UC-NRLF B 3 1EM D2E J. WlCKSON. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. LONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTI8WOODE AND CO NEW-STREET SQUARE LECTURES ON ANIMAL CHEMISTRY DELIVERED AT THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. BY WILLIAM ODIING, M.B., F.E.S. FELLOW OP THE COLLEGE : LECTURER ON CHEMISTRY AT SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1866. of BIOLOGY !RA S Main Lib. TO THOMAS WATSON, M.D., F.RS. PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS THESE LECTURES HONOURED AT THE TIME OF THEIR DELIVERY BY HIS FRIENDLY EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND APPROVAL ARE NOW WITH HIS KIND PERMISSION RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS OBLIGED SERVANT THE AUTHOR 256336 VI PREFACE. manuscript, and further revising the published reports of the s Chemical News,' I have made it my constant object to give such an account of modern Organic Chemistry as should, with a moderate amount of attention, be profit- able and even interesting to those who are not chemists. In other words, I have striven throughout, whether or not successfully, to render my subject popular in the legi- timate sense, by making it generally intelligible. I need scarcely say that these lectures are not meant to exert any direct influence upon points of medical practice. I hope, however, they may assist in convincing the pro- fession at large of the necessity for regarding vital pheno- mena from a chemical point of view ; and in promoting among students, especially those about to graduate, the knowledge of a highly important though much neglected branch of natural science. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL : March i, 1866. CONTENTS. LECTUKE I. PAOK PROVINCE OP CHEMISTRY. TYPES OF CONSTITUTION AND RELATIONSHIP. AMIDATED ORGANIC COMPOUNDS I LECTURE II. DOCTRINE OF RESIDUES. APLONE AND POLYMERONE BODIES. ORGANIC- GROUPS AND SERIES. . . 21 LECTURE III. DESTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX MOLECULES. NATURE OF NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS. OXIDES OF HYDROGEN AND CARBON. . 46 LECTURE IV. FORCES CONCERNED IN VITAL ACTIONS. ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL ENERGY. ARTIFICIAL SYNTHESIS OF ORGANIC BODIES 66 LECTURE V. DYNAMIC VALUE OF MUSCLE OXIDATION. INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS OF TISSUE-METAMORPHOSIS. 97 LECTURE VI. URIC ACID AND ITS CONGENERS. CHEMICAL ACTION OF ALTEBATIVB MEDICINES. . . 126 Errata. Acetic Acetic Page 83, hue 5 from foot, /or C 3 H 4 2 read C 2 H 4 2 . Page 92, line 19 from top, for (C 3 H 5 )H.CNS read (C 3 H 5 )CNS. ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. LECTUEE I. Introductory remarks on recently established general principles in che- mistry Statical chemistry concerned only with the composition of parts ; with the different kinds of matter of which all the tissues and fluids of the body are composed Dynamical chemistry concerned with the changes of composition undergone by various parts from time to time Physical changes, as of a piece of iron, contrasted with its chemical changes Special reference of chemistry to past and future states of bodies Every action of living body attended by changes of chemical composition Eecent advances in chemistry of tissue-products Leucine a result of the natural metamorphosis of glandular tissue Its artificial formation, de- structively and constructively Taurine a constituent of bile, &c. Its artificial production from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur Chemical types of construction and double decomposition Compounds of hydrogen with other three gaseous elements Establishment of mole- cular formulae for hydrochloric acid HC1, water H a O, and ammonia H 3 N Existence in two volumes of gaseous hydrochloric acid, water, and ammonia, of one, two, and three volumes of hydrogen respectively, in addition to one volume of chlorine, or oxygen, or nitrogen Monhydrides, dihydrides, and trihydrides in general, and their derived chlorides Existence of analogous mono-, di-, and tri-chlorides of metals deduced from specific heats of respective metals, &c. Mutual relations of chlorides, hydrates, and amides, both of elements and groupings Interchangeability of com- parable residues (Cl from HC1, HO from H.HO, and H 2 N from H.H Z N) in great variety of compounds Chlorinated, hydrated, and ammoniated forms of the same primitive bodies Many complex nitrogenous tissue- products only the ammoniated forms of comparatively simple bodies Urea, glycocine, and taurine the ammoniated forms of the carbonic, acetic or glycolic, and isethionic acids respectively Mixed hydrate-amides. ' CHEMISTRY LECTURE I. (i.) MR. PRESIDENT and GENTLEMEN, It has been, I am well aware, the traditional policy of this College, in its character of a learned body, to foster the cultivation of natural science for its own sake, irrespective of any immediate advantage accruing to medical practice, and regardless even of the ultimate advantage which, sooner or later, must accrue from every addition to our knowledge of the phenomena of life. I therefore make no apology, Sir, for directing your attention to topics of which the present interest, at any rate, is more scientific than practical, relying upon the favour ever extended to pure science within these walls relying still more confidently upon the prospective ability of science to repay your favour many fold. I feel, however, that I ought to apologise for venturing to dis- cuss in this presence some of the more rudimentary principles of chemical philosophy ; but the circumstance that these principles, despite their rudimentary character, are yet of very recent intro- duction must furnish my excuse. Indeed, it is only within the last fifteen years or so that chemical facts have been in any large mea- sure subordinated to chemical principles, and only within a very few years past that these principles have been consistently de- veloped and generally acknowledged. But the result of this development and recognition is already apparent: for we find that, notwithstanding the continuous accumulation of recorded experiment, and the continuous discovery of new and complex bodies with a rapidity at which even the most impassive are amazed, chemistry is daily becoming less and less a science of detail, more and more a science of generality, to such an extent indeed, that, in my opinion, a student beginning the study of chemistry now, with a view to make himself acquainted with the knowledge of his own day, has a far less difficult task before him than had his predecessor of twenty years ago, despite the then limited range of chemical inquiry. To some extent, therefore, I am forced, especially in this introductory lecture, to devote .a con- siderable proportion of my allotted time to an enunciation of certain general truths of more or less recent establishment. But, in order that we may set out from the same standpoint, I must COMPOSITION OF BODIES. 3 beg still further to trespass upon your attention by reminding you briefly of the special province of chemical science, and the special character of chemical phenomena. (2.) If we examine any ordinary plant or animal, we find in it a great number of parts or organs root and stem, and bark and leaves, and flowers and fruit, or bones and ligaments, and muscles and viscera, and nerves and vessels. If we examine any one of these parts more minutely, we find that it also is made up of parts differing from one another, and so disposed towards one another as to present evidence of arrangement or organisation. Proceeding a little further, we find that each of these parts has a definite composition, and that the composition of the different parts is, to some extent, at any rate, independent both of their individual structure and mutual co-ordination. We find, for in- stance, very differently characterised tissues composed mainly of fibrin or albumen, others of gelatin or chondrin, others of fat, and others, again, of phosphate of lime. Now, chemistry does not concern itself at all with the structure and arrangement oi parts, but treats only of their composition. It distinguishes between the different kinds of matter of which all bodies whatso- ever are composed, whether living or dead, structural or structure- less, mineral or organic. In particular, it teaches us as physicians the composition of every tissue and fluid of the human body, and of every external agent by which that body is affected the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food by which we are nourished, the medicines by which we are healed, and the poisons by which we are destroyed. (3.) But a knowledge of the composition of bodies is, after all, only the statical or secondary object of chemical inquiry ; for, in common with physics, chemistry has primary reference to the varied existence of matter in time, and to the series of changes which it manifests. We have regard to a body not only as it now is, but as it has been, as it may hereafter be, the changes it has undergone in time past, the changes which it may undergo in time to come. Confining our attention to a single object this u2 4 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE I. piece of iron, for instance let us consider how varied have been the states of its existence at different times. We know that it has been at rest and in motion ; it has been silent and sonorous ; it has been luminous and obscure, hot and cold, liquid and solid, magnetic and non-magnetic, electrical and non-electric. But throughout all these changes of rest and motion, sound and silence, heat and cold, &c., the individual piece of metal has con- tinued one and the same ; it has been composed throughout of identically the same matter. Now, so long as a body continues to be one and the same body so long, in fact, as its composition re- mains unaltered so long do all the changes which it manifests belong to the province of physics, and not to the province of chemistry. For this piece of iron to undergo a chemical change, it must cease to be a piece of iron, and become some other body rust of iron, or vitriol of iron, or tincture of iron, or Prussian blue, or clot of blood, or some one of many hundred different combinations. Looking, then, to the chemistry of this piece of iron, we have regard to the state of ironstone in which it existed before it became metallic iron, and to the many different non- metallic states in which it may hereafter exist. The dynamical interest of a body has reference to its existence in time, to its past and future variations of state, even more than to its present con- dition. I venture to impress this point particularly on your at- tention, that while chemistry treats of the composition of bodies, it has special reference to their changes in composition. Now, when we consider that every action of the living body, every growth, every waste, every secretion, every movement, and even every thought is attended by, and consequent upon, a change of chemical composition, we perceive, in an instant, how much the future of physiology must depend on the progress of chemical research how only the iatro-chemist, if I may so call him, can ever hope to understand the varied series of actions, healthy and morbid, which are continually taking place in the living organism. The chemistry, then, of any animal tissue of a piece of muscle, for instance, no less than a piece of iron has reference to its origin and metamorphoses. The chemist looks equally to its EXAMPLES OF TISSUE-PRODUCTS. 5 past and its future to the pabulum from which it was formed, and to the products into which it is ever changing. (4.) Of late years the chemistry of animal products has made very great advances. In the table before you are written up the names and somewhat complicated formula of a few of these compounds, most of which occur in the animal body, as results of the natural metamorphosis of its several tissues. Now, de- spite the complexity of many of these bodies, the intimate con- stitution of even the most complicated of them is fairly well understood, and in many cases so well understood that the bodies themselves can be actually built up by the chemist in his laboratory without having any recourse whatever to organic nature. Anima 1 Products C H s N Methylamine CH 4 N a O Urea C 2 H 5 N O a Glycocine C a H 7 NSC, Taurine C 3 H 6 N 6 Melamine C,H 7 N.O, Sarcosine C 4 H 9 N 3 0, Kreatine C 6 H I3 N 0, Leucine CgHjjN (X Tyrosine Let me direct your attention to one or two of these more par- ticularly. Here, for instance, is leucine, a white crystalline body, consisting of 6 atoms of carbon, 1 3 of hydrogen, i of ni- trogen, and 2 of oxygen. Now, leucine is a product of the use, and consequent waste or metamorphosis, of glandular tissue. It is found in decoctions of glandular tissue, more particularly of the spleen and pancreas; and also occurs occasionally as an abnormal constituent of urine. It may be made artificially in the flask or crucible by the breaking up of muscle, ligament, skin, horn, hair, feathers, and a variety of other animal substances ; but so well is the constitution of this complex tissue-product understood, that leucine can now be formed, not only destructively by the breaking up of more complex bodies, but constructively by a synthesis of less complex organic bodies quite independently 6 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTttRE I. of animal life. It may be produced, for example, by the com- bination with one another of water, valerianic aldehyd,* and prussic acid, as shown in the table ; and in several other ways. H a Water C 5 H IO Valer-aldehyd CH N Prussic acid C 6 H I3 N0 8 Leucine (5.) The case of taurine, C 2 H 7 NS0 3 , is even more striking. Like leucine, it has been found in glandular tissue, more par- ticularly of the lung ; but its chief source is the bile, where it exists conjugated with cholic acid, to form what is known as tauro-cholic acid ; though whether the constituent taurine of this acid is really formed by the liver, or merely extracted by the liver from the blood of the portal vein, is not, I believe, satisfac- torily ascertained. But the constitution of this highly complex organic body, containing, as you see, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, and oxygen, is so exactly understood that it can easily be put together in the laboratory, and from such well-known bodies as sulphuric acid, alcohol, and ammonia, each of which again is capable of being produced from its constituent elements ; so that we may actually form this most interesting organic product, taurine, out of sulphur, charcoal, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, by processes which I hope to bring under your notice more par- ticularly in a subsequent lecture. I might make similar remarks with regard to the greater number of the other products included in the table. Instead, however, of entering at once upon the consideration of these and similar compounds, I propose to occupy the remainder of this lecture with an account of certain bodies of a much simpler character. I mean those fundamental com- binations that serve as types to which the above class of bodies and the great majority of organic as well as mineral compounds are more or less directly referrible. The recognition of these types, with the establishment of their nature and mutual relation- . * Obtainable from essential oil of valerian, fermented potato-oil, &c. HYDROCHLORIC ACID TYPE. 7 ship, constitutes the great chemical advance of the last dozen years or so ; and, at the present time, a proper understanding of these types enables us to give at once a more or less satisfactory interpretation of even the most recondite discoveries of modern organic chemistry. (6.) I need scarcely remind you that among the infinite number of bodies known to chemists, some of them, so far as our present knowledge goes, appear to consist of one kind of matter only. For instance, while cinnabar may be proved to consist of two different kinds of matter, known as sulphur and mercury respectively, out of mercury we can obtain nothing but mercury, and out of sulphur nothing but sulphur. Bodies of this de- scription, therefore, which the chemist has not succeeded in re- solving into two or more different kinds of matter, are assumed to consist of one kind of matter only, and are accordingly termed simple bodies or elements. These elements amount to about sixty in number, and are possessed of very diverse properties. About four-fifths of them are metallic, as mercury, and silver, and gold, and copper, and lead, and iron. The remainder are non-metallic, as oxygen, and chlorine, and bromine, and sulphur, and phos- phorus, and charcoal. The great majority of them exist natu- rally in the solid state. Only two are liquid, namely, bromine and mercury ; while four of them are gaseous, namely, hydrogen, chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen. Now it is the combinations of these four gaseous elements with one another, or rathtr, I should say, the combinations of hydrogen with the other three gaseous elements, which constitute our primary chemical types chloride of hydrogen or hydrochloric acid, oxide of hydrogen or water, and nitride of hydrogen or ammonia which we will now con- sider seriatim. (7.) If we expose a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen gases to diffused daylight, they gradually combine with each other to pro- duce a compound gas called hydrochloric acid the gas which is contained in this sealed tube, and which I dare say I shall be able to render evident to you by breaking off the point of tube under water. The existence of hydrochloric acid gas within 8 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE I. the tube is now manifested to you by its complete solution in the water, and by its action upon colouring matter. But, if instead of allowing the two gases to act upon one another slowly in diffused daylight, we expose them to direct sunlight, or if we bring them into contact with flame, their combination then takes place, as you see, instantaneously and with explosion. Now, it has been shown over and over again, that when chlorine and hy- drogen gases unite with one another to form hydrochloric acid, it is always in the ratio of equal volumes. If we take one volume of hydrogen and one volume and a quarter of chlorine, the one volume of hydrogen unites with one volume of chlorine, and leaves the extra quarter volume of chlorine unacted upon. In the same way, if we mix together one volume of chlorine and one volume and a quarter of hydrogen, the one volume of chlorine unites with exactly one volume of hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, leaving the extra quarter volume of hydrogen unacted upon. Try the experiment how we please, we come to the same conclusion, that chlorine and hydrogen gases will unite only in the proportion of volume to volume. But chlorine is exactly 35-5 times heavier than hydrogen ; or, taking the specific gravity of hydrogen as unity, the specific gravity of chlorine will be 35*5 ; or, if we call the weight of a litre of hydrogen i crith, the weight of a litre of chlorine will be 35*5 criths. Accordingly, in hydrochloric acid gas we have one volume of hydrogen united with one volume of chlorine, or I part by weight of hydrogen united with 35-5 parts by weight of chlorine, thus : Hydrochloric acid Moreover, when hydrogen and chlorine gases unite with one another to form hydrochloric acid gas, they undergo no alteration whatever in bulk. If we take, for instance, a litre of hydrogen and a litre of chlorine, we obtain exactly two litres of hydrochloric acid. This persistence in bulk is capable of being shown by direct experiment, but may be inferred with equal certainty by merely taking the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid gas. The WATER TYPE. 9 weight of two litres of hydrochloric acid gas, for instance, proving to be identical with the weight of one litre of chlorine, plus that of one litre of hydrogen, it is evident that mixed hydrogen and chlorine on becoming combined hydrogen and chlorine occupy precisely the same bulk before and after combination. (8.) Turning our attention next to the combination of hy- drogen with oxygen, we find that when oxygen and hydrogen gases unite with one another to form water, it is always in the proportion of one volume of oxygen to two volumes of hydrogen ; and, conversely, when we decompose water electrolytically into its constituent gases, we find that for every single volume of oxygen liberated at the one pole, we have two volumes of hy- drogen liberated at the other. Experiment has proved over and over again that just as chlorine and hydrogen will unite with one another only in the proportion of volume to volume, oxygen and hydrogen will unite with one another only in the proportion of one volume of the former to two volumes of the latter gas. But oxygen is found to be exactly 16 times heavier than hy- drogen ; or, taking the specific gravity of hydrogen as unity, the specific gravity of oxygen will be 1 6 ; or, calling the weight of a litre of hydrogen I crith, the weight of a litre of oxygen will be 1 6 criths. Hence, in water we have two volumes of hydrogen united with one volume of oxygen, or 2 parts by weight of hydrogen united with 16 parts by weight of oxygen, thus: Water When, however, two volumes of hydrogen unite with one volume of oxygen, they do not form three volumes, but only two volumes of gaseous water or steam. That is to say, the three volumes of mixed hydrogen and oxygen form only two volumes of combined hydrogen and oxygen. This condensation is capable of being shown by direct experiment, but really we do not require any such experiment, since the result may be demonstrated with equal certainty by observing the specific gravity of steam. We find, for instance, that the weight of two IO ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE I. litres of steam is identical with the conjoint weight of one litre of oxygen and of two litres of hydrogen ; so that while from two litres of hydrochloric acid gas we can extract only one litre of hydrogen in addition to the one litre of chlorine, from the same bulk of steam or gaseous water we can extract two litres of hydrogen in addition to the one litre of oxygen. In the experi- ment taking place on the table of the electrolytic decomposition of water, you see we have roughly, for the single volume of oxygen, a double volume of hydrogen ; and by performing the experiment with certain precautions, we should obtain exactly twice as much hydrogen in the one tube as we obtained oxygen in the other. (9.) Let us now direct our attention to the third typical hydride, namely, hydride of nitrogen or ammonia. The com- bination of hydrogen with nitrogen to form ammonia can be effected by indirect methods only ; but it may be shown by a variety of processes, with which I will not trouble you, that these two gases always unite with each other in the ratio of one volume of nitrogen to three volumes of hydrogen. But nitrogen is found to be exactly 14 times heavier than hydrogen; and, accordingly, taking the specific gravity of hydrogen as unity, the specific gravity of nitrogen will be 14; or, calling the weight of a litre of hydrogen I crith, the weight of a litre of nitrogen will be 14 criths. Hence we have in ammonia three volumes of hydrogen combined with one volume of nitrogen, or 3 parts by weight of hydrogen combined with 14 parts by weight of nitrogen, thus : Ammonia Further, when one volume of nitrogen combines with three volumes of hydrogen to form ammonia, the four volumes become condensed into exactly two volumes. I cannot show you this conversion of four volumes of mixed nitrogen and hydrogen into two volumes of combined nitrogen and hydrogen, but the reverse experiment is of very easy performance. Thus, if we submit AMMONIA TYPE. II ammonia gas to the action of the electric spark, it undergoes de- composition into its elementary constituents, as you perceive. We have here two volumes of ammonia gas, which, by the con- tinued action of the electric spark is decomposed into its con- stituent nitrogen and hydrogen and the two volumes of ammonia become gradually increased into four volumes of hydrogen and nitrogen, mixed in the proportion of three volumes of the former to one volume of the latter gas. But in this case, as in the previous two, the information afforded by a determination of the specific gravity of ammonia renders a direct experiment of any kind unnecessary. We find that the weight of two litres of am- monia gas, for instance, is identical with the conjoint weight of one litre of nitrogen and of three litres of hydrogen ; so that while from two litres of hydrochloric acid gas we can extract one litre of hydrogen, and from two litres of steam we can extract two litres of hydrogen, so from two litres of ammonia we can extract three litres of hydrogen, in addition to the one litre of chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen respectively. Or from double volumes of chloride of hydrogen, oxide of hydrogen, and nitride of hydrogen, we may obtain one volume of hydrogen, two volumes of hydrogen, and three volumes of hydrogen respectively, in addition, in each case, to the one volume of chlorine, the one volume of oxygen, and the one volume of nitrogen, as illustrated by these models. Ammonia Hydrochloric acid Steam (10.) You will observe that all I have hitherto said with regard to these three hydrides is simply a matter of experiment or observation, uncontrolled by any theory whatever. It is a matter of fact that if we take equal volumes of hydrochloric acid, steam, and ammonia gases, we can extract from the ammonia 12 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE I. three times as much hydrogen, and from the steam twice as much hydrogen, as can be got from the hydrochloric acid ; whereas the amount of nitrogen we can extract from the ammonia is exactly equal in bulk to the amount of oxygen we can extract from the steam, and to the amount of chlorine, and, consequently, of hydrogen, we can extract from the hydrochloric acid. It is also a matter of fact that taking equal volumes of hydrogen, chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen, the weights of these equal volumes are in the proportion of i : 35'5 : 16 : 14 as shown more fully in the table before you. Specific gravities or weights Molecules or weights of of one volume two volumes Hi H, 2 Cl 35-5 Cl, 71 16 0, 32 N 14 N a 28 IHCI 18-25 HCI 36-5 |H 3 O 9 H a O 1 8 IH 3 N 8-5 H 3 N 17 {H 4 C 8 H 4 C 1 6 (i I .) Now we come to a matter of interpretation. From these, in addition to many other considerations, we accord to hydrogen, chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen the atomic weights i, 35*5, 16, and 14, and we express the comparable molecules of hydrochloric acid, water, and ammonia by the formulae HCI, H 2 O, and H 3 N respectively, each of which represents the same gaseous bulk, or 2-volumes of its particular compound. This formula for water is warranted by a host of considerations. It may suffice here to remark that in composition, condensation, and properties, water H 2 O, is strictly intermediate between the acid monhydride of chlorine HCI, and the alkaline trihydride of nitrogen H 3 N. Further, what is true of hydrochloric acid is also true of hydro- fluoric acid, hydrobromic acid, and hydriodic acid. From 2-volumes of each of these gases we are able to extract a single volume of hydrogen; while from equal bulks of sulphuretted, HYDRIDES AND CHLORIDES. 13 selenetted, and telluretted hydrogen, we are able to extract twice the volume of hydrogen, and from equal bulks of phosphoretted, arsenetted, and antimonetted hydrogen we are able to extract three times the volume of hydrogen that can be got from the same bulk of hydrochloric acid, as indicated in the table. Monhydrides Dihydrides Trihydrides HF H a O H 3 tf HC1 H,S H 3 P HBr H a Se H 3 As HI H,Te H 3 Sb (12.) We find, moreover, that chlorine is capable not only of uniting with hydrogen in the proportion of volume to volume, but also of replacing hydrogen in the same ratio in a great variety of compounds. Indeed, we may consider the comparable molecules of free chlorine C1C1, and of hydrochloric acid HC1, to be derived from the molecule of free hydrogen HH, by a dis- placement of two atoms, and of one atom, of hydrogen respec- tively, by equivalent quantities of chlorine. Accordingly we are acquainted with chlorides corresponding to all the pre- considered hydrides, C1C1 and C1I corresponding to HC1 and HI ; C1 2 O and C1 2 S corresponding to H 2 O and H 2 S ; and C1 3 N and C1 3 P corre- sponding to H 3 N and H 3 P, &c.; and these chlorides when in the gaseous state are found to have exactly the same bulk as their corresponding hydrides. Thus, from two litres of oxide of chlorine C1 2 O, we are able to extract one litre of oxygen and two litres of chlorine, just as from two litres of oxide of hydrogen H 2 O, we are able to extract one litre of oxygen and two litres of hydrogen. Monochlorides Bichlorides Trichlorides C1C1 Cl a O C1 3 N C1I C1 3 S C1 3 P CINa Cl a Zn C1 3 A1 C1K Cl.Ca Cl 3 Au ClAg Cl,Hg Cl 3 Bi (13.) The metals do not, as a rule, combine with hydrogen, ^ fatty or aromatic, was associated with a more or less complete set of congeners, which differed from it in constitution and properties, but were correlated with it by the circumstance of their containing the same number of carbon atoms, and still more markedly by their derivation from, and convertibility into it and one another that acetic acid C 2 H 4 2 , for instance, was associated with the less oxidised bodies, olefiant gas C 2 H 4 , alcohol C 2 H6O, and aldehyd C 2 H 4 0, as well as with the more highly oxidised glycolic and oxalic acids, C 2 H 4 3 and C 2 H 2 4 , respectively to such an extent, indeed, that they might all be regarded as varieties of one and the same primitive molecule. I further went on to say that the complex tissue pro- ducts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms were built up of the residues of these fatty and aromatic acids, and of their respective congeners ; so that, upon breaking up such tissue products into their constituent molecules, we were, in the great majority of instances, able, even at the present time, to refer the constituent 48 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. molecules to their appropriate positions in certain definite series and groups ; and had every reason to believe that with increasing knowledge we should be able to make the assignment in every instance. (45.) Moreover, in my first lecture I pointed out to you that organic chemistry had a statical aspect which related to the com- position of bodies, and a dynamical aspect which related to their changes of composition. But in all that I have hitherto ob- served I have had regard principally to the statical aspect of the question. I have glanced, indeed, at the mutual metamor- phosis by oxidation and deoxidation of compounds belonging to the same natural group ; and have referred more fully to the combination of their several residues with one another in forming complex tissue products, and to the separation of the completed residues from one another in the breaking up of these products ; but I have not yet considered the mode in which the primary con- stituent molecules are themselves produced, or yet the mode in which, when once produced, it is possible for us to destroy them, and to these points I will now direct your attention. (46.) If we treat the more complex members of our series of fatty acids, for instance, with powerful oxidising agents, we obtain bodies in which the number of the constituent atoms of hydrogen and carbon becomes progressively less and less, until we arrive at bodies containing only two, and finally at bodies containing only one carbon-atom. In some cases these succes- sive oxidation products are found to contain the same number of atoms of oxygen as the bodies from which they were produced, though in the majority of instances they contain a greater number, and consequently belong to more oxygenised series. But whether they contain the same or a greater number of oxygen atoms, we find the number of their atoms of carbon and hydrogen become gradually less and less, their molecules pertain- ing to simpler and simpler groupings. For example, the follow- ing intermediate compounds, among many others, have been successively obtained by oxidising stearic acid CigH^Oa, with nitric acid of moderate strength : DESTRUCTIVE BESULTS OF OXIDATION* 49 Oxidation Products Kutic acid C IO H zo0 2 Suberic (Enanthic C 7 H .A Pimelic Caproic C 6 H 1,0, Adipic Butyric C 4 H< 5 o a Succinic Hi 4 (47.) The tendency of oxidation, then, is to separate the con- stituent carbon and hydrogen atoms from one another, until at last there is left only the most stable mono-carbon compound known to chemists, namely, carbonic anhydride, or, as it is fre- quently called, carbonic acid. No matter what the complexity of the original molecule, the chemist eventually succeeds in trans- forming it by oxidation, though a series of less and less complex molecules, into carb-anhydride, or oxide of carbon, on the one hand, and water, or oxide of hydrogen, on the other the identical bodies out of which the vegetable organism directly, and the animal organism indirectly, builds up those complex bodies which we have designated proximate organic principles. As was observed by Gerhardt some twenty years ago, 'one of the two extremities of the scale of organic compounds is occupied by al- bumin, and gelatin, and fat, and cerebral matter ; the other ex- tremity by carbonic acid, and water, and ammonia ; while an infinity of bodies are included in the interval. The chemist r by treating the superior substances with oxidising agents, gradually descends the scale of complexity, converting these substances into more and more simple products, by successively burning off a portion of their carbon and hydrogen.' (48.) Thus, then, we have presented to us one important aspect of organic chemistry, namely, its analytic or destructive aspect ; that aspect upon which, until of late years, the attention of chemists was almost exclusively directed ; that aspect, indeed, which was at one time considered to be the only possible aspect that could ever be presented. To quote again from the same dis- tinguished chemist, of whom I am always proud to avow myself 5O ANIMAL CHEMISTRT LECTURE III. a pupil: 'I show,' said Gerhardt, writing in 1842, ' how the chemist does everything that is contrary to living nature that he burns, destroys, works by analysis the vital force alone operates by synthesis and reconstructs the edifice destroyed by chemical forces.' But, in reality, there is another side to the shield ; there is a constructive as well as a destructive, a synthetic as well as an analytic organic chemistry ; and to this view of the subject I will now direct your attention. (49.) I need scarcely remind you of the mode in which vege- table structures are built up. The minute seed grows into the gigantic tree, the great mass of which is made up of carbon, hy- drogen, and oxygen, that the living organism has stored up from the carbonic acid and water with which it has been sup- plied throughout the period of its existence, and which it has inter- combined into the various forms of vegetable tissue. Now, this storing up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen this formation of vegetable compounds is attended throughout by an evolution of oxygen. The proportion of oxygen contained in carbonic acid and water being greatly in excess of the proportion contained in vegetable tissue and secretion, we have throughout the growth of every plant a constant deoxidation of carbonic acid and water the carbon, hydrogen, and necessary oxygen being retained in the substance of the plant, the oxygen in excess of the requirements of the plant being discharged into the atmosphere. Let me re- call to your recollection one of the original experiments of Priestley upon this subject. He showed, for example, that under exposure to sunlight, a quickly-growing leafy plant, immersed in an atmosphere which by the combustion of fuel had been freed from oxygen and charged with carbonic acid, gradually restored that atmosphere to its pristine condition, by an absorption and subsequent decomposition of its carbonic acid into oxygen gas evolved from the leaves, and carbon retained within the vegetable structure. Here we have an imitation of the experiment. A bunch of fresh mint has been thrust into this narrow cylinder of dilute carbonic acid water standing in the small pneumatic trough, and the whole exposed to sunlight. You perceive that CONSTRUCTIVE KESULTS OF DEOXIDATION. 51 the leaves are now covered all over with minute beads of gas, and that a small but appreciable quantity of gas has collected at the top of the cylinder. By pulling the attached thread I am able to withdraw the bunch of mint, and on now passing up a few bubbles of nitric oxide, a dark-brown vapour is produced at the top of the cylinder, proving the contained gas to be oxygen ; which oxygen, gradually evolved by the growing plant, has been separated by the plant from the carbonic acid, or hydrated oxide of carbon, wherewith it was surrounded. (50.) Now, just as oxidation tends to break up the constituent carbon and hydrogen atoms of a complex organic molecule into simpler and simpler bodies, so, on the other hand, do we find that deoxidation tends to combine the separated carbon and hydrogen atoms into more and more complex bodies. The organism of a plant, for instance, operating upon mono- carbon molecules only, effects simultaneously their deoxidation and inter-combination. It deoxidates them with evolution of oxygen into the atmosphere, and combines the residual less oxygenated carbon and hydrogen into the various forms of vege- table tissue and secretion. What the intermediate stages are between water and carbonic acid, on the ono hand, and some vegetable principle such as mannite or sugar on 'the other, we can- not positively say, though our knowledge upon the subject is re- ceiving daily accessions. But be our acquaintance with the intermediate stages ever so imperfect, the final result is perfectly intelligible. We know, for instance, that in the production of this body, mannite, there has been a deoxidation of six molecules of carbonic anhydride and seven molecules of water, and that in the course of the deoxidation, the thirteen separate molecules have been conjoined into one single molecule, thus : Carb-anhydride Water- Oxygen Mannite 6 CO, + 7 H a O - 130 = i CsH^Oe (51.) This, then, is the point which I wish to bring promi- nently under your notice that while oxidation tends to the sepa- ration of atoms, and the formation of simple out of complex E2 52 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. bodies, deoxidation, as manifested in the vegetable kingdom, tends to the combination of atoms, or to the formation of complex bodies out of simple ones. Now, the chemist in his laboratory can imitate, however crudely, this synthesis of nature. We find in the laboratory, as in the organism, that deoxidation, actual or potential, leads to the conjunction of atoms, and to the building up of complex molecules. In broad antagonism to the doctrines which only a few years back were regarded as indisputable, we now find that the chemist, like the plant, is capable of producing from carbonic acid and water a whole host of organic bodies, and we see no reason to question his ultimate ability to reproduce all animal and vegetable principles whatsoever. (52.) But for the production of certain organic principles, whether by natural or artificial means, something more than car- bonic acid and water is required. The albuminoid bodies, in particular, cannot be formed without nitrogen, and plants, in general, cannot grow without a supply of ammonia or some transformable compound. You will observe, however, that ammonia, considered as a pabulum for plants, differs in this important respect from both carbonic anhydride and water, that it is not susceptible of deoxidation, or amenable, in other words, to the characteristic chemical action of plant-life. On the con- trary, ammonia is the most thoroughly deoxidised, or rather hydrogenetted, compound of nitrogen with which chemists are acquainted. Even nitrogen itself may be looked upon as less de- oxidised than ammonia, being intermediate between ammonia and nitrous acid, thus : Nitrogen Molecules H N 3 Nitric acid H N O a Nitrous acid N N Nitrogen H 3 N Ammonia The nitric and nitrous acids being regarded as oxidised forms of nitrogen, ammonia must be regarded as a deoxidised form, the element quoad its state of oxidation being strictly intermediate REDUCTION OF NITROUS ACID. 53 between ammonia and nitrous acid, as I hope to render experi- mentally evident to you. (53.) Thus, on passing a series of electric sparks from the Kiihmkorff machine through the moist air contained in this apparently empty glass cylinder, a portion of the nitrogen of the contained air becomes gradually oxidised, and after a short time we shall see brown nitrous fumes make their appearance, in accordance with this reaction : Nitrogen Oxygen Water Nitrous acid N 3 + 3 + H a O = 2HNO a By allowing the experiment to continue, the depth of colour in the cylinder will go on increasing so as to be visible from every part of the theatre. But I dare say I shall be able to render the nitrous acid already produced abundantly manifest, by allowing it to act upon a piece of paper stencilled with starch and iodide of potassium solution. That we have really obtained a consider- able amount of nitrous acid, by the few sparks which have as yet passed through the air in the cylinder, is shown by the speedy liberation of iodine from the iodide of potassium, and consequent appearance of the word NITROUS in purple characters upon the prepared paper. (54.) Now for the reverse experiment. In this flask is a mix- ture of materials for generating hydrogen, namely, a little granu- lated zinc, some iron borings, and warm solution of potash. Active effervescence quickly takes place, aud the evolved gas, which is without action on turmeric paper, as you perceive, bums with the characteristic flame of hydrogen. If we now absorb the brown nitrous fumes contained in this gas-bottle, by agitation with aqueous potash, and pour the solution so produced of nitrite and nitrate of potassium into our hydrogen flask, you observe that the effervescence becomes more rapid, and that the evolved gas is now decidedly ammoniacal, as shown by its browning the turmeric paper and fuming with the hydro- chloric acid vapour I bring into its neighbourhood. The re- action taking place in the flask is represented in this equation, 54 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. Nitrous acid Hydrogen Water Ammonia HNO a + H 6 2H 2 + H 3 N; so that not only is oxygen taken away from, but hydrogen is added to the nitrogen of our original nitrous acid. (55.) By combining the oxidised form of nitrogen, or nitrous acid HNO 2 , with the hydrogenetted form of nitrogen, or ammonia H 3 N, we obtain nitrite of ammonia NH 3 HN0 2 , a neutral crystal- lisable salt, whose somewhat concentrated solution is contained in this flask-retort. Now, on applying heat to the retort, observe what takes place. There is, you see, a copious evolution of gas, some of which we will collect over the pneumatic trough ; and, in order to save time, will content ourselves with only a small cylinder full. The gas, produced in this manner from the nitrite of ammonia solution in the retort, is nitrogen, recognisable at once by its property of extinguishing flame. In this decomposi- tion then the hydrogen of the ammonia exactly suffices to remove the excess of oxygen from the nitrous acid, whereby the nitrogen of both constituents of the salt is simultaneously liberated, thus:- Ammonia nitrite Water Nitrogen NH 3 HNO Z = zH a O + N, Hence nitrogen may be looked upon as exactly intermediate in its state of oxidation between nitrous acid on the one hand, and ammonia on the other ; whilst ammonia must be considered the extreme product of deoxidation. Accordingly, it lias been found as a general result both of laboratory and field experiments, the latter conducted more especially by Messrs. Lawes and 'Gilbert in this country, that cereals and other plants thrive equally well upon salts of nitrous or nitric acid as upon salts of ammonia ; and that when a plant is supplied with water, carbonic acid, and nitrous acid, it exerts upon the nitrous acid the same sort of re- ducing action that it does upon the water and carbonic acid, whereby not only amylaceous, but ammoniated or nitrogenised principles are abundantly produced. Indeed some chemists have maintained that nitrous acid, rather than ammonia, forms the NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. 55 normal nitrogenous food of plants, and that the ammonia of cul- tivated soil is habitually converted into nitrous acid before its absorption by their rootlets. (56.) Be this as it may, in all animal and vegetable nitro- genised products of which the constitution is understood we know, and in all other such principles have good reason to believe, that the constituent nitrogen exists as a group apart as a residue of, or proxy for, ammonia ready on the occurrence of suitable conditions to regenerate that ammonia. As was observed by Laurent some ten years ago, * nitrogen does not enter into the constitution of organic substances on the same footing, so to speak, as do the other bodies. Organic compounds seem to con- sist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only ; whilst nitrogen exists therein but as the representative of ammonia on the one hand, or of nitric acid on the other.' In organic compounds of natural origin, nitrogen occurs only as a residue of ammonia ; whilst in organic compounds of artificial origin, it occurs sometimes as a residue of ammonia, as in cyanogen C 2 N 2 , sometimes as a residue of nitric acid, as in azobenzide C 12 H 10 N 2 . (57.) In the artificial formation of organic compounds, then, there are two distinct points for our consideration, namely, the building up of the primary oxihydrocarbon molecules, and the combination of the residues of these molecules with one another, and with am- monia, to form complex organic principles. Now, the power of combining the residues of aplone molecules with one another, so as to form more or less complex bodies, has been in the possession of chemists from almost the earliest days of organic chemistry, and has been fully recognised to be in their possession. But, somewhat strangely, it is only of late years that this well-known power has been applied to the construction of some of themost familiar components of animal and vegetable bodies. It is only of late years, for instance, that chemists have produced stearin, by putting together the residues of glycerin and the fatty acid ; or sarcosine, by putting together the residues of acetic acid and methylamine ; or hippuric acid, by putting together the residues of benzoic acid and glycocine ; or taurine, by putting together 5 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. the residues of isethionic acid and ammonia, &c., as referred to in my last lecture. It must be observed, however, that the neglect of these syntheses did not arise so much from want of interest in the production of the bodies, as from want of knowledge of their intimate constitution. No sooner, for instance, was the constitu- tion of the above four compounds satisfactorily made out than they were obtained artificially by Berthelot, Volhard, Dessaignes, and Strecker and Kolbe respectively ; and as it has been with these, so doubtless will it be with many other complex tissue products, with the constitution of which we are as yet imperfectly ac- quainted. (58.) The first stage of the process of organic synthesis, how- ever, or the building up of the primary oxihydrocarbon mole- cules, was considered until very recently as altogether beyond the art of the chemist. It used to be thought that chemistry was essentially incompetent to the production not only of organised, but of organic bodies. For the production of these bodies, the intervention of some living organism, the expenditure of some vital force whatever that might be was considered absolutely necessary. While the constituent atoms of a piece of alum, for instance, were admittedly held together by mere mechanical and chemical forces, the atoms of a piece of sugar, on the other hand, or of a piece of fat, were conceived to be put together in some ; mysterious way by vital forces. These opinions were originally \ propounded by Berzelius at a time when the then state of know- | ledge may possibly have justified their enunciation. They re- [ mained almost unchallenged for a long series of years, and are I still asserted in some recent text-books with a degree of dog- matism altogether opposed to the present advanced state of know- ledge* on the subject. (59.) The great progress recently made in the constructive art of the chemist is, I think, a topic of sufficient interest to war- rant me in entering into further detail upon the heretofore accepted opinions, which I find expressed very well in the last edition but one of Liebig's Chemical Letters the last edition that was translated by Dr. Gregory, who, writing in 1851, says: REPUTED ACTIONS OF VITAL FORCE. 57 ' We are able to construct a crystal of alum from its elements, namely, sulphur, oxygen, hydrogen, potassium, and aluminum, inasmuch as heat as well as chemical affinity are, within a certain limit, at our free disposal, and thus we can determine the manner of arrangement of the simple and compound elements. But we cannot make an atom of sugar from the elements of sugar, be- cause in their aggregation into the characteristic form of a sugar atom, the vital force co-operates, which is not within the reach of our control, as heat, light, the force of gravity, &c., are to a cer- tain extent We may produce atoms of a higher order by combining two, three, four, or more compound organic atoms ; we can decompose the more complex into less complex compound atoms ; we can produce sugar from wood or starch, and from sugar we can produce oxalic acid, lactic acid, butyric acid, acetic acid, aldehyd, alcohol, formic acid, &c., although we are altogether incapable of producing any of these compounds by a direct combination of their elements.' (60.) I might further refer you to Dr. Gregory's deservedly- popular Handbook, of which the last edition appeared in 1857, and to many other works, as showing the general prevalence of these opinions, but content myself with extracting the following series of passages from the most recent of all our chemical manuals. You will see that in this work, published only two years ago, the statements made by Liebig in 1851, and by older chemists long before then, are substantially reiterated. * Organic chemistry,' say the authors, ' is that branch of the science which refers to the properties and composition of organised products, or of substances which have been formed in vegetables and animals under the influence of life. . . , The products, or those sub- stances which result from artificial processes, are far more nume- rous than the educts, or proximate principles of which organic compounds are considered to be formed. These educts, which, as their name implies, may be extracted in an unaltered state, are the immediate or proximate principles of the vegetable or animal structure. . . . Some bodies which exist naturally in the vegetable structure, and are regarded as educts, may be arti- 5 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. ficially produced by a reaction of mineral on organic substances. In all cases, however, either an organic substance or a body derived from the organic kingdom is indispensable to this conver- sion. . . . The principal sources of hydrocyanic acid are certain metallic cyanides. But these compounds have an organic origin ; they are the products of a reaction of organic upon inor- ganic substances ; hence the production of hydrocyanic acid by their decomposition furnishes no exception to the remark above made. Under this point of view, the production of artificial urea from hydrated cyanate of ammonia is simply a conversion of cyanic acid (a derivative of an organic substance) into an- other organic compound. By no processes yet known can gum, starch, or sugar be produced from their elementary constituents C, H, O ; and by the production of alcohol from a mixture of sulphuric acid, olefiant gas, and water, Berthelot has merely proved that a hydrocarbon of organic origin or one derived from organic matter is capable of being converted into another organic product.' Thus the view very generally entertained but a few years back was substantially this that the chemist could not produce organic out of mineral matter ; he might transform one kind of organic matter into some allied kind of organic matter starch into sugar, and olefiant gas into alcohol, for instance ; he might produce certain simple organic principles by the breaking up of more complex molecules oil of spiraea, for instance, from salicin, alcohol from sugar, and glycerin from fat ; and he might even produce highly complex principles, by a conjunction of two or more simple principles oil of wintergreen by com- bining salicic acid with wood spirit, and fat by combining stearic acid, for instance, with glycerin ; but this was the limit of his powers he might shuffle about the residues of existing organic compounds in a variety of ways, but was utterly unable to produce even the simplest of them by elemental synthesis. (6 1.) Our present knowledge, however, assures that these opinions are altogether without foundation. Already hundreds of organic principles have been built up from their constituent elements, and as I have previously said, there is now no reason SYNTHESIS OF ACETIC ACID. 59 to doubt our capability of producing all organic principles what- soever in a similar manner. Wohler's artificial production of urea from cyanate of ammonia in 1828, and Pelouze's artificial production of formic from hydrocyanic acid in 1831, were in reality very important pioneering achievements, although cyano- gen and its compounds were at that time known only as products of the decomposition of organic bodies. But in 1845, Kolbe produced acetic acid from carbon by a series of strictly inor- ganic reactions, and thereby laid the foundation of modern syn- thetic chemistry. The successive steps of his process are shown in the following table : Acetic Acid Synthesis C S, Carbon disulphide C C1 4 Carbon tetrachloride C a Cl 4 Tetrachlor-ethylene C Z HC1 3 Z Trichlor-acetic acid C a H 4 O a Acetic acid Disulphide of carbon CS 2 , was first obtained by the combustion of charcoal in sulphur vapour. This compound was next acted upon by chlorine at a high temperature, whereby it was converted into chloride of sulphur and chloride of carbon CC1 4 . Then by transmission through red-hot tubes, this last product was trans- formed, with evolution of chlorine, into the so-called sesqui- chloride of carbon, 2CC] 4 =C1 2 + C 2 C16, and eventually into the so-called bichloride of carbon or tetrachlor-ethylene, C 2 Cl6= C1 2 -f C 2 C1 4 . In the course of his examination of this tetrachlor- ethylene, Kolbe observed that by exposure to chlorine in presence of water, it was decomposed into a mixture of hydrochloric and trichlor-acetie acids, thus : Chlor-ethylene Water Chlorine Chlorhydric Chlor-acetic C Z C1 4 + 2H,0 + Cl a = 3HC1 + C Z HC1 3 0, Then by subjecting this trichlor-acetie acid to the action of nascent hydrogen, he successively converted it into dichlor-acetic 60 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. acid C 2 H 2 C1 2 2 , monochlor-acetic acid C 2 H 3 C10 2 , and finally into normal acetic acid C 2 H 4 O ?> . In concluding his account of these singular transformations, Kolbe remarked with great prescience : ' From the foregoing observations we deduce the interesting fact that acetic acid, hitherto known only as a product of the oxidation of organic materials, can be built up by almost direct synthesis from its elements. . . . If we could but trans- form acetic acid into alcohol, and out of the latter could obtain sugar and starch, we should then be enabled to build up these common vegetable principles, by the so-called artificial method, from their most ultimate elements.' (62.) Kelying upon these results, Laurent in his ' Methode de Chimie,' 1853, and Hofmann in a course of lectures l On Organic Chemistry,' delivered the same year at the Royal Institution, the latter, with very great detail, showed how impossible it was to draw the line of demarcation between carbon compounds of or- ganic, and carbon compounds of mineral origin. They both referred to Kolbe's formation from mineral elements of acetic acid or vinegar, and of certain highly complex bodies procurable from vinegar, such as mesidine C 9 Hj 3 N, and nitro-mesidine C 9 H 12 N 2 O 2 . It must be admitted, however, that to .the labours of Berthelot, prosecuted unintermittingly for the last ten years, is due that full recognition of synthetic organic chemistry which now obtains, and the very great advances recently made therein both by himself and by others, which I purpose hereafter to bring under your more especial consideration. Before proceeding, however, to exemplify the powers of organic synthesis in the artificial formation of animal and vegetable pro- ducts from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, I must beg leave to make a rather long digression. I propose, firstly, to bring before you some elementary experiments connected with the production and decomposition of the oxides of carbon and hydrogen, or car- bonic anhydride CO 2 , and water H 2 O, respectively ; and then to consider with you what bearing these experiments have upon the forces exerted in animal and vegetable life, or, in other words, upon the so-called vital forces. OXIDATION OF HYDROGEN AND CARBON. 6 1 (63.) I have here an ordinary form of apparatus in which hydrogen gas is being generated in the usual manner from zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, and dried by transmission through oil of vitriol. On burning the jet of dried hydrogen under this cold bell jar, we observe that the interior of the jar becomes quickly covered with a film of condensed steam or water, produced by the direct combination of the hydrogen gas with the oxygen of the air ; and, by properly contrived experiments, I might show that the weight of water produced in this way is exactly equal to the weight of oxygen and hydrogen' consumed in the burning. But during the combustion of the gases there is a production not only of water, but of heat ; which I may exhibit to you in a more striking manner. We have here a piece of clean platinum foil, which is now maintained in a state of ignition by the hydro- gen flame. I turn off the supply of hydrogen for a minute or so, and before the platinum has become quite cold, turn it on again, when you observe that the metal becomes and continues feebly red-hot without inflaming the gas. The mixed hydrogen and air on the surface of the foil combine with one another to form water, and at the same time produce an amount of heat sufficient to maintain the metal in a state of visible ignition. But where does this heat come from ? We have a production of heat and a production of water; ought we not to account for the one as intelligibly as we do for the other ? (64.) I now take a piece of charcoal, and make it red-hot in the Bunsen gas flame. Having first poured a little lime-water into the bottle of oxygen, to show the result of the action, I next introduce the glowing charcoal, when combination between the gas and charcoal takes place, you perceive, with vivid com- bustion. In this experiment, then, we have carbonic anhydride or di-oxide of carbon formed, the source of which is perfectly evident ; and upon shaking up the resulting gas with the clear lime-water we previously poured into the bottle, that which was soluble hydrate of calcium becomes insoluble carbonate of cal- cium or chalk, whereby we have as you see, a considerable white turbidity produced, thus : 62 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. Carb-anhyd. Lime . Water Chalk ro , H a Ca"O a or w n ( CCa"0 3 or iCaO.H 2 If instead of absorbing it by lime-water in this manner, we were directly or indirectly to weigh the resulting carb-anhydride, we should find that its weight was exactly equal to that of the carbon burnt, plus that of the oxygen which served to burn it. But, in addition to carbonic anhydride, there was during the combination an abundant production of light and heat. Now the axiom, that out of nothing comes nothing, is just as true of light and heat as of water and carbonic anhydride. We have no difficulty in understanding the production of the carbonic anhydride ; what, however, is the origin of the light and heat ? (65.) So much, then, for the formation of oxide of hydrogen or water, and oxide of carbon or carbonic anhydride ; now for their decompositions. By a variety of means we are able to separate hydrogen and carbon from their respective combinations with oxygen one of the most suitable materials for the pur- pose being metallic sodium. If, for instance, we introduce under this inverted jar of water a piece of metallic sodium, which, for the sake of convenience, I have diluted with a little mercury, so that the reaction may take place more slowly than it otherwise would, we get, you perceive, a regular evolution of hydrogen gas. The sodium combines with the oxygen of the water, whilst its hydrogen is set at liberty ; and in a similar manner we may liberate carbon from carbonic anhydride, as I will now endeavour to show you. The carbonic anhydride that we produced by the combustion of a piece of charcoal in oxygen was absorbed, you will remember, by means of lime, whereby we obtained this pre- cipitate of chalk, from which by treatment with hydrochloric acid we may easily re-obtain the carbonic anhydride. Thus, if I transfer our mixture of chalk and water into the narrow cylinder standing over this mercurial trough, and then pass up a little hydrochloric acid, you see that the chalk disappears with effervescence, while a quantity of gas collects at the top of the cylinder, which is the DEOXIDATION OF CARE-ANHYDRIDE. 63 carbonic anhydride we lately produced in this large gas-bottle by the direct combination of charcoal and oxygen : Chalk Chlorhydric Chlor-calcium Water Carb-anhyd. CaO.CO, + zHCl = CaCl, + H a O + C0 3 In the arrangement on the table before you, we are producing a current of carbonic anhydride in a similar manner, by acting upon chalk or, rather, marble, with dilute hydrochloric acid. The gas evolved in the Woulfe's bottle is transmitted over pumice and oil of vitriol to render it dry, and then conveyed to the bottom of an ordinary Florence flask, into which I have dropped a piece of clean metallic sodium. We now apply a large blow- pipe flame to the bottom of the flask so as to heat the contained sodium. There is a little practical difficulty in starting the reac- tion, and perhaps the experiment may not succeed at the first trial, but it is sure to succeed sooner or later. The action is now beginning, and you observe the piece of sodium glowing in the flask. The glowing is soon succeeded by a brilliant combustion, attended by the formation of copious white fumes. The sodium has effected a decomposition of some of the carbonic anhydride, united with its oxygen to form soda, and liberated its carbon in the form of a black mass, which remains, as you see, at the bottom of the flask. (66.) The piece of charcoal in this flask then has been ex- tracted from carbonic anhydride, which is itself producible, as I have shown you, by the direct combustion of charcoal in air or oxygen. So that when we act upon oxide of hydrogen with sodium, we separate the oxygen and obtain the hydrogen ; and when we act upon oxide of carbon with sodium we separate the oxygen and obtain the carbon. Now the living plant effects a similar decomposition of these two compounds, but in a gradual manner, which we shall hereafter endeavour to imitate. The plant absorbs oxide of hydrogen or water, and oxide of carbon or carbonic anhydride ; deoxidises both compounds to a more or less complete extent ; evolves the separated oxygen into the atmo- sphere ; and retains the united carbon and hydrogen, with or 64 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE III. without some oxygen, in the form of vegetable tissue or secretion. When the tissue or secretion is subjected to a full red heat, it yields, among other products, free carbon, free hydrogen, and various compounds of carbon with hydrogen. The piece of wood-charcoal now in my hand, for instance, has resulted indi- rectly from a gradual deoxidation of carbonic anhydride by the living plant, just as this other piece of charcoal in the flask has resulted directly from a violent deoxidation of carbonic anhydride by the metallic sodium. (67.) Thus, then, we have presented to our notice the most important terrene, or rather cosmical function of plant life. The living plant effects a decomposition of carbonic anhydride and water, evolves the liberated oxygen, and retains within its organ- ism the united carbon and hydrogen, which becoming the food of animals, are simultaneously disunited and re-oxidised once more into carbonic anhydride and water. Now, I wish to consider with you I was going to say more minutely, but I should rather say more broadly what is the essence of these complementary actions in their relation to the first principles of that dynamical philosophy which is often spoken of as the science of energetics. It formed part of my original plan to give merely a passing glance at this subject, and I certainly should not have ventured to dis- cuss it in the elementary form in which I now propose to bring it under your notice, had it not recently come to my knowledge that certain principles of mechanical philosophy admitted by that class of naturalists who are called physicists, to be as fundamental even as the laws of gravitation, are not generally acknowledged by that other class of naturalists who are called physicians. Now, in order to contrast with one another the great antagonistic func- tion of plants and animals the decomposition of carbonic anhy- dride and water by the one class, and recomposition of carbonic anhydride and water by the other it would not conduce to my object, even if it were within my competency, to discuss with you the simplest functions of organic life, as manifested by the most minute and simple organisms, in some of which it is scarcely possible for us to distinguish between the animal or vegetable CORRELATIVE VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL PROCESSES. 65 character. Feeling that every phase of life deserves our attentive examination, I am far from insensible to the advantages attending the study of its most elementary forms. But this study cannot, I maintain, teach us the whole truth. There are principles ol the highest importance which can only be learned by having regard to the directions in which animal and vegetable life re- spectively tend by comparing with another the highly differen- tiated forms of animal and vegetable life, not in their minute details, but in their broad general features. In my next lecture, then, we shall have to consider more especially what is the nature of the force exerted in the characteristic actions of vegetable and animal life whether we have to do with some peculiar internal vital force, or only with the ordinary external forces of nature, working in a manner strictly parallel to that in which they are habitually exerted in the inorganic world. 66 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IT. LECTURE IV. % External relations of vegetable and animal processes Nature of cosmical forces Mutual convertibility of heat and motion Their quantitative equivalency with one another Illustrations of motion resulting from muscular effort Force rendered latent in mechanical separation of attracting bodies Actual and potential energy Chemical separation of attracting bodies Theory of electrolysis Force of galvanic battery derived from combustion of zinc Heat of dissolving zinc manifested externally in ignition of platinum wire The same heat stored up in electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen Its reproduction by explosion of mixed gases Solar heat rendered latent in separated oxygen and vegetable tissue Its liberation by combustion of vegetable tissue in air All terrestrial force traceable to ( the sun Accumulation of solar force by vegetable organisms Its dissipation by animal organisms Reverse subsidiary actions Baseless hypothesis of vital force Artifi- cial performance of alleged vital syntheses Stages of constructive vegetal and destructive animal action Occurrence of same intermediate products in both kingdoms General processes of synthetic chemistry Passage from one organic group to next in complexity Continuous series of synthetic operations Production of urea, formic acid, prussic acid, trimethylamine, and chloroform from mineral elements Syn- thesis of di-carbon compounds, including alcohol, taurine, acetic acid, glycocine, and oxalic acid Of tri-, tetra-, and penta-compounds, in- cluding glycerine, the lactic, butyric, succinic, malic, tartaric, and valeric acids, and fousel oil Of hexa-compounds, including caproic acid, leucine, and grape sugar? Of hepta-compounds, including oil of bitter almonds, and the benzoic, salicic, and gallic acids Possible artificial manufacture of food. (68.) AT the conclusion of my last lecture I was insisting upon the importance of viewing the phenomena of animal and vege- table life in relation to the external forces of the universe. I observed that, however valuable might be the study of the more minute and elementary forms of life, and I was far from wishing EXTERNAL ORIGIN OF FORCE. 67 to decry its value in any way, there were, on the other hand some great truths which could only be appreciated by comparing the most highly specialised forms of life with one another, not in their minute details, but in their broad general features. I also observed, that while the chief eosmical function of highly- developed vegetable life was deoxidation, or the separation of oxygen from carbon and hydrogen, the leading function of highly developed animal life was oxidation the recombination of the separated oxygen and carbo-hydrogen with one another ; and we agreed to consider upon this occasion the essential nature of these two correlative processes. I said, further, that I was in- duced to bring this subject under your notice in a more ele- mentary and detailed manner than I originally contemplated, from finding that certain principles believed by physicists to be as fundamental as the laws of gravitation were not heartily and unreservedly admitted by physicians. (69.) First of all, then, we have to inquire into the character and import of that deoxidation of carbonic anhydride and water, which takes place in vegetable organisms, and the origin of the forces by which it is brought about. Now, in entering upon the discussion of this question, I must direct your attention for a short time to topics which at first sight seem but very remotely connected either with chemistry or physiology. To paraphrase in sober earnest the expressions used in sarcasm by a very dis- tinguished Fellow of this College, the value of whose contribu- tions to physiological science no one can be more ready than myself to acknowledge, I shall preface my remarks by a few ob- servations upon force and the constancy of its amount in the universe. Then, by a reference to systems and suns, and worlds, and steam-engines, and mills, and telegraphs, I shall endeavour to satisfy you that the same forces are at work in living plants and animals as in the inorganic world ; and that the study of the indestructibility and correlation of force will teach us much, though far indeed from all, concerning the nature of life. (70.) Let us begin, then, by considering the correlation that exists between the forces of heat and motion their equivalency p2 68 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. with, and convertibility into, one another of which no better illustration perhaps can be chosen than a steam-engine ; and the philosophical toy upon the table, known as Hero's celipile, will answer our purpose perfectly well. On lighting a fire under the boiler of a steam-engine, some of the heat liberated in the furnace gradually passes into the water ; and as each successive increment of heat is absorbed from the furnace, the temperature of the water rises until it arrives at a certain point. During the time the water takes in rising from its original temperature up to the boiling point, heat is being conveyed into it, at what may be regarded as an uniform rate. When, however, a certain degree of heat is reached, the temperature of the water no longer rises, although the heat of the furnace continues passing into it at the same rate as before ; but now some of the heat absorbed, instead of being manifested in the form of heat, appears in the form of motion, and the steam-engine begins to work. Just as in the oelipile before you, the heat of the spirit -flame was passing into the water for several minutes with no other effect than that of raising its temperature; whereas^ after the lapse of several minutes, the heat of the flame still passing into the water ceased to increase its temperature in the slightest degree, but caused instead a rapid rotatory motion of the instrument. Thus, we perceive generally that the development of motion is consequent upon an absorption of heat, and conversely, we shall find that an arrest of motion is tantamount to the liberation of heat. For example, if we employ our steam power in drilling a piece of metal, the motion of the engine is lessened by the friction of the drill, and a certain amount of heat is thereby generated. The original heat of the furnace, absorbed by the boiling water with- out any increase of its temperature, produces a less amount of motion than formerly, but the diminution of motion is supple- mented by a remote increase of heat less of the heat which passes into the water being now manifested in the form of mo- tion, but the difference reappearing at a distance in its primi- tive form of heat. (7 1 .) Similarly when a bullet strikes upon an iron target, its CORRELATION OF HEAT AND MOTION. 69 motion is suddenly arrested, and its temperature as suddenly raised. That which was motion has become heat, and the quan- tity of heat shared between the bullet and the target is exactly proportional to the previous velocity of the bullet, or to the quantity of its motion that has been arrested. Again, in exact proportion to the diminution of motion in the working parts of the steam-engine, so is the amount of heat developed by the friction of the drill upon the piece of metal. For not only are heat and motion convertible into one another in a general way, but they are convertible in a manner which admits of accurate measure- ment. By suitably contrived experiments it may be shown, in every instance, that so much heat developed is equivalent to so much motion arrested, and conversely that so much motion generated is equivalent to so much heat absorbed. It has been ascertained for instance, more particularly by Mr. Joule, that the force of a pound weight falling through 772 feet is exactly equal to the amount of heat which a pound of water will give out in cooling one degree Fahrenheit ; or, in other words, that the heat developed by the arrest of the motion of a pound weight falling through 772 feet would raise the temperature of a pound of water one degree, and that the heat given out by the cooling of a pound of water one degree would lift a pound weight to the height of 772 feet. Heat and motion, therefore, are in every case inter- changeable for one another according to a definite standard of equivalency. > * -" (72.) Now, let me direct your attention to some simple illus- trations of motion ; and, first of all, to the direct motion of a projectile hurled from the arm of a man. Upon seeing the rapid flight of a dart or javelin through the air, we recognise imme- diately that the motion of the javelin did not originate in itself, but was impressed upon it by some external force. We never think of attributing its motion to the exercise of any peculiar javelin force, but to the action of the muscular force by which it was originally projected. We know that the momentum of the javelin is exactly proportionate to the amount of force exerted in hurling it, and that when it strikes some distant object, the blow 70 ANIMA.L CHEMISTRY LECTURE IT. which that object receives is as surely struck by the man as if he had delivered it directly with his fist. Let us now take an illus- tration in which motion is transmitted through the intervention of some simple instrument, as in the case of a bow and arrow, for example. Here, also, the motion of the arrow through the air does not take place in virtue of any force originating in the bow, but is consequent on the muscular force exerted in drawing the bow and cord asunder ; and, limited only by the suscep- tibility of the bow, the momentum of the arrow depends en- tirely upon the amount of force exerted by the archer in pulling the bow-string. (73.) Again, in discharging a cross-bow, the cord is first drawn over the catch by a muscular effort, and the arrow after- wards projected by the release of the cord. Now, although the susceptibility of this kind of bow is far more limited than that of a long bow, still it is evident that the force with which the arrow is eventually projected does not originate in the bow, but is only a transformation of the muscular force exerted in separating the bow and cord from one another. Moreover, if instead of pulling the trigger of the cross-bow immediately after the cord is drawn over the catch, we allow the bow to remain in its bent state for weeks, or months, or years, and then release the cord ; still the force with which the arrow is at last projected will be the original muscular force exerted at the moment of pulling the bow and cord asunder. Suppose, for instance, that I were to draw the cord of a cross-bow over the catch to-day, and a century hence some one were to release it by touching the * trigger, still the force of the projected arrow would not be his force, but my force, exerted by me to-day, lodged in the bow for a hundred years, then manifested in the motion of the arrow, and finally transformed into heat upon the cessation of its flight. (74.) Similarly, the force with which a cannon-ball falling from the top of the Monument would strike the pavement beneath, would be the exact expression of the force exerted in lifting it to the top that is to say, in separating the cannon-ball and the pave- ment a certain distance from each other, no matter how many ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL AGENCY. 71 years before. We may thus render muscular force latent in a stretched bowstring, raised cannon-ball, or other instrument, for any length of time. This latent force is generally spoken of as potential energy, while the active force exertable at any moment by the flying arrow or falling ball constitutes its actual or dynamic energy. Thus the actual energy of my arm becomes the potential energy of the crossbow, reappears as the actual energy of the projectile, and is finally not lost, but dissipated in the form of heat. The point, then, I wish particularly to impress upon you is, that the actual mechanical energy manifested in the falling together, or springing together, of two separated bodies, the ball and the earth, the cord and the bow, is only a liberation of the potential energy stored up in them at the moment they were pulled apart from one another. (75.) Let us now turn our attention to an altogether different kind of pulling apart, namely, the pulling apart of oxygen and hydrogen from their state of chemical combination. I am here repeating the well-known experiment of the electrolytic decom- position of water. By means of a galvanic battery I am tearing asunder the previously combined oxygen and hydrogen, and col- lecting the two gases in separate cylinders. Now, what is the nature of this separation, and how is it brought about ? Seizing one link in the chain of actions as a starting-point, let us consider first of all the combustion of zinc in the battery-cell ; for in all ordinary batteries the direct or indirect oxidation of zinc is the source of the power obtained. Upon holding this bundle of loose zinc shavings in the blowpipe flame, you see that the metal takes fire from time to time and burns with very great brilliancy, being converted into the white flocculi of oxide of zinc which are now floating about the room. If we introduce the ignited zinc into a vessel of chlorine, it continues to burn, you observe, with even greater intensity than before, producing abundant fumes of chloride of zinc. But we may obtain chloride of zinc more readily by dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid; and in this case, also, the combination of zinc with chlorine is attended by an evolution of heat. Thus, the solution of 72 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. granulated zinc in hydrochloric acid, now taking place in this gas-generating flask, is being accompanied by a considerable elevation of temperature in the liquid, as well as by an evolution of hydrogen, according to the equation Zinc Hydrochloric Zinc chloride Hydrogen Zn" + 2HC1 = Zn"Cl z + H a . (76.) Now, equivalent for equivalent, the quantity of heat liberated by the combination of zinc with oxygen or chlorine is much greater than that evolved by the similar combination of hydrogen ; and accordingly, when we burn zinc at the expense of hydrogen, as in this experiment, we obtain in the flask just so much of the heat produced by the burning of the zinc as is in excess of the heat absorbed in the unburning, so to speak, of the hydrogen.* Hence, leaving out of consideration certain sub- sidiary phenomena, the heat produced by the solution of a given quantity of zinc in hydrochloric acid, and the heat producible by burning the thereby liberated hydrogen in an atmosphere of chlorine, added together, would exactly equal the amount of heat producible by burning the same quantity of zinc directly in chlorine gas, as we did a minute or two ago. Thus, by the solution of zinc in hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, we have a certain proportion of the combination-heat of the metal set free. The intensity of this heat is not great, in, consequence of its being associated with so large a mass of matter in the flask, but * Vide Professor Williamson's lecture On the Dynamics of the Galvanic Battery.' Phil. Mag. xxvi. 452. Taking as our unit of heat the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a kilogramme of water i C. that is to say, from o C. to i C. it is found that 65 grammes of zinc Zn", in combining with twice 35-5 grammes of chlorine Cl a , to form 136 grammes of chloride of zinc Zn"Cl 2 , evolve 101-31 units of heat; whereas 2 grammes of hydrogen H z , in combining with twice 35-5 grammes of chlorine Cl ? , to form 73 grammes of hydrochloric acid 2HC1, evolve only 47-56 units of heat. Hence in decomposing 73 grammes of hydrochloric acid by 65 grammes of zinc, according to the equation Zn" + 2HCl = Zn"Cl 2 + H a , we should have 101-31 47-56 = 53-75 units of heat liberated as initial battery power. DERIVATION OF GALVANIC FORCE, 73 its quantity is very considerable, and constitutes, indeed, the entire dynamic energy we have at our disposal in the galvanic battery. (77.) When the zinc and platinum plates of the battery communicate freely with each other, the combination-heat of the attacked zinc is manifested solely by a rise of temperature in the contents of the cell, precisely as in. the case we have just consi- dered of the simple solution of granulated zinc in hydrochloric acid. But the battery is a machine for enabling us to apply and transform this combination-heat of the zinc in a variety of ways. For instance, if I complete the communication between the zinc and platinum plates by means of a platinum wire, you observe that the small coil of wire assumes an intense state of ignition. Now, the heat of this platinum wire is nothing more than a por- tion of the translated heat of the zinc burning in the cell ; which, instead of being manifested at the point of action in the cell, is manifested at a distance in the wire ; much as a portion of the furnace heat absorbed in the evaporation of water may be mani- fested at a distance by the friction of a drill. The heat exhibited by the platinum wire does not originate in the wire, but in the cell, and so much of the heat of the burning zinc as appears in the wire is lost to the cell. Just as the contracting muscle strikes its blow at a distance of many yards by means of the conducting javelin, so does the burning zinc strike its blow at the spot whereto it is conducted by the copper strands. (78.) In electro-motive machines, the heat of the burning zinc is employed in doing mechanical work, just as the heat of burning coal is employed, though with far greater economy, in a steam-engine. But in the decomposition of water taking place upon the table, the heat of the burning zinc is employed in the chemical work of pulling oxygen and hydrogen apart from one another. Of the heat producible by the combustion of a given weight of zinc, the proportion manifested externally in the ignition of platinum wire, or employed externally in the separa- tion of oxygen and hydrogen, is supplemental to the quantity absorbed in heating the cell ; so that in the electrolysis of water, 74 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. as in the heating of platinum wire, so much the more external work done, so much the less internal heat developed. By the electrolytic decomposition of water, the heat of the burning zinc, which does not appear internally in the cell, and which might be manifested externally in the ignition of platinum wire, lies dor- mant in the separated oxygen and hydrogen ; but it is not lost. On the contrary, I can render it evident to you with the greatest ease. Now that we have collected a sufficient quantity of our electrolytic gases, I have only to mix them together and explode them, when you observe a considerable evolution of light and heat resulting from their combination ; which light and heat are nothing more than the light and heat of the burning zinc, not manifested in the cell, but retained for a time in the separated gases, so as to constitute their potential energy. The explosion of the gases at once or a hundred years hence would make no difference. The heat and light resulting from their eventual explosion would still be the heat and light of the burning zinc stored up in them, so to speak, at the moment of their electro- lysis. In my last lecture I showed you the formation of water by the combustion of hydrogen in the oxygen of the air, and called your attention specially to the heat developed by the com- bination. The heat so developed did not originate in the oxygen and hydrogen, but was simply a liberation of the heat force, which, directly or indirectly, at some time or other, had been employed in pulling them apart, and been rendered latent in them so long as they continued apart just as the force of a stretched cross-bow does not originate in the bow, but is merely latent muscular force stored up in the separated bow and cord. Similarly in the brilliant combustion of carbon in oxygen gas to form carbonic anhydride, there was no generation of heat, but only a liberation of the heat previously stored up in the two separated elements. (79.) At length, then, we are in a position to understand the nature of the action taking place in the vegetable kingdom, by which carbonic anhydride and water are decomposed to con- sider what is the external force employed in the pulling apart of ABSOKPTION OF SOLAR ENERGY BY PLANTS. 75 oxygen from hydrogen and carbon, and what becomes of it. This force is no other than the light and heat force emanating from the sun, rendered latent in the oxygen on the one hand, and the carbo -hydrogen of vegetable tissue or secretion on the other, and reproducible by the act of their recombination or combus- tion. The sun's rays, for instance, falling upon the leaves of the sugar-beet or sugar-cane effect an eventual decomposition of carbonic acid into oxygen and sugar, thus : Garb-anhydride Water Sugar Oxygen " But the heat and light of the sun absorbed in this pulling apart of oxygen and carbon, the one discharged into the atmosphere, the other retained in the vegetable juices, are not lost, but ren- dered latent in the oxygen and sugar respectively. Here I have a mixture of sugar with a compound in which the oxygen of the air has been accumulated, namely, chlorate of potassium, and on touching the mixture with a drop of sulphuric acid on pulling the trigger of the cross-bow, so to speak there is produced a violent deflagration, in which the light and heat of the sun, stored up in the separated sugar and oxygerT, are again manifested to you by the combination of the two bodies with one another to reproduce carbonic acid. The light and heat of this combus- tion, and, indeed, of every combustion, are nothing more than the light and heat of the sun, originally absorbed by the living plant, and rendered latent in the tissue of the plant, and oxygen of the air respectively. Even the heat evolved by the direct or indirect combustion of zinc is no exception ; it is only the heat stored up in the metal at the moment of its deoxidation by means of the coal or charcoal in which the sun's force was in- termediately retained. (80.) We see, then, in this way, that the vegetable organism is a machine in which the sun's energy is absorbed in the pulling apart of carbon and hydrogen from oxygen. The light and heat force emanating from the sun is rendered latent in the separated oxygen and carbo-hydrogen, just as human muscular force is j6 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. rendered latent in the stretched cross-bow. "When the separated carbo-hydrogen, in the form of some vegetable product, is recom- bined with the evolved oxygen, as in burning coal and wood upon the fire, or in consuming bread and oil and wine in the animal frame, the heat liberated in both instances is nothing more than the heat of the sun which had been stored up in the carbo-hydrate and oxygen respectively. Conversely, the animal frame is a machine in which the sun's energy is set free by the recombination of that oxygen and carbo-hydrate, in the pulling apart of which it had been absorbed or rendered latent. The plant may be regarded as a miser, or hoarder up ; the animal, on the other hand, as a spendthrift, or dissipator, of the sun's force ; but just as the miser is not a producer, or the spendthrift a destroyer of gold, so neither is the vegetable a producer, nor the animal a destroyer of force. All modern philosophy combines to prove that force, like matter, is indestructible. It may be accumulated, but not created ; be dissipated, but not destroyed. The force of every kind, active or latent, existing in the earth, at any given moment, is only the sum of the force received by the earth from the sun in excess of the force radiated back from the earth into space. (8 1.) Hitherto, in contrasting the functions of animal and vegetable life with one another, I have had regard to their broad general features, looking at each description of life as a whole. A more detailed examination, however, shows us that oxidising and deoxidising processes are common to both kingdoms of nature. For instance, the germination of seeds and maturation of fruits are strictly oxidising, while the conversions of starch and sugar into fat in the animal organism, are strictly deoxidising or vegetative acts. It would seem, indeed, that in all purely nutritive processes, whether of vegetable or animal life, there is an absorption or rendering latent of force, and consequent necessity for its extraneous supply. In highly-developed vegetable life this force is derived directly from the sun. In highly-developed animal life it is obtained by a liberation, within the body, of the sun's force which had been rendered latent in the food we eat LIBERATION OF SOLAR ENERGY BY ANIMALS. JJ and air we breathe respectively. But whilst nutritjpn, or the storing up of force, constitutes the chief action of vegetable life, in animal life it occupies an altogether subordinate position. For the prime characteristic of animality is activity, the employ- ment of pent-up force in the production of external acts. Hence, while in the vegetable and animal organism, deoxidising and oxidising processes, constructive and destructive actions alike take place, in the vegetable the destructive are subordinate to the constructive, whilst in animals the constructive are subor- dinate to the destructive acts. * The contraction, for instance, of a man's muscle depends entirely upon the oxidation or destruc- tion of the substance of that muscle, and the equivalent of motion produced upon the amount of muscle destroyed. (82.) Thus we perceive that all actions of the animal body are traceable to cosmical force ; that in living as in dead matter there is no creation of force ; and that any explanation of the pheno- nojnena of life which recognises the agency of vital force is simply no explanation at all. Applying the word force as we now do to certain transferable states of actual or potential ac- tivity having quantitative metamorphic correlations, I much question whether the expression chemical force is a correct one, though it is one of which the meaning is perfectly definite and intelligible. By the chemical force of so much oxygen and hydrogen, for instance, we mean the potential energy stored up in them at the moment of their separation, and reproducible from them in the act of their combination. Similarly, we might apply the phrase vital force to the potential energy of so much fat .or muscle, capable by oxidation of being manifested in the form of external heat or motion. But what the physiologist means by vital force I have never been able to understand. So far as I can make out, it seems to be a sort of internal, intrans- ferable, immeasurable, self-originating power, which performs nutritive acts by its absolute will and pleasure ; as if it were not abundantly manifest that the growth of a plant and incubation of an egg cannot be performed without a direct supply, and the development of animal organisms without an indirect supply of 78 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. external 4> rce ' Speaking of the progress of natural science, Mr. Mill has very pertinently observed that for a long time ' fictitious entities continued to be imagined as means of account- ing for the more mysterious phenomena; above all, in phy- siology f where under great varieties of phrase, mysterious forces and principles were the explanation, or substitute for explanation, of the phenomena of organised beings.' (83.) Seeing, then, that the enormous number and variety of animal and vegetable compounds are produced out of carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, not by any peculiar vital force, but merely by the light and heat force of the sun acting through organic machinery, the question naturally arises whether the chemist may not effect in his laboratory-machinery a similar intercombination of deoxidised carbonic acid and water, either by a direct application of sun-force, or, indirectly, by the aid of those terrestrial transformations of sun-force which are so abun- dantly at his disposal. This question, decided absolutely* in the negative BO long as the fiction of vital force tyrannised over men's minds, has of late years received a rapid suc- cession of brilliant affirmative replies. Already hundreds of vegetable compounds heretofore produced only in living or- ganisms, and, as was supposed, put together and held together by vital force, have been formed by the chemist in his laboratory out of carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, or, in other words, out of charcoal, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. That a still greater number of compounds have not been so formed is due more to a deficiency of knowledge than of power ; for as our acquaintance with the constitution of bodies, and with synthetic processes, is daily advancing, so is the unlimited constructive power of chemical art becoming daily more and more apparent. (84.) Before proceeding, however, to exemplify this power of forming organic compounds artificially, I will first make one or two further remarks upon the order of their natural production. At present we are unable to trace the series of changes, undergone by carbonic acid and water, which result in the formation of tar- taric acid, or sugar, or fat, or other complex vegetable product. FOHMATION OF VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. 79 It seems probable, however, that the process by which such bodies are constructed does not consist in the simultaneous deoxidation of several atoms of carbonic acid into one complex molecule, as illustrated by the equation used in my last lecture to explain the production of mannite, Garb-anhydride Water Oxygen Mannite 6 CO Z + 7 H a O - 130 = C 6 H I4 6 ; but that a series of more and more complex, less and less oxidised, intermediate bodies are successively produced, by the. fixation of deoxidised carbonic acid upon the previously formed compounds. For example, we may conceive mannite to be built up somewhat in this manner. By a simultaneous dehydration and deoxidation of two molecules of carbonic acid, we should first obtain oxalic acid, thus : z Carbonic acid i Oxalic acid Then by a further deoxidation of oxalic and carbonic acids, we might obtain tartaric acid, thus : i Oxalic acid C, H, 4 a Carbonic acid C a H 4 6 C 4 H 6 10 4 Oxygen 4 Tartaric acid C 4 H 6 6 Lastly, by a joint deoxidation of tartaric acid, carbonic acid, and water, we might obtain mannite, thus : 1 Tartaric acid C 4 H 6 Q 6 2 Carbonic acid C a H 4 6 a Water H 4 O z 8 Oxygen Mannite C 6 H I4 6 80 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. The actual occurrence of these particular actions is quite un- proven ; but that some such actions take place is rendered highly probable by a variety of considerations. Thus, in the gradual development and ripening of the olive, we find certain vegetable acids replaced by mannite, and at a later stage this mannite itself replaced by the less oxidised and more complex oleine. (De Luca.) (85.) Again, the compounds formed in one organ of a plant are known to be transferred, in a more or less altered form, to other ^ organs, in which they become accumulated ; and it is not im- probable that certain vegetable products of deoxidised carbonic acid and water may have undergone a partial reoxidation, or even several alternate reoxidations and deoxidations, in the course of their history. Similarly in animals, although the ultimate process is one of oxidation, we know that in certain proximate principles of food the oxidation of some of their constituents is effected at the expense of the remainder, which consequently became deoxidised ; and it is possible that some animal products may have undergone an entire deoxidation, or even several alternate deoxidations and reoxidations, before their final discharge from the body. On all these points very much yet remains to be learned ; but still, the general position holds good, that vegetables effect a simultaneous deoxidation and intercombination of carbon molecules, while ani- mals conversely effect their simultaneous reoxidation and separa- tion. In many instances, also, the representatives of certain stages of building up and breaking up, in vegetable and animal life respectively, are closely allied to, or even identical with, one another. Oxalic acid, for instance, the simplest product of vegetable synthesis, and a frequent constituent of both the highest and lowest vegetable organisms, may be formed, as we have just seen,\)y a deoxidation of carbonic acid. But it also occurs abun- dantly in animal juices and secretions, not as a product of the deoxidation of carbonic acid, but as the last intermediate stage in the oxidation or downward transformation of more complex bodies into carbonic acid ; just as the oxalic acid of commerce is ob- tained from sugar by a process of oxidation which, if carried too far, yields little else than carbonic acid. Benzoic acid, again, GENERAL SYNTHETIC METHODS. 01 which enjoys a wide distribution in the vegetable kingdom as a product of deoxidation, is also a constant result of the natural and artificial oxidation of animal tissues. The power, then, of pro- ducing such bodies as benzoic acid and oxalic acid out of more complex bodies such as albumin and sugar, by artificial processes of oxidation, more or less similar to the natural processes taking place in the animal body, has for a long time past been in the acknowledged possession of the chemist. Now, I propose to fur- nish you with illustrations of his inverse power, to which I have so often referred, of producing both animal and vegetable com- pounds by deoxidising, or synthetic, or vegetative processes that is to say, of forming organic compounds without having any recourse to living organisms or reputed vital forces. (86.) I will first give you an account of the general processes employed for passing from a more simple to a more complex group, and then of the particular processes by which certain indi- vidual substances have been obtained, interspersing occasional remarks upon the nature and relationship of some of the sub- stances themselves. At starting, let me recall to your recollection the associated series of homologous fatty acids and alcohols, as written up on the table before you : Alcohols Acids C H 4 Methylic C H a 0, Formic C 2 H 6 Ethylic C a H 4 O a Acetic C 3 H 8 Propylic C 3 H 6 0, Propionic C 4 H I0 Butylic C 4 H 8 0, Butyric C 5 H Ia O Amylic C 5 H I0 0, Valeric C 6 H I4 Caprylic C 6 H I3 O a Caproic C 7 H I6 Anthylic C 7 H, 4 0, (Enanthic C 8 H I8 Octylic C 8 H l6 0, Thetic Now, by a variety of processes, some new, some old, it is, and for a long time past has been, possible for us to fasten on to one or other of these alcohols an additional atom of carbon, in such a way as to produce the acid corresponding to the alcohol next in the series. Thus, by means of prussic acid CHN, or carbonic an- hydride C0 2 , or phosgene COC1 2 , we can convert methyl-alcohol G 82 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IY. into acetic acid, vinic alcohol into propionic acid, propyl-alcohol into butyric acid, and so on ; but until very lately we could not step from acetic to propionic acid, or from propionic to butyric acid, that is to say, we could obtain butyric acid C 4 H 8 2 , from certain members of the 3 -carbon group, but not from those mem- bers which we had ourselves produced from the 2 -carbon group ; and, similarly, we could produce propionic acid C 3 H6O 2 , from cer- tain members of the 2 -carbon group, but not from those members which we had ourselves produced from the I -carbon group. The series of synthetic operations by which it would be possible to pass from any group not merely to the next, but to the next but one, and so on ad libitum, was incomplete through our ignorance of the metamorphic relation subsisting between the acid and its associated alcohol. The alcohol, and not the acid, being the plastic member of the group, we could convert the I -carbon alcohol into the 2 -carbon acid, and the 2 -carbon alcohol into the 3 -carbon acid, and so on; but being unable to convert the 2 -carbon acid into the 2-carbon alcohol, we could not by any means pass from the I -carbon to the 3 -carbon group. Very recently, however, this difficulty has been overcome by the sepa- rate researches of "Wurtz and Mendius, who have shown us how to transform any acid into its corresponding alcohol ; whereby a continuous series of synthetic processes may now be carried on as far as we please. Without entering into purely chemical details, I may say that the process of Wurtz consists in transforming the aldehyd of the acid into the normal form of the alcohol ; while that of Mendius consists in transforming the nitrile of the acid into the ammoniated form of the alcohol, by means of nascent hydro- gen, as illustrated below in the case of ethylic alcohol, thus: Aceto-nitrile Ethyl-amine C,H 3 N + H 4 C 3 H 7 N or C,H 5 .H,N Acet-aldehyd Ethyl-hydrate C a H 4 + H 3 C 3 H 6 or C 2 H 5 .HO Ethyl-chloride C,H 5 C1 or C 3 H 5 .C1 GENERAL SYNTHETIC METHODS. The amine is readily convertible into the hydrate, and the hy- drate into the chloride, bromide, or iodide ; which last bodies, or their metal derivatives such, for example, as sodium-ethylate C 2 H 5 .NaO, and sodium-ethyl C 2 H 5 .Na are the forms of alcohol most usually employed in actual synthetic processes. (87.) Prior, then, to this discovery by Wurtz and Mendius, of means for passing from the acid to its alcohol by hydrogenation, although many important syntheses had been effected, there had been no consecutive series of syntheses. The previously known processes would allow us to pass from certain mobile members 01 one group to certain immobile members of the next, but would carry us no further. Nowadays, however, by transforming the immobile acid into the mobile alcohol, we can proceed continu- ously through an apparently unlimited series of synthetic opera- tions. Thus, letting CO stand for the transferable part of carbonic anhydride CO 2 , phosgene-gas COC1 2 , and aqueous prussic acid CHN.H 2 0, we have the following series of operations leading to the production of fatty acids and alcohols of any degree of com- plexity, each of them capable of metamorphosis into scores of allied compounds; which, again, are capable of entering into com- bination with one another, as explained in my second lecture, to form still more numerous and complicated polymerone bodies. Methylic ( i -Carb. alcohol C H 4 Acetic U-Carbonacid CHO a /"2-Carb. alcohol \3-Carbon acid / 3 -Carb. alcohol (,4-Carbon acid Ethylic C a H 6 Propionic Propylic C 3 H 8 Butyric C 4 H 8 0, CO = H 4 = CO = Acetic C a H 4 0, Propionic Ethylic C a H 6 Propylic C 3 H 8 Butyric CO ;. &c. 84 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. Starting from the I -carbon or methyl-alcohol, we can convert it into the 2-carbon or acetic acid by well-known processes. But in order to proceed from the z-carbon acid, we must first trans- form it into the 2-carbon alcohol the alcohol, in some or other of its forms, being the synthetic starting-point, so to speak and this we have very recently learned to do. Then, by affixing deoxidised carbonic anhydride on to the 2-carbon alcohol, we convert it into the 3 -carbon or propionic acid. Then by acting upon propionic acid by deoxidised water, we transform it into 3 -carbon or propyl-alcohol, upon which we again affix deoxidised carbonic- anhydride to convert it into the 4~carbon or butyric acid, and so on continuously, by a series of deoxidising actions with carbonic oxide and hydrogen alternately. (88.) Now let us proceed to notice briefly, in the order of their complexity, some of the more interesting organic or carbon com- pounds which have been produced artificially by elementary syn- thesis. Among mono-carbon compounds, we have first carbonic acid CH 2 3 , alike the most important product of animal oxidation and subject of vegetable deoxidation. Associated with carbonic acid or hydrate, we have carbonic amide or urea CH 4 N 2 O, a body standing towards carbonic acid in the same relation that ammonia stands to water, and convertible into carbonic acid by an exchange of certain elements of ammonia for the corresponding elements of water, thus : Urea Water Ammonia Carbonic acid , + (H,)H,0, = (H a )H 4 tf a + (CO)"H a O a Carbonic acid is likewise met with in its dehydrated form as car- bonic anhydride CO 2 , and as the sulphur derivative of that body or carbonic sulphide CS 2 . These compounds are obtainable by burning charcoal in oxygen and sulphur respectively, the last of them, under the name of disulphide of carbon, being now pro- duced on an enormous scale for certain manufacturing uses. Moreover, by the dehydration of carbonic acid, a substance that is known only in the state of solution, we also produce carb- anhydride, as shown in the following equation SYNTHESIS OF FORMIC ACID. 85 Carbonic acid Water Carb-anhydride CH a 3 - H,0 = CO, which is reconvertible into the acid or a salt thereof by actual or potential rehydration, thus : Carb-anhyd. Lime Chalk CO, + Ca"0 = CCa"0 3 Carb-anhyd. Potash Potas. bicarb. CO, + KHO = CKH0 3 The deoxidised forms of carbonic acid and anhydride, respec- tively, or formic acid CH 2 2 , and carbonic oxide CO, are readily procurable therefrom by processes of reduction, and are correlated with each other in a similar manner. For example, by the de- hydration of formic acid, we obtain carbonic oxide, Formic acid Water Carb. oxide CH 3 0, - H,0 = CO; convertible into a formiate by means of caustic alkali, thus : Carb. oxide Potash Potas. formiate CO + KHO = CKHO, (89.) The production of formic acid or formiates by the reduction of carbonic acid with sodium (Kolbe), and by the combination of potash with carbonic oxide (Berthelot), being among the early examples of the formation of organic from in- organic compounds, excited on their first announcement a large amount of chemical interest. Formic acid, indeed, is a substance enjoying a very extensive natural distribution. In the vegetable kingdom it occurs in the juice of the stinging nettle, in decaying pine needles, and as a product of the spontaneous oxidation of turpentine. In the animal kingdom it has been occasionally re- cognised in human blood, urine, perspiration, and in the fluids of the spleen and muscles. It also exists largely in the juice of red ants, from which it may be obtained by simple distillation, and 86 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IY. in the corrosive fluid of certain caterpillars, &c. Again, by combining formic acid with ammonia, we obtain formiate of am- monia, which yields by dehydration that important organic com- pound met with in cherry-laurel water, bitter almond emulsion, &c., and known as prussic acid, cyanide oi hydrogen, or formio- nitrile, thus : Formic acid Ammonia Water Prussic acid CH,O a + H 3 N - aH,0 = CHN Moreover, this acid, or a corresponding cyanide, may nowadays be procured, not only from formic acid, but by the direct com- bination of carbon, nitrogen, and a metal. Further, by oxidising a cyanide that of potassium CKN, for instance we obtain cyanate of potassium CKNO, convertible by double decomposition into cyanate of ammonia, which changes spontaneously into urea, thus : Ammonia cyanate Urea CHNO.H 3 N = CH 4 N a O This is the celebrated reaction by which urea was first produced artificially by Wohler in 1828 ; but, at that time, the cyanogen of the cyanide of potassium employed was known only as a product of organic origin. You observe that by oxidising formic acid CH 2 O 2 , we obtain carbonic acid ; and by oxidising the mon- ammoniated form of formic acid namely, prussic acid CHN, in presence of more ammonia, we obtain the di-ammoniated form of carbonic acid namely, urea ; which has since been produced by several other artificial processes. > (90.) The still less oxidised monocarbon compounds belong to the methyl sub-group, and are, principally Methyl Compounds ( CH 4 or CH 3 .H Methyl-hydride or marsh-gas |CH 5 C1 or CH 5 .C1 Methyl-chloride CH 4 or CH 3 .HO Methyl-hydrate or wood-spirit CH 5 N or CH 3 .H 8 N Methyl-amine SYNTHESIS OF MARSH-GAS. 87 These four bodies the methyl varieties of hydrogen, hydro- chloric acid, water, and ammonia are mutually convertible by a variety of processes. Marsh-gas, in addition to its occurrence as the chief constituent of coal-gas, as the fire-damp of coal mines, and as the gas of stagnant ponds or marshes, has recently been recognised by Pettenkofer as a normal ingredient of expired air. Wood- spirit, again, is not only a product of destructive distilla- tion, but occurs in nature as a constituent residue of the essential oil of wintergreen, thus : Wintergreen-oil Water Salicicacid Wood-spirit C 8 H 8 3 -f H a O C 7 H 6 3 + CH 4 Among other well-known methyl-compounds may be men- tioned sarcosine, kreatine, caffeine or theine, theobromine, coniine, narcotine, &c. &c. Methylamine I have already referred to on several occasions. Associated with it we have trimethylamine (CH 3 ) 3 N, a frequent constituent of stale brine in which herrings and other fish have been pickled. (91.) The production of methylic from carbonic or formic compounds may be effected in a variety of ways. Thus, prussic acid, by hydrogenation, yields methylamine : Pruesio acid Hydrogen Methylamine CHK + H 4 CH 5 N Formiate of barium is decomposed by heat with production of marsh-gas, thus : Barium formiate Barium carb. Carb-anhyd. Marsh-gas a] cH Ba O* = 2CBa"0 3 + CO, + CH 4 Marsh-gas also results from passing a mixture of carbonic sul- phide and sulphuretted hydrogen over metallic copper heated to redness, thus : Carb. sulph. Hyd.sulph. Copper Cupr.sulph. Marsh-gas CS a + 2H,S + Cu 8 = 4Cu a S + CH 4 88 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. Perhaps a still more interesting mode of obtaining methyl- compounds consists in submitting disulphide of carbon to pro- longed treatment with chlorine gas, whereby it is converted into perchloride of carbon, which by the continuous action of nascent hydrogen yields the following series of compounds : Marsh-gas Derivatives C C1 4 Perchloride of carbon CH C1 3 Chloroform CH 3 Cl a Dichloromethene CH 3 C1 Chloride of methyl CH 4 Methene, or marsh-gas Thus, among monocarbon compounds of purely artificial pro- duction, we have the following interesting bodies, of which all save the last occur naturally in the vegetable or animal kingdom, namely, urea, formic acid> prussic acid, trimethylamine, and chloroform. (92.) The principal members of the dicarbon group, namely, alcohol and acetic acid, together with their respective congeners, are procurable from monocarbon compounds by a variety of processes. Thus, according to some observations of my own, on submitting a mixture of marsh-gas and carbonic oxide to a full red heat, acetylene or klumene is produced, thus, Marsh-gas Carb. oxide Water Klumene CH 4 + CO = H 2 + C 3 H 3 ; and this klumene, when acted upon by nascent hydrogen, yields olefiant gas, or ethylene, thus : Klumene Hydrogen Ethylene C a H a + H a = C a H 4 Now, olefiant gas, as pointed out by Faraday and Hennel nearly fifty years ago, and as rediscovered and established beyorid question by Berthelot within the last few years, is absorbed by SYNTHESIS OF ALCOHOL. 89 oil of vitriol, and upon distilling the diluted acid, is liberated therefrom in the form of alcohol or spirit of wine, thus : Ethylene Water Alcohol C a H 4 + H,0 = C a H 6 This production of alcohol from olefiant gas, or ethylene, an important constituent of ordinary coal gas, is undoubtedly, in many points of view, a result of very great interest, but as a step in organic synthe'sis I think its importance has been some- what over estimated alcohol and olefiant gas being closely allied members of the same carbon group. However, Berthelot's dis- covery of a process for obtaining alcohol by purely inorganic means naturally achieved considerable notoriety, and gave a great impetus to the general prosecution of synthetic methods. (93.) You observe that artificial alcohol is produced from olefiant gas, which is itself produced from acetylene or klumene, which is itself produced from monocarbon compounds of strictly mineral origin. But a still more interesting way of obtaining acetylene has also been rediscovered and established by Berthelot, namely, the combustion, so to speak, of carbon in hydrogen gas. When charcoal is burnt in oxygen, the heat evolved by the initial combination is more than sufficient to maintain the com- bustion, and accordingly the piece of charcoal when once ignited continues to burn. But in the combustion of charcoal in hydrogen, if it may so be called, the piece of charcoal has to be maintained throughout in an intense state of ignition by means of the electric arc. "When, for instance, the charcoal terminals of a moderately powerful battery, enclosed in a globe through which a current of dry hydrogen is passing, are approximated to each other so as to become ignited, as in the ordinary electric lamp, the hydrogen and ignited carbon combine with one another to form hydride of carbon or acetylene, much in the same way that oxygen and ignited carbon combine with one another to form oxide of carbon or carb-anhydride. But oxidation tends to the separation, hydrogenation to the conjunction of carbon atoms ; and accordingly, while by the combustion of charcoal in 9 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. oxygen we obtain only the monocarbon compound C0 2 , by its combustion in hydrogen we obtain the dicarbon compound C 2 H 2 , which is separated from the excess of hydrogen by transmission through an ammoniacal solution of the white or inferior chloride of copper, whereby it is retained in the form of cuprous acetylide C 2 HCu. This compound is thrown down as an abundant bright red precipitate, and, by treatment with warm hydrochloric acid, is decomposed with liberation of acetylene gas, thus : Cupr-acetylide Chlorhyd. acid Cuprous chlor. Acetylene C 8 HCu + HC1 = CuCl + C s H a Acetylene is characterised by the extreme luminosity with which it burns. You observe the great opacity and whiteness of its flame, and the large amount of light afforded by it in proportion to its bulk, when compared, for instance, with the flame of ordinary coal gas, of which, indeed, acetylene is a constituent, though only to a small extent. By hydrogenising his cuprous acetylide with a mixture of zinc and ammonia, instead of treating it with hydrochloric acid, Berthelot produced olefiant gas or ethylene, from which, by indirect hydration with sulphuric acid, he afterwards obtained alcohol, as I have already de- scribed. (94.) Now, among other animal products, alcohol occurs as a residue of tyrosine, a compound to which I shall refer more par- ticularly in my next lecture ; and, as I have before observed, of taurine, which is producible in the following manner: Under certain circumstances, the residues of alcohol and sul- phuric acid combine with one another to form isethionic acid, easily convertible into chlorethyl-sulphurous acid C 2 H 5 C1SO 3 , by means of pentachloride of phosphorus. This chloride is re- transformable into its hydrate or isethionic acid C 2 H 5 (HO)SO 3 , by the action of water, while both the chloride and the hydrate are transformable into the amide or taurine C 2 H 5 (H 2 N)S0 3 ,* by * These formulae are not meant to express the assumed internal mole- cular arrangement of the three bodies, but only their positively ascertained mutual relationship. SYNTHESIS OF GLYCOCINE, ETC. 9 1 means of ammonia, according to the following reactions, the first of them due to Kolbe, the second, which is earliest in point of time, to Strecker : Chloride and Hydrate Taurine or Amide C a H 5 (Cl)S0 3 + H(H a N) = HC1 + C,H 5 (H 4 N)S0 3 C,H 5 (HO)S0 3 + H(H a N) = H a O + C,H 5 (H,N)S0 3 (95.) Alcohol is also procurable from acetic acid by the hydrogenising processes of Wurtz and Mendius, already de- scribed ; while acetic acid is reprocurable from alcohol by oxi- dation, as in the ordinary manufacture of vinegar. Moreover, acetic acid C 2 H 4 2 , may be obtained synthetically from methyl- alcohol CH 4 0, by fixation of carbonic oxide CO, according to the previously mentioned general methods ; and also from di- sulphide of carbon by Kolbe's historic process, referred to in my last lecture. The successive stages of this, the earliest unim- peachable process for obtaining an organic compound by strictly mineral means, are indicated in the table before you Acetic Acid Synthesis C S a Carbon disulphide C C1 4 Carbon tetrachloride C 2 C1 4 Tetrachlor-ethylene C 3 HC1 3 0, Trichlor-acetic acid C,H 4 0, Acetic acid The disulphide of carbon, produced by the direct combination of sulphur and carbon, is converted, by treatment with chlorine, into tetrachloride of carbon; this, by heating to redness, into tetrachlor-ethylene ; this, by the action of moist chlorine, into trichlor-acetic acid ; and this, by means of nascent hydrogen, into ordinary acetic acid. By arresting the hydrogenation at a certain point, and treating the so formed monochlor -acetic acid C 2 H 3 C10 2 , with ammonia, we obtain glycocine, whereas by treating it with methylamine we obtain sarcosine, which, in com- bination with urea, constitutes kreatine, a compound, however, that has not yet been prepared artificially. 92 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. Thus, among 2 -carbon products of the animal and vegetable kingdom, that have been obtained by strictly mineral processes, may be mentioned alcohol, taurine, acetic acid, glycocine, and last, though not least important, oxalic acid; which results from the oxidation of alcohol, acetic acid, and glycolic acid, &c., and is producible synthetically from the mono-carbon formic and carbonic acids. (96.) By means of the general processes to which I directed your attention some time back, as well as by certain special processes, it is easy to pass from the 2-carbon to the 3 -carbon group, upon which, however, we must rest satisfied with be- stowing a very cursory glance. It comprises among its members glycerin C 3 H8O 3 , the basic principle of the true fats, whether of vegetable or animal origin. Also lactic acid C 3 H6O 3 , an important constituent of the juice of flesh, and a product of that fermentation of grape-sugar and milk-sugar which is set up by putrefying curd. We have also the chief constituents of essential oil of garlic, or allyl-sulphide (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S, and of essential oil of mustard, or allyl-sulphocyanate (0 3 H 5 )H.CNS, to be included in the list of artificially produced members of the propionic family. (97.) Passing on to the 4-carbon group, we have first butyric acid C 4 H8O 2 , a product of the destructive metamorphosis of sugar, mannite, &c. Combined with alcohol it forms butyric ether or essential oil of pine-apple, while combined with glycerin it forms that constituent of ordinary butter which is known as butyrin. Succinic acid C 4 H60 4 , is readily procurable from butyric acid, and bears to it the same relation that oxalic bears to acetic acid. It is probably the most frequent artificial product of the oxidation of fatty matters, and has also been met with naturally in the cystic fluids of hydatids, hydrocele, &c. From suc- cinic acid it is easy to procure in succession the well-known vege- table products, malic acid C 4 H6O 5 , and tartaric acid C 4 H6O6, which, again, are reconvertible into succinic acid. The malic and succinic acids, in particular, are very intimately associated with, and readily convertible into, one another. Thus, asparagine C 4 H8N 2 O 3 , the crystalline principle of asparagus and other SYNTHESIS OF GRAPE SUGAR? 93 etiolated plants, yields one or other of these acids, according to the treatment to which it is subjected. (98.) The 5 -carbon compounds of artificial origin are of less general interest. I may mention fousel oil or amyl-alcohol C 5 Hi 2 O, and valerianic or valeric acid C 5 H 10 O 2 , a product originally obtained from essential oil of valerian. By combining amyl-alcohol with acetic acid we procure the pear flavour, and by combining it with valeric acid, the apple or quince flavour used in confectionery, which are probably identical with the essential oils existing naturally in the ripe fruits. Again, by combining valeric acid with glycerin we produce valerin, a constituent of whale oil. (99.) Of the 6-carbon fatty compounds which have been artificially obtained, the most interesting are caproic acid C6H 12 O 2 , and leucic acid C6H 12 O 3 . Caproic acid is met with as a glyce- ride in goat's butter, while amido-caproic acid or leu cine is an occasional constituent of human urine, and a constant product of the metamorphosis of glandular tissue. Starch C6H 10 O 5 , grape sugar C6Hi 2 C>6, mannite C6Hi 4 06, and a host of allied alimentary substances are also included in this group, though their exact relationship to the typical members is not as yet clearly es- tablished. Now, grape sugar has been obtained by Berthelot from glycerin, which is itself, as I have said, obtainable by purely inorganic means ; so that, in one sense, sugar may be added to the list of artificially produced organic compounds. Still the means employed for effecting the conversion of the glycerin namely, the action of putrefying animal tissue must prevent our regarding the resultant sugar as being strictly of inorganic origin ; although formed exclusively out of the glyce- rin, the animal tissue not having contributed any actual material to its formation. However, if sugar has not yet been obtained by a satisfactory process, the recent production of strictly allied bodies, such as the propyl-phycite of Carius, together with our increasing knowledge of the metamorphic relations of sugar itself, assures us that an unexceptionable means for building up this important alimentary principle cannot much longer escape us. 94 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IV. Hitherto the transformation of fatty into aromatic compounds has not been accomplished according to any definite reaction; but both phenene C6H6, and phenol or carbolic acid CeH^O, are producible by transmitting the vapour of alcohol or fousel oil through red-hot tubes. From the former of these bodies we readily obtain aniline or phenylamine CgH-rN, which is recon- vertible into both phenene and phenol. (100.) The 7-carbon fatty acid and alcohol are usually ob- tained from castor oil. So far as I know, they have not yet been produced artificially from inorganic materials, but undoubtedly could be so produced at any moment. With the 7-carbon aromatic compounds the case is different. By the general pro- cesses already referred to, phenene has been converted into benzoic acid C 7 H6O 2 , by Harnitzky and Kekule, and phenol into salicic acid C 7 H6O 3 , by Kolbe. Benzoic acid readily yields benzoic aldehyd or essential oil of bitter almonds, and also glyco- benzoic or hippuric acid. Salicic acid, again, is readily oxidi- sable into gallic acid, of which tannin constitutes the natural glucoside, as shown by the following decomposition : Tannin Water Glucose Gallic acid C, 7 H W I7 + 4 H a O = C 6 H X ,0 6 + From salicic acid we may also obtain methyl-salicate or essential oil of wintergreen, salicic aldehyd or essential oil of spirasa, and saligenin or salicylic alcohol, a compound frequently mentioned in my second lecture as a constituent residue of salicin and populin salicin being, indeed, a glucoside of saligenin, much in the same way that tannin is a glucoside of gallic acid, thus : Salicin Water Glucose Saligenin C I3 H I8 7 + H a O = C 6 H Ja 6 + C 7 HA Moreover, tyrosine a very remarkable product of tissue metamorphosis though not yet produced from salicic acid, has much the same relation thereto that leucine has to caproic, and SYNTHESIS OF ALIMENTARY SUBSTANCES? 95 sarcosine and glycocine have to acetic acid it being, indeed, the ethyl-ammoniated form of salicic acid. Another /-carbon compound of artificial production, and of great interest in an industrial point of view, is benzoene, or toluol C 7 H8, which Fittig and Tollens have recently obtained from phenene or benzol C6H6. Starting from these two bodies, we may procure all the so called coal-tar colours, with the brilliancy and variety of which most of us are now familiar. The red base or rosaniline C 20 Hi 9 N 3 , the violet base or triethyl-rosaniline C 2 6H 31 N 3 , and the blue base or triphenyl-rosaniline C 3 8H 31 N 3 , being producible in this way from their constituent elements, furnish us with admirable illustrations of the constructive powers of modern organic chemistry. (101.) Thus have I illustrated to you the mode in which chemists can nowadays, without any recourse to vitality, build up primary molecules containing as many as seven atoms of carbon, either from carbonic acid, water, and ammonia, the materials out of which living organisms construct identical or similar molecules, or else from the elementary substances, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, upon which living organisms can exert no plastic action whatever. I might even proceed further, but should then be obliged to depart from the regular sequence I have hitherto followed. Moreover, my object has been rather to illustrate to you the general mode of procedure than to make known to you the utmost limits that have as yet been attained. Of the three great classes of alimentary sub- stances, the oleaginous are quite, and the saccharine almost within our reach. The albuminous, indeed, are still far beyond us; and no wonder, since their very constitution is at present not only unknown, but unsuspected. In their case, however, as in that of many other bodies, so soon as we succeed in unravelling the mystery of their natural composition, so soon may we aspire confidently to the work of their artificial reconstruction. (102.) Only a few words more, which I will borrow from my friend Dr. Frankland, who has himself contributed very largely to synthetic methods and results. 'It would be difficult,' said he, 96 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE IT. to conclude a subject like the present without some notice of the considerations which naturally suggest themselves regarding the possibility of economically replacing natural processes by artificial ones in the formation of organic compounds. At pre- sent,, the possibility of doing this only attains to probability in the case of rare and exceptional products of animal and vegetable life. By no processes at present known could we produce sugar, glycerin, or alcohol from their elements at one hundred times their present cost, as obtained through the agency of vitality. But, although our present prospects of rivalling vital processes in the economic production of staple organic compounds, such as those constituting the food of man, are exceedingly slight, it would be rash to pronounce their ultimate realisation impossible. It must be remembered that this branch of chemistry is as yet in its merest infancy ; that it has hitherto attracted the attention of but few minds ; and further, that many analogous substitutions of artificial for natural processes have been achieved In such cases where contemporaneous natural agencies have been superseded, we have almost invariably drawn upon that grand store of force collected by the plants of bygone ages and conserved in our coal-fields.' 97 LECTUEE V. Muscular action dependent on muscular metamorphosis Theoretic oxidation of muscle into one proportion of urea and seven of carbonic acid Prac- tical results Dynamic value of muscle oxidation Quantities of heat producible by combustion of hydrogen and carbon Difference between quantity and intensity of heat Unit of heat equivalent to 424 kilo- 'grammetres of motion Quantities of motion producible by combustion of hydrogen and carbon Economy of muscle as a motive exponent of combustion Reciprocity of heat and motion in muscular action Solar origin of muscular force Amount of force derivable from muscle pro- portional to degree of its oxidation Imperfect knowledge of natural process of oxidation Artificial oxidation of muscle Nature of inter- mediate products Relation of aldehydes and nitriles to acids Simple constitution of acids obtained by muscle oxidation Production of both fatty and aromatic compounds General distribution of leucine and tyro- sine Their formation by indirect oxidation of nitrogenous tissue Leucine the most elaborate of fatty, and tyrosine of aromatic animal products Constitution and analogies of leucine or amido-caproic acid Probable constitution of tyrosine, or ethylamido-salicic acid Natural history of salicic compounds, including indigo Occurrence in human urine of indigo, salisuric acid, and phenol Relationship of tyrosine to hippuric acid. (103.) THAT muscular exertion is dependent on muscular me- tamorphosis or oxidation is a subject rather for the physiologist than the chemist to dilate upon. Perhaps, however, I may be permitted to remind you of such observations as the following that a free supply of thoroughly oxygenated arterial blood is essential for complete well-developed muscular action ; that the volume of oxygen contained in blood which has circulated through a contracting muscle is less than one-fourth of that con- tained in blood which has traversed the same muscle at rest, H 9 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE Y. \vbile there is a corresponding increase, not of course an equal increase, in the volume of its carbonic acid ; that the irritability of muscular fibre out of the body is arrested by its removal from oxygen, and again manifested on its re-exposure thereto ; and lastly, that other things being equal, the amount of urea excreted by the kidneys, and of carbonic acid excreted by the lungs, is proportionate to the muscular activity of the individual. Seeing, then, that muscular exertion is really dependent upon muscular oxidation, we have to consider what should be the products, and what the value of this oxidation. (104.) Unfortunately, the precise molecular formula the ex- act chemical constitution of muscle is at present unknown. But in muscle, as in all the albuminoid class of bodies, we do know the ratio in which the constituent carbon and nitrogen stand to one another. Thus it is established beyond all question that the ratio of the number of atoms of carbon to the number of the atoms of nitrogen in muscle is as nearly as possible, if not quite exactly, four to one. In the most minute fragment of muscle, then, for every single atomic proportion of nitrogen there are four atomic proportions of carbon, thus : 4 CARBON to i NITROGEN. It will be more convenient, however, to express this ratio by the doubles of the above numbers, so that, instead of four to one, we will adopt eight to two, as our expression of the atomic ratio of carbon to nitrogen in every particle of muscle : 8 CARBON to 2, NITROGEN. Admitting, further, as a result of its ultimate metamorphosis, that the whole of the nitrogen of muscle is converted into urea, let us first consider what proportion of its carbon must be associated with thisnitrogen to produce urea, and what proportion be thereby left for excretion in the form of carbonic acid. Now, although the molecular constitution of muscle is undetermined, that of urea is RESULTS OF MUSCLE OXIDATION. 99 perfectly definite.* As shown by its formula, CN 2 H 4 0, the mole- cule of urea consists of one atom of carbon, two atoms of nitro- gen, four atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of oxygen. In other words, leaving out of consideration its hydrogen and oxygen, the atomic ratio of nitrogen to carbon in urea is as two to one. Accordingly, every two atoms of nitrogen in urea have one atom of carbon associated with them ; so that if we take the two pro- portions of nitrogen existing in muscle and add to them the one proportion of carbon necessary to form urea, we shall have seven proportions of carbon left for conversion into carbonic acid, thus : a NITROGEN The theoretical result, then, of the complete oxidation of muscle is the appearance of one-eighth of its carbon in the form of urea, and of seven- eighths of its carbon in the form of carbonic acid. (105.) Now, let us see what is the actual result. We have two series of experiments made by Bischof and Voit, and Pettenkofer and Voit respectively, in which lean dogs were fed exclusively upon a moderate diet of flesh. In the first series of experiments a small proportion of fat left in the flesh was duly allowed for ; while in the second series the fat was entirely removed. The general results of the two series of experiments are shown below : C. of Garb, acid C. of Urea 7*29 to I Bischof and Voit 6-85 to i Pettenkofer and Voit 7 '07 to i Mean Thus the ratio of carbon excreted in the form of carbonic acid to carbon excreted in the form of urea was as 7-29 to i in the * This mode of viewing the relationship of muscle to urea and carbonic acid was suggested by Dr. Lyon Play fair's essay ' On the Food of Man in relation to his Useful Work,' to which I am otherwise much indebted in the early part of this lecture. H2 100 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. first series of experiments, as 6*85 to I in the second series, and as 7 '07 to i in the mean of the two. Theoretically, then, the ratio of carbon in carbonic acid to carbon in urea is as 7 to I ; experimentally it is found to be as 7 '07 to i a striking mutual corroboration of the two methods of calculation and research. (106.) With regard to the dynamic value of muscle oxidation, I told you in my last lecture that, by the separation of oxygen from carbon and hydrogen, a certain amount of heat-force was absorbed and rendered latent in the separated bodies, which, by their re-combination, was again liberated and rendered sensible. Confining our attention to hydrogen, and speaking in round numbers, we may say that the heat evolved by burning a cubic foot of hydrogen that is, by combining a cubic foot of hydrogen with half a cubic foot of oxygen will raise the temperature of 5 \ cubic feet of water one degree Fahrenheit ; or that the heat of burning hydrogen is capable of raising the temperature of 5 \ times its bulk of water one degree. But, seeing that the quantity of matter in a body is proportionate to its weight, we get a much better idea of the amount of heat developed, by comparing the items gravimetrically instead of volumetri- cally. We thus find that the combustion of one part by weight of hydrogen will evolve an amount of heat sufficient to raise the temperature of more than 61,000 parts of water one degree Fahrenheit, or 34,000 parts of water one degree centi- grade. Now, in comparing the amounts of heat given out by the combustion of different substances, it is convenient to have some definite standard of comparison ; and the usual continental stand- ard is altogether, perhaps, the most convenient. According to this standard, the amount of heat given out by one kilogramme of water in cooling one degree centigrade, or, conversely, the amount of heat absorbed by one kilogramme of water in rising one degree centigrade, is called the unit of heat. We find, then, ihat when one gramme of hydrogen gas is burned into water, it gives out 34 units of heat ; or it will raise the temperature of 34 kilogrammes that is, 34,000 times its own weight of water one degree ; while, turning our attention to carbon, we find that QUANTITY DISTINCT FRO&' "iNTEttfeTlY oV HEAT/ J 10 1 one gramme of carbon, in being oxidised or burned into carbonic anhydride, gives out 8 units of heat, or will raise the temperature of 8 kilogrammes that is to say, 8000 times its own weight of water one degree. (107.) It must be remembered, of course, that the quantity of heat evolved during the oxidation of a given weight of hydrogen, carbon, or other combustible, is perfectly independent of the rapidity or slowness of the action. Provided only that the same products are formed, the same amount of heat is liberated in their formation, whether it takes place rapidly or slowly, vio- lently or gradually. It is only the intensity of the heat, and not its quantity, which varies with the rapidity of the combination. When a stout piece of iron rusts in the air, we get oxide of iron produced as the result of the slow burning of the metal, but there is no obvious rise of temperature. On the other hand, when a piece of iron wire is burned in oxygen gas, we have a brilliant combustion, and an intense development of heat. In reality, the products formed in these two cases are not identical, but only allied. Assuming them, however, to be identical, the amount of heat given out in the rapid burning of the metal would be iden- tical with that given out during its slow rusting. The difference is merely that in the one case all the heat is given out in the course of a few seconds that there is a great quantity of heat produced in a short time while in the other case this same quantity of heat is developed only during a long series of years. As a matter of fact, the quantity of heat evolved by the slow rusting of a given weight of iron is considerably greater than that evolved by its rapid combustion in oxygen, the resulting compound being not only more highly oxidised, but in a state of hydration, or combination with solid water. (108.) A very ordinary experiment will serve, perhaps, to illustrate more strikingly the point now under consideration. Upon immersing this plate of copper in a jar of chlorine gas, for instance, the chlorine combines gradually with the metal, and there is no evident rise of temperature ; but when very thin copper leaf is immersed in chlorine gas, the combination takes 1O2 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE Y. place instantaneously, with evolution of sufficient heat to render the leaf luminous with vivid combustion, in fact as you per- ceive. Now, the amount of heat given out under these opposite circumstances is identical ; the only difference is in its intensity in the quantity of heat associated with a given quantity of matter at a given moment. In the last case, the action being instantaneous, and the quantity of matter to be heated very small, we have what we call an intense heat that is, the mo- mentary association of a large quantity of heat with a small quantity of matter ; whereas in the other case, the action being gradual, the development of heat is likewise gradual, spread over a long period of time, and associated with a large quantity of matter, the increased temperature of which is, therefore, at no one moment very perceptible. The terms quantity and intensity of heat are strictly analogous to the terms quantity and velocity of motion. In a pound weight of iron raised to 1000 the melting point of silver, or ten pounds weight raised to 100 the boiling point of water, the quantity of heat capable of being imparted say, to a gallon of ice-cold water is substantially the same, though the intensity of the heat is ten times as great in the one case as the other ; just as the quantity of motion is the same in a pound weight moving at the rate of I ooo feet, or a ten-pound weight moving at the rate of 100 feet per second, although the velocity of motion is ten times as great in the one case as the other. We come, then, to this conclusion that chemical action, whether rapid or slow, provided only that the same substances react and the same products result, always furnishes the same amount of heat. (109.) Now, let us apply this fundamental law of combination to the fuel-constituents of our tissues. If we inflame a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, the combination and consequent evolution of heat being instantaneous, we obtain, indeed, the highest degree of temperature capable of being produced by direct chemical action. On the other hand, if we take the same mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gases, and cause them to unite slowly by means of spongy platinum, the oxidation and develop- QUANTIVALENCY OF HEAT AND MOTION. 103 ment of heat being spread over a period of many minutes, there is no great manifestation of temperature at any one instant. The quantity of heat is, however, the same in both cases. One gramme of hydrogen in combining with oxygen, whether quickly or slowly, will always evolve 34 units of heat; and one gramme of carbon in combining with oxygen, whether quickly or slowly, will always evolve 8 units of heat, The slow oxidation of so much carbon and hydrogen in the human body, therefore, will always produce its due amount of heat, or an equivalent in some other form of energy ; for while the latent force liberated by the combustion of the carbon and hydrogen of fat is expressed solely in the form of heat, the combustion of an equal quantity of the carbon and hydrogen of voluntary muscle is expressed chiefly in the form of motion. You may remember that I referred in my last lecture to the equivalency subsisting between heat and motion to the circumstance that so much heat was convertible into so much motion. Accordingly, when we burn or oxidise the carbo-hydro- gen of animal tissue, instead of getting the heat-force which was exerted in separating this carbo -hydrogen from oxygen remani- fested in the form of heat, we have it, under certain circumstances, manifested in the form of motion. (no.) Let us then proceed to consider what are the quanti- tative relations subsisting between heat and motion. We have taken as our unit of heat the quantity of heat absorbed or evolved by one gramme of water in rising or falling through one centigrade degree of temperature. Now, this is found by experi- ment to be the exact quantity of heat generated by collision with the earth of a kilogramme weight falling from a height of 424 metres. So that the mechanical force of a kilogramme weight which has fallen through 424 metres, or, in other words, the mechanical force necessary to lift a kilogramme weight to the height of 424 metres, is equal to, interchangeable for, and con- vertible into the heat-force evolved or absorbed by a kilogramme of water in changing its temperature one degree. Or the arrest of a unit of motion would raise the temperature* of a kilogramme 104 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTUEE T. of water at zero one degree, and conversely, the absorption of a unit of heat would lift I kilogramme weight to the height of 424 metres. Of course, the force necessary to lift I kilogramme through 424 metres, or 10 kilogrammes through 42-4 metres, or 424 kilogrammes through I metre, is the same ; whence it is convenient to apply the expression kilogram -metre to the product of the kilogrammes lifted into the metres of height, and to say that the heat evolved by the cooling of a kilogramme of water one degree centigrade is equal to 424 kilogrammetres of motion, and vice versa. Or we may adopt Mr. Joule's original standard, and say that the heat evolved by the cooling of a pound of water one degree Fahrenheit is equal to 772 foot-pounds of motion. (in.) The applicability of these considerations to the combus- tions of hydrogen and carbon taking place in the animal body is obvious. We have said that the combustion of I gramme of hydrogen evolves 34 units of heat, and that a unit of heat is equal to 424 kilogrammetres of motion ; so that the combustion of i gramme of hydrogen will produce 34x424=14,416 kilo- grammetres of motion ; or will serve to lift I kilogramme weight through 14.416 metres of height, or 14,416 kilogrammes through I metre of height, &c. &c. Similarly, the combustion of I gramme of carbon will suffice to produce 3392 kilogrammetres of motion, thus : One gramme Kilogrammetres burnt of motion HYDROGEN 34 x 424 = 14.416 CAEBON 8 x 424 = 3, 392 In this way, then, we can form some idea of the mechanical power generated, or quantity of motion producible, by the com- bustion of the hydrogen and carbon of our muscles into water, and carbonic acid or urea respectively.* Our knowledge of the * The heat produced by the conversion of carbon into urea is doubtless that producible by its complete burning into carbonic anhydride C0 2 , and not merely that producible by its half burning into carbonic oxide CO, as sometimes represented. ECONOMY OF MUSCLE COMBUSTION. 105 intimate constitution of muscle is, however, too imperfect to allow of our estimating the amount of motion producible by its oxida- tion with any degree of exactitude ; but, as the result of a rough calculation, it may be taken that the combustion of the unburnt carbo-hydrogen of one gramme of dry muscle, free from fat, is capable of furnishing 1923 kilogrammetres of motion, or will suffice to lift 1923 kilogrammes to the height of I metre.* (112.) Now, although the ratio of the [amount of motion actually produced to that theoretically producible by the com- bustion of a given weight of muscle, has not. I believe, been satisfactorily ascertained, this much is. certain, that muscular tissue is, without exception, by far the most perfect of machines for manifesting the force liberated by chemical action in the form of motion. No artificial contrivance with which we are ac- quainted is at all comparable to it in economy that is to say, in the proportion of mechanical work performed to the total force liberated. The steam-engine, for instance, is an artificial ma- chine, expressly intended for the conversion of chemical force into motion. Heat is generated in the boiler-furnace by a com- bination of the carbo-hydrogen of the coal with the oxygen of the air, but only a certain amount of this heat is absorbed in the evaporated water, and then only a certain amount of the heat so absorbed is translated into motion. According to Sir W. Arm- * Assuming for muscle the formula C Ia H I9 N 3 4 x 6, and subtracting all the oxygen and nitrogen, with the necessary hydrogen, in the forms of water and ammonia, so as to leave a residue of C^H., x 6, then 269 grammes of muscle would leave 144 grammes of carbon and 2 grammes of hydrogen for oxidation, which should furnish 517,280 kilogrammetres of motion, thus: Grammes Kilogrammetres Kilogrammetres CABBON 144 x 3,39^ = 488,448 HYDROGEN 2 x 14,416 = 28,832 517,280 Hence one gramme of muscle should furnish 517,280-4-269 = 1923 kilogram- metres of motion ; but from the imperfection of the data on which the * calculation is based, particularly as regards the heat absorbed in the sepa- ration and volatilisation of carbon, this result can only be regarded as ap- proximative. 106 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. strong, indeed, not more than one-tenth of the force liberated by the combustion of the coal used for raising steam is realised as available motion. Be this as it may, it appears that by burning, or consuming, or oxidating a given weight of muscle in our bodies, we obtain a quantity of available motive force which could only be produced by the combustion of at least five or six times its weight of coal in the most perfect steam-engine that ever was constructed. (113.) The superior economy of muscle over any artificial con- trivance, as a motive machine, seems to depend in great measure upon the circumstance of the force liberated by its oxidation being expressed directly in motion, instead of first appearing in some intermediate form of energy. Thus, in a steam-engine, the immediate effect of the oxidation is not motion, but heat, some of which eventually or intermediately appears as external motion. In this case, the combination first produces heat, and the heat is afterwards transformed into motion ; whereas, in muscular tissue, the combination first produces motion, which is afterwards, in many cases, transformed into heat. The force liberated by the combustion of the muscular fibre of the heart, for instance, is expressed directly in the contraction of its ventricles, and the consequent propulsion of the blood through the greater and lesser circulations. But by the time the blood gets back to the heart, it has given up all its motion, and requires to be again propelled by another contraction of the ventricles, and so on. Now, what becomes of the motion received by the blood at each contraction ? It appears in the form of heat. The blood circulating through the vessels and capillaries undergoes a certain amount of friction. It is brought to a state of rest gradually by the hindrance to its motion, just as a bullet is brought to rest suddenly by the hin- drance to its motion. In both cases, that which was motion becomes heat, and, in the latter case, the quantity of heat finally produced by the friction of the blood is generated as truly by the combustion of the heart-fibre, as if it had been burnt directly in a furnace. Under certain circumstances, indeed, as in the attempt to lift a heavy weight, the oxidation of muscle within SOLAR ORIGIN OF MUSCULAR FORCE. IO/ our bodies produces a direct liberation of heat instead of motion. In the case of a person actually lifting a weight, the combustion of his tissue is expressed in the motion of the weight ; but sup- posing he only attempts to lift a weight which is too heavy for him, there is then no production of motion, but instead of it a corresponding increase of temperature in the muscle. In tetanus, again, where the violent contraction of the muscles produces no external motion, their temperature has been observed to rise as much as six degrees centigrade or eleven degrees Fahrenheit above the normal state. Conversely, in the case of a man work- ing a treadmill, although the amount of heat evolved from his person is absolutely larger, its proportion, relatively to the amount of tissue burned, is smaller than in the case of a person at rest, by a difference equivalent to the external work performed. But in fever, where there is a rapid destruction of tissue without any corresponding mechanical effect, we have a complementary manifestation of external heat. (114.) Thus we return once again to the conclusion which I brought more prominently under your notice in my last lecture. We perceive that muscular exertion does not result from vital force generated within the body, or, indeed, from force of any kind generated within the body, but only from a liberation within the body of pent-up solar force, which at some time or other had been rendered latent in the separated carbo-hydrate of our food on the one hand, and oxygen of our breath on the other. As ingeniously observed by Dr. Tyndall, when speaking of the sun, ' It is at his cost that animal heat is produced, and animal motion accomplished. Not only is the sun chilled, that we may have our fires, but he is likewise chilled that we may have our powers of locomotion.' From the terms in which I lately referred to the fiction of vital force, some physiologists who honoured me by their presence seemed to infer that chemists and physicists were insensible to those important distinctions existing between living and dead matter, which they, on the other hand, profess to explain by declaring the former to be possessed, and the latter dispossessed, of vital force. I believe, however, that chemists I08 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. appreciate in its fullest extent what may be termed the mystery of life, but they look upon the physiologists 1 explanation as a mere periphrasis, as only another mode of saying that dead matter differs from living matter because it is dead, while living matter differs from dead matter because it is alive. Chemists and physicists are well assured that, be life what it may, it is not a generator, but only a transformer, of external force. In the vegetable kingdom solar force is absorbed in the production of our food ; in the animal kingdom it is liberated by the erema- causis of our fat and glands and muscles. (115.) Now, the full realisation of the force derivable from a given weight of muscle depends upon its complete oxidation into water and carbonic acid or urea. Should it be only converted into sugar, or kreatine, or uric acid, these are imperfectly burned substances, which still retain a certain amount of potential energy liberable from them by a further oxidation. They still have associated with them some portion of the latent force put into the original tissue-constituents at the period of their formation ; and accordingly, by their further oxidation, we are capable of getting an additional amount of work out of them. In order, therefore, to obtain the full equivalent of heat-force or motive force to which we are entitled by the waste of our tissues, it is important that this waste should be thorough, that both the hydrogen and carbon should be converted into the most completely oxidised compounds they are susceptible of forming, the whole of the hydrogen into water, and the whole of the carbon into its most stable mono- carbon compound, namely, carbonic acid, or the ammoniated form of that acid, namely, urea. In some cases of imperfect oxidation, however, we get less oxidised, and more complex, dicarbon mole- cules produced, such, for example, as oxalic acid, which occurs either in its normal saline state, or colligated with urea in the forms of allantoine, oxaluric acid, &c. In cases of yet more im- perfect oxidation, we meet with still less oxidised tricarbon mole- cules, such, for example, as the mesoxalic compound which, by its colligation with urea, forms uric acid. We may even have tetra- carbon molecules such as succinic acid, pentacarbon molecules INTERMEDIATE OXIDATION PRODUCTS. 1 09 such as amido-valeric acid or phocine, hexacarbon compounds such as amido-caproic acid or leucine, and heptacarbon com- pounds such as the benzoic residue of hippuric acid, and the salicic residue of tyrosine. (i 16.) You will remember that by certain processes of artifi- cial oxidation to which I referred in a former lecture, we obtain from any particular substance a series of less and less complex bodies terminating in carbonic acid ; or, to use again the words of Gerhardt, we gradually descend the scale of complexity, con- verting the original substance into more and more simple products by successively burning off a portion of its carbon and hydrogen. In other cases, however, as in some of Gorup-Besanez's experiments upon the oxidation effected by ozone in alkaline liquids, whether or not a series of bodies intermediate between the initial substance and final carbonic acid are really formed, we are quite incapable of detecting them, and consequently, of tracing their metamorphoses. The constituent carbon-atoms of the original substance seem, at any rate, to become at one step completely isolated and oxidised. Whether, therefore, the more complex molecules formed by natural tissue-oxidation are to be regarded as direct, but intermediate, products of the principal oxidation, or as by-products resulting from subsidiary processes, is at present an open question, though the balance of evidence with regard to certain products, at any rate, seems to be in favour of the latter view. In any case, however, the formation and even excretion of some or other of these bodies, in greater or less proportion, according to the nature of the organ- ism, uric acid largely in birds and land-reptiles, hippuric acid largely in herbivora, and both acids sparingly in mankind are obviously normal or healthy actions. By the excretion of such imperfectly burned substances, indeed, a certain amount of force does not become utilised within the animal, but this pro- digality of force in organic nature is far inferior to that which we observe in the inorganic world. Some of these inter- mediate products of tissue metamorphosis, more particularly the hippuric and uric acids, leucine and tyrosine, are of suffi- ciently constant occurrence and general interest to deserve our IIO ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTUEE Y. special examination. Hippuric acid we have already discussed somewhat fully, while the consideration of uric acid I must postpone to my next lecture. There remain, then, only leucine and tyrosine ; but, before adverting to the natural occurrence of these bodies in the living and dead body, let me direct your attention for a short time to certain allied products obtainable from nitrogenous tissue by artificial processes. (117.) When flesh, for instance, is submitted to the action of the oxidising agent most commonly employed by chemists namely, a mixture of sulphuric acid with either bichromate of potassium, or peroxide of manganese there are produced a con- siderable number of monobasic acids, to which I shall refer more particularly hereafter, together with several of their associated aldehydes and nitriles. Now the relationship of an aldehyd to its corresponding acid and alcohol is very simple, and may be exemplified by common or vinic aldehyd among fatty, and by benzoic aldehyd among aromatic compounds. Thus, when vinic alcohol is submitted td oxidation, it does not simply take up an additional dose of oxygen, but instead gives up a portion of its hydrogen to the oxgenant, being thereby converted into alcohol dehydroffenatus or aldehyd, thus : Alcohol Oxygen Water Aldehyd C 3 H 6 + = H,0 + C a H 4 The resulting aldehyd is a much more readily oxidisable substance than the original alcohol, and upon exposure to air, is rapidly con- verted by direct absorption of oxygen into acetic acid, thus : Aldehyd Oxygen Acetic acid C^H 4 + C 2 H 4 2 Similarly, benzyl-alcohol is not susceptible of mere oxidation, but, by the action of oxygenants, is dehydrogenised into benz-aldehyd, or essential oil of bitter almonds, Benzyl-alcohol Oxygen Water Benz-aldehyd C 7 H 8 -f = H a O + C 7 H 6 RELATION OF ALDEHYDES TO ACIDS. Ill which, upon exposure to air, quickly changes by a direct absorp- tion of oxygen into benzoic acid, thus : Benz-aldehyd Oxygen Benzoic acid C 7 H 6 + C 7 H 6 S Oxygen, then, which removes hydrogen from the alcohols, attaches itself directly to the aldehydes, and thereby distinguishes the one class of compounds from the other ; even when, as in the case of ally 1-alcohol and propionic aldehyd, the two bodies have the same ultimate composition, represented in their case by the empiric formula C 3 H 6 O. (118.) Although, however, the characteristic property of the aldehydes is to absorb oxygen with conversion into acids, they may nevertheless be rehydrogenised into alcohols, as by the method of Wurtz referred to in my last lecture, thus : Benz-aldehyd Hydrogen Benzyl- alcohol C 7 H 6 + H a C 7 H 8 Or, still more curiously, one moiety of the reacting aldehyd may be oxidised into the corresponding acid or its salt, and the other moiety simultaneously hydrogenised into the alcohol, as in Can- nizzaro's well-known process : Benz-aldehyd Potash Potas. benzoate Benzyl-alcohol 2C 7 H 6 + KHO = C 7 H 5 K0 3 + C 7 H 8 Correlated, then, with every alcohol and acid is an intermediate aldehyd, several of which bodies, in addition to benz-aldehyd, are familiarly known to us in the form of essential oils. Thus, the essential oils of chamomile, cinnamon, spiraea, and rue, contain the angelic, cinnamic, salicic, and methyl-rutic aldehydes, con- vertible by oxidation into the angelic, cinnamic, salicic, and rutic acids respectively. The prime characteristic then of the aldehydes is their acidifiability by direct absorption of oxygen ; so that, con- sidered as products of oxidation, they may be looked upon as in- completely formed acids. When, therefore, we find that by treating 112 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. muscle with some oxidising agent we obtain certain aldehydes together with their corresponding acids, it only shows that our oxidising agent is employed in deficiency, or rather that the pro- ducts, being readily volatile, are not left in contact with the heated oxidising mixture sufficiently long to be entirely converted into acids. (119.) But in addition to aldehydes and acids, certain nitriles, more particularly formio-nitrile and valero-nitrile, have been obtained by muscle oxidation. You may remember that I have already, in previous lectures, made mention of prussic acid, cyanide of hydrogen, or formio nitrile ; of cyanide of methyl, or aceto- nitrile ; of cyanogen, or oxalo-nitrile, &c. The majority of these nitriles are procurable either by the action of the simplest organic nitrile, namely, prussic acid, upon the preceding alcohol, or by the action of ammonia upon the co-equal acid, with elimination of water, as shown below in the case of valero-nitrile : Water Valero-nitrile H 2 = C 5 H 9 N Water Valero-nitrile Butyl-alcohol Prussic acid C 4 H I0 H h CHN Valeric acid Ammonia C 5 H I0 O a H H 3 N The first process is a true synthesis, or passage from a lower to a higher carbon group, as explained in my last lecture when speaking of general synthetic methods ; while the second is merely a metamorphosis of the acid into its dehydrated ammonia-salt. Now by treatment with caustic alkalies, the several nitriles or organic cyanides absorb water to reproduce ammonia and a salt of the acid to which they respectively appertain, thus : Valero-nitrile Potash Water Ammonia Pot.valerate C 5 H 9 N + KHO + H a O = H 3 N + C 5 H 9 KO a Prussic acid Potash Water Ammonia Pot. formiate CHN -t- KHO + H 2 = H 3 N + C H KO Z Accordingly, the occurrence of nitriles, in addition to acids and aldehydes, only shows that certain oxidation -products of the carbo- ACIDS OF FLESH OXIDATION. 113 hydrate constituents of muscle exist partly in combination with an ammonia-residue derived from its nitrogenous constituents, whereby, instead of the normal acids, we obtain, in some cases, their dehydrated ammonia salts ; whence it follows that the ni- triles, like the aldehydes, do not call for any separate considera- tion, but may be discussed with their respective acids, of which indeed, they constitute mere varieties. ( 1 20.) The following acids, then, in the state of acids, aldehydes, and nitriles, have been obtained by the oxidation of flesh with a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, as now taking place in the retort upon the table : Fatty Acids Aromatic Acids Cg H I2 2 Caproic C 5 H J0 2 Valeric C 4 H 8 2 Butyric C 3 H 6 2 Propionic C 8 H 8 2 Toluic ? C 2 H 4 2 Acetic C 7 H 6 2 Benzoic C H 2 2 Formic C 6 H 4 3 Collie ? These several acids, you observe, contain but two atoms of oxygen in their respective molecules, In reality, however, we cannot doubt that corresponding acids with three and four atoms of oxygen are also formed, as in other modes of oxidation ; but such poly-oxygen acids being much less volatile than their di- oxygen congeners, instead of being removed at once from the oxi- dising mixture, remain in contact with it for so great a length of time are subjected in fact to such a prolonged process of oxida- tion that they become more or less completely destroyed, or, in other words, converted into carbonic acid. ( 1 2 1 .) Now, there are two special points of interest connected with the above lists of muscle-acids, which are arranged, you observe, in the order of simplicity, instead of complexity, as heretofore. The first point to which I would direct your at- tention is, that even the most complex of them is comprised among the simpler members of its particular series. Thus, while by the direct or indirect oxidation of fat we may obtain acids I 114 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. with eight, nine, ten, and even sixteen atoms of carbon, the most complex acids as yet obtained by the artificial oxidation of flesh, are those with five, six, and seven atoms ; for the production of toluic acid is at any rate very doubtful. Now, although this oxidation of flesh has not been performed with sufficient fre- quency, or variety of process, to warrant our laying much stress upon the results obtained, still less of affirming that no more complex aplone molecules than those with seven atoms of carbon are in any case procurable, nevertheless the above observation, taken in conjunction with other facts, has an interest which must not be overlooked. Thus, among all the products of tissue-meta- morphosis occurring in the living body, with the possible excep- tion of indigo, which, like toluic acid, contains eight carbon atoms ; among all the products of the putrefactive decomposition of dead animal tissue ; among all the products obtainable by its direct oxidation as just referred to ; and among all the products obtainable by its indirect oxidation with acids or alkalies, not a single aplone molecule with more than seven atoms of carbon has yet been positively observed. (122.) Comparing the ascertained constitution of olein, for instance, with the hypothetical constitution of some protein body, we know that the molecule of olein contains 57 carbon atoms, and that these atoms pertain to the residues of four distinct aplone molecules, namely, three molecules of oleic acid, contain- ing each 1 8 carbon-atoms, and one molecule of glycerin, con- taining 3 carbon-atoms. Accordingly, by the breaking up of olein we may obtain aplone molecules with as many as 18 atoms of carbon, and with successively fewer and fewer atoms, according to the degree of oxidation, until finally we get such bodies as succinic acid C 4 H6O 4 , oxalic acid C 2 H 2 O 4 , and carbonic acid CH 2 3 ; while, among intermediate compounds, the palmitic acid with 16, the sebacic and rutic acids with 10, and the suberic acid with 8, are certainly, and other acids with from i to 18 carbon-atoms, in all probability, procurable. On the other hand, the composition of the molecule of albumin is at present unde- termined ; but assuming, according to the balance of authority, AROMATIC ACIDS OF FLESH. 115 that it contains 72 carbon-atoms, what is the number and what the complexity of the aplone molecules between which these 7 2 carbon atoms are divided ? All we can say is that no aplone molecule with more than 7 or 8 carbon atoms has hitherto been produced by its natural or artificial decomposition, so that its constituent residues probably appertain to much simpler mole- cules, than do the residues of ordinary fat. (123.) The other point of interest connected with the artificial oxidation of flesh is, that the acids and aldehydes thereby produced belong to both our primary series, namely, the fatty and the aromatic ; so that while the oxidation of muscle in the laboratory yields us certain fatty acids which are producible by the similar oxidation of fat, it yields in addition certain acids of the aromatic series that are not producible by the oxidation of fat. This result acquires additional importance from the consideration that chemists are at present quite unable to transform fatty into aromatic compounds, or vice versa, by any definite reaction. It is true that when various bodies of the fatty class are subjected to a full red heat, some products belonging to the aromatic class are formed; but this transformation is one that we cannot trace. It belongs to the class of changes which are termed destructive or indefinite, in contra-distinction to those easily traceable and definite reactions which we call more especially metamorphic. By no ordinary treatment with reagents, and cer- tainly by none of the modes of treatment to which muscle has been subjected, are we able to pass from the fatty to the aromatic class of bodies ; and accordingly, when we find, by treating flesh, &c., with sulphuric acid and manganese, that both aro- matic and fatty acids are produced, we have a right to infer that, be the exact composition of the flesh what it may , it certainly contains, in addition to its ammonia residues, one or more resi- dues of compounds belonging to the fatty, and one or more residues of compounds belonging to the aromatic class. This conclusion becomes even more irresistible when we consider that not only by the direct oxidation of nitrogenous tissue now taking place on the table, but by its indirect oxidation, through i2 Il6 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. the agency of acids and alkalies, as well as by its post-mortem putrefactive decomposition, and its ante-mortem natural trans- formation, compounds belonging to both the aromatic and fatty class simultaneously make their appearance. (124.) Among these compounds, leucine and tyrosine de- mand our special attention leucine being an ammoniated term of the 6 -carbon fatty, and tyrosine an ethyl-ammoniated term of the 7 -carbon aromatic acid group. These two bodies occur in association with one another under the following circumstances : In the first place, they result from the putrefaction of flesh, cheese, white of egg, gluten of wheat, &c. They have also been detected in fresh blood, and occur very generally in glandular tissue and secretion leucine, however, in much the larger pro- portion, so that in some cases where it has been recognised, the tyrosine probably accompanying it has been overlooked. Leu- cine, more particularly, has been found in the spleen, thymus, thyroid, and lymphatic glands ; and, indeed, from its occurrence in the two former, received at one time the names of lienine and thymine. Both compounds are met with most abundantly in the pancreas and its secretion, but they also occur in the liver and bile, and in the kidneys and urine, particularly in certain patho- logical conditions. Leucine has also been recognised in the salivary and intestinal glands and their secretions, and is, accord- ing to Boedeker, an ordinary constituent of pus. (125.) That leucine and tyrosine pre-exist in the living body, and are not merely post-mortem products, is evident from the circumstance of their having been detected in the urinary, pan- creatic, and, in the case of leucine, purulent and salivary secre- tions of living animals. But more than this. A long time back, De la Rue noticed that tyrosine existed pre-formed in the dried cochineal insect ; and Staedeler, by crushing up various living animals in a mortar with a mixture of powdered glass and alcohol, has recently recognised the presence of both tyrosine and leucine in invertebrata belonging to all the principal non-infusorial classes. Thus it is manifest that leucine and tyrosine are pos- sessed of a very extensive natural distribution. As yet indeed PRODUCTION OF LEUCINE AND TYROSINE. 1 1/ they have not been detected in the juice of flesh, a circumstance which appears the less surprising, however, when we remember that even urea itself, an undoubted product of muscular meta- morphosis, has never been satisfactorily recognised in healthy muscular tissue, probably on account of its rapid removal by the circulation. (126.) Artificially, leucine and tyrosine may be produced not only from flesh, but also from blood-albumin, white of egg, gluten, casein or cheese, gelatin, chondrin, elastic tissue, horn, nails, fea- thers, hair, hedgehog-spines, cockchafer- elytra, &c. &c., by one or other of two well-known indirect processes of oxidation, which consist respectively in boiling the above-named substances for many hours with some mineral acid, and in fusing them gently with caustic alkali. Now, these two apparently opposite processes are the same in principle. In each case, the acid or alkali merely enables the protein or gelatinoid substance to react with water H 2 O, whereby one portion of it becomes oxidised into leucine, tyrosine, &c., while another portion is hydrogenised into divers products. The nature of this action is best exposed by consider- ing the case of some tolerably simple well-characterised sub- stance such, for instance, as benz-aldehyd, or essential oil of bitter almonds. When this body is treated with caustic potash, one-half of it becomes oxidised into benzoic acid, which appears in the form of an alkaline benzoate, and the other half is hy- drogenised into benzyl-alcohol, as I mentioned a few minutes ago: Benz-aldehyd Water Benzoic acid Benzyl-alcohol aC 7 H 6 + H a O = C 7 H 6 O a + C 7 H 8 When, however, a large excess of alkali is used, and the action allowed to become more violent, the hydrogen does not enter into any combination, but is simply liberated in the gaseous state, thus : Benz-aldehyd Water Benzoic acid Hydrogen C 7 H 6 + H 3 = C 7 H 6 3 + H 8 Il8 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. Now, in fusing the above-mentioned animal substances with caustic alkali, a greater or less proportion of gaseous hydrogen from the decomposed tissue-water is similarly liberated ; whereas, in boiling them with mineral acids, the same hydrogen, instead of being liberated, effects certain hitherto unexamined combina- tions or reactions ; while, in both cases, the oxygen of the decom- posed water effects the production of leucine and tyrosine. Here are specimens of leucine and tyrosine obtained in this way by the action of sulphuric acid on feathers, and here another fine speci- men of tyrosine, extracted from cochineal, all kindly lent me by Dr. Hugo Miiller. (127.) Thus the conclusion that nitrogenous tissue contains a something related to the fatty group and a something related to the aromatic group, suggested by the results of its direct oxida- tion with peroxide of manganese or chromic acid, is confirmed by the results of its indirect oxidation with acids and alkalies. Among fatty compounds, we obtain, in the one case, caproic acid, and, in the other, amido-caproic acid, or leucine; while among aromatic compounds we obtain, in the one case, benzoic acid, and, in the other, ethyl-amido-salicic acid, or tyrosine. Now, let us consider the constitution and respective relationships of these amidated bodies. Starting from our primary fatty acids, we may obtain the following series of chlorine derivatives : Fatty Acids a-Derivatives C H a 0, Formic C H Cl O a Chloro-formic? C a H 4 0, Acetic C a H 3 Cl 0, Chlor-acetic C 3 H 6 O z Propionic C 3 H 5 Cl 0, Chloro-propionic C 4 H 8 O a Butyric C 4 H 7 Cl O z Ckloro-butyric C 5 H I0 O a Valeric C 5 H 9 Cl 0, Chloro-valeric C 6 H Ia O a Caproic C 6 HnCl O a Chloro-caproic Now, if in each of these derived acids we replace the residue of hydrochloric acid, or Cl, by the residue of water, or HO, we obtain a new series of acids ; whereas, if we replace it by the residue of ammonia, orH 2 N, we obtain a series of amides, thus: NATURE OF GLYCOCINE AND LEUCINE. 119 0-Acids V-Amides C H (H0)0 3 Carbonic C H (H a N)0, Carbamic ? C, H 3 (HO) 3 Glycolic C a H 3 (H a N) 0, Glycocine C 3 H 5 (HO)0, Lactic C 3 H 5 (H 2 N)O a Alanine C 4 H 7 (HO)0, Bulatic C 4 H 7 (H Z N)0, Bulatine C 5 H 9 (HO) 0, Phocic C 3 H 9 (H,N) O a Phocine C 6 H n (HO)0, Leucic C 6 H XI (H,N)0, Leucine Excluding the mono-carbon compounds, whose behaviour in other cases is frequently different from that of their more complex homologues, we find that the /3-acids and y-amides may be obtained from the corresponding fatty acids, through the intervention of their a-chloro-derivatives, as above described. Excluding, again, the mono-carbon compounds, we obtain the /3-acids by acting upon the several y-amides with nitrous acid, whereas by acting on them with an electro-negative chloride and water, we obtain the a-chloro -acids, convertible into the normal acids by treatment with nascent hydrogen. The relation, therefore, of glycocine to the gly colic and chlor-acetic acids, and of leucine to the leucic and chloro-caproic acids, is merely the relation of ammonia H.H 2 N, to water H.HO, and to chlorhydric acid H.C1, as I explained to you more fully in my first lecture. (128.) Glycocine I have referred to on several previous occasions. It is produced, together with leucine and tyrosine, by the action of acids or alkalies upon nitrogenous, and more par- ticularly gelatigenous tissues, whence its original name of sugar of gelatin. It exists as a constituent residue of sarcosine and kreatine, as well as of the hippuric and glyco-cholic acids. The next body, alanine, is obtainable from acet-aldehyd by treatment with aqueous prussic acid in the same way that leucine is obtain- able from valer-aldehyd, as mentioned also in my first lecture. By analogy it should be called lactine, were not this appellation otherwise appropriated namely, by milk-sugar CaH^Oe, whose formula, you observe, is exactly twice that of lactic acid C 3 H6O 3 , a compound to which this sugar is in some way or other very closely related. It is curious that while lactic acid exists so largely in flesh-juice, gastric juice, &c., alanine, which is only an ammoniated form of lactic acid, should never have I2O ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. been recognised in any natural or artificial product of animal tissue. I am not aware that bulatine has yet been obtained from any source whatever ; while phocine has been noticed upon one occasion only by Gorup-Besanez in the pancreas of an ox. Leucine, on the other hand, as I have already remarked, exists naturally in, and is producible artificially from, a great variety of animal and vegetable bodies. (129.) In commencing the study of the constitution of tyro- sine, we are at once struck by the great resemblance which its formula bears to that of hippuric acid. You observe that the molecule of tyrosine differs in ultimate composition from the molecule of hippuric acid, by an excess of two atoms of hydrogen, thus : C 9 H 9 N 3 Hippuric acid C 9 H U N 3 Tyrosine Inasmuch, however, as complex molecules of this description are built up of the residues of several simpler molecules, it may happen, and indeed not unfrequentlydoes happen, that the numbers of the atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in two or more complex bodies, approximate very closely to, or are even identical with, one another ; whilst the bodies themselves are com- posed of very different residues, and accordingly have no real rela- tionship of proximate constitution. Such, however, is not the case with hippuric acid and tyrosine. Each of these bodies is composed of three constituent residues namely, an ammonia residue, a 2 -carbon residue belonging to the fatty, and a y-carbon residue belonging to the aromatic class. That the aromatic resi- due of tyrosine, however, differs from the residue of hippuric acid in belonging to the salicic instead of the benzoic sub-group, is evident from a variety of considerations pointed out by Schmitt and Nasse, whose recently published views on the constitution of tyrosine, if not demonstrated with absolute certainty, are so pro- bable in themselves, and so supported by collateral testimony, as to leave us in very little doubt as to their substantial correctness. Thus tyrosine agrees with other salicic compounds in the charac- teristic properties of yielding phenol by distillation, and chloranil INDIGO AND SALICIC COMPOUNDS. 121 by chlorination, and, after suitable treatment, of striking a purple colour with ferric salts, as you perceive. This last reaction constitutes Piria's well-known test for tyrosine. Now, according to Schmitt and Nasse, the particular member of the salicic sub- group which enters into the constitution of tyrosine is salicic acid, whose formula, you observe, differs from that of benzoic acid by an excess of one atom of oxygen. Moreover, benzoic acid is isomeric with salicic aldehyd, and salicic acid with ampelic or oxi-benzoic acid, thus : C 7 H 6 3 Benzoic acid, and salicic aldehyd C 7 H,50 3 Ampelic acid, and salicic acid (130.) With regard to the natural history of salicic compounds, salicin is a glucoside of salicylic alcohol, and oil of spiraea con- stitutes salicic aldehyd, while oil of wintergreen is composed largely of methylic salicate, as I have already explained. That some salicic grouping, moreover, occurs as a constituent residue of indigo CgHyTO, is shown by the following considerations. When, for example, indigo experiences decomposition by treatment with reagents, its single atom of nitrogen and one of its eight atoms of carbon are more particularly affected ; and hence, as a convenient representation of its probable molecular constitution, we may as- sociate this mobile carbon and nitrogen with one another, and so write the formula of indigo upon the y-carbon or salicic type, thus : C 7 H 5 (CN)0. Indigo or cyan-salicol Now, by boiling indigo for a long time with oxidising. agents, and by treating salicic acid with strong nitric acid, we obtain identically the same product, which has received the names of anilic, indigotic, and nitro-salicic acid, thus : Indigo Oxygen . Anilic acid Carb-anhyd. C 7 H 5 (CN)0 + 6 C 7 H 5 (NO a )0 3 + C0 2 Salicic acid Nitric acid Nitro-salicic acid Water C 7 H 6 3 + (NO^HO = C 7 H 5 (NO a )0 3 + H.HO 122 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE V. Again, when indigo is gently fused with caustic alkali it under- goes a simultaneous hjdration and oxidation, whereby it is con- verted into anthranilic acid, thus : Indigo Water Oxygen Anthranil. acid Carb-anhyd. C 7 H 5 (CN)0 + H,0 + 3 = C 7 H 5 (H 2 N)O a + C0 a When, however, the reaction takes place more violently, we get salicic acid produced instead, thus : Carb- Am- Indigo Water Oxygen Salicic acid anhyd. monia C 7 H 5 (CN)0 + 2H Z + O z = C 7 H 5 (HO)O a + C0 a + H 3 N You observe that the anthranilic and salicic acids furnish us with another instance of that relationship between amidated and hydrated compounds to which I have so often adverted. Seeing from the observations and researches of Prout, Heller, Debuyne, Hassall, Scheerer, Schunk, and others, that human urine not unfrequently deposits indigo spontaneously, and contains ha- bitually an indigo-yielding substance known as indican, which is probably a glucoside of white or hydrogenised indigo, we come to the conclusion that while a salicic residue in the form of tyro- sine is a constant product of the natural and artificial oxidation of nitrogenous tissue, another salicic residue in the form of indigo or indican is a usual ingredient of that secretion by which the pro- ducts of disintegrated nitrogenous tissue are principally discharged. Moreover, this occurrence of indigo in urine further exemplifies a point with which we must all, I believe, have been more or less struck, both in this and previous lectures namely, the thorough interdependence of vegetable and animal chemistry, as shown by the frequent relationship and even identity of products formed in vegetable and animal organisms. (131.) Another physiological point of interest connected with salicic compounds is their occurrence in the urine in the form of salisuric acid. It is well known that when benzoic aldehyd or acid is taken internally, it makes its appearance in the urine in CASTOREUM AND PHENYLIC COMPOUNDS. 123 the form of glyco-benzoic or hippuric acid C 9 H 9 NO 3 ; and, no doubt, some, at any rate, of the hippuric acid excreted both by vegetable and mixed feeders is derived from the ingestion of cer- tain benzo-genetic articles of food. Similarly, the administration of salicin and salicic aldehyd or acid is followed by the appear- ance in the urine of glyco-salicic or salisuric acid C 9 H 9 NO 4 , readily decomposible into glycocine and salicic acid, just as hip- puric acid is decomposible into glycocine and benzoic acid. Hence the salisuric and salicic acids may be regarded as normal constituents of the urine of the beaver, with which willow bark is well known to be a favourite food. The occurrence of salicic compounds in castoreum also is doubtless due in a similar manner to the food of the beaver. Castoreum, moreover, contains phenol, or coal-tar kreosote, which, according to Staedeler and others, is an ordinary constituent of human urine, and an impor- tant contributor to its characteristic odour. Now, the relation of phenol to salicic acid is very simple. Under suitable conditions salicic acid breaks up into phenol and carb -anhydride, which, under other conditions, re-unite to form salicic acid, thus : Phenol Carb-anhyd. Salicic acid C 6 H 6 + CO, = C 7 H 6 3 Remembering that urine of a dark brown colour, or becoming of a brown colour by oxidation, contains a pigment which is in some way or other related to indigo, and also that an apparently similar brown urine is occasionally passed after the internal or external administration of phenol, kreasote, tar-oil, &c., this rela- tionship of salicic and phenyl compounds presents a considerable pathological interest. Phenol may indeed be considered as the nucleus not only of salicic acid, but likewise of tyrosine and indigo ; from both of which it is also readily obtainable. Moreover, by treatment with chlorine, all four bodies yield the same 6-carbon ultimate product, namely, chloranil C6C1 4 O 2 , or perchloroquinone. (132.) It now only remains for us to consider the ultimate constitution of tyrosine, and its analogy to hippuric acid. Starting 124 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE T. from water and ammonia, we have the following alcoholic deriva- tives : Hydrates Amines ^ I Hydric H H 1 ^ ^ I Methylic C H 3 H } N Methyl-ainin Ethylic N Ethyl-amine Now, replacing an atom of hydrogen or the atom of chlorine, in acetic and chloracetic acid respectively, by the residue of water, HO, we obtain glycolic or oxiacetic acid ; replacing it by the resi- due of ammonia, HHN, we obtain amid-acetic acid, or glycocine; replacing it by the residue of methylamine, CH 3 HN, we obtain methyl-amid- acetic acid, or methyl-glycocine, or sarcosine; and, lastly, replacing it by the residue of ethylamiue, C 2 H 5 HN, we obtain ethyl-amid-acetic acid, or ethyl-glycocine, thus: Acetic Derivatives C 2 H 4 2 Acetic acid C 2 H 3 2 (C1) Chlor-acetic acid C 2 H 3 2 (HO) Glycolic acid C 2 H 3 2 (H 2 N) Glycocine CJE 3 2 (C H 4 N) Sarcosine or methyl-glycocine . C a H 3 2 (C 2 H 6 N) Ethyl-glycocine The constitution and mutual relationship of the above tabulated bodies have been established as well by their recomposition as by their decomposition. In the case of tyrosine, however, we have only a knowledge of its decompositions to fall back upon, from which, however, it would appear, according to Schmitt and Nasse, that it corresponds most nearly in constitution with sarco- sine or methyl-glycocine among natural products, and still more nearly with the artificial ethyl-glycocine of Heintz. Just, indeed, as sarcosine is acetic acid in which an atom of hydrogen is replaced by the residue of methylamine, so is tyrosine salicic acid in which an atom of hydrogen is replaced by the residue of ethylamine, thus: CONSTITUTION OF TYROSINE. 125 C 2 H 3 (C H 3 .HN)0, Sarcosine, or methylamid-acetic acid C 7 H 5 (C a H 5 .HN)0 3 Tyrosine, or ethylamid-salieic acid (133.) Lastly, Dessaignes having prepared hippuric acid by substituting a residue of glycocine (C 2 H 3 O 2 .HN) for the atom of chlorine in chlorobenzoic aldehyd C 7 H 5 (C1)O, the relationship of hippuric acid and tyrosine to one another and to the benzoic and psrsalicic acids may be shown by the following formulae, the par- entheses of which are merely intended to point out the exchanged portions of the original and derived bodies : Benzoic acid Hippuric acid C 7 H 5 (HO)0 C 7 H 5 (C 2 H 3 Z .HN)0 Persalicic acid Tyrosine C 7 H 5 (HO)0 3 C 7 H 5 (C 2 H 5 .HN)0 3 Now, ethylamine is indirectly convertible into glycocine by oxidation, whereas salicic acid is convertible into benzoic acid by deoxidation; or the fatty 2-carbon constituent of hippuric acid is more highly oxidised, whilst its aromatic /-carbon con- stituent is less highly oxidised than are the corresponding residues of tyrosine.* Doubtless, therefore, the natural production of the two bodies by tissue metamorphosis takes place under diiferent conditions. Their joint occurrence in the urine, however, together with that of indigo and phenol, confirms the inference we have already drawn that be the chemical constitution of nitrogenous tissue what it may, there exist 'in its molecule one or more group- ings belonging to the fatty family, and yielding fatty oxidation- products, together with one or more groupings belonging to the aromatic family, and yielding aromatic oxidation-products. In my next lecture we shall consider the intimate constitution of uric acid and its congeners. * Since this lecture was delivered, Earth has rendered it probable that the aromatic constituent of tyrosine is not ordinary salicic acid, but the particular variety or isomer of it, which is known as paroxibenzoic acid. 126 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. LECTURE VI. Uric acid Its excretion throughout the animal kingdom History of its chemical examination Its undecomposibility save by oxidation Pro- bable pre-existence in it of urea Classification of uric acid products into an-ureides, mon-ureides, and di-ureides Also into carbonic, oxalic, and mesoxalic compounds Oxidation of mesoxalic into oxalic, and of oxalic into carbonic acid TJreides formed by an elimination of either one or two atoms of water Hydrogenised carbonic, oxalic, and mesoxalic compounds Table of uric acid products Additional intermediate and amidated bodies Oxalic mon-ureides and di-ureides Mesoxalic mon-ureides associated with barbituric acid Mesoxalic di-ureides, including hypoxanthine, xan- thine, and uric acid Their mutual convertibility Eelationship of xan- thine to guanine The pseudo-uric and uroxanic acids Uric acid viewed simply as a compound of carbonic oxide and urea Excretion of urate of ammonia by birds and insects Dynamic values of oxidation into uric acid and urea respectively Function of lungs supplemented by discharge of uric acid from kidneys Tissue metamorphosis affected by alterative medicines Activity of loosely combined oxygen Nitric oxide as a carrier of active oxygen Comparison of iodine with nitric peroxide Eesem- blances and differences between iodine and chlorine Their actio*n as oxygenants in presence of water Free chlorine more active than iodine, and combined iodine more mobile than chlorine Eeducing action of iod- hydric acid Alterative action of iodine dependent on its chemical mobi- lity Similar characters of arsenic, mercury, &c. Effect of alkalies on tissue-oxidation Gorup-Besanez's experiments with ozone Conclusion. (134.) OF all the incompletely oxidised products of tissue- metamorpliosis, uric acid is, I suppose, the most important, whe- ther regarded from a physiological and pathological, or from a purely chemical point of view. In combination, chiefly with ammonia, it forms the principal urinary constituent voided by insects, land -reptiles, and birds. Normally, it occurs but in small proportion in the urine of man, while it is found in yet HISTORY OF URIC ACID. I2J smaller proportion in that of carnivorous, and can scarcely be said to exist if, indeed, it does habitually exist in that of herbivorous and omnivorous quadrupeds. According to various authorities, it is to be found constantly in the juices of the human spleen, liver, lungs, and brain. The merest traces of it are also met with normally in blood, but its proportion therein under par- ticular forms of disease, such as albuminuria, and more especially gout, becomes very appreciable. In certain cases of gout, indeed, all the fluids of the body are found more or less saturated with uric acid, and some of them even supersaturated, so as to deposit those well-known concretions of urate of sodium, commonly called chalkstones. I need scarcely refer also to the frequent excess of uric acid discharged by the human kidneys, under greater or less derangements of bodily health, and to its deposition in the forms of urinary sediment, gravel, and calculus. Now this acid, as shown by its formula C 5 N 4 H 4 3 , consists of only sixteen elementary atoms, and is consequently, as regards its ultimate composition, a far more simple body than many of those we have previously considered. Nevertheless, the problem of its intimate constitu- tion for a long time baffled all attempts at solution, and cannot, even at the present day, be considered as quite satisfactorily un- ravelled. (135.) Uric acid was discovered in 1776 by the renowned Swedish chemist, Scheele ; but it was first submitted to a minute investigation by Liebig and Wohler, whose efforts resulted in the production and identification, among other new bodies, of alloxan- tine, alloxanic acid, dialuric acid, uramile, mesoxalic acid, allan- toine, mycomelic acid, parabanic acid, &c., and whose admirable work, published in 1838, forms the broad and sound basis of all our subsequent knowledge. These chemists had been preceded by Brugnatelli and Prout the discoverers of alloxan and murexide respectively and were succeeded more particularly by Schlieper, Pelouze, Fritzsche, Gregory, and Hlasiwetz. To the number of bodies already described, Schlieper added the leucoturic, allituric, dilituric, hydantoic, hydurilic, and allanturic or lantanuric acids the last also discovered by Pelouze. In 1 8 5 3 , Gerhardt, in his cele- 128 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE YI. brated ' Traite de Cliimie Organique,' gave a very complete account of the then known uric acid products, and, by dividing them into two well-defined natural groups, simplified very greatly the con- ception of their origins and metamorphoses. Among subsequent workers, Strecker has added considerably to our knowledge ; and Baeyer has increased the list of compounds by his discovery of pseudo-uric acid, hydantoine, violantine, and the violuric and barbituric acids, the last-named being a body of very great inte- rest; while he has also thrown considerable light upon the nature of the bodies previously discovered by Schlieper. Moreover, adopt- ing Gerhardt's classification as a basis, and viewing both old and new products from the extreme height of modern doctrine, he has published by far the most complete and connected account of the uric acid group of compounds which has hitherto been given to the world. The scheme which I am about to bring under your notice, and which, I think I may say, is even more comprehen- sive, does not differ greatly from that of Baeyer in principle, and is indebted very largely to him for its elaboration. I propose, however, to differ from him in disregarding altogether the mole- cular arrangement of the different compounds, preferring to limit myself in this, as in previous lectures, simply to questions of origin and relationship. (i 36.) I have already told you that the great majority of com- plex organic bodies are built up of the residues of comparatively simple molecules ; that hippuric acid, for instance, is constituted of the residues of benzoic acid and glycocine, while tyrosine is constituted of the residues of salicic acid and ethylamine the glycocine and ethylamine themselves containing residues of am- monia and of glycolic acid and alcohol respectively. Now, uric acid is evidently built up in a similar manner, and contains the residues of several constituent molecules. But a hitherto insupe- rable difficulty in determining its exact mode of construction arises from the circumstance of its never having been decomposed into the actual molecules of which its constituent residues are the representatives, but only into the oxidised, or rather dehydro- genised, products of these molecules. Add to uric acid an atom EXISTENCE OF UREA IN URIC ACID? 1 29 of oxygen, so as to burn off two of its atoms of Irydrogen, and it breaks up with the greatest ease, though without this additional oxygen it has hitherto proved undecomposible. You 'will observe from its formula, C 5 N 4 H 4 O 3 , that uric acid contains five atoms of carbon and four atoms of nitrogen, while urea CN 2 H 4 0, contains only one atom of carbon and two atoms of nitrogen. Accord- ingly, we find that when dehydrogenised uric acid undergoes complete decomposition by an absorption of water, it breaks up into two molecules of urea (containing C 2 N 4 ) and one molecule of a non-nitrogenous 3 -carbon acid. Whether, however, the re- sidues of the two molecules of urea, obtainable by the oxidation or dehydrogenation of uric acid, pre-exist in uric acid, the 3 -carbon acid alone being the dehydrogenised product, or whe- ther the residue of the resulting 3~carbon acid pre-exists in uric acid, the two atoms of urea being formed by dehydrogenation, there is no evidence to show. The great stability of uric acid under treatment with even strong acids and alkalies is certainly opposed to its containing pre-formed residues of urea, since in all undoubtedly so constituted bodies the residues of urea are re- movable or decomposible with the greatest facility. On the other hand, the assumption of pre-existent urea-residues in uric acid very greatly facilitates our conception of its decompositions, and, receiving the general consent of chemists, may, I think, be provisionally admitted by us on the present occasion. (137.) Be this as it may, when uric acid is subjected to an oxidising agent in presence of water, it gives up two of its atoms of hydrogen to the oxidising agent, while the dehydrogenised product reacts with water to form mesoxalic acid and urea. Employing chlorine as the oxidising agent, we have the following reaction, Chlorine Uric acid Water Mesoxalic Urea CMorhydric Cl a + C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + 4H a O C 3 H a 5 + aCN a H 4 + aHCl; or, supposing the reaction with water to take place after the removal of the hydrogen by chlorine, 130 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. Dehyd-uric? Water Mesoxalic Urea C 5 N 4 H 2 3 + 4 H 2 = C 3 H 2 5 + 2CN 2 H 4 0. In the above equations I have represented both atoms of urea to be simultaneously separated from the mesoxalic acid ; but in reality their separation is usually effected at two successive stages, the first of which results in the formation of alloxan, and the second in its decomposition, thus : Dehyd-uric? Water Alloxnn Urea C 5 N 4 H 2 3 + 2H 2 = C 4 N 2 H 2 4 + CN 2 H 4 0. Alloxan Water Mesoxalic Urea C 4 N 2 H 2 4 + 2H 2 = C 3 H 2 5 + CN 2 H 4 0. We have, you perceive, three mesoxalic compounds, first the non-nitrogenous acid, then the compound of the acid with one atom of urea minus 2H 2 0, and lastly, the compound of the acid with two atoms of urea minus 4.H 2 0, thus : Mesoxalic Alloxan Dehyd-uric ? C 3 II 2 5 C 4 N a H 2 4 C 5 N 4 H 2 3 Now, by hydrogenising mesoxalic acid, we obtain tartronic acid C 3 H 4 O 5 , and by hydrogenising alloxan we obtain dialuric acid C 4 N 2 H 4 O 4 , which two bodies accordingly bear to uric acid the same relation that mesoxalic acid and alloxan bear to dehvd- uric acid, thus, Tartronic Dialuric Uric acid C 3 H 4 5 C 4 N a H 4 4 C 5 N 4 H 4 3 ; and, just as our hypothetical dehyd-uric acid yields mesoxalic acid and alloxan, so should actual uric acid yield us the tartronic and dialuric acids. In reality, however, these bodies have not been obtained by the mere breaking up of uric acid, but only by rehydrogenising the mesoxalic acid and alloxan which result from the breaking up of its dehydrogenised product. Despite, however, this flaw in AN-UREIDE ACIDS. 131 the demonstration, we may provisionally, as I have said, regard the dialuric and uric acids as tartron-ureide and tartron-diureide respectively. (138.) The several bodies I have just mentioned are typical of three well-defined classes of compounds, to one or other of which the immense number of uric acid products are, with but very few exceptions, assignable. We have first the class of simple non- nitrogenous acids, or an-ureides, like the tartronic and mes- oxalic acids. Then we have the class of bodies containing a residue of the acid plus one residue of urea, or the mon-ureides, such as dialuric acid and alloxan ; and lastly, we have the class of bodies containing a residue of the acid plus two residues of urea, orthedi-ureides, such as uric acid itself. Confining our present attention to the an-ureides, let us consider briefly their derivation and mutual relationship. Mesoxalic acid, then, the most complex non-nitrogenous product obtainable directly from uric acid, constitutes the third term in the following series : An-ureides C H a 3 Carbonic. C 3 H Z 4 Oxalic. C 3 H 3 S Mesoxalic. Oxalic acid, you observe, differs in composition from carbonic acid by one atom of carbonic oxide CO, in excess ; while mes- oxalic acid differs in composition from oxalic acid by a further atom of carbonic oxide CO, in excess. Now, when mesoxalic acid is acted upon by nascent oxygen O, its excess of carbonic oxide CO, is removed in the form of carb-anhydride C0 2 , so as to leave oxalic acid, thus; Mesoxalio Oxygen Carb-anhyd. Oxalic C 3 H,0 5 + = CO, + C a H 2 4 . Hence when uric acid is subjected to a more active oxidation than suffices to produce mesoxalic acid we obtain oxalic acid, which may occur in its simple an-ureide state, or conjugated with one atom of urea to form a mon-ureide such as parabanic acid, K 2 132 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. or conjugated with two atoms of urea to form a diureide, such as mycomelic acid, a body having exactly the same relation to oxalic acid that uric has to mesoxalic acid. (139.) Now, just as we can convert mesoxalic into oxalic acid by burning off its excess of carbonic oxide, so may we convert oxalic acid itself into carbonic acid by a precisely similar oxidation, thus : Oxalic Oxygen Carb-anhyd. Carbonic C 2 H 2 4 + = C0 3 + CH 3 3 . The rapidity with which the oxidation of oxalic acid can be effected is easily capable of experimental illustration. In this tall beaker, for instance, I place some ordinary black oxide or per- oxide of manganese Mn0 2 , a compound which readily parts with one of its two atoms of oxygen to become converted into prot- oxide of manganese MnO ; while I introduce into the flask an ounce or so of commercial oxalic acid. Now, upon drenching the acid with hot water and pouring the resulting mixture of solution and crystals upon the oxide of manganese, we get, you perceive, a most rapid oxidation of the oxalic acid, accompanied by a violent effervescence of carb-anhydride gas which we shall be able to re- cognise in a minute or two by its high specific gravity and by its power of extinguishing flame and rendering lime-water turbid. The effervescence is at first so great as to be almost unmanage- able, and a very slight agitation would cause the liquid contents to froth over the beaker; but now that the action is a little mode- rated I may prove to you the nature of the gas evolved by pour- ing some of it on to a lighted taper, which you see is immediately extinguished; and by pouring some more of it upon this clear solution of lime, which by agitation therewith is immediately converted into an opaque mixture of chalk and water. Hence, when uric acid is subjected to a more powerful oxidation than suffices to produce oxalic acid, we obtain carbonic acid, which, like the oxalic and mesoxalic acids, is also capable of colligation with urea. No ureide of carbonic acid, indeed, has yet been formed directly from uric acid the active treatment required to MON-UKEIDE COMPOUNDS. 133 effect the complete oxidation of the uric acid effecting also a separation from one another of the resulting carbonic acid and urea, which, however, may be obtained in combination by other means. Allophanic acid, for instance, is a well known artifi- cial mon-ureide of carbonic acid, but so far as I am aware no di- ureide of the acid has hitherto been produced by any process whatsoever. (140.) The mon-ureide of mesoxalic acid, of which I have already spoken namely, alloxan, is formed from mesoxalate of urea by an elimination of two atoms of water ; but there is another ureide namely, alloxanic acid, which differs from the original salt by the loss of only one atom of water. Similarly oxalic acid forms two mon-ureides namely, parabanic acid or paraban ana- logous to alloxan, and oxaluric analogous to alloxanic acid. Carbonic acid, however, forms but a single ureide, which is pro- duced by the elimination of only one atom of water, and accord- ingly belongs to the same series as the oxaluric and alloxanic acids, thus : Acids Ureides CH 2 3 Carbonic ^W> 3 Allophanic. n TT ~ n T (CJSTjHX), Oxaluric. C 2 H 4 4 Oxalic \ 3 3 4 4 ( C 3 N a H 4 3 Paraban. (C A N,ILOe Alloxanic. C 3 HA Mesosahc ' Similarly among the di-ureides, some are formed from their corresponding mon-ureides by an elimination of one atom, and others by an elimination of two atoms of water. (141.) Now, mesoxalic acid is convertible by deoxidation or hydrogenation into tartronic acid, as I have already observed ; and by pushing the deoxidation a stage further we obtain inalonic acid, both of them capable of forming mon-ureides and di-ureides ; and, in a similar manner, the oxalic and carbonic acids furnish a variety of similarly behaving deoxidation -products. When we consider, then, the total number of carbonic or I -carbon, ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. of oxalic or 2 -carbon, and of mesoxalic or 3 -carbon, hydrogenised products; and that the majority of these products, like their ori- ginal acids, are capable of forming mon-ureides by an elimination of one atom, and other mon-ureides by an elimination of two atoms of water ; and, further, that many of these mon-ureides are capable of forming di-ureides by a further elimination of one atom, and other di-ureides by a further elimination of two atoms of water, we are no longer surprised at the great number and variety of known compounds belonging to the uric acid group, and shall not be surprised at the discovery of very many more. The most important of those already known are included in the following table. It is divided perpendicularly into three columns of an-ureides, mon-ureides, and di-ureides ; and horizontally into three layers of carbonic, oxalic, and mesoxalic products. The compounds connected by means of dotted lines differ in composi- tion from one another by an excess or deficit of one atom of urea minus one atom of water ; while those standing on the same level in the adjoining columns and unconnected by dotted lines, differ from one another by an excess or deficit of one atom of urea minus two atoms of water. An-ureides Mon-ureidea CH 4 Methylic C 2 N 2 H 6 Methyl-urea CH 3 3 Carbonic C 2 N 2 H 4 3 Allophanic Di-ureides C 3 N 2 H 6 Z Acet-urea ''C 3 N 2 H 6 3 Hydautoic C 4 N 4 H 6 2 Glycoluril ./' C 4 N 4 H 6 3 Allantoine C 2 H 4 2 Acetic -''..-' C 2 H 4 3 GlycohV' / C 2 H 4 4 G-lyoxylic'"' C,H 4 3 Glyoxalic ''.', C 3 H 2 4 Oxalic '' C 3 N 2 H 4 0,, Hydantoine '' , C 3 N 2 H 4 3 Lantanuric ,--''"C 3 N 2 H 4 4 Oxaluric C 3 N 2 H 2 3 Parabanic C 4 N 4 H 4 2 Mycomelic C 3 H 4 4 Malonic C 3 H 4 5 Tartronic C 3 H 2 5 Mesoxalic C 4 N 2 H 4 3 Barbituric C 4 N 2 H 4 4 Dialuric .. C 4 N 2 H 4 5 Alloxanic C 4 N,H,0 4 Alloxan C S N 4 H 4 Hypoxanth. C 5 N 4 H 4 2 Xanthine C 5 N 4 H 4 3 Uric acid -.C 5 N 4 H 6 4 Pseudo-uric ti DIAMERONE MON-UREIDES. 135 (142.) Even this table, however, is far from -being complete. Thus I have introduced only one alcoholic urea as a type namely, the methylic, excluding its homologues. I have also omitted uroxanic acid and several amidated and nitro-compounds, to which I shall presently refer. Moreover, between some of the consecutive mon-ureides shown in the table, there exist diameric bodies formed by the union of the two consecutive mon- ureides with elimination of water. Allituric acid, for instance, is a diamerone of hydantoine and lantanuric acid ; while leucoturic acid is a diamerone of lantanuric acid and oxaluric or parabanic acid, thus : Allituric Water Hydantoine Lantanuric C 6 N 4 H 6 4 + H a O = C 3 N a H 4 O a + C 3 N a H 4 3 . Leucoturic Water Lantanuric Parabanic C 6 N 4 H 4 5 + H a O = C 3 N a H 4 3 + C 3 N a H a 3 . In a precisely similar manner, among mesoxalic compounds we have hydurilic acid, a diamerone of barbituric acid and dialuric acid ; while alloxantine is a diamerone of dialuric acid and alloxanic acid or alloxan, thus : Hydurilic Water C 8 N 4 H 6 6 + H a O Alloxantine Water C 8 N 4 H 4 7 H a O Barbituric C 4 N a H 4 3 Dialuric C 4 N a H 4 4 Dialuric C 4 N a H 4 4 . Alloxan C 4 N a H a 4 , (143.) Of the many bodies above formulated, only a few call for any special remark. Hydantoic acid is also known as gly- coluric acid, which is, perhaps, a better name for it. Again, the body here called lantanuric acid is probably identical with the allanturic acid of Pelouze, and also with difluan. Oxaluric acid is interesting from the alleged occurrence of its calcium-salt in human urine, in the form of the dumb-bell crystals so often associated with octahedral crystals of the oxalate. That these dumb- bells may consist of oxalurate of calcium, as suggested by their discoverer, Golding Bird, is not indeed improbable ; but the evi- 136 ANIMAL CHEHISTKY LECTURE VI. deuce that they really are so constituted is anything but satis- factory. The relations of lantanuric and oxaluric acids to another uric acid product known as oxaluramide are obviously those of hydrogen and water to ammonia, as illustrated in the case of so many previously considered compounds, thus : H.H Hydrogen C 3 N a H 3 (H)0 3 Lantanuric. H.HO Water C 3 N a H 3 (HO)0 3 Oxaluric. H.H a N Ammonia C 3 N a H 3 (H a N)0 3 Oxaluramide. Allantoine, as shown by the fine specimen lent me by Messrs. Hopkins and Williams, is a beautiful crystalline body existing in the allantoic fluid of the fetal, and in the urine of the sucking calf. It has also been noticed by Frerichs and Stadeler in the urine of two dogs, upon whose lungs they had been experiment- ing, and is easily procurable from uric acid by oxidation with peroxide of lead. By deoxidation, it yields glycoluril (Rheineck). Mycomelic acid may be obtained, among other processes, by heating uric acid with water under pressure,* thus : Uric acid Mycomelic acid Carbonic oxide C 5 N 4 H 4 3 = C 4 N 4 H 4 0, + CO. As I have before observed, it stands to paraban in exactly the same relation that uric acid stands to alloxan. From the obser- vations of Hlasiwetz it seems probable that some supposed urate of ammonia deposits, occurring in urine, really consist of myco- melic acid, which similarly evolves ammonia when treated with alkalies, and yields murexide when evaporated with nitric acid. (144.) Ofmesoxalic mon-ureides, alloxan and barbituric acid appear to be the most important. Alloxan, the first discovered product cf the artificial oxidation of uric acid, has recently been recognised by Liebig as a pre-formed constituent of urine. By treatment with bromine, it yields dibromobarbituric acid, * Possibly, thus : Uric acid Water Mycomelic Formic C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + H a O = C 4 N 4 H 4 O a + CH a O a . MESOXALJC MON-UREIDES. 137 convertible by successive hydrogenation into bromobarbituric, and barbituric acid, which last serves as a sort of nucleus in the following series of compounds : Mesoxalic Mon-ureides C 4 N 2 H a (HO) a 3 Alloxanic. C 4 N a H a (Br a )0 3 Dibromobarbituric, C 4 N a H 4 3 Barbituric. C 4 N a H 3 (Br)0 3 Bromobarbituric. C 4 N 2 H 3 (HO)0 3 Dialuric. C 4 N 2 H 3 (H a N)0 3 Uramile. Qtiyi^H^SOjJOj Thionuric. C 4 N 2 H 3 (NO)0 3 Violuric. C 4 N 2 H 3 (NO a )0 3 Dilituric. C 8 N 4 H 6 (N a 3 )0 6 Violantine. The last body on the list namely, violantine seems to be not a diamerone or residuary, but a completed compound of the vic- luric and dilituric acids. It is observable that the mutual rela- tionship of barbituric acid, dialuric acid, and uramile in this subs-group is strictly parallel to that of lantanuric acid, oxaluric acid, and oxaluramide in the preceding one. Moreover, the malonic and barbituric acids are homologous with the oxalic and parabanic acids respectively ; or, in other words, the most oxidised of known 2-carbon uric acid products are homologically the re- presentatives of the least oxidised 3 -carbon products thus, C a H 2 4 Oxalic C 3 N 2 H 2 3 Parabanic C 3 H 4 4 Malonic C 4 N,H 4 3 Barbituric; although from another point of view they correspond more nearly with mesoxalic acid and alloxan, as I have already remarked. (145.) The relationship subsisting between the three mesoxal- di-ureides, though long suspected from the similarity of their formulae hypoxanthine C 5 N 4 H 4 O, xanthine C 5 N 4 H 4 2 , and uric acid C 5 N 4 H 4 O 3 has but very recently received an experimental demonstration at the hands of Strecker and Kheineck. With the first of these bodies, or hypoxanthine, originally found by Scheerer inhuman and bovine splenic juices, the so-called sarcine, 138 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY-f-LECTURE VI. ' subsequently discovered by Strecker in juice of flesh, and thought to be a distinct base, has since proved to be identical. From the results of Scheerer, Strecker, Gorup-Besanez, and others, it ap- pears that hypoxanthine exists to a very appreciable extent in most glandular juices and in muscular tissue, particularly of the heart, while it has also been recognised in brain-substance and in the blood and urine. It occurs as a white crystalline powder, insoluble in cold and sparingly soluble in hot water. Strecker has shown that by oxidation with nitric acid, it yields xanthine, and gives accordingly with nitric acid, the characteristic reac- tion of xanthine a compound which has also been detected in blood and in most animal juices. Under the name of xanthic oxide, it was discovered in 1819 by the elder Marcet, in a variety of urinary calculus which subsequent experience has proved to be very rare. It has been met with, more frequently indeed, though still very seldom, as an amorphous urinary deposit, and in one case recorded by Bence Jones it occurred in lozenge- shaped crystals. Its habitual presence, however, in small quan- tity, as a dissolved constituent of urine, seems now to be very well established. Xanthine, moreover, is not only known as a urinary, but also as an intestinal concretion, for Gobel has met with it as the chief constituent of certain oriental bezoar stones obtained from ruminating animals. I have already mentioned Strecker's artificial production of xanthine by the oxidation of hypoxanthine or sarcine with nitric acid. Conversely, Strecker and Rheineck have very recently shown that uric acid, by deoxidation with sodium-amalgam, yields a mixture of xanthine and hypoxanthine, the latter in greatest proportion, so that the actual relationship of the three bodies is now placed beyond all question. Hitherto hypoxanthine and xanthine, having been obtained in small quan- tities only, have not been subjected to any detailed examination. It can scarcely be doubted, however, that xanthine is a mon- ureide of barbituric and a di-ureide of malonic acid, in the same sense that uric acid is a mon-ureide of dialuric and a di-ureide of tartronic acid. We may hope, indeed, to have these relations very soon established by experiment ; for, even if it should not MESOXALIC DI-UEEIDES. 139 prove possible to prepare xanthine advantageously from uric acid, still the fact of its close relationship thereAvith would lead us to expect its more abundant existence than has hitherto been ima- gined particularly, for instance, in the excreta of those animals whose normal mode of tissue-waste results in the production of uric acid rather than of urea. (146.) This expectation is strengthened by the extraction from guano, the well-known dried excrement of sea-fowl, of a feeble base called guanine, which bears to xanthine the same often- referred-to relation that ammonia bears to water, as shown in the following series of formulae : C 5 N 4 H 3 (H)0 Hypoxanthine. C S N 4 H 3 (HO)0 Xanthine. C 5 N 4 H 3 (H 2 N)0 Guanine. C 5 N 4 H 3 (HO) 3 Uric acid. Just, in fact, as uric acid, and doubtless xanthine, yield by oxi- dation parabanic acid and urea, so does guanine yield by oxidation parabanic acid and amido-urea or guanidine,* thus : Xanthine Parabanic Urea C 5 N 4 H 3 (HO)0 + H a O + 3 = C 3 N 2 H 2 3 + CN a H 3 (HO) + C0 2 ? G-uanine Parabanic Guanidine C 3 N 4 H 3 (H 3 N)0 + H 2 + 3 = C 3 N 4 H 2 3 + CN a H 3 (H 2 N) + C0 a . Moreover, xanthine itself occurs in small quantity as a secondary product of the above oxidation of guanine, and may be obtained * By the oxidation of kreatine, which has been already described as a polymerone of glycolic acid, methylamine, and urea, its glycolic residue is converted into oxalic acid, while its methylamine and urea residues are left in combination to form methylainido-urea or methyluramine, a compound homologous with amido-urea or guanidine, thus : CN 3 H 3 (HO) Urea. CN 2 H 3 (H 3 N) Guanidine. CN 2 H 3 (CH 3 HN) Methyluramine. Again, biuret C 2 N 3 H 5 O a , or C 2 N.5H 3 (H s lS[)O a , may be regarded as carbo- guanidinic acid, just as allophan C 2 N 3 H 4 3 or CaN a H 3 (HO)0 2 is regarded as carb-ureic acid. 140 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. in larger quantity by treating guanine with nitrous acid, accord- ing to the general method adopted for converting amidated into hydrated bodies, thus : Guanine Nitrous Xanthine C 5 N 4 H 3 (H a N)O + (HO)NO = C 5 N 4 H 3 (HO)0 + N, + H 4 0. That the guanine extracted from guano is a constituent of the birds' excrement as voided, and not a product of decomposition, is rendered probable by its occurrence under other circumstances. Thus it forms the chief portion of the excrement of the garden spider, has been recognised by Scheerer in the pancreas of the horse, and is occasionally met with in human urine. (147.) We have now only left for consideration the pseudo- uric and uroxanic acids, which we may regard as terms in the following series : C 5 N 4 H 4 3 Uric. C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + H,0 = C 5 N 4 H 6 4 Pseudo-uric. C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + 2 H 2 = C 5 N 4 H 8 5 C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + 3 H 3 = C 5 N 4 H 10 6 Uroxanic. C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + 4H<0 = C 3 H 4 5 Tartronic * 2CN a H 4 Urea ? Pseudo-uric acid is a recent discovery of Baeyer's. It has not actually been produced by the direct or indirect hydration of uric acid, but only by the combination of cyanic acid vapour with uramile or amido-barbituric acid. Just, in fact, as cyanic acid converts ammonia into anomalous cyanate of ammonia or urea, so does it convert the residue of ammonia contained in ura- mile into a residue of urea, thereby changing the amido-monureide into a simple diureide, thus : Uramile Cyanic acid Pseudo-uric C 4 N a H 3 (NH a )0 3 + CNHO = C 4 N,H 3 (CN a H 3 0)0 3 or C 5 N 4 H 6 4 . Pseudo-uric acid occurs as a white crystalline almost insoluble powder. Hitherto it has not proved dehydrateable into uric acid ; but by dehydrogenation, in presence of water, it behaves like uric acid, breaking up into alloxan and urea. The compound C 5 N 4 Hs0 5 is unknown, while uroxanic acid C 5 N 4 H 10 06, is ULTIMATE CONSTITUTION OF URIC ACID. 14! known but very imperfectly. Unlike pseudo-uric acid, it really results from the absorption of water by uric acid, and is produced in the form of its potassium-salt by boiling uric acid for a long time in solution of caustic potash. In the free state it occurs as a white, glistening, sparingly soluble powder. The absorption of a fourth atom of water by uric acid would doubtless lead, not to the formation of a new hydrate, but to the breaking up of the acid itself, most likely into tartronic acid and urea. (148.) I have already referred to upwards of forty uric acid products, by no means all that are known, and I have indicated the existence of many more, as yet unknown, to fill up gaps in the different series. Now, when we reflect that in all probability most of these compounds, actual and problematical, do not stand alone, but are associated each with a more or less numerous set of isomers, that is to say, of bodies having the same ultimate composition, but a different molecular arrangement we scarcely venture to contemplate the almost overwhelming intricacy with which we are threatened. To us, as physicians, however, the subject is capable of assuming a simpler aspect. On any view of its constitution, hydrated uric acid differs in composition from two atoms of urea by the addition of three atoms of carbonic oxide CO, capable of oxidation into carb-anhydride C0 2 , and by that oxidation of generating a certain amount of heat, or its equi- valent of motion : Water "Uric acid Oxygen Carb-anhyd. Urea *H a O -f C 5 N 4 H 4 3 + C or C 3 3 (CN a H 4 0) 3 CM 3 [ Hence, uric acid must be considered to result from an incomplete oxidation of nitrogenous tissue, whereby, in addition to urea, carbonic oxide is produced instead of carbonic anhydride. In accordance with this deduction, then, we are not surprised to find that the tissue-metamorphosis of reptiles, whose motions are so sluggish and temperature is so low, should yield imperfectly burned and used carbonic oxide in the form of uric acid, or rather ui#te of ammonia, instead of the perfectly burnt and used carb-anhydride excreted by mammals. On the other hand, this 142 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. view seems at first sight altogether discordant with the similar excretion of urate of ammonia by birds and insects, whose motions are so active and temperatures so high. But by having regard to the following considerations, it will, I think, appear that the loss, or rather non-liberation, of force resulting from the merely half-burning, so to speak, of the excess of carbon excreted as uric acid, is less than at first sight appears, and is, moreover, largely compensated for by certain consequent advantages. (149.) For reasons which I cannot now discuss, the experi- mental results actually obtained on the quantities of heat evolved by the combustion of carbon into carbonic oxide and anhydride respectively, are not applicable to the point we have under our consideration, which at present therefore can only be decided from analogy and general principles. Let us then imagine the production of carbonic oxide and anhydride under conditions as nearly as possible analogous. Let us conceive, for instance, that an atom of carbon first unites with an atom of oxygen gas to form solid carbonic oxide CO, which then unites with a second atom of oxygen gas to form solid carb-anhydride CO 2 . Remembering, as explained in my fourth lecture, that the heat produced by any combination is the exact measure of the force required to sepa- rate the constituents of the compound from one another, and is, indeed, only a setting free of the heat which at some time or other was absorbed in the act of their separation, it will fol- low, provided the two atoms of oxygen in carb-anhydride are retained by the carbon with an equally strong affinity, that the amount of heat evolved by the combustion of carbon into solid carbonic oxide will be just one half of that evolved by its com- bustion into solid carb-anhydride. But we have good reason for believing that the first atom of oxygen in carb-anhydride is more firmly retained than the second atom, and consequently that the amount of heat liberated by the combination of the first atom is greater than that liberated by the combination of the second atom of oxygen; or, in other words, that the heat evolved in the pro- duction of solid carbonic oxide CO, is more than half of that evolved in the production of solid carb-anhydride C0 2 . OXIDATIONS INTO UEIC ACID AND UREA. 143 (i 50.) But we are actually concerned with a comparison of the amounts of heat evolved in the oxidation of tissue-carbon into the solid carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid on the one hand, . and into the gaseous carb-anhydride discharged from the lungs on the other. Now it would appear that the latent heat of gaseous carbon, or the quantity of heat absorbed in its vaporisation, amounts to fully - of that evolved by its mere combustion into carb-anhydride ; * so that the ratio of the heat evolved by the combustion of carbon into gaseous carb-anhydride CO 2 , to the heat evolved by its combustion into solid carbonic oxide CO, would be as | to l - (more exactly as -^ to j^), or of course as i to ^ even leaving out of consideration the probable excess of heat developed in the production of solid carbonic oxide over that developed in its conversion into solid carb-anhydride. By the dis- charge, then, of uric acid, instead of carb-anhydride and urea, there is a loss of 50 per cent, of heat by imperfect oxidation, minus a gain of 25 per cent, of heat by the discharge from the body of solid carbon and oxygen in the form of uric acid, instead of gaseous carbon and oxygen in the form of carb-anhydride. I am aware that in arriving at this conclusion, which is avowedly based on assumption, several modifying actions of more or less importance have been disregarded ; still I think it cannot be doubted that the amount of heat produced by the conversion of tissue-carbon into the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid is more nearly | than J of that produced by its conversion into gaseous carb-anhydride. Moreover, the amount of oxygen con- sumed in the production of carbonic oxide being only one-half of that consumed in the production of carb-anhydride, the amount * While 12+16 grammes of carbonic oxide CO, in uniting with 16 grammes of oxygen 0, evolve 68 units of heat, 12 grammes of carbon C, in uniting with twice 16 grammes of oxygen O a , evolve not 136, but only 96 units of heat; the difference between 136 and 96, or 40 units of heat, being absorbed in changing the 1 6 grammes of carbon from the solid to the gaseous state. This calculation leaves out of consideration the heat absorbed and evolved respectively, in the conversion of one volume of oxygen into two volumes of carbonic oxide, and of two volumes of carbonic oxide plus one volume of oxygen into two volumes of carb-anhydride. 144 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. of cold air necessary to be inspired and heated up to the tempe- rature of the animal will be only half as much in the one case as in the other, whereby a further economy of heat will be effected. (151.) But in the liberation of pent-up force within the body, we have to consider not only the tissue burnt, but also the oxygen required to burn it. Now it is quite conceivable that in the organism of birds, for instance, an economy of oxygen or breath may be of more importance than an economy of tissue or food.* Indeed, the marvellous adoption in predatory birds of every sup- plemental contrivance for increasing ever so slightly their respi- ratory surface, without, however, departing from its almost rep- tilian type of structure, is strongly suggestive of these animals being, so to speak, under-lunged, and of the necessity for econo- mising their lung-action in every possible way. Now admitting the correctness of our former conclusion, that by the transforma- tion of a given amount of tissue-carbon into the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid, there is liberated say - of the actual energy produceable by its oxidation into gaseous carb-anhydride, it follows conversely that the transformation of two atoms of oxygen into the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid C 2 O 2 , will liberate l^ times the actual energy producible by its transformation into carb-anhydride CO 2 . So that while for a given amount of tissue- carbon we obtain 25 per cent, less, for a given amount of oxygen we obtain 50 per cent, more heat by the production of the car- bonic oxide constituent of uric acid, than by the production of gaseous carb-anhydride ; or an atom of oxygen is employed with 50 per cent, more economy in the one case than in the other. (152.) Moreover, the lungs, it must be remembered, act not only as receivers of oxygen but also as dischargers of carbon from * ' Of all animals birds are most dependent upon a constant renewal of the air in their lungs, and upon the purity of that with which they are sup- plied. Most birds will die in air which has been but slightly charged with carbonic acid, and which can be respired by mammals without immediate injury.' Carpenter's 'Principles of Physiology, General and Comparative,' 3rd ed. p. 758. RATIO OF CARBON TO NITROGEN IN UREA. 145 the body, and, in this particular, we find the lungs of birds mate- rially aided by the ejection from their kidneys of urate of am- monia instead of urea. In urea CN 2 H 4 0, the ratio of nitrogen to carbon is as 2 to i ; whereas in urate of ammonia C 5 N 5 H 7 3 , it is as i to i , so that for an equal elimination of nitrogen, the quantity of carbon discharged from the kidneys of birds in the form of nrate of ammonia, is twice as great as that discharged from the kidneys of mammals in the form of urea. Now, we have seen that the proportion of the carbon of nitrogenised tissue CsNjjH^O^, excreted by the kidneys of carnivorous mammals is -| of the whole, and accordingly that excreted by the kidneys of car- nivorous birds in the form of urate of ammonia will be - of the whole. In other words, by the production of urate of ammonia instead of urea, the lungs of birds are required to discharge only - instead of | of the waste carbon resulting from the metamor- phosis of nitrogenous tissue, although, as I have already observed, a larger amount of nitrogenous tissue has to be transformed in order to liberate the same amount of energy. On this view the comparatively large kidneys of birds and insects will have refe- rence not only to the absolute amount of tissue metamorphosed, but also to the relative increase in the proportion of carbon ex- creted by their kidneys to that excreted by their lungs. (153.) To sum up the foregoing considerations, we perceive that the amount of force lost by the metamorphosis of a given quantity of tissue, or indirectly of food, into the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid, instead of into carb-anhydride, is less than might at first be supposed that the amount of force gained by the conversion of a given quantity of oxygen into the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid, instead of into carb-anhydride, is very large and lastly, that by the production of the carbonic oxide constituent of uric acid, instead of carb-anhydride, the kid- neys of birds are enabled to act vicariously for the lungs as ex- cernents of a portion of that carbon which in mammals is habit- ually discharged by the lungs, How far this production and excretion of urate of ammonia, instead of urea and carb-anhydride, may depend upon an inade- L 146 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE YI. quate pulmonic oxidation of the blood of birds, not entirely com- pensated for by its considerable systemic oxidation ; and how far upon the connection with the portal circulation and inferior type of structure of their kidneys, as well as upon the small amount of water they drink and discharge, whereby their blood is less con- stantly and thoroughly washed than is the blood of mammals, are questions which it is for the physiologist rather than the chemist to determine. (154). I can scarcely venture to conclude this course of lec- tures on ' Animal Chemistry ' without saying a few words upon the influence exerted on tissue-metamorphosis by those chemical agents which are usually included in the class of alterative medicines. Although our acknowledged ignorance of the mode in which medicines produce their effects is made a standing reproach to medical art, only by those who, ignorant of their ignorance, wrongly conceive that in other scientific arts that of the chemist, for example the use of the different agents em- ployed has really ceased to be empiric, and become dependent upon abstract principle, still it will not do for us to regard the therapeutic actions of different medicines as ultimate facts with which we must ever rest contented, but rather as difficult pro- blems inviting a more competent investigation, and destined some day or other to yield to our inquiries. The subject, how- ever, is too remote from even the present widely-extended boun- dary of scientific knowledge the path from the known to the unknown is yet too lengthy and intricate to warrant us in ex- pecting any immediate, or, indeed, proximate resolution of the darkness by which it is surrounded. In the belief, however, that even a little gleam of light, insignificant in relation to more advanced researches, may not prove altogether worthless here, I beg respectfully to suggest the following points for your con- sideration. It will be found, I think, that those mineral sub- stances which act more especially as alteratives, actually are, and necessarily ought to be, characterised, not by their chemical energy, but by their chemical mobility ; and I do not know that I can make my meaning better evident than by directing your OXIDATION BY PEROXIDES. 147 attention to the chemical properties of iodine in comparison with those of its intimate congener, chlorine. As I shall pre- sently show you, both elements possess in a striking degree the property of oxidising various substances which resist the action of ordinary oxygen ; and this observation leads me to make a few preliminary remarks upon the process of oxidation in general. (155.) It is well known that many oxidisable bodies which are unable or scarcely able to combine directly with free oxygen, can nevertheless combine on the instant with oxygen that is already in a state of combination. It seems, indeed, as if the fact of previous combination conferred upon the transferable oxygen a greater activity or tendency to unite with other bodies. Of this peculiarity of behaviour, the non-oxidation or slow oxi- dation of sulphurous acid H 2 S0 3 , into sulphuric acid H 2 S0 4 , by mere exposure to oxygen or air, and its rapid oxidation by means of certain hyper-oxygenised compounds, such as the peroxides of hydrogen and nitrogen, affords us an excellent illustration. I have here a freshly made solution of sulphurous acid, and to it I add a little chloride of barium, which, you observe, does not in the least disturb its transparency, thereby showing its freedom from any trace of sulphuric acid. I now draw a rapid current of air through the mixed liquid, but with no obvious effect. The sulphurous acid and oxygen, despite their agitation together, remain sulphurous acid and oxygen, instead of combining with one another to form sulphuric acid. Accordingly, we have not enough sulphuric acid produced to afford even a turbidity with the previously added barium-salt, although, by a pro- longed agitation with one another, some sulphuric acid would be slowly formed. I now divide the mixed solution of sul- phurous acid and chloride of barium, and to one portion add a little peroxide of hydrogen, when immediately we get a copious white precipitate of sulphate of barium, showing that the sul- phurous acid, which would not unite with the free oxygen of the air, has united at once with the combined oxygen of the peroxide, thus : L2 148 AXIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. Sulphurous Hydric perox. Sulphuric "Water H a S0 3 H 2 0.0 = H 2 S0 4 + H a O, The second half of the liquid I now pour into this bottle, charged, as you see, with brown fumes of peroxide of nitrogen, and agitate the whole for an instant or so ; when the rapid oxida- tion of the sulphurous acid is rendered evident, in this as in the former experiment, by an abundant precipitation of sulphate of barium, while the brown peroxide is simultaneously reduced to the state of colourless oxide of nitrogen, thus : Sulphurous Nitric perox. Sulphuric Nitric oxide H a S0 3 + NO.O = H 2 S0 4 + NO. (156.) The peroxides of hydrogen and nitrogen, therefore, are deoxidised by sulphurous acid in a precisely similar manner ; but we shall find a great diiference of behaviour in the protoxides re- sulting from their respective deoxidations. Thus the protoxide of hydrogen, or water, is a far more difficult substance to peroxidisethan sulphurous acid itself. It is only, indeed, by a series of indirect processes that we are able to fasten on to its molecule an additional atom of oxygen, so as to convert it into the peroxide; and this added atom of oxygen is retained with such a feeble force, that it is frequently thrown off in the gaseous state, and constantly given up with the greatest readiness to any oxidisable substance, such as sulphurous acid. Although, therefore, it seems strange that sulphurous acid should not readily absorb oxygen from the air, there is nothing strange in its taking away the additional loosely combined oxygen existing in peroxide of hydrogen. But the oxide of nitrogen resulting from the deoxidation of its per- oxide is a very different kind of body. Of all compounds known to chemists it is the one which absorbs free oxygen with the greatest avidity. No sooner, for instance, do I open the stopper of this bottle than the contained nitric oxide which we reduced from the peroxide a few minutes ago, combines at once with fresh oxygen from the air to become reconverted into the brown per- oxide ; and, on now closing the bottle and agitating its contents, ALTERATIVE ACTION OF IODINE. 149 the sulphurous acid, which is of itself unable to combine directly with atmospheric oxygen, instantly robs the peroxide of nitrogen of the oxygen which it had absorbed directly from the atmosphere, as in the ordinary manufacture of sulphuric acid, thus : Sulphurous H a S0 3 Oxygen + Sulphurous H,S0 3 Oxygen f 0. Nitric oxide NO Oxygen + Nitric peroxide N0 2 . ...-;. Sulphurous Nitric perox. Sulphuric Nitric oxide H a S0 3 + N0 a = H a S0 4 + NO. (157.) Nitric oxide and peroxide, then, are the types of chemi- cally mobile compounds. Eegarded as a reducing agent, there are many more powerful de-oxygenants than the oxide ; regarded as an oxidising agent, there are many more energetic oxyge- nants than the peroxide ; but there are no two associated bodies known to chemists which respectively absorb and evolve oxygen with so much facility. As remarked by Laurent, ' There is no substance which presents such singular properties as nitric oxide. i . - . It is, perhaps, the only body which, in the dry state and at the ordinary temperature, can combine suddenly with oxygen. The combination, moreover, takes place without the evolution of heat, and the body which results, far from retaining the oxygen that it has so readily absorbed, is perhaps of all bodies the one which is deoxidised most easily.' Now, while chlorine may be compared to peroxide of hydrogen, it is the sort of chemical mobility manifested by the oxides of nitrogen, which is charac- teristic of iodine, and, I believe, of most mineral alteratives. Iodide of hydrogen or potassium is, like nitric oxide, a facile reducing agent, and free iodine or hypiodite of potassium, like peroxide of nitrogen, a facile oxygenant so that wherever the iodine travels it is capable of influencing the processes of oxida- tion there going on absorbing oxygen where there is excess, delivering active oxygen where there is deficiency just as our nitric compound absorbs oxygen from the air and delivers it up 15 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. to the sulphurous acid. It is this chemical mobility of iodine, then, which chiefly distinguishes it from its more active con- geners, chlorine and bromine. The general chemical relationship of these three elements to one another is most striking. With the probable exception of fluorine, they possess the exclusive property of uniting with hydrogen in the proportion of volume to volume, the combinations, moreover, being unattended by any condensation. Again, the resulting compounds namely, the hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acids are all gaseous, all fuming, all soluble in water, and all producible by similar reactions. (158.) Another common property by which chlorine, bromine, and iodine are characterised, is their marked activity when in the free state, which very greatly exceeds that of oxygen under similar conditions. In my last lecture I showed you the violent action of chlorine on metallic copper, upon which ordinary oxygen is, as you know, almost without action ; and I have only a few minutes back referred to the little effect exerted by free oxygen upon various oxidisable bodies. But chlorine, bromine, and iodine act upon different metals, pseudo-metals, and com- pounds, with the greatest readiness ; and, indeed, several of the iodides contained in the London and British Pharmacopoeias are directed to be made by treating the respective metals at once with iodine. Lastly, all three elements are capable of acting as oxidising agents in cases where free oxygen is altogether, or almost, impotent. They contain no oxygen, it is true, and are, on the contrary, so far as our present knowledge goes, simple or elementary bodies. Nevertheless, in the presence of water, they act as very powerful oxygenants by uniting with the hydrogen of the water, and so liberating its pre-combined, and consequently active oxygen. Thus, on adding chlorine, bromine, and iodine respectively to the clear mixture of sulphurous acid and chloride of barium contained in these three glasses, we have in each in- stance an immediate precipitate of sulphate of barium from the oxidation of the sulphurous acid just as in our former experi- ments with the peroxides of hydrogen and nitrogen the reaction being as follows : INDIRECT OXIDATION BY HALOGENS. 151 Sulphurous Water Chlorine Sulphuric Chlorhydric H a S0 3 + H a O + Cl a = H a S0 4 + aHCL Here, again, I have three white magmas of protoxide of lead, with an excess of dilute alkali, exposed freely to the air ; and this protoxide, although it does not absorb oxygen from the air, yet when treated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, is at once oxidised more or less completely into the brown peroxide, as you perceive, thus : Lead-oxide Water Bromine Lead-perox. Bromhydric PbO + H a O + Br a = PbO a + Lastly, I have in these three glasses some solution of blue indigo exposed to the air, but unoxidised by the air. On adding chlorine, bromine, and iodine, however, it is at once bleached or oxidised into isatin, thus : Indigo Water Iodine Isatin lodhydric C 8 H 5 NO + H a O + I, = C 8 H 5 NO a + aHL ( 1 59.) In all these particulars, then, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, though so different in their medicinal action, resemble one ano- ther to the greatest extent chemically. Now let us see what are their chemical, and, I may add, physical differences. I will first advert to their combining proportions, or the relative weights of each of them, which unite with I part by weight of hydrogen. These are indicated by the numbers 35*5, 80, and 127, which also represent their respective specific gravities-, when in the gaseous state. You will observe that the proportional number of bromine is intermediate between that of chlorine and iodine, and indeed approximates very closely to the true arithmetic mean, ^ = 8o'8, thus : - Cl 35*5 Chlorine. Br 80 Bromine. I 127 Iodine. 152 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTUKE VI. The circumstance of these numbers also expressing the chemical equivalents of the several elements leads to some curious medico- chemical considerations. Thus, bearing in mind that sodium and potassium are related to one another in much the same way as are chlorine and iodine, though not perhaps quite so intimately, it will follow that 58*5 parts of common salt or chloride of sodium and 74-5 parts of chloride of potassium are the chemical equiva- lents of 1 66 parts of iodide of potassium, thus : NaCl 23 + 35-5 = 58-5 KC1 39 + 35-5 = 74-5 KI = 39 + 127 = 166-0 Chemically, then, 58*5 parts of chloride of sodium are just as efficient as 1 66 parts of iodide of potassium ; but while most of us, I suppose, are in the habit of taking fifty or sixty grains of common salt twice or three times a day, none of us, I conceive, would like to take 166 grains of iodide of potassium even once in the same period. (160.) The gradational difference subsisting between the atomic weights or volume-weights of chlorine, bromine, and iodine is typical of all their chemical and physical differences. Thus their usual states of aggregation, gaseous, liquid, and solid, and the colours of their respective gases or vapours, green, orange, and violet, are sequential to one another ; while, in a chemical point of view, we notice a successive decrease of the force with which they respectively enter into and remain in com- bination with most other bodies. Thus chlorine combines directly with hydrogen upon simple exposure of the mixed gases to ordinary daylight, and the resulting chlorhydric acid is an extremely stable body. But the direct combination of bro- mine with hydrogen takes place very imperfectly, and then only at a red heat, while the bromine of the resulting compound is liberated with comparative ease. Further, the direct combina- tion of iodine with hydrogen is almost impracticable, while the iodhydric acid resulting from the indirect combination of the two elements is readily decomposed even by the action of atmospheric COMPARISON OF IODINE WITH CHLORINE. 153 oxygen, thus : 2HI + O=H 2 O + 1 2 . Now, it is this feebleness of the force with which iodine enters into certain combinations, and consequent facility with which it is separated from such combi- nations, that give it that peculiar mobility to which I have already adverted. The chief chemical difference, indeed, be- tween chlorine and iodine seems to be that chlorine in the free state is far more active than iodine, and iodine in the combined state far more mobile than chlorine, while in both respects bro- mine occupies an intermediate position. Hence, on adding a little bromine-water to this solution of iodide of potassium, the bromine expels the iodine, KI + Br = KBr + I, which, dissol- ving in the chloroform I had previously introduced, manifests itself to you by the production of a beautiful violet-coloured stratum at the bottom of the tube. Similarly, when I add a little chlorine water to this solution of bromide of potassium, the chlorine expels the bromine, KBr + Cl KCl + Br, which dissolv- ing in the previously introduced ether, floats on the surface as an orange-brown layer ; so that while bromine expels iodine, chlorine expels bromine, and a fortiori iodine, from their respective com- binations. Accordingly, we may regard 35*5 parts of chlorine as an energetic representative of 127 parts of iodine ; but it is this very energy of chlorine, I conceive, which disqualifies it for acting medicinally as an alterative. On account of its intense chemical affinity, it unites more rapidly and forcibly than iodine with the different basyloids it may chance to encounter, but di- rectly it has entered into combination with them, its work is done, its action ceases. The resulting chloride of sodium, or other chloride, is of so stable a nature as to be impressionable only to violent chemical agencies ; whereas, iodine, on the other hand, forming very unstable compounds, is constantly, with every change of circumstance, entering into a fresh state of liberation or combination constantly effecting fresh oxidising or deoxidis- ing actions. (161.) I have already given you several illustrations of the oxidising action of free iodine, and ought, perhaps, to mention one or two instances of the correlative deoxidising action of com- 154 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTtRE VI. bined iodine. You will remember that succinic acid, which is so to speak, the oxalic acid of the butyric group, is intimately asso- ciated with certain other members of the same group, thus : Succinic Sub-group C 4 H 4 4 Fumaric. C 4 H 6 4 Succinic. C 4 H 6 S Malic. C 4 H 6 6 Tartaric. Now tartaric acid, when heated with aqueous iodide of hydro- gen or iodhydric acid, is converted into malic acid with liberation of iodine, thus : Tartaric Iodhydric Malic Iodine Water C 4 H 6 6 + zHI = C 4 H 6 5 + I, + H 3 0. Similarly the malic and fumaric acids are reducible into suc- cinic acid by means of iodhydric acid, thus : Malic Iodhydric Succinic Iodine Water C 4 H 6 5 + aHI = C 4 H 6 4 + I, + H a O. Fumaric Iodhydric Succinic Iodine C 4 H 4 O 4 + aHI = C 4 H 6 4 + I,. Accordingly, we find that while free iodine, acting as an oxi- dising agent, produces iodhydric acid, this same acid, acting as a deoxidising agent, reproduces free iodine. Here, for instance, I have some iodhydric acid, mixed with a little starch to show the results of the experiment. I now add to the iodhydric acid some peroxidised substance, which it immediately reduces, with liberation of iodine, as shown by the blue colour of the liquid. I now add to the free iodine some suboxidised substance, which it immediately oxidises, with reconversion into iodhydric acid, as shown by the disappearance of the blue colour. On now adding some more of the peroxidised substance, I re-liberate the iodine, and, on afterwards adding some more of the suboxidised substance, I reproduce the iodhydric acid, and so on ad infinitum. The characteristic chemical property of iodine consists, therefore, in METALLIC ALTERATIVES. 155 the comparative feebleness of its affinities, or in the loose state of combination with which it is capable of being retained by other bodies ; so that, while the more energetic chlorine acts once for all, the less energetic iodine .is acting and reacting upon every occasion. Accordingly, while it makes all the difference whether we employ free chlorine or chloride of sodium to produce the therapeutic effects of chlorine, it makes very little difference whether we employ free iodine or iodide of potassium to produce the therapeutic effects of iodine. Wherever the element travels, it either oxidises or deoxidises, accordingly as it comes into contact with bodies more or less oxidisable than itself, at that particular moment. It acts, in fact, not only as a converter of inactive or free, into active or combined oxygen, but also as a conveyer of oxygen from wherever it is in excess to wherever it is in defi- ciency. (162.) Now, what is true of iodine and its compounds is also true of the compounds of mercury, of arsenic, and of another metal whose alterative action is manifested in almost an opposite fashion, namely, iron. Considered chemically, the compounds of these three metals are, perhaps, the most constantly impression- able of any with which we are acquainted. In the laboratory, and even in the factory, we habitually avail ourselves of mercuric, arsenic, and ferric compounds as oxygenants, and of mercurous, arsenious, and ferrous compounds as deoxygenants or reducants. The relationship between chlorine and iodine is parallel to that between phosphorus and arsenic, the phosphoric and arsenic acids, for instance, though so different in their therapeutic effects, being the strict chemical analogues of one another. Phosphorus is a far more active element than arsenic, and its combinations are far more stable. Phosphate of sodium, once formed, is like common salt; a stable innocuous body; while arseniate of sodium, like iodide of potassium, is an active body, because of its instability because of the liability of its arsenical constituent to affect and be affected by the chemical actions taking place everywhere throughout the body. I am far, of course, from thinking that this susceptibility to oxidation and deoxidation furnishes a complete solution of the 156 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. medicinal efficacy of alterative salts. But when we remember that every change produced in the composition of any part of the animal body is a chemical change, necessitating a correlative change in the composition of the reacting substance, it is obvious that we must look for alterative agents among that class of sub- stances which are most susceptible of chemical change ; and I would add further, that an explanation of the different kinds of alterative effect producible by different classes of compounds, as of mercury and iron, for instance, is, doubtless, to be sought for in the different chemical habitudes of the respective elements. (163.) A few words upon the effect of alkalies in promoting oxidation. I mentioned in my last lecture the peculiar decom- position of animal substances resulting from their treatment with caustic alkali, and consisting in an oxidation of their carbonous at the expense of their hydrogenous constituents. Now, this action is apparently determined by the tendency which exists among differently characterised elements to arrange themselves in stable groupings, and more particularly to form stable oxi-salts. The presence of alkali rendering the formation of such salts pos- sible, by furnishing the necessary base, we find that under treat- ment with caustic potash KHO, for instance, the carbon of organic matter is oxidised into various acids, which appear in the form of their respective potassium-salts ; while the excessive hydrogen of the organic matter, together with that of the potash employed, is liberated in the gaseous state, as already exemplified by the re- action of caustic potash with oil of bitter almonds. As a result of this tendency, then, we obtain, as I have previously remarked, very similar products by fusing animal substances with caustic alkalies, and by submitting them to the action of powerful oxygenants. It is observable, however, as well in artificial as in natural processes, that the ultimate effects of a gentle chemical action are often more complete than the immediate results of a comparatively violent one ; and it is to this more gentle action of alkalies that I would now direct your attention. We find that many organic substances, which of themselves are scarcely affected by exposure to oxygen or air, undergo a complete and even some- ALKALINE ALTERATIVES. 157 what rapid oxidation under the influence of alkalies, the tendency of their constituent carbon to become oxidised, otherwise inferior to that of their constituent hydrogen, becoming intensified, appa- rently because of the opportunity afforded by the presence of the alkali for the formation of salts instead of acids. (164.) Be the explanation, however, what it may, the fact is unquestionable, and readily admits of experimental illustration. For instance, I have in this porcelain dish the watery solution of a substance well known to photographers as pyrogallic acid, though its acidity is of such a feeble character that it is nowadays more frequently spoken of by chemists under the neutral appella- tion of pyrogallin. At present, the solution in the dish, though exposed freely to the air for upwards of an hour, has not under- gone any appreciable oxidation. I now moisten the interior of this long tube with a little aqueous potash, and invert it in the solution, when the commencing oxidation of the dissolved pyro- gallin is manifested to you by its almost immediate assumption of a brown-black colour, followed by the gradual rising up of the black liquid in the tube, through an absorption of the oxygen of the contained air. The pyrogallin, which did not become oxi- dised in any appreciable degree so long as there was no alkali present, now becomes oxidised with considerable rapidity, as you observe, yielding among other products acetate, oxalate and car- bonate of potassium. Other familiar illustrations of this action of alkalies are afforded us in the employment of lime to promote the destructive oxidation of dead bodies, and as a manure to de- stroy the organic matter of peaty soils. Some very interesting results have also been obtained by Gorup-Besanez, who found that glycerin, sugar, leucine, hippuric acid, oxalic acid, and the fatty and aromatic acids, which of themselves were unacted upon by ozonised air, underwent a very complete oxidation when sub- mitted to the same reagent in the presence of caustic or even carbonated alkali. Benzoic acid, for instance, which results from the violent oxidation of animal matter, and consistently resists the action of very powerful oxygenants, undergoes a complete and somewhat speedy oxidation when submitted in alkaline solution 158 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE VI. to the action of ozone. And in some of these oxidations the curious circumstance was noted, that between the original sub- stance stearic acid C^gH^C^, or benzoic acid C 7 H6O 2 , for in- stance and the final carbonic acid, no intermediate products could be detected. It seemed, indeed, as if portion after portion of the original substance was completely oxidised and broken up into separate molecules of carbonic acid, instead of the entire substance undergoing a gradual oxidation and simplification, by the successive burning off of its constituent carbon-atoms, one after another, into carbonic acid. With such facts as these before us, I would submit that the so-called resolvent action of alkalies upon the animal economy, like that of iodine, is a direct conse- quence of the peculiar chemical characterisation by which they are enabled to act as oxidising agents. (165.) Despite, however, the interest of these questions, upon which I have been able to bestow but a very hasty notice, I must now break off their discussion altogether, and regretfully take my leave of you. In bringing this course of lectures to a conclusion, I have to thank you, my indulgent auditors, and more particu- larly the President and Fellows of the College, for the kind encouragement which your continued presence has afforded me. I am aware how far short my lectures have fallen of that de- gree of excellence which I had hoped to attain, and you had a right to expect ; and how much the measure of success which has attended them must be attributed to the intrinsic merit of the subject, and your good-natured willingness to be pleased with its expounder. I have endeavoured throughout to bring prominently before you the dynamical idea of organic chemistry, as connected with changes of composition. I have shown you that, in the organism of the plant, carbonic acid and water are submitted to a constant deoxidising change, whereby they become successively converted into more and more complex bodies, many of which we are now able to produce, all of which we hope some day to produce, by similar processes in the laboratory ; that the change in composition undergone by carbonic acid and water is attended by a storing-up of solar force in the resulting products, and that DYNAMICAL VIEW OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 159 the correlative change in composition undergone by these pro- ducts into water and carbonic acid is attended by a liberation of the force stored up in them ; that in every organ of the animal body oxidation is continually taking place to furnish that organ with the force necessary for the performance both of its nutritive acts and external manifestations ; that the juice of every gland and muscle is crowded with oxidised products of its own meta- morphosis, similar to, or even identical with, those procurable by an artificial oxidation of the selfsame tissue out of the body ; that inasmuch as the exercise of every function of the living body is attended by, and consequent upon, a change of chemical com- position, the investigation of every action of the body, even of those which are the most mechanical, becomes to a large extent a chemical question ; and lastly, that while perversions of nutrition, perversions of metamorphosis, and the modifying influence of re- medies, are many-sided subjects which may be viewed from many different aspects, he must have but a very imperfect and one-sided view of these subjects, who leaves the chemical aspect altogether out of his consideration. INDEX. ACE A CETAMIDE, residues of, 27 J\. Acetic acid, congeners of, 47 inflammability of, 34 synthesis of, 59-91 Acetonitrile, residues of, 27 Acetylene, characters of, 90 hydrogenation of, 88 synthesis of, 88 Acids and amides, mutual metamor- phoses of, 1 1 8 Acids, oxidation by, 117 Alcohol, synthesis of, 89 Alcohols, synthetic plasticity of, 82 Aldehydes, acidifiability of, 1 1 1 examples of, 1 1 1 properties of, no Alkalies, oxidation by, 157 Allantoine, a diureide, 136 Allophan, a polymerone, 43 Allophanic acid, a mon-ureide, 133 Alloxan, a mon-ureide, 136 Alterative action of iodine, 155 Alteratives, action of alkaline, 156 action of metallic, 155 Amides, cyanuric, 19 mineral, 16 organic, 17 Amid-hypoxanthine, orguanine, 139 Ammonia, a pabulum for plants, 52 acetate, dehydration of, 27 nitrogen a proxy for, 55 oxalate, dehydration of, 29 type, 10 Aniline, synthesis of, 94 Animal products, list of, 5 Animality, characteristics of, 77 An-ureide acids, 131 Aplones, combination of, 55 CHE Aplone molecules, 30 Aromatic acids of flesh, 115 series of, 34 Asparagine, decomposition of, 92 Atomic heats, 14 Atomic weights, table of, 1 5 "DARBITURIC ACID, a mon-ure- _D ide, 144 Benzamide, origin of, 37 Benzoglycolic acid, origin of, 38 Benzoic acid, synthesis of, 94 group, 35 Bile-acids, polymerones, 44 Birds, tissue-oxidation in, 144 Butyric acid group, 32 synthesis of, 92 nAEB-ANHYDEIDE, carbon \J from, 63 reduction of, 62 Carbon -atoms, conjunction of, 51 separation of, 49 Carbon, combination-heat of, 100 combustion of, 6r Carbon-compounds, complexity of, 2 3 number of, 23 Carbonic acid, metamorphoses of, 84 series, 36 Carbonic oxide, combination-heat of, 142 synthesis by, 83 Chemical action, nature of, 4 of medicines. 146 Chemical actions of plant-life, 63 elements, 7 1 62 INDEX. CHE Chemical powers, limit to ? 58 types, 7 Chemistry, dynamical, 4 first principles of, 2 organic, Analytic, 49 synthetic, 60 statical, 3 synthetic, economy of, 96 results of, 95 Chlorides, metallic, 14 typical, 13 Chlorine, activity of, 152 Classification of uric acid products, I 3 I Coal-tar colours, syn thesis of, 95 Combination of hydrogen and car- bon, direct, 89 Combination-heat of carbon, 100 carbonic oxide, 142 hydrogen, zoo zinc, 72 Combustion, solar heat restored by, 75 Corrosive sublimate, formula of, 14 Cross-bow, force of, 70 Cyanogen, production of, 28 residues of, 29 Cyanuric amides, 1 9 TkEHYDROGENATION of uric JL/ acid, 129 Diamerone, myricin, a, 42 spermaceti, a, 41 urea, a, 41 Diamerones, examples of, 40 the fats, 42 monureide, 135 Diamide, urea, a, 18 Diureide, allantoine, a, 136 mycomelic acid, a, 136 Dynamical chemistry, 4 Dynamics of uric acid, 142 E DUCTS and products, 22 Electrolysis, heat absorbed in, 74 nature of, 71 of water, 73 Elements, chemical, 7 Empiric formula of tyrosine, 1 20 Energy, actual, 7 potential, 71 HEA Ethylene, synthesis of, 88 Excretion of urates by birds, 141 by reptiles, 141 FATS, the, diamerones, 42 oxidation-products of, 48 Fatty acid series, 3 1 acids of flesh, 114 properties of, 33 series of diatomic, 36 alcohol series, 35 aldehyde series, 35 Flesh, aromatic acids of, 115 Flesh-oxidation, acids of, 113 Foot-pound, meaning of, 104 Force absorbed in nutrition, 76 indestructibility of, 76 solar origin of muscular, 107 Formation of peroxides, 148 Formic acid, history of, 85 compounds, 85 pALLIC ACID, synthesis of, 94 \J Gelatin, sugar of, 119 Glycerin, synthesis of, 9?- Glycocine, occurrence of, 119 of hippuric acid, 38 synthesis of, 91 Grape-sugar, synthesis of? 93 Group benzoic, 35 butyric, 32 propionic, 31 Group-terms, principal, 32 Guanidine, an amide, 19 production of, 139 Guanine, or amid-hypoxan thine, 139 HALOGENS, differences between, 151 mutual resemblances of, 150 oxidation by, 1 5 1 Heat absorbed in electrolysis, 74 in vegetation, 75 and motion, correlation of, 68 intensity of, 101 of friction, 69 quantity of, lor solar, restored by combustion, 75 transformations of, 68 INDEX. i6 3 HEA ORG Heat, unit of, 100 Heats, atomic, 14 Hippuric acid, constitution of, 36 decompositions of, 37 glycocine of, 38 residues of, 39 Homologous series, 33 Hydrates, mineral, 16 organic, 17 Hydrides, typical, 13 Hydrocarbons, series of aromatic, 35 Hydrochloric acid type, 7 Hydrogen and carbon, direct com- bination of, 89 Hydrogen, combination -heat of, 100 combustion of, 61 Hydrogenation of acetylene, 88 Hypoxanthine, occurrence of, 137 IGNITION of platinum wire, 73 Indestructibility of force, 76 Indigo, in urine, 122 nature of, 121 Intensity of heat, 101 lodhydric acid, reductions by, 153 Iodine, alterative action of, 1 54 mobility of, 149 KILOGEAM-METEE, meaning of, 104 Kreatine, a polymerone, 44 LACTIC ACID, synthesis of, 92 Leucine, association of, with tyrosine, 116 distribution of, 116 formation of, 5, 117 List of animal products, 5 MALIC ACID, synthesis of, 93 Mannite, production of, 51 Manures, nitrites as, 54 Marsh-gas, derivatives of, 88 production of, 87 Matter, kinds of, 3 Medicines, chemical action of, 146 Mesoxalic acid, deoxidation of, 133 oxidation of, 131 Metallic alteratives, action of* 155 chlorides, 14 Metamorphoses of carbonic acid, 84 Methylamine, 40 Methyl-compounds, 86 Methyluramine, a polymerone, 45 Mineral amides, 1 6 hydrates, 16 Mobility of iodine, 149 of nitric oxides, 149 Molecular volumes, 1 1 Molecules, aplone, 30 nitrogen, 52 polymerone, 30 Mon-ureide, allophanic acid, a, 1 3 3 alloxan, a, 136 barbituric acid, a, 136 Monureides, dehydration of, 133 Motion, arrest of, 68 and heat, correlation of, 68 transmission of, 69 unit of, 103 Muscle-heat and motion, correlation of, 1 06 oxidation, economy of, 105 results of, 98 Muscular activity, conditions of, 97 force, solar origin of, 107 Mutual metamorphoses of acids and amides, 118 Mycomelic acid, a diureide, 136 Myricin, a diamerone, 42 NITEIC OXIDES, mobility of, 149 Nitriles, acidifiability of, 113 nature of, 112 Nitrites as manures, 54 Nitrogen a proxy for ammonia, 55 molecules, 52 production of, 54 Nitrous acid, formation of, 53 reduction of, 53 Nutrition, force absorbed in, 76 OEGANIC AMIDES, 17 chemistry, analytic, 49 synthetic, 60 groups and series, 30 hydrates, 17 164 INDEX. ORG SYN Organic proximate principles, 22 Oxalate of ammonia, dehydration of, 29 Oxalic acid, oxidation of, 132 series, 36 synthesis of, 92 Oxalurate of calcium, in urine, 135 Oxidation by acids, 1 1 7 by alkalies, 157 by fused potash, 117 by peroxides, 147 slow or rapid, 102 Oxygen, evolution of, by plants, 50 "PEROXIDES, formation of, 148 JL oxidation by, 147 reduction of, 147 Phenol in urine, 123 Plant life, chemical actions of, 63 Plants, ammonia, a pabulum for, 52 evolution of oxygen by, 50 Platinum wire, ignition of, 73 Polymerone molecules, 30 allophan, a, 43 kreatine, a, 44 methylamine, a, 45 taurine, a, 43 uric acid, a, 128 Polymerones, the bile acids, 44 examples of, 43 Populin, composition of, 25 residues of, 27 Potash, oxidation by fused, 117 Processes, animal and vegetable, 64 Products and educts, 22 formation of vegetable, 79 Propionic group, 3 1 Proximate principles, organic, 22 Prussic acid, production of, 86 vital origin of? 58 Pseudo-uric acid, production of, 140 Q UANTITY of heat, 101 RATIO of urea to carbonic acid, 99 Reduction of peroxides, 147 Residues, doctrine of, 26 SALICIC ACID, synthesis of, 94 compounds, 121 Salicin, composition of, 25 hydration of, 26 residues of, 26 Saligenin, reaction of, 25 Salisuric acid in urine, 123 Sarcosine, synthesis of, 91 Series of aromatic acids, 34 hydrocarbons, 35 carbonic acid, 36 of fatty acids, 3 1 diatomic, 36 alcohols, 35 aldehydes, 35 oxalic acid, 36 Spermaceti, a diamerone, 41 Statical chemistry, 3 Steam-engine, principle of, 68 Sub-oxidised tissue-products, 108 Succinic acid, synthesis of, 92 Sugar of gelatin, 21 Sugar, vital origin of? 57 Syntheses, continuous, 81 Synthesis by carbonic oxide, 83 of acetic acid, 59, 91 acetylene, 88 alcohol, 89 aniline, 94 benzoic acid, 94 butyric acid, 92 coal-tar colours, 95 ethyl ene, 88 gallic acid, 94 glycerin, 92 glycocine, 91 grape sugar? 93 lactic acid, 92 malic acid, 92 oxalic acid, 92 salicic acid, 94 sarcosine, 91 succinic acid, 92 tartaric acid, 92 taurine, 90 valeric acid, 93 Synthetic chemistry, economics of, 96 results of, 95 Synthetic methods, general, 81 plasticity of alcohols, 82 INDEX. ,6 S TAB rpABLE of atomic weights, 15 JL of uric acid products, 1 34 Tartaric acid, synthesis of, 92 Taurine, a polymerone, 43 occurrence of, 6 synthesis of, 90 Tissue-oxidation, in birds, 142 order of, 109 Tissue-products, sub-oxidised, 108 Trimethylamine, occurrence of, 87 Types, ammonia, 10 chemical, 7 hydrochloric acid, 7 water, 9 Typical chlorides, 1 3 hydrides, 12 Tyrosine, constitution of, 124 distribution of, 116 empiric formula of, 1 20 formation of, 117 TTNIT of heat, 100 U of motion, 103 Urea, a diamerone, 41 a diamide, 1 8 artificial production of, 86 existence of, in uric acid? 129 Uric acid, a polymerone, 128 decomposition of, 129 dehydrogenation of, 129 dynamics of, 142 excretion, by birds, 141 by reptiles, 141 existence of urea in ? 129 ZIN Uric acid, history of, 127 products, classification of, 131 table of, 1 34 ultimate constitution of, 141 Urine, indigo in, 1 22 oxalurate of calcium in, 135 phenol in, 123 salisuric acid in, 123 Uroxanic acid, production of, 140 TTALEKIC ACID, synthesis of, 93 V Vegetation, experiments on, 50 heat absorbed in, 75 Vital force, actions of? 56 hypothesis of, 77 sugar formed by ? 57 views concerning, 57 Volumes, molecular, u WATER, electrolysis of, 73 reduction of, 62 type, 9 Wood-spirit, production of, 87 "VANTHINE, history of, 138 -A. relations of, 138 ZINC, combination -heat of, 72 combustion of, 71 solution of, 72 ZONDON PRINTED BY SPOTTJ 8WOODE AND CO. NEW-STBEET SQTJAEE By the same Author. Just published, the Second Edition, thoroughly revised, and illustrated with 70 new "Woodcuts of Microscopical Preparations and Chemical Apparatus, in 1 vol. crown 8vo. price Is. 6d. A COURSE OF PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY ARRANGED FOB THE USE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS. THIS work is well known by name to students of the medical profession. It has long been out of print; and second-hand copies, which are constantly in demand, are rarely to be met with. The Author has therefore thoroughly revised his work, and brought the practical information which forms its basis up to the existing state of chemical science. The arrangement of this Course is based upon an experience of fourteen years' laboratory teaching. The subjects treated of in the four chapters into which the work is divided are Chemical Manipulation, General Qualita- tive Analysis, Toxicological Chemistry, and Animal Chemistry respectively. 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Those who have read anything from the pen of Dr. ODLING need not be informed that it is extremely well written. The book is furnished with an excellent index, and is illustrated with seventy woodcuts of micro- scopic preparations and chemical apparatus, all of them engraved expressly for the work from drawings of the actual objects.' CHEMIST and DRUGGIST. ' DR. ODLING has greatly enlarged and improved the new edition of his work, and arranged it specially for the use of medical students. The introductory section on chemical reactions calls for high praise as a clear and simple account of them ac- cording to the improved philosophy of modern chemistry, in developing and enun- of this Edition. ciating which Dr. ODLING has stood promi- nently f urward. A section on manipulation has also been introduced in this edition, fully illustrated with excellent woodcuts, and one of the best short articles we have read on this subject. The chapters on an- alytical , tpxicological , and animal chemistry have received many additions and improve- ments. Besides the illustrations of chemical apparatus, several others of microscopical preparations are also inserted. The old atomic weights are still used in the work ; but with this exception modern formulae are employed (with the old f ormulas added when necessary), and many of the recent improvements in nomenclature. As a work on practical chemistry, Dr. ODLING'S book in its present form supplies every want of the junior medical student in an admirable manner.' MEDICAL TIMES. ' As a teacher of chemistry of many years' standing, there are few professors better qualified for the task of writing such a work than Dr. ODLING, intimately and practically acquainted as he is with all the requirements of the student. It must be a very difficult thing for a practical chemist to write a small book ; for out of the abun- dant stores of his own knowledge and ex- perience he must feel constantly tempted to dilate upon many parts of his subject; and it is not one of the least merits of Dr. ODLING, that he should have resisted this temptation and have produced a work remarkable for conciseness, clearness, exac- titude, and thorough adaptation to the end in view namely, the special use of the medical and chemical student.' LANCET. London: LONGMANS, GKEEN, and CO. Paternoster Row. By the same Author. Lately published, PART I. in 8vo. price A MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY, DESCRIPTIVE AND THEORETICAL ' OP DR. ODLING'S Manual of Chemistry ' we are glad to speak with the greatest) praise.' MEDICAL TIMES and GAZETTE. ' THIS is an elaborate introduction to pure chemistry, and may be regarded as an ex- ponent of the views of the subject now taken by the most eminent men of science. The Author states that it was undertaken more especially at the request of Prof. Brodie, who wished to have for the use of his class at Oxford a chemical text- book arranged in accordance with his own method of teaching Two or at most three sections of the extent of the present PART will complete the work, which will doubtless be found a very important and valuable addition to the elementary works used by advanced students.' GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. 'WE may congratulate the chemists of this country that there is amongst them a class of philosophical enquirers who will not confine their teachings to the limited demands of the medical student, but are determined to vindicate for themselves a name amongtt the philosophers of Europe. In such a class we have no hesitation in placing the Author of the present manual; and whether he succeeds or not in obtaining for his work the position of a text-book in our medical and technological schools, there can be no question with regard to the scientific ability and philosophical insight which he has brought to bear on this first attempt to introduce the new system of chemistry to the scientific schools and class-rooms of this country.' ATHENAOM. ' THE appearance of this, the first part of Dr. Odling's work, marks an epoch in the history of chemistry in this country. No one can fail to observe, even on merely glancing at the book, the great difference between che- mistry as it was a few years ago, and chemistry as it is now unfolded. We can hardly say that there is here expressed the science as it is, so large a section of chemists having as yet with- held their subscription to the new laws, but we unhesitatingly assert that it is the exponent of chemistry as it will be It requires only a study of Dr. Odling's work to be convinced of the infinite superiority of this system over the old, in the expression of series, of correlations, and of reactions . . . Dr. Odling scarcely touches' [in PART!.] 'upon chemical physics, and very briefly adverts to the technological applications of chemistry. His work is most valuable, when considered as affording to a generation of che- mists yet to come an insight into that system which will best express the marvellous relations subsisting between chemical compounds.' LONDON MEDICAL REVIEW. ' It is with considerable pleasure that we draw attention to this work. During the last ten years scientific chemistry has been undergoing a great and radical change. 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