MEMOKML * o^ RITUAL FOR JEWISH WORSHIP. ROCHESTER, N. Y. : CHARLES MANN, 102 MEIGS STREET. 1885. Copyright, 1884, by MAX LANDSBERG, Ph. D. b Press o CHARLES MANN. PREFACE. In handing to the members of my congrega- tion the Ritual prepared at their request, I deem it expedient to recall to their minds the history of the ritualistic development in our midst. Over fifteen years ago the necessity had been recognized of changing the old order of wor- ship so as to make it conform to the senti- ments of the living generation, and to render it intelligible and attractive to the yonng. But definite action was postponed by common con- sent, until the services of a competent Rabbi should have been secured, by whose decision all declared themselves willing to abide. A short time after I had entered into my present position, in the spring of 1871, I was sent by the congregation to New York, to attend the services at the leading temples, and to select such Ritual for introduction as would seem to me most appropriate for the ^45515 ii PREFACE. wants of our people. I did not hesitate then to recommend that of Dr. Einhorn as the only one strictly adhering to the principles of pro- gressive Judaism, and for the most part com- posed in a language understood by the people. The only reason why the book was not introduced was that it was in German, unin- telligible to some of the members of our congregation and to the majority of the young people. When, one year later, Dr. Einhorn's book w r as translated into English, its introduc- tion was resolved upon by the congregation ; but owing to the little satisfaction this translation gave, the action was soon reconsidered, and, after many struggles, as a compromise measure, the book used at Temple Emanuel in New York was introduced in 1874. Like most compromises, this one failed to give satisfaction to either party. The only effect of the innovation was that the services were shortened, while they were made neither more intelligible nor more attractive to the young than they had been before. Through a number PREFACE. Ill of years I was urged to make a prayer-book for the congregation ; but being well aware how grave and difficult such a task is, I resisted the demand as long as I could conscientiously do so. For a Ritual for permanent use ought not to be made by one person, but by a com- mission of competent men working in an har- monious spirit, under the direction of one editor. But as the years rolled by and the younger element in our midst became more . and more predominant, the want of a Ritual in the vernacular became so crying that it was evi- dently in the interest of the religious life in our congregation to take some decisive step. At the request of our Board of Trustees I reluctantly prepared a Ritual for temporary and tentative use. It was used the first time on December 14, 1883, and through six con- secutive weeks, on trial, and on January 20, 1884, the congregation resolved to introduce an English Ritual permanently. Before placing it in the present shape in the hands of the people, I deemed it advisable to iv PREFACE. continue its use in the imperfect form in which it had first appeared, and to submit it to a number of Jewish Rabbis in our country. Many have kindly given valuable advice and made welcome criticism, which are hereby thankfully acknowl- edged. Every suggestion has been taken into careful consideration, and many of them, together with the experience gathered during ten months' use, have been very helpful in making the book more perfect. . It is in the very nature of a Jewish Ritual that it should contain as much old and familiar material as possible. Therefore it has not been attempted to change the frame-work of the ancient liturgy, and besides a liberal advantage has been taken of all the Rituals that were accessible to me. The object was not to create something new which w r ould be a decided mis- take but to furnish a liturgy which, by sug- gesting everywhere reminiscences of what is familiarly known, would prove most satisfactory to the congregation. PREFACE. V Of all modern Jewish prayer-books existing, it is safe to say, Dr. Einhorn's contains the richest collection of prayers reflecting the ancient Jewish spirit and at the same time teeming with originality. But nearly every one of them needs considerable modification to render the wealth of sentiment contained therein intelligible to the people. A literal translation would in many instances prove altogether obscure. While, there- fore, borrowing materially from that book, I have taken the liberty of introducing the most excellent prayers for the Day of Atonement (namely, the Confession of Sins, the ancient Temple Service, the Memorial Service and " Open the Gates ") in that modified form in which they have been used here for the last ten years. They have thus become so familiar to the congregation, and every one is so attached to them, that their absence would have caused regret. I cannot find adequate terms to express my obligations to my dear friend Rev. N. M. Mann, Pastor of Unity Church, for the kind interest he vi PREFACE. has taken in the preparation of Part First of this Ritual, and the valuable services he has ren- dered in making the English more idiomatic and perfect. While this book is designed for our congre- gation only, it is hoped that it may be found to supply in other places the want which prompted its production here. The desire for English prayers is growing everywhere, and will soon become universal in this country.* In its first imperfect edition our Ritual has contributed largely towards rendering our ser- vices more attractive to our young people, and ultimately towards establishing harmony and good feeling in our midst. God grant that it may continue to work blessing! MAX LANDSBERG. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1884. ^Indications of this tendency are multiplying, and the recent attempt to introduce an English Service for Friday night at the largest temple in Cincinnati, is undoubtedly only the first step toward a thorough reform in this direction. PART FIRST. ON ENTERING THE TEMPLE. HOW goodly are thy tents, O Jacob! thy tabernacles, O Israel ! With faith in thy infinite grace, O God ! I enter thy house ; in thy fear will I worship at thy holy temple. O Lord ! I love the habitation of thy house, and the place wher.e thy glory dwelleth. I will bow dow r n before thee and adore thee, O Lord ! my creator. Accept my prayer at this hour, in the fullness of thy grace. * Hear me, O God ! and afford me thy sure help ! Amen. AT THE CLOSE OF THE SERVICE. r~\ FATHER, grant that thy divine presence and protection may accompany me through life. Guard me from evil thoughts and desires, strengthen me against temptation, and lead me in the paths of virtue and righteousness, so as to render me worthy of thy love and favor, now and for evermore. Amen. '.RITUAL. ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR SABBATH EVE AND THE EVES OF THE THREE FESTIVALS. A S rest is sweet to the weary, and the cooling stream to him that is athirst, so are thy Sab- baths to us and the fountain that springs up in thy house. As the hart desireth the water-brooks, so may our soul thirst after thee, and our hearts and our flesh rejoice in the living God. Amen. [Opening Song.] ^SELECTIONS FROM PSALMS xcv-xcix AND xxix. Minister and Congregation. Come, let us sing to the Lord, and with loud anthems extol the Rock of our salvation ! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, and sing joyfully to him with psalms. For boundless is the might of the Lord, and his rule is supreme above all powers. In his hands are the depths of the earth ; his also are the heights of the mountains. _ *On the three festivals, in place of these selections follows an in- troductory prayer by the Minister, after which the Congregation rise. RITUAL. 3 The sea is his, he made it ; the dry land, his hands moulded it. O come, let us worship and bow down, bend our knee before the Lord, our maker. He is our God ; we are the people of his care, the flock of his pasturing, if we but heed his voice. Sing unto God a new song ; let all the earth sing unto him. Sing unto God, praise his name ; be telling of his salvation from day to day. Proclaim unto the nations his glorious doings, his wonders unto all peoples. Give unto the Lord the honor due to his name, and with heart-offerings enter into his courts. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ; let the whole earth stand in awe of him. Proclaim among the nations : God ruleth ! He laid the foundations of the world, he judgeth the nations in righteousness. Yea, he judgeth the world in justice and the people in faithfulness. Light is laid up for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice, O ye righteous, in the Lord, and praise his holy name ! He has proved his mercy and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel ; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 4 RITUAL. God giveth strength to his people, God blesseth his people with peace. [The Congregation rise.] Minister. Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due ! J/. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through eternity. [The Congregation resume their seats. | PATERNAL, our God, King of the universe, on whose creative power and sustaining provi- dence all things depend : thou hast formed the world, and instituted the changes of the days and seasons. Thou hast made our earth to be a home of life and hast set the tokens of thy goodness on every side.' Thou art the loving Father of all men. Thou hast guided thy people, Israel, with unchang- ing love ; thou hast planted in our midst the tree of religious knowledge, and revealed teachings and laws which will become a blessing to all mankind. We rejoice in thy truth ; it is our light and our life, and we cling to it by day and by night. Give us a due sense of thy mercies, that our hearts may be RITUAL. 5 truly thankful to thee, and that we show forth thy praise, not only with our lips but in our lives. Then can we rest in the assurance of thy wisdom and love. Be praised, O Eternal ! our kind guar- dian and keeper. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. nm " wrftw l ai? ywt T v T: v: T: T : * Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One! Choir and Congregation. * Minister. 1133 o# ^ Praised be his name and his glorious kingdom for nrr onnrr vm :i Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy child- 6 RITUAL. ren, and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up. HARDLY, thou art our God and none besides. Thou hast saved us from the hand of mighty enemies, and hast wonderfully protected us through many centuries. From the time of Israel's oppres- sion in Egypt thousand-fold dangers have been on our path. But with thine almighty help we have escaped them all ; and on the whole earth Israel still praises thy name in the ancient song of the fathers : Who is like unto thee among the mighty, O God ! who like thee, glorious in holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working ! rob3 p Choir and Congregation. sou trips TWO robs >o . D^XS robs">o - ' ' T T T M. Thy throne is established for evermore. Choir and Congregation. RITUAL. 7 M. Be praised, our God ! God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of heaven and earth, shield of our ances- tors, who hast implanted eternal life within us, holy God ! We give thanks to thee* " x ~In place of the following part insert on the festivals : for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou didst select our fathers to recognize thee before all the nations of the earth, hast guided us and called us to thy service. Thy grace has given us this beautiful festival [ON I'ASSOYEK.] that we may remember the great day on which thou brokest the iron yoke of Egypt and gavest liberty to Israel, that it might become a people of priests from whom light and freedom, salvation and bliss should be brought to all those who dwell on earth. [o\ PENTECOST.] that we may remember the glorious day when thy law was revealed to our fathers on Sinai, and never , forget the covenant by which Israel was appointed as thy first-born son to be the guardian of the highest and most sacred treasures of mankind, and the light of the nations. [ON SUCCOTH.] that we may remember that thou art the giver of every good gift, and may rejoice over tne many blessings which thou hast bestowed upon us, and think of the love with which thou guardedst our fathers in the wilderness, when thou gavest them food from heaven, turnedst rocks into springs of 8 RITUAL. for this beautiful Sabbath-evening which again finds us gathered in our paternal house. We beseech of thee that we may reap the full benefit of this blessed day. Give us rest from all undue cares, and wearying burdens, that we may, with joyfulness of heart, with peace and refreshment of mind, spend its hours in loving communion with each other and with thee. . May our inward strength be renewed and our hearts be water, and protectedst them from scorching heat, from storms and tempests. * [ON ATZERETH.J that in the midst of falling leaves and withering blossoms we may remember the perishableness of all worldly things, and also that in the midst of de- caying nature thy word abideth forever, that the law given to us by thy servant, Moses, the heirloom of the congregation of Jacob, is a tree of life, which constantly grows in beauty and freshness and is productive of fruits which will become a blessing to all the families on earth. OUR God and Father we pray to thee that thou wouldst look with kindness and mercy upon Israel, thy people; sanctify us and give us a pure heart that we may serve thee in truth and that our prayers may be acceptable before thee, and grant that we and all Israel may enjoy this holy festival in love and gladness. Be praised, O God ! who sancti- fiest Israel and the festivals. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. 9 made pure to receive the light of thine eternal wis- dom, thy perfect holiness and unchanging love. And grant, our God ! that we may find, not only on our day of rest, but in all our labor and conflict and in every experience of our life, the peace which thou alone canst give, the repose of faith and trust in thec. Choir and Congregation. Amen. [Hymn.] [Lecture or Prayer.] DROTHERS and sisters who are mourning for dear friends departed hence, remember your beloved ones and honor their names by emulating their noble deeds, by continuing the good works which they have left unfinished, by loving and honoring those who were loved and honored by them. Rise and praise with me the name of our Heavenly Father: The Mourners rise and the Minister recites the Kaddish : torn Ntf?y3 .8^3") noef vftpm Tun* T : T : ^T : T - : "| " I I ~ - : ""irvo t ?D r'pzp'i .nnurp Let the great name of God, the Creator, be extolled and hallowed throughout the universe. May his kingdom be established in your lifetime and in the life of the whole house of Israel. Amen ! IO RITUAL. Tjruri Ntsunn o&niy) nNsn?} riant?*} rpan? n not!' 'ftnnn pfry " - : : V- : non^i xnraif'n Nnrv^j Nrmr 1 ?:! }z? K?^ 1 p ?? 1 ^ jirf? NH NnVn nnijria pin ' NTIO W now Let his great nam be praised through all eternity. Praised and extolled and glorified be he who is sublime above all praise and all glorification that may resound in the world. Amen! To all Israel, to all the righteous and to all who have been called hence according to God's will, may there be granted abundance of peace and a blissful portion in the life eternal, and grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen ! May he send us happiness and life. RITUAL. 1 1 ri wty Di 1 ?^' ns?j. Nirr vonpa oi 1 ?^ n&y While the Kaddish is recited this prayer may be said by The Mourners : From the depth of my sorrow I look up to thee, God and Father, who art near to all that seek thee with a broken heart and a contrite spirit ! In thy divine wisdom thou hast called hence my beloved Humbly and with silent resignation I bow before the decrees of thy holy will, O God of Life ! Thou givest and takest away, thou sendest life and death. Those iv ho observe the Anni- versarv of their Father's or Mothers death : Days pass by and years vanish, but the memory of the just abideth. This day, O Heavenly Father, specially calls to mind my dear departed father [mother], too soon vanished from these lov- ing eyes and these caress- ing hands. Yet never shall I forget him [her], and never would I be un- mindful of his [her] un- wearying care and multi- plied fidelities in which I have lived and moved and May he who preserveth peace in the heavenly spheres bestow peace upon us and upon all his children. Amen ! 12 RITUAL. O, let me find comfort had my being. May the and consolation in my af- blessed influence of these fliction ; teach me even recollections and of all in severest trial to confide that was noble and beau- in thy goodness and to tiful in him [her] be a worship thy wisdom. constant impulse to vir- May thy holy name be tue and righteousness in praised and glorified by my heart, and lead me the glad and the sorrow- always to honor his [her] ful, now and for ever- name in thought and in more! Amen. deed. Amen. A GAIN we lift np our hearts to thee, O God! who art, and wast, and art to come ; before whose face the generations come and pass away. Age after age the living seek thee, and find that of thy faithfulness there is no end. Our fathers in their pilgrimage walked by thy guidance and rested on thy compassion ; still to their children be thou the cloud by day, the fire by night. Where but in thee have we a covert from storm or shadow from the heat of life? In our manifold tempta- tions thou alone knowest our peril and art ever nigh ; in sorrow thy pity revives the fainting soul ; in our prosperity and ease it is thy spirit only that can wean us from our pride and keep us low. O, send us hence in the spirit of hope and re- solve and confident trust in thy guidance. Give RITUAL. 13 us a lofty aim and a settled purpose in life, a heart filled with thy love and a will in harmony with thine. And may we all strive that the time may come of which it is said : " The Eternal shall be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be acknowledged One and his name One." [Closing Song.] [The Congregation stand while the Benediction is pronounced.] Extolled be the living God and praised be his name, Who was, and is, and is to be, eternally the same. One God is he, no unity like his is there in aught ; A unity unending, Being beyond all thought. Formless, all lovely forms but intimate his loveliness ; Holy, our holiest thoughts reveal him even less ; Eternal, he was God ere aught was formed that now appears ; He is the First, and there was no beginning to his years. Lo ! he is Lord of all the earth, Creation speaks his praise And everywhere, above, below, his mighty will obeys. 14 RITUAL. His word by ancient prophets came to Israel, chosen race, The first of whom was Moses, who beheld God face to face. His word he gave his people by the prophet of his choice, Whose faithfulness we celebrate with heart and soul and voice. Established is his law, and changeless it must stand, Written upon our human hearts and on the sea and land. He knoweth all our secret thoughts, naught from him is concealed, The end from the beginning stands to him alone revealed. RITUAL. 15 ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR SABBATH MORNING, AND THE MORNINGS OF THE THREE FESTIVALS, AND ,FOR WEEK-DAYS. The Minister may read otic or more of the Sentences. THE Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. PSALM cxlv., iS. Give unto the Lord glory and praise ; give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. O, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ; let the whole earth stand in awe of him. PSALM XCVi., (). Serve the Lord with gladness ; come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God ! it is he that hath made us and we are his, his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. PSALM e., 2-4. If thou seek the Lord thy God thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. DEUTKRON'OMY iv., 29. l6 RITUAL. Thus saith the high and lofty One that in- habiteth eternity, whose name is Holy : I dwell in the high and holy place ; with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit ; to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the con- trite ones. ISAIAH Ivii., 15. Thoughts of peace>; saith the Lord, do I think towards you. Ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken to you ; ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. JEREMIAH xxix., n, 13. Thus saith the Lord : Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might ; let not the rich man glory in his riches ; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord, who exercise loving-kindness, judg- ment and righteousness on the earth ; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord. JEREMIAH ix., 23, 24. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy ; long-suffering, and of great goodness. As the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his goodness toward them that fear him. PSALM ciii., 8, n. Return unto the Lord and forsake thy sins ; make thy prayer before his face. Turn again to RITUAL. I/ the Most High, and turn away from iniquity ; for he will lead thee out of darkness into the light of health. ECCLESIASTICUS xvii., 25, 26. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? or who shall stand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart ; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. PSALM xxiv. , 3-5. Thus saith the Lord : The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool ; where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest ? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord. But to this man will I look ; even to him that is poor, and of a contrite spirit and reveres my word. ISAIAH Ixvi., i, 2. Offer unto God thanksgiving, and pay thy vows unto the Most High. Call upon him in the day of trouble, and he will deliver thee. PSALM 1., 14, 15. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. PSALM li., 19. 1 8 RITUAL. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he will sus- tain thee. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved. PSALM lv., 23. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found ; call ye upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts ; and let him return unto the Lord, and he" will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. ISAIAH lv., 6, 7. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God ? He hath showed thee, O man, what is good ; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. MICAH vi., 6, 8. [Here follows a selection from the Psalms pages 75-100 in Part Second.] [For the three Festivals Psalms cxiii. to cxviii page 54.] [Hymn.] [Introductory Prayer by the Minister.] [The Congregation rise.] Minister. Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due ! Choir and Congregation. RITUAL. 19 M. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through eternity. [ The Congregation resume their seats.] IDE praised, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, Creator of light and darkness ! Wisdom and might are thine. Thou changes! the times and seasons. Thou pourest the light of thy sun over the earth and shinest in every star. Thou givest wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that have understanding. Thou revealest the deep and secret things. Thou knowest what is in the darkness ; and the light dwelleth with thee. With great -love hast thou loved us. We thank thee that thou didst teach our fathers the laws of life. O enlighten our eyes also, make our hearts cling to thy precepts, and grant that we may never forget the holy mission for which our fathers were set apart, to acknowledge thee and thy unity be- fore all the nations on earth. Happy are we ; how beautiful is our portion, how pleasant our lot, how blissful our inheritance ! Happy are we who proclaim : Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One! * 20 RITUAL. Choir and Congregation. TJYI:? Praised be his name and his glorious kingdom for evermore ! Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy child- ren, and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. HPRULY, thou art our God, our Rock, our Savior. As thou didst redeem our fathers from Egypt and guide them on their wanderings, so hast thou guided us and hast delivered us from manifold dangers. RITUAL. 21 Therefore we praise and exalt thee in the words of our ancestors : Who is like unto thee among the mighty, O God ! who like thee glorious in holiness, awe-inspir- ing, wonder-working ! robs rs Choir and Congregation. rob) >o > D^f . Thy throne is established for evermore. Choir and Congregation. DE praised, our God! God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thou who art great and mighty and supreme, the Giver of all good gifts ; thou who rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their children's children ; thou art our protector and helper. Be praised, O God, shield of Abraham ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. 12 RITUAL. HPHY power, O Lord, is boundless! Thou sus- tainest the living with grace, and with mercy redeemest the souls of thy servants from death. Thou supportest the falling, healest the sick, settest free the prisoners, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Almighty ! Who can be compared unto thee, who killest and makest alive, and causest salvation to spring forth ! Be praised, O God, who hast planted eternal life within us ! Ckoir and Congregation. Amen. ^PHOU art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshipers daily praise thy holiness. [The Congregation rise.] So let us praise our God and exclaim : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts ; the whole earth is full of his glory. Choir and Congregation. M. Praised be the glory of the Eternal, which fills the earth and the heavens ! naipzpp i\ TO? RITUAL. 23 Choir and Congregation. :lDlpso " TD3 tiro | : T: ; | T J/". God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Hallelujah ! Choir and Congregation. n TTI J/. Forever will we glorify thee and hallow thy name ; never shall thy praise vanish from our lips. Be praised, O holy God ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. [The Congregation take their seats.] [Here may be introduced any other prayer in place of the following :] *1DE pleased to accept our thanks, O Lord our God ! for the continuance of thy loving-kind- ness to us through another week. We render thanks unto thee, that thou hast sheltered, sup- *The prayer to be inserted here on the first day of Passover, see page .38. On the seventh day of Passover, page 42. On Pentecost, page 44. On Confirmation Day, page 46. On Succoth, page 48. On Atzereth, page 50. On Week-days, page 52. 24 RITUAL. ported, and led us on safely and brought us to this hour. We joyfully hail the return of this beautiful Sabbath day, set apart by thy providence for the rest of the weary, for the culture of heavenly good, for the communion of the soul with its Maker. May we rightfully improve the precious opportunities of the time, and never forget that thou blessest the fruits of our labor, and providest us with all we need. May we remember that man is sent into the world to live not by bread alone, but by thy word, that he may become holy as thou, O God ! art holy. We enter thy house and pray to thee, that we may be kept steadfast in the duties and patient in the trials which the coming week may bring us We would resolve before thee to apply ourselves to the steady and cheerful perform- ance of those tasks which thou hast assigned to us, and to do that whereby thy children may be aided and thy name glorified. Bestow upon us a pure heart and a spirit quickened by thy holy word, and let our life be a constant expression of love for thee and our fellow-men. Grant that we may so spend our days so swiftly vanishing that when all the care and darkness of this life are passed away, we may awake to behold the life of an everlasting Sabbath, and dwell in the brightness of thy presence in eternal felicity. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. 25 * TV/FAY our day of rest find favor before thee, our God and God of our fathers ; sanctify us by thy commandments, give us light through thy law and let us behold thy salvation. [ON THE DAY OF NEW-MOON.] Let this be a month of blessing and prosperity for us. [ON PASSOVER.] Bless us on this feast of Passover. [ON PENTECOST.] Bless us on this feast of Weeks. [ON SUCCOTH.] Bless us on this feast of Tabernacles. [ON ATZERETH.] Bless us on this feast of Conclusion. Purify our hearts to serve thee in truth, and let us enjoy our "Sabbaths [and festive seasons] in love and grace that thy name may be hallowed by us. Choir and Congregation. Amen. "\ \ T E render thanks unto thee, Lord our God! for our life which is in thy hand, for our souls which are of thee, for thy providence, for thy *These words are only said on the Sabbath day ; on all other days begin : " Our God and God of our fathers." **On a week-day insert, " our communion with thee," instead of " our Sabbaths." 26 RITUAL. wonders which are manifested every day, for the benefits which thou showerest upon us at all times, at evening, morning and noon. Thy mercies never fail, thy kindness never ceases and we put our trust in thee forever.* Be praised, O Lord ! for Goodness is thy name, and we shall glorify thee. Our God, and God of our fathers ! bless us with the ancient, three-fold, priestly benediction : May God bless thee and guard thee ! Choir and Congregation. Amen, *On Chanukkah the following is added : We thank thee for the marvelous deliverance of our fathers and the glorious victory won by thy help in. the days of Mattathias, the priest, and his sons, when the tyranny of the Syrians was set to make thy people, Israel, forsake thy law and renounce thy truth. Then in the fullness of thy mercy thou didst aid them in their distress, fighting their fight, and giving victory to the feeble over the strong, to the few over the many, to the righteous over the wicked, to those who obeyed thy word over those who assailed truth and virtue with a high hand. And thus thy name became exalted and glorified over the world. And Israel, thy people, was saved and delivered and restored to freedom and inde- pendence. And thy children reentered thy temple, cleansed its halls, purified the sanctuary and illumi- nated it, and instituted these days of dedication as days of thanksgiving and praise to thee. RITUAL. . 27 Minister. S " ix' " May God let his countenance shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ! 'Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. ofen ) : " T: May God lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. M. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us, and to all Israel, thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance ! As in thy light thou hast given us the law of life,, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace ; so may it please thee to bless us \vith thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Be praised, O giver of peace ! O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from uttering deceit, and grant that I may be meek and kind to those who bear ill-will against me ! Implant humility in my heart and strengthen me with faith ! Be my support when grief oppresses me and my comfort in affliction ! Let truth 28 RITUAL. illumine my path and guide me ; for thou art my God and my helper ; in thee I trust every day. M. Graciously receive the words of my mouth and fhe meditation of my heart, my Rock and my Redeemer ! O God of peace, preserve peace to us and to all who invoke thy holy name. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. ORDER OF READING THE LAW. [The Ark is opened.] Choir. nns iNfen M'cwo : T nirr TD:>r? 9 rrr Nirr > [The Congregation rise.] [The Minister takes the Scroll from the Ark.] rrrifl Give praise and glory to God for the heavenly light and the everlasting life he bestowed upon us. Choir. mrr Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! Lift yourselves up, ye everlasting doors ! and the King of glory shall come ! Who is this King of glory ? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Sela. RITUAL. 29 J/. Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his-name together. [The Scroll is laid on the reading-desk, the Congregation take their seats, and the Choir chants :] *p tinrn rr) r?p,>parr Ki 7 Minister announces the portion front tJie Pentateuch and says the following Benediction before reading : ^pp iJ3-"iraTOtii o'Tiyn I 1 ?? i^rf?^ " rrnK rjna :minn rnw M nn^ "ins inii T - ) T: T - J r T : T T CJioir and Congregation. Amen. [Reading from the Thora.] mm u 1 ? rru TON D^i^rr TI^D irn 1 ?^ nnN TJITP T I - T v -: T ^ T f v v v: T: T - | T :rninn |nu ^ nnw ^"13 wain? Choir and Congregation. Amen. [A section from the Prophets or holy writings may be read here, and prayers for special cases inserted.] Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty ; for all that is in the heaven and on the earth is thine ; thine is the kingdom, O Lord ! and thou art exalted high above all ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast chosen us from among the nations, and hast given us thy law. Be praised, giver of the law ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast given us the law of truth and hast implanted eternal life within us. Be praised, giver of the law ! 30 RITUAL. [On the Sabbath coinciding with or preceding the New-Moon the following is said :] Eternal, our God ! may it please thee to make the month of , which opens to-day [next --], a month of true happiness and blessing! Amen. [Hyun.] [Sermon.] [The Congregation stand during the Closing Prayer.] [When there is no Sermon the following Prayer may be introduced :] AA^E pray thee, O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted and judgment de- creed, assist with thy holy spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States; that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to thy people over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion ; by a faithful execu- tion of the laws of justice and mercy, and by restraining vice and corruption. Let the light of thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all their proceedings and enactments framed for our rule and government ; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of na- tional happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety RITUAL. 31 and useful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty. We pray for the Governor of this State, for the members of assembly, for all judges, magistrates and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare ; that they may be enabled, by thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens through- out the United States, that they may make progress in knowledge and enlightenment, and con- tinually grow in reverence and virtue ; that they may be preserved in union and peace, and enjoy the blessings of material and spiritual welfare in our beloved country, whose distinction it is to guard the consciences of all thy worshipers. We pray that thou mayest bless the universal community of Israel, and all the members of this our Israelitish congregation. Grant that our sacred institutions may prosper and graciously remember every effort made and every offering vowed for the promotion of our holy work. Grant that through us all the knowledge of thy will and the glory of thy name may be spread abroad, and that we may contribute more and more to the achievement of Israel's mission, and confer 32 RITUAL. thy blessing upon the whole human race, pronounc- ing to all peoples the ancient, three-fold, priestly benediction: [The Congregation rise.] May God bless thee and guard thee. May God let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. May God lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. Praise the name of the Lord ; for his name alone is exalted. [The Scroll is returned to the Ark, the Choir and Congregation chanting :] VTpq [The Congregation take their seats.] 13ROTHERS and sisters who are mourning for dear friends departed hence, remember your beloved ones and honor their names by emulating His glory is above the earth and the heavens. He lifts up his people, exalteth the glory of his worshipers, of Israel, the people near to him. Hallelujah ! RITUAL. 33 their noble deeds, by continuing the good works which they have left unfinished, by loving and honoring those who were loved and honored by them. Rise and praise with me the name of our Heavenly Father: The Mourners rise and the Minister recites the K oddish : K-O-H Ntf?i .8^ my? vftpiy) n:n jiirai'rn p^n? .nrvo'po r^i .nn nj?a> KH . QDTTJT1 1N3fl?l no' wiomi wnnatrn wn^ NfiDia-^s p ^y 1 TT:\-: TT:: TT-: TT:- T I T : roto x^ 1 ?^ : : T :^T : I T -: * w Let the great name of God, the Creator, be extolled and hallowed throughout the universe. May his kingdom be established in your lifetime and in the life of the whole house of Israel. Amen ! Let his great name be praised through all eternity. Praised and extolled and glorified be he who is sublime above all praise and all glorification that may resound in the world. Amen! To all Israel, to all the righteous and to all who have been called hence according to God's will, may there be granted abundance of 34 RITUAL. p TJ^-IX-J p "73 X3i xa^tf firr? NIT xrftan n Wp pry Na'pjj p artn K-TDrrj TIXI xpfj; r^' KM Np^i'rn D M rn - T - r r of?^ n^ While the Kaddish is recited this prayer may be said by Those who observe the Anni- The Mourners : versary of their Father's or Mother s death : From the depth of my Days pass by and years sorrow I look up to thee, vanish, but the memory God and Father, who art of the just abideth. peace and a blissful portion in the life eternal, and grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen ! May he send us happiness and life. May he who preserveth peace in the heavenly spheres bestow peace upon us and upon all his children. Amen ! RITUAL. 35 near to all that seek thee with a broken heart and a contrite spirit ! In thy divine wisdom thou hast called hence my beloved - Humbly and with silent resignation I bow before the decrees of thy holy will, O God of Life ! Thou givest and takest away, thou sendest life and death. O, let me find comfort and consolation in my af- fliction ; teach me even in severest trial to confide in thy goodness and to worship thy wisdom. May thy holy name be praised and glorified by the glad and the sorrow- ful, now and for ever- more ! Amen. This day, O Heavenly Father, specially calls to mind my dear departed father [mother], too soon vanished from these lov- ing eyes and these caress- ing hands. Yet never shall I forget him [her], and never would I be un- mindful of his [her] un- wearying care and multi- plied fidelities in which I have lived and moved and had my being. May the blessed influence of these recollections and of all that was noble and beau- tiful in him [her] be a constant impulse to vir- tue and righteousness in my heart, and lead me always to honor his [her] name in thought and in deed. Amen. A/TOST holy and eternal God, Creator and Ruler of the world, Father and Savior of mankind ! Thy divine power is beyond all human conception ; 36 RITUAL. thy majesty outreaches the confines of the earth ; thy glory is everlasting, and thy goodness per- vadeth all thy works. Thou art, indeed, our God, and there is no other. Thou art One in Unity, and thee alone do we acknowledge as our God, our Father, our Savior ! [The Congregation rise.] We therefore bow the head and bend the knee and prostrate ourselves before thee, O Supreme King of kings ! and praise thy holy name. Choir and Congregation. nnrjrig>pi [The Congregation resume their seats.] We fervently pray, O Lord our God ! that we may speedily behold the glory of thy mighty power banishing all impurities from the earth, de- stroying idolatry and wickedness, and reforming mankind by thy truth ; so that all the inhabitants of the earth may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood ; may the time be hastened when no religious differences shall sepa- rate them; when they shall all adore thee as the RITUAL. 37 universal Father, worship thee in the spirit of true religion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God ! do thou reign over them forever and ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power and glory and majesty from everlasting to everlasting. As it is written, " The Eternal shall reign forever and ever, the Eternal shall be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be acknowledged One and his name One." [Closing Song.] [The Congregation stand while the Benediction is pronounced.] RITUAL. FOR THE FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER. God and our Father! the memory of the past, the remembrance of the grace and mercy which thou didst bestow upon our forefathers, calls us on this day into thy house and prompts us to express to thee the deep gratitude of our heart. In the beautiful spring season of the year, when thy divine breath delivers the earth from the rigid bondage of the wintry cold, we are reminded of the liberty which, by thy help, our people gained in the spring season from Egyptian bondage. Thou gavest strength to the feeble and courage to the down-trodden, that they could resist the proud tyrant who, with a high hand, attempted to crush liberty and to rob those who were men like him of their birthright. But not only for the sake of their earthly welfare didst thou deliver our fathers from the yoke of Egyptian slavery, but that they might win freedom of the spirit by learning to know thee and thy' word and by manifesting this knowledge in a life of virtue and righteousness. On that beautiful spring day when Israel left the house of bondage liberty was born and implanted in the human heart RITUAL. 39 never again to die but to become the mightiest factor in shaping our own destiny and that of mankind. Israel left the abode of comfort and civilization and fearlessly followed the call of the great leader into a life of severe trials and hardships ; with the enthusiasm of youthful love thy people ventured into a desolate land that was not sown, because they valued freedom higher than any other good, and because they recognized their mission to be- come holy unto the Eternal. And in the course of the* centuries our fathers had often to leave comfortable homes, often to turn their backs upon scenes to which they were dearly attached, in order to enter upon wanderings in the desert, a wilderness more desolate than that in which Moses guided them. In these wan- derings it was the glowing heat of hatred and con- tempt which made their feet burn and did not allow them to find rest or shelter in their weari- ness. In their despair our fathers were not then cheered up as of old by the hope of being speedily guided into the promised land. And all these excrutiating trials they endured with manly courage and clung to their truth, although a word was sufficient to purchase for them not only every comfort, but even the love and affection of their powerful enemies, blinded by prejudice and furious with religious hatred. But they could not be faith- 4O RITUAL. less. For the seed of liberty once sown in their hearts had grown and taken deep root and filled them with contempt for every untruth, and made it impossible for them ever to sell their birthright and give up the freedom of their spirit. Our heavenly Father, we now stand before thee, the proud heirs of this liberty thou didst bestow upon our fathers. We offer thee our sincerest thanks that the heavy yoke is taken from our neck, that we are citizens of a country where every man is free to follow the conviction of his heart ; and we pray unto thee that thou mayest grant liberty and redemption to those unfortunate brethren who are still suffering from hatred, persecution and prejudice. But most fervently we beseech of thee that at all times we may realize the grave duties which our more fortunate position imposes upon us ; that we may never forget our obligations to our suffering fathers and to the pure faith we have received from them and which has proven to us such a glorious inheritance. Grant that we may never lose our spiritual liberty, and never, fascinated by pleasure and earthly enjoyments, find our only gratification in material well-being. Grant that this beautiful day may teach us to discard all selfishness and to de- vote our power to the welfare of all. Guide our hearts that we may accord to each of our fellow- RITUAL. 41 men the right to his own opinion, and to banish the baneful spirit of persecution which is a remnant of the dark ages, and alas, still lingers in our midst. Let us recognize that there is no real freedom but for those who walk in the light of thy knowledge and practice the broadest charity, and that the worst bondage is to be narrow-minded and to dwell in the darkness. Grant that soon the day may come when all men will know and appreciate this liberty and build the universal temple whose firm pillars are justice, love and peace. Then, and only then, our mission will be fulfilled, and the great feast of redemption will be celebrated, not by Israel alone but by all man- kind. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 42 RITUAL. FOR THE SEVENTH DAY OF PASSOVER. /^\UR God and Father! all living creatures praise and glorify thy name, and all men bow down before thee in worship and gratitude. From eternity to eternity thou art God, who supportest and preservest us and savest us mercifully in every need and affliction. From beginning to end thou art the Lord and master of all creation. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the .world, 'and to all eternity thou art God ! Thou rulest the universe in wisdom and guidest our destinies in love. Thou, O our Guardian, dost neither sleep nor slumber ; to thee alone we owe praise ! But how, O God, can we, children of the dust, worthily thank and praise thee for thy kindness to our fathers and to us ! Thou didst redeem our fathers from Egypt and didst deliver them and deliverest us from the house of bondage. Thou hast protected us when men rose up against us, thou hast delivered us from destroying plague and given us rest and peace! To this hour thy mercy has assisted us and thy grace has not forsaken us ; O, abide with us in the future also ! Grant that we may devote RITUAL. 43 all the powers which thou hast given us to thy service, that we may render to thee that praise and homage in which alone thou takest delight ; for thine is the strength and the pow r er, the might and the glory ! Praised art thou, O God ! who hast wonderfully guided thy people, and hast given us this beautiful Pesach festival of liberty. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 44 RITUAL. FOR PENTECOST. TJEAVENLY Father, with the most profound reverence we give glory to thee on this day for the infinite mercy shown by thee on Mount Sinai to our fathers, to ourselves, and to all beings created in thy image. Those who had just been delivered from the yoke of their oppressors, were then taught by thee the law of life and received the boon of spiritual liberty without which all earthly goods are worthless. And in memory of that great day the SJiabnotJi festival was ordained, that we might never become forgetful of the great mercy bestowed upon us by thy revelation, that we "might forever cherish thy truth and cling to the rules of virtue set before us, and prove our love to thee and our living faith in thy word by our works. God of light and truth ! our fathers guarded the flame of thy truth while gross darkness was pre- vailing around about them ; they did not throw away the torch of thy light when it became a consuming fire to them ; they carried it through centuries of persecution and have delivered it pure and unscathed into our hands. O grant that we may follow this noble example and with unshaken RITUAL. 45 fidelity remain loyal to our mission. Grant that in happiness and peace we may never forget our duty to be the guardians of thy light, and that our task will not be fulfilled until it shines with equal glory to all thy children, until ignorance and darkness is conquered by virtue and truth, and the day appears when all the families on earth will flock to thy mountain, and thy house be acknowledged as a house of worship for all nations. \^ Choir and Congrcga tion. A m e n . \ Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 46 RITUAL. FOR CONFIRMATION DAY. /^OD and Father, who art all goodness and mercy, we lift up our eyes and our hearts to pray for these, our children. We bring them to thee that they may remain thine forever. Thou hast created them and hast watched over them with paternal kindness and fidelity from the first moment of their life. Thou hast cared for them and guided them safely and hast brought them to see this beautiful day. Thou hast charged us to be their guardians, to lead them in the path where thou art found. Thou hast unfolded their minds to receive the knowledge of their holy destination. Thou hast revealed to them thy will as thou didst to our fathers, and hast drawn their hearts to thee that they may serve thee in purity, in justice nda love. O receive them graciously, our Father, in thy covenant, in thy protection and guidance ! Take them by their right hand and lead them through this transitory life, so full of danger and trouble and temptation ! Watch over their virtue, and strengthen them that they may bravely resist the allurements of sin ! Strike with thy terror every base seducer who will dare to spoil their RITUAL. 47 purity and innocence ! Awaken their consciences when,, blinded by their passions, they may be ready to yield to the voice of the tempter ! May thy providence watch over them and lead them in all conditions of life to .their true salvation ! Joy and sorrow fall to the lot of all, and thy children w r ill not remain free from trials and tribulations. May they never forget their depend- ence on thee in prosperity ; but be thou also near to them, God of mercy, when they may be in want of comfort ! Be near them in sickness and distress, and in every trial ! Do not leave nor forsake them when they call upon thee in trouble and anxiety, and if they fall into sin and return to thee in grief and repentance, O do not then turn away thy face from them ; let them find comfort and give them peace ! Grant, O God, that our children may grow up to be pious worshipers of thy name and faithful asso- ciates of our congregation, that they may develop a steadfast and noble character, and together with us reflect honor and glory upon their name and upon that of Israel! Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 48 RITUAL. FOR SUCCOTH. /^\UR God and Father! source of all life and strength and blessing, who filleth heaven with thy glory and earth with thy goodness: we give thee most humble and earnest thanks for this autumnal feast. We praise thee for the bountiful provision which thou makest for the wants of thy children, giving rain from heaven and fruitful sea- sons, and filling our houses with food and our hearts with gladness. We would bring thee now our joyful thanksgiving for the harvest of the fields, and all the increase that the fertile earth has yielded. Thou hast ordered the course of the changing seasons and appointed a time for sowing and a time for reaping; and while men have toiled, or watched, or rested from their work, thy provi- dence has never failed, and thou hast prepared for them the reward of their labors. As we seek after the things that are needful for our mortal life, pro- viding for ourselves food and raiment and shelter, and whatever outward good thou grantest us, may we never forget to make our earthly enjoyment subservient to our spiritual good and grow richer in all that makes us truly thy child- RITUAL. 49 ren. May we enjoy the gifts of thy bounty in wis- dom, temperance and thankfulness, ever mindful of the love which bestowed them, ever mindful of the love with which thou didst guide our fathers through the trackless wilderness. May we never forget thy love and mercy to our fathers and to us. Wherever we cast our eye we see evidences of thy grace, and may the remembrance of thy fatherly goodness to us make us kind and gracious towards all our brethren w r hom we may help and cheer ; that we may be ever generous and considerate, ready to succor the needy and to feed the hungry, and rejoicing to lighten any burden of poverty and distress. So may we show our gratitude and by a loving and self-denying spirit become less unworthy to be called thy children, and to receive thine unnumbered gifts of blessing. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 50 RITUAL. FOR ATZERETH. /^* OD and Father, who art infinitely exalted above our highest thoughts, whose love and goodness no name expresses and no tongue can tell : once more on this Conclusion feast we rejoice to come to thee with the offering of our praise and thanksgiving, to adore thine infinite greatness and thine unspeakable love. We would lift up our souls into the sunlight of thy presence and fer- vently thank thee for all the blessings wherewith thou crownest our days, that our life may be filled with yet more of strength and gladness, and that we may learn to praise thee better in the thoughts of our heart and in the works of our hands. These past seven days we have exulted in our earthly blessings ; they reminded us to thank thee for this world in which we live, where thy presence shines in every star of heaven and every flower of earth. They preached to us how the earth is full of thy goodness; how the rivers as they roll, the ocean as it ebbs and flows, mountain and forest, garden and harvest-field, the rain and the dew, the winds and the waves, the all-embracing sky, the sun that sheds abroad its life-giving warmth and RITUAL. 51 radiance, the mighty vision of the countless 'myriads of suns and worlds which fill the boundless heavens, all tell of thy greatness and thy power, declare thy wisdom and bring glad tidings of thy love. But on this day we are called to praise thee for the invisible world of the spirit, for the eternal benefits of which thy revealed truth is the source, and for the blessing it will be to mankind when it will have become the common property of all the families on earth. Yea, the day will come when all nations will know that thou art God and none besides. In this trust, O God, and satiated with thy mercy, we conclude to-day the festive cycle of this month. Many sweet sounds have vibrated through our souls during the delightful hours which we have spent in brotherly union in our paternal house. May they not be spent in vain. May the affections that have sprung up in our midst in this holy season continue to draw us together in closer ties of love and friendship and good-will ; may we show true piety not only on our festivals and in our house of prayer, but at all times and at every place. Every day we would strive to serve thee more truly, walking in the light of thy countenance and coming nearer and nearer to the likeness of thyself ; that all our life may be spent in thy service and at the end we may close 52 RITUAL. our earthly career in true happiness and satisfied that we have been faithful to our trust and worthy of our high destination. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. FOR WEEK-DAYS. T ORD our God, thou hast crowned man with honor and glory by giving him an intelligent, immortal spirit. May thy light enlighten us and increase our knowledge and intelligence. Be praised, O God, who hast endowed us with reason ! Forgive, O Father, our sins ; pardon our trans- gressions, for thou art a merciful God. Be praised, O Lord, God of compassion ! Send relief to the suffering, defend the cause of the guiltless, give healing and comfort to the sick and wounded, for thou art the dispenser of health. Be praised, O Redeemer of the oppressed ! Bless this year with fertility and plenty, give rain to the soil and success to the work of the farmer, that abundance of food may come out of the fields. Be praised, O God, who blessest the years ! RITUAL. 53 Grant that the trumpet of freedom may soon sound through all the regions of the earth, that Israel's mourning may cease everywhere, and the reign of wickedness vanish like smoke, and all dwellers on earth recognize thee as their only King. Be praised, O Ruler of the universe, who lovest right and justice ! Turn, O God, in love to all the just and virtuous; strengthen all who sincerely trust in thee ; help us, too, in our weakness, enlighten us in our ignorance, arm us against danger and temptation ; and when our faces are bowed down in grief and our soul is troubled, and we know not what to say, then reveal thy light within us, that we may receive the gifts of trust and hope and the peace which abideth for- ever. Grant that our lot may fall with those who fear thy name, so that we may never be brought to shame. Be praised, O God, shield of the righteous ! Our God and God of our fathers, receive gra- ciously our prayers and the prayers of all thy children who come to seek thee, and may we ever know how to serve thee in truth. Be praised, O God, who art the loving Father of all mankind ! CJioir and Congregation. Amen. Our God and God of our fathers, etc., page 25. 54 RITUAL. HALLEL. Psalms cxiii. to cxviii. PSALM cxm. 13 RAISE, ye servants of the Lord, praise his name. Praised be the name of the Lord, henceforth and forever. From the rising of the sun to its going down, may the Lord's name be praised. High above all nations is the Lord ; his glory is above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, who dwelleth so high, and looketh down so far on heaven and on earth ? He lifts up the poor from the dust, the needy from his lowliness, To set him among princes, the princes of his people. PSALMS cxiv. AND cxv. When Israel went forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from among its oppressors, Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his possession. The sea beheld it and fled ; Jordan rushed back ; mountains skipped like rams, hills like lambs. RITUAL. 55 What aileth thee, O sea! that thou fleest, Jordan that thou rushest back? mountains that ye skip like rams, and ye hills like lambs? Before the Lord the earth trembleth, before the God of Jacob, who turneth the rock into a stream, the flint into a fountain of water! The Lord hath been mindful of us, he will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel. He will bless those that fear the Lord, both small and great. The Lord will increase you and your children. Blessed are ye of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The heaven is the heaven of the Lord ; but the earth he hath given to the children of men. The dead praise not the Lord, t nor they who descend into the silent grave. But we will praise the Lord henceforth and forever Hallelujah ! PSALMS cxvi. AND cxvu. I rejoice that the Lord hath heard the voice of my supplication, that he hath inclined his ear unto me. I will call upon him as long as I live. The sorrows of death encompassed me, and the pains of the under-world seized upon me ; I found distress and sorrow. 56 RITUAL. Then I called upon the Lord : O Lord ! deliver me ! Gracious is the Lord and righteous ; yea, out- God is merciful. The Lord preserveth the simple ; I was brought low and he helped me. Return, O my soul, unto thy rest ! for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears and my feet from falling. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me ? I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the -Lord ; I will pay my vows unto the Lord in the presence of all his people. Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his holy ones. Hear, O Lord ! for I am thy servant, I am thy servant, the son of thy hand-maid, thou hast loosed my bonds. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call upon the name of the Lord. I wall pay my vows unto the Lord in the pres- ence of all his people. Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise him, all ye people ! For great towards us hath been his kindness, RITUAL. 57 and the faithfulness of the Lord endureth forever. Hallelujah ! PSALM cxvm. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good ; for his kindness endureth forever. Choir. Let Israel now say, his kindness endureth for- ever. Choir. Let all who fear the Lord say, his kindness endureth forever. Choir. : vron cftiy'? s " 'XT NJ notf T ^ : T: : T : I called upon the Lord in distress, and the Lord heard me and delivered me. The Lord is with me, I will not fear; what can man do to me? It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man : it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. All the nations beset me around, but the Lord was my support. The Lord is my strength and my song; for to him I owe my salvation. I shall not die, but live, and declare the deeds of the Lord. 58 RITUAL. The Lord has chastened and corrected me, but he hath not given me over unto death. Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may go in, and praise the Lord ! This is the gate of the Lord, through which the righteous enter. I praise thee that thou hast heard me and be- come my salvation. The stone which the builders rejected hath be- come the chief corner-stone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in Gin- eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made ; let us rejoice and be glad in it ! O Lord ! help us now. Choir. O Lord ! send us prosperity. Choir. :NJ rw'wi " T T : T: T T Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord ; we bless you from the house of the Lord. Thou art my God, and I will praise thee ! thou art my God, and I will exalt thee ! O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good, for his kindness endureth forever. RITUAL. 59 DOMESTIC SERVICE. MOKXIXd PRAYERS. I. A LMIGHTY God, Father and Preserver, who hast watched over us during the darkness and made us glad with the light of this day, grant that we may employ it in thy most holy service ; and even as thou sheddest now the beams of the sun upon the earth, to give light unto our bodies, so illumine our souls with the brightness of thy spirit, to guide us in the paths of righteousness. A men. II. TTEAVENLY Father, sanctifier of our souls, thou spirit of love and truth, I adore thee as the principle of all happiness, I thank thee as the dispenser of all favors, and I invoke thee as the source of that light and strength by which alone man can know what is good and be enabled to walk therein. Enlighten my understanding, fortify my will, purify my heart, regulate my movements and make me attentive to, all thy inspirations. 60 RITUAL. Pardon me in thy grace and mercy ; pardon me my constant short-comings and the hardness of heart with which I have so often resisted the noble impulses of thy grace. I am now resolved to be no longer unmindful of them, but to follow thy will with such zeal that I may further all that is good and noble and enjoy that beatitude which only obedience to thee can produce in my soul. A DIC 11. III. /^ OD and Father, Creator of heaven and earth ! I prostrate myself before thee and adore thee. I render to thee the homage of my being and life, and I devote myself to thy service this day and forever. I will endeavor this day to walk in thy ways. I will endeavor to be mild, humble, chaste, zealous, patient, charitable and resigned. Incline my heart to keep thy commandments. I am resolved to watch over myself with diligence and to live soberly, justly and piously. I will take care of my ways, that I may not offend with my tongue, and I will be particularly attentive not to relapse this day into my accustomed failings, but to struggle against them, with thy assistance. Enlighten my mind, purify my heart and guide my steps, that I may pass all my life in thy divine service. Amen. RITUAL. 6 1 f~~* OD, our heavenly Father, quicken in us, we beseech thee, every good and pure thought, and strengthen us in our good resolves this day. Let no unhallowed words pollute the tongues which thou hast made to praise and bless thee ; no evil action defile the sanctuaries which thou hast, in thy wondrous mercy, chosen for thyself. Remove whatever in us may be a hindrance to righteous living, or a stumbling-block in another's way. May our trust in thee and our kindness to one another never fail. O Lord God, make us what thou wouldst have us to be, and may we do what thou wouldst have us to do ; only be thou ever with us to cleanse and renews to teach, rule and sustain us, till at last we may reach that state of perfection which is open to man. Amen* s V. FOR CHILDREN. VVEET has been my rest and joyful my rising, for God, my Father, is with me. He guards *On feast days or a family festival, add : And we beseech thee that this beautiful festive day may be profitable to us in heavenly things, and refresh and strengthen us to build up our character and manhood on firm foundations, and to finish the work which thou hast given us to do. Amen. 62 RITUAL. and protects me when I am asleep and when I am awake. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Praised be hi's name and his glorious .kingdom for evermore ! n cbvj? inoto Tb? o# T I will love my God with all my heart and with all my soul, and I will strive to know his teachings, that I may be a good and obedient child, and may find favor in the eyes of God, of my dear parents and of all good men. Amen. XKiHT PRAYERS. I. T OOK down and hear me, O Lord, my God ! Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death. O God and Father, who neither slumberest nor sleepest, take me into thy gracious keeping for this night and make me mindful of that night where the noise of this busy world shall be heard by me no more. O Lord, in whom I trust, help me by thy grace so to live that I may never be afraid to die, and grant that at the last, as now, my even-song RITUAL. 63 may be : "I will lay me down in peace and sleep, for thou, Lord, makest me dwell in safety." Amen. II. ~\ MY God, how shall I be able to acknowledge or thank thee for all that I owe thee ? Thou hast given me life, and surrounded me with all that makes life pleasant ; thou hast delivered me from many evils, and thou continuest still daily to load me with thy mercies and favors. What return can I make for all and each of thy benefits, and particu- larly for the favors of this day ? Grant that by my deeds I may bestow the only praise which is agree- able in thy sight, who art so bountiful to thy servant. Strengthen me, O God, that I may love thee with my whole heart, with my whole soul and my whole might, that I may love all my fellow men as thy children. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. Visit, I beseech thee, O God, this habitation, and keep from it all that is evil. Let thy peace dwell therein, and may thy blessing be upon us forever ! Amen. III. /^OD of heaven and earth, my Rock and my living Redeemer, my portion in the day of distress ! Thou art my refuge, thou hearest when 64 RITUAL. I call. Into thy hand I commend my spirit, when I fall asleep, and when I awake ; and with my spirit my body. Thou, O God, art with me and I fear naught. Amen. IV. FOR CHILDREN. A NOTHER day is past, and I have spent it in good health, in cheerfulness, and industry. How great is thy goodness, O God, and thy love! How much dost thou give us? Through thy grace I have good parents, who supply me with all I need, and good teachers, from whom I receive in- struction and useful knowledge. Receive my thanks, and make me wiser every day by listening diligently, and being obedient to the words of my dear parents and teachers. Forgive all my sins and trangressions committed in ignorance or careless- ness. Guard me, my parents, my brothers and sisters and friends, in this night against every dan- ger ; preserve us from evil, and refresh us with sweet slumber ! RITUAL. 65 GRACE BEFORE MEALS. "DE praised, O God, Ruler of the universe, who causeth the seed to ripen into fruit, and pro- videst us with so many precious things for the nourishment of man. For us, too, thou hast set a table and provided for us in thy paternal love. May thy holy name be praised for evermore. Amen' GRACE AFTER MEALS. DE praised, O Lord, for thy boundless love, in which thou nourishest and sustainest all, and suppliest us with food and drink. Towards thee the eyes of every living thing are turned, that thou mayest prepare food for them in its season. Hitherto thy mercy has sustained us; O abandon us not henceforward either. Bless the fruits of our labor, and open to us thy full hand every day, that we may never need the gift of man. Teach us true gratitude, that from our abundance we may be alway ready to feed the hungry, and to supply those who are in want. Let thy blessing rest upon this house, and upon all those who live therein. Amen. 66 RITUAL. GRACE AFTER BANQUETS. T ET us praise the Lord who has supplied us of his stores, and by whose bounty we live. His holy name be praised. Be praised, O God, our Lord, Ruler of the universe, who feedest and sustainest all beings in thy all-embracing love. Thy great mercy has never suffered us to want for food, and in future, also? thou wilt sustain our life. A \ rE give thanks to thee, O God, for the many good things which thou hast given us in such abundance. We thank thee for the good land in which we live, for the liberty which we enjoy, and for the grace with which thou continuest to watch over us. For all this we render praise to thee from the depth of our hearts. Amen. TJAVE mercy, O God, on all those who are needy and in distress. Give sustenance to all who invoke thy help. Open thy own hand, that is ever ready to help, to us and to all thy children, that none may need the bitter gift from the hand of man. Be praised, O Lord, who supportest the weary, and liftest up those that are bowed down. Amen. RITUAL. 67 T3LESS in thy mercy and with thy richest bless- ing [the inhabitants of this house] [the newly married couple] each of us who are assembled around this table and all that is ours.* Let this be thy holy will, to which we all will say: Amen. *On Sabbath and holidays add : And may we always hail the return of this holy day with a heart rejoicing in thee. 68 RITUAL. FUNERAL SERVICE. AT THE CEMETERY. ntyfl D>on Ttfn /^\ GOD, thou art our rock and our refuge; all thy ways are just. A God of truth without iniquity, just and upright art thou. O our Father, we know that thou lovest us with an unbounded love, but how deep and unfathomable are thy pur- poses, and who can say unto thee, What doest thou ? Thou rulest below and above, thou killest and callest into life, thou leadest man to the grave, and callest his immortal spirit to return unto thee ! Weak and mortal, how shall we dare to question thy wisdom and the justice of thy dispensations ! With a faithful heart we recognize that thou art righteous and thy judgment just, even when our eyes are dimmed with tears, even when our heart is sorely rent. In the fullness of our sorrow we praise thy holy name. In justice and love dost thou call man into this life ; in justice and love dost thou close his career here below, keeping charge of the departed soul, which is well preserved in thy hand. Thou dost not let us return to nothing, but showest us the path of life and givest RITUAL. 69 to each man according to his ways. Comfort those that are plunged in deep mourning, that they may confidently exclaim : The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken ; praised be the name of God ! The dust returneth to the earth whence it came, but the spirit returneth to God who gave it. PART SECOND. ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR THE EVE OF NEW YEAR'S DAY. PSALM cxxi. Jl/TINISTER. I lift up mine eyes to the moun- tains, whence cometh my help. Congregation. My help cometh from God, who made heaven and earth. M. He will not suffer thy foot to stumble ; thy guardian does not slumber. C. Behold the guardian of Israel does neither slumber nor sleep. M. The Lord is thy guardian ; the Lord is thy shade at thy right hand. C. The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night. M. The Lord will preserve thee from all evil. C. He will preserve thy life. M. The Lord will preserve thee when thou goest out and when thou comest in, from this time forth, and even for evermore. Hymn. Introductory Prayer, at the end of which the Congregation rise, RITUAL. Minister. Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. run D7jr? rraon ri ^YT T^ : IT : - T: J M. Praised be the Lord who is praised through eternity. The Congregation resume their seats. TERN AL, our God, King of the universe, whose kingdom is everlasting and whose dominion endureth throughout all generations: in thy wisdom and goodness hast thou formed the world, and hast assigned to suns and stars their paths through the boundless oceans of space. Thou art the creator of day and night, of moons and years. Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. Everything changes and perishes. All thy creatures wax old like a garment by thy decree, but thou art the same, and thy years have no end. Thy fatherly love abideth with thy children in all the changes of their transient existence. Thou art our helper and our staff through bitter and sweet, through light and darkness, through life and death. Be praised, O Eternal, our kind guardian and keeper. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. Minister. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Choir and Congregation. Minister. Praised be his name and his glorious kingdom for evermore. Choir and Congregation. run ttytf? irvo^o 1123 ot?' *]-n-j Minister. vrn Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy children and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 4 RITUAL. HPRULY, thou art our God, our Rock, our Savior. As thou didst redeem our fathers from Egyptian bondage, so hast thou guarded and protected Israel at all times. Thy word and thy loving promises have given strength and courage to our people in deep affliction and sore trials, and have guided us in safety through all dangers until this day. With a heart realizing thy boundless love we thank thee for the good land where we have found rest and shelter and where all alike enjoy the blessings of justice and peace. O spread thy tent of love and mercy over all those who invoke thy name, that thy kingdom of truth may come and bring redemption to all thy children. Be praised, O Eternal, Ruler of the universe, Savior of mankind ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. God! God of our fathers, God of Abra- ham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of heaven and earth, shield of our ancestors, who hast implanted eternal life within us, holy God ! let all thy works stand in awe before thee, and all the children of men know and love thee, that they may all bow down before thee and form one congregation, wishing to do thy will with all their heart, and proclaim with us that thine is the rule, and the power and the force, and that thy name is high above all creatures. Grant, O Lord, hope to them who seek thee, in- RITUAL. 5 spire with courage them who wait for thee, and give joy to all who dwell on earth; that all nations may flock to thy house, walk in thy light and acknowl- edge that they are all children of one father, that one God has created them. The just will see it and rejoice, the righteous exult, and vice will be struck dumb, and wickedness vanish like smoke. The reign of iniquity will be crushed on earth, and all men will render homage to thee alone as their king. C/toir and Congregation. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Halle- lujah ! TJEAVENLY Father, we give thanks to thee for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou didst select our fathers from among all nations, hast guided us and called us to thy service, that by Israel thy holy name might be made known all over the earth. In thy grace we celebrate this Day of Memorial, to remember that thou lookest down from heaven and beholdest all the children of men, that thou hast fashioned their hearts and con- siderest all their works ; that thy n-ever slumbering eye watcheth with fatherly love over all who fear thee and trust in thee. O, look down upon us in grace and mercy, as we lift up our hearts and our eyes to thee on this solemn day! Let us remember 6 RITUAL. the love and piety of our forefathers and the readi- ness with which they were always willing to sacrifice all earthly goods for the glory of thy name and for thy truth. Let us be guided by their noble example and never forget the ancient promise that by the seed of Abraham and of Jacob all the generations of the earth shall be blessed. And thus, Eternal, our God, grant that thy king- dom may come speedily, that the worship of thy majesty and obedience to thy law may unite all thy children in one common bond of brotherhood and peace, that every creature may know that thou art the creator, and all may shout : " The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth, is king, and his kingdom rules over all." Choir and Congregation. The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth, is king, and his kingdom rules over all. /^\UR God and Father, we pray to thee that thou wouldst look with kindness and mercy upon Israel, thy people ; sanctify us and give us a pure heart that we may serve thee in truth, for thou, O God, art truth, and thy word is truth and abides forever. Be praised, O God ! king over all the earth, who sanctifiest [the Sabbath] Israel and the Day of Memorial. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Hymn. RITUAL. 7 T3RETHREN and sisters who are mourning for dear friends departed hence, remember your beloved ones and honor their names by emulating their noble deeds, by continuing the good works which they have left unfinished, by loving and honoring those who were loved and honored by them. Rise and praise with me the name of our Heavenly Father : The Mourners rise and the Minister recites the Kaddish. rxi :np T f opi N'wja ^t/'- ri'-r??! s p Let the great name of God, the Creator, be extolled and hallowed throughout the universe. May his kingdom be established in your lifetime and in the life of the whole house of Israel. Amen ! Let his great name be praised through all eternity. Praised and extolled and glorified be he who is sublime above all praise and all glorification that may resound in the world. Amen! RITUAL. p "iD^n is jen >^o^' fin 1 ? Krr Nrfj>&n nnijrp pn p *9tp1 vpinpa While the Kaddish is recited this prayer may be said by Those who observe the Anni- The Mourners : versary of their Father s or Mother s death : From the depth of my Days pass by and years sorrow I look up to thee, vanish, but the memory God and Father, who art of the just abideth. To all Israel, to all the righteous and to all who have been called hence according to God's will, may there be granted abundance of peace and a blissful portion in the life eternal, and grace and mercy by the Lord of heaven and earth. Amen ! May he send us happiness and life. May he who preserveth peace in the heavenly spheres bestow peace upon us and upon all his children. Amen ! RITUAL. near to all that seek thee with a broken heart and a contrite spirit ! In thy divine wisdom thou hast called hence my beloved H umbly and with silent resignation I bow before the decrees of thy holy will, O God of Life ! Thou givest and takest away, thou sendest life and death. O, let me find comfort and consolation in my af- fliction ; teach me even in severest trial to confide in thy goodness and to worship thy wisdom. May thy holy name be praised and glorified by the glad and the sorrow- ful, now and for ever- more! Amen. This day, O Heavenly Father, specially calls to mind my dear departed father [mother] too soon vanished from these lov- ing eyes and these caress- ing hands. Yet never shall I forget him [her], and never would I be un- mindful of his [her] un- wearying care and multi- plied fidelities in which I have lived and moved and had my being. May the blessed influence of these recollections and of all that was noble and beau- tiful in him [her] be a constant impulse to vir- tue and righteousness in my heart, and lead me always to honor his [her] name in thought and. in deed. Amen. 10 RITUAL. 'T^HE Lord our God be with us, as he was with our fathers ; he will not leave nor forsake us. Let us incline our hearts unto him, to walk in his ways and to remember his teachings and his com- mandments which h~ revealed to our fathers, that Israel's task may be fulfilled and all the people on earth may know that the Eternal is God and that there is none else. Guide us, O God, in the way of righteousness, smooth our path before us that we may walk in in- tegrity, for we are poor and destitute without thy help. Thoa art oar guardian, thou boldest us by our right band, thou preserves! us from all evil, thou watchest over our going out and our coming in, over our life and our peace from this time forth and even for evermore. Our help com^th from thee, O Father! who made heavea and earth. O send out thy light and thy truth, that they may leid me; and bring m-j unto thy holy hill, and to thy dwelling. Clioir and Congregation. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! and all that is within me, praise his holy name. Hallelujah! The Congregation rise and the Benediction is pronounced. RITUAL. I I ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR THE MORN- ING SERVICE OF NEW YEAR'S DAY. Y\TITH faith in thy infinite grace, O God! I enter thy house ; in thy fear will I worship at thy holy temple. O Lord ! I love the habitation of thy house, the place where thy glory dwelleth. I w r ill bow down before thee and adore thee, O Lord ! my Creator. Accept my prayer at this hour, in the fullness of thy grace. Hear me, O God ! and afford me thy sure help. Amen. Introductory Song by the Choir. ^PHE Eternal reigneth forever; he has established his throne for judgment. He judgeth the world in righteousness; he administereth judgment to the nations in uprightness. Yea, the Eternal is a refuge to the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. They who know thy name put their trust in thee ; for thou, O God ! forsakest not them that seek thee. PSALM XCIIL M. The Eternal is king ; he is clothed with majesty, the Eternal is clothed with majesty, and 12 RITUAL. girded with strength; the world standeth firm, and cannot be moved. C. Thy throne was established of old ; thou art from everlasting. M. The floods, O Eternal, lift up, the floods, lift up their voice, the floods lift up their roaring. C. Mightier than the voice of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea, is the Eternal on high ! M. Thy promises are most sure ; holiness be- cometh thy house, O Eternal, forever! Hymn. Introductory Prayer by the Minister. The Congregation rise. Minister. M -JTN Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. njn chyh rrborr " wr .T -r* : JT : - T: J T M. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through eternity. The Congregation resume their seats. DE praised, O Lord, our God, Ruler of the Uni- verse, Creator of light and darkness ! Wisdom and micrht are thine. Thou changest the times and O O seasons. Thou pourest the light of thy sun over the RITUAL. 13 earth and over those who dwell thereon. Thou givest wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that have understanding. Thou revealest the deep and secret things. Thou knowest what is in the dark- ness : and the light dwelleth with thee. With great love hast thou loved us. We thank thee that thou didst teach our fathers the laws of life. O, enlighten our eves also, make our hearts o * cling to thy precepts, and grant that we may never forget the holy mission for which our fathers were set apart, to acknowledge thee and thy unity before all the nations on earth. Happy are we! how beautiful is our portion, how pleasant our lot, how blissful our inheritance ! Happy are we who proclaim : Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One! " Choir and Congregation. M. Praised be his name and his glorious king- dom for evermore. run o^iy 1 ? ino'jg 11:13 D# r Choir. 14 RITUAL. Minister. Dirt iv? 3ix 3j#* rr D'-mrr vrn i-i 733 ^3^3 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with ail thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy children, and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. '^PRULY thou art our God, our Rock, our Savior! As thou didst redeem our fathers from Egypt and guide them in their wanderings, so hast thou guided us, and hast delivered us from manifold dangers. Therefore we praise and exalt thee in the words of our ancestors : Who is like unto thee among the mighty, O God ! who like thee, glorious in holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working ! trips TBO robs >o VJ ~ T I V T T T: " T T T nftrrn RITUAL. 15 Choir and Congregation. tripa Twtf nab? p Thy throne is established for evermore. njn oty 1 ? tf?p *-:r T ^ : | : T : Choir and Congregation. T3E praised, our God! God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thou who art great and mighty and supreme, the giver of all good gifts; thou who rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their children's children ; thou preservest our lives, and sufferest not our feet to stumble. Choir and Congregation. Remember us unto life, O King! who delightest in life, and enter us in the book of life, O God of life! M. Thou art our protector and helper. Be praised, O God, shield of Abraham ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. '^PHY power, O Lord, is boundless! Thou sus- tainest the living with grace, and with mercy redeemest the souls of thy servants from death. l6 RITUAL. Thou supportest the falling, healest the sick, settest free the prisoners, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee Almighty ! Who can be compared unto thee, who killest and makest alive, and causest salvation to spring forth ! Be praised, O God, who hast planted eternal life within us ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. 'T^HOU art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshipers daily praise thy holiness. The Congregation rise. So let us praise our God and exclaim : Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts ; the whole earth is full of his glory. Choir and Congregation. M. Praised be the glory of the Eternal, which fills the earth and the heavens ! Choir and Congregation. RITUAL. 17 M. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Hallelujah ! Choir and Congregation. y)/. Forever will we glorify thee and hallow thy name ; never shall thy praise vanish from our lips, Be praised, O holy God ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. The Congregation take their seats. T_J EAVENLY Father, we give thanks to thee for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou didst select our fathers from among all nations, hast guided us and called us to thy service, that by Israel thy holy name might be made known all over the earth. In thy grace we celebrate this Day of Memorial to remember that thou art our righteous Judge, who callest upon us to halt in the busy tur- moil of our daily life and to retire into the holy refuge of thy house, there to devote a few short hours to the searching of our heart and to listen to the correcting voice of our conscience. And while thus thinking of our own ways, we are led to remember the long wanderings of our people. Heavy was the burden imposed upon Israel when it 1 8 RITUAL. was driven from its home, when the visible center of its national and religious life was destroyed, and long and unspeakable were the sufferings which resulted from this event and which our fathers have bravely endured through eighteen centuries. But the rem- nant of Israel was not cast away by thee on account of their sins, their cruel fate has rather become a blessing to themselves and to all mankind. Through Israel's constancy and fidelity that spiritual sanct- uary was to be erected, around which some day all the children of men will be gathered, and the an- cient promise realized that thy name and thy unity, O God, shall be recognized on the whole earth, and those who worship thee alone, become as numberless as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is upon the sea shore, in multitude. Choir and Congregation. The Lord judges the ends of the earth, and he gives victory unto his prince, and exalts the horn of his anointed. M. And thus Eternal, our God, grant that thy kingdom may come speedily, that the worship of thy majesty and obedience to thy law may unite all thy children in one common bond of brotherhood and peace, that every creature may know that thou art the creator, and all may shout : " The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth, is king, and his kingdom rules over all." RITUAL. IQ Choir and Congregation. The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth, is king, and his kingdom rules over all. M. Our God and Father, we pray to thee that thou wouldst sanctify us and give us a pure heart that we may serve thee in truth, for thou, O God, art truth, and thy word is truth and abides forever. Be praised, O God ! king over all the earth, who sanctifies [the Sabbath], Israel, and the Day of Memorial. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Lo, our Father's tender care Slumbers not, nor sleepeth, Gracious gifts his lavish hand Daily on us heapeth. Though fierce storms, though perils lower Is not God our sheltering tower? Tremble not ! At his word the storm is still, Perils vanish at his will And his love ordains our lot, Lo, our Guardian slumbers not. f~^ OD and Father, thou knowest the works of the hoary past, every secret is revealed before thee ; nothing is forgotten before the throne of thy glory, nothing hidden from thy all-seeing eye. Not a single creature escapes thee, not an action, not a thought, 20 RITUAL. not even the innermost emotion in the recesses of the human heart. Everything, from the beginning to the end of times, is present before thy wisdom. Ere the mountains were brought forth, or the earth and world were formed, the order of the universe was de- termined by thee. And as thou leadest out the hosts of heaven by their number and callest them by their names, thus the destinies of all the children of men are known to thee ; the destinies of countries and na- tions. Before thee the veil of the future is lifted and thou seest what the coming season has in store for us; war or peace, famine or abundance, death or life. O, grant that we may never forget thy justice and thy love, with which thou dispensest thy gifts to all thy children ! Thou sendest down to the grave and bringest up ; thou makest poor and makest rich ; thou bendest low and liftest up ; thou breakest the t>ow r of the mighty, and girdest the feeble with strength. Thou weighest in justice all our deeds and thoughts, our steps and designs, and the very springs of our good and evil actions. Happy the man who forgets thee not ; the son of man who clings to thee. For they who seek thee will never stumble ; they who trust in thee w 7 ill never be put to shame. At all times hast thou protected the righteous and destroyed the schemes of wickedness. With power- ful hand didst thou break the fetters of thy people in Egypt ; and from the house of bondage didst RITUAL. 21 thou carry the children of Abraham, as on eagle's wings, and didst guide them into the land promised to the fathers. And thus at all times thy mercy upheld Israel in need and woe as thy prophet once spoke in thy name : I remember thee the love of thy youth thy bridal attachment, when thou didst follow me through the wilderness, through a land that was not sown. My dear son is Ephraim, a beloved child. When I speak and think of him, my heart throbs with love for him. Remember us also in love, O God of our fathers, and send us salvation and blessing. Trembling with anxiety we stand this day at the threshold of a new year, wondering whether it will bring joy or woe to us and our beloved ones. Thy kindness and grace has led us hitherto ; O, do not leave nor for- sake us henceforth either, our heavenly father! Grant us life and health. Bestow upon us food, raiment and shelter ; bless the fruits of our labor, for without thy aid all our toil is vain; and may we never fall into the hands of man. Give us strength to bear the burdens imposed upon us, and may we never forget that all that comes from thee, evil as well as good, is ultimately beneficial. Grant happi- ness to bloom up in our hearts, in our houses, in our whole life. Arm the men with hardy vigor and sterling honesty, endow the women with virtue and affectionate perseverance, the young with whole- 22 RITUAL. some knowledge, and all of us with reverence for thee and thy holy word, which is the crown of wis- dom and the root of all vigor and sweetness. Bless our country, that it may remain forever the rock of freedom, the dread of tyranny, the refuge of the down-trodden. Bless Israel in all lands, inspire with courage the children of our people, where they still suffer for their faithfulness to thy truth ; stir up all hearts that they may be ready to make sacrifices for their faith, and enlighten all the eyes, that they may understand the sacrifice thou desirest, which is to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord. Be with those O God, who are called to manage the sacred affairs of Israel. Teach thy servants, who minister for thy people, how to proclaim thy word ; grant that they may turn all hearts towards thee ; give them a courageous spirit that they may speak the truth without awe and fear; make them walk in the light of thy countenance, that they may be worthy to officiate as priests in thy community, kindling enthusiasm in schools and temples, and as faithful shepherds, healing that which is sick, binding up that which is wounded, and bringing back that which is lost. Bless all mankind ; gather around thy banner all who dwell on earth, that they may all recognize thee, and break the yoke of delusion and sin. RITUAL. 23 May all nations become thy people, all lands thy Jerusalem; remember the covenant of the fathers, that by their seed all the families of the earth will be blessed. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Lo, our Father's gracious love Slumbers not, nor sleepeth ; Trust with all thy heart in him, Who thy portion keepeth ; Who till now protection granted And thy fortune wisely planted. Fear thou not ! God, who life and being grants Kindly, too, supplies our wants. Let but duty guide our lot Lo, our Guardian slumbers not. \\ rE render thanks unto thee, Lord our God ! for our life which is in thy hand, for our souls which are in thy keeping, for thy providence, for thy wonders which are manifested every day, for the bene- fits which thou showerest upon us at all times, at evening, morning and noon. Thy mercies never fail, thy kindness never ceases and we put our trust in thee forever. Be praised, O Lord ! for Goodness is thy name, and we shall glorify thee. 24 RITUAL. Our God, and God of our fathers! bless us with the ancient, three-fold, priestly benediction : May God bless thee and guard thee ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. May God let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. :Df?B> tf? Dfe1 tf^N VJS Kitf* T } : T: | v " T T T: T May God lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. C^ RANT peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us, and to all Israel, thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance! As in thy light thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace ; so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Be praised, O giver of peace ! RITUAL. 25 The Congregation in silent devotion. O God, keep my tongue from evil, and my lips from uttering deceit, and grant that I may be meek and kind to those who bear ill-will against me ! Im- plant humility in my heart and strengthen me with faith ! Be my support when grief oppresses me, and my comfort in affliction ! Let truth illumine my path and guide me ; for thou art my God and my helper ; in thee I trust every day. M. Receive with kindness the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, O my Rock and my Redeemer ! O God of peace, preserve peace to us and to all who invoke thy holy name. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. ORDER OF READING THE LAW. The Ark is opened. Choir. xy] o'-'iy 'raps ixjp oyg'jn Dn>;t? 1 Nirr niNttv rrin itoarr Tftp n; ron p irf?P Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! Lift yourselves up, ye everlasting doors ! and the King of glory shall come ! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Sela. 26 RITUAL. The Congregation rise. The following sentences are spoken by the Minister and repeated by the Congregation. UNDPI ag* D D"rr iso v " : wans i^^o - :rr t ?3 l ?:n nons TT:~: TT:~ V": ":T ;- nn^p "150? waris ws'a j^mr'o Vi^ np Din us'a watt I v .. T : I yj v " T : - T The Minister takes the Scroll from the Ark. 1 ? mm Give praise and glory to God for the heavenly light and the everlasting life he bestowed upon us. Our Father and King, we have sinned before thee ! Our Father and King, we have no king but thee ! Our Father and King, grant the new year to be a period of happiness ! Our Father and King, save our land from pestilence, war, famine, oppression and destruction ! Our Father and King, grant us a happy life ! Our Father and King, redeem and save us ! Our Father and King, give us ample sustenance ! Our Father and King, forgive our trespasses ! Our Father and King, have compassion on us and on our innocent children ! Our Father and King, give strength to Israel, thy Messiah ! RITUAL. 27 Choir. rniT lot? rraansi TIN "^ I' - - - J/. Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together ! The Congregation take their seats. Choir. to p tinrri rrarn rnj^jirr] rrvo^rn rrjn^n ^ itftfT 1 ? to 1 ? Ktwnan) rnton T n Tj 1 ? p>oi D w' 3 The Minister announces the portion from the Pentateuch and says the following Benediction before reading. K D^rr n 1 ^ ti'rf?K nnx n - - Choir and Congregation. Amen. Reading from the Thora. mm ? ?ru ntrK o^iyn ri^^ ^n^ nn rrna T I - T v -: T ^ T | v v v: T: T - | T irrnrn nij rrriK na ijama yo oiy m n Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty ; for all that is in the heaven and on the earth is thine ; thine is the Kingdom, O Lord ! and them art exalted high above all ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast chosen us from among the nations, and hast given us thy law. Be praised, giver of the law ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast given us the law of truth and hast implanted eternal life within us. Be praised, giver of the law ! 28 RITUAL. Choir. God's law is a tree of life to them that cling to it, and happy is every one who keepeth it. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. TTEAV^NLY Father, darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the nations, when thou didst arise upon Israel and thy glory appeared to our people. Thou didst reveal thyself upon Mount Sinai, amid flames of fire, thunder and lightning, and cornet sounds. And to this day the sound of the sJiophiir reminds us, that thy covenant was made not with our fathers alone, but with us, too, who are alive before thee, and we realize that Israel has been called to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. But it also inspires us with courage for the hot and incessant war we have to wage against un- truth and wickedness. Revive our confidence in thy help, our faith in the final victory of truth; for thou art our sun and our shield; thou girdest the faint with power, the feeble with abundant strength. Hasten the day when thy banner will float over the mountains, the cornet-call of freedom and liberty re- sound from one end of the globe to the other, and thou alone be recognized as King -in all the lands. Be praised, O God, who acceptest with favor the cornet sounds of thy people. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. 29 Cornet and trumpet sounds. * rumn onatr Sermon. The Congregation stand during the Closing Prayer. Minister. The Scroll is returned to the Ark, the Choir and Congregation chanting : jprc 13'ip The Congregation take their seats. ORETHREN and sisters who are mourning for dear friends departed hence, remember your beloved ones and honor their names by emulating their noble deeds, by continuing the good works which they have left unfinished, by loving and honoring those who were loved and honored by them. Rise and praise with me the name of our Heavenly Father: Let all praise the name of the Lord, for his name is exalted alone. His glory is above the earth and the heavens. He lifts up his people, exalteth the glory of his worshipers, of Israel, the people near to him. Hallelujah ! 30 RITUAL. The Mourners rise and the Minister recites the Kaddish. O-'l XD'JJgJ .JNJT] rtSg UftpFft ron an ... . no^ 1 ' rr^n r!1 ris^ |o K 1 ^ 1 on T -: - ? ^ - - ? NH Kn 1 ! nni5 in jno Dip iJ' 1 ?^ Dfr^' ntW2L wrr v^npa Di 1 ?^' n RITUAL. While the Kaddish is recited this prayer may be said by The Mourners : From the depth of my sorrow I look up to thee, God and Father, who art near to all that seek thee with a broken heart and a contrite spirit ! In thy divine wisdom thou hast called hence my beloved H u mbly and with silent resignation I bow before the decrees of thy holy will, O God of Life ! Thou givest and takest away, thou sendest life and death. O, let me find comfort and consolation in my af- fliction ; teach me even in severest trial to confide in thy goodness and to worship thy wisdom. May thy holy name be praised and glorified by Those iv ho observe the Anni- versary of their Father s or Mother s death : Days pass by and years vanish, but the memory of the just abideth. This day, O Heavenly Father, specially calls to mind my dear departed father [mother] too soon vanished from these lov- ing eyes and these caress- ing hands. Yet never shall I forget him [her], and never would I be un- mindful of his [her] un- wearying care and multi- plied fidelities in which I have lived and moved and had my being. May the blessed influence of these recollections and of all that was noble and beau- tiful in him [her] be a constant impulse to vir- tue and righteousness in my heart, and lead me 32 RITUAL. the glad and the sorrow- always to honor his [her] ful, now and for ever- name in thought and in more! Amen. deed. A men . The Congregation rise. A/TOST holy and eternal God, Creator and Ruler of the world, Father and Savior of mankind ! Thy divine power is beyond all human conception ; Thy majesty extends beyond the confines of the earth ; thy glory is everlasting, and thy goodness pervadeth all thy works. Thou art, indeed, our God, and there is no other. Thou art One in Unity, and thee alone do we acknowledge as our God, our Father, our Savior ! We, therefore, bow the head and bend the knee and prostrate ourselves before thee, O Supreme King of kings ! and praise thy holy name. Choir and Congregation. The Congregation resume their seats. We fervently pray, O Lord our God ! that we may speedily behold the glory of thy mighty power ban- ishing all impurities from the earth, destroying idolatry and wickedness, and reforming mankind by thy Truth ; so that all the inhabitants of the earth RITUAL. 33 may invoke thy name, acknowledge thy unity, and understand that to thee alone every knee must bend and every tongue swear fealty. May all thy children, O God, soon be united in a common bond of brotherhood, may the time be hastened when no religious differences will separate them, but when they will all adore thee as the uni- versal father, worship thee in the spirit of true re- ligion, and unite in proclaiming the unity of thy holy name. Thus, O God ! do thou reign over them for ever and ever, for the kingdom is thine, and unto thee appertain power and glory and majesty from ever- lasting to everlasting. As it is written, " The Eternal shall reign forever and ever, the Eternal shall be king over all the earth ; on that day shall God be acknowledged one, and his name, one." Closing Song. The Congregation rise and the Benediction is pronounced. 34 RITUAL. ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR THE EVE OF THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. Introductory by the Choir. PSALM cxxx. In deep distress I cry to thee, Lord God ; O hear my wailing. Thy gracious ear incline to me, And make my prayer availing. On our misdeeds in mercy look ; O deign to blot them from thy book, Or who can stand before thee? Thy sovereign grace and boundless love Make thee, O Lord, forgiving ; Our purest thoughts and deeds but prove Sin in our hearts is living. None in thy sight guiltless appear; All who abide in hope must fear, And humbly trust thy mercy. RITUAL. 35 Thou canst be merciful while just ; This is my hope's foundation ; On thy redeeming grace I trust ; Grant me then, thy salvation. Shielded by thee, I stand secure ; Thy word is firm, thy promise sure ; And I rely upon thee. Like them who watch from midnight's hour To hail the dawning morrow, I wait for thee, I trust thy power, Unmoved by doubt or sorrow. So thus let Israel hope in thee ; And he shall find thy mercy free, And thy redemption plenteous. Where all the greatest sins abound, By grace they are exceeded ; Thy helping hand is always found With aid when aid is needed. Thy hand, the only hand to save, Will rescue Israel from the grave, And pardon his transgressions. Trie Congregation rise. J7. Pardon shall be granted to all the congrega- tion of Israel and to the stranger that sojourneth among them, for all the people were in ignorance. 36 RITUAL. "urj Choir and Congregation. "u?> "T^n^ ^f. Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people according unto the greatness of thy mercy, and as thou hast forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now ! ijp njn o^n pjfe w- pfrt? so njn Choir and Congregation. And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to thy word. M. Be praised, Eternal, our God, ruler of the world, who hast kept us alive and preserved us, and brought us to this hour. :n-?n /r and Congregation. Amen. Sermon. The Congregation rise when the Closing Prayer begins. RITUAL. 37 Minister. Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due ! Choir and Congregation. run o^ 1 ? t>pn Jf. Praised be the Lord, who is praised through eternity. The Congregation resume their seats. T^TERNAL, our God, King of the universe, we praise thee for the outward glories and wonders by which we are surrounded ; for this earth which thou hast made our dwelling-place, for the heavens which are spread out above us. We thank thee for the gifts of each changing season, the rich provision of thy bounty, filling the world with food and glad- ness. Thy glory is revealed in the stars which shine upon us through the depths of space, thy wisdom and goodness in every blade of grass and every flower and fruit of the earth ; and in all this outward nature thou hast set the visible testimonies of thy presence and thy love. For this we praise thee, Lord, with glad and grateful spirits. And we praise thee with yet deeper thankfulness that thou re- vealest thy loving-kindness in the hearts of thy children. With unchanging love hast thou guided 38 RITUAL. thy people, Israel, to that truth which teaches man to live for more than what is earthly, reaching ever towards that which is above, and finding his home and his rest in thee. We pray that we may never prove unworthy of thy love, O Father, our kind guardian and keeper. CJioir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Choir and Congregation. nrn* ijrf?N ^fr* yatf r v T: v: T: T : * - : Minister. n# T o'jiy 1 ? into 1 ?!? niD? Dtj^ tjna Praised be his name and his glorious kingdom for evermore. Choir and Congregation. Minister. i '?? t ?? !| RITUAL. 39 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with ail thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy children, and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 'T'RULY thou art our God and none besides. As thou didst redeem our fathers from Egyptian bondage, so hast thou guarded and protected Israel at all times. Thy word and thy loving promises have given strength and courage to our people in deep affliction and sore trials, and have guided us in safety through all dangers until this day. Thou providest us with all we need and hast compassion on our soul. And when we approach thy heavenly throne laden with sins and bowed down with the consciousness of our iniquity, we are lifted up by thy fatherly love, which does not refuse to receive the repentant sinner in grace and mercy. For thou doest not wish the death of the sinner, but that he may return from his evil way and live. Thus we trust that thou wilt receive us also with love, and redeem us from the thraldom of our misdeeds. Be praised, O God, our kind guardian and redeemer ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. 40 RITUAL. God! God of our fathers, God of Abra- ham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of heaven and earth, shield of our ancestors, who hast implanted eternal life within us, holy God ! let all thy works stand in awe before thee, and all the children of men know and love thee, that they may all bow down before thee and form one congregation, wishing to do thy will with all their heart, and proclaim with us that thine is the rule, and the power and the force, and that thy name is high above all creatures. Grant, O Lord, hope to them who seek thee, in- spire with courage them who wait for thee, and give joy to all who dwell on earth ; that all nations may flock to thy house, walk in thy light and acknowl- edge that they are all children of one father, that one God has created them. The just will see it and rejoice, the righteous exult, and vice will be struck dumb, and wickedness vanish like smoke. The reign of iniquity will be crushed on earth, and all men will render homage to thee alone as their king. Choir and Congregation. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Halle- lujah ! M. Heavenly Father, we give thanks to thee for the great love and mercy with which thou didst select our fathers from among all nations, hast guided us and called us to thy service, that by Israel RITUAL. 41 thy holy name might be made known all over the earth. In thy grace we celebrate this Day of Atone- ment that we may examine and purify our hearts, confess our sins before thee, and resolve to walk for- ever in the light of thy countenance, O merciful Father, who art willing to make our sins vanish like a dissolving cloud, and hast shown thy grace to Israel in the long and wonderful career from Egypt to this day. Choir and Congregation. As a father has compas- sion on his children, so God, the Lord, has compas- sion on us. M. Eternal, our God, grant that thy kingdom may come speedily, that the worship of thy majesty and obedience to thy law may unite all thy children in one common bond of brotherhood and peace, that every creature may know that thou art the Creator, and all may shout : The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth, is king, and his kingdom rules over all. Choir and Congregation. The Eternal, the Lord Zabaoth is king, and his kingdom rules over all. M. O God, God of our fathers, most righteous and merciful God, who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, who searchest our hearts and lookest into its deepest recesses ; we have all sinned in thought, and word, and deed, and we have come short of what we well knew to be our duty. We 42 RITUAL. have not loved our neighbor as we ought, nor always done to others as we would that they should do to us. We have not sought first virtue and righteous- ness, and been contented with our daily bread, but have been careful and troubled about many things while we have neglected the things which were needful for our peace. We have run into tempta- tion, and the sin which we should have hated we have committed in thy sight. Forgive us, O most merciful father, according to the fullness of thy grace, and turn us away from evil. Sanctify our spirits, and shed abroad thy love in our hearts. Thou wilt give us all things needful for thy service ; keep us, we pray thee, from sinful discontent and care. Help us to watch against temptation, and to stand against every assault of evil. Remember not our transgressions but judge us according to thy loving promise: I, I efface thy guilt, for my own sake ; thy sins I will remember no longer ; they shall vanish like a cloud ; return to me, I will re- deem thee. O Lord, grant that we may serve thee without fear, in holiness and righteousness, that we may walk in thy truth all the days of our life ; for thou art the God of our salvation and in thee we trust forever. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. 43 M. Our God and Father, we pray to thee that thou wouldst look with kindness and mercy upon Israel, thy people ; sanctify us and give us a pure heart that we may serve thee in truth. Forgive our sins, O God, who delightest in pardoning the re- pentant sinner. Be praised, O God, who forgivest our transgressions, king of the earth, who sanctifiest [the Sabbath] Israel and the Day of Atonement. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. Congregation . Min is to : TO ruufl rrrwo T T - : jtiW i " : T ~ : njnn rrntfi O God, God of our fathers, pardon us, forgive us, cover our guilt. We are thy people, thou art our king ; we are thy children, thou art our father ; we are thy possession, thou art our portion ; we are thy flock, thou art our shepherd ; we are thy vineyard, thou art our keeper ; we are thy beloved, thou art our friend. 44 RITUAL. JON aan The Congregation rise. Choir and Congregation. Minister* nx :^n ^3 nno nioftym ^D 1 ?^ ^n ^ni T - T T : ^~: - : T T ^- 3i rN iD 1 ?! nvta rmai *rt33 mn "73 T T I " T T : 1 " I v T " : T rim n pai :?pyy TJJIO "inoj TKI I T : I " : T : I " : irnKDn ^3 ty vh rbsnv '^ninx rf?Ni l - T ^- T -;. -: :i W'3 ^3 ^y vt? nsani 'lynuiy ^3 ^ u ^T : T ^- T v - : ^-: T ^- We are stiff-necked, thou art forbearing ; we are sinful, thou art merciful ; our days are like a fleeting shadow, thou art eternal. May our prayer reach thee, Q God, God of our fathers turn not away from our supplication. We are not so impudent as to say before thee, we are righteous and guiltless ; surely, we have sinned. We have sinned. Thou knowest the mysteries of the world, the most hidden secrets of all the living. Thou searchest the recesses of the heart, and knowest all its emotions. Nothing escapes thy scrutinizing eye. May thy mercy, O God, cover all our sins and transgressions with the veil of forgiveness. RITUAL. 45 The following sentences are spoken by the Minister and repeated by the Congregation. rfero ^p.i i^ip yap ws'po WSN jrna 1 ? rto 1 ?^ ro^ro irvrrm lasto WSN I v T : T " : T : . - : - T The Congregation take their seats. "DRETHREN and sisters who are mourning for dear friends departed hence, remember your beloved ones and honor their names by emulating their noble deeds, by continuing the good works which they have left unfinished, by loving and honoring those who were loved and honored by them. Rise and praise with me the name of our Heavenly Father : Our Father and King, harken to our voice, and receive our prayers with grace. Make us return to thee in true repentance. Send us thy blessings. Ordain life and peace for us and all who dwell in this land. Heal the sick of this nation. Give abundance to all sections. Give every family its daily bread. O God, show us a token of grace ; in thee we hope ; thou wilt answer us, O Lord. 46 RITUAL. The Mourners rise and the Minister recites the Kaddish. b'>na nrvo l ?o "I* 1 ?!?!! .f an l * . T . . &$?% '0^1 ct?$? ^patj ^ no^ Knv.pK o^-s p K^. 1 p ie?r^n p ^3 xan t tins ,VT T * : : - : | T 54 RITUAL. Choir. Minister. wrfa* Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart. Teach them unto thy children, and speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 'T^RULY thou art our God, our Rock, our Savior! As thou didst redeem our fathers from Egypt and guide them in their wanderings, so hast thou guided us, and hast delivered us from manifold dangers. Therefore we praise and exalt thee in the words of our ancestors : Who is like unto thee among the mighty, O God ! who like thee, glorious in holiness, awe-inspiring, wonder-working ! ripa TWO rrabs >o D^NS. rraba-*a V| - T I V T T T: " T T T RITUAL. Choir and Congregation. . Thy throne is established for evermore. Choir and Congregation. T3E praised, our God! God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thou who art great and mighty and supreme, the giver of all good gifts; thou who rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their children's children ; thou preservest our lives, and sufferest not our feet to stumble. Choir and Congregation. Remember us unto life, O King! who delightest in life, and enter us in the book of life, O God of life! M. Thou art our protector and helper. Be praised, O God, shield of Abraham ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. power, O Lord, is boundless! Thou sus- tainest the living with grace, and with mercy redeemest the souls of thy servants from death. 56 RITUAL. Thou supportest the falling, healest the sick, settest free the prisoners, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Almighty ! Who can be compared unto thee, who killest and makest alive, and causest salvation to spring forth ! Be praised, O God, who hast planted eternal life within us ! CJwir and Congregation. Amen. HPHOU art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshipers daily praise thy holiness. The Congregation rise. So let us praise our God and exclaim : Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts ; the whole earth is full of his glory. Choir and Congregation. jiTis? pNfr^a N 1 ^ nixriv V : t?np T trnp ptifj M. Praised be the glory of the Eternal, which fills the earth and the heavens ! Choir and Congregation. RITUAL. 57 M. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Hallelujah ! Choir and Congregation. M. Forever will we glorify thee and hallow thy name ; never shall thy praise vanish from our lips, Be praised, O holy God ! The Congregation take their seats. f~\ GOD, let all thy works stand in awe before thee, and all the children of men know and love thee, that they may all bow down before thee and form one congregation, wishing to do thy will with all their heart, and acknowledge with us that thine is the rule, and the power and the force, and that thy name is high above all creatures. Grant, O, Lord, hope to them who seek thee, in- spire with courage them who wait for thee, and give joy to all who dwell on earth ; that all nations may flock to thy house, walk in thy light and and ac- knowledge that they are all children of one father, that one God has created them. The just will see it and rejoice, the righteous exult, and vice will be struck dumb, and wickedness vanish like smoke, the reign of iniquity will be 58 RITUAL. crushed on earth, and all men will acknowledge thee alone as their king. Choir and Congregation. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion, through all generations. Halle- lujah ! TTEAVENLY Father, we give thanks to thee for the unspeakable love and mercy with which thou didst select our fathers from among all nations, hast guided us and called us to thy service, that by Israel thy holy name might be made known all over the earth. In thy grace we celebrate this Day of Atonement, that we may examine and purify our heart, confess our sins before thee and resolve to walk forever in the light of thy countenance, and thus return to our daily life purified and forgiven by thee according to thy promise : On this day you will be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins, and become pure before the Lord. Seek the Lord while he m.ay be found ; call upon him while he is near ; let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my thoughts above your thoughts. As rain and snow come down from heaven, and return not thither ere they have watered the earth and given seed to the sower and bread to RITUAL. 59 the eater, so shall my word be which cometh from me ; it shall not return unto me void ; but it shall accomplish that which I will, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. God and father, thou hast called us, and we have come before thee, thou hast summoned us to appear before thy judgment, and here we are, obedient to thy voice. But how can we dare to speak before thee, how can we undertake to justify ourselves ! When we look up to thee and consider thy purity and holiness, must we not shrink from examining the dark recesses of our innermost heart? Realizing our unworthiness, we blush with shame and are bowed down with humiliation ; for we know that we cannot clear ourselves in thy sight. But thou, O Father, searchest and knowest us ; thou compassest our paths, and art acquainted with all our ways. Nothing is hidden before thee, not even our most secret thoughts. Therefore thou dost not call us that we should justify ourselves, but that we should realize our unworthiness and confess our sins; and this day of judgment is ap- pointed not that thou shouldst judge us, but that we should judge ourselves in the sanctifying influ- ence of thy holy spirit. Thou dost not wish to punish, but to pardon. Thou wilt not destroy us 6o RITUAL. by the fire of thy wrath, but thou wilt purify us in the flame of thy love. Thou wilt not annihilate us by the thunderbolt of thy anger, but make us return to thee by the trumpet-call of thy justice. Lord, our God, though trembling before thee, we hope in thee ; though bending down in the dust before thy face, we look up with trust to thy holy throne ; though dumb before the call of thy judg- ment, we wait for the light of thy grace. We feel with pain the heavy load of our sins ; renew our strength, O God, that we may shake off their yoke from our shoulders. Judge us according to thy mercy ; purify us by thy love, and grant that this sacred day may make a lasting impression upon us. Grant that we may find our way back to thee before our last hour appears and it will be too late for repentance and atonement. Let us not die, O God, in our guilt, and let every hour be to us as the hour of death, which calleth us to appear before thy face. Let us hasten to return to our loving father in deep humility and contrition, and firmly resolved to mend our ways, let us confess before our God : The Congregation rise. We have sinned. Choir and Congregation. n W's ^ T T The Congregation resume their seats. RITUAL. 6 1 :n *?3 npp nioity.rn 'o^P TJ ~>3i PN '^1 rri^D rrri3i *33 mr : v T T I ' T T : I " I v T " : - n *?3 ^ 1^ rfpprig' "Wjiia^ rf?Ni The following sentences are spoken by the Minister and repeated by the Congregation. itiiroi DJK3 ms I T : v : ) v T :nyn ^33 wtf? ^_ T . . . | .. T . nnD3i ^^3 ^s 1 ? UNO w - nxna ^ We have sinned ; we have turned from the right path ; we have done evil. We have neglected thy good commandments to our own harm, In all that may befall us we acknowledge thy justice ; for thine is the truth, and we have forsaken it. Thou knowest the mysteries of the world, the most hidden secrets of all the living. Thou searchest the recesses of the heart, and knowest all its emotions. Nothing escapes thy scrutinizing eye. May thy mercy, O God, cover all our sins and transgressions with the veil of forgiveness. O, forgive our sins, w r hether we have committed them wantonly or carelessly, consciously or unconsciously, secretly or openly. Forgive our transgressions in thoughts, words, or deeds ! 62 RITUAL. The Congregation in silent devotion. S^\ GOD and Father, maker of heaven and earth, I bow myself before thee in lowly adoration and prayer, and in the presence of thy perfect holi- ness I would penitently acknowledge my sins, seek- ing help and deliverance, desiring to learn what is thy will concerning me, and resolving to devote my- self more faithfully to thy holy service. O God of ceaseless goodness and mercy, on this sacred spot, on the holiest of days, invited by thy fatherly love to come to thee I cover my face in shame that I have been so ungrateful, and so slow to hearken to thy call which goeth forth on every day and at every hour. I have sinned against my knowledge and my resolves, against thy promises and thy warnings. Thy infinite grace has given me life and endowed me with power over all living things, and made me for no meaner happiness than the enjoyment of the heavenly life in thee. Yet I have set my heart on lower things, and have been led away by desires and purposes which I could not ask thee to bless. Not did I strive to know thy word and thy truth, and manifest such knowledge in all my words and deeds ; not was it my ambition to acquire sacred and imperishable wealth ; but the aim of my life has been to satisfy sensual desires and to gather the goods of this world, which I have worshiped as my idol. For pleasure and for gain I RITUAL. 63 have toiled with all the strength of my soul. To them I have given my thoughts and my labor year after year, by day and by night, at my lying down and at my rising up. How few were the hours de- voted to thee and thy word, how scarce the moments used for intellectual, spiritual and moral improve- ment ! And what is man, what is his strength, what are his prospects, without thy assistance? Is not everything I am and have, thine ? Thou hast watched over me and cared for me, from the begin- ning of that life which thy goodness first bestowed. Thou providest for my daily needs, the food that supports me, the repose that restores my wearied powers, my raiment and habitation, and all the fruits of my labor. From thee all my joys and comforts come ; and thou crownest my days with loving-kind- nesses and tender mercies. And when my joy is taken from me for a season, and my pathway is darkened, and thou triest me with affliction, still I am sure that it has been in mercy that thou hast so dealt with me ; and if thou sendest me forth to sow in tears, bearing precious seed, I shall yet return again with rejoicing, bringing my sheaves with me. But how little, O Father, did I appreciate thy boundless love and mercy. In the abundance of earthly goods and when my most ardent wishes were fulfilled, I praised not thee, but myself, boasted of my wisdom, my strength, and my industry, and for- 64 RITUAL. got to show my gratitude and to repay part of my indebtedness, by assisting those of thy children who were less favored than I. And in the midst of trials and sorrows I murmured against thy wise rule, looked with envy at the success of evil doers and complained that thou hadst forsaken me, while it was my own folly and the evil inclination of my heart that had plunged me in misery. For I walked after the desires of my eyes and was guided by the blind impulses of my passions, despising those en- joyments which spring from the consciousness of duty well fulfilled, of human dignity preserved, of self-esteem exalted, and from the sweet approbation of conscience. How shamefully did I neglect these real enjoyments which make man truly happy, for the wild excitement of an hour, for the hasty draught from the cup of such pleasures which end in gall and wormwood. And thus I indulged in im- pure thoughts and guilty desires, carelessly consum- ing the very marrow of my bodily and spiritual health, and wasting the splendid opportunities placed within my reach, to become a useful member of the family of the community. With deep humiliation do I remember how often in unbridled frivolity I violated the reverence due to thee and thy holy name. That holy name whose honor and glory fills the whole world and which no creature should dare to pronounce without a thrill RITUAL. 65 of devotion, without awe and adoration that holy name I bore on my lips numberless times, as a hollow utterance, thoughtlessly ; I used it as a sanc- tion for vows which had no echo in my heart, and often remained unfulfilled. I profaned it by using it as a seal to the very resolutions of anger and pas- sion and revenge ; to curses and imprecations, and the abominations of religious intolerance. I have also forgotten my duty to my fellow-men, and my conscience does witness against me. I re- member with shame my shortcomings to some who are still among the living, and to others who now rest in the grave. How often did I requite with in- gratitude the sweet self-sacrificing love of my father and mother, instead of treating them with profound reverence and tender consideration. My disobedi- ence, my cold indifference, caused those eyes to shed tears of grief and agony which had watched through so many nights at the side of my cradle ; wounded and perhaps broke the heart which never grew weary in its love, and which had set its dearest and brightest hopes in the beloved child. And the dear companion placed by thee at my side in inseparable union, to share my joys and sor- rows, and to support and comfort me in all the storms and vicissitudes of life even that dear com- panion I have not rewarded with the due measure of fidelity, love and care, Often I did not shrink 66 RITUAL. from grieving, by word or deed, the heart so closely linked to mine, or from violating the most sacred duties of matrimonial life by indifference or care- lessness. And not seldom I was selfish enough to accept the offerings of tender love and touching de- votion with a callous heart, a gloomy look and sullen coldness. Nor have I been more mindful of my sacred duties towards the darlings of my soul, towards my children, the most precious gifts thy love has en- trusted to me. I have neglected to devote the right care to their education and their development. I have failed to set before them an example worthy to be followed ; in imparting to them teachings apt to smooth for them the rocky path of life, I have not even done what is in my power to secure their worldly welfare, and have been still more negligent of their spiritual and eternal wants. I laid more stress upon their external beauty than upon their inner worth ; more upon the outward garment than upon the nobility of their heart, the firmness of their character, their mental refinement. I have been more anxious to bring them up for the vanity of the world, than for God, for virtue and truth. I have not thus set my household in order, not thus arranged my affairs, that I am fully prepared to de- part hence in this hour without anxiety in regard even to those nearest and dearest to me. RITUAL. 67 And when I examine my conduct to my fellow- men, to the members of the whole human family, all my brothers and sisters on earth, all the children of my heavenly father, to each of whom I am connected by sacred ties ; when I reflect how often harsh words fell from my lips like wounding arrows into timid and trembling hearts ; how often my tongue darted the deadly poison of calumny against the innocent ; how often I treated heartlessly the poor, instead of lifting them up with kindness, bent them still lower to the ground by haughtiness and overbearing ; how often thought- lessly, or from envy and vindictiveness, I threw the firebrand of discord between brother and brother, between sister and sister ; when I reflect how little I have cared to promote the welfare and honor of Israel, the prosperity and development of my com- munity, the splendor and glory of this house of God ; how I have rather reflected dishonor upon the name of Israel by dishonesty, by indifference to our re- ligious affairs, or by hypocritical observance, lip- service and mock-holiness when I consider all this, then, O God, nothing remains to me but to cast down my eyes before thy holy throne, and hide my face in deep shame and repentance. But no I cannot hide myself; I will invoke thee from the dust, O God, with whom is pity and for- giveness, for I desire to forsake the evil of my ways 68 RITUAL. and to return to t'hee from whom I have gone so often and so far astray. Give me good care and watchfulness that I fall not again into any sin of which I have repented. Grant that I may never forget to be grateful and kind. Let not the allure- ments of the world, or any false counsel, or bad ex- ample, so prevail with my weakness as to draw me to do anything which would dishonor thee, or wrong my neighbor, or wound my own conscience. Cause me to hate all fraud and deceit, all malice and -envy, all slander and evil speaking, and every offense against thy law of truth and love. Let me never deface thy image in my soul by yielding myself as a servant to appetite and passion, but may I keep myself in purity and temperance, in simplicity and sincerity of heart. Give me grace, thus to seek thee and righteousness. Hear me in my anguish ; draw nigh to my soul and relieve me in my distress. The Congregation rise. The Minister, and after him the Choir and Congregation. npiT3"n D'SX rp# parr) Dirn^N nirr rnrr ion Minister. Eternal God, merciful and gracious Lord, long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy to thousands, for- giving iniquity and transgression and sin. Pardon us, forgive us, cover our guilt. RITUAL. 69 Choir and Congregation. Congregation. Minister. ?|P13 UK The Congregation take their seats. f^\ GOD and God of our fathers, forgive us our sins on this Day of Atonement ; cause our guilt to vanish from before thy eyes, according to thy promise : I, I efface thy guilt, for my own sake, thy sins I will remember no longer; they shall vanish like a cloud ; return to me, I will redeem thee ; on this day you shall be forgiven and purified from all your transgressions ; you shall be clean before the Lord. Sanctify us, our God, and give us a pure heart that we may serve thee in truth. Blot out our iniquity, O God, who delightest in pardoning the re- pentant sinner. Be praised, O God, who forgivest We are thy people, thou art our king ; we are thy children, thou art our father ; we are thy possession, thou art our portion ; we are thy flock, thou art our shepherd ; we are thy vineyard, thou art our keeper ; we are thy beloved, thou art our friend. 7O RITUAL. . our transgressions and removest our guilt, king of the earth, who sanctifiest [the Sabbath] Israel and the Day of Atonement. CJwir and Congregation. Amen. AX TE render thanks unto thee, Lord our God ! for our life which is in thy hand, for our souls which are in thy keeping, for thy providence, for thy wonders which are manifested every day, for the bene- fits which thou showerest upon us at all times, at evening, morning and noon. Thy mercies never fail, thy kindness never ceases and we put our trust in thee forever. Be praised, O Lord ! for Goodness is thy name, and we shall glorify thee. Our God and God of our fathers, bless us with the ancient three-fold, priestly benediction : May God bless thee and guard thee ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. May God let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. Choir and Congregation. Amen. RITUAL. 71 Minister. VJS May God lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Choir and Congregation. Amen. M. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us and to all Israel, thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our father, with the light of thy countenance ! As in thy light thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and and justice, mercy and peace ; so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all seasons. Be praised, O giver of peace ! The Congregation in silent devotion : O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from uttering deceit, and grant that I may be meek and kind to those who bear ill-will against me ! Im- plant humility in my heart and strengthen me with faith ! Be my support when grief oppresses me and my comfort in affliction ! Let truth illumine my path and guide me ; for thou art my God and my helper ; in thee I trust every day. M. Receive with kindness the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, O my rock and my redeemer ! O God of peace, preserve peace to us and to all who invoke thy holy name. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. /2 RITUAL. ORDER OF READING THE LAW. The Ark is opened. Choir. ?p n? The Congregation rise. The following sentences are spoken by the Minister and repeated by the Congregation. :nriK K Lift up your heads, O ye gates ! Lift yourselves up, ye everlasting doors ! and the King of glory shall come ! Who is this King of glory ? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Sela. Our Father and King, we have sinned before thee ! Our Father and King, we have no king but thee ! Our Father and King, grant the new year to be a period of happiness ! Our Father and King, save our land from pestilence, war, famine, oppression and destruction ! RITUAL. 73 The Minister takes the Scroll from the Ark. :intf7p *?in^. ia^ 1 ? rnin fn|# rjra Give praise and glory to God for the heavenly light and the everlasting life he bestowed upon us. Choir. mrr lot?' - M. Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together ! The Congregation take their seats. Choir. Ntwnati ro^osn " ^ nxai : ~ : : TTSTS.fl|TT The Minister announces the portion from the Pentateuch and says the following Benediction before reading. :mmn rnu rrnx ni-o imin-r frvyi o T - I T: T - J T T v T I - T : CJioir and Congregation. Amen. Reading from the Thora. Our Father and King, grant us a happy life ! Our Father and King, redeem and save us ! Our Father and King, give us ample sustenance ! Our Father and King, forgive our trespasses ! Our Father and King, have compassion on us and on our innocent children ! Our Father and King, give strength to Israel, thy Messiah ! Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty ; for all that is in the heaven and 74 RITUAL. rnifl vh \r\i '"W tfTiyn rj^g wrfjg nnw jpnmrr fnti nnw tjna urnro yiaj o^y >>rri no Choir. God's law is a tree of life to them that cling to it, and happy is every one who keepeth it. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. Hsphtarah from Isaiah Ivii. and Iviii. Hymn. Sermon. The Congregation stand during the Closing Prayer. Minister. The Scroll is returned to the Ark, the Choir and Congregation chanting : ri i:hp> D^N^: vp 1 ? VTprr The Congregation take their seats. on the earth is thine ; thine is the Kingdom, O Lord ! and thou art exalted high above all ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast chosen us from among the nations, and hast given us thy law. Be praised, giver of the law ! Be praised, O God, our Lord, King of the universe, who hast given us the law of truth and hast implanted eternal life within us. Be praised, giver of the law ! Let all praise the name of the Lord, for his name is exalted alone. His glory is above the earth and the heavens. He lifts up his people, exalteth the glory of his worshipers, of Israel, the people near to him. Hallelujah ! RITUAL. 75 SELECTIONS FROM PSALMS. Recited alternately by the Minister and Congregation. PSALM cxi. Praise ye the Lord ! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the righteous and in the congregation. The works of the Lord are great, sought out by all who have pleasure therein. His deeds are honorable and glorious, and his righteousness endureth forever. He hath established a memorial of his wonders, the Lord is glorious and full of compassion ; He giveth food to them that revere him ; he is ever mindful of his covenant ; He showed his people the greatness of his works, when he gave them the inheritance of the nations. The deeds of his hands are truth and justice ; all his commandments are sure They stand firm forever and ever, being founded in truth and justice. He sent redemption to his people ; he established his covenant forever ; holy and reverend is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ; a good understanding have all they who keep his commandments. His praise endureth forever. 76 RITUAL. Happy are they that dwell in thy house, they will continually praise thee. Happy the people who. are thus! Happy the people whose God is the Lord ! PSALM CXLV. I will extol thee, my God, O King ! and I will praise thy name forever and ever. Every day will I bless thee, and praise thy name forever and ever. Great is God, and greatly praised, his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty deeds. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wonderful works. Men shall speak of the might of thy awful deeds, and I will declare thy greatness. They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and rich in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord ! and thy pious ones bless thee ! They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power ; RITUAL. 77 To make known to the sons of men his mighty deeds, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all that are bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their food in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and merci- ful in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He fulfilleth the desire of them that fear him ; he heareth their cry and saveth them. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Eternal ; and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. PSALM CXLVI. Praise ye the Lord ! Praise the Lord, O my soul ! I will praise the Lord, as long as I live ; I will sing praises to my God, while I have my being. Put not your trust in princes, in the son of man, in whom is no help ! his breath goeth forth ; he re- turneth to the dust ; in that very day his plans perish. 78 RITUAL. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help ; whose hope is in the Lord, his God ; Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is therein ; who keepeth truth forever ; Who executeth judgment for the oppressed ; who giveth food to the hungry. God setteth free the prisoners ; God opencth the eyes of the blind. God rais^th up them that are bowed down ; God loveth the righteous. God preserveth ths strangers ; he relieveth the fatherless and the widow ; but the way of the wicked he maketh crocked. The Lord reigneth forever ; thy God, O Zion ! through all generations. Hallelujah ! PSALM CXLVII. Praise ye the Lord ! for it is good to sing praise to our God. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He counteth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their name. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power ; his un- derstanding is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the lowly ; he casteth the wicked down to the ground. RITUAL. 79 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving ; sing praises upon the harp to our God ! Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who pre- pareth rain for the earth, who causeth grass to grow upon the mountains. He giveth to the beast his food, to the young ravens when they cry. He maketh peace in thy borders, and satisfieth thee with the finest of wheat. He sendeth forth his command to the earth ; his word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool, and scattereth the hoar- frost like ashes. He casteth forth his ice like morsels ; who can stand before his cold ? He sendeth forth his word and melteth them ; he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow. He announceth his word to Jacob, his statutes and laws to Israel. He has not dealt so with any other nation, and as for his judgments, they have not known them. PSALM civ. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! O Eternal, my God ! thou art very great ? Thou art clothed with glory and majesty ! He covereth himself with light as with a garment ; he spreadeth out the heavens like a curtain ; SO RITUAL. He layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters ; he maketh the clouds his chariot, and rideth upon the wings of the wind. He maketh the winds his messengers, the flaming lightnings his ministers. He established the earth on its foundations ; that it shall not be moved forever. Thou didst cover it with the deep as with a gar- ment ; the \vaters stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled ; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. The mountains rose, the valleys sank in the place which thou didst appoint for them. Thou hast established a bound which the waters may not pass, that they may not return and cover the earth. He sendeth forth the springs in brooks ; they run among the mountains; They give drink to all the beasts of the forest ; in them the wild asses quench their thirst. About them the birds of heaven have their habi- tation ; they sing among the branches. He watereth the hills from his chambers ; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of his works. He causeth the grass to spring up for cattle, and herbage for the service of man to bring forth food out of the earth, RITUAL. 8 1 And wine that gladdeneth the heart of man, and bread that strengthened! man's heart. How manifold are thy works, O Eternal ! in wis- dom hast thou made them all, the earth is full of thy riches. They all wait on thee to give them their food in due season. The glory of the Lord endureth forever. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! Hallelujah. PSALM cxxxix. O Lord ! thou hast searched me and known me ! Thou knowest my down-sitting and mine up- rising, thou understandest my thoughts from afar off! Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word upon my tongue, but lo ! O Lord ! thou knowest it altogether ! Thou hast beset me behind and before, and layest thine hand upon me ; Such knowledge is too wonderful for me ; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go from thy spirit, or whither shall I flee from thy presence ? If I ascend into heaven thou art there, and if I make my bed in the grave, behold, thou art there ! If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in 82 RITUAL. the remotest parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say: " Surely the darkness shall cover me "; even the night shall be light about me. Yea the darkness hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day ; the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. I will praise thee ; for I am fearfully and wonder- fully made. Marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right w r ell. How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God ! how great is the sum of them ! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand : When I awake I am still with thee. Search me, O God ! and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts, And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting ! PSALM LXXXV. O Lord ! thou hast been favorable to thy land. Restore us, O God of our salvation ! Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people, and cover all their sins ! Thou didst take away all thy displeasure. Show us thy compassion, O Lord ! and grant us thy salvation ! RITUAL. 83 I will hear what God, the Lord, will speak : truly he will speak peace to his people, and to his servants ; only let them not turn again to folly ! Yea his salvation is nigh them that fear him, that glory may dwell in the land. Mercy and truth shall meet together ; righteous- ness and peace shall kiss each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth ; righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea the Lord will give prosperity, and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him, and set us in the way of his steps. PSALM xix. The heavens declare the glory of God ; and the firmament showeth forth the work of his hands. Day uttereth instruction unto day, and night showeth knowledge unto night. They have no speech nor language, their voice is not heard. Yet their sound goeth forth to all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which cometh forth like a bride-groom from his chamber, and rejoiceth like a hero to run his course. He goeth forth from the extremity of heaven, and 84 RITUAL. maketh his circuit unto the end of it ; and nothing is hid from his heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul ; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. v The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the- heart ; the commandment of the Lord is pure, en- lightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More precious are they than gold ; yea, much fine gold ; sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. By them also is thy servant warned, and in keep- ing of them there is great reward. Who knoweth his own offenses? O, cleanse thou me from secret faults ! Keep back also thy servant from presumptuous- sins ; let them not have dominion over me ! Then shall I be upright ; and I shall be free from gross transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord ! my strength and my redeemer. PSALM xxxin. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous! for praise becometh the upright. RITUAL. 85 For the word of the Lord is right, and all his works are faithful. He loveth justice and equity ; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea, as a heap ; he layeth up the deep in storehouses. Let the earth fear the Lord ; let all the in- habitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done ; he commanded, and it stood fast. The counsel of the Lord standeth forever ; the designs of his heart to all generations. Happy the nation whose God is the Lord ; the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance. The Lord looketh from heaven, he beJioldeth all the sons of men : he fashioneth the hearts of all, he considered! all their works. A king is not saved by the number of his forces, nor a hero by the greatness of his strength. Behold the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope is his mercy. To save them from the power of death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the Lord ; he is our help and 86 RITUAL. shield; our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. May thy mercy be upon us, O Lord ! according as we hope in thee ! PSALM xxxiv. O, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together ! I sought the Lord and he heard me, and de- livered me from all my fears. Look up to him, and ye shall have light ; your faces shall never be ashamed. This afflicted man cried, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. The angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him, and deliver them. O taste, and see how good is the Lord ! happy the man who trusteth in him. O fear the Lord, ye his servants ; for there is no want to them that fear him. Young lions want, and suffer hunger; but they who fear the Lord want no good thing. Come, ye children, hearken unto me ! I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that loveth life, and desireth many days, that he may see good ? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. RITUAL. 87 Depart from evil and do good ; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous ; but the Lord delivereth him from them all. The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants, and none that trust in him shall suffer for it. PSALM xxxix. Lord, make me know mine end, and the number of my days, that I may know how frail I am ! Behold thou hast made my days as a hand-breadth, and my life is as nothing before thee ; yea, every man in his best estate is altogether vanity. Surely every man walketh in a vain show ; surely he disquieteth himself in vain. He heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. What then, O Lord! is my hope? v My hope is in thee! Deliver me from all my transgressions; let me not be the reproach of scoffers ! Yet I am dumb ; I open not my mouth ; for thou hast done it ! But remove from me thine affliction, for I am perishing by the blow of thy hand. 88 RITUAL. When thou, with rebukes, dost chasten man from iniquity, thou causeth his glory to waste away like a moth. Surely every man is vanity. Hear my prayer, O Lord ! give ear to my cry ; be not silent at my tears ! for I am a stranger with thee, a sojourner as all my fathers were. O, spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go away and be no more ! PSALM xc. Lord ! thou hast been our refuge in all genera- tions ! Before the mountains were brought forth, or even thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. But man thou turnest again to dust, and sayest, " Return, ye children of men ! " For a thousand years in thy sight, are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away, they are as a sleep ; in the morning he springeth up like grass, Which flourishes and shooteth up in the morning and in the evening is cut down and withered. Thou settest our misdeeds before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance. We spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are three-score years and RITUAL. 89 ten, and by reason of strength may be four-score years ; Yet is their pride labor and sorrow ; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Return, O Lord! how long? and be gracious unto thy servants ! Satisfy us speedily with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil! Let thy deeds be known unto thy servants, and thy glory unto the children ! Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish for us the work of our hands ; yea the work of our hands, establish thou it ! PSALM xci. He who sitteth under the shelter of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say to the Lord, tho*u art my refuge and my fortress ; my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the wasting pestilence. He will cover thee with his wing ; his truth will be thy shield and thy buckler. 90 RITUAL. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day. Nor of the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor of the plague that destroyeth at noonday. Because thou hast made the Lord thy refuge, even the Most High thy habitation. No evil shall befall thee nor any plague come near thv dwelling. J o For he will give his angels charge over thee, to guard thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou clash thy foot against a stone. Because he loveth me, I will deliver him ; he shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, and will show him my salvation. PSALM cm. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! and all that is with- in me, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul ! and forget not his benefits ! Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases ; Who redeemeth thy life from the grave ; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies ; RITUAL. 91 Who satisfieth thine old age with happiness, that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord executeth justice and equity for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his doings to the children of Israel. God is merciful and kind, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He does not always chide, nor does he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor requites us according to our iniquities. As high as are the heavens above the earth, so great is his mercy to them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. Even as a father pitieth his children, so God pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass ; as a flower of the field so he flourisheth. The wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and its place shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Eternal is from everlasting to everlasting to them that fear him, and his right- eousness to children's children, to such as keep his 92 RITUAL. covenant, and remember his commandments to do them. The Lord has established his throne in the heav- ens, and his kingdom ruleth over all. Praise the Lord, all ye his hosts ; ye his ministers, who do his pleasure ! Praise the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion ! Praise the Lord, O my soul ! PSALM xxx. I will extol thee, O Lord ! for thou hast lifted me up and hast not suffered my enemies to rejoice over me. Eternal, my God ! I called upon thee, and thou hast healed me ! Thou hast raised me up, thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the grave. Sing unto the Lord, O ye his servants, and praise his holy name ! For his anger endureth but a moment, but his favor, through life. In the evening sorrow may be a guest, but joy cometh in the morning. 1 said in my prosperity, "I shall never be moved !" Thou, O Lord ! by thy favor hast made me strong, when thou didst hide thy face, I was troubled. Unto thee, O Lord ! I cried and I made supplica- tion. RITUAL. 93 Hear, O Lord ! and have pity upon me ! Be thou, O Lord ! my helper! Thou didst turn my mourning to rejoicing, thou didst loose my sackcloth, and gird me with gladness. Therefore, I will sing praise to thee, and not be silent ; O Eternal, my God ! I will give thanks to thee forever. PSALM xcn. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to thy name, O most high ! To show forth thy loving-kindness in the morn- ing, and thy faithfulness every night. For thou, O Lord! hast made me glad by thy doings ; in the work of thy hands I greatly rejoice. How great are thy works, O Lord ! how deep thy purposes. The unwise man knoweth not this, and the fool understandeth it not. When the wicked spring up like grass, and all who practice iniquity flourish ; it is but to be destroyed forever. But, thou, O Lord ! art forever exalted, thy ene- mies perish, and dispersed are all who do iniquity! The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree, they shall grow up like the cedars of Lebanon. 94 RITUAL. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they shall bring forth fruit ; they shall be green and full of sap. To show that the Lord, my rock, is upright, that there is no unrighteousness in him. PSALM i. Happy the man who walketh not in the counsel of the unrighteous, nor standeth in the way of sin- ners, nor sitteth in the seat of scoffers ; But whose delight is in the law of the Eternal, and who meditateth on his precepts day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, whose leaves also do not wither; all that he doeth shall prosper. Not so the unrighteous ; they are like ehaff, which the wind driveth away. Therefore the wicked shall not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the just. For the Eternal mindeth the way of the right- eous, but the way of the wicked leadeth to ruin. PSALM xv. Eternal, who shall abide at thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell upon thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and doeth righteous- ness, and speaketh the truth in his heart ; RITUAL. 95 He that slandereth not with his tongue, that doeth no injury to his neighbor, and uttereth no re- proach against his neighbor. In whose eyes a vile person is contemned, but who honoreth them that fear the Lord ; who swear- eth to his own hurt, and changeth not. He that lendeth not his money for usury, and taketh not a bribe against the innocent; he that doeth these things shall never be moved. PSALM xxxvi. Transgression is in the heart of the wicked, no fear of God is before his eyes ; for it is flattering to him in his own eyes to find sin and to hate. The \vords of his mouth are iniquity and deceit ; he neglecteth to be wise and to do good. He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he prese- vereth in an evil way ; he abhorreth not sin. Thy goodness, O Lord ! reacheth to the heavens, and thy faithfulness to the clouds; Thy righteousness is like high mountains; thy judgments are a great deep, thou helpest man and beast! How precious is thy loving kindness, O God! the sons of men seek refuge under the shadow of thy wing^. They are satisfied with the abundance of thy 90 RITUAL. house, and thou causest them to drink of the full stream of thy pleasures. For with thee is the fountain of life; through thy light we see light. J o o O, continue thy loving kindness to them that know thee and thy favor to the upright in heart ! PSALM xxxvu. Be not thou angry on account of the wicked, nor o J be envious of those who do iniquity. Place thy delight in the Lord, and he will give thee thy heart's desires. Commit thy way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will bring it to pass. He will cause thy justice to shine forth like the light, and thy righteousness like the noonday's brightness. Hope thou patiently on the Lord, and in him place thy trust ! Be not angry on account of the wicked that de- viseth deceit if he is prosperous. Yet a little while and he shall be no more, thou mayest look for his place and he will not be found. But the meek shall inherit the land, and delight themselves in the fullness of prosperity. The wicked man plotteth against the. just, and gnasheth at him with his teeth. RITUAL. 97 The Lord knoweth his folly, he seeth that his day is coming. Better is the little of the righteous man, than the great abundance of the wicked. The wicked borroweth, and repayeth not ; but the righteous is merciful and giveth. The steps of the good man are directed by the Lord ; he delighteth himself in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord holdeth him by the hand. I have been young, and now am old ; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his offspring begging bread. I have seen a wicked man in great power, and spreading himself like a gfeen cedar; but he passed away, and, lo ! he was no more; I sought him, but he was not found. The salvation of the just is from the Lord ; he is their strength in the time of trouble ; he will save them, because they trust in him. Mark the righteous man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. PSALM LXXIII. Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Yet my feet almost gave way, my steps had well nigh slipped. 98 RITUAL. For I was envious of the proud, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For they have no pains even to their death ; their bodies are in full health. They have not the woes of other men, nor are tliey smitten like them. Therefore pride encircleth their neck as a collar ; violence covereth them as a garment. From their bosom issueth their iniquity ; the de- signs of their heart burst forth. They mock, and speak maliciously, their words are haughty. They stretch forth their mouth to the heavens, their tongue goeth through the earth. And they say, u How doth God know? How can there be knowledge with the Most High?" Behold these are the ungodly ! yet they are ever prosperous and heap up riches. Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain ; in vain I washed my hands in innocence. For every day have I been smitten ; every morn have I been chastened. But if I should resolve to speak like them, surely I should be treacherous to the family of thy children. So when I studied to know this, it was painful in my eyes ; until I penetrated into the worship of God, and considered what was their end. RITUAL. 99 Behold ! thou hast set them on slippery places ; thou castest them down into unseen pits. How are they brought to desolation in a moment, and utterly consumed with sudden destruction ! As a dream when one awaketh, thus, O Lord ! wilt thou make their vain show a derision. When my heart was vexed, and I was pierced with pain, then was I stupid and without under- standing, like a brute I was before thee. Yet I am continually with thee, thou holdest me by my right hand, thou guidest me with thy coun- sel, and at last wilt receive me in glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee, and whom on earth do I love like thee? Though my flesh and my heart fail, God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. PSALM xxxn. Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is pardoned, Whose guilt has obtained remission from God, and whose repentance is sincere. While I kept silence and not confessed my guilt, my bones were wasted and I was troubled all day. My conscience laden with iniquity, I found rest neither by day nor by night. No sooner did I acknowledge my sin, disclose my wound, the guilt that tortured me within ; when thy 100 RITUAL. fatherly love forgave, and mercy's healing balm poured in. Therefore shall every pious man pray to thee, while thou mayest be found. Surely the floods of great waters shall not come near him. Thou savest me from trouble ; thou compassest me about with songs of deliverance. Thou sayest, I will instruct thee, and show thee the way thou shouldst go ; I will give thee counsel and keep my eye upon thee. Only do not indulge in brutal lust, curb thy pas- sions and be not like wild beasts. Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but he that trusteth in the Lord shall be surrounded with bless- ings of mercy. Be glad, O ye righteous, and rejoice in the Lord ; be joyful, all ye that are true of heart. SELECTIONS FROM THE PROPHETS. now, saith the Eternal, turn ye to me with all your heart. Turn to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, and of great kindness. Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel ! Seek ye the Eternal, and ye shall live. Hate ye the evil, love RITUAL. /, : : ;;y IQI good, and establish justice. Seek ye good, and not evil, that ye may live. I hate your feasts; I have no delight in your solemn assemblies, saith the Eternal ; when ye offer me burnt offerings, I will not accept them. Take ye away from me the noise of your songs, and the music of your instruments let me not hear! Let justice flow forth as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. to them that put far away the day of evil, and bring near the seat of oppression ; that drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the most precious perfumes. , and let us return to God! for he hath torn, and he will heal us, he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. Let us, therefore, know him ; let us ever strive to know the Lord. His coming forth is sure as the morning; he will come to us like the rain which watereth the earth. My judgments, saith the Eternal, have gone forth like light; I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offering. t) ETURN, O Israel, to the Eternal thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. Take with you words and return to God, saying: Forgive all our iniquity, and receive us graciously, and we will 101' RITUAL. render to thee the sacrifices of our lips! For from thee the fatherless obtaineth mercy. I will heal their rebellion ; I will love them freely ; for my anger is turned away from them. I will be as the dew to Israel ; he shall blossom as the lily, and strike roots like Lebanon, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree. A AT HO is wise that he may understand these things, prudent, that he may know them ? For the ways of the Eternal are right, and the right- eous walk in them ; but the transgressors stumble in them. SELECTIONS FROM ISAIAH. T T EAR, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth ! for the Eternal speaketh ! What to me is the mul- titude of your sacrifices ! When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this of you, to tread my courts! Bring no more false oblations! Incense is an abomination to me, the new moon also, and the sabbath, and the calling of the assembly ; in- iquity and festivals I cannot endure. Your new moons and your feasts my soul hateth ; they are a burden to me ; I am weary of bearing them. When ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes RITUAL. 103 from you ; yea, when ye multiply prayers, I will not hear. Wash you, make you clean; put away your evil doings from before mine eyes ; cease to do evil ; learn to do well ; seek justice ; relieve the oppressed ; defend the fatherless ; plead for the widow ! Come, now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be like wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall consume the good of the land ; but if ye shall refuse, and be rebellious, the Lord shall consume you. Through justice shall Zion be delivered, and her reformed sons through righteousness. FT shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house of the Eternal shall be established at the head of the mountains, and ex- alted above the hills ; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many kingdoms shall go, and shall say; Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, and that we may walk in his paths! For from Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Eternal from Jerusalem. He shall be a judge of the nations, and an umpire of many kingdoms ; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks ; nation shall not lift up the sword against nation, neither shall 104 RITUAL. they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Eternal ! Say ye of the righteous that it shall be well with him ; for he shall eat the fruit of his doings. Woe to the wicked : it shall be ill with him ; for the work of his hands shall be repaid him. TTO, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters! Even ye that have no money, come ye, buy and eat ! Yea, come, buy wine and milk, without money, and without price. Wherefore do ye spend your money for that which does not sat- isfy? Hearken attentively to me, and eat ye that which is good, and your soul shall delight itself with good things. Incline your ear, and come to me, hear, and your soul shall live ; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant. Seek ye the Eternal, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near ; let the wicked forsake his way, and the un- righteous man his thoughts ; let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain descend from heaven, and return not thither, but water the earth, and make it bear and RITUAL. 105 put forth its increase, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goeth forth from my mouth ; it shall not return to me void ; it shall bring to pass that which is my pleasure, and it shall accomplish that for which I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace ; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you in singing, and all the trees of the field shpll clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall grow up the cypress tree, and instead of the bramble shall grow up the myrtle tree, and it shall be to the Eternal for a name, for an everlast- ing sign that shall not be cut off. HPHUS saith the Eternal: Keep ye justice and practice righteousness; for the coming of my salvation is near, and my deliverance is soon to be revealed. Happy the man that doeth this, and the son of man that holdeth fast ; that keepeth the sab- bath, and profaneth it not, and restraineth his hand from doing evil. The strangers, also, that join themselves to the Eternal, to serve him and to love his name, every one that keepeth the sabbath and profaneth it not, and holdeth fast my covenant, them will I bring to my holy mountain, and I will make them rejoice in my house of prayer; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. 106 RITUAL. \AfHEREWITH shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the most high God ? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shown thee, O man, what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly before thy God. RITUAL. ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. AFTERNOON SERVICE. Hymn. TV /TOST merciful God! our heavenly Father, who alone art perfectly holy, just and true : grant that we may desire and will, both now on this sacred day, and at all times in our whole life, what is pleas- ing and acceptable to thee. Give us grace that we may have no wish the expression of which must make us blush, and propose nothing in which we may not seek thy help. So may our spirits be at one with thee, and our prayers be such as thou wilt hear and answer. Thou, O God, knowest what is best for us, and thou dost most justly and mercifully dispose all things according to thy perfect wisdom. Teach us to take at thy hands good and evil, bitter and sweet, joy and sorrow, and in all things be thankful unto thee. Cast out of our hearts all undue and unprofitable cares. O, send down the beams of thy brightness, to enlighten and purify the hidden chambers of our hearts, and to quicken and renew our souls, that we may cleave fast and be joined unto virtue and truth. 108 RITUAL. O God, most righteous and most holy, we ac- knowledge and confess the manifold sins and of- fenses which 'we have committed against thee in thought, word, and deed ; and w r e pray that, think- ing of thy great groodness and long-suffering, we may have grace truly to sorrow for our unworthiness, and so repent of our sins that we may turn no more to the evil way. Assist and guide us continually; show us the path in which we should walk, and give us strength to persevere therein with all steadfast- ness and patience. Deliver us from the spirit of pride, vain-glory, presumption, self-love, and make us humble, gentle, and lowly in our own sight, that we lift not ourselves above our brethren. Take from us our doubting and unfaithful heart, and give us a heart that trusts in thee and is devoted to thy will. Our careless, cold and impenitent heart take from us, and give us a heart to adore and love thee, and to mourn over all our offenses. Write thy law in our conscience, grave it in our mind ; that we may know thy righteousness, and obey thy will, and believe and trust in thee forever. /^V GOD, who searchest the heart, thou knowest how weak and frail we are. Oft-times a little adversity troubleth us sore, and maketh us dull and slow to serve thee. When we have purposed to stand strongly, a little trouble hath come and hath passed RITUAL. 109 not without much sorrow and complaining; and out of a small thing grievous temptation hath arisen. O, help us, our Father, and give us strength and wisdom. We would fix our heart on thee, above all joy and pleasure, above all glory and honor, above all health and beauty, above all fame and praise, above all earthly gain ; for in thee only all treasures of goodness most perfectly do rest, and in thee alone is our true blessedness, and our abiding place. THOU source of all our good, we would thank- fully receive whatever thou in thy fatherly wis- dom knowest to be expedient and necessary for us ; and we would use thy gifts peaceably and quietly, heartily acknowledging our indebtedness, and rest- ing in thy most bountiful mercy. And forasmuch as, while we continue here in this transitory life, we are so frail and unstable that we cannot ever be blameless in thy sight, but are continually in need of thy merciful forgiveness, may we be taught mercy by our own need of mercy ; and, as we hope to be forgiven by thee, may we from our heart forgive all that trespass against us. Make us able to bear with patience all occasions of offense, and not to recom- pense evil with evil; and give us a tender, loving and merciful heart towards our brethren, that we may do good to all as we have opportunity. We desire to remember before thee all those who I 10 RITUAL. are connected with us in bonds of love and friend- ship, whether they be with us, or far away from us, imploring thy mercy. We pray that thou mayest keep them in good health of body and spirit. Be with those also who are in any affliction or distress ; look in thy divine compassion on the poor and des- titute, the bereaved and lonely, upon those who are in sickness, in pain of body or anguish of mind, upon such of our brethren as are unjustly held in bondage, and all who are wronged and oppressed. Give strength to the weak, light to the ignorant, and to the sinful true penitence and newness of life. Grant that all men will soon recognize that thou art the only God and the righteous judge. TT is true that thou art both judge and witness. Thou knowest and rememberest every thought and deed, even that which is forgotten by man. Before thee lies open the book of remembrance, into which every man writes, with his own hand, as it were, all his doings, his own sentence. Thou reviewest all thy children, as the shepherd musters his flock, when he makes it pass under his staff. . Thou countest and noticest every living soul. To thee is known how many shall vanish, how many be born ; who are to live, who are to die, at a good old age, or in the bloom of youth ; who shall perish by water, fire, hunger, earthquake, or pestilence ; who RITUAL. I I I shall spend their days in tranquility, peace and ease, and who in struggles, toils and trials ; who shall be rich or poor, exalted or humbled. What is man, O God, that thou thinkest of him, the child of the dust that thou rememberest him ! that thou hast made him only lower than God, and crowned him with honor and glory! Thou desirest not the death of the sin- ner, but that he turn back from his evil path and live. Till the day of his death thou waitest for him to receive him back in grace. Thou hast fashioned man, and knowest the inclination of his heart. How weak is man ! He comes from the dust and re- turns to the dust ; must toil for his sustenance ; passes like a withered grass, a vanishing shadow, a fleeting dream. But thou, living God, rulest as king everlasting ! Choir. or? >? 'ffw jni> nfiNi 'DW tfirr nnx ifiiDi nfiyo mo* DHK :DTI T *T '&y The Congregation rise. Minister, repeated by the Choir. It is our duty to glorify the ruler of the universe, to adore the sub- lime creator, who has chosen the children of Abraham to be a bless- 112 RITUAL. ID to^an? '\yti? The Congregation kneel down. Choir. TI-O e>'nj3rr The Congregation take their seats. Minister. in : rr5J3 O God, thou art our Lord and none besides thee. And holy joy lifts up our soul when we remember that by thy grace our ancestors were set apart, to recognize thee before all the na- tions of the earth and to proclaim the honor and glory of thy name to all mankind. O, how wonder- fully hast thou guided thy people! When darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the nations, thou didst kindle the light of thy truth in Israel ing to all the families of man. We bend our knee in gratitude and adoration before the king of kings, the holy one whose name be blessed. He stretched out the heavens, founded the earth and established his throne in supreme glory. He is our God, none besides him. RITUAL. 113 and guide thy firstborn to thy holy mountain where thy sanctuary was erected, and our fathers the only worshipers of the only One, rejoiced in thee, and sacrificed to thee on Zion, from whence the law was to go forth and the word of God to all the families on earth. After the lapse of so many centuries we still look back to that sacred spot with a throbbing heart, and recognize in it the hallowed soil from which grew up the powerful stem of our innermost spiritual life, of our worship of God. Though Israel has matured by numberless trials and struggles, and has wonderfully grown in the knowledge and worship of God since the days of its childhood ; yet the same divine spirit breathes in our midst to-day which animated our fathers. The torch of the law handed down from olden times is still carried by the house of Jacob, though its light is now purer and more intense than formerly, and shining in wider spheres. On this holiest of days all Israelites on the whole earth surround thy heavenly throne, to offer up their sacrifices of atone- ment with the same contrite spirit, sincere heart and pious resolutions, as once did our fathers on Mount Zion. And a glance upon our hoary past fills us with deep gratitude at the conservation of the an- cient truth, the pure idea, amid all the changes of forms and circumstances, and admonishes us, to re- 114 RITUAL. main faithful to our mission and never to forget the sacred duties imposed upon us, in the midst of humanity. In olden times, on this day of atonement the high-priest in white attire, had to enter the in- nermost sanctuary, to mediate in the sublime work of atonement. Thus let us recognize on this day the high vocation of the whole priestly congregation, clad in the spotless garments of innocence, to approach thee in deep reverence, for their own sanctification and that of their brethren. The high- priest first asked for grace and forgiveness for him- self and his house ; he, the guardian of the sanctu- ary, the bearer of the peace-message, felt the neces- sity of being first in peace with thee and pure before thy eyes, ere he could dare to offer prayer for his people. So thou mayest grant, on this day, to the teachers of thy word in Israel strength and self- knowledge, wisdom and understanding ; grant them strict watchfulness over their words and actions, that they may proclaim thee in truth and in an en- lightened .spirit ; that the word of their mouth may become fruitful seed in the hearts of those to whom they minister ; that their lips may guard knowl- edge ; that all their teachings and their whole life may breathe truth and peace, that they, the guides, may not go astray and stumble, and cause others to go astray and to stumble. And so may every Israelite remember his priestly RITUAL. 115 vocation, and watch with double care over his own doings and those of his family, that every house may become a house of God, a sanctuary where the light of justice and truth shines in continual brightness. And thus in deep shame and repentance, con- scious of our short-comings, but full of faith in thy mercy, we cry with the high-priest from the depth of our hearts: The Congregation rise. Minister, repeated by the Choir. KJ 133 ' - Minister. p ?|TO n^o rnin? 'jap O Lord, pardon the sins, iniquities and transgres- sions, which we have committed, I and my house- hold, as it is said in the words of thy servant Moses. On this day the Lord will atone for you to cleanse you from all your sins, before God you shall be pure. The Congregation take their seats. V\rHEN the high-priest had offered atonement for himself, his house, and his tribe, he was ready to plead the cause of the congregation who had sent him to bring their supplication before thy Il6 RITUAL. throne. While the congregation was listening in the hall in profound devotion, he stepped forward to implore God's grace and forgiveness for all Israel. And with this sublime priestly vocation thou hast charged us too, O God ! It is our duty to endeavor with all our might to reconcile to thee the minds of all Israel, to lead back to thee those that have wan- dered away, to win honor and glory for thy name ; that, as the decendants of Abraham, we should all feel closely united, and deeply grieve even at the guilt of others in our midst. And thus again we pray with the high-priest. The Congregation rise. Minister, repeated by the Choir. rWn * D'Narf? NJ "iso . ~ : r ~: ~ - ' n3 * t Minister. njn 01*0 ^ *?|li35 *9P ^TO nrrta 8 ? O Lord, pardon the sins, iniquities and transgres- sions which thy people, the house of Israel, have committed, as it is said in the words of thy servant Moses. On this day the Lord will atone for you to cleanse you from all your sins; before God you shall be pure. The Congregation take their seats. RITUAL. Ii; When the high-priest in pronouncing these words uttered the most holy name of God, the assembled people fell upon their knees and praised the name of God, the kingdom of God and the glory of God. The same praise let us give here now, and exclaim with profound devotion : Praised be God's name and his glorious kingdom for evermore ! Choir and Congregation. run tfpitf? irvo'pa r~\ LORD, iii thy inscrutable wisdom hast thou appointed us to be the light of the nations, and the position once held by the priests in regard to Israel is now held by Israel in regard to the nations among whom they dwell.. It was the duty of Aaron's tribe to mediate atonement for the house of Israel, it is ours to mediate atonement for man- kind, which, according to the words of thy prophet, is to be blessed through the decendants of Abraham, and will one day unite with thy people and flock to thy holy temple. When Solomon dedicated thy temple, he prayed : When a stranger, who is not of thy people Israel comes out of a far country for thy name's sake, and pray in thy house, thou wilt hear him, that all the people of the earth may know thy name, to fear Il8 RITUAL. thee, as do thy people Israel. Thus we also pray for salvation, grace and atonement, not only for our- selves and our house, but for all thy children, for all those created in thy image on the surface of the earth. Grant that wherever a human heart is in anguish under the load of guilt, it may feel thy atoning love and mercy, and return in repentance to thee. Grant that superstition, falsehood and malice may vanish everywhere, that all those that are still deluded, may be enlightened by thy truth, and all souls may appear pure before thy face so that thy house become a house of prayer for all nations, where all will assemble to celebrate the sublimest festival of atonement, a universal jubilee which will proclaim freedom to all, restore every .one to his heritage and make all realize that mankind forms o one great family, reconciled in thee and united for- ever. Then thou alone wilt rule over all thy works, and thy name will be glorified all over the world. Then will be fulfilled the sweet hope of our fathers, pro- claimed by them through thousands of years with unshaken faith, even in the agony of death; the time of promise will appear when all men will ex- claim with us : The Lord reigns forever ; thy God, O Zion, through all generations. Hallelujah ! RITUAL. Choir and Congregation. PSALM LI. Be gracious unto me, O God, according to thy loving kindness, according to the greatness of thy mercy blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and in thy sight have I done evil. So that thou art just in thy sentence, and right- eous in thy judgment. Behold thou desirest truth in the heart ; so teach me wisdom in my inmost soul. Remove my sin, that I may be clean ; wash me, until I am whiter than snow, and blot out all my in- iquities ! Create within me a clean heart, O God ! and re- new within me a right spirit ! Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy spirit from me! Restore to me the joy of thy protection, and strengthen me with a willing spirit ! 120 RITUAL. Then I will teach transgressors thy ways, and sin- ners shall be converted to thee. O Lord ! open thou my lips, that my mouth may show forth thy praise ; for thou desirest not sacrifice, thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice which God loveth is a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. "XJOT sacrifices demandest thou, O Lord, but love with the whole heart and the whole soul. Thou hast told us through thy prophet what is good, and what thou requirest of us: to do justly, to love mercy, to walk with thee where no human eye can see us; to plead the cause of the widow and orphan, to love the stranger and supply him with food and raiment, to break the bonds of wickedness, to let the oppressed go free, and not to hide our- selves from our own flesh. To fear thee, to serve thee, to cling to thee, to swear by thy name only in the cause of justice and truth this is an offering and a fast acceptable in thy eyes. By such practice thy people shall bear witness of thee and glorify thee in all lands ; and it is for the sake of this witness and glorification that thou hast sent us to all parts of the earth. For many, many centuries Israel believed to be cast out from thy presence, on account of their transgressions, because with the an- RITUAL. 121 cient home they had lost the altar of atonement and the sacrificing priest. And especially on this solemn day our fathers used to think with intense longing and painful sorrow of the fallen sanctuary of Zion, and loudly did they deplore the vanished splendor, and lamented over the loss of the magnificent ser- vice. They wept because the superb choruses of the Levites were silenced, the sacrifices had ceased, and there was no more high-priest who in royal at- tire sprinkled the blood of the atoning sacrifice in seven rays over the holy altar, and exclaimed, ''Be- fore God you shall be pure," in the midst of the hosts of people who reverently knelt in the dust. Their hearts fainted when they remembered those ancient days, and in the growing desolation of our fathers' worldly existence, in the trials they had to endure, they believed more and more in their re- ligious desolation. Every day they had to suffer from the scorn of their enemies. And in the midst of the revengeful and heartless cruelty of their foes their eye was dimmed, and they could not but be- lieve that thou hadst destined the scattered sons of Israel to be the outcasts of the nations. Like their tormentors they supposed to be chastised by thee, while they suffered but for their unshaken fidelity to thy covenant, which no misery could tempt them to renounce ; while they firmly clung to thee, and never forgot thy name and even amid 122 RITUAL. the horrors of death would not stretch out their hands to a strange God. Thanks and praise to t'hee, O God, that thou hast opened our eyes to behold thy unchanging kindness, and in the very scattering of our people not to see the loss, but the fulness of thy grace ; not a suspension but a new confirma- tion of thy covenant with the fathers. Sacrifice and altar have disappeared, but not their fruit, not the atonement ; and still may we sanctify our own heart-blood to thy holy service an offering which everyone, conscious of guilt, can execute in thy spirit everywhere; nor have we lost thy forgiving love, which is always ready to receive the penitent child in the father's arm, and which is not affected by the changes of space or time. For thine are all the beasts of the forest, and the cattle upon a thousand hills, thine all the fowls of the mountains and wild beasts of the field, thine is the world and the fullness thereof. Thou eatest not the flesh of beast or drinkest the blood of goats. Gratitude shall we offer thee for thy countless mercies, and pay our vows unto thee, and call upon thee in the day of trouble and firmly trust in thee, that thou wilt deliver us. Thus thou desirest to be honored. The priestly dignity has not vanished from our midst, but from the house of Aaron it has passed to the whole congregation. Not as a penitent sinner Israel had to go forth into the world, but as a suf- RITUAL. 123 fering messiah. It had to abandon the ancient home with its temple-sacrifices, priest-pageants and symbolic ceremonies, in order to found everywhere seats of the true worship, and by self-sacrificing de- votion to lead the nations to atonement. In the ruins on Mount Zion only the shadow of its future greatness was destroyed, for thou hast called the priest-community to an incomparably higher service, than was that of the scion of the house of Aaron. The ancient priest ministered but to one tribe, Israel to all mankind. The ancient priest ad- monished a people glowing with pious devotion to cleanse themselves before thee ; Israel multitudes, glowing with hatred. The ancient priest came forth from his tent radiant with joy, adorned like a bride- groom to meet an exulting people ; Israel had to walk in homely attire, with a bleeding heart, with- out form or comeliness, despised and rejected of men, through a tumultuous sea of nations, which often threatened to sweep it away. And yet, O merciful Father, how wonderfully hast thou guarded and preserved thy congregation ! The wild floods could not swallow Israel. Always at the right mo- ment thy mighty call \vas heard : Touch not my annointed ! And in many parts of the earth as in this blessed land of ours the wild waves have sub- sided, and thy messenger may dwell in peace and safety in a dear and happy home. And, some day 124 RITUAL. when thy priest shall have wholly offered up the guilt-offering, then shall he see everywhere the fruit of his work, and the whole earth covered with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the depth of the sea. Truly not backward dost thou want us to turn our eyes, but forward to the grand and sub- lime goal. With equal love as our fathers do we cherish the stones of Jerusalem, the dust of Zion's soil, the ground on which once stood the cradle of our people, and which is hallowed by the tread of the gratest and noblest men of all times, where Israel gre\v up a tender shoot, and the knowledge of God rose like the morning dawn yet our desire, the longing of our heart, is fixed on something greater and higher. It is thy willthat the morning dawn shall turn into a bright and radiant clay, the tender shoot become a hugh tree, Israel a world- embracing people of God, numerous as the sand on the sea-shore, as the stars of heaven. This is thy gracious promise given through thy prophets, and we will wait for its fulfillment with unshaken faith. Yea, thy kingdom will come, thy glory be fully re- vealed before all thy children. Then Israel too more glorious than the high-priest of old will come forth adorned like a bridegroom, to be received by mankind in loving exultation, to be united, in thy name, in eternal union. Then a sanctuary will arise, wide as the whole globe of the earth, a sanctuary in RITUAL. 125 which atonement will be made, not by the sevenfold sprinkling of blood, but by the sevenfold brightness from the sun of Sinai. Choir and Congregation. Amen. The Congregation rise. The Minister takes the Scroll from the Ark. The word of our God shall stand forever. His law is a tree of life to those who cling to it, and leadeth man to happiness. The Congregation take their seats. Reading from the Thora. Haphtara from the book of Jonah. The Scroll is returned to the Ark. MEMORIAL SERVICE. Hymn. r? DIN nnatrnni tFtorp wirn y 1 ? ej'jrn pp npss roiy 'ws va *n V? : '3 "US* HK11 D0 10^' :1T133 V1HN II'-N ma :Di^ B^N*? nnrw A XT HAT is man, O Almighty, that thou thinkest of him ? What the son of dust that thou mindest him ? Man is like naught, his days like a 126 RITUAL. fleeting shadow; in the morning he blooms like a plant, in the evening he is withered and dried up. Thus thou leadest man to the grave, and sayest, re- turn, O children of men. O, that they were wise, and wisely considered their end ! Treasures follow not into the grave, nor does honor descend along. Practice virtue, live uprightly ; for blessed is the good man's end. God redeems the souls of his serv- ants, condemns not them who trust in him. E are strangers before thee, O God, and so- journers as our fathers were ; like shadows our days vanish on earth. The wise man and the fool, the poor and the rich, the king and the slave, they all go there where the weal and woe of earth find their end forever, where the great and the little, the master and the servant, the wolf and the lamb, rest in peace side by side ; the silver cord is broken which for a while ties body and spirit together, and the jar is scattered at the fountain. This, O God, is the unavoidable end of us all. When the tree is cut down, it sprouts again, and the tender branch of it will not cease. Even when its root grows old in the earth, and its trunk be dead upon the ground through the scent 1 of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a young plant. But when man dies, his strength is gone and though the heavens grow old above him, he shall not awake, nor be RITUAL. 127 roused from his sleep, and rapidly we pass away ; we walk not, \vefly to the goal, waking or sleeping, exulting with joy or shrouded in sorrow ; we know not when we are to arrive there. Often our heart longs to know when the end is to come, \vhat is the measure of the days still allotted to us ; but surely they are as a hand-breadth, and our age is as nothing before thee. But this speedy flight of our life, and the gloom of the grave must not frighten us, but teach us wisdom, teach us, to put our trust in thee who wilt not suffer thy followers to see destruction. For the dust only returns to the dust ; the spirit, implanted by thee, is thine, and returns to thee, its ever-living father. And they who walk here in the light of thy countenance and sow good seed, weep- ing, go home laden with sheaves, when the harvest comes, and joyfully reenter the paternal house. He who sows but wind may tremble at the whirlwind which he has to reap. He w r ho toils but for vain things and boasts of his might, may dread the grave ; for the record of his life is an epitaph, his monu- ment a mound of clay, his support a fragil reed, a spiders web. He leans upon his house it stands not ; he holds on to it it endures not. Though he piles up high buildings, though he joins house to house and adds field to field his place denies him as soon as he has vanished from it, saying, I have not seen thee. But he who trusts in thee, and seeks i28 RITUAL. his salvation by thee, renews his strength in his last struggle on earth ; his soul thou refreshest in the drought, that it becomes like a watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. To him death ap- pears like a high-priest, who offers up a double sac- rifice, sending the body to the tomb, and making the spirit, which is from thee, to rise towards thee, to find peace and felicity forever. He that has clean hands and a pure heart, and loves thee and does good to his fellow-men, will rise to thy abode when taken from his earthly place; but even this denies him not, surely not. It loudly proclaims what blessing he has been, what noble works he has founded, and preserves the name of the departed, in blooming freshness, in the loving memory of man. When the just man is taken from his dwelling to his last resting place, the very beams of the house will shake, and from every stone sounds the wail, he is gone. Not a mound of clay is his height, but the eternal mountain of the Lord; not the epitaph is his record, but his life, the sphere, in which he was a messenger of God, the shining inscription which he has left in the heart of men. The tears shed at his grave, reflect the just esteem in which he is held ; his image continues to live in the hearts of his fellow-men, and in the glorious light of the sainted he still \vorks salvation, and even reconciles his adversaries. O, that we too might die the death RITUAL. 129 of the just, and our end be like theirs ! Suffer us not to pass away in our sin, O Judge over life and death ! Teach us to count our days, and to hasten and use the brief hours, before they vanish. Give to us all strength and understanding to the great and the little, the old and the young that we may not be slow to remove from our midst all that is repugnant in thy eyes, and be reconciled to thee, O God of mercy, and conciliate all men whom we may have offended by words or deeds ; that each of us may set his house in order, and faithfully do his duty towards thee, and his family, and the commu- nity, towards Israel, our country and mankind ; that our men may see in thee their strength, and our women their charms, and that the young may under- stand how fleeting is the very dawn, and how good it is to remember the Creator, even in the morning- hours of life, before the years draw nigh in which the sun and the moon and the stars are darkened, and snow covers our head, and the grave enshrines our frame. But this very frame, the fragile body, thou hast made an abode of thine, a sanctuary of thine. This body, too, came pure out of thy hand, capable of sin, but not infected with sin, so that we might win by our struggle the crown of self-sanctifi- cation. And thus grant that every limb of our body may work in thy service, and thus become to us a round in the ladder that rises from earth to heaven. 130 RITUAL. And when we reach the goal the ladder may sink, but that which has ascended thereon, thy image, thou wilt embrace with paternal arms. Under the shadow of thy wings we shall be new-born and reju- venated, and our felicity will last forever, like thy love. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Hymn. A LMIGHTY Father, thy word of peace warns us loud and sharply of the supreme hour which will call us hence and lead us to the realm of eternal peace and gather us to our fathers, to all the unnum- bered generations that have gone before us. And thus we remember, before thee, to-day, all the dear and beloved beings that have already reached the goal and are there whither we are going. With pro- found grief we think of the time when they still walked on earth, and lived among us in love and tenderness, bestowing protection and blessing. They are near to us, the dear departed, even when many years have passed over their graves, even if their ashes rest in far distant lands. The surging waters of the ocean, the mighty tides of a tempestuous life, cannot extinguish or diminish our love to them, can- not drown the voice of loving affection in our heart. In a glorified form their images stand before our souls, lovely and present, so that we may take their RITUAL. 131 hands and draw them to our bosom. Children remember their departed parents, the tender mother in whose lap they once rested so softly and sweetly ; the vigilant father who struggled and labored so diligently, so restlessly, for their weal. Fathers and mothers remember their departed child- ren, the darlings of their hearts, who were the de- light of their eyes, their pride, their hope, their solace in trouble, the balm for their wounds. The husband, the wife, remembers the departed consort, the lost support and ornament, the vanished crown of the house. Bitterly and keenly the bereft one feels the loss of the faithful associate, who used to share in life's cares and hopes, joys and woes ; who was always near and firm when everything around was shaken, and faithfully walked along on. the joint- ly chosen path, even though it led amidst sorrows and privations, intimately initiated into every secret, lovingly supplying every want, watching every pul- sation of the kindred heart. The family thinks of the members departed from its circle, whose loss has created painful gaps, inflicted deep wounds, and torn dear links from the golden chain of love which embraced all. The congregation, too, remembers with love and blessings the faithful associates who stepped out of its midst into the eternal abode, and whose pious zeal and self-sacrificing devotion con- tributed so much to the growth of our sacred in- 132 RITUAL. terests and of our beneficent institutions. Nay, our remembrance embraces much wider spheres than those of the family and the congregation. Our look is fixed upon the whole tribe, upon the entire priest- community, and dwells mournfully and with loving gratitude on all the vacant spots once ennobled by those illustrious characters whose lives and teachings served as models to Israel, and were its honor and pride. Alas, still other places attract our searching eyes, places without number and scattered over all the earth, where thousands of men and women, of youths and aged men, offered up their precious heart's blood for thy holy law, with their last breath enthusiastically proclaiming Israel's faith before their cruel executioners. But few of these heroes we can call by their names, heroes who in life and death firmly clung to thee and Israel, and with eagle's wing and lion's strength rose to glorify thee ; but our heart enshrines them all, and with intense devo- tion celebrates the memory of their noble life and death before thee, who hast counted all their deeds and tears, and who judgest the living and the dead. Let this remembrance be pleasant before thee, O God, and graciously accept the offerings which, aroused by these holy sensations, we vow to thee, now 7 , for our own salvation. But hear also our sup- plications for the bliss of those who have departed from us, and resting from their earthly labors, have RITUAL. 133 gone home to thy nearer presence. May they dwell in thy tent, rest under thy shadow, and enjoy the delights of thy abode in eternal, blissful peace. Amen. Choir and Congregation. Amen. The Congregation in silent devotion remember their departed friends. Hymn. The Congregation rise. TXrE remember before thee the souls of all the good and righteous men and women who have lived as benefactors in our midst and have been gathered to their people and left a blessing to their name. May they rest in peace, and their memory not depart from us. Happy are those who walk in their path. Amen. We remember with sorrowful devotion and un- dying affection those whom death has taken away from our midst in the past year. * * * * * * Send thy heavenly comfort to them who are bowed down in mourning and affliction. May those who are grieved rest their troubled hearts under the shelter of thy compassion, may thy light shine in their darkness, and in their loneliness may thy pres- ence be felt. T TOW great is thy goodness, O God, which thou hast laid up for those who fear thee and trust 134 RITUAL. in thee, and glorify thee before the sons of man ! How excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God ! The child- ren of men find protection with thee ; they delight in the abundance of thy house, and are refreshed from the stream of thy joys. The pious shout with joy, they exult in their resting-place. Happy is the man who findeth wisdom, who puts his trust not in perishable wealth nor in the strength of his body ; happy the woman who is adorned by the fear of God, and confideth not in deceptive graces, in fast- vanishing beauty. Such will reap the fruit of their deeds at the gate of the grave. Better is a good name, than precious oil ; better the day of death, than the day of birth. "DLISSFUL peace under the protection of God is reserved to the good and pure, who shine in sainte,d transfiguration ! There is forgiveness, sal- vation and mercy before the Most High. And may such be the portion of all the departed whom we have remembered this day before God. May the supreme King have compassion on them, that they may behold the light of the Lord and dwell in his sanctuary. May peace be with them, and peace be over their resting-place. Thus may they and all the upright partake of everlasting felicity. Amen. The Kaddish is here recited [see pages 46 and 47], after which The Congregation take their seats. RITUAL. 135 ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. EVENING SERVICE. PSALMS cxxxiv AND LXXXIV. O, praise the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of the Lord by night ! Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and praise the Lord ! May the Lord, who made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion ! How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! my soul longeth, yea, fainteth for the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh cry aloud for the liv- ing God. Happy are they who dwell in thy house, who are continually praising thee ! They go from strength to strength ; every one of them appeareth before God in Zion. Hear my prayer, O Lord, God of hosts ! Give ear, O God of Jacob ! for a day spent in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather stand on the threshold of the house of my God than dwell in the abodes of wickedness. 136 RITUAL. For the Lord is a sun and a shield ; the Lord giveth grace and glory ; no good thing does he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts ! happy the man who trusteth in thee. Hymn. DE praised, our God! God of our fathers, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thou who art great and mighty and supreme, the Giver of all good gifts ; thou who rememberest the pious deeds of the fathers, and bringest redemption and love to their children's children ; thou preservest our lives, and sufferest not our feet to stumble. Choir and Congregation. Remember us unto life, O King ! who delightest in life, and enter us in the book of life, O God of life ! M. Thou art our protector and helper. Be praised, O God, shield of Abraham ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. / T~ > HY power, O Lord, is boundless! Thou sus- tainest the living with grace, and with mercy redeemest the souls of thy servants from death. Thou supportest the falling, healest the sick, settest free the prisoners, and keepest thy faith to those who sleep in the dust. Who is like unto thee, Almighty ! Who can be compared unto thee, who killest and RITUAL. 137 makest alive, and causest salvation to spring forth ! Be praised, O God, who hast planted eternal life within us ! CJwir and Congregation. Amen. ^PHOU art holy, and thy name is holy, and thy worshipers daily praise thy holiness. The Congregation rise. So let us praise our God and exclaim : Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts ; the whole earth is full of his glory. Choir and Congregation. M. Praised be the glory of the Eternal, which fills the earth and the heavens ! Choir and Congregation. jiolzpp T133 M. God reigneth forever, thy Lord, O Zion ! through all generations. Hallelujah ! arftfrr -in -in 5 ? nnt Trf?N Q^I^ rf?o T -: - T | - v: T ^ : T : | : Choir and Congregation. sn'Vrnn "n 1 ? i*V n 138 RITUAL. M. Forever will we glorify thee and hallow thy name; never shall thy praise vanish from our lips. Be praised, O holy God ! The Congregation take their seats. 77i e Congregation in silent devotion : NCE more, my God and my Father, I lift up to thee my eyes and my soul in fervent devotion. Since the early morning I have sought thee, and thou hast let me find thee ; I have called upon thee, and thou hast listened ; I was longing to find com- fort and peace, and behold peace has returned into my heart, I am comforted by thy grace. Laden with guilt and bowed bown by the consciousness of my sins I entered thy house ; full of anxiety and fear, O righteous Judge, I was, in the morning of this festival. But I prayed to thee, God of grace, and confessed my transgressions before thee ; from the depth of my soul I cried out, forgive, O God ! pardon, O Father ! With all my heart I turned back to thee, and vowed never again to leave thee, and with child-like confidence I asked that thou wouldst assist me to better my conduct, and my soul became serene, my heart calm. Then I rose up from the dust ; for thy light shone above me, thy grace visited me, it brought me salvation. And thus I trust that thy help will not fail me in the coming days. Re- turn to me and I will return to you ; so didst thou RITUAL. 139 speak through the mouth of thy prophet, so dost thou speak to all of us at every hour. I have heard this, thy comforting call, and here I am, and return to thee with my whole heart and my whole soul. From morning till evening I have dwelt in thy house. Far from the affairs of. the world I have spent this sacred day, to cast a searching glance into my innermost heart, seriously to examine my life and my conduct. Here I could not indulge in self-deception, here, where I realized thy presence, God of truth ! and undisguised did my sins appear before my startled eyes, and my transgressions testified against me. I confessed before thee, my God and my judge, that I would have to perish, if only my virtue and my deserts should save me. But as I recognized my shortcomings, so I became also aware of thy perfection, thy love, and grace and mercy, with which thou hast given us the Day of Atonement to pardon all our guilt. And thus the end of the day bringeth joy, as its begin- ning found us in shame and mourning. My soul was cast down, thou didst lift it up ; in thee I found strength and comfort ; I mourned on account of my guilt ; but thy love, O Father, thy word and thy promise, brought me gladness, courage, hope. Thou dost not desire the death of the sinner, but that he return from his evil way and live. Thou dost not reject him who went astray, nay, thou listeneth to 140 RITUAL. him when he raises his voice, and showest him mercy when he confesses his guilt before thee. Thou dost not let the son of the dust fall, thou raisest him up, supportest him by thy spirit, by thy word, and hast given him the Day of Atonement to remind him that he has to cleanse himself of his sins, to appear pure before thee and to obtain for- giveness. Thanks to thee, O Father, for this mercy, for this day, for the fruits of this day. Thanks to thee, that thou didst not take me away in my transgressions, that thou madest me know them, and confess and repent them. Thanks to thee for the new spirit thou hast given me, for the earnest will, with which thou hast inspired me to begin a new, a purer and a better life. And sincere and fervent as my grati- tude and my joy is my intention never again to disobey thy commandments. I wholly devote my- self to thee and to thy service. My heart shall re- main filled with thy love, and reverence of thee shall ever abide in my soul, and be manifested in all my actions. Thy law shall be sacred to me, and it shall be my greatest glory to obey thee and to serve thee. Not the earth and its goods, not this transient life and its joys, not the world and its treasures shall be my aim ; no, in thee alone will I trust, in thee put my hope, for thee wait, and from thee expect my salvation, and gratefully accept whatever RITUAL. 141 thou mayest decide to send to me. And as I came to life and still live through thy goodness, so I will be a minister of thy goodness and love to all my fellow-men, to my brethren, thy children. I have heard thy holy charge and will obey it. I will break my bread to the hungry, and bring the poor that are cast out to my house ; I will clothe the naked and not hide myself from him who is of mine own flesh. To comfort others shall be my greatest com- fort ; to bring joy to the sorrowful, my highest joy; to help the forsaken, my sweetest work. Then my mission in life will become ever clearer to me, and I shall never, never forget it. Created in thy image, O most high and holy God, I shall have thee con- stantly before my eyes as my example, and the thought of my work and of thee shall shield me against every transgression, against every humilia- tion by sin. With such sensations I see the holy Day of Atone- ment wane ; such resolutions it has ripened within me. O, how happy am I if these sensations shall never leave me, these resolutions never grow weak ! But to carry them out faithfully I need thy support, O God, and I pray that thou mayest grant it. Pre- serve within me a pure heart, and a firm and upright spirit renew within me ! Do not cast me away from before thy face, and do not take thy holy spirit from me. And as I now behold and enjoy the hap- 142 RITUAL. piness of thy salvation, and am comforted by thy word of peace, u I have forgiven "; so let me seek and find at all times the highest satisfaction in the hope to be deserving of thy pardon, to become daily more worthy of thy love ! Grant, O God, that in the spirit of this prayer I may live, and, having won thy approval, let me depart from this life to behold that felicity which thou hast laid up for those who fear thee and love thee in truth and in sincerity of heart. May the words of my mouth and the medi- tations and resolutions of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my rock and my redeemer ! Amen. M. May the words of my mouth and the medi- tations and resolutions of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my rock and my redeemer ! Amen. CJioir and Congregation. Amen. 1 The Congregation rise. M. Open for us the gate, at the time of closing the gates, for the day declines ! Choir and Congregation. h nng RITUAL. 143 M. The day vanishes, the sun is setting let us enter thy gates. Choir and Congregation. * ros DIM The Congregation resume their seats. Hymn. /^VPEN for us the gate, at the hour when the gates are closed, our heavenly Father ! Soon will be closed the gates of this temple, in which we have offered to thee the sacrifices of our thanks and our repentance. O, that now at the hour when the gates are closed, the gates of our hearts may be thrown wide open before thee, that every shadow hidden in their secretest corner may disappear, all bitter feel- ing of enmity and hatred be rooted out, so that they may become wholly pure and devoted to thy ser- vice. From thy house we are about to return to our own dear homes, the beautiful places where, under thy divine shelter, we enjoy the sweet bless- ings of family life. O, unlock before us the gates of our houses, enter thou before us over the threshold, that they may become thy abode, that thy spirit may dwell in our tents, that they may stand firm and immovable in the midst of all tempests and trials, and offer cooling shade in the heat of the day, and protecting shelter in storms and rain. 144 RITUAL. There is another tent allotted to us by thee, O heavenly Father, an eternal abode, the last resting- place to which we shall all go after the short day of our life has ended. O, open thou before us the gate, at the hour of closing the gate ! Unlock be- fore us the gates of eternal salvation and peace, at the hour when the gates of our house shall be closed after us forever! Be thou our guiding star on this last way, and grant that in the night of death thy light may rise for us like the morning dawn, that we may go hence in joy and be guided in peace, that by our grave, instead of the thistle, may spring up the fragrant myrtle of a blessed memory. This bright evening reminds us also of that glorious evening time, promised by thee, when thy light will rise over all the children of men, and Israel's seed will be as numerous as the stars of heaven. Endow us, our Guardian, with strength and love for our holy mission ! Grant that all the members of our tribe may recognize this great aim of all the changes and struggles in Israel's wander- ings, that on the banner of our people may be in- scribed not only, " One God ! " but also, " One Humanity ! " Open before us the gate, at the hour of closing the gate ! A painful breach separates the house of Jacob. Its children stand divided into two camps, between a world that passes away, which be- lieves Israel destined to dwell forever alone and RITUAL. 145 isolated among the nations, and a rising world, which, filled with the spirit of the prophets, sees Israel's glory and highest destination in the union of all thy children, as the people of thy covenant. Many cling to decayed ruins, and waste their strength in the futile attempt to save them from total de- struction, because they suppose thy spirit to be fettered to the shattered remains. Many others have left the gates of the old world without enter- ing .the new, and are straying in the vast desert without a shelter, in painful conflict with themselves, or cold and indifferent to all that is sacred. So send healing to our wounds, and grant that all, with united strength, may rise from the ruins and the desolation, and joyfully enter into the enlarged rooms of our newly adorned tent, in which we shall spread to the right and to the left, and conquer nations. Enlighten all those who call themselves by thy name with the knowledge that the ever- widening breach, made many centuries ago by thee in the bulwarks of our imperishable sanctuary, forms but a gate through which Israel with its sanctuary shall step out, a priest, bringing a blessing to the nations; that at the same moment, when the gates of thy ancient temple were closed, the gates of the world were opened before them, that thy kingdom might be the whole earth, and thy people embrace all nations. 146 RITUAL. Thou alone, O inscrutable One, knowest when this glorious work of our people will be accom- plished, when the last great Day of Atonemeut will close. But surely this Neilah celebration, so ardently hoped for, will come, as surely as none of thy words returns empty without having accom- plished what it was sent for. Then all thy children will be united in joyful exultation, and from one end of the world to the other will resound the con- fession : Hear, O Israel, God, our Lord, is the Only-one God ! Then many thousands will sur- round thy house, the house of prayer for all nations, and exclaim : Lord, open to us the gate at the time of closing the gates. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; rise, ye everlasting doors ! let the King of glory come. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, -he is the King of glory. Choir. Amen. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; rise, ye everlasting doors ! let the King of glory come. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. ROM of old hast thou distinguished man and honored him by appointing him to serve thee. Who can say to thee what doest thou, and if man is righteous what does he give to thee? Be- cause thou lovest us thou hast given us this celebra- tion of Atonement, to make our guilt disappear RITUAL. 147 through thy mercy and forgiveness, and to en- courage us to abandon evil, to return to thee and again to observe thy laws with all our heart. Sanctify us, our God, and give us a pure heart, that we may serve thee in truth. Blot out our iniquity, O God, who delightest in pardoning the repentant sinner. Be praised, O God, who forgivest our transgressions and removest our guilt, King of the earth, who sanctifiest Israel and the Day of Atonement. C/toir and Congregation. Amen. \\ TE render thanks unto thee, Lord our God, for our life which is in thy hand, for our souls which are in thy keeping, for thy providence, for thy wonders which are manifested every day, for the benefits which thou showerest upon us at all times, at evening, morning and noon. Thy mercies never fail, thy kindness never ceases and we put our trust in thee forever. Be praised, O Lord ! for Goodness is thy name, and we will glorify thee. Our God and God of our fathers, bless us with the ancient three-fold, priestly benediction : Itt! May God bless thee and guard thee ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. 148 RITUAL. Minister. May God let his countenance shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. Choir and Congregation. Amen. Minister. May God lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Choir and Congregation. Amen. M. Grant peace, happiness and blessing, grace and mercy to us and to all Israel, thy people, and to all thy children. Bless us all, O our Father, with the light of thy countenance ! As in thy light thou hast given us the law of life, the love of virtue and justice, mercy and peace ; so may it please thee to bless us with thy peace at all times and in all sea- sons. Be praised, O giver of peace ! Choir and Congregation. Amen. /^\UR God and our Father, the most solemn and the most glorious day of the year draws to its close ; we have spent it in communion with thee and with our brethren, and more than ever do we now feel how pleasant are thy habitations, how much better is a day in thy courts than a thousand. RITUAL. 149 We entered thy sanctuary heavily burdened, thirst- ing for thy love and mournfully conscious how little we deserve it ; trembling when we reflected about the record of our life in the past years. And now, at the fall of night, light dawns within us, the burden that weighed us down is cast off, our hope and our trust are revived, the gloomy shadow which darkened our spirit is vanished, and through the passing cloud breaks with the last ray of the setting sun the celestial apparition of atonement. We have not prayed in vain for thy mercy and thy help ; we feel that we are new-born, that our will and desire are purified, that our fate is in thy hand. O, grant that the influence of this sacred day may accompany us into our daily life ! Grant that, as we have been forgiven by thee, so may we at all times be ready to forgive our brethren. Grant that pure and virtuous as all our thoughts and inclina- tions are now, so may all our thoughts and words and deeds be pure and virtuous to the last day of our life. We are in a mood as joyful and solemn as are the just and pure at the gates of eternity. Therefore we celebrate the conclusion of this day by pronouncing that confession of thy holy name, in which we live and for which we are willing to die. The Congregation rise. ISO RITUAL. In the same humility and devotion in which we hope some day to cry it with our last breath let us now exclaim : Each of these verses is repeated by the Congregation after the Minister. nroi wri 1 ?^ "wit?? wyf ton M '.; T T: Benediction. 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