r^SoP * ^^pS*- lr CATALOG CONTAINING USEFUL INFORMATION AND TABLES APPERTAINING TO THE USE OF FIRE BRICK SILICA, MAGNESIA, CHROME, FIRE CLAY BRICK AND OTHER REFRACTORY MATERIALS II AS MANUFACTURED AND FURNISHED BY CABLE ADDRESS: GENERAL OFFICES STOWFULLER ROCKEFELLER BLDG. CLEVELAND CLEVELAND 77V677 PLANTS STRASBURG, OHIO Located on B. & O. R. R. EMPIRE, OHIO Located on Penna. Co. Ry. LOCK HAVEN, PA. Located on Penna. R. R. ALEXANDRIA, PA. Located on Penna. R. R. $ c KY.< , Located cm (s.'&. 40 Federal Refractories Co 54 Kentucky Fire Brick Co 23-24 Kiln, National 45 Kiln Floor Br ck 47-48 Lock Haven Fire Brick Co 21 Magnesia Department 69 Magnesia Brick 73 Magnesite Dead Burned 71 Manufacture of Fire Brick, The 9-10-11-12-13 Mensuration and Weights and Measures 83 Mill Blocks 41 Minor Fire Brick Co., The 8 National Fire Brick Co., The 6 Orth Roof Shapes 65 Plants 2 Seger Cones Melting Points 82 Seger Cones 93-94-95-96-97-98 Shapes carried in stock 25-26-27-28 Silica Brick 57 Silica Department 56 Specific Gravity of Various Substances 90 Standard 9 in. Shapes 32 Tables 76-80 Temperatures 76 Tile 29-30 Useful Information 91 Whiting Cupola IBlocks 40 We are pioneers in the manufacture of high grade refractories, and by continually making improvements which embody features that make for greater uniformity and quality of output, and with important economies that will always permit us to meet the market price of fire brick and other refractory materials, we are prepared to figure on your requirements no matter how large or small they may be. From the raw material, which is the best obtainable, to the finishing of the product, the entire process is in the hands of trained men whose knowledge and actual experience enables us to produce the highest grade refractories. Open Hearth Steel Furnaces. Blast Furnaces Hot Blast Stoves. Puddling and Heating Furnaces. Carbon Furnaces and Retorts. Coke Ovens By-Product Ovens. Gas Producers, Gas Retorts and Settings. Rotary Portland Cement Kilns. Lime, Brick, Sewer-Pipe Kilns. Copper, Nickel and Zinc Smelting Furnaces. Soda Ash Kilns and Rotary Dryers. Oil Furnaces and Checker Settings. Glass House Work. Pottery Kiln Shapes and Clays. StOY/E-FuiI.ETl CO. THE NATIONAL FIRE BRICK CO. BRANDS National Standard American S. F. Co. This plant is located at Strasburg, Ohio, and the company owns the largest body of flint and plastic clay in Ohio, the vein averaging from four to six feet in thickness. Analyses show the quality of these clays to compare favorably with any other clay in the country. Brick made from this clay has gained an enviable reputation all over the country. The brick are dried by our own waste heat process, thus cooling the kilns much better than by the old process. The large, modern kilns have a capacity from 90,000 to 125,000 brick each. The factory is located in close proximity to the clay mines, and the manufacture is under the careful super- vision of trained and experienced men. Experts have examined the factory and pronounce it one of the most improved plants of its kind in the country. The factory being designed with great floor and dryer capacity, the most difficult shapes in large quantities can be made up and shipped promptly. The brands manufactured here are especially suitable for Blast Furnace Stoves, Open Hearth Checkers, or any place where brick are sub- jected to similar conditions. This plant makes a specialty of Blast Furnace Stove Brick, Open Hearth Checkers and has the largest capacity in the country for that class of work. CLEVELAND, OHIO. . I THE STOWE-FULLER Co. THE MINOR FIRE BRICK CO. BRANDS Minor Empire The first Minor plant was erected in 1869 at Empire, Ohio, with a capacity of 4,000 brick per day, the works enlarged and the output gradually increased and the sale of the product extended until most of the steel and iron manu- facturers became acquainted with the brick and preferred them for many uses. In January, 1900, this plant was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt the same year on the most modern and improved plans, and today stands as a model in all that goes to make a perfect fire brick factory. The capacity of the plant is now 30,000 per day, and the brick are more perfect from standpoint of quality and workmanship than ever before. The "Minor" brand have given excellent results in Boilers, Annealing Furnaces, Ladles, Hot Metal Cars, and give better service in Cupolas than any other brand on the market. The "Empire" brand are hand made, repressed brick, and because of their extreme denseness are especially suitable for use in Blast Furnace upper linings, Blast Furnace connections, Lime Kiln Tops, and other places where a brick of this kind is required. CLEVELAND, OHIO. THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK I 10 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK CLEVELAND, OHIO. 11 THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK 12 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK CLEVELAND, OHIO. 13 THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK 3 Q 53 I 14 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK CLEVELAND, OHIO. 15 THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK Petroleum Chemist, U.S. Bureau of Mines, stom uouso, Francisco, Calit o Jz; O O 16 THE STOWE-FULLEB Co. THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE BRICK CLEVELAND, OHIO. 17 OUR BRANDS "National" brand is manufactured from the highest grade of Ohio Flint Calcined Clay, together with selected plastic clay to form a good bond, giving a highly refractory brick, suitable for Heating Furnaces, Puddling Fur- naces, Blast Furnace Stoves, Rolling Mill Furnaces, and furnaces requiring an open brick. It is a hand made, repressed brick. "National" Kentucky Mix. Made from our best Calcined Flint Clay and a Kentucky Bond Clay. We find that the affinity of this Bond Clay with our own Flint Clays, a higher grade of brick for some purposes can be obtained than with either all Ohio Clays or all Kentucky Clay, and the clays are prepared by the "Wet Pan" process, insuring a perfect and intimate mixture. Special attention is paid to the chemical and mechanical mixture of the clays in this brick, making it one of the most desirable and regular Fire Brick produced in this country. "National 2" brand is manufactured from the highest grade of Ohio Flint Clay with a larger portion of plastic clay to make a more dense and firm brick. By the manipulation and selection of clays, this plant has been able to make Brick and Shapes that have heretofore only been obtained abroad; and in quality and workmanship we have been able to surpass the Foreign Brick. 18 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. "Standard" brand is manufactured at our National plant, in both hand made and semi- dry pressed, for use in Gas Furnaces, Annealing Ovens, Sewer Pipe and Brick Kilns, Boiler Settings, etc. It is a well made brick of high heat resisting qualities, and uniformity of size, and will stand over 2,500 of heat without fluxing, and can be furnished in all shapes. "S.-F. Co. W." This brand is manufactured to meet a demand for a pressed, smooth brick for general work, such as Boiler Settings, Brick and Sewer Pipe Kilns, Refuse Burners, Tanneries, Saw Mills. The brick are uniform in size and will stand work up to 2,500. "American" ONE SIZE ONLY This brand is the same in quality as the "Standard, " but is in the West Virginia size, measuring 8J4 x 2 J^ x 4J^. They are used for the same purposes as "Standard/' and are a firm, smooth, true brick, suitable for mantel and grate work. These brick are well adapted for Crowns of Pressed Brick, Sewer Pipe and other Kilns. The size makes them desirable for dealeis' trade as they weigh only 6 pounds each, whereas the full 9" weigh 7 pounds each. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 19 c/) PQ PQ O .2 O "8" u 52 Q. 2 Sll Si! ^ j co tt Z O OS < (J LU Q_ u s ,0 3 c/5 O o '! .a Si I IsS ^3 JH .S ^ O ."S ^ < 3 S iSP S 2 I 20 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. BRANDS L. H. Steel Perm Aluminite Since establishing our business we have always found it necessary to have a High Grade Penn- sylvania Clay Brick. Finding that most all of the old brands were deteriorating, either from exhaustion of the good clays or because of the attempt to manufacture quantity instead of quality, we were obliged to establish our own factory in that State. After spending two years searching for the best Fire Clay property in Pennsylvania we selected Lock Haven as being the most desirable location on account of the deposits of high grade clay at that point. With the erection of a new and improved factory, the latest and best machinery, and men of long experience to operate them, we placed on the market under the brand of "Lock Haven Steel" the best Fire Brick made in Pennsyl- vania. Recently improvements were added which facilitate the drying of large and difficult shapes. Brick are made here for use in Malleable Iron Furnaces, Open Hearth Furnaces, Blast Furnaces, Carbon Furnaces, or any other work where strictly No. 1 brick are required. The location of this plant is especially desirable for shipments to the great Iron and Steel centers of Pennsylvania and the East. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 21 LOCK HAVEN FIRE BRICK COMPANY BRANDS "L. H. Steel." A Flint Clay Brick for Malleable Iron Furnaces, Bosh and Hearth of Blast Furnaces, Open Hearth Steel Furnaces, Carbon Furnaces and work requiring ability to withstand heats of the highest practical tem- peratures. "Lock Haven." For Inwall linings of Blast Furnaces, Kilns and Cupolas, requiring them to stand intense heat and also friction. "Penn." For friction as well as heat, for Tops of Blast Furnaces, Lime Kilns, etc., a brick to stand wear. The remarkable purity and regularity of these clays as given by comparative analyses below verify our statements in regard to quality. Lock Haven Fire Brick Company Flint Clay Flint Clay by by P. L. Hobbs Crowell & Peck Silica 44.00 43.52 Alumina 42.12 42.18 Oxide of Iron 86 .42 Lime 24 .25 Magnesia .10 .16 Ignition Loss 14.20 14.31 22 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. "Minor" Brick have an enviable reputation where a brick is required to withstand great friction besides heat. These brick give perfect satisfaction in Malleable Iron and Steel Found- ries, Ladles, Cupolas, Soaking Pits, Annealing Furnaces, Hot Blast Stoves, Hot Metal Cars, Boiler Settings, Gas Producers, Lime Kilns, etc. "Empire" Brand. These brick are hand- made, repressed brick of special function qual- ities. They are extremely dense, and, because of this feature, possess great abrasive as well as heat resisting qualities, and are especially suitable for top linings in Blast Furnaces and Lime Kilns. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 23 The Kentucky Fire Brick Company has been manufacturing fire brick in the Olive Hill district of Kentucky since 1902. Its works are located at Haldeman, Kentucky, where it owns several thousand acres of famous Carter County clays. Its mines show a wonderful deposit of clay, and have been systematically developed until sufficient proven clay is in sight to furnish high grade material of uniform quality for over twenty-five years without any further development. The remarkable purity and regularity of this clay is shown by recent analyses of clay taken from sections of the mines nearly a mile apart. 45.58 39.86 Silira 45 38 Alumina . 40 52 Lime Magnesia trace. Alkalies .94 Iron Oxide .60 Loss in Ignition. . . . 13.34 100.78 trace. .98 .80 13.40 100.62 24 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. The Kentucky Fire Brick Company manu- factures a number of well-known brands of fire brick for distinctly different uses and services. The brands and service for which they are recommended are as follows: K.F.B. Co. Hearth and Bosh, K.F.B. Co. Inwall, K.F.B. Co. Top, for blast furnace linings. K.F.B. Co. Stove No. 1, K.F.B. Co. Stove No. 2, first and second quality brick for hot blast stoves. K.F.B. Co. Roof, first quality brick for malle- able iron works and high grade mill work. Imperial Steel, first quality brick for malleable iron works, open hearth, puddling fur- naces, soaking pits, etc. In order to insure prompt and satisfactory shipments to customers this company carries complete stocks of standard shapes necessary for the service for which the above brick are recommended. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 25 STANDARD SHAPES CARRIED IN STOCK Shapes 1 Brands Shapes 1 Brands 9-inch Straight. 33 National No. 1 Key.... 34 National 33 Standard 34 Standard 33 Empire 34 Empire 33 Minor 34 L.H. Steel 33 L.H. Steel 34 Imperial Steel 33 Aluminite 59 F.R.C. Silica 33 Penn 75 F. R. C. Magnesia 33 Kentucky Roof 33 Imperial Steel No. 2 Key 34 National 57 F.R.C. Silica 34 Standard 68 F.R.C. Chrome 34 Empire 74 F. R. C. Magnesia 34 L.H. Steel 8^x2^x4^ 34 Imperial Steel Straight 18 American 59 F.R.C. Silica 75 F.R.C. Magnesia Soap 33 National 33 Standard No.SKey.... 34 National 33 Empire 34 Standard 33 33 L.H. Steel Imperial Steel 34 34 Empire L.H. Steel 57 F. R. C. Silica 34 Imperial Steel 74 F.R.C. Magnesia 59 F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Split.... 33 National No.4Key.... 34 National 33 Standard 34 Standard 33 Empire 34 Empire 33 L.H. Steel 34 L.H. Steel 33 Imperial Steel 34 Imperial Steel 58 F. ft. C. Silica 59 F.R.C. Silica 68 F. R. C. Chrome 75 F.R.C. Magnesia No. 1 Wedge.. 34 National 34 Standard No.2Split.... 33 National 34 Empire 33 Standard 34 L.H. Steel . 33 33 Empire L.H. Steel 34 58 Imperial Steel F.R.C. Silica 33 58 Imperial Steel F.R.C. Silica 68 73 F. R. C. Chrome F. R. C. Magnesia Large 9-inch . . 33 National No. 2 Wedge. . 34 National 33 Standard 34 Standard 33 33 Empire L.H. Steel 34 34 Empire L.H. Steel 33 Imperial Steel 34 Imperial Steel 57 F.R.C. Silica 58 F.R.C. Silica 74 F. R. C. Magnesia 75 F. R. C. Magnesia No.3 Bullhead Small 9-inch 33 National or Wedge. .. 36 National 33 Standard 36 Standard 33 Empire 36 Empire 33 L.H. Steel 36 L.H.Steel 33 Imperial Steel 36 Imperial Steel 57 F.R.C. Silica 58 F.R.C. Silica 26 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. STANDARD SHAPES CARRIED IN STOCK Continued Shapes 1 Brands Shapes 1 Brands Large 9-inch 37 National No. 2. Neck... 35 National No. 1 Wedge. 37 Standard 35 Standard 37 L. H. Steel 35 Empire 37 Imperial Steel 35 L.H. Steel 59 F.R.C. Silica 35 Imperial Steel Large 9-inch No. 3 Neck... 36 National No. 2 Wedge. 37 National 36 Standard 37 Standard 36 Empire 37 L.H. Steel 36 L.H. Steel 37 Imperial Steel 36 Imperial Steel 59 F. R. C. Silica 60 F.R.C. Silica No. 1 Arch.... 35 National Feather Edge. 36 National 35 Standard 36 Standard 35 Empire 36 Empire 35 L.H. Steel 36 L.H. Steel 35 Imperial Steel 36 Imperial Steel 57 F.R.C. Silica 60 F.R.C. Silica 68 F. R. C. Chrome 74 F.R.C. Magnesia No. 1 Jamb. . . 36 National 36 Standard No. 2 Arch.... 35 National 36 Empire 35 Standard 36 L.H. Steel 35 35 Empire L.H. Steel 36 60 Imperial Steel F. R. C. Silica 35 Imperial Steel 57 F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Jamb.. . 36 National 74 F. R. C. Magnesia 36 Standard 36 L.H. Steel No. 3 Arch... 58 F. R. C. Silica 36 Imperial Steel End Skew.... 35 National No. 3 Jamb. . . 36 National 35 Standard 36 Standard 35 Empire 36 Imperial Steel 35 L.H. Steel 35 Imperial Steel Key Wedge... 60 F. R. C. Silica 60 F.R.C. Silica 9x3x3 Side Skew.... 35 35 35 National Standard Empire Checker 36 36 36 National Standard L.H. Steel 35 35 60 L.H. Steel Imperial Steel F.R.C. Silica Edge Arch 37 37 37 National Standard Empire Skew Back... 35 35 National Standard No. 2 37 37 L.H. Steel Imperial Steel 35 35 Empire L.H. Steel Side Skew . . . 60 F.R.C. Silica 35 Imperial Steel 12x6x2H Straight 61 F.R.C. Silica No. 1 Neck... 35 National 35 L.H. Steel 12x6x2Hx2M 35 Imperial Steel No. 1 Wedge. 61 F.R.C.Silica CLEVELAND, OHIO. 27 STANDARD SHAPES CARRIED IN STOCK Continued Shapes i PH Brands Shapes 1 AH Brands 12x6x2^x2^ . 13^x6x2^x2 No. 2 Wedge. 61 F.R.C.Silica No. 1 Wedge 64 F.R.C.Silica 12x9x2^ 13^x6x2^x1^ Soap 61 F.R.C.Silica No. 2 Wedge. 64 F.R.C.Silica 1 2x9x2 Hx2^j 13^x9x2^ No. 1 Wedge Straight 64 F.R.C.Silica Soap 61 F.R.C.Silica "OA" 12-inch ]2x9x2Kx2^ OrthRoof... 65 F.R.C.Silica No. 2 Wedge Soap 61 F.R.C. Silica "OB " 12-inch OrthRoof... 65 F.R.C. Silica 12x6x3x2^ No. 1 Arch... 62 F.R.C.Silica "OC" 12-inch OrthRoof. .. 65 F.R.C.Silica 12x6x2^x2 No. 2 Arch... 62 F.R.C.Silica "08 "9-inch OrthRoof... 65 F.R.C.Silica 12x9x3 Straight Soap 62 F.R.C.Silica "09 "9-inch 12x9x3x2 OrthRoof... 65 F.R.C.Silica Wedge Soap 62 F.R.C.Silica "10" 9-inch 12x6x3 OrthRoof... 65 F.R.C.Silica Straight 62 F.R.C.Silica ORZF 12x6x3x2 Repair Shape 65 F.R.C.Silica Wedge...., 62 F.R.C.Silica Mill Tile .... 41 National 12x4^x3 18x6x3 41 Standard Binder 63 F.R.C.Silica 20x6x3 41 Empire 24x6x3 41 L.H. Steel 12x3x3 Soap... 63 F.R.C.Silica No. 1 Circle... 38 National 12x6x5x3 Key. 63 F.R.C.Silica 38 Standard 38 Lock Haven 12x6x2x3 Skew 63 F.R.C.Silica 38 Imperial Steel 13Hx4Mx2^ No. 2 Circle... 38 National Binder 63 F.R.C.Silica 38 Standard 38 Lock Haven 13J^x6x2J/ 38 Imperial Steel Straight 63 F.R.C.Silica 42 National No. 3 Circle... 38 National 42 Standard ' 38 Standard 42 L.H. Steel 38 Lock Haven 42 Imperial Steel 38 Imperial Steel 13^x6x2^x2 No. 1 Arch . . 64 F. R. C. Silica No. 4 Circle .. 38 National 38 Standard 13J^x6x2^xl^ 38 Lock Haven No. 2 Arch . . 64 F.R.C.Silica 38 Imperial Steel 28 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. STANDARD SHAPES CARRIED IN STOCK Continued Shapes ! Brands Shapes 1 Brands No. 5 Circle... 38 National Whiting 38 Standard I Blocks 40 Empire 38 Lock Haven Nos.ltoll 38 Imperial Steel No. 1 Cupola.. 39 National 13K-inch 39 Standard 12-foot Key.. 42 National 39 Empire 39 Minor 39 Imperial Steel 13^-inch 6-foot Key... 42 National No. 2 Cupola.. 39 National 39 Standard 39 Empire Standard Bot- 39 Minor tom Block . . . 42 National 39 Imperial Sieel No. 3 Cupola.. 39 National Flat Back 39 Standard Straight 46 National 39 Empire 46 Standard 39 Minor 39 Imperial Steel Flat Back Arch 46 National No. 4 Cupola.. 39 National 46 Standard 39 Standard 39 Empire Mill Block 39 Minor 18x9x6 41 National 39 Imperial Steel Standard Minor No. 5 Cupola. . 39 39 National Standard No. 1 Bridge Wall Empire 39 39 39 Empire Minor Imperial Steel 13^x6^x6. 41 National Standard Minor No. 2 Bridge Empire No. 6 Cupola.. 39 National Wall 39 Standard 13^x6^x3 41 National 39 Empire Standard 39 Minor Minor 39 Imperial Steel Empire CLEVELAND, OHIO. 29 LIST OF TILE CARRIED IN STOCK Size Brands Size Brands 12xl2x 2 National 12x15x3 National 12xl5x 2 Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel National 12x18x3 Minor Lock Haven National Minor 12x18x2 Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel National Minor 12x20x3 12x24x3 Lock Haven National Minor Lock Haven National 12x24x2 Imperial Steel National Minor Lock Haven Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel 12x36x3 6x18x3 National Minor Lock Haven National 12x12x22/3 National Minor Lock Haven 6 x 20 x 3 Minor Lock Haven National 12xl5x2H National Minor Lock Haven 6 x 24 x 3 Minor Lock Haven National 12x18x2^ National Minor Lock Haven 9x18x3 Minor Lock Haven National 12x20x2^ National Minor Lock Haven 9 x 20 x 3 Minor Lock Haven National 12x22x2}/ 12x24x2^ National Minor Lock Haven National Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel 9 x 24 x 3 National 12x30x2^ Lock Haven Imperial Steel National 9x12x4 Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel National 12x12x3. .. Lock Haven National Minor Lock Haven Minor 9x18x4 National Lock Haven Imperial Steel Minor Lock Haven 30 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. LIST OF TILE CARRIED IN STOCK-Continued Size Brands Size Brands 9 x 20 x 4 National 15 x 36 x 4 National 12x12x4 Minor Lock Haven National 12x24x4 Lock Haven National 12x30x4 Minor Lock Haven Imperial Steel National 20x20x4 Lock Haven National Lock Haven Lock Haven 9x27x4 National 12x36x4 National Lock Haven 15x30x4 Lock Haven National Lock Haven 9x36x4 National Lock Haven SHOWING THE FUSION POINT OF SOME OF OUR VARIOUS BRICK HEINRICH REIS, PH. D. PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA N. Y., MAY 22, 1913 Stowe-Fuller Co. Cleveland, O. Dear Sirs: I beg to report the following fusion points for the five brick samples submitted by you : Degs. F. Federal Silica Brick F. R. C. Brand Cone 35 plus 3326 National Brand Kentucky Bond Clay " 33 3254 Kentucky F. B. Co. S. S. A. Brand " 31 3182 Penna. L. H. Steel Brand " 28 to 29 3074 to 31 10 Minor Empire Brand " 27 3036 I tested a sample of your Federal Silica Brick F. R. C. brand, and found that the same had a fusing point of over cone 35, the theoretical fusing point of this cone being 3326 F. This brick was tested by heating it up to this cone in a Deville Furnace. The fusing point was con- sidered to have been reached when the brick began to lose its shape under the action of the heat. In the case of the silica brick it had not lost its shape at cone 35. Yours truly, Signed Heinrich Reis CLEVELAND, OHIO. 31 " I .s 0) fl o (D ^ O O 2 2 O o CO O ' '2 oT fe 32 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. STANDARD 9" SHAPES The following cuts represent the principal nine-inch shapes that are used, and dimensions given are the long established standards adopted by Fire Brick manufacturers. We keep large quantities in stock, and can make anything we do not have on short notice. Please state what brand or for what purpose the brick are wanted. The standard nine-inch shapes require from three to four weeks to manufacture, but very large and difficult shapes require much longer to dry and handle, and from six to eight weeks is required to get them out in first-class shape. However, we are in position to make any and all shapes more promptly than other factories, as we have improved mechanical means for cooling kilns and drying brick. A carload of brick can be made and shipped as quickly as a few brick, as the same process is required. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 33 9 Inch . . . . 9x4^x2^ Soap No. 1 Split. No. 2 Split. 9x4^x2 Large 9 Inch. 9x6^x2^ Small 9 Inch. 9x3^x2^ 34 THE STOWE-FULLEB Co. No. 1 Key . 9x4^x4x2^ 12 feet diameter inside. 112 brick to circle. No. 2 Key. 9x4^x3^x2^ 6 feet diameter inside. 65 brick to circle. No. 3 Key Brick.. 9x4^x3x2^ 3 feet diameter inside. 41 brick to circle. No. 4 Key Brick. 9x4^x2 ^x2M 18 inches diameter inside. 26 brick to circle. No. 1 Wedge . 9x4^x2^x2 5 feet diameter inside. 102 brick to circle. No. 2 Wedge 2 feet 6 inches diameter inside. 63 brick to circle. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 35 No. 1 Arch 9x4^x2^x2 4 feet diameter inside. 72 brick to circle. No. 2 Arch 9x4^x2^x1^ 2 feet diameter inside. 42 brick to circle. Side Skew 9x4^x1 % End Skew . 9x7x4^x2^ Skew Back 9x4^x2^x1 Y* No. 1 Neck 9x4^x2^ No. 2 Neck 9x4^x2^x2 36 THE STOWE-FULLEB Co. No. 3 Neck. 9x4^x Feather Edge. No. 1 Jamb. 9x4^x2^ No. 2 Jamb. 9x4^x2^ No. 3 Jamb . 9x4^x2^ No. 3 Bullhead . . . 9x4^x3x2 3 feet diameter inside. Checker . 9x3x3 CLEVELAND, OHIO. 37 Large 9 Inch No. 1 Wedge. . . 102 brick to the circle. 5 feet inside, 6 ft. 6 in. outside diameter Large 9 Inch No. 2 Wedge. . . 63 brick to the circle. 2 ft. 6 in. inside, 4 ft. outside diameter. Edge Arch . 9x4^x3x2 K Small Diameters, for Tuyere Stock Linings, and 2^ inch Pipe Linings. Checker Tile Checker Tile . . Mill Tile. . 38 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. No. 1. 15 inch Circle.. Inside diameter. 9 brick to circle. No. 2. 24 inch Circle. Inside diameter. 11 brick to circle. No. 3. 36 inch Circle.. Inside diameter. 14 brick to circle. No. 4. 48 inch Circle. Inside diameter. 20 brick to circle. No. 5. 60 inch Circle.. Inside diameter. 24 brick to circle. Also 72, 84 and 96 inch Circles. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 39 CUPOLA BLOCKS No. 1 Cupola Brick. . . . T^. _ (42 inches outside. Diameter, | 3Q incheg ingide 15 brick to the circle. No. 2 Cupola Brick.. . TV (48 inches outside Diameter, | 36 incheg ingide 17 brick to the circle. No. 3 Cupola Brick. . . . / 60 in ches outside. | 4g incheg ingide r>i*m^Pr Diameter, 21 brick to the circle. No. 4 Cupola Brick. . /7 \6 /72 inches outside. \60 inches inside. 25 brick to the circle. No. 5 Cupola Brick. No. 6 Cupola Block. Diameter J 84 inches outside. ter ' \72 inches inside. 29 brick to the circle. / 96 inches outside. | g4 incheg ingid ^ 33 brick to circle. 40 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. WHITING CUPOLA BLOCKS Size No. 1 " 2 Inside ^ Outside Diam. Diam. 23 inch 32 inch 27 " 36 " 32 " 41 " 37 " 46 " 42 " 51 " 45 " 54 " 48 " 57 " Size No. 7 11 8 10 11 Inside Diam. 54 inch 60 " 66 " 72 " 78 " 84 " BRASS POT LINERS Outside Diam. 63 inch 69 " 75 " 81 " 87 " 93 " 18 inches inside. 27 inches outside. Other sizes made to order. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 41 MILL BLOCKS 18 inch Block No. 1 Bridgewall. No. 2 Bridgewall. Mill Tile. 18x6x3 20x6x3 24x6x3 42 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. BLAST FURNACE SHAPES inch Straight No. 1. 12 foot Key. . . 91 brick to circle. No. 2. 6 foot Key 53 brick to the circle. Standard Bottom Block. . CLEVELAND, OHIO. 43 STANDARD BLOCK LININGS To meet the demand for Block Lining, we get up a Standard Block in 3 Diameters of Circle, which with Straight Brick as per cuts below will line any diameter of furnace and break Joints for any thickness of lining. 9x9x4| Straight. 9x9x4 J Key, 5 ft. Radius. 9x9x4J " 7} " 9x9x4J " 10 " 12x9x4J Straight. 1 2x9x4 J Key, 5 ft. Radius. 12x9x4J " 7J " 12x9x4^ " 10 " 15x9x4J Straight. 15x9x4 J Key, 5 ft. Radius. 15x9x4| " 7J " 15x9x4J " 10 " 18x9x4| Straight. 18x9x4iKey,5 ft. Radius. 18x9x4J " 7J " " 18x9x4J " 10 " " Standard Bottom Blocks 18x9x4^ We also make above Blocks in 24 in. lengths. All Blocks 9x4^ on inside face tapered for diameter. In three grades for Bosh and Hearth, Inwall and Top Lining, branded to designate their position in the furnace. 44 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. CLEVELAND. OHIO. 45 - 1 46 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. POTTERY KILN BRICK Our factories have been manufacturing brick for the Pottery trade for the last 25 years, and we aim to carry in stock Flat Backs and Flat Back Arch, besides the regular shapes for this trade. Flat Back. No. 1 Flat Back Arch . 32 inches inside diameter 56 brick to circle No. 2 Flat Back Arch . 22 inches inside diameter 31 brick to circle These brick are made up with special regard to standing the wear and constant heating and cool- ing of Kiln Arches. By the return to coal for the burning of these kilns, it will be found that the highest grade of brick will be required for this work. We aim to make and supply these brick in the best quality known for this particular work. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 47 KILN FLOOR BRICK NATIONAL GAMP Other shapes made to order 48 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. KILN FLOOR BRICK GROWN Made 12 in. long. METROPOLITAN Made 13 in. long. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 49 BALL AND SAGGER CLAYS We furnish from Kentucky both Sagger and Ball clays. Our ground Sagger clays, used in conjunction with fatty Ball clays and grog, makes a tough Sagger that will stand great wear, heating and cooling without cracking. Our Kentucky Ball clays are the best in this country. They are free from iron, and burn very white. We use care in mining these clays, and strip each vein separately to insure a uniform shrink- age. They make an ideal body clay for Tile, Pottery or China manufacturers, or any similar use. FIRE CLAY We furnish High Grade Fire Clay for all work. The following kinds are most in demand : No. 1 Plastic. Being of a very plastic nature is ground fine, this clay permits of a very thin joint, and one of the best clays for general work. Blue and Yellow. A mixture of blue and yellow clays in equal proportion, used mostly in Malleable Iron and Steel Foundries, where extreme plasticity is desired. 11 A" Grade. A high grade clay finely ground and prepared for laying all High Grade Fire Brick. The mortar for good Brick work should be as good as the Brick and there is no better Fire Clay mined. Minor Clay. A clay which is almost entirely free from iron and other impurities, and high in silica contents. Silica Cement. To get the best results silica brick should always be set up with silica cement. We are able to furnish the best grade of this material in any quantity. 50 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. CEMENT KILN BRICK (Trade Mark Registered) To meet the widespread demand for a brick which would give good results in Rotary Cement Kiln practice, we have developed our "Alum- inite" brand. Ordinary fire brick cannot with- stand the severe heat and friction to which they are subjected in these kilns, and to meet this action, we have prepared our clays in such manner as to result in a brick which combines both extreme hardness and high refractory qualities. Probably no other brick on the mar- ket today has given the excellent service in this particular work our "Aluminite" brand has given. The following cuts show two designs for Rotary Linings, the Marl or Wet process and Stone or Dry process. The Wet process has a back lining or shelf brick made of a non- conducting mixture which prevents the loss of heat by radiation. In the Dry process this lining is not necessary, as the brick are made to retain the clinker coating in the hot zone, thereby serving to lengthen the life of the lining. When ordering these blocks, always give diameter of shell and whether to be used for a Wet or Dry Process Kiln. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 51 CEMENT KILN BRICK ALUMINITE" ROTARY BLOCKS ON DRY FLOOR 52 THE STOWE-FTJLLER Co. CEMENT KILN BRICK v ^J M ^ ^ M J* 5 >< pq ' c U U OH CLEVELAND, OHIO. 53 CEMENT KILN BRICK t- gui - LJI t LJ ^ Lfl ^ 1 5 55 4- 2 2 o a 03 S >*< T Q Q CJ W PQ 54 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 55 FEDERAL REFRACTORIES CO. BRANDS F. R. G. Silica F. R. G. Magnesia F. R. G. Chrome This plant is located at Alexandria, Pa., in close proximity to large tracts of Canister owned and controlled by us. We operate our own quarries, the rock being delivered direct to the plant on our own tracks. Recent improve- ments in the way of added equipment has made it one of the most modern and best arranged plants of its kind in the country. The brick are all hand-made, and the capacity is kept to the point where strict attention can be paid to the quality of the output. Each process in the manufacture of these brick is under the per- sonal supervision of men having years of experi- ence in this particular line. Our Magnesite and Chrome Brick are made from the highest grade of Dead Burned Mag- nesite and Chrome ores, which we import direct. Silica Brick manufactured here have given the best results in Open Hearth Steel Furnaces, Copper Reverberatories, etc. List of shapes of the brick usually carried in stock are illustrated on the following pages, and we" are prepared at all times to make promptly any shapes not found thereon. 56 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. SILICA DEPARTMENT The production of the highest grade of Silica Brick is contingent on the careful selection of the Canister Rock and the experience and care in the manufacture of the brick through every detail of the mixture and burning. New methods for the handling and drying of the green product have been introduced at our plant, and the result is a brick possessing features not found in other makes. Frequent analyses of our brick aid us in maintaining a very uniform mixture. Our Plant at Alexandria, Pa., has over 60,000 square feet of floor space for the drying of special shapes. We have furnished for some of the largest By-Product Coke Plants and Gas Retort Benches the most difficult Silica shapes made in this country. We give comparative analyses, taken from eight cars shipped from our plant, which was made by Chemists of one of the leading Steel Companies of America. ANALYSES OF BRICK CAR.No. Silica Iron and .Alum. Lime Mag. Loss E.L. 60511 96.15 1.10 2.00 .50 .25 P. B.&W.952 95.55 1.70 2.00 .36 .15 P. Co. 559290 95.85 1.40 2.04 .40 .15 P. R. R. 96677 95.25 1.20 2.10 .50 .15 P. R. R. 18857 95.36 1.40 1.80 .66 .24 P. R. R. 70785 96.15 1.50 1.50 .41 .15 P. Co. 579029 96.25 1.55 1.70 .72 .20 P. F. W. 515446 95.07 1.60 1.85 .68 .13 "CLEVELAND, OHIO. 57 F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica Straight. 9x4^x2^ F. R. C. Silica Large 9 inch. F. R. C. Silica Small 9 inch . 9x3^x2^ F. R. C. Silica Soap. F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Arch. 9x4^x2 Kx2K 72 brick to the circle. 4 feet inside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Arch . 9x4^x2 ^xlM 42 brick to the circle. 2 feet inside diameter. 58 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica No. 3 Arch. 9x4^x2^x1 20 brick to the circle. 6*4 inch inside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Split . F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Split . 9x4^x2 F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Wedge.. . 9x4^x2 ^xl K 102 brick to the circle. 5 feet inside, 6^ feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Wedge . 63 brick to the circle. feet inside, 4 feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 3 Wedge . 9x4^x3x2 56 brick to the circle. 3 feet inside, 4^ feet outside diameter. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 59 F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica Large 9 inch No. 1 Wedge 102 brick to the circle. 5 feet inside, 6H feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica Large 9 inch No. 2 Wedge 63 brick to the circle. 2^ feet inside, 4 feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Key 9x4^x4x2^ 112 brick to the circle. 12 feet inside, 13^ feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Key.... 9x4^x3^x2^ 65 brick to the circle. 6 feet inside, 7>^ feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 3 Key 9x4^x3x2^ 41 brick to the circle. 3 feet inside, 4^ feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica No. 4 Key. 9x4^x2^x2^ 26 brick to the circle. 1^ feet inside, 3 feet outside diameter. 60 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica Key Wedge 9x4^x3x2^x1^ F. R. C. Silica No. 1 Jamb. F. R. C. Silica No. 2 Side Skew. 9x4^x2^x1% 9x4^x2^x2^ 9x4^x2^x2% F. R. C. Silica End Skew. 9x7x4^x2^ F. R. C. Silica No. 3 Neck or Point F.R.C. Silica Feather Edge . . CLEVELAND, OHIO. 61 F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica 12 inch Straight 1 2x6x2 F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 1 Wedge 1 2x6x3x2 K 10 feet inside diameter. F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 2 Wedge 12x6x3x2 4 feet inside diameter. F. R. C. Silica 12 inch Soap. 12x9x224 F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 1 Wedge Soap . . 12x9x2^x2^ F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 2 Wedge Soap . . 12x9x2^x2^ 62 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. F. R. G, SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 1 Arch 1 2x6x3x2 K 75 brick to the circle. 5 feet inside, 6 feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica 12 inch No. 2 Arch 12x6x2^x2 75 brick to the circle. 4 feet inside, 5 feet outside diameter. F. R. C. Silica 12x9x3 inch Straight Soap F. R. C. Silica 12x9x3x2 inch Wedge Soap F. R. C. Silica 12x6x3 inch Straight F. R. C. Silica 12x6x3x2 inch Wedge CLEVELAND, OHIO. 63 F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica 12x4^x3 inch Binder. . F. R. C. Silica 12x3x3 inch Soap F. R. C. Silica 12x6x5x3 inch Key F. R. C. Silica 12x6x2x3 inch Skew . F. R. C. Silica 13^x6x2^ inch Straight F. R. C. Silica inch Binder Brick 64 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. F. R. C. SILICA SHAPES F. R. C. Silica 13J^ inch No. 1 Arch . 13^x6x2^x2 F. R. C. Silica 13^ inch No. 2 Arch F. R. C. Silica 13^ inch No. 1 Wedge 13^x6x2^x2 F. R. C. Silica I3y 2 inch No. 2 Wedge F. R. C. Silica 13^x9x2^ inch Straight. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 65 SILICA SHAPES ORTH REINFORCED ROOF FOR OPEN HEARTH FURNACES PATENTED Shapes marked "OA" "OB" "OC"for 12 inch Orth Rib Roof Construction. Shapes marked "O8" "09" "O10" for 9 inch Orth Rib Roof Construction. Shapes marked " ORZ " F are repair shapes for both 9 inch and 12 inch Roof when Ribs are spaced 24 inch centers. 66 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. CHROME DEPARTMENT In this department the same personal supervision is used. Our Chrome Ore, which we supply either in lump or ground form, is far superior to any other imported ore. We carry all grades of Lump Chrome Ore and can furnish an ore best adapted to your use. In the ground form we have a mixture of our own which is peculiarly adapted to Open Hearth Practice and Copper Smelting Furnaces. In Copper Furnace Roofs we have obtained remark- able results by the use of our Copper Furnace Cement which can not be duplicated by other manufacturers. ANALYSES. IMPERIAL CHROME ORE: (Dry Ore Percent.) Sesquioxide of Chromium 51. 84 Protoxide of Iron 11.21 Peroxide of Iron .68 Magnesia 16.88 Alumina 14.92 Silica 3.48 Oxide of Manganese ^ _ _ .60 Lime Sulphuric Acid Phosphoric Acid .02 Combined water, etc .55 100.18 Moisture in sample as received . 09% CLEVELAND, OHIO. 67 FEDERAL JAPANESE CHROME ORE: (Dry Ore Percent.) Sesquioxide of Chromium 42. 31 Silica 2.58 Oxide of Iron ^____ __ 15. 53 Alumina __. 21.71 Magnesia 17. 66 Moisture 0.21 100.00 FEDERAL TURKISH CHROME ORE: Sesquioxide of Chromium 44. 55 Ferrous Oxide : 15.25 Silica 5.40 Lime .20 Magnesia 19. 10 Alumina 15. 20 Moisture .30 100.00 We use a combination of these ores in the manufacture of the Chrome Brick, which with our long experience produces the well known brand F. R. G. Chrome Brick. Our brick are noted for their hardness, which, with our superior workmanship and high-grade ores, produce a brick which cannot be surpassed either in this country or abroad. On the following pages are found shapes which we carry in stock. Special shapes will be made to order. 68 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. CHROME DEPARTMENT CHROME SHAPES IN STOCK 9 inch Straight . 9x4^x2 Yz 9 inch Wedge . 9x4^x2^x1 M 9 inch Arch . 9x4^x2^x13 9 inch Split . 9x4^x1 No. 1 Key . . 9x4^x4x2^ 12 feet inside diameter. 112 brick to circle. No. 2 Key. 6 feet inside diameter. 65 brick to circle. CLEVELAND. OHIO. 69 MAGNESITE DEPARTMENT We import the highest grade of Dead Burned Magne- site from Europe, which is mined from the celebrated Magnesite deposits at Hisnyoviz, Hungary. This material is controlled and imported direct by ourselves and to insure nothing but high grade material we have our representa- tive there at all times. As it comes from only one opera- tion, which is analyzed daily, we can at all times maintain a very high standard. Our Magnesite is burned in the most modern Gas-fired Calcining Kilns and prepared by the best Magnetic Separator plant in Hungary. By the use of gas in the kiln, we keep ashes and all other foreign material from the Magnesite, thereby giving you noth- ing but clean material. In the old style of coal-fired kiln it is impossible to separate the ashes and foreign material from the Magnesite and you are compelled to buy a certain portion of ashes with your Magnesite. By having only one operation we are assured of its uniformity and by the use of gas in burning we get clean- liness, thereby furnishing you with best Magnesite that can be produced. We have made a very thorough examination of our deposit and know that we can maintain the same high standard for years to come. We give on the following pages cuts of our plant and two average analyses of our material. 70 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. P4 10.99 1 A 70.68 53 166.5 % 11.78 23 72.25 54 169.6 4 12.56 1 A 73.82 55 172.7 1 A 14.13 24 75.39 56 175.9 5 15.70 1 A 76.96 57 179.0 1 A 17.27 25 78.54 58 182.2 6 18.84 1 A 80.11 59 185.3 1 A 20.42 26 81.68 60 188.4 7 21.99 1 A 83.25 61 191.6 H 23.56 27 84.82 62 194.7 8 25.13 y* 86.39 63 197.9 1 A 26.70 28 87.96 64 201.0 9 28.27 1 A 89.53 65 204.2 1 A 29.84 29 91.10 66 207.3 10 31.41 H 92.68 67 210.4 1 A 32.98 30 93.24 68 213.6 11 34.55 1 A 95.82 69 216.7 1 A 36.12 31 97.38 70 219.9 1 A 98.96 CLEVELAND, OHIO. 81 WORKING TEMPERATURES Blast furnace at tuyeres . ... Cent 2000 1600 F. 3632 2912 Blast furnace tapping Open hearth furnace during boil. 1500 2732 Medium hard steel at tapping . . . 1600 2912 Gas leaving producers 700 1292 Gas leaving regenerators 1200 2192 Air leaving regenerators 1100 2012 Waste gas at stack 300 572 Medium steel ready to roll 1050 1922 Glass pots working 1050 1922 Glass pots refining 1325 2417 Tanks for casting glass 1325 2417 Crucible steel furnace . 1300 2372 Cement rotary clinkering 1684 3000 Shale drain tile burning 871 1600 Composition earthenware 1015 1860 Fire clay stoneware burning 1610 2922 Fire clay sewer pipe, hottest 1048 1920 Shale sewer pipe, .... 1016 1862 Fire clay paving brick, ' 1048 1920 Shale paving brick, 1000 1800 Under a boiler, 1257 2295 Ingot being rolled 1065 1950 Heating furnace . . . 1150 2120 82 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. TEMPERATURES Table of Melting Points To convert Fahrenheit degrees to Centigrade, subtract 32 and multiply by %. To convert Centigrade degrees to Fahrenheit, multiply by % and add 32 Tallow 92F. Spermaceti 120F. White Wax 154 F, Sulphur 239F. Tin 455 F. Bismuth 518 F. Lead 630 F. Zinc 793 F. Antimony 810 F. Silver (pure) ...... 1830 F. Copper ........... 2050 F. Gold (coin) ....... 2156 F. to 2200 F! 2350 F. to 2550 F. Steel ' Wrought Iron, The appearance of a fire affords a good indication of the temperature of a furnace. (A little practice reduces the error of high temperatures to within 100 F.) Red, just visible . . . 977 F. 525 C. Red, dull 1290 F. 700 C. Red, dull cherry 1472 F. 800 C. Red, full 1657 F. 900 C. Red, clear 1832 F. 1000 C. Orange, deep 2012 F. 1100 C. Orange, clear 2192 F. 1200 C. White 2272 F. 1300 C. White, bright 2552 F. 1400 C. White, dazzling {gg J Above table gives the colors of Iron caused by heat. (Pouillet.) CLEVELAND, OHIO. 83 MENSURATION LENGTH Circumference of circle = diameter X 3.1416. Diameter of circle = circumference X 0.3183. Side of square of equal periphery as circle = diameter X 0.7854. Diameter of circle of equal periphery as square = side X 1.2732. Side of an inscribed square = diameter of circle X 0.7071. Length of arc = No. of degrees X diam. X 0.008727. AREA Triangle = base X ^ altitude. Parallelogram = base X altitude. Trapezoid = }/% sum of parallel sides X altitude. Trapezium found by dividing into two triangles. Circle = diam. squared X 0.7854; or = circumference squared X 0.07958. Sector of circle = length of arc X half radius. Side of square of equal area to circle = diameter X 0.8862, also = circumference X 0.2821. Diameter of circle of equal area to square = side X 1.1284. Parabola = base X % height. Ellipse = long diam. X short diam. X 0.7854. Regular polygon = sum of sides X % perpendicular distance from center to sides. Surface of cylinder = circumference X height -\- area of both ends. Surface of sphere = diam. squared X 3.1416; also = circumference X diameter. Surface of right pyramid or cone = periphery or cir- cumference of base X K slant height. 84 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. MENSURATION Continued SOLID CONTENTS Prism, right or oblique, = area of base X perpendic- ular height. Cylinder, right or oblique, = area of section at right angles to sides X length of side. Sphere = diam. cubed X 0.5236, also surface X l /6 diameter. Pyramid or cone, right or oblique, regular or irregular, = area of base X J4 perpendicular height. PRISMOIDAL FORMULA A prismoid is a solid bounded by six plane surfaces only two of which are parallel. To find the contents of a prismoid, add together the area of two parallel surfaces and four times the area of section taken midway between and parallel to them, and multiply the sum by l /6 of the perpendicular distance between the parallel surfaces. MISCELLANEOUS A perch of masonry = 24.75 cubic feet. A gallon (liquid measure) = 231 cubic inches. One pound = 27.7 cubic inches of distilled water at its maximum density (39 Fahrenheit). A Gunter's surveying chain = 66 feet, or 4 rods, 80 chains making a mile. One barrel of Portland cement contains 33/2 cubic feet and weighs 380 pounds. One bushel contains 2150 cubic inches. One gallon (dry measure) = 268.8 cubic inches. One cubic foot of water weighs 62% pounds and contains 73/2 gallons. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 85 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Avoirdupois Gross Ton. Cwts. Pounds. Ounces. 1. 0.05 20. 1. .0089 2240. 112. 1. 0.0625 35840. 1792. 16. 1. Long Measure M-les. Rods. Yards. Feet. Inches. 1. 0.003125 0.000568 0.0001894 0.0000158 320. 1. 0.1818 0.0606 0.005051 1760. 5.5 1. 0.3333 0.02778 5280. 16.5 3. 1. 0.08333 63360. 198. 36. 12. 1. Square or Land Measure Square Miles. Acres. Sq. Rods. Sq. Yards. Sq. Feet. Sq. Ins 1 640. 102400. 3097600. 27878400. 1 . 160. 1 . 0,0331 4840. 30.25 0111 43560. 272.25 9. 1 6272640. 39204. 1296. 144 0.0069 1. Cubic or Solid Measure Cubic Yard. Cubic Foot. Cubic Inches. 1 27. 1. 46656 1728 Dry Measure Struck Ru. Pecks. Quarts. Pints. Gallons. 1 4 1 32. 8. 1. 0.5 4. 64. 16. 2. 1. 8. 8. 2. 0.25 0.125 1. 86 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. SURVEYOR'S MEASURE Sq. Mile. Sq. Acre. Sq. Chains. Sq. Rods. 1 640 6400 102400 1 10 160 1 10 7.92 in. = 1 link. 25 links = 1 rod. 4 rods = 1 chain. METRIC SYSTEM Linear Measure Measures of Surface Denomination. Abr. Value. Denomination. Abr. Value. Myriameter. . . . Kilometer Hectometer km. . 10000m 1000m 100m 10m 1m .1m .Olm .001m Sq. Kilometer. . Hectare Are km 2 ., ha. .. a. ... 1000000m 2 10000m 2 100m 2 1m 2 1m 2 .Olm 2 .0001m 2 .000001m 2 Dekameter .... fCentare \Sq. Meter. . . . vSq Decimeter. . Sq. Centimeter. Sq. Millimeter. . m>' .' '. dm 2 . cm 2 .. mm 2 . Meter m Decimeter. Centimeter. . . . Millimeter dm. . cm . . mm . Measures of Volume Measures of Mass Denomination. Abr. Value. Denomination. Abr. Value. (Kiloliter 1000. 1. 1000. 1. 1000. 1. 100. 1. 10. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. .1 1. .01 1. .001 1. .001 1. .000001 1. .001 ml. (Mil Her 1000 kg 1000 kg 1000 kg 100 kg 10 kg 1000 g 1000 g 100 g 10 g 1 g .1 g 01 g .001 g .001 mg ' Ste-e s ... ITonneau (Cubic meter. . Hectoliter. . . . m 3 . . hi. . . Metric Ton . . . t Quintal Mvriagram . . . q Dekaliter /Cu. Decimeter \Liter . ... dal... dm 2 .. 1 . . . . /Kilogram \Kilo kg... Deciliter Centiliter /Cu. Centim. . . IMilliliter Cu. Millimeter. Microliter dl. . . cl.... cm 3 ., ml. . . mm 3 . 2 Hectogram Dekogram Gram g Decigram Centigram Milligram dg. .. eg. . . mg . . Microgram .... y CLEVELAND, OHIO. 87 WEIGHT OF A CUBIC FOOT OF SUBSTANCES Pounds. Aluminum, 162 Anthracite, Solid 93 Anthracite, Loose 54 Ash, White, Dry 38 Asphaltum 87 Brass, Cast 504 Brass, Rolled 524 Brick, Best Pressed 150 Brick, Common, Hard 125 Brick, Soft, Inferior 100 Brick Work, Pressed 140 Brick Work, Ordinary 112 Brick, Fire 120 Cement, Hydraulic : 50-56 Cement, Portland 100 Cherry, Dry 42 Chestnut, Dry 41 Clay, Potter's, Dry 1 19 Clay, in Lump, Loose 63 Coal, Bituminous, Solid 84 Coal, Bituminous, Broken 49 Coke, Loose 26.3 Copper, Cast 542 Copper, Rolled 548 Earth, Loam, Dry, Loose 76 Earth, Loam, Moderately Rammed 95 Earth, Soft Flowing Mud 108 Elm, Dry 35 Flint 162 Granite 170 Gravel 90-106 Plaster of Paris 142 Hemlock, Dry 25 Hickory, Dry 53 Ice 58.7 Iron, Cast 450 Iron, Wrought 485 Lead 711 Lime, Loose 53 Limestone 16S Oak, Live, Dry 59 Oak, White, Dry 50 Pine, White, Dry 25 Pine, Yellow, Dry, Northern 35 Pine, Yellow, Dry, Southern 45 Sand, Loose 90-106 Sandstone 151 Shale 162 Snow, Fresh Fallen 5-12 Snow, Wet by Rain 15-50 Water 62^ Water, Sea 64 Zinc 437 Green Timber, to % more than dry THE STOWE-FULLER Co. USEFUL INFORMATION Linear Expansion of Substances by Heat To find the increase in the length of a bar of any material due to an increase of temperature, multiply the number of degrees of increase of temperature by the coefficient for 100 degrees and by the length of the bar, and divide by 100. NAME OF SUBSTANCE. Coeffi- cient for 100 Fahren- heit. Coeffi- cient for 180 Fahren- heit, or 100 Centigrade Baywood, (in the direction of the! grain, dry) ; Brass, (cast) . . . .00026 to .00031 .00104 .00046 to .00057 .00188 Brass, (wire) Brick, (fire) .00107 .0003 .00193 .0005 Cement, (Roman) .0008 .0014 Copper. . . . ... .0009 .0017 Deal, (in the direction of the grain, \ drv) .00024 .00044 Glass, (Knglish flint) . . . 00045 .00081 Glass, (French white lead) Gold .00048 .0008 .00087 .0015 Granite, (average) . 00047 .00085 Iron, (cast) ... . . .0006 .0011 Iron, (soft forged) Iron, (wire) .0007 0008 .0012 .0014 Lead . .... .... .0016 .0029 Marble, (Carrara) \ .00036 to .00065 to Mercury .0006 0033 .0011 .0060 Platinum .0005 .0009 Sandstone \ .0005 to .0009 to Silver .0007 .0011 .0012 .002 Slate, (Wales) 0006 .001 Water, (varies considerably with the) temperature) / .0086 .0155 CLEVELAND, OHIO. 89 CHEMICAL ELEMENTS, THEIR SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS Aluminum . . Antimony . . . *Argon . Al. . .Sb. . . .A. 27. 120. 20. Manganese . . Mercury .... Molybdenum. .Mn. Hg. .Mo. 55. 200. 95.9 Arsenic As 75 Nickel ..*... Ni 58.6 Barium Ba. Nitrogen . . . . N 14. Bismuth Bi 208 Osmium Os 191. Boron B 11 Oxygen O 16. Bromine Br. 80. Palladium . . Pd 106.2 Cadmium .Cd. 112. Phosphorus . P. 31. Caesium .... Calcium ..Cs. Ca. 133. 40. Platinum Potassium . . ..Pt. K 194.3 39. Carbon c Rhodium Rh 104.1 Cerium Chlorine Chromium . .Ce. ..Cl. Cr. 141.5 35.4 52 3 Rubidium . . Ruthenium . Scandium .Rb. .Ru. Sr 85. 103.5 44. Cobalt . . Co. 58.7 Selenium Se. 79. Columbium Cb 93 7 Silicon Si. 28. Copper . .Cu. 63.2 Silver ...... 108. Didymium . . Erbium ..Di. .E. 145. 166. Sodium Strontium . . . .Na. Sr 23. 87.5 Flourine Gallium ...F. . .Ga. 19. 69.9 Sulphur .... Tantalum . . . ...S. Ta. 32. 182. Germanium . Glucinum . . . . .Ge. . .Gl. 72.3 9. Tellurium . . . Thallium . .Te. Tl. 125. 204. Gold Au. 196.7 Thorium . . Th 232. *Helium He 2 Tin Sn. 118. Hydrogen . . . Indium .. H. In. 1. 113.7 Titanium Tungsten . . . . . .Ti. W 48. 184. Iodine I. 127 Uranium u. 240. Iridium Ir. 192.5 Vanadium V 51.1 Iron Lanthanum . Lead . .Fe. ..La. Pb. 56. 138.5 Ytterbium Yttrium .... Zinc . . . .Yt. . . .Y. 7n 173.2 89. 65. Lithium Li. 7 Zirconium Zr. 90.4 Magnesium . .Mg. 24. *Thc atomic weights of Argon and Helium are not accurately known. 90 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES Aluminum 2.602.75 Asphaltum 1.101.20 Brass 8.408.70 Brick, Hard Red 1.532.30 Aluminite Brick . . 2.65 Ordinary Fire Brick 1.402.00 Cement, ground, loose 1.85 Charcoal 44 Clay, dry 1.802.60 Coal, bituminous 1.201.50 Coal, anthracite , 1.401.70 Coke, loose 55 Concrete 2.47 Copper 8.789.00 Earth 1.301.80 Glass, window 2.64 Granite 2.503.00 Iron 7.107.50 Iron, wrought 7.79 Lead 11.37 Lime 2.303.20 Lime, slaked 1.301.40 Limestone 2.462.84 Masonry, stone, dry 2.00 2.55 Masonry, brick, dry 1.50 1.60 Oak, dry 691.03 Pine 35 .60 Quartz 2.5 2.80 Sand, fine, dry 1.401.65 Sand, wet 1.902.05 Sand, coarse 1.40 1.50 Sandstone 2.202.50 Steel 7.267.86 Slate 2.602.70 Tin 7.207.30 Water 1. Zinc.. 6.907.20 CLEVELAND, OHIO. 91 USEFUL INFORMATION A Standard Fire Brick (straight) weighs 7 Ibs. A Standard Silica Brick weighs 6 r 2 o Ibs. A Standard Magnesia Brick weighs 9 Ibs. A Standard Chrome Brick weighs 10 Ibs. A Silica Brick expands about ^ inch per foot, when heated to 2,500. Clay Brick expand or shrink, dependent upon the proportion Silica to Alumina contained in the brick; but most Fire Clay Brick contain Alumina sufficient to show some shrinkage. One cubic foot of wall requires 17, 9-inch bricks; one cubic yard requires 460. Where Keys, Wedges and other "shapes" are used, add 10 per cent, in estimating the number required. In ordering Blast Furnace Linings customers should send us a sketch showing outline of space to be occupied by brick work, or inside lines with thickness of walls desired, if possible. Those ordering for Cupolas and Stacks should be careful to designate in order both inside and outside diameters with height. Silica Brick should be laid in Silica Cement and with the smallest joint possible. To secure the best results, Fire Brick should be laid in the same clay from which they are manufactured. One ton of ground clay should be sufficient to lay 3,000 ordinary bricks. Ground Fire Brick or old Cupola Blocks mixed with Fire Clay make the best Cupola Daub known. Be careful of your Furnace Stays. Silica Brick expand. Fire Clay Brick shrink. Cool your Furnaces slowly. Cold air after extreme heat is the hardest test on good Fire Brick. The minimum carload of brick or clay is 50,000 pounds. Clay or brick for shipment by boat must be sacked or barreled. 92 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. c o u .S '53 n .2 o j= j* u c/) vj ^j & JS too en 2 K < c/^^a T 1J =Vi cs *H ^4 4 c> ! o" ON * -HO CN CN O -OO-^Hi>.t^OOCXD^HLO ^ OIX-PPV CLEVELAND, OHIO. 93 SEGER CONES What they are. Seger cones are little pyramidal- shaped masses of mineral composition, which soften and deform when subjected to the action of the appropriate heat. They are made in series, each member of which requires a different amount of heat-work to produce deformation. The difference in softening point between any two adjoining members of the series is kept as nearly equal as is possible, so that when the whole series is arranged in the order of fusibility they make a kind of pyrometric scale. BEFORE FIRING They were first produced in 1886 by Dr. Herman A. Seger, the foremost ceramic technologist of his time. They are not a patented article, as Dr. Seger gave his idea freely to the world, publishing his researches in full as he made them. Where they are used. They find their chief use in the clay industry and allied industries, where the heat treatment is periodic, i.e., where the kilns, starting at low temperature, progress gradually to the maximum, and then cool off for drawing the product. In industries like those of glass melting, cement manufacture or metallur- gical operations, where the furnaces remain continuously at a high temperature, and where the materials are charged in and taken out continuously, the cones are not recom- mended for use. What they are used for. They are used to reproduce in a kiln or furnace the same vitrification treatment in 94 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. consecutive operations. Their softening or fusion is not wholly a matter of temperature. The element of time enters in also. A longer exposure at a little lower temperature, or a shorter exposure at a little higher tem- perature, will accomplish the same amount of heat-work in the vitrification of clays or the fusion of silicates, pro- vided the temperature is always above the critical point which is necessary for the chemical reactions to take place at all. Both cones and clays are affected by heat in the same way, and under the same chemical laws. Hence, when cones and clays are heated in the same kiln, the melting of the cones gives the best way yet discovered to judge of the vitrification that has taken place in the clay. AFTER FIRING Temperature vs. Melting Point. For the fusion of any body of whatever nature, it is necessary not only that the critical point should be reached, but also that the temperature should be held a sufficient time to allow enough heat to be absorbed to convert the body from a solid to a liquid. This heat is called latent heat of fusion. For this reason cones, or any other device, depending upon the visible fusion of a mass of material, are not and cannot be an accurate mode of measuring temperature. Nevertheless, where the heat is applied at the same rate in consecutive burns, and the temperature is kept increas- ing steadily, the cones will melt at very uniform intervals, and may be used to measure temperatures with surprisingly consistent results. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 95 For the convenience of users, a melting point expressed in degrees has been assigned to each cone number. This is fairly accurate for very rapid firing under closely con- trolled conditions in the laboratory, but in commercial clay burning the cones melt at lower temperatures than the printed table, depending upon the extent of divergence of the conditions. In extremely long firings, the difference between the assigned and the actual melting temperature may be 100 or even 150C. This invalidates the cone as an accurate pyrometer, without at all affecting its reliability as a guide in clay burning. The Different Series of Cones. The original cones, devised by Dr. Seger, covered a relatively narrow range of temperatures, . and consisted of 20 different mixtures. There have been several series since devised by others, carrying the melting points higher and lower, until 56 different numbers are now being used. These are divided into four series. The Hecht Series. For use only by china and glass decorators. This series is compounded of a very fusible lead-soda borate glass and kaolin, the glass alone making the softest cone, and successive additions of kaolin being used to raise the melting point of the higher members. Symbol or Approximate Melting Point. Cone Number. Degrees Centigrade. Degrees Fahrenheit. 022 590 1094 021 620 1148 020 650 1202 019 680 1256 018 710 1310 017 740 1364 016 770 1418 015 800 1472 012K 875 1607 These cones are very sensitive to reducing gases, owing to the lead used in their preparation. 96 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. The Cremer Series. Used for red-burning clays and for soft glazes, common bricks, sewer pipe, drain tiles, roofing tiles, flower pots, etc. Very few buff burning clays mature low enough for this series. It is compounded of a lime-soda borate glass, oxide of iron, feldspar, car- bonate of lime, potters flint and kaolin, beginning with a large amount of glass for the softest cone and decreas- ing to almost none at the upper end. Approximate Melting Point. Symbol or Cone Number. Degrees Centigrade. Degrees Fahrenheit. 010 950 1742 09 970 1778 08 990 1814 07 1010 1850 06 1030 1886 05 1050 1922 04 1070 1958 03 1090 1994 02 1110 2030 01 1130 2066 These cones are somewhat sensitive to reducing gases or to very sulphury conditions, and to long firing. They work best in burns of short or moderate lengths, where clear fires can be maintained. The Seger Series. Used for the harder red burning wares of the vitrified variety, and for all buff burning and white burning clay wares. This series is compounded of potters flint, feldspar, carbonate of lime and kaolin. In the lowest three, oxide of iron is used in addition. No glass is used. The proportion of kaolin and flint increases as the fusion temperature increases. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 97 Symbol or Cone Number. Approximate Melting Point. Degrees Centigrade. Degrees Fahrenheit. 1 1150 2102 2 1170 2138 3 1190 2174 4 1210 2210 5 1230 2246 6 1250 2282 7 1270 2318 8 1290 2354 9 1310 2390 10 1330 2426 11 1350 2462 12 1370 2498 13 1390 2534 14 1410 2570 15 1430 2606 16 1450 2642 17 1470 2678 18 1490 2714 19 1510 2750 20 1530 2786 Only the three lower members of this series' are affected by reducing gases. All are less sensitive to sulphur fumes and endure long continued firing periods with less derange- ment than either of the preceding series. High Temperature Series. Used for the testing of refractory materials, only. No clay wares are burned to such high melting points as this series. With the excep- tion of the two lowest, only kaolin, potters flint and oxide of alumina are used in compounding, and the highest cone consists of pure oxide of alumina. No tem- peratures can be assigned with even approximate accuracy to this series, though 1850C has been set as the melting point of No. 36. The melting points are therefore described by their effects on well known materials, instead of in degrees. 98 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. Symbol or Cone No. RELATIVE ORDER OF FUSION. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Lowest grade for No. 2 refractory goods. Lowest grade for No. 1 refractory goods. Good quality No . 1 fire brick. Excellent quality No. 1 fire brick. Melting point of pure kaolin. Melting point of Bauxite of good quality. Melting point of pure alumina. Where Cones are Obtained. The German govern- ment undertook the manufacture of Seger cones at the Royal Porcelain Factory at Charlottenburg, near Berlin, shortly after their discovery. They are distributed solely through the Tonindustrie Zeitung. a clayworkers journal of Berlin. They can be bought in the United States from Eimer & Amend, 205 Third avenue, New York, and other chemical supply houses. Manufacture of cones in America began in Columbus, Ohio, by Professor Edward Orton, Jr., in 1896. They agree closely with the German article in all respects, and as they sell in America at a lower price than the German cones sell in Germany, they have secured the great bulk of the American trade. They can be procured at a uniform price of $1.00 per hundred, f.o.b., Columbus, Ohio, by addressing Prof. Edward Orton, Jr., Columbus, Ohio. They are not sold through agents or supply dealers. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 99 TELEGRAPH CIPHER CODE This Code is for the convenience and economy of our customers. PRICES Abacist At what price per M and how soon can you furnish National Brick. Abner At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Standard Brick. Abort At what price per M and how soon can you furnish S. F. Co. W. Brick. Accident. At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Minor Brick. Accidental At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Empire Brand Minor Brick. Accrue At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Brick. Accrued At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Carter Brand Brick. Accell At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Federal Jsilica Brick. Accelled At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Federal Magnesia Brick. Accellate At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Federal Chrome Brick. Accellude At what price and how soon can you furnish Federal Dead Burned Magnesite in grain form. Accelluded . At what price and how soon can you f ui nish Federal Dead Burned Magnesite in dust. Accent At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Fenn Brick. Accented At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Aiuminite Brick. Access At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Lock Haven Brick. Account. At what price per M and how soon can you furnish Rotary Lining Brick. Accord At what price per ton and how soon can you furnish Fire Clay. Acite At what price and how soon can you furnish Federal Chrome Ore in lump. Acited At what price and how soon can you furnish Federal Chrome Ore ground tine. Balance Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, National Brick per M at Ballot Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city. Standard Brick per M at Baste Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, S. F. Co. W. Brick per M at Battle Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Minor Brick per M at 100 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. PRICES Continued Banter Brick per M at Banner Can supply, in car lots, f . o. b. your city Brick per M at Belfry Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Lock Haven Brick per M at Bank Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Aluminite Brick per M, 9 in. count at Banking Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Fire Clay per ton in bulk at Banish Can supply, in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Penn Brick per M at SHIPMENT Band Can ship at once from stock if advised imme- diately. Bane Can you furnish from stock. If not, how soon can you make and ship. Brown Can you duplicate last shipment and at what price. Burton We can duplicate last shipment at former price. Boss We cannot duplicate last shipment at less than. Cabbage What quantity can you ship, and how soon of. Cabinet You must ship quickly. Cachet Ship earliest possible moment. Cart Ship by boat brick. Cast Ship by boat barrels of clay in sacks. Caddy Can you ship at once Cactus Telegraph when you can ship and give route. Case Trace by wire and give car number and route immediately, must have delivery. Cadence Trace shipment by wire and send bill lading. Cadger Your order will be shipped Bant Can supply in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Federal Silica Brick per M at Banter Can supply in car lotsf. o. b. your city, Federal Magnesia Brick per M at Bantered Can supply in car lots, f. o. b. your city, Federal Chrome Brick per M at Bantel Can supply in car lots, f . o. b. your city, Federal Dead Burned Grain Magnesite Brick per M at Banty Can supply in car lots, f . o. b. your city, Federal Chrome Ore in Lump at Bast Can supply in car lots, f . o. b. your city, Federal Chrome Ore Ground at tfVEtAtfir, OHIO. ' ;' J / 101 SHIPMENT Continued Cafard Do not make shipment until advised. Casting Ship National for heating furnace. Carriage Ship National for puddling furnace . Casse Ship National for boiler setting. Cascade Ship Standard for boiler setting. Cashbox Ship Standard for annealing fur- naces. Cashier Ship Minor for annealing furnaces. Casino Ship Lock Haven for malleable iron furnace. Caster Ship Aluminite Blocks for Rotary same as before. Castrel Ship Minor Blocks for cupola lining, outside diameter is. Castril Ship Federal Silica Brick for Open Hearth Furnace. Castrilled Ship Federal Silica Cement for laying Silica Brick. Castro Ship Federal Magnesite Brick. Castrod Ship Federal Chrome Brick. Castrum Ship Federal Chrome Ore Lump Low Silica. Castruet Ship Federal Chrome Ore Ground Low Silica. Castut Ship Federal Magnesite in Grain form for Bottoms. Castur Ship Federal Magnesite in Dust for laying brick. Casual Ship ^ each car brick and clay. Catcall Ship Tons No. 1 Ground Fire Clay. Canon . . ... Ship Tons Common Ground Fire Clay. Candle Ship barrels of fire clay. Caulker Ship carload fire clay in bulk. Crarat Ship carload fire clay in barrels. Calk Ship balance carload square brick. Cork Ship balance carload fire clay. Cow Ship balance minimum carload square brick. Cat Ship balance minimum carload fire clay. Count Do not ship material until further notice on our order number Cable If rate is same, route shipment via Capable Give us specifications longest time possible before shipments are required. 102 THE Sf OWE-FULLER t Co. SHIPMENT Continued Calyt What quantity of order have you ready for shipment. Calfskin Telegraph date of shipment with car number and route. Calico What date will you ship our order No Carius 40,000 pounds is minimum capacity of carload shipment. ANSWERS Child Brick in kiln now burning, will be cool enough to handle in Chilly Brick in kiln now loading, will ship Chime Brick loading, wire route and shipping instruc- tions. Choir We have shipped you to-day and will trace car number Choke Cars will be shipped will trace. Chink Wire car numbers on order number. Cheval Wire car numbers and route order number. Chess Cannot get cars, shipments delayed on account of railroad. Chamois Factory badly crippled for want of cars. Chasm Cannot get cars for your route, can we ship via Chat Railroad promises cars for shipment. Chapel Can ship as soon as we can obtain cars. Chaos. . . . Have in stock in our warehouse here only. Chalet If able to get better rate will wire you. Chapter If better rate is secured will give you benefit of same. Cherry Wire us if you can get better rate of freight. ANALYSIS Hack Quote price delivered and send analysis of Aluminite brick. Hato Quote price delivered and analysis of Chrome Ore. Hata Quote price delivered and analysis of Magnesite. Hand What percentage of Alumina does analysis of brick show. Heart What percentage of Silica does analysis of brick show. Hate brick shows by analysis to contain Alumina to a percentage of Hat brick shows by analysis to contain. Silica to a percentage of High Analysis gives only a trace of Help For your work what analysis do you require. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 103 TELEGRAPH Marble Telegraph at our expense. Market Telegram received and will have prompt atten- tion. Mast Telegram not understood. Please make it clear. Maze Telegram can be read by code but do not under- stand it. Mark Telegram received too late to Milk Telegraph when you will be in Main Telegraph whether quotation is accepted or not. Man Please reply immediately by telegraph. Mall Please answer our letter of SHAPES OF BRICK Faculty 9 in. Fire Brick. Fairy No. 2 Arch. Facutel Large 9 in. Brick. Fallacy Side Skeu Facial No. 1 Key. Faction No. 2 Key. Fagging No. 3 Key. Faggot No. 4 Key. Failless No. 1 Wedge. Fainted No. 2 Wedge. Fairhood No. 3 Wedge. Fairness No. 1 Arch. Fallow End Skew. Falsetto Skew Back. False No. 1 Neck. Falsehood No. 2 Neck. Fameless No. 3 Neck. Fanatic No. 1 Jamb. Fantacy No. 2 Jamb. Fame No. 3 Jamb. Farce outside diameter Circle Stack Liners. Farming inch outside diameter Circle Brick. Fardel inch outside diameter Cupola Block. SIZES OF TILE Fanlight 12 x 12 x 2 Feast 12 x 24 x 3 Farcical Farenell Farfadet . . . .12 x 15 x 2 12 x 18 x 2 . . . 12 x 12 x 2^ Feaze Febrite Feeble 12 x 30 x 3 12 x 36 x 3 12 x 18 x 4 Fairibole . 12 x 14 x 2^ Federal 12 x 33 x 4 Farsh . . . 12 x 15 x iy^ Feetless 15 x 30 x 4 Fashion 12 x 16 x 2j^ Feline 15 x 36 x 4 Fastner . 12 x 18 x 2^ Fullness 20 x 20 x 4 Fastnet 12 x 20 x 2}/2 Fellow . . 3x6x17 Fastening. . . . . 12 x 22 x 2% Feldspar 3 x 6 x 18 Fastness 12 x 24 x 2^ Felling. . .... 3 x 6 x 19 Fatalist . . 12 x 30 x iy^ Felt 3 x 6 x 20 Fawn 12 x 18 x 3 Female 3 x 6 x 24 Fealty 12 x 20 x 3 Reform . . Regard.. . Relax . . RATES . . .What is lowest rate of freight you can obtain to . . . Give through rate of freight, carload lots to .... . . . Give through rate of freight, in less than carload lots to Scoff f. o. b. cars our works. 104 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. RATES Continued Scoop f. o. b. cars your city. Silk We cannot obtain through rate to Sigh Freight rate by rail in carloads to Signal Freight rate by rail in less than carloads to .... Signet Freight rate by rail and water. Signat Freight rate, all water, f.o.b. dock your city. Signow Freight rate including handling brick. Calf Have raised your order to minimum carload. Caw Can we raise your order to minimum carload. Crafish It will require more brick to make mini- mum carload. Candor It will require tons clay to make mini- mum carload. MONEY Dab One dollars. Dad Two Date Three Dare Four Daw Five Day Six Dale Seven Daisy Eight Daft Nine Dart Ten Dark Eleven Done Twelve Dog Thirteen Dyre Fourteen Disgust Fifteen Duty Sixteen Dare Seventeen Dine Eighteen Doctor Nineteen Docile Twenty Dodger Twenty-one Dogma Twenty-two Doleful Twenty-three Docket Twenty-four Divorce Twenty-five Ditty Twenty-six Diran Twenty-seven Divide Twenty-eight Distaff Twenty-nine Dogrel Thirty Distance Thirty-one Disrobe Thirty-two Diuretic Thirty-three Dizzy Thirty-four Dirt Thirty-five Dive Thirty-six Dire Thirty-seven Distress Thirty-eight Dissect Thirty-nine Dispute Forty Diverge Fifty Dispel Twenty-five Cents. Displease Fifty Disdain Seventy-five CLEVELAND, OHIO. 105 Dropsy. Dross. . Drover DRAFTS . I (we) have to-day drawn on you, and expect you to protect draft for .Will make draft on you for amount of your account, if we do not hear from you before the . Why do you not protect our draft? Depose Deport Depict . . Density . ORDERS . Cancel order unless you can fill it at once. .Cannot cancel order on account of brick being made up. . Do not fill our order until you receive full instruc- tions by mail. . Cannot fill order for brick at once. Can we substitute something else of equal quality. NUMBERS Earn 500 Eater 1000 Ebbing 2000 Ebony 3000 Ecaille 4000 Ecbatic 5000 Echelon 6000 Echo 7000 Eclair 8000 Eclat 9000 Ecoiler. ..... .10000 Ecurie 11000 Edacity 12000 Eddy 13000 Edge 14000 Edict 15000 Edifice 16000 Edify 17000 Editor 18000 Efface 19000 Effete 20000 Emply 21000 Employ 22000 Embark . . . . 23000 Eider 24000 Either 25000 Effort 26000 Efflux 27000 Early 28000 Effect 29000 Elegance 30000 Elder 31000 Elicit 32000 Elegy 33000 Eloud 34000 Effigy 35000 Enforce 36000 Engage 37000 Elbow 38000 Egotist 39000 Elixir 40000 Elvan 50000 Ember 60000 Emblem 70000 Embassy 80000 Emfat 90000 Emperor. . . . 100000 106 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. DATES AND TIME Ultimo Instant Proximo 1st Vacant. Wable. Weary. 2nd Vacation. Wad. Weasel. 3rd Vade. Wadded. Web. 4th Vail. Wag. Weed. 5th Valid. Wager. Weigh. 6th Valise. Wagon. Wend. 7th Valley. Wail. Whack. 8th Valor. Wain. Whale. 9th Vamp. Wave. Whang. 10th Van. Wake. Wharf. llth Vandal. Walk. Wheat. 12th Vanish. Wall. Wheel. 13th Vapor. Walnut. Whelp. 14th Varlet. Wampum. Whiff. 15th Varnish. Wander. Whig. 16th Vary. Wane. Whim. 17th Vase. Wanton. Whine. 18th Vat. Warble. Whip. 19th Vault. Warfare. Whisk. 20th Vein. Warm. Whit. 21st Velvet. Wary. Whoop. 22nd Vender. Wash. Wicked. 23rd Venom. Waste. Widow. 24th Vent. Watch. Wife. 25th Venture. Water. Wig. 26th Verbal. Wattle. Wild. 27th Verdant. Wavering. Win. 28th Verdure. Wax. Winch. 29th Verge. Weak. , Wind. 30th , Verse. Wealth. Wine. 31st Vesper. Wean. Window. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 107 CONCLUSION To give a complete list of cuts would make this catalogue too bulky and cumbersome for reference, and the aim has been to enumerate only enough to represent the extent and variety of goods we manufacture. We make everything and anything in the line of fire brick. The manufacture of clay products is a science and an art, and it takes years of practical expe- rience to learn the nature of the material, the tests to which fire brick are subjected, and much other necessary knowledge, together with the most careful selection of clays and great skill in mixing, moulding and burning. We own and mine our raw materials and coal, which, together with over 30 years experience, gives us a decided advantage in the manufac- ture of refractories. We invite correspondence, and are pleased to give any information in our power that will help our customers in the proper selection of materi- al adapted to their special work. In conclusion we desire to thank our many customers for past favors, and shall hope to con- tinue our pleasant relations, and at the same time to add new patrons to make our business even more successful in future. Yours truly, The Stowe-Fuller Co. 108 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. MEMORANDA CLEVELAND, OHIO. 109 MEMORANDA 110 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. MEMORANDA CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ill MEMORANDA 112 THE STOWE-FULLER Co. MEMORANDA RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 1 3 198S L ^4 ZTVQF r>