenftridf ! 3uft, ie (Sdjtoemme fann ben brazen ^ntf^er au^ tDO^f t)erfd)^emntt fyaben! ^ tDar gar ein renter Sutfdier ! r fyatte in SBien je^n ^^ re gefaljren. @o 10 einen friegt ber err gar nici)t iDteber. SBenn bie im molten 9?ennen lr>aren r fo bnrfte er nur ntarfjen : unb auf einmal (tanben fie ttrie bie 2Wauern. S)abei tt)ar er ein auSgelernter SJo^arjt! 5ftun ift tnir fiir ba^ SStoancentent be^ bange 9?ein, nein, bamit ^af feine SRidjtiflfett. Sr ift bei etnem arnifonregimente getDorben. id) an ein tteberticfjeS 9ftenfc!), !am 20 be 5yfad:)t3 niemat$ nad) aufe, uiac^te auf be$ errn 9Jamen itberatt @d)u(ben unb taufenb infame ber 3Jiajor fa^ r ba er mit aller elralt - ba ^angen ^nntomimif^ onseigenb ; er bradjte iljn alfo guten SBeg. 25 ^^it5t^fa D/ ber S3ube ! Suft 3lber ein perfefter Saufer ift er r ba ift S33enn i{)m ber err fitnfjig c^riite Dorgab, fo lonnte er ifjn mtt feinem beften 9tenner nic^t eint)olen. gnfe fjingegen fann bem afgen taufenb @d)ritte Dorgeben, so unb id) toette mein Seben, er ^olt iljn ein. @^ luaren Drttter 21 uf 3113. Drttter 2Iuftrttt. 99 fyt guten greunbe, unb ber Wltpp, ber 2ftartin nnb ber grife? Stan, empfiefylt fief) ! e^t a&. Drttter 2tuftrttL gran$i!a unb fjeruacl) bet SSirt. a bte tljm ernftSaft na^fie^t. Qd) tJerbtCttC bett 3^ ^ebanfe mt^, Qnft. Qtf) fefete bte gljrlidjlett ^u 5 ttef ^erab. Qtf) totll bte 8e^re ntdjt t)ergeffen. 21^1 ber Uttgfitcfltdje 9Kann! ^e^rt fi^ urn unb Juia tto^ bem 3immer be 5^^wl e ^ Qe^en, inbem ber SStrt fommt. 9Btrt 2Barte @te boc^, metn fd^one^ Smb. ^ a be je^t nt^t geit, err SStrt. 10 2)cr SEBirt* S 3?ur em Heine^ 3Iugenb(tcfd)en! feme Sta^rtc^t setter Don bem @errn 3D?apr? fonnte borf) untndgtt^ fern 9Ibf(^teb fern! benn? e^ 3^ r ^ a ^ gnabtge grautetn nt(f)t 15 erja^It? t 2tte i(i) @te, mem fd)bne Stub, unten in ber Sitcije t3erlie r fo fam i^ ti^n ungefa^r mteber Ijter in" ben aat ' fi>^(j[5x4^ ?* ^ >> v^\>' 33on ungefa^r, in ber Slbftcfyt, einiDentg 20 2>er SStrt @i, mein $inb, mie fann asl( id) gefefyen. gfrattjisfa, $a fo! 9?nn, abien, err SBirt, SBer* 5 ben totr balb effen, err SBirt? SStrt 3ftein fdf)5ne ^inb r nid)t ^n sergeffen, ic^ etgentti^ fagen toottte. ^ranji^la. 9tun? aber nnr fnrj 2)cr 2Btrt 2)a^ gnabtge grantein l^at nod^ meinen 10 Sting; tt^ nenne i^n meinen $rait5t3fa, (Sr foil if)nen nnDerloren fein. 2)cr SBirt. $d) trage barnm ant^ feine @orge ; t($ tDtlt^ nnr ertnnern, @ie^t ie, id) tottt iljn gar nid)t etnmal loieber fyaben, Set) Icinn mir bod) tool)I an ben is gtngern abjafjfen, tDo^er fie ben 9ttng fannte, nnb mo^er er bem tfyrigen fo a^nlid) fa^* r ift in i{)ren anben am beften anfgefyoben. Qfy mag i^n gar nidjt nnb mitt inbe$ bie ^nnbert ^iftofen, bie id) baranf ben ^abe, anf be$ gnabtgen grdnlein^ 9?ed)nnng fe^en. 20 %litf)t fo re^t, mein fdjones finb? Pierter 2luftritt. SSirt, SSenter. S)a ift er {a! 3frcr aStrt. SDtc 2Saf)r^eit! Ija, H ^a! n^a^r, mein fc^one^ Sinb, immer beffer! )er 33Jann lann fpa^enl %$ gefafyrlidj? idE)? @o Dor jman- gig 3^^^ inar tt>a$ bran. 3a, Ja, mein fd)ime$ Sinb, 25 ba mar id) gefdl)r(icf) ; ba h)Upte mandje baDon ju f agen ; aber je^t aScrner* D iiber ben atten barren! 2)er SSirt a ftecEt^ eben! SSenn ttrir alt tt)er* ben, ift e$ mit unfrer efd^rli^leit aM. ( tt)irb if)m so and) ni(J)t beffer ge^n, err SBerner ! Drtttcr 2Iuf3iig. Pterter 21uftrttt. 103 aScrncr, $o ecf unb lein (Snbe! mermen, fo Diet 23erftanb toirb @ie mir tool)! ^utrauen, bag id) Don ber efafjriidjfeit nidjt rebe, )er etne eufel fyat ifyn Derfaffen, aber e$ (tub bafitr fteben anbere in ifyn gefafyren 5 Set SBirt O, l)of @tc bod), f)or' @tc bo^! SBte er ba$ nun toteber fo Ijernnt jn bringen toeip! pcifs iiber @|3a5 f unb immer tw$ 92eue^ ! D, e ift etn Dor= treffti^er 9Jfann r ber err ^aul 9Berner ! 5 ur granaufa, ais ins' D^t. u too^If)abenber 3}Jann unb nojlj lebtg, in ^at brei 2ftetten t^on ^ter etn fcfjtfneS grelfcfiulgen* 7 t)at 33eute gemac^t im Srtege! Unb ift 2Bad)tmeifter bet unferm errn 3)?aior getoefen. D, ba^ ift etn greunb Don unferm errn 3)iaior! ba^ ift ein greunb [ ber fid) fitr it)n totfi^Iagen lie^e ! 15 3entcr. $al unb bo ift etn greunb Don metnem 3Jfaior! ba^ ift ein greunb! ben ber 2ftaj;or follte totf^Iagen (affen* er 28irt 3Bie? toa^ ? 5Kcm r er ^ SBerncr, ba^ ift ni(^t guter @pa^, $d) fein greunb t)om errn 20 2ftajor ? S^etn, ben pa Dcrftc^' ic^ ntdjt. aScrncr, ^uft ^at mir fcf)one Singe 2)cr atrt Quft? ^c^ bad)f3 too^I, @ie fpradje, ^}uft ift ein bofer, garfttger 3Kenfc^, Slber ^ier ift ein fcfjoneS Sinb jur tette ; ba^ lann reben ? 25 ba$ mag fagen, ob id) lein greunb tion bent errn STOafor bin? ob id) U)m leine ienfte ertoiefen fyabe? llnb toarum fotttc \ nid)t fein ^reunb fein? $}t er nidjt ein t)erbienter 3JJann? & ift toaljr er ^at ba$ llngtitcf gel)abt r abgebanft ju toerben ? aber tt)a^ tut so 104 XHtnna rxm Barnfyelm. ba$? Der Sontg !ann nid)t alte t>erbiente Scanner fen- nen; unb toenn er fie and) afie fenttte, (o fann er fie nid)t atle betoljnen. aScnter. )a Ijeifet 3f)n ott fprecfjen ! Slber $uft s freifid) ift an 3uften and) nirf)t Diet Sefonber^ ; boc^ em Aligner ift Qnft ntdf)t ; unb toenn ba lua^r tocire, tt)a^"er rntr gefagt f)at $er aStrt ^d) tH Don ^uften nid)t^ f)oren ! 2Bie gefagt, ba3 fc^one Sinb ^ier mag fpredjen ! 311 t^r tn c^r. 10 @te tuei^, mein Sinb, ben 9ting ! (Srjaljf @te e6 bo^ err SSentern. a toirb er mid) beffer fennen lernen. llnb bamit e^ nicf)t t)eranfommt, ate ob (2ie ntir nnr jn (Befallen rebe, fo tDtll id) nid)t einmal babei fein. 3c^ mill nidjt babei fein ; id) toilt ge^en ; aber @ie fotlen is mtr e$ toieberfagen, err SBerner, (2ie follen mir e^ itJteberfagen, ob Qnft nid^t ein garftiger SSerteuntber ift. ^iinfter ^uftritt. SBcrncr* grauenjimmer^en, fennt ie benn meinen Den 3Jiaior t>on 20 fenn' id) ben brat>en SKann. 38crner. 3ft e$ nidjt ein brater 2ftann? 3ft bent 3Kanne toof)( gnt? 3Son runb tneine SBa^r^aftig? ie^t @ie, 25 d)en, nun fommtSie mir nocf) einmal fo fcfjbn t?or. Dritter 2Iuf3ug, ^iinfter 2Iuftritt. 105 2lber ttmS ftnb benn ba$ f itr uenfte, bte ber SBtrt unferm -JRajor toill ertoiefen fjaben? 3?ratt5t3fa. Qd) ftmftte eben nid)t ; e$ toare benn, bafj er fidj ba$ ute snfdjretben toolite, meltfie^ glitcf^ (td^ermetfe cms f cittern fcfyurftfrfjett ^Betragen gttt[t^|)p.tt. SBcrner. @o it)dre e6 ja it?a^r, tt)a^ tntr 3n ^Clt ? egen bie <5ette, too ber 2Birt abgegangen. Cttt tii(f f bu gegcmgett btft! (Sr I)at ttjm imrfHrf) bie attSgertiwnt ? o etnem Sftatttte fo einen treidf) ju fpiefett, tt)ei( fitf) baS fetegel)irn einbttbet, ba^ ber 10 2Wann leitt etb tne^r f)abe! J)er 2)faj;or fern elb! 5ransifa. @o ? fyat ber ^a{or @elb ? SSeruer. SBie ett! (Sr toeig ni(^t r n)iet)iet er ^at. (Sr triet^ ni(f)t, lt)er i^m fdjutbig ift, $tf) bin i^tn fetber frf)tt(big unb bringe tt)tn eitt atteS 9?eft(f)ett ie^t @te r 15 grauen5ttnmer(^en r ^ier itt biefetn 33etttetd)ett ba er nu0 ber etnen af$e jie^t finb ^unbert Souisbor, unb in biefetn SfJott^ djen ba er au ber anbem ste^t ^unbert J5ttfaten Silted fettt Oelb! Sranjtefa* SBa^r^aftig? 2Iber toanttn t)erfe^t benn' 20 ber SKaior? (5r ^at {a etnen SRing t)erfe^t- aSenter, 33erfe^t! lanb' @te bo^ fo toaS ni(f)t, 93ie(tet(i)t ba| er ben ^ettel !^at jern Pollen Io8 fetn. grattjMa. g tft fein cttcfl ce ift ein fef)r foft- barer 9ting r ben er tool)! no(^ bajn t>on lieben anben 25 SBerner. )a$ mirb^ ancf) fein. 25on lieben dnben! ia r {a ! @o n?a6 ertnnert einen man^mal, tooran man nifyt gern ertnnert fein toitt. X)rnnt fc^afft tnan'^ an$ ben 3tttgen, so 106 XTttttna ron Barrtfyelm. 2Bte? SBerner, )em olbaten gefyfs in SBinterquartieren tounberlicf). a tjat er nicfyts 311 tun unb pflegt fid) nnb madjt bor Sangertoeile Selanntfdjaften, bie er nur 5 auf ben 2Binter meint unb bte ba$ gute ^erg, mit bem er fie madjt, fur geitlebenS annimmt ^u[d^ ift il)tn bann ein $RingeI(f)en an ben ginger praftijiert ; er toetfc fetbft nid^t, it)ie e^ baran fommt. Unb ni(f)t felten gab' er gent ben ginger ntit brunt, tt)enn er e^ nur toieber 10 Io^ tDerben fonnte, ^ranjt^fa* Si, unb folfte e bem 5D?aj;or aut^ fo gegangen f ein ? SBerner, anj gett)i^ Sefonber^ in @at^fen ; toenn er je^n ginger an {eber anb ge^abt Ijatte, er fyatte fie 15 alle s^an^ig fcotter ^tnge. gefriegt. ^ransi^f'a tetfeite. )a$ ftingt ja gans befonber^ unb fcerbient unterfuc^t ^u iDerben, err greifcfjulge ober err 2GBacf)tnteifter 2Bcrner grauenjintnter^en, tocnn^ Qfy nic^t^ ^er* 20 fcf)tcigt, err 3Sa^tntetfter, ^ore it^ am liebften. f5rattji^a 9ton, err 9Baif)tmeifter, ^ier ^abe it^ ein Sriefdjen t)on bem ^errn^ SJiajor an meine errfd)aft. Qi) tt)ill e^ nur gefdjttrinb l)eretntragen unb bin gleirfj iDteber ba SBill Sr toof)( fo gut fein unb fo lange fyier 25 luarten? ^rf) mod)te gar ju gern mefyr mit $$m plau^ bent. SBerner, ^taubert @ie gern, grauenjimmerc^en ? 9?un meinetmegen ; ge^ @ie nur ; id) ^(aubere and) gern ; tc^ tt)itl toarten. so Sranji^la. D, lt?arte gr borf) [a ! qt a *. Drtttcr Zlufsug. Stebenter ^tuftritt. 10 T Setter 2luftritt. SSerncr, )a$ tft fein unebneS grauenjimmer- tfjen! 2lber id) fyatte ifyr bod) nidjt fcerfpredjen fotten, 311 marten, )enn ba$ SBidjtigfte mare tt)o^I, idf) furf)te ben 9JZaior auf. @r \rnll mein elb ntd)t unb Iteber? Saran fenn' id) iljn. g fallt mtr ein ler ein, 2te t(^ t?or t^ierje^n agen in ber @tabt befucfyte i^ bie 9?ittmeifterin 3JiarIoff. )a$ arme SBetb (ag franf unb iatwnerte, ba^ i^r 3Kann bent 2ftaior t)ier^ ^nnbert ^aler ftfjitfbig geblieben tDdre, bie fie nicfjt tDii^te, H)ie fie fie bejafylen fottte, ente oolite ic^ fie 10 mieber befn^en ; id) tDotlte i^r fagen, SBenn irf) ba^ elb fiir mein ntcfyen au^be^a^It friegte, ba td^ ifjr fitnf^unbert Xaler Ieil)en li)nnte, )enn i^ mn^ ja )po^t tt)a$-bat)on in i^er^ett dringen, luenn'^ in ^er- fien ni(^t ge^t, 9lber fie mar itber atle Serge, llnb 15 ganj getin^ mirb fie bem 3JZa{or nidjt ^aben beja^fen f dnnen, 5va f fo \tifl W& "\\ftfttn. nnb ba^ |e e^er [e . (iebef 3)a^ grauenjintmerrfjen mag mir^ nii^t iibel ne^men ; ic^ fann nid)t marten. etjt tn ebanfen auf uni> at wnb fto&t faft auf ben 3JJojor, ber i^m entgegenfommt. 20 /^ Siebenter iluftritt 9. XeUfyeim. ^aul S enter. Seflfjemu @o in ebanfen, 2Berner? a finb @ie Ja ; id) mottte eben ge^n unb ie in Qtytm neuen Quartiere befurf)en, err 108 UTinna von Barnfyelm. &. SeKfjeim* Um mir^antJioi-Jffiiri^ Ofjren Dolt ju ffndjen. ebenle mir nidjt baran. \ SBerner. 3)a$ Jfratte id) better getan ; fa. Slber eigentlid) tnolfte id) mid) nur bet $f)nen bebanlen, bafc 5 ie fo gut getoefen unb mtr bte fjnnbert SoutSbor cwf- ge^oben, $n\t ^at mir fie tmebergegeben. @^ lt)are mtr tt)o^I freiti^ lieb, JDenn @ie mir fie nod) langer aufl)eben fonnteru 9Jber ie finb in etn neu Quartier gejogen, bac^ lueber 2ie nofy id) fennen, 2Ber tpei^ 10 ti)ie^ ba ift. ie Knnten S^rten ba geftofyfen toerben^. llnb @ie mit^ten mir fie efe|en~; ba plfe nidjt^ ba- Dor. ^llfo fann icf)' ^tjnen freilid^ ni(^t jumuten. to. Settljeim is^einb. eit toann bift bit fo t)orficf)tig, SBerner ? 15 SBcrncr. (5^ lertit fid) toofyL Wlan fann ^eutju^ tage mit feinem elbe nid^t t>orfid)ttg genng fein. S)arnad) fyatte id) noc^ tpa an ie ju befteHen, ^)err 2)?ajor, t)on ber 9?ittmeifterin 3J?arIoff ; id) lam eben Don ifyr Ijer. Qfy 93^ann ift ^^nen {a trierfynnbert 20 Jater fcfjntbig geblieben ; f)ier fc^icft fie ^Ijtien anf 2lb= f^fag ^unbert 3)nfaten.. ^a^ itbrige tuiH fie fttnfttge SBoc^e fd)ic!en. ^d) moc^te mol)t felber Urfat^e fetn, ba^ fie bie nmme nicf)t gan3 fdjiclt. 35enn fie ar mir and) ein Staler at^tsig fc^nlbig ; nnb n>eit fie 25 bad)te, it^ tDdre gelommen, fie gn ma^nen, tDie^ benn and) toofyf tt)al)r n^ar fo gab fie mir fie nnb gab fie mir an bem 9?ottd)en, baS fie fitr ie fd)on gnre^t gelegt f)atte. ie !cnnen anc^ f djon el)er Qfyt I)nnbert Jater ein adjt Z age noc^ miff en, afe id) meine so rofdjen. a nef)men ie bod). Drttter Slufsug. Stebenter 2luftriti 109 ttu 3Berner! 9?un ? twrum feljen @te mid) f o ftarr an ? So nefymen @te bod), err Sfiajor! to. $efll)etm* SBerner! 2Benter, SSaS feljlt gotten? Sag argert @tc? tl SettfjCtttt Bitter, irtbem er fid? bor bte time fd^lagt unb mit bent auftritt. 2)ae e^ bic Dierfyunbert Jater ntd)t SBentcr* 9Zun> nun, crr SKaior! aben @tc mtcf) benn ntc^t t)erftanben ? 10 to. SeHQjeim* (Sben toeit tcf) btc^ bcrftanbcn ^abe! a mid) bodj bte beftcn 3Kettf(^en fyent am metften . qniilen miiffen! 3Bcrncr. SBa^ fagen @ie? 1 ,& Scfi^ctm* S^ ge^t bid) nur jar affte an! el), 15 Snbem et bte ^anb, nttt ber tfint XSerner bte 2)itlaten reidjt, SBerncr. u* SeB^etm* SBerner, tt)enn bu nun don mtr I)drft r ba bte ^Karloffin t)eute ganj fritlj fetbft bet mir ge- 20 fcefentft? SSerner. @o ? to. Settfjeinu a fie mir ntd)t$ me^r f^utbig ift? SScrucr. 2Bal)rfyaftig ? ^ Sctt^cim. a fie mid) bei Better unb pfennig 25 beja^It ^at, tua^ toirft bu bann fagen? SSctner ber ftcO ctncn Stugenblicf 6e[innt. ^^ ttjerbc fagen, ba td^ getogen fyabe, unb ba^ e^ eine tjunb^ftfttfdje @ac^e um^ 8itgen ift, toeil man britber ertappt toerben fann. 3 110 UTtnna con Barnfyelm. to, SettJjeim. Unb toirft bid) fd)amen? SSerner. 2lber ber, ber mid) (o ju liigen gtoingt, fottte ber? Sotlte ber fid) nid)t and) fcpmen? @el)en @ie, err 3ftajor, toenn id) fagte, baft mid) 3^ 23?r s 5 fafjren nid^t tjcrbrfiffc, fo ptte id) tDieber gelogen, unb td^ ttritt nid)t me^r titgen. IP* Seflijeuiu (Set nid)t t)erbrieft(ic^ r SSerner! 3d) erfenne bein erj unb beine 8iebe ju mir Slber id^ brauc^e bein elb nidjt. 10 SBerner* @ie braud^en e nifyt ? nnb tjerfanfen tieber unb t>erfeen lieber unb bringen fid) lieber in ber eute 8eute mdgen e immer tDiffen, baft i^ nid)t metjr ^abe* 3Jfan muft nidjt reiser fc^einen is iDoHen, ate man ift SBcrner. 3lber toarum armer ? Sir fyaben, fo lange unfer greunb fyat t> Sctt^ctnu e^ jiemt fid) nidjt, baft id) bein (Sdjutb* ner bin, 20 SBerner* 3iemt fid) ni(^t ? -- SB^nn an einem ^eiften Jage, ben un$ bie @onne unb ber geinb' ^eift ma^te, fid) 3^ r SReitfnei^t mit ben Santinen tierloren Ijatte, unb ie ju mir famen unb fagten : SBerner, ^aft bu nic^t^ ju trinfen? unb id) ^fynen mctnc ge(bftefd)e 25 reid)te, ni^t l^at)^ @ie na^men unb tranf en ? 3^ etn ^ e fid) ba6? 53ei meiner armen Seele, tt)enn ein Jrunf faute SSaffer bamafe nid)t oft mefyr mert mar ate alle ber Quarf ! Sni'em er aud) ben Seutel mit ben Souiboren 5eraujte^t unb ' i^m &eibe ^inreic^t. 97e^men @ic, lieber 3JtaJor! ^ilben so @ie fid^ ein, e$ ift SBJaffcr. 2lu^ ba$ ^at ott fitr afle gefdjaffen. Drttter 2Iuf3iig. Stebenter 2Iuftritt. Ill to. Settljetm. )u tnarterft mid) ; bit Ijflrft e$ ja, id) will bein cfyutbner nidjt fein. SSerner. rft jtemte e fid) nidjt ; nun molten @ie jticfyt ? 3 a / ba tft toa$ anberS. caws argerit^. on Barntjelm. ben llmftanben nid)t, in toetdjen id) mid) JeJjt befinbe. SBeriter, (So, fo! @ie tootten eS berfparen bte auf beffere geiten ; o^t ba$ 9)?etier ate bie tt)i(be, Iieber(id)e Seben^art liebeft, bie ungtitc!^ so tid)ertt>eife bamit berbunben ift. 9J?an muft ^olbat iein Dritter TJufsug. Stebcnter ^luftritt, 113 anb r ober an8 fttefie ut ber-@ac6e,. fur Me _ O^ne Slbfidjt fyente Ijter, morgen ba bienen, fjeiftt tote em gleifdjerfnedjt retfen, toeiter ntdjW. 2Scrner. SRutt ja bod), err SDZftiyr, id) toift Otynen folgetu ie toiffen beffer r toa^ ftd) ge^firt 3^ toitt 5 bet 3?^nen bletben. Slber, lieber SJJajor, nefjmen @te bot^ aud) beriDeile mein elb* euf ober morgen tmtft ^^re @a(^e gu$ fetiL @te tnitffen elb Me SJ^ettge befommen, @ie- fotten mir e^ fobann tntt Qn* tereffen totebergeben* Qtf) tu' e^ j[a nur ber ^ntereffen 10 toegen. tj. Sett^etm* Sc^tDetg' bat)on ! SSerner. Set metner artnen @ee(e, tc^ tit' e nur ber 3fntereffen toegen ! SBenn tc^ mancf)mal bad^te : tote totrb e^ nttt btr cmf$ Sllter toerben ? toenn bn gn is c^anben gel)auen bift? toenn bn ntdjts t)aben totrft? toenn bn totrft betteln geljen ntitffen? fo bac^te itf) toteber : SRetn, bn totrft ntdjt bettefn ge^n ; bn totrft gnm DJZajor SteH^eim ge^n ; ber totrb fetnen te^ten pfennig nttt btr tetten ; ber totrb bid) jn Jobe fitttern ; bet bent 20 totrft bn al$ etn e^rttrfjer $erl fterben f5nnen *. Jett^Ctm inbem er 9Serner onb ergreift. Unb, ^amerab, ba^ benfft bn ntdjt nod)? SSernev, SRetn, ba benf itf) nt^t metjr. 9Ber uon mir nti^t^ annef)tnen toill, toenn er^ bebarf nnb ify% 25 ^abe, ber toid mir and) ntd)t^ geben, toenn er ; $ ^at nnb tc^^ bebarf. erfpred)e, ba id) Mr eS fagen tirill, toenn icf) feineS me^r ^abe ; ba bn ber erfte nnb etn* gige fein foflft, bei bem id) mir ettoaS borgen luitl : bift bn bann pfrieben? 5 aSerncr. 9Jht td^ ntd)t ? eben ie mir bte anb baranf, err aJtajor. b. Sett^cim. )a, ^JJanl! llnb nnn genng ba&on. Qtf) fam ^iertjer, nm ein getmffeS 9Jiabd)en jn fpredjen. 2luftritt. aii bem 3^ me ^ ^ e $aul SSerner. tm erausttctcn. @tnb @te nod) ba, err 10 TUCifter? Snbem fie ben Xett^etm getro^r toirb. llftb/ @te futb ba r ^err aKajor? en HugenbTTcf tin tcf) ju Jrteber in ba 3immer. Heunter 2IuftriiL t). eHI)eim. ^aul SSerner. 3)a h)ar fie! 2lber ic^ ^ore {a, bu lennft fie, 2Berner? 15 SScrner. Qa, id) fenne ba$ granensimmer^en, J3. ScfUjeim* leidjtDo!)!, irenn id^ mtd^ red^t ertnnere, at6 id) in l)uringen SBinterquartier ^atte, tearft bn nidjt bei mtr? aBerner, 9Jein, ba beforgte i^ in Seipjtg SRontie* 20 rnng^ftitcfe, t>, SeB^cim* SBo^er fennft bn fie benn alfo? Dritter 2luf3ug. gefjnter 2Iuftrttt. 115 SBctner. Unfere 4Be!cmutfd)aft i(t norf) bfatpmg* > ScC^ctm. Brft bu ntdjt? au^ ^itrmgen ^er. SBcrner. Q\t ba^ grciutein Jung? t>. Seflfjemu ^a. SScrncr. @^on? 10 tu Scfi^cim. @el)r SScrncr. 9tetrf)? aSerncr. 3P -3f)tten ba grduletn and) fo gut trie ^ 3fttibdjen? a^ ludre ja Dortreffltc^ ! 15 . S33tc meinft bu? Jtuftrttt luiebcr f)eratt8, mil cinem 33riefe in ber attb. t). XcU^cim. $aur SBertter. *. Seflfjemu 8tebe ^ranjt^fa, t^ {jabe bt^ nod^ utc^t Ijet^en I5uneu 20 * 3 n ebaufen tnerben @te e^ bod) fd)on getan fjabeu. 34 ^ e iB/ e ptib mtr gut* 34 S^ ne ^ au^, Slber ba^ ift gar nidjt artig, ba @te 8eute, bic gut ftnb, fo augftigeu. fic^. a, nuu merf td^. @^ ift ridfyttg ! 25 116 ITttnna son Barttfyelm. to. SdHjewu SKctn @d)icffat, gratijisfa ! aft bu tfyr ben 33rtef iibergeben? gfrattjisfa, $a, un ^ ^ er ii6ergebe id) Qfyntn tet$t iljm ben 93rtcf. 5 to. Xeflljetm, Sine Stnttoort? Sftein, ^rcn etgenen 33rtef tDteber. 2Ba^? @ie toiH tt)n ntd)t Icfcn? f a. te tootlte n)ot)t, aber tmr I onnen e* ntc^t gut lefen. 10 b* Seflfjehm @rf)aferin! ^ranjt^fa* Unb tDtr benfen, ba ba 33rteffd)retben fitr bie ntd)t erfunben tft, bte ftcf) milnbltrf) mit emanber unter^alten f5ttnen, fobatb fie tootten. to. SeK^etm* Seller 23orit)anb ! <2ie mu^ t^n tefen. 15 gr ent^dlt metne SRec^tferttgung, atle bte riinbe unb Urfad^en gran5t^fa* !iDte tt)ttt ba grautein t)on Qfynen fetbft Ijorett, ntd)t lefen, to. SeC^etm* 3Soti mtr felbft l)5ren? Samtt mid) ^ 20 jebe^ SBort, jebe 9Kiene t)on il)r jeriptrre, bamit ic^ in < jebem ifyrer Stitfe bte ganje ro^e metne 2Serluft empfinbe? ^ranjtgla. Ofyne Sarm^erjigf eit ! 9?e^men @ie I Scflfjeim* SBerner, bn ^aft boc^ ntd)t Dergeffen, so 118 Hltmta son Barnljelm. id) bir me^rmafe gefagt I)abe, ba$ man itber einen getoiffen ^nnlt mit bem granengimmer nie fcfyergen mn ? SSerner. 33ei metner armen @eele, id) fann'S t>et> geffen Ijaben ! granengimmercfyen, id) bttte 3?ranjtltu 9?nn, t^enn e^ @pa^ getoefen tft ; bie^maf id) e^ i^m tjerjei^en, aJeflJjeum SBenn id^ benn burdjau^ fommett tnu^ [o mad>e bocf) nur, ba^ ba grdutem ben 33rtef Dormer nod^ Iteft* )a mirb mir bte ^eintgung 10 erfparen, Singe nod^ etnmal ju benfen, not^ einmat ju fagen, bie ic^ fo gern toergeffen mo^te. !j)a r gib il)r ifyn ! 3tiem er ben Srief umle^rt unb t^t t^n siireirfjen tcia, ioirb er getoa^r, ba& er erbroc^en tft. Slber felje id^ recfjt ? !j)er 23rief, gran- gi^fa, ift ja erbrodjen. 15 %tan$i$a. a^ fann toofjl fein. scfte^t t$n. SSa^r- fyafttg, er ift erbroc^en. SBer ntuft i^n benn erbrod)en t)aben? S)od) gelefen Ijaben ft)ir ifjn ftrirHid) nii^t, err 3Jiajor, H)trf(id) nidjt SBir tDotten i^n aud) ntdjt lefen, benn ber c^reiber fommt felbft Sommen @ie ja ; 20 nnb miffen @ie tt)a^, err 9JJo{or ? Sontmen @ie nifyt fo, mie @ie ba finb, in tiefeln, lanm frifiert @ie finb jn entfd)itlbigen ; @ie ^aben nn^ nic^t Dcrmutct Sommen ie in c^u^en, nnb taffen ie^^/frijc^ frt= fieren. @o fe^en @ie mir gar gu orab^-jjSr gu 25 ^ifd) an^, * ^d^ banfe btr, grangi^la. . SeK^cim* !Dn fannft e^ erraten Ijaben. so fJranji^Ja* SBir footten nn^ gteic^ an^ pn^en nnb Drtttcr 2tuf3ug Ifter 2Iuftrttt. 119 fobcmn effen. SBtr beljielten @ie gern jutti (Sffen, abet 3f)re egentoart modjte nn$ an betn Sffen fyinbern ; nnb fefyen @ie, fo gar fcerttebt finb ttrir ntdfjt, baft nnS ntcfyt fyungerte. fc. Sctt^cim. 3^ ge^! granst^Ia, bereite fie mbe si em toentg t)or r batntt ic^ itjeber in tfyren, no(^ in meinen ( Slugen t)erad)tli^ tuerben barf, $omnt, SBerner, bu fottft mit mir e[fen, aSerner* Sin ber SBirtStafet, ^ier im aufe? )a 'tDtrb nttr fetn 53tffen fcfytnetfen. 10 u. SeH^ehm 53ei mir anf ber tube. SSenter. @o folge icf) ^^ ett gtetcf). 9?ur noc^ ein SBort mit benf grauenjimmerdjen. ti* Sett^eim* a^ gefattt mir nid)t itbet ! e^t at. Clfter Jluftritt* Sfrattjtefa* Slun, err SBa^tmetfter? is SBerner, granensimmerdjen, tt>enn i(^ tDieberfomme, fott irf) aurf) getter fommen? gfrattjtefa* Somm' (Sr, tt)fe @r toil!, err metfter ; metne 2lugen werben lti(f)t lutber 3$n Slber meine D^ren toerben befto me^r auf i^rer ut 20 gegen %$n fetn muffen. 3 toatt i^9 Sto9 e ^ ottc Cotter SRtnge ! &, et, err SBacfytmetfter ! aSerner. Stetn^ grauenjtmmerc^en, eben ba$ id) 3^r nod) fagen : bie S^nnrre fnl)r mir nur fo & ift ntd^t^ bran. 2JZan fyat Ja mol)t an e i n e m 9? inge 25 genng. Unb ^unbert nnb aber ^nnbertmat ^abe icf) ben 120 Httnna con Barnfyelm. 3JZa{or fagen Ijoren : )a$ mug em @djur!e t>on einent otbaten fern, ber ein 2ftabd)en anfitfyren fann! o benf id) and), grauenjimmerdjen. 33erlaff @ie fid) brcmf ! Qfy mug madjen, bag id) ifym nad)f omme, uten Slppetit, grauenjimmer^en ! e^t 06. Srattjtefa. let^falfe, err 2Bad)tmetfter ! 3^ glaube, ber 5Kann gef dflt mtr ! snbem fie lommt ifjr baS ^rdutetn entgcgen. 2Cttftrtt grautein. fjraulem* 3ft ber SKajor fd^on hrieber fort? ic^ gfaube, id) toare je|t fiion l^teber rufjtg 10 genug, bag ttf) t^n fjatte ^ter be^alten !dnnen. Uub i(J) mit( @ie notf) ruljiger madfjen. S5cfto beffer! @cin Sricf, o feut Srtcf! 3 e ^ e 3 e ^ e f^ ra ^ ^ en e^rlt^en, eblen 9J?aun,- ^ebe 3Betgerung, mid) ju befi^en, beteuerte mtr [erne is ?tebe. @r tDtrb e^ tt)ol){ gemerft fyaben, bag tt)ir ben Srief gelefen, 3)?ag er bocfy ; iDeun er nur lommt Sr fommt bocf) gett)tg ? 33fog ein tuenig- ju triel @tolj f granji^la, fcf)eint mir in feiner 2luffitf)nmg ju fein )enn au^ feiner eliebten fein IM ni(i)t 20 pollen ju banfen ^aben, ift tolj, untJerjei^Itdier Stolj ! SBenn er mir biefen gu ftarf merfen Iagt r tnotten @te feiner entfagen? @, fie^ bod)! 3jjmmert er bidi fc^on tufeber? ^ein, Hebe 5fttirrin, e i n e 3 gc^ler^ megen 25 entfagt man feinem SDlanne. 9?ein : aber ein Drittcr 2luf3ug. gmolftcr tfuftntt 121 tft mit beigefatten, il)n toegen btefe$ @tolje mtt a^n* Stolje em tcemg gu martern* 9iun, ba muffen @te ja red^t fefyr.rufytg fetn, mein grdutetn, luenn ^fynen ftfjon inteber treid^e betfattett* 5 2>a3 fjraulcitt. ^(^ bin e$ autf) ; lomm nur. it urirft beine 9?otte babet ju f^telen tjaben. @te ge^en britten ^ ,^ SHerter (Erfter Oluftritt. 3) a 6 graulein, tooftig unb reid), aber mit e(d)macf gefteibet. granjt^la. @ic ftc^en t>om Xifdje auf, ben ein ^Bebienter abrditmt @te fonnen unmogltcf) fatt fetn, graulein, 2)a SrSttleitu SDletnft bu r granjt^fa? bafj \tf) mid) ntc^t ^ungrig nteberfe^te, 5 fjranjfela* SBtr fatten attSgemadjt, femcr ber SJfa^jett nicfyt su erma^nen* Slber toir fatten un auc^ Dornc^mctt folten, an i^n ntri^t ?u tenfen, Sa3 grrauleitu SBirflirf), id| t)abe an -nicfyts ate an i^n geba^t* 10 $ran}tdf a a^ mcrltc id) too^f. 3^ fing t)on ^un^ bert ingen an jn fprec^en, unb ie antmorteten mtr anf jebe$ Derle^rt-. in anbrer Seblenter tragt iRaffee auf. tCt lommt etne ^a^rung^bet ber man efyer rtllen ma^en !ann, er Hebe, meiancfyoltfcfje Saffee ! 15 $a ^raulciti. ntttn? Qfymafytttint. Qfy benfe blo^ ber geftion na^ r bte Id) ifym geben lt)ttt, aft bu mt^ retfit begriffen, granjt^fa? SrrattsiSfa* O ja ; am beften aber toare e^, er er* fparte fie nn, 20 $a3 ^raulcttu S)n lutrft fet)en, ba ic^ i^n t?on rnnb au fenne, Der 3Wann, ber mid) je^t mit alien 122 RICCAUT Ptcrter 2Iuf3ug. (Erfter 2Juftrttt. 123 Dertoeigert, onrb mid) j>er^ cumaen ftreitig madjen, fobalb er Ijort, bag id) unglucflicf) unb fcerlaffen bin. gfrattjisfa feijr emftsaft Unb fo toa$ mug Me fetnfte tgenliebe nnenbttd^ ft^eln. 5 $al ^raitlctn* ittenri^terin ! @e^t boc^! Dorl)in & n erta^te fie mi^ aufW^lf^iefet auf (Sigenliebe.^^l 9tnn, fag mirf) nur r liebe granji^fa. n foftft mit beinem SBad^tmeifter au(^ madden fonnen, tt)a^ bu ipifift. SfranstSfa, 3Jfit meinent 2Bad)tmeifter ? 10 a fjraulcin* ^a, tt)enn bu e$ Dottenb^ feugneft, fo ift e$ ri^ttg. Qd) ^abe tfyn noc^ ni(f)t gefef)en; aber au$ jebem SBorte, ba^ bu mir t?on i^m gefagt ^aft, ic^ bir beinen 2Kann. - 2tuftritt 9liccaut be la 2ftarHnUre. S)a grauiein. noc| inner^alb bcr jene. Est-il permis, Monsieur 15 le Major? ftrmtsisfa, SBa^ ift ba$? SBill ba^ju un^? egen Me Xiir ge^enb. 5Riccaut Parbleu! Qt bin unriltig Mais non Qt bin nit unriftig C'est sa chambre 20 3rratt5tfa. anj gett)ig r gnabigeS grautein, glaubt biefer err, ben SJiajor t)on STelf^eim no(^ fyier ju finben. Sitccaut ^g fo ! ^ e Major de Tellheim ; juste, ma belle enfant, c'est lui que je cherche. Ou est-il ? Sr ujo^nt nid)t mef)r tyier. 25 124 tTTtnna t>on Barnfyehn. SRtccaut. Comment ? nof tor trier un f toansi! tnnb' Ijier logier ? llnb togier nit mefyr fjier ? SBo logier er benn? 2>a Sfrfittlettt tie aitf i$n sulommt. 2JMn err, 5 SRiccaui Ah, Madame, Mademoiselle, $f)ro nab t>erjetf) 2)a ^raulein. 3J?ein err, 3f^re ^rrung ift fefjr p cergeben unb 3^ re 3Sern)unberung fefyr natitrli^. S)er err 9)?ajor Ijat bie ute ge^abt, mtr, al$ einer grem- 10 ben, bte ni(f)t nnterjufommen h)n^te r fetn 3^ tnmer S u iiberlaffen* 9?iccaut* Ah, voila de ses politesses! C'est un tres-galant homme que ce Major ! 2>a3 ^rautcttt* SBo er inbeS ^tngejogen, tua^r^ 15 Ijafttg, icf) mu^ mtdf) fdjamen, e^ ni(i)t jit tt)t(fen, SRtccaut* ^^ro nab nit tt)t^? C'est dommage; j'en suis fache. SuS ^rautcttu %3) fjcitte mid^ afterbing$ barnac^ er* funbtgen fotten. greilid^ luerben if)n [eine greunbe nod) 20 fyier fud^en, SRtccaut Ql bin fe^r t)on feine greunb, $t)w nab granjfefa, meigt bn e nt(f|t ? 9]ein, gnabige^ grdulein. 9?iccaut $t ^att i^n ju fpref, fe^r notmenbif. 3^ 25 fomm i^m bringen eine Nouvelle, bat)on er fe^r frfi^Iil fetn tmrb. 2)a grvSitletm 3^ bebauere nnt fo t)tet me^r. - 3)orf) ^offc ic^, t)ieflei(i)t balb ifyn gu fprcd^cn. 3ft e^ gleidjtriel, an ftjeffen 9Jtonbe er biefe gnte yiafyrifyt er- so faljrt, fo erbiete id^ mi(^, mein err tfterter Slufsug. groetter 2Iuftrttt 125 SKccattt* Ql fcerftef). Mademoiselle parle fran^ais ? Mais sans doute ; telle que je la vois ! La demande etait bien impolie; vous me pardonnerez, Made- moiselle. $a3 $raulettu Sftein @err -^ SRiccatut. 5ftit? @te faref nit franjBfifrf), 3a ^raulctm elt)tB, mein err, btefe 9?a(f)rt^t mtrb bem 3D?aior Don Xetlljetm ^c^ft angene^m fetn. 3$ munfc^te nur, t^m ben greunb juglei^ mtt Seamen nen- nen ju fonnen, ber fo triel Stntetl an fetnem IU(fe 20 ntmmt 9ltccaut SKetn Sftamen tofinf^t ^ro nab? Vous voyez en moi Qfyo nab fef) in mil le Chevalier Riccaut de la Marliniere, Seigneur de Prt-au-val, de la branche de Prensd'or. 3^ ro nab ftel) derlDnn- 25 bert, mtf ait$ fo ein gro r gro^ gamtfie ju ^bren, qui est veritablement du sang royal. II faut le dire ; je suis sans doute le cadet le plus aventureux que la maison a jamais eu $t bien toon ntetner elfte in affaire d'honneur malte nttf flie^en. J)arauf 30 if gebtenet @r. ^dpftttfen gUtfyett, ber Stepublif @t Pterter ^Iiifsug, u>etter Zluftritt 127 SKartno, ber Sron ^olen, unb ben a3 ftrautehu 35a^ ift Diet Ungliid, SRtccaui Oui, Mademoiselle, me voila reforme, et par la mis sur le pav6 ! 10 2>a ^raulctn. %tf) beffage fc^r. SRtccaut* Yous tes bien bonne, Mademoiselle. 9?ein, man fenn fif ^ier nit auf ben 23erbienft. Stnen 2J?ann trie mif fu- reformier ! (ginen SJJann, ber fif nof bafu m biefem Dienft ^at ruinier yt ^aben babei fu- is 'geftVt me()r al^ ftoanfil taufenb Livres. SBa ^ab if nun? Tranchons le mot; je n'ai pas le sou, et me voila exactement vis-a-vis du rieru . 2>a ^rautcttt. g^ tut mir%tl^emein feib. SRtccaut Yous ^tes bien bonne, Mademoiselle. 2lber 20 toie man pfleg fu fagen : ein jeber Unglucf f^te^ naf fif feine 4Bruber ; qu'un malheur ne vient jamais seul : fo mit mir arriver. 28a$ ein honn^te homme t)on mein Extraction faun anber^ fyaben fitr Ressource afe ba Spiel ? 9?un ^ab if immer gefjrielen mit IM, fo fang 25 if fyatt$ nit toon nbten ber litd S^un if if)r ptte uon noten^ Mademoiselle, je joue avec un guignon, qui sur- passe toute croyance. @eit funffe^n Jag i^ uergangen feine, mo fie mif nit fyab gefprenft: 9fof geftern i)ab fie mif gefprenft breimaL Je sais bien, qu'il y avait quel- 30 128 Ulinna ton Barnljelm* que chose de plus que le jeu. Car parmi mes pontes se trouvaient certaines dames gl trritt nif$ toeiter fag. Sftan mufc fein galant gegen bie )amen* ie fjaberi au! mil fyeitt inviter, mir fu geben revanche ; mais vous 5 m'entendez, Mademoiselle 2)?cm mu$ erft ftrift, tootion leben, efye man fyaben fann, too&on fu fpielen 2>a gfraulettu ^c^ tt)tlf ntt^t ^offen, metn err- SRiccaut* Vous 6tes bien bonne, Mademoiselle Sa fjrrittleitt mmmt bte ^ranatSfa tietfeite. grcm3t3fa, ber 10 3Kann bauert mid) im Srnfte. Ob er mir e$ twfyl ubet nefjmen tmtrbe, tt)enn ic^ i{)m etfta^ cmbote? fiel)t mir nicfyt banarf) au. ut! 3Kein >err, id) ^5re, ba^ @ie fpietett, ba @ie 53anf marfjen, oljne f 3 U)e ^ e ^ an is Orten, too ettoaS gu geminnen ift. ^c*) u$ Qfyutn be* fennen, ba$ id) gteic^fato ba^ Spiel fefyr liebe SRiccaut Tant mieux, Mademoiselle, tant mieux ! Tous les gens d'esprit aiment le jeu a la fureur. 2)a fjraulein* a^ i^ fefyr aern jeminne, fe^r gern 20 mein etb mit einem 3)?anne toage/ : ber gu fpielen toei^. SBaren @ie tt)of)t gfetgt, mein >err, mid) in efetlf^aft ju ne^men? 3Kir einen Slnteil an ^fjrer 53anf git gdnnen? SRtccaut Comment^AIademoiselle, vous voulez tre 25 de moiti6 avec moi? Tie tout mon coeur. 2>a 3frfittlehu 23oig^fte nur mit etner Sleinigfeit e^t unb langt (Mb auS' i^rer c^atuCe. 9iiccaui Ah, Mademoiselle, que vous tes char- mante 1 ^ cjt \ so 2)a 5 r Sulein. ie^ fyabe id), toa^ ic^ tmldngft ge* Pierter 2Juf3ug. n>ctter 2Iuftrttt 129 toonnen, nur jeljn Pftolen id) mu mid) jimr fdjamen, fo toenig SRiccaut* Donnez toujours, Mademoiselle, donnez. JRimmtea. rfoffer 2>a3 Sfrauleuu )I)ne ^toeifel, *> a B 3fy re JBcmf, mem 5 err, fefyr anfefynlid) tft SRiccaut 3a tool)!, fd)r anfc^nlif. Se^n^iftol? gtyr ^nab foil bafiir interessier bet tneiner ^3an! auf em )rettet(, pour le tiers. *gtt)ar auf em S)reitei( fofien fein etttmS met)i\ Sof mtt einer fd^one Satnen mu^ 10 man eS ne^men nit fo genau. 3! gratulier mtt fit lommen babttrf in liaison mit ^^ r ^ tiab, et de ce mo- ment je recommence a bien augurer de ma fortune. 2)a^ fJfrauIettL 3^ ^ a ^ a ^^r ntd^t babei fein, tt)enn @ie fpieten, mein err. 15 SRiccaut. 2Ba brauf %fyo nab babei fn fein ? SBir anbern (Spieler finb ef)rttfe Sent nnter einanber. 2>a3 ^rriuleitt* 9Benn toir glu(f(id) ftnb, mein err, fo merben <5ie mir metnen 2lnteii ftfion bringen. lnb lt)ir aber nnglitcttic^ 20 SRiccaut. @o fomm if fyofen Stelrnten. 9?it tt?a^r, nab? rautcin* 3lnf bie ?tinge bitrften bie 9tefrnten fe^Ien. SSerteibigen te nnfer elb ba^er ja tool)!, mein err. 25 9liccawt SBofur fe^ mif ^t)ro nab an? gitr ein gtnf atepuifel ? fitr ein bnmme JEenff? ^a ?Jrautcm, 25erjeil)en @ie mir SRiccaut Je suis des bons, Mademoiselle. Savez- vous ce que cela veut dire ? Qt bin t)on bie 3lu3ge^ 30 f ernt 130 ItTinna r>on Barnfjelm. Sfrattleim Slber bod) tool)!, mein err SRtccaut* Je sais monter un coup 2>a grraulettt bemmnbernb. odten @ie ? Sltccaut* Je file la carte avec une adresse $a grrduleuu 9Jimmermel)r ! SJtccaut. Je fais sauter la coupe avec une dexte- ^rauleim te iDerben boc^ ntrf)t, mein >err? SRiccaut. SBa^ nit? 3^ro @nab, ma^ nit? Donnez- 10 moi un pigeonneau a plumer, et 2>a ^rauletm galf^ fpieten? betriiyen? Sliccaui Comment, Mademoiselle? Yous appelez cela betritgen? Corriger la fortune, 1'enchainer sous ses doigts, etre sur de son fait, bd$ nenn bie S)eutf d) is betritgen ? Setritgen ! O, iDa^ ift bie beutfrf) @|)raf f itr ein arm @praf! fitr ein pfump praf! Sag 3frauleuu Dlein, mein err r toenn @ie fo ben!en SRiccaut Laissez-moi faire, Mademoiselle, nnb fein @ie rnp ! 2B0 ge^en @ie an, U)ie if fpiel? enug, 20 morgen entireber fefyn mil n?ieber Qfyo nab mit fynnbert ^?iftol r ober fel) mif tmeber gar nit Yotre tres-humble, Mademoiselle, votre tres-humble GUeubs ob. ^rauletn Me i^m mit (Sritaunen nb 9Serbru noc^fie^t. Q(f) ba^ Iete, mein err, ba^ le^te! Sritter Jluftritt. S)a graiilein. 25 ^ran^igfa erbtttert. ann icf) no^ reben ? JO frfjon ! o Pterter 2luf3iicj. Drttter 2Iuftritt. 131 'potte nur ; id) tierbiene < " fletnen Kadjbenfen unb gelaffencr. SpOttC Ttidjt, gfrattjiSfd ; id) fcerbiene e$ nidjt Stanza, SJortreffltd) ! ba l)aben @tc ettoaS Sitter* liebfteS getan : 'etnetn }3i^buben toteber auf bte ^Setne 5 gefjolfen. ^raulctn. @^ war etnem UnglucEIt^en sugeba^t, Unb toa ba^ 53e(te babel ift: bet fieri Ijait @ie filr feine^glet^en. O/ ic^ mu ifym nac^ unb tt)tn ba6 elb wieber abne^men, ssta fort. 10 2>a ^rSttleim granjt^la, Ia ben fiaffee nii)t Dot lenb fait merben; fd^enf ein. SranjM a. (5r tnu e S^nen tDtebergeben ; @ie fjaben fief) anber^ befonnen ; ie tooflen mtt tfym nt^t in @e= feflfd^aft fptelett. ^e^n ^iftolen ! @ie Ijdrten ja, grau^ 15 lein, baf$ e^ ein Settler War ! a graulem fc^enlt inbe fet&ft cm SBer wirb einem Settler fototel geben? Unb t^m no^ baju bte '(Srniebrtgung, e^ erbettelt ju f)aben r ju erfparen fudjen? Sen aJiitbtdtigen, ber ben Settler au3 romnt Derfennen imlt, Derlennt ber Settler ttrie*2o/ ber. Sinn mdgen @ie e^ Ijaben, grcinlein, wenn er %fyt abe r id) weig nidjt wofitr, anfte^t, unb m$t ber emc xaffc. SBotten @ie mir ba^ SInt nod) metyr in lung bringen ? %d) ntag nit^t trinfen. a grfiuietn f loteber iueg. ,,Parbleu, ^^ro nab, man tenn ft! ^ter nit 25 auf ben SSerbienft." g tt bem zone be granjofen. greilid^ nicfjt, wenn man bie pi^bnben fo nngefyangen ^ernmlanfen fjrattletlt laft unb na^benlcnb, tnbem fie trinft. bu nerfte^ft bid) fo trefffirf) anf bte gnten 2Wenfcf)en: so abei 13:2 IHtnna con Barnfyelm. aber, mann mittft'bu bte fcfytecfjten ertragen lernen? Unb fie ftnb bod) audj SJienfcfjen. Unb ofterS bei meitem fo fdjtedjte 3ftenfcf)en nifyt, ate fie fdjeinen. - 9ftan mu iljre gute ette nur auffud)en, Qtf) btlbe 5 mtr em, biefer grangofe tft ni^t ate ettel. 9lit3 blo^r gitetfett mad)t er fid) gum falfdjett pteler; er itriH mtr nidjt Derbunben f^emen; er mitt fid) ben >anf erfparen. 33teCetd)t, ba^ er nun ^tnge^t, feme Heinen djufben beja^It, Don bem 5Refte, fo tt)ett er retdjt, fttll unb fpar- 10 fam tebt, unb an ba$ piet nicfjt benlt. SBenn ba3 tft, liebe granjfefa, fo laft i^n 9iefruten ^alen, menu er \rniL tbt t^r Me affe. '3)a, fe^ to'cg ! Jlber, fage mtr, follte 2:ettl)eim nic^t fc^on ba f ein ? $ratt5tfa> 9Jetn, gnabtge^ grdulem ; ic^ !ann betbe is ntd)t; tt>eber an etnem fd)(e^ten 9JJenfd)en Me gute, nod) an einem guten Sftenfdjen bte bofe ette auffudjen. ^raulem* r fommt bot^ ganj getDt^? gf a. & foltte luegbleiben ! te bemerfen an i^m, an tljm, bem beften 9J?anne, ein toenig tolj, unb 20 barum tuolten te i^n fo graufam necfen? 2a fjrautettt* ^ommft bu ba ttrieber ^tn? d)toeig; ba^ toitt t^ nun einmat fo. 2Bo bu mir biefe 8uft t)erbirbft, mo bu ntc^t atte$ fagft unb tuft, mie mir e^ abgerebet ^aben! 3^ mitt bid) fdjon attein mit t^m 25 laffen; unb bann ^--S^t fommt er Pierter SJufsug. Pierter 2Iuftritt 133 Pierter 2luftrttt SSerncr ber in einer fteifen ienfte, tyereintritt 3>dgfrauleitt. g r a tt $ i 8 1 a. 5ftem, e$ ift nur fern lieber Sadjtmetfter. 8ieber 2Barf)tmeifter ? 2luf tpen bejieljt Iteber? nabtgeS grciufein, mat^en @te mtr ben tjertutrrt, 3I)re 'Ctenerin, err 9Bacf)t' 5 meifter; toa^ bringen @ie un^? ge^t, o^ne ouf bie ftransifa 511 ac^ten, an ba gra'uleht. 2)Ct t)on SteK^eim ttiftt an ba gniibtge grdulein &on 53arnf)etm burd^ mi^ r ben SBadjttnetfter SBerner y feinen untertdntgen 9tefpeft Dermelben unb fagen, bag er fo* 10 gtet(^ ^ter fetn toerbe. 2)a^ Sraulcitt. SBo bteibt er benn? 2Senter* Qfyo naben merben Derjeifyen; lt)ir ftnb' noc^ t)or bem @cf)Iage bret au bem Qttartter gegangen ; aber ba l)at tt)n ber Krieg^^a!)Imeifter imterft)eg an- 15 gereb't; unb toeit nttt berg(eicf)en erren be^ 9?eben^ immer fein Snbe ift, fo gab er mtr einen 2Btnf, bem gnabtgen granletn ben 25orfatt gu ra|)portieren, ^raulcitt. 9te^t tt>of)l, err SBa^tmetfter. $d) nur, ba ber ^rieg^ja^Imetfter bem 9J?aj;or ettt)a^ 20 moge ju fagen ^aben. SSerner, S)a^ Ijaben bergteit^en erren ben Offtjteren fetten. aben Qfyo naben ettoaS gu befe^Ien? %m 'Segrtff, ttrieber 511 ge^en. ^ranjt^la, Ston, too benn fcfyon toieber l)in r >err 25 .3Ba(^tmet(ter ? fatten Drir benn nit^t^ mit einanber 311 ptaubern ? 134 Znirma von Barnfjelm. SBcrttCr fa^te -511 gransiSfa unb entftljaft. ier nicfyt, gtmmerdjen. g$ iff ttriber ben SRefpelt, tt)iber bie, @itb? orbination. nabige grautein 2>a3 ^raulettt, $dj banle fur @eine Semu^ung, err 5 SBadjtmeifter. @^ ift mir lieb getoefen, Qfyn fennen 3U lernen. granjisfa f)at mir Diet gute$ Don fagt* SSernet mod^t eine fteife SSerbeugiing unb ge^t ab. ^unfter 2tuftrttt. graulein. gra ift bent 2Bad)tmetfter, g SBegen be^ fpottifcfjen Stoned fyabe id) 10 3 C ^' btefe$ etn norfjmat^ aufjuntu^en, 3a, gnci- btge^ grciulein, ba^ ift mein SBarf)tmei(ter. @ie finben ifyn o^ne 3^ e if e t e ^ n ^^ig ftetf unb ^dljern. Qtyt fam er mir faft audj fo ttor. Slber tc^ merfe ipo^I, er glaubte, Dor 3^ ro ^aben auf bie ^arabe gie^en ju is muff en. Unb toenn bie Solbatentoarabieren, ja frci* Jtcf) fdjetnen fie ba me^r r^DRpuppcn af$ 9Kdnner.. @ie foHten tt)n I)ingegen nur fe^en unb ^dren, toenn er ft^ felbft gelaffen ift. 2>a ^rauleuu a mit^te id) benn tpo^t. 20 grattjigla. @r tuirb no^ auf bem aate fein. 3)arf io) nt^t gefyn unb ein tuenig mit tfym pfaubern? 2)a ^raulcin. Qdj serfage bir ungern btefe^ 2Ser- gnitgen. u mu^t I)ier bleiben, granjisfa. 5)u mu^t bei unferer Unterrebung gegenttxirtig fein. ^ fcittt 25 mir nodf) etit)a bet, @ie 5ie^t t^rcn 9itng bom ginger, a, nimm Dicrter 2Iuf3tig. Secfyfter 2Juftrttt. 135 meinen 9ttng, Dertoaljre ifyn unb gib mir be^ fetnen pcrf^j^' "" SBarnm ba? L ben onbern 9^tng ^olt. 9iet^t id) e3 felbft nt(^t; abet* mid) biinft, id) fel)e fo etttaS 5 g, tt)o id) ifyn brau^en fonnte* 3Jian '^ocf)t gib fyer! gnitgen. 5Run? tnbem fie tijm is^einb m eft^t ftefjt Itebcr , lt)aren tiir ni^t tjor^in Sinber? o^I r Stnber, (jnabige^ grciulein, 15 Sinber, bie fit^ fperren, too fie gelaffett folgert fodten, 2>a gfrrwleitu SBir molten au^fa^rett, lieber 2ftaior, bie @tabt ein toenig 311 befefyen, nnb I)erna^ meinem D^eim entgegen* Bie? 20 e^en @ie, aud^ ba^ SBic^iigfte ^aben h)ir einanber noc^ ntcfet fagen fbnnen. 3 a / er trtfft nod^ fyeuf ()ier ein. gin 3 u f a ^ if* fc&ttib, ba^ id) einen ag fritter o^ne i^n angelommen bin. raf frb33rnct)fatl ? 3ft er juriid ? 25 136 Xttinna von Sat-nfjelm. Unrnfjen beS $riege$ Derfd)eud)ten tfjtt nad) 3* a ft en J *> er 8ri e *> e fat tf)n tmeber juritdge- bradjt. aftadjett @ie fid) feine ebanfen, Jetfijeim. SJeforgten ttrir fdjon cremate ba3 ftarffte ^tnbernis un- 5 fcrcr SSerbtnbung Don f enter eite ti* Seflfjeiuu Unfcrcr 3Serbinbung? 2)a ^raulcin. @r ift 3^r greitnb. @r Ijat Don ju titelen ju Diet utcd Don ^^nen gel)ort, urn e3 ntc^t ju fcin. (5r brennt, ben 3Kann Don Slntlifc ju lennen, ben '.10 feine etnjtge grbtn gewa^tt ^at. Sr lomntt ate Of)ettn, al^ 33ormnnb, rite 93ater, mid) 3^ e ^ W iibergeben, b. ^ettfjctm. St^ ftrdittetn, marnm ^aben @tc met^ nen 33rtef ntd)t gelefen? SBarum fyaben @tc t^n ni^t tefen tooffen? 15 2>a ^rattlcitt. g^ren 33rief ? ga, id^ ertnnere mid), ic fd^tdften mtr etnen. SBie n?ar e^ benn mtt btefem Srtefe, granjtefa? aben h)tr ifjn gekfen, ober ^aben tt)ir ifyti ntd)t gelefen? SBa fd>rteben @ie mtr benn r Ueber Jell^etm?- 20 tu Sefi^eim, 9lt(^t^, al^ tw$ mtr bte @l)re beftefjlt. $a Sraulcin. J)a ift, ein ef)rlid)e 2J?abd)en, bie @ie liebt, nidjt fi^en jn loffen. greilic^, befiefylt ba^ bie @rc. emi, id) fyatte ben ^Brief tefen foflen, 3lber tt)a t(^ nid)t gelefen fyabe, ba^ l^ore ii^ {a. 25 &. Sefl^cim* 3 a r @te foHen e ^oren 2)a ^raulettt* 9?ein r id) brau^' e and) nidjt ein^ mal jn fytfren. S Derftef)t fit^ Don fetbft. (Ste fonnten eine fo fyapcfjen treid^e^ fcil)ig fein, ba^ @ie mid) nun ni^t mottten ? JBiffcn ie, ba^ t^ auf gtit meine^ so Seben^ befdjimpf t iDare ? 9)?eine SanbSmanmnni* tuitrben * X Sterter 2tuf3itg. Sed?fter mit gingern auf mid) toeifen* ,,1)a3 ift fie/' toitrbe eS fyeiften, ,,ba ift ba grciutein turn Sarntjehn, bie fiii) einbitbete, toetf fie reid) fei, ben iwtfern eltt)eim ju betommen: afe ob bie toadern Scanner fitr elb ju l^aben todren!" @o tt)itrbe e$ fyifcn, benn metne 5 8anbnttitmhmen finb alle netbifd) auf mid), 3)a^ t(^ rett^ bin, Idnnen fie nicfyt leugnen; aber bat)on Pollen fie nicf|t^ miffen baft id) auc^ fonft norf) ein bin, .ba$ feine^ 9}ianne tuert ift. 10 u* ettJjetttu ga, ia, gncibtge^ grdutein, baran er- fenne id^ ^3^ re ?anb$manntnnen. @ie tcerben einen abgebcmften, an feiner (S^re gelrctnften D einen Srilppc^ einen Settler, trefflid) beneiben. 2)a ^raulcin* Unb ba$ affe^ U)dren @ie ? 3$ ^5rte 15 fo tt)a^, iuenn i^ mid) ni^t irre, ftfjon ^eute tjorntittag. Da ift }ofe$ unb ute^ nntereinanber, Saffen @ie nn^ boc^ iebe^ na^er beleucfjten. 2?erabfdf)iebet finb @ie? (So f)i)re icf). %d) gtaubte, 3^r Regiment fei blog untergeftecft toorben. 2Bie ift e gefommen, bap 20 man einen SKann t>on 3^ ren 3Serbienften nit^t beibe= fatten? ti Sett^ctm* g ift gefommen, toie e^ lommen ntiiffen, )ie ro^en ^aben fic^ iiberjengt, baft ein olbat an^ 5Tteignng fiir fie ganj tuenig, au ^fli^t nic^t tiiet me^r, 25 ( ber aHe^ ^tintr eignen S^re tDegen tut. 28a fdnnen fie ifjm atfo f^ulbig ju fein glauben? )er ^riebe !^at itjnen metjrere meineg{eicf)en entbe^rti^ gemac^t ; unb am (Snbe ift i^nen niemanb unentbeJjrlid)/ @te fprerfjen, tt)ie ein SJfann fpred^en so 138 IHtttna txm Barnfyelm. mug, bent bie roften fjinttrieberum fefyr entbefyr(id) finb. Unb nietnafe toaren fie e mefyr a(3 }et. ^d) fage ben roften meinen groften )anl, ba fie ifjre SSfafpriidje auf einen 3ftann fyaben faljren laffen, ben id) bod) nnr 5 fefyr nngern mtt ifjneflugetettt ptte. $d) bin 3^re ebtetertn, Jell^eim; te braucf)en tcettcr feincn errn. ie t)erabfrf)tebet ju finben, ba Hid fjatte i^ mtr fanm trditmen laffen ! Dod^ ie finb ntrfjt bfog ocrab* fd^tebet : @tc finb notf) me^r. 3Ba6 finb @tc 10 meljr ? in ^rttppcl, fagten @tc ? 92nn, tnbem fie t^ oben bis unten betradjtet bet Sritppel tft bOC^ nO(J) ganj nnb gerabe ; f^eint bot^ not^ jiemtit^ gefnnb nnb ftarf. Steber Atettfyetm, tuenn ie auf ben SSerluft gefunben tiebma^en betteln ju ge^en benlen, fo 15 propfyejete ic^ ^^nen t)orau^ r ba @ie Dor ben tuentg* [ten Jitren etrna^ befommen tuerben, au^genomtnen Dor / ben Sitren ber gutfyeqtgen 3D?abcf)en tote ie^. D* SeHIjetnu ^e^t ^ore ic^ nur ba mutmiHige 2Jfcib= djen, Itebe 3JJtnna. 20 a Srauletn* llnb id) I)ore in ^f^rcm 23erlt)eife nur ba w ltcbc 2Kinna," Qfy mill nic^t me^r mutttJttlig fehu enn td^ befinne micf), bap @ie aKerbing^ etn fleiner $ritypet finb. gin @^u ^at ^l)nen ben red):en 3lrm ein toenig gela^mt. S)ot^, atle n>ol)t itberfect, 25 fo tft and) ba$ fo f^Umm uifyt. Mm fo Diet ficfjrer bet id) Dor 3f) ren @d)Wgen. t>* Settfjetm, grdufein ! Sa^ ^rftttleitt* <5ie mollen fagen: aber @ie urn f> Dtel meniger Dor meinen. 9tun, nun, lieber Xctt^etn, so id) Ijoffe, ie loerben e3 nic^t baju fommen laffen. Piertcr SJufjug. Scc^fter 2Juftrttt. 139 n* Settljeim* @ie tootlen fadjen, mem grautein. Qtf) beltage nur, baft id() ntd()t mitlad)en fann. \ a Sfrauleitu SBarunt nid)t ? 2Ba$ Ijaben @ie benn gegen ba$ 8a^en? ann man fee*m au^ nt^t ta^enb ernftljaft fem^^8teber aJiajor, ba^ 8ac^en er^alt 5 Derniinfttger at^ ber 3Serbru^ J)er 53elnei Itegt tor un8. ^re (a^enbe greunbm beurteitt -3I)re Urn- ftdnbe toeit ri^tiger ate @te fetbft, SBeit ie fcerab* fd^iebet finb, nennen @te firf) an 3^ rer ^ re gefranft ; tt)eil @tc etnen t^u^ in bem Slrme ^aben, tna^en <5ie 10 fi^ 511 etnem $ritypeL 3ft ba^ fo rerf)t? 3ft ba^ feme iibertretbung ? Unb tft e^ meine (gtnrie^tung, bafc atle iibertreibungen be 8a4erlic^en fo fafytg finb ? 3^ toette, tcenn id) Qfytn Settler nnn fcornefyme, ba^ an^ btefer eben fo toenig @ti^ fatten tirirb* @te toerben 15 einntal, jlfletmal, breimat 3f) re Squipage terloren fyaben ; bei bem ober jenem Sanfier tDerben einige Sapitale mit f^iDinben ; @ie toerben biefen unb ienen ben @ie im J)ienfte getan, !eine offnung ^aben iDteber ju erljaften : aber finb @te barum ein Settler? SBenn 20 3^nen auc^ ni(^t^ itbrig geblieben tft, ate rt>a mein Dfjeim fiir @ie mitbringt... - b. SeJfljetm, Qfy Dl)eim r gnixbtge^ graufein, ttrirb filr mi^ nid)t^ mitbringen. 2>a Srauleitt. 9li(^t ate bie jtoeitanfenb ^iftolen, 25 bie @ie nnfern tanben fo gro^mitttg Dorfd^offen, ^>Lv^ tj SeK^etm* fatten ie bod) nnr meinen Srief ge* lefen, gnabige^ graittein ! rauleuu 9Jun Ja, itf) ^abe ifjn gelefen. 2lber uber biefen ^unft barin getefen, ift mir ein so 140 ittinna pen Barntjelm. SRfitfet. llnmog(id) fann man $l)nen au$ einer eblen anblung em 23erbred)en madden tooKen. @r* Haren @ie mir bod), lieber 2ftajor to. Seflfjeim, @ie erinnern fid), gniibigeS graulein, 5 ba id) Orbre fjatte, in ben Smtern Qfyer egenb bte Contribution mit ber aitBerften @trenge bar beijittreiben, Qfy iDoflte tnir biefe Strenge erfparen unb fd^op bie feljlenbe Snmme felbft t>or 2)a3 5 r ^^itt* ^ a ^ I)I erinnere irf) mii^, $tf) 10 Kebte @ie urn biefer STat tiritten, o^ne tc notf) gefe^en guljaben. *^ ' v Seflljetm. S)ie tcinbe gaben mtr tfyren iefeiv^attt|id).ibet 3^i^tiung be griebenS unter bte ju. rattfamerenbe Sdjnfben etntragen laffen, J)er SBei^fet ttarb fitr gitftig erfannt, aber mtr toarb ba gentum be^felben ftrettig gema^t, SZint^jog f|)dttif(^ ba^ 3JJaut, al^ ic^ tjerfirfjerte, bte ^atute bar Ijerge* geben gu ^aben. 9Jfan erffctrte t^n fitr etne 33e$e$ung, fitr bag ratial ber Stanbe, tDetl id) fobaft mit tl)nen 20 auf bie mebrtgfte umme emiggerrorben war, mit ber id) mic^ nitr im Jtupcrftcn 9lotfafte 3U begniigen mact)t Ijatte. o !am ber SBed^fel an meinen nnb menn er bejafjlt tDtrb, t^trb er fitfjerlirf) nid^t an mi^ beja^ft. ierburd), mein griiuletn, t)a(te ic^ 25 meine (g^re fitr gefrtinft, nicf)t burd^ ben Slbfc^ieb, ben id) geforbert f)aben mitrbe, tt>enn id) il)n nic^t befommen f)titte. @ie finb eruft^aft, mein grtiitfein? SBarum lac^en ie nidjt? a, t)a, ba! 3c^ fod()e J^. 2)a $rSttIettL D, erfticfen ie biefe^ 8ad)en, 30 Ijeim ! ^^ befd^tpore @ie ! g^ ift ba fdjrecf Hc^e Dtertcr Slufsug. Sedtfter 2tuftrttt. 141 s Jtein, ie finb ber 2Jann nidjt, ben eine gnte at reuen fann, toeil fie itble fiir ifyn fyat 92ein, unmdglid) ftfnnen biefe itblen bauern ! )ie SBa^r^eit mu an ben Jag fommen* ,3eugni^ meine^ D^eim^, after unfrer tanbe ~ a* tanbe ! . SBenn @ie an Jugenb unb orft'"t gmnben7*%eHl)etm, "^ fo lac^en @te fo nt^t ! 3^ ^abe me fiir^terlic^er 10 flucfjen t)oren r ale te lac^en, Unb laffen @ie ba^ djlimmfte fet^en! SBenn man @ie ^ter t)er!ennen iDilf, fo fann man @ie bet nn^ ntc^t fcer* fennen* ^Zetn, \mv f5nnen, ftrir iDerben @te nt(^t toer- fennen, 5Tent)etm. Unb menn nnfere ttinbe bte gc^ ir> rtngpe gmpfinbung t>on @^re ^aben, fo toetj} ii), fie tnn miiffen. S)oc^ t(^ bin ntt^t ftng : ba^ nottg ? 48ttben ie fid^ ein, STetl^eim, @tc fatten bie jtoeitanfenb ^iftolen an etnem tt)i(ben Slbenbe tjer- toren. er ^onig toar eine nngtucfli^e ^arte fitr @ie : 20 bie ame out ft<$ tceifcnt tt)irb ^^^^ & e f* gunfttger fein 1)ie 93orfidjt, gtauben @te mir, pit ben el)rlt 9Jiann immer fc^ablo^, unb BfterS fd)on im J)ie Jat, bie @te emmal nm jtoeitaufenb ^iftofen bringen fofite, ertoarb mid) Qfyn&i. D^ne biefe at 25 iDitrbe icf) nie begierig getoefen fetn, ie fennen ju (ernen. ie tntffen, ic^ !am unetngetaben in bie erfte efellfdjaft, wo id) ie jn finben glanbte, ^c^ fam bto^ -Jfyrettuegen. $fy fam in bem fcftcn 23orfae, ie ju tieben, id) Uebte ie f djon ! in bem feften 30 .1 |W14U ()rltdf)eii Dorau.$, j>f? j i fiif4-rtfrt^ 142 ttttnrta con 33arnbejm. 33orfae, @ic ju befii^en, toenn id) te and) fo fdjtoarj unb fyapd^finben fottte al$ ben-2ftol)r &ui 23enebtg. @te finb fo fdjtoarj unb fyapd) nid)t ; and) fo etf er* fttd)tig toerben @te nid)t fein. 3lber iell^eim, Jelf^etm, <2te l^aben bod^ notf) rtel StljttltdjeS mit t^tn ! D ; fiber bte milben, unbtegfamen banner, bte nur immer i^r fttere 2(uge auf ba6 efpcnft ber gfjre t)eften! fitr alle anbere efii^t fi^ t)er^arten ! ierf)er Qfy 3luge ! dllf TUt(^ r Sellfyehtt ! S)er tnbc bertteft unb int&etoeglicfj m^t ftarren 10 2litgcn immer auf cine tettc gefe^en. SBoraU benfeU @ie ?. @tC ^oreu mitf) nt^t? t) Settljetm jerftreut D {a! 2lber fagen te mir bod^, mem graulem, tote lam ber SKo^r tu tifenegianifdje tcnftc? atte ber ^f) r fe w SSaterlaub? SBarum 15 t)enuietete er feiuen 3lrm uub fetn 33lut emetn fremben taate?- 2>a 3rrrhtleitt etf^toden. 3Bo finb @ie, elll)etm? 5Jun tft e^ 3 e ^ ^ a B ^ r cibbrec^en, ^ommen @te! 3nbcm fie t^n bet ber anb ergreift. granjt^fa, Ia ben 20 borfa^ren. tJ Sctt^eiUl ber fic^ toon bem grauleitt Ioret|t unb ge^t. ^ein, granjt^fa, id) faun nic^t bie @^re Ijaben, ba graulein ju begleiten. 2ftein graulem, laffen @ie tnir notii l^eute meinen gefunben 93erftanb unb beur- 25 lauben @ie mic^. @ie finb auf bem beften SBege, mtc^ barumsubrtngen. $tf) ftemme mtt^, foutel ic^ farm. 3lber toeit id) nod) bei SSerftanbe bin, fo fyoren @te, mein grdulein, lua^ id) feft befd)foffen f)abe, motion mid) nid)t$ in ber SSelt abbringen foil SBenn nid)t so nod) ein gludtidjer 3Burf fitr mid) im Spiele ift, toenn fic^ ba 53Iatt nit^t fcoftig toenbet, toenn Dtertcr SJufsug. 5ed?fter ^uftrttt. , 143 mnft -3u crinnerft mid) and) an gar nidjts.- Unfer efpradj ttmrbe ganj anberS gefalfen fein, eU- ^etm r tDenn tdf) mit ber guten 9lac^ri(J)t angefangen 5 fytitte, bte ^^ e ^ bw gfye&atier be la 2KarItniere nur eben 311 brtngen fant. n* SeK^cim. er g^e^alier be la 9ttarlintere ? SBer tft ba? mag etn ganj guter SJZann fein, err 10 auf- cljtoetg, granjtefa ! (ei^fatte etn (ferabfdjiebeter Dfftjter, ber au^ Ijoflanbtfdjen Stenften ti Sett^eim* a! ber 8eutnant Sttccant! 2)a^ SJrdttfetiu @r Derfit^erte, ba er 3^ S^^tib fet. 15 tmu to. SeHJjetttu ^(^ t)erficf)ere r ba^ id) feiner ntcfyt bin* $rauleuu llnb bag i^m r ic^ toetj} ni^t trelc^er r t)crtraut fyabe, 3^rc @ac)e fei bem gtiicflicfiften Slu^gange na^e, mitffe ein fomglidjeS anbfc^reiben an @ie amtertoegS fein, 20 to. SeH^eim* SBie lamen 9ticcant nnb ein SJZinifter ^ufammen? (Stlua^ jtDar mng in tneiner @ad^e ge- f^e^en .fein. , enn nnr jcfet erftarte ntir ber ^rieg^ ja^Imeifter, baft ber $onig al(e niebergefd)Iagen I)abe, tua^ it)iber m\ nrgiert toorben, nnb baft ic^ mein 25 fcf)rtft(icf) gegebene^ g^renmort, ni^t efyer t)on ^ier gu ge^en, al$ bte man mi^ bbllig entjaben ^abe, njieber M jnriitfne^men !onne. 2)a^ totrb e^ aber and) atteS fein, Wan ttrirb mic^ tooUcn lanfen (affen. 2lttein man irrt fic^ j id) n?erbe nicf)t lanfen. @^er foil mic^ W 144 Iftinna son Barnfjelm. fjier ba Sufjerfte (Slenb t)or ben Slngen tneiner leumber fcerjefyren Vioi.vV^ 2>a Srrauleuu @artnMiger 2)?ann! t>, Seflijeim, 3$ brandje feine nabe ; id) rtritt e* 5 redjtkjf eit 2JZetne Sljre $a3 ^uleim te g^re eme 2ftamteS urie @te tj Sctt^etm sifcig. S^etn, mein grduletn, @te toerben t)on alien 5Dtngen rerf)t gut urteilen fdnnen, nur ^ter- Uber ntcE)t, S)te Sf)re ift nid)t bte timme 10 nriffenS, nitf)t bae 3 eu 9 n ^ toeniger Sa 5 r ^uletiu ^etn, nein, id^ g^re ift bte )re. t> Sefi^etui* Sltrj, mein grautein, @ie ^aben mid) nid)t au^reben taffen, $$ ^ollte, fagen : toenn man is mir ba^ 3}ietnige fo fcfyhnpfUcl) Dorentl)d(t, menn meiner gfjre nic^t bte sotifommenfte enugruung gefd^ie^t, fo fann id), mein ^rautetn, ber -3f)rige nifyt fein. !iDenn id^ bin e$ in beu ?Iugen ber SBelt nifyt iDert, jn fein. J)a^ grciutem t). Sanitjelm fcerbient einen nnbefc^ok 20 .tenen 3)?ann, (3 ift eine nicfytsnritrbige 8iebe, bie fein Sebenfen tragt, i^ren egenftanb ber erac^tung an- gnfe^en. (5S. ift ein nidjt^ttJitrbiger a)iann, ber fief) nid)t fc^amt, fein ganje$ turf einem grauen5immer gn &er* banfen, beffen blinbe 3^ r ^^^ ~ 25 2>a3 ^Suleitt. Unb ba^ ift $f)r grnft, err 3oior? Snbem fie i^m pto^lic^ ben SRiicfen tuenbet. S^^Uji^fa ! t. SeB^eim* SBerben @ie nid^t nngefyatten, mein tein 2>0 ^rautcttt beiferfe 511 gransiSfa. Qtyt tDCire 30 2BaS ratft bn mir, granjista ? y ' VOX TELLHEIM Dtertcr 21uf3iig. 5ed?fter 2tuftritt. 145 ) rate ntdjts* 2lber freilicf) mad)t cr em toenig gn bunt- t+ SeBfjeiltt ber fte au unterfcre^en tontmt @tC fl mein grcinlein 2>a ^raulctn ^o^mf^. 3^ ? im gertngften to* SeH^cim* 2Benn irf) @ie toentger liebte, rnetn leiu ^raulcin nq$ tn Mefem SDone. O gciDt^ e6 todre mein ! Unb -feljen @ie r err 3Waior, id^ toiU 3^ r Ungtitd auc^ nid^t* 5DJan mup gan^ unetgennit^tg 10 Ueben, benfogut, ba^ id) nid^t offentjerstger ge- luefen bin! 3?ieIIet^t miirbe mir g^r 9Kitteib flctoit^rt ^aben, ad mir ^fyre 8iebe Derfagt gnbem fte ben-in0 (angfam com finger jie^t t>, Sctt^eim* SBBaS.mcmctt @ie bamit, grixutein? is SitIeim >JJein r Ietne6 muft ba6 anbere tDeber nod) nngludftdjer ntac^en. @o iDttt e btc 8tebe! 3d) gtaube 3^nen f err ajjajor; unb @ie Ijaben ju t)iet @^re, afe ba^ @ie bie 8tebe tier- fennen foHten. 20 gotten @ie r mein ^riinfein? * ier ! ^lefjmen @ie ben 9ting tuteber f, mit bem @ie mir ^tjre rene t)erpf(i^tet. ititv ben sung, g^ fei brnm ! 2Bir ipolfen einanber nid)t gelannt Ijaben! 25 33Ja$ I)dre i^ ? Unb ba befrembet @ie? 5 @ie, mein err. @ie ^aben fid) bocfj ipo^t nic^t geiert ? t>* ScttfjCttU inbem er ben 9ving aii i^tct $anb nimmt. @0tt ! fo 30 fann 3ftinna fpredjen! 146 ITTinna von Barnljelm. @ie fdnnen ber 9JJeinige in cittern nidjt fein ; id) fatttt bie $f) r t9 e fa I e i n e tn fein. 3l)r Unglitc! ift toafyrfcljeinlicl) ; meineS ift genriJ3. - 8eben @ie todl)I ! ssta fort. 6 to. Sefljjeittu 2Bol)itt, fiebfte 9Kinna? 2)a ^rauletn. 3Kein err, @ie befdjitnpfen tnic^ je^t mtt biefer tertraulic^en Senennuttg. to. SettJjetttu SBa^ ift 3^nen, meitt grautein? 2Bo= 10 2>a3 ^rauletn. 8a[fen @ie tntd^. 2fteme Jranen U t?erbergen, 23errdter ! w a&. Stebenter 2tuftrttt. t). XeU^eim. gran$ista. t>. Jett^ciut. 3^re Jvcinen? Itnb id^ foflte fie laffen? tie t^n surwctptt 9tic^t bo^, err SDtaior ! @ie 15 luerben ifyr ia nid^t in t^r (Scfylafjintmer folgen tDolJen? n XeJI^eim* 3^r Ungliid ? pradf) fie nidjt Don Un- gIM? ^ranjt^fa. 9htn freilii^, ba^ Ungtud, @ie jn t>er- tieren, nad^bem 20 to, SettJjetttu 92a(^betn? tt)a^ nadjbem? ier^inter ftedt tnet)r. SQ3a^ ift e$, granji^fa? 9tebe,,fpri^- ^ranji^fa. SJJacfjbent fie, ttJoflte i^ fagen, 3f)iten fo tjtete^ attfgeopfert. to. SeH^eim. 2ir aufgeopfert? 25 ftranjisfa. dren @ie nur lurj. g$ ift fitr ie recfjt gnt, err 5Kajor, ba^ Sie auf biefe 2lrt t)on ifjr .Dtcrter 2luf3ug. #d?ter 2luftrttt. fosgefomnten finb. 2Barnm fott id) e ^tjnen nid)t fagen? S3 fann bod) Idnger fein el)eimni$ bleiben. -9Bir finb entflofjen ! >er raf Don 4Brnd)fafl ^at ba3 graulem enterbt, toetf fie fetnen 9Kann t)on feiner anb anneijmen mollte, SlHe^ t)erlte^ atte tieradjtete 5 fie ^ierauf, 2Sa follten n)ir tun? SBtr entfd^Ioffen un$, benfenigen auf sufud)en, bem mir to. SeDHjeim* ^^ ^ a ^ e 9^^9 Somm, tcf| mu^ mid^ 3U i^ren gii^en tt)erfen ^ranjt^f a* 2Ba$ benfen ^ie ? e^en @ie t)telmet)r 10 unb banfen ^Ijrem guten efd)i(fe to* Scil^eim. glenbe ! f ur men ^altft bit mid) ? $Mn, liebe granji^Ia, bet 3fat fam nid)t au^ beinem erjen. 2Sergib meinem UntDtKen! gtansi^fa. alten @ie mid) nid)t langer auf. Qd) is mu fe^en, tt)a fie madjt 2Bie lei^t fonnte i^r ettoaS jugefto^en fein* eljen @ie! Sommen @ie lieber it)ieber f toenn @ie U)ieber fommen toollen. eijt be letn nac. Jtuftrttt. to. XeH^ctm* Slber gran^i^fa! O, id) emarte cud) 20 f)ier ! 5Mn, ba^ ift bringenber ! 9Benn fie grnft fie^t, fann mir ifyre 3Sergebung nid&t entfteljen. 5Jun brand)' id) bid), eljrltdjer SBerner ! Slein, 2Kinna, bin fein SSerrater ! ettenb 06. be8 trierten Sftnfter 2>ie gene : ber @aal. (Erfter Jluftritt. D. XeUIjeim toon ber etnen unb Serner Don ber anbern to, SeHJjehru a, SBerner! id) fud)e bid) itberalL So ftetfft bu? SSerncr. llnb id) fjabe @te gefu^t, ^err 3JJa}or ; fo fleet's mtt bem urfjen, Qtf) brtnge 3f) nen 9^ 5 gute 9lati|rt(f)t. tj SeBJjeim, 31^ t^ braud)e }e^t tttcfjt Seine rid)ten, id^ braudje bein elb. efdfjtDinb, SBerner, gib mir, fotiiel bit ^aft r unb bann fuc^e fotiiel aitfju- bringen, ate bu fannft. 10 SScrner. err 2Jiajor ? 9hm, bet meiner armen (Seete, Ijabe i(f)^ bo(^ gefagt : er ttrirb elb ton tnir borgen, menu er felber ireld^e^ ju t)erleil)en ^at. *. SeC^einu )it fu^ft boc^ nid&t 2luflit^te? SBcrner. !Damtt td^ i^m nt(^t^ ttorjutoerfen ^abe, fo 15 nimmt er mtfs mit ber 9te(^ten unb gibt mir'S mit ber 8in!en iDteber. f)abe ben guten SBtden, btr e nrieberjugeben ; aber irann unb tnie? ba^ lt)ei^ ott! 20 28ertter, @te toiffen c alfo no^ nt^t, bag bie 148 <2rfter 2Iuftritt. 149 ftaatsfaffe Drbre fyat, ^fjueu $f)re elber gu begafyfeu ? (Sbeu erfufyr id) e$ bei to. SeaJjeiwu 3Ba$ plauberft bit? 2Ba$ (affeft bu bir toeiSmacfyeu? ^egreifft bu beuu ttid)t, baft, toenn e3 toafyr mare, id) e bod) IDO^I am erften totffen mii^te? 5 - Surg, SBerner, elb ! elb ! SBerner. Qt nn, mit greuben ! ^ier ift tua^ ! finb bte ^unbert 8outbor, unb ba bte ^unbert tj. ScH^ctm. Sie ^unbert 8oui3bor, SBerner, ge^ unb 10 brtuge .^ufteu, r foil fogteit^ beu 9?mg tDteber ein- Wfeu, beu er fyeute frit^ t)erfe|t fyat 3lber n?o tt)irft bu meljr fjeruetjtueu, SBeruer? gdj braud^e meit me^r. SBerner* )af itr laffeu fie mid^ [orgeu. S5er ^auu, ber mem ut gefauft ^at, tt)o^ut iu ber @tabt Set is 3af)tmtg3termtu tuare jt^ar erft iu tneqefju Sogeu ; aber ba elb tiegt parat, uub eiu Ijalb ^rojeutd^eu 2lbjug n* Settfjeim. 9luu ja, lieber SBeruer ! (Siefyft bu, ba id) meiue eiujige 3^d)t ju bir ttefyme? Qdj mu bir cmd) afie^ Dertraucn* J)a grduleiu ^ier, 20 bu fyaft fie gefe^eu, ift uuglitdlttd) SScrncr. D 3 !a ^ l ^ er ! to. Settljeittu 3lber morgeu ift fie meiue grew SScrner. O greube! to. SeU^etm* Uub iibermorgeu ge^' id^ mit if)r fort. 25 3d) barf fort ; i^ \rntt fort. Sieber ^ier atte^ im ttd^c gelaffeu! SBer tpei^ tt)o mir fouft eiu IM aufge^o^ beu ift. SBeuu bu mittft, SSeruer, fo.fomm mit. 2Bir tuotteu mieber J)ieufte ueljmett. SBcrncr. SBa^aftig? 2lber bod^ tuo^ $rieg gibt, 30 err 151 ITCtnna txm Barnfyelm. to. Seflfjeinu SBo fonft ? el), lieber SBerner, ttrir fpredjen bation toeiter. Center, D eqenSmajor ! Ubermorgen ? 2Bamm nidjt lieber morgetf? 3^ ^itt fdjon afle^ gufammen- 5 brtngen, -3n ^Pcrfien, err Srtajor, gibf$ einen treff- It^en Srteg ; tua^ meinen @ie ? tu Sctt^cim* SBtr tuotlen ba6 ubertegen ; ge^ nur, SBerner ! SSerner, Jtuftrttt. 10 tj. JettJjeinu SBte ift mtr? 9fteme ganje @eele %t neue Jrtebfebern befommen, 3J?ein eigne^ Uttgfttd fc^fug mtd^ nteber, tnad^te mid) argerltcf), furgfidjtig, f^itc^tern, t^ffifl 5 ^ r Hngtucf ^ebt mid^ empor ; id) fel^e luteber frei um mi^ unb fu^Ie mid) ttrillig unb ftarf, afie^ fitr is fie ju unterne^men. 2Ba$ t)ent)eile \ ? sxjia m% t>em 3tmmet be Oftaitlein, ouS bent i^m f^ransi^fa entgegenfommt. Drttter Ztuftrttt t), SeHljeim. @inb @ie e^ bod)? (3 mar mir, alS ob ii) $fyt Stimme fydrte. 3Ba^ motlen @ie, err 20 ti. SeK^eim* 9Ba id) tottt? 2Ba^ tna^t bein lein? tomm!- @ie ttriff ben 3lugenbli(f au^fa^ren. ^unfter 2Iuf3ug Drifter 2Iuftrttt. 151 to SeHJjetm* Unb attain ? ofyne mid)? tooljto? Sfranjisla* aben ie fcergeffen, err 9)iaior? to* 2eflljetm* Sift bit nidjt Hug, gratijisfa ? 3d) fyabe fie gereijt, unb fie twrb empfinblidj: id) n>erbe fie um 33ergebung bitten, nnb fie toirb ntir fcergeben. 5 Srattjisfa* 9Bie? 9tacf)bem (Sie ben JRing juriict^ genontnten, err aWafor ? ^ Seflljeuiu a! ba tat irf) in ber Setanbnng. 3=e^t benf id) erft toieber an ben 9iing. SSBo ^abe \fy t^n Ijingefted: t ? rfu^tt^n. ier ift er, 10 fjraitjt^lri* ^ft er ba$ ? Snbem er i^n toieber cinftcdt, Beifcite 2Benn er ifjn bo^ genauer befe^en tooflte! to* SeHfjetttu @ie brang mir iljn anf mit einer Sitter- feit 3a Dcriegcn. Qfy ^abe ifyn angufteden Dergeffen ^uft Qn]t tDirb mir i^n gleidf) na^bringen. ^ranjfefa* @ ift tool)! einer jiemti^ lt)ie ber an* bere ; laffen @ie mid) bocfy biefen fe^en ; idj fe^e fo tt)a^ gar jn gern, 25 to* Scttl^eim* n anbermat, granji^Ia* Qtyt fomm ^ran^la Betfette. @r milt fid) bnrdjanS nid)t an feinem ^rrtnme brtngen (affen. to* SeH^ctm* SBaS fagft bn? 3=rrtnme? (56 ift ein ^rrtitm, fag' id), toenn @ie so 152 ITttnna Don Barnfyelm. meinen, baft bag grantein bod) nodE) erne gitte ^artie fei. 3^ r etgneS 23ermogen ift gar nidjt betrad)t(id) ; burdfj ein toentg etgennit^ige SRedjnungen Knnen eg tljr bie SJormimber Dofltg ju SBaffer mafyn. @tc ertoartete 5 atte^ Don bem Ojettn ; aber biefer graitfame Dfyetm tj* Scfl^cim* 8a^ itjn bo^! Sin id) nirfjt 3Wann^ genug, i^r einmal alle jit erfe^en?- ^rattjt^fa* oren te ? @ie flmgelt ; tt^ tmtft t)erem. ti. Xctt^etm* 3^ gefye mtt bit. 10 ^ranjigla. Urn beg ^rimmete mitten nid^t ! ie ^at mir augbriidli^ berboten, mit Qljntn gu fpre^en. men ie menigfteng mtr erft narf). Dtertcr 2IuftrttL tJ* Scfi^ctm i^t nad&rttfenb. SRelbe mify i^r ! fitr ntic^, granji^fa! Qdj fotge Mr fogfeid^! 15 merbe id) ifyr fagen ? 2Bo bag erj reben barf, brauc^t eg fetner 3Sorbereitung. 3)ag etnjige mod)te etne ftu- bterte SBenbung bebiirfen : iljre gnrM ^aftung, i^re 33ebenf(id:)!eit, fi(^ alg ungliicttic^ in meine Slnne gn merfen ; tfyre 53efli(fenl)eit, mtr ein titcf ttorjuftriegeln, 20 bag fie bnrc^ mid) bertoren ^at. I)iefeg 3Ki^trauen in meine (Sfyre, in ifjren eignen SBert, t)or i^r fetbft jn cntfc^ulbigcn, t)or i^r felbft 23or mir ift eg fdjon entfc^itlbigt ! a! ^ier !ommt fie. ^iinfter Slufsug. ^unftcr Enftritt. 153 finfter 2luftritt. 2)a graulein. granjtsfa. to. Sellljeinu tm erautretett, ot oti fie ben 2ftajor ntrfjt getoatjr e. . )er SBagen ift bod) Dor ber nre, granjisfa? 9J?etnen pdjer! to* Settfjetm auf fte 511. SBofjttt, mem graulem ? mit einer affeftterten Ite. Sllt^, ert 9D?aj;Ol\ 5 ) errate, iDarum @ic fid) nodjmafe ^erbemit^t s : , inir auc^ meinen 9ttng tt)teber jitriidsugeben, err 3]?ajor ; f)aben @tc nur bte iite, ifyn ber fa ein^u^anbtgen* granji^fa, ntmm bent errn ben 9ting ab ! Qi) ^abe !etne ^eit jn t)er= 10 Keren* ssta fort. *K Jctt^cim bet i^r bortritt. 9)Zetn grftulcitt ! 20), n)a^ t)abe id^ erf afyren, metn grdutem ! Qd) toar f o tteler 8iebe ntdjt tt)ert. o, granjtSfa ? n ^aft bent errn 15 entbetft. rtlen e n ^^ au f m Ietn 3^ bin fetn 3Serrater. @ie ^aben nnt ntit^ in ben 2Ingen ber SBett Diet fcerloren, aber ni(^t in meinen. 20 Qn meinen 2lngen f)aben @ie nnenblid) bnrc^ biefen SBerluft getronnen. @r iDar ^}I)nen noc^ jn nen ; @ie fttr^tctcn, er moc^te einen alljn nac^teiligen Stnbrud anf mi^ madjen ; @ie iroKten mir if)n t>or^ erfte t?er* ^ bergen. $3) befdjraere mit^ nid)t itber biefe^ 2Jii^tranen. 25 & entfyrang an bent ^Berlangen, mic^i jn erl)alten. SSerlangen ift mein totj! @te fanben mi^ 154 / IHtnna t>on Barnljeltn. felbft unglMlicf), uttb fie toottten Unglitd nidjt mtt Unglitd fyaufen. @ie lonnten nidjt sermuten, me fefyr mid) 3fyr UnglM itber baS meinige fyinauSfeken toitrbe. $a ftraulettu SltteS recfyt gut, err 2Rajor ! 2lber e^ tft nun etmnat gef^efjen. Qd) ^abe @ie 3f)rer SSerbtnbtic^fett erfaffen ; @ie fyaben bur^ ^uritd ne^mung n nidjt^ gettritttgt! tc^ mid) Je^t fitr gebunbener a(^ jemafe. @ic finb bie 10 Stfetntge, 3Ktnua, auf ernig bie 3fteinige. aie^t ben sting $ercm. ier r empfangeu ie e^ sum stoeitentnal, ba^ Unterpfanb meiner reue - $d) bief en SRing njieberne^men ? biefen is tj. Xtttfytim. $a, (iebfte gjlinna, ja ! friwleuu SBa^ mutenSie mir ju? biefen Sefl^ctttu 35tefen 9?ing na^men ie ba^ erfte meiner ^anb, ate unfer beiber Umftttnbc einanber unb glMlid) tDaren. @ie finb nicfyt me^r glit(f= 20 Ii^, aber ttrieberum einanber g(eid). @fetd)^eit ift immer ba$ feftefte ^Banb ber 8iebe. (giiauben Sie, liebfte ! Grgrelft t^re anb, urn t^r ben Dttng anjuftecfen. raufctm SBie? mit ett)alt, er , ba ift leine emalt in ber SBelt, bie mic^ 25 gen foil, biefen SRing hrieber anjunetimen ! 9)?einen @ie etit)a, ba^ e^ mir an einem 9tinge fe^It ? O, on Sarnfjetm, aber id) fyore e$ nidjt @ie gieren fidj, tnein granlein. 33ergeben @ie, bag id) S^* 1 ^ e f e ^ 9B r * ttad)brand)e. 2>a Srauleitt m i$rem tua^ren xonc. at @ie biefe^ SBort befeibtgt, err 5Ka|or? 5 Ijat mir tt)e^getan, Sa^ follte e^ nid)t, eflt)emu 3Serjei^en @ie mir, XeC^eitn* to. Seflljeinu a, biefer t5ertrautid)e Son fagt mir, bag @ie ttrieber ju fid^ fommen, rnetn graulein, bag ie 10 mic^ nod) Iteben, 3)?inna, ^ranji^fa $erausiaftenb. ^3a(b ware ber @pag auc^ ju lueit gegangen,- ^ 2>a ^raulcin gebteterifc^. )^ne bid) in unfer <^kl ju mengen, gransifa, menn ic^ bitten barf! 15 f a betfettc unb betroffen. 9Zo^ nid)t genng ? Qa, mein err, e toare tDeibtid^e gitelfeit, mi^ fait nnb ^o^nifc^ jit ftclfctu 9Beg ba- mit ! @ie tjerbienen e$, mid^ eben[o toa^r^af t ju finben, ate @ie fclbft ftnb. 3dj tiebe @ie nod), ettl)eim, ic^ 20 liebe @ie nod); aber bemnngeadjtet t>* ScK^ctm. iJiidjt tt)eiter, Uebfte 9JJinna, ni^t rt)eiter ! rgreift t^re onb ttoc!jmal, i^r bett JRing anjiifteden. 2>a$ fjrautcin bte t^re anb 5uriicf5te$t. Semungeac^tet, nm fo Diet meljr iDerbe i^ biefe^ nimmermefyr gef^e^en 25 laffen; nimmernte^r! 3Bo benfen fie ^in, err 3JJajor? Qd) meinte, @ie fatten an 3^rem eigenen Ungtticfe genng, @ie mttffcn I)ier bleiben ; @ie miiffen fid) bte jyCtouiflit^iflfte enngtnnng ertro^en. in ber ef^tumbigleit fein anber 2Bort. Srtrofcen, so 15$ Xttinna pon Barnfyelm. unb fottte @ie aucl) ba aufeerfte glenb Dor ben Slugen ifjrer 33erleumber baritber fcerjeljren ! t>. SeHtyetm* @o badjf id), fo fpracfy id), ate id) niijt nmftte, toa3 id) bad)te unb fprad). fegemiS unb t?er- ^5 btffene 2But fatten metne ganje @eele umnebelt; bte 8ie6e fetbft, in bem t?ollften Olanje be^ liicfe^, tonnte fief) barin nidjt 5Tag fd)affcn.. Slber fie fenbet Softer, ba 3)?itleib, bie, tntt bem finftern tiertrauter, bie 9?ebet jerftreut unb alle < 3 u 9^ n 9 e tnetner 10 eele ben (Sinbriiden ber 3SrtIi^fctt tt)ieberum Bffnct. !Der rieb ber etbfter^altung ermad^t, ba icf) ct)a Softbarer^ ju er^alten Jjabe, ate tnirf), unb e^ burc^ mitf) p er^atten ^abe, 8affcn Sie fidf), mein grciulein, ba^ Sort 9RttIctb nic^t^ftrieibigen. 3?on ber unfcfjutbi* 15 gen llrfa^e unfer$ Unglucf^ lonnen h)ir e^ ofjne r* niebrigung ^oren* Qi) bin bie Urfadtje ; burd^ tnid), 3)?inna r t)erlieren @ie greunbe unb Sln&ertoanbte, SSer* mogen unb SSaterfanb. J)urc^ mi(^, in mir mitffen (ie atte biefe^ tt)ieberfinben r ober id) ^abe ba 3Serberben 20 ber SiebenStoiirbigften $tye& eft^Ied^t^ auf nteiner @eele, Saffen @ie mid) feine 3 u fe n ft benfen, n?o id) mid) felbft ^affen mitpte. 9Mn, nid^t^ foil mid) fjier fanger ^alten. 25on biefem Slugenbticfe an will ii) bem Unredjte, ba^ mir ^ier n?iberfat)rt, nidtjts ate 25 tung entgegenfefeen. 3fft biefe^ 8anb bie SBelt? ^ier attein bie @onne auf? 393o barf id) nidjt men? SBeld^e Sienfte tirirb man mir t)erlt)eigern ? llnb mu^te id) fie unter bem entfernteften immel fut^en : fotgen @ie mir nur getroft, liebfte SWinna ; e^ foil un 30 an nicfjts fel)len. Qtf) ^abe einen greunb, ber mid) gern unterftiifet. Sed?fter 2luftrttt. 15t Setter 2tuftrttt. (Sin gelbjager. to. XcU^cint. 2)a8 grautetn. f a. tttbem fte ben gdbjager gefoaljr totrb. @t ! 6ft gcgcn ben Selbifiger. $ U ItJCttt tDOQeU @te ? x 2>er tjetm. - 2U), @tc fmb e j[a fcftft 5mem err 2Kajor, 5 ntglti^e @anbftf)retben ba er au femer Srieftafc^e ttimmt an @te ju iibergebetu 9ln mid)? $er gelbiagcr. ^ufolge ber 8uf f thrift - $a ^raulcitt. granjt^fa, f)orft bu ? SDer S^et)alter 10 ^at bodj toafyr gerebet! 2)Cr ^clbjagct tnbem Xett^etm ben 93rtef nttnmt. %i) Uttt Uttt ^Serset^ung, err 2Kajor ; @ie fatten e^ bereitS geftern er^attett f otten ; aber e ift mir nicf)t tnogltd) genjefen, @ie au^jufragen, (Srft fyeute auf ber ^arabe ^abe id) 15 2Bol)nung Don bent 8eutnant SRiccaut erfa^ren. ntibtgeS granletn, ^5ren @ie? Ktmfter. ,,3Bie ^et^en ber fter ba brau^ cmf bie breite ^5(a^? w to* SelHjeim, ^(^ bin 3f)^ e ^ fur -3^re 3Jtit^e fef)r 20 Derbunben, Scr ^elbjagcr* g^ ift meine c^utbigfeit, err jpr. eljt afi. 158 HItnna mm Barnljelm. Stebenter Jluftrttt. to. XcH^cim. S)a grauletn. gran$i$fa. to. Seflfjetm* 20), mein granlein, toa Ijabe id) Ijier ? 2Ba ent^att biefeS djreiben? 2>a ^raulcim 3^1 ^i n n ^^ fefuQt, tnetne Sleugierbc fo mett ju erftreden. 5 ti 2:ctt^ctm* 3Ste ? @te trentten tnetn @d)tcr aSirt 2Ber toil! torn Sriefe it)iffen ? ^ fontnte be 9tinge megen. 3)a gndbige grciulein mu^ mir i^n gteicf) miebergeben. 3uft ift ba, er foil ifjn iDteber einlofen, 20 $a3 ^taulcttt bie ftc^ inbes slei^foas bem SSirte gena^ert. @agen @ie ^uften nur, ba^ er fcfjon eingeloft fei ; unb fagen @ie it)tn nut toon toent : tion ntir. g. Haunter 2Iuftritt. 159 2>er SSJirt 3lber- 3d) nefjme atteS auf mid) ; gef)en ie bO(J) ! 2>er SSirt gefjt afc. Heunter ^uftritt. t). XeHIjeim. 2)a$ grauleiti. SfranjiSfcu llnb nun, gnabigeS graufein, taffen @ie eS mit bem armen 2ftajor gut fein v ^^ 5 2>a3 ^riitleim O, itber bie 33orbitterin ! 2lt ob ber Snoten fid) nid^t ton fetbft batb tofen mii^te, t>* SeUfjCUtt nac^bem er gelejen, mit ber Ie6^afte[ten ^ii^rung. er ^at fid) audj ^ier nid)t terteugnet ! O mein tein, tuet^e ere^tigleit ! tt)et^e nabe ! S5a^ ift 10 mefyr, at^ i^ ertt)artet ! 2ftef)r ate i^ fcerbiene ! - 9Kein tud , meine (Sfyre, atte^ ift ttrieberl)ergeftettt ! $tf) [ ? Snbem toieber in ben 93rief fte^t, ol um ftc^ n. 9?ein, fein 53(enbtt)erf meiner SBitnfdje I lef en @ie fetbft, mein grautein ; lef en @ie fetbft ! 15 $i) bin nid^t fo unbefc^eiben, err t>. Sett^ctm* Unbefc^eiben? S)er ^Brief ift an mid), an Stytn ^ett^eim, 2ftinna. r entfjatt, tua^ 3^nen ^^r Df)eim nid^t ne^men fann. a^ S^ tt l e ^ @' e treten toieber in feine 2)ienfte ; ber 25 > err SJiaior ttrirb Dberftientnant, Dberft Diel(eid)t. 3d) gratnliere Don erjen. ti Scfl^etm, Unb @ie fennen micf) nid^t beffer? ^etn, ba mir ba^ IM fo Diel pritcfgibt, a(^ genng ift, bte aBiinfcfje eine Derniinftigen 3Wanne^ gn befriebtgen, 30 fott e einjig Don metner 3)Jtnna ab^angen, ob ii) fonft iJunft;r 2Iuf3ug. tteuntcr Zfoftritt. 161 nodj iemcmbett nrieber jugeljoren foil ate ifyr. )ienfte attein iei mein gauges 8eben genribmet! )ie JDienfte bet rofcen finb gefaljrlid) unb fofjnen ber TOfye, be$ ^ttmngeS, ^ er (Sntiebrigung nidjt, bie fie foften. SJUnna ift feine t)on ben (tte(n r bie in ifyren 5 aJfannern ntd^t ate ben ttel unb bie g^renftette Itebcn. @ie tDirb mid) nm mid^ felbft lieben, unb id) tuerbe um fie bie ganje SBett tiergeffen. Qd) tuarb otbat au^ ^arteili^leit, itf) ti)ei felbft nidjt fiir tDefdje ^olitifc^e runbfa^e, unb au^ ber title, bag e$ fitr feben et)t^ 10 lidjen 3Kann gut fei, fid) in biefem tanbe eine 3eit- tang ju t^erfu^en, um fid) mit atfem, ft)a^ efa^r Ijeijst, t)ertrauti(^ p ma^en unb Safte unb (Sntf^toffen^ ^eit gu ternen. 9?ur bie au^erfte 9?ot I)atte micf) stt)ingen I5nnen, au^ biefem SSerfuc^e eine Seftimmung, au bie- is fer getegenttic^en Sef^aftigung ein anbtoerf ju ma- c^en. 3lber nun, ba mii^ ni(^t mefyr jtDingt, nun ift mein ganger S^rgeij mieberum einjig unb alfein, ein rutyiger unb jufriebener 2ftenfd) gu fein, S)er toerbe id) mit 3^t)nen r fiebfte DJiinna, unfelpar twerben ; ber 20 toerbe id) in ^t)rer efettfc^aft un&eranbertidj bfeiben, 3)iorgen berbinbe un$ ba^ ^eitigfte 53anb ; unb fo- bann iDoden tt)ir um un$ fef)en unb tDotfen in ber gan- jen tueiten betoofynten 2Be(t ben ftittften, ^eiterften, la- djenbften SBinM fut^en, bem jum ^arabiefe nic^t^ fe^It 25 ate ein gliicf (i^e^ *i}5aar. a tootten tt)ir tuo^nen ; ba folt Jeber unfrer Jage 2Ba$ ift ^^nen, mein bie fic^ unruljig ^in unb ^er toenbet unb ifjre JRu^rung 55tautettt w faffenb. @ie finb fe^r graufam, Jell* 30 162 ITtinna r>on Ijetm, mir ein Ittd fo rctjcnb barjaftetten, bem id) entfagen muj^ 3Rctn SBcrluft tu SeJttjetnu 3$r1Berfttft? 28a3 nennen ie Qfytn 93erluft ? 2ltte$, tw$ 9ftinna Derlteren fonnte, tft nidjt s 2)ttnna. @ie finb nod) ba3 fiifcefte, tiebftdjfte, Ijolbfefigfte efc!)opf unter ber onne, gan^ iite unb ro^mut, gang Unfdjutb unb greube ! SDann unb tDann ein ffeiner 2)MtniIIe; ^ier unb ba ein ttenig (Sigenfinn- befto beffer ! bcfto beffer ! 3Kinna tt)tire fonft ein (5nge(, 10 ben id) mit djaubern t)ere^ren mit^te, ben id) ni^t lonnte. Grgrelft i^re ^onb, fie su ttiffen. SBie auf einmarjo tiertinbert? -5ft biefer c^etnbe, ftitrmifdje 8ieb^aber ber lalte Jetl^eim ? is fonnte nur fein hrieberfefyrenbeS tit(J i^n in biefe geuer fe^en? Sr erlaube mir, ba id) bei feiner flie- genben i^e fitr un$ beibe Uberlegung befjalte. 2lte er fetbft iiberlegen fonnte, fyijrte id) tt)n fagen : fei eine nic^t^tDitrbige 8iebe, bie fein Sebenfeh trage, if)ren egenftdnb ber SJeracljtung au?|ufe|en. 9?ed)t ; aber id) beftrebe mic^ einer eben fo reinen unb ebeln Siebe 3J?onari^ um i^n bemirbt, fottte id) jugeben, ba^ er fid) Derliebten !Jraumereien mit mir iiberlieBe? ba^ ber ru^m- 25 tiolle ^rieger in einen tanbelnben a gfrauleuu 9Jun ba ! S)a^ eben beforge ic^, @ie toitrben ntd)t bte geringfte @pi)tterei iiber mid) bnlben, unb bod) toitrben ie tcigti^ bte bitterften ein^nne^men fyaben, Surg r ^bren te alfo, Xett^eim, tua^ ic^ feft 20 befcfyloffen, motion mtcf) ntd^t^ in ber SBelt abbringen foil tu Sett^cim* SI)e @te an^reben, grautein, id) be* f(f)tt)ore @te, 9)iinna ! itberlegen @ie e^ nod) etnen 5lugenbticE , baft @ie mir ba^ Urtetf iiber ?eben nnb Job fpre^en ! - 25 2>a $rauletn, O^ne toettere Uberlegnng ! @o ge^ mift id) Qtyntn ben Sting jnritdgegeben, mtt toefcfyem @ie mir edentate ^^e 2reue tjerpfltrfitet, fo gelutft @ie biefen namlidfjen SRtng jurntfgenommen, fo getnift foil bte nngUtd(id)e 4Barn^eIm bte attin be glitdH^ern so eflljeimS nie toerben! 164 ITttnna con Barnfyelm. to, Xeflljetttu Unb permit bredjen ie ben tab, gran- fein? | fraufeitt* / ^ku^it.-4|LjGyttem_ ba$ fefte 33anb Stebe. ^ic' gliictid)e Sarnfyelm ta)itn|djle nur f iir 5 ben glMltd)en Jettfyehn jn leben* 2lud) bie ttngtucf(id)e Sftinna fyatte fid) enbtit^ iiberreben laffen, ba Unglud i^re^ greunbeS burd) fid), e^ fei jn tierme^ren ober p linbern, Sr bemerlte e {a tool)!, el)e biefer ^rief anfam, ber atle {eid)^eit jtoifc^en nn toieber auffjebt, 10 toie fe^r gnm t^ein id) mid) nnr nod) toeigerte. t> XeC^ctm* 3ft ba$ toaf)r, mein grantein? 3^ banlt 3^tten, Sfiinna, bap ie ben tab nod) nid)t gebrod^en. ie tootten nnr ben ungIMItd)en Jefl^eim? @r ift gn fyaben. ait. ^d) empfinbe eben, bap e mir nnan- 15 ftanbig ift, biefe fpate ered)tigfeit anjunet)men; bap e$ beffer fein toirb, toenn id) ba, toa^ man burd) etnen fo fd)impftic^en SSerbad^t entefyrt t)at, gar nic^t lange. $a, id) toiH ben 33rief nic^t befommen S)a^ fei alle, toa^ id) baranf anttoorte nnb tne! 3 20 Segriffe, in ju jerrei^en. ^vttulcttt ba ifym in bie anbe greift. SBa$ toolten ie, Sett^cim. ie befil^en. fratttcttt* alten ie ! 25 t>. SelHjetttu graulein, er ift nnfefyfbar jerrtffen, toenn ie nid)t batb \id) anber^ erflaren, 2tt$bann toollen toir boc^ fefyen, toa^ ie noc^ toj^a 1 .. niicTj "rtngixtoenben ^aben! 2>a f5 r ttulcm. SBie ? in bief em Jone ? o f ott id), so fo mn$ id) in meinen eignen 9Ingen t)erci{^tli(^ toerben ? MINNA iinfter Bttfeug. ttcunter 2luftritt. 165 iRumnermeljr ! @ tft erne ntrfjtStoiirbtge treatur, bte fie!) nidfjt fcfyamt, tfjr ganged IM ber blinben ffitlify !ett etneS 9JJanne ju fcerbanfen! tu Seflfyetttu gal|(^, jjrunbfalfd) ! 2a0 ?5raulcttt. SBoQen @ie e toagen, 3^ re e ^9 ne 5 3tebe in meinem SJJunbe ju fdjelten? t>. SeK^eim. (Sop^iftin! @o entefjrt fit^ ba^ fd&it* (^ere efdjlerfjt bttrd) atte^, n?a^ bem ftarleren ntcf)t anfte^t? @o foil fid) ber 2Kann atle^ erlauben, toa$ bem SBeibe gejietnt? SBelc^e^ beftimmte bte S^atur 3ur 10 anbern? * 33eruf)tgen @ie fid^, Xetl^eitn ! tuerbe ni^t ganj o^ne @d)u fein, lt)enn t^ fd^on bte )re be^ ^^rtgen au^f^Iagen mn^ @o t^tel mu^ mtr immer not^ tr>erben, at^ bte S^ot erforbert. Qfy ^abe mtcf) bet unferm e(anbten melben laffen. (Sr will tnt(f) nodf) fyeute fpredfjen* offentftc^ tt)irb er fid) meiner anne^men. te tit DerjTteftt. grlauben @ie, err ** Sett^ctm* ^ tDerbe @tc begleiten, gnabige^ 20 graulein. ^, err Sftajor ; taffen @tc ti. SeK^einu @^er foil on Barrtljelm. gefynter Jluftritt. 3ufl 2>ie SBorigem . err 3)Za{or ! err SRun? $ommen ie bod) gefd)ttrinb, gefdjtirinb! to. SettJjeim* 2$a$ foil id)? 3 U m * r *) er ' 5 inbe feeifeitc ur SranjWfa. SJ'Zerfft bit O, @ie ttttoarmfyerjtge ! $3) ^abe ^ter 10 geftanben tute auf So^Ien ! tj. ZeflJjetm jugufi 2Ba^ fagft bu? a^ ift md)t tUOgUd^ ! @te ? Snbem cr bag ^ulein totlb anblicft. ag' e^ laut; fag' e^ tl)r tn efit^t ! dren @ic bod), mem grauletn ! is 3ttf* er SBtrt fagt, ba^ grduletn Don arn^clm ^abe ben Sting, toelcfjen id^ bet t^m derfet^t, jn ftc^ ge- nommen ; fie fyabe i^n fitr ben ifyrigen erfannt nnb tDoIIe ifyn nidjt tDteber l)erau^geben. to, e(Hjetttu 3ft ba^ toa^r, mein grdttfein ? 20 ba$ fann ni(^t ma^r f em ! a 5 r ^ulcm lac^einb. Unb SBantm fann e$ nirf)t tt)a^r fein? iitt ^eftifl. 9lnn, fo fei e3 U)af)r ! SSetd; 8id)t r ba^ mir anf einmal aufgegangen ! -y--. 25 Sinn erlenne @ie, bie ^alf^e, bie Ungetreue ! Sa ^rauletn erf^nxfen. SBer? tner ift biefe Ungetrene? to. Scfl^eim, @ie, bie icf) nid)t met)r nennen luill! Junftcr 2Iuf3ug. (Sifter 2Juftrttt. 16 T $rthtlcuu STeUljeim! to* eff!jetttu 23ergeffen @te meinen ^Jtamen! @ie . fatnen Ijterljer, mit mir ju bredjen. (3 ift flar! ber 3uf aft f o gern bem Sreulofen juftatten f ommt ! 6r ftt^rtc "Soften ^Ijren 9ting m bte anbe. SlrgUft mu^te mir ben memtgen 2)a $rau(etiu Jell^eim, tua^ fitr e[penfter fetyen te! gaffen fie fief) boc^ unb ^5ren @ie tnic^. 3fratttfa fur ft^. 9?un mag fie (Elfter 2luftrttt. SBcrncr mit etnem iBeittet elb. t>. Sell c int. grauleiit. SSerner. ier bin i(^ fcfton, err 9^a{or!- 10 n* Seflfjeim o^ne t^n an^ufe^en. SBer t)erfangt bid^ ? SSerner. ier ift elb, taufenb ^iftoten! t>. SeHijewu ^^ toitt fie nic^t! aScrner. 3Korgen !onnen @ie, err aftajor, itber no^ einmat fo die! befeljlen. 15 . Seijafte bein elb! ift }a ^^r elb, er gtaube, @ie fe^en ntcfjt mit tocm @ie to. SeWjettm 3Beg bamit! fag' id). aBerner. 3Ba^ fet)(t ^nen? Qtf) bin SBerner. 20 tj. SeC^cim. 3lIIe itte ift 93erftetlung, aCe tcnft* fertigfeit ^Betrug. jui(jyij aSenter. tlt bae mir ? ^ SelHjetttu 9Bie bn rtritlft! aScrncr. ^rf) t>abe {a nur ^Ijren Sefe^f dotljogen, 25 168 ITCinna t?on t>, Seflfjetttu @o Doltgie^e and) ben unb patle bid) ! SBerner. err 9}?ajor ! argents id) bin ein 2Jienfd) to* SeHljeim. )a bift bn ttmS 9?ed)t$! SBcrncn )er and) OaHe Ijat iJ* Sed^cim* ut ! atte ift no^ ba^ befte, toa^ tt)ir bitte to. SeUljeittu 9Bie t)ielntal foil id) bir e$ fagen? Qd) brandje bein elb nidjt! 10 SBcrner jomtg. 9inn, fo brand)' e, toer ba tmft! ^nbem er im ben SBeutel i>or bie gttfje toirft unb beifeite ge^t. 2)a ^raulcin gur ^ranjisia. 21^ Hebe granst!a r t^ fyatte bir fotgen follen, Qd) Ijabe ben c^erg jn tneit getrieben. S)o(^ er barf mid) \a nnr ^5ren aufi$n 15 juge^enb. ^tttltjt^fd bie o^ne bem ^fraulein ju anttuorten, fid) SBernem : err SBac^tmeifter ! SSetner murnf^ ^attjt^fa. n! toa^ finb ba^ fitr 9Kanner! f^ingern nagt, ba eftd^t toegtoenbet unb nid?t3 ^idrt. S'iein, ba^ tft jn arg! dren @ie mid) bod^! @te betriigen fid)! n bto^e^ 3DWf;t)erftcinbni$, Stell^eim! (Ste tootten ^^e SRinna nid)t l^oren? $tfnnen @ie einen fotcfjen 25 3Serbad)t faffen? Qd) mit Qfyntn bredjen iDotlen? $d) barnm f)ergefommen? 5 tfiinfter Slufsug* gutflfter Bnftritt. 169 gtDoIfter 2Iuftrttt 3&>ei SBebiente nad) einanocr oon toerfdjiebenen @ettcn ilbcr ben @aal taiifettb. Die 35 o r i g c tu $er cine Sebiente. (SnabtgeS graulein, ^Ijro Sjrjettetij, 2>er anbere Scbiente* @r !omntt, gnabtge^ grau- lent ! bie an genfter gelaufen. @r tft 6$ ! Ct tft 66 ! 5 ^rauleitt. 3ft er'3? O nun gcfc^totnb, SCctt* Ijeim t>. SeH^etm auf einmal 3u ftd^ felbft f ommenb. 9Bet ? iDCt lommt ? S'ljr Oljeim, grauletn? btefer graitfame Dfyeim? 8affen . @tc tljtt nur lommen ; taffen @ie i^n nnr fommen ! 10 gitrc^ten @tc nid)t^! @r fott @ie mit letnem SJttcfe betetbtgen bitrfen ! @r fyat e mit mir gu tun - 3*Dar Derbtenen @te e$ urn mid) nic^t 3)a3 graulcin. ef(^tt)inb umarmen @te mtcf), Sett* ^etnt, unb tjergeffen @ic aQc 15 t>. Scttfjcim. a, menn i(i) toit^te, baft a3 ^raulctn. 9Zein r id) lann e nt^t bereuen, mir ben Slnblid: ^ re ^ gan^en erjen^ tjerfc^afft gu I)aben! 2H), tDa^ finb @tc fftr ein 9ftann! Umarmen @ie 20 3fyre ^Ktnna, Qtye gtitcf (td)e SUJinna ! aber bur^ ni(J)t^ glMHdjer ate burd^ @tc! eie taat i^m in we rme. Unb nun ifym entgegen ! tu S:eHf)etm. SBem entgegen? iiu T)em beften 3^^r unbelannten $reunbe. 25 170 ITtinna son Barnfyelm. )em rafen, meinem O)eint, tneinem 33ater, 3^rem 23ater. 2Reine glncfyt, fein Untoitte, meine gnterbung ; fyoren ie benn nid)t, baft atteS erbtrfitet ift ? 8eid)tgtaubiger fitter ! *. SeKljeittu (Srbtdjtet ? 2lber ber SRing ? ber SRing ? fjraulcm* S5So ^aben te ben SRhtg, ben tc^ suritdgegeben ? Seffijeim, @ie ne^men i^n toteber? O, fo bin 10 2)a ^ttlcttt* @o befe^en @te t^n bod^ erft! D uber bte 33(tnben, bte ntrf)t fe^en Pollen! 2SeW)er 9ttng ift e^ benn? ben id) Don Qfynen I)abe, ober ben @ie t)on mir? Qft e benn ntdjt eben ber, ben id^ in ben anben be 2Birt^ nidjt laffen ttjotfen? 15 t>. SeflJjemu ott! toa fe^ id^? toaS ^or' ic^? ^Ca ^raulcim @ott ic^ i^n nnn tDieberne^men ? foil id) ? eben @ie ^er, geben @ie ^er ! ane ber ^anb unb ftedtt i^n im fclbft an ben finger. 9Znn? ift ri^tig ? 20 D* Xctt^Ctm* 9BO bin id)? S^re ^anb Zilffenb. ), bo^- Rafter (Snget! mi^ fo jn qud(en! gfrattleitu iefe^ gur ^robe, tnein lieber e- baB ie mir nie einen trad) fpielen fotfen, o^ne ba ii^ 3 : ^ nen wfy Qttitf) barauf mieber einen fjriele. 25 Senfen @ie, baft ie mid) nid)t and) gequalt fatten ? u Sctt^ctm. O ^omobiantinnen, id^ fjatte cuc^ bod) fennen fotlen. ^ranji^fa*. ?Jein r tnafyrfjaftig ; ic^ bin jur Somobian- tin t)erborben. $fy ^abe gejittert nnb gebebt nnb mir so mit ber anb ba^ 9Jlaut ju^atten miiffen* ^iinfter 2Iuf3iig D^efjnter Ztuftrttt. 171 ftrauleuu 8ctd&t ift mir meme SRotte and) nidjt getoorben, 3lber fo fommen iebod)! ^^^ *>. SeflJjeim. , 9?od) fann id) mid) nidjt erfjoten. 2Bte toof)l, nrie angftlidj tft mtr! @o ertpa^t man pfe|H4 au$ etnem f^redf)aften STraume! 5 SBtr jaubern, Jtuftettt 2)er raf toon 23rud)fart toon toerfdjiebenen SBebienten unb bem SBtrte begleitet. 2)ic ^origen. raf tm ^eretntreten. @ie tft bodj glncfftdj angelangt? tngt. SO), mein 2)er raf. )a bin i(^ r tiebe SJJinna! er raf. TOein err, tDir Ijaben nn^ nte gefe^en ; aber bei bem erften 3lnbIt(J gfanbte ic^, @ie jn er* fennen. -3d) tnitnfdfjte, ba^ @ie e$ fein m5(^ten. \\rn- armen @ie midE), @ie fyaben meine t)o((ige od)adj- 20 tnng. $$ bitte nm i^re grennbfcfjaft. 3Keine 9tidjte, meine Softer liebt @ie. 2)a ^raulcitt. 3)a^ njiffen @ie r mein SSater ! Unb ift fie btinb, meine 8tebe? Der raf. Sfcin, 9JJinna, beine ?iebe ift nid)t blinb ; 25 aber bein Siebtjaber ift ftnmm. 172 ZTlmna con 23cmfielm. ft$ t$m in Me Slrtne toerfenb. gaffcn @te mid) JU mir fetbft lommen, mem 2?ater! 2>er raf, (go rerfjt, mein @ot)n! 3$ ^re e; toenn bein SJhmb nitfjt plaubern lann, fo faun betn 5 erj boc^ reben* Qd) bin fonft ben Offtsteren t)on biefer garbe out x&wmz uniform toetfcnb eben nt^t gut, )odj @ie finb ein e^rttdjer 9)umn, SeQ^etm, unb ein e^rlt^er 9ftann mag (tecfen, in iDelc^em Sfeibe er \viil, man mu^ ifyn tieben 10 . 2)a^ Sfraulehu SO, tuenn @ie alle^ nniftten ! 2)cr raf. 2Ba$ ^inbert^, ba^ ic^ ntd)t alle$ er- faf)re? S33o finb meine ,3umn er / err SBfet?. SBoflen 3^) ro ?3 e] tten5 nnr bte nabe fyereinsutreten. 15 er raf* Somm, 3fttnna ! Sommen @ie r err 2fta- c^t mit bem SCBirte unb ben Sebtenten ab. Sommen ie, elfl)eim! d) folge _3^nen ^ en Slugenblitf, mein grantetn. 9?nr not^ ein SBort mit biefem 2)?anne ! egen 20 SBernem ftd^ toenbcnb. ffraulcm* Unb Ja ein red^t gnte^ ; mid) biinft, notig, granji^la, nicf)t fen na$. . XeHtjeim. SSerner. 3uft. tl Scflfjcint auf ben 93eutel toeifenb, ben 2Bemer toeggetuorfen. iet r 25 Suft ! t)ebe ben Seutet auf unb trage tt)n nad) aufe, eb ! Suft bamit ab. ^iinftcr 2Iuf3ug, 8nf sinter tfuftritt 173 ber nod? immer miirrifd) im SBinfel geftanben unb an tetljunetymen gefd?ienen, inbem er ba3 Ijort. ^d, TlUtt ! tu SeDHjetm bertrauitd& out t^n *uge$enb. Serner, toann fann id) bie anbern taufenb ^Jiftolen tjaben? 'SBemer auf einmal toieber in feiner guten Saunc. SJJotgen, 6tr 5 3ftaj;or, tnorgen* tj. Sctt^ciut. $d) brau(fjc bem @d)ulbner nic^t ju toerben, aber i(^ tt)ttl betn 9?entmeifter fein. ud^ gut Ijerjigen Seuten foflte man alien einen SSormunb fe^en* - Qfy fetb etne 2lrt 2Serftf)lt)enber. Qtf) fjabe bic^ t)or^ 10 fytn erjiirnt, SBerner!- aScrner. 33et metner armen @eele, {a ! 3$ ^ tte aber bod) [o em Jdlpet ntrf)t fetn fotten* 9?un fet)' td)^ tt)o^L 3d) berbtente ^nnbert gnt^teL 8affen @te mtr fie and) ftf)on geben ; nnr better leinen roll, 15 Iteber 3JJaj;or! b, Sett^eim. @roC ? 3^m bte ^anb briidcnb. 8te^ eS in meinen 3lugen, tt)a^ id) bir ni(^t atte^ fagen fann. a! tt)er ein beffere^ SRcibdjen nnb einen reblirfjern grennb fyat al$ ii), ben tt)iC id) fet)en granji^fa, 20 nirfjt ^unfjeljnter Jluftrttt SSerner. gratt^isfa. Stattji^fa ^r m. ^a geipi^, e ift ein gar gu guter 9D?ann! @o einer fontntt mir nic^t nneber t)or. g ntU^ f)eratt$ ! ame? auf tritt VI. 1. 3n toelrfjem 2erl)aUnig ftanb eIH)eim $u bent ber 2)ame ? 2. Seg^alb bnrfte Me S)ame nic^t abretjen, o^ne gu 2:ell^eint gefomnten gu fetn? 3. 2Ba6 ^at Xett^etm nad) ber 3Jieinung ber 2)ame toerfegt? 4. SBelc^e 5lnttt)ort gibt iljr ber SRajtor, ol fte barcmf befte^t, bag elb gn be$al)Ien ? 5. Sa tt)tH elll)eim f iir ben ol^n ber )ame tnn? 6. Sa ^at ber berftorbene 9}Jarloff nocf) toon bent Regiment gn er^alten ? 2[iiftrttt VII. 1. 2Bo tut SeWjeim nad^ i^rent gortgange? 2. Soaor fiircf)tet er jid^ ? 2Cuf tritt VIII. 1. SSa fur etne SBemegung ntad)t 3u(l, afe er in ba Simmer tritt? 2. SBie entfc^ulbtgt 3uft fein 2lufccn ? 3. ^atte 3uft toon jeinem errn er^alten? 4. Sietriel fc^ulbet ber bent 3)iener ? 5. SSofiir f cf)u(bet er iljnt btefe @umme ? 6. 3uft bagegen feinem errn fc^ulbig? 7. SSofiir I)atte ber 3JJajor ba etb ansgelegt? 8. 2Ba fagt Sett^eim toon ber or ?angernjet(e tun miiffen? 6. Se^alb ifl ba graulein Ijterfjer* gefommen? 7. Sa ^atte fie Don bem Officer ertrartet? 8. Se= ^alb tat e tljr leib, ben Officer nidjt getroffen $u ^aben? 9. Selrfje offnung ^egt ba f5 r ^ e i n ^ n ^ e S u g ail f M* ^^ife? 10. $on n?et(^er Sugenb fprtd^t man am felteften? 11. See^alb finbet ba graulein biefe Slnmcrf ung fo gut ? 12 3n n)e(cf)er Seife rf)ara!teriftert fte 2;eH= Ijeim? 13. $on tocher Sugenb |>rirf)t SeH^eim nur? 14. Sie lange ^at er ifyr nid^t gej^rieben? 15. Sa8 ben!t granjisfa Dom grieben ? 16. SeSfyatb irb i^nen jefct bie 3eit fo tang? 17. Sa foil Sett^etm i^nen entgelten? 18. $uf luetc^e Seife toerteibigt ba grciulein XeU^eim, at8 fie fyort, ba er nid)t gefdjrieben ^at? 21 u f t r i 1 1 II. 1. Ser fteclt ben f opf in 3immer ? 2. Sa l)at ber Sirt Ijinter bem O^r unb ttmS ^at er in ber anb ? 3. Sonad^ fragt ber Sirt ? 4. Sa$ ^at granji^fa fc^ted^t gefunben? 5. Sar= um ^aben naci^ be Strteg SReinnng bie S)amen fd)Ied)t gefdjlafen? 6. Sa toitt ber Sirt auffdjreiben ? 7. Sie tyeigt bie $oU^eit)erorb' nung? 8. to rtjefdjem Xage finb bie 2)amen angetangt? 9. Sie fyeifjt bag Sirtc^aug? 10. Sie Ijeifjt bag graulein? 11. Soljer 180 lommt bag graufein? 12. Sarum ift ber Strt nidjt mil bent Sortc ,,@ad)fen" jufrieben? 13. Setdjen 9?amen gibt bag graulein bann an? 14. Ser begteitet fte? 15. (gqafjten or bem Sirt? 2. Seg^atb gtaubt ber Sirt, bag er l)eute nic^t me^r gefci^r^ lic^ ift? 3. Sa8 fonnen @ie toon Serner er^Ien? 3ft er toerljei* ratet, too tno^nt er, tt>a ift er fritter gert)efen? 4. Selcfjen (Stnbrncf mb(i)te ber Sirt auf Serner madjen? 5. 2(uf aien beruft ftc^ ber Sirt, um ju be^engen, bag er ein grennb be 2Rajor^ ift? 6. Sofiir ^cilt ber Sirt 3ufl? Stuftritt V. 1. Se^alb lommt granai^Ia bem Sat^tmeifter nod^ einmal fo fdjon Dor ? 2. SeSfjaib fjatte ber Sirt bem 2)?ajor bie 3im mer auggerau t ? 3. Sa eqci^It Serner toon bem Sftajor? 4. Sa8 ^at Serner mitgebradftt? 5. Sarum glaubt Serner, bag er ben 9ftng tierfe^t ^at? 6. Sie erfjalt ein @olbat oft einen $Ung? 7. Sa tt)iirbe btefer im bag grautein? ^uftritt X. 1. Sag bringt gran^igfa bem 2Kajor? 2. Seg= ^atb wottte bag grchtlein ben 8rief nit^t lefen? 3. Sag ent^ieit ber 33rief? 4. Um wiet)ie( ll^r foil ber Sftajor gn bem granlein fommen? 5. Sag will fie am nadjmittage tun? 6. Segfyalb at bag graulein einen gefdjloffenen Sagen gewa^lt? 7. Seg^atb bringt SeHf)eim barauf, bag bag graulein ben 53rief nocf) border liegt ? 8. Sag war mit bem 8rief gefc^e^en? 9. 23ef8)reiben @ie bag Sugere beg 3fta* jorg. 10. 3n wetter Seife wotfte er feine Soitcttc anbern? 11. Sol)in geften ^ell^eim unb Serner, inn ifyre ^a^Ijeit einjunetymen ? 12. Seg^atb bteiben @ie nidjt in ber Sirtgftube? 5tuftritt XI. 1. SBonad) fvagt Serner, atg er mit granjtfa attein ift? 2. Sag Ijatte er ben SJlajor oft fagen ^bren? 3. Sag foradj aug jeber 3etle beg Sriefeg? 4. Seg^alb entfagt ein 184 fcincm Sftanne? 5. Sag roar bem gra'uletn eingefatten? 6. Ser fottte Ujr babel Ijelfen? IV. 3*ttfett3. & u f t r i 1 1 I. 1. So foielt bte erftc @$ene ? 2. Sie tft bag grau* tein gefteibet? 3. Sag fatten fte unb granjigfa gerabe becnbigt? 4. attc bag grdutein etnen guten Slppctit gefjabt? 5. Segfyalb lonnte ftc nidjt tiiel effcn? 6. Soran merfte gran$ig!a, baft bag grtiuteitt an ben 3^ajor bac^te ? 7. atte ba graiilein ben Sad)t= metfter fc^on gefe^en? 8. SBe^alb pro^e^ett fte i^n granjt^fa gum 2anne? Huftrttt II. 1. Sen fudjt ^iccaut? 2. Sa3 mitt er bem Sftajor bringen? 3. 2Be8l)a(b tDttt ba^ gra'uletn fetn gran^ofifdj fpre^en? 4. So Ijatte ^iccant an 3J?ittag gef^eift? 5. Sa tjatte er bort gefjort? 6. Sa8 ergd^It ^iccant toon feiner 55ergangen^eit ? 7. Somtt ^at er ftcf) in ber le^ten ,3 e ^ feinen Unter^alt uerbient? 8. Sa8 bietet i^m baS gra'utein an? 9. Sie briicft er ba8 Sort ^betriigen" an? 10. SaS toerfprid^t er, el)e er fortgeljt? ^nftritt III. 1. SaS ^a'tt granjisfa t?on ber anbtnng beS graulein? 2. Sie fterteibtgt ftd) ba graulein? 3. SeS^alb trtU granjt!a ^inter $Riccant ^ertanfen? 4. 3n ttjelt^er Setfe terteibtgt ba grautein bte fcfjled^ten 2J?enfci)en? 5. Selrfje Hgigmf^aft, glaubt jte, trieb ben grangofen bagu, gum pieter ju luerben ? 6. Siittfd)* gran^fa, bag ber SWajor lomme? 7. Sag toirft grangi!a bem grcintetn or ? 3(uftritt IV. 1. Sie nafjert ftdft Serner ben beiben 2>amen? 2. Sag metbet Serner bem grdulein? 3. Se^^atb Ijatte ftd) 2ett= Ijeim etrtjaS Dertya'tet ? 4. Sarum mitt Serner nid)t mit grangigfa ^laubern? 5. SoruBer freut ftrf) ba graitlein? 5Cuftritt V. 1. Selc^en (Stnbmcf gtaubt granjtfa, bag Serner anf bag grantein gemad)t ^abe ? 2. Sann gefa'ttt Serner am beften ? 3. Urn ttm bittet grangigfa bag gra'nrein ? 4. betDitttgt biefe ifyren Snnfc^ nidjt? 5. Sag gtef)t bag granletn tion bem ginger ? 6. Sag tut fte mit bem $ing ? 7. Sen ertoartet bag grduletn ? 185 Sluftritt VI. 1. Sag fdpgt bag grdutein bem 2ftajor uor? 2. Sen erttmrtet fte fyeute ? 3. So toar raf toon 23rud)fatt todfyrenb beg $riegeg geroefen ? 4. Seg^alb modjte Xeflljeim ben rafen nidjt treffen? 5. 3n tteicfjer Seife beruljigt bag grdulein XeEljeim iiber tljren Onfel? 6. Sag roirft SeE^eim tljr toor? 7. 2BaS ^atte er in bem SBriefe gefd^rieben? 8. 9cimmt ba grantein fetnen (Sntfdjlitfc an? 9. SBie trerben nacf) i^rer 3Jietnung t^re ?anbIeute iiber fie fpre^en? 10. 2Belrf)e SBefcfyreibnng gibt XeU^eim t)on ftd^ fefber? 11. SBeS^aft glaubt Sed^etm, bag er fcerabfdjiebet fei? 12. Soburc^ itjurbe er 311 einem ^ritypel gemad^t? 13. 2Bie betueift ba graulein, bag ber 2J^ajor nodj fein Settler fei ? 14. 28a bringt i^r O^eim fiir XeK^eim mit? 15. 3BeIcf)e Orbre ^atte Xell^eim toafjrenb be $rtege em^fangcn? 16. Sie tjoHjog er biefen 5luftrag? 17. Sa8 ttotlte er mit bem 3Berf)fe( ber ta'nbe tun? 18. @qa^Ien @ie, tt)ie ber Be^fer an 2:eUf)etm dnben lam. 19. Sag Ijalt 2:ett^ei fiir ge!ran!t? 20. 3n mefdjem !^td)te ftel)t ba8 grcintetn Sat? 21. SeSfyalb ging ba8 grd'nletn in bie erfte efettjcaft? 22. Seld^eg tear tf)r fefter ^Borfa^? 23. 2Befd)e @igenfc^aften legt fte bem 2JtoIjren t?on 35enebig bei ? 24. Seiche gragen roirft Sett^eim in feiner 3'crjlrcut^eit auf? 25. 2Ba8 befie^tt ba graulein gran* Sisfa? 26. Sag tut XeU^eim, als er ben SBefe^i be grauleins ^ort? 27. Selc^en Sunfc^ fortdjt er au? 28. Sorin raiU er fen tiirf fudE)en? 29. Sann miirbe ba ef|)ra'c^ sttrifrfjen bem grautein unb SeK^eim anberS auggefatten fein? 30. Ser tjl ber ^etjatter? 31. Sa Ijatte ber S^eDalier t)on bem anbfd)reiben ergd^tt ? 32. Sag fyatte ber ^rieggga^Imeifter bem 9J?ajor gefagt? 33. Sag it)itt Setl^eim toor aHen anbern S)ingen ^aben? 34. Segfyalb faun er na(^ feiner Slnftcljt bag grdutein nit^t fjeiraten? 35. Sag gibt bag grdulein bem 2Jiaj[or guriidf? 36. Sie Derldgt bag grdutetn bie Mime? 5Inftritt VII. 1. SagnjtESell^eimtun? 2. So&on ^dlt iljn grangigfa guriicf? 3. 5on tt)et(^em Ungliic! tyrarf) bag grdulein? 4. Seldjeg efjeimnig ersfi^t il)m granjigfa? 5. Sag nriU XeU^eim jej^t tun? 6. Se(d)en ^at gibt i^m granjiSfa? 5tuftritt VIII. 1. 3u mem toitt Xe%im gel)en? 2. Sag ift 186 V. Sluftritt I. 1. Sag bringt Serner bent SeUfyeitn? 2. Sag braucfjt ber SUtejor aber ttidjt? 3. Sag Ijat cr nbtig? 4. Sag er* fuljr Werner? 5. laubt SeUfyeim, bag Meg nmljr tft? 6. Sietriel @elb gibt ifmt Serner? 7. Sag fott Serner tntt bem @elb tun? 8. Sa foil 3uft bamit einlofen? 9. $uf meldje Seife tann Serner nod) mefjr elb befommeu? 10. Sag t)ertraut Sellljetm feinem Sa^tmeifter an? 11. Sag ttnrb ber 9}^ajor tun, nac^bem bag grcut= lein feine grau getoorben ift? 12. So^u forbert er Serner auf? 13. So^tn modjte Serner am liebften geljen ? Sluftritt II. 1. Seiche SBeranberung tft in Xett^eint t)orge= gangen? 2. Sie ^at bag eigene UnglM auf eHfieim eingett)tr!t ? 3. Ste toirft 9Jitnnag Ungliirf auf i^n etn? 4. Sofyin rt)ill ber SEftajor gef)en? 5. Ser fomntt ifjm entgegen? Stuftritt III. 1. Sag glaubte grangigfa ju ^oren? 2. Sag tt>ifl bag graulein gerabe tun? 3. Soruber ift ^ettt)eim erftaunt? 4. Soran erinnert i^n granjigfa? 5. Soran benft Sell^eim erft jet? 6. Sag rut er mit bem 9ling? 7. Sag ttwnfrfjt grangigfa? 8. Sag ttnrb Sftinna nic^t berttjeigern? 9. 9tad) ttJelc^em 9liug fragt granjigla ifjn je^t? 10. Settle 5lntttiort gibt eUI)eim barauf? 11. Soju mocfyte granjigfa XeHIjeim betregen? 12. Ste fte^t eg jte^t mit 2ftinnag ^Bermogen ? 13. Soburd^ faun jte lei^t alleg tier* lieren? 14. Ste nennt granjigfa beri D^eim? 15. Sag ^ort grangigfa je^t? 16. Sa tuill SeH^eim tun? 17. Sag ^atte bag graulein granjigfa tjerboten ? 51 uf tritt IV. 1. Sag foil grangigfa tun? 2. Segfyalb bebarf XeH^eim feiner ^Borbereitung? 3. Sag, fiirdjtete SeH^eim, irirb 3TJinna guriirf fatten, ftc^ in feine $rme gu tt) rfen ? 4. Sag fyat fte nac^ elll)eimg ^nftc^t burt^ i^n berloren? 5. Sag fyat 2:eK^etm felber fcfyon entf^ulbtgt ? 51 it f t r i 1 1 V. 1. Sen nrirb bag graulein ftfteinbar nid)t gett)a^r ? 2. Sonad) fragt fte ? 3. Segfyalb tft nacf) t^rer feinting ber 2ftajor gefommen? 4. Sag fott ettl)eim mit bem 9f?ittg madden? 5. Sag mug grftttgigfa eingefte^en ? 6. llm tnag bittet ellf)eim bag grautein ? 7. 3n raeffen 2lugen ^at fte tnel toerloren? 8. 3u roeffen 5lugen aber t)iel getnonnen? 9. Sag fyat 2^tnna nad) Xelltjetms 2)Mnung ge= 187 fiirdjtet ? 10, Borang entfyrang 2ftinnag Sftifjtrauen gegen eftl)etm ? 11. Bag fyat Xeflfyeim naci) 2JHunag Sfteinung burdj bie 3 urii tf a ^ me beg binges getan ? 12. Bag antroortet eflf)eim barauf ? 13. Bag gtbt er il)r timber? 14. Bitt 9ftinna ben 9Ung annefymen? 15. Bag geigt fie ttjm? 16. Bag roirft er 2Kinna toor? 17. Bag geigt ifjm ttjr oertraulidjer on ? 18. 2Ba8 gebietet 9Jiinna ber gran* 3i!a? 19. Bag gefte^t 9^tnna je^t often? 20. BeSljalb tt)ta 2JJinna nidjt erlanben, bag er i^r ben 3Ung an ben ginger ftecft? 21. $5a foil er fid) ertro^en? 22. SSann ^at Seftfyeim fo gebadjt, tt)ie SJUntia jet benlt? 23. 2Ba ^atte fetne @eele umnebelt? 24. 3Bie nennt er bie Softer ber 2iebe? 25. Bag tat bieje? 26. BeSfjalb glanbt Xefl^eint, bie Urfadje i^reS Unglucfg gn fein? 27. Seld)en (Sntfc^tng f>at XeH^eim gefagt? 2Cuf tr itt VI. 1. Ben tt)irb gran^fa gettja^r? 2. Ben jncijt ber getbjager? 3. Bag nimmt er anS [ber 33rieftafcf)e 4. Bern gtbt er bag @d)reiben? 5. 3n twent ^atte firf) bag grautein getanfc^t ? 6. Bann fjcitte ber 2JJajor bag @d)reiben er^alten joHen? 7. Bag I)at ber gelbjciger erft fyeiite erfa^ren? 5(uf tr it.t VII. 1. Bag tnt Settyemftnit bem 53rief ? 2. Ber erf djeint auf ber gene ? Slnftritt VIII. 1. $n wen menbet ftd^ ber Birt? 2. Bag fjalt granjigfa fiir ben @runb feineg ^otnmeng? 3. Beg^atb ift er in Bir!Urf)?eit gefomtnen? 4. Bag foil ber Birt 3nft fagen? Sluftrttt IX. 1. Urn trag bittet grangigfa? 2. Bet^en @in= brucf mad^t ber SBrief auf SeH^eim? 3. Bag tut bag graulein mit bem SBrtef? 4. Ber ^at ben Srief geft^rieben? 5. (gqa^ten @ie ben 3n^aft beg ricfe. 6. Bag tut 2Rtnna, nad^bem fie ben 53rief gu (Snbe getefen ^at? 7. Bag fagt fie Don bem tonig? 8. Bag lirb nad^ i^rer 3Jleinung Sett^eim tun? 9. 35on tt>em foil eg ab* ftangen, ob SeUfyeim tt)ieber in beg ^onigg SHenfl eintreten tt)irb? 10. Barum ift er otbat getuorben? 11. Bag Ijat er ntemalg aug bem otbatenftanbe madden Pollen? 12. Bag ift jefet fein ganger S^rgeig? 13. Bag foil am nadjften Sage gefct)e^en? 14. Bag fitdjt SWinna gu cerbergen ? 15. Beg^alb nennt fie SeE^eim ,,grcm* jam"? 16. Bag tt)iU fie nirf)t me^r gugeben? 17. Bogu (oH ein nit^t augarten? 18. Bag ^alt XeU^eim toon ber groften 188 2Beft? 19. Sofjin toetft if)n ba graulein guriitf? 20. 28a fiir cin grautein barf er nidjt Ijeiraten? 21. 2Ba roiirbe er taglid) iiber ftc Ijoren ntiiffen? 22. Setdjen (gntfalug Ijat 2ftinna gefagt? 23. SBeldjeS ift baS feftc SBanb ber Siebe ? 24. Ber Ijatte bie$ jnnfd)en iljnen aufgefyoben? 25. 2Ba$ nnE eEI)eim mil bcm SBriefetun? 26. 3u. toem rtnfl ba graulein tioc^ ^cute geljen? 27. Sa8 brofjt ^cK^eim, feinen 53e!annten 311 er^d^ten ? Sluftritt X. 1. Ser ruft ben 3J?ajor? 2. Sic iiberbringt Ujm 3ujl bie ^ad^ric^t? 3. 2Ba8 \3ertangt SeE^eim toon 3itft? 4. %at ber SBirt 3uft Don bent 9ltng erga^It? 5. Sie fteEt ftd^ 511 biefer 9^ac^nd)t ? 6. Sofur ^dlt er nun 9Kinna ? ^nftritt XI. 1. 28aS tragt SBerner? 2. SieDiel elb brtngt er? 3. Bern gefjort ba elb? 4. SSie bel)anbelt SeU^eim ben Serner? 5. 2Ba tut ber Sadjtmetfter tntt bent 55eutel? 6. 2a8 fie^t ba grduletn jefet etn? 7. Sa toerfu^t fte gu tun? 8. Sie betrdgt ftd) aber Xelll^etm? 51 u f t r 1 1 1 XII. 1. 2Ben ntelben bte betben 53ebienten ? 2. Seiche $eranberung ge^t in Sen^eim bor ? 3. Sa8 tDiinf^t ba^ grdulein jcftt? 4. Sa !ann fte nicf)t bereuen? 5. 2Ka Ijatte fte alle er= btd^tet? 6. 2Ba geigt fte i^m in 23e$ug auf ben ^ing? 7. 2Ba3 tut fte bann mit bent 9ling? 8. SeS^alb f)at fte i^n fo gequdlt? 9. Sogu tft granjisla tierborben ? Sluftritt XIII. 1. Ser trttt jetf)erein? 2. Soruber ift ber @raf erftaunt? 3. 5luf metd^e 2Beife begriigt ber raf SeE^eim? 4. 2Bie ifl ba 3Ser^ditni be8 rafen gu ben ^reugtf^en Offigieren? 5. SBe^aIb ntarfjt er ntit SeE^eim eine 3luna^me? 6. Sffionad) fragt ber @raf ben SBirt ? 7. SSarum bleibt XeE^etm auriicf ? auftritt XIV. 1. SBeldjen iBefe^I gibt SeEt)eim bent 3uft? 2. 3Sa6 Derlangt XeE^eim toon SBerner? 3. SSeIrf)e ^erdnberung gel)t in SSerner t)or ? 4. 2Ba mbcf)te XeE^eim fur Werner fein^ 5. giiljft ft^ SScrner nod^ beteibigt? 6. SBo fiir einen 2ftenfd)en Juunfd^t XeE^eim gu fe^en? ^ u f t r i 1 1 XV. 1 . 2Ber befmbet ft(^ jeftt nur not^ auf ber 33iifjne ? 2. 2Ba ^cilt grangisfa uon SBerner? 3. 2Be{)aIb lann Center fte ni(^t anfe^en? 4. Sonadj fragt grangi!a ben 28arf)tntetfter? 5. SBo^in tt)irb Serner DieEeid^t ge^en? 6. Sa mirb iiber ge^n 3a^re fein? NOTES. ABBREVIATIONS IN NOTES AND VOCABULARY. abbrev. abbreviation ace. accusative case act. active voice adj. adjective adv. adverb art. article aux. auxiliary cf. compare colloq. colloquial compar. comparative degree cond. conditional conj. conjunction dot. dative case def. definite dem. demonstrative e.g. for example /. feminine gender fut. future gen. genitive case i.e. that is imper. imperative mood wipers, impersonal indecl. indeclinable indef. indefinite inf. infinitive insep. inseparable intens. intensive inter j. interjection interrog. interrogative intr. intransitive lit. literally m. masculine gender mod. modal n. neuter gender neg. negative num. numeral part, participial or participle pass, passive voice perf. perfect pers. personal pi. plural number poss. possessive postpos. postpositive pred. predicate pref. prefix prep, preposition pres. present tense pret. preterit tense pron. pronoun refl. reflexive reg. regular rel. relative s. or sg. singular number sc. to wit or namely sep. separable subj. subjunctive mood superl. superlative degree tr. transitive vocab. vocabulary w. with 190 NOTES. Heavy figures refer to pages, light ones to lines. ACT I. 49. 2. $>u, Utt3?: Just is dreaming that he and his comrade are insulted by the landlord. Note the contempt implied in the familiar bit. "Dost thou dare to address us so?" he cries. Serfage u: see vocab. under gufcfjtagett; go for him! 4. frfjmt ttrieber: there I am dreaming again. $rfj marfje . . . fjentm: ex- ample of anacoluthon common enough in conversational usage. Strictly speaking, the sentence should run (Sobatb id) nur eitt 2luge ^umadje, fd)(age id) or 3dj tnadje lein $uge $n, ofyne bag id) . . . fyer* umfdjtage. 6. nur fialb: right away, this moment; an obsolete meaning of the adverb. 7. Wilt meittCtn SSitten: If I have any- thing to say about it. 8. feinen %n% metyr: i.e. ntd^t me^r ben gufj. tiermalebeit: an intensive verb from Lat. maledicere equivalent in popular parlance to Derffudjt, toerbatntnt. 9. ttiirb: conjectural future ; where can he have passed the night, do you suppose? 13. (r : Towards the end of the xvi century began the practice of using err, grcm, and grciuleitt as polite circumlocutions for ifyr which had till then been employed in courteous address to a single person. This custom soon led to the use of er and fie (she) as pro- nouns of address ; both these usages survive in the classics. The next step was the employment of @ie (they) in the sense of you; this grew out of the use of a verb in the third person plural with titles : e.g. (Sure SJtojeftat finb, your majesty are, instead of is. 17. gro^eu ^anl: modern colloquial usage prefers fdjoneti S)an! or Dielen an!. 19. $3a3 fiUfS: lit. what is it worth ? Transl. what will you bet or Til wager. 50. 1. 2$a8 * * afle3: intens. What on earth. 3. Sein Wiener: a form of leave-taking that politely assumes the superiority of the person addressed (Cutting). 4. Wtdjt bfldj: don't go says the land- 191 192 NOTES. lord, but Just misinterprets the negative. 9ittt gut: Well then, he retorts, I'm not your servant. 8. 233er * fcefjalteit?: an evi- dent reminiscence of the biblical injunction : Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. 17. fyfitte: subj. of indir. statement : Do you mean to say that I etc. 20. anbcr: uninflected form of the adj. in the neut. sg. nom. and ace. now obsolete except in poetical usage and in a few stereotyped expressions. 22. SgCue: seevocab. 26. ^err 28irt: the prospect of a glass of brandy mends Just's manners. $e* $?0pfett . . . ben: any drop which (you get me to take). 51. 4. SBnlb . . . nidjt: I almost (ba(b = betnalje, faft) should not permit; i.e. I've a good mind not to. The pret. subj. bitrfte is used in mild expressions of probability. 5. meiner Qkfunbfjett: dat., to be construed as object of laffen; modern usage requires the ace. 7. Supply 3f)trt after (efomm'd: your health! prosit! 0. bodj: just the same (as if you hadn't given me the brandy). 11. fteljett: the infinitive without p is used as subject of verbs and as predicate after fetn and fyeigen. 14. Supply ott before fceljitte: heavens.no! $>anstger! bardie* ad)3: double-distilled Danzic Salmon, a famous brand named from the distillery $um ad)$. 20. aflcr , brci: three is a good number, too. S>inge gen. of the whole after brei. 22. -JReineittegen: Pm willing; or Don't care if I do. gut: cf. note to 50 so. 25. ttriirbe * , . au^iJren: do you suppose (tool)!) Pd stand quietly (fo) by (mit) and hear you talk so f 28. We have already seen that the landlord is apt at biblical quo- tation. In Ecclesiastes.it is said that a threefold cord is not quickly broken ; therefore mine host remarks that a f ourply cord holds still better. 30. tyUft tljn: In the meaning of aid or assist (beiftefyen) fyelfen always required the dat., but in the sense of avail or profit (niifcen) it occurs often in the classics with the ace. 52. 4. 9Ji0?e$: syn. @ttte; a colloquial word still common in the phrase jemcmb 2ttore8 teljren teach somebody manners. tttcm 9ttamte: poss. dat. with ba3 3 nmer in line 9 - 3 n ft* wnb ^(ig: a year and more is undoubtedly not to be taken literally but as an exaggeration of Just's. 6. Xalcr: the name is derived from NOTES. 193 Joachimsthal where early in the xvi century the first Taler were minted. 7. Defter also presumably takes its name from the town in which it was first minted, Schwabisch-Hall. etlt . . tyer: for the last few months. 9. aufgeJjeu: see vocab. 14. 3ttritrffuttft: for the more usual SHudtefyr. 17. See vocab. for distinction be- tween ber and ba SScrbienft, 20. ftarl fcefeijt: crowded full. 29. plant: now obsolete in the meaning of elegant. 30. ettefen: Just's sneering completion of the landlord's sentence hints that the palmy days of the room are past. 53. 5. Ijiibfrf) lajft: a colloquial expression for fiefyt gut cm looks well. @djtoaq lafjt (fteljt) 3f)nen am beften you look best in black. 6. Dejiert: foppt or fyit gum befteu would be more usual today. 8. etr Sttftett: illiterate usage for errn Suft; cf. err 2Bernern 104 11. 10. ma^f: cf. note to 50 IT. 18. ba ftigdjen $riebe: the war had been ended but a few months. 25. btidjte: akin to the potential subjunctive which expresses possibility or contingency is the so-called diplomatic subjunctive, used in modest or tentative sxpressions of opinion ; so here id) ba'cfyte I should think is a modest if ironical substitute for id) bent e. 54. 5. Qljro : an old gen. pi. of fie, introduced in quite modern times after the analogy of 2)ero. Both were once common in cere- monious address before high titles. f ei ($0tt tior : see vocab. under fcorfeiu. 6. $|jr . * , fotttc : Can you imagine for a moment that your most humble servant would ; this use of foUen to express what is based upon the authority or claim of another is quite com- mon. 9. eitt (jelieu : give him one (blow) ; cf. eiu jfngen sing a song, etn trinfeu take a drink etc. ^a^cnbucf el : fawning back, cringing body ; see vocab. 17. Ijabeit : the use of the pi. verb with singular titles denotes obsequiousness and is no longer common except hi the case of address to majesty. 18. %lot itotttcnbig : this stammering repetition of words denotes the embarrassment of the speaker. Cf. naben Ungnabe of the preceding lines. 55. 7. fiinftjuttbert Xalcr Soui^bor: 500 talers in gold; first coined by Louis xiii, the a gold Louis " was worth 20 francs ; later similar coins were called napoleons. 9. ftefyen gefjofct : had lying. !94 NOTES. 17. bar elb : cf . note to 50 20, and such expressions as cmf gut @uirf, etn reDlid) Sort 27. ^u 2)iettftett : in the older language abstracts formed a pi. more freely than now survivals of this usage are the familiar gitgunften, toonnoten, in (Sfyren, Don otte (Stoaben, fconftatten, $ufd)ulben, etc. 56. 4. $a3 . . . al : You might better say. 6. $dj . . * 5lugcn : May I drop dead or Hang me. 7. D^arfer : the original meaning of this word is hangman (en!erfnecf)t) or torturer (@d)inber). Lessing believed it connected with re (fen to stretch on the rack. 9. Supply 2Benn @ie il)n nicfyt in @d)n genommen before Ijatte. 17. rarfjtcu : pret. subj., a stronger statement than radjen fotten which we should expect from line 14 above. 19. Sottbew : refers to the unspoken desire of Just that as the landlord is too mean an opponent for the master he be given to the servant to deal with. 25. twrtrefflidje O'fadje : evident irony on the part of Just who is longing for more direct methods such as the kicking out of teeth and strangling. 57. 3. tiw3 , , * f iir citt : in this pronoun the f iir is without prep- ositional force and ein takes the case required by the syntax of the sentence. If tt?a is not preceded by a preposition fur is often separated from it in such exclamatory phrases as this. 8. ^tftolett : A gold coin of Spain worth about four dollars. The name was also applied to the French louis d'or and to gold coins of various European countries worth either more or less than the Spanish pistole. 9. alter : i.e. getnefener. 11. 233crncrn : In the inflection of proper names the dat. and ace. in -(e)n was formerly not un- common ; cf . 3uften 53 8. 22. tjcrmodjte : an unusual meaning of the word ; induce, prevail on, lead. 25. Tellheim's resolution to discharge Just because of his sinking fortunes is now given fresh impetus by the discovery that the servant has tattled of his master's poverty. 58. Scenes 5-7 are sorely needed to convince the reader of the lovableness of the major's nature. Were it not for these scenes and what they teach us it would be difficult to account for the affection in which his fiancee, his servant, and his former ser- NOTES. 197 geant hold him. Particularly as the action of the play is so laiy o f determined by Tellheim's inflexible pride and by his blind ad.i ias ence to a rigid code of honor, it is necessary to learn early in the- story of his softer side, of the quixotic generosity which he can so ill afford to indulge. 11. $!)ttett &efrf)toerlt(!j faflett : pester, or dis- commode you; feitt is exchangeable for fatten in this idiomatic phrase. 14. D0r3 erftc : for the more common fiir erfte. The two prepositions are often confounded in the classics. 17. biirfett : no longer common in the sense of need. 18. ttumn : this adv. is now restricted to its interr. and rel. uses for the older indef. meaning as here a phrase is ordinarily substituted, e.g. in irgenb 59. 7. ftcfrfere -ftatur : a closer bond (than that of friendship). 14. $orftdjt : in the meaning of providence 23orfef)ung is more usual. 23. ^aubfdjrift : see vocab. 60. 1. tttt nitf)t pr nrfje: makes no difference. 9. Qdj . . . erimtent: sc. some such phrase as felbft toenn id) e tooflte. 11. 9litf)t attber3 : is Tellheim's answer to the disbelief which he reads in Frau MarlofF s eyes ; supply 3)ie acfye ftefyt before ntrfjt. 20. fleut: in the sense of ger ing; meanly. 26. $erftattbe : for the more usual @inne. 30. (5te: this word gains unusual emphasis because of its unexpected position. 61. 3. Tellheim's evident anxiety to be rid of the widow doubt- less springs from his shy distaste for her warm expressions of grat- itude. His present inability to be of active help also makes him unwilling to prolong the scene. 5. ^Ijttett * modern usage requires ftd). 7. baft) : equivalent to beinafye as in 51 4. Jjatte : subj. of mild assertion ; cf . note to 53 25. 8. bet $affe : we should expect the ace. after forbern an; cf . 57 18. 13. Uorficreitcn : for omission of the sign of the inf., cf. note to 51 11. 18. fteljt bafitr : As in English and even more freely the pres. may take the place of a fut., to denote a present purpose or a confident expectation. 62. 2. bic Mdje ift Dofl Ofaurfj : an evident reminiscence of the scene in Goldoni's Locandiera where Mirandolina offers the account to the Cavalier, wiping her eyes the while with the tip of her 194 NOTES. !? i. "What is wrong with thee ? Thou'rt weeping?" de- *%s the gentleman of Mirandolina. " No, sire," stammers the /i-actised soubrette, "the smoke did but get in my eyes." The opening scene of Minna which treats of Just's dream Lessing like- wise borrowed from the third act of Riccoboni's SoupQonneux where Harlequin falls from the table in Lelio's apartment where he has been lying asleep and carrying on an animated conversation with Violette. Another theme which our poet had from Locan- diera is that of the second scene in Act ii, where the gossiping landlord learns the reason of the two women's presence in the hotel, while pretending to but satisfy the police regulations re- garding new arrivals. 15. Supply SftonatS after biefe. 16. (JJr. : @rofd)etL $f. : ^Pfenmge. Summa (Summarum : sum total. 22. gfelbfdjer: i.e. gelbfdjerer, Sftititaraqt, Sunbargt, field surgeon. This word, like the provincial 23aber, indicates that a single person used to unite the two professions of hair-cropping and cupping. Nay, a third practice that of extracting teeth with a key was formerly undertaken in the barber's chair. 23. SBartttttg Uttb ^flege : Tellheim's care for a surly groom is eloquent testimony to his generosity towards his inferiors. 29. bteibe : omission of sub- ject pronoun characteristic of commercial style. 63. 2. fofte : pres. often used where English prefers the perf., to denote that which has been and still is. 3. ttetttt . . * fcottenb : = fogar ttienn, even if. 4. fii&erei : from English livery ; the French form of the word, Sioree, is used today. 6. f rejrieren : from Italian crepare (burst), used of the death of animals, here a vul- garism akin to kick the bucket. Cf . English " I'll do it, if I burst." 7. ftetyft bu mid) an : i.e. fyaltft bu mid). 9. bu e3 fceffer fjafcen foflft : you'll surely be better off. 21. baft . . Ijafceit : that they can't tell you anything, i.e. "that they have no authority over you." 27. Ijeraft : more vivid than fyinab, for it pictures the goal as al- ready reached. We shall find later, however, that Lessing uses almost interchangeably the prefixes tyin and fjer. 29. 5(udj gut : Just had thought it " good " that he was to save a child ; when he discovers the thing to be but a poodle he thinks it "good anyway." Transl. never mind, or all right. NOTES. 197 64. 2. be3 9?atf)t3 : this masc. gen. form arose from analogy of be8 XageS, be8 2lbenb. 4. ftteg ilju mit bent guffc : German has lost its simple word for "kick" cf. toiber ben (Stadjet forfeit tocfe against the pricks and paraphrases ft as here or in the expres- sions, jemcmb einen gugtritt geben, jemanb ntit giigen treten. 7. I)3rt : i.e. geljordjt. 11. trcibt : carries on, continues, keeps it up. 16. $Jjm 2$leffu*ett : The gen. as sole object of verbs is com- mon in the classics and occurs somewhat in stately diction today ; but the construction is on the wane. 18. ja : an additive particle much used in colloquial speech to call attention to something well known to the hearer ; cf . English don't you know. 20. tuetttt , , tommt : if bad comes to worst. 23. Tellheim's statement is not in- tended to be taken seriously as Just's 3d) on gut all right sufficiently informs us. 65. 4. The suppressed condition after f omtett toettn id) eg tuoflte indicates the self-sufficient attitude of Just. 7. etr= frfjaft: i.e. errin. 8. meifj 511 lefcett: i.e. toerftefjt ttm fdjidttrf) tft The German expression is modeled on the French phrase salt vivre. 9. fott: dm to; i.e. am asked to. 12. $Ba3 ift Ct : How shall I address him ? i.e. What title does he bear ? 15. 3Ratf)t , (Sm^ s fc^l : for the more usual $fy faffe mid) ifjr ent^fe^ten (Cutting). 17. era!ftu3 : a prince who had successfully wrested a part of Georgia from the grip of Persia and was fighting the Turks as an ally of Russia. 22. $>ie SBeifctt ouS bem 2ftflrgeit= laube : Just has seen the town lads who go about singing carols at Epiphany (2)rei!onig$feft). This custom was denominated ftern= ftngen, because the boys were dressed as the Wise Men of the East, each with a gilt star on his forehead. 68. 1. ttarfjfter Xagc : one of these days. 4. e3 * . . loQtfyn : things would start up again here. In Werner we have the swag- gering soldier of the time, a perfect foil to Tellheim who fights only as the dictates of his conscience lead him. A living model for the latter character was Lessing's gentle friend Major von Kleist, but Werner was evidently fashioned after the Austrian Paul von Werner who had found rapid advancement until he be- came the commander of a Silesian hussar regiment and finally lieu- tenant-general. A generous touch of stage-rouge was added to this historical character and the resultant is the comedy-soldier who wishes to help " run off with Persia " and " blow in the Otto- man Gate." 5. fjetten fid) Me aut: save their precious skins. 14. $er!3 : Through Low German influence a pi. in -g is often given German words (in familiar language or for humorous effect); cf. @cibel$ below. 18. &erbtenftUrf)er : a play upon the two mean- ings of the word : profitable and meritorious. 19. Mr : ethical dat. 69. 3. baft * * * lttad)t : that they refuse to pay him his just due. 6. fjoF . , , pettier : subj. of wish ; the devil come and get you all. 7. SBerucrtt : cf . note to 57 11. 10. fcei ben $ai?ettljattfmt : Les- NOTES. 199 sing undoubtedly chose this name because of its comical sound. Thus Gottsched once wrote : ,,S)ie tapfern ^reitgen Ijaben ityre $aett* Ijaufer, too jie fo ftdjer ftefyen, tme ber $ater auf etnem bourne, toenn gleid) allc mnbe ftd) &or 3 orn ^erreigen to often." Katzenberg is a little town near Meissen and the skirmish which occurred there between Prussians and Austrians during the summer of 1760 was unimportant. 12. @ofl . . . er^atjlett ? : Just has been bored by this yarn so often that he can tell it as well as Werner. " I don't wonder it wearies you," thinks the sergeant, "for talk about a good arrangement of troops transcends your poor brain. ' ' 18. 298tf - pel : a measure containing from forty to seventy American bushels. 26. too : i.e. irgenbtoo. 70. 4, nw3 : = ettoas. 9. ttyrer jttiei etnem : instead of unfer ^toei etnem. An example of the stereotyping of a phrase until it may apply to different persons and genders ; cf . toir toaren jeincr 3ett nmntere S3urfc^e we were merry lads in our day. 10. ^a^ iff mdjt : that won't do. 16. bn , , pren: you'll hear the whole terrible story. 17. There's been the devil to pay, has there ? ACT II. 71. 6. $0rJ)0ral3: cf. note to 68 u. bad: usually contemp- tuous when used for bie referring to persons ; ba8 fdjtenbert one bie @d)ttetfen those fellows dawdle like snails. 11. 'JJer: dem. pron., this. 17. f o : not to be read with tang, but as meaning at this rate ; i.e. if they do nothing but talk and sit in their room. 19. @tltrm geften: i.e. 3lngriff ntadjetu 21. Capitulation: the citadel has already been stormed, says Minna in effect, for Tellheim's heart has long since lowered its colors. Nothing remains but to make arrangements for an honorable capitulation. The use of these military terms lends a delightful air to the piece which is first and foremost a otbatenftucf ; and they are natural enough, for all Ger- many was still thinking and talking in terms of the Seven Years' War. 23. Supply fyabett before matfjen : the omission of the tense auxiliary in compound tenses of modal auxiliaries and their con- geners is of frequent occurrence in Lessing, 200 NOTES. 72. 1. efCtt3art : fashioned after French savoir vivre ; cf. note to 65 8. 2. fimtten : in modern usage would follow (affen. 4. ettljetm : a pi. of modern surnames is often formed in -8; Me rimm, bie 23rentano8. 10. 9Jttut traue bod) ja : But surely you know that one must trust. 12. rebet ttttS ttad) bem s JKaule : talks the way we want to have it. iDtoitl means mouth and then taste ; nad) bem Sftaule, according to one's taste. This word is no longer used except of animals, unless in vulgar diction. 15. mtteritt <5rf)U)f?e : under lock and key. 16. betuen Sftdulcrn: such mouths as yours. 17. $>ie Sftobe ttwre mir efcett redjt: That fashion would suit me to a T (Cutting). 18. ge^etgt : we should expect geigen, in accordance with tyring en, if a more correct person than Fran- ziska were speaking. 25. 9lntucrf mtg : i.e. SSemerhntg. 26. 9)ladjt , cittf attt : Can you call original the thoughts that just happen to occur to one? 73. 8. Before pi. nouns the ein of nwS fiitr etn disappears. 11. $a3 ^otcn: That's what I knew you would say. 13. )fo= itomte: i.e. parfamfeit 16. bet Xreuc: for the gen. cf. note to 64 16. 19. ttuglitrflidje : unhappy is Franziska, thinks Minna, be- cause her mind can doubt the transparent sincerity of the major's spirit. 25. 9fud) cut Seuf^cr: the terms of peace and the very fact of peace were naturally distasteful to many. 28. biefer feitt c= genjwrt: its adversary, i.e. war. etttw , ^at: may possibly have caused too (in addition to all the evil it has worked). 30. fjricbc: uninfl. form where we should expect grieben. 74. 3. ttw: = etnmS. 8. Some such phrase as jtnbe id) fefyr felt* fam, completes Minna's thought. 11. ba3: refers to the sentence of 11. 9-10. 12. 233iittfdje: Oh, he may have attained his desires, mocks Franziska, but you, my lady, are not a part of them. Minna, with the seriousness generally imputed to a person in love, does not at first understand the maid's fling, as the next sentence shows. 16. 233arte , , gebcnfcn: Just you wait, Franziska, he'll pay you off for that later. 17. ftfpuatje imr: go on with your chat- ter. 19. ^emffen: see vocab. 25. Supply bag icl) Ijereintrete after erfauftt* NOTES. 201 75. 1. Won't all of you come in ? queries Franziska, for only the head of the landlord is within the apartment. 8. $fjm : except for this once Franziska addresses, the landlord as @ic. 11. utttct . * . $>ad)e: under my poor roof. fd)Ied)t originally one in meaning with fd}ltd)t cf. fdjledjttoeg, fdjledjt unb redjt and it is in this meaning that the landlord uses it. Franziska pretends to misun- derstand and comforts the host with the remark that his hotel isn't so bad as he fears. 14. f otttten I & note to 72 2. 16. If the verbose landlord had concluded his sentence it would have read e8 mit fid) gebradjt fyabe, bag 3fyro naben nidjt gut fdjlafen !ounten or similarly. 20. gerufyctt: a word ordinarily restricted to highflown official language -or in addressing royal personages. 24. SSir . i . fagen: We'll tell you fast enough (fdjon). 76. 2. toe3 : = toetefjeS. The form tte is still sometimes used adjectively in a few phrases, but without a noun it is obsolete, save in compounds. 3. bcfjaufett : for the more usual befyerbergeu. 4. (iljarnfter : not "moral" character of course, but profession or rank. 6. gcpvigcu Drt: = am gcljortgen )rte with the proper authorities. 12. ^ato: official formula ; from an Ital. word mean- ing given. a.c. anni currentis of the present year. aHfyien = ^ier ; an archaic form. 13. ^>cro : an old gen. pi. of the dem. pron. 22. (3 , . , fcitt : A reference to the animosity which the last war had engendered between Prussia and Saxony ; manifesta- tions of which bitterness had not been lacking in Lessing's per- sonal affairs. 26. tuo , tft : a popular substitute for toenn id) mid) tudjt irrc. 77. 6. ba . . few: I suppose that's meant for me. 12. $luf= gefcot: i.e. fird)Itdje Stufgebot ber 53erlobteu, proclamation of the marriage-bans. Cf. the technical phrase etn S3raut^aar aufbieteiu ^dnbel uta^cit : raise a scene. 17. &fein4Rammborf : the real name of a small Thuringian town, undoubtedly chosen like $afcen ^auferu because of the comicality of its suggestion. 18. ^of : i.e. errenf)of, manor-house. It is difficult to tell how much of Fran- ziska' s family history is recited to puzzle the landlord who must be astonished to meet with a garrulity that outruns his own j how 202 NOTES. much is due to the sheer artlessness of the narrator. In either case Lessing attains his end, which is to present us with the beau ideal of a prattling serving maid. 26. attf : in preparation for. 78. 1. $uftish)flegii3 : the Latin dat. pi, instead of the Ger- man-ten. 6. an$ ttml)l: pedantic for the more colloquial fd)on red)t; fdjon. 9. fceritommett : i.e. uerfjort, cross-examined. 11. grott 5 ettsintmer: as late as the middle of the eighteenth century this word meant preeminently grcmettgetttad); but there grew up side by side with this meaning that of ' women' and the * female sex.' Finally the word was specialized in the sense of 4 woman. ' 15. Supply orgen @ie bafiir before ba, 25. German says I don't hope (she will) instead of I do hope she won't. Similarly in English we say I don't think she will for I think she won't. 29. trncfj nidjt $u ttdjmett: i.e. ntdjt, ttne id) mid) bendjmett foil, 79. 3. $tt)ei Sfteilett : a German mile is almost five English miles. 6. tJterunb^tuanjin tunbcn : the limit above prescribed ; cf . 76 2. 27. etnndjmen : = oufnefymetu 80. 3. 2Bemt frf)0tt ! : Suppose he is ! 4. 9ffit . , , gdjt : Who is on his last legs. 6. fott : is said to be. 12. barnadj : i.e. tt)ie fte e fatten fotten. 18. nod) . ttieggelommcn : gotten off pretty well so far. 21. fceffer ift icffcr : better be on the safe side. 22. StyropoS : i.e. bet btefcr elegenljett or ba ttnr ebcn bation rcben or beilauftg bemerlt. 25. ttia : colloquial for marum. 81. 2. iBrtttant : generally refers to a diamond which is cut and set ; ber 2)iamant to an uncut stone. 6. fiittfsetjttljttttbert Xalcr ttert : it is natural for the landlord to mention the price at once, as he ascribes Minna's surprise to the effect produced by the beauty of the ring. \\nttv S3riibcrtt : among friends; i.e. without exag- geration or sharp practice. 16. an biefcm : for the usual cmf btefen. 17. $aften : = (Sinfaffung ; see vocab. ber gfranleut : when the individuality of a single person is uppermost in the thought, nat- ural gender often triumphs over grammatical gender. t 9?ame : instead of the more usual fcerfdjhmgener 25. mand)e3 : many an article. 27. fceraubert : i.e. 27. $rierj mar ^ricg : all's fair in war. NOTES. 203 82. 1. fleantroortet t the perfect participle is often used in impa- tient command. 2. f o ttwS : that sort of thing ; i. e. thievery, for the ring evidently belongs to another. 14. Supply @ic fragett be- fore )&, 20. meljr: i.e. fonft. 21. djuftwcr: in the sense of (aubiger ; cf . borgett in the sense of leiljett ; (ernen in that of lefyren, etc. 25. nod) : no longer than. 83. 5. mtt itym umgegangeu flub: = ifyn beljanbeit Jjabetu 10. 3>mtben : dat. sg. In Old German weak feminines took the ending -(e)n in the gen., dat., and ace. sg. The inflection is now obsolete except in aitf (Srben, but is common in the classics as a poetic license. 17. fa$t: i.e. greift. 24. jaufifdjen daufdj : I am intoxicated, if you will, says Minna adopting Franziska's figure of speech, but it is a quarrelsome drunkenness, so beware of it! 26. Supply fo ttrirft bu' bereuen after bid) bebanfft which means here decline with thanks ; refuse. 84. 10. 2Seld)e? urn* e benn ba ? : a subjunctive clause depend- ent on a verb of asking or doubting to be supplied. Who's that, I should like to know ? 13. tofrb et fdjon geljett : he'll go fast enough. 14. cvttwrten : for the more usual abiuarten. 85. 6. Bet : with, i. e. in the service of. 15. etWetft : vivid present for future ; you'll be doing me. 21. Supply I)at before font 3 Jjlimentterett. 23. redjt : = am redjten Drte. 86. 1. $)a3 , gefjett : That's intended for me too I suppose. The adverbial use of mit in the sense of too, also is derived from such phrases as mtt ben anberen with the rest. Cf . 51 36. 3. bem gnabigen grautein : for the dat. after cntgelten cf . note to 51 5. 7. umfonft: here in its secondary meaning of without pay ; cf. 87 10. 20. ^)a^ tt)eiJ2 idj Beffet : = ba mac^en @ie anberen tuet^ tell that to the marines. 22. ^htrlanb : Courland is a government of Kussia, the southernmost of the Baltic provinces. Three-fourths of the inhabitants are Letts, but the landed proprietors are mostly German. 26. fottcu geljett faffett : = in 9tul)e faffen fofletu 28. laf* feu * . ttttt : never mind him. 87. 10. umfonft : = t)ergeben. Minna means that she will use 204 NOTES. the moment of solitude to offer a prayer of thanks. 12. gen : short form of gegen common in the Bible and still surviving in set phrases. 17. Uttglitrf ift aud) gut : It's an ill wind that blows good to none. 20. belt 5fagettWirf: i.e. tm 9ht, fofort. 21. *Rcglig: = ant(eib, 2ftorgenan$ug. 2Bte : i. e. nne toare e3. 88. 1. SBetttt , . frffOltftett : An evident reminiscence of Thom- son's famous lines : Loveliness Needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is, when unadorned, adorned the most. 6. aftabdjettS : cf . note to 68 u. 7. linger : instead of the reg- ular pi. 2>tnge ; used always with a humorous or derogatory mean- ing ; = SSefen, SBiirmer. Cf . Sftenjdjer for 2ftenfd)en. 8. tooflitfrtg : here in the unusual sense of frivolous. 13. $dj . empf angcn : elliptical for Unb gfoubft bu cmd), bag id) ifyn rufyig empfangen fann ? 20. Supply ttmre mir natiirli^ gang itnertDartet after ftttben* 24. ba^ gratileitt toon Santljelm : instead of grait Don XeH^eim, 89. 4. $e : a contraction of 3efu but not felt as profanity any more than parallel English formations. 9. $ljrer ^Wtgfer odj s tctr : a title of polite address in middle-class society in the eight- eenth century ; to-day we should say 3fjrer granlcin od)ter. 11. triel ($I)re : you honor me, Pm sure. 17. f o . gcfr^c^cn : then, its all up with her appetite ; see vocab. 21. $)aj? . . tuofltc ! : Would to Jieaven that we did ! 22. eine : sc. SJiinna. 24. f anit : i. e. barf. 90. 5. (Jlcnbcn : this word originally means auger anbe and is derived from older elilenti : in another land, exiled. 12. Itcgt bar= an : see vocab. , mac^tigerc ^Jictjc : more potent charms than those which I possess. 13. barum gcbrat^t : see vocab. under brin* gen. 17. mug : i. e. barf. 24. (S-fcett ttottte i^ r I was just on the point of. 91. 24. 3d) . att : Pll resume my former tone ; i. e. one of happiness and loving trust. 28. @tc tteg fid) trdumcn : == fie bil* bete ft(f) ein, she fondly imagined. 29. framen IMS : the figure is that of the shop-keeper who exposes his wares for sale as advan- NOTES. 205 tageously as possible. 31. bcffcit : partitive gen. after nriefciel ; lit. how much of it she counterbalances. 92. 3. Qdj , . JHagCtt : A reminiscence of the line from Ot- way's The Soldier's Fortune: "I would as soon choose to hear a soldier brag as complain." 8. gepttrfjlt: like getfagt this perf. part, is used instead of the infinitive ; a construction most fre- quently occurring when the part, occurs in the predicate after Ijei= gen; cf. baS fyeig' id) enblidj fortgefdjritten, I call that getting along too fast. 12. gefdjttiegeu : emphatic substitute for an imperative ; cf . geanttoortet, 82 i. 19. trifft eitt : = trifft u. 22. Hotter : In Old German predicate adjectives were declined a state of affairs from which has survived tioller as stereotyped case-form of fcott. Of like origin are tyalber and felber. 93. 5. itutt etumal : therms no use of denying it or and there's no help for it. uentarrt : colloquial for tiertiebt ; dote upon. 12. too tu often @te fjht ? : Minna sees victory snatched from her too ready hand the veiy moment that she seemed to grasp it. She half dis- believes in Tellheim's determination to leave her, for she calls him dreamer. The spectator of the drama at first sympathizes with the heroine in her failure to understand the necessity of the major's motive in withdrawing. We say with Goethe : Sftan ttJeijj nidjt, ttiarum e8 jtrf) accrod^icrt It is difficult to see why matters hang fire. And then we remember that Lessing is portraying for us the evo- lution of character and not merely whiling away our time with a simple love-tale. Tellheim's false sense of honor must be quite outlived before the piece can have its denouement. ACT III. 94. 1. borf) : i. e. obtoofyl id) gefd)h)oren Ijabe, e8 me 311 tun. 4. nrifl : claims. 23emt . . . attfpinitt ! : / only hope that things don't get tangled up here. Original meaning of anfpinnen is to start spinning ; and then by an easy progression of meaning to become enmeshed. 7. Jrcweu^eucj : like 2Beib8biIber a contemptuous ex- pression for ba granen&olt. 9. fjeuwuf d)t : opportune. Jammer foijrfjen : either because of the sly and devious methods attributed 206 NOTES. to hammer jung fer or because such a maid is to be likened to a tame tabby which plays in the room of its mistress. 11. fdjmt aufpafjcn : be sure to keep watch ; cf . note to 84 13. 12. fiiefte ttttr auf : f tele mir eitt ; see vocab. 13. $iel) the retort courteous to Just's grauen8$eug. 14. $Ijr Wiener : At your service ; cf. 50 3. 95. 5. belt Pummel : heap, rubbish, trumpery, kit and boodle ; = tie gauge efdjidjte, 6. ^rdulcin^ $ammermabd)ett3 : cf . note to 68 14. 10. tyred) en : with dir. obj. of the person this verb means have a word with. Cf. 3ft er ju tyredjen is he at home? 19. <5o itt bet S)ammerttttg: about dusk, I suppose. 21. ttwmt : this word is now always interr., direct or indirect. 27. ben lafyt retfett : has sent him traveling. 29. SfiflCt : huntsman ; and later footman (dressed as so often in the Lincoln green uniform affected by hunters). Franziska speaks of him below as if he were to be thought of in the first capacity ; cf. 96 1. auf^utjeften gegeBctt : found a place for him elsewhere. Lit. * given him (to another) to care for.' 96. 5. fiftttfer : one who ran before the carriage of the wealthy, to clear the path. Like the outrider who serves modern nobility on state occasions. 12. 5lfle3 itt aflettt : i. e. ba3 gaftotum, ber Xau= fenbfiinftler ; jack of all trades. 14. <&a ttmfj uft gefteljen ! : Well, I do declare ! 15. laffeit : i. e. fortfdjicf en, entlaffen. 25. mit : el- liptical for tmtgenotttmen. 97. 2. eitt gather s Jftenfd) : see vocab. under gcm^ frifteren : this and the following verbs derived from the French give point to Just's irony. 5. toott mir getait : cf . note to 96 is. 8. aitf^tt^eBen gege&ett : the lit. meaning of this phrase shines through here (cf. note to 95 29) ; given him to keep. 10. fpanbait : a town in the province of Brandenburg, Prussia, situated at the junction of the Havel and Spree, 8 miles west by north of Berlin. It has an im- portant fortress which was used as a military prison. 15. farrt: is wheeling ; pushing a wheelbarrow. Cf. $arrenftrafe, penal servi- tude. 19. 2ftatttt : Formerly monosyllabic neuters such as ^fitnb, 3JtaI, Satyr, Shut), ga, 2fta6 and also the masc. 2Jtonn formed a pi. just like the sg. Other masculines followed the analogy of these : NOTES. 207 gng, d)ritt, 3^ $Pf/ etc< Tnus we have the fact that a m. or n. noun of measure usually stands in the sg., or what seems to be the sg., after a numeral. bttrdj Me SBorJwften brtugeit: help de- sert. 23. Sdjletfttege : for the more usual (bcfjteidjttjege. 98. 2. (3 , . $30rf)C : strangely close to the English vulgarism It's going on ten weeks now. 6. Qtalgeuftricf : lit. hangman's noose, halter. By metonymy for algenbieb. 8. Dcrfrl)tt)cmmt : the play of words between this and djtoemtne of the preceding line is diffi- cult to render unless we accept Primer's suggestion : "In washing the horse the poor coachman may have been washed away." 11. S3rr ! : made by a violent vibration of the lips ; whoa ! Cf. the equally expressive Uft ! gidap ! 19. tying fid) an : became attached to. 22. pljer (fjinauf) ttoftte : wanted to rise in the world. 99. 1. atfe3 : with derogatory meaning instead of atte. 3, fiefylt fid) : see vocab. under empfefjlen. 4. ben S3ifc : i. e. ben @tid). 17. turn ttngefaljr : quite by chance. 22. fa^t : cf . note to 53 5. 23. preflte . . . twf : for praflte auf. To-day preHen = be- triigcn. 24. fcei bem tjutibigeu ^rdulein : of the lady's room. 100. 1. f o , . feljen: 'it must be seen with your own eyes,' i.e. it beggars description. 6. Sdjttefte : = reppenabfa<,3 landing. 13. fal) mid) fiir (Sie an : i.e. Ijieft tnid^ fiir @ie. 19. tr^ . , . war : I didn't know what to think. 21. met jammcrt bir^ nutt ? : (eft= ^eim ober id) ?) ; referring to Franziska's earlier words, 84 22. 101. 2. 3ht(egung : i. e. (Srflarung. 3. f o : as i< were; or I might better say. 15. ^d| fatw . . on ben gingern a^d^en : The sense is : It is easy enough to tell. Cf . the idioms an ben gingern Ijergafjten fonnen, have at one's finger-tips; an ben gingern Ijerredjnen, rattle off easily. 19. fjunbert ^tftulcn : cf . 81 10. 22. $a ift cr ja : sc. ben icf) fofange gefua^t ^abe. 102. 19. Supply some such phrase as % ift $wn olltoerben be- fore $>ag. 23. 60 t>or : = tor etma. 24. tuor tt>a bran : was something in it (i. e. in such an accusation). 26. ba . . many a #irZ cottZd /iave toZci you about that in the old days. 27. Sup- ply pfui before itber. 28. 2)a fteeft r 3 eicn ! : That's just the trouble ; viz. that he is growing old. 208 NOTES. 103. 1. ^$oij : undoubtedly a corruption of ott(e)g ; similar for- mations are familiar enough in older English, e. g. Odds bodkins ! The phrase means What a hopeless old fool he is! feitt (Sttbe : In- teresting is the analogous English usage : He's no end of a good fellow. 3. toon b c r ($ef Sfjrlidjf cii : Werner had not considered the landlord in the light of a menace to the peace of young maid- ens, but as a cheat. $>er eittC Xcufcl ttftt), : cf. the familiar par- able in Matthew xii, 43-45 ; Luke xi, 24-26. 10. al in3 >f)r : in a stage-whisper (intending to be overheard). 25. ba : for the more usual bie. 104. 4. $aS . * . fpred)Ctt : God bids you say that; i. e. that is gospel truth. 11. ^err 28cmcttt : cf . note to 53 8. 13. babei : = anttefenb ; gngegen. 21. $ft Sic bcm Wlanne tturijl gut : more col- loquial than $at on benen bit meittft 15. ii&er afle $erge (fetn) : be gone for good and all; see vocab. under 33erg. 18. jjtag : will, I hope; colloquial substitute for moge. 22. id) toollte efeen gcljtt : I was just about to go ; above (line 10) tDottte id) fie bef udtjen means I determined to go and see her for Werner actually did call and find her gone. 108. l. be alien : sc. Guartters. mir * . , bic DJjrett DoW : my ears full. 2. ($cbcnfc mir ttirfjt baran : this phrase may mean either Don't think of doing so, I beg you (mir ethical dative) or Don't remind me of the affair (i.e. of the squabble over the change of rooms). In the latter case we should have the unusual construc- tion of gebenleu with an, instead of with gen. 6. Supply finb after getoefctt and fyaben after twfgeljofiett of the next line. Such omis- sion of different tense auxiliaries is possible only in the most col- loquial utterance. 12. 3Ijuen nidjt pmutcit : = toon 3Inten nidjt er umrten. 15. ( Icntt fid) : such a reflexive form is a frequent substitute for the passive ; it is easily learned. 19. ja : you will remember. 24. citt Xalcr adjt^ig : not * a dollar eighty ' but about eighty dollars. This phrase like citt adjt agc below (line 29) is doubtless derived from expressions like an a^t^tg aler (i. e. unge= ^fa'fyr adjtgig ater, some eighty dollars or so). These colloquial us- l.ages have many analogies in English : a twelvemonth, a fortnight Jetc. 28. cljer : more easily. 29. ntcittc Jwar (^vofrfjen : the poss. , ; |adj. agrees with rofcfyen, ^aar remaining indecl. 109. 3. bod) : please do. 7. $afe C3 : The phrase which Tell- heim's emotion forbids him uttering may be supplied from 12 be- 210 NOTES, low. 11. 6en , fja&e: sc. a'rgere id) midj. 15, <$,.. an: My statement concerns you only in part. 20. Me Sftarloffttt : the addition of in to surnames to denote female members 1 of the family is practically obsolete. Cf. note to 107, 7. 25. fcei Reflet ttttb pfennig : down to the last cent. 110. 3. Supply tun after foflte ber* 8. erfenne: i.e.. erfcnne banlbar an. 11. Bring en , , . 9)tanler : prefer to become food for common gossip. 13. imtner: for all I care. 21. madjte : note the sg. verb with two subjects, as so often in Goethe and Schiller. Lessing's usage varied ; cf . 108 9 where we should expect tenne. 22. fid) uerloren Ijatte: berfdjuwnben mar. 27. afle: this form occurs mostly after prepositions that govern the dat., e.g. Don afte* bent, tro affebem, but it may stand as nom. instead of the more usual aft. 28. ber dnorf : that filthy lucre. 111. 5. e# : is often used in German to avoid repetition of a noun, adj., pron., or clause. English has no analogous, usage. 11. tyat e3 ttieniger $n fagen: does it matter less about; cf. the fa- miliar idiom ba8 fyat nidjtS ju fagen that doesn't matter. 13. "Ton my soul," sputters the sergeant, "that may be a genteel way of thinking, but it's a silly way just the same!" 20. nmrbe getan fjaben : in conversational utterance there is the tendency to pre- pose the inflected part of a compound tense, even in a dependent clause, for the sake of clarity and to avoid the awkward grouping of infinitives before the finite verb. 24. in ebrdnge gefom s nten: in the thick of the fight. 112. 10. $>n fennft bie 23$elt : is ironical, as is Werner's reply three lines below. 13. fo einer : i.e. ein foldjer. 15. gn (eBen : = ebenmittel the wherewithal to live. 17. anf einer 23al)tt: an allu- sion to Werner's farming ; he had an estate three miles from town. 103 11. 19. The sergeant pretends to misunderstand Tellheim and to believe the latter is referring to promotion in the army. 22. 2>ie . . man : it wouldn't be the first time such a thing had happened. 28. bag better : = ben Seruf. . 113. 5. ma3 fu!j geprt : tua fdjicflid) ift. 7. bertueUe: tntttler= e; unterbeffen. 8. an^: = 3U (gnbe or entfc^teben. elb bie NOTES. 211 9Wettjje : appositive construction for the more usual Sftenge 9. $tttereffett : 3tf is more usual today. 15. anf Sifter : not in your old age (im filter), but when you're getting old. tuemt * fetft t when you're cut up so that ifs a shame; i.e. when you are terribly crippled and wounded. 20. 511 obe : bi$ gunt obe till you die; the phrase 311 Xobc fiittern might also mean feed you to death; i.e. stuff you till you burst. 23. ntdjt nod) : = nidjt meljr. 114. 5. 9Jlttg id) ttirfjt: Pll have to be (contented) worit If 11. $>en 9htgett&licf : i.e. in eittem Slugenbttcf. 19. 9tt0tttienwg3= ftiirfc : = SluSruftungetu 115. 1. Mntjuug : the 'first part of this word has presumably nothing to do with 23(ut blood but is a dialectic form of btofj ; cf. btutarm, bfattoertig. 6. femttett: pret. subj. of indir. discourse. 7. cw3 J)iirhtgett Ijer : when I was in Thuringia. 14. JJft ^^nett fca gtiiitlein gut : cf . note to 104 21. 116. 1. SJieitt Sdjitffal : Tellheim feels that his fate depends on the answer Minna makes to his letter. 20. tiettutm : tiertuirren tnoge. 28.^ fu : =njenn, 117. 4. ^a^ auSljaltett : face the music. Various explanations of this proverbial expression have been offered, but none which is satisfactory. Saturn . efien : that's just why we're doing it. 6. $uttlte brei: colloquial for $imft'bret. 9. ttiorcn atfeht : are as good as alone (for the matter of that, because Werner doesn't count). 20. Slfle sttwttstg : cf. 106 is. 25. ^uf^ , finger : cf. 106 7. 27. 2Ba3 fafct i^r: a fe^It cutf). 118. 2. bem ^rauen^tmmcr : generic use of the def . art. : with a woman. 8. f o . 4 . nur : Just 6e sure and see o i. 16. muft : for the more usual ttnrb in such conjectural phrases ; cf. note to 49 9. 20. ttriffeit Sic ttw3 : a colloquialism frequently used for purpose of emphasis: let me tell you one thing. 24. faafc : i.e. mtlttarifef). ^rcujjif t^ : Tellheim must come clad as a private gentleman in velvet coat and knee breeches, not in the uniform of a Prussian officer which would be but an ill-compliment to a Saxon lady. 29. A reference to the major's extreme poverty. Cf. 49 9. 212 NOTES. 119. 1, 2Bir fceljielten Sic gent : i.e. toir mbtfjten @ie gent be* fatten. 9. 2Birt3tafel : a word modeled on the French table d'hote. 14. Each of the friends rejoices in what he considers the other's happiness ; cf. 115 15. Nothing could better illustrate their unself- ish devotion. 24. Me * , Ijerau3: the joke just ran off my tongue before I could catch it. 26. abcr : obsolete adv. = urieber. 120. 2. anfiifjrcn : i.e. taufdjen, betrugen. 4. madjen : = fdjnell madden hurry as in 66 3. 6. ($Hetcfjfafl3 : the same to you. 7. l)er= eingeljen: cf. note to 10623. 14. fprarf) : bespoke; showed. 16. foirb e3 gemerft fjafcen : cf . note to 49 9. 17. SJlag cr (e) bod) (gemerft fyaben): Well, suppose he has noticed it ! 19. 2lnffiifjrnug : less usual in this meaning than jBetragetu 23. feiner : the gen. as object of entjagen is used elsewhere by Lessing instead of the more usual dat. ; cf. 1. 26 below where the poet employs the latter (f cittern 2Jtottne) in order to avoid the repetition of a gen. 24. !3on 2:elll)etm ; rtdjttg, niein ^tnb, er tp e, ben id) fuc^e. 2So ift et ? NOTES. 213 124. 1. Sic? nod) Dor DierunbgtDan^ig @tunben rooljnte er Ijter? nub er toofjnt fyier nid)t meljr? So tooljnt cr benn? 5. 9ld), 2fta- bame gnabigeS grautein 3ftro naben Deqeifjen tooljl Riccaut does not know how to address Minna, as lie is ignorant of her con- dition whether married or single. 12. 2td), ttieber etne Don feinen $rtig!eiten. C*r ift ein feljr gafonter 2ftann, biefer err Sftajor! 16. 2)a nriffen 3I)ro naben nid)t ? @djabe nur ; ba$ tut mir Icib. 21. 3d) bin ein gntcr greunb Don iljm, 3^ro @naben, 24. G? ift fe^r nottrenbig, ba id) tint fpred^e. 3c^ bring e ifjtn eine ^adjrid^t, bte t^n feljr crfreuen totrb. 125. 1. 3d) toerftelje. nabtgcs grantcin fortdjt ttJo^I grangoftfc^ ? Unjtt)eife(l)aft cine 2)atne tt)ic ic ! S)ic gragc tt)ar je^r nnpflid) ; ^offcntUtfj t)cqci^cn @ie tnir, gnabigeS grdulcin. 6. 2)od^ nein? 3^ro nabcn f^re^cn ntt^t grangbftfdj ? 8. 5tbcr matuw ^icr?: Innocent as Minna's question sounds, it struck deep at the aping of French speech and manners so current in Lessing's day. 12. nt, gnt ! 3d) tann atte ouf gnt bentfd) flar madden. SSiffen @ie atfo, gnabigcS griinlcin 3f)ro naben ntiiffen namtt(^ ba ic^ uon ber Safe! bc SftinifterS !omme bc S^inifter^ fterg ia, U)te t)etgt bcnn bcr 9JUnifter ba brangcn in bcr fang en @trae anf bem breiten $(ae? 19. 92un, ber ^rieggtninifter. 23ei i^m ^abe ic^ jn Sftittag gej^ieift ; td^ tyeife getnotjnlit^ bet t^m nnb ba ift bie 9lebe anf ben 2)^ajtor Don 2:eII^etm gefomtnen ; unb ber 2Jiinifter bat tnir im $ertrauen gcfagt, benn @eine (S^cIIenj ge^ort 311 tnetnen greunben, unb tt)ir ^aben unter un gar feinc e^cimniffe (Seine (Sjrgefleng, tt)ot(tc tt^ fagen, ^at mir Dertrant, bag bie entfd)en betriigen? 33etrugen! >, lxm8 tft bie bentfdje (Spradje fur eine artne @prad)e! fiir eine ptnmpe prad)e ! 18. affen @ie tnidj geroaljren, gnabigeS graulein, unb feten @ic rufyig ! Sa ge^t e @ic an, rt)ie td^ jpiele? enug, enttueber fc^en mtc^ 3^ro naben morgen mit ^nnbert ^iftolen toteber, ober @ic fc^cn mid^ gar nid)t tt)ieber. 3f)r gan^ ergebener, gnabigeg graufein, 3^r gan^ erge* bener. 24. ba (c^tc : i.e. ba le^tere. 25. $ann it^j nor^ rcben : Franziska's breath has been taken away by witnessing the scene with Riccaut. >^ 131. 5. auf bic Seine ge^olfen: put on his feet. 10. 293tfl fort : i.e. ift im 23egriff fortgiigeljen. 19. 2)eu 9KUbtattoett . ttieber : The beggar in his turn misjudges the benevolent person who from motives of kindness pretends to misjudge the beggar. 21. mogcn @ie t Jjabett : it serves you just right. 22. trfj meift nic^t tuofiir : i.e. in some false light or other. 27. mtgeljattgen : for the more correct nnge^angt ; just as we say : '* He is the greatest knave un- hung" instead of unhanged. 132. 5. uirf)t3 al : = blog. 6. mat^t etr fit^ jutn f alfdjen Spieler : = gibt ftc^ fiir einen falfrf)en @pie(er au pretends to be a cheating gambler. 10. Supply traljr before ift 11. ORefruten Ijolen : cf. 129 21. 18. (5*r fottte tuegbleifteit : Franziska is not hi sympathy with her mistress 1 plan to torment Tellheim. 21. $ommft . . ^itt? : "Oh, that's what you're starting to talk about again, is it ? " asks Minna. At first she had failed to get the drift of the maid's meaning. 22. 28o : = tnenn. 24. Supply after fjaben as con- clusion of the condition some such phrase as tuerbe idj e$ bir nie uergeben. bid) f djon aKein laff en : find some excuse to leave you alone. 133. gleidlfant im >ienft : as if still in the (military) service. 2. 5lnf , . SieBer: whose dear sergeant is he yours or Tell- heims ? 6. ^ie : Franziska feels constrained to use the more for- NOTES. mal pronoun of address because of her mistress' presence ; cf . 119 is ff. 7. oljne ouf gfrauji^fa ju a^teu : as a soldier delivering a message Werner feels he can not stop for any expression of per- sonal feeling. 9. feiueu uutertauigeu Oflefpeft tiermelbeu : high- flown language for ad)tung8&oll griigetu 14. nod) . * . brei : some time before three (o'clock). 25. fd)0tt : so fast. 26. fatten ttrir bemt nidjt : dubitative subj. Don't you think we may have some- thing ? 134. 2. uriber ben deficit: unfyoflid) discourteous. 14. auf bic '$arabe jieljeu: be on dress-parade; make a brave show. 18. gefajfeu ; = iiberfaffetu 19 - %>*$ * wofjl : / guess I should have to says Minna with light irony (for otherwise I would find it hard to believe it). 135. 1. be3 Sftajor^ feincit : colloquial for ben be 2ftajor. 6. fo ettoaS : some occasion or other. 7. $leibe : today we should use Slnsuge. 14. iwfyut : i.e. at their previous interview. 15. $m= ber : Tellheim interprets Minna's word to refer to their useless struggling against the fate which was parting them ; the lady how- ever meant only that it was childish for them to be so serious in an unimportant matter. 16. folgctt : = gefyordjen. 136. 3. ebattlen : i.e. (Sorgetu 4. SBeforgten: in the sense of befiirdjteten apprehended; the inverted order here betokens the omission of tDenn or ob. 9. toott \HuHh* : Don 2(ngejtrf)t $u 5(ngeftc^t face to face. 11. SBormmtb : the stem of this word (as of ilRunbel ward, unmiinbig minor) is not connected with 3ftimb mouth but comes from an Old German munt meaning 'protection.' 22. ft^ett 5U laffcit : see vocab. under ft^cn. 29. ouf 3^^ tncinc^ 2ebett3 : for the more usual auf 137. 1. ntit gtitgern auf mi^ tucifcu : point at me derisively. 3. fid) ciubilbcu: fancy; toafynen imagine; meinen be of opinion ; gtcmben believe; bcnfen think. 7. abcr , . . uotfj : but they simply won't hear to my being in addition to this. 9. fetne 3)?aime0 : would be in modern usage ace. 14. trefflid) bcuctben : be sure to envy ; spoken with evident irony. 15, ttwrett @ie : you pretend to 218 NOTES. be. 18. jebeS : i.e. each one of the four counts, 23. Supply Ijat before fommett. 29. am (gnbe : = fdjliefjlidj. 138. 6. wetter feinen: i.e. feinen anberen. 13. anf: on the strength of. 15. tjor ben toentgften Xiiren : at very few doors. 22. ein fleinct $rityj)et: does not refer of course to Tellheim's stature, but to his being ein toenig $riippel a bit of a cripple. 24. afle3 tturtjl nfceflegt : when you really come to think of it. 25. Urn : with ace. denotes the degree of difference ; urn ein aar by a hair's breadth. 139. 11. f o : does not modify rerfjt ; is it right for you to put it that way ? 14. Qfffen Settler : this beggar of yours; i.e. your pre- tensions to beggarhood. tiurnetyme : is printed in certain editions tierneljme ; the difference in meaning would be slight. One signi- fies take up y examine; the other put to the test, cross-examine ; cf. 78 9. 15. tuerben * . * toerloren Ijafcen : you have lost perhaps. 25-6. For the historical background of the incident here men- tioned, cf. Introd. p. 39. 140. 5. Drbre : = 33efeljfe. 3(mtern : equivalent here to SBe= atrfen ; SKjfoiften. 6. ^ontrifcuttim : i.e. rieg8ftener. 13. 3cit^= mutg : = Unteqeic^nung, 14. bie ju ratttyafcterenbe S^nlben : the claims to be ratified (i.e. officially approved). The gerundive is in form the pres. part, preceded by git and, when used attributively as here, declined like any adj. Lessing uses here the strong form of the adj. after the def . art., as so often : ratifyabieren = ratifigieren, geneljmigen. 16. 9JJa . . * 9ttau( : they puckered their lips deri- sively or they curled their lips sneeringly ; ba$ 2ftcmf gieljen grimace. 17. Salute : from Ital. valuta which is the preferred spelling to- day ; = ben SBetrag. 19. rattal : signifies both S)an!gebet and >an!gefd)en! (or Srinfgelb) ; here of course the latter. 141. 4. an ben ag lommen : i.e. an ba$ id)t beg 2:age^ fommen see the light of day ; come to light. 6. Tellheim laughs at the thought that the evidence of either Minna's uncle or of the Saxon estates would be believed ; for, if the major had received a bribe, they were both accessories before the fact, 9, $orfidjt : cf . note NOTES. 219 to 59 H. 12. fei^ett : = amteljtnen. 13. fcei nnS : i.e. in Saxony. 21. $ame : see vocab. 23. Ijalt frf)ablo3 : = entfcfjabigt 142. 2. SftoJjr toon JSenebtfJ : Shakespeare's Othello is meant ; modern usage would require in the ace. 9ftof)rett. 5. &f)niidje : i.e. tijnlirf)teit Supply jjfni before itfcer ; cf . 102 27. 9. Dertieft : i.e. in ebanlen toertieft 13. lute . . * $>tenfte : Tellheim was a subject of the (at that time) independent duchy of Courland and like Othello he was enrolled in foreign service. Minna had not thought of this similarity between the major and the Moor. 24. nod) Center at least for today. 25. auf bcm fceften 2Scgc: in a fair way. 31. toenn . , , tuenbct : if things do not take a com- pletely new turn. 143. 1. Sftttett inS SBort fatten : i.e. @tc unterbredjen. 4. ge= fatten : = ausgefaflen. 6. nnr efcen : just now. 14. Just as Ric- caut's Sftinifter (125 14) later turns out to be an orderly (157 18), so in a trice does the boasted (fyet>aUer become a simple lieutenant. 11. MS anf : if it were not for (his gambling). 23. nnr je^t : eben jet would be more usual. 27. entlabcn : i.e. entlaftet 29. Ian= fen laffen : i.e. ben Saufoafc geben be rid of. 144. 8. turn atten 2)tngen : for the more usual iiber with ace. 15. metncr @^ire : dat. after gefc^ie^t (is offered). 18. e3 : i.e. bcr 3fyrige. 20. fein S3ebenlen tragt: does not scruple. 29. Supply tooljl after t : ifs time now, don't you think ? 145. 2. $n Bnnt madjt : i.e. ^u arg treibt ; is pushing it a little too far. 6. The conclusion of Tellheim's sentence would be some phrase like fo toiirbe id) tneUeid)t fein 33eben!en tragen, 3^nen mein gan^e liicf gn terbanfen. 16. letneS: neither of us. 24. ($3 fei brnm (gefcfyefyen) ; it's all over between us. Bir . . I)a6c : i.e. tt)ir tootten anne^men, bag tuir nn nie gelannt fyaben. 147. 4. tjun feiner ^anb: of his choosing. 5. 9ltte3 : = atte ; cf. 99 1. 7. Supply un gan^ tjertrauen fonnten after mir. 12. (-lcnbe : cf. note to 905. 16. etfcwS : i.e. etn Ungu'trf ; Franziska's exag- gerated fear for her mistress' condition is unfelt she wishes merely to reduce the major to immediate and complete submission. 220 NOTES. 21. ba3 ift brittgenber : ncimltd), bafj id) SSerner auffudje unb bag no- ttge @elb tion ifym befomme. Tellheim will need ready money, to carry out his plan of marrying Minna. tttft fteljt : fiefyt, bag e tnein (Sntji ift. 22. eutftdjett : now obsolete in the meaning of fefjten. ACT V. 148. 2. 2930 fterfft btt : where have you been hiding? 11. \tif bud) gcfagt : in ejaculatory sentences the inverted order is not unusual. In such intensive statement the verb is commonly strengthened by bod) as here. 12. tt)el(fje : here an indef. pron. used substantively ; cf . 69 26. 149. 6. We learn later (sc. vi) why the messenger did not arrive sooner. 7. $e itu : why, of course ! cf . note to 89 4. fjrcuben : cf. note to 55 27. 17. Jwrnt : = berett. 27. Supply ate Icmger Ijter bletben after getoffeiu twfgeljo&ett ift : is in store for me. 150. 10. 2ic ift mir : i.e. mie ift tnir gu 9J^ute ; what can be the matter with me? 15. 2Ba3 : = tuarum. 17. e3 toar mir : e fam mir t)or it seemed to me. 20. grouteitt : in the sense of errin. 151. 2. Have you forgotten, major, (that you took back your ring and therefore have no further claim upon her) ? 3. nidjt f (9 : i.e. nicfyt bet @innen not in your right mind. 24. id) , , , gem : I do so love to see such things. 152. 3. burd) . . , $Re^ttUttgctt : with just a little selfishness in rendering their accounts. 6. 3ttatttt3 : part. gen. after genug. 8. fjeveitt : instead of the more correct t)inein as often above. 11. &0mmcn tta^ : at least wait and follow me a little later. 16. Iciucr ^orbereitung : for the gen. as obj., instead of the ace. cf . note to 64 16. 154. 1. mit: i.e. cwf. 3. ^inau^fe^cn : = erfyeben. 5. nn einmal : cf . note to 93 5. 6. erfaffen : more common today in the sense of release is entfyeben. 11. t : neut., because it does not refer to ben 9ttng but to the following bog Unterpfcmb. 18. unfer : gen. pi, of urir, and bciber stands in apposition with it. 24-5, Miu- NOTES. -221 na is of course saying just the opposite of what she seems to be. The ring which Tellheim first gave her in token of their betrothal is on her hand at this moment ; the ring which the major is at- tempting to force upon her now is his own engagement-ring, re- covered from the landlord. When Minna asserts therefore that no power on earth can induce her to accept this ring, she is but re- fusing to renounce her claim upon Tellheim. 155. 10. @ic* * * frmtmcn: your true self is returning. 14. Oljtte . bfttf t don't mix up in our affairs, if you please, Franziska. 18. mtdj . * * ftcKcit : $u tun, at8 ob id) fait uttb Ijoljnifdj ttwre. 26. 2580 . * Ijitt : note the idea of direction away from the speaker : whither are your thoughts carrying you, i.e. what are you thinking of? 30. in bcr $efd)ttrittbtgfett : on the spur of the moment. 156. 1-2. A repetition of Tellheim' s words; 144 1. 2. btmt&er: while you are doing it or in the process. 4. Detfiiffette : suppressed (by biting the teeth so fast together that one's wrath can not es- cape). 7. baritt : i.e. in ber @eele. ag : = agelidjt ; cf . note to 141 4. 8. ba3 SJHtleib : such personification of an abstraction recalls Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris where Mercy is made to be the daughter of Zeus. For the first time in the drama we are making the acquaintance of Tellheim the lover ; lyric speech on the lips of so stern a soldier is the more convincing because of its unexpectedness ; we begin to suspect the depths of sentiment and tenderness which underlie the rather woodeny exterior of the major. 21. Seele : = etmffen. 27. 2Belrf|e . . . Derfoetgew ? : what ser- vice will be refused me ? He feels certain of securing a military position anywhere. Uttb : see vocab. 158. 6. ftelj r irfj aw : here equivalent to $ogere id). 10. tttbe3 : now obsolete as a conj. in the sense of toafyrenb or tnbem. 16. Fran- ziska pretends to think the landlord has followed the orderly up- stairs, to discover what is in the letter. 18. fott : has been told to. 159. 4. laffctt . . . fcitt : leave the poor major alone. 6. $or= fcitterin : gitrbitterin ; cf . note to 58 14. 9. er : i.e. Frederick II, King of Prussia. Ijat . . . uerJeuguet : here too he has not belied 222 NOTES. himself i.e. he has shown as he ever does his true greatness. 25. tue (ndj $n ttriffett: Whitney calls attention to the older English official formula I do you to wit; i.e. I beg to inform you. 160. 2. afteitt SBrnber : i.e. Prince Henry of Prussia; supposedly the general under whom Tellheim had served. be Sftaljent : adv. gen. in detail. 11. Sra&iwr : = u : brrr ! an interjection denot- ing a shudder as if cold water had been poured over one. 169. 9. grouf amc : Tellheim still labors under the delusion that Minna is cast off by her uncle. 12. (Sir , , tun : he will have me to deal with. 23. Supply geljett ttnr before ifjm* 170. 10. So Ctft : take a good look at it first, pray ! 28. gur ^omijbiatttitt fcerbor&ett : no good as an actress. 30. 9Jiaul : cf . note to 72 12. 172. 3. Supply tft e8 before ret^t 4. bcitt : carried away by Tellheim's outburst of affection the count at first addresses him with bein ; afterwards the more conventional @ie is used. 6. bic= fer 3farfce : the count ordinarily was little fond of the wearers of the Prussian uniform. 11. itirfjt : this negative would be omitted hi modern speech. 21. ja : see to it (that you are considerate). 224 NOTES. 173. 2. $a, nun : well, what is it ? 9. Sonttmtb : cf . note to 13611. 11. ersiirnt : == jornig gemadjt. 13. b'tyd: Werner calls himself a dolt, because he tried to force his money upon the major so inopportunely. 14. $ud)tel : we should expect the pi. gudjteln. 23. @o * . Hot : ril never see Ms like again. 174. 12. ^adjtmetfterin : cf . note to 107 7. 17. itidjt grog 90= tan: i.e. prafjten @ie bodj iiid)t! 20. 0$$: from French je tope (I agree}. 21. fi&er jeljtt 3aljr : ten years from now. VOCABULARY. EXPLANATION. If the accent of a word is not marked it is on the first syllable. If the plural of a noun is not indicated it is lacking. ( ) and O rep- resent the first class strong declension with and without umlaut ; (-e) and (^e) the second class ; (-er) and (*er) the third class ; (-n) or (-en) the weak declension. The principal parts of all strong and irregular verbs are given. Thus feljen (te-a-c) denotes pres. inf. feljen ; 2d and 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. fiefyft, jteljt ; pret. ind. fafc ; perf . part, gefefyen. If the tense-auxiliary of an intransitive verb is not given it is fyafcen. Separable prefixes are indicated by a diagonal line. The adverbial meaning of an uninflected adjective is not listed, if it differs from the adjectival meaning only by the addition of the suffix -ly. VOCABULARY. at) adv. and sep. pref. off, away, down ; to one side, to a dis- tance afc/fcredjett (t-a-o) intr. break off, desist, cease, stop, pause afc/faenttett (brannte, gefcrannt) in- tr. f. burn down, be burned out afc/Btingett (bradjte, gefcrac&t) tr. lead away, divert, dissuade; remove afc/banfen tr. retire, dismiss, dis- charge ; intr. resign ber ai&enfc (-e) evening, eve afcenteitetfid) adj. adventurous, strange, odd nfcer conj. but, however; adv. again aa/finben (a-u) tr. satisfy, pay off, indemnify ; refl. agree, come to terms, acquit one's self of obli- gation toward afo/fiifyrett tr. march off, lead away ; lead astray, mislead afc/geffett (etng, gegcmeen) intr. f. go away, set off, depart ; make (one's) exit aftgeftijmaift adj. tasteless, in- sipid; absurd, silly rtfe/tyalten (d-te-a) tr. check, re- strain ; hold off, prevent (d-i-a) intr. depend, be dependent afc/fjefcett (o or it-o) tr. lift off ; cut (cards) afc/nefcrnett (ntmntt, na^m, genom* men) tr. take off, remove, ab- stract, deduct ab/rciumen tr. clear, remove a^/teben tr. agree upon; w. dat. dissuade (from) afc/uetfen intr. f. set out, depart ber 2lftfdjieb (-e) farewell, depart- ure; dismissal, discharge ber 2(&fd)lag C"e) part-payment, instalment, account ; refusal, deduction bie fCfcftdjt (-en) purpose, view, intention afc/ftammett intr. f. descend, is- sue, be derived bie SUftftammttng (-en) descent, derivation afctoectyfelttb par^. adj. alternate, reciprocal, intermittent ftft/frenbett (toenbete or tuanbte, ge=* tt)enbet or getuanbt) ^r. turn away, avert bte ai^tocfett^eit absence ad/satjren tr. tell off, count, com- pute at/jtef)en (00, gejogen) '. silly, foolish, absurd aU adj. and pron. all, whole, each, every; afteS all, everybody; everything allein indecl. adj. alone; adv. only ; corc;. but, only aftenf aH adv. at best, at most ; at any rate eiHerfceft' ad; . best of all, very best aHerbittgd adv. by all means, al- together ; it is true, to be sure aHerlte&ff adj. delightful, lovely, charming allernactyft' adj. very next; adv. close by ; immediately oiler fdjlerfj'teft ad;, worst of all o Her f eitS adv. on every hand, from all sides aHertJjJllftan'bigft a$. completest, most perfect aUtyiet' adv. at this very place, here ttflju adv. far too, too much, alto- gether too aid conj. as, as if, when; after comp. than ; after neg. but, ex- cept olSbann' adv. then, thereupon alffl adv. so, thus; conj. then, therefore, accordingly; interj. well then ! alt (alter, a'lteft) adj. old, former, aged, ancient bad 2Uter (-) age, old age altltrf) adj. elderly, rather old ba3 2Jmt (*er) office ; jurisdiction; district; business; board an prep. (dat. or ace.) adv., and sep. pref. at, in, in the way of, on, by, to, towards, by reason of, in respect to att/Meten (o-o) tr. offer ber SUtt&lirf (-e) sight, aspect, view an/fclirfen tr. look at, glance at ember adj. other, second; differ- ent anbermal (etn) adv. phrase anoth- er time tinbern tr. change, alter anberS adv. differently, other- wise, else ber SUnfang (*e) beginning; son 5lnfang an from the very first att/fangett (a-i-a) tr. and intr. be- gin; do an/faffen (fate, 0efat) tr. take hold of, seize, grip VOCABULARY. 229 an/fii&ren tr. lead on, play with, impose on rtu/gefcen (i-a-e) tr. give, mention cn/gc^cn (cjtng, gegangen) r. go towards, approach ; touch, con- cern, apply to an/gefciirett intr. w.dat. belong to, appertain tie 9lngelegent)eit (-en) affair, concern, business angcnc^m adj. pleasant, agree- able angfttgen tr. alarm, harass, dis- tress, disturb angftlidj adj. anxious, worried an/ijoren tr. listen to an/fleiben tr. dress, clothe an/fotnmen (fam, gelommen) i/ir. f, come, arrive bic ainfnnft f e) arrival an/tongen intr. f. arrive ; ?. con- cern, regard, respect an/legen tr. put, apply; put by, invest bie SUnmcrfuttg (-en) note, com- ment, remark an/neftmen (ntmmt, nafjm, genom* men) fr*. accept, receive; as- sume, presuppose ; refl. w. gen. take charge of, assist eit/refcett tr. accost, address an/ritljreit tr. touch, handle; touch upon, refer to an/fdjret&ett (te-te) tr. charge (to one's account) eut/fefjen (te-a-e) tr. look at, ex- amine, regard anfefjttUd) ac^'. sizable, consider- able bie ^tnfic^t (-en) view, opinion an/ f pitmen (a-o) refl. begin, set in motion an/fi>te$en (t-a-o) tr. hail, ad- dress, accost ber Slnftmtrf) ( tf e) claim, demand ; pretension, title anftattprep. (gen.) instead an/fterfcn ir. put on ; set fire to, light anftecfenb part, adj, contagious, infectious ou'fteljen (jlanb, fieflanben) intr, linger, hesitate, delay ; become, suit, please ber SUnteil (-e) share, portion; sympathy, interest ba$ SUntftij (-e) face, countenance bie 3(utttJOft (-en) answer, reply nnttoorien tr. answer, reply an/tiertraticn tr. trust, intrust, confide ber 2lnt>etnmnbte (decl. as adj.) kinsman, relative an/tocifcn (te-te) tr. show, teach, instruct; admonish an/toenben (tt>en^te or nxmbte, ge^ tt)enbet or gemanbt) tr. turn to, make use of, employ; apply; bestow mt/jeigen tr. point out, announce, inform, apprise, declare ber 2CWetit / appetite ; relish a?0o3' (3 silent) adv. apropos, by the way at g (arger, argfl) adj. ill, evil, bad, base, mischievous arge?li$ adj. angry, peevish, ir- ritable, vexatious, fretful argern tr. vex, annoy, provoke; refl. be vexed, be angry, fret 230 VOCABULARY. baS atrgerniS (-ffe) anger, vexa- tion ; cause of vexation, offense bte Olrglift cunning, craft, guile arm (drmer, cirmft) adj. poor, mis- erable, unfortunate ber 2lrm (-e) arm armlirf) adj. poor, wretched, needy armfciig adj. poor, needy, shabby bie 3ltmut poverty, want bie 2lrt (-en) species, kind, sort; way, manner ; au3 ber $rt f$la* gen degenerate attig adj. nice, well-bred, polite, kind mtrf) adv. and ccmj. also, too; even, really, indeed; likewise; just the same ; cwd) tttdjt not . . . either ; f o * , . CUtdj however ; tt>enn , , audj even if; n>ie , , , aitd) as attf prep. (dat. or ace.} adv., and sep. pref. on, upon, in, at, to, up, for, about ; upwards, open ; auf Oa in order that ; attf einntal at once, suddenly; aitfS fcefte in the best way ; cwfS neue again ; attf ettrig forever attf/fctittgen (feracfyte, a.efcrad)t) tr. bring up, rear ; produce, raise attf/bringen (a-u) tr. force upon, urge, thrust ; obtrude on, in- trude ber $lttfenif)alt (-e) delay, stop, stay, sojourn nuf/faljrett (d-u-a) intr. f. startup, rise ; be aroused, become angry msffafjrettb part. adj. impetuous, hasty, passionate mtf/fangett (a-t-a) tr. catch up, ward off, intercept, parry. auf/fotbcttt tr. challenge ; invite, ask bie 2litffitf)rimg (-en) performance ; conduct, behavior ba3 Slitfgefcot (-e) marriage-banns auf/gc^ett (gtng, gepngen) intr. j. rise; dawn; open, be opened; aufge^en laffen expend, spend auf/^altcn (a-ie-a) tr. hold up, hinder, detain aitf/befcen (ooru-o) tr. lift up, lay away, keep, preserve, invest, save, care for; put an end to, abolish, do away with attf /^o ten intr. stop, cease attf/f iaren tr. clear up ; explain aitf/f ommett (fam, 0e!ommen) intr. f. come up, arise; -obtain, pre- vail ouf/mitijen tr. reproach, cavil at ; upbraid, taunt ; resent auf/ncf)mcu (ntmmt, na^m, fienom^ men) tr. receive, entertain attf/o|ifetn tr. offer up, sacrifice af/J>affen (pajjte, 0epat) intr. ob- serve, watch, spy af/|Ji*atten intr. f . fly open, burst open mtf/fcretteit see aufpratlen attf/fd)(agcn (ci-u-a) tr. open aitf/fd)lief|en (f^Io, flefc^toffen) tr. unclose, open, unlock attf/ftfjreifcett (ie-te) tr. write down, record bie 2luffd)rtft (-en) direction, ad- dress. attf/ftefjen (ftanb, 0e|lanben) intr. f. stand up, get up, arise attf/fto fecit (o-ie-o) intr. f. meet with, come across, run upon, VOCABULARY. 231 fall in with, encounter, strike, occur aitf/fiid)est tr. look for, search for, seek, hunt up ber 2lufttag C*e) commission, er- rand astf/ttagest (a'-tt-a) tr. carry on, serve ; lay /on, charge, enjoin, commission asif/tteifcett (te-te) tr. drive up, muster, raise, levy astf/ttetest (tritt, trat, getreten) intr. f. stamp, tread ; enter, appear ber aittf tritt (-e) appearance, en- trance; scene astfwattS adv. upward(s) bte Olttftoartustg (-en) waiting up- on, visit, call ; ^ufwartung ma* $en pay respects astf/toetfest (t-a-o) tr. throw up, aitf/iuiegest (o-o) tr. outweigh attf/$at)(en tr. count out, pay down auf/jiefjeit (m, S^ogen) r. draw up ; put off ber SUstfftitg (^e) act (of a play) bad Sttttge (tferc- -3, pZ- -n) eye; tnd 5luge fatten catch one's eye ; im Sluge Ijafcen have in view; unter i)ter ^tugen privately, sub rosa ber 2(itgenfettcf (-e) moment, min- ute bad 2(Uflcnb(icfc^c (-) twinkling, instant ber aiunwfi (-e) August au3 prep, (dat.) adv., and sep. pref. out of, from, of, because of ; out ; over, at an end attS/attett intr. f. deteriorate, de- generate auS/fcreiten Jr. widen, spread out, extend r. express, utter ac^. explicit, posi- tive, express mt3/fafjrett (a-u-a) intr. f. take a drive, go driving mtS/frtaen (fa'ttt, ftel gefatten) intr. f. turn out, result bte 2lu3ftadE)t (^e) evasion, subter- fuge, pretext, excuse ttwS/fragcn tr. interrogate, cross- examine, sound; hunt up, dis- cover (one's) whereabouts ber $fa$0fUtg (*e) issue, outcome, result, close (i-a-e) ft-, expend; ftc^ spend every farth- ing audgenotttflflEt adv. prep, (ace.) exceptunless it be (a-te-a) tr. and intr. it, endure, persevere r. fetch a blow, raise the arm to strike, strike out ait@/f tamest tr. rummage out, ex- pose for sale ; display, exhibit att^/legen tr. lay out, advance, disburse, expend bie $Cu4legitttg (-en) interpreta- tion, explanation, solution ass^/letnen intr. finish learning, become practised 232 VOCABULARY. miS/ltefern tr. deliver up, hand over -mt/marf)en tr. make out ; decide, determine ; agree bte aiuSimljme (-n) exception auS/raiimen tr. remove, clear, empty miS/tebett intr. have one's say, finish speaking ou3/rirf)ten tr. do, perform, exe- cute au$/fd)lagett(d-u-a) tr. strikeout, decline, reject, refuse aiiS/fe&en (te-a-e) intr. seem, ap- pear, look bad 2lit3fef)ett appearance, look(s) cwf?en adv. outside, out of doors aiifter conj. except, unless mifterbem adv. besides, in addi- tion bad &ttftete (c?ec?. like adj.) exte- rior, appearance aufterfmHi prep, (#e?i.) a/id acfo. on the outside, externally, with- out, out of a lift et ft adj. superl. extreme, ut- termost, utmost auS/fc^cn tr. set out, expose Me %Uu3fidjt (-en) outlook, view, prospect fliiS/ foremen (t-a-o) r. express, utter auS/treten (trttt, rrat, getreten) tr. tread out, kick out cui$/jaf)(en ^r. pay in full, dis- charge and/3tel)cu (303, ee^ogen) intr. f. move out, move away (-d) preferment, promotion aUancic'ren (awang-) intr. f, he advanced, be promoted bte %$afyn (-en) path, course, road ; career ^alt> adv. soon, presently, shortly ; almost ; at once, right off bad 3$anb (-e) bond, fetter, tie bad 3$anb (^er) band, ribbon fcang(e) adj. anxious, afraid, un- easy, fearful, timorous; mir ifl bange I am afraid bte $tanf (-en) bank ber SBanfter' (banfie^) H) banker Bat adj. bare ; pure ; in cash ; bared elb ready money, cash down bte QSimntycrjigfeit mercy, com- passion, pity, charity bie *Barfd[)aft cash in hand, ready money fteant'-tooriett tr. answer fcefcen intr. thrill, tremble, quake, shake tieban'f en refl. thank, give thanks for, be obliged; decline with thanks fcefeatt'ertt tr. be sorry for, deplore ; regret fcebcn'fen (kbadjte, bebac^t) refl. bethink one's self, consider, hesitate bad $8eben'f en consideration; hesi- tation, doubt, scruple bie ^ebenrudjfett (-en) doubtful- ness, timidity, scruple beben'tenb part. adj. significant, important ber SBebien'te (decl. as adj.) ser- vant, waiter, lackey, footman VOCABULARY. 233 (fiebarf, fceburfte, fceburft) tr. and intr. w. gen. lack, re- quire, want, stand in need of feeen Mgen tr. end, finish ber SBefeljl' (-e) order, command fcefelj'lett (ie-a-o) tr. commend; order, command lc fin 'ben (a-u) refl. find one's self, feel ; be ; do ; happen to be bte ttefttf fenfceit diligence, assid- uity, zeal fcefrem'ben tr. strike as strange, surprise fceftie'bigen tr. content, gratify, satisfy ftefugt' part. adj. entitled, author- ized, warranted fcegeg'nen intr. w. dat. f. encoun- ter, meet bege'fjen (kgtnfl, began^en) tr. do, commit, perpetrate; be guilty of ftegie'tig adj. desirous, eager, cov- etous, anxious fceglet'tett tr. accompany foegnit'tjctt refl. be content, feel satisfied, acquiesce fcegrei'fett Cbegriff, fcegrtffen) tr. conceive, comprehend, under- stand ber *8egtiff (-e) concept, idea; conception; im S3e0riff on the point of, about begru'ftcn tr. salute, greet, wel- come beljarten (d-ie-a) tr. hold, keep, retain ; remember fceJjiut'beltt tr. treat, use fceljatt'fett tr. house, lodge fcetyeffen (i-a-o) refl. help one's self, get along, manage; resort to IJefjor'djettfr'. overhear, eavesdrop ftetyiften ^r. protect, guard, watch, preserve; bc^itte ! Heaven for- bid! beiprep. (dat.), adv., andsep.pref. by, near, at, at the house of, in, with, on, upon ; in addition to fcd/fcelmrtcn (d-ie-a) tr. hold on to; keep, retain fteibe num. adj. pi. both, the two fcetberfettS adv. on both sides, re- ciprocally, mutually fcet/fnaett (fdflt, ftel, sefatten) intr. f, occur, recur better' adv. by the way ; besides, incidentally aet/fommen (fam, gefommen) inei3' (-e) proof fcetoei'fett (te-ie) tr. prove, sho^ (etuet^en (t-a-o) re^f. pay suit to, woo, court, solicit r. grant, concede i tr. inhabit, occupy ^. adj. inhabited; civilized ber $8eiwm'fcerer (-) admirer totontfflpart. adj. known ; in ques- tion ; aware, conscious &ejat)'len tr. pay bte ^Bejalj'dtttg (-en) pay, payment fcejeu'gen ^r. attest, show, prove (esie'^en (be^OQ, beaogen) re/Z. re- late, refer, bear on bte QSejie^wtg (-en) reference, connection ; SBejieljung auf ettt>a^ ^aben apply to something ber ^ejiig (*e) relation, reference ; in 23ejug auf in regard to bte #t&ef (-n) Bible 236 VOCABULARY. bieten (o-o) tr. offer, proffer bittig adj. reasonable, just, fair (a-u) tr. bind, unite , (ace.), adv., and co)ij. to, up to, as far as, till, until ; MS an up to; bt$ aitf to, till, ex- cept ; MS batyer until then bet SBift (-JTe) bite, sting, thrust (ein) biftdjen adv. a little bit, somewhat ber SBiffen (-) morsel, bit, snatch bte SBitte (-n) prayer, request bitten (bat, gebeten) tr. ask, beg bitter adj. bitter bte SBittetfeit (-en) bitterness, blaft adj. pale, white ba$ SBIatt (*er) leaf, page, sheet bleiben (te-te) intr. f. stay, con- tinue, remain ; adhere, stick blenben tr. blind, dazzle ba3 &Ienbtt)e?f (-e) delusion, illu- sion bfefflert'paT'Z. adj. wounded bte SBIeffur' (-en) wound ber SBIicf (-e) glance, look, sight bliffen intr. look blinb adj. blind, sightless ber SBIifc (-e) lightning ; flash ; as interj. thunder and lightning! bliibe adj. weak ; dull, silly ; bash- ful, shy, backward bloft adj. naked, bare; simple, mere, pure bfisfjenb part. adj. flourishing, prosperous ba$ SBfot blood ; race ; lineage blutjung adj. very young; brand new borgen tr. borrow ; lend biiS, bbfe adj. bad, evil ber &ofetoid)t (-e) reprobate b03f)ftft adj. malicious bte *8o&eit (-en) malice, spite, anger brau$en tr. use, employ; want, need ber *Bvautigam (-e) bridegroom, fiance brab adj. worthy, reliable, good interj. bravo! t' (-n)U^rO bravery bte^en (t-a-o) tr. break bteit adj. broad, wide btennen (brannte, gebrannt) tr. burn ; intr. long, be eager ber SBHef (-e) letter ba$ SBriefdjen (-) note btieflid^ adv. by letter bte *Brief f djaftenp/. letters, papers baS SBrieffdjmben letter writing bte S8t?ieftafc^e (-n) pocket-book ba3 ^riefttagen letter carrying ber SBtiHant' (-jantO (-en) jewel, diamond btingen (brad)te, gebra^t) tr. bring, fetch, take, lead; um ettoaS brtngen cause to lose something, deprive of something ba3 $*rot (-e) bread brr interj. whoa ! ugh ! (ba3) SBmdjfcia Bruchsall ber ^Brnbet (*) brother; comrade bte SBttsfl Ce) breast 1>ftinterj. pst! hist! sh! ber ^Sube (gen. -n, pi. -n) boy; knave, rogue, rascal bte SBii&ne (-n) stage, scene bunt adj. variegated, motley ; gay ; ju bunt ntadjen go too far VOCABULAEY. 23 T ber $$uni> (*e) band, bond ; union, alliance, confederacy fcitrr see fcrr ber OSurfdje (gen. -n, pi. -n) fel- low, comrade, apprentice; boy, lad ber (fjaraf'tcr (-e) character; title ; profession, rank djarafterifie'ren tr. characterize ber Ijetwlier' (fc^'maUie^O (-c) ca- valier; chevalier, knight ber (Shrift (gen. -en, pi -en) Chris- tian djriftlio) adj. Christian ba acfa. there, here ; then, in that case; conj. since, because, as; when, while; interj. there! ba&ei' adv. by it, in it, besides; therewith, in doing so; present, notwithstanding; babet few be present, assist, help, take part, be in for it bctS &ao) (^er)roof; attic; shelter baburoV adv. thereby, by this means bafiir' adv. and sep. pref. for it, instead of it, therefor, in ex- change bafiir'/Jjalten (d-te-a) tr. deem, judge, esteem baftir'/ftefjett (ftanb, geftanben) intr. guarantee, warrant bage'o.eti adv. on the other hand, on the contrary bftljer' adv. thence, along ; for that reason baliin' adv. thither, there, to it ; along, on ; fci$ ba^in up till then bam aid adv. then, at that time bie $ame (-n) lady; queen (in cards) bamii' adv. therewith, with it, thereby, so; conj. wherewith, that, so that, in order that bie Qammerung (-en) twilight, dusk, gloaming batte'fcen adv. near by, adjoining it, alongside; conj. besides ber &attf thanks, gratitude ; ;Dan! fagen return thanks; groett $)anf many thanks; ott fet 2)cmf thank God ! banffcar adj. thankful, grateful banlen intr. w. dat. thank, give thanks; owe battn adv. then, thereupon; bann unb tt)ann now and then ber &an$igev Dantzic brandy bar see ba baran r adv. thereon, therein; to it, about it, in regard to it, on it barattf adv. thereon, thereupon, then ; thereaf terwards, next ; on it, for it, in return barattS' adv. out of it, out of them ; from this, therefrom baritt' adv. in it, therein ; within barnaaY adv. thereafter, after that; in that manner, accord- ingly barne'ftest see banefcen bar/fteflcn tr. depict, represent, set forth, display bari^&er adv. over that, thereon, about that, concerning that ; be- sides 238 VOCABULARY. barum' adv. and sep. pref. there- about; therefore, on that ac- count, for that reason barumV&rittgen (brctd)te, fiebrad&t) tr. deprive baft conj. that, so that, in order that bato adv. of the date; fct3 bato hitherto, till now tie &auer duration, continuance ; term banern intr. last, continue bauetn tr. cause sorrow, move to pity, grieve button' adv. therefrom, of it ; off, away, thence bailor' adv. for it, before it, of it, from it basu' adv. to it, thereto, for that ; besides, moreover Me &erfe (-tt) cover, lid; cover- ing; ceiling betn poss. pron. and adj. thy, thine, your, yours bemun'geao)tet conj. notwith- standing, in spite of it benfen (bacftte, 0eba$t) tr. and in- tr. think, think of, imagine; remember, intend ; conceive bte &enfnng3art (-en) way of thinking, turn of mind; feel- ings, sentiments bcnn adv. then, therefore; conj. for, because, unless bennod) conj. yet, but yet, still, notwithstanding, in spite of it ber (tie, ba$) def. art. the; de/n. pron. and adj. this, that, he, she, it ; rel. pron. who, which, that berglei'djett uninfl. adj. such, the like, of that kind betjettige (bteienige, baSjentge) dem. pron. and adj. that, that one beta archaic pron. your; his berfer&e (biefelfce, baSfelbe) dem. pron. and adj. the same; he, she, it bettoeil(e) adv. meanwhile, in the meantime be$fatt$ adv. in that case, there- fore beSljaHi adv. for that reason, on that account, therefore befto adv. w. compar. so much the, the beStoegen adv. because of that, therefore beutfd) adj. German ber Stamattt' (gen. -en, pi. -en) diamond biettett intr. w. dat. serve ber Wiener (-) servant bte &ieneritt (-nen) waitress, ser- vant ber 3 s ten ft (-e) service bte ^ienftfcrttgfcit attentiveness, complaisance ; officiousness bieS (btefe, btefe^ or bted) dem. pron. and adj. this, that, the latter bieSmal adv. this time, at present, now ba3 &ing (-e) thing ; (-er) creature bie SJiSjiofUUw' (-en) disposition, tendency ; management, ar- rangement of battle, plan ber Siftrift' (-e) district boo) adv. and conj. yet, however, still, but, nevertheless, anyway, VOCABULARY. 239 though, after all, surely, only, at least ; really, indeed, I hope ppelt adj. double, duplicate; double distilled (^er) village adv. there, yonder, in that , place bortfjin' adv. thither, that way bran contr. of bar an btauf contr. of barauf brauf?en adv. without, outside, out of doors bte redjflerjnte (-tt) wooden doll, puppet breljettb part. adj. turning ; dizzy, giddy brei num. three bteimal adv. three times, thrice breifttg num. thirty brei$eljttt num. adj. thirteenth (ba3) &*e3ben Dresden bringcn (a-u) intr. insist, entreat bringenb part. adj. pressing, ur- gent btitt num. adj. third ba3 $rittel (-) .third part, third broken intr. threaten briibcv contr. of baruber briirfett tr. and intr. press brunt contr. of bar urn bu pron. thou, you ber $itfa'ten (gen. -($) pi. -n) ducat bttlbett tr. suffer, endure, bear, tolerate ; refl. be patient bnmm adj. stupid, dull, silly bimfcn (bimfte or beu$te, gebitnft or gebeuc^t) tr. and intr. seem, appear; think bwrd) prep, (ace.), adv., sep. and insep. pref. through; during; by, by means of ; on account of bttrd)att3 / adv. throughout; all over; absolutely btsr$/ge!)en (gtno,, geo.ana.en) intr. f. run away, abscond burrf)/rii(jeln tr. beat soundly, drub, thrash biirfen (barf, burfte, geburft) intr. and mod. aux. have permission, may; venture, dare; need, want efcen adj. even, level, smooth; adv. just, just then, just now ; exactly, precisely eftettfo adv. just as ebenfogut adv. just as well edE)t adj. genuine, true, proper, real ebel adj. noble ber (Sbelmut generosity, magna- nimity ebelmittig adj. generous elj(e) conj. before, ere efjebem adv. before this time eljettutlig adj. former, old efjenmlS adv. formerly, in times past e^er adv. sooner, before ; rather bte rU#feit honesty, fidelity tiinterj. why! indeed! what! ber anbte, getoenbet or getoanbt) tr. object, oppose ; reply, retort ein/ftitfett intr. operate, effect, act em$tfl adj. single, sole, only eitel adv. pure, mere ; vain, frivo- lous, idle bic itclf cit (-en) vanity, frivoli- ty, conceit ba$ (Slenb exile ; misery, distress elenb adj. miserable, wretched elft num. adj. eleventh ber (grnpf attg' reception, receipt ; in Smpfang netjmen receive, take charge of em $> fan 'gen (a-t-a) tr. receive, get ber <$m{>fef)l see Qcmpfefjluna, em&fety'lett (ie-a-o) tr. commend, recommend; refl. take leave, depart ; wish you good-day bie @mjj fetching (-en) recommen- dation; best wishes, compli- ments, regards, respects emjjfin'&en (a-u) tr. feel; be sen- sible of emjjftnb'lirf) adj .sensitive, touchy; sensible ; severe, painful, griev- ous, irritating bie mfcfltt'bwtfl (-en) sense, per- ception; feeling em$ov' adv. andsep. pref. up, up- ward, above, aloft, on high emj)0t7f)e&eit (o or u-o) tr. raise up, elevate ba$ @nbc (gen. -$, pi. -n) end, lunit, close; death; am Snbe after all, finally ; 311 (nbe ge^en draw to a close, decline; ju (nbe through enben intr. end, close ettblid} adj. final; adv. at last, after all ber <$ngel (-) angel eitt* insep. pref. over against, in return ettt&el^tett ^r. w. g'en. and tr. be deprived of, do without, dis- pense with ; miss, lack ent&cljr'Itrf) ac$. superfluous, un- necessary cntbc^cn tr. discover, find out, disclose, reveal cnte^'tcn tr. dishonor cntet^en tr. disinherit bie ntet^fcima (-en) dismherit- ance cntfcrnt' part. adj. distant, far off, remote, aloof entfUe^en (o-o) intr. f. run away, escape entQt'aenprep. (following its noun in the dat.) and sep. pref. against, towards, to, to meet ettfge'gen/eUen intr. f. hasten to- wards entae'flen/fltegen (o-o) intr. f. fly towards entflc'flcn/ffie^en (o-o) intr. f. flee towards, run to meet entfle'gen/fDmmen (fam, aefom* men) intr. f, come to meet, go towards 242 VOCABULARY. tr. oppose, with- stand eirtge'gett/fprittgen (a-it) intr. f. spring towards cntgeften (t-a-o) tr. suffer for, pay for, atone for entfjal ten (a-ie-a) *r. contain, in- clude entlo'fcen (d'-u-a) tr. disburden; exonerate entfaffen (entlafjt, enrttefj, entlaf* fen) tr. dismiss, discharge; re- lease entle'gen adj. isolated, remote, distant etttfa'gen intr. w. dat. disclaim, renounce etttfdjci'ben (te-te) tr. and refl. de- cide, determine etrtfdjHe'ften (entfd)io, entf^Ioffen) refl. determine, resolve bte (tt*f($lof'fenljett determina- tion, firmness ber fttfc' ("ffe) resolution, resolve; etnen (ntfd)lu faffen determine, make a resolve entfdjul'bigen tr. excuse, excul- pate eittf&rtn'geit (a-u) intr. f, spring, arise, proceed etttfte'fjen (entflanb, entftanben) in- tr. f. arise, begin ; spring forth, result ; be wanting, fail etttttie'bet conj. either ettttoer'fen (t-a-o) design, project, plan ettitot'fdjen intr. f. slip away, es- cape bte @aut|)a'ge (eftyaWO (-n) out- fit, equipment ; baggage etpers. pron. he, it cr= msep.pre/.out,forth,to the end crlict'tclit tr. get by begging, beg er&ie'ten (o-o) refl. offer, volun- teer; promise bte (Srfcin (-nen) heiress er&it'tern tr. embitter, exasperate erfcli'rfen tr. see, perceive, dis- cover er^te^en (i-a-o) ^r. break open, open bit @rbe (-n) earth, ground ; soil ; land erbtdj'ten tr. make up, invent, pretend erfct$'tet par*, ac?/. sham, false, fictitious, trumped-up erfcrof'feln tr. throttle, strangle erei'fetn refl. fly into a passion, fume, chafe eufa&'rett (d-u-a) ir. experience; hear; learn bie rfa&'ttwg (-en) experience erfin'ben (a-u) tr. mvent; con- trive, devise erfot^bern tr. demand, require erfiirten tr. fulfil, perform bte erfilHttttg (-en) fulfihnent etge^en (i-a-e) refl. devote one's self, submit erge'ben par*. ad[/. devoted, at- tached; humble, obedient; re- signed crgret'fcn (ergrtff, ergriffen) tr. grasp, clasp, seize erfjarten (a-ie-a) *r. hold up; keep; preserve, maintain; re- ceive, obtain ; gain erljitVit refl. become angry, be incensed VOCABULARY. 243 ertyo'Ieu refl. recover'one's self ertn'ttettt tr. remind; refl. re- member erlcit'nctt (erfannte, erfannt) tr. see, know ; discern, distinguish ; re- ' cognize, acknowledge, appreci- ate etfln'rett tr. explain; announce, assert, declare erfttn'bigett refl. inquire erlaf'fett (erldft, erlte, crlaffen) tr. remit, acquit, release ertou'&en tr. suffer, permit, allow etlei'bett (ertitt, crlttten) tr. suffer, sustain, bear, "undergo, abide, endure S' proceeds (-en) fatigue ; las- situde bte rttte'bfigimg (-en) humilia- tion ber (gtttft earnestness, seriousness, gravity ; tm (Srnft seriously etnft adj. earnest, serious ernfttyaft adj. earnest, grave erdff'nen tr. open, disclose erta'tett (d-ie-a) tr. guess, divine erf (tyet'nen (te-te) intr. f, appear ; arrive; happen etfdjte'efett tr. frighten, terrify, startle; intr. (t-a-o) be fright- ened etfet'jen tr. repair, make good; replace, indemnify erfjw'ren tr. spare, save etft num. adj. first, chief; adv. first; now; only, only just; furS erfte for the present, in the first place $a3 (gtftau'jtas astonishment crftttii'ttcn intr. f, be astonished crfteumal ; gum erftenmale for the first time erftttt en ^r. choke, stifle, suffocate erftre'rfett ^r. extend, stretch eriap'pett ^r. catch, surprise ; de- tect ettrd'gctt (d-u-a) tr. bear, support, endure eriroi'&en tr. obtain by defiance, win by obstinacy crttw'dicu intr. f. be aroused, awake erhmrfj'f en (d-u-a) i/i^r. f. grow ; develop evtoaf^tten tr. mention ertoat'tctt ^r. expect ; await, wait for bte ttoat'tung (-en) expectation ettoci'fcn (ie-ie) tr. pay, show, render ; refl. prove one's self ertoer'&ett (t-a-o) tr. acquire, earn, get, gain er$af)'len tr. tell, relate, narrate erjie^ctt (erjofl, ergogen) tr. bring up, educate et $iit nen r. anger, provoke ; refl. become angry ed pers. and indef. pron. it, he, she; something; so; there ber @fel (-) ass, donkey bad felSgefcttn (-e) blockhead, ass effcn (t, a, eegeffen) Hr) field, plain bte Sfelfcflafcfje HO soldier's flask, canteen ber t$elbjdget (-) messenger; or- derly bie 3reU>ftiegfaffe (-n) paymas- ter's office ber 3felbfdjer (-e) army surgeon ber 3relt>5U8 ( tt e) campaign ba^ tyenfter (-) window, casement ferttg adj. done, ready, finished fcft adj. fast, firm, fixed bte 3?efttmg (-en) fortress ba^ Delict (-) fire ; warmth, ardor, passion bte 3rettermauer (-n) party-wall; chimney fittben (ci-tt) tr. find; think; meet with, discover; refl. be found, be; present one's self, appear; ftdj in ettoaS ftnben become ac- customed to; e$ rotrb ftdj ftnben time will show, we shall see ber finger (-) finger ftnfter adj. dark, gloomy, black ; sad fig adj. fixed, firm ; quick, sharp, nimble, ready bte 3flafo)e (-n) flask, bottle ber 3flattergeift (~eO inconstant person, unreliable fellow ber 3Kerf (-e) spot, place ber 3fleifO)erfnea)t (-e) butcher's boy fTeifttg adj. diligent, industrious fliegen (o-o) intr. f, and %. fly flie^en (o-o) intr. f. flee, escape ; tr. shun, avoid ber ^flitter (-) spangle, tinsel bte gfltttcrfcitc (-n) bright side; tinsel side VOCABULAEY. 245 fludjen intr. w. dat. curse bte 5-Iudjt flight, escape Me $olge (-n) result, consequence folgett infr-. to. da. follow; obey folgcnb part. adj. following, se- quent, next foltertt tr. torture, torment forbertt tr. demand bte t?orberung (-en) claim, De- mand fort adv. and sep. pref. forth, on away, off ber tfovtgang departure fort/ge&eu (o.tn0, fiegangen) intr. f. go away ; go on, proceed fort/idgcit fr-.drive off , chase away bte 3frage (-n) question, query fvagen tr. and intr. ask, inquire (bad) 3rtantei$ France (bte) SfrattjiS'fa Francisca ber $ranjo fe (srew. -n, pi. -n) Frenchman frcmjo'ftfd) ad/. French bte 3frau (~en) woman, wife, lady bad ^raueu^eug women bad 3frattcti3immer (-) female, woman, lady bad ^rrattcnftimmerdjett (-) little woman bad ^rauleitt (-) young lady; Miss ; lady, mistress fret adj. free,independent ; frank, open, candid ; clear freilid) adv. certainly, to be sure, indeed ber gteifdjulse (gen. -n, pi. -n) judge, justice bad $mfrf)iilscngertrf)t (-e) estate which confers rights of a judge ; freehold estate fremb adj. strange, foreign, be- longing to others, unaccustomed to bte t$reufce (-n) joy, pleasure; mtt ftreuben gladly, with plea- sure fmtett refl. rejoice, be glad; 10. gen. enjoy ber 3freimt> (-e) friend bte fjfvemtbist (-neu) (female) friend bte Sveuitbfrfjaft (-en) friendship ber 3frtcbe(u) (gen. -nd, pi. -n) peace, quiet, calm frifd) adj. fresh, new, lively ; adv. and interj. up ! come ! ber 8tiebrieij3b0r (-e) gold coin frifie r rcn tr. frizzle, curl, dress (the hair) (ber) 3tt$ Fred, Fritz fttfftfid) adj. joyful, cheerful, gay bte 3f*Wid)fett (-en) gayety, joy fromnt adj. pious, religious, up- right fttif) adj. early; precocious, pre- mature; comp. earlier, former; sooner bte $d)tel (-n) whip, rod ; stroke, blow f iitjlcn tr. feel, perceive ; touch fit^ren tr. lead, bring; manage; wield fiiMcn tr. fill fiinf num. five fitnffjmtbert num. five hundred filnft num. adj. fifth fiinf je&n num. fifteen; fiinftefm Jage fortnight, fourteen days fiutfjclmljunbcrt num. fifteen hundred 246 VOCABULARY. funfselmt num. adj. fifteenth fttttfsig num. fifty fiit prep. (ace), for, on account of, instead of, in return for, in be- half of; fur fid) to one's self, aside ; fiir$ erfte at first ; n>a$ fiir what kind of fitrrfjten tr. fear, dread, be afraid of fiircfjterlid) adj. fearful, dreadful furrfjtfam adj. fearful, timid, faint-hearted ber Sftifc (*e) foot ber 3rttf?f**t0 (-e) footpath ba$ ^ntteral' (-e) case, box ; cov- ering, sheath fiittetn tr. feed; 311 Xobe fitttcrn support till death tie a&e (-n) gift, present ; talent gal ant' adj. gallant, polite, ele- gant, polished ; nice ber dtalgen (gen. -3, pi. -) gallows ber algenftricf (-e) gallows-bird, jailbird bte aHe gall, bile ; spleen, choler, anger, spite ; pluck, spunk gatt$ adj. whole, entire, all; adv. wholly, quite, very; (janj unb gar absolutely, utterly; etn ganjer Sftenfd) every inch a man, fine fellow gar adv. fully, quite, entirely, very ; gar nidjt not at all bte atbero'&e (-n) wardrobe; dress, clothes ba3 ami fan 'regiment (-er) regi- ment in garrison garfttg adj. dirty, nasty, filthy; detestable; disagreeable, bad, mean ber aft (*e) guest ber aft&of (*c) inn, hotel ber aftimrt (-e) landlord, inn- keeper ber atte (gen. -n, pi. -n) husband, spouse bte dtatiiit (-nen) wife; consort ge= insep. pref. with, together ge&en (i-a-e) tr. give, bestow; cd gtfct there is, there are ; tt>a3 gibt 1 ^ what's the matter? what's up? ba$ cftet' (-e) prayer ge&ie'ten (o-o) ^r. order, bid, tell bte e&te'tettn (-nen) mistress, lady; master, ruler fle&ie'terifefj adj. imperious, per- emptory, dictatorial; adv. in commanding tones QtbotQfpart. adj. borrowed, ficti- tious ber (&e&rmtf$}' (*e) use ; custom gebre'djen (t-a-o) impers. be want- ing gefmn'bett part. adj. bound ; con- cise, succinct ber erf (gen. -en, pi. -en) dandy, spark, fop ; fool, dotard ber eban^e (gen. -n3, pi. -n) thought, idea; fid) ebanfen macfyen trouble one's head, worry geben'fett (gebad)te, gebac^t) intr. mention ; intend ; have a mind ; 10. gen. think of, remember ba$ c&ra'n'ge (-) thronging, crowding, crowd; trouble, dis- tress bte ebitlb' patience VOCABULARY. 24T bte efafit' (-en) danger flefa^r/lirf) adj. dangerous bte (itefaljr'Udjfett (-en) danger gefal'Ien (gefatft, geftel, gefaflen) intr. w. dat. please; ftdj gefaflett laffett be content with, submit to, consent to have ber (ef rtf leu (-) kindness ; favor ; pleasure bct$ 6k fW (-e) feeling; sense; tenderness, sentiment gegen prep, (ace.) to, towards; against ; in comparison with bte <$cgenb (-en) region ; district, neighborhood; country ber <$egenari (-e) opposite ber <$egenfietet (-) adversary, opponent ber (^egenftanbC'e) object, subject bte egenUmrt presence ; present gegennmttig ac$. present ba3 efjetm'niS (-|fe) secret gefjen (gtng, 0e0an0en) infr. f, move, walk, go, leave; gefy 1 e?iequit>a$ Qtlt 1 $ ? what will you bet ? ber <&ema^r (-e) husband gemein / adj. common, mean, low, vulgar; ordinary gen prep, (ace.) towards genan r adj. exact, accurate, pre- cise, close; (jencw netymen be particular about; mtt flenauer 9?ot hardly, by a hair's breadth, with great difficulty geneigt 7 part. adj. inclined, dis- posed ber <8enemr (-e) general bte enettt'Iin (-nen) general's wife bte eneral'friegSfaffe (-n) gen- eral war-fund; paymaster-gen- eral's office bte enerarftoaien pi. States- General genug r adj. enough, sufficient bte (ftenug'tmtng satisfaction, rep- aration geJwfct'.parZ. adj. dressed up gera'fee adj. straight, direct, up- right; adv. directly; straight- way; just geta'ten (ci-ie-ct) intr. f. fall upon, hit upon; succeed; get; come 248 VOCABULAKY. tie eredj'ttgf ett justice Bering' adj. little, small, insignifi- cant, slight ; im geringflen in the least gern(e) (HeBer, am Itebften) adv. willingly, gladly, with pleasure gertt/fja&en (fyat, fyatte, flefyabt) tr. like gerit'fjett intr. be pleased, deign, condescend ber efanb'te (ded. as adj.) emis- sary; ambassador bad efdjaft' (-e) business, affair gefctye'fjett (te-a-e) intr. f, happen, come to pass, take place; be rendered ; ed ift um tljn gefdjefcen it's all up with him Me efdjirfr'te (-n) tale, story bad ef$trf' (-e) fate, destiny, lot ; skill, address bie efd&ieflidjf ett adroitness, dex- terity gefdjte'bett part. adj. separated, severed, parted gef$ta'gen part. adj. stricken down, ruined bad efdjledjf (-er) birth, family, race ; sex, gender bcr ef rf)led)t3'narae (#e?i. -nd, pi. -n) family name, surname ber efdjmacf ' (^e) taste ; fashion geftfcmei'btg ad;, pliable, pliant, yielding bad cfj^o|>f (-e) creature ba$ efr^tte^cne (decl. as adj.) writing gefdjtmnb' adj. swift, quick, sud- den bie (^cfc^ttiitt^igleit swiftness, agility bie efen'frfjcift (-en) company, society; partnership bad eft*^ (-er) sight; face; tyr ind eftc&t to her face bad cfliettft' (-er) ghost bie efjne'lin (-nen) playmate bad cflJtac^i 7 (-e) conversation gefareijt 7 paK. ad/, widespread, extended ; stilted, pompous gefte^en (geflanb, flejlanben) tr. confess, own gcftcrn adv. yesterday gefunb' adj. sound, wholesome, healthy bie efttitbVit (-en) health geian' part. adj. done; previous getroft' adj. confident, courage- ous ; of good cheer ; interj. cheer up! geftmljr' adj. aware ; fletoatyr roerben perceive gettmfj'ren tr. attest ; allow, grant ; intr. einen gerod'^ren laffen let one do as he pleases bie ettwlt^ (-en) power ; author- ity; violence; mtt eftalt in spite of everything, by main force getaml'tig adj. powerful, strong bie etoanbt'Ijett activity; dexter- ity getoe'fen part. adj. former, once getoin'nett (a-o) tr. and intr. win, gain, earn getotft 7 adj. certain, sure, safe bad etotffen conscience see geluo^nt tr. accustom ; reft, be- come accustomed; intr. be ac- customed to VOCABULARY. 249 adj. customary, ordi- nary flcluofjnt' part. adj. accustomed geftie'mett impers. become, befit, be proper bag ol)i' adv. however, still, yet, nevertheless bie <&liefcmaften pJ. limbs ba3 GHUcf luck, fortune; happi- ness, success gliirflirf) ad;, lucky, happy, fortu- nate gtttcfUdjertoeife adv. fortunately bte tmfce grace, mercy, pardon, favor ; 3^ro nab en your Grace ! gndbig ad;, gracious ba<$ @olb gold gimncn tr. not begrudge, permit, grant ber ott (^er) god ; God j. wicked, impious r. conir. o/ rofc^cn ber taf (fl^en. ~cn, p^. -en) count, earl gram aa>*. averse to ; gram fein dis- like, hate bad ratial' (-e) remuneration, bonus Qvatulie'ten'intr. w. dat. congrat- ulate grattfattt aa>*. cruel, fierce gteifen (griff, gegriffen) tr. seize, grasp ; choose, take ; gretfen nacf) snatch at; greifen in put the hand in bte i&rettse (-n) boundary, limit ; frontier, border bte (Grille (-n) whim, caprice gtoft (flrofcer, flrobfl) ad;. large coarse ; rude, churlish bie tobfjeit (-en) gruff ness, rude- ness ber rofcicw (-e) rude fellow, churl, ruffian ber ton resentment, rancor ber <&?0fd)ett (-) groschen, far- thing, penny grofc (flroer, grot) ad/, great, big, large bte ftttffte (-n) greatness, magni- tude, size bie roftmut generosity gro^mittig ad;, magnanimous bie to^ftabt (*e) large city, met- ropolis groft/tttti (tut, tat, getan) intr. boast ber Cftriind (*e) ground; founda- tion ; reason ; tm runbe at bot- tom, after all; son runb au^ thoroughly 250 VOCABULARY. grtmbfalfdE) adj. thoroughly false ber (tf ntnbfaij (*e) principle, rule, maxim giiltig adj. valid, authentic, bind- ing gunftig adj. favorable, propitious gut (befier, fceft) adj. good, kind, right ; good-natured ; adv. well ; gut fetn be fond of ; gut fctn laf* fen let pass, be content with ; nun gut very well! fdjon gut all right! e gut tyaben have a good time, be well off ba3 0n handful ba3 Jpanbtuerf (-e) trade, business fmttflen (a.-i-a)mtr. hang, depend ; be attached to, cling ftfttgen tr. and intr. hang; refl. associate with ba$ ^attgen hanging fcart adj. hard; severe fmrtntirf ig adj. stubborn, obstinate bte ."partnarf igfeit obstinacy e, geljat) tr. hate ;. hateful, wicked ; ugly, disagreeable ^auen (^teb, getjcwen) tr. hew, cut, mow; beat ftfttfen ^r. amass, increase, pile, heap up ; refl. accumulate ba3 $aitHt f er) head, chief ber $au|itmann (-leute) captain t>a^ ^aitd (^er) house ; family : ju ^aufe at home ; nadj -^aufe home, homewards bie $cwt (*e) hide, skin VOCABULARY. 251 fce interj. ho ! eh ! hay ! fy&a interj. heigh! holla! I say! fjebett (o or tt-o) tr. raise, lift, heave fjeften tr. fasten, fix tjeftig ad;, vehement, fierce, vio- lent; passionate tyegen r. cherish, entertain fjeUen r. heal, cure IjeUig ad;, holy, sacred tie ^eitigfcit holiness bie $eimat (-en) home, native place fjeimlirf) ad;, secret, private Ijeirctten ft 1 , marry, wed Ijetft ad;', hot tyeifien (te-ei) tr. name, call ; hid ; intr. he named ; mean, signify ; enjoin, demand ; be said Better ad;, clear ; happy, cheerful ber $>eib (gen. -en, pi. -en) hero Ijelfen (i-a-o) intr. w. dat. help, assist ; do good, avail t>er Better (-) farthing ber Jpenfer (-) hangman; as ex- clamation deuce, devil &er adv. and sep. pref. here, hith- er; along; ago, past; j)0tt . . . tyer ever since ; gu rntr $er come here to me ; too , . ^er whence ^craft' adv. and sep. pref. down from, down ^em&Ygeljen (ging, gefiangen) in^r. f. go down ^cra&7rcif?cn (ri, geriffen) tr. tear down ^cra^Vfc^cn tr. set down, under-' * rate, disparage IjeraWftetgen (ie-te) iw^r. f. climb down ; stoop down, condescend (ber) $etafliit3 Heraclius Ijermtf' adv. and sep. pref. up, up- wards tjercwf'/frmtmett (!am, flefomnten) intr. f. come up gerattS' adv. a/id sejp. pre/. out here, out, forth f)erais3'/0e&en (t-a-e) tr. deliver, give up tyeraiiSY fasten (a-u-a) ei?ein7*raflen (d-u-a) tr. carry in f)erein7ttetett (tritt, trot, getreten) intr. f. enter ba$ ^etrein^teten entrance; en- tering 252 VOCABULARY. (jog, flejoaen) tr. pull in, draw in fcer/gefcen (t-a-e) tr. give over, deliver Ijer/lja&eit ($at, Ijatte, ge^afct) r. get !jer/&oleit r. fetch f)er/f0mmen(fam, gefommen) intr. f, come here, advance; come from, descend tic $erfuttfi descent, origin fjer/faufen (d'u-te-au) inr. f. run fcernadj' adv. afterwards; here- after Ijer/tte&men (ntmmt, naljm, genom* men) r. get from, secure ber $err (gen. -n, #/. -en) master, gentleman ; Mr. ; sir tie $errf$aft (-en) master, mis- tress ; patron ; power ; rule ; pi. ladies and gentlemen fjer/fd)tei&en(te-te) refl. hail from, come from fcer/fjirtttgen (a-u) intr. f. jump about fjer/ftammen intr. f. descend, be derived, come fcer/fteHen r. restore, establish fjerism' ac?u. and sep. pre/. about, around fierumV&rhtgen (brac^te, gebrad^t) r. bring about, turn around t)erum'/(rtufen (du-ie-au) iw^r. f. run about ^crtim7fc^lacti(d-u-a)r/f . fight, scufl&e ^etnmVf^toarmen intr. f. wan- der about, roam fjerfoor' acfo. and sep. pref. forth, out &ertur7jief)ett (309, gejofien) ^r. take out, draw forth bad $ers (firen. -en^,pZ. -en) heart, courage ; spirit, soul ; son ergen gern with all my heart ber $er$en3maior (-e) dear ma- jor ; love of a major $ersli$ ad/, hearty, cordial, ten- der bad $ett hay ^enrfieln intr. play the hypocrite, dissemble Ijeute adv. today, this day; $eute fritty this morning; ^eute ober ntorgen sooner or later v. nowadays (-e) blow, cut, stroke Ijier adv. here Ijierauf adv. hereupon Jjierburd)' adv. by this means, thus Ijietljer' adv. and sep. pref . hither fcierfjerYfommen (fam, gefommen) intr. f. come here adv. back of chis y. herewith fHertta$ft / adv. next, in the next place Ijierii'&et adv. on this point, about this ^ierju' adv. to this, besides, for this, hereto fjteftg ad;, of this place, local bie $ilfe help, aid, assistance bic $t(fd<|ueGe (-n) resource, ex- pedient ber $immel (-) heaven, sky ^in adv. and sep. pref. thither; towards; away; on, along; tt)0 . . , ^tn whither; $tn unb ber VOCABULARY. 253 here and there, to and fro ; Ijttt unb hneber back and forth Inttafc' adv. and sep. pref. down there, down IjittaWrefftett (rt, gertffen) tr. tear down, drag down f)inau3' adv. and sep. pref. out, out there IjtitauS'/feJfest tr. put out ; carry beyond, raise, lift (above) IjinauSYftoftett (o-te-o) tr. push forth, drive out I)ittatt'/tterfett (t-a-o) tr. throw out, cast forth fjtn/bettfen (bad)te, gebacfyt) intr. think of, ponder fcinberit tr. hinder, prevent ba3 JptnberniS (-ffe) hindrance, opposition; obstacle fwtetn' adv. and sep. pref. in, in- to; $ttr Xiire fytnetn in through the door ^ineinVgc^ctt (ging, gegangen) w- Zr. f, go in, enter v. on the contrary (gtng, gegcmgen) mfr*. f. go thither, go away, pass on Ijlin/fomittett (fam, gefommen) intr. f come forth, come to get Ijtn/teidjen tr. hold towards, hand to Ijitt/tettett (rttt, geritten) intr. f ride to, ride away ^in/ftccfcn tr. put away t)iutcn adv. behind, in back, in the rear Winter adj. what is behind, rear Ijtnter prep. (dat. and ace.), adv. t sep. and insep. pref. behind, after, back fjmterlctf 'fctt (^tnterlat, ^tn ^tnterlaffen) tr. leave behind bte JfrintttteeW* (-n) backstairs Winter ttmrtS adv. behind, from behind, backwards t)in/tt)erf en (i-a-o) tr. throw down fjmtme'ber adv. again, in return tjtnluie'bcrum adv. again, on the other hand Ijitt/3ief)en (jog, gcgogen) iw^r. f, go, move, move away ^tttjtt'acZv. and sep. pref. towards, near, to hinjuVfommcn (fam, gefommen) iw^r. f, be added, appear f)tttSttYfe^ett ^r. say further; add bte ipi^e heat ; ardor ; excitement, passion ^i^ig adj. heated; spirited, hot, hasty f>od) (tjoljer, ^od^fl) ac?/. high, tall, great bte $0$ adj. scornful, mocking !)0(bfeHg adj. gracious, charming, lovely, amiable tyolett tr. bring, fetch a' interj. holla! hello! dj. Dutch . wooden; stiff, awk- ward Ijordjen in. hundred tunes ?)unb3fb'ttifd) ad;, base, infamous, scurvy fjmtgertt intr. and tr. impers. hun- ger 5mtgtig adj. hungry adj. quick, swift, speedy interj. quick! hush! at once! ber $t (*e) hat bie ttt heed, guard ; cmf ber $ut fetn be on one's guard, beware i$ pers. pron. I tfjr pers. pron. ye, you ityr poss. adj. her, hers; your; their $ fjrettoegen adv. on your account ifyttg poss. pron. her ; its ; their ; 3&rtg yours S^rii jjos5. pron. your immcr arfv. always, ever; yet, anyhow tmftan'bc adv. in due condition; imjlanbe fein be able in prep. (dat. and ace.) in, at ; to, into; within inbem' adv. meanwhile, however ; conj. while, when tubes' (tnbef fen) adv. meanwhile ; conj. while infant' adj. infamous ber ^ntmft contents bte ^ttncnf cite (-n) inner side, in- side innevfyalbprep. and adv. within, inside in$gef)eim' adv. secretly, in pri- vate ba3 ftnteref'fe (-n) interest, inter- est money inttmriS adv. internally, inwards itgenbtoo adv. somewhere, any- where ircett intr. and refl. err, go astray, be mistaken ber 3rrtum Ter) error, mistake bie ^ttung (-en) straying; error (ba$) ^to'Iiett Italy ja adv. yes; surely, indeed, cer- tainly, truly; you see, you know ; at any rate bte 3<*gb (-en) chase, hunt Jagen tr. and intr. hunt; drive, force, send ber &ager (-) hunter; footman, lackey ba3 ;3<*&r (-e) year ber jammer (-) misery; lamen- tation \ammetntr.and intr. pity, lament, mourn, bewail ; move to pity ; e3 jammert mid^ it grieves me VOCABULARY, 255 adv. of course fe adv. ever, at any time ; fe . , ie (before comp.) the . . . the Jc interj. why! dear ine! hello! ie nun well now ! ieber (febe, jebeS) adj. and pron. each, every, every one jebermann mde/. pron. everyone jener (iene, jene3) adj. and pron. that, that one, the former JemaI3 aa*tf. ever, at any time jemanfc pron. somehocly, anyone, one Je^t adv. now, at present ittajlje' interj. hurra! jttttg (iunger, iitngft) adj. young, youthful; recent t>er ^ unge (gen. -n, pi. -n) youth, boy, lad bic ^ungfcr (-n) young girl, maid- en, spinster (ber) ftuft Just ba$ ^uftift'tottegium (-0ia) court of justice baS (ber) ^ittoel' (-e or -en) jewel 9 ber Staff ee coffee baS StaffeefmuS (*er) coffee-house, cafe f at)t ac?;. "bald, naked, shorn, pen- niless, destitute fait (falter, falteft) ac#. cold bie &alte coolness, cold(ness) ber &amerab / (gen. -en, and -^, pi. -en) comrade ber (ba^) fifamtii' (-e) chunney, fireplace bie Stammer (-) chamber, room ber Stammerbiener (-) valet bie Itantmerfratt (-en) lady's maid bie Stammerimtgfer (-n) waiting maid (-) chamber^ maid ; abigail, hussy ta$ Eammcnuat)(I)Ctt (-) maid ber JtamDf (^e) fight, combat fampfett intr. combat, fight lam^tp'rett intr. camp out ber Stan a I' ("e) canal bie Stanti'tte (-n) canteen tavern tr. capture, seize, catch ba$ Stapital' (-e or -ten) capital, principal; funds, deposit bie ft ci fcihtlattott (-en) capitulation ba^ Staraf (-e) carat farg (farger, farflfi) adj. chary; penurious, niggardly, sparing bie Starof'fe (-en) coach, carriage fatten intr. work with a wheel- barrow (as criminals) bie Starte (-n) card bie Staff e (-n) money-box, treasury ber Haftest (-) chest, box; setting bie Sta^e (-n) cat ber $ta<;ettlmffel (-) raised back of a cat ; .ftafcenlwdel macfyen cringe ber Stauf (*e) purchase fattfen tr. buy f aunt adv. scarcely, hardly f e^ren tr. and intr. f. turn lein adj. no, not any, none fennen (fannte, gefonnt) tr. know, be acquainted with ; recognize ; ftd) auf etma^ fennen be a judge of ber Sterl (-e) fellow fetten tr. fetter, chain ba$ ^tnb (-er) child f i^eln tr. tickle, flatter 256 VOCABULARY. tfagett tr. and intr. mourn, com- plain, lament bad Ulagett complaint flat adj. clear, plain bad ftletb (-er) dress, clothes f (eibett tr. clothe, dress fleitt adj. little, small ; insignifi- cant, trifling bte&Ietntgfeit (-en) trifle, trinket, bagatelle, sundry (bad) meinrammS'borf Klein- rammsdorf f lingeln intr. ring the bell Hittgen (a-u) intr. ring, sound flo^fen intr. tap, rap, knock Hug (fliifler, Hita.eft) adj. prudent, wise, sensible, intelligent, in (one's) right mind ber fir n erf) t (-e) servant bcr ftnotcn (-) knot, difficulty, tangle; plot bie Jtotyfe (-n) coal ber fJommanbant' (gen. -en, pi. -en) commander footmen (fant, gefommen) intr. f. come, approach; arrive; hap- pen bad Siommen arrival, coming, ap- pearance bte Homo'bian'tin (-nen) actress, comedienne bie &om!mgnie' (-n) company bad Jlomjjliment' (-e) compliment; greeting, salute ; excuse ; regard I omJjUmcntte'ren intr. pay one's respects; fomplimentieren laffen send one's regards bad ftomfelott' (-e) intrigue, plot ber Slimig (-e) king fomglid) adj. regal, royal, kingly fonnen (fann, fonnte, gefonnt) tr. and mod. aux. can, be able, be permitted tie Contribution' (-en) contribu- tion ; levy, tax ber Slojif ( a e) head ; mind ber ftiir|>er (-) body ber ftorjjoral' (-e) corporal foftbar adj. costly, valuable bie ^ofttarfeit (-en) valuable; jewel foften intr. w. ace. cost franf (franfer, franfft) adj. sick bad Ktranfcnbctt (-en) sick-bed bte fitranf^eit (-en) sickness, ill- ness bie Uteatiir' (-en) creature f rejjie'ren intr. burst ; die ber fltieg (-c) war friegen tr. get, obtain ber ftrieger (-) warrior, soldier bad SlriegSbefwrtement (-d) war- office, army department ber &rieg$iel (-) cripple bie Hii$e (-n) kitchen, cuisine ber ftudjensettel (-) bill of fare, menu bte Stage! (-n) ball, bullet fii&l adj. cool fitfcn adj. bold, daring fttnftig adj. future ; adv. for the future bte Himft (*e) skill, art; artifice, trick bie ^ur (-en) cure (bad) Burtanb Courland fwrj (furjer, fiirseft) adj. short, VOCABULARY. 257 brief; adv. in short, shortly; for a moment Me ftikr je brevity ; in ber $urge be- fore long, shortly fursffe$ttga(2;.short-sighted,near- sighted ber f^nft f flfc) kiss fttffcn (fiite, flcfujjt) tr. kiss ber &tttf$er (-) coachman, driver fa&en tr. refresh (atfjeln intr. smile farfjen mfr*, laugh t. adj. joyous, gay ;, ridiculous, absurd ber 8ad)$ (-e) sahnon; )anjie (-n) lip ber Siijnenr' (lifofcrO (-) liqueur, cordial, cognac bie Sifcerei see gwee bie Sibree' (-n) livery Uigte'ren (g=fc^) intr.lodge, dwell ber Sotyn (^e) pay, wage lofwen tr. pay, reward lo% adj. loose, rid ; up, the matter loS/btiirfen tr. discharge, set off, fire; free lofen tr. untie, free, solve; re- ceive, get in exchange I03/gel)en (ging, gegangen) intr. f, begin ; explode, break out 103/fommen (fam, gefommen) intr. f. get free, escape U3/teifcen (rt, gertJTen) tr. tear loose ; refl. disengage one's self, break loose loS/fein (til, roar, gettefen) intr. f. be rid of 103/fcjerben (t-a-o) tr. get rid of loS/toinben (a-u) intr. break away, wrest off ber SoniSboi/ (Sui^) (-e) gold coin liigen (o-o) intr. lie, tell a false- hood, deceive ber Sitgner (-) liar bie Sitft (*e) pleasure, joy, delight ; liking; appetite VOCABULARY. 259 Iiiftig adj. happy, gay, merry, amusing ba$ Suftffciel (-e) comedy m nmdjcit tr. make, make up, create, form; undergo, pass through; bring about, arrange ; do ; act ; cause ; madjen laffen get made ; fidj madjen turn out all right marfjtig adj. mighty, powerful Me Sftabame' (e silent} madam ba3 3ftab$en (-) maiden, girl ber $)iciQm (-) stomach bie 3)iaf)I$ett (-en)meal-time, meal nmfyucn tr. admonish; remind urgently, dun bic Sftajeftat' (-en) majesty (-e) major (-e) time ntatt indef. pron. one, some one, they, people maucfjer (manege, mandjeS) indef. pron. and pron. adj. many a, many mandjerlei indecL adj. many kinds, many sorts, many ; differ- ent, sundry mandjmal adv. many a time, often bcr Mangel (*) want, lack; dis- tress; penury bcr SPtann (^er) man, husband (ba$) Torino see raud)ett tr. use after na$/f>rittgett (brad)te, gebrac^t) tr. bring after narfjfcem conj. after ttac^/benlen (bac^te, gebad^t) intr. think over, reflect, muse bad 9a$bettfen musing, medita- tion bte SRadrfrage (-n) inquiry tta$/gebett (t-a-e) tr. pay in addi- tion ; intr. be inferior to, yield narfi/gefjen (gtng, gegangen) intr. f . follow ; be slow VOCABULARY. 261 ttddj/fterfen (i-a-o) intr w. dat. help on, give aid to itmft/frmtmen (fam, gefommen) in- tr. f, follow, come after narftlafftfl adj. negligent, care- less, listless tmdi/faufeu (ciu-te-au) intr. f. run after ber 9ta$mittag (-e) afternoon bie Piacftrttftt (-en) information; news nacft/rnfen (ie-u) r. call after ua$ gtbt'3 SReiteS what is the news? bie 9ieitgierbe curiosity neugierig adj. curious, inquisitive 262 VOCABULARY. bie SReuigfeit (-en) news, piece of news ba$ Mcniafyt New Year it can num. nine tteittti num. adj. ninth neunaig num. ninety ntdljt adv. not <-n) niece cZ. prcw. nothing, naught; adv. nowise; ba3 ift Jtidjt3 that won't do nfrfjtSttwvbig adj. worthless, con- temptible tlie adv. never nieber adv. and sep. pref. down, downward nteber adj. low, lower; inferior nieber/ Hegen (a-e) intr. lie down ; lie low nieber/reiften (rt, geriffen) tr. tear down nteber/frtjfagen (a-u-a) tr. strike down,defeat ; dishearten ; annul nieber/fe^en refl. sit down bie Sftieberiradjiigfeii baseness, villainy niebrtg adj. low, humble niemalS adv. never niemanb indef. pron. no one, no- body trimmer adv. never, no more nimmermefjr adv. nevermore nod) adv. yet, still, even, more; once more; nod) eitt another; nod) emntal again, once more, nodj ntc&t not yet ; tbeber . . . nodj neither . . . nor . agam bie 9lot ("e) need, necessity ; dis- tress, trouble ber SftotfaH ("e) case of need, exi- gency Stoiig adj. necessary; niJttg fcaktt demand, require ttottnenbig adj. necessary, needful bie Sftoitoenbigfeit necessity nil interj. well! there now 1 well, I never ! niicijtern adj. sober, fasting; tc^ ^tn nodj niidjtern I have not yet breakfasted nwt adv. now, well ; interj. well I I declare ! tmnmeQr adv. now, at length, by this time twr adv. only, just, merely, at least (ba$) 9^iirn(erg Nuremberg itit^ett intr. w. dat. be of use, serve; tr. avail one's self of, utilize O interj. O! oh! ob conj. whether, if ; I wonder if often adv. above, upstairs; son okn &t8 unten from head to foot uBenbrein' adv. over and above, in addition o&er adj. upper obcrft superl. adj. topmost, upper- most ber Ofterft (gen. -en, pi. -en) colo- nel ber Cfccr ftleutnant (-^) lieutenant colonel ober conj. or, else off en adj. open, frank offenf)er$ig ac??. open-hearted, in- genuous, candid VOCABULARY. 263 fcer Cfft&tet' (-e) officer bffttett tr. open oft (ofter, ofteft) adv. often, fre- quently 5fier3 adv. often, quite often ber Ofteim (-c) uncle ofjtte prep, (ace.) without, except, but for bad Cf)r (gren. -ed, pi. -en) ear tie Dfonomie' economy ber Cnf el (-) uncle Dtfcentiicfj ad/, orderly, regular; adv. fairly, properly, decently bie Ccbct (-tt) order, command bie Ottimmg (-en) order, regula- tion ; in Drbnuno. fcringen restore bie Crfcre (pl> -> or-d) order, com- mand ber Crt (-e or -"er) place, spot; town ottcma'ttifrf) a<#. Ottoman, Turk- ish bad *Patlie r ten in^r. chat, chatter, palaver bte ^attci'lic^fcit partisanship, partiality; allegiance bte ^Puttie' (-(e)n) part, party; game, match (ber) Waul Paul bte ^Peinigung (-en) tormenting, torture J)erfelt / adj. perfect bte ^erle (-n) pearl ; jewel (bad) spetffen Persia bte spetfon' (-en) person ^character ber ^Pfennig (-e) penny, farthing *Pf. contr. of pfennig bad ^Pferb (-e) horse bte $PfIege care, nursing $flegen tr. care for, nurse ; intr. be wont, be accustomed bie spflidjt (-en) duty bie spforte (-n) gate, door; otto* ntanifc&e 5)forte Sublime Porte fttt interj. fie! shame I (ber) Sp&iltW Philip bte ^Pifto'le (-n) pistol; pistole, Spanish coin ber splan (*e) plan, scheme ber Splttfc (^e) place, square ; seat ; appointment r. chat, prattle adj. sudden, abrupt plump adj. clumsy, awkward: coarse, gross pliindmt tr. plunder, rob, pillage porijen intr. knock (bad) spolcn Poland poli'Hfrf) adj. politic, political bie ipolisei 7 police bie *p0Ii3ei't>e?0rbmmg (-en) po- lice order, regulation 264 VOCABULARY. Me ^offc (-n) jest, sport; trick, prank bic 9Joft (-en) post, mail; post- office f>0i?0c(f inter}- hang the dotard! raf)Ien intr. brag, boast, swagger |>raf fijie'ren tr. practise ; slip on, insert pratten mtr. be thrown back ; fly open pretten tr. swindle f_intr. (= prd- len) be thrown back preuftifd) ad;. Prussian ber ^rinj (//era. -en, pZ.-en) prince bie $Pr0&e (-n) test, experiment; proof prompt ad!;. prompt, punctual, quick tr. prophesy s' (-en) province ba3 93r0$etU'djen (-) low percent, small commission pvugeltt tr. beat, pound, whip ber ^ubel (-) poodle ber ^unft (-e) point, spot ; auf bent 3)unf t on the eve, on the brink ; Spitttft brei on the stroke of three tm^eit tr. dress, attire, adorn Cl qitalcn tr. pain, torment, tease ber Cutalgeift (-er) tormenter, tease ber dtmrf trumpery, rubbish ber Cuartiet' (-e) district ; quar- ters bie 9tadje revenge, vengeance f er 9tad)en (-) throat ; jaws rarfjett (ra^te or rod), gerd^t or &t* rodben) tr. revenge, avenge bie 9tad)f tutyt thirst for revenge ; vindictiveness ber ^iacfet (-) rogue, villain ba^ SHttb (*er) wheel ber 4Ranb (^er) edge, border, brink rajjportie'ren tr. report rafen intr. rave, rage tafenb part. adj. mad, furious, raving trafic'tcn tr. shave taffeln intr. rattle raften iwtr. rest, halt ber SRat (p/. ^atfd^Iage) counsel, advice raten (a-te-a) tr. advise; guess, divine tatifjafeie'ten (= ratifaieren) tr. ratify, confirm ba^ ftatfel (-) riddle, enigma ber Oiaitd) smoke tauten tr. and intr. smoke voumcn tr. remove, clear; give up, leave ; pack up 1 rmtS see ^erau^ berOtaufdjK^e) slight intoxication ted^nen tr. reckon, count bie $Re$mtttg (-en) statement, bill, account redjt adj. right, straight, correct ; redjt fcafcen be right; einem rec^t gefeen grant one to be right ; adv. really, quite, very ba$ 9ted^t (-e) right, justice ; law ; claim bie SRe$*t (decl. as adj.) right hand bie 9te$tferti0ittt0 (-en) justifica- tion, vindication VOCABULARY. 265 ber fte$*1jft0er (-) dogmatic per- son, disputatious individual, caviller tedjifdjaffen adj. righteous, just, honest, virtuous tie $Re$tf$affenl)eit uprightness bie flfcefce (-n) speech, talk, dis- course; words reben tr. and intr. speak, talk bie 9fcben3ari (-en) expression, figure of speech rebltdj adj. honest, sincere bad Regiment' (-er) regiment reidj adj. rich, wealthy teidjett tr. reach, give, offer; serve ; intr. extend ber $Rei$tm (*er) riches tcif adj. ripe, mature tcitt adj. clean, clear, pure; un- selfish bie SReife (-n) journey, trip tetfcn intr. f, and fy, travel, jour- ney ber Oieifcttbc (decl. as adj.) trav- eler teifceit (rt, Qertjfen) tr. snatch, tear reiten (ritt, geritten) intr. f. and $. ride ber SReitfnedjt (-e) groom bod SReityferb (-e) saddle-horse ber SRet$ (-e) allurement, charm retjeit tr. irritate, incite ; charm, attract refjenb part. adj. charming, at- tractive ber SRefrut' (gen. -en, pi. -en) re- cruit rennen (rannte, gerannt) intr. f. and ft. run, race bad SRemtett race ; in otlem Bennett at top speed ber Stetttter (-) race-horse, racer ber 9teiitmeifter (-) steward, treas- urer Me ttefraftlir (-en) republic tefolliie'ren tr. and refl. resolve ber 9tefeft' respect, esteem ber tRcft (-e) remainder, arrears bad Oteftrfjen (-) small arrears, balance tcttcn tr. rescue, save teucn tr. and intr. rue, repent; eeLreitt mtdj I am sorry bie SReimndie' (rcangfd&0 revenge, satisfaction (ber) SRiccttttt Riccaut ridjten ^r. direct, arrange, turn rictytig od?. right, just; regular bie IHi^tiafeit accuracy, truth, fairness ber 9lig (r-e) ring bad dlittgeidjen (-) ringlet ; ring ringcn (a-u) tr. wring, wrest; intr. wrestle, struggle, strive; refl. writhe ber SRitter (-Height ber IRttttneiftet (-) (cavalry) cap- tain bie SRittmeifteritt (-nen) captain's wife ber *R0ggett rye bad SRiiadjeit (-) little roll bie SRofle (-n) roll, role, part bad 910ft (-ffe) horse, steed ber 9toftar&t ("e) veterinary sur- geon ber ^Riirfcn (-) back, rear bie Otiirffic^t (-en) consideration, regard 266 VOCABULARY. ber IRuf (-e) call ; reputation ritfett (te-u) tr. and intr. summon, call; cry bie SRiifye rest, peace ritfjen intr. rest ; exist, be rut)ig adj. peaceful, calm, quiet, restful tie fttuljmbenicrbc desire for glory tit^men tr. praise, extol, glorify ; refl. boast, vaunt one's self rufjm&oH adj. glorious, famous rittyren tr. stir, move; touch, affect bic OiiifjrwtQ (-en) emotion titinie'ten tr. ruin, destroy ber Oiummel uproar, riot ; lumber, rubbish ; er tterflefyt ben Pummel he is an old hand at it ber 9ium|)f (^e) trunk, torso; body tunb adj. round bie ffiunbe (-n) circle ; in ber $unbe round about rujjfeit tr. pluck, strip e ber e roguishness, teasing; malicious joy fc^ablo^ adj. harmless, innocent, innocuous ; f$ablo3 Ijalten com- pensate, reimburse ber 6$dfer (-) shepherd; swain, lover fdjaffett (fd^uf, 0ef(^a|fen) tr. create, produce fdjaffen tr. work, procure, get, do ; au3 ben 2lu0en fd^affengetridof ; gur (Stette fdjajfen produce bie St^afertn (-nen) joker, rogue fdjamett refl. be ashamed, feel ashamed bie ^c^anbc (-n) shame, disgrace frfjttt f (f^drfer, fdjarfeft) adj. sharp, keen f^armie^cn intr. flirt, coquette, ogle ber @djatten (-) shade, shadow bie Gdjattti'le (-n). casket, strong- box fdja^en tr. value, esteem, prize, weigh bad Sdjmtfeertt shudder (ing) f$auen tr. look, see, view f$eiftett (te-ie) tr. divide, part; intr. f. depart, leave ; separate ber Scfjein brightness, luster ; ap- pearance, show VOCABULARY. 267 frfjeinfwr adv. apparently frfjcinen (ie-te) intr. shine, make a show ; seem, appear ftfjclten (t-a-o) tr. scold, chide fdjettfen tr. give, present ber &$er$ (-e) joke, jest ftf)erje wtfr. jest, joke fdjeu ad;, shy, timid frf)irfen r. send bad d)ieffal (-e) fate, lot, destiny frfjiefcen (fdjo, gef^oflen) tr. and intr. f. shoot f (tjimpf en iwfr*. inveigh, rail, scold, curse frf)imfUd) ad/, ignominious, in- sulting, shameful ber 8d)laf sleep, slumber fdjlrtfett (a-ie-a) intr. sleep bad S d) I af simmer (-) bedroom ber @rf?laa (*e) blow, stroke f$togeu (a-u-a) ft*, beat, strike, throw ; refl. fight ; ft$ ind SWittel fd)Iagen come to the rescue fd)ledjt aa>*. bad, poor, worthless, mean, base f d)lcirf)cn (t-i) iw^r. f, creep, sneak, slip, steal ber ^$leid)toeg (-e) by-path, de- tour see (c(jletdjtt>e0 r. and intr. drag, trail, drag along ; fid) mit etft>ct$ fd)(ep> ^jen be encumbered with f#Uefcen (f^iofl, gef^toffen) ^r. shut ; decide, conclude frfjliefericS adv. at last, finally fdjlimm adj. bad, evil, ill (-) rascal, rogue (*fier) lock; castle, keep fd) In mm cm inir. slumber, doze ber c^luffel (-) key frtjmecfcit in^r. taste, taste good fd^meif^eltt intr. w. dat. flatter ber Sdjmer$ (^e/i. -e^, pi. -en) smart, pain, ache, grief, distress ber cJjneHer (-) jerk, fillip ; trick ; spring, trigger bie @$tmr ("e) string, cord, lace bie @$mtrre (-n) rattle; drollery, lun, joke bie ^ffjofofo'fce (-n) chocolate fd)0n adv. already, even; no doubt, surely ; indeed ; fd)cn 0ut all right; fc^on flrieber at it again ! fdjcm adj. beautiful, handsome; pretty ; noble, good, fine ber &$ofer (-) creator bie Gdjranf c (-tt) barrier, bound ; pi. lists fcf)rerfimft adj. terrible, horrible frijrcrflirl) adj. dreadful, awful fcijrciBen (te-te) tr. and intr. write bad Sdjreibeu writing; letter, communication ber Sctyreiber (-) writer bie @#reUerei' (-en) writing, scrawling bad Srfjrei&Jwtt (-e) writing-desk bad GdjreitJ^eiifl (-e) writing ma- terial fr^reicn (te-te) intr. cry, scream; yelp, howl fdjriftltdj ac?/. written, in writlhg fd)iirfjtcru adj. timid, bashful, shy ber 3d)ut) (-e) shoe, boot bie Grfjutl) (-en) guilt, fault, debt ; fd&ttlb fetn be the cause of 268 VOCABULARY. ber Srfjulbljerr (gen. -n, pi- -en) creditor f$ulbig adj. owing, in debt, guilty Me @rfmtt>igfett (-en) duty ber djulbner (-) debtor; (~ (3dt)ulb&err) creditor bie @$itlter (-n) shoulder ber djttlse (#ett. -n, pZ. -n) mag- istrate, mayor, judge ba$ Srfmlsengerid)* (-e) estate of a judge, magistracy (exercised by the lord of the manor) ber ftyurfe (gen. -n, pJ. -n) ras- cal, knave j. rascally ? Cffe) shot ber ^djulj protection, defense ber G$nad)ft) ad;. weak, slender, feeble, frail ber rfjnmnj (^e) tail fd)ttmvmcn inr. f. and Ij. swarm ; wander, rove ; be enthusiastic frfjttmrs (fdjn>drjer, fcfyttdrjeft) ac?/. swart, black, dark frfjJimijen mZr. chatter, gossip frfitoetgen (te-ie) i?iir. be silent, keep silence, be still bie @rf)hefle (-) threshold ; (stair) landing bie Srfjiuemme (-n) horse pond, watering fc^tnec ad;, heavy, hard, difficult frf)it>erlid) ac?u. hardly, scarcely ba$ Srfjtoert (-er) sword, blade bie ^djtoefte? (-n) sister fdjtmnben (a-u) ^i^r. f. disappear frfjtoiircn (u-o) ir. and intr. vow, swear e* con^r. o/ (Seine . six num. adj. sixth bie Seclc (-n) soul, mind, heart feljen (te-ct-e) tr. and intr. see, look, perceive ; appear fefwen refl. long, yearn, hanker fc^r adv. very, much, greatly fcin (i|l, tt>ar, getoefen) intr. f. be; e$ fet ! so be it ! f ein poss. pron. and adj. his, its feineSgleidjen indecl. adj. of his kind, such as he, one of his own stripe feinig poss. pron. his \titprep. (dat.) gince: cow;, since feitbeut conj. since bie @cite (-n) side; page fei&er|ma"ecZ. intens. pron. self felfcft indecl. intens. pron. self bie Sel&ftcr Jjaltintg self-preserva- tion f clten ad;, rare, scarce ; adv. sel- dom, rarely fenben (fenbete or fanbte, gefenbet or gefanbt) tr. send fen gen tr. singe, burn f e^en tr. set, put, place ; assume, suppose ; refl. sit down ber Seufjer (-) sigh fid) indecl. refl. and recipr. pron. dat. and ace. sg. and pi. him- self, herself, itself, themselves, yourself, yourselves ; each oth- er, one another firmer adj. secure, safe, sure, cer- tain bie Sirfjerljeit security, safety; self -possession, assurance; in ett fcringen invest safely VOCABULARY. 269 ftdjerltrt) adv. certainly, surely fie (tfyrer) pers. pron. she, her, it, they, them ie (31jrer) pers. pron. w. pi. verb you fiefcen num. seven fte&eitt num. adj. seventh ber Steg (-e) victory fingett (a-u) tr. and intr. sing finfen (a-u) intr. f. sink, fall ber Sinn (gen. -ed, pi. -e or -en) sense, mind, spirit, character, insight, intention fimten (a-o) tr. and intr. think, plan, intend tie itte (-n) custom; manners, morals bte SittetttidjtetUt (-nen) moralist, censor fifceit (fa, fiefeffen) intr. sit, stay, remain; ften laffen abandon, jilt fo adv. and conj. so, thus, in that manner, therefore; such; as; yet ; I suppose ; indeed f otmlfc' adv. so soon ; conj. as soon as fobatm' adv. then fofott 7 adv. at once, without de- lay fcgleid)' adv. immediately, at once ber Soljtt (^e) son folan'ge conj. as long as, while fold)cr (fold^e, folcfyed) efem. pron. and adj. such ber Solbat' (firen. -en, p/. -en) sol- dier ber Solba'tenftanb military pro- fession foHeit intr. and mod. aux. shall, be obliged, should, ought, be to, have to, be said to ber Sommet (-) summer funari) adv. therefore, then ; con- sequently, hence fonbetftar adj. strange f onto et lid) adj. especial, peculiar foubern tr. separate, put aside, discriminate fonbetn conj. after neg. but bte Soittte (-n) sun fotift adv. else, otherwise, else- where ; moreover, formerly ; fonfttoo somewhere else tie Sopljif'tin (-nen) sophist; specious reasoner, quibbler bte Surge (-n) care, anxiety, soli- citude ; orge trctgen worry fovgen intr. care, take care, pro- vide for ; fear fotoofjl' conj. as well; foftofyt . . . did as well ... as ; both . . . and ftmltett tr. split, cleave brtu Spandau @fmmen Spain adj. economical, fnigal ber @^af? (*c) joke, jest ftmften iwr. joke, jest t ac?J. jocose, facetious j. late flieifen m^r. eat, dine fperren ^r. shut, close, bar; re//. resist, struggle bad |>iel (-e) play, game ; gam- bling fpielen tr. and intr. play, gamble : take place ber Spieler (-) player, gambler ber ZVibbnbc (gen. -n, pi. -n) rogue, knave 270 VDCABULAEY. fpctten intr. w. gen. mock, scoff at bie StJotterci' (-en) mocking, de- rision ffcbtttfrf) adj. mocking, scornful He Sfcrarfje (-n) speech, language, conversation f pvedjen (t-a-o) r. arad mr. talk , speak, speak with, say, hespeak ffcvctjcn r. spread wide: reft. strut ffctengen ft*, force, blast, break fpringett (a-u) intr. f. and fy, run, spring, jump fimtfen mr. spit, spew St. 66r. o/ Reiner t. a&6r. o/ e after dinner ber Sitel (-) title Sit. abbr. of aler bte Sodjtet (*) daughter ber Sob (pi. obe$fafle) death bte Soilet'te (toaletf) (-n) toilet, dress toU adj. mad, crazy ber Solpel (-) clown, dolt ber Son (*e) tone, accent topp interj. agreed! it's a bar- gain ! tot adj. dead toten tr. kill tot/f$Iagen (a-u-a) tr. kill ttagen (a-u-a) fr*. bear, wear, carry; endure ttagifd) at?;, tragic ttaftie'ten tr. treat, use; enter- tain bte Stane (-n) tear trauen intr. iv. dat. trust, have confidence in bte Stawet mourning, sorrow, grief ber Staum (*e) dream trdiimen intr. dream ; mir trawnte I dreamed ber Staumct(-) dreamer,visionary bte Staumcrci 7 (-en) vision, revery traurijj adj. sad, sorrowful treffcn (trtfft, traf, getroffen) tr. hit, strike ; meet, find ; affect, hurt ; make ; hit upon, guess trcff lid) adj. excellent ; exceeding treifcen (te-ie) tr. drive, urge, im- pel, carry on trenncn tr. separate, part, divide ; dissolve bte Steppe (-n) stairs, staircase, flight of stairs tteten (trttt, trat, getreten) intr. f. tread, walk, go, step; come, enter bte Steite fidelity, faithfulness, troth treitloS adj. faithless ber Srtefc (-e) instinct, impulse, inclination bte Srte&febe* (-n) motive, guid- ing principle trinfen (a-u) tr. and intr. drink trocfen adj. dry, arid, barren ; plain, simple bit Srommel (-n) drum berSrommelf$lager (-) drummer ber Stopf Ce) simpleton, dunce ber Stop fen (-) drop ttoften tr. comfort, console ber Sto^ defiance ttoij prep, (gen.) in spite of tto^bem' adv. nevertheless ; conj. notwithstanding, although ber Stnnf drink, draught ttnnfen adj. drunk, intoxicated ba$ Sn* (^er) cloth tii$tig adj. able, strong, capable, clever tuff if dj adj. malicious, spiteful, tricky bte Sugenb (-en) virtue tiifjcnbljaft adj. virtuous tummeln intr. move, bustle about, turry tnn (tut, tat, getan) tr. and intr. do, make, cause, put bte Siit(e) (-en) door ber Siitfe (gen. -n, pi. -n) Turk VOCABULARY. 273 U ii&el adj. evil, ill, bad, wrong ufcef/ue^men (nimmt, natym, ge* nommen) tr. take amiss ii&eu prep. (dat. and ace.), adv., sep. and insep. pref. over, by, above; across, beyond; on ac- count of; concerning, on; in exclamations out upon ! tifcetufl' adv. everywhere liberalism' adv. everywhere, in every direction ii&er&rin'gcn (tif>erbrad)te, itfcer* bracfyt) tr. deliver, transmit itbevfliiffig adj. superfluous iiberge'&en (i-a-e) tr. give up, hand over iibertaf 'fen (ufcerlat, iiberliejj, ufcer= laffen) Jr. relinquish, leave ; de- liver iiberle'gen Jr. weigh, consider bie UfceHe'gung (-en) reflection iibermorgeit adv. day after tomor- row itbettttiittg ad;, haughty, arrogant u&erre'ben tr. persuade iibcrrci^cn Jr. hand over ii&erftei'gcH (ie-ie) Jr. overstep, exceed bie Ubertrei'bung (-en) exaggera- tion iiberhmrfjt' parJ. acy. exhausted (by watching) iiOerjeu'gen ^- persuade ii^rig adj. left, remainmg, over tie tttjr (-en) watch, clock ; o'clock nmprep. (ace.), adv., sep. and in- sep. pref. about, around, near ; concerning ; at ; by ; in order to tiumr'meit tr. embrace um/gefjen (fling, 0egangen) intr. f, deal, treat um/fcfjren Jr. turn around, re- verse r. cloud, becloud um/fefjen (ie-a-e) inJr. look around ; refl. look around, look behind umfonft' adv. in vain; without cause ; without pay, gratis ber ttmftanb (^e) circumstance, particular, minutia ; ceremony ; Umflanbe madden be ceremonious, be formal itmftanbUdj adv. minutely, in de- tail um/toenben (wenbete or roanbte, gettjenbet or gen^anbt) tr. turn about Words compounded with urts regu- larly have the chief stress upon this member ; but in adjectives and ad- verbs there is a considerable tenden- cy to shift tlie stress to the second member. In time German will prob- ably yield entirely to this tendency, just as English did long ago.Hempl. wt flit g end) m adj. unpleasant tin attfta* nb ig adj. unseemly, im- proper j. unmerciful parJ. aa^. unbid, un- asked wife ef ami t parJ. adj. unknown, strange, unacquainted unbcfctycibcu adj. immodest, in- discreet unbcfi^o^ten parJ. aa^'. blameless bie Unbcfonncn^cit thoughtless- ness, imprudence 274 VOCABULARY. un&efteg'Iiti) adj. motionless ttn&ieg'fam adj. unbending, stiff tmb con;, and ; concessive particle even if uncben adj. uneven; ntdjt unefcen not half bad mteijjcmmfcig adj. unselfish imein'gelabeitparJ. adj. uninvited unenb'Iid) adj. endless, infinite unent&efjr'lirf) adj. indispensable unevtoattetpart. adj. unexpected unetjogen part. adj. uneducated unfeftf'&ai! adj. infallible, unerr- ing wtfrewtblid) adj. unfriendly, hos- tile nnQeafy'tttpart. adj. disregarded ; prep. w. gen. in spite of; conj. although uttflcfofjr adv. about, near, nearly, almost ; Wtt ungefcifyr by chance unge^alten part. adj. angry, in- dignant unge^angen part. adj. unhanged ttngemeitt adj. uncommon, rare itnge{mi;t part. adj. not dressed up ungern adv. unwillingly, reluc- tantly HttgefdjUffen part. adj. unpol- ished, rude tmgefittm adj. boisterous, impet- uous ber (ba$) Ungeftitm impetuosity ungcirets adj. unfaithful, perfidi- ous ba3 Ungliirf (pi. ttnglii cfSfafle) mis- fortune unglucfUff) adj. unfortunate, un- happy ungUtiflidEjertoci'fc adv. unfortu- nately bte Itngnabe disfavor, disgrace tm()oflirf) adj. discourteous tie Unifofm 7 (-en) uniform uitldngft adv. recently, lately ter Unmettfd) monster ttnmoglid) adj. impossible ttttted^t acZ/.^wrong, unjust tnmdjttg adj. wrong, incorrect bie Unrwftc (-n) disturbance ttnttt^ig adj. restless, troubled utt$ pers. pron. us, to us bie Itnfdjttlb innocence imfdEntlbig adj. blameless, inno- cent wnfcr poss. pron. and adj. our, ours unten adv. below, downstairs utttet comp. adj. lower, inferior; superl. unterjl lowest, last ttnter prep. (dat. and ace.), adv., sep. and insep. pref. under; among; between; of; in; by; during tttttertoe'djen (tmterfcridjt, unter- fcrad), unterbroc^en) tr. interrupt untcrcinan'bcr adv. with one another ; commingled ; mutu- ally ber Unterfjaft support, livelihood witerljartcn (a-ie-a) tr. enter- tain, amuse ; refl. converse bie UntcrOal^ung (-en) entertain- ment; conversation untcr/fommcn (fam, 0e!omnten) intr. f. find lodging (s) untcrnctj'mcn (unternimmt, wnter^ na^nt, unternommen) tr. under- take VOCABULARY. 275 ber Untetjjfattb (*er) pledge, se- curity bte ttntetce'bmtg (-en) conversa- tion intietricfj'ten tr. instruct bcr Uitterfd)ieb (-e) difference, distinction wttev/fdjiageu (a-u-a) tr. put un- der wttet/fterfeu tr. put in among, enroll, consolidate (with other regiments) intterfte'Qett (unterftonb, itnterftan* ben) refl. venture, presume unterfiut'gen tr. aid, help, assist iwtevfu'rfjen tr. investigate untettanig adj. submissive, duti- ful itntertoegS adv. on the way uutJeran'berlirf) adj. unalterable unfcettarett adj. not lost, safe titrtermtttet part. adj. unlocked for, unsuspected unlietfcfttttnt adj. shameless unt>e?fef)ri jpar. ad;, unhurt, un- injured mttJcrjeljrt par. ac??. intact, un- consumed, entire itirtcvsety'Hd) adj. unpardonable ber UntoiJle(n) (#en. -n^) anger, indignation urgic'ren ^r. urge, bring against bte Uvfatf)e (-n) cause, reason, mo- tive, occasion bad Urteil (-e) judgment, sen- tence ; verdict, opinion urtcilen tr. and intr. judge, ad- judge bte ^Oalu'tc (-n) value, face value ber SBater D father t>a$ 53atcrlanb fatherland, native country Venice adj. Venetian fret* insep. pref. out, away, to an end; amiss t>era&'f$iebett ft*, dismiss, dis- charge, disband r. despise, scorn adj. contemptible, despicable; scornful tie ft^eradi'tiutg contempt Ueran'bctn tr. change, transform bte SBeran'fcerimg (-en) change fceran'Iaffen (eranlate, eranlat) tr. cause, occasion bte SOercut^toDrtang (-en) vindica- tion, responsibility fcerban'cn ^r. obstruct by building ticrbci'lfett 0>erfct, erbtfl"en) ^r. suppress, stifle, swallow fcerfcer/Qcu (i-a-o) ^r. hide, con- ceal; contain tie ^cufteu'gitng (-en) bow, obei- sance fcet&ie'tett (o-o) tr. forbid, prohibit fcer&tn'ben (a-u) tr. bind, unite, join; oblige fcteSBer&tnlrttd^eit (-en) liability, engagement, obligation bte^erDht'tuutfl (-en) connection, union, marriage fcerfciffenpartf. ac/;. sullen, bitter, suppressed bad SOerfcre'dieit (-) crime t. adj. obliged 276 VOCABULAEY. bcr $8erba$t / suspicion berbammf part. adj. damned, condemned, cursed fcerban'fcn tr. owe, be indebted for fcerber'&en (t-a-o) intr. f. decay, degenerate, be ruined tjerber'fcen fr*. spoil, corrupt, de- stroy ba$ *0e*ber'fen ruin, destruction fcerbie'nen */. earn, gain, deserve ber SJerbtenft' (-e) gain, profit ba$ SBeirbienf*' (-e) merit, desert fcerbtenft'Itdj ac$. meritorious, profitable fcerbient 7 part. adj. merited, de- serving fcerbran'gen tr. crowd out, dis- place, supplant, dispossess terbrie'f?e (erbro, verbroffen) tr. grieve, vex, harass, trouble fcerbtieft'Itd) adj. peevish, ill-hu- mored bie SBetbriefc'IieJtfeit ill-humor, sullenness, surliness ber SQcrbruft' indignation; vexa- tion, annoyance fcete&'rett tr. honor, respect ; pre- sent, bestow tier fasten (a-u-a) intr. f. bear one's self ba3 SOerfalj'ren conduct fcerfne'fcen (t)trflo, tjerflojTen) intr. f. flow away, expire, elapse vain bie (i-a-c) tr. forgive adv. fruitlessly, in forgiveness, par- titude don tcrge r ^cn (merging, ^ergattgen) f. pass away tiergef fen (tter0it, erga fen) ir. forget (-) pleasure (-ffe) relation, atv r. harden ^. adj. married feerljtn'bern ^r. hinder, prevent licrir'ren re^. wander, go astray fcertta^el ad;, veritable, genuine, real fcerfm^fett tr. sell tierfc^rt' part. adj. turned over, absurd, wrong fcerfen'nen (mfannte, erfannt) tr. mistake, misjudge berfnity'fett tr. join, unite fcertan'gen tr. demand, desire, ask for, require, want, long bad &ertan'gen wish, desire fcerlaf fen (mlajjt, erlie, tjerlaf* fen) tr. leave, abandon ; refl. de- pend, trust feerlaffen par^. adj. abandoned, forsaken feetrau'fett (dit-ie-au)re^. run away tjerlau'fcn part. adj. vagrant, va- gabond; runaway tJcrle'gcn tr. misplace, mislay feerle'gen part. adj. embarrassed, confused bie SOerle'genljett (-en) embarrass- ment feerlet'Ijeit (ie-ie) tr. lend, bestow, give fcerlei'ten tr. lead astray, tempt fcerleug'nen tr. deny, disguise; refl. renounce, belie one's self ^ VOCABULAEY. 277 ber SBerleum'fcer (-) slanderer berliefct' part. adj. in love, amor- ous berlte'ren (o-o) tr. lose ber erlitft' (-e) loss . feernmlebcit' part. adj. accursed tier mcty ren ?'. augment, multiply, increase bermefbett r. notify; announce, present bermic'tett tr. hire, rent bcrmo'gcn (ttermag, sermodjie, fcer* modjt) /% be able to do, induce, prevail on ba3 &ermo / gen (-) property, for- tune bermu'tett tr. suppose, presume, surmise; guess, expect bermut'Hrf) adj. likely, probable berttar'rett refl. be fond, be infat- uated berttefy'men (fcernimmt, sernaljm, fcernommen) tr. perceive, hear; examine; understand, learn fcernidj'iett tr. annihilate, destroy, undo bie ^ctttttnft' reason becnitnf r iig adj. rational ; reason- able, sensible bie 33ctorb'mmg (-en) ordaining, regulation, edict, decree ber^fli^'tcn tr. bind by an oath, engage, oblige, pledge ber SBetro'ter (-) traitor bie ^crHrf/tiutg (-en) achieve- ment ; business, affair, occupa- tion tet fa'gen tr. refuse, deny fcerfdjuf'fen tr. procure, secure, get ff men refl. be ashamed bet ft^rimt' part. adj. shamefaced, bashful ticrft^cu'r^en tr. frighten away, drive off tetfd)te'&ett (o-o) tr. delay, defer, postpone ber fdjte'beti adj. different, various tierf^la'gen (d-u-a) tr. drive away ; intr. make a difference, matter berfrftfof f en part. adj. closed ; re- served fcerfdjo'ttett tr. spare Hcrfrfjluci'gen (ie-te) ^r. be silent about, keep secret betfdEjtoem'men Jr. wash away, sweep off ber SOerfdj to either (-) spendthrift fcerfdjftin'bett (a-u) in^r. f. disap- pear berfet'jeit tr. transfer; reduce; pledge, pawn; w^r.answer, reply bcrfi^crn tr. assure, convince; assert bie ^erfi'rfjeruitg (-en) assurance ; assertion berfte'geln tr. seal, seal up berfofm'ttd) adj. conciliatory, for- giving, placable ; tterfofynltdj fttmmen appease, mollify bcrf^a'rcn tr. save, reserve; de- fer, delay berflm^en refa be behind time, be late, bedelayed bcrfljie'len tr. lose at play, gamble away berfare'djett (i-a-o) ^r. promise ber SSerftanb' understanding, in- tellect, sense 2*8 VOCABULARY. berfteV" (serftcmb, serftanbefl) tr. understand; fcerftelJt fid) of course; fid) a$ fcerftetjen be a judge of, be at home in Me ^crftcl lung (-en) dissimula- tion, hypocrisy berftor'foett part. adj. deceased, dead; late berfto'ffen (5-ie-o) tr. repudiate; cast off, turn away ber SOerfttd)' (-e) attempt, trial berfu'rfjen tr. try, attempt ; tempt bcrtet'bigen tr. defend, guard, protect bertteft' part. adj. occupied, ab- sorbed bertrau'en intr. w. dat. confide in ba3 SUertrau'en trust, faith, con- fidence bertraultrf) adj. familiar, inti- mate, confidential betttant' part. adj. familiar beriret'pett (ie-te) tr. drive away, banish, exile bertttn'len (a-u) tr. drink up, spend in drinking bmm'glitcf en intr. f. meet with an accident befttmfj'ren r. keep, guard bte SBettoaft'tttttg preservation ; custody bermefgertt ^r. refuse, deny fcertuei'Ien ^n^r. tarry, stay, delay ber SBertneiS' (-e) reproof fcertotr'ren ^r. perplex, confuse, embarrass bie 33ertttr'rung (-en) perplexity, confusion fcerhwn'bern tr. astonish, sur- prise ; refl. be astonished bte SBerttnm'bermtfl astonishment <$ cursed tr. consume, devour, spend t>er$ei'f)en (te-te) tr. pardon, for- give bie &etjei'f)ttn0 pardon, forgive- ness bcr jo'gen part. adj. distorted ; erjo0ener 9iame monogram ticrjtoci'fclt part. adj. overcome by despair, confounded, desper- ate bte &eY5toeif'hmg desperation fcejte'ren tr. puzzle; tease, quiz, plague bo$ *me& (-e) cattle; beast fciel (mel&r, metji) adj. much, many, a great deal bictte W adv. perhaps bielmal aefa. repeatedly, many times bidmel^t adv. much more, rather bier num. four bierfadj a^;. fourfold, quadruple bterfjuitbert ?iwm. four hundred biert num. adj. fourth bad ietterftunfcd)ett (-) quarter of an hour, few moments bierimbjhmitjig?i?/??i. twenty-four btcrjc^n Mwm. fourteen boll ac?;., adv., sep. and insep. pref. full, whole, complete tie SBpa&lutfflfett fulness of blood, plethora, plenitude bottenbS adv. fully, entirely, ab- solutely biiUig ad;, absolute, complete, perfect bo Ufom 'men adj. perfect VOCABULARY. 279 tie *B01If0m'mett!jeii (-en) perfec- tion; charm Me &0Kma$t (-en) full power, authority fcoHjte'fjett (ttoHsofl, ttofl^en) tr. fulfil, execute &0tt prep, (dat.) of, from, with, hy, because of, concerning bmtnij'tett adv. necessary, need- ful ; sonnoten tyafcen stand in need of, want, need i0r prep. (dat. and ace.), adv., and sep. pref. before, from, be- cause of, of, for, with ; ago tJ0tan' adv. and sep. pref. on be- fore, first t>0ratt'/fterfett tr. thrust forward, put in twraitS' adv. and sep. pref. before, ahead ; tm fcorauS in advance &0rau3Yfe&ett (te-a-e) tr. foresee fooroet' adv. past, over fcor/fcereiteit tr. prepare bte $80r&ereihi8 (-en) prepara- tion ber $B0r0etomfti prescience, fore- knowledge bte 2$0r&ttte*ttt (-nen) intercessor &0r/entf)altett (a-ie-a) tr. with- hold ber s Hotfaf)r (-en) forefather, an- cestor &0r/faljtett (ci-U-a) intr. f. go be- fore, drive up ber &0rfaH (^e) event, occur- rence; accident uor/gcfceu (i-a-e) tr. give an ad- vantage, give odds, give a start t>0r/0e1jett (gins, gegangen) intr. f. precede ; take place, occur i0r/I)al>ett (fyat, ^atte, gefyafct) intr. propose, intend (to do) tior^cr 7 adv. before, previously, beforehand t0t^itt' adv. before, a little while ago i0rig adj. former, last, past t)0r/f0mmen (fam, gefommen) tn- ^r. f. happen ; seem, appear tjor/mac^cn ir. show, exhibit, dis- play ; deceive, mystify ber $0rmittag (-e) forenoon i>0?mittag3 acZu. in the forenoon ber $80?mitnb (^er) guardian t0rn(e) adv. before, in the fore part, in front; son fcorne from the beginning t>0rnefjm adj. aristocratic, noble, grand tjor/ttc^mcn (ntmmt, na^m, 0enom=* men) tr. undertake ; determine ; take up, examine ber Q30t|>0ftctt (-) outpost ba3 ^orrec^t (-e) privilege, pre- rogative ber &0rfa<$ ( A e) resolution, pur- pose, intention bor/ftt)icf?cn (fc^o^ gefc&oJTen) tr. advance, lend ber &0rf$tog (^e) proposal, offer fcor/fcfjlagcu (a-u-a) tr. suggest, propose (^ffe) advance, loan Wor, 0eh>efen) i?i0r/f|>icflcln tr. feign, shani, pre- tend, delude 280 VOCABULARY. fcorftefjenb part. adj. preceding, foregoing; the above bor/ftefleit refl. fancy, imagine; present, introduce ber SBorteil (-e) advantage fcortreff'lid) adj. excellent fcor/treten (trttt, trat, getreten) in- tr. f. go before, walk in front of ber &ortoatrt> (^e) pretext tmr/toerfen (t-a-o) tr. reproach, blame, accuse of Me 28a$t (-en) guard, watch ber 2$ad)tmeifter (-) sergeant (of cavalry) Me 28a#tmeifterin (-ncn) ser- geant's wife toarfer adj. stout, brave, gallant bte SSttffe (-n) weapon; pi. arms toagen tr. venture, risk ; dare ber 28ogen (-) carriage toagen (o-o) tr. weigh, measure toaljlcn tr. choose, elect toaljr adj. true, genuine, real hmfjren intr. last, continue, en- dure toa&renfcprep. (gen.} during, for; conj. while, whereas toal>tf>ftftig adj. genuine; adv. truly, indeed bte aSofjrljett (-en) truth toaf)rU$ adv. surely, verily, truly toabrfrfjeitt'lirf) adj. probable bte $8aife (-n) orphan ber 28alb (^er) forest, wood ber 25$aH (^e) wall, rampart bte aSaflung (-en) agitation, ex- citement; in SBaflung brtngen stir up, excite bte 9cmb ( tf e) wall tomnbern intr. f wander, travel } go limit n interr. adv. when ttiatm(tt)drmer / ttdrmji) ac^'.warm; twarrn ma^en excite tomrnett tr. warn, admonish marten intr. wait ; attend to, tend ttmrtim' interr. adv. why ttc*3 interr. pron. what; (= lute) how; (=ttxmtm) why; indef. rel. pron. that which, what; some, something toad fur cin indef. interr. pron. what sort of, what baS aSaffcr (-) water; git Staffer n>erben come to naught ; 511 2Baf* fer madden obliterate, destroy ber $e$fel (-) change; draft, promissory note toebeln intr. fan; wag; ^fawn, cringe ttietJcr co/y . neither ber 28eg (-e) way, road; auf Qitten 2Beg brtngen put on the right road tocg adv. and sep. pref. away, off toeg/bleifcen (te-ie) intr. f. remain away toe gen prep, (gen.) for the sake of, on account of toeg/fatyren (a-u-a) intr. f, drive off, go away toeg/gc^cn (gtng, 0e0an0en) intr. f, go away, depart, leave toeg/fapern tr. carry off, kidnap tocg/fommcn (fant, gefommen) iw- r. f. come away, escape, come off toeg/ne^men (ntmmt,na$m, genom- VOCABULARY. 281 tttett) tr. take away, capture, seize ttieg/rettett (rttt, gerttten) intr. f, ride away toeg/fd?en tr. put away, lay aside toeg/ttm (tat, Qetan) tr. put away to eg /to cut* en (ftenbete or ttwttbte, gettenbet or gefoattbt) re/f. turn away toeg/toerfen (t-a-o) r. throw away, cast aside bct3 2$elj pain, ache toeft/twt (tat, getan) intr. w. dat. give pain to, distress, hurt bad S&eifc (-er) woman, wife toeifclidj adj. female; feminine, womanly toetgeru tr. refuse, deny bte a&etgeruucj (-en) denial, refusal toett conj. because, since bte $8eile space of time, while; leisure toeinen intr. weep, cry toeife adj. wise, prudent bte SSetfe (-n) manner, way toeifen (te-te) tr. show, point out toeiS/ntrtdjen r. hoax, humbug toetft adj. white tocit adj. wide, broad, long, dis- tant ; adv. far toeiter adj. wider, further; ba$ SBettere what remains, the rest ; adv. farther, further, besides; Uttb fo letter and so forth toeiter/sieijen (jofi, gegogen) intr. f, move on toelrfier (melc^e, n>el^e^) interr. and rel. pron. and adj. which, who, what; indef. pron. some, any bte aSJcU (-en) world tocuben (tcenbete or toanbte, bet or getoanbt) tr. and intr. di- rect, turn around bte $$enbtmg (-en) turn, change ; evasion toetttg adj. little, few; am toenta.* flen least tie SSenigfcit insignificance ; metne SBenigfeit your humble servant toettigftend adv. at least, at any rate fcicmt adv. when ; conj. if, when, whenever, in case tocc interr. pron. who ; indef. rel. pron. whoever, he who toerben (t-a or tuurbe -o) intr. f. become, grow, be, happen tuerfeit (t-a-o) tr. throw, cast (ber) WQetnev Werner toert adj. worth, deserving, dear, esteemed ber aSJctt (-e) worth, value toe8 (tocffcn) gen. of luer whose ba3 928cfctt (-) being, existence, nature ; affairs, regime ; behav- ior, manner toeStyalft' adv. on what account, why toeStoe'gen adv. wherefore, why, for what reason toeiien tr. and intr. bet, wager to irf) tin aa J* important, weighty toiler prep, (ace.), adv. and in- sep. pref. against, contrary to to iber fasten (a-u-a) intr. f, hap- pen, befall toiDertoarttg adj. unpleasant, re- pugnant; contrary 282 VOCABULARY. toibmett tr. devote, dedicate tuibrtg adj. adverse, untoward, obnoxious tote adv. how ; conj. as, like, when toieber adv. and sep. pref. again, anew toieber/fcefommen (fcetam, fcefom* men) tr. get back toieber/erljalten (d-ie-a) tr. regain toieber/ftnben (a-u) tr. find again toieber /ge&eit (t-a-e) tr. give back ; reproduce, repeat toteber/ljerfteflett tr. restore toieber/ feljren intr. f. return toieber/ fommen (fam, gefommen) intr. f, come again, return toieber/ttetymen (ntmmt, natjm, ge*- nommen) tr. take back toieber/f agen tr. repeat, say again toieberum' adv. over again, once more toieber/ttertattgen tr. ask back demand again toiegen (o-o) tr. weigh (bad) aSMen Vienna toie&iel' adv. how much, how many toiebiel'mal adv. how many times totlb adj. wild, untamed, fierce (ber) $QW)elm William ber 2Qiae(n) (gen. -ni,pl. -n) will, wish; intention, design; con- sent ; um , . . rotflen for the sake of, on account of toiUig adj. willing, ready, enter- prising (ber) 2$ilUg Willig (t>ie) aBittig Frau Willig toiKigen intr. consent, comply, agree toinfum'tnett adj. welcome ber aSinb (-e) wind bte a^inbbetttelei' (-en) idle boast- ing, braggadocio toinben (a-u) tr. wind, twist; refl. writhe ber 28inf (-e) beckoning, nod; hint, wink, beckoning hand ber SSJtnfcl (-) corner, nook ber aSSinlersug (*e) shift, shuff- ling, subterfuge, pretext toinfen intr. nod, beckon, wink toinfeln intr. whine, whimper, moan ber SSMnter (-) winter bad SSMnterqitartier (-e) winter quarters toir pers. pron. we toirbelig adj. dizzy, giddy toirbeln intr. whirl, spin; beat roll toirblit^t see tvirbeltg totrlHi^ adj. actual, real, true bte 92BirHtrf)feit reality, actuality ; in SBtrfitc^f eit as a matter of fact ber SKMrt (-e) landlord, innkeeper bad 2$irt!)att3 (*er) inn, hotel bte g&irtSftufte (-n)!hotel parlor, dining-room bte aSirtStafel (-n) table d'hote toifdjcn tr. wipe, rub ber %8ityel (-) wispel, measure toiffen (tt?et, roufjte, fiett>ut) tr. know, be aware of ; know how bie g&ittoc (-n) widow, relict too adv. and conj. where, any- where, when, in which case, if ; tt>o anberd elsewhere bte 28orf>e (-n) week tooburd)' adv. whereby, by what VOCABULARY. 283 means, by which, through which, by means of which toofiit' adv. for what, wherefore, for what purpose ttmfjet' adv. whence, where njofciu' adv. whither, where to0()inciu' adv. whither, into what place tuofjl adv. well ; perhaps, indeed, I suppose, presumably, do you suppose tooljlaffeftttwicrt'par/'. adj. well- disposed, most gracious hioJjlfetr adj. inexpensive, cheap, salable tt>0l)lf)afeettb part. adj. prosper- ous, well-to-do, well off bte SBoltftflt (-en) benefit, kind- ness, favor toolwcu intr. dwell, live, reside bte SSofjmmg (-en) dwelling, lodging toottcn (tt>itt, toottte, getooflt) r. and mod. aux. will, wish, have a mind to, be about to, intend to ; claim, pretend tooHuftta adj. voluptuous; ex- quisite, delightful; frivolous toomtt' adv. with which, where- with, by which ; how tomtadj' adv. whereupon, after which, about what, for what tooran' adv. on what, of what, by what, how; about which, with what tuorauf adv. whereupon, on what, upon which toortn' adv. wherein, in which, in what ; in any way ba$ $0rt (-e or *er) word; $u SBorte fommen put in a word ; tn$ 2Bort fatten interrupt ; SBort fallen keep one's promise; auf ein SBort just a word ftfotii^et adv. whereat, at what, over which, of what toofcon' adv. whereof, of which, from which, on what tootior' adv. before which, from what, of what !t)0$u' adv. whereto, to which, to what, what for, to what pur- pose, how ba$ aShmfcer (-) wonder, miracle Uwnberfmr adj. wonderful, singu* lar, odd ttmttberlid) adj. strange, curious, peculiar itmnbettt refl. wonder, marvel, be amazed ber aBttttfi^ ( a e) wish, desire ttiiwfdjeu tr. wish, desire tuiirbig adj. worthy, deserving, estimable ; imposing, venerable ber SCBtttf (*e) throw, cast bte JKJut rage, fury bte 3a^(tttt0 (-en) payment ber 3liiit0dtermin (-e) date of payment, instalment ber 3aljn ("e) tooth ber 3en r. shut, close VOCABULARY. 285' $u/mt!tett tr. require, expect, de- mand; consider, impute (-n) tongue t' adv. aright, in proper condition, in order jti/tetdjen tr. hand, give to jimten intr. be angry $ttturf'(e) adv. andsep. pref. back, backwards, behind ; in return 3Utittf'/&Iei&en (ie-te) intr. f. re- main behind Simicf'/feringen (fcracfote, gefcradjt) ft*, bring back aitriirfVerfewrten tr. expect back jttvitrf'/ge&en (t-a-e) tr. restore, give back jttriicf/ fatten (a'-ie-a) tr. hold back, reserve, restrain Stttitcf fyaltenbpart. adj. reserved, cautious, distant Me .Sttfiitf'ljaltttng reserve, dis- cretion Sttritcf'/fpmmett (fam, gefommen) intr. f come back, return tie Buritrf' hntft return bte ,3tmicf 'naljme withdrawal suritcf'/neljmett (ntmmt, nafjm, a,e* nommen) tr. take back bie Bttriict'tte^mttng taking back, withdrawal ; recall, retraction jurucfYftofcen (o-ie-o)