^'/ ( J LIBARY 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ( ,1 KT i OF UNIVERSITY OF - TYPES OF STELLAR SPECTRA. ANNALS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. \\ EDWARD C. PICKERING, DIRECTOR. VOL. XXVII. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE OP STELLAR SPECTRA PHOTOGRAPHED WITH THE 8-INCH BACHE TELESCOPE AS A PAHT OP THE HENEY DEAFER MEMORIAL. OF TH ' CAMBRIDGE : JOHN WILSON AND SON. SBntoerattp Jf 1890. Artron. PREFACE. THE conditions under which the Henry Draper Memorial was established and is maintained by Mrs. Henry Draper will be found in the Preface to Volume XXVI. of these Annals. The present volume contains the results of the first investigation undertaken to perpetuate the name of Dr. Draper by a research in the branch of science to which he devoted the last years of his life. These results form a cata- logue of the photographic spectra of more than ten thousand stars. Two causes have greatly increased the number of stars whose spectra can now be studied photo- graphically. The first is the increase in sensitiveness of photographic plates. The second, the substitution, for a slit spectroscope, of a prism placed over the objective, thus saving a great portion of the light. Accordingly the spectra of stars of the sixth magnitude are contained in the present catalogue, although the exposures were limited to five or ten minutes. A third improvement adopted was the substitu- tion of a photographic doublet for a telescopic objective of the usual form, thus enabling a single photograph to include a region ten degrees square. Three or four regions were usually taken on each plate. In some cases the spectra of as many as two hundred stars were shown on a single plate with sufficient distinct- ., ness to be measured. A description of the formation of the catalogue will be found in Volume XXVI. of these Annals. The classification of stellar spectra already in use proved insufficient to indicate all the differences found in the photo- graphs. Letters were accordingly assigned arbitrarily to the various classes into which the photographs of the spectra could be divided. These arbitrary designa- tions may be translated into any other system at will. Examples of the principal classes of spectra are illustrated in the Frontispiece. The difficulty in adopting the usual classification is increased by the fact that in many cases one type of spectrum passes insensibly into another. While therefore stars may in general be divided into four types as proposed by Secchi, many of them occupy intermediate positions. This matter will be discussed at length in another volume relating to the spectra of the brighter stars. In that case, as a much greater dispersion was used, many additional lines appear in the spectra of all the stars. All spectra bright enough " IV PREFACE. to show any lines are included in the present catalogue. The classification of the faint stars is therefore somewhat uncertain. When the number measuring the brightness in the third column of Table II. exceeds 6.5 it is difficult to classify the spectrum with certainty. In expressing the wave-lengths of the lines of the spectrum the millionth of a millimetre has been adopted as a unit, following the general usage in Germany. This unit is preferred to the ten millionth of a milli- metre adopted as a unit by Angstrom, and many other physicists. To indicate the origin of this work the name Draper Catalogue has been assigned to it. The general adoption of this name will fulfil one of the objects of the Henry Draper Memorial. EDWARD C. PICKERING, Director of the Observatory of Harvard College. CAMBRIDGE. MASS , U. S.. September 25. 1890. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXVII. PREFACE jy DESCRIPTION OF TABLE I j TABLE I. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE 7 DESCRIPTION OF TABLE II U3 TABLE II. DETAILS OF MEASUREMENT OF THE DRAPER CATALOGUE 117 DESCRIPTION OF REMARKS 261 REMARKS 262 TABLE III. CATALOGUE RESIDUALS EXCEEDING 9 374 TABLE IV. INDEX TO LETTERS EMPLOYED BY BAYER 383 TABLE V. NUMBER OF STARS IN DRAPER CATALOGUE 388 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. THE present volume contains a catalogue of the photographic spectra of 10,351 stars, nearly all of them north of the parallel of declination 25. The number of photographic plates discussed in this volume is 633, and the total number of spectra measured is 28,266. As this work forms a part of the Henry Draper Memorial, it is suggested that it be designated as the Draper Catalogue, and that reference be made to it by the letters D. C. followed by the number contained in the first column. A description of the preparation of this Catalogue, with a discussion of the results derived from it, will be found in Volume XXVI. of these Annals. A sufficient ex- planation is given below to permit an intelligent use of the Catalogue. The photographs were taken by means of a Voigtlander lens having an aperture of 8 inches (20 cm.) and a focal length of 44 inches (115 cm.). This lens was mounted equatorially and moved by clockwork controlled electrically by an auxiliary clock. A prism 8 inches (20 cm.) square and having a refracting angle of 13 was fastened in front of the object glass. Its refracting edge was placed perpendicular to the axis of the earth. When directed to a star the image was spread by the prism into a line, red at one end and blue at the other. This line was allowed to trail slowly over the plate at right angles to its length, by giving a rate to the auxiliary clock slightly different from that of the apparent motion of the stars; in other words, by making it move a little faster or slower than sidereal time. Ex- posures of about five minutes were in general used for equatorial stars, and somewhat longer exposures for northern stars. Spectra were thus obtained 0.4 in. (1 cm.) in length and having a width of 0.04 in. (0.1 cm.). As the lens was a doublet, a region 10 square could be satisfactorily covered with it. Accordingly, photographic plates 8 inches by 10 (20 by 25 cm.) were employed. At each exposure the spectra were obtained of all the stars of sufficient brightness in a region 10 square. All stars brighter than the seventh magnitude would generally give images of sufficient inten- sity to be measured unless they were of a reddish color. Many stars of the eighth magnitude or fainter appeared on the plates with sufficient distinctness to be 2 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. included. Three or four exposures were commonly made upon each plate. The total number of spectra on a single plate sometimes exceeded two hundred. The most sensitive plates obtainable were used. At first the " Allen and Rowell " plates were employed, but later the " Seed " Plates No. 21 were substituted for them. The plan of work was such that the entire sky north of 25 was covered twice in the first cycle of photographs. The plates overlapped so that a spectrum which appeared near the corner of one plate would appear near the centre of another. The work was then repeated by a second similar cycle of plates. Each star should in general appear on four plates. Owing to the overlapping of the regions and the repetition of plates which were not satisfactory, this number is greatly increased for many of the stars, especially for those between +50 and +85. The faintest stars appear on only one plate. In this case a second independent measure was always made. The first of the photographs discussed in this volume were taken by Mr. H. Helm Clayton, the later ones by Mr. Willard P. Gerrish ; those taken during the latter part of the night by Mr. R. W. Gifford. The reduction of the plates was begun by Miss N. A. Farrar, but the greater portion of this work, the measurement and classification of all the spectra, and the preparation of the Catalogue for publication, has been in charge of Mrs. M. Fleming. Misses F. Cushman, E. Gill, E. F. Leland, A. E. Masters, J. T. Rugg, M. C. Stevens, L. D. Wells and L. Winlock have at different times aided in the numerical computations and clerical work. If the spectra of a large number of stars are photographed, one form will be found to predominate. It consists of a nearly continuous spectrum traversed by a series of dark bands or lines arranged with great regularity. The intervals between the lines diminish with the wave-lengths. These lines appear to be due to the presence of hydrogen. They have the following designations and wave-lengths expressed in millionths of a millimetre : C, 656.3; F, 486.1; G, 434.1; h, 410.2; H, 397.0; a, 388.9; & 383.6; y, 379.8; 3, 377-1; e, 375.0; , 373.4; >?, 372.2; 0, 371.2. The first of these lines is in the red and does not appear in the photo- graph. The third is here called G for convenience. It must not be confounded with the adjacent broad band at wave-length 431 which appears in the solar spec- trum and was called G by Frauuhofer. Stars having the spectrum described above belong to Type I. according to the usual classification of stellar spectra. The K line 393.4 is also generally visible, but its intensity differs in different stars. This in- tensity is indicated in Table II. in the column headed FK. When no other lines but those named above are visible the spectrum is indicated by the letter A. When other lines are detected the letter B is used, and the position and intensity of THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. O the lines are given in the remarks following the Catalogue. The lines most com- monly seen have wave-lengths 402.6 and 447.1. Many of the stars. in Orim and Canis Major belong to this class. The letter C denotes a spectrum of the first tj-pe, in which the lines G and h appear to be double. It is not certain that this appearance represents a real condition, as it is not confirmed by photographs taken with a higher dispersion. It may be due to defective focusing, or the presence of the band of wave- length 431 mentioned above may, in some cases, cause the G line to appear double. A few other stars of the first type give bright bands which are indicated by the letter D. The letters E to L are used for different varieties of spectra of Type II. The brightest portions of the spectra are included between the lines K and F. The K line (wave-length 393.4) is nearly as intense as the H line in these spectra. The other lines are generally faint. When no lines are visible but F, H and K, and the spectrum undergoes no sudden change in intensity, the letter E is used. If other hydrogen lines are visible F is employed. The spectrum might then have been re- garded as of the first type with the K line very strong, and the G and h lines rather faint. Additional lines in the spectrum are denoted by G. In nmny stars the spec- trum is more intense for rays exceeding 431 in wave-length than for those whose wave-length is less. This is a property of nearly all of the spectra of the third type, and was at first supposed to indicate such a spectrum. These spectra were accord- ingly regarded as of the third type in the original examination of the plates. The letter H is used for these spectra. When additional dark lines are seen the letter I is used. If the spectrum is well defined bright bands are also visible, which mav be due to a bright portion of the spectrum intercepted between two dark bands. The letter K is used for this class. Other varieties of this form of spectrum are indicated by the letter L. When a spectrum is of the third type it is indicated by the letter M. The differ- ence between this type and the second type is much less marked in the photographic than in the visible portion of the spectra. The most noticeable difference is that in spectra of the third type the intensity suddenly changes at the wave-length 476.2. Rays of greater wave-length than this are fainter than those that are shorter. The letter N is reserved for spectra of the fourth type, although no star of this type is bright enough to appear in the Draper Catalogue owing to the red color of all such stars. The letter is used for stars whose spectra consist mainly of bright lines, and the letter P is reserved for planetary nebulae. As the photographic spectra of classes and P closely resemble each other, it will be convenient to regard them as forming 4 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. a fifth type of spectrum. The only star of this type in the Draper Catalogue is D. C. 3889, whose spectrum belongs to Class 0. All spectra not included in the above classes are indicated by the letter Q. From this it appears that A, B, C, and D indicate varieties of the first type, E to L varieties of the second type, M the third type, N the fourth type, and 0, P, and Q spectra which do not resemble those of any of the preceding types. All forms of spectra except A, E, and H require further explanation, which is accordingly given in the remarks following Table II. Nearly all of the fainter spectra are classified as A, E, or H, the additional lines, if present in the spectra, not being detected in the photograph, owing to the small dispersion. The observed brightness given in Table II. must therefore be considered in any attempt to discuss the frequency with which these various classes occur. The principal results of the measures are given in Table I. The details will be found in Table II. and in the remarks following it. The explanation of the successive columns of Table I. is given below preceded by the heading of each. D. C. 'A number for reference in designating the stars of the Draper Catalogue. DM. The number by which the stars are designated in the Durchmusterung. The number of the zone is generally the same as the degree of declination given in the fifth column. When they differ owing to the precession, the number of the star in this column is placed in Italics. There can be no doubt to what zone in the Durchmusterung this number belongs, since the declination given for 1900 in the fifth column can never differ so much as 16' from that for 1855. Moreover, the stars between 6* and 18* are all carried southward, and the remainder northward by the effect of precession. H. P. The number of the star in the Harvard Photometry. R A. 1900. The right ascension of the star in minutes and tenths for 1900. The number of the hours of right ascension will be found at the top of each page. Dec. 1900. The declination for 1900 in degrees and minutes. No. The number of photographic images obtained of each star. Sp. The character of the spectrum according to the classification described above, a ? being added when the results obtained from different plates are discordant after a second examination. Magn. The mean of the photographic magnitudes after applying the corrections described in Volume XXVI. The scale is that of the Harvard Photometry for those stars of Type I. in which only the hydrogen lines are visible, or those classified as A. The quantity measured in each case is the intensity of the spectrum in the vicinity of the G line. Accordingly, when stars having different spectra are compared the THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 5 results will not be the same as if the entire light of the stars were measured. In the latter case, the results will differ with the color of the star according to the method of measurement employed. This is a serious defect in the measures of the brightness of the stars in catalogues hitherto published. Since the present measures relate to rays of a single wave-length the same result should be obtained whether the method of comparison was by the photographic plate, the eye, or the thermopile. When the spectrum was denoted by H, I, K, or L, measures were made on both sides of the sudden change in intensity occurring near the G line. The result given in this column relates to the brighter portion, which is that having the greater wave-length. A similar change in intensity is found for spectra marked M at wave-length 476.2. The difference of these intensities with some additional measurements will be found in Volume XXVI., Tables XXXI. and XXXII. The spectra of stars of the second magnitude or brighter were generally too dense to be satisfactorily measured. The mean is inserted in the table when two or more measures exceeding 4.0 were made of spectra which were not near the edges of the plates. Otherwise, the letter B was inserted, and the individual measures are given in the remarks following Table II. Resid. The residuals found by subtracting the photographic magnitude in the preceding column from the magnitudes given in the Durchmusterung, in the Argentine General Catalogue, and. in the Harvard Photometry. When a star is not contained in the second of these catalogues, the magnitude given in the list of standards for the Uranometria Argentina or in the catalogue of the last-named work is substituted. As in other tables of these Annals, the residuals are expressed in tenths of a magni- tude, negative values being indicated by Italics. When a residual exceeds 9, it is represented by p if positive, and by n if negative. The exact values of these large residuals are given in Table III. Positive residuals in general indicate that the star is of a bluish tint; negative residuals that it is of a reddish tint. Stars south of +10 and not given in the Argentine Observatory catalogues named above, have F in the place of a residual. In this column, and occasionally in some of the others, reference is made to the remarks following Table II. by R. As examples of the material furnished by the Draper Catalogue, the first line shows that D. C. 1 is DM. +44 4550, and is not contained in the Harvard Photome- try. Its position for 1900 is in R. A. 0" O m .O, Dec. +44 40'. The spectrum appears on 7 plates and shows that it is of class A ; that is, of the first type in which no lines are visible but those due to hydrogen. The photographic magnitude of the star is 6.39, and its magnitude in the DM. 6.3. In D. C. 4 the Italics in the second column show that this star is identical with DM. +34 5061, and not with DM. +35 5061. G ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. In the case of D. C. 5 the last column shows that the magnitude, according to both the Cordoba and H. P, catalogues, is brighter than 5.0, but it is necessary to turn to Table III., p. 374, to find the exact residuals, which are 11 and 13. The required magnitudes are accordingly 4.8 and 4.6 in these cases. D. C. 7 is DM. +12 5063, and H. P. 4259. Its photographic magnitude is 6.23, and its magnitudes according to the DM., U. A., and H. P., 5.5, 5.5, and 5.8 respectively. Many additional facts regarding these stars will also be found in Table II. and the remarks following it. Specimens of a number of these classes of spectra are represented in the Frontis- piece. They are all enlarged horizontally five times. A cylindrical lens serves to spread the spectrum vertically, so as to eliminate defects taking the form of hori- zontal lines. The class of spectrum, name of star, D. C. number, and plate number are given below : A. Cygni A. i Cancri B. Monoeevotis F. 42 Com. Beren. D. C. 9220 PI. 719 B.C. 4677 PI. 1135 B.C. 3517 PI. 2345 D. C. 6358-9 PI. 2419 G. tj Bootis G. rj Pegasi K. ft Leonis M. d Virgin is D. C. 6602 PI. 1350 D. C. 9890 PI. 1684 D. C. 5206 PI. 2308 D.C. 6271 PI. 1379 The spectrum of a Cygni is inserted to show the ultra-violet portion of the spectra of Class A, although the central portion is so much over-exposed that some lines are not visible. The additional line seen between 8 and e has a wave-length of 376, as stated on page 356. Three lines are visible in this spectrum (see page 241), of shorter wave-length than those given on page 2 and known to be due to hydrogen. They are i, 370.3; K, 369.6; X, 369.0. Two other lines, p., 368.5 and v, 368.2, are also seen in certain stars of Class A. The spectrum of 17 Bootis is given in like manner to show the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum of Class G. In the original negative the line of shortest wave-length is 359. The four lines to the left are the M group. The principal lines in D. C. 3517 are described on page 295. The line between H and a has somewhat shorter wave-length than K, with which at first it appears to be identical. The enlargement also shows lines of wave-lengths 465, 455, 414, and 400, which are barely visible in the original negative. The con- spicuous line of wave-length 422.7 in spectrum M is not characteristic of all third type stars. The general appearance of a copy of a photograph varies so much with changes in exposure and development that it is difficult to convey a correct idea of the original negative by a paper print. These photographs are intended to show types, not individual lines. The latter will be discussed in another volume from spectra of the bright stars taken with the 11-inch Draper telescope on a scale fifteen times that of these spectra. TABLE I. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 8 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900 Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 1 4550 0.0 + 44 40 7 A 6.39 1 . . 51 21 19 6.7 + 47 36 1 II 6.4G n. S 2 4525 0.0 - 1 4 1 H 6.81 23. 52 14 20 6.8 + 22 56 1 H 6.58 6 . 3 1426 0.1 + 68 19 9 A 6.31 7.. 53 19 6.9 + 53 4 4 A 6.47 0. . 4 5061 0.1 + 35 1 3 A 6.58 4. . 54 14 21 7.1 -18 30 2 H 6.42 7nn 5 6357 4259 0.3 - 6 16 3 H 5.87 7nn 55 26 7.5 + 45 33 2 F? 6.74 3 . . 6 6227 0.4 -10 10 1 H 7.10 47. 56 19 7.5 1 47 1 H 7.15 2 F. 7 5063 4260 0.6 + 12 51 2 A 6.23 774 57 12 22 7.6 + 37 9 1 E 5.77 p. 8 8 2863 0.9 + 63 7 1 A 6.31 9. . 58 30 7.8 + 49 22 3 A 6.73 . . 9 2865 1.0 + 57 53 3 F 5.96 5. . 59 16 7.9 + 61 29 5 A 6.25 5 . . 10 2107 1 1.2 + 63 37 14 A 5.54 1 . 60 8.0 -23 2 1 H 6.49 .4 . 11 546 1.4 + 84 51 2 A 7.22 P 61 40 8.1 + 49 10 2 A 6.63 4 . . 12 4704 1.4 + 28 29 2 H 6.41 P 62 14 23 8.1 + 14 38 6 A 3.46 n. 5 13 1.7 -23 40 1 H 6.38 . 1 . 63 13 24 8.2 + 26 25 2 H 6.35 1 . 1 14 1140 1.9 + 72 39 1 H 6.82 p. . 64 15 8.2 -21 11 1 A? 7.28 5F . 15 6428 2.2 -17 57 1 H 6.37 11 . 65 29 25 8.3 + 40 29 5 F 5.83 1 . 16 2 3 2.7 -36 2 A 5.84 p76 66 4 8.4 + 75 28 2 A 6.70 4. . 17 2 2.7 -23 4 2 A 5.94 .Op 67 19 8.7 + 49 1 A? 7.22 42., 18 2 2.9 + 30 50 3 A 6.85 0. . 68 8.7 -23 46 1 H? 6.93 . 1 . 19 3 4 3.1 - 3 1 H 7.09 678 69 21 27 8.8 + 32 39 4 A 5.94 6 . 1 20 4 5 3.2 + 28 33 10 A B R . K 70 25 8.8 -18 6 2 A 6.6-2 6F. 21 5 3.2 - 9 23 1 H 7.00 58 . 71 25 9.0 + 52 18 1 E? 6.71 7. . 22 2 3.3 + 73 41 5 A 6.49 5. . 72 *4 9.1 - 7 45 1 F 6.76 p F . 23 8 8.5 + 36 4 2 F 6.3C 2 . . 73 17 9.3 -21 45 1 H 6.77 2 2 . 24 3 6 3.5 -18 8 1 A 6.42 220 74 27 28 9.4 + 19 39 3 II 6.11 n .''11 25 3 8 3.7 + 24 54 1 H 6.64 8.4 75 26 29 9.4 - 8 21 2 H 6.56 .n 326 106 37.6 + 16 7 1 H 6.69 6. . 376 134 124 43.0 -22 16 3 A 5.41 841 327 43 37.8 + 70 17 1 H 6.76 p. . 377 105 122 43.1 + 6 45 1 H 6.50 f>65 328 140 37.8 -10 28 2 A? 6.60 40. 378 123 123 43.1 + 4 46 1 H? 6.14 124 329 146 102 37.9 + 46 29 10 A 5.27 8.3 379 147 121 43.2 + 50 25 5 A 4.98 2 . 330 85 37.9 - 4 24 1 E 6.54 p5. 380 53 43.5 + 70 38 2 A? 6.51 8. . 331 36 38.1 + 75 23 1 H 6.40 p. . 381 107 125 43.5 + 72 2 I 5.60 n n n 332 122 38.5 + 32 46 2 A 6.49 3 . . 382 27 43.6 + 77 25 11 F 6.38 3 . . 333 115 103 38.5 -18 32 7 K 3.86 it n n 383 46 43.6 + 70 14 5 A? 6.14 9. . 334 58 38.7 + 66 37 2 H 6.23 6. . 384 106 43.6 + 17 47 1 H? 6.90 6. . 335 131 38.7 + 53 36 1 A 6.68 8. . 385 76 126 43.7 + 16 24 6 F 5.57 1 .3 336 181 105 38.8 + 47 19 7 A 5.65 2. 1 386 127 43.8 + 28 11 1 H 6.91 6. . 337 126 106 38.8 -12 33 1 H 6.38 420 387 209 43.9 + 45 58 1 H 6.65 4. . 338 27 104 39.0 + 74 26 12 A 5.56 1 . 388 176 44.0 + 47 13 3 A 6.18 3. . 339 124 39.0 + 33 5 1 A 6.54 p. . 389 20 44.3 + 82 15 1 A 7.31 p. . 340 183 107 39.2 + 47 44 7 A 4.82 . 2 390 171 127 44.3 + 40 32 7 B 4.69 0. 8 341 128 109 39.2 -11 9 4 H 5.56 657 391 145 129 44.3 -14 6 1 H 6.16 934 342 143 110 39.6 + 54 40 6 A 5.24 6. 2 392 128 44.3 -24 41 1 H 6.06 . 00 343 127 111 39.8 -22 34 4 F 5.17 310 393 29 44.4 + 78 4 1 H 6.95 p. . 344 157 40.0 + 56 14 1 E? 6.86 7. . 394 171 44.4 + 55 59 1 E? 7.31 p. . 345 118 40.0 + 23 3 1 A 6.58 4. . 395 131 44.5 + 27 16 346 109 40.0 - 18 1 F 6.66 IK. 396 181 132 44.5 + 27 10 2 F 6.20 9 . 6 347 144 40.1 + 54 26 1 H 7.04 P 397 99 130 44.6 + 63 42 9 F 5.70 1 . S 348 49 40.3 + 68 47 7 F 6.09 3 . . 398 . 44.6 -23 55 2 A 5.78 . 7. 349 121 40.3 + 28 38 1 A 6.91 P 399 176 133 44.7 + 44 27 8 A 5.95 8. 1 350 128 112 40.4 -13 26 1 E 6.07 221 400 19 44.9 + 79 17 7 A 6.69 p. . 12 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dee. laoo. No. Sp. Magn. Kesiil. 401 172 _ m. 45.0 + 40 16 1 A 6.85 7 . . 451 163 __ m. 49.6 / + 41 43 1 H? 6.96 8. . 402 153 135 45.1 -11 11 4 F 5.64 213 452 146 141 49.6 + 23 5 3 M? 6.26 3.9 403 161 45.2 + 50 58 5 A 6.33 4 . . 453 125 49.7 + 23 33 2 H? 7.18 3 . . 404 15 45.3 + 84 55 4 A 7.37 8. . 454 23 49.9 + 82 34 3 E 6.93 P- 405 123 45.3 + 25 2 1 H 6.79 6. . 455 28 49.9 + 76 56 2 E? 6.85 P 406 160 45.4 + 63 14 2 F 6.42 6. . 456 210 49.9 + 39 51 1 A 6.79 4. . 407 20 134 45.5 + 83 10 16 A 5.45 p.l 457 126 49.9 + 24 1 1 H 6.84 . . 408 164 45.8 + 51 2 6 A 6.02 7. . 458 148 50.0 + 28 1 2 A 6.91 6. . 409 140 45.8 + 36 29 1 H 6.92 p. . 459 135 50.2 + 60 43 1 A 7.07 8. . 410 134 45.8 + 22 19 1 A? 6.98 p. . 460 202 50.2 + 46 21 1 E 6.75 7. . 411 177 46.0 + 40 43 2 A 6.75 5 . . 461 81 50.4 + 68 15 5 F 6.11 6. . 412 129 46.0 + 32 7 1 H? 7.14 0. . 462 234 50.5 + 46 7 2 H 6.95 6. . 413 138 46.1 - 5 35 1 H 6.63 66. 463 151 50.6 + 56 45 1 A 6.72 6. . 414 118 46.2 + 2 50 1 F 6.83 61 . 464 151 144 50.6 + 26 40 5 A 6.20 2 . 2 415 111 46.3 + 22 5 1 A? 7.37 4- 465 167 146 50.6 - 7 53 2 H 6.41 244 416 106 46.3 + 12 14 2 E 6.82 20. 466 144 142 50.7 + 60 10 11 Q B B. B 417 173 46.3 - 9 57 1 E 6.55 13. 467 138 143 50.7 + 58 38 9 H 5.65 6. 7 418 57 46.4 + 68 20 3 A 6.61 8. . 468 148 50.7 + 34 41 2 A 6.15 8. . 419 113 46.5 - 3 41 2 A 6.74 6E. 469 41 50.8 + 74 57 6 A 6.72 p. . 420 191 47.0 + 56 5 1 E? 7.11 6. . 470 146 145 50.8 + 59 50 9 A 5.52 8. 421 124 136 47.1 + 60 34 11 F 5.38 4.5 471 147 50.8 + 59 30 1 A 7.01 p. . 422 143 47.2 + 56 41 2 A 6.92 5. . 472 127 50.9 + 13 24 1 H 6.73 22 . 423 117 47.2 + 20 52 1 A? 7.22 3 . . 473 114 51.0 - 4 16 1 H 6.59 IF . 424 104 47.2 + 13 6 2 A 6.73 65. 474 162 147 51.0 -11 49 2 H 6.38 478 425 189 47.3 + 46 35 1 A 6.95 9. . 475 175 148 1.1 + 37 57 6 A 4.43 2.5 426 134 47.4 + 60 8 J A 7.17 3. . 476 137 51.3 + 60 53 1 H 6.53 5. . 427 198 ' 47.4 + 39 43 1 E 6.34 2. . 477 187 51.4 + 54 25 1 A 6.19 p. . 428 159 47.4 + 38 1 2 A 6.23 5. . 478 55 51.6 + 69 58 5 A 6.29 5. . 429 272 47.6 + 49 7 3 A 6.53 p. . 479 152 51.6 + 34 20 1 H 6.60 p. . 430 227 47.7 + 46 3 2 E 6.85 p. . 480 132 51.7 - 3 16 1 E 6.44 65. 431 *_ 137 47.7 -24 33 1 H 5.96 .34 481 155 51.9 + 26 28 1 A 6.85 p. . 432 106 47.9 + 65 54 1 A 6.26 7. . 482 153 150 51.9 + 22 52 4 K 5.45 9 . 8 433 114 138 47.9 - 1 42 4 H 6.05 88n 483 51.9 -25 55 1 H 6.33 . 9. 434 148 _ 48.0 + 36 53 2 H 6.17 3. . 484 237 52.0 + 45 18 1 F 6.59 5 . . 435 116 48.0 + 19 14 1 E? 6.86 6. . 485 24 52.1 + 80 1 11 F 6.28 2. . 436 179 48.1 + 52 9 5 A 6.16 1 . . 486 115 151 52.2 + 65 49 11 A 5.73 3. 3 437 144 48.2 + 56 28 1 A? 7.06 3. . 487 199 52.2 + 51 36 2 A 6.66 5. . 438 144 48.2 + 28 58 1 H 6.72 8. . 488 157 152 52.4 + 28 27 2 M? 6.31 3 . 7 439 143 _ _ 48.2 + 28 33 1 A 6.61 p. . 489 164 52.5 + 36 58 2 A 6.27 p. . 440 120 48.2 + 3 33 1 E 6.73 6F. 490 206 52.6 + 45 3 2 A? 6.94 6. . 441 __ 48.3 -25 19 1 E 6.25 . 6. 491 148 52.6 + 38 57 1 H 6.54 3. . 442 144 48.4 + 28 2 1 E 7.16 5 . . 492 177 52.6 -11 1 1 A 6.69 PF. 443 195 48.6 + 55 47 1 A 6.96 2. . 493 147 52.6 -19 33 3 A 6.22 PR. 444 147 48.6 -54 1 E 6.63 11 . 494 140 154 52.7 + 33 26 2 H 6.45 2 . 445 133 48.7 + 24 57 1 H 6.79 2. . 495 119 153 52.7 + 13 9 2 H 6.58 622 446 136 48.8 + 38 31 1 A 6.38 P 496 131 52.7 - 2 19 1 H 6.55 12. 447 134 139 49.0 + 58 26 5 H 5.64 6.5 497 20 52.8 + 84 4 14 A 6.38 6. . 448 288 49.2 + 48 52 2 A? 6.78 3 . . 498 301 53.0 + 48 39 1 E 6.77 4. . 449 122 140 49.3 + 18 38 4 A 5.73 3. 1 499 215 53.0 + 46 31 1 A 5.85 7. . 450 181 49.3 - 9 17 2 A? 6.40 22 . 500 131 53.0 + 20 52 4 A 6.14 4. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 13 D. C. DM. H. P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp Magn. Resid m. o / m. / 501 134 53.1 + 23 59 2 A? 7.09 9. . 551 183 58.3 + 56 35 1 H 7.22 2 . 502 135 53.1 + 6 18 1 H? 6.79 50. 552 188 58.4 + 57 27 1 A 6.63 P 503 25 53.3 + 81 21 10 A 6.30 p. . 553 211 58.4 + 53 40 2 A? 6.38 6. . 504 150 53.6 + 31 57 1 A 6.93 1 . . 554 171 58.5 + 34 55 2 A 6.61 6. . 505 65 53.7 + 70 28 8 A 6.12 4. . 555 17 58.6 + 86 37 6 H 7.09 4. . 506 176 __ 53.7 - 6 25 1 E 6.67 10. 556 329 58.6 + 48 41 1 E? 6.87 9. . 507 173 156 53.7 -11 55 4 H 6.21 334 557 141 58.6 + 6 14 3 A 6.44 86. 508 309 _ 53.8 + 48 26 1 A 6.57 1 . . 55S 174 166 58.7 + 50 5 A 6.07 121 509 174 157 53.8 -20 10 2 A 6.74 3F5 559 212 58.9 + 50 29 5 A 6.20 6. . 510 224 53.9 + 39 37 1 A 6.59 4. . 560 174 58.9 + 29 9 3 F 6.14 4 . . 511 153 54.0 + 31 59 1 A? 6.84 5. . 561 249 59.0 + 39 27 3 A 6.71 2 . . 512 272 _ 54.2 + 47 29 2 E? 6.56 0. . 562 129 59.4 + 65 26 1 E 6.65 3. . 513 28 54.4 + 78 52 i A 7.33 8. . 563 172 167 59.7 + 57 1 H 6.64 672 514 193 159 54.4 + 44 10 7 A 5.53 7 . 2 564 163 168 59.8 + 14 24 6 F 5.83 3 . 1 515 227 54.5 + 46 47 1 A 6.90 1 . . 565 78 0.0 + 70 24 7 A 6.10 6. . 516 179 54.6 + 57 50 3 A 6.33 7. . 566 206 0.0 + 62 14 4 A 5.90 6. . 517 160 54.8 + 35 9 2 E? 7.01 3. . 567 191 0.0 + 57 14 3 E 6.22 8. . 518 19 155 54.9 + 85 43 17 K 5.85 c9. n 568 203 0.0 -14 17 1 H 6.61 4F. 519 64 54.9 + 68 49 8 A 6.06 9. . 569 191 0.4 + 32 28 1 E? 7.24 6. . 520 229 54.9 + 46 47 2 E 6.85 2. . 570 156 169 0.4 + 20 56 6 A 4.84 E. 2 521 190 55.0 + 37 15 1 A 6.17 8. . 571 157 170 0.4 + 20 56 K . 522 198 55.2 + 50 21 1 A 6.74 9. . 572 S3 0.6 + 77 9 1 E 7.26 8 . . 523 212 55.4 + 51 31 1 A 7.05 5. . 573 181 0.6 + 34 59 2 A 6.86 6. . 524 181 55.4 + 36 8 1 H 6.76 3 . . 574 229 0.6 -10 31 2 H 6.69 22 . 525 4 55.6 + 88 29 2 A 6.55 9. . 575 29 . 0.7 + 79 29 8 H 6.40 0. . 526 215 55.6 + 44 55 1 A? 6.64 6. . 576 181 0.7 + 59 20 4 A 5.97 p. . 527 180 55.8 + 57 17 5 A 6.25 6. . 577 180 0.7 + 31 39 1 H 6.98 2. . 528 209 - , 55.9 - 9 54 1 A? 6.65 4. . 578 175 171 0.7 + 4 22 4 F 6.05 7^1 529 30 56.3 + 81 26 6 A 6.74 P 579 196 0.9 + 56 24 1 H 7.11 5. . 530 163 56.3 + 24 46 2 E 6.89 4. . 580 230 172 1.1 -10 23 5 A 5.59 412 531 63 56.5 + 69 48 1 A 7.10 4 . . 581 30 1.2 + 82 56 1 A 7.46 p. . 532 202 56.5 + 50 30 6 A 6.32 6. . 582 243 1.2 + 55 51 2 A 6.71 8. . 533 240 56.8 + 52 19 2 A 6.41 9. . 583 223 175 1.2 + 54 27 6 H 5.64 1.4 534 216 57.0 + 51 16 4 A 6.25 9. . 584 183 1.3 + 34 38 2 A 6.75 1 . . 535 169 57.1 + 27 13 2 E? 6.95 5. . 585 135 174 1.3 + 12 25 2 I 6.67 5 . 6 536 243 57.3 + 46 50 5 F 6.39 1 . . 586 1.3 -24 32 1 A? 6.16 . 1 . 537 209 160 57.3 + 40 48 7 A 6.00 0.1 587 357 1.4 + 49 2 4 A 6.23 5 . . 538 168 161 57.3 + 31 16 5 A 5.34 2.3 588 165 1.4 + 13 22 1 H 6.83 5. . 539 158 57.3 + 8 17 1 A 6.50 94. 589 167 1.4 + 7 50 1 A? 6.70 5. . 540 157 57.4 + 60 32 5 F 5.95 5. . 590 70 1.8 + 70 10 1 A 6.60 p. . 541 156 57.4 + 25 47 2 H 7.05 0. . 591 213 _ 1.8 + 37 31 2 A 6.22 7. . 542 159 57.5 + 8 36 1 H? 6.46 73. 592 180 1.8 + 19 37 1 A? 7.31 8 . . 543 51 57.6 + 73 50 11 A 6.24 6. . 593 128 1.8 + 11 1 2 A 6.72 95. 544 153 162 57.8 + 7 21 6 H 5.58 n n n 594 224 2.1 + 41 3 A 6.58 1 . . 545 185 58.0 + 36 19 2 A 7.02 8 . . 595 234 176 2.2 + 43 24 6 A 5.15 0. 1 546 177 165 58.0 - 5 22 2 I 6.13 833 596 2.3 -24 32 1 A 5.91 . 5. 547 158 163 58.1 + 61 4 5 F 5.76 2 . 1 597 74 2.4 + 69 10 3 F 6.26 p . . 548 220 164 58.1 + 51 58 2 H 6.46 5 . 1 598 200 177 2.4 + 57 44 6 A 5.58 9. 1 549 327 58.2 + 48 20 1 H 6.92 1 . . 599 229 2.4 + 53 42 3 A 6.48 3. . 550 245 58.2 + 47 6 4 F 6.28 7 . . 600 240 2.4 + 42 19 1 F 6.96 0. . 14 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. R.A. Dec. T) A Dec D.C. DM. H. P. 1900. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. u.c. DM. H.P. 1900 1900. No. Sp. Magn ReBid. in. / m. o / 601 185 173 2.4 + 31 29 1 A 6.43 5. 2 651 161 6.7 - 2 47 1 H 6.35 23 . 602 240 2.5 + 44 17 3 A 6.81 I 8 . . 652 186 6.8 + 61 10 7 A 5.82 8. . 603 185 178 2.6 + 20 12 4 A 5.56 1 . 1 653 238 6.9 + 51 4 1 A 6.75 2. . 604 238 179 2.7 -10 19 3 F 5.82 701 654 192 7.0 + 22 43 1 A 7.03 5. . 605 187 2.8 + 28 21 1 F 6.91 4 655 289 7.1 + 46 39 1 A 7.25 5. . 606 212 2.9 + 1 28 1 E? 6.62 45. 656 158 _ 7.1 + 11 45 3 A 6.64 23. 607 190 181 3.2 + 57 5 A 5.80 '231 657 365 7.4 + 48 44 1 A 6.72 8. . 608 181 3.4 + 29 54 1 A? 7.17 . . 658 197 7.4 + 31 32 3 A 6.31 p. . . 609 207 3.5 + 56 50 2 E 6.47 2 . . 659 223 7.4 + 1 57 3 E 6.52 30. 610 240 183 3.5 -10 43 6 K? 4.97 n n n 660 204 7.5 + 32 36 1 A 7.14 8. . 611 84 180 3.6 + 79 8 21 A 5.51 1.1 661 195 7.5 + 29 33 1 H 6.77 S. . 612 275 182 3.7 + 46 42 9 A 4.43 . 1 662 36 7.6 + 79 23 11 F 6.14 4. . 613 194 3.7 + 34 16 1 A 7.00 4 . . 663 188 7.7 + 60 21 2 A 6.42 8. . 614 178 3.7 + 33 25 1 A 6.89 1 . . 664 187 7.7 + 33 35 3 A 6.20 8. . 615 177 3.7 + 9 12 a A 6.76 7 2 . 665 204 8.1 + 29 12 1 H 7.12 2. . 616 77 184 3.9 468 15 10 A 5.27 7 . 666 158 198 8.3 + 24 3 5 I 5.66 n . n 617 236 3.9 + 54 13 Q A 6.89 1 . . 667 193 : _ 8.4 + 60 24 1 A 6.12 p. . 618 98 4.0 + 67 15 2 F 6.39 4 . . 668 188 8.4 + 33 58 1 H? 7.25 2 . . 619 147 __ 4.0 + 63 39 1 A 6.37 p . . 669 174 199 8.5 + 7 3 B 10 A 5.49 75 620 239 4.0 + 51 31 1 A 6.9J 6 . . 670 176 ; 200 8.5 + 7 3 R 621 348 4.0 + 48 32 4 A 6.57 3 . . 671 374 8.6 +48 54 3 A 6.60 4. . 6-22 182 4.0 + 22 23 1 A? 7.28 2 . . 672 177 202 8.8+15 36 8 A 5.74 8. 2 623 198 185 4.1 + 35 5 5 K? 4.57 n . n 673 210 8.8 ^ 5 23 3 E 6.65 If. 624 150 4.3 + 23 16 2 A 6.68 1 . . 674 200 8.9 + 30 1 3 A 6.64 9. . 625 158 186 4.5 + 19 7 4 E 6.11 3 . 5 675 90 201 9.0 + 71 13 2 A 5.73 3. 7 626 438 __ K R R ! B B i . . . 676 235 9.0 -14 1 E 6.26 77. 6"27 241 _ 4.6 + 51 35 1 F 6.16 8 . . 677 61 9.1 + 73 28 6 F 6.16 8 . . 628 228 4.6 + 50 28 2 E 6.84 3. . 678 216 203 9.3 - 8 28 7 F 5.58 436 629 219 187 4.6 + 41 33 3 E 6.49 3.8 679 181 204 9.5 + 6 28 2 H 6.19 001 630 213 4.6 -12 13 1 H 6.63 9r . 680 215 _ 9.5 - 5 35 1 H 6.78 7F. 631 255 4.9 + 56 14 3 A 6.38 p. . 681 35 9.6 + 80 20 5 A 6.44 9. . C32 186 190 4.9 + 24 56 2 H 6.79 8 . 7 682 233 9.6 + 61 22 1 A 6.93 6. . 633 149 188 5.0 + 63 40 7 A 5.40 6. 683 162 205 9.7 - 1 31 5 F 6.00 222 634 236 189 5.0 + 54 37 8 A 4.59 2. 2 684 206 9.9 -16 21 1 H 6.64 4r. 635 175 5.0 + 15 9 1 H 6.84 46. 685 212 10.1 + 19 53 2 A 6.36 4. . 636 127 191 5.1 + 64 29 7 A 5.34 6. 2 686 36 10.2 + 80 22 18 A 6.11 6. . 637 227 192 5.1 - 9 26 1 H 6.55 311 687 357 10.5 + 47 33 3 A 6.08 4. . 638 221 194 5.4 + 1 55 2 H 6.57 653 688 210 10.5 + 23 5 A 6.19 65. 639 292 5.5 + 46 6 3 A 6.70 3 . . 689 142 10.6 + 9 15 1 E? 6.61 4F. 640 201 193 5.5 + 37 12 5 A 5.64 4. 2 690 258 10.7 + 43 55 1 A 6.98 5. . 641 220 5.5 - 6 37 1 E 6.87 IF . 691 223 10.7 + 32 36 1 H 6.74 2 . . 642 181 195 5.6 + 30 53 5 A 5.23 3. 1 692 21 10.8 + 86 25 1 A 8.00 8. . 643 183 5.7 + 91 1 E 6.86 31 . 693 271 10.8 + 42 25 2 A 7.01 0. . 644 202 5.7 - 5 23 1 H? 6.73 6r. 694 204 . 11.0 + 23 2 4 A 6.31 7. . 645 190 197 6.1 + 29 33 5 I 5.69 n . n 695 67 11.1 + 72 52 2 A 6.77 p. . 646 172 196 6.1 + 20 30 4 H 5.67 n. 8 696 11.1 -24 30 1 H 6.51 . 7. 647 129 6.2 + 64 28 1 A 6.59 8. . 697 68 11.3 + 72 21 2 H 6.56 1 . . 648 138 , 6.2 + 9 46 1 H 6.61 40. 698 64 __ 11.4 + 71 52 2 II 6.65 2. . 649 236 6.3 + 50 59 1 E 7.10 p. . 699 186 11.4 + 20 33 1 E? 7.02 0. . 650 161 6.3 + 22 11 2 A 6.98 5. . 700 108 11.5 + 67 17 8 A 6.07 7. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 15 D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Ecsid. D.C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magu. IU-Bid. 701 281 _ in. 11.5 o / + 56 6 2 H 6.71 5. . 751 182 _ __ m. 17.0 + 21 34 1 H 7.12 2 _ 702 229 11.5 + 38 56 2 A 6.14 7 . . 752 290 17.4 + 44 48 2 A 6.69 8. . 703 172 206 11.5 -32 5 H 6.04 854 753 141 17.4 + 16 41 1 E 6.65 p. . 704 258 11.7 + 54 54 4 E 6.49 P 754 179 17.5 - 58 1 E? 6.56 61 . 705 392 11.8 + 48 29 3 A 6.55 3. . 755 71 17.6 + 73 36 3 A 6.74 p . . 706 196 11.9 + 31 14 1 H 6.93 1 . . 756 260 17.6 + 35 59 3 A 6.48 2 . . 707 174 11.9 - 2 48 2 A 6.05 P 9. 757 211 215 17.7 + 6 53 1 E? 6.80 9r6 708 40 12.0 + 77 2 6 H 6.46 1 . . 758 229 17.7 -19 36 3 A 6.22 73. 709 237 12.0 + 57 16 3 E 6.18 8. . 759 42 17.8 + 77 9 1 F 7.11 9. . 710 319 12.2 + 46 53 1 H 6.86 2 . . 760 218 17.9 + 8 89 1 E? 6.76 p. . 711 185 207 12.7 + 35 7 A 5.27 212 761 287 216 17.9 + 37 12 5 A 5.88 1 .4 712 224 12.7 - 8 11 3 E 6.56 94. 762 220 17.9 + 33 43 2 A? 7.10 8 . . 713 220 13.1 + 36-52 4 A 6.42 1 . . 763 12 18.0 + 88 3 1 II 7.85 2. . 714 229 13.1 + 33 14 1 A 6.89 p. . 764 267 18.1 + 50 39 1 A 7.04 . . 715 39 13.2 + 79 36 5 A 6.72 p. . 765 102 18.4 + 70 27 9 A 5.96 1 . . 716 245 13.2 + 56 44 1 F? 6.92 p. . 766 293 18.5 + 42 37 4 A 6.29 2. . 717 230 13.3 + 32 59 1 H? 7.19 6. . 767 200 18.5 + 17 17 3 A 6.77 4. . 718 13.6 -23 32 1 H? 6.48 P- 768 241 18.6 + 36 22 2 A 6.77 5. . 719 59 13.8 + 75 43 14 A 6.0S 1 . . 769 282 18.7 + 54 23 2 A 7.24 8. . 720 66 13.8 + 74 3 5 A 6.56 2. . 770 123 218 18.8 + 67 36 8 I 5.59 4.8 721 260 208 13.8 + 57 42 6 G 5.51 6.5 771 556 a K K K 722 68 13.9 + 76 12 1 A 7.18 1 . . 772 18.8 -24 52 2 A 6.26 . 2 . 723 220 209 13.9 + 26 45 6 A. 4.83 1 . 1 773 244 220 19.0 - 8 42 9 I 5.03 ii n n 724 283 14.1 + 51 36 2 A 7.01 0. . 774 248 219 19.2 + 59 43 7 A 3.73 7 . 9 725 176 14.4 + 64 8 5 A 5.85 8. . 775 223 221 19.4 - 7 26 6 A 6.07 121 726 209 14.4 + 60 25 2 A 6.47 8. . 776 225 19.6 + 28 2 1 F 6.86 8. . 727' 268 14.4 + 54 26 1 A 6.89 1 . . 777 182 19.6 - 1 30 1 E 6.75 PF . 728 285 14.4 + 51 18 1 A 6.60 2. . 778 204 19.7 + 2 50 1 A? 6.78 PF . 729 252 14.4 + 41 27 2 A 7.01 . . 779 237 222 19.7 -16 11 1 H 6.49 510 730 295 14.6 + 55 41 1 E? 7.10 6. . 780 195 19.8 - 3 22 1 H 6.34 51 . 731 260 14.6 + 51 4 2 A? 6.70 2 . . 781 224 19.8 - 7 31 1 E 6.92 9r . 732 171 211 14.7 -12 3 E 6.21 410 782 270 20.0 - 6 28 3 A 6.24 83. 733 281 14.9 + 54 6 3 A 6.58 7 . . 783 226 20.1 + 23 4 F 6.45 1 . . 734 49 210 15.0 + 78 12 14 F 6.04 . 1 784 302 223 20.4 + 42 57 3 F 6.30 3 . 2 735 286 15.0 -10 24 2 A 6.50 72. 785 228 224 20.4 + 34 4 3 A 6.53 . 2 736 223 15.0 -16 20 1 H? 6.54 22 . 786 207 20.5 + 2 27 1 E? 6.67 83 . 737 259 15.3 + 37 30 1 A 7.12 8 . . 787 167 20.7 + 9 53 1 A 6.31 5F. 738 215 212 15.5 + 28 13 3 H 6.36 n. 6 788 266 225 20.7 -15 7 5 H 5.74 464 739 185 15.5 - 3 46 1 A? 6.49 01 . 789 SOS 20.8 + 43 11 2 A 6.72 2. . 740 248 15.5 -11 46 1 II 6.38 11 . 790 804 20.9 + 45 10 2 A 7.04 P 741 198 15.8 - 1 50 1 E 6.45 9F . 791 187 226 20.9 + 18 39 5 F 5.67 4.5 742 334 15.9 + 46 45 1 A? 7.05 7. . 792 75 21.0 + 73 41 1 H 6.45 p. . 743 168 16.1 + 11 1 2 H? 6.72 2 . . 793 238 21.0 + 19 33 1 H 6.76 1 . . 744 256 16.3 - 6 41 1 H? 6.77 82 . 794 239 21.2 + 26 43 1 H 6.75 0. . 745 287 214 16.4 + 45 4 H 5.89 7 . n 795 189 227 21.3 + 18 44 3 H 6.41 9.8 746 288 16.4 + 43 4 3 A 6.34 2 . . 796 234 , 21.4 + 33 50 2 E 6.25 4. . 747 69 16.6 + 72 19 4 A? 6.53 2. . 797 189 21.4 - 55 1 H 6.56 60. 748 210 16.6 + 31 11 1 H 7.28 3. . 798 307 228 21.6 + 44 54 7 F 5.31 S . 5 749 197 16.8 + 18 10 2 II 7.00 9. . 799 289 229 21.7 + 40 35 3 A 6.55 6 . 2 750 274 17.0 + 57 37 3 F 6.22 8. . 800 211 21.7 + 3 1 4 A 6.15 84. 16 ANXALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H.P. U.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesicl. D.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 801 487 K o / R 1 A 6.37 p. . 851 87 m. 27.8 + 71 54 4 E? 6.48 P- 802 239 21.8 + 29 16 1 E 6.82 7. . 852 298 28.0 - 9 31 4 A 5.97 p5. 803 262 230 21.9 -13 34 3 F 5.35 614 853 229 28.1 + 7 42 2 A 6.30 54. 804 8 213 22.0 + 88 46 2 F? B B . B 854 277 243 28.5 + 36 44 4 A 5.92 3 . 805 334 22.0 + 39 48 4 A 6.24 3. . 855 28.5 -24 41 1 II 6.51 . 5. 806 363 22.1 + 47 14 2 A 6.86 4. . 856 274 28.6 + 62 34 1 H 6.65 1 . . 807 302 22.3 + 43 32 2 A 6.27 2. . 857 256 244 28.7 - 7 32 4 E 5.99 110 808 251 22.4 + 4 51 1 A? 6.44 PF . 858 360 29.0 '+55 32 3 A 6.17 p. . 809 297 *_ 22.6 + 54 45 1 E 7.19 8. . 859 382 29.1 + 52 50 4 A 6.24 4. . 810 283 22.7 + 41 44 2 A 6.91 1 . . 860 81 _ 29.2 + 73 47 7 A 5.99 5. . 811 259 22.7 + 36 34 1 EV 6.77 5 . . 861 134 29.2 + 67 6 6 A 6.26 p. . 812 243 22.7 + 30 2 1 E 6.37 p. . 862 272 29.2 + 32 37 2 H? 6.59 6. . 813 286 22.9 + 51 10 1 H 7.15 4- 863 224 29.4 + 17 57 1 H 6.70 4. . 814 221 22.9 - 2 33 1 H 6.35 P 4. 864 50 29.6 + 80 55 12 A 6.37 p. . 815 213 22.9 -46 1 H 6.89 PF . 865 201 29.6 + 12 3 1 A 6.62 2. . 816 154 23.0 + 16 34 1 E 6.45 8. . 866 256 29.7 + 27 1 E 6.66 PF . 817 213 231 23.1 + 7 27 1 II 6.40 650 867 265 245 29.7 -16 11 6 A 5.46 320 818 265 23.3 -12 46 1 A 6.38 9s. 868 277 29.9 + 62 53 3 A 6.41 8. . 819 193 23.5 + 63 21 1 A 6.47 p. . 869 265 29.9 + 26 10 1 A? 6.75 6. . 820 288 23.5 + 41 46 1 A 7.06 4. . 870 393 30.0 + 46 36 3 A 6.60 4. . 821 267 23.6 -12 2 1 A 6.83 9F. 871 328 30.0 + 40 34 1 H 6.90 1 . . 822 102. 232 23.8 + 69 45 8 F 5.96 1 . 1 872 248 30.0 + 27 46 1 H 6.96 3. . 823 228 23.8 + 6 47 2 F 6.10 p5. 873 69 30.1 + 76 13 2 A 6.58 p . . 824 175 233 23.9 + 65 35 10 A 5.78 2. 1 874 339 30.1 + 54 11 2 A 6.49 5. . 825 370 234 24.1 + 46 30 5 H 6.18 4.* 875 259 30.1 + 33 20 1 A 6.49 . . 826 240 24.1 -18 27 1 E 6.22 13. 876 268 30.2 + 59 7 2 X 6.50 7 . . 827 236 24.2 + 22 18 2 A 6.33 2 . . 877 460 30.3 + 48 12 2 n 6.87 5. . 828 210 235 24.5 + 17 51 4 A 5.75 5. 2 878 240 30.4 + 14 ; 9 4 A? 5.93 75 . 829 270 24.7 -13 44 1 E? 6.57 7F. 879 86 246 30.5 + 72 32 7 II 5.82 3 . 3 830 254 236 24.8 -22 8 6 A 5.11 ^20 880 176 247 30.5 + 16 55 5 A 6.02 5. 1 831 194 237 24.9 + 5 38 3 H 5.91 997 881 463 30.7 + 47 49 1 H 7.07 1 . . 832 280 24.9 -67 1 F? 6.28 7p. 882 202 30.8 + 64 14 1 A 6.48 3. . 833 103 25.2 + 69 30 7 A 6.24 8. . 883 244 30.8 + 78 1 A 6.65 34 . 834 258 25.2 + 25 23 1 H 6.59 4. . 884 84 31.0 + 74 2 2 A 6.71 p. . 835 275 25.3 + 38 59 1 E 6.94 4. . 885 332 248 31.0 + 40 55 6 F 4.77 8 . 6 836 373 R R 1 A 6.64 p. . 886 270 249 31.1 -15 54 3 H 6.00 255 837 278 25,7 + 38 15 3 A 6.80 2 . . 887 404 31.2 + 46 27 1 A 7.15 5. . 838 _ 238 25.7 -26 43 1 H 6.46 .34 888 304 31.4 + 61 51 5 A 5.85 7. . 839 231 239 26.2 + 14 50 6 K 5.02 n . n 889 240 31.5 + 7 20 1 E 6.55 31 . 840 265 26.4 + 34 18 2 B 6.05 6. . 890 58 31.6 + 77 28 12 A 6.08 4. . 841 269 26.5 + 59 56 1 A 6.76 7. . 891 349 250 31.6 + 57 28 4 H 6.18 2.4 842 276 26.6 -12 46 1 A 6.43 p5. 892 466 31.6 + 47 55 2 A? 6.92 p. . 843 262 26.7 -19 32 2 A 6.30 72. 893 467 251 31.8 + 48 7 6 K 5.10 n . n 844 290 26.8 -10 46 1 H 6.69 6F. 894 205 252 31.8 + 11 38 5 F? 5.99 054 845 49 26.9 + 78 39 2 A 7.22 p. . 895 470 32.3 + 47 36 1 A 7.31 9. . 846 320 27.0 + 57 49 2 H 6.38 1 . . 896 296 32.4 + 60 34 1 A 5.77 p. . 847 292 240 27.1 + 35 20 1 H 6.51 0. 2 897 261 32.4 + 20 46 1 A? 6.72 p. . 848 113 27.4 + 68 26 5 H 6.32 5. . 898 341 32.5 + 44 54 3 A 6.06 9. . 849 260 241 27.4 + 58 44 6 I 5.58 4. 7 899 343 253 32.6 - 9 55 3 A 6.15 100 850 315 27.7 + 40 22 1 E 6.95 0. . 900 354 32.9 + 54 6 3 A 6.45 p. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 17 D.C. DM. H. P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Besid. D.C. DM. H.P. H.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Besid. m. o / m. / 901 357 _ 33.2 + 51 46 1 A 7.31 3. . 951 518 37.7 + 49 9 2 A 6.83 5 . . 902 341 33.2 + 40 41 1 A 6.65 7 . . 952 260 270 37.7 - 4 11 4 H 6.11 897 903 375 33.3 + 55 17 3 A 6.73 8. . 953 368 37.8 + 54 23 2 H 6.59 9. . 904 475 33.3 + 47 45 1 A 7.41 p. . 954 424 37.9 + 52 42 1 A 6.52 p. . 905 343 254 33.4 + 43 52 2 K 5.73 7 . 6 955 491 38.0 + 47 42 3 A 6.58 P 906 314 33.4 + 36 2 2 A 6.76 2. . 956 334 38.2 + 56 36 8 A 5.79 7. . 907 404 33.5 + 45 23 2 H 6.79 2. . 957 301 38.2 + 31 43 1 H 6.08 4. . 908 273 33.8 + 58 33 5 A 6.04 p. . 958" 284 38.3 - 7 34 1 A 6 97 BP . 909 362 33.8 + 53 57 4 A 6.60 p. . 959 283 38.3 - 7 35 E 5.98 p3. 1539 548 34.8 + 61 10 3 E 6.61 5. . 1589 145 40.3 + 72 30 1 E? 6.71 8. . 1540 443 419 34.8 + 26 38 6 A 5.38 1 . 1590 518 438 40.5 -19 6 F 4.84 831 1541 436 34.9 + 26 12 1 A? 6.95 p. . 1591 606 40.7 + 55 11 3 A 6.40 9. . 1542 374 421 35.0 + 5 41 3 E 6.17 821 1592 538 40.7 + 41 46 2 A 6.86 6. . 1543 525 422 35.3 - 9 53 2 E 5.95 231 1593 493 40.7 -20 49 1 F 6.28 77. 1544 337 35.5 + 18 23 4 A .6.50 5. . 1594 553 40.8 + 35 35 2 H 6.51 3. . 1545 508 35.7 + 58 26 1 A 6.54 P 1595 613 40.9 + 35 9 4 F? 6.16 3. . 1546 425 35.7 + 4 26 1 H 6.38 PF. 1596 50 41.0 + 85 28 1 A 7.34 P 1547 473 35.7 -14 53 3 E? 6.28 54. 1597 576 41.0 + 43 50 1 E 6.53 0. . 1548 598 424 35.8 + 54 41 5 A 5.53 5. 1 1598 630 41.1 + 51 9 2 A 6.70 9. . 1549 616 425 35.9 + 53 6 3 H 6.40 4.3 1599 444 41.1 + 30 59 1 E 6.68 p . . 1550 610 427 35.9 + 39 46 4 F 5.34 4.4 1600 577 41.4 + 43 47 2 A 6.78 7 . . 24 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. O. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Resid D. C. DM. H.P. BA. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Kesld. 1601 385 m. 41.4 o / + 11 51 1 A? 6.92 p. . 1651 723 __ m. 46.5 / + 48 9 1 H 6.62 1 . . 1602 636 41.6 + 50 29 2 A 6.99 8. . 1652 509 453 46.5 -21 25 3 H 5.75 89n 1603 579 -_ 41.7 + 43 13 2 A 6.82 4. . 1653 641 454 47.2 + 52 22 7 G 4.93 7 . 9 1604 351 41.8 + 64 14 1 H 6.88 3. . 1654 101 47.3 + 76 40 4 H 6.60 2. . 1605 471 41.8 + 29 17 3 E 6.57 8. . 1655 652 47.3 + 46 44 2 A 6.35 6. . 1606 347 _ 41.8 + 18 59 1 H 7.06 3 . . 1656 654 47.4 + 50 45 2 H 6.75 3. . 1601 86 41.9 + 79 41 8 A 6.47 5. . 1657 655 455 47.4 + 37 56 3 F 5.60 4.0 1608 462 439 41.9 + 28 50 5 K? 5.70 5 . n 1658 497 47.4 + 31 14 1 F 6.43 6. . 1609 762 42.0 + 48 46 2 A 6.67 3. . 1659 406 47.4 + 63 2 A 6.44 pp. 1610 13 42.2 + 88 35 1 A 7.85 7. . 1660 306 47.5 + 65 24 1 A 6.60 4. . 1611 120 42.2 + 74 20 2 A 6.77 5 . 1661 522 47.6 + 32 30 1 A 6.89 6. . 1612 718 42.2 + 56 40 1 E 6.32 2. . 1662 400 47.6 + 16 5 4 F 6.41 1 . . 1613 479 42.2 -22 4 1 H 6.61 01 . 1663 646 47.7 + 42 11 1 E 6.56 2. . 1614 610 42.7 + 55 5 1 A 7.20 3 . . 1664 544 47.7 -13 11 2 H? 6.20 41 1615 448 42.7 + 30 43 1 H 6.58 6. . 1665 691 456 48.0 + 61 7 6 F 5.88 .3 1616 442 42.7 -22 55 1 E? 6.15 . 38 1666 569 48.0 - 9 51 2 A 6.20 32. 1617 442 441 42.9 + 17 52 1 H 6.55 6 . 5 1667 153 48,4 + 72 16 1 A 6.46 5 . . 1618 200 43.0 + 68 28 6 F 6.17 3. . 1668 737 48.8 + 47 56 1 A 6.57 4. . 1619 396 440 43.0 + 24 47 5 A 5.56 4. 4 1669 454 49.3 + 17 20 1 H? 6.55 4. . 1620 566 43.2 + 36 54 1 F 6.12 4. . 1670 455 49.4 + 27 IQ 4 A 6.31 9. . 1621 470 43.2 - 4 3 2 A 6.34 PF. 1671 570 49.5 + 41 23 1 F? 6.81 2. . 1622 521 43.3 + 33 31 3 A 6.53 6 . . 1672 801 49.6 + 49 23 1 A 6.78 9. . 1623 390 B B B B B 1673 870 49.7 + 64 1 1 H 6.78 3 . . 1624 552 43.4 + 60 1 1 E 6.51 4. . 1674 597 49.8 + 60 43 1 A 6.87 9. . 1625 714 443 43.4 + 55 29 6 K? 5.45 n . n 1675 665 49.8 + 50 51 1 H 6.50 0. . 1626 636 43.5 + 51 52 2 A 6.66 8. . 1676 658 457 49.8 + 46 45 2 A 6.55 6 . 8 1627 300 43.7 + 65 13 1 A 6.40 6. . 1677 450 49.9 + 35 1 H 6.28 P7. 1628 355 444 43.7 + 17 3 4 A 5.45 312 1678 457 458 50.2 + 17 55 2 E? 6.75 8 . n 1629 89 44.0 + 80 40 1 H 7.07 9. . 1679 477 50.3 + 28 45 2 A 6.91 1 . . 1630 471 445 44.1 + 26 51 7 A 4.15 5.4 1680 512 50.4 + 1 37 4 F 6.42 p4. 1631 651 44.2 + 57 53 3 A 5.73 5. . 1681 458 459 50.8 + 17 37 3 F 5.87 6.4 1632 646 446 44.2 + 37 55 7 F 4.84 0.4 1682 450 460 50.9 + 7 59 3 E 6.32 505 1633 511 44.3 + 32 25 1 A 6.89 p. . 1683 596 51.0 + 53 24 1 A 6.68 p. . 1634 569 44.4 + 36 32 1 E 6.22 3 . . 1684 509 461 51.2 + 31 32 7 A 5.08 3. 1 1635 490 44.4 + 31 33 5 A 6.10 4. . 1685 553 464 51.5 - 9 18 5 I 4.93 nn.'y 1636 354 44.7 + 64 15 1 H 6.93 5. . 1686 502 463 51.6 -47 5 A 5.17 110 1637 648 447 45.0 + 46 25 4 H 6.50 5 . 7 1687 540 51.7 + 59 11 1 A 6.85 4. . 1638 359 45.0 + 18 44 2 E 6.71 5. . 1688 580 51.7 + 41 43 1 A 6.61 p. . 1639 576 45.1 + 35 53 1 A 6.91 p. . 1689 608 51.9 + 60 53 2 A 6.63 6. . 1640 559 45.2 + 60 3 1 A 6.61 p. . 1690 512 52.2 + 32 6 1 H 6.49 1 . . 1641 48 45.3 + 84 15 1 A 7.31 p. . 1691 480 466 52.3 + 20 16 4 F 6.09 1 . 2 1642 113 45.3 + 75 15 1 A 6.95 p. . 1692 681 465 52.4 + 39 16 6 A 4.88 2 . 2 1643 527 449 45.4 + 34 39 4 M? 5.82 n . n 1693 629 52.7 + 54 48 2 A 6.49 p. . 1644 450 45.4 -24 59 1 H 6.20 . 21 1694 103 462 52.8 + 79 1 7 M? 6.24 6. 6 1645 451 45.6 -28 22 3 A 5.01 . 63 1695 550 468 52.9 + 34 47 4 I? 5.80 4.8 1646 640 45.7 + 52 35 3 A 6.27 7. . 1696 90 53.1 + 80 1 1 A 7.03 p. . 1647 783 45.8 + 48 24 3 A 6.69 5. . 1697 582 53.1 + 59 17 1 A 6.30 7 . . 1648 480 452 46.0 + 14 40 6 A 5.39 631 1698 669 467 53.1 + 46 49 2 E? 6.26 5 . 7 1649 492 46.4 + 29 46 1 A 6.77 P 1699 639 53.2 + 40 38 1 H 6.45 1 . . 1650 587 ^~ 46.5 + 53 28 2 A 6.78 p. . 1700 397 ~ 53.2 + 21 13 3 A 6.49 5 . . TIIE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 25 2" -3' D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn KeBid D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. 111. o / m. / 1701 131 53.4 + 74 45 7 A 6.46 7. . 1751 627 59.0 + 44 1 1 A 6.53 p. . 1702 553 53.5 + 33 26 1 E 6.88 P 1752 628 59.3 + 36 24 4 A 6.42 1 . . 1703 1704 484 472 473 53.5 53.5 + 20 56 + 20 56 7 A 4.75 622 1753 1754 572 492 490 59.3 59.6 - 7 59 + 24 52 3 A 5.06 923 1705 676 53.6 + 42 45 1 A 7.12 4. . 1755 431 491 59.6 + 24 52 5 A 5.24 8 . 1 1706 475 53.6 -24 1 1 E? 5.12 PP 1756 477 59.7 + 27 29 1 A 6.91 P 1707 665 470 53.7 + 51 57 5 A 5.06 6. 1757 574 59.8 + 33 37 1 A 6.65 9. . 1708 470 474 53.7 - 3 11 6 A 5.17 302 1758 710 0.0 + 45 22 2 A 6.69 p. . 1709 675 471 53.8 + 37 45 4 A 5.73 p. 2 1759 578 0.4 + 33 15 1 A 6.54 p. . 1710 585 53.9 -10 11 2 F 6.10 41 . 1760 525 0.7 + 62 2 A 6.45 1 . . 1711 76 54.2 + 82 31 4 F 6.93 p. . 1761 778 0.8 + 56 38 1 E? 6.52 5. . 1712 477 54.2 + 30 43 1 A 6.78 7 . . 1762 522 0.8 + 30 9 1 F 6.37 P 1713 455 477 54.3 + 8 30 5 A 4.63 220 1763 681 0.9 + 51 50 3 A 5.96 8. . 1714 687 54.5 + 40 2 1 E 6.89 4. . 1764 436 494 0.9 + 12 48 1 H 6.18 n2S 1715 475 478 54.7 - 2 52 4 A 5.35 800 1765 168 493 1.0 + 74 1 11 A 4.90 3.2 1716 165 54.8 + 73 33 4 A 6.74 7. . 1766 692 1.0 + 46 55 4 A 6.21 2. . 1717 471 54.9 + 17 36 4 A 6.42 4. . 1767 632 1.3 + 36 15 1 E 7.02 0. . 1718 606 55.1 + 53 58 1 A 6.33 p. . 1768 493 1.3 + 28 45 1 A 6.61 9. . 1719 480 55.2 -25 41 1 A? 5.69 . 25 1769 94 1.6 + 79 47 5 H 6.79 5. . 1720 526 55.4 + 32 1 1 F? 6.49 0. . 1770 617 1.6 + 41 13 1 A 6.70 p. . 1721 617 55.5 + 38 31 4 A 6.45 4. . 1771 673 496 1.6 + 40 34 7 A B B . B 1722 91 55.7 + 79 55 2 A 7.03 p . . 1772 606 497 1.6 - 6 28 1 H 6.07 835 1723 477 481 56.0 + 26 4 6 A 5.82 0. 1 1773 857 495 1.8 + 49 14 6 F 4.88 6.8 1724 97 476 56.2 + 81 5 14 A 5.76 S . 2 1774 493 1.8 + 17 30 4 A 5.90 8. . 1725 562 56.2 -83 1 H? 6.26 82 . 1775 375 2.5 + 64 31 2 A 6.29 7 . . 1726 503 56.4 + 26 14 2 A 6.45 8 . . 1776 585 2.5 + 35 4 1 A 6.71 p. . 1727 403 56.7 + 21 59 1 E? 6.92 p . . 1777 631 498 2.7 + 44 29 7 K 5.12 6 . n 1728 760 57.1 + 47 28 2 A 6.36 6. . 1778 171 3.5 + 73 51 1 H? 7.10 1 . . 1729 692 57.1 + 38 1 2 A 6.53 5. . 1779 376 3.5 + 64 43 1 A 6.79 p. . 1730 420 57.1 + 3 58 5 A 5.57 p8. 1780 549 3.5 + 32 6 1 H 6.89 p. . 1731 419 482 57.1 + 3 42 5 M 4.63 n n ii 1781 499 500 3.6 + 28 42 5 A 5.72 3 .2 1732 537 57.2 - 6 53 1 E 6.22 15. 1782 663 3.7 + 52 47 1 A 6.52 5. . 1733 616 57.3 + 36 3 1 A 7.01 1 . . 1783 715 3.7 + 37 59 1 A 6.68 P- 1734 367 57.5 + 65 3 1 A 6.95 7 . . 1784 418 3.8 + 19 1 A 6.26 7 . . 1735 654 483 57.6 + 53 7 5 G 4.01 8 . 9 1785 109 499 4.2 + 78 30 8 A 6.31 7. 3 1736 468 57.6 + 27 53 3 A 6.43 1 . . 1786 480 4.2 + 27 27 4 A 6.11 4. . 1737 696 57.8 + 37 43 3 A 6.20 8 . . 1787 172 4.4 + 73 30 1 H 6.94 1 . . 1738 568 486 57.8 -85 1 H 5.86 136 1788 689 4.5 + 51 49 3 A 6.29 p. . 1739 767 484 58.0 + 56 19 5 I 5.56 6 . 6 1789 634 4.5 + 44 39 2 A 6.78 7 . . 1740 699 58.0 + 39 54 1 II 6.79 . . 1790 516 502 4.6 + 26 31 1 H 6.45 4.6 1741 487 58.0 -24 1 4 A 4.60 . 55 1791 553 4.7 + 31 51 1 II ? 6.83 2. . 1742 841 58.1 + 49 20 1 H 6.88 P 1792 491 4.7 + 2 41 1 H 6.58 PF. 1743 738 58.2 + 55 41 2 H 6.45 1 . . 1793 724 503 4.8 + 39 14 5 I? 5.60 4.9 1744 531 58.2 + 31 33 1 A 6.78 p. . 1794 722 5.1 + 45 45 2 A? 6.54 5 . . 1745 127 58.5 + 75 41 1 A 6.76 p. . 1795 445 5.2 + 11 30 4 A 5.67 85. 1746 187 58.7 + 72 10 1 A 6.90 p. . 1796 724 5.3 + 46 1 1 E 6.95 3. . 1747 663 58.8 + 40 44 1 A 6.35 9. . 1797 631 5.5 + 42 1 4 B 5.61 9. . 1748 630 489 58.8 + 38 27 5 M 5.19 R . n 1798 419 5.6 + 21 47 1 A 6.77 p. . 1749 390 488 58.9 + 63 41 6 A 5.77 2. 1799 477 505 5.9 + 19 21 3 K 5.31 n. 8 1750 664 58.9 + 40 12 1 E? 6.35 1 . . 1800 452 5.9 + 12 40 1 H 6.38 10. 26 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H. P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.& DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Redid . m. o ' m. / 1801 862 6.1 448 38 1 A 6.82 P 1851 690 11.3 + 38 56 4 A 5.54 P 1802 523 507 6.3 + 26 53 5 A 5.65 6. 1 1852 899 521 11.5 + 49 51 5 A 5.38 3. 1 1803 782 6.4 + 47 50 3 A 6.49 . . 1853 520 11.5 + 30 46 2 E 6.38 1 . . 1804 107 6.5 + 81 48 2 H 6.93 5 . . 1854 900 11.7 + 49 24 1 A 7.18 3 . . 1805 599 6.5 + 34 57 1 A 6.96 8. . 1855 656 11.7 + 44 21 2 A 6.38 p . . 1806 876 6.8 + 49 12 2 A 6.63 8. . 1856 6'27 523 11.7 - 9 31 I F 6.20 331 1807 447 6.8 + 16 7 1 A 6.74 3. . 1857 902 522 12.0 + 49 43 4 A 5.25 5 .2 1808 203 7.0 + 69 37 2 A 6.64 p. . 1858 469 12.0 + 22 28 1 A 6.68 8 . . 1809 335 7.5 + 66 4 A 6.19 8. . 1859 524 12.2 + 30 39 1 A 6.93 p. . 1810 651 7.5 + 60 45 1 A 6.98 p. . 1860 619 524 12.5 + 33 51 5 K 6.08 11 . ii 1811 115 506 7.6 + 77 22 11 A 5.58 6. 1 1861 886 12.7 + 48 17 2 A 6.77 7 . . 1812 737 7.6 + 39 44 3 A 6.21 P- 1862 693 12.8 + 38 41 1 A 6.58 7 . . 1813 457 510 7.7 - 1 34 4 F 5.75 548 1863 180 12.9 + 73 48 4 F 6.65 3 . . 1814 512 7.8 -29 23 1 F 4.88 . nn 1864 738 12.9 + 50 36 2 F? 6.44 6. . 1815 230 8.0 + 69 4 1 A 6.93 p. . 1865 241 13.0 + 70 55 1 A 6.87 6 . . 1816 82 8.1 + 83 11 1 H 7.12 4. . 1866 559 13.1 + 61 38 3 A 6.36 1 . . 1817 798 511 8.2 + 56 45 3 F 6.09 1.2 1867 716 13.1 + 51 15 2 A 6.35 p . . 1818 59 504 8.4 + 84 34 11 H? 6.32 3.4 1868 469 525 13.3 - 1 17 1 H 6.40 277 1819 638 8.4 + 42 8 2 I 6.51 3. . 1869 549 13.7 + 62 23 1 F 6.80 7. . 1820 144 8.6 + 74 52 4 A 6.63 8. . 1870 530 13.9 -22 52 1 II 5.55 . 36 1821 798 _ R B B B B 1871 540 526 14.0 + 26 43 2 H 6.35 4.5 1822 725 8.7 + 50 35 4 A 6.04 7 . . 1872 459 14.1 + 18 42 1 A 6.66 6 . . 1823 79 8.8 + 83 41 1 A? 7.16 p . . 1873 518 529 14.1 + 3 1 3 E 5.60 356 1824 338 8.8 + 65 17 4 A 6.23 3. . 1874 651 531 14.1 -18 55 1 E 5.76 101 1825 664 8.8 + 36 53 1 A 6.82 2. . 1875 516 528 14r3 + 28 41 3 K 5.76 6 . H 1826 120 8.9 + 76 41 2 H 7.05 P 1876 442 14.4 + 23 20 1 A 6.78 2. . 1827 653 8.9 + 36 6 2 A 6.86 1 . . 1877 684 14.5 + 52 21 1 A 6.76 7 . . 1828 729 513 9.0 + 50 35 4 H 5.96 0.5 1878 536 14.5 + 25 18 1 H 6.64 1 . . 1829 512 514 9.2 + 30 11 4 A 5.27 5. 2 1879 685 14.6 + 52 16 1 H 6.76 1 . . 1830 527 515 9.2 + 20 41 5 A 4.94 430 1880 677 14.6 + 45 1 1 E 6.74 p. . 1831 515 9.3 + 26 7 1 A 6.85 p. . 1881 119 14.7 + 78 8 3 F 6.87 6. . 1832 731 9.6 + 50 50 2 A 6.55 p. . 1882 893 14.7 + 48 43 3 F 6.19 3. . 1833 591 9.6 + 32 29 B F? 6.19 3 . . 1883 750 532 14.7 + 42 58 6 A 5.14 3.5 1834 611 _ 9.8 + 34 40 1 A 6.65 9. . 1884 510 14.7 + 19 30 1 A 6.71 8 . . 1835 610 9.8 + 34 19 4 A 6.00 5. . 1885 671 15.1 + 60 56 1 A 6.93 p. . 1836 205 10.5 + 69 22 6 A 6.02 5. . 1886 584 533 15.1 -22 7 4 K? 5.46 nn n 1837 576 __ 10.5 + 31 49 2 H 6.33 2. . 1887 197 15.2 + 71 20 2 A 7.03 6 . . 1838 895 10.6 + 49 59 2 A 6.89 8 . . 1888 536 15.2 -24 29 1 H 6.61 . 77 1839 743 _ _ 10.6 + 40 7 4 A 5.87 9. . 1889 672 15.5 + 54 52 1 E 6.79 2. . 1840 518 10.7 -26 28 1 E? 6.17 . 12 1890 754 15.5 + 42 28 1 A 6.47 p. . 1841 722 _ _ 10.8 + 46 34 1 A? 6.90 4. . 1891 543 535 15.5 + 20 47 5 A 5.12 1 . 1 1842 674 517 11.0 + 43 39 5 A 5.40 6. 1892 461 538 15.9 + 3 19 1 H 6.33 018 1843 736 11.0 + 42 18 2 A 6.61 P 1893 391 534 16.0 + 64 14 1 H 6.63 6 . n 1844 660 11.0 + 36 2 A 6.81 2 . . 1894 899 537 16.1 + 48 51 6 A 5.38 8 .2 1845 636 520 11.0 - 6 17 3 A 5.94 171 1895 500 539 16.2 + 27 15 2 H 6.30 6 . 7 1846 624 519 11.0 - 9 11 5 A 5.03 012 1896 198 16.3 + 71 51 3 A 6.70 5 . . 1847 511 11.1 + 28 24 1 A 6.46 p. . 1897 728 16.4 + 51 24 1 A 6.60 p . . 1848 340 516 11.2 + 65 17 7 B 4.89 4-1 1898 540 16.5 -26 58 1 H? 6.40 . 21 1849 614 _ 11.2 - 8 18 1 A? 6.76 7F. 1899 903 16.7 + 48 15 2 A 6.17 8 . . 1850 736 11.3 + 50 11 1 A 6.74 p. . 1900 725 16.8 + 40 51 1 A 7.05 3 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 27 D. C. UM. H. P. It. A. 1900 Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. llesid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Reaid. m. o ' m. f 1901 552 16.8 + '29 27 1 A 6.87 8 . . 1951 439 554 21.8 + 9 23 4 A 4.36 496 190-2 551 542 17.0 + 20 23 2 H 6.12 n . 9 1952 607 553 21.9 + 58 32 3 A 5.34 3 . 5 1903 543 17.0 -23 59 1 H? 5.88 . 21 1953 835 22.0 + 47 58 3 A 6.65 9. . 1904 917 541 17.1 + 49 30 8 F B R . R 1954 656 556 22.0 + 33 28 7 A 5.58 4. 1 1905 548 17.1 + 26 32 2 A 6.50 5 . . 1955 608 22.2 + 59 2 2 A 5.90 7. . 1906 625 17.2 -20 40 1 A 6.53 11 . 1956 945 555 22.2 + 49 10 7 A 4.90 4.7 1907 906 17.4 + 48 46 2 A 6.97 P 1957 558 22.2 -27 40 1 H 6.33 . ete 1908 817 17.8 + 47 32 2 A 6.86 4. . 1958 684 557 22.4 + 55 7 5 A 5.20 4. is 1909 545 18.0 -25 57 1 A 5.78 . 75 1959 714 22.4 + 44 42 1 F 6.84 5. . 1910 733 18.1 + 40 24 1 E 6.75 7 . . 1960 697 22.4 + 35 28 1 H 6.81 7. . 1911 636 544 18.2 + 33 11 4 A 5.44 1 . 2 1961 760 22.5 + 46 37 3 A 6.20 3 . . 1912 657 18.3 + 53 35 2 A 6.23 1 . . 1962 566 22.6 + 30 2 1 A 6.57 2. . 1913 151 18.4 + 74 54 2 A 7.04 9. . 1963 495 559 22.6 + 22 28 1 A 6.68 7 . 6 1914 481 546 18.4 + 24 22 2 H 6.34 5 . 7 1964 273 22.7 + 67 14 1 F 6.69 8. . 1915 532 18.4 + 4 31 1 A 6.73 91. 1965 933 22.7 + 48 53 2 A 6.63 p. . 1916 123 18.5 + 77 40 1 H 7.18 1 . . 1966 840 22.7 + 47 38 1 A 6.86 P 1917 691 18.5 + 52 58 2 A 6.57 4. . 1967 761 22.7 + 47 10 1 A 7.11 8. . 1918 736 18.6 + 40 54 5 A 6.05 5. . 1968 347 23.0 + 65 58 1 A 6.66 p. . 1919 755 18.7 + 51 4 1 E 6.80 8.'. 1969 667 561 23.3 -11 38 1 H 6.49 567 1920 737 18.7 + 40 37 1 A 6.60 4. . 1970 90 23.4 + 83 2 3 A 7.03 p. . 1921 447 18.7 + 21 41 1 A 6.47 3. . 1971 762 23.4 + 46 42 2 A 6.55 4 . . 1922 556 547 18.7 + 20 27 4 A 5.70 1 . 1 1972 844 23.5 + 47 46 3 A 5.64 p. . 1923 695 18.8 + 45 10 1 A 6.89 7 . . 1973 843 560 23.5 + 47 39 6 E 5.63 8 . n 1924 526 18.8 + 28 18 2 B 6.46 7 . . 1974 772 23.7 + 42 40 3 A 6.74 8. . 1925 913 549 18.9 + 48 45 5 A 5.72 8. 2 1975. 698 23.8 + 36 18 1 E? 6.92 3. . 1926 929 19.0 + 49 24 3 A 6.66 6 . . 1976 952 23.9 + 50 9 2 F? 6.74 3 . . 1927 821 19.1 + 48 2 2 A 6.57 5. . 1977 552 23.9 + 2 54 1 E? 6.78 50 . 1928 757 19.4 + 50 30 1 A 7.04 5. . 1978 693 24.0 + 41 52 3 A 6.63 3. . 1929 511 550 19.4 + 8 40 4 K 4.78 H II 11 1979 450 24.0 + 16 25 1 E 6.39 p. . 1930 250 19.7 + 69 7 1 A 7.23 1 . . 1980 178 24.2 + 73 8 A 6.18 5 . . 1931 826 19.8 + 47 34 1 A 6.86 6. . 1981 938 24.3 + 48 51 4 A 5.88 6. . 1932 661 19.8 -14 21 1 E? 6.46 24. 1982 126 24.4 + 78 6 1 A 7.10 p. . 1933 828 20.0 + 47 52 3 A 6.29 4 . . 1983 348 24.5 + 65 12 3 A 6.62 4. . 1934 645 20.0 + 34 59 1 A 6.96 p. . 1984 846 24.5 + 47 31 2 A 6.41 P 1935 125 20.1 + 76 16 2 A 7.03 P 1985 696 24.6 + 41 25 3 E 6.46 9. . 1936 657 20.2 + 59 54 2 A 5.96 7 . . 1986 942 24.7 + 49 4 3 A 6.13 9 . . 1937 936 20.5 + 49 16 5 A 6.45 P 1987 606 562 24.7 -79 1 H 6.57 454 1938 532 20.5 + 28 23 1 H 6.56 4. . 1988 943 24.8 + 48 24 5 A 6.14 9. . 1939 270 20.8 + G8 6 2 A 6.81 p. . 1989 772 24.9 + 40 26 4 A 6.05 5. . 1940 920 552 20.9 + 48 43 7 A 5.05 p.O 1990 662 564 24.9 -13 1 3 A 5.69 310 1941 831 20.9 + 47 24 3 A 6.68 p. . 1991 513 24.9 + 27 23 2 A 6.46 R . . 1942 660 551 21.0 + 59 36 4 A 4.92 4.7 1992 514 25.0 + 27 23 R. . 1943 204 21.1 + 71 31 1 A 6.94 p . . 1993 847 25.0 + 47 41 7 A 5.51 p. . 1944 941 21.4 + 50 6 1 A 6.79 9. . 1994 452 563 25.0 + 10 59 6 A 5.41 123 1945 484 21.4 + 18 25 2 A 6.35 1 . . 1995 515 565 25.3 + 27 14 3 A 5.72 0. 1 1946 730 21.5 + 44 2 1 H 6.83 2. . 1996 776 25.4 + 42 25 4 A 6.58 p. . 1947 944 21.7 + 49 31 6 A 5.46 P 1997 70S 25.4 + 36 9 1 A 6.76 7 . . 1948 927 21.8 + 48 44 3 A 6.79 P 1998 486 567 25.4 + 12 35 3 K? 5.11 u88 1949 732 21.8 + 43 25 2 B 6.72 8. . 1999 502 25.4 + 5 51 2 H 6.49 2. 1950 477 21.8 + 12 23 1 A 5.92 P 6. 2000 619 25.5 + 58 26 2 A 5.99 p. . 28 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Re&id. D.O. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kenid. m. o / m / 2001 778 566 25.5 + 45 44 6 F 5.64 4.2 2051 795 . . 31.2 + 42 15 5 A 6.08 6. . 2002 666 570 25.5 -11 59 1 H? 6.78 211 2052 696 580 31.2 -11 32 2 H 6.29 555 2003 674 571 25.6 - 5 25 5 A 4.76 270 2053 963 31.3 + 48 54 3 A 6.26 1 . . 2004 730 25.7 + 57 32 1 F 6.78 2 . . 2054 558 31.3 + 30 48 1 E? 6.33 8. . 2005 776 25.7 + 40 36 4 A 6.10 p. . 2055 757 31.4 + 44 28 2 A 6.38 R . . 2006 734 568 25.8 + 44 32 3 A 6.08 4 . 1 2056 759 31.5 + 44 28 R. . 2007 783 25.9 + 37 44 1 H? 6.98 2 . . 2057 699 582 31.7 -17 48 5 A 5.03 033 2008 693 569 26.0 + 54 38 4 A 5.87 1 .2 2058 572 581 31.8 + 06 5 F 5.05 856 2009 560 26.0 - 50 2 A 6.41 6u. 2059 803 31.9 + 56 3 4 A 6.26 7 . . 2010 850 26.2 + 47 36 3 E? 6.34 P 2060 803 32.2 + 42 13 2 A? 6.66 5 . . 2011 767 26.3 + 47 5 1 A 7.16 p. . 2061 686 32.2 + 15 5 4 A 6.14 4. . 2012 674 572 26.3 + 35 6 3 A 5.64 4. 1 2062 222 32.6 + 69 32 4 A 6.59 6. . 2013 675 26.8 + 59 43 2 E 6.16 8. . 20G3 523 32.8 + 22 20 3 A 5.90 9. . 2014 811 573 26.9 + 39 34 4 A 5.56 4. 2 2064 968 32.9 + 48 38 1 A 7.12 9. . 2015 487 26.9 + 11 12 2 A 6.12 P7. 2065 637 33.1 + 58 31 2 A 6.64 1 . . 2016 949 27.1 + 48 17 3 A 6.69 8 . . 2066 527 33.2 + 24 23 2 A 6.24 P 2017 528 574 27.1 + 92 4 A 5.74 532 2067 602 584 33.2 + 20 35 3 A 6.02 0. 2 2018 786 27.2 + 37 41 3 A 6.16 8 . . 2068 492 33.4 + 21 32 2 A 6.12 p. . 2019 143 27.4 + 75 24 3 H 6.57 1 . . 2069 168 33.5 + 74 13 2 H 6.76 0. . 2020 27.7 -25 57 1 A 5.78 . 5 . 2070 597 583 33.5 + 62 54 2 M? 6.66 n . n 2021 697 576 28.2 - 9 48 6 K 4.83 n n 11 2071 51 575 33.6 + 86 20 9 F 6.47 5 . 7 2022 749 28.5 + 38 15 2 A 6.63 4. . 2072 647 585 33.6 - 7 43 3 H 6.34 324 2023 473 577 28.5 + 24 7 6 A 5.84 4. 1 2073 91 33.7 + 83 14 5 A 6.78 5 . . 2024 801 28.6 + 55 32 2 F 6.35 6. . 2074 577 33.7 + 2 26 2 A 6.22 p8. 2025 749 R E B R B 2075 690 33.8 + 33 48 1 E 6.55 1 . . 2026 794 28.7 + 37 41 1 A 6.88 6. . 2076 484 586 33.8 + 16 13 1 H 6.59 6 . 2 2027 787 28.8 + 42 34 2 A? 6.82 7 . . 2077 110 33.9 + 80 1 E 7.18 6 . . 2028 616 28.8 + 31 41 2 E? 6.58 1. . 2078 713 34.0 - 5 57 2 A 6.43 60 . 2029 773 28.9 + 46 46 4 A 6.40 7 . . 2079 813 34.2 + 40 51 1 F? 6.55 4. . 2030 774 29.1 + 46 14 1 H 7.15 5. . 2080 699 587 34.5 + 59 39 1 H 6.86 9 . n 2031 857 578 29.4 + 47 51 7 A 4.82 5. 6 2081 562 34.5 + 28 27 3 A 6.26 7 . . 2032 619 29.4 + 31 21 2 A 6.53 5. . 2082 811 588 34.6 + 37 16 6 A 5.52 2. 4 2033 628 579 29.4 -21 58 5 A 4.45 612 2083 581 589 34.7 + 2 44 2 H 5.88 J20 2034 511 29.5 + 65 1 H? 6.75 50. 2084 591 590 34.7 - 3 43 1 H 6.79 523 2035 128 29.6 + 76 50 3 A 6.92 6. . 2085 529 34.8 + 25 5 A 5.80 9. . 2036 689 29.6 + 34 36 1 A 6.85 7 . . 2086 654 34.9 -76 2 A 6.12 9F. 2037 704 29.8 -10 12 4 A 6.15 31 . 2087 133 35.0 + 77 48 8 A 6.40 8. . 2038 824 29.9 + 56 23 1 E 6.46 1 . . 2088 814 35.2 + 37 16 1 A 6.72 8. . 2039 353 30.0 + 65 19 1 A 6.80 p. . 2089 564 35.2 + 28 23 3 A 6.19 8. . 2040 579 30.0 + 29 40 1 A 6.52 9. . 2090 715 593 35.7 - 5 32 5 A 5.24 362 2041 682 30.4 + 34 1 1 H 6.85 2. . 2091 876 591 35.8 + 47 28 8 A B R. R 2042 826 30.5 + 56 37 3 A 5.87 6. . 2092 698 594 36.0 + 33 39 6 A 5.11 3 . 1 2043 693 30.5 + 34 43 1 A 6.70 7 . . 2093 659 36.1 + 32 38 2 A 6.49 3 . . 2044 548 30.5 + 28 54 3 A 6.10 7 . . 2094 821 36.4 + 40 41 1 A 7.10 7. . 2045 773 30.8 + 43 13 1 E 6.87 P 2095 284 592 36.5 + 66 53 5 F 5.83 4. 2046 829 30.8 + 39 45 3 A 6.27 7 . . 2096 689 36.5 -12 7 1 H? 6.23 65. 2047 518 31.0 + 22 54 2 A 6.13 9. . 2097 578 595 36.6 + 19 23 4 A 5.31 2. 1 2048 962 31.1 + 48 45 2 A 6.42 p. . 2098 134 36.8 + 78 4 A 7.18 8 . . 2049 437 31.2 + 63 33 1 E 6.67 3 . . 2099 984 36.9 + 48 13 1 H 6.77 3 . . 2050 865 31.2 + 47 15 2 A 6.71 p. . 2100 812 36.9 + 42 17 1 H 6.71 8. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 29 R.A. Dec. R.A. Dec. D. 0. DM. H. P. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H. P. No. Sp. Magn Beeld. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 2101 687 _ m. 36.9 o / -19 54 3 A 6.32 35. 2151 835 m. 41.3 + 40 13 1 H 6.60 6. . 2102 704 37.0 + 33 48 1 A? 6.90 9. . 2152 262 41.4 + 70 13 1 A 7.00 4. . 2103 553 37.2 + 8 20 1 A? 6.65 6F. 2153 707 619 41.4 -12 25 2 H 5.78 n 11 n 2104 604 596 37.3 + 63 2 4 F 5.56 S . 6 2154 534 41.4 + 23 50 1 A 6.23 R . . 2105 732 37.3 -14 41 1 A 6.41 84. 2155 536 41.5 + 23 48 R . . 2106 809 37.4 + 50 14 1 A 6.59 7 . . 2156 717 41.5 + 33 18 5 A? 6.21 8. . 2107 804 597 37.7 + 45 48 5 A 6.10 4. 2157 650 41.5 + 31 54 3 F 6.18 3. . 2108 642 600 38.0 + 31 59 7 A 4.38 6.4 2158 537 41.5 + 23 30 2 A 6.18 p. . 2109 582 601 38.0 + 19 21 1 A? 6.41 4.0 2159 824 41.6 + 42 34 2 A 6.62 p. . 2110 707 38.1 + 54 45 2 A 6.39 I . . 2160 541 618 41.6 + 23 48 9 A B B E 2111 742 599 38.1 + 36 9 7 A 5.43 1 . 2 2161 286 41.8 + 68 12 5 A 5.95 5. . 2112 744 38.2 + 35 33 1 A? 7.06 4. . 2162 714 41.9 + 52 21 2 F 6.71 2 . . 2113 881 38.3 + 47 20 2 A 6.51 p. . 2163 174 42.0 + 74 23 1 H 7.27 1 . . 2114 815 602 38.4 + 42 16 8 G? 4.77 7.8 2164 802 42.0 + 46 30 1 A 7.15 8. . 2115 69 38.5 + 84 22 1 A 7.27 p. . 2165 762 E R K E B 2116 728 604 38.5 -10 6 5 I 4.81 n a n 2166 842 42.2 + 40 23 1 A? 6.65 7 . . 2117 790 38.6 + 45 2 1 E? 6.94 9. . 2167 818 620 42.3 + 43 39 4 A 5.96 2. 2118 621 603 38.6 + 20 37 5 A 5.66 5 . 1 2168 719 42.3 + 34 1 E 6.90 6. . 2119 742 38.7 + 41 43 3 A 6.39 p. . 2169 563 42.5 + 23 8 5 A 5.13 P 2120 101 38.8 + 82 26 2 E 7.37 p. . 2170 553 42.6 + 24 3 4 A 6.26 p . . 2121 257 598 38.8 + 70 34 6 A 5.39 3 . 1 2171 623 42.6 -23 32 4 F 5.01 . n7 21-22 729 609 38.8 -10 48 3 A 5.57 430 2172 486 622 42.8 + 10 50 4 A 4.95 231 2123 505 38.9 + 23 59 4 A 5.37 p. . 2173 715 42.9 + 52 11 2 E 6.66 1 . . 2124 811 606 39.0 + 45 22 7 A 5.52 7. 1 2174 296 43.0 + 67 16 1 A 6.89 p. . 2125 507 608 39.0 + 23 48 8 A 4.03 7 .2 2175 801 624 43.1 + 44 40 4 F 6.18 4.8 2126 546 39.2 + 24 32 6 A 5.38 9. . 2176 494 43.1 + 9 21 2 II 6.66 SI . 2127 575 39.3 + 28 21 2 A 6.56 p. . 2177 667 626 43.2 + 32 48 7 A 5.12 7 . 1 2128 547 610 39.3 + 24 10 8 A 4.72 3.5 2178 557 625 43.3 + 23 45 8 A 4.00 0.2 2129 526 611 39.5 - 1 29 4 A 5.18 62.? 2179 661 43.4 + 24 5 3 A 5.97 p. . 2130 824 39.7 + 55 37 5 A 5.84 7. . 2180 627 43.4 -24 11 2 A 5.82 . 5n 2131 774 39.7 + 51 24 1 C? 6.60 1 . . 2181 833 43.5 + 37 35 4 A 6.23 3. . 2132 259 607 39.8 + 71 2 7 A 4.73 4.1 2182 562 43.5 + 23 57 1 A 6.44 p. . 2133 516 613 39.9 + 24 4 8 A 4.17 6.2 2183 602 43.5 -04 1 II 6.31 20 . 2134 545 39.9 + 22 51 4 A 6.18 p. . 2184 644 43.7 + 62 2 3 A 6.30 7 . . 2135 602 39.9 + 2 19 3 E 6.45 P 3. 2185 572 43.7 + 22 15 3 A 6.26 P 2136 593 614 39.9 - 36 1 E 5.81 417 2186 741 43.8 + 34 32 3 F 6.37 6. . 2137 553 40.0 + 24 15 2 A 5.74 P 2187 563 43.8 + 23 2S 4 A 5.63 p. . 2138 556 40.1 + 24 13 2 A 6.14 9. . 2188 567 44.0 + 24 3 1 A 6.39 p. . 2139 775 40.2 + 51 13 3 A 6.55 4. . 2189 535 628 44.0 + 21 57 5 A 5.58 9. 4 2140 539 616 40.3 + 5 44 5 A 5.24 555 2190 569 44.1 + 23 33 3 A 5.86 p. . 2141 369 612 40.4 + 65 13 3 M 6.08 n . n 2191 481 B 1 A? 6.42 7. . 2142 809 40.4 + 43 46 3 A 6.51 5. . 2192 624 629 44.3 + 25 17 6 A 5.16 8 . 3 2143 649 40.4 + 32 3 A 6.32 5. . 2193 574 44.3 + 97 3 A 6.31 5F. 2144 522 615 40.4 + 23 39 7 A 4.37 1 .2 2194 578 44.5 + 24 12 1 A 6.39 P 2145 612 40.8 + 63 5 A 5.75 7 . . 2195 204 44.9 + 73 47 1 H 7.05 5 . . 2146 594 40.9 + 13 13 3 A 6.28 7 . . 2196 570 45.0 + 23 40 2 A 6.13 P 2147 825 617 41.0 +.50 26 4 A 5.89 1 .2 2197 847 45.4 + 40 30 1 A 6.55 6 . . 2148 797 41.1 + 45 3 2 F 6.99 8. . 2198 583 45.4 + 24 52 4 A 6,19 P 2149 562 41.1 + 24 13 4 A 6.34 p. . 2199 134 45.5 + 81 36 3 H 7.17 6. . 2150 846 ~ 41.3 + 56 49 4 A 6.00 P 2200 849 45.5 + 50 46 1 A 6.75 6. . 30 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resiil. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. / , o / 2201 728 632 45.5 + 34 3 6 A 5.42 p. 3 2251 599 51.5 + 24 12 1 H 6.44 4. . 2202 667 45.5 + 1 16 3 E 6.42 65. 2252 773 51.6 + 34 32 3 A 6.17 8 . . 2203 752 631 45.6 + 57 40 4 A 5.85 2. 2253 564 651 51.7 + 5 45 4 A 6.11 932 2204 539 633 45.7 + 21 44 1 H? 6.87 3 . n 2254 793 51.8 -10 3 3 A 5.72 86. 2205 516 634 45.7 + 12 45 5 A 5.76 p62 2255 827 51.9 + 38 33 2 H 6.53 0. . 2206 751 45.7 -19 3 1 A 6.51 3p. 2256 826 52.4 + 44 12 2 A 6.93 8. . 2207 135 45.8 + 81 18 4 F 7.00 8 . . 2257 775 652 52.4 + 35 30 6 A 4.38 2 . S 2208 222 45.8 + 71 31 5 A 6.21 3 . . 2258 594 52.4 + 23 48 2 A 6.28 p. . 2209 582 45.8 + 30 52 7 A 6.05 5. . 2259 920 52.5 + 47 52 2 A 6.57 p. . 2210 631 45.9 + 25 41 1 A 6.60 P 2260 655 53.0 + 26 55 2 A 6.40 4. . 2211 121 46.4 + 80 57 1 H 7.33 5. . 2261 160 53.1 + 76 8 1 E 7.03 5. . 2212 1015 -*- 46.4 + 48 21 3 H 6.39 2 . . 2262 829 53.1 + 38 31 3 A 5.96 8. . 2213 594 635 46.6 + 6 15 5 A 5.94 202 2263 125 650 53.3 + 80 26 14 F 5.49 6 . S 2214 523 636 47.4 + 17 2 5 F 5.78 3. 2 2264 839 53.4 + 55 45 3 A 6.48 p . . 2215 641 47.5 + 25 23 4 A 5.76 8 . . 2265 904 53.4 + 39 44 2 A 6.29 p. . 2216 768 47.5 - 5 21 1 E? 6.43 6s. 2266 781 653 53.4 -13 48 5 M? 5.04 mi n 2217 769 640 47.7 - 5 39 4 A 5.23 552 2267 792 53.8 + 41 59 1 A 6.76 7. . 2218 857 47.8 + 56 37 2 A 6.32 7 . . 2268 789 654 53.9 - 5 45 1 H? 6.28 315 2219 666 638 47.8 + 31 35 7 A? 3.86 9 . 8 2269 643 54.1 + 62 9 1 A 6.95 5. . 2220 736 47.9 + 59 20 2 I 6.70 3 . . 2270 524 54.2 + 10 2 3 A 6.39 52. 2221 803 637 48.0 + 51 55 2 E? 6.61 1.0 2271 882 54.3 + 50 22 1 A 6.99 p. . 2222 726 48.1 + 52 21 2 E 6.51 0. . 2272 142 54.4 + 78 40 5 A 6.84 p. . 2223 1019 48.1 + 48 45 2 A? 6.42 6. . 2273 685 54.5 + 58 40 1 F 6.74 p. . 2224 550 48.1 + 21 38 3 A 6.35 p. . 2274 909 54.6 + 39 50 2 E? 6.64 4. . 2225 695 48.2 - 6 55 3 A 5.77 89. 2275 805 54.7 + 36 44 4 A 5.90 p. . 2226 673 48.3 + 1 50 3 A 5.89 8p. 2276 5U 54.9 + 17 4 A 5.80 7 . . 2227 628 639 48.6 + 62 47 5 A 5.01 2$> & 2277 143 55.0 + 78 10 1 A 7.45 p. . 2228 768 641 48.6 + 60 49 3 H 6.18 4.n 2278 184 55.0 + 74 55 1 F 6.69 8 . . 2229 527 48.7 + 16 19 1 A 6.44 6. . 2279 911 55.1 + 39 42 2 A 6.54 8. . 2230 691 48.7 -18 43 3 H 6.36 41 2280 617 55.1 + 22 57 3 A 5.83 p . . 2231 912 642 48.8 + 47 35 6 A 5.41 6.0 2281 666 655 55.1 + 17 55 3 F 5.70 3. 2232 591 49.1 + 30 46 3 F 6.05 5. . 2282 186 55.2 + 74 22 1 H 6.67 3 . . 2233 138 49.2 + 77 54 3 H 6.96 0. . 2283 539 657 55.2 + 12 13 5 B 3.83 R. 2 2234 860 643 49.2 + 50 24 7 F 5.71 . 2 2284 210 55.3 + 73 42 2 H 6.75 4- . 2235 644 49.2 - 3 14 2285 795 55.3 + 41 34 1 A 6.86 6. . 631 g F 5.41 /, 7 ft 2236 645 49.2 - 3 14 'fiu 2286 609 55.3 + 28 13 1 A 6.16 5. . 2237 646 49.5 -24 55 1 A 4.96 . 63 2287 643 658 55.3 + 19 55 1 H 6.76 2 . 2 2238 768 647 50.0 + 34 47 5 B 5.26 9. 2 2288 660 55.7 -24 18 2 A 4.82 .42 2239 779 50.4 + 41 35 3 A 6.33 7. . 2289 834 55.8 + 38 49 1 A 6.83 5. . 2240 125 50.5 + 79 30 5 A 7.02 p. . 2290 303 656 55.9 + 68 24 2 H 6.81 8 . 7 2241 855 50.5 + 43 2 3 A 6.6 i 8. . 2291 690 659 56.1 + 58 53 4 F 5.55 6 . 7 2242 602 50.5 + 22 23 1 A 6.83 P* 2292 1029 56.1 + 48 34 1 E 6.57 4. . 2243 752 50.6 -12 24 1 A 6.13 00. 2293 528 661 56.4 + 9 43 4 A 5.61 233 2244 123 50.7 + 80 41 3 A 7.09 P 2294 572 662 56.5 - 1 50 4 A 5.45 112 2245 760 50.7 + 57 9 2 A 6.27 7 . . 2295 866 56.6 + 37 47 1 A 6.73 3. . 2246 718 50.9 + 53 42 3 A 6.35 4. . 2296 734 56.7 + 54 48 2 E? 6.54 5. . 2247 605 648 50.9 + 22 12 5 A 5.65 4. 1 2297 884 57.0 + 43 43 1 F 6.83 9. . 2248 792 51.0 + 36 12 1 F? 6.61 4. . 2298 146 57.2 + 78 46 4 H 6.98 2. . 2249 895 649 51.1 + 39 43 7 A B B . B 2299 552 57.2 + 3 34 2 E? 6.48 p3. 2250 607 " 51.2 + 22 54 5 A 5.67 p. . 2300 391 57.3 + 65 14 5 A 6.10 5. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 31 3 h -4 b B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Ki-si.l. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magp. Kesi.l. 2301 669 m. 57.4 4-61 48 2 E 6.64 4. . 2351 310 688 m. 2.8 + 68 16 1 II 6.71 2 . S 2302 632 664 57.5 - 33 3 E 6.01 245 2352 149 3.0 + 81 11 3 A 7.02 p. . 2303 212 57.7 + 73 18 3 E 6.77 3 . . 2353 637 3.0 + 22 52 2 A 6.23 8. . 2304 836 57.7 + 38 31 1 A 6.78 6. . 2354 661 3.1 + 17 1 1 F 6.25 p. . 2305 623 57.8 + 27 54 1 A 6.61 p. . 2355 672 691 3.3 + 19 20 1 I 5.86 3. 1 2306 581 665 57.8 + 5 42 5 A 4.46 565 2356 648 3.4 + 13 8 3 A 5.61 76. 2307 796 58.0 + 35 39 1 F? 6.86 4. . 2357 150 3.6 + 81 23 5 A 6.81 p. . 2308 276 58.2 + 71 5 2 A 7.08 4. . 2358 S48 3.6 + 38 59 2 A 6.64 2 . . 2309 813 58.3 + 36 49 1 A 6.92 9. . 2359 627 3.7 + 23 48 1 A 6.38 P 2310 714 58.3 + 32 18 3 A 6.:i2 2 . . 2360 281 3.8 + 70 58 2 A 6.92 1 . . 2311 609 666 58.4 + 23 50 3 H? 5.76 2 . 2 2361 850 4.0 + 38 13 1 A 6.88 6 . . 2312 584 668 58.4 + 59 4 A 5.39 80.7 2362 129 4.3 + 80 9 1 H 7.44 9. . 2313 592 669 58.5 + 7 55 2 A 6.10 225 2363 807 692 4.6 + 33 19 1 I 6.49 3 . 5 2314 585 670 58.7 + 21 49 4 K 5.24 2 . 8 2364 903 4.7 + 40 39 1 A 6.55 4. . 2315 732 667 58.8 + 53 45 2 H 6.58 6 . 1 2365 686 693 4.7 + 26 13 2 F? 5.25 6. 4 2316 840 58.9 + 46 40 3 A 6.53 7. . 2366 796 695 4.7 -16 39 3 A 5.29 221 2317 645 672 58.9 + 2 33 2 E 5.77 013 2367 852 4.8 + 46 15 1 A 7.00 p. . 2318 676 59.0 + 17 15 1 A 6.45 1 . . 2368 33 4.9 + 88 2 1 A 7.90 6. . 2319 769 674 59.0 -20 25 2 E 5.94 113 2369 594 4.9 + 18 10 1 E 5.95 5. . 2320 676 673 59.1 + 62 4 2 E 6.55 1.4 2370 104 684 5.0 + 83 34 14 A 5.38 4.0 2321 1101 671 59.1 + 50 5 8 A 4.61 4. 1 2371 63 678 5.1 + 85 17 7 F 6.72 2 . 2322 776 59.2 + 33 59 2 A? 6.30 p. . 2372 592 5.2 + 15 42 2 A 6.29 p . . 2323 587 59.4 + 21 44 3 E 5.95 5 . . 2373 567 5.4 + 16 22 1 A 6.09 4 . . 2324 780 59.8 + 60 37 1 E 6.87 9. . 2374 758 696 5.5 - 7 11 2 H 6.47 477 2325 310 0.0 + 68 7 1 A 6.61 8. . 2375 150 5.6 + 77 50 4 H 6.89 1 . . 2326 70S 0.3 + 32 6 3 A 6.46 0. . 2376 1128 R R 1 E 6.38 6. . 2327 633 677 0.5 + 27 21 5 A 5.30 2 . 1 2377 601 697 6.0 + 5 16 2 E? 6.24 805 2328 785 0.6 + 33 11 3 A 6.16 8. . 2378 837 698 6.0 -95 1 H 6.41 446 2329 650 0.7 + 14 8 1 E? 6.53 p. . 2379 1059 6.3 + 48 49 1 H 6.73 3. . 2330 619 680 0.8 + 28 43 4 F 5.48 1 . 3 2380 749 6.5 + 54 15 4 A 6.49 5. . 2331 771 679 0.9 + 53 6 1 H? 7.22 1 . 7 2381 823 6.8 + 35 13 1 A 6.91 p. . 2332 908 1.0 + 50 41 1 E? 6.60 p. . 2382 569 699 6.8 + 17 2 1 II 6.00 0. 4 2333 127 1.1 + 80 17 6 H 6.55 2 . . 2383 785 6.9 + 57 13 2 A 6.17 3. . 2334 811 1.1 -98 1 F 6.16 11 . 2384 151 7.0 + 78 46 2 A 7.03 p. . 2335 896 1.1 + 42 56 R. . 2385 649 700 7.0 + 22 9 3 A 5.86 1 . 3 2336 897 1.3 + 42 56 3 A 6.27 R . . 2386 764 701 7.0 -76 4 F? 4.52 154 2337 1108 1.3 + 49 56 4 A 6.39 9. . 2387 195 7.1 + 74 22 2 A? 6.92 P 2338 939 682 1.4 + 47 26 8 A 4.52 . 2 2388 801 706 7.2 -20 37 2 A 5.89 223 2339 740 681 1.5 + 54 34 3 F 6.12 1.4 2389 861 7.4 + 38 13 1 F? 6.78 1. . 2340 815 1.5 + 41 14 1 A 6.85 7 . . 2390 897 703 7.4 + 37 43 1 H 6.43 4.0 2341 881 683 1.7 + 37 28 2 II 6.57 6.4 2391 1063 702 7.5 + 48 9 5 K 5.16 n . n 2342 881 1.8 + 45 58 2 A 6.55 1 . . 2392 113 694 8.0 + 83 6 12 II 6.04 n. 2 2343 882 686 1.9 + 37 47 2 F 5.73 2 . 2393 316 8.1 + 66 51 3 A 6.31 p. . 2344 726 1.9 + 32 12 1 A 6.69 8 . . 2394 687 705 8.1 + 61 36 4 A 5.49 0. 1 2345 147 2.0 + 81 44 5 A 6.56 9. . 2395 912 707 8.1 + 40 14 4 F 6.05 n . n 2346 657 2.0 + 14 54 2 A 5.69 8. . 2396 549 8.1 + 9 58 2 A 6.16 p3. 2347 818 2.2 + 41 15 4 A 6.57 4. . 2397 651 8.1 + 8 38 1 A 6.41 43. 2348 560 689 2.3 + 17 4 1 H 6.15 6 . 1 2398 173 8.2 + 75 52 8 A 6.32 5. . 2349 559 2.3 + 16 16 1 F? 6.34 p. . 2399 617 708 8.2 + 7 28 2 A 5.75 S15 2350 239 685 2.6 + 71 52 3 H 6.57 3.4 2400 899 8.3 + 37 17 1 H 6.32 1 . . 32 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 2401 564 710 m. 8.3 + 12 30 2 H? 6.37 422 2451 __ f 741 m. 14.4 -23 13 1 A 6.24 . 0.7 2402 857 8.4 + 36 15 1 A 6.72 1 . . 2452 912 14.6 + 38 1 1 F 6.98 5. . 2403 652 712 8.5 + 9 1 3 A? 5.91 n79 2453 624 739 14.6 + 18 29 2 F 5.91 1 . 2404 600 8.6 - 1 24 1 E 6.20 p8. 2454 829 14.7 - 8 21 1 A 6.26 p7. 2405 787 709 8.8 + 57 37 2 H 6.03 . 1 2455 921 14.8 + 45 13 1 A 6.74 p. . 2406 750 711 8.9 + 53 22 7 A 5.08 1 . 1 2456 682 742 14.9 + 14 52 5 A 5.33 6 . 2 2407 899 9.2 + 56 56 2 A 6.07 p. . 2457 980 15.2 + 39 42 1 H 6.64 8 . . 2408 550 713 9.2 + 9 46 4 A 5.28 435 2458 665 15.2 + 13 38 2 F? 6.13 4. . 2409 133 704 9.6 + 80 35 11 H 6.16 5 . 5 2459 707 15.3 + 61 48 1 E 6.79 1 . . 2410 727 9.6 + 58 32 2 C? 6.34 8 . . 2460 631 743 15.3 + 5 54 1 H 6.59 146 2411 867 714 9.6 -10 30 2 H 6.09 n flu 2461 672 15.4 + 8 59 1 A 6.26 75 . 2412 905 10.1 + 45 57 1 A 6.55 4. . 2462 740 15.6 + 20 49 1 E? 6.42 6. . 2413 603 715 10.1 + 15 9 3 F? 6.19 1 . 2 2463 838 15.6 -16 40 1 A 6.19 68. 2414 657 716 10.1 + 8 39 3 A 4.36 10.7 2464 629 15.7 + 18 11 2 F? 6.45 6. . 2415 613 717 10.1 + 5 57 E 9 6.54 *15 2465 875 744 15.7 - 6 29 1 A? 6.27 540 2416 614 718 10.2 + 5 57 jf R 2466 250 15.8 + 71 32 3 A 6.86 6. . 2417 1150 719 10.7 + 50 3 7 A 4.89 1 . S 2467 687 15.9 + 14 11 2 E? 6.33 p. . 2418 780 721 10.7 - 7 47 3 H? 5.19 587 2468 798 746 15.9 - 7 50 3 A 5.39 962 2419 721 10.9 + 12 1 A 6.72 SY . 2469 667 16.1 + 13 21 1 A 6.43 p. . 2420 820 10.9 -16 42 2 A 6.54 53 . 2470 764 16.3 + 53 17 1 E 6.82 2 . . 2421 433 720 11.2 + 64 54 4 F 5.86 1 . 4 2471 831 749 16.3 -20 52 4 A 5.43 401 2422 844 11.2 + 41 54 4 A 6.14 3 . . 2472 327 16.4 + 67 49 1 E 7.20 9. . 2423 689 11.2 + 19 25 1 A 6.61 p . . 2473 668 748 16.4 + 13 50 4 A 5.68 0. 1 2424 607 11.2 + 15 58 1 H 6.24 9 . . 2474 919 16.5 + 51 42 3 A 6.29 3 . . 2425 938 11.4 + 43 29 1 A 6.82 2 2475 707 747 16.5 + 25 23 4 A 5.32 4 . 2 2426 724 722 11.4 + 20 20 4' A 5.14 6. 5 2476 692 16.5 + 2 10 1 A 6.72 SF. 2427 1155 723 11.7 + 49 48 3 A 5.44 6. 2 2477 946 16.6 + 42 12 5 A 6.26 2 . . 2428 134 11.9 + 80 42 8 A 6.56 8. . 2478 879 16.7 - 6 31 2 A 6.12 P 7. 2429 321 12.0 + 67 30 1 H 6.90 9. . 2479 986 16.9 + 50 37 1 A 6.29 6. . 2430 618 725 12.4 + 21 20 6 A 5.82 2.4 2480 690 17.1 + 14 51 1 H 6.54 p . . 2431 862 726 12.4 - 6 43 2 H? 6.62 235 2481 712 750 17.2 + 17 18 3 I 5.00 n . n 2432 143 12.6 + 79 28 3 E? 7.16 8. . 2482 861 17.5 + 41 30 1 A 6.71 3. . 2433 973 724 12.6 + 50 41 4 E? 5.30 8. 1 2483 751 751 17.6 + 20 45 4 A 5.69 5. 2 2434 909 __ 12.8 + 37 46 1 F 6.63 4. . 2484 586 752 17.7 + 16 32 3 A 5.55 4. 2435 558 13.0 + 9 15 1 A 6.26 P 4. 2485 601 17.8 + 11 9 2 A 6.22 65. 2436 868 13.0 + 55 18 R . . 2486 851 17.9 + 34 5 1 A 6.65 3. . 2437 869 - -' 13.1 + 55 16 1 A 6.65 R . . 2487 853 753 18.0 + 33 54 4 A 5.57 4. 2438 800 727 13.1 + 60 30 1 H 6.57 9 . 9 2488 684 754 18.0 + 24 4 2 A 6.04 5. 2 2439 852 13.4 + 41 35 1 E 6.66 2 . . 2489 854 755 18.1 + 33 44 2 F? 5.85 2. 1 2440 733 731 13.5 + 20 55 5 A 5.30 9. 2 2490 714 756 18.4 + 17 13 3 A 5.10 3.4 2441 623 732 13.6 + 21 32 5 A 5.14 7 . 3 2491 570 757 18.4 + 9 14 3 A 5.26 1\2 2442 905 730 13.7 + 56 16 3 A 5.84 5. 1 2492 800 18.7 + 57 22 2 A 5.98 9. . 2443 672 13.8 + 23 31 1 A 6.63 9 . . 2493 818 758 18.7 - 3 58 5 A 5.31 230 2444 860 733 13.9 + 34 20 4 H 5.80 8 . 7 2494 633 19.1 + 18 49 2 F 5.81 ?. 2445 612 737 14.1 + 15 24 6 I? 4.85 n . 9 2495 140 19.2 + 80 40 5 A 6.76 6. . 2446 655 736 14.2 + 27 7 2 H 5.65 1 . 5 2496 571 19.3 + 9 50 1 A 6.76 PF . 2447 579 14.2 + 16 18 1 E 6.34 p. . 2497 258 19.4 + 69 9 1 A 6.43 6. . 2448 872 735 14.3 + 46 16 7 A 5.08 .S 2498 642 760 19.4 + 22 4 2 A 4.32 0. 3 2449 663 738 14.3 + 13 48 4 A 5.53 2. 2 2499 643 761 19.5 + 21 58 2 A? 5.57 4. 1 2450 793 734 14.4 + 59 23 2 A 5.90 6. 1 2500 776 762 19.8 + 31 13 4 H? 6.11 n. 7 THE PRAPER CATALOGUE. 33 D.C. DM. H. P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Ilesid D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Resld. m. o / m. / 2501 719 763 19.8 + 17 42 3 A 4.73 0.5 2551 990 785 26.4 + 42 51 5 A? 6.32 2.5 2502 621 20.0 + 15 43 2 A 6.34 5 . . 2552 671 26.5 + 5 33 3 A 6.71 82. 2503 224 20.2 + 73 2 1 C 6.98 p. . 2553 817 26.7 + 57 13 2 A 6.27 5. . 2504 884 20.2 + 46 39 1 H 6.50 5 . . 2554 674 26.7 + 5 11 1 E 6.49 72 . 2505 696 764 20.3 + 22 35 4 A 4.73 2 . 1 2555 169 26.8 + 76 20 2 E 7.03 P 2506 625 765 20.6 + 15 23 5 A 4.79 2 . 2 2556 265 26.8 + 71 16 1 A 6.73 p. . 2507 753 20.8 + 47 1 A 6.42 PF. 2557 713 787 26.8 - 16 1 I 5.91 95u 2508 697 768 20.9 + 14 29 4 H? 5.53 5 . 6 2558" "904 26.9 -13 52 3 A 6.22 5 E . 2509 683 21.0 + 62 29 1 H 6.85 P 2559 861 27.0 - 4 36 1 E? 6.84 6F. 2510 687 21.0 + 8 22 1 A 5.85 76. 2560 SS9 27.1 + 68 5 2 F 6.86 6. . 2511 830 21.2 + 52 9 1 A? 6.76 7 . . 2561 515 786 27.1 + 64 3 4 A 5.71 6. 3 2512 721 21.2 + 19 37 1 F 6.56 p. . 2562 812 27.2 + 59 12 2 A 6.50 7. . 2513 699 769 21.3 + 22 46 4 A 5.45 8. 2563 1204 27.2 + 49 54 4 A 6.59 5. . 2514 724 21.3 + 17 58 2 A 6.00 9. . 2564 780 27.2 + 46 1 A 6.47 P F . 2515 114 21.5 + 83 50 2 H 7.12 3 . . 2565 146 27.3 + 80 38 1 H 7.47 5 . . 2516 753 21.8 + 1 52 1 H 6.62 81 . 2566 149 27.4 + 79 34 1 E 7.56 9. . 2517 227 767 21.9 + 72 20 6 C 6.09 1 . 1 2567 809 788 27.6 - 3 25 4 A 5.69 134: 2518 577 771 22.0 + 10 59 2 A 5.57 872 2568 750 27.8 + 17 48 2 A 5.85 7. . 2519 647 770 22.1 + 21 24 3 A 5.82 7. / 2569 901 27.9 + 55 18 1 E 6.80 6. . 2520 157 22.4 + 78 48 4 A 6.78 7 . . 2570 621 27.9 + 16 7 1 E? 6.69 8. . 2521 665 772 22.5 + 30 9 2 E 6.12 1 . 1 2571 720 789 28.2 + 14 38 5 A 4.93 52.? 2522 883 22.6 + 35 2 1 F? 6.86 1 . . 2572 608 28.2 + 13 2 1 E 6.43 64. 2523 584 22.6 + 9 50 1 F 6.86 9F. 2573 666 790 28.4 + 28 46 4 A 5.64 1 . 2524 648 22.6 + 7 56 1 A 6.60 4F. 2574 600 28.4 + 9 12 1 H 6.51 31 . 2525 605 774 22.7 + 16 8 2 H 6.29 II . 11 2575 679 791 28.8 + 5 21 5 A 5.72 331 2526 702 22.7 + 14 30 4 F? 5.98 5. . 2576 884 28.8 - 8 28 3 A 6.19 86. 2527 640 773 22.8 + 18 58 4 K 4.83 n . u 2577 150 28.9 + 79 27 8 A 6.14 9. . 2528 631 775 22.8 + 15 44 2 E? 5.64 n . n 2578 816 28.9 + 59 53 2 F 6.76 7. . 2529 632 776 22.9 + 15 39 5 A 3.79 2 .2 2579 335 29.0 + 67 1 1 F 7.04 p. . 2530 755 22.9 + 1 38 1 H 6.47 00. 2580 838 792 29.0 - 6 57 5 A 5.51 321 2531 334 23.1 + 67 25 3 A 6.39 9. . 2581 887 794 29.4 - 8 27 1 H 6.26 a97 2532 661 23.2 + 27 10 4 A? 6.13 4. . 2582 930 795 29.4 - 9 11 1 H 6.10 n63 2533 598 777 23.2 + 12 49 3 A 5.18 30 2583 1000 793 29.7 + 41 4 5 H? 5.80 8 . n 2534 757 778 23.4 + 19 3 A 5.32 453 2584 742 29.8 + 19 41 1 E? 6.31 2. . 2535 731 23.6 + 17 19 1 A 6.50 8. . 2585 629 797 30.2 + 16 19 7 K? 3.94 n . n 2536 732 23.7 + 17 39 1 A 6.60 4. . 2586 607 798 30.2 + 9 57 3 A 4.49 211 2537 305 23.8 + 70 8 1 A 7.00 8 . . 2587 695 30.3 + 63 1 1 F 6.96 p . . 2538 779 779 24.1 + 53 42 4 F 5.46 5. 2588 161 30.4 + 78 58 1 E 7.39 7. . 2539 806 24.2 + 32 14 4 A 5.92 6. . 2589 715 30.5 + 23 9 ] E? 5.98 5 . . 2540 583 24.3 + 10 18 1 A 5.96 p. . 2590 880 30.6 -20 8 1 A 6.14 (55. 2541 731 24.4 + 19 37 1 E 6.51 P 2591 744 30.7 + 19 34 1 A 6.61 p. . 2542 636 780 24.4 + 15 25 4 A 5.84 2 . 2 2592 632 30.8 + 11 12 1 E 6.42 35 . 2543 893 782 24.5 -13 17 4 E 5.22 651 2593 656 31.0 + 15 40 2 A? 6.54 5 . . 2544 1013 24.6 + 39 48 5 A 6.02 6. . 2594 830 31.0 - 3 49 2 A 6.14 14. 2545 690 24.6 + 10 1 1 H 6.86 12 . 2595 834 799 31.3 - 3 34 7 A 3.99 521 2546 637 783 24.8 + 15 59 6 A 5.11 1 .2 2596 149 31.6 + 80 28 1 H 7.46 6 . . 2547 639 781 24.9 + 15 29 4 A 5.69 2.2 2597 598 31.7 + 10 39 1 A 6.87 P 2548 690 784 25.0 + 13 31 3 A 5.55 1 . 2 2598 __ 802 31.7 -30 46 1 H? 5.52 . ii 11 2549 645 26.2 + 15 38 3 A 6.09 4. . 2599 794 800 32.0 + 53 17 6 A 5.59 2 . 1 2550 263 26.3 + 71 41 2 A 7.04 p. . 2600 865 801 32.0 + 52 53 5 H 5.95 6 . 6 34 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H. P. B.A. 1'JOO. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. m. o / m. / 2601 894 32.0 - 8 40 1 E 6.46 PP 2651 168 39.5 + 81 29 2 A 7.07 P 2602 174 32.1 4-76 25 4 F 6.44 1 . . 2652 193 39.5 + 75 33 2 H 6.76 2 . . 2603 798 803 32.1 + 48 5 A 5.24 542 2653 1045 39.5 + 42 9 1 F 6.51 a 2604 731 32.4 + 26 45 2 A 6.50 5. . 2654 973 825 39.6 + 56 35 4 A 5.72 1 . S 2605 785 804 32.4 + 20 30 4 A 5.74 3. 1 2655 834 39.6 + 23 2 A 6.66 IF. 2606 828 32.5 + 57 41 1 A 6.83 5. . 2656 739 39.7 + 23 27 2 F? 6.23 8 . . 2607 661 32.5 + 15 51 4 A? 6.11 4 . . 2657 906 828 39.7 -18 51 4 A 5.56 410 2608 618 805 32.6 + 12 19 5 A 4.52 502 2658 813 39.8 + 53 6 1 F 6.47 5 . . 2609 963 806 32.6 - 2 40 4 A 5.50 4%2 2659 1045 39.8 + 40 8 1 H 6.70 2 . . .2610 674 33.3 + 25 2 4 A 6.24 1 . . 2660 928 826 39.9 + 55 26 2 A 6.35 1 .2 2611 88 33.4 + 84 42 3 A 6.97 7 . . 2661 956 40.0 + 41 7 2 A 6.65 4. . 2612 343 33.4 + 67 57 1 A 8.96 p. . 2662 880 40.1 + 52 55 1 F 6.72 8. . 2613 665 807 33.4 + 15 36 4 A 5.21 1 . 1 2663 719 40.4 + 18 33 1 H 6.56 1 . . 2614 937 33.4 -13 13 1 E 6.67 6r. 2664 646 829 40.5 + 11 31 4 A 5.70 . 1 2615 666 808 33.5 + 15 43 5 A 5.01 3 .2 2665 876 830 40.5 - 3 26 2 B 3.94 414: 2616 681 810 33.6 + 7 40 3 A 5.78 005 2666 536 40.8 + 63 27 4 A 6.24 8 . . 2617 933 812 33.6 -14 30 4 I? 5.21 11 M n 2667 884 41.4 -38 2 A 6.09 P 7. 2618 1128 809 33.9 + 48 7 5 A 5.44 6. 3 2668 155 824 41.6 + 81 2 11 K? 5.98 5 . 7 2619 728 34.0 + 29 47 1 A 6.87 4. . 2669 728 41.9 + 5 37 1 A 6.24 P 8. 2620 121 34.1 + 83 8 2 A 6.92 p. . 2670 741 42.0 + 29 27 1 A? 7.02 5 . . 2621 955 813 34.3 -12 19 5 A 5.35 426 2671 695 42.0 + 29 3 1 A 6.72 4. . 2622 639 814 34.5 + 12 4 A 5.30 1 . 2672 1251 42.1 + 49 24 1 A 6.93 6 . . 2623 1226 34.6 + 49 44 1 A 6.73 3 . . 2673 834 42.4 -28 16 1 A 5.86 . 50 2624 826 34.7 + 59 20 3 A 6.32 6. . 2674 543 831 42.7 + 63 20 2 H 6.72 9 . 8 2625 936 816 34.7 -14 33 2 H 5.71 812 2675 840 832 42.8 + 32 25 5 A 6.13 1 . 1 2626 954 35.0 + 38 5 2 F? 6.38 2. . 2676 816 833 42.8 + 31 16 2 H 6/23 9.5 2627 680 815 35.0 + 28 25 4 A 5.46 5 . 4 2677 742 42.9 + 29 24 1 F? 6.87 1 . . 2628 189 811 35.4 + 75 46 7 A 5.99 0. 2678 707 42.9 + 21 9 1 A? 6.77 P 2629 1230 817 35.8 + 49 48 6 A 5.62 1 . 1 2679 954 838 43.1 -17 7 2 F 5.93 421 2630 1043 818 35.8 + 43 10 6 A 5.57 1 . 8 2680 969 835 43.2 + 37 19 3 H? 6.02 5 . 8 2631 820 35.9 -24 41 1 A? 6.21 a I . 4 If 2681 679 43.4 + 3 29 1 A 6.48 pp. 2632 927 36.0 + 38 14 1 A 6.58 4. . 2682 986 43.4 - 9 41 1 A? 6.55 PF . 2633 988 821 36.1 -19 52 3 M? 6.05 n n n 2683 681 839 43.5 + 3 25 2 A? 6.43 GS1 2634 739 819 36.2 + 22 46 4 B 4.25 5 . 2 2684 354 43.6 + 67 20 1 F 6.99 p. . 2635 628 36.8 + 9 27 1 A 6.71 62. 2685 1162 837 43.6 + 48 35 4 H 6.20 4-4 2636 1028 36.9 + 48 1 E 6.67 3. . 2686 1044 43.6 - 5 50 2 F 5.93 44. 2637 125 37.0 + 83 2 5 A 6.78 P 2687 682 43.7 + 3 31 1 A 6.33 P7. 2638 751 37.0 + 2 48 1 A? 6.83 PF. 2688 956 44.0 -16 30 1 E 5.84 70 . 2639 876 37.1 + 52 9 3 A 6.26 7 . . 2689 358 836 44.1 + 66 10 8 A 4.70 3 . 3 2640 969 37.1 -12 40 1 A 6.48 43 . 2690 762 840 44.3 + 6 47 3 F? 4.05 787 2641 733 37.2 + 23 55 1 H 6.29 5. . 2691 1046 44.3 -59 1 A 6.23 PF. 2642 1032 37.3 + 40 36 5 A? 6.13 1 . . 2692 992 44.4 + 45 41 1 A 6.29 2. . 2643 155 37.8 + 79 30 1 H 7.06 P 2693 983 44.6 + 51 13 1 A? 6.95 p . . 2644 969 37.8 - 5 57 1 A? 6.48 3F. 2694 995 44.6 - 9 11 1 A 6.75 9F. 2645 347 38.1 + 67 35 3 A 6.53 P 2695 739 44.7 + 61 19 2 A 6.23 7 . . 2646 969 823 38.8 - 8 59 1 F? 6.61 426 2696 777 841 45.1 + 8 44 3 A 4.59 412 2647 621 822 38.9 + 10 58 4 A 5.60 035 2697 970 45.1 -13 56 1 F? 6.12 44. 2648 172 39.2 + 77 24 2 A 6.92 9. . 2698 356 45.2 + 67 23 1 A 6.64 9 . . 2649 929 827 39.3 - 8 41 4 A 5.86 112 -2699 891 45.2 + 52 39 4 A 5.92 P 2650 322 39.4 + 70 45 8 A 6.09 2 . . 2700 583 R R R R R . . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 35 D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Eesid. ffl. o / m. / 2701 743 842 45.4 + 18 41 3 A 5.04 561 2751 871 51.4 -25 54 1 H 6.18 . 52. 2702 871 45.6 + 59 2 A 6.17 P 7. 2752 672 868 51.6 + 17 2 H 6.45 8 . 6 2703 964 846 45.7 -16 23 2 K? 5.84 486 2753 1002 51.7 + 37 11 3 A 6.59 4 . . 2704 1081 843 45.8 + 42 25 7 A 5.83 4. 3 2754 777 869 51.7 + 23 48 2 H 6.23 . 2 2705 952 844 45.9 + 36 33 4 H 6.02 n . n 2755 264 51.8 + 73 37 2 H 6.95 7 . . 2706 745 845 45.9 + 5 26 3 B 3.97 050 2756 906 51.9 + 52 59 1 I 6.67 3 . . 2707 178 46.0 + 77 36 4 E 7.08 4. . 2757 187 52.0 + 76 42 1 E 6.75 P 2708 587 E B 1 E 6.29 p. . 2758 265 864 52.0 + 73 55 7 A 5.86 4. 1 2709 728 46.2 + 13 29 1 E 6.48 31 . 2759 717 872 52.0 + 24 54 4 A 5.66 3 . 2710 668 847 46.2 + 9 49 1 H 6.06 12.T 2760 984 52.2 - 8 36 1 E? 6.21 9F. 2711 66 46.3 + 86 10 3 A 7.61 4. . 2761 1005 873 52.5 + 37 44 5 A 5.01 7. 1 2712 701 849 46.5 + 27 44 4 A 6.08 1 . 2 2762 853 52.6 + 60 56 4 F 6.05 P 2713 941 848 46.9 + 55 6 3 A 5.37 4. 4 2763 370 52.7 + 66 41 2 F 6.23 8 . . 2714 777 850 46.9 + 14 5 1 H 6.33 n. 9 2764 1003 874 53.1 -14 24 3 A 5.64 770 2715 960 46.9 - 8 34 1 A 6.61 7. 2765 1080 53.2 - 2 22 2 A 6.15 15 . 2716 357 47.3 + 67 38 3 A 6.63 4. . 2766 1133 53.4 + 39 15 5 F? 6.10 3 . . 2717 992 47.4 + 51 26 4 A 6.43 6. . 2767 796 53.4 + 14 24 3 A 5.88 6. . 2718 1116 852 47.7 + 43 54 6 A 5.95 3 . 1 2768 872 875 53.4 + 1 33 3 K 5.62 699 2719 996 47.8 + 51 41 1 B? 6.86 P 2769 952 53.5 + 55 26 1 A 6.65 8. . 2720 282 48.0 + 71 28 2 A 6.94 p . . 2770 716 53.7 + 27 9 2 A? 6.35 8 . .. 2721 1068 854 48.0 - 5 37 5 A 4.93 627 2771 1001 53.7 -16 56 2 A? 6.18 SB. 2722 898 853 48.2 + 52 42 4 A 5.49 p . 4 2772 1196 54.0 + 48 40 1 F 6.77 p. . 2723 999 48.4 + 51 57 1 A 6.91 p . . 2773 1024 54.1 + 45 46 1 A 6.75 2 . . 2724 847 48.8 + 1 25 2 A 6.07 p 8 . 2774 163 54.2 + 79 22 1 A 7.40 p. . 2725 811 49.0 + 19 20 4 A 6.23 8 . . 2775 722 ,^_ 54.2 + 62 57 E. . 2726 810 857 49.1 + 2 17 4 B 4.02 531 2776 723 __ 54.2 + 62 57 1 H 6.71 B . . 2727 288 49.2 + 69 47 1 A 6.89 9 . . 2777 1077 54.2 + 44 15 2 A 6.48 P 2728 829 856 49.3 + 53 35 5 A 4.66 3 . 2 2778 856 876 54.5 + 60 18 4 K 5.19 2. n 2729 675 858 49.3 + 11 16 3 A 5.47 8 . 8 2779 1013 878 54.5 -16 32 3 A 5.59 642 2730 1271 49.4 + 49 46 1 A 6.49 5 . . 2780 1166 877 54.8 + 43 41 6 F 4.10 K.9 2731 683 859 49.4 + 10 2 A 4.86 41.Z 2781 1066 882 55.1 -10 25 3 E 5.88 412 2732 755 860 49.4 + 7 38 1 H 6.40 748 2782 688 55.2 + 10 46 1 A 6.42 P 2733 928 49.5 - 3 23 1 E 6.64 03 . 2783 736 881 55.3 + 3 28 3 A 5.90 E31 2734 229 49.6 + 74 7 3 H 6.79 7. . 2784 1047 883 55.3 -12 41 4 A 5.11 3*2 2735 1077 49.6 + 47 44 1 A 6.86 8. . 2785 361 55.4 + 68 50 4 F 6.52 0. . 2736 930 49.7 + 36 1 3 E 6.34 2. . 2786 952 55.4 + 46 31 1 A 6.90 7 . . 2737 893 861 49.7 + 19 4 A 5.73 561 2787 1142 879 55.5 + 40 56 7 I? 5.27 n . n 2738 709 50.1 + 24 27 1 F 6.24 3. . 2788 1095 55.7 - 2 13 1 H 6.40 13. 2739 787 50.2 + 14 54 2 A 5.44 p. . 2789 114-2 55.9 + 42 25 1 A 6.36 P 2740 855 862 50.4 + 33 4 K 4.87 n . n 2790 856 56.0 + 54 44 1 F 6.79 p. . 2741 769 50.6 + 5 15 1 A 6.09 p6. 2791 1044 56.2 + 41 18 4 A 6.06 4. . 2742 991 866 50.6 -16 55 1 H 6.03 253 2792 74 863 56.3 + 85 50 12 A 6.88 9.5 2743 740 865 50.7 + 13 21 3 K 5.55 6 . n 2793 1292 _ 56.4 + 49 22 1 A? 6.98 9. . 2744 248 50.8 + 72 16 1 E 6.71 P 2794 826 56.4 - 51 1 A? 6.36 ft. 2745 857 50.8 + 1 28 1 A? 6.82 7p. 2795 1036 56.4 -11 21 1 E 6.29 7r. 2746 992 867 50.8 -16 35 1 A? 6.19 2&5 2796 208 56.5 + 75 33 7 A 6.61 7 . . 2747 818 51.0 + 32 1 E 6.88 pp. 2797 948 884 56.6 - 7 20 4 B 4.87 042 2748 357 51.3 + 69 2 1 A 6.78 2. . 2798 923 887 56.7 + 34 3 H 6.21 047 2749 1122 51.3 + 39 55 1 A? 6.79 5. . 2799 137 56.7 + 82 9 1 E 7.31 E. . 2750 1091 870 51.4 - 5 20 5 A 5.66 41S 2800 138 56.8 + 82 8 B. . 36 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. DM. H.P. B.A 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m / 2801 1031 56.8 + 37 7 1 A 6.62 7 . . 2851 566 1.3 + 63 27 3 A 6.45 6 . . 2802 886 56.8 + 1 28 3 A 5.72 88. 2852 1226 1.4 + 49 3 A 6.30 7 . . 2803 1032 57.0 + 45 38 5 A 6.35 4. . 2853 779 900 1.5 + 18 30 3 E 5.54 3.4 2804 751 888 57.1 + 21 27 4 A 5.00 2 . S 2854 1044 906 1.8 - 4 47 4 A 5.23 240 2805 1130 57.1 - 5 39 1 A 6.53 73 . 2855 885 903 1.9 + 20 17 4 A 5.21 I . 2 2806 990 889 57.1 -20 12 4 A 4.74 683 2856 755 904 2.0 + 24 8 4 A 5.46 3. 2807 1177 57.3 + 43 35 1 A 6.48 p. . 2857 766 905 2.0 + 21 34 4 A 6.04 3 . 2 2808 804 885 57.4 + 58 50 B. B 2858 1063 2.0 -13 15 4 A 5.80 25. 2809 805 886 57.5 + 58 53 4 A 5.25 B . . 2859 367 2.1 + 67 33 1 A 7.00 1 . . 2810 857 57.5 + 61 2 1 H 6.63 1 . . 2860 858 2.1 + 53 35 3 A 6.61 P 2811 748 57.5 + 3 19 1 A 6.38 PF . 2861 736 2.2 + 9 21 1 E? 6.26 52. 2812 772 57.9 + 30 22 1 H 6.57 1 . . 2862 751 2.3 + 28 9 1 A 6.61 4 . . 2813 959 58.0 + 46 46 1 H? 6.75 S. . 2863 866 907 2.5 + 8 22 2 A 5.45 450 2814 1050 58.0 + 41 44 2 A 6.61 P 2864 1035 2.7 - 8 47 2 A 6.16 P7. 2815 879 58.1 + 32 11 2 A 6.19 4. . 2865 1076 909 2.8 -12 37 1 E 5.98 332 2816 892 58.1 -26 25 1 H? 5.82 .43 2866 1162 910 2.9 - 5 13 3 A. 3.61 z87 2817 1300 58.2 + 49 55 1 A 6.44 P 2867 763 3.2 + 61 20 1 A 7.03 p. . 2818 301 58.3 + 69 43 1 A 6.99 p. . 2868 970 908 3.3 + 46 50 5 F? 5.91 l.S 2819 1013 58.3 - 8 48 3 A? 6.23 SF. 2869 822 3.4 + 29 40 1 F 6.37 1. . 2820 1301 58.5 + 49 50 1 A 6.69 P 2870 863 3.5 + 53 5 1 A 6.67 p. . 2821 1214 58.5 + 48 31 1 A 6.87 p. . 2871 1067 3.5 + 37 11 4 E? 6.34 1 . . 2822 895 58.5 -22 57 1 H 6.40 .34 2872 732 911 3.5 + 27 55 4 A 6.16 7 . 2 2823 302 58.7 + 69 30 1 H 6.69 2. . 2873 1037 3.6 - 8 48 2 A 5.26 pp. 2824 1024 891 58.8 + 51 29 3 A 5.55 4.7 2874 371 3.7 + 67 21 3 A 6.62 4. . 2825 732 894 58.8 + 15 16 3 A 4.72 6. 2875 785 3.7 + 36 1 A 6.03 p8. 2826 725 893 58.9 + 27 48 2 A 6.26 2. 2876 734 3.8 + 27 26 1 H? 6.56 7 . . 2827 1305 59.1 + 49 48 1 A 7.19 P 2877 743 912 3.8 + 9 42 3 A 5.49 542 2828 958 59.3 + 55 24 1 F 6.75 5. . 2878 766 3.9 + 61 44 5 A 5.91 8. . 2829 1091 59.3 + 44 36 1 A? 6.48 8. . 2879 864 3.9 + 53 20 1 E? 6.83 7. . 2830 973 59.3 + 35 48 3 A 6.41 1 . . 2880 752 914 4.0 + 15 28 3 A 5.32 3.5 2831 1027 59.3 -14 31 2 A 5.81 78. 2881 734 4.2 + 62 34 3 A 6.13 6. . 2832 1075 59.4 - 6 10 2 F? 6.28 9p. 2882 972 4.2 + 46 49 1 A 6.86 p. . 2833 1058 896 59.5 + 41 7 9 A B B . B 2883 187 4.4 + 77 58 1 A 7.34 P 2834 953 59.5 + 33 47 2 A 6.25 8. . 2884 373 4.4 + 67 15 1 F 7.14 4. . 2835 818 59.6 + 22 56 2 A 6.13 p . . 2885 1040 917 4.4 - 8 53 5 A 4.40 220 2836 847 59.6 + 19 40 2 A 6.11 4 . . 2886 1062 4.5 + 45 32 1 II 6.74 P 2837 274 890 59.7 + 73 49 7 A 5.36 1 . 1 2887 871 4.5 + 31 55 1 A 6.43 p. . 2838 862 59.7. + 54 52 1 A 6.59 9. . 2888 238 4.6 + 74 25 3 A 6.77 4. . 2839 1122 59.7 + 50 9 1 E 6.44 P 2889 217 4.8 + 75 50 1 A 7M7 4. . 2840 mo 59.7 + 43 2 4 F 6.19 6 . . 2890 830 5.0 + 29 37 1 A 6.32 7. . 2841 783 59.7 + 26 17 3 A 6.50 0. . 2891 867 919 5.0 - 41 2 II ? 6.21 532 2842 897 59.7 -24 32 3 A 5.46 . 30 2892 180 5.1 + 78 15 3 F 7.14 9. . 2843 998 898 59.9 3 11 4 A 5.79 272 2893 812 5.1 + 30 42 1 H 6.68 3. . 2844 500 0.1 + 64 47 4 F 6.42 5-. . 2894 735 5.2 + 62 59 3 A 6.38 p. . 2845 258 0.4 + 72 37 4 A 6.57 P 2895 1205 5.3 + 39 59 3 A 6.31 8. . 2846 190 0.5 + 76 21 9 A 6.06 6 . . 2896 833 5.3 + 29 48 1 A 6.42 1 . . 2847 730 0.5 + 62 21 3 A 6.27 7 . . 2897 280 918 5.9 + 73 9 8 A 5.68 1 . 2848 825 0.7 + 22 24 1 F 6.63 4. . 2898 869 _ _ 6.0 + 53 54 1 A 6.78 p. . 2849 1000 901 1.2 -22 30 5 K? 4.76 nun 2899 759 920 6.0 + 15 55 1 H 6.39 7. n 2850 902 1.2 -26 17 1 A 6.57 .45 2900 169 913 6.1 + 79 7 11 F 5.46 . n 3715 212 1225 29.2 + 79 41 16 F 5.73 2 2 3705 1546 1258 36.0 + 36 4 A 5.56 971 3716 1130 1237 29.2 + 56 56 4 A 5.77 4 . 3766 1056 36.1 + 53 24 2 H 6.78 5. . 3717 455 29.4 + 66 15 1 E 7.37 1 . . 3767 1346 36.1 + 6 13 1 F 6.69 p7. 3718 896 29.4 + 61 34 3 F 6.39 9 . . 3708 1229 36.2 + 51 34 1 A 6.65 7 . . 3719 1097 29.4 + 55 26 1 A 6.95 . . 3769 1585 36.3 -12 5 1 E 6.38 9p. 3720 1357 29.4 + 7 39 1 A 6.05 p9. 3770 389 36.4 + 69 44 1 A 6.69 p. . 3721 441 29.8 + 67 24 1 A 6.79 p. . 3771 1357 1260 36.6 + 17 45 4 A 5.18 352 3722 988 29.8 + 57 16 1 E 7.08 4- 3772 1351 36.6 + 6 27 2 A 5.89 p8. 3723 264 30.0 + 75 9 1 A 7.39 6. . 3773 1359 36.9 + 3 21 1 A 638 9F . 3724 249 30.1 + 76 41 2 H 7.10 4 . . 3774 233 37.1 + 78 12 1 E 6.80 p . . 3725 1491 30.1 + 58 5 A 5.76 85 . 3775 1362 37.2 + 2 59 1 A 6.88 pp. 3726 1335 30.7 + 4 35 1 F 6.04 PF . 3776 1601 1262 37.2 - 9 4 1 H 6.11 237 3727 1458 1242 30.8 -22 53 6 A 4.45 640 3777 259 37.4 + 77 20 7 A 6.88 9. . 3728 867 31.3 + 62 1 3 A 6.13 P 3778 1015 1261 37.4 + 59 33 4 A 5.06 1.4 3729 1448 31.3 -16 1 1 F 6.54 pp. 3779 1494 37.5 + 36 12 4 A 5.98 1 . . 3730 1480 31.6 + 41 40 2 A 6.46 5. . 3780 1478 37.5 -15 54 1 A? 6.20 PF . 3731 1363 31.6 + 30 58 1 A 6.73 3 . . 3781 1406 1263 37.8 + 25 13 4 K 4.00 n . n 3732 1710 1246 31.6 -58 3 A 5.48 345 3782 1004 1264 38.3 + 57 17 1 H 6.13 . 7 3733 1665 1245 31.9 + 39 59 4 B 5.06 p.O 3783 1390 1266 38.3 + 13 20 4 H 5.58 5 4v 3734 1223 1249 31.9 + 16 29 6 A B B. B 3784 1414 38.3 + 42 2 A 5.53 99. 3735 1309 1250 32.0 + 6 13 2 F 5.84 792 3785 1349 38.6 + 50 29 1 A 6.44 9. . 3736 1480 i 32.0 -18 35 1 H 5.96 54. 3786 234 38.7 + 78 ' S 4 A 7.20 1 . . 3737 1293 1248 32.1 + 29 4 4 A 5.52 7 . 3787 1600 39.1 + 42 22 1 A 6.76 2. . 3738 1139 32.2 + 56 58 1 A 6.87 P 3788 1736 39.1 + 39 5 1 A 6.49 5. . 3739 1585 1247 32.2 + 42 35 3 I? 6.04 n. 8 3789 1595 1209 39.5 + 43 40 4 E 5.78 1.4 3740 1502 1251 32.3 -19 10 4 K? 4.91 787 3790 1396 1272 39.7 + 13 4 F 3.98 3 . 6 3741 460 32.4 + 66 17 1 E 6.97 0. . 3791 1267 39.9 + 55 49 3742 1334 ' 32.5 + 53 2 E? 6.04 p5. 3792 1122 1268 39.9 + 55 49 4 F 5.96 . 5 3743 1140 32.6 + 56 10 1 A 6.41 p . . 3793 1436 1271 40.0 + 48 53 3 H 6.16 7 . 9 3744 1323 32.6 + 2 21 1 A 6.82 7 p . 3794 1429 40.3 + 4 42 1 F 6.34 pp . 3745 1566 33.1 -12 54 1 A 6.27 53 . 3795 454 1270 40.5 + 67 41 9 A 5.06 1 Q 3746 1196 1252 33.3 + 28 21 4 A 5.61 4. 1 3796 1379 40.6 + 2 36 1 A? 6.78 PF . 3747 1361 33.3 + 4 43 1 A 6.74 p9. 3797 1591 1275 40.7 -16 34 5 A? B RR R 3748 1386 33.4 + 70 1 E? 6.50 p F . 3798 1486 1277 41.1 + 8 42 4 A 5.54 5pl 3749 1365 33.5 + 4 47 1 A 6.09 PP . 3799 1611 41.2 -17 4 1 F 6.03 PF, 3750 1443 33.5 + 1 42 1 E 6.27 54. 3800 1573 1278 41.4 -14 42 6 A 5.26 940 46 ANXALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H. P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn. Resid. DC. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resiil. m. / m. o r 3801 1349 41.5 + 18 18 2 A 5.70 8 . . 3851 1437 46.4 + 39 4 A 6.03 p7 . 3802 1577 K B 1 A 5.68 PR. 3852 1448 46.5 + 5 13 1 E 6.54 7 F . 3803 1570 E B B R R * 3853 46.5 -25 40 1 A? 5.39 p. 3804 1644 1282 41.9 -10 1 3 A 5.48 850 3854 1775 46.7 - 6 51 1 A? 6.37 9F. 3805 1579 41.9 -14 26 1 A 6.41 P 8. 3855 1367 46.9 + 50 8 1 A 6.54 p 3806 1496 1280 42.0 + 89 2 H 6.00 77n 3856 1568 . 47.1 + 49 1 1 A 6.43 6. . 3807 1584 1283 42.3 -14 20 5 A 5.17 p35 3857 1638 1299 47.1 + 38 38 3 A 5.80 5. 3 3808 1499 42.3 + 87 1 H? 6.45 RF . 3858 1549 47.2 + 41 1 1 E? 6.80 6. . 3809 1500 42.4 + 88 RF . 3859 1543 1301 47.4 + 8 30 5 A 5.85 45.? 3810 1397 1284 42.7 + 2 31 4 I? 5.50 637 3860 1615 47.6 + 43 4 1 A 6.47 p. . 3811 1558 1286 42.8 - 8 54 1 A 6.51 n 9n 3861 143:] 47.6 + 32 38 1 A 5.94 p. . 3812 1576 42.8 -20 55 4 E 5.73 39. 3862 1202 47.9 + 45 57 2 H 6.65 2. . 3813 394 1279 42.9 + 69 8 A 5.01 2 . 1 3863 1551 48.0 + 44 2 2 A 6.28 2. . 3814 1754 42.9 + 39 35 1 P 6.54 8. . 3864 1638 48.3 -16 6 1 A? 6.19 PR. 3815 1236 42.9 + 27 18 1 A 6.31 9. . 3865 1357 48.4 + 29 57 1 E 6.67 P 3816 1414 1285 43.1 + 32 43 1 H 6.29 5 . 6 3866 1426 48.4 + 21 17 1 H? 6.57 7 . . 3817 1504 43.1 + 23 19 1 A 6.13 p. . 3867 982 1302 48.6 + 58 34 6 H 5.34 3 . 8 3818 1484 43.2 + 22 25 1 A 6.53 P 3868 1451 48.7 + 24 23 1 II 6.59 2 . . 3819 1626 43.2 -17 24 1 A 6.38 6R. 3869 1641 48.8 + 38 2 1 E 6.68 1 . . 3820 1386 43.3 - 1 12 2 A 5.81 94. 3870 1428 49.0 + 21 41 1 F 6.02 P 3821 1567 43.5 - 7 39 1 E 6.47 5p. 3871 1462 1305 49.0 + 13 19 4 A 4.86 4. 1 3822 1536 1287 43.7 + 41 54 2 H 5.96 8 . n 3872 1591 1306 49.0 -18 55 6 A 5.58 45.7 3823 1531 43.9 + 1 6 3 A 5.82 P 8. 3873 1258 49.1 + 51 7 1 A 6.60 p. . 3824 1732 44.1 + 40 30 1 A 6.75 7 . . 3874 1203 1304 49.1 + 46 25 4 A 5.80 5. 1 3825 1298 1290 44.1 + 16 19 4 A 5.49 P- 1 3875 1554 49.1 + 44 47 1 F 6.99 P 3826 1028 1289 44.2 + 59 34 3 F 5.93 1 . 5 3876 1496 49.2 + 25 30 2 F? 5.74 5. . 3827 1776 44.3 - 2 10 2 A 5.60 55. 3877 1863 49.2 - 5 44 2 A 6.38 03 . 3828 1599 1291 44.4 -15 2 5 A 5.16 371 3878 1616 1308 49.2 -20 6 6 A 4.72 765 3829 1395 44.7 - 1 13 1 A? 6.70 PK. 3879 49.2 -24 34 1 A 5.96 P 3830 1546 44.8 + 41 41 1 E 6.91 9. . 3880 1487 1307 49.4 - 1 4 A 5.56 84^ 3831 1434 44.8 + 5 47 2 A 6.39 p6. 3881 1205 49.5 + 46 49 1 II 6.51 0. . 3832 1140 44.9 + 52 47 1 E 7.07 p . . 3882 1681 1309 49.6 -11 55 5 M? 5.45 11 H 11 3833 273 45.1 + 75 19 1 F 7.35 1 . . 3883 1270 49.7 + 27 25 1 E 6.56 9 . . 3834 266 1288 45.5 + 77 6 12 I? 5.83 n . n 3884 1446 49.7 - 1 38 1 A 6.40 > o O .'} . 3835 1613 45.5 + 42 44 1 A 6.62 p . . 3885 49.8 -24 25 2 A? 5.72 . K . 3836 1294 45.5 -23 58 1 A 5.53 .p7 3886 1312 49.9 -24 4 2 M? 5.37 . 11 M 3837 1249 45.6 + 51 37 1 F 6.41 p . . 3887 430 1303 50.0 + 70 57 4 II 6.32 3 . 5 3838 1405 1293 45.6 + 21 53 4 A 5.07 9. 1 3888 1405 50.0 + 18 37 1 A 6.61 P 3839 1347 45.6 + 15 12 1 F? 6.04 p. . 3889 1311 50.0 -23 48 1 O 6.18 P2 3840 1462 45.7 - 25 3 A 6.04 75. 3890 406 50.1 + 67 27 1 II 6.94 1 . . 3841 1359 45.8 + 44 58 2 A 6.49 5. . 3891 1502 50.2 + 25 8 1 F 6.84 7 . . 3842 1469 - 45.8 + 25 47 1 A 6.20 8 . . 3892 1562 50.2 + 8 27 4 A 6.05 87 . 3843 1645 45.8 -17 11 1 A 6.13 PR. 3893 1408 50.3 + 18 56 1 F 6.61 P- 3844 1518 45.9 + 23 44 1 II 6.48 . . 3894 1367 1310 50.4 + 45 14 5 A 4.85 y.l 3845 1592 1296 45.9 - 7 56 3 A 5.93 972 3895 1433 50.5 + 33 50 1 E 6.20 1 . . 3846 1297 46.1 -27 13 1 A 6.10 . 94 3896 1624 1314 50.7 -20 17 4 A 5.72 p82 3847 1771 46.2 + 38 59 2 F 6.14 2. . 3897 280 50.8 + 75 33 2 F 7.01 . . 3848 1481 1295 46.2 + 34 5 6 A 3.88 7 . 2 3898 281 50.8 + 75 23 6 E 6.78 . . 3849 427 46.3 + 70 13 1 A 6.70 p. . 3899 398 50.8 + 09 47 2 H 6.84 . . 3850 1636 1298 46.3 + 38 34 3 A 6.26 1 . 3900 1558 50.9 + 41 51 1 A? 6.76 2 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 47 6"-7' D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magi! Besid. D.C DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. m. o ' m. / 3901 1437 50.9 + 21 3 1 F 6.32 P 3951 1662 55.6 - 8 16 3 A 6.59 56. 3902 1335 1313 50.9 + 10 5 3 A 5.49 6 . 2 3952 1644 55.8 -20 1 3 A 6.14 65. 3903 1509 51.0 + 25 5 1 A 6.74 8 . . 3953 1451 55.9 + 18 8 1 A 6.45 p. 3904 1610 1315 51.3 -20 1 5 A? 5.06 OB/ 3954 .7667 55.9 -94 1 E? 6.46 32. 3905 1741 1316 51.5 -13 55 2 H? 5.72 725 3955 1542 56.0 + 25 35 1 A 6.19 8 . . 3906 1602 1317 51.6 -22 49 5 A 5.20 870 3956 1471 56.1 + 21 57 1 A 6.52 p. 3907 1661 1318 51.7 -16 56 5 A 4.46 p40 3957 1545 56.3 + 25 30 1 E 6.64 9. . 3908 1152 51.8 + 52 41 1 H 6.82 0. . 3958 1472 56.3 + 20 59 1 A 6.62 p. 3909 1361 51.8 + 12 2 2 A 6.17 85 . 3959 1513 56.3 + 4 58 2 A 6.39 64. 3910 378 51.9 + 71 54 5 F 6.72 p. . 3960 1502 1326 56.4 + 24 21 2 H? 5.59 2. S 3911 1799 51.9 + 39 40 1 A 6.54 8. . 3961 1479 1327 56.6 + 17 53 1 A 6.45 4-2 3912 1651 51.9 + 20 37 1 A? 6.52 P 3962 1431 1328 56.6 + 15 28 1 H 6.54 5 . 6 3913 1423 51.9 + 18 2 1 F 6.05 P 3963 1514 56.6 + 5 42 1 A 6.39 62. 3914 553 52.2 + 65 54 1 A 6.96 5 . . 3964 1395 56.7 + 12 43 1 F 6.53 p. . 3915 1629 52.2 + 42 26 1 A 5.91 6. . 3965 1509 56.8 - 1 12 1 H 6.21 p4. 3916 1531 52.2 + 22 37 1 E 6.63 7. . 3966 1783 57.0 + 40 44 1 H 6.75 2. . 3917 1642 52.2 -83 1 H? 6.46 .73. 3967 1926 1330 57.0 - 5 35 1 H 6.53 11 ,9 n 3918 1656 52.3 + 38 12 1 II 6.33 2. . 3968 1331 57.0 -25 4 3 A 5.35 . 66 3919 1405 52.6 + 26 13 3 A 6.40 1 . . 3969 1441 1329 57.2 + 29 31 1 E? 6.02 3. 3920 1628 52.7 + 37 14 R . . 3970 1645 ^_ 57.6 + 37 44 1 F 6.73 3 . . 3921 1629 52.8 + 37 14 1 F 6.52 K . . 3971 1591 57.6 + 19 21 1 A 6.66 6. . 3922 1632 52.9 + 42 1 1 H 6.66 9. . 3972 1165 57.7 + 52 53 3 A 6.00 7. . 3923 1616 53.0 -22 4 1 A 5.91 PP. 3973 1391 57.7 + 47 54 4 A 6.14 7. . 3924 227 53.1 + 80 42 5 A 7.14 P 3974 1333 57.7 -27 47 1 H 5.38 . a n 3925 1155 53.1 + 54 59 2 B 6.20 8. . 3975 240 57.8 + 78 56 12 A 6.50 2 . . 3926 1411 53.3 + 26 3 4 A 5.80 7 . . 3976 1496 1332 57.9 + 9 17 3 A 5.66 873 3927 1539 53.3 + 7 45 2 A 6.00 P 6. 3977 1788 1336 57.9 -46 6 A 4.84 270 3928 1636 53.4 + 42 13 1 H 7.01 8. . 3978 1545 58.1 + 35 41 1 F 6.76 p . . 3929 1320 53.4 -24 30 2 A 5.51 . 45 3979 1428 1335 58.1 + 11 6 2 K? 6.07 n. 9 3930 1770 53.7 + 40 30 1 A 6.65 7. . 3980 1687 1334 58.2 + 20 43 5 H? 4.90 R. 9 3931 53.7 -27 24 1 A 5.64 P 3981 1464 58.3 + 18 49 1 A 6.31 8. . 3932 51 1292 53.9 + 87 12 2 M? 6.80 ii . 11 3982 1776 58.3 + 29 1 A 6.61 p F . 3933 1544 1322 54.0 + 7 27 4 A 6.03 p83 3983 1413 58.6 + 30 30 1 E? 6.88 4. . 3934 1094 54.5 + 53 31 2 A 6.73 7. . 3984 1337 58.8 -23 41 6 A 3.50 . 15 3935 1324 54.5 -25 17 3 A 5.25 . 82 3985 1451 58.9 + 29 52 1 E? 6.82 P 3936 432 1319 54.6 + 70 54 1 H 6.92 4-4 3986 1665 59.1 + 1 38 2 A 5.97 86. 3937 1566 54.6 + 23 37 1 A 6.18 p 3987 1943 59.1 - 5 10 1 A? 6.43 62 . 3938 1412 54.6 + 15 41 1 A 6.34 P. . 3988 1818 59.2 - 9 58 2 A 6.00 38 . 3939 1325 54.7 -28 50 4 A? B . RR 3989 1625 1340 59.2 -15 29 5 A 4.16 131 3940 1383 54.8 + 50 49 1 E 7.05 P 3990 1590 59.3 + 49 37 1 E 6.83 7 . . 3941 1569 54.8 + 44 36 1 H 6.93 8. . 3991 1454 59.3 + 29 40 1 H 6.67 P 3942 1460 54.8 + 32 32 1 F 6.14 7 . . 3992 1566 1338 59.3 + 22 47 3 A 5.56 p. 2 3943 1491 54.8 + 24 38 1 A 6.79 P 3993 1524 1339 59.6 + 34 38 1 E 5.90 1 .S 3944 1469 54.9 + 17 7 1 A 6.35 p . . 3994 1503 59.8 + 21 8 1 A 6.57 p . . 3945 1454 55.2 + 33 50 1 A 6.55 9. . 3995 1310 59.9 + 28 21 1 E? 6.71 p. . 3946 1502 55.2 + 24 1 F 6.17 P 8. 3996 1558 59.9 + 14 37 1 A? 6.49 4 . . 3947 1384 55.3 + 12 33 1 E 6.57 p. . 3997 1492 0.5 + 17 54 1 A 6.15 9. . 3948 1218 55.4 + 46 7 1 A 6.70 p. . 3998 350 0.6 + 72 49 2 A 6.77 7 . . 3949 1689 55.4 -21 28 2 F? 5.97 77. 3999 1584 0.9 + 44 11 1 H 6.58 4. . 3950 1408 ^ 55.6 + 11 55 1 A 6.32 7. . 4000 1530 1341 0.9 + 34 9 1 H 6.45 4-3 48 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Deo. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. It.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 4001 1314 1.1 + 28 21 2 A 5.86 9. . 4051 1500 6.6 + 32 8 1 A 6.14 7 . . 4002 1862 1.1 -10 30 1 A 6.14 96. 4052 1337 6.6 + 27 26 1 F 6.36 4 . . 4003 1534 1.7 + 34 39 1 E 6.70 P. . 4053 1609 6.7 + 25 55 1 A 6.15 P 4004 15S8 1.7 + 33 58 1 H 6.60 . . 4054 1580 6.8 + 5 39 1 H? 6.24 33 . 4005 1587 1.8 + 44 25 1 F 6.68 8. . 4055 1636 1359 6.8 - 19 4 A 4.11 15.? 4006 1660 1.8 + 37 36 1 A 6.63 1 . . 4056 1184 6.9 + 52 43 1 A? 6.47 5 . . 4007 1543 1344 1.8 + 54 3 A 5.64 991 4057 1828 6.9 -17 10 1 A? 5.68 pp. 4008 1790 1345 2.0 -11 8 4 F? 5.19 681 4058 1502 7.0 + 32 18 1 A 6.59 4 . . 4009 1788 2.0 -12 14 2 F 5.98 9K. 4059 1065 1356 7.2 + 59 49 4 H 6.14 n .8 4010 352 1343 2.4 + 71 59 4 H 6.72 S . 8 4060 1650 7.4 + 19 6 1 F 6.41 p. . 4011 1693 2.4 + 38 46 1 E 6.83 7. . 4061 1767 1362 7.4 -20 43 4 A 5.53 781 4012 1607 1346 2.4 + 7 38 1 E 6.00 110 4062 1342 7.5 + 28 40 1 A 6.21 P 4013 1571 2.7 + 36 45 2 A 6.37 4. . 4063 246 7.7 + 78 6 5 F 7.02 0. . 4014 1397 1347 2.7 + 16 6 2 A 6.19 4. 6 4064 1417 1361 7.7 + 16 20 1 H 6.34 8 . 9 4015 1505 2.9 + 17 50 1 H 6.55 7 . . 4065 8.1 -25 46 2 A 5.39 P 4016 1663 2.9 + 82 1 A 6.40 pp . 4066 1128 R R 1 H 6.98 8 . . 4017 1467 3.0 + 11 5 1 A 6.47 p9. 4067 1419 1363 8.4 + 47 25 4 F 5.93 2.3 4018 3.2 -23 41 2 A? 5.58 . 7 . 4068 1408 8.4 + 45 35 1 E 6.79 2 . . 4019 913 3.3 + 62 26 2 A 6.80 p. . 4069 1576 8.4 + 24 53 1 A 6.04 p. . 4020 1174 3.3 + 55 47 1 A 6.71 5. . 4070 296 8.8 + 75 16 9 A 6.42 6. . 4021 1594 3.5 + 25 54 1 E 6.60 4. . 4071 1420 9.0 + 47 49 1 A 6.82 4. . 4022 366 3.8 + 73 29 2 H 6.99 5. . 4072 1469 9.0 + 12 18 2 II 6.17 3 . . 4023 1629 4.0 + 19 1 A 6.41 p. . 4073 1609 1364 9.1 + 3 18 3 A? 6.13 126 4024 1528 4.2 + 21 25 1 E? 6.22 8. . 4074 9.6 -27 11 2 A 5.50 P 4025 1803 4.3 + 40 13 1 E 6.60 p . . 4075 1188 1365 9.7 + 52 18 1 I 6.41 2.4 4026 1350 4.3 -26 14 3 G? 2.92 . 8n 4076 1489 9.7 + 29 26 1 A 6.32 p . . 4027 1892 4.6 -10 11 2 A 5.70 PR. 4077 1350 9.7 + 28 5 1 H 6.51 . . 4028 4.6 -23 53 1 E? 5.28 P- 4078 1933 1366 9.7 -10 8 4 E 5.45 p95 4029 1882 1348 4.7 + 39 30 2 K 6.19 8 . n 4079 1500 9.8 + 48 39 1 F 6.77 p . . 4030 1598 4.8 + 44 2 A 6.48 2. . 4080 1751 9.9 + 20 2 1 E 6.32 p . . 4031 1486 4.8 + 33 17 1 E 6.49 8 . . 4081 201 1360 10.0 + 82 36 9 M 6.03 5.7 4032 1439 1349 4.8 + 30 25 3 M 5.64 9 . n 4082 250 10.1 + 78 27 2 H 7.16 7. . 4033 1802 1353 5.0 -16 4 3 A 5.79 282 4083 13C8 10.2 -26 10 3 A 4.70 . 7 4034 1119 5.1 + 54 38 2 A 6.44 4 . . 4084 1411 10.7 + 50 41 1 A 6.85 p . . 4035 1442 5.1 + 30 38 1 E 6.43 P 4085 1497 10.7 + 33 17 1 E 6.49 5 . . 4036 1505 5.2 + 31 32 1 A 6.68 P 4086 1592 10.7 + 24 43 1 A 6.29 p . . 4037 1327 1351 5.2 + 27 2 3 A 5.65 1 . 1 4087 1370 10.7 -26 35 3 B 4.04 . 2 S 4038 1840 1354 5.2 -45 4 H 5.59 125 4088 1415 10.8 + 45 18 1 E 6.99 6 . . 4039 1676 5.3 -16 4 1 E 6.09 9p. 4089 1612 1367 10.9 + 49 38 7 A 5.00 3.2 4040 1295 1352 5.6 + 51 36 1 I 6.41 4.8 4090 1908 10.9 + 39 5 1 I 6.44 2. . 4041 5.6 -25 4 2 A? 5.20 P 4091 251 11.0 + 78 15 10 A 6.67 3 . . 4042 230 5.7 + 80 48 5 H 7.01 4. . 4092 1630 1369 11.1 + 41 4 4 A 5.92 1 . 1 4043 1411 5.8 + 47 48 2 A 6.66 1 . . 4093 1527 11.1 + 31 53 1 A 5.98 1 . , 4044 1413 6.1 + 47 27 1 E 6.81 4. . 4094 1782 11.4 -16 3 1 A 5.74 PF. 4045 1609 6.1 + 22 27 1 E 6.68 P 4095 11.5 -23 33 1 A 5.48 P 4046 1558 1355 6.3 + 24 17 2 A? 5.79 2. 4096 103 11.6 + 86 36 1 A? 7.60 6. . 4047 1634 6.3 -08 4 A 5.46 95. 4097 1309 __ 11.6 + 51 41 1 A 7.06 6. . 4048 242 6.4 + 81 26 11 A 5.62 7 . . 4098 1797 11.6 -14 19 1 A 5.86 PF . 4049 1489 6.4 + 48 40 1 A 6.47 p. . 4099 1185 11.7 + 55 5 1 A 6.55 p. . 4050 1577 1357 6.5 + 5 50 4 A 5.64 474 4100 1529 1371 11.7 + 31 9 5 A 5.90 6. THE DEAFER CATALOGUE. 49 D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Eesid. m. / m. o / 4101 1734 1372 11.7 -15 24 4 A 5.25 870 4151 1872 1389 17.2 - 8 48 1 E 5.71 9p5 4102 1594 11.9 + 6 51 2 A 5.65 PP 4152 1593 17.3 + 18 28 1 E 6.41 6. . 4103 1731 12.1 + 38 52 1 H 6.79 6. . 4153 1561 17.3 + 17 36 1 A 6.35 P 4104 1914 12.2 -13 31 1 F 5.57 PF . 4154 2079 17.3 - 2 48 1 A? 5.70 88 . 4105 1443 1373 12.4 + 16 43 7 A 4.02 1.4 4155 254 17.4 + 78 55 5 A 7.01 2 . . 4106 1374 12.4 -23 8 3 A 5.22 . OS 4156 1660 1387 17.4 + 25 15 4 H? 5.66 7 . 7 4107 2055 12.6 - 5 39 1 A? 5.93 PF. 4157 1918 17.4 -04 2 A? 5.76 pp. 4108 485 13.2 + 67 26 1 E? 6.64 P 4158 502 1385 17.5 + 66 32 13 A 6.15 0. 4109 1506 13.4 + 33 47 1 A 6.40 8. . 4159 1698 1388 17.5 + 23 9 4 A 5.83 7 . 3 4110 1048 13.5 + 60 5 5 A 6.23 3. . 4160 2089 1390 17.5 - 5 48 2 A 5.48 473 4111 322 13.6 + 74 3 7 A 6.79 7 . . 4161 1621 17.6 + 36 30 1 E 6.82 7 . . 4112 300 13.7 + 75 48 5 A 6.62 p. . 4162 1806 1391 17.8 -18 50 6 B 4.96 P71 4113 1699 14.0 + 42 50 1 H 6.62 1 . . 4163 304 17.9 + 75 1 E 6.89 7 . . 4114 1422 1376 14.1 + 45 24 3 A 5.86 1 . 3 4164 1589 18.2 + 21 39 1 A 6.37 P 4115 1367 14.1 + 28 17 1 F 6.36 P 4165 1374 18.3 + 27 50 4 A 5.84 p. . 4116 1645 1377 14.2 + 22 10 6 A 4.13 6 . 5 4166 1522 18.4 + 48 45 2 A 6.32 p. . 4117 1684 14.3 + 7 19 3 E 5.95 P 4. 4167 1564 18.8 + 15 43 3 A 5.72 p . . 4118 375 14.5 + 73 16 R. . 4168 305 __ 18.9 + 75 31 2 A 7.21 8. . 4119 376 14.7 + 73 16 7 A 6.62 R. . 4169 1795 19.0 + 20 12 1 A 6.41 p . . 4120 1541 14.5 + 15 21 2 A 6.09 7 . . 4170 1623 1392 19.2 + 49 25 7 A 4.57 1 . 4121 1380 14.5 -24 23 3 E 4.77 . 80 4171 633 19.4 + 64 3 2 A 6.38 P 4122 1381 14.5 -24 47 3 A 4.16 . 41 4172 1578 1393 19.4 + 11 52 4 A 5.52 3B1 4123 1420 1379 14.6 + 50 20 2 A 6.74 5. 1 4173 1526 19.5 + 33 4 1 E 6.54 p . . 4124 1511 14.6 + 29 55 1 A 6.32 p. . 4174 1385 1394 19.5 + 28 5 M? 4.88 9 . 9 4125 630 14.7 + 64 19 1 A 6.93 6. . 4175 1449 19.7 + 47 51 1 A 6.72 p. . 4126 1192 1378 14.7 + 55 28 6 A 5.15 3. 4176 1545 19.7 + 32 6 1 .A. 6.19 P 4127 1706 14.7 + 37 51 1 E? 6.88 2. . 4177 1798 19.7 + 20 43 1 A 6.27 7 . . 4128 1917 14.8 -17 21 1 A? 5.78 pp. 4178 1810 1398 20.1 -16 3 A 5.19 685 4129 1383 14.8 -26 25 1 H 5.72 . 35 4179 1855 20.1 -22 43 3 A 5.43 pp. 4130 498 14.9 + 66 1 A 7.07 2. . 4180 1643 1397 20.2 + 9 28 2 H? 5.66 317 4131 1898 14.9 -16 13 2 F 5.39 58. 4181 1399 20.2 -29 7 2 B 3.54 . 6n 4132 1927 15.4 + 39 11 1 H 6.84 5 . . 4182 480 1395 20.5 + 68 40 7 H 6.28 8.5 4133 1707 1382 15.4 + 36 57 2 H? 6.07 8 . 8 4183 1945 20.6 + 39 32 1 H 6.99 0. . 4134 1649 15.5 + 3 46 2 A 5.73 pp. 4184 2001 20.6 -13 33 2 F? 5.32 pp. 4135 1137 15.6 + 54 17 1 E 7.04 p. . 4185 1887 20.6 -14 41 1 A 5.66 pi' . 4136 1704 15.7 + 42 51 1 A 6.62 p. . 4186 1760 20.8 + 38 52 1 A 6.89 2. . 4137 1775 1384 16.1 + 20 38 1 I 5.97 0. n 4187 1270 20.9 + 46 43 2 A 6.60 1 . . 4138 1846 16.3 -14 11 2 A 5.56 66. 4188 2112 _ 20.9 - 5 35 2 A 6.03 34. 4139 252 16.4 + 81 6 6 H 6.66 3. . 4189 1596 21.0 + 21 45 1 E 6.22 6. . 4140 324 16.4 + 74 21 3 A 6.90 9. . 4190 1532 21.0 + 10 49 3 A 5.77 p. . 4141 1646 16.5 + 41 35 1 A 6.61 7 . . 4191 1943 21.0 - 4 20 o A 5.54 pp . 4142 2080 16.6 - 5 43 2 A 5.63 PP 4192 1805 1400 21.1 + 20 27 3 A 5.89 6. 4143 39 16.8 + 87 58 1 A? 8.00 5. . 4193 1925 21.1 -21 47 1 A 5.87 P 8. 4144 16.8 -26 47 2 E 5.41 P- 4194 15,88 21.2 + 11 12 3 A 5.67 P 4145 1915 16.9 + 22 3 A 5.44 P 9. 4195 21.2 -25 1 3 A 5.22 P 4146 286 17.1 + 77 9 3 H 7.09 3 . . 4196 1538 1401 21.5 + 48 24 5 A 5.38 6. 1 4147 1205 17.1 + 52 5 1 H 6.46 4- 4197 1721 21.5 - 16 1 A 5.96 p9. 4148 2086 17.1 - 5 23 1 E 6.08 pp. 4198 1602 1402 21.8 + 21 39 4 A 5.45 4. 1 4149 1852 1386 17.2 + 40 52 2 I 6.30 5 . n 4199 1774 1403 21.8 + 8 29 4 A 3.35 443 4150 1781 17.2 + 20 44 1 E? 6.82 p. . 4200 1535 21.9 + 29 37 1 F 6.52 P- ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Resld D.O. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Kesid. 7/1. / m / 4201 1564 21.9 + 26 26 1 E 6.70 6. . 4251 1069 28.8 + 60 45 5 A 6.44 3 . . 4202 1734 22.0 + 19 15 1 H 6.76 4. . 4252 1620 1426 28.8 + 31 11 4 A? 6.03 5. 6 4203 1630 1404 22.3 + 49 53 4 F 5.76 2.4 4253 1966 28.8 -14 8 1 E 5.56 PF. 4204 933 22.6 + 62 43 5 A 6.51 5. . 4254 1711 28.9 + 43 15 2 A 6.27 2 . . 4205 1665 22.6 + 24 52 1 H 6.64 p. . 4255 1944 28.9 -19 12 1 A 5.41 88 . 4206 1729 1407 22.6 + 79 2 A 4.80 pp5 4256 1428 28.9 -24 30 2 A 5.66 . 9^ 4207 1562 1405 22.7 + 31 59 5 A 4.67 3.5 4257 1719 29.0 + 3 35 3 A 5.50 P 9. 4208 1980 1408 22.7 -17 40 3 A 5.58 460 4258 1971 1429 29.2 -14 18 2 H? 5.66 157 4209 1660 1406 22.8 + 98 2 I 5.41 438 4259 293 29.3 + 77 2 E 7.01 p. . 4210 1874 1410 22.8 -22 53 3 E 5.07 963 4260 312 29.3 + 75 48 2 E 6.92 8. . 4211 405 22.9 + 71 48 2 A 6.89 5. . 4261 1286 1427 29.3 + 46 24 2 H 6.80 8 . n 4212 934 23.1 + 61 58 1 II 6.69 3. . 4262 1723 29.6 + 2 56 2 A 6.03 PF . 4213 1633 23.1 + 49 5 1 A 6.53 p. . 4263 1424 1430 29.8 + 27 7 5 M? 5.57 n . n 4214 1396 1409 23.1 + 28 19 5 A 5.04 p.l 4264 2007 1431 29.8 -22 5 4 F? 4.83 645 4215 1217 23.2 + 52 12 2 A 6.36 6. . 4265 1773 30.0 + 7 48 2 A 5.85 pp. 4216 1579 23.2 + 15 20 2 A 5.84 p. . 4266 1432 30.1 -23 15 3 F 5.22 .pO 4217 1951 1411 23.2 -11 21 2 A 5.64 792 4267 1653 30.5 + 48 59 5 A 5.97 4. . 4218 1669 23.3 + 41 5 1 A 6.25 5 . . 4268 1729 31.2 + 65 1 E 5.84 98. 4219 1773 23.4 + 38 24 1 A 6.78 0. . 4269 1167 __ 31.3 + 54 7 3 A 6.11 9. . 4220 1878 23.5 -22 39 1 A 5.60 pp . 4270 1099 31.4 + 59 46 2 F? 6.61 6. . 4221 1400 1412 23.6 + 28 7 3 H 5.76 8 . 7 4271 1623 31.4 + 17 7 1 F 6.30 p. . 4222 1722 23.7 + 42 6 1 H 6.86 1 . . 4272 1999 31.4 -14 16 3 E 5.48 p5. 4223 2069 23.8 - 9 50 2 A 5.70 pp. 4273 1433 31.4 -28 9 3 A 4.72 . 65 4224 24.0 -28 57 1 E 5.49 . 8 . 4274 1452 31.7 + 50 44 1 E 6.85 4. . 4225 1567 1413 24.2 + 12 13 1 H 5.87 999 4275 2020 1435 31.9 -14 15 . E 5.51 B B 4226 1441 24.3 + 50 21 1 E 6.74 p . . 4276 2021 32.0 -14 13 EB K 4227 1738 1414 24.3 - 1 42 1 H 5.95 505 4277 1662 1434 32.0 + 35 17 1 I 6.61 8 . n 4228 1996 24.6 - 7 21 1 E 5.77 15. 4278 1979 1437 32.3 - 3 53 4 F 5.46 224 4229 1925 24.8 -14 47 V A? 5.66 pp . 4279 1967 32.3 -19 29 4 A? 5.35 48 . 4230 1958 25.2 + 39 6 3 A 6.31 7. . 4280 1720 32.5 + 29 1 E? 6.07 PF . 4231 1688 25.3 + 5 28 1 A 5.74 PF. 4281 1093 32.6 + 57 18 1 H 6.43 1 . . 4232 1897 1416 25.6 -22 49 3 A 4.87 p8.7 4282 1649 1436 32.7 + 34 49 5 F 5.16 2 . 5 4233 284 25.9 + 76 1 3 F 7.05 3. . 4283 2207 33.0 - 6 44 1 E? 5.07 pp. 4234 1596 1415 26.0 + 17 18 1 H 6.00 2.4 4284 1730 33.1 + 24 28 4 A 5.96 p. . 4235 2085 1417 26.0 - 9 34 2 K 5.95 3 E 4285 2053 33.1 -14 13 2 A 5.76 pp. 4236 1327 26.2 + 51 32 1 H 6.75 3. . 4286 1699 33.3 + 41 24 2 A 6.36 2. . 4237 381 26.4 + 73 49 3 F 6.95 5 . . 4287 586 33.4 + 65 31 1 A 6.96 p. . 4238 1708 26.9 + 2 57 1 A 6.08 pp . 4288 1599 33.5 + 32 14 1 F 6.69 3. . 4239 1691 1419 26.9 + 28 4 A 5.34 36# 4289 1214 33.6 + 55 1 1 H 6.80 1 . . 4240 579 27.1 + 65 18 1 H 6.65 2. . 4290 1701 1440 33.7 + 17 55 1 H 6.25 8 .n 4241 1964 27.3 - 8 40 1 H? 5.96 02. 4291 1561 1439 33.8 + 48 22 2 H 6.47 7 . 7 4242 213 27.7 + 81 55 7 A 6.79 7. . 4292 1739 1442 34.1 + 5 30 4 F B BBB 4243 1549 27.7 + 48 55 1 E 6.63 4. . 4293 - 1443 34.1 -25 8 3 A 4.72 .14 4244 1756 27.8 - 1 49 2 A 5.70 pp . 4294 733 B E E E B . . . 4245 1510 1421 27.9 + 16 3 5 A 5.26 4. 3 4295 297 34.6 + 77 14 1 H 7.42 6. . 4246 1715 1422 27.9 + 3 30 3 A 5.56 960 4296 1103 1441 34.6 + 58 57 9 A 5.12 1 . 2 4247 4248 1581 1423 1424 28.2 28.2 + 32 7 + 32 7 5 A B B . B 4297 4298 1445 1446 34.7 34.7 -26 34 -26 34 2 A 3.86 . 60 4249 1563 28.6 + 10 47 1 A 5.72 pp . 4299 1742 34.8 + 5 28 2 A 5.49 pp. 4250 1227 1425 28.7 + 56 1 H 6.41 4.3 4300 35.3 -26 38 1 E 5.71 . B . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 51 7 h D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resld. 4301 _ m 35.4 o / -26 41 B K B . B . 4351 1601 _ TO. 44.6 + 33 30 4 A 6.02 5. . 4302 1971 35.7 -23 3 1 A 5.59 PB. 4352 1676 44.7 + 31 52 1 A 6.88 1 . . 4303 2118 35.8 - 7 57 2 A 5.76 55 . 4353 1323 44.8 + 46 12 3 A 6.40 4. . 4304 2082 1447 35.8 -15 2 1 H 5.75 446 4354 2164 44.9 -13 6 2 F? 5.72 pp. 4305 1657 36.2 + 34 14 1 E 6.70 2 . . 4355 2247 45.1 -13 50 1 E 6.27 9F. 4306 1758 36.3 + 3 52 3 A 5.53 p9. 4356 2146 1473 45.1 -16 59 1 II 5.78 811 4307 592 36.4 + 65 24 2 E 6.50 8. . 4357 1474 45.1 -24 37 2 Q? 4.81 . 1111 4308 1460 1448 36.5 + 50 40 8 A 5.14 7 . 1 4358 385 45.4 + 72 7 2 E? 6.95 0. . 4309. 2172 1452 36.5 - 9 19 3 H 4.88 997 4359 1072 45.5 + 58 29 2 A 6.64 9. . 4310 438 36.6 + 69 24 3 A 6.61 6. . 4360 168 45.8 + 84 41 7 A 6.99 8. . 4311 2118 K B B B B . . . 4361 273 46.0 + 77 55 2 F 7.04 7. . 4312 474 36.8 + 70 27 3 H 6.73 1 . . 4362 386 46.1 + 71 57 3 A 6.77 5. . 4313 1590 1453 37.0 + 29 7 5 I 5.47 5 . n 4363 1854 46.1 + 19 35 1 H 6.46 0. . 4314 270 37.1 + 78 29 1 H? 7.41 6. . 4364 1808 1476 46.5 + 21 4 A 4.97 770 4315 593 1450 37.1 + 65 42 3 H 6.39 (J> K if * ff 4365 1498 1479 47.2 + 47 38 1 H 6.61 6 . 3 4316 733 37.4 + 63 4 9 A 6.25 8 . . 4366 1497 47.2 + 28 18 1 A 6.16 9 . . 4317 649 37.7 + 64 17 8 A 6.32 8 . . 4367 2267 1482 47.2 -13 38 3 E 5.82 113 4318 1218 38.0 + 55 54 2 A 6.61 7 . . 4368 1499 1481 47.4 + 27 2 4 A 5.07 1 . 2 4319 1759 1457 38.4 + 24 38 4 H? 4.62 9 . n 4369 1499 1480 47.5 + 47 50 2 H 6.47 n. 7 4320 257 38.9 + 81 36 1 H 7.27 / . . 4370 2280 1483 47.8 - 5 10 3 E 5.88 252 4321 1761 38.9 + 2 39 1 F 6.08 p8. 4371 2250 1484 47.8 -14 36 2 E 5.76 532 4322 1463 1459 39.2 + 28 16 6 K? B B . B 4372 338 1478 48.2 + 74 11 8 H? 6.41 n. 8 4323 1893 39.2 + 20 33 1 A 5.97 5 . . 4373 1580 48.3 + 16 18 1 A 6.39 6. . 4324 1082 39.3 + 60 33 1 H 6.97 0. . 4374 1253 48.4 + 56 46 6 A 6.30 7 . . 4325 651 39.6 + 64 37 1 E? 6.64 p. . 4375 265 1477 49.1 + 79 45 15 A 5.03 8 . 3 4326 1462 39.8 -28 43 3 A 4.98 .88 4376 2031 49.1 + 39 33 1 A 6.74 3. . 4327 238 1455 39.9 + 80 31 7 I 6.58 1 . 2 4377 1705 49.1 + 35 41 2 A 6.11 4. . 4328 1769 1460 40.0 + 37 46 2 II 6.48 n . n 4378 1946 1486 49.8 + 20 9 4 A 5.03 p. 3 4329 1733 1463 40.3 + 18 45 3 H 6.24 n . n 4379 1806 50.1 + 23 54 3 A 6.17 5. . 4330 1464 40.4 -24 26 3 E 5.44 .pO 4380 1815 50.1 + 98 3 A 5.93 p6. 4331 1670 1465 40.8 + 11 3 A 5.27 332 4381 606 51.1 + 65 2 4 F 6.50 6. . 4332 2193 40.9 -14 27 KB . 4382 1622 51.2 + 32 56 1 H 6.64 7. . 4333 2194 40.9 -14 27 A 5.71 BB . 4383 1693 51.3 + 44 15 1 H 6.63 1 . . 4334 1585 1466 41.0 + 33 40 1 H 6.60 n . n 4384 1590 1487 51.3' + 16 3 1 I 6.24 2 . 3 4335 2199 1469 41.4 -14 20 3 A 5.51 503 4385 1754 51.7 + 43 47 1 E 6.63 9. . 4336 1084 41.5 + 60 34 8 A 6.33 4. . 4386 2284 52.0 -20 12 1 A? 6.34 SF. 4337 2135 42.1 -12 26 1 A? 6.03 89. 4387 113 52.5 + 86 2 A 7.85 6 . . 4338 1812 42.6 + 23 24 1 H 6.13 4. . 4388 2087 1492 52.6 -22 37 4 G? 4.95 717 4339 2027 42.9 -22 17 3 A 5.64 79. 4389 1879 52.7 + 7 29 1 A 5.90 98. 4340 1320 43.2 + 46 3 1 A 6.55 5. . 4390 1598 1491 52.8 + 16 46 1 H 6.30 3 . 4341 240 1467 43.3 + 80 7 5 H 7.11 6.2 4391 1130 1489 53.0 + 59 20 8 F 5.97 . 3 4342 1177 43.3 + 54 23 6 E 6.16 1. . 4392 169 1485 53.1 + 84 21 15 A 6.06 1 . 4 4343 2106 1471 43.3 -11 57 2 A 5.88 1 E5 4393 1105 1490 53.2 + 60 36 8 A 5.92 2 . 1 4344 429 43.4 + 71 21 6 A 6.66 1 . . 4394 1833 1494 53.2 + 2 29 2 II 5.92 11(5 4345 1226 43.4 + 55 1 E 6.45 7 . . 4395 1860 53.3 + 3 12 2 E? 6.33 P 7. 4346 303 43.6 + 77 50 10 A 6.46 5 . . 4396 1188 53.4 + 54 43 3 F 6.36 3 . . 4347 1656 43.7 + 26 31 1 H 6.60 4. . 4397 1021 53.6 + 61 16 4 A 6.73 2 . . 4348 1482 43.8 + 28 27 3 A 6.33 P 4398 749 1493 53.7 + 63 21 6 F 6.22 2 . 2 4349 1472 43.9 -25 42 2 E 4.84 . 51 4399 607 53.9 + 65 25 1 E 6.55 4. . 4350 1228 44.6 + 55 29 6 A 6.02 5 . . 4400 1811 54.0 + 13 30 1 H 6.53 0. . 52 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 7 h -8' D. C. 1>M. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Besid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1'JOO. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Reeid. m. o / m. o / 4401 517 54.3 + 67 57 1 A 6.91 5 . . 4451 1868 0.6 + 2 28 2 A 6.37 pp . 4402 1118 1495 54.5 + 57 33 4 F 6.43 1 . 1 4452 2363 0.7 - 9 50 1 A 6.30 3p. 4403 1771 54.7 + 41 41 1 E? 7.01 0. . 4453 1391 1509 1.0 + 51 48 8 A 5.02 1 . 2 4404 1896 54.7 + 19 7 2 A 6.31 7 . . 4454 1706 1.1 + 49 19 2 A 6.58 2. . 4405 1812 1497 54.8 + 25 40 2 H? 6.35 1 . 5 4455 269 1.2 + 79 49 5 A 7.15 6. . 4406 2157 1498 54.8 - 3 24 1 H 5.89 nS8 4456 1861 1.2 + 38 53 2 E 6.74 1 . . 4407 1190 54.9 + 54 25 3 F 6.62 7. . 4457 1746 1.3 + 36 32 1 A 7.02 7 . . 4408 1976 55.0 + 20 5 1 A 6.46 5. . 4458 1254 1.6 + 55 34 5 F? 6.38 6. . 4409 1866 55.1 + 23 53 1 H 6.38 1 . . 4459 2222 1512 1.6 - 8 57 5 A 5.68 381 4410 1731 1499 55.1 + 17 35 1 H 6.10 3 . 1 4460 307 1.8 + 76 9 2 A 7.33 5 . . 4411 231 55.2 + 82 3 1 E 7.30 P 4461 1102 1510 1.9 + 58 33 1 H 6.64 4.6 4412 1731 55.4 + 35 41 1 H 6.91 4- 4462 1753 1.9 + 34 21 1 A 6.80 4. . 4413 1611 55.4 + 16 27 1 A 6.54 P 4463 1862 1511 1.9 + 21 53 5 F? 5.97 6.8 4414 1817 55.4 + 12 57 2 A 6.23 P 4464 1269 2.3 + 56 6 1 F 7.06 8. . 4415 2118 1501 55.4 -18 7 6 A 4.77 542 4465 1819 2.5 + 42 45 2 H 6.62 1 . . 4416 1816 55.7 + 25 22 3 A 5.94 p. . 4466 524 1513 2.9 + 68 46 7 H 6.01 n. 5 4417 1612 55.8 + 16 43 3 A 5.60 8. . 4467 2395 1514 2.9 -20 16 5 A 5.28 565 4418 2379 55.8 - 2 36 2 A 5.85 PR. 4468 1282 3.1 + 52 25 1 E 6.71 8. . 4419 1857 1502 55.9 + 59 3 A 5.34 p73 4469 18S1 3.1 + 13 56 1 F 6.18 33 . 4420 1882 1503 56.2 - 1 7 2 H 5.76 569 4470 1690 3.2 + 32 30 1 E 6.69 1 . . 4421 1843 56.4 + 9 11 1 H 6.31 43 . 4471 1515 3.3 -24 1 5 G 3.82 . 69 4422 1242 56.8 + 55 2 3 A 6.57 9. . 4472 1208 3.4 + 54 50 3 A 6.46 2 . . 4423 1195 56.8 + 53 57 3 E 6.48 5 . . 4473 1696 3.4 + 29 23 J. E? 6.42 3. . 4424 1707 57.0 + 44 8 2 A 6.78 5. . 4474 1221 3.5 + 53 32 3 E 6.55 4. . 4425 1734 57.0 + 15 14 1 E 6.64 2. . 4475 207 3.6 + 83 25 4 E 7.41 8 . . 4426 1093 57.1 + 58 4 2 A 6.74 8. . 4476 17C7 . 3.6 + 35 46 1 E 6.46 . . 4427 1854 1504 57.1 + 2 36 4 H 5.58 67n 4477 2450 1516 3.6 - 2 41 3 II 5.20 437 442? 278 57.2 + 77 55 2 E? 7.09 4. . 4478 1728 4.1 + 26 18 1 H 6.75 0. . 4429 1707 57.2 + 26 33 2 A 6.40 p. . 4479 2400 4.2 -11 3 4 A 5.72 99. 4430 1532 1505 57.4 + 28 5 3 I? 5.69 S . 7 4480 308 4.3 + 76 3 2 E 7.07 4. . 4431 1136 __ 57.7 + 59 33 5 A 6.28 7 . . 4481 1865 1517 4.4 + 25 50 1 E 6.00 1 .2 4432 1636 57.8 + 33 19 2 B 6.39 4. . 4482 1839 4.5 + 14 48 1 E 6.69 p. . 4433 18 1449 58.0 + 88 56 2 A 6.90 1 . 2 4483 2190 1518 4.5 -18 57 6 B 4.31 287 4434 1989 _ 58.0 + 40 2 1 H 6.69 1 . . 4484 2065 4.7 + 39 2 2 H 6.59 1 . . 4435 1754 53.0 + 12 28 1 E 6.57 3. . 4485 309 , 4.9 + 76 32 1 H 7.49 8 . . 4436 325 58.5 + 75 14 1 E 7.05 p. . 4486 1711 4.9 + 49 15. 1 H 6.93 1 . . 4437 1753 58.5 + 21 19 1 A 6.67 3 . . 4487 1545 4.9 + 47 14 1 A 6.91 3 . . 4438 1817 58.5 + 13 58 1 H 6.68 p. . 4488 2280 4.9 -15 57 4 A 5.28 38. 4439 1803 58.6 + 41 57 1 E? 7.01 8. . 4489 235 5.2 + 82 44 12 A 5.87 6 . . 4440 1911 59.0 + 19 7 4 A 5.86 p. . 4490 1775 5.3 + 14 56 3 A 5.86 4. . 4441 1200 59.3 + 54 24 1 E 7.04 p. . 4491 1276 5.4 + 56 50 fi E 6.59 2. . 4442 348 59.4 + 74 40 2 E 7.33 9 . . 4492 1695 5.5 + 32 47 1 E 6.84 1 . . 4443 1831 1507 59.5 + 13 24 4 A 5.10 730 4493 1278 1519 5.8 + 56 46 4 II . 6.32 6.4 4444 1740 __ 59.6 + 36 35 1 F 6.72 3 . . 4494 1746 5.9 + 10 7 f A 5.66 87 . 4445 1536 59.6 + 27 49 4 A 6.06 p . . 4495 2420 6.1 -13 30 4 A 5.75 42. 4446 497 59.9 + 70 c I/ E 6.57 1 . . 4496 1659 6.2 + 16 49 1 E 6.80 7. . 4447 2202 0.0 - 3 12 1 A? 6.39 6r . 4497 541 6.3 + 66 29 < t A 6.67 2 . . 4448 1770 0.2 + 43 34 6 A 6.15 1 . . 4498 1621 6.3 + 48 35 4 A 6.37 1 . . 4449 2228 0.2 -19 26 5 A 5.73 7p. 4499 u 1521 6.5 + 17 56 R R R RRR 4450 1887 1508 0.4 + 22 56 2 H? 6.83 8 . 6 4500 1867 1522 6.5 + 17 57 4 F 5.38 737 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 53 B.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D.C. DM. H. P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 4501 B 1523 m. 6.5 / + 17 57 B E B EBB 4551 179 _ m. 15.5 + 84 47 1 E 7.71 6 . . 4502 2385 1524 6.6 -12 37 4 H 5.33 317 4552 996 15.5 + 62 37 2 A 6.66 P 4503 2378 1527 6.7 - 7 28 3 H 5.87 426 4553 1815 1539 15.9 + 43 31 4 M? 5.67 7. n 4504 1850 6.8 + 14 19 3 A 6.11 1 . . 4554 2037 16.0 + 40 46 1 A 6.35 8. . 4505 1664 1526 6.9 + 29 57 4 A 5.32 3 . 3 4555 1246 1540 16.2 + 53 33 7 A 5.57 4 . 2 4506 310 1520 7.0 +76 4 10 H? 6.08 1.4 4556 1879 16.3 + 13 57 1 E 6.58 7 . . 4507 1119 1525 7.4 + 60 41 5 A 6.17 6. 1 4557 2017 16.3 - 1 17 2 A 6.10 96. 4508 1662 7.4 + 16 49 1 E 6.20 4. . 4558 330 16.4 + 77 24 3 F 6.97 7. . 4509 674 7.5 + 64 1 2 H 6.78 P 4559 2369 1542 16.9 -19 46 2 H 6.00 216 4510 1913 7.8 + 23 27 4 A 6.48 . . 4560 287 17.1 + 78 33 6 H 6.90 1 . . 4511 1783 7.9 + 43 20 4 A 6.42 8. . 4561 1223 17.5 + 54 15 3 E 6.66 8. . 4512 1804 8.2 + 40 53 1 A 6.55 7 . . 4562 2512 17.6 - 5 52 2 A S.93 45. 4513 1805 8.3 + 41 26 1 H? 6.86 7. . 4563 1930 1544 17.7 + 18 40 4 A 6.06 4.2 4514 1882 8.5 + 17 58 3 A 6.40 P 4564 1859 18.0 + 42 20 2 H 6.61 1 . . 4515 1792 8.6 + 20 59 2 E 6.52 5. . 4565 1819 1545 18.7 + 35 22 1 H 6.76 8 . 7 4516 2324 1529 8.7 -15 29 3 H 5.70 306 4566 1836 19.1 + 17 32 1 E 6.80 2 . . 4517 1868 8.8 + 13 22 1 H 6.53 71. 4567 1225 19.5 + 53 59 1 A? 6.73 P 4518 1669 9.4 + 16 23 1 A 6.24 P 4568 2333 19.7 - 3 26 1 E 5.84 24. 4519 1124 1530 9.5 + 59 53 6 A 5.71 3 . 3 4569 2050 20.1 + 40 14 1 H 6.85 7 . . 4520 2015 9.5 + 40 39 1 A? 6.75 P 4570 1842 1548 20.1 + 17 23 2' F 6.45 2 . 2 4521 1704 9.5 + 32 30 1 E 7.04 5 . . 4571 545 1547 20.4 + 67 38 3 H 6.27 3 . 5 4522 409 9.6 + 72 43 3 H 6.62 4- 4572 1602 1549 20.4 + 28 14 1 H 6.31 i J . 4 4523 334 10.1 + 75 9 5 H 6.59 1 . . 4573 1422 20.5 + 51 14 1 E 7.05 P 4524 991 1532 10.6 + 62 49 3 H? 6.38 4- 7 4574 2053 1553 20.5 + 7 53 2 H 5.75 617 4525 1215 10.6 + 54 26 1 H 6.64 1 . . 4575 2262 1555 20.6 -22 50 2 A 5.80 415 4526 1265 10.7 + 54 53 6 A 6.34 4. . 4576 1398 1550 20.7 + 46 3 E 6.50 5 . 8 4527 284 10.9 + 78 15 2 A 7.06 4. . 4577 1612 1551 20.7 + 27 16 4 A 5.63 1 . 1 4528 1017 1533 11.1 + 9 30 4 K? 5.06 n n ji 4578 1920 1552 20.7 + 24 52 2 A 6.44 1- 1 4529 1785 11.4 + 36 2 2 A 6.66 6. . 4579 2339 1554 20.7 - 3 35 5 A 3.97 S21 4530 927 11.8 + 77 17 2 H 6.92 1 . . 4580 2522 20.9 -20 44 1 E? 6.28 52. 4531 1760 12.1 + 26 45 2 A 6.60 4. . 4581 470 21.1 + 68 52 5 A 6.40 3. . 4532 2509 12.2 -33 1 A 6.34 06. 4582 1542 21.1 + 50 2 2 E? 6.94 9. . 4533 1112 1534 12.4 + 58 3 5 A? 5.98 2 . 1 4583 1228 21.2 + 54 11 3 E 6.52 8. . 4534 1407 12.6 + 51 35 1 E 6.86 p. . 4584 2514 21.2 -10 12 1 E 6.20 15 . 4535 1679 12.7 + 15 59 2 A 6.44 1 . . 4585 2517 1559 21.3 -14 36 2 A 5.91 541 4536 2362 12.7 -15 58 4 A 5.91 49 . 4586 1825 21.4 + 36 27 1 A 6.82 7 . . 4537 1217 12.9 + 53 53 5 F 6.28 6 . . 4587 2345 21.5 - 3 40 3 A 5.89 33 . 4538 1762 12.9 + 26 39 1 E 6.45 7 . . 4588 1826 21.7 + 36 13 1 H 7.02 1 . . 4539 1927 12.9 + 9 28 a A 6.31 P F . 4589 1054 1558 22.0 + 61 3 10 I? 4.66 n . n 4540 1802 13.1 + 35 22 i E 6.81 7 . . 4590 2524 1560 22.0 -12 12 1 H 6.28 845 4541 2027 13.3 + 40 12 i E? 6.70 4. . 4o91 2106 22.7 + 39 13 1 E 6.89 9. . 4542 1687 13.5 + 16 26 3 A 6.16 p. . 4592 1931 1561 22.7 + 24 28 3 A 6.27 5.4 4543 2449 1535 13.7 -12 18 1 E 5.88 461 4593 2526 22.8 -14 36 1 A? 6.06 98 . 4544 464 14.0 + 69 14 3 E 6.66 5. . 4594 1703 22.9 + 33 2 3 A 6.72 . . 4545 1589 1536 14.0 + 27 33 4 F 5.58 1 . 5 4595 472 23.0 + 69 39 2 H 6.79 3 . . 4546 1907 14.1 + 24 8 1 E 6.69 P 4596 1231 23.0 + 54 27 6 A 6.19 p . . 4547 1794 14.3 + 36 6 2 A? 6.51 8 . . 4597 1899 1562 23.0 + 14 32 2 A 5.73 552 4548 1817 1538 14.5 + 21 4 1 H 6.47 5 . 6 4598 1283 23.5 + 55 16 2 A 6.60 9. . 4549 2471 14.5 - 9 52 1 F 6.05 27 . 4599 420 23.7 + 73 47 2 A 7.00 3 . . 4550 1909 1537 14.6 + 24 20 4 A 5.69 3.0 4600 549 23.7 + 67 38 1 H 7.25 6. . 54 AXKALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 8 l D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 4601 1583 23.7 + 47 6 1 E? 7.11 1 . . 4651 2411 33.3 -11 23 1 E 6.14 96. 4602 1740 24.0 + 49 40 1 E 6.93 p. . 4652 1443 33.4 + 51 47 1 II 6.41 6 . . 4603 2532 24.0 - 9 25 1 E 6.05 34. 4653 2026 1589 33.5 + 3 42 3 I 5.66 88n 4604 337 24.4 + 77 21 4 E 6.89 3 . . 4654 1590 33.6 -25 54 2 A 5.08 . 51 4605 2065 24.5 + 40 23 1 F 6.35 8. . 4655 270 33.8 + 80 51 2 E 7.48 5 . . 4606 2066 24.6 + 40 33 3 A 6.42 4. . 4656 2149 34.0 +20 9 2 A 6.41 6. . 4607 1431 24.7 + 50 57 1 E 6.90 6. . 4657 1422 1591 34.1 + 46 11 6 H 6.12 4.5 4608 1870 24.8 + 37 36 5 A 5.93 6. . 4658 1776 34.1 + 32 19 3 A 6.42 1. . 4609 1259 25.1 + 53 26 3 H? 6.45 . . 4659 2150 34.1 + 19 54 1 E 6.91 3. . 4610 342 25.2 + 75 4 10 A 6.16 2. . 4660 2091 34.3 + 40 23 1 A 6.70 6. . 4611 128 25.6 + 85 25 7 E 7.43 1 . . 4661 2158 __ 34.4 + 20 22 B. . 4612 638 1566 25.6 + 65 29 5 A 5.52 3 . 8 4662 2159 34.4 + 20 20 1 A 6.47 R . . 4613 1940 1567 25.6 + 24 25 3 A 6.07 S . S 4663 2171 1592 34.7 + 19 54 3 A 6.31 9.E 4614 1963 1569 25.9 + 18 26 1 H 6.91 9 .it 4664 2345 1593 34.8 -22 19 3 H 5.71 416 4615 1176 26.0 + 58 55 5 A 6.35 6. . 4665 2172 35.0 + 20 5 1 H 6.81 3 . . 4616 1742 26.1 + 49 36 1 A 7.08 P 4666 291 35.1 + 78 3 7 F 7.01 0. . 4617 1920 1570 26.5 + 38 21 1 I 6.38 1.4 4667 430 35.1 + 73 39 8 A 6.63 4. . 4618 1816 26.5 + 10 9 1 A 6.06 p. . 4668 2175 35.2 + 19 56 1 E 6.86 8. . 4619 1836 1571 26.9 + 36 46 2 F 6.52 2.4 4669 2420 1594 35.3 -12 7 1 II 5.93 257 '4620 2109 1572 26.9 + 20 47 2 H 6.52 9 . n 4670 186 35.4 + 84 16 5 E 7.30 1 . . 4621 2438 1574 27.0 -19 14 3 A 5.19 442 4671 1606 36.1 + 47 16 2 E? 6.51 0. . 4622 1946 1573 27.1 + 24 25 1 H? 7.24 7.8 4672 2452 36.2 - 8 42 1 E 6.21 36. 4623 1601 27.3 + 45 32 1 A 6.89 1 . . 4673 1759 36.3 + 49 15 2 A? 6.33 5. . 4624 1818 27.3 + 10 26 1 A 5.91 9. . 4674 427 36.7 + 72 46 3 E 6.82 0. . 4625 1592 27.5 + 47 28 5 A 6.33 1 . . 4675 1847 37.0 + 43 4 1 F 6.87 3. . 4626 1743 27.8 + 48 53 4 A 6.43 1 . . 4676 2554 1596 37.1 -15 35 2 H? 5.85 458 4627 1840 1576 28.3 + 36 46 4 A 5.70 2. 4677 1895 1597 37.5 + 21 50 4 A 4.67 2 . 1 4628 253 28.4 + 82 36 11 A 6.18 8 . . 4678 293 37.7 + 78 33 3 H 6.95 5 . . 4629 1745 28.4 + 49 35 1 E 6.88 6. . 4679 1972 1598 37.7 + 13 3 4 A 5.88 I 03 4630 1853 28.4 + 41 22 1 H 6.91 1 . . 4680 1899 37.8 + 37 17 3 A 6.45 6. . 4631 370 1575 28.6 + 73 59 5 H 6.46 1 . 2 4681 2039 1599 38.0 + 3 46 5 A 4.19 840 4632 2077 1577 28.8 + 8 48 1 H? 6.01 p52 4682 1782 38.1 + 32 26 1 A 6.59 2. . 4633 2074 1579 29.0 - 1 49 4 A 5.62 980 4683 1784 38.5 + 44 2 1 E 6.78 7 . . 4634 1834 29.6 + 42 56 1 F 6.42 1 . . 4684 1766 38.7 + 49 14 2 A 6.38 P 4635 1955 30.2 + 24 24 1 A 6.74 3. . 4685 2029 38.7 + 4 42 2 A 6.04 p8. 4636 643 1580 30.3 + 65 22 6 F 5.87 1 . 3 4686 2708 1600 38.7 - 6 52 5 H 5.39 956 4637 1997 1582 30.5 + 6 58 2 A 5.85 211 4687 2027 1602 39.0 + 18 32 4 K? 5.26 .Vllll 4638 1597 30.6 + 47 27 1 E 6.86 P 4688 1903 39.2 + 37 39 2 F 6.33 7. . 4639 2540 1583 30.6 - 7 38 3 A 5.47 262 4689 1876 39.2 + 31 4 1 E 6.48 2. . 4640 1268 1581 30.9 + 53 45 6 H 6.21 6 . 6 4690 1864 1603 39.4 + 10 27 5 A 5.46 550 4641 1148 31.0 + 60 17 5 A 6.17 6. . 4691 2030 39.7 + 63 1 F? 5.84 P 8. 4642 2083 31.4 + 39 59 1 H 6.64 9. . 4692 560 1601 39.8 + 67 5 7 A 5.69 3 . 3 4643 698 1584 31.5 + 64 40 .5 K? 5.62 9 . 8 4693 1254 40.4 + 54 46 1 E 7.14 p. . 4644 1269 31.6 + 53 16 4 H 6.47 1 . . 4694 1824 1605 40.6 + 29 7 5 K 4.85 6 . 6 4645 1837 1587 31.7 + 10 4 A 5.68 352 4695 1909 40.6 + 20 58 1 A? 6.52 5 . . 4646 1272 1585 31.8 + 53 4 3 H 6.37 0.4 4696 272 40.9 + 80 24 14 A 6.64 7 . . 4647 1885 31.9 + 37 23 1 H 6.77 1 . . 4697 1647 41.1 + 28 32 1 E 6.66 3. . 4648 428 32.0 + 73 31 6 A 6.31 2 . . 4698 1904 1607 41.5 + 12 28 5 A 5.85 4. 4649 2001 1588 32.3 + 63 6 A 4.22 30.? 4699 2036 1608 41.5 + 6 48 5 F 4.31 8n7 4650 1840 - 32.7 + 9 56 3 A 5.99 p . . 4700 1609 41.5 -25 1 1 H 5.75 . 70 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 55 8' D.C. " DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 4701 2673 1610 41.7 -13 11 2 G 5.47 7nn 4751 1944 49.1 + 42 4 1 A? 6.51 5 . . 4702 232 41.8 + 83 6 3 H 7.24 2 . . 4752 2490 49.3 -54 1 H? 6.08 13. 4703 2130 1611 42.2 - 1 31 5 A 5.28 732 4753 1804 49.4 + 44 3 1 A? 6.78 p. . 4704 1961 42.6 + 38 43 1 A 6.18 6. . 4754 1866 49.5 + 26 48 1 A 6.65 6. . 4705 273 4'2.8 + 81 40 5 A? 7.12 5. . 4755 1159 49.7 + 58 36 3 A 6.11 9. . 4706 1642 43.1 + 45 3 1 F 6.49 p. . 4756 1666 1626 49.7 + 28 19 2 H 6.01 5.8 4707 2040 1613 43.1 + 6 13 9 A 4.46 332 4757 1973 49.7 + 17 37 1 H 6.65 1 . . 4708 1898 43.6 + 34 4 1 E 7.10 2. . 4758 1458 49.8 + 46 9 2 A 6.30 9. . 4709 2160 44.3 + 38 50 1 A 6.74 p. . 4759 1806 49.8 + 44 38 1 H 6.88 p. . 4710 1765 44.3 + 33 41 2 A 6.40 1 . . 4760 2688 49.8 -11 1 E 5.94 99. 4711 2699 1614 44.3 -35 5 A 5.25 55jf 4761 2174 49.9 + 39 12 1 H 6.84 p. . 4712 1878 44.4 + 35 26 1 E 6.76 2. . 4762 589 50.0 + 66 23 2 A 6.57 4. . 4713 233 44.5 + 83 8 8 F 6.63 4. . 4763 1301 50.0 + 55 14 1 A 6.85 7 . . 4714 1877 44.5 + 41 18 1 E 6.62 9. . 4764 1460 50.1 + 51 8 1 A 6.05 p. . 4715 2037 44.6 + 6 56 1 A 6.25 P 8. 4765 1459 1628 50.1 + 46 1 3 H? 6.25 3.5 4716 1674 , 44.8 + 27 12 1 F 6.85 7. . 4766 2125 1627 50.1 + 40 35 4 F 5.97 0. 2 4717 2500 44.8 - 8 13 1 E 6.26 55. 4767 2060 1629 50.1 + 6 19 8 K 4.42 ii n n 4718 2110 45.1 + 19 13 3 A 6.01 5. . 4768 2013 50.4 + 24 51 1 E 6.59 4. . 4719 2057 45.1 + 18 22 1 H 6.70 3. . 4769 1807 50.5 + 44 49 1 H 6.59 4. . 4720 1027 1615 45.2 + 62 20 3 A 5.73 0. / 4770 1784 50.5 + 33 39 1 E 6.95 5. . 4721 1198 45.2 + 59 26 2 F 5.96 5. . 4771 2661 50.6 - 7 36 2 A 5.32 PR . 4722 1794 1616 45.3 + 44 6 4 I 5.78 3 . 6 4772 812 50.7 + 63 44 2 A 6.17 p. . 4723 1649 45.4 + 45 41 2 H 6.49 0. . 4773 1905 50.8 + 35 24 1 H 7.06 4. . 4724 297 45.5 + 78 32 9 F 6.74 2 . . 4774 1785 1631 50.8 + 33 18 4 A 5.31 7. 2 4725 1297 45.6 + 55 20 1 H 6.55 9. . 4775 1811 51.2 + 32 50 1 A 6.44 8. . 4726 1935 45.6 + 42 23 1 H 6.11 1 . . 4776 2029 51.3 + 22 15 1 H 6.93 2 . . 4727 1343 45.9 + 52 44 2 E 6.37 4. . 4777 1633 51.3 -27 18 2 A 5.19 .24 4728 1781 46.0 + 30 13 1 H 6.82 2. . 4778 1981 -i- 51.4 + 38 39 1 E 6.33 9. . 4729 1621 46.3 -27 21 1 H 5.44 . nn 4779 2081 51.4 + 4 37 1 H 6.09 94. 4730 .7770 1619 46.4 + 32 51 4 A 5.67 3. 4780 _ _ 51.5 -23 27 1 A 5.84 . 9. 4731 1659 46.5 + 28 38 1 H 6.86 4- . 4781 335 51.7 + 76 48 1 H 6.80 7 . . 4732 2743 1623 46.6 - 6 49 5 A 5.45 961 4782 1945 1634 51.7 + 15 43 6 A 5.23 5. 4733 1660 1622 46.7 + 28 43 2 H 6.11 1 . 1 4783 294 51.8 + 79 45 11 A 6.87 1 . . 4734 1919 46.9 + 37 26 1 E 6.37 5. . 4784 1795 51.9 + 30 38 2 E 6.08 4. . 4735 2069 47.0 + 18 34 1 F 6.76 2. . 4785 1864 1635 52.0 + 15 58 6 A 5.71 4. 1 4736 2074 47.1 + 5 42 4 A 5.86 P 9. 4786 2099 . 52.0 + 2 54 1 A 6.28 P 7. 4737 1966 47.5 + 17 45 1 F 6.70 p. . 4787 1889 52.1 + 36 12 4 A 6.01 7. . 4738 1291 47.7 + 53 11 2 A 6.22 P 4788 1809 52.2 + 44 49 1 E 6.94 p. . 4739 2164 47.7 + 39 38 1 A 6.49 5. . 4789 2093 1637 52.3 + 9 46 1 H 6.16 231 4740 1883 47.7 + 35 56 4 A 5.81 3. . 4790 1707 1636 52.4 + 48 27 6 A B B . R 4741 1798 48.0 + 43 58 1 E 6.68 p . . 4791 1816 52.6 + 32 45 1 H 7.09 6. . 4742 673 1624 48.1 + 64 59 5 I 6.03 0.4 4792 278 52.7 + 81 26 4 E 7.23 7. . 4743 132 48.2 + 85 6 3 A 7.79 4. . 4793 336 52.7 + 76 5 1 A 7.27 P 4744 1907 1625 48.2 + 30 58 2 II 5.98 7. 5 4794 1463 52.7 + 46 9 5 A 5.98 p . . 4745 2232 48.2 + 20 21 1 E 6.62 6. . 4795 2090 52.7 + 18 42 2 A 6.16 6. . 4746 1989 48.2 + 14 14 1 F 6.23 6. . 4796 2022 52.9 + 24 22 1 A 6.84 7. . 4747 2075 48.3 + 17 55 1 A 6.60 9. . 4797 1948 1639 53.0 + 12 14 5 A 4.45 Ill 4748 1779 48.8 + 33 8 1 F 6.59 P 4798 2112 53.0 + 1 55 2 A 5.82 pp. 4749 1784 48.9 + 49 28 1 E 6.98 8. . 4799 1821 1640 53.4 + 32 49 4 H 5.94 4.2 4750 1658 49.1 + 45 3 1 H 6.69 p . . 4800 551 1638 53.5 + 68 1 4 M 5.91 8 . 9 56 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. ou D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Rcsid. D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o ' Ml. o r 4801 2093 53.5 + 18 32 1 H 6.96 0. . 4851 2200 1653 0.2 + 38 51 5 H? 5.56 9 .9 4802 2099 53.9 + 9 22 1 E? 6.26 pp. 4852 1998 0.3 + 38 28 1 H 6.68 P 4803 486 54.0 + 71 42 4 A 6.71 0. . 4853 1999 0.5 + 38 40 2 F 6.18 P 4804 1877 54.1 + 26 50 1 A? 6.55 7. . 4854 1806 0.5 + 33 45 1 E 7.00 8 . . 4805 2656 1642 54.1 -15 45 1 E 5.60 483 4855 1901 0.6 + 16 15 1 A 6.94 6. . 4806 1956 1641 54.2 + 42 11 5 F 4.44 8 . 2 4856 2116 1654 0.7 + 5 29 2 H 5.74 131 4807 1986 54.2 + 38 1 H 6.43 1 . . 4857 2045 1.2 + 23 44 1 E 7.03 P 4808 1825 54.2 + 32 29 1 E 6.94 p. . 4858 492 1.3 + 71 47 4 H? 6.77 3 . . 4809 196 1632 54.5 + 84 35 15 F 6.29 3 . 1 4859 1642 1.3 + 47 49 1 H 6.62 p . . 4810 1599 54.6 + 50 7 1 E 6.74 p. . 4860 576 1.4 + 67 4 1 A 6.84 P 4811 1901 55.1 + 41 21 1 P 6.16 p . . 4861 1934 1.5 + 31 37 1 H 7.03 3 . . 4812 2536 55.1 -18 49 1 F 5.72 39. 4862 577 1655 1.6 + 67 32 4 F 5.05 3. 2 4813 2138 55.2 + 40 6 2 F 6.10 4. . 4863 2048 1.7 + 23 23 2 F 6.38 1 . . 4814 1829 55.3 + 32 39 4 A 5.71 6. . 4864 1365 1656 1.9 + 52 4 A 4.81 2.4 4815 1674 1643 55.9 + 28 18 4 A 5.98 2. 2 4865 1810 2.0 + 32 57 3 E 6.42 3. . 4816 1601 56.1 + 50 22 2 A 6.04 P 4866 1817 1657 2.0 + 30 3 2 H? 5.87 1 . 5 4817 1990 56.1 + 17 30 1 A 6.75 7 . . 4867 1809 2.1 + 49 43 1 H 6.83 7. . 4818 282 56.3 + 81 14 13 F? 6.04 7 . . 4868 1901 2.1 + 26 1 3 A 6.55 7 . . 4819 1305 56.3 + 53 30 1 H 6.63 4. . 4869 2144 2.1 + 2 59 1 A 6.23 p6. 4820 1716 56.4 + 48 4 1 E 6.82 p . . 4870 557 2.2 + 67 52 2 A 6.90 p . . 4821 199 56.6 + 84 3 2 A 7.39 P 4871 1916 2.2 + 36 43 1 E 6.62 7 . . 4822 1272 1644 56.7 + 54 41 4 A 5.44 4. 2 4872 2237 2.2 + 59 1 A 6.22 PF. 4823 2124 56.7 + 34 2 A 6.63 9r . 4873 825 2.3 + 62 51 1 6.81 p . . 4824 1633 1645 56.9 + 47 34 6 A 3.59 1 . 1 4874 1984 1659 2.4 + 11 4 6 A 5.27 215 4825 2029 1646 56.9 + 24 50 4 A 5.16 1 . 4 4875 509 2.7 + 69 27 1 E 7.04 p. . 4826 2449 1647 56.9 -06 1 H 5.76 442 4876 723 1658 2.7 + 63 55 4 D 5.01 . 2 4827 239 57.0 + 83 45 1 E 7.92 p. . 4877 1949 2.7 + 34 18 4 E 6.15 3. . 4828 1808 57.1 + 30 31 1 E 7.13 2. . 4878 365 2.9 + 75 41 2 H 7.16 2 . . 4829 1993 57.2 + 38 14 1 E 6.43 9. . 4879 1319 2.9 + 55 22 1 E? 6.80 P 4830 1800 57.2 + 33 17 1 E 6.64 9. . 4880 1614 3.0 + 50 14 1 E 6.54 p. . 4831 504 57.3 + 68 52 3 A 6.55 7 . . 4881 1715 1660 3.0 + 27 3 2 F 6.30 3 . 3 4832 2193 57.4 + 39 8 1 H 6.74 3 . . 4882 243 3.1 + 83 2 2 F 7.26 P 4833 2066 57.4 + 7 41 1 H 6.00 52 . 4883 1371 3.2 + 52 48 2 A 6.62 p. . 4834 2260 58.1 + 20 29 1 E? 7.17 P 4884 1885 3.6 + 43 21 1 E 6.92 P 4835 1820 58.2 + 43 52 1 E 6.43 p. . 4885 1941 3.6 + 31 7 1 E 6.98 5 . . 4836 1683 58.2 + 28 18 2 A 6.16 3 . . 4886 2061' 1661 3.6 + 22 27 3 H 6.00 H . 8 4837 1478 58.3 + 51 14 1 E 5.85 p. . 4887 300 3.8 + 79 41 8 F 6.91 4. . 4838 1801 1649 58.5 + 48 55 6 F 5.63 9. 1 4888 2588 1662 3.8 - 8 11 6 A 5.38 441 4839 1312 58.6 + 55 48 1 A 6.76 1 . . 4889 265 4.2 + 82 46 3 A 7.48 p . . 4840 1607 58.7 + 50 42 1 H 6.80 P 4890 444 4.3 + 72 4 4 H 6.80 5 . . 4841 2530 58.7 - 4 47 1 A 5.98 87. 4891 1979 4.4 + 11 58 3 A 6.04 p6. 4842 1837 58.8 + 32 47 3 A 6.29 5. . 4892 2565 1665 4.4 -11 57 2 A 5.98 122 4843 1217 1650 59.0 + 59 45 3 A 5.96 2. 1 4893 2167 4.5 + 40 13 1 A 6.65 9 . . 4844 2040 ^_ 59.2 + 23 16 1 E 6.93 1 . . 4894 2765 ^_ 4.5 -17 55 3 A 5.54 77. 4845 1905 59.3 + 36 36 2 A' 6.47 3 . . 4895 1946 1664 4.6 + 31 23 1 E 6.83 3 . S 4846 1608 59.5 + 50 2 1 E 6.54 P 4896 2063 4.6 + 22 24 2 H 6.43 1. . 4847 573 1651 59.6 + 67 17 3 M? 6.12 9. 8 4897 1054 B E B B B * 4848 2153 59.8 + 19 49 1 E 7.11 9. . 4898 2593 1667 4.7 - 8 23 1 F 5.91 62S 4849 1362 0.1 + 52 3 1 F 6.76 5. . 4899 1055 4.8 + 62 6 4 A 6.30 B . . 4850 2004 0.1 + 17 47 1 E 6.95 P 4900 1054 ^ 4.8 + 62 5 B . . THE DRAPEK CATALOGUE. 57 9 1 D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn. Husi.l. D. C. DM. H. P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Eesid. m. o / m. ' 4901 599 4.9 + 66 8 1 E 6.47 p 4951 370 11.5 + 75 20 7 A 6.76 5. . 4902 1488 5.0 + 50 52 5 A 6.05 5 . . 4952 2068 11.5 + 24 4 2 E 6.74 6. . 4903 600 5.2 + 66 12 1 A 6.42 p 4953 2267 11.5 + 19 1 E 6.32 54. 4904 359 5.3 + 77 29 11 A 6.41 4 . . 4954 1990 11.6 + 42 29 1 E 6.87 P 4905 2701 5.5 -16 27 1 E 5.99 PP 4955 2762 1679 11.7 - 5 56 2 H 5.68 118 4906 1815 5.6 + 49 37 1 H 6.58 P 4956 2804 11.7 -13 25 1 F 6.02 p8. 4907 452 1668 5.8 + 73 22 11 A 5.79 2 . 4957 1729 11.8 + 27 51 2 E 6.56 1. . 4908 2512 5.9 -22 46 2 A 5.90 48. 4958 2623 1680 11.8 - 8 19 6 A 5.40 SB! 4909 289 6.3 + 81 48 1 E 7.68 p . . 4959 348 11.9 + 76 6 4 A 6.93 p. . 4910 2138 6.3 + 18 27 2 A 6.26 5. . 4960 1883 12.0 + 29 1 E 7.17 2 . . 4911 1058 1669 6.4 + 61 50 4 F 5.59 6.4 4961 2173 12.0 + 2 22 1 E? 6.22 PF. 4912 581 6.6 + 67 33 2 A 6.45 p. . 4962 2072 12.1 + 23 30 1 H 6.88 4. . 4913 2120 6.7 + 5 53 1 F 5.84 p8. 4963 2021 12.2 + 38 32 1 E? 6.98 p. . 4914 2003 6.9 + 15 24 2 H 6.29 7 . . 4964 1380 12.3 + 52 3 1 E? 7.01 p. . 4915 1650 7.0 + 47 24 1 E 6.71 8. . 4965 1971 12.3 + 35 47 4 A 5.61 p. . 4916 2139 7.0 + 4 17 4 A 5.68 P 7. 4966 2808 12.4 -14 9 1 A? 6.11 50. 4917 1893 1671 7.3 + 43 38 6 A 4.93 1 . 3 4967 2009 12.5 + 11 55 4 A 6.05 p. . 4918 2644 1672 7.4 -19 20 1 E 5.85 57.7 4968 1660 12.6 + 47 23 3 A 6.08 p. . 4919 1375 7.5 + 56 2 2 A 6.41 p. . 4969 1965 1681 12.6 + 37 14 4 A 4.00 2.0 4920 2845 1673 7.5 - 6 42 3 A 5.80 553 4970 2194 12.6 + 19 13 1 E 7.11 9. . 4921 1320 7.7 + 53 7 1 H 6.72 P 4971 1114 13.0 + 61 48 2 A 6.84 7. . 4922 303 7.9 + 78 23 2 H 7.11 8. . 4972 2165 1682 13.4 + 18 8 2 E 6.50 5. 1 4923 1991 7.9 + 21 42 2 A 6.02 5. . 4973 1830 13.5 + 52 53 4 A 6.09 9. . 4924 557 8.3 + 70 18 2 H 6.76 2. . 4974 1495 13.8 + 51 42 5 F? 6.24 3 . . 4925 2144 8.3 + 4 15 1 E 6.18 P F. 4975 SOS 14.4 + 78 51 3 E 7.10 3. . 4926 1211 1674 8.5 + 57 10 2 H 6.32 n. 7 4976 1214 1683 14.4 + 57 8 1 H 6.22 4.2 4927 2065 8.6 + 25 26 1 E 6.99 . . 4977 2158 14.6 + 5 39 1 F? 5.99 p6. 4928 2223 8.7 + 39 2 2 F 6.04 p. . 4978 2025 14.7 + 38 37 3 A 5.80 9. . 4929 1744 8.9 + 48 38 1 E 6.67 p. . 4979 2804 14.7 -10 53 1 F 5.94 97. 4930 1285 1675 9.0 + 54 26 6 A 4.86 8. 4980 1708 14.8 + 45 47 3 H 6.43 4. . 4931 1966 9.1 + 35 3 2 H 6.41 1 . . 4981 206 14.9 + 84 11 1 H 7.60 4. . 4932 2167 1676 9.1 + 2 44 5 A 4.03 321 4982 2194 15.0 + 40 5 1 E 6.50 3 . . 4933 1897 9.4 + 42 51 1 H 6.77 7 . . 4983 1979 1685 15.0 + 34 49 4 K 4.98 n . n 4934 393 9.5 + 74 26 7 H 6.68 2. . 4984 2198 15.0 + 19 33 1 E? 7.16 3 . . 4935 2067 9.7 + 23 13 1 E 7.13 1 . . 4985 2609 1687 15.0 -11 33 3 H? 5.37 LIB 4936 2009 1677 9.7 + 15 22 2 H 6.09 3.5 4986 2195 15.1 + 40 43 2 A 6.40 4. . 4937 1940 9.8 + 41 13 1 A 6.70 p . . 4987 1980 15.1 + 35 23 1 E 7.06 7. . 4938 2158 9.8 - 1 10 1 A 6.06 P 6. 4988 2062 15.1 + 17 33 1 E 7.25 5. . 4939 287 10.2 + 80 33 2 F 7.36 4. . 4989 2084 15.3 + 25 36 2 A 6.89 1 . . 4940 1326 10.3 + 53 20 1 E 6.88 p. . 4990 1848 15.4 + 33 21 2 H 6.54 3. . 4941 1182 10.4 + 57 54 1 E 6.63 5. . 4991 1865 15.6 + 32 41 2 A 6.44 6. . 4942 2766 . 10.5 -84 1 E 6.41 6r. 4992 2643 1688 15.6 -98 3 H 5.53 536 4943 2793 - 10.7 -14 36 3 A 5.61 p9. 4993 1633 15.7 + 49 57 3 A 6.21 6. . 4944 1658 1678 10.8 + 47 14 3 A 5.81 7 .S 4994 1833 15.7 + 48 51 2 E 6.73 6. . 4945 2187 10.8 + 19 14 2 F 6.66 3 . . 4995 2027 15.7 + 15 48 3 A 6.22 5. . 4946 2068 10.9 + 23 20 1 E 7.28 6. . 4996 1890 15.9 + 28 56 1 H? 6.97 8. . 4947 1839 11.0 + 30 47 1 A 6.83 9 . . 4997 2065 15.9 + 17 2 2 F 6.70 1 . . 4948 1969 11.3 + 33 56 1 H 6.80 6 . . 4998 2074 15.9 + 13 33 1 E 6.43 63. 4949 2226 11.4 + 39 38 1 E 6.69 8. . 4999 2193 16.0 + 3 22 1 F 6.23 p8. 4950 248 11.5 + 83 7 3 E 7.44 p . . 5000 2201 16.1 + 19 11 1 E 7.31 2. . 58 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn KesiJ. D. C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 5001 2197 16.2 + 40 40 1 H 6.75 7 . . 5051 1339 24.5 + 55 42 2 A 6.75 7. . 5002 2828 16.2 -15 11 1 A? 6.00 87 . 5052 1999 24.7 + 34 5 2 H 6.55 1 . . 5003 2859 16.7 - 2 21 1 H 6.25 PF . 5053 2100 24.8 + 22 16 1 E 6.63 4. . 5004 561 17.0 + 70 47 1 H 6.77 7 . . 5054 462 1705 25.4 + 72 39 8 F 5.96 0.* 5005 1852 _ 17.1 + 33 22 1 E 6.94 6. . 5055 1768 25.4 + 27 50 4 A 6.41 3. . 5006 1985 17.4 + 33 55 2 E? 6.80 9. . 5056 2015 1707 25.5 + 35 33 1 H 6.16 5 . 7 5007 377 1689 17.5 + 75 33 10 A 5.82 4. 6 5057 565 1706 25.7 + 70 16 8 H 5.34 1 . 7 5008 733 17.7 + 64 23 2 H 6.64 1 . . 5058 1873 __ 25.8 + 44 11 1 E 6.73 6. . 5009 2088 1691 17.7 + 25 36 2 A 6.84 Q I 8 . 4 5059 597 26.0 + 07 14 2 F 6.69 5 . . 5010 1635 17.9 + 50 43 1 H 6.35 p. . 5060 1780 26.0 + 48 36 1 E? 6.77 5. . 5011 78 18.0 + 87 18 1 A 7.70 3 . . 5061 2107 1710 26.1 + 23 25 4 I 5.83 n . n 5012 2816 18.0 - 9 24 1 A 6.00 87. 5062 402 26.2 + 74 47 9 A 5.97 P 5013 1389 18.1 + 52 1 3 -A? 6.43 3 . . 5063 1401 1709 26.3 + 52 8 6 F 4.14 n . 9 5014 1978 18.2 + 37 2 3 A 6.19 8. . 5064 262 26.4 + 82 49 10 A 6.75 7. . 5015 1938 18.3 + 26 20 1 E? 7.00 0. . 5065 312 26.4 + 78 41 1 E 7.52 p. . 5016 1299 18.6 + 54 28 2 A 6.29 p. . 5066 1657 26.5 + 49 53 5 A 6.28 5 . . 5017 1939 1692 18.8 + 26 37 3 I 5.62 n . n 5067 2014 1712 26.5 + 10 9 2 H? 6.41 48n 5018 2318 19.1 + 20 14 2 H 6.71 4. . 5068 2053 1711 26.6 + 11 44 3 H 6.00 768 5019 2183 19.1 + 18 8 1 A 6.90 1 . . 5069 1521 26.7 + 45 57 1 E? 6.70 1 . . 5020 370 19.4 + 77 30 1 C 6.93 P 5070 2856 1713 26.8 -10 6 1 E? 6.20 4%2 5021 2078 20.0 + 17 1 1 H 6.60 3 . . 5071 ISJfl 26.9 + 52 52 2 A 6.52 P 5022 1640 20.2 + 50 9 1 A 6.74 P 5072 1775 26.9 + 27 27 1 II 6.76 2 . . 5023 1773 20.3 + 48 13 2 A 6.57 9 . . 5073 2211 1714 26.9 - 44 4 A 4.73 Ill 5024 256 20.5 + 83 22 8 F 6.80 4. . 5074 1312 27.3 + 54 29 1 H 6.64 8 . . 5025 1961 20.5 + 41 28 1 H 6.76 5. . 5075 1998 TrA + 36 56 1 H 6.52 3. . 5026 1984 20.5 + 36 55 2 E 6.47 8. . 5076 1913 27.4 + 28 49 4 A 6.31 7 . . 5027 456 20.6 + 72 46 1 E 7.32 5. . 5077 1734 27.5 + 45 44 1 H 6.69 P 5028 2215 20.9 + 19 31 1 H 6.66 8. . 5078 1132 27.7 + 61 20 5 F? 6.73 8. . 5029 399 21.1 + 74 24 1 H 6.97 p . . 5079 2708 1716 27.7 -18 58 2 A 5.71 540 5030 1915 21.1 + 43 12 2 A 6.47 3 . . 5080 1683 27.8 + 47 20 2 A 6.46 3. . 5031 1963 21.4 + 41 38 1 E 6.56 7. . 5081 464 27.9 + 72 32 4 A 6.99 3 . . 5032 1509 1696 22.1 + 46 2 6 H 5.94 4.8 5082 403 28.0 + 74 48 2 A? 6.98 p. . 5033 1386 22.2 + 56 41 2 F 6.47 0. . 5083 567 28.0 + 70 5 4 A 6.70 8 . . 5034 1644 22.2 + 50 28 1 H 6.94 8. . 5084 1402 1715 28.0 + 52 30 5 A 4.73 3. 1 5035 459 22.5 + 72 34 1 H 7.16 0. . 5085 2004 1717 28.1 + 36 51 4 I 5.44 6 . 7 5036 2680 1698 22.6 - 8 13 4 K 4.16 u nn 5086 1779 28.2 + 27 48 1 H 6.86 I> 5037 572 22.7 + 67 58 4 A 6.63 2. . 5087 470 28.4 + 73 32 8 A 6.20 3 . . 5038 1388 22.7 + 56 11 5 F 6.21 4. . 5088 386 28.5 + 75 39 4 H 6.83 . . 5039 2802 1700 22.7 -21 54 2 I 5.36 734 5089 851 28.6 + 63 14 2 A? 6.67 7 . . 5040 302 1695 22.8 + 81 46 13 K? 5.51 n. 9 5090 2936 1720 28.7 -20 41 2 H 5.98 n48 5041 2802 1699 22.8 - 5 38 2 F 5.68 304 5091 1350 28.8 + 53 45 1 E 6.98 P 5042 2188 1702 23.1 + 9 30 1 E 5.86 60S 5092 2224 1719 28.8 + 40 4 3 II 5.65 9 . 6 5043 594 23.3 + 67 19 2 A 6.79 1 . . 5093 2645 1721 28.8 -22 26 4 A 5.83 350 5044 845 1701 23.6 + 63 30 8 F 4.44 9 . 7 5094 2226 29.1 + 40 24 3 A 6.55 2. . 5045 212 24.0 + 84 18 2 E 7.56 9. . 5095 1850 29.2 + 48 56 1 F? 6.68 3 . . 5046 2201 24.0 - 49 1 A? 6.06 64. 5096 1974 29.4 + 26 38 1 E 6.60 P 5047 467 24.1 + 73 27 1 E 7.39 7 . . 5097 568 29.5 + 70 43 5 F? 6.63 4. . 5048 1726 24.1 + 45 12 2 A 6.44 8. . 5098 2840 1723 29.5 - 5 28 2 H 6.58 1 i; n 5049 2901 1704 24.1 - 2 19 3 F 5.10 132 5099 1224 29.6 + 57 25 4 A 6.43 4. . 5050 2268 24.4 1 46 2 A 5.80 98. 5100 1314 29.6 + 54 34 1 E? 6.84 7. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 59 9 l D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900 No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 5101 2117 _ m. 29.6 o / + 13 6 2 A 6.23 36. 5151 858 _ m. 35.6 + 63 23 1 F 6.82 7 . . 5102 1979 1722 29.7 + 36 16 5 H 6.17 7. 7 ^152 1867 35.8 + 49 34 1 H 6.93 1 . . 5103 471 30.1 + 73 11 8 A 6.58 4. . 5153 2241 1738 35.8 + 40 13 3 H 6.25 4- 7 5104 1198 30.2 + 60 39 5 F? 6.51 . . 5154 2044 1740 35.8 + 10 21 3 G? 4.26 665 5105 316 30.4 + 79 16 5 F 7.19 3 . . 5155 1991 35.9 + 26 22 1 H? 6.60 1 . . 5106 2077 30.5 + 14 49 4 A 5.97 8 . . 5156 2226 35.9 + 9 28 1 E 6.56 9F. 5107 860 30.6 + 75 53 1 H 6.87 4. . 5157 1868 36.2 + 48 53 6 A 5.98 5. . 5108 213 30.8 + 84 14 1 E? 7.96 E . . 5158 1345 36.3 + 54 50 5 A 6.13 6. . 5109 2011 1724 30.8 + 31 37 1 H 6.78 11 . II 5159 2042 36.7 + 35 32 2 A? 6.31 2. . 5110 1780 31.0 + 28 13 1 H 6.86 4 . . 5160 2684 1741 36.7 -23 8 3 A 4.92 135 5111 2728 31.0 -19 8 2 A 6.16 54. 5161 731 36.8 + 65 26 7 F 6.24 1. . 5112 315 31.2 + 78 1 H 6.95 p. . 5162 363 36.9 + 76 46 1 E 7.15 p. . 5113 602 31.2 + 67 43 4 H 6.62 1 . . 5163 1920 37.0 + 32 44 1 H 6.74 2. . 5114 2120 31.3 + 23 29 2 A 6.63 4. . 5164 1898 37.0 + 30 35 2 A? 6.63 6. . 5115 216 31.5 + 84 12 1 E? B R . . 5165 313 37.1 + 81 25 1 E 7.71 p. . 5116 465 31.5 + 72 12 2 F? 6.90 8 . . 5166 151 37.5 + 84 51 1 H? 7.95 5. . 5117 2109 1725 31.6 + 16 54 1 II 6.20 1 .3 5167 1901 1742 37.7 + 30 27 3 A 5.48 2. 4 5118 2160 1726 31.9 + 7 17 2 H 6.05 26n 5168 1743 37.7 -23 28 2 E 5.54 . 16 5119 528 32.1 + 69 3 F? 7.10 9 . . 5169 2041 37.8 + 42 31 3 A 6.74 2 . . 5120 2127 32.1 + 25 8 1 E 6.39 1 . . 5170 752 38.2 + 64 7 6 F 6.31 5. . 5121 2232 1727 32.2 + 40 42 5 A 5.27 2. 5171 2136 1744 38.3 + 14 29 2 H? 6.28 S . 6 5122 1408 32.3 + 52 47 1 H 6.67 P 5172 1802 39.4 + 28 14 1 H 6.76 5 . . 5123 263 32.6 + 83 47 4 A 7.34 7. . 5173 1231 1745 39.5 + 57 35 5 II 6.35 n. 8 5124 2111 32.6 + 24 1 H 6.74 P 5174 1746 39.7 -27 19 1 A? 5.49 .46 5125 2087 32.6 + 14 48 1 E 6.34 5. . 5175 2253 39.9 + 40 17 1 E 6.85 5. . 5126 2128 32.8 + 13 10 1 E? 6.68 1 . . 5176 861 40.0 + 63 43 3 H 6.85 2 . . 5127 1943 32.9 + 43 36 1 E 6.68 2 . . 5177 2129 1747 40.2 + 24 14 4 K 4.34 n . n 5128 2725 32.9 - 8 59 2 A 6.01 07. 5178 736 41.0 + 65 22 4 F 6.73 6. . 5129 378 33.0 + 77 40 1 E 6.88 9. . 5179 2246 1750 41.3 + 2 15 2 A? 5.57 041 5130 2207 1732 33.2 + 56 3 H 5.74 769 5180 1209 41.5 + 60 34 1 H 7.07 3. . 5131 2351 33.3 + 20 45 2 A 6.42 1 . . 5181 1329 41.7 + 54 44 1 F? 6.99 4. . 5132 2033 33.4 + 35 41 1 E 6.66 3. . 5182 617 41.9 + 67 2 2 A 6.89 p. . 5133 2071 33.4 + 11 14 2 A 6.27 p. . 5183 2239 41.9 + 92 1 A 6.46 55 . 5134 1989 33.5 + 25 49 1 E 6.60 1 . . 5184 2095 42.0 + 12 3 2 A 6.37 6. . 5135 608 33.6 + 67 12 2 A 6.94 p. . 5185 1551 1751 42.1 + 46 29 8 F 5.77 I.I 5136 531 1730 33.7 + 69 42 4 II ? 6.34 2 . 5 5186 637 42.6 + 66 4 9 A 6.19 5 . . 5137 466 1731 33.8 + 72 42 7 K 5.93 6.4 5187 1361 43.1 + 53 22 1 II 6.73 5. . 5138 2034 33.9 + 35 48 1 E 6.61 4. . 5188 3003 43.2 - 6 47 1 A 6.37 84. 5139 317 34.2 + 78 36 6 H? 6.79 0. . 5189 83 44.0 + 87 4 1 H 8.00 3 . . 5140 1397 34.3 + 56 19 2 H 6.61 1 . . 5190 1268 1753 44.0 + 59 30 7 F 4.56 6 . 6 5141 389 34.6 + 75 3 8 A 6.52 3. . 5191 2053 44.0 + 31 33 1 E? 6.68 0. . 5142 150 34.7 + 84 57 2 A? 7.56 4. . 5192 1769 44.2 + 45 33 1 E? 6.84 p. . 5143 2231 1734 34.8 - 42 3 K 5.31 n 11 11 5193 2113 1755 44.2 + 21 39 2 A 6.22 7 .2 5144 2898 1735 34.9 -10 7 2 A 5.95 150 5194 222 44.3 +83 m 1 F 7.48 5. . 5145 509 35.1 + 70 54 1 E 7.27 7 . . 5195 473 45.3 + 72 9 6 A 6.75 3. . 5146 2136 35.1 + 13 31 1 E 6.73 2. . 5196 2240 45.3 + 4 49 2 F? 6.39 31. 5147 319 1733 35.4 + 79 36 16 A 5.92 1 . 2 5197 1331 1756 45.4 + 54 32 5 A 4.55 4.2 5148 379 35.4 + 77 11 3 E 7.36 8 . . 5198 2105 45.5 + 12 19 2 A 6.42 45. 5149 2888 1737 35.4 -10 19 2 A 6.05 170 5199 3-J7 46.1 + 78 25 4 H 7.16 1. . 5150 2917 1739 35.5 -13 53 5 A 4.99 84.7 5200 2794 1758 46.2 - 3 46 5 A 6.12 012 60 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 9 h - D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. B.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. SP- Magn. Id-fid. 5201 2076 m. 46.3 + 38 24 2 A 6.58 3 . . 5251 1909 _ m. 57.8 o / + 49 4 2 A? 6.98 2. . 5202 2169 1757 46.3 + 24 52 4 A 5.66 1.4 5252 2096 57.9 + 38 33 1 H 6.63 1 . . 5203 2963 1759 46.7 -14 23 8 H? 5.36 , nil 5253 1348 1785 58.0 + 54 23 5 F 6.09 1.4 5204 S19 46.9 + 80 52 3 E? 7.38 . . 5254 143 58.2 + 86 19 1 A 7.75 8 . . 5205 1220 46.9 + 58 10 1 E? 7.19 2 . . 5255 749 58.4 + 64 54 2 A? 6.74 8 . . 5206 2019 1760 47.1 + 26 29 5 K? 5.37 n . 11 5256 1384 58.6 + 52 50 5 A 6.11 4 . . 5207 2280 1761 47.1 + 2 55 5 A 5.95 030 5257 2311 1786 59.0 + 3 42 2 A? 6.78 313 5208 2909 1762 47.5 - 7 38 6 A 5.29 710 5258 648 59.1 + 65 48 1 E? 7.31 P 5209 1151 47.6 + 61 36 4 H 6.61 2. . 5259 1450 59.1 + 51 53 1 A 6.86 8. . 5210 389 47.7 + 77 6 4 F 7.06 3. . 5260 1787 59.1 -24 50 1 A 6.34 . 53 5211 2953 48.4 - 9 26 1 H? 6.30 SB. 5261 3047 59.3 -17 37 5 A 6.00 85. 5212 320 48.6 + 80 53 1 E 7.53 9. . 5262 280 59.6 + 82 53 2 H 7.35 3 . . 5213 1698 1765 49.2 + 50 17 6 A 5.27 3. 5263 1788 59.8 -23 48 3 A 6.01 . IS 5214 478 1763 49.4 + 73 21 9 M? 6.40 1.4 5264 598 59.9 + 70 25 3 E 7.03 5 . . 5215 1431 49.4 + 52 44 1 H 6.62 6. . 5265 3073 1789 0.2 -12 35 10 A 4.87 432 5216 1768 49.6 -25 28 1 H 5.94 . 68 5266 S87 1.0 + 77 57 1 A 7.04 P 5217 2935 49.9 -22 1 2 E 6.16 21 . 5267 1387 1.2 + 53 42 1 A 6.73 P 5218 1224 1767 50.2 + 57 54 5 H? 6.31 1 . 5 5268 2259 1.5 + 66 1 E 6.49 41 . 5219 2810 1769 50.2 -18 32 1 H 6.11 658 5269 2110 1792 1.6 + 35 44 7 A 4.86 6 ' . 3 5220 2289 _ _ 50.6 + 89 1 A 6.60 94. 5270 561 1.7 + 69 10 4 H 7.03 . . 5221 1920 50.7 + 32 51 1 F? 6.69 2. . 5271 770 1.9 + 64 26 1 A 6.54 3 . . 5222 2797 50.8 - 8 22 1 H? 6.21 87 . 5272 2171 1793 1.9 + 17 15 5 A 3.90 523 5223 2262 1770 51.1 + 9 25 1 A 6.46 345 5273 2974 1794 2.4 -16 39 1 H 6.74 n?6 5224 1274 51.5 + 59 26 1 H 6.96 1 . . 5274 1982 2.5 + 32 6 2 F 6.44 1 . . 5225 2033 1771 51.6 + 41 32 4 F 5.56 4.4 5275 2112 1795 2.6 + 10 30 4 I 5.98 n nn 5226 1566 51.7 + 45 53 1 H 6.70 1 . . 5276 427 2.7 + 74 22 5 A 6.95 7 . . 5227 1438 52.2 + 52 33 1 H 6.92 p. . 5277 1577 2.7 + 51 20 1 E 6.90 2 . . 52-28 1772 52.2 -26 4 2 A? 6.28 . 32 5278 2615 1796 2.9 + 07 8 A 4.50 ^40 5229 1702 52.3 + 50 37 4 A 6.24 8 . . 5279 2149 1797 3.1 + 12 28 4 A B K . R 5230 225 52.6 + 84 25 5 H 7.12 6. . 5280 886 3.2 + 63 25 1 H 6.92 4. . 5231 399 52.7 + 75 14 4 H 6.80 4. . 281 2998 3.8 -10 24 4 A 6.29 3R. 5232 1824 52.8 + 28 15 1 A? 6.76 S . . 5282 3036 3.8 -15 7 5 A 5.98 57 . 5233 2183 1775 52.9 + 12 56 4 A 5.23 3 . 1 5283 1721 _ 4.0 + 50 1 H 6.64 6. . 5234 1242 1774 53.0 + 57 18 4 H 6.38 n . 7 5284 2818 5.0 -11 36 4 A 6.36 45. 5235 481 53.1 + 72 54 3 E 7.09 P 5285 2972 5.1 7 55 4 A 6.04 22 . 5236 550 53.5 + 69 12 1 E 7.23 5 . . 5286 3101 1799 5.2 -12 19 8 F 5.73 124 5237 1946 1777 53.9 + 30 8 1 II 6.62 6 . 7 5287 1725 5.4 + 49 8 1 H 6.79 0. . 5238 2148 1779 53.9 + 21 49 1 A 6.62 1 . 1 5288 328 5.7 + 79 26 14 A 6.33 4 . . 5239 2276 1780 54.5 + 3 52 2 II 6.63 .720 5289 2820 1800 5.7 -11 51 9 K? 4.93 nn n 5240 1781 54.5 -23 28 3 E 6.09 . 10 5290 2217 6.2 + 13 51 1 A? 6.63 4. . 5241 552 54.9 + 69 16 1 E 7.13 7 . . 5291 3096 6.3 - 6 49 5 A 6.01 p3. 5242 2301 1782 54.9 + 8 32 6 M? 6.23 n n n 5292 1461 6.5 + 52 1 F? 7.01 3 . . 5243 1964 1783 55.3 + 32 26 3 A? 6.06 3 . 1 5293 1244 6.7 + 58 29 5 A 6.48 5 . . 5244 1245 55.7 + 57 44 1 H 7.13 7 . . 5294 1585 7.4 + 51 4 A 6.50 0. . 5245 1231 56.4 + 58 35 2 A? 6.84 6. . 5295 380 7.5 + 75 57 1 H 7.12 P 5246 1246 56.6 + 57 9 1 E? 7.02 8 . . 5296 2301 1802 7.6 + 57 1 II 6.44 \24 5247 2164 1784 57.2 + 22 26 3 A 5.63 3 . 5297 2870 7.9 -18 39 1 H? 6.36 43 . 5248 2079 57.3 + 42 29 1 A 6.87 0. . 5298 1246 1804 8.3 + 60 31 3 H 6.77 5 . 6 5249 632 57.4 + 67 46 3 H? 6.90 1 . . 5299 2165 9.0 + 21 41 1 E 6.52 0. . 5250 1234 57.6 + 60 9 1 H 6.97 V 5300 1250 9.2 + 60 39 6 F 6.54 2 . . i THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 61 1O* D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D.C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Kesid. m. o / m. / 5301 489 . 9.6 + 73 35 9 P 6.36 1 . . 5351 337 17.2 + 81 42 4 F 7.30 6. . 5302 534 9.8 + 71 34 8 A 6.13 2. . 5352 3133 17.2 -17 32 1 E 6.38 SB. 5303 003 9.8 + 70 30 1 E 7.31 9. . 5353 3147 17.3 -12 55 1 A 6.52 53 . 5304 2122 10.3 + 35 41 1 H 6.66 1 . . 5354 2120 1830 17.4 + 34 25 3 A 5.93 1 . 5305 1981 1808 10.6 + 29 48 4 A 5.32 7. 1 5355 2987 17.4 -19 22 3 A 5.88 66. 5306 767 1807 10.8 + 65 36 12 A 5.8-J . 1 5356 2301 18.1 + 6 12 2 E 6.44 34 . 5307 2338 1809 10.8 + 18 14 1 E 6.60 4. 5357 2123 1832 18.4 + 34 13 2 H 6.60 8 . 7 5308 491 10.9 + 72 57 6 H 7.00 6. . 5358 2911 1833 18.4 - 3 35 6 A 5.85 541 5309 2005 1810 11.0 + 43 25 5 A 3.85 3, 2 5359 152 18.6 + 86 34 1 E? 7.80 6. . 5310 2207 1811 11.0 + 24 R. 5360 297 1831 19.0 + 83 4 11 F 5.07 1 . 2 5311 2209 1812 11.1 + 23 55 4 F 4.09 5 R . 5361 2358 19.1 + 2 52 1 A 6.68 02 . 5312 329 11.2 + 79 17 5 A 7.11 9. . 5362 2361 19.3 + 2 54 1 A? 6.73 30 . 5313 2228 1814 11.3 + 14 13 1 H 6.53 8 . 6 5363 60 19.4 + 88 23 1 H 7.90 6. . 5314 287 11.7 + 83 19 7 H? 7.02 2 5364 1404 19.7 + 53 8 1 H 6.82 7 . . 5315 1732 11.7 + 50 5 1 H 7.04 3. . 5365 160 19.9 + 85 45 3 A? 7.91 6 . . 5316 2207 11.8 + 23 37 1 E 6.38 1 . . 5366 1390 20.0 + 54 54 2 H 6.94 1 . . 5317 2885 11.8 -18 48 1 A 6.26 74. 5367 2351 1835 20.0 + 9 17 1 H 6.76 886 5318 1867 12.6 + 27 55 2 A 6.31 4. . 5368 2128 1834 20.2 + 34 18 6 A 4.95 5 . 1 5319 3001 1815 12.6 - 7 34 7 A 5.73 213 5369 161 20.8 + 84 55 4 A 7.34 2 . . 5320 1473 12.7 + 51 55 2 A? 6.66 . . 5370 2365 20.8 + 3 26 1 A 6.83 70 . 5321 1973 12.8 + 44 33 1 E 6.98 5 . . 5371 3146 1836 20.8 - 6 34 1 A 6.47 555 5322 1940 1818 13.2 + 48 55 3 H 6.56 6.4 5372 2930 20.8 -19 6 1 A 6.36 pp. 5323 330 13.4 + 78 51 5' H 7.17 1 . . 5373 2328 21.0 + 4 26 2 A 6.53 52. 5324 568 1817 13.4 + 69 15 10 A 5.91 1 . 5374 1263 21.1 + 60 5 2 II 6.72 2 . . 5325 1820 13.5 -28 30 2 II? 6.01 . 25 5375 3052 1837 21.2 -16 20 4 K? 5.49 nun 5326 2345 13.6 + 18 13 1 A 6.70 5 . . 5376 3062 21.3 - 5 56 1 A 6.48 74. 5327 1366 1819 13.8 + 54 18 3 E 6.62 4. 1 5377 901 21.5 + 63 24 1 A 6.77 7. . 5328 1367 14.1 + 54 43 3 H 6.56 1 . . 5378 2123 21.6 + 42 6 5 A 6.02 p. . 5329 2466 1821 14.3 + 19 59 3 F 5.31 6.5 5379 1961 1838 21.9 + 49 21 3 A? 6.50 3 . 1 5330 2851 1822 14.3 -12 2 4 A 6.33 21.? 5380 2080 1840 22.1 + 37 13 6 I? 5.27 n. 9 5331 1823 14.4 + 20 21 5381 2152 1841 22.3 + 10 16 3 A 5.86 p50 5332 2467 1824 14.4 + 20 21 4 E 3.72 n . n 5382 3153 22.6 -17 47 1 A 6.42 66. 5333 300 14.6 + 82 1 1 H 7.55 5. . 5383 671 22.8 + 66 8 6 H 6.87 3 . . 5334 486 14.7 + 72 41 3 A? 7.19 p. . 5384 436 23.2 + 73 50 6 H 7.08 1 . . 5335 301 14.9 + 81 47 1 H? 7.63 P 5385 307 23.4 + 82 32 6 A 7.26 9 . . 5336 2897 15.0 - 8 34 1 A 6.26 04. 5386 788 23.4 + 63 51 2 H 7.08 4. . 5337 2114 15.1 + 42 21 2 A 6.21 5. . 5387 1394 23.4 + 55 20 1 H 7.00 4. . 5338 234 1816 15.2 + 84 46 14 A 5.57 6 . 5388 2021 23.4 + 30 15 1 H 6.72 1 . . 5339 2352 1825 15.9 + 2 47 4 A 6.31 233 5389 2251 23.4 + 13 48 1 A 6.63 p. . 5340 412 16.1 + 75 18 1 H? 7.35 8. . 5390 789 1843 23.6 + 64 45 10 A 6.07 1 .2 5341 2847 1826 16.1 - 4 55 1 F 6.43 656 5391 437 23.7 + 74 18 3 E 7.07 1 . . 5342 2076 16.3 + 41 44 4 E 6.16 3 . . 5392 2929 23.7 - 3 14 2 B 6.09 63. 5343 3097 16.3 -13 17 2 A? 6.47 02. 5393 1604 24.0 + 51 31 1 E? 6.90 3 . . 5344 3129 16.3 -17 29 1 E 6.43 4. 5394 1605 24.0 + 51 5 3 E 6.58 4. . 5345 2115 1827 16.4 + 42 5 M 4.88 n . n 5395 658 24.2 + 66 49 4 E 6.93 3. . 5346 2192 1828 16.5 + 15 29 3 A 5.89 443 5396 2357 1845 24.2 + 39 26 5 A 5.72 5. 1 5347 237 16.8 + 84 4 1 E 7.79 7 . . 5397 1459 1844 24.3 + 56 30 9 F 5.60 9 . 7 5348 2904 16.8 -23 13 1 E 6.34 23 . 5398 2097 24.3 + 40 59 1 H 6.90 6. . 5349 664 1829 16.9 + 66 4 15 A 5.12 1 . 1 5399 2057 24.3 + 29 5 1 H 6.72 3. . 5350 3045 16.9 -22 2 2 A 6.31 42. 5400 2395 1846 24.4 - 2 14 6 A 5.23 230 62 AXNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1O 1 D. C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. DC. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 5401 2323 m. 24.6 o / + 20 1 E 6.72 83. 5451 3100 1875 m. 33.7 ' -16 22 3 K 5.79 656 5402 3080 24.9 -21 32 1 E 6.67 5p. 5452 2925 33.9 -11 56 4 A 5.88 65. 5403 2663 1850 25.2 -08 6 A 5.04 327 5453 S59 34.5 + 77 57 10 A 6.80 2. . 5404 343 1847 25.7 + 81 1 9 H 6.67 6.8 5454 2386 , 34.6 + 18 35 1 E 6.86 7. . 5405 404 26.0 + 77 14 2 H 7.12 7. . 5455 583 1876 34.7 + 68 58 8 H? 6.49 n. 6 5406 8181 1854 26.1 -13 5 5 A 5.48 542 5456 1916 34.8 + 28 2 1 F 6.21 3 . . 5407 438 26.2 + 74 21 7 A 6.84 6. . 5457 1427 35.1 + 53 30 2 F 6.68 3. . 5408 1999 1852 26.2 + 32 54 4 A 5.81 3. 1 5458 2236 35.1 + 15 28 1 E? 7.14 p . . 5409 393 1851 26.6 + 76 14 17 K 5.85 8 . 7 5459 678 1877 35.2 + 66 14 10 H? 6.17 n . n 5410 2260 26.8 + 24 57 1 A 6.49 3 . . 5460 2259 35.8 + 17 24 1 E 6.70 8. . 5411 2255 1856 26.9 + 14 39 2 H 6.34 3 . 6 5461 586 1878 35.9 + 69 36 11 I? 6.03 n. 8 5412 576 27.5 + 69 22 1 E? 7.19 p. . 5462 2364 1879 3G.3 - 1 13 2 H 6.75 336 5413 1381 27.5 + 54 5 A 6.12 7 . . 5463 1621 36.9 + 51 20 1 H 6.95 5 . . 5414 2101 1857 27.5 + 40 57 6 A 4.90 3. 2 5464 2390 37.1 + 18 46 1 H 6.76 2 . . 5415 2166 1859 27.5 + 9 49 6 A 3.99 110 5465 1286 1881 37.4 + 57 43 5 A 5.71 1 .0 5416 308 27.6 + 82 6 1 H 7.30 4 . . 5466 2366 37.5 + 18 55 1 H? 6.76 7. . 5417 2154 1860 27.8 + 35 31 4 A 5.49 5 . 5467 2375 37.5 + 46 1 H 6.58 pi. 5418 8844 28.3 + 23 52 1 E? 6.58 4. . 5438 1927 1883 37.6 + 26 51 4 A 5.53 8. 1 5419 354 28.4 + 78 36 4 F 7.20 6. . 5469 1657 1882 37.7 + 46 44 4 A 5.50 3.8 5420 8210 28.5 + 20 49 1 E 6.67 8. . 5470 2253 1884 38.0 + 23 42 5 A 4.99 5. 1 8421 579 28.8 + 69 26 1 E 7.29 6. . 5471 2384 1885 38.1 + 5 16 1 H 6.74 657 5422 1277 1861 28.8 + 57 36 8 F 5.63 9,4 5472 617 38.2 + 67 56 1 A? 6.50 3 . . 5423 2274 28.8 + 12 54 1 A 6.88 9. . 5473 2368 38.4 + 18 51 1 H 6.61 1 . . 5424 310 29.3 + 82 27 1 E 7.83 p. . 5474 2514 38.8 + 20 17 3 A 6.21 6. . 5425 2330 1863 29.6 + 7 28 4 H 6.03 35M. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dee. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Kosi.l. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Resid. m. o / m / 5601 2284 2.2 + 21 42 1 A 6.47 8. . 5651 24.75 8.8 + 2 49 1 P 6.53 73. 5602 1466 2.3 + 53 21 1 H 6.98 2 . . 5652 366 8.9 + 78 51 8 H 7.12 1 . . 5603 2318 2.3 + 23 52 2 A 6.08 4. . 5653 2234 1951 9.0 + 15 59 7 A 3.61 3.1 5604 161 2.5 + 86 11 8 A 7.24 0. . 5654 2573 9.1 + 20 34 1 E? 6.82 9. . 5605 375 __ 2.5 + 78 19 4 H 7.26 8 . . 5655 3210 9.2 -16 20 1 H 6.79 7n. 5606 362 2.6 + 81 29 4 E 7.27 9. . 5656 2422 9.5 - 43 1 H 6.71 83. 5607 1351 __ 3.0 + 59 45 1 H 6.96 3 . . 5657 823 9.9 + 65 27 1 H 7.21 2 . . 5608 2288 3.1 + 21 34 1 H 6.92 9. . 5658 2322 1952 9.9 + 23 39 2 M 5.98 n . n 5609 632 1936 3.3 + 67 45 7 A 5.97 5. 5659 1979 10.0 + 28 7 2 A? 6.41 4. . 5610 1304 3.3 + 58 24 2 H 6.84 2. . 5660 1362 10.1 + 59 40 1 A 7.01 p. . 5611 2318 3.4 + 17 45 1 H 6.80 . . 5661 421 10.3 + 75 54 1 H 7.17 4. . 5612 2344 1938 3.5 + 25 12 6 A 5.51 5. 1 5662 654 10.3 + 69 45 1 E 7.14 P- 5613 2111 3.7 + 30 35 1 H 6.78 4. . 5663 1480 1953 10.3 + 53 19 2 E? 6.28 2. 1 5614 1223 3.8 + 61 18 1 E 7.08 2 . . 5664 3141 10.3 -19 5 1 A 6.26 74. 5615 1942 3.9 -27 32 1 A 5.64 . '22 5665 1318 _ 10.5 + 60 28 4 A 6.35 3. . 5616 1425 4.0 + 54 38 1 A? 6.84 3. . 5666 438 10.6 + 74 53 2 F? 6.58 8. . 5617 1897 1941 4.0 + 45 3 4 K 4.59 n . 11 5667 2367 1954 10.6 + 13 51 1 H 5.93 504 5618 2409 4.1 - 47 1 A 6.21 P 7. 5668 '2378 10.8 + 13 9 1 A 6.13 9. . 5619 64 4.2 + 88 11 2 A 7.10 4. . 5669 3104 10.8 -22 22 1 F 6.31 86. 5620 2084 4.5 + 33 4 1 H 6.89 6. . 5670 252 11.0 + 83 53 1 E 7.98 4. . 5621 2224 4.8 + 16 26 1 H 6.89 1 . . 5671 1807 1955 11.1 + 50 2 1 H 6.69 7. 7 5622 352 4.9 + 79 26 1 H? 7.51 5. . 5672 3312 11.1 - 2 55 1 E 6.35 P 5. 5623 2313 5.0 + 23 14 1 A? 6.63 9. . 5673 3085 11.5 - 3 25 1 A 6.19 85. 5624 3317 5.2 - 6 50 1 A? 6.62 41 . 674 1235 _ 11.6 + 60 49 1 H 6.63 1 . . 5625 2326 5.6 + 21 52 1 H 6.87 1 . . 5675 3315 1956 11.6 - 3 6 4 A 4.84 163 5626 1426 5.7 + 54 41 3 A 6.22 8 . . 5676 3344 1957 11.9 - 6 35 2 A 5.82 722 5627 602 1945 5.8 + 68 50 7 A 6.05 2. 6 5677 2409 1958 12.1 + 2 34 1 I 6.28 869 5628 1353 5.8 + 59 27 1 E 6.96 . . 5678 1983 12.4 + 27 54 2 A 6.41 1 . . 5629 1226 6.1 + 61 44 3 A 6.66 p. . 5679 2189 12.4 + 26 1 2 A 6.45 9. . 5630 2301 6.5 + 14 56 2 A 6.19 6. . 5680 439 12.6 + 75 37 1 II 7.31 5 . . 5631 603 6.7 + 69 18 1 E 7.18 p. . 5681 691 __ 12.7 + 67 13 6 A? 6.69 1 . . 5632 3095 1946 6.7 -22 17 4 A 4.76 024 5682 423 12.8 + 76 43 1 E 7.40 9. . 5633 635 6.9 + 67 52 3 H 6.80 3 . . 5683 2343 12.8 + 22 44 1 E 6.73 2. . 5634 1446 6.9 + 55 26 3 A 6.20 5. . 5684 1959 12.9 + 32 6 2132 4 G 4.67 n . 9 5635 1309 7.0 + 56 56 1 H 7.02 3. . 5685 1960 12.9 + 32 6 5636 2162 7.1 + 36 21 2 E 6.72 1. . 5686 1172 13.1 + 62 43 1 H 6.81 5 . . 5637 7.1 -26 16 1 H 6.57 3. . 5687 2098 1961 13.1 + 33 39 4 K? 5.15 n . n 5638 3321 1947 7.5 -17 57 2 A 5.97 222 5688 2319 13.2 + 12 32 1 E? 6.27 7. . 5639 1508 7.8 + 55 56 1 E 6.76 7. . 5689 3049 __ 13.2 - 4 31 1 II? 6.79 4p. 5640 3321 - 7.8 -13 23 1 E 6.67 5p. 5690 13.6 -23 48 1 II 6.73' . 2. 5641 2206 8.0 + 33 59 1 H 6.70 1 . . 5691 2225 1962 13.7 + 38 44 2 A 4.83 0. 5642 3051 8.0 -12 15 1 A 6.53 7F. 5692 2321 , 13.7 + 14 49 1 A 6.29 P 4. 5643 8.3 -25 55 1 E 6.53 . B . 5693 2411 13.8 + 2 12 1 II 6.47 02 . 5644 526 8.4 + 72 33 6 A 6.76 2. . 5694 2099 14.1 + 33 21 1 II 6.69 P 5645 2572 8.5 + 20 41 1 E 6.72 8. . 5695 2428 14.3 - 1 6 1 H 6.16 8p. 5646 456 8.7 + 74 1 1 H 7.16 7. . 5696 3345 1963 14.4 -14 14 3 K 4.74 998 5647 2761 1948 8.7 + 29 4 A 5.16 153 5697 1368 14.6 + 59 19 1 A 7.10 7. . 5648 2332 8.8 + 24 23 1 E 6.84 p. . 5698 952 14.7 + 62 54 1 E 7.11 9. . 5649 2298 1949 8.8 + 21 5 7 A 3.20 9.4 5699 692 1964 14.8 + 67 38 6 H 6.58 4.2 5650 2476 1950 8.8 + 8 37 1 I 6.16 814 5700 1912 15.0 + 45 32 1 F 6.29 5. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 65 11 DC. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 5701 2475 15.2 + 17 52 2 A 6.40 8 . . 5751 22.6 -25 18 1 H 6.50 .4. 5702 1558 15.4 + 52 18 1 E 6.86 3. . 5752 2504 1978 22.8 + 3 25 2 H 5.38 4is 5703 15.4 -27 47 1 H 6.68 . 4. 5753 2442 22.8 -19 1 H 6.26 83. 5704 3265 15.5 - 9 45 1 H 6.80 51 . 5754 332 22.9 + 82 39 1 E 7.79 5 . . 5705 1369 15.7 + 59 1 1 E 7.30 5 . . 5755 2443 23.0 - 21 1 A 6.26 P7. 5706 2484 15.8 + 5 25 1 E 6.54 pF . 5756 3272 23.2 -15 20 1 A 6.30 7F. 5707 2490 15.8 + 2 57 1 E 6.88 PF. 5757 644 23.3 + 67 59 1 H 7.21 1 . . 5708 385 16.0 + 77 56 7 F 6.95 2 . . 5758 2506 23.3 + 3 20 1 A? 6.73 pF . 5709 2437 1965 16.0 + 6 35 6 A 4.05 311 5759 1183 1979 23.4 + 62 19 5 F 6.04 4.2 5710 1316 16.1 + 57 37 5 A 6.19 3. . 5760 701 23.5 + 67 29 3 F 6.97 2. . 5711 3098 16.2 - 3 49 1 A 6.79 pp . 5761 243S 1980 23.7 + 39 54 5 A 5.20 2. 5712 2440 16.3 + 7 11 1 E 6.40 P 4. 5762 2270 24.0 + 30 58 2 A? 6.73 3. . 5713 2482 16.7 + 9 43 1 A 6.31 p4. 5763 645 24.1 + 68 41 1 E 7.12 p. . 5714 828 1966 16.9 + 64 53 7 A 5.83 2. 1 5764 1324 1981 24.2 + 57 17 3 A 6.23 3. 3 5715 2421 17.3 + 40 44 1 H? 6.75 3 . . 5765 3128 24.2 - 3 54 : E 6.94 9a. 5716 2083 1967 17.4 + 44 2 3 H? 6.05 7 . 9 5766 3258 __ 24.3 -16 48 KF. 5717 3154 17.5 - 8 17 1 A 6.46 04 . 5767 3259 24.3 -16 49 1 E 6.59 RP . 5718 2443 18.1 + 78 1 H 6.60 94. 5768 183 24.4 + 85 15 5 H 7.46 0. . 5719 2782 18.2 + 41 1 H 6.77 63 . 5769 2266 1983 24.5 + 15 59 1 H 6.24 . 2 5720 8367 1968 18.4 -18 14 2 E 5.57 326 5770 2512 24.5 + 89 1 E 6.35 P 5. 5721 2234 18.5 + 37 46 1 E 6.53 3 . . 5771 1468 24.6 + 54 55 1 H 6.84 1. . 5722 2351 18.5 + 17 42 2 A 6.35 8 . . 5772 3298 24.6 - 9 31 1 E 6.60 4F. 5723 2348 1969 18.7 + 11 5 6 G 4.49 455 5773 1984 24.6 -23 55 2 A 5.63 . Kl 5724 2418 1970 18.9 + 1 58 1 I 6.17 227 5774 24.7 -24 27 1 H 6.62 P 5725 3275 19.3 - 5 21 1 E 6.48 55 . 5775 2163 24.8 + 30 32 2 E 6.33 5 . . 5726 369 19.5 + 81 6 1 E 7.74 P 5776 373 1982 24.9 + 81 41 10 A 5.78 4. 3 5727 3260 1971 19.6 -10 18 1 I 5.70 n37 5777 2061 25.0 + 49 29 2 A 6.63 4. . 5728 2335 1972 19.8 + 11 59 1 H 6.37 316 5778 1880 25.0 + 47 12 1 H 6.81 0. . 5729 3244 1973 19.8 -17 8 3 A 4.35 222 5779 1326 25.1 + 57 17 2 E 6.48 7. . 5730 3136 19.8 -22 17 1 H 6.41 pp. 5780 2122 1985 25.1 + 43 44 3 F 6.11 1 .2 5731 2153 19.9 + 30 19 1 E 6.92 5 . . 5781 3360 1987 25.2 - 2 27 2 K? 5.60 636 5732 2521 19.9 - 1 39 2 E? 6.10 P 7. 5782 2459 1986 25.3 + 18 58 3 H 6.14 4-4 5733 3372 20.2 -18 3 1 E 6.57 66. 5783 25.3 -25 15 1 H 6.55 . 3. 5734 2154 20.3 + 30 32 2 F 6.43 1 . . 5784 2214 25.4 + 41 51 2 E? 6.51 3. . 5735 1518 1974 20.4 + 56 24 3 H 6.38 2 . 5 5785 665 1988 25.5 + 69 53 9 M? 5.42 n . n 5736 2356 1975 20.4 + 17 1 2 F 5.65 4. 1 5786 1952 25.5 + 48 29 2 H 6.82 3. . 5737 2021 20.5 + 27 19 1 F? 6.36 6. . 5787 1330 25.7 + 60 15 3 A 6.54 3. . 5738 2461 20.5 + 3 51 1 A 6.13 p8. 5788 2062 25.7 + 49 20 2 A? 6.78 3. . 5739 356 20.6 + 80 19 1 F 7.25 p . . 5789 2123 25.8 + 32 51 1 H 6.79 2. . 5740 2463 20.7 + 4 25 2 F? 5.93 p6. 5790 2513 26.2 + 3 37 1 F 6.68 pp. 5741 2349 20.9 + 23 16 1 E? 6.78 2 . 5791 2505 26.4 + 18 19 2 A 6.30 p. . 5742 2222 21.0 + 34 3 E 6.33 5. . 5792 2216 26.5 + 42 1 1 H 6.91 6. . 5743 3265 21.0 -20 2 1 A 6.34 74. 5793 2345 1990 26.6 + 14 55 1 E 6.09 3. 5744 608 21.5 + 68 59 1 E 7.28 9. . 5794 1246 1989 26.7 + 61 38 4 F 5.71 3.1 5745 3420 21.5 -20 48 1 A 6.03 p9. 5795 3285 26.8 -20 13 1 H 6.19 12. 5746 2502 1976 21.7 + 3 34 1 I 6.28 p22 5796 2192 26.9 + 36 47 2 H 6.82 3. . 5747 661 21.9 + 70 21 1 A 6.91 p . . 5797 2447 26.9 - 1 14 1 A 6.30 PR. 5748 3098 1977 22.2 -11 48 2 F? 5.78 230 5798 3307 26.9 - 5 55 1 H 6.73 02. 5749 1926 22.5 + 45 26 1 H 6.74 1 . . 5799 1991 27.3 -28 43 1 E 5.65 .R& 5750 1927 22.5 + 45 7 2 A 6.74 1 . . 5800 2507 27.7 + 18 34 1 H 6.86 6. . 66 AXKALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 11 D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesiil. D.O. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o ' m. ' 5801 3250 27.7 - 7 16 1 H 6.42 10 . 5851 2478 33.9 + 6 36 1 H 6.85 pp . 5802 375 28.0 + 81 22 1 E 7.81 p. . 5852 1331 34.0 + 58 31 5 A 5.86 4 . . 5803 3295 1995 28.2 -15 43 1 E 5.85 45/ 5853 34.0 -24 9 1 H 6.27 . 2. 5804 170 28.3 + 86 10 5 E 7.34 3 . . 5854 2483 34.4 + 19 33 1 A 6.66 8 . . 5805 650 28.3 + 68 8 1 A? 7.21 P 5855 3470 34.5 -12 37 1 H 6.58 46 . 5806 724 28.4 + 65 48 1 E 6.91 3. . 5856 3211 34.6 - 8 55 1 H? 6.74 5 F . 5807 2195 28.6 + 37 23 1 H 6.72 5 . . 5857 3420 34.8 -13 55 2 A 5.67 85 . 5808 2372 29.0 + 11 35 2 A 6.22 5. . 5858 SS2S 34.8 -16 4 1 H 6.59 ,90 . 5809 337 29.2 + 81 50 1 E 7.74 B. . 5859 384 35.0 + 81 8 1 E 7.39 p. . 5810 2521 1996 29.3 + 3 37 3 A 5.60 661 5860 2378 35.0 + 24 16 3 A 6.37 5 . . 5811 3096 29.3 - 4 58 1 F 6.08 97. 5861 2525 35.3 + 5 41 1 A 6.84 pp . 5812 838 29.4 + 81 51 B E B B. . 5862 2597 35.3 + 1 31 1 A 6.62 74. 5813 2374 1998 29.5 + 17 21 5 A 5.50 2. 2 5863 2530 35.5 + 9 13 1 A 6.61 pp. 5814 1473 1997 29.6 + 55 20 4 A? 6.05 . 2 5864 3271 35.5 - 7 51 1 H? 6.91 IP. 5815 3099 29.7 - 4 24 1 A 6.59 pp. 5865 2891 2010 35.6 + 21 54 3 H? 5.92 4.4 5816- 669 29.8 + 70 8 1 H 7.10 2. . 5866 2270 2011 35.7 + 34 46 4 G? 5.70 6 . 1 5817 2331 29.9 + 20 59 1 H 6.72 2 . . 5867 1481 36.4 + 55 43 1 H 7.10 6 . . 5818 3144 29.9 - 3 48 1 H 6.39 13 . 5868 2179 2013 36.4 + 32 18 4 F 5.81 2. 1 5819 670 1999 30.2 + 69 53 8 K 5.93 7.4 5869 2236 36.5 + 41 48 2 A? 6.66 2 . . 5820 2377 2000 30.5 + 11 28 3 A 6.17 6 . 5870 714 2015 36.9 + 67 18 6 H? 6.12 8 . 6 5821 3132 30.5 -11 51 1 E 6.48 pp . 5871 2443 36.9 + 12 51 1 E 6.58 4. . 5822 2022 2001 31.0 + 28 20 4 A 5.71 3. 1 5872 2375 37.0 + 22 46 3 A 6.30 2 . . 5823 2501 31.1 + 3 51 1 E 6.78 7P. 5873 2530 37.0 + 5 18 1 H 6.74 pp. 5824 2394 31.3 + 25 35 2 A 6.49 3 . . 5874 37.0 -23 50 1 H 6.43 . 6. 5825 392 31.4 + 78 9 3 H 7.03 8 . . 5875 2589 37.3 + 2 55 1 E 6.78 7r . 5826 2470 31.5 + 6 40 1 H 6.55 83. 5876 2492 37.5 + 18 48 2 E 6.41 6. . 5827 3290 31.5 -16 18 1 H 6.54 5P. 5877 3399 37.7 - 2 59 1 A? 6.54 7P. 5828 3201 31.6 - 8 45 1 E 6.86 IP. 5878 260 38.0 + 83 59 1 A 7.54 9. . 5829 3202 2002 31.6 - 9 15 5 A 4.50 .752 5879 386 38.1 + 82 53 2 H 7.45 3. . 5830 1677 31.8 + 51 42 1 H 7.11 2. . 5880 2033 38.2 + 28 36 1 H 6.91 4. . 5831 2458 2003 31.8 - 16 3 K 5.11 476 5881 1506 38.4 + 52 58 1 A 6.72 3 . . 5832 972 32.1 + 63 15 4 F 6.92 1 . . 5882 3388 38.5 -14 29 1 A 6.21 87 . 5833 1943 32.2 + 45 17 1 A 6.24 3 . . 5883 8840 38.8 -67 1 H 6.08 43 . 5834 2465 32.2 + 6 50 1 A 6.35 P 4. 5884 532 38.9 + 73 42 3 H 7.18 4- 5835 1679 2004 32.4 + 51 10 2 H 6.45 4- 7 5885 2250 39.1 + 25 47 2 H? 6.50 3 . . 5836 857 32.8 + 64 43 2 A 6.79 9. . 5886 3333 39.4 -20 8 1 A 6.54 74. 5837 2169 32.9 + 32 27 1 E 6.64 9 . . 5887 363 39.5 + 80 33 1 E 7.61 p . . 5838 2110 2005 33.0 + 44 10 4 A 5.76 2 . 3 5888 674 39.5 + 70 29 4 A 6.91 4. . 5839 2523 33.0 + 9 26 1 H 6.56 22 . 5889 2206 39.6 + 29 13 3 A 6.30 7 . . 5840 3424 33.1 -17 39 1 H 6.63 4F. 5890 3460 2016 39.7 -17 47 2 H 5.42 425 5841 1894 2007 33.2 + 47 23 3 P 6.28 2 . 1 5891 2545 2017 40.1 + 8 49 4 A 4.94 140 5842 843 2006 33.3 + 64 53 4 A 6.26 4. 5892 172 40.2 + 86 5 2 A? 8.00 2 5843 2242 33.3 + 34 12 1 H 6.70 4. . 5893 2479 2019 40.7 + 76 2 K 5.45 n n ii 5844 2532 2008 33.3 + 8 42 1 M? 6.26 248 5894 1693 40.8 + 51 7 1 A 6.70 6 . . 5845 2546 33.3 - 1 53 1 H 6.45 33. 5895 1966 2018 40.8 + 48 20 6 K? 4.92 9 . n 5846 1947 33.5 + 45 40 2 F 6.59 1 . . 5896 374 41.2 + 79 16 1 F 7.50 P 5847 455 33.6 + 75 35 1 H 7.41 4. . 5897 1544 2020 41.6 + 56 11 6 H? 6.41 7. n 5848 2218 33.6 + 40 48 1 E 7.30 3. . 5898 851 41.7 + 64 57 3 A 6.72 4. . 5849 3466 2009 33.6 -12 39 3 F? 5.70 511 5899 1198 41.8 + 61 58 5 A 6.23 3 . . 5850 974 33.8 + 62 57 3 F 6.84 0. . 5900 1862 42.6 + 50 23 4 A 6.54 5 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. C7 I i"_i2 h D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1'JOO. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 5901 2858 2022 m. 42.8 + 20 46 3 P 4.79 8 . 2 5951 3211 __ m. 51.9 o / -11 33 1 E 6.59 6E. 590-2 2549 2023 42.8 + 8 48 4 A 5.18 860 5952 2253 2046 52.1 + 40 55 4 A 6.60 1 . 2 5903 2214 43.3 + 28 59 1 E 6.92 1 . . 5953 52.5 -26 29 1 H? 6.37 . 6. 5904 2216 43.5 + 29 21 3 A 6.34 5. . 5954 2546 52.6 + 18 2 2 A 6.50 0. . 5905 8381 43.5 + 14 51 1 A 5.84 P 5955 3322 52.7 - 7 59 1 H 6.51 13 . 5906 662 43.7 + 67 53 2 E 6.85 2 5956 388 52.8 + 81 11 2 E 7.50 5. . 5907 ' 2024 43.7 -26 11 1 H 6.17 .45 5947 667 52.8 + 68 22 1 H 7.21 5 . . 5908 2383 2025 44.0 + 15 8 3 A B E . E 5958 2174 53.0 + 32 50 5 A? 6.29 4. . 5909 2402 2026 44.1 + 16 48 2 A 6.05 5. 2 5959 3213 53.0 - 3 49 1 E 6.39 35. 5910 2284 2027 44.5 + 35 29 5 F 5.95 7.4 5960 1989 53.4 + 48 19 1 E 6.52 7. . 5911 339 _ 45.2 + 83 13 5 A 7.42 6. . 5961 2047 53.8 -25 21 1 A 5.90 . 84 5912 3363 45.3 -15 18 1 H 6.35 20 . 5962 2176 2048 54.1 + 33 43 2 H 6.55 6 . 6 5913 434 45.4 + 75 54 3 F 7.12 2. . 5963 1207 54.2 + 61 53 1 A 6.94 1 . . 5914 2489 2028 45.5 + 2 20 4 G 4.40 n77 5964 101 54.6 + 87 33 1 A 7.35 6. . 5915 1198 R B E E E * 5965 370 54.7 + 80 9 5 E 7.19 3. . 5916 2029 45.6 -26 43 1 H 6.46 . 30 5966 2279 54.8 + 34 36 5 A 6.24 4. . 5917 2465 2030 45.8 + 12 50 1 A 6.43 2Z4 5967 2556 2049 54.9 + 4 13 4 A 5.18 660 5918 3152 2032 45.9 - 4 46 1 H 6.13 114 5968 2238 55.0 + 37 17 3 F 6.82 P 5919 628 46.0 + 69 24 4 A? 6.64 4. . 5969 389 55.1 + 81 25 7 M? 6.86 7. . 5920 2264 2031 46.0 + 33 56 5 A 6.22 0. 1 5970 1983 55.2 + 45 11 3 A 6.79 . . 5921 3508 46.0 -12 46 1 F 6.58 5F. 5971 636 55.5 + 69 45 3 A? 6.81 2 . . 5922 3190 46.3 -11 38 1 E 6.39 IF . 5972 3413 2050 55.6 - 9 52 1 E 6.00 405 5923 1491 46.9 + 54 49 1 H 7.04 2 . . 5973 698 55.7 + 70 47 6 A 6.19 3 . . 5924 2285 2034 46.9 + 38 31 2 A? 6.63 1 . 2 5974 2181 55.7 + 33 31 2 H 6.90 P 5925 2367 47.3 + 20 58 1 E 7.02 . . 5975 2502 2051 55.8 + 7 11 4 A 4.75 314 5926 2307 47.6 + 16 1 A 6.54 5 . . 5976 3295 2052 55.8 -19 6 4 A 5.23 537 5927 475 47.9 + 73 51 1 H 7.35 1 . . 5977 2520 55.9 - 1 12 1 II 6.66 11 . 5928 476 48.3 + 74 19 8 F 6.65 1 . . 5978 2482 56.1 + 12 56 1 A 6.38 84. 5929 1475 2036 48.6 + 54 15 8 A 2.89 4.3 5979 381 56.2 + 79 38 1 E 7.42 p. . 5930 2268 48.6 + 34 11 3 A 6.77 . . 5980 599 56.5 + 71 25 1 H 7.38 2 . . 5931 2624 48.7 + 1 7 2 A 6.27 53. 5981 863 56.5 + 65 29 3 A 6.79 0. . 5932 550 48.8 + 72 28 3 E 7.11 0. . 5982 2230 2053 56.5 + 36 36 3 I 6.29 866 5933 2092 49.5 + 49 28 1 H 7.23 3 . . 5983 2430 56.6 + 22 39 2 F? 6.58 1 . . 5934 2037 49.7 -25 9 1 E 5.85 . Q2 5984 2179 2054 57.1 + 43 36 7 A 5.39 8 . S 5935 2560 2038 49.9 + 90 1 E 6.26 827 5985 404 57.8 + 78 15 2 E 7.61 P 5936 1913 2039 49.9 + 47 2 4 A 6 Ifi B> A 5986 3499 57.8 -77 1 H 6.72 41- 5937 1914 2040 50.0 + 47 1 *jt XX \J 1 \J n. 4 5987 355 58.3 + 82 15 4 H 7.29 3 . . 5938 666 50.3 + 67 49 2 A? 7.00 . . 5988 638 58.5 + 69 35 1 H 7.09 5 . . 5939 2319 2041 50.6 + 16 12 6 A 5.49 5. 1 5989 3192 58.5 - 4 55 1 A 6.28 97 . 5940 1343 2043 50.7 + 57 9 4 II 6.50 5 . 7 5990 2543 58.7 + 68 2 E 6.09 P 6. 5941 2248 50.8 + 41 12 1 H 7.10 2, . 5991 439 58.8 + 76 37 6 A? 6.97 7 . . 5942 2223 50.8 + 35 54 3 F 6.58 1 . . 5992 3425 58.9 - 9 44 1 A 6.25 35. 5943 3358 2044 50.9 -16 35 4 A 5.09 33.T 5993 2437 2055 59.2 + 22 1 4 A 5.82 '2.1 5944 2225 51.1 + 36 1 4 F 6.54 1. . 5994 439 E B B B B 5945 2070 ' 51.2 + 27 15 2 A? 6.55 2. . 5995 2430 59.6 + 16 51 1 H? 6.80 8. . 5946 2256 51.3 + 42 35 1 H 6.97 0. . 5996 176 59.8 + 86 8 5 F 6.98 n . . 5947 757 51.4 + 65 47 2 H 6.66 2 . . 5997 46(} 0.0 + 77 19 5 E 6.95 4. . 5948 1204 2045 51.7 + 62 6 4 H 6.65 4.4 5998 2284 0.0 + 34 18 1 II? 7.00 3. . 5949 3532 51.8 -13 11 1 E 6.32 44. 5999 2583 2057 0.1 + 9 18 3 I 5.03 887 5950 8210 51.9 - 4 13 1 E 6.54 32. 6000 461 2056 0.2 + 77 28 10 H 6.19 4-4 68 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 12' B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn. Resld. m. / m. o r 6001 484 0.2 + 74 1 E 7.31 1 . . 6051 1504 2072 9.8 + 53 59 3 H 6.81 1 . 5 6002 1608 0.5 + 52 29 1 E 6.82 4 . . 6052 3606 2073 9.8 -20 17 1 H 6.34 212 6003 999 2058 0.6 + 63 30 4 H 6.74 7 . 6 6053 3468 2074 10.0 - 9 43 i E 6.15 001 6004 3460 2059 0.9 - 2 34 1 H 6.45 130 6054 1943 2075 10.3 + 47 40 1 E 6.91 4.R 6005 644 1.1 + 69 15 5 E 6.81 2. . 6055 610 2076 10.4 + 70 45 5 H 6.43 4.5 6006 3238 1.7 -11 41 1 B 6.34 04. 6056 1363 2077 10.5 + 57 35 5 A 3.71 4.8 6007 3291 1.9 -23 12 1 E 6.44 65. 6057 3322 10.6 -22 47 1 F 6.20 65. 6008 2491 2.1 + 13 33 1 F 6.38 p4. 6058 3424 2078 10.7 -16 59 4 A 3.28 n86 6009 2417 2.4 + 23 36 1 H 6.88 1 . . 6059 2436 2079 10.9 + 15 28 3 A 5.02 141 6010 2587 2.4 + 54 1 H 6.94 PF . 6060 549 11.0 + 73 7 4 H 6.71 2 . . 6011 2.5 -23 24 1 E 6.29 . 6. 6061 1285 11.1 + 60 49 1 E 6.98 5 . . 6012 3345 2.7 - 7 56 1 H 6.96 OP. 6062 2284 2080 11.1 + 41 13 3 H 6.85 n . 8 6013 2656 2.9 + 1 11 1 E 6.72 8p. 6063 3488 11.1 - 2 41 1 E 6.85 ft. 6014 2331 3.0 + 31 37 1 A 6.93 3 . . 6064 2443 2081 11.2 + 24 30 2 I 5.54 2 . 3 6015 2501 3.1 + 40 13 3 A? 7.02 2. . 6065 2213 2082 11.5 + 33 37 3 H 6.13 n . n 6016 1568 3.1 + 56 1 R . . 6066 2516 11.7 + 40 8 1 E 6.65 6. . 6017 1569 ,^_. 3.2 + 56 1 1 H? 6.96 R . . 6067 380 11.9 + 80 41 COO R . . 11 F ? D.OO 6018 2060 3.3 -24 10 3 F 4.62 .43 6068 381 11.9 + 80 41 R . . 6019 3562 3.6 -17 52 1 E 6.67 58. 6069 3442 11.9 -16 8 3 A 5.56 P 6. 6020 3246 4.3 -11 17 1 H 6.49 5 E . 6070 1510 12.5 + 53 45 3 H 6.88 8 . . 6021 2496 4.4 + 39 11 3 A? 7.01 0. . 6071 2275 2083 12.5 + 29 30 2 A 5.72 1 . 1 6022 2517 2061 4.6 + 2 28 1 H 6.52 114 6072 12.8 -23 27 1 E 6.34 . 7 . 6023 3219 4.7 - 4 40 1 E 6.58 2F. 6073 3263 2085 13.0 - 3 23 1 F 5.94 961 6024 469 4.9 + 75 13 7 F 6.30 4. . 6074 2100 13.2 + 27 52 1 E 7.01 5. . 6025 2559 2062 5.0 + 6 22 2 A? 5.59 951 6075 657 13.4 + 69 21 1 H 7.54 2. . 6026 3403 5.0 -16 58 1 E 6.38 63 . 6076 3514 13.4 -13 51 1 H 6.77 SF. 6027 3487 2063 5.0 -22 3 4 K 4.63 n n n 6077 2219 13.5 + 33 18 2 A 6.49 7. . 6028 406 5.1 + 77 57 5 H 7.09 1 . . 6078 2350 13.5 + 30 49 3 A 6.43 1 . . 6029 8518 5.3 - 7 13 1 A 6.17 25. 6079 2920 13.6 - 14 3 A 5.94 42. 6030 5.3 -24 24 1 A 6.42 P 6080 107 2086 13.7 + 87 2 F 6.85 3 . 5 6031 2446 2064 5.5 + 17 22 2 A 6.05 0. 3 6081 3603 13.8 -12 59 1 E 6.67 pp. 6032 2084 2065 5.7 + 27 50 2 A 5.91 . 2 6082 2326 14.0 + 26 34 1 A 6.20 4. . 6033 2508 5.8 + 40 27 3 A 6.68 4. . 6083 2448 14.3 + 23 35 2 A 5.88 4. . 6034 3305 2066 5.9 -23 2 3 A? 5.36 642 6084 71 2092 14.4 + 88 15 2 A 6.70 2.4 6035 3478 6.3 - 3 13 1 E 6.54 25 . 6085 470 2084 14.4 + 75 43 12 A 5.28 5. 1 6036 3429 6.3 -16 14 1 H 6.49 83. 6086 2106 14.5 + 28 43 1 F 6.46 0. . 6037 356 2067 6.5 + 82 16 8 H 6.81 1 . 5 6087 2589 14.8 + 6 13 1 H 6.69 pp . 6038 2321 6.5 + 34 50 1 H 6.70 3. . 6088 2926 2088 14.8 -06 4 A 421 n 2 2 6039 196 6.6 + 85 38 3 A 7.68 5. . 6089 2130 2087 14.9 + 49 32 3 H 6.63 9 . n 6040 2583 6.6 + 4 37 1 F 6.34 P 7. 6090 2280 14.9 + 29 1 2 A 6.47 5. . 6041 2316 2068 6.7 + 26 25 1 H 6.50 8 . 6 6091 3511 15.0 -21 37 1 E 6.22 33. 6042 2265 6.9 + 29 6 1 E 6.47 2. . 6092 2324 15.3 + 38 28 2 H 6.88 4. . 6043 411 7.1 + 78 11 A 6.31 p. . 6093 2114 2089 15.3 + 27 11 1 H 6.15 v.4 6044 2398 2069 7.1 + 21 6 3 H 6.17 2 . 6 6094 2329 . 15.3 + 26 34 1 A 6.20 1 . . 6045 412 2070 7.5 + 78 10 13 A 5.12 . 6095 2604 2090 15.3 + 3 53 1 H 5.78 636 6046 2440 2071 8.4 + 10 50 4 A 5.87 501 6096 3514 2091 15.4 -21 39 4 A 5.12 124 6047 269 8.8 + 84 4 2 E 7.69 2 . . 6097 742 15.6 + 66 57 8 A 6.41 4. . 6048 387 9.0 + 79 1 E 7.59 P C.098 2592 2094 15.6 + 18 21 I 5.55 n57 6049 751 9.2 + 66 40 1 H 7.03 2. . 6099 2115 2093 15.7 + 27 37 1 F 6.26 3 . 1 6050 3235 ~ 9.2 - 5 10 1 F 6.08 85. 6100 2362 15.8 + 16 5 1 A? 6.79 3 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 69 12' D. C. DM. ii. p. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 6101 3614 2095 15.8 -13 1 I 5.72 705 6151 1444 2122 25.3 + 58 57 4 A 5.47 2 . 1 6102 1371 2096 16.1 + 58 25 2 H 6.44 4.6 6152 1631 2123 25.3 + 52 5 2 E 6.71 9.4 6103 2495 16.4 + 25 34 1 E? 6.74 8 . . 6153 1446 25.4 + 59 19 1 H 6.55 4- . 6104 274 16.5 + 83 56 1 H 7.58 4. 6154 700 2124 25.7 + 69 45 2 M 6.29 n . n 6105 1227 16.8 + 62 19 1 E? 7.25 3 . . 6155 2517 2125 26.0 + 25 7 4 A 5.34 0. 2 6106 1955 17.0 + 47 44 2 H 6.61 1 . . 6156 1554 2126 26.1 + 53 37 2 A? 6.58 1.4 6107 2469 17.0 + 17 17 1 F 6.10 7. . 6157 763 26.4 + 66 27 5 A 6.32 2. . 6108 2498 2097 17.2 + 25 19 2 A 5.79 7 . 1 6158 569 26.7 + 71 52 1 H 6.90 1 . . 6109 2337 2098 17.5 + 26 24 4 A 5.60 6 . 8 6159 3489 2128 26.9 -15 38 3 A 4.83 234 6110 2599 17.5 + 5 52 1 E 6.29 83. 6160 3552 2129 27.4 -13 18 2 A? 5.97 SIS 6111 1229 17.6 + 62 2 1 H 7.05 3. . 6161 666 27.5 + 69 3 1 E 6.98 0. . 6112 3557 18.0 - 6 44 1 H 6.72 13. 6162 570 27.7 + 72 44 1 A 7.07 5. . 6113 3268 18.1 - 4 25 1 H 6.74 20 . 6163 473 28.0 + 75 22 1 H 7.35 4- 6114 2100 18.2 -24 17 1 H 6.12 . 12 6164 3416 28.1 -19 14 1 A 5.41 88 . 6115 3487 18.3 - 5 34 1 H 6.68 5F. 6165 252S 28.6 + 24 50 3 A 6.11 2. . 6116 2218 2101 18.9 + 43 5 5 A 6.31 0.4 6166 3372 2131 28.6 - 8 54 4 A 5.29 043 6117 2343 19.1 + 26 23 1 A 6.40 6. . 6167 2332 2132 28.7 + 33 48 1 F 6.70 n . ii 6118 1626 2102 19.2 + 52 7 4 H 5.61 4.6 6168 2321 2133 29.0 + 41 53 4 F 5.21 7. 9 6119 2344 2103 19.3 + 26 39 3 A 5.50 2.4 6169 3401 2134 29.1 -22 50 3 K 4.20 i: n n 6120 2345 19.5 + 26 9 2 A 6.40 1 . . 6170 703 2135 29.2 + 70 20 9 A 3.99 7. 2 6121 3467 2104 20.0 -11 3 3 A 5.61 454 6171 559 29.4 + 73 2 1 E 7.08 1 . . 6122 - 20.0 -25 26 1 H 6.44 . 6. 6172 2475 2136 29.9 + 23 10 4 A 4.85 0. 1 6123 2455 2106 20.2 + 24 29 1 H 6.64 6.4 6173 2584 2137 30.0 + 18 56 8 H 5.68 n37 6124 1294 20.3 + 61 14 1 E 7.13 2. . 6174 2490 30.2 + 22 26 1 H? 7.08 6. . 6125 1373 20.3 + 57 19 1 H 6.93 5 . . 6175 705 2141 30.5 + 70 34 3 K 6.13 n . n 6126 180 20.4 + 85 52 1 A 7.98 4 . . 6176 3521 30.7 -19 58 1 A 5.54 p9. 6127 896 2107 20.4 + 64 22 3 H 6.51 5 .2 6177 2551 30.9 + 40 14 2 A 6.85 2. . 6128 276 20.7 + 83 59 3 E 7.61 3 . 6178 400 31.2 + 80 48 10 F 6.78 0. . 6129 3510 20.8 -14 23 1 II? 6.71 F . 6179 669 31.6 + 69 34 1 E 7.14 2. . 6130 2521 2108 21.0 + 39 34 5 H 6.02 6 . 7 6180 3535 2142 31.7 - 5 17 3 A 5.75 121 6131 2115 2109 21.4 + 27 49 3 A 5.49 4-4 6181 2504 2143 31.9 + 17 38 1 H 6.75 n . n 6132 1533 21.8 + 55 43 3 A 6.50 5 . . 6182 707 32.7 + 70 44 1 H 6.92 1 . . 6133 2288 2110 22.0 + 28 49 4 I 5.76 n . n 6183 2631 2145 33.0 + 3 50 3 A 5.93 644 6134 2134 2111 22.0 + 27 22 4 A 5.38 2 . 3 6184 2560 2146 33.3 + 2 25 1 H 6.22 211 6135 565 22.1 + 72 29 3 H 6.71 2 . . 6185 3668 2148 33.5 -17 42 1 E 6.08 101 6136 2278 22.2 + 36 55 2 E? 6.87 2 . 6186 2312 2149 33.9 + 41 25 2 A 6.56 4. 5 6137 2307 2112 22.6 + 41 55 3 A? 6.69 2 . 1 6187 2479 34.0 + 23 12 1 H 7.13 1 . . 6138 2138 22.7 + 26 47 3 A 6.42 1 . . 6188 3452 2150 34.1 - 7 26 2 H 5.57 649 6139 2352 22.7 + 26 27 1 A 6.85 3 . . 6189 575 34.2 + 72 41 1 A 7.02 p . . 6140 1598 2114 2.8 + 56 16 1 H 6.71 7 . 8 6190 2439 2152 34.2 + 21 36 3 H 6.35 7. n 6141 2631 23.2 + 4 57 1 A 5.74 PP 6191 389 34.3 + 79 46 10 F 6.77 1 . . 6142 2038 23.3 + 45 21 2 A? 6.79 2. . 6192 690 34.4 + 68 5 1 E 7.51 p. . 6143 2353 2116 23.8 + 26 27 2 A? 6.65 6.B 6193 2295 2153 34.4 + 36 31 3 A 6.35 4- 1 6144 1925 23.9 + 50 12 1 H 6.94 4. . 6194 182 34.6 + 86 17 5 A 7.40 9 . . 6145 2354 2117 23.9 + 26 28 7 A 5.39 6 .E 6195 561 35.6 + 73 33 1 H 7.29 3. . 6146 2464 2118 24.4 + 24 39 3 F 5.74 . 2 6196 2396 35.7 + 30 56 1 H 7.13 1 . . 6147 2424 2119 24.7 + 21 27 5 A 5.80 0. 1 6197 1416 35.9 + 60 5 1 E 7.02 P 6148 3482 2120 24.7 -15 57 3 A 3.40 R43 6198 671 36.1 + 69 20 1 E 7.43 6. . 6149 746 24.8 + 67 27 1 E 7.39 9 . . 6199 3676 2154 36.1 -12 28 3 F 5.50 222 6150 365 ~ 25.3 + 82 33 4 F 7.28 1 . . 6200 2397 36.2 + 30 59 1 A? 6.93 1 . . 70 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 12' D.C. DM. H. P R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp Magn. Rcsicl. D.C. DM. H.P R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Rexid m. / m / 6201 8434 36.6 + 10 58 1 A 6.77 2. . 6251 775 47.3 + 69 50 1 A 6.80 p . 6202 2155 36.6 - 54 0252 2430 _ _ _ 47.4 + 16 40 3 A? 6.60 1 . . 2601 3 V 3.81 ii R n 6203 2156 36.6 - 54 6253 3593 48.1 -30 2 E 6.44 22 . 6204 S442 36.6 -19 12 1 E 6.06 n . G254 289 2188 48.3 + 83 58 15 A 4.98 R ' 6205 462 36.9 + 76 28 1 E 7.54 3 . . 6255 290 2189 48.4 + 83 57 R . 6206 2485 2157 36.9 + 10 48 4 A 5.10 110 6256 2519 2184 48.4 + 21 48 5 H 5.94 7. 8 6207 2568 2158 36.9 + 7 22 2 A 5.65 420 6257 2772 48.6 + 20 2 3 H 6.88 4. . 6208 1026 2159 37.2 + 63 16 4 A 5.74 8 . 3 6258 3725 48.7 -17 29 1 6.43 RR . 6209 1814 37.5 + 46 25 1 H 7.00 2. . 6259 3726 48.7 -17 30 J. RR . 6210 400 37.7 + 79 34 2 E 7.51 P 6260 2614 48.8 + 19 37 1 H 6.96 5. . 6211 286 38.0 + 84 12 7 E 7.15 2. . 6261 2602 2185 48.9 + 12 58 2 A 6.38 410 6212 2383 38.4 + 26 40 2 A? 6.80 0. . 6262 588 49.1 + 72 6 1 A 6.85 p. . 6213 1312 38.7 + 61 42 1 H 6.79 3 . . 6263 3570 2187 49.1 -11 6 2 A 5.94 121 6214 2385 38.7 + 26 12 2 A? 6.60 9. . 6264 3449 2186 49.2 -90 1 M 6.01 78u 6215 711 39.1 + 70 29 1 E 7.51 8 . . 6265 1426 49.3 + 60 3 1 A 7.16 8. . 6216 768 39.1 + 66 29 2 F 7.12 2. . 6266 2369 2190 49.5 + 34 5 4 A 6.45 1 . 6217 2305 39.4 + 36 19 1 A 7.02 3 . . 6267 1627 2191 49.6 + 56 30 7 A B R . R 6218 2221 2162 39.8 + 44 39 3 A 6.75 7.4 6268 2522 49.7 + 22 39 1 E 7.13 1 . . 6219 403 40.2 + 78 47 1 E 7.78 P 6269 2003 2192 50.4 + 47 45 1 H 7.16 n . n 6220 2570 2163 40.3 + 39 50 2 F 6.59 5 . 7 6270 3002 50.5 + 36 1 H 6.91 41 . 6221 2504 40.5 + 14 55 2 A 6.59 P 6271 2669 2193 50.6 + 3 57 3 M 5.36 nn n 6222 2639 2165 40.6 + 8 13 1 A 5.55 412 6272 3605 50.6 -14 47 2 A 6.06 13. 6223 2468 2166 41.3 + 10 6 1 H 6.36 035 6273 470 51.1 + 75 57 2 H 7.07 3. . 6224 2533 2167 41.6 + 17 8 2 II 6.50 n,'> n 6274 3379 51.1 - 4 19 1 E? 6.59 6 B . 6225 402 41.8 + 81 10 11 A 5.82 5. . 6275 3608 51.2 -14 25 1 H 6.81 7 F . 6226 2660 42.0 + 6 30 1 A? 6.09 64. 6276 1564 51.3 + 55 30 1 E 6.30 P 6227 2420 42.2 + 16 9 1 H 7.04 3 . . 6277 2632 51.3 - 24 1 E 6.61 pi. 6228 2512 2168 42.2 + 12 30 2 A 6.37 105 6278 2195 51.4 + 38 52 OKQfl R . R 6229 395 42.4 + 80 28 1 II 7.41 0. . 6279 f*U\j\J 2196 51.4 + 38 52 6230 1034 2171 43.0 + 63 20 6 A 5.84 2. 1 6280 778 2197 51.5 + 65 59 5 A 5.49 5 . 2 6231 2546 43.3 + 14 6 2 A 6.28 25. 6281 1556 2198 51.9 + 54 39 4 A 5.91 3 .2 6232 764 2173 43.5 + 67 20 3 H 6.59 n. 8 6282 2234 52.1 + 44 6 1 A 6.93 4. . 6233 2568 2175 43.9 + 25 24 2 E 6.64 6 . 2 6283 2696 52.1 + 8 50 1 E 6.66 73 . 6234 2549 2174 43.9 + 14 41 2 A 5.54 4. 2 6284 3456 52.1 - 8 22 1 F 6.31 56. 6235 630 44.1 + 71 29 1 H 7.29 3 . . 6285 2604 52.4 + 1 58 1 E 6.57 p3. 6236 2163 2176 44.1 + 49 1 3 A 6.46 5.3 6286 1833 2199 52.6 + 46 44 1 H 6.90 4- 7 6237 1S20 2177 44.3 + 60 52 3 F 6.15 2 . 2 6287 407 52.8 + 79 1 1 H 7.74 7 . . 6238 2153 2178 44.4 + 28 6 4 A 5.86 3. 1 6288 3482 2200 52.8 -22 31 1 H? 6.75 421 6239 3543 44.5 -15 20 1 A 5.85 7p. 6289 677 52.9 + 69 8 1 H 7.48 0. . 6240 903 44.8 + 65 17 1 A 7.15 8 . . 6290 2490 52.9 + 9 53 1 E 6.76 P 6241 583 45.0 + 72 42 1 H? 7.47 8. . 6291 1407 53.0 + 58 14 1 A 6.79 P 6242 2502 45.3 + 23 24 2 H 7.13 6 . . 6292 70S 53.1 + 67 47 1 II 7.10 6 . . 6243 2373 2179 45.4 + 38 4 2 A 5.83 2. 1 6293 369 53.2 + 83 3 7 H 7.27 2 . 6244 2612 46.2 + 19 43 1 H 7.06 1 . . 6294 378 53.4 + 82 41 3 A 7.54 P 6245 3569 46.2 - 9 47 1 H 6.65 11 . 6295 636 53.6 + 71 17 1 F 6.93 9. . 6246 407 46.6 + 80 57 2 H 7.33 3. . 6296 2348 53.8 + 28 52 3 A 6.86 1 . . 6247 1037 46.7 + 63 31 1 F 6.82 7. . 6297 2531 53.8 + 22 35 2 A? 7.18 4. . 6248 2156 2181 46.8 + 28 6 4 E 5.76 8 . 8 6298 3605 53.8 - 5 33 1 A 6.58 TV. 6249 2613 47.0 + 19 42 2 A 6.86 1 . . 6299 2682 2201 54.0 + 17 57 3 M? 6.27 n . n 6250 2551 2182 47.2 + 17 37 1 E 6.95 7 . . 6300 495 54.2 + 77 45 1 E 7.74 8. . THE DRAPKR CATALOGUE. 71 D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Kesld. m. o / m. / 6301 913 54.4 + 65 27 1 H 6.96 0. . 6351 3608 4.4 -15 59 1 A 6.19 66 . 6302 680 54.5 + 69 14 1 H 7.43 2 . . 6352 3636 4.5 - 9 48 1 II 6.60 IS . 6303 3384 2202 54.5 - 3 16 2 A 6.09 122 6353 2595 4.8 + 17 22 1 H 7.00 2 . . 6304 2171 54.8 + 28 37 1 E 6.86 4. . 6354 3430 2224 4.8 -50 4 A 4.58 SIS 6305 2496 54.8 + 10 3 1 II 6.81 5. . 6355 2407 2225 5.0 + 37 57 2 H 6.93 9 . 7 6306 2641 55.0 - 39 1 H 6.86 PF . 6356 521 . 5.1 + 73 53 4 A 6.87 8 . . 63~07 3635 55.2 -13 22 1 E 6.87 4F . 6357 2611 2228 5.1 + 39 4 4 A 6.04 3. 3 6308 681 ^_ 55.3 + 69 19 1 E 7.58 4. . 6358 2226 5.1 + 18 4 6309 398 55.4 + 80 28 3 E 7.18 P 6359 2697 2227 5.1 + 18 4 5 F 5.16 278 6310 638 55.5 + 71 8 1 H 7.18 0. . 6360 2614 2229 5.5 + 39 2 3 A 6.14 1 . 6311 2434 2204 55.5 + 31 20 5 H 6.22 n . n 6361 3640 5.6 - 9 34 1 E? 6.85 pp . 6312 3609 2203 55.5 - 2 50 1 E 6.75 577 6362 3612 5.8 -16 33 1 E? 6.54 7 F . 6313 2311 55.7 + 32 18 1 H 7.14 8. . 6363 1056 5.9 + 62 47 4 A 6.11 3 . . 6314 2622 55.7 + 18 55 3 E 6.51 0. . 6364 2550 6.0 + 21 46 2 F 6.82 2. . 6315 473 2205 55.9 + 76 7 H 6.46 5 . 3 6365 24U 6.1 + 34 51 2 E 7.11 3. . 6316 2702 56.1 + 4 53 1 A 6.79 5r. 6366 2230 6.3 -26 1 1 H? 6.28 . 34 6317 773 2206 56.2 + 67 8 3 H 6.36 6 . 8 6367 2552 6.7 + 22 28 2 A? 7.03 1 . . 6318 2573 56.2 + 17 40 3 H 6.67 . . 6368 3613 2231 6.7 -15 39 4 F 5.60 155 6319 1408 2207 56.5 + 56 55 4 F 5.52 5 . 7 6369 2327 7.3 + 32 39 3 A 6.96 3 . . 6320 2529 2208 57.2 + 11 30 5 K 4.72 n . n 6370 2193 2232 7.3 + 28 22 5 F 5.16 2 . 8 6321 927 2209 57.9 + 64 9 4 F 6.13 1 . 1 6371 2610 . 7.3 + 24 48 3 H 6.84 3. . 6322 2530 58.1 + 23 10 3 A 6.70 0. . 6372 1057 ^_ 7.6 + 63 42 1 E? 7.07 4. . 6323 3629 2210 58.4 -20 3 1 E 5.84 312 6373 2565 2233 7.6 + 12 5 1 H 6.52 5 . 8 6324 1439 58.6 + 60 16 4 A 6.07 4. . 6374 2703 7.6 + 4 35 1 E? 6.84 9F. 6325 412 58.7 + 81 24 6 E 6.97 0. . 6375 2648 2234 7.7 + 19 17 1 H 6.71 2 .E 6326 373 58.9 + 83 28 4 A 7.25 p. . 6376 3562 8.1 -18 18 2 A 6.07 27. 6327 187 59.7 + 86 25 2 A 7.80 8 . . 6377 2311 8.3 + 43 9 2 H 7.27 8 . . 6328 2786 59.7 + 50 1 H? 6.87 80. 6378 2649 2235 8.4 + 19 15 3 H 6.78 5 . 6329 3650 0.2 -21 32 1 E? 6.72 pp. 6379 2620 8.5 + 38 50 2 E 7.04 2 . . 6330 2578 0.6 + 13 46 1 H 7.03 4. . 6380 3651 2236 8.8 -19 24 2 H 6.00 212 6331 581 0.8 + 72 56 1 A 7.03 p. . 6381 2646 8.9 + 1 59 1 H 6.92 11 . 6332 2337 2213 1.0 + 36 20 10 A 5.32 2.0 6382 2311 9.1 + 33 4 3 H 7.12 1 . . 6333 1847 2214 1.4 + 45 48 3 H 6.57 6 . 9 6383 9.1 -23 45 1 E 6.58 . 3 . 6334 2487 2215 1.4 + 21 42 4 F? 6.50 5.4 6384 2633 2237 9.2 + 40 41 6 I 6.15 n . n 6335 2365 1.5 + 29 34 4 A 6.47 3 . . 6385 1425 9.5 + 57 14 2 E 6.82 2. . 6336 2538 2216 1.5 + 23 9 1 H 6.73 9 . 6 6386 2572 2238 9.5 + 11 52 2 H 6.52 158 6337 2587 1.5 + 22 48 2 A 6.68 2. . 6387 720 2239 10.1 + 67 49 1 H 7.05 3 .K 6338 583 2217 1.7 + 73 33 7 A 6.21 2 . 1 6388 506 _ 10.3 + 77 44 5 A 6.78 8. . 6339 2789 2.3 + 1 8 1 E 6.77 41 . 6389 2S52 10.5 + 35 58 3 A 6.71 1 . . 6340 1275 2220 2.4 + 62 35 2 H 6.65 6.4 6390 3653 2240 10.5 -19 25 2 H 6.05 136 6341 2185 2218 2.4 + 28 10 5 K? 6.42 n . n 6391 587 10.7 + 73 20 5 A 6.20 6. . 6342 3628 2219 2.7 -10 12 1 H 5.95 248 6392 1456 11.0 + 59 50 1 E 7.26 7. . 6343 2187 3.2 + 28 4 2 H 6.96 2 . . 6393 2374 2241 11.1 + 41 23 6 A 6.14 1. 4 6344 2599 3.2 + 25 21 1 H 7.04 2 . . 6394 2564 11.2 + 21 55 1 F 6.72 8. . 6345 3491 2221 3.3 - 8 27 1 I 6.16 733 6395 404 _ 11.3 + 80 11 1 H 7.39 1 . . 6346 3515 2222 3.6 -22 35 1 H 6.10 II.Vll 6396 2674 __ 11.3 - 52 1 F 6.61 62. 6347 2697 3.8 + 5 46 1 H 6.74 12 . 6397 2655 ^_ 11.4 + 19 36 2 H 6.86 2. . 6348 8495 4.0 -90 1 H 6.41 6p. 6398 416 _ 11.5 + 81 9 H 6.45 1 . . 6349 3641 4.2 -19 35 1 E? 6.45 pp. 6399 2814 2243 11.7 + 20 19 2 A 6.42 4.1 6350 2516 2223 4.3 + 10 33 1 H 6.32 423 6400 2657 11.8 + 19 26 1 H 6.91 3. . 72 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 13' D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 6401 2531 2244 11.8 + 9 56 3 F 5.63 405 6451 2578 2266 20.3 + 24 22 4 A 5.82 3 . 1 6402 2653 11.8 + 1 46 1 A 6.77 7F. 6452 307 20.6 + 84 25 6 A 7.18 8. . 6403 2611 11.9 + 17 34 1 E 6.70 3 . . 6453 2686 21.1 - 41 3 A 6.01 p2. 6404 3644 12.1 -10 57 2 A 6.54 34. 6454 1603 2267 21.2 + 55 30 6 A 4.52 5. 3 6405 2591 2245 12.3 + 14 12 a I? 6.23 746 6455 3516 2268 21.4 -12 11 1 M 6.28 u68 6406 8040 12.4 -09 2 A 6.21 52. 6456 1868 2270 22.0 + 46 33 2 H? 6.60 6.9 6407 8582 12.5 - 8 12 1 E 6.86 '2v . 6457 3668 2269 22.1 -15 27 2 H 5.80 S8n 6408 2722 2246 12.6 + 60 3 M 6.14 97n 6458 949 22.6 + 63 46 3 H 6.55 1 . . 6409 2380 2248 13.1 + 41 6 6 A 5.28 n . 6 6459 2621 2271 23.5 + 14 19 3 F 5.61 124 6410 694 2250 13.2 + 68 56 5 A 5.67 3. 4 6460 592 2272 23.6 + 72 55 4 M 6.67 7 . 6 6411 3813 2247 13.2 -17 45 3 H 5.60 688 6461 935 2273 23.7 + 65 15 5 F 6.33 B . s 6412 3554 2249 13.5 -22 39 5 K 4.58 it n n 6462 936 2274 23.8+65 13 K . 6413 418 _ 13.6 + 79 14 1 F 7.50 0. . 6463 1622 24.0 + 53 16 4 A 6.27 0. . 6414 3486 _ 13.6 -11 28 1 E 6.74 SF. 6464 2400 2276 24.1 + 41 15 1 H? 7.05 8 . 5 6415 3664 13.7 -19 28 1 H? 6.80 PF. 6465 1846 24.2 + 51 6 1 F 7.20 3. . 6416 2721 2251 13.8 + 4 13 2 A 6.33 420 6466 2575 2277 24.3 + 11 20 2 II 6.72 87n 6417 2410 13.9 + 34 37 3 H 6.97 8. . 6467 651 24.4 + 70 51 2 F 6.97 2. . 6418 1994 2253 14.0 + 50 12 6 A 5.07 1 . 1 6468 1847 2278 24.7 + 51 14 2 F 7.20 5 . 9 6419 2435 2254 14.5 + 35 39 4 A 6.31 4. 4 6469 1461 2279 24.8 + 60 28 3 A 5.30 . 1 6420 3652 14.5 -11 9 1 A 6.74 p4. 6470 2122 24.8 + 48 22 2 F 6.97 2 . . 6421 608 14.7 + 71 46 1 E 7.14 7 . . 6471 122 25.1 + 87 5 1 E 7.80 P 6422 1862 15.1 + 46 4 2 H 7.30 0. . 6472 3706 2280 25.2 - 5 57 3 A 6.18 441 6423 2736 15.6 + 5 22 2 A? 6.74 6F. 6473 741 25.3 + 70 38 1 H 7.11 2. . 6424 2758 15.7 + 3 28 3 A 5.96 p7. 6474 3830 25.9 -12 56 1 E? 6.57 24. 6425 2647 2255 15.9 + 40 40 2 H 7.10 n . n 6475 2281 26.0 -27 36 1 A 6.24 . 55 6426 3587 16.1 -18 58 3 A 6.01 34. 6476 422 2286 26.1 + 79 10 10 H 5.96 . 1 6427 3829 16.4 -18 13 1 E 6.62 4y . 6477 2262 26.3 + 26 54 2 F 6.85 0. . 6428 2265 16.5 + 44 31, 2 F 6.83 3 . . 6478 951 _ 26.5 + 64 42 1 A 6.89 1 . . 6429 390 16.6 + 82 2' 3 E 7.37 p . . 6479 3877 2282 26.6 -18 13 1 F 5.82 652 6430 1288 16.7 + 61 56 1 E? 7.24 3 . . 6480 311 26.7 + 83 49 6 E 6.99 5. . 6431 2435 16.7 + 38 23 2 E 7.03 2 . . 6481 77 26.8 + 88 4 1 H 7.95 5. . 6432 2664 2256 16.7 + 2 37 4 A 5.68 131 6482 3714 2283 26.8 - 5 45 1 M? 6.03 59n 6433 2111 16.8 + 47 49 2 H 7.27 8 . . 6483 2405 2287 27.0 + 42 36 2 H 6.97 7 . 8 6434 2722 17.0 + 18 16 1 E? 6.80 P 6484 2284 27.0 -28 11 1 A 5.67 . 21 6435 2625 17.2 + 25 25 1 F 6.59 2. . 6485 3739 2288 27.5 -14 51 1 H 6.36 647 64J5G 2737 2257 17.2 + 5 41 3 B 5.81 731 6486 2066 27.7 + 47 46 2 A 6.86 3 . . 6437 3650 2258 17.6 -17 13 2 H 6.33 n88 6487 2591 27.7 + 14 54 1 H 0.69 9 . . 6438 2269 2259 17.7 + 44 26 3 A 6.38 0. 6488 3711 2290 27.7 - 9 39 2 II 6.00 225 6439 3469 2260 18.1 - 4 24 1 H 6.84 877 6489 2421 27.9 + 37 19 2 H? 7.22 7 . . 6440 2765 _ 18.6 + 3 14 2 H 6.78 P 0. 6490 2643 2291 28.1 + 24 52 2 H 6.64 6 . 3 6441 222 18.8 + 85 17 8 E 7.31 3 . . 6491 2462 28.3 + 35 25 3 A 6.61 1 . . 6442 2053 _ 18.8 + 47 31 1 II 7.56 6 . . 6492 895 . 28.4 + 81 47 1 E 7.38 P 6443 2671 19.2 + 1 55 1 E? 6.87 2r . 6493 654 28.8 + 70 56 1 F 7.17 1. . 6444 3472 2261 19.3 - 4 39 3 E 6.08 213 6494 2430 28.9 + 34 10 1 H 7.25 7. . 6445 2404 2262 19.4 + 37 33 1 H 7.23 n.8 6495 2764 2292 29.1 + 4 10 6 A 4.98 021 6446 2663 19.5 + 12 57 2 H 6.83 31 . 6496 3843 2293 29.3 -12 42 4 A 5.83 lEl 6447 2346 19.8 + 32 37 1 A 7.29 0. . 6497 1880 29.6 + 46 6 2 F 7.35 1 . . 6448 2264 19.9 + 55 27 6498 3076 2294 29.6 -05 7 A 4.01 545 6449 1598 2265 19.9 + 55 26 6 A B R . K 6499 2658 2295 30.0 + 39 19 2 A 6.44 2 . 1 6450 3672 2263 19.9 -10 38 5 A B RRR 6500 1667 2298 30.3 + 55 52 8 A 5.59 4. 1 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 73 13* D. C. DM. H.P K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. B.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. 6501 2426 2297 m. 30.3 / + 37 42 4 F 5.63 5 . 6 6551 1733 2325 m. 40.1 + 52 s'2 5 A 5.83 4 . 1 6502 3515 2296 30.3 - 4 53 1 H 6.33 125 6552 3735 40.2 -15 16 4 A 6.00 75. 6503 2227 2299 30.4 + 49 32 6 A 4.91 1 . 1 6553 516 40.4 + 75 8 1 A? 7.04 P 6504 2587 30.5 + 23 1 2 A? 6.63 1 . . 6554 1485 40.4 + 60 89 3 A 6.70 2 . . 6505 2565 30.6 + 10 43 1 H 6.72 3. . 6555 3591 2326 40.6 -11 56 2 H 6.08 621 6506 2285 2300 30.9 + 44 43 2 A 6.74 2 . 2 6556 1683 2327 41.6 + 56 24 2 F 6.36 6. 1 6507 491 31.2 + 76 35 4 H? 7.02 3 . . 6557 2540 41.7 + 31 22 3 E 6.61 3 . . 6508 2301 31.3 -25 59 1 A 5.48 . 71 6558 2424 2331 42.0 + 41 36 K H A 6.26 6 . 5 6509 397 32.1 + 82 30 2 E 7.63 P 6559 2678 2330 42.0 + 39 4 H 6.76 8 . n 6510 2652 2302 32.3 + 25 7 1 H 6.59 6 . 7 6560 2494 2332 42.1 + 26 12 6 F? 6.27 3 . 6 6511 193 32.4 + 85 47 4 A? 7.61 1 . . 6561 466 2336 42.2 + 78 34 8 I 6.43 6 . 1 6512 747 32.4 + 70 37 4 A 6.71 3. . 6562 421 42.3 + 80 42 2 H 7.32 2 . . 6513 2014 32.5 + 50 2 H 7.34 8 . . 6563 2782 2333 42.5 + 17 57 6 F 5.23 657 6514 492 32.6 + 76 17 5 A 7.01 0. . 6564 2680 2334 42.7 + 39 3 4 H 6.44 9 . 9 6515 2433 2304 33.0 + 36 49 5 A 5.17 1 .2 6565 1634 2337 42.9 + 54 56 5 A 5.47 p.l 6516 2303 33.1 -29 3 1 E 6.34 . 07 6566 2027 2338 43.6 + 49 49 8 A B R . R 6517 2602 33.2 + 14 48 1 A 6.34 6. . 6567 2767 43.6 + 8 27 1 A 6.45 P 5. 6518 2591 33.3 + 23 2 1 E? 6.93 4. . 6568 2440 2339 43.8 + 42 33 2 H 7.47 n . 8 6519 516 2305 33.4 + 77 4 4 H 7.24 n.4 6569 2376 44.2 + 33 29 1 H 7.10 2 . . 6520 790 34.0 + 67 33 1 A 6.75 5 . . 6570 2547 2340 44.2 + 31 41 4 H 6.38 9 . 6 6521 2612 34.2 + 24 38 1 H 6.84 2. . 6571 3937 2341 44.5 -17 39 1 I 5.68 335 6522 2697 34.3 + 18 47 1 H 6.81 3. . 6572 2245 44.6 + 48 51 1 E? 7.33 2. . 6523 2589 2306 34.7 + 11 15 3 A 5.80 112 6573 2564 2343 44.6 + 16 17 5 M 5.64 n n n 6524 659 2307 34.8 + 71 45 5 I 6.29 5 . 7 6574 2814 44.7 + 8 54 3 A? 6.09 86. 6525 2141 35.2 + 48 25 1 F? 7.32 4. . 6575 2578 2344 45.0 + 21 46 3 I 5.95 9 . n 6526 1640 2309 35.7 + 53 26 5 A 5.44 4. 1 6576 2715 45.0 + 13 41 1 A? 6.28 8. . 6527 2526 2308 35.8 + 31 31 1 E? 7.28 n . n 6577 397 2345 45.1 + 83 15 9 I 6.36 1 . 1 6528 2858 2310 35.9 + 20 28 4 A 5.47 . 2 6578 2457 45.4 + 37 6 a A 6.48 0. . 6529 2248 2311 36.0 + 28 35 2 H 6.86 4.6 6579 2719 45.4 + 19 7 2 F? 6.61 6. . 6530 3645 36.0 -22 57 1 A 6.10 65. 6580 2579 45.6 + 21 45 E . . 6531 1859 36.3 + 51 2 3 F 6.60 4. . 6581 2580 __ 45.7 + 21 46 1 H 6.42 R. . 6532 2600 2313 36.3 + 23 1 3 H 6.30 8 . 5 6582 2359 _ 46.0 + 43 2 2 E 7.12 3 . . 6533 8674 2312 36.4 - 8 12 2 H 6.26 nCn 6583 500 46.4 + 76 4 1 A? 6.92 6. . 6534 417 36.7 + 79 52 1 H 7.78 S . . 6584 1318 2348 46.5 + 61 59 4 H 6.47 5.4 6535 1456 2314 36.8 + 57 42 4 A 6.15 1 . 6585 2492 2346 46.7 + 35 16 6 A 6.39 4. 6536 1625 2315 36.9 + 55 12 3 M 6.07 6 .n 6586 2493 2347 46.7 + 35 10 2 H? 6.61 8 . 6 6537 464 37.2 + 78 24 2 E 7.56 4. . 6587 1533 2350 47.1 + 59 2 4 A 6.25 3. 1 6538 2798 37.3 + 8 54 3 E 6.09 43. 6588 1663 47.3 + 53 47 1 A 6.43 P 6539 2775 2317 38.1 + 42 2 H 6.03 323 6589 2496 2352 47.4 + 34 57 5 H 6.11 4 n 6540 2431 2318 38.2 + 42 10 1 E 7.11 n. 7 6590 2635 2351 47.4 + 12 40 3 A 5.81 p. 3 6541 2474 38.3 + 35 30 2 E? 6.86 4. . 6591 2795 2353 48.4 + 18 25 1 E 6.20 3. 6 6542 953 2320 38.4 + 65 20 5 A 5.70 3. 1 6592 502 48.5 + 76 4 4 A 6.94 1 . . 6543 3540 2319 38.7 -50 1 A 6.33 721 6593 963 2356 48.5 + 65 13 4 M 6.05 n . n 6544 816 39.0 + 65 47 6 A 6.42 P 6594 724 2357 48.6 + 68 49 1 H 6.87 9.4 6545 2606 39.0 + 23 12 1 H 6.68 4- 6595 2464 2355 48.7 + 29 8 4 A 5.89 1 . 1 6546 3731 2321 39.1 -15'41 1 H 6.30 735 6596 2449 49.2 + 42 41 1 A 6.47 2. . 6547 1895 2323 39.3 + 46 1 2 H 7.30 8 . 6 6597 2384 49.6 + 33 20 1 H? 7.09 9. . 6548 2254 39.6 + 28 5 2 F 6.76 2. . 6598 2758 2358 49.6 -10 3 H 6.01 247 6549 519 39.7 + 77 20 8 A 6.33 1 . . 6599 3728 2359 49.7 - 7 33 1 F 6.33 521 6550 ~ 2324 40.0 -25 37 1 A 5.64 . 52 6600 422 49.9 + 80 25 3 H 7.20 2. . ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesi.l. m. o / m. / G601 2461 49.9 + 30 25 1 F? 6.82 5. . 6651 3817 2384 5.4 -15 50 1 M 6.30 n7n 6602 2725 2360 49.9 + 18 54 5 G 3.79 6 . 9 6652 1516 2386 5.7 + 59 48 1 H 6.86 9.5 6603 1630 2362 50.1 + 54 13 6 A 5.47 5. 6653 2895 5.7 + 1 17 2 A 6.42 66. 6604 431 , 50.4 + 79 29 8 II 7.04 4. . 6654 2737 2385 5.9 + 25 34 5 F 5/24 4-4 6605 2680 51.1 + 14 34 1 F 6.19 5 . . 6655 529 6.2 + 75 4 8 A 6.01 7. . 6606 2411 2363 51.2 + 32 31 3 E 6.49 0. 1 6656 278S 6.5 + 1 50 1 E 6.52 12. 6607 2865 2364 51.4 + 1 33 4 A 5.75 042 6657 2443 6.9 + 32 45 1 II 6.69 2'. . 6608 2473 51.5 + 29 10 2 A 6.47 5. . 6658 2867 2388 7.2 + 2 53 4 A 4.88 Ibl 6609 2508 51.6 + 26 25 2 E 6.65 2. . 6659 3878 2390 7.5 - 9 48 4 I 5.37 M n n 6610 2583 51.8 + 16 24 1 H 6.89 3. . 6600 774 7.6 + 70 4 5 A 6.69 5. . 6611 2278 2365 52.0 + 27 59 2 H 6.06 n . n 6661 736 8.1 + 69 20 1 H 7.03 5 . . 6612 452 52.4 + 81 16 4 II 6.97 2. . 6062 2796 8.5 - 22 3 F? 6.14 10. 6613 2593 52.4 + 21 27 1 H 6.92 1 . . 6663 478 2396 9.2 + 78 1 9 K 5.94 9 . n 6614 2366 52.9 -24 29 2 A 5.11 . 60 6664 2764 2392 9.3 + 13 26 3 F 5.88 314 6615 2687 __ 53.3 + 16 54 1 E 6.80 5. . 6665 2391 9.3 -28 49 1 A? 5.80 . 63 6616 2651 2367 53.8 + 15 8 1 H 6.34 4. 7 6666 2595 9.4 + 31 40 1 E? 6.58 6. . 6617 2650 2368 53.9 +22 11 5 A 5.51 0. 2 6667 2508 9.4 + 29 35 1 F 6.52 5. . 6618 1325 2370 54.4 + 61 59 1 H 6.84 1 . 7 6668 1782 2395 9.9 + 52 16 6 A 4.69 2 . 3 6619 2369 54.4 -24 31 1 A 5.26 .p6 6669 2654 2394 9.9 + 10 35 3 H 6.00 728 6620 2511 _ 54.5 + 26 18 2 A? 6.50 8. . 6670 4046 2393 9.9 -17 44 4 A 5.39 651 6621 434 _ 55.2 + 79 28 2 H 7.41 3. . 6671 2678 10.1 + 22 21 3 A 6.30 2. . 6622 433 55.2 + 78 53 8 E 7.05 7 . . 6672 778 2399 10.2 + 69 54 5 M? 6.49 n . n 6623 1676 ^_ 55.3 + 53 35 2 A 6.43 9. . 6673 2472 2397 10.3 + 42 2 H 6.71 6 . 7 6624 435 ^^ 56.2 + 79 11 2 E 7.29 8. . 6674 2707 10.5 + 24 9 1 A? 6.54 0. . 6625 2835 2372 56.4 + 9 22 5 A 5.80 251 6675 3843 2398 10.8 - 5 31 4 F 4.73 265 6626 2761 2373 56.6 + 22 7 A 4.65 422 6676 2777 2400 11.1 + 19 44 6 K B U . R 6627 2287 2375 56.7 + 27 52 3 A 6.13 2. 6677 3812 2401 11.3 - 2 44 4 A 5.98 451 6628 2813 _ 56.8 + 18 10 1 H? 6.80 0. . 6678 2779 11.4 + 19 23 4 A 5.93 8. . 6629 2424 __ 58.1 + 32 9 1 E 6.79 7. . 6679 S656 11.6 - 5 11 1 E? 6.23 87. 6630 3824 _ 58.3 -21 56 1 F 6.01 53 . 6680 1699 11.8 + 52 59 1 A 6.17 8. . 6631 2625 __ 58.6 + 11 16 2 A 6.17 82. 6681 2954 11.9 + 20 35 2 F 6.47 5. . 6632 2644 _ _ 58.7 + 22 59 3 F? 6.63 1 . . 6682 3846 11.9 -19 30 1 F 6.45 pF . 6633 2836 58.9 + 5 23 1 E 6.34 22. 6683 1948 12.1 + 46 1 1 H 6.90 4. . 6634 407 59.1 + 82 6 3 C 7.47 7. . 6684 2760 2402 12.3 + 40 13 2 F 6.35 1 . 1 6635 1889 2377 59.3 + 51 27 7 A 5.83 2. 4 6685 2451 12.3 + 32 40 1 A 6.84 2. . 6636 201 _ 59.4 + 86 14 5 F? 7.44 1 . . 6686 1949 2403 12.6 + 46 33 11 A 4.13 1 . 2 6637 733 __ 59.6 + 69 10 1 A 6.38 1 . . 6687 1784 2404 12.7 + 51 50 9 A 5.09 6 . 3 6638 1327 59.8 + 62 10 1 E 6.90 2 . 6688 1498 2405 12.8 + 57 9 4 F? 6.52 R . R 6639 2752 59.8 + 19 39 1 A? 6.81 P 6689 1499 2406 13.0 + 57 9 R . H 6640 3805 59.8 -15 51 1 A? 6.20 65. 6690 3789 13.1 -18 15 5 A 5.72 55 . 6641 2378 0.7 -26 12 3 K 4.82 . 11 n 6691 2407 13.3 -25 22 1 H 6.14 . 22 6642 3696 1.0 - 8 25 3 A 6.11 76. 6692 987 13.5 + 65 18 2 A 6.95 2. . 6643 3697 2380 1.4 - 8 50 4 A 5.78 821 6693 4018 2408 13.6 -12 55 5 A 4.77 022 6644 978 2381 1.7 + 64 51 9 A 3.98 6.4 6694 1908 13.8 + 51 46 4 A 6.04 8. . 6645 3671 3.1 -11 21 1 A 6.14 4p. 6695 2468 2409 13.8 + 35 58 6 I? 5.59 8 . 8 6646 2325 2382 3.9 + 44 20 3 H 6.48 n . n 6696 2188 14.1 + 48 27 5 E? 6.46 1 . . 6647 2177 _ 4.1 + 48 41 5 F? 6.62 1 . . (5697 2782 2411 14.4 + 13 28 5 F 5.48 235 6648 2047 2383 4.6 + 49 56 5 H 6.50 n . n 6698 2938 2410 14.4 - 1 48 3 H 5.87 937 6649 2660 5.1 + 11 51 1 A? 6.82 P 6699 1725 14.5 + 55 53 5 A 6.51 8 . . 6650 529 5.3 + 77 27 8 A 7.13 7 . . 6700 2913 2412 14.6 + 51 4 A 6.04 351 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 75 D.C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. DC DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Deo. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. m. o / m. / 6701 1788 15.1 + 52 30 2 A 6.47 8 . . 6751 2565 2436 28.0 + 38 45 6 A 3.45 6 . S 6702 2637 2413 15.1 + 16 46 5 H 6.02 7 . II 6752 2715 2435 28.0 + 22 42 3 F 6.13 8 . Z 6703 2290 15.2 + 49 3 1 A? 6.78 S. . 6753 447 28.3 + 78 57 7 F 7.02 2 . . 6704 1678 15.6 + 55 20 5 A 6.18 3 . . 6754 1136 2438 28.4 + 63 38 4 F 6.30 1 . S 6705 2750 2414 15.7 + 39 15 4' A 5.99 0.1 6755 1928 28.4 + 51 28 1 H 6.60 p. . 6706 2605 15.8 + 30 53 2 A 6.28 2. . 6756 3892 28.5 -16 23 1 H 6.54 7r. 6707 2943 2416 16.8 - 1 32 2 F? 6.30 4E4 677 1547 2440 29.0 + 60 39 5 A 6.25 0. I 6708 3171 17.7 - 11 3 A 6.14 97. 6758 787 29.1 + 68 31 1 E 7.07 1 . . 6709 777 18.0 + 68 15 5 A 6.51 3 . . 6759 3903 2439 29.2 -20 3 A 6.01 784 6710 3729 2418 18.0 -11 15 1 H 6.59 SIS 6760 2545 29.3 + 37 24 1 E 6.57 2. . 6711 86 18.1 + 87 52 1 A 8.05 5. . 6761 1746 2441 29.4 + 55 50 2 H 6.76 9.8 6712 2920 2419 18.1 + 1 43 1 E? 6.42 Ill 6762 2417- 29.9 + 43 27 4 A 6.67 2. . 6713 2882 2420 18.5 + 8 54 4 A 5.01 020 6763 2474 29.9 + 32 59 3 A 6.42 4. . 6714 3862 18.5 -15 39 3 A 6.03 79. 6764 2536 2442 30.3 + 30 11 6 F 4.80 2.5 6715 1668 18.6 + 53 59 1 6.78 7 . . 6765 2158 30.4 + 47 ]3 5 A 6.19 0. . 6716 2770 2421 18.6 + 25 48 4 A 6.28 2 . 8 6766 3874 30.5 -89 2 A? 6.26 7u. 6717 842 18.8 + 65 49 1 A 7.16 2 . . 6767 1695 30.7 + 55 40 1 H 7.00 p. . 6718 2857 19.0 + 8 42 3 A 5.79 p8. 6768 1519 2444 31.2 + 57 30 3 F 6.63 3.6 6719 2422 19.1 -24 21 2 H 5.97 . 36 6769 2095 2443 31.2 + 49 48 1 H 6.79 n . n 6720 781 19.2 + 68 16 4 A 6.89 5. . 6770 855 31.5 + 65 50 3 F 6.86 2. . 6721 2673 19.3 + 11 42 1 H 6.52 5. . 6771 2710 31.6 + 23 41 1 A 6.38 1 . . 6722 2875 2423 19.3 + 6 16 6 A 5.19 342 6772 3770 31.7 -11 53 1 E 6.48 51 . 6723 2858 19.4 + 8 33 1 H 6.76 51. 6773 2820 32.0 + 13 18 2 A 6.33 9. . 6724 2495 19.7 + 41 18 1 A? 6.51 1 . . 6774 2348 32.1 + 27 56 1 H 6.71 3. . 6725 3880 19.9 -19 31 3 A 5.68 PP 6775 2844 32.5 + 2 43 1 E? 6.58 32. 6726 2075 20.5 + 50 1 E 6.99 3. . 6776 482 33.0 + 81 15 6 I 6.89 2. . 6727 2927 20.9 + 1 27 1 A 6.52 5r. 6777 2422 _ 33.1 + 43 16 2 A? 6.57 4. . 6728 1804 2426 21.8 + 52 19 6 F 4.79 8. 6 6778 2509 33.1 + 36 22 1 E? 6.77 3 . . 6729 2810 2425 21.8 + 19 40 5 A 5.45 p.O 6779 2906 33.6 + 18 44 2 H 6.66 6 . . 6730 3880 22.1 - 5 40 2 A 5.73 88. 6780 483 34.3 + 81 1 E? 7.59 p. . 6731 1131 22.3 + 63 24 2 E 7.12 1 . . 6781 2376 2446 34.5 + 44 4 1 H 6.83 8. 8 6732 4055 22.4 -12 55 1 A 6.57 22. 6782 1816 34.7 + 52 1 H 6.76 . . 6733 2427 22.4 -29 3 1 A? 5.64 . 86 6783 1693 2447 35.1 + 54 27 8 A 5.55 2. 6734 2957 2428 23.1 - 1 47 2 G 5.50 516 6784 2204 2448 35.2 + 44 50 7 A 5.23 1. 1 6735 847 23.3 + 66 26 2 E 7.17 4. . 6785 2731 2451 35.8 + 22 24 2 F 6.38 4.2 6736 4009 2429 23.4 - 6 27 1 H 6.42 755 6786 2769 35.9 + 13 57 3 A 5.95 5. . 6737 2504 23.5 + 41 28 3 F 6.66 2. . 6787 2449 36.0 + 16 51 6738 1737 23.7 + 56 29 2 A? 6.86 P 6788 2768 2450 36.0 + 16 51 6 A 4.64 8 . 6739 2331 24.1 + 28 44 n . . 6789 2452 36.4 + 14 9 6740 2332 24.2 + 28 44 3 A 6.26 R . . 6790 2770 2453 36.4 + 14 9 5 A 4.02 5 . 2 6741 2941 2430 24.8 + 1 16 2 A 5.57 582 6791 448 2458 36.5 + 80 5 6 H 7.07 8 . n 6742 3917 25.0 -22 1 1 H 6.66 3F. 6792 2903 2454 36.8 + 8 35 3 K? 5.76 348 6743 2084 2432 25.2 + 50 17 6 F? 6.31 5 . 7 6793 2729 2455 36.9 + 12 5 2 H 6.22 926 6744 2482 25.5 + 32 14 5 A 5.91 6. . 6794 2816 37.3 + 24 57 1 F? 6.34 p . . 6745 2508 25.7 + 42 15 2 A? 6.66 4. . 6795 2456 37.4 -24 34 1 A 5.46 . 33 6746 1432 26.2 + 60 50 1 A 6.83 4. . 6796 3936 2457 37.8 - 5 13 3 F 4.68 578 6747 2365 27.5 + 43 49 4 A 6.40 4. . 6797 1821 38.3 + 51 48 2 H 6.71 5 . . 6748 2628 2433 27.6 + 30 49 6 K? 4.98 n . n 6798 2981 38.6 -25 j E 6.75 2F. 6749 527 2437 27.7 + 76 8 12 Q? 5.69 7. n 6799 2413 2459 39.0 + 26 57 1 M 6.60 8 . n 6750 2388 2434 27.9 + 27 8 4 A 6.20 0.3 6800 3986 39.4 - 9 16 1 II 6.65 4B. 76 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 6801 1451 2460 39.5 + 61 41 4 F 6.57 6.4 6851 1615 2493 48.9 + 59 42 4 H 6.46 8 . 8 6802 2463 40.2 -25 1 1 A 5.25 . 02 6852 2881 48.9 + 19 34 1 H? 6.41 1 . . 6803 3844 2464 40.3 -22 43 1 H 6.30 012 6853 3827 2492 49.0 -11 29 1 H 6.39 635 6804 2972 2465 40.4 + 19 2 A 5.72 831 6854 217 49.6 + 86 22 2 I 7.65 8. . 6805 2780 2466 40.5 + 17 23 3 K 5.57 n . 8 6855 1767 49.6 + 56 9 3 A 6.81 4 . . 6806 4087 40.5 -20 45 2 E 6.58 22 . C856 2790 50.1 + 15 44 1 H 6.64 9 . . 6807 2417 2467 40.6 + 27 30 6 G? B B . B 6857 646 50.2 + 73 27 6 A 6.91 p. . 6808 2214 40.8 + 45 36 2 F 6.54 3. . 6858 2582 50.4 + 30 28 1 A 6.73 1 . . 6809 2854 40.8 + 19 18 2 A 6.56 1 . . 6859 2866 50.7 + 12 50 3 A 6.11 4. . 6810 2862 2468 41.2 + 2 19 2 A 4.07 114 6860 595 2500 51.0 + 74 34 10 L? 4.09 n . n 6811 2758 2470 41.4 + 15 33 1 H? 6.64 n.4 .6861 3989 2496 51.4 -11 1 H 6.54 n87 6812 2469 41.5 -25 12 1 A- 5.55 . 52 6862 2796 2498 51.5 + 14 51 4 A 5.44 883 6813 1454 . 41.6 + 61 32 1 E 7.09 8 . . 6863 2531 51.9 + 32 43 4 A 6.09 2. . 6814 2981 . 42.0 + 1 23 2 A 6.27 9F. 6864 3696 2499 52.0 - 3 56 4 A 4.59 221 6815 __ 2471 42.0 -25 40 1 H 5.99 . 23 6865 2539 52.2 + 41 32 1 E? 6.86 1 . . 6816 _ 2472 42.1 -26 13 1 A 5.62 . 75 6866 3277 2501 52.4 + 14 1 H 6.06 115 6817 2865 42.4 + 2 28 1 A 6.57 PF . 6867 2764 52.5 + 21 57 3 A 6.32 1 . . 6818 1011 43.3 + 65 47 2 A 7.01 P. . 6868 2715 2502 52.5 + 16 48 1 H 6.35 3 . 6 6819 2886 43.8 - 26 2 A 5.66 P 6. 6869 2503 52.8 -27 15 1 A 6.00 . 12 6820 3986 2474 43.9 -13 44 4 A 5.32 741 6870 3994 52.9 -10 45 3 A 6.04 PP 6821 2779 2476 44.0 + 24 47 2 E 6.19 1 . 1 6871 2126 2504 53.0 + 50 3 5 F 5.96 0.4 6822 2946 2475 44.0 + 6 23 1 A? 6.84 702 6872 3999 53.5 -10 44 2 H 6.49 33 . 6823 1012 44.1 + 65 3 1 H 6.95 8 . . 6873 3783 53.7 - 4 35 2 F 6.29 22. 6824 1567 44.5 + 60 8 1 F 6.87 1 . . 6874 2803 54.4 + 24 34 1 H 6.69 1 . . 6825 _ 2477 44.5 -27 32 1 H 5.89 . n9 6875 495 55.0 + 81 9 9 A 6.45 4. . 6826 8026 __- 44.9 + 19 56 2 A 6.41 5. . 6876 501 55.4 + 78 34 5 H 7.04 5 . . 6827 2730 __ 45.0 + 10 55 1 E 6.42 p. . 6877 2835 55.6 + 40 2 1 H? 6.44 1 . . 6828 2593 2481 45.2 + 38 13 2 A 6.28 1 . 8 6878 3938 2506 55.6 -87 3 A 5.19 RR# 6829 2744 45.2 + 23 27 1 H 6.73 3. . 6879 2820 '2508 55.8 + 39 40 4 F? 5.72 2 . 3 6830 3965 2479 45.2 -15 35 1 F 5.65 3Q3 6880 878 2510 56.0 + 66 20 5 M? 6.12 n . n 6831 652 45.3 + 72 23 4 A 7.06 3 . . 6881 1380 56.5 + 62 4 2 A 6.80 0. . 6832 3966 2480 45.4 -15 37 3 A 3.30 BR5 6882 1724 56.6 + 54 15 3 A 6.46 B . . 6833 2841 45.5 + 25 9 2 A 6.14 9. . 6883 1725 56.6 + 54 16 XX R . . 6834 1015 _ 45.7 + 65 39 1 H 7.16 3. . 6884 3297 56.7 + 14 1 H 6.31 02 . 6835 2581 2482 45.7 + 29 1 3 A 5.70 5. 6885 3944 __ 56.8 - 7 11 3 A 5.97 56. 6836 1993 2485 45.8 + 46 32 4 F 5.98 0.4 6886 431 2516 56.9 + 82 56 8 G? 5.72 3. 1 6837 2786 2484 45.8 + 24 20 2 F 5.99 2 . 2 6887 3946 57.1 - 7 27 2 A 5.97 p8. 6838 2991 2483 45.8 - 1 53 3 H 5.63 o34 6888 2192 2511 57.2 + 47 40 6 A 5.98 3. 2 6839 4196 46.0 -17 22 1 H 6.23 54. 6889 459 57.5 + 79 56 2 A 7.43 8 . . 6840 1957 46.3 + 51 48 3 F 6.49 2 . . 6890 547 67.5 + 75 18 4 H? 7.15 2 . . 6841 2326 2487 46.3 + 49 7 5 F 5.95 2 . 5 6891 1777 57.6 + 56 1 2 A 6.86 1 . . 6842 2580 2488 46.6 + 37 40 2 I 6.38 7 . 9 6892 3933 57.6 - 2 38 1 A 6.10 97 . 6843 2870 2489 46.8 + 19 31 4 G 5.49 569 6893 2861 2513 57,7 + 25 24 3 H? 6.11 n . n 6844 1741 47.0 + 52 49 1 H 6.87 4. . 6894 2905 2512 57.9 + 2 28 3 K 5.25 536 6845 3032 _ 47.5 + 20 43 1 A 6.52 8. . 6895 2840 2515 58.2 + 40 47 8 K? 4.56 n . n 6846 536 48.1 + 76 29 5 A 7.04 5. . 6896 882 58.3 + 65 52 1 H 6.96 2. . 6847 2784 48.2 + 15 32 1 F 6.39 8. . 6897 2514 58.3 -24 53 1 M? 5.21 . n n 6848 _ 2490 48.5 -24 14 1 H 6.32 . 56 6898 2391 58.8 + 28 40 1 E 6.56 4. . 6849 2T05 _ 48.7 + 16 6 1 F 6.24 . . 6899 1582 2518 59.1 + 60 36 6 A 5.79 2 . 6850 2507 48.8 + 33 6 1 A? 6.59 4. . 6900 2642 2517 59.1 + 35 36 3 H 6.24 4.6 THE DRAPEB CATALOGUE. 77 14"- 15' D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Deo. 1900 No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 6901 2983 _ m. 59.2 o f + 5 52 1 A 6.19 15. 6951 2475 _ m. 10.4 + 43 26 4 A 6.39 6. . 6902 706 59.6 + 71 1 E 7.22 4- 6952 4065 2536 10.5 -22 2 2 H 5.91 Ill 6903 2251 2519 59.6 + 45 2 4 F? 6.47 3 . 2 6953 2273 10.7 + 48 20 1 H? 6.77 5. . 6904 59.9 -25 24 1 E? 6.49 . 5 . 6954 3327 2538 10.7 + 44 5 A? 5.44 560 6905 2618 0.0 + 29 26 1 H 6.92 9. . 6955 2926 11.0 + 6 50 1 H 6.30 85. 6906 565 0.2 + 76 55 2 H 7.40 3 . . 6956 2670 11.3 + 26 1 3 A 6.42 4. . 6907 2447 2520 0.2 + 27 20 3 K 5.63 9 . n 6957 2561 2541 11.5 + 33 42 4 K 4.72 n . n 6908 664 0.4 + 72 9 5 E 6.92 6. . 6958 3935 2539 11.6 -91 7 A 3.14 RO-l 6909 2259 2521 0.5 + 48 2 6 F? 5.29 8.4 6959 2818 11.8 + 10 4 1 E 6.31 7. . 6910 4026 2522 1.1 -15 52 2 H 5.90 645 6960 1990 12.8 + 51 19 2 F 6.85 5. . 6911 4028 1.2 -16 6 2 A 5.64 PP 6961 8S37 13.3 -06 1 II 6.21 02. 6912 886 1.4 + 66 10 1 H 6.87 6. . 6962 876 2545 13.4 + 67 44 6 F 5.47 3 . 6913 335 1.6 + 84 20 4 H 7.45 0. . 6963 2488 13.8 + 42 56 1 II 6.87 4. . 6914 1586 1.9 + 59 55 1 A 7.01 2. . 6964 2755 2542 13.9 + 20 57 3 H 6.49 3 . 9 6915 2262 2523 2.2 + 48 32 6 A 5.25 3. 4 6965 2823 14.0 + 10 48 1 E 6.47 3. . 6916 887 2528 2.4 + 66 18 7 A 5.91 1 . 1 6966 789 14.1 + 69 18 6 A 6.18 3. . 6917 2608 2526 2.7 + 36 50 4 A 6.44 3 . 1 6967 2569 14.1 + 31 59 1 A 6.69 P 6918 2924 2525 2.8 + 18 50 4 A 6.06 0. 2 6968 2477 2543 14.1 + 27 12 1 A? 6.65 1 .n 6919 2873 2527 2.9 + 25 15 5 F 5.38 6.4 6969 2944 2544 14.2 + 29 4 F 5.34 3Q2 6920 1730 2529 3.4 + 54 56 4 I? 5.97 5 . 8 6970 3866 15.3 - 4 46 1 H 6.18 58. 6921 2901 4.1 + 13 37 1 H 6.33 1 . . 6971 2574 15.4 + 32 54 4 A? 6.34 5. . 6922 2146 5.1 + 50 27 2 H 6.84 0. . 6972 4182 15.4 -15 1 1 A? 6.30 PP 6923 602 5.6 + 74 16 5 A 6.89 6. . 6973 4083 2547 15.4 -15 12 3 A 6.03 040 6924 1766 5.6 + 53 39 1 E? 6.98 1 . . 6974 ,30*7 _ 15.6 -23 1 H 6.00 57 . 6925 1167 5.9 + 63 30 3 F 6.89 2. . 6975 4067 15.8 - 5 28 3 H 5.91 12. 6926 571 6.3 + 77 45 4 A? 7.59 2. . 6976 2647 2549 16.0 + 29 59 4 H 6.27 S . 6 6927 221 6.4 + 85 54 3 F 7.63 5 . . 6977 3067 2548 16.0 + 14 3 H 6.02 105 6928 3030 6.4 - 1 53 1 H 6.30 T. 6978 2165 16.3 + 50 34 2 A 6.84 2. . 6929 4047 2531 6.5 -19 25 5 A 4.27 276 6979 2592 16.4 + 41 20 1 II ? 6.86 1. . 6930 1554 6.7 + 57 30 1 F 6.73 6. . 6980 678 2555 17.2 + 72 11 5 K 6.30 8 . n 6931 2804 7.0 + 10 36 1 A 6.07 p. . 6981 722 17.2 + 71 34 1 F 6.79 9. . 6932 7.5 -23 38 2 E 5.98 . 6. 6982 1869 2552 17.2 + 52 17 4 A 5.38 1.2 6933 4055 7.6 -19 17 4 A? 5.70 88. 6983 1495 17.3 + 61 43 1 E 7.04 2. . 6934 4055 7.9 -10 38 1 E? 6.19 88. 6984 2453 17.3 + 44 48 4 A 6.17 1. . 6935 551 8.3 + 76 22 1 A 7.28 7. . 6985 2850 17.3 + 24 42 2 A 6.49 5. . 6936 R R R R R 6986 2928 17.7 + 12 56 5 A 5.96 45. 6937 827 8.5 + 70 3 2 A? 6.95 2. . 6987 2581 2554 17.8 + 33 17 5 A 5.25 3 . 1 6938 4111 8.8 -13 50 1 A? 5.87 pp. 6988 1606 _ 18.0 460 44 1 A 6.93 5. . 6939 2944 8.9 - 58 1 H 6.46 52. 6989 609 18.2 + 74 24 4 H 6.97 3. . 6940 4285 8.9 -17 24 4 A 5.68 88. 6990 3940 18.4 -12 1 3 H 5.96 02. 6941 2789 2533 9.1 + 23 22 4 A 6.25 2. 1 6991 1873 18.6 + 52 42 1 E 6.97 0. . 6942 249 9.2 + 85 31 3 H 7.54 5. . 6.992 2637 . 18.6 + 34 34 1 A 6.05 p. . 6943 3960 9.3 -30 1 A 6.29 4p. 6993 2961 2556 18.6 - 40 4 A 5.63 985 6944 143 2551 9.4 + 87 37 1 H 7.55 6 . 5 6994 4138 2557 18.8 - 9 57 5 P 4.81 274 6945 823 9.7 + 68 10 6 A 6.04 5. . 6995 2877 2558 18.9 + 39 56 2 H 6.74 n. 8 6946 6947 1052 1053 10.0 10.1 + 64 + 64 1 1 E 6.93 R . . R . . 6996 6997 2653 2559 2560 19.1 19.1 + 30 39 + 30 39 5 F 5.50 3.5 6948 2985 2535 10.2 + 5 18 3 H 5.91 615 6998 2963 19.2 - 11 1 A 6.21 PR. 6949 1790 10.3 + 56 26 2 A 7.01 3 . . 6999 2965 20.6 - 54 1 E 6.21 PP. 6950 2640 2537 10.3 + 29 32 5 A 5.17 3. 1 7000 1410 2564 20.7 + 62 23 5 A 5.78 2. 1 78 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 15' B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. D.O. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 7001 2284 2562 20.7 + 45 37 1 H 6.64 7.4 7051 1074 2593 29.6 + 64 33 2 I 6.49 7. 6 7002 2636 2561 20.7 + 37 43 6 B 4.68 7. S 7052 4237 2589 29.9 -14 27 5 I 4.83 848 7003 679 2566 20.9 + 72 11 6 A B R . B 7053 2821 2590 30.0 + 10 53 7 A 4.05 7 . 7004 1192 2565 21.0 + 63 42 8 H 6.85 8 . n 7054 2591 30.0 + 10 53 7005 2858 2563 21.1 + 15 47 1 H 6.19 n . 7 7055 2977 2592 30.1 H- 2 1 H? 6.22 953 7006 2966 21.4 + 19 50 2 H 6.46 3. . 7056 2512 2594 30.4 + 27 3 7 A B B . B 7007 2224 22.0 + 47 25 1 E? 6.66 1 . . 7057 2595 30.9 -27 48 2 I 5.08 . 11 11 7008 672 22.3 + 73 50 4 F 7.23 0. . 7058 3044 2596 31.0 + 18 1 H 6.50 5.4 7009 2645 2568 22.4 + 34 41 1 H 6.45 4.1 7059 2988 31.4 - 14 1 E? 6.21 66. 7010 1654 2569 22.7 + 59 19 3 K 5.02 n . n 7060 2889 2598 31.5 + 39 21 1 H 6.39 n . n 7011 2916 2570 23.3 + 25 26 1 H 6.64 6 . 3 7061 31.5 -25 57 2 F 5.43 P 7012 2965 2571 23.6 + 2 12 5 A? 5.28 p22 7062 456 31.7 + 82 14 2 E 7.36 8. . 7013 2670 2572 23.7 + 29 27 7 A 4.16 2.4 7063 2884 2597 31.7 + 10 21 3 H 5.83 4.5 7014 1747 23.8 + 54 21 3 A 6.22 3. . 7064 2890 2599 31.8 + 15 26 1 A 6.44 3. 5 7015 4093 23.9 -17 5 1 H 6.08 99. 7065 2807 2600 31.9 + 16 27 4 F 6.09 1.4 7016 2009 24.2 + 50 57 1 A? 6.90 1 . . 7066 3989 32.0 -22 49 1 H 5.65 45. 7017 2875 24.8 + 39 5 3 F? 6.74 3. . 7067 478 32.1 + 80 7 2 E 7.34 5. . 7018 4246 24.8 -20 23 2 A 5.54 pp. 7068 2891 32.1 + 15 15 1 A 6.44 6. . 7019 4099 2573 25.0 -16 16 2 H 5.99 502 7069 1077 _ 32.4 + 64 14 1 A 7.03 p . . 7020 2227 2574 25.6 + 47 35 6 A 6.13 6 . 2 7070 4285 32.4 -20 41 1 II 5.83 06. 7021 1414 2580 25.8 + 62 37 3 A 6.31 4 . 7071 1756 2604 32.6 + 54 16 3 H 6.96 n. 9 7022 1509 2575 25.9 + 61 1 1 H 6.93 7. 6 7072 2682 2602 32.8 + 30 19 2 H? 6.72 2 . 3 7023 4128 25.9 -19 49 2 F 5.75 9p. 7073 3996 R B B E B 7024 S055 26.1 + 8 55 1 F 5.94 8p. 7074 4118 2603 33.1 -18 58 3 A 5.79 211 7025 2300 26.2 + 48 5 4 A 6.52 2 . . 7075 4031 2606 33.2 - 8 28 1 F? 5.96 984 7026 1756 26.4 + 55 33 3 A 6.33 2. . 7076 1886 2607 33.3 + 52 24 3 A 6.76 8 . 6 7027 2742 26.4 + 31 39 2 A? 6.58 4. . 7077 1766 2608 33.4 + 54 57 5 A 5.64 4. 2 7028 4135 26.4 -21 37 1 A? 5.92 pp. 7078 3996 33.5 -22 49 2 A? 5.55 pp. 7029 510 26.6 + 81 24 1 H 7.31 5 . . 7079 1062 34.0 + 65 36 2 A 7.11 3 . . 7030 2651 2578 26.7 + 37 9 1 H? 6.77 3 . 7080 2907 2611 34.2 + 40 41 4 H 6.00 n. 6 7031 1415 26.8 + 62 5 3 A 6.43 1 . . 7081 2610 34.3 -23 30 2 II 5.69 . OS 7032 4135 2576 26.8 -19 20 5 A 5.37 160 7082 592 2616 34.4 + 77 41 7 L? 6.28 n . n 7033 2655 26.9 + 34 49 2 A 6.30 9. . 7083 8607 34.7 + 31 53 1 H 6.83 8. . 7034 147 27.3 + 87 23 1 A 7.85 1 . . 7084 2711 34.9 + 35 2 H 6.81 /. . 7035 2609 2583 27.3 + 41 11 4 H 6.52 n . n 7085 1758 2612 35.0 + 54 51 3 H 6.82 8 . 7 7036 4110 2577 27.3 -16 31 5 A 5.15 p62 7086 2493 35.0 + 43 56 2 A 6.63 2. . 7037 27.3 -24 9 2 A? 5.77 P- 7087 480 35.1 + 80 47 8 F 6.43 6. . 7038 1416 27.6 + 62 27 1 II 6.95 9 . . 7088 2253 2613 35.1 + 47 8 3 A 5.94 4. IS 7039 2653 2579 27.6 + 36 57 2 F 6.37 1 .2 7089 OftfiK 2614 35.6 + 36 58 5 B 4.80 5 . 7040 2797 2581 27.6 + 16 24 4 A? 5.97 2. 2 7090 &OOO 2615 35.6 + 36 58 7041 2982 2582 27.8 - 51 2 H 5.86 10.? 7091 2206 2617 35.7 + 50 45 8 H 6.32 3 . 3 7042 2611 2584 28.2 + 41 15 7 A 5.12 8+1 7092 4226 _ 35.7 -13 39 1 F 5.97 pp . 7043 2585 28.5 -27 42 1 H 5.88 .26 7093 3000 35.9 + 19 1 H? 6.76 7 . . 7044 4171 2586 28.7 - 9 43 4 H 5.30 6 2 4 7094 517 36.0 + 81 6 5 H 7.06 3 . . 7045 2750 2588 28.9 + 31 42 6 B 4.40 2 . 1 7095 4188 2618 36.1 -19 21 2 H 5.75 538 7046 4100 29.0 - 5 21 1 H 6.03 57. 7096 1820 36.2 + 56 13 2 A 7.01 5. . 7047 4010 2587 29.0 - 8 51 8 A 4.96 560 7097 2810 2619 36.4 + 16 21 1 H? 6.49 5 . 7 7048 2880 29.3 + 17 29 4 A 6.45 3. . 7098 563 36.7 + 76 46 5 A 6.89 6. . 7049 345 29.4 + 84 13 7 F? 7.24 P 7099 2666 36.8 + 37 21 2 A 6.52 5 . . 7050 3037 ~ 29.5 + 54 1 H 6.24 P 8. 7100 2501 37.0 + 44 11 1 H 7.03 2 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 79 15' D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Kesld. D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Kesid. m. / m. o / 7101 3138 2621 37.1 + 19 59 5 A 4.59 J20 7151 1816 48.6 + 53 13 3 A 6.54 . . 7102 2982 2620 37.1 + 13 10 5 A 5.24 36.? 7152 48.7 -24 57 1 E? 5.30 P- 7103 806 2624 37.4 + 69 36 2 I? 6.79 8 . 8 7153 489 48.8 + 80 26 3 F 7.48 5 . . 7104 3059 2622 37.4 + 18 47 5 A 5.87 1 . 1 7154 1081 49.1 + 65 6 2 A 6.85 0. . 7105 741 38.0 + 71 28 1 H 7.09 1 . . 7155 2648 2658 49.2 + 42 43 4 F 5.32 n . 8 7106 463 38.1 + 82 36 7 F 6.50 p. . 7156 4195 49.2 -19 6 2 A? 5.56 78 . 7107 808 38.4 + 69 8 1 E 7.18 8. . 7167 -i 2656 49.5 -25 59 1 F? 5.23 .p3 7108 4171 2623 38.4 -15 21 5 A? 5.28 562 7158 3116 49.8 + 8 52 2 A 6.01 p4. 7109 2722 2625 38.5 + 26 36 8 A 4.13 1 . 1 7159 1838 2661 50.0 + 56 7 2 I 6.76 4.9 7110 2989 2626 39.1 + 2 50 3 H 6.00 124 7160 3166 2660 50.2 + 20 36 2 H 6.72 5 . 7 7111 3088 2627 39.3 + 6 44 6 K? 4.23 nun 7161 2662 50.7 -28 55 2 A? 4.64 .16 7112 2100 39.5 + 46 4 1 E 6.75 0. . 7162 530 50.8 + 81 37 1 H 7.52 9. . 7113 2914 39.8 + 24 46 2 A 6.24 p. . 7163 4314 50.9 -14 32 1 H 5.46 P 9. 7114 2621 2628 40.1 + 32 50 2 H 6.54 3 . 9 7164 2709 51.1 + 34 40 2 A 6.80 5. . 7115 1898 2630 40.2 + 52 40 3 A 5.34 3 . 3 7165 3036 2664 51.2 + 18 55 4 A 6.03 2. 4 7116 2906 2629 40.2 + 17 34 5 A 6.02 23 . t* 7166 2542 2665 51.3 + 43 26 2 H 6.87 n . n 7117 3072 40.4 + 5 45 4 A 5.44 p7. 7167 531 51.4 + 81 14 3 II 7.22 2 . . 7118 3092 2631 40.9 - 1 30 4 A 5.08 473 7168 2849 2666 51.8 + 16 6 F 4.54 765 7119 2911 2632 41.6 + 15 44 5 A 3.84 5 . 7169 4364 51.9 -20 41 3 F 5.53 p9. 7120 3023 2633 41.6 + 7 40 4 F 5.05 026 7170 2712 2667 52.1 + 38 14 4 A 5.71 0. 1 7121 263 42.5 + 85 10 6 H 7.34 1 . . 7171 2652 2669 52.2 + 42 51 3 A 5.47 5. 2 7122 42.5 -23 32 1 E 5.93 . p . 7172 1087 52.5 + 65 34 1 H 7.21 7. . 7123 2939 2634 42.7 + 14 25 3 A 5.55 461 7173 4302 2670 52.6 -13 59 4 B 4.84 260 7124 523 43.0 + 80 56 5 H 7.11 2. . 7174 4364 R B E B B 7125 3829 2635 43.7 - 3 31 5 A 5.52 560 7175 2668 52.6 -24 32 1 E 4.86 .p5 7126 2267 43.8 + 47 18 1 H? 6.96 2. . 7176 2671 52.8 -25 49 3 B 3.53 .14 7127 3012 44.1 + 13 1 1 A? 5.78 p. . 7177 825 53.4 + 69 3 F 6.83 0. . 7128 1777 44.2 + 55 47 1 H 7.11 6. . 7178 2558 2673 53.5 + 27 10 4 I 5.57 n . n 7129 3074 2636 44.2 + 18 27 4 M? 5.86 n n n 7179 453 53.8 + 83 15 8 A 6.78 5. . 7130 812 44.4 + 68 59 2 A 6.98 . . 7180 1691 2675 53.9 + 59 12 3 A 6.32 3. 7131 4052 2638 44.4 -38 5 A 3.74 \42 7181 4330 54.3 -71 1 A? 5.87 4p. 7132 2477 2639 44.5 + 28 28 1 M 6.56 B . B 7182 4068 2674 54.4 -22 20 5 B 2.98 R65 7133 2640 45.0 -25 27 3 F 4.91 . 41 7183 4196 2676 54.7 -16 14 3 F? 5.52 741 7134 487 45.1 + 80 18 9 F 6.60 I . . 7184 470 55.1 + 82 40 3 A? 7.44 8. . 7135 1225 2644 45.1 + 62 55 3 A 5.08 7 . 1 7185 2547 55.1 + 43 30 1 H 6.87 9. . 7136 1779 2642 45.2 + 55 41 3 A 5.97 . 7186 2695 2679 55.2 + 36 55 1 H 6.72 9 . 9 7137 3007 2641 45.2 + 2 30 2 H 5.62 214 7187 4162 2677 55.3 -87 3 A 5.23 284 7138 2737 2643 45.4 + 26 23 6 F 5.67 n . n 7188 1793 2680 55.4 + 55 1 5 A 5.28 2 . S 7139 3069 2645 45.8 + 4 46 5 A 4.04 533 7189 2239 2682 56.2 + 50 10 4 A 6.12 1.2 7140 4058 2646 46.1 - 2 48 4 A 5.22 450 7190 3101 2683 56.7 + 18 5 3 H 6.13 n. * 7141 813 46.9 + 69 47 2 A 7.09 0. . 7191 2663 2685 57.2 + 33 37 3 F 6.13 4.9 7142 2829 2649 46.9 + 21 17 3 I? 6.12 n . n 7192 269 ^ 57.4 + 85 36 9 A 6.68 8. . 7143 846 47.0 + 70 41 1 F? 7.27 2. . 7193 579 57.4 + 75 52 1 H 7.37 9. . 7144 2652 2652 47.5 + 35 59 4 I 5.91 >.n 7194 2942 57.4 + 39 26 2 A 6.59 1 . . 7145 4249 2650 47.5 -19 52 4 A 4.97 450 7195 2738 2686 57.4 + 30 7 4 A 4.99 0. 1 7146 527 2657 47.6 + 78 6 10 A 4.42 3. 1 7196 2886 2687 57.9 + 23 4 5 A 5.01 4.0 7147 2651 47.6 -25 2 2 F 4.90 . 62 7197 2914 58.4 + 22 30 1 A 6.58 2. . 7148 2653 47.9 -24 15 1 A 4.87 . 97 7198 3131 58.8 + 5 16 1 H 5.94 65. 7149 2654 48.0 -23 41 3 E? 5.38 . 40 7199 762 58.9 + 71 12 1 E? 7.18 2 . . 7150 4174 2655 48.1 -16 27 4 H 5.14 SS8 7200 4237 2688 58.9 -11 6 5 F? 4.70 REE 80 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 15 h -16" D. C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. 0. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Eeeid. 7201 B 2689 in. 58.9 o / -11 6 B B B EBB 7251 3891 m. 7.7 o / - 3 58 1 A 5.64 9p. 7202 2142 2694 59.6 + 46 19 10 A 4.77 7. 1 7252 1253 8.2 + 63 40 2 A 6.77 5 . . 7203 2708 2692 59.6 + 36 55 3 F 6.62 S . 7 7253 1658 8.3 + 60 8 2 A 6.47 3. . 7204 4308 2691 59.6 -19 31 ft B 3.03 RR J 7254 3165 2722 8.3 + 5 16 1 H 5.89 112 7205 4307 2690 59.6 -19 32 V BE 7255 4096 2721 8.3 -11 35 1 H 5.69 111 7206 2291 59.7 + 47 30 1 H 6.76 2 . . 7256 2603 8.7 + 26 56 1 H? 6.25 3. . 7207 457 59.9 + 83 6 2 E 7.47 p. . 7257 2886 8.8 + 21 49 2 A 6.42 4. . 7208 858 0.0 + 67 54 1 E? 7.25 5. . 7258 8.8 -25 13 1 E? 5.35 . P 7209 1095 0.0 + 65 12 2 A 6.80 3 . . 7259 3903 2726 9.1 - 3 26 6 M 4.53 HUH 7210 1608 2696 0.1 + 58 50 2 F 4.85 n. 6 7260 2736 9.6 + 38 20 1 F? 6.68 1 . . 7211 352 0.2 + 84 52 3 E 7.58 8. . 7261 4242 2728 10.1 -86 2 F? 5.91 022 7212 0.2 -23 20 1 F 5.04 P- 7262 4383 2729 10.2 -14 36 2 A 5.56 774 7213 2731 0.4 + 34 27 2 A 6.65 4. . 7263 2750 2730 11.0 + 34 6 5 E 5.86 2 . 6 7214 4284 2695 0.4 -61 1 H? 5.93 495 7264 3075 2731 11.0 + 19 3 1 H 6.66 7.8 7215 3134 0.8 + 8 22 1 F 5.70 p8. 7265 4454 11.1 -21 3 1 H 5.68 pp. 7216 351 1.0 + 83 55 8 A 6.84 9. . 7266 3910 11.6 - 3 42 1 H? 5.69 3p. 7217 4405 2698 1.0 -20 24 4 A 4.19 521 7267 718 11.9 + 72 39 1 A 7.17 2. . 7218 4342 2699 1.5 -13 48 1 F? 5.72 pp5 7268 930 2735 12.0 + 67 24 1 I 6.94 6 . 7 7219 4408 2700 1.6 -20 36 3 H 5.31 377 7269 2732 12.1 -28 22 1 A 5.21 . 52 7220 1.9 -24 11 1 A? 5.37 P- 7270 468 12.2 + 83 40 5 H 7.39 8. . 7221 4425 2702 2.1 -12 28 2 A 5.28 573 7271 2803 2733 12.7 + 29 23 4 A 5.79 1 . 7222 538 2.6 + 81 7 3 A? 7.24 8. . 7272 4086 2736 13.0 - 4 27 5 K? 4.41 n n n 7223 __ 2.8 -23 25 1 A 4.99 P 7273 1856 13.4 + 53 29 2 F 7.08 1 . . 7224 2958 2703 2.9 + 10 10 1 A 5.51 751 7274 594 2739 13.6 + 76 8 11 A 5.34 1 . 2 7225 2964 2706 3.6 + 17 19 B . B 7275 2702 _ -_n 13.8 + 32 2 1 E 6.84 4. . 7226 2965 2707 3.6 + 17 20 4 H 5.78 B . B 7276 2737 14.6 -23 56 2 A 5.03 . 13 7227 4437 3.8 -12 47 1 H 5.73 pr . 7277 586 15.0 + 75 27 2 I 7.05 2 . . 7228 2300 4.0 + 47 46 3 A 6.51 2. . 7278 2738 15.1 -25 21 3 A 3.75 .48 7229 4.1 -24 19 1 H 5.57 P- 7279 1665 2741 15.6 + 60 2 H 6.86 n . n 7230 2967 _ 4.2 + 17 30 4 A 6.00 5. . 7280 2902 2740 15.8 + 21 23 3 H? 6.55 1 . 3 7231 764 4.6 + 71 24 1 E 7.38 8. . 7281 642 16.0 + 80 58 2 H 7.53 p . . 7232 3884 2708 4.6 - 3 12 1 H 5.74 422 7282 713 2746 16.2 + 73 38 5 A 5.81 4. 2 7233 863 _ 5.2 + 70 32 4 A 6.48 0. . 7283 2491 2743 16.4 + 49 17 1 H 6.93 9 . 8 7234 2699 2710 5.3 + 36 45 4 K? 6.07 n. 9 7284 3005 2742 16.5 + 39 57 4 F? 5.79 S . S 7235 707 5.5 + 73 25 3 F? 6.94 2 . . 7285 2169 2745 16.7 + 46 33 8 B 3.83 3 . 1 7236 2376 2713 5.6 + 45 12 6 A 4.27 5 . 1 7286 3215 2744 17.1 + 1 15 4 F 5.27 315 7237 864 2717 6.0 + 68 4 5 A 5.29 7. 1 7287 3086 2747 17.5 + 19 23 6 A 4.33 n55 7238 _ 2712 6.0 -28 9 1 H? 5.52 . 60 7288 3174 17.5 - 1 51 2 A? 5.95 76. 7239 4333 2714 6.1 -19 12 5 B 4.28 22.7 7289 1960 17.8 + 52 16 2 A 6.46 3 . . 7240 _ 2711 6.1 -27 40 2 F 4.98 . 33 7290 543 17.9 + 81 24 1 H 7.61 6. . 7241 4324 2715 6.6 - 9 48 4 A 4.97 322 7291 2845 2750 18.3 + 31 8 4 K? 5.76 7. n 7242 2971 __ 6.7 + 9 58 2 A 6.16 8. . 7292 4365 2748 18.3 -19 49 3 H 5.22 246 7243 4180 2716 6.8 - 8 17 3 A 5.33 342 7293 2773 2751 18.6 + 34 2 2 M 6.50 n . n 7244 616 2724 6.9 + 77 4 9 A 5.58 4. 1 7294 2774 2752 18.7 + 33 56 2 M 6.50 n . n 7245 2982 2718 7.0 + 16 56 4 A 6.05 1 . 1 7295 2716 2753 19.1 + 32 34 4 A 6.19 3 .1 7246 1867 7.2 + 56 6 1 I 7.16 5 . . 7296 3164 2754 19.3 + 7 10 2 A 5.55 461 7247 475 7.3 + 82 49 1 E 7.50 p. . 7297 481 19.5 + 82 20 4 A? 7.20 p . . 7248 2909 2719 7.3 + 23 45 1 F 6.43 4.8 7298 2755 19.6 -23 13 3 B 4.96 R 2 7249 541 7.5 + 80 54 1 H 7.48 2 . . 7299 2756 19.6 -23 14 . B 7250 1622 2720 7.5 + 58 5 2 A 6.19 5. 1 7300 874 20.1 + 70 36 1 E 7.41 1 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 81 16" D. C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. m. o / m. / 7301 596 2759 20.4 + 75 59 10 F 5.29 . 8 7351 734 33.2 + 72 49 3 H 7.12 8 . . 7302 3049 2757 20.8 + 14 15 2 A 4.48 732 7352 3177 2791 33.2 + 13 54 1 E 6.53 524 7303 4282 2758 21.2 -18 14 3 F 4.94 351 7353 2194 2793 33.3 + 46 49 1 H 6.61 6 . 6 7304 3103 21.4 + 2 44 1 A 6.33 99. 7354 361 33.6 + 83 55 9 A 6.64 6. . 7305 1964 21.9 + 52 31 2 A 6.57 1 . . 7355 1875 2796 33.8 + 53 6 B . B 7306 2750 2760 21.9 + 37 37 5 A 5.77 1 . S 7356 2794 33.9 + 53 8 5 A 4.37 7307 845 2765 22.0 + 69 20 2 I 6.48 11 . H 7357 1876 '2795 33.9 + 53 8 B . B 7308 1845 2763 22.2 + 55 26 3 A 5.57 1 . 1 7358 244 34.8 + 86 26 1 A 7.80 9. . 7309 4292 2761 22.3 - 7 23 1 H? 5.87 '225 7359 627 2805 35.0 + 77 38 6 H 6.91 4.7 7310 196o 22.4 + 51 58 1 A 7.15 3 . . 7360 3000 35.1 + 22 11 1 H 6.83 4. . 7311 4243 2762 22.4 -89 2 A 4.56 660 7361 35.5 -24 16 1 A 5.47 .8 . 7312 1591 2766 22.6 + 61 44 3 K R . B 7362 3235 2799 35.6 + 4 25 RRB 7313 600 23.0 + 76 22 5 A 6.95 2. . 7363 3234 2798 35.6 + 4 24 4 A? 5.53 RRB 7314 2097 23.0 + 51 22 1 E? 6.95 0. . 7364 4618 2797 35.7 -17 33 2 I 5.93 647 7315 484 23.2 + 82 20 1 A 7.62 p. . 7365 1289 35.9 + 63 17 1 H 6.97 5 . . 7316 2764 23.2 -26 13 2 M 3.62 . 11 11 7366 1907 2803 36.0 + 56 13 3 H 6.61 n . n 7317 485 24.0 + 82 52 7 A? 7.02 p. . 7367 3168 36.0 - 48 2 A 6.36 11 . 7318 4433 2770 24.1 -14 20 1 H? 5.86 411 7368 4406 2800 36.0 -19 44 3 A 5.82 22J 7319 2769 24.1 -24 54 1 A? 4.81 . 12 7369 2531 2802 36.1 + 49 7 3 M? 6.50 n . n 7320 2834 24.6 + 29 18 1 A 6.82 0. . 7370 3063 2801 36.2 + 12 35 4 A 5.93 150 7321 2714 2772 25.3 + 42 6 2 M 6.41 n . n 7371 3254 36.5 + 54 1 A 6.59 64. 7322 4298 2771 25.4 -16 23 2 I 5.04 Q46 7372 3290 2804 36.7 + 1 21 3 A 6.02 52.7 7323 3118 2773 25.9 + 2 13 3 A 4.12 131 7373 2884 2807 37.5 + 31 47 8 G 3.93 9 . 8 7324 2934 2774 26.0 + 21 42 4 K 4.17 n . n 7374 2668 2808 37.5 + 27 7 3 F? 6.35 4. 6 7325 2106 2777 26.1 + 51 39 1 H 6.91 7.5 7375 519 37.7 + 80 5 F? 6.86 1 . . 7326 3283 2776 26.2 + 20 42 3 I 6.02 0. n 7376 628 37.8 + 77 53 5 A 7.07 7. . 7327 4381 2775 26.2 -21 15 3 A 4.63 911 7377 3982 38.0 - 3 57 1 A? 6.19 PF. 7328 789 26.5 + 71 36 1 E 7.49 4. . 7378 38.0 -27 16 1 E 6.24 . 6 . 7329 2983 26.9 + 22 25 1 H 6.73 2 . . 7379 860 38.4 + 69 22 1 E? 7.49 2. . 7330 2514 2779 27.4 + 49 10 3 A 6.23 4.1 7380 3029 2810 39.5 + 39 7 7 K? 4.65 n. 9 7331 3223 2778 27.6 + 5 44 3 A 5.54 450 7381 662 39.8 + 77 57 6 F 7.02 2 . . 7332 2742 27.8 + 33 44 1 H 6.95 1 . . 7382 2319 39.8 + 50 9 1 F 6.79 3. . 7333 3008 2780 27.9 + 11 42 1 I 6.02 8 .n 7383 1501 40.0 + 62 30 1 A 6.75 4. . 7334 850 2781 28.2 + 68 59 5 A 5.01 2. 7384 733 40.1 + 73 31 1 A 7.69 3. . 7335 2422 2782 28.8 + 45 50 5 A 5.66 0.4 7385 2830 2811 40.1 + 34 13 3 A 6.30 3.5 7336 2834 29.6 + 30 43 1 F 6.53 4. . 7386 1145 2813 40.2 + 64 47 4 K? 5.99 8 . n 7337 2783 29.7 -28 2 A 3.77 . 69 7387 365 40.5 + 84 12 1 A 7.76 7 . . 7338 360 30.2 + 84 47 2 A 7.70 8. . 7388 3298 40.5 + 1 11 5 A 5.82 p6. 7339 2795 30.2 + 38 18 2 H 6.88 1 . . 7389 1872 40.9 + 55 53 2 A 6.46 2 . . 7340 2305 30.3 + 50 20 1 H 7.09 3. . 7390 3013 2812 40.9 + 15 56 1 H 6.59 55n 7341 2724 2787 30.9 + 42 39 5 A 4.41 4.2 7391 3271 2814 41.0 + 8 46 1 H 5.96 415 7342 3053 2785 30.9 + 17 15 4 A 6.00 2. 1 7392 508 41.8 + 79 25 4 A 7.56 2. . 7343 1598 2789 31.0 + 61 2 4 A 5.90 1 . 1 7393 3175 2815 42.2 + 2 14 1 A 6.07 530 7344 498 2792 31.3 + 79 11 10 A 5.43 1 . 1 7394 745 42.5 + 72 51 1 H 7.62 6 . . 7345 1281 31.7 + 63 2 2 A? 7.16 4- . 7395 3272 2817 42.8 + 5 25 2 A 4.89 486 7346 4350 2788 31.7 -10 22 4 A 3.32 375 7396 4486 42.8 -14 44 1 A? 5.81 33. 7347 1599 32.0 + 61 26 1 A 6.64 P 7397 883 42.9 + 68 16 1 H 7.01 6 . . 7348 3029 32.1 + 15 42 2 A 5.89 6. . 7398 1702 2820 43.3 + 56 57 2 A 5.47 5 . 6 7349 3086 32.4 + 14 40 1 F 6.39 4. . 7399 511 43.5 + 79 6 6 I 6.96 7. . 7350 4467 2790 32.6 - 6 20 3 A 5.94 351 7400 43.6 -24 28 1 H? 6;32 .4 . 82 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 16" -17' D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. liesid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 7401 4395 43.7 -15 30 1 F 5.90 66. 7451 3083 56.5 + 16 45 1 A 6.65 6. . 7402 680 44.2 + 74 5 3 A 6.59 \1 . . 7452 3045 2845 56.7 + 22 47 1 H 6.63 8 . 9 7403 4394 2821 44.3 -10 37 3 F 5.04 1 1 3 7463 639 __ 56.8 + 77 4 A? 7.08 1. . 7404 3233 2822 45.0 + 13 26 3 A 5.81 ! 2 3 2 7454 3095 57.0 + 15 5 3 A 5.86 3. . 7405 4259 45.2 - 2 29 1 E? 5.95 25. 7455 3337 57.2 + 8 36 1 A 5.76 78 . 7406 3058 45.4 + 15 34 1 H? 6.69 1 . 7456 1934 2846 57.5 + 56 50 1 H 6.92 9 . 7 7407- 3256 2824 45.4 + 7 25 3 A 5.38 640 7457 57.8 -25 33 1 F 5.99 . 8 . 7408 2220 2826 46.3 + 46 10 8 A 5.06 1 . 1 7458 2817 2847 57.9 + 33 42 3 A 5.23 1 . 1 7409 3323 2825 46.4 + 1 23 6 A 5.57 421 7459 1689 58.2 + 58 36 2 A 6.79 5 . . 7410 3051 46.6 + 15 58 1 A 6.49 P 7460 3183 2848 58.2 + 25 40 1 H 6.75 8 . 7 7411 4265 46.9 - 2 38 1 F? 6.45 6n. 7461 3217 58.2 + 19 33 1 A 6.71 3 . . 7412 2795 47.0 + 32 44 1 H 6.69 1 . . 7462 751 2854 58.3 + 73 17 6 A 6.14 1 . 1 7413 634 2833 47.5 + 77 41 8 F? 6.02 0.1 7463 58.5 -25 30 1 A 6.24 . 5. 7414 3069 2830 47.6 + 24 50 2 H 6.24 9 . n 7464 3179 2849 58.6 + 14 14 1 M 6.18 n . n 7415 3066 2829 47.6 + 15 9 2 A 6.09 0. 3 7465 3624 58.6 1 F 6.16 66. 7416 872 47.9 + 69 14 3 A 7.03 5 . . 7466 3180 58.7 + 14 41 1 H 6.74 2. . 7417 2624 47.9 + 28 50 1 H? 6.81 . . 7467 695 58.8 + 74 27 3 F 7.10 1 . . 7418 3261 48.3 + L8 14 1 F 6.70 2 . . 7468 2018 58.9 + 52 44 2 A 6.77 0. . 7419 3072 48.8 + 15 34 1 A 6.69 P 7469 3292 2852 59.1 + 13 44 4 A 5.78 6 . 2 7420 3268 49.0 - 1 27 1 H? 5.85 77. 7470 884 59.7 + 69 20 2 F 6.68 2 . . 7421 4231 49.1 -11 38 1 A 5.69 8 p . 7471 908 59.7 + 68 48 1 A 7.22 3 . . 7422 2925 2834 49.2 + 31 52 2 A 5.83 4.^ 7472 1728 0.1 + 60 47 2 H 6.93 4. . 7423 4374 2831 49.2 -60 1 H 5.73 421 7473 3629 2855 0.2 + 49 2 II? 6.32 014 7424 3092 2832 49.3 + 10 19 4 A 4.41 360 7474 4512 0.2 -21 25 1 A? 5.77 28. 7425 3077 49.6 + 15 48 1 IJ 6.74 6. . 7475 2890 2858 0.3 + 34 56 2 A 6.21 . 3 7426 3002 2836 50.6 + 21 8 2 F 6.27 3 . 7 7476 3220 2856 0.4 + 19 45 2 A 6.11 1 . 1 7427 3258 50.7 + 13 47 1 F 6.33 04. 7477 3224 2857 0.4 - 45 3 A 5.61 230 7428 4249 2835 50.8 -22 59 3 A 5.17 374 7478 0.6 -26 22 1 E 6.02 . 6. 7429 3266 2837 51.0 + 18 35 2 H 6.51 H .7 11 7479 3142 2859 0.8 + 12 53 4 A 5.10 032 7430 4471 51.2 -19 22 2 A? 5.85 pp. 7480 641 0:9 + 77 48 7 A 6.16 3. . 7431 2234 51.5 + 46 41 1 A? 6.65 4. . 7481 1170 1.6 + 64 45 2 H 6.69 2 . . 7432 3069 51.9 + 16 27 1 F? 6.69 5. . 7482 3292 2860 1.7 - 1 31 1 F 6.10 251 7433 893 52.1 + 68 5 2 A 7.06 6 . . 7483 1729 1.9 + 57 38 1 A 7.43 8. . 7434 605 52.7 + 75 32 2 F 7.46 5 . . 7484 2652 2862 2.0 + 43 57 4 A 6.50 . 3 7435 3298 2838 53.0 + 9 32 4 K , 4.56 n n H 7485 3073 2861 2.1 + 22 13 1 H 6.63 6 . 8 7436 4509 53.0 -14 42 1 E 6.01 25. 7486 3230 2864 3.1 - 57 2 A 5.86 340 7437 _^_ 54.0 -24 50 1 E 5.71 . 4. 7487 2865 3.2 + 54 36 1857 5.44 6 . 2 7438 517 54.1 + 79 40 7 H 7.21 4. . 7488 2866 3.2 + 54 36 7439 3136 54.6 + 17 51 1 H? 6.80 4. . 7489 612 _ 3.6 + 75 21 4 F 6.92 4. 7440 906 55.4 + 70 37 3 A 6.46 5. . 7490 4063 __ 3.6 - 3 45 1 E? 6.34 44. 7441 1157 2843 55.4 + 65 17 4 F 5.27 0.6 7491 4445 2867 4.3 -10 23 2 F 5.70 ill 7442 1521 55.4 + 62 31 2 A 6.55 4. . 7492 3103 2870 4.5 + 40 39 4 A 6.43 2 . 1 7443 3332 55.6 + 6 44 1 F? 6.15 86. 7493 2827 2869 4.5 + 36 4 4 A 5.76 3 . 3 7444 977 55.8 + 67 38 3 A 6.30 2. . 7494 4467 2868 4.6 -15 36 4 A 3.05 1164 7445 4215 2842 55.8 -44 1 H 5.84 038 7495 568 4.8 + 81 1 6 H 6.80 5. . 7446 1159 55.9 + 65 11 2 A 6.60 1 . . 7496 613 2871 4.8 + 75 26 5 A 6.08 3 . 5 7447 608 56.0 + 75 34 4 A? 6.74 1 . . 7497 4678 _ 5.1 -12 34 1 F 6.23 03 . 7448 498 2851 56.2 + 82 12 9 K 4.90 9.4 7498 580 5.3 + 78 16 1 H 7.86 9. . 7449 690 56.2 + 74 27 3 F 7.40 3. . 7499 2178 __ 5.8 + 50 58 4 A 6.55 1 . . 7450 2947 2844 56.5 + 31 4 5 A 3.88 4.1 7500 6.1 25 7 1 A? 6.00 . 6 . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 83 17 D. C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1000. No. Sp. Magn. liesid. D. C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 7501 m. 6.2 / -27 38 1 A 5.93 .4 . 7551 2898 m. 17.1 / + 32 47 1 H 6.54 5 . . 7502 3109 2872 6.3 + 40 54 3 I? 6.35 n . n 7552 2293 2906 17.5 + 46 20 3 M 7.05 n . n 7503 1640 7.0 + 61 17 1 F 6.78 D. . 7553 2695 17.5 + 44 18 1 H 7.08 6 . . 7504 3140 2873 7.0 + 24 21 2 A 6.44 2 . 2 7554 3004 17.5 + 31 21 1 II 6.93 6. . 7505 4488 7.9 -15 27 1 A 6.40 64 . 7555 4343 17.6 - 2 18 1 H 6.60 31 . 7506 2032 2876 8.2 + 52 32 3 A 6.24 2 . 7556 2728 17.7 + 28 51 2 H 6.81 3 . . 7507 1170 2878 8.5 + 65 50 5 A 3.61 6 . S 7557 3091 17.7 + 23 47 2 A 6.68 p. . 7508 2187 9.0 + 51 53 2 A 6.86 3. . 7558 2506 17.8 + 48 17 3 F 6.59 1 . . 7509 2604 9.1 + 49 53 4 A 6.34 1 . . 7559 1343 18.3 + 63 50 1 A 6.98 3. . 7510 616 9.2 + 75 15 1 F 7.25 2 . . 7560 3136 2907 18.4 + 40 5 5 F 6.27 n.5 7511 2877 9.2 -26 27 2 I 5.32 . 56 7561 4516 18.8 -18 22 1 E? 6.52 21 . 7512 1954 . 9.3 + 56 47 1 E 7.17 3 . . 7562 654 19.1 + 77 27 1 II 7.17 3. . 7513 3207 2879 10.1 + 14 30 4 M 4.83 K . n 7563 3405 2908 19.2 + 8 56 1 E? 6.71 567 7514 2509 . 10.6 + 45 30 1 E 7.24 . . 7564 1937 2913 19.6 + 53 31 2 II 6.78 8 . 8 7515 1869 . 10.9 + 54 16 2 A 6.64 4. . 7565 3100 2910 19.9 + 23 3 3 A 5.96 2 . 2 7516 999 10.9 + 66 23 1 A 7.07 P 75G6 3174 2911 20.0 + 16 25 4 A 6.02 5 . 2 7517 759 11.0 + 73 17 2 F? 7.34 5. . 7567 3179 2912 20.0 + 15 43 2 A 5.94 3. 2 7518 3221 2880 11.0 + 24 57 5 A 3.70 7.4 7568 925 20.2 + 70 53 4 A 6.60 4. . 7519 3283 2881 11.2 + 2 18 2 A? 6.42 103 7569 2878 2914 20.2 + 37 14 8 . 4.36 3 7520 2844 2885 11.5 + 36 55 5 K? 4.98 n . n 7570 2915 20.2 + 37 14 7521 3408 2883 11.5 + 1 19 3 B 5.72 2pl 7571 2909 20.2 -24 6 3 A? 4.57 , 11 7522 3255 2882 11.5 - 20 2 I 5.86 n89 7572 1176 20.4 + 65 45 1 E 7.46 . . 7523 1336 2887 11.7 + 62 59 4 A 5.66 \.2 7573 2928 2917 20.7 + 38 41 1 H? 6.83 1.4 7521 2884 11.9 -24 11 1 H 5.87 . n7 7574 20.7 -25 52 1 H 6.38 .1 . 7525 3336 12.1 + 18 8 o A 6.75 1 . . 7675 3329 20.8 - 1 33 1 II 6.70 02 . 7526 378 12.3 + 84 54 5 A? 7.16 P 7576 1013 20.9 + 66 39 1 11 7.28 S . . 7527 2994 13.1 + 26 1 A 6.75 7. . 7577 2882 21.0 + 37 2 2 II? 7.02 2 . . 7528 2864 2890 13.6 + 33 13 5 B 4.81 2. 1 7578 3183 21.2 + 16 29 2 F 6.09 4. . 7529 2993 13.7 + 31 37 2 A 6.83 7 . . 7579 4275 2918 21.3 -50 3 F? 4.81 032 7530 3216 2889 13.7 + 17 26 3 A 5.87 1 . 7580 4750 2919 21.4 -12 26 1 H 6.53 2Q2 7531 3156 2891 13.9 + 10 58 2 H 6.67 n H n 7581 536 21.5 + 79 39 2 F 7.42 6. . 7532 617 14.0 + 75 13 1 A 7.35 1 . . 7582 3368 2920 21.5 + 7 41 1 A 6.55 136 7533 3386 14.0 + 6 11 1 E? 6.74 31 . 7583 3422 2921 21.5 + 4 14 1 I 5.98 nu n 7534 4773 14.1 -17 39 2 A 6.23 21 . 7584 1758 21.7 + 57 5 1 A 6.52 2 . . 7535 2864 2893 14.2 + 37 24 6 A 4.77 S . 1 7585 2629 21.8 + 49 36 1 E? 7.08 7 . . 7536 1742 14.9 + 60 49 2 F 6.83 1 . . 7586 2400 22.0 + 50 31 1 A? 7.09 3 . . 7537 2719 2896 14.9 + 28 55 2 II 6.57 8 . 7 7587 2800 _^ 22.0 + 26 57 2 A 6.15 3 . . 7538 2910 2898 15.0 + 38 55 2 II 7.09 n . n 7588 2402 22.2 + 50 47 1 II 7.10 1 . . 7539 4731 2895 15.0 -21 1 3 B 4.76 235 7589 3481 2922 22.5 + 20 10 6 A 5.41 3 . 7540 4722 2897 15.2 -12 45 4 A 4.43 120 7590 3188 23.1 + 16 32 1 H 6.80 2. . 7541 1743 2901 15.3 + 60 46 1 II 7.13 8 . 8 7591 2057 23.2 + 52 53 2 E 6.82 3 . . 7542 2722 15.5 + 28 7 .3 A 6.63 b . . 7592 2971 2923 23.2 + 34 47 7 A 5.86 2 . 1 7543 2899 15.8 -24 54 3 B 3.43 . 20 7593 3697 2925 23.7 + 25 2 A 5.76 326 7544 3351 2900 15.9 + 18 10 3 H 6.50 n . n 7594 2517 2926 24.1 + 48 20 5 A 5.74 3. 1 7545 3246 2902 16.1 + 25 37 3 A 5.32 7 . 1 7595 1754 2928 24.4 + 60 7 4 A 5.47 0. 3 7546 3167 2904 16.8 + 24 36 4 A 5.12 9. 2 7596 1731 2930 24.5 + 58 44 2 A 6.25 .4 7547 2955 16.9 + 35 28 1 A? 7.21 5. . 7597 4290 25.0 - 4 17 1 II 6.64 32. 7548 2896 2905 16.9 + 32 37 2 E 5.94 2.5 7598 3300 2929 25.2 - 58 1 F? 5.96 636 7549 1191 17.0 + 64 7 1 A? 7.28 2. . 7599 1014 25.3 + 67 24 3 H 6.72 2. . 7550 2521 17.0 + 45 23 4 A? 6.87 4. . 7600 2927 25.3 -23 53 1 A 4.83 . 41 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 17' B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp Magn. Resicl. B.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. m. o / m. / 7601 710 25.5 + 74 45 3 A? 6.91 1 . . 7651 512 32.6 + 83 26 4 E 7.21 3 . . 7602 540 25.8 + 79 25 6 A 6.74 6. . 7652 3033 2950 32.8 + 30 51 7 A 5.95 . 3 7603 3234 25.8 + 12 2 A 6.37 10. 7653 634 32.9 + 75 42 1 E? 7.81 5. . 7604 3256 26.2 + 17 36 1 II 6.80 2. . 7654 3218 2952 33.4 + 24 22 6 A 5.71 3. 1 7605 2218 26.3 + 51 26 1 E 6.95 5. . 7655 2668 33.7 + 49 31 2 A? 7.03 0. . 7606 3337 2931 26.4 + 2 48 1 II? 6.58 n7n 7656 1678 2955 33.9 + 61 58 3 F 6.02 0. 7 7607 2412 26.6 + 50 58 1 F 6.50 3. . 7657 2542 2954 34.0 + 48 38 3 H 6.35 4.9 7608 1015 26.7 + 67 51 1 F 7.20 6. . 7658 2234 34.4 + 51 3 2 A? 7.30 2. . 7609 3034 2933 26.7 + 26 11 6 K? 5.87 9 . n 7659 3421 34.4 + 13 23 2 E? 6.48 0. . 7610 3047 2934 27.1 + 31 13 4 II 6.48 7. 7 7660 3338 34.8 - 35 1 A? 6.61 12 . 7611 544 2941 27.2 + 80 13 6 I 6.62 4- 7 7661 2777 35.1 + 43 40 3 A? 6.65 4. . 7612 647 27.3 + 76 8 1 H 7.53 5 . . 7662 2573 35.2 + 45 38 1 E 7.54 2 . . 7613 8147 27.3 + 38 58 2 E 6.84 3 . . 7663 1960 35.3 + 55 48 2 A? 7.26 1 . . 7614 3241 27.6 + 12 2 A 6.22 53. 7664 717 35.4 + 74 17 1 H 6.87 1 . . 7615 2767 2936 27.9 + 28 29 7 A 5.59 1 . 7665 2512 35.6 + 47 12 1 C? 7.56 2 . . 7616 2065 2937 28.1 + 52 23 6 K 4.19 n . n 7666 4808 2956 35.8 -12 49 3 A 4.43 130 7617 4461 2935 28.1 - 5 40 2 A 6.03 112 7667 2515 36.5 + 47 17 1 E? 7.76 0. . 7618 2989 28.4 + 34 21 2 E? 6.70 2 . . 7668 2745 36.5 + 44 4 5 A 6.56 2. . 7619 3038 28.4 + 26 31 2 A 6.60 4. . 7669 2549 36.6 + 48 30 1 F? 6.87 9. . 7620 383 28.6 + 84 42 4 H 7.38 3. . 7670 2349 2959 36.6 + 46 3 7 B 3.90 1 . 7621 1774 29.1 + 57 57 1 H 7.13 4- 7671 3246 2958 36.6 + 15 13 2 A 6.04 0. 3 7622 3354 2939 29.1 + 19 20 4 F 6.01 n. 4 7672 666 36.7 + 77 25 1 H 6.97 8 . . 7623 3218 2940 29.2 + 16 25 2 II 6.29 n. 8 7673 1961 36.7 + 55 48 2 E 7.36 1 . . 7624 4411 29.2 -11 10 2 A 5.54 53 . 7674 2678 37.3 + 49 50 5 A 6.28 2. . 7625 521 29.4 + 82 49 4 A? 7.40 P 7675 3256 2961 37.4 + 16 5 F? 5.99 9 . 3 7626 1889 29.4 + 54 26 3 A 6.59 9. . 7676 4712 2960 37.4 -21 38 2 F? 5.52 805 7627 4660 29.5 -13 34 1 A 6.57 23 . 7677 949 2964 37.5 + 68 48 5 F 5.32 5.4 7628 3397 29.8 + 13 14 1 H 6.83 8 . . 7678 933 37.6 + 69 38 3 G 6.57 1 . . 7629 3424 2942 29.9 + 9 39 2 A 5.46 p34 7679 2781 37.7 + 43 31 1 H 6.87 4. . 7630 2066 30.0 + 52 40 1 A 7.22 9. . 7680 3100 37.8 + 23 48 4 F 6.51 P 7631 2850 2943 30.0 + 41 19 3 H 6.56 n. 7 7681 3312 37.8 + 17 16 1 A 6.50 5. . 7632 3220 30.0 + 16 35 2 F 6.35 4. . 7682 782 38.0 + 73 7 2 A 6.98 8. . 7633 1944 2945 30.2 + 55 15 2 A? 5.45 2 . 5 7683 2882 38.1 + 41 42 3 A 6.93 4- 7634 1945 2946 30.3 +55 15 2 A? 5.45 2 . 6 7684 2870 38.1 + 27 40 1 A 6.36 7. . 7635 2532 30.2 + 47 59 2 A 6.92 4. . 7685 799 38.5 + 72 7 3 A? 6.97 3 . . 7636 3252 2944 30.3 + 12 38 5 A 2.88 9 . 7 7686 3489 2962 38.5 + 4 36 4 K 4.19 nun 7637 2658 30.5 + 49 26 3 A 6.86 1 . . 7687 3318 38.6 + 17 44 1 A 6.70 p. . 7638 3400 30.5 + 13 12 1 A 6.53 P 7688 720 38.7 + 74 4 3 E? 7.19 2. . 7639 713 31.2 + 74 34 2 E 7.27 4. . 7689 2887 38.7 + 41 5 2 H 7.30 2 . 7640 2996 31.2 + 34 48 2 A 6.70 3 . . 7690 3091 38.7 + 29 28 4 A? 6.49 0. . 7641 2856 31.5 + 40 59 2 A 6.70 0. . 7691 3321 2965 38.8 + 14 20 2 E 6.38 4.2 7642 511 31.7 + 83 47 4 A? 7.39 9. . 7692 1791 38.9 + 57 22 2 H 7.08 1 . . 7643 3157 2948 31.7 + 21 4 7 A 6.02 . 2 7693 800 2971 39.0 + 72 81 5 I 6.49 5 . 5 7644 4621 2947 31.8 -15 20 4 A 3.98 233 7694 2243 2969 39.1 + 51 52 1 H 6.31 3 . 1 7645 1780 31.9 + 57 38 2 F 6.63 3. . 7695 3237 2966 39.3 + 24 22 4 F 6.32 1 . 3 7646 3412 ___ 32.1 + 13 53 2 A? 6.43 3 . . 7696 3390 2967 39.5 + 2 37 R n 7647 2908 32.2 + 37 22 2 A? 6.87 4- 7697 3391 2968 39.6 + 2 37 2 A 5.58 32 R 7648 '938 2951 32.4 + 68 12 4 I 5.83 3.5 7698 1371 39.6 + 63 44 2 F 6.92 . . 7649 4472 2949 32.4 -83 3 A 4.83 Oil 7699 2942 39.6 + 33 2 1 A 7.64 6 . . 7650 264 32.6 + 86 58 1 F 7.65 9. . 7700 2794 39.8 + 43 13 1 A? 7.67 3. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 85 B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kcsiil. 7701 3329 2970 m. 39.8 o / + 14 27 3 A 6.28 312 7751 3100 _ __ m. 46.1 / + 31 4 1 H? 7.48 2. . 7702 3444 39.8 + 13 51 1 F 6.43. 8. . 7752 3357 46.2 + 25 19 5 A 6.30 7 . . 7703 2757 40.1 + 44 8 2 H 7.28 8 . . 7753 3238 46.4 + 39 38 1 H 7.84 n . . 7704 2944 40.6 + 33 17 7 A 6.55 1 . . 7754 1377 46.5 + 63 8 1 H 7.41 1 . . 7705 939 41.0 + 69 11 2 F 6.93 1 . . 7755 3126 2987 46.5 + 29 21 3 H 6.44 4.7 7706 2798 41.0 + 43 11 1 A? 7.92 7. . 7756 3227 2988 46.6 + 22 20 6 A? 6.10 4 . 2 7707 2588 41.2 + 45 5 5 A 6.29 9. . 7751 2468 2989 46.7 + 50 48 7 A 5.18 2 . 7708 3059 41.3 + 35 16 1 H 7.41 4. 7758 2929 46.9 + 41 59 1 H 7.71 4- . 7709 2972 41.3 -27 48 2 K 5.48 .-B.6 7759 1911 47.0 + 54 13 3 A 6.36 1 . . 7710 2994 41.5 + 38 23 2 A 7.23 3. . 7760 2956 47.1 + 36 52 ^1 H 7.32 3 . . 7711 1978 2975 41.9 + 53 50 4 A 5.70 0. 1 7761 3069 47.1 + 30 1 6 A 6.44 8 . . 7712 2250 41.9 + 51 50 1 II 7.11 7 . . 7762 2581 2991 47.4 + 48 25 5 B? 6.32 2. 1 7713 3090 2974 41.9 + 31 33 7 A 6.15 3. 3 7763 2777 47.5 + 44 31 1 C? 7.28 2 . . 7714 4770 41.9 -14 42 2 E? 6.01 21 . 7764 3295 47.6 + 16 40 1 H 6.55 9. . 7715 787 42.0 + 73 1 2 E 6.98 p. . 7765 3225 48.0 + 40 5 2 E 6.85 1 . . 7716 3062 42.0 + 35 56 1 E? 7.76 . . 7766 3300 48.1 + 16 55 1 F? 6.70 . . 7717 2457 42.5 + 50 5 2' F 7.14 4. . 7767 2780 48.2 + 44 56 2 A? 7.04 2. . 7718 2997 2978 42.6 + 38 56 2 II 6.89 9 . 7 7768 1222 48.3 + 64 47 2 A 6.99 0. . 7719 2888 2976 42.6 + 27 48 9 I? 4.39 9 . 9 7769 1573 48.3 + 62 48 2 F 6.76 5 . . 7720 3344 42.6 + 25 48 1 E 6.50 5. . 7770 3566 2992 48.4 + 68 1 F 6.04 Ill 7721 3219 2980 42.7 + 39 22 2 H 7.19 n. 7 7771 2995 __ 48.5 + 32 2 1 A 6.99 . . 7722 3334 2977 42.7 + 17 46 5 A 5.82 3 . 1 7772 2905 48.6 + 27 11 1 E? 6.85 8. . 7723 3403 2979 42.9 + 2 44 3 A 3.83 500 7773 48.7 -24 52 1 E 5.71 . 9 . 7724 3464 43.2 + 18 56 5 A 6.29 2. . 7774 3228 48.9 + 40 2 H 6.94 7. . 7725 3493 43.3 + 3 50 2 A 6.38 52 . 7775 2379 2993 49.2 + 46 41 2 I 7.00 6 . 5 7726 2937 43.4 + 36 7 1 H 7.56 n . . 7776 2940 49.2 + 42 53 2 A 6.97 . . 7727 2831 43.4 + 28 58 1 A 6.77 7 . . 7777 961 49.6 + 68 22 3 A? 7.01 7. . 7728 805 2986 43.7 + 72 13 B . 7778 3283 _^ 49.6 + 11 10 1 E? 6.72 21 . 7729 804 2985 43.7 + 72 12 7 F 4.77 8 R . 7779 796 49.8 + 73 10 2 H 7.13 2. . 7730 2098 43.9 + 52 31 1 H? 6.92 6. . 7780 2028 49.9 + 56 8 2 A 6.71 5 . . 7731 2595 43.9 + 45 54 1 A? 7.55 2. . 7781 2941 49.9 + 42 13 2 A 6.96 6. . 7732 3570 2981 44.1 + 20 36 4 H? 6.40 6 . 5 7782 963 50.0 + 68 42 4 A 6.60 8 . . 7733 556 44.2 + 79 15 6 F 6.95 3. . 7783 2477 50.0 + 50 24 2 II 7.24 8. . 7734 3050 44.2 + 34 19 7 A 6.13 4. . 7784 3233 2997 50.0 + 40 1 4 I 6.14 n , 8 7735 2810 44.3 + 43 21 1 E: 7.82 2. . 7785 3098 50.0 + 35 43 1 H 7.76 n . . 7736 389 44.4 + 84 49 1 A? 8.05 7. . 7786 4686 2994 50.1 -18 47 2 A 6.51 520 7737 791 44.4 + 73 30 3 A 6.89 4. . 7787 3495 50.3 + 18 12 1 H? 6.80 P 7738 1984 44.4 + 53 37 2 A 6.98 5 . . 7788 4779 50.3 -21 57 1 E 6.41 86. 7739 2537 2983 44.4 + 47 39 5 A 6.37 2. 1 7789 2995 50.4 -28 3 1 A 6.02 . 02 7740 2939 44.4 + 36 3 1 F 7.31 1 . . 7790 4722 2996 50.5 -15 47 2 A 5.80 114 7741 2942 44.5 + 36 35 1 II 7.47 n . . 7791 2951 _^ 51.0 + 42 41 1 H 7.72 2 . . 7742 3435 2982 44.5 + 19 17 8 A 5.97 . 7792 1787 __ 51.2 + 60 25 3 A 6.57 1 . . 7743 3353 2984 44.7 + 25 40 6 H 6.00 3 . 6 7793 3813 2998 51.2 + 42 2 E 6.02 212 7744 3214 44.8 + 40 1 E 7.39 4. . 7794 3120 3000 51.4 + 26 4 7 F 5.79 1 . 2 7745 2772 45.1 + 44 8 1 H 7.68 5 . . 7795 3381 51.5 + 25 8 1 H? 6.84 P 7746 2541 45.3 + 47 37 2 H 7.21 4. . 7796 4376 2999 51.5 -44 1 H 6.49 27S 7747 2949 45.5 + 37 5 2 E 7.22 2 . . 7797 3237 3001 51.6 + 22 28 3 H 6.60 n . 8 7748 3055 45.9 + 34 39 1 H 7.80 6. . 7798 3244 . 51.7 + 40 26 1 E? 7.75 5. . 7749 3264 45.9 + 24 29 3 E 6.54 6. . 7799 2033 3003 51.8 + 56 55 6 K 5.34 n . n 7750 640 46.1 + 75 34 2 I 7.41 4. . 7800 2620 51.8 + 45 33 1 E? 7.69 3. . ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 17 h -18' D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H.P R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 7801 3004 51.8 + 32 28 2 A 6.84 2 . 7851 3597 56.0 + 6 16 1 F 6.19 85. 7802 2621 51.9 + 45 13 1 E? 7.34 4 . . 7852 668 _ 56.1 + 76 1 2 B 6.77 7. . 7803 3816 52.0 + 05 2 A 6.16 02. 7853 958 56.1 + 69 38 2 A 7.04 3 . . 7804 3034 52.1 + 38 37 1 E? 7.88 3. . 7854 3494 __ 56.1 + 19 31 6 A 6.19 3. . 7805 3578 52.1 + 6 31 1 A 6.35 41 . 7855 3097 56.4 + 34 14 1 A 7.80 9 7806 2791 _ 52.3 + 44 1 1 E 7.78 2 7856 3327 3021 56.4 + 15 7 1 A? 6.49 0. 2 7807 3502 __ 52.3 + 18 38 1 A? 6*.36 1 . . 7857 2861 56.7 + 43 14 2 H 7.22 7 . . 7808 3002 52.3 -28 45 1 E 6.15 .04 7858 3560 3023 56.7 + 1 19 7 A 4.54 062 7809 670 52.8 + 77 3 2 E 7.31 2 . . 7859 4952 56.7 -20 44 1 H? 6.53 05 . 7810 2982 3004 52.8 + 37 15 5 K? 5.54 n . 11 7860 3022 56.7 -24 17 1 F 5.32 .61 7811 3299 52.8 + 11 4 2 A? 6.37 10 . 7861 818 3034 56.9 + 72 1 6 F? 5.73 3. 1 7812 3283 53.2 + 24 1 1 E? 6.49 0. . 7862 3006 3024 56.9 + 33 14 1 H 7.34 n . n 7813 4632 3005 53.5 - 9 45 5 K 4.39 699 7863 2400 57.0 + 46 50 1 F 7.41 4. . 7814 1995 53.6 + 56 4 A 6.39 1 . . 7864 4516 3012 57.0 -22 43 1 E? 6.30 p72 7815 104 53.7 + 88 16 1 A? 7.80 2 . . 7865 2638 3031 57.1 + 45 31 2 I 6.94 9 . 11 7816 2995 53.7 + 33 25 1 H 7.49 n . . 7866 3280 3026 57.2 + 21 36 8 A? 4.84 6 . 2 7817 3006 53.7 -23 48 3 A 4.48 . 91 7867 3027 57.2 + 21 36 7818 2626 53.8 + 45 1 3 A 6.46 2. . 7868 4560 3025 57.4 - 5 21 1 A? 6.83 216 7819 2988 53.8 + 37 46 1 H 7.28 8. . 7869 3404 57.5 + 25 30 1 11 6.74 5. . 7820 2979 53.8 + 36 51 1 E 7.27 0. . 7870 647 57.7 + 75 10 3 H 6.66 3. . 7821 3156 3007 53.8 + 29 15 6 K? 4.79 8 . 9 7871 2502 57.7 + 50 56 2 A? 7.25 8. . 7822 3374 53.8 + 14 31 1 E? 6.73 2 . . 7872 3028 57.7 - 8 11 4549 2 F 5.16 A 1 3 7823 667 3019 53.9 + 76 58 9 F 5.48 tn f 8 . 4 7873 3029 57.7 - 8 11 *t *- u 7824 2627 53.9 + 45 23 1 H? 7.34 n . . 7874 3030 57.7 -24 22 1 A? 5.37 . 73 7825 3112 53.9 + 35 42 1 H 7.81 8 . . 7875 3009 3032 57.9 + 33 20 1 II 7.34 ii.9 7826 740 54.3 + 74 36 4 A? 6.46 3 . . 7876 4533 57.9 -22 50 1 A 6.55 SR. 7827 2282 3009 54.3 + 51 31 8 K 4.45 n . n 7877 2618 58.0 + 48 24 1 E 7.92 1 . . 7828 2629 54.3 + 45 53 2 F 6.90 5. . 7878 3649 3033 58.1 + 20 50 7 B 5.19 0. 1 7829 3017 54.4 + 32 41 2 A 6.84 1 . . 7879 2125 58.2 + 52 51 1 H 7.17 0. . 7830 1710 547 + 61 25 1 A 6.69 1 . . 7880 3262 58.2 + 40 20 1 A 7.45 5. . 7831 3093 3010 54.7 + 30 11 6 F 4.69 3 . 1 7881 4541 58.2 -22 30 1 H 6.45 p4. 7832 2605 54.9 + 48 19 1 E 7.87 6 . . 7882 2643 58.3 + 45 21 1 A 7.14 1 . . 7833 2851 55.0 + 43 26 4 A 6.37 8. . 7883 3260 58.3 + 22 56 5 A 5.97 1 . . 7834 2985 55.0 + 36 53 1 H 7.72 7. . 7884 2572 58.4 + 47 23 2 F? 7.16 7 . . 7835 31' 5 55.2 + 35 39 1 H 7.41 2 . . 7885 3151 58.4 + 26 22 1 H 6.85 5. . 7836 3593 55.2 + 6 34 1 A 6.70 83. 7886 2621 58.5 + 48 29 1 H 7.62 8 . . 7837 3832 55.2 + 38 1 A 6.51 63. 7887 3263 58.5 + 40 11 1 II? 7.75 3. . 7838 4217 3013 55.2 - 3 41 4 F? 5.12 126 7888 1237 58.7 + 64 9 3 F 6.60 4. . 7839 2986 3016 55.3 + 36 17 2 H 6.72 7 . 7 7889 3111 58.8 + 30 33 3 F? 6.65 1. . 7840 3570 3014 55.3 + 4 23 4 A 4.88 45/ 7890 3508 58.9 + 19 35 5 A 6.15 3. . 7841 1587 __ 55.5 + 62 38 R . . 7891 2576 59.3 + 47 52 2 II 7.32 1 . . 7842 1586 55.5 + 62 37 2 A 6.96 R . . 7892 2870 . 59.5 + 43 16 1 II 7.77 8 . . 7843 2972 55.6 + 42 34 1 H 7.87 4. . 7893 1399 59.6 + 63 32 1 H 6.77 0. . 7844 3335 3018 55.6 + 16 46 4 K? 5.90 n 6' n 7894 2812 59.6 + 44 15 2 F 6.98 5 . . 7845 564 55.7 + 79 21 5 F 6.89 6. . 7895 3578 59.6 + 1 55 1 E? 6.57 11. 7846 3458 3017 55.7 + 2 56 5 B 4.21 302 7896 2302 59.9 + 51 38 1 E? 6.91 1 . . 7847 2119 55.8 + 52 14 1 A 6.86 1 . . 7897 3160 59.9 + 26 39 1 F? 6.70 3. . 7848 4503 3011 55.8 -22 46 1 F 5.00 PP 8 7898 2625 0.0 + 48 18 2 H? 7.57 4. . 7849 616 56.0 + 78 20 5 H 6.83 3 . . 7899 3113 0.1 + 30 24 2 H 6.67 0. . 7850 2635 3020 56.0 + 45 28 5 A 6.21 2. 1 7900 2412 0.2 + 46 14 1 H 7.90 2 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 87 18' D.C. DM. n. p. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Re sid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. m. / m. / 7901 621 0.3 + 78 41 4 E 6.92 5 . . 7951 3133 4.4 + 30 59 2 E? 6.68 8 . . 7902 3182 3037 0.4 + 2 32 2 K 5.07 n9n 7952 3674 3051 4.4 + 20 48 7 B 4.30 1 . 2 7903 2627 3041 0.5 + 48 28 5 A 6.04 2 . E 7953 269 3077 4.5 + 86 37 8 A 5.04 5. 7 7904 3254 0.6 + 23 56 3 A 6.31 8. . 7954 2525 4.5 + 50 49 2 I 6.80 S . . 7905 2948 0.7 + 27 6 1 F 6.60 9. . 7955 2892 3055 4.5 + 43 27 4 H 5.82 6 . 7 7906 4558 0.7 - 8 20 2 A 6.56 53 . 7956 2732 3057 4.6 + 49 42 4 A 6.21 3. 1 7907 3310 0.9 + 39 29 3 A 7.01 . . 7957 3027 3054 4.6 + 36 23 3 H 6.42 5 . 8 7908 4395 3038 0.9 - 4 46 1 H 6.48 547 7958 3675 3053 4.6 + 20 1 5 A 5.37 1 . 2 7909 1781 1.0 + 58 38 2 A 6.44 1 . . 7959 3610 3052 4.6 + 3 58 2 F 6.18 Q25 7910 3382 1.1 + 12 R.. 7960 2988 4.7 + 41 42 1 II? 6.91 1 . . 7911 3383 1.1 + 12 1 A 6.57 1 . R 7961 3327 4.8 + 39 54 1 E? 7.79 n . . 7912 864 1.2 + 71 37 2 H 7.04 P. . 7962 3342 4.8 + 24 56 2 A 6.14 p. . 7913 2060 __ 1.2 + 56 25 B. . 7963 3613 3056 4.8 + 36 2 F 6.18 305 7914 2061 1.2 + 56 23 2 A? 6.91 R. . 7964 3295 4.9 + 40 54 1 H? 7.55 5 . . 7915 - 2995 1.2 + 42 6 1 E? 7.61 1 . . 7965 1240 5.1 + 65 42 3 A 6.53 3 . . 7916 3019 1.2 + 33 16 1 E? 7.84 6 . . 7966 1077 5.3 + 66 56 4 F? 6.88 4- 7917 4855 1.2 -21 27 1 E 5.97 47. 7967 4886 5.3 -19 52 2 A 6.45 32. 7918 1233 1.3 + 65 57 1 F 7.11 1. . 7968 2829 5.4 + 44 6 2 E 6.93 . . 7919 3008 1.4 + 37 50 1 E? 7.88 1 ... 7969 3138 5.4 + 30 26 1 II 6.67 5. . 7920 2996 1.5 + 42 51 1 H 7.92 n . . 7970 3190 5.5 + 29 56 1 E? 6.72 5. . 7921 3276 1.5 + 40 5 2 E 6.65 1 . . 7971 3010 5.6 + 42 37 1 A? 7.57 6. . 7922 1402 1.7 + 63 36 1 A 6.92 p. . 7972 3620 3059 5.6 + 3 18 2 H 6.38 467 7923 2998 1.8 + 42 57 2 A 6.92 5 . . 7973 3058 5.6 -23 43 1 I 5.23 . 51 7924 3273 3042 1.8 + 22 13 2 II 6.28 n. 9 7974 5.6 -28 56 1 E? 6.44 . 8 . 7925 3039 1.8 -28 28 1 H 5.61 .29- 7975 3390 3060 5.7 + 16 27 2 F? 6.14 1 . 1 7926 2968 1.9 + 41 56 3 A 6.53 2 . . 7976 2897 6.0 + 43 31 1 H 7.67 3. . 7927 3047 3043 2.1 + 32 14 3 H 6.69 7 . 7 7977 1245 6.2 + 64 12 2 H 6.68 3. . 7928 5028 3040 2.1 -17 10 1 H 6.43 755 7978 404 6.4 + 84 43 1 A 7.65. p. . 7929 2635 2.3 + 48 8 2 A 7.17 5 . . 7979 3095 6.4 + 38 28 1 II 7.03 8 . . 7930 3582 3044 2.5 + 8 43 2 I 5.46 557 7980 3582 6.4 + 18 28 1 A 6.66 5. . 7931 3564 3045 2.6 + 9 33 4 A 4.04 742 7981 3039 3061 6.5 + 36 26 3 I 6.27 8.4 7932 2727 2.9 + 49 20 2 H 7.53 0. . 7982 655 6.6 + 75 47 5 A 6.29 2. . 7933 3265 2.9 + 23 23 2 A 6.48 p. . 7983 3336 6.6 + 39 51 1 A? 7.79 4. . 7934 3365 2.9 + 15 55 .1 A? 6.84 S . . 7984 3061 __ 6.7 + 32 20 1 H? 7.64 4. . 7935 3567 3.0 + 9 50 1 E? 6.31 SF. 7985 1245 _ 6.9 + 65 52 2 A 7.06 4. . 7936 3168 3.1 + 31 45 1 E 7.63 6. . 7986 3168 6.9 + 35 9 1 F 7.21 1 . . 7937 2308 3.2 + 51 56 1 H 6.91 2 . . 7987 3339 _ _ 7.0 + 39 3 1 A 7.44 5. . 7938 3286 3.2 + 40 22 2 A 7.00 . . 7988 294 7.2 + 85 41 5 A 7.35 1. . 7939 3128 3047 3.2 + 30 33 5 F 5.54 5 . 1 7989 2531 7.3 + 50 22 2 A? 6.89 1 . . 7940 3529 3.2 + 13 3 2 F 6.33 43. 7990 2649 7.3 + 48 22 1 II? 7.72 4- . 7941 2025 3.5 + 55 5 1 H 7.10 1 . . 7991 570 3071 7.5 + 79 59 11 F 5.38 R . R 7942 2729 3.6 + 49 31 . 2 F 6 53 R . . 7992 3199 7.5 + 29 39 1 E 6.67 P. . 7943 2728 3.6 + 49 28 R . . 7993 272 3092 7.6 + 87 4 A 6.50 5 . 6 7944 2925 3048 3.6 + 28 45 7 A 4.06 2. 1 7994 571 3072 7.6 + 79 59 R F R R . R 7945 2638 3.8 + 48 50 2 A 7.18 1. . 7995 3100 7.6 + 38 56 1 A 7.34 7 . . 7946 3049 3.8 + 26 5 7996 3528 7.7 + 2 47 2 A? 6.53 34. Q1 7ft 7 54.1 5 ? 7947 O i. 1 O 3050 3.8 + 26 5 tTKJI 7997 4908 3062 7.8 -21 5 5 F 4.23 211 7948 2426 3.9 + 46 16 i F 7.35 2. . 7998 2839 7.9 + 44 34 1 H 7.28 3. . 7949 3427 4.1 + 14 16 3 A 6.11 43 . 7999 3343 7.9 + 39 4 2 A 6.69 2 . . 7950 169 4.3 + 87 26 1 A 7.75 3. . 8000 4415 7.9 -43 "l E? 6.74 11 . ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1!XX). Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Resid. m. o / in. / 8001 1051 8.0 + 67 23 1 II 7.09 4. . 8051 3415 13.2 + 11 51 1 F? 6.27 8 . . 8002 3044 3064 8.1 4-33 26 4 A 5.82 3. 1 8052 1252 3081 13.3 + 64 22 5 F 5.30 S . S 8003 3532 8.1 + 2 57 1 A 6.28 87. 8053 3062 13.4 + 33 30 1 H 7.70 5 . . 8004 3199 3065 8.2 + 31 22 3 M? 6.43 n . n 8054 3593 13.5 + 13 44 3 A 5.95 14. 8005 1950 3066 8.4 + 54 15 3 H 6.49 5 . 6 8055 2551 13.6 + 50 30 1 A 7.09 3 . . 8006 527 8.7 + 83 55 4 H 7.30 4. . 8056 1089 13.8 + 66 27 1 H 7.07 1 . . 8007 3405 8.8 + 16 14 1 F 6.59 1 . . 8057 2668 13.8 + 48 20 1 H 7.62 7 . . 8008 3379 8.8 + 11 51 1 F 6.27 66. 8058 3623 3080 13.8 + 18 6 3 A 5.83 6. 2 8009 1727 8.9 + 61 52 2 F 6.84 2. . 8059 3461 13.8 + 12 56 3 A 6.31 45. 8010 679 9.0 + 77 29 1 F 7.18 9. . 8060 2060 13.9 + 53 15 1 E 6.37 9. . 8011 2652 3070 9.0 + 48 17 1 H 7.37 9. 7 8061 2669 14.0 + 48 6 1 H 7.52 8. . 8012 3347 9.0 + 21 51 1 H 6.67 3. . 8062 3332 3082 14.0 + 40 54 1 H 7.10 n . n 8013 5055 3068 9.3 -20 25 2 A? 5.89 673 8063 2761 14.3 + 49 3 1 H 7.73 5 . . 8014 5054 3069 9.3 -20 46 5 A 5.35 442 8064 3629 3085 14.3 + 7 13 2 H 6.50 778 8015 1052 9.4 + 67 59 3 A? 7.11 4 . . 8065 3467 14.5 + 12 9 1 F 6.32 5. . 8016 3195 9.4 + 26 12 1 H 6.85 2. . 8066 3334 14.6 + 40 17 2 A 7.20 0. . 8017 3011 3067 9.5 + 41 8 2 H 7.20 n. 6 8067 4585 _ 14.7 -82 1 A 6.41 12. 8018 2655 9.6 + 48 6 1 H 7.67 2 . . 8068 3426 14.8 + 15 47 1 A 6.69 2. . 8019 3186 9.7 + 35 10 1 E 7.46 2. . 8069 619 15.0 + 81 27 5 F? 7.00 p. . 8020 4864 9.7 -18 42 3 E? 6.21 63. 8070 3381 3087 15.1 + 24 24 2 H 6.14 6 . 6 8021 3113 3073 9.8 + 38 45 4 A 5.91 1 .0 8071 2690 15.3 + 45 6 1 F 7.19 0. . 8022 1813 9.9 + 60 23 4 A 6.02 2. . 8072 985 15.5 + 70 47 3 A 6.77 4 . . 8023 2750 9.9 + 49 5 1 A 7.48 1 . . 8073 4926 3088 15.5 -18 55 1 G 6.06 Ill 8024 3013 9.9 + 41 29 1 E? 7.61 6 . . 8074 2459 15.6 + 46 23 1 E? 7.40 9 . . 8025 678 10.1 + 76 7 2 F 7.03 2. . 8075 984 3094 15.8 + 68 43 3 H 6.49 6.4 8026 2753 10.3 + 49 36 1 E? 7.98 8. . 8076 3680 3089 15.8 + 3 20 3 H 5.73 227 8027 2960 10.3 + 28 12 1 H 6.91 1 . . 8077 3236 16.0 + 29 37 2 H 6.77 8 . . 8028 3211 10.4 + 31 28 2 F? 7.18 9. . 8078 3388 16.0 + 21 2 1 A 6.67 9. . 8029 2918 10.5 + 43 19 1 E? 7.67 3 . , 8079 3390 3091 16.1 + 21 55 2 M? 6.17 2 . n 8030 829 10.6 + 72 8 2 F 7.00 8. . 8080 4599 3090 16.1 - 2 56 5 K 4.62 K 11 11 8031 3030 10.7 + 42 50 1 E 7.67 6. . 8081 3237 __ 16.2 + 29 24 1 H? 6.82 P. . 8032 4259 3075 10.7 - 3 39 2 A 6.39 221 8082 2676 _ 16.4 + 48 32 1 E 7.67 5 . . 8033 3213 10.8 + 29 12 2 F 6.52 5. . 8083 3094 3093 16.4 + 36 1 4 K? 5.56 9. n 8034 2921 11.1 + 43 16 1 H 7.87 1. . 8084 3337 _ 16.5 + 22 45 3 A 6.03 p. . 8035 576 11.3 + 79 6 3 A 7.47 7 . . 8085 3704 16.5 + 5 24 3 A 6.04 95. 8036 4263 11.6 -32 1 H 6.64 18 . 8086 2948 16.6 + 43 49 1 E? 7.78 5. . 8037 4886 11.6 -18 30 1 H 6.72 OB. 8087 2980 _ 16.6 + 28 56 3 F 6.20 8. . 8038 3452 11.7 + 10 48 1 A 6.47 p. . 8088 3745 16.8 + 20 53 1 A? 6.52 p. . 8039 3076 11.8 -27 5 1 H 6.10 . nn 8089 3003 16.9 + 27 29 2 I? 6.56 4. . 8040 8715 11.9 + 21 1 2 A 6.62 p. . 8090 3241 3096 17.1 + 29 48 4 A 5.65 1.0 8041 4678 11.9 - 9 48 2 A? 6.55 41. 8091 2981 3097 17.1 + 28 49 5 A 5.20 3 . 2 8042 3907 12.0 + 58 1 A? 6.47 33 . 8092 8395 __ 17.3 + 25 1 4 A 6.09 p. . 8043 2758 12.4 + 49 7 1 H 7.63 9 . . 8093 4673 17.5 -10 16 1 A 6.05 48. 8044 3673 12.4 + 5 43 1 H? 6.59 P F. 8094 989 17.6 + 68 42 4 A 6.20 6 . . 8045 681 12.5 + 77 34 1 H 6.93 6. . 8095 2357 3100 17.6 + 51 18 1 H 7.35 n . n 8046 3035 3079 12.6 + 42 8 4 A 5.34 2 . 8096 3104 17.6 + 32 51 1 E? 6.69 6. . 8047 2684 12.7 + 45 10 1 F 6.54 S . . 8097 3400 17.6 + 21 27 2 F? 6.37 p. . 8048 2604 12.9 + 47 32 1 F 7.26 1 . . 8098 5024 3098 17.6 -12 3 3 A 5.63 743 8049 2080 13.0 + 56 34 1 H 6.62 4. .' 8099 3106 17.7 + 32 53 1 H 7.59 2 . . 8050 2549 13.0 + 50 57 1 E 7.65 1 . . 8100 3316 3101 18.0 + 23 14 2 H 6.48 0. 8 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 89 18' D. C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1000. Dec. 1800. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. m. o / m. o / 8101 3442 3099 18.0 + 11 59 4 A 5.92 120 8151 889 3120 22.2 + 71 17 10 A 4.22 5 . 8102 4712 3102 18.2 - 8 59 3 H 5.09 421 8152 2481 22.2 + 46 12 1 A? 7.75 2. . 8103 3555 3104 18.4 + 17 46 2 H 6.10 9 . 6 8153 3240 22.2 + 35 17 1 H 6.91 3. . 8104 2776 18.6 + 49 40 1 H 7.18 7 . . 8154 3255 22.3 + 26 10 2 A 6.40 7. . 8105 3760 18.7 + 20 55 1 H 6.82 5. . 8155 622 22.4 + 81 26 1 H 7.46 8 . . 8106 3511 18.7 + 14 39 2 A 6.34 0. . 8156 575 22.4 + 80 37 1 H 7.27 1 . . 8107 4277 18.8 - 3 38 1 H? 5.74 89. 8157 693 22.4 + 77 4 1 A 7.66 3 . . 8108 2782 3106 19.0 + 49 4 2 M? 6.63 n . n 8158 1809 3116 22.4 + 58 45 5 A 5.01 2 . 2 8109 621 19.1 + 81 27 1 E? 7.66 P 8159 2484 22.5 + 46 50 1 A 7.26 . . 8110 2362 19.2 + 51 14 1 H 7.80 n . . 8160 2790 22.7 + 49 48 1 H 7.84 6 . . 8111 3350 19.2 + 40 20 1 F? 7.55 1. . 8161 2692 22.7 + 48 42 1 E 7.67 7. . 8112 3247 19.2 + 29 19 1 E? 6.77 p. . 8162 3259 3115 22.7 + 26 23 3 A 6.20 1 . 8113 3518 19.2 + 14 51 1 A 6.14 P 8163 839 3122 22.8 + 72 42 8 F 4.24 4.5 8114 3411 3107 19.4 + 21 43 6 K? 5.14 6 . n 8164 22.8 -26 38 1 H? 5.96 . B . 8115 5134 3105 19.4 -20 35 1 H 5.94 58n 8165 540 22.9 + 82 54 5 A 6.50 P 8116 2783 19.5 + 49 31 1 E? 8.03 1 . . 8166 2713 23.1 + 45 45 1 H 7.84 2 . . 8117 3159 R E B B B * 8167 3206 23.1 + 30 54 1 H 6.83 0. . 8118 3010 19.5 + 27 27 1 A? 6.66 p. . 8168 3788 3117 23.1 + 6 31 1 A? 6.65 P K K 8119 2365 19.8 + 51 29 4 A 6.48 3. . 8169 3790 3118 23.1 + 68 3 A 5.54 p52 8120 3769 19.8 + 20 23 1 F 6.17 5. . 8170 5071 3119 23.5 -14 38 5 A 4.87 \12 8121 3486 19.8 - 1 38 1 F 6.15 32 . 8171 2490 23.6 + 46 44 1 E 7.55 4. . 8122 1066 19.9 + 67 23 1 H 6.99 0. . 8172 3425 23.6 + 24 37 2 A 6.09 7. . 8123 2962 19.9 + 43 53 1 H 7.88 4. . 8173 3758 23.6 + 4 47 1 E? 6.64 BF. 8124 3192 20.1 + 30 14 1 H? 6.87 p. . 8174 3759 23.6 + 4 46 EF . 8125 579 20.2 + 79 21 1 H 7.45 9. . 8175 822 24.0 + 73 59 2 A 6.96 P 8126 2474 20.2 + 46 18 1 F? 7.10 1 . . 8176 5077 24.1 -14 39 2 A 6.11 74. 8127 2704 20.2 + 45 9 1 F 7.44 4. . 8177 4982 3121 24.3 -18 47 1 H 6.46 048 8128 3159 20.4 + 38 18 3 A 6.66 3 . . 8178 4641 3123 24.5 -23 2 H 6.10 886 8129 3160 20.6 + 38 42 1 H 7.68 n . . 8179 412 24.6 + 84 37 6 F 7.04 5. . 8130 3191 20.6 + 34 27 1 H 7.70 . . 8180 1827 24.6 + 60 25 1 E? 6.42 p . . 8131 884 20.7 + 71 28 3 F 6.59 p. . 8181 667 24.7 + 75 30 1 H 6.96 P 8132 3118 20.7 + 32 5 1 F? 7.64 2. . 8182 1266 24.7 + 64 47 1 H 6.64 9. . 8133 3682 3108 20.8 + 7 59 1 H 6.25 434 8183 2797 24.9 + 49 45 1 E? 7.48 2. . 8134 3410 3110 20.9 + 39 27 7 A 5.23 1 . 3 8184 3595 25.0 + 17 55 2 A? 6.15 3. . 8135 3016 21.0 + 27 20 5 A 6.06 4. . 8185 3727 25.1 + 40 1 H 6.08 98. 8136 3931 21.0 + 44 1 F 6.37 65 . 8186 3598 25.2 + 17 57 1 H 6.75 p. . 8137 2970 21.1 + 43 51 1 H 7.78 n . . 8187 3532 _ 25.2 + 10 25 1 A 6.46 3. . 8138 3074 21.2 + 42 25 3 A 6.56 1 . . 8188 2906 25.3 + 44 12 1 E? 7.53 8 . . 8139 3358 21.3 + 22 39 2 A? 5.83 p. . 8189 2984 25.3 + 43 52 1 F? 7.43 3 . . 8140 3533 21.4 + 14 55 2 A 5.94 6. . 8190 3269 25.3 + 29 30 1 H 6.77 9. . 8141 530 21.5 + 83 39 1 H 7.56 2. . 8191 3347 3125 25.5 + 23 48 5 A 5.59 4. 1 8142 2079 21.7 + 53 15 3 A 6.04 5. . 8192 3487 25.6 + 11 8 1 H 6.72 p. . 8143 3019 21.7 + 27 38 1 H 6.91 p . . 8193 4988 3124 25.6 -18 28 5 A 5.07 941 8144 3111 21.8 -25 28 2 K 4.49 . n n 8194 1271 3126 25.7 + 65 30 4 I? 5.81 8 . 8 8145 3684 21.9 + 18 48 1 A 6.86 9. . 8195 3774 _ 25.7 + 4 27 1- H 6.33 97 . 8146 3166 22.0 + 38 23 2 A 7.03 5. . 8196 668 25.8 + 75 47 1 E 7.51 5. . 8147 632 22.1 + 79 1 5 F? 7.10 6. . 8197 2494 25.8 + 46 22 1 C? 7.15 7. . 8148 3259 3113 22.1 + 29 46 4 A 5.67 4. 1 8198 4713 25.9 -10 52 3 E 5.81 54. 8149 3936 3112 22.1 + 08 2 A 5.36 012 8199 3279 26.0 + 31 47 1 A? 6.58 p. . 8150 5203 22.1 -17 51 1 F? 5.97 76. 8200 2989 26.1 + 43 52 1 H 7.73 7. . 90 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 18' D.G. DM. H.P. R.A. 11)00. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Eesid. D.C. DM. H.P. B.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magu Rcsid. m. o I m. / 8201 275 26.2 + 86 32 1 H 7.95 2. . 8251 3418 31.7 + 22 40 1 A 6.53 P . . 8-202 3501 26.2 - 33 1 A 6.46 5p. 8252 3783 3138 31.7 + 93 4 F? 5.51 #20 8203 1899 26.3 + 59 29 2 H 6.81 6. . 8253 3855 3139 31.8 + 6 36 3 F? 5.55 IIS 8204 1873 26.3 + 57 20 1 F? 6.83 7. . 8254 3755 31.9 + 3 41 1 11? 6.68 93. 8205 3821 26.4 + 20 46 1 E? 6.52 0. . 8255 5076 31.9 -21 29 2 F? 5.82 54. 8206 2728 26.6 + 45 55 1 E? 7.60 6. . 8256 697 32.0 + 77 4 2 A 7.01 P 8207 3529 3127 26.6 + 16 52 5 A 5.66 1 . 8257 3975 32.1 + 52 1 H 6.52 34. 8208 5098 26.7 -14 43 1 A 6.06 9F. 8258 5271 32.1 -17 19 1 E? 6.28 79. 8209 3504 26.8 -14 2 A 5.56 p7. 8259 3244 32.4 + 30 31 1 H 6.83 2. . 8210 3141 26.9 + 32 35 1 A 6.49 p. . 8260 3494 32.4 + 22 1 2 A 6.07 8. . 8211 27.0 -24 12 1 E 6.12 P 8261 4518 32.4 - 4 54 1 F 6.53 35. 8212 3737 27.1 + 3 35 2 A 5.93 88. 8262 5139 32.4 -14 6 1 F 5.91 P 7. 8213 3013 27.2 + 28 26 1 F? 6.66 8. . 8-263 3142 32.4 -23 36 1 A 5.18 . 96 8214 3143 27.4 + 32 11 1 A? 6.34 9. . 8264 3495 32.5 + 21 15 1 A? 6.77 p. . 8215 894 27.5 + 71 39 2 E 6.84 7. . 8265 3530 32.5 + 11 21 2 A 6.17 1 . . 8216 3785 27.7 + 4 13 1 C? 6.13 pp. 8-266 3521 3143 32.5 - 24 4 A 5.63 .752 8217 3129 27.8 -24 6 1 H 6.37 ,55 8267 1079 32.6 + 67 41 1 II 6.75 3 . . 8218 2706 27.9 + 48 14 1 F? 7.67 . . 8268 3531 32.7 + 11 16 2 A 6.32 2. . 8219 5106 3130 27.9 -14 56 2 A 5.51 p93 8269 1882 32.8 + 57 43 2 A? 6.78 7 . . 8220 4791 28.0 - 5 59 1 A 5.88 66 . 8270 3154 3146 32.9 + 33 23 6 A 5.34 5 . 8221 3363 3131 28.6 + 23 33 1 H 6.58 6 . 6 8271 3846 32.9 + 5 47 1 A? 5.99 88. 8222 3741 28.6 + 8 12 2 F? 6.05 26. 8272 5081 3144 32.9 -21 8 1 E? 5.83 222 8223 3223 3132 29.0 + 30 29 6 A 5.35 1 . 8273 32.9 -23 16 1 H 6.19 . B . 8224 696 29.3 + 77 30 4 H 7.08 6. . 8274 3100 33.0 + 41 12 1 A 6.30 5 . . 8225 3226 29.4 + 30 5 1 H 6.87 p. . 8275 848 33.1 + 72 59 1 A 7.03 7 . . 8226 3627 29.4 + 17 39 1 E 6.55 9. . 8276 4331 33.1 - 3 17 1 E 6.39 13 . 8227 5189 29.4 -20 55 2 E 6.38 14. 8277 B 33.2 + 79 34 6 A 6.74 E . . 8228 4681 3133 29.5 -11 3 2 H 5.94 626 8278 3529 33.2 - 1 12 1 A 6.51 23. 8229 3227 29.6 + 30 49 2 B 5.88 p . . 8279 694 33.3 + 76 8 2 II 7.28 5. . 8230 5008 29.7 -18 38 1 A? 6.31 I> !' . 8280 3238 3147 33.6 + 38 41 5 A B B . E 8231 4638 3134 29.8 - 8 19 4 K? 5.04 nn 8281 3302 33.6 + 29 29 1 H 6.87 1 . . 8232 2232 29.9 + 52 3 3 A 6.16 3. . 8282 3027 3148 33.7 + 43 8 2 A? 6.37 4.9 8233 3847 30.0 + 20 23 4 A 5.94 6 . . 8283 1112 33.8 + 66 16 1 A 6.52 1 . . 8234 3573 30.1 + 10 49 2 A 6.07 66. 8284 3603 34.0 + 15 2 A 6.19 3. . 8235 3021 30.2 + 28 12 1 F? 6.71 6. . 8285 5223 34.0 -20 10 1 A 6.34 27 . 8236 1629 30.4 + 62 28 2 E 6.80 2. . 8286 3037 34.1 + 28 32 2 E 6.11 9. . 8237 3291 30.4 + 29 40 1 H 6.67 1 . . 8287 3313 34.2 + 31 14 1 H 6.93 8. . 8238 3483 30.5 + 21 24 1 A 6.27 p . . 8288 1439 34.5 + 63 37 1 A 6.67 P 8239 3801 30.6 + 4 51 2 A 6.04 P 7. 8289 699 3150 34.6 + 77 28 7 I 6.37 1 . 7 8240 587 30.7 + 79 9 5 H 6.68 3. . 8290 3037 B B B E B . . . 8241 3293 30.8 + 29 54 1 A 6.42 p . . 8291 3891 34.7 + 5 10 1 E 6.64 10 . 8242 3740 3135 30.8 + 18 7 6 A 5.65 5. 8292 3320 34.9 + 31 5 1 A? 6.93 P 8243 2113 3136 30.9 + 56 58 5 G? 5.54 1 . 7 8293 3879 34.9 + 20 25 1 H 6.67 p . . 8244 1276 31.0 + 65 22 2 F 6.55 2. . 8294 3880 35.0 + 20 50 1 H 6.77 7 . . 8245 2508 31.0 + 46 8 2 A 6.35 1 . . 8295 3798 35.0 + 7 16 2 A? 6.60 11 . 8246 3294 31.1 + 35 43 1 A 6.81 4. . 8296 3027 B B B B B . . . 8247 3385 3137 31.4 + 23 31 1 H 6.08 1 . 3 8297 3797 35.6 + 8 46 2 A 6.46 86. 8248 3560 31.4 + 16 54 2 E 6.20 1 . . 8298 3149 35.7 -23 56 1 F? 5.73 . 95 8249 2238 3141 31.6 + 52 16 2 I 6.26 8 . 9 8299 1283 3152 35.8 + 65 23 4 A 6.10 1 . S 8250 3245 3140 31.6 + 34 22 4 A 5.78 6. 1 8300 1276 35.8 + 64 59 1 H 7.00 P THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 91 18' D. C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 771. m. o / 8301 3741 35.9 + 19 37 1 H 6.81 9. . 8351 3191 40.8 + 33 55 I fi SO R . . 8302 5156 36.0 -14 40 1 H? 6.46 12. 8352 3190 40.8 + 33 54 \j.\j\j R . . 8303 852 36.1 + 72 18 1 H 6.91 1 . . 8353 859 41.1 + 72 53 1 H 6.92 P. . 8304 3262 36.2 +30 46 1 H 6.53 2 . . 8354 3509 3167 41.1 + 39 34 3 A 4.54 2 . 1 8305 3324 36.3 + 26 2 2 A 6.20 1 . . 8355 3168 41.1 + 39 34 8306 3446 36.4 + 40 50 4 A 6.10 1 . . 8356 3510 3169 41.1 + 39 30 3 A 4.54 1. 1 8307 2258 36.6 + 52 14 1 E 6.76 0. . 8357 3170 41.1 + 39 30 8308 3264 36.6 + 30 12 1 H 6.92 P 8358 3546 411 + 15 37 1 F 6.09 4. . 8309 1637 3153 36.7 + 62 26 4 A 5.78 1 . S 8359 3592 41.1 + 11 23 1 H 6.57 15. 8310 3327 36.7 + 31 32 1 A? 6.58 p. . 8360 789 41.2 + 74 32 1 E? 6.97 P 8311 3254 36.8 + 38 16 2 F? 6.28 9. . 8361 3779 41.2 + 19 53 1 H 6.81 2 . . 8312 3171 36.8 + 33 35 1 E? 6.75 5. . 8362 4701 41.2 - 8 13 1 A 6.41 6p. 8313 4796 3151 36.8 -99 5 F? 4.92 121 8363 4797 3164 41.2 -10 14 1 F 5.60 562 8314 855 37.0 + 72 11 1 H 6.80 2. . 8364 3222 3172 41.3 + 37 30 R . R 8315 1085 37.2 + 67 41 2 A 6.80 7 . . 8365 3223 3173 41.3 + 37 30 7 A 4.68 K. E 8316 1840 37.2 + 60 37 2 F 6.72 1 . . 8366 3550 41.3 + 21 53 2 A 6.12 8 . . 8317 536 37.3 + 83 6 10 A 5.83 4. . 8367 3559 3165 41.3 -13 2 A 5.41 784 8318 3271 . 37.4 + 30 11 1 H 6.67 7 . . 8368 2126 3175 41.4 + 53 47 6 A 6.16 3 . 1 8319 2263 3155 37.5 + 52 6 8 A 5.77 1 . 8369 3926 3171 41.4 + 20 27 7 F 4.91 8 . 7 8320 857 37.7 + 72 18 1 H 6.76 S . . 8370 3302 41.5 + 34 55 1 A 6.51 5 . . 8321 1445 37.7 + 63 26 1 H 6.77 5. . 8371 3814 41.7 + 18 23 2 A 6.35 5. . 8322 3332 37.9 + 31 31 3 A 5.85 7. . 8372 3307 41.8 + 34 7 1 H 6.85 P 8323 831 38.0 + 73 12 1 H 6.78 2. . 8373 4582 3174 41.8 - 4 51 1 H 4.83 334 8324 3537 38.1 + 15 6 1 A 6.09 2. . 8374 3349 3177 42.0 + 26 34 3 I 5.82 9 . 9 8325 4686 3154 38.1 - 8 23 2 H 5.91 478 8375 5268 42.0 -20 22 1 E 6.09 9p. 8326 3615 38.2 + 14 45 1 A 6.29 6. . 8376 4760 3176 42.1 - 5 48 1 K? 5.93 R&4 8327 4859 38.4 - 6 55 1 E 6.32 34. 8377 3310 42.2 + 34 25 1 A 6.45 9. . 8328 3459 38.5 + 40 37 2 A 6.70 1 . . 8378 702 42.5 + 77 35 7 F? 6.55 4. . 8329 3285 38.5 + 34 38 4 A 5.95 P 8379 3823 3178 42.6 + 18 4 6 A 4.52 4.0 8330 3085 38.5 + 28 1 1 EV 6.76 7 . . 8380 2034 3180 42.9 + 54 47 1 H 6.44 4.1 8331 1087 38.6 + 67 4 1 H 7.04 p . . 8381 3613 42.9 + 16 48 1 F? 6.15 8 . . 8332 3156 38.6 -25 5 1 A? 5.35 . 83 8382 5079 42.9 -18 42 1 H 6.26 75. 8333 858 38.7 + 72 11 1 H 7.15 p. . 8383 3137 3179 43.0 + 41 20 5 A 5.86 1 .2 8334 3063 38.9 + 28 12 1 H? 6.71 6. . 8384 1845 3182 43.1 + 60 56 1 H 6.68 7.4 8335 3762 38.9 + 19 22 2 A 6.46 7'. . 8385 1771 43.3 + 61 51 1 H 6.79 p. . 8336 3819 39.1 + 8 31 1 E? 6.50 9r. 8386 4913 43.3 -67 1 A 6.08 p9. 8337 3379 39.2 + 31 2 1 A? 6.68 p. . 8387 3361 43.6 + 35 46 1 A? 6.76 5. . 8338 4869 39.3 - 6 38 1 H 6.57 4F. 8388 906 43.7 + 71 33 1 H 7.14 p. . 8339 5131 39.3 -21 7 1 H 6.03 87 . 8389 5182 43.7 -19 15 1 F 6.30 SF. 8340 3157 39.4 -27 6 2 A 3.55 . IS 8390 1020 43.8 + 70 29 2 H 6.91 p. . 8341 3766 3158 39.8 + 1 57 5 A 5.08 140 8391 3573 43.8 + 15 17 1 A 6.19 7 . . 8342 3543 39.8 - 29 1 E 6.31 97 . 8392 5277 3181 43.8 -20 26 1 H 6.09 866 8343 3281 39.9 + 30 18 1 H 6.87 P 8393 1289 44.1 + 64 42 1 H 6.99 7 . . 8344 1641 3163 40.0 + 62 39 2 H 6.51 2.6 8394 3461 3183 44.1 + 23 24 1 E? 6.48 S . 5 8345 3348 3160 40.1 + 31 50 3 F 5.91 4.4 8395 2551 44.2 + 46 12 2 A 6.30 2 . . 8346 4787 40.3 -10 36 1 H? 6.49 5F. 8396 3369 3184 44.2 + 31 39 4 A 585 2. 8347 4854 3159 40.3 -22 30 1 H 5.95 244 8397 1023 44.3 + 70 41 2 H 6.87 6 . . 8348 3439 3161 40.5 + 23 29 1 F 6.28 2. / 8398 2280 3187 44.5 + 52 53 8 A 5.79 5. 8349 3941 3162 40.5 + 5 23 2 A 5.24 p75 8399 4027 44.5 + 44 1 A 5.72 89. 8350 2107 3166 40.7 + 55 26 9 A 5.01 3. 2 8400 678 44.6 + 75 12 3 A 6.63 9. . 92 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 18 h D. C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Resid D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No Sp. Magn Rcsid. m. o f ?. / 8401 3560 44.6 + 21 3 1 A 6.72 4. . 8451 591 60.1 + 80 11 1 F? 7.39 P 8402 3798 3185 44.6 + 19 13 4 A 5.76 3 . 1 8452 3982 50.1 + 20 14 1 F 6.46 3 . . 8403 3465 44.8 + 23 57 2 A 6.14 8. . 8453 3307 3207 50.2 + 36 51 5 A 5.47 6 . 2 8404 4881 3186 44.8 -22 16 1 F? 5.81 P 93 8454 3524 3209 50.5 + 22 32 o t> G? 5.30 8 . 7 8405 2871 45.0 + 49 19 1 F? 6.48 5. . 8455 1926 50.6 + 59 33 2 A 6.46 8. . 8406 2767 45.1 + 48 58 2 A 6.43 1. . 8456 3978 3208 50.6 + 6 30 1 H 5.99 223 8407 3545 3188 45.1 + 24 56 1 A 6.19 J> A 8457 2686 3214 50.7 + 50 35 6 I 5.77 6 . 9 8408 3583 45.2 + 15 49 1 H? 6.09 1 . . 8458 3319 3210 51.0 + 36 47 2 M 5.87 n . n 8409 4859 45.5 - 9 53 1 F? 5.90 45. 8459 5154 51.1 -15 1 E? 6.26 PF . 8410 5347 45.5 -17 16 1 H 6.38 4F . 8460 3257 3217 51.2 + 33 51 2 A? 6.00 p. 8411 2770 3190 45.6 + 48 39 6 A 6.20 2 . 2 8461 3916 3215 51.2 + 44 4C. ^ R , 8412 2777 45.7 + 45 9 1 A 7.24 6. . 8462 3917 3216 51.2 + 44 4 A .51 M** 8413 3215 45.8 + 33 35 1 F? 6.65 9. . 8463 3602 3212 51.2 - 1 56 1 A 5.60 994 8414 4390 45.8 - 3 22 1 E 6.29 PP 8464 3730 51.4 + 2 21 1 H 6.67 30. 8415 3368 45.9 + 26 19 1 F? 6.35 3. . 8465 5339 3213 51.4 -20 47 3 A? 5.26 243 8416 3373 46.0 + 31 31 2 A 6.38 6. . 8466 3177 3221 51.7 + 41 29 2 H 6.46 n . ii 8417 3227 3191 46.1 + 32 42 3 A 5.79 5 . 2 8467 3779 3220 51.7 + 17 59 2 A 5.90 0. 7 8418 4392 46.1 - 3 26 1 F 5.59 99. 8468 4976 3219 51.7 - 5 58 2 H 5.93 958 8419 4892 46.1 -22 2 1 A 5.81 pp. 8469 5242 51.7 -19 17 1 H 6.40 68 . 8420 3228 3192 46.2 + 32 26 5 A 5.33 "1.2 8470 5201 3218 51.8 -21 14 4 K 4.91 .'Mill 8421 1019 46.3 + 68 38 1 F 7.07 1 . . 8471 1915 52.1 + 57 20 1 H 6.73 4- 8422 3223 3193 46.3 + 33 15 6 G 3.87 R. 3 8472 2793 3223 52.1 + 48 44 4 F? 6.24 7 . 3 8423 46.3 -26 46 1 II 6.21 . 6 . 8473 3580 52.2 + 40 3 1 A 6.74 . . 8424 1096 46.9 + 67 41 5 A? 6.62 4. . 8474 1929 52.3 + 59 53 2 E 6.51 5 . . 8425 1461 46.9 + 63 9 1 H 6.81 7. . 8475 3117 3224 52.3 + 43 49 4 M? 5.63 K . n 8426 423 47.4 + 84 32 1 A 7.95 6. . 8476 3738 3222 52.3 + 2 26 3 A 5.45 46n 8427 3787 3194 47.5 + 13 51 2 A 6.13 251 8477 5344 52.3 -20 33 1 F? 6.14 PP 8428 4876 47.6 - 9 42 1 F? 6.20 45. 8478 4928 52.4 -22 40 1 A 5.55 PP 8429 282 47.7 + 86 35 1 H 7.60 6. . 8479 604 52.7 + 79 50 11 A 6.29 2. . 8430 1907 47.7 + 57 43 1 H 6.93 P 8480 1844 52.9 +58 35 1 F? 6.79 p. . 8431 4848 47.7 -10 21 1 H 6.55 PF. 8481 3017 53.0 + 44 5 1 A 6.73 4. . 8432 3582 3197 48.0 + 21 18 8 A 5.42 1 . 1 8482 3267 3225 53.3 + 32 47 4 F? 5.74 P- 4 8433 5176 3195 48.0 -21 29 1 H 6.17 022 8483 3837 , 53.4 + 14 1 H 6.57 4F. 8434 3295 48.1 + 36 25 5 A? 5.97 3. . 8484 3989 53.5 + 67 1 II 6.04 86. 8435 4907 3196 48.1 -22 52 1 H 5.65 466 8485 5155 53.6 -18 42 1 H 6.36 64. 8436 835 3204 48.2 + 73 58 7 I? 5.93 6 . 5 8486 2585 53.7 + 46 37 2 A 7.35 4- 8437 2042 48.2 + 54 12 2 A 6.84 7 . . 8487 3799 3227 53.8 + 17 14 2 F 6.10 349 8438 3003 48.5 + 45 1 A 6.99 2. . 8488 5172 3226 53.8 -12 58 1 A 5.02 573 8439 3167 3201 48.9 + 41 16 3 A 5.82 7 . 3 8489 2799 54.1 + 45 43 1 A 7.19 2 . . 8440 5143 3198 49.0 -15 43 4 A 5.38 313 8490 3838 54.2 + 13 46 2 A 5.88 56. 8441 4915 3200 49.1 -22 47 1 H 5.65 654 8491 54.2 -25 5 1 H 6.15 . 4 . 8442 3199 49.1 -26 25 2 B 2.77 .45 8492 4007 54.3 + 20 29 1 A 6.37 1 . . 8443 2294 3205 49.3 + 52 50 5 I? 6.25 7 . 6 8493 796 54.4 + 74 20 1 A? 6.82 p. . 8444 4863 49.4 -10 38 1 A? 6.29 PP 8494 914 54.4 + 71 39 5 A? 6.54 p . . 8445 682 3211 49.6 + 75 19 12 A 5.44 4. 2 8495 3858 3228 54.5 + 19.39 3 A 6.11 3. 1 8446 5225 49.6 -14 49 1 H 6.51 5 F . 8496 3841 3229 54.5 + 13 30 5 A 6.04 728 8447 792 49.7 + 74 37 2 H 6.93 3 . . 8497 3373 3230 54.6 + 38 7 5 A 5.63 6. 3 8448 1925 3206 49.7 + 59 16 3 I 5.62 n . n 8498 1922 3233 55.1 + 57 41 1 II 6.28 5 . 7 8449 5078 3202 49.7 -16 30 2 H? 5.94 713 8499 3595 __ 55.1 + 39 38 1 A 7.04 3. . 8450 - 3203 49.9 -23 18 1 F 5.34 .p6 8500 3736 3231 55.1 + 14 56 6 I 5.41 n . n THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 93 18 h 19* B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 8501 3286 3232 m. 55.2 + 32 33 7 A 3.53 S .2 8551 5223 3257 m. 59.9 o / -15 49 3 A 5.70 123 8502 3287 55.3 + 32 59 1 A 6.54 9. . 8552 3642 0.1 - 1 40 1 F? 6.45 14. 8503 843 55.5 + 73 57 1 H 6.86 9 . . 8553 3309 0.3 + 34 1 H? 6.40 8. . 8504 3544 3235 55.5 + 40 33 4 A 5.65 9. 5 8554 3549 0.5 + 23 11 1 F 6.63 3 . . 8505 3419 55.5 + 31 34 1 A? 6.33 P 8555 3258 0.7 -27 49 1 H 4.53 .9n 8506 915 3242 55.6 + 71 10 7 I? 5.78 5 . n 8556 3899 3259 0.8 + 13 43 5 A 3.54 5.4 8507 660 55.8 + 78 43 1 E? 7.02 5. . 8557- 4876 3260 0.9 -52 4 A 3.83 K5S 8508 1849 55.8 + 58 4 2 A 6.34 3. . 8558 845 1.1 + 73 59 4 F? 6.61 2 . . 8509 3602 3239 55.9 + 39 5 3 A? 6.11 1 . 1 8559 3453 3262 1.1 + 31 36 1 H 5.88 1 . 2 8510 3421 55.9 + 26 50 3 A 6.22 p. . 8560 5153 3261 1.1 -16 23 1 A? 5.89 3B.7 8511 1309 3244 56.0 + 65 8 2 H 6.15 7.4 8561 3148 1.2 + 43 43 2 A 6.63 2. . 8512 3132 56.1 + 43 35 2 A 6.43 6. . 8562 923 1.4 + 71 22 1 E? 7.03 P 8513 661 56.3 + 78 50 1 A? 6.68 8. . 8563 1674 1.6 + 62 33 1 H 6.80 1 . . 8514 1669 56.3 + 62 16 1 A? 6.50 4. . 8564 2825 1.6 + 45 45 1 A 7.04 2 . . 8515 3212 56.3 + 42 52 1 A 6.97 5. . 8565 3640 3265 1.9 + 24 6 5 A 5.74 3 . 1 8516 34^4 3241 56.3 + 32 2 H 5.89 1 . 8 8566 2.1 -24 49 2 A? 5.86 . 8. 8517 4840 3240 56.3 - 5 53 3 K 5.18 .7 n n 8567 712 2.2 + 76 55 7 F 6.52 0. . 8518 2705 56.5 + 50 41 1 A? 7.30 n . . 8568 3787 3264 2.3 + 10 55 2 A 4.72 594 8519 2906 56.5 + 49 12 1 A 7.23 6. . 8569 1808 2.4 + 61 57 1 E 6.79 2. . 8520 683 56.9 + 75 39 12 A 6.04 5. . 8570 5312 3263 2.4 -19 27 4 A 5.43 641 8521 3138 56.9 + 43 7 1 A 7.12 2. . 8571 2178 3268 2.6 + 53 14 6 A 5.45 . 8522 3634 57.0 + 21 22 1 A? 6.32 4. . 8572 2.6 -25 14 1 F? 6.05 P 8523 4022 3245 57.0 + 20 42 2 A? 6.17 2 . 2 8573 3193 3267 2.7 + 28 28 5 A? 5.70 . 2 8524 4926 57.1 -10 52 1 H 6.19 37 . 8574 3594 2.9 + 22 25 1 A 6.98 0. . 8525 3429 3246 57.2 + 26 9 7 A 5.65 Q.I 8575 1040 3.0 + 68 10 2 A 6.61 4 . . 8526 1864 57.3 + 60 32 2 A 6.42 2 . . 8576 3232 3269 3.1 + 41 16 2 A 6.15 1 . 2 8527 3607 57.3 + 39 44 1 F 7.04 0. . 8577 3958 3.2 + 18 23 1 F? 6.95 5 . . 8528 3287 57.3 + 33 40 1 H 6.15 6. . 8578 3752 3266 3.5 + 16 43 2 A? 6.35 9 . S 8529 871 57.4 + 73 2 1 E 7.23 P 8579 3485 3272 3.7 + 35 56 9 B 5.21 0. 8530 3153 57.4 + 28 16 1 H 6.06 9. . 8580 3326 3271 3.7 + 32 20 6 F? 5.47 5 . 6 8531 3444 57.5 + 29 23 2 A 6.12 7 . . 8581 3672 3273 3.7 + 21 32 3 F 6.49 3 . 3 8532 3219 57.6 + 42 7 1 A? 7.21 6 . . 8582 5275 3270 3.8 -21 11 6 F 3.75 R77 8533 3561 57.6 + 22 8 2 A 6.08 4. . 8583 3431 3.9 + 34 14 1 H 6.40 P 8534 4460 3247 57.6 - 3 51 4 A 5.37 331 8584 3650 3.9 + 24 34 3 A 6.11 4. . 8535 2708 3249 57.7 + 50 24 6 B 5.21 4.2 8585 547 4.0 + 83 47 10 A 6.37 1 . . 8536 3299 57.7 + 32 15 1 A 6.09 P 8586 603 4.1 + 80 46 2 A 7.17 P 8537 4852 57.7 -11 20 1 H? 6.44 3r. 8587 3596 4.1 + 40 54 1 A 6.85 . . 8538 5259 57.7 -12 51 1 E 6.43 pp. 8588 4040 3274 4.1 + 5 55 2 F? S.-64 615 8539 3295 3250 58.2 + 33 29 2 A? 5.80 p. 3 8589 572 3279 4.7 + 82 13 5 A 6.31 3 . 6 8540 3042 58.4 + 44 14 1 A 7.08 1 . . 8590 3662 4.7 - 36 2 A 6.01 p6. 8541 3210 58.4 + 41 21 1 A 7.41 2 . . 8591 3437 3275 5.1 + 34 35 3 A? 6.23 3. 4 8542 3865 3251 58.5 + 1 40 3 A 5.75 250 8592 848 - - 5.5 + 73 13 1 A 6.93 8 . . 8543 2602 3254 58.6 + 46 47 9 A 5.31 2 . 3 8593 3442 5.5 + 30 24 4 A 6.29 7. . 8544 5237 3252 58.7 -21 53 4 I 4.99 V H II 8594 5428 5.4 -20 31 1 H 6.64 PP 8545 2137 3255 58.8 + 55 31 3 H 6.40 7. 7 8595 2350 6.1 + 52 16 1 I 6.91 7. . 8546 3710 59.2 + 25 41 1 A? 6.75 5. . 8596 2734 6.1 + 50 12 2 A 6.74 7 ; . 8547 3648 59.4 + 21 7 2 F? 6.27 4. . 8597 5292 6.5 -21 50 1 H 6.42 65 . 8548 1018 59.5 + 69 23 3 A 6.01 3. . 8598 2089 6.9 + 54 56 1 E 6.74 P 8549 4684 3256 59.7 - 4 11 1 H 5.94 233 8599 -, 7.0 -26 5 1 H 6.03 . 3 . 8550 2326 ^^ 59.8 + 52 7 1 H 6.76 5 . . 8600 3258 7.3 + 42 26 1 A 6.91 1 . . 94 ANNALS OF HAKVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 19* D. C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn, Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesi.l m. o / m. / 8601 4887 3277 7.3 -87 2 A 5.31 460 8651 3960 3303 12.8 + 1 52 2 A 5.97 572 8602 3474 7.4 + 26 34 1 F 6.15 p. . 8652 3398 3304 12.9 + 37 57 5 I? 5.67 n . n 8603 2844 7.7 + 48 16 1 A 7.12 1 . . 8653 690 13.0 + 76 1 1 F 7.17 8 . . 8604 3497 3282 7.9 + 31 7 7 A 5.85 2. 1 8654 3719 13.2 + 21 38 1 H 6.12 p. . 8605 3620 8.1 + 40 16 3 A 5.78 5. . 8655 3790 3305 13.2 + 11 25 3 A 5.52 124 8606 3775 8.1 + 16 40 3 A 6.20 8. . 8656 5310 13.3 -15 42 1 A 6.25 24. 8607 5021 8.1 -22 14 1 H 6.16 PF . 8657 3706 13.4 + 25 4 1 A 6.64 P 8608 3690 3283 8.3 + 21 23 6 A 5.90 1 . 1 8658 3647 13.4 + 22 16 3 F? 6.23 p. . 8609 3354 8.5 + 32 4 1 H 6.64 P 8659 3648 3308 13.5 + 22 51 9 F? 5.39 7. 2 8610 932 8.6 + 71 55 1 A 6.75 4. . 8660 4168 3306 13.5 + 55 1 H 6.12 n4 7 8611 3677 8.6 + 39 15 1 A 7.24 1 . . 8661 1179 13.8 + 66 57 2 A 6.28 p . . 8612 3824 3284 8.7 + 27 2 A 5.02 672 8662 2658 3311 14.0 + 46 49 2 F? 6.81 7 . 7 8613 2527 _ 8.8 + 51 51 1 A 7.06 2 . 8663 1333 _ 14.1 + 65 6 1 F 6.70 9. . 8614 S523 8.8 + 36 2 A 6.41 4. . 8664 3502 14.1 + 30 50 4 A 6.28 6. . 8615 3240 9.0 + 29 3 2 A 6.37 6. . 8665 607 14.4 + 80 33 2 H 6.96 2 . . 8616 877 9.4 + 72 7 1 F? 6.70 p . . 8666 180 14.5 + 87 10 1 A 7.75 2. . 8617 1326 9.4 + 65 49 3 A 5.93 P 8667 3975 14.5 + 19 26 3 A? 6.14 7. . 8618 3286 9.4 -24 21 1 E? 5.92 . 85 8668 5063 3312 14.6 -22 36 1 F? 5.05 p97 8619 3287 9.4 -25 26 1 F 5.04 . 42 8669 2216 3316 14.8 + 53 11 6 K 4.94 4.n 8620 2959 3288 9.5 + 49 39 3 H 6.36 2 . 6 8670 3879 3314 15.0 + 12 12 2 A 5.52 047 8621 934 9.7 + 71 20 1 E 7.03 p. . 8671 3802 15.2 + 11 21 3 A 6.02 26. 8622 2209 3289 9.7 + 56 41 5 H 6.29 *. n 8672 4936 3315 15.2 - 5 36 2 H? 6.13 n59 8623 3757 _ 9.7 + 25 35 2 A 6.19 7 . . 8673 3409 15.3 + 33 13 4 A? 6.04 8. . 8624 3687 10.2 + 24 50 2 A 6.64 8. . 8674 3716 3317 15.4 - 1 4 5 A 5.63 530 8625 3458 3290 10.3 + 36 14 1 F? 6.92 0. 8675 609 15.5 + 80 35 7 A 6.68 4. . 8626 1961 10.4 + 57 28 1 H 6.88 3. . 8676 3413 3320 15.5 + 37 16 3 A 6.05 2. 1 8627 3490 3291 10.4 + 38 58 5 B 4.40 1. 1 8677 3544 15.6 + 31 47 2 A? 6.13 p. . 8628 3956 3292 10.7 + 20 2 2 H 6.21 2 . 1 8678 181 15.7 + 87 42 1 A 7.80 2. . 8629 3846 3293 10.8 + 14 54 1 H 6.34 238 8679 3665 15.7 + 40 11 1 A 6.65 0. . 8630 3514 11.0 + 31 40 1 H 6.48 5. . 8680 5412 15.8 -19 25 1 A 5.45 pp. 8631 3307 11.0 + 27 46 3 A 6.26 9. . 8681 1702 15.9 + 63 2 1 E 6.91 4- 8632 4088 3294 11.0 + 21 3 6 A 5.59 4. 2 8682 5322 3319 15.9 -18 2 5 A 4.79 869 8633 936 11.2 + 72 5 1 E 7.00 5. . 8683 5283 3321 16.0 -16 8 5 F? 5.19 635 8634 3491 3297 11.5 + 30 21 1 H 6.92 m. 7 8684 5325 3322 16.1 -18 29 1 H 6.27 122 8635 4045 3295 11.5 + 4 40 3 A 5.57 152 8685 722 16.2 + 76 43 1 F 6.95 p. . 8636 578 11.7 + 82 31 3 A 7.03 7. . 8686 3417 3323 16.2 + 37 9 1 F 7.22 n. 8 8637 2858 11.7 + 48 32 1 F? 7.17 2 . . 8687 1184 16.3 + 66 58 1 H 6.88 p. . 8638 938 11.8 + 71 57 1 E? 6.75 p. . 8688 3550 16.6 + 31 55 3 A? 6.03 p. . 8639 5379 3296 11.8 -19 8 2 H 5.76 52 9 8689 3740 16.6 + 22 1 5 A 6.17 5. . 8640 3313 3299 11.9 + 27 17 3 A 6.13 9. 2 8690 812 16.8 + 74 51 1 E? 7.08 9. . 8641 3713 3300 11.9 + 21 13 12 A 4.81 1 . 1 8691 1926 16.8 + 60 46 1 A 6.63 4. . 8642 3852 3298 11.9 + 14 23 6 A 5.61 362 8692 5516 16.8 -20 49 1 H 6.48 5F. 8643 3314 3301 12.0 + 27 45 3 F 6.19 0.0 8693 S503 3324 16.9 + 35 4 A 5.83 6. 3 8644 1968 3302 12.1 + 57 32 2 H 6.23 9. 9 8694 4114 __ 16.9 + 20 46 1 A 6.27 p. . 8645 3494 12.1 + 31 4 3 E 6.21 1 . . 8695 856 17.0 + 73 40 2 A 6.95 8. . 8646 3504 12.1 + 26 41 1 H 6.25 P 8696 2123 17.4 + 54 12 4 A 6.14 3. . 8647 2865 12.4 + 45 9 1 A 7.29 4- 8697 3802 17.4 + 25 25 1 A 6.59 4. . 8648 5387 12.4 -19 3 1 E? 6.31 p7. 8698 857 3328 17.5 + 73 10 7 M? 5.62 n . n 8649 1129 3307 12.5 + 67 29 8 L? 4.69 n . n 8699 3943 17.6 + 17 34 2 F? 6.60 4. . 8650 717 3313 12.8 + 76 24 14 A 5.45 1 .5 8700 3568 17.8 + 29 43' 1 A 6.82 4. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 95 19' D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resiil. 771. o / 7/1. / 8701 3326 18.3 -28 3 1 E 5.82 . 11 8751 4028 23.6 + 20 2 3 A 6.31 P 8702 945 18.4 + 71 9 1 A? 6.78 0. . 8752 3976 23.6 + 17 38 2 A 6.50 0. . .8703 3896 18.6 + 14 44 1 A 6.19 3. . 8753 3355 23.6 -27 11 1 H 5.85 ,-&2 8704 S811 3329 18.7 + 26 4 10 A 5.05 5 . 8754 5366 23.8 -15 34 1 E? 6.15 9p. 8705 3434 3330 18.8 + 33 19 1 H 6.39 2 . 1 8755 1999 24.0 + 57 49 1 A? 6.43 1 . . 8706 1344 3336 19.0 + 64 13 3 A 6.00 5 .2 8756 3465 24.1 + 37 44 2 E 6.28 1 . . 8707 19.1 -23 14 1 H 6.54 P 8757- 660 24.2 + 81 45 2 A 7.18 8. . 8708 2400 19.2 + 52 11 1 A 6.91 2. . 8758 SS52 24.2 + 42 1 1 A? 7.36 1 . . 8709 3331 19.2 -24 42 3 A? 5.36 . 03 8759 3759 3357 24.6 + 24 28 7 M 5.67 n . n 8710 3332 19.4 -24 9 1 H 5.82 .21 8760 3936 3359 24.8 + 14 23 1 H 5.88 102 8711 4000 19.5 + 20 4 5 A 5.99 5 . . 8761 2434 3361 25.0 + 52 7 6 A 5.64 5. 1 8712 815 19.6 + 74 44 1 F 7.18 P 8762 4039 25.0 + 20 4 5 A 5.95 p. . 8713 3325 19.8 + 42 46 2 A 6.52 0. . 8763 5410 25.0 -21 31 1 A 5.32 P 9. 8714 3411 19.8 + 33 1 1 H 6.34 6 . . 8764 734 25.1 + 76 22 1 E 7.08 6. . 8715 3839 3337 19.8 + 16 45 5 A 6.08 3 . 1 8765 4043 25.5 + 3 14 1 A 5.63 P 7. 8716 1345 3345 20.2 + 65 31 9 A 4.79 5 . 2 8766 728 25.6 + 77 59 3 E 6.99 8. . 8717 3584 3342 20.2 + 29 26 11 B 4.87 3 . 8767 3873 25.8 + 16 30 1 A 6.54 2. . 8718 3842 3338 20.2 + 16 46 2 A 6.15 5. 4 8768 3987 25.9 + 17 28 1 A 6.60 4. . 8719 3833 3340 20.2 + 11 43 1 H 6.02 547 8769 5425 26.3 -21 44 1 A? 6.17 pp. 8720 655 20.4 + 81 5 1 A 7.59 7 . . 8770 3480 26.6 + 33 31 1 H 6.65 4. . 8721 816 20.4 + 74 7 1 E 7.06 P 8771 3410 3362 26.7 + 27 45 11 Q? 4.31 B . u 8722 3542 20.4 + 30 51 1 H? 6.33 7 . . 8772 3411 3363 26.7 + 27 45 A? B . 8723 3379 20.4 + 27 53 4 A 6.21 8. . 8773 3658 3364 27.1 + 36 1 4 A 5.99 5 .2 8724 4004 20.4 + 19 44 1 A 6.66 5. . 8774 2605 3365 27.2 + 51 31 8 A 4.22 2 . S 8725 5105 3339 20.4 -21 58 1 H 5.76 21,9 8775 3573 27.2 + 26 24 2 H 6.35 1 . . 8726 3879 3343 20.5 + 2 55 2 A 4.03 865 8776 3487 27.5 + 33 16 3 A 6.26 7. . 8727 5348 3341 20.5 -15 15 1 F 5.45 p53 8777 3373 27.5 + 28 30 1 A 6.82 P 8728 860 20.8 + 73 22 3 A 6.47 p. . 8778 628 3371 27.8 + 79 24 15 A 5.82 5. 1 8729 2994 20.8 + 50 5 5 A 6.28 3. . 8779 3588 27.8 + 36 30 1 6.37 B . . 8730 3229 3346 20.8 + 43 12 1 E? 6.82 n. 8 8780 3589 27.8 + 36 30 J. B . . 8731 20.9 -24 15 1 E 6.27 . R . 8781 4175 27.8 + 20 44 3 A 6.35 6. . 8732 4009 21.1 + 20 5 5 A 5.99 6. . 8782 552 3378 27.9 + 83 16 12 A 6.17 2 . 1 8733 4010 3347 21.1 + 19 37 4 H? 5.89 9 . 7 8783 3864 28.0 + 25 23 2 H 6.44 2. . 8734 3737 3348 21.3 + 24 45 2 H 6.24 1 . 2 8784 3590 3366 28.1 + 34 14 8 B 4.64 0. 2 8735 731 21.4 + 76 25 1 F 6.74 9. . 8785 3421 28.1 + 28 4 1 H? 6.66 p. . 8736 4206 3349 21.4 + 09 3 F? 5.64 628 8786 2250 28.2 + 56 26 2 A 6.21 7. . 8737 3827 21.6 + 25 54 1 A 6.60 9. . 8787 2905 28.3 + 48 22 1 A 6.42 6. . 8738 3328 21.8 + 28 34 1 A 6.71 p. . 8788 2213 28.4 + 55 56 3 A 6.41 1. . 8739 3907 3350 21.8 + 12 49 1 F 5.88 13.7 8789 863 28.7 + 73 9 2 A 6.78 7. . 8740 4015 3351 21.9 + 19 54 9 A 5.53 6. 1 8790 3034 3367 28.7 + 50 6 1 H 6.14 1-4 8741 949 22.1 + 71 55 1 H 6.85 7 . . 8791 3622 29.1 + 31 2 2 A 6.18 1 . . 8742 4017 22.1 + 19 41 1 H 6.46 3 . . 8792 4132 3368 29.2 + 7 10 1 A? 5.55 839 8743 4019 22.2 + 20 3 2 A 6.11 5. . 8793 5122 3369 29.6 -10 47 1 H 6.04 727 8744 3782 22.4 + 21 27 1 H? 6.47 8. . 8794 3474 29.7 + 32 59 2 H 6.39 6. . 8745 4139 22.4 + 20 57 1 A? 6.27 p. . 8795 5444 29.7 -21 1 H 6.13 79. 8746 112 3426 22.5 + 88 59 1 M 7.40 9 . 9 8796 3875 29.9 + 25 51 1 A 6.55 1. . 8747 732 22.6 + 76 36 1 H 6.99 3 . . 8797 3370 29.9 -24 56 2 A 5.25 . K 9196 5743 3609 33.7 -15 18 5 A 5.22 141 9147 2344 22.1 + 55 7 1 A 6.00 9 . . 9197 4658 3616 34.0 + 20 51 6 A 4.70 . 1 9148 2228 23.0 + 59 17 5 A 5.89 5. . 9198 5328 3613 34.0 - 2 46 1 A? 6.15 731 9149 5689 3575 23.1 -18 9 3 A 4.97 130 9199 4084 3619 34.2 + 23 46 6 A 5.16 1 .1 9150 4906 3576 23.2 - 3 41 1 A 5.69 765 9200 4600 3620 34.2 + 9 44 2 A 5.81 327 100 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 20* D. C. D M. H.P. R.A. 1900. Deo. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o / m. / 9201 4064 3617 34.3 + 08 1 H? 5.91 585 9251 3067 46.5 + 46 17 1 A 6.25 4. . 9202 617 34.4 + 82 51 2 H 6.95 0. . 9252 3211 46.6 + 50 57 1 H? 6.60 8 . . 9203 2761 34.4 + 52 37 1 H 6.37 1 . . 9253 3739 3665 46.6 + 43 41 9 A 5.30 2 . 8 9204 4220 3622 34.4 + 15 29 2 A 5.24 8. 7 9254 5606 3664 46.8 - 5 52 5 A 5.50 530 9205 659 3627 34.5 + 81 5 13 K? 6.06 3 . 5 9255 2178 46.9 + 58 22 1 A 6.24 3 . . 9206 4305 3623 34.7 + 21 28 2 A? 6.07 1 . 2 9256 3890 3667 47.2 + 27 52 3 F 6.19 1 . 1 9207 4222 3624 35.0 + 15 33 4 A 3.79 8 . 2 9257 5598 3666 47.2 - 9 21 5 A 5.25 124 9208 660 3630 35.2 + 80 44 7 H 6.43 8 . S 9258 1267 47.3 + 67 39 1 H 7.05 5. . 9209 2142 35.7 + 60 24 1 A 5.52 p. . 9259 1663 3670 47.6 + 63 40 3 A? 6.25 3. 2 9210 4266 3625 35.9 + 40 13 3 A 5.75 2. 3 9260 1130 47.7 + 69 17 1 A 7.18 2 . . 9211 3233 36.0 + 45 19 1 A? 6.49 2. . 9261 4017 3668 47.8 + 26 43 5 H 5.73 7 . n 9212 1311 36.1 + 67 9 1 A 6.54 9. . 9262 3974 47.9 + 32 28 1 A 5.94 8. . 9213 2444 36.4 + 55 39 1 E 6.05 5. . 9263 627 48.1 + 82 41 1 A 7.54 P 9214 4329 36.4 + 25 43 1 H 6.35 6. . 9264 2433 49.6 + 54 40 1 H? 6.54 3 . . 9215 4378 36.4 + 17 13 1 H 6.45 4. . 9265 3755 3673 49.7 + 44 7 B 4.67 7 . 1 9216 4131 36.5 + 29 27 2 A 6.07 4. . 9266 718 3683 49.8 + 82 10 12 A 5.41 6. 2 9217 4181 3629 37.0 + 31 57 1 A 6.48 5 . 7 9267 3617 3675 49.8 + 44 48 2 H 6.59 4. n 9218 4187 37.3 + 38 43 1 A 6.38 1 . . 9268 3922 49.8 + 42 2 1 A 6.51 3. . 9219 4107 37.4 + 23 49 1 H 6.38 9. . 9269 3909 50.1 + 28 8 2 A 6.11 9. . 9220 3541 3631 38.0 + 44 56 11 A it i; . K 9270 3911 367.6 50.3 + 27 40 2 H 6.26 n . n 9221 2272 3633 38.2 + 60 9 2 F 6.17 . 8 9271 4354 50.7 + 40 20 2 F? 6.60 2 . . 9222 3856 3632 38.3 + 41 22 9 A? 5.65 3 . 1 9272 4572 3679 50.9 +13 21 2 H 6.38 88n 9223 4403 3635 38.8 + 14 43 3 A 4.79 632 9273 4501 3680 50.9 + 12 12 3 A 5.84 114 9224 3353 3636 39.1 + 49 59 9 A 5.34 4. 1 9274 2187 51.3 + 58 56 1 A 6.85 2. . 9225 588 39.2 + 83 16 13 A 5.94 3. . 9275 3326 51.3 + 45 51 1 A? 6.65 2. . 9226 4124 39.4 + 23 26 1 H? 6.43 P 9276 3932 51.6 + 42 8 1 H? 6.46 4. . 9227 716 40.0 + 79 5 13 A? 6.27 6. . 9277 3111 3684 51.8 + 47 2 1 E 6.21 2.4 9228 809 40.1 + 76 29 2 F 6.84 3 . . 9278 5741 3682 52.1 -16 25 1 A 5.79 012 9229 3638 40.2 -25 38 3 F 4.84 .55 9279 672 3691 52.2 + 80 11 13 K? 6.24 9 . 8 9230 5523 3639 40.4 -21 53 1 A 5.56 342 9280 3766 52.4 + 43 59 1 A? 6.58 1 . . 9231 2154 3641 40.5 + 60 14 4 A 5.75 4. 4 9281 890 52.5 + 74 16 3 A 6.60 7 . . 9232 4229 3640 40.6 + 24 55 2 I 6.24 5.n 9282 8911 52.6 + 43 2 1 A 6.47 2. . 9233 2477 40.7 + 56 46 1 A 5.87 8. . 9283 3232 53.1 + 50 41 2 A 6.35 2 . . 9234 2408 40.8 + 54 56 1 E 6.14 6. . 9284 3639 53.1 + 44 33 6 A 6.05 7. . 9235 1499 41.5 + 65 58 2 A 6.51 5. . 9285 3233 3686 53.3 + 50 20 3 A 6.24 7 . 8 9236 4167 3643 41.6 + 30 21 6 I? 5.54 n . n 9286 3249 53.3 + 48 48 1 H 6.83 6 . . 9237 1318 3650 41.9 + 66 18 12 A 5.71 2. 2 9287 474 53.4 + 84 15 1 A 7.90 5. . 9238 3645 42.0 + 15 46 9288 4364 3687 53.5 + 40 47 8 A 3.93 1 . 2 9239 4255 3646 42.0 + 15 46 2 K? 4.84 n. 6 9289 2515 3692 53.6 + 56 29 6 A 5.87 1 . 2 9240 4018 3648 42.1 + 33 36 10 K 3.85 n . n 9290 4424 3690 53.8 + 21 56 1 E? 6.67 n . 9 9241 5506 3647 42.3 - 9 52 3 A 3.55 622 9291 4473 3693 54.1 + 3 55 2 E? 5.83 824 9242 2240 3653 42.8 +57 14 3 F 5.29 8 . 7 9292 3777 3694 54.8 + 44 4 2 H 6.43 4.5 9243 4613 3651 42.8 + 5 38 3 A 5.41 141 9293 3949 54.9 + 41 33 3 A 5.71 p. . 9244 2050 3656 43.2 + 61 26 9 K 4.88 n . n 9294 4425 3696 55.2 + 16 26 1 A? 6.54 3 . 1 9245 4028 3654 43.2 + 34 1 1 K 6.35 4.n 9295 3428 3698 55.3 + 50 4 10 A 5.50 0. 9246 4267 3655 43.5 + 36 8 15 A 4.62 1 . 9296 3956 55.8 + 41 56 2 A 6.31 2 . . 9247 1127 43.9 + 69 23 1 H 6.89 2 . . 9297 764 3702 55.9 + 75 32 2 H 6.66 7.4 9248 3291 3062 45.5 + 45 45 6 F? 5.72 1 . 7 9298 3138 3701 56.4 + 47 8 11 F 5.18 1 . 6 9249 2957 3663 45.7 + 51 32 6 A 6.01 0. 4 9299 2201 3704 57.6 + 59 3 1 H 6.55 n. 8 9250 4431 46.0 + 17 40 1 A 6.25 3 . . 9300 3364 3705 57.6 + 45 46 9 A 5.23 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 101 2O h -21 B.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magii. Resl.1. 9301 3789 m. 58.2 o / + 43 47 1 H 6.53 5 . . 9351 4635 3739 m. 10.8 / + 4 50 6 A 4.64 145 9302 6115 3706 58.7 -20 15 6 A? 5.26 S21 9352 742 11.2 + 78 15 5 A 6.67 8 . . 9303 596 59.0 + 83 34 4 A 6.90 8. . 9353 4666 11.3 + 19 17 1 A? 6.71 5 . . 9304 2523 . 59.2 + 56 40 3 A? 6.15 3. . 9354 1708 11.7 + 63 59 2 A 6.63 2 . . 9305 2273 59.3 + 57 23 1 A 6.53 5. . 9355 3348 12.2 + 47 33 2 E? 6.36 1 . . 9306 3374 59.3 + 45 27 3 F? 6.36 3. . 9356 5903 3743 12.3 -18 24 5 A 5.25 632 9307 2524 3711 59.4 + 56 16 9 A 5.65 2 . 3 9357 1152 12.7 + 69 38 1 H 6.94 4. . 9308 3987 0.1 + 41 14 1 A? 6.35 6. . 9358 5512 3744 12.9 - 4 57 3 A 5.88 1 11 9309 3159 0.3 + 46 29 1 A 6.60 1 . . 9359 778 13.0 + 75 53 3 A 6.45 4. . 9310 6174 3712 0.3 -17 38 6 A 4.40 431 9360 4431 3745 13.5 + 38 58 9 A 4.48 . 2 9311 725 0.6 + 81 25 1 E 7.16 8 . . 9361 4046 3746 13.6 + 42 16 4 A 5.94 5. 1 9312 2859 3714 0.7 + 52 53 1 II? 6.57 11.4 9362 744 13.8 + 78 34 7 A 6.52 3 . . 9313 4530 1.1 + 14 56 1 E? 6.49 52. 9363 4371 3747 13.8 + 34 28 7 B 4.39 2 . 9314 3800 3716 1.3 + 43 32 7 K? 5.56 n . n 9364 980 13.9 + 72 45 1 H 7.32 . . 9315 824 1.6 + 77 2 2 A 7.01 P 9365 2588 3748 13.9 + 53 34 8 A 6.08 3 . 1 9316 4343 3717 2.1 + 38 13 R . 9366 4549 __ 14.5 + 17 24 1 A? 6.40 4. . 9317 4344 3718 2.1 + 38 13 2 H 6.23 n R . 9367 2309 _ 14.6 + 58 10 3 A? 6.21 3 . . 9318 2313 2.2 + 59 51 1 E 6.91 1 . . 9368 4378 14.7 + 29 19 1 H 6.62 8 . . 9319 4318 3719 2.3 + 30 47 3 F 6.21 6 . 2 9369 3877 3750 14.8 + 43 31 8 A? 5.03 3 . 9320 5933 3720 2.8 -21 36 4 A? 5.52 212 9370 4485 15.0 + 40 37 1 A 6.15 3. . 9321 4340 2.9 + 15 16 1 A? 6.54 01 . 9371 4519 15.1 + 39 19 1 A? 6.39 4 . . 9322 3292 3721 3.1 + 47 15 2 H 6.26 n . n 9372 2593 15.3 + 53 45 1 A 5.98 p . . 9323 4544 3.2 + 14 16 1 A? 6.28 p6. 9373 4271 15.4 + 37 49 1 H? 6.38 2 . . 9324 2226 3.9 + 59 1 1 H 6.90 4 . . 9374 4521 3751 15.7 + 21 37 3 F? 6.09 1 . 1 9325 5538 3723 4.2 -11 47 3 H 5.70 .-7 n ii 9375 S345 3754 16.0 + 49 6 9 A? 5.70 3 . 3 9326 4324 3724 4.4 + 29 48 8 A? 5.63 5. 1 9376 2111 3757 16.2 + 62 10 8 A B R . K 9327 636 5.5 + 82 35 2 F 7.28 P 9377 3042 16.2 + 51 54 1 A? 6.66 5 . . 9328 4732 3726 5.5 + 9 44 4 A 5.16 n84 9378 318 16.3 + 87 8 1 A? 7.95 0. . 9329 4735 3727 5.6 + 9 38 3 A 5.09 pp8 9379 742 R R R R R . . 9330 1164 3728 5.8 + 71 2 7 F 5.94 1 . 1 9380 2249 3758 16.5 + 58 13 1 E 6.59 n. 9 9331 4485 6.0 + 22 3 R . . 9381 4294 3755 16.5 + 23 27 1 E? 6.58 7 . 8 9332 4486 6.0 + 22 3 2 A 6.07 R . . 9382 688 16.7 + 80 23 6 F 6.68 2 . . 9333 1288 6.4 + 67 51 3 A 6.40 6. . 9383 6245 3756 16.7 -17 15 4 II? 5.40 n n n 9334 3718 6.4 + 45 6 3 A 6.39 4. . 9384 833 3766 16.8 + 76 36 4 II 6.89 9 . 7 9335 2880 3730 7.1 + 53 9 8 A 5.57 1 . 1 9385 4134 3760 17.1 + 32 11 2 A 5.89 1 . 2 9336 3322 7.1 + 47 17 2 A 6.41 6. . 9386 1527 3764 17.3 + 64 27 9 B? 5.43 1 . 1 9337 1903 3731 7.4 + 62 53 2 A 6.26 7 . 1 9387 4691 3761 17.5 + 19 23 10 I? 5.34 9 . n 9338 800 3733 7.5 + 77 43 17 A 5.71 4 . 1 9388 690 17.6 + 80 48 19 A 5.95 3 . . 9339 679 8.2 480 47 7 A 6.62 4. . 9389 811 17.6 + 78 10 5 A 6.68 3. . 9340 2568 8.6 + 53 21 1 A? 6.58 1 . . 9390 2224 3768 17.8 + 60 15 2 A 6.67 2 . 1 9341 4348 3732 8.7 + 29 49 12 K? 4.42 n . 9 9391 4811 3765 17.9 + 6 23 3 A 5.04 151 9342 4375 8.8 + 15 34 1 A 6.04 5. . 9392 2227 3769 18.0 + 60 21 1 Ft 6.47 3. R 9343 1366 9.1 + 66 18 1 A? 6.82 0. . 9393 3357 3771 18.5 + 48 58 1 H 6.63 n.8 9344 2334 3736 9.3 + 59 34 5 A 5.62 4. 1 9394 1206 18.8 + 69 7 1 E? 7.13 9. . 9345 4470 9.4 + 36 13 1 H 6.32 2 . . 9395 5923 3770 18.8 -13 19 2 F 5.37 630 9346 4746 3735 9.6 + 9 36 6 F 5.11 475 9396 1392 19.0 + 66 47 1 II 6.83 8. . 9347 4354 9.9 + 29 29 1 H? 6.52 5. . 9397 3S60 19.1 +49 3 1 A? 6.58 4. . 9348 907 10.1 + 74 50 2 H 6.83 2. . 9398 4300 3773 19.4 + 23 51 4 A 6.01 2.4 9349 4379 10.1 + 16 4 1 A? 6.54 3 . . 9399 2609 19.5 + 53 48 1 H 6.98 2. . 9350 4240 3741 10.8 + 37 36 9 F 4.31 ffl / s . 4 9400 319 3789 19.6 + 86 37 4 A 7.14 1 . 3 102 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 21 D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. Dec. No. Sp. Magn. Besid. D. C. DM. H.P. K.A. Dec. No. Sp. Magn. Reskl. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 9401 4394 _ ni. 19.7 o / + 24 54 2 A 5.99 5 . . 9451 2589 m. 28.6 / + 57 4 1 H 7.02 5. . 9402 5668 3776 19.8 -10 11 1 A 5.95 528 9452 S457 28.7 + 48 3 A 6.32 2. . 9403 4531 3778 20.1 + 25 45 6 F 5.93 9 . 1 9453 791 28.9 + 75 58 1 H 7.22 1 . . 9404 5446 3777 20.1 - 3 59 1 A? 6.09 533 9454 1322 28.9 + 07 51 4 A 6.45 9. . 9405 4533 20.4 + 25 27 1 H 6.19 8. . 9455 5584 28.9 - 4 48 1 A 6.18 p5. 9406 3055 20.6 + 51 13 1 A? 6.80 1 . . 9456 6237 3802 29.2 -20 31 2 H 5.84 421 9407 4151 _ _ 20.6 + 26 58 1 E 6.35 6. . 9457 3553 3804 29.4 + 49 30 5 A 5.71 3. 9408 4215 20.8 + 06 1 A 6.11 23 . 9458 1183 29.7 + 70 23 3 A 6.49 7. . 9409 4085 20.9 + 29 1 1 F? 6.07 p. . 9459 823 29.9 + 77 30 1 H 7.43 2. . 9410 3779 20.9 -22 51 4 H? 4.78 . 11 n 9460 S865 3807 30.2 + 45 9 6 L? 5.09 n . 9 9411 1062 21.2 + 71 39 3 A 6.69 1 . . 9461 4359 3808 30.7 + 38 5 2 H 6.03 n . n 9412 1536 21.3 + 64 37 1 F 6.74 5. . 94G2 4107 30.9 + 27 46 1 E? 6.16 5. . 9413 603 21.5 + 83 50 2 H 7.12 4. . 9463 4346 30.9 + 24 3 1 H 6.14 4. . 9414 3376 21.5 + 48 54 4 A 6.45 1 . . 9464 3091 31.0 + 51 15 4 A 6.08 3 . . 9415 3305 3781 21.6 + 46 17 7 A 6.12 1 . 6 9465 6251 3809 31.5 -19 54 6 A? 4.43 331 9416 4557 3782 21.7 + 36 14 3 A 6.05 . 2 9466 1602 32.0 + 65 18 1 H 7.10 4 . . 9417 4794 21.8 + 18 58 2 H 6.06 6. . 9467 4180 3810 32.4 - 50 3 A 5.81 444 9418 1582 22.0 + 65 44 1 F 7.01 8. . 9468 5701 3811 32.4 - 8 18 6 A 4.92 in 9419 2322 22.1 + 57 39 1 A? 6.83 3. . 9469 8562 32.6 + 50 3 1 A? 6.74 3. . 9420 1214 22.3 + 69 7 4 A 6.31 7. . 9470 4830 3812 32.7 + 6 10 3 A? 5.81 521 9421 736 22.8 + 81 36 4 A? 7.02 9. . 9471 4612 3814 32.9 + 39 57 6 A 5.36 4.S 9422 757 23.0 + 82 6 1 E 6.85 7. . 9472 4827 3813 33.0 + 18 52 4 A 5.83 0. 6 9423 5692 3783 23.0 -22 15 3 H? 5.04 7 S5 9473 4834 3815 33.5 + 5 19 4 F? 6.04 128 9424 4568 3784 23.2 + 36 41 7 A? 5.36 i & 4 . 8 9474 1329 33.6 + 67 46 5 A 6.06 7 . . 9425 836 23.3 + 76 40 11 A 6.19 3 . . 9475 3889 33.6 + 44 14 2 A 6.38 . . 9426 3390 3786 23.3 + 48 24 10 A 5.53 . 2 9476 4558 33.7 + 38 52 1 H 6.64 2 . . 9427 4164 3785 23.3 + 27 11 8 A 5.44 . 9477 2659 34.3 + 53 36 2 H 6.68 2. . 9428 2939 3787 23.4 + 52 28 8 A? 5.91 1 . 2 9478 4754 3816 34.3 + 19 48 1 A? 6.16 & i ^ . J,. 9429 787 23.6 + 76 7 1 H 6.93 2. . 9479 4517 3817 34.5 + 1 48 2 H 6.12 n67 9430 4462 3788 23.8 + 31 47 3 F? 6.28 5 . 6 9480 2300 34.6 + 58 18 1 E 6.79 9. . 9431 1169 24.1 + 70 3 1 F? 6.30 P 9481 6340 3818 34.6 -17 7 6 G? 4.31 865 9432 2383 24.6 + 59 19 1 H 6.95 6 . . 9482 2169 3819 35.2 + 61 38 9 A 5.29 8 . 5 9433 2945 24.7 + 52 52 2 A? 6.67 . . 9483 8003 35.2 + 53 8 1 E 6.97 5 . . 9434 788 24.9 + 75 32 1 H 7.36 6. . 9484 613 35.4 + 83 24 1 E 6.89 P 9435 3534 25.3 + 49 20 1 II? 6.88 1 . . 9485 2617 3821 35.8 + 57 2 4 F 5.70 5.2 9436 2544 25.7 + 54 59 5 A 5.98 1 . . 9486 6102 3820 36.1 -14 29 2 II 6.11 668 9437 3658 3793 25.7 + 46 6 3 II 6.33 9 . n 9487 4177 3823 36.3 + 42 49 1 H 6.72 n . n 9438 1405 3796 25.8 + 66 22 10 A 5.47 . 1 9488 6152 3824 37.1 -19 19 4 H? 5.27 886 9439 4583 3794 26.3 + 11 43 3 F 5.84 2. 1 9489 4850 3826 37.3 + 5 14 1 H? 5.29 232 9440 5770 3795 26.3 - 6 1 6 K? 4.20 7nn 9490 2595 3829 37.4 + 54 25 1 H 6.74 7. 5 9441 2953 26.6 + 52 30 1 E 6.97 2. . 9491 8407 37.5 + 47 5 1 A? 5.56 p . . 9442 2957 3797 27.0 + 52 31 6 A 6.02 3 . 1 9492 4611 37.6 + 40 21 2 A 6.00 3 . . 9443 1173 3798 27.4 + 70 7 9 A 3.85 8.4 9493 2409 37.6 + 59 18 1 H 7.10 2 . . 9444 1407 27.4 + 66 37 2 A 6.28 2. . 9494 4601 3830 37.6 + 10 21 3 A 5.76 532 9445 707 3803 27.8 + 80 5 6 H? 6.46 5.5 9495 6270 3827 37.6 -20 4 1 H 6.19 310 9446 648 27.9 + 82 33 1 H 7.33 1 . . 9496 6046 3828 37.7 -14 51 2 A 5.96 212 9447 2279 28.1 + 58 58 1 H 6.65 2 . . 9497 4615 3832 38.4 + 40 38 4 A 5.90 0. 6 9448 8079 3800 28.1 + 52 11 1 H 6.86 4. 7 9498 3410 3833 38.6 + 50 44 8 B 4.70 4 . 2 9449 3449 3799 28.1 + 48 9 3 A 6.32 0. 5 9499 6052 3831 38.6 -15 12 2 A 6.00 532 9450 2895 3801 28.3 + 60 1 4 A 5.64 1 . 2 9500 4891 3836 39.2 + 9 25 6 K 4.41 n n 11 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 103 21 D.C. DM. H. P. R.A. Dec. No. Sp. Magii. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. Dec. No. Sp. Magii Resid. 1900. liKK). 1900. 1900. m. o ' m. ' 9501 5628 39.2 - 5 11 1 A? 6.53 02 . 9551 4919 48.9 + 6 23 1 H? 6.29 20 . 9502 2374 . 39.3 + 57 17 1 E 6.38 8. . 9552 1664 49.1 + 65 17 3 A 6.22 4. . 9503 4408 3837 39.3 + 37 50 4 A 5.65 4. 1 9553 2640 49.1 + 54 35 1 E? 6.84 2. . 9504 614 39.5 + 83 30 1 E 7.00 p. . 9554 1600 49.2 + 64 27 1 H 7.09 1. . 9505 3840 39.6 + 28 18 9555 5329 3871 49.4 - 3 46 1 E? 6.09 431 J.1fiQ F 5.19 7 ft 9506 ^JL v*7 3841 39.6 + 28 18 1 . O 9556 4711 49.5 + 12 17 2 F 6.17 64. 9507 5829 3838 39.6 - 9 32 2 H 6.10 669 9557 -2727 49.9 + 53 32 1 A 6.88 4 9508 2314 _ 39.7 + 58 48 1 H 6.80 1 . . 9558 717 50.2 + 80 12 1 E 6.94 P- 9509 4582 3842 39.8 + 16 54 3 H 5.47 n 7 n 9559 618 50.3 + 83 35 6 A 6.72 5. . 9510 4668 3839 39.8 + 14 19 2 E 6.38 1 . 8 9560 1096 50.8 + 72 1 3 A 6.63 4. . 9511 4463 3843 40.2 + 25 11 8 F? 4.98 9 . 8 9561 2216 50.9 + 62 8 2 A? 6.70 8 . . 9512 1193 3847 40.4 + 70 51 7 I? 5.64 6 . 8 9562 1371 _ 51.0 + 68 1 1 A? 6.91 1 . . 9513 2316 3845 40.4 + 58 20 3 M? 6.04 R . n 9563 6037 51.3 -18 22 2 F? 6.17 65. 9514 3422 40.6 + 46 24 1 A? 6.25 3. . 9564 2644 3873 51.5 + 56 8 3 A? 6.46 8.4 9515 5833 3844 40.9 - 9 44 1 A? 5.10 PPP 9565 1003 3876 51.6 + 73 14 8 A 6.39 1 . 2 9516 6087 3846 41.1 -11 49 3 A 5.56 .712 9566 1097 51.6 + 71 31 4 A 6.46 2. . 9517 5943 3848 j 41.5 -16 35 4 A 3.51 R75 9567 4696 3875 52.0 + 11 36 6 A 5.39 631 9518 1082 3853 41.8 + 71 52 5 I? 5.94 4.s 9568 5876 52.3 -93 1 A 6.11 p6. 9519 4781 42.0 + 13 15 1 A 6.43 6. . 9569 1375 52.5 + 67 18 1 F 6.84 0. . 9520 2193 3854 42.2 + 61 59 3 E? 6.06 1 . 1 9570 1680 52.7 + 65 15 2 A 6.85 7 . . 9521 4414 3851 42.2 + 2 14 3 A 5.32 353 9571 1607 52.9 + 64 52 6 A 5.74 8. . 9522 4204 42.3 + 42 35 1 E? 6.82 3 . . 9572 5878 3877 53.0 - 5 54 2 F 6.23 330 9523 5827 42.4 - 6 23 1 A 5.32 9p. 9573 6060 53.0 -13 9 1 H 6.22 pp. 9524 2288 3855 42.5 + 60 40 6 A 5.02 5 . 5 9574 '3618 53.2 + 48 12 3 A? 6.09 4. . 9525 3504 3856 43.1 + 48 51 7 B 4.19 3. 2 9575 768 53.3 + 79 5 4 H 7.04 5 . . 9526 1357 43.4 + 67 17 1 H 6.99 P 9576 2436 53.3 + 59 19 2 A 6.45 6. . 9527 6027 44.3 -13 11 1 A? 6.02 54. 9577 720 53.4 + 79 29 1 E 6.76 p. . 9528 4427 3858 44.4 + 38 11 4 A 5.98 3.2 9578 53.6 -24 19 1 H 5.97 . 9. 9529 2294 3859 44.5 + 60 14 2 H 6.62 6 . n 9579 2007 3879 53.8 + 63 9 2 H 6.46 8 . n 9530 2420 44.6 + 59 14 1 E 6.95 0. . 9580 1611 54.3 + 65 9 1 E? 6.95 7 . . 9531 4793 44.8 + 20 2 E 6.26 2. . 9581 2320 _ _ 54.3 + 60 49 2 A? 6.58 9. . 9532 1198 45.3 + 69 41 6 A 6.01 7 . . 9582 1691 3882 54.7 + 65 41 5 A 6.02 5. 2 9533 4525 3861 45.4 + 29 43 7 A 5.18 1 . 2 9583 4940 3881 55.1 + 6 14 5 F? 5.88 121 9534 4612 3860 45.4 + 16 49 2 F 5.60 1 . 3 9584 4323 55.5 + 26 18 1 E 6.70 p. . 9535 616 45.7 + 83 52 1 E 7.58 p. . 9585 3566 55.8 + 48 39 1 H 6.92 4. . 9536 6176 46.2 -19 5 2 A? 5.66 97. 9586 721 55.9 + 79 50 3 H 7.17 8 . . 9537 324 46.4 + 86 33 1 A 7.90 3. . 9587 2670 56.0 + 57 10 1 A? 6.67 0. . 9538 834 46.6 + 77 47 9 A 6.45 6. . 9588 4296 3884 56.0 + 07 1 H 6.16 234 9539 1441 46.8 + 66 20 3 A? 6.37 0. . 9589 4737 3886 56.2 + 12 38 5 A? 5.70 31 1 9540 4797 3863 46.9 + 19 22 4 A 5.66 2 . 1 9590 4779 3885 56.2 + 7 47 1 H 6.10 323 9541 4621 47.0 + 39 5 3 A 6.11 4. . 9591 4328 56.6 + 26 21 1 E? 6.60 p. . 95'42 5316 47.2 - 3 39 1 A 5.84 p9. 9592 946 56.9 + 74 31 1 H 7.32 9 . 9543 2208 47.8 + 61 20 1 H 6.73 p . . 9593 6422 57.0 -17 27 1 A 6.03 SB. 9544 6149 3864 47.9 -14 1 6 F? 5.36 402 9594 B B 1 H 5.54 . 2. 9545 4215 3865 48.0 + 28 20 3 E 5.93 0. 8 9595 4676 57.1 + 10 29 3 A 6.06 45. 9546 5785 3866 48.2 -10 47 2 A? 6.29 532 9596 2233 57.6 + 62 1 A? 6.45 6. . 9547 706 48.3 + 80 15 1 E 6.85 P 9597 1009 3892 57.8 + 72 42 9 F 5.63 8.4 9548 4635 3867 48.5 + 25 27 5 A 4.94 6. 1 9598 4534 57.9 + 23 7 1 A? 6.68 p. . 9549 2639 3870 48.8 + 55 20 5 A 5.22 8 . 3 9599 4548 57.9 + 15 31 2 A 6.14 7. . 9550 4879 3869 48.9 + 19 13 4 A 5.51 3 . 2 9600 5688 3888 58.0 -71 2 A? 6.07 135 104 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 21 h -22 h D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. m. o ' m. / 9601 5681 3889 58.1 - 2 39 5 A? 4.80 517 9651 1221 5.1 + 70 12 2 A? 6.50 3. . 9002 3083 3890 58.2 + 52 24 5 A? 5.64 8 . 9652 4059 5.1 + 44 21 2 A 6.13 8. . 9603 4549 58.2 + 15 18 1 H 6.59 9. . 9653 4961 3913 5.2 + 5 42 6 A 4.22 864 9604 4681 3891 58.4 + 10 54 5 A 5.61 632 9654 5623 3914 5.2 - 4 23 1 A 5.84 p70 9605 2441 3894 58.7 + 57 31 3 A? 5.73 7 .2 9655 6196 3915 5.2 -12 4 4 A 5.11 653 9606 4119 3895 58.9 + 44 10 6 A 5.63 4. 9656 1109 5.3 + 71 53 2 A 6.35 8 . . 9607 3893 58.9 -27 19 1 F 5.54 . 63 9657 2395 5.3 + 58 48 1 A 6.50 0. . 9608 201 59.2 + 87 19 1 H 7.85 4. . 9658 5625 5.3 - 4 46 1 H 6.23 22. 9609 8588 59.6 + 49 11 1 A 6.83 2. . 9659 4563 5.4 + 22 38 1 H? 6.63 7 . . 9610 4242 3896 59.7 - 1 24 5 A? 5.58 4M 9660 1815 K B B B R ... 9611 4121 59.8 + 44 7 1 A 6.23 P 9661 4352 3917 5.5 + 32 42 7 F 4.89 n. 5 9612 4525 0.0 + 25 11 1 A? 6.54 p. . 9662 4946 5.5 + 19 8 1 A? 6.36 6. . 9613 4122 0.1 + 43 52 2 A? 6.63 7 . . 9663 6173 3916 5.5 -21 44 1 H? 5.87 152 9614 1712 0.2 + 65 35 3 A 6.36 6. . 9664 4701 3918 5.7 + 11 8 1 H 6.42 4.5 9615 4671 3897 0.7 + 26 12 1 H 6.50 3 . 5 9665 4614 5.8 + 34 43 1 A? 6.75 . . 9616 4800 3898 0.7 + 4 34 1 H 5.89 96n 9666 5093 3919 5.8 + 20 30 3 A 6.19 2 . 2 9617 4246 3899 0.7 - 49 5 K? 4.35 n n a 9667 4604 6.3 + 30 4 3 A 6.27 2 9618 2028 3904 0.8 + 62 38 2 M? 6.41 5 . n 9668 1815 6.7 + 63 38 2 A? 6.47 7 . . 9619 1802 3903 0.9 + 64 8 9 A 4.99 5 . 6 9669 4276 6.7 + 27 14 1 A? 6.65 6. . 9620 4284 3902 1.1 + 28 28 5 A 5.68 2 . 2 "9670 4981 7.0 + 6 24 1 H? 6.19 p8. 9621 6209 3901 1.1 -14 21 8 A 4.53 012 9671 3722 7.1 + 48 11 2 A 5.92 9. . 9622 4984 _ 1.2 + 9 36 1 H 6.36 86. 9672 4592 7.1 + 15 33 2 H 6.49 2 . . 9623 672 __ 1.5 + 83 1 3 A 6.86 p. . 9673 6229 7.1 -14 42 2 F? 5.86 65 . 9624 4804 1.6 + 4 42 1 H 6.29 P7, 9674 3602 3922 7.2 + 50 20 6 A 5.52 5 . 1 9625 4584 _ 1.6 + 1 57 1 A? 6.17 83. 9675 3920 1 7.3 -26 50 1 A? 5.71 . 75 9626 4041 1.8 + 44 37 3 A 6.31 7 . . 9676 2475 3923 7.4 + 57 43 6 K? 5.25 n . n 9627 4043 3905 1.9 + 44 31 1 H 6.38 n . n 9677 5732 3921 7.5 - 5 13 1 E? 5.88 884 9628 673 1.9 + 82 23 c' F? 6.46 K . . 9678 1634 7.6 + 65 1 1 F? 6.55 p. . 9629 674 2.0 + 82 23 \J R . . 9679 1111 3925 7.9 + 71 51 10 I? 5.58 4.6 9630 2029 3906 2.0 + 62 18 1 H 6.40 4- n 9680 2045 7.9 + 62 55 1 F? 6.76 P 9631 3692 2.0 + 47 45 2 A 5.76 7 . . 9681 3767 8.0 + 49 42 1 H 6.93 3. . 9632 2246 3909 2.1 + 61 48 4 A 5.24 8 . 9682 3612 8.0 + 46 36 2 A 6.25 p . . 9633 4044 _ 2.2 + 44 46 3 A 6.19 1 . . 9683 2402 3929 8.1 + 58 56 5 A? 5.29 3. 9634 6143 _ _ 2.2 -14 59 1 A 5.91 pp. 9684 3924 8.1 -25 41 1 A? 5.59 . 31 9635 4533 3907 2.3 + 24 51 6 F 4.44 4-4 9685 2727 3926 8.2 + 56 21 7 F 5.97 0. 6 9636 4792 2.5 + 9 11 1 A? 6.26 86. 9686 1112 8.3 + 71 37 6 A 6.02 1 . . 9637 2679 2.7 + 55 51 2 A 6.46 3 . . 9687 1228 3931 8.4 + 69 38 9 F? 5.70 2 . 2 9638 4930 __ 2.7 + 18 59 3 A? 5.84 3 . . 9688 4456 3927 8.4 + 34 7 1 H 6.30 5 . 9 9639 3248 2.9 + 51 19 2 A? 6.95 0. . 9689 4708 8.4 + 10 22 1 A? 6.71 p. . 9640 4695 3910 3.1 + 21 13 4 A 5.74 1 . 9690 2403 8.5 + 58 34 2 A? 6.29 0. . 9641 4673 3.4 + 17 4 2 A? 6.40 9. . 9691 5864 8.6 -21 54 1 A 5.96 PF. 9642 6227 3911 3.5 -19 1 1 A 5.46 543 9692 3928 8.6 -28 16 1 A 5.46 .11 9643 4540 3.7 + 25 3 2 A 6.04 P 9693 2358 3932 8.7 + 60 16 2 H 6.07 7. 7 9644 4472 _ 3.7 + 23 41 1 H? 6.63 2 . . 9694 4379 8.7 + 26 49 1 H? 6.65 9. . 9645 3114 3.8 + 52 49 1 A? 6.72 5. . 9695 6180 3930 8.8 -21 35 3 H? 5.95 5R5 9646 _ 4.3 -28 47 1 F? 5.35 P- 9696 767 9.0 + 82 10 2 A 6.66 p . . 9647 3706 4.8 + 47 27 2 A? 6.36 5. . 9697 4280 3933 9.1 + 28 7 1 H 6.41 0.5 9648 4349 3912 4.8 + 32 41 1 F 5.14 6. 6 9698 9.2 -24 30 1 H 6.01 . 9. 9649 1109 _ 4.9 + 71 53 1 A 6.49 7. . 9699 2048 3934 9.3 + 62 48 1 H 6.66 2 . 6 9650 4058 5.0 + 44 22 3 A 6.28 6. . 9700 4829 9.4 + 7 28 2 F? 6.10 P 7. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 105 22' R.A. Dec. R.A. Dec. D. C. DM. H. P 1900. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. 1900. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. 9701 4711 3935 m. 9.5 + 39 13 3 I 5.91 n . 11 9751 3894 3953 m. 16.9 o / + 46 2 6 A 4.58 4. 2 9702 2409 9.7 + 58 48 1 A 6.45 P 9752 2508 17.0 + 57 54 1 H 6.33 9. . 9703 4073 3936 9.7 + 44 57 5 A 5.41 6. 4 9753 820 17.1 + 76 13 A? 6.24 6. . 9704 5720 9.9 - 2 34 E E E , . . 9754 4786 17.3 + 15 8 2 B 5.94 p. . 9705 1287 10.4 + 68 28 1 A 6.37 9. . 9755 4469 17.6 + 41 36 4 A 6.26 2 . . 9706 4333 3937 10.5 + 42 28 5 A 5.71 3. 9756 5008 17.6 + 5 58 1 A? 6.74 PF . 9707 2053 10.7 + 62 40 4 A 5.81 P 9757 822 17.7 + 75 31 2 F 6.86 4. . 9708 4834 11.0 + 83 4 A 5.93 p4. 9758 1501 18.0 + 66 28 1 A 6.57 9. . 9709 1022 3943 11.1 + 72 49 4 H 6.32 2. S 9759 4849 18.3 + 59 1 A? 6.74 pp. 9710 4765 11.1 + 11 15 1 A 6.37 p . . 9760 4353 18.3 + 07 1 A? 6.41 PF. 9711 1232 11.2 + 69 38 1 A? 6.69 p . . 9761 785 18.5 + 79 11 1 E? 7.44 6. . 9712 2741 3942 11.3 + 56 33 10 A 4.65 b.4 9762 2070 18.6 + 62 38 2 A 6.41 p. . 9713 5726 11.4 -26 3 A 5.97 3 5 . 9763 1759 18.8 + 66 12 1 A? 6.27 0. . 9714 6148 3939 11.4 -13 20 1 H 5.72 3 10 9764 5139 3956 18.8 + 20 20 2 F? 6.47 5 . 5 9715 5845 3940 11.5 - 8 17 5 H? 5.41 11 n 11 9765 5780 3957 18.9 - 5 20 4 A 5.68 Oil 9716 4526 3944 11.6 + 37 15 4 I? 5.72 9 . n 9766 857 19.2 + 77 4 1 H 7.36 8. . 9717 5948 3941 11.6 - 9 32 1 H 6.15 020 9767 1257 K E E E B * 9718 2413 11.7 + 58 36 1 A 6.14 p . . 9768 4790 19.2 + 14 46 2 A 6.09 9. . 9719 2709 11.8 + 55 19 1 F 6.30 P 9769 2765 19.3 + 56 47 6 A? 5.86 8. . 9720 4601 11.9 + 22 24 2 A 6.48 2 . . 9770 4560 19.5 + 38 4 1 E? 6.53 3. . 9721 5960 3945 11.9 - 5 54 3 H? 6.25 725 9771 2291 19.6 + 61 55 4 A 5.77 7 . . 9722 4337 12.1 + 28 41 1 H 6.71 3. . 9772 3358 3959 19.7 + 51 44 6 I 5.48 V. B 9723 4797 12.2 + 12 23 1 A? 6.57 4. . 9773 2520 20.2 + 58 2 1 F? 6.34 p. . 9724 131 12.3 + 88 58 1 A 8.00 7. . 9774 4872 3960 20.2 + 53 4 F 4.92 403 9725 2746 12.8 + 56 43 1 A? 5.97 5. . 9775 3715 3962 20.4 + 48 58 6 A 4.80 2.2 9726 4333 13.0 - 45 2 H? 6.26 73. 9776 3961 20.7 -24 11 1 A? 5.87 . 44 9727 2272 13.1 + 61 49 1 A 6.74 4. . 9777 630 20.9 + 84 7 A 6.78 2 . . 9728 4887 13.2 + 13 27 1 H 6.53 3 . . 9778 6521 3963 21.2 -17 15 2 F? 5.98 55^ 9729 2714 13.3 + 55 40 1 A 6.15 p . . 9779 383 3968 21.3 + 85 36 16 A 5.37 4.0 9730 505 13.6 + 84 55 1 A 7.37 6. . 9780 4873 21.3 + 7 24 1 H? 6.75 p. . 9731 6255 13.6 -13 48 1 H 6.17 31 . 9781 5873 21.3 - 7 53 1 H? 6.61 43 . 9732 4617 14.1 + 15 45 2 A 6.24 p. . 9782 4730 21.4 + 25 24 1 H? 5.49 p . . 9733 1746 14.2 + 65 38 2 A 6.46 5 . . 9783 4705 3964 21.5 + 3 53 1 F 5.93 132 9734 4892 14.5 + 13 35 1 II 6.68 8. . 9784 384 21.7 + 85 43 2 H 7.36 9 . . 9735 4537 14.6 + 37 15 2 A 6.12 4. . 9785 1234 21.7 + 70 49 2 A 6.57 4. . 9736 2059 3947 14.9 + 62 18 1 H 6.50 5 . 3 9786 2876 21.9 + 53 26 1 H 6.38 7 . . 9737 5855 3946 14.9 - 8 19 5 A 5.46 111 9787 4835 22.4 + 36 57 4 A 6.22 3 . . 9738 4998 3948 15.5 + 5 17 4 A 5.26 811 9788 2882 22.5 + 53 36 1 H 6.53 p . . 9739 4896 15.8 + 13 32 1 H 6.63 1 . . 9789 860 22.8 + 77 44 11 A 6.24 6. . 9740 3665 15.9 + 46 58 1 H 6.86 8 . . 9790 4710 3965 22.8 + 4 12 2 K 5.78 n88 9741 4853 15.9 + 7 41 2 F? 6.20 81 . 9791 4841 3966 23.1 + 39 19 6 A 6.12 1 . 9742 5897 3949 16.1 -22 5 2 H 6.11 457 9792 2750 23.2 + 55 56 3 A 6.31 2 . . 9743 1426 16.3 + 67 55 1 A 5.95 P 9793 4804 23.2 + 11 45 1 H 6.72 8. . 9744 1646 16.4 + 64 17 1 H 6.68 P 9794 1036 23.4 + 73 7 1 A 6.93 p . . 9745 2755 16.4 + 56 25 2 A 5.76 9. . 9795 1240 3969 23.5 + 70 16 2 I 6.11 1.4 9746 5741 3950 16.5 - 1 53 6 A 4.08 180 9796 1303 23.5 + 68 32 2 A 6.52 p. . 9747 4898 . 16.6 + 13 52 1 H 6.08 9. . 9797 4594 23.5 + 24 18 4 A? 6.14 7 . . 9748 4784 3951 16.6 + 11 42 5 A 5.07 4. 9798 775 23.7 + 81 26 6 F? 6.62 4. . 9749 4350 16.6 + 08 1 H 6.71 PF . 9799 A OP C 3970 23.7 - 32 E 9750 4299 3952 16.7 + 27 50 9 A 4.86 1 . 9800 4365 3971 23.7 - 32 5 F 4.35 n 6 it 106 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 22' D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. m. / m. / 9801 859 23.9 + 76 56 4 A? 6.67 6. . 9851 4898 31.9 + 7 16 1 H? 6.65 pr . 9802 1664 3974 23.9 + 64 37 5 F 5.76 . 2 9852 2779 32.0 + 55 33 3 A 5.97 8 . . 9803 4874 3973 24.1 + 8 38 2 H 6.46 767 9853 4838 32.1 + 12 4 1 H 6.62 21 . 9804 205 24.2 + 87 35 2 A 7.15 3. . 9854 5716 3999 32.6 - 4 44 3 H 6.05 785 9805 4880 24.6 + 7 30 1 H 6.75 P 9855 4576 32.7 + 23 29 1 E? 6.48 . . 9806 4713 3976 24.9 + 3 56 3 F? 5.83 505 9856 2932 32.8 + 53 54 1 A 6.28 p. . 9807 6231 24.9 -15 5 2 A 5.85 p5. 9857 4817 33.0 + 38 55 1 H 6.59 p . . 9808 1852 25.0 + 63 34 1 H 6.47 0. . 9858 1049 4002 33.2 + 73 7 12 F 5.52 . 2 9809 4815 25.1 + 35 26 1 E 6.91 6. . 9859 3770 4U01 33.2 + 51 1 7 A 5.05 5 .2 9810 4371 25.1 - 22 1 H 6.61 pp. 9860 1050 33.6 + 72 22 1 A 6.76 2 . . 9811 4700 25.2 + 35 13 2 F? 6.06 4. . 9861 4745 33.8 + 4 1 2 A 6.23 37 . 9812 5850 3978 25.3 -11 11 5 A 5.02 2\2 9862 4185 33.9 + 44 40 1 H 6.73 1 . . 9813 2548 3981 25.4 + 57 54 R ' 7 9863 1319 34.3 + 68 41 2 A 6.77 5 . . 9814 2547 3982 25.4 + 57 53 6 F? 4.73 B . 9864 2465 34.3 + 58 24 1 A 6.29 7. . 9815 3719 3980 25.4 + 47 11 5 H? 6.09 n . n 9865 4898 34.6 + 36 51 1 F 6.32 0. . 9816 2897 25.5 + 53 44 1 A 5.93 6. . 9866 2821 4004 34.7 + 56 17 1 M 5.76 2 . 2 9817 4708 3979 25.5 + 32 4 6 A 5.32 7 . 2 9867 4826 4005 34.7 + 38 32 4 B 4.93 1 . 1 9818 4726 25.6 + 30 42 2 A 6.38 6. . 9868 1789 34.9 + 65 38 1 A 6.41 4. . 9819 3396 25.9 + 51 54 1 A 6.06 6. . 9869 5021 4006 34.9 + 19 10 2 A 6.26 2 . 2 9820 796 3986 26.0 + 78 17 14 A 5.82 2. 9870 978 35.0 + 74 51 3 H 6.58 1 . . 9821 739 26.1 + 80 11 4 H 6.94 6. . 9871 4902 4008 35.0 + 37 4 1 H? 6.52 5 . 5 9822 4420 3985 26.1 + 42 36 6 B 4.52 5 . 1 9872 2102 4009 35.1 + 63 4 7 A 5.35 1 . 2 9823 5460 26.1 - 3 25 1 A 6.44 11. 9873 4007 35.1 -27 34 3 A 4.42 . IS 9824 5797 3984 26.1 -74 1 H 6.37 122 9874 3780 35.4 + 50 38 1 H 6.79 7 . . 9825 5855 26.4 -11 25 1 A 5.89 98. 9875 5728 35.6 -44 1 A 6.09 63 . 9826 2794 26.5 + 56 43 2 A 6.27 8 . . 9876 4971 4010 35.9 + 14 1 2 F? 6.08 3 . 3 9827 1256 26.8 + 69 56 2 A 6.60 4. . 9877 4266 4011 36.1 + 43 46 4 H 5.80 n . n 9828 4769 26.8 + 10 16 1 II? 6.66 P 9878 2950 4012 36.2 + 53 20 1 H 6.13 1 . 1 9829 4835 26.9 + 12 36 1 H 6.78 P 9879 4797 4013 36.4 + 10 19 6 A 3.79 S32 9830 2403 27.0 + 61 7 1 F 6.48 5. . 9880 5733 36.9 - 4 1 A 6.24 PE. 9831 4389 27.0 + 29 2 3 A 6.30 4. . 9881 4912 4014 37.0 + 39 43 5 B? 5.16 1 . 1 9832 3875 3987 27.1 + 49 46 6 A 3.94 1 . 9882 4436 4015 37.0 + 28 48 10 A 4.83 3 . 1 9833 1257 27.3 + 69 40 2 A? 6.44 9. . 9883 4974 4016 37.0 + 14 1 H 6.28 1 . 1 9834 509- 27.5 + 84 33 2 H 7.09 1 . . 9884 2958 37.5 + 53 52 1 A 6.33 p . . 9835 4838 27.7 + 12 32 1 F 6.22 82. 9885 6038 37.8 - 8 50 2 F? 6.21 86 . 9836 4670 27.9 + 15 20 1 H 6.69 1 . . 9886 4912 37.9 + 41 1 A 6.12 PF. 9837 4871 3989 28.0 + 39 16 4 A 6.14 1 . 5 9887 5838 4017 38.0 - 7 29 2 A 6.12 931 9838 5781 3990 28.9 -25 1 H 6.40 125 9888 6324 4018 38.2 -19 21 2 H? 5.90 ,V n H 9839 801 3992 29.0 + 78 19 15 A 5.52 2. 1 9889 2961 38.3 + 53 43 1 A 6.18 p . . 9840 6251 3991 29.3 -21 13 3 F 5.83 116 9890 4741 4020 38.3 + 29 42 11 G 4.16 n . n 9841 2769 29.8 + 56 7 1 M? 5.81 5 . . 9891 2836 38.4 + 57 5 1 F? 6.47 P 9842 1262 3995 30.1 + 69 24 8 A? 5.95 0. 9892 4670 38.4 + 37 17 1 V 5.97 5 . . 9843 4384 3994 30.2 - 38 6 A 4.28 421 9893 3803 38.7 + 46 38 1 F? 6.35 1 . . 9844 2314 30.3 + 61 16 3 A 6.08 4. . 9894 4805 38.7 + 10 26 2 F 6.26 p. . 9845 1263 __ 30.4 + 69 51 11 A 5.91 3. . 9895 1055 38.8 + 72 44 1 A 6.62 7. . 9846 836 3996 30.6 + 75 43 14 A 5.66 0. 9896 868 39.1 + 77 30 3 A? 6.88 P 9847 6554 30.7 -16 54 1 F? 6.28 74. 9897 731 39.2 + 80 52 5 F 6.67 . . 9848 4808 3997 31.4 + 39 7 4 A? 5.19 5. 1 9898 1702 39.2 + 65 9 1 H 6.55 7. . 9849 4781 31.6 + 11 11 2 A 5.87 p5. 9899 2797 39.2 + 55 53 1 A 6.06 9. . 9850 3903 31.8 + 49 33 2 A? 6.13 2 9900 1704 39.6 + 64 48 2 A 6.19 3. . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 107 22* D. C. DM. H. P. It. A. 1900. Dec. 1000. No. Sp. Magn. Kesid. D. C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1800. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Resitl 9901 4594 4022 m. 39.6 o / + 41 18 2 I 6.11 9 . n 9951 703 4045 m. 47.9 ' + 82 37 14 K 5.93 9 .n 9902 870 39.8 + 77 5 7 A 6.76 7 . . 9952 6371 4044 48.2 -12 9 3 A 5.46 453 9903 40.1 -25 46 1 A 5.84 . 7 . 9953 880 48.3 + 76 42 1 A 6.65 p. . 9904 4298 41.0 + 44 14 1 H? 6.63 5 . . 9954 2830 48.4 + 56 10 1 II 6.36 7 . . 9905 2595 41.2 + 57 37 1 F 5.88 8 . . 9955 4078 48.4 + 46 1 1 F 6.35 1 . . 9906 5060 41.5 + 74 1 F 6.30 7. 9956 756 48.5 + 79 51 3 H 6.75 4. . 9907 4875 4024 41.6 + 11 40 7 F 5.15 49n 9957 8962 48.5 + 49 53 5 A 6.04 7. . 9908 4300 4025 41.7 + 44 1 6 A? 6.20 2 . 5 9958 704 48.6 + 83 9 1 H 6.67 P 9909 4709 4026 41.7 + 23 3 7 K? 5.34 n . n 9959 4957 48.6 + 39 37 3 A 6.04 7 . . 9910 6486 4027 42.1 -20 8 1 H 6.19 887 9960 2595 49.1 + 59 34 1 H 6.56 3. . 9911 871 42.2 + 77 58 9 A 6.59 6. . 9961 1475 49.2 + 67 26 2 F 6.54 8 . . 9912 335 42.3 + 86 46 1 A 7.60 4. . 9962 4331 4046 49.2 + 44 13 4 A 5.90 1 .2 9913 2856 42.4 + 54 21 1 A 5.84 P 9963 6173 4047 49.3 -16 21 6 A 3.82 p.64 9914 6346 4028 42.4 -14 35 2 A 5.36 842 9964 6619 49.4 -16 48 1 H 5.94 31 . 9915 5111 42.5 + 9 58 1 F? 6.16 6F. 9965 4939 49.9 + 32 2 A 5.91 94. 9916 788 42.9 + 81 22 1 H 6.91 8. . 9966 513 50.0 + 84 14 3 H? 7.09 2 . . 9917 2987 43.0 + 54 13 1 A 6.54 p. . 9967 5885 4050 50.0 - 5 31 1 H 5.83 210 9918 789 43.2 + 81 58 1 H 7.09 9. . 9968 2837 50.2 + 55 48 1 H 6.21 6. . 9919 3295 43.2 + 52 51 2 A 6.47 5. . 9969 4961 4051 50.2 + 8 17 4 A 4.83 ^42 9920 5923 4029 43.2 -11 5 1 A 5.89 434 9970 4956 4053 50.4 + 36 33 1 F? 6.07 2 . 1 9921 750 43.3 + 79 54 2 H 7.08 1 . . 9971 4917 4054 51.1 + 35 50 4 A 5.86 1 . 3 9922 2612 43.5 + 57 57 2 A 5.58 7 . . 9972 998 51.3 + 74 4 1 H 6.66 8 . . 9923 4934 4030 43.7 + 36 52 1 H 6.57 6 . 6 9973 858 51.7 + 75 48 2 A 6.97 7. . 9924 4809 43.8 + 30 34 1 H? 6.63 P 9974 1283 51.7 + 70 49 1 F 6.57 P 9925 700 43.9 + 82 44 8 A? 6.70 P 9975 813 51.8 + 78 22 1 II 7.01 7. . 9926 1717 44.2 + 64 32 1 E 6.24 8 . . 9976 4904 51.8 + 11 18 1 A 6.27 6. . 9927 6354 4031 44.3 -14 7 2 M? 5.21 nn n 9977 814 51.9 + 78 32 1 F? 6.87 P 9928 1546 44.5 + 66 22 1 A 6.62 P 9978 2644 51.9 + 57 40 3 A 6.26 7 . . 9929 2993 4032 44.6 + 53 53 9 A? 5.81 2. 2 9979 4949 4055 51.9 + 41 4 6 A? 5.30 9 . 3 9930 4615 4034 45.2 + 24 5 9 I? 4.73 8 . n 9980 1288 52.0 + 69 45 1 A 6.59 4. . 9931 1468 45.6 + 68 2 6 F 6.14 4. . 9981 2850 52.0 + 55 44 1 A 6.25 8. . 9932 2820 4035 45.6 + 55 22 1 H 6.30 4.9 9982 5793 52.0 - 3 47 1 A? 6.19 SB. 9933 2867 45.7 + 54 18 1 A 6.24 P 9983 3887 4058 52.1 + 49 12 2 H 6.48 n . n 9934 4623 4036 45.8 + 41 26 5 A 5.94 2. 1 9984 758 52.4 +79 42 1 H 7.12 7. . 9935 1813 46.1 + 66 2 A 6.32 7. . 9985 1482 52.4 + 67 42 1 H 6.75 7 . . 9936 1814 4037 46.1 + 65 41 9 I? 4.95 n . n 9986 5036 4059 52.5 + 20 14 2 H 6.21 n . 6 9937 4251 46.4 + 44 24 1 A 6.58 P 9987 3985 4060 52.7 + 48 9 6 B? 5.05 3 . 1 9938 3485 46.5 + 51 31 1 A 6.20 P - 9988 2607 52.8 + 59 25 3 A? 6.36 9. . 9939 4916 46.7 + 4 15 1 F 6.33 76. 9989 2855 52.9 + 55 57 1 F? 6.46 P 9940 1469 46.9 + 67 51 1 E 6.75 p. . 9990 1076 53.0 + 72 18 1 A 6.46 p. . 9941 3944 46.9 + 48 12 1 A? 6.32 7 . . 9991 4904 4061 53.1 + 38 48 4 A 5.78 7. 3 9942 4926 47.3 + 40 47 2 F? 6.65 4. . 9992 5539 53.1 - 2 56 1 H? 6.05 38. 9943 988 47.4 + 74 38 2 A 6.83 p. . 9993 2915 53.3 + 56 28 1 H 6.56 p. . 9944 2450 4041 47.4 + 61 10 4 F 5.90 1 . / 9994 5858 53.3 - 1 57 1 A? 6.05 85. 9945 5122 4039 47.4 + 9 18 4 F 5.54 522 9995 517 53.5 + 84 50 9 H 6.77 3. . 9946 5968 4040 47.4 -87 4 M? 5.41 n n n 9996 5092 53.7 + 6 48 2 A 5.95 p6. 9947 3311 47.5 + 52 30 1 H 6.22 8. . 9997 739 53.9 + 80 45 3 A 6.89 p. . 9948 4074 47.5 + 46 12 1 A 6.55 4. . 9998 4355 54.2 + 43 18 1 A? 6.57 4. . 9949 4521 4042 47.5 + 42 47 2 II 6.32 n . n 9999 4859 4062 54.2 + 11 12 2 A 5.97 1 . 1 9950 4573 47.5 + 3 1 1 A 6.08 46. 10000 4950 4063 54.3 + 26 1 H 6.11 175 108 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 22 h -23 h D.C. DM. H.P. K.A. li'im. Dec. 1900. No. SP. Magn. Resid. D.C. DM. H.P. E.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn. Ite&id. m. o / m. / 10001 6318 54.3 -13 36 1 H 6.47 01 . 10051 4686 4092 3.6 + 1 35 1 H 5.92 134 10002 1079 54.7 + 72 36 4 H 6.72 1. . 10052 2171 3.7 + 63 6 1 A 5.88 3 . . 10003 2146 54.7 + 63 10 1 H? 6.66 1. . 10053 1758 3.8 + 65 5 3 A 6.18 7 . . 10004 3514 4065 54.8 + 52 6 1 A 6.66 7 . S 10054 1931 3.9 + 63 41 2 F? 6.47 2 . . 10005 3515 54.8 + 51 47 2 A 6.21 8. . 10055 6368 4093 4.1 -21 43 4 H? 4.92 .7 n ii 10006 2615 55.0 + 59 16 5 A? 6.11 4. . 10056 4981 4095 4.5 + 88 1 M 5.50 211 10007 640 4071 55.2 + 83 49 14 K? 5.92 9 . 9 10057 6360 4.5 -15 3 1 A 5.95 58 . 10008 2663 55.9 + 57 14 1 A? 6.32 1 . . 10058 4096 4.5 -23 4 F? 5.37 .55 10009 2923 4070 55.9 + 56 24 7 G 6.14 1 . 6 10059 1006 4098 4.7 + 74 51 15 II? 5.48 9 . n 10010 4859 40(39 55.9 + 30 33 1 A 6.43 4.1 10060 3950 4.8 + 49 7 6 A? 6.51 9. . 10011 430- 56.0 + 44 50 2 A 6.59 1 . . 10061 5170 4097 5.0 + 9 17 5 A 5.34 240 10012 4068 56.0 -23 20 1 A? 5.89 . 82 10062 5010 5.1 + 37 9 1 F 6.42 9. . 10013 4744 56.3 + 38 10 2 A 6.13 6. . 10063 1764 5.2 + 64 41 4 A 6.06 7 . . 10014 866 E E 1 E 6.88 P 10064 2491 5.2 + 61 7 1 A 6.78 p. . 10015 5910 56.4 - 5 15 1 E? 6.38 48. 10065 4945 5.2 + 38 55 1 A 6.54 3. . 10016 2927 4072 57.3 + 56 34 1 H 6.27 2 . 2 10066 768 5.3 + 80 6 2 A? 6.89 8. . 10017 4664 4073 57.3 + 41 47 9 A 3.92 2 . 1 10067 2552 4099 5.4 + 58 47 8 A 5.70 4.S 10018 759 57.4 + 79 48 1 H 6.67 8. . 10068 769 5.5 + 80 2 9 A 6.29 P 10019 4665 4076 58.0 + 42 13 8 A 5.30 9. 2 10069 6157 5.5 - 6 30 2 A? 6.27 76. 10020 4378 58.2 + 43 31 5 A 6.13 0. . 10070 2958 5.8 + 56 55 2 I 6.42 6. . 10021 2629 58.3 + 59 18 4 A 6.30 7. . 10071 4592 4101 5.8 + 43 5 A 6.19 2 . S 10022 892 53.4 + 76 20 3 A 6.98 3 . . 10072 1587 6.0 + 66 42 8 A 6.25 5 . . 10023 2900 58.4 + 54 42 4 A 5.97 5. . 10073 1941 6.3 + 64 2 F 6.58 2. . 10024 2533 58.6 + 59 5 2 A 6.60 9. . 10074 3383 6.7 + 52 31 1 H 6.67 5 . . 10025 4818 4077 58.8 + 3 17 5 A 4.61 120 10075 4991 4102 6.7 + 8 10 6 A 5.32 712 10026 1181 58.9 + 72 10 1 A 6.80 p. . 10076 810 7.4 + 82 3 1 H 6.90 P 10027 4480 4078 58.9 + 27 32 7 M? 4.80 E . 11 10077 1949 7.9 + 64 11 3 A 6.13 9. . 10028 2631 59.2 + 59 54 5 A? 6.04 7 . . 10078 3964 4104 8.0 + 48 51 9 A 4.80 2. 1 10029 2076 59.2 + 58 1 1 H 6.24 3. . 10079 814 E E E E B . . . 10030 761 59.6 + 80 14 13 A 6.24 p. . 10080 2966 4105 8.3 + 56 36 3 H 6.09 1 . 6 10031 1575 4082 59.7 + 66 40 6 I 6.26 . . 10370 5386 4216 47.3 + 21 7 2 H 6.57 8.4 10321 1943 4199 41.5 + 66 13 10 B 5.83 5. 2 10371 5231 4217 47.4 + 18 34 2 M? 6.21 n . n 10322 2051 41.7 + 63 45 1 E? 6.47 5. . 10372 1047 47.5 + 74 59 3 H 6.42 1 . . 10323 3044 42.0 + 54 19 2 A 6.69 6. . 10373 5004 4218 47.5 + 10 23 4 A 5.58 433 10324 4147 42.0 + 50 41 2 A 6.65 8. . 10374 6527 47.5 -19 7 1 H 5.86 pp. 10325 2804 4201 42.1 + 58 6 7 I? 5.74 4.5 10375 5387 47.6 + 21 12 2 F? 6.57 . . 10326 6559 4200 42.1 -12 28 1 H 6.18 232 10376 6277 4219 47.7 - 9 33 1 H 6.10 152 10327 3085 42.2 + 56 54 1 II 6.02 . . 10377 4308 47.8 + 47 56 1 E 6.57 9. . 10328 784 42.4 + 80 49 4 A 6.91 P 10378 4999 4220 47.9 + 17 21 1 H 6.80 3 . 10329 4773 42.5 + 33 59 1 A 6.50 p. . 10379 5126 48.0 + 36 23 2 H 6.57 1 . . 10330 4834 42.5 + 25 1 1 H 6.54 5. . 10380 4792 4221 48.0 + 1 32 4 A 5.94 p54 10331 4169 42.6 + 46 16 9 A 5.85 7. . 10381 796 48.1 + 79 17 2 A 7.00 p . . 10332 217 42.8 + 87 47 1 A 8.00 5. . 10382 4989 48.1 + 31 21 1 F 6.73 6 . . 10333 4989 42.8 + 16 32 B . . 10383 __ 4222 48.2 -24 47 1 E? 6.36 . IS 10334 4990 42.8 + 16 31 1 F? 6.95 R . . 10384 4180 48.5 + 50 58 1 H 6.70 3 . . 10335 5707 4203 42.8 - 3 19 1 H? 6.29 986 10385 5001 48.8 + 17 26 1 H 6.80 2. . 10336 1562 4204 43.1 + 67 15 12 A 5.22 3. 1 10386 2636 48.9 + 60 18 3 II 6.57 4. . 10337 2055 43.3 + 63 15 3 A 6.39 P 10387 5091 49.0 + 38 44 1 H? 6.63 1 . . 10338 4836 43.5 + 25 6 2 E 6.54 3. . 10388 4731 49.3 + 33 2 2 A 6.94 P 10339 793 43.7 + 80 3 A 7.05 p. . 10389 3111 4224 49.4 + 56 57 7 G? 5.66 7.n 10340 4205 43.7 -28 41 2 A 5.80 . n n 10390 2562 _ 49.7 + 61 17 1 A 6.78 0. . 10341 1861 43.8 + 64 19 6 A 5.99 5. . 10391 4994 49.8 + 21 54 2 A 6.52 p. . 10342 5028 43.8 + 31 9 2 F.? 6.83 9. . 10392 10 B B B B B > . . 10343 539 44.0 + 84 31 2 H 7.18 9 . . 10393 4666 49.9 + 28 56 5 A 6.29 9. . 10344 2533 4206 44.0 + 61 40 8 F 5.95 1 . 5 10394 6198 49.9 -10 1 1 H 6.20 86. 10345 2777 44.0 + 59 25 7 A 5.89 6 . . 10395 1063 4226 50.0 + 73 51 12 A 6.20 8. 4 10346 2653 44.3 + 58 25 5 A? 6.10 7. . 10396 5216 4227 50.0 + 6 31 2 A 6.20 611 10347 4908 44.3 + 22 18 2 A 6.13 5. . 10397 3115 50.5 + 56 53 4 E 6.00 p. . 10348 5054 4207 44.4 + 31 3 A 5.64 925 10398 3739 ... 50.5 + 52 11 1 II 6.66 2. . 10349 736 44.5 + 82 26 1 A 7.37 P 10399 5101 50.5 + 7 40 2 A? 6.40 63. 10350 5110 4208 44.0 + 35 53 4 F 6.39 5 . 5 10400 4214 4228 50.6 + 46 48 1 H 6.50 6.4 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 23' D.C. DM. H. P. K.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Kesid. D.C. DM. H.P. R.A. 1900. Dec. 1900. No. Sp. Magn Kesiil. 10401 4363 ^_ m. 50.6 o ' + 45 48 3 A 6.50 2. . 10450 1417 m. 55.9 / + 69 3 1 A 6.83 P 10402 406 50.8 + 85 21 1 H 7.27 P 10451 1418 56.0 + 69 1 4 A 6.65 9 . . 10403 5396 50.9 + 20 37 4 F? 6.22 8. . 10452 2656 56.3 + 60 17 3 A 6.60 2 . 10404 5053 51.0 + 30 31 2 F? 6.78 2 . . 10453 4309 56.3 + 49 25 2 II 6.58 1.,. 10405 4737 51.1 + 32 55 3 A 6.46 5. . 10454 11S5 56.5 + 73 3 11 A 6.22 3 . . 10406 4999 4229 51.6 + 22 5 2 H 6.62 6 . 5 10455 1246 56.5 + 71 41 2 A 6.69 2 . . 10407 743 4230 51.7 + 82 38 13 A 6.07 1 . 2 10456 2657 4243 56.5 + 60 40 8 A? 5.81 2. 1 10408 4909 51.7 + 4 10 2 H 6.58 63 . 10457 4744 56.5 + 38 11 1 A 6.68 0. . 10409 4902 4231 52.0 + 42 6 5 F 6.34 3 . 3 10458 4920 4244 56.6 + 41 49 6 A 5.89 6. 2 10410 3076 4232 52.1 + 55 9 7 F 5.99 0.5 10459 4844 56.6 + 23 42 1 A 6.53 1. . 10411 851 52.2 + 79 12 4 F 6.80 P 10460 1984 56.7 + 65 45 1 F 6.11 9. . 10412 5002 52.2 + 21 48 1 H 6.52 p . . 10461 1887 56.7 + 64 54 1 II 6.34 p. . 10413 4331 52.3 + 47 43 1 E 6.61 8 . . 10462 5749 4245 56.7 - 3 35 8 A? 5.49 254 10414 901 52.4 + 75 45 2 B 6.56 p . . 10463 4734 4246 6.8 + 26 34 5 E 6.35 8 . 6 10415 1127 52.4 + 72 18 1 A 6.81 P 10464 6345 4247 56.8 - 6 35 4 H 6.17 nun 10416 2573 52.5 + 61 27 1 A 6.79 5. . 10465 1985 56.9 + 65 23 5 A 6.40 5. . 10417 2795 52.5 + 59 28 9 A? 6.02 7 . . 10466 5750 56.9 - 3 20 1 A 6.64 69. 10418 1067 52.6 + 73 18 1 E 7.04 P- 10407 347 57.3 + 86 29 2 A 7.80 8 . . 10419 4865 4233 52.6 + 24 35 4 H 5.96 n . 11 10468 4314 57.3 + 49 56 1 A? 6.49 5. . 10420 3119 52.7 + 56 34 1 A 6.22 P 10469 5164 57.3 + 8 24 3 A 6.32 41 . 10421 5013 52.7 + 10 55 3 A 6.54 50 . 10470 4925 57.4 + 15 43 1 E 6.34 7 . . 10422 4291 53.1 + 49 53 2 H 6.64 1 . . 10471 5121 4249 57.4 + 7 56 3 F 6.02 350 10423 6394 53.2 -16 25 1 A? 6.59 42. 10472 1987 57.5 + 65 33. 7 F 6.12 2 . . 10424 5039 53.3 + 34 26 3 A 6.40 2 . . 10473 748 57.6 + 82 25 9 A 6.54 5 . . 10425 4678 53.3 + 28 17 1 H 6.91 P 10474 799 57.6 + 79 45 4 A 6.79 7 . . 10426 4202 4234 53.4 + 50 50 1 M 6.80 E . E 10475 4817 57.6 + 42 22 1 A 6.26 P 10427 4381 E E K E E * 10476 5159 57.6 + 35 16 1 A 6.86 1 . . 10428 5996 4235 53.6 -47 4 F? 5.94 789 10477 6703 57.8 -20 37 3 A 6.34 5n. 10429 5012 4236 53.7 + 31 48 6 A? 6.05 2. 3 10478 4925 58.0 + 42 11 4 A 6.41 4 . . 10430 4381 53.8 + 45 52 3 F 6.23 3 . . 10479 5034 4251 58.1 + 16 59 1 H? 6.60 6 . 10431 3082 4237 53.9 + 55 12 10 A 5.02 0.0 10480 1136 58.3 + 72 36 7 A 6.56 4. . 10432 1068 54.2 + 74 15 1 A 7.16 3. . 10481 2356 58.3 + 63 5 6 F? 6.11 4. . 10433 3575 54.2 + 53 1 3 A 6.44 9. . 10482 5197 58.3 + 20 7 1 E 6.71 8 . . 10434 5227 4238 54.2 + 6 18 9 F 5.20 A'nii 10483 1377 58.5 + 69 45 1 A 6.94 P 10435 5180 54.3 + 19 53 1 E? 6.56 P- 10484 4373 58.6 + 47 53 4 A 6.42 0. . 10436 3127 54.4 + 57 7 2 A 6.87 p. . 10485 4928 58.6 + 41 29 1 E 6.76 9. . 10437 4239 54.4 + 33 11 10486 6417 4252 58.6 -17 54 7 A 4.85 152 10438 4747 4240 54.4 + 33 11 5 F 5.89 1 . 1 10487 18 E E 1 E 7.39 P 10439 4208 54.5 + 50 17 4 A 6.52 7. . 10488 2586 4253 59.1 + 61 44 8 A 5.98 4. 1 10440 409 54.7 + 86 9 13 A 6.75 P 10489 6868 4254 59.2 -17 5 1 II 6.18 034 10441 5017 54.7 + 10 43 3 A 6.57 40. 10490 6194 4255 59.4 -11 4 2 H 6.29 c?nn 10442 5108 54.9 + 38 18 3 A? 6.30 2 . . 10491 1679 4256 59.5 + 66 36 5 H? 6.00 0. 2 10443 4231 55.1 + 46 23 1 A 6.40 6. . 10492 4933 4257 59.5 + 41 33 7 A 6.12 1 . 2 10444 4727 55.3 + 26 22 4 E 6.47 0. . 10493 4827 _ 59.5 + 33 42 1 H 6.85 2. . 10445 5071 55.4 + 30 41 1 E 6.48 p. . 10494 4828 59.6 + 34 7 3 F 6.47 2 . . 10446 2685 55.5 + 59 1 2 H 6.10 2. . 10495 2855 __ 59.7 + 57 58 3 F? 5.96 5. . 10447 2580 55.6 + 61 37 2 E 5.94 P 10496 5068 59.8 + 26 6 1 H 6.60 4. . 10448 4538 4242 55.7 + 44 42 6 A 5.97 . 1 10497 2667 4258 59.9 + 60 46 7 A 5.72 3. 3 10449 1588 55.8 + 67 54 1 A? 6.70 P 10498 4744 59.9 + 27 7 1 II 6.90 1 . . THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 113 The details of the measurements made in forming the Draper Catalogue will be found in Table II. The explanation of the successive columns is given below, pre- ceded by the heading of each. D.C. The number of the star in the Draper Catalogue, and therefore identical with the corresponding number in the first column of Table I. Several objects which appeared only on one plate have been erroneously entered in Table I. generally owing to a mistake in the identification, or in the hour of right ascension. When an observation was found to relate to a star already in the Cata- logue the measures were added to those of the latter star. The letter R was then inserted in each of the columns thus left vacant, and the correction is explained in the remarks following Table II. When the observation related to a star not in the Draper Catalogue, it was inserted in Table II. in the order of right ascension, the number of the star preceding it being repeated followed by the letter a. The cor- responding correction is given in the remarks. D. C. 10154 should precede D. C. 10145, but the error was detected too late for correction. Plate Numbers. Each photographic plate received a number in the order in which it was taken. In Volume XXVI. will be found tables by which we can de- termine from these numbers the dates and other facts relating to each plate. When a star appears on more than three plates, as many additional lines are assigned to it as may be required. The numbers or letters in the next four columns occupy the same relative positions in their respective columns as the numbers of the plates to which they relate. Two or more regions differing in declination by 10 are pho- tographed on each plate. As the extent of the plate slightly exceeds 10, it occa- sionally happens that two images of the same star appear on a plate, one near the top, the other near the bottom. The plate number is then repeated, and the first of the numbers in the following columns in that case refers to the image taken when the northern of the two regions was photographed. When a star appears only on one plate, a second measure of its spectrum was made. A single plate number is then given, but the results of the two measures are inserted in the following columns. Occasionally, after both measures were made, the star was found to be on other plates. The second measure on the first plate is then omitted. Observed Brightness. The original measures of the brightness were made by direct comparison with a photographic band, dark at one end and transparent at the other, like a wedge of shade glass. Various corrections must be applied to the observed measures to give the brightness on a uniform scale. Thus, if the plate is a poor one all the spectra will appear too faint, and the number representing the stellar magnitude must be diminished to render it comparable with measures of a 114 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. plate in which the photographic action is more intense. Again, polar stars, from their slow motion, form images more intense than those of equatorial stars of equal brightness, and accordingly the observed magnitudes of the former must be nu- merically increased. The scale with which the spectra were compared was such that all measures were contained between the limits 4.0 and 8.0. A reading near 4.0 denotes that the spec- trum is nearly opaque, so that the intensity cannot be measured with great accuracy. For brighter stars which cannot be measured with this scale the letter B is inserted in the place of a measurement. When the spectrum is less intense than 6.5 it is difficult to determine its character, and its class may be somewhat uncertain. The accuracy of the measurement of intensity is however not diminished, and is perhaps greater when the spectrum is faint. Measures of intensity could be taken when the scale reading is even fainter than 8.0, but have not been made, since the char- acter of the spectrum could not be determined in this case. When the spectra were near the edges of the plate they could not be measured with accuracy, and their character becomes more uncertain. The position of each spectrum was measured in rectangular co-ordinates to tenths of a centimetre. Differ- ences in right ascension, or abscissas, were indicated by the letter H ; differences in declination, or ordinates by the letter V ; for the centre of the plate H = 14.8 and V=11.7. A dash was substituted for the measure of brightness when V was not included between 2.5 and 22.5. In these cases the description of the spectrum is somewhat uncertain. If the spectrum was not included between H = 7.0 and 23.0 and V=3.0 and 21.0, the observed brightness is printed in Italics. In this case also small differences in the spectrum are imperceptible. These limits were deter- mined from an examination of the appearance of the spectra on several plates, and are not symmetrically arranged around the central point. When V is not included between 2.5 and 22.5 and the star appears on no other plate, two. independent measures were made, and are given in the Catalogue in Italics. When a star appeared on two plates, and was beyond the limits of measurements on one of these plates, it was measured a second time on the other plate, and the magnitude depends on two measures of the same image, the two measures of bright- ness on one plate being either preceded or followed by a dash, which indicates the plate not measured. The residuals for these stars follow the same rule. The values in the next two columns of Table II. were derived from the images on different plates. Res. The residuals found by subtracting the mean photographic magnitude from the observed brightness of each spectrum, after applying the corrections required to THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 115 reduce them all to the same scale. These residuals are expressed in tenths of a mag- nitude, negative values being indicated by Italics. Residuals greater than 9, if posi- tive are represented by p, if negative by 11. This occurs only in the cases of D.C. 1054, 5360, 9679, and 9951, where the residuals are 10, 10, 10, and 11 respectively. If a residual exceeded 5, a second measure was made to see if the deviation was real or due to error in measurement. The results of the second measurements and the conclusions derived from them will be found in Volume XXVI. p. 110. As in the preceding column, B, R, and a dash denote respectively that the star was too bright for measurement, that a further reference to this case will be found in the remarks, p. 262, and that the spectrum was too near the edge of the plate for satis- factory measurement. In the case of polar stars the sum of the residuals will not always equal zero, for reasons explained in Volume XXVI. p. 95. End. When the spectrum contains the series of lines due to hydrogen, the line of shortest wave-length visible in each spectrum is given in this column. Thus y denotes that the line whose wave-length is 379.8, is the last one visible, and the spectrum is not distinct enough beyond that to show the line 8, whose wave length is 377.1. The three letters correspond to the three numbers in the second column. A comparison of these letters with the numbers in the third column serves to indi- cate the color of the star. When the hydrogen lines are not present, the last line visible is ordinarily K in the case of faint stars. For the brighter stars the presence of lines of shorter wave-length is indicated in the remarks. F.K. The intensity of the line K, wave-length 393.7, and the presence or absence of the F line, wave-length 486.1, are indicated in this column. When the K line has the same intensity as the H line an H is inserted ; when the K line is the more in- tense of the two the letter B is inserted ; if fainter, its intensity is estimated assum- ing the intensity of the H line to be 10, and the number denoting this intensity is inserted. The presence of the F line is indicated by placing these letters or num- bers in Italics. When the K line is absent the presence of the F line is indicated by an F. In other cases, according to the system just stated, the absence of the K line is indicated by the figure ; if its presence is questioned the figure 1 is inserted ; the figure 2 denotes that the line was certainly seen, but was very faint. When the presence of the F line is questioned on one plate and it was not seen in any of the other photographs of the same star, although some of them were more intense, it is assumed that the suspicion of its presence is unfounded. If the other photographs are fainter, a decision regarding the presence of the F line was reached from a re- examination of the plate. When the F line is questioned and confirmed on any other plates, its presence is assumed. 116 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. R. The last column refers to the remarks at the end of the Catalogue. The letter a denotes that these remarks contain additional information regarding the spectra. A line is described by its wave-length expressed in millionths of a milli- metre, followed by its intensity on a scale such that the H line in the same spectrum shall be represented by 10. These wave-lengths were determined by estimating the position of the line with regard to the two adjacent hydrogen lines, and are therefore only approximate. When the h or G lines appeared fainter than usual, their wave-lengths, 410 and 434, are followed by a figure indicating the intensity. The letter b denotes that the spectrum of an adjacent star was superposed on that to be measured. More distant stars differing in declination by 10, 20, or 30 were also sometimes superposed in the different exposures. In this case the Italic letter b is used. The letter c refers to some discrepancy or other remark relating to the star catalogues on which the residuals in the last column of Table I. depend. The letter d denotes a discordance in the estimates of the type of the spectrum of a star on different plates. The letter r is used to refer to remarks not included in the above classes. The letter t is used to denote that more than two of these classes of remarks relate to one star. TABLE II. DETAILS OF MEASUREMENT OF THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 118 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. it. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K R. 1 175, 893, 905 6.6,6.6,6.7 330 W OOH 32 929 7.0,6.9 10 K OH 907, 960, 974 7.4,7.0,7.0 601 HUH 33 959, 973 7.1,7.3 21 EE Hit 1563 7.0 1 P 34 960 7.1,6.8 12 aa HH. 2 176 6.9,6.9 00 EE HH 35 176, 949 7.2,7.1 23 EE HH 3 186, 196, 834 7.0,6.8,7.1 032 fif** 000 36 176, 894, 949 5.5,5.7,5.8 Oil 6~8 OFF 835, 843, 928 7.0,6.8,6.9 023 llHJ' FFO 37 894 7.1,7.2 01 EH HO 929, 950,1564 6.6,6.8,6.7 130 77 s OrO 38 905, 907 6.6,6.9 11 E HH d 4 910, 960,1562 7.0,7.2,7.1 0/0 KKK linn d 39 175, 893, 905 5.9,6.3,6.2 233 KKtt HHH ad 5 157, 176, 949 6.7,6.1,6.3 017 KKK HUH a 907, 960, 974 5.9,5.9,6.1 132 EKE ////// 6 176 7.2,7.3 01 HE On 1563 6.3 2 K II 7 959, 973 6.7,6.7 ' 01 as. HH d 40 950 7.2,7.2 00 HE OH 8 843 7.0,7.2 11 EH HO 41 186, 843, 907 6.5,6.7,6.9 426 A0 4rO 9 186, 843, 950 6.9,6.6,6.5 122 KEK HHH ad 950 6.4 7 F 10 186, 186, 196 6.0,5.9,6.* 544 77 K 20n r 42 176, 894, 949 6.9,6.5,7.0 201 KKK \\HII 196, 829, 834 6.5,6.6,6.7 111 Ktf n20 43 186, 186, 835 7.0,6.5,6.9 140 h|SK ObH a 835, 843, 875 6.5,6.3,6.2 001 yOa FFF 843, 929, 950 6.7,6.6,6.5 221 hn FOr 879, 928, 929 6.6,5.9,5.9 001 A* 001 44 905 7.1,7.0 01 hn 00 950,1564 5.7,6.2 11 tf FO 45 973 7.3,7.2 10 bh 00 11 929,1019 6.9,6.5 22 aa 10 46 197, 894 7.2,7.1 22 KE HH 12 973,1562 6.7,7.0 10 EK HH 47 176, 197, 894 6.2,6.2,5.6 423 KKK HHH a 13 949 7.1,7.1 00 EE HH r 949 6.1 1 E // 14 1564 7.0,7.2 11 HE OH 48 843, 950 7.0,6.9 22 HP 01 d 15 949 6.9,7.1 1\ EE HH 49 907, 950 7.5,7.2 22 K HH ad 16 176, 949 5.8,6.5 21 7 K OH d 50 186 7.3,7.0 12 H 00 17 176, 949 6.3,6.6 10 P* OH 51 960 7.1,7.0 10 KK II H 18 906, 973,1562 7.4,7.2,7.2 102 KEH HHO 52 906 7.2,6.9 12 HE On 19 176 7.1,7.3 11 HE OH 53 843, 905, 907 7.1,6.7,7.0 502 ii aa OOii 20 170, 175, 904 4.3, B,4.2 RBR FOO r 950 7.0 1 H 906, 910, 959 B, B, B BBB 0:0 FFF 54 176, 894 6.8,6.6 21 HE OH 973,1562,1709 B, Jl, B BBB 1ft IFF 55 907, 960 7.5,7.0 34 K OH d 1715 4.0 B 9 F 56 176 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 21 176 7.2,7.1 01 UK OH 57 960 6.5,6.4 10 EE II H 22 834, 843, 928 7.1,6.8,6.6 220 HEJ- OnO 58 905, 907, 960 7.0,7.3,7.1 022 KK OHH ad 929, 950 6.7,6.9 24 77 OF 59 186, 835, 843 6.7,7.0,6.9 412 KKH HIlO or 23 960,1562 6.7,7.2 54 KG aO a 929, 950 6.8,6.9 23 E HH 24 176 6.6,6.7 01 tf 00 r 60 176 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH r 25 973 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 61 907, 960 7.2,7.0 22 HE On d 26 176 7.2,7.1 01 UK OH 62 170, 197, 864 4.8,4.5,4.6 441 M OFF a 27 196, 787, 795 6.4,6.5,5.9 1/0 yH 505 894, 959, 973 B, B, B BBB *5* F!F 829, 834, 835 6.5,6.7,6.4 122 |3 7 aSer 63 959, 973 6.7,6.8 11 EK HH 843, 848, 875 6.3,6.3,6.3 123 ijae 3u8 64 176 7.5,7.6 10 lih 00 876, 879, 914 6.5,6.6,5.8 211 u.$ HHF 65 175, 177, 907 6.5,6.6,6.3 110 Kj3 OHH ad 928, 929, 950 5.8,5.3,5.6 041 W 538 960, 974 6.1,6.7 41 p'K HH 1564,1576 5.8,6.4 14 0C 8a 66 843, 950 6.9,7.0 53 77 FO 28 186, 186, 829 4.2,4.2,4.4 0& ooo KKK HHH ad 67 176 7.3,7.3 00 Kh iiO d 835 843, 875 4^,4.9,4.4 341 S0E J3HH 68 176 7.2,7.3 01 EE HH r 879, 950 4.5,4.0 00 3E BB 69 175, 906, 960 6.7,6.0,6.9 253 aed 001 29 906, 973,1562 7.0,6.2,7.4 164 Hj3E OFH 974 6.7 7 H 30 843 7.3,7.3 00 hH 00 70 176, 894 7.2,6.6 45 KE HH d 31 959 6.3,6.0 '21 EE nn 71 907 7.2,6.9 21 EE HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 119 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 72 894 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH a 108 176, 894 7.0,6.6 23 KK HH d 73 176 7.0,7.1 01 UK OH 109 959 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 74 906, 959, 973 6.6,6.4,6.7 002 UKK FHH a 110 186, 196, 284 6.8,7.0,6.4 210 aap 000 d 75 176, 894 6.9,6.6 20 KK HH r 829, 835, 843 7.0,6.8,6.8 000 HKd OHF 76 894 7.1,7.1 00 KK an 875, 914, 928 7.1,6.5 30. H|3 OFO 77 835 7.3,7.4 10 IIII 00 928, 929, 929 6.6, 6.6 0.1 m 000 78 176, 894 7.0,7.0 01 KK HH : 950,1564 6.4,7.0 28 CK FH 79 894 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 111 835, 843, 928 7.2,6.9,6.9 140 KK HHH ad 80 176, 894 6.3,6.3 10 KK H// ar 929, 950,1564 6.9,7.0,7.0 120 KhK HFH 81 906, 959, 973 6.2,6.6,6.5 311 drf OnO 112 906 7.6,7.2 20 HH 00 82 176 7.4,7.4 00 KK HH d 113 176, 894 7.0,6.7 20 KK HH 83 176, 894 7.2,6.8 23 KP H6 r 114 894 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 84 176, 197, 894 5.5,6.5,5.9 021 J'K5 OHF 115 894 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 949 5.9 3 5 116 960 6.9,6.8 10 KK IIII 85 176, 197, 894 5.8,6.7,6.3 012 and 80s 117 894 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 949 6.3 1 a H 118 170, 175, 177 5.8,5.6,5.5 442 8dp Oil r 86 907, 974 6.8,7.0 01 PK OH 906, 960, 974 5.0,5.3,5.3 001 F00 87 170, 906, 906 6.9,6.9,6.5 662 m 000 119 176, 894 7.1,7.0 11 HK OH 959, 973 6.2,6.3 11 *7 05 120 176, 894 6.5,6.9 n 4 HH 88 928, 929,1019 6.6,6.5,6.3 111 Kr p H 55 121 175, 177, 907 6.3,6.4,6.1 007 rfr OOF 1564 6.5 1 H 960, 974 6.4,6.4 01 Tt FF 89 186, 196, 284 6.4,6.5,6.3 114 777 000 r 122 175, 177, 906 6.7,6.3,5.9 303 afig 000 834, 834, 835 6.9,6.4 .11 $ 000 959, 960, 973 6.2,6.8,6.0 037 P* 7 .HHF 843, 848, 875 6.3,6.4,6.5 0.^2 w F.H0 974 . a H 879, 914, 928 7.0,6.2,0.0 201 hey OrO 123 907 7.1,6.9 11 jb 00 929, 929, 950 5.9 5.5 1.5 Cue 20F 124 176, 894, 949 7.2,6.8,6.9 473 KKK HHH dr 1564,1564 6.1 1. f FO 125 907 7.5,7.1 20 Hit 00 90 929 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIH ad 126 950 6.9,7.0 01 $ FO 91 894, 949 6.7,6.9 01 eK OH d 127 176, 197, 894 5.2,5.6,5.4 001 KKK mi/; ad 92 894 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH r 949 5.6 K H 93 175, 177, 907 6.3,6.6,6.2 111 fat 002 128 894 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 960, 974 6.6,6.5 11 7 HH 129 907, 918, 960 6.6,6.3,6.5 003 <& 015 94 906, 960 7.0,7.0 10 A! OH 974 7.0 1 7 H 95 176, 894, 949 7.0 7.0 2.0 KICK H H n ad 130 176 7.2,7.4 11 he 00 96 894 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIH r 131 907, 918, 960 7.0,6.7,7.0 111 KKK HHH a 97 835, 843, 875 6.7,6.7,6.8 in KKF HHF 6d 132 177, 906, 959 6.3,6.0,6.1 001 fr 50JT 929 6.5 2 K H 973 5.8 1 P F 98 894 6.9,6.9 00 J-K HH 133 906 7.0,6.6 20 KK HH 99 176, 197, 894 6.1,6.7,6.4 111 W OOH d 134 176, 197, 894 6.7,6.7 33. HKK OHH ad 949 6.0 3 K H 949 6.8 K H 100 186 7.8,7.4 20 HK OH 135 186, 829, 929 7.4,6.6,6.9 373 ahy OrO 101 907 7.3,7.0 10 an 00 136 170, 907, 960 6.7,6.3,6.1 431 KKK HHH a 102 907, 960, 974 6J,6.0,6.2 2/0 Sfy Ovl 974 6.4 1 K H 103 170, 175, 177 6.0,6.0,5.5 460 % 005 137 894 6.7,6.8 01 Sa 00 907, 960, 974 5.5,5.2,5.4 230 (& 700 138 176, 894, 949 6.6,6.4,6.9 100 pdK. IFII d 104 1019 6.9,6.9 00 FK FH 139 906 7.3,7.0 11 PK OH 105 176, 894, 949 7.0,7.0,7.1 100 KKK IIHH 140 176 7.3,7.3 00 HH 00 106 843 7.3,7.4 10 HII 00 141 843, 929, 950 6.8,7.1,6.9 531 K(?K nOn d 107 177, 907, 950 6.3,6.1 11. Kph HOO dr 142 176, 894 7.2,7.0 21 KK HH at 960, 974 6.3,6.8 n KK HH 143 906 7.5,7.0 23 908, 917 7.0,6.8 20 KK HH 914, 928, 929 5.8,6.5 .55 ayO H02 536 283, 909, 909 6.6 74 /.6 KK HUH ad 1564 5.7 5 5 918, 931 6.0,6.5 51 K? HH 504 908 6.7,6.8 01 aa 00 537 198, 283, 909 6.5,6.2,6.5 1/1 ft* 050 505 186, 284, 829 7.1,6.4,6.7 325 apa 000 918, 931, 931 6.0 64 1.2 r FOO 848, 875, 876 6.7,6.8,6.8 42/ afc HllQ 976 6.7 1 7 914, 929 6.4,6.2 11 to 52 538 198, 283, 908 5.7,5.5,5.0 050 7 FOF 506 986 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH a 917, 918 5.7,5.8 32 ,-* FO 507 895, 975, 986 6.9,7.2,6.4 122 KKK HHH 539 986 6.8,6.7 01 K HH _ 1002 7.0 2 K H 540 284, 835, 848 6.7,6.5,6.6 555 KK OHH ad 508 918 6.7,6.6 01 aa OH 914, 929 6.5,6.5 02 KC HH 509 895,1002 7.4,7.4 00 HK OH d 541 908, 917 7.2,6.8 35 KK HH 510 918 6.8,6.7 10 9* OH 542 986 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 511 908 6.6,6.7 10 KK On 543 186, 284, 829 6.8,6.2,6.9 OO/ ft 001 d 512 918, 931 6.4,7.0 52 EK HH 835, 843, 844 6.7,6.7,6.5 /// K FHF 513 929,1019 7.5,6.9 33 aa 00 875, 914, 929 6.9,6.4,6.2 3// Kye n52 514 177, 198, 283 6.5,5.9 11. ady HOO 950,1019 6.6,6.0 31 sp 5H 283, 909, 918 5.7,6.0,5.5 202 d 7 d OFO 544 178, 880, 895 6.5,6.8,6.0 5/0 KKK HHB a 976 6.3,6.5 1 7 975, 986,1002 6.4,5.6,6.2 002 KKK HUH 515 931 7.1,7.1 00 Illl 00 545 908, 918 7.2,6.8 44 K 7 HH d 516 835, 914, 929 7.0,6.8,7.0 213 KKd #55 d 546 895, 986 6.6,6.5 01 KK HH a 517 908, 918 7.2,6.8 44 (* OH ad 547 835, 848, 914 6.6,6.6,6.^ 051 KKK HHH ad 518 140, 173, 753 5.8,5.9,6.0 413 SICK BHH ad 914, 929 6.0,6.5 54 K HH 774, 834, 835 6.5,6.1,5.6 411 HKK QHH 548 909, 914 7.0,6.9 20 KK HH 844, 875, 879 5.5,5.1,5.6 044 KKK HHH 549 909 7.4,7.2 1/ KK HH 884, 898, 928 6.0,4.9,5.5 1/2 KKK was 550 909, 909, 918 7.0 5.9 3.5 KKK HHH ad 929,1019,1521 5.3,4.9 15. KKF BHF 931 6.6 1 K H 1564,2242 5.3,5.0 14 KK HB 551 909 7.6,7.4 I/ KK HH 519 186, 284, 829 7.0,5.5,7.0 351 ft0 000 ad 552 284 7.0,6.8 I/ Ha 00 835, 848, 876 6.7,6.8,6.9 001 7*7 F5F 553 909, 914 7.1,6.6 44 KK HH ad 914, 929 6.5,6.4 12 1* PO 554 908, 918 6.8,6.4 44 fr 20 520 909, 918 7.6,6.6 45 KK HH 555 140, 835, 844 6.9,6.8,6.6 211 HKK 0//H 521 918 6.3,6.4 01 7? 00 875, '929,2242 6.7 6.0 0.1 FHK FOtf 522 909 7.1,7.1 00 aa HH 556 918 7.0,6.9 10 KK OH 523 909 7.5,7.3 11 aa 00 557 895, 986,1002 6.9,6.7,6.9 000 dK? HHH d 524 918 7.0,6.9 10 KK HR 558 178, 895, 975 6.5,6.4,7.4 /02 pSn X50 a 525 140,2242 6.0,5.7 01 77 22 986,1002 6.^,6.5 01 K 7 Hi 526 918 6.8,6.7 10 (3K FH 558a 909 7.5,7.4 10 KK RH r 527 284, 848, 909 6.9,6.9 45. KK OHH d 559 283, 909, 918 6.0,6.4,6.6 503 ft'K OFH d 914, 929 6.6,7.0 04 "7 FH 931, 976 6.6,6.8 20 SK OH 528 895 7.1,7.3 11 KH HO 560 283, 908, 917 6.3,6.2,6.2 520 KKK HHH a 529 173, 843, 928 7.3,6.9,6.9 0/3 G(3 000 d 561 909, 918, 931 7.0,6.5,7.5 045 KKK HHH d 929,1019,1564 6.5,6.6,6.3 014 77" 0FH 562 929 6.9,6.9 00 KK Illl 530 908, 917 6.8,6.9 10 KK RH d 563 895 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 531 929 7.1,7.4 01 H 00 564 178, 283. 880 6.5,6.0,7.1 350 KKa HHH at 126 AXNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 895, 917,1002 6.3,6.0,6.3 Ill KKK mm 601 908 6.2,6.3 1Q # H8 565 284, 835, 848 6.4,6.7,6.8 302 rW 05F d 602 909, 918, 931 7.5,6.7,7.0 320 K# HHO 875, 876, 914 6.7,6.8,6.3 20.7 KHJ' #OF 603 283, 908, 930 5.7,5.4,6.3 411 *J0 22.H- r 929 6.3 1 8 2 987 6.0 2 a. F 566 284, 835, 914 5.9,6.7,6.4 200 0K HHH r 604 895, 988,1002 6.5,6.5,6.3 111 KKK HHH ad 929 6.4 2 d 2 605 908 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 567 848, 909, 929 7.0 7.0 4A KKK HHH a 606 895 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 568 986 7.1,6.9 11 Kit HH 606a 1564 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH r 569 908 7.1,7.0 01 KK 111! a 607 178, 880, 895 6.2,7.2,6.4 101 KK8 HH8 at 570 r 608 908 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 571 198, 283, 908 5.6,5.0,4.6 231 w OFO r 609 914, 929 6.7,7.2 43 KK Hll 917, 917, 930 5.2 .3. 788 Or2 610 178, 880, 895 5.7,6.5,5.6 211 KKK BHB ad 572 1019 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH a 919, 988,1002 6.5,5.5,5.3 222 KKK HBH 573 908, 918 6.9,6.8 25 P* 111 d 611 161, 173, 186 6.5,6.3,6.3 414 /7 Il02 r 574 895,1002 7.1,7.4 12 KK HH 196, 284, 829 6.4,5.6,6.0 43.7 ft* 002 575 835, 843, 844 6.8,6.6,6.4 111 KKK HHH ad 835, 843, 844 6.1,6.1,5.6 22.7 FFF 875, 914, 929 6.9,6.2,6.3 421 KKK HHH 848, 875, 876 6.1,5.8,5.5 115 y(8 F22 1019,1564 6.4,6.5 21 KK Ittl 877, 879, 914 5.6,5.7,5.5 451 778 522 576 835, 848, 914 6.7,6.9,6.6 121 Jfi? HF 928, 929, 939 5.5,5.0,5.0 243 71? 12.ff 929 6.6 3 I 950,1019,1564 5.6,5.5,5.5 215 rtr OFF 577 908 6.8,6.8 00 KK JIH 612 172, 198, 283 5.2,5.5,4.8 151 set; OFF 578 178, 880, 895 6.5,7.3,6.6 Oil KKK HHH ad 909, 909, 918 4.5,4.6 .51 * OF! 1002 6.6 1 K H 931, 976, 976 4.5,^.5 12. & FFF 579 909 7.5,7.3 11 KK HH 613 908 6.7,6.9 11 f HH 580 178, 880, 895 6.3,7.1,6.2 211 77 s OOF 614 908 6.6,6.8 11 tf 5H 975,1002 6.7,5.9 02 < FF 615 895, 988 7.0,7.4 22 flK OH d 581 929 7.0,7.2 11 an 00 616 186, 284, 829 6.5,5.1,6.2 350 1'SS OOF 582 909, 914 7.4,6.9 44 MI HO d 835, 848, 875 6.2,6.0,5.9 251 888 FF2 583 284, 848, 876 6.0,6.5,6.7 040 KKK HHH ad 876, 879, 914 5.7,6.4,5.6 411 7 88 FFF 909, 914, 976 5.9,6.2,6.5 113 KKK J3HH 929 5.5 n 584 908, 918 6.7,6.,? 11 ftr HO 617 909, 914 7.5,7.2 35 K HF dr 585 895,1002 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH a 618 914, 929 6.6,6.8 22 KK HH ad 586 986 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH r 619 914 6.9,6.8 61 HK FH 587 283, 909, 918 6.2,6.6,6.3 500 )7 OFII 620 909 7.3,7.2 10 KK Illl 931 6.7 3 1 621 283, 909, 918 6.6,7.1,6.6 511 aj'K 05n 588 1002 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 931 6.9 1 8 589 895 7.2,7.1 0.7 KH nO be 622 908 7.2,7.1 10 HH 00 590 929 6.7,6.8 01 rf 00 623 172, 283, 908 5.2,5.1,4.0 214 KKK HHH ad 591 283, 918 6.7,6.5 11 Of 00 918, 931 5.2,4.8 4.7 KK HB 592 908 7.2,7.2 00 nh 00 624 908, 987 R, 6.8,6.9 R01 * 5H b 593 895,1002 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH d 625 283, 908, 930 6.0,6.1,7.0 613 KKK HHH 594 283, 909, 918 6.8,7.1,6.8 m |?K OlH d 987 6.5 2 K H 595 198, 283, 909 5.5,5.3,5.5 221 788 022 626 r 918, 931, 976 5.6,5.3,5.5 313 rC F22 627 909 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH a 596 988 6.8,6.5 21 KK HH r 628 909, 931 7.1,7.1 11 KK HH 597 835, 914, 929 6.8,6.5,6.7 113 KKK HHH ad 629 931, 976,1000 6.7,6.9,6.7 023 KKK HUH a 598 284, 835, 848 6.0,6.5,6.5 212 C 77 OFF 630 988 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 876, 914, 929 6.5,6.0,6.2 0/3 r*C 520 631 284, 909, 914 6.6,7.0,6.7 133 fi? H!F 599 284, 909, 914 6.8,7.2,6.7 044 m ObH 632 908, 987 6.8,6.8 12 KK HH 600 931 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH a 633 284, 835, 848 5.5,6.2,6.5 100 88 FFF THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 127 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 876, 879, 914 6.4,6.5,5.8 10.7 8ae F#F 668 908 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 929 5.7 o d o 669 at 634 177, 283, 284 5.4 ..5 HGf IF# a 670 178, 178, 253 6.5 5.7 6.2 KK^J H HH r 848, 876, 882 6.2,5.5,5.5 4.70 &P 222 880, 880, 895 6.8 6.2 0.3 KKy HH8 909, 976 4.5,4.7 44 * 22 895, 919, 988 - 6.3,5.4 .25 KK 5n5 635 1002 7.2,7.3 01 KK mi 1002 6.2 3 C 5 636 284, 835, 848 5.3,6.2,6.3 2\1 ed[S OF.? 671 283, 909, 931 6.9,6.9,6.8 010 Hfr 000 876, 879, 914 6.2,6.6,5.7 02.7 ddd FFF 672 172, 178, 283 6.6,6.0,6.0 12S v.dd iiOO d 929 5.7 1 e 880, 895, 930 7.1,6.3,6.4 010 Kdd HFO 637 895 7.0,7.2 11 KK Mil 987,1002 6.0,6.3 01 8d FF 638 895,1002 7.1,7.0 10 KK HIT 673 895, 988,1002 7.3,6.9,7.3 131 KKK //III d 639 909, 918, 931 7.3,6.5,6.8 107 K|3 HHO d 674 283, 908, 987 6.7,6.7,6.9 421 KJH a 00 640 172, 283, 909 6.4,53,6.1 020 K88 HFF 675 829, 914 6.4,6.2 21. ? Hi r 931, 976 6.0,6.5 12 Tj? 00 676 988 6.8,6.9 01 KK air 641 988 7.5,7.3 11 KK HH a 677 284, 829, 844 6.4,6.8,6.4 311 KK OHH bd 642 283, 908, 930 5.3,5.2,5.7 4U dtt 852 ad 914, 929,1019 6.4,6.2,6.2 000 Ktf H OF 931, 987 5.6 .2 tK 2/r 678 178, 253, 880 6.0,6.2,7.0 .710 KKK HHH ar 643 988 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 895, 988, 988 6.1,6.3 02. KKK HHH 644 988 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 1002 6.0 1 K H 645 172, 283, 908 6.5,5.8,5.7 352 KKK HHB a 679 919, 988 7.2,6.7 01 KK Hjy 930, 987 6.1,5.8 10 KK HH 680 988 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 646 283, 908, 930 5.7,5.6,6.5 413 KKK HllU a 681 844, 848, 879 6.9,6.6,6.7 443 KJ' Hll5 987 6.0 2 K H 914,1019 6.6,6.5 23 KK HH 647 914 6.9,7.2 21 UK FH 682 929 7.1,7.4 2\ n 252 -846 987 6.7,6.6 10 KK BH 929 4-7 6 f 1 817 988 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 775 178, 253, 895 6.6,6.6,6.5 002 KKK HHH ad 818 988 6.9,7.0 10 KB HO r 919, 988,1002 7.0,6.5,6.7 211 KKH HH\ 819 914 6.9,7.0 01 Ha OH 776 987 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 820 1000 7.0,7.0 00 HH 00 777 988 7.3,7.2 10 KK Illl 821 988 7.4,7.4 00 HH 00 778 988 7.3,7.2 10 KK an 822 284, 835, 844 6.5,6.4,6.5 521 KKK HHH ac 779 988 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 848, 876, 914 6.7,6.8,6.1 212 KKK HHB 780 988 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 929,1019 6.3,6.0 '21 KK HH 781 988 7.5,7.4 10 KK HH 823 919, 988 7.1,6.6 10 KK HH a 782 253, 919, 988 6.9,7.3,6.7 in II KK OHH d 824 284, 835, 844 5.5,6.7,6.4 421 djlct 05F r 783 283, 908, 930 6.5,0.6,7.2 4B2 KKK linn a 848, 876, 914 6.5,6.6,6.2 soo % 2FF 987 6.6 K n 929, 929,1019 6J A. ft' 520 784 909, 931,1000 6.9,6.6,6.0 212 KKK HHH a 1019 6.2 2 F 785 908, 931, 999 6.4,6.9,6.5 in /3Kh HHO ad 825 172, 909, 931 6.6,6.4,6.2 522 KKK HHH ad 786 988 7.2,7.1 01 KK Illl a 1000,1000 6.7 6. KH 1/0 787 988 6.7,6.8 10 lH 826 911 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 788 178, 253, 919 6.7,6.2,6.7 412 KKK HHH 827 987, 999 6.6,6.7 11 JH 00 988,1002 6.2,6.5 1-2 KK BB 828 172, 930, 987 6.5,6.4,5.9 201 P& 002 789 931,1000 7.1,6.5 12 KK HH d 999 64 1 P 790 909, 931 7.5,7.2 10 KK HH d 829 988 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 791 172, 283, 908 6.5,6.0,6..? 125 KKK HHH a 830 178, 253, 830 6.6,5.3,6.9 853 aSs. H2H at 930, 987 6.2,5.6 13 KK HH 911, 919, 988 5.6,6.4,5.5 SOS 8)'* 50F 792 914 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 831 253, 919, 988 6.5,7.0,6.2 102 KKK HHH 793 987 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 832 988 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 794 987 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 833 284, 835, 844 6.7,6.6,6.6 4S1 K QHS d 795 283, 908, 987 6.5,6.7,6.6 440 KKK nun a 848, 914, 929 6.9,6.5,6.7 313 % FF! 796 931, 999 6.6,6.6 01 KK HH d 1019 6.5 1 7 F 797 988 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 834 987 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 798 172, 283, 882 5.8,5.7,6.8 212 KKK HHH ad 835 1000 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 909, 931, 976 5.8,5.2,6.0 131 KKK HHH 836 r 1000 5.4 2 K H 837 283, 931,1000 7.1,7.1,6.8 100 hfl? 020 799 909, 931,1000 7.0,6.9,6.4 Oil W OHH 838 988 7.1,7.4 12 KK HH 800 178, 253, 919 6.9,6.8,7.0 322 KK OHH ad 839 159, 172, 830 5.9,6.0,6.2 410 KKK UBB ad 988 6.4 2 t F 911, 930, 987 5.5,5.2,5.3 041 KKK HSS 802 987 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 840 931, 999 6.4,6.4 01 Iff 00 a 803 253, 919, 988 5.8,6.6,6.0 in KKK iniS a 841 1019 7.1,7.1 00 nH 00 804 140,2242 4.0,4.0, B RRB KK BB ar 842 988 7.0,7.0 00 K OH 805 283, 909, 931 6.5,6.7,6.6 101 K(3 HHO a 843 911, 988 6.9,7.1 21 KK HH bd 1000 6.2 S 8 844 988 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 806 931,1000 6.9,6.9 n fls lH 845 929,1019 7.3,6.9 22 lilt 02 b 807 909, 931 6.7,6.5 00 ft 00 846 914,1019 6.8,6.9 12 KK HH 808 988 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 847 999 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 809 909 7.5,7.5 00 KK HH 848 844, 848, 914 6.8,6.8,6.6 051 KKK HH1I ad 810 931,1000 7.2,6.8 01 KK HH d 929,1019 6.9,6.7 ' 42 KK HH 130 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Reg. End. F.K. K. 849 284, 844, 848 6.0,15.5,6.4 213 KKK HHIf a 882 284 6.7,6.6 10 00 00 876, 914,1019 6.4,6.1,6.2 103 KKK HBB 883 '988 7.1,7.1 00 KH HO 850 1000 6.9,6.9 00 KK. RH 884 844,1019 7.0,6.8 01 HH 00 851 844, 914, 929 6.8,6.5,6.9 133 KKK HHll ad 885 172, 254, 882 5.6,5.3,6.1 110 KKK HBH ad 1019 6.6 K B 931, 931,1000 4.9,4.7 .10 KKK HUH 852 159, 911, 919 6.9,6.5,7.0 Bll adf 000 886 830, 911, 988 7.2,6.7,6.8 202 KKK HUH 988 6.5 t 8 887 931 7.3,7.4 10 Ilh 00 853 830, 988 7.1,7.2 54 Hit OH d 888 284, 844, 848 6.0,6.6,6.* 112 rft UHl 854 172, 254, 931 6.8,6.6,5.8 124 aaf 000 914,1019 6.5,6.1 11 ft- 70 1000 6.0 1 f 2 889 988 7.0,7.0 00 KK an a 855 988 7.4,7.1 21 KK HH r 890 161, 186, 284 6.9,6.5,5.9 200 fr 000 ad 856 1019 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 829, 844, 848 6.7,6.5,6.5 023 fact OtfF 857 159, 253, 911 6.5,6.7,6.4 112 KKK HH7/ a 876, 877, 914 6.5,6.5,6.3 111 KJ'fl HFF 988 6.7 2 K H 929, 939,1019 6.1,5.8,6.1 111 e{ld 12F 858 284, 914,1000 6.5,6.5,6.2 082 JK On2 ad 891 284, 848, 914 6.7,6.9,6.6 B41 KKF HHF 859 284, 909, 914 6.7,6.5,6.6 123 tw OlF ad 1019 6.9 4 K H 1000 6.0 1 e F 892 931,1000 7.0,6.9 n KK HH d 860 173, 284, 835 6.5,6.1,6.7 322 tfK O0.ff 893 172, 254, 291 5.4,5.5,5.8 401 KKK HHH ad 844, 914, 929 6.4,6.2,6.1 101 ddd FFO 882, 931,1000 6.5,4.9,5.5 145 HKK ens 1019 6.0 d F 894 159, 830, 911 6.3,7.1,6.5 270 KKK ifBH at 861 284, 844, 848 6.2,6.^,7.0 203 (3HH OOF d 930, 987 6.9,6.3 31 SK OH 914, 929,1019 6.5,6.9,6.6 241 any FIlO 895 1000 7.2,7.2 00 HH 00 862 931, 999 7.2,6.7 33 KK HH 896 173 7.0,6.8 11 00 863 987 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 897 999 7.2,7.2 00 Ha 00 864 835, 843, 844 6.5,6.8,6.3 121 KhF JIFF ad 898 172, 931,1000 6.8,6.2,6.0 070 Ptf OFF 875, 877, 884 6.7,6.8,6.9 311 KK SHH 899 159, 911, 988 7.0,6.5,6.8 231 KKK HSH ad 898, 914, 929 6.7,6.2,5.8 213 (Ids 000 900 284, 914,1000 6.8,6.7,6.6 043 P*r OHF 939,1019,1564 6.2,6.3 .10 FK HFH 901 1000 7.2,7.1 10 HOC 00 865 987 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 902 1000 6.6,6.6 00 j3 FO 866 988 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 903 284, 909,1000 6.5,7.2,6.9 524 II HK OOH ad 867 159, 253, 830 6.2,5.8,7.2 033 (3K F2H 904 1000 7.3,7.3 00 HH 00 911, 919, 988 6.0,6.6,6.2 271 7ft FOF 905 931,1000 5.9,5.7 70 KK HH ad 868 284, 914,1019 6.6,6.8,6.8 on /3KK OffB. d 906 931,1000 6.9,7.2 72. SU 00 869 930 7.4,7.2 11 hH 00 907 931,1000 7.1,6.6 17 KK UH 870 931,1000,1000 6.5,6.* 33. j-Kh OnO 908 284, 844, 848 6.4,6.8,6.9 113 PUK. OHH ad 871 1000 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 914,1019 6.4,6.7 23 7 FF 872 987 7.2,7.0 \1 KK HH 909 284, 909, 914 6.8',7.2,6.9 733 KKK HHH d 873 939,1019 6.0,7.0 4b Ml HO 1000 6.6 2 K H 874 909, 914 7.2,6.7 *4 KH HP d 910 1000 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 875 999 6.9,6.9 00 KH HO 911 898, 929 6.8,7.0 00 n 00 876 914,1019 6.9,7.0 21 KK J7H 912 1019 6.8,6.9 70 Ha 00 877 931,1000 7.1,6.7 10 KK HH 913 1000 6.9,6.8 07 KK HH 878 159, 911, 930 6.3,6.7,6.6 220 Hj3K OOH ad 914 r 987 6.0 2 8 F 915 1000 6.6,6.7 70 # HO 879 173, 284, 835 6.5,6.2,6.4 240 KKK HH.ff a 916 253, 830, 911 5.9,7.4,6.5 520 KKj3 IIHH ad 844, 914, 929 6.0,6.0,6.2 273 KKK HHli 919, 988 6.9,6.6 72 KK HH 1019 5.8 1 K a 917 253, 988 6.7,7.2 32 aK HH dr 880 172, 911, 930 6.7,6.,6.6 230 KKJ HHO 918 987 6.7,6.7 00 KK II II a 987, 999 6.2,6.5 00 & 20 919 172, 254, 882 5.6,5.3,6.4 220 Ssy HOO r 881 1000 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 931,1000 5.5,5.1 21 n FF THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 131 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 920 254, 931,1000 6.4,5.8,5.5 311 fide 555 988 6.9 3 K H 921 173, 284, 844 6.8,5.4,6.0 4:11 pdg OF2 953 914,1000 6.8,6.8 44 KK HH 848, 876, 914 6.3,6.0,5.6 122 dfd FFF 954 9,4 7.0,7.3 12 HH rO 1019 5.8 2 n F 955 931,1000,1007 6.7,6.7,6.7 122 W 050 922 173, 284, 844 5.8,5.4,5.8 233 ysd OOF r 956 284, 844, 848 6.0 6.7 1.3 flfr OOF d 848, 876, 879 5.8,5.6,6.1 221 ddp FFF 876, 882, 914 6.7,7.1,6.3 111 cany 5llF 914, 9-29,1019 5.4,5.5,5.1 on 1$ F2F 1000,1019 6.5 .3 b, F2 923 844, 914, 939 6.8,6.5,6.* 133 KKH I1HF d 957 999 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 1019 6.6 K H 958 911 7.0,6.8 11 vB 00 r 924 914,1019 6.7,6.4 Ql F 959 tf r 925 830, 911, 988 7.4,7.1,6.8 220 KKK HUH d 960 931,1000 7.1,6.9 10 HH 00 d 926 284, 844, 848 6.4,6.5,6.8 302 W OFF 961 999 6.6,6.4 11 KK HH a 876, 914,1019 7.0,6.2,6.3 '221 aft- 025 962 173, 829, 835 6.9,6.7,6.9 013 K OOH 927 254, 882, 931 6.5,7.2,5.8 "1-11 KKK HHH ad 843, 844, 848 6.7,6.5,6.8 111 aj'K HFH 1000 5.4 2 K H 875, 877, 879 6.6,6.7,7.2 203 aaK rOn 928 930, 987, 999 7.1,6.5,6.5 "203 KKK HHH 884, 898, 914 7.0,5.5,6.4 211 KJ7 HTF 929 284, 844, 914 6.9,6.7,6.5 423 KK/3 HHH d 929, 939,1019 5.9,6.0,6.1 200 ead OlF 939,1019 6.5,6.6 30 KK HH 963 911 7.2,6.9 12 fr HH 930 173 6.9,6.8 01 KK Hn a 964 898 6.9,6.8 01 CCH 00 931 254, 987, 999 6.7,6.7,6.6 131 HKK OHH d 965 999 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH a 932 173, 284, 844 6.9,6.1,6.5 Oil HKK OHH ad 966 999 6.7,6.5 11 KK HH 848, 914, 914 6.7 6.5 2.2 Hay FFF 967 159, 160, 253 5.3,6.0,4.9 033 KKK HB at 1019 6.2 1 7 F 830, 911, 919 5.8,5.0,6.0 232 KKK ffS 933 931,1000 7.0,6.3 22 Oil 988 5.8 6 K B 934 159, 253, 830 6.7,6.0,7.1 330 KKK HHH ar 968 999 7.1,7.0 01 HK OH 934a 1019 6.8,6.9 10 HK On r 969 173, 835, 844 7.2,6.9,6.5 002 KKa H//5 d 935 172, 254, 881 6.4,6.^,6.9 142 m 000 a 898, 914, 929 6.5,6.4,6.2 322 flfr FF2 931, 999 5.6,5.8 . 21 b 00 939,1019 6.5,6.5 21 *P 02 936 1000 6.9,7.0 01 ytt OH 970 159, 911 7.1,7.0 01 hK OH d 937 999 7.0,6.8 11 0? HO 971 1019 7.1,7.4 21 Hh 00 938 173, 284, 844 6.8,5.8,6.4 102 Pr OOF a 972 159, 160, 253 5.9,6.2,6.1 122 KKK HHH ad 848, 876, 914 6.4,6.5,5.9 302 tf FOF 830, 911, 919 6.5,6.1,6.5 213 KKK HUH 1019 6.0 1 i 973 2242 6.7,6.8 10 K OH 939 1019 7.0,7.0 00 hK la a 974 1000 6.8,6.8 00 (SK HH 941 1000 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 975 173, 284, 844 6.9,5.9,6.4 010 KKK HHH at 942 159, 253, 911 6.6,6.4,6.4 10.7 KKK HHH a 914,1019 6.2,6.1 10 KK HH 919, 988 6.9,6.7 13 HK OH 976 159, 911 6.8,6.9 10 r 95 01 943 1019 7.0,7.1 10 HK On 977 159, 911 7.1,6.9 11 *0 Hi 944 930, 987, 999 6.8,6.4,6.2 223 KKK HHH ad 978 911 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH a 945 284, 914,1000 6.8,6.7,6.3 131 K0 OHH 979 1000 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 946 284, 914,1000 6.7,6.7,6.5 053 KKy HHH ad 980 911 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH a 947 172, 254, 284 4.8,4.7,5.0 203 dtf FOO ad 981 253, 932, 988 6.2,6.6,6.5 303 KKK HHH at 882, 931,1000 5.2,4.3,4.5 423 Kn FOF 982 1000 7.2,7.3 10 |SH 00 1007 4.8 2 K a 983 999 6.8,6.6 11 7 K HH 948 911 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 984 284,1000 6.8,6.2 01 ay 00 949 1019 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 985 1000 6.8,6.9 10 jSa "ill 950 284, 844, 848 6.3,6.5,6.8 US 7P OF.? r 986 931,1000,1007 6.8,6.5,6.8 001 KHK fflH a 876, 914,1019 7.0,6.4,6.4 111 K0e HFF 987 999 7.1,7.0 01 HK OH a 951 931,1000 7.1,6.6 11 HK On d 988 159, 291, 911 6.9,6.5,6.9 252 KK HHF ad 952 253, 911, 919 6.7,6.6,7.0 112 KKK ////// a 989 1019 7.0,7.2 11 IK FH 132 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 990 1000 7.3,7.3 00 KK 1111 929, 939,1019 7.1,6.2,6.6 712 HHjS OFO 991 253, 911 6.8,6.7 11 Kd HH d 1028 1000 7.0,7.1 10 KH nO 992 1019 7.0,7.3 12 mi 00 1029 254, 914, 931 6.5 6.5 0.2 "ft" HFH a 993 911 7.2,6.9 \2 lit* 00 1000,1007 6.0,6.2 02 83 FO 994 844, 914, 939 6.7,6.4,6.6 132 KKK HHH d 1030 1000 6.9,7.0 01 HK OH 1019 6.6 1 H 1031 911, 932 7.1,7.0 01 HK On d 995 1000,1007 6.8,6.8 12 KK HH d 1032 1000 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 996 159, 172, 254 6.9,6.6,6.2 701 H0 On2 1033 159, 160, 314 5.4,5.8,6.1 lib KKK KHH ad 291, 830, 911 6.0,7.0,6.5 513 find FH2 830, 911, 932 6.3,5.3,5.5 120 KKK HUB 999 6.0 2 d 1034 911 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 997 999 6.2,6.0 11 KK BB a 1035 1000 7.2,7.2 00 HK On 999 172, 291, 931 6.4,6.6,6.0 211 m nOn a 1036 848, 914,1019 7.0,6.6,6.6 02 Kft 1 //FF ad 1000,1007 5.9,6.1 11 # FF 1037 284, 848, 914 6.2,6.9,6.5 131 1 OFF 1000 159, 314, 911 6.8,7.0,6.7 Oil KKK HHH d 1000 6.2 4 e 2 1001 929 6.8,7.2 22 UK On 1038 173, 284, 844 4.8,4.6,4.7 541 C IFF 1002 999, 999 6.6,6.8 .11 KY HO d 848, 876, 914 5.5,4.9,4.1 404 tetj FFF 1003 911 7.1,7.1 00 UK HH 1019 4.1 2 *l F 1004 914,1019 6.8,6.9 12 II H FO 1039 1000,1007 6.2,6.8 11 KK HH 1005 1019 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 1040 254, 291, 881 4.7,5.3,5.7 132 KKK HUH ar 1006 929 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 999,1006 4.9,4.8 20 KK BH 1007 254, 284, 914 1000,1007 6.8,6.8,6.5 5.8 . 223 3. KK Kh IIHH HO ad 1041 1042 254, 291, 291 4.1 4.8 4-1 r/55 rOr ar r 1008 1000 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 881, 999,1006 5.8,4.6,4.6 221 tts OFF 1009 999 6.2,6.1 10 KK HH a 1043 159, 314, 830 6.4,6.6,7.2 100 HHK FFH ad 1010 877, 939,1019 6.9,6.5,6.6 2\\ KKK UVH 911, 932 6.3,7.0 2b KK HH 1011 159, 160, 253 5.5,6.0,6.0 21-1 KK HHH ad 1044 173, 284, 844 5.8,4.8,5.6 122 epj OOF 314, 314, 830 6.2 6.5 4.1 KllK IIFH 848, 876, 877 5.9,5.5,5.5 022 edd FFF 911, 932 5.5,5.5 22 87 HH 914,1019 5.5,5.0 21 ft FF 1012 1000 6.5,6.6 01 00 1045 999 7.2,7.2 00 hh 00 1013 931,1000,1007 6.9,6.9,7.0 121 HKH OnO ad 1046 159, 314, 830 5.7,6.2,6.6 311 KKK HHH a 1014 999 7.1,7.1 00 Kh nO 911, 932 6.0,6.4 04 KK BH 1015 1000 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH a 1047 1019 6.8,6.8 00 r 00 1016 911 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 1048 914,1000,1019 6.8 7.0 2.2 KhK HOU ad 1017 1000 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 1049 844, 914, 939 6.7,6.5,6.6 122 FKK YHH 1018 254, 284, 848 5.9,5.8,6.4 B21 fr* OO// a 1019 6.7 2 K H 876, 882, 914 6.3,6.5,6.0 001 K3 //Or 1050 844,1019 7.1,7.0 11 rt 20 a 1000 4.9 e F 1051 844, 914,1019 6.7,6.7,6.8 212 KHK HFH ad 1019 999 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 1052 173, 284, 844 7.1,7.1,6.7 271 KK 70H at 1020 1000 7.0,7.3 12 II H 00 848, 914, 914 7.1,6.5 22. KK HHF 1021 159, 830, 911 6.2,7.0,6.7 213 rtKK HHH ad 1019 6.5 7 2 932 6.5 1 a F 1053 1000 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 1022 1564 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1054 254, 291, 881 B, 5.4,4.7 np6 K ds 202 1023 172, 254, 284 6.2,5.7,6.2 OSS flfr 000 999,1006 4.0,4.1 11 m 22 882, 931,1000 6.9,5.7,5.4 100 rfo 05p 1055 1007 6.5,6.7 11 HK OH 1007 5.8 n F 1056 844,1019 7.0,6.8 01 Kj jsrO d 1024 999 7.1,6.9 11 KK III1 a 1057 2242 6.6,6.6 00 CM HH 1025 999 6.6,6.4 11 ftE HH 1058 1007 6.9,6.9 00 KK Hll 1026 1000 6.9,7.0 01 fS. OH 1059 914, 921,1000 6.6,6.5,6.2 321 KKS JfJfF ad 1027 173, 284, 844 7.1,6.4,6.7 no KK HO// ad 1060 999,1006 6.7,7.0 fl dK HH d 848, 877, 914 7.0,6.7,6.5 231 KG/3 HFH 1061 932 7.2,7.2 00 KK II H TIIE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 133 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. P.K. B. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness, Res. End. F.K. E. 1062 1000,1007 6^,6.5 34 KK HH 1101 161, 173, 284 5.6,5.3,5.4 046 (Sdd 122 r 1063 844, 914,1019 6.9,6.8,6.8 111 KKH HHTP 844, 848, 876 5.4,5.8,5.4 211 &7 252 1064 999 6.5,6.5 00 KK HU 877, 914, 939 5.2,5.3 52. 8ia 5F3 1065 254,1000,1007 7.0,6.3 It. ad? OFO 939,1019 4-8,4.9 00 ft, 12 1067 159, 830, 911 6.5,7.4,6.4 021 KHK JfOH ad 1102 173, 284, 844 7.4,6.7,6.7 13.7 HOCCi On2 932 K a - - 914,1019 6.7,6.4 0.7 4 F2 1068 914,1019 6.9,6.9 11 By FH 1103 999 6.5,6.4 01 KK HH a 1069 173, 284, 844 6.3,5.7,6.4 41-2 w OOF 1104 159, 291, 830 6.4,6.8,7.2 100 |SaK OOH d 848, 914, 914 6.5,6.4 SB. a@n FJ7F 911,1006 6.8,6.6 30 !'-.\\ 00 1096 1000 7.0,7.2 11 KH HO 1122 1000 6.9,6.9 00 J-K OH 1098 160, 314, 911 7.0,6.7,7.0 004 KKa H//5 ad 1123 911, 932 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 932 6.2 4 8 F 1124 161, 173, 284 6.5,6.4,5.9 022 KKK HIM: ad 1099 1000,1007 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH ad 844, 848, 876 6.1,6.4,6.4 020 KKK HUH 1100 999 6.9,6.8 01 KK HII 877, 914, 929 6.4,5.9,6.4 076 KKK HHll 134 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. K. 939,1019 5.6,5.9 11 KK US 1153 921,1000 6.2,6.3 .72 fl> aO 1125 939,1019 6.9,6.9 .00 KK BH a 1154 932 6.9,6.6 21 KK HH a 1126 921,1000,1000 7.0,6.8 22. iip'K Ol)H d 1155 932 6.9,6.8 01 FK Fff 1007 6.6 4 P 1156 835, 898, 929 6.9,6.6,6.7 221 FK OFH d 1127 1006 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 1019,1564,2242 6.3,6.7,6.7 315 KKH HHO 1128 844,1019 7.0,6.9 11 4 OF 1157 1000,1007 6.8,7.0 11 KK a a. d 1129 932 7.1,7.2 01 KII HO 1159 932 7.2,7.3 10 KK I/ll 1130 1000 7.0,7.1 10 KK 1III a 1160 932 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1131 284, 844, 914 6.8,6.6,6.8 241 aaa Or2 a 1161 939 6.5,6.5 11 HH 00 b 939,1019 6.8,6.7 20 4 Or 1162 1000 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1132 1133 159, 160, 314 4.5,5.0,4.5 213 tee OOF r r 1163 1164 1007 921 7.0,7.0 7.1,7.0 00 01 KK KK HH HH 830, 911, 932 5.5,4.8,4.9 112 dde OFF 1165 921,1000,1007 6.5,6.5,7.0 201 ffH OtfO 1134 921,1000 6.9,6.8 01 K/3 HV ad 1166 314 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH ar 1135 161, 173, 186 6.1,6.4 11. tffe 02n ad 1167 173, 284, 844 7.0,6.7,6.5 242 KKK ana d 258, 835, 844 6.9,6.3,5.8 730 u8f Ofi-F 914,1019 6.4,6.5 21 KK jm 848, 875, 876 6.0,5.9,6.4 513 0-77 HFF 1168 1007 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 877, 879, 884 5.9,6.0,6.3 23. tfP 2FH 1169 932 6.8,7.1 12 KH HO 898, 914, 929 5.2,5.5,5.2 123 rf* FFF 1170 921 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 939,1019 5.3,5.4 11 7* F2 1171 999 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 1136 173, 284, 844 6.4,5.6,6.5 541 rfr 002 r 1172 254, 291, 315 5.4,6.4,6.0 442 r FOB a 848, 876, 914 6.^,6.9,6.5 .722 W FOF 999,1006 5.4,5.9 51 8e FF 939,1019 6.5,6.2 31 ft- FO 1173 844, 914,1019 6.6,6.6,6.4 .700 afia 000 r 1137 254, 291, 881 5.7,6.3,6.9 2bl 7fr 20p 1174 921,1000 7.1,7.1 11 HH 00 999,1007 5.7,5.8 10 * FF 1175 920, 999,1006 6.5,6.8,6.1 Oil m HFO 1138 1019 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1176 291, 920, 999 6.5,6.0,6.5 001 frK FOB ad 1139 1019 7.0,7.2 11 KK 5u a 1006 6.2 1 e F 1140 844 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 1177 1000 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1141 254, 921,1000 6.8,6,5,6.1 111 a$8 OOF 1178 932 7.0,6.9 10 K HH 1007 . a 1179 932 7.3,7.2 0.7 KK an 1142 1143 201, 254, 291 4.8,4.2,5.3 156 KKK sSa ar r 1180 173, 835, 844 875, 884, 898 7.0,6.8,6.4 6.7,6.9,6.1 on 201 KKK KKK HUH HHH a 315, 882, 921 4.4,4.8,4.5 .763 KKK HHH 929,1019,1564 6.0,5.9,6.2 252 KKK HHH 1000,1007 B, 4.5 vl KK H2 1181 932 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1144 173, 844, 939 6.8,6.8,6.7 SOB ivh HFH ad 1182 173, 284, 835 6.9 7.0 1.5 any 500 at 1019 6.8 3 7 F 844, 848, 877 B, 6.5,6.4 R52 yKd 5/r2 1145 932 6.6,6.8 11 Ull HH 884, 898, 914 6.9,5.7, R 2.7R "77 022 1146 173, 835, 8*4 6.9,6.7,6.4 010 Kre 4/fF d 929, 939,1019 5.9,5.5, E .74R 77 s 252 848, 875, 877 6.7,6.7,6.7 230 KIM \\HH 1183 201, 254, 291 5.1,4.4,53 254 KKK BBH a 898, 914, 939 Q.0,5.9,6.1 141 fiaa 225 315, 920, 999 4.6,5, 4.5 iKl KKK BBB 1019 6.3 2 P 5 1006 4.6 1 K B 1147 844, 877, 898 6.7,6.8,6.4 022 KKrt HHH ad 1184 844,1019 6.4,6.2 01 KK HH d 914, 929, 939 6.5,6.4,6.1 102 ayK 5a.H 1185 920, 999,1006 7.0,7.4,6.9 135 K.KY 11 HF d 1019 6.6 2 P 5 1186 921 7.0,7.0 00 KH iiO 1148 1019 7.0,7.1 10 KK !l\\ 1187 1019 6.9,7.0 01 (tH 50 1149 291, 999,1006 6.6,6.3,6.5 001 KKK HHH a 1188 920 7.1,7.0 01 KK II B 1150 932 6.6,6.7 10 pt 2H 1189 932 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 1151 160, 314, 830 6.2,6.3,6.7 220 J-KOE IHH 1190 921 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 911, 932 6.5,5.7 35 tf H4 1191 921,1007 6.5,7.0 21 KK HH 1152 314, 911, 932 6.8,6.9,6.9 111 KKK HHH 1192 920,1006 6.9,6.6 35 118 OH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 135 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed BrightucbS. Res. End. F.K. K. 1193 r 1230 932, 981 6.5,7.0 21 KK HH 1194 201, 254, 291 5.7,5.2,5.6 OS1 eSd 222 1231 173, 844, 939 7.0,6.5,6.2 110 KHff HFF ad 315, 921,1000 5.4,5.3,5.4 114 dd OFJET 1019,1019 6.5 .2 tf Il5 1007 5.2 2 ? 2 1232 844,1019 6.7,6.8 22 KK HH d 1195 932, 981 7.2,7.2 11 UK OH dr 1233 1000 7.0,7.1 .70 SK. On 1196 921 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1284 920,1006 5.8,6.1 00 KK HH a 1197 921 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 1235 921 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1198 921,1007,1007 6.4,7.0 2-2. H 000 1236 . , r 1199 932, 981 6.8,7J 10 J'K OH a 1237 315, 921,1000 6.2,5.9,6.1 us KKK HHH a 1200 173, 844,1019 7.5,6.6,6.4 221 KKy HH5 ad 1007 6.2 K H 1201 921,1000 6.6,6.5 10 KK HH 1238 921,1000,1007 6.1,6.2,6.4 120 KKK HHH a 1202 932, 981 7.0,6.9 12 K HH d 1239 920 6.7,6.5 \1 KK HH 1203 921 6.8,7.0 n KK an 1240 921 7.0,7.0 CO KK HH 1204 921 6.7,6.9 n HH 00 1241 844,1019 6.9,7,0 22 FK TfH ad 1205 201, 201, 254 4.7,4.8 01. dpd 2FO r 1242 920,1006 5.7,6.2 11 KK HH a 254, 291, 315 4.2,5.2,4.5 350 eS 022 1243 921,1007 6.7,7.2 21 KH aO ad 920, 999,1007 4.1,^.3,4.0 114 77 252 1244 920 7.2,7.0 U KH HO 1206 920,1006 7.1,7.3 01 Kh HO d 1245 921,1000,1007 6.4,6.5,6.3 154 KK ana ad 1207 201, 291, 920 6.5,6.2,5.4 412 K.KY HHH ad 1246 1006 7.0,6.9 01 KK 11 H 1006 5.7 2 K H 1247 921 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 1208 920,1006 6.5,6.8 12 KK HH a 1248 160, 201, 256 6.0,5.7,6.5 026 KKK HHH ad 1209 921,1000 7.0,7.1 n KH HO d 314, 932, 981 5.6,5.6 .02 KKK HUB 1210 173, 844, 914 6.9,6.5,6.4 211 KKK HHH a 1249 160, 314, 932 6.9,6.6,6.0 223 KKK HHH at 939,1019 6.5,6.3 30 IIK FH 981 6.6 1 K H 1211 921,1000,1007 6.7,6.7,7.0 .no j3a OFO 1250 1019 7.0,7.2 n GH 00 1212 932 7.1,7.3 n II H 00 1251 1006 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1213 932 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 1252 921 6.8,6.7 10 HK On 1214 920 7.0,6.7 12 hK OH 1253 921, 921,1007 6.5,6.5 .11 fiKJ- Onl ad 1215 844,1019 6.6,6.6 2\ KH HV ad 1254 920 6.9,6.9 00 KK 11 H 1216 921 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH a 1255 932, 981 6.6,6.6 y K H-ET ad 1217 161, 173, 835 6.8,7.3,6.5 .731 nh OOF r 1256 921 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 844, 877, 898 6.5,6.6,6.3 023 uajS F2F 1257 160, 981 7.2,7.0 00 KK HH 914, 929, 939 6.4,6.4,5.8 023 8da F02 1258 844, 914,1019 7.0,6.8,6.8 on K(?K H55 ad 1019 6.2 7 F 1259 921 7.0,7.0 00 hn 00 1218 314, 932, 981 6.9,7.2,6.9 .732 HK OHH ad 1260 844, 877, 898 6.8,7.0,6.5 103 HH F05 1219 201, 254, 291 6.0,5.5,6.2 220 rw 000 914, 929, 939 6.6,6.4,6.1 002 fi? 000 315, 921,1000 5.6,5.8,6.0 415 7 s ? OFH 1019 6.5 1 1 2 1007 5.8 1 C 2 1261 920,1006 6.6,6.9 00 fc OH 1220 932 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1262 920,1006 6.8,6.9 11 KK HH 1221 920 6.5,6.4 01 KK HH r 1263 981 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 1222 920 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH 1264 921 7.0,7.1 10 lln 00 1223 201, 920,1006 6.8,6.3,6.7 001 W 0/7F 1265 921,1007 6.9,7.0 01 KK KH 1007 t 1266 844, 898, 929 6.7,6.6,6.8 222 KH HOO 1224 160, 314, 932 6.8,6.7,6.1 023 KKK HRH a 1019 6.4 2 5 981 6.6 K H 1267 920,1006 6.8,7.0 10 KH nO d 1225 844, 939,1019 6.9,6.8,6.8 210 Ha|S FOF 1268 844 7.2,7.4 11 HH 00 1226 314, 932, 981 6.7,6.8,6.7 021 KKK nun ad 1269 939,1019 6.6,6.5 11 KK HH 1227 921 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1270 1000 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1223 932, 981 6.6,6.0 44 KK Hit ar 1271 921 6.8,6.8 00 (=t 01 1229 314, 932, 981 6.7,7.0,6.8 131 KK/J HHO :ul 1272 201, 291, 315 5.8,6.0,5.9 112 SSf 005 136 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORT. D. C. Plat* Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 920,1007 5.3,5.7 n c r2 1313 920,1006 6.7,7.1 01 KK HH d 1273 920 7.2,7.1 10 KH HO 1314 921 6.7,6.5 11 KK HH 1274 920,1006 6.1,6.5 01 ?* OH ad 1315 981 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 1275 291, 920,1006 6.6,6.0,6.4 0.70 KKK HHH a 1316 920 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 1276 314, 932, 981 6.9,6.8,6.6 118 KJ* H50 1317 2242 6.6,6.6 00 hH 00 1277 1019 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH a 1318 286, 315, 921 5.9,6.0,6.0 321 (388 FOO r 1278 1019 7.0,7.2 11 KH nO 1319 920 6.9,6.8 0.7 KK HH 1279 314, 932, 981 7.0,6.6,6.1 416 H(?K 00/r ad 1319a 1019 6.7,6.9 11 HK OH r 1280 291, 315, 920 6.4 5.8 1.0 KhK aOa ad 1320 921 6.6,6.5 10 KK HH a 1007 6.0 K H 1321 932, 981, 981 5.7,6.7 44. KKF EBY at 1281 844, 939,1019 6.7,6.7,6.7 221 FKK THH 1322 1019 7.1,7.3 11 HK OH 1282 939 6.7,6.7 00 KIC HH 1323 315, 921, 34 5.5,5.5,6.5 411 sen OrO 1283 161, 844,1019 6.9,7.1,7.0 513 KF OIIP d 1007 5.6 2 F 1284 173, 844,1019 7.4,7.1,6.8 in Kh/3 HF5 1324 932 7.2,7.3 .70 KK HH 1285 921 6.8,7.0 n UK On 1325 914, 939,1019 6.6,6.5,6.5 no HJ./3 FOO 1286 201, 291,315 4.8,5.5 34:. fS8 OFO 1326 844,1019 6.9,6.9 12 KH HO ad 315, 920,1007 5.1,4.5,4.5 213 t& OFF 1327 314, 932, 981 6.7,6.6,6.1 225 aft OOF 1287 981 6.5,6.8 12 KK HH 1328 939 6.3,6.1 11 KK HH 1288 173 7.1,7.1 00 UK 00 b 1329 921 7.2,7.1 10 HK OH 1289 921 7.0,7.1 .70 KK HH 1330 921,1007 6.5,6.9 n tf 00 1290 920 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 1331 920 7.1,6.9 11 KH HO 1291 981 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH a 1332 921,1007 6.5,6.8 01 ua HH 1292 1007 6.9,6.7 11 ha 00 1333 898, 929,1019 7.0,7.0,6.9 201 nay 005 1293 981 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH a 1334 1019 6.7,6,9 n aa FO 1294 314, 932, 981 6.6,6.5,5.7 337 KKK HHH d 1335 161, 877, 921 6.5,6.5,5.3 102 K OFH ad 1295 921 7.0,7.0 00 llll 00 939,1000 5.6,5.6 23 KK HH 1-296 920 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1336 1019 6.7,6.9 n KK HH a 1297 914, 939,1019 6.9,6.9,6.9 10 HaK OOH 1337 981 7.6,7.3 12 KK HH a 1298 920 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 1338 920 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 1299 1300 844, 939,1019 6.6,6.7,6.5 230 find #OF r r 1339 1340 315, 921, 939 201, 286, 315 6.6,6.1,7.0 6.0,6.0,5.7 135 2G3 am w H20 nun 1301 161, 173, 844 7.0,6.6,6.5 140 H/33 OOF 921,1007,1007 5.6 6.1 1.2 eta SHH 939,1019 6.5,6.1 41 n FF 1841 981 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 1302 286, 921 6.8,6.6 '23 KK HH d 1342 1019 6.7,6.8 01 aa 00 1303 201, 291, 291 5.7,6.6 54. dpa 000 a 1343 981 7.1,7.1 00 KK -ffH 315, 920,1006 5.8,5.8,6.1 211 ? FFO 1344 981 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH r 1304 286, 291, 315 5.5,5.8,5.6 11 77 s FFO 1345 921, 939 6.6,6.8 10 KK HH a 921,1007 5.5,5.5 11 ee FF 1346 1007 7.0,6.9 10 HK OH 1305 286, 291, 315 6.1,6.8,6.4 211 7 ay FOO 1347 921,1007 6.6,6.8 00 KH HO ad 921, 921,1007 6.1,6.2 .12 77 s , 0*5 1348 920, 981,1006 7.0,6.7,6.9 450 flKJ- HH2 1306 256, 314, 932 6.9,6.6,6.3 320 HKK OHH ad 1349 256, 932, 981 6.4,6.2,6.1 012 tfjSK HHH ad 981 5.9 6 K H 1350 256, 932, 981 6.5,6.4,5.9 13.4 KKK HHH ad 1307 921,1000 6.5,6.5 23 1* FH d 1351 981 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 1308 921,1007 6.4,6.7 .70 KK HB a 1352 920 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 1309 201, 291, 315 5.7,6.0,5.5 212 dfd 000 1353 920 7.0,6.9 10 {hi 00 920,1006 5.6,5.7 20 SC FF 1354 2242 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 1310 920,1006 6.3,6.8 11 S HH r 1355 315, 921, 934 6.1,5.9,6.9 526 KKK H//H ad 1311 201, 315, 921 6.5,5.8,6.0 141 ft* r02 1007 6.3 K // 1007 6.5 4 e 1356 932 6.3,6.4 01 KK HH a 1312 921,1007 6.5,6.7 00 KK HH 1357 1019 6.9,7.0 01 HH 00 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 137 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 1358 921 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH a 1400 981 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 1359 920 7.0,6.9 10 HH 00 1400a 1019 6.6,6.8 11 F r 1360 1019 6.7,6.5 11 ft" 00 1401 161, 877, 921 7.4,7.1,6.1 200 HKS On2 d 1301 921, 939,1019 6.4,6.3 22. KG aOl ad 939 6.4 ? II 1362 939, 1019 7.1,7.0 00 KH ffO 1402 201, 286, 286 5.8,5.6 42. 8pG 8nO 1363 921 6.8,6.7 10 J' 55 315, 920, 933 5.8,5.4,5.7 232 7 S 7 OlH 1364 981 7.0,6.8 \1 KK HH 1006,1027 6.0,63 03 9 HH 1365 173, 844, 914 7.0,6.9,6.7 510 HKH OHF d 1403 914 6.9,6.7 02 KK HH 939,1019 6.9,6.4 1 Kft H5 1404 201, 256, 292 5.0,5.0,5.4 224: &7 FOF 1366 981 6.3,6.5 11 KK HO. 883, 897, 981 6.2,4.9,5.4 103 Jfc ?" So/, OFF 1367 914,1019 6.8,6.8 n .. rO 1405 981 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 1368 315, 921, 934 6.4,6.0,6.7 123 KKK HHH ad 1406 286, 921,1007 6.7,6.6,6.7 312 /3K Qlff 1007 6.5 1 K e 1407 920, 933,1006 6.3,6.7,6.6 242 KKK Him ad 1369 921 6.9,6.6 21 ? 00 1027 6.9 2 II 1370 981 7.3,7.3 00 Kh aO 1408 921,1007 6.8,7.0 00 KH nO ad 1371 981 7.6,7.4 11 KK HH 1409 140, 173, 844 7.5,7.1,6.7 821 H0 005 1372 981 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 1019,1057 6.1 - 4- '9* 2n 1373 201, 256, 883 5.6,6.0,7.0 310 t$ F01 1410 201, 286, 315 6.6,5.7,6.7 122 KJ'tt uOO r 932, 981 5.5,6.0 22 P IF 920, 933 5.9,6.5 3b tt 22 1374 921 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 1411 921,939 6.7,6.9 01 KK HH 1375 921 6.8,6.9 10 p 00 1412 939,1019 6.1,6.8 33 GK Off d 1376 1019 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH a 1413 921 6.8,6.8 00 t* OH 1377 932, 981 6.1,7.0 43 <$ IlO 1414 981 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH a 1378 981 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1415 921 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1379 920,1006 6.6,6.9 00 P" 00 1416 897, 981 7.0,7.0 11 KK nil 1380 981 7.3,7.2 O.Z KK RH 1417 920 6.8,6.5 12 KK HH 1381 844, 898, 929 6.6,6.5,6.7 2-22 FKH FJ?0 a 1418 1019 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 1019 6.3 2 K H 1419 921 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 1382 161, 173, 173 5.2,5.8 41. SyH 320 r 1420 921, 921,1007 - 6.8,6.8 .11 (3KK 111 II d 844, 844, 877 5.4 ..1 & 225 1421 981 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH d 939,1019 4.5,5.2 13 * 22 1422 286, 920, 933 5.7,6.0,6.5 334 KKK HHH ad 1383 920,1007 6.6,7.1 12 P* OH ad 1027 6.5 K H 1384 981 7.4,7.0 23 KK HH 1423 844,1019 6.7,6.7 12 KF HF 1385 844,1019 7.0,6.9 11 K<* H d 1424 201, 286, 315 6.4 5.9 1.4 M 80H a 1386 921 7.1,7.0 01 KK nil a 920, 933 6.0,6.5 05 n 80 1387 981 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 1425 1019 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 1388 981 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH a 1426 921, 939 6.5,6.7 01 KH aO ad 1389 981 7.4,7.3 10 KK HH 1427 315, 921 6.6,7.0 43 ft Hi 1390 256, 897, 932 5.5,5.2,5.7 332 W 2a2 1428 286, 921, 921 6.9 6.7 3.2 j3K OHH d 981 5.9 o g F 1429 981 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1391 921 6.9,7.0 01 ?* On 1430 920 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH 1392 315, 921,1007 6.3,6.2,6.5 201 KKK linn a 1431 981 6.5,6.7 11 <0 FO 1393 921 6.9,6.9 00 (?K OH 1432 920 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 1394 256, 897, 932 6.6,6.4,6.4 on K/3 HFH 1433 150, 256, 292 7.1,6.6,6.9 123 /3K OHH d 981 6.1 4 f 5 897,981 6.7,6.2 25 rf 05 1395 981 6.8,6.5 12 KK HH 1434 939,1019 6.9,6.9 10 mi 05 1396 201, 920,1007 6.6,6.2,7.0 324 KKK II/fH a 1435 1019 7.1,7.4 21 i.\\ 00 1397 921 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 1436 939 7.0,7.1 01 HH 00 1398 981 6.8,7.0 11 KK RH 1437 292 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1399 920, 981 7.2,7.2 .00 KK HH d 1438 920,934 6.2,6.6 11 KK HH 138 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res End. F.K R. 1439 981 7.3,7.0 21 P* 5 H 1482 939,1019 7.0,6.9 11 KH IlO ac 1440 1019 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 1483 844 7.0,7.2 11 H FO 1441 315, 921, 934 6.1,6.2,6.6 511 ftr 000 1484 939,1019 6.9,6.9 10 HH 00 1007 6.9 4 p 1485 921 6.6,6.5 10 (Jo On 1442 921 6.8,6.9 10 HH 00 1486 286, 315, 921 6.5,6.1,6.2 551 vp'5 OOF 1443 256, 292 7.0,7.0 11 Kh HO d 1487 286, 920, 933 6.5,6.9 .33 P'KV H 2 d 1444 981 6.7,6.5 11 8a la 1488 981 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 1445 921, 939 6.2,6.8 12 da 20 1489 981 7.3,7.2 01 KK mi 1446 920 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 1490 897, 981 6.7,6.5 '22 KK Hll 1447 921 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 1491 897, 981 7.1,6.6 43 as 00 1448 920 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH 1492 150, 256, 897 7.0,6.5,6.0 447 KKK nua ac 1449 921 6.8,6.8 00 KK SET 981 5.7 6 K H 1450 921 6.9,7.0 01 K OH 1493 286, 315, 921 0.3,6.0,6.1 540 KKK BIIH a 1451 920 6.5,6.3 11 KK HH 934 6.4 1 K H 1452 256, 897, 981 6.9,6.5,6.6 101 KKK UHB d 1494 921,1007 6.6,7.7 12 s. 10 1453 844, 877, 939 6.7,7.0,6.3 000 KHK JiOff ac 1495 920 6.5,6.4 01 KK HH 1019 6.5 1 K H 1496 981 7.0,6.7 12 KK Hll a 1454 150, 256, 292 6.4,5.8,5.7 221 KKK HUH a 1497 921 7.2,7.2 00 Hh 00 890, 897, 981 6.7,5.9,5.6 023 KKK HHH 1498 981 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 1455 933, 981,1027 6.7,6.6,6.8 3^0 KKH HHO a 1499 . . . . . . r 1456 1019 6.8,7.0 11 HH 00 1500 844, 939,1019 6.5,6.5,6.2 131 0$ 5FF 1457 920 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH a 1501 286, 286, 315 6.2 6.0 4.4 yllp 000 1458 939,1019 6.9,7.0 00 FK FH a 921, 934 6.1,6.4 01 *P FO 1459 1019 6.7,6.9 11 KK IIH 1502 920 6.4,6.3 10 KK HH a 1460 315, 921,1007 6.7,6.5,6.9 102 p'3 000 1503 920, 933 7.0,7.2 22 KH IlO d 1461 1462 921 920, 933,1027 7.0,6.8 6.7,7.0,7.2 11 320 KK II H HOO ad 1504 1505 286, 920, 933 5.8,6.2,6.7 434 KK HHH at r 1463 286, 920, 934 6.5,6.8,7.1 001 0H 000 1027 6.8 1 K H 1464 161, 173, 844 7.0,6.4,6.0 432 KKK HHZT ad 1506 256, 897, 933 7.0 6.1 1.1 KKK mm ad 877, 884, 898 6.6,6.5,6.0 113 KKK HUE 981,1027 6.3,7.2 56 KK Hll 939,1019 5.9,5.7 12 KK HH 1507 897, 981 7.0,7.3 70 KK HH 1465 921 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1508 981 7.2,7.4 71 llh 00 1466 981 7.5,7.4 10 KK HH 1509 292 6.2,6.2 00 KK HH r 1467 921 6.8,6.9 10 K HH 1510 981 7.3,7.2 07 KK HH 1468 201, 286, 897 6.7,6.4,7.5 411 ftlK. OOn 1511 921, 934 6.3,6.4 07 KK HH a 981 6.7 8 d F 1512 2242 6.6,6.7 01 KK mi 1469 921 6.8,6.6 11 711 00 1513 1019 7.0,7.2 71 KK HH b 1470 897, 981 7.1,7.1 11 KK HH d 1514 161, 173, 939 7.3,6.8,7.0 065 BUM 000 1471 981 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 1019 6.8 2 fi 1472 201, 286, 286 6.1,6.7 44. 7 s ? OrO a 1515 201, 286, 315 6.6,6.1,5.8 14J w OrO 315, 921, 934 5.9,6.0,6.5 403 Kr )FF 921, 934 6.0,6.1 07 $ 00 1473 939 6.7,6.7 00 FK FH 1516 921 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 1474 173 7.0,6.7 12 $ 00 1517 844, 939,1019 6.9,6.5,6.8 771 aH HOO 1475 921, 934 6.5,6.8 11 KK HH 1518 920 7.1,6.9 17 KK HH 1476 921 7.3,7.4 01 hh 00 1519 897, 981 6.9,7.2 01 KK HH 1477 150, 292 6.2,5.6 11 pa OF 1520 897, 981 6.8,6.3 34 HH OF 1478 286 5.8,6.2 22 KK HH dr 1521 201, 286, 315 5.8,5.4,6.2 511 8&Y 557 d 1479 897, 981 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 920, 933, 933 5.7,6.0 74. MB 52H 1480 286, 920, 934 5.8,6.0,6.5 012 J-fJK 5/m d 1027,1027 6.4 4. KH HO 1481 897 6.5,6.6 11 00 r 1522 835, 844, 877 6.5,6.0,6.7 240 JKK HUH id 1 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 139 D. C. Plate Number Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. K. 884, 898,914 6.7,6.3 14. FKK FHH 1559 292, 897, 981 6.7,6.5,6.5 102 KKK HHH d 929, 939,1019 5.9,6.0,6.1 200 KKK HHH 1560 1009 6.8,6.4 10 KK HH a 1523 921,1009 6.6,6.9 10 I* 50 1561 286, 921 6.3,6.4 11 04 OF 1524 981 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1562 256, 286, 897 6.8,6.2,6.8 112 WJ'fi 000 1525 286, 315, 921 6.5,6.4 .20 tfd OHP 981 6.5 3 7 934 6.8 2 $ 1563 208, 286, 315 5.3,5.2,5.0 I r o3 KKK BBB ad 1526 981 7.4,7.5 10 KK HH 921, 934,1009 5.1,5.3,5.1 111 KKK SBB 1527 921,1009 6.7,6.5 01 Hh 00 1564 286, 921 6.8,6.7 22 K HH 1528 286, 921 6.7,6.6 22 II K OH 1565 286, 921, 934 6.1,6.3,6.8 012 KKK HHH ad 1529 981 7.1,6.8 21 KK HH 1009 6.5 1 K H 1530 981 7.3,7.0 21 KK HH 1566 201, 315, 920 5.3,5.5,5.3 312 3iy OFH a 1531 920, 933 6.9,6.9 11 B0 00 933,1027 4.8,5.4 11 K OF 1532 150, 256, 292 5.0,5.0,5.3 205 CM OFH a 1567 921 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 883,897,981 5.9,4.5,5.2 223 & 02F 1568 286, 920, 934 6.5,6.8,6.7 112 fro. 000 1533 921 6.9,7.0 01 K OH 1569 286, 920, 933 5.8,6.3,6.0 110 S83 102 1534 920 6.8,6.7 10 7 K OH 1027 6.5 1 7 F 1535 921 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH a 1570 920 7.2,6.9 12 KK HH 1536 920 7.3,7.1 11 hh 00 1571 150, 256, 292 4.5,4.5,5.1 535 r? 22F 1537 1019 6.9,6.9 00 Ha 00 883, 897, 981 5.0,5.0,4.5 552 r2F 1538 256, 292, 897 6.1,5.8,5.5 035 KKK HHH a 1572 897 7.1,6.8 21 KK HH 981 6.0 K H 1573 920,933 7.0,7.0 11 KK HH d 1539 939, 939,1019 6.9,6.9,6.8 111 HKK OH ii d 1574 1019 6.9,7.1 11 HK OH 1540 201, 286, 315 6.1,5.1,6.1 022 y<7 vSO 1575 256, 286, 933 6.9,5.7,5.5 512 add OrO 920, 933,1027 5.9,5.3,5.8 310 ytd 522 981,1027 5.9,6.0 41 de IF 1541 920 7.2,7.2 00 BH 00 r 1576 981 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 1542 292, 897, 981 6.9,6.6,7.0 111 KKK \\HII d 1577 981 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 1543 256, 897 6.8,6.7 11 KK HH 1578 921 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH a 1544 286, 920, 933 6.6,6.6,6.7 121 ftr 100 1579 150, 256, 256 5.3,5.^ 21. *tf FOO 1027 7.0 7 292, 883, 890 5.3,6.5,5.5 242 ifr 005 1545 939 6.9,6.7 11 aa 5H 897, 981 4.5,5.1 51 9 FF 1546 981 7.3,7.0 21 KK HH 1580 939 6.6,6.7 01 KK HH a 1547 292, 897, 981 7.2,6.8,7.2 120 KKK HHH d 1581 921,1009 6.7,6.6 21 HH ad 1548 161, 877, 921 6.4,6.6,5.7 212 tf, OFF ar 1582 201, 256, 286 6.0,6.4,5.5 401 fre H05 939,1009 5.9,5.7 10 5 FF 897, 933, 981 5.7,5.9 .04 Kflf #22 1549 921, 939,1009 6.5,6.8,6.5 111 KFK HFH a 1027 6.8 7 B 1550 286, 315, 921 5.9,5.5,5.3 132 KKK HBH ad 1583 201, 256, 286 5.4,5.6,5.1 203 Kyi HB!) ad 934 5.5 2 K B 292, 897, 981 5.3,5.5 .00 G& F8H 1551 173, 844, 898 6.9,6.7,6.7 414: )'UH HffO 1584 1019 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH a 939,1019 6.4,6.5 00 jfa HH 1585 921 6.8,6.9 10 01 IB 1552 921 6.7,7.1 22 HH 00 r 1586 161, 844, 877 6.6,6.5,6.7 210 apa 255 1553 921 6.7,6.7 00 rf 00 br 898,939 6.3,5.8 42 ay 12 1554 256, 292, 897 6.8,6.5,6.4 100 KKK HHH a 1587 920 7.0,6.9 10 fr OH 981 6.5 1 K H 1588 292, 897 6.6,6.6 01 KK HH a 1555 161, 173, 844 6.0,7.0,6.4 632 W 2lIH 1589 1019 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 877, 939,1019 6.5,5.8,6.2 003 Y S 7 222 1590 150, 256, 292 5.9,5.5,5.6 241 KKK HBH a 1556 920 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 890, 897, 981 0.7,6.3,5.6 172 KKK HHB 1557 201, 286, 286 6.0,5.4 - 31. yth OrO 1591 921, 939,1009 6.5,6.7,6.5 101 ft* F25 315, 920, 933 6.3,5.8,5.4 202 rK HFO 1592 286, 921 6.9,6.8 22 ?H 00 1027 6.3 3 3 F 1593 981 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH ad 1558 897 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH 1594 934,1008 6.8,0.9 11 KK HH 140 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. riate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. 1595 286, 920, 934 6.2,6.^,6.4 211 (3KK HHff a.l 1009 5.1 1 K B 1008 6.4 II 1 1633 1008 7.3,7.1 11 HH FO 1596 1019 6.8,6.7 10 aa 00 br 1634 934 6.6,6.6 00 KK II H a 1597 921 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH a 1635 151, 286, 933 6.7,6.0 00. fidK. OOH 1598 921,1009 6.8,6.9 10 KJ9 HH d 934,1008 6.7,6.3 21 ae 0/7 1599 1008 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1036 939 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1600 286, 921 6.6,6.9 00 me 00 1037 286, 934,1009 6.3,6.7,6.9 on KKK ami d 1C01 286 7.0,6.9 01 UK OH 1009 K H 1602 921,1009 7.2,7.1 \2 HH 00 1638 933,1008 6.9,7.0 11 KK II H 1G03 286,1009 6.8,7.0 21 tf OHF 1786 208, 933, 953 6.7,6.5,6.6 020 J7 000 1009 7.0 2 K H 1008 6.4 1 F 1753 292, 324, 952 5.9,6.1,5.9 101 Kj3e H05 ad 1787 954 6.7,6.7 00 FK YH .1754 1755 151, 286, 933 5.7,5.1,5.4 211 S 1'1 OFO r r 1788 1789 208, 939,1009 1009,1010 6.7,6.9,6.3 6.9,6.9 032 22 aHf Kfi OOF HO 1008,1027 5.6,5.9 02 18 FF 1790 1008 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 1756 1008 7.3,7.2 10 HK OH 1791 1008 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 1757 1008 7.0,6.9 01 fa FO 1792 952 7.5,7.4 10 KK HH 1758 1009,1010 6.8,6'.,? 21 HK OH d 1793 151, 208, 934 6.4,5.8,6.0 240 KKK HHH ad 1759 1008 6.9,6.8 10 J FO 1009,1010 6.0,5.6 00 KK BH 1760 898, 939 6.4,6.8 12 HK OH d 1794 1009,1010 6.7,6.6 21 *? 5F 1761 939 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1795 151, 324, 952 6.3,6.4,6.3 122 Pd8 000 1762 1008 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH a 953 6.8 5 H 1763 208, 939,1009 6.2,6.6,6.1 231 rfa OFF a 1796 1010 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1764 952 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1797 151, 208,1009 5.9,5.9,6.0 221 m OOF a 1765 161, 173, 217 5.2,5.5,0..? 42Q W 200 r 1010 6.0 5 7 F 258, 844, 884 5.9,5.5,5.4 332 fl 212 1798 1008 7.2,7.1 01 (ill 00 877, 898, 939 5.3,4.9,4.7 221 tth F2F 1799 151, 208,1008 6.3,5.7,5.7 350 KKK HHB a 954,1019 4.6,5.0 01 W FF 1800 952 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1766 151, 286,1009 6.2,6.5 .20 ft* 005 1801 1009 7.1,7.1 00 HCC 00 1010 5.9 2 7 F 1802 151, 151, 208 6.7 6.4 4.1 fr 000 a 1767 1008 7.3,7.3 00 HK On r 953,1008 5.9,5.8 32 7t FO 1768 1008 7.0,6.9 01 fa FO 1803 934,1009,1010 7.1,6.6,6.2 322 KKK HHH d 1769 844, 898, 939 6.8,6.5,6.4 111 KKK HHtl 1804 844,1019 6.8,6.8 21 KK HH 954,1019 6.6,6.4 42 KK HH 1805 1010 7.0,6.9 10 HK OH 1770 1009 7.0,7.1 10 |3 10 1806 1009,1010 6.7,6.7 22 FF 1771 151, 208, 286 4.0, B, B RBB C OFF r 1807 1008 7.1,7.2 01 HK OH 287, 934,1009 4.7, B, B KBB & FFF 1808 898, 939 6.7,6.6 11 a.f 00 1010 B B C F 1809 161, 877, 898 7.1,6.7,6.6 054 001 1772 952 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 939 6.3 s 1773 208, 286, 287 5.0 5.. KKK BBll a 1810 898 7.0,7.2 11 HK OH 934,1009,1010 5.5,5.2,4.7 410 KKK RBB 1811 161, 173, 217 5.5,6.7,6.7 746 ffi 5n5 1774 933, 953,1008 6.2,6.5,6.0 205 J-K7 OnO dr 258, 844, 877 6.5,6.2,5.8 345 ft 5#5 1027 6.5 1 H 884, 898, 939 6.5,5.^,4.8 316 rtff H25 1775 898, 939 6.3,6.5 01 a? OF 954,1019 4.9,5.4 51 *f 55 THE DEAPEK CATALOGUE. 143 Observed D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Keg. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 1812 208,1009,1010 6.7,6.6,6.2 .700 7& OFF 1847 1008 6.8,6.8 00 90 8 H 1813 247, 324, 952 6.2,6.7,6.6 200 KKK HUB a 1848 161, 258, 258 5.5,6J,5.0 531 q* 000 a 1028 6.6 K H 877, 884, 898 5.7,5.9,5.0 Oil dti FFF 1814 247 5.5,5.6 70 KK HB a 939 5.0 d 1815 939 7.0,7.0 00 as. 1111 1849 247 7.1,7.1 00 IlII 00 1816 1019 6.8,6.7 10 FK FH 1850 .1009 7.1,6.9 11 (3K OH 1817 161, 898, 939 6.9,6.6,6.3 831 HHK OVH a 1851 151, 208,1009 6.6,5.9,5.9 20 r/ >8 022 1818 140, 173, 275 6.6,6.6,6.8 705 KKK nun ad 1010 5.2 3 d F 835, 844, 875 6.5,5.9,6.5 224 KKK UliH 1852 208, 295, 934 5.8,5.1,5.9 013 CJ'K OHH ar 884, 898, 929 6.1,4.9,6.0 472 KKK HBll 1009,1010 5.5,5.3 11 1 FF 1019,1057 5.5,5.4 31 KK BH 1853 208,1008 7,0,6.7 00 KK HH a 1819 1009,1010 6.5,6.8 4^ KK HH a 1854 1010 7.1,7.0 01 aa OH 1820 161, 898, 939 7.1,6.5,6.6 300 # OrO a 1855 1009,1010 6.5,6.5 22 8d FO 954 6.5 1 a F 1856 952 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH a 1821 . r 1857 208, 934,1009 5.6,5.5,5.4 131 f H 1822 208, 295,1009 6.5,5.8,6.2 Oil iK 50F b 1010 5.1 n F 1010 6.1 2 t F 1858 1008 7.1,7.0 10 hn FO 1823 1019 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH br 1859 1008 7.3,7.2 10 H 00 1824 161, 877, 898 7.0,7.0,6.5 2tt (3 OFF 1860 151, 208, 287 6.9,6.7,6.8 201 KKK HUH ad 939 6.4 r 1008,1010 6.3,6.0 11 KK HH 1825 1010 6.8,6.8 00 hii 00 1861 1009,1010 7.0,6.7 10 (M 00 1826 939, 954 6.9,6.7 00 KK HH d 1862 1010 6.6,6.5 10 HK OH 1827 1008,1010 7J,6.9 10 rt(3 OH 1863 877, 898, 639 7.0,6.8,6.6 530 HKK OHH ad 1828 208, 295,1009 6.4,5.8,6.2 000 KKK HUB ad 954 6.4 K H 1010 5.9 1 K H 1864 1009,1010 6.5,6.5 22 K3 iiO ad 1829 151, 208, 953 6.0,5.7,5.8 120 & OOF 1865 939 6.9,6.9 00 HH 00 1008 5.7 1 d F 1866 258, 898, 939 7.1,6.6,6.7 511 /3n OFO 1830 151, 208, 287 5.4,5.3,6.7 2J9 /So. OFH 1867 1009,1010 6.5,6.7 11. 8a FH 953,1008 5.3,5.2 21 8d FF 1868 952 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1831 1008 7.2,7.2 00 MM 00 r 1869 939 7.0,7.0 00 KK HII a 1832 1009,1010 6.6,6.6 22 H 20 1870 247 6.1,6.0 10 KK HH 1833 208,1008,1010 6.9,6.4,6.2 no UKd HHH ad 1871 953,1008 6.9,6.7 00 KK HH d 1834 1008 7.0,6.9 01 KK (III 1872 1008 7.1,7.0 10 J' 00 1835 151, 208,1008 6.8,6.7,6.2 '211 aft On2 1873 247, 324, 952 6.0,6.7,6.2 115 KKK HUH a 1010 5.8 2 7 // 1874 952 6.9,6.7 11 KK ii H 1836 161, 258, 877 6.6,6.8,6.8 310 W 000 1875 208, 953,1008 6.4,6.2,6.2 on KKK HHH a 898, 939, 954 6.3,6.1,5.9 300 dSp F01 1876 1008 7.3,7.0 12 f* 00 1837 1008,1010 6.6,6.4 01 KK HH 1877 1009 7.1,6.9 \i H n 10 1838 1009,1010 6.9,7.0 23 58 1878 1008 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1839 151, 208,1009 6.6,6.4,6.1 201 H# 000 1879 1009 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1010 5.8 8 F 1880 1010 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 1840 247 6.8,6.7 01 hK OH a 1881 939, 954,1019 6.9,6.8,6.2 236 KHK nOn ad 1841 1010 6.9,6.7 11 $a 2n 1882 927,1009,1010 6.6,6.5,5.9 102 KKK HHH a 1842 151, 208, 295 5.5,5.5,5.5 44$ 88$ FFH 1883 151, 208, 287 5.3,5.3,6.7 44* dda 220 1009,1010 5.8,5.6 13 * FF 295,1009,1010 5.1,5.3,5.1 020 w FFF 1843 1009,1010 7.0,6.5 10 KH HO d 1884 1008 7.2,7.0 11 K HH 1844 1008,1010 7./,6.8 00 OH 1885 898 7.0,7.1 10 II K OH 1845 247, 324, 952 6.3,7.2,6.6 025 |Sh OOF 1886 247, 324, 952 5.8,6.8,6.5 211 KHK HOB ad 1846 247, 247, 324 5.6 6.0 2.1 (3h 000 1028 6.6 K H 952,1028 5.8,6.0 20 fa SH 1887 898, 939 6.9,7.0 01. HO 144 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. B. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. 1888 247 7.1,7.2 10 KK 1111 r 1028 5.3 3 K B 1889 1009 7.0,7.0 00 KK an 1930 898 7.1,7.3 1\ HH 00 1890 1009 6.8,6,8 00 aK. an 1931 1010 6.7,6.8 01 00 1891 151, 208, 953 6.0,5.9 21. P*7 OrO a 1932 247 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 953,1008 5.4,5.5 50 m FF 1933 927,1009,1010 6.6,6.8,5.9 025 ft* 802 1892 952 7.2,7.2 00 KK II H 1934 1010 7.0,6.9 10 P* OH 1893 939 6.8,6.8 00 BK Ya 1935 939, 954 6.9,6.7 00 h 00 1894 208, 287, 295 5.4,6.5,5.2 54.7 (Hd 000 ad 1936 258, 898 6.7,6.4 S3 fr 00 927,1009,1010 5.5,5.6,5.2 111 Kit] .HFF 1937 208, 295, 927 6.9,6.5,6.7 020 daa OOH r 1895 953,1008 6.8,6.7 01 KK HK 1009,1010 6.7,6.2 01 7 e FF 1896 898, 939, 954 6.5,6.8,6.5 no KKK HUH d 1938 1008 7.0,6.8 11 KK IIII 1897 1009 6.8,6,9 10 aK 1111 1939 939,954 6.9,6.7 00 IIII 00 1898 247 7.0,7.0 00 KK mi 1940 293, 208, 287 5.5,5.3,6.0 023 8f@ FFO a 1899 1009,1010 6.5,6.0 01 dd OF 295, 927,1009 5.1,5.4,5.2 111 80t OFF 1900 1010 7.0,7.0 00 KK IIII 1010 4.8 1 6 F 1901 1008 7.3,7.1 11 111! 00 1941 927,1009,1010 7.0,7.1,6.4 012 Hj3 OOF 1902 953,1008 6.7,6.5 00 FK VH 1942 258, 884, 898 5.8,6.3,5.2 231 J'fo 8r5 1903 247 6.3,6.5 11 KK mi 939 4.8 4 7 H 1904 163, 203, 208 5,7, B, 4.0 RBE KKK H2U ar 1943 898 6.8,6.9 10 mft 00 287, 295, 927 B, B .BB KKK BHB 1944 1009 7.1,7.0 01 KK II H 1009,1010 B, B BB KK BB 1945 953,1008 6.8,6.9 21 K HH ad 1905 953,1008 6.9,7.0 n KH HO ad 1946 927 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 1906 247 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1947 203, 208, 295 6.1,5.5,5.3 240 717 000 a 1907 1009,1010 7.2,6.9 10 ea 8F 927,1009,1010 5.9,5.8,5.4 211 end FHF 1908 1009,1010 7.2,6.7 10 H 00 1948 927,1009,1010 7.0,7.1,6.7 100 a p8 FIl5 1909 247 6.2,6.5 21 K HH 1949 1009,1010 6.9,6.8 21 w 00 a 1910 1009 7.1,7.1 00 KK HK a 1950 953 6.5,6.6 10 ; On 1911 151, 208,1008 6.0,6.2,5.8 1W p r o OFF 1951 247, 287, 940 4.2,5.,5.2 452 1$ FOO r 1010 5.3 2 c F 1028 4.9 S n F 1912 927,1009 6.5,6.4 01 /k HB 1952 258, 884, 898 5.9,6.6,5.8 523 pa? OnS a 1913 939, 954 7.0,6.7 01 KK HH 1953 927,1009,1010 6.9,7.0,6.5 010 HHJ' OOF 1914 953,1008 6.9,6.7 00 KK nil 1954 203, 208, 287 6.0,6.3,6.8 214 ft' K nOn r 1915 247 7.0,7.0 00 hK OH 295, 926,1008 5.6,6.0,5.9 020 pa OF.? 1916 1019 7.0,7.2 11 KK HB. 1010 5.4 2 t F 1917 927,1009 6.8,6.8 00 *r FF 1955 258, 898 6.5,6.5 54 ft- 02 1918 208, 295, 927 6.7,6.0,6.5 101 J'PH OOF 1956 203, 208, 287 5.3,5.2,6.0 12-1 dd r FFO a 1009,1010 6.3,5.9 11 dd 12 295, 927,1009 4.7,5.1,5.2 110 dde FFF 1919 1009 7.2,6.9 12 KK HH 1010 4.7 1 1 F 1920 1010 6.6,6.5 10 7? FO 1957 247 6.8,7.1 21 KK HH 1921 1008 6.9,6.8 10 ap 00 1958 203, 208, 258 5.4,5.7 21. dd? 002 1922 208, 295, 953 6.2,5.7,6.3 210 ff FFO a 927,1009 5.5,5.4 10 cc FF 1008 6.3 2 i F 1959 1010 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 1923 1010 6.9,6.7 17 p* OH 1960 1010 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1924 953, 1008 7.0,6.8 00 K0 HO a 1961 927,1009,1010 6.5,6.8,5.8 035 KKjy HHF ad 1925 208, 295, 927 6.0,5.5,6.2 212 3 7 3 FOF a 1962 1008 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1009,1010 6.0,5.7 01 rf FF 1963 1008 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 1926 927,1009,1010 6.9,6.9,6.6 001 Kh #05 ad 1964 939 6.8,6.8 KK HH ad 1927 927,1009 6.8,6.9 10 IM, FO r 1965 1009,1010 6.9,6.5 00 *0 05 1928 1010 6.9,6.9 00 UTS. ira 1966 1010 6.8,6.7 10 00 1929 247, 324, 952 5.1,5.9,5.7 121 KKK BHB ad 1967 1010 7.0,7.0 00 pc OH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 145 I>. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brig] it ness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 19G8 954 6.0,0.6 00 K FH 1010 6.0 1 7 F 1969 247 6.8,6.9 01 KK II H 2006 927,1009,1010 6.3,6.5,6.0 110 KGS .ffFF d 1970 898,1019,1057 6.5,6.5,6.5 021 HH OtfO 2007 1010 6.9,7.0 01 KK ffH 1971 1009,1010 7.1,6.2 25 "7 00 2008 203, 208, 927 6.2,6.5,6.0 121 a{18 002 1972 927,1009,1010 6.0,5.9,5.5 100 flfr FlO r 1009 6.0 1 e 2 1973 208, 287, 295 6.3,6.6,5.2 235 HK nO# 2005 295, 927,1009 6.1,6.3,6.6 021 fSf OFO 2045 927 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 146 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Observed Observed D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. B D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R 2046 295, 927,1010 6.2,6.5,6.4 0.72 ff OFF 926, 953 6.5,6.4 00 1* OF 2047 295, 926 6.2,6.8 00 ft FF 2086 182, 940 6.7,6.9 01 an HO 2048 927,1010 6.7,6.3 00 ft FF 2087 161, 217, 258 7.0,7.1,7.2 022 nap 000 r 2049 954 6.6,6.7 01 KK an 877, 898, 939 G.6,6.4,6.0 832 pd 7 FFO 2050 927,1010 7.0,6.6 00 ay 00 954,1057 5.9,6.0 10 tf 2F 2051 203, 295, 305 6.4,5.8,6.5 225 yya. IFO 2088 1010 6.7,6.7 00 9* FH 927,1010 6.3,6.1 11 n FF 2089 295, 926, 953 6.0,6.9,6.9 212 p'ttK Or5 2052 247, 940 6.9,6.8 32 HK Off d 2090 182, 247, 274 5.5,5.6,5.8 401 tfr FOr acl 2053 295, 927,1010 6.2,6.5,6.1 100 tt.fi HFF 940,1028 5.7,6.8 36 ^K FH 2054 926 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 2091 163, 203, 287 5.8 B, 4.7 RBR trfl OrO r 2055 2056 927,1010 6.5,6.5 22 (k 2F r r 295, 305, 927 1010,1012 B, B, 4.0 4.0,4.0 BBR RR nh Oi FFF Fl 2057 182, 247, 274 5.3,5.6,5.8 510 et 7 FOO 2092 203, 287, 295 5.3,5.9,5.1 400 dud OHF ad 940,1028 5.7,6.5 24. Sa FO 305, 926,1010 5.4,5.8,5.2 311 3< OF 2058 182, 247, 274 5.5,5.4,5.8 112 KKK BHB a 2093 926,1010 7.0,6.6 11 KK HH d 940,1028 5.6,6.0 n KK HB 2094 1010 7.1,7.0 01 HK OH 2059 258, 927, 954 7.2,6.5,6.5 201 ad? 02n 2095 217, 258, 898 6.8,6.4,6.^ 14b aft HHH ad 1009 64 1 F 898, 954 5.4 4 fit HH 2060 927,1010 6.8,6.8 22 KK HB acl 2096 940 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 2061 182, 295, 940 6.7,6..?,6.8 020 K|3 H 02 2097 203, 295, 926 6.2,5.3,5.8 212 (2 OFF 953 6.8 H 953 6.0 1 3 F 2062 258, 898, 939 7.0,6.6,6.9 413 *ft HFF r 2098 898, 939, 954 7.0,6.9,6.7 111 iihn 000 d 954 6.6 2 H 1057 6.8 K H 2063 203, 295, 926 6.6,5.9,6.6 010 $77 OOF 2099 1010 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 2064 1010 7.0,7.0 00 mi 00 2100 927 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 2065 898, 954 6.9,6.6 11 0e IIFF a 2449 164, 305, 941 6.7,5.7,6.1 000 KKJ* IIHH 2415 r 1011 6.0 2 S H 2416 941, 941 7.3,6.9 .22 KK HH r 2450 217, 954 6.8,6.0 10 ad 52 2417 163, 203, 217 6.0,5.5 22. V$ 020 2451 941 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 289, 927,1012 4.9,5.^,5.1 032 ,j9 0//2 2452 1012 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH a 1056 5.0 2 e F 2453 289,1011 6.2,6.5 00 KK HH a 2418 164, 191, 941 6.3,5.6,6.0 102 KKK HHH ad 2454 941 6.9,6.9 00 H/i HO 2419 941 7.3,7.3 00 fte 00 2455 1012 6.7,7.0 21 I(K HH c 2420 191, 941 7.2,7.1 12 K nO d 2456 164, 289, 305 6.4,5.5,5.5 021 Kfia nOF 2421 217, 275, 954 6.5,6.8,5.5 225 KKK HHH d 941,1011 5.8,5.8 01 ; 52 1057 6.2 4 K H 2457 1012 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 2422 289, 305,1012 6.6,6.2,6..? 312 ft* OFF 2458 941,1011 6.7,6.7 01 KK HH a 1056 6.3 3 t F 2459 954 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 2423 289 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 2460 941 7.3,7.0 '21 KK HH 24-J4 1011 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 2461 941 6.9,6.7 11 ffc OH 2425 1012 6.9,7.0 01 HK OOH ad 2494 289,1011 6.0,6.5 11 K HH ad 1011 6.5 /* K H 2495 898, 954,1035 6.5,6.4,6.3 225 w 55F r 2533 164, 941, 955 6.0,5.6,0.2 314: j'5 021 r 1057,1069 6.2,6.6 01 J'K HH 2534 164, 191, 941 6.2,6.0,5.9 530 rfd OOF a 2496 941 7.4,7.2 11 KM HO 2535 289 6.7,6.9 11 an 00 2497 275 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 2536 289 6.8,7.0 11 UK OH 2498 1011,1055 5.1,4.9 12 f8 H5 r 2537 1057 6.9,6.8 10 K OH 2499 1011,1055 5.9,6.6 52 HH IF r 2538 217, 289, 954 6.4,5.2,5.9 153 KKJ- HHH ad 2500 289,1011,1012 6.0 6.7 5.4 KKK HHH d 1056 5.8 7 F 1055 6.8 K H 2539 192, 289, 956 5.8,6.6 .54 HJ'H OOF a 2501 289,1011,1055 5.2,5.5,5.4 20.7 f Yl2 1055 6.6 7 F 2502 289,1011 6.7,6.9 01 KK HH ad 2540 941 6.3,6.7 22 t HO 2503 341 7.4,7.3 01 00 2541 289 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 2504 1012 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH 2542 164, 289, 941 6.9,5.9,6.5 022 K/}' HHH ad 2505 289, 955,1011 b.3,5.1,5.4 321 cofi 8HH r 955 6.6 2 K H 1055 5.3 2 e 8 2543 164, 191, 941 5.5,5.9 .10 KKK HHH a 2506 164, 191, 289 5.7, K, 5.3 2&1 7 p HHH r 1068 6.1 1 H 941,1011 5.4,5.3 11 te 85 2544 192, 289, 956 5.9,6.4,6.5 522 |3aa OHH ad 2507 941 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1012,1056 5.9,6.6 51 K 7 HF 2508 164, 289, 941 6.5,6.0,6.1 210 KKK HBH ad 2545 941 7.5,7.3 11 KK HH 1011 6.1 1 K H 2546 164, 191, 289 6.4, R, 5.4 iRO pHd 005 r 2509 1057 7.0,6.7 11 KK HH 941, 955,1055 5.6,5.6 01. d n 255 2510 941 6.5,6.5 11 77 FO 2547 164, 289, 941 6.7,5.8,6.4 121 K$ H5ff 2511 289 6.9,6.7 11 KH HO 955 6.4 1 n H 2512 289 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH a 2548 164, 941, 955 6.4,6.0,6.5 313 to* 55/f 2513 289, 955,1011 5.6,6.5,6.0 ISO ea,y OF! ar 2549 289, 941, 955 6.0,7.0,6.7 440 aj'h HHF 1055 6.1 1 7 F 2550 954,1057 6.5,6.9 01 ait 05 2514 289,1011 6.3,6.6 00 OH 2551 192, 289, 956 6.9, R, 6.7 4Rl HKK OHH at 2515 898,1019 6.7,6.5 12 KF HF 1012,1056 0.2,6.4 a i 34 Kit BH 2516 > 941 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 2552 191, 278, 941 7.3,7./,7.1 112 HH 000 2517 217, 275, 341 7.0,6.5,6.7 121 (3K 15H d 2553 217, 954 7.0,6.6 81 hK OH ad 898, 954,1057 6.0,5.9,5.6 005 ft0 F55 2554 941 7.2,6.9 12 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 153 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brigbtness. Res. End. F.K. R. 2555 954,1069 6.8,6.9 \1 KK HIT 2593 289, 955 6.8,7.2 10 Hh 00 2556 1057 6.6,6.5 1 ft 00 2594 278, 941 6.5,6.0 12 HK Oir 2557 941 6.5,6.5 00 KK HS a 2595 164, 164, 191 5.3 4.4 1.0 0*C miO at 2558 278, 941, 941 6.597 941 7.5,7.3 11 KH HO 1057 5.8 1 7 F 2598 278 6.4,6.5 01 KK HH 2562 954,1057 6.5,6.6 10 4 FF 2599 217, 289, 340 6.5,5.3,6.0 131 W H.ffH r 2563 192, 289,1012 6.9,6.2,6.7 250 K OHH 954,1014,1056 6.0,5.7,5.9 310 ft0 HHH 1056 7.1 1 F 2600 217, 289, 340 6.^,5.7,6.5 282 KKK HUH ad 2564 941 7.0,7.1 10 H HO 954,1056 6.4,6.2 81 KK HH 2565 1057 6.9,7.0 10 HK FH 2601 941 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 2566 1057 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 2602 341, 954,1057 6.7,6.0,6.4 0.73 HKK FHH ad 2567 191, 278, 941 6.1,6.4,6.3 020 ft OOF 1069 6.2 2 K H 1068 6.4 2 H 2603 164, 191, 278 6.2,5.7,5.7 210 ft'* 000 2568 289, 955 5.9,6.7 23 7* OF 941,1068 5.8,6.3 02 7 FO 2569 954 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 2604 192, 955 6.8,7.0 10 HK On ad 2570 941 7.^,7.0 22 KK HH a 2605 192, 289, 955 6.0,5.8,6.5 022 & F05 2571 164, 192, 289 5.7,5.4,5.4 522 ft'8 8H5 1055 6.6 1 F 941, 955 5.5,5.5 10 R 85 2606 1057 6.9,6.9 00 HH 00 2572 941 6.9,7.0 01 KK HK 2607 192, 289, 941 6.5,6.2,7.0 124 aKot HHH ad 2573 192, 289, 955 5.9,5.6,6.2 030 7* FOP 955 6.5 2 5 1055 6.6 2 P F 2608 164, 191, 192 5.3, R, 5.1 4R2 7 202 r 2574 941 7.2,6.9 12 KK ii n 941, 955 5.0,5.3 n sd 22 2575 164, 191, 278 6.7,6.2,6.2 210 ffi* nOO 2609 191, 278, 941 5.9,6.3 .12 htf On5 941,1068 6.3,6.6 00 ia 00 1068 0.3 1 K 5 2576 164, 191, 941 7.1,7.2,6.6 362 HKv OlIF d 2610 192, 289, 955 6.5,6.5,6.6 002 Pft OHF d 2577 258, 275, 341 6.6,6.8,6.1 .732 w 000 1055 7.2 2 K H 884, 954,1035 6.8,5.4,5.9 132 m(i n22 2611 898,1019,1057 6.3,6.4,6.2 0.70 043 FF5 r 1057,1069 5.9,6.0 20 td FF 2612 1057 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 2578 954,1057 6.9,0.7 \1 ua On a 2613 164, 192, 289 6.4,5.6,5.5 110 70 OrO 2579 1057 7.0,6.9 01 KK 1111 a 955 5.7 1 d F 2580 164, 191, 278 6.5,5.8,6.1 211 er/'K. nOn ad 2614 278 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 941,1068 6.1,6.8 04 JO. FO 2615 164, 192, 289 6.0,5.3,5.4 .701 ft'7 H25 2581 941 6.9,0.9 00 KK II H r 941, 955 5.8,5.4 32 P 52 2582 941 6.9,6.6 '21 KK HH 2016 278, 941,1068 6.3,6.4,6.5 111 fo HH 2583 192, 289, 956 5.8,6.2 n. KKK iiuu ad 2617 164, 191, 278 6.4,5.9,5.6 122 KKK HHH ad 956,1056 0.2,0.0 22 KK HH 941 6.0 1 K H 2584 289 6.6,0.6 00 KK nn 2618 192, 289, 340 5.3,5.2,6.^ 236 dda OFO 2585 164, 191, 192 4.8, R, B SRB KKK 2lIB at 956,1056 5.5,5.9 n C FP 289, 941, 955 4.5, /;, B 2BB KKK DDE 2619 192 7.0,7.2 n HH 00 1055 K n 2620 185,1057 6.9,6.7 45 HK OB ad 2586 164, 941,1068 5.5,5.2,5.3 .720 de? 222 2621 164, 191, 278 6.7,6.2,5.7 142 Kay n02 2587 1057 6.9,7.0 .70 KK BH a 941,1068 6.0,6.1 02 77 FO 2588 1057 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH a 2622 164, 192, 941 6.2 5.9 2.1 ft 0p 2589 289 6.2,6.3 10 KK HII 955 6.1 2 8 F 2590 278 6.9,6.7 11 HH 00 d 2623 1014 6.7,6.9 n K OH r 2591 289 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 2624 275, 954,1057 7.0,6.5,6,4 210 KK(3 HHJ? 2592 941 7.0,6.9 10 KK //n 2625 278,1068 6.9,6.1 66 KK HH a 154 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 2626 192, 956 6.4,6.8 12 KK HH a 2662 1014 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 2627 192, 289, 955 5.6,5.6,5.9 111 yy8 FFF 2663 289 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1055 6.5 3 fj F 2664 164, 941, 955 6.7,6.3,6.4 111 tt @7 OFH 2628 217, 275, 341 6.6,6.6,6.4 Oil a.afi 8nl 1068 h 898, 954,1057 5.3,6.0 .43 ndy H55 2665 278,1068 4.7,4.6 32 it FF a 1069 5.8 2 d 2 2666 217, 275, 954 6.9,6.8,64 222 apa 000 2629 192, 289, 340 5.6,5.3,6.2 .742 Spy FFO 1057 6.5 3 7 F 956,1014,1056 6.0,5.7,6.0 200 1'dd 2FF 2667 278,1068 6.5,7.1 11 fa 00 2630 192, 289, 340 5.8,5.7,5.9 101 pdp 005 ad 2668 165, 185, 258 6.8,6.4,6.5 411 KKK HHH ad 956,1014,1056 5.6,6.2,5.7 253 8n8 FflF 275, 341, 884 6.6^5^,6.4 420 KKF HHF 2631 278 7.0,6.9 0.7 fan 00 898, 954,1035 5.4,54,5.5 103 KKK HHH 2632 192 6.7,6.8 01 ay nO 1057,1069 5.6,5.8 21 KK HH 2633 191, 278, 941 6.8,6.7,6.6 202 KKK HHH at 2669 278 6.6,6.8 11 J'0 On 2634 192, 289, 955 4.7,4.8,4.4 234 fy? FFF a 2670 192 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 1055 5.0 F 2671 192 6.9,7.0 01 KH HO 2635 941 7.2,7.3 10 KH HO 2672 1014 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 2636 289 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 2673 278 6.7,6.7 00 r HF 2637 898,1019,1035 6.3,64,6.5 100 far FFff 2674 954,1057 6.7,6.7 00 FF FF r 1057,1229 6.0,6.5 11 7 s - FH 2675 289, 340, 956 6.5,6.5,6.5 271 KK^f HUH a 2638 278 7.2,7.4 11 hh 00 1013,1055 6.4,6.8 00 OOp 2720 1057,1069 6.7,7./ 10 KK HH 1013 5.9 / 7 p 2721 278, 307, 307 5.3 5.6 1.1 KKJ- HIl8 ad 2760 1034 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 1034,1068 6.3,5.6 62 7 e n5 2761 192, 340, 956 5.1,5.6,5.0 118 8/38 FFF 2722 289, 340,1014 5.3,6.0,5.5 220 (388 02F 1013,1014 5.4,5.3 11 ft 2F 1056 5.9 1 j) F 2762 275,1057,1069 6.4,6.2 51. KKK HHH ad 2723 1014 6.9,7.0 01 Gil FO 1069 6.7 3 H 2724 278,1034 6.7,6.7 12 a[S 00 2763 341,1069 6.9,6.3 12 hK OH a 2725 192, 340, 955 6.4,7.0,6.9 /21 KHF zfOp ad 2764 278, 307,1068 6.0,6.4,7.0 2/4 J'KH OnO d 1013 6.5 / K H 2765 278,1068 6.7,7.0 10 K P HO 2726 278, 307,1034 4.7,4.7,4.9 2/1 7C PFO a 2766 192, 340, 956 6.4,6.5,6.6 1/2 KKK HHH ad 1068 4.7 2 e P 1013,1014 6.3,6.0 IS KK HH 2727 1057 6.9,6.6 12 aa HH 2767 192, 307, 955 6.3,6.6,6.4 101 H 3 OOF 2728 289, 340, 341 4.6,4.9,5.9 //5 71 n F24 ar 2768 278, 307,1034 6.3,6.2,6.4 220 KKK HHH a 1014,1056 4.6,4.7 13 Oe FF 2769 1014 6.7,6.6 01 KJ- HH 2729 307, 955,1068 6.0,6.3 22. Sfr 500 2770 955,1013 7.0,6.6 11 K 7 HF 2730 1014 6.5,6.6 01 Ka HH 2771 278,1034 6.9,7.0 11 HK On r 2731 307,1068 5.7,5.6 11 SY FO 2772 1014 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH ab 2732 278 6.8,6.9 01 hK On r 2773 298 7.2,7.1 01 HH 00 2733 278 7.2,7.1 91 KK Illl 2774 1057 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 2734 2735 954,1057,1069 1014 6.7,6.6,6.6 6.9,7.0 212 01 FFF mi FFP 00 d 2775 2776 1057 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH r r 2736 192, 956,1013 6.6,6.7,6.5 111 KKK HHH a 2777 1013,1014 6.8,6.5 11 $} 00 2737 278, 307,1034 6.3,6.4,6.3 112 78 OnO 2778 275, 341,1057 5.8,6.0,5.5 223 ttKK HK11 ad 1068 6.9 3 a 1069 5.3 2 K n 2738 955 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH a 2779 278, 307,1034 6.3,6.5,6.4 101 KKK HHH d 2739 192, 955 5.8,6.0 10 (38 OF 2780 192, 298, 340 4.5,4.2,4.4 33/ KKK 1IHB ar 2740 192, 340, 956 5.2,5.3,5.0 112 KKK BHH ad 956,1013,1014 B, 4.7,4.0 B42 KKK BHB 156 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Observed D. 0. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbera Brightness. Res. End. F.K. B. 2781 278, 307,1034 6.5,6.5,6.6 421 KKK H77H 2816 278 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH 2782 307 7.2,7.1 10 K OH 2817 1014 6.5,6.5 00 37 00 2783 278,1034,1068 6.2,6.4,7.2 234 $SG 000 br 2818 1057 6.9,6.8 10 K OH 2784 278, 307,1034 5.7,5.8,5.9 021 S 7t* F32 r 2819 278, 307,1034 7.0,7.1,6.8 203 hKy OnO ad 1068 6.3 2 P 2 2820 1014 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 2785 275, 954,1057 7.2,6.3,6.6 012 KK IIHT/ d 2821 1014 7.0,6.9 10 p'p 1 56 1069 6.6 1 K H 2822 278 7.0,7.2 11 KK IIII 2786 1014 7.0,7.0 00 11(4 FO 2823 1057 6.7,6.4 12 KK IIII 2787 192, 298, 340 5.4,5.5,5.7 010 KKK 77 1177 ad 2824 192, 340,1014 5.9,5.7,5.5 321 p'rd IIII.") 956, 956,1013 5.4,5.7 .12 KKK HHH 2825 192, 298, 955 4.8,5.6,5.3 230 ; ffC F/7F 1014 5.3 1 K H 2826 955,1013 6.9,6.5 11 Ilj' 05 c 2788 1068 7.3,7.3 00 KK IIII 2827 1014 7.2,7.3 10 lui 00 2789 1014 6.5,6.5 00 ff FF r 2828 1014 6.8,6.7 10 KK rm a 2790 1014 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 2829 1014 6.5,6.7 11 ft 10 2791 298, 340,1013 6.9,6.2,6.4 431 Hj3j3 001 2830 192, 956,1013 6.8,6.7,6.5 202 HJ 005 1014 6.0 2 d 2 2831 278, 307 6.4,6,7 00 f'H 00 d 2792 140, 165, 173 6.7,6.8 22. anji Hll a. 2832 278,1034 6.8,7.1 00 KK HH a 185, 275, 353 6.9,7.0 - 22. hjj 010 2833 192, 298, 340 4.0, B, 4.2 EBK (181 FFF ar 884, 898,1057 6.9,6.0,5.9 Ill H 37 OSa 956, 956,1013 , B, B BUB z FFF 1119,1229,2242 GG? FFO 1014,1091,1091 4.0,^.5,4.2 ERR tjee vBn 2793 1014 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH r 2834 340,1013 6.8,6.5 01 Hf! 05 2794 1034 7.1,7.2 01 HK OH 2835 340,1013 6.6,6.6 11 HK Ozr ad 2795 307 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 2836 340,1013 6.7,6.5 00 07 IIP 2796 217, 275, 341 7.1,7.2,6.9 110 lli'.a 000 br 2837 165, 217, 275 6.0,6.2,5.8 I'll rr* 000 954,1035,1057 6.3 6.6 0.3 "P'P 1 FHO 954,1035,1057 5.1,6.0,4.7 054 F7/F 1069 6.3 3 7 2 1069 5.4 e F 2797 278, 307,1034 5.6,5.6,5.4 213 J'? FOF a 2838 1014 6.6,6.6 00 "P 1 OH 1068 6.0 2 7 F 2839 1014 6.5,6.5 00 KK IIU 2798 278, 307,1034 7.0,6.9,6.9 311 KKK HHH r 2840 298, 310,1013 6.9,6.5,6.6 312 HttK Qua ad 2799 1014 6.0 3 _ u 2800 1035 7.0,7.2 11 KK na r 2841 192,1013,1013 7.1,6.5 43. 11 UK OOH ad 2801 1014 6.8,6.8 00 LK OH 2842 278, 307,1068 6.0,6.4,6.9 213 $7 /TOO 2802 278, 307,1034 6.4,6.4,6.4 211 n* 000 2843 278, 307,1034 6.2,6.5,6.9 113 pup miO ad 2803 298, 340, 956 7.0,6.6,6.7 221 HalC OOH d 1068 6.6 1 K H 1013,1014 6.6,6.2 03 "7 FO 2844 275, 341,1057 7.1,7.1,6.4 110 KHK 11 077 ad 2804 192, 340, 955 5.2,5.5,5.7 111 edf 255 1069 6.6 1 K H 1013 5.4 s 2 2845 275, 954,1057 6.9,6.5,6.4 310 anfi OF2 d 2805 278 7.0,7.1 01 HH 00 1069 6.7 (3 2806 278, 307,1034 5.6,5.4,5.4 233 SSd FFF 2846 165, 217, 275 6.7,6.9 03. H pY 100 1068 6.2 4 7 341, 954,1035 6.0,5.6,6.3 312 7 S P Or2 2807 1014 6.6,6.6 00 P'P 1 00 1057,1057,1069 6.2 5.6 5.4 71 s FFF 2808 2809 275, 341,1057 5.8,6.0,5.5 312 77* OOF ar r 2847 2848 275,1057,1069 1013 6.7,6.4,6.8 7.0,7.0 #2 00 KpW KK II77/7 HH a 1069 5.6 g F 2849 278, 307, 345 5.7,5.4,5.5 241 KKK HUH at 2810 1057 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH 1034,1068 5.5,6.1 32 KK HH 2811 1034 7.2,7.1 10 HK OH 2850 278 7.3,7.4 10 hH 00 2812 1013 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 2851 275,1057,1069 7.0,6.7,6.7 230 Ga Oi-2 2813 1014 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 2852 298, 340,1014 6.9,6.6,6.2 212 P> n05 2814 1013,1014 7.0,6.6 21 H(3 00 2853 192, 340,1013 5.8,6.3,5.8 021 KKK 7///77 a 2815 340,1013 6.8,6.4 11 K OH ad 2854 278, 307,1034 5.6,5.9,6.5 224 I* FOO THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 157 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1068' 6.0 fi ? 2895 340,1013,1014 6.7,6.7,6.4 Ill K HffO d 2855 192, 298, 340 5.5,5.9,5.6 010 fiat 005 2896 340 6.9,7.0 10 KK nil 1013 5.7 1 7 2 2896a 1014 6.5,6.5 00 KK HIT r 2856 192, 298, 340 6.4,5.8,5.9 122 aay OFF 2897 165, 217, 275 6.3,6.6,5.9 133 rfr 000 r 1013 5.6 2 5 F 341, 954,1035 6.1,5.5,6.1 113 117 OFF 2857 192, 298, 340 6.7,6.8,6.2 424 llHK OO// - 1057,1069 5.3,5.8 11 fd FF 1013 6.3 1 a F 2898 1014 6.8,6.8 00 an 00 2858 278, 307,1034 6.5,6.4,6.5 151 H8y OFO 2899 1042 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 1068 6.8 2900 165, 185, 217 6.5,6.0,6.7 518 KKK HBH at 2859 1057 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 275, 341, 898 5.8,5.5,^.* 013 KKtt HB// 2860 340,1014,1069 6.8,6.5,7.1 m KJ'II HFO 954,1035,1057 4.7,5.3,5.3 513 KKK HBII 2861 307 7.0,7.0 CO KK 1111 1069,1071 5.3,^.5 05 KK BB 2862 1013 6.9,7.0 10 HK OH 2901 1014 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 2863 307, 345 6.3,6.0 \1 fr FH 2902 1014 6.7,6.9 11 <$ IS a 2864 307,1034 7.1,6.9 11 00 r 2903 1014 6.7,6.5 11 KK mi 2865 307 6.8,6.9 10 KK II H 2904 307,1034 6.8,7.0 11 KK III! 2866 307,1034,1068 4.4^.G,4.4 021 dey 52n r 2905 1057,1069 6.7,6.9 10 KF //F 2867 1057 7.0,7.1 01 KK II H 2906 1014 6.5,6.8 21 KK HH 2868 298, 340, 956 6.2,6.5,6.3 .702 |3K HUH ad 2907 192, 298, 340 5.5,5.5,5.6 301 pdd //3F 1014,1091 5.5,6.6 SI KK HH 1013,1014,1091 5.4,5.2,5.3 104 eC 000 2869 1013 6.6,6.8 11 KK HH a 2908 1034 6.7,6.9 11 T* OH r 2870 1014 6.7,6.7 00 HH 2909 1034 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 2871 192, 298,1013 6.5,7.0,6.8 022 KHK //On d 2910 340, 341,1014 5.9,6.9,5.6 535 day FOF 1014 6.2 3 F F 1069 6.6 3 7 F 2872 192, 298, 340 6.8,6.7,6.8 401 Hp'a 005 2911 307 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH r 1013 6.0 5 7 5 2912 298,1013,1014 6.8,6.5,6.2 211 Wr OrO ad 2873 307,1034 6.2,6.0 11 n 00 1091 6.8 K H 2874 341,1057,1069 7.1,6.8,6.6 032 H|3> OOF 2913 276, 307, 345 5.2,5.3,5.3 201 yed FFF a 2875 1034 6.8,6.8 00 *p 00 1034,1092 5.2,5.3 11 Cr FF 2876 1013 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 2914 1013 6.9,6.9 00 KK HU a 2877 298, 307, 345 6.^,6.1,6.0 811 55fJ OOF 2915 1014 6.7,6.6 01 77 FF 2878 275, 341, 341 6.3,6.7 42. duu 050 a 2916 1014 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH a 1057,1069 5.9,6.5 03 S 7 OF 2917 345,1034 6.4,6.3 11 KK HH ar 2879 1014 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH a 2918 1013 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 2880 19-2,1042,1092 5.5,6.0,6.5 102 fl* IIHH 2919 276, 345,1034 6.8,7.1,6.8 120 KHj3 iiOn 2881 27."i,1057,1069 6.6,6.3,6.6 522 Ktf H0/7 2920 276, 307, 345 4.3,4.6,4.4 110 ? FFF r 2882 1014 6.9,7.0 01 Ktt Jill 1034,1092 4.3,4.4 22 cd FF 2883 1057 7.0,6.9 01 HK On 2921 1057 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 2884 1057 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 2922 276, 307, 345 5.0,5.3,5.2 111 )< FFO 2885 307, 345,1034 5.1,5.5,4.8 144 & FHF a 1034,1092 5.2,5.2 01 & OF 1092,1092 5.6,5.3 30 |J 11 II 2923 1069 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 2886 1014 6.9,6.8 01 KK llll 2924 298, 340,1013 5.5,5.4,5.6 102 6fd 4*5 2887 340 7.0,6.9 01 HK On 1091 6.0 2 p 5 2888 954,1057,1069 6.5,6.7,6.6 020 |3 10F 2925 307,1034 6.8,6.5 10 n r 00 2889 1069 7.1,7.2 01 iin 00 2926 1014,1014 6.7,6.7 00. KH //O 2890 1013 6.6,6.7 01 On 2927 275,1035,1057 6.8,6.7,6.5 502 HKH 0//1 2891 307,1034 6.9,7.1 11 KK IIII 2928 1057,1069 6.9,6.9 10 Htt 00 2892 954,1057,1069 6.8,6.9,6.8 120 KHK //On d 2929 1014 6.6,6.6 00 # FO 2893 1013 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 2930 192, 298, 340 , B BB. KR //FH at 2894 275,1057,1069 6.8,6.5,6.9 412 KKK HH// ad 340,1013,1014 B, B BB. KKK HUB 158 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1014,1091 B, B BB KK an 2962 298, 340,1013 6.6,6.8,6.5 no auK nOa ad 2931 345 7.1,7.1 00 Kit till 29G3 275, 341, 954 7.1,6.6,5.9 212 HKK OHH ad 2932 298, 340,1013 6.4,6.2,6.2 131 & OOF 1035,1057,1069 6.3,6.3,6.4 2-20 tfK HHH 1042 7.0 4 a 1071 64 3 K H 2933 1014 6.9,7.0 01 KK 1111 29G4 298,1014 6.9,6.5 10 K Hi 2934 298, 340,1013 5.9,6.2,5.8 802 (3K Oav dr 2965 1014 6.5,6.7 11 HK OH 1091 6.7 3 K H 2966 307 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 2935 276, 307, 345 B, B BB. KK6 a a.0 at 2967 1014 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 345,1034,1092 J}, B, D BBB du Oil 2968 298, 340,1013 5.8,5.8,5.8 002 88s 2r2 2936 140, 165, 173 6.^,6.6 21. fW 020 1014,1091,1091 5.3 5.9 2.1 dup 202 185, 275, 353 6.8,6.8,6.3 032 flfr 000 2969 298, 340,1013 6.1,6.2,6.0 S22 KKK HHB d 844, 884, 898 6.7,5.6 .02 and OOF 1042 7.0 5 K H 1035,1057,1119 6.5,5.6 41. ada OFF 2970 1057 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 1229 5.6 4 7 2971 298, 340,1013 5.7,5.9,5.6 no 7 dd 5a2 2937 345 7.0,7.2 11 II H 00 1091 6.1 i 7 5 2938 954,1035,1057 6.6,6.7,6.6 121 KFK HVH a 2972 1013 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 1069,1071 6.4,6.8 43 KK HO. 2973 1013 6.9,6.9 CO KK HH a 2939 1069 6.5,6.6 01 KK HK 2974 340,1013,1014 6.7,6.9,6.5 221 0fr 052 2940 298, 340,1013 7.0,7.0,6.7 00.7 Ptf On5 a 2975 1014 6.8,6.7 10 Ha 00 2941 298, 307, 345 6.0,6.0,5.9 122 7* F02 a 2976 275, 341, 954 6.9,6.2,5.5 323 J7 H5# r 1042,1092,1092 6.5,6.7 34. & OnO 1035,1057,1069 6.0,6.0,5.9 212 n* 255 2942 275, 341,1057 6.6,6.5,6.2 211 hfl3 105 1071 6.0 2 ft H 1069 6.4 1 8 F 2977 340 7.1,7.2 10 HH 00 2943 1057,1069 6.8,6.9 11 KF HF 2978 298,1013,1014 6.6,6.8,6.2 132 K/3K HHH d 2944 340,1014 7.0,6.4 21 llK On dr 1091 7.0 1 K H 2945 1057 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 2979 276, 345,1034 6.6,6.5,6.6 211 KKa HUH at 2946 1092 6.7,6.9 n p'H 00 2981 1057 6.9,6.8 10 FK FH 2947 1057 6.9,6.8 10 Kit HH 2982 298, 340,1013 - 6.9,6.5 .11 KK0 11 HF 2948 345,1034 7.0,6.6 'IS ^ 00 2983 307,1034 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 2949 345 6.5,6.6 10 act 05 2984 165, 341,1057 7.3,6.9,6.5 in ul\u 1H5 2950 307 6.8,7.1 12 HK OH r 2985 307,1034 6.5,6.9 22 KK HH 2951 1014 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 2986 298, 340,1013 5.4,5.6,5.4 in did OFF a 2952 298, 340,1013 6.0,6.1,6.0 210 KKK HHH ad 1014,1091 5.2,5.* 01 Oft FO 1091 6.7 3 K H 2987 298,1013,1042 6.4,6.4,6.9 02 dfK. 5/H 2953 165, 185, 275 6.9,6.7,7.0 275 ft* 500 r 2988 275, 341,1057 6.5,5.9,5.9 153 ft* OOF 353, 884, 898 6.0,6.9,5.7 121 0*7 050 1069 5.6 3 e F 1035,1057,1119 6.0,5.8,6.2 111 77* IFH 2989 298,1014 7.1,6.5 \2 HH HO 1229 5.9 1 a 1 2990 298, 298, 340 6.2 6.2 0.0 fi? OOF 2954 1057 7.1,7.1 00 no. 00 1013,1042 6.1,6.2 11 * FO 2955 298, 340,1013 1091 6.1,6.2,6.1 6.8 210 3 8?8 a. FOO H 2991 2992 276, 307, 345 6.5,6.2,6.8 24B aKtt HHO dr r 2956 298, 340,1013 5.8,5.6,5.7 1/2 KKK HBH a 1034,1092,1092 6.3,6.9 32. P'KH OnO 1014,1091 5.3,5.8 11 KK BB 2993 276, 307, 345 5.1,5.3,4.9 212 ee { FIIF a 2957 1034 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH 1034,1092 5.5,5.0 IS ft OF 2958 298, 340,1013 5.4,5.5,5.5 211 ^^^ FFF 2994 1057 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 1091 5.9 1 1 F 2995 1014 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 2959 1057 6.7,6.6 10 K On 2996 298, 345 6.,6.9 01 pc OH ad 2960 298,1013 7.0,6.9 01 UK OH d 2997 276, 307, 345 5.8,5.9,5.8 111 778 000 2961 276, 307, 345 4.2,5.1,4.4 242 z>C FFF r 1034,1092 6.2,6.0 21 dy OF 1034,1092 4.5,4.8 20 FF 2998 345 6.4,6.5 01 act 00 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 159 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Reg. End. F.K. B B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K K. 2999 276, 345,1034 7.1,6.6,6.9 431 apu 000 3034 1092 7.2,7.0 11 KK BB 3000 165, 185, 275 6.8,7.0,6.8 210 p'Hp 1 000 3035 276, 307, 309 4.1,4.9,5.3 328 IjKK YHB ad 341,1057 6.9,6.2 32 py 00 345,1034,1092 4.5,^.6,4.5 113 w FFF 3001 275, 341,1035 7.1,6.8,6.7 101 anp 1 HOF 3037 276, 345, 345 5.3,5.5,5.5 000 />' FF5 ad 1057,1069 6.1,6.5 .70 7 (3 05 1034,1092 5.6,5.8 01 f'K IH 3002 298, 340,1013 5.9,5.8,5.8 102 8}'S 50F 303S . 276, 309, 345 B, Ji, B BBB 1JK0 F/fF at 1014,1091,1091 5.2 6.0 3.0 C7 2HF 1034,1092 B .B Klj HF 3003 1014 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 3039 1014 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3004 276, 345,1034 7.0,6.7,7.1 230 Kp'n HOO d 3040 298, 340,1013 B, S, B BBB Ol^d FF.7 r 3005 276, 307, 345 5.3,5.5,5.5 010 fde 02F 1042 B B F 1034,1092 5.7,5.9 12 S3 OF 3041 276, 345,1034 6.1,6.5,6.3 02.7 1'PP FOB 3006 276, 307, 345 6.5,6.5,5.8 524 K3 HHF d 1092 6.5 (I 1092 6.3 1 a F 3042 298,1013,1025 6.0,6.0,6.5 3.72 faa. ITB 3007 276, 276, 307 6.6,6.4,6.2 423 p'j'K OOB :M 1091 6.6 1 fi F 345,1034,1092 6.1,6.5,6.7 301 p^p 1 FOO 3043 298,1042,1092 6.1,6.5,7.3 41Q fiKK OBH ad 3008 185, 275, 341 6.9,6.9,6.3 213 HKp On5 b 3044 1057 6.9,6.9 00 KK BB 954,1057,1069 5.9,6.2,6.4 .721 aff BF2 3045 340,1014 7.0,7.0 21 KK HH a 1071 6.5 5 p 1 1 3046 298, 340,1014 6.6,6.5,6.1 210 attf OnO 3009 276, 276, 307 5.4,5.1,5.3 301 J-K OOB ac 1026 6.3 4 ft F 345,1034,1092 6.1,6.5,6.7 111 }' FOO 3047 276, 345 6.9,6.4 34 K P HO d 3010 345 7.3,7.3 00 ha 00 3048 1069 6.8,6.8 00 FK FH 3011 298, 298, 340 6.7,6.5 .02 j'/2 10H 3049 345 6.4,6.6 11 f 00 a 1013,1042 6.4,7.0 12 P 1 " 00 3050 298,1013,1042 6.4,6.0,6.6 021 J-KK OBH ad 3012 276, 345 7.2,6.9 23 HK On d 3051 1057,1069 6.5,6.6 11 "P 50 r 3013 1013,1014 7.0,6.6 21 HK FB ac 3052 298,1013 6.3,6.4 12 KK HB ad 3014 345,1034 7.1,6.9 12 hK OH 3053 276, 345,1092 6.4,6.4,7.0 022 J'H OFO 3015 276, 345,1034 5.3,5.4,5.5 100 M? FOP a 3054 276, 345,1092 6.7,6.3,7.2 243 w 000 1092 5.4 2 7 3055 298,1013,1042 5.6,5.'K OH 3068 345 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 3028 276 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 3069 1035,1057,1069 6.8,6.5,6.6 Oil KKp' 7/H5 d 3029 276, 345,1092 5.5,5.6,5.8 100 flj'p 1 OFF a 3070 1014,1069 7.0,7.0 22 K IF 3030 276,1034,1092 5.7,6.0,6.6 223 KKK BHll a 3071 298,1042 6.4,6.9 22 an 00 3031 1069 7.0,7.1 .70 aa 00 3072 276, 309 6.8,6.7 1 KH lO 3032 1013 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 3073 298 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 3033 276, 345,1034 6.9,6.7,6..? 311 aH HOO 3074 298,1013,1025 5.7,5..?,6.0 211 w 2rl 160 ANNALS OP HAEVAKD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Ree. End. F.K. R, D. O. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. 1042 5.9 1 1 F 3114 1069 7.1,7.2 01 HK On 3075 309, 345 7.1,7.0 11 K eO d 3115 345,1092 6.6,7.2 22 # 10 3076 298,1013 6.8,6.5 01 KK Hff a 3116 277, 298,1025 6.9,6.8,6.5 121 tf OOF cr 3077 298,1042 6.9,7.0 00 H 00 3117 298,1014,1026 7.3,6.6,0.6 515 K/3 HIlO 3078 309 7.1,7.3 n KK BH 3118 276, 309, 345 6.3,6.2,6.5 020 rfP 000 3079 3080 1014,1026 7.1,6.9 44 UK Off dr r 3119 1092,1108 277,1025,1091 6.7,6.8 6.9,6.7,7.0 04 201 ft* n;h 00 000 3081 1014,1026 6.6,6.7 32 KK na 3120 276, 276, 309 4.3, B, B KBB J/K Fffff at 3082 276, 309, 345 6.5,7.0,6.3 044 p'Kf OHF d 345,1092,1108 B, B, B BBB 66e FFF 3083 275,1057,1069 6.9,6.5,6.5 221 KH^ HO* ad 3121 165, 341,1035 6.6,6.4 .00 arf OOH 3084 1057,1069 0.9,6.8 12 HK O// d 1057,1069 6.4,6.0 45 ft' H2 3085 276, 276, 309 4.8,5.1 .13 KKK -RED ar 3122 277, 298,1025 6.7,6.5,6.5 200 |Sfl 050 345,1092,1108 4.7,5.0,4.9 211 KKK BBB 1091 6.8 1 7 // 3086 340,1014 7.1,6.7 10 hh OF 3123 298 6.6,6.6 00 00 3087 1025 6.8,6.9 01 K OH 3124 276, 309, 345 5.0,5.0,5.3 120 dee rOr ;i 3088 1069 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1092,1108 5.7,5.2 20 to Fff 3089 276 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 3125 1014 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3090 1014 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 3126 298,1025 6.9,6.9 00 o/3 00 3091 276, 309, 345 7.1,7.0,7.0 201 IIKII OHO 3127 185, 341,1035 6.9,6.9,6.3 522 K IlOF ad 3092 1014 6.8,7.0 n KK HH a 1057,1069 6.5,6.4 40 fl 5F 3093 298,1042,1092 6.1,6.5,7.0 522 paa 2lH d 3128 1069 7.0,7.3 12 HK OH 1108 6.8 3 K H 3129 165,1035,1057 6.5,6.6,6.0 342 ftfe OFI r 3094 276, 309, 345 5.8,6.3,6.4 400 fi(3 OnO d 1069 5.9 2 d F 345,1092,1108 6.5,6.8,6.1 122 |3HK OOff 3130 298,1025 6.1,6.2 10 jte Off ad 3095 309, 345 6.7,6.5 21 KK ffff ar 3131 1009,1071 6.8,7.0 3-2 fJH 50 3096 165, 341,1057 7.3,7.0,6.8 104 Kf/.ll HOO ad 3132 298,1025,1042 6.6,6.4,6.7 020 ft0 IrO 1069 6.6 1 K ff 1092 7.2 4 K n 3097 1014 6.8,6.8 00 HK OH 3133 276, 309, 345 5.5,5.8,5.6 205 J' FffF ad 3098 1057 7.0,7.1 01 HK OH 1092,1108 6.1,6.3 05 t* Fff 3099 309 7.0,6.9 10 hK OH 3134 1035,1057 6.9,6.9 22 I'M OH 3100 276, 309, 345 4.6,5.4,4.7 162 JfJ'l FFO a 3135 1057 6.9,7.0 10 HK FH 1092,1108,1108 4.7 4-9 4.1 CM FFF 3136 309, 345 6.8,6.5 22 * HO 3101 1014,1026 6.8,7.0 "22 OH FO r 3137 298, 309,1042 6.0 6.3 1.1 J'ft- OOF a 3102 276, 309 6.7,6.8 00 KK HH 1108 6.0 ft H 3103 1069 7.0,7.2 11 KK ffff 3138 276, 309, 345 4.0,4.2,4.3 Oil KKK ami a 3104 1014,1026,1069 6.9,6.9 .11 HH/3 000 1092,1108 4.2,4.3 22 KK Hff 3105 298,1042 6.8,7.1 11 KK HH 3139 1014,1069 6.6,7.0 00 KF ffF 3106 276, 309, 345 5.2,5.8,5.8 410 dyt FOO ad 3140 276, 309, 345 5.5,5.6,5.5 113 dK{ OnO ad 1092,1108 6.2,5.* 21 9* Off 1092,1108 6.2,5.9 22 Sa Off 3107 1035,1057 6.8,6.5 01 KK ffH 3141 298,1014,1026 6.3,6.1,6.8 101 jb'aK HffH ad 3108 277, 298,1025 5.7,5.6,5.7 501 Kh 05F ad 1091,1117 6.7,6.8 11 K Hff 1091 5.8 K B 3142 276, 309 6.8,6.7 11 *0 IlO 3109 954,1035,1069 6.7,6.8,6.8 121 II Kit OFF r 3143 1035 6.9,6.8 10 FK Fff 1071 6.7 1 a. 3144 276, 309, 345 5.7,6.0,5.7 115 S 77 OOF 3110 1025,1042 6.9,6.3 34 KH ffp dr 1092,1108 6.4,5.9 20 to 02 3111 1069 6.5,6.5 00 KK ffH a 3145 276, 309, 345 6.8,6.6,6.4 305 any 000 r 3112 277, 298,1013 6.8,7.0,6.5 152 KKK nOn ad 1092 7.0 1 H 1014,1026,1117 6.0,6.2,7.1 263 J7K FFff 3146 276 6.6,6.8 11 tf 00 3113 277, 298,1025 6.6,5.9,6.2 121 K$3 H20 d 3147 276, 309, 345 6.6,6.8,6.7 Oil KK Oim ad 1042,1092 6.1,6.4 11 77 FF 3148 277, 298,1025 5.8,5.8,5.9 401 n* 000 a THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 161 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1042 6.0 1 a. P 1108 6.8 2 K H 3149 276, 345 6.7,6.5 22 an 00 3183 1026 6.9,6.6 2? KK HH 3150 276, 298, 309 5.0,5.5,5.2 031 dee 000 a 3184 277, 298,1025 6.3,6.5,6.2 330 |3 182 345,1092,1108 5.0,5.2,5.0 221 ijfd FFF 1042 6.5 2 K // 3151 276 7.2,7.1 01 HH 00 3185 341,1009 7.0,6.5 u HK OH 3152 3153 276, 298, 345 - 44,*-l .30 Git FFF ar r 3186 3187 276, 309, 345 276, 309, 345 6.1,0.4,6.2 6.4,6.3,6.6 021 in ^ a/fo OOH FOO 1092,1108 4.0,4.0 SO ft FF 1092 6.7 a 3154 276 7.2,6.6 u ua 00 3188 1035,1069 6.8,6.9 n KCC 118 ad 3155 309, 345,1108 6.2,6.4,6.5 10-2 rt/3K IlOH 3189 276, 309,1092 6.2,6.3,6.6 111 tffc OOH ad 3156 898,1057 6.5,6.3 01 FIC FH 1108 6.7 3 K H 3157 276, 345 6.8,6.8 11 K OH 3190 309 7.0,7.0 00 H 00 3158 1026 6.9,7.1 11 llH 00 3191 276, 345 7.2,7.2 11 hn 00 3159 276, 309, 309 5.0 54 1.1 a FOO at 3192 1091 7.0,7.2 11 KK //H 345,1092,1108 5.4,5.4,5.3 111 OF//- 3193 276, 309, 345 6.4,7.1,6.5 334 >Ktt OnO d 3160 165, 185, 275 7.0,6.9,6.8 242 HKK OHH ad 1108 7.2 4 K H 1035,1057,1069 6.9,6.3,6.6 311 KKtt iiii/f 3194 1025,1042 6.2,6.6 21 an F/r d 3161 1025 7,0,7.0 00 UK. OH 3195 1014,1026 0.4,6.5 32 KK an 3162 1035 7.0,7.0 00 KK u u 3196 309 6.9,6.6 11 H Y 00 3163 1092,1108 5.7,5.5 10 KK HH at 3197 1069 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 3164 1092,1108 5.8,5.5 00 IV 00 ar 3198 1026 7.2,7.3 10 HH 00 3165 276, 345,1092 6.0,5.8,6.8 153 f>KK OHH nt 3199 276, 345 7.1,7.1 U act, 00 1108 6.5 3 K H 3200 277, 298,1025 5.4,5.8 53. 1'8a 000 a 3166 276, 309, 345 4.9,5.6,5.1 212 jS FHF ar 1025,1042 5.8,5.5 31 t8 2F 1092,1108 5.4,5.2 10 ed OF 3201 277, 298,1025 6.8,7.0,6.5 2\1 Gy OOF 3167 276, 345 6.5,6.4 12 an 00 r 3202 1035,1057,1071 6.6,6.7,7.0 414 aic 05n 3168 276, 309, 309 B, 4.6, B BRB Ryt FOF at 3203 1069 6.9,6.8 01 HK F/T 345,1092,1108 4.0,4.0, B RRB ft FTl 3204 276, 309, 345 4.4,4.7,4.6 111 deO FFF a 3169 276, 309, 345 6.5,7.0,6.4 134 j'hrc OOff at 1092,1108 4.9,4.7 01 ds FF 1092,1108 7.2,6.9 22 KK HH 3205 276, 309, 345 5.8,6.1,6.3 201 SHK OlH ad 3170 1026,1069 6.9,7.2 .21 KK HH a 1108 6.3 2 K H 3171 276, 309, 345 5.6,6.4,5.8 434 w %IIH 3206 309 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 1092,1108 6.6,6.5 24 rf HH 3207 276, 309, 345 5.3,5.2,5.4 201 ttr FOF a 3172 277, 298,1025 6.0,6.4 .2'! h?(3 005 1092,1108 5.2,5.0 32 5C Fl 1042 6.4 1 8 F 3208 309 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 3173 276 7.2,7.0 11 an 00 3209 276, 309, 345 5.4,5.5,5.6 111 777 122 3174 165,1035,1069 7.4,6.7,6.9 012, K/3a HffH 1092,1108 6.3,5.3 45 7 d 12 3175 276, 309, 345 B, B, B BBB *< HHV at 3210 1026 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1092,1108 B, B BB a IF 3211 277, 298,1025 6.3,6.6,6.3 511 P<*7 OOF ad 3176 298,1025,1042 6.2,6.4,6.4 no 7<*7 H//5 1042,1091 6.8 .1 UK SB 1092 6.6 1 K H 3212 1035 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 3177 276, 309, 345 6.6 6.6 1.1 allK OOH dr 3213 1069 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 3178 309 7.3,7.5 11 H h 00 3214 1057 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 3179 276, 298, 309 5.5,0.0,5.7 231 KKK HUH a 3215 309, 345 6.7,7.5 11 KK BH 345,1092,1108 5.8,6.1,6.0 102 KKK HDH 3216 1035,1069 0.9,6.6 11 FK TH 3180 277, 298,1025 4.0,4.0,4.1 401 Out] FFF ar 3217 1057 6.7,6.8 10 FK TH 1042,1042,1092 4JB .1. etO FF/ 3218 309,1092 6.5,7.3 23 K OH d 3181 276, 309, 345 5.7,6.2,6.0 312 5p'5 OOF a 3219 1035 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 1092,1108 6.6,6.3 22 Hfl 00 3220 1025 7.0,6.9 01 an OH 3182 276, 309, 345 6.6,6.5,6.5 112 W 000 3221 309 7.4,7.3 10 KK HH 162 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 3222 276, 309,1108 6.9,6.6,7.0 151 HKK OHH ad 3262 1035 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 3223 1035 6.8,6.8 00 HH 00 3263 1057 7.0,7.0 00 KH HO 3224 3225 277, 298, 298 6.7,6.7 04. PSH FFO r r 3264 3265 341,1035,1069 1025 7.0,6.8,6.6 7.2,7.2 001 00 KK 005 HH 1025,1042 5.9,6.4 40 dp FO 3266 1025 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 3226 1026 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH a 3267 1026 7.2,7.3 10 HH 00 3227 298 6.9,6.9 00 pa. 00 3268 277,1026,1117 6.9,6.6,7.2 153 KpK. n2n d 3228 345 7.1,7.4 12 1m 00 d 3269 309,1092,1108 6.0,7.1,6.4 440 7Hj3 000 3229 341 6.8,6.7 01 ita 10 3270 1026 6.8,6.7 10 KK BH 3230 309 6.8,6.9 10 KH HO 3271 1069 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3231 277, 298,1025 6.1,5.6,6.0 013 dSd OFI a 3272 309,1108 6.5,6.9 22 K OH ad 1042,1092,1108 5.6,5.7 22. Sda FFF 3273 165, 185,1035 6.5,6.5,6.3 252 r% 2HF 3232 277,1026,1069 - 6.5,6.6 .30 adp OFF 1069 6.3 3 7 2 1117 7.2 4 H 3274 309 6.9,7.1 11 HH 00 3233 1026 7.0,7.1 10 HH 00 3275 276 7.2,7.0 11 HH 00 3234 276, 309, 345 6.4,6.5,6.5 112 fjKJ- OnO ad 3276 1025 7.0,6.9 01 K OH 1092,1108 7.1,6.8 22 KK HH 3277 309 6.6,6.7 70 aK OH 3235 277, 298,1025 6.6,6.8,6.5 421 aap 000 3278 309 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH a 1042 7.0 3 h 3280 1026 6.9,6.8 01 HK OH 3236 276, 309, 345 5.4,5.4,5.5 Oil 7? OOF a 3281 898,1035,1057 6.6,6.7,6.5 111 KKK HHH a 1092,1108 5.9,5.6 11 77 FF 1119,1229 6.9,6.8 11 KK HH 3237 at 3282 1025 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 3238 276, 309, 345 B, B, B BBB K8d ZfFF r 3283 276, 309, 345 5.0,5.2,5.b 212 KKK BHH a 1092,1108 B, B BB K Hi 1092,1108 5.5,5.5 12 KK HB 3239 309 6.7,7.0 21 HK OH ad 3284 1057,1069,1071 6.9,6.9,7.1 052 KFK HFH 3240 1035 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 3285 165,1035,1057 7.4,6.5,6.5 051 f>> 025 3241 309, 345 6.6,6.9 11 an HO 1069,1069 6.7 0. tf 00 3242 1026 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 3286 1026 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 3243 309 6.2,6.5 12 ft 00 3287 1069 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH a 3244 1069 6.9,6.9 00 FK FH 3288 1092,1108 6.8,6.5 00 Ka H 5 d 3245 1069,1071 6.8,6.9 22 KK HH d 3289 1092 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 3246 309 6.7,7.0 21 KK HH a 3290 309 7.1,7.0 01 KK II H 3247 1025 6.5,6.6 10 ay FF 3291 309, 310,1042 6.5,6.6 .11 m 002 3248 309 7.1,7.2 01 HH 00 1092,1108 7.0,6.1 42 Kp H5 3249 309 6.6,6.9 n act 00 3292 310,1025,1092 6.8,6.4,7.0 022 PfK 05n 3250 277, 298,1025 6.2,6.8,6.3 641 Ptf 000 ad 3293 1026 7.2,7.1 10 pp 00 1042 6.9 4 K H 3294 341,1035,1069 6.8,6.6,6.5 000 Kpp HOF 3251 309, 345 7.3,6.0 17 H 7 00 3295 309, 310,1108 5.5,5.8,5.3 111 77* OOF a 3252 276 6.5,6.6 10 ?a HO 3296 1035,1069 6.5,6.6 11 KK HH 3253 309,1108 6.4,6.5 10 KK HH 3297 341 7.2,7.2 00 KK HO 3254 1026 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 3298 277,1026,1091 6.3,6.1,6.1 121 KKK HHH ad 3255 1069 7.1,7.1 00 HK VH ad 1094,1117 6.1,6.4 11 KK HH 3256 309,1108 6.5,7.0 23 K HO d 3299 310,1025 6.8,6.1 25 ad OF 3257 276, 309 6.9,6.5 32 K OH 3300 309 6.6,6.6 00 HK OH 3258 341,1026,1035 6.5,6.2,6.6 152 aya. n25 r 3301 276, 309,1092 4.5,5.0,5.1 131 yty 522 1069,1117 6.3 0. 7$ 25 1108,1118,1167 4.3,5.2,4.8 412 tfe 22n 3259 276 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 3302 309,1108,1108 6.0,6.4 22. app HHH 3260 277, 310,1026 5.8 5.8 2.1 y\\& 000 3303 309 5.8,6.3 52 PP 00 1091,1094,1117 5.8,5.8,5.8 021 7$7 FFF 3304 277,1025,1093 6.2,6.2,6.7 513 KKK HHH a 3261 309 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 3305 1026 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 163 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. lies. End. F.K. R. 3306 309,1108,1118 B, B, 4-0 BBK Olt F/F ar 1167 6.3 a F 1167 B B 7 1 3343 1069 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 3307 1026 7.0,7.1 10 UK. HH 3344 1167 6.9,7.0 10 H 00 3308 277,1025 6.4,6.9 4b p'H FO 3345 309 7.2,7.1 10 hH 00 3309 309 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH a 3346 1026 7.0,7.1 10 # 00 3310 1026 7.1,7.3 n ff 00 3347 . 277,1026,1069 6.8,6.5,7.0 243 pda 020 ad 3311 1025 6.7,6.7 00 HK lH 1117 7.0 I K H 3312 165, 185, 341 6.9,6.8,6.5 020 pact OOH r 3348 277, 310,1025 6.8,6.6,6.3 112 far n02 1035,1069 6.3,6.3 01 8d FF 1094 6.8 3 H 3313 309,1167 6.9,6.5 21 HK OH d 3349 277, 310,1025 6.0,6.0,5.6 111 KKK HH.B a 3314 309, 310,1093 5.3,5.7,5.5 Oil w F01 r 1093 6.0 K H 1108 5.1 2 e F 3350 299, 309,1070 7.0 7.3 1.2 hH OnO 3315 1091,1094 0.0,6.7 00 KK HIT r 1167 6.8 3 H 3316 309 7.4,7.4 00 hh 00 3351 1026 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH a 3317 277, 310,1026 6.0,0.0,5.8 021 KICK KHB ad 3352 309,1108 6.4,7.0 33 t* 00 1091,1094,1117 5.5,5.5,6.1 0.72 KKK HHH 3353 1167 6.9,6.9 00 act FO 3318 309,1108 6.7,7.0 21 KK na 3354 1025,1093 6.0,6.4 01 II K FH 3319 309 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH r 3355 1026,1069 6.8,7.0 22 0H 01 3320 309 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 3356 299,1108 7.0,6.7 33 KK HH 3321 309,1070,1167 6.9,0.7,0.^ 212 KKK RSH d 3357 309 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 3322 1167 6.9,7.2 12 HK OH 3358 299, 309,1070 6.5,6.9,6.7 010 KHK nOff ad 3323 1108 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1167 6.5 2 K H 3324 1026 6.8,6.9 10 reu FO 3359 299 6.7,7.1 22 KK HH 3325 309 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 3300 1035 6.9,6.6 12 KK HH a 3326 277,1026,1094 7.0,6.4,6.9 053 KpiH H20 3361 299, 309,1108 B, 4.0, B BRB KKK BBB at 1117 6.9 a 1118,1167 4.0,4.1 RR KK BB 3327 299, 309,1070 0.2,6.4,0.5 on aKy HHF 3362 299,1167 7.0,7.1 02 00 1167 6.2 2 P 3363 309 7.2,7.3 10 hH 00 3328 165, 185, 341 6.1,5.9,6.0 142 $' 210 r 3364 1025,1093 6.6,7.1 11 p* FH d 1035,1069 5.5,5.7 12 dd FF 3365 341,1035,1069 6.9,6.7,6.5 001 Keep H02 3329 1025 6.9,6.9 00 0* OH 3306 299, 309,1070 7.1,7.3,7.2 322 KKK HHH 3330 341,1026,1069 6.2,5.4,5.7 432 pdd SFF r 1167 6.5 5 K H 1117 5.4 3 7 2 3367 299, 309,1070 7.0,7.2,7.0 210 KKK HHH 3331 277,1025 6.6,6.7 23 PK 02 1167 6.8 2 a F 3332 299, 309,1070 5.5,5.7,5.5 on K Pr HF2 ad 3368 299, 309,1070 6.6,6.8,6.6 210 Pud OHF 1108,1118,1167 5.6,6.4,5.8 201 San FF/f 1118,1167 7.3,6.4 02 a8 OF 3333 310,1093 6.2,6.2 01 OF 3369 1167 6.9,7.2 12 hH FO r 3334 309,1070,1167 7.2,6.9,6.9 111 HKH OHF d 3370 1167 6.9,7.0 10 HH 00 3335 1035,1057,1069 6.6,6.5,6.9 331 KK FHJ7 si 3371 1025,1093 6.6,6.8 01 KG HF d 3336 277, 310,1025 5.8,5.5,5.2 210 dee rOF 3372 299, 309,1108 6.2,6.3 .10 HJ OHF 1093 5.1 4 8 F 1118,1167 6.5,6.6 44: P8 OF 3337 299, 299, 309 5.0,5.0,5.3 333 KKK HHH a 3373 309 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH a 1070,1108,1118 5.6,5.7,6.1 111 KKK HHH 3374 165,1069 6.9,6.6 22 H2 ad 1167 5.6 I K a 3375 277, 300,1026 5.3 5.4 2.0 KHK BOB ad 3338 1026 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH a 1069,1096,1117 5.6,5.3,5.3 401 KKK BBB 3339 309 6.9,7.3 22 KK HH 3376 1026 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 3340 309,1108,1167 6.2,6.6,0.5 311 KKK HHH ar 3377 1069,1071 6.6,6.7 22 Ml HF 3341 1025 6.6,6.6 00 7 3 00 3378 1026,1069 6.5,6.7 22 aa 51 r 3342 299, 309,1070 6.3,6.0 24. aft 50H r 3379 1025 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1070,1108,1167 6.5,6.5 21. W FHO 3380 1026 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 164 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. U. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. 3381 277, 310,1025 5.6,5.4,5.5 in ede OOF a 3418 309,1070,1167 7.2,6.8,6.5 305 KKK HH8 a 1093 5.7 i 7 F 3419 1026,1096 6.6,6.5 n KK HB a 3382 299, 309,1070 4.6,5.3,4.8 222 K&t HUH ad 3420 1035 6.8,6.9 01 KK Hll 1108,1108,1118 5.4,5.4 .83 jyli SHH 3421 1026 7.1,7.4 21 HH 00 1167 5.0 K If 3422 310,1025 6.9,6.7 00 KK HH 3383 310,1026,1094 6.9,6.7,6.8 18-2 J'0 OrO 3423 300,1026,1096 6.8,6.4,6.7 540 3K 02# d 3384 1167 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 1117 6.8 a F 3385 1069 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 3424 1167 7.2,7.3 01 KK II H a 3386 277, 277, 300 4.6 B 2.B G 2FF 3425 299, 309, 310 5.3,5.7 .23 Gd8 TIl'> r ll 310,1026,1094 B, 4.0, B B5B 009 2FF 1108,1118,1167 5.1,5.3,5.0 040 i$ 222 1117 B B F 3426 1035 7.0,7.0 00 FK YH 3387 1167 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 3427 1026 7.1,7.2 01 II H 00 3388 1026,1094,1117 6.3 7.0 4-3 fh 005 3428 299, 309,1167 6.7,6.5,6.5 251 KKfJ HHF 3389 309,1070,1167 7.3,7.1,7.0 101 H$ 000 3429 299, 309,1070 5.5,5.5 .10 t$0 FOF a 3390 1069,1071 7.0,6.9 11 KK HH a 1108,1118,1167 5.9,6.1,5.4 311 pet FFF 3391 310,1026,1094 6.3,6.0,6.3 153 KKK HHH at 3430 299,1070,1167 6.0,6.7,6.4 230 $ 05F 3392 277, 310,1026 4.5, B, 4.4 lnl Sid FFF a 3431 1094 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 1094,1117 B, 4.0 B-3 f FF 3432 1026 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 3393 1026 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 3433 1070 7.3,7.3 00 HH 00 r 3394 1167 6.8,6.8 00 FH 3434 310, 310,1025 6.9 5.7 1.1 dod OOF 3395 299,1070,1167 6.9,7.1,6.8 112 II KG OHF r 1093 5.8 1 r F 3396 309 6.&,6.8 21 KK HH 3435 310,1026,1094 6.3,6.2,6.6 552 K^H H50 3397 299, 309,1108 6.3,6.3,6.6 121 KK HUH 1117 7.1 4 H 1167 6.5 1 fl II 3436 309, 310,1093 6.0,6.6,7.0 503 CtjK OOn 3398 277, 300, 310 6.5,6.3,6.1 042 $3 OHO 1108 6.5 2 r F 1026,1094,1117 6.6,5.7,6.4 240 &t J3TF 3437 810,1025,1093 5.5,5.8,6.0 521 KKK HBH ad 3399 310 6.9,7.1 n a? 00 3438 310,1025,1093 5.8,5.7,5.8 017 HKK OHH ad 3400 1025 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 3439 1167 6.9,6.8 10 KK nn 3401 1025 6.8,6.7 0.? aa FO 3440 1094,1117 6.6,6.9 00 KII HO d 3402 299, 309,1070 5.6,5.6,5.7 120 m OrO a 3441 299,1167 6.8,6.8 11 KK HH 1108,1118,1167 5.8,6.4,5.9 002 n* FFF 3442 1167 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH b 3403 1026 7.0,7.1 10 IIIl FO 3443 310,1025,1094 6.3,6.3,6.4 201 P'7 OFF 3404 299, 309,1070 5.7,5.8,5.8 110 fr Oll2 r 3444 1070,1167 7.0,6.6 22 KK HH 1108,1118,1167 6.0,6.4,5.8 110 dad FOF 3445 1229 7.1,7.4 21 KK II H 3405 1025 6.9,7.0 10 HE FH 3446 1025 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 3406 1035,1069 7.0,7.1 n UK On 3447 299,1070,1108 5.4,5.9,6.0 722 p'5K OFH ad 3407 1167 7.1,7.1 00 UK OH 1118,1167 6.2,5.4 25 37 IF 3408 299, 309,1167 6.7,6.8,6.5 202 aKf OHF a 3448 300, 310,1026 6.0,6.0,6.5 222 Pr*. /^5n ad 3409 310,1025,1093 6.7,6.3 18. aya OFO d 1094,1096,1117 5.9,6.2,6.5 702 70K 5n2 1094 7.0 4 K H 3449 1167 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH a 3410 1093 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 3450 1167 7.3,7.0 12 KK HH 3411 1167 7.2,7.1 07 KK HH 3451 1167 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH 3412 300,1026,1094 6.1,6.2,6.0 227 jif FFF 3452 1167 6.7,6.7 00 tf 2F 1096,1117 0.0,6.4 10 7/F 3453 299,1070,1167 6.7,7.1,6.6 025 llKy On2 3413 1094 7.0,7.1 01 KK Hll 3454 1026 6.8,6.8 00 KK //// 3414 299, 309,1070 5.9,6.7,6.0 742 KKK HHH ar 3455 1035,1057,1069 6.9,6.7,6.8 717 ana. OnO 1108,1118,1167 6.9,6.5,6.1 641 KKK 11 HH 1071,1119 6.9,7.0 32 HK OH 3415 1026 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 3456 1069 6.9,6.9 00 HK FH 3416 310,1025,1093 6.4,6.5,7.1 303 KK CFH 3457 299,1070,1108 5.3,5.9,6.^ 515 ddK 22// ad 3417 1108 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 1118,1167 6.3,5.8 20 P 22 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 165 Observed D.C. Plate Numbers. Res. End. F.K. B. D.C. Plate Numbers. HIM. End. F.K. R. Brightness. Brightness. 3458 1094 6.9,7.0 10 EH HO 3498 1167 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 3459 1117 6.9,6.9 00 INI FO 3499 1035,1069,1071 6.9,7.0,6.8 201 KHK IlOH d 3460 299,1070,1108 6.7,6.6,7.0 272 Ka H80 ad 3500 194, 299,1070 6.6,6.2,6.6 111 HKK Qua ad 1167 6.3 4 7 H 1118,1167 7.4,6.3 '22 HK OH 3461 1026 7.0,7.2 n HH 00 3501 299,1167 6.2,6.8 22 P OF 3462 1035 6.4,6.3 01 KK aa d 3502 1026 6.7,6.7 00 KK BH 3463 1167 7.1,7.0 10 HK OH 3503 194, 310,1093 6.3,6.4,6.7 on ft* 000 3464 194, 299,1070 5.9,5.4,5.6 100 atS nOF a 3504 1035 6.9,6.8 10 K 5n 1118,1167 6.2,5.6 70 rC FF 3505 300, 310,1093 5.9,6.5,6.3 021 *tf FOF 3465 194, 299,1070 5.7,5.0,5.3 121 uSf 022 1095 6.5 F 1108,1118,1167 6.5,5.6,5.4 850 ft-f H22 3506 300, 310,1093 5.4,5.6,5.8 110 jSe FOF ad 3466 194, 300, 310 5.^,5.1 .45 Gas OnO ad 1095,1099 6.0,6.5 11 ffc bH 1093,1108 5.3,5.5 22 SK Fff 3507 194, 300, 310 5.0,5.5,5.1 057 & F//0 a 3467 299,1070,1167 6.5,6.7,6.5 111 Kfr H02 ad 1093,1099 5.3,5.7 02 $ FH 3468 1026 7.2,7.2 00 HH 00 3508 194, 299,1070 6.5,5.9,6.6 023 tf 001 3469 299,1070,1167 6.6,7.1,6.7 122 KKH HHO 1118 7.0 a 3470 194,1070,1167 6.6,6.6,6.5 no KKy HUP ad 3509 1167 6.7,6.5 11 FK FH 3471 1035,1057,1069 6.6,6.8,6.7 412 KKH HHO ad 3510 1026 6.9,6.8 01 H 00 1071,1119,1229 6.9,7.1,6.9 370 KKK mm 3511 310 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH a 3472 194, 299,1070 6.0,5.7,6.0 101 K/3 H52 ad 3512 1167 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH r 1118,1167 6.7,6.0 11 Kd u2 3513 185,1035 6.7,6.4 22 HK Ou d 3473 299 6.4,6.5 01 IIII 00 3514 299,1070,1118 5.9,6.4,6.8 111 yda. OrO 3474 1026 6.8,6.7 10 fix OH 1167 6.2 d F 3475 1167 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH r 3515 299,1070,1167 6.5,7.1,7.0 221 ahK OOu 3476 1069,1071 6.5,6.4 n KK HH 3516 194 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 3477 1070,1167 7.1,6.7 '22 KK HH r 3517 194, 299,1070 5.2,5.3,5.5 522 r FFF ad 3478 1167 7.0,7.0 00 FK FH 1099,1118,1167 6.5,6.0,5.3 100 Kfo llOF 3479 194, 299,1118 6.6,6.6,7.3 220 KKH HHO d 3518 299,1070,1167 6.1,6.6,6.5 210 OOF 1167 6.4 2 g 3519 1035 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 3480 299,1167 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH r 3520 194 6.5,6.6 10 f 00 3481 1070,1167 7.4,7.2 11 KK n5 3521 300,1093 6.7,7.1 10 UK. HH d 3482 1026,1096 6.3,6.7 23 % FO 3522 165, 166, 185 5.6,5.9,5.4 015 ^8 210 r 3483 1094 6.8,7.0 n HK OH 341,1035,1069 5.9,4.7,4.8 757 $ HFF 3484 1093,1095 6.5,6.5 01 KK HH 1071 4.7 1 e F 3485 194, 299,1118 6.7,5.7,6.5 572 7& 00.7 3523 299,1070,1118 6.4,6.6,7.4 001 A* OpO 1167 5.9 1 c 2 1167 6.5 1 P 3486 299,1070,1167 6.9,6.9,6.6 205 K|3S HF2 d 3524 299,1167 7.1,7.2 10 KtX HO d 3487 300, 310,1026 6.0,6.3,6.6 102 ft** 502 3525 2242 6.4,6.3 07 KK BH 1094,1096,1117 6.0,6.3,6.3 KM m F5F 3526 194,1070,1070 6.8,7.7 52. KKK HHO d 3488 299,1070,1167 6.5,7.2,6.5 231 aaa 000 1167 6.9, a 3489 310 6.8,6.6 11 *$ 00 3527 194, 299,1070 6.6,6.2,7.0 224 K/3K nOn ad 3490 1167 6.9,6.8 10 GH FO 1167 6.6 K H 3491 194,1167 7.0,7.0 n HK OH d 3528 165, 185,1035 7.3,6.9,6.7 050 KKJ" linn 3492 299 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1071 6.7 4 H 3493 299,1070,1167 6.2,6.8,6.3 132 KKK HUH ad 3529 1071 7.0,7.4 22 KK HH a 3494 194, 299,1070 5.8,5.8,6.0 511 ft* HVl 3530 300,1093,1095 6.5,6.8,6.9 177 J'HK HFH 1107 6.0 1 1 1 3531 194 7.0,6.9 07 ha 00 r 3495 299,1070,1167 6.1,6.9,6.6 530 rtr H/fF 3532 1035 6.6,6.5 07 KK HH r 3496 1069 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 3533 1035 7.0,6.9 07 K OH 3497 299,1070,1167 6.2,6.8,6.5 221 KKK HHH 3534 1035,1071 6.7,7.0 54 KK HH d 166 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Observed Observed D. C. Plate Numbers. Bi ightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 3535 300, 310,1093 5.5,5.8,6.0 101 KKK HHH at 3567 194, 299,1070 6.0,5.6,6.4 333 KC0 HOP ad 1095 5.7 3 K ' H 1118,1167 7.0,6.2 21 Kd //F 3536 299,1070,1167 6.8,7.2,6.7 023 KKK HHH d 3568 194, 310,1093 6.7,6.9,7.1 001 /3rt 000 3537 300,1093,1095 5.7,6.0,5.8 203 KKK SHH a 3569 299,1167 5.8,6.2 11 KK HH dr 3538 300,1093,1095 5.9,6.2,6.2 201 KKK IIHH ad 3570 1070,1167 7.2,6.8 22 KK HH ad 3539 194,1093 7.3,7.4 .01 llH 00 3571 300 6.8,6.6 11 fitt 00 B 3540 1167 7.1,7.1 00 KH HO 3572 194, 310,1093 6.5,6.9,6.9 110 J'K OOH 3541 299 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 3573 1070,1167 7.1,6.8 12 KK HH d 3542 194, 299,1070 7.1,6.5,7.1 022 H>K OOH 3574 1035 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 1167 6.9 a II 3575 1070 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 3543 194, 310,1093 5.9,6.2,6.5 .702 7 OOF dr 3576 1035 7.0,6.9 01 HH 00 1099 6.9 G 3577 165, 185,1035 7.1,6.4,6.4 170 $ OlF 3544 300, 310,1093 5.8,6.0,6.0 20.7 dff FOF 1071 6.5 5 |3 1095,1099 6.^,6.4 23 r 01 3578 300, 310,1093 6.3,6.9,6.7 021 7 a P FOO 3545 194, 299,1070 6.4,5.7,5.7 302 uyS OOF 3579 1167 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 1118,1167 6.5,6.0 11 7 5 FF 3580 194, 299,1070 6.6,6.4,7.0 204 KKK HHH 3546 300,1095 6.8,7.2 11 f>'K OH d 1167 6.5 1 K H 3547 194, 299,1070 5.7,5.6,6.0 302 KKK HHH ad 3581 1229 7.0,7,3 12 KK HH 1099,1167 6.8,5.9 11 KK Hff 3582 194,1167 6.8,7.0 22 KH HO ad 3548 310,1094 6.7,6.7 11 K HO d 3583 299,1070,1167 6.8,7.0,6.9 00.7 KH HFF 3549 194, 310,1093 5.6,6.1,6.4 302 $3 OOF a 3584 194, 299,1167 6.7,6.7,6.8 221 HKK OHJS ad 1099 6.8 K H 3585 194 6.5,6.5 00 f'P 00 3550 194, 299,1118 6.7,6.0,6.5 413 <*7P 000 3586 1071,1096 6.3,5.8 54 KK HH a 1167 6.0 1 c F 3587 r 3551 1118,1167 7.2,6.8 12 KK HO 3588 194 7.2,6.9 21 KK HH r 3552 194 7.0,7.2 11 HH FO 3589 194, 299,1070 5.3,5.8,5.8 720 dee FHF ad 3553 299,1118,1167 6.4,7.3,6.4 111 Ky OHF d 1099,1118,1167 7.0,6.8,6.0 132 Kad a05 3554 194, 299,1070 6.3 6.5 2.2 KhK nOn ad 3590 1071 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 1167 6.4 1 K H 3591 1070 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3555 194, 299,1070 6.,5.9,6.3 4jfl H p7 002 3592 1096 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1118,1167 6.7,6.2 20 P 12 3593 194, 299,1070 6.1,6.2,7.0 6.75 rW OHH 3556 194, 299,1167 6.6,7.0,6.7 W KKK HHH d 1070,1167 6.6 .1 aK OH 3557 194, 299,1070 6.0,6.1 41. m FOO a 3594 1071 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 1070,1099,1167 6.3,7.2 11. pH 7 FOO 3595 194, 299, 299 5.8,6.2,6..? 621 (3KK FHH ad 1167 6.3 1 7 F 1070,1099,1118 6.4,7.2,7.2 2.73 SKK FHH 3558 165, 166, 185 5.6,5.9,5.5 012 tf7 022 1167 6.1 1 K H 1035,1071 5.M.7 11 d FF 3596 300,1095 6.4,6.8 11 r* FO 3559 194, 310,1093 5.6,6.1,6.7 305 KK tf!l5 ad 3597 194, 299,1118 7.1,6.9,7.5 130 KhH HOO ad 1099 6.7 1 K II 1167 6.6 2 ft F 3560 194, 299,1070 7.2,6.5,6.8 210 hfr OHF 3598 194, 299,1070 5.7,5.6,5.9 212 CrC OOF ad 1167 6.6 2 ji F 1099,1118,1167 6.6,6.5,5.9 212 KPI HVF 3561 299,1167 7.0,6.8 22 K HO 3599 194, 299,1070 6.8,6.5,7.0 /03 KKF HHF r 3562 299 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 1167 6.6 1 K H 3563 194, 299,1070 5.5,5.2,5.4 Oil dee FFF 3000 194 6.4,6.4 00 fr 00 1099,1118,1167 5.8,5.5 .22 Kfi HFF 3601 194 7.2,7.3 01 llH 00 3564 194,1167,1167 6.9 6.8 1.0 HHH 000 3602 299,1070,1167 6.4,6.9,6.5 .722 0aa OFF 3565 194, 310,1099 5.5,6.6,6.9 540 5 f 20F 3603 1035,1071 7.0,7.1 23 KK HR 1118,1167 6.6,5.9 11 /3a OF 3604 300 6.9,6.7 11 $ 00 3566 194, 299,1118 7.0,6.5,7.2 21.7 hKK OHH ad 3605 1035,1057 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 1167 6.5 1 K H 3606 299,1070,1167 7.0,7.0,6.8 202 HKK OHH ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 167 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Reg. End. F.K. K. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 3607 194, 299,1070 7.0,7.1,7.3 233 HKK OHH d 3644 194 6.5,6.5 00 00 1167 6.8 2 P F 3645 194,1070,1167 6.6,0.9,0.9 522 KKK H//H ad 3608 1167 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 3646 194 6.5,6.5 00 P* 00 r 3609 1035,1057,1069 6.5,6.7,6.8 420 KKF HHf 3647 300, 310,1094 6.4,0.9,6.7 Oil j'aa 50H 1071,1119,1229 6.8,7.0,6.9 3/1 KHK //On 1096,1105 7.0,6.6 22 no, OH 3610 299 4.0,4.3 21 18 FF a 3648 194, 311 6.6,0.7 22 K On d 3611 194, 299,1070 6.0,5.9,6.1 211 KKK HHII ar 3649 194,1070 7.1,7.0 11 HK On 1167 6.0 K H 3650 1070 7.0,7.2 11 KH HO 3612 1035,1057,1229 6.9,6.9,6.5 045 KKK iniir 3651 1035,1057,1069 6.5,0.2,6.5 211 ffl 2FF ad 3613 165, 166, 185 6.6,6.9,6.2 ioe fa 4n2 r 1071,1229 6.6,6.7 31 an 00 1035,1069,1069 6.0 6.3 1.3 8fia 25ff 3652 194 6.6,6.5 01 # 00 1071 6.0 3 7 2 3653 185,1035,1071 6.8,6.5,6.6 405 W OrO r '3614 1035 7.1,6.9 11 HK OH 3654 194, 299,1099 6.3,6.5,7.1 245 faH OHF 3615 300, 310,1093 5.3,6.0,5.8 141 KKK HHII at 3655 194, 299 7.0,0.7 01 KK HH ad 1095 5.3 5 K n 3656 194 6.7,6.7 00 aa 00 3616 300 6.9,6.8 10 $ 00 3657 194, 299 6.5,0.9 44 P* 00 r 3617 194 6.5,6.4 10 ay HH 3658 264, 300 21 Hf 02 3618 1035,1071 6.8,7.0 53 KK mi a 3659 1035,1071 6.5,6.8 54 KK HH a 3619 1094 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 3660 264,1095 5.9,6.2 11 KK HH a 3620 166, 185, 341 7.0,7.1,6.4 202 f> Oil r 3661 311 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 353,1035,1057 6.7,6.2,0.2 322 J7 OF,? 3662 194 6.4,6.5 01 KK //I! a 1069,1071,1119 6.3,6.2,6.6 020 n* FOO 3663 165, 166, 185 6.9,6.8,6.6 125 4> 000 r 1229 6.5 2 ? 275, 341, 353 7.0,6.3,5.8 414 m 010 3621 299,1167 7.0,7.0 11 KK HH a 446,1035,1057 6.0,6.0,6.0 022 3p IIFF 3623 1071 7.0,6.9 til HK OH 1064,1069,1071 5.5,6.0,6.0 612 Kf>Y HF2 3624 1035 7.1,7.1 00 H 00 1072,1112,1119 0.5,0.2,6.3 131 # H.70 3625 166,1035,1071 7.4,0^,5.8 202 *tf OFF r 1229 6.3 2 F 1096 P H 3664 1035,1057,1069 7.0,0.5,6.9 111 KKK HHH d 3626 194, 299,1167 6.5,6.2,6.3 010 >KK O/H/ d 1112 7.0 2 K H 3627 299,1070,1167 6.5,6.7,0.2 225 HttK OHH ad 3665 264, 264, 300 5.2,4.4 .21 TO IFF 3628 1035,1071 6.5,6.8 54 KK HH 312,1093,1095 6.3,5.0,4.7 204 r% /fFF 3629 299,1070 6.8,7.1 01 KK HH 1104 5.2 1 7 H 3630 194, 299, 311 B, B, S BBB 083 FF// ar 3666 194, 311 6.4,6.6 23 ah 00 1070,1099,1118 B, B, 4.0 BBR tjtjd FFF 3667 194,1099,1132 5.0,6.2,5.5 210 7*7 OHF ad 1167 B B C F 3068 165, 185, 275 6.7,6.6,6.5 111 K.8a 450 3631 299,1070 6.8,6.8 11 00 00 353,1035,1057 5.7,5.9,5.5 311 7 S 7 022 3632 300,1095 6.7,7.0 12 So. 8F d 1119,1229 6.4,5.8 21 P* 52 3633 194, 194, 299 5.^,5.5,5.1 122 n? 25// r 3C69 300,1096 6.4,6.9 01 fa OF 1099,1118,1167 5.8,5.7,5.2 411 w 557 3670 311 6.9,7.2 21 lui 00 3634 194,1099,1167 6.3,7.1,0.0 12-1 |3KH OHF ad 3671 300,1096 6.5,7.0 10 00 3635 1070,1167 7.1,0.0 32 KK HH 3672 300 6.8,6.7 01 $ 00 3636 3637 1070,1167 300,1093,1095 7.4,0.9 6.1,6.8,6.4 25 025 KK 7 K P HH OnO ad 3673 3674 194, 311,1099 4.4,4.6,5.5 321 dee vOl ar r 3638 194,1070,1167 6.8,0.7,0.* 101 K>K IIFff d 1132 5.4 3 P F 3639 194,1070,1167 6.6,0.5,0.0 220 KKF JIJfF 3675 2242 7.1,7.1 00 111! 00 3640 194, 299,1070 6.5,6.8,7.2 524 CCKK HUH 3676 311 7.1,7.0 01 HH 00 r 3641 1167 0.5,0.7 n KK H/r at 3677 353,1035,1057 6.9,6.3,0.5 353 HKK 0//H ad 3642 194, 299, 311 6.5,5.9,0.4 in KK 0//H ad 1069,1071,1119 6.4,6.3,6.8 no KKH anO 1070,1118,1167 6.4,6.8,6.0 112 W TFHH 1229 6.5 K H 3643 1070 7.4,7.3 01 HH 00 r 3678 1069 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 168 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.O. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Bee. End. F.K. 11. 3679 300 7.0,6.9 01 J 00 1072,1112,1119 5.5,5.5,5.7 212 KKK HUB 3680 311 7.1,7.0 01 KK IIH 1229 5.7 1 K H 3681 311 6.9,7.0 01 Illl 00 3716 166, 185,1035 6.8,7.0,6.5 213 fifiP OOF 3682 165, 185,1035 6.9,6.6,6.5 151 KKK HHH ad 1071 5.8 8 F 1069,1071,1097 6.5,6.2,6.* 222 fr* HUH 3717 1071 7.2,7.4 11 KK HH 1119,1229 6.6,6.5 02 K HH 3718 185,1035,1071 7.0,6.7,7.0 5/6 Kaa II HO ad 3G83 185,1035 7.4,6.9 n KK HH 3719 1071 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 3684 194 6.7,6.9 n Kf- BO 3720 1132 7.1,7.1 00 IIH 00 3685 194, 264,1099 6.3,6.8,7.2 131 KKH /mO dr 3721 1035 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 1132 . H 3722 1071 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH 3686 300 6.8,6.8 00 8a 10 3723 1071 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 3687 300 6.9,6.8 10 MK OH 3724 1069,1071 6.9,6.9 21 KK an 3688 1071 7.0,7.1 01 HK OH 3725 194, 311,1099 6.2,6.5,6.9 2\4 IvllK nOii nd 3689 264, 300,1095 6.4,6.0,6.8 2/1 (tfft 035 1132,1132 7.0,7.0 22 KK HH 1105 6.8 3 H 3726 311 6.3,6.5 11 KK HH a 3690 194, 311,1132 6.8,6.0,6.9 320 KK HHF ad 3727 194, 311, 342. 5.1,5.1,5.9 502 #P FF! r 3691 194, 264,1099 5.7,6.6,6.6 333 rP 2n5 1099,1106,1132 6.4,7.0,5.8 110 J'HJ- 50p 1104 6.7 1 a 3728 185,1035,1071 6.8,6.6,6.5 4U aafi 000 3692 311 7.0,7.0 00 fSK OH 3729 311 6.9,7.2 21 KK HH a 3693 300,1104 6.4,7.0 11 KK HH a 3730 300,1096 6.7,7.1 00 (la 00 3694 311 6.8,6.7 10 77 00 3731 300 7.1,7.0 10 aa 00 3695 311, 311 6.0,6.1 01 KK HH 3732 194,1099,1132 6.5,7.1,6.3 305 Hay OOF 3696 311,1132 6.2,7.1 11 KH nO 3733 264, 300,1096 5.6,5.4,5.7 210 See FFF a 3097 264, 300,1095 7.0,6.7,6.8 025 |3a 000 r 1105 5.9 2 7 F 3698 185,1035,1071 6.9,6.7,6.8 505 a/fa OF5 3734 264, 300, 312 4.0 B, 4.8 KBR at 2r2 r 3699 194, 311,1132 6.6 7.0 0.0 KHK nOn 1095,1099,1104 B B B.B KJ F5F 3700 1071 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 3735 311,1132 6.3,6.8 11 KK HH a 3701 1035,1071 6.5,6.6 11 KK HH a 3736 311 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 3702 194, 311, 342 5.3,5.3,5.9 140 W FFF a 3737 264, 300,1095 6.6,5.9,6.3 311 W OOF 1099,1132 6.0,5.3 13 Ss FF 1104 6.5 1 3703 194, 311, 342 4.8,4.7,5.9 430 Sea FFF d 3738 1071 6.9,7.0 19 aK On 1099,1106.1132 6.2,7.0,5.5 131 J'K FHF 3739 300,1096,1105 6.4,6.4,6.8 151 llKK OlIH ad 3704 311 6.9,7.2 21 nh 00 3740 194, 311,1099 5.5,5.4,6.7 5/0 KKK HHH ad 3705 1071 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1132 6.4 2 K H 3706 185,1035,1071 6.9,6.6,6.5 5/5 llKK IHH d 3741 1071 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 3707 194, 311,1099 5.5 6.3 0.1 SH/ TOO 3742 311,1132 6.5,7.0 11 KF II F 1132 6.0 1 p F 3743 1035 6.8,7.0 11 (te 00 3708 165, 185,1035 7.1,6.9,6.5 141 HKK OHH a 3744 311 7.2,7.2 00 IIH 00 1071,1119,1229 6.7,6.5,6.6 551 KKK HHH 3745 311 6.7,6.8 01 HK OH 3709 300 6.8,6.7 01 K HH 3746 264, 300,1095 6.5,6.0,6.5 001 77? 000 3710 1035,1057,1071 6.7,6.9,6.9 411 KKH HHO 1104 6.7 1 a 1229 7.0 K H 3747 311 7.1,7.1 00 IIH 00 3711 264, 300,1095 6.3,5.6,6.0 311 flK/:f 020 3748 311 6.8,6.9 70 KK HH 1104 6.1 2 F 3749 311 6.4,6.5 10 tf 00 3712 311 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH a 3750 311 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 3714 1069 7.0,7.3 1'2 K OH 3751 194, 311,1132 6.2,5.8,6.7 on KKK HHH a 3715 165, 166, 185 6.5, R, 6.2 2n2 KJ-K iiOn at 3752 1057,1229 6.5,7.0 11 KH IlO d 275, 341, 353 6.6,5.6,5.2 555 KKK HHH 3753 194, 311,1132 6.7,5.8,7.2 243 ttJ'H OrO 446,1035,1057 5.6,5.5,5.6 123 KKK HUH 3754 264,1104 6.6,6.8 10 * 50 1064,1069,1071 5.7,5.6,5.3 100 KKK HUB 3755 311 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 169 D. C. Plato Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. K. R. 3756 1071 7.0,6.9 01 # 00 3793 1063,1096,1105 6.0,7.0,6.7 230 KKK HHH 3757 311, 311,1132 6.6,6.2,7.2 221 KKF HHF a 3794 311 6.6,6.8 11 KK HH a 3758 1063 6.8,6.5 12 KK Hll 3795 165, 166, 185 6.4,5.9,5.9 452 Pr HOO a 3759 311 6.4,6.3 10 ft 00 353,1035,1071 5.7,5.2,4.4 326 W HFO 3760 311,1132 5.9,7.0 22 J'K OH d 1097,1119,1229 5.7,5,8,5.2 121 ape 22F 3761 194, 342,1099 5.0,5.6,5.7 210 H l OFF a 3796 -311 7.1,7.2 01 hH 00 1132 5.1 1 e F 3797 311, 342, 398 B, B, B BSD IKK TlH at 3762 2242 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1099,1132 B, B BB Or, FF 3763 264, 300,1104 6.6,6.6,7.0 231 p8a 002 3798 311, 342, 398 6.0,6.7,6.1 122 J-KK OHH ac 3764 1105 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1132 6.4 2 p 2 3765 194, 311,1099 6.4,5.9,7.0 201 ana OHO ac 3799 311 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 1132 6.7 1 a 3800 311, 311, 342 5.7,5.7,6.6 001 j'dp OrO a 3766 1063,1071 6.7,7.0 n KK Hll 398,1099,1132 5.8,7.3,6.3 141 p'nj' 002 3767 311 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH a 3801 264,1104 6.6,6.9 00 K OH ac 3768 1063 6.7,6.7 00 pK FH 3804 311, 398,1132 5.8,6.2,6.5 131 8 Y7 FHF 3769 311 7.0,6.7 12 KK HH 3805 311 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 3770 1035 7.0,6.9 01 net 00 3806 311,1132 6.5,6.9 21 KF HP d 3771 264, 300,1095 6.0,5.7,6.3 111 17 a 2rO 3807 311, 342, 398 5.5,6.5,5.9 222 epd FFO 1104 6.2 2 1 2 1099,1132 7.1,6.2 22 Hd OF 3772 311,1132 6.3,6.9 01 hit FH d 3808 r 3773 311 6.7,6.8 01 00 3809 311 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH r 3774 1035 6.8,6.8 KK HH 3810 311, 398,1099 5.7,6.1,6.9 222 KKK HHH ac 3775 311 7.2,7.3 10 hH 00 1132 6.7 1 K H 3776 311 6.6,6.5 10 KK HH 3811 311 7.0,6.9 10 hH 00 3777 1035,1064,1069 6.7,6.8,6.8 220 p'lvrt OlIF ad 3812 311, 311, 398 6.1,6.5 .22 KKK HHH ar 1071,1072,1112 6.6,6.9,6.8 102 piHH FOO 1132 7.0 K H 1229 7.0 2 It H 3812a 311 6.5,6.2 01 HK On r 3778 166, 185,1035 R, 5.8,5.5 n43 rfr 015 r 3813 165, 166, 353 6.0,5.8,5.4 151 7*7 100 1071 5.2 1 B 1035,1071,1097 4.9,4.8,5.8 413 eOd FFF 3779 264, 300,1095 6.3,6.7 54. $?H 000 1119,1229 5.7,5.1 21 88 FF 1105 6.7 fj II 3814 1063 6.7,6.7 00 KK Hll a 3780 311 6.7,6.7 00 ha 00 3815 1062 6.7,6.6 10 Kft 7/0 3781 264, 300,1095 5.7,5.5,5.4 252 KKK n2n ad 3816 1062 6.6,6.6 00 KK IIH 1104 5.4 4 K H 3817 1062 6.4,6.6 11 11 FO 3782 1071 6.3,6.1 11 KK HH 3818 1062 6.5,7.0 11 CCf> FH 3783 264, 398,1099 6.5,6.4,6.7 054 KKK HUH a 3819 311 6.8,7.0 11 H 00 r 1104 6.7 1 K H 3820 398,1132 6.3,6.8 11 KK H7/ ad 3784 311,1132 5.8,6.7 11 (411 HH ad 3821 311 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 3785 1063 6.5,6.5 00 j'fj FO 3822 1063,1096 5.9,6.5 22 KK HH .a 3786 1064,1071,1112 7.0,7.0,7.0 521 KKK HHH ad 3823 311, 398,1132 6.3,6.1,6.9 110 HKK OHH ad 1229 7.1 K H 3824 1063 6.9,6.9 00 HK FH 3787 1063 6.8,7.0 11 ha FO 3825 264, 398,1062 6.1,6.0,6.5 524 J7 FOn 3788 1063 6.6,6.7 10 HK FH 1104 6.4 5 P 3789 264,1063,1096 6.7,5.6,6.4 250 KKK HJ3H a 3826 166,1071,1229 6.6,6.4,6.4 641 KK H2ff ad 1105 6.5 1 K H 3827 398,1132 6.2,6.5 22 Pa OF 3790 264, 398,1099 4.9,4.7,5.3 042 KKK mm a 3828 311, 311, 342 5.7,5.7,6.6 001 77? OrO a 1104 5.0 2 K B 398,1132 5.8,6.2 12 j'jS FF 3791 3792 166,1063,1071 7.3,5.8,6.0 110 KKK nun at 3829 3830 398 1063 7.0,7.2 7.0,7.1 11 10 hh KK 00 HH a 1096 6.6 2 a H 3831 311, 398 7.0,6.5 32 IK OH d 170 ANNALS OF HARVAKD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 3832 1063 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 1106,1132,1132 7.0 .2. baa 000 3833 1071 7.0J.1 01 Kit HH a 3873 1063 6.6,6.7 10 tf SH 3834 166, 185, 353 6.5,6.8,6.0 2-11 KKK aim ad 3874 264,1063,1063 6.5,5.9 00. 577 OFF 446,1035,1064 5.7,5.8,5.7 013 KKK KHB 1105 6.4 1069,1071,1072 5.*,5.5,5.7 002 KKK JiHH 3875 1063 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH a 1112,1119,1229 5.0,6.3,5.7 0'21 KKK BHZf 3876 1062,1104 6.1,6.9 00 KH HF ad 3835 1063 6.9,6.6 U KK HH 3877 311,398 6.8,6.8 .00 aK OH 3836 311 6.1,6.2 01 K BH 3878 311, 342, 398 5.4,6.1,5.5 122 Kay Hl\5 ad 3837 1063 6.3,6.6 21 KK HH a 1100,1106,1132 6.0,7.0,5.8 112 J'H<5 FOF 3838 264, 332,1062 6.0,6.1,5.5 101 fl 1HF 3879 311 6.6,6.6 00 aa 00 r 1104 6.2 d 2 3880 311, 398,1100 6.5,5.7,6.5 620 ft* OSH 3839 264 7.1,6.8 11 HK OH ad 1132 6.4 2 7 5 3840 311, 398,1132 6.7,6.3,7.0 311 KKH HHO ad 3881 1063 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH 3841 1063,1105 6.7,7.0 11 5h 50 3882 311, 311, 398 5.8,5.9,6.0 101 KKK HHH ad 3842 1062 6.5,6.6 10 w HO 1100,1132 6.6,6.6 10 KF HF 3843 311 6.5,6.8 21 KK HH r 3883 1062 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 3844 1062 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 3884 398 6.8,6.8 00 Kit nO 3845 311, 398,1132 6.3,6.4,7.1 .700 ft* OOH 3885 311,1132 6.3,7.1 01 KH HO r 3846 311 6.7,6.9 11 KH HO r 3886 311,1132 6.0,6.7 00 KK HH ad 3847 1063,1105 6.1,7.0 22 KK HH a 3887 1035,1071,1097 6J,6.8,6.8 560 KKH J3HO 3848 264, 312, 312 4.5 5.6 2.2 efy 205 1119 6.5 5 K H 332,1062,1105 5.1,4.6,4.3 245 C0e 022 3888 1062 7.0,7.0 00 HK FH 3849 1035 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 3889 311 6.8,6,8 00 KB 00 a 3850 264,1063,1105 6.8,6.4,7.2 03 KKK SHH d 3890 1071 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 3851 311, 398,1100 6.4,6.5,7J Oil J'KK OFH a 3891 1062 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 1132 6.9 2 a 3892 311, 398,1100 6.6,6.3,7.0 '210 Ka HHO 3852 311 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1132 7.0 1 a 3853 311 6.0,6.1 10 c.u HH r 3893 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 3854 398 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 3894 264, 312, 332 5.8,6.5,5.8 220 *ft 000 3855 1063 6.6,6.6 00 $ 25 1063,1105 5.0,5.3 02 17 F2 3856 1063 6.5,6.5 00 77 FO 3895 1062 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 3857 264,1063,1105 6.3,6.1,6.6 511 dj'H OrO 3896 311, 398,1100 6.5,6.5,6.6 025 n\\it HHH 3858 1063 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 1132 7.0 h 3859 311, 342, 398 6.3,7.1,6.2 no KbK nOn ad 3897 1064,1112 7.0,7.0 22 KK HH d 1100,1132 6.9,6.8 u KK HH 3898 1064,1071,1072 6.5,6.5,6.* 50.7 KKK HHH ad 3860 1063 6.5,6.7 n ? FO 1112,1119,1229 6.^,7.2,7.0 212 KKK HHH 3861 1062 6.1,6.4 n 77 FF 3899 1035,1071 6.9,6.9 22 KK HH 3862 1063,1063 6.7,6.8 .01 KK HH 3900 1063 6.9,6.9 00 KH HF d 3863 264,1105 6.9,7.0 n HK Oa d 3901 1062 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH a 3864 311 6.6,6.8 n HK OH r 3902 398,1100,1132 5.8,6.4,6.6 001 ft' OFF a 3865 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 3903 1062 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 3866 1062 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 3904 311, 342, 398 5.7,6.6,5.5 101 KK HHH at 3857 166, 353,1071 6.3,5.8,5.6 502 KKK BHH ad 1100,1132 6.2,6.4 01 pc HH 1097,1119,1229 5.0,6.1,5.8 111 KKK SHH 3905 311,1132 6.2,6.9 00 KK HH 3868 1062 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 3906 311, 342, 398 5.8,6.5,6.1 053 KKK HHH ad 3869 1063 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 1100,1132 6.4,6.5 00 K HF 3870 1062 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH a 3907 311, 342, 398 4.8,6.3,5.1 231 yxf FHF 3871 264, 398,1100 5.8,5.2,5.8 000 777 882 1100,1132 5.4,5.6 21 d8 F2 1104 6.0 1 ft 5 3908 1063 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 3872 311, 398,1100 6.1,6.2,6.5 012 KH OHF 3909 398,1100 6.6,7.0 11 aK HH d THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 171 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 3910 185,1035,1071 7.1,6.9,7.0 505 KKK HUH d 3955 1062 6.4,6.7 21 aa FO 1119,1229 7.0,7.0 12 HK On 3956 1062 6.9,6.9 00 HK FH 3911 1063 6.7,6.7 00 UK OH 3957 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK II H 3912 1062 6.9,6.9 00 K Ftf 3958 1062 7.0,7.0 00 ace OH 3913 1062 6.4,6.5 01 KK Hit a 3959 398,1132 6.7,7.3 01 KH nO 3914 1071 6.9,6.9 00 aa 00 3960 1062,1104 5.8,6.9 2\ KK HH d 3915 1063 6.0,6.1 10 te 2f? 3961 1062 6.9,6.8 10 CEH 00 r 3916 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3962 398 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 3917 311 7.1,6.7 22 KK HH 3963 398 6.6,6.9 n HK OH 3918 1063 6.4,6.6 11 KK HH 3964 398 6.7,7.0 21 KK HH ab 3919 264,1062,1062 7.3,6.7 01. llKK OHH ad 3965 398 6.5,6.7 11 KK na 3920 ar 3966 1063 6.8,7.0 n KK Ha 3921 1063 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH r 3967 398 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH r 3922 1063 6.7,6.9 n KK HH 3968 311, 342,1132 6.0,6.0,6.8 on K HUO 3923 398 6.4,6.6 n aa 88 3969 1062 6.3,6.4 70 KK aa 3924 1035,1064,1071 6.7,6.5,6.9 333 ,-JK OnO d 3970 1063 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH a 1112,1229 7.0,7.0 31 KH HO 3971 1062 7.0,7.1 01 KK an 3925 1063,1071 6.0,6.5 22 ft FF a 3972 332,1063,1071 6.6,5.9,6.5 214: pdu IF# 3926 264,1062,1062 6.6,6.5,6.0 132 fr OFF d 3973 264,1063,1105 6.8,5.8,6.8 041 fK OF/? ad 1104 6.8 2 K // 1111 6.7 4 K H 3927 1100,1132 7.1,6.9 21 I* HO 3974 311 6.2,6.0 11 KK BH r 3928 1063 7.0,7.3 n KK HK 3975 166, 185, 353 7.0,6.9,6.4 SSI Haa OHH r 3929 311,1132 6.1,6.9 01 KH II F 446,1035,1064 6.4,6.3,6.2 124 Kya H81 3930 1063 6.7,6.9 n mi FO 1069,1071,1072 6.5,6.4,6.6 131 ajb'K HHH 3931 311 6.3,6.4 01 HO r 1112,1119,1229 6.3,6.7,6.6 102 p'aa J?08 3932 140,2242 6.4,5.8 00 HK OH at 3976 398,1100,1132 5.9,6.6,6.5 201 flfc SVH a 3933 342, 398,1100 7.4,6.3,7.1 on hp'K OOn d 3977 398, 398,1100 5.0,6.5 .34 CH OFF ar 1132 7.0 i ji 1100,1132 5.6,6.0 50 ft FF 3934 1063,1071 6.6,7.0 n UK lH d 3978 1062 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH a 3935 311, 342,1132 5.8,6.8,6.8 in (>K.H FHF 3979 398,1100 6.5,6.9 11 KK BH ad 3936 1071 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 3980 264, 312, 332 6.7,6.3,5.7 965 KKK KHB at 3937 1062 6.5,6.6 10 rt FO 1062,1104 5.2,6.1 10 KK BH 3938 398 6.5,6.8 21 ft 00 3981 1062 6.7,6.7 00 10 FF 3939 311, 342,1106 B 5.4 B.E K(fa HOP at 3982 398 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1132 B B s F 3983 1062 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 3940 1063 7.0,7.2 11 KK RH a 3984 311, 333, 398 4.2,5.2 15. (3C FFF at 3941 1063 7.0,7.1 10 KK aa 1100,1106,1132 6,5.9,4.3 106 yKK 2HH 3942 1062 6.5,6.4 10 KK HH a 3985 1062 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 3943 1062 7.0,7.3 21 Kcc HO 3986 398,1100 6.1,7.2 S3 <3H OF 3944 1062 6.8,6.7 01 j rO 3987 398 6.8,6.9 10 HH 00 3945 1062 6.8,6.9 01 H FO 3988 398,1100 6.4,7.1 10 ah HF 3946 398 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 3989 333, 342, 398 5.5,6.0,4.6 031 <7V 000 3947 398 6.8,7.0 .n KK HH 1100,1132 5.0,5.5 SI fd FF 3948 1063 6.8,6.8 00 HK OH 3990 1063 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 3949 398,1100 6.6,7.1 10 KK HH a 3991 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 3950 398 6.6,6.7 10 KK mi 3992 332,1062,1104 6.5,5.9,6.9 102 afla OrO r 3951 398,1100,1132 5.9,6.5,7.0 113 ffaK 5F5 3993 1062 6.1,6.3 n KK HH 3952 311, 398,1100 6.9,6.6,7.2 211 HKK OHH d 3994 1062 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 3953 1062 6.8,6.9 01 9* FF 3995 1062 7.1,7.0 10 KK Her 3954 398 6.8,7.0 n KK HB 3996 398 6.7,6.9 n HK OH 172 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 3997 1062 6.5,6.6 10 # FF 4043 1063,1111 6.5,7.1 23 KK HH ad 3998 1064,1229 6.8,7.1 52 HK OH d 4044 1063 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIH 3999 1063 6.7,6.7 00 KK an 4045 1062 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 4000 1062 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 4046 1062,1110 5.9,6.8 52 fiK HH 4001 1062,1104 6.0,7.2 22 Su FO 4047 333, 398,1100 6.3,5.9,6.7 202 KKjS HHH ad 4002 398 6.5,6.7 11 an OF 1228 6.5 2 K H 4003 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK 77 H 4048 165, 166, 185 6.2 6.1 1.1 m 000 4004 1062 6.9,6.9 00 KII HO 353, 446, 458, 5.1 _ 5.8 4.1 tny 000 4005 1063 6.8,6.8 00 KK an a 1035 1057,1071 5.5,5.5 02. W F//F 4006 1063 6.8,6.8 00 KH iiO 1119,1229 5.8,5.3 11 dd OF 4007 333, 398,1100 6.4,5.9,6.9 213 K<5n 7700 ad 4049 1063 6.5,6.6 01 7/0 4008 333, 398,1100 6.0,5.7,6.4 501 KKK HHH ad 4050 333, 398,1100 6.3,6.0,7.0 504 iSa 000 1228 6.5 K H 1228 6.7 1 f* F 4009 333, 398 7.0,6.5 10 KK HH dr 4051 1062 6.5,6.4 10 77 FF 4010 1064,1071,1119 6.8,6.9,6.9 242 KFF HFF 4052 1062 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH a 1229 6.9 1 H 4053 1062 6.5,6.5 00 fr FO 4011 1063 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4054 333 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 4012 333 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 4055 333, 398,1100 5.3,4.3,5.3 222 & FFF 4013 1063,1111 6.3,6.9 23 J'K F77 ad 1228 5.1 2 8 F 4014 398,1062 6.3,6.* 22 KK HH ad 4056 1063 6.4,6.6 11 an 50 4015 1062 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 4057 333 68,6.8 00 HH 00 4016 398 6.7,6.8 01 IIH 00 4058 1062 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIH 4017 398 6.7,6.9 11 H 00 4059 1071,1097,1119 6.6,6.6,6.5 425 KKK 11 HH a 4018 1036,1100 6.9,6.9 11 KK 7/H dr 1229 6.5 K H 4019 1071,1119 7.0,7.2 22 llK OH d 4060 1062 7.0,6.6 22 KK HH a 4020 1063 6.8,6.6 11 KH 7/0 4061 333, 398,1036 6.3,6.4,6.9 430 K|SK HOS d 4021 1062 7.0,6.9 01 KK HZ 1100 6.8 1 H F 4022 1064,1071 7.0,7.0 52 KK HH 4062 1062 6.6,6.5 01 ff FF 4023 1062 6.8,6.8 00 at FO 4063 1035,1064,1071 6.9,6.9,6.9 723 KKK //HH ad 4024 1062 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH 1112,1119 6.9,7.1 '21 KK HH 4025 1063 6.8,6.7 10 KK 7/H 4064 1062 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH r 4026 333,1036,1228 4.5,^.0,4.5 341 KKK BBB ad 4065 333,1228 6.5,7.0 21 KK HH dr 4027 333, 398 6.5,6.4 23 K FH dr 4067 343,1063,1105 6.5,5.8,6.7 722 KKK 117/77 a 4028 1228 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH r 1111 6.3 2 K 77 4029 1063,1111 6.0,6.8 54 KF //F a 4068 1063 7.0,6.8 11 KK 77H 4030 1063,1111 6.2,7.1 4* M FO 4069 1062 6.4,6.4 (JO 77 FF 4031 1062 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 4070 446,1035,1064 6.3 6.1 0.5 m 000 4032 1062,1110,1153 5.8,6.6,6.6 22 1 KKK HHH ad 1071,1072,1097 6.3,6.4,6.9 in tf*- OOH 4033 333, 398,1228 6.7,6.5,7.1 220 KKK HHH d 1112,1119,1229 6.4,6.7,6.6 202 yaa 020 4034 1063,1071 6.2,6.8 52 J' FO 4071 1063 6.9,6.9 00 HK 077 4035 1062 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 4072 398,1100 6.5,7.1 00 KF 77 F a 4036 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK 7/H r 4073 333, 398,1228 7.0,6.8,7.1 732 KKK HHH d 4037 343,1062,1110 6.6,6.0,6.3 10.7 W OF r 4074 333,1228 6.7,7.1 11 KK HH dr 4038 333, 398,1100 6.3,6.1,7.0 514 KKK HHH 4075 1063 6.4,6.5 10 KK HH a 1228 6.6 2 K H 4076 1062 6.7,6.6 10 r FF 4039 333 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 4077 1062 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 4040 1063 6.4,6.5 10 KK HH ar 4078 333, 398,1100 6.2,6.0,6.8 513 KKK HHH 4041 333,1228 6.3,6.8 21 UK FH r K28 6.6 1 K H . 4042 1035,1064,1112 6.8,6.7,6.9 .753 KKH 777/0 4079 1063 6.9,6.8 07 KK //LI a 1119,1229 7.0,6.9 11 HK On 4080 1062 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 173 B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 4081 165, 185, 353 6.6,6.5,5.4 204 IIKH OHO at 4115 1062 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH a 458,1035,1057 6.0,6.0,5.7 223 KKK HHH 4116 312, 332, 343 5.7,5.3,5.0 410 Kp> anil ad 1065,1119,1229 5.2,6.0,5.7 200 KKK HUH 1062,1110,1153 4.8,5.1,5.0 322 #K H8H 4082 1035,1071 6.9,7.0 32 FK FJ7 4117 333, 398,1228 6.4,6.9,7.0 56.7 KKK HUH a 4083 4084 333,1036,1228 1063 5.9,6.1,6.3 6.9,6.9 111 00 K^K an HFH OH ad 4118 4119 1064,1071,1072 6.5,6.5,6.8 410 Kf'-ll aaO dr r 4085 1062 6.8,6.8 00 Kit HH 1097,1112,1119 7.1,6.6,6.8 112 KKK HHH 4086 1062 6.6,6.7 01 0r FF 1229 6.9 2 K H 4087 333,1036,1228 5.5,5.3,5.6 221 Ki F 4161 1063 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4200 1062 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH a 4162 333, 333,1036 5.9,6.2 .21 /fe/J OXF ad 4201 1062 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 1100,1228,1228 6.3,6.5,6.2 221 iW F02 4202 1062 7.1,7.2 .70 KK HH 4163 1064 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4203 415,1063,1111 6.0,5.7,6.3 3.74 KKK HHH a 4164 1062 6.7,6.8 10 an FO 1156 6.3 1 K H 4165 343,1062,1110 6.5,6.2,6.6 20 KK HHH ad 4204 1064,1071,1097 6.9,6.0,6.9 142 KKH HHO 1153 7.0 1 K H 1119,1229 6.9,6.9 21 K H5 4166 1063,1111 6.3,6.6 11 Hi 4205 1062 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4167 343,1100,1110 6.3,6.9,6.6 331 HH OOF ad 4206 333,1228 5.7,6.0 01 88 a 4168 1071,1112 6.9,7.0 00 H 00 4207 343, 415,1062 5.6,5.4,5.0 100 j'aS HHH 4169 1062 6.9,6.7 11 na FH 1111,1153 5.3,5.2 35 Sd 88 4170 312, 332, 343 6.0,5.7,4.9 333 #b OOF r 4208 333,1100,1228 6.5,6.9,6.9 220 KICK HHH ad 415,1063,1111 5.2,4.9,4.8 131 dde FFF 4209 333,1228 6.4,6.5 10 KF HF ad 1156 5.1 1 8 F 4210 333,1036,1228 6.2,6.6,6.4 111 KKH HHF 4171 446,1064 6.8,6.6 23 Krt Hff 4211 1064,1112 7.0,7.0 22 KH HO d 4172 333, 343,1100 6.1,6.5,6.3 412 had FOF 4212 1229 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1110 6.4 7 2 4213 1063 6.6,6.6 00 KK FH 4173 1062 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 4214 343, 415,1062 5.5,6.4,5.5 461 j35 F5F 4174 343, 415,1062 5.3,6.0,5.4 442 KKK BHB ad 1110,1153 5.5,6.2 31 tf 0P 1110,1153 5.3,6.1 32 KK HH 4215 1063,1156 6.3,6.9 11 K FX d 4175 1063 6.8,6.8 00 H HO 4216 343,1110 6.8,6.6 10 ay 00 4176 1062 6.5,6.5 00 VH 4217 333,1228 6.6,7.0 11 KK HH d 4177 1062 6.7,6.6 10 KK Hll 4218 1063 6.3,6.5 11 7 HO 4178 333,1100,1228 6.0,6.7,6.4 311 tKf FHF d 4219 1063 7.0,6.9 10 KH xO 4179 333,1036,1228 6.5,7.0,6.8 120 KK|3 HHH ad 4220 1036 7.1,6.9 11 H0 00 a 4180 333,1100 6.4,6.' OFO 4267 343, 415,1063 6.5,6.2,64 134 fat OHH 1156,1173 5.5,5.6 14 17 VH 1111,1156 6.2,6.5 11 fa. 50 4309 344,1101,1228 6.6,5.8,6.1 210 KKK HHH a 4268 1228 7.0,7.0 00 KK BH 4310 1064,1112,1229 6.5,6.8,7.0 522 Hp'K OHH d 4269 415,1063,1156 6.5,6.0,6.8 113 KK H/H r 4312 1064,1112,1119 6.7,7.0,7.2 430 KKK HHH d 4270 1064,1112 6.9,7.0 23 K II [I d 4313 343, 415,1110 6.4,6.0,6.3 121 KKK HHH a 4271 1110 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH a 1153,1155 6.5,6.4 00 KK HH 4272 333,1101,1228 6.3,7.0,6.6 342 KKK HHH r 4314 1112 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4273 333,1036,1228 6.2,6.3 .10 KyK HFH ad 4315 1064,1072,1112 6.6,6.9,6.5 221 KKK .ZTHH ar 4274 1063 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 4316 167, 353, 446 7.2,6.7,6.5 111 KHK OOH r 4275 1228 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH r 1064,1072,1097 6.5,6.7,6.8 210 KKH HHO 4276 r 1112,1119,1229 6.6,6.7,6.7 312 ($KH fraO 4277 1111 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 4317 167, 446,1064 7.3,6.5,6.5 103 H* 000 r 176 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. 0. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Ees. End. F.K. R. 1072,1097,1112 6.7,6.9,6.4 000 0H|3 OOn 4352 1173 7.1,7.1 00 KH IlO c 1119,1229 6.9,6.9 03 [IK OH 4353 445,1111,1173 6.4,6.9,6.4 231 p'tttt IlOF 4318 1064,1112 7.0,7.0 22 KK HH d 4354 416,1120 6.8,6.5 33 KK HH a 4319 415,1110,1153 5.2,5.8,5.6 241 KKK HBB ad 4355 416 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 1155 5.4 2 K H 4356 1101 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 4320 1065 6.7,6.7 00 UK OJT 4357 416,1120 5.9,6.2 12 KK HH ad 4321 1101 7.0,7.1 10 KK HK a 4358 1064,1112 7.0,7.1 32 KK II II 4322 343, 415, 445 4.4,4.0, a RRB KKK BBB at 4359 1064,1112 6.9,7.1 S3 KK HII ad 1110,1153,1155 BBB BBB J'KK BBB 4360 458, 495,1057 6.8,6.5,6.5 223 iiaa OOF 4323 1155 6.9,7.0 10 500 4431 446,1064,1072 6.7,6.5,6.8 251 KttK H8H 353, 435, 458 5.3,5.4,5.8 4%3 *tf 212 1097,1112 0.^,6.6 11 Ktt H5 495,1057,1065 5.8,5.<9,5.2 051 jf 20 F 4432 445,1173 6.7,6.6 00 H0 00 a 1074,1116,1119 5.9 5.5 Q.4 W F02 4433 140,2242 6.5,5.9 00 tf 55 1229,1233,1255 5.3,5.5 31. 7J 'h 22r 4434 1194 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 4393 167, 446,1064 6.8,6.4,6.1 8-24 $ OOF 4435 1172 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1072,1097,1112 6.5,6.4,6.3 121 &' 05p 4436 1064 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 1119,1229 6.5,0.4 11 ('.!'. Ou 4437 1172 7.2,7.1 10 00 r 4394 416,1101 6.7,6.8 11 KK HH 4438 1172 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 4395 416,1101 7.0,7.3 00 KK HII 4439 1194 7.0,7.3 11 KK HH 4396 446,1064,1112 6.7,6.7,6.8 052 OKO, uaO ad 4440 424, 445,1155 6.3,6.0,6.8 520 fr K OFH ad 4397 1064,1064,1112 6.9 7.2 4.3 KHK nOn d 1172 6.2 1 F 1112 K H 4441 1112 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH 4398 1064,1072,1097 6.5,6.8,6.7 211 KKK HHH ad 4442 1064,1112 7.0,7.2 01 KK HH 1112,1119,1229 6.5,6.6,6.6 221 KKK HHH 4443 401, 445,1101 5.8,5.2,6.3 033 W F2F 4399 1064 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 1172 5.7 1 d F 4400 1172 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH. 4444 1173 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 4401 446 6.9,7.1 11 HK OH 4445 424, 445,1155 6.7,6.0,7.0 740 KIIK HFH d 4402 446,1064,1072 6.8,6.7,7.0 131 KKK HUH a 1172 6.2 3 7 F 1112 6.7 1 K H 4446 1064,1072,1112 6.7,6.9,6.6 211 KKK HHH d 4403 1173 7.1,7.2] 01 KK HH a 1119,1229 6.9,6.9 11 KK HH 4404 445,1172 6.9,6.6 12 K HF ad 4447 416 7.0,7.2 11 LH 00 4405 445,1172 6.7,6.8 00 KK IIH 4448 415, 424, 445 6.9,6.2,6.3 111 $ 005 4406 416 6.6,6.6 00 KK HU 1156,1173,1194 6.8,6.2,6.0 113 $8? 000 4407 1064,1112,1194 7.0,7.0,6.7 221 KHK nOn d 4449 400, 401, 416 6.8,6.5,7.0 024 KKH HHO ad 4408 1172 6.9,7.0 01 H 00 1101,1120 6.8,7.0 12 FH FF 4409 1172 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 4450 445,1172 7.2,7.3 00 KK HH r 4410 1172 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 4451 401, 416 7.0,7.2 11 Kh HO d 4411 1065 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH a 4452 401 7.1,7.2 01 HH 00 4412 1173 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4453 415, 424, 446 5.0,4.5,5.7 053 *& r22 4413 1172 7.0,7.1 10 K OH 1064,1072,1112 5.9,5.9,5.5 232 Pr POF 4414 445,1172 6.7,6.7 10 K HO 1156,1194 5.3,4.9 22 ed FP 4415 344, 400, 401 6.4,5.7,6.0 013 mtf H2H 4454 1173,1194 6.7,6.6 01 HK OH 416,1101,1120 5.8,5.8,5.9 113 s n 2vl 4455 1064,1065,1112 7.0,0.7,7.0 001 KKK HHH d 4416 445,1155,1172 6.2,7.1,6.3 111 pn8 OOF 1113,1229 6.8,7.0 30 HK OH 4417 445,1155,1172 5.8,0.9,6.0 231 fine FOO 4456 1173,1194 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 4418 416,1120 6.6,7.1. 01 KK HH dr 4457 1173 7.1,7.3 11 HK OH 4419 416,1101,1120 5.9,6.4,6.6 110 8J7 08F 4458 446,1064,1072 6.7,6.8,6.9 020 KK HHH ad 4420 416,1101 6.4,6.8 01 KF HF d 1112,1194 6.7,6.4 10 K OH 4421 416 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 4459 400, 401, 416 6.4,6.4,0.9 2/5 KII p/rO 4422 446,1064,1112 6.9,6.9,7.0 031 HKK OHH d 416,1120 0.9 .1 act. 05 4423 1064,1112,1194 6.9,6.9,6.5 220 KKK HHH 4460 1071,1112 0.9,7.2 11 KK HH d 4424 1173,1194 6.9,0.9 00 HK OH d 4461 1112 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4425 1172 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 4462 1173 6.9,7.1 11 <{ll HO 178 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. P.K. B. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. 4463 424, 445,1150 6.3 6.5 3.0 KGK jfOa ad 1194 6.2 5 K H 1155,1172 6.5,6.5 50 Kit HH 4499 BEE r 4464 1112 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH a 4500 424, 445,1150 5.6,5.5,6.0 231 KHK HYH ar 4465 1173,1194 7.0,6.5 S3 KK H/r 4501 EEE r 4466 446,1064,1072 6.0,6.2,6.4 12\ KKK HHH a 1172 5.8 1 K B 1097,1112,1119 6.6,6.1,6.5 110 KKK UHJJ 4502 400, 401, 416 6.5,6.3,6.0 211 KKK HHH r 1229 6.1 1 K H 1120 6.5 2 K H 4467 400, 401, 416 6.2,5.9,6.4 133 aan 2nO d 4503 400, 401, 416 6.5,6.6,7.0 3U KKK HHH d 1101,1120 6.6,6.8 21 KY HF 4504 401, 445,1172 6.8,6.6,6.6 010 K/3 \Ul5 4468 1194 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 4505 424, 445,1150 5.4,5.5,5.8 211 Jfc FOO 4469 1172 6.6,6.8 11 KK HH a 1172 5.7 e F 4470 1173 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 4506 446, 458,1064 6.0,6.5,6.1 012 KKK HUH ad 4471 400, 401, 416 5.0 ..2 ft* ILff at 1072,1097,1112 6.0 5.9 2.0 KHK HO// 1101,1120 5.1 .3 KK BH 1113,1119,1119 5.8,6.7 43. KKK ISH.H 4472 1064,1112,1194 6.7,6.9,6.6 421 KKK HHH d 1229 6.4 3 K H 4473 1172 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 4507 167, 446,1064 7.1,6.5,6.5 212 KK HHH 4474 1064,1112,1194 7.0,6.9,6.6 210 KKK HHH d 1072,1112 6.7,6.5 12 *7 55 4475 1065,1074,1229 6.5,6.5,7.0 210 KKK HHH 4508 1172 6.7,6.7 00 KK HII 1233 7.0 2 K H 4509 1064,1112 7.1,7.0 21 KK HH 4476 1173 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 4510 424, 445,1150 6.9,6.7,7.0 5/1 KKK HHH ad 4477 401, 416,1120 6.2,5.7,6.5 200 KKK HHH ad 1172 6.6 5 P 4478 1172 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 4511 424, 445,1173 6.7,6.7,6.5 510 ftte HUF a 4479 400, 401, 416 6.8,6.5,6.6 in Kj3 //OO ad 1194 6.1 4 t 1120 6.9 P 4511a 1112 7.0,7.3 12 KK HII r 4480 1064,1112 7.0,7.1 52 KK HH 4512 1194 6.7,6.7 00 act. 00 4481 1172 6.4,6.5 10 KK HH a 4513 1194 7.0,7.0 00 KK H/f 4482 1172 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 4514 424,445,1172 6.8,6.8,6.5 404 KKK HHH ad 4483 400, 401, 416 5.3,5.0,5.6 134: w FFO a 4515 1172,1172 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 416,1120,1120 5.6 ..2 8 77 OFF 4516 401,416,1120 6.7,6.7,6.8 123 KKF ////F 4484 1173,1194 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 4517 1172 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 4485 1112 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH 4518 1172 6.7,6.8 01 ft" 00 4486 1194 7.1,6.9 \1 KK HH 4519 167, 446, 458 6.5,6.2^.4 422 arf 23F 4487 1173 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1064,1072,1112 6.2,6.2,6.1 102 S 77 222 4488 400, 401, 416 6.2,6.5,6.0 131 Klllt HHV d 4520 1194 6.8,7.0 11 HK OH 1120 6.5 2 K H 4521 1173 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH 4489 165, 167, 185 6.3,6.5,6.3 120 w 000 r 4522 1064,1112,1119 6.8,6.7,6.9 121 KHK HO// 353, 435, 458 5.3,5.4,5.7 313 *fr. 200 4523 1064,1072,1112 6.6,6.8,6.7 213 KKK H//// 495,1035,1065 5.9,6.0,5.3 241 fffe OnO 1113,1119 6.4,7.0 51 KK as 1074,1229,1233 5.5,5.3,5.0 623 afiy 020 4524 1064,1072,1112 6.7,6.9,6.5 210 KKK HHH ad 4490 401, 415,1172 6.5,6.2,6.5 111 & OOF 4525 1194 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH 4491 1064,1072,1112 7.0,7.0,7.0 212 KHK HOn d 4526 424, 446,1064 6.4,6.6,6.8 401 aaa OOH ad 4492 1173 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 1072,1112,1194 6.8,6.6,6.2 Oil KKfi HHH 4493 446,1064,1072 6.5,6.9,6.8 100 KKK HHH d 4527 1112,1113 7.0,6.8 32 HH 00 1112 6.6 1 K H 4528 401, 416,1120 5.4,5.9,6.5 422 KKK HHH ad 4494 401, 416,1120 6.1,6.6,6.9 530 7P OFF 1157 5.8 K H 4495 400, 401, 416 6.7,6.8 .13 llKK OriH d 4529 1173,1194 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1120 6.8 5 K H 4530 1112,1113 6.8,6.8 12 KK T3.H 4496 1172 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 4531 445,1172 7.1,6.9 12 |5 00 4497 440,1064,1112 6.9,6.9,6.8 121 hKH OnO 4532 416 6.9,7.2 12 RH 00 4498 424, 445,1173 6.5,6.5,6.4 311 m OnO ad 4533 446, 458,1064 6.3,6.9,6.3 112 ^KK HUH ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 179 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1072,1112 6.5,6.2 11 K HH 4574 401,1157 6.4,6.6 n KK HH 4534 1194 6.9,6.9 00 KK II H 4575 401,1157 6.7,6.9 n HK 05 4535 445,1172 6.7,7.1 1'2 K OH d 4576 1173,1194,1194 6.6 6.6 0.0 KKK HUH 4536 401, 416,1120 6.8,7.0,7.1 032 HK HOa ad 4577 424, 445,1150 5.7,5.9,6.2 in rW 0/?2 1157 6.8 K H 1172 5.9 2 7 F 4537 424,1064,1072 6.4,6.6,6.9 431 KHK H.?H ad 4578 1150,1172 7.1,6.7 22 KK HH ad 1112,1194 6.6,6.0 13 KK HH 4579 401, 401,1120 4.7,4.7,5.2 111 dee FFF 4538 1172 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1157,1157 5.0 2. 77 FF 4539 401,1157 6.8,7.3 32 KK II II d 4580 1157 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH 4540 1173 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH a 4581 446, 458,1064 6.7,7.0,6.5 273 any 000 4541 1194 6.9,6.8 01 Kit HH 1072,1112 6.6,6.6 12 (3 00 4542 401, 445,1172 (5.5,6.8,6.5 122 IIKy OHF 4582 1173,1194 7.2,6.8 22 KK RH a 4543 1120 7.2,7.3 01 KK II H 4583 1064,1112,1194 6.9,7.0,6.5 230 KKK HHff 4544 1064,1072,1112 6.9,7.0,6.7 m KHK nOa ad 4584 401 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH a 4545 424, 445,1150 5.9,5.7,6.0 420 KKK HUH a 4585 401,1157 6.7,6.9 11 HH 00 1172 5.9 1 K H 4586 1194 7.1,6.9 11 K HH 4546 1172 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 4587 401,1157,1157 6.6,6.8 11. J'HH 000 4547 1173,1194 6.8,6.6 u HK lH 4588 1173 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 4548 1172 7.0,6.9 10 FK YH r 4589 167, 446, 446 5.7 4.9 1.0 KKK BBB ad 4549 401 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH a 458,1064,1064 5.3 5.3 2.1 KKK BBH 4550 4-24, 445,1150 5.8,6.0,6.2 201 j'' 025 4732 418, 440,1121 6.5,6.7,6.7 0^ KKK II HH r 1229,1233 6.5,6.4 12 K|3 HII 1230,1272 6.7,6.3 10 K0 //p 4697 1175 6.7,6.7 00 KK BH 4733 1158,1175 7.0,6.2 01 KK H// 4698 418, 456,1157 6.6,6.8,6.4 222 K(3a nOl ad 4734 1176 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 1158,1230 6.9,7.0 01 0K OH 4735 1175 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH a 4699 418, 440,1121 5.4,5.4,5.3 123 KKK HHH a 4730 418, 440,1121 6.9,6.9,7.2 121 Kkll HHF ad 1157,1230 5.5,5.2 42 KK HH 1272 6.7 1 II 4700 440 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 4737 1175 6.8,6.8 00 KK BH a 4701 418,1121 6.7,6.7 11 KK HH d 4738 1176,1194 6.1,6.6 43 ?K On ad 4702 1065,1074,1255 6.7,6.5,6.5 111 KKK Mill 4739 1176 6.8,6.9 10 K HH 4703 418, 440,1121 6.3,6.5,6.4 012 m FF2 4740 456,1159,1175 6.3,6.5 11. rW 22F a 1157,1230 6.3,6.4 20 UK. FH 1176 / 4704 1176 6.6,6.5 10 (V 00 4741 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4705 1065,1074,1119 6.5,6.^,7.1 010 KK nun 1 4742 441, 458,1072 6.8,6.5,6.7 033 vKK HHH d 1229,1233 6.9,6.8 12 KK HH 1112,1113 6.^,6.0 34 KK HH 4706 1176 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH T, 4743 1065,1074,2242 6.8,7.0,6.9 201 KKH HHO d 4707 418, 418, 440 5.5 5.7 1.0 $8 FFF r 4744 1158,1175 7.0,5.9 11 KK RH ', 1121,1157,1230 5.4 5.4 S.I efr FlF 4745 1175 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 1230,1272,1272 5.5,5.6 04. rW FFF 4746 1272 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 4708 1175 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 4747 1175 6.7,6.7 00 rf 00 4709 1194 6.9,6.9 00 KH HO r 4748 1175 6.5,6.7 11 KK BH 4710 1159,1175 7.1,6.3 11 KK HH ad 4749 1176 7,2,7.3 10 KK HH 4711 418, 440,1121 6.4,6.4,6.5 121 fifr OOF r 4750 1176 6.8,7.2 22 KK HH 1230,1272 6.5,6.0 1 $ HP 4751 1176 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 4712 175 6.7,6.8 01 KK RH 4752 1272 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 4713 458,1065,1074 6.5,6.0,6.0 300 IKK III// ad 4753 1176 .0,7.2 1 KK HH 119,1162,1229 6.4,6.^,6.3 020 KHK nOn 4754 1175 .7,6.7 233,1255 6.4,5.7 33 KK H// 4755 441, 458,1113 .9,7.1,6.5 11 K H5F 182 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. lies. End. F. K R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. lies. End. F.K. R. 4756 1158,1175 6.9,6.1 10 KK HH 4794 419, 456,1159 6.6,6.4,6.8 013 K/3 n50 4757 1175 6.7,6.8 01 KK an 1176,1176 6.0 .3 77 02 4758 1176,1176 6.7,6.5 11 K H8 ad 4795 1158,1175 7.1,6.3 10 118 OF 4759 1176 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 4796 1175 7.0,6.8 \1 KH aO 4760 1272 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4797 418, 456,1158 5.2,5.6,5.5 240 V V Oj'fi 522 4761 1176 7.1,7.3 11 FK FH 1230,1272 5.3,5.1 21 r* 22 4762 1112,1113 6.9,6.6 33 1111 OF 4798 418,1272 6.9,6.5 11 act 00 4763 1176 7.1,7.0 01 KK I-.M 4799 402, 456,1159 6.6,6.6,6.9 1U KKK HHH a 4764 1176 6.3,6.3 00 # 00 1175 5.7 2 K H 4765 1159,1176,1176 7.0 6.3 3.2 KKK I1HB ad 4800 441, 458,1065 6.4,6.6,6..? 203 KKK IIIU3 at 4766 402, 456,1159 6.7,6.7,6.9 024 aKa OHH ad 1113 S.I 1 K H 1176 5.8 5 K H 4801 1175 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH 4767 418, 418, 440 5.3 5.7 .7.0 KKK BIIB ad 4802 1272 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 1121,1230,1230 5.5,5.5,5.4 201 KKK BBH 4803 458,1065,1072 7.2,6.6,7.7 112 KKK HHH d 1272,1272 5.5 3. KK BB 1113 6.8 1 K H 4768 1175 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 4804 1175 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 4769 1176 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 4805 1272 6.5,6.5 00 KK an 4770 1175 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 4806 402, 419, 456 5.4,5.5,5.0 220 KKK HHH a 4771 418,1272 6.9,5.6 65 Ha OH r 1159,1176 4.9,4.4 14 KK HH 4772 458,1113 6.9,6.6 10 (3 HP 4807 1176 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4773 1175 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 4808 1175 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 4774 402, 456,1159 6.1,6.0,6.0 Oil ft? 552 4809 165, 185, 353 6.8,6.8,6.0 321 KI1K nOn ad 1175 5.2 1 8 2 435, 458, 495 5.4,6.0,5.7 433 KJ-K HHH 4775 1175 6.4,6.5 10 HH 1065,1074,1116 5.4,5.8,6.2 13b KK SHH 4776 1175 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1119,1162,1229 6.0,6.0,5.4 134 w n8S 4777 440,1121 6.7,6.9 11 K H2 1233,1255,2242 5.4,^.9,6.0 267 w HBH 4778 1176 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH 4810 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4779 1272 7.0,6.7 12 KK IH 4811 1176 6.4,6.6 11 KK HH a 4780 1272 6.9,6.8 0.7 HK OH r 4812 1272 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH a 4781 1113 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 4813 1159,1176 7.1,6.0 45 KK HH a 4782 418, 456,1158 6.0,5.8,6.2 110 Wr 552 4814 402, 456,1159 6.4,6.4,6.7 1U $j H50 1175,1230,1272 6.5,6.0 .31 7<*7 OOF 1175 5.4 3 8 2 4783 435, 441, 495 6.7,6.9,6.7 052 HHK FOn d 4815 402, 456,1158 6.9,6.8,6.9 120 HH OflO 1064,1065,1074 6.6,6.7,6.5 331 Hf> OOn 1175 5.8 2 2 1112,1113,1119 6.7,6.6,7-7 221 h 5FO 4816 402,1176 6.8,6.2 11 K0 HF 1229,1233 6.5,6.9 14 KK HH 4817 1175 6.9,6.8 01 aa 00 4784 402,1175 7.2,5.8 33 KK HH 4818 353, 441, 446 5.8 1.. KKh HIlO ad 4785 418, 456,1158 6.0,6.3,6.6 Oil ft* HHH ad 458, 495,1064 6.2,6.1 11. j-Kh HHP 1175,1230,1272 6.2,6 8,6.2 412 yKK 2HH 1065,1072,1074 5.5 5.4 0.1 KKK HVJ3 4786 1272 7.1,7.0 01 Ha 00 1112,1113,1119 5.<9,6.1 .10 hp n OHH 4787 456,1159,1175 6.5,6.8 12. P'"7 025 1229 6.0 2 K H 1176 6.3 1 7 4819 1113 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 4788 1176 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 4820 1176 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4789 1272 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 4821 1065,1255 6.8,6.5 21 K nO ad 4790 402, 419, 456 4.0,4.3,4.0 RRR f& 555 r 4822 402, 441,1113 6.3,6.4,6.0 200 ft* 000 1159,1176,1198 4.0, B,4.0 KBR *w 55a 1176 5.3 4 S 2 4791 1175 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 4823 418,1272 7.2,7.8 4* KH HF d 4792 1065,1074,1113 6.8,6.6 11. KKK HHH 4824 402, 419, 456 4.1,4.4,4.0 22 7 nm 202 1229 6.9 1 K H 1159,1176,1198 4.0, is, 4.0 .7B1 09s FF// 4793 1112 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH d 4825 419, 456,1158 5.9,5.8,6.1 000 ddy FFO THE DEAFER CATALOGUE. 183 B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. .F.K. R. 1175 5.3 1 c F 4870 1065,1113 7.0,7.0 22 KK HH d 4826 1272 6.6,6.5 10 KK Hll 4871 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4827 1074 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 4872 1272 7.0,7.0 00 HH 00 4828 1175 7.0,7.3 12 KK HH a 4873 1113 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 4829 1176 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4874 403, 418, 419 6.7,5.7,6.5 654 K5 HFB 4830 1175 6.7,6.6 91 KK BH 1158,1230,1272 6.5,5.9,5.7 24S 0rf 02F 4831 458,1065,1113 7.1,6.7,6.7 131 KrtK nun 4875 1065 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 4832 1176 7.0,7.2 n KK HH r 4876 441, 458,1065 5.7,5.7,5.5 113 W 22# ad 4833 1272 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 1113 5.2 2 5 2 4834 1175 7.1,7.4 n KK II H 4877 456,1159,1175 6.7,7.0,6.0 031 KKK HH.B a 4835 1176 6.7,6.8 01 KK Ha 1198 6.5 K H 4836 456,1175 7.0,6.0 "22 HJ- OF 4878 1112,1113 7.1,7.1 21 KK HH 4837 1176 6.0,6.2 n KK aa a 4879 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 4838 402, 456, 419 6.3,6.2,6.0 012 KKK 11 HH a 4880 1176 6.8,6.8 00 KK aa 1159,1176,1198 6.3,5.6,6.1 252 KKK HUH 4881 1175,1197 6.2,6.5 12 KK BH a 4839 1076 6.9,7.0 01 Jlli OH 4882 1074,1255 6.6,6.6 00 KK BH r 4840 1176 7.0,7.1 .70 KK 11 H 4883 1113,1176 7.2,6.8 01 HK OH ad 4841 1272 6.9,6.7 11 $ 00 4884 1176 7.2,7.3 10 KK UH 4842 402,1159,1175 7.2,7.1,6.0 123 KKp' HH5 d 4885 1175 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 4843 441, 458,1113 6.9,6.7,6.4 110 fr OOF 4886 1158,1175,1197 7.0,6.0,6.4 010 KKK HHH a 4844 1175 7.0,7.0 00 KK BH 4887 458,1064,1065 7.0,6.7,6.7 22% lllsll OHO ad 4845 1176,1198 6.8,6.9 10 KK HB d 1074,1112,1113 6.5,6.7,6.7 121 KKK HHH 4846 1198 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1119,1233 7.0,6.9 04 HK On 4847 441,1065,1113 6.5,6.4,6.4 540 KKK HflH d 4888 403, 403, 418 6.5 6.3 0.1 W 000 4848 1175 7.1,7.3 n KK H3 1122,1230,1272 6.5,6.5,6.1 301 fry OOF 4849 1176 7.1,6.9 u KK BH a 4889 1065,1074,1255 6.8,6.9,6.8 010 KHK nOn 4850 1175 7.0,7.1 10 KK HZT 4890 1065,1073,1113 6.4,6.9,6.8 222 KKK HHH d 4851 402, 456,1159 6.3,6.1,6.2 001 KKK HHH at 1233 6.9 2 K B 1176,1198 5.8,6.0 n KK HH 4891 418,1197,1272 6.6,6.9,6.7 441 (J'KK OHH d 4852 1176 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 4892 403,1272 7.0,6.8 01 KK HH d 4853 1176,1198 6.4,6.7 n KK HH a 4893 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KH HO 4854 1175 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 4894 403,1230,1272 6.5,7.0,6.3 122 K(3 OHF 4855 1175 6.9,7.2 21 K 8n 4895 1175 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH r 4856 418,1272 6.8,6.4 11 KK HH a 4896 1175,1197 6.5,6.8 00 KK HH d 4857 1175 7.2,7.0 u KK HI! 4898 1272 6.8,6.7 10 KK ua a 4858 1064,1065,1112 1113 6.9,6.6,6.8 7.0 #01 CCKK K HHH H d 4899 4900 441, 458,1065 7.1,6.9,6.5 022 KKy HHO r r 4859 1176 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1113 6.7 P 4860 1113 7.1,7.2 .70 KK HH 4901 1113 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4861 1175 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 4902 402, 419,1113 6.6,6.0 13. IlKIl OHH 4862 441, 458,1065 5.8,5.8,5.3 003 fiKK HBB a 1176,1198 5.9,6.5 42 77 Fl 1113 4.9 5 K B 4903 1113 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 4863 1175,1197 6.3,6..9 21 KK BH a 4904 435, 441, 446 6.3,6.4,6.5 043 $ 500 r 4864 402, 441,1113 5.2,6.0,5.7 523 J7 22F 458, 495,1064 7.0,6.5,6.5 200 af> nOF 1176 4.7 4 s 2 1065,1072,1112 6.0,6.4,6.3 002 rP FHO 4865 1159,1175,1198 7.2,6.3,6.5 210 KKK HHH a 1113,1233 5.9,6.6 55 ft rO 4866 1175,1197 5.7,6.4 2 KK BH a 4905 403 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 4867 1176 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4906 1176 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 4868 1175,1175,1197 6.7 6.8 1.1 KH HOO ad 4907 435, 441, 458 5.9,6.3,6.2 012 ffl F25 r 4869 1272 7.0,7.0 00 1111 00 495,1064,1065 6.0,6.2,5.7 111 Ky 1H2 184 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plata Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. II. 1072,1073,1112 0.0,5.6,5.5 0/1 # &HH 4949 1176 7.0,7.1 10 KK IIII 1113,1233 5.6,5.7 # tf 22 4950 1065,1074,1255 6.8,6.8,6.7 001 KKK HUH a 4908 403,1272 7.0,6.9 00 h 00 4951 435, 441,1064 6.5,7.0,6.5 S31 'HH 000 ad 4909 1074 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 1065,1072,1112 6.8,7.0,0.0 313 KKH HHF 4910 1175,1197 6.4,6.6 10 /K OH ad 1113 6.6 5 H 4911 441, 458,1065 6.6,6.1,5.7 251 KKK linn a 4952 1175,1197 6.9,7.0 11 KK HH 1113 6.0 K H 4953 1272 6.9,7.2 21 KK HH 4912 1005,1113 6.5,6.6 \2 4 00 4954 1176 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 4913 1272 6.6,6.6 00 KK mi a 4955 403,1272 6.5,6.6 11 KK HH 4914 1197,1272 6.8,6.9 . 11 KF //F 4956 403 6.9,7.1 11 KK llll a 4915 1176 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 4957 1175,1197 6.7,6.8 11 KK 7/H a 4916 403, 418,1122 6.8,6.5,6.9 220 K> HIlO 4958 403, 403, 418 6.2 6.5 1.1 *" HF// 1272 6.3 8 7 F 1122,1230,1^7-2 0.9,0.0,6.0 312 9*1 OFF 4917 402, 419, 456 5.4,5.2,5.7 S42 r* FFF ar 4959 1064,1065,1112 7.0,6.8,6.9 _?22 KKH HHO d 1159,1176,1198 5.7,5.0,5.6 253 & FF/ 1113 6.7 3 4918 1272 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 4960 1175 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH a 4919 1113,1176 6.9,6.6 00 00 4961 1272 7.0,7.0 00 HK On 4920 403, 418,1272 6.7,7.0,6.5 02.? aKK HJ/H d 4962 1175 7.0,6.9 10 KK mi 4921 1176 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 4963 1176 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH a 4922 1065,1113 6.9,6.9 22 KK HT3. 4964 1176 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 4923 1175,1197 6.0,6.5 n 2n 4965 419,1175,1176 6.2,5.7 11. 5j 7 7/51 4924 1065,1113 6.6,7.0 00 K1I aO 1198 6.0 9 H 4925 1272 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH a 4966 403 7.0,7.2 11 1m 00 4926 1065,1113 0.7,0.5 35 KK HJ7 4967 418, 419,1197 6.8,7.1,0.7 222 Klip' n05 4927 1197 7.3,7.4 10 KK HH 1272 6.5 5 a ii 4928 1176,1198 6.5,6.3 11 KK HH a 4968 419,1176,1198 6.4,6.4,6.6 502 m OlF 4929 1176 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 4969 402, 419,1176 5.0,4.7,4.4 200 w 52F 4930 402, 411, 441 5.3,5.3,5.8 220 fr FH2 1198 4.1 5 i F 1086,1113,1176 .4.0,5.4,4.9 002 aid F22 4970 1175 7.1,7.3 11 KK KH 4931 1175,1198 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH d 4971 1065,1113 1.0,7.1 '21 KK II H 4932 403, 418,1122 5.2,4.8,5.0 322 8ey OFF 4972 1175,1197 6.7,6.8 11 KK inr a 1230,1272 5.0,5.0 n yC FF 4973 441,1086,1113 7.1,0.5,6.5 Ul / OnO 4933 1176 6.9,7.3 22 KK HH 1176 6.0 3 r H 4934 441,1064,1065 6.9,0.9,6.5 501 KKK HHH 4974 402, 411,1086 7.1,6.4,0.5 2/2 HKK OHH ad 1072,1073,1112 7.06.8,6.7 232 HKK OHH 1113,1176 0.0,6.0 15 KK HH 1113 6.4 4 K H 4975 1065,1074,1113 6.8,0.7,6.9 102 KKK Him 4935 1175 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 4976 1113 6.8,6.6 11 HK OH r 4936 1197,1272 6.7,6.6 '12 KK HH d 4977 1122 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH :i 4937 1176 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 4978 419,1176,1198 6.7,5.8,6.3 241 KKK unit ad 4938 1272 6.9,6.8 01 Kit HO 4979 1272 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 4939 1065,1074 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH a 4980 419,1176,1198 6.9,6.7,6.9 /02 HKK OHH d 4940 1176 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 4981 1255 6.9,6.8 10 KK nH 4941 1065 0.7,0.7 00 KK Uff a 4982 1176 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH a 4942 1272 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 4983 402, 419,1175 0.0,5.2,5.1 251 KKK HHB a 4943 403,1122,1272 6.5,7.0,6.5 110 aaa FOF 1198 5.5 1 K It 4944 402, 419,1176 6.6,5.8,6.6 105 aj'8 F 4984 1175 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH a 4945 1175,1197 6.8,7.0 10 KK HH a 4985 403,1122,1272 6.2,6.5,6.5 113 KKK HUH ad 4946 1175 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 4986 1176,1198 6.5,7.0 23 PC 5n d 4947 1175 6.8,6.9 10 HK On 4987 1175 7.1,7.0 01 KK mi 4948 1175 6.8,6.8 00 KK KH 4988 1197 7.8,7.5 21 KK HH TIIE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 185 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. It.'B. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res End. F.K. B. 4989 1175,1197 7.2,7.0 32 KK III! a 5033 1065,1113 6.5,6.7 23 KK HH ad 4990 1175,1198 6.5,7.0 01 KK HH 5034 1176 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 4991 1175,1198 6.4,6.9 10 K FII ad 5035 1065 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 4992 403,1122,1272 6.4,0.9,6.3 111 KRK HUH a 5036 403, 403, 449 5.0 5.1 1.'2 KHK F at 4993 411,1176,1198 6.7,6.1,6.6 241 K$M UFO 1122 5.3 1 K II 4994 1176,1198 6.8,7.2 22 KK III1 5037- 441,1065,1073 7.0,6.5,6.7 301 H/?K OFH ad 4995 1175,1197,1272 6.7,6.5,6.7 4.72 p'G 5rO 1233 6.9 3 K H 4996 1175 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 5038 441,1065,1086 7.0,6.6 IS. Kith HHO ad 4997 1175,1197 7.0,6.9 22 KK nil a 1113,1176 6.5 2. Ka HH 4998 1197 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 5039 403,1122 6.6,6.6 2.7 KK HH a 4999 1272 7.0,7.0 00 KK nil a 5040 353, 435, 441 5.2,5.5 13 I1KII OnO ad 5000 1175 7.3,7.5 11 KK HH 458, 495,1065 5.5,5.5,5.2 213 KKK HHH 5001 1176 7.0,7.2 11 KK mi 1074,1116,1119 4.6,5.2,5.^ 31 / KKK BHH 5002 403 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1162,1229,1233 5.3,5.2,5.0 200 KKK HHH 5003 1272 7.0,7.1 10 HK On 1255 5.0 1 K B 5004 1065 6.6,6.6 00 KK KH 5041 403,1122 6.5,7.0 11 KK HH a 5005 1175 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 5042 1122 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5006 1175,1198 6.9,7.1 11 UK On 5043 1005,1113 6.9,6.9 22 KK HH d 5007 435, 441, 458 5.9,6.0,6.4 131 W 522 r 5044 435, 441, 458 5.5,5.3,5.3 811 6KJ- #51 ad 495,1065,1072 6.1,5.6,5.5 111 $ 521 495,1065,1073 5.3,4.5,4.2 413 K/33 BHH 1112,1113,1233 5.5,5.5 H. pda tf20 1113,1233 4.3,^.0 55 I" 8H 1233 5.9 3 7 5045 1065,1255 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 5008 1065,1113 6.8,6.8 22 KK HD 5046 403 7.0,6.9 01 KH iiO 5009 1175,1197 7.1,7.0 22 KH IlO d 5047 1065 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 5010 1176 6.6,6.6 00 KK II H 5048 1176,1198 6.7,0.8 01 HH 00 5011 2242 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 5049 403, 449,1122 5.5,6.3,6.3 550 KKK HHH a 5012 1272 6.8,6.9 10 K On 5050 403,1122 6.8,6.9 11 KH HO 5013 1086,1113,1176 6.8,6.9,6.4 MS KKK HH.ff ad 5051 1113,1176 7.2,7.0 01 KH IlO ad 5014 419,1176,1198 7.0,6.5,6.5 111 IIKK OHH 5052 1085,1198 7.0,6.7 32 HK OH 5015 1175 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH a 5053 1197 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5016 1113,1176 6.8,6.5 00 fr 55 5054 435, 441, 458 6.0,6.5,6.4 001 KKK HHH a 5017 419,1175,1197 6.2,5.9,5.9 211 KKK HDD a 495,1065,1073 6.4,5.8,5.8 21t KKK HHB 5018 1175,1197 6.5,7.1 00 KK HH 1113,1233 6.0,6.0 n KK UH 5019 1197 7.2,7.4 11 KK HH 5055 411, 419,1085 7.1,6.9,7.0 233 K OHH 5020 1113 7.0,6.9 01 KH HO 1197 6.4 4 a H 5021 1197 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5056 1198 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH r 5022 1176 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5057 435, 441, 458 5.7,5.9,5.6 214 KKK HHH ad 5023 1176,1198 6.7,7.0 21 KK HH d 495,1065,1073 5.8,5.5,5.3 130 KKK HDD 5024 1065,1074,1116 6.2,6.2,6.2 in KKK HHH a 1113,1233 5.3,5.3 30 KK HB 1119,1162,1229 6.5,6.7,6.3 24.7 KKK HUH 5058 1176 7.0,7.1 .70 KK HH 1233,1255 6.4,5.8 23 KK HH 5059 1065,1113 6.8,6.8 22 KK HH a 5025 1176 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 5060 1176 7.7,7,0 01 KK HH a 5026 1176,1198 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 5061 411, 419,1085 6.5,6.6,6.7 200 KKK II HH ac 5027 1073 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1197 6.0 2 K H 5028 1197 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5062 435, 441, 458 5.8,6.3,6.4 221 rrP OFO r 5029 1113 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 495,1065,1073 6.1,5.8,5.5 110 fa 005 5030 1176,1198 6.6,7.0 22 KK HH d 1074,1113,1233 6.4,5.8,5.8 730 ade HFO 5031 1176 6.9,6.9 00 KK nil 5063 402, 411, 441 4.9,4.3,5.5 1.74 KKK BH-B a 5032 419,1086,1086 6.2,6.9 39. KKK HUH ad 1086,1113,1176 4.0,4.8,4.0 214 K/5K BBB 1176,1176,1198 6.2,6.0,6.0 022 KKK BDD 5064 458, 495,1065 6.6,6.5,6.0 Sll HHfi 005 186 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Reg. End. F.K. K I>. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. E. 1074,1116,1119 6.1,6.4,6.6 Oil /3KK 5flH 5099 435,1065,1073 6.9,6.5,6.5 102 aaH OnO 1162,1229,1233 6.5,6.5,6.5 213 IIKCC OHH 1113 6.6 5 7 1255 6.0 1 fi 5 5100 1176 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 5065 1074 7.0,7.2 n KK mi 5101 449,1197 6.7,6.8 1-2 HH 5066 411, 419,1086 6.5,6.9,6.7 014 /?HH HOO 5102 411, 419,1085 6.9,6.4 44. KKK IIHH ad 1176,1198 6.5,6.4 21 dK 05 1086,1198 6.9,6.1 64 KK HH 5067 1122,1160 7.2,7.4 54 KK Illl 5103 435, 441, 458 6.4,7.0,7.2 520 KH 500 5068 449,1160,1197 6.5,6.6,6.6 102 KKK HHH ad 495,1065,1073 6.6,6.5,6.4 311 aaa 055 5069 1198 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1113,1233 7.2,6.5 40 w 1-2 5070 449 7.1,6.8 12 KK II II 5104 435,1065,1073 6.8,6.5,6.7 001 KKK HHH ad 5071 1113,1176 7.2,6.6 '21 KM mi 1113,1233 6.8,6.8 n KK HH 5072 1197 7.0,7.2 n KK HII 5105 1064,1065,1074 7.^,6.8,6.8 m KKtt HHO at 5073 403, 449,1122 5.5,5.7,5.8 131 dd 7 FF2 1112,1113 7.2,6.8 45 K(* HH 1160 54 7 2 5106 419, 449,1160 6.8,6.4,6.9 023 Kh HHO 5074 1176 6.9,6.8 01 KK IIH 1197 6.2 2 K H 5075 1198 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 5107 1113 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5076 411, 419,1085 6.8,6.9,6.8 ii3 Kfta HOO 5108 1074 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH r 1197 6.5 i a 2 5109 411 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5077 1198 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5110 1197 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 5078 1065,1073,1113 6.8,6.5,6.0 0,?,? KKK HHH ad 5111 449,1160 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 1113,1233 - 7.1 .2 KK HH 5112 1113 6.9,7.0 10 HK OH 5079 449,1160 6.5,6.6 10 KK HH 5113 1065,1073,1113 6.5,6.6,6.6 005 KKK HHH 5080 1086,1198 6.8,6.5 32 <$ HH 1233 7.0 4 K H 5081 1065,1073,1113 6.8,6.9,7.0 002 KKK HHH ad 5114 1085,1197 7.0,6.9 11 HK OH d 1233 7.0 1 K H 5115 E R, R RR ER RR r 5082 1065,1113 6.9,6.9 22 KK HH ad 5116 1065,1113 6.7,7.1 00 KK IIH a 5083 1065,1073,1113 6.5,6.7,6.7 103 KKK //H5 ad 5117 1197 6.5,6.7 n KK HH 1233 6.9 2 K H 5118 1122,1160 6.9,7.0 53 KK HH 5084 411, 441,1086 5.0,5.9,4.6 022 9rf 20F 5119 1065,1073,1233 6.8,7.1,7.2 201 KKK HHH ad 1113,1176 5.2,^.9 11 81 2F 5120 1197 6.7,6.8 10 KK HII 5085 411, 419,1086 6.0,5.8,6.0 254 KKK HHD a 5121 411, 419, 419 5.4 6.2 2.3 K|3 8HO 1198 5.6 2 K B 1086,1198 5.3,5.7 11 $ 5H 5086 1197 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5122 1113 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 5087 435, 441, 458 6.2,6.7,6.8 110 KfiK HHH ad 5123 1065,1074,1233 6.7,6.6,6.8 101 KKK HHH d 495,1065,1073 6.5,6.0,5.9 002 K$ HHH 1255 6.5 i K II 1113,1233 6.2,6.4 23 1? H8 5124 1197 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5088 1065,1074,1113 6.7,6.5,6.3 236 KKK HHir 5125 1197 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH a 1233 6.8 2 H 5126 1197 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH a 5089 1073,1113 6.9,6.9 21 h 00 5127 1198 7.0,7.0 00 KK IIH 5090 1122,1160 7.1,7.1 23 HK OH 5128 449,1160 6.7,6.8 10 aa FO 5091 1176 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 5129 1113 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 5092 411,1086,1198 5.8,6.2,5.8 242 KKK HHH ad 5130 449,1122,1160 6.4,6.8,6.5 on KKK HUH d 5093 403, 449,1122 6.7,7.0,6.8 234 U 7/00 5131 1085,1197 6.8,6.7 \i K On 1160 7.1 4 h 5132 1198 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 5094 411,1086,1198 6.8,6.8,6.9 .no HKK OHH ad 5133 449,1197 6.8,6.5 n HK FH d 5095 1198 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH ad 5134 1197 6.9,7.0 10 KK Illl 5096 1197 6.9,7.0 10 KK IIH 5135 1073,1113 7.2,7.0 32 K(4 IIH d 5097 435,1065,1073 6.8,6.5,6.5 001 KKK llfftt ad 5136 1065,1073,1113 6.3,6.3,6.3 105 KKK HHD ad 1113,1233 6.7,6.7 21 KK HII 1233 6.5 2 K H 5098 449,1160 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH r 5137 435, 441, 495 6.0,6.5,6.0 002 KKK HHH ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 187 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. I). C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1065,1073,1113 5.8,5.8,6.0 10.7 KKK ami 5172 1197 6.9,7.3 22 KK HH 1233 6.1 3 K H 5173 435,1065,1073 6.8,6.3,6.8 113 KKK HHH 5138 1198 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1113,1233 6.4,6.7 42 KK an 5139 1065,1074,1112 6.5,6.3,6.5 i/o KKK HUH a 5174 1122 7.0,7.0 00 hh 00 1113,1208,1233 6.3,6.4,6.8 503 KKK nun 5175 1198 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5140 1065,1113 6.5,6.9 12 KK Hff 5176 K65,1073,1113 7.0,7.0,7.0 212 KKH IIHF 5141 441, 508,1065 6.9,7.0,6.2 .710 KKK HUH ad 5177 411,1085,1114 4.9,4.5,5.0 113 KKK BDH ad 1073,1074,1113 6.7,6.0 .56 IXKfi 5n5 1197 5.0 3 K H 1208,1233 6.2,6.6 03 J-K HH 5178 1065,1073,1073 6.8,7.0,6.8 120 KKK HHH ad 5142 1255,2242 6.4,6.9 43 KH HO d 1113 6.7 4 K H 5143 449,1122,1160 6.0,6.5,6.0 000 KKK HUH a 5179 449,1160 6.3,6.2 10 K HH ad 5144 449,1100 6.6,6.8 .71 i'.i'. FO 5180 1073 7.1,7.3 11 ,IIK OH 5145 1073 7.2,7.2 00 II K OH 5181 1073 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 5146 1197 7.1,7.2 10 KK mi 5182 1065,1113 7.0,7.0 12 KO. HH 5147 441, 446, 458 6.2,5.9,5.9 m 7 K 4nS r 5183 449 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 495, 500, 508 5.9,6.6,6.6 /H r*P 7nn 5184 449,1160 6.8,7.2 22 (ZK OH 1064,1065,1072 6.2,5.4,6..? 214 Kda HUH 5185 411, 419, 475 6.3,6.0,0.8 245 KKK HHH a 1074,1112,1113 5.3,5.5,5.4 2-15 da? Hi;8 1073,1086,1006 6.4,6.0 31. KKK mm 1162,1208,1233 5.0,5.5,5.5 701 Xrf H58 1115,1198 6.3,6.0 W KK I1H 1255 5.6 1 fi 5 5186 435, 441,1065 6.5,6.6 15. /SK HHH 5148 1065,1074,1208 7.0,7.0,7.0 000 KK OH H arl 1065,1073,1073 6-7,6.5 03. H H5n 5149 449,1160 6.7,6.9 11 KH HO 1113,1233,1233 G.1,6.6 44. ftk HIlO 5150 449, 449,1122 5.8,6.3 .00 nP HFF a 5187 1113 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 1160,1160 5.7 .1 to OF 5188 449 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 5151 1113 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH a 5189 2242 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 5152 1198 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5190 435, 441, 495 5.4,5.6,5.3 522 KJ7 525 ad 5153 411,1086,1198 6.6,6.6,6.4 022 HKK OHH a 1065,1073,1113 4.9,4.6,4.3 3/7 ff* nn5 5154 449,1122,1160 4.8,5.2,5.2 123 KKK HH8 ad 1233 4.3 4 7 5 5155 1197 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5191 1085 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 5156 449 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 5192 1198 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH ' 5157 411, 419,1073 6.1,6.4,6.^ 221 P 20F 5193 411,1085 6.7,6.5 00 *0 n5 1086,1115,1198 6.0,6.6,6.3 no 170 OFI 5194 1255 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH a 5158 411, 441,1073 6.6,6.8,6.5 322 KK/3 HH5 5195 435,1065,1073 6.8,6.6,6.6 101 naa 000 1086,1113 6.2,6.4 12 ft* 2F 1074,1113,1233 6.5,6.9,6.8 111 H na OOH 5159 1085,1198 6.7,6.5 12 KK HH d 5196 449,1160 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 5160 449,1122,1160 6.0,6.2,5.5 2/0 irft FFF 5197 411, 441,1073 4.6,5.5,4.7 23/ Cj-8 212 5161 435, 441,1065 6.4,6.8,6.0 122 KKK HHH ad 1086,1113 4.2,5.3 42 ed 2F 1073,1073,1113 6.7,6.5,6.1 425 KK H HH 5198 449,1160 6.8,7.3 23 Ktt HO ad 1233 6.6 3 H 5199 1065,1074,1113 6.9,6.7,6.9 113 KKK HHH 5162 1113 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1208 6.9 1 K H 5163 1198 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 5200 449, 449,1160 6.8,6.5 .00 KKK HHH ad 5164 1085,1197 7.0,6.8 12 KK HH 1160,1302 6.9 .1 HK OH 5165 1074 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 5201 1086,1115 6.8,7.1 10 H 05 5166 2242 6.9,7.0 10 HK OH 5202 411, 475,1085 6.2,7.0,5.8 111 ocay 502 5167 411,1085,1197 5.8,5.8,5.8 no fr 2r5 1114 6.8 2 H 5168 1122,1160 6.7,6.7 23 KK HH 5203 449, 474, 491 6.1,6.8,6.2 101 KKK HHH ad 5169 411,1086,1198 7.1,7.0,6.9 012 HKK OHH d 505,1160,1238 6.5,6.0,5.5 022 KKK HBH 5170 435, 441,1065 6.5,7.0,6.5 in KK HUH ad 1302,1309 6.3,6.0 11 KK HH 1073,1113,1233 6.3,6.4,6.7 133 rP K HHH 5204 1065,1074,1208 6.9,6.8 10. KKK HHR d 5171 449,1197 6.8,6.5 11 KK HH r 5205 1065 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 188 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5206 411, 475,1085 6.0,6.5,6..? 255 KKK HHH ad 5241 1074 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 1085,1114 6.0 .3 UK VH 5242 449, 505,1160 6.7,7.0,7.1 222 KKK HHH at 5207 449,1160,1238 6.4,6.3,6.5 251 M 000 1238,1302,1309 6.5,7.0,6.7 211 KKK aim 1302,1309 6.8,6.6 23 aa OF 5243 411,1085,1.115 6.5,6.1,6.8 021 KKK HHH d 5208 449, 505,1160 5.6,6.7,5.8 442 J'KJ- 2//0 r 5244 1073 7.3,7.3 00 HK On 1238,1302,1309 5.5,6.2,5.8 021 ftfe rOF 5245 1065,1073 6.9,7.0 00 KK HH d 5209 435,1065,1073 6.8,6.6,6.8 101 KKK HUH a 5246 1065 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1113 6.8 1 K H 5247 411,1085,1114 6.5,5.4,6.9 253 adK HFH 5210 1065,1074,1113 6.8,6.8,6.9 112 HHK 00n d 5248 1088 7.1,7.3 11 KK BB 1208 6.7 H 5249 1065,1074,1113 6.9,6.0,7.0 112 KKK HUH d 5211 449 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH r 5250 1073 6.9,7.3 22 KK II II 5212 1074 6.9,7.1 11 KK Mil 5251 1073,1086 7.0,7.3 52 KK HH d 5213 411, 475,1073 5.3,6.6,5.6 211 rft 252 5252 1115 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1086,1115,1198 5.2,5.5,6.0 125 etf 2FH 5253 411, 494,1073 6.6,6.8,6.2 311 KHK H0.ff ad 5214 435, 441, 495 6.5,6.8,6.5 022 KKK HHH ad 1086,1088 6.0,6.3 10 KK //// 1065,1073,1074 6.5,6.0,6.2 350 KKK 1IH1I 5254 2242 6.7,6.8 10 K HH 1113,1208,1233 6.5,6.2,6.4 101 KKK HHH 5255 1073,1113 6.9,7.0 11 KK II H ad 5215 1073 6.8,6.9 .70 BK OH 5256 411, 494,1073 6.4,6.8,6.2 111 aap H02 5216 1238 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 1086,1088 6.2,6.5 12 fr 05 5217 1160,1238 7.1,6.8 10 KK HH a 5257 1238,1309 7.2,7.2 01 KK BB d 5218 435,1065,1073 6.6,6.4,6.6 101 KKK H//H ad 5258 1073 7.1,7.4 21 KK HH 1113,1233 6.5,6.7 52 KK HH 5259 1073 7.0,7.2 11 II 00 5219 1160 6.9,7.0 10 KK BB 5260 1238 7.1,7.1 00 HH 00 5220 1302 7.3,7.2 10 BK OH 5261 449,1160,1238 6.9,6.5,6.6 150 K(3 HOO 5221 1085 6.9,6.9 00 KK BB a 1302,1309 6.8,6.8 03 aa 00 5222 449 6.8,7.1 21 KK HH 5262 1074,1255 6.6,6.8 11 KK HH 5223 449 7.1,7.1 00 BK On r 5263 1238,1302,1309 6.5,7.0,6.8 212 KKK nun ad 5224 1073 7.0,7.2 11 KK BB 5264 1073,1074,1113 6.9,6.9,7.3 100 KKH BIlO d 5225 411,1086,1115 5.6,5.6,6.5 514 KKK H HH ad 5265 442, 449, 474 6.2,6.0,6.2 240 #* OlIF r 1115 K H 491, 499, 505 5.7,6.2,5.9 010 $ FFF 5226 1115 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1160,1238,1302 5.5,5.8,5.3 143 yed FFF 5227 1073 7.0,7.3 12 BK OH 1309 5.0 5 d F 5228 1302,1309 7.2,7.0 01 KK HH d 52C6 HI'S 7.0,7.1 01 KK mi 5229 411,1073,1086 6.6,6.4,6.2 111 ft7 OFO 5267 1073 6.9,7.0 01 K OH 1115 6.8 i 5268 1238 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5230 1065,1074,1116 6.1,6.4,6.6 211 KKII HHQ a 5269 475, 494,1085 6.0,5.8,5.1 310 K 7 2//5 r 1233,1255 6.6,6.2 21 KK HH 1086,1087,1088 5.5,5-4 41. fW 5//n 5231 1073,1113,1208 6.5,6.5 .40 KKK HHH d 1115 5.1 4 d 2 1233 7.0 4 B 5270 1065,1074,1208 6.9,6.9,6.9 000 KKK HUH 5232 1085 7.0,7.0 00 KII HO 1233 7.0 K H 5233 449, 475,1114 5.5,6.9,6.5 523 % FHO 5271 435 6.9,6.7 . 11 UK OH 1160 5.8 5272 475, 494,1085 5.2,5.4,^.6 244 rp's OHI 5234 435,1065,1073 6.6,6.6,6.8 123 KKH HtfO d 1087,1114 4.0,4.7 42 # FO 1113 6.6 2 K H 5273 1238 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 5235 1073,1113,1208 7.1,7.1,6.9 120 KKK HHH d 5274 1085,1087 6.5,7.0 21 KK Jill a 5236 1074 7.0,7.2 11 KK BB a 5275 442,1238,1302 6.6,6.4,6.7 401 KKK HHH a 5237 1085 6.8,6.9 10 KK BB 1309 6.7 4 K H 5238 1085 7.0,6.8 11 # 00 5276 1065,1073,1113 6.8,6.9,6.8 115 B 005 5239 449,1160 7.2,7.4 11 KK BB r 1208,1233 6.5,7.0 22 K FH 5240 1160,1238,1309 7.2,6.5,6.8 251 KKK HHB 5277 1073 7.0,7.3 12 KK HII THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 189 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. It. D. C. Plate Number. Observed I J Tightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5278 442, 474, 499 5.7,6.0,5.9 122 w OFF 5305 475, 494,1087 6.8,6.3,5.8 101 ft OFF 505,1160,1238 5.8,5.2,4.6 304 $ FFF 1114 6.2 9 o 1302,1309 5.0,4.6 23 4 FP 5306 435, 495, 500 6.3,6.1,6.6 222 dpa 23a r 5279 442, 475,1114 B, 4.2, B BRB irfl rOF r 508,1065,1065 6.7 5.7 2.1 (ft HOO 1160 B B t F 1073,1073,1074 6.0,5.8 i-f.. n<* 520 5280 1073 6.9,7.1 11 KK IIII 1074,1208,1233 5.8,5.6,5.8 02.7 rf //02 5281 442, 505,1238 7.2,7.2,6.8 210 liHa 000 ac 5307 1087 7.0,7.2 11 KK mi 1309 7.2 5 H 5308 1065,1073,1074 6.7,7.0,6.9 in KHII nOO d 5282 491, 505,1238 6.8,7.0,6.6 110 KKrc niiF 1113,1208,1233 7.0,6.6,7.0 221 KKK HHH 1302,1309 6.8,6.6 01 H OF 5309 443, 475, 494 4.5,5.3,4.5 313 & 022 5283 1073 6.9,6.9 00 KK mi 1088,1115 4.1,4.3 11 $ 2F 5284 491,1238,1302 1309 7.1,6.7,7.2 7.1 121 3 KKK H nun d 5310 5311 475, 494,1087 5.7,5.2,4.3 212 KK.d Hint at r 5285 442,1238,1302 6.7,6.7,7.0 512 Pact. 000 1114 5.1 1 H 1309 6.6 1 a 5312 435,1065,1074 6.9,6.8,6.6 111 hK|3 OnO ad 5286 442, 474, 491 6.9,6.8,6.7 031 KKK ////// ad 1113,1255 6.9,6.8 21 KfJ HO 499, 505,1238 7.0,6.8,6.1 002 KKK I1HII 5313 1161 6.9,7.0 .70 KK II H r 1302,1309 6.7,6.4 22 KK mi 5314 1065,1074,1116 6.5,6.2,6.5 2.70 KKK IIII// ad 5287 1073 7.1,7.0 0,7 KK mi 1162,1233,1255 6.5,6.5,6.4 Oil HKK OlIH 5288 435, 441, 458 6.0,6.8,6.6 S\l W COO r 1256 6.1 H 495, 500, 508 6.3,6.9,6.8 .702 (Sa 55.7 5315 1073 7.2,7.4 11 KK HH 1065,1074,1113 6.0,5.8,6.3 110 Srf 122 5316 1087 6.9,6.8 01 KK Hff 1116,1162,1208 6.0,6.0,5.9 no fjay F02 5317 1161 6.9,6.9 00 ICti OH 1233,1255 6.1,5.7 12 7 20 5318 1087,1114 6.9,7.1 '21 r* 00 5289 442, 474, 491 6.2,6.2,5.8 no KKK BBH ad 5319 442, 499, 505 6.4,6.8,6.7 521 KKK anil ad 499, 505,1161 6.3,6.0,5.6 101 KKK HUB 1161,1238,1302 6.3,6.3,6.7 002 J'KK H//// 1238,1302,1309 5.4,5.7,5.3 101 KKK HHH 1309 6.5 3 K H 5290 1161 6.9,7.2 12 KH HO 5320 1073,1088 6.8,7.0 11 KK IIII ad 5291 442,1161,1238 6.8,6.2,6.7 332 fir* 000 a 5321 1088 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1302,1309 7.0,6.7 33 G 00 5322 1073,1088,1115 6.6,7.0,7.1 221 KKK ami 5292 1073 7.2,7.3 .70 KK IIII a 5323 1065,1074,1113 7.0,6.6,6.8 3.73 KKK HII// 5293 435,1065,1073 6.7,6.5,6.6 .700 far Onl r 1208,1255 6.8,6.9 12 KK HH 1074,1233 6.5,6.9 03 an FH 5324 435, 495, 500 6.3,6.26.7 "2.11 J7 5//1 5294 1073,1086,1088 6.6,6.5,6.8 .701 |3K 5mi ad 508,1065,1073 6.7,5.9,5.8 211 Kt 7 H25 1115 ^ 7.1 2 a H 1074,1113,1208 5.7,5.0,5.8 130 1ft 5//5 5295 1113 7.1,7.3 11 KK IIII 1233 5.7 2 7 5 5296 1238 7.0,6.8 11 KK IIII 5325 1302,1309 7.0,6.8 01 KK mi 5297 1161 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5326 1087 7.1,7.3 11 KK IIII 5298 1065,1073,1074 6.9,6.9,6.7 101 KKH mm 5327 1073,1088,1208 6.8,7.0,6.6 02.7 KKK HUH 5299 1087 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5328 1073,1088,1208 6.7,7.0,6.5 .722 KKK HUH 5300 435,1065,1073 6.6,6.7,6.6 311 KKfJ H//II ad 5329 494,1087,1114 6.4,5.7,6.4 071 KKK HHH a 1074,1208,1233 6.4,6.5,6.8 221 KKK //HH 5330 1161,1238,1302 6.8,6.8,7.1 110 ftKh H//0 ad 5301 435, 441, 495 6.5,6.9,6.5 10.7 KHOt nOn ad 1309 7.0 2 K H 1065,1073,1074 1113,1208,1233 6.2,5.8,6.3 6.5,6.2,6.4 142 012 KJ-K rfP //HH HHH 5331 5332 475, 494,1087 5.3,4.9, B llB KKK BBB at r 5302 435, 495,1065 6.2,6.3,6.1 0.72 fifr bSff 1114 4.5 2 K B 1073,1074,1113 6.0,5.6,6.4 031 $ 8n2 5333 1255 6.8,7.1 21 KK HH 1208,1233 6.4,5.9 5,7 15 5334 1065,1073,1208 7.0,7.1,6.9 001 KKK HHH d 5303 1074 7.1,7.2 10 UK OH 5335 1255 6.9,7.2 1-2 KK IIII 5304 1115 , 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 5336 1161 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 190 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORT. D. C. Plate Numbers, Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.IC. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness Res. End. F.IC. R. 5337 494,1088 7.0,6.7 72 H FH 1255 6.3 2 K H 5338 140, 167, 353 6.5,5.9 .67 rtK^ 8nO r 5370 1161 7.3,7.3 00 HH 00 435, 458, 495 4.8,5.3,5.4 331 ft, 238 5371 1161 6.9,7.1 71 hh 00 1065,1074,1116 4.6,4.9,4.5 215 a;; 5n5 5372 1161 7.0,7.0 00 /? 80 1119,1229,1233 5.3,4.4 .15 )'# 255 5373 1161,1238 7.0,7.0 00 p'h 00 1255,1256 4.3,4.7 51 c 55 5374 1073,1074 6.9,6.7 07 KK ii// 5339 442,1161,1238 7.1,6.6,6.9 321 hiiK OOH d 5375 442,1161,1238 6.4,5.7,6.2 341 KICK HUH ad 1309 7.0 3 K H 1309 6.6 6 K H 5340 1208 7.0,7.1 01 HK OH 5376 1161 7.0,7.0 00 an 00 5341 1161 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH a 5377 1065 6.8,6.7 07 K OH 5342 494,1088,1115 6.8,6.5,7.0 303 KICK HHll a 5378 443, 494,1115 7.0,6.5,6.7 351 HKrt OflD 1124 7.1 K H 1088,1124 6.3,7.0 70 K 2H 5343 1161,1238 7.7,7.0 10 Kll 00 d 5379 1073,1088,1115 6.7,6.7,7.1 771 KICK BHH d 5344 1161 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5380 443, 475, 494 5.8,6.6,6.5 272 KKK HHH ad 5345 443, 494,1088 6.0,5.5,5.3 531 KKK HHB at 1088,1115,1124 5.7,5.7,6.3 020 ICKIC HBD 1115,1124 5.7,5.3 C5 KK HH 5381 442,1161,1238 6.7,6.2,6.6 273 ' 35n 5353 1161 7.0,7.2 11 HK On 508,1065,1073 6.8,6.2 - 12. KKj3 HHH 5354 494,1087,1115 6.6,6.4,6.8 313 Kj'tt HOO 1073,1074,1208 6.1,6.0,5.9 007 n d 5n5 5355 442,1161,1238 7.0,6.5,6.7 702 ICJ'flt HOO 1233 6.3 2 9 2 5356 1161,1238 6.9,6.9 00 KK nil 5391 1073,1113,1208 7.0,7.7,6.8 170 HK OnO d 5357 1087,1115 7.1,7.1 17 KK HH 5392 1161,1304 6.8,6.5 22 OH a 5358 499,1161,1161 6.6,6.5 51. aj'tt rOO 5393 1073 7.0,7.3 72 KK HH 1238,1302,1309 6.3,6.7,6.5 712 JK OnO 5394 1073,1088,1208 6.7,6.9,6.<9 711 KKK HHH a 5359 2242 6.8,6.8 00 KK HII a 5395 1065,1073,1074 6.0,6.9,6.9 101 ichu HOO ad 5360 167, 435, 458 6.5,4.5,5.0 p22 K,d H//H ad 1208 6.8 K H 495,1065,1074 5.2,4.4,4.2 302 *w HHH 5396 443, 494,1088 6.4,6.5,5.9 022 j'Ky Ofl-0 r 1116,1162,1233 4.5,4.2,4.3 142 KKK II Hn 1115,1124 6.4,6.9 12 an IH 1255,1256 4.4,4.2 00 *t Hll 5397 435, 495, 500 6.0,6.2,6.5 002 KKK HHH ad 5361 1161 7.1,7.2 70 Hh 00 508,1073,1074 6.3,6.0,5.7 720 KKK HfflH 5362 1161 7.2,7.2 00 nh 00 1088,1208,1233 5.7,5.* .00 KICK HHH 5363 2242 7.0,6.8 17 KK HH 5398 1088 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH 5364 1073 6.9,7.2 21 KK HH 5399 1281 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 5365 1065,1255,2242 7.0 6.9 0.0 KFIK nOH d 5400 442, 477, 507 6.4,6.8,6.6 172 fVM OnO r 5366 1073,1208 7.2,7.0 10 Kll IlO 1161,1304,1310 5.7,5.6,5.8 022 m OOF 5367 1238 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH r 5401 1161 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5368 443, 475, 494 5.7,6.5,5.8 127 ffl bnn 5402 1161 7.2,7.5 21 KK HH 1087,1115,1124 5.2,5.8,5.* 737 7$ S5ir 5403 442, 477, 507 6.0,6.7,6.5 703 5lCIC FHff 5369 1065,1074,1116 6.6,6.6,6.8 111 KKK HHH ad 1161,1304,1310 5.5,5.6,5.^ 000 rfr FOO THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 191 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res End F.K. R B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5404 495,1065,1074 6.4,6.2,5.9 212 KM HM// ac 5434 1074,1208 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIII 1113,1116,1162 6.3,6.2 .01 KKI HH 5435 1101 7.0,7.2 71 KK HII 1208,1233,1255 .5,6.4,6.1 420 KKI ant 5436 507,1161,1304 7.2,6.8,7.0 212 KKK HHH ad 5405 1074,1113 6.9,7.0 12 KK HII 1310 0.6 K H 5406 477, 507,1161 7.0,6.9,6.2 511 II Kd 0//0 d 5437 1281 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1304,1310 6.1,6.0 10 ft. OF 5438~ -435,1073,1074 6.9,6.8,6.4 705 KKK HUB a 5407 1065,1073,1074 6.7,6.9,6.7 121 K|3a HIlO ac 1208,1233 6.9,6.9 21 KH HO 1113,1162,1208 6.7,6.6,6.3 323 (3aa 5H7 5439 1161 7.1,7.1 00 KK HK 1233 6.9 2 a H 5440 1074 6.8,7.0 71 KK HH 5408 443, 494,1087 6.6,6.6,6.2 ISO Kp HHO 5441 1281 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH 1124 7.0 2 H 5442 1065,1074 7.0,6.9 07 KH III d 5409 435, 435, 441 6.9,5.9,0.0 115 KKK HUH ac 5443 1065,1074,1113 6.7,7.0,6.9 723 aaK. OOH ad 495, 500, 508 6.0,6.4,6.3 071 KKI linn 1208,1255 6.6,7.0 22 (la 00 1065,1065,1074 5.7 2.. KHK HFS 5444 443, 494,1087 6.5,6.3,5.9 320 KKK HHH ad 1074,1113,1116 6.0,5.4,5.5 55^ KKK JSBH 1124 6.5 K H 1162,1208,1233 5.7,5.4,6.7 075 KKK. HHH 5445 1281 7.4,7.5 70 KK HH 1255,1255 5.7 2. KG BO 5446 1073,1208,1233 7.0,6.5,7.0 131 KKK HHH d 5410 1281 6.7,6.8 01 KK KH 5447 1088,1124 6.9,7.2 27 KK HH ad 5411 1161,1281 6.9,6.5 12 KK tiff 5448 1073,1088,1208 6.^,7.0,6.5 022 KKK aim 5412 1073 7.2,7.1 10 KK HII 5449 435, 441, 458 5.8 6.5 0.2 jKU 2nO r 5413 500, 508,1073 7.0,7.0,6.5 212 Kllfl HOO aci 495, 500, 508 5.9,6.9,6.6 744 7 ft 202 1088,1208 6.3,6.3 01 n OF 509,1065,1074 5.7,5.1 .24 H) 7 12F 5414 443, 443, 494 5.6,5.6 .03 r$ 088 1113,1116,1162 5.8,5.4 .15 P OFI 1088,1124,1124 5.3 6.0 0.1 7P 255 1208,1233,1255 5.5,5.7,5.3 312 dpd 222 5415 442, 477, 507 5.2,5.8,5.5 224 tK.8 YHH ad 1256,1314 5.0 5. pa 10 1161,1304,1310 4.3,4.3,4.0 123 yfi FF5 5450 494,1281 64,93 56 KK 11H cl 5416 1255 6.7,6.7 00 HK Oa 5451 1161,1304,1310 6.1,6.6,6.5 512 KKK HUH a 5417 443, 494,1087 6.1,6.5,5.8 707 Mr On2 5452 507,1161,1304 7.0,6.5,6.5 710 Kp' nOF 1124 6.6 1 i F 1310 6.5 2 5418 1281 6.8,6.9 70 KK HII 5453 435, 495,1065 6.4,6.9,6.5 301 ana 010 5419 1065,1074,1113 6.9,6.7,7.0 172 KKK I//I1 d 1074,1113,1116 6.4,6.4,6.8 042 rfn 000 1208 6.9 1 K H 1208,1233,1255 6.4,6.9,6.5 041 W On2 5420 1281 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 1314 6.5 K H 5421 1065 7.0,7.3 *1 KK III 5454 1281 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH a 5422 435, 495, 500 6.7,6.0,6.5 122 J'KK HHtf ad 3455 435,1073,1074 6.5,6.5,6.3 207 KKK HH// ad 508,1073,1074 6.5,6.0,5.6 127 P K Y IIIH 1116,1162,1208 6.6,6.5,6.5 071 HKH 0/zO 1208,1233 5.7,5.9 01 to- 8n 1233,1255 6.6,6.5 17 KK HH 5423 1281 7.2,7.2 00 ni 00 5456 1281 6.4,6.5 70 HK FJT i 5424 1074 7.1,7.3 71 KK HH 5457 1088,1208 7.0,6.7 17 KK HH a 5425 507,1161,1304 7.0,6.5,6.5 207 vKK HHH 5458 1281 7.5,7.4 07 KK HH 1310 6.6 9 K a 5459 500, 508,1073 6.8,6.6,6.3 521 KKK HHH ad 5426 442, 507,1161 6.7, 772 ORf HHF 1073,1074,1074 6.0 .7 FKK FH/f 304,1310 6.4,6.3 12 ty 22 1208,1233,1233 6.0,6.6 74. KKK BHH 5427 088,1208 7.2,6.7 22 Ka HO cl 1255 6.5 ! K H 5428 161 7.0,7.2 71 KK HH 5460 1281 6.8,7.2 22 KK HH | 5429 088 7.3,7.4 01 KH HO 5461 435, 495, 500 6.0,6.0,6.8 2^7 HHK FOn ad 5430 281 7.1,7.2 01 HK H 508,1073,1074 6.7,6.2,5.7 22 KKK HHH 5431 113,1208 6.9,7.0 32 III r 1116,1162,1208 6.0,6.4,6.0 31 KKK HHB 5432 161 6.6,6.8 71 K HH 1233,1255 6.2,5.9 KK HH 5433 281 7.0,7.1 70 KK III 5462 1161,1310 7.1,7.3 2 KK HH 192 AXNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C;. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R 5463 1208 6.9,7.3 22 KK 1 1 II 5498 443, 477, 507 6.7,7.0,6.5 500 (3H 000 5464 1281 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 514,1123,1138 6.8,0.7,0.5 012 K(3 //On 5465 500, 508,1073 6.5,6.5,6.7 302 n? 002 1161,1281,1304 5.6,5.6,5.9 2/0 M 002 1074,1208 5.8,5.8 00 N 00 1310 5.4 3 7 2 5466 1281 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 5499 1281 7.1,7.2 01 KK //// 5467 1161 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5500 1304,1310 7.1,7.0 01 hK OH 5468 443,1087,1123 6.0,6.5,6.6 557 j3 5nO 5501 443,1178,1281 7.1,6.3,6.0 305 KKK HHH ad 1281 5.6 2 d 5 5502 477, 507, 514 6.5,6.0,6.4 001 KKK HUH at 5469 443,1088,1124 5.7,0.7,6.5 431 m HHH 1138,1161,1304 5.3,5.3,5.3 301 KKK HHH 1137 6.5 a H 1310 5.3 1 K I) 5470 443, 494,1087 5.7,6.2,5.3 112 w 2Hl 5503 1074,1208 6.7,6.6 10 ffa 00 1123,1281 6.3,5.2 11 j&. 2F 5504 1208 6.4,6.5 01 KK HH 5471 1161 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 5505 1178 6.9,7.0 01 KK lilt 5472 508 7.0,7.2 11 KH HO 5506 1074,1208,1255 6.3,6.5,0.4 710 KKK B//// ad 5473 1281 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 5507 1178,1281 6.3,6.5 n KK IIII d 5474 443,1087,1281 7.2,7.0,6.0 235 Kp' OHH 5508 1138,1304,1310 6.9,6.5,6.8 023 KHrt //Fl ad 5475 1088 7.3,7.3 00 Illl 00 r 5509 1074,1255 6.8,6.9 01 KH IlO 5476 1088 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 5510 1281 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5477 1074,1208 6.7,6.7 00 fc On ad 5511 1088,1208 7.0,6.6 12 KK UH r 5478 1074 6.7,6.9 n HK OH r 5512 r 5479 443, 443, 494 6.3 6.3 3.0 AT 200 5513 1088,1208 7.1,6.7 11 KK HH 1087,1123,1124 5.7 0.. 88? 000 5514 435,1073,1074 6.6,6.3,6.1 107 KKK HHH a 1136,1178,1281 6.4,5.5 10. *to 015 1116,1162,1208 6.2,6.4,6.4 202 KKK //HB 5480 1065,1074,1255 0.,6.9 00. KKK HHH d 1233,1255 6.4,6.3 11 KK HH 1256,2242 6.8 .0 KH HO 5515 1138,1304,1310 7.2,0.5,7.0 022 KKtt HH8 5481 1161 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 1310 h 5482 1074,1113 7.2,7.2 12 KH nO 5516 1065,1074,1113 6,9,6.8,7.0 102 HHK OOH dr 5483 1208 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1208 6.8 K H 5484 1281 6.2,6.1 10 KK HH ad 5517 1281 7.0,6.8 17 KK HH 5485 1281 6.5,6.6 01 Mi OH 5518 500,1088,1137 6.9,6.8,6.9 442 HKK 0//H a 5486 1074,1208 6.5,6.9 22 f* HH d 1208 6.5 2 K H 5487 1161,1281 0.7,6.2 22 KK HH 5519 443,1124,1136 5.6,6.0,6.1 010 KKK HHH ad 5488 507,1161,1304 6.9,5.8,6.4 041 KJ'K nOn 1178 5.2 1 K B 1310 6.2 1 ? 2 5520 443, 460,1124 5.2,6.4,5.3 765 ^ FFF 5489 495, 500, 508 6.0,6.7,6.8 040 rft 010 r 1137 5.6 7 8 F 1073,1073,1074 6.3,6.3,6.0 111 W HOlI 5521 1310 7.3,7.1 17 KK HH 1116,1116,1162 6.4,6.4 .11 a^a HIS 5522 507,1138,1310 7.0,6.7,6.5 702 KKK HHH dr 1162,1208,1233 0.2,5.9,0.6 724 etya OrO 5523 1304,1310 7.0,6.7 10 KK HH 1233,1255,1255 5.9,6.8 .22 dpa HlO 5524 1178,1281 7.1,7.2 01. KK HH d 5490 1074 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 5525 1178,1281 6.6,0.5 10 KK HH a 5491 1088 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 5526 1074,1116 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH d 5492 at 5527 1123,1178,1178 7.0 6.4 7.2 llKK OHH ad 5493 1161,1304,1310 6.5,6.9,6.8 001 C.KK OHH r 1281 6.2 K H 5494 r 5528 1304,1310 7.0,7.0 71 HK OH 5495 1074,1208 6.5,6.7 11 KK HH a 5529 1178 6.3,6.5 71 KK HH 5496 500, 508,1065 7.1,6.9,6.6 522 HHK OOH d 5530 508,1208 6.8,7.0 54 HK OH d 1074,1113,1116 6.3,6.5,6.7 131 aaK HHH 5531 1124,1136,1178 7.1,7.1,6.0 207 KKK HHH ad 1162,1208,1255 7.0,6.5,6.5 411 K$ n2n 5532 443, 460,1123 4.8,5.5,5.4 207 t T S FFF 1314 6.3 2 P 5 1136,1178,1281 5.4,4.8,4.7 732 yds FFF 5497 1178,1281 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 5533 1074,1208,1255 6.8,6.7,7.7 722 KKK HHH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 193 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5534 1065,1074,1113 6.6,6.5,6.7 102 KKH HHO ad 5571 1178 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1116,1208,1233 6.5,6.7,6.8 222 KKK HHll 5572 1281 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 1255,1256,1314 6.4,6.0,7.0 134: KKK 11 HU 5573 1208 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH a 5535 1178,1281 7.1,7.3 n KH HO 5574 1178 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 5536 1138,1310,1310 7.0,7.0,6.9 2-11 KKH HHO a 5575 1074,1255 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH d 5537 1178,1281 0.8,7.0 11 KK mi 5576" 1073,1074,1116 7.0,6.6,6.7 212 KKH HHO d 5538 1178,1178,1281 7.0,6.6 .12 KKK II H// 1208,1255 6.8,6.5 12 KK aa 5539 1065,1074,1208 6.8 6.5 1.2 KKK UHH 5577 1310 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH r 1314 6.8 K II 5578 1074,1255,2242 6.9 6.7 1.1 Haa 080 5540 1281 7.3,7.4 01 KH HO 5579 443, 460,1123 5.5,5.4 54. M FFO 5541 1255 6.9,7.0 10 KH IlO 1123,1136,1178 5.6,5.8,4.5 103 n s F2P 5542 1065,1074,1116 7.1,6.9,7.0 201 KKK HHH a 1281,1281 -4-9 .1 to OF 1255 6.8 1 K II 5580 500, 508,1074 5.0,5.2, B .I4B KKK KHB ad 5543 508,1065,1074 6.8,6.2,6.0 120 KKK H HB ad 1116,1162,1208 B, 4.0, B B?B KKK BBB 1113,1116,1162 6.7,6.3,6.4 512 KKK BHH 1255 B B K K 1208,1233,1255 6.0,6.6,5.9 Obi KKK nan 5581 507,1304 6.9,6.9 53 KK HH d 1314 5.8 3 K B 5582 1065,1074,1208 6.9,6.9,6.8 00.? KKK IIH.ff 5544 1074 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH 1314 7.0 K II 5545 1065,1208 0.9,6.8 10 KK nil d 5583 1178,1281 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5546 1255 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 5584 1310 7.1,7.1 00 llh 00 5547 1281 7.2,7.1 10 UK OH 5585 1178,1178,1281 6.8 6.6 1.1 KKH HIlO 5548 1281 7.2,7.3 10 KK mi 5586 1255 6.8,6.8 00 KK Hll 5549 1208 7.0,7.2 n KK HII 5587 1124,1137 7.1,7.0 11 KM HO d 5550 1074,1208,1255 6.7,6.8,6.7 010 KKK //HH d 5588 1178 6.9,7.1 11 KK aa 5551 1178 7.0,7.1 10 II K OH 5589 1074,1116,1208 6.7,7.0,6.8 100 KKK HHH d 5552 1178 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5590 1281 6.7,6.7 00 aa HH 5553 1074 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5591 477, 507, 514 6.5,6.4,6.7 511 KKK HHH at 5554 1124,1124,1137 - 6.7,6.6 .11 KKK HUH a 1138,1304,1310 5.7,5.6,5.6 211 aKff HHH 5555 1281 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH ac 5592 1074 6.9,7.0 10 HH 00 5556 1208 n KK HH 5593 1304,1310 6.5,6.6 21 K IIII ad 5557 1137 7.1,7.3 11 KK IIII 5594 1281 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 5558 1178 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 5595 1304,1310 6.7,6.8 21 H 05 5559 500, 508,1074 7.0,6.9,6.1 201 KKp 1 HIlO r 5596 1178,1281 7.0,7.1 10 HK FH 1116,1162,1208 6.3,6.5,6.2 no W F2F 5597 1074,1116,1162 6.6,6.5,6.8 030 HK nOn d 1255 6.2 ft 2 1208,1314 6.6,6.9 02 K HH 5560 514,1138,1304 6.7,6.2,6.3 si2 KKK Him ad 5598 1178,1178,1281 7.0,6.7 .12 KKK HHH 1310 6.2 3 K H 5599 1310 6.9,6.7 11 K RH 5562 443,1124,1137 6.3,6.4,6.3 202 w HUH 5600 1065,1074,1116 6.5,6.3,6.6 110 KKK HBH 5563 1074 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH a 1162,1233,1255 6.4,6.8,6.3 2Z1 KKK HHH 5564 507,1138,1304 6.9,7.1,6.6 530 KKK HUH a 1256 5.9 8 K B 1310 6.5 1 K H 5601 1178 6.7,6.8 01 $ 00 5565 1074,1255 6.7,7.1 22 ah HO r 5602 1208 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 5566 477, 507, 514 6.5,6.4,6.,? 512 a^K HFH d 5603 1178,1281 6.2,6.5 12 fr 00 1138,1304,1310 6.0,5.5,5.4 121 pay HF# 5604 435,1065,1074 6.4 ..2 KH HOO d 5567 500, 508,1074 4.4,4.8,4.0 521 r r, r^i 12F d 1116,1233,1255 aKy H 8 1116,1162,1208 B, B, B BBB ttd FFF 1256,2242 6.1 .1 W OH 1255 4.0 1 I F 5605 1065,1074,1208 6.9,6.7,6.8 110 KKH HHO 5568 1208 6.7,7.0 n KK HH 1255 7.0 2 K H 5569 1281 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 5606 1065,1074,1255 6.8,6.4,6.8 151 KKK HHH ad 5570 1074,1208 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 1256 6.6 1 K H 194 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5607 1074 6.9,7.1 n KK HH 5648 1178 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 5608 1178 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 5649 460, 492, 492 4.3 4.6 2.1 fr* 522 5609 500, 508,1074 6.7,6.8,5.8 221 KJ< HUH r 1075,1075,1136 4.3 4.3 4.2 er,ij 222 1116,1162,1208 6.0,6.2,6.0 in 1 255 1178 B B n 2 1255 5.7 2 7 H 5650 1886 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH a 5610 1074,1208 6.9,6.9 00 KH HO 5651 1385 6.8,6.8" 00 KK HH a 5611 1178 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 5652 1065,1074,1116 6.7,6.5,6.9 020 KKH HHO 5612 460, 492,1075 6.4,7.0,6.2 400 W HtlO 1208,1233,1255 6.6,7.0,6.7 .720 HHK OOH 1136,1178,1281 6.9,5.8,5.9 101 ft' 025 1256,1314 6.5,6.8 00 HH FO 5613 1178 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 5653 460, 492, 514 4.9,5.4 .24 dtp OOF a 5614 1074 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1075,1136,1138 4.5 4.0 2.3 t7Z .7F2 5615 1385 6.2,6.3 01 # FO 1178 . 7 2 5616 1208 6.9,7.0 .70 GH OF 5654 1178 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 5617 460,1076,1124 6.2,5.0,5.2 515 KKK HBB a 5655 1385 7.2,7.2 00 KK II H 1137 5.3 3 K B 5656 1385 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5618 1385 6.4,6.6 11 fh FH 5657 1208 7.0,7.3 21 HK OH 5619 140,2242 6.8,6.0 11 w 00 5658 1075,1178 6.7,6.2 0.7 KK HH at 5620 1178 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 5659 1075,1178 7.0,6.7 10 KK HH ad 5621 1178 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 5660 1074 6.9,7.2 n HH 00 5622 1074 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5661 1208 6.7,7.0 12 FK TfH 5623 1178 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 5662 1074 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 5624 1385 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5663 1137,1208 7.1,6.5 11 KK HH d 5625 1178 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 5664 1385 6.7,6.7 00 an, 00 5626 500,1137,1208 7.2,7.2,6.4 .711 HKJ- OHO d 5665 1074,1116,1162 6.3,6.5,6.7 111 fiffe 02F 5627 500, 508,1074 6.9,6.8,5.7 022 ap 7 HOO 1255 6.4 9 2 1116,1162,1208 6.3,6.0,5.9 2.70 fip 222 5666 509,1208 7.0,6.9 66 KK HH ad 1255 6.0 1 7 2 5607 1075 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH 5628 1116 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 5668 1075 6.9,6.8 01 fr OH 5629 1074,1116,1208 6.5,6.9,6.8 201 (3KK OHH d 5669 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 5630 1075,1138 6.6,7.2 52 KH HO 5670 1074 7.1,7.4 n KK HH 5631 1074 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5671 1076 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 5632 454, 514,1138 6.2,6.6,5.5 222 $K8 aaO 5672 1385 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH 1385 5.2 e F 5673 1385 6.4,6.6 11 HH 00 5633 1074,1208,1255 6.8,6.6,6.7 110 KKK HHH 5674 1074 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH 5634 500, 508,1208 7.2,7.0,6.4 101 KHj3 H!F 5675 454, 514,1138 5.8,6.5,5.6 211 j'a 8n5 5635 1208 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1385 5.2 f 5 5636 1076,1178 7.0,7.2 11. KK HH 5676 454,1385 6.9,6.2 .70 H^ Off 5637 1385 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH r 5677 1385 6.6,6.5 0.7 KK HH ar 5638 1138,1385 7.0,6.3 11 *? OF 5678 1075,1178 6.8,6.9 32 Ktt HO d 5639 1208 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 5679 1075,1178 7.1,6.7 00 KK HH ad 5640 1385 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH a 5680 1208 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5641 1178 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 5681 1074,1116,1162 6.5,6.9,7.0 112 p'K OOH d 5642 1385 6.9,6.9 00 KH aO 1208,1255,1314 6.5,6.6,6.6 101 H 150 5643 1385 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH r 5682 1074 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5644 1074,1116,1162 6.5,6.6,6.7 121 Mill 000 a 5683 1178 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 5645 1208,1255,1314 1178 6.7,6.4,6.9 7.0,7.0 122 00 KfiK KK W OH! r 5760 1074,1208,1314 6.9,6.9,6.9 001 KKK HHH ad 1116,1208,1255 5.9,5.8,5.8 100 753 222 5761 528,1076,1126 5.8,5.5,5.7 212 (35a F22 1314 5.9 1 F 1137,1180 6.^,5.5 12 ft- 00 5715 1076 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 5762 1075,1179 6.9,7.2 .12 KK HH d 5716 1076,1137,1180 6.2,7.0,6.5 212 KKK BUB ad 5763 1074 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5717 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 5764 1116,1162,1255 6.5,6.5,6.3 000 aaf! F02 5718 1385 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 5765 1385 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 5719 1385 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 5766 1385 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH r 5720 1138,1385 6.6,5.9 11 KK HH a 5767 r 5721 1076 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH a 5768 1065,1074,1116 6:8,6.6,6.8 200 HKK OHH ad 5722 1075,1178 6.8,6.9 52 alt OH d 1255,1256 6.3,6.5 51 KK HH 5723 454, 492,1075 5.3 5.6 2.4 KHK nOa ad 5769 1075 6.9,7.0 01 FK Fff 1138,1217,1385 b.1,7.14.7 100 KKd Baa 5770 1385 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 5724 1385 6.4,6.5 01 KK HH a 5771 1180 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 5725 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 5772 1385 7.1,6.8 12 KK HH 5726 1074 7.0,7.4 22 KK HH 5773 454,1385 7.1,6.0 12 B? OF r 5727 1385 6.0,6.1 01 KK HH a 5774 1385 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH r 5728 1075 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 5775 1075,1179 6.9,6.7 01 KK Hff 196 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. K. B. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. B. 5776 435, 495, 500 5.8,5.8 31. ft** IlOO clr 5817 1179 6.9,7.3 22 KK HH 1065,1074,1116 5.6,4.8,5.4 440 p'3 lF2 5818 1385 6.8,6.6 11 KK Hll 1162,1233,1255 5.2,5.3,5.2 200 # 822 5819 500, 509,1074 6.9,6.8,5.7 131 KKK HHB a 1256 4.8 9 r 2 1116,1162,1208 6.0,6.2,6.0 022 KKK mi// 5777 1076,1180 7.0,6.5 11 00 1255,1314 5.6,5.8 21 KK Hff 5778 1076 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 5820 1075,1139,1385 7.0,7.2 11. KKf! HH2 rt 5779 1116,1162 7.0,6.5 13 KK mi 5821 1385 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH a 5780 1076,1126,1180 6.3,6.8,6.2 in KICK HUH a 5822 492, 528,1075 7.0,6.8,6.3 730 KKfj HIl5 d 5781 454,1385 6.8,5.8 \i KK H// art 1179 6.0 (3 H 5782 1075,1125,1179 6.7,7.2,C.C in KKK HUH a 5823 1385 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 5783 1385 7.1,7.1 00 KK 1III r 5824 1075,1179 7.0,7.0 .72 KH HO 5784 1076,1180 7.1,6.3 52 KK mi 5825 1074,1208,1255 6.6,6.5,6.8 0.72 KKK HHH 5785 500, 508, 509 6.5,6.4,6.5 24.7 KHK iiOn at 5826 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1074,1116,1162 5.3,5.3,5.4 02.7 KKK BHH 5827 1385 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 1208,1255,1314 5.4,4.8,5.3 \51 KKK HUH 5828 1385 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 5786 1076,1180 7.0,6.9 n KH IIF 5829 454, 501,1139 5.8,6.3,5.5 O-)g J'fy OFF 5787 1116,1162,1255 6.7,6.9,6.5 111 KK //Il5 1385,1385 4.8 .0 M OF 5788 1076,1180 7.0,6.8 10 KK IIII rt 5830 1180 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5789 1179 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5831 454,1139,1385 6.4,6.3,5.2 202 KKK HHH a 5790 1385 6.9,7.0 70 KK Ha a 5832 1116,1162,1255 7.0,7.2,6.9 .710 KKK HHH ad 5791 1075,1179 6.8,6.9 22 K IH 1314 7.0 1C H 5792 1076 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 5833 1076 6.5,6.6 01 Off 21 5793 1075 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 5834 1385 6.6,6.6 00 $ mi 5794 1116,1162,1255 5.7,6.0,5.5 212 KKK HUH a 5S35 1076,1180 6.3,6.5 .11 KK H// 1314 6.2 4 K H 5836 1116,1162 7.0,6.9 01 KH HO d 5795 1385 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH 5837 1179 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5796 1076,1180 7.1,7.0 n KK n n 5838 528,1076,1126 6.4,6.2,6.5 in *' K //HH 5797 1385 6.6,6.6 00 P ' 20 r 1180 5.6 2 d // 5798 1385 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5839 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 5799 1385 6.2,6.4 n KK HH r 5840 1385 7.1,7.0 10 KK Hll 5800 1179 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 5841 1076,1126,1180 6.4,7.2,6.1 232 KKK HllH a 5801 1385 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 5842 1116,1162,1255 6.3,6.3,6.5 7/3 J'rtK 555 5802 1074 7.1,7.4 1-1 KK HH 1314 6.3 2 5803 1385 6.2,6.3 01 KK HH 5843 1179 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5804 1074,1116,1255 6.3 2.. KKK HHH a 5844 1385 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH !)t 1256,2242 6.2 .1 KK Hff 5845 1385 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 5805 1208 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5846 1076,1180 6.7,6.8 22 KK HH a 5806 1208 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 5847 1208 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5807 1076 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 5848 1180 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 5808 1075,1385 6.9,7.0 01. Kh HO ad 5849 454,1139,1385 6.8,7.2,5.9 122 HICK OH// ad 5809 1074 7.0,7.3 21 KK BH r 5850 1116,1255,1314 6.8,6.9,7.1 212 KKK HHH d 5810 454,1139,1385 6.7,6.8,5.8 00.7 KKK HH// art 5851 1385 7.1,7.1 00 KK Hll 5811 1385 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH a 5852 509,1116,1162 6.9,6.2,6.4 513 da OOF 5812 B K, K KB BR BB r 1255,1314 6.0,5.9 11 17 FF 5813 492, 528,1075 6.8,6.9,5.9 253 HKJ- OHP a 5853 1385 6.8,6.8 00 KK an r 1125,1179 6.6,5.8 11 H0 00 5854 1179 6.9,7.2 12 KK HH 5814 528,1126,1180 6.5,6.7,5.7 213 KHK HFJ/ art 5855 1385 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 1314 6.5 2 K H 5856 1385 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 5815 1385 6.9,6.9 00 00 5857 454,1385 7.0,5.9 21 H? OF 5816 1074 6.9,7.0 .70 KK HH 5858 1385 6.9,7.1 n KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 197 Observed Observed D.C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 5859 1074 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH a 1209 7.1 4 K H 5860 1075,1125,1179 7.0,7.3,6.8 001 KKK HHH ad 5901 528,1125,1179 5.6,5.8,5.2 100 KKK H55 a 5861 1385 7.1,7.1 00 hH 00 5902 501, 529,1139 6.4,64,6.2 811 til*" OFF 5862 1385 6.8,7.0 n i/lf 00 1181 5.8 4 r H 5863 1385 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 5903 1179 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 5864 1385 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 5904 .528,1075,1179 7.0,7.1,6.7 210 KKK HHH ac 5865 1075,1125,1179 6.9,6.8,6.1 312 KKK HHB ad 5905 1139 6.9,7.0 01 If 1C 00 5866 528,1076,1125 6.6,6.2,6.7 111 KKK nan ad 5906 1162,1314 7.1,6.7 12 KK HH 1179 5.7 3 K H 5907 1181 6.8,6.7 0.7 KK HH 5867 1180 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5908 501,1077,1139 4.5, B, B RBB rfa 252 r 5868 528,1076,1125 6.3,6.7,6.9 352 KKK HHll a 5909 1125,1179 7.0,6.5 01 K HH d 1179 5.8 8 K H 5910 1076,1078,1125 64,6.3,7.0 112 KKK HHH a 5869 1076,1180 7.0,6.7 00 KK HH ad 1179,1209 6.1,6.1 11 KK HH 5870 500, 509,1116 7.0,6.9,6.4 0^2 KKK HHH ad 5911 1065,1074,1116 6.8,6.9,7.0 121 IIKK OHH d 1162,1255,1314 6.5,6.2,6.0 32.7 KKK HHH 1255,1256 6.5,6.5 20 K HH 5871 1075 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 5912 1181 6.8,6.7 0.7 HK OH 5872 1075,1125,1179 7.1,7.2,6.6 111 KKK HHH d 5913 1074,1208,1314 6.9,6.8 .11 KKH H//0 d 5873 1385 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 5914 501, 529,1139 5.8,5.6,5.2 204 KKK BHB a 5874 1385 7.0,6.9 0.7 KK HH r 1181 5.2 5 K B 5875 1385 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 5916 1181 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 5876 1075,1179 7.0,6.9 11 KK HH 5917 1077 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 5877 1385 6.8,6.9 01 K HH 5918 1181 6.4,6.5 01 KK HH 5878 1255 6.8,6.8 00 HK Ox 5919 1116,1162,1255 6.7,6.8,6.5 010 nap H55 ad 5879 1074,1255 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH d 1314 6.5 1 P H 5880 1179 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 5920 528,1078,1125 6.9,6.7,7.1 .720 KKK H//H ad 5881 1180 6.7,6.6 10 Ktt HH 1179,1209 6.2,6.8 33 KK HH 5882 1385 6.6,6.6 00 <$ 5H 5921 1181 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH a 5883 1385 6.5,6.3 11 KK HH 5922 1181 6.8,6.7 01 FK FH 5884 1208,1255,1314 6.9,7.0,7.0 010 KK1I HHO 5923 1180 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 5885 1075,1179 7.0,7.0 n KK HH 5924 1078,1209 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH d 5886 1385 7.0,7.0 00 K OH 5925 1179 7.4,7.4 00 KK HH 5887 1074 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 5926 1179 6.9,7.0 10 KK 55 5888 1116,1162,1255 6.9,7.0,6.7 101 HH 08F 5927 1208 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1314 6.9 H 5928 509,1074,1116 7.3,6.7,6.6 430 KKK HHH a 5S89 528,1075,1179 7.1,6.9,6.7 001 HKOt OHF 1162,1208,1255 6.6,64,6.4 000 KKK HHH 5890 1139,1385 6.6,6.0 12 KK H-ff 1256,1314 6.2,6.4 01 KK HH 5891 454, 501,1139 0.2,6.3,5.9 "2.22 aft n82 5929 503, 509, 528 , 4.3, B BOB dtJK Fll 1385 5.8 1 7 F 1126,1128,1180 B, B, B BBB Ijty 111 5892 1255,2242 7.0,7.0 .00 KH HO d 1218,1314 5.2, B OB j6 21 5893 1139,1385 6.7,5.6 11 KK HH ar 5930 1078,1179,1209 7.2,6.8,7.2 131 KHK nOn ad 5894 1180 6.8,6.5 11 KK HH 5931 1181,1181 6.7,64 12 KK HH ad 5895 528,1076,1078 5.4,5.3,5.2 #11 KKK BDH ad 5932 1255,1256,1314 6.8,6.7,7.1 101 KHK IlOH 1126,1180,1209 5.7,4.9,4.9 202 KKK HBB 5933 1180 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 5896 1208 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH a 5934 1181 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH 5897 1116,1126,1162 6.6,7.0,6.9 .712 KKH iraO ad 5935 1181 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 5898 1180,1255,1314 1116,1255,1314 - 6.5,6.4 6.8,6.8,6.7 .02 111 KKH IIKK aaO OHH 5936 5937 528,1126,1180 7.0,7.0,6.1 12.7 uKa On2 5899 509,1116,1162 7.0,6.4,6.6 502 KflK nOn 1209 6.0 4 1255,1314 6.4,6.6 23 0* 50 5938 1255,1314 7.0,6.9 11 KK HH d 5900 528,1076,1180 6.9,6.9,6.3 3\2 Kaa HOO 5939 501, 528,1077 7.0 5.8 0.1 H$ On5 198 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.O. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 1125,1139,1179 6.7 5.8 2.1 6ta(3 552 5976 529,1139,1181 6.7,6.5 11. h J7 OFF 5940 1116,1162,1255 6.7,7.0,6.6 120 HHK rOa- 1181 5.6 1 9 1314 6.5 2 K n 5977 1181 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 5941 1180 7.0,7.3 SI KK 1111 5978 1077 6.8,6.8 00 KfJ HH 5942 1078,1179,1209 6.8,6.5,7.0 in KKK HHH a 5979 1074 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 5943 501, 529,1139 6.9,6.5,6.2 112 Krefj HOF 5980 1256 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1181 5.5 5 F 5981 1116,1255,1314 7.0,6.9,6.6 122 KK RllH ad 5944 1078,1179,1180 6.6 6.9 2.3 KKK HHH a 5982 1078,1180,1209 6.3,6.5,6.4 542 KKK HUH a 1209 6.8 K H 5983 1077,1179 7.1,6.8 12 KK HH ad 5945 1077,1179 6.9,6.9 00 KK JIII d 5984 503, 528,1078 6.3,6.0,5.4 S12 Krf n55 d 5946 1180 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH. 1126,1128,1180 6.3,5.5,5.5 321 H(tf IIH2 5947 1116,1314 6.9,6.6 11 KK HH 1209 5.7 1 (3 2 5948 1116,1162,1255 6.7,6.8,6.7 101 KKK HHH 5985 1074,1256 7.1,7.1 11 KK HH 1314 6.9 2 K H 5986 1181 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 5949 1181 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 5987 1074,1116,1255 6.7,6.8,6.7 010 KKK UHH d 5950 1181 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 1256 6.5 K H 5951 1181 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH r 5988 1256 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 5952 528,1078,1180 7.0,7.7,6.6 530 KKK HHH d 5989 1181 6.6,6.6 00 ">M 1209 7.0 2 K H 5990 529,1181 7.2,6.4 10 KK 11 H 5953 1181 7.1,6.8 12 FK FH r 5991 509,1074,1208 7.2,6.5,6.6 720 HttK OHH ad 5954 1077,1179 6.9,6.9 00 hK Oa d 1255,1256,1314 6.9,6.9,6.6 351 KKK HHH 5955 1181 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 5992 1181 6.5,6.7 11 r aO 5956 1255,1256 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 5993 528,1077,1125 6.5,6.5,6.5 230 KK HHH 5957 1255 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 1179 6.1 1 a 1 5958 528,1078,1125 7.0,6.6,7.2 100 KKK HHH ad 5995 1077 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 1179,1209 6.5,6..? 12 KK BB 5996 1074,1116,1162 6.2 2.. KKK HHH a 5959 1181 6.7,6.7 00 KK BH 1256,2-242 5.8 .2 KK HB 5960 1209 6.6,6.8 11 KK HH 5997 1074,1208,1242 6.6,6.5,6.5 Oil KHK HOn a 5961 1181 6.5,6.4 10 ay 58 1256,1314 6.7,6.5 32 KH HO 5962 1078,1179 7.0,6.7 21 KK HH 5998 1179 7.2,7.4 11 KK HH 5963 1314 7.2,6.9 12 IIII 00 5999 529,1139,1181 5.8,6.^,5.4 421 KKK SHE ad 5964 2242 6.4,6.3 01 (5 00 b 6000 509, 536,1074 6.6,6.8,5.9 541 KKK HHH ad 5965 1074,1116,1208 6.3,6.9,6.9 402 KKK HHH 1116,1162,1208 6.0,6.4,5.9 041 KKK HHH 1255,1256 6.8,6.6 11 KK HH 1242,1255,1256 6.0,5.8,5.7 101 KKK HUH 5966 528,1078,1125 7.1,6.5,7.2 101 Hf)K 08n ad 1314 5.6 5 K H 1179,1209 6.4,6.6 11 K HH 6001 1256 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 5967 501, 529,1139 6.8,6.1,6.5 122 tf OFF 6002 1180 6.7,6.8 10 KK UK 1181 5.5 1 7 F 6003 1116,1162,1255 7.0,7.0,6.7 110 HKH OnO 5968 1078,1180,1209 6.9,7.2,7.0 231 KKK HHH a 1314 6.7 1 K H 5969 1074,1116,1162 6.2,6.6,6.3 112 KKF HHV at 6004 1181 6.8,6.7 01 KK II H 1233,1245,1255 6.7,6.2,6.3 300 KHK nOn 6005 1116,1162,1255 6.9,6.9,6.7 000 KKK HHH a 1256 6.0 1 K H 1256,1314 6.4,6.8 10 KK an 5970 1078,1180,1209 6.9,6.9,7.0 110 KKK HUM d 6006 1181 6.7,6.7 00 K HH. a 5971 1162,1255,1256 6.9,6.6,6.5 0/0 KKK HHlf ad 6007 1181 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 5972 1181 6.3,6.4 10 KK HH 6008 1077 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 5973 509,1116,1162 7.0,6.2,6.4 502 off HFO 6009 1179 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 1255,1256,1314 5.8,6.0,6.3 222 7& F 2 6010 1181 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 5974 1078,1179 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 6011 1181 6.8,6.8 00 HK OH r 5975 501, 529,1139 6.4,5.5,6.1 142 fry 050 6012 1181 7.2,7.4 11 KK HH 1181 5.1 1 d 2 6013 1181 7.1,6.9 11 KK ffH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 199 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 6014 1078 7.2,7.3 01 HK OH 6050 1181 6.4,6.4 00 KK HH a 6015 1078,1180,1209 7.2,7.2,7.2 111 KKK HUH d 6051 1128,1180,1314 7.1,0.7,6.9 20.7 KKK HHH d 6016 r 6052 1181 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 6017 1314 7.0,7.3 1-2 KK HH r 6053 1181 6.5,6.5 00 KK II H 6018 529,1129,1181 6.1 5.1 Q.I KK HHH ad 6054 1078 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH ar 6019 1181 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 6055 1116,1162,1255 6.3,6.4,0.2 211 KKK HUH d 6020 1181 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH r 1256,1314 6.3,6.4 20 KK air 6021 1078,1180,1209 7.1,7.2,7.3 210 KKK HHH d 6056 509, 546,1218 4.8,4-4,5-8 S82 00 202 r 6022 1181 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1256,1314 4.2,4.0 61 dd 12 6023 1181 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 6057 1181 6.7,6.7 00 FK YH ad 6024 509, 536,1116 6.8,6.5,6.5 523 KKK HHH a 6058 529, 545,1129 4.3,5.1, B 33B jf FFF r 1162,1255,1256 6.2,6.1,5.9 Oil KKK HUH 1181 B B C F 1314 5.9 2 K a 6059 545,1077,1129 6.2,5.3,6.2 113 w FFO 6025 529,1181 6.6,6.0 n KK HH ad 6060 1162,1255,1256 6.9,6.3,6.2 121 HKK OHH 6026 1181 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 1314 6.6 K H 6027 529, 545,1129 6.0,6.0,6.0 022 KKK HHH ar 6061 1255 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1181 5.2 i K H 6062 1078,1128,1209 6.9,7.3 22. KKK HHH r 6028 1074,1208,1255 6.6,6.0,6.7 .720 KKK HHH 6063 1181 7.2,7.1 0.7 KK HH 1256,1314 6.7,6.9 21 KK HH 6064 1077,1127 6.2,6.0 35 KK HH a 6029 1181 6.5,6.5 00 H0 00 6065 1078,1127,1209 6.2,7.0,6.5 221 KKK HUH 6030 1181 6.9,7.0 .70 KK HH r 6066 1078 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 6031 6032 1077,1127 1077,1127 6.5,6.8 6.0,6.9 10 23 |h 9* 2H 20 6067 6068 509, 536,1074 7.0,6.7,5.7 131 KKK HHH at r 6033 1078,1180,1209 6.8,6.7,7.1 .702 KKll HHO ad 1116,1162,1208 6.0,5.9 01. KKF SHF 6034 529,1129,1181 6.8,6.9,5.5 034 KKf au2 ad 1242,1245,1255 5.5,5.8 .20 atf aln 6035 1181 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH a 1314,1351 6.0,0.0 12 K HH 6036 1181 7.0,6.8 11 HK OH 6069 529, 545,1181 6.8,6.8,6.3 1S3 HjS 005 c 6037 1065,1074,1116 0.4,6.0,6.3 121 KHK HFH ab 6070 1128,1180,1314 7.3,0.5,6.8 303 HKK OHH 1233,1245,1255 6.0,6.2,6.0 312 KKK HHH 6071 1077,1127 5.8,6.7 23 aa 20 1256,1351 5.8,6.3 21 KK Illl 6072 1181 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH r 6038 1078 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 6073 1181 6.2,6.3 01 K Ha a 6039 1074,1255,1256 6.8,0.7,6.6 0.70 HHK OOH d 6074 1077 7.3,7.4 .70 KK HH 6040 1181 6.6,6.6 00 HK OH a 6075 1256 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 6041 1077 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 6076 1181 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 6042 1077 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH a 6077 1078,1209 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH d 6043 500, 509, 536 7.0,6.8,6.8 143 Htttt 000 6078 1077,1078,1127 6.8 7.1 0.1 HHK OOH 1074,1110,1162 5.9,6.5,6.3 042 paa HOI 6079 529,1129,1181 6.9,7.1,6.3 221 Khy HOO 1208,1242,1255 5.9,6.0,5.9 020 fffe 500 6080 140,2242 5.8,5.9 .01 KK HH a 1256,1314 5.5,5.9 21 } 22 6081 1181 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 6044 1077,1077,1127 7.0 6.5 4.5 KKK HHH 6082 1077 6.5,6.6 .70 /5 00 6045 500, 508, 509 6.0,5.5,5.8 342 Jty im5 r 6083 1077,1127 6.3,6.6 10 fr On 536,1074,1116 5.5,4.0,4.7 2.72 rfr 2ffO 6084 140,2242 6.3,5.7 00 9* HH 1162,1208,1218 4.6,4.9,7.0 521 77* 2//0 6085 509, 536,1116 6.0,5.8,5.2 520 $77 20.7 1242,1255,1256 4.7,5.0,4.5 530 ySt #22 1116,1162,1162 5.4,5.8,5.2 260 fifr 2/0 1314 4.6 2 8 o 1218,1242,1255 6.8,4.5,5.2 452 ffi WO 6046 529,1077,1129 6.9 6.9 l.l K|3 HOO 1255,1256,1314 4.8 ..3 tft Fl2 1181 6.1 H 5 6086 1077 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH a 6047 1255,1256 6.9,6.8 .70 KK HH 6087 1181 7.0,6.9 01 KK HB 6048 1074 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH b 6088 529, 545,1129 5.1,5.8,5.1 321 T td FFF 6049 1314 6.9,7.2 21 KK HH 1181 4.7 2 d F 200 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Observe*! D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 6089 1078,1128,1209 6.8,6.9,6.7 Oil KKK HHH r 1127 6.6 1 K H 6090 1077,1127 6.8,7.2 00 Kit HH d 6134 503, 530,1077 6.7,5.6,5.5 002 <*n- n05 6091 1181 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 1127 6.4 3 P 5 6092 1078,1209 7.2,7.1 01 KK II H 6135 1116,1256,1314 6.5,6.1,6.7 121 KKK naa 6093 1077 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 6136 1078,1209 7.2,7.1 Ql KK HH 6094 1077 6.5,6.6 10 5 H 6137 1078,1128,1209 7.0,6.8,7.0 111 KKK Him d 6095 1181 6.1,6.0 10 KK //// 6138 530,1077,1079 6.7,6.6,6.5 021 KK HllO at 6096 529, 545,1129 6.7,6.5,6.4 221 w 0#2 ,6139 1079 6.8,6.8 00 HH 00 1181 5.5 1 1 p '6140 1314 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH r 6097 509,1256,1314 7.1,6.7,6.4 5GO Kpa HF# 6141 545 7.1,7.1 00 KH nO 6098 1077,1127 6.2,6.1 13 Kit BH a 6142 1078,1209 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 6099 1077 6,6,6.6 00 KK HH a 6143 1077,1079 6.8,6.8 21 KK HH at 6100 1077 7.2,7.2 00 KH HO 6144 1128 7.0,7.2 11 HK On 6101 1181 6.0,6.2 11 KK HH a 6145 503, 503, 530 6.9 5.5 1.1 HH5 OOF r 6102 1256,1314 6.5,6.4 12 lilt On 1077,1079,1127 5.5,5.5,6.5 404 r lF2 6103 1077 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH a 1127 f B 6104 1256 6.7,6.6 10 HK OH 6146 530,1079,1127 6.1,5.9,6.2 125 KKK HHH a 6105 1256 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 6147 503, 530, 530 6.9,6.5 54. KK HHH 6106 1078,1209 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1079,1127 6.^,5.8 68 a H2 6107 1077 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH a 6148 545,1129,1140 4.9,4.0,4.9 055 <8 FFF r 6108 1077,1127 6.2,6.5 01 ft Hi 6149 1256 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 6109 503,1077,1127 5.6,6.7 .43 K.O.O. Hl5 d 6150 1074,1245,1255 6.5,6.8,6.5 131 KKK HHH ac 1127 . a 5 1256 6.5 I K II 6110 1181 6.5,6.6 10 KK HH 6151 509, 546,1256 6.6,6.6,5.3 220 rfr Ktt OHO 6465 1183 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH ar 6427 1210 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 64G6 1182,1257 6.9,7.2 21. KK HH 6428 1183,1211 6.6,6.4 10 KK HH a 6467 1245,1256 6.8,6.5 11 KK HH a 6429 1245,1255,1256 6.5,6.9,6.6 210 KKK HHH 6468 1183,1211 6.8,6.8 10 KK HH at 6430 1256 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH d 6469 536,1242,1351 5.8,5.7,5.^ in t 220 6431 1183,1211 6.9,6.6 11 KK HH 6470 1183,1211 6.7,6.5 01 KK HH a 6432 510, 525,1210 6.^,6.3,5.9 020 w 000 6471 2242 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1257 6.2 t F 6472 525,1257,1325 7.0,6.5,7.2 022 KKK HHH dr 6433 1183,1211 6.9,6.9 01 KK HH 6473 1256 6.7,6.8 10 FK FH 6434 1182 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 6474 1257 7.3,7.0 12 KK HH 6435 1182 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH a 6475 1257 7.1,7.0 10 ][('. 00 6436 525,1210,1257 6.5,6.1,6.2 in *w 000 a 6476 509, 536, 555 6.6,6.1,6.4 200 KKK HHH ad 6437 1210,1257 6.6,7.0 10 KK an dr 1242,1245,1256 5.8,5.5,5.3 010 KKK HH.B 6438 558,1183,1211 6.6,6.2,5.8 112 Kfia H22 1260,1314,1340 5.6,5.6,5.8 002 KKK UJ1H 6439 1210 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 1351 5.6 1 K H 6440 1210,1257 7.0,7.2 10 HK OH br 6477 1182,1205 7.0,7.1 n KK HH a 6441 1074,1116,1245 6.5,6.8,6.4 121 KKK HHH a 6478 1242 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH d 1255,1256,1328 6.1,6.3 .11 KKK HUH 6479 1325 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH a 1351,2242 6.5,6.4 11 KK HH 6480 1074,1245,1255 6.6,6.0,6.0 325 KKK HH// ad 6442 1211 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH r 1256,1328,1351 5.9,6.4,6.4 211 KKK Hllll 6443 1210 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 6481 2242 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 6444 525,1210,1257 6.8,6.5,6.5 m KKK HJ3H 6482 1257 6.5,6.6 10 KK IIH dr 6445 1211 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH r 6483 1183,1211 6.8,6.5 11 KK I1II 6446 1182,1210 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 6484 1257 6.5,6.5 00 fill 00 6447 1211 7.0,7.0 00 aa HH 6485 1257 7.0,6.9 01 KK HII 6448 6449 497, 536, 558 B, 4.4, B BBB w 2FF r r 6486 6487 1183,1211 1182 6.6,6.4 7.0,7.0 10 00 K KK II H HH 1142,1144,1242 B, B, B BBB r F21 6488 1257,1352 6.6,6.8 01 KK HIT 6450 510, 525,1210 4.0, B, B RBB K0H HFO at 6489 1183,1211 7.0,6.9 00 KK HH d THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 205 B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness, Res End F.K R. 6490 1182,1205 6.8,6.9 .71 KK Ull d 6525 1211 6.9,6.9 00 KK HIT a 6491 1183,1205,1211 6.6,6.6,6.2 '111 KK HHV a< 6526 536, 558,1144 6.4,5.3,6.0 '222 tw 222 6492 1256 6.5,6.7 11 UK OH b 1242,1326 5.9,5.7 00 (5a TF 6493 1256 6.8,6.8 00 KK H.H a 6527 1211 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 6494 1211 7.0,6.9 0.7 KK IIII 6528 558,1143,1182 5.8,6.7,5.6 12.7 W F22 6495 525, 548, 553 5.7,6.5,6.4 042 yaa FHH 1205 5.6 1 1145,1257,1325 6.8,5.1,5.5 282 aSy 020 6529 1182,1205 7.2,6.9 11 KK HH 6496 525, 553,1257 6.6,7.0,6.3 121 fa OnO r 6530 1257 6.8,6.8 00 # 00 1325 7.1 4 K 5 6531 1183,1211,1326 6.7,6.0 .21 KKK HHH ar 6497 1183,1211 7.1,6.9 01 KK mi a 6532 558,1182,1205 6.6,6.8,6.2 025 KHK 11\H d 6498 525, 548, 553 4.7,5.4,5.3 1-20 Or 222 r 6533 1257,1325 7.0,6.9 '22 KF HF r 1145,1219,1257 5.5,6.7,4.4 251 p 7 t 2n2 6534 1256 7.0,7.2 n KH HH 1325 4.5 3 c 2 6535 536,1242,1245 6.5,6.3,6.4 323 ?' 505 6499 1183,1211 6.2,6.1 00 an 55 1351 6.5 3 6500 497, 536, 558 6.7,5.8,5.4 '152 ll)7 OOF r 6536 536,1242,1326 6.5,6.5,6.5 502 KKF HHF dr 1142,1144,1242 6.4,6.2,5.9 111 any 02p 6537 1245,1256 7.0,7.0 10 KK H1I 1245,1326 5.9,5.9 31 no. IF 6538 553,1257,1325 7.2,6.6,6.9 111 KKK HHX 6501 558,1144,1183 6.0,6.5,5.2 202 KK ana ad 6539 1257,1325 6.6,6.7 11 KK HH 1211 5.3 K H 6540 1211 10 KK HH 6502 1257 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 6541 1183,1211 6.8,6.4 12 KK HH 6503 497, 558,1142 6.1,5.2,5.6 22.? W n2n 6542 536,1242,1245 6.2,5.9 00. w 225 1144,1183,1211 5.5,4.4,4.5 220 ptf5 222 1245,1351 5.6,5.7 11 rfj 00 6504 1182,1205 6.9,6.8 00 KK HH d 6543 1257 6.9,6.8 10 UK OH 6505 1257 7.1,7.2 to KK HH 6544 536,1242,1245 6.5,6.5,6.6 523 fa* 101 d 6506 1183,1211 6.5,6.3 01 K H5 ad 1245,1351,1351 6.4 6.5 1.1 KKfi On5 6507 536,1242,1260 7.1,7.0,6.7 201 KKK HUH d 6545 1205 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 1340 7.0 2 K H 6546 1257 6.8,7.0 n KK HH 6508 1257 6.2,6.3 01 # Sir 6547 1183,1211 7.0,6.9 00 KK HH 6509 1245,1256 6.9,6.8 00 KK HH 6548 1182,1205 7.0,6.9 00 KK HH a 6510 1205 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH r 6549 536, 555,1242 6.5,6.8,6.2 111 70" 805 b 6511 1255,1256,1328 6.7,0.5 .22 HKK OHU ad 1245,1256,1260 6.0,5.5,6.1 150 lay 55n 2242 6.6 K H 1340,1351 5.9,6.4 24 52 6512 536,1245,1256 7.1,6.5,6.2 102 Kttfj HIlO 6550 1257 6.4,6.4 00 4 00 1351 6.7 1 H 6551 536, 558,1144 6.6,5.7,6.5 021 j-5a 002 6513 1183,1211 7.0,6.9 00 KK HH 1242,1326 6.5,6.0 21 r 00 6514 536,1245,1256 7.0,6.9,6.7 532 KKH HHO d 6552 548, 553,1257 7.3,7.3,6.5 on KH nOO 1260,1340 6.5,6.8 30 KH HO 1325 6.8 i H ? 6515 558, 558,1144 5.4 6.2 1.2 # Hf5 ad 6553 536 7.5,7.2 12 llH 00 1183,1211 4.8,4.8 10 y-S. 25 6554 536,1245,1351 7.3,6.6,6.8 001 a'.lt 000 6516 1257 7.2,7.2 00 KK RH r 6555 1257,1325 6.6,7.0 01 KK HH d 6517 1182 6.6,6.7 10 *fi 00 6556 536,1242 7.0,6.8 01 KK HH a 6518 1205 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 6557 1143,1205,1211 7.3,6.6,65 5.75 KKK H//H 6519 1242,1256,1260 7.0,6.8,7.0 210 KKK HUH 6558 558,1144,1183 6.0,6.9,6.3 423 alia. urn 1340 7.0 H 1185,1211 6.7,6.2 03 ; HH 6520 1245 6.5,6.6 01 HK OH b 6559 1183,1185,1211 6.6,7.1,6.6 112 KKK HHH 6521 1205 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1338 7.0 i K I 6522 1205 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 6560 558,1143,1182 6.4 6.5 1.0 {KK HHH ad 6523 1182,1257,1325 6-4,6.5,6.2 315 a-] HFH 1184,1205,1205 6.9,6.6,6.4 020 KKK III II 6524 536,1242,1245 7.0,6.^,5.8 302 KKK HUH a 6561 536,1242,1245 6.5,6.0,6.2 133 {KK HUH , 1256,1351 5.5,6.1 10 KK HH 1256,1260,1328 5.8,6.1,5.5 002 KKK .mi 206 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1340,1351 6.3,6.2 22 KK HS. 6595 558,1143,1184 6.0,7.0,6.4 Ill ttiih FHO d 6562 1245,1256 6.6,6.7 n KK BH 1205 6.2 2 9 6563 549, 558,1143 6.7,5.6,6.5 112 KKK H/f// a 6596 558 6.4,6.8 02 KK HH 1182,1184,1205 5.5,5.9,5.4 000 KKK HJSJ3 6597 1205 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 6564 1183,1185,1211 6.5,6.8,6.2 111 KKK H//// a 6598 563,1244,1325 6.4,7.1,6.6 130 KFH //FF 1338 6.7 1 K H 6599 1325 7.1,7.3 11 HK OH a 6565 536, 558,1144 6.2,5.2,6.2 050 ft' OrO 6600 1245,1256,1328 6.6,6.4,6.8 Oil II HK OO// 1242,1326 6.0,5.8 11 77 FO 6601 1205 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH a 6566 549, 558,1144 B, r>, B BBB ifli OFF r 6602 549, 558,1143 4.8,4.3,4.6 025 KKK BBB ad 1183,1185,1211 U, B, B BBB see iFl 1184,1205 4.5,4.0 00 KK an 1326,1338 B, B BB se 11 6603 536, 558,1144 6.5,5.2,6.2 150 77$ 021 ad 6567 1325 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH d 1147,1242,1326 7.0,5.9,5.7 100 Kfty IIFO 6568 1183,1211 7.0,7.1 00 KK HH 6604 536,1242,1245 6.8,6.9,6.3 400 KKK IIHH ad 6569 1205 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 1256,1260,1328 6.5,6.9,6.5 121 KHK HQJ1 6570 558,1143,1205 6.4,7.3,6.2 213 KKK //HH 1340,1351 6.8,6.7 11 KF HF 1211 6.7 6 K H 6605 1184 6.9,6.9 00 KK HII a 6571 1325 6.5,6.7 1\ KK HS a 6(506 1185,1205,1338 7.1,6.5,6.9 110 KKK HUH a 6572 1183 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 6607 548, 563, 563 6.9 6.4. 0.2 naa OOF 6573 548,1143,1184 6.4,7.0,6.2 SSI KKK //HH at 1325 6.4 1 K 5 1205,1325 6.1 3. KK HH 6608 558,1205 6.6,6.7 11 0? Hi r 6574 553, 563,1325 7.2,6.7,6.8 120 hKa OnO ad 6609 1184,1205 7.1,7.0 02 KK HII 6575 558,1143,1205 6.3,7.1,6.0 111 KKK HUH a 6610 1205 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 6576 1325 6.9,7.1 11 HK FH 6611 1184,1205 6.6,6.3 11 KK H// 6577 560,1116,1162 6.4,6.0,6.5 014 KKK HffH a 6612 1245,1256,1328 6.3,6.3,6.3 Oil KKK HBH d 1245,1255,1256 5.2,5.^,5.3 482 KKK RBH 1351 6.5 1 K H 1328,1351,1354 5.4,5.8,6.3 514 KKK BHH 6613 1205 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 6578 558,1183,1185 6.8,6.3,7.0 100 HK OHH ad 6614 553, 563 6.6,5.9 01 KJ- HF 1211,1338 6.1,6.7 12 Kh HO 6615 1205 7.0,7.0 00 KK HII 6579 558,1205 7.0,6.7 U hK OH d 6616 1184 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 6580 6581 1205 6.6,6.6 00 KK HJ? r r 6617 549, 558,1143 1184,1205 6.5,5.6,6.6 6.4,5.6 000 21 $ a.1 OrO IF 6582 1183,1211 6.8,6.8 10 KK HH 6618 1245 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH 6583 536 7.3,7.1 11 HK IH 6619 1244 6.3,6.3 00 00 6584 536,1242,1245 7.0,6.9,6.3 111 HKK OHH d 6020 1184,1205 7.0,7.3 12. KK HH d 1351 6.5 K H 6621 1245,1256 6.8,6.8 10 KK HB 6585 558,1143,1185 6.6,7.3,6.9 010 KKK HUH d 6622 536,1242,1245 7.0,6.9,6.3 000 KKK IIHH a 1205,1211,1338 6.4,6.5,6.5 145 HK OflO 1256,1260,1328 6.3,7.0,6.7 131 KHK //On 6586 558,1205 7.0,6.5 2 KK HH 1340,1351 6.7,6.9 03 HK On 6587 536,1242,1245 6.8,6.4,6.3 121 fat OF2 6623 558,1326 6.5,6.6 01 Ktt HH 1351 6.5 2 a 6624 1256,1340 6.6,7.0 01 KH nO d 6588 536 7.2,7.1 01 HH 00 6625 548, 553, 563 6.8,7.0,6.2 100 H^ nOF 6589 558,1143,1185 6.2,7.2,6.8 112 KKK ffHH d 1244,1325 6.8,6.5 30 aa 50 1205,1338 6.0,6.5 00 KK HH 6626 548, 553, 563 5.7,0.1,5.4 123 rft F80 6590 548,1184,1325 6.7,6.8,6.5 030 aafi On5 r 563,1145,1244 6.4,5.3 .11 G $ F00 6591 1205 6.3,6.5 11 KK HH 1325 5.2 7 6592 536,1242,1260 7.1,6.7,6.9 102 KKK HUH 6627 1184,1205,1258 6.5,6.4,6.7 511 0K OlH r 1340 6.9 2 K H 6628 1205 7.0,7.0 00 KK u/y 6593 536,1242,1245 6.4,6.2,6.0 011 KKK H//// at 6629 1205 6.9,6.9 00 KK an 1351 6.2 2 H F 6630 563 6.7,6.7 00 KK HII a 6594 1245 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 6631 563,1244 6.5,6.7 11. (* 00 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 207 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. P.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. 663'2 558,1184,1205 7.^7,7.2,6.7 Ill HKK OHH ad 6664 549,1184,1188 6.7,6.7,6.3 211 KKK HHH ad 6633 1244 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 6665 563 6.6,6.7 01 HH 00 r 6634 1245,1256,1328 6.7,6.6,7.0 in K HOO r 6666 1258 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 6635 549, 558,1144 6.7,5.9,6.8 102 (3n 020 6667 1258 7.0,6.9 10 KK HI! ad 1185,1259,1326 6.0,6.0 .31 m 002 6668 555, 558,1144 6.2,4.9,5.3 52.7 p'firt n5n 1338 a 5 ^1147,1259,1326 6.0,5.0,4.7 112 (idS 555 6630 1245,1256,1328 KK HBJ7 ad 6669 570,1188,1244 6.5,6.3,7.1 504 KKH HHO a 1351,2242 6.0,6.3 21 KK HH 6670 503, 570,1188 0.2,6.2,5.7 222 ft* KOF 6637 536 7.0,6.7 11 K OH 1244 6.6 3 9 2 6638 1245 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 6671 1184,1258,1339 7.1,6.6,6.8 120 KKK HHH ad 6639 1205 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 6672 1242,1245,1260 0.5,6.1,6.6 112 FKF FHF at 6640 563 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 1340,1351 6.5,6.4 11 KK HH 6641 553, 563,1244 6.^,5.7,5.8 Oil KKK Has a 6673 1259,1338 7.1,7,2 21 KK HH 6642 563, 563,1325 6.6,7.0 .01 KttK aOn 6674 1258 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 6643 563,1244,1244 Q.3,6.8,6.6 020 KK ima ad 6675 563, 570,1188 5.6,5.6,4.8 405 KKK HHH a 1325 6.5 1 K H 1244 5.6 1 K B 6644 536, 550, 555 4.2,^.8,4.7 311 * F2F 6676 549, 554,1146 B, 4.0, B BEB KKK BBB at 1221,1242,1245 6.5,^.^,4.0 3.72 ySO OF.? 1184,1258,1339 B, B, B BBB KKK BBB 1260,1340,1351 4.2,4.0,4.0 201 gey FF! 6677 563, 570,1188 6.3,0.,6.6 2.72 ffi 002 r 6645 563 6.6,6.8 n Ka HH 1244 6.8 a F 6646 1185,1213,1338 6.8,6.7,6.8 no KKK HHH r 6678 549,1184,1258 6.9,6.5,6.5 on 1)K H 2 6647 1185,1213,1259 6.9,6.8,7.1 no KKK nun ad 1339 6.5 1 K H 1326,1338 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 6679 563 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 6648 1185,1213,1259 7.1,6.7,6.8 212 KKK HHH r 6680 1326 6.5,6.3 11 fr 23 1326,1338 6.5,6.8 50 PK FH 6681 1258,1339 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH d 6649 1188 7.2,7.1 10 llH 00 6682 1188 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 6650 536,1242,1245 7.0,6.9,6.7 42Q IIKK OHH ad 6683 1213 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1256,1260,1328 0.7,6.9,7.0 102 KHH HOO 6684 1259,1338 6.7,6.9 22 KK HH a 1340,1351 6.6,7.1 53 KK HH 6685 1338 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH d 6651 1188 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH dr 6686 549, 554, 565 4.8,5.4,^.9 in 27 OrO 665-2 1245 6.8,6.8 00 HK Oil 1147,1147,1185 6.0 4.2 4.5 h OOF 6653 563,1188 6.8,6.9 11 ^ 00 1213,1259,1259 4.2,^.9 03. fyh FFF 6654 549,1146,1184 6.1,7.1,5.8 141 KKK HHB ad 1326,1338 44,4.1 05 ee FF 1258,1339 5.5,5.7 20 KK na 6687 549, 554, 555 5.7 6.4 .7.3 fifr HHU 6655 536, 550, 555 6.4,7.3,6.5 121 yna. 205 565,1147,1259 6.5,5.2 .05 GKfi OH5 1242,1245,1260 6.1,5.8,5.8 120 7?7 252 1260,1326,1340 5.7,4.9,5.0 4^3 J0 7/5/f 6656 1340,1351 1188 5.7,5.9 6.9,6.9 n 00 KK 55 HH 6688 6689 1245,1260,1340 6.6,0.0,0.5 1.72 KKK HHH at r 6657 1258 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 1351 6.8 2 K H 6658 563, 570,1188 5.5,5.8,5.0 105 yfiS FFF r 6690 563, 563, 570 0.5 6.5 1.5 0P FOO 1244 5.7 r F 1188,1244 6.1,0.9 22 0H 20 6659 563, 570,1188 5.8,6.2,5.9 in KKK HHH a 6691 1244 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1-244 6.4 2 K H 6692 1260,1340 7.0,7.0 00 HH 00 6660 1242,1245,1260 6.7,6.3,6,8 in KKH HOO 6693 563, 570, 570 5.3,5.9 11. 75-G FFF 1340,1351 6.7,6.6 n an 05 1188,1244 5.3,5.5 02 tf 22 6661 1245 6.7,6.9 n HK OH 6694 549,1259,1326 0.K HO II 6891 1247,1260 7.7,7.1 70 KK HH d 6858 1186 7.1,7.0 10 HH 00 6892 1189 6.7,6.9 71 *t HH 6859 566,1186,1189 6.8,6.8,6.7 230 KHK H!H r 6893 565,1186,1246 6.5,6.4,6.9 272 KKK UlfR d 6860 550, 555, 560 5.7,4.6,4.2 1.73 KKK BBB at 6894 566,1189,1327 5.9,5.6,6.4 831 KKK HHH a 1221,1245,1260 6.2,4.0, B 13s KKK HB.B 6895 552, 565, 572 5.0,5.0,5.2 203 KKK BH2 ad 1328,1340,1343 B, B, B EBB KKK B.BB 1187,1187,1223 4.8,6.7 .00 KKK IIBH 1351 B B K B 1247,1262 4.7,5.2 33 KK BB 6861 1327 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 6896 1340 7.0,7.0 00 UK OH 6862 565, 566,1186 6.2,6.2,6.0 272 w FFO 6897 1327 6.0,5.9 07 KK HH ad 1189 5.0 1 2 6898 1186 7.0,6.8 17 KK HH 6863 552, 565,1187 6.7,6.5,6.6 in Una HHO 6899 555, 560,1260 6.6,6.5 70. /fan Oil 1246 6.6 a 5 1260,1328,1340 6.2,5.7,5.9 370 Tfr 222 6864 566,1189,1189 5.4 5.2 2.7 m u55 6900 565,1187,1246 6.6,6.5,6.9 702 KKK HHH 1327 5.4 3 7 H 6901 1189 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 6865 1247 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 6902 1328 7.1,7.0 10 KK II II 6866 1189 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 6903 565,1187,1247 6.8,6.8,6.8 717 KKK HUH ad 6867 552,1186,1246 7.1,6.7,6.9 000 aan 000 1262 6.8 K H 6868 1186 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 6904 1327 7.2,7.3 01 KK 1111 r 6869 1327 6.7,6.9 11 K OH 6905 1186 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 6870 566,1189,1327 6.8,6.7,7.0 314: Kara nOO 6906 1260,1328 7.0,7.2 72 II K OH 6871 552,1187,1213 6.3,6.0,0.2 272 KKK HHfl r 6907 565,1186,1246 6.0,5.8,6.5 223 KKK mm a 1247,1262 6.3,6.4 02 KK HH 6908 1245,1260,1328 6.^,7.0,6.4 223 KKK HHH d 6872 1189,1327 7.1,7.2 1'2 KK HH 1340,1343 6.8,6.* 04 KK HH 6873 1189,1327 6.9,6.9 11 KK 1111 ad 6909 552, 565, 572 6.0,5.4,5.6 130 KKK HHH ad 6874 1186 7.1,7.0 10 KK Hff 1187,1247,1262 5.6,5.7,5.5 107 KKK BHB 6875 536, 555, 560 6.8,6.7 .01 KK HOH 6961 1482 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1340,1343 6.8,6.7 14 H nO 6962 555, 560,1260 6.0,6.0,5.7 312 KKK HHB a 6924 1247 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1328,1340,1343 5.3,5.5,5.2 101 KKK HVB 6925 1260,1328,1340 7.0,6.8,7.0 0^0 KKK IIHH a 6963 1247 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 6926 1328,1333,1340 7.2,7.0,7.1 012 KKK HUH d 6964 1246,1261,1352 7.1,7.1,7.1 012 KKK HHH 1343 7.0 1 K H 6965 1189 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 6927 1245,1328,2242 6.5,6.5,6.6 220 KKK HHH a 6966 555, 560,1260 6.8,6.6,6.3 112 KKK HHH ad 1352 6.5 S a 1 1247,1262,1342 5.0,5.1,5.2 202 KKf{ HHH 7041 1248,1482 6.8,6.8 01 KK HH 7003 555, 560,1260 4.4,4.0,4.0 RRR tT]t 521 r 7042 567, 572, 572 5.5,5.3 02. ddfi 220 1328,1340,1343 B, B, B BBB tee 5FF 1247,1262,1262 5.7,5.6,5.4 Ill "17 222 7004 1328,1340,1343 6.9,6.9,6.5 100 HKF FHF 1342 5.3 1 7 2 7005 1352 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH r 7043 1482 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 7006 1261,1352 7.1,7.1 21 KK HH 7044 585,1248,1353 6.8,6.4,6.4 221 KKK HHH 7007 1262 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 1482 6.0 S K H 7008 1260,1328,1340 7.1,6.8,6.9 022 KKK HHH a 7045 567, 572, 572 5.0,5.0,4.7 221 r t et OFF ac 1343 7.0 3 K H 1224,1262,1341 6.8,5.0,4.5 222 wf HFF 7009 1262 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 7046 1482 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 7010 560,1328,1343 5.6,5.0,5.0 2.72 KKK BBJ? a 7047 556, 556, 585 6.4,6.3 .00 *& OOF ac 7011 572 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 1248,1248,1353 6.0,5.5,5.8 112 7fP 000 7012 556, 585,1248 6.5,6.7,6.1 211 KCtfJ n02 ad 1482,1482 6.2,6.0 20 K HF 1353,1482 6.5,6.3 00 UK 5 H 7048 572,1261,1341 6.8,6.9,7.2 704 n UK OOn d 7013 552, 567, 572 ^.9,4.9,4.7 031 K H58 a 1352 7.1 1 K H 1246,1261,1341 4-4,4.6,4.5 500 7 8 7 v5n 7049 1256,1328,1351 6.5,6.2,6.7 123 KH n50 ac 1352 4.7 2 d 2 1354,1395,1450 6.6,6.4,6.7 012 HKK IHH 7014 567,1247 1342 6.4,6.5,6.4 001 w F01 2242 6.4 2 K H 7015 1482 7.2,7.2 00 KK II H 7050 1482 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7016 1262 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH d 7051 1328,1343 6.2,6.4 23 KK KH a 7017 1247,1262,1342 7.1,7.0,7.2 in KKK HHH ad 7052 556, 585,1248 5.9,6.5,5.6 432 KKK HUB a 7018 1248,1482 6.8,6.5 22 K 5n 1353,1482 6.3,5.9 40 KK HH 7019 1248,1482 7.0,7.1 00 KK HH 7053 Y 7020 552, 567, 572 7.0,6.4,6.0 304 aKd On5 7054 556, 585,1248 5.3,5.6,4.8 131 j'<53 58b r 1247,1262,1342 6.8,6.1,6.5 352 Hfi 02n 1261,1352,1353 5.0 ..0 d n 555 7021 560,1328,1343 6.7,6.2,6.4 5.74 K$J 52n 1482 4.8 2 7 5 7022 1328 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 7055 1482 7.2,7.2 00 KK H H 7023 1248,1482 7.1,6.6 35 H nO d 7056 567, 567, 572 4.0 4.0 R.R CG, FF2 r 7024 1482 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 1224,1261,1341 5.9, B, B RBB ft vll 7025 572,1247,1262 6.6,7.1,6.5 225 K^ OHO 1352 B B n 1 1342 7.0 3 H 7057 1248,1482 6.3,6.4 00 KH HF a 7026 567,1247,1342 6.5,6.6,6.5 001 ana n22 7058 572 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7027 1262,1341 7J,6.8 11 KH HO d 7059 1482 7.2,7.2 00 KK II II 7028 1482 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 7060 1262 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 7029 1328 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 7061 1248,1482 6.8,6.5 22 HK YH ar 7030 572 7.3,7.0 21 KK HH 7062 1245,1328 6.7,6.7 01 KK HH 7031 560,1328,1343 6.8,6.3,6.6 Sib Kant n50 7063 1248,1353,1482 6.7,6.7,6.8 010 KKK 11IIH 7032 556, 585,1248 6.8,6.8,6.6 .702 aKa H 5 7064 572 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH r 1353,1482 6.7,6.3 22 aa 00 7065 572,1261,1341 6.3,6.6,7.0 505 CKK HHH a THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 213 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1352 6.7 2 K H 1341,1352 6.3,6 6 01 a? IF 7066 1482 6.7,7.0 21 KK HH 7105 1328 6.9,6.9 00 KK HB. 7067 1260,1328 6.7,7.1 23 Kh HO d 7106 560,1245,1328 6.5,5.8,5.8 101 KKK HHH ad 7068 1352 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH d 1351,1354,1395 6.1,5.9,6.0 220 KKK HHH 7069 1328 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1450 5.9 1 K H 7070 1482 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7107- 1328 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 7071 1247,1342,1343 7.2,7.0,6.9 111 KKK HHH 7 It.: 8 556, 585,1248 6.7,6.4,6.4 151 KKH H//0 ad 7072 1261,1341 7.2,7.0 10 KK HH 1353,1482 6.7,6.3 31 KK Hff 7074 585,1248,1482 7.2,7.2,6.6- 045 hKH OnO d 7109 567, 567, 572 - 4A4.5 .31 K OlH d 1245,1328,1354 6.0,5.3,5.9 351 ft0 255 7154 1328,1343 6.7,6.6 n aa 05 1395,1450,2242 6.2,5.7,6.0 323 # n28 7155 567, 586,1250 5.3,6.8,5.6 451 KKK HHH a 7193 1343 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 1342 5.4 2 K H 7194 1250,1342 6.8,7.0 n H 00 7156 585,1353 6.7,7.0 53 K HO ad 7195 567, 586,1249 5.4,6.0,5.8 001 8 n OFF 7157 1480 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 1341 5.5 2 i F 7158 1353,1480 7.1,7.1 21 HK OH d 7196 567, 586,1249 5.5,6.4,5.9 23.? r p20 7159 1342,1343 6.9,6.5 10 KK HH a 1329,1341 5.3,5.4 10 2P 7160 1329,1341 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 7197 1329 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 7161 1480,1505 6.9,6.8 44 KK HH dr 7198 1480 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7162 1328 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 7199 1328 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 7163 7164 1480 1250,1341 6.9,6.8 7.2,7.1 10 00 HK HK OH OH d 7200 7201 585, 590,1353 6.5,7.1,5.7 Ul KHK #OB at 7165 567,1249,1329 6.5,7.2,6.2 020 K(3 OnO d 1480,1505 5.9,6.0 22 KK HB 1341 6.5 1 9 7202 567, 567, 586 5.1,5.3 .04 Stf HFP 7166 1250,1342 7.1,7.2 n KK HH r 611, 611,1250 6.3,4.9 .21 cge 000 7167 1245,1328,1450 6-4,6.7,6.0 201 KKK HHH 1330,1330,1342 5.0 5.0 1.0 s n FF! 7168 585, 586,1249 5.7,5.9,5.6 120 KKK HHB a 1342 5.0 7 F 1329,1341,1353 5.2 ..3 KKK HRB 7203 1250,1330,1342 6.6,7.0,7.1 422 KHK nOH ad 7169 7170 585,1353,1480 567, 586,1250 6.8,7.0,6.9 6.0,6.5,6.0 2Z1 121 KHK J-KjS HOlI HHH ad 7204 7205 585, 590,1353 4.7,5.9,4.2 230 epti FOF ar r 1342 6.3 3 a H 1480,1505 4.4,4.1 15 88 15 7171 567,1250,1342 5.5,6.0,5.8 521 w pOp 7206 1250 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH r 7172 1343 6.9,6.8 01 HK OH 7207 1328,1450 6.8,6.9 00 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 215 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. Kml. F.K. K. 7208 1343 7.0,7.0 00 Kit Hit 7245 610,1249,1329 6.5,6.8,6.6 022 H/3H 050 7209 1328,1343 6.7,6.5 .70 Kit 55 1329 6.6 2 7210 1328,1343 5.0,4.5 11 KK DH a 7246 1343 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 7211 1328,1450,2242 6.6,6.8,6.8 21-2 KKH HHO d 7247 1328 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 7212 1480 6.5,6.6 10 KK HH ar 7248 1329 6.9,6.7 M KK HH a 7213 1250,1341 6.9,7.1 21 K OH 7249 ^450 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 7214 1480 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 7250 1343,1354 5.9,6.5 01 (3* 20 7215 1480 7.0,6.9 01 KK II II a 7251 1480 7.0,6.9 01 K On 7216 560,1245,1328 6.7,6.2,6.0 I'll it KM HIl5 at 7252 1343,1354 6.6,6.8 12 K\l HO 1351,1354,1395 6.5,6.2,5.9 413 KKU n5n 7253 1343,1354 6.4,6.5 22 PH 50 1450,2242 5.8,6.3 45 *p HH 7254 1480 7.1,7.2 10 HK OH 7217 585,1353,1480 6.0,5.5,5.6 400 "ft HFF a 7255 1480 7.1,7.0 10 HK OH 1505 5.5 * 7 7256 1249 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 7218 1480 7.1,7.1 00 HK On a 7257 1329,1329 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 7219 1353,1480,1505 6.7,6.3,7.1 252 KKK HHH 7258 1480 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH di- 7220 1480 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH dr 7259 590, 596,1391 6.6,6.4,5.4 553 KKK HHH at 7221 1480,1505 6.3,7.1 54 c-ll HO 1391,1480,1505 5.6,5.8 .21 KKK HBH 7222 1245,1328,1450 6.5,6.6,7.0 in KH HHO d 7260 1250 7.0,7.1 10 KK RH a 7223 1480 6.4,6.6 11 4 00 r 7261 1391,1480 6.7,7J 21 KII HO ad 7224 1480 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 7262 596,1480 7.0,7.0 10 HH 00 7225 7226 586,1249,1329 6.8,6.4,6.3 141 KKK HHH r r 7263 586, 610,1250 1329,1481 7.1,6.6,6.3 5.7,6.8 200 51 Khit KK nOn nn at 1329 6.5 3 K If 7264 1329 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 7227 1480 7.0,7.2 11 HK OH 7265 1480 7.1,7.2 10 HK OH 7228 1250,1330,1342 6.5,6.7,6.9 312 a ah 000 7266 1480 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7229 1480 7.0,7.2 11 nh 00 r 7267 1328 7.0,6.9 01 00 7230 586,1249,1329 7.1,6.8,6.5 021 h 005 d 7268 1343 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 1329 6.5 1 a H 7269 1480 6.8,6.9 01 HH 00 7231 1328 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 7270 1245,1328,1354 6.6,6.5,7.0 021 KKK HHH 7232 1480 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 1450,2242 6.6,6.6 22 KK HH 7233 560,1328,1343 6.8,6.2,6.4 2.74 Httfi 0.75 r 7271 610,1249,1329 6.6,6.7,5.9 102 W 052 1354 6.5 a F 1481 6.8 2 H 7234 586,1250,1330 6.7,6.2,6.6 433 KKK mia ad 7272 590, 596,1391 6.7,5.7,5.2 112 KKK HHH ad 1342 6.6 2 K H 1480,1505 5.8,5.8 10 KK HH 7235 1328,1343,1354 6.5,6.6,6.8 220 KKK H//H ad 7273 1330,1343 7.0,7.0 11 KK HH a 7236 567, 586, Oil 4. ,4.9,5.6 250 0e3 rOp r 7274 560, 560, 587 5.9 .2. j 555 7365 1354 7.1,7.2 10 HK OH 7403 615,1392,1499 6.4,5.9,5.6 132 KKK HHH ad 7366 1330,1354,1393 6.5 7.0 l.l KKK HHH 7404 1251,1355,1392 6.1,6.6,6.4 102 (3H 000 7367 615,1391 7.5,7.2 23 HK OH ad 7405 1499 6.5,6.8 1'2 KK HH 7368 596,1391,1499 7.0,6.6,7.0 403 KHH HOO ad 7406 1251 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 7369 1330,1356,1393 6.4,6,8,7..? 2.72 KKK HUH dr 7407 615,1392,1499 6.4,6.5,5.7 373 KK/3 HH2 7370 596,1251,1355 6.9,6.6,6.9 421 KfJH HOO 7408 599, 613,1330 6.3,6.7,5.4 022 M 000 1391 6.4 1 C 1330,1332,1356 5.5,5. .7,5.2 3.75 m FF2 7371 1499 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH d 1393,1393 5.3 .2 <$ 22 7372 1391,1499,1499 6.5,6.5 XI. HK nOn d 7409 607, 615, 615 6.8 6.9 1.0 fj'llK OOH ad 7373 598, 599, 610 5.3 ..7 KKK HHH ad 1392,1499,1499 6.0,6.5 03. ('.!'. 102 612,13-29,1355 6.4, B, In. KKF HBV 7410 1251 6.8,7.0 11 HK OH 1356,1481 4.2,4.5 22 KK BB 7411 1499 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH ar 7374 1329,1355,1481 7.0,6.8,7.2 350 KKK HHH ad 7412 1331 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 7375 1328,1333,1343 6.2,6.5,6.5 244 KKK HHH ad 7413 587, 601,1328 6.9,6.8,5.5 022 HKK OHH ad 1395,1450 G.1,6.2 4* KK. HH 1333,1343,1354 5.3,5.6,5.9 031 KKK B.HH 7376 1333,1343,1354 6.4,6.5,7.0 Oil >KH 5 H d 1395,1450 5.6,5.7 10 KK HH 1395,1450 6.6,6.7 21 K HH 7414 1331,1355 6.9,6.8 22 KK HH 7377 1499 6.9,6.9 00 UK. OH d 7415 1251,1355 6.4,7.0 n H 00 7378 1499 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH r 7416 1333,1343,1354 6.5,6.5,7.0 m jSHK OOH 7379 1343 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH 7417 1331 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 7380 599, 611, 613 5.8,6.2,6.4 m KKK HHH ad 7418 1251 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH d 1330,1332,1356 5.0,5.0,4.9 222 KKK BOB 7419 1251 7.0,7.2 11 KK IH 1393 5.0 1 K B 7420 1499 6.4,6.7 21 KK HH 7381 1328,1333,1343 7.0,6.3,6.4 401 KKK llHll ad 7421 1499 6.2,6.7 23 HK OH 1354,1395,1450 6.9,6.^,6.6 131 KKK HHH 7422 1331,1356 5.9,6.7 43 7K H8 7382 1330 6.9,6.8 01 KK Hll a 7423 1499 6.3,6.6 n HK YH 7383 1354 7.0,6.9 01 UK OH 7424 607, 615,1392 5.7,5.8,4.7 Oil fidd rOF 7384 1333 7.2,7.2 10 KK II II 1499 5.2 2 e F 7385 1329,1356,1481 6.5,6.8,7.2 .701 KKK HHH d 7425 1251 7.0,7.3 21 KK HH 7386 587,1333,1343 7.0,5.8,5.8 511 KKK H HH ad 7426 1251,1331 6.7,6.7 10 KK HH d 1354 6.1 1 K II 7427 1251 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH a 7387 1245 6.9,6.9 00 HK On br 7428 607, 615,1499 6.8,6.6,6.2 021 KHK H05 7388 596, 615,1391 6.9,7.0,6.4 520 KH/3 HOO d 7429 1251,1331 6.8,7.1 n KK Hll 1499,1499 6.9,6.6 41 K nO 7430 607,1499 7.0,7.1 44 llK OH 7389 1330,1393 6.4,6.8 .70 K OH 7431 1356 7.1,7.0 10 HH 00 7390 1251 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7432 1251 7.0,7.2 n hK OH ad 7391 1499 6.5,6.7 11 KK na r 7433 1333,1354 6.6,7.2 10 HK OH d 7392 1328,1333,1343 6.9,6.8,7.0 202 KKK HHH d 7434 1333,1343 6.7,7.0 21 KK HH d 1354 7.3 K H 7435 607, 615,1392 5.8,6.0,5.0 .710 KKK HHH a 7393 1499 6.7,6.8 Jro KK HH 1499 5.2 K H 218 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F. 1C. R. 7436 1499 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 7476 1251,1331 G.5,6.6 00 <$ FO 7437 1499 6.5,6.8 12 KK HH. r 7477 607,1392,1499 6.8,6.3,6.3 220 KK nOii d 7438 1328,1333,1343 6.5,6.6,6.8 124 KKK HHH 7478 1499 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH r 1354,1384,1395 7.0,6.6,6.5 133 IIKK OHH 7479 607,1251,1355 6.1,5.7,6.5 524 ft'* FOO 1450 6.9 1 K n 1392 5.3 2 7 2 7439 1251 7.2,7.2 00 UK OH 7480 601,1333,1343 6.8,5.6,5.8 413 r 020 7440 1333,1333,1354 6.1,6.4 .11 npK 105 1354,1384,1395 6.3,5.6,5.7 342 ffl OOF 7441 587, 601,1333 6.7,6.5,5.0 211 KICK 7/HB a 1450 G.O 1 7 1354 5.3 1 1C II 7481 1333,1354 6.4,6.8 10 KK inr 7442 1333,1354 6.4,6.6 12 IIH 00 7482 1499 6.8,0.8 00 KK jut a 7443 1499 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 74S3 1333 7.2,7.2 00 an On 7444 601,1333,1354 7.2,6.0,6.7 413 lIjTtt 020 7484 1332,1345,1356 6.5,6.6,6.9 no pan OnO 7445 1499 6.5,6.6 10 KK ffH r 1393 7.0 i a 7446 1333,1354 6.4,6.6 12 ffc HH 7485 1331 7.0,7.2 n KK H H 7447 1333,1343,1450 6.2,6.1 10. K^K HOn d 7486 1392,1499 6.7,6.2 34 KOi HO 7448 1450 560, 587, 617 6.5 5.0,5.3,5.5 050 K KICK H /!BB at 7487 7488 601, 613,1333 6.8,6.9,5.6 253 KKK HHB at r 682,1328,1354 6.0, B ,4.2 3n5 KICK HDD 1393 5.8 K B 1395,1450,1519 4.9,4.0,4.0 5^1 KICK BZJH 7489 1333,1343,1395 6.3,6.5,6.4 025 KICK H//H ar 7449 1333,1343,1354 6.6,7.1,7.3 230 KIIK IlClI a 1450 6.9 o K H 7450 598, 612,1331 6.0,5.6,4.2 Oil nt OOF 7490 1499 7.0,7.1 01 HK OH 1355,1356 4.6 0. 77 FF 7491 1392,1409 6.5,6.2 32 KK HIT a 7451 1251 7.0,7.1 01 ii n 00 7492 1332,1345,1356 6.5,6.5,7.1 10'2 fllCK OHH d 7452 1331 7.1,7.1 00 KK IIH 1393 6.7 2 7453 1333,1343,1395 6.4,6.5,6.6 012 KICK SlIH d 7493 1331,1332,1345 6.0 6.0 1.2 Hfj 515 1450 7.0 2 K H 1393 II 7454 607,1251,1355 6.9,6.3,6.9 502 Kf>K //On ad 7494 616,1357,1392 4.8, , B 5l!B 7 s n 2r2 r 7455 1499 6.3,6.5 11 4 n5 1499 4.2 4 C F 7456 1333 6.7,6.7 00 KK IIH 7495 1328,1333,1343 6.5,6.5 03. KKH HBO a 7457 1499 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH ar 1354,1395,1450 6.5,6.0,6.3 041 KICK HHH 7458 612,1331,1350 7.1,5.4,5.7 320 rf 020 7496 601,1333,1343 6.9,5.5,5.6 501 K J'(3 n5// 7459 1333,1354 6.5,7.1 01 80 1354,1450 6.0,6.0 01 # 5n 7460 1331 7.2,7.2 00 KK IIH 7497 1499 7.0,7.0 00 KK HIT a 7461 1251 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 7498 1333 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 7462 587, 601,1333 7.0,7.2,5.7 211 ICKJ- HH8 r 7499 650,1333,1345 6.9 6.6 2.1 K(3 nOO d 1343,1354,1450 6.0,5.Q,6.0 420 ft** H 2FH r r 1331,1345 4.8,4.8 41 id FO 650,1332,1345 4.6,4.4,4.3 0.?.? fcC OOF 7529 1331,1345 7.0,7.2 32 Kll nO 1359,1393 4.8,4.8 30 r s 2F 7530 649,1331,1344 6.^,6.7,6.1 23,2 M* FOO 7571 607, 616,1357 6.5,6.6,5.3 32.? KHOt n02 ad 7531 1357,1392 7.3,7.0 11 HH 00 7572 1333 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 7532 1333 6.8,6.7 10 HH 00 7573 1359 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7533 1357 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7574 1357 7.2,7.3 10 HK OH r 7534 1357,1392 7.1,6.7 21 KK HH ad 7575 1357 7.3,7.3 00 HK OH 7535 589, 613, 650 5.8,0.7,5.2 112 (38 20F 7576 1333 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 1332,1345,1393 4.8,4.9,5.3 in Sdp 222 7577 1345,1359 7.2,7.1 11 HK IH 7536 1333,1354 6.7,6.9 21 HK OH ad 7578 649,1344 6.0,7.0 55 KK HH ad 7537 1331,1344 7.2,6.7 22 KK HH 7579 616,1357,1392 6.5,5,3,5.* 5/5 KKK HBH ad 7538 1332,1345 7.2,7.2 10 KK HH 7580 1357 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 7539 616,1357,1392 6.8,5.3,5.8 121 HKK OHH ad 7581 1333,1384 7.0,6.8 H KK HH d 7540 607, 616,1357 6.^,6.2,5.0 b31 fad H52 7582 1357 7.1,7.1 00 KK nil d 1392 4.9 1 a F 7583 1357 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 7541 1333 6.8,6.9 10 HK On 7584 1333 6.4,6.2 11 a 7 55 7542 649,1331,1344 6.8,7.1,7.1 201 HKH OnO d 7585 1359 7.1,7.2 01 KK. HH 7543 607, 616,1357 5.3,5.4,4.3 250 rfa OFF a 7586 1359 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH d 7544 649,1331,1344 6.7,7.3,6.8 231 KKK HHH 7587 649,1344 6.5,6.5 00 K? ifO . 7545 649,1331,1344 5.7,5.9,5.5 012 W F22 7588 1359 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 7546 589, 649,1331 6.5,5.6,5.5 111 Kd[! IIFF 7589 589, 608, 649 6.9,6.5,5.7 231 K.a8 nOF a 1344 5.3 2 1 F 1331,1344,1358 6.0,5.5,5.9 152 W OFF 7547 1345 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH d 7590 1344 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7548 1331,1345 6.2,6.2 12 KK HH 7591 1333,1359 7.0,6.5 34 KK HIT 7549 1333 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH d 7592 608, 650, 658 6.7,6.0,6.5 122 J0 HFO 7550 650,1332,1345 6.8,7.1,7.0 511 (KKK OHH d 1331,1345,1358 6.5,5.8,6.5 220 ft* iFff 1359 7.0 K H 1394 6.5 a. 7551 1331 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 7593 1357,1376 Q.2,6.8 12 K 5n 220 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. FK. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Reg. End. F.K. R. 7594 589, 609, 650 7.0,6.6,5.8 201 IK',- OClI 7632 649,1344 6.5,7.0 32 KK HH a 1345,1359 5.7,5.8 00 77 52 7633 1333,1359 5.3,5.4 01 7 S 25 r 7595 601, 617,1333 6.5,6.6,5.5 413 fine 212 7634 1333,1359 5.3,5.4 01 p 25 r 1450 5.8 2 7 F 7635 650,1359 7.1,7.0 00 KK HH bd 7596 601,1333 7.3,6.4 4 K 7 H 2 7636 589, 614, 649 4.3,4.7, B llB r&i 252 a 7597 1357 7.2,7.3 10 UK OH 1344,1376 B, B BB V 22 7598 1357 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 7637 650,1345,1359 7.0,7.3,6.5 054 K.KCC HH5 ad 7599 1333,1395,1450 6.3,6.5,7.0 023 MIK aOn a 7638 649 7.0,6.9 01 K On 7600 1357 5.5,5.8 21 ? FF r 7639 1333,1384 7.1,6.3 44 KH iiO 7601 1333,1384,1450 6.5,6.5,6.9 '232 c'.HK uOn d 7640 650,1345 6.7,7.1 33 KK nit nd 7602 1333,1343,1354 6.1,6.4,6.4 Ul paa 2nl 7641 650,1359 7.2,6.6 23 KH nO d 1384,1395,1450 6.3,6.2,6.3 221 apa tf08 7642 1328,1354,1450 6.6,7.0,6.7 111 KKK HHH d 7603 649,1344 6.7,6.9 11 Kll nO 2242 . II 7604 1344 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7643 608, 649, 658 6.7,6.4,6.8 101 0H 000 d 7605 1359 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1344,1344,1358 6.7,6.6 .31 KK nun 7606 1357 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 1394 6.7 K H 7607 1359 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 7644 614, 616,1357 6.3,6.2,4.5 212 m n55 7608 1333 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH a 1376 4.8 2 7 5 7609 649,1344,1358 6.0,6.1,6.6 211 KKK HHH ad 7645 1333,1450 6.3,6.9 11 an HF d 1358,1394,1394 6.6,6.5,6.7 102 KICK HUH 7646 649,1344 6.6,7.1 23 KK 7/II ad 7610 1344,1345,1358 7.0,7.0,6.8 243 KKK HHff 7647 650,1345 6.8,7.3 & KK mi d 1394 6.8 8 K a 7648 601,1333,1395 6.8,5.6,5.8 320 KKK nmi a 7611 1333,1343,1-354 6.3,6.5,6.3 570 KKK Him ar 1450 6.0 2 K H 1384,1395,1450 5.7,6.0,6.0 622 KKK HHH 7649 614,1357,1376 6.8,5.5,5.8 100 K#3 IIFO 7612 1333 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 7650 2242 6.6,6.7 01 KK mi ab 7613 1345,1359 7.2,6.7 35 KK HH 7651 1328,1354,1395 6.5,7.0,6.5 031 KKK HHH 7614 649,1344 6.5,6.8 12 KH HO ad 1450 6.5 1 K H 7615 589, 608, 649 6.8,6,5,5.9 020 K.nf HH2 7652 608, 649, 658 6.8,6.3,6.5 103 aai( HUH 658,1344,1358 6.6,5.7,6.1 221 ft' 002 1344,1345,1358 6.4 6.5 1.1 aaa HiiO 1394 6.3 1 p 1394 6.6 K 5 7616 601, 609, 613 6.3,5.2,5.] FFF a THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 221 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1345,1347,1359 4.0, B IB. K vaO 7708 1347 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 1359 4.2 2 C F 7709 1357,1382 6.9,5.7 55 KK us dr 7671 649,1344 6.3,6.6 1-2 fr FH 7710 1347,1359 7.1,7.0 44 HK OH d 7672 1384 6.7,6.9 11 KK llll 7711 601, 609,1333 7.1,6.5,6.0 105 *w n52 7673 1333,1359 7.3,7.2 '11 KK HH 1359 5.4 3 d 2 7674 609, 650,1345 6.8,6.4,6.6 504 K> H05 7712 1359 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 1347,1359 5.9,6.1 30 # F2 7713 608, 649, 658 6.6,0.5,6.5 335 HKK FHH d 7675 649,1344,1358 6.1,6.3 81. KKK HHll ad 1345,1347,1358 6.S,0.0,6.5 53,? KKK H-ffH 1376,1394 7.2 4. UK OH 1394 6.6 H 7676 1357,1376 6.3,6.6 00 KK HH ad 7714 1376,1382 73,0.0 33 KK HH 7677 001, 617,1333 6.7,6.6,4.7 120 KKK mm a 7715 1333,1450 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 1395,1450 5.2,5.3 10 KK HH 7716 1347 7.3,7.2 10 KK Mil 7678 1333,1395,1450 6.2,6.5,6.5 100 KKK JSTHH ad 7717 1347,1359 6.8,6.9 33 KK HH a 7679 1359 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7718 1347,1359 6.5,6.9 10 KK HH 7680 608, 649,1344 7.3,6.6,7.0 031 IIK.lv OHH ad 7719 589, 608, 649 5.9,5.4,4.7 330 KKK HDH ad 1358 7.3 I K H 651, 658,1344 5,5.4,4.5 320 KKK BBB 7681 649 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 1346,1358,1394 5.0,4.9,4.7 473 KKK BBB 7682 1333,1384 6.7,6.7 '23 K i OH 7720 649 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 7683 1345,1347,1359 7.0,0.5,6.7 '214 KKK HHH. d 7721 1347,1359 7.0,7.0 43 KK HH 7684 649 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 7722 649,1344,1346 5.9,0.1,0.4 311 ffl F05 7685 1333,1384,1450 6.8,6.9,6.6 313 HH 002 d 1358,1394 6.8,6.6 31 9* 00 7686 614, 616,1357 6.0,6.3,4.9 122 KKK HHB a 7723 614,1376,1382 5.7,4.5,4.5 123 p'w F0F 1376 4.9 i K B 7724 608, 649, 658 7.1,6.5,7.1 021 Kp'll HOO 7687 649 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 1358,1394 7.2,7.0 20 KH HO 7088 1333,1384,1450 6.9,0.8,7.1 331 KKK HHH d 7725 1376,1382 7.1,0.9 n KK HH d 7689 1347,1359 7.0,7.0 45 KK HH 7726 1347 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 7690 649,1344,1358 6.7,7.1,7.1 130 KKK HHH ad 7727 649 7.1,7.1 00 HH 00 1394 7.0 1 K H 7728 at 7691 649,1344 6.6,7.0 02 KK HH. 7729 601, 617, 628 6.4,5.7,6.0 412 KKK HHH r 7692 1333,1450 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 1333,1384,1395 4.1,4.6,4.7 000 KKK HHll 7693 1333,1354,1384 6.3,6.4,6.1 313 KKK HHH a 1450 4.4 3 K H 1395,1450 6.5,6.3 11 KK HH 7730 1359 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 7694 1359 6.4,6.3 10 KK HH 7731 1347 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH d 7695 649,1344,1358 6.5,6.9,7.0 020 KKK HHH d 7732 608, 649,1358 7.2,6.8,6.9 000 hKK OHH d 1394 6.9 1 K H 1394 7.2 1 K H 7696 7697 1357,1376 0.0,6.4 10 KK H5 r r 7733 1333,1354,1384 1395,1450,1519 6.4,7.0,6.5 6.4,6.5,7.0 230 010 KKK KKK HHH HHH at 7698 1333,1450 6.8,6.8 20 KK HH a 7734 608, 650, 658 6.7,6.2,6.8 101 CCCCK OHH ad 7699 1347 7.3,7.0 10 KK HH d 1345,1347,1358 0.0,5.8,6.7 420 K^K Ht>H 7700 1347 7.2,7.0 11 HH 00 1394 6.7 U 7701 649,1344,1376 6.5,6.8,7.2 011 HK HOn d 7735 1347 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 7702 649 6.8,6.9 01 KK RH a 7736 2242 7.0,7.1 01 hn 00 7703 1347,1359 6.9,7.2 20 KK HH 7737 1333,1384,1450 6.7,6.6,6.6 401 'HK OOH 7704 608, 650, 658 7.0,6.6,7.2 332 HHH 000 ad 7738 1333,1359 7.0,6.8 20 KK HH ad 1345,1347,1358 7.1,0.0,7.1 ill KKK HHH 7739 609, 650,1345 7.2,6.5,6.6 112 H0 000 1394 7.3 1 K H 1347,1359 5.9,6.2 13 r 00 7705 1333,1450 6.7,6.7 20 KK HH a 7740 1347 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 7706 1347 7.3,7.4 10 hn 00 7741 1347 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH r 7707 609, 650,1345 6.8,6.3,6.6 4S3 fra 000 7742 608, 649, 651 6.7,6.2,6.^ 101 afia. OFF r 1347,1359 6.0,6.4 30 ff F5 658,1344,1346 6.6,0.7,0.0 331 M 000 222 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness, Res. End. F.K. K. 1358,1394 6.7,6.7 00 *? 00 7784 609, 652,1347 6.7,6.6,5.8 432 KKK \\HH a 7743 649, 651,1344 6.2,6.0,6.7 253 KKK HHH 1359 6.2 1 K H 1346,1358,1394 6.4,6.9,6.7 720 KICK HHH 7785 1347 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 7744 1347 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 7786 1382,1382 6.9,7.2 .21 KH HO d 7745 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 7787 1346 7.3,7.3 00 KK HII 7746 1347,1359 6.8,7.1 22 KK HH 7788 1382 7.1,6.9 11 KK II H 7747 1347,1359 6.8,7.3 11 KK HH 7789 1382 6.8,6.7 10 II K OH 7748 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7790 1376,1382 7.1,6.0 35 *$ iiO 7749 649,1346,1358 6.8,7.0,7.3 701 KKK HHII d 7791 1347 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 7750 1333,1384 7.1,?.0 35 KK HH a 7792 1333,1395,1450 6.5,6.7,6.5 202 ana 805 7751 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK II II r 7793 1376,1382 6.8,6.5 11 HH 00 7752 608, 649, 651 7.1,6.6,6.3 015 I1KK OHH d 7794 649, 651,1346 6.7,5.8,6.1 041 KKK IIRII a 1358,1394 22 KK II H 1358,1358,1394 6.7 .3. KKK HHH 7753 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1394 6.8 4 K H 7754 1333 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 7795 1346 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7755 649,1346,1394 6.7,7.1,6.9 122 KKK HHH a 7796 1382 6.9,6.9 00 KK 111! 7756 608, 649, 658 6.8,6.6,6.9 111 KK HHO ad 7797 1346,1358,1394 7.1,7.2,7.3 070 KKH Hill 1346,1358,1394 6.8,6.6,6.7 221 KK HHH 7798 1347 7.3,7.1 11 KK HII 7757 589, 609, 650 6.7,5.7,5.5 552 aSy 00F 7799 601, 609, 617 6.8 6.5 0.1 HKK OHH a 1333,1345,1347 5.0,4.7 .12 tf* OF0 1333,1395,1450 5.0,5.5,5.8 703 KKK BHH 1359 4.9 3 t 2 7800 1347 7.2,7.0 17 KK HH 7758 1347 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 7801 1347,1358 6.5,7.3 12 CCK 5n 7759 609,1333,1359 6.8,6.5,6.4 430 HfJa OnS 7802 1347 6.8,6.7 01 KK III! 7760 1347 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 7803 1376,1382 6.9,6.7 12 1I 00 7761 608, 651, 658 7.3,6.9,7.0 105 HH 000 ad 7804 1347 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 1346,1358,1394 7.1,7.0,7.0 211 KKH HHO 7805 1382 6.7,6.7 00 {fa 88 7762 609, 650,1345 7.0,6.5,6.7 004 HKK OHH d 7806 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1347,1359 5.7,6.2 02 fr 5F 7807 651 6.9,6.8 07 KK HH 7763 1347 6.8,6.6 11 11(4 OF 7808 1382 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 7764 1346 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 7809 1333,1384 7.0,6.8 34 KK 111! 7765 1347,1359 6.6,6.7 33 KK HH 7810 609, 650, 652 6.5,5.5,5.6 001 KKK HHB ad 7766 1346 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH a 1347,1359 5.3,5.6 37 KK EH 7767 1347,1359 6.6,7.0 21 KK HH ad 7811 1346,1376 7.1,7.3 .71 K OH d 7768 1333,1450 6.8,6.9 IS H OH 7812 1346 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 7769 1333,1450 6.8,6.5 H KK HH a 7813 614, 625,1376 6.6,5.8,5.3 200 KKK HHH a 7770 1382 6.4 00 KK HH a 1382,1509 4.8,6.0 00 KK BH 7771 1347 6.5,6.5 00 K OH 7814 609,1333,1359 7.1,6.4,6.1 725 Kp n a HH8 d 7772 1346 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 1383 6.9 1 K H 7773 1382 6.2,6.5 12 KK na r 7815 2242 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 7774 1347,1359 6.6,6.9 22 KK HH 7816 1347 7.1,6.9 17 KK HH 7775 1347,1359 6.5,7.0 11 KK HII a 7817 625,1376,1382 6.4 4.8 3.5 Ky OHF 7776 1347,1359 6.6,6.9 22 K OH 7818 650,1347,1359 6.5,6.1,6.5 027 ftea UFO 7777 1333,1384,1450 6.9,6.5,7.0 350 OtKtt 5nO d 7819 1347 6.8,6.7 07 KK HH 7778 1346 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH r 7820 1347 6.7,6.8 70 KK HH 7779 1333,1384 7.0,6.7 44 KK HH 7821 608, 651, 658 5.9,5.0,5.7 401 KKK HBH ad 7780 1333,1359 6.6,6.6 \1 a HH 1346,1358,1394 5.3,5.3,5.2 170 KKK BBH 7781 1347,1359 6.5,7.0 11 HK OH d 7822 1346 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH 7782 1333,1384,1395 6.3,6.6,6.6 170 ctK/3 OHH 7823 587, 601, 628 6.5,6.6,5.9 4U KKK HUB ar 1450 6.5 1 CC H 1333,1354,1384 4.4,5.5,5.1 400 KKK BHH 7783 1347,1359 6.9,7.0 35 KK HH 1395,1450,1519 5.5,5.5,5.9 133 KKK HHH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 223 Observed Observed D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Rea. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K R. 7824 1347 6.7,6.8 70 KK HH a 7859 1382 7.2,7.0 17 KK HH 7825 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK IIII 7860 1382 5.8,6.2 22 KK mi a 7826 1333,1384,1395 5.9,6.0,6.6 043 ffK iinii ad 7861 617, 628,1333 6.7,6.9,5.4 022 KKK HHH a< 1450 6.3 H 1384,1395,1450 5.6,5.7,5.4 712 KKK HHH 7827 609, 627, 650 5.0,5.2,5.0 5-54 KKK BHH ad 7862 1347 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 660,1333,1347 4.74-84-5 757 KKK SBB 7863 1347 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 1359,1383 4.0,4.5 54 KK BB 7864 1382 7.0,6.8 17 KK HH 7828 1347,1359 6.3,7.0 00 KK Hll a 7865 1347,1359 6.4,7.0 07 KK HH a 7829 7830 1347,1394 1450 6.5,7.3 6.8,6.8 IS 00 HK aa OH HH d 7866 7867 608, 651, 651 6.2 5.S 6.0 SK;- On5 at r 7831 608, 651, 658 5.8,5.0,5.7 412 KKK HHH a 658,1346,1346 5.8,5.4 11. KdK H2H 1346,1358,1394 5.3,5.0,5.0 253 KKK HHH 1358,1394 5.2,5.1 34 Pa 22 7832 1347 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 7868 1382 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH d 7833 609, 650,1347 7.2,6.6,6.0 702 any OOP 7869 1346 7.2,7.2 00 KK . HH 1359 6.4 1 a p 7870 1333,1384,1450 6.4,6.0,6.7 362 KHK HFH a 7834 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7871 1347,1359 7.0,6.9 44 KK HH d 7835 7836 1347 1382 6.9,6.9 7.2,6.9 00 12 KK HK HH OH 7872 7873 1376,1382 6.2,5.5 17 KK HH ar r 7837 1382 6.9,6.9 CO KK HH 7874 1382 5.8,6.2 22 I'M HH 7838 625,1376,1376 6.3,6.6 26. KKK HUH ad 7875 1347 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 1382 5.2 8 K H 7876 1382 7.3,7.0 27 KK HH dr 7839 1347,1359 6.2,6.9 00 KK HH 7877 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7840 625,1376,1382 6.1,5.8,5.2 207 $rt 000 ad 7878 608, 651, 658 6.7,5.6,6.2 171 aty FFO a 1509 6.8 1 K H 1346,1346,1358 5.7,5.8 .07 HS/ OFF 7841 7842 1333,1450 6.8,6.9 12 KK HH dr r 7879 1394 1359 5.7 7.1,7.3 2 71 7 KK F HH 7843 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7880 1347 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH 7844 651,1346,1358 6.0,6.2,7.0 421 KKK HHH ad 7881 1382 7.2,6.9 22 KK HH 1394 6.8 2 K H 7882 1347 6.6,6.5 07 K0 5F 7845 1333,1354,1384 6.5,7.0,6.1 445 KHK nOn ad 7883 608, 651,1346 6.5,6.5,6.5 111 te/3 OlIF ad 1395,1450 6.3,6.6 21 Ktt HH 1358,1394 6.5,6.6 70 KK HH 7846 014, 625,1376 6.2,5.7,5.1 010 ft* OF a 7884 1347,1359 6.7,7.1 12 KK J5TH d 1382,1509 4.5,5.9 11 ea IH 7885 1346 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7847 1359 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 7886 1347 7.1,6.9 17 KK HH 7848 1382 5.5,5.7 11 KK HH a 7887 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7849 1333,1354,1384 6.4,7.0,6.1 345 KKK HHH a 7888 1333,1384,1450 6.5,6.6,6.6 227 KKK aan d 1395,1450 6.3,6.6 KH HO 7889 1346,1358,1394 7.2,7.2,7.2 177 KKK HHH d 7850 609, 650, 660 7.1,6.2,6.9 023 Halt OFH ad 7890 608, 651,1346 7.5,6.4,6.5 427 $ OrO 1347,1359 5.7,6.2 11 rt 1-2 1358,1394 6.9,6.8 10 K HO 7851 1382 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH a 7891 1347,1359 6.9,7.2 22 KK HH 7852 1333,1384 6.5,6.3 43 an IF d 7892 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 7853 1384,1450 6.9,7.2 2-2 K nO d 7893 1384 6.9,7.0 70 KK HH 7854 608, 651, 658 7.2,6.5,7.1 220 HfJH 000 7894 1347,1359 6.5,7.0 17 KK HH d 1-346,1358,1394 6.7,6.9,6.8 007 KK OHH 7895 1382 7.0,6.9 10 HK On 7855 1347 7.2,7.4 11 IIII 00 7896 1359 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 7856 1346 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 7897 1346 7.3,7.0 27 KK HH a 7857 1347,1359 6.8,7.2 '21 KK HH 7898 1347,1359 7.3,7.3 34 KK HH 7858 614, 625, 625 6.5 6.0 0.1 .y F02 r 7899 1346,1394 7.2,7.2 17 KK HH 1376,1382,1382 5.2,5.2 23. j'f F22 7900 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK IH 1509 6.2 1 P 7901 1333,1384,1395 6.5,6.3,6.5 341 KKK HHH * 224 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1450 6.8 2 J jj 7946 r 7902 625,1382 6.6,5.3 12 KK HH a 7947 651, 650,1346 5.3,6.5,5.4 605 7P> 202 r 7903 609, 660,1347 6.8,6.5,5.4 .no UKS HH2 r 1367,1367,1394 6.1,6.2,6.3 232 K H.HH 1359,1383 5.9,6.8 23 /fa 28 1394 6.2 1 H 1 7904 651,1346,1394 6.6,6.7,7.2 212 KH OaO 7948 1347 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH a 7905 1346 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH a 7949 651,1346,1377 6.5,6.6,6.5 102 KaK HHH at 7906 1382,1382 7.0,7.0 00. KK II II a 7950 2242 6.7,6.8 01 KH HO 7907 652,1347,1359 7.3,6.6,6.9 115 IIHK OOH d 7951 1347,1367 7.1,7.1 .00 KK HH 7908 1382 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 7952 626, 651, 659 5.5,4.8,5.5 201 yes OFF a 7909 1395,1450 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 714,1346,1346 5.5 4.6 1.2 SH FOO 7910 r 1367 5.1 3 F 7911 1346 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH r 7953 140, 587, 617 4.9 4.8 3.4 ede 122 7912 1384,1450 6.8,7.2 23 KH HO 682,1395,1450 eje 2f2 7913 7914 1359,1450 7.0,7.2 .n KK HH dr r 7954 1519,2242 1347,1359 - 4.2 6.5,6.5 .2 34 K KK F2 an a 7915 1347 73,6.9 21 KK HH 7955 660,1347,1359 6.3,5.2,5.5 101 KKK HBH a 7916 1347 7.4,7.3 01 KK HH 1383 6.5 2 K H 7917 1382 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH 7956 660,1347,1359 6.6,5.6,6.0 005 ft 1 " 021 7918 1333 6.8,6.7 10 KK HH a 1383 6.9 2 7919 1347 7.4,7.3 0.? KK HH 7957 652,1347,1367 6.5,6.0 11. KKK IIHH 7920 1347 7.2,7.5 21 KH HO d 7958 651, 659, 714 5.4,6.5,7.2 505 J'KK 5//H r 7921 1347,1359 6.3,6.6 22 KK HH 1346,1367 5.7,5.9 20 rf) 21 7922 1384 7.0,7.2 11 UK OH 7959 1377,1382 6.7,6.6 01 KK an a 7923 1347,1359 6.5,6.9 00 CCK OH 7960 1359 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH r 7924 1346,1394 6.9,6.* 21 KK HH r 7961 1347 7.3,7.2 10 KK HII 7925 1382 6.2,6.5 12 KK HB 7962 651,1346 6.5,6.7 n /5 rO 7926 660,1347,1359 6.9,6.2,6.5 122 K! K HUH 7963 1377,1382 6-4,6.9 54 KK //H a 7927 1347,1367,1394 6.5,6.0,7.3 350 KKK HHH 7964 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7928 1382 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 7965 1333,1384,1450 6.^,6.5,6.5 221 $ 05 7929 1347,1359 6.8,7.0 23 KK HH d 7966 1333,1384,1395 6.5,6.5,6.9 350 KKK HHH d 7930 625,1382 6.7,5.9 n KK HH a 1450 7.1 2 K H 7931 625,1377,1382 4.9,5.0,4.2 542 rt 552 7967 1377,1382 7.1,7.1 n Kh HO d 1509 6.0 2 a 2 7968 1347,1359 6.4,7.0 01 KK HH 7932 1347,1359 7.2,7.3 33 KK HH 7969 1367 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 7933 651,1346 6.7,7.2 23 K HO 7970 1367 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 7934 1346 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH d 7971 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 7935 1377 6.9,6.8 0.7 KK HH 7972 1377,1382 6.7,7.0 23 HH 00 7936 1347 7.3,7.0 12 KK HH 7973 1382 5.7,6.0 21 KK HH a 7937 1359 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 7974 1382 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH dr 7938 1347,1359 6.6,7.0 21 K OH 7975 651,1346 0.5,6.8 21 KK HH a 7939 651, 659,1346 5.7,6.7,6.0 510 KKK HHH a 7976 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 1367,1394 6.0,6.2 00 KK HH 7977 1384,1450 6.7,6.9 12 KK HH 7940 1346,1377 7.0,6.7 12 K \H ad 7978 2242 6.6,6.7 01 f 00 7941 1359 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 7979 1347 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 7942 7943 1347,1359 5.6,6.9 33 KK HH ar r 7980 7981 651 652,1347,1367 7.2,7.1 6.4,5.8 10 10. I'.U KKK 00 HHH a 7944 626, 651, 659 5.4,4.2,5.5 054 pie 020 r 7982 601, 628,1333 7.3,7.0,5.9 122 HK(S OH2 714,1346,1367 5.5,4. 1,5 J 0^6 rC OlF 1384,1450 5.9,6.4 53 tf 02 1394 44 5 p 2 7983 1347 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH d 7945 1347,1359 6.8,7.0 25 KK BH d 7984 1347 7.2,7.1 0.? KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 225 B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. Ewl. F.K. R. 7985 1333, 1384 6.9,7.0 22 KH HO d 8024 1347 7.1,7.0 10 KK RH 7986 1347 6.8,6.6 \1 KK BB a 8025 1333,1384 6.8,6.5 44 KK HH d 7987 1347 6.9,6.9 00 UK OH 8026 1347 7.3,7.4 10 KK HH 7988 1328,1354,1450 6.8,6.6,6.2 Z14 HHK OOH ad 8027 1367 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 1519,2242 6.9,6.4 10 B(S OH 8028 1347,1367 7.1,7.2 4 KK HH d 7989 1347,1359 6.5,5.7 52 UK. Illl d 8029- 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 7990 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 8030 1384,1450 6.9,7.0 11 HK OH d 7991 587, 601, 628 6.^,6.4,6.1 210 KKK BHH ar 8031 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH d 682, 738,1333 6.5,5.3,4.7 211 KKK IIBH 8032 1377,1382 7.0,6.8 00 HK On d 1354,1384,1395 ^.5,5.0,4.8 SIS KKK BHH 8033 1346,1367 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 1450,1519 5.0,5.3 01 KK BU 8034 1347 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 7992 1367 7.2,7.0 11 KK RH 8035 1333,1395,1450 7.1,6.8,7.1 430 KHK nOn d 7993 140, 617, 682 6.0 1.. dah 200 8036 1382 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 2242 5.6 1 t f 8037 1382 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH r 7994 R B R R B r 8038 1377 7.0,7.0 00 0K OH d 7995 1347 6.8,6.8 00 Ha 00 8039 1382 6.8A8 00 HK OH 7996 1377,1382 6.8,7.2 53 KH HO d 8040 1346,1367 7.4,6.8 33 KH HO d 7997 625,1377,1382 5.7,5.4,4.5 ns KKK HHB a 8041 1377,1382 6.9,7.3 33 KH HO d 1506,1509 5.8,6.0 '12 KK HH 8042 1377 7.1,7.0 01 K HO d 7998 1347 6.8,6.6 11 KK BB 8043 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 7999 652,1347 7.0,6.0 I* rf F5 8044 1377 7.1,7.2 01 RK OH 8000 1382 7.1,7.2 01 HK OH 8045 1384 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 8001 1384 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 8046 627, 660,1347 6.5,5.6,5.2 024 nSd Ovl 8002 652, 659,1347 6.3,6.6,5.4 321 7fr 05F 1383 5.6 3 d 1367 6.1 1 S F 8047 1347 5.9,6.0 10 KK HH a 8003 1377 6.9,6.8 01 K HH 8048 1347 6.7,6.6 10 KK HH a 8004 1346,1347,1367 0.3,6.5 .34 KKK HBH at 8049 1450 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 8005 1359,1383,1384 6.4,7.1,6.7 121 KKK HHH 8050 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 8006 1354,1450,1519 6.9,6.6,7.0 111 KKII HIlO 8051 1377 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 2242 K H 8052 617, 628,1384 6.0,6.5,5.4 501 KKK BHH a 8007 1346 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 1395,1450 5.8,5.4 40 KK HH 8008 1377 6.7,6.9 11 KK BB a 8053 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8009 1384,1450 7.0,7.0 01 KK HH d 8054 651,1346,1377 6.5,6.6,6.3 012 fan H.5F ad 8010 1384 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 8055 1347 6.5,6.4 10 88 00 8011 1347 6.8,6.7 01 KK BB 8056 1384 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 8012 1367 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 8057 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 8013 1377,1382 6.8,6.3 12 KK HH d 8058 651,1346,1367 6.3,6.4,6.3 010 rP<* FFH 8014 625,1377,1382 7.0,6.4,5.5 134 HKH OtfF ad 8059 651,1346,1377 6.8,7.1,6.6 032 KH OnO 1506,1509 7.1,7.0 43 KK HH 8060 1384 6.7,6.7 00 HK OH 8015 1333,1384,1450 7.0,7.0,7.0 321 KKH HHO d 8061 1347 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 8016 1346 7.2,7.4 n KK RH 8062 1347 6.5,6.6 10 KK HH 8017 1347,1347 6.5,6.8 .n KK BB 8063 1347 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 8018 1347 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 8064 1377,1382 6.9,7.0 21 KH HO 8019 1347 7.0,6.9 0.7 KK HH 8065 1377 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH a 8020 1377,1382,1382 6.8,6.9 12. KKK RHH d 8066 652,1347 7.4,6.6 10 Hi 02 8021 652, 660,1347 5.8,6.4,5.4 300 rfr 001 8067 1377 7.0,7.1 10 tl< OH 1383 6.7 2 1 8068 1346 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8022 617,1384,1395 6.9,6.2,6.5 304 HH/3 000 8069 1354,1384,1395 6.9,6.6,6.2 303 KHK nOn at 1450 6.2 1 t F 1450,1519 6.6,7.0 11 KH HO 8023 1347 6.9,6.8 10 HK OH 8070 1346,1367 6.7,6.5 11 KK HH 226 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. B. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. . K. 8071 1347 6.6,6.6 00 KK iin a 8114 626, 651, 659 6.4 5.9 4.3 KKK BBB ad 8072 1333,1395,1450 6.6,6.6,6.5 312 H/3e 000 714,1346,1367 6.5,6.0,5.6 140 KKK BBB 8073 1377 6.9,6.7 11 KK HB r 8115 1377 6.7,6.7 00 KK BB 8074 1347 6.9,6.7 11 KK HH 8116 1347 7.4,7.4 00 KK HH 8075 1384,1395,1450 6.4,6.5,6.6 201 KKK HHH 8118 1367 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH d 8076 1377,1382,1506 5.8,5.6,6.9 550 KKK BBB a 8119 660,1347,1383 6.4 7.2 4.3 tthK OFH d 8077 1346,1367 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 1384 7.0 2 K H 8078 1367 7.3,7.0 21 KK HH a 8120 1367 6.7,6.6 01 KK BR a 8079 1346,1367 6.3,6.5 12 KK HB d 8121 1377 6.8,6.7 10 KK HB a 8080 625,1377,1382 5.8,5.4,5.0 220 KKK HUB a 8122 1384 7.0,7.2 11 HK OH 1506,1509 5.8,6.5 01 KK HB 8123 1347 7.3,7.3 00 HK IH 8081 1367 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 8124 1367 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 8082 1347 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 8125 1450 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 8083 652, 659,1347 5.7,6.4,5.3 O.Z3 KKK BBB ad 8126 1347 6.5,6.5 00 KK BB a 1367 5.9 K D 8127 1347 6.9,6.8 10 KK BB a 8084 659,1346,1367 6.8,6.9,6.4 341 KKtt BH.Q ad 8128 660, 652,1347 6.8,6.9,6.4 133 aua H05 8085 1377,1382,1506 6.4,6.6,7.2 220 IIK OOH ad 8129 1347 7.3,7.0 12 KK HH 8086 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8130 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8087 651,1346,1367 6.8,6.7,6.4 210 KK HOn ad 8131 1384,1384,1450 6.5,6.5,6.7 112 KKK HHH a 8088 1367 7.0,7.0 00 KK RH d 8132 1347 7.3,7.0 12 KK HH a 8089 1346,1367 7.3,6.7 33 KK HH a 8133' 1377 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 8090 651, 659,1346 6.2,6.6,6.2 111 ftfe OOp 8134 619, 627, 652 6.5,6.4,5.3 00.? aay H#F 1367 5.9 2 r 2 660,1347,1383 5.5,5.1,5.7 241 Syy 212 8091 626, 651, 659 6.5,5.6,6.5 003 *rf 055 1551 6.2 1 7 F 1346,1367 5.6,5.5 01 77 25 8135 651, 659, 666 6.6,7.0,6.7 111 H BOa 8092 651, 659,1346 6,6,6.8,6.9 134 plKH OaO ad 1346,1367 6.5,6.4 01 l OF 1367 6.5 K ii 8136 1377 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH a 8093 1377 6.7,6.7 00 aa 5s 8137 1347 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8094 628,1384,1395 7.0,6.2,6.3 311 pan OFO 8138 660,1347,1383 6.5,6.4,7.2 541 f)'K HFH r 1450 6.4 2 7 F 8139 659,1367 6.8,6.4 11 HK F// ad 8095 1347 6.9,6.5 22 KK HIT 8140 651,1377 6.6,6.3 12 *? HH 8096 1367 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 8141 1450 7.0,6.9 10 KK HB 8097 1346,1367 7J,6.6 23 KK HH a 8142 660,1383,1384 6.2,6.5,6.5 201 (3H/3 OOF 8098 1377,1382,1506 6.6,5.7,7.0 341 (3K SHB d 8143 1367 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 8099 1347 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 8144 625,1451 6.1,5.4 01 KK HB a 8100 1346,1367 7.3,6.6 43 KK HB 8145 1367 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 8101 651,1346,1377 6.7,6.7,6.1 224 Kl/.K HH5 d 8146 652,1347 7.2,6.5 00 Ktt HH d 1506 6.9 2 K H 8147 1333,1384,1395 6.9,6.4,6.5 553 KKK HBH ad 8102 1377,1506,1509 6.0,6.1,6.9 320 KKK BHH 1450,1519 6.9,7.2 10 KK HH 8103 1346,1367 6.6,6.6 00 KK BH 8148 651, 659,1346 6.3,6.5,6.3 222 fiP 055 8104 1347 6.5,6.6 .70 KK BH 1367 5.9 2 7 * 8105 1367 7.3,7.3 00 KK II H 8149 1377,1506 5.9,6.6 01 t* SB 8106 651,1346 6.7,7.0 21 Kll HO 8150 1377 6.6,6.8 11 KK BH a 8107 1506 6.9,7.0 10 HK OH r 8151 617, 628, 628 4.9 5.5 3.3 *ac 000 8108 1347,1383 6.1,7.0 11 KK an dr 682,1333,1384 5.2,4.0 23. fit Ovl 8109 1450 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1384,1395,1450 4.2,4.1,4.2 001 aC FFF 8110 1347 7.1,7.2 10 KK BH 1519 4-6 1 d 1 8111 1347 7.0,7.0 00 KK 1111 a 8152 1347 7.2,7.1 0^ KK HH d 8112 1367 7.3,7.1 11 KK Fill 8153 1367 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 8113 1377 6.6,6.7 10 # 00 8154 1367,1367 6.9,6.8 0* Kh Hi d THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 227 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. lies. End. F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R, 8155 1450 7.0,7.0 00 HK On 8196 1333 7.0,6.8 11 HK OH 8156 1519 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 8197 1347 6.5,6.6 10 an 00 8157 1333 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 8198 1377,1451,1506 6.5,6.5,7.0 001 KKK .ffHB 8158 617, 628,1384 6.1,6.0,5.3 230 37 52F 8199 1367 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH d 1395,1450 5.4,5.3 21 ft OF 8200 1347 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 8159 1347 6.6,6.7 01 4 HH* 8'201 2242 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 8160 1347 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 8'202 1377 7.1,7.0 01 II 00 8161 1347 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH 8203 1384,1450 7.0,7.0 01 HK OH 8162 666,1367,1367 6.7,6.7 Id. KH HOO 8204 1384 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH a 8163 617, 628, 682 5.0,5.3,5.4 #10 KKK -RHB ad 8205 1367 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH 1333,1384,1395 B, 4.2,4.2 B01 KKK BHB 8206 1347 7.1,6.9 11 KK RH 1450,1519 B, 4-6 Bl KK BB 8207 659, 666,1367 6.8,6.3,6.1 001 ady HF2 8164 1451 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH r 1525,1550 6.7,6.8 21 jte 00 8165 696,1354,1395 6.9,6.0,5.9 100 *w HOO 8208 1451 6.7,6.8 01 HK OH 1450,1519 6.0,6.5 12 (3 00 8209 1377,1451 6.3,6.0 21 (ft SB ad 8166 1347 7.3,7,2 10 KK RH 8210 1367 6.9,6.9 00 K RH 8167 1367 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 8211 1451 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH r 8168 1377 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH r 8212 1377,1451 6.3,6.7 22 JK 5j? ad 8169 1377,1377,1506 - 6.1,6.7 .00 frn 050 8213 1367 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 8170 631,1377,1451 6.8,5.5,J.KK OHH d 8363 1451 6.2,6.3 10 KK HH a 8401 655 6.9,6.9 00 HH 00 8364 8365 619, 627, 656 5.3,6.3,5.2 746 K* 5H5 r r 8402 655, 666,1525 1550 6.0,6.2,7.1 6.7 021 1 pda 5FH 660,1383,1551 5.4,5.2,5.3 215 ft* H22 8403 666,1550 6.6,7.2 11 KK HH ad 1569 5.4 2 a H 8404 1451 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH a 8366 666,1367 6.7,6.5 .11 K OH ad 8405 660 6.8,6.9 01 KK nil a 230 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 8406 656,1551 6.4,7.2 IS K 5 H ad 8445 617, 628, 682 6.8,5.7,6.5 560 J7 120 8407 666 6.7,6.8 10 0* OH 693, 738, 742 6.3,5.3,6.2 4.73 yta. 2FO 8408 1525 7.3,7.3 00 KK inr 770,1384,1395 6'4,4.7,5.5 163 w OrO 8409 1451 6.6,6.5 10 KK HH a 1450,1519,1570 5.4,5.5,6.2 2.71 j7 Or5 8410 1451 7.0,7-2 11 KK HH 8446 1451 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8411 619, 656, 660 7.1,6.2,6.6 520 KJ'OC HIlO ad 8447 1384,1450 6.5,7.1 34 HH 00 1383,1551,1568 6.9,6.8,7.1 242 KRK uOn 8448 628,1384,1519 6.5,6.0,6.^ 412 KKK HHH a 8412 656 7.1,7.0 10 llH 00 8449 1451,1567 6.5,7.2 21 KH HO 8413 1367 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH a 8450 1451 6.2,6.1 10 KK HH a 8414 1451 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 8451 1450 7.1,6.9 11 KK HH a 8415 666 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH a 8452 655 6.6,6.7 01 KK HH a 8416 655, 666 6.4,7.0 n 4 HO 8453 619, 655, 656 6.4 5.8 4A Ktf H5F ad 8417 706,1551,1622 7.0,6.9,6.9 101 HKH OHO ad 1551,1569 6.1,6.7 53 0* OH 8418 1451 6.2,6.2 00 KK HH a 8454 655,1550,1622 5.5,6.5,6.1 023 KKK IIHH d 8419 1451 6.5,6.7 n OH 8455 1384,1519 6.8,6.9 11 KK lOii HH d 8461 8462 689, 701,1451 5.8,5.6,5.1 .700 ft7 582 r r 8425 1384 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 15G7 5.5 7 2 8426 2242 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 8463 1451 6.2,6.5 n *? 52 8427 666,1550 6.7,7.2 10 r* FH d 8464 1451 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 8428 1451 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH a 8465 701,1451,1567 6.6,5.7,6.7 133 K^K H%H ad 8429 2242 6.6,6.6 00 KK RH 8466 656,1569 6.4,7.2 11 KK HH d 8430 1384 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 8467 666,1550 6.5,6.9 00 K FH d 8431 1451 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8468 1451,1567 6.5,7.0 01 HK OH 8432 655, 666, 666 5.6 6.1 0.1 dad 000 r 8469 1451 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 706,1525,1550 6.5,6.9 33. aan 000 8470 689, 701,1451 6.2,6.3,5.5 312 KKK HHB a 1550,1622 6.5,6.5 10 <$ 00 1567 6.4 3 K H 8433 1451 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 8471 1384 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 8434 619, 655, 656 7.1,6.3 13. Hylf. OOH ad 8472 656,1551,1568 6.2,6.9,7.0 231 KKK HHH ad 1551,1569 6.6,7.2 4 UK 5H 1569 7.1 1 K H 8435 1451 6.6,6.3 12 KK HS 8473 656 6.7,6.5 11 aa 53 8436 628, 682, 738 6.8,7.0,6J 111 KKK HUH ad 8474 1384,1519 6.9,6.9 12 KK HH 1384,1395,1450 5.5,5.9,6.0 412 KHK jiOn 8475 656,1500,1551 5.6,7.0,6.6 230 KKK HHH at 1519 6.2 K a 1569 6.7 3 K H 8437 656,1384 6.8,6.9 25 KH nO d 8476 701,1451,1567 6.5,6.2,6.3 02/ duct Oj?0 ad 8438 656 6.8,6.8 00 fir 00 8477 1451 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 8439 656,1500,1569 5.8,7.3,6.8 131 J'KH OnO d 8478 1451 6.4,6.3 10 KM HH 8440 689, 701,1451 6.7,6.6,5.8 203 ctKK Os5 ad 8479 628, 693, 696 6.7,7.0,6-9 34,? KKK HHH ad 1567 6.9 4 K H 738,1333,1384 5.9,5.5,5.7 233 P"7 JlllcJ 8441 1451 6.5,6.4 01 KK sa 1395,1450,1519 5.7,5.9,6.5 202 fJa n8a 8442 689,1451 4.1,4.0 43 fC FF a 1520,1570 6.5,7.0 22 HK OH 8443 656,1383,1384 5,9,7.0,6.5 131 KKK nun ad 8480 1384 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH ad 1568,1569 6.8,6.9 11 KK HH 8481 656 6.5,6.6 .70 K HH 8444 1451 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 8482 655,1421,1551 5.7,6.6,6.9 101 KKK HHH ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 231 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Keg. End. F.K. R B.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K R. 1622 6.9 2 K H 1450,1450,1519 6.0,6.3 .21 m 002 8483 1451 7.1,7.2 01 HK OH 8521 656 7.0,6.9 01 HK OH 8484 1451 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 8522 1421 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 8485 1451 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 8523 655,1421 6.5,7.0 12 KK HK d 8486 656, 656 7.2,7.1 .01 K 80 8524 1451 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 8487 655,1525 6.5,7.1 22 KK HH a 8525" 55, 666, 706 6.0,6.0,7.2 '222 J7 H 000 ad 8488 1451 5.7,5.7 00 00 FF 1421,1421,1550 6.6,6.4 .(12 f>K HHO 8489 656 7.1,6.9 11 a? 00 1622 6.7 H 8490 701,1525 6.7,7.3 2-1 KK HH ad 8526 1384,1519 6.6,7.0 01 fr OH d 8491 1451 7.2,6.8 '22 KK HH r 8527 656 6.9,6.9 00 KK an a 8492 655 6.5,6.6 10 J' 00 8528 1421 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 8493 1384 6.7,6.8 10 KK HH 8529 1384 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 8494 1384,1384,1395 6.5 6.5 1.0 KKK 5HH ad 8530 1421 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 1450,1519 6.5,6.8 01 Hit. 5H 8531 655,1421 6.3,7.0 10 KK HH d 8495 655, 666,1622 6.3,6.7,7.2 000 fiKK OHH d 8532 656 7.2,6.9 21 hK OH 8496 666, 701,1525 6.7,7.1,7.2 001 KKK HHH d 8533 655,1421 6.4,6.9 21 K HH 1550,1567 7.2,6.8 12 KK HH 8534 689, 701,1451 6.5,6.7,5.8 322 Pr HOI 8497 619, 656,1500 7.0,5.8,7.0 134 H^K OOH d 1567 6.6 2 K H 1551,1569 6.5,6.7 21 9* 00 8535 656,1500,1502 5.0,7.0,6.5 012 KK FJJH ad 8498 1384 6.7,6.4 \2 HK OH 1551,1568,1569 5.9,5.7,6.0 320 m 000 8499 656 6.8,7.0 n 4 00 8536 1421 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 8500 618, 666, 701 6.8,6.3,6.4 030 KKK HUH a 8537 1451 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 1525,1550,1567 6.7,6.3,6.1 112 KKK HHH 8538 1451 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH d 8501 619, 655, 706 5.1, B, 4.2 3B6 sc F02 r 8539 655,1421 5.9,6.7 00 SK Fff d 1421,1542,1551 4.9,5.1,4.7 511 *J7 FFF 8540 656 6.9,6.9 00 K HO 1622 4.2 3 1 F 8541 656 7.4,7.1 21 hH 00 8502 655 6.7,6.6 10 K HH 8542 701,1451,1567 6.6,6.6,6.7 230 KKK HHH 8503 1384 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 8543 619, 656, 656 6.3 6.3 2.2 J7 H5W 255 1502,1569 5.4,5.3 00 ee OF 1521 6.4 4 h 8628 1421,1548 7.2,6.9 00 KK HH 8586 738,1450 7.0,6.7 10 KK HH 8629 735 6.7,6.6 01 KK HH 8587 656 6.7,6.7 00 /3 00 8630 1421 7.4,7.4 00 KK IIII 8588 701,1567 6.7,6.6 00 HK OH ad 8631 655, 735,1421 6.6,6.5,7.0 202 KCCK nOn d 8589 696,1395,1450 6.8,5.7,5.7 111 iW 000 8632 655, 735,1421 5.8,6.1,6.5 021 )7K 258 1519,1520 6.3,6.4 12 nit 52 1542,1548,1622 7.2,6.3,6.6 201 HUH 000 8590 701,1567 7.1,7.0 00 KH HO ad 8633 1384 7.0,7.0 00 HK On 8591 655,1421,1548 6.3,7.0,7.0 012 SlIK OOH bd 8634 655 7.2,6.9 21 KK an 8591a 1452 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH r 8635 701, 707,1567 6.7,7.1,6.4 111 Khtt HOO 8592 1384 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 8636 1395,1450,1519 6.5,6.4,7.0 Oil KKK HHII 8593 655, 735,1421 6.2,7.0,6.9 253 Mill HHO ad 8637 656 7.0,6.9 01 KK nn B 1548 7.0 1 K H 8638 1384 6.7,6.8 10 KK mi THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 233 D. C. Plate Numbers Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. K. 8039 1452,1567 6.0,7.2 33 KK HH 1548 6.7 K H 8040 735,1421,1548 6.3,6.8,7.1 733 p'llK nOH cl 8674 701, 707,1452 6.8,6.7,6.9 140 CK HFH d 8641 655, 690, 706 5.0,6.2,5.8 014 rp' OOF 1567,1597 6.6,6.8 04 (* 00 735,1421,1542 5.1,6.0,6.4 020 w FOO 8675 738, 800,1384 6.4,7.3,6.2 732 aiiH 500 1548,1622,1689 5.6,5.4 15. 77* 000 1395,1450,1519 6.3,6.4,6.9 012 >HH 000 1689,1694,1694 6.7,6.4,5.8 US *W HOP 1520 6.8 1 H 8642 690, 701, 735 6.8,6.9,5.8 737 aicy II HF d 8676 656, 691,1502 6.3,7.0,6.9 427 SHH 000 1567,1689,1694 6.3,7.2,7.0 12 KH OnO 8677 1421,1548 6.8,7.0 23 KK HH d 8643 735,1421,1548 6.5,6.9,7.0 122 KKK. #11 H d 8678 2242 6.8,6.8 00 a 00 8644 1384,1519 6.4,6.9 11 KK HH 8679 656 6.5,6.5 00 ff 00 8645 655,1421,1548 6.4,6.9,7.0 122 KKK HHH 8680 1452 5.9,6.1 71 # 5F 8646 1421 7.2,7.3 00 KK HH 8081 1384 7.0,6.8 71 KK HH 8647 656 7.2,7.0 11 H 00 8682 701, 707,1452 5.6,6.5,6.0 412 J-K0 HH\ a 8648 1452 6.9,6.8 01 UK On 1567,1597 5.4,6.4 57 fh 8H 8649 628, 682, 693 5.6,5.8,5.5 221 KKK EBB ad 8683 701, 707,1452 6.3,6.6,6.2 720 KKK SHU dr 738, 742, 770 4-9,5.4,5.7 001 KKK SUB 1567,1597 6.2,6.5 74 KK HH 1384,1519 5.0,5.2 21 KK B/J 8684 1452 6.8,6.8 00 KK mi r 8650 628, 682, 682 6.0 6.5 3.0 j 80ll r 8685 1384 6.8,6.8 00 II 1C OH a 693, 738, 742 6.0,4.8,5.6 163 W HUH 8686 656 7.2,7.0 17 KK HH ad 770,1384,1395 6.2,5.0,5.3 131 #a B5ll 8687 1384 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1450,1478,1519 5.6,6.3,6.2 446 PP HUH 8088 735,1421,1548 6.7,6.9 .32 KH OnO ad 1519,1570 6.2 .1 00 HO 8689 655, 735, 735 6.4,6.6 01. jaa FOO d 8651 701,1567 7.1,6.9 10 HK OH 1421,1548 7.1,6.7 72 KK n5 8652 656, 691,1500 5.9,6.S,7.0 404 KKK HHH ad 8690 1384 6.9,7.1 71 II K OH 1502,1569 6.5,6.8 13 KK HII 8691 1519 7.0,7.3 72 KH HO 8653 1384 7.0,7.1 01 KK HII a 8692 1452 7.0,7.1 70 HK On 8654 1421 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 8693 655,1421,1502 6.0,6.6,7.0 172 J'HK OOn ad 8655 701, 735,1567 6.7 6.3 1.2 0P HOO 1548 6.3 7 a 8656 1452 7.2,7.3 01 K OH d 8694 1421 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH d 8657 735 6.9,6.9 00 Ktt HO 8095 738,1384 7.1,6.8 17 HK OH ad 8658 655,1421,1548 6.5,7.0,7.0 121 KHK irOa d 8696 656, 669,1568 5.9,6.3,6.8 131 J'f3K OFH 8659 655, 706, 735 5.6,7.0,5.5 022 /KK faff ad 1601 7.0 3 h 1421,1542,1548 6.4,7.0,5.8 023 KKK HHH 8697 735 6.8,6.9 70 KK HH 1622,1689,1694 6.3,6.9,6.9 203 ichu JS-00 8098 628, 682, 738 6.5,6.6,5.8 721 KKK O.U.H ad 8660 1567 7.1,7.1 00 KK nil 770,1384,1519 6.8,5.4,5.9 220 llKK OffH 8661 738,1384 tf.4,6.5 11 ff 20 1570 6.5 1 H 8662 656,1502 6.0,7.4 33 KK HH dr 8699 655, 735 6.9,6.8 17 I'M On d 8663 1384 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH a 8700 735 7.2,6.9 12 U.UL On 8664 655, 735,1421 6.3,6.7,7.0 722 0K HO II d 8701 1452 6.5,6.6 01 KK HH 1548 7.0 1 H 8702 1384 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH r 8665 738,1384 6.9,6.5 27 HK OH 8703 735 6.5,6.5 00 H nOO 8671 701, 735,1567 7.1 6.9 1.0 UK ii OnO d 8707 1452 7.1,7.2 01 HK OH r 8672 701,1567 7.1,7.3 72 KK HH 8708 656 6.6,6.7 01 KK HH 8673 655,1421,1502 6.2,6.6,7.3 042 UKK OHII d 8709 707,1452,1597 7.0,5.5,7.0 756 KJ'H n80 234 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 8710 1452 6.4,6.5 10 HK On r 8747 1384 6.8,6.9 01 KK nil 8711 655, 735,1421 6.2,6.3,6.8 002 Kp'H nrO Ed 8748 655, 668, 691 5.5,5.8,6.0 115 $7 HFF ad 1548,1622 6.8,7.1 10 Kit nil 706,1421,1502 6.6,6.1,6.0 015 aay OHV 8712 1384 7.1,7.1 00 KK IHI a 1542,1548,1552 7.0,5.7,6.0 020 K> HF! 8713 656, 669 6.6,6.9 25 ait 5n 1601,1622,1624 6.5,6.5 .25 f>H OOH 8714 1421 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 8749 1452 7.0,6.8 11 KK HR 8715 655, 690, 735 6.5,7.1,6.0 554 HKf) OHP 8750 735 6.0,6.3 12 fr 08 1421,1548 7.2 1. 00 8751 735,1421,1548 6.8,7.3,6.8 202 ttllK nOn d 8716 628, 682, 693 5.9,6.2,5.5 010 rt* 022 8752 735,1548 6.8,7.2 00 K OH d 738, 742, 770 4.8,5.7,5.* 221 W Fl2 8753 1452 6.4,6.7 11 HK OH r 1384,1519,1570 5.2,5.0,5.0 322 7 122 8754 1452 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 8717 655, 690, 706 5.0,5.9,6.2 020 Sp'a FFO ad 8755 1519 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 735,1421,1542 5.0,5.7,6.7 111 K(S FflO 8756 656,1502 6.5,6.9 34 KK HH 1548,1552,1622 5.7,6.0,6.0 241 ft) 000 8757 738,1450 6.7,6.9 22 KK 5n 1689,1694 6.2,5.7 IS ft- rO 8758 656 7.2,7.2 00 HH 00 8718 735,1548 6.5,6.5 01 an nO 8759 690, 735,1421 6.8,5.7,6.9 123 KKK H//H at 8719 1567 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 1548,1552,1689 6.4,6.8,6.7 144 KKK HUH 8720 1450 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 1G94 G.9 1 K H 8721 1384 7.0,7.0 00 KK II H 8760 1689 7.4,7.4 00 KK HH 8722 1421 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 87G1 656, 669,1500 5.4,6.0,7.3 020 ^p 1 K 0211 d 8723 735,1421,1548 6.9,6.9,6.7 452 aKH FHO d 1568,1569,1601 6.3,6.6,6.2 021 aan 000 1694 7.3 1 h 8762 668, 735,1421 6.5,6.1,6.9 110 |JlC OFH ad 8724 735 7.0,6.9 10 K OH 1548,1552 G.5,7.2 15 KH flO 8725 1452 6.3,6.4 01 KK Hff 8763 1452 5.9,5.9 CO K 55 8726 707,1567 5.4,5.7 11 rt HH r 8704 1384 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 8727 1452 6.5,6.4 10 KK HH a 8765 788 6.9,7.1 11 KH nO b 8728 738,1384,1519 6.5,6.4,6.8 001 HKK OHH at 87C6 738,1384,1450 6.6,6.7,7.1 514 KIIK iiOn ! 8729 656, 669,1502 6.2,6.5,7.1 250 ft-K rOn ad 8767 735 6.9,6.8 01 K HH 1568,1569 7.0,7.2 12 KK HH 8768 735 7.0,6.8 11 K On 8730 656 6.6,6.7 01 KK na 8769 1452 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH .8731 1452 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH r 8770 1548 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 8732 655, 735,1421 1548,1622 6.2,6.1,6.9 6.7,7.3 021 02 ft'H KK OFO HH ad 8771 8772 668, 690, 735 5.2,5.0,4.3 352 KK8 HH5 at r 8733 655, 735,1421 6.0,6.3,6.7 112 KICK HHH d 1421,1501,1542 5.5,7.0,6.2 352 KKK HHH 1548 6.7 1 K H 1548,1552,1624 5.2,5.3,5.1 331 KKK HH5 8734 1421,1548 7.2,6.9 00 KK HH 1689,1694 5.3,5.0 44 II K 11 8735 1384 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH a 8773 GG8, 691,1421 6.6,7.1,6.5 Oil p'lIII 000 8736 707,1452,1597 6.9,6.8,6.8 274 EKK HHH ad 1548 6.7 1 H 8737 735 6.8,6.9 10 nil 00 8774 656, 669, 691 ^.0,4.9,5.2 Oil & 225 8738 735 7.0,6.9 10 HK OH 1500,1502,1568 6.3 4.8 4.1 atf 552 8739 735 6.1,6.3 11 KK HH a 1569,1601 5.0,4.4 05 dd 22 8740 655, 690, 735 5.5,6.7,5.8 110 r*r FOF d 8775 735,1548 6.4,7.2 22 KK HT3. 1421,1548,1552 6.4,6.0,6.7 124 $a OOH 8776 668,1421,1548 6.9,7.1,6.9 010 KH OllO d 1622,1689,1694 6.7,7.0,6.7 100 K(3 OnO 8777 735 7.1,7.0 01 UK On 8741 1384 6.9,6.8 10 KK nn 8778 628, 682, 693 6.6,6.8,6.4 002 J'ltS 022 r 8742 1548 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 696, 738, 742 6.4,5.1,6.3 261 ad? 522 8743 735,1421 6.5,7.0 11 fte On 770, 800,1384 6.5,7.0,5.5 121 fa 201 8744 1548 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 1395,1450,1478 5.4,5.7,6.5 123 yfiK FF// 8745 1421 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH d 1519,1520,1570 5.8,5.7, r 12r H 2FO 8746 2242 6.5,6.3 11 KK HH di- 8779 1548 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH r THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 235 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. II. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 8780 B K, R RR RR RR r 8816 668, 735,1421 6.5,6.0,6.8 121 yall FFO ad 8781 608, 735,1421 7.0,6.8,7.2 02.? K OOH a 1548,1552,1624 6.4,6.8,7.3 #16 Kail HOO 8782 617, 682, 696 7.0,6.9,6.5 302 n a$ 015 r 1689 7.3 1 K H 753, 774, 800 6.3,6.9,6.9 020 uan 000 8817 1452 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 1354,1395,1450 5.7,5.7,5.4 012 K|S 202 8818 668, 669,1502 6.5 6.6 1.1 J'CXK 005 1519,1520,2242 5.8,5.9 21. $ 25F 8819 - 682, 693, 738 6.9,6.2,5.2 105 KKK HH// ad 8783 1421,1548 7.3,7.2 n KK HII 742, 770,1519 6.3,6.6,5.8 10.? 1)KK 0//H 8784 668, 691,1421 5.3,5.6,5.8 123 6tf FFF ar 1570 6.5 1 K H 1502,1542,1548 5.3,6.5,5.4 522 S$ 002 8820 669 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH 1552,1624 5.3,5.3 00 17 FF 8821 1421,1548 7.3,7.3 11 KK HH 8785 735 6.9,6.9 00 KK mi 8822 683,1452 7.1,7.2 11 HH 00 d 8786 669, 738 6.9,6.4 '22 K 7 I1II 8823 668,1548 7.0,7.2 n K OH d 8787 669 7.0,7.0 00 II II 00 8824 735,1548 6.4,7..? n KK HH 8788 656, 669, 738 6.8,6.5,6.5 143 afiu 000 8825 668, 735,1421 6.8,6.0,6.7 122 ap'K HFH d 8789 738,1384 6.8,6.8 10 an OH d 1548,1689,1694 6.7,7.3,7.2 111 KKK HUH 8790 669 6.7,6.7 00 KK HH 8826 693, 738 6.6,6.9 4 KK HH ad 8791 668,1421 7.0,6.9 12 KK HH d 8827 669,1502 6.6,6.9 00 PC OH d 8792 707 7.0,7.0 00 KH IlO r 8828 735 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 8793 1452 6.9,7.1 n KK HH 8829 669,1502,1601 6.2,6.7,6.8 203 KKK HHH a 8794 1421,1548 7.2,7.1 n KK nil 8830 735 6.5,6.4 01 KK HH a 8795 1452 6.7,6.7 00 KK l\K 8831 609, 685, 691 5.5,6.6,6.2 151 KrtK ^OH ad 8796 735 6.8,6.8 00 UK OH 1500,1502,1504 6.8,5.6,6.2 154 KKK HHH 8797 1452,1597 5.9,6.3 00 fr nO r 1601 5.3 4 K H 8798 669,1502 6.9,7.2 00 Ml 00 8832 2242 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH Li- 8799 668, 690, 735 5.6,6.3,5.1 Oil epe OOF' d 8833 1502 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 1421,1501,1548 6.0,7.1,5.7 in W //HO 8834 1452 0.0,6.1 10 H OH 1552,1624,1689 5.9,5.8,6.5 211 rtf 000 8835 738 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH ft 1694 6.0 1 7 8836 788 7.0,7.1 10 HK On 8800 1450 7.2,7.0 11 KK H H 8837 1452 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH 8801 1452 6.2,6.3 10 KK HH a 8838 1452 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 8802 707,1452 6.6,5.0 25 fr FF 8839 738,1384 6.3,6.2 00 KK HH a 8803 735 7.3,7.0 11 KK HH 8840 683, 707, 788 6.6,6.9,6.5 212 KHy HOO ad 8804 668, 735,1421 6.6,5.9,6.6 122 KH F//F ad 1580,1672 6.8,6.5 32 KK HH 1548,1552,1624 6.5,6.9,6.7 031 KKK //IIH 8841 1452 7.2,7.3 01 HK OH 1689,1694 7.2,6.9 11 II II 00 8842 738 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 8805 735 6.4,6.5 10 KK HH a 8843 668,1421 7.2,7..? 22 HK OH ad 8806 669,1502 6.5,7.5 52 pg OH <1 8844 1452 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 8807 669 7.0,6.9 0.? aa, OH 8845 1421 7.2,7.3 01 HH 00 8808 669, 691,1500 5.9,6.7,7..? 211 3aK 20n 8846 738, 738,1519 6.4,7.0 .22 KKH HHO d 1502,1601 6.7,5.9 35 ft- 20 8847 668, 735,1421 6.2,5.8,6.5 111 KKK HBH ad 8809 669,1502 6.5,7.1 72 0K HH d 1548,1552,1624 6.3,6.2,6.7 023 KKK HHH 8810 683, 707, 788 6.3,6.8,6.2 414 KKJ HnQ ad 1689,1694 7.1,6.9 01 KH HO 1452,1580,1597 6.9,0.3,6.6 416 KKH HHO 8848 1384,1519 6.5,7.2 22 HH 00 d 8811 683, 707, 788 6.0,5.7,6.2 141 m FrO ar 8849 668, 690, 735 6.0,6.7,5.3 015 KKK HHB ad 1452,1580,1597 0.2,5.7,5.4 310 7Hh HOO 8884 1452 6.0,6.0 00 KK HH 8919 749, 780, 788 6.2,6.4,6.5 042 KKK HHH at 8885 669,1502,1504 6.5,6.8,6.5 001 KKK UHH d 1580,1625,1672 5.6,6.1,5.7 532 KKK HHH 8886 738,1570 6.5,7.0 11 KH HO d 8920 1503,1552,1624 6.9,7.0,7.3 112 KKK IIHH d 8887 683, 788,1672 5.8,5.8,6.1 325 KKK HHH a 8921 1503 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 8888 738 6.6,6.8 11 KK mi a 8922 749, 780 6.7,6.8 12 KK Hll ad 8889 669, 685, 691 4.0,4.7,4.2 132 j?D? 2pO 8923 669, 738,1601 6.5,6.6,6.8 111 KKK //IIII ad 1502,1504,1601 4.0,4.0,4.0 210 A FFF 8924 682, 693, 696 6.0,5.7,5.5 212 KKK BE/? ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 237 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 738, 742, 770 5.0,5.7,6.0 110 KKK BB4 1552,1624 5.5,5.6 52 KK HH 800,1478,1519 6.5,5.8,5.2 321 HKK YHH 8954 668 6.4,6.5 10 ^ OH 1520,1570 5.2,5.8 10 KK BH 8955 780 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 8925 738,1519 6.9,7.2 01 KK HH ad 8956 669, 693, 695 5.5,6.5,6.5 241 dt>a 220 8926 669, 669, 685 6.4,6.2,6.5 202 KKK HUH ad 738, 742, 770 5.7,6.4,6.9 134 tKK 2HH 1502,1504,1601 6.3,6.1,6.6 253 KKK HHU ^779.1570,1601 6.5,6.4,5.4 414 a P7 H22 8927 ar 8957 668, 685,1504 6.5,7.1,6.5 005 fiaa 000 ad 8928 668 6.8,6.8 00 KK II H r 1552,1624 6.7,6.9 13 KK HH 8929 669,1502,1504 5.8,6.5,6.3 401 KK HuO ad 8958 1503,1552 6.8,6.9 00 HK OH 1601 6.7 4 K H 8959 668, 683, 684 6.9,6.2 .15 fact 000 d 8930 668, 684,1503 5.2,5.5,5.5 102 &7 FFF 1503,1552,1624 6.1,6.7,6.9 235 j'jSn 050 1552,1624 5.4,5.3 01 S 7 00 8960 738 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH 8931 738 6.5,6.5 00 K HH 8961 669, 685,1504 5.8,6.8,6.3 520 7$ FHO 8932 683, 749, 780 6.7,6.7,6.7 113 II KK OHH d 1601 6.2 (3 788,1580,1625 6.6,6.4 11. aj'K OOH 8962 1503,1624 7.0,7.3 11 KK HH d 1672 6.4 1 a 8963 1503 7.1,6.9 11 HK OH 8933 749, 780.1580 6.6,6.7,7.0 411 KKK nmi 8964 1450,2242 7.0,6.6 10 HK OH d 1625 7.0 4 H 8965 1503 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 8934 669 7.1,7.0 10 lift II H 8966 669,1504 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH d 8935 683, 749, 780 6.8,6.6,6.6 220 IIKrt 0/fH d 8967 669,1504,1601 6.4,7.1,7.0 522 fK\l H ad 788,1580,1672 6.8,7.0,6.9 134 KK OHH 8908 738, 742,1570 6.3,6.7,6.9 100 KKK HHH ad 8936 1625 6.8,7.1 21 KK IIII 8969 669, 693, 738 6.^,6.9,6.1 012 ^ad 202 d 8937 749, 780 6.9,6.9 11 att 00 742, 770,1519 6.7,7.4,6.9 124 J'HK OOH 8938 1504 7.2,7.4 11 KK II H 1570,1601 6.4,6.7 62 an 10 8939 1502,1504,1601 7.0,6.7,6.9 021 KKK II II II dr 8970 668, 684,1503 5.9,6.4,5.6 124 KKK nan ad 8940 609 6.6,6.8 11 KK II H 1552,1624 6.4,6.2 31 KK HH 8941 668, 684,1503 6.0,6.5,6.5 502 day FHO 897.1 749 6.9,7.0 10 H 00 1552,1624 6.3,6.4 10 ftt F2 8972 1504 7.5,7.2 10 KK HH 8942 683, 749, 780 6.4,5.8,5.7 152 KKK mm ad 8973 668, 684,1503 6.0,6.5,5.8 032 J'ttJ- FOF 788,1580,1580 6.3 6.1 1.1 KKK irnii 1552,1624 5.9,6.3 22 $? 00 1625,1672,1672 5.6 6.0 1.2 KIIK aOn 8974 668,1503,1552 6.4,6.9,6.7 521 (XKK aan ad 8943 668,1503,1552 6.7,6.7,7.3 223 K OOH d 1624 6.9 1 K H 1624 7.2 2 K n 8975 669,1504 6.6,6.6 11 K nO d 8944 693, 738, 742 6.1,5.4,5.9 200 eid OOF a 8976 668,1503,1552 6.7 7.3 5.2 (3h 000 d 770,1519,1570 6.4,6.0,5.6 145 SJg OFO 1624 7.3 2 K H 8945 683, 749, 780 6.5,6.6,6.5 212 ada OFO 8977 1450 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 788,1503,1580 6.5 6.2 1.2 rW 000 8978 1503 7.4,7.3 10 KK HH 1625,1672 6-5,6.3 21 aa 00 8979 669, 685,1504 6.6,7.0,6.6 012 Kttj3 H08 8946 1384 6.6,6.8 11 II K OH 1601 6.9 2 H 8947 693, 738, 742 6.6,6.0,6.6 010 1% 022 r 8980 668, 669, 685 - 6.^,6.1 .55 far OOF a 770,1519,1570 6.9,6.5, r 12r naa 000 1504,1601 5.6,6.5 53 la 00 8948 738 6.8,6.7 10 an On 8981 1503 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH ad 8949 669 7.2,7.2 00 HH 00 8982 749, 780,1625 6.7,6.7,6.7 202 KKH HUO 8950 669 7.1,7.0 10 KK HH b 8983 669, 738,1488 6.0 7.1 2.2 P'J'K FOlI d 8951 669, 685,1504 5.7,6.0,5.4 205 ?j'3 FFF 1601 6.4 1 a 1601 5.7 1 j5 8984 738 6.5,6.5 00 aa HH 8952 683, 749, 780 6.8,6.5,6.5 on K/3/3 1150 ar 8985 749 7.3,7.2 10 HH 00 788,1580,1625 6.7,6.5,6.3 001 /SHK OOH 8986 668,1503 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH 1672 6.2 1 a 5 8987 668, 684,1503 6.1,5.4,5.4 455 fft 185 8953 668, 685,1504 5.8,6.5,6.0 120 KKK HHH ad 1552,1624 5.8,6.0 02 & H 5 238 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Kes. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 8988 693 7.0,7.1 01 nit OH r 9028 669, 693, 695 6.5,7.1,7.2 020 KKH mrO ad 8989 668,1504 6.9,7.1 0.7 Illl 00 b 738,1488,1570 6.1,7.3,6.8 313 KKK H//H 8990 693, 738, 742 6.8,6.1,6.8 020 atf} F#2 1601 7.0 4 K H 770,1478,1519 7.3,7.1,6.6 131 liltc. On5 9029 1504 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH d 1570 6.6 4 a ii 9030 780 7.1,7.0 10 HK OH 8991 668, 684,1503 6.3,6.5,6.4 221 M OHF ad 9031 738, 738 6.5,6.4 .01 KK IHI ad 1552,1624 6.8,6.9 23 KK HH 9032 6G9 0.8,6.8 00 aa 00 8992 668, 684,1503 6.2,6.4,6.3 221 KKK HUH ad 9033 1503 7.4,7.4 00 KK HH a 1552,1624 6.7,6.9 24 KK HH 9034 738 6.9,6.8 01 cut 00 8993 668,1503,1624 6.5,6.8,7.0 212 |3KK OHH ad 9035 1503 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 8994 1552 7.3,7.1 11 hn 00 9036 738,1570 0.6,7.1 11 H 10 8995 738 6.9,6.7 11 Kit II H 9037 738 6.7,6.8 01 ft 00 8996 738 6.7,6.7 00 lilt II H 9038 685, 695, 778 5.8 6.1 4.2 J'Htt FOn ad 8997 669,1601 6.2,7.0 43 KK an 1487,1488.1504 7.0,5.8 .6/ KKJ- HHO 8998 1503 7.0,6.8 11 KK IIII a 1635 5.8 K H 8999 738 7.2,7.2 00 hn 00 9039 678 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 9000 684,1503 6.5,6.2 0.7 ad rO 9040 693, 738, 742 7.0,6.4,7.0 101 If/a 000 d 9001 738,1519,1520 6.4,7.2,7.1 411 KKH HHO 1570 7.0 1 H 9002 738 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH 9041 678, C86, 749 5.0,4.6,4.8 231 J'5C FFF 9003 749 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 780,1581,1625 4.5,4.8,4.4 211 f/ 55 0p 9004 749 7.2,7.2 00 KH HO 1672 4-8 2 r F 9005 1503,1552 6.9,7.5 21 KK HH 9042 738 7.0,7.0 00 KK IIII 9006 738 6.5,6.4 01 * 02 C043 1503 7.2,7.2 00 KK IIII a 9007 738 6.8,6.8 00 (fe 00 9044 1503 7.3,7.0 21 KK HH 9008 1503 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 9045 684,1503 6.3,6.0 0.7 fr 02 9009 1504 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH b 9046 1503 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH 9010 738 6.9,6.8 01 KK HH 9047 1503 6.8,6.9 10 KK HH a 9011 749,780 6.9,7.1 2-1 hn 00 9048 1503,1503 7.0,7.2 11. KK IIII 9012 668,1503 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH d 9049 738 6.6,6.6 00 KK HH 9013 738, 742,1519 6.3,7. 0,7 .1 SIB KKH HHO at 9050 690, 738, 738 7.1 6.5 1.2 HJ0 000 9014 1504,1552 7.2,7.1 01 HK On d 9051 678 7.0,7.3 n KH HO 9015 1503 6.6,6.7 10 KK Ha a 9053 678, 749 7.0,6.9 11 aa HO 9016 738 6.3,6.7 2-2 I'.K IH 9054 738,1384,1519 6.4,6.2,7.1 23% KKK HUH 9017 738,1519 6.4,7.2 SB KH aO 1520 7.0 2 H 9018 669, 685,1504 6.5,7.0,6.5 111 (tKlt OHO 9055 1503 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 9019 733 7.0,7.1 10 HH 00 9056 1503 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH a 9020 at 9057 1503 6.8,7.3 32 KK HH 9021 1504 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH r 9058 684,1503 6.7,0.3 11 Kd IlO 9022 693, 738, 742 6.5,5.7,6.3 032 KKK nun ad 9059 1503 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 770,1478,1519 7.0,6.4,6.5 113 llKK OJ?H 9060 1504 7.2,7.0 11 HH OF 1520,1570 6.5,6.4 33 KH HF 9061 1503 7.1,7.0 01 HK OH 9023 684, 694,1503 6.0,6.0,6.0 052 ft F01 a 9062 678, 684, 686 6.1,6.0,6.3 100 % OFF 1624 6.0 1 9 1503,1581 5.9,6.0 11 rf 20 9024 2242 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 9063 738 6.8,6.8 00 K HH 9025 669, 693, 738 6.9,7.0,6.4 410 KKK IIHH ad 9064 696, 738, 738 6.9 6.4 S.I KKK nun a 742,1570 7.0,6.6 15 HK OH 1520 6.6 1 K // 9026 749, 780 6.8,7.1 23 HH 00 9065 1450 6.9,6.9 00 HK On 9027 693, 696, 738 6.8,6.8,6.2 041 fry 50F d 9066 738 6.9,0.9 00 KK mi 742,1478,1520 6.8,7.2,6.7 042 |3KK OHB 9067 738 6.8,6.8 00 K iiO 1570 6.6 4 K H 9068 738 7.0,7.0 00 ace 00 THE DEAFER CATALOGUE. 239 D. 0. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 9069 685, 695, 779 5.9,6.3,6.4 1\3 j'/3 555 9101 682, 696, 753 7.0,6.8,6.2 002 IIK 005 r 1488,1488,1504 6.6,6.4,M 42.7 uad 055 774, 800,1395 7.0,7.0,5.7 200 H>H 010 1636 h 1450,1519,1520 5.7,6.2,6.0 Oil aact 253 9070 1503 7.2,7.0 11 hK On 1521,1564,2242 6.0,6.3,6.0 026 j'rtd 000 9071 684,1487,1503 6.5,6.8,5.7 115 KHJ- jy08 ad 9102 1503 7.1,7.0 0.7 KK HH a 1635 6.7 3 K H 9103 1488,1504 7.0,6.2 14 KK HH at 9072 1503 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 9104 1519 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 9073 1504 7.0,6.9 01 H oo 9105 1488 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 9074 738 6.4,6.2 11 (fe 8n 9106 1504 7.3,7.3 00 KK HII 9075 685, 695,1488 5.9 6.8 4.9 KCCK aOn ad 9107 685,1487,1488 6.5 7.2 4-1 /3nh 000 1488,1504,1636 64,5.9,7.0 in KKK nun 1504,1635 6.6,6.9 04 0* 5H 9076 685, 694, 695 5.9,6.5 61. jfH FOO 9108 694,1487,1504 7.3,7.3,6.8 112 1)KK OllH ad 778,1487,1488 6.5 6.9 1.'2 p'H 000 1635 7.0 1 K H 1504,1635 5.9,6.5 34 a 205 9094 678, 678, 686 6.4 64 2.1 KGK BYH ad 800,1478,1520 7.0,6.8,6.3 220 HKj3 OHF 749, 780,1581 5.9,6.5,6.3 442 KKK HHH 1570 6.8 K H 1625 5.4 5 K H 9129 738 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH a 9095 1503 7.1,6.9 11 KM 00 9130 685, 695, 719 5.1,4.2,^.5 831 KKK BDB ad 9096 1504 7.1,7.0 10 HK On 779,1488,1504 4.8,4.0,4.6 256 KKK BBB 9097 1488,1504 7.3,7.0 11 KK HH d 1583,1636 .#.0,4.3 36 KK BB 9098 1504 7.0,6.9 01 KK HH 9131 1504 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 9098.a 738 7.0,7.0 00 KK . HH ar 9132 1504 7.2,7.1 01 KK HII 9099 1503 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 9133 1504 7.3,7.2 10 KK Mil b 9100 1504 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH d 9134 678, 686,1581 6.6,6.7,6.9 113 Klt.ll HOO r 240 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. 9135 1520 7.0,7.3 12 KK II II r 9168 1582 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 9136 738 6.6,6.7 10 KK HH d 9169 1635 7.1,7.2 01 1)K OH 9137 694, 778,1487 6.6,7.0,7.0 311 KKK Htm ad 9170 693, 696, 738 5.8,5.4,4.8 352 J'f5 233 1504,1635 7.1,6.5 1 KK HH 742, 770, 800 5.9,6.5,5.9 462 ft' 526 9138 738 6.9,6.9 00 10 1478,1520,1570 5.4,4.8,6.0 143 drf 225 9139 1488,1504 7.3,6.5 11 K(* HO d 9171 678, 686, 703 5.1,5.0,5.4 024 W OFF r 9140 693, 696, 738 6.9,6.8,5.8 50.7 /3 2lF d 1489,1581,1602 5.2,4.8,5.1 122 to 10p 742, 753, 770 6.5,6.5,6.9 111 K|3 Il02 9172 738, 753,1519 6.8,6.9 .22 KHK nOn ad 803,1384,1478 6.4,5.6,7.2 328 (3nK 20n 1520,1521 6.7,6.6 00 KK HH 1519,1520,1521 5.8,5.9,0.0 320 201 9173 678, 686,1581 6.3,6.3,6.4 230 yaa OFO r 1570,1584 7.0,5.4 4 K HO 1582 C.7 4 H 1 9141 693, 738,1478 7.2,6.5,7.0 111 HKH OnO d 9174 738 7.0,7.0 00 HK On 9143 1635 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 9175 1583 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 9144 678, 686, 749 6.2,6.5,6.9 204 fan OFO 9176 1521 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 1581 6.1 * a 9177 694 7.1,7.1 00 1)H 00 9145 695, 738,1488 7.2,6.6,7.3 021 Hyh 000 9178 678 6.9,7.1 11 KII HO 1570 6.8 3 K H 9179 1583,1635 7.1,7.3 00 KK HH 9146 738,1520 6.6,7.2 2-2 H HOO ar 9148 696, 738,1478 6.9,6.4,6.7 220 0H n50 1519,1520,15-21 7.0,6.7,6.7 301 KKH HHO 1520,1570 6.7,6.8 31 HOC 00 1584 6.8 4 H 9149 678, 686,1581 6.1,6.5,6.3 211 (3KK HKH ad 9182 695, 719,1488 7.1,6.8,6.5 201 HH 000 9150 678 6.9,6.9 00 j&i 00 1583 6.2 1 9151 738 7.0,7.0 00 K HH 9183 678, 686, 718 6.0,6.0,6.3 012 77? 220 9152 695,1488,1504 6.8,7.0,6.5 200 HH HOO 1581,1582 5.8,5.8 10 fr 22 1583 6.5 3 9184 738 6.9,7.0 01 HK On 9153 693, 738, 742 6.9,6.2,7.0 203 ayH 500 9185 738,1520 7.2,7.3 .10 KII iiO d 1478,1570 6.7,6.6 05 n 08 9186 696, 738, 800 7.0,6.3,7.0 022 KJ'H HOO 9154 695,1488,1583 7.0,7.2,6.7 203 HKH OuO d 1520 6.5 2 H 9155 678, 686,1581 6.4,6.9,6.7 511 7H OHO 9187 678,1581 6.6,7.1 33 KH #0 ad 9156 696,1395,1450 7.0,6.3,6.4 512 HKK OHH ad 9188 693, 696, 720 5.8,6.2,6.0 112 J7 320 1519,1520,1521 6.7,6.6,6.5 100 KKK HHH 738, 742, 770 5.9,6.0,6.5 512 m 222 1564,2242 6.6,6.3 04 HO 800, 803,1478 7.0,6.3,6.1 512 ? OOF 9157 1519,1520,1521 6.8,6.6,6.6 no HKK OHH a 1519,1520,1570 5.3,5.3,6.0 -331 ft-G H2F 1564,2242 6.7,6.2 02 KK HH 1584 5.2 1 d p 9158 694, 718, 778 5.4,5.9,5.7 231 KKK HHH a 9189 718,1487,1582 6.9,7.2,6.2 034 K|3 OnO 1487,1582,1635 5.4,5.^,5.1 212 KKK HHH 1635 6.8 2 H 9159 1583 7.1,7.1, 00 KK HIT 9190 678, 686, 718 5.7,5.6,5.8 202 KKK HHH a 9160 678, 686,1581 6.8,6.6,6.8 122 Hpll OnO 1581,1582 5.1,5.2 31 KK HD 9161 1570 7.1,7.3 n KK HH 9191 678, 686, 703 6.6,6.5,6.7 022 m 000 9162 693, 696, 738 6.9,7.2,6.3 100 Hay 012 a 1581,1602 6.4,6.5 11 an 00 1520,1570 6.7,6.8 22 HK OH 9192 738,1519,1520 6.5,6.9,7.1 311 KHH #00 d 9163 695 6.9,6.9 00 aa 00 1521,1584 6.8,6.9 12 HH 00 9164 695, 719, 779 6.0,6.2,6.5 121 77? FOO a 9193 703,1489,1581 6.4,6.8,6.7 102 KHK #OH 1488,1504,1583 6.0,5.6,5.4 101 &r F50 1602 6.4 H 1636 6.8 3 K H 9194 694,1487,1582 6.9,7.1,6.9 201 KK OHH dr 9165 693, 738, 770 6.8,5.8,6.9 411 rt 010 9195 r 1478,1488,1570 6.3,6.8,6.4 112 0*7 OnO 1635 6.9 1 K H 9166 678 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH 9196 686, 703,1489 6.9,6.3,6.7 310 00H OpO ad 9167 1520 7.0,7.2 11 HK OH 1581,1602 6.5,6.1 12 Krt H5 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 241 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 9197 694, 718, 778 6.0,6.0,6.2 Ill 777 020 9227 693, 696, 738 6.7,6.8,5.8 123 HK' 252 1521,1570,1576 5.8,7.1,0.6 432 KKK HUH 9311 1584 6.8,6.8 00 Kit HH 1584 6.1 1 K H 9312 1555 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 9280 1555 7.3,7.3 00 hit OH 9313 1554 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 9281 738,1520,1584 6.5,6.9,6.6 in ami OH d 9314 746, 802,1555 6.7,6.5,6.2 111 KKK HHH ad 9282 1555 7.2,7.2 00 IIIl 00 1583,1627,1638 6.3,6.4,6.6 221 KKK HHH 9283 1555,1583 6.9,6.9 11 0B 00 1645 6.8 3 K H 9284 746, 802,1555 7.1,7.1,6.8 200 HHK OOn d 9315 738,1584 6.7,7.1 23 an 00 1583,1627,1638 6.5,7.2,7.2 no KKK nmi 9316 r 9285 802,1555,1583 7.2,6.7,6.9 022 HKK OHH d 9317 1555,1583 6.8,7.0 22 KK HH r 9286 1583 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 9318 1584 7.0,7.3 21 HK OH 9287 2242 6.9,6.9 00 HK On 9319 1554,1626,1637 7.0,7.3,7.0 201 HHK OOH ad 9288 719, 746, 802 5.3,5.1,5.4 in 8St 222 9320 839,1598,1603 6.5,7.0,6.7 222 /3KH OnO ad 823,1555,1583 5.6,4.8,4.3 312 fte #22 1673 7.1 2 K H 1627,1638 4.7,4.6 35 dt 22 9321 1554 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH d 9289 803,1478,1520 6.9,6.6,6.7 222 HKK OHH ad 9322 1555,1583 7.1,6.6 21 KH Hi THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 243 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness, Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 9323 1554 7.0,7.0 00 Ha OH 1598,1603,1673 5.8,5.5,5.7 151 aK 55H 9324 1584 7.2,7.1 01 KK HH 9352 738, 753, 803 6.4,7.1,7.2 202 p'H 000 d 9325 839,1598,1673 6.6,7.0,7.0 210 KKH auQ 1520,1584 6.9,6.6 11 KH HO 9326 745, 801, 845 6.8,6.5,6.7 020 Kj'tt nOH ad 9353 1554 7.4,7.4 00 1)H 00 1490,1554,1626 7.0,6.2,6.8 210 Kj3a HOO 9354 1520,1584 7.0,6.9 11 HH 00 d 1637,1687 6.4,7.2 20 p'K 2H 9355^ 1555,1045 7.1,7.2 01 KH HO d 9327 1520,1521 7.2,7.0 10 HK OH ad 9356 724, 790, 839 6.6,7.0,6.5 111 ('Jill FOO 9328 724, 790, 839 6.3,6.6,6.2 121 p'K/J 7/IIF 1598,1673 6.5,6.6 00 KH HO 1598 6.4 2 K H 9357 1584 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 9329 724,1603,1673 6.8,6.1,5.9 515 K OHH 9358 839,1598,1603 6.6,7.2,7.2 521 (3hii 000 d 9330 696, 753, 800 6.8,6.5,6.9 255 KKH HHO ad 9359 720, 803,1584 7.3,7.0,6.5 122 *w HOO 803,1520,1521,6.5 Oil KKK HHH 9360 746, 772, 802 5.6,5.7,5.8 123 $77 F2F 1584 6.4 4 K H 823,1555,1627 5.9,5.5,5.6 131 pdp F50 9331 r 1638,1645,1674 5.4,5.4,5.6 201 arfp' 45F 9332 801,1554 7.1,6.* 01 HK OH r 9361 746, 802,1555 7.3,6.9,6.6 111 ha 000 9333 803,1520,1584 7.1,7.0,6.6 521 ana HHH 1627 7.0 H 9334 1555,1583,1645 6.9,7.1,7.3 220 HKH Onl d 9362 738, 753, 803 6.5,7.0,7.0 112 p^Ha 001 ad 9335 720, 746, 802 6.9,6.6,6.3 112 pKp OHF ad 1520,1521,1570 6.6,6.8,7.0 031 IlKII iHO 803,1555,1584 6.9,6.0,6.0 121 $7 OrO 1584 6.3 H 1627,1638 6.6,6.7 11 aa 00 9363 772, 801, 823 5.8,5.5,6.0 112 5ic OOn ad 9336 1583,1645 6.9,7.3 00 llEI 01 d 1626,1637,1645 5.3,5.1,5.6 222 pdp 101 9337 1520,1584 6.6,6.6 12 fiH 00 1674 5.4 1 a 2 9338 693, 696, 720 6.2,6.5,6.2 102 7$ 020 r 9364 1584 7.2,7.4 11 HK OH 738, 742, 753 5.4,6.3,6.2 221 yap 210 9365 720, 802, 803 7.3,7.1,7.0 015 mcp 1 Onl at 770, 774, 787 6.8,6.8,6^ 331 ppa 000 1555,1584,1605 6.6,6.4,6.5 100 p> 000 795, 803,1478 5.7,6.3,6.3 112 Hta OOF 1627,1638 7.1,7.3 12 llK OH 1520,1521,1570 5.8,5.8,6.3 010 afia #F5 9366 1554 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH d 1576,1584 6.0,5.3 12 ad 00 9367 803,1520,1584 7.1,7.0,6.5 520 HHH 000 d 9339 696, 738, 753 6.9,6.4,6.8 401 Kp'a //H! 9368 1554 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 1519,1520,1521 6.7,6.6,6.5 100 KKH nifO 9369 746, 772, 802 6.3,6.6,6.3 012 KKp 1 HHO ad 1584 6.7 4 K H 1555,1627,1638 5.6,5.8,5.9 255 paa 000 9340 1555 7.2,7.2 00 llK OH 1645,1674 6.0,6.3 02 KK HH 9341 745, 801, 822 5.5,5.3,5.5 122 KKK HHB ad 9370 1555 7.0,6.8 11 KK HH 824, 845,1490 6.2,5.6,5.5 211 KKK HHH 9371 1555 7.2,7.1 10 K OH 1554,1626,1637 5.0,5.4,5.0 124 KKK SBB 9372 828 7.1,7.1 00 HH 00 1679,1687,1692 6.0,6.2,5.8 321 KKH HHT 9373 1555 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH 9342 1554 6.8,6.7 10 ap HH 9374 801,1554,1637 7.0,7.0,7.0 221 HKK OHH ad 9343 1584 7.0,6.9 01 HK Oil 9375 772, 802, 828 6.9,6.7,6.8 201 p"aK OHH ad 9344 696, 720, 803 6.7,6.8,6.8 200 naa 000 r 1555,1605,1627 6.3,6.0,7.0 123 ana FOO 1520,1584 . 6.1,6.0 11 hj- FF 1638,1645,1674 6.8,6.6,6.7 000 Kaa HOO 9345 1645 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 9376 696, 720, 720 4.2,4-5 - BR. 5fh 25F at 9346 724, 790, 839 6.5,6.5,6.0 151 KKK HHH a 800, 803, 803 5.4,5.1 UR. dip 246 1598,1603,1673 6.6,6.0,6.2 451 KKK HIM/ 1520,1584 4.0, B RB m 52 9347 1554 7.0,7.3 12 KK HH 9377 1555 7.3,7.3 00 hn 00 9348 1520,1584 7.1,6.7 01 HK OH 9378 2242 6.9,7.0 10 KK HII d 9349 1554 7.3,7.2 01 KK HH d 9380 1584 6.8,6.9 01 HK On 9350 746, 772, 802 5.7,5.6,5.* 124 KKp 1 HHH ad 9381 1554 7.2,7.3 10 KK HH 823,1555,1627 5.7,5.1,5.2 002 KKK HHH 9382 696, 738, 753 7.0,6.5,6.7 405 KaK IlOH ad 1638,1645,1674 5.3,5.3,5.3 201 KKK IIHH 1520,1521,1584 6.7,6.9,6.7 033 KKH HHO 9351 724, 790, 839 5.8,6.3,6.0 104 ytta 52 9383 724,1598,1603 6.8,6.6,7.0 003 llKK OHH cd 244 ANNALS OP HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1673 6.5 K H 9415 772,1555,1555 6.8,7.0,7.0 722 hli nOO d 9384 1520,1521,1576 7.1,7.3,6.9 025 KHK nOn 1605,1605,1645 7.0 7.1 4.1 KKK IIHH 1584 6.7 1 K H 1674 7.0 1 K H 9385 801,1637 6.9,6.8 00 ? 00 9416 1637,1645,1674 7.0,7.2,6.9 122 HHK OlH d 9386 696, 720, 753 6.4,63,6.1 821 aya OOn ad 9417 1490,1679 7.3,7.3 10 KK HH 774, 800, 803 6.6,7.0,6.4 021 HKfl OnO 9418 1584 7.1,7.2 10 HK OH a 1520,1521,1584 5.7,5.5,5.4 232 /3fld OOF 9419 1584 7.0,7.2 11 I'.K OH d 9387 801, 822, 845 6.7,6.2,6.5 301 KKK IIHH ad 9420 803,1520,1521 7.0,6.6,6.8 312 KK OHH ac 1490,1554,1626 6.5,6.0,6.8 003 KKK IIH 11 1584 6.5 1 9 1637,1679,1687 6.4,6.2,6.8 141 KKK mm 9421 795, 928,1564 7.0,6. HIlO 1478,1519,1520 6.7,5.7,5.7 522 Kttp' n22 1674 6.1 5 a 5 1521,1570,1576 5.4,6.5 44. J'K 2al 9425 696, 720, 753 7.0,6.7 02. KK nOn d 1584 5.8 2 7 2 753, 787, 795 6.5,6.9,6.4 in (tan. 000 9389 738, 753,1520 6.5,7.0,6.7 311 jSHH Oil b 803,1520,1521 6.7,6.6,6.7 235 >' 200 1521,1584 7.0,6.6 31 KM H5 1576,1584 6.^,6.1 01 02 9390 1520,1584 7.2,6.9 00 HK OH d 9426 772, 802, 823 6.7,6.7,6.7 8-21 K 8lIH 9391 790, 839,1603 6.5,6.2,6.2 220 ft* 025 828,1555,1605 7.1,6.1,5.8 412 H a/3 055 9392 1584 6.6,6.8 n UK On r 1627,1638,1645 6.5,6.8,6.2 322 HK On5 9393 1555 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 1674 6.3 2 K 5 9394 1584 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 9427 822, 845,1490 5.9,6.4,6.2 4U 0P r55 9395 790, 839 6.8,6.8 43 KK HIT d 1554,1637,1679 6.5,7.0,6.9 262 f>HH 000 9396 1520 7.2,7.3 10 KK IIH 1687,1692 6.9,6.8 11 HK OH 9397 1555 7.3,7.2 01 HII 00 9428 720, 802, 828 7.2,6.8,6.8 102 IHH ad 9398 1490,1554,1637 7.2,6.5,7.0 020 KHK nOn ad 1555,1584,1605 6.4,6.3,6.1 112 W 000 1679 7.4 1 K H 1627,1038 7.2,7.1 42 KK HH 9399 1584 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 9429 1584 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 9400 140, 753,1521 6.8,6.6 15. . C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. lies. Eud. F.K. K. 9746 740, 849, 856 5.^,5.9,5.0 03.7 * FFO 9779 140, 682, 696 5.5 5.5 5.2 & 101 860,1523,1585 5.3,4.5,5.1 120 See FFF 753, 774, 800 5.4,5.4,5.8 131 eey llF 9747 1523 6.5,6.7 n KK HH 834, 835, 875 5.5,5.5,4.7 1-24 Sijtj F2F 9748 840, 856, 860 6.3,6.0 .33 j7 000 a 879, 928, 929 5.8,4.7 22. CC FFO 1523,1556 5.2,0.2 & p* FH 1520,1521,1564 4.5,4.0,5.1 521 fifr Ivv 9749 1523 7.3,7.3 00 HK OH 2242 4.9 5 e 9750 832, 840, 856 6.6,5.9,5.7 200 P'ty OFO a 9780 1523 7.3,7.3 00 KK HH 900,1556,1586 6.2,5.3,6.8 121 >e FFH 9781 1523 7.2,7.3 10 HK OH 1665,1665,1666 5.6,5.4,5.6 020 J7 8 FFO 9782 1586 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 9751 833, 841, 901 5.8,5.6,5.5 102 & FFF a 9783 1523 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH a 1557,1575,1640 5.0,5.5,5.1 on J' FFO 9784 1564,2242 6.7,6.6 52 HK OH 9752 1576 7.0,7.0 00 UK OH 9785 1521,1576 7.0,6.8 22 HH 00 9753 196, 720, 753 6.7,7.1,6.8 in KK HIlO ad 978G 1576 7.2,7.0 11 HK OH 787, 795, 803 6.9,6.5,6.9 211 apu 000 9787 841, 900,1557 7.1 6.9 2.2 KII II HOO d 834, 928,1521 6.9,6.7,6.4 741 aft 000 1575 6.9 K H 1564,1564,1576 6.4 6.5 0.0 KKK HHJ/ 9788 1576 7.2,7.3 01 HK OH 1584 6.1 ft F 9789 196, 720, 787 6.6,7.1,6.8 215 J oop FOO 9808 1576 7.0,7.1 01 HK OH 9776 1585 7.1,7.1 00 UK OH d 9809 1665 6.9,6.9 00 KK ii n 9777 753, 834, 928 6.8,6.9,6.8 024 fad 000 9810 1523 7.2,7.2 00 RK OH 929,1520,1521 6.7,6.5,6.4 400 (3Hrt 700 9811 900,1575 7.2,6.8 70 aK OH d 1564 6.2 3 ft 9812 786, 860, 915 6.5,6.5,5.6 212 m OFF r 9778 899,1523 6.> F22 9868 1576 6.9,7.0 10 KK HH 803, 834, 843 6.5,6.3,6.0 311 777 222 9869 1574,1666 7.0,7.1 01 Kh IlO 928, 950,1521 5.4,5.6,5.3 122 ddf 2//2 9870 928,1521,1564 6.8,6.7,6.7 107 HKH OiiO 1564,1576,1584 5.7,5.9,5.3 120 ftftr 222 9871 1575 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 9840 915,1523,1606 6.4,6.7,7.2 512 KKK HUH ad 9872 753, 774, 787 6.^,6.5,6.5 300 m n22 9841 1576 6.5,6.5 00 KK HH d 795, 858,1521 5.9,6.1,5.4 123 7$ 202 9842 753, 787, 795 6.6,6.6,6.4 041 II KK OH// ad 1576 5.9 7 2 834, 928,1521 7.0,6.^,6.2 120 ft* HHH 9873 786, 915,1606 6.6,5.3,5.6 311 fiea. OOF 1564,1576 6.5,6.3 21 KK mi 9874 1575 7.3,7.4 10 KK HH 9843 786, 856, 860 5.5,5.4,5.7 411 SdS OI.-F 9875 915 6.8,6.8 00 II K FH 915,1523,1606 5.1,4.4,5.7 154 dfy FFF 9876 1523,1574 6.5,7.0 11 KK HH ad 9844 753,1521,1576 6.9,6.6,6.6 Oil Wr 150 9877 833, 901,1575 6.8,6.9,6.4 100 KKK HH// ad THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 251 D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1640 6.6 2 K H 9911 196, 787, 843 7.0,7.0,6.9 141 $ OOP d 9878 1576 6.8,6.9 01 KK HH 928, 950,1521 6.7,6.6,6.8 112 050 9879 786, 856, 860 5.2,5.2,5.5 753 CC-5 OOP r 1564,1576,1584 6.5,6.9,6.7 213 KK OHH 915,1523,1606 4.5,4.0,4.4 133 & FFF 9912 2242 6.6,6.6 00 K On 9880 915 7.0,6.9 01 HII 00 r 9913 1576 6.6,6.5 01 fr 00 9881 833, 862, 901 6.5,6.2,6.2 201 M FHF ad 9914 "915,1606 6.1,6.5 10 da FO 1575,1640 5.6,6.0 22 00 9915 915 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH a 988-2 832, 856, 871 6.5,5.9,6.2 120 0ty 003 r 9910 1564 6.7,7.0 21 HH 00 900,1574,1586 5.9,5.6,6.5 SOS ; 7 K F2 H 9917 1576 7.3,7.2 10 an 00 1665,1665,1666 5.4,5.5,5.5 221 8-ff FOP 9918 1564 6.9,7.1 11 HK OH 1684 5.7 1 7 2 9919 903,1576 7.2,6.8 +4 KH HO 9883 1523 6.8,6.8 00 KK II H 9920 915 6.7,6.6 10 K HH 9884 1576 7.0,7.1 01 aK OH 9921 1521,1564 7.2,6.9 22 HII 00 r 9885 915,1523 6.5,7.0 21 aK OH d 9922 795,1576 6.1,6.3 01 ft 00 9886 915 6.8,6.8 00 HH 00 9923 1575 7.2,7.3 01 KK II II 9887 915,1523 6.6,7.0 S3 KH nO ad 9924 1665 7.4,7.3; 07 KK HH 9888 915,1523 6.6,6.8 SI KK HH a 9925 753, 834, 875 6.8,6.8,6.9 1& KaG HOO d 9889 1576 6.9,6.9 00 HOO ad 9965 915,1608 6.7,6.6 11 (til nO 1564,1576 6.6,6.5 13 0/j 00 9966 928,1521,1564 7.0,6.9,6.4 324 p'lIK OOH d 10007 140, 696, 753 6.4,6.3,5.9 911 ii UK OOH ad 9967 915 6.5,6.6 10 II K OH 774, 834, 835 6.5,6.3,6.1 101 KKK HHH 9968 1576 6.9,6.9 00 II 1C OH 844, 875, 879 6.1,5.5,6.2 331 KKK HHH 9969 786, 915,1606 6.4,5.6,5.5 015 n If 2 928, 929,1019 5.3,5.3,5.6 321 KKK VHH 1608 5.7 1 P 1520,1564 5.7,5.4 05 KK HH 9970 1575 6.7,6.8 .70 KK aa a 10008 1576 7.0,7.0 00 K On d 9971 861, 902,1575 7.0,6.7,6.2 20.4 any OlIF a 10009 196, 795, 862 6.8,6.6,7.2 311 11 KM OnO ad 1628 7.0 K H 903,1564,1576 6.7,6.9,6.4 m KK HHH 9972 1576 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1685 7.0 3 H 9973 928, 950 7.0,7.0 01 KK 1111 10010 861 7.4,7.3 01 II H 00 9974 928 6.9,6.7 11 KK II H a 10011 903,1685 7.1,7.2 11 Kh nO 9975 1564 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 10012 915 6.7,6.9 11 KK HH 9976 915 6.9,6.9 00 1I 00 r 10013 857,1685 6.8,7.0 11 HK OH d 9977 1564 6.9,7.0 01 KK HH a 10015 915 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 9978 928,1564,1576 6.9,7.0,6.6 225 I'.Klt, 000 10016 1576 6.9,7.0 10 HK OH 9979 857, 862, 903 6.0,6.0,6.0 14* tor 002 ad 10017 857, 862, 874 4.7,4.7 05. Jfth FFO a 1575,1629,1685 6.0,6.6,6.2 on any II HF 903,1575,1589 4.5,4.5,5.2 174 W r05 9980 928 6.8,6.9 01 HK OH 1609,1629,1685 5.5,4.5,4.6 b81 fit 5F.7 9981 1576 6.9,7.0 .70 KK II H 10018 1564 6.7,6.7 00 HK OH 9982 915 6.9,6.9 00 KK IIII dr 10019 857, 862, 903 5.0,5.9,5.6 141 ft* 525 9983 1575,1685 6.9,7.3 1'2 KH III 1575,1589,1609 6.5,6.5,6.6 425 FF2 r 10062 1685 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH a 1574,1608,1084 4.0, B,4.0 IM-.U dije FFF 10063 834, 928,1564 6.9,6.5,6.7 212 fr* 000 a 10034 850,1608 7.0,6.4 01 Ha OH 1576 6.6 /3 10035 903,1576 6.9,6.6 34 ay 00 10064 928 7.2,7.2 00 aa OH 10036 1576 7.0,7.2 n HK OH 10065 944 7.1,6.9 11 HH 00 10037 915,1606 6.0,6.6 21 KH HO 10066 929,1521 6.5,7.0 22 p'H 50 d 10038 1608 6.7,6.9 11 HK OH ar 10067 196, 787, 795 6.5,6.8,6.5 222 J'KK IHH 10039 928 7.0,7.2 11 HH 00 834, 858, 928 6.7,6.4,6.2 200 afe 8n5 10040 1564,1576 7.0,7.0 10 HH 00 1564,1576 6.4,6.3 11 ft H5 10041 196, 787, 795 5.7,6.1,5.7 212 dyy OFF a 10068 196, 753, 834 6.9,6.5,6.8 211 (SKa H0 r 834, 858, 928 6.2,5.3,5.6 152 yyi OFF 843, 875, 928 6.5,6.5,5.9 115 ynd F52 1564,1576 5.7,5.6 20 yd 00 929,1521,1564 6.4,6.6,6.0 345 pay 10n 10042 861, 902,1589 6.7,6.6,7.0 221 ith HOO d 10069 916,1608 6.0,7.1 00 Kh HO 1628 7.3 2 K H 10070 928,1576 6.8,1.1 11 KH HO a 10043 861, 902 6.8,6.8 01 II H 00 10071 862, 903, 944 7.0,6.5,7.0 214 HKK QHH ad 10044 903, 944,1575 6.8,6.6,6.9 110 KK HHH d 1589,1685 7.0,6.9 00 KK HH 1589,1609,1685 7.0,7.3,7.1 121 KKK HHH 10072 196, 787, 795 7.4,7.2,6.8 321 aHp 1 000 10045 1576 7.0,7.2 11 HK OH 834, 928,1564 7.1,6.6,6.7 200 K/3K HOn 10046 196, 795, 834 6.7,6.8,6.8 235 KHK nOn ad 1564,1576 6.6 .2 ny 05 928,1564,1576 6.5,6.6,6.5 111 flap' 000 10073 1564,1576 10 KH HO d 10047 1589,1575,1685 7.0,7.0,7.3 202 KKK HHH 10074 1685 7.3,7.3 00 HK OH 10048 196, 795, 834 6.8,6.8,6.8 135 p'Hp 1 005 d 10075 168, 169, 842 7.0,6.4,6.8 512 nay OOF 843, 928, 950,6.3 200 ddy FOO 916,1608,1700 5.8,6.2,6.5 110 fyja 050 1521,1564,1576 6.7,6.6,0.8 312 KaH HHO 10076 1564 6.8,6.8 00 HK OH 254 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 10077 928,1564,1576 6.0,6.9,6.9 532 f>HH 000 d 10107 944,1589,1609 6.6,6.8,6.8 Ill KKK //HII dr 10078 857, 862, 903 5.2,6.3,5.3 551 S (>7 5n5 a 1685 7.0 2 K II 944,1575,1589 5.1,5^,5.4 102 7 K 7 HH8 10108 753, 834, 844 6.8,6.9,6.9 023 f?KF OHF d 1609,1629,1685 5.4,6.0,5.5 210 ;'P' 58H 875, 928, 929 6.8,6.4,6.4 201 KJ7 7/10 10080 196,1564,1576 7.0,7.0,6.5 133 HHK FOn a 1019,1521,1504 6.3,6.7,6.2 035 /5ii 7/00 10081 1576 6.9,7.1 11 KK HH 10109 944,1589,1609 6.4,6.9,7.0 101 HII 000 d 10082 1608 7.2,7.3 10 HK OH 1685 6.9 1 K H 10083 916,1608,1700 6.4,6.4,7.2 022 KHH 77FO at 10110 196, 795, 843 7.3,6.9,6.8 00^ ii|3 OOH ad 10084 1564 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 928, 950,1564 7.0,6.9,6.7 222 II KK C5n 10085 857, 862, 903 6.5,6.6,6.4 240 atf FIlO 10111 857, 862, 903 7.0,6.7,6.4 350 KK OlITf ad 944,1575,1589 6.8,6.9,7.0 432 HHfJ 000 944,1589,1609 6.9,7.1 .13 KHK nOn 1609,1685 6.9,6.7 10 $3 00 1C85 6.6 1 K n 10086 843, 929,1521 7.0,6.8,7.0 125 Kf-H HOO dr 10112 168, 169, 842 6.7,6.1,6.2 Sll JTpC OOF d 1564 6.4 4 K II 850, 878, 91G 6.6,7.0,5.7 111 ' ('7/F 10087 944 7.0,6.9 01 HH 00 1630,1683,1700 7.0,6.6,6.2 330 __ /VQ 000 10088 169, 842, 916 6.6,6.5,6.0 020 }' OOF 10113 916 6.9,7.1 11 KH HO 1608,1683,1700 6.3,6.7,6.7 101 KHK OOH 10114 169, 916,1608 6.6,6.1,6.9 215 KK 07/H d 10089 169, 842, 850 6.6,6.6,6.9 121 KKK III-IH a 1683,1700 6.9,6.8 00 HII 00 878, 916,1608 7.0,6.0,6.2 411 KKK IIHH 10115 186, 196, 787 6.8,6.6,6.7 302 a $ HOO 1683,1700 7.1,7.0 33 HK On 795, 829, 834 6.3,6.7,6.6 102 "77 2Fl 10090 1564 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 843, 928, 950 6.4,6.0,6.1 111 dt 222 10091 1576 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH a 1564,1576 6.3,6.4 11 /3 00 10092 196, 196, 787 6.5,6.5,6.7 110 77 K 000 10116 842, 916,1608 6.9,6.3,6.9 213 KK.ll 77770 ad 795, 834, 858 6.0,6.4,6.4 023 (P 100 1700 7.1 1 K II 875, 928, 950 6.5,5.7,5.7 221 7& T/OF 10117 903, 944,1609 fi.8,6.7,7.2 010 KH 5nO d 1564,1576 5.9,6.4 13 ffi 10 1685 7.3 2 H 1 10093 834, 928,1564 7.0,6.6,6.9 502 KJ'H HHO d 10118 196, 787, 795 j 6.1,6.7,6.0 500 KKK II 7777 ad 1576 6.8 H 834, 843, 858 6.5,6.1,5.8 '223 KKK 777)77 10094 1576 7.0,7.2 11 KK HH 928, 950,1564 6.0,5.5,6.2 102 KKK B7J77 10095 916,1608 7.1,7.3 .11 KK HH r 1576 6.0 1 K H 10096 196, 787, 795 6.2,6.5,6.0 111 Salt 787J r 10119 1589,1609 7.0,7.1 01 KK HH d 834, 843, 858 6.5,6.4,5.7 025 ftp 8r8 10120 874, 944,1589 7.4,6.4,6.8 000 HJ' 000 d 928,1564,1576 5.7,5.8,6.4 in day 8//H 1609 7.0 2 K H 10097 916 7.0,7.2 n KK HH 10121 944,1589,1609 6.5,6.7,6.9 151 KKK 777777 10098 169, 842, 878 6.4,6.7,6.6 245 KKK H7/77 ad 1685 7.2 3 K H 916,1608,1683 5.6,5.3,6.5 052 KKK nun 10122 186, 196, 753 7.4,6.9,6.9 601 H OnO d 1700 6.2 K n 787, 795, 834 6.8,6.5,6.9 402 mat OHH 10099 862, 903,1685 6.7,6.3,6.8 202 KKK H7777 ad 835, 843, 875 6.8,6.5,6.8 052 K$ 772F 10100 196, 834, 928 6.9,7.1,6.5 001 iih|3 000 d 928, 929, 950 6.3,6.0,6.5 152 n* 20F 1564 6.5 H 1521,1564 6.5,6.2 15 fj 7/0 10101 916 6.8,6.8 00 KK HH 10123 916 6.4,6.4 00 KK HII 10102 1576 7.1,7.1 00 HK OH 10124 1564 7.2,7.4 11 II K On 10103 169, 842, 916 7.0,7.0,6.5 on HKf! OnO 10124a 929 6.9,7.1 11 nil 00 r 10104 903 6.6,6.7 01 (3f> 00 10125 196, 928,1564 6.9,6.6,0.7 111 H^'K OOH ad 10105 928, 929, 950 6.8,6.5,6.8 on Mr OOF d 10126 861, 874, 902 6.1,6.3,5.9 221 pay Sal 1521,1564 7.0,6.6 25 iia 00 943, 948,1588 5.7,5.3,5.8 110 777 FlSS 10106 168, 169, 842 6.2,5.8,5.7 511 |3a OffO a 1628,1708,1647 6.1,5.9,6.0 002 npK H2ll 850, 878, 916 6.0,6.5,5.3 012 7ft OFF 1686,1699,1714 6.5,5.6,6.2 301 )' 552 1608,1630,1683 5.2,6.5,5.7 131 daa FOF 10127 1564,1576 7.0,7.0 10 KK HH d 1700 5.6 1 7 F 10128 928 6.9,6.8 10 rt 811 THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 255 D. C. Observed IMutch umbers. Brightlle88 . Ues. End. F.K. R. D. C. Plate Numbers Observed Brightness. Res. End F.K. R. 10129 916 7.0,6.8 17 KK HH 10103 169, 842, 916 6.5,6.4 20. */*c OOF 10130 196, 928,1564 7.3,6.9,6.9 010 II KK OHH art 916,1683,1700 5.6,6.5,6.0 713 c rOO 10131 857, 862, 903 7.3,7.1,6.6 327 HHp 1 000 10164 196, 834, 928 6.9,6.9,6.5 021 KKp 1 On2 ad 944,1609, 1685 0.7,7.1,6.8 002 p'Ktt OHH 1564 6.7 2 H 10132 903, 944,1589 7.2,6.1,6.6 654 HKK OT/H ad 10165 _ 916 7.1,7.1 00 KK HH 1609,1685 6.9,7.1 72 KK III! 10166 857, 862, 893 7.1,0.3,6.0 602 HHp 1 000 10133 916 6.7,6.8 01 p n K On 903, 905, 944 6.3,6.0,5.9 173 $77 OOF 10134 903,1685 6.9,7.1 10 at OH 1563,1589,1609 i 6.4,6.5,6.6 170 p'p'H FOO 10135 928,1564 6.9,7.1 70 an 00 d 1685 6.5 7 10136 861, 874, 902 6.2,7.1,6.3 210 p'Hp 1 rOO ad 10167 874, 910, 943 6.8,0.0,6.8 631 KJ'p 1 HOO 944,1588,1589 6.5 .2. Sdii 015 948,1588,1686 6.4,6.8,6.9 112 |3Kh 080 1609,1628,1647 - 6.5,7.1 .74 KKK HHH 1699,1708,1714 6.5,6.8,6.9 007 P'KK OHH 1686,1699,1708 6.7 0.. HJ'K 05n 10168 169, 842, 916 6.3,6.5,5.9 701 KKK 777/77 ad 1714 6.5 7 K H 1683,1700 6.5,6.5 01 KK H7/ 10137 843 7.1,7.0 10 HK OH 10169 196, 787, 795 6.0,6.5,6.0 371 Sp'tf 450 10138 874 7.5,7.5 00 hH 00 834, 843, 858 6.5,6.4,5.8 022 yea 375 10139 169, 842, 916 6.6,6.7,6.1 001 KKJ- H775 d 928, 950,1564 5.7,6.3,5.8 767 mp 1 1 47/2 1608,1683,1700 6.5,6.7,6.4 302 KHK IlOH 1576 6.3 3 5 10140 861,1588 7.7,7.0 00 HK OH ad 10170 928,1564 7.0,7.0 07 an 00 d 10141 169, 169, 842 6.3,6.7,6.3 223 Kp n K 77F77 at 10171 843, 928, 950 6.8,6.7,7.0 304 Kp'H HIlO d 850, 916,1608 6.8,5.8,6.3 072 HKK OHH 1564 6.8 K H 1683,1700 6.6,6.5 00 KK HH 10172 1564 6.6,6.7 70 KK HH a 10142 916 7.0,0.9 10 HK OH 10173 196, 843, 928 7.1,6.8,6.7 021 H;j3 Orl ad 10143 929,1564 6.9,6.8 27 KK HH a 929,1564 6.8,6.6 37 K HH 10144 190, 928,1564 7.2,6.9,6.9 710 KKK HHH a 10174 157, 169, 948 6.3,6.6,6.5 232 KFK ; HF77 d 10145 lli'J, 916 7.2,6.8 71 hK OH 1588,1686,1699 6.7,7.0,6.8 073 KKK /.Mill 10146 893, 905,1563 6.7,6.8,7.0 711 KUK nOn ad 1708,1714 7.0,7.2 22 KH HO 10147 916 6.9,6.9 00 KK HH a 10175 140, 173, 753 6.4 6.2 1.4 dKa HHH ad 10148 843,1564,1576:7.0,6.9,7.0 711 KKK HHH ad 774, 834, 835 7.0,6.0,6.7 031 KKK HUH 10149 196, 928,1564 7.2,7.0,7.7 211 CCKH OnO d 844, 875, 928 6.7,6.0,6.5 3^3 J7 HUH 10150 1589,1609 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH d 929,1521,1564 6.3,6.1,6.1 272 p' 5077 10151 944,1589,1609 6.6,7.2,7.3 201 ttKK IIHH d 2242 5.9 2 K H 10152 801, 902, 944 0.5,6.3,6.0 077 r 3 000 ad 10176 916 7.3,7.0 27 KK HH 1588,1589,1609 6.5,6.6 .01 G r 000 10177 928 6.9,7.1 71 KK HII a 1628,1642 6.8,6.0 13 KK II // 10178 944,1589,1609 6.9,7.3,7.3 000 Kh Ol.O. d 10153 1564 7.1,7.3 71 HK On 10179 928 7.2,7.1 07 HK OH 10154 928 7.0,7.0 00 KK 1 1 H ar 10180 186, 196, 196 6.7,6.9 12. r G 000 10155 196, 834, 928 6.8,6.9,6.5 072 HKK OHH at 787, 795, 829 7.1,6.5,6.8 120 Kce Hl5 1564 6.4 H 834, 843, 928 6.8,6.5,6.1 777 pTfl 022 10156 861, 874, 902 6.5,6.8,6.3 120 KKK 7/HH ad 950,1564,1576 6.1,6.4,6.6 012 fy~H 700 943, 948,1588 ' 6.2,5.6,6.2 737 KKK H7777 10181 1562 0..9,6.7 17 Ka HIT 1628,1686,1699 0.0,6.8,6.1 010 HKK ' OlI77 10182 1562 7^74 00 HH 00 1708,1714 6.3,6.6 70 KK HH 10183 196, 834, 858 5.9,6.4,5.5 722 eSd OOr a 10157 169, 842, 916 6.6,6.9,6.4 371 KKK } HHH ad 928,1564 5.5,5.8 02 c FO 1683,1700 7.2,7.2 23 II H 00 10184 1662 7.4,7.3 07 HK OH 10158 944 6.9,6.7 M rep 1 01 10185 1562 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH a 10159 1576 7.0,7.3 2\ KK HH 10186 944 6.9,6.8 10 KK HR 10160 1564 7.2,7.3 70 II K OH 10187 928 6.9,6.8 10 r H8 10161 916 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH a 10188 928 6.9,6.8 10 ffi 00 10162 196, 928,1564 6.8,6.6,6.7 211 KJ-rt H68 ad 10189 1564 6.7,7.1 22 HK OH 256 ANNALS OF HAEVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D.C. Plato Numbers. Observed Brightness. ties. Lnd. F.K. R. 10190 905, 944,1563 6.7,6.5,6.8 302 KICK II HH d 10221 874, 893, 905 7.2,6.3,6.2 122 7 a 000 1589,1609 6.5,6.7 & KK UH 944,1563,1589 6.0,6.2,6.2 105 rt OFO 10191 1564 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 1609,1685 6.2,6.6 52 f* 5n 10192 916,1590 6.7,7.1 01 HK OH d 10222 910,1562 6.5,6.5 01 KK HH a 10193 948 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 10223 843, 928, 950 7.1,6.8,7.1 21% KJ'K a8n d 10194 910, 948,1562 6.8,6.7,6.8 211 $>' H 050 ad 1564,1576 7.0,6.9 02 HK OH 1588,1699,1708 6.9,6.6,7.2 121 KKH HHO 10224 905 7.1,7.1 00 HH 00 10195 186, 196, 795 7.0,7.3,6.7 020 Hp'a 000 10225 910,1562 7.0,7.2 10 P'H 00 843, 875, 928 6.8,7.3,6.7 51 SHpl 000 10226 1562 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH a 929, 950,1564 6.5,6.2,6.5 082 7# OFO 10227 140, 834, 844 6.7,6.7,6.6 2^0 aan 78.H- d 1576 6.9 1 h 875, 928, 929 6.4,6.6,6.4 21 $7 F23 10196 169 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH ar 1019,1521,1564 6.5,6.2 .13 UHU 50H 10197 9-28, 929,1564 6.9,6.9,6.6 125 Hp'H 000 10228 910,1562 7.2,7.1 11 KK HH d 10198 140, 835, 928 7.4,6.8,6.9 551 KKK HffH ad 10229 157 7.2,7.3 10 HH 00 929,1564,2242 6..5 121 w 885 10234 157, 863, 916 6.7,7.0,6.5 0/0 KKK HUH ad 834, 835, 875 6.5,6.0 20. yte 883 1590 6.7 1 K H 879,1564,2242 5.3 ..0 pad HH8 10235 910,1562 6.5,6.6 00 KK HH a 10202 196, 834, 843 7.1,7.0,6.8 032 I'.Kl'. OnO ad 10237 1562 7.2,7.2 00 KH HO 928, 950,1564 6.6,6.8,6.7 030 flits. H8n 10238 196, 843, 928 7.3,7.0,7.0 131 /? 005 10203 916 7.0,7.1 10 KK HH 950,1564 6.9,7.1 11 an FO 10204 186, 196, 795 6.7,7.0,6.6 200 )' OOH d 10239 905 7.2,7.2 00 aa 00 843, 928, 929 6.8,6.6,6.4 1\0 m 022 10240 1562 7.2,6.9 11 HK OH 1564,1576 6.5,6.9 n p'K On 10241 169, 916 7.0,6.6 n KK l\H d 10205 169, 916 7.2,6.9 n llK OH 10242 893, 905, 944 5.4,5.5,5.2 02 KKK tlKB a 10206 157, 169, 169 6.3,5.8,6.7 454 J7 OFO 1563,1589,1609 5.8,5.6,5.7 31 KKK HHH 842, 916,1590 6.5,5.5,6.0 100 W OFO 10243 948,1562,1588 6.8 6.8 1.5 null HOH 1641,1683,1700 6.4,6.4,6.2 301 Kara nOO 1699,1708 7.0,7.1 11 HH 00 10207 196 7.5,7.3 11 HH 00 10244 893, 905, 944 5.9,6.0,6.2 01 dd 7 OOF 10208 196, 834, 858 6.8,6.8,6.9 2 J'ttK 08n 1589,1609 6.5,6.5 00 r a 00 875, 928, 950 6.9,6.4,6.5 2.74 aSp 1 #45 10245 904, 910, 948 (1.7,6.1,5.8 112 W OOF 1564,1576,1576 6.3,6.9 52. f>KH 2nO 1562,1588,1642 6.2,6.3,6.5 in J-J'K FF8 10209 910 7.1,6.8 21 7 H 10 1686,1699,1708 6.6,6.2,6.2 203 J'H COO 10210 910,1562 7.0,6.6 32 KK HH r 1709,1714,1715 7.0,6.6,7.1 113 f;KK HHH 10211 1562 7.1,7.3 11 KK HH 10246 929,1564 6.7,6.8 01 KK HH 10212 1562 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 10247 175, 893, 905 5.2,5.0,5.0 323 sae FOO a 10213 1562 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH a 944,1563,1589 4.6,4.9,5.0 202 &8 FF 10214 1563,1589 7.3,7.3 21 KK HH 1609 5.0 2 d 10215 1562 6.8,7.2 S-2 KK HH 10248 910,1562 7.0,7.1 00 KK HH d 10216 196, 928,1564 7.6,6.9,7.0 111 HK OHH ad 10249 893, 905,1563 6.8,6.6,6.8 100 ft* OOH ac 10217 910,1562,1699 6.6,6.6,7.0 0/2 KKK HHH a(i 10250 910,1562 6.7,6.8 00 tli 2n 10218 157, 169, 842 7.0,6.7,7.0 %42 HKH OnO d 10251 929,1564 7.0,6.8 2 HH 00 d 916,1590,1683 6.3,7.0,7.2 210 HH HOO 10252 910,1562 7.0,6.9 11 Krt HH 1700 7.1 H 10253 196, 928,1564 7.3,6.7,6.9 010 p'p'K 08n ad 10219 893, 905, 944 6.9,6.6,6.9 111 # OOH d 10254 175, 893, 905 5.8,5.5,5.6 111 {$ 000 r 1563,1589 6.8,7.2 10 p'K OH 944, 960, 974 5.8,5.5,5.7 182 M YHII 10220 893 7.0,7.0 00 HK OH 1563,1589,1609 5.7,5.6,5.8 042 tyy OrO TIIE DKA.PEU CATALOGUE. 257 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1685 6.4 5 a. H 1589,1609 6.7,6.7 77 KH HO 10255 157, 169, 169 6.5,6.9,6.5 222 ana HOO ad 10281 1562 7.1,0.9 17 KII IlO 842, 863, 916 ! 6.6,6.8,6.2 211 KK HH// 10282 157, 169, 863 6.4,6.7,6.8 000 IIIIK OOii d 1590,1630,1641 6.3,6.8,6.8 14S UK.lt auQ 1590,1641 6.4,6.8 72 KH IlO 1683,1700 6.7,6.4 IS 1IH 00 10283 843 7.0,7.2 71 IIIC On 10256 910,1562 6.7,7.0 n ym FH d 10284 109, 842, 916 6.7,6.9,6.4 702 fK 7 OnO :id 10257 157, 169, 842 6.0,6.1,6.3 '210 KKK HHff ar 1700 6.8 H 863, 916,1590 6.3,5.8,5.8 127 KKK HUB 10285 1562 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 1641,1683,1700 6.1,5.8,5.9 155 KKK HUB 10286 157, 842, 863 5.5,6.5,6.0 312 j'pY 5r5 ad 10258 196 7.6,7.3 12 II II 00 916, 916,1590 6.0,5.8,5.8 427 K$ Hll5 10259 157, 169, 916 6.6,6.6,6.6 0^2 attfi 000 d 1641,1683,1700 5.8,6.4 21. MHK 50u 1700 7.1 1 II 1700 6.2 K H 10260 186, 196, 787 6.5,6.5,6.7 210 J'J'H 200 10287 893, 905, 944 6.8,7.2,6.9 202 HH 000 d 795, 829, 834 6.2,6.6,6.5 207 a8f H55 1563,1589 7.0,7.3 77 KK HH 835, 843, 875 6.7,6.3,6.3 202 ty H25 10288 157,1590 7.0,6.7 22 HH 00 928, 929, 950 5.8,6.7,5.5 133 ^ 202 10289 157, 169 169 5.8,6.5,5.8 252 Pr 000 1564,1576 6.0,6.3 02 (fa 55 842, 863, 916 6.2,6.0,5.5 101 m //OF 10261 186, 834, 835 7.4,6.7,6.* 557 KK# HUH ad 1590,1030,1641 5.3,6.6,5.4 4\4 duf 000 843, 875, 928 6.7,6.9,6.4 227 lihlC ala 1683,1700 5.9,5.8 22 FO 929, 950,1564 6.5,6.5,6.4 212 IIKCC OaO 10290 829 6.7,6.5 17 7n 1576 6.9 2 K H 10291 1564 7.0,7.3 72 KK HH 102G2 910, 944,1563 6.7,7.2 .22 llKK IHH d 10292 1588 7.3,7.4 01 KK HH 10263 186, 196, 787 5.5,5.4,4.9 '208 KKK BBfi ad 10293 928 7.0,6.9 07 aa 00 795, 829, 834 4.7,5.5,5.9 303 KKK BflB 10294 905 6.6,6.7 70 (la OH 834, 835, 843 5.6,5.5 .32 KKK KHJ3 10295 1562 7.5,7.3 17 HK OH 875, 879, 928 5.^,5.4,4.9 320 KKK BHK 10296 905,1563 6.9,7.1 00 KK H.ff 929, 950,1564 4.8, B,5.2 Ou2 itk BBH 10297 843, 893, 905 7.0,6.5,6.1 705 ft 1 * FOO ad 1576 5.1 K B 950,1563 6.9,6.5 37 KJ- H,ff 10264 196, 834, 843 7.6,6.9,6.9 $41 H(3 OOH 10298 157 7.0,7.1 70 KK HH r 928, 950,1564 6.5,6.9,6.5 742 (3K 558 10299 905 7.2,7.3 70 KH HO 10265 944,1589 7.0,7.3 01 pte OH d 10300 1564 7.2,7.3 70 HK OH 10266 1562 7.4,7.3 01 1,11 00 10301 196, 843, 875 7.5,6.8,7.0 351 HH OOF 10267 175, 893, 905 5.1,4.9,4.7 321 711 OOF 928, 929,1521 6.5,6.5,6.9 272 adii 500 944, 960, 974 4.9,4.6,4.9 257 UJ F//5 1564 6.5 5 P 1563,1589,1609 5.0,4.7,4.9 2^2 ;;58 FFO 10302 904, 910,1562 6.7,6.4,6.4 521 KKK mix a 10268 843, 928, 950 7.0,6.9,7.0 302 KKK HH// a 1588,1642,1708 6.8,6.4,6.7 270 KKK ami 10269 910, 944,1562 6.8,6.9,6.6 112 J-KK mm ad 1709,1715 7.0,7.2 52 KK HH 1609 7.2 K H 10303 1562 7.6,7.4 10 HK OH 10270 843, 929,1564 7.0,7.0,6.8 237 Flf/.K OOH 10304 157, 169, 169 6.0,6.6,6.6 577 J'HCC 000 d 10271 169 7.0,7.1 70 hn 00 r 842, 863, 916 7.0,6.5,6.5 224 *w HOO 10272 905 7.1,7.0 07 aa 00 1590,1641,1700 6.1,6.4,7.0 573 J'OK OOH 10273 910 7.0,6.9 10 r n8 10305 843 7.0,7.2 71 KK HH 10274 916 7.0,6.9 10 KK HH 10306 960 7.0,7.2 71 KK HH 10275 843, 950,1564 7.1,7.1,7.2 521 mils OOii d 10307 893, 905, 944 6.8,6.5,7.2 024 (3K OOH 10276 910,1562 6.9,7.1 01 K HH d 1563 6.8 7 II 10277 157,1590 7.2,7.2 10 KII HO 10308 910 6.9,7.5 53 Kh nO 10278 944 7.2,7.0 17 H 00 10309 1562 7.2,7.0 17 KK HH 10279 1563 7.3,7.2 07 KK HH 10310 196, 843, 928 7.0,6.7,6.7 751 P*P OwO ad 10280 893, 905, 944,6.5 201 (IJ' 55n d 950,1564 6.7,6.8 21 }'K OH 960, 974,1563 6.5,6.9,6.5 720 (tap HUH 10311 157 6.9,6.9 00 KII 00 258 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Observed D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. K. D. C. Plate Numbers. Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 10312 1562 7.0,6.9 01 KH HO 843, 928, 950 6.6,6.4,6.6 114 7*0 FOF 10313 843 7.0,7.1 01 UK IB a 1564 6.4 ft 10314 910,1562 6.8,0.9 00 KK 2 H ad 10346 196, 843, 928 6.8,6.8,6.8 32'2 K(5K HUH ad 10315 157, 109, 863 6.4,7.0,6.6 113 hp nOn ad 950,1504 6.6,6.7 10 hK OH 916,1590,1641 6.7,6.3,6.8 431 KKh naO 10347 910,1562 6.7,6.6 U rf 00 10316 928 6.8,6.7 01 U HOO 10321 186, 196, 834 6.4,6.4,7.1 232 ft'K OOH ad 10352 1562 7.5,7.3 11 KK HH 843, 875, 928 6.4,6.7,6.5 233 w 2aO 10353 157 7.4,7.5 10 hK On 928, 950,1564 5.6 .5. ddn OFH 10354 910,1562 7.0,6.8 12 KK HH d 1564 6.4 1 i 10355 893, 905, 960 6.9,6.4,7.1 131 KKK HUH a 10322 843 7.2,7.3 01 KK HH 1563 0.8 1 K H 10323 893, 905 6.9,7.0 11 0.0. 00 10356 959,1562 7.1,7.5 21 KK HH d 10324 893, 905 7.2,6.7 12 *? HO d 10357 1590 7.2,7.2 00 HK OH 10325 186, 196, 834 6.5,6.5,6.9 120 KKK HUH ad 10358 905 7.2,7.4 11 HH 00 843, 928, 950 6,5,6.4,6.2 121 KllK ffOs 10359 893, 905,1563 7.2,6.9,7.1 111 KKK HUH d 1564 6.4 1 K H 10360 186, 834, 843 6.6,7.0,6.8 321 KH IHF 10326 1590 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 928, 950,15(54 6.6,6.8,6.7 141 0tf 050 10327 843 6.8,7.0 n KK II II 10361 905,1563 6.8,7.1 10 KK HH d 10328 928, 929,1521 6.8,6.6,7.0 012 rtJ'H H 80 10362 157, 863, 949 6.0,6.3,6.0 013 fy'K 00 H ad 1564 6.7 2 H 1590,1641 6.0,6.2 10 jra 00 10329 910 7.0,6.8 11 aa 00 10363 893, 905,1503 7.2,6.9,7.1 111 HHH 000 10330 1562 7.2,7.0 11 KK mi 10364 905 7.1,7.0 01 KK HH 10331 893, 905, 944 6.1,6.6,6.2 IbO r0 OH/7 ad 10365 905 0.9,0.9 00 HOC 00 9(50, 974,1563 6.4,6.4 01. J'KK F.ffH 10366 157, 949,1590 7.2,7.0,7.2 Oil KKH HHO d 1563,1589,1609 6.7,6.4,6.5 421 ;'K IHH 10367 186, 196, 795 6.9,6.7,6.7 122 KKh HHO ad 10332 2242 7.0,7.0 00 KK HH 843, 928, 929 6.5,6.6,6.4 521 KKK //HH 10333 ar 950,1564,1576 6.2,6.^,6.7 111 KKK Him 10334 1562 7.6,7.5 01 KK HH T 10368 910 7.3,7.2 01 K HH 10335 1590 7.1,7.3 1\ KK H 10369 928, 929,1564 6.9,7.0,6.9 021 (3H OnO d 10336 186, 186, 196 5.9 5.8 0.2 5|3e 000 r 10370 910,1562 7.2,7.0 12 KK HH 829, 834, 834 6.4,6.5 33. 7J-G #00 10371 910,1562 6.9,6.6 22 KK HH dr 843, 858, 875 5.9,5.4,5.9 052 #FF 10372 843, 950,1564 6.6,6.6,0.8 522 KKH HHO 928, 950,1564 5.7,5.0,5.8 2^2 d{8 F#0 10373 157, 949,1590 6.2,5.8,0.7 123 jyK SFH 10337 843, 928,1564 7.0,6.9,6.9 #10 /3 000 1641 6.6 1 H 10338 910,1562 7.1,7.0 11 KK HH 10374 1590 6.8,7.0 11 KK HH 10339 928, 929,1564 7.0,7.0,6.9 012 HHK OOH ad 10375 910,1562 7.2,7.0 12 KK HH d 10340 157, 949 7.3,6.3 43 KJ- HH" d 10376 1590 7.0,7.1 01 HK On 10341 196, 196, 843 6.9 6.5 0.5 aus OOF 10377 960 7.1,7.2 10 KK HH 928, 950,1564 6.6,6.2,6.5 210 fr F 10378 1562 7.5,7.3 11 KK HH 10342 910,1562 7.3,7.3 0,? KH HO a 10379 910,1562 7.0,7.0 10 KK HH 10343 929,1564 6.9,6.7 2# KH HO 10380 157, 863, 949 6.5,7.0,6.7 213 f)K OOH ad 10344 196, 834, 843 6.9,6.7 04. HKh OnO ad 1590 6.9 I K H 843, 875, 928 6.7,6.<9,6.2 122 KKK HUH 10381 929,1564 7.0,6.9 12 (XK OH d 950,1564 0.6,6.4 31 KH HO 10382 910 7.2,7.1 10 KK HH a 10345 186, 196, 834 7.0,6.5,6.8 332 arf 000 10383 949 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 259 D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. D.C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 10384 1563 7.1,7.2 01 KK HH 928, 950,1564 6.5,6.5,6.6 010 ^ OrO 10385 1562 7.4,7.4 00 UK. OH 10418 928 7.0,7.4 22 KK HH 10386 193, 843,1564 7.6,7.2,7.2 121 HKK OHH 10419 910, 959, 973 6.3,6.5,6.5 712 KKK HHH d 10387 1563 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 1562 6.4 1 K H 10388 910,1562 7.3,7.5 01 fc 00 10420 843 7.0,7.2 11 K OH 10389 186, 196, 829 6.3,6.3,6.7 230 Kbit HOH ad 10421 157, 176, 949 6.9,7.0,6.9 441 II HK OOH 834, 843, 928 6.9,6.4,6.6 115 KKK HHH 10422 960,1563 7.1,7.2 11 KK HH 1564 6.5 3 K H 10423 157 7.4,7.6 11 1m 00 10390 196 8.0,7.4 35 hw 00 10424 910, 960,1562 6.6,7.2,7.0 211 p n KK 2HH d 10391 910,1562 7.1,7.0 11 KII HO 10425 1562 7.5,7.4 10 KK HU 10393 904, 910, 959 7.2,6.8,6.8 511 K#K HOH d 10426 1563 7.2,7.3 70 KK HH at 973,1562 6.8,6.8 20 (3 n5 10428 157, 176, 949 7.0,5.9,6.5 371 KK IIHH d 10394 1590 7.0,7.3 01 HK OH 1590 6.7 7 K H 10395 186, 196, 196 6.8,7.3,6.* 041 KH 050 ad 10429 904, 910, 9CO 6.9,6.4,7.0 472 pyc OlH d 829, 834, 835 6.9,6.8,6.6 182 H(3 lOzr 974,1502,1709 7.7,6.6, /.5 207 hK OHH 843, 875, 928 6.5,6.7,6.4 510 due 7ro 10430 905, 900, 974 ii.8,6.7,6.8 377 KK OHH d 929, 950,1564 6.3,6.4,6.3 012 y OrO 10431 175, 186, 196 5.4,5.6,6.0 050 w 100 a 10396 157, 949 7.5,6.3 45 h r OF 829, 843, 893 6.5,6.0,5.4 411 w FFO 10397 196, 843, 928 6.8,6.6,6.8 253 HKK OHH d 905, 907, 950 5.3,5.2,5.4 170 & OFF 1564 6.7 1 K H 15C3 5.3 7 t 10398 1563 7.2,7.0 11 KK HH 10432 950 7.1,7.3 71 ^ OH 10399 157, 949 7.2,6.8 10 hie OH d 10433 893, 905,1563 6.7,6.6,7.0 771 p' HOH 10400 960 7.1,7.1 00 KK HII 10434 157, 157, 176 6.5,6.2,5.1 822 K(3K HHB ad 10401 893, 905, 960 6.9,7.0,6.9 022 KK HOH d 8G3, 949,1590 6.2,5.3 24. KKK HHH 10402 1564 6.9,6.9 00 HK OH 1590,1641,1041 5.8 6.0 5.2 KKK HUH 10403 904, 910, 973 7.1,6.7,7.1 405 HJ'K OHH ad 10435 1562 7.2,7.1 07 KK HH 1562 6.7 1 K H 10436 843, 950 7.0,7.0 23 ua 02 10404 10405 910,1562 910, 960,1562 7.1,7.4 6.6,7.6,6.8 11 542 KH J'Ktt HO OnO d 10437 10438 904, 910, 960 6.9,6.4,6.6 210 KKK HHH at r 10406 910,1562 7.3,7.0 22 KK HH 1562,1709 6.5,7.4 10 KK HH 10407 196, 753, 774 7.2,6.5,6.9 933 ajSH OnO 10439 893, 905, 960 7.1,6.7,6.9 272 ap'K UOH d 834, 835, 844 6.6,6.5,6.0 130 ada 52p 1563 7.0 K II 875, 879, 928 6.2,6.4,5.5 275 ya8 222 10440 140, 173, 753 6.3 6.5 7.7 7/3 200 929,1019,1521 4.9,5.6,5.7 811 V 2rO 834, 835, 844 6.7,6.5,6.6 272 urf HHF 1564 5.6 5 t 2 875, 928, 929 6.2,6.4,6.4 223 yff 222 10408 157, 949 7.3,7.1, 01 HK On 1019,1521,1564 6.2,6.0 .05 Gp> F25 10409 893, 905, 960 6.8,6.5,7.2 022 KKK HUH ad 2242 5.8 P 1 974,1563 7.3,6.6 25 KK II H 10441 157, 176, 949 7.0,7.1,6.8 552 KKK HHH d 10410 196, 843, 893 7.0,6.6,6.4 051 KK OHH a 10442 905, 960,1563 6.7,6.9,6.9 070 P K 7 OHH ad 905, 907, 950 6.0,6.5,6.3 2"21 KKK HUH 10443 960 7.0,7.0 00 P' nO 1563 6.6 2 K H 10444 959, 973,1562 6.7,6.9,7.5 215 KKK HHH d 10411 843, 928, 950 6.8,6.9,6.9 412 KKII miO d 1562 6.7 5 K H 1564 6.8 1 K H 10445 1562 7.1,6.9 17 HK OH 10412 1562 7.0,7.2 11 KK II H 10446 843,1564 6.7,6.9 52 KH HO 10413 960 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 10447 196, 843 6.9,6.7 07 Ky Rff 10414 843, 929 7.0,7.1 01. ff 00 a 10448 175, 893, 905 6.4,6.4,6.3 700 ft7 000 10415 928 6.9,7.1 11 K OH 960, 974,1563 6.5,6.6,6.7 772 5j' FFH 10416 928 7.2,7.2 00 Ktt HO 10449 843 7.2,7.6 22 nh 00 10417 186, 186, 196 6.8,6.9,6.7 705 HH|j 100 d 10450 928 7.0,7.2 71 HH 00 834. 843, 875 7.0,6.7,7.0 223 h/5K 02ff 10451 843, 928, 929 7.0,7.0,7.7 513 H|3 000 d 260 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Biightness. Res. End. F.K. R D. C. Plate Numbers. Observed Brightness. Res. End. F.K. R. 1564 7.0 K H 1564 6.6 2 K II 10452 196, 928,1564 7.8,6.9,7.0 311 hH 000 10475 1563 6,8,6.8 00 aa HO 10453 960,1563 7.0,7.2 21 KK .ffH 10476 910 7.2,7.3 10 KK HIT 10454 186, 196, 829 6.8,7.5,7.0 060 P*r nOe r 10477 176, 949,1590 6.8,7.3,6.9 235 KKK 1IHH d 834, 835, 843 6.9,6.7,6.6 212 Ky Sa8 10478 893, 905, 960 6.6,6.5,7.5 225 (3j'K OOH dr 875, 928, 929 6.7,6.4,6.1 102 h5S r20 974 7.2 1 K II 950,1564 6.4,6.3 12 da rO 10479 1562 7.2,7.2 00 KK HH 10455 928, 950 7.2,6.5 35 K r u2 d 10480 196, 835, 843 7.5,7.0,7.1 310 1IKII OnO d 10456 186, 186, 196 6.4,6.9,6.6 231 M SHH ad 928, 929, 950 6.6,6.7,6.7 111 (Sa 3lH 834, 843, 875 6.9,6.6,6.5 001 Kdy H55 1564 6.8 H 928,1564 6.3,6.4 11 7? IIII 10481 196, 834, 843 7.0,7.1,6.9 010 IlllK OOfl" ad 10457 903 7.1,7.2 10 UK OH 875, 928,1564 6.9,6.5,6.5 201 KKK //HH 10458 175, 893, 905 6.2,6.3,6.0 202 7 dy 000 a 10482' 1562 7.4,7.2 11 KK HH 960, 974,1563 6.9,6.8,QA 420 w Hfl5 10483 928 7.0,7.4 22 HH 00 10459 1562 7.3,6.9 22 KK HH 10484 905, 960, 974 6.7,6.9,7.1 010 aSu OlH d 10460 843 6.9,6.8 10 KK HH a 1563 7.0 1 K H 10461 843 6.9,7.3 02 KK HH 10485 905 7.2,7.0 11 KK mi 10462 157, 157, 176 6.9,6.7,5.0 646 KKt HHO ad 10486 157, 176, 176 6.0,5.4 23. *tf 000 863, 949,1590 6.8,5.7,6.4 150 ItFU OrO 863, 949,1590 6.1,5.4,5.* Ill (333 OFO 1590,1641 6.2 2. K On 1641 5.7 3 a. 10463 910, 959, 973 6.9,6.5,6.6 131 KKK O.HH d 10488 186, 196, 834 6.5,6.7,7.1 520 KH li/O d 1562,1562 7J-T- 3. KK HH 843, 875, 928 6.8,6.5 .21 H)' OFI 10464 157, 176, 949 7.0,6.8,6.6 051 KKK HHT r 950,1564 6.7,6.2 45 K/3 HO 1590 6.7 4 H 10489 1590 7.3,7.1 11 KK HH 10465 196, 843, 928 7.4,6.8,7.0 253 aj-H OpO d 10490 176,1590 6.7,7.0 32 KH nO r 950,1564 6.5,6.9 11 fte FO 10491 186, 196, 843 6.7,6.6,6.5 022 KHK HOj? ad 10466 176 6.8,6.7 01 KK HH 950,1564 6.6,6.5 41 KH HO 10467 140, 2242 7.6,6.6 22 tin 00 10492 893, 905, 960 6.5,6.3,7.1 123 r*P 500 10468 905 6.8,6.7 10 KM HH 960, 974 974 6.8 .1. HKH OnO 10469 157, 176, 949 7.3,6.4,6.5 205 HaS OOjr 1563 6.6 1 ft 5 10470 959 6.8,6.9 JO KK an 10493 1562 7.5,7.2 12 KK HH 10471 157, 176, 949 7.1,6.1,6.1 30^ HJ'K OOn ad 10494 910, 960,1562 6.9,7.4,6.7 025 KKK HUH ad 10472 186, 196, 843 6.7,6.8,6.5 224 KHK uOa ad 10495 186, 843, 950 6.8,6.7,6.5 012 K8C H2F ad 928, 929, 950 6.7,6.6,6.5 221 KHK nOn 10496 1562 7.3,7.0 12 HK OH 1564 6.6 K H 10497 186, 196, 829 6.7,6.5,6.7 210 ft' OOH r 10473 834, 835, 844 6.9,6.8,6.5 no Kj3 Oal d 843, 875, 928 6.5,6.4,6.2 Oil ffi)' 2rO 875, 928, 929 6.9,6.0,5.8 434 Ky 522 1564 6.2 t 1019,1521,1564 5.9,6.5,6.0 724 paa F 05 10498 973 7.3,7.2 10 KK HH 10474 196, 843, 929 7.5,6.9,6.8 322 HK OaO d THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 261 Further information regarding the stars of the Draper Catalogue will be found in the following remarks. Results not derived from a single plate are usually placed first. The number in the Argentine General Catalogue preceded by the letters A. G. C. is inserted in the remarks as a designation for all stars not contained in the Durchmusterung or Harvard Photometry. Numbers designating the stars in these last two catalogues are given in Table I. As is fully explained in Volume XXVI., a second examination was made of those spectra which gave discordant results. A special examination was also made of the spectra of stars of the third type. In the latter case, when a star is contained in the Catalogue of Duner (Sur les Etoiles a Spectres de la Troisieme Classe, par N. C. Duner, Stockholm, 1884), its number in that catalogue is given preceded by the word Duner. The remarks contain various results derived from these examinations. Results derived from a single plate are preceded by the number of that plate. Whenever the observed class of spectrum differs from that given in Table I., this fact is stated in the remarks. Since each spectrum was examined independently and the results brought together later, it is natural that many slight discrepancies should appear, especially when the spectrum is faint. These variations do not generally appear to represent real changes in the star. As stated on page 113, two images of the same star sometimes appear from different exposures of the same plate. In this case the photograph taken in the northern of the two exposures is designated as the first image. The presence of the lines due to hydrogen, and of the K line is shown in Table II. When other lines are visible they are enumerated in the remarks. Each line is described by its approximate wave-length expressed in millionths of a millimetre, followed by its intensity on a scale such that the H line is regarded as 10. This is the same scale as that described on page 115 for the K line. When the line is bright instead of dark, this number is placed in Italics. When numerous additional lines were visible, too close to be readily located, the letter a is used. Thus 397 a 401 denotes that several lines appear between the H and h lines ; a 394 denotes that several lines were visible of shorter wave-length than K. In this last case if the hydrogen lines are seen, the line of shortest wave-length is specified in the remarks. The observation "410 and 434 double" in the spectra of classes C or F is sometimes due to the images being out of focus. It is however inserted, since this appearance cannot be distinguished from an actual doubling of the lines. In other classes of spectra the G line often appears double, owing to the presence of the band of wave-length 431. called G by Frauenhofer. The expression " images poor and faint " relates only to the plates specified in the remark following it. When all the images of the star are referred to, the remark " image poor and faint on all plates " is used. 262 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. REMARKS. 4. Plate 1562; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 5. Plate 949 ; 434 double. 7. Plate 973; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 9. Plates 843 and 950 ; images poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 186 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10. Plate 928; spectrum C. 13. A. G. C. 7. 16. Plate 949; on first examination spectrum H. 20. DM. magn. 2.0, H. P. magn. 2.1. Measures of brightness obtained on three plates. Images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 2.79, resid. 120. 23. Plate 960 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 24. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 28. Plates 835 and 879; images poor; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 186; a 394; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 829; a 394 , 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 875; a 394; 410, 5; 434; 5. Plate 950; a 394; 410, 2? 434, 2? 38. Plate 907 ; on first examination spectrum A ? 39. Plate 905 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 175; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 893; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 907; 410, 3; 434,3; 434 double? Plate 960; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 974; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1563 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 43. Plate 843; 891, 8; 402,8. 47. Plate 176; limit of spectrum /3. 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 197; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 48. Plate 843 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? 49. Plate 950 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum P; 410, 5? 434, 5f 55. Plate 907; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 58. Plate 960; image very poor and faint; ou first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 59. Magnitude 9 on DM. chart. First measure 6.05, resid. 29045. Plate 835; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 60. A. G. C. 114. 61. Plate 960; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 62. Plate 864; 381, 2? 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 973; 382, 3; 453, 1. 65. Image poor on all plates. Plate 1 75 ; on first ex- amination spectrum C. Plates 907, 960, and 974 ; on first examination spectra A. Plate 177 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 67. Plate 176; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 68. A. G. C. 123. 70. Plate 894 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 72. Plate 894 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 74. Plate 959; 448, 3; 461, 2. 75. Duner 1. 80. Duner 2. Plate 176 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 7. 82. Plate 176; on second examination spectrum H ? 83. U. A. magn. 6.9. A. G. C. magn. 7. 89. Plate 1564 ; first image spectrum C 1 90. Plate 929; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 91. Plate 949 dark; image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 92. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 95. Images very poor. Plates 894 and 949 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Near edge of Plate 894. Plate 949 dark. Plate 176 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 96. A. G. C. magn. 8. 97. Spectrum of DM. + 80 752, magn. 9.0 superposed. Plate 929 ; on first examination spectrum E. 99. Plate 949 ; on first examination spectrum H. 107. Plates 177, 960, and 974 ; on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 907; hydrogen lines narrow. Plate 950; only a small portion of spectrum vis- ible. Plate 9 74; image poor and faint. 108. Plate 1 76 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 110. Plate 928; second image spectrum C. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum E. 111. Plate 843; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 117. Plate 894; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 118. Plate 177 ; Spectrum C ? 124. A. G. C. magn. 7. Image poor on all plates. Plates 176 and 949; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 894 ; on first examination spectrum E. 127. Plate 197; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 176; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 197 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 894; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1\ 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 949; 448,3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461,2; 466,1; 468, 1} 471,1. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 263 131. Plato 907; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 960; 410, 5; 434, 5. 134. On special examination spectrum Mf Plate 176; 448, 2. 136. Plate 170; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 907; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 960 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434, double. Plate 974.; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 138. Plate 949; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 141. Plate 929; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum A. 142. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. magn. 6.5. Var. in A. G. C. Plate 176; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 894; image very poor arid faint; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3. On special examination of the I Plate 2905, spectrum Q; well marked. 143. Plate 906 ; on second examination spectrum F. 410, 5; 434, 5. 146. Plate 973; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? 150. Plates 835 and 843 ; images very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H. Plate 929; image good; lines well defined; 410, 5; 434, 5. 154. Plate 907; on first examination spectrum B; 402, 2. 157. Plate 960; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 161. Plate 196; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 843, 928, 929, and 1564 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 929 ; on second examination spectrum F ; image good ; lines well defined. 162. Plate 176; 448, 3. 164. Plate 186 ; 402, 3. 172. Plate 906; 410, 5; 434, 5. 173. Plate 843 ; on first examination spectrum H. 175. Plate 917 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 176. A. G. C. magn. 8. 177. Plate 894; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 178. Duner5. Plate 906 ; 448, 3. 181. Plate 177; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 918, spectrum C? 182. Plate 197 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 1 76 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plato 894; 410, 2; 434, 2. 184. Images very poor and faint. Plate 176 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 894; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 185. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 894 ; on second examina- tion spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 189. The letter t stands for dr. Spectrum of DM. + 66 20, magn. 7.0, superposed. Measured also on Plate 1564, spectrum H, observed brightness 6.8, resid. 2, limit H, K line 0. Image poor on all plates. Plate 929 ; on first examination spec- trum B ; on second examination spectrum F ; near edge of plate. Plate 950 ; on first ex- amination spectrum B ? on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 843 ; 443, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 950; 448, 5; 458, 4; 468, 4. 191. Plate 918; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 192. Plates 186, first and second images, 835, 843, 875, 929, and 950 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 829; 410, 3; 434, 3. 194.^ A. G. C. magn. 8. Plate 894 ; on second examina- " tion spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 195. Image poor on all plates. Plate 176; on first ex- amination spectrum HI Plate 197; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 894 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 986; on first examination spectrum E ; near edge of plate. 196. Plate 894; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 198. Plate 835 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 205. Plate 929 ; 402, 2. 207. Plate 894; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examina- tion, a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 212. Magn. 9.0 on DM. chart. 213. Plate 894 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination .410, 5; 434, 5. 214. Plate 986; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 216. Plate 929 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 950; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. 218. Plate 960 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. On second examination spectrum E I 220. Plate 843 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum E? Plate 186; 403, 2; 410 double; 458, 4. Plate 835 ; 448, 2 ; 453, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 875 ; 392, 1 ; 403, 1 ; 407, 3. Plate 929 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 950 ; 402, 2. 223. Plate 918 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double ; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5? 224. Plate 906 ; 405, 3 ; 419, 2. 226. Plate 918 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 229. Plate 917; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 484, 5. 232. Plate 986 ; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 3? 434, 3. 235. Plate 843 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410. 2 ; 434, 2. 238. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5. 239. Images poor and faint. Plate 894 ; on first examina- tion spectrum L ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 986 ; on first examination spectrum E f 240. Plates 835, 844, and 1521; image poor and. faint. Plates 835 and 844 ; on first examination spec- 264 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. trum A. Plate 1521 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 140 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 928 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 929; 410, 2; 434 2. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 245. Plate 197; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 894 ; a 394 ; 410 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 975 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 246. Plate 906 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 248. Plate 894 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 249. Images poor and faint. Plate 197; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 9 75; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 894 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 250. Plate 843 ; spectrum C. 251. The spectrum measured on Plate 186 was supposed to be that of DM. +56 91. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +75 59. and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 719. 255. Plate 875 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 260. Plate 829 ; 372, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 448, 2. Plate 907 ; 382, 4; 402, 1. 262. Images very poor. Plates 284, 914, and 950 ; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 914. Plate 929 ; on first examination spectrum B. Plate 843; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 929; 392, 2; 402, 2. 263. Plate 198 ; 402, 1 ; 403, 1. 264. Plate 917; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 269. Plate 918 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E ; limit of spectrum y. 271. Plate 986; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 272. Plate 986 ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 273. linage poor on all plates except 929, where the lines are well defined. Plate 1 96 ; on first examina- tion spectrum C. Plates 835 and 844 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 843 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 879; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? Plate 835 ; 448, 3 ; 468, 2. Plate 844; 448, 3. Plate 875; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 928; 410, 2; 434,2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 929; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434double. Plate 1019; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1564 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 276. DM. + 25 88, magn. 9.0, follows 0".9, south 0'.8. 281. Plate 198 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 906; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 463, 2. Plate 917 ; limit of spectrum y. 286. Image poor and faint. Plate 894 ; on first examina- tion spectrum F; a 394; 410, 3; 43'4, 3. Plate 975 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 287. Plates 177, 198, and 917; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 177; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 293. 294. 295. 299. 305. 306. 309. 310. 313. 315. 317. 318. 321. 322. 323. 324. 448, 3; 456, 1 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 198; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 451, 1 ; 453, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 401, 2; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 906; a394; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 : 468, S. Plate 917; limit of spectrum # ; 397 a 434; 434 double; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 4G6, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 906 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 197; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? Var. in DM. First measure 3.95, resid. SO 52 2. 1 3 . Plate 950; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. Plate 177; limit of spec- trum a ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 186 ; a 394; 410 bright; 397 a 434; 438,5; 443, 2; 458, 5; 468, 5. Plate 829 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 2 ; 458,2; 461, 1; 468, 3. Plate 907; numerous bright and faint lines. Plate 909 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 8. Plate 929; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1; 466, 1 ; 468, 3; 471, 1. Plate 950; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1 ; 468, 3. Plate 976 ; a 394 ; 897 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 909; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 907; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2. Images very poor and faint. Plate 894 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Plate 986 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? Plate 917; on second examination spectrum F. 410, 5; 434, 5. Images very poor and faint. Plate 894 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 986 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. The spectrum measured on Plate 835 was supposed to be that of DM. +73 30. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +73 1047, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10261. Plate 918; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examina- tion 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 918; 392, 1 ; 402, 1; 419, 2; 443, 1. Plate 976; 402, 2. Plate 918 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 909 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 2242 ; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 986; on first examination spectnim A? Images very poor and faint. Plate 894 ; on first THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 265 examination spectrum H. Plate 986 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 333. DM. magn. 2. Plate 197 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 3; 468, 2. Plate 8G4 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 894; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2. Plate 975, first image; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, a ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 975 ; second image ; a 394 ; 397 a 484; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 986, first image ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 , 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 7. Plate 986 ; second image ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. 336, Plate 283 ; on first examination spectrum F t a 394, 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 907 ; 402, 1. 340. Plate 198; 402, 2. Plate 918; 382, 3; 419, 1? Plate 976; 402, 2. 343. Plates 197 and 975 ; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 197. Plate 894 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 986 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 344. Plate 909 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 345. Plate 917; 419, 2. 346. A. G. C. magn. 8. Plate 986 ; 410, 4; 434, 4; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 348. Plate 284 ; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 914 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 929 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 350. Plate 986; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. 351. Plate 907; 405, 4; 417,4. 355. Plate 843 ; 401, 2. 357. Duner 6. Plate 91 7; on first examination spectrum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 359. Plate 929 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 361. Plates 177 and 906 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A If Near edge of Plate 906. Plate 917 ; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. 363. Plate 198; 397a434; 438,1; 448,3; 456,2; 461, 2. Plate 906; limit of spectrum |3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 917; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. 364. A. G. C. 714. 366. Plate 918; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 367. Plate 917; 410, 51 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 374a. DM. +55 166, R. A. O h 42 m .9, Dec. +55 16'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 998. 375. Plate 186; first image 410, 2; 434, 2. Second image 410, 2; 434 2. Plate 829; a 394 ; 410, 1 ; 434, 4. Plate 835; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 875 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 5. Plate 879; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 929; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 5. 376. Plate 1002; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? near edge of plate. 379. Plate 918; 382, 3; 387, 3. 380. Plate 835; image very faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? ' Plate 929 ; image good ; lines well defined ; spectrum A. 381. Duner 7. Plate 986 ; shows that the spectrum is not banded like that of a third type star, but is nearly the same as that of a Cassiopeia. Too faint on Plate 975 to show any peculiarity. Plate 975 ; 448, 3. 382.. Images poor. Plates 186, 196, 284, 844, 848, 914, 929, and 1019; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 928 ; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 186 ; lines well defined. Plate 843 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1564; 410, 5? 434, 5. 383. Plate 843 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 929 ; image good ; lines well defined. 385. Plates 198 and 880; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 895; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 917; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1002 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 388. Plate 909 ; on first examination spectrum E. 390. Plate 198; 392, 1; 402, 2; 448, 2. Plate 918; 382, 2; 402, 2. Plate 976; 402, 2. 395. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 396. Plate 908 ; on first examination spectrum A f near edge of plate. Plate 917; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. 396. See 395. 397. Plate 186; on first examination spectrum B; 434 double. Plates 829, 875, 879, and 929; images poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 835; a 394; 410, 5; 434,5. 398. A. G. C. 749. 400. Plate 928 ; spectrum C. 402. Plate 895 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 975; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 986; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1002; 410, 5; 434, 5. 403. Plate 177; on first examination spectrum F ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 918; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 406. Plate 835 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 407. Plate 884 ; spectrum C. Plate 898 , spectrum Cf 411. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 414. Plate 986; on first examination spectrum H? 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 416. Plate 917; 410, 5; 434,5. 419. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 986 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 421. Image poor on all plates. Plate 186 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plates 829 and 848; on first examination spectrum H I Plate 835 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 875; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 879; 410, 1; 434, 1. 266 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Plate 914, first image; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 914; second image; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 929; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 3 ; 434 a 486. 422. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- mination spectrum E? 424. Plate 1002 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E f 431. Plate 986 ; on second examination spectrum I ; 448, 3. 433. Plate 986 ; 448, 3. 440. Plate 986 ; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5f 434,5? 441. A. G. C. 799. 447. Plate 929; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 2. 448. Plate 909 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H? Plate 918; image poor; spectrum narrow ; on first examination spectrum E ? 450. Images poor and faint. Plate 895 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 1002 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H. 452. Plates 283 and 908 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 917; on first examination spectrum K; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plates 908 and 917 ; on special examination spec- trum M. 454. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum H? 461. Images very poor and faint. Plates 835 and 848 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 914 and 929; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 186; 410, 2; 434, 2. 466. DM. magn. 2.3. H. P. magn. 2.3. Measures of brightness obtained on ten plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.38, resid. 264^^20351. Plate 186, first and second images ; too near edge of plate to measure additional lines. Plate 284; image too dense to measure lines. Plate 829; 486 bright. Plate 835 ; 486 bright. Plate 848 ; 486 bright. Plate 875 ; 486 bright. Plate 876 ; image too dense to show any lines. Plate 879 ; 486 bright. Plate 914; 486 bright. Plate 929; 486 bright. 467. Plate 929 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 469. Plate 1019 ; spectrum C. 478. Plate 875; on first examination spectrum E. 482. Plate 917; on special examination spectrum M? Plato 198; 448, 3. Plate 908; limit of spectrum j3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 917 ; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434 ; 448. 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. 483. A. G. C. 867. 484. Plate 918 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 485. Image poor on all plates. Plates 835 and 843 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 844; on first examination spectrum C. Plates 928 and 939 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 895; 410, 2 f 434, 2 ? Plate 914 ; limit of spec- trum j3; 410, 5; 434, . Plate 929 ; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1019; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1564; 410, 5; 434, 5. 486. On first examination of Plate 929, DM. +65' 113, magu. 9.5, was measured by mistake for +65 115. Identification revised and spectrum re-measuied. Last measure 5.8 adopted in taking mean. 487. Plate 283 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E? 410, 5; 434, 5. 488. Plates 908 and 917; on first examination spectrum If Plate 91 7; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 908 ; 448, 3. 489. Plate 908 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E I 490. Plate 918; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 493. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plato 1002; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E I 497. Plate 898 ; spectrum C ? 500. Images poor and faint. Plate 198; on first examina- tion spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 917; on first examination spectrum C f 501. Images poor and faint. Plate 908 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E? Plate 917; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? 506. Plate 986 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 509. Plate 1002 ; image' very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 516. Plate 835 ; on first examination spectrum H. 517. Images very poor and faint. Plate 908 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 918; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 518. Plate 173; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 140; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468,2; 471,1. Plate 173: 403,4; 417,3; 441, 2; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 753; 434 double; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 774; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 834 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 5 ; 468, S. Plate 835 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 3; 471, 1. Plate 844 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 875; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1 ; 468, S. Plate 879 ; 397 a 434; 448, 4 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 468, S. Plate 884 ; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 898; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 443,2; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 928; 397 a 434 ; 441, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 929; 397 a 434 ; 443, Jf; 448, 4; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1019 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456,1; 458,3; 461, 1; 466, TIIE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 267 1 ; 468, 3. Plate 1564 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2\ 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 2242 ; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 519. Plate 848; on first and second examinations spec- trum P ? 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 527. Plate 848 ; on first examination spectrum E. 529. Plate 173; on first examination spectrum H. 530. Plate 908 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 534. Image poor and faint on 918 and 976; near edge of Plate 931. Plates 918 and 931; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? Plate 976; on first examination spectrum H ? 536. Image poor on all plates ; near edge of Plate 909. Plates 283, 909, and 931 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 918 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 540. Plates 284, 848, and 929; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 835 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 914 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 929 ; on second ex- amination spectrum F ; image good ; lines well defined. 543. Plate 875 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum E f 544. Plate 895 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2; 466, 2. Plate 1002; limit of spectrum 0; 897 a 434; 448, 3. 545. Plate 908 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 546. Plate 895 ; 448, 3. 547. Plate 848 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 835; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 929; 410, 2; 434, 2. 550. Plate 909, first imago ; on first examination spec- trum A I Plate 909, second image ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 918 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 931 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 553. Images very poor and faint. Plate 909; on first examination spectrum Ft 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 914 ; on first examination spectrum H 1 557. Plate 986; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 558. Plate 986 ; 419, 2. 558a. DM. +54 215, R. A. O h 58.9, Dee. +55 15'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 1158. 559. Plate 918; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 976 ; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 560. Place 283; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 908; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 917; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 561. Images poor and faint. Plate 918 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 931 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Near edge of plate. 564. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.61, resid. 812333. Plate 1 78 ; second measure gives residual o ; first measure rejected. Plate 880; image very poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum Af Plate 178; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 283 ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 895; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 434 double. 565. Plate 875; on first examination spectrum H. 566. Plate 284 ; spectrum C. 567. Plate 929 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 569. Plate 908; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434,5. 570. Combined with 571, DM. magns. 5.0 and 6.0. 571. See 570. 57-2. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 573. Plate 918; on first examination spectrum H ? 575. Plate 1019; on first and second examinations spec- trum E. Plato 929; 448, 4. 578. Plate 880 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 178; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 895; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1002 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 582. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 583. Plates 848, 909, and 914 ; image very poor and faint Plates 284, 848, 909, and 914 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E f Plate 284 ; image good and lines well defined ; on second examination spec- trum I ? Plate 909 ; a 394. 585. Plate 895 ; 448, 3. 586. A. G. C. 1017. 589. U. A. Pisces 107, magn. 6.9, has the same right ascension, and is 17' north ; there is no star in the place of Pisces 107 on plates or on DM. chart. DM. +7169, magn. 8.2, follows 14 B .8, north 17'. 7. 593. Plate 895 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? 594. Plate 918 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E f 596. A. G. C. 1038. 597. Plate 835 ; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum A 1 Plate 914 ; 410. 5 ; 434, 5. 600. Plate 931 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 603. Plate 930 ; spectrum C. 604. Plate 1002; on first examination spectrum Af Plate 895 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3; 434, 8; 410 and 434 double 1? Plate 988; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 605. Plate 908; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examina- tion 410, 5; 434, 5. 606. Plate 895 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 606a. DM. +84 18, R. A. l h . 3.2 ra ; Dec. +84 34'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 10487. 607. The letter t stands for dr. Measured also on Plates 988 and 1002. Values in successive columns of Table II. 6.2, 6.2 , 11; K8 ; HH. Images very poor and faint. Plates 178 and 988; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 880 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 178; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 988 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 268 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 610. Plate 880; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 178; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 880 ; 448, 3. Plate 895 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 988; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 1002; limit of spectrum /3 ; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448,3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. 611. Plate 196; spectrum C. First measure 5.50, resid. 11 H31 221 115 45 12nS 2 IS. Plate 929; first measure gives residual 11, second measure gives residual 4j first measure rejected. 615. Plate 988 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 617. First measure 6.09, resid. pn. Plate 909 ; first meas- ure gives residual 11 ; second measure gives re- sidual 11. Plate 914; first measure gives residual 11 ; second measure gives residual 5 ; first meas- ure related to DM. +74 27, and was rejected. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H ? 618. Plate 929; image poor; on first examination spec- spectrum A ? Plate 914 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 623. Plate 283; on special examination spectrum Q? Plate 908; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 172; 448, 3; 461, 2; 471, 1. Plate 283; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 908 ; limit of spectrum y ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double ? 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 451, 2; 453, 1; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 918; a 3S4 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 931 ; limit of spectrum y ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 8 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, #; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 i 471, 1. 624. Plate 908 ; spectrum of DM. +33 181, magn. 7.0, superposed ; observed brightness 6.5. 626. The spectrum measured on Plate 1019 was supposed to be that of DM. +56 211. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +56 438, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1215. 627. Plate 909; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 629. Plate 931 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 634. Plate 976; 453, 2. 639. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 641. Plate 988 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 642. Plate 987; on first examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5? 434, 5f 645. Plate 283 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 908; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 8; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 930; 397 a 434; 448, 3. a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 987; 397 646. Plate 908 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 45C, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 930; 448, 3. 650. Plate 908 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 652. First measure 5.96, resid. 6751042. Plate 284 ; second measure gives residual 4; first measure rejected. 656. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1 78 and 895 ; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1002 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 662. Images poor and faint. Plates 844, 875, and 877; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 835 ; on second examination spectrum H. Plate 843 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 914; 410, 4; 434. 4. Plate 929 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1019 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 663. Plate 835 ; on first examination spectrum E. 666. Plate 283 ; 448, 3. Plate 908; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 987; limit of spectrum j3. 669. Combined with 670. DM. inagns. 5.2 and 7.7. Plates 178, second image, 918, and 988; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 178; a 394 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 919; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 988; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 670. See 669. 672. Plate 880; image poor and faint , on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 673. Plate 895; on first examination spectrum H. 675. Plate 829 ; spectrum C T 677. DM. +73 60, magn. 8.5, precedes this star 4", south 2' ; spectrum superposed, and combined light measured. Plates 284 and 1019; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 929 ; on first examination spectrum C ? 678. U. A. Cetus 118, magn. 5.3, varf Plate 178; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 895 ; a 394 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. Plate 988, first image; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 988; second image, 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1002; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 5? 434, 5 I 683. Plate 919; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 895; a394; 410,2; 434,2; 410 and 434 double? Plate 988; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 686. The letter t stands -for dr. Plates 196 and 843 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; spec- trum of D. C. 681 superposed, and combined light measured on both plates ; observed brightness 6.7 and 6.3. Plate 196; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 843 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 689. Plate 988 ; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 693. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 269 696. A. G. C. 1181. 700. Plate 1019; spectrum C. 703. Plate 919; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum Af 704. Plate 284 ; on first examination spectrum B f 403, 10. Plate 1000 ; on first examination spec- trum H ? 705. Plate 283 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 707. Plate 988 ; on first examination spectrum E. 708. Images poor and faint. Plate 929 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1019; on first and second examina- tions spectrum E. 712. Plate 895 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 715. Plate 843 ; image very poor and fliint ; ou first ex- amination spectrum E ? 716. Plate 909; 410, 5; 434, 5. 718. A. G. C. 1224. 719. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 6.12, re- siduals 032000420. 16. .Z. Plate 950 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 848 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 2; 434, 2. 720. Plate 835 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum Hf Plate 844; image poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 721. Plate 835 ; imago very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H If Plate 284 ; limit of spectrum j3; 406, 4; 410, 2; 419, 4; 426, 1; 434, 2; 438, 2; 443, 3; 448, 2. Plate 848; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 914; a 394; 410, 5; 419, 3; 434, 5; 443,5. Plate 929; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 724. Plate 1000; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 732. Plate 988 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 733. Plates 909 and 1000; on first examination spec- trum F? Plate 909; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1000; image poor; near edge of plate ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 734. Images poor. Plate 829 ; on first examination spec- trum H? Plates 844, 875, 877, 914, and 929 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 186 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 735. Plate 988 ; imago very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 738. Plate 987; 448, 3. 745. Plate 909 ; 448, 3. Plate 931 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 746. Plate 931 ; 402, 2. ,747. Images very poor and faint. Plate 835 ; on first and second examinations spectrum H. Plate 929; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 750. Plate 284; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5. 771. 754. U. A. Cetus 132, magn. 6.7, var. ? 758. Images poor and faint. Plate 895 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H. Plates 988 and 1002 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 759. Plate 1019; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 762. Plate 908; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum H f 764. Plate 1000 ; on first examination spectrum H. 766. Plate 283 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 767. Plates 908 and 987 ; images very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum Ff Plate 908; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 987 ; 410, 8 ; 434, 3. 769. Plate 1000; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 770. Plate 284 ; 421, 1 ; 448, 3. Plate 844 ; 448, 4 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 876; 448, 4; 458, 2 ; 468, 8. Plate 914; 448, 3; 456,1; 458, 1; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 929; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1019 ; limit of spectrum j3; 397 a 434; 448, 4 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 2. The spectrum measured on Plate 1019 was supposed to be that of DM. +57 280. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +57 566, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1362. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum C f A. G. C. 1320. Plate 988; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 178 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8 ; 458, 1. Plate 253 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 895 ; a 394. Plate 919, first image; a 394. Plate 988, first image; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 988; second image; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1002; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 774. Plate 284 ; only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate. 775. Plates 178, 895, and 988; image poor and faint on Plate 178; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plates 253 and 919 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plates 895 and 988 ; on first examination spectrum E. 776. Plate 987; 410, 5; 434, 5. 782. Plate 919 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum H f 783. Plate 283 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 987 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 784. Plate 909; 410, 3 t 434, 3 f Plate 931 ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1000 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 , 434, 2. 785. Plate 931 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5 786. Plate 988; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 789. Plate 1000; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H f 772. 773. 270 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 790. 791. 795. 796. 798. 800. 801. 803. 804. 805. 810. 812. 818. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 830. Plate 909 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Plate 172 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 283 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 908 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410. 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 930; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 987; limit of spectrum t; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 987 ; 448, 3. Plate 999 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 882 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 172; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 283 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 909; a 394; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 931; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 976; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1000; limit of spec- trum ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Images very poor and faint. Plate 253 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 919 ; on first examination spectrum E ? E. A. 2 h 22-.2, Dec. +60 12'. See 1400a in Table II. and remarks. Plate 253; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 919; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 988; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 2.2. Measure of brightness obtained on Plate 140. Image too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 4.40, resid. 00. Plate 140; numerous lines; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 aud 434 doublet Plate 2242 ; a 394. Plate 931 ; 402, 2. Plate 1000 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 999 ; on second examination spectrum F I 410, 2? 434, 2? A. G. C. magn. 8. Plates 835 and 876; image very poor and faint on Plate 835; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 876; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 844; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 914; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 929 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1019 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 919; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 988; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 929, second image ; spectrum C. Plate 1000, first image; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 172; 448, 3. Plate 931; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. H. P. resid. 10 ; omitted in Table III. Plate 911; on second examination spectrum F I 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.03, re- sid. 994212. Plate 1 78 ; second measure gives residual 11. Plate 253; second measure gives residual 4 > first measure rejected. Plate 830 ; image poor and faint ; on 'first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 832. Plate 988; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 833. Plato 835 ; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum E ? 836. R. A. l h 36">.3, Dec. +57 37'. See 934a in Table II. and remarks. 839. Plate 159; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E f on second examination spectrum A f Plate 172; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 172; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 830; 448, 2. Plate 930; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 987 ; limit of spectrum y ; 438, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 486 double ? Plate 987 ; on re-examination 486 proved to be a defect in plate. 840. Plate 931 ; 448, 2. 843. A. G. C. 1456 follows 5".0, south 37", magn. 7i. Plate 988 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 845. DM. +78 50, magn. 9.3 in same right ascension, south I'.O. 848. Plates 929 and 1019; image very poor. Plate 929; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434,5; near edge of plate. Plato 1019; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 844 ; 448, 3. 849. Plate 284; 408, 4; 421, 4; 448, 3. Plate 844; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 463, 2. Plate 848 ; 408, 2. 851. Images very poor and faint. Plate 844 ; on first aud second examinations spectrum H. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; on second examination spectrum E f 853. Plate 830 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H I 855. A. G. C. 1492. 857. Plato 253; "410, 5; 434, 5. 858. Plate 914 dark; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 859. Plate 914 dark; on first and second examination spectrum F; 410, 2; 432, 2. 861. Plate 929 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 864. Plates 835 and 877; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 843 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1564 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plates 835, 843, 844, 875, 877, 884, 898, 929, 939, and 1564; on second examination spectrum F? Plate 1019; image good; lines well defined; spectrum A. 868. Plato 1019 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 271 874. Plate 909; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum Hf 878. Plate 930 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 159; on second examination spectrum E? Plates 911 and 930; on second ex- amination spectrum F. Plate 987 ; image good ; lines well defined; spectrum A. 879. Plate 284; numerous faint lines. Plate 914; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 929; 448, 3j 4G8, 2. Plate 1019; 448, 3; 458, 2. 885. Plate 882 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 172; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 254; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 931, first image; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 931; second image ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double; other lines. Plate 1000; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 889. Plate 988; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 51 434, 5? 890. Plate 876; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 892. Images very poor and faint. Plate 931 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E? Plate 1000; on first ex- amination spectrum H f 893. Plates 172 and 291; on special examination spec- trum M? Plates 254 and 1000; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Plate 172; limit of spec- trum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461,2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 254; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 291 ; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 882 ; 448, 3. Plate 931 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1000; limit of spectum 8 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 894. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.89, resid. 60142. Plate 159; second measure gives resid- ual 1; first measure rejected. Plates 830, 911, 930, and 987 ; on second examination spectrum A f Plate 159 ; image good ; lines well defined ; spectrum F; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 911 ; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 930 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate. Plate 987; 410, 5; 434, 5. 899. Images very poor and faint. Plate 159 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 911; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 988 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 903. Plate 1000 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 905. Plate 931 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 931 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1000 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 908. Plato 844 ; on first and second examinations spec - tram F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 909. Plates 284 and 914 ; on first examination spec- trum E. 914. The spectrum measured on Plate 173 was supposed to be that of DM. + 66 145. On rerexamina- tion the star was found to be DM. +85 399, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10175. 916. .Images poor. Plate 253 ; on first examination spec- trum Ft limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plates 830, 919, and 988 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 917. A. G. C. 1593. Plate 253; image good; lines well defined; spectrum A. Plate 988; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 918. Plate 987; 448, 3. 919. Plate 882 ; spectrum C. 922. First measure 5.32, resid. 6905523p4. Plate 284 ; second measure gives residual ; first meas- ure rejected. Plate 929 ; first measure gives residual 1 2 ; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. 923. Plate 939; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. 925. Plates 830 and 988 ; images poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum Hf 927. Plate 882; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? Plate 254 ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 931; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1000 ; a 394. 929. Plates 284 and 914; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 844 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 939 ; on first examination spectrum E I 930. Plate 173; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 931. Plates 987 and 999; images very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 932. Images poor. Plates 284 and 844; on first examina- tion spectrum F. Plate 848 ; on first examina- tion spectrum C? Plates 284, 844, 848, and 914; first and second images; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1019 ; image good ; lines well defined; spectrum A. Plate 284; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 844 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. 934. Measured also on Plates 911, 919, and 988. Values in successive columns of Table II. 6.4, 6.8, 6.5 ; 012 ; KKK ; HHH. Plate 911; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 934a. DM. +57 373, R. A. l h 36 m .3, Dec. +57 37'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 836. 935. Plate 999 ; 443, 2. 938. Plate 284 ; 405, 2. 939. Plate 1019; 410, 5, 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 940. Entered erroneously ; observation added to D. C. 926. 272 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 942. Plate 159; 410, 3; 434,3. Plate 253; 410,3; 434, 3. Plate 911; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 944. Plate 930; image poor and faint ; cm first examina- tion spectrum H f Plate 999 ; image good ; lines well defined ; spectrum F ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double? Plate 987; 410, 5; 434, 5. 946. Plate 914; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 947. Plate 1007; on first examination spectrum F? a 394 ; 410, 5 1 434, 5 I Plate 254 ; 392, 3 ; 402, 1; 453, 1. Plate 284; 403, 2. Plate 882; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 492 seen ; spectrum peculiar, probably the spectrum of another star superposed. Plate 882 ; on re-examination 492 proved to be a defect in plate. 950. Plate 844 ; spectrum C ? 951. Plate 1000; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 952. Plate 911 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. 956. Plate 882 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 958. Combined with 959. DM. magns. 8.7 and 8.4. 959. See 958. 960. Plato 1000; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 961. Plate 999; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 965. Plate 999 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 967. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3. Plates 159 and 911 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 160 and 830; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 253 ; on first examination spec- trum I. Plates 919 and 988 ; on first examina- tion spectrum F? Plate 159; a 394; several bright and dark lines in spectrum. Plate 253; a 394; 397 a 434; 448,3. Plate 911; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 919; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 988; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 969. Plate 835; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 970. Plate 911 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. On second examination spectrum F ? 972. Plate 159; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 919; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? On second examinations spectrum A? Plate 159; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3, 456, 1. Plate 253; 448, 3. Plate 911 ; 448, 3. 975. The letter t stands for bd. DM. +68 240, magn. 9.4, follows 13% south I'.l. Plate 844; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 914; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 284; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 173; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 914 ; 403, 5; 421, 5; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1019; 408, 2. 978. Plate 911; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 980. Plate 911 ; 448, 3; on re-examination 448, 3. 981. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.57, resid. 625. Plate 253 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Images poor. Near edge of Plates 932 and 988. Plates 253 and 932 ; on first examination spectrum F f Plate 253 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 5 ? 434, 5? Plate 932; 410, 5; 434, 5. 986. Plate 1007 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 987. Plate 999 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 988. Plate 291; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F f a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 991. Plate 253 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H f 994. Plate 914; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 939 and 1019; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 939; image very poor. 995. Plate 1007 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 997. Plate 999; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 998. R. A. O h 42 m .9, Dec. +55 16'. See 374a in Table II. and remarks. 999. Plate 1000 ; 453, 2. 1000. Plates 159 and 911; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 159; on second examination spectrum A ? 1002. Plate 999, first image poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? 1007. Plates 254, 284, 914, and 1007 ; on first examina- tion spectrum A 1 On second examination spec- trum A. Plate 1000; image good; lines well defined ; spectrum F. Limit of spectrum y : 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1007; only a small portion of spectrum visible. 1009. Plate 999; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 410 double. 1011. Plates 159, 253, 314, first image, and 830 ; on first examination spectrum F f Near edge of Plates 253 and 314. Plate 159 ; a 394 ; 410, 5? 434, 5 f Plate 253; 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? Plate 314 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 830 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 1013. Plate 1000 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1015. Plate 1000; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1016. Plate 911; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 273 1018. Plate 284; 402, 2. Plate 876; 402,5. Plate 1000; 882, 4; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 1021. Plate 830; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum Ef Plate 911 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1024. Plate 999; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1027. Images poor. Plates 173, 284, 929, 939, and 1019 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 877 ; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 844 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. Plate 914; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1029. Plate 1000 ; 402, 2. 1031. Plate 932 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 1033. Plates 159 and 160 ; on special examination spec- trum M f Plate 159 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 453, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 160; 448, 3. Plate 830; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 911 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 932; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1. 1036. Plate 848; on first examination spectrum L? 410, 2; 434, 2; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 914 ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1019; image good; lines well defined; spectrum A. 1040. First measure 4.19, resid. 64731. Plate 254; second measure gives residual ; first measure rejected. Plate 254 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 291; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 881 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 999 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1006 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1041. Combined with 1042. Plate 881 ; 443, 2. 1042. See 1041. 1043. Plates 830 and 932 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum Ht Plate 911; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 1046. Plate 159 ; limit of spectrum ; 443, I ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 830 ; 434 double f 456, 2 ; 458, 2. Plate 911; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. 1048. Plate 914 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1050. Plate 1019 ; 406, 3; 426, 3. 1051. Plate 1019; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 844; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1052. The letter t stands for cd. This star is entered on DM. chart as fourth magnitude. Plate 848 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5; on second exam- ination spectrum H ? 1056. Plate 844 ; on first examination spectrum E. 1059. 1060. 1066. 1067. 1073. 1077. 107?. 1080. 1087. 1088. 1090. 1091. 1093. 1095. 1097. 1098. 1099. 1101. 1103. 1104. 1105. 1106. 1108. 1110. 1111. 1112. Plates 914 and 921 ; images poor; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum F f Plate 914; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 921; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1006; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? Entered erroneously. Observation added to D.C. 1056. Plates 830 and 932 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A I Plate 159; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 284; 448, 10. Plate 1000; spectrum C? Plate 1007; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 291 ; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 999 ; image poor ; on second examination spectrum A! Plate 999; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1006; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1000; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1007 ; 448, 3. Plate 1000 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? Plate 1006 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Plate 999 ; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum e; 410, 5? 434, 5. Plate 929; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 939; 448, 3. Plate 1019; 448, 2; 474, 2. Plate 848 ; image poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum E. Entered erroneously. Observation added to D. C. 490. Plate 314 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1000 ; on first examination spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 161 ; spectrum C. Plate 999 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 3 f 434, 3 1 Plate 830; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? Plate 876; image very poor and faint; spectrum narrow; on first and second examinations spec- trum E f Plate 1000 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 932; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? The letter t stands for bd. DM. +76 62, magn. 9.5, precedes O m .2, south I'.O. Plate 876 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5; spectrum very narrow. Plate 929; spectrum C. U. A. Pisces 135, magn. 6.0, var.f Duner 13. 274 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1114. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1120. 1124. 1125. 1126. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1139. 1142. 1143. 1144. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 14. Plates 160 and 830 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 911 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 932 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 160 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 911 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 932 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 2; 463, 2 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. First measure 5.68, resid. 7 3 1 1 1 1 p. Plate 1 73 ; second measure gives residual 8. Plate 1019; first measure gives residual 11; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Dune'r 15. Plate 911 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? Images very poor and faint. Plate 848 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 876 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 848 ; spectrum C f Plate 929; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 939 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 914; 443, 1; 448, 2; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1019; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1019; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1000, second image; on first examination spectrum E I Plate 1000; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1019; 392, 2; 402, 1. Combined with 1133. See 1132. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 186; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum F; 410, 8; 434, 8. Plate 284 ; spectrum C. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Combined with 1143. Plate 201; a 394; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 254 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 291 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 315; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 882 ; limit of spectrum y; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 921; a 394; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1000 ; several bright and faint lines ; a 394. Plate 1007; a 894; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. See 1142. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1146. 1147. 1149. 1154. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1161. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1172. 1173. 1176. 1180. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185. 1193. Plate 835 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? Plates 844, 877, 898, 914, and 1019 ; image poor; on first examination spectrum A? Near edge of Plate 898. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 939 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. Plate 291; 410, 5; 434, 5 Plate 999; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1006 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 932; 410, 2; 434, 2. Images poor. Plates 835 and 2242 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plates 898 and 1019; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1000 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1007 ; on first examination spectrum H ? R. A. O h 58">.9, Dee. +55 15'. See 558a in Table II. and remarks. Spectrum of DM. +75 69, magn. 81, superposed; combined light measured. U. A. Fornax 15, magn. 4.9, var. ? Plate 314; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5 ? Images poor and faint. Plate 1 73 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 284 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? Plate 1007; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1006; 401, 2. See 1182. Plate 999 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 898; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 929; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 6.7. Com- bined with D. C. 1173, DM. magn. 7.3. Meas- ured separately on Plates 844, 914, and 1019. Observed brightness 6.1, 6.0, and 6.0. Magnitude 6.02. Residuals 111. Plate 848 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 201 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 254 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456 f 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 291 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 815 ; a 894 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 920; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 484 a 486. Plate 999 ; a 394 ; 897 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1006; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 844 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum H? Plates 920 and 999 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum E 1 The spectrum measured on Plate 1019 was sup- posed to be that of DM. +58 384. On re- THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 275 examination the star was found to be DM. +78 71, aud the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1173. 1195. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 981 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1199. Plate 981 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 1200. Images very poor and faint. Plate 173; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 844 ; on first examination spectrum E f 1202. -Plate 981; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1205. Plate 999 ; spectrum C. 1206. Plate 920 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 1207. Plates 201 and 920; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 291; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1006; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1208. Plate 1006 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1209. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 1210. Plate 1019; 448, 3; 468, 2. 1215. Plate 1019; on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1216. Plate 921; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1217. Plate 844 ; spectrum C ? 1218. Plate 981 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1221. Dune"rl7. 1224. Plate 932 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1226. Plate 981 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1228. U. A. magn. 5.9 ; A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 932 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1229. Plate 314; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1231. Images poor and faint. Plates 173, 939, and 1019, second image; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 844; 410, 3; 434,3; 410 double. Plate 1019; 410, 4; 434, 4. 1232. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 1234. Plate 920 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 3 ? 434, 3? 1236. The spectrum measured on Plate 844 was supposed to be that of DM. +72 120. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +72 121, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1258. 1237. Plate 921; a 394; 492 seen; on re-examination 492 proved to be a defect in plate. Plate 1000 ; 448, 2. Plate 1007 ; 448, 3. 1238. Plate 921 ; 448, 3. Plate 1007; 448, 2. 1241. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum HI Plate 1019 ; 410, 3'; 434, 3. 1242. Plate 920 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1006; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1243. Plate 921 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1245. Plate 1000; image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? on second examination spectrum E? Plate 921; 410, 5; 434,5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1007 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410,2; 434,2. 1247. Plate 921; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1248. Plates 256 and 314; image poor; near edge of plates. Plate 256 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 314 , on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 160 ; on special examina- tion spectrum M ? Plate 932 ; limit of spectrum y; 408, 1 ; 424, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 981 ; a 394. 1249. The lettert stands for dr. U. A. magn. 5.8. A. G. C. magn. 6. Plate 314; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 932 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 981 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. 1253. Plate 921, second image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1253. Plate 981; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1258. Plate 844 j on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1267. Plate 920; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 1274. Plate 920 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1006; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1275. Plate 291; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 920; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1006; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 486 double ? on re-examination the doubling of 486 proved to be a defect in plate. 1277. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1279. Plate 981 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F; a 394; 410,5; 434,5. 1280. Plate 291 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 920 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1007; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1283. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 1288. DM. +75 91 follows 9, south 0'.9, magn. 9.2. 1291. Plate 981; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1293. Plate 981; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1294. Images poor and faint. Plate 314 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plates 932 and 981 ; on first examination spectrum H f 1298. Plate 920 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 276 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1299. Combined with 1300. DM. magns. 6.7 and 6.7. 1300. See 1299. 1302. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E 1 1303. Plate 1006; 402, 1. 1306. Plate 256 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plate 981 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 932; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1307. Plate 1000; image poor and faiut; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? 1308. Plate 921; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1007 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1810. Plate 920 ; spectrum ? 1313. Images poor. Plate 920; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1006; on first examination spectrum H ? 1318. Measured also on Plate 1007. Values in successive columns of Table II. 6.0, 1, t, F. 1319a. DM. +73 131, R. A. 2* 14">.3, Dec. +73 21'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 1499. 1320. Plate 921; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 8 ; 434, 3. 1321. The letter t stands for dr. Dune'r 18. Var. in DM. U. A. Cetus 233, magn. var. 2-9. Var. in H. P. Plates 932 and 981 ; on first examination spectrum G. Plate 932 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 932; spectrum peculiar; bright lines; a 394; 397 a 434; 434 a 486; 384, 1 ; 389, 3 ; 410, 10 ; 434, 3. Plate 981, first image; spectrum peculiar; a 394; 397 a 434; 434 a 486 ; 410, 10. Plate 981 ; second image ; spectrum peculiar; 397a434; 434a486; 410, JO. 1326. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum I ; 448, 3. 1335. Plates 921, 939, and 1000; image poor; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 921 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 939; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1000; 410, 5 ; 484, 5; near edge of plnte. 1336. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1337. Plate 981; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1344. Duner 19. 1345. Plate 921 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1347. Plate 921; image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 1349. Plates 256 and 932; on first examination spectrum A I Plate 981; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1350. Plates 256 and 981 : on first examination spectrum F. Plate 256; image very poor ; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? Plate 981 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1355. Plate 921; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 934; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? on second exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 315; 448, 3. Plate 921; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1007; 397 a 434 448, 3. 356. Plate 932; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 3? 434, 31 .358. Plate 921; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410,5; 434, 5. 1361. Plate 921 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1365. Plate 844; image poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum E. 1368. Plate 921; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 315; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 921; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456,1; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1007 ; 448, 2. 1372. Plate 981 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1376. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 1381. Plate 929 ; 448, 8 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 1382. First measure 4.86, resid. 6 1 ... 3 8 1. Plate 161 ; second measure gives residual 7. Plate 939 ; second measure gives residual 5 ; first measure rejected. 1388. Plate 1007 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 2 ? 434, 2 ? 1385. Plate 844; on first examination spectrum H? 1386. Plate 921; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1388. Plate 981 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1392. Plate 315 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. Plate 921 ; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1007; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1396. Plate 920 ; 448. 3. 1397. Plate 921 ; 410, 5 ; 484, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1399. Images very poor and faint. Plate 920 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 981 ; on first examination spectrum H f 1400a. DM. +60 487, magn. 8.1, R. A. 2 h 22 m .2, Dec. 60 12'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 801. 1401. Plate 877; image very poor and faiut; on first and second examinations spectrum E 1 1407. Images poor. Plate 1027; on first examination spectrum A ; near edge of plate. Plate 920 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 486 double ? which may be due to defect in plate. Examined on Plate 1869, Class I ; spectrum G ; hydrogen lines 410, 434, and 486, narrow and hazy. 1408. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faiut ; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410 5; 434, 5. 1410. Plate 933 ; spectrum C? 1412. Plate 1019 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 1414. Plate 981; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1420. Plate 921, second image poor; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? 1421. Plate 981 ; on first examination spectrum E. 1422. Plate 1027; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 277 286 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 920; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 933 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. 1424. Plate 920 ; 453, 2. 1425. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1426. Plate 939 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectnim A f Plate 921 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1428. Plate 921, second image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H? 1433. Plate 292 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1440. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1443. Plate 292; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? 1452. Plate 981 ; image poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum E ? 1453. Plates 844 and 877; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 939 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1019 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1454. Plate 150; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 256; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 890; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 897 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 981 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1455. Plate 933 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1457. Plate 920 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1458. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1462. Plate 920 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 1464. Plate 898 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E ? near edge of plate. Plate 1019 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1 73 ; 408, 2; 448, 2. Plate 844; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 939; 448, 3; 458, 1. 1470. Plate 981; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 1472. Plate 286 ; 402, 2. 1478. Duner 22. Plate 286 ; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M ? 1480. Plate 934 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1481. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 1482. Plate 1019; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 939; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1487. Plate 920 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 1492. Plate 150 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A? on second examination spectrum E ? Plate 981 ; a 394. 1493. Plate 286; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 921; 410,3; 434, 3. Plate 934 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1496. Plate 981 ; on second examination spectrum F. 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1499. B. A. 2 h 14 ra .3, Dec. +73 21'. See Table II. 1319a and remarks. 1502. Plate 920; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1503. Plate 933; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A I 1504. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 1505. DM. inagns. 7.5 and 7.0. Plate 286 ; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 920 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 933; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 8; 434,3. Platel027; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1505. See 1504. 1506. Plate 1027 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 933; 410, 5j 434, 5. 1509. A. G. C. magn. 7. 1511. Plate 921; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 934 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1513. DM. +78 96, magn. 9.2, follows O m .2, north I'.O. 1516. Plate 921 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1521. Plate 1027; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 1522. Plate 898 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 898 ; on first examination 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 914; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8; 458, 2. Plate 929 ; 448, 3 ;" 468, 2. Plate 1019; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 1532. Plate 150 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. Plate 256 ; 402, 2. Plate 897 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. 1535. Plate 921; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1538. Plate 256; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 8. Plate 292; a 894 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 897 ; a 894 ; 410, 4 ; 484, 4. Plate 981 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1539. Plate 939, second image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spec- trum H. 1541. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 1542. Plate 981 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 1547. Images very poor and faint. Plates 292 and 981 ; on first exmination spectrum H. Plate 897; on first examination spectrum A t 1548. Plate 1009 ; spectrum C I Plate 921 ; 453, 2. 1549. Plate 1009; 448, 3 ; 480, 1. 1550. Plate 315; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 286 ; a 394 ; 410,. 2; 434, 2. Plate 921 ; limit of spectrum y. Plato 934 ; limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1552. Assumed to be H. P. 426, Cum. 278 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1553. DM. +39 611, inagn. 8.7, precedes 1".3, north 0'.4. Should be entered in D. C. as companion to 1553. 1554. Plate 897; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1559. Plates 292 and 897; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 292 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 1560. Plate 1009; 410, 5? 434, 5 f on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 1563. Plate 286; on second examination spectrum G. Plate 208 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double f Plate 286 ; spectrum G ; a 394 ; 410, 4; 434, 4; 434 double; 458, 1. Plate 315; a 894; 410,2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 921; spectrum G; a 394 ; 410, 3; 431, 5; 484, 3. Plate 934; limit of spectrum c ; 410, 8 ; 434, 8 ; 434 double. Plate 1009 ; a 394 ; 410, 8 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. 1565. Plate 286 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 921; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1009; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1566. Plate 201 ; 402, 2. 1573. Plate 933; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H f 1578. Plate 921 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1580. Plate 939; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1581. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1583. Plate 201; on first examination spectrum F? a 894 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 1584. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 1588. Plate 897; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1589. Plate 1019; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1590. Plate 150; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 256; a 394; 410, 8 ; 434, 3. Plate 292; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 890; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 897; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 981 ; a 394. 1593. Plate 981 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? on second ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1595. Plate 286; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1008 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum A f Plate 934 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1596. DM. +85 48, magn. 8.8, precedes l m .5, south 1', and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 1596. 1597. Plate 921 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1598. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 1603. Plate 1009; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f 1607. Plate 844 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1608. Plate 286; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 286; 897 a 434; 448, 3; 458,3. Plate 933; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 471, 1. Plate 1008 ; 448, 3. Plate 1027 ; 448, 3. 1609. Plate 921 ; on first examination spectrum H. 1618. Plates 173 and 898; on first examination spec- trum A ? Plate 844 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 161; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 939; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1619. Plate 1008; spectrum C? 1620. Plate 934 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1621. Plate 292 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1622. Plate 934; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1008; spec- trum C f 1623. The spectrum measured on Plate 258 was supposed to be that of DM. +73 158 ; on re-examination the star was found to be DM. +63 390, magn. 6.0, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1749. 1625. Plates 161 and 877 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 161 ; 406, 5 ; 406 a 414 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 2; 458, 1 ; 463, 2 ; 474, 2. Plate 208 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 877 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 921 ; limit of spectrum a ; 897 a 434 ; 448, 8 ; 453, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 939 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468,2; 471,1. Plate 1009; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 8; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461; 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 1626. Plate 921 ; image very poor and faint; dn first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1629a. D. M. +29 481, R. A. 2 h 44 m .l +30 6'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 2191. 1632. Plates 286 and 315; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 315 ; image poor ; near edge of plate. Plate 151 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 201 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 208 ; a 894 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 934; limit of spectrum f; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1009 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? 1634. Plate 934 ; on second examination spectrum F. 410, 8 ; 434, 8. 1637. Plate 934; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1009, first image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1642. DM. +75 114, magn. 9.0, follows 17', north 0'.5. Should be entered in D. C. as companion to 1642. 1643. Plate 151 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 286, 934, and 1008; on first examination spec- trum I. Plates 151 and 1008; on special exam- .ination spectrum M ? Plate 286 ; 448, 3. Plate 934 ; 448, 3. Plate 1008 ; 448, 3. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 279 1647. .Plate 921; image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examination spectrum F f limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1648. Plate 933 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 1652. Plate 952 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1653. Plates 161, 939, and 1009; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 315; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 877; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 161 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 208 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; other lines seen. Plate 877 ; 406, 2 ; 409, 2 ; 448, 3; 468, 3. Plate 921 ; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 8 ; 434 double ; other lines. Plate 93S> ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1009; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 3 ; 438, 2. 1655. Plate 934; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F? limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1656. Plate 1009 ; on first examination spectrum E? 1657. Plate 286 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 934 ; limit of spectrum d; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1009; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1658. Plate 1008 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1662. Plate 286 ; limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 933; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1027; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1665. Plates 877 and 884; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? Plate 161; 410,5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate . 898 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 939, first image ; a 894; 410,5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 939 ; second image, a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1671. Plate 1009 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1676. Plate 1009; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 1678. Duner 25. 1679. Plate 1008; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 1680. Plate 897, first and second images; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum A ? 1681. Plate 933; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1008; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1027; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1682. Plate 292 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 1685. Plate 150; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 324; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 897; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1. Plate 952; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1. 1691. Plate 1027; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 286; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 933; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1008; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 1694. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 27. Images poor. Bands very faintly marked. Plates 844, 877, 898, 914, 939, and 1019; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 954 ; on first examination spectrum 1. Plates 914, 939, attd 954 ; on special exam- ination spectrum M? Plate 1019; 448, 3; 468, 2. 1695. Plates 151 and 1008; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 151 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 934 5 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1008 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. 1697. DM. +59 581, magn. 8.7, precedes 6-.0, south I'.O. 1700. Plate 933 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 1703. Combined with 1704. 1704. See 1703. 1 708. Plate 292 ; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1710. Plate 952; on first examination spectrum A- Plate 897; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1711. Images very poor and faint. Plate 844; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 898 and 1019 ; on first examination spectrum H. 1715. Plate 292; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1720. Plate 1008 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1721. Plate 208; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F f a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1 726. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. Plate 1008 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 1 728. Plate 934 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 1731. The letter t stands for dr. DuneY 28. Plate 150 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 292, 324, 897, and 952; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 292, 324, and 897; on special exam- nation spectrum M f Plate 952 ; on special ex- amination spectrum Q. Plate 150; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 292; 448, 3; 458, 1. Plate 324 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 897; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 952; 897 a 434 ; 438, 2; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468,2; 47], 1. 1732. Plate 952 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 1735. Plate 161; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 208; a 394; 410, 4; 434, 4; 434 double; other lines. Plate 877 ; a 394 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4 ; 434 double ; 458, 3 ; 468, 1. Plate 939 ; a 894 ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1009; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 1737. Plate 1009; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 280 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1739. Plate 161 ; 448, 2. Plate 939 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 4 ; 458, 2. Plate 1009; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. 1748. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 29. Var. in DM. Plates 151, 208, 286, and 1009; on first exam- ination spectrum K. Plate 934 ; on first exam- ination spectrum If On special examination of plates spectrum M. Plate 151 ; spectrum pe- culiar ; several bright and faint lines. Plate 208 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 1 ; 471, 2. Plate 286; 448, 2; 458, 2, Plate 934; 448, 3. Plate 1009; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 451, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1; 474, 2; 486 double? 1753. Plate 292 ; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 1754. Combined with 1755. 1755. See 1754. 1758. Plate 1010; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 1760. Plate 939 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E I 1762. Plate 1008; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1763. Plate 208; 402, 2. 1765. Plate 1019; spectrum C. 1767. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 1771. Var. in DM. H. P. magn. 2.3. Measure of bright- ness obtained on two plates. Images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.70, resid. 3 2. 1773. Plate 208; a 394 ; 410, 3; 424, 1; 434,3; 443, 1; 448, 2. Plate 286; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 287 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 934 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1009 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 5; 438, 2; 443, 2. Plate 1010; 410, 2? 434, 2? 1774. Plate 953; on first examination spectrum E? Plates 953 and 1027 ; image very poor and faint ; on second examination spectrum F ? Near edge of Plate 1027. Plate 1008 ; hydrogen lines narrow. 1777. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 1009 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 151 ; numerous bright and faint lines; spectrum peculiar. Plate 208; limit of spectrum 8 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 286; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458,2. Plate 934; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1009; a 394; 394 double? 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1010; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 1. 1793. Plates 151 and 1009 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 151 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 208; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1009; 397 a 434; 448, 3. I 797. Plate 151 ; 402, 2. Plate 208 ; 402, 2. 1799. Plate 151; 448, 3. Plate 208; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 1008 ; limit of spec- trum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. 1802. Plate 1008; 453, 2. 1803. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1009; on first examination spectrum H. Plate .1010; on first examination spectrum E. 1813. Plate 247; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 952; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1814. Plate 247; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 1817. Plate 898; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 939; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1818. Images poor. Plate 140; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 275; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1 73 ; 448, 2. Plate 898 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1019; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 1. 1819. Plate 1009 ; 448, 3. 1820. Plate 954 ; 402, 2. 1821. The spectrum measured on Plate 161 was supposed to be that of DM. +56 800 ; on re-examination the star was found to be DM. +56 798, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 1817. 1822. DM. +50 724, magn. 9.5, precedes 0.7, north 1'.4. 1823. DM. +83 78, magn. 9.0, precedes 8".0, north 0'.3, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 1823. 1826. Plate 939; image very poor and faint; on first ex- aminations spectrum E. 1828. Plate 1009; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1010 ; 448, 3. 1831. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 1833. Plates 208 and 1010 ; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 1010 ; image poor ; on second examination spectrum A. Plate 1008; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1840. Plate 247; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 1843. Plate 1009; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 1848. Plate 258, first image ; 402, 2 ; 403, 2. Plate 258, second image; 402, 3. Plate 884; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 898 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 1852. Plate 295 ; spectrum C ? Plate 1009 ; 453, 2. 1853. Plate 1008 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1856. Plate 952 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1860. Plate 287 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 1008; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 358, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1010; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 1. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 281 1863. Plates 877 and 898 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 877 ; image very poor and faiut. Plate 954 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double. 1864. Plate 1010; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum A. Plate 1009; limit of spectrum y, 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1869. Plate 939 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 1871. Plate 953 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 1873. Plate 247; 410, 3; 434, 3. 1875. Plate 208 ; 448, 3. Plate 953 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1008; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. 1881. Plate 954 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1019; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1882. Plate 927; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1009; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1010; limit of spectrum a; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1886. Plate 247 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 247 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 2; 468, 1; 471, 2. Plate 1028; 434 double? 458, 3; 461, 1; 463, 1. 1888. Dune'r 30. 1891. Plate 953; 402, 2; 453, 2. 1894. Plate 927; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; near edge of plate. Plate 1010; 402, 1; 453, 2. 1896. Plate 939; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum E "I 1904. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. Magn. 1.9. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates ; image too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.88, resid. 53. Plate 163; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 203; a 394; 410, 2? 434, 2? Plate 208 ; a 394 ; 397 a 410; 410, 2; 414, 2 ; 419, 1 ; 434, 2. Several of the lines between 397 and 410 are bright. Plate 287 ; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 295; a 394. Plate 927; a 394; 410,3? 434,3? Plate 1009; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 492 seen. Plate 1010 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 1905. Plate 953 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1910. Plate 1009; 434 double? 1922. Plate 953; 402, 2? 1924. Plate 1008; 402, 2. 1925. Plate 208 ; 402, 2. 1926. Plate 927 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 1927. First measure 7.07, resid. 56. Plate 1009 ; second measure gives residual 4 ', first measure rejected. 1929. Plates 324 and 952 ; on first exmination spectrum E ? near edge of plates. Plate 247 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1028; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 1. 1937. First measure 6.23, resid. 94221. Plate 208; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. 1940. Plate 1010; 402, 1; 453, 1. 1945. Plate 953; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1947. Plate 1010; 402, 2. 1949. Plate 1010 ; 402, 2 ; 453. 2. 1951. First measure 4.21, resid. #747. Plate 287; second measure gives residual 6. Plate 1028 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 1952. Plate 898; 448, 2. 1954. Plate 1008 ; spectrum C. 1956. Plate 203; 402, 1. Plato 1010; 382, 3; 402,2; 453, 1. 1959. Plate 1010; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1961. Plates 927 and 1009; image near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 927; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1009 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1964. Plate 939 on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 939; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410,5; 434, 5. 1972. Plate 1009 ; spectrum C. 1973. Plates 208, 287, and 295; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 927; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1010 ; on first examina- tion spectrum K? Plate 1009; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1010; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1; 468, 1. 1974. Plate 927; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 1975. Plate 1010; on .second examination spectrum H? 1976. Plate 1010; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum A? Plate 1009; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1978. Plate 927 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 1980. Plate 877; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 1985. Plate 1009; 410, 5; 434, 5. 1991. Combined with 1992. DM. magns. 8.0 and 8.0. 1992. See 1991. 1994. Plate 1028; 419, 3. 1998. Plate 953 ; on first examination spectrum M ? Plate 182; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 940; limit of spec- trum a; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456,1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 953; 397 a 434; 448,3; 451,2; 461, 2;. 466, 1; 468, 1. 2001. Plate 203 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 151 ; 410, 3 1 434, 3 ? Plate 295, a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 927; limit of spec- trum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate, 1009; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434,5. Plate 1010 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 2004. Plate 898; 410,3; 434,3; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 282 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 2006. Plato 927 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E I 2009. A. G. C. magn. 7. 2010. Plate 927; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum I ; 448, 3 ; on second ex- amination spectrum At Plate 1010; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3. 2012. Plate 287 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E t 2018. Plate 1010 ; 438, 5. 2020. A. G. C. 3862. 2021. Plate 274 ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; near edge of plate. Plate 182 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 39 Z a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 247, first image ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1. Plate 247; second image ; 448, 3. Plate 940; limit of spectrum & ; 397 a 434; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1. 2022. Plate 927 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2024. Plate 927 ; image poor ; ou first examination spec- trum A. Plate 1009 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5? 434, 51 2025. Entered erroneously. Observation added to D. C. 2022. 2027. Images very poor and faint. Plate 927 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1010; on first and second examinations spec- trum H ? 2028. Images very poor and faint. Plate 926 ; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1010; on first examination spectrum A ? near edge of plate. 2031. Plate 1009; spectrum C ? Plate 203; 402, 1. Plate 1010; 382, 3; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 2037. Plate 274 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 2052. Plate 247; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 2055. Combined with 2056. DM. magns. 8.0 and 8.0. 2056. See 2055. , 2058. Plate 182; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 247; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 274 : a 394. Plate 940 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1028; 410, 3; 434, 3. 2060. Images very poor and faint. Plate 927 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1010; on first examination spectrum H. 2062. Plate 954 ; spectrum C f 2065. Plato 954 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 2070. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 32. Plate 898 ; on first examination spectrum K t Plate 954 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 898; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 898; 448, 4; 458, 2; 463, 2; 466, 2; 468, 1 ; 471, 2. 2071. Plates 173, 275, 1019, and 2242 ; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Plate 140 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 844; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 884; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 898; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1057; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 2072. linages poor and faint. Plate 182; on first exam- ination spectrum El Plate 247 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A ? 2078. Plate 247 ; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum H. 2079. Plate 927 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 2087. Plate 1057; spectrum C? 2090. Plate 1028; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 2091. DM. magn. 3.5. H. P. magn. 3.2. Measures of brightness obtained on five plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 4.03, resid. 4 03 1 1. 2092. Plate 287 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 203; 402, 2; 443, 1. Plate 295; 402, 2; 448, 1. 2093. Plate 1010; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 2095. Plates 217, 258, and 898, first and second images; on first examination spectrum A ; images poor and faint. Plate 954 ; image good ; lines well defined ; spectrum F ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2098. Plate 1057; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E. 2101. Plate 940 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2104. Plate 884 ; on first and second examination spec- trum H. Plate 898 ; image good ; lines well de- fined ; spectrum F. Plate 954 ; on first exam- ination spectrum I. Plate 258; 410, 2; 434,2; 434 double. Plate 898; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 954; 448, 2; 458, 1. 2107. Images very poor. Plate 287; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 305 ; on first examination spectrum F t Plate 305 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 2108. Plate 287; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 203; 382, 2; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 295; 392, 1, 402, 1; 453, 1. 2114. Plate 203; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 163; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 203; a 394; 410, 4; 434, 4 ; 453, 2. Plate 287 ; a . 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 295 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 305 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 927 ; a 394; 4iO, 3; 434,3; bright lines. Plate 1010; limit of spectrum * ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1012 ; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 3; 434, 3. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 283 2116. Plate 182; a394; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456,1; 458, S; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 247; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 940; limit of spec- trum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 2118. Plate 305; image poor; ou first examination spec- trum E ? 2120. Plate 898; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A I 2121. Plate 939 ; spectrum C. 2124. Plate 305; 402, 2. 2125. First measure 4.13, resid. 051.6B20. Plate 295, second image ; second measure gives residual ; first measure rejected. 2132. DM. +70 260, magn. 8.5, follows 23", north 0.2'. 2135. Plate 182; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2137. Combined with 2138 on Plate 953; limit c ; ob- served brightness 6.6. 2138. See.2137. 2139. Plate 9-27; image poor ; spectrum C? Beyond the limits for measurement on Plates 1010 and 1012. Second measure of brightness ou 927, 6.7, re- sid. 1. 2140. Plate 182 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2. 2141. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 33. Plate 217; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 898 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 954 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 217, 898, and 954 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 898 ; 441, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 463, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 954 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 2; 468, 2; 471, 1. 2143. Plate 926 ; on first examination spectrum E T 2144. Plate 295; 402, 2; 448, 2. 2148. Plate 927; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1010; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2153. Dun.8, Dec. +44 27'. See 2896a in Table II. and remarks. 2377. Plate 941 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2385. Plate 289 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 2386. Plate 1054; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plate 164 ; limit of spectrum #; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 191; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 941; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2389. Plate 1012; 410, 2? 434, 2? on re-examination 410, 2! 434, 2? 2391. Plates 289 and 305 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 927 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1012 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461,1; 468, 1. Plate 1056; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 451, 2; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. 2392. Plate 173; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E f Plate 898 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 2. 2395. Plate 289 ; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 305 ; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 1012; on first examination spectrum K t Plate 1012; limit of spectrum j3; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. 2396. Plate 305; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2403. Plate 305 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 1054 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A? Plate 941 ; 410, 1; 434, 5. 2409. Plate 898; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 954 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468,2; 471, 1. Plate 1035; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1069 ; 448, 4 ; 458. 2. 2413. Plate 941; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 305 ; on second examination spectrum A I Plate 305; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1011 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 486 double ? 2414. Plate 1054; 392, 2; 402, 1. 2415. Combined with 2416. DM. magns. 7.5 and 8.5. U. A. magns. 7.2 and 6.5; combined magn. 6.4. 2416. See 2415. 2418. Plate 941 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 164 ; image poor ; on second examination spec- trum A? Plate 191 ; 448, 3. 2420. Plate 191 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 2421. Plates 217 and 954 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 275 ; on first examination spectrum A ? 2433. Plate 289 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1056 ; on first examination spectrum B ? Plate 1012; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1056 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. 2434. Plate 1012; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434. 3. 2436. Combined with 2437. DM. magns. 8.0 and 8.0. 2437. See 2436. 2444. Plates 289 and 305 ; on first examination spectrum A f Near edge of Plate 289 ; imago very poor. Plate 1055 ; 448, 3. 286 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 2445. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 191 ; on special ex- aminatiou spectrum M ? Measure of brightness on Plate 191 rejected on account of width of spec- trum. Plate 191 ; 448, 3. Plate 289 ; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plate 941 ; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 443, 3. Plate 1011; limit of spectrum 5; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1, 2448. Plate 1056; 402, 2; 453. 2. 2452. Plate 1012; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 2453. Plate 289; 410, 5; 434,5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1011 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2455. In DM. ll ra , should be 10 m . See list of errata, Bonn Observations, Vol. VI. p. 379. 2458. Plate 1011 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2462. Plate 289 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 3? 434, 3? 2464. Plate 289 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2468. Plate 941 ; 402, 1. 2481. Plate 289; limit of spectrum . Plate 1011; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plate 1055; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 1. 2483. Plate 1055 ; 402, 2. 2487. Plate 1055 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. 2488. Plate 1011 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 2489. Plate 1012; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1055 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2494. Plate 1011 ; image poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A f Plate 289 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2495. Plate 1035; spectrum C? 2498. Plate 289 ; spectrum of D. C. 2499 superposed ; spectrum A, observed brightness 5.0, limit 17, K line 3. 2499. See 2498. 2500. Plate 1011 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E. Plate 1012; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spec- trum A. 2502. Plate 1011; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2505. Plates 955 and 1011 ; spectrum C f 2506. Measure of brightness on Plate 191 rejected on account of width of spectrum. 2508. Plate 1011 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 2; 434, 2; on second examination spectrum E; near edge of plate. Plate 289 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 941; 448, 3. 2512. Plate 289 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2513. First measure 5.68, resid. 6 1 23. Plate 289 ; second measure gives residual 8 ; first measure rejected. Plates 955 and 1011; spectrum C? Plate 1055; 402, 2. 2517. Plate 275 ; spectrum A. 2521. Plate 1011; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum A. 2522. Plate 1012; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 2523. Plate 941 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2526. Images poor. Plates 289, 941, and 955; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 164; on second examination spectrum A. 2527. Plate 289 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 955 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1011; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1055; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 2528. Plates 941 and 955 ; on second examination spec- trum A. 2529. Measure of brightness on Plate 191 rejected on account of width of spectrum. Plate 289 ; spec- trum of D. C. 2528 superposed; observed bright- ness 4.7. Plate 955 ; spectrum C? 2532. Images poor ; near edge of plates. Plate 955 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 10.11 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? Plate 1011; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2533. Plate 955 ; spectrum C ? 2534. Plate 941 ; 402, 1. 2538. Plate 954 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plate 1056 ; on first examination spec- trum B; 402, 2; 453, 2. 2539. Plate 1055 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 2542. Plate 955 ; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum a; 410, 5? 434, 51? several bright and faint lines. 2543. Plate 941 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2544. Plate 1012; on first examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2546. Measure of brightness on Plate 191 rejected on account of width of spectrum. 2551. The letter t stands for b dr. Plate 289; spectrum of DM. 4-42 989 superposed ; observed bright- ness 6.5. Plates 289 and 1012; image very poor; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1012; on second examination spectrum F? near edge of plate. Plate 289; 410, 5 ; 434,5. Plate 1012; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2553. Plate 21 7; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum F ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2557. Plate 941 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2; 466, 2; on re- examination 448, 3. 2558. A. G. C. magn. 7. 2560. Plate 954 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 1057; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2570. Plate 941 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2576. Plate 191 ; on first examination spectrum E I THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 287 2578. 2579. 2580.' 2581. 2583. 2585. 2587. 2588. 2590. 2595. 2599. 2600. 2602. 2G04. 2607. 2608. 2610. Plato 954; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1057; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1057; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 278 ; on first exmaiuation spectrum F ? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. DuneV 38. Plate 192 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plato 289 ; image poor ; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 192; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1. Plate 289; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 956; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 461, 2; 466, 2. Plate 1056; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1; 471, 1. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 191 ; on special examination spectrum M t Measure of bright- ness on this plate rejected on account of width of spectrum. Plate 164; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 191 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 192; a 394; 397 a 434 ; bright lines. Plate 289; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466,. 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 941 ; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 448, 3; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 955; a 394. Plate 1055 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double I 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 2; 486 double ? Plate 1057; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1057; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 278; image poor; oa first examination spec- trum E ? The letter t stands for dr. First measure 4.45, resid. 4 5 p 3 . 7. Plate 278 ; first measure gives residual 17 ; second measure gives residual^ ; first measure related to DM. 3 830 and was rejected. Plate 1068. Second measure gives residual 4. Plate 164, second image; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 191; 402, 2. Plate 1014 ; spectrum C f Plate 217; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1056; 448, 3. Plate 341 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Plate 954 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1069; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 955 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 289 ; ou first and second examinations spec- trumF? limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Measure of brightness on Plate 191 rejected on account of \vidth of spectrum. Images poor and faint. Plato 1055; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? Plate 289 ;" on second examination spectrum F ? 2611. Plate 1019; spectrum C. 2617. Plates 164 and 941 ; on special examination spec- trum M f Plate 191; 448, 3. Plate 278; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 941 ; 448, 3. 2620. Plate 1057; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. 2223^ Plate 1014 ; on first examination spectrum C. 2625. Plate 1068; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. 2626. Plate 192; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 956 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2630. Plate 1014 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 2633. The letter t stands for dr. Dune> 39. Plates 191 and 278; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 941 ; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3 ; on special examination spectrum M f 2634. Plate 955; 402, 1 453, 1. Plate 1055; 392, 1; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 2636. Plate 289 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2639. Plate 1014 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 2642. Plate 289 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 192; 392, 2; 402, 2. 2646. Plate 278; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2647. Plate 164; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2649. Plate 278 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 941 ; on first examination spectrum E f 2653. Plate 1014; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2655. Plato 278 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 2656. Plate 955 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum B? 402, 2 ; on second examination spec- trum A ? 2658. Plate 1014 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3. 2661. Plate 1014 ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. Near edge of plate. 2662. Plate 1014; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2665. Plate 278; 392, 1; 402, 1; 453, 1. Plate 1068; 392, 2; 402, 1; 453, 2. 2668. Plate 275; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 165; 448, 4. Plate 898; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ;, 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461,1; 468, 1. Plate 954; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468, 8; 471, 1. Plate 1035; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461,2; 468, 1. Plate 1057; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 455, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1069 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 5 ; 453, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 288 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 2674. Dundr 40. 2675. Plato 1055 ; 403, 5 ; 419, 5. 2676. Plate 955; image very poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. 2677. Plate 192; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2679. Plate 1034; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. 2680. Plate 192; on special examination spectrum Ml .Plate 192; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 956; 448, 3; 461, 1. 2682. Plate 278; image very poor ; on second exam-na- tion spectrum E ? 2683. Plate 278; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1068 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 2684. Plate 1057; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 2685. Plate 192; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1014; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 2686. Plate 307; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. 2689. Plate 217; on first examination spectrum E? spectrum peculiar ; 434 not visible. S690. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Orion 6, magn. 3.1, var. ? U. A. Standard 163 magn. 3.2. Plate 1068 ; on special examination spectrum Q ? Plato 278; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 307 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1068 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 429, 1 ; 430, 3 ; 434, 5 ; 453, 1. 2697. Plate 278; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 4; 434, 4. 2700. Entered erroneously. Observation added to D. C. 2198. 2701. Plate 1013 ; spectrum C f 2703. Plate 278 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1. 2705. Plate 956; 434 double? 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2. 2706. Plate 307 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 278; 882, 3; 392, 1; 402,1; 453, 1. Plate 1068; 382, 2 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 2708. R. A. 3 h 46 m .2, Dec. +24 53'. See 2210a in Table II. and remarks. 2712. Plates 955 and 1013 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 955 ; limit of spec- trum/3; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1013; 410, 3; 434, 3. 2713. Plate 1056 ; spectrum C ? 2714. Dundr 41. 2715. Plate 278; on first examination spectrum E? 2717. Plate 289 ; image poor near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2719. Plate 1014; 402, 2. 2721. Plato 278; on first examination spectrum F? a 894; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2725. Images very poor. Plate 955; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? Plato 1013 ; on first examina- tion spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 2726. Plate 278 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. Plate 1068 ; 382, 4 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 414, 2 ; 426, 2 ; 443, 2 ; 453, 2. 2728. Plates 340 and 341 ; spectrum C. Plate 289 ; 403, 6; 443, 5. 2732. U. A. Orion 15, magn. 6.0, var. ? 2734. Plate 954; on special examination spectrum M? 2736. Plate 1013; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2738. Plate 955; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 2740. Plates 192 and 1013; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 192 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 340; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 956; 397 a 434; 434 double! 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 8; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1013; limit of spectrum y; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 2743. Plate 192; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 4G1, 2. Plate 955 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 461, 2. 2744. DM. +72 247, magn. 8.9, precedes 4', north 2'.4; should be entered in D. C. as companion to 2744. 2745. Plate 278 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 2746. Var. in A. G. C. U. A. magn. 5.4. 2749. Plate 1014 ; on first examination spectrum C ? 2750. Plate 307; first image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E I 2753. Plate 1014; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E. 2756. Plate 1014 ; 448, 3. 2757. Plate 1057 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2762. Plate 1069, first and second images poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 275; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1057; 410, 8 ; 434, 3. 2763. Plate 341; 410, 2; 434,2. Plate 1069 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 2764. Plate 307 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 2766. Plate 340; image very poor ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 192; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 956; 410,5? 434, 5? Plate 1013; 410,3; 434,3. Plate 1014; limit of spec- trum ft; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2768. Plate 278; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 1034; 448, 3; 461, 1. 2771. A. G. C. magn. 7. 2772. DM. +48 1197 magn., 9.2, follows 0".3, south I'.l. Plate 1014; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5? 2775. Combined with 2776. DM. magns. 8.5 and 8.5. 2776. See 2275. 2778. Plate 341; on first examination spectrum Ef THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 289 Plate 275; 405, S; 413,3. Plate 1057; 397 a 434; 443, 2; 446, 1 ; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1069 ; 448, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. 2779. Images poor. Plate 278 ; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 307 ; on first examination spectrum E f 2780. Var. in DM. Plate 192; a 894 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate .298; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 340; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; bright lines; spectrum peculiar. Plate 956 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1013; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1014 ; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2783. U. A. Orion 23, magn. 6.2, var. DM. +3 737, magn. 7.8, follows 1".0, in same declination ; should be entered in D. C. as companion to 2783. 2784. Var. in A. G. C. Var. in U. A. 4f-5f. 2785. Plates 275, 1057, and 1069; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A. 2787. Plate 192; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 340 ; on first examination spectrum G f Plates 340 and 956 ; on second examination spectrum A. Plates 1013 and 1014 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F. Plate 192; limit of spec- trum /3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 340 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; bright lines ; spectrum peculiar. Plate 956; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1013; limit of spectrum y; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1014 ; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; spectrum peculiar. 2789. Plate 1014; on first examination hydrogen lines narrow. 2790. Plate 1014; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2792. Plate 275 ; additional lines. 2793. Plate 1014; on first examination spectrum C? 2796. DM. +75 205, magn. 93, precedes 8", north 0'.3. First measure 6. 74, resid. 60/1.24. Plate 21 7 ; second measure gives residual 2; first measure rejected. 2797. Plate 278; 392, 1; 402, 1 ; 453,2. Plate 307; 392, 1; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1034; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1068; 402, 1. 2798. U. A. Orion 27, magn. 6.6, var. 2799. Combined with 2800. DM. magus. 9.4 and 9.2. 2800. See 2799. 2803. Plate 956 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E ? 2808. Combined with 2809 ; DM. magns. 6.0 and 6.5. H. P. magns. 5.1 and . Plate 1057 ; 402, 2. 2809. See 2808. 2815. Plate 1013 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2819. Plate 278 ; on special examination spectrum Q? Plate 278; 458, Jt? 2826. Printed in DM. catalogue, magn. 5.9. Magn. 9.5, according to a correction in Bonn Obs., Vol. VI. p. 378. On DM. chart, magn. 6.5. Examined on Plate 1822, Class I., magu. about 6.5. Con- firmed by chart photographed March 3, 1890. Perhaps the type of 6 was inverted in printing errata. Assumed to be magn. 6.5, and so entered in D. C. 2828. Plate 1014; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 2831. Plate 307 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 2832. Plate 278 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2833. DM. magn. 3.4. H. P. magn. 3.3. Measures of brightness obtained on five plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.77, resid. 10112. Plate 340, 382, 4; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1091, first and second images ; spectrum C f 2835. Plate 1013; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ? limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2840. Plates 298 and 340 ; image very poor ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 1013; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1014 ; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2841. Plate 1013, second image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2843. Plate 307 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410. 5 ; 434, 5. 2844. Plate 275; on first examination spectrum C ? Plate 341; on first examination spectrum A? Plat* 1057 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1069; 410, 8; 434, 3. 2845. Plate 954 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 2848. Plate 1013 ; 410, 3 f 434, 3 ? 2849. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Lepus 12, magn. 3.1, var.? Plate 278; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 278; 397 a 484; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 307 ; limit of spec- trum/3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1; 458,2; 461,2; 466,1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plat*. 345 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plat. 1034; 448, 3; 456,2; 458,1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1068 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2; 471, 2. 2853. Plate 192 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2864. U. A. Erdianus 289, magn. 6.9, var. ? 2866. DM. magn. 3. 2868. Plates 298 and 340; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 340 ; on second examination spectrui A? Plate 956; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1014- limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5 ; 434,5. Plate 1091 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 2869. Plate 1013 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; on re-examinatiot 410, 5; 434, 5. 2871. Plates 298 and 1014; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A ? 2878. Plate 341, first image; 406, 4; 421, 4. 290 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Plate 341 ; a 394 ; Plate 954 ; a 394 ; Plate 1035; a 394; 410, 2; 434, Plate 1057; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, Plate 1069 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, Plate 1071 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2879. Plate 1014; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2884. Plate 1057 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 2885. Plate 307 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. 2892. Images very poor. Plate 954 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H? Plates 1057 and 1069; on first examination spectrum A ? 2894. Plate 1057 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. 2895. Plate 1013 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 2896a. DM. +44 1128. R. A. 5 h 5">.8, +44 27'. En tered erroneously in Table I. See 2376. 2897. Plate 217 ; spectrum C. 2900. The letter t stands for bd. DM. +79 168, magn. 9.0, precedes I 8 , north 0'.4. Plate 898 ; on first examination spectrum A ? near edge of plate. Plate 165; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plato 185; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 217; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 275; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 410, 2; 434, 2. 2 ; 434 double. 2 ; 434 double. 2; 434 double. 2 ; 434 double. 2902. Plate 1014; 402, 2. 2908. U. A. Orion 43, magn. 7.0, var. 1 2911. Duuer44. 2912. Plate 1014; on first examination spectrum C f Plate 1091; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 2913. Plate 307 ; 402, 2. 2914. Plate 1013; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 2916. Plate 1014 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 2917. U. A. Orion 46, magn. 5.1, var. Plate 345 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1034; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 1. 2920. DM. magn. 3. 2930. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1.0. H. P. magn. 0.2. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plate 298 ; on first examination spectrum B ; additional lines. Plate 840, first image ; on first examina- tion spectrum A ? only a small portion of spec- trum visible on plate ; a 394. Plate 840, second image ; on first examination spectrum K? a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 192 ; a 394. Plate 1013 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 492 seen. Plate 1014, first image ; a 394 ; 410, 2? 434, 2 ? Plate 1014, second image ; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1091 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ? 434, 2 ? 2934. Plates 340 and 1091 ; on first examination spectrum E I Plate 298 ; hydrogen lines narrow. 2935. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1. A. G. C. magn. 1.0. H. P. magn, 0.3. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plates 345, first image, 1034 and 1092 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 345, second image; on first examination spectrum B; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 276 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f Plate 307 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 f 434, b ? 2938. Plate 1071 ; 434 double? 448, 2. 2940. Plate 340; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 2941. Plate 1092; 419, 3. 2944. DuneV 46. Plate 340 ; on first examination spec- trum A? 2950. A. G. C. 6045. 2952. Plate 298 ; on special examination spectrum M 1 Plate 298; 448, 3; 456,2; 461, 2. Plate 340; 448, 2; 458, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1013; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. 2953. Plates 353 and 1229; spectrum C ? 2956. Plate 298; 410, 2; 434, 4. Plate 340; limit of spectrum #; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1013 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410,2; 434,2. Plate 1014 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1091 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? 2960. Plate 1013; image poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 2961. Plate 307 ; spectrum C. 2962. Plate 1013; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ? limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2963. Plates 275, 1035, and 1057 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 341 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 954; 410, 4; 434, 4; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1069; 410, 6; 434, 6. Plate 1071 ; 410,5; 434,5; 410 and 434 double? 2969. Plate 340 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1042 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 2973. Plate 1013 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 2976. Plate 1071 ; spectrum C. 2978. Plates 298, 1014 and 1091 ; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 2979. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Orion 55, magn. 5.8, var. ? Plate 345 ; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1034; spec- trum C? 2980. The spectrum on Plate 298 was supposed to be that of DM. +24 818; on re-examination the star was found to be DM. +44 1182, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 2989. 2986. Plate 298; 392, 1; 402, 1. 2991. Combined with 2992. DM. magns. 7.3 and 7.0. A. G. C. magns. 6| and 7. Combined in U. A., magn. 6.1. Plates 307 and 1092; image poor; on first examination spectrum E ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 291 2992. See 2991. 2993. Plate 276; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 2994. Plate 1057; 410,5 ; 431, 5. 2996. Plate 345; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3004. Plates 276 and 1034; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 3006. Plate 307 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E ? 3007. Plate 307; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 345 ; 402, 2. 3008. DM. -I-79 172, magn. 9.5, precedes 12 s , north 0'.2. 3009. Plate 307 ; on first examination spectrum F f a 894; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 276, second image ; 392, 2 ; 402, 1 ; 4.33, 2. Plate 345 ; 382, 4 ; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 8012. Plate 345 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8013. Plate 1014; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 3015. Plate 345 ; 402, 2. 3016. Plate 345 ; image very poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 276; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3017. Plate 298 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 298; 448, 3; 461, 2. 8020. Combined with 3021. DM. magns. 6.6 and 6.4. H. P. magns. 6.4 and 5.9. 3021. See 3020. 3023. Plate 1071; spectrum C. 3024. Plate 345 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8026. Plate 298 ; a394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1013; 410, 2? 434, 2? Plate 1042 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3027. Plate 1092; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 345; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3029. Plate 276 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3030. Plate 276; 448, 3; 461, 2. 8035. Plates 307 and 309; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f Near edge of Plate 807. Plate 276; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 809; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 345; 382, 4. Plate 1034; 382, 4; 402, 1; 453, 2. 8036. Entered erroneously. Observation added to D. C. 8640. 3037. Plate 1092; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 345, first image ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. Plate 345, second image ; 402, 2. 3038. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 2.0. U. A. magn. 1.7, var. ? H. P. magn. 1.9. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plates 809 and 1034; on first examination spectrum E ? Near edge of Plate 1034. Plate 276; 392, 1; 402, 1. Plate 309 ; a 394. Plate 345 ; 382. 4; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3040. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 1.9. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. 3043. Plate 1042; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1092 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3045. Plate 340, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3047. Plate 276; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 3049. Plate 345 ; 402, 2. 3050. Plates 1013 and 1042 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1013; limit of spectrum 8 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1042 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3051. Plate 1057 ; spectrum Cl 3052. Plate 298 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 298 ; 448, 3. Plate 1013 ; 448, 3. 3055. Plate 1042; 402, 2. Plate 1092; 414, 2. 3058. Plate 298 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1042 ; 402, 2. 3060. Plate 276 ; 402, 2. Plate 345 ; 382, 2 ; 892, 2j 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1092; 402, 2. 3062. Plate 1014; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f 3064. Plate 345 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum F ? 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 3066. Plate 309 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3067. Plate 1057; on first examination spectrum Ct Plate 1069; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8069. Plate 1069; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1035: 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1057; 410, 3; 434, 3. 3074. Plate 1013; spectrum C? Plate 1 025 ; spectrum C. 3075. Plate 309 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 3076. Plate 1013 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3079. Combined with 3080. DM. magns. 7.7 and 6.5. Plate 1014; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1026 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 3080. See 3079. 8082. Plate 309; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 3083. Plate 1057; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8084. Plate 1057; image faint; on first examination spec- trum A ? 3085. DM. magn. 3. Plate 276, first image ; a 394. Plate 276, second image ; 468, 1. Plate 309 ; limit of spectrum (3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, I. Plate 345; a 394; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1092; a 394; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, S ; 461, 2 ; 466, l;-468, 1. 3092. Plate 1014; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 3093. Plate 1108; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 3094. Plate 1108 ; on first examination spectrum E ; near edge of plate. 292 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 3095. Var. in A G. C. U. A. Orion 81, magn. var. 4f-C. Plate 345 ; 448, 3. 3096. Plato 1G5 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 10G9; on first examination spectrum H. 3100. Plate 276 ; 402, 2. Plato 345, ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 3101. Plate 1014; spectrum C? 3106. Plate 1108 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? near edge of plate. Plate 276 ; 402, 2; 419, 2; 448, 2. 3108. Plates 298 and 1025; on first examination spec- trum F. Plate 1091 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 298; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1025; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5? 434, 5t 3109. Plate 1071 ; spectrum C. 3110. Dundr 48. Plate 1042; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A? 3111. Plate 1069; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8112. Plate 1013; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1117; on first examination spectrum F! 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3113. Plate 277 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E f 3116. DM. magn. 9.5. On chart magnitude 6 or 7. Per- haps the type of 6 has been inverted in printing the magnitude in the catalogue. Plate 1025 ; spectrum C ? 8120. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 2.0. A. G. C. magn. 2.3. H. P. magn. 2.4. U. A. Orion 88, magn. 2.3, var. ? Measure of brightness obtained on Plate 276, first image; image too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Plate 276, second image ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394; 410, 2? 434, 2f Plate 345; 402, 1; 453, 1. 8124. Plate 276 ; 402, 2. Plate 345; 392, 1 ; 402, 2; 453, 1. Plate 1092; 392, 1; 402, 1; 443, 2: 453, 2. 3127. Plate 185; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1057; on first examination spectrum C. 3129. Plate 1057 ; spectrum C. 3130. Plate 1025 ; on first examination spectrum F ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3133. Plate 1108; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3137. Plate 298; 387, 5; 402, 1. Plate 1042; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3138. Plate 276 ; a 394; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 309 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 345; a 394; 410,3; 434,3. Plate 1092; a 394 ; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1108; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. DM. magn. 3. 3140. Plato 309; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410,5? 434, 5f 3141. Plate 1026; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3145. A. G. C. magn. 7. 3147. Plate 309; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 3148. Plate 298; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. Plate 1042; 402, 2. 3150. Plate 276; 402, 2. Plato 345; 402, 2. Plate 1092; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 3152. Combined with 8153. U. A. Orion 101, magn. 3.5, var.? Plate 298; 392, 1; 402, 2; 419, 1; 453, 2. Plate 345 ; 402, 2. 3153. See 3152. 3159. The letter t stauds for br. U. A. Orion 103, magn. 5.8, var.? U. A. Orion 102, magn. var. 5-7$ precedes I s , south 0'.5. DM. -6 1233, magn. 6.8, precedes 0".9, in same declination. This star should have been entered in D. C. as companion to 3159. Plate 309 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3160. Plate 1035 ; image faint ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 3163. Combined with 3164 on Plates -276, 309, first and second images, and 345. Photographic magn. 5.09. Values in successive columns of Table II. 5.2 5.9 5.3, 24.S, Saa-y, 0000. Plate 1092; on first examination spectrum E? Plates 276 and 345; on special examination spectrum Q ? spectrum of nebula superposed, making it hard to determine the class. Plate 276 ; spectrum peculiar ; bright lines? spectrum of nebula superposed. Plate 309, first image ; spectrum peculiar ; bright lines ? spectrum of nebula superposed. Plate 309, second image ; spectrum peculiar ; bright lines , spectrum of nebula superposed. Plate 345 ; spectrum pe- culiar; bright lines? spectrum of nebula super- posed. Plate 1092; 402, 1. Plates 1092 and 1108, on second examination several bright bands ; 409 ? bright band ; 431 ? bright baud. These bands are very hazy, and do not resemble bright Hues. They may be in the nebulosity surrounding the star. 3164. See 3163. Plate 1092; spectrum peculiar; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. Plate 1108; 402, 2? 421, 3; 431,3. 3165. The letter t stands for bdr. DM. -4 1183, magn. 7.0, in same K. A. north 4'.9, superposed. Should be entered in D. C. as companion to 3165. Plate 345 ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3166. U. A. Orion 109, magn. 5.5, combined in TJ. A. with 110, magn. 6.1 ; combined magnitude 5.1, var. ? Plate 276 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. Plate 845; 402, 1. Plate 1092 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. 3167. A. G. C. magn. 7. 3168. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3; A. G. C. magn. 2.9 ; H. P. magn. 3.0. Measures of bright- ness obtained on three plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.45; resid. 52 4. Plate 276; on first examina- THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 293 tion spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plates 309, first and second images, 345, 1092, ami 1108 ; on first examination spectrum A? 3169. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Orion 111, inagn. 6.8, var. f Plates 1092 and 1108; image poor ami faint. Plate 1092; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1108; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 2 76; 402, 2. 3170. Plate 1026; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1069; 410, 3; 434, 3. 3175. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 2.0. A. G. C. magn. 1.8. H. P. magn. 1.8. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plate 309 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 345 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. 3177. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 345; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3179. Plate 345; 448,3; 456,2; 461,2. Plate 1108; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2; 456, 2. 8180. Plate 1042, second image; spectrum C? Plate 1092 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 3181. Plate 276 ; 402, 2. 3188. Plate 1035; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 3189. Plate 1108; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3193. Plates 309 and 1108; image vf ry poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f 3194. Plate 1042; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 3195. Plate 1014; 448, 3. 3197. Plate 1069 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3200. Plate 277; 392, 2; 402, 2; 419, 2; 453, 2. 3204. Plate 309 ; 402, 2. 3205. Plate 345 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 , 434, 5. Plato 1108 ; imago very poor ami faint; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 3207. Plate 276 ; 402, 2. Plate 309 ; 402, 2. Plate 1108; 392, 1; 402, 2; 443, 5; 468, 2. S208. Plate 309 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 3211. Plate 1091; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 298; 403, 6; 419, 6. 3218. Plate 1092; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? 3222. Images very poor and faint. Plate 309 ; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1108; on first examination spectrum H? 3224. Combined with 3225. DM. magns. 7.5 and 7.0. 3225. See 3224. 3226. Plate 1026; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5f 3228. Plate 345; on second examination spectrum E f 3231. Plate 1042 ; 402, 2; 453, 1. Plate 1108 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2. 3234. Plate 309 ; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1108; on first examination spectrum E f 3236. Plate 309 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2. Plate 345 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. Plate 1108; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3237. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 3238. DM. magn. 2. U. A. magn. 1.8. H. P. magn. 1.9. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images Plate 276 ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1092; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 345; 392, 1; 402, 2; 453, 1. 3238. See 3237. 3239. Plate 309 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 309, 410, 5; 434, 5. 3245. Plate 1069; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1071 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H ; on second exam- ination spectrum F f 3246. Plate 309; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434,5. 3250. Plate 1042; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1025; 402, 2; 448, 2. 3255. Plate 1069; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1069; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3256. Plate 1108 ; on first examination spectrum A? on second examination spectrum F f 3258. Plate 1035; spectrum C? 3266. Plate 1025; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 3268. Plate 111 7; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 3272. Plate 1108; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3278. Plate 309; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3279. The spectrum measured on Plate 277 was supposed to be that of DM. +32 1083. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +40 1403, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 3268. 3281. Plate 898; 410, 5; 434,5. 3283. Plate 276 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 309; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 345; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1092; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plato 1108; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 4; 434, 4; 410 and 434 double. 3287. Plate 1069; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3288. Plate 1092 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3295. Plate 1108; 402, 2; 453, 1. 3298. Plate 1094 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 277; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 294 AXNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1026; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1117; 448, 3; 456, 2. 3304. Plate 277; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plate 1025; 448, 3. 3306. DM. magn. 2.5. TJ. A. Orion 141, magn. 2.3, var. ? H. P. inagu. 2.2. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate. Image too dense to determine mag- nitude with accuracy. Plate 1108; on re-exam- ination 492 seen. 3309. Plate 309 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3312. Plate 341 ; spectrum C. 3313. Plate 309; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 1167; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? near edge of plate. 3314. Plate 1093 ; spectrum C f 3315. Duner 49. 3317. Plate 310; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 277 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 461, 2. Plate 310; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1026; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1091 \ 448, 3. Plate 1094 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1117; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 1. 3319. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 3321. Images poor. Near edge of Plates 1070 and 1167. Plates 309 and 1070; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 1167 ; on first examination spec- trum H? 3328. Plate 341 ; spectrum C. 3330. Plates 341 and 1069; spectrum C? 3332. Plate 299; image poor on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1108; 402, 2; 443, 2. 8334. Images poor. Plate 1070; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. 3335. Plate 1069 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 3337. Plate 309,- 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1070; 448, 3. Plate 1108; 448, 3. Plate 1118; 448, 3. Plate 1167 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 3338. Plate 1026 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3340. U. A. Orion 147, magn. 5.5, var. Plate 309 ; 448, 3. 3342. Plate 1167, second image ; spectrum C ? 3347. Plate 1117 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3349. Plate 27-Z ; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434,3; 434 double. Plate 310; 410, 1; 434, 4. Plate 1025; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1093; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 3351. Plate 1026; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3358. Images very poor and faiut. Plate 299 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410,5; 434,5. Plates 1070 and 1167 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3360. Plate 1035; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double; on re-examination 410, 3? 434, 3? 3361. The letter t stands for dr. Dundr 50. Var. in DM. U. A. Orion 152. Var. 1.0-1.4. H. P. inagn. 0.9. Measures of brightness obtained on three plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.32, resid. 153. On first examination of all plates spec- trum K. Plates 1108 and 1118; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Plate 299 ; a 394 ; bright lines; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plato 309; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,7. Plate 1108; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 2; 471, 1; 492 seen ; on re-examination 492 proved to be a de- fect. Plate 1118; a 894; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, ; 461, 2 ; 468, 2; 471, 1; 480, 3. Plate 1167; a 3945 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443,1; 448, 3 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 2. 3364. Plate 1093; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 3369. A. G. C. 6964. 3371. Plate 1025; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 3373. Plate 309 ; 448, 3. 3374. Plato 165 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3375. Plate 1096; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 277; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 277; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1. Plate 300 ; 397 a 434 : 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1026 ; limit of spectrum 8; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1096; 410, 3? 434, 3f Plate 1117; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434; 436, 1; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 3378. Plate 1069; spectrum C ? 3381. Plate 810; 402, 1. 3382. Plates 309 and 1108, first and second images poor ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 299; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1070; a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1118; a 894; 410, 5? 434,5? Plate 1167 ; a 394 ; 410, 5? 434,5? 3385. Plate 1069; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3390. Plate 1071 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3391. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 51. Plates 310 and 1026 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 1094; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 310, 1026, and 1094 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 310 ; 448, 3. Plate 1026 ; 448, THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 295 3392. 3395. 3402. 3404. 3408. 3409. 3414. 3418. 3419. 3423. 3424. 3429. 3433. 3437. 3438. 3440. 3442. 3447. 3448. 3449. 3457. 3460. 3462. 3464. 3466. 3467. 3470. 3471. 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1094 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 2; 456, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1094 ; 448, 2. A. G. C. magu. 7. Plate 1118; 453, 2. Plate 309 ; spectrum C ? Plate 309 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Images very poor and faint. Plate 1094; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1025; spec- trum C f U. A. Orion 161, magn. 5.2, var.? Plate 1070; 448, 8; 461, 2. Plate 1167; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1070; 410,5; 434,5; 410 aud 434 double. Plate 1167; a 394 ; 410, 6; 434, 5. Plate 1096; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1096; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1167; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 299; 402, 2; 453,2. Plate 1070; 402,2; 453, 1. Plate 1118; 402, 2. Plate 1167; 392, 1; 402, 1 ; 419, 1 ; 458, 2. A. G. C. magn. 8. Plate 1025 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 310; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1093; 448, 3. Plate 1025 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1093 ; hydrogen lines narrow i on first ex- amination spectrum F? Plate 310; hydrogen lines narrow. Plate 1025; a 394. Plate 1093; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1094 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? DM. -16 1342, magn. 9.1, precedes 2".2, north I'.O. Plate 1108; on first examination spectrum E? near edge of plate. Plate 1167; on second exam- ination spectrum E ? Plate 299 ; 402, 2. Plate 1118; 402, 2. Plate 300; spectrum C? Plate 1026; image poor; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1167; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1108 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; near edge of plate. Plate 299 ; on first examination spectrum F ?. 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1035 ; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 1070 ; 453, 2. Plate 1167 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 1. Plate 1108; on first examination spectrum E ; near edge of plate. Plato 310; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1093 ; 382, 3 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 299 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1070; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1069; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1229 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plato 1071 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3472. Plate 1118 ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. 3475. A. G. C. 7298. 3477. Duner 52. Photometric magnitude 6.25. See An- nals of H. C. 0., Vol. XIV. p. 411. 3479. Plate 299 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum E f 3480. Duuer 53. 3486. Plate 299 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 3491. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 3493. Plates 299 aud 1167; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F. Plate 299 ; 410, 5 f 434, 5 f Plate 1167; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3499. Plate 1069 ; on first examination spectrum A. 3500. Plates 194 and 1118; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum Af Plate 1070; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1167; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3506. Plate 1099 ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1093 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3507. Plate 194; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 310; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1093 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 1. 3511. Plate 310; on second examination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 3512. U. A. Lepus 100, magn. 6.0, var. f 3513. Plate 1035; on special examination spectrum Mf 3517. Plate 1099; on first examination spectrum E ? near edge of plate. Plate 299 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1070 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1118; 392, 2; 402, 2. Plate 1167; 392, 4; 402, 2. 3521. Plate 1093 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 3522. Plate 341 ; spectrum C. 3524. Plate 299 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 3526. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum E f 3527. Plate 194 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1167; image very poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 3529. Plate 1071 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3531. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 3532. Duner 54. 3534. linages very poor and faint Plate 1035 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1071 ; on first examination spectrum H f 3535. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 55. On first exam- ination of plates spectrum K. Plates 300, 310, and 1095; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1093 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 296 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 300; 397 a 434; 434 double? 448,3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 3 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 3 ; 474, 2. Plate 310; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 443, 1. 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1093; 397 a 434; 434 double? 448,3; 456, 1; 458, /; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1095 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double? 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458,1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. 3536. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 3537. Plate 300; limit of spectrum /3 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1093; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1095; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 46 1 , 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 3538. Plate 1093 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. Plate 300 ; image good ; lines well de- fined ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1095; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3543. Plate 1099; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 310; hydrogen lines narrow. 3546. Plate 1095; image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 3547. Plate 1099 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 194 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 299; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1070; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2\ 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1167; 448, 2. 3548. Plate 310 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 3549. Plate 1093; 402, 2 ; 468, 5. 3553. Plate 11 18; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 1167 ; on second ex- amination spectrum F ? 3554. Plate 299 ; on first examination spectrum A ? only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate Plate 194; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1070; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3556. Plate 194; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1167; image very poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? 3557. Plate 1070; 402, 2. 3559. Plate 194; image good ; lines well defined ; onfirsi and second examinations spectrum F ; a 394 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1099; image very poor on first examination spectrum E? Plates 310 and 1093; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum A ? 3566. Image poor and faint on all plates. Plates 299 anc 1118; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum F? a 394 410, 5; 434, 5. 3567. Plate 1118 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? Plate 299 ; hydrogen lines nareow. Plate 1070 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3569. U. A. Orion 182, magn. 6.2, var. ? Plate 299; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum H ? 3570. Plate 1070 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410. 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint : on first examination spectrum H. A.G-C. magu. 7. 3571. Plate 300; 402, 3. 3573. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H ? 3575. A. G. C. magn. 7. 3582. Plate 194; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3584. Plate 299 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 51 434, 5? Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum H ? 3586. Plate 1071; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plat* 1096; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3587. Combined with 3588. DM. magns. 8.5 and 7.5. 3588. See 3587. 3589. Plate 1099; on first examination spectrum E. Plat* 1167 ; image poor; on second examination spec- trum F. Plate 1070 ; 402, 2. 3595. Plates 299, 1099, and 1118; on first examinatioi spectrum E ? Plate 1167 ; image very poor am faint; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3597. Plate 194; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3598. Plate 1099 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 194; 392, 1; 402, 2. Plate 1070; 402, 2. Plate 1099 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3599. U. A. Orion 185, magn. 5.5, var. ? 3606. Plate 1070; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1167 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3607. Plate 299 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1167; on first examination spectrum H. 3610. Plate 299 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2 ; on re-examination 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 3611. A. G. C. magn. 7. U. 'A. magn. 6.1. Plate 194; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 299 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1070; several dark lines between 397 and 486. 3613. Plate 166 ; spectrum C. 3615. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 57. Plates 300, 1093, and 1095 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 310 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 300, 310, 1093, and 1095; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Plate 300; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 446, 3 ; 448, 2 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 3 ; 458, 2; 461,2; 466, 1; 468,2; 471, 2; 474,1; 477, 2; 48.0, 1. Plate 310; 434 double? 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1093 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2 ; 463, 3 ; 468, 5 ; 471, 1. Plate 1095 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, J; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458,2 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 297 3618. Plate 1035 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1071 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 3620. Plate 341 ; spectrum C. 3621. Plate 299; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3622. The spectrum measured on Plate 1035 was sup- posed to be that of DM. +58 924. On re-exam- ination the star was found to be DM. +58 923, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 3618. 3625. Plate 166 ; spectrum C. 3626. Plates 299 and 1167; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 3627. Plate 1167; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3630. DM. magn. 3. A. G. C. magn. 2.2. H. P. magn. 2.0. Measure of brightness obtained on Plate 1118; image too dense to determine magnitude. Plate 1099; 382,4; 402,1; 453, 2 Plate 116 7; 402, 1. 3632. Plate 1095; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum Et 3633. Plate 1167 ; spectrum C ? 3634. Plate 1099 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1167; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3636. Plate 1167; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3638. Plates 194 and 1167; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1167; image very poor; near edge of plate. 3641. U. A. Monoceros, magn. 28, var. 6-7^. Plate 1167; image very poor; near edge of plate; ou second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1109, Class I; on special examination spec- trum H. 3642. Images poor ; near edge of plates. Plates 299 and 311; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1118; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 299; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 311; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3643. A. G. C. magn. 7. 3645. Plates 1070 and 1167; images poor ; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum F 1 Plate 1070; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1167; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3646. Assumed to be H. P. 1206. Cum. 3648. Plate 311; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 3651. Plate 1057; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3653. Plate 1071 ; spectrum C f 3655. Plate 299; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 3657. A. G. C. magn. 7. 305!). Plate 1071 ; 434 double; 444, 4. 3660. Plate 264; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1095; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 3; 434, 3. 3662. Plate 194 ; 448, 3; ou re-examination 448, 3. 3663. Plates 341, 1057, and 1112 ; spectrum C. 3664. Plates 1035, 1057, and 1112; ou first examination spectrum E? Plate 1057; image poor; near edge of plate. 3667. Plate 1099 ; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 194; 402, 2; 419, 1 ; 453, 2. Plate 1099 ; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1132; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3673. Combined with 3674. DM. magns. 5.5 and 5.5. Plate 194 ; 892, 1 ; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1099 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 3 ; 453, 2. Plate 1132 ; 402, 2. 3674. See 3673. 3676. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 3677. Plate 353 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 1035 and 1071 ; on special examination spec- trum Ml Plate 1035; 448, 4; 458, 2. Plate 1071 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1229; 448, 4. 3682. Plates 1071 and 1119; on first examination spec- truniA? Plate 165; 410, 4; 434, 4. Platel85; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1035; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1069; 410,5; 434,5; 410 and 434 double f 3685. DM. +11 1205, magn. 9.2 follows OM, north 0'.6. Images very poor and faint. Plate 194; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 264 ; on first examination spectrum H 1 3690. Plate 194 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3693. Plate 300 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. 3697. First measure 5.99, resid. 246. Plate 1095 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 3701. Plate 1035; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1071; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 3702. Plate 311 ; 402, 2. 3703. Plate 1106; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 3706. Plate 185; ou first examination spectrum A? Plate 1035 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examination spectrum H ? 3708. Plate 1071 ; 448, 3; 458. 2; 468, 2. 3712. Plate 311; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3713. The spectrum measured on Plate 311 was supposed to be that of H. P. 1240. On re-examination the star was found to be H. P. 1228, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D C. 3696. 3715. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 166 ; spectrum of D. C. 3778 superposed, and combined light measured ; observed brightness 5.6. On first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 165; 298 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 185 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 275; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 341; 410, 1; 434, 1. Plate 353; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 440 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1035; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1057 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1064; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1069 ; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1071 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 1072; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1112; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1119; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 1229 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 3718. Plates 185 and 1071 ; image faint; on first exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 1035; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. 3725. Plate 194; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1132, first image ; on first examination spectrum E ? near edge of plate. 3726. Plate 311 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 3729. Plate 311 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3733. Plate 300; 402, 2; 453, 1. Plate 1105; 392, 2; 402, 2; 424, 2. 3734. DM. magn. 2.1. H. P. magn. 2.0. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 2.94, resid. 1 2. 3735. Plate 311; 410, 51 434, 5? 3739. Plate 1096; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 300; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1096 ; 448, 3. 3740. Plate 311; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 194; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 1; 458,7; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 311; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 1099; 448, 3. Plate 1132; 448, 3. 3751. Plate 311 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. 3752. Plate 1057; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 3757. Plate 311 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1132; 448, 3. 3760. Plate 1132; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectruin E ? 3761. Plate 1132; 392, 3; 402, 2. 3765. Plate 194 ; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 311; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3767. Plate 311 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3772. Plate 1132; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E I 3777. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1064 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F? near edge of plate. Plate 1229; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5; on second examination spectrum E ? 8778. See 3715. 3781. Plate 300; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 264; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 300; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458,3; 461,2; 466,1; 468,7; 471,2. Plate 1095 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1104; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 2 ; 468, 2. 3783. Plate 264 ; 448, 3; 456, 2. 3784. Plate 1132; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. 3786. Images very poorand faint. Plates 1064 and 1112 ; on first examination spectrum H ? near edge of; plates. Plate 1071 ; on first examination spoc- trum F? 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1229; on first examination spectrum E? 3789. Plate 1063; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1096 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3790. Plate 264; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 398 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1099; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1104 ; limit of spectrum 8 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double? 3791. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 3792. Plates 166 and 1096; images very poor and faint. Plate 166 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1096; on first and second examinations spectrum A f Plate 166 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1063 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1071 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 3792. See 3791. 3794. Plate 311 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; -on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. S795. Plate 1071 ; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3797. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1. A. Gr. C. magn. 1. H. P. magn. 1.4. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plates 311, 1099, and 1132; lines on spectrum burned out ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 342 ; lines well defined ; on second examination spectrum A. Plate 398; a 394. 3798. Plates 342 and 398; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 342; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 398 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3799. Plate 311 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3800. Plate 311 ; 402, 2. 3801. Plate 1104 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3802. K. A. 6 h 42 m .9, Dec. -21 0'. See 3812a, Table II. and remarks. 3803. The spectrum measured on Plate 311 was supposed THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 299 to bo DM. 20 1555. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. 20 1576, anil the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 3812. 3806. Plate 311 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 3808. Combined with 3809. DM. magns. 8.9 and 9.0. 3809. See 3808. 3810. Plate 311; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 311; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1132; 397 a 434; 448, S. 3812. Plate 311 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. See D. C. 3812a. 3812a. DM. -20 1577, magu. 8.1, R. A. 6 h 42 m .9, Dec. -21 0'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 8802. Spectrum superposed on that of D. C. 3812. 8814. Plate 1063; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3819. II. A. magn. 8. 3820. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum F 1 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3822. Plate 1063; limit of spectrum o ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 461, 2. 3823. Plate 398; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 51 434, 5? Plate 1132; image poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 3826. Plates 166 and 1229 ; on first examination spec- trum A. Near edge of Plate 1229. Plate 1071 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 434 double. 3828. Plate 311 ; 402, 2. Plate 398; 402, 2. 3830. Plate 1063 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 484, 5. 3831. Plate 398; on first examination spectrum E ? 3833. Plate 1071 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 3834. Plates 166, 446, 1035, and 1112 ; on special exam- ination spectrum M ? Plate 166 ; 448, 2 ; 463, 2. Plate 185; 448, 4 ; 458, 4 ; 468, 4. Plate 446 ; 406,2; 426, 3; 448, 3; 458,0; 468,2. Plate 1035; 397 a 434; 448, 5; 458, 3, 463, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1064; 397 a434 ; 434 double? 443, 2; 448, 2. Plate 1069 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1071 ; 397 a 434; 448, 4 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 5; 463, 1 ; 466, 1; 468, 5; 471, 1. Plate 1072; 448, 3; 458, 1. Plate 1112; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 463, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1119 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 463, 3 ; 468, 1. Plate 1229 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 3837. Plate 1063 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 3839. Plate 264; on first examination spectrum A ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 3840. Plates 311 and 398 ; image very poor; on first ex- amination spectrum F? Plate 311; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 398 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3843. A. G. C. magn. 7. 3846. U. A. Canis Major 80, magn. 7.0, van f 3847. Plate 1063; limit of spectrum (3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 3850. Image very poor on all plates. Plate 1105; on first examination spectrum H f 3851. Plate 1132; 402, 5; 453, 5. 3853. A. G. C. 8522. 3858. Plate 1063; on second examination spectrum Ft 410, 2? 434, 2? 3859. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3863. Plate 1105 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? 3864. A. G. C. magn. 8. 38C5. Plate 1062; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3867. Plate 353 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1119; on first examination spec- trum G ? near edge of plate. Plate 1071 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 446, 1 ; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461,2; 468,2. Plate 1119; 897a434; 448, 2; 463, 3. 3870. Plate 1062; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 8; on re-examination limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 8; 434, 3. 3875. Plate 1063; 410,5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 3876. Plate 1104; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A f Plate 1062; 410, 3; 434, 3. 3878. Plate 311; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1132; 402, 2; 453, 2. 3879. A. G. C. 8607. 3882. Plates 311, first and second images, and 1100; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 398 and 1132; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 311, first and second images, and 898 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 898; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1132; 448, 3; 461, 2. 3885. A. G. C. 8624, magn. 7. 3886. Plate 311 ; on first examination spectrum H; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 1132; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3; 461, 2; 471, 2. 3889. Plate 311 ; spectrum peculiar; bright lines. 3891. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3893. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 3897. Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum H ? 3898. Plate 1064; on first examination spectrum Hf Plate 1071; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 3900. Plate 1063 ; on first examination spectrum H? 3901. Plate 1062 : 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3902. Plate 1100; 402, 2; 419, 2. 3904. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. magn. 4.9. A. G. C. magn. 5. Plate 398 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F f limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 300 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 3906. Plates 342 and 1100 ; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F f Plate 398 ; on first exam- ination spectrum Ef Plate 342; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 1100; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3909. Plate 1100; image poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 3910. Plate 185 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 3913. Plate 1062; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 I 434, 5? on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 3919. Plate 1062, first image; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1062, second image ; on first examination spectrum E f 3920. Combined with 3921. DM. magus. 7.5 and 7.7. Plate 1063; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3921. See 3920. 8924. Images poor. Plates 1064 and 1112; on first ex- amination spectrum H f Plato 1229 ; on first and second examinations spectrum E. Plate 1035; image good. 3925. Plate 1063 ; 402, 1 ; 419, 2. 3926. Plate 1104; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 3931. A. G. C. 8732. 3932. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 59. Plates 140 and 2242; on first examination spectrum I ?_ Plate 2242 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 140; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 2242; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2; 466, 2. 3933. Plate 1100; on first examination spectrum E. 3934. Plate 1071 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E. 8939. The letter t stands for dr. A. G. C. magn, 1.8. H. P. magu. 1.5. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate ; image too dense to determine magnitude. Plate 311 ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 3940. Plate 1063; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 3942. Plate 1062; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3946. Plate 398; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8949. Plate 398 ; 410, 5 ; 435, 5. 3952. Plate 1100 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E I 3960. Plate 1062 ; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1104 ; image poor; on second examination spectrum A I 3961. Dundr CO. 3964. DM. +12 1394, magn. 8.0, precedes 2".0, south 0.'2. Plate 398 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examina- tion 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3967. Dundr 62. 3970. Plate 1063; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 3973. Plate 1105; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1111; on first examination spectrum F 1? 410, 5; 434, 5. 3974. U. A. Canis Major 114, magn. 3.6, var. ? 31)75. Plate 1064 ; spei-.trum C t Plate 1112 ; spectrum C. 3976. Plate 398 ; 438, 2. 3977. U. A. Monoceros 108, magn. 5.5, var.? First measure 4.44, resid. . 1 1 4. Plate 1100 ; second measure gives residual 8 ; first measure related to H. P. 1337, and was rejected. Plate 1100, first image; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1100, second imago ; 392, 2 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. 3978. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 3979. Plate 398 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 398; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 468, 1. 3980. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. Plate 264 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 312; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1062; image good ; lines well defined ; on first examination spectrum G ? on second examination spectrum K ? on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 332 ; 448, 2. Plate 1062; a 394 ; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1104 ; 448, 2. 3984. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 3.82, resid. 2 2 . p 3 8. Plate 1 100 ; first measure gives residual 13; second measure gives residual 4< first measure related to DM. 4 1788, and was rejected. Plate 1132; second measure gives re- sidual 5. Plate 1106; on first examinaton spec- trum E. Plate 1132; on first examination spec- trum F? a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Near edge of Plates 1106 and 1132. Plate 1106; hydrogen lines narrow. 3992. Plate 332; spectrum C. 3998. Plate 1229; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E. 4005. Plate 1063; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434,5. 4007. Plate 333; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4008. 'Plate 1110; image very poor and faint. Plates 333 and 1100; on first examination spectrum E. Plates 398 and 1228 ; on first examination spec- trum F ? Plate 398 ; on second examination spectrum F? Plates 333, 1100, and 1228; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 398; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1228; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4009. A. G. C. magn. 7. Image poor on all plates. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum A f 4013. Plate 1111 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4014. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum I? 448, THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 301 3. Plato 1062 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4018. A. G. C. 8991. Images very poor and faint; near edge of plates. Plate 1036; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1100; on first examination spectrum II f 4019. Plate 1119 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4026. Plate 333 ; image poor ; on second examination spectrum H? Plate 1036; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum K? Plate 1228 ; on first examination spectrum I ? on second examination spectrum K I Plate 333 ; a 394; bright and dark lines seen. Plate 1036; spectrum peculiar; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 434 a486 ; Plate 1228; spectrum peculiar; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 438,. 1 ; 448, 3; 461, 3; 471, 2. 4027. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 398; image poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 4028. A. G. C. 9031. 4029. Plate 1063; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 4031. Plate 1062; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4032. Plate 1062; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1110; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 1153; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1062, 1110, and 1153 ; on special examina- tion spectrum M? Plate 1062; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1110; 448,3. 4033. Plates 398 and 1228; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 4036. Plate 1062 ; on first examination spectrum C. 4037. Plate 1110; spectrum C ? 4040. Duner 64. Plate 1063 ; 448, 3. 4041. A. G. C. 90.J 7. 4043. Plate 1111 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4047. Plates 333 and 398 ; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 333; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 398 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 4052. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4059. Plate 1071 ; 448, 4. Plate 1097; 448, 3; 458, 2. 4060. Plate 1062; image very poor ; 410,5? 434, 5? 486 double? On re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5; the doubling of 486 is probably a defect in plate. 4061. Plate 333 ; on first examination spectrum E. 4063. Plate 1112; image poor and faint, on first ex- amination spectrum H ? Plate 1035 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 4064. DuneV 65. 4065. A. G. C. 9123. Plate 1228; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4066. R. A. 8 h 8 m .l, Dec. +57 24'. See 451 la in Table II. and remarks. 4067. Plate 343; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1063; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1105; 410, 5? 434, 5! 4072. Plate 398; 448, 3. 4073. Images very poor and faint. Plate 398 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1228; on first examination spectrum H. ' 4074. A. G. C. 9168. Image very poor and faint on all plates. Plate 1228 ; on first examination spec- trum H ? I')?.',. Plate 1063; 448, 3. 40,9. Plate 1063; 410,5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4081. The letter t stands for dr. Duudr66. Plate 165; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 185; on first examination spectrum L. Plates 353, 1057, and 1065 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 458, 1119, 1035. and 1229; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 165 ; 421, 10. Plate 185 ; 421, 5; 458, 3; 463, 3; 468, 3. Plate 458; 448, 2; 458,2; 463,1; 468,2. Plate 1035; 434double? 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 461, 3 ; 463, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1119; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 446, 1 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 463, 2; 466, 3; 468, 1 471, 2. Plate 1229; 446, 4 ; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3 ; 463, 1 ; 466, 2; 468, 2; 471, 3. 4083. Plate 1228; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F? limit of spectrum j8; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4087. Plate 333; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1228; image good; spectrum B ? 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1036 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. 4090. Plate 1063; 448, 3. 4091. Plate 446 ; spectrum C ? 4095. A. G. C. 9226. 4101. Plate 1100; 409, 2; 453, 3. 4104. Plate 1228; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 4106. Plate 333; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1036 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1228; on first examination spectrum H. 4110. Plate 1071 ; spectrum C ? 4115. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4116. Plates 312 and 1153; on first examination spec- trum F? Plate 312 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plates 1062 and 1110; 410 and 434 narrow? Plate 1153 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double ? on re-examination 410 and 434 narrow and double ? 4117. Plate 333 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4118. Combined with 4119. DM. magns. 7.2 and 7.8. Plates 1064, 1097, and 1229; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 4119. See 4118. 4120. Plate 1110; spectrum C? 302 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 4122. Images poor. Plate 333 ; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1228 ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4123. Plate 1111 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4126. First measure 5.38, resid. 1444$ 1. Plate 1071; first measure gives residual 11 ; second measure gives residual 3 ; first measure rejected. 4131. Plate 333; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 2392; Class I; on special examination spectrum F; 410, 7; 434, 7. 4133. Plate 1063 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum E? on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1111; image good; lines well defined; spectrum H. 4134. Plate 1228; image very poor and faint ; onfirstex- amination spectrum E. 4137. Plate 1062; on special examination spectrum M? 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4138. This star is U. A. Canis Major 156, magn. 6.2, but is not in the A. G. C. Plate 1228; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. 4142. Plate 1228 ; on first examination spectrum E. 4144. A. G. C. 9374. 4145. Plate 1228; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4149. Plate 1063 ; 448, 3. 4150. Plate 1062; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4151. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 4155. Images poor and faint. Plates 1035 and 1071; on first examination spectrum F. Plates 1064 and 1112; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1229; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1035; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1071; 410, 5? 434, 5? 4156. Plate 1153; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1062; on special examination spectrum M ? 4158. Plate 1064; spectrum C? Plate 1112; 414, 2; 443, 2. 4160. Plate 1228; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; on second examination spectrum F. 4162. Plate 333, second image; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1036; 392, 1; 402, 2. Plate 1100; .402, 2; 414, 2; 426, 2; 463, 2. Plate 1228 ; 419, 2; 453, 2. 4165. Plate 1110; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4167. Plate 1110; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 41 70. Plate 332 ; spectrum C f 4174. Plates 343, 415, and 1153; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 1062 and 1110; on first ex- amination spectrum Kf Plates 343, 415, and 1110; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 343; a 304; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 415; 448, 3. Plate 1062; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1110; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1153; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. 4178. Plate 1100; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4179. Plate 333 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1036; on first examination spectrum E ? 4180. Plate 333 ; image good ; lines well defined ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1100; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on second examination spectrum A ? 4181. Plate 1036; 382, 4; 393, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1228; 402, 2; 453, 2. 4182. Plate 1071 ; 434 double? 448, 3. 4184. Plate 333; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4188. Images poor and faint. Plate 333 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 1228; on first exam ination spectrum H. 4191. Plate 1228; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4192. Plate 1153; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4194. Plates 1100 and 1228; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spec- trum F? Plate 1100; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1228; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? 4195. A. G. C. 9514. Plate 333; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 4197. DM. -0 1722, magn. 9.3, follows 3'.8, north O'.l. 4198. The letter t stands for cd. K. A. in DM. should be 19 m , instead of 18 m . Plates 1062, 1110, and 1153; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1062 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination spectrum A? 310 and 434 narrow f Plate 1110 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 486 double ? on re-examination the doubling of 486 proved to be a defect. Plate 1153 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4200. Plate 1062; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4203. Plate 415; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 10G3; limit of spectrum y; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1111; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1156; limit of spectrum ;3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4206. Plate 1228; 453, 2. 4208. Plate 333 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1228; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spec- trum H. 4209. Plate 333 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 333; 448, 3. Plate 1228 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 303 4211. Plate 1064; image very poor and faint; on first aud second examinations spectrum E. 4215. Plate 1156; image poor; on first examination spec- trum HI 4217. Plate 333 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 4220. Plate 1036 ; 402, 2. 4221. Plate 343; on special examination spectrum M ? 4223. Plate 333 ; image very poor aud faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 4224. A. G. C. 9589. Plate 1228; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 4233. Plates 1071 and 1112; image very poor aud faiut; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1064 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 4235. U. A. Monoceros 139, magn. var. 6-7. Plate 2355, Class I ; on special examination spectrum K. 4237. Plate 1112; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1064; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4246. Plate 333 ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4247. Combined with 4248. DM. magn. 1.7. H. P. magn. 1.6. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate ; image too dense to determine magnitude. 4248. See 4247. 4252. Plates 415, 1110, and 1153 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1110 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate. Plate 1155; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 415; on second examination spectrum H. 4254. Plate 115G; on first examination spectrum E. 4258. Duiier 69. 4259. Plate 1064; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H. 4260. First measure G. 67, resid. 65. Plate 1064 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 4262. Images very poor and faint. Plate 333-; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1228 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 4263. Plates 343 and 1155; on first examination spec- trum I. Plates 415 aud 1153 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H. Plate 1110; on first examination spectrum K ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 343; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 343; 448, 3. Plate 1110; 397 a 434; 434 double ? 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, / ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471,1. Plato 1155 ; 448, 3. 4264. Plate 333 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1101; on first aud second examinations spectrum A ? Plate 333 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1036; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1228; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4266. U. A. magn. 5.7. A. G. C. magn. 6}. Plate 333; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1036 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4269. Plate 1063; spectrum C? 4270. Plate 1064; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum E ? 4271. Plate 1110; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4272. One of a group of stars. 4273. Plate 333 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4275. Combined with 4276. DM. magns. 8.0 and 8.0. U. A. 7.0 and 7.3. A. G. C. 7f and 7J. 4276. See 4275. 4277. Plate 1111 ; 448, 2. 4278. Plate 333; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1101, first image; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 1101, second image; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1228; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 aud 434 double. 4279. Images very poor aud faint. Plates 333, 1101, and 1228; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1036 ; on first examination spectrum H. 4280. Plate 1228; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 4282. Plates 1153 and 1155 ; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 343 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 415; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1111; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 4283. Spectrum of A. G. C. 9825, magn. 7.2, superposed. 4285. Plate 1228; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 4288. Plate 1111; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410,5; 434, 5. 4292. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1.0. U. A. magn. 1.2. H. P. magn. 0.5. Measure of bright- ness obtained on one plate; image too dense to determine magnitude. Plate 1228; on first and second examinations spectrum A? near edge of plate. Plate 333; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 344; a 394; 410, 3? 434, 3? Plate 1101; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 492 seen. Plate 1228; 492 seen. 4294. The spectrum measured on Plate 353 was supposed to be that of DM. +62 950. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +63 733, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 4316. 4297. Combined with 4298. 4298. See 4297. 4300. A. G. C. 9900. Combined with 4301. A. G. C. magns. 6.9 and 7.2. 4301. A. G. C. 9902. See 4300. 4302. A. G. C. magn. 8. 4303. DM. -7 2116 and 2117, magns. 9.3 and 9.2, pre- cede 5 S .2 and 2'.4 south, 0'.3 aud 2'.2. 4306. U. A. Canis Minor 29, magn. 6.4, var. ? 4307. Plate 1064 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 4308. Plate 1112; 407, 7. 4309. Plate 1101; 448, 3. 4310. Plates 1112 and 1229; on first examination spec- trum E. 4311. The spectrum measured on Plate 1228 was supposed to be that of A. G. C. 9944. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. -7 2118, and the 304 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 4303. 4312. Plate 1119; image very poor aud faiut; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4313. Plate 415; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1110; 448, 3. Plate 1153; 448, 3. Plate 1155; 448, 3. 4315. Plate 1112 ; one of a group of three stars. Addi- tional lines seen, but difficult to measure on account of superposition of spectra. Plate 1064 ; 434 double. 4316. Plate 353 ; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 1064; spectrum C ? 4317. Plate 1229; spectrum C? 4318. Plate 1064 ; on first examination spectrum HI 4319. Plate 415 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1110; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 415 ; limit of spectrum o; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 453,2; 456, 1 ; 458,1; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1153; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1155; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. 4321. Plate 1101; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4322. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1.3. H. P. magn. 1.1. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.41, resid. 1 2. Plate 343; on first and second examinations spectrum F f a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 445 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E? Plate 1153; on second exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 415; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 445 ; a 394. Plate 1110; a 394 ; 394 double? several bright and dark lines ; on re-exatnination 394 dis- tinctly double and well separated. May be due to bad focus. Plate 1153; a 394. Plate 1155; a 394. 4326. Images poor; near edge of plates. Plate 416 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1228; on first examination spectrum E ? 4327. Plates 1072 and 1119; image poor and faint. Plates 1071 and 1072 ; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1229; on first examination spec- trum F. Plate 1084; 448, 2. Plate 1112; 448, 2; 458, 1. Plate 1113; 448, 2; 458, 1. Plate 1119; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1229; 410, 3; 434, 3. 4332. Combined with 4333. DM. magns. 7.0 and 7.0. A. G. C. magns. 8 and 7. Plate 400 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H ? 4333. See 4332. 4335. Plato 400 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4339. Plate 1101 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E T 4342. Plate 446; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1072; 410,2; 434,2. Plate 1112; 410,2; 434,2; 434 double. 4343. U. A. magn. 5.9. A. G. C. magu. 6. Plate 1101; image very poor aud faiut ; on first examination spectrum H. 4344. Plate 1064 ; second image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4348. Plate 445; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1172; spectrum C ? 4350. Plate 1064; on first aud second examinations spec- trum Ff 410, 3; 434, 3. Class of spectrum un- certain on account of darkness of plate. Plate 1112; image good ; lines well defiued ; spec- trum A. 4351. Plate 1173; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4352. R. A. in DM. should be 41 m , instead of 40 m . See Bonn Obs. Vol. VII. p. 519. 4354. Plate 416; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1120; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4355. Plate 416; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5: 434, 5. 4357. Plate 416; on first examination spectrum K; on special examination spectrum M I Plate 1 1 20 ; on first examination spectrum I; on special ex- amination spectrum Q. Plate 416; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1120; 448, 3; 461, 2. 4359. Plate 10G4; on first examination spectrum C? Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 3; 434, 3. 4361. Plate 1064 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4369. Plate 1173; 448, 3. 4370. U. A. Monoceros, 156, magn. 6.4, var. ? 4371. First measure 6.26, resid. 98. Plate 416; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 11 20; "second measure gives residual 6. 4372. Plate 1112; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 1112; 448, 3. 4374. Plate 1229 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E t 4379. Plate 1155; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E t 4380. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1101; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1120; on first examination spectrum H f 4381. Plate 446 ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1064; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1072 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4384. Plate 1172; 448, 3. 4387. Plate 2242 ; on first examination spectrum H. 4388. Plate 400; on second examination spectrum G. Plate 400; 429, 10; 446, 1; 418, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 1220 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. 4391. Plate 446 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 305 167; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1084; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1072; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1097; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1112; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1119; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1229 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 4396. Plates 446 and 1112; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 1064 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4397. Images very poor and faint; near edge of plates. Plates 1064 and 1112, first image; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? Plate 1112, second image; on first examination spectrum H f 4398. Image poor and faint on all plates. Plates 1064, 1097, 1119, and 1229 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1072 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 4399. Plate 1064 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4402. Plate 446; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1072; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4403. Plate 1173; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? 4404. Plate 445 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4407. Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1194 ; on first examination spectrum CV 4411. Plate 1065; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4418. A. G. C. magn. 7. Images very poor and faint. Plate 416 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1120; on first examination spectrum H ? 4120. Plate 416 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 4422. Plate 1064; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum E. 4424. Plate 1194; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 4426. Images very poor aud faint. Plate 1072; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum E ? 4427. Plate 416 ; 448, 3. Plate 1101 ; 448, 3. 4428. Plate 1112; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A? 4430. Plate 445 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plato 445; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1172; 448, 3; 461, 2. 4432. Plate 445 ; 402, 2 ; 419, 2. 4437. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 4440. Plate 1155 ; on first examination spectrum F p 410, 5; 434, 5. 4444. Plate 1173 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4445. Plate 1155 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4446. Plates 1112 and 1119; on first examination spec- trum H. 4449. Plate 401 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4450. Duner 75. 4451. Plate 401 ; image very poor aud faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E I 4455. Plates 1064, 1065, 1112, and 1229; imago very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4456. Plate 1173; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4458. Plates 446 and 1112; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 1064; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1072; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4460. Plate 1071 ; on first examination spectrum E. 4463. Plate 445 ; only a small portion of spectrum visible ; on first and second examinations spectrum A f Plate 11 55; on second examination spectrum A1 Plate 424; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4464. Plate 1112; 410, 51 434,51 on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4466. Plate 416 ; 406, 2; 417,3; 448,2. Plate 1112; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 4467. Plate 1101 ; on first examination spectrum E. 4469. Plate 1172; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4471. Plates 400 and 401 ; only a small portion of spec- trum visible ; on first and second examinations spectrum E ? Near edge of Plates 400, 401, and 1101. Plate 416 ; on first examination spectrum F ; on second examination spectrum G 1 Plate 1101; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1120; on first and second examinations spec- trum G? Plate 416; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; bright lines between 434 and 486. Plate 1120; spectrum peculiar; a 394 ; 401, 1; 403, 2; 406, 1; 410,5; 412, 2; 414, 1; 417, 3; 428, 1 434, 5 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; spectrum of a faint star of Class A superposed. 4472. Plates 1112 and 1194; image very poor and faint. Plates 1064 and 1112; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1194; on first examination spec- trum E ? 4474. Plate 1064; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H 1 4477. Plate 1120; image poor; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 416: 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448,3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. 4479. Plate 400 ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4481. Plate 1172; on second examination spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 4483. Plate 4 16, first image; 402,2. Plate 416, second image ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. Plate 1120, first image ; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1120, second image; 392, 1 ; 402, 2; 453, 1. 4488. Plate 1120; image poor. Plates 400 and 1120; on first examination spectrum E? 4489. Plate 1074 ; spectrum C ? 4491. Plate 1112; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A ? 4493. Plate 1064 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E ? 306 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 4495. Plates 401 and 416; on first examination spec- trum E ? 4498. Plate 1191; image poor; on first examination spectrum F I limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5 f 434, 5. 4499. See 4500. 4500. Combined with 4499 and 4501. Plate 424; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 445 ; spectrum G ? a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double; bright lines seen. Plate 1150; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1172; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 3. 4501. See 4500. 4502. U. A. Puppis 263, magn. 5.2. Not in A. G. C. 4503. Image very poor on all plates. Plates 401 and 416 ; on first examination spectrum E f 4506. Plate 1064 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F ? Plate446; 403,2; 448,3. Plate 1064; a 394 ; 410, 1 ; 434, 1. Plate 1072 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. 4510. Plate 445 ; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4511. Plate 1173; 402, 2. 4511a. DM +57 1128, R. A. 8 h 8 ra .l, Dec. +57 24'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 4066. 4514. Image poor on all plates. Plate 1172; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4524. Plate 1112, image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1064; 448,2. Plate 111 2; 410,3; 434,3. 4526. Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum F f limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4528. Plate 416; on special examination spectrum M. Plates 401 and 1120; on special examination spectrum M? Plates 401, 416, and 1120; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1157 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 401 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1. Plate 416; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 \ 461,1; 468, 1. Plate 1120; 448,3; 456,1; 466, 2 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1157 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. 4533. Plates 458, 1064, and 1072; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1072; on second examination spectrum F? Plate 458; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1064 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1072; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 4535. Plate 1172; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 4536. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1120; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1157; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4537. Plates 1064, 1072, and 1112; image poor. Plates 424 aud 1064 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum B. Plate 1072; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1112; 410 double 1 Plate 1194; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4539. Plate 1157; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 4540. Plate 1173; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 4544. Images poor and faint. Plate 1072; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? Plate 111 2; on first exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 1064 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 4545. Plate 4'24 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 445 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1150; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1172; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4548. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 4549. Plate 401 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 4552. Plate 11 12; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4553. Plates 424 aud 1194; on first examination spec- trum K. Plates 445 and 1173; on first exam- ination spectrum 1. Plates 424 and 445 ; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 1173; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 424 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 445; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1173 ; 448, 3. Plate 1194; limit of spectrum a; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 4555. Plate 1156 ; spectrum C ? 4556. Plate 1172; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4558. Plates 1112 and 1113; image very poor and faint; on first, examination spectrum A? 4559. Plates 401 and 1157; image very poor and faint. Plate 401 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4560. Plate 1113 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4562. Plate 1157; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4564. DM. +42 1860, magn. 8.6, follows I'.l, in same declination. 4568. Plate 1120 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4570. Plate 424 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4578. Plate 1172; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ; 434. 3. 4582. Plate 1194 ; 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? 4584. Plate 401; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4589. Plate 446 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 167; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 446, first image; 406, 2; 427, 2; 468, 2. Plate 446, second image; 417, 2; 448, 2; 458, 4. Plate 458; a 394 ; 421, 1; 448, 1; 458, 4; 468, 3. Plate 1064, first image; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plate 1064, second image ; a 394 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1072, first image ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 446, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 458, 2. Plate 1072, second image; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 446, 3; 451, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1112, first THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 307 image; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1. Plate 1112, second image; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 4590. U. A. Puppis 308, magn. 5.9, var. ? 4591. Plate 1194; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4594. Plate 1150; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4596. First measure 6.36, resid. 104306. Plate 1194 ; second measure gives residual 4> first measure related to DM. +54 1233, and was rejected. 4598. Plate 1064; on first examination spectrum E. 4599. Plate 1112 ; on first examination spectrum H. 4602. Plate 1194; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5 I 4604. Plate 1229; on first examination spectrum H ? 4605. Plate 1194; 410,5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 4606. Plate 1173 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4608. Plato 1173; on first examination spectrum C? 4609. Plate 1064; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A? Plates 1112 and 1194; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 4610. Plate 1229; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E ? 4611. Image poor on all plates. Plates 353, 1233, and 2242 ; on first examination spectrum A ? 4615. Plate 1064 ; on first and second examination spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4617. Plate 1194; 448, 3. 4619. Plate 1159; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1194; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4620. Plate 424 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 4621. Plate 440 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4625. Plates 1173 and 1194; on first examination spec- trum C ? 4628. Plates 166, 185, 1119, 1229, and 1233; on first ex- amination spectrum C. 4629. Plate 1194; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4631. Plates 441 and 1064; on first examination spec- trum A. 4634. Plate 1194; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? on re-examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 4636. Plate 167; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 446; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4637. Plate 1121 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4640. Plates 1064, 1072, 1112, and 1176; image poor; near edge of plates. Plate 424 ; on special exam- ination spectrum M ? Plate 1072 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A t Plate 1112; 397 a 434 ; 434 double. Plate 1194 ; 448, 3. 4643. Plates 446, 458, and 1072 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plates 446 and 1064; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plates 458 and 1112 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1072; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 458; 397 a 434; 443,4; 453, 1; 458,1; 463, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1072; 448, 2; 458, 2. Plate 1112; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. 4644. Plate 1064; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 4653. Plate 1121; 448, 3. Plate 1157; 448, 3. 4657. Plate 1176, first image; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1194, first image; 448, 2. Plate 1194, second image: 448, 2. 4658. Plates 1150 and 1159; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f . 4661. Combined with 4662. DM. magns. 7.0 and 7.3. 4662. See 4661. 4663. One of a group of stars. Assumed to be H. P. 1592, Cum. 4664. Plates 440 and 1157; on first examination spec- trum E. 4666. Image poor on all plates. Plates 446, 1064, 1065, 1072, and 1113 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1112; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4670. Plate 1255 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 4673. Plate 1176 ; on first examination spectrum C ? 4675. Plate 1194; 410, 5? 434, 5? 4678. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 78. Plate 441 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4679. Plates 1157 and 1158; image faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? Plate 1157 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1158; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4680. Plates 1159 and 1176; on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 11 94; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H ? 4681. Plate 1121 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2. Plate 1157 ; 402, 2; 453, 1. 4684. Plate 1194; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 4685. Plate 1157; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 4686. Plate 1121; on first examination spectrum Ft 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 4687. Plate 402; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 456 and 1158; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1150; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 402 and 1150; on special examination spectrum M? Plato 456; limit of spectrum /3; 897 a 434; 448, 8; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1150; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plato 1158; 897 a 434; 448, 8; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 463, 2; 466, 1. OF THE UNIVERSIT OF 308 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 4688. Plate 1176; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4690. Plate 1230; image poor; ou first examination spec- trum E. 4691. Plate 440; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4692. Plate 1064 ; ou first examination spectrum C f 4694. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 402 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 456 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1150; 448, 2. Plate 1158; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, S ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1175; a 394; 394 double? 448, 3. 4698. Plate 1157; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 1230; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, '5. 4699. Plate 418 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 440; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1121; a 394; 410, 2; 434,2; 434 double. Plate 1157; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1230; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4701. Plate 418; on first examination spectrum H? on second examination spectrum F. Plate 11 21; on first examination spectrum E ? on second exam- ination spectrum G. 4705. Plates 1074 and 1119; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E. Near edge of Plate 1074. 4706. Plate 1176; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4707. First measure 4.62, resid. 1 .25.82 p. Plate 1272, first image ; first measure gives residual 1 2 ; sec- ond measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. 4709. Plate 1194 ; on first examination spectrum C? 4710. Plate 1175; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4711. Plate 1272; second measure of brightness 5.6. 4713. Plates 458, 1074, and 1162; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1229; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1233; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1255 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 4714. Plate 1176; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4716. Plate 1175; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 I 4717. Plate 1272; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4718. Plate 1158 ; 402, 3. 4721. Plate 441; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 458; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 4722. Plate 456; 448, 3. Plate 1176; 448, 3; 456, 2. Plate 1194; 448, 3. 4724. Plates 1072, 1119, and 1229 ; image poor; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plates 1119 and 1229. Plate 441 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1064; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1065; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 aud 434 double? Plate 1112 ; 410,3; 434,3. Plate 1113; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4732. U. A. Hydra 70, magn. 6 0, var. ? 4734. Plate 1176; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5f 4735. Plate 1175; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 double? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4736. Plates 418 and 440; on first examination spec- trum F ? Plate 418 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 440; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; image very poor and faint. 4737. Plate 1175; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 4738. Plate 1194; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 I 4740. Plate 456 ; 401, 2; 417, 2. 4742. Plates 1072 and 1112; image poor; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1113 ; image good ; spectrum I. 4743. Plates 1065 and 1074; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 4744. Plate 1175; 448, 3. 4746. Plate 1272; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4748. Plate 1175; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4758. Plate 1176, first image ; on first examination spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4765. Plate 1176, second image; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1176; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. 4766. Plates 402, 456, and 1159; image poor; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 1 1 76 ; image good; spectrum F; limit of spectrum $ ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4767. Plates 418 and 440; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 418, first image; limit of spec- trum ;8; 397a434; 448,3; 456,1; 458,2; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 418, second image ; a 394 ; 397 a434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 440; limit of spectrum /3; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1. Plate 1121; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1230, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1230, second image; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1272, first image; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434. Plate 1272, second image; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, S; 461, 1. 4771. A. G. C. magn. 7. 4780. A. G. C. 12138. 4783. Plate 1229; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 4785. Plate 1230 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 1272; 402, 1; 419, 2. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 309 4790. DM. magn 3.1. H. P. magn. 3.2. Measures of brightness obtained on five plates; images too deuse to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.56, resid. 22002. 4793. Plate 1112 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 4799. Plate 1175; 448, 2. 4800. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 82. Plate 441 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 458 and 1113; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 441 and 1113; on special examination spec- trum M. Plate 458; 448, 4; 463, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1065; 448, 2; 458, 2. Plate 1113; 397 a 434 ; 434 double; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 3; 466, 1 ; 468, 7; 471, 1. 4803. Plate 1072 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examination spec- trum E ? 4806. Plate 402; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 419; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 456 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1159 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 11 76 ; limit of spectrum jj ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4809. Plates 165, 185, 458, 1116, 1119, 1162. 1229, 1233, 1255, and 2242 ; on first examination spec- trum A. Near edge of plates 1255 and 2242. Plate 353; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 435; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 495; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1074; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 4811. Plate 1176; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 4812. Plate 1272; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4813. Plate 1159; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1176; limit of spectrum 8 ; 410, 5 T 434, 5 ? 4818. Plates 441, 446, 458, 1064, 1112, 1113, and 1119; image poor; on first examination spectrum A? Near edge of Plates 441, 446, 1064, 1112, and 1113. Plates 441 and 446; on second examina- tion spectrum A ? Plate 458 ; on second exam- ination spectrum C. Plate 353; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 495; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1065; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1074; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1229; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4821. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 4823. Plate 418 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 4826. U. A. Hydra 92, magn. 6.2. Not in A. G. C. 4828. Plate 1175 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4832. Duner 83. 4837. Plate 1176; on second examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 4838. Plate 402; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 419; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 456 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 434 double; 463, 5. Plate 1159; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 double I Plate 1176 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 4842. Plates 402 and 1159; on first examination spec- trum E 1 Plate 1159 ; image very poor and faint. 4845. Plate 1198; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 4847. Plates 441, 1065, and 1113; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 441 and 1113 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 4849. Plate 1176; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4851. First measure 5.44, resid. 11262. Plate 1176; second measure gives residual ; first measure rejected. Plate 456 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 402; 448, 3. Plate 456; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1159; 448, 3. Plate 1176 ; limit of spectrum 0; 897 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456. 1 ; 458, S ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 4853. Plate 1176; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 4856. Plate 1272 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. 4858. Plate 1064; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A? on 8econd examination spectrum F? Plate 1112; on first examination spectrum E. 4862. Plate 441; 410,2; 434,2; 434 double. Plate 458 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. PlatelllS; a394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 4863. Plate 1175 ; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4865. Plate 1175 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4866. Plate 1175; limit of spectrum a; 394 double? 448, 3. 4868. Plate 1175, first image; on first examination spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 4870. Plate 1113; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? 4873. Plate 1113; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4876. Plate 458; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 458; 402, 1; 412, 2; 419, 2; 423, 1; 426, 1; 448, 1; 453, 1; 458, %. Plate 1065; spec- trum C. Plate 1113 ; 401, 1; 453, 2. 4877. Plate 1175; limit of spectrum j3 ; 394double? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4879. Plate 1176; 410, 5 I 434, 5? 4881. Plate 1175; 410, 5? 434, 5? 4882. Plate 1074 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 4883. Plate 1176 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4886. Plate 11 75 ; several bright and dark lines. 310 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 4887. Image poor on all plates. Plates 458, 1065, 1112, and 1233; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1074; 410, 5? 434, 5? 4890. Plate 1073 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? 4891. Plate 1197; image vory poor and faint; on first examination spectrum Ef Plate 1272; on first examination spectrum E ? 4892. Plate 403 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 1272; on first examination spectrum E. 4895. Duuer 86. 4896. Plate 1197; on first examination spectrum E. 4897. The spectrum measured on Plate 458 was sup- posed to be that of DM. +62 1053. On re- examination the star was found to be DM. +62 1054 and 1055, and the measures have accord- ingly been added to these stars, which equal D. C. 4899 and 4900. 4898. Plate 1272; 410, 3; 434, 3. 4899. Combined with 4900. DM. magns. 7.6 and 7.6. 4900. See 4899. 4904. Plate 458 ; spectrum C. 4905. Plate 403 ; on second examination spectrum P ? 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 4907. Plates 495 and 1072 ; spectrum C. 4910. Plate 1197; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum P ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4911. Plate 441; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 458; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1113; 410, 2; 434, 5. 4913. Plate 1272; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 4917. Plate 419; spectrum D? 402, 1 ; 419, 2; 453, 1. 4920. Plate 418 ; image poor and faint; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 4925. Plate 1272; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4928. Plate 1176; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2? 434, 2? 4929. Plate 1176; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4931. Plate 1198; on first examination spectrum E. 4936. Plate 1197; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 4939. Plate 1065; 410, 5, 434, 5. 4941. Plate 1065; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4945. Plate 1175; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 4950. Plate 1065 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 4951. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1064 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 2? 434, 2? near edge of plate. Plate 1072; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 4956. Plate 403 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 4957. Plate 1197 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4958. U. A. magn. 6.0. A. G. C. magn. 6. 4959. Plates 1064 and 1065; image poor; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum E ? 4960. Plate 1175; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4963. Plate 1176 ; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 4972. Plate 1197 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4974. Plate 402 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 411 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1086; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1113; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1176; limit of spectrum )3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4976. Duner 87. 4977. Plate 1122; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4978. Plate 11 76; on first examination spectrum F ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1198; on first examination spectrum E. 4979. Plate 1272; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 4980. Plate 419; image poor and faiut; on first exam- ination spectrum A ? 4982. Plate 1176 ; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 4988. Plate 402; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 419 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1175; 397 a 434; 448, 8; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,1; 471, 1. Plate 119S; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, I. 4984. Plate 1175, on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 4985. Plate 1272 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 403; limit of spectrum a; 448, 3. 4986. Plate 11 98; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H f 4989. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1175; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1197; on first examination spectrum H ? 4991. Plate 1198 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 4992. Plate 403 ; 448, 3. 4997. Plate 1175 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 4999. Plate 1272; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5007. Plate 1072; spectrum C. Plate 1112; spectrum Cf 5009. Plate 1 1 75 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 5013. Plate 1086 ; on first examination spectrum K ? Plate 1113; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1176; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1086 ; 466, 1 ; 468,5; 471, 1. 5015, Plate 1175; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 311 5017. Plate 1175; 448, 3. Plate 1197; 448, 3. 5023. Plate 1198 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5024. Plate 1074; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1229; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1233; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1255 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 5030. Plate 1198 ; on first examination spectrum H f 5032. Plate 1086, first image ; on first examination spec- trum A ? Plate 1176, first image; 448, 3. Plate 1176, second image ; 448, 3. 5033. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1113 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5036. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 2. Plate 1122; on special examination spectrum M? Pkte 403, first image; limit of spectrum j3; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 403, second image; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 449; limit of spec- trum /3 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 468, 1. Plate 1122; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2; 471, 1. 5037. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1073; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1233; on first examination spectrum H. 5038. Plates 441, 1086, and 1176; image poor; on first examination spectrum A ? Near edge of Plates 1086 and 1176. Plate 1065; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double? Plate 1113; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5039. Plate 403; 448, 3. Plate 1122; 448, 3. 5040. Plate 353 ; ou special examination spectrum M ? Plate 435 ; 406, 1:410 bright ? 426, 2 ; 443, 2 ; 448, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 3. Plate 441 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 463, 2. Plate 458 ; 424, 2 ; 426, 1 ; 438, 2 ; 443, 2 ; 453, 2 ; 458, 4 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 5. Plate 495; 407, 2; 410 bright? 426, 1; 443, 3; 448, 2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468, 4. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 446, 1 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 463, 3; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1074; limit of spectrum y\ 397 a 434 ; 448, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1119; 448, 4; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1229; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1; 466, 1; 46S, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1233; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1255; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 434 double ? 448,3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468,2. 5041. Plate 403 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5043. Plate 1065; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 5044. Plates 435 and 1233 ; on first examination spec- trum A. Plates 458 and 1073 ; on first examina- tion spectrum C t Plate 441; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 495 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1113; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5045. Plate 1255 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. 5049. Plate 403; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 449; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1122; a 394; 410,3; 434, 3. 5051. Plate 1113; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 5054. Plate 435; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 441 ; 410, 1; 434, 1. Plate 458 ; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double. Plato 495 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1065 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1073; 410,2; 434,2. Plate 1113; a 394;. 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1233 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. 5056. Duner 89. 5057. Plate 1233 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum L. Plate 441; 410, 1 ; 434, 4. Plate 458 ; 407, 1 ; 410 bright; 443, 1 ; 458, 2. Plate 1065 ; 448, 2; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1073 ; a 394 ; 448, 2. Plate 1113 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 441, 1 ; 446, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 3 ; 463, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 5059. Plate 1065; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5060. Plate 1176; ou second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5061. DM. Dec. should be 36'.2 instead of 53'.6. Plate 1085; 448, 8; 461, 2. Plate 1197; 448, 3. 5062. Plate 1074; spectrum C? 5063. Plate 402; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 411; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 441; a 394; 410, 2; Plate 1086 ; a 394; 410, 2; Plate 1113; a 394; 410,2; 434,2; 434 double. Plate 1176; limit of spec- trum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5068. Plate 1197, very dark; spectrum poor; on first ex- amination spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 5078. Plate 1113, first image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1113, second image; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5081. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1073 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plates 1113 and 1233; ou first examination spec- trum E? 5082. Plate 1065; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1113; spectrum C? 5083. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 484, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1073 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1233 ; spec- trum C ? 5085. Plate 411; 448, 3; 456, 2. Plate 419; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 1086; limit of spectrum a; 448, 3. Plate 1198; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 434, 2 ; 434 double. 434,2; 434 double? 312 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 5087. Plates 435 and 495 ; on first and second examina- tion spectrum F. Plate 435; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 495; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5091. Plate 1176; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5092. Plate 1086 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5094. Plate 1086 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 3? 434, 3? 486 double? On second examina- tion image poor ; doubling of 486 probably a defect in plate. Plate 1198; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 5095. Plate 1198; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1198; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5097. Plates 435, 1073, and 1233; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 1073 and 1233 ; on second examination spectrum A. Plate 1065; 410, 2; 434,2. Plate 1113; 410,3; 434,3; 410 and 434 double. 5098. U. A. 6.0. A. G. C. magu. 6. 5102. Plates 1085 and 1086; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 1086; image poor. Plate 1198 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5104. Plates 435, 1113, and 1233 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spec- trum H? Plate 1065; image good; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1073; spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5105. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 7.15, resid. 11445. Plate 1113; second measure gives residual S; first measure rejected. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum C1 Plate 1113; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 1065; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5108. Combined with 5115. DM. magns. 8.3 and 8.7. DM. +84 217, magn. 8.7, follows 5115, 47', south 1'.5 ; spectrum not seen on plates. 5111. Plate 1160; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 5114. Plate 1197; on first examination spectrum E I 5115. See 5108. 5116. Plate 1065 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 5119. Plate 1073; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum At Plate 1055 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5123. Plates 1074 and 1233; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5125. Plate 1197; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5126. Plate 1197; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5130. Plate 449; on special examination spectrum M? 5133. Plate 1197; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E I 5135. Plate 1073; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5136. Plate 1233 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 1065; 448, 2; 458, 2. Plate 1113; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 1; 468, 1. 5137. Plates 495 and 1233 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 435 ; 426, S ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 441; 403, 1; 417, 2; 448, 2. Plate 1065; 448, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 466, 1; - 468, 1. Plate 1073; 448, 1; 458, 1. Plate 1113; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2 ; 4!i8, 2. Plate 1233 ; 397 a 434 ; 441, 2 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. 5139. Plate 1113; 448, 3; 458, 1; 468, 1 5141. Plate 441 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1065 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double! Plate 1074 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spec- trum E ? on second examination spectrum F. 5142. Images poor. Plate 1255; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 2242 ; on first examination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. 5143. Plate 449; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1122; 448, 3. Plate 1160; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1. 5147. Plates 1064, 1072, and 1112; spectrum C ? 5148. Images very poor. Plate 1065 ; on first examina- tion spectrum A ? Plate 1208; on first examina- tion spectrum H ; near edge of plate. Plate 1074 410, 5; 434, 5. 5150. Plate 1160, first image; 402, 2. Plate 1160, sec- ond image ; 402, 2. 5151. Plate 1113; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5153. Plate 1086 ; 448, 3. 5154. Plate 11 GO; on special examination spectrum Q? Plate 449; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; bright lines. Plate 1122; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1160; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double; other lines seen. 5156. Plate 449; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5159. Plate 1058 ; on first examination spectrum E. 5161. Plate 1073, first image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 435 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 441; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1065; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1073, second image ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1113; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plato 1233 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5169. Plate 1086; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1198 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5170. Plate 435, 1073, and 1233; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1233; image very poor and faint. Plate 441; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1065; THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 313 410,5; 434,5; 410 aud 434 double. Plate 1113; a 3!)4; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5171. Duner 90. 5177. Plates 1114 and 1197 ; on first examination spec- trum E? near edge of plates. Plate 1197; on second examination spectrum F? Plate 411 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2"; 458, 2. Plate 1085 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 2 ; 443, 2 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 453, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1197; a 394. 5178. Plate 1073 ; first image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1065; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1073, second image; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. 5179. Plate 11GO; on first aud second examinations spec- trum F? limit of spectrum (3; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5181. Plate 1073; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5185. Plate 411 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 419 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 475; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1073; 410, 1 ; 434, 3. Plate 1086, first image; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1086, second image; 410, 5; 434, 5, Plate 1115; limit of spectrum a; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5190. Plates 441, 495, and 1113; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 435 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1065 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1073 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1233; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5191. Plate 1085; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5194. Plate 1255; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5196. Plate 449 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5198. Plate 449 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5200. Plate 449, first image ; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 1160 ; first image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 5203. Plato 449 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 474; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A f Plato 449 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1160; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 461, 2. Plate 1302 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double; 448, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1309; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. 5204. Plate 1208; image poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum H ? 5206. Plates 411, 1085, first and second images, and 1114; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 411 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plato 1085, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 471, 2. Plate 1085, second image ; 397 a. 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471,2. Plate 1114; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 5208. Plate 1238; spectrum C? 5209. Plate 435 ; spectrum L? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5210. Plates 1065, 1113, and 1208 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 5211. A. G. C. magn. 7. 5214. Plates 441, 495, 1073, 1074, and 1113 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plates 435, 1065, 1208, and 1233; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 441, 1113, and 1233; on special exam- ination spectrum M ? Plate 435 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 435; 403, 2; 417, 2; 443, 2; 468, 3. Plate 1065; 39 7 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1208; 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1233; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. 5217. Plate 1238; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5218. Plate 435 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1065 ; 448, 3. 5221. Plate 1085; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5223. Plate 449 ; on second examination spectrum C? 5225. Plate 1115, second image; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 411; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1086 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 434 double? Plate 1115, first image; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5228. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1302 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1309; on first examination spectrum H f 5230. Plate 1255; 448, 2; 458, 2. 5231. Plate 1113; on first examination spectrum E? on second examination spectrum A? 5234. Plate 435 ; on special examination spectrum M? 5235. Plate 1113; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5236. Plate 1074; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 5239. U. A. Sextans 21, magn. 6.8, var. ? 5242. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 94. Plates 449, 505, 1160, 1238, and 1302; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1309 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 1238 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1309 ; 448, 3. 5243. Plate 411; on first examination spectrum H? Plates 1085 and 1115 ; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 1085 ; image poor. 5245. Plate 1073 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? 5249. Plate 1074 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A f 5251. Plate 1073 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1086 ; image very poor and faint ; on fijst examination spectrum E ? 314 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 5253. Plato 494 ; itnage very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 411; 410,5; 434.5. Plate 1073 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1086; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1088; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5255. Plate 1073; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 1113; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5257. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1238; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1309 ; on first examination spectrum H f 5263. Plate 1238; on first examination spectrum F; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1302; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 5264. Plate 1113 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A? on second examination spectrum F ? 5265. U. A. Hydra 194, magu. 4.6, var. I 5269. Plate 494 ; spectrum C ? 5274. Plate 1085 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5275. Plate 1238; 448, 3. Plate 1302; 448, 3. Plate 1309; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. 5279. DM- magu. 1.3. H. P. magn. 1.4. Measure of brightness obtained on Plate 475 ; image too dense to determine magnitude. 5281. U. A. Sextans 29, magn. 6.6. Not in A. G. C. U. A. magu. used to obtain residual given in Table I. Plate 1238 ; 405, 3. 5284. Images very poor and faint. Plate 491 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1302; on first examination spectrum H. 5286. Plate 474 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H ? Plate 499 ; on first examination spec- trum A f Plate 442 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 505; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1238; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1302; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1309 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5288. Plate 1162; spectrum C. 5289. Plates 442, 505, and 1309; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 442; 397 a 434; 448, 3 458, 1. Plate 491; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 505; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1161 ; 397 a 434 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1238 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8 ; 461, 2 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1302; 397 a 434; 448 8; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 Plate 1309; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 468, 1. 5291. Plate 1238; 419, 3. 5292. Plate 1073; 410, 3? 434, 31 on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5293. Plate 1074; spectrum C? 5294. Plate 1088; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434,5. 5300. Plates 1065 and 1073; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 1233; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum C? Plate 435 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5301. Plates 441, 495, 1073, 1074, 1208, and 1233; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1113; spec- trum Cf Plate 435; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1065 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double ? 5306. Plate 1074, second image; spectrum C. 5308. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 5310. Combined with 5311. DM. magns. 7.0 and 3.5. Plate 1087; on first examination spectrum A"! Plate 475; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 494; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5311. See 5310. 5312. Plate 1065; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5313. Duner 96. 5314. Plate 1255; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 1255 ; 448, 2; 458, 2. 5319. Plate 499; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E? Plates 1302 and 1309; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? Plate 1302 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1309; a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5f 5320. Plate 1073 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1088 ; on first examination spectrum H. 5329. Plate 494; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1087; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1114 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5330. Plate 1309; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5331. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 5332. Plate 475; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 475 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1. Plate 494; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1087 ; a 394 ; several bright and dark lines. Plate 11 14; limit of spectrum a , 394 double? 397 a 434; 448,3; 458,2; 461, 2; 468, 2; 471,1. 5332. See 5331. 5334. Plates 1065, and 1208; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1073 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 5338. Plate 1074 ; spectrum C t 5339. Plate 1309; on first examination spectrum E ? 5341. Plate 1161; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5342. Plate 494; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 5343. Plate 1238; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5345. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 97. Plate 443; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 494, 1088, 1115, and 1124; on first examination spec- THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 315 trum K. Plates 443, 494, 1088, and 1115; on special examination spectrum M I Plate 443 ; 448, 3. Plate 494 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1088; 397 a 434; 434 double! 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 2 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1115 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 2; 471, 2. Plate 1124; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 5349. Plate 495 ; 393, 1 ; 4C3, 1 ; 421, 1. 5350. Plate 1238; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5351. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 7.22, resid. 3812. Plate 495 ; second measure gives residual 10. On comparison of Plate 495 with DM. chart this observation was found to be a measure of DM. +71 534, and has been added to D. C. 5302. Plate 1074 ; second measure gives residual 2; first measure related to DM. +82 301, and was rejected. Plate 1116; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Plate 1255; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5352. A. G. C. magn. 7. 5359. Plate 2242 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5360. Plates 167, 435, 458, 495, and 1256 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 1074; on first exam- ination spectrum C ? Plate 495; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1065; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1116 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1162 ; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1233; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1255; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5365. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1065 and 2242 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255; on first examination spectrum E. 5367. Duner 99. 5369. Images very poor. Plate 1116 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? Plate 1255 ; on first examina- tion spectrum 1 1 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 5375. Plate 442; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 442; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1161 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1238 ; 448, 3. Plate 1309; 448, S. 5379. Plates 1073 and 1088; on first examination spec- trum E ? 5380. Plates 494 and 1088 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 443; 448,3. Plate 1088; 397 a 434 ; 434 double I 448, 3. Plate 1115 ; 448, 3. 5385. Image very poor and faint on all plates. Plate 1065 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plates 1116, 1233, and 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5391. Image very poor and faint on all plates. Plate 1073; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1 208 ; on first examination spectrum A. 5392. Plate 1161 ; 424, 3. 5394. Plate 1073; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 5395. Plates 1073 and 1074 ; image very poor and faiut. Plate 1073; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1074; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1208 : 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 5396. Plate 1 1 15 ; spectrum C ? 5397. Plate 435 ; on first examination spectrum C ? Plate 495; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 500; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1073; a 394; 410, 1; 434, 1. Plate 1074 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1088; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1208; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1233 ; a 394; 410, 2 5 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 5400. DM. -1 2395, magn. 5.0, equals DM. -2 3155, magn. 6.0. 5404. Plates 1065 and 1162; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1065 ; on second examination spectrum El Plate 1255; 448, 3 ; 458, 1. 5406. Plate 507 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5407. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plates 1073, 1113, and 1162; on second examination spectrum F ? 5409. Plates 1065, second image, and 1233; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? Near edge of Plate 1065. Plate 1255, second image; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 435, first image; 403, 2; 421, 2 ; 448, 2 ; 458, 2. Plate 435, second image ; 421, 2; 443, 2 ; 458, 2. Plate 500; 448, 2; 456, 1 ; 463, 1. Plate 1065; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1074; 448, 3. Plate 1113; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1162; 448, 3. Plate 1208 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1255, first image ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 7; 471, 1. 5413. Plate 500 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 5415. Plate 477 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 442 ; hydrogen lines narrow. Plate 1161; 382,2; 402, 1; 438, 1; 453,2; 468,2. 5419. Plates 1065 and 1208 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5422. Plates 435, 500, 508, 1074, 1208, and 1233; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 495 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1073; a 394; 410, 4; 484, 4; 434 double. 5425. Plate 1161 ; 448, 3. 5427. Plate 1088; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5431. Plate 1208; spectrum C? 5436. Plate 507; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1304; image very poor and faint; on first 316 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. examination spectrum II ? on second examina- tion spectrum A ? Plate 1161 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5438. Plate 1074 ; a 394. 5442. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum C ? 5443. Plate 1113; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 2; 434, 2. 5444. Plate 443 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plates 443 and 494 ; on second examination spec- trum G ? Plate 1087; 448, 2, 5446. Plate 1233 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. 5447. Plate 1088; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 5449. First measure 6.17, resid. 1 . 1233. 1^.0^208^. Plate 1255 ; second measure related to DM. +61 1126, and was rejected. 5450. Plate 1281 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 5451. Plate 1161; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1310 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. 5454. Plate 1281 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 5455. Plate 435 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1208 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 5456. Plate 1281 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? on re- examination limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5457. Plate 1088; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1208; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 5459. Plates 500 and 508 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 1074, second image; 448, 4. Plate 1208 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2 ; 458, 2. 5460. Plate 1281; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5461. Plates 1162, 1233, and 1255; on special examina- tion spectrum M ? Plate 1073 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 1074; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1162 ; 448, 3. Plate 1208; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1233; 443, 1 ; 448, 2 ; 453, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 463, 3. Plate 1255; 448, 3. 5475. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 5477. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum At Plate 1208; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 5478. Dune> 101. 5480. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1065; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 2242 ; on first examination spectrum A. 5484. Plate 1281; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1281 ; 448,3. 5486. Plate 1208; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 5489. Plate 1255, second image; spectrum C. 5490. 5492. 5493. 5494. 5495. 5496. 5501. 5502. 5506. 5507. 5508. 5511. 5512. 5514. 5516. 5518. 5519. 5522. 5524. 5525. 5526. 5527. Plate 1074; 410, 5; 434, 5. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 5493 and 5494. DM. magns. 7.0, 7.5, and 7.2. A. G. C. magns. 7f, 6.7, and 7. Plate 1304 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E? Plate 1310; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. See 5492. See 5492. Plate 1074; 448, 3. Plate 1162; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? Plate 443 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1178; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1281 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3. Plate 507; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 477; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461,1; 468, 1. Plate 507; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 514; 448,3. Plate 1138; 397 a 434 ; 448,3; 461,1. Plate 1161; 397 a 434; 434 double? 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1304 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; Plate 1310; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 458, 2 ; 471,1. 468, 1; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 10 74; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1074; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1208; 448, 3. Plate 1281; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1138; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Combined with 5512. DM. magns. 6.2 and 6.0. H. P. magns. 6.6 and 6.5. See 5511. Plate 1162, second image; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Dunerl02. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum E f Plate 1208; 448, 3. Plate 1178; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 443 ; limit of spectrum j3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456,1; 458, 1. Plate 11 24; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1136; 448,3. Plate 1178; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 0; 461, 2. U. A. Hydra 257, magn. 5.4, var. ? Plate 1138; on first examination spectrum E ; on second ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 1281 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum H? Plate 1281 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1116 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H. Plate 1123 ; second image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 317 Plate 1113 ; on first Plate 1208; on first 1178, first image; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1281; 410, 5; 434, 5. jj30. Plate 508 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 5531. Plate 1178; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1178; 448, 3. 5534. Images very poor and faint. examination spectrum A. examination spectrum H? Plate 1255; 410,4; 434, 4. 5536. Plate 1138; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1310; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5542. Plate 1255 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5543. Plates 1065 and 1074 ; image very poor and faint. Plate 1065 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1074; on first examination spectrum F; limit of spectrum ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4. Plate 1255 ; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458. 1; 461, 1; 468, 1. 5545. Plate 1208; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5550. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1074 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1255; on second examination spectrum A? 5554. Plate 1124; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1137; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5555. U. A. standard 329. Dec. in U. A. should be +12 22'.4, instead of +12 12'.4. Position verified from Plate 2357, Class I. Plate 1281 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5559. Plate 1074; spectrum C. 5560. Plate 1310 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1138; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1310 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 471, 2. 5561. The spectrum on Plato 1065 was supposed to be that of DM. +76 410. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +67 658, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 5395. 5563. Plate 1074; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5564. Plate 1304; 448, 3. Plate 1310; 448, 3. 5565. First measure 6.22, resid. p 9. Plate 1074; first measure gives residual 10; second measure gives residual 11. Plate 1255; second measure gives residual 7; first measure rejected. Plate 1074; spectrum C ? 5566. Plate 514; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 5567. Plate 1162 ; on first examination spectrum E. 5573. Plate 1208; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5575. Plate 1255; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5576. Plate 1116; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5577. Duner 107. 5580. Plates 1074, 1162, and 1255; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1116; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 500; a 394; 397 a 434; 405, 2; 407, 2; 410 bright? 443, 2; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468,3. Plate 508; a 394 ; 424, 2; 443, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 463, 2. Plate 1074 ; a 394; 410, 5 ? 434,51 Plate 1116; a 394. Plate 1162 ; a 394 ; 410, 2? 434, 21 Plate 1208; a 394. Plate 1255; a 394; 410, 2? 434, 2? 5581. Plate 1304 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 5587. Plate 1124; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 5589. Plate 1074 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 5591. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 4.90, re- sid. 739013. Plate 514; second measure gives residual 3; first measure rejected. Plate 477; image poor. Plates 477 and 1310 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 507; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 514; 410, 3? 434, 3? Plate 1138; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1304; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 5593. Plate 1304; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 5597. Plates 1074, 1116, and 1208; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A ? 5604. Images poor; near edge of plates. Plates 1065, 1255, and 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1233 ; on first examination spectrum H. 5606. Plate 1074; image poor^ on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 5609. Plate 1162 ; spectrum C t 5617. Plate 1076; limit of spectrum y, 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1124 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 1 ; 458,7; 461, 1; 468, I. Plate 1137; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 8; 461, 2 ; 466, 2; 468, 2. 5626. Plate 1137; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 5628. Plate 1116; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5629. Plate 1116 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 1208; spectrum C ? 5637. A. G. C. 15324. 5640. Plate 1385; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 5643. A. G. C. 15354, magn. 8. 5644. Plate 1162; 403, 8. Plate 1255; 393, 1; 403, 1. 5650. Plate 1385; 448, 3; 468, 2; on re-examination 448, 3. 5651. Plate 1385; 410,5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 318 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 5653. Plate 1138; spectrum peculiar; 392, 2? 5655. A. G. C. magn. 7. 5658. Dunerl09. The letter t stands for dr. Plate 1075; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3. Plate 1178; on first examination spectrum H; on special examination spectrum M ? 5659. Plate 1075 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 11 78; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? 5663. Plate 1137; imago very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A? 5666. Plate 1208 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum H ? Plate 509 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 5669. Plate 1385; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5677. Dune> 110. Plate 1385; 448, 3; on re-examina- tion 448, 3. 5678. Plate 1075; on first examination spectrum E. 5679. Plate 1178 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5681. Plate 1162; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1208 ; spectrum C f 5683. Plate 1178; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5684. Combined with 5685. Plate 460; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1076 ; limit of spectrum 8 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 458 bright? other lines seen. Plate 1136; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1178; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 2 ; 434, 3; other lines seen. 5685. See 5684. 5687. Plates 1136 and 1178; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1076 ; limit of spectrum y; 897 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 2 ; 468, J, Plate 1136 ; 397 a434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 558, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1178; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1: 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1- 468, 8; 471, 2. 5690. A. G. C. 15479. 5696. Plate 454; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1138; 397 a 484; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 1385; 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 5700. Plate 1076; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5701. Plato 1075 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5703. A. G. C. 15511. 5707. Plate 1385; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 5708. Plates 509 and 1162; image very poor and faint. Plate 509 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1162; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255; 410,2; 434, 2. Plate 1314; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5714. Plate 1074; spectrum C? 5716. Images very poor and faint. Plato 1180; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; near edge of plate. Plate 1137; on sec- ond examination spectrum A? Plate 1076; 448, 3. 5720. Plate 1385; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 5721. Plate 1076; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5722. Plate 1178; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 5723. Plate 492 ; on first examination spectrum A? near . edge of plate. Plate 454 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 1075 ; limit of spectrum 8 ; 410,5; 434,5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1138; a 394; 410, 5j 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1385; spectrum G, very well marked; a 394; 410,4; 434, 4; 434 doublet 417, 1; 429, J; 448, 1 ; 453, 1. 5724. Plate 1385; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 2; on re- examination 897 a 434 ; 448, 3. 5727. Plate 1385 ; 448, 3 ; on re-examination 448, 3. 5782. Plate 1385 ; a 394; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 5733. Plate 1385; on second examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 5734. Plato 1075; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5736. Plate 1075 ; on first examination spectrum A? 5737. Plate 1075; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1075 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5739. Plate 1074; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5740. Plate 454 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1385 ; a 394; 410, 5; 484, 5. 5742. Plate 1179 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5746. Plate 1385; 448, 3 ; on re-examination 448, 3. 5748. Plate 454 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1385; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 5750. Plate 1180; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E. 5751. A. G. C. 15660. 5752. Plate 1385; limit of spectrum y ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. 5759. Plates 1116 and 1162; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 1208; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1255; a 394; 410, 5; 484, 5. Plate 1314; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 484 double. 5760. Plate 1208; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1314; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5762. Images poor and faint. Plate 1075, on first ex- amination spectrum H; near edge of plate. Plate 1179; on first examination spectrum E. 5765. A. G. C. magn. 8. 5766. Combined with 5767. DM. magns. 8.8 and 8.8. 5767. See 5766. THE DEAFER CATALOGUE. 319 5768. Plate 1065 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1255; 448, 3; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 5773. A. G. C. magu. 6. U. A. inagn. 5.9. 5774. A. G. C. 15710. 5776. First measure 5.69, resid. 4 2 . 5 1 8 1 2 1. Plate 1162; second measure gives residual 1 ; first meas- ure rejected. Plate 1065 ; spectrum C I Plate 1255 ; on first examination spectrum E. 5780. Plate 1076 ; limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1180; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5781. Plate 1385; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1385 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2- 461, 2; 468, 2. 5782. Plate 1075; 448, 3. 5783. A. G. C. 15720. 5785. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 111. Plates 500, 509, 1074, 1116, 1162, 1208, and 1255; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 508 and 1314 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 500, 1162, and 1208; on special examina- tion spectrum M? Plates 509 and 1314; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 500 ; 456, 1; 458, 4; 468, 1. Plato 509; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1074; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 4; 466, 1; 4C8, 1. Plate 1116; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1162 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 1208 ; 397 a 434, 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2, 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1255; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1, 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 3. 5788. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1076; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1180 ; on first examination spectrum H ? S790. Plate 1385, 410, 5; 434, 5. 5794. Plate 1116; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1162; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1255 ; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1314 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 4LO and 434 double. 5797. A. G. C. magri. 8. 5799. A. G. C. rnagn. 6. U. A. magn. 5.2. 5804. Plate 2242; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5808. Plate 1075 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 5809. Combined with 5812. DM. magns. 9.0 and 9.0. 5810. Plate 1385; on first and second examinations spec- trum F ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 5811. Plate 1385 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5812. See 5809. 5813. Plate 11 79; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 5814. Plate 1314; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. Plate 1180; 402, 2; 421, 2. 5819. Plate 1162; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1255; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1314; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 5820. Images very poor and faint. Near edge of Plate 1385. Plate 1075; on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 1139; on first examination spec- trum H. 5821. Plate 1385; on second examination spectrum -F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5822. Plate 492; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E f 5831. Plate 11 39; 448, 3. Plate 1385; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456. 2 ; 458, 2 ; 461 , 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 5832, Images very poor and faint. Plates 1162 and 1314 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1116; 410, 5? 434, 5? 5836. Image very poor and faint on all plates. Plate 1116 ; on first examination spectrum H. 5841. Plate 1076; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1180 ; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5844. The letter t stands for dr. Dundr 112. Plate 1385; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2; 468, 2; on special examination spectrum M. 5846. Plate 1076; 410,3:434,3. Plate 1180; 410,3; 434, 3. 5849. Images poor. Plate 454 ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum A? Plate 1139; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1385; image good ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 5850. Plate 1116; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 5853. A. G. C. 15913. 5859. Plate 1074 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5860. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1075 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1125 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5865. Plate 1075 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? on sec- ond examination spectrum A ? Plate 11 79; 448,3. 5866. Plate 1076 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum I ? Plate 1125 ; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1179; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 528 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1076; 448, 3. Plate 1179; bright lines between 397 and 434 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5868. Plate 528; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1076; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1125; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1179; limit of spectrum #; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5869. Images poor and faint. Plate 1076 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 1180; on first exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 320 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 5870. Plate 509; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1116; 434 double; 448 2. Plate 1255; 448, 3. Plate 1314 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 3; 474, 2. 5872. Images very poor and- faint. Plates 1075 and 1079; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1125; on first examination spectrum H ? 5874. A. G. C. 15989. 5875. Plate 1385; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434,5. 5879. Image very poor and faint on all plates. Plate 1074 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 5892. Plate 1255; image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 5893. Duner 113. Plate 1385; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 463, 2; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 5895. Plates 1126 and 1209 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 528 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1076; limit of spectrum j3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468,2. Plate 1078 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 1126 ; limit of spectrum a; 397a434; 448,3; 456,1; 458,2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1180; limit of spectrum y; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2. Plate 1209 ; limit of spectrum /3; 897 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 5896. Plate 1208; 410,5; 434,5; on re -examination 4 10, 5; 434, 5. 5897. Plate 1314; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1180; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1314 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 5901. Plate 528; limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1125; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1179; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 5904. Plate 1075 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5908. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. inagn. 2.2. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate ; image too dense to determine magnitude. 5909. Plate 1125 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 5910. Plate 1076; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1078; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1179; limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 2; 434,2. 5911. Plates 1074 and 1116; image very poor and faint; on first examination spqctrum E. 5913. Plates 1208 and 1314; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. 5914. Plate 501; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 529 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1139; a 394; 410, 3; 419, 1 ; 421, 1 ; 423, 1 ; 424, 1; 434, 3; 434 double? 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1181; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 492 seen. 5915. The spectrum on Plate 509 was supposed to be that of DM. +52 1590. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +62 1198, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 5899. 5919. Plate 1116 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5920. Images poor and faint. Plates 1078 and 1179 ; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1125 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1078; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1179; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5921. Plate 1181 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 5924. Images poor and faint. Plate 1078; on first ex amiuation spectrum H ? Plate 1209 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 5928. Plate 509; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1208; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plato 1255; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1256; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5930. Plates 1078 and 1209; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1179; 402, 2. 5931. Plate 1181, second image; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5936. Combined with 5937. DM. magns. 7.3 and 7.3. Measured separately on Plate 1078. Result for 5936 ; spectrum A ; values in successive columns of Table II. 6.3, R, ft, 0. Result for 5937; spec- trum A ; values in successive columns of Table II. 6.6, R, a, 0. 5937. See 5936. 5938. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1255 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1314; on first and second examinations spectrum E ? 5942. Plate 1078; 410, 5? 434,5? Plate 1209; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 5944. Plate 1078; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1209; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5945. Images poor and faint. Plate 1077 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? Plate 1179 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H. 5951. A. G. C. inagn. 7. 5952. Images poor. Plates 1078 and 1180 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E? Plate 1209; on first examination spectrum H. 5953. A. G. C. 16318. 5954. Plate 1179; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 5958. Images very poor and faint. Plates 528, 1078, and 1179; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1209; on first examination spectrum E; on sec- ond examination spectrum F? Near edge of plate. Plate 1125; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 528; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1078; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1179; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 321 5964. DM. +87 100, magn. 9.0, precedes 0".4 in same declination. 5966. Plate 1209 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 5968. Plate 1078; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1209; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5969. The letter t stands for dr. Duuer 116. Plate 1074 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 1116, 1162, 1233, 1245, and 1256; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255; on special examina- tion spectrum M? Plate 1074; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1255 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 5970. Plate 1078; image very poor and faiut ; ou first ex- amination spectrum E. 5971. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1162; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E ; near edge of plate. 5981. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1116 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1255 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ? 434, 3 ? near edge of plate. 5982. Plate 1078; 448, 3. Plate 1209; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. 5983. Plate 1077; image poor and faint; on first and sec- ond examinations spectrum H. Plate 1179; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 5984. Plate 503 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E f 5987. Plate 1074 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 5991. Plate 1208; spectrum Cf Plate 1256; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5994. The spectrum on Plate 509 was supposed to be DM. +67 730. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +76 439, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 5991. 5996. Plate 1074; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1256; a 394 ; 410, 1; 434, 1. Plate 2242; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 5997. Plate 1242; 410, 5; 434, 5. 5999. Plate 1139; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 529; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 1181; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458,1; 461, 2; 492 seen. 6000. Plate 509; image poor; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 536; spectrum L? 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1242; 448, 2. Plate 1256; 448, 3; 458,2; 468,2. Plate 1314; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 6005. Plate 1256 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6006. Plate 1181; 401, 3. 6008. Plate 1077; 410, 5? 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 534, 5. 6011. A. G. C. 16558. 6015. Images poor and faint. Plates 1078 and 1180; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1209; on first examination spectrum H. 6016. Combined with 6017. DM. magns. 8.0 and 8.3. 6017. See 6016. 6018. Plate 529; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1129 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1181 ; a 394 ; 410, 5? 434, 5 6020. A. G. C. magn. 7. 6021. Images poor and faint. Plate 1078; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 1180 and 1209; en first examination spectrum E ? 6024. Plate 536 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1162; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 double. Plate 1255 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1256 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1314; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6025. Plate 1181 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6026. Plate 1181; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6027. U. A. Corvus 12, magn. 3.3, var. Plate 529; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1129; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1181 ; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1: 471, 1. 6030. A. G. C. 16620. 6033. Images poor and faint. Plate 1078 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F f 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1180 ; on first examination spectrum E f 6034. Plate 529 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 6035. Plate 1181; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6037. DM. +82 357, magn. 8.9, follows 33, north 0'.3. Plate 1255 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1256 ; 448, 2; 456, 1 ; 458,1; 461, 2; 466,1; 468,7; 471,1. 6039. Plate 10 74; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 6040. Plate 1181; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6042. Plate 1077 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6045. Plate 1208 ; spectrum C ? 6048. DM. +79 386, inagn. 9.2, precedes 3.0, south 3'.2. 6050. Plate 1181 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-exam- ination limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6051. Plate 1180; image very poor and faint ; ou first ex- amination spectrum E ? 6054. One of a group of stars. Assumed to be H. P. 2075, cum. Plate 1078; on second examination spec- trum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 322 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 6055. Plate 1256; on special examination spectrum M? 6056. First measure 3.93, resid. 56441. Plate 546; second measure gives residual 5 ; first measure rejected. Adopting second measure of Plate 546 gives a residual of 6 on Plate 1256. Plate 1256 ; second measure gives residual 4. The image is near the edge of the plate, and is too dense to be measured with accuracy. 6057. Plate 1181; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1181; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6058. DM. magn. 2. U. A. Corvus 18, magn. 2.5, var. 6062. Duner 117. The two measures from which the magnitude was derived were obtained from Plate 1128, the images on 1078 and 1209 being too near the edge of plates for accurate measurement. 6064. Plate 1077 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 6067. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 6068. DM. magns. 8.4 and 8.3. Plates 509, 536, 1116, 1242, 1245, 1255, 1314, and 1351 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 1074; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1162; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1208 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 6068. See 6067. 6069. A. G. C. 16752, R. A. 12 h 9 m .6, Dec. -16 0', magn. 6.2, equals U. A. Corvus 19, R. A. 12 h 10 m .6, Dec. 16 0', magn. 6.2. Assumed to be a mistake of l m in the A. G. C. 6072. A. G. C. 16775. 6073. Plate 1181 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-exam- ination limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6077. Plate 1209 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? 6080. Plate 140; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 2242; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6086. Plate 1077; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6089. DuneV 120. 6090. Plate 1127; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 6098. Plate 1077; 434 double? 448, 3. Plate 1127 ; 448, 3. 6099. Plate 1077; 410, 8; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 6101. Plate 1181; 897 a 434; 448, 3. 6103. Plate 1077 ; on second examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6107. Plate 1077; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6109. Plate 503 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6116. Plates 1078, 1080, and 1209; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1078; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1080; image very poor; near edge of plate; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1209 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6118. Plate 509; spectrum L? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1128; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 448,3; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1314; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 6120. Plate 1127 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6122. A. G. C. 16925. 6126. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 6127. Plate 509 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? 6130. Plate 1078; 448, 3. Plate 1209; 397 a 434 ; 434 double f 448, 3. 6131. Plate 1077; spectrum C ? 6132. Plate 1128; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? 6133. Plate 530; 448, 3. Plate 1077; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 1. Plate 1079 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 6137. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1078 aud 1128; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1209; on first examination spectrum H ? 6138. The letter t stands for cd. In DM. R. A. 20 m should be 21 m . Plate 1077 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6140. Duner 121. 6142. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1078; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1209; on first examination spectrum H ? 6143. The letter t stands for dr. Combined in H. P. with 6145, magn. 5.2. Plate 1079 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6145. See 6143. 6146. Plate 530; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1079; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1127; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6148. DM. magn. 3. U. A. Corvus 28, magn. 3.0, var. 6150. Plate 1074 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 1255; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 6154. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"rl24. Plates 1256 and 1314 ; on special examinations spectrum M ? Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum K ; 448, 3; 456,2; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468,1; 471, 1. Plate 1314 ; on first examination spectrum H. 6156. Plate 1128; on first examination spectrum HT Plate 1314; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6159. Plates 545 and 1140; on first examination spec- trum F. Plate 545; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1140; 410,5; 434, 5. 6160. Images poor and faint. Plate 1129 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H f near edge of plate. Plate 1140; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6166. Plate 1129; 405, 1 ; 419, 1; 424, 2; 453, 1. 6167. Plate 1080; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 6168. Plate 503; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 530; limit of spectrum y, 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1080; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6169. DM. magn. 2. U. A. Corvus 36, magn. 2.6, var. Plate 1129 ; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 8; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 323 1; 471, 1. Plate 1140; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1; 466, 1. 6170. Plate 1218, second image; spectrum C ? Plate 509; 393, 1; 421, 1. 6173. Plate 1079; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1127; 448, 3. 6175. Plate 1256; 397 a 434; 446, 1; 448, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2; 471, 1. Plate 1314; 448, 3; 458, 2. 6177. Plate 1128 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6178. Plates 1116, 1255, 1256, and 1351; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 536; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1074; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1245; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6183. Plato 1129; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 6184. Dune> 126. 6191. Plates 509 and 536; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1255; 410, 2; 434, 4. Plate 1256 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6193. Plate 1128; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, ft. 6197. Plate 1256; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6199. A. G. C. 17271 and 17272, magns. 6 and 6J, equal U. A. Corvus 43 and 44, magns. 6 and 6; com- bined magn. 5. 7. Plate 545 ; on first examination spectrum A? 6202. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 6203. A. G. 0. magns. 5J and 5^. U. A. combined magn. 3.1. Plate 1140; ou first examination spectrum A. Plate 545 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1129; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 492 seen. 6203. See 6202. 6205. Plate 1256; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6211. Plate 1255 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1256 ; 410, 2; 484, 2. 6212. Image very poor and faint. Plate 1079; on first examination spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1204 ; on first examination spectrum H? 6214. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1079; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 1204; on first examination spectrum H? near edge of plate. 6216. Plate 1314; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 6218. Plates 1080 and 1128; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 6220. Plate 1080; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6221. Plate 1079; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 6224. Plate 1079; on special examination spectrum M f 6226. U. A. Virgo 83, magn. 6.5, var. ? 6230. Plate 509 ; spectrum C. 6232. Plate 1256; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 6233. Plate 1204; on first examination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. 6236. Plate 1128 ; spectrum C ? 6237. Plate 546; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 536 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 double. Plate 1256 ; a 394 ; 410, 8 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. 6247. Plate 1256 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6248. Plate 1079; limit of spectrum y. Plate 1243 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 6249. Plate 1204 ; on first examination spectrum H? 6250. Plate 1204; on second examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6252. Plate 1243 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum E ? 6254. Combined with 6255. DM. magns. 6.5 and 5.5. Plate 1074 ; spectrum C ? 6255. See 6254. 6256. Plates 497, 1204, and 1243; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 497; image very poor and faint. 6257. Plate 1204 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6258. Combined with 6259. DM. magns. 9.0 and 7.0. A. G. C. magns. 7$ and 1\. Plate 1210 ; on sec- ond examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6259. See 6258. 6261. Plate 1210 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 6264. Dune"r 130. Plate 1210; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 6267. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 1.8. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate ; image too dense to determine magnitude. 6271. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 131. Plate 510; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1140 and 1210; on first examination spectrum K; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1140; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458,1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1210 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 471, 1. 6272. Plate 1140 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 6274. A. G. C. magn. 7. 6278. Combined with 6279. DM. magn. 3.0. H. P. magn. 3.0. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates ; images too dense to determine magni- tude with accuracy. Magn. 3.14, resid. 0. 6279. See 6278. 6283. Plate 1210; on second examination spectrum Fi 410. 5 ; 434, 5. 6284. Plate 1210; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 324 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 6294. Plate 1074; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6295. Plate 1256; 410, 4; 434, 4; on re-examination limit of spectrum (3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6296. Plate 1243; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 6297. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1079 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1204; on first examination spectrum E. 6299. The letter t stands for dr. Dunerl32. Plate 1079; on first examination spectrum K ; on special ex- amination spectrum M ? Plates 1204 and 1243; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1079 ; 448, 3 ; 458, I ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 6311. Plate 1243 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 461, 2. 6314. Plate 1079; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6315. Plate 1256, first image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6317. Plate 1256; 448, 2. 6319. Plates 546 and 1256 ; on first examination spec- trum A. Near edge of Plate 546. Plate 536 a 894; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1242; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 6320. Plate 1140; on first examination spectrum A? near edge of plate; only a small portion of spectrum visible. Plate 510; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, S\ 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 530; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 458, 1. Plate 1079 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8; 453, 2; 456, 2; 458,2; 461, 2. Plate 1210 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 6321. Plates 546 and 1242; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 536 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1256; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 6322. Plates 1079 and 1204 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 6327. Plate 1256; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 6333. Plate 1183; 448, 3. 6334. Plate 1141; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 1243 ; on special ex- amination spectrum M? Plate 1204; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1243; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6336. Duner 133. 6337. Plate 1204 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 6341. Plate 1079; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1079; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, I. Plate 1182 ; 448, 3. Plate 1243 ; 448, 8. 6345. Plate 1210; 448, 3. 6351. Plate 1210 ; on first examination spectrum C I 6356. Plate 1314 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1204; Plate 1243; on first on first Plate 1257; Plate 1183; on first Plate 1204 ; on first 6357. Plate 1142; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5; 434, 5. 6358. Combined with 6359. Plate 497 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1141 ; limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410, and 434 double. Plate 1182; limit of spec- trum fi; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1204; limit of spectrum y\ 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1243; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. 6359. See 6358. 6360. Plate 1142; on first examination spectrum E. 6364. Plate 1243 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6365. Plate 1204; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum A. 6367. Images very poor and faint. examination spectrum E. examination spectrum H ? 6368. Plate 1210; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 410, 5; 434, 5. 6369. Images very poor and faint. examination spectrum H ? examination spectrum E ? 6370. Plate 497; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1141 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2; 434, 5- Plate 1182; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 2 ; 434, 5. Plate 1243 ; spectrum G ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 5 ; other bright and dark lines. 6375. Not observed in the Harvard Photometry on account of the proximity of H. P. 2235. 6377. Plate 1183 ; images poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6380. Plate 1257; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 6382. Plate 1183; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 6383. A. G. C. 18011. Beyond the limits within which accurate measurement can be made. 6384. Plate 1142; 448, 3. Plate 1183; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 1211; 448, 3. 6387. No magnitude in the Harvard Photometry. See Vol. XIV. pp. 299, 412. 6388. Plate 1314; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 6389. Plate 11S3; spectrum C? 6393. Plate 497 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6394. Plate 1182; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6396. Plate 1210; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6398. Plate 1255; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. 6401. Plate 525 on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 1210; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 6405. Plate 1210 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1182; 448, 3. Plate 1210; 448, 3. 6408. Duuer 136. Plates 1210, first and second images, and 1257; on first examination spectrum H; on special examination spectrum M. 6410. Plate 1245; spectrum C? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 325 6411. Plate 510; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1210; a 394. 6412. DM. magn. 3. Plate 525; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 448,2; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1210; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 1257; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 6413. Plate 1256; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6419. Plate 1141 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6423. Images poor and faint. Plate 1210; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? Plate 1257 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 6428. Plate 1183; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1211; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6430. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum H. 6435. Plate 1182; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6436. Plate 1210; 402, 2. 6437. U. A. Virgo 139, magn. 5.5, var. Plate ] 210; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E t 6440. DM. +3 2766, magn. 8.5, follows 8 .8, north 0'.4, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 6440. 6441. Plate 1245; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1255; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1328; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6442. Duner 137. 6445. Duner 138. 6448. Combined with 6449. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 2.4. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate; image too dense to determine magnitude. 6449. See 6448. 6450. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1. A. G. C. magn. 1.5. H. P. magn. 1.2. Measures of bright- ness obtained on two plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 2.44, resid. 4 4- Plate 510; on first examination spec- trum F f a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6452. Plates 1074 and 1116; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? Plates 1255, 1256, and 1328; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1255; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 125G; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1328; 410, 3; 34, 3. 6455. Dune"r 139. Plate 1257; on first examination spectrum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 6456. Plates 1183 and 1211 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? 6457. U. A. Virgo 148, magn. 5.0, var. f 6458. Images poor and faint. Plate 536 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A ? Plate 1256 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ; near edge of plate. 6459. Plate 548 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6460. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 140. Plates 1242, 1245, and 1351 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spec- trum I; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2; on special ex- amination spectrum M. 6461. Combined with 6462. DM. magns. 6.7 and 6.7. Plate 1 256 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 536 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1242 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1245 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1351; 410, 5? 434, 5? 6462. See 6461. 6463. In DM. 21 m should be 22 m . See Vierteljahrs- schrift, Vol. VIII. p. 284. 6465. Plate 1183; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Beyond the limits within which accurate measurement can be made. 6467. Plate 1245; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6468. The letter t stands for dr. Beyond the limits within which accurate measurement can be made. Images poor and faint. Plate 1211 ; on first examination spectrum A; near edge of plate. Plate 1183; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6470. Plate 1211 ; 410, 3 ; 434. 3. 6472. U. A. Virgo 154, magn. 6.7, var. ? Plates 525 and 1325; image very poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? Near edge of Plate 1325. 6476. Plates 1242 and 1256; on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 1260; on first examination spec- trum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 536; 441, 2; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 1. Plate 1245; 448, 2. 6477. Plate 1182; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6478. Plate 1242; on first examination spectrum E ? 6479. Plate 1325 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6480. Plate 1074; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1351; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1255; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. 6482. Dune"rl42. Plate 1257 ; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 6489. Plate 1211 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum A. 6490. Plate 1205 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6491. Images poor and faint. Plate 1183; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1205 ; on first examination spectrum E. 6492. Spectrum of DM. +72 600, magn. 7.0, superposed. 6493. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E; on re- examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6496. Var. in A. G. C. U. A. Virgo 165, magn. var. 5J-6J. 6497. Plate 1211 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6498. First measure 4.14, resid. 7113424. Plate 525 ; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. 6500. Plate 1245; spectrum C? 6501. Plate 1144; on first examination spectrum A; Plate 558; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1183; 326 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. limit of spectrum e ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1211 ; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6504. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1182; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1205; on first examination spectrum H. 6506. Plate 1183; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6507. Plates 536 and 1340; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1340; on second examination spectrum F ? 6510. Duner 144. 6511. Images very poor. Plates 1255 and 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1328 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 2242; on first examination spectrum H. 6514. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6515. Plate 1211; on first examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum 8 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6516. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 6520. Spectrum of D. C. 6388 superposed, and combined light measured. 6524. Plate 1245; 448, 2. Plate 1351; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 6525. Plate 1211; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6531. The measures from which the magnitude of this star is derived are obtained from Plate 1236, the star being beyond the limitfor measurement on Plates 1183 and 1211. It is beyond the limit for accu- rate measurement on 1326. Plate 1183 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 121 1 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6532. Plate 1182 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6533. Duner 145. 6536. Dune"r 146. Plates 536, 1242 and 1326 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 536 and 1322; on special examination spectrum M ? 6544. Plate 1351; image poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H. 6548. Plate 1205 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6549. DM. +77 518, magn. 9.0, precedes 17', north 1'4. 6555. Plate 1325 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 6556. Plate 536 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6560. Plate 1143; linage very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 558 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1182 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1205, first image ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6561. Plate 536 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double f 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1242; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1245; 448, 2. Plate 1328 ; 448, 3. Plate 1340 ; 448, 3. Plate 1351 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2; 474, 1. 6563. Plate 558; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1143; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1182; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1184 ; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1205 ; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 6564. Plate 1338 ; 448, 3. 6566. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 2.0. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. 6567. Plate 1325 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6571. Plate 1325; 448, 3 ; on re-examination 448, 3. 6573. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 147. Plates 548 and 1205; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 1143 and 1184; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1325; on first examination spec- trum K ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 548; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2. Plate 1205 ; 448, 3. Plate 1325; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. 6574. Plate 563 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 6575. Plate 558 ; 448, 3. 6577. Plate 1245; 448, 2; 458, 1. Plate 1255; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1256; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1328; limit of spec- trum o; 397 a 434 ; 434 double? 443, 1; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1351 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 6578. Images very poor. Plate 1185; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? Plate 1211 ; on first examina- tion spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; near edge of plate. 6579. Plate 558 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? 6580. Combined with 6581. DM. magns. 7.5 and 7.4. 6581. See 6580. 6584. Plate 536 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A. 6585. Plate 1143; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 6589. Plate 558 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 6590. Plate 1184; spectrum C ? 6593. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 149. Plate 536 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1242 and 1245 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 1351 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 536, 1242, 1245, and 1351 ; on special examina- tion spectrum M. Plate 1242; 448, 8; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1245; 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1351 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8; 456, 2; 461, 3; 466, 1 ; 474, 2. 6595. Plate 1143; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? on second examination spec- trum F f 6599. Plate 1325 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6601. Plate 1205; 410, 5? 434, 5? on re-examination 410. 5; 434, 5. 6602. Plate 558 ; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 549; limit of spectrum a; 410, 1 ; 434, 3 ; THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 327 bright lines seen. Plate 558 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; other lines; bright lines seen. Plate 1143; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 5; bright lines? Plate 1184; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 3. Plate 1205; limit of spectrum e ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; bright lines seen. 6603. Plate 1147; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1144; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 6604. Plate 1256; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 1328; 448, 3. 6605. Plate 1184; on first examination spectrum El on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6606. Plate 1338; 410, 5f 434, 5? 6608. Plate 1205 ; spectrum C ? 6612. Plate 1328; on special examination spectrum M? 6620. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1184; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1205; on first examination spectrum E ? near edge of plate. 6622. Plate 536; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1328; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6624. Plate 1340; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H; on second examination spectrum P ? 6627. Plate 1205 ; spectrum Cf 6630. Plate 563; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 6632. Images very poor and faint. Plate 558 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1184; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1205 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6634. Plate 1256 ; spectrum A. 6636. Plate 1328 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 2242; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6639. Plate 1205 ; on first examination spectrum H. 6641. Plate 563 ; 397 a 434 ; 448. 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1244 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. 6643. Plates 1244, first image, and 1325 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum P ? Plate 1244 ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1325 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6646. Duner 152. 6647. Plates 1213 and 1259; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1213; on second examination spectrum H ? Plate 1338 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6648. Duner 153. 6650. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1245 ; on first examination spectrum P? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1351 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6651. Dundr 154. Plate 1188; on first examination spectrum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 6654. Plate 549 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1146; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1184; limit of spec- trum y, 410,2, 434,2. Plate 1258; limitof spec- trum /3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1339, 410, 3; 434, 3. 6658. U. A. Virgo, 222, magn. 5.4, var. 6659. Plate 563; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 570; 448, 3. Plate 1244; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. 6662. Plate 1244; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H f on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 563 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6663. Plate 536 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 536; 397 a 434 : 448, 4; 456, 2; 458,1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 560; 448, 4; 468, 2. Plate 1242 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1245 ; 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1256; 448, 3; 458, 1; 463, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1260; 397 a 434; 436, 2; 443, 1; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1328; 397 a 434; 436, 1 ; 443,1 ; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1340; 397 a 434; 436, 1; 443,1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1351; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,1, 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, Z; 471, 1. 6664. Plate 549 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 1184; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1188; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6665. Plate 563 ; only a small portion of spectrum visible. 6667. Plate 1258; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1258; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6669. Plate 5 70; 448, 3. 6671. Plate 1184; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 6672. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 155. Plates 1242 and 1260; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1245, 1340, and 1351 ; on first examina- tion spectrum I. Plates 1260, 1340, and 1351 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plato 1245 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1340 ; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1351 ; 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. 6674. Plate 1258; on first examination spectrum H. 6675. Plate 563; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 570; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1188 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1244; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 6676. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 1.0. H. P. magn. 0.03. Measure of brightness obtained on one plate ; image too dense to determine magni- tude. Plates 549 and 1184 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1146; on first examination spectrum P? 410, 1 ; 434, 2. Plate 549; a 394. Plate 554; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 2. Plate 1184; 394 double? Plate 1258; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plates 1146, 1184, aud 1339 ; sevc.al 328 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. bright and dark lines of shorter wave length than 394. 6677. U. A. Virgo 230, magn. 6.5, var. 6681. Plate 1339; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H? 6682. Plate 1188 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6684. Plate 1259 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6685. Plate 1338 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6688. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 6889. DM. magns. 6.5 and 6.5. H. P. magns. 6.5 and . Plate 1246 ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum A. Plate 1351 ; on second exam- ination spectrum A f Plate 1260 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1340 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6689. See 6688. Not observed in the Harvard Photometry on account of the proximity of H. P. 2405. 6695. Plates 549 and 1338 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 1185; 448, 3; 461, 3. Plate 1258; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1259; 448, 3. Plate 1338; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1339 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3. 6696. Platell85; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1259 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1326 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 6697. Plate 554; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? Plate 5 70; limit of spec- trum 0; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1184; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1188 ; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6698. U. A. Virgo 238, magn. 5.6, var. ? 6700. U. A. Virgo 239, magn. 6.5 var. f 6702. Plate 1184; on special examination spectrum M ? 6707. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. magn. 6.9. A. Gr. C. magn. 7. Plate 563 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum A. Plate 1188; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6708. Plate 1244; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? 6714. Plate 563; image poor; near edge of Plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 6715. Plate 1340; 410,5; 434, 5. 6716. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1184 and 1258, first image ; on first examination spectrum H ? near edge of Plate 1258. 6717. Plate 1245 ; on first examination spectrum E. 6724. Plate 1259; on first examination spectrum H ? 6728. Plate 555; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1147 ; limit of spectrum /3, 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1259; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1260; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double? Plate 1326; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1340 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 6729. Plate 1146; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 6732. Plate 1188 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 6733. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 6734. U. A. Virgo, 246, magn. 5.4, var. Plate 570; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1188; on first examination spectrum E ? 6737. Plate 1259; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6739. Combined with 6740. DM. inagns. 7.5 and 7.0. 6740. See 6739. 6743. Plate 1185 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plates 1187, 1213, and 1259; image poor; on first examination spectrum H? 6745. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1187; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1259; on first examination spectrum E ? 6747. Plates 1187 and 1338; on first examination spec- trum F? Plate 1187; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1338; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6748. Plates 565, 1146, and 1186 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 565; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1146; 448, 3. Plate 1186; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1187; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 1258; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1339 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 6749. Plates 5(>0, first and second images, and 1351, first and second images ; on first examination spec- trum I. On other plates, on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1351, first image; on special examination spectrum M? Plates 1260 and 1340; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 536 ; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 555 ; 397 a 434 ; 446, 4 ; 456, 2; 458, 3; 463, 3; 466, 2; 468, 2; 471, 3; 474, 1. Plate 560, first image; 448, 4; 463, 2. Plate 560, second image ; 448, 3; 453,2; 463, 2. Plate 1242 ; : 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2; 471, 1. Plate 1245; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1260 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1328, first image ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1; 443,7; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1328, second imago ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1340; 397 a 434; 436, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 453, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, /; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 7; 471, 1. Plate 1351, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1351, second image; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 458, 2; 468, 3. 6752. Plate 1186; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1258; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1339; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6753. Plate 1245; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1260; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1328 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 329 6754. Plate 1245; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 1260; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1340; 410, 4; 434, 4 ; 434 double. Plate 1351 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6757. Plate 1245 ; 434 double. 6762. Images poor and faint. Plate 1187; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? Plates 1213 and 1338; on first examination spectrum H? Near edge of Plate 1338. 6763. Plates 1187 and 1258; image poor and faiut; on first examination spectrum E. 6764. Plate 554; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 565 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1146 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1186; limit of spectrum (3; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 410 and 434 double. Plate 1258; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1339; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6766. A. G. C. magn. 8. 6768. Plate 1245; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1260; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6770. Plate 1260; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1340; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6773. Plate 1188; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6776. Plates 1245, 1256, and 1354; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E t Near edge of Plate 1354. Plate 1328; 448,3; 458, 1. Plate 1351 ; 448, 2; 458, 2. 6777. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1213; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1259; on first examination spectrum H 1? 6780. Plate 1256 ; on first examination spectrum H. 6783. Plate 1326 ; spectrum C ? 6785. Plate 1339 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6787. Combined with 6788. Plate 565; 382, 4. 6788. See 6787. 6789. Combined with 6790. 6790. See 6789. 6791. Plate 1245; 448, 3. 6792. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Bootes 6, magn. 5.4, var. f Plate 570; on first and second exam- inations spectrum F? 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1188; on first examination spectrum E? on sec- ond examination spectrum Ft Plate 1327; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 463, 1; 468, 1. 6794. Plate 1186; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 679G. First measure 4.35, resid. 84 S. Plate 570 ; second measure gives residual 2; first measure rejected. Plate 570; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1188; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1327; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6799. Duner 160. Plate 1339 ; spectrum H. Plate 2421, Class I : on special examination spectrum M. 6800. A. G. C. magn. 7. 6801. Images poor and faint. Near edge of Plates 1245, 1340, and 1351. Plates 1260 and 1340; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1245; on sec- ond examination specturm A? Plate 1245; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1351; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6805. Plate 565; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1186; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 1339 ; 448, 3; several bright and dark lines. 6807. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 2.3. H. P. magn. 2.6. Measures of brightness obtained on five plates; images too dense to determine mag- nitude with accuracy. Magnitude 3.88, resid. 6 0032. Plate 554 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plates 565, 1146, and 1339 ; on first ex- amination spectrum K? Plate 1146; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 565 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 2; 456, 2; 458, S; 461, 1; 468, S. Plate 1146; limit of spec- trum j3; 397 a 434; 448. 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1186; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; bright lines ? Plate 1339 ; a 394. 6808. Plate 1213 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6809. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1186 ; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1339 ; on first examination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. 6810. Plate 1189; spectrum C? 6811. Dune> 161. R. A. 14 h 41 m .O, should be 14 h 41 m .4. 6814. Plate 1189; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 6818. Plate 1340; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 6822. Plate 1327 ; on first examination spectrum H t 6824. Plate 1340; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6828. Plate 1247; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E? 6830. Plate 1327; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-exam- ination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 6831. Plate 1260 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 4; 434, 4. 6832. DM. magn. 3. U. A. magn. 3.0. A. G. C. magn. 3. 6835. Plate 1 246 ; spectrum C ? 6836. Plate 565; 410, 2; 434,2. Plate 1187; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6837. Plate 565 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1186; image good ; lines well defined ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6838. Plate 1327 ; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 461, 2. 6840. Plate 1259 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum A ? Plate 1247 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1340 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6841. Plato 552; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1247; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3: 434, 3. 6842. Plate 1187; 448, 3. 6843. Plate 552; imago poor; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 565; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 1186; on first examination 330 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. spectrum K. Plate 565; 448, 2. Plate 1186; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 , 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2. C847. Plate 1186; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double? 6849. Plate 1186; 410, 5; 434, 5; ou re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6850. Plate 1246 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 6851. Plate 555 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 6854. Plate 1328 ; 448, 3. 6855. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1247; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1260; on first examination spectrum H ? 6857. Plate 1351; image very poor; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 6859. Plate 1186 ; spectrum C t 6860. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 4.35, resid. 24720BBBBB. Plate 560; second measure gives residual 6 ; first measure rejected. On first examination of all plates, spectrum K. Plate 550 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 550 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 4 ; 468, 8. Plate 555; a 394; 397 a 434; 443, 2; 453, 1: 458, 4; 461, 1; 463, 4; 474, 5. Plate 560; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 434 double? 448, 3; 453, 1: 456, 1 ; 458,2; 461, 1: 468,2. Plate 1245; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2. Plate 1260; a 394; 397 a 434; bright lines. Plate 1328; a 394; numerous dark lines. Plate 1340; a 394; 397 a 434. Plate 1343; limit of spec- trum a ; 409 bright ; numerous dark lines. Plate 1351 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1. 6871. Plate 552; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1187; 410,2; 434, 2. Plate 1262 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 6873. Plate 1189; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1327; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6876. Plate 1328 ; 434 double? 448, 2. 6878. Var. in DM. U. A. Libra 38, magn. var. 5-6. Var. in A. G. C. 6879. Plates 565 and 1247 ; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 1187; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 552; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1187; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6880. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 162. Plates 1260 and 1340 ; on special examination spectrum M ? or Q ? Plate 1260 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 2 ; 471, 2. Plate 1328; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1340 ; spectrum peculiar; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 456, 1; 468, 3; 471, 3; 474, 3; 477, 2. 6882. Combined with 6883. DM. magns. 7.5 and 7.5. 6883. See 6882. 6885. Plate 1327; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 6886. Plate 587 ; on first examination spectrum L. Plates 1245 and 1256; on hist examination spectrum H. Plate 1328; ou first examination spectrum I ? on second examination spectrum H? Plate 587; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1328; numerous faint lines. Plate 1354 ; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 3. 6889. Plate 1245; image poor and fiiint; ou first exam- ination spectrum P f 410, 3; 434, 3. 6890. Plate 1340; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ; on second examination spec- trum F ? 6891. Plate 1247; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 6893. Plate 1186 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 6894. Plate 566; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1\ 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1189 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1 ; 468, 1, 6895. Plate 565 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 552 ; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, S ; 461, 1. Plate 565; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1. Plate 572; 397 a, 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1187, first image; 397 a 434. Plate 1187, second image; limit of spec- trum 0; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1247; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1; 466, 1 ; 468,2. Plate 1262; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 6897. Plate 1327; on first examination spectrum K; on special examinations spectrum M ? 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1; bright and dark lines. 6903. Images very poor and faint. Plates 565 and 1187 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plates 1187 and 1247; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1262; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6904. A. G. C. 20471. 6907. Plate 1186 ; 448, 3. Plate 1246 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1. 6908. Plate 1343; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A. 6909. Plate 565; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1247 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 552; 410,3; 434, 3. Plate 1247; 410,2; 434,5. 69J17. Plate 1187; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1247 and 1262; on first examination pec- trum E ? 6919. Plate 552 ; image poor : on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 572; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1186 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1246 ; limit of spec- trum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 13. r >2 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 6920. Plate 555 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum A? on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1247; 448, 3. Plate 1340; 448, 2. 6925. Plate 1260; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1328 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 331 6926. Plate 1328; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1333, 1340, and 1343; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 6927. Plate 1328 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6930. Plate 1260; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6932. A. G. C. 20C23. 6933. Plate 1482 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H ? on second ex- amination spectrum F V 6936. The spectrum measured on Plate 1248 was supposed to be that of DM. 13 3407. On re-examination the star was found to be A. G. C. 20623, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals U. C. 6932. 6937. Plate 1343; image poor and faiut ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E? 6938. Plate 1482 ; on first examination spectrum E. 6940. Plate 1482 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 6944. Plate 2242; on special examination spectrum M? 6946. Combined with 6947. DM. magus. 7.5 and 7.5. 6947. See 6946. 6954. Plate 1482 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 6957. In DM. R. A. 15 h 8 m 39.6, should be 15 h 9 m 39.6. See Bonn Obs., Vol. VI. p. 378. Plate 552; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 572 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1246; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 7; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1262; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458 2 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 6958. DM. magn. 2. 6960. Plate 1262; on first examination spectrum H; near edge of plate. 6962. Plate 555; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 560; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1260; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1328 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1340; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 1343 ; -a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6967. Plate 1246; spectrum H ? Plate 2420, Class I; on special examination spectrum A. 6968. No magnitude in the Harvard Photometry. See Vol. XIV. pp. 301, 412. 6969. Plate 566; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1189 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1248; 410, 3; 434, 3. 6971. Plate 572 ; image poor ; on first and second exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6972. Plate 1482 ; on first examination spectrum E. 6978. Plate 1247; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H I 6980. Plates 560, 1340, and 1343; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1328 ; on special examina- tion spectrum Q? Plato 560; 448, 4; 458, 1 463, 1; 468, 2; 474, 1. Plate 1260; 448, 3 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1328 ; 397 a 434; 436, 1 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451 , 1 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1, 471, 1. Plate 1340 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1343 ; 448, 3 458, 2; 468, 2. 6981^ Plate 1328; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 6984. Plate 1247; image poor; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 6985. Plate 1352; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 6986. Plate 572; 402, 2. 6988. Plate 1328 ; on first examination spectrum E. 6993. Plates 1189 and 1482 ; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F. Plate 1189; 410, 5; 434, 5; near edge of plate. Plate 1482; 410, 5; 434, 5. 6991. Plate 556 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 8. Plate 566 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1189 ; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1248; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1482; 410, 2; 434, 2. 6996. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 6997. Plate 572 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 567; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 572; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1246; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1261; limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1352 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 6997. See 6996, 6998. A. G. C. magn. 8. 7002. Plates 567, 572, and 1262 ; on first examination spectrum F. Plates 552, 572, and 1247 ; on sec- ond examination spectrum A. Plates 567, 1262, and 1342; on second examination spectrum B. Plate 567; a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 572; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1262; limit of spectrum c; 410, 5 f 434, 5T 7003. DM. magn. 2.8. H. P. magn. 3.2. Measures of brightness obtained on three plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magnitude 3.77, resid. 133. 7005. Duner 167. 7008. Plate 1328; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1343; 410,5; 434, 5. 7010. Plate 560; 397 a 434; 443, 4; 458, 5; 461, 1; 468, 4. Plate 1328 ; limit of spectrum |3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2: 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1343 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. 7012. Plate 1482; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum F? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 7013. Plate 572 ; several bright and dark lines seen. 7016. Plate 1262 ; on first examination spectrum H? 332 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 7017. Plate 1342; image very poor and faint ; onfirstex- ainiuation spectrum H f on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1262; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7023. Plate 1248 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A. 7024. Plate 1482 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 7027. Plate 1262; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F f 7036. Plate 1482; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. 7037. The letter t stands for dr. A. Gr. C. 21063. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1248; on first exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1482; on first examination spectrum H? 7039. Plate 572; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7040. Plate 1341 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? on second ex- amination spectrum F ? 7045. Plate 1224; image very poor; on first examination spectrum Ef Plate 567 ; 382, 4 ? Plate 1262; 402, 1 ; 453, I. 7047. Plate 1482, first image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1482, second image ; 402, 2. 7048. Plates 1341 and 1352; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 7049. Plates 1328, 1351, 1354, and 2242; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 1395 ; on second ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 1256; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 7051. Plate 1328; 448, 3; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 7052. Plate 556; 448, 3. Plate 1248; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1353; 448, 3. Plate 1482 ; 448, 2. 7053. Combined with 7054. 7054. See 7053. 7056. DM. magn. 2.0. H. P. magn. 2.4. Measures of brightness obtained on three plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magnitude 3.45, resid. 1.10. 7057. Plate 1248; 448, 3 ; 456, 2. 7061. A. G. C. 21162. Plate 1248 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7064. Duner 168. 7065. Plate 572; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1261 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 1352; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7067. Plate 1328; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum A. 7068. Plate 1352 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7073. The spectrum measured on Plate 1482 was sup- posed to be that of DM. -22 3993. On re- examination the star was found to be DM. 22 3996, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 7078. 7074. Plates 1248 and 1482; image poor and faint ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum H. 7075. Plate 1353 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7076. Images poor; near edge of plates. Plate 1247; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1343; on first examination spectrum E ? 7078. Plate 1482; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examiuation 410, 5; 434, 5. 7082. Plates 1328, 1340, 1343, and 1354; on special examination spectrum Q ? Plate 560 ; 448, 4 ; 453, 3; 463, 2. Plate 1260; 434 double? 446, 2; 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1328; 434 double? 448, 4 ; 453, 2 ; 458, 3 ; 463, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1340 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1343; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 3 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1354 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 7085. Plate 1342; 448, 3. 7087. DM. 4.80 481, magn. -8.3, follows 13 s in same declination. Plate 1328 ; numerous dark lines. Plate 1343; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1354; 410, 2; 434, 5. 7089. Combined with 7090. Plate 567, first image; 402, 1; 453, 2. Plate 1342; 402, 2. 7090. See 7089. 7091. Plate 1342; 448, 3. 7092. Plate 1482 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7096. Plate 1342; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1343; image good. 7103. Plate 1328; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1328 ; 448, 8 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1343; 448, 4. 7106. Plates 560 and 1395; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 1395. Plate 1245 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1328 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1351 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1354; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1450; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7108. Plate 1482 ; image very poor; on first and second examinations spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7109. Plate 1224 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7111. Plates 1248 and 1353 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 585, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 585, second image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1248; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 461, 1: 468, 3. Plate 1353, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 451, 1; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1482 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 2. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 333 7113. Plate 1352; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H. 7118. Plate 1482; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7120. Plate 585; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7121. First measure 7.12, resid. 731113. Plate 1245 . second measure gives residual 6; first measure rejected. 7122. A. G. C. 21408. 7124. Plate 1328; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 7129. The letter t stands for dr. Dune'r 169. Plates 1261 and 1329; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1341 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 1329 and 1341 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1341; 448, 3; 458,2; 461, 1; 468, 1. 7132. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. Var. in H. P. Plate 2732, Class I ; on special examina- tion spectrum M. Plate 567; on first examina- tion spectrum F ; 410, 31 434, 3 ? 7133. Plates 1460 and 1505 ; image poor ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum H. 7134. Plates 1328, 1340, 1343, and 1354 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 560 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1245; 410,2; 434,2. Plate 1260; 410,5? 434, 5 ? Plate 1351 ; 410, 5? 434, 5f 410 and 434 double ? 7138. Plate 567; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H I Plate 1329 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7142. Plate 1341 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1329 ; 448, 3. Plate 1341 ; 448, 3. 7143. Plate 1328; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1328; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7144. Plate 567; 448,3. Plate 1250; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 1341 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1; 461, 1. 7146. Plate 1328; on first examination spectrum E. 7147. Plate 1505; image poor; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1480; 410, 5f 434, 5 ? 7149. Plate 585 ; image poor ; only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate ; on first examination spectrum H f on second examination spectrum A ? 7152. A. G. C. 21546. 7153. Plates 1328 and 1343 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. 7155. Plate 567; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 586 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1250; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1342; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 2 ; 434, 5. 7156. Plate 585 ; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7157. Plate 1480: 410, 5; 434, 5. 7158. Plate 1480; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 7159. Plate 1342; 448, 3. 7161. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. Plate 1480 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E I near edge of plate. Plate 1505 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7164. Plate 1341 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 7165. Plate 1249; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 7166^ Dunerl71. 71687 Tlate 585; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 586; limit of spectrum p; 410, 2; 434, 2: 434 double. Plate 1249; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1329 ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1341 5 limit of spectrum y; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1353 ; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 434 double. 7169. Plate 1480 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 585 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7173. Plate 1480 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1353, first and second images ; on second examination spec- trum B. 7174. The spectrum measured on Plate 1480 was sup- posed to be that of DM. -20 4368. On re-exam- ination the star was found to be DM. 20 4364, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 7169. 7176. Plate 590; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1505; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7177. Plate 1328; 410, 2; 434, 2. 7178. Plate 567; 448, 3. Plate 1249 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1341; 448,' 3; 461, 2. 7182. DM. magn. 2. Plate 585; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7183. Images poor. Plate 585 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1353; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A ? 7184. Plates 1354 and 1450 ; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum E. Plate 1354 ; on second ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 1450; on second examination spectrum F. 7189. Plate 567; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7191. Plate 567; 410,3; 434, 3. Plate 1341; 410, 2; 434, 2. 7199. Plate 1328 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7200. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 7201. DM. magn. 4.4. U. A. magn. 4.6. Measured separately in the A. G. C., magns. 4J and 7|. H. P. magn. 4.1. Plate 590; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. Plate 585; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1353 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1480; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1505 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 334 ANXALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORT. 7201. See 7200. 7203. Plate 1330; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 1 250 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7204. Combined with 7205. DM. magns. 8.0 and 2. A. G. C. magns. 7 and 2. U. A. magns. 7J and 2i. Plate 1480; 382, 4; 401, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1505 ; 382, 4; 392, 1; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7205. See 7204. 7206. Dunerl72. 7210. Plate 1328; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1343 ; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double 7211. Plate 2242 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum A. 7212. A. G. C. 21816. Plate 1480 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7215. Plate 1480; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum a; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7216. Plates 560 and 1450 ; on first examination spec- trum F. Image narrow on all plates ; spectrum A ; confirmed from Plate 1881, Class I. Plate 2242; image very poor. Plate 560; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1450; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7217. Plate 1505; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7218. Plate 1480 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7220. A. G. C. 21856. Plate 1480 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7222. Plates 1245 and 1450 ; on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 1245; image poor; near edge of plate ; on second examination spectrum F f 7223. A. G. C. 21871. 7225. Combined with 7226. DM. magns. 5.5 and 7.0. H. P. magns. 4.8 and 4.8. 7226. See 7225. 7229. A. G. C. 21902. 7230. Plate 1329, second image poor; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? 7233. Plate 560 ; spectrum C. 7234. Plate 586 ; on special examination spectrum M ' Plate 1250 , 397 a 434 : 448, 3 ; 458, 2; 461, 1. 7235. Plate 1354 ; image poor and faint ; on first and second 'examinations spectrum A. Plate 1328; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1343 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. 7236. First measure 4.44, resid. 1 41 3$ 1. Plate 1330; first measure gives residual 1 1 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 7238. U. A. Seorpius 36, magn. 6.1, var. ? 7239. Plates 596 and 1480, first image ; on first exam- ination spectrum Ff Plate 1480; only a small portion of spectrum visible. Plate 596; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1480, first image ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plato 1480, second image ; 402, 2. Plate 1505 ; 892, 2 ; 402, 3 ; 453, 3. 7240. Plate 1505; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H? Plate 1480; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7242. Plate 1480; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 7246. Plate 1343; 448, 5. 7248. Plate 1329; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7258. A. G. C. 22004. Plate 1480 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7259. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 176. DM. magn. 3. Plate 590 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 596 ; on first examination spec- trum I. Plates 1391, first and second images, 1480, and 1505 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 1480 and 1505 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plates 1391, first and second images ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 596 ; 448, 3. Plate 1391, first image ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1391, second image; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456,1; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1480; 897a434; 448,3; 456, 1 ; 458,7 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1505 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2 ; 471, 1. 7260. Plate 1250; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7261. Plate 1480 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1391 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7263. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Seorpius 48, magn. 6.3, var. Plate 586 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plate 1329; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7268. Plate 1343; 448, 3; on re-examination 448, 3. 7272. Plates 1391 and 1505 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 596; 448,3. Plate 1391; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1480; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1505; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. 7273. Plate 1343 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7276. Images very poor. Plate 1480 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? near edge of Plate 1391. 7277. Plate 1333; 448, 3. 7279. Dunerl77. 7282. Plate 560 ; spectrum C. 7284. Plate 586 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 611; . 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1250; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1330; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 7285. Plate 586; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 611; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1330, second image; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7286. Plate 1391 ; on first .examination spectrum A. Plate 1480, first image; on first examination spectrum H ; too near edge of plate to determine spectrum with certainty. Plate 596; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1480, second image ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 335 7288. Plate 14 80; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum E I 7291. Plate 610; image very poor and faint; on first and and second examinations spectrum A I Plate 1329; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461,1 ; 466, 1; 468, 1. 7202. Plate 1391 ; 448, 3. 7293. Duner 179. Plates 1250 and 1329; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1329 ; on special ex- amination spectrum M I 7294. Duner 180. Plates 1250 ami 1329 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1329 ; on special ex- amination spectrum M I 7297. Plate 1395, dark; image poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum E ? 7298. Combined with 7299. A. G. C. magn. 5J and of. Plates 1480 and 1505; image very poor; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum Ef Plate 1391; 402, 8. 7299. See 7298. 7301. Plates 560, first and second images, 587, 601, 1328, first and second images, 1-333, and 1354, first and second images ; on first examination spectrum A ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 601 ; focus poor. Plate 1343 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7303. U. A. Ophiuchns 15, magn. 4.6, var. ? Plate 596 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1391 ; 410, 4; 434, 2. 7307. Plate 1354; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. 7309. Duner 182. 7310. Plato 1330; on first examination spectrum H. 7312. DM. magn. 2.5. H. P. magn. 2.8. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates ; images too douse to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.99, resid. 2 2. Plate 587 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1343 ; a 394 ; numerous dark lines. Plate 1354 ; a 394 ; several dark lines. 7314. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 7316. The letter t stands for dr. Dundr 183. Plate 615; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1480; on first examination spectrum H; on special exam- ination spectrum M. Plate 615; 468, 1. 7317. Plate 1245; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7320. Plate 1329 ; on first examination spectrum E 1 7321. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 184. Plate 1250; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1330; on first examination spectrum G ; on special examination spectrum M? or Q? Plate 2748, Class I; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 1330; 419, 3 ; 424, 1 1 442, 3; 480, 21 7322 Plate 1391; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 7324. Plate 610 ; limit of spectrum j3 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1329 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1355 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 1481 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 7326. Plate 1329 ; 448, 3; 461, 2. 7330. Plate 1250; spectrum C? 7333. Plate 1391 ; 448, 3; on re-examination 448, 3. 7334. Plate 1333 ; spectrum C ? 7336. Plate 1329; 410,51 434, 5 f on re-examination 410, 5f 434, 5? 7344. Plate 61 7; spectrum C. 7345. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1343; on first examination spectrum E t Plate 1354 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 7349. Plate 1251 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 73"55. Combined with 7356 and 7357. DM. magn. 5.8. H. P. magn. 5.6. 7356. Combined with 7355 and 7357. 7356 and 7357 com- bined in DM. and in H. P. DM. magn. 5.0. H. P. magn. 5.2. First measure 4.57, resid. 13282. Plate 1343; first measure 5.2 ; second measure 5.0; both measures rejected, since the spectrum is too near the edge of this plate. Plate 611 ; the spec- trum of 7355 being superposed, gives the appear- ance of additional lines. Plate 1343 ; 400,10, 414.10, 443,10; these lines probably belong to spectrum of 7355. 7357. See 7356. 7361. A. G. C. 22576. 7362. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 7363. DM. magns. 6.1 and 7.5. U. A. magns. 6.0 and 7.5. Combined magn. 5.9. H. P. magns. 5.7 and 6.6. Plate 615 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7363. See 7362. 7364. Plate 1499; 448, 3. 7367. Plate 1391 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7368. Images very poor and faint. Plate 596 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1499 ; on first examination spectrum H t 7369. Duner 189. Plates 1330, 1356, and 1393 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1330 and 1356; on special examination spectrum M. 7371. Plate 1499 ; on first examination spectrum E. 7372. Images very poor. Plate 1499, first image ; on first examination spectrum E '? Plate 1499, sec- ond image; on first examination spectrum Hf 7373. Plate 610 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1481 ; on first examination spectrum 1 f Plate 599; 410, 2; 434, 5. Plate 610, a 394. 336 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 7374. 7375. 7376. 7377. 7378. 7380. 7381. 7382. 7385. 7386. 7387. 7388. 7391. 7392. 7398. 7399. 7400. 7401. 7403. 7409. Plate 612 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2; 434, 4. Plate 1329; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1355; bright and dark lines seen. Plate 1356 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 5 ; several bright and dark lines seen. Plate 1481 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 1481; on first examination spectrum H; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1329; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1343; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum H? Plate 1328; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1395 dark; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1499 ; on first examination spectrum H ? A. G. C. 22624. Plate 1332; on first examination spectrum E f on second examination spectrum G ; near edge of plate. Plate 599 ; 448, 3. Plate 1330 ; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1332; bright and dark lines seen. Plate 1356; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1393; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 1328; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 1450 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1333; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1330 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5 ? Plate 1481 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Plate 1343 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1333; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1343; 397 a 434; 448. 3; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1354; 397 a 434; 436, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. DM. +84 366, magn. 9.3, follows 13", south 0'.7, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 7387. Plate 1499, first image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Dune> 190. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1328 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1343 and 1354 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 587 ; spectrum C ? Plate 1328; 448, 3. Plate 1333; 448, 3; 458, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1343 ; 448, 4. Plate 1354 ; 448, 3. A. G. G. 22733. Plate 1499 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 615; image poor; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 1392; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1499; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 615, second image very poor; on first exam- ination spectrum. F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7411. A. G. C. magu. 7. Plate 1499; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7413. Plate 587 ; image poor and faint ; on first and sec- ond examinations spectrum A I Plate 601 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1328; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1333; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1343 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1354; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1395 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 aud 434 double? Plate 1450; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 7418. Plate 1251; on first examination spectrum H? 7426. Plate 1331 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H f 7427. Plate 1251: 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7432. Plate 1251; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1251; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examina- tion 410, 5; 434, 5. 7433. Plate 1354; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 7434. Plate 1333; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 7435. Plate 615; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1392; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1499; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. 7437. A. G. C. 23009. 7441. Plate 587; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 601; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 1333 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1354 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 419, 1? 434, 5; 434 double. 7443. Plate 1499; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7445. U. A. Ophiuchus 70, magn. 5.5, var. f 7447. Plato 1450, first and second images poor; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F. 7448. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.06, resid- J9i2B^450. Plate 587 ; second measure gives residual 4; first measure rejected. Plate 1328; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 587 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 617; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468,2. Plate 1328; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 3. Plate 1354 ; a 394 ; several dark lines. Plate 1395; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 2; 458, 2. Plate 1519 ; 448, 3. 7449. Plate 1333 ; 410, 3? 434, 3? 7453. Plates 1395 and 1450; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1395 ; on second examination spectrum E. 7454. Plates 607 and 1355; imago poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F. Plate 607; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1355; 410, 5; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 337 7457. A. G. C. 23092. Plate 1499; on first examination spectrum E, on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 0. 7462. Plate 1343, spectrum C ? ' 7463. A. G. C. 23106. Plate 1499; on first examination spectrum H. 7464. Duuer 193. Plate 1251; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 7465. Plate 1499 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7467. Plate 1354 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 1333; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1343; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7470. Plate 1354j image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 1333; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7477. Plates 607 and 1499 ; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? 7478. A. G. C. 23154. 7482. Plate 1499 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examiuation 410. 5; 434, 5. 7487. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 7488. Plate 613; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 601; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1333 ; a 354 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1393; limit of spectrum 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 7488. See 7487. 7489. First measure, 6.75, resid. 2454. Plate 1395; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 1333; a 394; 410, 3; 434,3. Plate 1395; 410, 5? 434, 5? 7491. Plate 1392; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1499; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7492. Plate 1356 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7494. DM. magn. 2. 7495. Plate 1354 ; 448, 3. 7497. Plate 1499; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7499. Plate 650; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7500. A. G. C. 23275. Plate 1499 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7501. A. G. C. 23276. 7502. Plates 1332 and 1393; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 1332, 448, 3. 7503. Plate 1354; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7509. Plate 1356 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? 7510. Plate 1333 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on I re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7511. Plate 1357; 448, 3. 7513. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 196. Var. in DM. Plate 589 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A? on second exam- ination spectrum E f Plate 607 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? Plates 1344 and 1392 ; on first examination spectrum G I on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1344 ; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1392; several bright and dark lines; spectrum peculiar? 7515. The letter t stands for bd. DM. +54 1868," magn. 8.9, precedes 9 3 .0, in same declination. Plate 1359; image poor; near edge of plate; on first _ _ examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7517. Plate 1333 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectru m A f 7519. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1357 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1392; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7520. Plate 589 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 589; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458,1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 650; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 , 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1832 ; 397 a 434; 438,4; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456,1; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1345 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 2; 448, 3; 451, 1; 456, l; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1393; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1; 468, 3; 471, 1. 7521. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Ophiuchus 110, magn. 6.7, var. ? Plates 607 and 1357 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1392; on first examination spectrum A ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1373, Class I ; on special examination spectrum B ; 402, 2. 7522. Plate 1392; 448, 3. 7524. U. A. Ophiuchus 112 and 113, combined magn. 5.5. A. G. C 23419 and 23420. Magns 6 and 7. 7525. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1331 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1344; on first examination spectrum E. 7526. Plate 1519; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F ? 7528. Plate 1331 ; 382,4; 392,2; 402,2; 453,2. Plate 1345; 392, 1; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7534. Plate 1357; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 7536. Plate 1333; spectrum C? Plate 1354; 410, 5; 434, 5-, 410 and 434 double. 7539. Plate 1357; on first examination spectrum F? limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7542. Plate 1331 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 7543. Plate 616; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1357; 382,4; 392, 1 : 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 7547. Plate 1345 ; on first examination spectrum E. 7549. Plate 1333 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 338 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 7550. Plate 1332; on first examination spectrum II ? Plate 1345 ami 1359; on first examination spec- trum E f Plate 1345 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 7552. Duner 198. On first examination of all plates spectrum H. Plate 1345; on special examination spectrum M. 7554. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 7557. Plate 1344; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 7558. Plate 650; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1359; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7560. Plate 609 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1332; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1345; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7569. Combined with 7570. 7570. See 7569. 7571. Plate 607 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7574. A. G. C. 23621. 7578. Plate 1344; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 649 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7579. Plates 616 and 1392; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 1392 ; on second examination spectrum A t too near edge of plate to deter- mine class of spectrum satisfactorily. Plate 1357 ; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7581. Plate 1333 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum A. 7582. Plate 1357 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7583. Plate 1357; 448, 3; 456, 2; on re-examination 448, 3. 7586. Plate 1359 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7589. Plate 1344 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 7598. Plate 1357; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 7599. Plate 1333 ; 448, 3. 7600. U. A. Ophiuchus 149, magn. 5.2, var. ? 7601. Plate 1384; image poor; near edge of plate.; on first examination spectrum E; on second exam- ination spectrum F ? 7607. Plate 1359; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7608. Plate 1333 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7609. Plate 1344 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 649 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1344 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 135?; 448, 3. 7611. Plate 1343; second measure gives residual 8. Plate 1384 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; second measure wrong; see Vol. XXVI. p. 108. Plate 1333; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 468. 2. Plate 1354; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 3. Plate 1395; 448, 3. Plate 1450; 448, 2, 458, 2, 468, 2. 7614. Plate 649 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F 1 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7616. Plate 601; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 448, 3; 458, 2; 4G3, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 609 ; limit of spectrum ft . 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1; 448, 2 , 456, 1 ; 458,' 2, 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1333 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1359 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 2; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1393; limit of spectrum ft ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 7618. Images very poor and faint. Plate 650 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1345; on first examination spectrum H? 7620. Plate 2242; on special examination spectrum M? 7622. Plate 649; 410, 3; 434,3. Plate 1344; 410,3; 434,3. Plate 1358; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7625. Plate 1519 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum F ? 7627. Plate 1357 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7632. Plate 649; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1344; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7633. Spectrum of 7634 superposed on that of this star on Plates 601, 609, 613, and 1393. Spectrum A ; photographic magnitude 4.88 ; values in succes- sive columns of Table II. 4.8, 4.6, 4.7, 4.2 ; 2014; "|8K/3; OOH2. 7634. See 7633. 7635. DM. +48 2533, magn. 9.3, follows I'.S, north 0'.5. Plate 1359; on first examination spectrum E. 7636. Plate 649 ; 492 seen. 7637. Images poor and faint. Plate 650 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1345 ; on first examination spectrum E. 7640. Plates 1345 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7641. Plate 650; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 7642. Plate 1354; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? on second examination spec- trum F. 7643. Plate 1344, first image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E t 7645. Plate 1333; on first examination spectrum A. 7646. Images very poor and faint. Plate 649 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 1344 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7647. Images very poor and faint. Plate 650; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1345; on first examination spectrum E. 7648. Plate 1333; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1; 448,3; 453. 1; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, TIIE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 339 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1395 ; 897 a 434 ; 448, 3; 45S, 2. Plate 1450; 448, 3. 7650. DM. +86 263, uiagn. 9.2, precedes O m .5, in same decliuation. Plate 2242; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7655. Plate 1359; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ; on second examination spec- trum F f 7656. Plate 1333; 410, 2; 434,3; 434 double. Plate 1395; 410 ; 2; 434, 2. Plate 1450; 410, 1; 434, 1. 7658. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1359; on first examination spectrum E. 7660. Plate 1357; on first examination spectrum E ? 7663. Plate 1333; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 7665. Plate 1347 ; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 7669. Plate 1359; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 51 7670. Plate 589; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 609; 382, 4; 402, 2; 403, 5; 417, 2; 426, 1 ; 438, 1; 448, 3. Plate 650 ; 382, 4 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 7675 Plates 1376 and 1394; image very poor and faint; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum H; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 649; image good; lines well defined ; spectrum F; a 394; 410,3; 434,3. Plate 1344; limit of spec- trum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7676. Plate 1376; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1357 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7677. Plate 601; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 617; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1333; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1395 ; a 394 ; 410, 4 ; 434, 4 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1450; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7678. Plate 1395 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1450; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum B ? Plate 1333; 410,4; 434, 4. Plate 1450; 448, 3. 7680. Plate 608 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A f Plate 649 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7683. Plate 1345; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 7685. Plate 1384 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E? 7686. Plate 614; 397 a 434; 43?, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1\ 471, 1. Plate 1357; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1376 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 7688. Plates 1333 and 1450; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1450 ; on second examination spectrum A. 7690. Images very poor and faint. Plate 649 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plates 1344 and 1358; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1394 ; on first examination spectrum E. 7693. Plate 1333 ; 448, 3. Plate 1450 , 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 7695. Plates 1358 and 1394; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 7696. Combined with 7697. DM. magus. 6.5 and 6.5. U. A. magns. 6.4 and 6.4. 7697. See 7696 7698. Plate 1450 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3, 7699. Plate 1347 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7701. Plate 1376 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 7702. Plate 649; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7704. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1347 ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1358; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1394; on first examination spectrum H ? 7705. Plate 1333; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7709. U. A. Sagittarius 2, magn. var. 4-6. Var. in A. G. C. Plate 1357 ; on first examination spec- trum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? near edge of plate. Plates 1357 and 1382; image very poor; on special examination spectrum H? Plate 3649 Class I; on special examination spec- trum K. 7710. Plate 1359 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amina'tion spectrum E ? 7713. Plates 649, 658, and 1347 ; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E , near edge of Plate 1347. 7717. Plate 1347; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7719. Plate 608 ; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 1346; on first examination spectrum E? on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 1358 ; on first and second examinations spectrum G ; Plates 608 and 658 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 589; 448, 2 Plate 608; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 649 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 448, 8 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 658; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 1844 ; limit of spectrum j3; 397 a 434 ; 448, 8; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461,1. Plate 1346; limit of spectrum j3; 894 double? 448, 2. Plate 1358; 410, 2; 434, 5; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1394 ; limit of spectrum B ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 7725. Plate 1382 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? 7728. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 7729. DM. magns. 6.2 and 4.8. Plate 628 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A? Plate 1384; on first examination spectrum L? Plate 601 , 410, 6 ; 340 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 434, 5. Plate 617 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1333 ; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double If Plate 1384 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1395 ; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1450; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7729. See 7728. 7731. Plate 1347 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7732. Plate 608 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? 7733. The letter t stands for dr. Images poor and faint. First measure 6.87, resid. 346.201. Plate 1384 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 1384; on first exam- ination spectrum A? Plates 1450 and 1519; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1384 and 1519; on second examination spectrum Hf near edge of Plate 1519. Plate 3313 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7734. Images poor. Plates 658 and 1345 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? Near edge of Plate 1345. Plate 1358 ; on first examination spectrum E I Plate 658; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1345 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7738. Plate 1359; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 7740. Plate 1347; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7741. Duuer 205. 7742. Plate 1344 ; spectrum C. 7749. Plate 1358, image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 7750. Plate 1333; 448, 3. 7751. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 7752. Plates 1358 and 1394; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum E. 7755. Plate 1394; 448, 3. 7756. Plate 649 ; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 7761. Plate 1358; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7762. Images poor. Plates 650 and 1345 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E. Near edge of Plate 1345. Plates 609 and 650 ; on second examination spec- trum F t 7766. Plate 1346 ; on first examination spectrum E? on re- examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7767. Images poor. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1359; on first examination spectrum H. 77G9. Plate 1450; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7770. Plate 1382; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 7773. A. G. C. 24312. 7775. Plate 1347; 448, 3. 7777. Plate 1384; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum H ? 7778. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 7781. Plate 1359 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 7784. Plate 1347; 448, 3. Plate 1359 ; 448, 3. 7786. Plate 1382, first image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H 1 7794. Plate 1346; limit of spectrum j3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1358; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1394, second image; 410, 3; 434, 3. 7799. Plate 609; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 617 ; 438, 5 ; 453, 4 ; 468, 2. Plate 1333 ; a 394; 397 a 434; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1395 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1450 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. 7810. Plate 652; on special examination spectrum MT Plate 650 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 652 J 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 448, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, ; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, J. Plate 1347; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 2; 448, 3; 451, 2; 456,2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 2; 'ill, 1. Plate 1359; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, J; 471, 1. 7811. Plate 1376; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? 7813. Plate 625; 448, 3. Plate 1376; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 466, 1. Plate 1382 ; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, .2; 468, J. Plate 1509; 434 double; 448,3. 7814. Plate 1383; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H. 7821. Plate 608 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 608 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 651 ; limit of spectrum y\ 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 658 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 2. Plate 1346 ; limit of spectrum y; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, J; 448,8; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1358; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1394; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 7823. First measure 5.60, resid. 8055p3022. Plate 1354 ; first measure gives residual 1 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 587; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum C ? Plate 601 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 628 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1333; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1354 ; a 394 ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1384; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1395; a 394; 410, 2j THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 341 434, 2. Plate 1450 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. 7824. Plate 1347 ; limit of spectrum /3. 7826. Plate 1395; image poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 7827. Plate 609 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 609; 397 a 434; 436, 1; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 451, 2; 453, 1 ; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 463, 1; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 47], 1. Plate 627 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 650; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 3; 471, 1. Plate 660; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1333 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1347 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 2; 448, 3 , 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2 ; 471, 1. Plate 1359 ; limit of spectrum (3 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2; 466. 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1383; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 7828. Plate 1347; limit of spectrum a, 410, 2; 434, 2. 7829. Plate 1394; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 7831. Plate 608; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 651; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 658 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1346 ; limit of spectrum f ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5? Plate 1358; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434,5. Plate 1394 ; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7838. Plate 1376, second image near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 625 ; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1376, first image; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1382 : a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7840. Plate 1509; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1382; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 7841. Combined with 7842. DM. magns. 7.2 and 7.0. Plate 1333 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? 7842. See 7841. 7844. Plate 1346 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1346 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, %<, 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 7845. Images poor and faint. Plates 1354 and 1450; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1384 dark; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1333 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 1395; 410, 5? 434, 5? 7846. Plate 625; 402, 2; 453, 3. Plate 1382 ; 392, 1; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. 7848. Plate 1382; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7849. Plate 1333 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 7850. Plate 660, on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5, 434, 5. 7851. Plate 1382; 410, 5? 434,5? on re -examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7852. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E. 7853. Plate 1384 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H. 7856. Plate 1346 ; on first examination spectrum H. 7858. U. A. Ophiuchus 193, magn. 5.1, var. ? 7860^ Plate 1382; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re- examination "410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7861. Plate 617; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. Plate 628 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1333; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1384; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1395 ; a 394 , 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1450; 410, 7; 434, 7. 7863. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum E; on re -examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7865. Plate 1347; 448, 3. 7866. The letter t stands fbr dr. Combined with 7867. First measure 4.92, resid. p . 1 . 4 f>. Plate 608 ; first measure gives residual 1 ; second measure gives residual 5 ; first measure rejected. Plates 651 and 658; on first examination spectrum F 1? Plate 651, first image; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 658 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7867. See 7866. 7868. Plate 1382; on first examination spectrum E. 7870. Plate 1333 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. 7871. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1347,' on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F? Plate 1359 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 7872. Combined with 7873. Plate 1376; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1382 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 7873. See 7872. 7876. A. G. C. magn. 8. Plate 1382; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 7878. Plate 651; 402, 2. Plate 1358; 402, 2. 7883. Plate 651 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plates 1358 and 1394 ; on first examination spec- trum F? Plate 1358; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7884. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1359; on second examination spectrum A ? 7888. Images poor and faint. Plate 1384 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H ; near edge of plate. Plate 1450 ; on first examination spectrum A. 7889. Plates 1358 and 1394; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1394; on second examination spectrum A ? 7894. Plate 1359 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 1347; limit of spectrum 8; 410, 3; 434, 3. 342 ANNALS OP HAEVAED COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 7897. Plate 1346; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 7901. Plate 1333 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum C f 7902. Plate 1382; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458,2; 461, 2. 7903. Magn. 6.10, in H. C. Annals, Vol. XIV. p. 412. 7905. Plate 1346 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 7906. Plate 1382; second image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7907. Plate 1359; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 7910. Combined with 7911. DM. niagns. 7.6 and 7.5. 7911. See 7910. 7913. Combined with 7914. DM. magns. 8.0 and 7.2. Plate 1450 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F ? 7914. See 7913. 7918. Plate 1333; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 7924. Duuer 207. 7929. Plate 1359 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? 7930. Plate 1382; 448, 3. 7934. Plate 1346; on first examination spectrum E ? 7939. Plate 651; limit of spectrum |3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 659 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1346 ; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1367; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 7940. Plate 1346; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1377; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7942. Combined with 7943. DM. magns. 7.7 and 7.3. Plate 1347; 410,5; 434, 5. 7943. See 7942. 7944. Plate 1367; spectrum Ct 7945. Plate 1359; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 7946. Combined with 7947. 7947. See 7946. 7948. Plate 1347 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; on re-examination 410, 8 ; 434. 8. 7949. The letter t stands for bd. DM. +14 3428, magn. 8.9, follows 1'.3, south 2'. Plate 651; on first examination spectrum F ; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1377; on first examina- tion spectrum E ? 7952. Plate 651 ; 382, 5 ? 392, 3 ; 401, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 414, 1 ; 448, 2. Plate 1346 ; 382, 4 ; 402, 2 ; 453 2. 7954. Plate 1347; 448, 3. 7955. Plate 1347 ; limit of spectrum j3 ; 448, 3. 7958. Plate 1367 ; spectrum C. 7959. Plate 1377; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1382 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 7960. 7963. 7966. 7967. 7971. 7973. 7974. 7975. 7981. 7983. 7985. 7986. 7988. 7989. 7991. 7994. 7996. 7997. 8004. 8007. 8008. 8009. Duuer 210. Plate 1377; 410, 5; 434, 5. Images poor and faint. Near edge of Plates 1395 and 1450. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1395; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1450 ; on sec- ond examination spectrum A. Plate 1377 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1347 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E t Plate 1382 ; 448, 3 ; on re-examination 448, S. A. G. C. 24751. Plate 1382; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 651 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1346; 410, 3? 434, 3 ? Plate 1347; 448, 3. Plate 1347 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1347,- 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1354 ; on first examination spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1519 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1359 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E f on second exam- ination spectrum F f Combined with 7994. DM. magns. 6.5 and 6.5. Combined in H. P. magn. 5.2. Plate 587 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 601 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 628; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 682; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 738; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1333; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 1354 ; a 894; 410,3; 434, 3; 434 double; 486 double ? on re- examination doubling of 486 proved to be a defect ; lines do not run parallel. Plate 1384 ; a 394; 410, 5; 484, 5; 434 double. Plate 1395; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1450; a 394; 410, 8; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1519; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. See 7991. Images very poor and faint. examination spectrum E ? examination spectrum H. Plate 625; 410, 5; 434, 5. 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1509 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 211. Plates 1346 and 1367 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3. Plate 1367 ; on special examination spec- trum M. Plate 1346; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1377; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1450 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 1377 ; on first Plate 1382; on first Plate 1382 ; a 394 ; THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 343 8010. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8013. Images very poor. Plate 1377; on first examina- tion spectrum H. Plate 1382; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 8014. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1377; on first examination spectrum E ? Plates 1382 and 1509 j on first examination spectrum P f Plates 1506 ; on first examination spectrum H I Plate 8231 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1509; 410, 3; 434, 3. 8015. Plates 1333 and 1384; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Near edge of Plate 1333. Plate 1384 dark. Plate 1450; on first examination spectrum H. 8020. Plate 1382, second image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ; on sec- ond examination spectrum A? 8025. Plate 1384 dark; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 8028. Images very poor. Plato 1367 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H. Plate 1347 ; on second exam- ination spectrum A ? near edge of plate. 8030. Plate 1384; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8031. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum H. 8032. Plate 1377; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8033. Plate 1367 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8035. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1333 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1395; on first examination spectrum H. 8037. A. G. C. magn. 7. Beyond the limits within which accurate measurement can be made. 8038. Plate 1377; on first examination spectrum H. 8040. Plate 1346 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8041. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1377 ; on first examination spectrum HI Plate 1382; on first examination spectrum E ? 8042. Plate 1377 ; on first examination spectrum E. 8047. Plate 1347; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8048. Plate 1347; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8051. Plate 1377; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8052. Plate 617; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 628; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1384 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1395; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1450 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. 8054. Plate 1377 ; on first examination spectrum P ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8065. Plate 1377; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8069. The letter t stands for bdr. DM. +81 618, magn. 9.4, precedes 3", south 0'.3, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 8069. Plate 1354; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1395 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1450 ; 410, 3 ; 434, S. 8071. Plate 1347; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8073. Plate 1377; spectrum H If on special examination spectrum F f Plate 3696, Class I; on special ex- amination spectrum G. 8076. Plate 1377; 448, 3. 8078. Plate 136 7; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H f 8079. Plates 1346 and 1367; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1367; on special examination spectrum M ? 8080. Plate 625; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1377 ; 397 a 431 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458,1; 461,1. Plate 1382; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 1 ; 492 seen; on re-examination 492 proved to be a defect in plate. Plate 1506; 397 a 4 3; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. DM. magn. 3. 8083. Plates 652 and 1367 ; on special examination spec- trum M ? Plate 652 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 659; 448, 3. Plate 1347; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 484; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1367; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1; 471, 1. 8084. Plate 1346; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8085. Images very poor. Plate 1382 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5 ; near edge of plate. Plate 1506 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8087. Plates 651 and 1346; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1367; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8088. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum H. 8089. Plate 1367 ; 448, 2. 8092. Plates 659 and 1867; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F f Plate 659 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1367; a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5? 8097. Plate 1367; 410, 5! 434, 5i 8098. Plate 1506; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 8101. Plate 651; on first examination spectrum E. 8107. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8108. Dune'r 213. Plates 1347 and 1383; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1347 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 8111. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 8114. Plate 1346 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 626 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 659; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2. Plate 1346 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, * ; 461, 2. Plate 1367; a 394; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 344 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 8117. The spectrum measured on Plate 660 was supposed to be that of DM. +48 2683. On re-examination the star was fouud to be DM. +38 3159, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 8128. 8118. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum H. 8119. Images very poor. Plate 1383; on first examina- tion spectrum H? Plate 1384 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? near edge of plate. 8120. Plate 1367; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8121. Platel377; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8126. Plate 1347 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8127. Plate 1347; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8131. Plate 1450; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8132. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 8136. Plate 1377 ; on first examination spectrum E I on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8138. Plate 1347; spectrum C. 8139. Plate 1367 ; image poor ; on first and second exam- inations spectrum P ? limit of spectrum ft ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8144. Plate 625 ; 448, 3. Plate 1451 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 8146. Plate 652 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 8147. Plates 1333 and 1519 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second exam- ination spectrum A ? Plate 1395 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8150. Plate 1377; 410, 5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8152. Plate 134 7; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 8154. Plate 1367, first image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E f 8163. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum L. Plate 617; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 628; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 682; 410,2; 434,2; 434 double. Plate 1333; a 894 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1384; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 1395 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1450; a 394; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1519; 410, 3 ; 434, 3; 434 double. 8164. A. G. C. 25197, magn. 7. 8168. U. A. Serpens Cauda 42, j;um. Assumed to be H. P. 3117, cum. 8171. DM. +46 2489, magn. 9.3, precedes 1 8 .9, south 0'.4. 8173. Combined with 8174. DM. magns. 7.5 and 8.5. 8174. See 81 73. 8176. Plate 1451 ; on first examination spectrum E ? near edge of plate. 8179. Plate 1450 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 2242 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8187. Plate 1377; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H. 8189. Plate 1347; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8191. Plate 1550; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 8194. Plate 628; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1450 ; 448, 3. 8199. Plate 1367; image poor; on first examination spectrum H. 8204. Plate 1384; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 8209. Plate 1451 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F ? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8211. A. G. C. 25329. 8212. Plate 1451 ; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8213. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum E f on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8218. Plate 1347; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8222. Plate 1377 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1451 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8223. Plate 1550 ; 402, 2. 8229. Plate 1367; 402, 2; 453, 2. 8230. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8231. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Scutum 14, magn. 3.6, var. ? Plato 1377 ; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Plate 631 ; 448, 3. Plate 1377; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1451; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1506; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 2. 8235. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8241. Plate 136 7; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8243. Plate 628 ; on special examination spectrum Q ? Plate 628; 438, 5; 443, S; 458, 2; 463, 1. Plate 660 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1395 ; 410, 1 ; 434, 1. Plate 1450: 410, 1; 434, 1. 8244. Plate 1450 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 1384; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8245. Plate 1551 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 8246. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum H. 8249. Plate 1383; 448, 3. 8251. DM. +22 3417, magn. 9.5, precedes 2".6, south 0'.3. 8252. Plates 689 and 1506 ; image poor and faint. Plate 689 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1506; on first examination spectrum H? on sec- ond examination spectrum A? Plate 1377; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1451 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 8, 434, 3. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 345 8255. 8261. 8262. 8269. 8270. 8273. 8275. 8277. 8280. 8284. 8285. 8289. 8290. 8295. 8296. 8297. 8298. Plates 689 and 1377 ; image very poor. Plate 689 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1377 ; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1377} 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1451; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1377 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1451 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1451; ou first examination spectrum E; on re-examination a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1451; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1450 ; on first examination spectrum H. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.49, resid. .Z 4 20 70. Plate 1367; second measure gives residual 2; first measure related to DM. +23 3385, and was rejected. Plate 619 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. A. G. C. 25456, magn. 7. Plate 1384 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H. Omitted in DM. Magn. 7.5. See list of errata, Bonn Obs., Vol. VI. p. 380. Plate 1384 dark; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. DM. magn. 1.0. H. P. magn. 0.2. Brightness could not be measured ou account of the density of the images. Plate 1377 ; ou first examination spectrum H? Plate 1451 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 628; 468, 5; 474, 5. Plate 738; 448,4; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1333 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1395 ; 448, 3. Plate 1450; 448, 3. The spectrum measured on Plate 666 was supposed to be that of DM. +18 3767. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +28 3037, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 8286. Images very poor and faint. Plato 1377; on first examination spectrum H. Plato 1451 ; on first examination spectrum E ? The spectrum measured on Plate 660 was supposed to be that of DM. +53 2108. On re-examina- tion the star was found to be DM. +43 3027, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 8282. Plato 1377; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum II t Plate 1451; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. DM. +30 3261, magn. 9.5, precedes 5 S .8, south 0'.8. Images very poor arid faint. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1550; on first examination spectrum H; near edge of plate. 831 1 . Images very poor and faint. Plate 660 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 1551 on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 8312. Plato 1367; image very poor; on first examina- tion spectrum H. 8313. Plates 631 and 689; on first and second examina- tions spectrum A ? Plate 1451 ; on second ex- amination spectrum G. Plate 1377 , 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1451 ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1506 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8316. Plate 1450; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8329. DM. +34 3286, magn. 8.5, follows 2 3 .0, in same declination. 8335. Plate 136 7; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E. 8345. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 666; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8348. Plate 1367; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8350. Plate 1500; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E t 8351. Combined with 8352. DM. magns. 8.6 and 8.0. 8352. See 8351. 8354. Combined with 8355. Combined also with 8356 and 8357 on Plates 619, 627, 656, and 660, Magn. 4.94. Values in successive columns of Table II. 6.2, 6 4, 6.7, 5.2 ; 0312; aae/3 ; 5HFH. 8355. See 8354. 8356. Combined with 8357. 8357. See 8356. 8358. Plate 666 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 : on re -examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 8359. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8360. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8363. Plate 1451 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double; on re- examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 double. 8364. Combined with 8365. DM. magns. 4.5 and 5.5. H. P. magns. 4.3 and 5.9. 8365. See 8364. 8366. Plate 1367 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8369. Plate 618; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 659 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 666 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 706 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1367 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. .Plate 1525 ; 410, 3; 434, 8. Plate 1550 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 434 double. 8371. DM. +18 3815, magn. 9.2, follows 1 8 .8, north O'.l. Plate 1367 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 8374. Plate 666 ; 448, 3. Plate 1367 ; 448, 3 8376. Var. iu DM. Var. in A. G. C. U. A. Scutum 25, 346 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. magn. var. 5-9. Plato 1451 ; on first exam- 8423. ination spectrum H ; on special examination 8424. spectrum F1 On Plate 1476, taken with the 11 inch Draper Telescope, spectrum K. 8378. Plates 628 and 1450; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1450; on sec- 8427. ond examination spectrum A ? Plate 738 ; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1333; 8428. 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1384; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1395; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8432. 8379. Plate 1367 ; spectrum C? 8381. Plate 666; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8434. 8389. Plate 1451; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8392. U. A. Sagittarius 104, magn. 5.5, var. I 8396. Images very poor. Plate 655 ; on first examina- 8436. tion spectrum El Plate 1367; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? limit of spectrum y, 410, 2 i 434, 2 ; near edge of plate. Plate 1550 ; on first examination spectrum H. 8398. Images poor. Plate 627 ; on first examination 8437. spectrum C. Plate 1500; on first examination spectrum Hf Plate 1569; on first examination 8439. spectrum E f Plate 1384 ; 401, 3 ; 448, 3. 8400. Plate 1519; image very poor and faint; on first 8440. examination spectrum H ? 8403. Images very poor and faint. Plate 666 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1550 ; on first examination spectrum H. 8442. 8404. Plate 1451; on first examination spectrum E? on 8443. re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8405. Plate 660; 410,5; 434,5; on re-examination 410, 8448. 5 ; 434, 5. 8450. 8406. Plate 1551 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8409. Plate 1451 ; on first examination spectrum E ? a 394 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum a ; 410, 8451. 5 ; 434, 5. 8411. Plate 1568; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- 8452. animation spectrum F I 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 8413. Plate 1367 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on 8453. re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8415. Plate 666; on first examination spectrum E? on 8454. re-examination 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 8417. Plate 1551 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 8455. 5; 434, 5. 8418. Plate 1451; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 8457. limit of spectrum a; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8420. Plate 1622; 402, 2. 8421. Plate 1450; on first examination spectrum E? on 8458. re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8422. Var. in DM. Plate 619; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 655; a 394. Plate 706; a 394; 410, 5; 8461. 434, 2. Plate 1367 ; limit of spectrum y, 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1551 ; limit of spectrum q ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1622 ; several bright and dark lines. 8462. A. G. C. 25810. Images poor and faint. Plate 1450 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F ; near edge of plate. Plate 1519 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1550 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f Plate 1451; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. First measure 5.30, resid. 1.224.06. Plate 1622 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Images very poor. Plate 656; on first examination spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Only a small por- tion of spectrum on plate. Plate 1569 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F f near edge of plate. Plate 1384 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double 1 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1450; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1519 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 1384; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1500; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? Images very poor and faint. Plate 701 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1451 ; on first examination spectrum F? a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plato 689 ; 382, 3 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1384; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 656 ; 448, 3. Plate 1384; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 1519 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 1451 ; limit of spectrum a ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? line recorded at 492 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 492 proved to be a defect in plate. Plate 1450; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 655; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3? 434, 3? Plate 1569 ; image poor and faint ; on first exam- ination spectrum E? Plate 1551 ; 402, 2. Plates 1550 and 1622; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 151 9; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1500; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1383; 448, 3. Plate 1568; 448, 3. Duner 216. Plates 1551 and 1569; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1551; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Combined with 8462. DM. magns. 4.0 and 4.3. U. A. magns. 4.5 and 4.7 ; combined 4.2, var. ? U. A. Standard 542, magu. 4.4. See 8461. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 347 8465. Plate 1567; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 8466. Plate 656 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 8467. Plate 1550 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8470. Plate 1451 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1567 ; 448, 3. 8472. Plate 1569 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 656 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8475. The letter t stands for dr. Var in DM. DuueY 217. Plate 656; on first examination spec- trum K ; on special examination spectrum M. Plates 1500, 1551, and 1569 ; on first exami- nation spectrum H. Plate 656 ; spectrum pecu- liar; 397 a 434; 438, 2; 443, 2; 448, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 8; 471, 2; 474, 1 , 477, 2; 492 seen. 8476. In H. P. magn. 7.2; DM. +2 3756, magu. 7.3, was measured by mistake. Plate 1451 ; image poor ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8477. Plato 1451; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8479. Images poor and faint. Plates 696 and 1333; on first examination spectrum C? Plate 1395; on first examination spectrum F If a 394; 410, 5? 434, 5? 410 and 434 double. Plate 1570; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 628; 403, 5. 8480. Plate 1384; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1384 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8482. Plate 1551 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum Af Plate 655 ; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1622; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8487. Plate 655 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8490. Images very poor and faint. Plate 701 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1525 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8491. A. G. C. 25986. 8494. Images very poor ; near edge of plates. Plate 1384, second image ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1395; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8495. Plate 1622 ; imago very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 8496. Images very poor. Plates 1525 and 1550; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1567; on first examination spectrum E ? 8497. Plate 1500 ; image very poor and faint, on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 8500. Plate 666; 448, 3. Plato 701; 448, 8. Plate 1525; 448, 3. Plate 1550; 448, 3. Plate 1567; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. 8501. First measure 3.64. resid. 1 B 8 p 3 1 5. Plate 706 ; second measure gives residual 4- Plate 1421 ; first measure gives residual 1 3 ; second measure gives residual 3 ; first measure rejected. 8504. Plate 1500; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 8506. Plate 1519; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 628 ; 448, 5. Plate 1384 ; 448. 3. Plate 1395; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1450; 448, 3. Plate 1519 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 448, 3 : 456, 1 ; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, /. 8509. Plate 1569 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E ? 8510. Plate 1550 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 8512. Plate 1551 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 8513. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum Ef 8514. Plate 1384; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H f 8517. Plate 701 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 7; 461, 1. Plate 1451 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1567 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 : 458, 1. 8523. Images very poor. Plate 655 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1421 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8525. Plate 1421, second image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1622 ; spectrum C ? 8526. Plate 1519; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 8527. Plate 656 , on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8531. Plate 1421 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 8535. Plate 1500; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 656; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1568; 402, 2; 453, 2. 8538. Plate 1451; on first examination spectrum A? 8539. Plate 1421 : on first examination spectrum E ? 8544. Plate 689; 448, 3. Plate 1451: 448, 3. Plate 1567 ; 448, 3. 8547. Plate 1421 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 655; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8552. Plate 1451 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1451 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re -examination 410. 5 ; 434, 5. 8554. Plato 655 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8555. Plate 1451 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 8557. DM. magn. 3. 8558. Plate 1384 dark ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 738 , 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8560. U. A. magn. 6.0. A. G- C. magn 6. Plate 1451 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8561. Plate 1569; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 348 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 8562. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8565. The right ascension here given is derived from the B. A. C. which depends upon Lacaille. Accord- ing to Weisse and Lalande it should be 19 h 2 m .4. This value is confirmed by the photograph. 8566. A. G. C. 26182. 8567. Plate 693; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 738; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1450; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8570. Plates 1451 and 1452; image very poor; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum E ? 8572. A. G. C. 26195. Plate 1452; on first examination spectrum E f on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8573. Plate 1421; image very poor ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 8575. Plate 151 9; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8576. Plate 1569; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E t 8577. Plate 655 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8578. Plate 1421; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H, 8579. Plates 1542 and 1548 ; image very poor; near edge of plates ; on first and second examinations spectrum F f Plate 655 ; 392, 1 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. Plate 1421; 402, 2. Plate 1542; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1548; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5? 434, 5? 8580. Plates 706 and 1622 ; image very poor ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 706 ; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 655; a 394; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1421; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1542; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 1548; 410, 5? 434, 5? 8581. Plates 1421 and 1548; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. 8582. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3. Plate 707 ; on first examination spectrum A ? near edge of plate. Plate 701; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1451 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1452 ; a 394 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; bright lines f Plate 1567; a 394 ; 410, 51 434, 5 ? bright lines. Plate 1597 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 8584. Plate 1421; image poor; on first examination spec- trum II ? 8585. Plate 800 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 8588. Plate 701 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1567; 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? 8590. Plate 701 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8591. DM. +34 3436, magn. 8.5, precedes 2.l in same declination. Plate 1548; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E? on second exam- ination spectrum F ? 8591a. DM. -20 5428, magn. 7.8, R.A. 19 h 5 m .4,Dee.-20 ;u'. Entered erroneously in Table L See 8594. 8593. Images poor. Plate 735 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5, 434, 5. Plate 1548 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8594. R. A. 19 h 5. m 4. Dec. -20 31'. See 8591a in Table II. and remarks. 8595. Plate 656 ; 448, 3 ; on re-examination 448, 3. 8596. Plate 1568 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8599. A. G. C. 26309. 8602. Plate 735 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re -examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 8604. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1542; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1694; on first examination spectrum K .' 8605. Plate 1500; image very poor and faiut ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8606. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faiut ; on first examination spectrum E f 8610. Plate 1384; imago poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8614. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8615. Plate 1421; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 8616. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8619. Plate 1452 ; limit of spectrum 3; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; on re-examination limit of spectrum a ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8622. Plate 656 ; 448, 3. 8623. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. 8624. Plate 1548 ; image very poor and faiut ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8625. Plate 655 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8627. Plate 656 ; 392, 1 ; 401, 2 ; 402, 2; 414, 1 ; 448, 2. Plate 691 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1569 ; 402, 2. 8631. Images very poor and faint. Plate 655 : on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1421 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8637. Plate 656; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 8640. Images very poor. Plate 1421 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H ? Plate 1548 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. 8642. Plate 1689 ; imago very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H 1 8643. Plates 1421 and 1548 ; on first examination spec- trum H. 8649. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum G ? near edge of plate. Plates 628, 682, 693, 738, 742, 770, 1384, and 1519; on first examination spec- trum K. Plate 682 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 628; 397 a 434 ; 443, 4; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2. Plate THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 349 682; 397 a 434 ; 448, 5; 45G, 3; 458, 4; 461, 3; 466, 2 ; 468, 3. Plate 693 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 2 ; 443, 2 ; 458, 3. Plate 738 ; a 394 ; 410 bright ? 446, 2 ; 458, 3 ; 468, 3. Plate 742 ; 434 bright V 453, 5; 474, 3. Plato 770; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 3 ; 468, 2. Plate 1384 ; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 410 bright f 448, 3 ; 458, 2. Plate 1519 ; a 394 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 8650. Plate 1395 ; spectrum C ! 8652. Plate 656 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 656; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2. Plate 1502; 448, 3. 8653. Plate 1384; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examiuation 410, 5; 434, 5. 8656. ' Plate 1452 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8658. Images very poor. Plate 655 ; on first examination spectrum II. Plate 1421 ; on first examination spectrum A! Plate 1548; on second examina- tion spectrum A ? 8659. Plate 655, 1689, and 1694 ; image poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 735; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1421; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1548; limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8662. First measure 6.56, resid. 5 6. Plate 1502 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Images very poor and faint. Near edge of Plate 656. Plate 1502 ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum A ? 8663. Plate 1384; 410,5, 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8664. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8667. Images poor. Plate 655 ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F ; limit of spectrum (3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1421 ; on first examination spectrum H? 8668. Plate 1452 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8669. Plate 656; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397a434; 438,1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 , 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 669 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1500; 448, 3. Plate 1568 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1569 ; 448, 3. Plate 1601 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. 8671. Plate 735 ; on first examination spectrum H; only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate. 8673. Plate 1421; on first examination spectrum H? Plates 1502 and 1548 ; on first examination spec- trum E? Plato .1548; on second examination spectrum F ? 8674. Plate 1452; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8677. Plate 1421 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E ? 8682. Plate 1452 ; 394 double ? 8683. Plates 701 and 707 ; image very poor; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 707; on second examination spectrum A ? hydrogen lines narrow. 8684. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8685. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E; on - re-examiuation 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8686. Plate 656 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 656; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8688. Plate 1421 ; image poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8689. Plate 1421; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 8693. Plate 1502 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ; 410, 2 t 434, 2 f 8694. Plate 1421 ; on first examination spectrum H. 8695. Plate 1384, dark ; image very poor ; on first exam- ination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8698. Plates 628, 682, and 770; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 738, 1384, and 1519; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1570; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 628 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 738 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 1519; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 628; 448, 4; 458, 2. Plate 682; 448, 5; 461, 2; 468, 3. Plate 738; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 2 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 2; 458,3; 461, 2; 468,2; 471, 1. Plate 770 ; 448, 4 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1384; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 466,1; 468, 1; 471,1. Plate 1519; 397 a 434; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3, 451, 1 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 8699. Plate 655; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A. 8702. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8704. Plate 1542; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F f 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1548; 402, 2; 453, 2. 8707. A. G. C. 26590. 8710. U. A. Sagittarius 182, magu. 5.6, var. ? 8711. Images very poor ; near edge of plates. Plate 655; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spec- trum 0; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plato 1622; on first examination spectrum H. 8712. Plate 1384; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8717. Plate 1421; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 735 ; 382, 3 ; 392, 1; 402. 2; 453, 2. Plate 1622; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1689; 402, 2. Plate 1694 ; 402, 2; 453, 2. 350 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 8723. Plate 1421; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? on seeoud examination spectrum F f 8726. Plate 1567; spectrum Cf 8727. Plate 1452; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 8728. The letter t stands for cd. Entered erroneously on DM. chart; 20 m .7 should be 21'".7. Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 434 double. 8729. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1502 ; on first examination spectrum F ; 410,5; 434,5. Plates 1568 and 1569 ; on first examination spectrum H. 8731. A. G. C. 26629. Magn. 8. 8732. Images poor. Plate 1548 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1622; on first examination spectrum E f near edge of Plate 1622. Plate 735 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1384 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410. 5; 434, 5 Plate 707 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A I Plate 1597; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 735 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examiuation 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1689 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E f Plato 1421 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H. Duner 226. Plate 2242 ; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M I Plate 1542 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1548; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 1548; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H. U. A. magn. 5.8. A. G. C. magn. 6. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 227. Plates 690, 1421, 1548, 1552, and 1689 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 735 and 1694; on first ex- amination spectrum I. Plates 1421 and 1548 ; 8733. 8735. 8736. 8739. 8740. 8745. 8746. 8748. 8751. 8752. 8753. 8759. 8761. 8762. 8765. 8766. 8771. on special examination spectrum M. Plate 735 ; 448, 3. Plate 1694 ; 448, 3. Plate 1500; image very poor and faint; on first 8804. examination spectrum H. Plate 1548 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. DM. +3 4040, magn. 9.5, follows 5".8, north 0'.2. Plate 738 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- 8805. trum A. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 8772. 8806. DM. magns. 3.0 and 6.5. The spectrum of 8771 and 8772 entered in the catalogue is taken from 8809. an examination of Plate 748, Class I. Plates 668, 1421, 1548, and 1552; on first examination spec- i 8810. 8772. 8776. 8778. 8779. 8780. 8781. 8782. 8784. 8789. 8791. 8792. 8797. 8799. 8801. trum F? Plate 735; on first examination spec- trum A? Plate 1624; on first examination spectrum G. Plates 1542 and 1624; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 668; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 690; 897 a 434; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, S ; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 735 ; several bright and dark lines; spectrum peculiar? Plate 1421; limit of spec- trum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1542 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 1548 ; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1552; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1624 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 5 ; bright and dark lines seen. Plate 1689 ; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1694 ; several bright and dark lines. See 8771. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plate 1570; spectrum of 8947 superposed on that of 8778; combined light measured; observed brightness 6.3. Combined with 8780. DM. magns. 7.9 and 8.0. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ment can be made. See 8779. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 753 and 774; spectrum C. First measure 4.74, resid. OSp^ll 11. Plate 1421 ; first measure gives residual 1 ; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. Plate 1542 ; 402, 2 f Plate 1552; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1624; 402, 2. Plate 1384 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1421 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. TJ. A. Aquila 58, magn. 5.3, var. U A. Sagittarius 204, var. 5^-6}. Var. in A. G. C. Plate 1501 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H t ou second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1452 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? Plates 668, 1421, 1624, 1689, and 1694 ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plate 735 ; limit of spec- trum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1548 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 48G double? Plate 1552; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 735 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1502 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? Plate 1502; Image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? Images very poor and faint. Plates 683 and 707 ; THE DKAPEE CATALOGUE. 351 on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 1580 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second ex- amination spectrum F ? near edge of plate. Plate 683 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 707 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8811. U. A. Aquila 64, magu. 4.6, var. ? Plate 683; 402, 2. 8815. Plate 1601; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f on second examination spectrum A ! Plate CG9 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8816. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1548 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1689 ; on first examination spectrum H? 8819. Plate 1570 ; on first examination spectrum F T 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double; on second examination spectrum A. Plate 738 ; image good ; lines well defined ; on second examination spectrum G f Plate 682; 448, 5. Plate 693; 403, 5; 448, 4; 463, 3. Plate 738 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 461, 1. Plate 742; 448, 5; 453, 2, Plate 1519 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 1. 8822. Images very poor and faint. Plate 683 , on first and second examinations spectrum A I Plate 1452 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8823. Plate 1548 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E f 8825. Images very poor. Plates 1421, 1548, and 1694; on first examination spectrum E f Plate 1421 ; on second examination spectrum F ? near edge of plate. Plate 1689; on first examination spec- trum H. 8826. Plate 693 ; on first examination spectrum I ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 738 ; image poor ; ou first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5; on second examination spec- trum E ? Plate 693 ; 443, 5; 453, 2. 8827. Plate 1502 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8829. Plate 1502 ; 448, 3. 8830. Plate 735 ; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8831. Plates 685, 1500, 1502, and 1504 ; image very poor; near edge of plates. Plates 685 and 1504 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1500 ; on first examination spectrum H ; on sec- ond examination spectrum A? Plate 1502; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 669; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 691 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1502 ; limit of spectrum e; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1601 ; limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? 434 double. 8832. DM. +85 330, magn. 8.9, follows l m 45, south 0'.3, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 8832. 8835. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 2? 434, 2? 8839. Plate 738 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8840. Plate 1580; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1672 ; ou first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 8843. Plate 1421 ; ou first and second examinations spec- trum F ? 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; near edge of plate. 8846. Plate 738, second imago ; on first examination spec- trum A. 8847. Plate 1694 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 735 j 448, 3. Plate 1552 ; 448, 3. Plate 1624 ; 448, 3. 8848.^ Plate 1519; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8849. Plates 668, 1501, and 1624; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 690 ; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 1552; limit of spectrum ft. 8850. Images poor and faint. Plate 1452; ou first exam- ination spectrum E I Plate 1580 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8854. A. G. C. 26977. 8855. Plates 1570 and 1601 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ; on second ex- amination spectrum A I Near edge of Plate 1075. Plate 669 ; limit of spectrum |3 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 8856. Images very poor. Plate 1548 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 1624; on first examina- tion spectrum H. 8857. Plate 668; 448, 3. Plate 1552 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3- 8858. Images poor. Plate 1580 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1672 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8859. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1452 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1597; on first examination spectrum H ? 8861. Plate 1580; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E f 8862. Plates 685, 1502, 1504, and 1601 ; image poor. Plates 685 and 1601; on first and second exam- inations spectrum A. Plates 1502, and 1504 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Near edge of Plate 1504. Plate 669 ; image good ; spectrum F ; a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 691 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1502 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1504 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 8864. Plate 1548 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8865. Plate 1452 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E. 8867. Plate 683 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A ? Plate 1672 ; on first examination spec- trum H ? on second examination spectrum A ? 8871. Plate 1502 and 1601 ; on first examination spec- trum P. Plate 1502; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1601; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8872. Plate 742; spectrum C? 8873. Plate 1548; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H f 8874. Images very poor; near edge of plates. Plate 1502 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 352 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSEHVATORY. 1548; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8S7G. Plate 1548; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 8877. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 8878. DM. magus. 6.3 and 6.2. Plates 1504 and 1601 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 669; 410, 3; 434, 3. 8878. See 8877. 8881. Images very poor and faint. Plate 668 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1552 ; on first examination spectrum E. 8885. Plate 669 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A f 8886. Plate 1570 ; on first examination spectrum H? 8887. Plate 683; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1; 443, I; 448, 3; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 3 ; 471, 1. Plate 788 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1672; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 2. 8888. Plate 738 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8890.- The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 8891. DM. magns. 7.0 and 8.0. Plate 1504 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8891. See 8890. 8892. DM. +34 3702, magn. 9.0, follows 1".0 north, 0'.6. 8894. Plate 668; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1552; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1624; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. 8895. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 237. Plates 668, 684, and 1694; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1552; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1624; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 668 and 1552 ; on special examination spec- trum M. Plate 1552 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461 , 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1624 ; 448, 3. 8896. Plate 2242 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 2242; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8897. Plate 668; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 8903. Images very poor and faint. Plates 749 and 780 ; on second examination spectrtnn F ; near edge of plates. Plate 788 ; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1580; on first examination spectrum E ? 8905. Images very poor and faint. Plate 669 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1504 ; on first examination spectrum II. 8906. Images very poor and faint. Plate 668 ; on first examination spectrum F 1 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1624 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 8907. DM. magn. 1.2. U. A. magn. 1.1. H. P. magn. 1.0. Measures of brightness obtained on two plates; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 2.71. resid. 01. 8908. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1580 ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 780 ; on second exainina- tion spectrum A? Plate 780; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8911. Plate 1519 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum H. 89T4. Plates 1519 and 1570; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E. 8916. Plate 668; 402,2. Plate 1552; 402, 2; 453,2. Plate 1624; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 8917. Dundr 240. 8919. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. U. A. Aquila 89, magn. var. 31-4 J. Plate 780; on first examination spectrum If Plate 1G25 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 780 and 1C 25 ; image very poor and faint ; on second examina- tion spectrum A! Plates 1580 and 1672; on second examination spectrum Q f Plate 749 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 780; 448, 3. Plate 788 ; 434 double? Plate 1580; 419, 2; 434 double. Plate 1672; 434 double. 8920. Plate 1624; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? on second examination spectrum A ? 8922. Plate 780 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 749 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8923. Plate 738 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 669 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 i 461, 1. Plato 738; 448, 4; 458, 2. 8924. Plate 800 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 682 ; 443, 2; 453, 2 ; 463, 2. Plate 693; 397 a 434; 441, 2; 448, 5; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 3; 466, 2 ; 468, 2 Plate 696; 443, 1, 458, 2. Plate 738; a 394; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 443,2; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458,3; 461, 1; 466, 1; 468,3; 471, 1. Plate 742; 397 a 434; 441, 2; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 3 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 3. Plate 770 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4; 456, 2; 458,3; 461, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1478 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1519; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456,1; 458,2; 461,2; 466, 1; 468,1. Plato 1520 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 1. 8925. Plate 1519; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 738; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8926. Plate 1601 ; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H? Plate 669, first image; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 6fi9, second image ; 410,5; 434, 5. Plate 1502; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 1504 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 8927. Combined with 8928. DM. magns. 7.2 and 7.5. Plate 668; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 353 89-28. See 8927. 8929. Plates 669 and 1601 ; on first examination spec- trum P f Plate 1502 ;' on first examination spec- trum E. Plate 669; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1601; 410, 3; 434, 3. 8932. Plate 1625; image very poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E I on second ex- amination spectrum F f 8935. Plate 1580; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 8939. Images very poor. Plates 1502 and 1504 ; on first examination spectrum E. Near edge of Plate 1502. Plate 1601; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1504 ; hydrogen lines narrow. 8942. Plates 749, 780, and 788 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 683 ; 448, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 780; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. Plate 788 ; 448, 3. Plate 1580 ; 448, 3. Plate 1625 ; 401, 3 ; 448, 3. Plate 1672, second image ; 448, 3. 8943. Plates 1552 and 1624; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. 8944. Plate 742 ; 402, 2. 8947. See 8778. 8950. DM. +3949, magn. 9.1, follows 6.8, in same declination. 8952. First measure 5.11, resid. 1021126. Plate 1672; second measure gives residual 0; first measure rejected. Plate 1580; 419, 2. 8953. Plates 668 and 1504; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 1624; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 668; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 461, 1. Plate 685 ; 448, 3. Plate 1504 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458,1; 461,1; 468,1. Platel552; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1624 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 1. 8957. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1552; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 I 434, 5 ? Plate 1624 ; on first examination spectrum E? 8959. Plate 1552 ; images very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H f 8962. Plate 1624; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H I 8964. Plate 1450, dark ; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. 8966. Plate 669 ; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum E I 8967. Plate 1504; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 8968. Plate 738 ; on special examination spectrum M I Plate 738; 448, 4; 458, 1; 461, 3; 468, 1. 8969. Plate 1519; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum El 8970. Plates 668, 684, 1503, and 1552; on special exam- ination spectrum M ? Plate 668 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 684; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1503 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1552; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 7; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1624; 448, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1. 8974. Images poor. Plate 1503; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1624 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E I 8975. Plate 669 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 8976. Plate 1624 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 8980. Plate 1504; 402, 2. Plate 1601 ; 402, 2; 453, 2. 8981. Plate 1503; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1503 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 8983. Plate 1488; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 8988. Beyond the limit within which accurate measure- ment can be made. 8989. DM. +36 3815, magn. 8.7, precedes 2".3, south I'.l. 8991. Plates 684 and 1624; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? Plate 1624 ; on second ex- amination spectrum F? Plate 684; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1624; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 8992. Plates 684 and 1503 ; on first examination spec- trum F ? Plate 1624 ; on first examination spec- trum E? Plate 684; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1503; 410, 5; 434, 5. 8993. Images poor. Plate 1503; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1624; on first examination spectrum H ? 8998. Plate 1503; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9003. Plate 749 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H I 9009. DM. +35 3929, magn. 9.4, precedes 1".8, north 0'.2. 9012. Plate 668; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1503; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 9013. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 243. Plates 742 and 1519 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 738 ; on first examination spectrum K ; 448, 4 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 9014. Plate 1504 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A I 9015. Plate 1503; 448, 3; 461, 1; on re-examination 448, 3. 9020. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9021. DM. magns. 7.0 and 8.0. Plate 1504 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1504; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9021. See 9020. 9022. Plates 738, 742, 1478, 1519, 1520, and 1570; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 693; 354 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 397 a 434; 446, 3; 448, 4; 458, 2; 463, 2; 474,3. Plate 738; 397 a 434 ; 441, 1; 443, 1; 446, 1 ; 448, 4; 456, 2; 458, 8; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 3; 471, 2. Plate 742; 443, 5; 458, 2. Plate 770; 448, 5; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1478; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1519 ; 448, 3. Plate 1520 ; 448, 3. 9023. Plate 684 ; 402, 3. Plate 1503 ; 402, 3. 9025. Plate 742 ; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum A ? Plate 693; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 738; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 double. 9027. Plate 1478; image very poor aud faint; on first examination spectrum H. 9028. Images very poor. Plates 669 and 693; on first examination spectrum P. Near edge of Plates 669, and 1488. Plate 738; on first examination spectrum E? Plates 1488, 1570, and 1601; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 669 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 693; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9029. Plato 1504; on first examination spectrum E. 9031. Plate 738, second image; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 738, first image ; 448, 4. Plate 738, second image; 448, 4; 458, 2; 463, 2; 474, 2. 9033. Plate 1503; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9035. Plate 1503 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9038. Plates 1488 and 1635 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plates. Plate 1488; on first exam- ination spectrum E. Plate 1635 ; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1504; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9040. Plate 1570 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E? 9043. Plate 1503; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9047. Plate 1503; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9052. The spectrum measured on Plate 695 was supposed to be that of DM. +42 3624. On re-examina- tion the star was found to be DM. +52 2623, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9028. 9055. Plate 1503; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9056. Plate 1503; 410, 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 9064. Plate 696; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 738, first image; 410, 5; 434,5. Plate 738, second image; 410, 3; 434, 3; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1520; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9071. Plate 1635 ; on first examination spectrum P ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 9075. Plate 695; image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 1504 j on special examination spectrum M. Plate 9079. 9080. 9082. 9083. 9085. 9086. 9088. 9090. 9094. 9097. 9098a. 9100. 9101. 9102. 9103. 9108. 9112. 1504 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 2 ; 453, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 1503 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1601 ; spectrum C? Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re- examination limit of spectrum a: 410, 2, 434, 2. Plate 738 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1503 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 461, 2. The spectrum measured on Plate 803 was supposed to be that of DM. +75 726. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +56 2515, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9289. The letter t stands for bdr. DM. -12 5682, magn. 9.1, precedes 1M, south 0'.5. First measure 5.20, resid. 1 6 6. Plate 780; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure related to DM. -12 5685 and was rejected. Plate 1625; sec- ond measure gives residual 8. Plate 749 ; on first and second examinations spectrum E I Plate 780 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 780; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1504; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1504 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 678, second image ; on first examination spec- trum A ? on second examination spectrum F ? only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate. Plate 678, first image ; 448, 3. Plate 749; 448, 2. Plate 1581; 448, 3. Plate 1625; 448, 3. Images very poor and faint, examination spectrum H ? examination spectrum E ? DM. +51 2813, magn. 7.5, R. A. 20 h 13 m .4, Dec. +51 33'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 9117. Beyond the limits within which accu- rate measurement can be made. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum E f on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1504 ; on first examination spectrum H. First measure 5.13, resid. 002211001*3 2. Plate 800 ; first measure gives residual 1 ; second meas- ure gives residual ; first measure related to DM. +74 872, aud was rejected. Plate 1503; 410, 3? 434, 3? The letter t stands for dr. P Cygni ; spectrum nearly continuous, traversed by bright hydrogen lines. Plate 1488; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1504; on first examination spectrum G? on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 1504; 434, 2? Images very poor and faint. Plate 694; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1504; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 2; 434, 2. The letter t stands for dr. Not observed in the Harvard Photometry on account of the proximity Plate 1488; on first Plate 1504; on first THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 355 of H. P. 3554. Plate 749 ; on special examina- tion spectrum M? Plate 749; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9113. Plate 1503 ; on first examination spectrum H. 9114. The letter t stands for dr. DM. inagn. 3. Plate 780 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1625 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1581 ; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 678; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 434 double; bright lines; spectrum peculiar. Plate 686; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double; bright lines. Plate 749; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1581; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3 ; 434 double; spectrum peculiar I Plate 1625 ; limit, of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434; 438, 2; 443, 2\ 448, 2; 458, 1; 461, 2. 9116. Plate 1504; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 685 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 9117. K. A. 20 h 13">.4. Dec. +51 33'. See 9098a in Table II. and remarks. 9118. Plate 1503; 410, 5? 434,5? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9120. First measure 5.71, resid 008 SOI 15. Plate 738; second measure gives residual 5; first measure rejected. 9121. Plates 770 and 1570; image poor. Plate 770; on first examination spectrum A; on second exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 1570; on first and second examinations spectrum H. Plate 742 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. 9126. Plate 694 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 9128. Plate 1478; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9129. Plate 738; on first examination spectrum E; on re- examination 410, 2 1 434, 2 ? 9130. Plate 719; on first examination spectrum I? Plate 1504 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 685 ; spectrum peculiar; several bright and dark lines. Plate 695 ; several bright and dark lines. Plate 779; spectrum peculiar; a 394; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1488 ; spectrum peculiar; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 3; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1504 ; several bright and dark lines; 394 double? Plate 1583; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1636 ; spectrum peculiar; a 394 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; several bright and dark lines. On special examination of all plates spec- trum Q. 9133. DM. +38 4050, magn. 8.9, precedes 4.5, south O'.l. 9134. U. A. Aquila 135, magn. 6.4 var? 9135. Duner 248. 9136. Plate 738; on first examination spectrum H. 9137. Plate 1635; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1635; 448, 3. 9139. Plate 1488; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 9140. Plates 1478 and 1570; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 9141. Plate 1478; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 9142. The spectrum measured on Plate 1520 was supposed to be that of DM. 4-79 670. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +79 675, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9181. _9_146. Plate 1520; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 9149. Plate 1581 ; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9154. Plate 1488; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 9156. Plates 696, 1564, and 2242; image very poor; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 1564. Plate 1450; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1520; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1521 ; 410,5? 434, 5 ? 9157. Plate 2242 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 9158. Plate 694; a 394; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 718; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 778; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1487; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1582 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1635; limit of spectrum ; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9162. Plate 1570 ; on first examination spectrum H. 9164. Plate 1583 ; 402, 2. 9171. Plate 1489 ; spectrum C? 9172. Plate 753 ; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum A. Plate 738; 410, 2; 434, 2. 9173. Plate 1582 ; spectrum C ? 9181. Plate 696; spectrum C. Plate 1520; 410, 5 ; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9185. Images very poor ; near edge of plates. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum H ? 9187. Plate 1581 ; image poor and faint ; on first exami- nation spectrum H. Plate 678; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9190. Plate 678; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 686; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 718; a 894; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1581; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1582; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. 9192. Plate 1520; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A ? 9194. Combined with 9195. DM. magns. 6.2 and 6.4. H.P. magns. 6.3 and 6.4. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1487; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1635 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9195. See 9194. 9196. Plate 1581; on first examination spectrum F; limit of spectrum (3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 356 ANNALS OF HAEVAKD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 9200. Plate 1581; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 9205. Plate 1570; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A I Plate 738 ; 441, 1 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2; 471, 1. Plate 753; 448, 3. Plate 1519; 448, 8; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1520; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2, 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1584; 448, 3; 458, 2. 9206. Plate 1487; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? 9208. Plate 753; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1519; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1520; 448, 3. 9210. Plate 1488; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 9220. DM. magn. 1.7. H.P. magn. 1.5. Brightness could not be measured on account of the density of the images. Plate 802 ; spectrum C 1 Plate 695; 376, 3? Plate 719; 376,4. 9221. Plate 1478 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9222. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1583, second image; on first examination spectrum G; 402, 2; 453, 2; near edge of plate. Plate 1627; on first examination spectrum F? 410,5? 434, 5? Plate 1636; on first examination spectrum E. 9223. Plate 1581 ; spectrum C. 9224. Plate 746; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 1583 ; 402, 2. 9225. . Plate 834; spectrum C. Plate 1564; spectrum C? 9227. Images very poor and faint. Plates 696, 803, and 1521 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F. Near edge of Plate, 1521. Plate 1478; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1570; on first examination f spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 696 ; 41'0, 2; 434. 2; 434 double. Plate 803; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1521; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1584 ; image good ; 426, 3. 9228. Plate 738 ; on first examination spectrum A. 9229. Plate 1602; image poor; on first examination spectrum C? Plate 703; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9232. Plate 1582; 448, 3. 9233. Plate 1478 ; on first examination spectrum E. 9236. Plate 1582 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 801 ; 448, 3. Plate 1582; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 1. 9237. Plates 693, 720, and 1520, first image ; spectrum C. 9238. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9239. Plate 1582 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1582 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 9239. See 9238. 9240. Plate 745; on special examination spectrum Mt Plate 694 ; limit of spectrum |3; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1; 448, 3; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 719; limit of spectrum )3; 397 a 434; 448 3; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 745; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 778; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 : 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 801; limit of spectrum /3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 450, 2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1487; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456,1; 458, 3; 461, 2, 468, 2. Plate 1583; limit of spectrum |3 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456,1; 458,3; 461,2; 466,1; 468,2. Plate 1626; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 1635; 397 a 434, 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1637; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468, 2. 9242. Plate 696; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 1478; 410, 3; 434,- 3; 434 double. Plate 1520; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. 9244. Plate 696; 397 a 434; 446, 4: 453, 2; 458, 4; 461, 3; 463, 2; 468, 2. Plate 720; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 800; 397 a 434; 448, 5, 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 3; 463, 2; 468, 2. Plate 803; 448, 2. Plate 1478, first image; 448, 3. Plate 1478, second image; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1520; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 1584, first image; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1584, second image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. 9245. Plate 1583; spectrum H. Spectrum K on exami- nation of Plate 739, Class I. 9246. Plate 1636 ; image very poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1487; 402, 2. Plate 1583; 402, 2; 448, 2. 9248. Images very poor. Plate 802 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plates 1627 and 1638; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1638 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1555; image good; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9249. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1488 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1638; badly stained ; on first examination spectrum H f 9253, Plate 1488 ; spectrum C ? 9254. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Aquarius 13, inagn. 5.8, var. f Plate 1489; imago poor; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9256. Plate 1554; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum A ? Plates 1582 and 1637; spectrum H. Plate 1582; on second examination spectrum A ? Spectrum F on examination of Plate 1815, Class I. 9259. Images poor. Plate 1520 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1584 ; on first examination spectrum H? On second examination spectrum El 9261. Plate 1582; 448, 3. 9262. Plate 801 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9263. Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum E? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 357 9265. Plate 719; 402, 2. Plate 1555; 402, 2, 453, 2. Plate 1627; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1638; 402, 2. 9269, Plate 1554; image very poor; on first examination spectrum E. 9271. Plate 1555; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9279. Plate 1570; badly stained; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F? Plate 696; 448, 5. Plate 738; 448,5; 456, 1 ; 458, ; 461, 1. Plate 1519 ; 448, 3. Plate 1520 ; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1, 461, 2. Plate 1521; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1584; 448, 3; 458, 2. 9281. Plate 1520; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 9284. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1555, 1583, and 1627; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1638; on first examination spectrum H? 9285. Plate 1583; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 9289. Plates 1520, 1555, and 1627 ; image poor and faint; near edge of plates. Plates 1478 and 1555; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1627; on first examination spec- trum Hf 9293. Plate 746; image poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 9295. Plates 746 and 823 ; image poor ; on first examina tion spectrum F. Plate 746 ; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 823; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1583; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9296. Plate 1583; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 9298. Plates 719, 746, 772, 802 first and second images, 1555 and 1638 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 823; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1583; hydrogen lines narrow; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1627; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1645; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9300. Plate 719; image poor; near edge of plate, on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5, 434, 5. Plate 1555; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1645 ; spectrum C ? 9302. Plate 1602; spectrum C? Plate 1673; image poor; on first and second examinations spectrum Ff 410, 5? 434, 5? 9303. Images poor. Plate 1519; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 1521 and 1564 ; on first examination spectrum E. 9304. Plate 803 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1520 ; on first and second examinations spectrum H. 9306. Plate 1555 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. Plate 1645; on first and second exami- nations spectrum H. 9308. DM. +41 3986, magn. 9.0, precedes 1 8 .2, south 0.'6. 9314. Plates 746, 802, 1555, 1583, and 1627 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 802 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1555; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1583 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1627; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,3, 471, 1. Plate 1638; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 9316. Combined with 9317. DM. magus. 5.0 and 5.3. 9317. See 9316. 9319. Plates 1554 and 1626; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1637! 410, 5; 434, 5. 9320. Plate 1598; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum Ff 410, 5; 434, 5. 9321. Plate 1554 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 9326. Images very poor and faint. Plates 745 and 1490 ; on first and second examination spectrum F f Plate 1687; on first examination spectrum H? on second examination spectrum F? near edge of plate. Plate 745; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1490; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9327. Plate 1520; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1521, 410, 5? 434, 5 ? 9330. Plates 753, 800, 1520, and 1521; image poor; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 696 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 803; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. 9331. Combined with 9332. DM. magns. 7.5 and 6.5. 9332. See 9331. 9334. Images poor and faint ; near edge of plates. Plate 1583; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1645 ; on first examination spectrum H? 9335. Plate 746 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum Ff 410, 5? 434, 5? 9336. Plate 1645; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H. 9338. Plate 787 ; spectrum C ? 9341. Plates 775 and 1490 ; on special examination spec- trum M. Plates 801, 1626, 1637, and 1687; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 745 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1. Plate 801; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 824; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 1. Plate 845 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3. Plate 1490 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 461, I; 468, 2. Plate 1554; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,2. Plate 1626; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2 j 466 358 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 1 ; 468, . Plate 1637 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1: 443, / ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 8; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1679; 448, 3. Plate 1687; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1692; 448, 2. 9344. Plate 1584 ; hydrogen lines narrow. 9346. Plate 724; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 790; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 839; a 394: 410, 2, 434, 2. Plate 1598; 410, 5; 431, 5. Plate 1603, 410, 5? 434, 5. Plate 1673; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 9349. Plate 1554 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H? 9350. Plate 802; on first examination spectrum A ? Plate 746; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 772; a 394, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 823; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1555; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1627; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1638; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5? 434, 5f Plate 1645; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1674; limit of spec- trum j3; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9352. Plate 1520; image poor and faint; on first exami- nation spectrum E f 9354. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1584 ; on first examination spectrum E. 9355. Plate 1645; image very poor and faint, on first and second examinations spectrum A ? 9358. Plate 1603; image poor and faint ; on first exami- nation spectrum H f 9362. Plates 1521 and 1570; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1584; hydrogen lines narrow; 446, 5; 458, 1. 9363. Plate 823; on first examination spectrum F ; a 394; 410,5; 434,5. Plate 1626; 392,2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1637 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 412, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 453, 2. Plate 1645; 392, 2; 402, 2; 448, 2. Plate 1674; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9365. The letter t stands for dr. Images very poor and faint. First measure 5.97, resid. 17201 1 23. Plate 802 ; second measure gives residual 2 ; first measure rejected. Plate 802 ; on first examina- tion spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1638; on first examination spectrum H? 9366. Plate 1554; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H f 9367. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum H; near edge of plate. Plate 1584; on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F? 9369. Plates 746 and 1674; image poor. Plate 746; on first examination spectrum E ; on second exami- nation spectrum Ff Plate 1674; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1555; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9374. Plates 801 and 1554; image poor and faint. Plate 801 ; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 1554; on first examination spectrum H; on second examination spectrum A? near edge of plate. Plate 1637; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9375. Plate 828; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9376. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3.0. H. P. magn. 2.6. Measures of brightness obtained on five plates ; images too dense to determine mag- nitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.58, resid. 624 4 1. Plate 720, second image; 466, 4; 468, 2; on special examination spectrum Q. 9378. Plate 2242; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 9379. The spectrum measured on Plate 803 was supposed to be that of DM. +67 1303. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +78 742, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9352. 9382. Plates 696, 738, 753, and 1584; image poor; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1520 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1521 ; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9383. U. A. Capricornus 86, magn. 4.4. Not in A. G. C. Residual from U. A. magnitude entered in Draper Catalogue. Plate 724 ; image poor ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum A? on second examination spectrum F f 9386. Plate 696 ; spectrum C f Plate 800; badly stained; image very poor ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum E. Plate 720; 403, 2; 458, 2. Plate 803 ; 402, 3. Plate 1520 ; 402, 4. Plate 1584; hydrogen lines narrow; 402, 2. 9387. Plates 1554 and 1687 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 845; 448, 3. Plate 1490; 448, 3. Plate 1554 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1626 ; 448, 3. Plate 1637 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 1679; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. 9388. Plate 770; spectrum C ? Plate 720; 419, 2; 424, 2. Plate 795; 403, 2. 9389. DM. +77 812, magn. 9.5, follows 6", north 0'.2. 9390. Images poor and faint. Plate 1520; on first exami- nation spectrum H ; near edge of plate. Plate 1584 ; on first examination spectrum E. 9392. Not observed in the Harvard Photometry on ac- count of the proximity of H. P 3768. 9395. Plate 790; on first examination spectrum A. 9398. Plates 1490 and 1679; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 1637; on first examination spec- trum F? 410, 5 f 434, 5? 9401. Plate 1490; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? 9403. Plates 822, 845, and 1490 ; on first examination spectrum A f Plate 1692 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1554; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9409. Plate 845 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 359 9410. Plate 839; on special examination spectrum Mf Plate 1603 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1. 9411. Plate 1521 ; image very poor and faint, on first examination spectrum E. 9412. Plate 1584; 410, 3? 434, 3 ? on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 9414. Plate 1674 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 9415. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1605 second image, and 1645 ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1674 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 9416. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1645 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1674; on first examination spectrum E ? 9418. Plate 1584 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9419. Plate 1584; image poor; on first examination spectrum H. 9420. Plates 1520 and 1521; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1520; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 1521 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5? 9421. Plates 1564 and 1584 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plates ; on first and second examiua tions spectrum H f 9423. Plate 790; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 839 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 9424. Plates 827 and 1638; image very poor ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1638 ; on second examination spectrum F? Plate 1645; 402, 2. Plate 1674; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9425. Plate 753 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E t 9428. Images poor. Plate 1G27; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F I near edge of plate. Plate 1638 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 9430. Plate 1637; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spec- trum A? Plate 1490; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9431. Plate 753 ; 410, 2; 434, 2 ; on re-examination 410, 3? 434, 3? 9432. Duner 264. 9433. Plate 1555; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 9439. Plates 839 and 1639; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1679 ; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. 9440. Plate 831 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ; near edge of plate. Plate 790; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1- 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1. Plate 839 ; limit of spectrum ft; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1603; 397 a 434; 438, 2; 443, g; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, /. Plate 1639; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 2; 458, g. Plate 1673; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 458, g. 9442. Plate 1638; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 9443. Plate 803; 382, 4; 403, 2 ; 406, 3; 448, 3; 468, 2. 9444. Plate 803 ; on special examination spectrum Q. 9445. Plate 803 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A I Plate 1584 ; on special examination spectrum M ? Plate 1521 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 9449. linages very poor and faint. Plate 1645 , on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1674, on first examination spectrum E. 9452. Plates 1645 and 1674 ; on first examination spec- trum H. 9454. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1520; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1521 ; on first examination spectrum H ? near edge of plate. 9460. Plate 823 , on first examination spectrum H. Plates 772, 828, and 1645 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 1605 and 1674 ; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 1605 ; on special examination spectrum L. Plate 1645 ; on special examina- tion spectrum M f Plate 772 ; 448, 3. Plate 828; 448, 3. Plate 1605; 397 a 434; 448,3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1645; 448, 3; 456, 2. Plate 1674; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 , 461, 1. 9464. Images very poor and faint. Plate 828 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1584; on first examination spectrum E f near edge of plate. 9465. The letter t stands for bd. DM. -20, 6253, niagn. 9.4, follows 3'.5, north 0'.9. Plate 831; image poor ; on first examination spectrum E f on second examination spectrum Fl Plate 1522; on first examination spectrum F ? limit of spec- trum j3; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9470. Plate 1639; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9472. Plates 1604 and 1679; image poor; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 9473 Plate 1G03; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 839 ; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1522; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1639; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9475. Plate 1674 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 9478. Plate 1604; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H I 9481. Plates 790, 831, 1522, 1603, and 1639; on first ex- amination spectrum A. Plates 831 and 839 ; on second examination spectrum G. Plate 839 ; image poor ; near edge of plate ; 410, 5 ; 434. 5. 9485. Images very poor and faint. Plates 720 and 803; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1521 ; on 360 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. first examination spectrum H. Plate 1584; image good ; hydrogen lines narrow. 9486. First measure 5.46, resid. 7 6. Plate 1522 ; second measure gives residual 7. Plate 1639 ; second measure gives residual 7 ; first measure rejected. 9487. Dune'r 267. 9488. Plate 831 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum A? Plate 1639; 448, 3; 461, 2. 9489. Dune'r 268. Plate 831 ; on second examination spectrum A ? 9492. DM. +40 4610, rnagn. 9.3, precedes 3 9 .6, south 0'.7. 9496. Plate 1522 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 9498. Plate 828 ; 402, 2. Plate 1557 ; 402, 2. Plate 1605; 382, 4; 392, 2; 402, 2; 412, 1; 453, 2. Plate 1645 ; 402, 2. Plate 1674 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 9499. Plate 1522 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H f 9500. The letter t stands for dr. U. A. Pegasus 11, magn. 2.3, var? Plates 831 and 1639; on spe- cial examination spectrum Mf Plate 831 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. Plate 839 ; 448, 3; 461, 1. Plate 1522; 397 a434; 443,1; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458,2; 461, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1603 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 0; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1639; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 451, 1; 453, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 2. 9501. Plate 1639; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 9505. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9506. Plates 845 and 1692; image poor; on first ex- amination spectrum A ; near edge of plate 845. Plate 1490; limit of spectrum )3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1604 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1687; 410, 5; 434,5. 9506. See 9505. 9511. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 4.90, resid. 1 7073212. Plate 845 ; second measure gives residual 4. Plate 1604 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 1675; image poor; on first examination spectrum C ? on second examination spectrum A? Plate 827; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1490 ; limit of spec- trum j3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1604; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1679; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1687 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1692; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9512. Plates 803, 753, 774, and 1584; on special exami- nation spectrum M ? Plate 720 ; 434 double ; 448, 5; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 753; 397 a 434; 448, 5 ; 456, 2; 458. 2; 461. 2; 468, 2. Plate 774 ; 448, 5 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 803 ; 448, 5; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1520; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1521 ; 337 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1; 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1584 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 9513. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. Duner 269. Plates 803 and 1521 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1584 ; on first examination spectrum I; 448, 3; 458, 2; on special examina- tion spectrum M. 9515. Plate 831 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 9517. The letter t stands for dr. DM. magn. 3. Plate 1522 ; on first examination spectrum F ? hydrogen lines narrow? a 394 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9518. Plate 753 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 753; 397 a 434; 448, 5; 458, 3; 468, 2. Plate 774; 448, 4 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1521 ; 448, 3 : 458, 2; 4C8, 2. 9520. Plate 1584 ; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum A ? 9524. Plate 1521; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9525. Plate 828; 392, 2; 402, 2. Plate 841; 382, 3. Plate 1557; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1605; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1645; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1674; 402, 2; 414, 2; 438, 2 ; 453, 2. 9529. Dune'r 271. 9533. Plate 1675; spectrum C I 9534. Plate 840; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1556; 410, 2; 434, 2. 9536. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1639; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 831 j on second examination spectrum F ? 9539. Plate 1521 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? 9540. Plate 1675; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 9541. Plate 1557; image poor; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. 9544. Plates 831 and 899; image poor; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 899. Plate 831 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 740 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1585 ; limit of spec- trum y, 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1639; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9545. Plate 1556; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A ? 9546. Plate 1639; image poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum F 1 9548. Plate 1556 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 9550. Plate 1675 ; image very poor and faint, on first ex- amination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 9556. Plate 1522 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1639 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 I THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 361 9559. Plate 1519 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ? 95GO. Plate 1584; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 9561. Images poor. Plate 1521; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1584; on first examination spectrum E ? 9562. Plate 1584; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 9563. Images very poor and faint. Plate 899 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1639; on first examination spectrum H. 9564. Images very poor and faint. Plates 1521 and 1584 ; on first examination spectrum E ; near edge of plates. Plate 1584; on second examina- tion spectrum F ? Plate 1605 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H. 9565. First measure 6.49, resid. 16303170. Plate 753 ; second measure gives residual 7. Plate 1576; second measure gives residual 2; first measure rejected. 9566. Plate 1584: image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 9569. Plate 1584; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9570. Plate 1584; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 9571. Plate 753; 403, 3 ; 421, 2 ; 458, 2. 9572. Plate 899 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A ? 9574. Plate 841 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? on second examination speetrurn F t 9575. Dune'r 272. 9576. Plate 1584; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E. 9578. A. G. C. 30067. 9579. Dune'r 273. 9581. Images very poor. Plate 1521 ; on first examina- tion spectrum E. Plate 1584 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H ; near edge of plate. 9583. Images very poor and faint. Plates 740 and 849 ; on first examination spectrum A? Plates 1522 and 1639 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1639 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 1585 ; image good ; limit of spectrum o; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9583a. A. G. C. 30101. R. A. 21 h 55 m .l. Dec. -28 56'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 9594. 9586. Duner 274. First measure 7.10, resid. 5 6 2. Plate 1564 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. 9589. Plate 1639; spectrum C? Plate 1522; on first ex- amination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1556 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 9593. A. G. C. magn. 7. 9594. R. A. 21 h 55 m .l. Dec. -28 56'. See 9583a, Table II., and remarks. 9595. Plates 1522 and 1639 ; image poor; on first exami- nation spectrum E. 9597. Pluto 720 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A. Plate 753 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 774; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 787; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 795; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. Plate 803 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1521 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 1576; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1584; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 : 434 double. 9600. Images poor. Plate 899; on first examination spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1585; on first examination spectrum H. 9601. Plate 849 ; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum F ? limit of spectrum j3 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1639; spectrum C f 9602. Images very poor and faint. Plate 828 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 833 ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum Ft 410, 5; 434, 5. 9605. Plate 753 ; image poor ; on first and second exami- nations spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9607. Plate 1585 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9610. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.48, re- sid. 21266. Plate 1585 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Plate 1639 ; second measure gives residual 7. Plates 1522 and 1639 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plates ; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 1639 ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1522 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1639 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9612. Plate 1556 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9613. Plate 1605; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 9614. First measure 5.79, resid. n 3 8. Plate 1521 ; first measure gives residual 10 ; second measure gives residual 10. First measure related to DM. +85 383, and was rejected. Plate 1584; second meas- ure gives residual 8. Plate 1521 ; 448, 1. 9617. Plate 849; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1585 ; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 740 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1; 458, 1; 461, 1. Plate 849; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1522; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1585 ; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 2; 448, 2; 456, 1; 458, 2 ; 461, 2: 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1639; 397 a 434; 448, 2 ; 458, 2. 9618. Duner 277. Plates 1521 and 1576 ; on first exam- 362 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. ination spectrum H. Plate 1521 ; on special ex- amination spectrum M. 9619. Plate 720; spectrum C. Plate 795; spectrum C I Plate 1521 ; 448, 1. 9620. Images very poor and faiut ; near edge of plates. Plate 1604; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1675 ; on first examination spectrum H. 9621. Plate 831 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H ? 9623. Plates 1521 and 1564 ; on first examination spec- trum P. Plate 1521; a 394; 410, 4; 434, 4; 434 double. Plate 1564 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9625. Plate 1585; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 9626. Plate 1605 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9628. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9629. DM. magns. 7.5 and 8.0. Plates 720 and 875; image poor ; near edge of plates ; only a small portion of spectrum visible. Plate 720 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A I Plates 875 and 1520 ; on first examination spectrum H f Plate 875; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 928 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 9629. See 9628. 9630. Plate 1521 ; on special examination spectrum M f 9632. Plate 1521 ; 402, 2. 9633. Plate 1605 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectruvn E ? 9635. Plate 840; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1556; limit of spectrum y; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 1604; limit of spectrum o; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1666; limit of spec- trum ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double f Plate 1675; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9638. Plate 1666 ; image poor and faint ; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum F? 9639. Images very poor and faint; near edge of plates. Plate 1557; on first examination spectrum Ef Plate 1605 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 9645. Plate 1605: image poor; on first examination spectru in E ? 9646. A. G. C. 30297. Plate 860 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9648. Plate 1557; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double ; on re-examination limit of spectrum y ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. 9651. Plate 1521; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ? 434 5? 9653. U. A. Pegasus 25, magn. 3.6 var I 9655. Plate 1585 ; 453, 2. 9660. The spectrum measured on Plate 1521 was supposed to be that of DM. +63 1812. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +63 1815, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9668. 9661. Plate 900 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 832; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 841 ; limit of spectrum y, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 856 ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1586 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? Plate 1666 ; limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1675; 410, 5 I 434, 5! 9662. Plato 1556; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 9666. Plate 1666; image very poor and faiut; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 9668. Plate 1576; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 9673. U. A. Aquarius 120, magn. 6.4, var? Plate 899; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1585 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9675. Plate 1585 ; on first examination spectrum H. 9676. Plate 774; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 1521 ; on special examination spectrum Ql Plate 753 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 3. Plate 774 ; 443, 2; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 466, 3 ; 468, 2. Plate 787; 448, 4; 468, 2. Plate 795; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 ; 468, 2. Plate 1521 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443. 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 1 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, S ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1576; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 9677. Plate 1585 ; on first examination spectrum HI 9678. Plate 1576; 410, 5? 434, 5 1 on re-examination, 410, 5? 434, 5? 9679. Plate 753; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 753; 443, 2; 448, 3, 458, 2. Plate 774; 448, 4 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 787, first image ; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 458, 5; 468, 5. Plate 787, second image ; 448, 4 ; 458, 3. Plate 795, first image; 448, 3; 458, 3. Plate 795, second image; 434 double ? 448, 2; 458, 2 ; 468, 5. Plate 1521 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1 , 468, 1. Plate 1576 ; 448, 3. Plate 1584 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 9680. Plate 1521 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 f 434, 5 I 9683. Plates 753 and 1576 ; image poor; on first exami- nation spectrum E ; on second examination spec- trum F I Near edge of Plate 1576. 9684. Plate 1585 ; on first examination spectrum H. 9685. Plates 795 and 833 ; image poor ; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Near edge of plate 795. Plate 1521; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1576; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1605; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1640; 410, 5? 434, 5? 9687. Plates 720, 774, 787, and 1576; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 720. Plates 720, 787, and 1576 ; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 753 ; 410, 7 ; 434, 7. Plate 795 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 803 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1521; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1584, 410, 5; 434, 5. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 563 9G90. Plate 1576; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum H. 9695. U. A. magn. 5.8. A. G. C. magn. 6. Images poor and faint. Plate 899 ; on first and second exami- nations spectrum A ? Plate 1585 ; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 9698. A. G. C. 30390. 9700. Plate 1523; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1585; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9701. Plate 841 ; 448, 3. Plate 1640 ; 448, 3. 9704. The image here measured on Plate 1585 was at first identified with DM. 2 5720, but on subse- quent examination proved to be a defect in the plate. 9709. Plate 753 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9711. Plate 1576; image poor; on first examination spectrum E. 9712. First measure 4.88, resid. ..6032.3.. Plate 787; second measure gives residual 6 ; first meas- ure rejected. 9715. Plate 1585, second image; on first examination spectrum A on second examination spectrum F ; near edge of plate ; only a small portion of spec- trum visible. Plate 1523 ; 448, 3. 9716. Plate 832; on first and second examinations spec- trum A ? only a small portion of spectrum visible on plate. Plate 841; 448, 3. Plate 1557; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1. 9719. Plate 1576; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9720. Plate 1665; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 9721. Plate 899; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? 9729. DM. +55 2713, magn. 8.4, precedes 5'.5, south 0'.9, and should be entered in D. C. as companion to 9729. 9735. Plate 1557 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum F ? 410, 5? 434, 5? 9741. Plate 1523; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 9748. Plate 860; 453, 2. Plate 1523; 382, 4; 402 2; 453, 2. 9750. Plate 1665 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 9751. Plate 1640 ; 402, 2 ; 453, 2. 9753. Plates 1564 first imago, and 1576; image poor; on first and second examinations spectrum F. Plate 1564, second image ; on first and second examinations spectrum F , near edge of plate. Plate 1564 ; first image ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1576; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9754. Plate 1523 ; 402, 1 ; 443, 2. 9755. Images poor. Plate 901 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1557; on first examination spectrum H? near edge of plate. Plate 1640; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9757. Plate 1584 ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f 9759. Plate 1523; image poor; on first examination spectrum H. 9760. Plate 1523; image poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 9763. Plate 1576; image poor; on first examination spectrum H f 9764. Plate 1666; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H; on second examination spectrum F. JL76.7. The spectrum measured on Plate 1576 was sup- posed to be DM. +69 1245. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +69 1257, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 9833. 9769. Plate 1521 ; image poor; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 9772. Plate 901 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum E ? Plate 1576 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1640; 448, 3; 461, 2. 9773. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1576 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9774. Plate 860; spectrum peculiar; several dark lines. Plate 1523 ; a 394 ; 402, 2 ; 410, 5; 414, 2; 434, 5. Plate 1585 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 9776. Plate 1585; image poor; on first examination spectrum H. 9778. Plate 1523 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 899 ; image very poor and faint ; on second examination spectrum A ? 9779 First measure 5.34, resid. 6.123003831.48 2 6. Plate 140 ; second measure gives residual 5. Plate 1521 ; second measure gives residual 7; first measure rejected. Plate 2242; second meas- ure gives residual 7. 9783. Plate 1523; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination limit of spectrum ft; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9787. Images poor; near edge of plates. Plate 841 ; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1575; on first examination spectrum H ? 9790. Plate 1523 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. 9791. Plate 1575 ; image very poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9792. Plate 1640; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H ? 9795. Plato 1576 ; 448, 3. 9797. Images poor and faint. Plate 1665 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1666 ; on first examination spectrum E t 9798. Plates 875 and 1521; image very poor and faint. Plate 875 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum A. Plate 1521 ; on first examination spec- trum H ? on second examination spectrum A f Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1564; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1584; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9799. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9800. Combined in U. A., magn. 3.5. A. G. C. rnagns. 364 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 4J and 4J. Plate 786; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum A I Plate 856 ; limit of spectrum y ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; 443, 1; 448, 2; 458, 1. Plate 860; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 434 double. Plate 915 ; limit of spec- trum y; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1523; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 9800. See 9799. 9801. The letter t stands for cd. Entered erroneously on DM. Chart. K. A. 22 m .4 should be 23">.4. Plates 1564 and 1576 ; image poor. Plate 1564 r on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H ; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 1584 ; 402, 3; 453, 3. 9802. Plates 774, 787, 1521, and 1576; on first examina- tion spectrum A f 9806. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 6.00, re- sid. 126. Plate 856 ; second measure gives re- sidual 2; first measure rejected. Plate 1523; second measure gives residual 3. Plate 856 ; image poor ; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? Plate 915 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1523; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9811. Images very poor. Plate 900; on first examina- tion spectrum A. Plate 1575 ; on first examina- tion spectrum H f near edge of plate. 9812. Plate 1606 ; spectrum C 1 near edge of plate. 9813. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 9814. DM. uiagns. var. and 7.5. Plate 1576 ; on special examination spectrum Q. Plate 753; 410, 2; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. Plate 774; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 787; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 795; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1521 ; a 394 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3 ; 434 double. Plate 1576; 410, 5; 434, 5; 441, 2; 448, 3; 453, 1; 458, 2; spectrum peculiar; other lines seen. 9814. See 9813. 9815. Images poor ; near edge of plates. Plate 833 ; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? Plate 1557; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F ? 9817. Plate 1586 ; spectrum C T 9818. Plate 1665; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F 410, 5; 434, 5. 9820. Plate 843; spectrum C. Plate 1521 ; 402, 2. 9822. Plate 841 ; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 833; 401, 2; 402, 2. Plate 1575; 402, 2. Plate 1640; 382, 4; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9824. U. A. Aquarius 157, magn. 6.2. Not in the A. G. C. Residual in Draper Catalogue taken from U. A. magn. 9826. Plate 1521 ; image very poor and faint; near edge of plate ; on first examination spectrum H. 9830. Plate 1521; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ? 434, 5 ? 9835. Plate 1523 ; on first examination spectrum E T on re-examination, 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9839. Plate 843 ; spectrum C. 9840. Plate 1606 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 915; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1523; 410, 5; 434, 5. 9841. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H ; on special examination spectrum M 1 9842. Plate 1521 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 928; spectrum C. 9845. Plate 196; spectrum C. Plate 928 ; 402, 2. 9846. Plate 928, second image ; spectrum C. 9847. Plate 1523; 410, 51 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9848. Plate 833; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 1640; 402, 2; 453, 2. 9858. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 5.62, resid. 411012613220. Plate 834 ; second meas- ure gives residual 3; first measure rejected. Plates 196 and 774 ; image poor. Plate 196, second image ; on first examination spectrum C. Plate 774; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 196, first image; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 753; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 787; 410, 5; 434, 5; 434 double. Plate 795; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 884 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 858 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1521; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1564; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1576; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double. 9859. Plate 1629 ; spectrum C ? 9860. DM. +72 1051, magn. 8.7, follows 6', south 0'.8. 9863. Plate 1521; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 9864a. DM. +77 866. R. A. 22 h 34 m .4. Dec. +77 43'. Entered erroneously in Table I. See 10014. 9865. Plate 1575; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9866. The letter t stands for dr, Duner 278. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum I ; on spe- cial examination spectrum M. Plate 1576; 448, 2 ; on re-examination 448, 3 ; 471, 2. 9867. Plate 1575; 892, 2; 402, 2. Plate 1640; 402, 2. 9876. Images very poor. Plate 1574; on first examina- tion spectrum H. Plate 1523 ; on second exami- nation spectrum H f Plate 1523 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9877. Plate 1640; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1575; 448, 3. Plate 1640; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 1. 9879. First measure 3.71, resid. 653133. Plate 786 ; second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 365 9880. A. G. C. magn. 8. 9881. Plate 862 ; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first examination .spectrum E f on second examination spectrum F. Plato 1575; 402, 2; 406, 2. Plate 1640 ; 402. 2. 9882. Plate 1586; spectrum C ? 9885. Images very poor. Plate 915; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1523 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 9887. Plate 915; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum F? 410 5; 434, 5. 9888. Plate 915 ; on special examination spectrum M ? 9890. Plates 856, 871, 1574, 1647, 1665, 1666, and 1684; on first examination spectrum K. Plate 856; limit of spectrum ; 397 a 434. Plate 861; limit of spectrum /3; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 871 ; limit of spectrum j3; 397 a 434 ; 438, 2; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 900; a 394. Plate 1574; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1647; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1; 461, 2. Plate 1665; limit of spectrum a; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1666; limit of spectrum /3; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 1684 ; limit of spectrum a ; 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 8; 463, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2. 9891. Plate 1576; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9892. Plate 1575; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410 5; 434, 5. 9893. Plate 1575; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9894. Plate 915; image very poor ; on first examination spectrum H f 9896. Plate 1564; image very poor; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9897. Plates 843, 1564, and 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 928 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2 ; 434 double. Plate 929; 410, 2; 434, 2. 9900. Plate 1521; image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum H. 9901. Plate 1640; 448, 3. 9902. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 9903. A. G. C. 30985. 9905. Plate 1576; 410. 3; 434, 3; on re-examination 410, 3; 434, 3. 9906. Plate 915; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5? 434, 5? 9907. Plate 786; limit of spectrum /3 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1523; a 394 ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1574; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 1606; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1684 ; 410, 5 T 434, 5 ? 9908. Plates 862 and 1685 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F f Near edge of Plate 1685. 9909. Plate 832; image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum A ? Plate 861; 448, 3. Plate 900; 448, 3. Plate 1665; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456,1; 458, 1 ; 461,1. Plate 1684 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 461, 1. 9911. Plate 1576; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. #015, Plate 915; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 2 f 434, 2 ? 9921. First measure 6.98, resid. 6 6. Plate 1521; sec- ond measure gives residual 5. Plate 1564; second measure gives residual 1; first measure rejected. 9925. Plate 1520; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum E. Plate 929 ; spectrum C f 9927. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 279. Plate 915; on first examination spectrum Kl Plate 1606; on first examination spectrum H ; on special ex- amination spectrum M? Plate 915; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 1. 9929. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1629; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1640; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 f 434, 5 ? 9930. Plates 900 and 902; image poor; near edge of plates. Plate 900 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on second examination spectrum F f Plate 902; on first and second examination spectrum F? Plates 871, 1574, and 1684; on special ex- amination spectrum M. Plate 861; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 871 ; 448, 3. Plate 902; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1574 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1628; 897 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1647; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1665; 448, 3. Plate 1684; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 1 ; 458, S; 461, 2. 9931. Plates 196 and 1521 ; image poor; on first exami- nation spectrum H; near edge of Plate 196. Plate 787; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1576; limit of spectrum a; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9934. Plate 1 640 ; image very poor and faint ; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9936. Plate 196; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 787; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 3 ; 468, 2. Plate 795; 397 a 434; 448, 4; '456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 468, 8. Plate 834; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 453, 2; 463, 3. Plate 928, first image; 448, 4; 458, 1; 468, 2. Plate 928, sec- ond image; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 468, 2. Plate 1521 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1564; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1576; 366 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 397 a 434; 438, 1; 443, 1; 448, 3; 453, 1; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 9939. Plate 915; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9942. Plate 903; image very poor; on first examination spectrum At 9943. Plate 1576 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H. 9944. Plates 196 and 1576 ; image poor. Plate 196 ; on first examination spectrum A; near edge of plate. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 928; 410,2; 434, 2. 9945. Plate 786 ; image poor ; on first examination spec- trum A ? Plate 1606 ; limit of spectrum ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1608; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 9946. The letter t stands for dr. Dune"r 280. Plates 850, 915, and 1606 ; on first examination spec- trum H. Plate 1608; on first examination spec- trum K? Plate 915; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 1608; on special examina- tion spectrum M. Plate 1608; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. 9951. Plate 140 ; a 394 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 5. Plate 753 ; 397 a 434 ; 443, 4 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2. Plate 774 ; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 834; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 875; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 3. Plate 928; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 3. Plate 929 ; 448, 1 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 1520 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 1521 ; 397 a 434 ; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 451, 2 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 1; 471, 1. Plate 1564 ; 397 a 434 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 2; 458, 2 ; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1 ; 471, 1. 9955. Plate 1575; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9961. Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1576; 410, 3; 434, 3. 9963. DM. magn. 3. 9966. Plate 928; image poor; on first and second exam- inations spectrum A. 9970. Plate 1575; 410, 5? 434, 5 ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9971. Plate 1575 ; 402, 2. 9974. Plate 928; 410, 2; 434, 2; on re-examination 410, 2; 434, 2. 9976. Beyond the limits within which accurate measure- ments can be made. 9977. Plate 1564; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5, 434, 5. 9979. Plate 1629 ; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum P t Plate 903 ; 402, 2. Plate 1629; 410, 3! 434, 3? Plate 1685; 402, 2. 9982. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plate 915 ; on first examination spectrum E f 9986. Images very poor and faint. Plate 861 ; on first examination spectrum E I on second examination spectrum F? Plate 1574 ; on second examination spectrum A ? 9987. Plates 862 and 1629; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 1629; on second examination spectrum F ? Plate 862 ; limit of spectrum 0; 410; 5; 434, 5. Plate 1575; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1629; 410, 5 1 434; 5 ? Plate 1685 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 2. 9988. Plate 1564 ; image very poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum E ; on second ex- amination spectrum F ? 9989. Plato 1576 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 9994. Plate 915 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 9995. Plate 928; 448, 4; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 2; 468, 1. Plate 929 ; 448, 2. 9999. Plate 915; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 10006. Plate 196; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10007. Plate 753; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 140; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 753; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 774; 897 a 434; 441, 2; 448, 5; 456, 2; 458, 2; 461, 3; 466, 2 ; 468, 2. Plate 834 ; 397 a 434 ; 441, 1 ; 446, I ; 448, 3 ; 451, 2 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 4 ; 466, 3; 468, 2; 471, 2. Plate 875; 397 a 434; 443, 1 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2; 466, 1 ; 468, 3; 471, 1. Plate 928; 397 a 434; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 3. Plate 929 ! 448, 2; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1019; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1520; 448, 3; 458, 2. Plate 1564 ; 397 a 434; 443, 7 ; 448, 3 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1; 471, 1. 10008. Plate 1576 ; image poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 10009. Images poor. Plates 196, 795, and 1564; on first examination spectrum H; near edge of Plate 1564. Plates 862, 903, and 1685; on first exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 1576; image good; 421, 3; 443, 3. 10013. Plate 1685; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 10014. R. A. 22 h 34 m .4. Dec. +77 43'. See 9864a in Table II., and Remarks. 10017. Plate 857; 382, 3; 402, 2. Plate 862; 882, 2; 402, 2. Plate 903 ; 382, 2 ; 402, 2 ; 441, 2 ; 453, 2. Plate 1575; 402, 1. Plate 1629; 382, 4; 402, 2; 453, 2. 10020. Plate 1575 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 10022. Plate 1576 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 367 10024. Plate 196 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 10027. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. Dune'r281. Plate 8G1 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 871, -902, 1574, 1628, 1647, and 1684; on first examination spectrum K. Plates 861, 871, 902, 1574, 1628, and 1684; on special examina- tion spectrum M. Plate 871 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3 ; 461, 2; 463, 1 ; 4G6, 1; 468, 1; 471, 2. Plate 902; 397 a 434; 434 double? 448, 3; 458, 1; 463, 4; 466,2; 468, 2; 471, 1 ; 474, 1. Plate 1574; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1628; 438, 1; 443, 1\ 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 3 ; 4G3, 2; 466,2; 468,2; 471,2. Plate 1647; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, 3; 461, 3; 4G3, 2; 466, 2 ; 4C8, 1 ; 471, 1. Plate 1684 ; 397 a 434 ; 434 double; 436, 1 ; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 451, 2; 453, 1; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 4G3, 2; 466, 1; 468, 2; 471, 1 ; 474, 1. 10028. The letter t stands for bd. DM. +59 2630, inagn. 9.2, precedes 5".6, in same declination. Plates 1564 and 1576; image poor; on first and second examinations spectrum F1 Plate 1576; 410 and 434 narrow. Plate 928; 402, 3. Plate 1564; 410, 5? 434, 5? Plate 157G ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10030. Plate 753 ; spectrum C. 10031. Plate 157G; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 795; 448, 5; 458, 2. Plate 928; 434 double; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 1576; 448, 3. 10032. Plate 862; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 857; 448, 3. Plate 862; 448, 3. Plate 903; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2. Plate 1575; 448, 3. Plate 1589; 448, 3. Plate 1685; 448, 3. 10033. DM. inagn. 2.0. II. P. magn. 2.6. Measures of brightess obtained on five plates ; images too dense to determine magnitude with accuracy. Magn. 3.21, resid. 2320a2. 10038. DuneY 282. Plate 1608 ; 448, 3. 10041. Plate 834; 392, 1; 402, 1. Plate 928; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1564 ; hydrogen lines narrow. Plate 1576; 402, 2. 10042. Plate 1628; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H? 10044. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1575; on first and second examinations spectrum E f Plates 1609 and 1685 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1589 ; on second examination spec- trum E? Plates 1G09 and 1685; first examina- tion related to D. C. 10047. 10046. Images poor and faint. Plates 196 and 1564; on first and second examinations spectrum F. Plate 834 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 196, 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1564; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10048. Plates 196, 795, and 1564; spectrum C. Plate 1521; image very poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum H I 10049. Plates 857, 862, and 1575; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 857 and 862; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 944; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1609; 410, 3; 434, 3. 10052. Plate 928; 392, 1; 402, 2. 10054. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first ex- _ amination spectrum H. 10055. Plate 916; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 916; 448, 3. Plate 1608; 448, 3; 458, 1 ; 461, 1; 468, 1. 10056. Duner 283. Plate 1700; on first examination spec- trum H ; on special examination spectrum M. 10058. Images very poor and faint. Near edge of Plates 169 and 916. Plate 169; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 842 and 1608 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. Plato 916; on second examination spectrum H? Plate 916; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10059 Plates 843 and 928; on special examination spec- trum Ml Plate 795; 443, 3; 456, 1; 458, 2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 834; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 441, 2; 446, 2; 448, 2; 456, 2; 458, 1; 461, 3; 466, 1; 468, 1. Plate 928; a 394; 397 a 434; 441, 2; 446, 1; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 950; a 394; 443, 2; 446, 3; 448, 2; 458,2; 461,2. Plate 1576; 397 a 434; 441, 2 ; 448, 3. 10060. Images very poor and faint. Plates 862, 903, and 1609; on first examination spectrum HI Plate 1685 ; on first examination spectrum E I Plates 857, 1609, and 1685; on second examination spectrum F ? 10062. Plate 1685; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10063. Plate 928; 402, 2. 10066. Plate 1521 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum E I 10068. Plate 843 ; spectrum C. 10070. Plate 928 ; 397 a 434; 434 double; 448, 4; 458, 2; 468, 2. 10071. Images very poor and faint. Plate 903; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 944 ; on first examination spectrum E I Plate 1589 ; on first examination spectrum H ? 10073. Plate 1576; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10077. Plates 1564 and 1576; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 10078. Plate 1589; 402, 2. 10079. The spectrum measured on Plate 929 was supposed to be DM. +81 811. On re-examination the star was found to be DM. +81 814, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10086. 368 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 10080. Plate 1576; 448, 3. 10083. The letter t stands for dr. Duner 285. Plates 916 and 1700; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1608; on first examination spectrum If 448, 3; on special examination spectrum M. 10086. When transferring the measures referred to under D. C. 10079 it was found that another image had been erroneously identified as DM. +81 814. It actually represents DM. +81 816, and the measures have accordingly heen entered in Table IT. under D. C. 10124a. Plates 843, 1521, and 1564 ; image poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 10089. Plate 916 ; 448, 3. Plate 1608 ; 448, 3. 10091. Plate 1576; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10093. Images very poor and faint. Plate 834; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1576; on first examination spectrum HI 10095. DuneV 286. 10096. Plate 795 ; spectrum C. 10098. Plate 169; on first examination spectrum F? Plate 842; on first examination spectrum E? Plates 169, 842, and 878; image poor; on second examination spectrum A I Plate 169; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 916; 448, 3. Plate 1608; limit of spectrum 0; 397 a 434; 448, 2 ; 458, 1. Plate 1683; 448, 3. Plate 1700; 448, 3. 10099. Plate 862; image very poor; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 903; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10100. Plate 1564 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 10105. Plate 1521; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 929; spectrum C. 10106. Plate 1608 ; 453, 2. 10107. Duner 287. On first examination of plates spec- train H. Plate 1589; on special examiation spec- trum M f 10108. Plate 844; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f 10109. Plate 1685; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H f 10110. Plate 1564; on first and second examinations spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10111. Plate 1609 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F I 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 10112. Plate 1630; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H? 10114. Plate 169 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum A? 10116. Plates 842 and 1700; on first examination spectrum H? Plate 1608; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 916; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10117. Plate 1685; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? 10118. Plates 196 and 1564 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 950 ; on first examination spectrum F. Plato 196; on second examination spectrum E. Plate 834 ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 928; a 394; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 448, 3; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 950; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1576 ; 397 a 434 ; 448, 3 ; 458, 2. 10119. Plate 1589; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E 1 10120. Plate 1609; on first examination spectrum E? on second examination spectrum F ? 10122. Plate 835 ; image very poor; on first examination spectrum H ? 10124a. DM. +81 816. R.A. 23 h 15 m .5. Dec. +81 47'. Measured on one plate, spectrum A? magn. 7.28, resid. 8 . . See Remark on D. C. 10086. 10125. Plate 1564 ; image poor; on second examination spectrum E ? Plate 928 ; 402, 2. 10127. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H. 10130. Images very poor and faint. Plate 928 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1564 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 196 ; on second examination spectrum F. 10132. Plates 903 and 1609; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A t Plate 944 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1589 ; 410, 31 434, 3? Plate 1685; 410, 5? 434, 5? 10135. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 10136. Plate 1647; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1589; 402, 2. 10139. Plate 842 ; on first examination spectrum E. 10140. Plate 1588; on first examination spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 10141. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 4.95, resid. 0*721422. Plate 169, second image; second measure gives residual 3; first measure rejected. Plate 850; image poor; on first ex- amination spectrum A ? on second examination spectrum F. Plate 916 ; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 916; 397 a 434; 448, 3. Plate 1608; 448, 8. Plate 1700; 448, 3. 10143. Plate 929; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10144. Plate 928; 448, 3. 10146. Plate 1563 ; image poor and faint; on first exami- nation spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10147. Plate 916; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10148. Images very poor and faint ; near edge of Plates 843 and 1576. Plate 843 ; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plates 1564 and 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1564 ; on second examination spectrum F. 10149. Plates 196 and 928; imago very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum A. 10150. Images very poor and faint. Plato 1589; on first examination spectrum E ? Plate 1609 ; on first examination spectrum H ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 369 10151. Plates 1589 and 1609 ; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 10152. Plate 1642 ; on first examination spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10154. DM. magn. 9.2, giving residual of 24. At first identified with DM. +60 2535, neb, whose posi- tion for 1900 is in R.A. 23 h 20 ra .3, Dec. +61 5'. Plate 928 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10155. The letter t stands for dr. Dune'r 289. Plates 196 and 1564 ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 834 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 928 ; on first, examination spectrum K. Plates 196 and 928 ; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 1564; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 834 ; 448, 4 ; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 928; 397 a 434 ; 441, 2; 446, 1 ; 448, 4; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 3 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 1. 10156. Plates 874, 1628, and 1686 ; image poor. Plate 874 ; on first examination spectrum H ? on second and third examinatioTis spectrum A? Plates 1628 and 1686 ; on first examination spectrum A? near edge of Plate 1628. Plate 861; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 902 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. Plate 948 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1588 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 5. Plate 1699 ; 410, 5 ; 434,5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 1708; 410,2; 434, 2. Plate 1714 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 10157. Plate 842; on special examination spectrum Ml Plate 916 ; on special examination spectrum M. Plate 916 ; 448, 3. 10161. Plate 916; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 10162. Images poor and faint. Plate 1564 ; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 196; ou second examination spectrum F? 10164. Plate 834 ; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10168. Plate 916; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 169; 397 a 434, 448, 3. Plate 916; 448, 3. Plate 1700; 448, 3; 456, 1; 461, 2. 10170. Plate 1564 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10171. Plates 843 and 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E ? on second ex- amination spectrum F ? 10172. Plate 1564; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10173. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 843; spectrum C. 10174. Plate 169; on first and second examinations spec- trum A ? only a small portion of spectrum vis- ible on plate. 10175. Plate 2242; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10177. Plate 928; 410, 4; 434, 4; on re-examination 410, 3? 434, 3? 10178. Plate 1589; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E f on second examination spectrum F If 10183. Plate 196; 448, 1. Plate 834; 392, 1; 402, 1. Plate 928; 392, 1 ; 402, 1 ; 453, 1. 10185. Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum E; on re- examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10190. Plate 944; on special examination spectrum M? 10192. Plate 1590; image poor and faint; on first exam- ination spectrum E. 10194. Plate 1562 ; image poor ; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum F? 410, 5? 434, 5? 10196. A. G. C magn. 7. Plate 169; on first examination spectrum E; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 10198. Plates 835 and 1564; images very poor and faint; oil first examination spectrum H? Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 929; a 394; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10199. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1589 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plates 1609 and 1642; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1609 ; on second examina- tion spectrum F ? 10202. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first and second examinations spectrum Ff a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10204. Plate 1576; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 10210. Dune'r 291. 10213. Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 10216. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 928 ; spectrum C. 10217. Plate 1562; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 910; 448, 3; 458, 2. 10218. Images very poor and faint. Plates 169 and 1700; on first examination spectrum E ? Plates 1590 and 1683 ; on first examination spectrum H. 10219. Plate 1589; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 10222. Plate 910; 448, 3; 468, 2. 10223. Plate 950 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 10226. Plate 1562 ; on first examination spectrum E ? on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10227. Plate 844; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10228. Images very poor and faint. Plate 910; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum H ? 10234. Images very poor and faint. Plates 863 and 916; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1590; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 157; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10235. Plate 910; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1562; 410, 5; 434, 5 ; 410 and 434 double ? 370 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. 10236. The spectrum measured on Plate 1562 was sup- posed to be that of DM. +21 4958. On re-ex- amination the star was found to be DM. +31 4932, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10225. 10241. Images very poor and faint. Plate 169; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 916; on first examination spectrum H? 10242. Plate 893; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 905; 448, 3; 453, 1 ; 461, 2. Plate 944; a 394 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 1. Plate 1563; 448, 3; 456, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1589; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2. Plate 1609 ; 397 a 434; 448, 3; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1. 10247. Plate 1609; 402, 2. 10248. Images very poor and faint. Plate 910; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 1562 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 10249. Plate 1563; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10251. Plate 929 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 10253. Images very poor and faint. Plate 1564 ; on first and second examinations spectrum F; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 196 ; on second examination spectrum F ? 10254. Plates 175, 893, and 974; spectrum C? Plate 960; spectrum C. 10255. Plate 1630 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. 10256. Plate 1562; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E f 10257. First measure 5.08, resid. 21 01 pi 153. Plate 916; first measure gives residual 10; second measure gives residual 2; first measure rejected. Plate 157; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double. Plate 169; limit of spectrum ; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 842; 410, 5, 434, 5. Plate 863; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 916 ; limit of spectrum (3; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1590; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1641; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 1683; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1700; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 2 ; 434, 2; 410 and 434 double. 10259. Plate 1700; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? 10261. Images poor. Plate 186 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plates 834, 843, 875, and 950; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 928 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plates 929, 950, and 1564 ; on second examination spectrum A? Plates 843, 875, and 1576 ; on second examination spec- trum F ? Plates 834 and 928 ; on second ex- amination spectrum E? Plate 929; on second examination spectrum G f near edge of plate. Plate 928 ; 448, 5 ; 458, 2 ; 468, 2. 10262. Plate 1563; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E? 10263. Plate 950 ; ou first examination spectrum E. Plates 831, 843, and 875; on special examination spec- trum M? Plate 186; a 394; 417, 3; 443, 3; 448, 1; 453, 3; 458, 2; 463, 2; 468, 3. Plate 196; 403, 2; 417, 2; 426, 2; 443, 3; 458, 2; 468, 3. Plate 787; 397 a 434 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 4; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 3. Plate 795; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, S ; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 829; 397 a 434; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458,2; 461, 1 ; 468, S. Plate 834, first image; a 394; 397 a 434 ; 441, 1 ; 448, 4; 456, 2; 458, 1 ; 461, 2; 466, 2; 468, 1. Plate 834, second image; a 394; 441, 1 ; 448, 5; 456, 2; 458, S; 461, 3; 463,1; 466, 2; 468,3. Plate 835; 397 a 434; 446, 4; 453, 3; 458, 4; 471, 3. Plate 843; a 394; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, S; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 4. Plate 875; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 448, 4; 456, 1; 458, 3; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 3; 471,1. Plate 879; 397 a 434; 434 double ; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3 ; 461, 1 ; 468, S; 471, 1. Plate 928; a 394; 397 a 434; 441, 1; 448, 4 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 3; 461, 2 ; 466, 1 ; 468, 3. Plate 929; a 394; 397 a 434; 443,1 ; 448, 3; 456, 1; 458, 3 ; 461, 1; 468, 2. Plate 950 ; a 394; 397 a 434; several bright and dark lines. Plate 1564; a 394; 397 a 434; 443, 1; 448, 3; 456, 2; 458, S; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468,1. Plate 1576 ; 397 a 434; 438, 1 ; 443, 1 ; 448, 3 ; 453, 1 ; 456, 1 ; 458, 2; 461, 2; 466, 1; 468, 1 471, 1. 10265. Plate 1589; image very poor arid faint; on first examination spectrum II. 10268. Plate 928; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 950; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10269. Plates 910 and 944; on first examination spectrum At Plate 1562; 416, 5? 434,5? 10271, A. G. C. magn. 7. 10275. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 10276. Plate 910; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum A. 10280. Plate 960; spectrum C. Plate 1589; on first ex- amination spectrum E. 10282. Images very poor and faint. Plate 157; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 169; on first and second ex- aminations spectrum A. 10284. Plate 842; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1 700 ; spectrum C ? 10286. Plate 916 ; first image poor; near edge of plate ; on first and second examinations spectrum F ? 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1683; spectrum C? 10287- Images poor and faint. Plate 1563 ; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1589 ; on first exam- ination spectrum E ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 371 10297. Plate 950 ; image poor; on first examination spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10298. Duuer 292. 103(12. Plate 910; 448, 3. Plate 1588; 448, 3. 10304. Plates 842 and 1700; image very poor; near edge of plates; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 1700; on second examination spectrum F? 10310. Plate 843; image poor and faint ; on first examina- tion spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 928; 402, 1 ; 429, 1. 10313. Plate 843; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10314. Plate 152; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5 ? 434, 5 f on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10315. Plate 916; image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum F I 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1590; 406, 2; 453, 3. 10317. Plate 905; 448, 3. Plate 944; 448, 3. Plate 1563; 448, 3; 461, 2. Plate 1609; 448, 3. 10320. The spectrum measured on Plate 1562 was sup- posed to be DM. +22 4902. On re- examination the star was found to be DM. +32 4703, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10314. 10321. Plate 1564; first image poor; near edge of plate; on first and second examinations spectrum F ; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 186; 403, 4. Plate 928, first image ; 402, 3. Plate 928, second image ; 392, 2; 402, 3. Plate 950; 392, 2; 402, 2; 453, 1. 10324. Plate 893 ; on first examination spectrum E. 10325. Plate 928 ; on special examination spectrum M f Plate 843; 448, 3; 458, 2; 468, 2. Plate 928; 441, 2 ; 448, 4 ; 456, 2 ; 458, 1 ; 461, 2 ; 468, 1. Plate 1564 ; 448, 3. 10331. Plate 1563; first image poor; near edge of plate; on first examination spectrum F ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 893 ; 402, 3. 10333. Combined with 10334. DM. magns. 7.8 and 8.0. Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum E? on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 10334. See 10333. 10336. Plate 186, second image; spectrum C. 10339. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10340. Plate 157; image vey poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 10312. Plate 910; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10344. Images very poor and faint. Plates 834 and 843, first image ; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 843. Plate 875; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 928; image good; 410, 1 ; 434, 1. Plate 950; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10346. Plate 196 ; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 928; on first examination spectrum F. Plate 1564; on first examination spectrum H? Plates 196, 928, and 1564; image poor and faint; on second examination spectrum F. Plate 843; spectrum C. Plate 928 ; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10350. The letter t stands for dr. First measure 6.58, re- sid. 31^.7. Plate 1562, second measure gives residual 1 ; first measure rejected. Images very poor. Plates 944 and 960; on first examination spectrum A; near edge of plates. Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 910; image good; 410, 2; 434, 2; 434 double. 10351. Plate 959; on first examination spectrum F ; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; near edge of plate. Plate 973; on first examination spectrum E ? 10354. Images poor and faint. Plate 910; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1562; on first exam- ination spectrum A. 10355. Plate 893; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 905; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1563; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10356. Plate 959 ; on first examination spectrum A? near edge of plate. 10359. Images poor and faint. Plate 905 ; on first exam- ination spectrum A? Plate 1563; on first exam- ination spectrum H ? 10361. Plate 905 ; on first examination spectrum A? 10362. Plate 949; on first examination spectrum F? a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5; 410 and 434 double; near edge of plate. 10366. Plate 949 ; on first examination spectrum E ; on second examination spectrum F ; near edge of plate. Plate 1590; on first examination spec- trum H. 10367. Plates 186, 795, 1564, and 1576; image very poor and faint. Plates 186, 795, and 1564; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1576 ; on first examination spectrum H? Plates 186, 1564, and 1576; on second examination spectrum A ? Plate 196; 410, 1; 434, 1. Plate 843; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 928; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 929; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 950; a 394; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10369. Plate 1564 ; image very poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum E. 10371. Duner 294. Plates 910 and 1562; on first exam- ination spectrum H. Plate 1562; on special ex- amination spectrum M f 10375. Plate 910; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 1562; on first examination spectrum H. 10380. Plates 949 and 1590; image poor; on first exam- ination spectrum F ? Plate 949 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5 ; near edge of plate. Plate 1590 ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 10381. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 10382. Plate 910; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5; 434, 5. 10389. Plate 829 ; on first examination spectrum H; near edge of plate. Plate 843 ; on special examina- tion spectrum Q. Plate 186; 443, 2; 448, 2. 372 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Plate 834 ; 410, 2 ; 434. 2. Plate 843 ; 448, 1 ; 458, 1; 468, 1. Plate 928; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 1564; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10392. The spectrum measured on Plate 1564 was supposed to be that of DM. +56 3112. On re-examiua- tion the star was found to be DM. +76 10, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 189. 10393. Plate 959; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H ? 10395. Plate 835; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 196; 421, 7. Plate 843; 401, 3. 10397. Plate 1564 ; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10399. Plate 949; on first examination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F ? near edge of plate. 10401. Plate 960; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E. 10403. Plates 904 and 910; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 910; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 1562; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10404. Images very poor and faint. Plate 910; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 1562 ; on second examination spectrum A ? 10409. Plates 974 and 1563; image poor and faint ; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 893; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 960 ; 410, 5 ; 484, 5. 10410. Plate 843; 410, 2; 434, 2. Plate 893; limit of spectrum 0; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. Plate 905; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 907; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 950; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1563; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10411. Plates 843, 950, and 1564; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 928 ; on first examination spectrum A. 10414. Plate 929; 419, 3. 10417. Plate 875 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E; on second examination spectrum F? 10419. Plate 910; on special examination spectrum M? 10424. Plate 1562; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H f 10426. The letter t stands for dr. Var. in DM. Var. in H.P. Plate 1563 ; on first examination spec- trum H? on re- examination 410 bright; spec- trum peculiar. 10427. The spectrum measured on Plate 905 was sup- posed to be DM. +45 4376. On re-exami- nation the star was found to be DM. +45 4381, and the measures have accordingly been added to the latter star, which equals D. C. 10430. 10428. Images poor and faint. Plates 157 and 1590; on first examination spectrum H. Plates 176 and 949; on first examination spectrum A. Near edge of Plate 176. Plate 949; very dark; on second examination spectrum A ? 10429. Images very poor and faint. Plate 960; on first examination spectrum HI Plates 974 and 1709; on first examination spectrum E? Plate 974; on second examination spectrum F? 10430. Plate 974; image poor; on first examination spec- trum H. 10431. Plate 893; 403, 3. Plate 950; 402, 2; 453, 2. Plate 1563 ; 392, 2 ; 402, 2. 10434. Plates 157, 863, and 1641 ; image .poor. Near edge of Plates 157 and 1641. Plates 157 first and second images, and 863 ; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1641, second image; spec- trum C? Plate 176; a 394; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. 410 and 434 double. Plate 949; a 394; 410, 3; 434, 3. Plate 1590, first image ; 410, 3 ; 434, 3. Plate 1590, second image; a 394; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 1641, first image; 410, 3; 434, 3; 434 double. 10437. The letter t stands for dr. Combined with 10438. Plate 960; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. Plate 904; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 910; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 1562; 410, 5; 434,5. 10438. See 10437. 10439. Plates 960 and 1563; image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum E. 10441. Plate 949 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10442. Plate 960 ; on first and second examinations spec- trum F; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10444. Plate 1562; second image very poor and faint; on first examination spectrum H. 10451. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H. 10454. Plates 875 and 929; spectrum C? 10455. Plate 928 ; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E ? 10456. Plates 186 second image, and 884; image poor; near edge of plate ; on first and second examina- tions spectrum F. Plate 186; 410, 5; 434, 5; Plate 834 ; 410, 2 ; 434, 2. 10458. Plate 960; 419, 3. 10460. Plate 843; 410, 5; 434, 5; on re-examination 410, 5 ; 434, 5. 10462. Images poor; near edge of plates. Plate 157, first image ; on first examination spectrum F ? Plate 1641; on first examination spectrum H ? on sec- ond examination spectrum F ? Plate 157, first image; 410, 5? 434, 5? 10463. Images very poor and faint. Plate 910; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 1562, second image ; on first examination spectrum H ? 10464. Dune"r 297. 10465. Plate 1564; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H ? THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 373 10471. Plates 157 and 176; on first examination spectrum A? Plate 949; 410,5; 434,5. 10472. Images poor aud faiut. Plate 186; on first exam- ination spectrum C. Plate 196; on .first examina- tion spectrum A. Plates 843 and 928 ; on first examination spectrum I. Plate 929 ; on first ex- amination spectrum H? near edge of plate. Plate 843; 448, 2; 468, 3. Plate 928; 448, 3. Plate 950; 410, 4; 434, 4. Plate 1564; 410, 3? 434, 31 A. G. C. magn. 7. 10473. Plate 835; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E. Plate 844 ; spectrum C. 10474. Images Very poor and faint. Plate 843; on first examination spectrum E. Plate 1564 ; on first examination spectrum H. 10477. Images very poor and faint. Plates 176 and 1590 ; on first examination spectrum H ? Plate 949 ; on first examination spectrum E ? 10478. A. G. C. magn. 7. Plates 960 and 974; image very poor and faint; on first examination spec- trum E. 10480. Plate 835; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum H? 10481. Images poor and faiut. Plates ]06 and 834; on first and second examinations spectrum A. Plate 875; on second examination spectrum A? Plate 843; 410, 2; 434, 2. 10484. Plate 974; image very poor and faint; on first ex- amination spectrum E? 10487. K. A. l h 3 m .2. Dec. +84 84'. See 606a in Table II. and Remarks. 10488. Plate 950; image poor; on first examination spec- trum E ? 10490. U. A. Cetus 8, magn. 5.3, var? 10491. Plate 186 ; on special examination spectrum M? Plate 186; 410, 5; 434, 5. Plate 950; 448, 4. 10494. Plate 1562; image very poor and faint ; on first ex- amination spectrum H? Plate 910; 410, 5; 434, 5. 10495. Plates 843 and 950; image poor. Plate 843; on first examination spectrum A. Plate 950 ; on first examination spectrum B ; on second exam- ination spectrum A. Plate 186 ; 410, 5 ; 434, 5. Plate 950; 402, 2; 438, 2; 458, 1. 10497. Plates 196, 843, 875, and 928; spectrum C. The wave-lengths in the above remarks are found by estimating the tetiths of the interval between the adjacent hydrogen lines. The line 447 was often estimated six instead of seven-tenths from F towards G. Its wave-length then appears as 453 instead of 447. The remark 410 bright under D. C. 5040, 5580 and 8643 does not refer to the hydrogen line h, but to the adjoining portion of the spectrum of slightly shorter wave-length which appears bright by contrast. The exact values of the large residuals of the last column of Table I. are given in Table III. The D. C. number is followed by the three residuals taken from the Durchmusterung, Uranometria Argentina, and Harvard Photometry, negative quan- tities being indicated by Italics. The meaning of the letters F and E is explained on page 5. The final column gives the class to which the spectrum belongs, taken from the seventh column of Table I. 374 AXXALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. TABLE III. CATALOGUE RESIDUALS EXCEEDING 9. 3 3 3 Cl. D.C. w Cl. D. C. B < ^ O P W Cl. DC. s < *<. D K Cl u.c. S < "i W Cl. D.C. R t> K Cl. 3142 10 6 . A 3262 10 . . H 3424 13 F . F 3566 13 6 . A 3755 10 F . A 3145 17 K . A 3265 12 . . E 3428 12 6 . A 3567 13 9 4 A 3756 11 . . A 3146 10 3 . A 3275 15 F . A 3432 12 . . E 3577 11 . . A 3759 10 9 . A 3147 17 F . A 3276 13 . . A? 3441 11 8 . E? 3582 14 . . A 3760 . 11 3 A 3149 13 9 . A 3282 13 . . E 3442 16 F . H 3585 20 . . A 3763 14 . . A 3154 14 F . A 3283 5 10 7 F 3444 . 5. 10 H 3590 10 . . E 3764 9 . 12 II 3156 12 . 8 H 3286 17 . . E 3445 12 . . E 3599 7 8 11 H 3767 10 7 . F 3158 10 . . A 3297 10 . . A 3450 12 9 . H 3600 17 8 . A 3770 10 . . A 3161 11 . . A? 3299 15 . . A 3452 12 7 . A 3601 10 7 . A 3772 14 8 . A 3162 12 . . E 3300 14 . . A 3453 17 F . A 3614 11 . . E 3774 1"0 . . E 3165 14 13 . A 3303 11 12 . A 3463 13 F . A? 3615 18 . 16 M 3775 11 F . A 3167 12 R . A 3307 16 . . A 3468 12 . . A 3617 10 . . A 3780 13 v . A? 3172 10 . . A 3308 20 . . A 3470 11 10 . A 3618 14 . . F 3781 15 . 15 K 3173 16 F . A? 3309 14 . . F 3474 14 . . A 3619 6 . 16 H 3783 5 4 10 H 3177 18 B . A 3315 12 . 10 H 3476 7 . 11 H 3620 11 . . A 3794 17 F . F 3181 9 11 . A 3316 12 F . A? 3478 18 P . H 3623 12 . . A 3796 10 P . A? 3183 10 . . H 3317 12 . 10 I? 3479 14 7 . A 3624 13 . . A 3798 5 10 1 A 3186 11 12 . A 3322 14 P . A 3481 11 F . A 3626 16 5 2 A 3799 15 F . F 3190 27 F . A. 3323 10 . . A 3485 10 3 A 3627 12 10 . A 3802 24 K . A 3191 12 12 . A? 3324 11 . . A 3489 15 . . A 3629 13 8 . E 3805 14 8 . A 3196 19 F . A? 3325 15 2 H 3490 16 F . A 3C35 11 15 . A 3806 7 7 10 H 3198 14 . . A 3326 12 . . A 3491 11 6 . A 3637 11 . . A 3807 10 3 S A 3199 10 F . A 3337 5 11 8 I 3492 13 F . E 3638 10 13 . A 3811 14 9 12 A 3201 10 . . A 3338 13 . . E? 3494 10 7 3 A 3641 11 B 1 H 3817 15 . . A 3203 12 . . H 3341 12 . . A 3497 10 S H 3644 18 12 . A 3818 10 . . A 3205 10 10 . A 3346 18 . . A 3498 14 6 . A 3646 16 . K A 3821 5 10 . E 3206 17 . . A 3351 12 . . F 3499 13 . . F 3650 14 F . A 3822 8 . 10 H 3210 13 . . E 3352 10 . . A 3501 13 10 . A 3652 10 11 . A 3823 12 8 . A 3212 12 . . H? 3353 16 P . A 3508 5 10 . A 3653 11 . . A 3825 10 . 1 A 3213 15 . . E 3362 11 12 . A 3509 12 F . E? 3656 16 10 . A 3829 13 F . A? 3214 13 . . E 3367 13 10 . A 3510 liJ . . A 3666 11 8 . A 3831 11 6 . A 3220 17 . . A 3370 14 F . A 3517 4 10 2 B 3680 15 F . E 3832 11 . . E 3221 17 F . E? 3375 8 . 10 K? 3519 13 . . A 3685 13 . . A 3834 11 . 12 I? 3223 15 . . A 3376 12 . . A 3520 10 . . A 3694 16 P . A 3835 12 . . A 3226 15 . . F 3379 11 . . E 3529 11 . . F 3707 11 9 2 A 3830 . 11 7 A 3228 13 13 . A 3383 10 . . A 3531 17 . . A 3714 13 . . A 3837 11 . . F 3229 10 . . C 33*6 15 . 14 A 3533 11 . . A 3720 15 9 . A 3839 13 . . F? 3283 10 . . A 3387 13 F . H 3535 18 . 15 M 3721 11 . . A 3843 12 B . A 3234 15 8 . A 3389 15 F . A 3539 13 . . A 3726 15 F . F 3849 13 . . A 323'] 13 8 2 B 3391 8 . 11 M 3540 14 F . A 3728 11 . . A 3851 10 7 . A 3239 22 F . F? 3399 13 . . A 3541 13 F . H? 3729 15 F . F 3853 . 12 . A? 3240 14 . . A 3401 10 . . A 3542 1 11 . A 3733 10 . B 3855 10 . . A 3241 12 4 . A 3403 14 . . A 3543 9 12 3 A 3738 11 . . A 3860 10 . . A 3243 13 9 . A 3406 11 . . A? 3547 8 10 IS K? 3739 12 . 8 I? 3861 11 . . A 3246 13 5 . F? 3407 14 F . A 3550 16 8 . A 3742 10 5 . E? 3864 11 B . A? 3247 11 . . A 3408 12 6 A 3551 15 F . A 3743 11 . . A 3865 11 . . E 3249 16 6 . A 3411 16 F . H 3552 14 F . A 3747 15 9 . A 3870 14 . . F 3251 13 F . A 3414 5 10 H 3557 7 11 5 A 3748 12 P . E? 3873 14 . . A 3254 19 . . E 3415 12 . . H 3561 10 P . A 3749 14 10 . A 3875 14 . . F 3259 10 . H? 3421 17 . . A 3562 14 22 . E 3754 14 . . A 3879 . 12 . A 378 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D.C. g < ^ 5 & a Cl. D.C. xj h 3 P w Cl. D.C. -: -4 ol 6 Cl. D. C. s * * p t> a Cl. D.C. $ < fc 5 P H Cl. 3882 14 10 12 M? 4029 8 . 10 K 4165 11 . . A 4299 20 11 . A 4589 14 . 13 I? 3886 . 15 14 M? 4032 9 . 10 M 41C6 14 . . A 4302 24 B . A 4596 10 . . A 3888 13 . . A 4035 14 . . E 4167 18 . . A 4306 15 9 . A 4602 12 . . E 3889 . 10 2 O 4036 15 . . A 4169 11 . . A 4313 5 . 14 I 4614 9 . 11 II 3893 11 . . F 4039 9 17 . E 4171 13 . . A 4319 9 . 10 II? 4616 12 . . A 3894 12 . 1 A 4041 . 11 . A? 4173 10 . . E 4321 11 8 . F 4618 14 . . A 3896 11 8 2 A 4045 13 . . E 4175 11 . . A 4325 12 . . E? 4620 9 . 10 H 3901 15 . . F 4049 11 . . A 4176 10 . . A 4328 12 . 10 H 4632 10 5 2 H? 3907 15 4 A 4053 10 . . A 4179 13 13 . A 4329 12 . 12 H 4638 11 . . E 3910 10 . . F 4057 13 11 . A? 4181 6 11 B 4330 . 10 E 4650 14 . / A 3912 13 . . A? 4059 11 . 8 H 4184 12 11 . F? 4334 18 . 12 H 4653 8 8 IS I 3913 11 . . F 4060 14 . . F 4185 18 F ,. A 4348 10 . . A 4684 11 . . A 3923 12 16 . A 4062 15 . . A 4190 12 . . A 4354 11 10 . F? 4685 15 8 . A 3924 15 . . A 4065 . 11 . A 4191 19 13 . A 4357 . is 14 Q? 4687 8 U 10 K? 3927 1ft. ft . A 4069 13 . . A 4193 11 8 . A 4369 10 . 7 H 4691 12 8 . F? 3931 . 10 . A 4074 . 13 . A 4194 11 . . A 4372 12 . 8 H? 4693 15 . . E 3932 18 . 15 M? 4076 17 . . A 4195 . 12 . A 4378 10 . 3 A 4699 8 10 7 F 3933 10 8 3 A 4078 10 9 5 E 4197 20 9 . A 4380 11 6 . A 4701 7 11 11 G 3937 18 . . A 4079 10 . . F 4200 11 . . F 4395 12 7 . E? 4706 10 . . F 3938 12 . . A 4080 14 . .. E 4205 10 . . H 4406 10 3 8 II 4709 13 . . A 3940 15 . . E 4084 10 . . A 4206 12 11 5 A 4411 10 . . E 4715 15 8 . A 3943 15 . . A 4086 12 . . A 4213 10 . . A 4413 18 . . A 4729 . 10 11 H 3944 14 . . A 4094 11 F . A 4214 10 . 1 A 4414 12 . . A 4736 14 9 . A 3946 16 8 . F 4095 . 13 . A 4216 12 . . A 4416 11 . . A 4737 10 . . F 3947 14 . . E 4098 13 F . A 4220 14 11 . A 4418 1 10 B . A 4738 11 . . A 3948 10 . . A 4099 14 . . A 4223 11 13 . A 4419 12 7 3 A 4741 11 . . E 3953 11 . . A 4102 13 13 . A 4226 13 . . E 4427 6 7 10 H 4748 11 . . F 3956 15 . . A 4104 17 F . F 4229 10 10 . A? 4429 11 . . A 4750 13 . . H 3958 13 . . A 4107 14 F . A? 4231 21 F . A 4436 18 . . 4753 17 . . A? 3964 15 . . F 4108 13 . . E? 4232 11 8 1 A 4438 10 . . H 4759 16 . . H 3965 10 4 . H 4112 11 . . A 4238 13 F . A 4440 11 . . A 4761 10 . . H 3967 15 9 11 H 4115 12 . . F 4244 20 12 . A 4441 10 . . E 4764 }2 . . A 3974 . 18 19 H 4117 15 4 . E 4249 13 10 . A 4445 14 . . A 4767 14 13 11 K 3978 13 . . F 4124 12 . . A 4253 12 F . E 4449 7 10 . A 4771 10 B . A 3979 11 . 9 K? 4128 11 12 . A? 4257 16 9 . A 4451 13 F . A 4772 10 . . A 3982 16 F . A 4134 18 12 . A 4259 12 . . E 4466 12 . 5 II 4786 10 7 . A 3985 17 . . E? 4135 10 . . E 4261 8 . 10 H 4482 12 . . E 4788 16 . . E 3991 16 . . H 4136 11 . . A 4262 11 F . A 4509 13 . . H 4793 10 . . A 3992 15 . 2 A 4137 . 10 I 4263 14 U M: 4514 10 . . A 4794 12 . . A 3994 16 . . A 4142 14 13 . A 4265 15 11 . A 4518 13 . . A 4798 17 10 . A 3995 11 . . E? 4144 . 13 . E 4266 . 16 F 4520 12 . . A? 4802 12 F . E? 4003 13 . . E 4145 16 9 . A 4271 17 . . F 4528 14 16 IS K? 4808 11 . . E 4016 12 F . A 4148 21 F . E 4272 14 5 - E 4534 11 . . E 4810 15 . . E 4017 10 9 . A 4149 5 . 10 I 4277 8 . 10 I 4539 16 F . A 4811 15 . . F 4019 10 . . A 4150 17 . . E? 4280 14 F . E? 4542 13 . . A 4816 12 . . A 4023 16 . . A 4151 9 10 5 E 4283 17 18 . E? 4546 15 . . E 4820 12 . . E 4025 11 . . E 4153 13 . . A 4284 10 . . A 4552 11 . . A 4821 12 . . A 4026 . 8 11 G? 4157 18 12 . A? 4285 17 17 . A 4553 7 . 13 M 4827 11 . . E 4027 11 B . A 4162 10 7 1 B 4287 12 . . A 4567 11 . . A' 4834 10 . . E? 4028 . 17 . E? 4164 16 . . A 4290 8 . 10 H 4573 10 . . E 4835 17 . . E THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 379 D. C g < (H ft b B Cl. B.C. s * * o o a \ Cl. D. C. s " ^ t> w Cl. D. C. x *i * fi & W Cl. B.C. y *4 Pn 3 P K Cl. 4837 10 . . E 4977 11 6 . F? 5275 10 15 14 I 5648 10 . . E 5897 7 . 11 H? 4840 13 . . H 4983 19 . 16 K 5289 14 15 10 K 5658 10 . 11 M 5905 12 . . A 4846 10 . . E 4999 10 8 . F 5291 12 3 . A 5660 15 . . A 5914 11 7 7 G 4850 10 . . E 5003 10 F . H 5295 12 . . H 5662 12 . . E 5968 10 . . F 4852 4853 4857 13 . . 10 . . 12 . . H F E 5010 5016 5017 11 . . 12 . . U . 10 H A I 5331 5332 5334 17 . 15 12 ~ : : K A? 5672 5684 5685 13 5 . 10 . 9 E G 5974 5979 5985 11 . . 11 . . 12 . . H E E 4859 11 . . H 5020 16 . . C 5335 10 . . H? 5687 18 . 14 K? 5990 11 6 . E 4860 20 . . A 5022 13 . . A 5345 18 . 18 M 5689 4 10 . H? 5996 13 . 6 F 4869 11 6 . A 5029 10 . . H 5372 11 F . A 5692 11 4 . A 6008 11 4 . F 4870 11 . . A 5036 E 21 22 K 5375 15 15 14 K? 5694 11 . . H 6010 11 P . H 4872 15 F . A 5040 12 . 9 K? 5378 10 . . A 5695 8 13 . H 6027 21 IS 15 K 4873 10 . . E 5061 13 . 14 I 5380 13 . 9 I? 5706 17 P . E 6030 . 21 . A 4875 15 . . E 506-2 13 . . A 5381 11 5 A 5707 11 F . E 6040 10 7 . F 4879 10 . . E? 5063 11 . 9 F 5389 12 . . A 5711 12 17 . A 6043 10 . . A 4880 12 . . E 5065 12 . . E 5402 5 15 . E 5712 11 4 . E 6048 15 . . E 4882 10 . . F 5067 4 8 10 H? 5412 10 . . E? 5713 11 4 . A 6062 IS . 8 H 4883 14 . . A 5071 10 . . A 5424 12 . . E 5726 13 . . E 6063 10 P . E 4884 13 . . E 5077 10 . . H 5430 14 . . A? 5727 12 S 7 I 6065 11 . 10 H 4886 12 . 8 H 5082 12 . . A? 5431 12 . . A 5730 13 P . H 6069 11 6 . A 4889 13 . . A 5086 11 . . H 5455 10 . 6 H? 5732 11 7 . E? 6081 10 F . E 4891 10 6 . A 5090 10 4 8 H 5458 11 . . E? 5738 12 8 . A 6087 11 F . H 4901 12 . . E 5091 12 . . E 5459 10 . 12 H? 5739 12 . . F 6088 10 2 2 A 4903 13 . . A 5096 11 . . E 5461 13 . 8 I? 5740 11 6 . F? 6089 9 . 10 II 4905 12 12 . E 5098 1 R 10 H 5467 n i . H 5745 10 9 . A 6093 12 . 4 H 4906 11 . . H 5109 15 . 11 H 5481 6 13 . E 5746 12 2 2 I 6098 11 5 7 I 4909 13 . . E 5112 12 . . H 5483 10 . . E 5747 14 . . A 6133 11 . 11 I 4912 14 . . A 5118 2 6 10 H 5502 R 17 14 K? 5755 14 7 . A 6141 16 12 . A 4913 12 8 . F 5122 13 . . H 5517 13 . . H 5758 15 p . A? 6154 16 . 10 M 4916 15 7 . A 5124 11 . . H 5519 10 . 11 K? 5763 11 . . E 6167 IS . 14 F 4919 11 . . A 5133 14 . . A 5526 12 . . E 5770 11 5 . E 6169 B 16 14 K 4921 13 . . H 5135 11 . , A 5546 12 . . A 5774 . 12 . H 6173 14 3 7 II 4925 15 P . E 5143 13 14 11 K 5547 11 . . H 5785 21 . IS M? 6175 13 . 10 K 4926 IS . 7 H 5162 13 . . E 5560 14 10 is I? 5790 14 F . F 6176 12 9 . A 4928 10 . . F 5165 13 . . E 5564 15 7 10 I 5791 11 . . A 6181 10 . 12 H 4929 11 . . E 5173 14 . 8 H 5567 15 . 12 A 5797 14 E . A 6189 11 . . A 4937 14 . . A 5177 11 . 12 K 5569 12 . . H 5802 12 . . E 6190 7 . 10 H 4938 10 6 . A 5182 11 . . A 5572 10 . . E 5805 15 . . A? 6192 10 . . E 4940 18 . . E 5192 12 . . E? 5574 10 . . H 5815 16 F . A 6197 12 . . E 4943 4950 12 9 . 10 . . A E 5203 5206 4 U H 14 . 13 H? K? 5577 5580 14 12 16 21 . 21 H K 5821 5834 10 P . 11 4 . E A 6202 6203 10 B 10 F 4954 14 . . E 5227 11 . . H 5582 12 . . E 5851 14 P . H 6210 12 . . E 4956 11 8 . F 5234 U . 7 H 5592 11 . . A 5859 11 . . E 6219 12 . . E 4959 12 . . A 5235 11 . . E 5593 . 10 6 A 5861 11 F . A 6221 14 . . A 4961 13 P . E? 5242 12 10 12 M? 5594 10 . . H 5863 17 F . A 6224 13 9 12 H 4963 15 . . E? 5250 10 . . H 5617 11 . 15 K 5873 10 p . H 6232 IS . 8 H 4964 12 . . E? 5258 10 . . E? 5618 13 7 . A 5887 14 . . E 6239 7 12 . A 4965 11 . . A 5266 15 . . A 5629 12 . . A 5893 11 14 12 K 6251 11 . . A 4967 10 . . A 5267 13 . . A 5631 11 . . E 5895 9 . 10 K? 6262 10 . . A 4968 11 . . A 5273 14 7 6 H 5640 5 11 . E 5896 12 . . F 6264 7 8 10 M 380 ANXALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. D. C. a < * a- & jjj 01. D C. < Pn a s> a Cl. D.C. s < * a s> w 01. D C. 3 t> K Cl. D C. S a Cl. D.C. g" -4 H a & a B Cl. D.C. 3 B Cl. 9095 13 . . A 9440 7 16 11 K? 9696 10 . . A 9894 10 . . F 10098 12 14 12 I 9106 16 . . A? 9455 11 5 . A 9700 14 7 . F? 9896 12 . . A? 10101 4 17 . E? 9110 4 16 . E 9460 10 . 9 L? 9701 10 . 18 I 9901 9 . 10 I 10106 11 2 1 A 9112 14 11 . F? 9461 10 . 10 H 9702 11 . . A 9907 4 9 10 F 10107 12 . 12 M? 9114 B 10 8 G 9479 11 6 7 H 9707 12 . . A 9909 14 . 11 K? 10108 12 . . A 9137 8 . 12 H? 9484 17 . . E 9708 11 4 . A 9913 13 . . . A 10113 9 12 . A 9146 11 . . A 9487 15 . 14 H 9710 10 . . A 9917 11 . . A 10122 14 . . A 9155 18 9 3 A 9491 14 . . A? 9711 13 . . A? 9924 12 . . H? 10124 12 . . II 9161 12 . . H 9500 21 21 20 K 9715 14 11 11 H? 9925 13 , . A? 10128 11 . . A 9176 12 . . A 9504 14 . . E 9716 9 . 16 I? 9927 12 10 11 M? 10137 14 . . H 9179 11 . 17 H 9509 15 7 11 H 9718 14 . . A 9928 14 . . A 10141 6 12 10 H? 9193 7 9 10 H 9513 B . 21 M? 9719 15 . . F 9930 8 . 10 I? 10142 14 6 . A 9209 15 . . A 9515 16 13 11 A? 9729 16 . . A 9933 18 . . A 10143 15 . . F 9226 11 . .' H? 9523 9 12 . A 9732 13 . . A 9936 12 . 14 I? 10147 15 F . F? 9232 5 . 11 I 9526 11 . . H 9743 13 . . A 9937 14 . . A 10157 1 12 12 H? 9236 12 . 12 I? 9529 6 . 10 H 9744 13 . . H 9938 10 . . A 10158 11 . . A 9238 9535 12 . . E 9749 13 F . H 9940 18 . . E 10168 6 11 9 I 9239 13 . 6 K? 9542 12 9 . A 9754 11 . . B 9943 10 . . A 10170 14 . . A 9240 12 . 11 K 9543 13 . . H 9756 12 F . A? 9946 12 18 16 HI? 10172 14 . . F 9244 12 . 13 K 9547 14 . . E 9759 15 F . A? 9949 18 . 12 H 10174 10 11 12 H? 9245 4 . 12 K 9558 11 . . E 9760 11 F . A? 9951 9 . 11 K 10177 12 . . F 9261 7 . 10 H 9568 14 6 . A 9762 11 . . A 9953 14 . . A 10179 10 . . A 9263 11 . . A 9573 11 10 . H 9772 * . 10 I 9958 13 . . II 10182 11 . . A? 9267 4 . 10 H 9577 14 . . E 9773 13 . . F? 9974 15 . . F 10188 18 . . A 9270 10 . 12 H 9579 8 . 18 H 9780 12 . . H? 9977 16 . . F? 10192 10 3 . A 9272 8 8 10 H 9584 10 . . E 9782 12 . . H? 9983 19 . IS H 10197 13 . . A 9290 16 . 9 E? 9591 12 . . E? 9788 11 . . H 9986 12 . 6 H 10200 15 . . II 9293 12 . . A 9598 13 . . A? 9790 10 8 8 K 9989 10 . . F? 10207 16 . . A 9299 10 . 8 H 9611 14 . . A 9794 11 . . A 9990 10 . . A 10211 14 . . H 9312 11 . 4 H? 9612 10 . . A? 9796 12 . . A 9993 11 . . H 10217 12 . 10 H 9314 16 . 19 K? 9616 9 6 11 H 9799 11 B 6 F 9996 13 6 . A 10224 10 . . A 9315 12 . . A 9617 16 17 12 K? 9800 B 9997 10 . . A 10225 11 . . A 9316 B 9618 5 . 10 M? 9805 14 . . H 10014 16 . . E 10237 12 . . A 9317 B . H 9623 13 . . A 9807 10 5 . A 10026 10 . . A 10242 15 . 10 K 9322 17 . 12 H 9624 12 7 . H 9810 11 12 . H 10027 B . 22 M? 10251 14 . . F? 9323 14 6 . A? 9627 17 . 11 H 9815 IS . 15 H? 10030 10 . . A 10258 15 . . A 9325 5 10 11 H 9630 4 . 10 H? 9828 11 . . H? 10038 9 16 15 I 10263 14 . 15 K? 9327 12 . . F 9634 11 10 . A 9829 10 . . H 10048 10 . . A 10268 12 . . F 9328 12 8 4 A 9643 10 . . A 9849 13 5 . A 10055 5 11 IS H? 10270 14 . . A 9329 11 11 8 A 9646 . 11 . F? 9851 10 F . H? 10059 9 . 10 H? 10271 12 B . A? 9341 U . 9 K? 9649 7 . . A 9856 10 . . A 10064 15 . . A 10272 11 . . A 9372 14 . . A 9654 10 7 A 9857 14 . . H 10068 12 . . A 10273 12 . : A 9380 10 . 9 E 9661 11 . 5 F 9877 10 . 11 H 10076 12 . . H 10282 12 5 7 H? 9383 12 10 10 H? 9670 17 8 . H? 9880 15 B . A 10083 8 17 16 M? 10283 14 . . H 9387 9 . 10 .1? 9676 11 . 17 K? 9884 17 . . A 10084 14 . . E 10290 4 . 13 A 9393 11 . 8 H 9678 11 . . F? 9886 14 F . A 10086 8 . . A 10293 12 . . A 9409 12 . . F? 9680 12 . . F? 9888 8 10 11 H? 10089 4 IS 9 H 10298 13 10 9 H 9410 . 11 10 H? 9682 10 . . A 9889 11 . . A 10090 17 . . E 10301 10 . . A 9431 11 . . F? 9689 15 . . A? 9890 10 . 11 G 10094 12 . . E? 10303 10 . . H 9437 9 . 10 H 9691 20 F . A 9891 14 . . F? 10095 9 11 12 H 10305 13 . . H THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 383 D.C. a < Hi fi W Cl. D. C. JS < ^ Q & W Cl. D.C. a * & a Cl D.C. s -i "i B (a Cl D.C. % *"' * 8 & w Cl. 10308 14 . . A 10349 11 . . A 10397 15 . . E 10420 15 . . A 10449 12 . . A? 10313 20 . . F 10366 13 1 . A? 10402 15 . . H 10425 13 . . II 10450 12 . . A 10314 11 . . A 10371 12 . 10 M? 10411 10 . . F 10434 8 12 10 F 10461 12 . . H 10316 13 . . A 10374 16 11 . II 10412 13 . . II 10435 11 . . E? 10464 12 18 16 H 10328 11 . . A 10380 13 5 4 A 10414 12 . . B 10436 10 . . A 10475 10 . . A 10329 10 . . A 10381 13 . . A 10415 10 A 10440 12 . . A 10483 11 . . A 10337 14 . . A 10388 10 . . A 10418 10 . . E 10445 10 . . E 10487 14 . . E 10339 13 . . A 10389 7 . 11 G? 10419 17 . 14 H 10447 13 . . E 10490 8 10 11 H 10340 . 12 12 A 10391 13 . . A The most common designation of the brighter stars consists of the letters assigned to them by Bayer, followed by the names of the constellations. Table XXX. of Volume XIV. of these Annals serves to identify these stars with those of the Har- vard Photometry. Table IV., given below, serves a similar purpose for the Draper Catalogue. The same stars and the same order of arrangement are used in both tables. The constellations are arranged alphabetically, and the letters of Bayer are arranged in order in the first column. The corresponding number of the Draper Cat- alogue is given in the second column, and the class of spectrum in the third column. This is taken from the seventh column of Table I. A double star is designated simply by the number of its preceding component, which is placed in Italics. TABLE IV. INDEX TO LETTERS EMPLOYED BY BAYER. 1 Letter. 1 B.C. Sp. 1 Letter. 1 D. C. Sp. Letter. 1 D. C Sp. s H D. C. Sp. (-' 2 a 1 (7 2 o 8 T t- 1 V* f 1 4292 4199 4209 4239 4246 F A I A A THE DRAPER CATALOGUE. 385 Letter. 1 B.C. Sp. Letter. 1 D. C. Sp. Letter. 1 D. C. Sp. Letter. D. C. Sp. | i D. C. Sp. I ID h) D C Sp. CETCS. Con. CORVUS. Con CYGNUS. Con DRACO. Con. EHID. Con. HERC. Con. p V ? p rt Q a t V

5171 II? d 7150 H 1 7323 A CO 3207 B d 2091 A e 4932 A CO 5042 E i 6929 A l" 7649 A A 3100 A e 2249 A i 5143 K A 5275 I X 7095 H V 7813 K b 3253 H f 2219 A? X 5150 A b 5579 A I 7145 A a 7583 I c 3166 B n 1625 K? i 5289 K? c 5566 A (I 6820 A i 7872 F d 3209 A d 1563 G f 5375 K? d 5564 I V 6910 H V 73 11 A e 3030 H i 1773 F 9 5502 K? e 5781 K? i 6861 H (p 7322 I f 1 3506 A X 1777 K n 6641 K f 5167 A 6973 A X 7303 F ft 3544 A I 2321 A Q 4707 A g 5202 A tt 7292 H g 2729 A n 2391 K a 4653 I h 5067 II? CO 7327 A h 2877 A V 2114 G? T 1 5049 F k 5487 H I j i KA. e 7531 H i 2863 A I 2257 A T 2 5073 A 1 5498 A f 7629 A k 3559 F? 2108 A V 1 5203 H? m 5484 I a. 8280 A 1 3565 A n 1692 A ,1 5265 A n 5667 H ft 8422 G m 3015 A t 1748 M

CO 1793 I? b 2 5522 II? d 8652 I? 3120 i B PEGASUS. A 2234 F LEPUS. i 8579 B e 3175 A b 2417 A X 8083 K? C 3237 A c 2338 A LEO. a 7 3 3138 3085 3283 3337 F K F I r* V R 8516 8134 8420 8475 II A A M? 1 d X I 3035 B 3163 D? 3168 B 3306 A 8152 A a ft 7 e C 10033 10027 62 9500 9879 A M? A K A d e f g i 2448 2583 2395 1119 1335 A H? F A A a ft 5279 5908 A A f 5331 K t 2849 K? n 3425 A n 9890 G f\. 1739 8 5649 A f 3301 A MONOCEROS. V 3466 A 9653 A e 5177 K n 3382 F | 3507 B i 9635 F 1883 A C 5310 F d 3465 A S 3761 A o 1 2714 H X 9511 F? m n 2551 2177 A? A 1 5272 A \ 2913 A T 3641 H o 2 2743 K ). 9909 K? Q 2092 A f 5653 C"7i~lO A X 1 2922 OQQQ A U 4235 K re 1 2731 A P 9930 I? XX i X 5723 5017 I A ovo 2920 A a* 2696 2690 A F? V s 9616 9907 H F A 5061 I V 2997 A OPHICCHUS. n 4 2706 B 9882 A PISCES. fj 5206 K? n 6 2726 B n 9661 F V 5233 A a 7636 A 2768 K 9969 A M 1132 A 1 5068 H LIBRA. ft 7686 K 2917 I a 9945 F ft 10025 A 5154 G? 7 7723 A a 3204 A r 10126 A 7 10098 I n 5242 M? 6832 A d 7259 M r 2961 A V 10156 F 3 381 I t 5415 A ft 6958 A t 7272 K? V 3124 B

* 7997 8435 8441 F H H 7 d E 7168 7053 7139 F A A X 2498 2283 2414 A B A P 1 7 f 5567 5929 6056 A A A a 6450 5914 A G Q ff T V

A A h 5044 F g h 6345 6488 I H y 7241 A URSA MINOR. i 6455 M a 8849 ? CO 1 7217 A 1 AURUS. k 6303 A $ 8857 H CO 2 7219 H IRIANGULUM. P 6860 L'i 1 6482 M? y oJ70 / 147 a 2585 K? 7 7003 A m 6533 H s 8895 M? b 7133 F I 3040 A a 1040 F 7953 A o 6495 A e 8824 H c 1 7240 F 7 2445 I? $ 1205 A t 7448 K P 6598 H ^ 8902 A c a 7269 A d 2481 I 7 1286 A C 7146 A q 6166 A 388 ANNALS OF HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Stars in Table XXX. of Volume XIV. not contained in the Draper Catalogue are omitted in Table IV. The actual number of stars whose spectrum is given in Table I. is less than 10,498, the number of lines in that table. The difference is partly due to double stars occupying two lines but observed as one object, and partly to corrections given in Table II. and the following Remarks. Table V. gives the number of stars in each hour of right ascension. From this it appears that the total number of stars in the Draper Catalogue is 10,351. TABLE V. NUMBER OF STARS IN DRAPER CATALOGUE. R. A. No. R. A. No. R. A. No. R. A. No. A 561 A. 6 535 A. 12 326 A. 18 641 1 589 7 443 13 308 19 455 2 585 8 401 14 259 20 290 3 560 9 414 15 293 21 300 4 512 10 321 16 261 22 ' 418 5 601 11 400 17 419 23 459 END OP VOLUME XXVII. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ASTRONOMY .JAN 2 11969 I 03 2002 SENT ON ILL APR 4 2002 MAr 6 2002 LIBRARY LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 Cru-j /