THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM. t 1 S. Gosnell, Printer, Little Queen Street, London. THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: CONTAINING THE J* ') & Anatomy, Physiology r , Morbid Appearai OF THE HUMAN BODY; i "j THE ART OF MAKING ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS, c. To which are added, ANATOMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, AND SURGICAL QUESTIONS. THE NINTH EDITION, GREATLY IMPROVED AND ENLARGED. " Indocti discant, ament meminisse periti." BY ROBERT HOOPER, M.D. Of the University of Oxford, and the Royal College of Physicians in London ; Fellow of the Linnaean Society ; Physician to the St. Mary-le-bone Infirmary, &c. * LONDON PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN; THOMAS AND GEORGE UNDERWOOD; JOHN CALLOW; HIGHLEY AND SON; OGLE, DUNCAN, AND CO. ; G. AND W. B. WHITTAKER j JOHN ANDERSON; BURGESS AND HILL: AND ADAM BLACK, AND STIRLING AND SLADE, EDINBURGH. 1820. .. 4- - Q M5 a H5S TO JOSHUA BROOKES, ESQ. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, TEACHER OF ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY, &C. &C. 4L THIS EDITION IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, AS A TESTIMONY OF ESTEEM AND REGARD, BY / HIS SINCERE FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. & * A 3 M370353 INTRODUCTION. IT is the intention of the Writer, in the following Compendium, to present to the Student a useful anatomical conspectus, or pocket manual of ana- tomy and physiology ; in which he will find, 1. A short but accurate description of the differ- ent parts of the human body, and their functions. 2. An enumeration of the diseases to which those parts are subject, and the various operations of surgery that are performed on the human body. 3. The method of preparing the various parts of the body, to exhibit their structure, in a natural and diseased state, as far as our present knowledge will enable us. 4. A glossary, or explanation of the principal terms used in that science. * 5. A list of questions which he should repeat- edly answer in writing from his memory, and then refer to the most esteemed books to correct. The utility of such a performance, interspersed with a number of practical remarks, it is presumed, A 4 Vlll will be generally acknowledged, especially when it is considered that there is no work written upon a similar plan,. The principal motive that induced the Author to form and collect together, into one small pocket volume, this elementary production, was his having himself experienced the want of such an assistant when applying to that branch of philosophy. He therefore recommends it to students, not as a work wherein any thing new is to be met with, but merely as their occasional companion in the prosecution of their studies. 81, Savile Row, 1819. A COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF ANATOMY. FROM, the works of HIPPOCRATES, THE FATHER OF MEDICINE, who flourished about Jour hundred years before the birth of Christy is to be collected all the information of antiquity on the subject of Anatomy. This great physician, whose principal attention was directed to the symptoms and cure of diseases, was, nevertheless, well aware of the im- portance of anatomical knowledge to perfection in the healing art: hence we find^ that his works abound with anatomical facts and observations, in- terspersed with the prevailing doctrines of the day. When it is considered, how many obstacles were thrown ia the way of this science, from climate, prejudice, and superstition, the perseverance and acquirements of this great man, the ornament of the medical profession, cannot be sufficiently ad- mired. He describes come parts peculiar to the A5 human body, which could only be ascertained by actual dissection. The body he made to consist of solids, fluids, and spirits ; of containing and con- tained parts. The elementary humours he divided into four kinds : blood, phlegm, choler or bile, and melancholy or occult bile. This was agreeable to the philosophy of the age in which he lived ; as like- wise the notions of all bodies being composed of earth, air, fire, and water. He never distinguished between nerves, arteries, veins, or tendons; but calls the heart and its pericardium a powerful muscle ; he knew the aorta, vena cava, pulmonary arteries and veins, and entertained obscure notions of the uses of the valves ; but considered the auricles as a fan. He mentions the distributions of the ar- teries and veins by trunks and ramifications from the heart ; and asserts, that all the arteries originate from the heart. The liver was thought to be the root of the veins, the fountain of the blood ; and he supposed it to separate bile. He thought the ar- teries carried the spirits ; but was entirely ignorant of the circulation of the blood, and of the use of the diaphragm ; and his seating the soul in the left ventricle of the heart, is a memorable example of human vanity, and of that inherent inclination in man, boldly to account for what is inexplicable. The heart and lungs, he imagined, received part of 2 XI our drink. Of the organ of hearing, it is concluded,, he knew little, for he only mentions the tympanum. Of the brain, which he thought a gland (an idea which has since been erroneously supposed to be- long to Malpighi), the nerves and their uses, vision and the senses, he was totally ignorant as to the causes; yet he makes the brain the seat of wisdom. The glands he imperfectly understood. The Py- thagorean doctrines of conception, generation, and pregnancy, are, in general, absurd and supersti- tious ; as likewise his notions of the Pythagorean numbers, which seem to have been the prevailing philosophical follies of the day. On moles, false conceptions, and the nourishment of the foetus, a rational judgment is formed ; he comprehended the communication from the mother to the foetus by means of the umbilical cord; though, in another place, he supposes that it absorbs nutriment by the mouth, and from the surrounding fluid in the ovum. After Hippocrates, anatomy continued to be improved; but, as opportunities were extremely li- mited, from the prejudices of mankind, its progress was but slow, and chiefly confined to the two schools of Athens and Alexandria. In the former, (he names of SOCRATES, PLATO, XENOPHON, ARIS- TOTLE, and THEOPHRASTUS, are still preserved along with many of their works ^ and, although we A6 Xll observe that their general attention was directed to philosophy, yet natural history and anatomy were far from being overlooked: their opportunities, however, of examining bodies, were confined ; and, after their time, the study of natural knowledge at Athens sunk for ever. But while it decayed in Greece and Asia, it rose with increased energy, under the protection of the Ptolemies, at Alexan- dria. In this school, which was so long pre-eminent, ERISIS-TRATUS and HEROPHILUS were highly dis- tinguished for anatomical knowledge. By the li- beral patronage of the Ptolemies, they enjoyed ample opportunites of dissecting human bodies ; and the consequent improvements which anatomy re- ceived were very great. They not only corrected many former errors, but wrote with great judgment upon neurology. They observed a variety of struc- ture in nerves supplying different parts, and hence distinguished them into those which were necessary to sense, and those which were subservient to motion. Between the times of Herophilus and Erisistra- tus to Galen, a period of five hundred years, As- CLEPIADES, RUFUS EPHESIUS, and the sensible and elegant writer CELSUS, flourished. The two latter have given the appellations and situations of all the parts of the human, body, in compendia, in which 5 . B - xin many discoveries appear to have been made from the time of Hippocrates. Neither one nor the other dwelt much on the uses of the parts. Rufus writes Greek in the concise Attic style, and Celsus is the most classical writer that ever appeared in the art of medicine. CLAUDIUS GALENUS, or GALEN, was physician to four of the Roman emperors, and was, without excep- tion, the most distinguished practitioner of the age in which he lived. He has arranged all the prior ana- tomical science that Herophilus and Erisistratus had obtained from the actual dissection of human subjects, and incorporated it into his voluminous treatises on all the branches of medicine. The medical principles of this great man, formed on the Peripatetic philo- sophy of Aristotle, are not to the present purpose ; except that they reigned triumphantly in the schools and universities, disdaining and crushing all inno- vators, or improvers, for a period of nearly fifteen hundred years. The celebrated Galen, however, was a man of uncommon erudition ; and he brought into one point of view, with much labour, learning, and industry, all the medical and philosophical sci- ence of his predecessors. The anatomical part was indubitably extracted from the great Herophilus and Erisistratus, and, consequently, in general contains what those Jirst dissectors of human bodies had XIV observed or written. In the works of this eminent physician, anatomy appears very conspicuous and methodical. He gives the situation and uses of all the parts of the human body, whether animal, vital, or natural. What discoveries he made, cannot be ascertained ; but Galen was the first author who seems to have digested, in regular order, the human functions, the brain and its membranes, the senses, the contents of the thorax and abdomen, osteology, a complete myology and neurology, in which are the origin and insertion of the muscles, their action, &c. ; and the distribution of the whole nervous system. The lacteal vessels, likewise, were well known ; though the extent of their effects, their passing through the thoracic duct and subclavian vein, to the blood, were not comprehended. The exhalant arteries and inhalants were mentioned, both by Hippocrates and Galen ; but the principles of action were unknown. The circulation of the blood, the real uses of the liver, glands, heart, dia- phragm, pancreas, kidney, ureters, bladder, uni- versal cellular structure, the power of the nervous system over the arteries and veins, the lymphatic absorbent system, were to him unknown. From the time of Galen to the fifteenth century, anatomy was rather on the decline, anatomists being considered learned or ignorant in proportion to XV their knowledge of his works. The destruction of Alexandria introduced learning among the Ara- bians : but they made little progress in the know- ledge of the human body. ABDOLLALIPH, however, towards the close of the twelfth century, exposed many of Galen's errors in osteology, by frequenting burial-grounds. Among the early cultivators of the science of anatomy in the fifteenth century, the GREAT VESA- LIUS flourished, who may with propriety be styled the RESTORER OF ANATOMY; being the first who dared expose the errors of Galen, in medicine and anatomy, by referring to the human body. This wonderful man, whose perseverance and genius cannot be sufficiently admired, was born at Brus- sels, in 1514-. After having gone through the usual studies of the age, he went to Montpellier, to study medicine. The principal professors in the univer- sity of Paris requested him to come there, where he attended their lectures. Vesalius's zeal for me- dicine, particularly anatomy, induced him to brave every danger to which he was exposed, by clandes- tinely procuring bodies for dissection. He did not, however, confine his attention to the human subject only, but opened a great number of animals. ID the pursuit of his favourite science, his veneration for Galen diminished in proportion as he detect- XVI ed his inaccuracies; till at length he threw off all control of this great standard of ancient medicine and anatomy, and became the advocate for actual dissection of the human body, to which he con- stantly referred in all his disputations. The war which commenced at that time in France, obliging Vesalius to leave Paris, he returned to his own country, and fixed his residence at Lovain. The knowledge he had acquired in ana- tomy induced him to profess it publicly in that city; but, in order to extend his anatomical re- searches, in 153,5, he followed the army of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, against France. His reputation increased. He was chosen professor of anatomy in the university of Padua, by the re- public of Venice, and there gave lectures on medi- cine, particularly anatomy, for seven years. In 1539, Vesalius published his anatomical plates, which attracted the admiration of the learn- ed. In this, and in his other works, all the errors of Galen are exposed. A multitude of enemies sprung up against this bold innovator of old esta- blished authority. All Europe resounded with in- vectives against him : Eustachius at Rome, Drian- der at Marpurg, and Sylvius at Paris, became his public enemies, particularly the latter, who em- ployed every species of calumny to lessen him in the esteem of his patrons : instead of Vesalius, he xvii called him Vesanus, or a madman; and accused him of ignorance, arrogance, and impiety. Fallopius was the only one among his opponents who preserved any moderation. Having been a pupil of Vesalius, he never forgot how much he was indebted to his preceptor ; and, although he was far more able than Sylvius to criticise, from having powerful objections to bring forward against the work, he proceeded in the most delicate and respectful manner, influenced by the greatest esteem and gratitude for the assist- ance he had received from his venerable master. Vesalius, on the other hand, acted towards his pupil in the most gentle and honourable manner. As soon as the remarks of Fallopius on his work had reached Spain, Vesalius prepared to answer them, and replied to him as a father would to his son. Fallopius, who has rendered his name dear to posterity by his extensive knowledge in anatomy, possessed sentiments very different from Sylvius ; he was not ashamed of acknowledging his obliga- tions to Vesalius, for the greater part of his inform- ation on anatomy: he admits that Vesalius has not shown sufficient respect to Galen, but confesses that his objections are generally correct. Notwithstand- ing all opposition, the reputation of Vesalius daily increased, and he established anatomy on solid and permanent principles, when the Emperor Charles XV111 the Fifth, by whom he had been already honoured, nominated him his first physician, and kept him con- stantly at court. He now gained the confidence of the nobility, and frequently gave unequivocal marks of his profound knowledge in the practice of physic. But an unexpected event soon reduced this great man to distress. Upon the death of a Spanish no- bleman, whom he had attended during life, Vesalius requested permission of the relatives of the deceas- ed to open the body, he being very desirous of in- vestigating the obscure cause of his death; which re- quest was granted. Some of the spectators, who probably were not Vesalius's friends, declared they saw the heart palpitate upon his opening the thorax: their declaration soon reached the ears of the no- bleman's relations, and raised a suspicion that the body was opened alive ; in consequence of which, Vesalius was prosecuted for homicide and impiety, and brought before the Inquisition ; which severe tribunal was about to punish him for the crime, when Philip the Second, of Spain, suggested the means of removing him from the decision of his judges, and caused him to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land; in consequence of which, Vesalius resolved to make the tour of Palestine. He passed over to Cyprus with James Malateste, a Venetian general, and thence to Jerusalem. Soon after the XIX death of the celebrated Fallopius, which happened in the year 1564, the senate of Venice recalled Ve salius to fill the chair ; but on his voyage to Padua, he was shipwrecked on the island of Zante, where this great man, reduced to the utmost extremity, perished with hunger, on the 15th of October 1564-, at the age of fifty years. It is said that a gold- smith, who landed on that part of the island soon after the accident, caused him to be interred, and an epitaph to be engraven on his tomb in the church of the Virgin Mary in that island. The beginning of the seventeenth century is re- markable for the discovery of the most important function of animated bodies, by our countryman HARVEY. This great physician was born of a re- spectable family at Folkstone, in Kent, on the 2d of April 1578. At ten years of age he was sent to a grammar-school at Canterbury, and at fourteen removed to Caius college, Cambridge. At nineteen he travelled through France and Germany to Padua, in Italy, where, having studied physic under Eu- stachius Radius, John Minadous, and Fabricius a'b Aquapendente, by whom he was taught anatomy, he was created doctor of physic and surgery in that university in 1602. Returning soon after to Eng- land, he was incorporated M. D. at Cambridge, went to London to practise, and married. In 1G04, XX he was admitted candidate of the College of Physi- cians in London, and three years afterwards fellow. In 1615, he was appointed lecturer of anatomy and surgery in that college. In the year 1632, he was made physician to Charles the First, as he had been before to King James ; and adhering to the royal cause, upon the breaking out of the civil wars, attended His Ma- jesty at the battle of Edgehill, and then at Oxford, where, in 164-2, he was incorporated M. D. In 164-5, the King got him elected Warden of Merton College in that University ; but, upon the surren- dering of Oxford the year after to the Parliament, he left that office and retired to London. In 1651, he published his work on the generation of ani- mals ; a book replete with interesting observations, and which would have been more so but for some misfortunes, by which his papers perished during the time of the civil wars. On Michaelmas-day 1654, he was chosen President of the College of Physicians in his absence ; and coming there the day after, acknowledged his great obligation to the electors for advancing him to such honour and dig- nity, as if he had been chosen to be " Medicorum omnium apud Anglos, princeps :" but his age and weakness were so great, that he could not discharge the duty incumbent upon that great and distin- XXI guished office ; he therefore requested them to elect Dr. Prujean, who had deserved so well of the Col- lege. As Dr. Harvey had no children, he made the College his heirs, ar>d settled his paternal estate upon them in the July following. He had three years before built them a combination-room, a li- brary, and a museum ; and in 1656 he brought the deeds of his estate, and presented them to the College. He was then present at the first festival instituted by himself to be continued annually, to- gether with a commemoration speech in Latin, to be spoken on the 18th of October, in honour of the benefactors to the College ; having appointed a handsome stipend to the orator, and also to the keeper of the library and museum, which are still called by his name. He died June 3, 1657, and was Carried to be buried at Hemel Hemstead, in Hertford- shire, where a monument is erected to his memory. In the year 1616, Dr. Harvey read a course of lectures, in which he first opened his discovery re- lating to the circulation of the blood, which some judicious anatomists had before only suspected to exist in a vague and confused manner, and which others had only known to take place in some parti- cular part. From this period Harvey demonstrated and taught in his public lectures, and by simple and clear experiments proved to the most incredulous XX11 minds, that the blood not only traversed the struc- ture of the lungs, but that it circulated in every part of the body, by means of an admirable ar- raigement, on which depends the life of man. He fully evinced the alternate contraction and dilata- tion of the heart ; the passage of the blood from the two venae cavas into the right auricle, from thence into the right ventricle, arid through the lungs ; its reception into the left auricle from the pulmonary veins, its expulsion thence into the left ventricle, from which it was propelled through all the arteries of the body, and returned by the veins. So clearly were the phenomena of the whole circulation un- derstood, and so admirably explained, by Dr. Har- vey, that, notwithstanding he wrote near two hun- dred years ago, this function has never since been laid down with more truth, simplicity, and ele- gance. Soon after the discovery of the circulation of the blood, ASELIUS, an Italian, discovered the lacteals, which PECQUET, in 1651, traced to the thoracic duct, and thence to the left subclavian vein. In 1653, RUDBECK and BARTHOLIN discovered the lymphatics : it does not appear that there was any communication between them ; both, therefore, are entitled to equal praise. The latter has, however, additional credit from his having entertained very XXlll accurate ideas of the physiology of the lymphatic system, which was afterwards more fully explained by GLISSON. The two last centuries have nearly perfected our knowledge of the human body. Every nation in Europe has produced anatomists of the greatest re- putation. The iiames of ALBINUS, COOPER, DIE- MERBROCK, HlGHMORE, CHESELDEN,LEWENHOECK, MALPIGHI, MAYOW, RUYSCH, WILLIS, and WINS- LOW, form but a small number of those who have enlightened the science of Anatomy in the seven- teenth century. In the eighteenth) the following are particularly distinguished: HALLER, MORGAGNI, ZYNN, WALTER, SCARPA, SOEMMERING, the MON- ROS, the HUNTERS, CRUICKSHANK, and the BELLS. Fortunately for mankind, Anatomy is now be- come an indispensable branch of medical science ; and throughout Europe we have every where dis- tinguished teachers, who are daily adding to the stock of useful information. ANATOMY. ANATOHY is a science that explains the structure and use of ever}' part of the human body, both solids and fluids. The examination of brute animals, fishes, reptiles, po- lypi, &c. to illustrate more clearly, or to demonstrate by analogy, the structure and functions of man, is called Zovtomy, or Comparative Anatomy. PRINCIPLES OF THE HUMAN BODY. The human body consists of solids and fluids. The solids are divided into hard and soft : the former compre- hending bones and cartilages; the latter, muscles, nerves, the viscera, and all the soft parts pf the body. SOLIDS OF THE HUMAN BODY. Analysis of the solid parts demonstrates their constitu- ent principles to be earthy particle$ y connected together by an intermediate gluten. When these principles are joined one to another in a regular series, they form a simple or elementary fibre. If a number of fibres be joined together by their breadth, they constitute a lamina, or layer. The union of many of these lamince, without any order, forms cellular structure, cellular tissue, more commonly termed cellular membrane. A membrane is a compact or condensed cellular structure. Thick, strong, and elastic membranes are termed nients. When cellular structure is distended with a hard, elas* tic, milk-coloured jelly, it forms a cartilage. Phosphate of lime deposited in cellular structure, con- stitutes either bony fibres, or lamin- Sapientiae 4 Bone of the tongue, or . . Os hyoides i Bones of the internal ear, C Maliei situated within the temporal bone * The bones of the face Inci Ossa orbicularia Stapides . 7 {Cervical 7 Dorsal iz Lumbar 5 coccygis * rr* a , f Sternum * The^m-r {cost* 24 o LThe pelvis . Ossa innominata * 55 f Claviculaj z r The ** \Scapulae z H The arm Ossa humeri . . z S f Ulnae z The /ore-am | Radii , % rOssa navicularia z W lunaria. . . z * ^ cuneiformia z i orbicularia z p fQp,ori trapezia.. * trapezoides z The hand . J magna ... z .-i unciformia z Metacarpus i o Pftalanges z8 "The thigh Ossa femoris . . z *; r Patellae z g The^g- i Tibiae z ^ | I Fibula?, z r"Ossa calcis .... z *o H < I astragali . z S a f Tarsus . ^ -< cuboides . z B I navicularia z 55 ^ The /oof . . 3 L cuneiformia 6 | Metatarsus . , 10 " L ^Phalanges 28 Sesamoid bones of the tumb and great toe, occasion- \ fi ally found / The skeleton is divided into head, trunk, and extremities. B 4 8 Of the Head. There is great variety in the shape of the heads of in- dividuals. The head of females is more delicate; the inser- tions of the various muscles of the face are not so strongly marked. The crania of different nations also vary : in the generality of Europeans the shape is oblong ; in the Turk and Algerine it is round ; and in the Chinese and Tartar it is broad. The cranium of the African is flattened on the forehead, and the teeth and chin are extended forward. The shape of the head of the Asiatic and American negro also varies considerably from the European. Some anatomists have attributed this variety in the cra- nia of different nations to the management of the chil- dren when very young; supposing the head of the Turk to be rounded by an early use of the turban, while that of the Englishman is flattened by the chin- stay. Others are of opinion, that the difference in the shape is not occasioned by any such accidental means, but by natural causes, with which we are as yet un- acquainted. The head is divided into the cranium or skull, and face. ADULT CRANIUM. The shape of the adult cranium is in general spherical, but there is great variety in skulls. The superior part is arched ; in some this arch is greater than in others : ante- riorly it is more or less flattened, posteriorly more or less rounded, but always considerably more convex than on the anterior part : at the sides the cranium is flattened. There are a great number of processes and depressions on the under surface, so as to render it very irregular in its appearance. The adult cranium is COMPOSED of eight bones viz. one s frontis, which forms the forehead; two ossa parietafia, situated at the upper part aud sides of the head; two ossa 9 tentjMrum, placed below the parietal bones ; one occipital, forming the back part of the head; one sphtenoidal, plated m the middle of the basis of the cranium ; and one ethmoid bone, situated behind the root of the nose. Upon viewing the superior part of a skull externally, several zigzag lines are observable, called SUTURES : that which extends from one temple across over the head to the other temple, is termed the coronal suture; it unites the frontal bone to the two parietal: that which proceeds from behind one ear upwards, across to the other, is the occipital or LainMoidcU suture ; it unites the occipital bone to the two parietal: and the suture which extends upon the crown of the head, from the lambdoidal to the coronal, uniting the two parietal bones, is called the sagittal. These are some- thne termed the true sutures, to distinguish them from two spurious or squamous, which are found on each side of the rranium, extending from the temple backwards, in the form of an arch, and uniting part of the temporal bone to the pa- rietal. Besides these two sutures, two other portions are to be noticed ; the one belonging to the lambdoidal, the other to the squamous suture, being, in fact, continuations of them: the one is called additamentiim suturce syuainose; the other additcunentutn sutures lambdoidali. There are, some- times, one or more triangular-shaped bones observed in the course of some of the sutures ; these are called ossivuto tri- yuetra, triangularia, or Worniiatta.. The chief use which arises from this partition of the cra- nium into so many pieces, seems to be to facilitate the ossification after birth, and to serve, in some measure, to prevent the spreading of fractures from one bone te another. The formation of the sutures appears to be the effect of the particular manner in which the bones of the era- B 5 10 wium ossify. They are all more strongly marked on the external surface of the cranium. Towards old age bony matter is often deposited between the bones, so as to cause the sutures to disappear; and sometimes, though seldom, at a very early period. The author has in his collection the cranium of an African negro, whp died before the age of twenty-eight, in which there is no vestige of the true sutures ; and instances are related of the sagittal and coronal sutures being entirely obli- terated in children of only eight years of age. Besides these sutures, there are several prominences upon the upper part of the cranium ; two in the frontal bone, one immediately over each eye, between it and the suture; one in the middle of each parietal bone; and one in the middle of the occipital : these point out the centre of ossification of those bones. Upon the internal surface of the upper part of the cra- nium there are a number of gi-ooves, in an arborescent form ; these are made by the spinous artery of the dura mater. The sutures are here seen in the form of a line, not dove- tailed, and the whole surface appears more polished than the external. The bones forming the upper part of the skull, or, as it is sometimes called, the calvaria, are composed of an exter- nal and an internal table, which are of a compact structure, and of a spongy intervening substance, called the rncditul- Hum or diploe. The internal surface of the basis of the cranium is divided naturally into eight considerable depressions, adapted to the lobes of the brain and cerebellum. The two anterior are im- mediately over the orbits, and are separated from each other by an obvious eminence, above the root of the nose, called crlsta gaiit. Immediately before this eminence is a small hole, called the foramen c&cum / and on each side of it are a 4 11 number of perforations, which transmit the olfactory nerves into the nose; they are called the foramina cribrosa. Passing backwards, there are two round holes near each other, one going to the bottom of each orbit ; these are for the passage of the optic nerves, and are called foramina optica : beyond these holes there is a small cavity, which will admit the end of one's little finger, surrounded by four processes, two of which are anterior, and two posterior ; these are termed clinaid processes, and the cavity in their middle, which con- tains the pituitary gland, the sella turcica. Under each an- terior clinoid process is a considerable fissure, the foramen Itwejttm orb'dale superius, which communicates with the or- bit, and transmits the third, fourth, the first branch of the fifth, and the sixth pair of nerves, and the ophthalmic ar- tery. Beyond this fissure, proceeding backwards, there is a round and then an oval hole ; the first is the foramen ro- tundum, through which the second branch of the fifth pair of nerves passes ; the other, the foramen ovale, is for the passage of the third branch of the fifth pair of nerves. Contiguous to the foramen ovale is a small hole, the foramen spinosum, through which the spinous artery of the dura mater enters. Between the foramen ovale, and the poste- rior clinoid process, on each side of the sella turcica, there is a considerable ragged aperture, the carotid canal, which is partly filled up with cartilage in the fresh subject, and is for the entrance of the carotid artery, and the exit of the great intercostal nerve. A projecting portion of bone next presents itself, called the petrous portion of the tempo- ral bone ; it has upon its posterior surface an oval opening, the meatus auditorius internus, through which the nerve for the organ of hearing, and the facial nerve, proceed. Im- mediately below this is an irregular oval opening, formed B 6 12 by the junction of the occipital with the temporal bone ; this is the foramen lacerum in bast cranii: through the anterior part of this opening passes the eighth pair of nerves, and the posterior part transmits the blood from the lateral sinus of the dura mater, whose course is marked by a deep groove leading to the foramen lacerum, into the jugular vein. The portion of bone which proceeds backwards from the posterior clinoid processes, between the petrous portions of the tem- poral bone, is the cuneiform or basilary process of the occi- pital bone ; it is somewhat hollowed for the reception of the medulla oblongata, which lies upon it. At the bottom of this process of bone is a considerable opening, called the foramen magnum occipitale; it transmits the spinal marrow, the vertebral arteries, and the accessory nerves of Willis ; and a process of the second vertebra of the neck lies in its anterior part. Between this opening, and the foramen lace- rum in basi cranii, is the foramen condyloidewm antei-ms, which gives passage to the ninth, or lingual pair of nerves. Beyond the great occipital foramen is a crucial eminertce, to which processes of the dura mater are attached ; the hori- zontal eminence separates the two superior occipital cavities from the two inferior. The skull is divided into calvaria and basis. The calvaria comprehends all that portion situated anteriorly, about an inch above the nose, and half an inch above the orbits; laterally above the semicircular ridge of the parietal bones; and posteriorly about an inch above the occipital tubercle. The calvaria is the part which is sawed off, to examine the brain after death. The ope- ration of trepanning may be performed on any part of the calvaria, avoiding, if possible, that part which lies, over the sinuses of the dura mater. The diastasis, or separation, and often the absorption, of the bones of the calvaria, are frequently the conse- quences of an accumulation of water within the skull. 13 FCET4L CRANIUM. The bones of the skull of a foetus at birth, are far more numerous than those of an adult ; for many of the processes of the latter are epiphyses in the former ; thus the occipital bone consists of four portions, the sphaenoidal of three, &c. There are no sutures in the cranium of the foetus. The pa- rietal bones and the frontal bones do not coalesce until the third year, so that before that period there is an obvious in- terstice, commonly called mould, and scientifically the /,-'* *> STERNUM. Os pectoris- The breast-bone is an oblong flat bone, shaped somewhat like a dagger, situated in the anterior part of the thorax, between the true ribs. It is of a very spongy texture, and mostly consists of two, and sometimes of three portions. A sharply-pointed cartilage is attached to the inferior extremity of the sternum, which is named, from its supposed resem- 49 blance, the rypJioid or ensiform cartilage. It is situated at the pit of the stomach. CAVITIES. The jugular sinus, at the superior and inner part. Two clavicular sinuses, for the attachment of the cla- vicles. Seven costal depressions, to which the ribs adhere. CONNEXION. The sternum is connected by arthrodia with the clavicle, and with the seven true ribs by synchondrosis. USE. To assist in forming the thorax, to give adhesion to the mediastinum, and various muscles, and to serve a a fulcrum for the clavicles to roll on. The sternum, at birth, consists of cartilage shaped like the adult sternum, with two, three, or four round ossi- fications in its centre. LOINS. The bones of the loins are five lumbar vertebrae, which have already been described. PELVIS. The pelvis, so named from its resemblance (o a basin formerly used by barbers, forms, as it were, the basis of the trunk of the skeleton. It. consists of four bones : two ossa mnominata, the os sacrum, and the os coccygis, which are situated at the bottom of the trunk, and above the lower extremities. It is within the cavity formed by these bones that the internal organs of generation, the urinary bladder, the rectum, and occasionally part of the small intestines, are situated. The pelvis also serves as a firm support to the upper part of the body, and unites the bones of the trunk with those of the lower extremity. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MALE AND FEMALE PELVIS. There is considerable difference in regard of the capacious- D 50 ness of the pelvis in the male and female subject. The os sacrum is shorter in the latter, and broader ; the iliac por- tions of the ossa hmominata are more expanded, whence it happens, that in women the centre of gravity does not fall sp directly on the upper part of the thigh as in men. From these circumstances the brim of the pel vis is nearly of an oval shape, being considerably wider from side to side, than from the symphysis pubis to the os sacrum; whereas in man it is rounder, and every where of less diameter. The inferior opening of the female pelvis is also proportionably larger in the female subject, the ischia being more separated from each other, and the foramen magnum ischii larger; so that where the ischiatic and pubic portions of the ossa innomi- nata are united, they form a greater circle : the os sacrum is also more hollowed though shorter, and the os coccygis more loosely connected, and therefore capable of a greater degree of motion than in men. The pelvis is a part very liable to become distorted, espe- cially the female pelvis. The different kinds of distor- tion are fully treated by writers on midwifery. OSSA INNOMINATA. Ossa ihi. Ossa ischii. Ossa pubis. Ossa coxaiwn. Ossa coxendicis. Ossa anonyma. These two bones constitute the sides and anterior part of the pelvis, and are extremely irregular in their shape. Each bone is divided into three portions, viz. ILIUM, the uppermost ; ISCHIUM, the lowest ; and PUBIS, the anterior. These are very commonly termed os ilium, os ischium, and os pubis. EMINENCES. The crista, or spine, of the ilium, which forms an arch turned somewhat outwards : it gives origin to 51 the oblique and transverse muscles of the abdomen at its posterior part are two spinous processes, which give adhesion to ligaments at its anterior part are also two spinous pro- cesses ; the superior gives adhesion to the sartorius, tensor vaginae femoris, and Poupart's ligament; the inferior ante- rior spinous process, about an inch below the former, has, arising from it, the rectus femoris. The external surface of the iliac portion is covered by the glutaei muscles ; the inter- nal by the internal iliac. Upon the internal surface there is a line even with the pubis; this is called linea innominata, or rim of the pelvis ; it divides the cavity of the abdomen from the pelvis. Upon the ischiatic portion, or ischium, are the tntberosity of the ischium, upon which we sit; the spinous pro- cess of the ischium, which projects backwards, and gives adhesion to the uppermost sacro-sciatic ligament; the ramus ischiiy which joins the pubis. Upon the pubic portion, or pubis, are the body, near the socket ; the angles, which pass forwards to form the symphysis ; and the ramus, which pro- ceeds downwards to meet the ascending ramus of the ischium. CAVITIES. A notch between the anterior spines of fhe ilium; an anterior and posterior ischiatic notch; the anterior ischiatic notch gives passage to the flexor muscles of the thigh, and the anterior crural vessels and nerves : the pos- terior notch gives exit to the great sciatic nerve, blood- vessels, and pyriform muscle; the acetabulum, which receives the head of theos femoris, and the foramen thyroidenm, or ovale. CONNEXION. Each os innominatum is connected with its fellow anteriorly by symphysis, with the sacrum posteriorly by strong cartilages and ligaments, and with the head of the thigh-bone by enarthrosis. USE. To form the pelvis, to retain the gravid uterus in. D z 52 its situation, and to constitute the aeetabulum for the thighs. The os innominatum, at birth, and for a long time after, consists of three distinct bones, united together by car- tilage : this probably gave rise to these portions re- ceiving distinct names, as os ilii, os ischii, and os pubu, which in the adult form one bone, without a name, and hence the term os innominatum. The form of the adult pelvis is, nevertheless, perfect in the foetus. OS SACRUM. Os In turn. Os clunium. The os sacrum, which derives its name either from its being ottered in sacrifice by the ancients, or from its sup- porting the organs of generation, which they considered as sacred, is a bone of a triangular shape, bent forwards, and situated at the bottom of the spine and the posterior part of the pelvis. It is by many described as a bone of the spine ; and from the irregularities resembling spinous and trans- verse processes, and its foramina, it seems to have some just claim to be considered as such. EMINENCES. Two superior oblique piwcesses ; the appear- ances of the spinous processes; the appearances of the oblique atrd transverse processes ; and the appearances of the verte- bral bodies. CAVITIES. Four pair of external, and four pair of inter- nal foramina, for the passage of nerves ; a notch at the infe- rior part of the bone, forming a foramen with that of the os coccygis, for the passage of the last spiral nerve, and five longitudinal middle canals. The spinal canal, of a triangular form, large above, but gradually decreasing in its descent, and terminating in an irregular opening at the back part ; 53 this, in the fresh subject, is covered with ligament ; it con- tains the cauda equina. CONNEXION. Superiorly with the last lumbar vertebra, laterally with the ossa innominata, and inferiorly with the os coccygis. USE. To constitute the pelvis, and sustain the spine. At birth, this bone is shaped like that of an adult, but this shape is given to it by cartilage. A number of ossified portions are embedded in the cartilage, and the similarity to vertebrae is very conspicuous. OS COCCYGIS. This bone, so called from its resemblance to a cuckoo's bill, consists very frequently of two, three, or four portions, which are triangular or irregularly shaped ; they are placed at the extremity of the sacrum; after the age of twenty they unite, forming one bone : this takes place earlier in males than females. USE. To sustain the rectum, and prevent the rupture of the perinaeum, in parturition. The os coccygis, at birth, consists of several portions of cartilage, and a round ossification is occasionally found in the uppermost. It sometimes happens, that in labour this bone is sepa- rated from the sacrum. Of the superior Extremities. The upper extremities hang from the superior part of the sides of the thorax, and are composed of the bones of the shoulder, arm, fore-arm, and hand. D 3 54- THE SHOULDER. The shoulder consists of two bones, the clavicle and scapula, which are united together immediately over the top of the os brachii, and form, what is properly termed, the shoulder, summitas humeri. CLAVICULA. Qavis. Ligula. Furcula. Os jugate. The clavicle, or collar-bone, is a long- roundish bone, shaped like the letter /, and situated obliquely in the upper and lateral part of the chest. PROCESSES. Like all long boneSj it*is distinguished into a body, or middle part, and two extremities, and these are called scapular and sternal: the former is slightly convex, and of a triangular figure ; the latter broader, thinner, and more flattened. A tubercle on the under surface, near the scapular extremity, extends obliquely across the bone, from which a ligament goes across to the coracoid process of the scapula. CAVITIES. A furrow, or groove, of the subclavian vessels on the inferior surface. CONNEXION. Anteriorly it is articulated to the sternum, and posteriorly to the scapula, by arthrodia. JOINTS, i st. The sternal joint of the clavicle is the hinge upon which the whole of the upper extremity moves, and the only joint between the arm and chest, and consequently the round end of the clavicle is continually moving in the articular cavity of the sternum. In this joint is a thin in- terarticular cartilage, fixed around the head of the clavicle ; a strong capsular ligament encloses the whole, and is sur- rounded by numerous ligamentous bands.. 55 id. The scapular joint of the clavicle is formed by the fiat end of this bone touching the acromion process of the scapula. An interarticular cartilage is occasionally found, but more generally it is wanting. The joint is surrounded by a capsular ligament, which is strengthened by several ligamentous bands. The motion of this joint is very incon- siderable, and restrained by a firm ligament passing from the clavicle to the coracoid process, USE. To connect the scapula and humerus to the tho- rax, to defend the subclavian vessels, and to give origin to muscles. It serves also to regulate the motions of the sca- pula, by preventing it from being brought too much for- ward, or carried too far backwards : it is, in fact, the axis on which the whole upper extremity rolls, the scapula serv- ing rather as a socket for the os humeri : hence such ani- mals as make use of their fore-legs, or arms, are furnished with clavicles ; as the ape, bear, bat, mouse, opossum, mole/ squirrel, and hedgehog. The clavicle is perfectly formed at birth ; indeed it is completely so at the third month after conception. SCAPULA, Omoplata. Scoptufa. The scapula, or blade-bone, is of a triangular figure, and is situated in the upper and lateral part of the back. Its anterior and internal surface is irregularly concave, from the impression of muscular and tendinous packets ; its pos- terior and external surface is convex, and divided into two unequal parts by a considerable process or spine. EMINENCES. The sp' me > which is in the middle of the external surface, arising small from the posterior edge c'f D 4. 56 the scapula, and becoming gradually higher and broader, as it approaches the anterior part of the scapula, where it terminates in a broad and flat process, called the acromion. The anterior edge of this projection of the spine is concave, and forms a surface of articulation for the clavicle. The tri- angular shape of this bone gives rise to the denomination of angles and sides ; and of the three of the latter, the poste- 7-ior one, which is turned towards the vertebrae, is termed the Ixisis. The coracoid process, which stands out opposite to the acrornion, and gives attachment to the pectoralis minor, and coraco-brachialis muscle. The borders of the bone are called costfE, and the corners angles. The circle below the articular cavity is called the neck. CAVITIES. The articular, or glenoid cavity, which re- ceives the head of the humerus. A svprtepinal cavity, above the spinous process in which the supraspinatus muscle is lodged. The.infraspinal cavity, situated below the spine, is larger than the other, and gives origin to the infra- pinatus muscle;* a semilunar notch on the superior margin, near its fore part, for the passage of the superior scapulary vessels and nerves. CONNEXION. The scapula is united with the clavicle by arthrodia, with the ribs and os hyoides by muscle, and with the humerus by arthrodia. JOINTS. The shoulder joint is one of considerable import- ance ; it is loose, moveable, and very free in its motions, It is formed by the large round head of the humerus, and the shallow articular cavity of the scapula, the sides of which are elevated with cartilage. A capsular ligament, large, wide, ad loose, fixed to the neck of the scapula and humerus, surrounds this joint. A considerable quantity of synovia is requisite to lubricate it, and accordingly it is supplied by 57 several bursse mucosae opening into it, independent of the natural secretion of the capsule : of these bursae we observe one under the tendon of the subscapularis, one under the short head of the biceps, one between the coracoid process and the scapula, and a very large one under the acromion process. The motion of the shoulder-joint is restrained, and the joint rendered more secure by the acromion pro- cess, which projects over it : by the coracoid process be- low : by a strong ligament, which extends from the cora- coid to the acromion process^ by a ligament extending from the acromion to the capsule of the joint : and princi- pally by the action of the four muscles which are inserted into the capsular ligament. The shoulder-joint is more liable to luxation than any other in the body ; and this arises from the looseness of its capsuiar ligament, the shallowness of the gle- noid cavity, and great exposure of the upper extremity. The head of the humerus may be dislocated upwards, downwards, or laterally, and the dislocation may be simply the removal of the head of the humerus from the articular cavity, or it may be accompanied by a laceration of the capsule, the head protruding through it ; in which case it is very difficult to reduce : it may also be accompanied by a laceration of the long, head of the biceps muscle, which passes through the joint, and is attached to the side of the cavity. USE. To defend the back, and give articulation to the humerufi. The scapula, with respect to shape, is ^perfect at birth. The acromiou and coracoid processes are cartilage. TH ARM. The brachium, or arm, consists of one long bone, the oc brachii. 58 OS BRACHII. Os brachiate. Os humeri. The bone of the arm occupies the space between the junction of the clavicle with the scapula and the fore-arm. It is a long cylindrical bone, thickest at its ends, and dis- tinguished into body and extremities. EMINENCES. The head, which is rounded on its superior part. The neck, which is immediately below the head. The greater tubercle, near the neck, on which are three surfaces : the first of these, which is the smallest and uppermost, serves for the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle; the second, or middlemost, for the infraspinatus ; and the third, or lowermost, for the insertion of the teres minor. The lesser tubercle, which is near the former, and has fixed to it the subscapularis. On the inferior extremity are three pro- cesses, namely, an extei~nal and an intwrial condyle ; these condyles have a ridge continued from them upwards on the sides of the bone : from the external ridge and condyle arise the supinator radii longus, and the extensor muscles of the fore-arm, whilst the internal ridge and condyle give origin to the pronator radii teres, and flexors of the fore-arm ; and the trochlea of the humerus, upon which the ulna moves. CAVITIES. PL furrow between the tubercles, for the long tendon of the biceps : the edges of this groove are continua- tions of the greater and lesser tubercles, and serve for the attachment of the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and teres major muscles. This furrow in the fresh subject has extending over it a tendinous ligament. A passage is ob- served about the middle of the bone, in the fore and inner part, for the medullary vessels. In the inferior extremity; 59' a posterior fossa, for the anconoid process of the ulna; and'- an anterior depression, for the coronoid process, and end of the radius. CONNEXION. The humerus is connected with three bones ; with the scapula by arthrodia, and the cubit and radius by ginglymus. USE. To constitute the arm. This bone is perfect in its shape at birth, but its extremi- ties are cartilage. THE FORE-ARM. The fore-arm is composed of two bones, the ulna and radiiis: the first forms the internal and posterior part, and the second the external and anterior part. ULNA. Fotile majus. Cubitus. Canna major. This bone is long, and thicker above than below. It is placed in the inside of the fore-arm, from the elbow towards the little finger. EMINENCES. The olecranon, or anconoid process, situated posteriorly, and upon which we lean : it has a considerable tuberosity on its back part, for the insertion of the triceps extensor cubiti. The coronoid process, which is opposite to the former, has a tubercle that gives adhesion to the bra- chialis internus muscle, and has externally a semilunar ca- vity, called the lesser sigmoid, for the head of the radius. In the lower extremity are, the lower Jtead, the neck, and the styloid process, which gives a strong adhesion to the ligament that secures the wrist. The body of the ulna is somewhat triangular ; its external and internal surfaces are flat, and D 6 60 separated by a sharp angle or edge, which gives adhesion to a strong ligament that connects it with the radius. CAVITIES. The greater sigmoid cavity, at the upper end, between the anconoid process and the olecranon. The lesser tigmoid cavity, at the side of the coronoid process in which the rounded sides of the head of the radius play; & foramen, near its upper end, for the entrance of the nutritious vessels. CONNEXION. Superiorly with the trochlea of the humerus by arthrodia, inferiorly with the carpus by arthrodia, and with the radius by trochoides, as in prouation and supination. USE. To constitute the chief support of the fore-arm. The ends of the ulna, at birth, are cartilaginous j the body of the bone is very round. RADIUS. Manubrium manus. Focile minus. Canna minor. Addtia- menturn ulna. The radius, the lesser bone of the two, is long and cy- lindrical, and situated in the external side of the fore-arm, towards the thumb. EMINENCES. An upper head, which is small, round, and excavated ; its sides are also rounded, for immediately be- hind this upper head is the neck, at the bottom of which, anteriorly, is a considerable tuberosity, which gives an in- sertion to the biceps flexor cubiti, and the capsular ligament. A ridge, which is posterior, and extends along the body of the bone tor the attachment of the interosseous ligament, which unites it very firmly with the ulna. The inferior extremity of the radius is much larger than the upper, and is formed into an oblong articulating cavity, called the glenoid: this extremity is sometimes termed the 61 inferior head; towards its anterior and convex surface is s remarkable eminence, termed the styloid process of the radius. CAVITY. The glenoid cavity at its inferior extremity : it is divided into two by a slight transverse rising. On the an- terior and external surface of the lower extremity, are se- veral grooves, in which the tendons of some of the muscles- of the fore-arm pass. A fossa, on the opposite side to th styloid process, which receives the rounded surface of the ulna; a foramen, about three or four inches from its upper end, for the passage of the medullary vessels. JOINTS. The elbow-joint is constituted by three bones ; the inferior extremity of the humerus, and the superior ex- tremities of the radius and ulua, which are inclosed in a li- gaineutous bag, called the capsular ligament, besides which there is a coronary ligament peculiar to the head of the ra- dius, and the joint is strengthened by the two lateral liga- mtuits, a quantity of cellular substance, muscles, and tendons. Its motions are like those of an hinge, the radius and ulua bendiug backwards and forwards upon the humerus. The radius has another motion, viz. that of rotation, which it performs upon the ulna. The joint is supplied with synovia. USE. To assist in forming the fore- arm, and to serve fur flexion, supination, and pronation. CONNEXION. The radius is connected to the humerus by ging-li/miui, to the cubit by an interosseous ligament and trwhuides, and to the carpus by arthrodia. Both extremities of this bone are epiphyses at birth. THE HAND. The bones of the hand consist of those of the c<*iyut> m-fftacarpus, and finger** 62 CARPUS. The carpus, or wrist, is situated between the fore-arm and metacarpus. It is composed of eight bones, which lie close to one another in a double row, one of which is supe- rior, the other inferior. In the superior row are (from the thumb to the little finger), os scaphoides, or naviculare; os lunare; os cuneifornie; and os orbiculare, or sub-rotundum. In the lower row are os trapezium; os trapezoides; osmagnttm, and os unciforme. All of these bones bear some resemblance to the names given to them ; they are extremely difficult, nevertheless, to be known when separated : in general they may be said to have six unequal surfaces each : supposing, therefore, the hand to be laid flat on a table, with the palm downwards, the upper surface of each carpal bone will be that which is towards the back of the hand ; the posterior surface will be that which is nearest to the bones of the fore-arm, and the anterior surface that which is placed towards the fingers ; of the two lateral surfaces, the external one will be that which is nearest to the little finger, and the internal one that which is nearest to the thumb.. The os scaphoides has an oval cavity at its anterior and inner surface, the os lunare has its outer edge in the form of a crescent ; the os cunei- fornie has a convexity for the articulation of the os pisi- forme ; the os pisiforme is the smallest bone of the wrist ; the os trapezium has four unequal edges at its posterior surface ; the os trapezoides is like the former bone, but smaller ; the os magnum is the largest bone of the wrist ; the os unciforme has its unciform process. .CONNEXION. The bones of the carpus are united to those of the fore-arm and metacarpus by arthrodia. A capsular 63 ligament surrounds them, and the joint is strengthened by several others, which proceed in all directions. USE. To assist in forming the hand. See Fingers. The bones of the carpus, at birth, are for the most part cartilage, but a small round ossification is frequently found in many of them. METACARPUS. The metacarpus is placed between the carpus and fingers. It consists of five long rounded bones ; one of the thumb, and four metacarpal bones of the fingers. The upper extremity of each is termed its base; it is ir- regularly shaped, and somewhat flattened, with a small ca- vity at its end, and a smooth surface laterally, where it is joined to the next bone. The lower extremity is called the Iiead; it is oblong and smooth, and surrounded by a depres- sion, or ring ; and there is a small protuberance for the at- tachment of ligament. JOINTS. The wrist may be said to be formed of three sets of articulations or joints. The first joint is formed by the os scaphoides and lu- nare, making a ball to be received into the great scaphoid cavity of the radius : by this arrangement the hinge-like motion is allowed. The second joint is formed by the round end of the ulna being received into the side excavation of the radius : this permits pronation and supination. The third articulation is made by the metacarpal bones being united to the carpal by a series of joints. The eight carpal bones which enter into the construction of the wrist, are arranged in two rows, and are connected to each other by capsular and transverse ligaments. A cap- 64- sular ligament surrounds the first joint, which incloses, be- sides the end of the radius, the scaphoid and lunated bones ; also a moveable cartilage, which is affixed to the end of the ulna. There is a loose capsular ligament, which surrounds the second joint that is inclosed by the larger capsule. The joints are supplied with synovia, to prevent the effects of friction. USE. To form the middle part of the hand. See Fingers. The extremities of the metacarpal bones, at birth, are epiphyses. D1G1TI MANUS. The fingers are situated at the inferior extremity of the metacarpus, and consist of a thumb and four fingers. The thumb has two bones, and each finger three, which are called phalanges, from their being placed in rows. Each bone is broadest at its upper extremity, and formed into a superficial cavity, whose edges are rough for the insertion of ligament : the body, or middle part, is convex externally, and concave before : the lower extremity is rounded, and like a trochlea or pulley. JOINTS. The joints of the fingers are formed by a round head and hollow socket, secured by a capsular and lateral ligaments, with a fascia from the tendons. USE. The uses of the hand and fingers, as the instru- ments of defence and labour, &c. are so well known, that it Trould seem superfluous to enumerate them ; yet, it may be necessary to observe, that one half has a very obscure mo- tion, and serves as the base for the other, which performs the chief of the motions. The carpus being composed of many small bones, yields a little to our force, and accom- modates itself to the different motions of the hand. The metacarpus, by being composed of several bones, enables us to form a hollow in the palm of the hand, whilst the spaces between them serve for the lodgment of muscles. Each finger being composed of three bones, enables us to grasp, and perform several motions which could not be ef- fected were it one bone. Lastly, the general convexity of the bones of the hand strengthens the whole considerably, while the hollow on the inside affords a safe passage to the vessels and nerves. Of the inferior Extremities. The bones of the lower extremities consist of those of the thigh, leg, and foot. THE THIGH. The thigh has but one bone, which is by far the largest in the body, the osfemoris, or femur. OS FEMORIS. The os femoris, so called because it bears the body, is a long cylindrical bone, thickest at its extremities, and situ- ated between the pelvis and leg. EMINENCES. The head, which is received into the aceta* bulum of the os innominatum, and has a small dimple in its middle, for the attachment of the round or restraining liga- ment. The neck, upon which the- head stands : it is rough, and gives attachment to the capsular ligament. The great trochanter, which is a large unequal eminence below the ufct-k., for the insertion of the glutaei muscles. The little trochfinter, which receives the psoas and iliacus internus ; a rvugk eminence, between the trochanters on the -back part 66 of the bone for the insertion of the capsular ligament, and quadratus femoris, another line on the fore part of the bone, extending between the two trochanters, for the insertion of the capsular ligament. The body of this bone is smooth and convex before, and hollow behind, where there is a rough line, called linea aspera: it originates near the tro- chanters, and extends to the lower extremity, where it di- vides, and. terminates in a protuberance behind each con- dyle. On the inferier extremity are the external and the inter- nal condyle, and between them posteriorly a deep notch, for the passage of the great artery, vein, and nerve of the leg. SUBSTANCE. Compact on the outside, spongy in the ex- tremities, and cancellated internally. CONNEXION. The femur is connected to the acetabulum of the os innominatum by enarthrosis, and to the tibia and patella by gingtymus. JOINT. The hip-joint is formed by the acetabulum, the deep hollow cavity of the os innominatum, and the head of the thigh-bone which it receives. The socket is lined by car- tilage, which rises on its edge, so as to deepen its cavity j the notch observed on the dry bone, at the inferior part, has a ligament stretched across it ; the round ligament keeps the head of the thigh-bone down in its socket, and a very strong oapsular ligament surrounds the whole joint. The varied motions of the joint are facilitated by the synovia secreted, particularly by a substance placed within the socket. USE. To form part of the lower extremity. The thigh-bone, at birth, is of the same shape as the adult femur. Its head is cartilage, its inferior extremity an. epiphysis. The ossification of this bone, as well as of the os brachii, begins a month after conception, and has the same shape at four months as at nine. 67 A longitudinal section of the adult femur beautifully ex- hibits the three substances of bones, viz. the reticulated, which occupies the medullary cavity ; the spongy, which forms the extremities ; and the compact, of which the sides of the body of the bone are formed. THE LEG. The leg is that part of the lower extremity between the femur and foot. It consists of three bones ; the tibia 1t fibula t and patella, TIBIA. The tibia is a long, thick, triangular, and cylindrical bone, much the thickest at its upper extremity, placed be- tween the femur and tarsus in the anterior and inside of the leg. EMINENCES. The upper head of the tibia, which is the largest part, formed at the top into two rather concave sur- faces, and divided by an irregular protuberance, for its arti- culation with the condyles of the femur. The tuberosity of the tibia, to which the great ligament of the patella is fixed. The body of the tibia is triangular, and smaller than its ex- tremities : of its three surfaces, the external is slightly hol- lowed by muscles ; the internal is broad and flat, and the posterior is the narrowest, and nearly cylindrical. The an- terior ridge, or angle of the tibia, is called the spine or shin, and the external gives attachment to the interosseous liga- ment. At the lower liead of the tibia there is a considerable process, which forms the inner ankle. CAVITIES. Two articular sinuses, in the upper head, for the reception of the coudyles of the femur; an articular ca~ vity, at the side of the head, for the reception of the fibula. A deep cavity at the lower extremity of the bone, which re- ceives, the astragalus of the tarsus 5 a foramen for the en- 68 trance of the medullary vessels, situated at the back of the bone, a little above its middle ; a surface at each extremity on the outer side, for the articulation of the fibula. CONNEXION. The tibia is connected to the femur and patella by ginglymus, to the fibula by syneurosis, and to the astragalus by arthrodia. USE. To support the leg, and serve for the flexion of the lower extremity. Both extremities of the tibia, in the foetus, are cartilage ; but perfectly shaped like those of the adult. The body of the bone is more rounded. This bone is more frequently attacked with venereal nodes than any other, and particularly the anterior part. FIBULA. The JWula is a longitudinal bone, situated in the outer part of the leg, by the side of the tibia. EMINENCES. The head of the fibula, at the upper part ; which is rough and protuberant, and gives attachment ex- ternally to the biceps flexor cruris, and part of the gastro- cnemius internus. The body of the fibula is somewhat tri- angular, and appears as if it were twisted ; it is covered by muscles, and gives attachment to the interosseous ligament; it has a. foramen at its posterior part, for the entrance of medullary vessels. At its lower extremity the bone forms a considerable process, the malleolus .externus, or outer ankle. CONNEXION. It is connected to the tibia by an interos- BCOUJS ligament, and to the astragalus by arthrodia. USE. To form a fulcrum for the tibia, and assist in forming the leg. The fibula, at birth, is perfectly formed as to shape; it extremities are Cartilaginous. 69 PATELLA. Rotufa. The patella, or knee-pan, is a small, triangular, or heart- zhaped spongy bone, situated between the inferior extre- mity of the thigh-bone, and the upper part of the tibia, It is thickest at its middle, and gradually becomes thin- ner, until it forms its edge: anteriorly it is convex and rough, for the insertion of muscles and ligament : poste- riorly it is smooth, and divided into two surfaces by a lon- gitudinal line. CONNEXION. It is connected to the condyles of the femur by ginglymus, and with the tibia by syneurosis. The patella covers the anterior part of the knee-joint, and is kept in this situation by a strong ligament which every where surrounds it, and adheres both to the tibia and os femoris, forming a part, of the capsule. It is likewise firmly connected with the tibia, by means of a strong tendinous ligament, an inch in breadth, and up- wards of two inches in length, which adheres to th* lower part of the patella, and to the tuberosity at the upper part of the tibia. On account of this connexion it is very properly considered as an appendage to the tibia, which it follows in all its motions, so as to be with it what the oiecranon is to the ulna. There is this difference, however, that the olecranon is a fixed process, whereas the patella is moveable, being capable of sliding from above downwards, and from below up- wards; which motion is essential to the rotation of the leg. JOINT. The knee-joint is formed by the condyles of the femur ; the patella, and the tuberosities of the tibia, united by the capsular ligament, the crucial ligaments, the lateral ligaments, and the ligaments of the patella. Two semilunar cartilages are placed on the tibia, forming a more perfect hollow for the reception of the condyles of the femur. Th 70 joint is plentifully supplied with synovia, and surrounded with very large bursae mucosae. The strength of the joint is dependent more on its nume- rous ligaments than the conformation of the bones. Its mo- tions are flexion, extension, and a slight degree of rotation. USE. To strengthen the knee-joint, and to serve as a eommon pulley for the extensor muscles of the tibia. The knee-pan is always cartilaginous at birth. Ossifica- tion begins at different periods after birth, which de- pends upon the activity of the system. At first the ar- tery -is seen to deposit a few specks of bony matter. It next appears as if the vessel were itself converted into bone ; a complete ring of bone is then observed ; and at length the middle of this annulus is filled with bone, which goes on increasing until the whole is become bone. This process in the patella forms a most beau- tiful series of preparations, especially if injected. For this purpose the knee-pans should be collected at all periods before they are completely ossified ; dried, and put into spirit of turpentine. The patella is very frequently fractured. It is never united by callus, which would subject it to be more fre- quently broken ; but an union is effected between the divided portions by means of ligament. FOOT. The bones of the foot, like those of the hand, are dis- tinguished into three orders ; those of the tarsus, metatar- sus, and toes. TARSUS. The tarsus, like the carpus, consists of a number of small bones. They are seven in number, and are placed between the leg and metatarsus. Viewed all together, the superior part of the tarsus appears convex and headed, its hinder part forming the heel, its anterior part the back of the foot. Below it is concave, and affords a secure passage for the blood-vessels and nerves. 4 71 BONES. The seven bones of the tarsus are disposed into two rows. In the fast row are : ist, the astragalus, or up- permost bone. It has a large smooth convex head, flattened at its sides, and surrounded by a depression or groove, by which it is articulated to the tibia and fibula : anteriorly it has a surface of articulation with the os naviculare, and in- feriorly are two surfaces of articulation, separated by a de- pression for its connexion with the os calcis. The os calcis, or calcaneum, is the largest bone of the tar- sus, and of a very irregular shape. It is long, and some- what flattened at its sides, and forms the projection of the heel, called its tuberosity, into which the tendo Achillis is fixed. On its upper surface is an irregular prominence, with a narrow groove for its articulation with the astraga- lus. Anteriorly it has a surface of articulation with the os cuboides. On its under surface, which is flattened and eon- cave, are two tubercles that give origin to muscles. There is a groove on its external surface, in which the tendon of the peroneus longus passes. In the second row are : ist, the os naviculare , or scapho- ides, situated between the astragalus and ossa cuneiformia at the inside of the foot. Its anterior surface is convex, and has three articulatory surfaces which answer to the cunei- form bones : and there is a tuberosity on its inside, into which the tendon of the tibialis posticus is inserted : z. The os cuboides, which is the outermost bone, is of an irregular shape, and has a protuberance on its under sur- face, between which and the metatarsal bone, the tendon of the peroneus lougus passes: the remaining three bones are called cuneiform, and distinguished into the os eunei- fvrme externum, medium, and internum. EMINENCES. The head of the astragalus, and the tube- rosity of the heel. 72 CONNEXION. The connexion of the bones of the tarsus if -with the tibia and fibula by arthrodia; and with the meta tarsal bones, and also with one another, by amphiartftrosis. JOINTS. The ankle-joint is composed of three bones, viz. the lower end of the fibula, the lower end of the tibia, and the astragalus. The astragalus, with its rounded surface, receives the end of the tibia, a part of which descends some way down on the side of the astragalus, forming the inner ankle ; on the opposite side the fibula descends, forming the outer ankle, and by the end of the fibula being confined to that of the tibia by means of ligaments, a hollow is formed for the astragalus. This joint is surrounded by a capsular ligament, and is further strengthened by ten dons and fasciae; besides the del- toid ligament, which goes from the inner ankle to the astra- galus, the anterior and perpendicular fibular ligaments, and some others variously placed. The tarsal bones are united to each other by a complex number of ligaments. The joint admits of varied motion, and is supplied with syn- ovia, and surrounding bursae mucosae. USE. To form the basis of the foot, and to serve for its motion. The os calcis and the astragalw are become bone at birth ; but the other bones are cartilaginous. METATARSUS. The metatarsus is situated between the tarsus and toes, and is composed of five longitudinal bones, which form the back and sole of the foot. These agree in their general character with those of the metacarpus, but are longer and thicker : the basis, or posterior extremity of each, is thicker than the other extremity, which is rounded. Their bodies are somewhat triangular. 73 DIGITI PEDIS. The great toe is composed of two, and the other toes of three small bones, called phalanges. The general account of the fingers will apply to the boues of the toes. JOINTS. The joints of the toes are something like those of the fingers ; they have their capsular ligaments. OSSA SESAMOIDEA. The sesamoid bones are of the siae of a small pea, and situated occasionally about the joints of the thumb and great toe. COLOUR OF BONES. The natural colour of recent boues is various : in the foetus they are of a brownish red; blueish in youth; and white in old age. By feeding animals, as pigs, pigeons, rabbits, &c. with madder, the bones become of a beautiful red colour. VESSELS AND NERVES OF BONES. Bones have always their arteries arising from Contiguous trwaks, and their veins return the blood into those in the neighbourhood. In the larger and cylindrical bones there is a canal for these vessels. The nerves pass in, along with the arteries, from contiguous branches. The absorbents corns out with the veins. CONNEXION OF BONES. BONES are connected with one another, so as to admit of motion, and this kind of union rs termed diarthrosis; or so as to admit qf no motion, which is termed synarthrosis ; and when connected with one another by an intervening sub- stance, the union is termed symphysis. Diarthrosis, synar- throsis, and symphysis, are to be considered as the genera only of articulations, each genus comprehending several species, which are arranged as follows : Genera. Species. f ENARTHROSIS, when the round head of one bone is received into the deep cavity of another, so as to admit of motion in every direction ; as the head of the os fe- moris with the acetabulum of the os innominatum. ARTHRODIA, when the round head of a bone is re- ceived into a superficial cavity of another, so as to ad- mit of motion in every direction ; as the head of the l< humerus with the gleuoid cavity of the scapula. GINGLYMUS, when the motion is only flexion and ex- tension: thus the tibia is articulated with the os femo- ris ; and the cubit and radius with the os humeri. TROCHOIDES, when one bone rotates upon another ; as the first cervical vertebra upon the odontoid process of the second, and the radius upon the ulna or cubit. AMPHIARTHKOSIS, when there is motion, buf that very obscure; as the motion of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones. 5/3 i |< I 75 Genera. Species. SUTURE, when the union is by means of dentiform margins : as in the bones of the cranium ; hence the sagittal, lambdoidal, or occipital, and coronal sutures. HARMONY, when the connexion is by means of rough margins, not dentiform ; as in the hones of the face. GOMPHOSIS, when one bone is fixed within another, like a nail in a board ; as the teeth in the alveoli of the jaws. SCIIINDELYSIS, when one bone is furrowed into ano- ther, as the bones of the septum uarium. SYNCHONDROSIS, when a bone is united with another by means of an intervening cartilage j as the vertebrae and bones of the pubis. SYSSARCOSIS, when a bone is connected with another by means of an intervening muscle ; as the os hyoute* with the sternum. SYNEUROSIS, when a bone is united to another by an intervening membrane ; as the bones of the head of the foetus. SYNDESMOSIS, when a bone is connected to another by means of an intervening ligament ; as the radius with the ulna, &c. SYNOSTOSIS, when two bones, originally separated, are united to one another by bony matter, as the occi- ^pital bone with the sphaenoid. 76 OSTEOGENY; OR, DOCTRINE OF THE FORMATION AND GROWTH OF BONES. IN what manner bones are first formed, has long been a matter of dispute. Duhamel was of opinion that they were formed from layers of the periosteum, which gradually ossi- fied. This plausible doctrine, taught for many years, was at length opposed by Detleff, who, under the direction of Hal- ler, made many experiments to prove its fallacy. He was of opinion, from repeated observations, that the first rudiments of bone are a glutinous substance, which quickly assumes the consistence of cartilage, and then proceeds more slowly to the firmness of bone. This hypothesis is now abandoned. Modern physiologists are of opinion, that ossification is a spe- cific action of small arteries, by which ossific matter is se- parated from the blood and deposited where it is'required. Whilst ossification is goifg on, very little phosphat of lime (a component of ossific matter) can be detected in the urine, to be compared to what exists at other times. In rickets the urine is overchaged with phos- phat of lime. The first thing observable in the embryo, where bone is to be formed, is a transparent jelly, which becomes gra- dually firmer, and is formed into cartilage. The cartilage gradually iacreases to a certain size, and, when the process of ossification commences, vanishes as it advances. Carti- lages, previous to the ossification, are solid, and without any cavity ; but when the ossific action of the arteries is about to commence, the absorbents become very active, and 4 77 form a small cavity, in which the bony matter is deposited ; bone continues to be separated, and the absorbents model the mass into its required shape. The process of ossification is extremely rapid in ntero ; it advances slowly after birth, and is not completed in the human body till about the twentieth year. Ossification in the flat bones, as those of the skull, al- ways begins from central points, and the radiated fibres meet the radii of other ossifying points, or edges of the adjoining bone. In these bones the ossific matter is deposited between membranes ; whilst in. some flat bones, as the ossa ilia, the deposition takes place in cartilage. In long bones, as those of the arm and leg, the clavicle, metacarpal and metatarsal bones, a central ring is formed in the body of the bone, the head and extremities being carti- lage, in the centre of which ossification afterwards begins. The central ring of the body shoots its bony fibres towards the head and extremities, which extend towards the body of the bone. The head and extremities at length come so close to the body as to be merely separated by a cartilage, which becomes gradually thinner until the twentieth year. Thick and round bones, as those of the tarsus, carpus, sternum, and patella, are at first all cartilage ; ossification begins in the centre of each. At birth, the bones of the foetus are very imperfect. The extremities and processes of almost all the long bones ape connected to the body of the bone by cartilage. These por- tions of bone are called epiphyses. The cranium has no su- tures ; its bones are connected together by a firm and almost cartilaginous membrane. On the anterior part of the cra- nium, between the parietal bones and the frontal, is a con- siderable membranous space, called the antet ior fontanel> and E 3 78 a similar, but smaller one, between the parietal bones and the occipital, termed the posterior fontanel. The frontal bona consists of two bones, and the occipital of four. The teeth are partly formed, especially the enamel, and are placed in a double series. The external auditory foramen is surround- ed by a bony circle, in which there is a groove for the at- tachment of the membrana tympani : this circle gradually elongates into the meatus auditorius. The articular cavities of all the bones are much more shallow than in the adult. The os innominatum consists of three bones, the ilium, ischium, and pubis, which are connected together by very firm cartilage. The bodies of the vertebrae and its processes are united by cartilages. Mr. Howship has published in the Medico-Chirurgical Transactions a very interesting paper on the growth of bone, as it takes place in the human subject, in quadrupeds, ce- taceous animals, and birds. In these examinations the bones were recent, dried, injected, or calcined. The most material facts ascertained by his inquiries are the following : i. That ossification in cylindrical bones is not begun by cartilage (which is not then formed), but by the vessels in the periosteum ; although the work is subsequently taken up and completed by the agency of cartilage. 2,. That the earliest appearance of ossification at the im- perfect ends of the long bones, is that of five thin ossific plates, or tubular spaces, laid parallel to the general axis of the bone, and consequently parallel to each other. 3. That the surface of ossification (that part of the end of the bone from which, after maceration, the cartilaginous epiphysis loosens and drops off) is now demonstrated to be made up of two series of foramina, a larger and a smaller; 79 the first occasional, but not essential ; the second indis- pensable ; for, by whatever means the phosphat of lime is evolved, it first appears as a deposit round the external openings of the smaller series, or tubular spaces, upon the ossifying surface. The former series may be seen with the naked eye, the latter can only be discerned by the assist- ance of the microscope. 4. That those appearances which have occasionally been seen in injected cartilage, and hitherto mistaken for vessels running to and fro in the cartilage, are regularly organized, vascular, and secreting membranes, lining the smooth sidee of spacious canals, containing a peculiar glairy fluid, ne- cessary whenever the ossific fabric is required to be brought rapidly forward, passing down to the surface of ossification, and continuous with the larger series of foramina upon that surface. 5. That although, under some circumstances, there is the appearance of laminae, the ultimate texture of bone, as well as that of cartilage, is reticular* 6. That the principal instrument with which nature ap- pears to operate in changing the internal structure in the progressive growth of bone, is the most simple that can be imagined, being nothing more than the pressure from the natural contents, the fluid secretions, deposited or deter- mined here or there, according to the varying progress re- quired in the work an opinion that will appear by no means improbable to those who will for a moment consider the general iucompressibility of fluids. 80 DISEASED APPEARANCES OF BONES. The bones, like other parts of the body, are subject to diseases in which no alteration of structure is perceived. Those which the anatomist occasionally observes are inflam- mation, suppuration, necrosis, morbid thickness, morbid thinness, mollities, hyperostosis, rachitis, exostosis, absorp- tion, preternatural joints, diastasis, anchylosis, fracture, fis- sure, tophus, sarcostosis, caries, spma ventosa, and fragility. Inflammation. Bones are supplied with arteries, veins, ab- sorbents, and nerves ; and when inflammation takes place, there is a greater number of vessels perceived carrying red blood than in a heulthy state ; this diseased appearance is common in the bone lying immediately under old ulcers. When inflammation attacks the internal structure of bones, and produces suppuration, it forms the spina ventosa. Suppuration. Abscesses in bones are not very frequent. They are often attacked with caries, and form the spina ventosa : but it sometimes happens that the absorbents re- more a cousiderable portion of bone while pus is deposited ; and, in these cases, the abscess is lined by a thick coat of roagulable lymph: -this occurs most frequently in scrofu- lous caries of the vertebra?. Necros'is. This disease consists in a considerable portion of bone losing its vitality, and the neighbouring vessels taking on the ossiftc action, and depositing a cousiderable quantity of new bone to supply its place. In most of these cases the dead bone is not protruded until a new one is formed. Necrosis happens most frequently in the cylindrical banes, as the humerus, tibia, femur, &c. Morbid thickness. Bones are often observed remarkably f.hick, especially those of the calvaria ; it sometimes is the/ 81 effect of rheumatic inflammation. The body of a bone is- occasionally found considerably thickened from a deposition of bony laminae over the original bone : in these cases the bone is considerably heavier than in a healthy state. Morbid thinness. This affection of the bones is mostly observed in those of the head, from rickets and hydroce- phalus. AJolUties. Malacosteon. In mollities ossium there is a want of the due proportion of bony particles, and the bone which is formed is of a morbid nature, so that the whole may be bent in any direction. This disease often exists to so great a degree, that the bone may be cut with a knife. Hyperostosis. When the whole of a bone is swelled, or the extremity of a bone, the disease is called hyperostosis. Anatomists frequently have occasion to examine this disease in the extremity of a bone, as in white swellings. A j consi- derable deposition of a morbid fluid is observed in the cells of the bone, which is remarkably spongy. Rachitis. This is merely a degree of mollities in which the bones swell at their extremities, aud> unable to support the weight of the body, often become deformed. Exostotis. This disease consists in a bony excrescence arising from a bone. The fangs of the teeth are very subject to exostoses. When a bone has been fractured and there is a'luxuriance of callus, it forms an exostosis. The structure of these unnatural formations of bone is similar to that of compact healthy bone. Exostoses occasionally form to a considerable size, from the action of venereal and scrofu- lous virus, and then the diseased bone is very spongy. Absorption of bone. In the honeycomb caries of the cra- nhim, which is the effect of the venereal disease, portions of bone are removed here and there, so as to give somewhat E 5 82 the appearance of a honeycomb. During life, small ulcers, or a spongy flesh, occupy these cavities. Bone is likewise absorbed from pressure, as some of the ribs of the dorsal vertebrae from aneurism. Preternatural joints. When the patella and the collar- bone of old people, and occasionally the long cylindrical bones, are broken, the broken ends are united by ligament, and a new joint is sometimes formed, surrounded by a cap- sular ligament, Diastasis. Bones, which in a healthy state are united by a firm and immoveable connexion, occasionally are separated by disease to a considerable distance from each other : thus diastasis of the bones of the calvaria from hydrocephalus, and diastasis of the bones of the pelvis from enlarged viscera. Anchylosis. Bones, which in a natural state are united with each other, in such a way as to admit of consider- able motion, are often found united to each other by a mass of bone interposing. Sections of such anchylosed joints exhibit the ends of the bones sometimes in a healthy state, and a considerable quantity of spongy bone going across from each extremity. There is not unfrequently a morbid enlargement of the extremities of such bones. Fracture. The ends of fractured bones have been exa- mined by anatomists at various periods after the accident, from almost the moment after to the time of the complete formation of callus. A coagulum of blood is first deposited ; in a short time after, vessels are seen shooting into this co- agulum, from whose extremities bone is secreted, and the coagulum is then absorbed. Callus becomes bone of a more or less compact structure. When a cylindrical bone is frac- tured, the callus between the broken ends of the bone is a 83 solid mass, and has no medullary canal. A fractured tooth never unites again. Fissure. The bones of the skull are often found cracked, or not completely divided. A fissure is observed in one table, whilst the other remains whole. Tophus. A portion of a bone is occasionally observed elevated above the natural surface : when examined, it is found to arise from a diseased fluid deposited between the external lamellae of the bone, raising these lamellae so as to form a knofe-or tumour. Such diseased appearances are common to the tibia, and mostly arise from the action of the venereal virus. Sarcoxtosis. This disease consists in a loss of a portion of a bone, and in its place a spongy, fleshy excrescence is formed. It most frequently is observed in the cranium and tibia, and generally becomes cancerous, producing death. (Mrics. When a portion of a bone is deprived of its perios- teum from disease, so that a gritty sensation may be felt by touching it with a probe, it is said to be carious. The whole rarious portion is often separated altogether, when the bone is said to exfoliate; but H frequently happens, that in caries of the spongy bones, the bone crumbles insensibly away, until the whole is lost: this happens to the sternum, carpal, tarsal bones, and vertebrae; whilst the long cylindrical bones, the calvaria, ribs, &c. mostly, when carious, exfoliate. Spina venlosa. Caiies of the internal structure of bones, often comes under the examination of the anatomist. A spina ventosa, or suppuration in the medullary canal of the femur, has given rise to a tumour the sixe of a human head. When the carpal and tarsal bones are examined with this, disease, their internal structure is found carious and crum- bling away. 6 fragility. When there are more earthy particles depo- sited than in a healthy state, the bones are extremely brittle. This is observed in the bones of very old people; such bones being commonly fractured by a force which, if applied to a voung and healthy bone, would scarcely affect it. Bone converted into chalk. The extremities of the meta- tarsal bones, and of the phalanges of some gouty people, are occasionally found converted into an earthy mass, of a chalky whiteness. This substance often fills the joint, so as to anchylose it. CARTILAGES. DEFINITION. White, elastic, glistening substances, grow- ing to the bones. DIVISION. Into abducent, which cover the articulatory surfaces of bones ; interarticular, which are not accreted to the bones, but adhere to the capsular ligament, and lie be- tween the articulating extremities, as in the knee-joint, &c.; and tiniting cartilages, which unite bones firmly together, as the symphysis pubis, bodies of the vertebrae, &c. USE. To lubricate the articulation of the cartilages; to connect some bones by an immoveable connexion ; and to facilitate the motion of some articulations. They are covered by a membrane, called perichondriuw , which serves the same purposes as periosteum does to bone. The diseases of cartilages are little if at all understood. 85 PERIOSTEUM. A membrane which invests the external surface of all the bones except the crowns of the teeth. NAMES. Pericranium, on the cranium ; perwrbita, on the orbits ; perichondrium, when it covers cartilages ; and peri- desmwm, when it covers ligaments. SUBSTANCE. Fibrous, furnished with arteries, veins, nerves, and absorbent vessels. CONNEXION. The periosteum coheres very firmly by means of vessels with the substance of bones, and its ex- ternal surface is connected with cellular membrane, mus- cles, and ligaments. USE. To distribute the vessels on the external and inter- nal surfaces of bones, to which it also gives smoothness for the easier motion of muscles on its surface. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation, in which there is a greater quantity of red vessels than in health, and a general thickening. Gum-mi f or an elevation of the perios- teum, from a spongy thickening. Many have contended for the insensibility of the perios- teum ; in a diseased state, however, it is highly sen- sible, and often gives excruciating pain. In some birds the periosteum is black, and green in some fish. MEMBRANA MEDULLAR1S. This has improperly been termed periosteum internuin, from its forming an internal lining to the bones. It form* the little bags which contain the marrow, lines the cancelli, and affords a surface for the dispersion of the secretory ves- sels of the marrow. 86 SYNDESMOLOGY; OR, DOCTRINE OF THE LIGAMENTS. LIGAMENTS are elastic and strong membranes connecting: the extremities of the moveable bones. DIVISION. Into capsular, which surround joints like a bag, and connecting ligaments. USE. The capsular ligaments connect the extremities of the moveable bones, and prevent the efflux of synovia ; the external and internal connecting ligaments strengthen the extremities of the moveable bones. Ligaments of the lower jaw. The condyles of the lower jaw are connected with the articular sinuses of the temporal bone by the capsular ligament, besides which there is a late- ral ligament, which extends from the lower edge of the pos- terior maxillary foramen, on each side, to be fixed in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, before the vaginal eminence of the styloid process. An interarticular cartilage, placed on the condyles of the jaw, is enclosed by the capsu- lar ligament. Occipital bone, and vei-tefira of the neck. The condyles of the occipital bone are united with the articular depres- sions of the first vertebra by the capsular ligament, sur- rounding its condyles; a ligamentous membrane which goes from the anterior and posterior arch of the atlas to the occipital bone ; a ligament passing from the odontoid pro- cess to the occipital bone, called the perpendicular ligament ; the lateral ligaments, which arise from each side of the dentatus, and are inserted into the occiput before the con- dyles ; the circular ligament, which arises from the edge of 87 the spinal hole, and is inserted into the edge of the foramen magnum, and the ligamentum nuchae. Vertebra. The vertebrae are connected together by meaus of their bodies and oblique processes ; the bodies, by a soft cartilaginous substance, and the processes by li- gaments, viz. i st. The transverse ligament of the first vertebra, which passes behind the odontoid process of the second vertebra, and thus retains it in its proper situation. When this transverse ligament is ruptured or absorbed by pressure, the odontoid process presses on the me- dulla spinalis. In the first case, death is the immedi- ate consequence ; in the latter, a paralysis gradually takes place: and if the bones do not anchylose, it at length terminates fatally. id. The interspinous, which passes between the spinous processes. 3d. The intertransverse, which proceed from one trans- verse process to another. 4th. An external and internal ligament common to all the vertebra, extending in a longitudinal direction from the fore- part of the body of the second vertebra of the neck over all the other vertebrae, and becoming broader as it descends to- wards the os sacrum, where it becomes thinner, and gradually disappears. This external longitudinal ligament is strength- ened by the other shorter ligamentous fibres, or interver- tebral ligaments, which pass between the processes from one vertebra to another throughout the whole spine. The inter- nal ligament, the fibres of which, like the external one, ar spread in a longitudinal direction, is extended over the back part of the bodies of the vertebrae, where they assist in form- ing the cavity of the spine : it reaches from the foramen magnum occipitale to the os sacrum. 88 5th. Between the crura of the spinous processes is an yellowish ligament, which possesses great elasticity. This elastic ligament is of considerable importance, and very conspicuous in birds of long necks, as the swan aud ostrich, in which, by its elasticity, a considerable quantity of muscles is thereby rendered unnecessary. 6th. The capsular ligaments of the oblique processes; aud the transverse ligament, which unites the last vertebra of the loins with the os sacrum, which is strong, and passes from the extremity and lower edge of the last lumbar vertebra to the posterior and internal surface of the spine of the ilium. Ribs. The posterior extremity of the ribs is united with the vertebrae ; the anterior with the sternum. The liga- ments of the posterior extremity are, the capsular ligaments of the greater and lesser heads ; the internal and external ligaments of the neck of the ribs ; the external transverse li- gament, which arises from the transverse process, and is in- serted into the angle of each rib ; the internal transverse liga- ment, which arises from the body of each vertebra, and is in- serted anteriorly a little beyond the head of each rib ; the internal transverse ligaments, which arise from the inferior surface of the transverse processes, and are fixed to the up- per margins at the necks of the nearest ribs ; and a ligament peculiar to tbe last rib. The ligaments of the anterior extre- mity are, the capsular ligaments of the cartilages of the trua ribs, and the ligaments of the ribs inter se. Sternum. The ligaments counectiag the three portions of the sternum to the ribs are, the membrana propria of the sternum ; and the ligaments of the ensiform cartilage. Pelvis. The ligaments which connect the ossa innoini- nata with the os sacrum are, two sacro-ischiatic ligaments, placed towardi the posterior and inferior part of the pelvis: :. of these ligaments one is considerably larger than the other. The greater is attached to the posterior edge of the sacrum, to the tuberosity of the ilium, and the upper part of the o$ coccygis, from whence it passes to be inserted into the inner surface of the tuberosity of the ischium. At its upper part it is of considerable breadth, after which it becomes nar- rower, but expands again before it is inserted into the is- chium, and extending along its tuberosity to the descending ramus of the pubis, it there terminates in a fine point, and forms a kind of falx, one end of which is loose, while the other is fixed in the bone. The lesser sacro-ischiatic liga- ment is sometimes thicker than the former, and is placed obliquely before it. It extends from the transverse processes of the sacrum, and the tuberosity of the ilium, on each side to the spine of the ischium. These two ligaments not only serve to strengthen the articulation of the ossa innominate with the sacrum, but to support the viscera contained in the pelvis, the back and lower part of which is closed by these ligaments. The posterior and external surface of the greater ligament gives attachment also to portions of the gluteus maximus and gemini muscles. The ligamentum obturans of ike foramen ovale, which arises from the sides of this fora- men, and gives adhesion to the obturator externus and ob- turator internus muscles. The liganientum Poupartii, or m- guinale, which passes from the anterior superior spinous pro- cess of the ilium to the horizontal ramus of the pubis. It has an aperture at its upper part, for the passage of the ob- turator artery, &c. The transverse ligaments, which go from the transverse process of the fourth and fifth lumbar verte- brae, and are inserted iuto the posterior superior spinous process of the ilium. The annular ligament, which surrounds the articulation of the ossa pubis. The ligamenta vaga, which are small ligaments that pass from the ilium to the 90 sacrum anteriorly, aud the lacertus lig-amentosus, which passes anteriorly from the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra, along 1 the ridge of the os innominatum to the pubis. Os coccygis. The basis of the os coccygis is connected to the apex of the os sacrum by the capsular and longitudinal ligaments. Clavicle.- The anterior extremity is connected with the sternum and first rib ; and the posterior extremity with the acromion of the scapula, by the inter clavicular, the capsular ligament, the ligamentum rhombcideum ; and in the posterior extremity, the capsular ligament. Scapula. The proper ligament which connects the sca- pula with the posterior extremity of the clavicle is, the conoid ', aud the trapezoid. It extends from the whole external side of the coracoid process, and stretches across to the acromion k scapulae, becoming narrower as it approaches it ; so as to be somewhat of a triangular shape. This ligament, and the coracoid process, and acromion, are evidently intended for the protection of the shoulder- joint, and to prevent a luxa- tion upwards. Humerus. The head of the humerus is connected with the glenoid cavity of the scapula by the capsular ligament, which surrounds the neck of the scapula and os humeri, and is penetrated by the tendon of the biceps flexor cubiti. At the lower extremity of the os brachii are two intermuscular ligaments, which arise from the ridges going to the condyles. Articulation of the cubit. The elbow-joint is formed by the inferior extremity of the humerus, and superior extremi- ties of the ulna and radius. The ligaments connecting these bones are, the capsular, the brachio-cubilal, and the bra-cJtio- radial ligaments. The capsular ligament is attached to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lower extremity of the 91 os humeri, to the upper edges and sides of the cavities, above the condyles, and also to some part of the condyles ; from thence it is spread over the ulna to the edges of the greater sigmoid cavity, so as to include in it the end of the olecranon and of the coronoid process : it is likewise fixed around the neck of the radius, so as to include the neck of that bone. The bracJiio-radial and brackio-cubital ligaments descend la- terally from the lowest part of each condyle of the os brachii, and their fibres spread wide as they descend, so as to form some resemblance to a goose's foot. The brachio-cubital ligament is situated internally, and terminates in the coro- noid process of the ulna ; whilst the other, which is external, is lost in the radius. Raditts.The radius is affixed to the humerus, cubit, and carpus, by peculiar ligaments. Its head is bound in the late- ral siginoid cavity of the ulna by a circular ligament, which is attached at the two extremities of the cavity, and from thence surrounds the head of the radius : a ligament extends along its internal ridge, and is implanted into the opposite ridge of the ulna. This is called the interosseous ligament. Besides these, there are several other ligamentous fibres in the superior and inferior part of the radius. The bones of the carpus are articulated with those of the fore-arm, with the metacarpus, and with each other. The articulation with the fore -arai is formed by the upper surfaces of the os scaphoides, lunare, and cuneiforme, with the lower end of the radius ; a strong capsular ligament surrounds them, strengthened by the two lateral ligaments, one of which, or the external, extends from the styloid process of the radius to the os uaviculare ; while the other, or internal, is attached to the styloid process of the ulna, and to the os cuneiforme. The connexion of the second row with the upper extremities of the metacarpal bones is surrounded by a capsular ligament fastened round the neck of each meta- oarpal bone, and strengthened by several short and strong ligaments. All the metacarpal bones are firmly connected to each other by a number of short and very strong liga- ments, which extend from one bone to another, and are farther strengthened by two considerable ligamentous ex- pansions, which are called the external and internal annular ligaments. The first of these is stretched obliquely over the convex surface of the carpus from the os pisiforme to the stvioid process of the radius : it is an inch and a half in breadth, and serves to bind down the extensor tendons of the wrist and fingers, by attaching itself to the little pro- tuberances that separate them. The internal annular liga- ment is spread transversely at the inside of the carpus, and is attached on one side to part of the os naviculare and tra- pezium, and on the other to the os pisiforme ; serving to bind down the flexor tendons of the wrist and fingers, and by this mechanism facilitating the action of their muscles. An inter articular cartilage is placed between the head of the ulna and os cuneiforme. Fingers. The fingers and phalanges are connected toge- ther, and with the metacarpus, by strong capsular ligaments. Articulation of the femur. The head of the os femoris is strongly annexed to the acetabuluni of the os innominatum, by two very strong ligaments- the capsular ligament, and Hgamentum teres, or restraining ligament. A cartilaginous ligament surrounds the brim of the acetabulum, and a liga- ment is stretched across the notch at the inferior part of the acetabulum, leaving an opening behind it for the entrance of vessels to the joint. The posterior ligament of Winslow, which arises from 93 the upper and back part of the external condyle of tbe os femoris, and descends obliquely over the capsular ligament, to be fired to the tibia : this is often wanting; then a mem- brane supplies its place. Articulation of the knee. The knee-joint is formed by the condyles of the os femoris, head of the tibia, and patella. The ligaments are, the capsular, the popliteal ligament, which arises from the external condyle of the femur, and, passing on the posterior part of the capsular, is expanded upon the internal side of the joint, the external and the internal lateral ligaments, which arise from the tuberosities at the sides of the condyles, and are extended down to the tibia ; two crucial ligaments, which arise from each condyle posteriorly : one of these passes from the right to the left, and the other from the left to the right, so that they intersect each other. The lateral ligaments prevent the motion of the leg upon the thigh to the right or left ; and the crucial ligaments, which are also attached to the tibia, prevent the latter from being brought forwards. Besides these, the patella has the anterior ligament, which arises from the inferior point of the patella, and is inserted into the anterior tuberosity of the tibia, and the alar ligaments, which proceed from the inner side of the capsular ligament, and are inserted into the sides of the patella. There are two interarticular or semilunar cartilages, placed at the top of the tibia : the cornua, or extremities, are fixed, by ligaments, to the pro- tuberance of the tibia, and the anterior ccrnua are joined to each other by a transverse ligament. Fibula. The fibula is connected with the tibia by means of the capsular ligament of the superior extremity, the inter- osse&us ligament, and by strong ligaments of the tarsus. i Articulation of the tarsus. The inferior extremity of the 94 tibia and fibula forms the cavity into which the astragalus of the tarsus is received. This articulation is effected by the anterior, middle, and posterior ligaments of the fibula, the Kgamentum tibice, deltoides, the consular ligament, and liga- ments proper to the bones of the tarsus. Metatarsus. The bones of the metatarsus are connected in part together, and in part with the tarsus, by means of the tapsular ligament, the articular ligaments, the transverse liga- ments in the back and sole of the foot, and the interosseout ligaments of the metatarsus. Toes. The phalanges of the toes are united partly toge- ther, and partly with the metatarsus, by the capsular and lateral ligaments. The ligaments which restrain the muscles of the foot in their proper places, are found partly in the back and partly in the sole of the foot. They are the vaginal ligament of the tibia, the transverse or crucial ligaments of the tarsus, the ligaments of the tendons of the peronei muscles, the loci- niated ligament, the vaginal ligament of the extensor muscle ^nd flexor pollicis, the vaginal ligaments of the flexor ten- dons, the accessory ligaments of the flexor tendons, and the transverse ligaments of the extensor tendons. DISEASED APPEARANCES OF LIGAMENTS. The diseases of the ligaments are very few ; they are oc- casionally found carrying more red vessels than in an healthy state, and often thickened, lacerated, and gangrenous. 95 MYOLOGY; OR, DOCTRINE OF THE MUSCLES. A MUSCLE is a fibrous body, divided into head, belly, and <0t/. ADHESION. The head and tail are firmly attached to the bones ; the place of attachment of the former is called its origin ; it is usually that part nearest the trunk of the body : the latter is termed the insertion, which is more remote from the trunk of the body, and is implanted into the part to be moved. The body adheres laxly to other parts, by means of the cellular membrane, in order that it may swell when the muscle acts. SUBSTANCE. Fleshy in the belly, tendinous in the extre- mities. The former is composed of fleshy fibres, which are irritable and sensible ; the latter of white fibres, which are neither sensible nor irritable, and differ essentially, in their chemical properties, from those of the muscle. When the tendinous extremity of a muscle is rounded, it is called a tendon ; when broad and expanded, aponeurosis, and some- limes fascia. NAMES. Muscles are variously named, according to the arrangement of their fibres, or from their action, or from their origin and insertion, or from their figure or situation : thus, when the fibres go in the same direction, it is said to be a simple muscle ; when they are in rays, a radiated muscle ; when arranged like the plume of a feather, a penniform muscle ; and, when two penniform muscles are contiguous, at compound penniform. Muscles sometimes surround cer- 96 tain cevities of the body, forming a thin lamina, as in the intestinal canal, bladder, &c. When they are situated around any opening, so as to shut or open it, they are termed sphincters. There are many muscles named from their ac- tion, as theflexors, extensors, depressors, levators, corrugatores supertilii, &c. The muscles which receive names from their origin and insertion are very numerous ; as the sterno-cleido- mastoideus, stylo-hyoideus, stylo-glossus r &c. The deltoid, pectineus, pyramidalis, &c. are named from their figure ; and the pectoralis, lingualis, temporalis, pterygoideus, &c. from their situation. Muscles that concur in producing the same action, are called congeneres; and those that act contrary to each other, antagonist. VESSELS. Arteries, veins, and absorbents, abound in the fleshy part ; but very few indeed in the tendinous. NERVES of muscles are also numerous in the fleshy parts, and wanting in the tendinous. USE. Muscles are the organs of motion. MUSCLES OF THE INTEGUMENTS OF THE CRANIUM. OCCIFITO-FRONTALIS*. Epicranius. Occipitalis et fron- tatis. Digastricus capitis. A broad, thin, muscular expan- sion, which arises from the upper ridge of the occipital bone, covers the back part of the head, from the mastoid process of one side around to that of the other side, becomes a flat aponeurosis on the top of the head, and is inserted into the %* T7ie reader will observe, that though the muscles (a few only excepted, which are marked thus *) art in pairs, mention is made only of the muscles of one side. 4 97 skin and eyebrows, and the bone in that neighbourhood. The use of this muscle is to pull the skin of the head back- wards, to raise the eyebrows, and corrugate the skin of the forehead. CORRUGATOR SUPERCILH. Fronto-superciliaris. This muscle appears like a slip of the former ; it arises above the root of the nose, and is inserted among the fibres of the occipito-frontalis. Its use is to wrinkle the eyebrows, by drawing them together. MUSCLES OF THE EYELIDS. ORBICULARIS PALPEBRARUM. OrUcularis oculi. Naso- palpebralis.Tlais muscle arises and is inserted by the same small tendon at the inner angle of the orbit. It is a neat, regular, flat muscle, surrounding the eye, which it squeezes with violence when injured, as by dust. LEVATOR PALPEBRJE SUPERIORS. Orbito-palpebratts. A small muscle, arising by a flat tendon, deep within the orbit, near the optic foramen ; it becomes fleshy as it passes the eyeballs, and ends in the eyelid by a broad expansion of muscular fibres, which finally terminate in a short flat ten- don. It opens the eye by raising the upper eyelid. MUSCLES OF THE EYEBALL. The eyeball is completely surrounded by muscles, which move it in every direction. They arise from the very bottom of the orbit, around the optic foramen, and are implanted into the upper, under, and lateral surfaces of the sclerotic coat of the eye ; and the expansions of their colourless ten- F 98 dons form the tunica adnata, or white of the eye : these muscles are termed recti. RECTUS SUPERIOR. Attollens oculi. Levator oculi. Su- perbus. This muscle lifts the eye directly upwards, and is expressive of pride and haughtiness. RECTUS INFERIOR. Depi-imens oculi. Humilis. This is directly opposite to the former muscle, and is expressive of modesty and submission. RECTUS INTERNUS. Adducens oculi. Bibitorius. This moves the eye towards the nose. RECTUS EXTERNUS.- Abductor oculi. Indignabundus. This muscle turns the eye outwards. When the recti muscles all act in succession, they roll the eye ; but if they act all at once, the eye is immoveable. Besides these, there are two, the action of which turns the eye obliquely. OBLIOUUS SUPERIOR. Longissimm oculi. Trochlearis. This" antes with the former, from the bottom of the orbit, by a slender tendon, passes the upper part of the eyeball fleshy, then forms a smooth round tendon^ which passes through a cartilaginous pulley in the margin of the orbit, and return* down to be inserted in the middle of the eyeball. OBLIQUUS INFERIOR. Brevissimus oculi. This muscle is opposed to the former in form, place, and office. It arises from the nasal process of the superior maxillary bone, in the edge of the orbit, and passes obliquely backwards and out- wards under the ball of the eye, to be inserted opposite to the obliquus superior. 99 MUSCLES OF THE NOSE AND MOUTH. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALKQUE NASI. Super-mcurilla- labialis major et medius. Pyramidalis. Dilator alee nasi. A neat, delicate, pyramidal muscle, arising by a small double tendon from the nasal process of the superior maxillary bone, and spreading as it passes down the nose to be implanted by two fasciculi, one into the cartilage of the nose, and the other into the upper lip. Its office is to raise the upper lip, and dilate the nostrils. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS PROPRIUS. Muscidus tntuivut. Arises immediately under the edge of the orbit, and above the incisors, by a broad flat origin, and runs downwards and obliquely inwards to the. middle of the lip, where it meets its fellow. It pulls the upper lip directly upwards. DEPRESSOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALJEQUE NASI. Arises thin from near the incisores and caninus of the upper jaw ; it runs upwards to be inserted into the furrow of the lip : it draws the upper lip and aia nasi downwards. LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS. Super-maxilla-labialis minor. J^evator labiontm- comnwnis. Caninus. The origin of this muscle is between the infra-orbitar foramen of the superior maxillary bone and the first molaris, immediately above the canine tooth. It is inserted into the fibres of the orbicularl* oris, at the corner of the mouth, so that it raises the angle of the mouth upwards. ZVGOMATICUS MAJOR. Zygomato-labialis major, fiistvr- tor arts. Arises from the cheek-bone, near the zygomatio suture ; runs downwards and inwards to the^ corner of the mouth, and is lost in the fibres of the crbicutari* cm, and F I 100 depressor of the lip. Its action is that of distorting the taouth in laughter, rage, grinning, &c. ZYGOMATICUS MINOR. Zygomato-ldbialis minor. Arises higher than the former from the cheek-bone. It is a much more slender muscle than the major, and is often wanting. BUCCINATOR. Retractor anguli oris. Bucco-labialis. A large flat muscle which forms the sides of the cheek. It arises chiefly from the coronoid process of the lower jaw, and from the superior maxillary bone, close by the pterygoid process of the sphaenoid bone, and proceeds directly forwards to be implanted into the corner of the mouth. In its middle it is perforated by t"he duct of the parotid gland. Its vse is to flatten the cheek, assist in swallowing liquids, turning the morsel in the mouth while chewing : in blowing wind- instruments, it both receives and expels the wind; hence its name. DEPRESSOR ANGULI ORis.Maxitto-labialis. Triangularis tabiorum. A triangular muscle arising fleshy from the edge of the lower jaw. It gradually grows smaller as it runs up- wards to be implanted in the angle of the mouth, which it draws downwards. DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS. Mento-tabialis. (juadra- tus gena:. A small square muscle which arises under the de- pressor anguli oris, and goes obliquely upwards and inwards, until it meets its fellow in the middle of the lip, where it mixes with the fibres of the orbicularis. It pulls the lip downwards. ORBICULARIS ORIS*. -Labialis. Constrictor oris. Sphincter oris. Osculator. Semi-orbicularis superior et inferior. A r asalis labti superiorly. A regularly round muscle, an inch in breadth, surrounding the mouth after the manner of the or- bicularis oculi, and constituting the thickness of the lip*. 101 There is a crossing of the fibres at th angles of the mouth, which has induced some to consider this as two semicircular muscles. Often there is a small slip going from the middle of the upper lip to the nose, called nasalis labii superiors. The orbicularis contracts the mouth, and antagonizes with the muscles inserted into it. DEPRESSOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALJEQUE NASI. Incisivus medius. Constrictor, vel compressor ala nasL A very small muscle concealed under the former. It arises from the socket of the fore teeth, and goes into the root of the cartilage of the nose and upper lip, which it pulls down. CONSTRICTOR NASI. Super-maxilla-nasalis. Compressor nasi. A small scattered bundle of muscular fibres, which crosses the cartilage of the nose, and goes to the very point of the nose, meeting on the top with its fellow. J^EVATOR MENTI. Levator labii inferioris. lucisivus infe- rior. Arises from the lower jaw, at the root of the incisors, and is inserted into the skin on the very centre of the chin. By its contraction it draws the centre of the chin into a dimple, and moves the lip at the same time. MUSCLES OF THE EXTERNAL EAR. SUPERIOR AURIS. Temporo-auricularis. Attollens.\ very |lhm flat expansion of muscular fibres, scarcely distinguish- able from the fascia of the temporal muscle, upon which it lies. It arises broad and circular from the expanded tendon of the occipito-frontalis, and is inserted narrow into the root of the cartilaginous tube of the ear. It appears to have been intended to lift the ear upwards. ANTERIOR AURIS. Zyg-omato-atiricularis. A delicate, thin, narrow expansion, arising from near the back part of r 3 102 the zygoma, and inserted into the eminence behind the helix. This muscle is frequently not to be distinguished from the former. Its use is to raise the eminence forwards. POSTERIOR AVRis.Mastoido-auricularis. Retrahens au- ris. Triceps auris.k. very small, delicate, thin muscle, arising by three narrow distinct slips from about the mastoid process of the temporal bone, and going directly forwards to be inserted into the concha. Its use is to draw the ear back, and stretch the concha. HELICIS MAJOR. Arises from the anterior and acute part of the helix ; is inserted into the cartilage of the helix, a little above the tragus. It depresses the upper part of the helix. HELICIS MINOR. Arises lower than the former, and is inserted into the crus of the helix. Its use is to contract the fissure. TRAGICUS. This muscle lies upon the concha, and stretches to the tragus. It depresses the concha, and pulls the tragus a little outwards. ANTITRAGICUS. A very small muscle lying in the antitra- gus. It dilates the mouth of the concha. TRANSVERSUS AURIS. Arises from the upper part of the concha, and is inserted into the inner part of the helix. It draws these parts together. \lt'.9ifi< U?MQ MUSCLES OF THE INTERNAL EAR. LAXATOR T\MP\n\.Externus mallei. This muscle arises from the spinous process of the sphaenoid bone, and pro- ceeds into the cavity of the tympanum, to be inserted into the long process of the malleus. Its use is to draw the malleus obliquely forwards towards its origin. 3 103 TENSOR TYMPANI. Internus mallei. Arises from the cartilaginous extremity of the Eustachian tube, within the tympanum, and is inserted into the numttbrium of the mal- leus. By contracting, this muscle pulls the malleus and memhrana tympani inwards. STAPEDIUS. This delicate muscle arises from a little ca-- vern in the tympanum, near the cells of the mastoid process, and passes in a bony furrow to be inserted into the posterior part of the head of the stapes, which, by contracting, it draws upwards. MUSCLES OF THE LOWER JAW. TEMPORALIS. Tempvro-maxittaris. This great muscle of the lower jaw arises from a semicircular ridge in the lower part of the parietal bone, and from the sphaenoid, tem- poral, and frontal . bones in the hollow behind the eye, where they meet to form the squamous suture ; and from the aponeurosis which covers it. Its fibres are bundled toge- ther, and pass in a narrow compass under the zygoma, to be inserted all around the coronoid process of the lower jaw. Its use is to pull the lower jaw upwards, which it does very powerfully. Spasm of this muscle constitutes trismus, or locked-jaw. MASSETER. Zi/gotnato-ina.riUari!>.A. short, thick, fleshy muscle, which gives roundness to the back part of the cheek.- It arises from the superior maxillary bone, near its junction with the cheek-bone, and also from the lower edge of the zygoma, and passes over the coronoid process of the lower jaw, and covers that part of the jaw quite down to its angle, where it is inserted. The parotid gland lies on the upper part of the masseter, and its duct passes over it, as it crosses the > 4 104- cheek. The office of this muscle is the same as the tem- poral is. PTERYGOIDEUS INTERNUS. Pterygo-maxillaris minor. Pterygoideus minor. Arises from the internal or flat ptery- goid process of the sphaenoid bone, and passes downwards nn,d outwards to be inserted into the angle of the jaw on its inside. When this muscle contracts, it raises the jaw, and draws it a little to one side. PTERYGOIDEUS EXTERNUS. Pterygo-maxillaris major. Pterygoideus major. This arises from the external pterygoid process, and passes directly outwards, not downwards, to be implanted into the lower jaw, just below the capsular liga- ment, to a part of which it is connected. The use of this muscle is to move the jaw, and prevent the capsular liga- ment from being pinched. MUSCLES WHICH APPEAR ABOUT THE ANTE- RIOR PART OF THE NECK. PLATYSMA MYOIDES. TJtoraco-facmlis. Musculw cutaneus. Latissimus cotti. Quadratus genes. This delicate, fiat, and expanded muscle arises from the cellular membrane cover- ing the pectoral and deltoid muscles. Its fibres pass up- wards, to be inserted into the side of the chin and integu- ments of the cheek. When this muscle contracts, it pulls the skin of the cheeks and face downwards. STERNO-CLEIDO-MASTOIDEUS. Sterno-mastoideus, and clei- do-mastoideus. Mastoideus.This arises from the upper part of the sternum, and by another head from the fore part G the clavicle. These two portions pass upwards and outwards, unite and form a big, strong, round muscle, which is inserted into the mastoid process. When one of these muscles acts, 105 the head is pulled to one side ; but, when both contract to- gether, the head is bent forward. Spasm of this muscle is one cause of the wry- neck, or caput obstipum, MUSCLES SITUATED BETWEEN THE LOWER JAW AND OS HYOIDES. DIGASTRICUS. Mastoido-mentalis. Biventer majcdla in- ferioris. This muscle arises fleshy from the notch along the root of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, goes ob- liquely forwards and downwards, and becomes a long, thick, and round tendon, which perforates the stylo-hyoides muscle, and is affixed by a tendinous bridle to the os hyoides ;. then^ turning: upwards towards the chin, becomes again fleshy, and is inserted into the lower and anterior part of the chin. When the jaw is fixed, as in swallowing, this muscle raises the os hyoides ; but when the os hyoides is fixed, it pulls down the jaw. MYLO-HYOIDEUS. Maxillo-kyoideus. A flat and broad muscle arising from the whole semicircle of the lower jaw internally, and proceeding with very regular straight fibres to the basis of the os hyoides. It is divided from its fellow by a white tendinous line, which extends from the symphysis of the jaw to the os hyoides. When these muscles contract, the os hyoides is moved upwards. GENIG-HYOIDEUS. Mmculiu polychrestus. A small neat muscle, which arises from the rough point of the chin, and proceeds downwards, becoming flat and broad, to be im- planted into the basis of the os hyoides. When- the jaw is fixed, these muscles move the os hyoides forwards ami up- 106 wards ; and when the os hyoides is fixed, they pull the jaw down. - GENIO-GLOSSUS. Arises by a narrow pointed origin from the rough tubercle behind the symphysis of the chin; spreads out like a fan as it proceeds towards the tongue, whose sub- stance it chiefly forms. It moves the tongue in various di- rections. HYO-GLOSSUS. Basio-glosms. Cttondro-glossus. Cerafn- gtossus. Basio-chondro-cerato-glossus. This muscle arises by three fasciculi (one from the basis, one from the horn, and the other from the cartilage of the os hyoides), which pro- ceed upwards, with very slight marks of any division, to be inserted into the side of the tongue, which they pull down- wards ; and when both act, the tongue is made somewhat round. LINGUALIS. This muscle arises from and is inserted into the tongue. It is an irregular bundle of fibres, which runs along the side between the "stylo-glossus and the genio- glossus, unconnected with any bone. The tongue is short- ened and drawn backwards by these muscles. MUSCLES .SITUATED BETWEEN THE OS HYOIDES AND TRUNK. STERNO-HYOIDEUS. A fiat, broad, riband-like muscle, which arises from the upper part of the sternum, rather with- in the breast, and partly also from the clavicle and cartilage of the first rib, and goes straight up to be implanted into the base of the os hyoides, which it draws downwards. OMO-HYOIDEUS. Coraco-hyoideus. This is a very long thin muscle, arising from the scapula near the coracoid pro- cess, and passing around the throat, to be inserted into the 107 side of the os hyoides. When one of these muscles acts, the os hyoides is pulled to one side ; and when both act, it is pulled downwards. STERNO-THYROIDEUS. This muscle lies under the sterno- hyuideus, which it very much resembles, except that it is much shorter. It arises immediately under it, from the sternum and cartilage of the first rib, and goes upwards to be inserted into a rough ridge in the thyroid cartilage, which it pulls downwards. HYO-THVROIDEUS. Tliyreo-hyoideus. Arises from the basis and horn of the os hyoideus, and goes down to be im- planted into the lower border of the thyroid cartilage. It raises the thyroid cartilage, and depresses the os hyoides. CRICO-THVROIDEUS. A very short muscle, passing from the upper edge of the cricoid to the lower margin of the thyroid cartilage. It pulls the thyroid towards the cricoid cartilage. MUSCLES SITUATED BETtVEEN THE LOWER JAW AND OS HYOIDES LATERALLY. STYLO -GLOSSUS. Arises from the styloid process of the temporal bone, goes obliquely downwards and forwards to be inserted into the side of the tongue in a radiated form, so as to make part of the flesh of the tongue. It? office is to pull the tongue backwards into the month. STYLO-HYOIDEUS, Stylo-hyoidtus alter. Arises, like the former, from the styloid process, and goe* obliquely dewn- wards and forwards to be inserted into the side of the os hyoides. Just above its insertion, its fibres are slit so as to form a small loop for the tendon of the digastricus to pass through. The stylo-hyoideus is sometimes accompanied by F 6 108 a small fleshy muscle, called stylo-hyoideus alter. These muscles draw the os hyoideus upwards. STYLO -PHARYNGEUS. This arises from the root of the styloid process. It is a long, slender muscle, expanding its fibres upon the side of the pharynx. It lifts the pharynx up to receive the food, and then straightens and compresses it to push the morsel down the oesophagus. CIRCUMFLEXUS pALATLPterygo-palatimcs. Tensor palati. Palato-salpingus. Staphilinus externus, Splueno-salpingo- staphilinus. Musculus tuba. Pterygo-staphitinus. This muscle arises from the spinous process of the sphsenoid bone, aud from the beginning of the Eustachian tube, along with which it runs down betwixt the pterygoid processes ; it then becomes tendons, and turns around the hamulus of the pte- rygoid process to ascend again to the side of the velum : hence, when in action, the soft palate is made tense, by be- ing drawn downwards. LEVATOR PALATI MOLLIS. Glosso-patotinus. Salpingo- staphilinus. Sph&no-staphilimtf. Pterygo-staphilinus. Pe- tro-salpingo-staphilinus. This arises from the point of the pe- trous portion of the temporal bone, from the Eustachian tube, and also from the sphaenoid bone, from which it descends to the velum pendulum palati, and spreads out in it. When these muscles contract, the soft palate is raised against the posterior opening of the nostrils, and the opening of the Eu- stachian tube, whilst any thing is passing into the pharynx. MUSCLES SITUATED ABOUT THE ENTRY OF THE FAUCES. CONSTRICTOR ISTHMI FAUCIUM. Glos&o-staphilinus. This muscle arises from the very root of the tongue on each side, 109 goes round the middle of the velum, and ends in the uvuty. This semicircle, forms the first arch which presents itself when looking into the mouth. Its office is to pull down the soft palate, and raise the root of the tongue at the same time. PALATO-FHARYNGEUS. Pharyngo-palatinus. Saljringo- pliaryngeus. Arises in the middle of the soft palate, goes round the entry of the fauces, forming the second arch in the mouth, and ends in the edge of the thyroid cartilage. It assists in contracting the arch of the fauces. AZYGOS u\VLiE *. Palato-uvularis. A slip of straight fibres, which goes directly down from the peak of the palate- bones to the uvula, which it pulls directly upwards. : MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE SUPERIOR PART OF THE PHARYNX. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS INFERIOR. Laryngo-pharyn- geus. Arises partly from the thyroid, and partly from the cricoid cartilage, and meets its fellow in a tendinous middle line. It assists in pushing down the morsel through the pharynx. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS MEDIUS. Hyo-pkaryngeus. Arises from the round point of the os hyoides and its carti- lage, and is inserted into the ambit of the pharynx, its up- permost part touching the occipital bone. It compresses the pharynx, and at the same time draws the hyoid bone upwards. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS SUPERIOR. Ceptutlo-pharyngeus. Arises from the basis of the cranium, from the jaws, pa- late, and root of the tongue, and surrounds, with its fellow, the upper part of the pharynx, which it moves upwards and forwards, and also compresses. X 110 MUSCLES SITUATED ABOUT THE GLOTTIS. CRICO-ARYT.I;NOIDEUS posTicus. A small pyramidal muscle, which arises broad from the bark part of the cricoid cartilage, and goes directly upwards to be inserted by a nar- row point into the back of the aryta?noid cartilage. This pair of muscles pulls the arytaenoid cartilage directly back- wards, and lengthens the rima glottidis. CRICO-ARYTSNOIDEUS OBLIOUUS. Crico-aryt&noideus Ui- teralis. Arises from the side of the cricoid cartilage, and goes obliquely to be inserted into the side of the fcrytaenoid. It opens the glottis. Til YREO-ARYT.KNOIDEUS. Arises from the back of the wing of the thyroid cartilage, from the hollow, and is in- serted into the fore part of the arytaenoid cartilage. It widens the glottis by pulling the arytaenoid cartilage forward. ARYTNOIDEUS OBLIQUI-S. These delicate muscles arise from the root of each arytaenoid cartilage, arid go obliquely upwards to the points of the opposite one. They draw the cartilages together, and close the glottis. ARYTJENOIDEUS TRANSVERSUS*. A delicate muscle, which arises from the whole length of one arytaenoid cartilage, and goes across to be implanted into the whole length of the. op- posite one. By drawing these cartilages together, the glottis is contracted. THYREO-EPIGLOTTIDEUS. Arises from the thyroid carti- lage, and is inserted into the side of the epiglottis. It pulls the epiglottis obliquely downwards. ARYTSNO-EPIGLOTTIDEUS. This muscle arises from the upper part of the arytaenoid cartilage laterally, and is inserted into the side of the epiglottis, which it moves outwards. Ill MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE ANTERIOR PART OF THE ABDOMEN. OBLIQUUS EXTERNUS. Cesto-abdominalis. Obliquus exter- nus descettdens. Obliywts major descendens. Declivis, This muscle, which is the outermost of all the abdominal mus- cles, arises by distinct fleshy tongues, from the eight lower ribs. Its fibres pass down all in one parallel direction with each other, but oblique with respect to the abdomen. Its fleshy belly ceases about the middle of the side^ and be- comes a flat tendon, which goes over the fore part of the belly, until it meets its fellow in the middle. This meeting of the tendons, along with that of the other muscles to be described, forms a white line, extending from the pubis to the sternum, called tinea alba. Before the tendon of this muscle reaches the middle of the belly, it unites with the flat tendon of the inner oblique muscle, about four inches on cither side of the linea alba, and forms a semilunar white line, called linea semilunaiis. Besides the insertion of this muscle into the linea alba, it is planted into the spine of the ilium, and the ligament which extends from the spine of the ilium to the crest of the pubis, called Poupart's ligament. It com- presses the abdomen ; hence its utility is very considerable iu expiration, evacuation of the faeces, urine, foetus, &c. The operation of tapping for removing the water from the cavity of the peritoneum is now performed in the linea alba, in the middle between the pubis and umbi- licus, care being taken to cause the urine to be evacu- ated previous to it. OBLIQUUS INTERNUS. Ilio-ibdominalis. Obliquus internus asccndcns. Obliquus tmnor. This muscle arises fleshy from 112 all the circle of the spine of the ilium; and by a thin ten- don, common with the serratus and latissimus dorsi, from the three lower spinous processes of the loins. From the spine of the ilium it ascends upwards in a radiated direc- tion, and crosses the abdomen to the linea alba; its higher fibres reaching the sternum, and the lower ones the pubis. Its flat tendon is inserted into the cartilages of all the false ribs, into the sternum, and into the linea alba, throughout its whole length. It acts in conjunction with the former, TRANSVERSALIS ABDOMINIS. Lumbo-abdominalis. This muscle arises fleshy from the inner surface of the six lower ribs ; from the transverse processes of the four last lumbar vertebrae ; from the whole spine of the ilium ; and from part of Poupart's ligament. Its fibres run directly across the abdomen, and are inserted tendinous into the whole length ef the linea alba. This muscle also acts in conjunction with the two former in compressing the abdomen. RECTUS ABDOMINIS. Pubio-sternalis. These two mus- cles cover the fore part of the abdomen, in a line between the sternum and pubis, one on each side the linea alba, and are enclosed all this way by a sheath of tendon, formed by a separation of those of the oblique, which are uppermost, from that of the transversalis, which lies underneath. The origin is fleshy from the outside of the sternum ; it pro- ceeds about four inches in breadth all down the abdomen, and is inserted by a short flat-pointed tendon on the side of the symphysis of the pubis. It is crossed at intervals by four tendinous intersections. The recti muscles not only compress the abdomen, but bring the trunk forwards to- wards the pubis. PYRAMIDALIS. Pubio-sub-unibilicalis. A small triangu- lar muscle immediately above the symphysis pubis, from 113 the side of which it arises broad, and is inserted a little above into the linea alba. Its use is to assist the rectus in drawing down the sternum, and also to tighten the linea alba. Frequently it is wanting on both sides ; the rectus is then found larger at its under end. The umJdlicus, or navel, was originally an opening in the foetus, through which the umbilical vein and two um- bilical arteries passed. After birth, the vessels dege- nerate into ligaments within the abdomen, and the opening is closed, like a ring, in the middle of the linea alba. The tendinous fibres are very firmly con- nected together in this place; yet they occasionally give way, and some of the abdominal viscera protrude, which constitutes the exomphalos, or umbilical hernia. The abdominal ring-, or, as it is also termed, the inguinal ring, is an opening in the lower part of the abdomen, just above the pubis, through which the spermatic cord of men passes, and the round ligament of women. It is an opening in the external oblique muscle only, the other muscles having nothing to do with it ; form- ed by the splitting, as it were, of its tendinous fibres at that part. It begins about an inch and a half above the pubis, is oblique, looking towards the pubis. The tendinous fibres forming the upper part of the opening, go directly towards the highest point of the pubis; and the slip of fibres which form the lower edge of the slit, turn in behind the upper one, and are implanted into the pubis, within and behind the upper edge of fibres. It is this crossing of the fibres which secures the opening ; for the more the muscle pulls m pressing the abdomen, the tighter the ring is drawn. Protru- sions of the viscera of the abdomen at this place form bubonocele. Umbilical and inguinal hernia do not consist in the rup- ture of any part to allow the viscera to protrude. The tendinous fibres lose their strength, and constant pres- sure upon them causes them to be elongated, or to separate from one another : when this separation is ef- fected, the peritoneum lining the abdomen, an elastic 114- membrane, always goes before the protruding viscus, and constitutes the sac of the hernia. Original mid- formation of the inguinal ring is the most frequent cause of hernia in that part : this runs through families. MUSCLES ABOUT THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. DARTOS *. The membrane so termed is said by many to be muscular; it appears, however, to be no more than a condensation of cellular membrane lining the scrotum, which admits of being corrugated and relaxed. It is placed immediately under the skin of the scrotum. CREMASTER. Musculus testis,A. number of fleshy fibres which arise about the ring and Poupart's ligament, and run downwards to be inserted into the tunica vaginalis testis. \Vhen this flat sheet of fibres contract, the testicle is drawn upwards. ERECTOR PENIS. Ischin-supjienialis. Collateralis penis. Jschw-cavei-nosus. A small muscle which lies along the crus penis on each side. It arises by a slender tendon from the tuberosity of the ischium, and goes fleshy, thin, and flat over the crus penis, to be inserted about two inches up into the crus of the penis. These muscles are supposed, by press- ing the penis against the pubis, to compress the vena magna ipsius penis, and so cause an erection. ACCELERATOR VRWK.jBulbo-urethralis. Ejaculator se- ikinis. Arises from the sphincter of the anus, and a little above the bulb of the urethra, and meets its fellow in a white tendinous line along the lower part of the bulb of the urethra; so that these two muscles surround the whole of the bulb. Their use is to compress the urethra in emptying it of the last drops of urine, and to expel forcibly the se- 115 men, which they do with a kind of involuntary or convul- sive action. TRANSVERSALIS PERIN/EI. Jschio-perinealis. Transi'ersa- lis penis. Transversalis p&intei alter. Arises by a delicate tendon from the tuberosity of the ischium, and crosses the perinaeum, to be inserted into the very back part of the bulb of the urethra. There is occasionally another muscle ac- companying it, called tranwersalis perincei alter. Its chief use is to prevent the anus being too much protruded in dis- charging the faeces. MUSCLES OF THE ANUS. SPHINCTER AM. Coccygeo-analis. Abroad circular band of muscular fibres surrounding the anus. It arises from a point of the os coccygis behind, and sends a neat slip for- wards, by which it is attached to the back part of the acce- lerator uriruE. When it contracts, the anus is shut. In performing the operation for fistula in ano, this muscle, or some part of it, is mostly divided. LEVATOR ANI *. Sub-pubio-cocct/geus. Musculus ani latus. One broad thin muscle arising from the internal surface of the fore part of the pelvis ; so that its origin is continued from the internal pubis all the way round to the sacrum. It grows gradually smaller as it passes downwards to sur- round the anus, and is inserted into the circle of the anus, the point of the os coccygis, and is mixed with the sphincter ant. This muscle raises the anus, dilates it, and supports it during the evacuation of the faces. 116 MUSCLES OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. ERECTOR CLITORIDIS. Ischio-sub-clitorideus. A small delicate muscle arising from the internal part of the crus of the ischium, and inserted into the upper part of the crus, and into the body of the clitoris. Its use is to draw the cli- toris downward, and make it tense. SPHINCTER VAGINA *. Perirueo-clitorideus. A circular bundle of fibres arising from the sphincter aui and sides of the vagina, which it surrounds, and inserted into the union of the cruret clitondis. It contracts the entrance of the va- gina. TRANSVERSUS PERINJEI. Origin, insertion, and use, the same as in the male. MUSCLES SITUATED WITHIN THE PELVIS. OBTURATOR INTERNUS. Marsupialis. Sursalis. This muscle arises from all the internal surface of the obturator ligament, from the edges of the foramen thyroideum within the pelvis, and comes out by turning round the ischium in the notch between the tuberosity and the spine of the ilium ; it proceeds between the crura of the gemini and its tendon, is united to theirs, and inserted with them by one common tendon into the root of the great trochanter. It rolls the thigh obliquely outwards. COCCYGEUS. A thin flat muscle which arises by a nar- row point from the inside of the spinous process of the ilium, and is inserted after being expanded, fleshy into the whole length of the os coccygis. It pulls the point of the os coccygis upwards. 117 MUSCLES SITUATED WITHIN THE CAVITY OF THE ABDOMEN. DIAPHRAGM A*. Septum transverswn. The diaphragm is called in English, midriff. It is a transverse vaulted muscle, dividing the cavity of the thorax from that of the abdomen. It is fleshy towards its borders, and tendinous in the centre, convex towards the thorax, concave towards the abdomen. It arises by one broad fleshy attachment from all the lower borders of the chest ; and this fleshy origin constitutes what is considered by some as the upper or greater muscle of the diaphragm. It arises also by many small tendinous feet from the fore part of the loins, which soon unite in two fleshy bellies, termed the crura diaphragmatis, which, meeting, form what is termed the lesser muscle of the diaphragm. The middle of the diaphragm is a strong aponeurosis, and is dis- tinguished by the epithet of centrum t&idinosum. The shape of this tendinous centre is determined by the fleshy bellies ; the large one above almost surrounds it, and the lesser one below meeting the larger, the two divisions give it a pointed form behind, not unlike a trefoil leaf, or the ace of hearts. The tendinous centre is fixed to the spine, so that the two sides form two convexities in the cavity of the chest. Apertures. This great muscle is perforated by several vessels passing reciprocally betwixt the thorax and abdo- jnen ; and the apertures through which they pass, have re- ceived appropriate names : i. Fvramen dextrum. The vena cava passes through this foramen to the heart. The opening is of a triangular shape, tendinous, and larger than the vein requires, st> that there is no danger of strangulation. 2. The foramen sinistrum, which is in the lower fleshy belly; it transmits the oesophagus and par vagum into the caTity of 118 the abdomen, and the muscular fibres are so disposed as to make some anatomists believe they acted as a sphincter to the cardia. 3. The foramen posterius, which is formed by the crura of the diaphragm bestriding it like an arch, to defend it from pressure. The aorta passes through this opening into the abdomen, and the thoracic duct and vena azygos from the cavity of the abdomen into the thorax. Coverings. The upper surface of the diaphragm is cover- ed by the pleura, and its under surface by the peritoneum. Arteries. The diaphragmatic arteries arise from the de- scending aorta. Veins. The veins follow the arborescent course of th arteries, and empty their blood in the vena azygos. Nerves. The nerves of the diaphragm are called phrenic, it being formerly the supposed seat of the mind : they arise from the spinal nerves of the neck. Use. Next to thp heart, this muscle is the most useful ; it is the principal muscle in respiration, and is so perfect in this office, that though there be a complete anchylosis of the ribs, the person lives and breathes by the diaphragm, without feeling the loss. Its actions, in assisting those of the abdominal muscles in agitating the bowels, expelling the faeces, urine, and fo&tus during labour, are of the utmost assistance. Inflammation of the muscular or cellular tissue of the dia- phragm constitutes the disease called paraphrerdtiy, or diaphrag-mitis. It does not often occur as an idiopa- thic affection, but more frequently from inflammation of the pleura or peritoneum. QVADRATUS LUMBORUM. Ilw-costa.Hs. A flat, oblong, though somewhat square muscle, arising fleshy from the back part of the os ilium and ligauxeuts of the pelvis, which 119 tie the back part of the ilium to the side of the sacrum and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. It goes up- wards to be inserted into the points of the transverse pro- cesses and the lower edge of the last rib. It supports the loins, and draws the spine to one side. PSOAS PARVUS. Pralwnbo-pubialis. A muscle of the loins, which arises from the last dorsal and first lumbar ver- tebrae, and passes down by the side of the psoas magnus to be inserted into the brim of the pelvis, near the acetabulum. It is often wanting. It bends the loins forwards. PSOAS MAGNUS. Prcdumbo-troclumtineus. A very long and fleshy muscle filling the space upon the sides of the spine. It arises by an upper head from the last vertebra of the back, then successively from each lumbar vertebra, not only from the sides of their bodies, but likewise from their transverse processes. The muscle then descends thick, round, and fleshy, to be united with the internal iliac muscle, under Poupart's ligament, and the common tendon then bends ob- liquely round to be inserted into the lesser trochanter. The psoas muscles are in constant use in moving the thigh for- wards, and supporting the pelvis upon the thigh-bone. Inflammation of the cellular membrane near this muscle very frequently terminates in abscess, called psoas ab- scess. Dissections prove that it more commonly hap- pens in the cellular structure around the muscle, than in the substance of the muscle. After a short time, the pus descends under Poupart's ligament, following the course of this muscle in the cellular substance sur- rounding the tendon and femoral vessels. At other times it insinuates itself under the fascia of the thigh , and opens in various places very remote from the psoa muscle ; nor is its appearance upon the loins and about the hip-joint unfrequent. It mostly proves fatal. 120 ILIACUS INTERNUS. Ilio-trochantineus. A thick, fleshy, fan-like muscle, occupying the internal surface of the iliac portion of the os innominatum. It arises from the inner edge of the crista .of the ilium, and adheres to the concavity of that bone down to the brim of the pelvis, to the fore part of the bone under the spinous process. All its radiated fibres are gathered together into a tendon under Poupart's liga- ment, where it unites with the psoas, and the common ten- don turns obliquely round to be inserted into the lesser trochanter. It acts in conjunction with the psoas in moving the thigh forwards. MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE ANTERIOR PART OF THE THORAX. PECTORALIS MAJOR. Pectoralis. Sterno-humeralis. A large, thick, and fleshy muscle which covers all the breast. It arises from the clavicle next the sternum, from the edge of the sternum and the cartilaginous endings of the fifth and sixth ribs. All its fibres converge to form a flat twisted tendon, which goes before the armpit, to be inserted into the edge of the groove in the humerus for the tendon of the biceps. When this muscle contracts, the arm is brought forwards obliquely. Cancer of the breast is situated over this muscle ; and is occasionally very firmly attached to it. SUBCLAVIUS. Subclavianus. A small muscle concealed under the clavicle. It arises by a flat tendon from the car- tilage of the first rib, and is inserted fleshy into a great part of the clavicle. Its use is to fix the davicle more firmly. PECTORALIS MINOR. Costo-coracoidalis. Serratus minm anticus. This muscle lies underneath the pectoralis major, 121 close upon the ribs. It arises thick and fleshy from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, and its fibres all converge to form a thick fleshy point, to be inserted into the very apex of the coracoid process of the scapula. It pulls the scapula directly forwards. SERRATUS MAJOR ANTICUS. Costo-scapularis. Thi* muscle covers the side of the chest. It arises by sharp- pointed slips or dictations from all the true ribs, except the first, and from three of the false ribs. It proceeds up- wards and backwards to form a fleshy cushion, as it were, for the scapula ; and its fibres all converge to be inserted into the basis of the scapula. It pulls the scapula down- wards and forwards. MUSCLES SITUATED BETWEEN THE RIBS, AND WITHIN THE THORAX. JNTERCOSTALES EXTERNI. The external layer of muscu- lar fibres between the ribs is so termed. They run from the spine towards the sternum, having their fibres directed from behind forwards, and stopping at the cartilages of the ribs. They assist in inspiration, by raising the ribs. INTERCOSTALES INTERNI. These muscles run from be- fore backwards, underneath the former, and cross them. They raise the ribs. STER.VO-COSTALIS. Triangularis sterni. This is very ge- nerally considered as a triangular muscle lying on each side, chiefly on the inner face of the sternum, and on the carti- lages of the ribs ; whilst some think it is three or four muscles : they are, in fact, three or four slips, arising from the ensiform cartilage, and going over the middle of the a sternum to be inserted into the second, third, and fourth rib. Their office is to depress the rib. MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE ANTERIOR PART OF THE NECK CLOSE TO THE VERTEBRAE. LONGUS COLLI. Frr. Trachelo-sub-occipitalis minor. A very small muscle imme- diately underneath the former. It arises from the fore part of the atlas, and goes obliquely inwards to be inserted into the occipital bone, near the condyle. It assists the former. RECTUS CAPITIS LATERALIS. dtloido-sub-occijritutis. A very small muscle like the former. It arises from the trans- verse processes of the atlas, and is inserted into the side of the cuneiform processes of the os occipitis. It lies immedi- ately under the exit of the internal jugular vein. It mores 123 the head to one side ; and, when both act, they assist the former muscles in pulling the head forwards. MUSCLES SITUATED 6N THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE TRUNK. TRAPEZI us. Dorso-super-acromialis. Cucullaris. These two muscles cover the back part of the neck and shoulders, extending from the tip of one shoulder to the tip of the other, and from the nape of the neck quite down to the loins ; hence it has been compared to a monk's cowl hang- ing back upon the neck. It arises by a strong tendon from the most pointed part of the os occipitis, and along the transverse spine to the mastoid process : from this point, all down the neck, it has no hold of the vertebrae, but arises from the ligamentum nuch&: it then arises from the spines of the two last cervical vertebrae, and those of the back. From this long origin its fibres converge into one point, the tip of the shoulder, to be inserted into the scapular end of the clavicle, the acromion of the scapula, and the whole length of its spine. The trapezius is chiefly a muscle of the sca- pula: it also bends the neck and head backwards. LATISSIMUS DORSI. Lumbo-humerctlis. The broadest muscle of the whole body. It covers all the lower part of the back and loins. It arises by a broad flat tendon in the middle of the back, loins, and sacrum, and fleshy from the circle of the ilium. The tendon gradually becomes a flat regular muscle, which proceeds upwards, passes over the corner of the scapula, from which it receives a small fleshy bundle, and several smaller ones as it passes over the ribs ; it then becomes a twisted tendon, which, passing to the c z 124 axilla, turns under the os nuineri tu, be inserted into the inner edge of the groove of the tendon of the biceps, Thus it appears that the anterior part of the axilla is formed by the pectoral'is major, and ^the posterior by the latissbnu-s dorsi: hence they support the whole body when on crutches. The latter muscle brings the arm down, when raised, as in striking with a hammer; and downwards and backwards, as in knocking with the elbow ; it also turns the palm of the hand behind the back. " SERRATUS POSTICUS INFERIOR. JLumbo-costalis. A very broad thin muscle, situated in the lower part of the back under the former, with which it arises from the three lower dorsal and four uppermost lumbar vertebrae. It soon be- comes fleshy, and divides into three or four slips, each of which is inserted separately into the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth lower ribs, near their cartilage. It pulls the ribs downwards and backwards. RHOMBOIDEUS. Domo-scapularis, Rhomboideits major ct w'n0r.- i -A neat, flat, square muscle, situated between tlu> spine and the whole length of the basis of the scapula. Oqe part arises from the three lower spinous processes of the cervical vertebra, and goes across to be inserted into the uppermost part of the basis of the scapula. The other portion arises from the spinous processes of the four first dorsal vertebrae, and goes directly across under the former piece, to be implanted into the lowermost part of the basi* of the scapula. These are generally considered as two distinct muscles, though it often happens that there is no division, and most frequently only a partial one. The, v of the rhomboideus is to move the scapula upward* and backwards. f, 125 SPLENIUS. Sjolenius capitis. Splemus collL This muscle lies immediately under the trapezuts and above the com- plexus, aud is named splenius, from its lying like a surgieal splint along the side of the neck. It is a flat and broad tnuacle, arising from the four uppermost spinous processes of the back, and five lowest of the neck, and proceeds up- wards and outwards to be implanted into the whole length of the occipital ridge and mastoid process of the temporal bone. Immediately under this portion is another arising with it, but terminating by four or five distinct tendons in the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrse. This portion is considered by some as a distinct muscle, and called splenitts collt> and the former splenius capitis. When the muscle of one side acts, the head is pulled backwards to one side ; when both act, it is drawn directly backwards j and when the muscle of one side with the sterno-cleido-mas- toideus of the same side act together, the ear is brought down upon the shoulder. SERRATUS SUPERIOR POSTICUS. Dorso-costalis. This is a flat muscle lying on the posterior part of the chest, over the splenius. It arises by a flat and shining tendon from the spiuous processes of the lower cervical and two upper- most dorsal vertebrae, and goes obliquely downwards under the upper comer of the scapula, to be inserted into the se- cond, third, awl fourth ribs, by three fleshy digitations. They elevate the ribs. SPINALIS DORSI. There is one long mass of muscular and Heiuiinous fibres going from spine to spine along the whcle eugth of the back and neck ; and which is divided into ap-utaJ-is dorn and cervicis. The former arises from the two upper spinous processes of the loins and three lower of the back, and passing tw,Q spines untouched, is inserted into, all 6, r es the spinous processes of the back, except the uppermost. it raises the spine. LEVATORES COSTARUM. Supra-costales, Leratores costa- rum long-lores. These are twelve muscles on each side, for the direct purpose of raising the ribs. They arise from the transverse processes of the last cervical and eleven upper- most dorsal vertebrae, and go down to the angle of each rib. The three last are twice as long as the others. SACRo-LUiMBALis. Saci'o-costalis. Additamentum ad sa- cro-lumbalem. Musculi accessorii. This muscle arises by a tendon common to it and the longissimus dorsi, from all the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae, from the spines of the sacrum, and back part of the os ilium. Just opposite the lowest rib the tendons separate, and the sacro-lumbalis goes away to be inserted by a flat tendon into each rib From the surface of the six or seven lowest ribs there arises a small slip, which mixes with the substance of this muscle : these slips are termed additamenta ad sacro-lumbalem, and sometimes musculi accessorii. There is also a fleshy slip con- nected with the sacro-lumbalis, sometimes described as a distinct muscle, when it is termed cervicalis descendcns. CERVICALIS DESCENDENS. This muscle is connected with the former; it arises from the transverse processes of the five lower cervical vertebrae, and passes downwards small and slender, to be inserted into the six uppermost ribs. It turns the neck obliquely backwards, and to one side. LONGISSIMUS DORSI. Sacro-sp'malis. A round, thick, iirm muscle, filling up the hollow betwixt the spine and the angle of the ribs. It arises by a tendon common to it and the former muscle, and is implanted by two distinct sets of insertions into the heads of the ribs and the transverse pro- cesses of the vertebrae. The chief use of this muscle is t<* - 127 assist in returning the spine to the erect posture, and to keep it erect. TRANSVERSAHS COLLI. Arises from the five upper trans- verse processes of the dorsal vertebrae, and passes upwards to be inserted into the transverse processes of the neck. It is sometimes considered as belonging to thelongissimus dorsi. COMPLEXES. Implicatus. Trigeminus. Biventer cervicis. (bmplexiis major. Trachelo-occipitalis. This is so called from the intricacy of its muscular and tendinous parts. It lies immediately under the splenius, and arises by ten or more tendinous feet from the transverse processes of the four lower cervical and seven uppermost dorsal vertebrae. It then becomes a large, thick, fleshy, and tendinous mass, filling up the hollow by the sides of the cervical spinous processes, and terminates by a broad fleshy head in the lower occi- pital ridge. It draws the head backwards. TRACHELO-MASTOIDEUS. Complexus minor. Mastoideus lateralis. Arises from the transverse processes of the three first vertebrae of the back and the five lowest of the neck, and is inserted into the mastoid process. When one muscle contracts, the head is drawn obliquely backwards ; and when both act together, it is pulled directly backwards. LEVATOR SCAPULAE. Levator proprvis angular^. Muwu- lus patientitB. Trachelo-scapularis. A small thin muscle which arises from the transverse processes of the four or five uppermost rertebrae of the neck, by as many distinct heads, which soon unite, and the muscle goes downwards to be inserted into the upper part of the scapula by a thin tendon. It pulls the scapula up, as in shrugging the shoulders. SEMI-SPINALIS DORSI. Transverso-spinalis dorsi. Arises from the transverse processes of the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth dorsal, and is inserted into the spinous processes G 4 128 of the four uppermost and last cervical vertebra. It extends the spine obliquely backward. MULTIFIDUS SPIN&. Semi-spinalis interims, sive trans- verso-spinalis dorsi. Semi-spinalis, sive transverso-spinalis colli, pars interna. Transversalis lumborum, vulgo sacer. Trans- versalis dorsi. Transversalis colli. The many irregular por- tions of muscle, which authors have variously described, running from the sacrum all along the spine to the vertebrae of the neck, are comprehended under the name of multifidus vpinee. It begins tendinous and fleshy from the upper part of the sacrum, from the oblique processes of the lumbar vertebrae, from the transve-rse processes, and from the ob- lique processes of the cervical vertebras ; and its many bundles are inserted into the spinous processes of the third or fourth, above that from which the bundle arose. These muscles prevent the spine from being too much bent for- wards, and also move the spine backwards. .' ^ SPINALIS CERVICIS. Semi-spinalis colli. Transverso-spi- nalis collL Arises from the transverse processes of the six uppermost dorsal vertebras, and is inserted into all the spi- nous processes of the cervical vertebrae, except the first and last. It stretches the neck obliquely backwards. RECTUS CAPITIS POSTICUS MAJOR. Ojcoido-occipitatis. Arises tendinous from the spinous transverse process of the second cervical vertebra, and mounts up fleshy, to be in- serted into the lower occipital ridge. It draws the head backwards. RECTUS CAPITIS POSTICUS MINOR. Atloido-occipitalis. A shorter muscle than the former, arising tendinous from the middle of the first vertebra of the neck, and is inserted fleshy with the former into the lower occipital ndge. l\& action assists that of, the major. 129 G'BLIOUUS CAPITIS SUPERIOR. dtloido-suh-mastoideus. The oblique muscles very much resemble the recti, except in their direction. This arises from the transverse process of the atlas, and goes obliquely to be inserted into the end of the lower occipital ridge. It assists in turning the head. OBLIQUUS CAPITIS INFERIOR. Oxoido-atloideus. Arises from the spihous process of the second cervical vertebra, and is inserted into the transverse process of the atlas. It assists in turning the head quickly. SCALENUS. Costo-centicalis. Sccdenus prirmts et secundus. The ancients considered this as one triangular muscle. It has since been distinguished as two, three, four, and even five distinct muscles. It is, in fact, one great, flat, triangu- lar muscle, stretching from the ribs to the neck, closing the thorax above, and giving passage to the nerves and vessels of the arm. It arises from the transverse processes of the six lower cervical vertebrae : one part of it is inserted into the flat part of the first rib close by its cartilage ; another portion is inserted into the whole length of the outer edge of the first rib ; and a third portion is inserted into the upper edge of the rib. It moves the head forwards, or pulls the neck to one side. INTERSPINALIS. Interspincdis cotti, dorsi, et lumborum. Under this term are comprehended the muscular, tendinous, and ligamcntous fibres passing from one spinous process to the next throughout the spine. In the neck they are mus- cular; in the back, ligamentous; and in the loins, tendi- nous, or ligamentous. They draw the spinous processes to- wards each other. INTER-TRANSVERSALIS. These are small bundles, strong- est where there is most motion, passing between the trans- verse processes of the spine. They draw these parts together. G 5 ISO MUSCLES OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. SUPRA-SPINATUS. Super-scapulo-trochitereus parvus. A muscle occupying the hollow of the scapula above its spine. It arises from the back, spine, and edge of the scapula ; is very thick and fleshy, and is inclosed by an aponeurosis. It .runs along the scapula under the acromion, and there be- comes tendon, which passes over the head of the humerus, to be inserted into the great tuberosity of the head of the hurnerus. In its passage, taking hold of the capsular liga- ment, it raises the arm directly upwards, and lifts the cap- sular ligament up, so as to prevent its being pinched. INFRA-SPINATUS. Super-scapulo-trochitereus magnus. This arises from the back, spine, and lower margin of the scapula, occupying the cavity below the spine of the sca- pula, and is covered with a strong aponeurosis like the for- mer muscle. It becomes perfectly tendinous at the capsular ligament of the shoulder-joint, to which it is attached, and then passes over it, to be inserted into the great tuberosity of the humerus. It assists the former. TERES MINOR. Sufer-scapulo-trochitereus minimus. A flat muscle, which appears somewhat round when superfici- ally dissected. It is closely connected at its origin with the infra-spinatus; it is long, small, and fleshy; arises from the angle and all the lower edge of the scapula, and accompa- nies the infra-spinatus to be attached to the capsular liga- ment, aud then inserted into the great tuberosity of the os brachii. It assists the former muscles in raising the arm. TERES MAJOR. Scapulo-humeiclis. This is a thicker aud longer muscle than the former, situated below it, and arising chiefly from the angle of the scapula, and is closely isi connected with the teres minor and infra-spinatus. Its ten- don passes under the long head of the triceps, and is in- serted into the ridge on the inner side of the groove along with the tendon of the latissimus dorsi. Its chief use is to draw the arm downwards and backwards. DELTOIDES. Sub-acroinio-humeralis. A thick, fleshy muscle which covers the top of the shoulder. It arises from the outer end of the clavicle ; from the point of the aero- mion of the scapula, and also from the spine of the sca- pula: the muscular fibres from these origins all converge over the shoulder, and form a flat, strong tendon, which is inserted into the os brachii, one third down. Its use is to raise the arm. CORACO-BRACHIALIS. Musculus perforatus Casserii. A long and rather slender muscle, so named from its origin and insertion, It arises fleshy from the coracoid process of the scapula, along with the short head of the biceps, which it accompanies, and is inserted by a short tendon into the middle of the os brachii, and sends down an aponeurosis to the internal condyle. It raises the arm obliquely forwards and upwards. SUBSCAPULARIS. Sub-scapulo-trochineus . This muscle lines ail the convexity of the scapula, and is consequently of a triangular shape. It is very fleshy, thick, and strong, and iu fibres all converging from their origin in the two edges and base of the scapula, to form a tendon, give it a radiated or fan-like appearance. The tendon accompanies that of the supra-spinatus, and goes round the head of tho humerus to be inserted into the lesser tuberosity of the os brachii. In its passage it adheres to the capsular ligament. It rolls the arm inwards, and prevents the capsular liga- ment from being pinched. c 6 132 The superior extremity is covered by an aponeurosis -which arises from the muscles and bones of the shoulder : its use is to give origin or attachment to the muscles, and to increase their strength while in action. MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE OS BRACHII. BICEPS FLEXOR cvEm.Scapulo-radialis. Biceps. Biceps flexw brachii.A. very thick and strong muscle situated in the fore part of the arm. It arises by two distinct heads : one, the larger and thicker head, arises by a long tendou from the coracoid process of the scapula; the other, the longer head, arises from the' edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula. About one third down the arm the two heads meet, and form a firm fleshy belly, which terminates in a tendon implanted into the tubercle on the fore part of the radius, a little below its neck. An aponeurosis is sent off from this muscle just above the flexure of the arm. It bends the fore-arm with great strength. The aponeurosis of the biceps is sometimes punctured in bleeding. When the puncture is in the direction of the fibres, and the arm kept still, it seldom produces any mischief; but when the fibres are divided trans- versely, and the muscle put into much action, inflam- mation and its consequences take place. BRACHIALR INTERNUS. Humero-cubitalis. This muscle lies immediately under the biceps, which it assists. It arises by a forked head from two thirds of the os brachii at its fore part, and continues its attachment all the way down to vrithin an inch of the joint. It is inserted by a flat tendon into the coracoid process of the ulna, and into the capsular ligament of the joint. TRICEPS EXTENSOR CUBITI. Scapulo-humero-olceratieus. Extensor longus. Extensor brevis. Brachialisinternus.-*- This 133 muscle is situated on the back part of the arm, and was for- merly described as three distinct muscles. It arises by a long tendon from the edge of the scapula ; by an outer head from the os brachii, just under the greater tuberosity; and by an internal head, which is the shortest from the inside of the os brachii, just under the insertion of the teres major. All these heads unite and are continued downwards, adher- ing to the os brachii, to within an inch of the joint, where a strong thick tendon is formed, which is implanted into the olecranon, and partly into the capsular ligament. It extends the fore -arm with considerable force. ANCONEUS. Epicondylo-cubitalis. A small triangular muscle, placed on the back part of the elbow. It arises from the external condyle of the os brachii, and is inserted into the back part, or ridge of the ulna. It assists in extending the fore-arm. MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE FORE-ARM. SUPINATOR RADII LONGUS. Humero-super-rodialis. This muscle forms the very edge of the fore-arm, arising from the edge above the external condyle of the os brachii, becomes very fleshy as it passes the elbow-joint, then tendinous and long, and is inserted into the radius, near the styloid pro- cess. It assists in turning the palm of the hand upwards. EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS LONGIOR. Radlalis externus longiar. Humero-super-metacarpeus. Arises from the ridge of the os brachii, just above the external condyle : having become a thick fleshy belly, it passes along the back of the radius, and then forms a thin tendon, which passes over the wrist, under the annular ligament, and is inserted into the root of the metacarpal bone of the fore-finger. It ex- tends the wrist. IM EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS BREVIOR. Radialis externus brevior. Epicondylo-super-metacarpeit,<>. r \i\% muscle is al- most the same in origin and use with the former. It is in- serted into the fore part of the metacarpal bone of the middle finger. EXTENSOR DIGITORUM COMMUNIS. Epicondylo-super-pha- langeus communis.This muscle covers the middle of the back part of the fore-arm, and betwixt the extensor radialis secundus and the extensor minimi digiti. It arises from the outer condyle of the humerus ; it grows very fleshy and thick as it descends, and about the middle of the fore-arm divides into three slips. The tendons pass under the annular ligament, along the metacarpal bones, and first phalanx of the fingers, where they are joined by those of the interossei and lumbricales, and form a tendinous sheath, which sur- rounds the back of all the fingers. It extends the fingers. EXTENSOR MINIMI DIGITI. Auricularis. The little fin- ger "is raised by this muscle, as in picking the ear. It arises from the outer condyles of the humerus, and accompanies the extensor digitorum communis, passes under the annular ligament, in a channel peculiar to it, and is inserted into the second joint of the little finger. EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS, Ulnaris externus. Cubito-stt- per-metacarpeus. Arises from the external tubercle of the humerus, and proceeds along the ulnar edge of the arm, to be affixed tendinous into the outside of the lower head of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Its us.e is to extend the carpus. FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS. Ulnaris internus. Cubito-car- pens. This muscle arises tendinous from the inner condyle of the os humeri, and fleshy from the olecranon ; it proceeds fleshy along the lower edge of the arm } about the middle 135 it becomes tendon, which goes to be inserted into the os pisiforme. The flexor carpi radialis with this muscle bend the wrist with great force ; alone it pulls the hand sideways. PALMARIS LONGUS. Epitrochlo-palmaris. A long, thin muscle, that arises from the internal coiidyle of the os humeri ; its fleshy belly is but two or three inches long ; it then forms a slender tendon, and passes along the middle of the fore- arm to be inserted into the annular ligament, just under the root of the thumb. It expands from thence into an aponeu- rosis, which covers and protects the muscles and blood-ves- aels of the hand. It bends the hand. FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS. Radialis internus. Epitrcchlo- tnetacarpeus. Along, thin muscle, arising, by a thick, short, and split tendon, from the internal condyle of the humerus, from which it proceeds fleshy, along the middle of the fore- arm in the course of the radius. Its thin tendon passes under the annular ligament, in a groove peculiar to itself, to be inserted into the metacarpal bone of the fore-finger. It bends the wrist. PRONATOR RADII TEREs.Efntrochlo-radialis.A. small, round muscle, which arises from the internal condyle of the humerus, and from the coronoid process of the ulna. It is chiefly fleshy, and of a conical shape, stretching obliquely across the arm, to be inserted into the outer ridge of the radius, about the middle of its length. It turns the hand downwards. SUPINATOR RADII BREvis. Epicondylo~radialis. A short, thick, and fleshy muscle : it arises from the external condyle of the os brachii, from the edge of the ulna, and from th^ in- terosseous ligament ; and is turned over the radius, to be inserted into its ridge. It rotates the radius outwards. EXTENSOR ossis METACARPI POLLICIS MANLS. Culito- tuper-metacarpeus pollids. Extensor primus pollids. Exien- 136 sor primi internodii. Abductor longus pollicis man/is. This muscle crosses the fore-edge of the radius; arising from the edge of the ulna, about the middle of the arm. Its fleshy belly divides into two, three, or four slips, with distinct ten- dons, which go under the ligament of the carpus, to be in- serted iuto the root of the first metacarpal bone of the thumb. Its .use is to extend the thumb. EXTENSOR PRIMI INTERNODII. Cubito-super-pluUangeiu primus pollicis. Extensor minor pollicis manus. Extensor pol- lieis primus. Extensor secundi internodii. Extensor secundus poJMcis. This mxiscle lies close to the former, arising just below it, and accompanying it under the ligament of the wrist ; it passes on to be inserted into the first phalanx of the thumb, which it extends. EXTENSOR KECUNDI INTERNODII. Oubito-sitper-phalan- geus secundus pollicis. Extensor major pollicis mantis. Ex- tensor pollicis secundus. Extensor tertii internodii. Extensor tertius pollicis. A thick fleshy muscle, arising higher than the former on the ulna, and passing straight down that bone. Its small tendon passes the ligament of the wrist in a peculiar ring, and goes on to be inserted into the last bone of the thumb, which it extends. INDICATOR. Extensor indicis propriusr. Cui/ito-fiiper-pha- langeus primus indicis. Arises from the ridge of the ulna, is attached to the interosseous ligament : its tendon passes under the annular ligament, and then joins with the indi- cator tendon of the common extensor. It extends all the three joints of the fore-finger. FLEXOR DIGITORUM SUBLIMIS. Perforatus. Epitrochh- phalangeus communis. A large fleshy muscle, which lies be- tween the palmaris longus and flexor ulnaris; it arises from the internal condyle of the os brachii, from the liga- ment of the elbow-joint, the coronoid process of the ulna, 137 and from the upper part of the radius. Its fleshy and thick belly divides about the middle of the fore-arm into four fleshy slips, each of which gives off a slender tendon, which passes under the annular ligament, to be inserted, after being perforated near the first phalanx of the fingers, by the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus, into the fore part of the second phalanx. The use of this strong muscle is to bend the first and second phalanges. FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUNDUS. Perforans. Cubtio- pliaiangeus communis. This muscle lies deeper than the for- mer, which it accompanies : it arises from the internal sur- face of the ulna, and the iuterosseous ligament ; divide* into four slips, whose tendons pass under the annular liga- ment, perforate those of the flexor sublimis, and are in- serted into the fore part of the last phalanx of the fingers. It bends the last joint of the fingers. FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS. Radio-plialangeus pollicis. Flexor tertii internodii. This muscle runs by the inside of the radius, arising from it, and the interosseous ligament ; it has often, also, another head from the condyle of the humerus, and fore part of the ulna. It passes under th annular ligament, and is inserted into the last bone of the thumb. It bends the thumb. PRONATOR RADII QUADRATUS. Cubito-radialis. This lies flat upon the interosseous ligament in the fore part of the arm, about two inches above the wrist. It is nearly square, its fibres going across between the radius and ulna. It turns the radius upon the ulna. MUSCLES SITUATED CHIEFLY ON THE HAND. LUMBRICALES. Palmo-pJialangeus. Musculi jiditinales. ^Fpur round small muscles, resembling earth-worms. They 138 arise in the palm of the hand, from the tendons of the pro- fundus : their small tendons reach the middle of the second phalanx. They are chiefly useful in performing the quick short motions of the fingers on musical instruments, &c. FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS MAKUS. Carpo-phalangeuspol- Kcis. Flexor secundi internodii.A. two-headed muscle, situ- ated on the inside of the thumb; one head arises from the os trapezium, the other from the os magnum. They are inserted into the sesamoid bones, and edge of the first bone of the thumb. The use of this muscle is to bend the first joint of the thumb. OFPONENS POLLICIS.- Flexor ossis metacarpi pollitis. Car- po-metacarpeus pollicis.Lies under the abductor pollicis, arising from the os scaphoides and ligament of the wrist. It is inserted into the fore part of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. It bends the thumb, as in clenching the fist. ABDUCTOR POLLICIS MWUS. Carpo-super-phalang&is pol- licis^ This muscle lies immediately under the common in teguments : it arises from the annular ligament of the wrist, and from the os scaphoides ; then bends gradually round the thumb, to be inserted into the first bone of the thumb. A second muscle is described by Albinus, by the same name. It pulls the thumb from the fingers. ADDUCTOR POLLICIS MANUS. Metacarpo-phalangeus polli- cls. The metacarpal bone of the middle finger gives origin to this triangular muscle; it goes directly across to meet the thumb, and is inserted into the root of the first phalanx. It draws the thumb towards the fore-finger. ABDUCTOR INDICIS MANUS. A flat and broad muscle: it arises from the os trapezium, and the first bone of the thumb, and is inserted into the back part of the first bone of the finger, which it pulls forwards towards the thumb. 139 PALMARIS BRFVIS. Palmar o-cutaneus. Palmaris cuta- T. A thin, flat, cutaneous muscle: it arises from the palmar apeueurosis, and stretches across the hand, to be inserted into the metacarpal bone of the little finger, and the superincumbent fat. It stretches the aponeurosis of the palm of the hand. ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI MANUS. Carpo-phalangeus mi- nimi digiti.A thin, fleshy muscle, upon which the hand rests in writing : it arises from the os pisiforme, and the outer end of the annular ligament, and is inserted laterally into the first bone of the little finger. It draws the little finger away from the rest. ADDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI. Cai-po-metacarpeus minimi digiti. Arises from the ligament of the wrist and cuneiform bone, and turns round the metacarpal bone of the little ftager, to be inserted into the outside of it. It pulls the metacarpal bone of the little finger towards the thumb. FLEXOR PARVUS MINIMI DIGITI. A small thin muscle, which arises from the ligament of the wrist and unciform bone, and accompanies the abductor minimi digiti, and has nearly the same insertion. It bends the little finger. INTEROSSEI EXTERNI et INTERNI. Metacarpo-phalangei- laterales. These are small muscles, lying between the me- tacarpal bones, and assisting the lumbricales in bending the fingers. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. The muscles of the inferior extremity are covered by a strong APONEUROSIS, or FASCIA, which appears to originate from the outside of the bones of the pelvis, but is a conti- nuation of the flat tendons which cover the muscles of the' loins tmd the abdomen. It attaches itself to the linea aspera, 14-0 to the head of the tibia and fibula, to the spine of the tibia, to some of the bones of the tarsus : it forms the annular ligament, and terminates upon the foot. In its course it is considerably strengthened by the aponeurosis, sent off from the muscles, and is strongest on the outside of the thigh. Its use is to strengthen the power of the muscles when in action. See Tensor Vagina; femoris, page 143. PECTINALIS. Super-pubio-femorali!,. Pectinaus. A broad, flat, square muscle, lying under the skin, and arising from the os pubis, or pectinis, from that part of it which forms the brim of the pelvis, immediately above the foramen thy- roideum ; it then proceeds downwards, to be inserted by a long flat tendon into the linea aspera of the thigh-bon, just below the little trochanter. Its use is to bring the knees together -, to raise the thigh upwards, and give it a degree of rotation outwards. TRICEPS ADDUCTOR FEMORIS. A broad flat muscle, \vkh three heads, which have so little connexion with one an- other, that they are usually described as three muscles : 1. s/dductor longus femoris, Pubio-femoralis. This is the uppermost head ; it arises from the upper and fore part of the pubis, by a short roundish tendon, which becomes a thick fleshy belly, and is inserted by a flat tendon along the middle part of the linea aspera. 2. Adductor brevis femoris. Sitk-pubw-fcmor all's. This portion lies under the farmer : it arises from the symphysis of the pubis, by a thick flat tendon, which swells into a thick fleshy belly ; it then becomes flat, and is inserted by a flat tendon, into the upper part of the linea aspera. 3. Adductor ma gnus femoris. Ischw-femoralis. The head of this muscle lies behind the former : it arises from the symphysis pxibis, and all along the flat edge of the foramen thyroideum, from whence it goes to be inserted into th 141 linea aspera throughout its whole length, its fibres having various degrees of obliquity. The use of all these muscles is the same ; to bring the thigh forwards and upwards. OBTURATOR EXTERKLS.Sub-pubio-trochanteiius externus. This short muscle, so named from its origin, arises from the obturator ligament, and from the ramus ischii and pubis, forming the sides of the thyroid foramen. Its fleshy fibres are soon gathered into a round tendon, which twists under the os femoris, to be inserted into the cavity at the root of the great trochanter, attaching itself to the capsular liga- ment. Its use is to roll the thigh obliquely outwards, and to prevent the capsular ligament from being pinehed. GLUTEUS MAXIMUS. Sacro-femoralis. Gluteus nutgvus. Glutens major. This muscle lies immediately under th skin, upon the posterior part of the thigh, upon which we sit : it arises fleshy from the posterior half of the spine of the ilium, from the junction of the ilium and sacrum, from the whole external surface of the sacrum, and from the sacro- sciatic ligament. All the fibres from these origins run obliquely forwards and downwards to the thigh-bone, where they are gathered into a broad tendon, which is implanted into about three inches of the linea aspera, at its upper and outer part. It extends the thigh, by pulling it directly backwards and a little outwards. GLUTEUS MEDIUS. Ilio-trochanterius magnus. This lies immediately under the former : it arises from the anterior half of the spine of the ilium, and from its anterior superior *pinous process. Its fibres all converge towards the great trochanter, into which the muscle is inserted by a broad tendon. Its use is to draw the thigh outwards and a little backwards, and to roil the thigh outwards, especially when it is bended. 14-2 GLUTEUS MINIMUS. I/io-trochanterius pannes. Ghttrus tmnor. A muscle radiated like the former, but much smaller : it arises from the middle of the external surface of the ilium, from a ridge which is continued from the superior anterior spinous process. Its short flat tendon is inserted into the fore and upper part of the great trochanter. The use of this is to assist the other glutei muscles. PVRIFORMIS. Sacro-trochanterius. Iliacus externus. Py- ramidalis.This muscle is so named from its shape: it arises by three fleshy and tendinous beginnings from the hollow of the sacrum and sacro-sciatic notch, and growing gradually narrower, it passes between the gluteus minor and gemini, and its round tendon is inserted into the upper part of the cavity, at the inner side of the root of the great trochanter. The use of the pyriformis is to move the thigh upwards, and roll it outwards. GEMim.IscJiio-trochanterius. Getnelli.Th'is is a biceps muscle, and its heads are so distinct, that they are often taken for two muscles. The uppermost head is the larger and stronger one : it arises from the spinous process of the ischium : the smaller head begins from the outer end of the tuberosity of the ischium. Both heads are fleshy in their length, and, meeting, form a tendon to be inserted into the root of the great trochanter. This muscle rolls the thigh- bone outwards. OBTURATOR INTERNUS. Marsupialis. Sub-jmJno trockan- terius internus. A short muscle : it arises within the pelvis, from the anterior half of the foramen thyroideum, and partly from the obturator ligament. Its fibres converge, and give off a round tendon, which passes in a hollow between the spine and tuberosity of the ischium to be inserted with the gemini into the root of the great trochanter : it rolls the thigh obliquely outwards. H3 QUADRATUS FEMORIS. Lchio-sub-trochanterius. A thin, flat muscle, which passes in a transverse direction, between the tuberosity of the ischiuin and the thigh-bone. It arises from the outside of the tuberosity of the ischium, and is in- serted into the ridge, between the large and little trochan- ters. It rolls the thigh outwards. MUSCLES SITUATED ON THE THIGH. TENSOR VAGINA FEMORIS. llio-aponeuroso-feinoris. fat- cialis. Musculus aponeurosis, vel fasciae latte. The anterior superior spinous process of the ilium gives rise to this muscle, by a narrow, tendinous, and fleshy slip, from whence it pro- ceeds to be inserted into the inside of the fascia of the thigh, which it stretches. SARTORIUS. llw-pratibialis. A long muscle, that extends obliquely across the whole thigh. It arises tendinous from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium ; it then forms a thin, flat belly, somewhat like a strap, which goes obliquely round the thigh, to be inserted into the inner side of the head of the tibia, by a broad aponeurosis. This muscle acts in bending the leg obliquely inwards, and bring- ing one leg across the other, an action common to tailors, whence it is termed the tailor's muscle. The first incision in the modern operation for popliteal aneurism, is made in the middle of the thigh, in the direction of this muscle ; and the dissection is by some surgeons carried on below the sartorius ; whilst others, not less skilful, prefer having it on the under side of the incision. Gs.iciLis.Sub-pubio-pr , 146 the short head, begins from the linea aspera, all the way down to its bifurcation. A little above the condyle of the femur the two heads unite, and the muscle proceeds out- wards, to be inserted into the head of the fibula, forming the outer hamstring. Its use is to bend the leg. POPLITEUS. Femoro-poplito-tibialis, A small triangular muscle, lying across the back part of the knee-joint. It arises from the outer condyle of the femur, and is inserted into a ridge on the back part of the tibia. It assists in bending the leg, and prevents the capsular ligament from being pinched. MUSCLED SITUATED ON THE LEG. GASTROCNEMIUS EXTERN us. Bifemoro-calcaneus* Ce- mellus. The large fleshy muscle that forms the calf of the leg. It arises, by two heads, from the external and internal condyle of the femur : the two heads meet, and run down the calf, with the appearance of a raphe between ; they then form a flat tendon, very broad at its commencement, which passes down the leg, and unites with the tendon of the gas- trocnemius interims, a little below the ankle. GASTROCNEMIUS INTERNUS. Tibio -calcaneus. Soleus. Ex- tensor tarsi suralis.Some have compared this muscle to a sole-fish. It arises, like the former, by two heads : the one from the back part of the head of the fibula, the other from the posterior, and upper part of the tibia : these immediately unite, and form a large fleshy belly. About half way down the leg it becomes tendinous, and soon unites with the ten- don of the gastrocnemius externus. From this union the great tendon, called tendo Achillis, is formed, which inserts both muscles into the extremity of the os calcis. PLANTARIS. Femoro-calcaneus parvus. Tibialis gracilis t rulgo plantaris. Extensor tarsi minor, vulgo plantaris. This muscle appears to have been named plantaris, from a 147 mistaken notion that it formed the plantar aponeurosis, like the palmaris of the hand. It is a long and slender muscle, arising fleshy from the external condyle of the femur, and adhering firmly to the capsular ligament of the knee. It soon forms a small flat tendon, which runs between the inner head of the external gastrocnemius, and the soleus, to be attached to the tendo Achillis, with which it is inserted into the inner side of the os calcis. The use of this muscle is to prevent the capsular ligament of the knee-joint from be- ing pinched, and to assist the gastrocnemii muscles. TIBIALIS ANTICUS. Tibia-super-tarseus. This muscle arises from the fore part and outside of the tibia, beginning just under the head of that bone. About two thirds down, the bone it becomes tendon, which passes obliquely over the leg, crosses the ankle, and goes under the annular ligament, to be inserted into the upper and inner part of the os cunei- forme internuin, and metatarsal bone of the great toe. It extends the foot, and turns the toes inwards. TIBIALIS POSTICUS. Tibio-sub-tarseus. A penniform muscle, so named from its situation. It arises from the back part, and ridge of the tibia, from the opposite part of the fibula, and from the interosseous ligament quite down to the ankle. About the middle of the tibia it becomes ten- dinous and fleshy, and the tendon passes in a groove at the inner ankle, and expands so as to grasp the bones of the tarsus, and is inserted into the two first metatarsal bones, os calcis, and os cuboides. Its contraction pulls the foot in, so as to put the toes together. PERONEUS LONGUS. Peroneo-sub-tarseus. Peroneu-s maxi- ntus, vulgo peroneus posterior. Peroneus primus, seu posticus. This muscle arises from the fore part of the head of the fibula, and from the upper part of that bone. It has also H 2 H8 a small slip coming from the upper part of the tibia. About the middle of the leg its tendon emerges towards the inte- guments, and passing the outer ankle in a cartilaginous pulley, which also transmits the peroneus brevis, it is re- flected to the sinuosity of the os calcis, and runs along a groove in the os cuboides, to be inserted tendinous into the outside of the root of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, and the os cuneiforme inters am. It moves the foot out- wards, and assists in extending it. PERONEUS BRWis.Peroneo-metatarsus magnus. Pero- neus medius, vulgo peroneus anticus. Peroneus seeundus, *ew anticus. Arises fleshy from above the middle of the external part of the fibula, all the way down to the ankle ; it also ad- heres to the tendinous partition between it and the common extensors. Its tendon passes under that of the peroneus lon- gus, by the outer ankle, to be inserted into the metatarsal bone of the little toe. This muscle assists the former iu pulling the foot outwards and extending it a little. EXTENSOR LONGUS DIGITORUM PEDIS. Peroneo-super-pha- ktngeus communis. Extensor longus. Peroneus tertius. Ao- TWrS Pesalii.\ common extensor muscle of the toes. It arises from the outer and fore part of the head of the tibia, just below the knee ; also from the head of the fibula, the interosseous ligament, and the tendinous fascia of the leg. It soon becomes a thick fleshy muscle, and is divided into three distinct portions, which form three round tendons, that pass obliquely inwards under the annular ligament of the tarsus, where the first portion divides its tendon into two. These four tendons are inserted flat into the root of the first joint of each of the four small toes, expanding along the upper side, as far as the root of the last joint. A por- ici of this muscle also arises from the middle of the fibula, 149 and sends its fleshy fibres forwards to a tendon which goes under the annular ligament, to be inserted into the root of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. This portion is term- ed, by Alb i nils, peroneus tertius. EXTENSOR PROPRIUS POLLICIS pEDis.Peroneo-super-pha~ langeus pollins. Extensor longus. An extensor muscle of the great toe. It arises by an acute, tendipnus, and fleshy beginning-, from the head of the fibula : it continues a slen- der muscle down the fibula, and its tendon passes under the annular ligament, to be inserted into the posterior part of the last and first joint of the great toe. FLEXOR LONGUS DIGITORUM PEDIS. Tibio-phalangeut fommunis. Profundus. Pei'forans. This muscle arises from nearly the whole of the back part of the tibia. Near the ankle it becomes tendinous, crosses the tendon of the tibia- lis posticus behind the ankle-joint, and goes forward in a groove of the os calcis, and about the middle of the sole of the foot divides into four tendons, which pass through th slits of the perforatus, to be inserted into the extremity of the last joint of the four lesser toes. Just before the divi- sion of the tendon, it receives a considerable tendon from that of the flexor pollicis longus. The use of the perforans it* to bend the last joint of the toes, FLEXOR DIGITORUM ACCE.SSORIUS. Massa carnea Jacobi Sylvii. This is a small fleshy mass connected with the for- mer muscle, whose office it assists. It arises from the lower part of the os calcis, and from its tuberosity, and is in- serted into the flexor longus digitorum pedis, at its division into four tendons. FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS PEDIS. Peroneo-sub-phaktngeus pollicis. A flexor muscle of the great toe, arising fleshy from the upper part of the fibula, and being continued down H 3 150 the same bone, almost to the ankle, by a double order of pblique fleshy fibres. Its tendon passes under the annular ligament, to be inserted into the last joint of the great toe. MUSCLES CHIEFLY SITUATED ON THE FOOT. EXTENSOR BREVIS DIGITORUM PEDIS. Calco-super-pha- hutg-eus communis. Exterior brevis.A common extensor of the toes, very closely connected with the extensor longus digitorum pedis. It arises fleshy and tendinous fropi the fore part of the os calcis, and, passing forwards, soon di- vides it into distinct muscular heads, from each of which a tendon is sent off to be inserted into the great toe, and the three next to it, with the extensor longus. FLEXOR BUEVIS DIGITORUM PEDIS. Perforatus. Caico- sub-phalangeus communis. Sublimis. This muscle is placed on the sole of the foot : it arises from the inferior and poste- rior part of the os calcis, soon becomes a fleshy belly, and divides into four tendons, which are split about the root of the first bone of the toes for the passage of the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum pedis. The tendons of the brevis then go on to be inserted into the second phalanx of the four lesser toes, which they bend. LUMBRICALES PEDIS. Thesefour small muscles resemble somewhat the earth-worm, or lumbricus. They arise from the forks of the tendons of the flexor prof undus, and pass on to be inserted by slender tendons into the inside of the first joint of the four lesser toes. Their use is to bend the first joint of the toes, and to draw them towards the great toe. FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS PEDIS. Tarso-sub-phalangeus pollidif. Arises by a long tendon from the under and fore part of the os calcis, and from the os cuneiforme externum : it soon divides into two heads, one of which goes to the ab- 151 ductor, and the other to the adductor pollicis, and is in- serted with the tendons of those muscles into the external sesamoid bone and root of the first joint of the great toe, which it bends. ABDUCTOR POLLICIS PEDIS. Calco-sub-phalangeus poUicis. Thenar. Arises by short tendinous fibres from the inner and lower part of the os calczs* and is inserted tendinous into the internal sesamoid bone and root of the first joint of the great toe. Its use is to pull the great toe from the rest. ADDUCTOR POLLICIS PEDIS. Metatarso-sub-phalangeu& follicis. Antithenar. Arises by a long delicate tendon from the ligament extending from the os calcis to the os cuboides, soon divides into two fleshy heads, which again unite, and go obliquely inwards to be inserted into the sesamoid bone, or first bone of the great toe. Its use is to bring this toe nearer to the rest. \ " ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI PEDIS. Calco-sub-pkalang-eus minimi digiti.k slender muscle lying on the outside of the foot. It arises from the tuberosity of the os calcis : it forms two small tendons ; the shorter one is inserted into the root of the metatarsal bone of the little toe, and the longer goes on to be fixed into the root of the first bone of that toe. Its use is to bend the little toe, and carry it somewhat out- wards, and to support the tarsus in walking. FLEXOR BREVIS MINIMI DIGITI PEDIS> Tarso-sub-pJut- lan^eus minimi digiti. Parathenar minor. A very small muscle, arising from the raetatarsal bone of the little t6e, which it goes over, to be inserted into the root of the first bone of the little toe. Its use is to bend this toe. TRANSVF.RSALIS PEDIS. Metatarso-sub-phalangeus. Trans* iwsalis pedis. This muscle extends transversely across the sole of the foot, arising from the ligament which, connect* 152 the bones of the tarsus, going across to be inserted into the tendon of the adductor pollicis. It contracts the foot. INTEROSSEI EXTERNI ET INTERNI. Metatarso-phctiangei jaterales. Four small double-headed muscles situated exter- nally, and four internally, all arising from the metatarsal bones they lie between. Their tendons meet those of the long and short extensors, forming all together the sheath which covers the upper part of the toes. The muscles situated on the sole of the foot are covered by a strong flat tendon, called the plantar aponeurosu, extend- ed from the os calcis to the first joint of all the toes, protect- ing the muscles, blood-vessels, and nerves running under it. PHYSIOLOGY AND PHENOMENA OF MUSCULAR MOTION. Muscular motions are of three kinds ; namely, voluntary, involuntary, and mixed. The VOLUNTARY MOTIONS of muscles are such as proceed from an immediate exertion of the active powers of the will : thus the mind directs the arm to be raised or depressed, the knee to be bent, the tongue to move, &c. The INVOLUNTARY MOTIONS of muscles are those which are performed by organs, seemingly of their own accord, without any attention of the mind or consciousness of its active power; as the contraction and dilatation of the heart, arteries, veins, absorbents, stomach, intestines, &c. The MIXED MOTIONS are those which are in part under the control of the will, but which ordinarily act without our be- ing conscious of their acting; as is perceived in the muscle* of respiration, the intercostals, the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm. 153 When a muscle acts, it becomes shorter and thicker ; both its origin and insertion are drawn towards its middle. The sphincter muscles are always in action ; and so likewise are antagonist muscles, even when they seem at rest. When two antagonist muscles move with equal force, the part which they are designed to move remains at rest ; but if one of the antagonist muscles remain at rest, while the other acts, the part is moved towards the centre of motion. The *xtensor muscles are generally weaker than the flexors : hence the most natural situation, in which all the powers maintain a just equilibrium, is that which our limbs take during sleep. The middle state, between flexion and exten- sion, we preserve the longest time without fatigue. This preponderance of the flexor muscles arises from their fibres being more numerous than the extensors ; their insertion into bones is farther from the centre of their motions, under an angle more open, and which increases in proportion as the limbs are in a state of flexion. The irritability of muscles destined to perform voluntary motions, is in a direct ratio of the number and magnitude of the nerves and arteries, distributed in their structure. The tongue receives the greatest supply of nerves, and, of all other contractile organs, is the most subject to volition. All the muscles of living animals are constantly endea- vouring to shorten themselves. When a muscle is divided, it contracts. If a muscle be stretched to a certain extent, it contracts, and endeavours to acquire its former dimensions, as soon as the stretching cause is removed : this takes place in a dead body, in muscles cut out of the body, and also in parts not muscular, and is called by the immortal Haller vis mortua, and by H5 154 some vis elastica. It is greater in living than in dead bodie*, and is called the tone of the muscle. When a muscle is wounded, touched, or otherwise irri- tated, it contracts, independent of the will ; this power is railed IRRITABILITY, and, byHaller, vis insita,- it is a pro- perty peculiar to, and inherent in, the muscles. The parts of our body which possess this property, are called irritable, as the heart, arteries, muscles, &c. to distinguish them froni those parts which have no muscular fibres. With regard to the degree of this property peculiar to various parts, the heart is the most irritable, then the sto- mach and intestines ; the diaphragm, the arteries, veins, ab- sorbents, and at length the various muscles follow ; but the degree of irritability depends upon tbe age, sex, tempera- ment, mode of living, climate, state of health, idiosyn- crasy, and likewise upon the nature of the stimulus. When a muscle is stimulated, either through the medium of the will, or any foreign body, it contracts, and its con- traction is greater or less in proportion as the stimulus ap- plied is greater or less. The contraction of muscles is different according to the purpose to be served by their con- traction : thus, the heart contracts with a jerk ; the urinary bladder, slowly and uniformly : puncture a muscle, and its fibres vibrate ; and the abdominal muscles act slowly in ex- pelling the contents of the rectum. Relaxation generally succeeds the contraction of muscles, and alternates with it. The use of this property is very considerable ; for upoa it depend all muscular action, and the function of every viscus, except the nerves. 155 DISEASED APPEARANCES OF MUSCLES. Muscles are subject to a variety of diseases, many of Tfhich affect their functions without producing any altera- tion in their organization. The diseases of structure which are observed post mor- tem, are, a conversion of a part or a whole muscle into bone ; they are often seen considerably diminished in size, different in their colour from surrounding muscles, inflamed, suppurated, gangrenous, particularly soft, and also mor- bidly contracted. Conversion into bone. A portion of a muscle is occasion- ally converted into bone : this is observed in the heart, in the muscular coat of arteries, and in the diaphragm. It con- sists in a diseased action of the nutritious arteries, by which they deposit bony or earthy particles, instead of muscular matter. Diminution of size. A general diminution of the bulk of muscles in the body, or emaciation, is a very common oc- currence: but, besides this, the anatomist occasionally finds an obvious wasting of a single muscle ; as the heart, the biceps, &c. This, in most instances, arises from a defici- ency of nervous power in the muscle. Change of colour. The healthy colour of muscle is a florid or flesh colour. Muscles that have become paralytic, and muscles of dropsical subjects, are mostly of a paler hue. Besides this, a muscle has been known to have changed its colour to a pale yellow, resembling fat, whilst the surround- ing ones possessed their healthy appearance. Inflammation. This affection occurs very frequently. It consists in an increase of vascularity j the muscle appears n6 156 of a dark red colour, and is more readily torn than healthy muscles. Abscess. These are frequently met with in anatomical in- vestigations. It does not appear, when an abscess is found in a muscle, that any part of the muscle is converted into pus, but the fibres have the appearance of being separated from one another, and compressed together, to make way for the formation of the abscess, and very frequently they are absorbed. This, perhaps, accounts for the speedy filling of the space occupied by an immense abscess in two or three days after affording an exit to the pus : i. e. by the elastic and compressed muscular fibres regaining their former situ- ation. The sides of the abscess are not formed of muscular fibre, but of a condensed cellular membrane, and sometimes a tunic of coagulable lymph, in which an immense number of small arteries are found, as is evinced by dissection, and injections. When the latter are pushed to a great extent, and the injection is successful, small vessels are found to have shot out here and there, so as to give the internal surface of the abscess a somewhat flocculent appearance. In scrofu- lous abscesses between muscular fibres, the coat of the ab- scess is mostly much thicker than in other cases. Gangrene. In this disease, the muscle is pulpy, black, and fetid. Flaccidity. This is occasionally observed to a consider- able degree. In general it depends upon a sluggish action of the powers of life, for some time before death. Morbid contraction. This may arise from the want of ac- tion in the antagonists, and from other causes. It con- sists in a permanent contraction of the muscle to a degree beyond its healthy contraction. It is met with principally in the flexors of the legs of the aged. 157 BURSALOGY; OR, DOCTRINE OF THE BURS^E MUCOS^. Bursae mucosae are mucous bags, composed of a proper membrane, containing a kind of mucous fat, formed by the exhaling arteries of their internal surface. They are of dif- ferent sizes and firmness, and connected here and there by cellular membrane, with the capsular ligaments of cavities, tendons, bones, or ligaments. Their internal surface is highly vascular, smooth, and shining. SITUATION. Various. DIVISION. Into vaginal and vesicular. USE. To lubricate the muscles and tendons, which are very frequently in motion. BURS* MUCOSJE OF THE HEAD. i. A bursa of the superior oblique muscle of the eye, situated behind its trochlea in the orbit. 2. The bursa of the digas- tricus, situated in the internal surface of its tendon. 3. A bursa of the circumflexus, or tensor palati, situated between the hook-like process of the sphsenoid bone and the tendon of that muscle. 4. A bursa of the sterno-hyoideus musffr, situated between the os hyoides and larynx. BURS.E MUCOS& SITUATED ABOUT THE SHOULDER-JOINT. i. The external acromial, situated under the acromion, between the coracoid process, deltoid muscle, and capsular ligament. i. The internal acromial, situated above the ten- don of the infra- spinatus and teres major: it often comma- 158 nicates with the former. 3. The coracoid buna, situated near the root of the coracoid process : it is sometimes double, and sometimes triple. 4. The clavicular bursa, found where the clavicle touches the coracoid process. 5. The subclavia*, bursa, between the tendon of the subclavicularis muscle and the first rib. 6. The coraco-brachial, placed between the common origin of this muscle, the biceps, and the capsular ligament. 7. The bursa of the pectoralis major, situated under the head of the humerus, between the internal surface of the tendon of that muscle and another bursa placed on the long head of the biceps. 8. An external bursa of the teres major, under the head of the os humeri, between it and the tendon of the teres major. 9. An internal bursa of the teres major, found within the muscle where the fibres of its tendon diverge. 10. A bursa of the latissimus dorsi, be- tween the tendon of this muscle and the os humeri. 1 1 . Th* humero-bicipital bursa, in the vagina of the tendon of the biceps. There are other bursae mucosae about the humerus, but their situation is uncertain. BURSJE MUCOSJE SITUATED NEAR THE ELBOW-JOINT. i. The radio-bicipital, situated between the tendon of the biceps, brachialis,, and anterior tubercle of the radius. 2. The cubito-radial, between the tendon of the biceps, su- pinator brevis, and the ligament common to the radius and ulna. 3. The anconeal bursa, between the olecranon and tendon of the anconeus muscle. 4. The capitulo-radial bursa, between the tendon common to the extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor communis digitorum and round head of the radius. There are other bursae, but as their situa- tion varies, they are omitted. 4 159 BURSJE OF THE INTERIOR PART OF THE FORE-ARM AND HAND. On the inside of the wrist and hand. i. A very large bursa, for the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus. 2. Four sltort bursts on the fore part of the tendons of the flexor sublimis. 3. A large bursa behind the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus, between it and the fore part of the radius, capsular ligament of the wrist, and os trapezium. 4. A large bursa behind the tendons of the flexor digito- rum profundus, and on the fore part of the end of the ra- dius, and fore part of the capsular ligament of the wrist. In some subjects it communicates with the former. 5. An oblong bursa between the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis and os trapezium. 6. A very small bursa, between the ten- don of the flexor carpi ulnaris and os pisiforme. On the back fart of the hand and wrist. 7. A bursa between the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus and the radius. 8. A large bursa between the two exteusores carpi radiales. 9. Another below it, common to the exteusores carpi radiales. 10. A bursa at the insertion of the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis. n. An oblong bursa, for the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus, and which communicates with 9. 12. A bursa, for the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus, between it and the ineta- carpal bone of the thumb. 13. A bursa between the ten- dons of the extensor of the fore, middle, and ring fingers. 14. A bursa for the extensors of the little finger. 15. A bursa between the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris and ligament of the wrist. There are also bursae mucosse be- tween the musculi lumbricales and iiiterossei. 160 BURS* SITUATED NEAR THE HIP-JOINT. On the fore part of the joint. i. TJie ileo-puberal, situated between the iliacus interims, psoas magnus, and the capsular ligament of the head of the femur. 2. TJie pectineal, between the tendon of the pecti- neus and the thigh-bone. 3. A small bursa of the glutens medius muscle, situated between it and the great tro- t-hanter, before the insertion of the pyriformis. 4. A bursa of the gluteus minimus muscle, between its tendon and the great trochanter. 5. T/ie gluteo-fascial, between the gluteus maximus and vastus externus. On the posterior part of the hip-joinf. 6. Tlie tubero-ischiatic bursa, situated between the obtu- rator internus muscle, the posterior spine of the ischium, and its tuberosity. 7. The obturatory bursa, which is oblong and found between the obturator interims and gemint muscles and the capsular ligament. 8. A bursa of the setni- membranosus, under its origin and the long head of the bi- ceps femoris. 9. The gluteo-trocJianteral bursa, situated be* tween the tendon of the psoas muscle and the root of the great trochanter. 10. Two glutei-femoral bursts, situated between the tendon of the gluteus maximus and os femo- ris. ii. A bursa of the quadratus femoris, situated between it and the little trochanter. 12. The iliac bursa, situated between the tendon of the iliacus internus and the little trochanter. BURS2E MUCOSS SITUATED NEAR THE KNEE-JOINT. i. The supra-genual, which adheres to the tendons of the- vastvu and cruralis and the fore part of the thigh-bone. 161 i. The infra-genual bursa, situated under the ligament of tbe patella, and often communicates with the abore. v The anterior genual, placed between the tendon of the sar- torius, gracilis, and semiteudinosus, and internal and late- pal ligament of the knee. 4. Tlie posterior genual, which is sometimes double, and is situated between the tendons of the semimembranosus, the internal head of the gastrocne- mius, the capsular ligament, and internal condyle. 5. The popliteal, conspicuous between the tendon of that muscle, the external condyle of the femur, the semilunar cartilage, and external condyle of the tibia. 6. The bursa of the biceps cruris, between the external part of the tendon of the biceps cruris, and the external lateral ligament of the knee. BURSE MUCOSJE SITUATED IN THE FOOT. On the back, side, and hind part of the foot. ' i. A bursa of the tibialis anticus, between its tendon, the lower part of the tibia, and capsular ligament of the ankle. 2. A bursa between the tendon of the extensor poll ids pedis longus, the tibia and capsular ligament of the ankle. 3. A bursa of the extensor digitorum communis, between its tendons, the tibia, and ligament of the ankle. 4. A large bursa, common to the tendons of the peronei muscles. 5. A ifursa of the peroneus brews, proper to its tendon. . The foicaneal bursa, between the tendo Achillis and os calcis. In the sole of the foot. i. A bursa for the tendon of the peroneus longus. i. A bursa common to the tendon of the flexor pollicis pedis longus, and the tendon of the flexor digitorum pedis com- inunis longus profundus. 3. A bursa of the tibialis pottiftts, 162 between its tendon, the tibia, and astragalus. 4. Fire burst? for the flexor tendons, which begin a little above the first joint of each toe, and extend to the root of the third pha- lanx, or insertion of the tendons. DISEASED APPEARANCES OF THE BURS*. The bursse mucosae are very frequently found inflamed, relaxed, enlarged, and containing a diseased fluid. ANGIOLOGY; Ott DOCTRINE OF THE VESSELS, Vessels are long membranous canals, which carry blood, lymph, chyle, or a secreted fluid. DIVISION. Into arteries, veins, absorbents, and excre- tory ducts. SITUATION. Except the epidermis, membrana arach- noidea, and nails, every part of the body has vessels, which injections demonstrate. ARTERIAL SYSTEM. Arteries are elastic membranous canals, which pulsate. They always become narrower as they proceed from the heart towards the extremities. ORIGIN. From the ventricles of the heart ; namely, the pulmonary artery from the right, and the aorta from the left ventricle : so that there are only two arteries, the rest being; branches of these two* 163 , TERMINATION. In veins, or exhaling vessels; or they anastomose with one another. STRUCTURE. They are composed of three membranes, called coats; an external one, a middle coat, which is muscu- lar, and an inner one, which is smooth. The arteries are nourished by their own blood-vessels, termed vasa vasorum. USE. To convey blood from the heart to the different parts of the body, for nutrition, preservation of life, gene- ration of heat, and the secretion of different fluids. AORTA. The aorta arises from the left ventricle of the heart, forms an arch towards the dorsal vertebrae, then descends through the diaphragm into the abdomen, in which it pro- ceeds by the left side of the spine to the last vertebra of the loins, where it divides into the two iliac arteries. In this course it gives off, just above its origin, two coronary arteries to the heart, and then forms an arch. Ossification of the coronary arteries of the heart Is very common in old age. It is sometimes the cause of an- gina pectoris. The ascending portion of the aorta and its arch, are fre- quently the seat of aneurism. The ARCH OF THE AORTA gives off three branches, which supply the head, neck, and arms ,with blood : these are, I. ARTERIA INNOMINATA, which divides into the right carotid and right subclavian arteries^ II. The LEFT CAROTID. III. The LEFT SUBCLAVIAN. The CAROTID ARTERIES, having emerged from the chest, . run up along the neck, one on each side of the trachea, to. the angle of the lower jaw, where they divide into external and internal. The external carotid has been the seat of aneurism; and, in one case, two aneurisms were found in the left ca- rotid. The EXTERNAL CAROTID gives off eight branches to the neck and face : i. Arteria thyroides, or A. laryngea superior ; or A. gultu- ralis superior, which is very tortuous, supplies the thyroid gland, and gives off branches to several adjacent muscles. z. A. lingualis, which lies flat upon the side of the tongue, and gives off the ramus hyoideus, dorsalis lingua, sublingua- hs, and ranina. 3. A. labialis, called also the external maxillary, the an- gular, and facial artery: it gives off the palatina inferior, the submentalis, inferior labial, and the superior and inferior coronary of the lips. 4. A. pharyngea inferior, vel ascendent, which sends a number of small twigs about the fauces and basis of the cranium. 5. A. occipitalis, from which the posterior temporal arises. 6. A, posterior auris, or stylo-mastoid, which furnishes the parts about the cartilages of the ear with blood, and transmits the arteria tympani an:l stylo-mastuideus. 7. A. maxillarisinterna, which is extremely tortuous, and gives off the spinous artery, or arteria meningea, or arteria dura matris, to the dura mater ; the lower maxillary artery, which is included in the lower jaw, and supplies the teeth and face; the pterygoid arteries, which nourish the ptery- goid muscles ; two deep temporal arteries, which lie wider than the temporal muscle. The internal maxillary then gives off a branch, which almost immediately divides 4nto the al. 165 Molar and infra-orbital; then an artery to the palate, the s*t- perivr palatine ; the tipper pharyngeal, which plays about the sphamoid sinus; and lastly, the nasal artery, which is trans- milted through the sphaeno-palatine foramen to the cavity of the nostrils. 8. A. temporalis, called also sitperficial temporal, which perforates the parotid gland, and sends off the transversals faciei, which inosculates with the arteries of the face ; th deep temporal and several branches which go to the car, forehead, and about the temples. This artery is frequently opened in inflammatory affec- tions of the head. The INTERNAL CAROTID leaves the external at the angle of the jaw, and proceeds by the par vagum and intercostal nerve to the carotid canal in the petrous portion of the tem- poral bone, where it is shaped like the letter s, and enter* the cranium at the side of the sella turcica, having given off two very small twigs to the pituitary gland, and third, fourth, and fifth pair of nerves ; and when it has reached Ihe anterior clinoid process, it sends off i. Arteria ophtluilmica, which is distributed on the eye, and gives off the arteria lachrymalis, centralis retinae, the musculares, the ethmoidalis anterior et posterior, and the *w- pra-orbitalis vel frontalis. z. A, anterior cerebri, which proceeds before the sell* turcica, unites with its fellow, and forms the circle of Wil- lis, from which a branch proceeds to the third ventricle, septum lucidum, and the arteria corporis callosi. 3. A. media cerebri, or fosses Sylvii, which runs between the anterior and middle lobes of the brain, gives off the urrtery of the choroid pkxvs, aud is lost on the middle lobe of the brain. 166 4. A. communicant, which proceeds backwards, and soon inosculates with the vertebral. The cerebral arteries are mostly ossified, or have opaci- ties which are progressive to ossification, in old age. In almost every instance of apoplexy in aged people, from extravasated blood in the brain, not produced by external violence, this diseased state of the arte- ries exists. The SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY arises on the right side, from the arteria innominata ; and on the left, from the arch of the aorta. ' The subclavian artery is sometimes morbidly dilated. Aneurism arising by the side of the clavicle has been incautiously opened, by mistaking it for a common abscess. Each SUBCLAVIAN gives off five branches : 1. The internal mammary, from which arise the A. thymica, A. comes phrenici, the pericardiac,-and the phrenico- pricardiac. 2. The inferior thyroid, or inferior guttural, from which arise the ramus thyroideus, the tracheal arteries, the ascend- ing thyroid, and the transversalis humeri. 3. A. vertebralis, which proceeds into the vertebral fora- mina, to ascend into the cavity of the cranium, where it unites upon the cuneiform process of the occipital bone with its fellow of the other side, and forms the BASILARY ARTERY, which immediately gives off the postwior artery of the cerebellum ; it then proceeds, upon the tuberculum an- nulare, to give off four branches, two to the right, and two to the left, which constitute the A. anterior cerebelli, which branch to the crura cerebelli, the cerebellum, vermis, crura cerebri, corpora quadrigemina, pineal gland, and fourth rentricle ; and the A. posterior cerebri, which being joined 167 by the communicant, supplies the thalami nervorum optteo- rum, the centrum geminum semicirculare, infundibulum, and crura forni^is, and the posterior lobes of the brain, in- osculating with several arteries ; it also gives off the audi- toria interna, for the labyrinth, 4. A. cervicalis profunda. 5. A. cervicalis superficial^, both of which are distributed about the muscles of the neck. 6. A. intercostalis superior, which lies between the two upper ribs. 7. A. supra-scapulttris , which sometimes arises from the A. thyroidea, when it is called the transversals humeri. As soon as the subclavian has arrived in the axilla, it is called the AXILLARY ARTERY, which runs into the arm, where it is termed the BRACHIAL. The AXILLARY ARTERY gives off 1 . The four mammary arteries, called thoracica superior, thoracica tongwr, thoracica humer'ma, and thoracica alaris or ajc-Ula-ris, which supply blood to the muscles about the breast. ;;..^Ht ' 2. The subscapularis, which supplies the lower surface of the ecapula. 3. The circumflexa posterior. 4. Circumflexa anterior, which ramify about the joint. The BRACHIAL or HUMERAL artery gives off i . Many lateral vessels. z. A. profunda humeri superior, which terminates at the outer condyle, by a branch which anastomoses with the radial recurrent. 3. A. profunda humeri inferior, which descends to the in- ar condyle, and anastomoses with the ulnar and radial. 163 4. Rcanuf anastwnaticui tnagnus, which anastomose* round the elbow-joint, and gives off the A. nutritia. The brachial artery is frequently the seat of aneurism. The brachial artery then becomes the ulnar, and gives off the RADIAL. The ULNAR or CUBITAL ARTERY sends off 1. The recurrent branches, which anastomose with the ramus anastomoticus magnus. 2. A. interossea communis. It then sends small branches to the adjacent muscles, as it proceeds down to the wrist ; just before it arrives here, it gives off A. dorsalis ulnaris, which goes round to the back of the little finger. At the wrist it gives off A. palmaris profunda; then forms a great arterial arch, called the superficial palmar arch, which sup- plies branches to the fingers. The RADIAL gives off the radial recurrent, proceeds to the wrist, where the pulse is felt, and gives off the superficial* vola, and then divides into the A. dorsalis pollicis, A. radiafit indiris, A. magna pollicis, and A. palmaris profunda. The radial artery is generally felt by the physician, to count the frequency of the pulse. Malformation or disease about the arm often causes the pulse in one arm to be different from that of the other; therefor* both pulses should be felt. The radial artery is frequently ossified throughout; it then feels knotty, and the pulsation is very obsure, and often wanting. The THORACIC or DESCENDING AORTA gives off, in the breast 1. The bronchial, which nourish the lungs. 2. The cesophagal, which go to the cesopbagus. 3. The intercostals, between the ribs, about ten in uum- b*r, called aho aortic wtercostals. 169 4- The inferior diaphragmatic, or phrenic. Within the abdomen it gives off eight branches, and is termed ABDOMINAL AORTA. 1. The cccliac, which divides into three branches : i. Arteria hepatica, which gives off . A. duodeno-gastrica, which sends off the right gastro- eptploic and the pancreafico-duodenalis. The latter transmits the pylorica inferior and the transverse ^ancreatic. @. A. pylorica superior hepatica. The hepatic artery then ramifies through the liver. z. A. coronaria ventriculi, or gastrica, which gives off the superior coronary and superior pyloric arteries. $.A. splenica, from which arise the pancreatica magna and pancreaticce parvte, the posterior gastric arteries, the left gastro-epiploic artery, and the vasa brevia. The cceliac artery has been found aneurismal. 2. The superior mesenteric, or meseraic, of which the co- llect media, colica dextra, and the ilio-colica, are branches. 3. The renal arteries, or emulgents, which are short, and divide into three or four branches in the pelvis of the kidney". 4. The spermatic arteries, which are very small and long, and proceed with the spermatic cord to the testicles in the male, and to the ovaria and uterine tubes in the female, 5. The inferior meseraic, from which arises the left colic artery and the internal h&morrhoidal. 6. The lumbar arteries, which nourish the muscles and vertebrae of the loins. 7. The middle sacral artery, which is distributed about the sacrum. The aorta then bifurcates, and becomes the iliac arteries. The iliac soon divides into internal aad external. 170 Each INTERNAL ILIAC, Of HYPOGASTRIC ARTERY, gives off five branches : 1. The lateral sacral arteries, three or four in number. 2. The gluteal, which ramify upon the back of the iliac portion of the os iunominatum, and supply the gluteal muscles. 3. The ischiatic, which turns downwards along the hip, and gives off the coccygeal artery. 4. Arteria, pudica communis, which is sometimes a branch of the sciatic artery; it proceeds out of the pelvis, through the sciatic notch, returns into the pelvis, and runs towards the symphysis of the pubis. Jn this course it gives oif branches to thevesiculae seminales and prostate gland; and the lower or external hcemorrhoidal artery to the anus, and then forms the arteria perincei, the arteria penis, which pro- ceed one on each side ; and a branch which plunges deep into the substance of the penis. 5. The obturatory, which passes through the oval fora- men, and is distributed on the thick muscles in the centre of the thigh. A. utcrina is given off in females. Each EXTERNAL ILIAC gives off i. The epigastric, which is reflected from Poupart's liga- ment upwards, along the abdomen ; arises from the inner gide of the external iliac, as the iliac is about to pass under the ligament of the thigh ; it crosses obliquely upwards and inwards at the upper and outer part of the ring behind the spermatic cord in the male, and round ligament in the female ; it then passes obliquely under the inferior part of the transversus to the origin of the pyramidalis ; it next as- cends perpendicularly at the back part, and about the middle of the rectus abdominis, and anastomoses with the internal mammary. 171 This artery is occasionally wounded by the trochar, in the operation of tapping in ascites, when a fatal hze- morrhage sometimes takes place. In one instance the patient died about twenty minutes after perforating the abdomen, which was found, post mortetn, full of blood. The improved method of tapping, however, in the linen alba, does away this inconvenience. 2. Arteria circumftexa iliaca, which runs backwards along the crista ilii. The EXTERNAL ILIAC then passes under Poupart's liga- ment, becomes the FEMORAL or CRURAL ARTERY, and is con- tinued along the thigh into the popliteal. In this course, afte^ having given off the external pudicals and several smaller branches, it gives off, near the groin i. The profunda femoris, which gives off the external and internal circumflex; the arteria perforans prima, the ar- teria perforans secunda magna, the arteria perforans tertia, the arteria perforans quarta, which nourish the muscles of the thigh. The femoral artery, after giving off the superior and inferior perforants, passes under the sartorius at the middla of the inside of the thigh, proceeds downwards and inwards, and perforates the triceps to get round to the ham. About two hands breadth from the knee it gives out z. The ramm anastomoticus ma gnus, which ramifies about t c knee-joint. The femoral artery, having reached the ham, is called the POPLITEAL, which gives off several small branches about the joint, called articular.?, and divides below the ham into the tibialis antiea and tibialis post ica. The popliteal artery is frequently affected with aneurism. The TIBIALIS ANTICA soon perforates the interosseou* ligament, passes along the tibia over the bones of the tar- 172 sus, and then inosculates with the back arteries. In this course it gives off 1. The recurrent, which inosculates with the anterior branches of the popliteal ; it then sends off small branches to neighbouring muscles as it passes down the leg. 2. Arteria malleolaris interna, about the inner ankle. 3. Arteria malleolaris externa, about the outer ankle. 4. Arteria tarsea, which lies upon the bones of the tarsus. 5. Arteria metatarsea, to the tendons of the peronei muscles. 6. Dorsalis externa hallucis y which runs along the meta- tarsal bone of the great toe. The TIBIALIS POSTICA passes along the back part of the tibia, goes round the inner ankle, and divides at the heel into the two plantar arteries. In this course it sends off 1. Arteria nutritia tibia, which gives branches to the popliteus, soleus, and tibialis anticus muscles, before it enters the bone. 2. Thejibttlar or peroneal and many small brunettes, as it passes downwards. 3. Arteria plantaris interna, which runs along the inner edge of the sole of the foot, and sends off four branches about the foot. 4. Arteria plantaris interna, which forms an arch and in- osculates with the anterior tibial artery, and gives off the digital branches to the toes. PULMONARY ARTERY. The pulmonary artery arises from the right ventricle of the heart, and conveys the dark-coloured blood into the lungs, which is returned to the heart, of a florid colour, by the veins. It does not convey this blood into the lungs for 17S their nutrition, but to receive from the air in the lungs a fertain principle, necessary for the continuance of life, and which the arterial blood distributes to every part of the body. The pulmonary artery soon divides into a right and left; the right going to the right lung, and the left to the left lung, where they divide into innumerable ramifications, and form a beautiful net-work t or plexus of vessels, upon the air-vesicles, called the rete mirabile, and then termi- nate in the pulmonary veins, which convey the blood, now become florid, to the left side of the heart. The pulmonary artery seldom becomes ossified, and is very rarely attacked with aneurism. One ease, how- ever, of aneurism of the pulmonary artery, the author has seen, which was of the size of his fist. ACTION OF ARTERIES. The arteries, by the impulse of the blood, from the ven- tricles of the heart, are dilated and irritated, and by means of their muscular coat contract upon the blood, and thus propel it to the glands, muscles, bones, membranes, and every part of the body, for their nutrition and the various ' secretions ; and then into the veins. This dilatation and contraction is called the PULSE, which is perceptible in the trunks and branches of the arteries, but not in the capil- lary vessels, except when inflammation is going ou. DISEASED APPEARANCE OF THE ARTERIES. The diseases of arteries, which are detected by the ana- tomist post mortem, are aneurism, white patches, ossifica- tion, inflammation, and redness of the internal membrane. 174- VENAL SYSTEM. Veins are membranous canals which do not pulsate ; they gradually become larger as they advance towards the heart, in which they terminate, and bring back the blood tr< mi the arteries. ORIGIN. From the extremities of the arteries by ana. stomosis. TERMINATION. The termination of all the veins it iu the auricles of the heart. DIVISION. Into trunks, branches, ramuli, &c. SITUATION. They run by the sides of arteries, but mor superficially. STRUCTURE. Veins, like arteries, are composed of three membranes, but they are semi-transparent, and more de- licate. VALVES. These are thin semilunar membranous folds, which are found in most veins, and prevent the blood in the vein from being pressed backwards out of its natural course. The blood is returned from every part of the body into the right auricle : the vena cava superior receives it from the head, neck, thorax, and superior extremities ; the vena cava inferior, from the abdomen and inferior extremities , and the coronary vein receives it from the coronary arterie* of the heart. VENA CAVA SUPERIOR. This vein terminates in the superior part of the right auricle, into which it evacuates the blood from The right and left tubctavian veins, and the vena azyga*. 175 The right and left subclavian veins receive the blood from the head and upper extremities, in the following manner : The veins of the fingers, called digitals, receive their blood from the digital arteries, and empty it into 1. The cephalic of the thumb, which runs on the back of the hand along the thumb, and evacuates itself into the ex- ternal radial. 2. The salvatella, which runs along the little finger, unites with the former, and empties its blood into the inter- nal and external cubital veins. This vein, the salvatella, is frequently opened to take away blood ; the hand should be soaked for some time before in warm water, and a ligature put round the wrist. At the bend of the fore-arm are three veins, called th* great cephalic, the basilic, and the median. The GREAT CEPHALIC runs along the superior part of th fore-arm, and receives the blood from the external radial. The BASILIC ascends on the under side, and receives the blood from the external and internal cubital veins, and some branches which accompany the brachial artery, called vena xitellitum. The MEDIAN is situated in the middle of the fore-arm, and arises from the union of several branches. It is divided into two branches ; the median cephalic, and the median basilic, Either of these veins may be opened with the greatest ease ; and it is at the bend of the arm that blood is most frequently taken from one of these branches. Thrombus is nothing more than blood that escapes from the bleeding vein iqto the cellular membrane ; a mere . ecchymosis, or extravasation. When the lancet penetrates the vein, and perforates the artery that lies underneath at the same time, the arte- rial blood rushes into the vein: This communication 1 4 176 between the artery and vein continues ever after, and the vein becomes dilated and serpentine, from the con- tinual influx of the blood from the artery : and this constitutes what is called a varicose aneurism. These three veins all unite above the bend of the arm, and form The BRACHIAL VEIN, which receives all their blood, and is continued into the axilla, where it is called The AXILLARY VEIN. This receives also the blood from the scapula, and superior and inferior parts of the chest, by the superior and inferior thoracic vein, the vena muscular is, and the scapularis. The axillary vein then passes under the clavicle, where it is called the SUBCLAVIAN, which unites with the external and internal jugular veins, and the vertebral vein which brings the blood from the vertebral sinuses ; it receives also the blood from the mediastinal, pericardiac, diaphragmatic ; thymic, internal mammary, and laryngeal veins ; and then unites with its fellow, to form the vena cava superior, or, as it is sometimes called, vena cava descendens. The blood from the external and internal parts of the head and face is returned in the following manner into the external and internal jugulars, which terminate in the sub- clavians : The frontal, angular, or facial, temporal, auricular, sub- lingual, and occipital veins receive the blood from the parts after which they are named ; these all converge to each side of the neck, and form a trunk called the EXTERNAL JUGULAR. The external jugular may be opened with more facility than the veins in the arm. In ophthalmias it gives speedier and more certain relief, and in many diseases of the head is preferable to taking blood from the arm. 177 The application of a bandage under the arm is useless; simple pressure with the finger is far better. The blood from the brain, cerebellum, medulla oblon- gata, and membranes of these parts, is received into the lateral sinuses, or veins of the dura mater, one of which empties its blood through the foramen lacerum in basi cranii into the INTERNAL JUGULAR, which descends in the neck by the carotid arteries, receives the blood from the thyroideal and internal maxillary veins, and empties itself into the subclavians within the thorax. The vena azygos receives the blood from the bronchial superior oesophageal, vertebral, and intercostal veins, and empties it into the superior cava. VENA CAVA INFERIOR. The vena cava inferior is the trunk of all the abdominal veins, and those of the lower extremities, from which parts the blood is returned in the following manner : The veins of the toes, called the digital veins, receive the blood from the digital arteries, and form on the back of the foot three branches, one on the great toe, called tht **- phalic; another, which runs along the little toe, called the vena saphena; and one on the back of the foot, vena dorsa- tis pedis; and on the sole of the foot they evacuate them- selves into the plantar veins. The three veins in the upper part of the foot coming to- gether above the ankle, form the anterior tibial; and the plantar reins, with a branch from the calf of the leg, called the sttral vein, form the posterior tibial; a branch also as- cends in the direction of the fibula, called the peroneal vein. Tiiese three branches unite before the ham, into one branch, i 5 178 the subpopliteal vein, which ascends through the ham, ing all the blood from the foot ; it then proceeds upon the anterior part of the thigh, where it is termed the crural or femoral vein, receives several muscular branches, and passe* under Poupart's ligament into the cavity of the pelvis, where it is called the EXTERNAL ILIAC. The veins of the leg and thigh are more frequently found ifc a varicose state than any other veins, especially in females. The arteries which are distributed about the pelvis, eva^ euate their blood into the external Juemorrhoidal veins, the kypogastric veirts, the internal pudenda!, the vena magnn *p- titt-s p,-ni secrete a sebaceous matter, that facilitates the motions of the eyelids, and prevents their accretion during sleep. The cartilage between the conjunctive membrane and the com- mon integuments of the eyelid is semilunar, and termed the tarsv-s. The edges of the eyelids have a number of short hairs arising from them and turned outwards, called cilia, or eyelashes. The use 9f the eyelids is to cover the eyes during sleep ; to defend them from dust and other sub- stances, and too strong rays of light ; and to lubricate the conjunctiva by frequently moving its secretion over the sur- face of the eye. 3. The PUNCTA LACHRYMALIA, two small orifices, one of which is seen at the end of each eyelid near the nose. From these openings, a canal goes downwards and inwards ; and meeting about half an inch from their origin, they form a sac, called saccus lachrymalis, which is continued downwards through the ductus ad nasum into the nose. The tears are absorbed by the puncta lachrymalia, and conveyed into the nose through the sac and canal. 4. The LACHRYMAL GLAND, which is situated in the su- perior part of the orbit, in a peculiar depression : it is hard, globate, of an oval form, and has a number of excretory ducts which convey the fluid called tears, secreted by this gland, on the surface of the eye. 5. The CARUNCULA LACHRYMALIS, a small red tubercle ip the internal canthus of each eye. It has a number of hairs, and secretes a smegma: it is also of use to direct the tears into the puncta lachrymalia. 6. The plica lunaris, or vnlvula semihtnaris, a membranous 241 duplicature of the tunica conjunctiva, situated between the caruncula lachrymalis and the ball of the eye. In some birds and quadrupeds it is very large, forming the mem- brana nictitans. 7. The TUNICA CONJUNCTIVA, or adnata, a transparent vascular membrane, reflected from the edge of one eyelid over the internal part of the eyelid across the, bulb, to which it adheres very firmly, and then over the internal part of the other eyelid to its edge. It is more loosely connected with the eyelids than the eye ; and where it passes the cornea transparens, it adheres so firmly that it cannot be separated. Its use is to lubricate the eye by the moisture secreted from its transparent arteries. The internal parts of the eye are termed the bulb ; they constitute the eye properly so called, and are i. The SCLEROTIC MEMBRANE. A very firm, hard, white, horny tunic, into which the muscles of the eye are inserted. The anterior part of this coat is glassy and transparent, and projects somewhat; it is called cornea transparens, to dis- tinguish it from the other part, which is termed cornea opaca. The optic nerve is inserted into the posterior part of the sclerotic membrane, which appears to be an expansion of its external tunic, continued from the dura mater. 2. Immediately under the sclerotic membrane is a very vascular, soft, and rough membrane, called the MEMBRANA or TUNICA CHOROIDEA. It adheres to the sclerotic from the optic nerve, all around to the edge of the transparent cornea by vessels ; but when it arrives here, instead of being con- tinued around the concavity of the cornea transparens, it passes straight downwards and inwards, forming the co- loured part of the eye, w r hich is sometimes black, blue, &c. This black or blue part is called the iris, which possesses a 242 contractile power, by some supposed to arise from muscular fibres, so as to enlarge or contract the opening in its middle, which is the PUPIL. . The edge of the choroid membrane that adheres to the ambit of the cornea transparens, is co- vered with a white line, to which the name of CILIARY CIRCLE, or LIGAMENT, is given. Some anatomists have sup- posed the choroid membrane was formed of two laminae. The posterior surface of the iris is termed the UVEA. The pupil of a foetus of six months is covered by a vas- cular membrane, called MEMBRANA PUPILLARIS. It is continued across from the sides of the iris. 3. The posterior surface of the tunica choroides is co- vered with a black mucus known by the name of the pig- ment of the choroid membrane and uvea. 4. Upon the inside f the choroid membrane, correspond- ing to the ciliary circle on the outside, are a number of white striff, which are called CILIARY PROCESSES. The ciliary circle -and stria are termed the corpus ciliare. 5. There is a whitish, pulpy, vascular membrane, cover- ing the pigment of the choroides, which is the immediate organ of vision, and called the RETINA. It passes forward from the optic nerve, and terminates in the ciliary processes. The membranes which have been described, are dis- tended with the vitreous humour, crystalline lens, and aque- ous humour. i. Th VITREOUS HUMOUR, substance or body, is a soft, round, and very transparent substance, filling the Avholc hollow surface of the retina. It has a cavity in its anterior surface, and is surrounded with a delicate membrane, called the hyaloid membrane, which sends a number of laminae, in- ternally forming cells ; and these cells are distended with a transparent fluid. The hyaloid membrane sends off a:i x- 243 ternal lamina, which accompanies and attaches itself to the retina: this is termed the zonula ciliaris, from its circular form : betweeu this ciliary zone and part where the hyaloid membrane adheres to the capsule of the crystalline lens, a passage is formed, called the canal of Petit. la order to exhibit the capsule of this humour, suffer an eye to get putrid, theu carefully let out the vitreou* humour by an opening through the other membranes. Place it on a card, so that the lens be uppermost and in the centre ; then, with a curved needle, puncture that part of the capsule which lies, on the card. The fluid will gradually ooze out; then with a blowpipe, passed between the card and capsule, throw in air, which will immediately distend it. By passing the needle up to the capsule of tae lens, and puncturing it, you may distend also tire capsule of the crystalline lens. 2. The CRYSTALLINE LENS lies in a depression iu tUe aa- terior part of the vitreous humour. It is. a solid, transpa- rent, lentiform body, like ice, aud is enclosed in a capsule, called the capsule of tJte crystalline lens. 3. The AQUEOUS HUMOUR is very fluid and transparent, and fills the space betweeu the crystalline leos and the cor- nea transpareus, or chambers of the eye. The space betweeu the anterior surface of the crystalline lens and posterior surface of the transparent cornea, has the iris hauging like a curtain in its middle, dividing it into two spaces : these spaces are distinguished by the name of ANTERIOR aud IOSTERIOR CHAMBERS. VESSELS. The arteries of the eye are the ophthalmic, the central artery of the optic nerve, and the ciliary arteries ; these convey their superfluous blood into small ttins, t length form the ophthalmic vein, a branch of the c jugular. M 2 244 NERVES. The optic nerve is entirely lost in the retina. The eye has also the ophthalmic nerve of the fifth pair, and another branch of the third pair, which form a ganglion that supplies the bulb. The MUSCLES of the eyeball are described in Myology. USE. The use of the eye is to receive, refract, and unite the rays of light into a focus, and paint the objects on the retina. See Vision. DISEASED APPEARANCES. The eyebrows wanting, called madarosisa. double set of eyelashes, called distichiasis. A growing together of the eyelids, called anchyUepharum adhesion of the eyelids to the globe of the eye, called zymblepharum infl ammati on , or blepharophthalmia cedema emphysema atheroma sarcoma scirrhus cancer hor- deolum, or stye a pellucid vesicle, or hydatis warts a turning outwards of the eyelid, or ectropium a turning in- wards, or entropntm a thickening of the margin, or tylosis. Obstruction of the lachrymal ducts dropsy of the sac- cus lachrymalis -fistula lachrymalis tumour on the outside of the sac, or anchylops. An enlargement, or excrescence, of the caruncula la- chrymalis, called encanthus the caruncle wanting, or rhya*. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, or ophthalmia ve- sicles, or phlycteneeB, hard tubercle adhering to it, or papula. A morbid thickness and opacity of the cornea, or 9td- phylomct abscess, or onyx too great a convexity, causing shortness of sight, or myops too flat, causing preslyop$ t or long sight. Cancer of the eye a protrusion, or ophthalmoptosis. No pupil, or synezesis. Pus in the chambers of the eye; or hypopiutn a whife humour, or hypogala. Opacities of the lens, or cataract, several species. A turbidness of the vitreous humour, or glaucoma. Inflammation of the retina, or ophthalmia interna. OPERATIONS PERFORMED ON THE EYE. Removal of ex-- crescences operation for fistula lachrymalis syringing the lachrymal passages operation for cataract extraction and vouching removal of a cancerous eye. AURIS. The ear is the organ df hearing. It is situated at the side of the head, and is distinguished into the external and internal ear. The external ear is formed of an oval cartilage, covered with common integuments ; it is concave before, and con- vex behind, and has the following eminences and depres- sions : i. The helix, or external ridge; it curls inwards, z. The- antihelix, a ridge situated more internally than the helix. 3. The concha, or cavity, bounded by the antihelix and tragus. 4. The tragus, a cartilaginous eminence, covered with long hairs; 5. The antitragus, a small depression op- posite to the tragus, at the bottom of the antihelix. 6. The lobule, which hangs downwards, and is bored for rings. 7. The cavitas innoniinata, situated between the helix and the antihelix. 8. The scapha, or fossa navicularis , situated between the anterior bifurcation of the antihelix. In the middle of the outer ear is the auditory canal) which leads to the internal ear. It is formed of a bony ca- nal lined by a cartilage and common integuments, between which are the glands that secrete the wax. This canal, the M 3 246 meattis rutditorius cxtermis, is terminated by the meiubrana tympaui. The external ear has several muscles and ligaments, which have been described. The internal ear lies concealed within the petroxis por- tion of the temporal bone ; it is divided into the tympanum, mastoid cells, and labyrinth. The TYMPANUM is an irregularly round cavity, covered by a muscle, called the membrana tympani, like a drum by its Parchment. It contains four delicate bones, the malleus, incujt, stapes, and os orliculare, and some muscles belonging to them; the chorda tympani, and the membrana tympani. It is evtsacy where, even the bones, covered with a very vascular mejnbrane, and has several openings, which, with $he mastoid ells, are described iu Osteology* The MASTC-IP CELLS are considered with the temporal bone in Osteology. The LABYRINTH is composed of the cochlea, vestibulum, ajad semicircular canals : these have also been noticed in Osteology. The soft parts, which are found within these, and which form the organ of hearing, are I. The MEMBRANOUS SEMICIRCULAR CANALS, situated within the bony semicircular canals, and loosely connected to their periosteum by a fine cellular membrane, a quantity of fluid being interposed, which circulates through the la- byrinth. Each of these membranaceous semicircular ca- nals proceeds from the vestibule, and at its commencement swells into an oval AMPULLA ; these oval ampullae originate from a membranaceous sacculus within the vestibulum, which is termed the ALVEUS COMMUNIS. This sacculus, the ajnpullse, and membranaceous canals, therefore, occupy the vestibuhrm and osseous semicircular canals ; and it is by menus of the alveus commuuis that the membranous canals all communicate with one another, they being, as it were, tubes going from the sacculus. They are distended by a very limpid fluid, called the water of the labyrinth. The arteries of the labyrinth arise by one or two twigs, chiefly from the vertebral artery. The small veins termi- nate in the end of the lateral sinus. J4i ,. 2. The auditory nerve is expanded upon the sides of the alveus commuuis and ampullae, in a beautiful manner, like a fan or beard, resembling very much the mucous expansion of the optic nerve in the form of the retina. There is one more evident expansion of the nerve adhering to the spinous process of the vestibule, which is termed the BAREULA. 3. The ZONA MOLLIS of the cochlea, composed of two substances : the one is of a consistence between cartilage and membrane, somewhat of a coriaceous texture ; the other is perfectly membranous, and almost of a mucous consist- ence. The former adheres very firmly to the spiral lamina oi' the cochlea, which it accompanies throughout ; and the latter, which appears to be formed of a duplicature of the periosteum, is continued from the coriaceous part to the side of the cochlea, so that it completes the septum divid- ing the cochlea into two scalae. 4. The auditory nerve divides at the internal meatus ; oue branch, or portion, goes to supply the vestibule and semicircular canals ; the other part proceeds to the cochlea, juid terminates by a vast number of fibres^ which proceed through bony canaliculi of the modiolus, and come out ou the eeiia mollis, forming a beautiful NEIUOLS PL-LI--. M 4 248 PHYSIOLOGY OF HEARING. Hearing is a sensation by which we perceive the sound of any sonorous body. Sound is a tremulous motion of the air excited by striking any sonorous body. Sound is conveyed to an enormous dis- tance in the atmosphere, in straight lines, which are called sonorous rays. Soft bodies diminish or stifle sound; elastic ones increase it. The organ of hearing is the portio mollis of the seventh pair of nerves, whose pulp is beautifully distributed upon the ampulla: of the membranous semicircular canals, the barbufa, and the zona mollis of the cochlea. Hearing is performed in the following manner : the rays of sound emanating from a sonorous body arrive at the ear, which, by its elasticity and peculiar formation, concentrates them, that they may pass along the external auditory fora- men to the membrana tympani, which they cause to vibrate. The trembling tympanum communicates its vibrations to the malleus, which is in contact with it : the malleus conveys them to the incus, the incus to the os orbiculare, and the os orbiculare to the stapes. The basis of the stapes jets within the vestibulum, in that part where, as in a centre, it looks towards the common channel of the membranous semicircular canals, and the orifice of the scala vestibuli ; therefore the sonorous vibra- tions of the stapes are communicated to the water of the la- byrinth, and the undulations, sent out from this part as from a centre to a circumference, strike first the alveus commu- nis, and are then propagated throughout the liquor of the labyrinth which surrounds the membranous semicircular canals. These undulations strike the membranous semicir- 24-9 rular canals on their whole surface, and the canals agitate the fluid they contain as well as that in the alveus commu- nis; and these agitations now affect the nervous expansions in the alveus communis and membranous semicircular ca- nals. One scala of the cochlea opens into the vestibulum, whilst the other begins from the fenestra ovalisr both scalm are filled with the water of the labyrinth, and communicate with each other at the apex of the cochlea ; so that the so- norous vibrations are communicated also to the seals of the cochlea. In the middle, between the scalae of the cochlea, is the zoiia mullis, on which the nerve is also spread : hence the undulations are communicated to the nerves of the cochlea. In all these actions of the auditory nerve, namely, in that of the ampullae of the semicircular canals, the alveus commu- nis, and the spiral zone of the cochlea, hearing consists. The auditory nerve conveys these vibrations to the seust)- rium, where the mind is informed of the presence of sound, and judges of its difference. Gravity and acuteness of sound depend upon the number of vibrations given at the same time. NOSE. The nose is a prominence of the face, between the eyes and mouth. \i is dirided into the external nose, properly so called, and an internal one. The former is distinguished into root, back, apex, and alae : the latter into two nostrils, five car- tilages, the frontal, ethmoidal, and maxillary sinuses. 1 . The root is the superior part, contiguous to the forehead. 2. The back, or bridge, is the middle prominence, wBich goes downwards. 3. The ate, or pinrue, are the lateral and moveable parts. 4. The apex, or tip, is the inferior round part. 250 5. The cartilages of the nose are, one in the middle, which, with the vomer, completes the septum narinm, and two on each side of the septum, which form the round tip, and opening into the nostrils. 6. The frontal sinuses : these communicate with the su- perior part of the nostrils. 7. The sphawidal sinus, which opens into the posterior nostrils. 8. The maxillary sinuses, which open into the anterior nostrils at their sides. 9. Besides these parts, the nostrils have the turbinated portions of the ethmoid bone, and the inferior spongy bones, hanging within them. . , i o. The opening- of the ductus ad nasum. All these parts are covered with a very vascular PITUI- TARY MEMBRANE, called the SCHNEIDERIAN, from its disco- verer, upon which the excretory ducts of the mucous glands open, and the olfactory nerves are beautifully distributed, so that the pituitary membrane not only covers the nostrils, but the sinuses communicating with them. The nostrils terminate anteriorly in the face, and poste- riorly in the fauces. ARTERIES. The arteries of the internal soft parts are branches of the internal maxillary and internal carotids. VEINS. The veins terminate in the orbital, temporal veins, which convey their blood to the internal jugular. NERVES. Besides the olfactory nerves, the nose is sup- plied by the ophthalmic nerve, and superior maxillary. USE. The nose is the organ of smelling; and it assist* in respiration and speech. The ptysiology of smelling is delivered under the functions of the nerves. See page 202. 251 DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, called catarrhus ulceratioii, called oztna\m>r- bid thickening polypus obstruction in the ductus ad ia- sum an adventitious opening through the lachrymal Loire abscess of the antrum. OPERATIONS PERFORMED ON THE NOSE. Syringing the ductus ad nasum removing polypi passing a hollow tube through the nostril iato the oesophagus perforating the an- ti-um of Highmore plugging up the nostrils in cases of haemorrhage* MOUTH. The cavity of the mouth is covered by the cheeks and lips. The cheeks are composed of common integuments, and various muscles going downwards from under the eye, over the superior maxillary, to the inferior maxillary bone. Th lips ' are composed of common integuments and muscles, and are highly vascular, which gives them that beautiful redness in health. Where the lips meet together, it is called the angles, or commissure of the lips. Opposite to the incisores of the upper and under jaw, the doubling of the membrane of the mouth forms a fraenuui. ARTERIES. The arteries of the lips are the coronary and angular arteries. Those of the cheeks are branches of the iuferior orbital, alveolar, and facial arteries. VEINS. The veins empty themselves into the external jugular. NERVES. The nerves are the infra-orbital, the labial nerve, a branch of the inferior maxillary, and the facial. These nerves are sometimes the seat of the tic doloureuj,. The cavity of the mouth is bounded superiorly by the M 6 252 hard and soft palate, inferiorly by the tongue, anteriorly and laterally by the teeth, and posteriorly it is open, communi- cating with the fauces : so that the gums, the palate, the velum pendulum palati, and the membrane covering these, are to be considered here. 1. The GUMS, a red, vascular, spongy substance, of a peculiar nature, encompassing the necks of the teeth, and lying on each side the alveolar processes. The edges of the gums have the power of secreting the tartar which is found upon the teeth. When the gums bleed, are more spongy than ordinary, and ulcerate along their margin, they cause a fetor of the breath, and the disease is called stomacace. The gums are often the seat of abscess, called epulis, or gjumboil. They occasionally shoot out a very vascular production, or fungus, difficult to cure. 2. The PALATE. The roof of the mouth is called the pa- late ; the anterior portion is much harder than the posterior, being partly formed of bone, and hence distinguished into hard and soft palate. The hard palate is that portion of the roof which is formed by the palate bones, and palatine por- tions of the superior maxillary bones : it is covered with pe- riosteum and the common membrane of the mouth, which is formed into rugce. The soft palate, or VELUM PENDULUM PALATI, extends backwards from the hard palate, forming two arches : it is composed of the internal membrane of the mouth, a number of glands and muscles. From the middle of the velum pendulum palatinum there hangs down, over the tongue, a conical body, like a nipple, seen when the mouth is opened, which is the UVULA. From the sides of the uvula, towards the sides of the tongue, the soft palate form* 253 two arches : the anterior of these is fixed to the sides of the tongue, but the posterior extends backwards to be inserted into the pharynx. Between these two arches, on each side, at their bottom, is an oblong gland, called the tonsil ; it has several excretory ducts opening upon its surface. The hard palate is seldom found diseased ; but the soft palate, uvula, and tonsils, are quite the reverse. Inflam- mation ulceration relaxation enlarged tonsils tonsils filled with a sebaceous substance tonsils perforated com- plete loss of the soft palate, are among the most frequent diseased appearances. 3. The membrane covering the mouth, is a reflection of the skin and epidermis ; it is very spongy and cellular, hav- ing a number of small glands under it, and their excretory dcicts opening upon its surface. It is subject to inflammation, -which, about the tonsils and soft palate, is called cynanche tonsillaris, and gangrene in those parts called cynanche maligna. The salivary glands, whose excretory ducts pour the sa- liva into this cavity, are considered in Adenology. The mouth is the organ of mastication and deglutition. It also affords a passage to the air in breathing, and assist* in forming the sounds for speaking. PHYSIOLOGY OF MASTICATION. Mastication is the comminution of the food between the teeth, effected by the jaws, the tongue, cheeks, and lip. The powers which move these parts are their various muscles, by which the lower jaw is pulled from the upper, and again brought to it, whilst the tongue perpetually puts the food between the teeth, and the cheeks and lips impede 4 2.54. it, when masticated, from falling out of the mouth. By this process the food is divided, lacerated, and, as it were, ground and mixed with the saliva, mucus of the mouth, and the atmospherical air, and thus rendered fit to be swal- lowed and digested ; so that mastication is, in futt, an inci- pient digestion. TONGUE. A muscular body, moveable in every direction, and si- tuated in the inferior part of the mouth. It is divided into a base, body, back, an inferior surface, and two sides. The base is that part which lies on the os hyoides. The body is the middle and larger part, which ends in the more moveable part. The superior surface is called the back : on it are to be noticed the openings of several glands. The inferior surface is connected to the parts below by the membrane of the mouth, which forms a bridle, or FRJE- NULUM, behind the middle incisores. The tongue is formed of a number of muscular fibres, which are considered in Myology, covered by the common integuments. The external surface is every where furnished with NER- VOUS PAPILLAE, some of which are pyramidal, others conoid, and some fungi-form; they are divided into three classes, the maxima, medics, and minima, and are most numerous en the sides and apex, and upon the middle of the back. At the root of the tongue a hole is found, called foramen ccreum; it penetrates only a small way into the substance of the tongue, and receives the mouths of excretory ducts. A 255 line extends along the middle of the tongue, tvhicL divides it into two surfaces. ARTERIES. This organ is plentifully supplied with arte- ries, which come off from the carotid, and are termed ra- nine, or lingual. VEINS. The smaller veins empty themselves into the great lingual vein, which proceeds to the external jugular. NERVES. The nerves of the tongue are also numerous, arising from the fifth, eighth, and ninth pairs. USE. The use of this viscus is to constitute the organ of taste, and assist in chewing, swallowing, sucking, and tasting. The physiology of tasting is delivered under the functions of the nerves. See page 204. DISEASES OF THE TONGUE. Inflammation, called glossi- tis abscess ; when it appears under the tongue, it is called ranukt gangrene ulceration; small white ulcers are call- ed aphtha : besides common ulcers, there is a species of ulceration along the sides, of a chronic nature cancer fraenum too short ; when the person is said to be tongue- tied small vesicles on the sides of the tongue, or hydatids, OPERATION. The clipping the fraeuum when too short. NECK. The parts which form the neck are divided into external and internal. The external parts are the common integuments, the muscles of the neck, eight pair of cervical nerves, two ca- rotid arteries, two vertebral arteries, two external jugular veins, two internal jugular veins, the jugular glands, the 256 thyroid gland, the eighth pair of nerves of the cerebrum, and the great intercostal. The internal parts are the fauces, pharynx, asophagus, larynx, and the trachea. FAUCES. The cavity behind the soft palate and tongue, which ends in the pharynx. It is bounded posteriorly by the bodies of all the cervical vertebrae, superiorly by the cuneiform process of the os oc- cipitis, and middle of the sphaenoid bone, inferiorly by the pharynx, and anteriorly it looks into the mouth. The posterior nostrils open into the fauces behind the velum pendulum palati. There are also, at the sides of the fauces, the opening* of the Eustachian tubes. The whole of this cavity is lined with a very vascular and mucous membrane, continued from the mouth and nostrils, on which are the openings of many mucous glands. ARTERIES. The arteries of this cavity come from the internal maxillary, and neighbouring branches. VEINS. The veins evacuate their blood into the external jugular. NERVES. These are branches of the fifth and eighth pairs. USE. The use of the fauces is for deglutition, respira- tion, speech, and hearing. DISEASES OF THE FAUCES. Inflammation, or cynanclte ton- nllaris ulceration, which may be either simple, venereal, or aphthous polypus hanging from the nostrils obstruc- 257 tion of the Eustachian tubes anasarca, or angina cedema- tosa. OPERATIONS. Removal of the nasal polypus when in the fauces syringing the Eustachian tubes. PHARYNX. The pharynx is a muscular sac, like a funnel, situated behind the larynx, adhering to the fauces, and terminating in the oesophagus. CONNEXION. It is connected by means of muscles, with the cranium, vertebrae, and os hyoides. USE. Its use is to receive the masticated food, and con- vey it into the oesophagus. (ESOPHAGUS. The oesophagus, or gullet, is a membranous and muscu- lar tube, situated between the pharynx and stomach, and descending behind the trachea, down the neck, and along the posterior space of the mediastinum into the abdomen. It is composed of three tunics or coats : 1. A. common tunic, which is a condensed cellular mem- brane. 2. A muscular one, which consists of very dilatable mus- cular rings. 3. A vttlous coat, situated on the inside: between this and the former tunic are a number of muciparous glands, which secrete the mucus of the oesophagus. ARTERIES. Branches of the aorta. VEINS empty themselves into the vena azygos, and the superior intercostal. NERVES, from the eighth pair and great intercostal. 258 USE. The oesophagus conveys the food into the stomach. DISEASES. Inflammation, or tesojoJutg-itis coagulated lymph thrown out on the internal surface ulceration con- traction scirrhus cancer converted into cartilage fun- gus pouched, i OPERATIONS. (Esophagotomy, or cutting into the oeso- phagus introduction of the probang the introduction of a flexible hollow tube, to convey any stimulating substance into the stomach, to recover drowned persons caustic bou- gies, to remedy stricture. PHYSIOLOGY OF DEGLUTITION. Deglutition is the conveying of the masticated food from the cavity of the mouth into the fauces, and from the fauces through the oesophagus into the stomach. This is performed by the jaws shutting, so as to prevent the food from falling put of the mouth ; the tongue is then applied to the palate, by which the food, lying upon the back of the tongue, is pressed into the cavity of the fauces, where it is received by the dilated pharynx. The mucus, secreted by the toasils > facilitates its passage. The pharynx then is irritated to contract, by which the food is expelled into the oesophagus, by the contraction of whose muscular fibres it is conveyed through the cardia into the stomach. The pharynx is dilated by its dilatory muscles, and by the root of the tongue, os hyoides, and larynx, being drawn forwards and backwards by their proper muscles. The food is prevented, during the act of swallowing, from passing into the posterior opening of the nostrils, the Eustachiau tube, and larynx, by the velum pendulum palati and uvula being pressed against the former, and the epi- glottis being bent backwards over the glottis. 2.59 When a fluid is to be drank, the head inclines back- wards, the same actions take place, and the fluid passes on each side of the epiglottis. Solids are swallowed with much more facility than fluids : the latter, from their divisibility, require the organs to be more closely applied, and to compress the body to be swal- lowed with greater exactness. >\ t '. During deglutition, the food is covered with the mucus of the fauces and oesophagus. LARYNX. A hollow body, composed of cartilages, muscles, and ligaments, situated at the root of the tongue, in the fore- part of the neck. It is attached above to the os hyoides by muscles and ligaments, and posteriorly to the basis of the tongue by membranes, and to the pharynx by various muscles. The cartilages which form the larynx are the following : i. The THYROID, or scutiform, whicb forms the anterior and superior part, and by far the greater part of the larynx. It appears to consist of two cartilages, joined together ante- riorly, and forming a projection in the male neck, called the FOMUM ADAMI, but receding from each other in the pos- terior part. At the upper end of each, posteriorly, is a little projection ; these are termed the cornua of the thyroid car- tilage ; they are joined to the cornua of the os hyoides by ligament. There are also two projections situated at its inferior part: these are called the inferior cornua, and are fixed to the cricoid cartilage. z. Two ARYTENOID CARTILAGES, which are found behind the former, placed perpendicularly upon the cricoid, aud 260 forming a space between them, called the GLOTTIS, or tinia glottidis, which is the opening into the larynx. 3. The CRICOID CARTILAGE, which is the basis of the others : it is narrow before, and broad behind ; and is im- mediately above the larynx. 4. The EPIGLOTTIS, an oval cartilage, at the root of the tongue, which covers the glottis when the food passes into the pharynx. There are four ligaments of the glottis : a ligamentous cord passes from each arytenoid cartilage forward, to be fixed to the anterior angle of the thyroid cartilage ; under these two ligaments there are two others of a larger size, they have the same origin and insertion as the former. On each side, between the superior and inferior ligament, is a fissure, which Galen has termed ventricles of the larynx. The larynx is every where covered with a very sensible, vascular, and mucous membrane, a continuation of the membrane of the mouth. The larynx is variously contracted and dilated by muscles, which are considered in Myology. ARTERIES. The arteries of the larynx are given off from the external carotid and subclavian. The veins evacuate their blood into the external jugulars. NERVES. It has nerves from the eighth pair, or par vagum. GLANDS. The thyroid gland covers the thyroid carti- lage. There are also the mucous glands of the larynx, which, with the thyroid gland, are considered in Adenology. USE. The use of the larynx is to form the voice and its various modifications, and to afford a passage to the air into and out of the lungs. DISEASES. Inflammation of the pituitary membrane, or 261 -ifw ulceration enlargement of the epiglottis ossi- fication of the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. OPERATION. The introduction of a flexible hollow tube to-throw air into the lungs, for the recovery of drowned persons. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE VOICE. The voice is caused by the sound of the air propelled through the glottis ; so that the organ of the voice is the larynx and its muscles. The shrillness and roughness of the voice depends on the diameter of the glottis, its elasticity, mobility, and lu- bricity, and the force with which the air is expelled : thus, when the diameter is increased, the voice is more bass, and lice versa. The two arytenoid, and the thyroid cartilages only, take an active part in the production of the voice, but the true organ of voice is the aperture of the glottis ; for if the tra- chea, or larynx, be laid open below this aperture, no voice can be produced. In women and youths the glottis is more narrow by one third than in man : hence the shrill, acute voice of the former, and grave voice of the latter. Speech is the modification of the voice in the cavity of the mouth and nostrils. Singing is the harmonic modulation of the voice. Ventriloquism consists in the motion of the uvula, epi- glottis, and fauces, by which the sounds are modulated without the lips, teeth, or palate. The mouth being nearly shut, and the voice resounding between the larynx and the cavity of the nose, the sound is returned, as if emitted by ome one at a distance. 262 TRACHEA. A tube which descends from the larynx in the anterior part of the neck, before the oesophagus, into the thorax, where it divides into two branches, called bronchia. It is composed of cartilages, muscles, and membranes : 1. The CARTILAGES are round, but not complete rings, for they are fleshy posteriorly, where they lie over the oeso- phagus. 2. The MUSCLES of the trachea pass between these rings, and are called MESOCHONDRIAC. They are of two kinds: a. Musculi mesochondriaci longitudinales. These are composed of muscular fibres, which go directly down- wards from one cartilage to the next, throughout the minutest ramifications of the bronchia. (3. Musculi mesochondriaci transfer sales. A number of muscular fibres, which go across from one end of the cartilage to the opposite. Spasmodic asthma very frequently proceeds from a spas- modic affection of these muscles. 3. The internal surface of this tube is lined with an ex- quisitely sensible and vascular mucous membrane, continued from the larynx. The external coats are a cellular, and a ligamentous coat. The BRONCHIA, entering the substance of the lungs, di- vide into innumerable little branches, which terminate in the vesicufopulmonales, or air-cells. The GLANDS are described in Adendlogy. BLOOD-VESSELS. The arteries and veins of the trachea ?.re common with the larjux. 263 It has nerves from the recurrent branch of the eighth pair. USE. The use of the trachea is to admit the ingress and egress of the air into the lungs. DISEASES. Inflammation of the raucous membrane, or cynanche trachealis, which is of two kinds : 1. A high state of inflammation, known by seeing an immense number of red vessels, which are not found in a healthy state. 2. A specific inflammation, known by the formation of an adventitious membrane, formed of coagulated lymph, and sometimes without any apparent increase of red vessels. Ulceration diseased state of the softer parts, from scirrhus, and cancer of the oesophagus polypus seirrhus ossification. OPERATION. Tracheotomy, more frequently called broR- cUotomy, to admit of respiration. THORAX. The thorax, or chest, is that part of the body which is situated between the neck and belly, and to whose sides the upper extremity is attached. The thorax is in figure pyramidal ; broad and convex below, where it is separated by the diaphragm from the ab- domen; and obtuse above, where it is terminated by the pleura, cellular structure, muscles, and vessels : hollow behind, owing to the convexity of the ribs as they approach the spine; convex laterally; somewhat flattened in front. The cavity of the thorax is divided internally into five cavities : i. Into a right and kft cavity of the thorax. 3 264- 2. Into the caVity of the pericardium. 3. Into the anterior space of the mediastinum. 4. Into the posterior space of the mediastinum. The parts which constitute the chest, are divided into external and internal :.r*-3$ The external parts are the common integuments, the breasts, various muscles, and bones. The internal parts, or viscera, of the thorax are, the pleura, the lungs, the thymus gland, the oesophagus, the ductus thoracicus, the pericardium and heart, the arch of the aorta, and the descending aorta; the venae cavae, the vena azygos, par vagum, and the great intercostal nerves. DISEASES. Besides the affections of the thoracic viscera, this part is subject to empyema, or a collection of pus in the cavity of the chest hydrothorax, or water in the chest a collection^of pus in the anterior space of the mediastinum. OPERATIONS. Paracentesis thoracis, for empyema and hydrothorax trepanning the sternum, to give an exit to the pus collected in the anterior space of the mediastinum taking up the intercostal artery. MAMM.E. The breasts are two soft hemispheres, adhering to the anterior and lateral parts of the chest, over the pectoral muscle. In the male, the breasts are termed mamilte; in women, mamma ; and in brutes, ubera. STRUCTURE. The human breast is composed of much soft fat, which gives it the rotundity, and is of a glandular fabric, plentifully supplied with blood-vessels, nerves, &c. which secrete the milk, and convey it by its excretory ducts to The PAPILLA, or nipple, a very irritable prominent body, in the centre of each breast, in which the excretory ducts 265 of the glands of the breast, called galactopJierous and lacti- ferous ducts y open. The nipple is surrounded by a brown circle, called the AREOLA, or halo. ARTERIES. The arteries of the breasts are branches of the internal and external mammaries, many of which anas- tomose with the epigastric artery. The veins bear the same name, and accompany the arteries, emptying their blood into the subclavian and axillary veiii. NERVES. The nerves are very numerous, and arise from the superior intercostals, which are given off from the dor- sal nerves. GLANDS. The breasts are plentifully supplied with lym- phatics, which prjceed to the subaxillary glands. USE. The use of these organs is to secrete and contain the milk for new born infants. DISEASES. Inflammation, or mastitis, or maatodynia seirrhus cancer induration of the glandular fabric. OPERATIONS. Opening of mammary abscess removal of cancerous breast. PLEURA. A transparent smooth membrane, which lines the inter- nal surface of each lateral cavity of the thorax, and covers its viscera. Its external surface is attached by vessels and cellular membrane to the ribs, intercostal muscles, ster- num, bodies of the dorsal vertebrae and diaphragm; so that it may be compared to two bags : the right lies close to the internal surface of the ribs, down to the diaphragm, passes over it, giving it a tunic ; and having reached the heart-bag, near the middle of the inferior pait of the chest, it adheres to it, and goes up to ths sternum, to the very top of the N chest, where the bronchia enter, and the lungs begin ; and in this part the pleura is reflected over them : the left bag lines the left cavity in the same way. The pleurae of both cavities at the sides of the bodies of the vertebras go directly forwards to the sternum, without coining into contact with one another, a vast quantity of cellular structure being in- terposed, and thus divide the thorax into a right and left cavity. This partition of the chest is termed mediastinum, in which are two spaces : the anterior space is directly be- hind the sternum ; the posterior immediately before the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae. ARTERIES. The pleura has arteries from the intercostals and internal mammaries, which, in a healthy state, are not visible; they return their blood by the intercostal and in- ternal mammary veins. NERVES. The nerves of this membrane are few, and arise from the superficial branches of the cardiac plexus. USE. The use of the pleura is to form the mediastinum, to divide the thorax into two cavities, to render the surface moist by the vapour it exhales, and to give a membrane to the lungs and pericardium. DISEASES. Inflammation, called pleuritic adhesion to the lungs converted into cartilage ossified small white bodies in the pleura, like scrofulous glands. OPERATIONS. Perforating the pleura for empyema and hydrothorax. >*'' MEDIASTINUM. The membranous partition formed of a dup.itature of the pleura, which divides the chest into two cavities. In the mediastinum, that is, between the two pleura 1 of which it is formed, ar n the anterior part, the pericar- 267 dinm, thp thymus gland in children in the posterior part, the oesophagus, the bronchia, the large vessels of the heart, the par vagum, great intercostals, and thoracic duct. LUNGS. Two viscera, situated in the cavities of the thorax, by which we breathe. DIVISION. Into right and left lung : the right has three lobes, the left only two. The substance of the lungs is bronchial, vesicular, vas- cular, nervous, glandular, and parenchymatous. 1. The BRONCHIA are continuations of the trachea, and are formed exactly of the same materials, viz. cartilage, and intercartilaginous muscles. 2. The vesicles of the lungs are called the PULMONARY or AIR VESICLES; they form by far the greater bulk of the lungs, and are placed at the very extremities of the ramifi- cations of the bronchia, being apparently formed of the in- ternal membrane lining the bronchia. It is on the internal surface of these vesicles that the pulmonary artery forms a beautiful plexus of delicate vessels. 3. The VESSELS of the lungs are the pulmonary artery, whose ramifications are very numerous, forming a net of vessels on the internal surface of the air-vesicles the pulmonary veins, which return the blood from the pul- monary arteries the bronchial artery, which nourishes the lungs, itod returns its blood through corresponding veins into the vena azygos the absorbents of the lungs, which are deep seated and superficial. 4. The NERVES of the lungs are derived from the par va- gum and great intercostal, and form an anterior and poste- rior pulmonic plexus. N ^ 265 5. The GLANDS about the bronchia are very numerous, and are termed bronchial. Lymphatic glands are also found more internally. 6. The PARENCHYMA of the lungs, or cellular membrane, connects the vessels, bronchia, and vesicles, and is very elastic. CONNEXION. The lungs are connected with the heart by means of the pulmonary artery and veins, and with the tra- chea by means of the bronchia ; the other part is loose in the cavity of the chest, having a coat from the pleura, call- ed pleura pulmonalis, which invests their tunica propria, but does not dip down between the lobules. USE. The use of the lungs is for respiration and san- guification. DISEASES. Inflammation, called jmeumonitis abscess, called voniica tuberculated scirrhus air-cells enlarged converted into a substance like liver earthy matter in the lungs ossification hydatids pleura pulmonalis in- flamed ; covered with a coat of coagulated lymph - thick- ened cartilaginous ossified adhering to the pleura cos- talis. PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION. Respiration consists of INSPIRATION, or the ingress of the air into the lungs, and EXPIRATION, or the egress of the air from the lungs. During sleep respiration is performed without our know- ledge, and therefore termed spontaneous; but when it can be augmented or diminished according to our will, it is termed voluntary. The blood of the right side of the heart is blackish and heavy : that which the pulmonary veins bring back to the left side of the heart, is, on the contrary, of a red vermilion colour, lighter and two degrees warmer. 269 In its passage through the lungs it is deprived of hydro- gen and carbon, and in becoming arterial, is loaded with oxygen and caloric. In natural respiration the thorax dilates about fifteen times in tfte course of a minute, and in an adult man, from thirty to forty cubic inches of atmospheri- cal air enter the lungs, composed of seventy-three parts ni- trogen, twenty-seven parts oxygen, and 1-100 or o-ico of carbonic acid ; after the atmospheric air has remained some moments, it is expired, and its composition is found to be altered ; 73-100 of nitrogen exists, but the oxygen has suf- fered great diminution, its proportion is only 14-100 : car- bonic acid constitutes the remaining 13-100, and sometimes one or two parts of hydrogen, besides a quantity of aqueous vapour. The exciting cause of respiration is the air rushing into the lungs, and irritating its nerves, which irritation is, by consent of parts, communicated to the diaphragm and in- tercostal muscles, and compels them to contract. The con- traction of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, and the pressure of the elastic air, therefore dilate the chest. The air being deprived of its stimulus, the intercostal muscles and diaphragm become relaxed, the cartilages of the ribs and abdominal muscles, before expanded, return to their former state, and thus the air is expelled from the lungs. The small branches of the pulmonary artery form a beautiful net-work of vessels on the internal membrane of the air-ve- sicies. During expiration, the air-vessels are collapsed; con- sequently the blood-vessels become tortuous, and the blood is prevented passing; but in inspiration, the air-vesicles being dilated, the tortuous vessels are elongated, and a free passage afforded to the blood. The very delicate coats of these vessels are rendered io thin as to suffer a CHEMICAL N 3 270 ACTION to take place between the air in the vesicles and the blood in the vessels. This constitutes the primary use of r espiration, viz. the blood absorbing the oxygen from the atmospheric air, as was before mentioned ; by which the nervous energy is increased, and, it is generally believed, heat generated ; but this subject is yet undetermined. PERICARDIUM. A membranous sac surrounding the heart. CONNEXION. It adheres to the diaphragm, pleura, ster- num, cartilages of the ribs, oesophagus, aorta desceudens, and the v^ins and great arteries going to and from the heart. ARTERIES. Branches of the internal mammary and mediastinal. VEINS empty themselves into the internal mammary. NERVES. From the superficial cardiacs. . USE. To contain the heart, and to separate a fluid which may lubricate and preserve it from concretion with the pericardium. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation a coat of co- agulated lymph on the internal membrane adhesions to the heart dropsy of the pericardium, or hydro-cordis scro- fulous tumours adhering to the pericardium pericardium wanting. ADULT HEART. The heart is a hollow muscular viscus, situated in the cavity of the pericardium, by whose contractile power the blood is sent to every part of the body. It is distinguished, in the dead body, whilst in the pe- ricardium, into an anterior and posterior surface and mar- 271 gins ; a base from which the large arteries emerge, and au apex. In the living body, the base of the heart is towards the dorsal vertebrae ; its apex towards the sixth rib of the left side ; so that its situation is oblique, not transverse ; the right ventricle being anterior, the left posterior, and the inferior surface lying upon the diaphragm. DIVISION. The heart is distinguished into two auricles, which lie upon its base, surrounding the larger arteries ; two ventricles, or cavities, in the internal part ; and the ar- teries and veins going from and terminating in it. The auricles have been distinguished into the auricula or proper auricle, and sinus venosus. The RIGHT AURICLE is a large muscular sac, in which the superior and inferior vena cava terminate : it has a little process, or cul de sac, like an auricula, or little ear, from which it took its name, and an opening at its bottom into the right ventricle. In the right auricle are the following: .'_ 1. The tuberculum Loweri. A mere projection in the auricle, between the two venae cavae. 2. The valve of Eustachius. A production of the inner membrane of the inferior vena cava, at its termination in the auricle. It is not always present, but in most instances is as complete a valve as any other. 3. The fleshy bundles crossing the auricle, like the teeth of a comb, called musculi pectinati. Between these fasciculi the auricle is transparent and membranous. 4. The valve of the great coronary vein, which opens into this auricle. 5. Around the opening of the auricle into the right ven- tricle, and rather within the auricle, is a tendinous circle. * 4 272 6. Ayfa/j membranous, oval depression, more remarkable in some than in other hearts: which points out the former situation of the foramen ovale. It is termed the fossa Gvaiis, and its sides are called columna foraminis ovalis ; isthmus J^ieussenii ; and annulus fossa ovalis. 7. The foramina Thebesii; which are seldom seen. They are the minute openings, probably arteries opening into the right auricle. The RIGHT VENTRICLE is a large cavity within the heart, and below the auricle. The right auricle opens into it, and a large artery, the pulmonary artery, emerges from it. In this cavity are to be noticed 1. The muscular pillars or columns, called earner co- lumna, which cross one another in every direction, and have defcp grooves between them. The albumen of the blood insinuates itself very fre- quently, in artlculo mortis, between the carnecs columnee, and thus adheres very firmly to the parietes of the ven- tricle : this appearance was called polypus by the an- cients. The same thing occurs in the right auricle and left ventricle. 2. The chorda tendinete, which connect some of the car- nea columns with the valves, and insert others into the parietes of the heart. 3. The tricuspid, or triglochin valves, which arise from the tendinous circle, around the opening of the auricle into the ventricle, and form three points, which are fastened by the chordae tendinese to the parietes of the right ventricle. 4. The reticulated appearance of the carneae columuae, and the smooth surface leading to the artery. 5. Three semilunar valves placed just within the pulmo- nary artery. In the middle of each valve is a hard knot, called corpus sesamvideum Aur&nta. 273 The LEFT AURICLE is not so capacious as tbe right ; it has no communication with it in a natural state ; yet the foramen, ovale, which is always open in the foetus, sometimes remains throughout life, or is forced open. The four pul- monary veins open into this cavity. It presents the fasci- culated appearance, or musculi peetinati, though not so strongly as the right auricle. The opening of this auricle into the ventricle is less than that of the right auricle, but it is surrounded by a tendinous circle in the same way. The foramen ovale, or opening between the auricles of the foetus, which permits the blood to pass from the right auricle into the left, in consequence of its not having a passage through the lungs, before birth, is sometimes forced open in the adult. This happens ge- nerally to those who have asthma or phthisis pulmona- lis, or some disease of the lungs affecting respiration, so as to prevent the free circulation of the blood through the lungs from the right ventricle to the left auricle. The blood, therefore, accumulating in the right auricle, distends it more than commonly, and the pressure causes an absorption of the tender membrane which closed the foramen ovale. In this manner the foramen ovale is formed in adults, but it not unfrequently re- mains open from birth : hence the blood continues to be circulated when the respiration is suspended, as iu diving, holding the breath, &c. ; and hence the circula- tion of the blood is regular, notwithstanding the respi- ration is obstructed in asthma, and the substance of the lungs corrupted, become scirrhous, or almost wholly ulcerated ; which is the case in phthisis pulmonalis. The LEFT VENTRICLE is less than the right ; its fleshy walls, or parietes, are much stronger ; and it has, like the right, an opening from the auricle, and. an artery arising from it. In this ventricle we observe i. The valve arising from the circle of the auricular opening, which terminates iu two fasciculi of tendons, and N 5 274- hence is called, from its resemblance to a bishop's mitre, valvula mitralis. The two points are connected to the car- neae columnae. -Yr : 2. The carneae columuae are here remarkably strong and rounded, and the chordae tendineae very firm. 3. The smooth surface towards the arterial opening. 4. The semilunar valves, just within the artery, or aorta, with the corpora sesamoidea in their middle. 5. The sinuses of Vasalva at the outside of the valves ; they exis^ in the pulmonary artery, but are smaller. From this description of the heart, it appears that the auricles are separated from each other, and also the ven- tricles. The partition between the auricles is thin and partly membranous, but that between the ventricles is about half an inch in thickness, and composed of strong fleshy fibres. The former is termed septum auricular um y the latter septum i/etitriculorum. STRUCTURE. With regard to the structure of the heart, it is entirely muscular and well supplied with vessels ; its cavities are lined by a smooth and very irritable membrane, continued from the internal coat of the arteries and veins, and its external surface is covered by a reflection of the in- ternal tunic of the pericardium. The muscular fibres constituting the heart, may be dis- tinguished into three layers : i. The outermost, which extends from the basis of the heart towards its apex, surrounding the whole heart. z. The middle layer, which lies below the former, and passes in a transverse direction. It is by means of this layer that both ventricles appear to be formed. 3. The internal layer, which runs very irregularly, its fibres interlacing one another. 275 VESSELS. The heart is nourished with blood by two ar- teries, branches of the aorta, called coronaries, which return their blood by the coronary vein y into the right auricle. They also ramify on the roots of the large arteries, forming the vasa vasorum. NERVES. It has nerves from the cardiac plexus formed of branches from the par vagum and great intercostal; but these nerves are not under the influence of the mind, the heart being a muscle of involuntary motion. ABSORBENTS. The heart has absorbents, which accom- pany the direction of the arteries. USE. The use of this viscus is to constitute the primary organ of the blood*s motion. DISEASES. Inflammation abscess gangrene pus, and coagulated lymph in the cavities aneurism of the ventricle hydatids in the ventricle rupture malformation un- usually large an immense accumulation of fat about the heart ossification a deposition of earthy particles in the muscular structure inflammation of the external mem- branea coat of coagulated lymph on it; sometimes like a honeycomb ossification hydatids adhering to it pus upon the surface adhesions to the pericardium a morbid thickening valves ossified earth deposited in them thickened burst valves between the auricles and ven- tricles thickened ossified earthy the internal membrane of the heart of a florid colour gangrenous the coronary arteries ossified converted into a cartilaginous substance. Almost every disease of the heart causes an irregularity in its action; therefore an intermittent pulse mostly accompanies diseases of this viscus : but as the heart often beats irregularly in consequence of the blood not being duly returned to it, as in asthma and hydrotho- rax ; and as it often contracts irregularly from sympa- N 6 276 thy, and as the pulge may beat irregularly in conse- quence of disease between the heart and the wrist ; au intermitting pulse cannot be considered as a pathogno- mouic symptom of a disease of this organ. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. The blood is continually in motion, passing from the auricles of the heart into the ventricles ; from the ventricle* into all the arteries of the body, and from the arteries into the veins, which return it again to the auricles. The blood is brought from every part of the body to the heart by the two vena cavae (the superior bringing it from the head, upper extremities, and thorax, and the inferior from the abdomen and inferior extremities), which termi- nate in the right auricle. The right auricle, when distend- ed with blood, contracts, and empties itself into the. right ventricle; the right ventricle then contracts and propels the blood into the pulmonary artery, the opening between the ventricle and auricle being shut by the tricuspid valves. The pulmonary artery conveys the blood, by its numerous ramifications, into the small branches of the air-cells of the lungs, where it undergoes a change, and passes into the veins, which bring it by four trunks into the left auricle of the heart. It is prevented returning from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle, by the three semilunar valves which are placed at its origin. The blood having thus passed through the lungs, and become of a florid colour, dis- tends the left auricle, which is then stimulated to contract, and pours the blood into the left ventricle. The left ventricle next contracts, and propels the blood through the aorta, to be conveyed by its branches to every part of the body. The mijral valves, which are placed at the auricular open- ing into the left ventricle, prevent the blood from returning,, 277 when the ventricle contracts, into the auricle ; and, should the blood be prevented by any impediment passing imme- diately along the aorta, the three semitunar valves placed at its origin prevent its regurgitating into the ventricle. From the numerous arteries of the aorta the blood is con- veyed into the veins, where it loses its florid colour, be- comes darker, and is conveyed by the two venae cavae, the superior and inferior, into the right auricle. Since the blood loses its florid hue as it passes from the arteries into the veins, and again acquires it only in the lungs, it follows that the blood of the right auricle and ven- tricle, and also the pulmonary artery, is of a dark venal co- lour ; and that of the pulmonary veins, left auricle and ventricle, and aortal system, of a florid hue. The above circumstance naturally induces the following observation : that when blood is expectorated of a florid hue, it comes from a ruptured vein; and when dark and grumous, from the pulmonary artery. The bronchial artery ramifies through the parenchyma, or cellular tissue of the lungs, and when it ruptures, an ecchy- mosis of the lung is the consequence. The action of the heart consists in the alternate contrac- tion and dilatation of its auricles and ventricles. After the contraction of the ventricles, the arteries contract, this ac- tion of arteries is called pulsation, the veins receive the blood from the arteries, and return it to the auricles : the valves of the veins and vis a tergo prevent the blood regur- gitating. The dilatation of the heart is termed diastole, and the contraction systole. The excessive sensibility of the membrane which lines the auricles and ventricles, disposes them to contraction, which is effected by the irritation of the stimulus of the blood, and by that cf the distention of its cavities. 278 ABDOMEN. A cavity situated between the thorax and pelvis ; divided into several regions, as has already been mentioned. The EXTERNAL PARTS are the common integuments, five pair of abdominal muscles, and the peritoneum. The INTERNAL PARTS, or VISCERA, are : the omentum, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gall-bladder, mesentery, lacteal ves- sels, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, supra-renal glands, part of the aorta descendens, and vena cava ascendens. MORBID APPEARANCES. The diseased appearances of the viscera will be enumerated under their respective heads. The cavity of the abdomen is subject to ascites abdominalis, and a complete adhesion between all its viscera, so as to- tally to obliterate the cavity. Parts of the viscera have protruded through the umbi- licus, inguinal ring, diaphragm, &c. forming various species of Jternia. OPERATIONS. Paracenteris abdominis, to remove the fluid in dropsy, and the operation for strangulated, umbilical, inguinal, and femoral hernia 1 . PERITONEUM. A smooth delicate membrane lining the internal surface of the abdomen, and covering all its viscera. CONNEXION. It is connected, by means of cellular mem- brane, with the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, vertebra of the loins, bones of the pelvis, urinary bladder, uterus, intestinum rectum, and all the viscera of the abdomen. VESSELS. The arteries and veins come from the adjoin- ing parts. 279 USE. To contain and strengthen the abdominal viscera, and to exhale a vapour to lubricate them. MORBID APPEARANCES. An accumulation of the fluid thrown out to lubricate the viscera constitutes ascites abdo- minalis. Coag-ulable lymph is often separated into the ab- domen in large quantities by the vessels of the peritoneum pus also has been observed. Inflammation of the peri- toneum is termed peritonitis. The other diseased appear- ances are : adhesion, thickening, dark spots on the perito- neum ; a white, soft, granulated matter adhering to the peritoneum; cancerous tumours, hydatids, air in the ca- vities of the peritoneum, or tympanitis. OPERATIONS. Paractntesis abdommin, to remove the fluid in dropsy ; and gcutrvraphia, or sewing of the abdomen. *V*. ,,,/j'i OMENTUM. The omentum, or epiploon, is an adipose membrane, a production of the peritoneum, attached to the stomach, and lying on the anterior surface of the intestines. DIVISION. It is divided into large and small omentum. The former hangs pendulous from the great curvature of the stomach. The small omentum fills up the space between the small curvature of the stomach and liver. Immediately behind the biliary ducts there is an open- ing in the omentum, which will admit the finger, called the foramen of Winslow. ARTERIES. The omentum is supplied with arteries by the cceliac artery. VEINS. The veins empty themselves into the vena portse. USE. To lubricate the intestines, and to preserve them from concretion. 280 DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation, which is called omentitis, urepiploitisltony and earthy matter in the omen- turn scirrhous enlargement like a bunch of grapes con- tracted omentum adhesions with various parts. When the onieatuin passes through the parietes of the abdomen, the rupture is termed an epiplocele. OPERATION. The removal of a gangrenous portion, either from strangulated hernia or rupture of the abdomen. STOMACH. A membranous receptacle, situated in the epigastric re- gion, which receives the ingesta from the oesophagus. DIVISION. It is divided, when empty, into an anterior and a posterior surface; a great and little curvature; the cardia, or superior opening ; and tlfe jjylorvit, or inferior opening. CONNEXION. It is connected with the oesophagus, duo- denum, omentum, and pancreas. STRUCTURE. It is composed of three membranes, or coats, viz. a peritoneal, muscular, and villous coat. Som anatomists enumerate a fourth, viz. a nervous coat. ARTERIES. The arteries of the stomach are branches of the coeliac the coronaria, which goes to the small curva- turethe gastrica sinistra^ which is distributed to the great, and arises from the splenic artery gastrica dextra, which passes to the great curvature and the pylorica^ supplying the pylorus ; all of which unite with each other, and form a net-work of blood-vessels. VEINS. The gastric veins empty themselves into the vena portae, corresponding with the trunks of the arteries. NERVES. The nerves of the stomach are branches of the par vagi'm. 281 ABSORBENTS. Those of the small curvature terminate in the thoracic duct, where the coeliac artery is given off, and those passing along the great curvature join with the ab- sorbents of the spleen. GLAND*. These are mwciparous, under the internal tunic. ^ USE. To receive the ingesta from the oesophagus, and to retain, mix, digest, and expel them into the duodenum. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation, which is termed gastritis ulceratiou scirrhus cancer partly dissolved by gastric juice tumour filled with a suetty substance in the stomach calculi in the stomach hernia of the stomach, termed gastrocele abscess between the peritoneum of the parietes and stomach, bursting in the latter coagulated lymph thrown out in the stomach pouch formed in the stomach a morbid contraction of the whole stomach- worms in the stomach. DIGESTION. Digestion, or chymification, is that change the food un- dergoes in the stomach, by which it is converted into chyme. The circumstances necessary to effect a healthy digestion of food are 1 . A certain degree of heat of the stomach. 2. A free mixture of saliva with the food in the mouth. 3. A certain quantity of healthy gastric juice. 4. The natural peristaltic motion of the stomach. 5. The pressure of the contraction and relaxation of th abdominal muscles and diaphragm. -^ From these circumstances, the particles of the food are 282 softened, dissolved, diluted, and intimately mixed into a soft pap, called chyme, which passes through the pylorus of the stomach into the duodenum, where the nutritious part is separated from it and absorbed by the lacteals. See Uiyli- Jicatwn. INTESTINES. The membranous tube, six times longer than the body, in the cavity of the abdomen, variously contorted from the pylorus of the stomach to the anus. DIVISION. The intestines are divided into small and large intestines. The small are, i. The DUODENUM, which begins at the pylorus of the 4 stomach, and is reflected over the spine under the perito- neum. It is about twelve fingers' breadth in length, and has an oblique perforation near its middle, which is the com- mon opening of the pancreatic duct and ductus communis choledochus. z. The JEJUNUM and ILEUM compose the remainder of the small intestines. The small intestines always hang from the mesentery, the greater part of thejm into the cavity of the pelvis. There is no material alteration of structure in any part of them : the termination of the one and beginning of the other is imaginary. The jejunum constitutes the first half from the duodenum, the other half is ileum. The small intestines have internally a number of annular folds, which augment the surface for the situation of the lacteal and other vessels ; these are called valvtda conniventes, and are peculiar to the small intestines ; they are most numerous in the duodenum, and least so in the Ileum. 283 The large intestine- are distinguishedjnto, 1. The CJECUM, which lies upon the right hip oyer the iliacus internus muscle, to which it is attached by cellular membrane : it is a large cul de sac: the small intestine opens obliquely into it, in such a manner as to form a valve to impede the return of the faeces ; and nearly opposite to this valve there arises from the ciecum a small vermiform canal, imperforated at its extremity, called the appendieula ceeci vermiformis. The valve is called valvula cotti, and val- vula Tulpii. 2. The ascending portion of the large intestine is the COLON; it proceeds towards the liver by the name of the ascending portion of the colon, and having reached the liver, forms a transver&e arch across to the other side. The colon then descends, forming what is termed its rigmoid flexure, into the pelvis, where the gut is termed, 3. The RECTUM, which terminates in the anus. The large intestines are lobulated ; have sometimes little fat portions adhering to them, called appendicula epiplotca, and also three longitudinal bands upon their external sur- face. STRUCTURE. The intestines are composed of three membranes, or coats; one peritoneal, a muscular one, and the third which is villous. CONNEXION. They are connected with the mesentery, kidneys, os coccygis, and urinary bladder; and, in women, with the vagina. ARTERIES. The arteries of the intestines are branches of the superior and inferior mesenteric, duodenal, and in- ternal haemorrhoidal. VEINS. The veins run into the meseraic, which go to the vena portae. 284 NERVES. The intestinal nerves are productions of th* eighth pair and intercostals. LACTEAL VESSELS. These arise from th small intes- tines, and run into the mesenteric glands. GLANDS. Muciparous, under the villous coat, called flanduke Brunneri. USE. To receive the chyme, and retain it for a time ; to mix it with the enteric juice and bile j to separate and propel the chyle into the lacteal vessels ; and to eliminate the faeces. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation, which is called enteritis ulceration mortification abscesses intus-sus- ception stricture scirrhus cancer a morbid thicken- ing of the coats of the intestines a morbid transparency of the intestine the inner membrane of the large intestine formed into white and yellow tubercles the folds of the inner membrane of the great intestine enlarged and loaded with blood small processes of the inner membrane a little above the anus heemorrhoids pouches in the small in- testines worms; ascaris vermicularis,ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris, taenia osculis superficialibus, and ta?nia osculis lateralibus thickening of the valvuke conniveutes calculi in the intestines lacteals morbidly distended with chyle small tubercles hanging from the intestines into the cavity of the abdomen adhesions of all the intestines into one mass. OPERATIONS. Operations for strangulated intestinal her- nia and wounds of the intestine. CHYL1FICATION. This is the change of the chyme in the small intestines into chyle. The chyme in the duodenum is mixed with the 285 pancreatic juice, the bile, and enteric juice; from which mixture, effected by the continual peristaltic motion of the intestines, a milk-like fluid is separated, termed chyle, which is absorbed by the pendulous openings of the lactealsj and conveyed through the mesentery into the thoracic duct, to be sent into and mixed with the blood, to form new blood : after the bile has effected this purpose, its oily, bitter, and colouring principle adheres to the excrementitious mass, and gives it stimulant properties. Chyliftcation is performed quicker than chymification, and both are effected within three hours. The progress of alimentary matter in its passage through the small intes- tines, is much retarded by the winding of the canal; which allows the chylous part to be entirely separated. The excrementitious particles of the food, called, the faeces, facilitated in their progress by a great quantity of mu- cus, secreted by the inner membrane of the intestines, are propelled into the caecum, through the colon, where they acquire a peculiar smell, into the rectum, to be expelled. EXPULSION OF THE F&CES. The irritation of the faeces in the rectum induces it to contract, the diaphragm descends, and the muscles of the abdomen push the abdominal viscera towards the pelvis, compressing the intestines ; the sphincter relaxes, and the faeces are protruded through the aperture of the anus, by the pressure of the abdominal muscles, and the anus closed again by the contraction of its sphincter and levator muscles. The fetid smell of the faeces depends on the commencing putrefactive fermentation, a great evolution of sulphurated hydrogen takes place, &c. 286 MESENTERY. The mesentery is a membranous production, formed of two laminae of peritoneum ; between which are a quantity of cellular or adipose membrane, numerous glands, lacteals, lymphatics, arteries, veins, and nerves. DIVISION. It is distinguished into, mesentery, which ad- heres to the three superior lumbar vertebrae, and has the small intestines hanging to it ; mesocolon, which supports the colon ; and mesorectum y a portion in the pelvis, inclos- ing the rectum. ARTERIES. The mesenteric arteries are branches of the aorta ; they pass within the duplicature of the mesentery to the intestines. VEINS. The veins accompany the smaller ramifications, but convey their blood into the vena portae. NERVES. The nerves of the mesentery are from the par vagum and great intercostals ; they form a number of plexuses, which send off twigs to the intestines. GLANDS. The glands are very numerous : the lacteals proceed from the intestines into these glands, and from them to the thoracic duct. USE. The use of the mesentery is to sustain the intes- tines and afford them a peritoneal coat, and to give a pas sage to the mesenteric vessels, lacteals, and nerves. DISEASES. Inflammation of its laminae, called peritonitis mesenterii thickening of the laminae of the mesentery in- flammation of the mesenteric glands, called mesentcntis abscess scirrhus scrofulous enlargement cancer an earthy deposit in the glands ossification emphysema, or air in the mesentery anasarca of the mesentery aneurism 287 of the mesenterie artery hydatids adhering to the mesen- tery a puckering or contraction of the mesentery. LIVER. The liver is the largest of all the abdominal viscera; It is of a deep red colour, and situated in the right hypochon- driac region, and somewhat in the epigastric, hanging by its ligaments from the diaphragm. The liver is convex above and concave below : it is ex- tremely broad superiorly, but gradually becomes thinner in- feriorly, and ends in a thin margin. Its surfaces are smooth, being covered by the peritoneum, which forms its several ligaments, viz. two which are attached to the diaphragm, and are termed lateral; in the middle of its lower and an- terior margin is a round ligament adhering to the navel, through which the umbilical vein, &c. of the foetus passes : between the round ligament and the diaphragm is another, called the suspensory ligament, which adheres to the perito- neum of the anterior part of the abdomen. DIVISION. Into three lobes, one of which is very large, the other smaller, and a third, which is very small, and called after its describer, Spigelian, or lobulus Spigelii. There are also two other lobes described by some anatomists, viz. the lobulus caudatus, which is only a projection at the root of the lobulus Spigelii ; and the lobulus attonymus, of a square shape, placed between the passage of Ac round li- gament, and the gall-bladder. FISSURES. The fossa umbilicalis, between the right and left lobes ; the sinus portarum, or sulcus transversus, where the vessels of the liver enter. The fossa ductus venosi, situ- atd between the left lobe and lobulus Spigelii, and the fos *a 288 for the inferior cava between the great lobe and lobulus Spigelii. SUBSTANCE. The liver is a gland composed of arteries, veins, nerves, lymphatics, and excretory ducts, united toge- ther by a particular substance : there is also an appendage on the concave surface of the liver, called the gall-bladder. The artery of the liver is the hepatic, which nourishes it : the blood it conveys does not appear to contribute any thing towards the formation of bile. It is returned into the venae cavae hepaticae. The vena porta is a large vein which conveys the blood from the spleen, mesentery, and stomach, into the liver. As it enters the liver, it receives a strong tunic, which is termed the capsule of Glysson : it then divides into innu- merable branches, which, at their very minute ends, form an immense number of vessels, arranged like the hairs of a pencil brush, and hence called PENICILLI. These penicilli constitute the glandular fabric and bulk of the liver. From each penicillus arises a small duct which runs to a larger ; this again unites with others, till at length they form vessels of a considerable %ize, which ultimately end in one duct. The smaller ducts are termed pori biliarii, and its trunk duc- tus hepaticus. The small branches of the vena portac open also into corresponding veins, which gradually become larger, and return the blood into the vena cava at the supe rior part of the liver*, these are called vena cavce hepatica. From this description of the substance of the liver, the physiology of its functions may be explained. The liver is destined to separate bile from the blood. The blood is brought for this purpose by three large venal trunks from the stomach, omentum, spleen, large and small intestines, which three trunks become one; the vena portae, which conveys 289 Ae blood to its penicillated ends, which penicilli,or glands, separate bile from it; and the bile passes into the begin- nings of the pori biliarii, and along them into the ductus hepaticus. The blood which is not wanted for this purpose, and that from which bile has been separated, then passes into the venae cavae hepatic ; so that the vena portae takes on the action and function of an artery, and, like an artery, its branches gradually become smaller. Thejierves of the liver are very numerous, arise from the hepatic plexus, and go into the substance of the liver with the hepatic artery. The absorbents of the liver are superficial and deep- seated ; the former are always seen very beautifully arbo- rescent on the peritoneal coat ; they pass through the dia- phragm, and over the gall-bladder to the thoracic duct. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation of the peritoneal oat- general adhesions partial conversion into cartilage ossification abscess between the peritoneum of the liver and integuments inflammation of the liver, called hepa- Mw abscess mortification tubercles of several kind* morbid flaccidity morbid firmness general contraction hydatids cysts containing calcareous matter worms ia She pori biliarii. GALL-BLADDER. Aa oblong membranous receptacle, situated under the liver, to which it adheres very firmly in the right hypo- chondrium. DIVISION. It is divided into bottom, body, and neck, which terminates in the ductus cysticus. The ductus cysticus arises from the gall-bladder, proceeds towards the duodenum, and unites with the ductus kepaticui, 290 to form ihe ductns communu choledochvs, which perforates the duodenum, and conveys the bile into the intestines. Any cause obstructing the flow of bile through this duct gives rise to jaundice. *."> STRUCTURE. The gall-bladder is composed of three membranes, a common, fibrous or muscular, and villous. ARTERIES. The arteries of the gall-bladder are branches of the hepatic. VEINS. These empty themselves into the vena port*. ABSORBENTS. The absorbents of the gall-bladder are very numerous, and run into glands near the duodenum. Those of the under surface of the liver pass over the gall-bladder. NERVES, from the eighth pair and intercostals. GLANDS, muciparous, and are placed under the internal coat. USE. To retain the gall, which regurgitates Jrom the hepatic duct, there to become thicker, more bitter, and acrid, and to expel it, when wanted, into the duodenum. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation adhesions scirrhus ossification morbidly transparent morbidly thickened gall-stones hydatids stricture of the ducts- pouch in the gall-bladder. SPLEEN. A spongy, somewhat oblong viscus, of a blueish red co- lour, situated in the left hypochondrjum, near the fundus of the stomach, under the ribs. CONNEXION. It adheres to the omentum, diaphragm, pancreas, and colon. ARTERY. The splenic artery is a branch of the coeliac. VEINS. The veins of the spleen empty themselves into the rena portee. 291 ABSORBENTS. The lymphatics of the spleen are d*ep. seated and superficial, but are rarely seen. NERVES, from the par vagum and great intercostal* USE, unknown. PANCREAS. A glandular body, of a long figure, compared to a dog's tongue, situated in the epigastric region, under the stomach. STRUCTURE. It is composed of innumerable small glands, the excretory ducts of which unite and form the pancreatic duct. Its external membrane is from the mesucolon. ARTERIES,, from the neighbouring parts and splenic artery. VEINS, evacuate themselves into the splenic. The pancreatic duct perforates the duodenum with the ductus communis choledochus, and conveys its secretion into the intestines. USE. To secrete a humour similar to saliva, and carry it into the duodenum. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation morbid soft- ness morbid hardness abscess calculi of the pancreas worms pancreas wanting. tACTEAL VESSELS. The absorbent vessels of the mesentery, which convey the chyle, a milk-like fluid, from the intestines into the thoracic duct. They originate from the surface of the duodenum, jeju- num, and ileum, and terminate in the thoracic duct, or o % 292 trunk of the absorbents, which runs near the aorta on the spine, and empties its contents into the jugular vein. i As they run through the mesentery, they pass through a number of glands, in which the chyle is altered, aud then proceed to their trunk. USE. To carry the chyle from the intestines into the blood. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Lacteals distended with in- spissated chyle rupture of the lacteals. KIDNEYS. Two somewhat oral viscera, situated behind the sac of the peritoneum, near the bodies of the superior lumbar ver- tebrae, which secrete the uriue. DIVISION. Into three kinds of substances : a twtieal, which is external and very vascular; apapilknis, which ends in several papilla or nipples in the pelvis ; a tubular, which goes from the cortical to the papillous substance : each pa- pilla is surrounded by a membranous tube, termed infwndi- bulum, or calix: these unite and form a hollow part called the peliis of the kidney, lined by a smooth membrane; this cavity gives off the ureter. INTEGUMENTS. Adipose membrane, and a membraaa propria. ARTERIES. The renal arteries, or emulgents, are branches of the aorta descendens ; they ramify very beautifully in the substance of the kidney, and terminate in CRYPTJE, or com- volutions of the artery upon itself. VEINS. The veins empty themselves into the cara in- ferior. NERVES. The nerves of the kidneys are branches of the eighth pair and intercostal. 293 The excretory ducts of the kidneys are called the URE- TERS ; they are the tubes which convey the urine from the kidneys into the bladder, and originate from the pelvis of tfce kidney, which is sometimes called also the pelvis of the ureter. USE. ' To secrete urine, and convey it to the bladder. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation abscess gan- grene morbid softness scirrhus hydatids converted into an earthy matter calculi in the pelvis of the ureter ossification total destruction of the kidney by enlarge- ment of the pelvis of its ureter ulcerated surface of the pelvis of the kidney kidney converted into cysts, or hy- datids. EXCRETION OF THE URINE. The urine is separated from the blood by the extremities of the renal arteries, or crypte, which open in the substance of the kidney into the tubuli uriniferi, from whence it is re- ceived into the pelvis of the ureter, and passes along the ureter into the urinary bladder guttatim, where it usually remains a few hours, in consequence of the sphincter of the bladder being: contracted. It is prevented- returning into the ureters by their entrance being oblique and valvular. Although the urine may be accumulated in the bladder, so as to press on the inferior parts of the ureters, yet the force ib not sufficient to prevent the further distention : for the column of fluid descending through the ureters, is higher than that contained in the bladder. .During the retention of the urine in the bladder, it be- comes thicker, and of a higher colour, from the absorption of its more fluid parts. The urine remains a longer cr Shorter time in the bladder, in proportion to its capacity, o 3 294- irritability, and extensibility ; influenced also by tbe varied stimulant properties, that the urine may contain. The urine having remained a few hours in the bladder, excites desire to void it, by which stimulus the sphincter becomes relaxed, the muscular structure of the bladder contracts, and hy the assistance of the abdominal muscles, and the ftcceleratores urinae, the urine is propelled along the ure- thra. SUPRA-RENAL GLANDS. Renal capsules. Renal glands* Two triangular fiat bodies, situated one above each ^idney. They are covered by a proper membrane, and anteriorly by the peritoneum. In a healthy state, they have a small cavity, in which there is a brownish fluid. They are plen- tifully supplied with arteries from the diaphragm, aorta, and renal arteries ; from which circumstance, one would sup- pose they were to answer some purpose in the animal eco- nomy, although unknown. Their veins pass into the cava and renal vein, and their absorbents and nerves are in com- mon with those of the kidneys. No excretory duct has yet been.. detected, nor is their use known. DISEASED APPEARANCES. The supra-renal glands are frequently found containing a black aqueous fluid inflamed enlarged filled with scrofulous abscesses converted into a spongy substance, whose cells are distended with an aqueous fluid, containing small calculi of various forms aad colour. 295 PELVIS. The pelvis is a cavity below the abdomen, and under the pubes, containing the urinary bladder, rectum, and- organs of generation. VESICA URINARIA. The urinary bladder is a membranous sac iu the pelvis without the peritoneum, which in part gives it a coat, or tunic. It is situated, in men, between the pubes and rec- tum ; in women, between the pubes and uterus, being fixed at its anterior and inferior part, to the arch of the pubes, by its neck, and the urethra. DIVISION. Anatomists divide the urinary bladder into a fundus, which is loose in the abdomen, and, when the blad- der is distended, reaches the navel, and even the stomach j. a neck, before which the prostate gland is placed in men ; and a body, or that part composing the chief bulk of the bladder, distinguished by an-anterior and posterior part and- sides. The anterior half of this dilatable base is connected in- feriorly, in man, to the rectum^ and in women, to the ute- rus ; its middle part to the bones of the pelvis, by means of cellular membrane and muscular fibres ; and its superior part is attached loosely to the muscles of the abdomen* There is also a round ligament, which proceeds from the middle of the fundus of the bladder, between the perito- neum and linea alba, to the umbilicus, which is called the uracfyus.. STRUCTURE. compo&ed of three membranes, like the intestines, one peritoneal, a muscular coat, and a villous. o 4 296 ARTERIES. Its arteries are branches of the hypogastrie *nd haemorrhoidal. VEINS. The veins empty themselves into the hypogastrie. NERVES. The nerves of the bladder are branches from the intercostal and sacral nerves. Its internal surface is lubricated by mucus separated from muciparous glands uuder its internal coat. USE. The use of the bladder is to receive, retain, and expel the urine brought into it by the ureters, which perfo- rate its inferior part, near the neck of the bladder. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation scirrhus can- cer gangrene ulceration fungous and cancerous excres- cencespolypuspuckering of the internal membrane muscular fibres, concentrated into bundles morbid con- tractionpouches of the bladder calculi of various kinds in the bladder enlarged openings of the ureters hydatids in the bladder ascarides in the bladder. OPERATIONS. Lithotomy puncturing the bladder in suppression of urine passing the catheter into the bladder vesica? lotura. THE MAJLE ORGANS OF GENERATION. These are, the penis, testicles, and vesiculse seminales. PENIS. The penis, called also membrum virile, or yard, is that cylindrical part which hangs down under the mons Veneris, before the scrotum. DIVISION. It is divided into root, body, and head, called giant. 297 i V / The hairy prominence which covers the pubes, is called MONS VENERIS. SUBSTANCE. The penis consists of common integuments, two corpora travernosa, the corpus spongiosum urethrae, and the urethra. 1. The CORPORA CAVERNOSA, which form the chief bulk of the penis, are composed of a cellular and very elastic eubstance, and arise by two crura, one from each ascending ramus of the ischium. At their origin, they are firmly at- tached to the bone by a dense cellular membrane; they then converge towards the pubis, where they are also firmly connected to the symphysis by a dense cellular membrane. About this place, they meet their elastic ligamentous sub- stance together, and, in consequence of several perforations in this ligament um pectinatum, adhere: and there is a free communication between the cells of one corpus cavernosum and those of the other : thus adhering together, they form the greater part of the penis, and end abruptly behind the ivrona gfandis. The corpora cavernosa, being each some- what round, and lying together in the penis, a considerable excavation is left above and below; in the former the great vein of th penis passes, and in the latter the corpus spon- giosum urethra-.. 2. The CORPUS SPONGIOSUM begins before the prostate gland, and surrounds the urethra. At its beginning, it forms the bulbous part of the urethra, and then proceeds forwards in the space between the two corpora cavernosa on the under surface, and is expanded at the extremity of the penis into a very vascular substance, called CLANS PENIS, naturally covered by a fold of the skitt, called the prepuce, which, at the under part of the glans, is fixed to it by a frtenum. o 5 298 3. The URETHRA is a membranous canal, which proceeds from the bladder, through the prostate gland and the cor- pus spongiosum urethrae; and at the end of the glans penis its internal membrane is reflected over the glans, forming the meatus, or opening in the glans. The urethra is endowed with a high degree of sensibility and contractility. In the urethra are to be observed, 1 . The verumcmtanum, or caput gallinaginis, a cutaneous eminence in the urethra, about an inch before the neck of the bladder. 2. The openings of the ejaculatory ducts around the ca- pnt galliuaginis. 3. The opening of the ducts of the prostate and Cowper's glands. 4. The lacuna or openings of the ducts of the mucous glands of the urethra. GLANDS. Muciparous odoriferous Cowper's glands and the prostate. (See Adenology.} ARTERIES. The penis is supplied with blood by the pu- dical artery, which is continued to the symphysis of the pubis, where it pierces the cavernous substance : it divides into several branches, one going to the bulb of the urethra, another along the dorsum of the penis, and two branches enter the cells of the corpora cavemosa. VEINS. The blood of the penis is returned by a large vein, called the vena magna ipsms penis, which conveys it to the hypogastric vein. ABSORBENTS. The lymphatics of this organ ate deep- seated and superficial. The superficial arise from the pre- puce in three divisions : one on the right side of the fraenum, another on the left, and a third directly on the middle of the superior side. Those from the under side make a semicir- 4 299 enlar turn from the under to the upper side of the penis, whilst that on the superior side of the prepuce runs on the middle of the back of the penis, exactly in the direction of the symphysis pubis. At a little distance from the pubis the three divisions unite into one common trunk, which al- most immediately separates again into two; one going to the right groin, accompanies the veins going to the inguinal vein, and terminates near it, in those inguinal glands which are nearest the symphysis pubis. The other trunk goes to the left groin, and terminates exactly in the same manner as the former. The deep-seated lymphatics accompany th arteries, and pass with them on the inside of the tuberosi- ties of the ischia, or under the angle of the pubis. NERVES. Branches of the sacral and ischiatic. Those distributed on the integuments and body of the penis, are for common sensation : those which go to the glans penis are for the peculiar sense of that part. USE. The use of the penis is for erection, coition, effu- sion of semen, and of urine. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation ulceration, which, when caused by the venereal virus, is called a chancre abscess gangrene phymosis paraphymosis elephan- tiasis varix anasarca cancer warts, or excrescences, from venereal or other causes original mal-formatiou. Urethra. Gonorrhrea leucorrhoea enlarged lacunae stricture, which is either a general contraction for a greater or less space; or a constriction, like as if a piece of pack- thread were tied round the urethra ; or a fine pellicle, or a caruncle an artificial urethra fistula no meatus urina- rius urethra converted into bone. OPERATIONS. Amputation circumcision dividing the prepuce in phymosis and paraphymosis opening concreted o 6 300 lips of the meatus urinarius passing a bougie catheterism application of caustic bougies removing excrescences. TESTES. The testicles are two oval bodies, situated originally within the cavity of the abdomen, from which they descend before birth, or soon after, into a bag, called the scrotum, placed under the root of the penis. SUBSTANCE. The adult testicle is composed of arteries, veins, and a peculiar set of vessels, which arise from the minute termination of the arteries. This peculiar set of vessels are i . The vasa recta, which are found in the substance of the testicle, arising from the minute ramifications of the &permatio arteries. At the top of the testicle, the straight vessels, which are the commencement of the excretory ducts, just as the biliary pores are of the ductus hepaticus, inoscu- late with one another, and form, z. The rete vasculosum testis. This plexus of vessels sends off, at the superior part of the testicle, 3. The vasa efferentia , which are ten, or more, in number. They pass from the body of the testicle, form conical bundles, ter/med coni vasculosi; these soon uniting into one trunk, called vas deferens, form, by an immense number of convo- lutions, a somewhat hard substance, called the epididymis. EPIDIDYMIS. This is somewhat pyramidal, having a thin convex head, and a flat, thin, extremity; it is formed merely of a convolution of the vas defereus, or excretory duct of the testicle. VAS DEFERENS. This long, but small duct, is formed of a cartilaginous substance ; its cavity is not sufficiently large 301 to admit a small pin. It passes upwards from the end of the epididymis, iu a zig-zag manner, by the side of the pubes, where it is no longer convoluted, but proceeds straight into the cavity of the pelvis to the vesiculae serninales. COVERINGS. The testicle has a strong, white, dense tunic, intimately connected to it ; this is called the tunica aibuginea testis. It completely encompasses the body of the testicle, and is extended over the epididymis. The next tunic of the testicle is call tunica vaginafo. Anatomists consider it as a production of the peritoneum ; but this opinion does not appear to be well founded. It is a delicate membranous bag, connected externally, by cel- lular structure, to the dartos ; and the testicle, with its tu- nica propria, or aibuginea, adheres firmly to its outside, pushing itself, as it were, into it, in the same way as the heart into the pericardium, the lungs into the pleura, &c. so that, when the tunica vaginalis is opened, the testicle is seen within it. The dartos has already been described hi Myology. These coverings of the testicle are surrounded by a very elastic cellular membrane and common integuments, to which the name of scrotum is given. ARTERIES. The spermatic arteries, formerly termed vasa prtfparantia, are two in number, and arise one from each side from the aorta, near the emulgents, .and sometimes from the emulgeut, especially on the right side. The reason of the origin of these arteries being so remote from the tes- ticles in the adult, will appear from considering that these organs were before birth within the cavity of the abdomen. When the spermatic artery reaches the abdominal ring, it r surrounded by the vas deferens, the spermatic veins, and 302' a quantity of cellular membrane; all these together are called the spermatic cord, which passes through the ring. VEINS. The blood of the spermatic arteries is returned by a number of small venal branches from the testicles, which enlarge as they pass up the cord. Having passed through the abdominal ring, they form a plexus around the spermatic artery, to which the term corpus pampiniforme is given. ABSORBENTS. The lymphatics are distinguished into those of the integuments, those of the body of each testicle, those of the rete testis, and those of the epididymis ; all of which proceed along the cord. NERVES. The renal plexus of nerves sends off several branches to the testicles, as do also the mesenteric plexus, and the great intercostal, all of which accompany the sper- matic artery. The scrotum is supplied by branches from the third and fourth lumbar nerves. DESCENT OF THE TESTICLE. The testicles are always ori- ginally situated within the cavity of the abdomen. About the seventh month they generally leave that cavity, and pass through the abdominal ring into the scrotum. There is, however, great variety in the time of their descent, and cases are recorded, wherein they did not appear during the whole course of the person's life. When in the cavity of the abdomen, each testicle is connected to the scrotum by a ligamentous substance, and there is a small pyramidal body at its beginning, close to the testicle, which, from its ap- pearing to direct the course of the testicle, is called guber- naculum testis. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Inflammation, which is termed orchitis, or hernia hunwralis suppuration gangrene scir- rhus scrofulous enlargement pulpy cancer converted 303 into cartilage ossified small and wasted hydrocele Juf- matocele fmeumatocele cavity of the tunica vaginalis obli- teratedfilled with hydatids the epididymis ending in a cul de sac scrofulous thickening scrofulous tumour stricture the spermatic veins varicose, called varicocele the spermatic cord hardened anasarcous containing large cysts of water cancer of the scrotum, peculiar to chim- ney-sweepers. SECRETION AND EXCRETION OF THE SEMEN. The semen is secreted by the minute branches of the spermatic arteries, that deposit it into corresponding semi- nal vessels, called vasa recta, which compose the greater part of the body of the testicle. The semen is the proper stimulus to these vessels, which are therefore stimulated to contract, and, by a very slow motion, convey it into the vasa efferentia, which terminate in the epididymis. The vas deferens carries it through the inguinal ring into the pelvis, to be deposited m the vesiculae semiuales, where it excites a desire to emit it. The cells of the corpora cavernosa penis, the corpus spongiosum, and glaus penis, are distended with blood by the venereal stimulus ; hence the penis swells, and is in- clined for coition ; during which action, at the time of the oestrum venereitm, the vesiculae seminales contract, and the semen is thrown, with an immense force, through the eja- culatory ducts, opening into the urethra, where it is mixed with the secretion from the prostate gland, which is expelled at the same moment, and passes with it along the urethra, to be propelled by the contraction of the ejaculatory muscles into the cavity of the uterus. so* VESICUL.E SEMINALES. Two whitish membranous receptacles, situated on the back part of the bladder, close to its neck, which receive and contain the semen from the vasa deferentia. SUBSTANCE. Membranous, and resembling in their struc- ture an intestine variously contorted, and covered with a fibrous substance. Eacli vesicula seminalis sends forth a duct, which passes through the prostate gland, and are called the ejaculatory ducts; they are some lines long, and enter the cavity of the urethra by a peculiar orifice at the top of the verumoutanum. VESSELS and NERVES. From the neighbouring parts. ABSORBENT VESSELS. These arise from the vesiculae semi- naks, and run to the lymphatic glands about the loins. > USE. To contain, retain, inspissate, and expel the se- men into the urethra. DISEASED APPEARANCES. Morbid adhesions to neigh- bouring parts wholly converted into a scrofulous sub- stance ejaculatory ducts obliterated one wanting seir- rhus cancer morbid enlargement of the cells contain- ing a diseased fluid. THE ORGANS OF GENERATION IN WOMEN. The parts which serve for generation in women are di- vided into external and internal. The external parts are i. The MONS VENERIS. The prominent portion of inte- guments immediately over the ossa pubis. It is formed by 305 a quantity of fat under the skin ; and, after puberty, is co- vered with a short hair. 2. The LABIA MAJORA, These are the two external lips, of a soft consistence, and formed of very vascular common integuments. They begin from the symphysis of the pubis, are covered externally with hair, but their internal surface is smooth, and lubricated with the smegma of the odori- ferous glands. The opening between the labia is termed /the periosteum of its bones. 15. The vestibulum and cochlea, to show the membranous semicircular canals of the former, with their ampullae in- jected, and the vascularity of the zona mollis. 16. The head, to show the natural appearance of the face, the papillae of the lips, tongue, &c. 1 7. The hand, to show its natural colour. Preservation. The above preparations are all to be well soaked from their blood, and preserved in proof spirit of wine. 1 8. A portion of skin, freed of its adeps, to show its vas- xailarity. 19. The membrana tympani, to show its vessels. 3.0. The heart, to show the foramen ovale, by distending the cavities with air; and, when dry, cutting away the outermost sides of the auricles, and introducing a bristle. 21. Any large muscle, freed from its cellular membrane and fat, and dried, to show the vascularity of the muscle. Preservation. These are all to be dried, well varnished, and preserved in bottles. Some prefer putting them into spirit of turpentine j but this should be avoided as much as R 362 possible, for the turpentine is always oozing in warm vvua- ther, and dirtying the glass. UTERUS. The object of injecting a uterus with fine injection is to exhibit the vascularity of its internal membrane, which furnishes the catamenia. For this purpose the uterus of a person whose menstruation has not been stopped by age or disease is to be selected. Preparation. Remove the uterus, by dividing the vessels as long as possible, the round and broad ligaments, and as mueh as possible of the vagina. Tie a pipe in each hypo- gastric artery, and secure all the divided vessels. Injection. Any coloured injection may be chosen, but red looks best. Dissection, Cut away all the loose cellular membrane, bladd&r. and rectum, if there be any, from around the va- gina, and.cut it open along the middle of its superior part ; continue this incision on each side of the anterior part of the uterus, so as to exhibit the posterior surface of its ca- vity. Preservation. If the injection be successful, which it seldom is more than one time in ten, suspend it by the liga- ments, and preserve it in proof spirit. AN ADULT HEAD. Separate the head as low as the last cervical vertebra from the shoulders. Preparation. Put a bifurcated pipe into the carotids. Secure the vertebral arteries and jugular veins, and all the divided parts. 363 Injection. The red injection is always preferred; From an adult head injected in this way may be mo*I the following preparations : 1. The upper eyelid, to show the vascular! ty of Meibo- mius's glands. 2. The choi'oid membrane, exhibiting its vascularity. 3. The retina, suspended by the optic nerve, exhibiting its vascularity. 4. A section of the optic nerve, to exhibit the central artery. 5. The whole of the cerebrum, cerebellum y and medulla oblongata, with the pia mater ; or, 6. The pia mater, separated from the convolutions of the brain, to exhibit the inter gyral processes and the tomen- tvm cerebri. 7. One half of the nostrils, to exhibit the vascularity of Schneider's membrane, and that of the membrane lining the antrum of Highmore. 8. The tongue, lying in the jaw, and suspended by the palatum molle, with the posterior fauces cut away, to show the epiglottis and glottis, the uvula and velum pendulum pa- lati, the tongue, its papillae and excretory ducts, and the vascularity of the gums and sublingual glands. Preservation. The above preparations are to be soaked veil in cold water, to get out all the blood, and then pre- served in proof spirit. PREPARATIONS WITH QUICKSILVER. Mercury cannot be coloured by any substances; it must, therefore, always present the same silver colour. R z 364 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. i. The parts should always be injected in a proper tray, made similar to the wood-cut at the beginning of this sec- tion, that the mercury may be easily collected. z. A lancet, with a citrved needle ready threaded, should be always at hand ; and, likewise, 3. A bottle, whose neck is not so wide as to permit the quicksilver tube going to the bottom, when put into it. 4. When injecting, if any circumstance render it neces- sary for the Injector to put aside the tube with the mercury, it should be placed in the bottle, the mercury remaining in it, to be handy and prevent delay. 5. Injecting with mercury is always tedious, and fre- quently unsuccessful. The parts exposed must be kept moist by sprinkling them with cold water. A SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. % To inject the lymphatics of an arm, choose one from a dropsical subject, without fat ; make an incision into the skin around the wrist, and seek diligently with a magnify- ing glass, for an absorbent, into which the pipe is to be put; when the quicksilver will immediately run. The shoulder should now be placed considerably lower than the hand ; and, when the mercury runs out at the divided ves- sels in the axilla, tie them up, and also the lymphatic, into which the pipe was introduced. Then seek for another ab- sorbent. When the mercury ceases to run in a lymphatk-, press it a little forward ; andUf that do not succeed, tie the vessel, and seek for WotfreV. Dissection. Begin at the lymphatics, where the mercury 365 entered, and trace them j removing every thing that ob- structs their ^view : but preserve the glands. AN INFERIOR EXTREMITY. The limb for this purpose should also be taken from a dropsical person, and the same methpd adopted as with the superior extremity, seeking as near to the toes as pos~ sible for the lymphatics. A PAROTID GLAND. Cut down upon the masseter muscle, and seek for the Stenonian duct, which is the excretory duct of the parotid, Tie the quicksilver pipe in it, then fix the tube, and pour into it the quicksilver; aud, when it ceases to run, remove the tube and pipe, and tie the duct. Be particularly careful, in dissecting away the gland, not to cut it. Preservation. Dry it on a waxed board, and preserve it on a blue paper and pasteboard, in spirit of turpentine. LIVER. The lymphatics running on the peritoneal coat of the liver, and over the gall-bla'dder, make a beautiful prepara- tion. The liver should be well soaked for several days, and the pipe put into the lymphatics of the suspensory and co- ronary ligaments, and the mercury forced along them, breaking down the valves with the nail, by pressing on the mercury. Secure the vessels at the portae of the liver, when the mercury gets there, and tie the lymphatics when filled. Should the anatomist's attempt to force the quicksilver be- R 3 366 yond the valves be unsuccessful, he must fix upon the most minute obvious branch, and let it run its proper course. Preservation. Throw some coarse injection into the favae hepaticae and vena portae, without heating the liver thoroughly; inflate the gall-bladder, and dry the whole. Varnish it, and preserve it in the best manrier under a glass bell, or preserve the injected part in proof spirit, without any wax injection. LUNGS. The superficial lymphatics of the lungs are to be filled from the part most remote from the root of the lungs. Preservation. Cut away the part on which the lympha- tics are filled. Dry it on a waxed board, varnish it, and preserve it in a bottle, on a green or blue piece of paper ; or preserve it in proof spirit, without drying it. HAND. Select the hand of an aged female (separated from the arm by a transverse section, three inches above the wrist) that has died of a lingering disease. Soak out the blood in *varm water ; fix the pipe in the radial artery, then add the tube, and pour into it the mercury. As the mercury appears in the other arteries and veins, take them up and secure them with ligatures. Should the mercury still escape from small branches, put a cord round the arm, and, with a piece of wood, tighten it, by twisting the wood, taking care ixot to prevent the mercury passing into the hand. Then suspend the hand in a glass filled with water, and suspend also the tube and quicksilver in the manner represented in plate, page 336, for a day or two, that the mercury may 367 get into the small vessels. When injected, remove th pipe, and tie, by a strong string, the fore-arm; put the hand into water, until putrefaction separates the cuticle. Preservation. Dry it carefully, and varnish it ; then fix the fore-arm on a pedistal of plaster of Paris, and keep thi beautiful preparation under a glass bell. LACTEALS. Remove the mesentery and intestines, if the former be perfectly free from fat, and let them remain several days in water, which should be frequently changed. Search for an absorbent, on the intestine, into which introduce the quick- silver, which will run on to the glands in the mesentery, where it will stop. When the lacteals are filled, the prepa- ration will be more elegant if red and yellow coarse injec- tion be thrown into the mese'nteric arteries and veins. Preservation. Spread the mesentery on a waxed board, inflate a portion of the intestine, clear away all that is use- less ; dry and varnish, and preserve it in a glass frame. CORRODED PREPARATIONS. These preparations are made by filling the vessels with, coarse injection, and corroding the soft parts, so as to ex- hibit those vessels. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. i. The liquor for corrosion is to consist of three parts of muriatic acid, and one of water. R 4 358 2. The liquor should be kept in a well-glazed earthe vessel, with a top to it, also well glazed. 3. The part to be corroded should be carefully moved in and out of this liquor, as the slightest force may break the vessels. 4. When corroded, the pulpy flesh is to be carefully washed away, by placing it under a cock of water, the water flowing very slowly j or, in some instances, by squirt- ing it away. 5. When the preparation is freed of its flesh, it should be fixed in the situation it is to remain in, either on a plaa~ ter of Paris pedistal, or on a flat surface. 6. If the flesh be not perfectly destroyed, the prepara- tion is to be returned to the corroding liquor for a fortnight or month longer, or until it become pulpy. HEART AND LUNGS. These viscera, occupying less space in children than adults, are to be preferred from the former. It is of no con- sequence whether they are fat or lean. The integuments should be cut from the fore part of the neck ; and the tra- choa, jugular veins, and carotid arteries removed, and, with them, the viscera of the thorax ; carefully separating the subclavian vessels from the clavicle, without injuring them, and dividing the axillary vessels and the cava infe- rior and aorta, just below the diaphragm. Preparation. Soak the whole well, to free it of its blood, and press out all the fluids : fix a pipe in the inferior cava, and another in one of the pulmonary veins, taking care not to injure the others, by tying it. Then secure the carotids, the jugulars, the axillary vessels, the vertebral artery, the 360 kntercostals, the aorta, after it has formed its arch, the in- ternal mammaries, and every vessel that can be found. Injection. Red and yellow are generally preferred, but red and blue are more proper, and more elegant. Throw the blue into the vena cava inferior, which will distend the right auricle, the superior cava, the jugular veins, and great coronary vein, the right ventricle, and pulmonary ar- teries. The red injection will fill the left auricle and pul- monary veins, the aorta, subclavians, carotids, &c. Preservation. Great care is requisite in freeing the in- jeetiou from the pulpy flesh- When done, let the apex of the heart be placed immediately on a plaster of Paris pedis- tal, and cover it with a glass. If the pulmonary vessels are well preserved, it forms a valuable preparation. If one good preparation be obtained in ten trials, it will amply repay the anatomist. HEART. A fat heart will do for this purpose. Inject it as di- rected in page 353, and put it into the corroding liquor. Preservation. Lay it on some cotton, on a pedestal, and cover it with a glass. LIVER. The liver of a child is to be preferred to that of an adult, it occupying much less room : its vessels should be cut long, and with it the portion of the duodenum, perforated by the bile-duct. Preparation. Fix a pipe into the hepatic artery, another into the vena portae, a third into the ductus communis cho- ledochus, and a fourth in the vena cara hepatica. * 5 370 Injection. The four injections are the red, yellow, dark blue, and light blue. First, throw the red injection into the bepatic artery, next the dark blue into the vena port*, then the light blue into the cavae hepaticae, and lastly, the yellow into the ductus communis choledochus. Preservation. Remove the pipes as soon as the injection will permit; and, when corroded, fix the trunks in the best manner possible, upon a proper pedestal : then wash away the flesh, dry it, and cover it with a glass. KIDNEY. Choose the kidney of an old drunkard. Cut the emul- gent vessels close to the aorta and cava, and the ureter, very low j then remove the kidney with all its surrounding adeps. Preparation. Soak out the blood, and press out all the fluid. Fix a pipe, in the emulgent artery, another in the vein, and a tiiird in the ureter; and tie up all the open- mouthed vessels. Injection. Red, blue, and yellow. First throw the yel- low into the vein, then the red into the artery, and lastly, the blue into the ureter. Preservation. Under a glass bell. The kidneys of dif- ferent animals form a beautiful exhibition. 371 ANATOMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL, SURGICAL, AND MEDICAL QUESTIONS, &c. 1. How many tones compose the cranium ? 2. What is the union of the bones of the skull termed ? 3. Describe the situation of the sphsenoid bone. 4. Into how many portions is the temporal bone distin- ^. guished ? 5. In what bone is the organ of hearing situated ? 6. How many tables have the bones of the cranium ? 7. What is the name of the substance which unites the two tables of the cranium ? 8. What is the name of the suture which connects the frontal with the parietal bones ? 9. By what suture is the occipital bone united to the pa- rietal bones ? 10. What name is given to the suture which connects the parietal bones ? 11. How many species of sutures are there ? i j. What bones are united by the false sutures ? 1 3. Through what foramina do the olfactory nerves pass out of the cranium? 14. Where is the foramen magnum occipitale situated ? 15. To what bone does the crista galli belong? * 6 372 16. T6 what bone does the sella turcica belong ? 1 7. Describe the frontal bone. 1 8. Where is the os ethmoides situated ? 19. What bone separates the ethmoid from the occipital bone? 20. To what bone does the mastoid process belong ? 21. How many bones compose the orbit ? ' 22. How many bones compose the lower jaw ? 23. What bones form the septum narium ? 24. To what bone do the superior turbinated bones, as they are called, belong ? 25. In what bone is the antrum of Highmore situated? 26. What separates the antrum of Highmore from the orbit ? 27. la there any communication between the orbit and the nostril ? 28. What is the name of the process of the lower jaw to which the temporal muscle is attached ? 29. Is there any communication between the tympanum of the ear, and back part of the mouth ? 30. How many bones are there in the tympanum ? 31. To what bone of the cranium does the styloid process belong ? 32. What bones form the foramen lacerum in basi cranii ? 33. What are the processes of the sphaenoid bone called, which form the sides of the posterior nostrils ? 34. What passes through the foramen lacerum in basi cranii ? 35. Does the os palati form any part of the orbit? 36. Where is the vomer situated ? 37. Point out the situation of the zygomatic processes oa the face. 38. Where is the os unguis situated? 373 39- What U the name of the portions of the os ethftioides which hang down into the nostrils? 40. What is the shape of the os malae ? 41. What are the bones called which compose the spine ? 42. Describe the spine. 43. What is there peculiar to the second vertebra ? 44. How would you distinguish a dorsal vertebra from the rest ? 45. Where is the os hyoides situated ? 46. Describe the scapula. 47. What bone is fixed to the acromion scapulae ? 48. How many bones has the fore-arm ? 49. Where is the ulna situated ? 50. On what bone do we lean when on our elbow ? 51. What is the process called on which we lean? 52. How many bones are in the shoulder-joint ? 53. How many bones compose the elbow-joint? 54. What bone unites the arm to the thorax ? 55. How many bones compose the carpus ? 56. What receives the head of the os femoris ? 57. Where is the os tinea situated ? 58. What bone supports the leg ? 59. How many bones compose the tarsus ? 60. Where is the trochanter major situated ? 6-1. On what bone is the linea aspera? 6z. What are the processes on the lower end of the os fe- moris called ? 63. How many bones compose the knee-joint ? 64. What are the bones of the leg called ? 65. What is the shape of the tibia ? 66. What bone forms the inner ankle ? 67. What bone forms the outer ankle ? . i , 374 68. What arc the names of the bones of the tarsus ? 69. How many bones compose the pelvis ? 70. How would you distinguish a male frjom a female pelvis ? 71. Into how many portions is the os innominatum distin- guished? 7*. What separates the ossa innominata from each other behind ? 73. Is there any bone between the ossa innominata ante- riorly ? 74. Where is the os coccygis situated ? 75. What is the name of the cavity that receives the bead of the thigh-bone ? 7*6. To what bone does the acetabulum belong ? 77. What bones form the hip-joint ? 78. Where is the tuberosity of the ischium ? 79. Of what bone is the ascending ramus of the pubis a part ? - v i 80. What bones form the thorax ? 81. What is the use of the periosteum ? 82. Describe the contents of the cranium. 83. What membrane nourishes the internal table of the skull ? 84. What does the falciform process of the dura mater se- parate ? 85. What vessel runs in the falciform process of the dura mater? 86. Where is the tentorium situated ? 87. How many lobes has the cerebrum ? 88. How many lobes has the cerebellum ? 89. What are the cavities in the brain called ? 90. What separates the lateral ventricles from each other ? 91. From what part of the brain does the pineal gland arise ? 375 9*. From what part of the brain does the optic arise ? 93. What nerves pass through the foramen lacerum orbitale superius ? 94. Through what foramina do the fifth pair of nerves pass out of the cranium ? 95. Does the arm receive nerves from the brain, or from, the spinal marrow ? $6. What nerve supplies the nose for the sense of smelling ? 97. What nerve supplies the diaphragm ? 98. Where does the great sciatic nerve arise ? 99. What is the name of that ganglion in the abdomen which supplies most of the abdominal viscera ? 100. What does the foramen magnum occipitale transmit? 101. How many membranes has the brain ? 102. What are the processes of the dura mater called ? 103. What are the viscera of the thorax ? 104. How many lobes has the left lung? 105. What separates the chest into two cavitiea? 106. What are contained in the posterior mediastinum? . 107. What is there in the anterior mediastinum of in/an" which disappears toward? adult age ? 108. Describe the heart. \ .t 109. Do the aunciag of the heart communicate before birth ? no. Where is the Eustachian valve situated ? in. Where is the Eustachian tube situated? 1 1 2. What is the name of the valves at the origin of the aorta ? 113. What are the differences between the fetal .and adult heart ? 1 14. Where is the ductus arteriosus situated ip the fetus ? 115. What viscera are contained in the abdomen ? 2 376 176. What u the menabrane called, that lines the cavity and covers tb.6 viscera of the abdomen ? 117. Are the kidneys completely enveloped in the perito- neum ? 1 1 8. Describe the stomach. 119. What viscera are attached to the greater curvature of the stomach ? 1 20. Describe the liver. in. What is the use of the liver? 122. What are the excretory ducts of the liver called ? 1 23. How would you distinguish the small from the large in- testines ? 1 14. Describe the situation and course of the colon. 125. What is the excretory duct of the kidney called ? 126. Describe the uterus. 127. Through what tube does the ovum pass from the ova- rium into the uterus ? 128. What is the excretory duct of the testicle called ? 129. What is the proper juice of the stomach called ? 130. Where is the spleen situated ? 131. Describe the eye. 132. How many coats has the eye ? 133. How many chambers has the eye ? 1 34. What separates the anterior from the posterior cham- ber of the eye ? 135. What is contained in the capsule of the crystalline lens? 136. What artery nourishes the crystalline lens ? 137. Where is the pigmentum nigrum of the eye situated? 138. Where is the lachrymal sac situated ? 139. What is situated in the groove at the lower internal edge of each rib ? 5 I 377 140- What difference is there in the situation of the right and left kidney ? 141. What ducts enter the duodenum ? 142. In what intestines are the valvulae conuiventes found ? 143. What is the name of the duct leading from the pelvi* of the kidney to the bladder ? 144. What forms the linea alba ? 145. How many openings has the right auricle ? 146. Where do the ostia of the lacteals open ? 147. How many openings has the left auricle ? 148. What is the true organ of vision ? 149. What is the general division of the internal ear? I a what part of the arm is pressure to be made before amputation of the fore-arm ? 346. At what part of the aorta do aneurisms most frequently take place? 247. What are the unfavourable circumstances in compound fracture, that require amputation of the extremity? 248. What are the signs of a fractured cranium ? 249. What is the cause of stupor, or coma, in fracture of the cranium ? 250. What is the medical treatment in fracture of the skull ? 251. Why are fistulas generally dilated? 252. How is the radical cure of hydrocela performed ? 253. Where does a psoas abscess generally point ? 254. What are the signs of a wounded artery ? 255. What are the terminations of inflammation ? 256. What method is to be taken after a cannon-ball has torn off a limb ? 257. What are the circumstances which prevent the dilata- tion of gun-shot wounds to extract the extraneous body ? 258. What is the treatment of gun-shot wounds ? 259. What is the treatment of contused wounds ? 260. What are the terminations of erysipelas? 261. Under what circumstances is an artificial anus to be formed ? 262. How is gastroraphe performed ? 263. How is emphysema produced from a wound of the thorax? 264. What is the treatment of wounds of the joints ? 265. What is meant by spina ventosa ? 266. What is the prognosis in wounds of the abdominal viscera ? 383 *6y. Into what cavities of the body may an abscess of the liver rupture ? 268. What symptoms accompany wounds of the abdominal viscera ? 2.69. How is the hip-joint disease distinguished from an af- fection of the knee-joint, as the forerunning symp- tom of the hip-joint disease is generally pain in the knee ? 270. What do you mean by tetanus? 271. How would you treat inflammation of the bowels ? ,272. What is dysentery ? 273. How should dysentery be treated ? 274. What are the symptoms of enteritis ? 275. What are the symptoms of volvulus? 276. What are the symptoms of nephritis? .277. How do you distinguish hepatitis from gastritis ? 278. What purges would you give in nephritis? 279. What are the symptoms of pneumonia ? 280. How would you distinguish cystitis from enteritis ? 281. When gangrene takes place in internal parts, what are the symptoms ? 282. What are the symptoms of hydrocephalus ? 283. What is a typhus fever ? 284. What practice should be adopted in a typhus fever ? 285. What is the best way to destroy the fetid smell of sick wards ? 286. What is meant by scrofula? 287. What is the best method of relieving inflammatory af- fections ? 288. What means have been found the most effectual in de- stroying contagion ? 385 i > GLOSSARY; OR, Explanation of Anatomical Terms. A EN. The canty of the belly ; from abdo to hide, a* including the intestines and other viscera. LLUM. The cavity which receives the head of the thigh-bone; from acetum vinegar: so called, because it represents the acetabulum, or saucer, of the ancients, ia which vinegar was held for the use of the table. Ac i NI. A species of gland; from acinus a grape or berry. ACROMION. A process of the scapula; from *xg6t extremity, and oj/xoj the shoulder. ADENOLOGY . The doctrine of the glands ; from a&r a gland, and Xoyot a treatise. AMNI ON. A membrane that surrounds the foetus, which is soft- and shaggy; frcrcn atp.vioi a lamb's skin. AMPHIARTHROSIS. A species of connexion of bones, which admits of an obscure motion : from ap.$u both, and ofdfOTir ait articulation. AN ASTOM osis. The communication of vessels with one another ; from y* through, and ro/*-* & mouth. i 386 ANATOMY. The dissection of animals; from y* through, and n/Avu to cut. ANCON. The elbow ; from ayxoiv, from aoj likeness. ARTERY. From a.t\% air, and r*ifew to keep; because the ancients sunposed that only air was contained in them. ARTHRODIA. A species of connexion of bones; from /j0fo to articulate. ARYTMNOIDES. The name of two cartilages of the larynx; also applied to some muscles of the larynx ; from tt^vranva. a funnel, and u$os shape. ASTRAGALUS. A bone of the tarsus; so called from its re- semblance to a die used in ancient games, from rf ?AOJ a cockal, or die. ATLAS. Thefint vertebra of the neck; so called, because it 387 sustains the head : from the fable of Atlas being 1 supposed to have supported the world ; or from *r\ttu to sustain, because it sustains the head. AZYGOS. A term applied to parts without a fellow ; from the privative particle ; ujjy, because by it the body is bent towards the earth. GLVGLYMUS. An articulation; from ytfyXvpot a hinge. GLENOID cavity. From 7Xnyn a cavity, and ttSos resemblance. GLOMER, A convoluted bundle of vessels; generally applied to the lymphatic glands. GLOSSO. Names compounded with this word belong to mus- cles which are attached to the tongue ; as glosso-pharyn- geus glosso-staphilinus, &c,; from oj a fluid, and Xo7or a treatise. HYMEN. The membrane situated at the entrance of the virgin vagina; from 'Y^* Hymen, the god of marriage. HYO. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the os hyoides, as hyo-glossus hyo- pharyngeus hyo-thyroideus ; from vouSts the os hyoides. HYQIDES. A bone of the tongue, so called from its resemblance to the Greek Y; from o, and gjSor resemblance. HYPOCHONDIU DM. Tfutt part of the body which lies under the cartilages of the spuriotis ribs; from VTTO under, and ^ovS^of a cartilage. H YPOG ASTRIC . The lower region of the fore part of tJie abdo- men; from vs-o under, and 7rn/? the stomach. I II.F.UM. A p*vj a muscle, and Aoyof a treatise. N NEUROLOGY. The doctrine of the nerves; from nvgov a nerre, and Xo to carry, and pJ/o* the loin, being" situ- ated in the loins. PTERYGOID process. From ?ft| a pen or wing, and XT a repository ; from n6n/Ai to put. THORAX. agct%. The breast or chest; from So^w to leap ; because in it the heart beats. THYRO. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the thyroid cartilage. THYROID. From $ygoj a shield, and 3oy likeness ; shaped like a shield. TRACHEA. The windpipe, so called from its roughness j * 399 TRAPEZOID. From r^am^iof a four-sided figure, and uSos likeness ; resembling a trapezium. TROCHANTER. A process of the thigh-bone, so called from Tfx to run; because the muscles inserted in these parts perform the office of running. TROCHLEA. A kind of cartilaginous pulley, through which the tendon of one of the muscles of the eye passes ; from f^f/u to run. TROCHOIDES. A species of articulation of bones; from Tfo^o* a wheel, and tt$os likeness ; because one bone moves round upon another, like a wheel upon an axle-tree. U ULNA. A name for the cubit ; from a/Xsyu the cubit. URETER. The canal which conveys the urine from the kidney to the bladder ; from ngo urine. URETHRA. The passage through which the urine passes from the bladder ; from v the urine. UVEA. The posterior lamina of the iris; so called, because in beasts (which the ancients chiefly dissected) it is of the colour of unripe grapes ; from uva an unripe grape. UVULA. The glandular substance which hangs down from the middle of the soft palate; so called from its resemblance to a grape. A diminutive of uva a grape. V VALVES. Little membranes that prevent the return of the blood in the veins and arteries; from valves folding doors. VERTEBRJE. The bones of the spine are so called ; from verto to turn. VOMER. A bone of tJie nose, so called from its resemblance to a ploughshare ; from vomo to turn up. 400 X XIPHOID. So called from the resemblance to a. sword ; from fpoj a sword, and 3c; likeness. Z ZYGOMA. .The cavity under the zygomatic process of the tem- poral bone; from u 146 ib. 279 3 14* ib. 297 to6 105 74 205 297 245 57 'I 5 ib. ib. 384 255 171* z Folliculose gland ib. Fons pulsatilis 1 2 Fontanel ib Funiculus umbilicalis Foot 70 Foramen, anterior orbi- tar i <5 Furfura condyloideum 12, 18 incisivum ... 27 lacerum in basi cranii i z G Galactopherous ducts . . Gall-bladder . . Ganglion of nerves . . . . orbitale supe- ; magnum occi- Gastritis of Monro . . . zz8 of Winslow . . z79 Gastrocnemius externu parietale .... 17 posterior orbi- tar . i < Gelatin rotundum ... 1 1 spinosum . . . ib. stylo-mastoi- Generation, organs of Genio-srlossus superciliare . . 15 tbyroideum . . 51 Foramina cribrosa .... 1 1 maxillaria ... 3z orbitalia nasi 14 Glands, doctrine of . . . Thebesii .... 272 Glomerate gland Fossit ju^alis x* l^r&cturcs 8z t 409 Page Gluleus magnus 141 major ib. maximus ib. medius ib. minimus 142 minor ib. Gomphosis 75 Gonorrhoea 299 Gracilis 143 anterior 144 internus 143 Growth of bones 76 Gubernaculum testis . . 302 Gummi 83 Gums 252 Gyri 226 H Haematocele 303 Haemorrhoidal artery . . 170 Haemorrhois 284 Hairs 219 Hamular process 20 Hand 6 1 Harmonia ethmoidalis 16 sphaenoidalis ib. Harmony 75 Harvey, life of xix Head 8, 220 Hearing, bony cavity of 38 , physiology of 248 Heart, adult 270 Helicis major 102 minor ib. Helix 245 Hepar 287 Hepatic artery 288 -glands 211 plexus of nerves 192 Hepatitis 289 Hernia 113, 284 humoralis 302 strangulated 113, 284 Page Hiatus Fallopii 24 Highmore, antrum of . . 27 Hip joint 66 Hippocampus major . . . 229 minor . . . ib. Honeycomb caries of the cranium 13 Hordeolum 244 Hyaloid membrane .... 242 Hydrocele 30* Hydrocephalus externus et internus 324 Hydrocordis 275 Hydrorachitis ........ 44 Hydrothorax 266 Hygrology 318 Hymen 305 Hyo-glossus 1 06 thyroideus 107 Hyoides os 38 Hyperostosis 81 Hypochondriac region 216 Hypogala 245 Hypogastric artery .... 1 70 plexus of nerves 201 --region ... 216 Hypopium 245 Iliac artery, external . . , internal . . 169 ib. glands vein, external . . . , internal .... Iliacus externus 142 internus 120 212 178 ib. Ilium 282 Incisivus inferior 101 medius ib. Incisores 35 Incus 246 Indicator 1 36 410 Page Indignabundus Inferior extremities . . . maxillary nerve 190 Inflammation of bones 8c Infra-orbital arteries . . 16 canal .... ^ lufra-spinatus 13 Inguinal glands 21 Injecting instruments . . 340 Injections, coarse . . , fine 342 , minute 343 Inspiration 268 Instruments for injecting 340 Integuments, common 217 Interarticular cartilages 84 Intercostal vein 177 nerve, great 198 Intercostales externi .. 121 interni , . ib. Intergyral spaces 224 Internal maxillary artery 164 Interossei mantis externi 139 interni ib. Interossei pedis externi iuterni 154 ib. 129 ib. ib. ib. ib. Interspinales lumborum Intertransversales ..... i u . Intervertebral substance 43 Intestinal glands 211 Intestines 282 Introduction vii Iris 241 Irritability i<4 Ischiatic artery 170 nerve 197 notch 49 Ischio-cavernosus 114 Iter ad infundibulum . . 231 & tertio ad quartum ventriculum . * 232 Pa-re Jejunum. , 282 Joints, preternatural .. 82 Jugal fossa Zi Jugular glands 209 vein, internal 177 Kidney . . . Knee joint K Labia cerebri rn^ajora, nerve sac . . 227 305 - mmora ib. Labial glands /. . . 209 Labyrinth 246 Lachrymal caruncle 208, 240 depression. . 27 glaud.. . 207, 240 189 240 210 181 1*5 213 9 i ib. .aryngitis 261 L-arynx 259 Lateral sinuses 222 ventricles 227 Latissimus colli 104 dorsi ,123 ^axator ty mpani 102 "eg.......' 67 ^eucorrhoea 307 ^evator a'nguli oris. ... 99 - ani 115 - labii inferioris 101 Lacteal glands Lacteals Lactiferous ducts .... Lacunae Lambdoidal suture . . . Lamina . , Layer supenons alaeque nasi 99, 101 Lib. communis 99 411 Page! Levator menu 101 j oculi 96 i palati mollis . . 108 palp, super. ... 97 proprius 99 angu- laris 127 scapulae ...... ib. i Levatores costarum ... 126 i longiores ... ib. ; Ligaments 86 j , sacro-sciatic 88 j Ligamentum ciliare . . . 242 I conoideum 90 deltoideum ib. denticula- tum 238 inguinale 89 obturans ib. i pectinatum 297 ! . rhomboi- deum 90 serratum 238 teres .... 92 Light 203 Ligula 54 Linea alba 113 innominata 51 semilunaris 113 Lingual nerve, internal 190 nerves 193 Lingualis 106 Liquor amnii , . . . 316 ' pericardii 328 Lips 25 1 Liver 287 Lobulus Spigelii ....... ib. . < caudatus anony- mus ib. Loins 49 Longissiinus dorsi .... 126 Longitudinal sinus .... 222 Lmigus tolli 122 Page 169 212 197 45 137 150 Lumbar arteries . . , glands nerves .... vertebrae . Lumbricaiis mantis Lungs 267 Lymph 323 Lymphatics 18 1 Lyra -. 235 M Malacosteon 8 1 Malleus 246 Mamillae 264 Mamillary artery, inter- nal 1 66 process 24 Mammae 264 Mammary artery 166 glands 21 o vein, internal 166 Mandibula 31 Manubrium nianfis .... 60 Marrow - 334 Marsupialis 1 1 6 Massa carnea Jacobi Sylvii .: . 149 Masseter 103 Mastication, physiology of 252 Mastitis 210 Mastodyuia ib. Mustoid process 23 Mastoideas 104 lateralis . . 1*27 Maxillary artery, internal 1 64 , lower ib. foramina ... 32 glands 209 nerve, superior 189 , inferior 193 vein, external 177 T 2 412 Page Meatus auditorius exter. 246 Page ii, 26 urinarius 305 Median nerve 195 Milk 329 teeth 37 Modiolus ...... 38 Mediastinal vein 176 Molar glands 209 Molares ... 26 Meclitullium 10 Medulla oblongata 225, 236 spinalis .... 237 Mons veueris .... . . 7O4 Motion, muscular, phy- siology of 152 Mould of the head .... 13 Mouth . 21^ 2i Meibomius's glands . . . 207 Membrana adiposa ... 217 arachnoidea 223 cellulosa... 220 Mucus Malpighianus . . 218 conjunctiva ib. decidua ... 315 medullaris 85 * - mucosa .... 317 sclerotica . . 241 Membrane i Musculi accessorii ad sacro-lumbalem .... 126 fidicinales . . . . 137 pectinati . . . ^71 Musculus ani latus ... 115 cutaneus ... 104 fasciae latae .. 143 incisivus .... 99 patientise ... 127 Membranous ovum of lar canals 246 Membrum virile 296 polychrestus 105 tnVjr i nSi Memorise os 1 7 ' Menstruation, physiolo- Myologry . ot Mystax . 2 1 Q Mesenteric artery, super. 169 N glands 211 nerves 200 Me ^enteritis ... 211 ' Nasal arteries ... i6< nerve 180 Nasalis labii superioris zoo Neck 21 ^ 2 <> < Mesoc.hondriac muscles 262 , Mesocola . . "'S} Mesocolic plexus of Nervi abducentes 190 Mesocolon 286 413 Page Nervi oculorum motorii 188 pathetici 189 trigemini ib. Nervous system, func- tions of 201 Nervosum os J$ Nerves of bones 73 Neurology 186 Nonus Vesalii 148 Nose 215, 249 Nostrils 34 Nymphs 305 Obducent cartilages ... 84 Obliquus capitis inferior i 29 superior ib. descendens . . in dens externus .... inferior oculi internus .... major descen- ib. n i in 98 141 116 superior oculi Obturator externus . . , . internus .... nerve 197 Obturatory artery j 70 Occipital artery 1 64 bone 17 nerve . . 193 suture 9 tubercle .... 17 vein 176 Occipitalis et Trontalis . 96 Occipito-frontalis ib. sphaenoidal bone 19 Oculorum motorii 1 88 Oculus 239 Odoriferous glands ... 212 CEsophageal glands ... 211 OZsophagitis . . 258 CEsophagotomy 258 Page (Esophagus 257 CEstrum veaereum .... 303 Olecranon ^9 Olfactory nerves 187 Omentitis 280 Omentum 279 Omo-hyoideus 106 Omoplata 55 Onyx 244 Ophthalmia ib. Ophthalmic artery .... 165 Ophthalmoptosis 244 Opponens pollicis 138 Optic nerves 188 Orbicularis oris 100 palpebrarum 97 Orbital nerve 189 Orbitar foramina 15 plates 25 Orbits 34 Orchitis 302 Organs of generation, male . '. . 296 , female 304 Os alaeforme 20 basillare 17 brachiale 58 brachii ib. calcis 71 cluiHum 52 coccygis 53, 90 cribriforme 25 cribrosum ........ ib, cuboides 71 ctftieiforme 20, 71 ethmoidale 25 ethmoideum ...... ib. externum 308 femoris 65 frontis 14 hutneri 58 hyoides ; 3 jugale '. 54, T 3 414 Page Os internum 308 latum ib. linguale ...;....,. 38 luuare 62, 7 1 magnum ib. maxillare inferius . . 31 memoriae . . 17 multiforme ,. . 20 naviculare 62, 71 nervosum 17 occipitis ib. occipito-sphsenoideum 19 orbiculare 246 pectoris 48 petrosum 22 polymorphon 20 pterygoideum ib. sacrum 52 scaphoides 62, 71 sphaenoidale 20 sphaenoideuin ib. subrotundum 62 tincae 307 trapezium 62 trapezoides ib. unciforme ib. uteri 307 vespiforme 2 vespertiliforme .... ib. Osculator 100 Ossa anonyma 25 . bregmatis 16 coxarum 50 coxendicis ib. . ... . cuneiformia ..... 62 ilii . . 50 innominata 50 - ischii ib. jugalia 28 lachrymalia 29 malarum 28 maxillaria superiora 26 nasalia.. 29 3 Page Ossa nasi 29 parietalia 16 plana 25 superiora . . ib. palati 30 palatina ib. sesamoidea 73 siiicipitis 1 6 spongiosa inferiora 30 temporalia. ...... 22 temporum ib. turbiuata inferiora 30 unguis 29 verticalia 1 6 verticis ib. zygomatica 28 Ossicula auditfls 38 triangularia . . 9 triquetra ib. Wormiana ... ib. Ossification 77 , centre of . . 10 Osteogeny 76 Osteology 3 Ovaria 313 Ovula Graafiana 310 Ovum of the foetus .... 315 Ozena 251 Pacchioman glands . . . 206 Palate 252 Palatine foramen 27 Palato-pharyngeus .... 109 salpihgus 108 Palmaris brevis 139 cutaueus ib. longus 135 Palpebrae 239 Pancreas 291 Pancreatic duct ' ib. glands 212 juice 329? 4-15 Page Papilla 218, 264 Papillae of the tongue . . 254 Par vagum 191 Paraphrenitis 1 18 Parathenar minor 151 Parietal bones 16 foramen ib. Parotid glands 208 Parotis 209 Patella 69 Pectineus 140 Pectinalis ib. Pectoralis major 120 minor ib. Pelvis 49, 88 , female 50 , male ib. Penicelli 288 Penis 216 Perforans 137 Perforatus 136 Pericardiac veins 176 Pericardium 270 Pericranium 85 Perichondrium ib. Peridesmium ib. Perineal artery 170 Perineum 216 Periorbita 85 Periosteum ib. Peroneal nerve 198 vein 177 Pevitoneum 278 Peritonitis 279 Peroneus antkus 148 brevis 147 longus ib. maximus .... ib. rnedius 148 posterior .... 147 posticus ib. primus ib. secundus .... 148 Peroneus tertius Page 148 Perspiration, insensible 219 , physiology of sensible Pes auserinus hippocampi major . minor . ib. 229 ib. Petro-salpingostaphilinus 108 Petrosimus 22 Pharyngeal artery 164. Pharynx 257 Phlyctenae 244 Phrenic nerve 194. Phthisical teeth , Phyma Pia mater , meninx Pigment of the iris . . . Pili auriculares ib. Pineal gland 231 Pituitary gland 207 membrane . . . 250 Placenta $ I q Plana papyraeea 25 Plantar aponeurosis ... 152 Plantaris 14.5 Platysina, myoides 104. Pleura 265 Pleuritis 2 66 Plexus ehoroides 228- 36 2 o6 224 ib. 242. 219 Plica lunaris 240 Pomum Adami 216 Pons Tarini 226 Varolii 236 Popliteal aneurism .... 171 artery ib. nerve i pg Popllteus 146 Pori biliarii 288 Portia dura ipj mollis ih 416 Page Posterior auris 102 Poupart's ligament 1 1 1 Preparation corroded . macerated morbid . . . natural . . . made with 367 3^8 'ib. 337 coarse injection 344 -, with minute injection 343 , with quick- silver 363 Prepuce 297 Presbyops 244 Preternatual joints .... 82 Primary teeth 35 Principles of the body i n ^ l % Process, mamillary ... 23 , mastoid ...... ib. . , styloid ib. . , vaginal ib. > zygomatic. . . Processes, basilary... , clinoid .... , cuneiform . , how named Processus olivaris Pronator radii quadratus 137 . teres .... 135 Prostate gland 213 Psalterium 230 Psoas abscess 119 magnus ib. ib. 164 20 108 104 ib. ib. ib. . parvus Fterygoid artery process . . . . Pterygo-staphilinus . . . Pterygoideus externus , internus __ . major . . . minor . . Pubis os 5 Pudical arteries 171 Page Pulmonary artery ..... 177 vesicles . . . 267 Pulmonic plexus of nerves 192 Pulmonitis 2'o8 Puncta ciliaria 207 Pupil 242 Pylorus 280 Pyramidalis 102 Pyriformis 142 Q Quadratus femoris .... 143 genae 104 lumborum . . 1 1 8 Quicksilver tray 336 R Rachitis 8r Radius 60, 9 1 Radial nerve 196 Ranula 255 Raphe 227 Rectum 283 Rectus abdominis 1 1 z capitis lateralis . 122 posticus major 128 posticus minor ib. cruris 144 externus oculi . . 98 femoris 144 inferior oculi ... 98 internus capitis major 122 minor ib. femoris 143 oculi . . 98 superior oculi . . ib. Recurrent nerve, left . . 19 = , right, ib. 417 Regions, abdominal . . Renal artery capsules glands plexus of nerves 192. Respiration Rete Malpighianum . . . mucosum vasculosum testis . Reticnlar membrane . . . Retina Retrahens auris Rhomboideus major minor Rhyas Ribs , spurious , true Ring, abdominal Rinu-like bone Rotula Round ligaments S Saccus lachrymalis .... Sacral arteries nerves Sacro-lumbalis sciatic ligament . Sagittal suture Saliva Salpingo-pharyngeus . . staphilinus . . Sanguification Sarcostosis N . . Sartorius Scala cochleae tympani vestibuli . Page 216 169 294 ib. , 200 268 ii8 217 300 220 242 102 I2 4 ib. ib. 244 88 46 ib. "3 ** 69 287 Scalenus primus secuudus 244 169 197 126 88 9 204 109 108 185 83 H3 39 ib. ib. 129 ib. Page Scapha 245 Scapula 35, 90 Scarf skin 217 Schneider's membrane 250 Sclerotic membrane ... 241 Scoptula 55 Scrobiculus cordis 216 Scrotum ib. Scutifbrm cartilages ... 259 Secretion, physiology of 214. Seeing, physiology of .. 203 Sella turcica n, 21 Semen 333 , excretion of ... 303 Semicircular canals,mem- branous *. . 246 Semilunar ganglion . . . 200 Semimembraiiosus .... 145 Seminervosus ib. Semiorbicularis superior and inferior 100 Semispjnalis colli iz& dorsi 127 internus . . 128 , pars interna ib. Semitendinosus 145 Sensation 201 Senses, external 202 , internal ib. Sen*orium commune . . 225 Septum cerebelli 222 cerebri 221 lucidum 228 transversum ... 117 Serratus major anticus . 121 minor anticus . 120 posticus inferior 1 24 superior posticus 1 25 Serum 319 Shedding teeth 37 Shoulder 54 Sinus, lateral 22,4 , longitudinal .... ib; 418 Page Sinuses, frontal pituitary 1 5 , maxillary pitui- tary 27 Skeleton, artificial 6 , natural ib. Skin, false 217 , true 218 Smelling 202 Solar plexus 200 Soleus 146 Sound 248 Speech 261 Spermatic artery 169 cord 183 plexus of nerves 201 Sphaeno-palatine nerve. 189 , salpingo-staphi- linus 108 staphilinus ib. Sphaenoidal harmony . . 16 spine 20 Sphincter ani 115 " oris 100 vaginae 1 1 6 Spigelian lobe 287 Spina bifida 46 dorsi 41 ventosa 83 Spinal lamina * 42 nerves 186 Spinalis cervicis 125 dorsi 125 Spine 41 Spinous artery 1 64 Spiral nerve j 96 Splauchnology 1 8 1 Splanchnic nerve 199 Spleen 290 Splenic artery. . , 290 plexus of nerves 192 vein 200 Splenius 125 Splenius capitis colli . . Page "5 ib. Spurious sutura 9 Squarnous suture ib. Stapedius 103 Stapes . . . .' . . 39 Staphilinus exteruus ... 108 Staphyloma 244 Steno's duct 208 Sterno-cleido-mastoideus 104 costalis izi hyoideus 106 mastoideus . . . . 104 thyroideus 107 Sternum 88, 48 Stomacace 252 Stomach 280 Stomachic plexuses .... 192 Stylo-glossus 107 hyoideus ib. alter .... ib. mastoid foramen . 23 pharyngeus 108 Styloid process 22> 56 Subaxiilary glands .... zi4 Subclavian artery '..... 166 vein 1 74 Subclaviauus 1 20 Subcruraei 145 Subcutaneous glands . . 206 Sublingual glands 209 vein j Submaxillary glands . . . Subpopliteal vein Subscapuiaris Substantia cerebri corticalis . . . medullaris . . Superbus Supercilia 219, Superciliary arteries . . . foramen . . ridges .... 176 209 177 ib. H 16 419 Page Superior auris 101 extremities ... 53 maxillary nerve 189 Supinator radii breyis. . 135 longus ....... I 3 Suppuration of bone. . . 80 Supra-costalis 126 renal glands .... 212 Supraspinatus 130 Suspensory ligament ... 287 Suture 75 Sutures of the cranium 9 Sweat 219 Symblepharum 244 Sympathetic nerve, great 198 Symphysis 75 Synarthrosis ' ib. Synchondrosis ib. Syndesmology 86 Syridesmosis. 75 Syneurosis . . ib. Synezesis 244 Synostosis 75 Synovia 334 Synovial glands 214 Syssarcosis 75 Systole 277 Taenia semicircularis . . 228 Tarsus 70 Tasting, physiology of. 204 Tears 326 Temporal arteries 1 64 vein 176 Temporalis 103 Teeth 35 Tendon 95 Tensor palati ic8 tympani 103 vaginae femoris . 143 Tentorium 222 Teres major . . . . , 130 Teres muior 130 Testicle. . . .. 300 Testis ib. Thalamus nervi optici . 228 Thebesian foramina . . . 272 Theca vertebralis 41 Thickness of bones ... 80 Thinness of bones .... ib. Thigh 65 Thoracic duct 183 aorta 168 Thorax 215, 263 Thrombus 173 Thymus glands 210 Thyreo-arytaenoideus . . no epiglottideus . . . ib. hyoideus 107 Thyroid artery 166 j , ascending ib. , artery, inferior ib. ! cartilage 259 | gland 209 j Tibia 67 i Tibial nerve 198 vein, anterior. . . 177 , posterior . . ib. Tibialis anticus 147 gracilis 146 posticus 1,47 Tissue, cellular i Tic doloureux 190 Toes, joints cf 94 Tomentum cerebri .... 224 Tongue 204, 254 Tonsils 210 Tophus. 83 Torcular Herophili .... 222 Touching, physiology of 204 Trakecuiae 222 Trachea 262 Trachea! arteries ...... 166 Trachelo-mastoideus .. 127 Tragicus 102 420 Page Tragu* 245 Transversalis abdoniinis 112 colli 127 dorsi . . . 128 lumborum, vulgo sacer 128 peclis .... 151 penis.... 115 perinaei . . ib. al- ter ib. Transverse suture ... 16, 27 Transverso-spinalis colli 128 colli pars interna 128 dorsi 127 Transversus auris 102 Trapezius , 123 Trepanning 12 Triangularia ossicula . . 9 Triangularis labiorum . 100 sterni .... 121 Triceps adductor femoris 1 40 extensor cubiti . 132 Tricorn cavity 227 Tricuspid valve 272 Trigemini 189 Trigeminus 127 Triglochin valve 272 Triquetra ossicula 9 Trochanters 65 Trochlearis 98 Trunk . 41 Tube, Eustachiau 24 Tubercle, occipital .... 19 Tuberculum Lovveri . . . 271 Tuberosity of the ischi- um 51 Tubuli galactoferi 210 lactiferi ib. uriniferi 292 Tunica albuginea testis 301 arachnoides ... 22} Page Tunica choroidea 241 conjunctiva .... ib. sclerotica ib. vaginalis testis . 301 Tympanum 246 U Ulna 59 Ulnar arteries 168 nerve 169 Umbilical cord 315 region 216 Umbilicus 113 Ungues 219 Unguis 229 Uniting cartilages .... 77 Urachus 295 Urine 215 , excretion of .... 293 Uterine placenta 314 Uterus 3 8 gravid 314 Uvea 242 Uvula 252 V Vagina Vaginal process Valve of Eustachius . . Valvula magna cerebri semilunaris . . Tulpii 306 23 271 235 240 283 Valvulae conniventes. . . 282 mitrales 274 Varicocele 303 Varicose aneurism .... 176 Vas deferens 300 Vasa brevia 169 etterentia 300 praeparantia 301 recta 300 Vastus externus 144 iuternus ib. 421 Page Veins 1 74 , actions of 179 , diseases of ib. Velum interpositum . . . 230 pendulum palati 25 2, Vena azygos 174 basilica 175 cephalica ....... ib. cava ascendens hepatica . inferior . - superior i 7 8 ib. 177 dorsalis pedis. ... 177 mediana 175 portae .. 179 salvatella 175 saphena 177 Venal system 174 Ventricles 227 fifth fourth third , lateral Jricorn of the heart 228 235 230 2Z7 227 271 Ventriloquism 261 Vermiform processes . . 235 Vertebrae ... 41, 44, 45, 87 cervical . . dorsal . . . false joints of. . lumbar. . , true 44 45 42 44 45 42 Vertebral arteries 166 Verumontanum 298 , Page | Vesalius, life of xiv i Vesica fellis . 289 i urinaria 295 Vesiculae pulmonales . . 267 seminales .... 304 Vessels, doctrine of ... 162 Vestibulum 39 Vibrissae 219 | Viduan canal 22 Vis elastica 154 insita ib. niortua 153 tonica 154 Viscera, doctrine of the 215 Viscus i Vitreous humour 242 Voice, physiology of .. 261 Vomer 31 Vomicae 268 W Water of the labyrinth 9 Wax of the ears 327 Wormiana ossicula .... 9 Worms 284 X Xiphoid cartilage 49 Z Zona mollis 247 Zootomy i Zygoma 22 Zygomatic process ib. Zygomaticus major ... 99 minor. ... 100 THE END. V-, j.^; Printed by S. Goanell, Little Queen Street, London* X ^D C ALL BOOK* Renewals c Books may n " m OH? 11 a m t/> J MAY BE RECALLE ind Recharges ma] be Renewed by ci So m d CIRCULAl 202 Main Ln NJ ^^ - o- ^^ I 1 I 3 fi m t ll Q 3 O ^j K> * O < m ^"^ w a. > 09 *. o < jO m Oi wi ^^ 5 O* CO 5 o s 3- m a. H CL U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES