5 105 BJB'NEI ZION, t GLASGOW. r ir for the Year commencing 1st January, 1906, ending 13th January, 1907. H. HANDELMAN, Hon. Treasurer. Golombok Brothers, Printers, 43 Hospital St. (H- 2095184 B'NEI X OC ZION Glasgow, I8tb January 1907 Dear Sir, The Annual Meeting of the abcre Society will he held on SUNDAY FIKST, in the HERZL ZIONIST HALL, 27 Oxford Street, at 7 p.m. I must draw your attention to the Fact that this Meeting has in the past not been so well attended as its importance necessitated. The Committee direct and control the affairs cf the Society and they are elected of the members present at the Annual Meeting, and so in order to secure a strong Committee there MUST BE A GOOD ATTENDANCE. I therefore earnestly hope that you will make every endeavour to be present and thus aid the work of the society. I am Yours faithfully, With Zion's Greetings, I, LAZARUS, Pres. AGENDA. 1, Opening of Meeting, 3, Treasurer's Report, 2, Secretary's Report, 4, Election of Office-bearers, 5, General Business. P.S. Enclosed please find Balance Sheet. David Wolflsoto, President of the Zionist Actions Committee. Balance Sheet for the Year consenting Ja H. HANEELMAN, Hon, Treasurer, CASH A( Income 1906 1905 To Cash from last Treasurer, 10 8 6 17 1 ,, Contributions, 26 16 20 12 1 Plate Collections, 11 11 24 IS 7 9 Annual Contributions, ... 7 16 6 7 S Shekolim, 10 14 730 National Fund, 2 10 2 4 6 Donations to Federation Fund, ... 040 000 69 19 8A 62 12 54 To Shekolirn, SHEKOLIM 20 6 20 6 NATIONAL FL Per Mr. H. Handelman, Hon. Treasurer:- To Cash in Hand from last Year, 11 12 lO- ,, Stamps in Hand from last Year, 486 Stamps from Rev. J. Bogdanski, 618 9 Cash from Mr. B. Gerber, ... 4 10 Various Donations and Collections, 16 14 4^ Per Mr. B. Gerber, Hon. Treasurer :- To Stamps from Mr. H. Handelman, 200 Various Donations and Collections, 15 2 44 4 6 17 2 61 6 We, the undersigned, have examined the books and vouchers an ' 1st 1906, ending January 13th 1907. ount with the B'NEI ZION. JNT. Expenditure* 1906 1905 y Shekolim, 20 6 14 i Contribution to Beth Herzl Hall, 15 13 Hall Rent, (Wellington Palace) 2 10 2 11 ,, Printing and Stationery, 6 11 6 6 14 * Lecturers' Expenses, ... 6 1 1 3 8 Postage, 3 16 11* 4 2 , Pamphlets, 1 5 , Federation Dues, 1 3 ,, Federal ion Fund, 1 5 ,, Towanls Presentation to Rev. Phillips, 10 6 ,, Towards Presentation to L. J. Greenberg, 1 1 ,, Lime Light Lantern, ... 1 6 Commissionaries, 16 6 Bill Posting, 7 12 . N itional Fund, 2 10 2 4 6 Cash in Hand, 8 6 2 10 8 69 19 8* 62 12 6* ;OUNT. 5y 214 Shekolim Sold, ,.. ... 10 14 192 Shekolim to Members, ... ... ... 9 12 20 6 ACCOUNT. Per Mr. H. Handelman, Hon. Treasurer;- >y Golden Book to inscribe I. Bernstein, 10 ,, ., Book to inscribe Messrs A. August 5 A. Harris 5 H . Katz o 5 J. Harris 5 N Shiftman o 5 J. Mandelstam o 5 H . Furst, o 5 7 16 15 NATIONAL FUND (detailed) ACCOUNT. VARIOUS COLLECTIONS. Beth Herzl Shimchath Beth-hashoeba Beth Herzl Concert Dr. Herzl Lodge Memorial Service Herzl Yohrzeit South Portland St. Syn 2 1 1 9 10 3 14 6 7* 8 Memorial Service to Dr. Herzl at Beth Herzl Dr. Herzl Lodge Plate at Beth Herzl Minyan Order Achei Brith 10 5 5 5 0* 6 2i o* 7 3 7 YOM Oxford St. Synagogue Poalei Zedek Assembly Rooms K1PU 5 3 1 R PLATES. Beth Jacob Through Mr. Wexler 2 3 6 H 14 7* Wool f son Smith Sherman Fisher Grossman ENGAGE 236 250 10 :MENTS. Woolfson Margolis Rosenberg Benson 8 3 8 9 5 10 11 myn nynenyn Ez-x 27 j'rs-iyn *T3 | fya-20 , .;v~x";": M Tr;~vn u^; I.TK jyaTyn is ^liyret nnw 7 aw . yn CNI ]yr>cc is cs-p'ycs^K T' cagcy^yBrK T'D rtt oy 'I ,;TXv ;: ;*:N; x ifi ^yn cjn ayn a:vs z'i"v y^x -,x t :"p; < ^yna ps nys ]ya*nj x ;yjy ejni oy DXII c*:vs yvcps -: u.xi rcm in*;; nyanxi rx oy ^yn^'c -i::y- -r:-x ix- .v-'^xp n |* jynyii ny n rx c-iyi:i;y3 J:*B*D oyi |yaya iy" B>D |yfi .IV-;;KP nya-8 -.yn |"T eyn inx 1 " cytn oxn is ,BiK-fiyn B-iynynB ,3 ,B-.Nyn ,5 ,2 VB 000 113762 NATIONAL FUND (continued). MARRIAGES, Sherman Fisher Gordon Taylor Resnick Goldie Simon Vanitsky Nadfil Riffkin Russkin Sherr Through Mr. Bernstein ,, Mr. J. Cohen Bernstein Deytz Abel Jacobs Epstein Fierst Cohen Smith Gay a M. Bloch Mazur Galperin Charmatz S. Palter M. Lyons H. Baker Mr. (k Mrs, Golombok A. Trotsky I. Shenkin B. Gerber M. Kimrael Golorabok Brothers M. Gershon Robitsky Benjamin A. Mark son 1 18 2 Freedman Wexler 3 7i 12 Winer Benjamin 5 8 Per J. Rabinovitch 5 5 6 Rattner Sabbas 15 1 5 6 Per Mr. Gordon 16 12 Per L. Wolfson 3 8 6 Fisher Einbinder 5 6 5 6 Benson Goldberg 4 8 Bowman 8 4 5 Morris Hecht 6 9 13 9 17 Hi 6 4 BRITH MILAHS, 11 Klibansky 6 6 6 Fierstein 7 9 3 Goldblatt 5 3 7 S. Cussin 10 6 13 4 F. Kudlatz 3 4 1 9 Samuels 3 8 4 6 4 7 5 7 6 DONATIONS, 10 Seligson 1 6 5 J. I lay man 1 4 H. Stern 1 2 6 M. Haase 1 2 6 Winer 1 2 6 M. Sachs 1 2 6 J. Sopher 1 2 Various Small Sums 2 5 1 6 4 1 H 1 6