University of California Berkeley THE AMERICAN YOUTH: BEING A NEW AND COiMPLETE COURSE O F Introductory Mathematics : DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF PRIVATE STUDENTS. B Y CONSIDER and JOHN STERRY. VOL. I. 'where the mind In endlefs growth and infinite afcent, Rifes fromjiate tofeate^ and world to world. THOMSON, PRINTED AT PROVIDENCE, BY BENNETT WHEELER, FOR THE AITTHORS, PREFACE. TIME, ever big with wonders to be unfolded to the human mind, has ujh- ered in y through a feries of the mofl important events, the rifing Empire of America \ who hath eftablifhed her own Independence^ and the flame of her liberty has Jpread itjelf to the remo&fl parts of the earth j the cf- fett of which great example has not yet Jpent its force, but mufl continue to operate throughout ages, and form a grand ingredient in the affive fermentation, and in the hiftory of nations* But the great objett of true national dignity and grandeur ', conjifts in the cultivation of the human mind, whereby the natural fav age barbarity^ rudenefs and im becility of human nature are eradicated, and thofe prin ciples of knowledge and virtue engrafted in the foul, which are the foundation of that knowledge and pre eminence of merit, which isthenobleft of all diftinftions. As foon as we begin to exift, that Javage and im becile fpirit takes root in the Joul, and grows as the mind enlarges, tilltheje^ds of knowledge by cultivation do take effectual root, and then like the tender bud it will burfl its native bonds, expand and flgurijh in its own beauty ; Ths veil will then disappear, and an infinite . infinite diverfity offcenes, both plea iv ill open themjelves to our view. But in order to f re- fare the mind for thefe f leafing and enlarging views, we muft early employ ourf elves in the Jiudy offomething which is noble and important, whereby our minds may be cultivated aud brought to maturity. cc A jufl and perfect acquaintance with thefimple elements offcience, is a neceffary Jhp towards our future progrefs and ad vancement j and this, ajfiftedby laborious mvejiigation, and habitual enquiry will conjlantly lead to eminence and perfection " to the Authors -, da fed March i, 1787. GENTLEMEN, cc T H A V E perufed the firft Volume of your new A courfe of introdu6tory Mathematics, entitled THE AMERICAN YOUTH ; and it appears to me a work well executed, and compatible with its defign. You have given your rules and examples in a con- cife, plain and familiar manner, and confequently well-adapted your matter to the capacities of learn ers : I therefore efteem it a very valuable perform ance, and wilh you fuccefs in its publication, and that it may meet with an encouragement from the public equal to its merit." B Frcm RECOMMENDATIONS. From Mr. JARED MANSFIELD, to the Authors \ dated ) December, 1787. GENTLEMEN, *\TO U R Treatife of Arithmetic and Algebra, A I have perufed with care and attention, and have the pleafure of afluring you I think it a work of ingenuity and merit. My reading of mathemati cal books hath been extensive -, yet I know of no writer who hath treated thefe fubjeds in a more fcientific and comprehenfive manner, and at the fame time accommodated his matter fo well to the capa cities of learners, as I find to be done in your work. If you publifh it (which I hope you will not fail to do) I have no doubt it will be received into our Schools and Seminaries, as it is high time that Ward, Hammond, and other inferior treatifes now in com mon ufe, were exploded. For my own part, as a lover of Mathematics, I wifh you all pofiible fuccefs* and that you may be encouraged to proceed, and write on the higher and more fublime branches of the Mathematics j and that a fpirit of emulation may be excited among the Youth of America, to excel in thefe ufeful and exalted, but hitherto much-neg- lefted purfuits." > i ^MiiNM^ Of Multiplication, &;c. of Compounds, 63 X. Of Reduction, 6S PART II. I. Of Definitions and Illuftrations, J6 II. Of Redudion of Vulgar Fra&ions, 78 III. Of Addition, &c. of Vulgar Fractions, 95 P "A R T III. I. Of Definitions and Illuftrations, 100 II. Of Addition, &c. of Decimal Fractions, 102 III. Of Redu&ion of Decimals, 114 A Supplement to P A R T III. Chap. Page I. Of Definitions and Illuftrations, 119 II. Of Reduction of circulating ; Decimals, 121 III. Of Addition, &c. of circulating Decimals, 127 A Supplement to PART I. I. Of Proportion, or Analogy, 132 II. Of Disjunct Proportion, 149 III. Of Simple Intereft, 162 IV. Of Compound Intereftj 179 V. Of Rebate, or Difcount, 183 VI. Of Equation of Pay ments, 187 VII. Of Barter, 189 Vill. Of Loft and Gain, 191 IX. OfFellowfhip, 193 X. Of Compound Proportion, 200 XL Of Conjoined Proportion, 204 XII. Of Allegation, 206 XIII. Of Pofnion, or the Gueffing Rule, 214 XIV. Concerning Permutation & Combination, 218 XV. Of Involution, 228 XVI. Of Evolution., 229 BOOK II. I. Of Definitions and Illuftrations 3 241 II. Of Addition of whole Quantities, 245 III. Of Subtraction of whole Quantities, 248 IV. Of Multiplication, 249 V. OfDivifion, 252 VI. Of In volution of whole Quantities, 257 VIL Chap. f Page VII. Of Multiplication and Divifion of Powers, 265 VIII. Of Evolution of whole Quantities, 268 IX. Of Algebraic Fradtions, 273 X. Concerning Surd Quantities, 285 XI. Of infinite Series, 296 XII. Of Proportion, 306 XIII. Of fimple Equations, 315 XIV. -Of Extermination of unknownQuantities, 321 XV. Solution of a Variety of Queftions, 330 XVI. Of Quadratic Equations, 341 XVII. Solution of Queftions with Quadratics, 348 XVIII. Of the Generis of Equations, 355 XIX. Of the Transformation of Equations, &c. 362 XX. Of theRefolution of Equations byDivifors, 368 XXI. Of finding the Roots of numeral Equa tions, by the Method of Approximation, 373 XXII, Concerning unlimited Problems, 377 ALTHOUGH the Authors ex amined the Proof-Sheets^ yet the follow ing efcaped their Notice. ERRATA. PAGE 28, laft line, dele See the Example. P. 34, 1> 12. read 69530000. 1. 14, r. 720800. P. 35, 1. 1 8, for 3, r. 4. P. 55, 1. 4, f. content. 1. 24, for 3 qr. 3 na. r. i qr. 3 oa. 1. 26, for 3qr. 2 na. r. i. qr. 2 na. P. 67, 1. 4, r. 105 dol. P. 74, 1. 9, r. 5638^8. 1. 19, r. 15480 yards. P. 77, L 20, for in, r. is. P. 80, 1. 13, for 13, r. 15. P. 85, 1. i, for 2o%- -;- 20, r. 20-0 24. P. ioo, 1. 15, for .5, r. 5. P. 1 06, L 20, r. preceding. P. 107, 1. 27, r. 8rr. P. 113, 1. 12, r. 31.415* &c - p - i3 2 >l-25, r. numbers. P. 157, 1. 13, r. operation. P. 169, I. 13, r. 49cts. P. 193, I. 7, r. 51 dol. 72^4 cts. 1. 15, r. fcllowfhip. P. 322, 1. 5, r. 6X2X6. P. 245, 1. 16, for -j-20, r. +2#. P. 246, for ax> r. az. P. 249, for \/aw yb y r. ^aw yb. P. 266, 1. i6,r. i+j^-5-jf-f.yl*. P. 288, for a*, r. a*. P. 353, 1. 1 6, for laft, r.xvi. P. 357,!. 19, r. v = c - I J - 379? 1- 9> ^ad axiom 8. J. 10, r. axiom 8, 1. 1 8, r. axiom 8. P. 380, 1. i, r. ax. 7. 1. 2, r. ax. 9. 1. 3, r. ax. 8. 1. 5, r. ax. 8. BOOK I. OF ARITHMETIC. !>OO<>^^ PART I. 4RITHMETIC of WHOLE NUMBERS. CHAP. L Of DEFINITIONS and ILLUSTRATIONS. ARITHMETIC confift&of three parts'; twa of which are natural, and the third artificial* The firft part of natural Arithmetic,- is wherein an unit or integer reprefents one whole quantity, of any kind or fpecies ; and is therefore ftiled Arithmetic of whole numbers. The fecond part of natural A- rithmetic, is wherein an unit is confidered as broken or divided into parts, either even or uneven, which are considered either as pure parts of an unit, or as parts mixed with an unit -, and is ufually ftiled the doctrine of vulgar fractions . The third parr, or ar tificial Arithmetic, is an- eafy and elegant method of managing fractional, or broken quantities ; the oper ations are nearly fimilar to thofe of whole numbers* This part is of general ufe in the various branches of the Mathematics. C THE ( 18 ) THE operations of common Arithmetic in all its parts, are performed by the various ordering and difpofmg of ten Arabic characters, or numeral fi gures ; which are thefe following, viz. one two three four five fix feven eight nine cypher 1234567 8. 9 AN unit (by Euclid) is that by which every thing that is, is one ; and number is compofed of a multi tude of units* NINE of the aforefaid figures, are compofed of units ; each character reprefenting fo many units put together in one fum, as was intended they fhould de note ; nine of thofe units, being the greateft number which is thought bed for any one character to re- prefent ; the lail of the before-mentioned characters, is a cypher, or as fome call it a nothing ; for of itfelf it is nothing ; becaufe, if ever fo many cyphers be added to, or fubtracted from an unit or number, they will neither increafe nor diminifh its value : con- fequently a cypher of itfelf is no aflignable quantity ; but cyphers annexed or prefixed to an unit or num ber, will increafe, or diminifh that unit or number in a tenfold proportion. THAT the learner may underftand the following fheets, it is abfolutely necefifary for him to be well acquainted with the following Algebraic figns. SIGNS & NAMSS. SIGNIFICATIONS, fis the fign of Addition : as 4+6, + Plus, or more,] w ,f ich d <- es . that 6 is to be add- M ed to 4, and is read thus, (.4 more 6. is the fign of Subtraction: as 4 ~~ 2 > which nifies that 2 is to X into, Minus o us,o .thus, 4 lefs 2. X into, or with, by, ~ equal, fo is, is the fign of Multiplication: thus 4X3 denotes, that 3 is to be mul tiplied into 4 ; and is read thus, 4 into, or with, 3. is the fign of Divifion : thus 6-:-3, is 6 divided by 3, or f, fig- nifies the fame thing ; and is read thus, 6 by 3. is the fign of Equality : and whenever this fign is placed be tween any two quantities, it de notes that thofe quantities are equal : thus 99 ; that is, 9 e- quals 9 ; alfo 6+410, is read C 6 more 4 equals 10. pis the fign of Proportionality ; and is always placed between the iecond and third numbers that are in proportion : thus ii p is alfo a fign of Proportion, and is I placed between the firft and fe- : to, \ cond, third and fourth numbers i in proportion : thus a:4::j:6; is read thus, 2 to 4 fo is 3 to 6. A +6X2 ("denotes the fum of 4 & 6 mul- Jtiplied with 2. fr is the fign of continued Proportion. THE whole doftrine of Number is founded on the five following general rules, to wit, Notation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Divifion, CHAP. IL CHAR IL O/ NOVATION or NUMERATION. TV T OTATION or Numeration teaches us, J[\| how to exprefs the value of figures ; and con- iequently to note or write do\jn any propofed num 'l}er, according to itsjuft value ; in the operation of which, two things muft be obferved, viz, the order of writing down figures, and the method of valuing each in its proper place, as in the following Table ; :ON TABLE. nds of Millions (A a, 1 o now there being no more places of figures, fet down the i and the work is done. (Seethe eisamplo?) THE ' ( 29 ) THE truth of fubtraction is founded on the fame felf-evident proportion, or axiom, as that of Addition) viz. the whole is equal to ajl its parts taken together. From which propofition is deduced the following method of proving your work, to wit, by adding the fubtrahend, or number to be fubtradted, to the re mainder : for the number from which fubtraclion is made, is here confidered as the whole, and the fub trahend, as a part of that whole ; coniequently if that part be taken from the whole, the remainder will be the other part ; therefore if both parts when added together, be equal to the whole, the work is right. HENCE it is manifeft that fubtraction may be proved by fubtraction ; for if from 67834 the whole, is taken 53723 a part of that whole, there will remain, 14111 the other part ; and if from 67834 the whole, there is taken the laft part 14111 there will remain 53723 the firil part, or fubtrahend: confequently, &c. AGAIN, if from 17942 the whole, is taken 13724 a part of that whole $ there will remain 14218 the other part, 27g42~fum of the fubtrahend and remainder the whole. TAKE the following examples for practice. From 37654 394076 2876955 7 6 54i09 take 28765 123468 423610 347472 Rem.' CHAP. V. M ( 3Q ) CHAP. V. Of SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. ULT I PLICATION is a rule by which a given number may be increafed any num ber of times propofed. THERE are three requifites in Multiplication : firft, the multiplicand, or number to be multiplied : fec- oncl, the multiplier, which denotes how many times the multiplicand is to be taken ; for by Euclid^ as many units as there are in the multiplier, fo many times is the multiplicand to be added to itfelf : third, the producl, or multiplicand increafed fo many times as there are units in the multiplier. SUPPOSE for example, that 7 be increafed 4 times ; that is, to multiply 7 into or with 4 ; thefe numbers muft be placed as in Addition, , T 7 multifile and JS > 1 4 multiplier 28 produft. Now that 4 times 7 make 28, will appear evident by fetting down the multiplicand 4 times, and adding up the whole, as in this, f" 7 7 7 7 i%~fum or fro du ft. HENCE it is plain, that multiplication is a con- cife method of Addition. BUT before you proceed any further on the fub- jeft of multiplication, you muft learn the following Table : MUL- MULTIPLICATION TABLE. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 H 16 18 20 22 2 4 3 6 9 12 '5 18 21 24 27 3 33 3 6 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 3 2 36 4 44 48 5 10 IS 20 25 3 35 40 45 5 55 60 6 12 18 24 3 36 42 48 54 60 66 7 2 7 H 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 1 08 10 20 3 40 5 60 70 80 90 IOO IIO 120 ii 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 I IO 121 I 3 2 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 1 08 120 132 144 FOR an explanation of the foregoing Table, fup- pofe that it were required to find the product of 3X4. Firft, look in the left hand column for 3, and right oppofite with it in the column under 4 at the top, is 12, the product of 3X4. AGAIN, to find the product of 9X12. Look for 9 in the left hand column as before, and right oppo- fite to it, under 12 in the upper column, is 108, the product required ; and the like is to be underftood of all the reft. HAVING given you this fhort, but comprehenfive idea of the foregoing Table, we lhall now proceed ta examples, ( __> examples, with this caution^ to wit, that in multiply ing, care muft be taken, that the product of the firil figures, ftand directly under its multiplier ; alfo re membering to carry i for every 10 of the product. EXAMPLES. IT is required to multiply 120X945 which placed as before directed will ftand thus, 1 20 multiplicand 94 multiplier --. HERE you begin with that figure of your multi plier, which (lands in the units* place, viz. 4, faying 4 times o is o, which fet down directly under the figure you are multiplying with ; then fay 4 times 2 is 8, which fet under the 9; then 4 times i is 4, which alfo place as in the example ; and the product of the multiplicand with the firft figure of your multiplier, is 480 : then begin with the next figure of your mul tiplier, faying 9 times o is o, which place under your multiplying figure, then fay 9 times 2 is 185 here fee down 8 and carry i to the next place, faying 9 times i is 9, and i that I carry makes 10; now this being the product of the laft place of figures, fet down the whole, and the product of the multiplicand, with the fecond figure of your multiplier is 1080, or more properly 10800 : then adding up both products, their fum is 11280, the product required. (See the example above.) IT is required to multiply 2439X421 - 9 thefe num bers placed as directed will ftand thus, ( 33 ) thus, -j 4 i faffors 0/2439X1 / 2439X400 0/2439X421 THE annexing of cyphers, as in the lad example, is to fupply the vacant places ; and to fhew the fev- eral products are fncreafed in a tenfold proportion, with regard to the places in which your multiplying figures (land. Thus the product of the multiplicand with the fecond figure of your multiplier, is not the product of 2439X2, but the produ6l of 2439X2 tens or 20 ; which product is 10 times more than it would have been, had the multiplying figure (2) flood in the units' place -, fo alfo the annexing of two cyphers, as in the product of the multiplicand with the third figure of the multiplier, to wit, 4, is becaufe that figure Hands in the hundreds' place; and therefore the product is not 2439X4* but really the product of 2439X400 j yet thofe cyphers may be omitted, by obferving the direction in the beginning of this chapter, viz. that the firll figure of the feveral pro ducts (land directly beneath its correfponding figure f the multiplier. Find the product of 24354X 32001 24354 48708 73062 779352354= 24354X32001 ~^mfo# required, E " HERE ( J4 ) HERE you may obferve that we pafs the cyphers, taking care only to place the next figure according to the foregoing directions. WHEN there are cyphers on the right-hand of the multiplicand, or multiplier, or to both, you may mul tiply the figures as before, neglecting the cyphers, until you have found the product of the digets only ; to which annex. fo many cyphers as there are in both faftors : as in thefe, 848 6953 000 fi c 347 6 5X 200 636 720820^:21200X34 MB 24000000? , ' 24000000 \ J 96 48 57600000000000011 24000000 X 24000000 IF it be required to multiply any number with 10,100,1060, &c. you need only annex to your mul tiplicand fo many cyphers as are in the multiplier, and the work is done ; as in the following, 20X100-2000 300X1000=300000 26460X1000012:264600000 HERE it may perhaps be ufeful, to acquaint the learner of the method of performing Multiplication by Addition - 9 which in fome cafes will be found ufe ful : ful : the method is as follows : firft, fet down the 9 digets, or numeral figures, in a fmall column made for that purpofe -, then againft i, place the multiplicand, againft 2, double the multiplicand, againft 3, three times the multiplicand, and fo on to the laft. Find the product of 2439X421 by Addition, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. i 2439irtf/fl 'I tip I 2 3 4878=2 times 7317:1:3 do. 4 975 6 =4 do. 5 12195=5 do. 6 14634=6 do. 7 17073=7 do. 8 19512=8 do. 9 21951=9 do. r i is 2439 . againft < 2 4878 Sum z:pro. req. HERE it is evident, that the foregoing table will ferve let the multiplier be any number whatever ; for fuppofe it were required to find the product of 2439>< 6 734- OPERATION. againft 9756=2439X4 73^7 2439X30 17073 2439X700 14634 1^2439X6000 Sum EXAM- EXAMPLES. 691861X26=17988386 346732X6523:226069264 7 9 1 37 5X3000011237041 250000 129186X981:12660228 7600 1 > 1 302:1:98953302 3581X2007=17187067 THE proof of Multiplication, is bed done by Divifion. CHAP. VI. Of DIVISION of SIMPLE NUMBERS. IVISION is a fpeedy method of fubtrafting one number from another ; to know how many times one number is contained in another ; and alfo \vhat remains. THERE are three requifites in Divifion; thedivifor; the dividend, and the quotient; which fhews how many times the divifor is contained in the dividend. WHEN any number meafures another, the number fo meafured, is faid to be a multiple of the other : thus, 21 is meafured by 7, for 7 is contained juil 3 times in 21 ; confequently 21 is a multiple of 7. ONE number is faid to meafure another, by a third number, when it- either multiplies, or is multiplied by the meafnring number, produces the number meafured. (See Euc'/id's 7th book, def. 23.) HENCE it follows, that in Divifion the quotient rnuft be fuch a number, which if multiplied with the divifor, will produce the dividend ; confequently Divifion ( 37 ) Divifion is the reverfe of Multiplication ; and there fore operations in Divifion, muft be performed direct ly reverfe of thofe in Multiplication -, that is, the di- vifor muft be placed firft ; then make a flroke on the right-hancfcof it, and fet down your dividend, on the right-hand of which, make another ftroke, to feper- ate the dividend from the quotient ; then begin on the left-hand, and decreaie the dividend by a re peated fubtra&ion of the products of the divifor and each quotient figure, as they become known. EXAMPLES, REQUIRED to divide 344 by 4; the operation of which will Hand in the following order, dividend divifor 4^344(86 quotient 24 24 oo THE explanation of the above is as follows : firft enquire how many times your divifor, which confifts of i figure, is contained in the firft figure of your divi dend, which is o times ; becaufe your divifor (4) is greater, than the firfl figure of your dividend (3), as appears by inflection ; and therefore cannot meafure it ; for a greater number to meafure a lefs is abfurd ; therefore you muft increafe the value of the firft figure of the dividend, by taking the annexed figure (4) into the expreflion ; which will then be 34 (for the reafons before given) ; then enquire how many times your divifor is contained in thofe two figures of ( 38 ) of the dividend, to wit, 34 ; which is 8 times, for 8 times 4 is 32, and 32 being the greatefl multiple of the divifor that can be made under 34 -, confequent- ly 8 mult be the firft figure of the quotient, which place as in the example - y then multiplying the quo tient figure (8) with your divifor, as in Multiplica tion, fubtract their product from thofe two figures of the dividend, by which the faid quotient figure was obtained ; and to the remainder (2) annex the next figure of your dividend (4), and the remainder fo in- creafed becomes 24 ; then enquire how many times 4 is contained in 24, which is 6 times > therefore place 6 in the quotient, and multiply it with your divifor, fubtracting their product as before, and the work is done. (See the example page 37.) Now the quotient obtained in the example is 86 - } and there being no remainder, fhews that 4 is con tained in 344, juft 86 times. THE greateft difficulty in divifion, is when your divifor confifls of many places of figures, and does not exactly meafure the figures of the dividend with which you compare it : therefore to find the right quotient figure, may be done by confidering that the product of the quotient figure with your divifor, rouft never be greater than that part of the dividend, with which you compare it ; nor yet fo fmall, that the number remaining after fubtracting the product of the quotient figure and divifor from the aforefaid part of the dividend, fhall be greater than the divifor. Therefore by fuppofing a figure for the quotient, and multiplying it with a figure or two on the left-hand of your divifor, you may eafily determine the right quo tient figure; which may be obtained by fuch mental operations, on the fecond or third trial, at fartheft. BY thoroughly obferving the foregoing directions, you may proceed to the performance of the following examples 5 ( 39 ) examples ; wherein we fhall prove thofe operations, performed in the laft chapter ; in order to which, we {hall begin with the fecond example; taking the pro- duel: of the factors for a dividend, and the multiplier for a divifor ; and proceed as before. (See the oper ation annexed.) dividend divifor 421 \ 10268 19(2439 quotient ) 84.2- 3789 3789 - ,.oo Note, // will be~l>:ji to point the figures of the divi dend, as they are annexed to the fever al remain ders > without which you may annex a wrong one. HERE you may fee the quotient is the fame as the multiplicand of the example before quoted ; which proves that the product of 2439X42.1:1:1026819. Required to divide 779352354 by 32001. OPER- ( jt-o ) OPERATION. 32001^779352354(24354:1:77935235432001 / 64002 139332 128004 113283 96003 172805 160005 12800.4 128004 ..... o Again, divide 1798836 by 26. OPERATION'. 26^1798836(69186 179883626 Ji 56 238 48 223 208 ~6 i$6 - *- Once ( 41 ) Once more, divide 12660228 by 98, OPERATION. 98 \ 1 2660228(1 291 %6 quotient required. 286 196 900 882 182 9* 842 784 588 588 IF there be cyphers annexed to the divifor and dividend, expunge an equal number in both faftors : as in the following example. Divide 694000 by 2000. OPERATION. 2(000^694(000(347^:694000-1-2000 14 14 F IT ( 42 ) IT will fometimes happen in Divifion, that the remainder, when augmented by annexing the next figure of the dividend, is lefs than the divifor, and confequently cannot be meafured by it; in which cafe, place o in the quotient, and annex the next figure of the dividend to the former number ; but if this number be ftill lefs than the divifor, place o in the quotient and annex another figure of the div idend ; and fo on, in like manner till the faid num ber be fo in-creafed, that it may be meafured by the divifor. (See this illuftrated in the following.) Divide 98953302 by 1302. OPERATION. 1302^98953302(760011198953302-7-1302 ' ...o THE proof of the remaining examples in Multi plication, are left to the fagacity of the learner. It is required to divide 32176432 by 3476. OPER- ( 43 ) OPERATION. 3476^32176432(9256 ^31284 8924 6952 19713 17380 23432 20856 2576 remainder. HERE follows fome examples and their anfwers without their work. What is the quotient of 23884044718-7-45007 ? Anfwer. 530674. What is the quotient of 34500000-7-100000 ? Anfwer. 345. What is the quotient of 24457 2OOO-T-J56 ? Anfwer. 687000. What is the quotient of 1332250-7-365 ? Anfwer, 3650. THAT DivifiooJs a fpeedy method of fubtra&ion, as before hinted, may ^be thus proved. Suppofe 18 were to be divided by 6 : firft fubtraft the divifor from the dividend, and the divifor again from that remainder, and fo on till nothing remains. (See the operation in the next page.) OPER- ( 44 ) OPERATION. 1 8 dividend 6 divifor 12 remainder 6 divifor 6 remainder 6 divifor HENCE it is manifeft, that the divifor is contained in the dividend, jufl 3 times -, that is, 3 times 6:1:18 : confequently, &c. ^. E. D. THE next thing to be confidered, is the proof of your work, i. e. whether the quotient found is a true one. The method is directly reverie of that ufed for the proof of Multiplication ; for, as the truth of Multiplication is known by Divifion, fo that of Di- vilion is known by Multiplication -, that is, by mul tiplying the quotient with the divifor, which product inuft be equal to the dividend - 3 therefore multiply the quotient with the divifor, and to their product add what remains after divifion; which aggregate will be equal to the dividend, if the work is right. THERE is another method of proving Divifion ; which is much fhorter than the former, and is no more than adding together the products of the fever- al quotient figures with the divifor, as they (land in your operation ; which aggregate, together with the remainder, will be equal to the dividend. (See the following example.) Required to divide 8765452 by 3463. OPER- ( 45 ) OPERATION. 3463)8765452(2531 + 6926- ' 3463X2000 18394 + I73IS 1=3463X500 10795 + 10389 =3463X30 4062 + 3463 =3463X1 + 599 remainder 8765452= dividend. 0,6926000+1731500+103890+3463 + 599:= 8765452. Therefore, &c. A SUPPLEMENT to CHAPTER VI. NOTWITHSTANDING what hath been faid on this fubject, refpecting the divifion of fimple quantities, is univerfally true ; yet there is another method of dividing quantities, which is very ready in practice ; and is therefore called Short Divi fion : this method is performed by the following Rules. RULE I. ARRANGE the factors as before in Divifion ; then by comparing the divifor with the dividend, you will ( 46 ) will obtain a quotient figure., which muft be let in its proper place, under that part of the dividend by which your divifor was compared ; valuing faid fig ure as though there were no other ; alfo obtain the difference (if any) of the product of the divifor and quotient figure, and the aforefaid part of the divi dend j prefixing that difference in your mind to the next figure of your dividend ; which forms an expref- fion for obtaining the next quotient figure, which muft be fet directly under that figure, to which the difference was prefixed ; and fo on till the whole be completed. EXAMPLES. Divide 46782 by 3. THOSE numbers being placed as directed will ftand thus, 3)46782 15594=46782-3 Again, divide 68432 by 4 : thus, 4^)68432 17 iQ%~quotient required. Note i. If there be a remainder after the lafl quo tient figure is found, Jet it at a little diflance on the right -hand of your quotient, making a dot with your pen, denoting the federation -, as in the following. Divide 13764 by 5 : thus, 5 \ 23764 / '\ ( J-7 ) Again, find the quotient of 732 r 56: thus, 6x73215 1 2 20 2 . Alfo, divide 43206 by 8 : thus, 8 \432io6 54013 . zrem, Note 2. If your divifor be 10, federate the fir ft fig ure on the right-hand of your dividend for a re mainder, and the work is done. thus, 10^76435(2^^. Find the quotient of 645384-^-12: thus, 12^645384 RULE II. 1. RESOLVE your divifor into feveral parts fuch, that their continued product fhall be equal to the given divifor. 2. SUBSTITUTE thofe parts fucceflively as divifors, in the following manner, viz. divide the given divi dend by one of thofe parts, now called divifors, and the refulting quotient by another of thofe divifors, and fo on 5 the laft quotient arifing by fuch divifors, will be the quotient required. EXAMPLE. Divide 2904 by 24, YOUR YOUR ditflfor refolved into parts as above directed will be, either 8 and 3, 6 and 4, or 1 2 and 2 -, for 8X3=24, 6X424) or 12X2=245 therefore let the parts be 6 and 4 ; then 29046^484, and 484-7-4 ~ 1 2i~quotient required ; and if the others be tryed they will equally fucceed. CHAP. VIL ADDITION of COMPOUND QUANTITIES or NUMBERS. ADDITION of compound quantities, is the add ing together numbers of different denomina tions, fo that their aggregate, or total amount may be known. The operations are performed by the following general R UL E. 1. WRITE down the feveral denominations fo, that all thofe of the fame name may ftand directly under each other. 2. BEGIN on the right-hand, at the leaft of the given denominations, adding together the whole of that denomination, as in Simple Addition ; then di vide this fum by fuch a number, as it takes parts to make one of the next greater denomination, placing the remainder (if any) under its own denomination, and carrying the quotient to the faid next greater denomination, add them up with the whole of that denomination, theri divide, as before; and fo on, from one denomination to another, until the whole be completed. SECT. ( 49 ) SECT. I. ADDITION of TROT WEIGHT. TROY WEIGHT is that by which gold, filver, jewels, medical compofitions, and all liquors are weighed. It is divided into four denominations, to wit, ft. pounds, oz. ounces, dwt. pennyweights and gr. grains, according to the following TABLE. .24Odfw/.:ni 2 ft . EXAMPLES. Find the fum of the following, i/j-tb. i loz. i6dwt. I 3^ r - + i9l6. iooz. IT dwt. ijgr. + ijfi). noz. iidwt. 22gr. THESE numbers being placed, according as the general rule directs, will Hand ft. oz. dwt. gr. fi4 ii 16 13 thusX 19 10 17 17 1 II 12 2 52 10 7 4^r jto required. _ i THEN begin at the lead denomination, to wit, grains, and adding together all that denomination, we find the fum to be 52 : now becaufe 24 grains make one pennyweight, divide 52 by 24, and the quotient will be 2, leaving a remainder of 4, which write under grains, and carry the quotient 2, to the next place, and adding it up with that denomination, we find the fum to be 47, which divide by 20 (becaufe 20 pennyweights make one ounce) and the quotient will G be be 2j leaving a remainder 7, which write in its prop er place, and carry the quotient 2., to the next place ; this being added up with the denomination, we find the Ium to be 34, which divided by 12 quotes 2, and 10 remaining; write this under its own denomina tion, and cany the quotient 2 to the next place, which added up with that denomination, we find the furn to be 525 and becaufe this is the lad denomination, write the whole, and the work is done. Hence we find the fum total to be 5216. 10 oz. *]dwt. and 4gr. as was required. (See the example, page 49,) Jb. oz : . dwt* gr. IJj. oz. dwt. gr. 37 I0 J 7 19 47 IX *9 2 4 12 7 12 17 27 8 17 20 17 10 17 12 19 7 12 17 18 9 19 23 10 5 15 -17 SEC T, JL ADDITION of MONET. *THIS is to find the aggregate, or ium total of fcv- tral (urns of money. EVERY nation of the world has a particular method of reckoning their money. Great-Britain makes ufc of pounds, fhillings, pence and farthings 3 and the United States followed the fame method, until the prefent fyflem of government was eflablillied ; by which it is enadlcd, that all the monies of every na tion or kingdom, fhall be reckoned or eftimated in America, in dollars and cents: fo that thefe two fpecies of money are to be made the ftandard money of the United States. Hitis thai 100 c$nt$ m.akt om dollar. -RX/W ( 5* ) EXAMPLES. Find the Him of ij^dol. I'-jcts. -\-\y-doL \gcts.-\~ 37$^0/. yicts. -\-2j$dol. yicts. Thefe being plage4 according to the general rule, will ftand cts. 1023 20 j "urn required. Note. Since 100 ^tf/j make one dollar, we mufl di vide thejum of the cents ly 100 ; but to divide by 100 is no more than tojeperate the two right-hand figures of the dividend for a remainder, the refl are the quotient, ^herefore^ after you have add ed up the laft flace of figures in the cents' place, proceed to the dollars' place as though the whole was but one denomination. Find the fum of i zjdol. v . , $37 do!, igcts.+ izzdol. yicts. -\-ii7 dot. yocts* do I. cts. 127 19 278 19 137 19 122 92 1 27 90. 793 39=/^m required. dol. cts. dol. cts. doL cts. 127 17 3787 19 2784 19 172 57 3729 72 1234 27 189 68 4229 91 3456 78 Total ZZZZH HHZZI ZZZZZ HAVING thus explained the principles, and given a general rule for the Addition of all compounds in whole numbers ; we lhall leave the reft to the faga- city of the learner, who with the affiftahce of the fol lowing tables and examples, will be able to manage any fuch compounds as have relation therewith. SECT. III. Of AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. By Avoirdupois Weight are weighed, flefh, but ter, cheefe, fait ; alfo all coarfe and drofTy commodi ties i as grocery wares; likewife pitch, tar, rofin, wax, iron, flee], copper, brafs, tin, lead, hemp, flax, tobacco, &c. THE characters in Avoirdupois Weight zxtdr. oz. Ib. qr. C. c f. that is drachm, ounce, pound, quarter, hundred, tun. TABLE. 16 dr.-=.\ oz. 256^. i60%.=i/. 7168^.= ir. 2867 2 dr.-=^\ 79202;.=! 57344O ^.=35840 6>2;.^z EXAMPLES. ?. C. qr. Ib. oz. dr. T. C. qr. Ib. oz. dr. 346 12 2 16 10 14 576 19 i 16 12 13 67 16 3 22 8 10 867 4 o 24 14 13 4"6 10 3 15 12 15 453 6 3 27 3 4 SECT. ( 53 ) SEC T. IV. Of APOTHECARIES HEIGHT. THE Apothecaries pound and ounce is the fame as the pound and ounce Troy, but differently di vided, as in the following TABLE. 20 jr. 13. 6oT.=39.=i3. 48037. = 249. APOTHECARIES make ufe of thefe weights in the compofition or mixture of their medicines, but fell their drugs by Avoirdupois Weight. EXAMPLES. K- I- 5- 3- Z r - K>- I- 3- 9- Z r - 124 10 4 2 14 266 9 5 i 15 64 8 6 i 16 76 10 4 2 14 30 ii 7 o 17 96 ii 6 2 10 50 9 3 i 12 10 7 i i SECT. V. BY Long Meafure, is eftimaied length, where no regard is had to breadth : or in other words, it meaf- ures the diilance of one thing from another : and the ufual method of dividing and fub-dividmg of length, is into degrees, leagues, mile's, furlongs, poles, yards, feet, inches, and barley-corns, as in the following TABLE L 23760^. 190080^. ( 54 ) ^63-360 fa.^$2%of.=i76oyd.^32op.==&fur.==: i m. 570240^.=! TABLE II zifur. 1 90080^. =63360 /#.=528o/.=i 7 60^.= i 60 t^.=i3/ar,=: i ^. 570240 ^.=1 90080 f.=i 5 840/.==528ojK^.==48or, =24/r.=2 w.= i /^. 1 1 404800 ^f. =38oi6oo///.= 3 1 68oo/.= 105600^=^9600 -cb.=.4.%ofur.= 60 ;.== THE length of a degree as laid down in table ad. is not to be underftood as the true one, but the length of a degree as commonly received and pra6lifed ; for the length of the greatefl degree is yo^Vrniles, and the leaft 67^. miles nearly; a mean degree is there-' fore 6 8-^ miles. EXAMPLES. deg. h. m.fur. cb. yd. f. in, be* I2O 14 2 6 14 5 2 1O I 87 12 o 7 12 3 i 50 90 19 i 5 18 2 2 42 332 15 i 7 12 8 i 10 2 19 a o 14 9 2 9 i 6 13 5 o 4 10 4 9 S E C TV ( 55 ) SECT. VI. Of LAND MEASURE. THE ufe of this meafure, is to find the area or fu- perficial content of any piece of land in acres, and pares of an acre - 3 which parts are as in the following TABLE. I . .fy.yd.iofq. cb.=ifq. qr. 43560 f- ~ ,c/. fl&.=4/j. qr.^ifq. acre* EXAMPLES. :b. yd. /. ac. qr. cb. yd. f. '6 104 - 8 9.2 i 7 loo 7 j 7 1 1 1 7 27 3 7 98 8 24 90 7 39 o 7 117 7 SECT. VII, Of CLOTH MEASURE. THE divifions of Cloth Meafure are as in the foyowing TABLE. Ailb, j^r.s=i^// EXAMPLES. yd. qr. . rt. \Jir. 4794 #. /'#.=-68 ^r/. =17 tf/.=2/r.=i A//. 9588 c^. ;/;.=:i36 ^.=34 H gal. .=i ^r. 14382 r^. kil.i bar.~i bbd. EXAMPLES. bbd. kit. fir. gal. qrt. bhd. kit. fir. gal. qrt. 79 2 i 7 2 73 2 i 6 3 64 3 o 5 ; j o 97 i i 7 2 49 i 162 37 2120 SECT. X. O/ the MEASURE of flME. IN the divifion of Time, a year is made thefland- ard or integer, which is determined by the revolu tion of fome celeftial v body in its orbit ; which body is either the fun or moon. The time meafured by the fun's revolution in the "ecliptic (or imaginary circle in the heavens, fo called by aftronomers) from any equinox or foltice to the fame again, is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 57 feconds, and is called the iblar or tropical year. Although the folar year before mentioned, is the only proper or natural year, yet the civil or Julian year is the one which the dif ferent nations of the world make ufe of in the re gulation of civil affairs. THE civil folar year contains 365 days, 6 hours ; but in common mathematical computations, the odd hours are generally negledled, and the year taken only for 365 days; from which, the divifions in the following TABLE are made, wherein a fecond is con- fidered (as it really is) the lead part of time that can be truly meafured by any mechanical engine. 6o*.-=i / . 36oo // .=6o / .=i ?4&.=:i d. 3i536ooo // .=^ ^i year. EXAM- (59 ) EXAMPLES. y. d. h. l " y. d. h. ' " 167 272 14 42 29 173 192 10 17 29 234 i?3 22 58 59 346 364 23 59 59 39 290 19 19 19 199 170 19 17 16 43 222 22 22 22 344 19 IO 34 46 99 99 20 57 21 79 38 23 43 43 SECT. XL Of CIRCULAR MOTION. WHAT is here meant by Circular Motion, is that of the heavenly bodies in their orbits ; which are reck oned in figns, degrees, minutes, and feconds, as in the following TABLE. / =6o / =io. io8ooo // .=i8oo / =30 d =16". 1 296ooo"=2 1 6oo / =36o=i 2 S* great circle of the ecliptic * EXAMPLES. S. * : S. ' ^ 10 12 30 10 II 13 13 IJ 9 ii 47 47 8 17 23 43 4 37 4 7 29 44 27 7 24 42 36 6 19 38 59 Note. In the Addition of Circular Motion* when- the Jum of the Jigns exceed 1 2, or any inultifle of if, writs fuch excefs in the place of Jigns , rejecting tht reft. Note. Note. In order to prevent a mijconftruftion of the abbreviations , in the nine preceding TABLES, ive have Jubjoined the following explanation, viz. gr. Jiands for grains. ^Jcruples. % drachms, g ounces, fl3 pounds. be. barley-corns, in. inches. f. feet. yd. yards, ch. chains, p. poles, fur. furlongs, m. miles, le. leagues, deg. degrees. fq.Jquare. qr. quarters, ac. acres. na. nails. Flern. Flemijh. Eng. Englijh. Fr. French. cu. cubic. qrt. quarts, gal. gallons, pc. pecks, bufh. bufhels. tr. tierces, hhd. hog/heads, pun. punch eons, bt. butts. fir. firkins, kil. kilderkins, bar. barrels. "feconds. * minutes, h. hours, d.days. y. years. degrees. S. Signs. CHAP. VIII. SUBTRACTION of COMPOUNDS. ' SUBTRACTION of Compounds is the taking o;ie number from another: and is performed by the following general R ULE. 1. RANGE the given denominations according to the dire&ions in the laft chapter. 2. BEGINT at the fame place as in Addition, to wit, at theleaftof the given denominations, fubtra&ing the lower number from the upper, as in Simple Subtrac tion, writing the difference under its own name ; but if the number in the fubtrahend or under number, be greater than that which (lands direftly over it (as it prten happens) you mult add to your upper number, fo many units of that denomination as are equal to one one of the next greater ; from which perform thein- tended fubtmetion, writing the difference as before. Then proceed to the next place, where you muft pay what you before borrowed of this denomination, by adding one to the fubtrahend, and then perform fub- tradtion as before > and fo on to the laft place, where the fubtraclion is performed as in fimple quantities. EXAMPLES. From 37 ft 1002. 17 dwt. 2Or. take 27 ft noz. 19 dwt. ijgr. Thefe numbers being placed according to the rule, will ftand ft cz. dwt. gr. 37 io 17 20 27 ii 19 17 9 io 1 8 3 diff. required. HERE beginning at the leaft denomination, to wit, at- grains, fubtract 17 from 20, and there remains 3, which write under its own namej then pro ceed to the next denomination - 9 but here the under number is the greateft, and therefore cannot be taken from the upper ; wherefore add ao to the upper num* ber (becaufe 20 pennyweights make one ounce) and the fum is 37, from which take 19, and their remains 1 8 ; or take 19 from 20, and then add 17, and the fum will be 1 8, as before. Then proceed to the next place ; and here again, the under number is the great- eft, therefore add I to 1 1 for what you before borrowed, and the fum will be 12, which taken from 22, leaves io, which write in its proper place, and proceed to the laft denomination, where paying what you before borrowed, perform the fubtraclion as in whole num bers, bers, and the remainder will be 9. Hence we find the whole difference to be 9 pounds, 10 ounces, 18 pen nyweights, and 3 grains. ft $z. dwt. gr. doL cts. From 27 10 13 17 37 19 Take 22 8 19 19 21 18 Rem. 5 i 13 22 16 i 51 17 As the foregoing rule is general, the learner by du ly obferving the application of it, to the above exam ples, may very readily perform the following ones without any further direction. T. C. qr. It. cz. dr. From 324 19 3 17 2 15 Take 233 17 2 20 13 14 yd. qr. na 27 3 2 204 i 3 Rem. ell Bpg. qr. na. e From 5213 42 4 i Take 35 2 i 36 2 3 HFr. qr. na, 53 3 3 49 5 o Rem. T. bhd. gal. qrt. bhd. kil. From 37 3 36 2 33 * Take 23 i 37 3 27 i Jlr. gal qrt. * 7 3 043 Hem. y. d. b. ' ' ft From 434 320 17 24 42 47 Take 329 370 19 47 29 45 I 2 3 gr. 10 7 2 14 8 5 i 17 Rem. ~ ' ; THE _ THE method of proving your work, is the fame as that of Simple Subtraction. CHAP. IX. MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION of COM POUNDS. SECT. I. Of MULTIPLICATION. MULTIPLICATION of Compound Numbers is the multiplying any fum compofed of divers denominations, with a fimple multiplier, according to the following RULE. BEGIN the operation as in all other compounds, anultiplying that denomination with your multiplier, as in Simple Multiplication ; then divide this pro- duel by as many units as make one of the next great er denomination, writing the remainder as in Addi tion ; then note the quotient, and proceed to the next place, and multiply that denomination with your multiplier, to which add the aforefaid quotient ; then divide this produd as before, and fo on, till you have multiplied your multiplier with every denomination in your multiplicand j and the refult will be the pro- duel: required. EXAMPLES. Multiply 120 16 10 02. i$dwt. i J gr. with 4, OPER- OPERATION. fe 02. dwt. gr. 1 20 10 13 17 multiplicand 4 multiplier 483 6 14 20 froduft required. HERE we begin with 4X17=^68 ; then 68-^-24= 2, and 20 remaining, which write in its proper place ; then 4X13=52, to which add 2, the quotient juft found, and thefum will be 54; then 54-7-202, and 14 remaining, which write in its proper place ; then 4X 10=40, to which add the laft quotient 2, and the fumis42; now42-r-i2=rr3, and 6 remaining, which write in its proper place* Laftly, 4X120=480, to which add 3, the laft found quotient, and the fum is 483. Hence we find the whole product to be 483 pounds, 6 ounces, 14 pennyweights, and 20 grains. Multiply \ multiply with 39 Real Plate of Spain 10 Milree of Portugal t 1 24 Pound Sterling of Ireland '410 fale of China - 148 Pagoda of Indit 1 94 Crown of Francs in Crown of England in In 127 Jbj how many ounces, pennyweights and grains ? 127 i i-^Jiumber of ounces in i found of ounces in 127 founds of fenny weights in i ounce of fennyw eights in \ 27 founds of grains in i fenny weight 121920 60960 of grains in 127 founds. 16. oz. dwt, gr. In 1 2 8 12 4 how many grains ? 12 2O 3052=152x204-12 24 I22I2 6104 73252=3052x24 +4~nuwfor of grains req. In ( 73 ) In 333 milrees of Portugal : how many cents ? Anfwer. 41292. In 555 tales of China : how many cents ? Anfwer. 82140. REDUCflON by DIVISION. THIS method is dire&ly reverfe of the former \ for where we before multiplied, here we muft divide with the fame number - 9 and therefore admits of the following RULE. DIVIDE the numbers in each denomination, by the number of units that make one of the next fuperiour denomination ; and the quotients refulting, will be the numbers in the feveral denominations required, EXAMPLES. In 57200 cents : how many dollars ? 1(00^572(00 Therefore 572 dollars is the anfwer. In 73252 grains Avoirdupois : how many penny weights, ounces, and pounds ? 24^73252 203052 ^ 12 152 .. I2rem. 125 1 20 12.8 rem. 48 * K Therefore ( 74 ) Therefore in 73252 grains, there are 3052 penny weights, 152 ounces, or 12 pounds. Note, tfhejeveral remainders are of the Jams n'ame of their dividends. In 41292 cents: how many milrees of Portugal? 41292-7-12411:333, the anjwer. In 82140 cents : how many tales of China ? Anjwer. 555. In 5^388 cents: how many pounds fterling of England ? Anjwer. 127. Note. In reducing cents into livres tournois of France, you muft multiply with 2, and divide that pvodufl by 37 < The mark banco of Hamburg, multiply with 3, and divide that fro du ft by ioo.> - The rupee of Bengal, multiply with 2, and divide bym. In 752 nails : how many yards ? Anjw er. 47 yards , In 15840 barley cornc : how many miles ? Anfwer. 3 miles. In 469 gallons : how many hogfheads ? Anfwer. ^hbd. 3% gal. Mifcellaneous THE comet of 1680, at its greateft diftance from the fun, was 11184768000 miles: now fup- pole a body had been projected from the fun, with a degree of fwiftnefs equal to that of a cannon ball, which ( 75 ) which is at the rate of 480 miles per hour : in what time would this body reach the aforefaid comet ; al lowing the year to confift of 365 days ? Anjwer. 2660 years. How many times will a fhip of 97 feet 6 inches long, fail her length, in. the diftance of 1 2800 leagues and 10 yards; Anfwer. 2079408. A MERCHANT bought 4 tuns, 15 hundreds, and 24 pounds of fugar, and ordered it to be put up into parcels of 24 pounds, of 20, of 16, of 1 2, of 8, of 4, of 2, and of each a like number. How many parcels will be made of the fugar ? Anfwer. 1 24. A GENTLEMAN had 15 dollars to pay among his labourers to every boy he gave 10 cents to every woman 20 cents, and to every man 45 cents : the number of men, women and boys was the fame, I demand the number of each fort ? Anfwer. 20. THERE are five tooth wheels placed in fuch order, that their teeth play direclly into each other : the firft wheel contains 500 teeth thefecond75o the third 1500 the fourth 2000, and the fifth 3000: how m^ny times will the fifth wheel turn in 100 turns of the firft ? Anfwsr. 600, THE velocity of light being at the rate of 10000000 miles per minute, takes up 6 years, 32 days, 5 hours, and 20 minutes in coming from the neareft fixed ftar to the earth : what is the diftance of that ftar ? Anfwsr* 32000000000000. PART, PART JL CONTAINING tHE DOCTRJNE OF VULGAR FRACTIONS, CHAP. I. DEFINITIONS and ILLUSTRATIONS. A FRACTION is a broken quantity, or the parts of an unit, which are exprefTed like quan tities in divifion ; to wit, by writing two quantities, one above and the other below a fmall line $ thus \l mmerator prl'X?,,! 3 \ 4 denominator or divifor $4 4 which rs three times the quotient of unity divided by 4: therefore in all Vulgar Fractions, unity is divid ed into fuch parts, as are exprefied by the denomina tor ; that is, the denominator exprefles what kind of parts the unit is divided into, and the numerator the number of thofe parts. HENCE it follows, that all Vulgar Fra&ions what- foever, reprefent tfye quotients of quantities, which are to unity, as the numerator to the denominator -, thus, if the fraction be ^, it will be 4 : i : : 3 : 4 , and fo on for others. ALL Vulgar Fractions whatfoever, fall under the five following forms, viz. proper, improper, fingle, compounded, and mixed, A ( 77 ) A PROPER fraction, is when the numerator is lefs then the denominator : thus -J-, -, and X 7 T > are proper factions. AN improper fraction, is when the numerator is greater than the denominator : thus , -f , and -^, are improper fractions. A SINGLE fradtion, is a (imple exprefilon for the parts of an unit : thus 4-, -'-> and-*-, are fmgle fractions. A COMPOUND fraction, is a fraction of a fraction : thus, ~ of -^ and.y of ^ of 4? are compound fractions. WHSN whole numbers are joined or connected with fractions, they .are fometimes called mixed numbers ; as ioi, and 15 --. A MIXED fraction, is when either or both the nume rator and denominator, is a mixed number : r j 2! 17 T thus, | i and -~7j, are. mixed fractions. ANY whole number may be expreffed in the form of a Vulgar Fraction, by writing unity, or I under it: thus, i2Oz= - and Cj2=- &c. i i THE commpn meafure of two numbers, j^any number that will meafure both without a remainder : thus, 3 is the common meafure of 9 and 12 ; becaufe it meafures 9 by 3, and 1 2 by 4. THE greateft common meafure of two numbers, is the greateft number that will meafure both without a remainder : thus, 7 is the greateft common meafure of 21 and 49 ; becaufe no number greater than 7 can meafure 21 and 49, without a remainder. ANY number that can be meafured by feveral other numbers, the number meafured, is called their com mon multiple : thus, 24 is a common multiple of 4 and 6, for 2X1224, 4X61124, and 6X424 : the leaft number that can be meafured in this manner, is called ( 78 ) callecl the lead common multiple: thus, 12 is the kail common multiple of 4 and 6 ; becaufe no num ber lefsthan 12, can be divided by 4 and 6, with out a remainder. A PRIME number is that, which is meafured only by unity: as 5, 7, n, 19, &c. NUMBERS prime to each other are fuch, as no num ber except unity will meafure both without a remain der : thus, 9 and 4 are numbers prime to each other ; for although 2 will meafure 4 without a remainder, yet it cannot divide 9 without a remainder: 3 may meafure 9, but it cannot meafure 4 : therefore, &c. A COMPOSED number is that, which fome certain number meafures : thus, 6, 8 and 12, are compofed numbers; for jx 21 ^^, 4X28, and 2x6=12. CHAP. II. REDUCTION of VULGAR FRACTIONS. REDUCTION of Vulgar Fractions, is the chang ing of one fraction into another of equivalent value ; and thereby fitting them for the purpofe of Addition, Subtradlion, &;c. THE whole bufinefs of Reduction, is comprifed in the following Problems. PROBLEM I. To find the lea/} common multiple of fever al numbers. RULE. 1. RANGE the numbers in a direct line. 2. FIND what number will divide two or more of them without a remainder; by \^iich divide them, and ( 79 ) and fet their quotients together with the undivided numbers, in a line beneath. 3. DIVIDE this line in the fame manner as the firfl $ and fo on, from line to line, until no number, except unity will divide two of them without a remainder ; then the continued product of all the divifors, and the lad quotients, will be the Jeafl common multi ple required. EXAMPLES. Find the leail common multiple of 4, 8, and 12, OPERATION. 4U 8 12 WHENCE, 4X*X 2 Xj 24, the leafl common multiple required, ij Find the leafl common multiple of 2, 4, 6, 7 and 20. OPERATION. 2 4,6 7 20 i ' 2 3 7 10 1 i 375 WHENCE, 2x2x3x7X5=420, the leail common multiple required. PROBLEM II. fo find the greatefl common meafure of two or more quantities* R U L E. i. FIND the greatefl common meafure- of any two of the quantities, by dividing the greater by the lefs, and the divifor by the remainder ; and fo on, divid ing the laft divifor, by the 1 aft remainder, till noth- ( So ) ing remains , and the laft divifor made ufe of, will be the greateft common meafure of thefe two quantities. 2. FIND the greateft common meafure of any one of the other quantities, and the common meafure laft found ; and fo on, from one number to another, thro' the whole j and the laft common meafure thus found, will be the greateft common meafure required. EXAMPLES. Find the greateft common meafure of 12 and OPERATION. 3 J 12 HENCE, 3 is the greateft common meafure required* Find the greateft common meafure of 12, 18, 26, 36. OPERATION. F : rft find the greateft common meafure of 12 and i 8. thus, HENCE, the greateft common meafure of 12 and 18 is 6. Again, find the greateft common meafure of 6 and 26, thus 6(4 Therefore the greateft common meafure is 2. Laftly, find the greateft common meafure of 2 and 36 : Confequently the greateft common meafure of 1 2, 1 8, 26, and 36, is 2; which was to be done. PROBLEM III. 'fo abbreviate, or reduce a Vulgar Frattion to its leajt or moftjimple terms, RULE. 4f FIND the greateft common meafure of the mime-* rator and denominator, by the laft problem -, then di vide them by their greateft common meafure, and the refult will be the terms of the fraction required. Or, DIVIDE both the numerator and denominator of the given fraction, by fuch a number, as will divide them without a remainder, and the refulting fraction in the fame manner 5 and fo on, till no number ex cept unity, will divide both without a remainder -, and you will have the fraction required. EXAMPLES. Reduce -^ to its moft fimpla terms, L THE ( 82 _) THE grcateft common meafure of 64 and 384, is $4. Therefore 64-7-641, and 384-7-646 j con- fequently -TT- g> the fraction required. Or, Jli=l , and -1* -i; /**/*/ */ fo/w. '384-8 4B 4&->8 6' Find the value of ~, in its moft fimplc terms, Thus. - ^"^iz, the fraflion required. 45-^5 9 Reduce 121, to its moft fimple terms. /Inf. - 480 5 PROBLEM IV. ff"0 wn/^ 1 a mixed number, in the form of a Vulgar Fraftion. RULE. MULTIPLY the whole number with the denomi nator of the fraction, and to the product add its nu merator ; then under this, write the faid denomina tor j and you will have the fraction required, EXAMPLES. Write 4J, in the form of a Vulgar Fraction. Thus, 4X28, and 8 + 1=9 /^ numerator-, Whence ~ is the fraction required. 6 _ 126 , n i 20 40X100+20 a T -g. . i zz" > ana 40. . .. 10 100 100 100 2C 2e 20 PROB- PROBLEM V. fo find the 'value of an improper fr a ftion. RULE. DIVIDE the numerator of the given fradtion by the denominator 5 and the quotient will be the value fought. EXAMPLES. Find the value of 2L. 12 20 417 -M 00=40 - j =20~, j;oo ao PROBLEM VI. Ti write a whole number in the form of & Vulgar Fraction) whoje denominator is given. RULE. MULTIPLY the whole number with the given de- aominator j and under this produft write the faid de nominator; and you will have the fraction required. EXAMPLES. Reduce 40 to its equivalent Vulgar Fraftion^ whofe denominator is 10. Thus, Whence, 42 is thefraRion required* Change 304 into its equivalent Vulgar Fraftion, having 5 for its denominator, Thus, Thus, = the fraction required. Change 3476 into its equvialent Vulgar Fraction, having 12 for its denominator. Thus, n the f ration required. PROBLEM VII. f o alter or change a Vulgar Fraction into another of equivalent value -, wbofe denominator is given. RULE. MULTIPLY the given numerator with the prbpofed denominator ; the product divided by the denomi nator of the given fradtion, will give a new numera tor ; under which write the propofed denominator ; and you will have the fraction required. EXAMPLES. Change into its equivalent Vulgar Fraction, v/hofe denominator is 20. Thus, - - =10 the new numerator. Therefore, is the fraction required. Change ~* into its equivalent Vulgar Fraction, having 40 for its denominator. Thus, "* ^-izjo : therefore -~ is the fraftion req. Change ~ into its equivalent Vulgar Fraction, whofe denominator is 24. Thus, req. 20 2.0 PROBLEM VIII. fo change a Vulgar Fraction into another of equiva- lent value, whofe numerator is given. RULE. MULTIPLY the given denominator with the pro- pofed numerator -, and the produft divided by the numerator of the given fraftion, will give a new deno minator 5 over which write the propofed numerator ; and you will have the fra&ion required. EXAMPLES. Change into its equivalent Vulgar Fraction, whofe numerator is 20. Thus, ^ 40 : therefore, , is the fraftion req. 7 ... .$ Change into its equivalent Vulgar Fra&ion, whofe numerator is 8. Thus, =IO | . therefore, p w thefraffion req. 1 IO T Change - into its equivalent Vulgar Fraftion, whofe numerator is 37. Anf. 2~~ PROBLEM IX. To reduce a mixed fraftion to fimfle terms. RULE. ^ i. REDUCE the numerator and denominator of the given fraftion to improper fradions. i, MULTIPLY ( 86 ) 2. MULTIPLY the numerator of the denominator, into the denominator of the numerator, for a new de nominate* j and multiply the numerator of the nu* merator, into the denominator of the denominator, for a new numerator ; and you will have the terms of the fraction required. EXAMPLES. 4. Reduce 2 to fimple terms. ?T A. * * ? Firft, If (by reducing to impr. fract.) JL iz fi ~-$Q the f raft ion required, OQ O 1 Reduce ~J to (imple terms. 10 Thus,!!-^-^!^!?. andi|i=:^r:^. 10 10 2X10 20 16 16 48 10 _20O^ 3OO __3OO _ PROBLEM ,X. 3*o reduce a compound fraffion tq a Jimfle one of c~ qua! value* RULE. i. REDUCE all fuch parts of the given fraction as are whole numbers, mixed numbers, and mixed frac tions; according to the foregoing rules j that is, whole and mixed numbers muft be reduced to improper fractions^ and mixed fractions to fimple terms. a. Mui,* 2. MULTIPLY all the numerators continually to gether, for a new numerator, and all the denomina tors continually together, for a new denominator ; and the former produd written above the latter* will give the fra&ion required. Note. Any number that is found among the nume rators and denominators, may beftruck out cfboth, EXAMPLES. Reduce 5 of lof-^, to a fimple fraftion. p 3 4.6 Fhus, 2X3X *=(by ftriking out the 3)^!= ~ the 3X4X6 J ' 4 X6 24 raftion required. O *"7 Reduce of /- , to a fimple fraftion-* 4 9r ~ ; 1 9 f-X 19=76 /^ 224. 3X13^ 3X1320 3960 3960 3? r) J, and - of 4, reduted to a common denominators 4 3 , 720 189 , 448 ' , _|, and S-, 336 336 336 PROB- PROBLEM XII. To reduce feveral fractions of different denominators, to gthers of equivalent value, having the leaft foj/ible common denominator* R U L E. 1. REDUCE all the fractions to fimple terms. 2. FIND the leaft common multiple of all the de nominators j and you will have the leaft common de nominator required. 3. DIVIDE the denominator thus found by the de nominator of each fraction, and multiply the quo tient with its numerator, and you will have new nu merators, under which write the common denomina tor ; and you will have the fractions required. EXAMPLES. Reduce ~, -, and - to equivalent fractions, that 84 2 flull have the leaft poflible common denominator. Firft, the leaft common multiple of 8, 4, and 2, is 3 ,: Then, 8 8 x i=J> the new numerator for ^ And, 8-f-4X3 == ^ *be new numerator for Alfo, 8-7-2X I:== 4> the new numerator for ~. Hence the fractions required are 4* TJ an nd, 6o-r-4Xj :: =4S, tie new numerator for ~ M Alfo. ( 9 ) A!ib,~6o-f- 5 X4~4-S tie new numerator for -J Laftly, 6o-~6x5~50 the new numerator for Hence, ~, , -, and , retaining its fame value. RULE. CHANGE the given fraction into a compound one, by writing its value in all the intermediate denomi nations up to the one wherein the value of the frac tion is to be ex;)refied ; and the value of this com pound fraftion, will be the fraction required, EXAMPLES. Change - of a nail, to the fraction of an ell Eng, Firft, . of a nail~=.~ of a quarter, and -rr:- of an ell : 3 3 4 5r Therefore, - of a nail^z- of '- of ---> the fraction req. 3 4 5* oo 1 pennyweights, reduced to the fraction of a pound =r of = . 3 grains, reduced to fraction of an 2fr IX 240 ounce=: of = |. of a cent, reduced to the 24 ao 480 3 fraction of am ilree of Portugal- of- - = - ; 10 3 124 j/a cents, reduced to the fraction of a pound flerling of Ireland^:- = J - 4 ~ of a cent, reduced to the frac- 410 41 8 tion *7 T *7 rion of a dollar-^ of =o^-. i drachm Avoir- o i oo 8 oo i r i ~ x f r f is=--i of -7 of of of a tun. 10 10 112 2O PROBLEM XIV. 2V change the fraRion of one denomination to the frac tion of a lefs one, retaining itsjame 'value. RULE. MULTIPLY the numerator of the given fra&ion into all the intermediate denominations down to the one wherein the value of the given fradtion is to be exprefled, and under this product, write the given de nominator, and you will have the fra&ion required. EXAMPLES. Reduce of an ell Eng. to the fraction of a nail. 70 Thus, 1X5X4=20 the numerator Therefore, =~/V thefrattion required. Reduce ^- of a lb Troy to the fraft. of a grain. Thus, ::= . f btffafKm II2O 1120 of a pound Troy, reduced to the fraction of a . i aXiaXao 480 8 c , pennyweight -- - ; - of an hun- 1240 1240 17920 dred weight, reduced to the fra&ion of an ounce= 8XH2- J_ of a milree of Portugal, 17910 J7920 372 reduced to the fra&ion of a cent= 1^ =-. $7* 57*. 5 PROBLEM XV. To find the value of a Vulgar Fr a ft ion in known farts of the integer. RULE. MULTIPLY the numerator of the given fra&ion with the parts in the next inferiour denomination, and divide the produA by the denominator $ then if there ^e any- remainder, multiply it with the parts in the next inferiour denomination, and divide by the former divifor, and fo on, and the feveral quotients refulting v/ill exhibit the value fought, EXAMPLES. Find the value of of an ounce Trov, 24 OPERATION, 5 24 \ 100(4 pennyweights* ' 96 4 24 Therefore* ( 93 ) * Therefore, -* of an ounce=4 dwt. 4j?r. /J M fought. Find tfic value of - of an ounce Troy. OPERATION. 5 20 7\ioo( / 14 irtm. 24 7)48( f 6 6rtm. Therefore i^dwt. 6 6 r gr. is the valug fought. Find the value of - of an hundred weight, 7 OPERATION. 6 4 3 28 Therefore 3qr. ia/^. is tbe value fought. Find the value of of a pound fieri, of Ireland 4< Thus, ( 94 ) us> - jo cts. the valuffougbf. 4* Find the value of of a pagoda of India. Thus, a I94 ^=4^. /fo value fought. PROBLEM XVL 21? reduce the known farts of an integer to their equiva- lent Vulgar Fraction. RULE. 1. REDUCE the given parts to the lead denomina tion mentioned. 2. REDUCE the integer to the fame denomination ; and the latter written beneath the former, will be the fra&ion required, EXAMPLES. Reduce 3 dwt. *]gr. to the fra&ion of a pound. > OPERATION. dwt. gr. cz. 37 12 24 20 79 240 24 960 480 5760 Therefore, -^- is thtfraftion required. Reduce C 95 ) Reduce 10 cts. to the fra&ion of a potand fterling of Ireland. Thus, is tfa fraction required. n. reduced to the fraction of a foot T-f^JZ. . 12 10 4- p. reduced to the fra8 4 3~ : 27""" 8 X 3~ SX3 ""2 4 ; 7 ' is" 4 X 7" 28X4 99) =II^=4 5 lM^=(by reduction)-* -J = 28 8 i '2 2 4X7 28 i 24 4X2 8 i i m i f i . i__3Xi-3 ' 4 2*3 '-ST'iXS-S- Mifcellaneous >ueftions. AM AN at hazard won the firft throw 2| dol lars the fecond throw he won as much as he then had in his pocket the third throw he won 4 dollars, and the fourth throw he won double of all that he then had, at which time he found that he hacj in all 45 dollars. How many had he at firft. Anfwer. 3 dollars. THERE is a certain club, whereof^- are merchants, 4- mathematicians, ~ mechanics, and 13 phyficians. How many were there in the whole ? Anfwer. 60. REQUIRED the difference between three times thir ty-three and a third j and three times three and thir ty and a third. Anfwer. 6oJ. A MAN who was driving fome flieep to market, was met by another who demanded the number of Iheep in his drove : the drover to evade a direcl: anf- wer replies, that if I had as many more, and half as many more, and 12! fheep, I fhould have 100. What number had he ? 35- PART Anfwer. \ PART III. CONTAINING THE DOCTRINE OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. C H A P. I. DEFINITIONS and ILLUSTRATIONS. AD E C I M A L Fraction is formed from a proper Vulgar Fraction, by dividing the nu merator with cyphers annexed to it, by the denomi nator ; that is, the equivalent Decimal of any Vulgar Fraction is found by multiplying the numerator with 10, 100, or 1000, &c, till it be fo increafed, that it rnay be exactly meafured by its denominator j and this quotient will be the decimal required : Thus, ~ X i oo ^21122 122--; 25 j and Xio ~ 4 44 2 22 4 44 which quotients are exprefTed by writing them with a point on the left-hand : Thus, ^=: .25, i = -5> and J = -75 i which are reflectively equal to T Voj ~, and .jVo-s but thefe denominators are always omitted, and the numerators written as above, where the point dif- tinguifhes them from whole numbers : Thus, 2.3=; &c, HENCE HENCE it appears that every Decimal Fraftion, is equal to a Vulgar one, whofe numerator is the deci mal, and the denominator unity, with as many cy phers annexed to it as there are places of figures in the numerator : Thus, .1, .44, and .127, are refpec- tively equal to T V, -rVo* and -r^J-J-- THEREFORE it follows, that in decimals, unity is divided in 10, 100, or 1000, &c. equal parts; and the given decimal reprefents the number of thofe parts : Thus, . i = _~ reprefents one tenth part of an unit, .44 reprefents forty-four hundred parts of an unit, &c. Therefore, in decimals, cyphers annexed neither increafe nor diminilh their value ; but cyphers pre fixed, diminifh their value in a ten fold proportions Thus, .440 x \V6=(by ne nature of Divifion) T t *j rz.44 ; but .04 T-O-O~TO- f (Ar) -4> an ^ f n for any other decimal. WHENCE it follows, that the farther any diget or numeral figure (lands from the units' place, or deci mal point towards the right-hand, the lefs will be its value, to wit, in a tenfold proportion. Thus in the decimal .mi, the figure next to the decimal point is ^-V> tne fecond is -y-^, the third -j-oVerj and the T _.L^_, which is plainly a feries of numbers in ge ometrical proportion, decreafing by the common divifor 10. Again ,oi23zn: T 4-c-f-T-5 1 oo+T^4-^-i an< ^ the like to be underftood of all others. HENCE, the notation of decimals, or the valuation of the feveral places from unity downwards, is the fame among themfelves as that of integers or whole numbers *, therefore every figure is to be valued accord ing to the diftance it Hands from unity downwards. CHAP, CHAP. II. ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MUL TIPLICATION, AND DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. SECT. I. Of ADDITION of DECIMALS^ RULE. i. TTT 7 R I T E the given decimals in fuch order, VV that thofe places of equal diftance from unity or the decimal point, may Hand directly un der each other. a. Find their fum as in whole number?, then dif- tinguifh with a point as many places of figures on the right-hand, as are equal to the greateft number found in any given decimal $ and you will have the fum required. EXAMPLES. Find the fum of .176 + .1264+. 34+^94 Thefe numbers being placed according to the rule will Hand .i 7 6 4 Find the fum of 34. 123+6437, 27+34? ^347^34+347^34-1. thus, r 34-123 thus 6437 ' 27 thUS ' 347-2 347634.1 354454.040634=1/^1 required. Required the fum of 25.1244-12,247 + 24.3485 25 124 457 8 -74 4992.5595 /#># required. SECT. II. Of SUBTRACTION -of DECIMALS. RULE. WRITE down the numbers as in Addition, then fubtraft the lefs from the greater as in whole num- bersj remembering to point off in the remainder as in Addition j and you will have the difference fought. EXAMPLES. Required the difference between 12.19, and 8.9 3 . 2 9 r: dffiren ce required. Required 104 ) Required the difference between 342.364, and -199.2437 thus 1342.364 us >{ 299.243? 43. i v&yssjffirince required* 1 999-9999 8: =473- 002 42 > 2479-377793o.oooo45=i549.377 9999.88888888.99991 1 10.8889 SECT. III. Of MULTIPLICATION of DECIMALS. RULE. WRITE the numbers and multiply them as in com mon Multiplication ; then diftinguiih with a point as many places of decimals in the product, as are equal to the number in both factors $ and you will have the product required. ftfote. If the number of places in theproduff, are kjs than the number of decimal places in both faftors,, you muftfiipply the deficiency by prefixing cyphers. THAT the number of decimal places in the prod uct, ought to be equal to the number in both factors, may be thus demonftrated. SUPPOSE .34 were to be multiplied with .27 j the product of theie two numbers by common Multipli cation is 918 ; but .34== T 3 5 * S . and .27= T Vg- ; there fore, .34 X .27 = & X -rVo = -1-1-44-5-= (by thena- ture of decimal notation) . 091 8, confiding of as maray places of figures as there were in both factors j and the fame will hold true in any others. ^. E. D. E XAM- EXAMPLES. Required the produdt of 2.438 ^ ,005. OPERATION. 2.438 .005 .o 1 2 1 90 ^=.produft required. Required the produft of 34.38X24,7 OPERATION. 34.38 24.7 24066 6876 required. Required the product 3. 8 402 z: produfi required, Required the produft of 2.7122X3,2121 64242 64242 32121 2*4847 64242 IN the multiplication of decimals, where the factors confift of a great number of decimal places, the oper ation becomes very prolix, and befides, a great part of it is entirely ufelefs, fmce that four or five places of decimals in the product, is fufficient for common purpofes. Therefore to abridge the work by obtain ing the product true to any defigned number of places of decimals, you muft obferve the following RULE. 1 . WRITE the multiplier inverted, fo that the units' place mayftand under that figure of the multiplicand, to whofe place the product is to be found true. 2. IN multiplying with the feveral figures of the multiplier, you muft reject all the figures of the mul tiplicand, that are to the right-hand of the figure you are multiplying with ; placing the firft figure of the feveral products directly under each other, in- creaied by adding I from 5 to 15, 2 from 15 to 25, &c. of the product of the multiplying figure with the proceeding figure of the multiplicand, when you begin to multiply 5 and the fum of all the products will be the product required. EXAMPLES. Required the product of 3.2121x2.712, to three places of decimals. 3.2121 0/3.212X2 . 0/3.21X7, increafed by adding i for 0/3.2x1 [the f rod. 0/7x2 '/3X2 required* Required the product f 3.24211X2.34634, to four places of decimals. 3.24211 436432 64842=3.2421X2 9726=3.242X3. 1 297 =3. 24x4* increafed by adding i far 4X2 194=3. 2X 6> increafed by adding 2 for 6X4 ~3X3> increafed by adding i for 3x2 required. Required the produd of 2,13214X2.21 134, to five places of decimals. 2.13214 431122 426428=2.13114X2 42643=2.1321X2, increajedby adding ifor 2X4 21.32=2.132X1 213=2.13x1 64=2. 1X3, increafed by adding i for 3X3 2=2X4 required. Required Required the product of 27.i7X*9i4> in inte gers only. 27.17 4191 27 2 = 27 . 1 X i > increafed by adding I for I x 7 244 27 X9> increafed by adding i /0r 9X1 increa/ed by adding i / encreafed by add- [* n S 3 f or 4X 8 52.74)8397 5274 52.7)3123 2637=5 27 X5> encrtafed by adding [*f or 5X4 52)486 47352X9, increajed by adding 5 IO 3 P Required ( "4 ) Required the quotient of 780.516-7-24.3, in inte gers only. OPERATION. 24\78o.5i6(32n:<7#0//V;tf required. ) 73=24X3, increafed by adding 1/^3X3 5 = 2X2, increafed by adding i for 2X4 o CHAP. III. Of REDUCTION of DECIMALS. PROBLEM I. To reduce a Vulgar Fraction to its equivalent de cimal. RULE., ANNEX cyphers to the numerator, and divide by the denominator till nothing remains, and the quotient will be the decimal required. EXAMPLES. 3 Reduce to its equivalent decimal. 20 Thus, 30 \ 3 .oo( . i 5;=f fo decimal required. ) 20 100 IOO o Reduce ( "5 ) i3 Reduce to its equivalent decimal. 20 Thus, 20 \ i8.o(.9=/& which is the 90 fame as the rule. EXAMPLES. Required the Vulgar Fraction equivalent to .4739 Firft, 9990 denominator. Then 999X4- :=: 3996prodi{ff of the cfs in the de nominator and finite part -, and 3996+73947351= numerator. Wherefore -f-J-14 is the fraction required. Required the equivalent Vulgar Fradtion of 5.27 : Thus, 52X9+7 -r 900=468+7-*- 900=^54 tbt fraction required. Required the equivalent Vulgar Fraction of 42.3 : Thus, 990X4+230-7-99 4 f. the fraftion re quired. Required the equivalent Vulgar Fraction of 321.7 : Thus, "999x3 + 217-7-999 = 3214-7-999 j then "* ^frdSlon required* 14-00 PROBLEM III. To determine whether the decimal equivalent to any Vulgar Fraction be finite, or infinite -, and if infinite y to find the number of places of figures that ccnftitute the circulate. RULE. 1. REDUCE the given fraction to its lead terms. 2. DIVIDE the denominator of the refulting frac tion ( 124 ) tion by i, 5 or 10, as often as you can without a re mainder, making the refult a divifor, and 999 &V. a dividend, divide till nothing remains, then will the circulate confift of as many places of figures as you j ufed places of ffs. Note, i . The circulate will begin, after as many places of figures as you made divifions of the de nominator. 2 t In dividing the denominator as above, if the quo tient become equal to unity, then the decimal is finite, confining of as many places of figures as you made divifions of the denominator. THE principles on which this rule is inveftigated, may be fhewn in the following manner. Firft, let it be premifed, that if unity with cy phers annexed, be divided by any prime number, except 2, or j, the figures in the quotient will begin to repeat when the remainder becomes unity ; con- fequently 999 &c. divided by any prime lumber, except 2, or 5, will leave no remainder. Now if the places of figures in the circulate are any number, when the dividend is unity, they will remain the fame, let the dividend be any other num ber whatever ; for it is plain, that if the decimal be multiplied with any number, every circulate will be equally multiplied, and what one is increafed will be carried to another, and fo on through the whole ; confequently, the places of figures will remain the fame : But to multiply the decimal or quotient with any number, is the fame thing, as to divide the divi- ibr by the fame number before divifion is made; whence^ &c. EXAMPLES.. EXAMPLES, Required to know, whether the equivalent deci mal, of-'-rr is infinite or finite, and if infinite, how many places of figures there will be in the circulate. Firft, -i-f4 reduced to its lead terms ~ ; then 999999-7-7=142857, and therefore the decimal is infinite, whofe circulate confifts of 6 places of fi gures, beginning at the tenth's place. Required to know whether the equivalent dicimal of -i-V-sSr is infinite, or finite ; and if infinite, how many places of figures there will be in the circulate. Firft, -m^=(by reducing to its lead terms) T y ; then, i6-r-2n 8, 8 -r-2 4, 422, and 2 2=1 : Consequently the decimal is finite, confifting of 4 places of figures. -Required to know whether the equivalent decimal of l|t is infinite, or finite ; and if infinite, to know how many places of figures there will be in the cir culate. Firft, |44 (by reducing to its leaft terms) 44 ; then 70-7-10=7, and 999999-r-7 ::::::: i42857 : Con- fequently the dicimal is infinite, and the circulate confifts of 6 places of figures, beginning at the hun dredth^ place. PROBLEM IV. To make diffimilar circulates > fimilar and conterminous. RULE. i. Find the leaft poffible common multiple of the feveral numbers exprefRng the number of places of figuies in the given circulates, 2. 2. Change the given circulates into others.confift- ing each of as many places of figures as the leaft common multiple found as above^ and the work will be done. EXAMPLES. . < * Make .727, .179, .12 and .19 fimilar and con terminous. Firft the leaft common multiple of 3, 3, 2 and 2, IE 6. Diflimilar. Similar and conterminous, f -7 27 ~-7 277 27 Then, j-?79=.i79i79 j.12 =.121212 1.19 =.191919 Make 24.3, .4762," 32, ,6 and .576 fimilar and conterminous. Diffimilar. Similar and conterminous, ^24.3=24.333333333333 Thus \ '^7 62=. 47 6 247 6 '2-47 6*2 9 j 32.6=32.666666666666 1.576^.576576576576" C PI A P. CHAP. III. ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MUL TIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF CIRCULATING DECIMALS. SECT. I. Of ADDITION of CIRCULATING DECIMALS. R ULE. MAKE the given circulates fimilar and conter minous, by problem iv, of the lail chapter; then add them together as in common Addition, and becaufe each figure of the circulate is equal to that figure divided by 9, you mufl divide the fum of the circulates, by as many places of $'s as there are pla ces of figures- in the circulate, and writing the re mainder (if any) directly beneath the-figures of the circulate, carry the above quotient to the next place ; then proceed as in common decimals, and you will have the fum required. Note. When the remainder confifts of a hjs number of places than the circulate, you miift fitpfly !bt defeffi ly prefixing cyphers. EXAMPLF3, ( 128 ) EXAMPLES. Required the fum of 3.3+4.271+3.725 : Similar and conterminous. !3-3 .=3-333 4.271=4.271 3-725=3.725 ii.330=r///ff* required. Required the fum of 24,327425 + 37.274+27.35+ 34-27 : Diffimilar. Similar and conterminous, ^24.327425 24.327425425 Thus, I 37-274 = 37-274444444 127.35* =27.353535353 134.27 =34.277777777 * 1 23. 233 1 8 300 1 ~y#w req, SECT. II. Of SUBTRACTION of CIRCULATING DECI MALS. RULE. PREPARE the given numbers, as in Addition, and then fub tract them as in common SubtradHon, only with this difference, viz. when the circulate to be fub- tra&ed, is greater than the one from which Subtrac tion is to be made, you muft make the right-hand figure figure of the difference lefs by unity, than as found by common Subtraction. The reafon of this rule will appear plain from the following. SUPPOSE 1.81 were to be taken from 2.72; the difference by common Subtraction would be .91 - t but 2.72= Vs? and i.8i~VV% then 2.72^1.81:=: VT O ==?== .90; whence, EXAMPLES. Required the difference between 6.4729 and 3-49': Diflimilar. Similar and conterminous. 29-6.4729729 ^ |6. 4 7 29:1:6., '' U'49 =3- Thus ,4949494 2 , 97 8 0234^ difference required. Required the^ difference between 4. 37 5 2 and 1.1210 : Diffimilar. Similar and conterminous* Th US> I.iaiO=:I.I2lOl2IO 3,25424041= difference required. SECT. III. Of MULTIPLICATION of CIRCULATING DE~ CIMALS. RULE. INSTEAD of the given circulates, write their equi valent Vulgar Fraftions, and find their product as R ufual ; ufual ; then this produft thrown into a decimal, will give the product required. EXAMPLES. Required the product of 3.2X-7 Firft, .32 -Jl- and .7 > wherefore .jix.? which thrown into a decimal is, ra/# required. Required the product of 1.8x2.7 : Thus, i.^2.7-V 7 XV 5 =\V-5'S the pro duff required. Required the product of. 20X^36 : Thus, .2o X .36~ r ^X^4=^4 produft required. SECT. IV. Of DIVISION of CIRCULATING DE CIMALS. R ULE. CHANGE the given decimals into their equivalent Vulgar Fractions, and find their quotient as ulual ; then this quotient thrown into a decimal, will give the quotient required. EXAMPLES. Required the quotient of .26 divided by .3 : 3-~ ' Wherefore, Wherefore, .26^.3=14-H- = T74=.8 tie quotient required. Required the quotient of .9-7-.! 08 : Thus, .9^08:^-^=^ AV=VT =9.25 ^quotient required. Required the quotient of 2. 9-4-, 27* : Thus, 2.9~.27:=y^^:rY'== n the quotient required. 13* A SUPPLEMENT to PART I, CONTAINING THE DOCTRINE AND APPLICATION OF RATIOS, OR PROPORTION, EXTRACTION OF ROOTS, C5>, CHAP, L Of PROPORTION or ANALOGS PROPORTION is a degree of likenefs which quantities bear to each other, by a fimilitude of ratios. RATIO is the mutual refpect of two quantities of the fame kind ; but they form no Analogy, becaufe there can be no fimilitude of ratios between two quantities, and therefore Analogy confifts of three quantities at leaft, whereof the iecond fupplies the placeof two : Thus the refpect of 2 to 6 3 being com pared with 1 8, it will be, 2'.6::6:i8. SECT, I. Of CONTINUED PROPORTION O R ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION, WHEN quantities increafe or decreafe by an equal difference, thofe quantities are in Arithmetical Pro portion continued :* Thus, the number i, 2, 3, &c, are a feries of quantities in Arithmetical Proportion continued., ( 133- X continued, increafing by unity, or i, which is called the common difference of the feries. ALSO, the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, are numbers in Arithmetical Progreflion, whofe common difference is 2 ; but the numbers 9, 7, 5, 3, i, are a feries of quantities in Arithmetical ProgrefTion, decreafing by the common difference, 2. LEMMA I. If three numbers are in Arithmetical Progreffion, the fum of the two extreme numbers will be double the mean or middle number. THUS, let i, 3, 5, be the numbers in progreffion ; Then, 1+5, the fum of the two extremes ~ 3-^3 the double of the mean. Again, in the numbers 14, ic, 6, the fum of the two extremes are i4-f 6~ 20, and the double of the mean 10+1020 ; and the like will hold in any other numbers. LEMMA II. If four numbers are in Arithmetical ProgreJ/ion, the Jam of the two extremes will be equal to the fum of tbc two means. LET the number be 4,7, 10, 13 ; then4~f-i3~i7j, the fum of the two extremes, and 7~|-io:i:i7, the fum of the two means : Again, in the numbers 16, 13, 10,7 i 16+7 13+10. AND iince in four numbers as above, the fum of the two extremes, is equal to the fum of the two means, we have no reafon to doubt of the like, let the terms be any number whatever : Whence it fol lows, that in any Arithmetical feries, of any afllgna- ble number of terms whatever, the fum of any two terms equidiftant; from the mean, will be equal to the the fum of any other two terms, equidiftant from the mean j as in thefe, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ; where 2-f-2O=4-f 18^:6^16=: 8+14=10+1 2 : Therefore, &V. LEMMA III. /# any Jeries of numbers in Arithmetical Progreffion^ thejeveral terms are formed or made up by the addi tion of the common difference to the frft term, fo often repeated, as there are number of terms to the feveral places, except the firft. LET the feries be, i, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, fc?r* wherein the common difference is 3. Now 1+34 the Jecond term, i+jH-3~7> the third term \ i-r-3+3*f-3 10, the fourth term \ J *3-Klf 3-f3=i3 **' fifth term i and 1+3X7 r:22, the %th term, &c. Confequently the differ ence of the two extremes, is equal to the common difference multiplied with the number of terms lefs i : Thus in the above feries, the common difference is 3, and number of terms 8 ; therefore 8 IX37 X 32 1 rz difference of the two extremes. PROBLEM I. find thejum of a Jeries of numbers in Arithmeti cal Progrejfion. THERE are feveral ways of deducing a rule for the folution of this problem, but perhaps none more fim- ple and natural than the following. LET the feries whofe fum is required, be 2+4+6 -fS-fio-f 12. Or, Or, 22222 + + + + 2222 + + + 222 4- + 2 2 which is the fame as the former, though differently exprefTed : Now under the given feries place die fame inverted and add up the whole. Thus, ~ HI 10 Co t. o^ ? 1 i P i 1 i 2 -f 2 -f ' ^ + 2 -f 2 - L 2 2 4- + + + 4- 4- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4- 4- 4- 4- "T" 4" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 + 4- ~f- f + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -f- f ~f- + + "f 2 2 2 2 2 o 2 4- f -f- f + -f- 2 12 2 2 2 - 2 14+ 14+ 14 +14 -f 14 HhJ4=^*- By this means the terms of the feries are reduced to an equality, to wit, equal to the fum of the firll and laft term ; but the fum above found, is evident ly double the fum of the propofed feries : When a; it C it folloxvs, that the fum of an Arithmetical feries, is equal to half the product of the firft and laft term, with the number of terms; wherefore if the firft term, jail term, and number of terms of an Arithmetical ProgrefTion be given, the fum of the feries may be found by the following RULE, MULTIPLY the fum of the firft and laft terms, or two extremes, with the number of terms, and half of that product will be the fum required. EXAMPLES. Let the firft term of a feries of numbers in Arith metical Progrcilion,:~i, Lift termizjy, and num ber of terms 19 - 3 required the fum of the feries. OPERATION. Firft, i ^37=3 8 =:// of the frfl and laft terms : Then 3&X i9-~2~ 722-t-2~j6i the Jum required. A MAN bought 20 yards of broad-cloth -, for the firft yard he gave 2 doL and for the laft 80 dol. what did the whole coft ? The fum of the two extremes, is 2-/-8o, then 2 -f-S ox 20 -7-2=1:820 dol. the anjwer. A MAN travelled 12 days, the firft day 4 miles, and the laft day 40 miles j what was the diftance travelled in the 1 2 days ? Anfwer. 264 miles. PROBLEM IL To find the common difference of an Arithmetical Je- ries y when the two extremes and number of terms are given. . A A RULE for the folution of this problem, is eafily deduced from the inference to Lemma in 5 for fince the difference of the two extremes, is equal to the common difference multiplied with the number of terms lefs i, it follows, that if that difference, be divided by the number of terms le& i, the quotient muft be the common difference of the feries ; whence the following rule is evident. RULE. DIVIDE the difference of the two extremes by the number of terms lefs i, and the quotient will be the common difference required. EXAMPLES. In an Arithmetical feries, there is given the fir ft term 3, lad term 60, and number of terms i^: Required the common difference. OPERATION. The difference of the two extremes, is 60 3; ^_I--^ common difference 201 required. Four men differing in their ages by an equal in terval : The age of the firft, is 1 9 years, *nd the fourth 40 : What are their feveral ages ? OPERATION. Firft, find the common difference of their ages : Thus, 40 1 9^-4^7=2; i -4-3=7 ?"*rs ; therefore S i < 138 ) z6 years, the age ofthefecond, and 26-1-7=33 years, the age >cf ^the third-, laftly, 33-j~7rr4O years, the age of tbe fourth, as given above. A man owes a certain debt, to be difcharged at 8 feveral payments ; all of which are to be made in Arithmetical Progreffion, the firft payment to be 4 dol. and the Jail 32 dol. Query, the whole debt and each payment. OPERATION. w bole debt, and 324-7- 1 1=4 dol. the common difference -, wherefore 4+4 ^=8 dol. the Jecond payment, and 8-j-4~i2 dol. the third payment > alfo, 12+4:1116 dol. ; for the fourth-, moreover 1 6 +4:1:20 dol. for the $th, in like man ner 20 -f 424 dol.for the 6th, and 24-j-4=28 dol. for the jtb -, laftly 284-432 dol. for the laft payment as before. PROBLEM III. To find the number of terms of an Arithmetical Jeries, when thefirjl term, laft term and common difference are given. FROM the laft rule, it is eafy to conceive haw a rule for the folution of this problem may be obtain ed i for fince the difference of the two extremes, divided by the number of terms lefs i, gives the common difference ; it follcfcsj that the difference of .V the two extremes, divided by^the common difference, muft quote the number of terms lefs r . Whence is deduced the following RULE. RULE. DIVIDE the difference of the two extremes, by the common difference, the quotient increafed by unity or i, will be the number of terms. EXAMPLES. Given the firft term of an Arithmetical ferieszrs, laft termm67, and common difference 3, to find the number of terms. OPERATION. +I= Ji+ 1=55+1-56 the nmhr of 3 . . 3 terms required. A man bought a quantity of broad-cloth ; for the firft yard he gave 6 dol. for the fecond, 10 dol. and fo on, in Arithmetical Progreffion, to the laft yard, for which he gave 246 dol. j what was the quantity of cloth bought ? _ OPERATION. 0466 = 240 + I= 6i, the numlerof yards bought. 4 ~4 A man travels from Bofton, to a certain place, in the following manner, viz. the firft day 10 miles ; the fecond day 15 miles, and fo on, till a day's journey is cc miles : In how many days will he perform the whole journey ; alfo, how many miles is the place he goes to, diftant from Bofton ? Anfwer. Pie will perform the whole in eleven days, The place diftant from Bofton, 330 miles. SECT. SECT. II. Of CONTINUED PROPORTION GEOMETRICAL, Or GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION, GEOMETRICAL Progreifion continued, differs frorr Arithmetical Progreflion in this -, in Arithmetica Progreifion, each following term of the feries is form ed or made up by the Addition or Subtraction o the common difference, (as we have before fhewft) Whereas in Geometrical Progreffion, each fucceffive term of the feries, is produced by the Multiplication or Divifion of the preceeding term, with a common multiplier or divifor : Or in other words, Arithme tical Progreflion, is the effect of a conftant Addition or Subtraction -, but Geometrical Progreffion, of a conftant Multiplication or Divifion. THUS, 2, 4, 8, 1 6, 32, 64, 128, &V. are a feries of numbers in Geometrical Proportion continued ; whofe refpective terms are compofed by the Multi plication of the Ratio or common multiplier, (2): thus, 2X2:1=4, the Jecond term, 4X2^18, the third term ; 8X2:1:16, the fourth term) and fo on. ALSO, 1 6, 8, 4, 2, are a feries of numbers in Geo metrical Proportion, continually decreafmg by the divifion of the Ratio, or common divifor, (2) : Thus, -^i^S, the Jecond term> 4^:4, the third term, ^2, the fourth term, and T 1 * ifajtjftt term. LEMMA I. Jf three numbers are in Geometrical Progtefficn, the froduSt cf the two extremes, will le equal to the pro- duff of the mean with iff elf. ( HI ) LET the numbers be 2, 8, 32 ; where 2X3264, and 8X8=64 5 confequently 2X32=8X8. LEMMA II. In any Geometrical Proportion fonftfting of four terms, the produfl of the two extremes, is equal to the pro duff of the two means. IF the numbers are, 2, 8, 32, 128, it will be 2x128:118x32 j therefore 2: 8 1:32 1128. CONSEQUENTLY, if the product of any two num bers, be equal to the produd: of any other two num bers, thofe four numbers are proportional. HENCE it may be eafily underftpod, that if any number of terms are in -ff the product of the two ex tremes, will be equal to the product of any other two terms, equidiftant from thofe extremes. LET the feries be 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 ; where 3X96=6X48-12X24. WHEN numbers are compared together, in order to difcover their relation to each other, the number compared is writen firft, and called the antecedent, and the number by which you compare the other, being written next, is called the confequent : Thus if you would compare 2 with 4, the numbers muft be wrote thus, 2, 4 ; where 2 is the antecedent, and 4 the confequent : Again in theie, 3 : 6 :: 6: 12 ; where 3 is antecedent, and 6 its confequent ; alfo, 6 the middle term, is an antecedent to 12, its confe quent. Therefore in every feries of numbers in Geometrical Proportion continued, all the terms ex cept the laft, are antecedents, and all except the firft are confequtnrs. THUS in (fee feries 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, the numbers 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, arc all antecedents, and 9, 27, 8 1, 243, 729, i all confequents ; therefore 8 1 :: 81:243:: 243:729. THE Ratio is had by dividing any confequent by 3 19 1:9 127:: 27 its antecedent^ LEMMA III. If any numbers are proportional) it will be, as any cne cf the antecedents, is to its confequent jfo is the fum of all the antecedents, to to the fum of all the confe- qusnts, (! y id. Euclid's fifth book, Proportion 12.) LET the numbers be thefe, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, then 4-32 : 84-164-32 + 64, that is, for 4Xi20iz8X6o j therefore, 8 :: 44-84- ic 8 :: 60 : 1 20 j PROBLEM I. To find tl}3jum of any Geometrical Jeries increofing. SUPPOSE the fum of the following feries, i, 4, 16, 64, 256, is required : Multiply this feries with the Ratio, which is 4, and the' product will be a new fe ries, 4, 1 6, 64, 256, 1024 : Now it is plain, that the fum of the produced feries, is as many times the fujQDL of the former, as the Ratio hath units ; or the produced feries, is to the propofed, as the Ratio to unity, or i : Subtract the firft feries from the fccond, 4> l6>64 > 2 5 6 > I02 4 1,4, 1 6, 64, 256. Thus i, ' 4-1024, or, 1024 i, which is evidently equal to the fum of the firfc ftries multiplied with the Ratio, lefs i, by what has been faid ; confequently the fame divided by the Ratio, lefs i, muft give die fum of the propofed feries; that is; THEREFORE, when the firft term, lad term, and Ratio of a Geometrical feries are given, we may find the fum of all the terms by the following RULE. MULTIPLY the lad term with the Ratio, from which produftj fubtradfc the firft term, divide the re mainder by the Ratio lefs i, and the quotient refuh- ingwill be the fum cf the fen cs. MR. WARD, in his introdu&ion to the Mathe matics, page 78, has given an analytical invefiiga- tion of a rule for rinding the fum of any feries infr increafing ; which is afcer the manner following. LET a Geometrical feries be given^ fuppofe the following, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Put x~^Jum of the feries : Then, x* 64. fum of all tbe antecedents : And x*i^Jum of all the confequents : Therefore, 2:4:: #64 :x 2 ; per Lemma in. . Cohfeqticntly, x 2X2itf 64X4* That is, 2* 4n4.v 256 : Then, 4^- 2^^256^ 4 : Therefore, (by divifion) ix #1^1128 2 : Whence, Arni28 2-r-2 i, wbich affords thefamf rule as that above. Or finding tbe value ofx in tbe equation 4* 2#:n 256 4, to wit) ,VH256 4~-4 i which admits of &e following R U L E, ( 144- ) RULE. FROM the produ6b of the fecond and laft terms, fubtracfc the fquare of the firft, divide the remainder by the fecond term lefs the firft -, and the quotient will be the fum of the feries. EXAMPLES. In a Geometrical feries, there is given, the firft termzz3, laft term=r243, and Ratio 3 j to find the fum of the feries, per Rule firft. OPERATION. . Firft, 243 X 3 7 2 9 ^'prcduft of the laft term with the Ratio-, then 729 3-7-31^726-7-2 = 363 the fum required. A man bought a quantity of cloth ; for the firft yard he gave 2 dol. for the fecond 4 ; and fo on, in continued proportion Geometrical to the laft yard, for which he gave 256 dol. what did the whole coft ? Here, is given the firft, fecond, and laft terms, to find the fum of the feries, per Rule fecond. 256x4 4 1024 4~ ioio~produft of the fecond and laft terms, lefs the fquare of the fir ft \ then difference divi- 4 2 2 Jed by the fecond term lefs thejirft~fum that the whole cloth coft. BUT in finding the fum of the feries by the fore going rules, it is neceijjiry to have the laft term giv^- en : therefore the next thing in order, is, to Ihew how the laft term of the feries, when it is not given in the queftion, may be obtained. PROBLEM ( '45 ) PROBLEM II. The fir ft term > Ratio > and number of terms of a Geo metrical feries being given, to find the laft term. I. WHEN the firft term and Ratio are alike. RULE I. 1. WRITE down an Arithmetical feries of a con venient number of terms, whofe firit term, and com mon difference is unity or i. 2. WRITE a few of the leading terms of the Geo metrical feries, under the firft terms of the Arithme tical one. Thus I T> 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 ' Indices, or exponents. I 2, 4,' 8, 1 6, 32, Geometrical feries. 3. ADD together any two of the indices, and mul tiply the terms in the Geometrical feries, which be long to thofe indices, together, and their produ-ft will be that term of the Geometrical feries, which the fum of thofe two correfponding indices point out. 4. CONTINUE the addition of the indices, and mul tiply their correfponding terms, of the Geometrical feries, refpectively as before, until the fum of the in dices is equal to the number of terms, the product anfwering thereunto, will be the lad term required. II. WHEN the firft term is either greater or lefs than the Ratio, (unity excepted.) RULE II. i, WRITE down an Arithmetical feries, beginning with a cypher, the common difference, the fame as in the laft rule, T , 2. PLACE the leading terms of the Geometrical feries, under the Arithmetical, fd that the cypher may ftand over the firft term of the Geometrical fe- ries ; then add the indices, and multiply their corref- ponding terms as before. 3. DIVIDE that product by the firft term, and the quotient will be that term of the feries, which is de nominated by the fum of thofc indices : The reft the fame as before. III. WHEN the firft term is unity or i. R U L E HI. W V RTTE down the terms, and place their indices as in the lad rule ; then add the indices, and multiply the terms which they denominate, together, till the fum of the indices is one lefs than the number of terms, and the refult will be the iail term, as requir ed. AN example in each of the foregoing rules, will make their application eafy. In a Geometrical feries, there is given, the firft term=2, Ratio 2, and number of terms 12, to find the laft term, per rule i . OPERATION. Thus, I x > 2 > 3> 4> 5> 6> Indices. I 2> 4, 8, 16,32,64, Tf. Here, 4+2=6, the index ofthefixtb term ; confe- quently 4x16=64, the fix th term. Again y 6+612, tffltf 7 64X64=4096^/^4^ term* as required. Suppofe the firft term of a feries in ~, is 3, Ratio 2, and number of terms 15 i required the laft term, per rule 2. OPERATION. ( 147 ) OPERATION. irft I 3 l > 2) 3> 4> S> Indices. > I 3> 6, 12, 24, 4 8, 9^> #v' Firft 24X96=23045 therefore, 3 l6% eighth term. Again y 34-4=7, and ; therefore, term. Z^/y, 7 + 8 1 5 ; whence^ - 4 ./. ------- 98304 O : i $tb y and laft term which 'was to be done. Given firft term' i, Ratio 4, and number of terms II, to find the laft term, per rule 3. )0 OPERATION. TVm I > x > 2 3> 4> Indices. hUS> 1 i, 4, 16, 6 4 , 256, *. Then, 4-}-3 + 3=io~^w^r ^ /^rwj lefs one index to the nth term ; therefore, 256X^4X64 1048576^111^ term as was required. Mifcellaneous >ueftions. A MAN hired himfelf to a farmer, for 28 weeks upon thefe confiderations ; that for the fir ft week to have i ct. ; for the fecond 2 cts. ; and the third 4 tfj. ; and fo on, in 4f '- What did his 28 weeks wages amount to ? The laft term by the foregoing rules, is, 1 342 17728, which multiplied with the Ratio (2) produces 268435456; therefore, - 43545 T 268435455 cts. "2684354 dol. $$cts. the anfwer. A AnJ. { ( 14* ) A MAN bought 20 yards of velvet, at the follow ing prices, viz. for the firft yard he gave i.cts. -, for the fecond, 4 cfs. j for the third, 8 cts. and fo on, in Geometrical Proportion : How much did the whole coft ? Anfwer. 20971 del. 50 cts. A MERCHANT fold 24 yards of lace 5 the firft yard for 3 pins, the fecond for 9, the third for 27 ; and fo on, in triple Proportion Geometrical : Now fuppofe he afterwards fold his pins 1 10 for a cent : What did his lace amount to, and what was his gain in the whole, when he gave 50 cts. per yard for his lace ? Lace corns to y 4236443047 dot. 20 cts. Gain in ths whole, 4236443035 dol. 20 cts. A THRESHER agreed with a farmer to work fer him 25 days, for no other confideration than 2 barley corns for the firft day 8 ; for the fecond 32 ; for the third - 3 and fo on, in quadruple proportion Geometri cal : How much did his wages amount to, allowing 7680 barley-corns to make one pint, and the barley to be fold for 25 cts. per bufhel ? Anfwsr. 381774870 dol. 75 ~cts. SUPPOSE a wheat-corn had been fowed at the crea tion, and continued to increafe in a ten -fold propor tion every year, down to the prefent time 5 now al lowing 5003 years for the elapfe of time: What would be the number of wheat-corns produced ? Here the firft term being i, the Ratio 10, and the number of terms 5000, it is therefore plain, that the laft term will be i, haying as many cyphers an nexed, as there are number of terms, ; le-fs one -, con- fequently its value is 1(4999)0^, where the numeral figures included in the parenthefis, exprefs the number of cyphers annexed to the i ; Next to find the fum of the feries. Firft 3 ( '49 ) Firjl, 1(4999)0^X101(5000) tfs y tben 1(5000) oV i =(5000) 9'j ~ /J , , ' ^:i 1 1 ii in i in 1 1 iniii ejv. to cooo 10 I f laces of figures number of wheat-corns produced j which number far exceeds all human imagination ; for the whole fpace occupied by our folar fyitem, which is at lead twenty thoufand million of miles in diameter, is by'mtich too fmall, to contain the afore- faid quantity of wheat: Nay, fuch a quantity would take up more fpace, than is contained in the whole heavens on this fide the fixed ftars. Hence we may learn the great power of progreflive numbers, and that fmall portion of fpace, neceffary to exprefs a number by the help of numeral figures contrived for that purpofe, which Ib far exceeds all our imagination*. CHAP. II. DISJUNCT PROPORTION, OR fb* RULE of THREE. WH E N of four numbers, the firft has tha fame Ratio to the fecond, as the third has to the fourth : .Or when the fecond is the fame multiple or quotient of the firft, as the fourth is of the third 5 then are thofe numbers faid to be in Disjunct Pro portion. IF four numbers are proportional diree~lly, as the firft to the fecond j fo is the third to the fourth ; then will they alfo be proportional ; Inverfely, Alternate ly, ly, Compoundedly, Dividedly, and Mixtly. (Vid Book ii. Cbaf. xrr.) SECT. I. DIRECT PROPORTION, OR The RULE of THREE DIRECT. THIS is fomctimes called the golden rule, from the great benefit people in all kinds of bufmefs receive from it, as well the farmer and mechanic as the mer chant, &c. It confifts of four numbers, which are proportional, as the firft to the fecond -, fo is the third to the fourth, as above : The two firft are a fuppofi- tion, the third a demand, and the fourth the anfwer. The two fuppofitions and the demand are always giv en, and the fourth required. Let the four numbers be, a, , c, d. Then a \ b :: c \ dy dire&ly ; therefore, ay^dby^c, or ad~bc, per Lemma ir, of the laft Scclion. Whence by the nature of divifion bca^zd, that is, if the product of the fecond and third terms, be di vided by the firft, the quotient will be the fourth. Or iince the Ratio of the firft to the fecond, is the fame ss that of the third to the fourth ; it follows, that 'b~ay,c~d, that is, if the fecond term be divided by the iirft, and that quotient multiplied into the third, it will produce the fourth. Now, in order to prepare your numbers for obtain ing a fourth proportional, according to the forego^- ing rules, you inuft obferve the following RULE. R U L E. WRITE that number which is of the fame name with the number fought, in the middle place, and the other two fo, that the exprefllon may read accord ing to the nature of the queftion. Let the following conditions be exprefied in num bers. What is the coft of 24lb. of cheefe, when the price of 3lb. is 20 cfs. ? Here the middle number muft be coft, becaufe the fourth, or number required, is always of the fame name and denomination of the fecond, by the nature of the proportion : Hence the above condi tions in numbers, is, Thus, jib. zocts. 24bl. ; that is, if 3 pounds coft so cts. what will 24 pounds coft ? Then to find a fourth number, proceed as before directed. Note. If the firft and third numbers are not &f the Jame name, they muft be made Jo by the rules of reduction : Alfo, if any of the numbers are com pounds, they mujl be reduced to the leafl dejivmin- ation mentioned. EXAMPLES. If 4lb. of cheefe coft 32 cts. ; what will 32olb coft ic fame rate ? OPERATION ( '5* > OPERATION. Thefe numbers being placed according to the \b, cts. Ib. rule, will ftand thus, 4 : 32 :: 320 3* 640 960 4) ,10240 i (oo) 25(60=125 dol. 60 [cts. the anjwer. Or, 32-7-4^:8 ; therefore) 320X8 2560 ^. 25 Jol* 60 els. the fame as before. What will 6 yards of holland coft, when the price of 40 yards, is 24 dol. 40 cts. ? OPERATION. yd. dol. cts. yd. As 40 : 24 40 :: 6 ftated. ^heny 24.4O-4-4On=.6i, and 6 X. 6 1=366 cts.^ 3 dol. 66 cts. the anfwer. Find the value of loolb. of flax, when the price of lib. is 12 cts ? OPERATION; Ib. cts. Ib. As i : 12 :: 106 iz 1 2 dol. the anjwcr. What ( 153 ) What is the coft of4olb. of cheefe, when the price of jlb.^is 15 cts. OPERATION. Firft, 15-7-3 5, the ratio of the firft term to the \fecond. Then, 40X5 200 cts.~i dol. the anfwer. What is the coft of Sylb. of tobacco, at 84 cts. per Ib. ? OPERATION. Ib. cts. cts. Ib. As i : 84- =8.5 :: 87 435 696 739-5=739-1- ^-= 7 ^ [39i cts - the anfwer. A goldfmith fold a tankard for 29 ^/. 97 r/j. at the rate of i */0/. n cts. per oz. : What was the weight of it ? Anfwer. ' 27 oz. A man bought Iheep at i <&/. 1 1 r/j-. per head, to the amount of 5 1 doL 6 cts. : How many Iheep did he buy ? Anfwer. 46, SECT. II. RECIPROCAL, or INSERTED PROPORTION* OR *ba RULE of THREE INDIRECT. THIS kind of proportion, is the reverfe of the former, as to the performance j for the greater the U third third term is, in refpect of the firft, the lefs will b( the fourth, in refpect of the iecond ; whereas in di- red proportion, the greater or lefs' the third term is.) in rcfpect of the firft, the greater or lefs will be the fourth term, in refpect of the fecond ; but to illuf- trate the former. If two men can produce a certain: effect in 12 days : In how many days would 6 mer produce the fame ? Here it is manifeft, that 6 mer would produce the effect in lefs time than 2 ; anc therefore the greater the third term is, the lefs will be the fourth. Again, if lomen can produce a cer tain effect in 6 days : In how many days would 4 men do the fame ? Here it is evident, that 10 men would produce the effect in lefs time than 4 men \ and therefore the lefs the third term is, the greater will be the fourth : Confequently, more requires lefs^ and lefs requires more, in indirect proportion. HERE the fame rule is to be obferved, in Hating your queftion, as in the former proportion, and did refults in refpect of names and denominations are the| fame alfo : Then to find a fourth proportional, pro-! ceed with the following rules. RULE I. MULTIPLY the firft and fecond numbers together, and divide that product by the third ; the quotient reiulting will be the fourth proportional required. RULE II. DIVIDE the fecond number by the third, and that 2uotient ^multiplied into the firft, will produce the ajiirth, RULE ( '55 ) RULE III. DIVIDE the third term by the firft, and the fecond :rm by this quotient 5 and the refulting quotient iil be the fourth number. EXAMPLES. If 5 men can perform a certain piece of work in days : How long will four men be in doing the ame OPERATION. Men. D. Men. S 8 4 5_ 4) 40 D. Or, 4_4Q 8+r~~ mo days as before. If 2,0 bufliels of grain, at 50 o?#/.r per bulhel, will pay a debt : How many bufhels at 60 cents ^r bufh- il will pay the fame ? OPERATION. OPERATION, cts. Bujb. cts. 50 20 60 20 6(o)lOO(o 164 Anfwer. 164 bujhds. If 2 yards of cloth, i yard and 3 quarters wide, is fufficient to make a coat ; how many yards of i yard wide, will make the fame ? OPERATION. ^ 3^ 3~ yards the anfwer. A man being defirous to draw off a cafk of bran dy into bottles, finds that if he makes life of three quart bottles, it will require 60 : How many five- pint bottles will it require, to draw off the aforefaid cafk of brandy. Anfwer. 72 bottles. A man bought a piece of cloth 9 quarters wide, and ii quarters long : How many yards of 3 quar ters cloth will line it ? Anfwer. 8.1 yards. If 3'-y ai *ds of yard-wide cloth will make a coat : How many yards of 7 quarters cloth, will make the ? Anfwer. 2 yards. SECT. ( 157 ) S E C T. III. COMPOUNDED RATIO. COMPOUNDED Ratio is when the antecedent and confequent taken together, is compared to the confe- quentitlelf : thus, a : I :: c : ^, directly, therefore .by cornpofition ; as a-\-b : b :: c-\-d : d. Note. The fame Rule is to be oljerved here, as in direft proportion. EXAMPLES. If A can produce a certain effe6t in 5 days, B can do the fame in 7 days ; fet them both about it toge ther, in what time will it be finilhed ? ORERATION. 12)35(2 days. 24 22 bourf. AnJ. 2 days lib. If A in in 5 hours, can make 1000 nails, B in B hours, can make 2000 : In what time would they ' jointly make 50000 nails ? Here Here you muft firft find in what time each perfon would make 50000 nails, and then proceed as in the lait example. OPERATION. n. h. n. As icoo : 5 :: 50000 : 50000X5-^-1000 =z 250 boars, the time it would take A to make 50000 nails. n. h. n. _ As 2000 : 8 :: 5000 : 50000X^-7-2000^:200 hours, the time it would take B to make 50000 nails. e^ as 2504-200 : 200 : : 250 : 200 x 250- 450 1 1 r~ hour s y the time it would take them jointly to make 50000 nails, as was required. Note. From this operation, we have the following general theorem forjolving all queftions ofaftmil- ar nature, let the ferfons or agents employed, be any numler whatever, THEOREM. MULTIPLY the joint effect with the time each one would produce his particular effect, and divide the product by the faid particular effect ; then multiply all the refuhing quotients together for a dividend, and make the fum of them a divifor -, then divide, and the refulting quotient will be the time required. SECT, ( 159 ) S EC T. IV. DIVIDED RATIO. DIVIDED Ratio is when the excefs wherein the an tecedent exceeds the confequent, is compared with the confequent : fbus, a\b\\ c\ d> direftiy , therefore by divifien as a b : b : : c d : d. EXAMPLES. If A can do a piece of work in 8 days, A and B can do it in 5 days : In what time can B do the fame work ? OPERATION. u. h. As* 5^3 -.5:: 8: 5X8^3-40-3- '3 8 > ** time required. Two flitps, one in chafe of the other, the head- moft (hip is 48 miles diftant from the other, and fails at the rate of 4 miles per hour, and the fternmoft Ihip at the race of 7 miles per hour : How long be fore the fternmoit fhip will overtake the o:her ? OPERATION. As 7 4 IT 3 * i : : 48 : 48X1-7-316 bcurs, tbe time required. A hare is is 50 leaps before a grey -hound, and takes 4 leaps to the grey-hound's three ; but 2 of the grey-hound's leaps are as much as three of the hare's : How many leaps rnuft the ^r?.y-hound take to catch the hare ? Her you mufl firft find how many kafs of ths bart, anfivers to three of the grey-hound' V : Tbu^ 2:3^ 3 ?hen, as 4.5 4~-5 :3 : *-5 : 3X5o-~-.5 300 /fo anjwer. The hour and minute-hand of a clock are exactly together at 12 o'clock j when are they next together I Here the proportion of the vehfities of the hour and minute-hand^ is as i to 12. Thereforeyii iHn : i :: 12 t i2Xi-S-u~ih. 5-/-A the anjwer. If A, B and C, can' produce a certain effect in 12 days, A can do it in 30 days and C in 50 days, in what time will B do the fame work ? Fir ft find the time in which A and C, would produce the effeff jointly, by Ratio of compofition. Thus, 30-1-50 : 50 :: 30 : 50X30-^70 =21! days, as 21^ 12^:91 : 12:: 21 - T : i$^~ y the time requir ed. There is an ifland 100 miles in circumference, and two footmen, A and B, fet out together, to trav el the fame way round it, A travels 15 miles per day, and B 17 miles: When will they come together again ? Firfty find how many miles B muft travel to over take A y after their departure : T'btts, as 17 15:1:2: 17 :: 100 : 850, the number of miles B muft travel y which is 50 days journey ; therefore they will be together Ggain 50 days after their departure. There is three pendulums of unequal lengths -, the firft of which vibrates once in 12 feconds, the fecond in 1 8 feconds, and the third in 24 feconds : Now fuppofing- them all to move from a line of conjunc tion, at the fame moment of time : When will they come into the fame fituation again, and move on together ? Firft Firft y find the time when the two firft pendulums W9ve on together y as in the loft example : Thus, 1 8 - 12: 1 8 :: i : i% ^1+6^ $ytbfmmber of vibrations $ the firft y which is performed in 36 Jeconds~i vibra~ tions of thefecond. ThereforCy after th? firft has vi brated 3 timeSy and the fecond 2, they will move on to gether again. In the next place y we muft examine into the fituatim of the third pendulum , at the conjunction of the two firft. In 36 fecondsy there is 1.5 vibration of the third pen~ dulumy which is therefore y .5 of a vibration , diftant from the conjunction of the other two ; whereforey .5:1 :: 3 : 6, the number of vibrations of the fir ft y at which time, they all come into a line of conjunct ion y and move on together. Conjequentlyy when the firft has made 6 vi- brationSy the Jecond will have performed 4, and the third three^zi^y.3=?]ijecondsy the time required. If A can do a piece of work in 20 days ; A and B in 13 days ; A and C in 1 1 days ; and B and C in LO days : How many days will it take each perfon i to perform the fame work ? OPERATION. As 20- 13 : 13 :: 20 : 374- the time that B would 1 do it. As 20 ii : ii :: 20 : 244 the time that C would do it, C HA CHAP. III. SIMPLE INTEREST. SIMPLE intereft is a premium of a certain fum paid for the loan of money borrowed for a par ticular term of time, at any rate per cent or hundred, as the borrower and lender fh all agree. THUS, if 100 dollars be lent at 6 per cent per an num, the premium for i year will be 6 dollars, for a years 12 dollars, for 3 years 18 dollars; and fo on. THE fum lent is called the principal, and the pre mium per 100, the Ratio or rate per cent -, and the amount is the principal and intereft added together. ALL the varieties of fimple intereft, are comprifed in the following cafes. C AS E I. When the fum lent, Is for any number of years > and the rate per cent, any number of dollars. RULE. MULTIPLY the principal with the number of years, and that product with" the Ratio, and divide by 1005 the quotient refulting, will be the intereft required. EXAMPLES. Required the intereft of 700 dollars, for 4 years, at 6 per cent per annum ? OPERATION. OPERATION. 700 4 2800 6 1(00)168)00 'nfwer. 168 dollars y the inter eft required. Required the intereft of 3520 dollars, for 7 years, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. 1(00)1478(40=1478 dol. 4octs. the \anjwer. What is the intereft of 57821 dollars, for 5 years, at 5 per cent per annum ? AnJ. 2891 dol. 5 cts. What is the intereft of 5972 dollars, for 12 years, at 3 per cent per annum ? AnJ. 716 dol. 64 cts. CASE II. " When thefum is lent for years and months 5 the Ra tio the fame as before. RULE. REDUCE the number of months into the decimal of a year, then multiply the principal with the time, and and that product with the Ratio, then divide by 100 and you will have the intereft required. . Or >. MULTIPLY the principal with the number of years, and take parts of the principal for the reft part of the time, a^.d add them to the reft $ then proceed as before directed. Required the intereft of 735 dollars, for 5 years/ 4 months, at 5 per cent per annum. OPERATION. 4 monthszr-J- of a year, 3)735 5 3675 245=735-^3 3920 5 ratio. 1(00)196)00=196 dollars, the [intereft required. Required the intereft of 52374 dollars, for 7 years 8 months, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. OPERATION. *? of a year, 3)52374 7 366618 i745%- *f 5*374 17458 401534 i(oo)-249 a )4 24092 4, the in- \tweft required. What is the intereft of 32104 dollars, for 4 years, 3. months, at 5 per cent per annum ? AnJ. 6827 dol. 10 cts. CASE III. When the Rath is dollars and farts of a dollar* the reft the fame as * before. RULE. 1. REDUCE the number of months into the decimal of a year, and multiply the principal with the whole time. 2. REDUCE the fractional parts of the Ratio into the decimal of a dollar. 3. MULTIPLY the former refult with the latter, and divide by 100, and you will have the intereft re quired : Or, MULTIPLY the principal with the number of years, and take parts of the principal for the reft part of the time, and add them to the former product > then multiply ( 166 ) multiply this product with the dollar's part of the rate, and take parts of the multiplicand for the reft part of the rate, and add them to the latter product j then divide them by 100, and you will have the in- tereft required. EXAMPLES. Required the intereft of 700 dollars, for 3 years 6 months, at 6~ per cent per annum. OPERATION. 700 3500 2IOO 245O.O 6,$ ~ 122500 147000 doL cts. 1(00)159)25.00159 25, the anfwer* Or. 6 months^ a year 2)700 3 2IOO for tbt -per cent 2)2450 6 14700 1225 doL cts. I () I 59( 2 5= I 59 25 as /"'* Required i7 Required the intereft of 3520 dollars 17 cents, for 2 years 6 months, at 5^ per cent. OPERATION. 2)3520.17 704034 176003.5-3520.17-7-2 4)8800.375 5 44001875 2200.093 doL cts. 1(00)462(01.968462 i. 968 tie \anf. CASE IV. When fhefum is lent for any number of weeks. RULE. REDUCE the number of weeks into the decimal of a year, and proceed as in the laft cafe. Or, FIND the intereft of the given fum, according to the foregoing rules for one year $ then fay, as 52, the number of weeks in a year, is to the intereft thus found ; fo is the given number of weeks, to the in tereft required. EXAMPLES. Required the intereft of 720 dollars, for 10 weeks, at 5-i per cent per annum, OPERATION. OPERATION. 720 .19211: time nearly. 138.240 691200 691200 dol. cts. 7,60.3200:1:7 60/32 the anfwer* ix). dol. cts. w. Or, 720 As 52:39 60 :: 10 * 5-5 10 3600 3600 52\396-(7-6*~7 Jol. 61 fts. J 20 312 80 28 Note. Tfareafw why the two methods of operation a- lo r oe>do not bring cut tbefameanjwer, is lecauje the decimal of 10 weeks fan never be exaftly found ; yet the err GUT artfing from any Juch computation, will be inconfidcrabh. Required I. LW 7 / dol. cts. Required the intereft of 5 27 2, for 13 weeks, at ;i per cent per annum. 659000 659000 i (00)7 2(49*000=7* dol. 46 cts. the anf. C A S E V. When tbefum is lent for any number of days. RULE. REDUCE the days into the decimal of a year, and proceed as in the laft cafe. Or, T MULTIPLY the given fum with the number of dap, S US P rodua g with theRatio a dmdena V MULTIPLY 365, the number of days m a year, with ,00 for a divifor ; then divide, and the quotient will be the intereft required. As 365 days, is to the intereft of die principal for gjjff EXAMPLES. Required the intereft of 300 dollars, for 219 days at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. Or, 219 365 3 . 300 100 65700 36500 180.0 6 6=ratio y . doL cts. d. 365(00)3942(00) 10 80 aslefin 1(00)10)80,0=1080^.^.365 292.0 2920 o Required the intereft of 1000 dollars, for 35 days at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. d. dol. d. 1000 As 365: 60:: 35 60 6o - 365x2100 (5 del. 75 cts. 71825 275.0 15150 1825 dot. cts. 125 CASE CASE VI. Wbtn the principal, Rath, and intereft are given t* id tke time. RULE. i. FIND the intereft of the principal for one year, it the eiven rate. 2 SAY as the intereft thus found, is to one year ; b is the given intereft, to the time required. EXAMPLES. Required the time in which 500 dollars will gain 150 dollars, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. dol. y. JI- As 30:1:: 15 6 * Find in what time 700 dollars will gain 159 o. cts. at 6iper cent per annum. OPERATION. 700 del. cts. y. dot. cts A 45 5 o:i: f( 172 ) **- dol. cts. Required the time in which 283 334. will amount to 370 dol. 50 cts. at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. dol. cts. dol. y. dol. cts. 33r As 17 i 87 i6 6 i 17.0000 17X3=51)261. 50(5,12^*, the 2 5S {anfwer* 140 1 02 CASE VII. When the Ratio, time, and amount are riven to find the principal. RULE. As the amount of 100 dollars, a* the rate per :cnt and time given, is to 100 dollars ; fo is the giv en amount, to the principal required. EXAMPLES. 9 Required the principal that will amount to 7766 dot. 40 cts. in 7 years, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION, ( 173 ) OPERATION. TOO 6 6.00 7 42.00 doL dol. cts. dol. cts. As 100+421:142 : 100 :: 3766 40 : 2793 23 \\\ the anfwer. Required the principal that will amount to 861 dollars in 4 years, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. 100 100+24^124: 100 :: 868 4 ioo 400 124)86800(700 6 868 24.00 ooo The r efcr e 700 doL is the principal required. Requkred the principal that will amount to 270 dollars, in 2 years at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION. ( '74 ) OPERATION. 100 As 100+12=: 1 12 2 200 6 12.00 16 ) 241 doL 7 T |4 cts. is the principal re quired. Admit I have a legacy of 196 dol. 66-* cts. to pay, but is not due till the end of 3 years, and the lega tee being in want of money, defires I would lend him fome : What fum muft he have to amount to his legacy in 3 years, at 6 per cent per annum ? Anfwtr. 1 66 dol. 66|- cts. CASE VIII. When the principal, amount > and time are given to find the Ratio. R ULE. i. SUBTRACT the principal from the amount, and the remainder is the intereft. 2. ( 175 ) 2. SAY as the given principal, is to its intereft ; fo is 100 dollars, to the intereft of 100 dollars for the given time. 3. DIVIDE the intereft of i oo dollars thus found by the given time, and the quotient will be the ra tio required. EXAMPLES. Required the rate per cent per annum fuch, that 1240 dollars may amount to 1400 in 3 years. OPERATION. 1400 1240: 200 :: ico i 200 100 200 1 24)0} 2ooo(o( 1 6. 1 2 /I24 760 744 16.0 124 360 248 dol. cts. 112 5.37 the Ratio required. Required Required the rate per cent per annum, that 100 dollars in 7 years will amount to 135 dollars. OPERATION. 135 As 100 : 35 :: 100 100 100 3$=intcreft, 1)00(00(35 7 (35 1(00)64.8800^:64.88 cts. t he Brokerage 'jquired. What is the Brokerage of 15600 dollars, at 77 :ents per cent ? AnJ. 120 doL 12 cts. CHAP. IV. COMPOUND INTEREST. GO M P O U N p. Intereft arifes from the com putation of the intereft of any principal added ,:o its intereft, when the payment Jhould be made ; vhich forms a new principal at every time when I Repayments become due; and is for this realbn, bmetimes called intereft upon intereft. THUS, if 100 dollars be put to intereft at 6 dollars )er cent per annum ; at the end pf the firft year, the ntereft will be 6 dollars as in fimple intereft, which f added to its principal will be 106 dollars, for a new )rincipal the fecond year, which principal at the :nd of the fecond year, will amount to 112 dol- ars 36 cents ; which is 36 cents more than if 100 lollars had been put out at fimple intereft only. THE Compound Intereft of any fum may be found )y the following RULE. i. FIND the intereft of thepropofed fum for the irftyearatthe given rate per cent, as in fimple in- srcft, 2. 2. ADD this intereft to its principal, which amount makes the principal for the fecond year. 3. FIND the intereft of the fecorid year's principal,, in the fame manner as \ou did the firft, and add it to! its principal, for the third year's principal* which mull be computed as before ; and fo on, for the time required . 4. SUBTRACT the given principal from tfye laft amount, and the remainder will be the Compound' Intereft required. Or, !FIND the amount of one dollar for one year, at the given rate per cent, and multiply it continually with the principal, as many times as the given num ber of years, and the refill ting product will be the amount ; from which fubtradfc the principal, and the remainder will be the Compound Intereft. EXAMPLES. "Required the Compound Intereft of 100 dollars, for 3 years, at 6 per cent per annum. OPERATION tOO IOO 6 6 6.00 106 6 6.36 6.7416 , 119 dpi, i o. 1 6 cts. i oo doL 19 d*l. i o. 1 6 intereft require-d. Or, 106 6.36 112.36 6.7416 112.36 6 119.1016 : 106 :: i : i.o6f iooxi.o6Xi.o6X the amount of i dollar for i< t;. at 6 per cent. [dol. 10.16 cts. fhen, 119 dol. 10.16 cts. IQQ doL iydol. 10.16 cts. the fame as before. THE following is a Table of the amount of i dollar, from i to 30 years ; for the more ready computing Compound 6 per cent per annum. J? & "t The amount of j dol. at 6 pgr cent, *3c . comp . inter eft . I s y ^ amount of I and 7X4+7X8 -f-^X 12+ T X 16 , , , - ^ 4- 4- - + - = =fumof tleprodufts of the fever al payments with their refpeft- ive times : Therefore, -- r^= - ^-= i imonths 5 5* * tbefame as before. <3 E D CHAP. VII, B 4 R T E R. BARTER is the exchanging one commodity for another in fuch a manner, that the parties bartering, may neither of them fuftain lofs. Thus, fuppofe A hath 5olb. of ginger, at 30 cents perlb. and would Barter with B for pepper at 70 cents per Ib. Ib. What quantity of pepper mud B give A for his 50 Ib. .of ginger ? IN the Iblucion of this queftion, and all others of the like nature, you muft firft find the value of the given quantity at the given price, and then find how much of the quantity fought at its price, will amount to the value of the given quantity, and the refult will be the a-nfwer to the queftion, Thus, in the above queftion, the quantity given, is 5clb. of ginger, at 30 cents per Ib. and the quantity fought is pepper, at 70 cents per Ib. Therefore, as 70 cts. : lib. :: 15 dol. (the price of the ginger) : 214 Ib. the quantity of pepper required. Oonfe- quently in Barter, the method of operation is the fame as i:i the rule of three direcl. EXAMPLES. Required the quantity of flax, at cents per Ib. given in Barter, for 12 Ib. of indigo, at 2 dol. 50 cts. per Ib. OPERATION. .Ib. doL cts. Ib. dol, Firft, as i : 2 50 :; 12 : 30, the value of the indi* go ers. Ib. dol. Ib. ?hen> 8 : i :: 30 ". 375, the anfwer. A hath rum at 70 cents per gallon ready money, but in Barter he muft have So cents ; B hath raifins at 1 2 cents per Ib. ready money: How many Ib. of raiiins mufl A have for 60 gallons of rum. Here you mufl fir ft find what B's raifins ought to le fer Ib. in Barter , which muft be as much more in fro- fortion > as A y s price in ready money > is to his price in Barter i ( '9* ) Barter ; which to obtain, Jay as 70 cis. '. 80 ct?. :: ia c/j. : 13.71 cts. ~ price of B's raijins $er Ib. in Barter ; /## proceed as before diretled> and the quantity cfrai- fins that B muft. give A will be found=3$o.iM. How much wheat at 91 J- cts. per bufhei, mud be given for 8 ewt. of fugar at 8^- cts. per Ib. ? Avfwer. 8i~ bujhels. A hath rum at 70 cents per gallon ready money, bin in Barter he mud have 84 cents ; B hath corn at 50 cents per bufhei ready money : How muchmuit B have per bufhei in Barter for his corn \ alfo, how many bufhei of corn B muft give A for a hogfhead of rum containing 120 gallons ? Anjwer. M^n^ft have 57^- cts. per bitfoel in Barter, and muft give A 168 kujbel of corn for the 12.0 gallons of rum. D hath 12 cwt. of fugar, which he will fell to H for 8 dollars 33-]- cents per cwt. ready money, but in Barter he muft have 8-i cents per Ib. H hath a horfe which he would fell for 90 dollars ready mon ey, but in Barter he muft have 20 per cent advance: They Barter, D takes the horfe, and H the fugar : Query which is in debt, and how much ? Anjwer. H is in debt 3 doL-yj^ cts. ready money. CHAP. VIII. LOSS and GAIN. LOSS and gain is a rule by which merchants' are inftrufted how to raife or fall in the prices of their goods, fo as to gain or loofe fo much per Ib. bag, or barrel, &c. The THE operations are performed by the rule of three direct. EXAMPLES. Suppofe I buy cheefe at 6 dollars per loolb. and fell it again at 8 cents per Ib. What do I gain in buy ing and felling 6oolb. ? Here you muft firft find what 6oolb. comes to, at 6 dollars per loolb. and 6oolb. at 8 cents per Ib. then fubtra6t one fum from the other, and the refult will be the anfwer. OPERATION. Firft, 6X636 doL the value of^6volb. at 6 doL per ioolb. Then, 600X8 cts.~ 48 doL the fries of 6oolb. at 8 cts. per Ib. And, 4$ 3611 dol. the anfwer. When butter coft 7 dollars per firkin of 561b. To find how it muft be fold per Ib. to gain 25 per cent. OPERATION. <* As $6lb. : 7 dol. :: lib. : iz~cts. the price that tfa butter coft per Ib. Asioolb.: ii^tts. :: 1004-25=125 : 15.625 cts. the anfwer* When tea coft 75 cts. per Ib. To find how it muft be fold per Ib. to gain 25 per cent. OPERATION. As 100 :75 :: 100+25=125: 93.75 cts. the an- Cwer* At C *93 ) At I2~ cts. profit in a dollar : How much per cent? As i dbL : 12.5 cts. :: 100 dol. ; 12- per cent the 'anfwer. Bought rum at 50 cents per gallon, and paid i'm- poft, at $ cents per gallon, and afterwards fold it at 53 cents per gallon : What do I loofe in laying out 00 dollars. Anfwer. 86 dol. 21 cts If I buy tallow at ii~ cents per Ib. and give 2%. cents per Ib. to a chandler to make it into candles, and i4oz. of tallow make a dozen of candles, which I fell at 1944 cents per dozen : What do I gain in buying and felling iSolb. of tallow. Arifwer. iQ.dcl.$Qcts. CHAP. IX. FFLLOWSHIP, FELLOWSHIP is a rule, when feveral per- fons as merchants, &c. trade in company with a joint flock, to afcertain each man's proportional part of the gain or lofs, which arifes>from the em ployment of the joint (lock, according to the quan tity of goods, Hum of money, &c. each man puts in to the faid ftock j which admits of a two-fold con- fideration. SECT, L FELLOWSHIP SING LE. SINGLE Fellowfriip is when all the feveral (locks are employed in the common (lock, an equal term of time. Therefore, fince the times of the feveral B b flocks ( 1.94 ) flocks employed in the joint flock, are all equal ; it follows, that each partner's Ihare of the gain or lofs, is as his Ihare of that Hock : Wherefore it is mani- fed ; if I put in-^ of the whole Hock, I ought to have -^ of the whole gain, or fuffer ^ of the whole lofs : Hence ws have the following RULE. MULTIPLY each partner's part of the joint flock, with the vdiole gain or lofs, and divide the feveral products by the whole flock, and the quotients re- fulting will be the anfwer to the queftion. Or, as the whole flock is to the whole gain or lofs j fo is each man's particular part of that flock, to his particular part of the gain or lofs* EXAMPLES. Two partners, A and B, conftitute a joint, flock of 300 dollars, whereof A put in 200 dollars, and B 100 dollars, and they trade and gain 150 dollars : Required each man's part of the gain. OPERATION. 150 100 3)00)300)00 3)oo) 1 50)00 i oo A's gain. 50= B*s gain. Or, As 300 : 150 :: 200 : 150X200^300=100 doL A's fart of the gain. As 300: 150:: ioo : 1 50 xi 00^-30050 dol. B's fart of the gain : Or, C *9$ ) Of, 150300:3.5. the ratio of the fir ft term to the Jecond : Therefore, iQQX.$~ioo A's part, and ioox5 = 50 B's part as before. (Vid. Chap, u.) Three merchants, A, B, andC, make a joint ftock of 2000 dollars, whereof A put in 1500 dollars, B 800 dollars, and G 700 dollars \ and by trading gain 400 dollars : Required each man's part of the gain ? OPERATION. Fir ft, 40O-r aooo.a the ratio of the fir ft term to thefetond. f 500X.2IOQ dol A's "I 'therefore^ < 8oox-2 160 B's > gain. (. yooX. 2-140 - C's] ' Four merchants enter into partnerfhip, and confti- tute a joint (lock of 60000 dollars, whereof A put in 15000 dollars 24 cents, B 20000 dollars 76 cents, C 21000 dollars, and D 3999 dollars, and in trade they gain 24000 dollars : Required each partner's (hare of the gain ? OPERATION. Firft, 24000-7-60000^.4 the ratio of gain : There fore, 1 5000. 24X. 4=6000 dol. 9.6 cts. A y s part of the gain -, and 20000.7 6 X'4 8000 dol. 30.4 cts. B's part of the gain ; alfo y 2 ioooX -4=8400 dol. C's part ; laftly, 3999X4=i599 del. 60 cts. D's part. Six farmers, A, B, C, D, E, and F, hired a farm for 300 dollars ; A paid 20 dollars, B 30, C 40, D 60, 80, and F 70 dollars ; and they gained 60 dollars : What is each man's part of the gain ? Answer. c *?g ) 4 */ 5V 6, C'jf ., P> xaE'j 56, &nt?F's 14 CO MPOUND FELL O WSHIP. TnEonly difference between Fcllowfhip fingle and compound, is, that in the latter regard muft be had to the time each partner's fjtock continues in com pany 5 whereas in fingle Fellowfhip the times of con tinuance are all fuppofed equal* and when the times are equal, the {hares of gain or lofs, are as their flocks, as we have before fnewn : Therefore when the flocks, are equal, the fhares muft be as the times. Confequently, when neither the ftocks nor times are equal, the fhares muft be as their products \ which affords the following RULE. 1. MULTIPLY each man's flock with the time it is employed, and find the fum of all the products. 2. As the fum of the products thus found, is to the whole gain or lofs ; fo is the product of each inan's flock with its time^ to its proportional pajt of the gain 'or lofs. Or, FIND the ratio between the two rft terms, and proceed as in the laft rule, EXAMPLES. Two men, A and B, made a joint flock of 600 dollars, whereof A put in 200 dollars for 2 months', B put in 400 dollars for 4 months -, at the expir ation ation of which, they find they have loft 200 dollars* Required each man's part of the lofs ?< OPERATION. Firft, 200x2400:3 A's ftock with its time : Andy 400X4=1600 B's ftock with its time : Then, 4004-1600^:2000 the fum of the prcdufts of each man's ftocky with its time : 'Therefore) as 2000 : 200 :: 400 : 2oox400-J-2:ooo~4O del. A's fart of the lofs; and as 2000 : 200 :: 1600 : 200X1600-7-2000 160 dol. B 'j fart of the lofs. Or, 2oo-r-2ooo ~ .1 the ratio cf lofs 9 then, 40oX.i~4O A' s party and i6ooXi~i6o B's part, the fame as before. Three merchants made a joint flock of 8000 dol lars in the following manner^ viz. A put in 1200 dol lars for 3 years, B 2000 dollars for 7 years, and C 4800 dollars for 8 years > and at the end thereof, they find they have gained 6720 dollars: Required e&cfx man's part of the gain ? OPERATION. Firft, i2OoX3~36oozi^'j ftock with its time :. And, 2000X7 ~i4000rn$\f j#0f& with its time", AlfOy 4800X838400 Cs ftock with its time : Then, 3600+ 14000 + 3840056000 the fum cf the yrodufts : Andy 67 20 -r- 5600011:. 12 the ratio of gain : Therefore, 3600 X- 12:1:432 dol. A* s part of the gain-, and I4ooox-I2=ri68o doL B's^party Alfa^ 3S400X-12 4608 doL Csfart. Two- Two merchants, A and B, made a joint ftock ; A put in at firft, 300 dollars for 7 months, and 4 months after put in 500 dollars more : B put in at firft, 700 dollars, and 3 months after put in 200 dol lars more. Now at the end of 7 months, they make a fettlement of their accounts, and find they have gained 1860 dollars : Required each man's part of the gain, according to his (lock and time ? F*r ft * 300x41200 the produft of A' s fir ft flock with its time.) and 3004-500X3800x3=2400 the product of As increafed ftock, with the remainder of the time : Therefore, 12004-24003600 the produtt of A y s flock with the whole time, according to the queftion. Secondly, 700X3=2100 the produft ofB's firft fleck with its time, and 7004-200X4900X43600 the frodyfaof B's augmented ftock y with the remainder of the time : therefore, 21004-3600=5700 the product cf B's whole ftock, with the whole time, and 36004- 5700^9300 thejum of the produtls. Hence ^ 186003001^.2 the ratio of gain : there fore, 36ooX.2i=72o dol^A's part of the gain, and of the gain. Four merchants, A, B, C and D, enter into part,- nerfhip for 12 months: A put into the common ftock at firft, 300 dollars, B 400, C 500, and D 800 dollars, and at the end of four months, A took out 200 dollars, and 3 months after that, he put in 100 dollars more -, Bat the end of 2 months took out 200 dollars, and 2 months after that, put in 200 dol lars more : C at the end of 6. months, took out 300 dollars, and two months after that, put in 200 dol lars more : D at the end of 8 months, took out 400 dollars, and 2 months after that, put in 200 dollars more : *( 1 99 ) more : Now at the end of 12 months; they find they have gained 406 dollars : Required each man's part of the gain ? OPERATION. Firfl, 300X4=1200 the produft of A'sjirft flock with its time, and 300 200X3 100X3 300 the frodutt of A's remaining fleck for 3 months after the taking out of the 200 doL Again, ioo-j-iooX5 = 200X5=1000 / but if the third term require lefs, point the greater extreme : . m. d. m. f 240 : 8 : : 540 Thus, \ h. .h. I 16: :: 12 4. MULTIPLY together the terms which are point ed for a divifor, and the remaining terms .for a divi dend, and the quotient refulting will be the anfwcr : Thus, 540X8X16-- 240X1 224 days as before, C c EXAMPLES, ( 202 ) EXAMPLES. If 12 bufhels of corn are fufficient for a family of 9 perfons 12 months : How many bufhels will be fufficient for a family of 16 perfons, 20 months ? OPERATION. Here lujhels are fought > therefore the queftion ftated willjland .per. b. per. r 9 : 12:: 1.6 Thus, < . m. m. (. 12 : ::20 f hen Jay, if 9 perfons eat 1 2 lujhels in 1 2 months, 1 6 perfons will edt more 5 therefore point the lejs ex* ireme, which is 9. Again > Jay y if 12 months require 1 2 bu/hels for 9 perfons, 20 months will require more \ therefore point the lefs extreme, which is 12. Therefore, 12X20X16-- 12X93840-7- 108=35!. lujhels , the quantity of for n required. Note. If the fame quantity is found loth in the divifor and dividend, it may be expunged from loth : /.> the above exprefflon, 1 2X 20 x * 6-f- 1 2X9, /fij 1 2 wtfj be flruck out of the divifor and dividend ; thus, 2oX 1 6 -^9^:3 5-1 the fame as lefore. If 15 dollars be the hire of 8 men 5 days : What time will 40 dollars hire 20 men ? OEERATION. ( 2 3 ) OPERATION. .do 1. d. dot. IS : 51:40 m. m m. 8 : ::20 15X20=1600^300=51^^, the time required. If 200 dollars in 2 years, gain 15 dollars : What will 150 dollars gain in half a year ? thus, 15x150X26-7-200X104= i^doL the anfwer. If i50olb. of bread ferve4Oo men 14 days : How many pounds of bread will ferve 140 men 9 days ? Thus, 1 500x140X9-7- 400 xi4==337# %oz. the anfwer. If 12 Clerks will write 72 fheets of paper in 3 *days : How many Clerks will write 140 Iheets in 8 days ? Anjwer* ^XjXHO-r-y^X 8 8 ^ Clerks. If 5000 bricks are fufficient to make a wall 4 feet high and 5 feet long : How many bricks of the fame fize will make 7 feet of wall 2 feet high ? Anfwer. 3500, CHAP, 204 CHAP. XL CONJOINED PROPORTION. CONJOINED Proportion is when, in a rank of numbers, the firfl term is compared with the fecond, and the fecond term being increafed or diminiihed, is compared with the third, and fo on $ from thence to determine the equality of any of the terms : Thus, ifj^~4^, and 8~i2r, then will 3a=6c -, becaufe, as 4# : 30 : : 8 : 60 izc, or ^a^Jbc as before. A- gain, if 240 3 2#, 48^^:30^ and ioc$d, then will becauie, as 32^ : 24^ : =36^1^ yx, and a4=20 and therefore G is more profitable to hire than D ; andfince F is more profitable to hire than D y and G more profit able than F j if fellows, that G is the moft profitable to hire of the three. CH A P. ( 206 ) CHAP. XII. ALLEGATION. BY Allegation we are taught how to mix quan tities of different quality, fo that any quantity colleftively taken, may be of a mean or middle quality ; that is, it fliews us the value of any part of a competition, made of things all of a different quality. WE fhall confider Allegation, under the two fol lowing general heads, viz. Allegation Medial, and Allegation Alternate. SECT. I. ALLEGATION MEDIAL. THIS is when any number of things are given, and the price of each : To find the price of any quantity of a mixture compounded of the whole. RULE. 1. MULTIPLY each quantity with its price, and find the fum of all the proslufts. 2. DIVIDE the fum of the produces by the fum of all the quantities, and the quotient refulting will be the mean price required. EXAMPLES. A man is minded to mix 20 buftiels of wheat,at 100 cents per bufhel, with 10 bufhels of rye, at 50 cents per bufhel : Required the price of a bufhel of this mixture. OPERATION. ( 207 ) OPERATION. Firfl, 20X100=2000 cts. price of all the wheat, and 10X50500 cts. frice of the rye then 2000+5002500 thefum of the produces, and 20+ 1030 thefum of the quantities : Therefore, 2500-- 3083]- cts. the price tf a lujhel, as was required. A man would mix 27 bufhels of wheat, at 75 cents per bufhel, with 40 bufhels of rye, at 60 cents per bufhel, and 24 bufhels of oats,at 24 cents per bufhel : Required the price of a bufhel of this mixture. OPERATION. 9 Firft) 27X75 z:: i885 cts. price of the wheat, and 40X602400 cts. price of the rye, alfo, 24X24 576 cts. the price of the oats ; then 1 88 5-!- 2400-!- 5764861 thefum of the products, and 27+40 + 24 91 thefum of the quantities. Whence 4861 -cts.-r-yi^z price of a bujhel, as was required. A mahfter would mix 70 gallons of one fort of beer, worth 12 cents per gallon, with 20 gallons of another fort, worth 24 cents per gallon, and 20 gallons of a third fort, worth 22 cents per gallon : How may this mixture be fold per gallon without gain or lofs ? Anfwer. 16 cts. Required what a gallon of the following mixture is worth, viz. 60 gallons of malaga, at .5 dollars per gallon, 40 gallons at .7 dollars per gallon, and 12 gallons at .3 dollars per gallon. Anfwer. .55 dol. A Goldlinith melts iSffi. of gold bullion, of 12 carats fine, with iofl>. of 16 carats fine, and 20 ]fo. of 10 ( 203 ) 10 carats fine : How many carats fine is a pound of this mixture. Anfwer. 1 2 carats. Note. Goldjmiths fuppoje every quantity of gold to confifl of 24 farts, which they call carats ; but gold is generally mixed with fome other me tats, fitch as copper^ Irafs, &c. which is called alloy ^ and the quality of the gold is eftimated according to the quantity of alloy in it : Thus if 20 carats of pure gold, and 4 of alloy are mixed together, the gold is called 20 car at j fine. SECT. II. ALLEGATION ALTERNATE. ALLEGATION Alternate confifts of 3 cafes. CASE I. When the prices of the federal quantities to be mixed are given y to find what number ofcachjort muft be ta ken, to ccmpofe a mixture whcfe mean price Jhall be as given in the jueftion* RULE. 1. WRITE all the particular rate* or prices di- reftly under each other, and the mean price on the left hand. r i Thus, mean price, 4 < particular prices. I 5 2. COUPLE or connect the particular prices with lines, fo that one or more of thole greater than the mean price, may be coupled with one or more of thofe lefs. Thus, Thus, 4 Or thus > 4 5- L 5 WRITE the difference between the mean price md every particular price, direclly againft the one nth which it is coupled. fi n i fi I A \ as 8 : 12 :: 10 : 15, the quantity of corn j alfo, as 8 : 12 ; : 34 Si> the quantity of barley,. To To find how many gallons of frontenaic at 81 < cents, cFaret at 60 cents, and port at 51 cents per 1 gallon, mull be mixed with 42 gallons of madeini at 90 cents per gallon, fo that the whole compofition | may be fold for 72 cents per gallon, without profit! or lofs. 21 12 9 18 15* f ben, 42212 ; therefore, 12X2 24, the quantity of the claret, and 9x2:1:18, the quantity of the frwtinaic >, alfo, 18X2=36, the quantity of fort. A tobacconift would mix 6 Ib. of tobacco worth 6 cents per Ib. with another fort at M cents, and a third fort at 12 cents : What quantity muft be taken of each fort, to make a mixture worth 10 cents per Ib ? Anfwer, 8 Ib. ofeachjort. CASE III. When the whole compofition is equal to a given quan tity ; that is, when thefum of all the quantities which make up the compofition, colletJively taken, amount to the given quantity : 'To find the feveral quantities them- fefaes. RULE. 1. LINK or couple the feveral particulars, and find their differences, as in thelaft cafe. 2. As the fum of the differences, is to the fum of the whole compofition or given quantity ; fo is each difference, to its refjpeftive quantity of the compofi tion. f EXAMPLES. EXAMPLES. A grocer having fugars at 4 cents, 8 cents, and 12 cents per Ib. would make a compofition of 240 Ib, worth 10 cents per Ib. Required the quantity of each fort that muft be taken. OPERATION. Firft, 10 \ 8 <| I 2 I 12 LJ 64-2=8 12 fum efthe differences. Then y as 12 : 240 : : t : 40, and y as 1 2:240 : : 2 : 40 ; alfo y as 12 : 240 : : 8 : 160. Therefore, there muft be taken> 40 Ib. at 4 cts. 40 Ib. at 8 cts. and 160 Ib. at 12 cts. A merchant would mix brandy of the following prices, viz. at 60 cents, 72 cents, and 84 cents per gallon, together with water at o cents per gallon, fo that a compofition of 846 gallons, may be fold for 48 cents per gallon, without gain or lofs : Required the quantity of each fort that muft be taken. OPERATION. Firft, 48 Then, &> errors. 3. MULTIPLY the firft error with the fecond fup- pofition j and the fecond error with the firft fuppofi- tion. Thusy a X J, find b X # 4. IF the errors are alike, that is, both too great, or both too fmall, or more properly, the numbers from whence they were deduced, are both either greater or lefs than the true ones, you muft divide the difference of the products, by the difference of the errors, that is, aXy X#-r-tf ^ ; but if the errors are unlike, that is, one too great and the other too fmall, divide the fum of the products by the fum of the the errors : Thus, ^X^+^x^-H and the quo tient in either cafe, will be the number fought. EXAMPLES. A, B, and C, difcourfing of their money : Says B, I have 6 dollars more than A : Says C, I have 7 dollars more than B : Well fays A, the fum of all our money is 100 dollars : How much had each one ? Suppofe A had 20 dol. then B muft have 20+626 dol. and C 26 + 7=33. <&/. but 20+26+33=279, which Jhould be 100 by the queftion. Therefore, 100 79=121, the fir fl error, t oof mall. Again, fuppofe A had 24 dol. then B muft have 24+6 =30, andafi geefe ; and \6pigs at 75 fAr. is 12 *&/. 32 0.r 4 */0/. /j 128 doL and 48 ^^ tf/ 25 r/j. /j 12 ^/. but 12+128 + 121^:152 which Jbould be 190. Therefore, 190152:1138, thejeconderrvr, toofmalL Whence we have i6x76 i2X38-r7 6 3 8 ?6o ^.38^:20, /^ number of figs y and 20X^1140, //? c a b y c b a ; for taking only the two firft, a and b> the number of their variations is IX 2 > therefore taking in c> the number of changes is 1x2X3=6; and fo on for any number of quantities. Hence we have the fol lowing RULE. MULTIPLY together the natural feries of numbers, *> 2, 3, 4, &c. continually, till your multiplier is equal to the number of things propofed, and the laft product will be the number of variations required. EXAMPLES. In how many different pofitions may a company of 8 perfons ftand ? Anfwer. 1X2X3X4X5X^X7X8-40320 pofi tions. How many changes may be rung with 12 bells ? Anfwer. 1X2x3X4X5X6X7x8X9X10X11 X 12479001600, the number of changes required. PROBLEM II. To find all the poffible alternations or changes that can be made of ar.y given number of different quantities, by faking any given number of them at a time. THE manner in which this problem is folved, is di~ reftly thereverfe of the laft ; for it is manifefl, that let the number of quantities be ever fo many, and we take one of them at a time,the number of alternations be equal to the number of quantities, Therefore it C o ) it follows, that the operation muft begin at the num ber of things propofed, and then decreafe by unity, till the number of multiplications are one lefs than the number of things propofed. Hence we get the following RULE. MULTIPLY continually together, the terms of the feries, beginning at the number of things propofed ; and decceafing by unity or i, until the number of multiplications, are one lefs than the number of things to be taken at a time, and the laft product will be the number of alternations required. EXAMPLES. How many different pofitions may a company of 9 men be placed in, taking 3 at a time ? Here the number of multiplications muft be 2, and the feries 9, 8, 7, 6, &c. Therefore, 9X8X7 504, the number of pofitions required. How many alternations will the letters a b b admit of, taking 2 at a time ? Anfwer. 3X26, the number of alternations requir ed, and the letters willftand thus, a h, h a, ab> b a, bb>bb. How many alternations or changes can be made v/ith the letters a b c d, taken 3 at a time ? Anfwer. 4X3X224, the num ber of alternations required \ and the letters willftand {abc y acb>baC)bca y cal>) cba~ alter, of ale lacdyadCiCadiCda^dac^dcado.ofacd ' bcd> bdc, cbd> cdb> deb, dbc^^do. of bed ^ of dab. How C How many alternations or changes can be made with the letters of the word Algebra, taking 4 at a time ? Anfwer. 7 X 6 x 5 X 4=840* PROBLEM III. find all the alternations or changes that can be made of any given number of quantities, which confjfl of feveral ofonejort, and feveral of another. RULE. 1. FIND the produft of the feries, 1X2X3X4, &c. to the number of things to be changed, which call your dividend. 2. FIND all the alternations that can be made of each of thofe things which are of the fame fort, by problem i, and multiply them continually together for your divifor. 3. DIVIDE, and the quotient refulting will be the anfwer. EXAMPLES. Find all the variations that can be made of the fol lowing letters, a a b c c c. OPERATION. ^ 1X2X3x4X5x6 TIG number of va riations that can be made of 6 different things, and i X 2 z: 2, tbe variations of the a's ; al/o, i X 2 X3=6 the variations of tbe c's. Whence, 720-1-6x2.^60, the number of variations required. Find all the different numbers that can be made cf the following numeral figures, 1 1 1 22777. OPERATION, ( 222, ) OPERATION. Firft, i^ f iy=&~ r variatiQns of the iV, and 1X2 xzi^vtpations of the z's > alfo^ ix^Xj 6 van- it ons of the 7*J. Whence, 1X2X3X4X5x6X7X8-5-6X2X7 =40320-7-72:1:560, theanfwer. SECT. II. O/ COMBINATION. COMBINATION of quantities, is, when any number of things are given, to find all the different forms in which thofe quantities can be poflibly ordered, and from thence, all the different combinations in thofe forms, without any regard to the order in which the feveral quantities ftand in thofe combinations. That is, by combination we determine how many ways it is pofiible to combine any number of things, fo that no two combinations fhall have the fame things in both. Combinations of the fame form, are thofe that have a like number of quantities which repeat in the fame manner in both : Thus, a a c d y and yy x z, are of the fame form> but aaa be, and s mn ry> are of different forms. PROBLEM I. fofind all the different combinations that can be made of any number of quantities all different one from an- ctber, by taking any number of them at a time. t THE rule for the folution of this problem, is eafi- ly deduced from the rule to Problem n, of permu tation, For it is plain, that the number of combina tions ( 223 ) tions multiplied with the changes in the number of things taken at a time, gives the number of alterna tions in the whole. Therefore it follows, that the number of alternations in the whole, divided by the changes in a number of things equal to thpfe taken at a time, gives the number of all the different com binations. Hence we have the following RULE. 1. FIND all the alternations or changes of the giv en quantities, taken as many at a time, as are equal to the number of things to be combined at a time 5 and call the refult your dividend. 2. FrND all the changes in as many quantities, as are equal to thofejto be taken at a time -, and call the refult your divifot. 3. DIVIDE, and the refulting quotient will be the number of combinations required. EXAMPLES. Find all the different combinations that can be made with the following numeral figures, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, taken 2 at a time. Here the number of given quantities are 6 ; and the number to be taken at a time are 2 ; therefore, 6X5=30^=dividend ; and i X 22 divifor. Whence 30--- 2=115, the number of combinations required - t and the figures will (land as follows : 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 23, 24, 25, 26 34, 35> 3-6 4$>4<$ 5*- FIND ( 224 ) FIND all the* different combinations that can be made, with the following letters, a b c d b> taken 3 at a time. Here the number of quantities are 5, and the number to be taken at a time are 3 ; therefore, 5x 4X3~6o dividend ; and 1X2x3 6~divifor. Whence, 6o-r-6mo, the number of combinations required : and the letters will ftand as follows : a b C) a b d, b b b, a c d a c b, a d b, bed b c b y bah a b How many different combinations may be made with the following numeral figures, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1 8, 9, taken 5 at a time ? Anjwer. 1*26 combinations. PROBLEM II. find the number of different combinations tbat may be made from any number of Jets y by taking ons out of each fet and combining tbem together ; the things in every fet being all different one from another. RULE. MULTIPLY the number of things in each fet con tinually together, and the product refulting, will be the number of combinations required. EXAMPLES. How many different combinations of two letters, may be made of thefe two fets an w and s x y ? Here Here the number of things in each fet are 3 r Therefore, 3X3^9, the number of combinations required. The method of making the combinations, may be {hewn in the following manner. Write down the two fets one beneath the other, and join thofe letters that are to be combined, with iftraight line, ~ a n iv i i i s x y Then drawing lines from s to a, from x to , and from y to w y you will have three of the required combinations, to wit, s a, x n y and y w< Again, let the fets be placed as before : I y Then joining s and w y x and a, andj to n y we get s w y x a and^ n. Once more, place the fets as ibove . s x' y Then joining s and n y x and tu, and y to tf, v;t get s n y x w y and y a. Hence, all the combinations are as follows., x a y x n, x w, F f Suppofc ( 226 ) Suppofe there are three flocks of flieep ; in one of which there is 10, and in the other two, 20 each : To find how many ways it is poflible to choofe 3 fheep, one out of each flock. Thus, 10X20X20=4000, the anfwer. PROBLEM III. 7 find the number of forms in which any given number of quantities may be combined, by taking any number at a time ; wherein there arejeveral of one fort, and fever al of another. RULE. 1. WRITE the quantities according to the order of the letters. Ttttfc a y a, b y c y d. 2. JOIN the firft letter to the fecond> third, fourth, &c. to the lad -, and the fecond letter to the third, fourth, &c. to the laft ; alfo, the third letter to the fourth, fifth, &c. to the laft : Proceeding in like manner through the whole, taking care to reject all combinations that have before accrued a and you will have the combinations of all the twos. 3. JOIN the firft letter to every one of the twos, and the fecond, third, fourth, &c. in like manner to the laft ; and you will have the combinations of all the threes. Thus, a a a, a a b y a a c y aa d, ab e y a b d y a c d y b a a, a b , b a c y b a d> bb c> b b d y bed, c a a y c c a y c c b y c c d y da a y dd a y _ d d c y And proceed in this manner, till the number of things in the combination, are equal to the number to be taken at a time. Note. All thoje combinations 'which contain more things of the fame fort , than are given of the like kind -in the queftion, muft be rejected. EXAM* (227 ) EXAMPLES. Find all the different forms of combination, that can be made of the letters a a b b c c } taken 4 at a time, OPERATION. a ay a by a c> b by b c y c c~ combinations of the twos. a a by a a Cy b b ay b a c } bb c y b c Cy ac Cy~ combi nations of the threes. a abby a ab Cy b b c a y c c a by aa c (> b b c Cy iz combinations of the fours. Whence y aabby b b c c y a a c c y and a a c by b b a c , c c a by are the two forms required. %ind all the different forms of combination that can be made of the following figures, 22334455, ta ken 3 at a time. OPERATION, Thusy 22, 13, 24, 25, 33,34, 35> 44>45>5S- combinations of the twos. 223, 224, 225, 234, 235, 245, 233, 334, 335, 345> 244, 344* 44S> 2 55> 355> 455 combinations of the threes. Whencey 223, 224, 225, 233, 433, 533, 244, 344, 544, 255, 355, 455> ^234, 235, 245, 345, are the forms required. THUS far, concerning Permutation and Combin ation. ( 223 ) CHAP. XV. Of INVOLUTION. WHEN any number is multiplied into itfelf, and that product multiplied with the fame number; and fo on, it is what is called Invoiution, and the feveral produ&s refujting, are called the powers of the multiplying quantity, or root. Thus* 3X37 3X3X3> 3X3X3X3, &c. are the powers of 3. Aad generally, a^a, ^X^X^, and &c. are the powers of a ; whofe height is denomina ted by the number of multiplications more one. HENCE, the 2d power of ip, is loXiomoo the 3d the 4th - ioXioXioXio=iQQOO. Therefore it follows, that the powers of any quan tity, are aMeries of numbers in Geometrical Propor tion continued, whofe* firft term and ratio is the fame, to wit, the root of the power : Confequently the height of the power at any particular term, will be pcprelfed by the exponent of that term : AS in 12 3 4 &c> Expon. ?** 10, 10X10, 1,0x10X10, lo HERE it is evident, that the index, or exponent of each term of the Geometrical feries, is equal tc the number of multiplications of the firit term witl itfelf, to that place, more one, and is therefor^ call ed the index, or exponent of the Thus ---- 1 5x5x5X5X5^:3125-5^^^^/5: on for others. WHENCE WHENCE it follows, that to raife any number to any given power, is no more thart to multiply the given number into itfclf, fo often as there arc units in the index of the power i. EXAMPLES. Required the 5th power of 9. OPERATION. 9 9 power of 9 9 3d power cf 9 9 656 1 =4/ fewer of 9 9 $tb power of y, as requlr. Required the 7th power of 8. Thus, 8X8X8X8x8X8X8 = 2097152 = 7/4 power 0/8. E CHAP. XVI. Of EVOLUTION. VOLUTION is the converfe of Involu tion j and is when any power is given, to find the the number from whence fuch power was produced, which number (as we before faid) is called the root of the power -, and the bufinefs of finding it, is called extraction of roots. ALL powers whatever, are produced by the contin ual multiplication of their roots into themfelves, as is evident from what has been faid ; yet there are many powers which have no finite root, that is, whofe true and adequate root cannot be expreffed in finite terms ; but by approximation may be determined to any affigned degree of exaclnefs. THESE powers are called furds, or irrational powers. > PROBLEM I. 2*o extra ft the root of tbejquare orjecond -power of any number. RULE. 1. PREPARE the given nurpber for extraction, i. e, diftinguifh it into periods of two figures each, by be ginning at the unit's place and placing a point over the firft, third, fifth, &c. figures of the given num ber, and if there are decimals, point them in the fame manner, from unity towards the right hand. 2. FIND a number by the help of a table of pow ers, whofe fquare is equal to, or lefs than the firft pe riod on the left hand, and this number will be the firft figure of the root, which place in the form of a quotient - 3 then fubftracV its fquare from the afore - faid period ; and to the remainder annex the next period for a dividend. 3. DOUBLE the firft figure of the root for a divifor. 4. FIND fuch a quotient figure, that when annex ed ed to the divifor and the refult multiplied with the fame number, the produft will be equal to, or lefs than the dividend j and this will be the fecond figure of the root. 5. To the remainder annex the third period for a new dividend^ and add the figure in the root lad: found to your former divifor for a new one. 6. FIND the third figure of the root as you found the fecond ; and fo on, till all be done. Note i , - If there is a remainder after all the periods are annexed, the given number is a furd, and you. muft approximate to the root, by annexing cyphers two at a time, to the remainder, 2. If the given number confifts of integers and decimals, you muft ponit off as many places in the root, as there were periods of decimals, in the given number. EXAMPLES. Required the fquare root of 58081. OPERATION. ' . 58081(241 4 \fl divifor 4.4) i%o 4 i?^ id divifor-=4& i ) 481 481 therefore, 241 is the root required, as may be proved ly involution : Thus, 241X241 58081, which is the fame as the given number : Whence > &c. Required Required the fquare root of 1000. OPERATION. 1000(31.622 fcfc.:=: root required, 9 61)100 i 61 626)39.00 6 37S 6 6322)14400 V 2 12644 63242)175600 2 126484 fifc. - 49116 &V. Required the fquare root of 105462.5625 : OPERATION. ( 233 ) OPERATION', 105462.5625(324.75 rev! 9 62)154 a 124 644)3062 4 2576 6487)48656 7 45409 64945)324725 324725 o P R O B L E M II. !T0 extract thefquare root of a Vulgar Fraction* RULE. EXTRACT the root of the numerator, for the nume* rator of the root ; and the root of the denominator, for the denominator of the root. EXAMPLE. Required the fquare root of T |4- OPERATION, ( 234 ) OPERATION. 225(15:1: numerator of the root. i 1024(32 denominator of the root, "5 1_ 62) 124 124 , y~ is the root required, PROBLEM III. find the root of the third power or cube, by af~ proximation. RULE. 1. DISTINGUISH the given number into periods of three figures each, by beginning at the unit's place, and placing a point over the firft, fourth, fe- venth, figures, &c. and if there are decimals, point them from the unit's place towards the right hand, in the fame manner. 2. FIND the root of the firft period on the left hand, by the help of the table of powers, and annex to it, as many cyphers as there are remaining periods, then involve this number to the fame power as the given number, and call the refult the fuppofed cube ; then : As twice the fuppofed cube + the given cube j is to twice the given cube -f the fuppofed cube $ fo is the root of -the fuppofed cube ; to the root requir ed, nearly. .3. IF a greater degree of exa&nefs is required, in volve the root already found, to the third power, and call call the refult the fuppofed cube, with which pro ceed as as before, and fo on, to any degree of exa<5b- nefs. Note. When the root is finite, you mayfometimes Jave the trouble of repeating an operation, by in- creafing the right hand figure of the root found, by unity. EXAMPLES. Find the cube root of 1367631. OPERATION. Firft, 1 3 67 63 1 is the given number prepared for ex- traftion, the root of whofe firft period (i) is i ; then iooX iooX tQQ=iOGOGGQ~&04 cube ; and, ^1000000X2+1367631 : 1367631X2+1000000:: 100, /'. e. 3367631 : 3735262 :: 100 100 3676310 iu~ root requtr, 3367631 3086790 Required the cube root of 729001101. Firft, 729001101 is the given number pointed, and the root of the fir ft period (7 29) 9 ; therefore 900 x 900X 9007 -lyoQcvooJuppofedtubei then, as 729000000X2+729001101 ; 729001101X2 + 72900000 o :; 900, That therefore the given number fainted is 61209.566621, and the neareft root of the fir ft -period (6 1 ) is 3, which is thefirft figure of thereof, the n pow er of which is 3X3X3=27 -, and 61 27 34, which having the fir ft figure of the next period annexed to if, becomes 342:1: fiv 'ft dividend \ tf#*/ 3X3X3 27 =r/foy/ divifor : Whence, 27 )342(9~ fecond figure of the root> and the whole of the root now found is 39 j therefore, 39X39X39=59319= n power of 39, which being Jub traced from the two firft periods, leaves 1890, and \*y*$=.Jecond dividend; aljo, 39X39X3 A-S^S Jecond divifor > whence, 4563)18905(4 third figure oftheroot. dgain, 394X394X394 z:: ^ i \6-2$%4,whicb Jubtrafted from the three firft periods, leaves 46582, then, 465826=: third dividend, 'and 394X394X3 465708^=^ third divifor - y whence, 465708)465826(1 fourth and I aft figure of the root, and becaufe there are two*periods of decimals in the given number, the root required is 39.41 ; for 39.41X39.41X39.41 = 61209.566621^ the number whofe root was required: &c. Required C Required the 6th root of 148035889. OPERATION. Firft, txtraft thefquare root, and then the cube roof cf that rejnlt will give the root required : Thus, 148035889(1216? i 22) 4 8 2 44 241) 403 I 241 2426) 16258 6 I455 6 -4327)170289 170289 w Again, 1 2 1 67 ( 23= root required, 2X^X28 23X23X23=12167 o The fame at one operation : Thus, 148035889(23 2X2X2X2X2X2-64 2X2X2X2X2X3=96)840 23X23X23X23X23X23 = 148035889 ' IN ( 239 ) IN extradling the roots of heigher powers, it will be beft to extraft fquare root out of fquare root fuc- ceilively, as often as the index of the given power is divifible by 2 : Thus, in the i6th power, the index (i6)is divifible by 2, four times - 3 for i6~-2n:8, 8-f- 24, 4-~-2~2 > and 2-7-21 : Whence it follows, that the root of the i6th power may be obtained by four feveral extraflions of the fquare root 5 and the like may be fhcwn of all the even powers. THE END OF BOOK FIRST. BOOK II. OF ALGEBRA, *&*Oto&^i*^^ CHAP, 1. 6f DEFINITIONS AND ALGEBRA, one of the mod important branches of mathematical fcierice,is a method of computation by figns and fymboh, which have been invented and found ufeful for that purpofe. Its , invention is of the higheft antiquity, and has juft- | ly challanged the praife and admiration of the learn ed in all ages; Arithmetic is indeed ufeful, and is not to be the lefs valued, becaufe it is allowed to be the moil clear and evident of the fciences j yet it is confined in its object,- and partial in its application, Geometry for clearnefs of principles^ and elegance of demftnftration, no lefs deferves, than commands our efteem; but the many beautiful theories, that srife from the application of Algebra and Geometry to each other, fully evince the excclUncf aind etften* Hh fiveitefs fivenefs of the former. The doctrine of Fluxions, Which is eftcemed the fublimity of human fcience^ de pends on the noble fcience of Algebra for its exift- ance and application. In a word, Algebra is juftly efteemed the key to all our mathematical inquiries. IN Algebra, like quantities are thofe which have the fame letters : Thus, ax and ax are like quantities; but ax and dx are unlike quantities. GIVEN or abiblute numbers, are thofe whofe val ues are known : Thus, 6, 7, &c. are given numbers, becaufe their refpeftive values are known ; but the quantities x, y 3 &c, are not given quantities, becaufe their values are not known, and are therefore called unknown quantities. SIMPLE quantities are fuch as have but one term : Thus, , axby and xyz, are fimple whole quantities, and~r- and 7- are fimple fractional quantities. COMPOUND quantities are fuch as confift of feveral terms connected by the figns-f and : Thus, a-\- Jt-^c a trinominal y a quadrinominal, &c. A RESIDUAL quantity, is the difference of two quntities, Thus, a , is a refidual quantity. THE letters made ufe of to reprefent the unknown quantities, are thofe of the laft part of the alphabet^ and the letters of the firft part, reprefent thofe that are known. THE principal figns by which quantities are man aged in Algebra, are the following, in addition to thofe made ufe of in the firft book of this treatife, and Explanations. is the fign of the fquare root. - - of the cube root. . of the n root. . of more or lefs. I x or * T denotes the fquare ropt of x* x or # T the cube root of AT. or <*+) T the fquare root Qfa+ or ^4" the root of * the reciprocal of #. the reciprocal of-. y 8# i%xy _ av 3 xy' i + iaz b 4^;* 6 0+32^ t^ tf*- #- W T - #-0 d 1 3 av -i o^y * + 1 4^% 5< ^i i w * 9# + 41 CASE II. ^Z>^ /Ad- quantities are alike, but have unli RULE, 1. ADD all the affirmative quantities into one fum by the Jaft rule, and the negative into another. 2. SUBTRACT their co-efficients, the lefs from the greater, and to their difference, prefix the fign of the greater, annexing the common quantity. THE reafon of the foregoing rule will appear evi dent, if you put a = debt due to B, and a the want of a debt, or a debt due from B j then the bal ance is evidently equal o, or 4- & ^ o : Whence,. EXAMPLES, 3 * + 6 J> S*+2j io ^ io ay ~ yo for if the remainder 2 a be added to the fubtrahend *z, their fum will be 3: a n the number from which fubtra&ion was made i Whence, &c EXAMPLES. From 44 4lu^~%b* 3 a ibu 2^ a 4y+ Remains a y,bu~~> b* 34 V ( 249 ) Ic Ir any doubt arife, refpeding the truth of the peration, add the remainder to the fubtrahend, rhich fum muft be equal to the other number. CHAR IV. Of MULTIPLICATION. LGEBRAIC Multiplication confifts of three cafes. CASE I. When loth the faftors are fm fie quantities. RULE, MULTIPLY the co-efficients together, and to their roduct annex all the letters in both faffcors, as in a r ord ; this exprefTion being wrote with its proper gn, will give the product required. Note. Like figns give +, and unlike Jigns for the produft, I i EXAMPLES* ( 25 ) EXAMPLES. 4. 30 3 21 j^ 3 60 2 2 1 8 tftffo 4-1 yyy -f-6 tfzejyjp produff. CASE II. ^ # of the factors is a compound quantity. R U L E. 1. WRITE the compound quantity for the multi plicand, and the fimple quantity for the multiplier. 2. OBTAIN the product of the multiplier with every particular term of the multiplicand, by the lad rule, and place the terms of the product one after another, with their proper figns, found as in the laft rule, and you will have the product required. EXAMPLES. a 4- b 3 ab -J- cd 2 aa + 2 ab -{- It ' a d ia au 4 cv +34 2.7 ddd aaa 3 auy^ii cvy io2y 8 1 dddw 3 aaaw. CASE III. When both tbefySiors arc compound quantities. RULE. R ULE. MULTIPLY every particular term of the multiplier, with all the feveral terms of the multiplicand, as in the laft rule, the feveral products collected into one fum by the rules of addition, will give the who!? product required. + + y y EXAMPLES, a b V 2Z V+ 22 vv -f- vy +yy aa- ab ab OT 2 -VZ bb -f 2 vz vv -\-ivy +yy yy -f xx yy xx yyyy aa bb 2X I yyxx xxxx 2 xx 8 x *- 2 xy yyyy xxxx 4 xxy < 2 #j 9 A: 4- 4 HAT -f X or -r- x + gives , an'd^ X gives -j- for the product, is demonftrable feveral ways, but none more fimple than the following. Sup- pofe a ~ b j then a b zzo : Now it is plain, that if this exprefllon be multiplied with any number what ever, the product will be ~o : Therefore, fuppofe 2 b = o, is to be multiplied with -f- n > now ' lt is manifeft, the firfl term of the product a X n will be poiitive j or -f- ##> becaufe bo;h the fadors are pofi- ( 252 ) tive y confequently the other term of the product X b muft be negative, or nb ; for both terms of the prod uft taken together,muft deftroy each other, and their amount =o ^Jthat is, na nb zi o : Gon- fequently ~j- X > or X + gives for the prod- vft. AGAIN, fuppofe a b o, be multiplied with n ; the firft term of the product n x a will, be negative, or na> by what has been proved : Con fequently, the other term # X b will be pofitive, or -j- nb 3 for both terms taken together mufl n o ; thus, na -f- nb m o : Cosfequently, X gives + for the produft. ^. . D. CHAP. V. of p iris IQ ft. DIVISION being the converfe of multipli cation ; it follows, that the quotient muft be iiich a quantity, that if multiplied with the divifor, will produce the dividend > confequently, like figns in divifion give -f, and unlike figns -for the quo tient. CASE I. Wktrn the dimjarls aftmfle quantify, R U L E. T. WRITE down the quantities, in form of a vul gar fradtion, having the divifor for the denominator. 2. EXPUNGE all thole quantities in the dividend and divifor, that are alike 5 and divide the co-effi cients dents of the quantities by any number that will di vide them without a remainder ; the refult will be the quotient fought. EXAMPLES. ^u the quotient > ==i2j-2 S -=* 2 a 22 a ii adz 8 Jcz - 42 IF you divide any quantity by itfelf, the quotient will be unity or i : Thus, -mi jfor if the quotient be multiplied with the divifor, the produd will be the dividend ; thus, x x i ~ x - Confequently, if any term of the dividend be like that of your divifor, the quotient of that term will be i : As in "U 3 CASE II. When the divifor and dividend are both torn found quantities. RULE. 1. RANGE the quantities in the divifor and divi dend, according to the order of the letters. 2. FIND how often the firft term of the divifor is contained in the firft term of the dividend, and place the refult in the quotient. 3. 3. MULTIPLY the quotient term thus found, with the whole divifor, fubtrad the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next term o&the dividend ; which forms a new dividend* 4. DIVIDE the firft term of your new dividend, by the firft term of your divifor, as before ; and fo on, until nothing remains, as in common Arithmetic, and you will have the quotient required. EXAMPLES. Suppofe it is required to divide i yyy + %yy -f-8^ \)j yy + iy > which being ranged as directed in the rule, the operation will ftand Thus, yy + zy)iyyy + *yy + *y(*y +4 lyyy +4 yy Here thefirft term of the dividend, which is zyyy, being divided by tbejirfl term of the divifor yy, the quo tient is iy\ which being placed in the quotient as in vulgar Arithmetic, and multiplied with all the terms of the divifor, the produft is iyyy +4jv>', whichjubtraft- cd from the dividend, the remainder is 4jvy, to which annex the next term of the dividend %y, the new divi dend becomes ^yy -fr-8j>, and dividing q.yy by yy, the quotient is 4 ; which being annexed to the quotient term before found, and multiplied with every term of the di- vipr, produces ^yy-\-^y^ which fubtrafted from the lafl dividend, the remainder is nothing ; and having brought down all the terms of the propofed dividend , the work is done ; therefore, iy -{-4 is the true quo tient, for iy -f 4 X-^y + 2j> ~iyyy +8jjy 4-8 J T the given dividend. Divide' Divide 6 avv $av -a^ 4-2 ^ +2v i by v i. OPERATION. f\ sificr * * ~4vy 1> * I 2V I Divide vvv yyy by v j^. OPERATION. v y) vvv >yyy(vv+vy+yy * + vyy yyy -f- vvy vyy yyy vyy yyy Divide i by i*v OPERATION, 256 OPERATION. IN this example, the divifor cannot exactly be found in the dividend, without a remainder > and you have what is called an infinite (tries for the quotient ; that is, if the divifion could be carried on ad iufinitum, you would have a feries of terms for the quotient, that would come infinitely near to an equality with the true quotient, and therefore might be confidered as fuch ; for when ratios from that of equality, are but indefinitely little, or lefs than can be afiigned, they may be confidered as equal -, but as it is impof- fible to carry on the divifion ad infini titty, or take in a fufficient number of terms to exprefs the true quo tient : Therefore, in general you need only take a few of the leading terms for the quotient, which will be fufficiently near for mod purpofes. : But more of this in its proper place, fince the knowledge of Alge braic fractions, is in moft cafes, abfolutely necefTary, in order to obtain an infinite feries by divifion. CASE III. When tie quantities in the dfoifor cannot be found in the dividend. RULE, , RULE. PLACE the dividend above, and the divifor belovy a fmall line,, in form of a vulgar fraction j and the expreffion will be the quotient required. EXAMPLES. The quotient of a divided by b, is -, The quotient 0/21 Ix -~ d 7 The quotient cf%ac + dc-~zx + ^ 8 JJdN- INVOLUTION is the raifing of powers from quantities called roots, and differs from multiplication in this, viz. that in involution the multiplier is conftant, or the fame j therefore when any quantity is drawn into itfelf, and afterwards into that product, and fo on, the mode of operation is called involution, and the number produced, the power, whofe height is ufually denominated by plac ing numeral figures over the right hand of the root> or quantity to be involved, and are called indices or exponents of the powers which they denominate : .Thus, a*~aa denominates the fquare of a, a*~ K k aaa the cube of#, a*- the fourth power of a\ and generally, a n the n power of a. INVOLUTION of firnple quantities is performed by the following RULE. MULTIPLY the index or exponent of the given quantity or root, with the exponent which denomin ates the power required, making the produft the exponent of the power fought. Note. If the quantities to be involved, have co-effi cients, the co- efficients muft be involved as in vul~ gar Arithmetic^ to thejame height as the index of the fower required denotes. EXAMPLES. Jquare of n = a ~ = a* j the cube of a=^ -a*i the cube > tic tfb fower of :z: 256 x l *y* 5 the n power of x~ x l ^ n =x> 1 . IF the quantity propofed to be involved is pofitive, all its powers will be pofitive: Alfo, if the quantity propofed be negative, all its powers whofe exponents are even numbers, will likewife be pofitive ; becaufe any even number of multiplications of a negative quantity, gives a pofitive one for the product, fince X gi^s -f-5 confequently X X X = -f X+ f r tne produdl ; therefore, that power of the negative quantity, only is negative, when its expo nent nent is an odd number : As may be feen in the fol lowing form, a the root, * a the roof a 3 ir cube a the root a* tf power a the root I a*-s=z$tb power. INVOLUTION of compound quantities, is perform ed by the following RULE. MULTIPLY the root into itfelf, and then into that product, and fo on, until the number of multiplica tions are one lefs than the exponent of the power re quired ; the refult will be the power fought, EXAMPLES, L,et the binomial 6aabbb + A^abbbb -f- bbbbb Involve Involve a b to the 3d power. OPERATION. z lab +b*~ id power a b * & 3 ~ 3d power. IT is to be obferved in the foregoing examples. 1 . THAT all the terms in the feveral powers, railed from the binomial a-\-b y are affirmative. 2. THE terms in the feveral powers raifed from the refidual a b y have the figns -f- and , alternate ly ; the firfl term being a pure power of a, is confe- quently affirmative ; the fecond term hath a nega tive fign, and fo on, alternately j but b is no where found negative, only where its exponent is an odd number; as in a 2 ^a^b+^ab* b* ; where the fecond and fourth terms are negative, becaufe the ex ponent of b in thoje terms, is an odd number. 3. THAT the firft term of any power, either of the binomial or refidual, hath the exponent of the pow er : That is, the index of the firft term, is equal to the index of the power ; bui in the reft of the terms following, the exponents of the leading quantity, de- creafe in arithmetical progreflion, unity or i, being the common difference ; fo that the quantity a is never ( 262 ) never found in the Lift term j but the exponents of b y on the contrary, increafe in the fame progreflion that the exponents of a decreafe ; that is, the quan tity b> is not to be found in the firfttermj but in the fecond term, its exponent is unity or i 5 in the third term 2, and fo on in the faid arithmetical progref- fion, to the laft term, where its exponent is equal to the exponent of the power. 4. That the number of terms in any power, is one more than the number which denominates that; power. HENCE from the foregoing obfervations it follows. i. THAT the fum of the exponents of both quan tities in any term, are equal to the exponent of the power in which thofe terms belong : Thus, the 6th power of a +b zr a 6 -\-6a*b + i$a*b* + 2oa*l> 3 * i$a*&*-\-6at> 5 +b 6 y where you will pleafe to ob- ferve, that the fum of the exponents of a and b y in any term, are equal to the exponent of the power : Thus in the third term, the exponents of a and b y are 4 and 2, whofe fum 6 ^exponent of the pow er. 2. THE method of writing without a continual in^ volution, the terms in any power of a binomial, or refidual quantity, without their co-efficients : Thus the terms of the 4th power of x +y without their co-efficients, will ftand thus : x^+x^y+x^y* *%-xy* and the terms of the 4th power of # y~x* ,?* xy 3 -f-j*. IN order to find the co-efficients ofthefeveral terms, it is necefTary to have the co-efficient of one of the terms given : And becaufe the firft term or leading quantity is a pure power, having its index equal to the index of the given power ; its co-effi cient is therefore unity or i : Confequently, you have have the co-efficient of the firft term given ; thence to find the co-efficients of the reft of the terms by the following RULE. DIVIDE the co-efficient of the preceding term, by the exponent of y in the given term ; the quotient multiplied with the exponent of x, in the fame term, iiicrcafed by x, will give the co-efficient required. Or, MULTIPLY the co-efficient of any term, with the exponent of the leading quantity, in the fame term ; the product divided by the number of terms to that place, will give the co-efficient of the next fubfe- quent term. EXAMPLES. Given # 4 +# 3 ^4-#^ 7 +*y 3 +.7 4 j to find the co-ef ficients of the feveral terms. Firft, the co-efficient of # 4 is i ; thence to find the co-efficient of# 3 j : And becaufe the exponent ofy in the given term, is unity or i ; then per rule, I = iX4=4> the co-efficient required : Again, i=rlX3n =6, the co-efficientof the third 2 22 term ; and -Xi+ izr-X 2 ~4> the co-efficient 3 33 of the fourth term ; but the next term hath the ex ponent of the power,being the lad term of the 4th pow er of A'-f-jy, and confequently, its co-efficient an unit or i . Therefore,the co-efficients of the feveral terms of the 4th power of x+y t are i, 4, 6, 4, i. HJSNCIZ HENCE you may obferve, that the co-efficients of the feveral terms increafe, until the exponents of x and y become equal to each other, and then decreafe in the fame order in which they increafed. And geni ally, the co- efficients of the terms increafe, until the exponents of the two quantities become equal in one term, if the exponent of the power is an, even num ber ; arid when the exponent is odd, two of the terms will have equal co-efficients, and then clecreafe in the fame order. Therefore, in finding the co-effi cients, you need only obtain the co-efficients, until they decreafe ; the reft of the terms having the fame co-efficients decreafmg. THE n power of ^ + iif+^""V-f-X -z^-v+ix^x^*'-^' &c . to- 2 23 i, terms. Let a -}- b 4- c be involved to the fecond power, OPERATION. 1 -f ab 4- ac +l* + ca a* -J- iab 4- iac-{- b* -fa bc+ c*^ id power. CHAP. VII. Of MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION of POWERS of the fame ROOT. M ULTI PLICATION of powers of the fame root, is performed by the following RULE. ADD the exponents of the powers together, and make their fum the exponent of the product. EXAMPLES. =: 6 s rz 7776 ; 6 # 3 X4 # 4 =: a 6 ~ a 10 ; alfoy 0'X ^ 4 = ^ 3 i in like man 5 0m/ unmerfally> DIVISION of powers that have the fame root, is effected by the following RULE. wfl FROM the exponent of the dividend, fubtradt the exponent of the divifor, and the remainder will be the exponent of the quotient. LI EXAMPLES. ( a66 ) EXAMPLES. 4 .2_<2 5 3 Z 5 HENCE it follows, that in divifion of powers which have the fame root, if you divide a lefs power by a greater, the exponent of the quotient will be nega tive ; for we have fbewn, that to divide any power of a by #, is to fubtract one from the exponent of the power of a: Thus, -z:^ 1 ; therefore, -~a a a ~a 5 but ~i by the nature of divifion j confe- a quently, # i by equality j and therefore, Izif- a a o i i^ j i # o 2 2 ^ , a*~~a T ~ ib on for any power of ~; Likcwife, ^ I a z= x-\-y\ " ~^Hhjl = (becaufe, ' 1 3 ) i '; confequently, . l ^^!J2l .y^,y|"" . therefore. ' J ; And generally, ' ~x+j\~~ n . Therefore, 0, 4 I > a 2 , ^ 3^ an j^ * a* a* and of which they are pofitive pow- | x+y crs. HENCE the propriety of ufmg negative exponents. THE multiplication, and divifion of powers which have the fame root, having negative exponents, is performed by the fame rule as thofe powers which have affirmative ones ; that is, add the exponents of the factors in multiplication, and in divifion fubtracT: them. EXAMPLES. *>O iHi*/t MMW O wmvmm A "'^O A multiplied with a ^ r= a * = a ; a~ 3 X a~~ l = a~~ l ~ 3 =i a '~'* > a~* X a* ~ *\/a X -r-0 ^~ (by the nature of fubtra&ion) ==tf -3 ==I ^ 3 . and ,f-3 -f^- 6 zz^-3 5 but by the nature of multiplication and divifion, a~~^~d~' ~a ^-r-^"*"" 1 ^ X # ^^ = a 3 -, likewife, ( 263 ) CHAP, VIII. EVOLUTION of WHOLE TIES. EV O L U T I O N is the unfolding of powers produced by involution 3 thereby difcovcriog -the roots with which they are compofed, and is there fore the reverfe of involution, THE rule for evolution of powers, whofe roots are fimple quantities, flows from this confideration ; that to involve any fimple quantity to any power, is to multiply the exponent of the quantity, with the expo nent of the power ; making the product the exponent of the required power; consequently, if the expo nent of the power, be divided by the index which denominates the root required, the quotient will be the exponent of the root. Therefore, when the ex ponent of the power whofe root is required, is not a multiple of the number which denominates the kind of root required -, it follows, that the root will be exprefled by a fractional exponent : Thus, the s . fquare root of a 5 a*, and the cube root of ^ 4 =^ T . Whence, we have the following rule for evolution of fimple quantities. RULE, EXTRACT the root of the co-efficient, as in vul gar arithmetic, and divide the exponent of the power, fay the index of the root rquired \ making the root of the co-efficient, the co-efficient of the root. EXAMPLES. cube root of a 9 a r ~ a* : The fquare root of i2a*~ 2 a* : and the produtt fubtrafted from the firft terms of the dividend, dividend, the remainder is nothing; the remaining terms being brought down as before and divided by the double oftbe twofrjt terms of the root, gives zfcr tlse third term of the root, which added to the divifor and multiplied with z, the frodutt fubtrafted as before, leaves no remainder : Therefore, the root fought, is a OPERATION. And univerfallyy to extraEl any root. R ULE: 1. RANGE the terms of the given power, as in the laft rule. 2. EXTRACT the root of the firft term as before, and place it in the quotient for the firft term of the root. 3. SUBTRACT the power of the root thus found, and to the remainder bring down the next term for a dividend. 4. INVOLVE the root to a dirnenfion lower by unity than the number which denominates the root requir ed, and multiply the refult with the index of the root root to be extracted, which product call your divi- for. 5. FIND how often the divifor is contained in the dividend, and write the refult in the quotient for the fecond term of the root. 6. INVOLVE the whole of the root thus found, tc the dimenfion of the given power, and fubtra<5t the refult from the given power \ and call the remainder a new dividend, 7. INVOLVE the whole of the root in the fame man ner as you did the firfl term, and multiply the refult as before for a new divifor. 8. DIVIDE as before, and the refult will be the third term of the root; and fo on, till the whole be finifhed. EXAMPLES. Required the fquare rootofi6jp 6 +96^+64. OPERATION. - 8 is the roof required. Required ( 273 ) Required the cube root of 8 3 -J- . OPERATION. # * * * y ia+ b, is the root required. CHAP. IX. Of ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS or BROKEN QUANTITIES. ALGEBRAIC fra&ions are formed by the divifion of quantities incommenfurable to each other : Thus, if x is to be divided byjy, it will be X (by cafe in, of algebraic divifion) -, which is an y algebraic fra&ionj wherein x is the numerator and_y the denominator. When fractions are connected v /*v -jf j ^ with undivided quantities , as a -+--. and a + . y a+b they are called mixed quantities j alfo, if the denom inator is lefs than the numerator, the fraction is called improper. THE various operations, neceflary in managing algebraic fractions, arc comprifed in the following problems. Mm PROB. PROBLEM I. 3"0 reduce a mixed quantity to an improper fraRion of equal value. RULE. MULTIPLY the denominator of the fraction with the integral part, to which product add the numera tor, and under their fum, fubfcribe the denominator, for the fraction required. EXAMPLES. tf^li-rr- ^ 2 : iv a 2 ^ 2 PROBLEM II. ^i? reduce an improper f ration to a whole or mixed quantify. RULE. DIVIDE the numerator by the denominator for the integral part, and write the denominator under the remainder for the fractional part ; and you will have the number required, EXAMPLES. ( 27S ) EXAMPLES. a b PROBLEM III. TV reduce fractions of different denomination s> to fractions of the fame value , that Jhall have a common denominator* RULE. 1. REDUCE all mixed quantities to improper frac tions. 2, MULTIPLY every numerator feparately taken, into all the denominators except its own, for the feveral numerators, and all the denominators toge ther for the common denominator, which being wrote under the feveral numerators, will givti, the fractions required. EXAMPLES. Reduce 1 and -L to fractions of the fame value, 2 4 .having a common denominator. Firft, ArX4^4-v and jX2~2j for the numerators : Then, 2X4=8, the common denominator. Therefore, il and 22 o b are the fractions required. Reduce -, 5, and - to equivalent fractions, y v c having a common denominator, s=w*'1 ~cyz V ~ayv J numerators. izrvyz: common denominator. Therefore, fZl, 2iand 22 are the fractions re- quired; which are rjefpeftively equal to -, -, ?. for - = (by the nature of divifion)- $ and the like for the reft. Whence, &c. Reduce, -' , , and 2! to a common de nominator, retaining their refpective values. "lav iv* 1 ;=2i> 3 b |> = numerators. zv X 2 X ^^14^* common denominator. ,_,, .. 2^ < y~~~*2'y a 2*y 3 ^ i A^^V i i^ierefore, , . , r , and 2-^, are the fra<5lions required. _, H, and reduced to a common denomin- x ba ax x*a*x cax* , b*acx ator, are - '- - , . and 7-- PROBLEM IV. ^ greateft common meajure of algebraic fractions. RULE. R U L E. 1. RANGE the quantities as in divifion. 2. DIVIDE the greater quantity by the lefs, and the laft divifor by the laft remainder, until nothing remains; taking care to expunge thofe quantities that are common to each divifor ; and the laft divifor will be the greateft common meafure required. EXAMPLES. ~ Find the greateft common meafure of OPERATION. Therefore, v a, is the greateft common meafure required. Z 7fc Find the greateft common meafure of- * OPERATION. OPERATION, a* at> + l>*) a* ~ !>* (i O, ( by cafting out ib) a b} a* iab+ &* a 1 ab ^Therefore, ab, is the great eft common meafure r^ PROBLEM V. To reduce fractions to their leafl terms* RULE. 1. FIND their greateft common meafure by the laft problem. 2. DIVIDE both terms of the propofed fra6lion by their greateft common meafure, and the quotients will be the refpedivc terms of the fraftion, reduced to its leaft terms. EXAMPLES. EXAMPLES. Reduce * a + a to its leaft terms. xy* + y*a Firft, xa + a*) xy* -\-y*a Or, x+a)xy*+y*a(y* * # *Then y x + a) xa -{ a % (^= numerator. xa + a* a) xy* + y^a (j>* rr denotftinator. Therefore, is tbe propofed fraftion in its haft terms. Reduce -Jlfl to its leaft terms. y s x 2 y 3 Firft) the great eft common meafure is y* x* : then, PROBLEM VI. jTi? add algebraic fractions* RULE. i. PREPARE the given fra&ions by redu<5lion i that is, mixed quantities muft be reduced to improp cr fractions, and all fra&ions to a common denom inator. 2. ADD all the numerators together, under which write the common denominator; and you will have the fum required. FOR, put -z= confequently, 2+; = !2 ; jr ^ y y y which is the fame as the rule. EXAMPLES. Given -, ^ and 1^ to find their fum. 66 6 u -\-u -j-4 z ^ 2. u + 4 2 tf^/ i!_r: /^^ requir. 6 Having ~, and^ given to find their fum. 2 y u Firft, uxyX u ^ a *Jj and -f- 6 j -- 2 #j z=^fum required. 1^+ ^ -K 2 * 4 *-! S^ "~ ' - 3 "~2^ ' 3 6 a PROBLEM VII. Tojubtraff one /ration from another. RULE. i, PREPARE the quantities as in the.iaft problem 2. 2. SUBTRACT the numerator of the fubtrahend from the numerator of the other fra&ion, and write the common denominator under their difference ; and you will have the fra&ion required. 1) CL FOR put -= m and - n $ then vym and a zr y y yn ; alfo, yn ym zzza v by equality ; and di viding the whole by j, it will ben m *""??., but y the difference of m and #, is manifcftly equal to the difference of 2 and -5 confequently, ! - = .lir, jr 7 y y y Hence, &c. From f take. Firjt, aXal=a*l>, and c^b b ab ~cbx> alfo> bKab<=,ab\ ^Therefore, ae* *re the fractions reduced-, and - = difference c*x % c*-}-^ 1 * required. From - take '-, and it 7 " b ;. The f rations reduced arc 4 8 /on?, 4^4-6^,,^;,,, ^ r ^^ required, by the na~ O 9 ture offubtratliw. Nn PROB, ( 282 ) V PROBLEM VIII. fo multiply fractional quantities together. RULE. MULTIPLY ttie numerators together for the nume rator of the product, and the denominators together for the denominator of the produd: 5 and you will have the product required. fTj + j* FOR put-zr m and -~ n\ then v zi zm and a ~ z b In j alfo, bnx% m ~ a X v > that is, bznm zz ai) y and dividing \yftz, nm ~ 5 but m X n ^: X-J bz z b fequently, x-= : Therefore, z b bz EXAMPLES. - 3 4 3 4 3 12 4 or, ^y. PROBLEM IX. To divide one fraflion by another, RULE. MULTIPLY the denominator of the divifor,. with the numerator of the dividend, for the numerator of the , w - ( 383 ) the required quotient, and the numerator of the di- vifor, with the denominator of the dividend, for the denominator of the quotient. Or, INVERT the terms of the divifor, and proceed as in multiplication. For put ~m and - # > then x~ym and z y d "zzdn. Multiply z=dn by y> and it will in like manner, dx^dym-, therefore, L^-L.j aym dx but 3 ? z: fby divifion) ~, and therefore by refti- ydm m tution ?-4-l=^ : Cpnfequently, &c. d y dx EXAMPLES, a c a^d ad ~ a c d^a ad , c T ^----9- > ~~ z . Or, 7 ~ :} z:-X I ^: as before j b d cXd cb b d c b cb au . a-^-u __a u X v^vauv __ a u . rp, fore, in divifion of fractions that have the fame de nominator, caft off the denominators, and divide the numerator of the dividend, by the numerator of the divifor, for the quotient. Thus, l ^Slxfe= 3 ay ^6 a PROBLEM X, fo find the fowtrs of fractional quantities. RULE, RULE. i. PREPARE the given fradHon, if need be, by the rules of reduction. a. INVOLVE the numerator to the height of the power propofed, as in involution of whole quantities, for the numerator of the power required. 3. INVOLVE the denominator in like manner, for the denominator of the aforefaid power. EXAMPLES. Find X z=z power required. a*, f^ uhe 4tb power of =. zy PROBLEM XL To find the roots of fractional quantities, RULE. 1. EXTRACT th root of the numerator, by the rules for extradting the roots of whole quantities, for the numerator of the root required. 2. EATRACT the root of the denominator in like manner, for the denominator of the required root. ' EXAMPLES. a 6 Find the fquare root of . * 0% /or /* numerator of the root, find x ' '' 1 ~x* for the denominator of the root-, there fore, is the root require^. The cube root of .. a .. X* Z 3 y* -JL 4/flfl-f*! ""zp" 2V 6 ~~~z<; 3 ' The fquare root of **~ 4 * + 4 =flZ*. J*+6j + 9 jK + 3 But if th? propofed quantity hath not a true root of the kind required, it muft be diflinguifhed by the fign of the root: Thus, the fquare root of? ~~ X * or a* CHAP. X, CONCERNING SURDS or IRRA- TIO NAL IF the whole doftrine of furds, with every thing therein, which might be of ufe, were to be ex plained according to the methods ufed by fome writers on the fubje6b,it would become very complex, and by far the moil intricate and dfficult part of all Algebra 3 and neceflarily fwell this volume beyond its its defigned limit : And befides, there are many things in the explanation and management of furd quantities, as was taught by many writers on Alge bra, which were then thought neceffary, are now at moft, confidered as ufeful. We fhall therefore, endevour on the one hand-, to avoid all fuch tedious redu&ions, and complicated explanations, as would ferve rather to puzzle, than inftruct the learner : And on the other hand, not to omit any thing which is neceffary, either in the explanation or management of fuch furds as generally arife in algebraic operations. A SURD quantity is that which has no exact root : Thus, the fquare root of 5 cannot exactly be found in fiinite terms, but is exprefied by 5*, or \/5 $ the JL .-. cube root of a by a 3 , or ay ~ 3 \/a : The recipro cal of the fquare root of a-+y, or i divided by the fquare root of a +y, is exprefied by THEREFORE, the roots or irrational or furd quan tities, may be confidered as powers having fractional exponents; that is, the index fhewing the height of the power, is here placed as the numerator of a frac tion, whofe denominator is the radical fign. SECT. I. Of REDUCTION of SURD QfTAN- are ~ i/^l 1 : Alfo, y~ ' and y~^~ PROBLEM III. To reduce fur ds to their moftjimpk terms. R ULE. x. DIVIDE the quantity under the radical fign, by fuch a rational divifor, as will quote the greateft ra tional power contained in the propofed furd without a remainder. 2. EXTRACT the root of the rational power, and place it before the furd, with the fign of multiplica tion, and the propofed furd will be in its mod fimplc $ terms. EXAMPLES. Reduce -/J? to its mod fmnple terms. tiers ( 289 ) ~ 16 the greateft rational power contained in " ; therefore>the /32 = 4f 3 SECT. II. . O/ ADDITION of SURD $JJAN- ffTIES. ADDITION of furd or irrational quantities^ confifts of the following cafes. CASE L When the propofedjurds are of the fame irrational quantity (or can be made Jo by reduftitn) and the ra~ dlcal fign thejame in all. RULE. ADD the rational to the rational, and to their funa annex the irrational part with its radical fign. EXAMPLES. 3/20+6/20 z: 3+6X ^209^20 ; \/ Z^K-SC, '1 O o V"*- CASE II. the irrational orjurd quantity, and the radi~ calftgn are not tbefame in all. RULE. CONNECT the furds with their proper figns + or * -, and you will have the furn required. Note. Iftbejum confifls of two terms, it is called a binomial^ or refidualjurd> as tbejign is -f- or , EXAMPLES. +jv/9X3 = a 3 v/2 + 3 v/j: j^-jv^Xjlr , 2 y 9X3\ "^ 3 36X1! added to \Sxyy*i/ax \/xyy*. SECT. III. Of SUBTRACTION of SURD QUAN TITIES. CASE CASE L all. Wloen the radical fign and, quantity are the fame in RULE. FIND the difference of the rational parts, to which annex the common irrational or furd quantity,, with the fign of multiplication. EXAMPLES. 80-45=: y/ 16 X 5 = 4 - 4X5 -~3 X 5 3 X 5 ft 4x5 _i2^ IOJK 16x5 C A S E IL When the irrational farts are not the fame in all. RULE. CHANGE the fign of the quantity to be fubtraftcd, the%cpreflioa connected, is the difference required. EXAMPLES, EXAMPLES. Vf* Jubtratied from 80% =r %/ 1 6 X 5 4V/5 6 ^ 16* ; 3 4 v/g 2 fubtrattedfrom + SECT. IV. Of MULTIPLICATION of SURD . QUANTITIES. SURDS being confidercd as powers having fra&ion- al exponents , it therefore follows, that to multiply one furd with another, is to add their fractional expo nents together, making the denominator of their fum the radical fign, and the numerator the index of the root. HENCZ is deduced the following rule for multi plication of furds. RULE. 1. REDUCE the indices of the furds to a common denominator. 2. ANNEX the product of the furds, to the prod- udfc of the rational parts with the fign of multiplica tion i and it will give the product required. EXAMPLES. ( 293 ) EXAMPLES. =4 6 N/32i z* +.XT Xz' +.T l f = SECT. V. O/ DIVISION of SURD RULE. 1. REDUCE the furds to the fame in^ex. 2. DIVIDE the rational by the rational, and to the quotient annex the quotient of the furd quantities ^ and it will be the quotient required. Note. If the quantity is thejame in both faftoKS, they are divided byJubtraEling their exponents. EXAMPLES, f* .. - - 2, Pp 294 * i _i_ m n fin ~r d 1ZL ^ mit SECT. VI. Of INyOLUflON- of SURD .QUAN TITIES. THE powers of furds are found by the following RULE. INVOLVE the rational part, as in involution of num bers ; and to the refult annex the power of the furd, found by multiplying its exponent with the expo nent of the power required. EXAMPLES. of 'v/36. The cube of v/3=3 7 ^^if 3^ n \/3 The fquare o ir4 X A; T zz 4 3 \/ ^ + . -7*^ cube cf 3 >/^ 'bx ^~bx\ 3 3~ax bx \ Therefore, when the in dex of tha.power required, is equal to, or a multiple of the exponent of the root -, the power of the furd be comes ( 295 ) comes rational. The cube of a x\ T ^~^]"^ = a x\ T a x] 2 . The n power of fZ = IF the propofed furd is a binomial or refidual one, involve it as in chapter vn. Thus, thejquare of\/6 -f 2v/*'~ * &j //?? 1> 3 7 , - T , . ,. alio, X ~ the 4th term, which mulnpli- -V 3 y y 4- ed with ~~ will give the 5th term; and fo on, multiplying the preceding term by the common ratio ~, you may find any number of terms at pleafure. y ' BUT in oriler to have a converging feries, or a feries wherein the terms continually decreafe, the greateft term of the divifor muft fland firfl in the or der of arrangement; for fuppofe in the above exam ple, that y is very great in refpecl: of v ; hen will -. be very great in refpecl: of ; fo that in this fup- pofition, the terms being multiplied with the powers of'y, and divided by thofe of y\ it follows, that each fucceeding term is very little in refpecl: of the preceding one, and confequcntly the feries, a con verging feries. Again, puti; for the firft term of the divifor (the fuppofition the fame as before ) and the i v y 3 " feries will be -- Z,-f^_ &c. and fince y is very - v v z v 3 great in refpecl: of v -, it follows, that ~ is very lit- i) tie in refpecl of , and very little in refpeft of v* v 2 - y* ^. ; confequently, the feries is a diverging one ; that is, a feries whofe terms continually increafe, and therefore, the farther you proceed in them, the farther you will be from the truth. Hence, &c. AND fince it is impoflible to afTign an infinite number ; it follows, that the number of terms ex- prefling the true value of fuch a feries, is not aflign- able; yet the taking of a few of the firft terms will be fufficient for any practical purpofe. Throw > a into an infinite feries. v d OPERATION. v , W_^v V V* V 3 HERE, each preceding term, after the firft, is multiplied with -, and theprodudb is the next term v following; therefore, the law of the progreltion is manifeft. Throw - into an infinite feries. OPERATION. OPERATION. b* HERE thelaw of the, continuation is the preceding terms multiplied with" fr*. PROBLEM II. fo cxtraft the root of a compound Jurd in an infinite Jeri&s ; that /V , to throw a compound JUT d quantity into * converging feries, whofefum, if the terms were infi~ nitely continued would be equal to the root required. RULE. EXTRACT the root of the quantity, as in common algebraic extraction ; the operation continued as far as is thought neceflary, will give the feries required, V EXAMPLES. Throw \/a* +y i into an infinite feries. OPERATION. OPERATION. +,. (,+_ 4* 1 1 21.4- * r Tbat is, T^+lc^a + -- -f +&e, Find Find the value of i # 2 ] r in an infinite ferics, OPERATION. -- 2 8 16 X 4 4 A* V 6 V * :L 4- IL. 4*2- 4 8 r 6 4 16 8 64 il-4- ^* 4- * ' 4- >v ' * " 8"" I6 1 " 64 256 PROBLEM III. To reduce any fur d or fractional quantity into an in finite feries, by the celebrated Binomial Theorem, invent ed by that Prince of Mathematicians, the illuftrious Sir ISAAC NEWTON, which is as follows. Binomial ( 3Q4 ) Binomial theorem* Wherein it is to be obferved, that P + PQJs the quantity whofe power is to be thrown into an infi nite feries ; P reprefents the firft term of the propof- ed quantity 5 Qjthe other terms divided by the firft -, the index of the power, whether it be affimative or n negative : And A firfl term of the feries *, Bthc iecond j C the third ; D the fourth ; E the fifth ; F the fixth, &c. that is, the feyeral terms of the fe ries, are A=P7> B =2 AQ, C =^Z^ BO . D n 2ft EXAMPLES. ir Reduce a*+x*\* into an infinite feries. Here andn~i : Mere/ore, A = Pr = a> B n-AQ=: , C ~ r + ^~, fSe. isthejeritsrc quired* Expand ( 3Q5 ) T I-'" I Expand -77- = i+a| into an infinite fcries. T ; therefore, m~~-i, f m \ i A~^pT J Find the value of ; in an infinite feries. a+y Here ~- -^X^+jF * '> IWerefore,-'? =.a, y T * -, i>anJn=:i : Wen, A a *, or j _ ! i y y* y* That is, vX^+j] = ^ X - ^ + JT 2? w v vy vy* vy* PROBLEM IV. Tofind tbefum of an infinite feries, geometrically decrcafin?. R U L E. DIVIDE the fquare of the firft term by the differ ence between the firft and fecond, and the quotient will be the fum required, THUS, ( 306 ) THUS, the fum of the infinite ierics ^ *a.+ ^ V fL &?. zr "y 1 -r / y-~^ and the fum of v / - r - v $ for u v be divided by v -f 0, and *v by ^ T;, the quotients will be the feries propofed. Therefore, the rule is manifcil. EXAMPLES. , Given i + T + i +T> &c. ^ infinitum> to find their fum. , i a -r- i 4- = 2 the fum required. Given T 6 ^- 4- T!^ 4~ WW> ^c. adinfinitum^ to find their fum. , J: 4- S T-k- = 1 tbejum required. i ol Given 2 J + *. T * T , &c. adinfinitum^ to find their fum, , 4 ^- 2 + -J = 1 1 "=.Jum required* CHAR XII. Of PROPORTION or ANALOGT ALGEBRAICALLY CONSIDERED. WHEN quantities are compared together with regard to their differences, or quotients, their relations are exprefled by their ratios. The relation of quantities, arifing from the firft compa- rifon ( 37 ) nfon, is exprefTed by an arithmetical ratio, that of the fecond, by a georrietri.caFratio ; and the quanti ties themfclves are faid to be in arithmetical, or ge ometrical proportion, as the ratios of their compa nion are arithmetical, or geometrical : Which pro portions, together with fuch others as arife from the alternation, converfion, &e. of thofe- proportions that are of any conQderableufe in Mathematics, will be noticed in the following order. SEC T. I. Of ARITHMETICAL PROPORTION. WHEN* quantities increafc by addition or fubtrac- tion of the fame quantity, thofe quantities are in arithmetical proportion : Thus, a, a -f- d > a 4- id, a + 3 &c, or A-, x d, x 2^, x 3 a 4- d, a-\- 2^ are in arithmetical pro- portion, then will a 4- a -i - 2 d n a -\- d -\^a 4- d^ T H E O. ( 3Q* ) THEOREM II. If four quantities be in arithmetical proportion, the film of the two extremes will be equal to thejum of the two means. Thus, if /*, a + ^> *~4~ 2 ^ a + 3 ^ are quanti ties ia arithmetical proportion, then will a +0 -f~3*/;z THEOREM III. / ajeries of arithmetical proportionals, thejum of the two extreme terms, is equal to thejum of any two tsrms equally dift ant from the extremes. Let the feries be a, a +d, a+zd, a+$d, a+$d 9 &c. to z : Under which write the fame feries with their order inverted; then adding thofe terms toge ther which {land directly oppofite each other, and the fum of any two fuch terms, will be equal to the fum of the firft and laft terms, as plainly appears by the following EXAMPLE. toz Series inverted, z,z /,a 2 d,z 3 d 3 z ^&$. to a thejum of every two terms. Now from this example, a rule for finding the fum of all the terms of any arithmetical feries, may be eafily deduced ; for it is plain, that the fum a-j- z ~}-a-}-z~^a-Z) &c.-or *2-fz, taken as many times as there are number of terms, is double the fum of the feries a, a >\-d % a-j-id, &c. Ccnfequently, that fum divided ( 309 ) divided by a, will be equal to the fum of the fcries ; that is, (puting = number of terms, and j = r . r , \a -f z X n na + nz ^ . of the lenes) > , - ~ - 1 = s : Or in words, 2 2 the fum of the firft and laft terms multiplied with half the number of terms, will give the fum of the feries. BUT in any arithmetical feries, the co-efficient of the common difference (^) in any term, is i lefs than the number of terms to that place ; confequent- Jy, its co-efficient in the laft term, is equal to the number of terms lefs i ; and therefore, the laft term z~a-{-n i X ^ # -i- dn d. Confequently, a theorem for finding . 2 the fum of any arithmetical feries, when the firft term, common difference, and number of terms are given, And univerfally, puting a :n firft term of an arithmetical feries, d zz common difference) I n: laft term, n zi number of terms, s ~Jum of all tbejeries. THEN having given any three of thofe five quan tities, the reft may be found by the following theo rems. Theorem i . '4-? = s. Theorem 2. ; _ = 2 /-M Theorem 7. -Hlf = b : Alfo, when quantities increafe with a common multiplier, orde- creafe by a common divifor, as, #, ar y ar z > ar 3 , ar 4 , &c. and a> ~, , , , &c. thofe quantities r r* r 3 r 4 arc faid to be in gepmetrical proportion continued, where the common multiplier or divifor r is the com mon ratio. T H E O R E M I. In any Jenes of quin titles in geometrical proportion continued^ the firft term hath the fame ratio to the Je- cond) as the fecond hath to the third, and as the third to the fourth, &c. TiiusJn^r^rV^V^&c. and #, ~, ~, -^. r r* r*' -a ~> &c. a : ar\\ ar \ ar* :: ar % \ ar* :; ar l \ ar* :: a a a a a a a cue. and a :-:: - : -r ::~T:~T:: : :: r r r % r* r 3 r 3 r+ &c. For, ax*r* rr arXar, and aXar 4 arXar 5 5 allb, aX~ ~ f x f ? and fo Qn for the reft> T H E O. C 3" ) THEOREM II. In a feries of geometrical proportionals continued, the produft of the two extremes, is equal to the product cf any two terms equally dift ant from the extremes. THUS, in the feries a, ar, ar*, tir 3 , ar*, &c. If x be the laft term, then will 7 be the laft term but one, and the laft term but two 5 wherefore, ~ ax, the product of the two extremes, and sc o.rx - = -^- =: ax the product of the fecond and laft term M but one : That is, ^v^rr ary^~> in like manner, r X tfX# = fff"*X"T> and fo on for the reft. THEOREM III. tfhefum of any feries of quantities in geometrical pro portion continued, is obtained by multiplying the laft term by the ratio, and dividing the difference between that pro duff and thefirft term, by the ratio lefs i. THUS, let the feries whofe fum is required, be a + ar 4- ar* + ar 3 4- ar*, which multiplied with r 3 gives rfr4*#r 1 4-flr 3 4-^ 4 +^ r5 > from which fub~ tract the former. Thus, I Now Now it is plain, that the difference ar 3 a is equal to thefum of the propofed ferieslriultiplied by r i ; confequently, the fame divided by r 1 3 will give the fum of the feries required: That is, (puting Jzrz ar 5 a Or, generally ar-{-ar*+ar' i +ar*,&c. +^+77 - ar 1 , &c. + +~ 3G X V '+ "7+ T + ~ That is, the fum of any geometrical feries wanting the firft term, is equal to the fum of the -fame feries wanting the laft term, multiplied with the ratio. Wherefore, s a~s .vX*" 3 that is, s a--sr rx, and sr s'~:rx a : Hence, s^=z r .. x a >. And fmce r is not in the firft term of the r i feries, it follows, that in the laft term, its exponent will be i lefs than the number of terms 3 and there fore, (puting n ~ number of terms) x ~ ar Confequently,J~{by writing for # its equal ar " " ) a . And univerfallv, puting r i r a-=:frft term of a geometricalferies, term, s-=Jum of the feries. THEN having given any three of the aforefaid quantities, the reft may be readily found by the fol lowing theorems, which are deduced from the above equation, Theorem ( 3*3 ) rl-a Theorem i. y_ ~ s. 2. rl+s sr~a. s a srs+a 4- ' - = / THEOREM IV. j/7* /b#r quantities are proportional, as a \b \\c\d\ then will any cf the following forms, alfo be proportion^ Direftly, a : b:\c\d. Alternately, a : c : : b \ d. Inverfely, l\a\\d\ c. _ Compoundedly, a-\-b\ b\\ c+d \ d. Dividedly, a \ b a\\c\ d c. Mixtly, b+a \ b a : : d+c \ dc. SECT. III. Of HARMONICAL PROPORTION. HARMONICAL proportion arifes from the compari- fon of mufical intervals, or the relation of thofe num bers which affign the lengths of firings founding mufical notes. THE moil ufeful part of this proportion in practi cal Mathematics, is contained in the following theo rems. T H E O. THEOREM L If three quantities be in harmonica] proportion, the firft will be to the third y as the difference between the firjl andfecondy to the difference between thejeccnd and third. THUS, if a y b and r, be in harmonica! proportion, then, as a ' c : : b a : c b : Confequently, ac ab ~cb ca, by multiplying means and extremes: From which equation is deduced the following theorems. cb is to the difference, between the third end fourth. THUS, if the quantities a> b, c> a 7 , are harmonical proportionals, it will be, a : d : : b a : d - c : Wherefore, ad ac zr db da. From which equa tion, we get the following theorems. db ( -3*5 ) CHAP. XIII. Of SIMPLE EQUATIONS. AN equation is an expreffion, averting the equali-" ty of two quantities, which are compared to gether by writing the quantities with the fign of equality between them. Thus, if #-4-3 is j Let 3* 10 zr 20 #4-6, be given to find #, ^Vr/?, 3* -|- ^ z: 20+6 + 10 by tranffqfition : 36 Or, 4,r =36, ^7rf/ therefore, x = 1 n 9. RULE III. WHEN any part of the equation is divided by any quantity, that quantity may be taken away by mul tiplying all the reft of the terms by it ; which is the fame as to multiply all the terms in the equation by that quantity. And if thofe quantities which are equal, be multiplied with the fame quantity, their produces will be equal. EXAMPLES. 1} Given, r +2 10, to find the value of v. ttus, v+ii Soyper rule : And v n 60 12 1148 by tranjfofitionandfultrac^ tion. y iy ? Let ^ + +~ ~ 16, be given to Men, 12L-2 -16 by addition: And $iy + 2411512 by multiffyation , S a Whence, y^- 15 A Alfo, if + 6= 4jy 3.? = 12 8 by tranffofition. W 'hence, 7 = 4. RULE IV. IF any quantity be found on both fides of the equa tion, having the fame fign, it may be expunged from both. Alfo, if all the terms of an equation be mul tiplied with the fame quantity, it may be ftruck out of them all. EXAMPLES. 5 then will 2tf= per rule : And ix A?~2 j or, #=2: Alfo, if 6x+c ~l+c> then will 6x~b, and -v~* ^xa ixa xa da Moreover, if - + - > then will C C And 4^ ~d by addition andjubtraftion : d Whence, # = 4 RULE V. IF that part of the equation which involves the unknown quantity be a radical expreflion,.it may be made made free from furds by tranfpofing the reft of the terms by the preceding rules, fo that the furd may fiand alone on one fide of the equation : Then take away the radical fign, and involve the other fide of the equation to the pow0rwhofe index is equal to the denominator of the radical fign. EXAMPLES. 20 : Then will \/x 4- 3 = 20 4=16 by tranfpofi* tlon : Andx+s z: 16 x 16 ~ 256 by involution : Or, *= 256-- 3 =253, And, if 4+ \/Q.X + 6 9 5 then will \/ix + 6 = 94 = 5 by tranfpofition : And 2X+6 s: 25 by involution : Whence, x ~ z: 9^-. In like manner, if 3 \/^+ 3 = 10; then will ? \/^ io 37 s andax^z^b involution - t or, RULE VI. IF both fides of an equation be a complete power, or can be made fo by the preceding rules, it may be reduced to more fimple terms, by extracting the root of both fides. EXAMPLES. Given,jy* + y + 9 _ 57 = 87, to find the val ue of>. Fitf, Krft> r + 6y + 9 8 7 + 57 %'hen, y -f 3 zz 1 2 y extracting the root : Or, y 12, 3 :z: 9 y tranj-pofition. Given, p^ z 4- 24^ 4- 16 4^ a +32.7+64, to find the value ofj. ^'^> 3^+ 4 iy -f* ^ ^ extraffing the root ; And 3jy 27 1:8 4^x tranffofition ; That is, y ~ 4. RULE VII. -s. ANY analogy may be converted into an equation, by aflerting the produftofthe two extremes equal to the product of the two means, EXAMPLES, If 6 + AT : 10 :: 4! 6 5 then will 36 + 6x zz 40, ^j? multiplying means and extremes, and 6^=4; 0r, 4 And, if : a :: 10 : 2; then will ~ioa> and O y 30 a 4% zz 30 a y or Arm 4 And in like manner, if 6 : A; 21:4:5$ then will 30 4# 8: And 4 A; =30 4- 8 z: 38 s or. A; n 9^. COROLLART. / HENCE it follows, that an equation may be turned Into 3n analogy, by dividing either fide of it int two ( 3" ) two fuch parts, which if multiplied together, would produce the fame fide again ; making thofe parts, cither the two means or extremes ; then dividing the other lide in like manner for the other two terms. CHAP. XIV. CONCERNING the extermination of un known quantities, and reducing thofe equations Which contain them, to a lingle one. PROBLEM I. To exterminate two unknown quantities, or reduce two equations containing them, to a Jingle one* RULE I. FIND the value of one of the unknown quantities in each of the given equations, by the rules of the preceding chapter. And puting thefe two values equal to each other, you will have an equation in volving only one unknown quantity > which equa tion if a fimple one, is to be refolved as in the lad chapter, EXAMPLES. , | -* } to .y From the firft equation, we have #- ( 3** ) And from tlejecond, ,vzz ~-? - 3Q+3.? . ^ / Therefore, And 84 6yz:6o4-6y y multiplication : Whence y 84 60 1 2^ : Or, i2yz:24 i 24 14 y And there fore > jn z: 2, and x 14 2 writing if or y its equal)- z:6. Given, ] 3^-rJ= ^ 2 ( to ^ nc j v a 22 J From the firft equation > v~ - 3 andtheanalo- \j gy turned into an equation, gives $v^zy, or v = 2y 22 y iy - , hnd therefore) - j \j j Whence we get y no 57 ~ 6 y ly multiplication : And \\y ~ no : no Or, j= = 10: 2^ '2O ^ zz z: (^y writing 10 /ir^ ^'/j equaT) -7- RULE II. FIND the value of one of the unknown quantities in either of the given equations ; and inftead of the unknown quantity in the other equation, fubftitute its value thus found, and there will arife a new e- quation having only one unknown quantity, whofe value is to be found as before. EXAMPLES. ( 3*3 ) EXAMPLES. Give*, \ Z + y ~ T } to find z and y. L z y = / 3 the fir ft equation, we have z~ 10 y, m Juljlituted for z in thejecond equation, Gives 10 ^ ~j n 7, 0r 10 2jx n: 7 : ./f an.d this value 10 + 2y Jnlftituted In thefecond equation, gives %y + - ~- = 6 5 : Or, 6y + 16 + iy zr 130 ; whence, 8^ = 120 : 120 Or ^ = ~"- J 5s andz - 5 + 15=20. RULE III. IF the unknown quantity is of lower dimenfion in one of the given equations than in the ofher ; find the value of the unknown quantity in the equation where it is of lead dimenfion, and raife this value to the fame height as the unknown quantity in the other equation ; or on the contrary, Then compare this value with the value of the unknown quantity found C 3*4 ) found from the other equation ; and you 'tfill have a new equation, with which proceed as before, EXAMPLES. G^en, { J+f,f .1 &, } to find v and y. From the fir ft equation vn 10 y ; And therefore, 4 0*z: 10 y\* - 100 lTto> 100 ioy+y' t ~6o+y' i ' by rule \ft. Whence, y~z by reduction : Or, 100 2qy-f .>* y* ~ 60 by rule id. V/hence, 4On And*u zrio-*-^t:io Given, * - to The analogy turned into an equation, gives , which divided by z, gives 32 zs 4 = " 3 ' i6y* Whence, x* ^r ^--* 9 -^ therefore, ^* +^* -. 25 : Or, P R O B. ( 3*5 ) PROBLEM II. fo exterminate any three unknown quantities, x, y> and z, or to reduce threefimple equations that involve them* to a Jingle one, RULE. FIND the value of x in the three given equa tions; then compare the firft value of x with the fe- cond, and there will arife a new equation involving onlyjx and z. Again compare the firft, or fecond value of x with the third, and there will arife another equation involving onlyjx and z ; then proceed with, theie two equations as directed in the lad problem EXAMPLE. \ r 2 .v 4-^4-2? 1 5 1 Given, < x 4-67 2 =. 29 > to find x,y and z, (. 4-V 1Z -i- 2^ I 2 J T m,rwm-Tn- O fX MMM* *U the firft equation, we have, x ~ - o the fecond, ^^29 4-2 -6.7 : 1 2 4- 2% 2y 4 I C '"' 2^2 T -- V Whence, - -^ - ^294-% i -2 4- 22 ajy 294-2 ojyn From the firfl Qfthefe equations, we get 15 22 - 584-22 ioy; ^ 117^:58 154-4.^: T t 4?+4 2 Whence, y~ \* : From the fecond, we have 116+42 24jyr: 22 ay : 104 + That is, 22j 116 12+22; or,yzz - 104+22 43-|~4 z Consequently, - * Whence, 1144+222946 + 882 : And^z 222198 : That is, 662198 : ^.. _'98 , Whence, y = 5, and x AND nearly in the fame manner, may be exter minated any number of unknown quantifies ; but there are often much fhorter methods for their exter- mination, which are beft learned by practice j yet fome of them may be thus generally given. RULE. LET the given equations be multiplied or divid ed by fuch numbers, or quantities, that by addition^ fubtraction, multiplication, divifion, involution or evolution of any two, or more of the equations, one or more of the unknown quantities may vanifh. Then taking the refult and the other equations, and proceed as before, until you have an equation in volving ( 3*7 ) volving only one unknown quantity, whofe value may be found by the foregoing rules. EXAMPLES. Given, j ^gzj? } to find * and> Multiply the firft equation with 2, and it will give 4,v + 6y 5 8 , andthefecond with 3, gives 9* + 6y n: 93, from which Jubtr aft, 4* + 6y 58 ; and you will have 35 5x^:355 cr, .vzr 7, 29 2y_29 14_ T" 3 ^ 5< r 2^+4^+32=38 i Given, < 3^+57+62 = 63 Sto find^,jK, ancl%. double thefirft equation Jultraft the Jecond, and from double thejecond^fubtraft the third, and the refults will be,\ 1 x + 3^ = dg*in, from thefecond of theje equations, Jubtraft thefirft, and the rejult will be x4 ; and from double the firft fubtraft thejecond, and it will give 3y=9 ; or, y = - ~ 3. And from the firft of the given equations, 38 2* 4? 2 = 38 2A? 4x5 or>z= - - - 38 8 12 - =6. Mifcellaneous Mifcellaneous Examples. Given, 3 y r: 3.2 tfhejirft equation involved to a fquare, gives v* + *~ 144; tf^ f* ivy +y' L ~ 16 by fub- tracing \vy ( n * 28 ) //^w /* /<^ equation 5 0r ; ^ y ~ ^ by evolution : ___ __ _ ^f/ therefore, v -\-y-\-v j ~ 1 2 -f 4 : 16 Or, 2v ~ 1 6 ; ^;;^'y ~8 : Again 3 v-\-y v j = 12 4: 8 =: 8 i or, ^ Lto find ^ andj. i^y = H4 I ^ L J = 9 J .F/V/?, *y = 9^ by multiplication : ConJ'equently y vy ~ $y Xj^ = 144 : 14.4 is, 97 Z z= 144 ; cr, jy x =: = 16. Whence, y~ \/i6 =z 4 ; ^7^ i; 9^ = 36 -y = $6 j Given, "{ ^ _ o ( to find v and y. {vy - y " irfti v z: 56 + y ; and therefore, ~ 8 or, 56 + j = 8j ; whence* y s: r = 8 5 ^^^/ v = 8jr = 64. Given, ( 3*9 ) to find v. Given, I tf + /l6"+T r = "^T^ That is, vi/ib+v* 4" 164-1^32: ir 16 ^ a : involution, v % X i 6-f--y* ~i6 v*]* :n 256 That is , i6-i; z -4-'y' t iz:256 32 < z; a Or, i6v* '2$6 J2i; i ; and iSz; 2 - 4-32^-^ , v*= ; or, v= 16 i i C V a -4- V a "~"~ ^2 7 Given, \ x -- J~ f to Again, x l 2^4"^* a * : 7*^^, # 7 i=.\/ aib : _ 'Therefore^ x+y+x jy ^r */a + 2^ + V^^ , 2AT n \/^ 4- 2^> -f \/ tf 2^ : Or, X - 2 And x -f-y x y 2jr n: -v/^/x 4- 2 ^ -v/^"" .... Whence, y = CHAP, ( 33 } CHAP. XV. Of the SOLUTION of a variety of QUES TIONS, that produce SIMPLE EQUA TIONS. AFTER forming a clear and diftinct idea of the queftion propofed 5 the unknown quantities mult be exprefled by letters, which muft be ordered in fuch a manner, as to exprefs the conditions given in the queftion concerning thofe quantities. Thus, if the fum ( s ) of two quantities (x and jy) are requir ed -, then is x -j-jy s, an exprefiion anfwering that condition. Alfo, if the difference (d) of thofe quantities is required ; that condition muft be ex- prefled thus, x jy~ d (x being the greater) Their product (f) is expreffed thus, xy ~p. Their quo- v> tient (q) is - q. Alfo, the fum of their fquares (a) is expreffed thus, # 4 -\- y* a y and the differ ence of their fquares (b) thus, x z jy* ~b t HAVING expreffed the unknown quantities in equations anfwering their relations, or properties, as given in the queftion "; you are next to confider whether your queftion is limited or not -, that is, whe ther the quantities fought, are each of them capable of more known values than one , which may always be difcovered in the following manner. If the equations that arife from expreiling the conditions of the queftion, are in number equal to the quantities fought, then is the queftion truly limited : That is, each df the quantities fought, cannot have more val ues than one in giving the anfwer : But, if the equa tions ticms exprefllng the conditions of the queftion, are fewer in number than the quantities fought, then the queftion is an unlimited one ; that is, the quantities fought, are each of them of an indeterminate value, and confequently, the queftion propofed, capable of innumerable anfwers. AFTER you have discovered that the propofed queftion is limited ; you mud then proceed to exter minate the unknown quantities by the rules already given, or other methods, which you may learn by practice ; to which we now proceed. 1. What number is that, from which if you take 40, the remainder will be 115 ? Call the number /ought v : Then will v 40 n. 115 by the queftion : Or, v n 1 15 + 40 zz 155 the number Jought. 2. What number is that, from which if you take 10, and multiply the remainder with 4, the product will be 30 ? Call the number fought v : Then will v 10 be the remainder : And v 10X4 3 by ths queftion : That is> 4& 40 = 30 : Or, 4^ = 30 + 40 70 ; or, v n 7 T i?4- 3. To find two numbers whofe fum is 80, and their difference 16. , Let v = the lea ft of the required numbers : Then will v + 16 iz the greater by the nature offub- trattion : And-v -f v + 16 ~ 80 by the queftion : That is y iv ~ 80 16 = 64 : Or, V V =132 ; and v+ 16^:32 -f- 16^48, /bf greater number required, 4- 4. What number is that, which if multiplied with one third of itfelf> will produce the number fought ? If you call the number Jo ugh t v : i) Then will be one third part of ' -~v by the queftion : v* That is, = v -, or, v* 3^, andv =z 3 the num- M far fought. 5. Suppofe the diftance between Boflon and York, to be 150 miles ; and that a traveller fets out from Boflon, and travels at the rate of 5 miles an hour ; another fets out at the fame time from York, and travels at the rate of 8 miles an hour : It is re quired to know how far each will travel before they meet. Jfyoufut v for the diflance that muft be travelled by the en e which Jets out from B oft on, and y the diftance travelled -by the other before they meet : Then will v -f y rr 1 50, the diftance, travelled by both, and v I y \ : 5 '. 8 by the queftion : $y That is> 81; z= 5^ 5 or> i>zi $y *AlfO) v zz 1 50 y 5 conjequently, ^: 1 50 y : That is, $y zr 1 200 %y : Whence, y = 1 20013 rz 92-^.. And v = 150 j> = 57 X 9 T - 6. What fraction is that, if you add r to the nu merator, the value will be 4- ; but if you add I C6 the denominator the value will be Put -for thefrattionjought : ( 333 ) r,> Consequently, Or, 3^ 6 =: 2jy -f 2 : y ~ 8, /^^ denominator : y 2 8 2 rr 3 /^^ numerator : \is the fraction required. 7. What two numbers are thofe whofe fumb6o > and the fum of their fquares 2250 ? Call one of the numbers w> and the other y : Then -will, i 'ion. rfty iv* + 2 wy -f-JV* rr 60^ zz 3600 ; And w* + 2 wy -f- ^ r w 2 " ~f"^ z Therefore, ^wy 2700 : * -k 2 wy- -j-^y* - 4 sqy =r Whence, w ^'rr v^poo =r 30 : ^w^ 2 T^ = 60 + 30 =z 90, or w = 45 : And y =1 60 wn:6o 45^1 15. 8. There are three numbers in arithmetical pro- greffion, the firft added to the fecond will make 15., and the fecond added to the third, 21 : What are thofe numbers ? Uu Let ( 334 ) #, y and z reprefent the three numbers : Then will x +y ~ 15, thejum of the fir ft andje~ d : Andy + z 2I > *b*fum of the fetond and third : Alfo, x -f- z zz 2jy j> / -f- z ~ 36 ; c?r, A: -f 36 2j : 5^/ ^ 4- z s: 2j s therefore, zy ~ 36 2^ 5 ^r, = 36: Whence, y n: 9 j ^t^ ^^115 JK zz 1 5 9 6 : f ~ 21 j^ zz: 21 -9 n 12. 9. Two merchants traded in partnerfhip ; the fum of their flocks was 600 dollars ; one's flock was in company 8 months, but the other drew out his at the end of 6 months, when they fettled their accounts, and divided the gain equally between them : What was each man's flock ? Call one of the flocks x ; then 600 x rr the other : But, x \ 600 -i- x : : 6 : 8 by the queflton : 8# nj6oo 6 x ; or, 14^ n: 3600 : 3600 Whence, x - = 257^- ; and 600 x = 600 2574- 342-f- />'M +3 = 17: Or, 2^rri7 3 = 14 : Confequently, x V 4 = 7^ $*jtrft term of the $ro~ grejfion ; ^^ therefore, x -f j =: 10, the JeTond term 5 ^w^ ^ H- 2jK = 1 3, /# and z be ing the extremes y whereof v is the leaft. y + z~ iy by the nature of the proportion : 128 zr - from thefirft equation : z z: iy - v from the third : 128. Conjequently y s ^ zc -iy v by equality : That is, 128 7= 'iyv v*. But zyv z: 96X2 rr 192 : tTherefore, 128^:192 ^ a by fubftitution : And v* ~ 192 128645 or, v =z ^64 ^: 8 : 128 128 z ~ ~- = -- zz 16 5 ^^ i; + z 2y ; 8 + i6 . ,, ' - z: 1 2 j and therefore the num bers fought are 8, 12, 1 6. 13. To find a fraction, fuch that the fquare of the numerator, added to the denominator, lhall make 30 ; and if 2 be added to the denominator, the value of the fraction will be equal to the reciprocal of the numerator. Put -for the fraftion fought. will v* +y z: 30! V i I by the queftm* And t l jt "T" v j Andy* y 4-2X1 ^4" 2 : Confequently, y 4- 2 z: jo y > -that is, 2728*: Or, ( 337 ) Or, y = V J 4 5 *<* ^ z = 3 y~3<> *4 165 or, ^^^7+11124-1=3: St that 32 is the number required. 15. A certain company at an inn; when they came to pay their reckoning, found that if there had been two perfons lefs in company, they would have paid a dollar a man more ; but if there had been three perfons more in company, they would each of them paid a dollar lefs : What was their reckoning, and the number of perfons to pay it ? Put V i= the number of perfons, and y the number of dollars each faid j then will vy ~ the whole recon~ ing. ( 338 ) 5* fy the queftion* That is y vy~vy + v 27 2 from the jirft equa~ 'tion : Or, iy -f- 2 = v : And vy~vy v -\- $y 3 from the fecond equa* tion : Or, v "=. 3y 3 : Confequently, $y 3 ~ iy + 2 ; or, 3y~-iy 2+ 3 : Whence, y =. 5, the number ef dollars each p aid: And v = iy =|- 2 ~ 1 2, w number of -perjjfh : Confequently , vy n: 60 dollars^ the whole reckoning. 1 6. To find three numbers v, > and w, the produfb of each with the fum of the other two being given viz. v X? + w ~ = " 93 > J-X ^ + w = 1300, and w X v +J = 1480 : r vy j^ , cr, vw~ ^^ ^: But ^.a, + c -, or, vy ~ Again, vy -{-wy -f- 'yze; + ^7 ~ ^ + ^ ' v~a : And therefore, we have i wy ir b + c a \ or, wy~ c '2, ( 339 ) .f. c a tmt " ' 2 a + b c Buty ~' " i . 3 aw +lw cw a -f c b vw * - - -- ; or a +c b aw+bwcw SZ ..... - and therefore by equality > . . Q.W b-? c a Wkaue, w* = '\ a \^_K turned into numbers^ and the root extrafed> w will befeund IZ 37 i whence the other numbers are readily a-j-c b a -4- b f found ; for v z: ' *" zz i c, and y z^ < J Q.W JJ * 2 and therefore, vu r^ 350 14 4900 - X m - But vu r: yw from the fecond equa- 4900 tion ; wherefore^ - irj; ; or 4900 -^y^w 7 -, and : /49o = 7 i ^^^^ ^ = : But y^ jo _ 14 the fourth equation ; confequently y > or, )> writing $u far w in thefecond equation, we have vu zr $uy 3 or dividing loth fides by u, we /hall have v ir 5^ : j5/ v ~ 42 .y /r^i thefirft equation ; therefore, $y 31-42 ^ ; cr, 42 H 2, ^ w = 5//n: TO. 1 8. Given the fum (s) and product (f) of two quantities, to find the fum of their fquares> cubes, biquadrates, &c* i^/ v and w reprefent the two quantities : tten will\ ^*Jf^7" r l j ^ queftion, And C And x -4-jyl* = #* + sry 4- j* =r s* ly involution : Or, 'AT* + sry + jy* 3#y = s 1 if byfubtraff. That is, x* +y*~s* ip Jim tifthefquares. Again, x* +y* X x+y * p X s : That is, x 3 + xy X ^ +^ 4-^ 3 ~ J 3 Or, x 3 +J/>-f-^ 3 riJ 3 2^/> ^ writing sp for its equal, xy x # +J ; whence, x ~j 3 zspfum of their cubes. >/ i, Jf +^y x ^ or, (by writing for xyy^x* -\-y* its equal, s^p zrj 4 4^ a ^> + 2/* Zl/i of their fourth powers. * X* + J s * VP + ^ X s : That is, x* + *j X^ 3 H-j r + y s =* 5 4* 3 P &p*s ; and therefore, (by writing for xyXx* + jy 3 //j equal s^p zsp*) we have, x s + s*p jjy* + y* zzJ 5 4J 3 ^> 4- 2J[f a ; ^W ^jy tranfpofition, we get 4 /?r tbefum of their fifth powers -, and Jo en for the reft. CHAP. XVI. Of QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. A QUADRATIC EQUATION, is an e- quation of two dimenfions involving only one unknown quanticy 3 and is either fimple or adfeftcd. Xx A A SIMPLE quadratic, is an equation which invol ves only the fquar'e of the unknown quantity. Thus, v z ~ a* is a fimple quadratic equation. BUT when you have an equation which involves the fquare of the unknown quantity, together with its produft with fome known co-efficient, you have what is called an adfefted quadratic equation. Thus, v^+av zi be, is an adfedted quadratic equation. ALL adfefted quadratic equations, fall under the three following forms : f #* 4- av be viz. < v* - 1 av zr be (. v z av ~ be THE folution of adfedled quadratic equations, or finding the value of the unknown quantity in thofe equations, is performed by the following R U*L E. i. TRANSPOSE all the terms that involve the un known quantity to one fide of the equation, and all the terms that are known to the other fide. . I? the fquare of the unknown quantity is mul tiplied with any co-efficient, you muft carl off that co-efficient, by dividing all the terms in the equation by it, that the co-efficient of the higheft dimenfion of the unknown quantity may be unity. 3. ADD the fquare of half the co-efficient pre fixed to the unknown quantity, to both fides of the equation ; and that fide which involves the un known quantity will then become a complete fquare. 4. EXTRACT the root from both, fides of the e- qtiation, which will confiftof the unknown quantity connected with half the aforefaid co-efficient ; and therefore by tranfpofing this half, the value of the unknown quantity will be determined. SOL. ( 343 ) SOLUTION of the THREE FORMS Of QUADRATICS ILLUSTRATED. Let it be required to determine the value ofv, in the fgrm v z + av~bc. a* 'a* Fir fly v* + av + H be -\ -- by adding thefyr, a a of - to both fides of the equation : Then v -j- - ^ a^ i/bc + by extracting the root of both fides -, or, v == a* ' -- "ify tranfpofition. But the fquare root of any fofitlve quantity, may be either fojitive, or nega tive j that is ', the fquare root of 4- n z may be either -f- -n or n \ for + ;/ X -f ; or, n X n } are re- fpeffively equal to + n* . It follows therefore, that all quadratic equations admit of twofolutions, that is, the unknown quantity has two values in the given equation. Thus, in the foregoing example, where v* '+ av -f- a* a* a """* -~ z: fa + > we may infer, that v -j- - n \/bc+ -. ^', for, + quentty, the value ofv is fofitive. : But in thefecond ex- a 7 - a frejfion, viz. v = \S be 4- --- ? having ~ a* a \/$f + v $ ~ ^ and tier ef ere, z~ a a* 4* t" /iwr ^^ fofitive value cf z, and z ~ \/bc H -- 4 * ^ z -f~w negative one -, forfince be + is greater than ~2 > confluent fy, \/bc + is greater than where both the values of z will be fejitive, if #*""" a i$ greater than be > for then z : v/ -- ^ r '^- N ' '**<[ vidently a pojitive quantity ; and in thejscond value of a* a a z z, viz. z \/ ^ + " ^ V plthat /V greater than * bc } fince is greater than Ic ; and therefore, the \S /V greater than \/ fa ; a* a* a . confequently, z y be + \S~(~"')tsa fofitive quantity. But when be is greater than a* then be is a negative quantity 5 and fince the fquare of any quantity (whether fofitive or negative) is always fofitive ; it follows, that ^ fa is im~ pojjible y or imaginary j and consequently, z ~ a* a Y/ fa^~ is imaginary, therefore, in the third form, ( 346 ) a* form, when be is greater than the Jolution tf the equation will be, impojfible. EXAMPLES Of determining the value of the unknown quan tity in quadratic equations. Given, AT* -f- 4*^:32, to find the value of*-. Firft, AT -f- 4.x -f- 4 z: 32 + 4, by adding thefquare of half the co-efficient to loth fides : Then, \/x* -f-4#-f- 4~ d: V/3^ : That is, x + i + 6 ; or, x z: 6 i n 4, cr 8: Either of which fubftituted for x, will f reduce the given equation. Given, 3** 9*= 6, to find x, Firft, x* +- -3^ -zby dividing the whole by 3 : 9 9 > a: 1 3oc-f--z:"- 2^v completing thefquare : 4 4 3 9 therefore, x ~ + v^~ 2^y extracting the root : Given, ay* -~ bv -~ c ~ d, to find v t Firft, av' t l>vzz4 c h tranjpofition ; j ' . * J - f ^fW ^ - v = a a ( 347 ) I b* d~C b"' therefore, v*-- v +; = + fy com- fie ting thejquare : b J^c ~ Whence y v ~ ~ v * - -f ? by evokt- tlon : b ,dc F Or, v=t~ are re duced by completing the fquare, and extracting the root, as in quadratics ; and the value of the un known quantity determined by extruding the root of the reiulting equation -, as in the following EXAMPLES. Given, *y 4 2^ a = 224, to find the value of v. Firft, V* 2 to find v. Firft y bv n + ctf r= e + d by tranfpofiticK, c ^ e 4- d v n +-V~~ ^- ly divifiw : And V fleting thejquare : ( 348 j c " c 1 e n r \ d c*" therefore, + ioo ~ 100 96 ^y complet ing thefquare : Therefore, 2 And low+y + 27 ~ iqy -{- w Or, 9 w = 97 27 ^y tranfpofition : QV - 27 1 \bytb ] 9 IO-K; + y -: 207 ; whence, (by writing for its equal y 3, in the equation low + y rr = \/-7 = - by evolution: 4 10 4 Y y Confejumtly, J- ( 35 ) Therefore 36 zV /&* number required. 4. To find three numbers in geometrical propor tion continued, v/hofe fum is 78 ; and ifthefum of the extremes be multiplied with the-mean, the product will be 1080. Putv ~ leaft extreme > andz the greiter ; alfo>y mean : *Ihen will v -f- y -f- z zz 7 8 7 r r - - J > fa the queftion. And v + z X^= 1080 i W^/ is, vy -f- zy^z io8Oi andvy + 3y wultif lying the fir fl equation ivith y ; Whence^y % i^. (by writing for vy-\-zy it 787 1080, Or 3 j 2 78yn 1080: Andy* 78^4*15213:1521 108011441 completing thejquare : And therefore, y~* 39 rz y / 44 I ~ ticn : Or, y~ 39 4; 21 = (becaufe 39 -J- 21 zz 60, /V greater than thejum of the extremes^ which is abjurd) 39 21 18 : But>vz ~y* = 324 ^j the nature of the proportion : ) v^. - > which wrote for a 5 Or, 2347 = 136897371 6310: 6310 Whence^y zr 27, and xvy* n 729 : OT" 7 ^9 Or, ^ ^ , whichfubftituted in ihs equation x+ 729 729 y+v = i IT .gives +27 + i?=n7i cr, ~ + T; 117 -27 9 : Whence y 729 -j-.i;* ~ 901; ^) f multiplication : Or, v* 901; zz 729 by tranJpofit'iQn : And therefore,, v* 901; + 2025 zz 2025 729 -zz 1296 ^ completing tb?f%ua,re : Conjequently, v 45 -f \/ 1 296 = 36 y evolu tion ; 729 Or, ^ 45 + 36 81, andx - ~ 9. And the number 3 required, are 9, 27, 81. MISCELLANEOUS QUESflONS, their SOLUTIONS. I. Suppofe two cities, A and B, whofe diftance from each other is 216 miles -, and that two cou riers fet out at the fame time, one from A, and the other from B; the firft travels 10 miles a day, and the other 4 miles lefs than the number of days in which they will meet. Query the number of days before they meet ? Put x ~ number of days required : Then will i o# -J- x 4 X #H 2 1 6 by the queftion : That is y IQX + #* ^x zib - t or, x 7 " 4- 6x And x* + 6^ + 9z:2i64-9^i: 225 : Whence, A; 4- 3 n ^ v/ 2 25 n: 1 5 s cr, Arn 1 5 ^ 3 rr 12, the number of days required. 2. A traveller fets out from the city A, and tra vels at the rate of 9 miles an hour ; and another at the fame time fets out from the fame city, and fol lows him, travelling the firft hour 4 milts 5 the fe- cond 5 j the third 6, and fo on, in arithmetical pro- greffibn : In what time will he overtake the firil ? Put x number of hours in which the firft uill be Overtaken : f hen will $x rr the. diftance he travels : x i X I +4*4 #+7 And ( 353 ) ~ ^ dtflance tbe other travels before he overtakes the firft, by (be nature of the x* -f- jx proportion : Confequently, zrcj* by the quef* tion : Or, x* -4- 7*-^ i8# : Whence, # + 7 = 18 5 0r, * ; 1 1 hours, the time required. 3. There arc four numbers in geometrical pro- greffion, the fum of the extremes is 84, and the furn of the means 36 : What are thofc numbers ? Put v andy for the means : will and be tbe extremes by tbe nature $/ tbe proportion : V* JV* I ly tbe queftion : H*ti*t p for vy) p b. But, v 3 -i-jy 3 = (by problem 1 8 Confidently, pb ~ a* $ap ; cr* p ~ T - - ^r ^jy fubjlitution : Therefore, V* -}-j 3 r:f; e?r, -j; x s=^f jy j : But, v ~ tf y ; therefore, v* ~ a* ^a*y + And tberefwe 3 y* ~~ cy H - - " * a And And-g* * ay rt~ 7- ^w^,7 -SAifrr , - 27, rfv 36- j,r:9; therefore^ nnmlers re quired. 4. Suppofe two cities, A and B, whole diflance from each otiier is 152 miles j and that two men fee out at the fame time from thole cities to meet each dtrkr ; the one which goes from A, travels the firft day i mile, the fecond day 2, the third day 3, and fo on; and the one wnich lets out from B/ goes the firir. day 4 .miles, the fecood day 7, and the third io> a^d fo on. Qjery the' number of days before -they nicer, , and the .number of,milts that each travels? Put y ~ number of days before ttiey meet ; 15? = , 5 3 ij, the gueJHe* : Ay ^ -\~ 6 y ! That i i s > ' *=r 152 ; tf>,*4j* -f 6y 304 : ^j* +- j-f ~ 6 rr 76 122 * y ^ 4 ~^ ^ . 16 8. , " ' % \ V * ! V yl- ; -36, tks number- cf miles travelled by tbe ont which Jat -out frcm A> and i ZT 1 1 6, the dljtancs travelled by the other. C H A P. XVIII. Oftbs GENESIS, cr 'FG&MATION of E- ^U AT IONS in GENERAL. ALL equations of fuperior order, are confider- ed, as produced by the multiplication of equa tions of inferior orders, that involve the fame un known quantity. Thus, a quadratic equation may be cdnndered as generated by the multiplication of two fimpte equa tions ; a cubic equation by the multiplication of three flmple equations, or one qiuiciratk and one fimple equation ; and a biquadratic equation by the multiplication of four fi.nple equations, or two quad ratic equations, or one cubic and one fimple equa tion. Suppofe w to be the unknown quantity, and a, 4 c t d> &c. its feveral values in any fimple equation ^ That is, w~a 3 w ~ ^, w n c, w~d, dec. Thta by tranfpoiition, w a ~ o, w b no, w rzrr o, w d ~ o, &c. And the produdl of two of thefe equations as w a x ^ ^zrzO, gives a quadratic .equation, or one of two dimenfions. The produft of any three ; as w a X w b X w c r- o, produces a cubic equation, or one of three dimenfions, The ( 356 ) The pro&3& of any four of thertt 5 3$ w ^ X se? x '^ c X w d zr o, produces a biquad ratic equation, or one of four dimenfions. Hence it appears, that in every equation, the higeft dimenfion of the unknown quantity, is equal to the number of fimple equations; that generate that equation -, and therefore it follows, that every equa tion has as many roots, or values of the unknown quantity, as there are units in the higheft dimenfion of that unknown qnantitv. For fuppoie an equation -*. w a X "Jo b X w f o ; and that for iff you fubflitute any of its values (#, b or c) in the giv en equation, then all the terms of an equation will vanifh ; for if w ~a,w=.b, and w r, then w a X ^ b X w <: ~ o, becaufe each of the factors are equal to nothing. And after the fame manner, it appears 3 that there are three fuppofitions that give ce; a x w ^ X w ~~ c ^ : ^ ut fi nee there are no other quantities befides thefe <*, , r, which fub*-' ftituted for w-in the equation w a X w. X w c n: o, will make all the terms vanifh ; it fol- lows,that the equations a X w ^ X w c ~ o, can have no more than thefe three roots, or ad mit of more than three folutions. For if you fubfti- tute for is; in the propofed equation, any other quan tity ^, which is neither equal to a, , nor c ; then neither e a, e b> e c y is equal to nothing; arid confequently their product ea X e b X e~c y cannot be equal to nothing, but muft be fome real product : So that no other quantity, btfide's one of thofe before-mentioned, will give a true value of w in the propofed equation. And therefore, no equa tion can have more roots than it contains dimen of the unknown quantity. To ( 351 ) To be more plain : Suppofe that AT* icx* + 35** 50* + 24 mo, is the equation to be rtfolved ; and that you find it to be the fame as the produdl of #~ i X x 2 X # 3 X # 4 : Then you will infer, that the four roots or values of x, are i, 2, 3, and 4 j for any of thefe numbers fubftituted for A:, will make that product, and confequentiy, .v 4 - IOAT 3 -f- 35*v* 5O#-{- 24 equal to nothing, accord ing to the propofed equation. THE roots of equations are either pofitiye.or ne gative, according as the roots or values of the un known quantity in the fimple equations which prod uce them, are pofitive or negative. Thus, if^z: #, vn b,v=. r, viz d\ then will v + ^n:o, i) -\-b o, *v -\- c ~ Q, and v + d ~ o ; and con-* fequently, v + a X.^ + ^.X^ + ^X ^ +- d zi o, will be an equation whofe roots a y ^, r, ^/, are all negative. And after the fame manner, if v ~ ^, ^ zr , -i; f , the equation v a X ^HhJ X ^ f, will have its roots -f *, , -}- r. BUT to difcover when the roots of an equation are pofitive, and when negative, and how many there are of each kind, it will be neceflary to confider the figns" and co-efficients of equations, generated from the multiplication of thofe fimple equations that produce them; which will be beft underftood by confidcring the following table, where the fimple equations v ^ V by v f, &c. are multiplied continually with one another, and produce fuccefliv.ely the higher e- quations. a v a X v b n:^* avl ,. ^ > + ab o, a quadratic v z a 1 b S X V 1 + ab I c J -f ^r > x ^ abc =: o, 4 ^ -f ^ J '[equati cubic equation o, biquad* FROM the infpeflion of thefe equations it appears that the co-efficient of the firft term is unity or i. THE co-efficient of thefecond term, is the fum of all the roots (a y b> c, d} with contrary figns. THE co-efficient of the third term, is the fum of all the produces of thofe roots that can poflibly be made by multiplying any two of them together. THE co-efficient of the fourth term, is the fum of all the produces of the roots that can be made by combining ( 359 ) combining them, three and three : And fo on for any other co-efficient. The lad term is always the product of all the roots, having their figns changed. NOTWITHSTANDING thofe fimple equations made ufe of in the foregoing table, in forming the higher e- quations, are fuch as have pofitive roots ; yet the fame reafoning holds,whether the roots are pofitive or neg ative. Whence, if v* pv* 4- qv* rv-{-s~ o, reprefents a biquadratic equation ; then will p be the fuin of all the roots, q the fum of all the products made by multiplying any two of them together, r the fum of all the products made by multiplying any three of them together, and s the product of all four* IT likewife appears from infpection, that the figns of the terms in any equation in the foregoing table 4 are alternately 4- and : The firft term is always fome pure power of v, and is pofitive : The fecond term is fome power of v, multiplied with the quan tities, a y , r, &c. and fince thefe quanti ties are all negative, it follows, that the fecond term muft alfo be negative. The third term hath for its co-efficient the product of any two of thefe quanti ties, ( #, ^, c , &V.) and fince X gives 4- ; it follows, that the third term mud be pofitive. For the fame reafon, the co- efficient of the fourth term, which is formed of the products of any three of thefe negative quantities, muft be negative alfo, and the co-efficient of the fifth term pofitive. But in this cafe, v v ~ b y u rz c y v z= d, &c. then -y-j-^X^-f-^X v 4- c X v-J-^=o, will exprefs the equation pro duced duced, whofe terms are evidently all pofitive. And therefore when the roots of an equation are all nega tive, there will be no change in the figns of the terms, tonfequently, there will be as many pofitive roots in an equation, as there are changes in the figns of the terms of that equation, and the reft of the roots will be negative. HENCE it follows, that the roots of a quadratic e- cjuatipn may be both negative, or both pofitive, or one negative and the other pofitive. Thus, in the equations* a 1 7 v - -,\ L r X^ 4- ab ~ (v a X v &4 o, there are two changes of the figns, viz. the firft term is pofitive, the fec<5nd negative, and the third pofitive j confequently, the roots are both pofitive. BUT in the equations* -f- al , , 7 -f- b\ X v + a * = ( v + a X v -f ) o, there are no change in the figns, and therefore both the roots are negative. AND in like manner, in theequation v* -\- a _ _ r i) ab IT (v + a X "J ^) o, one of the roots will be pofitive, and the other negative ; for fince the firft term is pofitive, and the lalt negative, it is plain, there can be but one change in the figns, whe ther the fecond term is pofitive or negative. HENCE alfo it appears, how that a cubic equation may have all its roots pofitive, or all negative, or two pofitive and one negative $ or two negative and one pofitive. For fuppofe the cubic equation is a I * \ X v* +"ab ] c J + ac \ + : lc J X v ~ ale ~ (v a X ( 36 1 ) ^ b X t> *) o, wherein there are three changes in the figns \ and confequently all three of the roots pofitive. AGAIN, fuppofe the cubic equation is of this form, v 3 a *} b \ X v + * J X v + ale = v X * I X v j where there are two changes in the figns -, for if -}- b is greater than r, then the fe- cond co-efficient a b -J- f muft be negative j if a + b is lefs than r, then the third term will be neg ative 5 for its co-efficient ab ac bc{~'abt X a + b) is, in this cafe negative, becaufe the prod uct a x b is always lefs than the fquare a-\*b X +> and confequently, much lefs than f x * -f- ^ 5 and fince tnere cannot be three changes in the figns, the firft and lad terms having the fame fign ; it follows, that two of the roots of the propofcd equation are pofitive, and the other negative. IN like manner, the equation v 3 + a -\- b "ry* H- ab ac -~- bcv ^^r~o,will have two of its roots negative, and the other pofitive j for if a -|- b is lefs tha. c y the feco'nd and third terms muft be negative, by what was proved in the laft example - 9 and if the fecond term is pofitive, that is, a -f- b is greater than f, it is plain there can be but one change in the figns, and confequently but one pofitive root, the other two being negative. AND by parity of reaion, the pofitive and negative roots of the other equations may be difcovered ; . this c _f!_ ) this method being general, and extends to all kinds of equations whatever. CHAP. XIX. CONCERNING the TRANSFORMATION cf EQUATIONS, and EXTERMINAT ING their INTERMEDIATE TERMS. N Y equation may be transformed into another, ^ ^ whofc roots fhall be greater, or lefs than the roots of the propofed equation by any given differ ence (?) by the following A RULE. ASSUME a new unknown quantity (j) and conneft it with the given difference (e} 9 with the fign + or ~, according as the roots of the propofed equation are to be increafed, or diminifhed ; and make this aggregate equal to the unknown quantity (#) in the propofed equation ; then inilead of the unknown quantity (#) and its powers in the propofed equation, fubilitute this aggregate, (y e) and its powers; and there will arife a new equation, whofe roots will be greater or lefs than the roots of the propofed e- quation, as required, EXAMPLES. i. Let x 3 px*+qx riro, be an equation to be transformed into another whofe roots fhall be lefs than the roots of the propofrd equation, by the difference e, AJJume dflume x ~y + e: Then will x* j 3 -f-jyv-f y^ 4. ^ r = qe * 1 ^nation requir. 2. Let # x 1 1 # -|- 30 n o, be transformed into an equation that fhall have its roots lefs than the roots of the propofed equation by the difference 4. AJfume x ~ y -f- 4 : 16 : n^zz iij 44 + 3 = +3 J* j^ + 2O, w /^ equation required. IN the firft example of the foregoing transforma tions, the co-efficient of the fecond term in the tranf- formed equation, is 3* p ; and if you fuppofe ~ -J./>, and therefore, 3* /? o j then the fecond term of the transformed equation will vanifh. Let the propofed equation be of #dimenfions, and the co-ef ficient of the fecond term f ; and fuppofe # P =j + -* then if this value be fubftituted for ^ in the propofed equation, there will arife a new equa tion that fhall want the fecond term. For if p = fum of all the roots of the propofed equation, and x p ~y -f. - ; it follows, that each value of? in the new equation, will be lefs than the value of x in the pro- P pofed equation, by -> and fince the number of roots is , it follows, that the fum of the values of y> will be be lefs than p, the fum of the values of %, b# n x ~ ^ ; that is, the fum of the values of j, is +/> p ^ o ; and fince the co-efficient of the fecorid term in the equation ofy, is the fum of the values ofj, viz. -f- p p 3 which is equal to nothing; it follows, that in the equation of j, arifing from the fuppofi- tion of Afjy -{- ~, the fecond term onuft vanifh : And therefore the fecond term of any equation may be exterminated by the following RULE. DIVIDE the co-efficient of the fecond term of the propofed equation by the index of the higheft power of the unknown quantity; and a flu me a new un known quantity ( y ) and annex to it the faid quotient with its fi-gn changed ; then put this aggregate e- qual to the unknown quantity (x} in the propofed equation, and inftead of* and its powers, write thfs aggregate and its powers, and the equation that arifes fhall want the fecond term. EXAMPLES. Let the .equation x* 8 #-J- i.a ~ o, .be propo- ied to have its fecond term exterminated. 8~2~ 4; , x~y-\-4., per rule : Then, x* y* + 8j + 16 8^~ 8jx 32 4 = HENCE, ( 36$ ) HENCE it appears, that a quadratic equation be refolved without completing the fquare, by ex terminating the fecond term ; for fincejy 1 4 o ; or,y*r:4, and jy ~ v' 4j we fhall have x y + 4:=: Let the fecond term of the equation # 3 34 o, be exterminated. Then, x 3 ~y 3 -f- QJ* + 27^ + 27 _9#*n 9?* 547 81 + 26% -j-26y-f-78 J4^ ___ _ 34 y 3 * jx 10 = 0. WHEN the fecond term in any equation is want ing, it is plain, that the equation hath both pofitive and negative roots ; and fmce the co-efficient of the fecond term in any equation, is the difference be tween the fum of the pofitive, and fum of the nega tive^ roots j it follows therefore, that when the pofi tive and negative roots are made equal to each other, that difference vanifhes. Confequently, v/hen an e- quation has the fecond term wanting, the fum of the pofitive roots is equal to the fum of the negative ones. HENCE, by the foregoing transformation of equa tions and the exterminating their fecond terms, the pofitive and negative roots are reduced to an equal ity, and the folution of the equation thereby render ed more eafy. IF the equation r a 1 a* a a* ?2L -|_ zL r n o, and by multiplying the a* 'a whole by a*, we fhall have y* y l -\-qay ra* r:O> which gives the following RULE. wfob RULE. - CBANGE the unknown quantity (_v) ii> the propof ed equation, into another (y) r prefix no .co-efficienC to the firft term, pafs the fecond, multiply the third -term with the co- efficient, of the higheft term of the unknown quantity iathe propofed equation, and the fourth term by the fquare of that co-efficient, the fifth by the cube; and fo on, and the higheft terra of the unknown quantity in the refulting equation (hall have its co-efficient unity, as required. EXAMPLES. Let the equation iv* + 6v 36 zz o, be changed into another that will have unity for the co-efficient of the higheft term of the unknown quantity. Tbus,y z + 6y 36 X 2 =i o ; or> y* 4- 6y 72 r:o, is the equation required. The finding the roots of the propofed equation, and all others of the like kind, will be very eafy when the roots of the transformed equation are found -\ fmce 1} = (in this cafe) ~y. Transform the equation 5i> 3 101;* H- -i6v 93 m o, into another that the higheft term of the im- known quantity may have an unit for its co-efficient. Tbusyy* IQJ 4- 8qy 2325 = o, is the. equa tion required. CHAP. ( 368 ) CH A P. XX. Of the RESOLUTION of by DIVISORS. IF the laft term of an equation is the produft of all its roots ; it follows, that the roots of an e- quation when commenfurable, will be found among the divifors of the laft term ; which gives the fol lowing R U L E, TRANSPOSE all the terms to one fide of the eqtia- tion. Find all the divifors of the laft term, and fubftitute them fucceflively for the unknown quan tity in the propofed equation $ and that divifor, which fubftituted as aforefaid, gives the refult zi Q, is one of the roots of the equation. But if none of the divifors fucceed, the roots of the equation are for the moft part, either irrational or impoffible.' Note. If the laft term cf the fropofed equation is large, and confequently Its divifors numerous they may be diminijhed y by transforming the equa tion into another, by the rules of the laft chapter. EXAMPLES. Find the roots of the equation x 3 4** -j- io# j 2 = o. Here the diyifors of the la/I term y are . i, 2, 3, 4, 6, , i, 2, 3, - 4, 6, 12, which Jub- for.x* ..:........<> ~ Gives, f 1-^44- ioi2 ~ -5 j 8 1 6 + 20 1 2 = o j Gives* <{ 27 36 + 30 * 1-2 .= 9 | 64 64-4-40 12' 28 I 2l6 144 + 6O '12 I2O Gfc. WE omit trying the negative divifors, fince there are three changes in the figns of the propofed equa tion, and therefore none of its roots can be negative : And fince none of the divifors fucceed, except 2 $ it follows, that 2 is the only rational root of the equa tion, the other two being either irrational, or impof- fible. Let it be required to find the roots of the equa tion x 3 + ix* 40* +64 0. Here the divifors of the laft term y .are i, 2, 4, 8, 16,32, which Jubflitutedjucceffi-vely for x in the fro- fofed equation, c ! + a 4 o + 64 = 27 Gives, < 84-8 80 + 640 (, 64 + 32 160 4- 64 zr o WHERE the only divifors that fucceed, are 2, and 1 4 ; and fince there are but two changes in the figns of the propofed equation, there mud be one negative root : We are therefore to fubftitute the divifois negatively taken, in order to difcover the other value of#; and on trial, we find that 8 fucceeds. There fore the three roots of the propofed equation, are+2 BUT when one of the roots of an equation is found, the relt of the roots may be found with lefs trouble, by dividing the propofed equation by the fimple equation, deduced from the root already found, and finding ( 37Q ) rinding the roots of the quotient, which will be an equation a degree lower than the propofed one. THUS, in the laft example the root -f 2 firft found, gives x n: 2 ; or. # 2 ~ o, by which dividing the propofed equation : Thus, # 2) x* -h ix* 40* 4- 64(.v* + 4# 32. * 40,*? * 8* 32*4- 64 32*4- 64 The quotient will be a quadratic equation x* -(- 4# 32 ~ o i which is the product of the other two funple equations, from which the propofed cubic was generated -, and whofe two roots are confequently, two of the roots of that cubic. But the two roots of the quadratic, are +4' an( l. 8. Therefore, the three roots of the cubic equation, are 2, 4, 8, the fame as before. THE finding all the divifors of the laft term of an equation, efpecially if that term be large, is much fa cilitated by the following R U L . t. DIVIDE the laft term by its lead diyifor that ex ceeds .unity, and the quotient by its leaft divifor ; proceeding in this manner, till you have a quotient that is not farther divifible by any number greater than an, unit: And this quotient together with thole rs,,. are. the. Srft dwfprs of the lafl term. 2, ( 37 1 ) . ; 2. FIND all the produ&s of thofe divifors which arife by combining them two and two, and all the produces which arife by combining them three and three, and fo on, until the continued product of the firft divifors, is equal to the quantity to be divided ; and you will have the divifors required. EXAMPLES. Thus, fuppofe the laft term of an equation to be 60: Then 60-4-2 = 30, 30+2 zz: 15, i$-r-3~:5; therefore, 2X2, 2X3> 2 X 5, and 3 X 5, are the combinations of the twos ; and 2x^X3, 2X2X5? ? X 3 X $, tne combinations of the threes ; alfo, 2X2X3X51 is the combination of the fours their continued produ6t, equal to the quantity to be di vided. Therefore all the divifors of 60, are 2, 3, 5, .4, 6, 10, 15, 12, 20,30, 60. And in like manner, the divifors of i cab, are 2, 5, a y by 10, 20, ib, $a, $b, ab> ioa> $ab, lab and ioab. BUT there is another method for the reduction of ^equations by divifors, which is lefs prolix, by re ducing the divifors to more narrow limits, by the fol lowing R U L E. 1. INSTEAD of the unknown quantity in the pro* 'pofed equation, fubftitute fuccefllvely the terms of theprogreilion, t, o, -^- 1, &c. and find all the divi- ; fors of die fums that refult by fuch fubftitution. 2. TAKE out all the arithmetical progrefiions that h ca-n 'be found among thofe divifors, whofe terms correfjpdncl v?idi the order of the terms, i, o, i. C 37* ) &c. and common difference unity; and the values of A; will be found among the divifors which arife from the fubftirution of x ~o, that belong to thofe progreffions. Note. When the arithmetical pregrejjion is increefing according to the order cf the terms i, o, i, the value ofx will be affirmative - } but when the arith metical progrejfion is decreajing, the 'value ofx will be negative. EXAMPLES. Let x 3 x* 10 x + 6 ~ o, be the propofed equation -, and by fubftituting fucceflively for x> the terms i, o, i, the work will Hand as follows. Suppojttions. Refults. Divifors. Ar.P* r_ 4 x o ># 3 - #* io#-r-6 < 4-6 l+H HERE the progrefTion is decreafing, and 3, that term which (lands againft the fuppofition of x z: o ; therefore, 3, fubftituted for x in the propofed equation, gives, 27 9 + 30 + 6 o ; where all the terms vanifhing, it follows, that 3 is one of the roots of the propofed equation 5 and 2-f-x/2, and 2 v/ 2, the other two roots, found by dividing the propofed equation by #+3, and refolving the quadratic quotient. Suppofe it be required to find the roots of the equation v* + 3?> 3 19 z;* 27^ + 90 0. Then by fubflituting as before^ the work will Hand as follows. V ~ I we Jhall have x r: .000005, and v -=zr -\- x ~3-3 2 455> for a nearer value ofv -, and Jo on, to any ajjtgned degree of exaflnefs. Given, v 3 + 2V 73 ^ o, to find v by approx imation. more nearly > taking the three frjl terms, A- r n - 1 nr n ~ l + n X 'lZlr B ~ 2 A-r* A-r n nr I - - 1 A-r n n i n > and fy writing ~^r- X A-r n ( 377 ) y for A r , we have v - * *+*=.! 2r (by reduction) the theorem for n n i 2 approximating to the value 'of v y which added to r t will give a correction of the root ; which if not fuf- ficiendy near the truth, the operation muft be re peated,, by fjbftituting the new r in the equation exhibiting the value of v. Thus, for example, iuppofe the cube root of 3 is required. Here r = i , the near eft lejs root in the integers > and r -f- v root required. Therefore, v = ./?_.. = ^-2 = 1 = . 4> ^ r + v zr T + .4^: i .4, w^/V^> fubftitutedfor r, and th& operation repeated, v will be found ~ .0397 ; there- fore, r + v 1.4 + .0397 1-4397 n c/*3, very near. CHAP. XXII. CONCERNING UNLIMITED PROB LEMS. HAVING gone through, and explained the methods ufed in arguing limited problems, or fucn as admit of but one folution ; it remains there fore, that we fhew the learner how to reafon about thofc ( 378 ) thofe problems which are unlimited, or admit of va rious anfwers. IT was obferved In Chap, xv, of this Book, that when the equations expreffing the conditions of the queftion, are lefs in number than the quantities fought, the queftion is unlimited, or capable of in numerable anfwers ; yet .all the poflibie anfwers in whole numbers, are for die moft part limited to a determinate number. As queftions of this nature admit of fome varia tions as to their general folution ; we lhall therefore confider them in the following problems. PROBLEM I. * Tofind the values of v and y in whole numbers, in tbe equation av jh by c=z o - 3 where a> b and f> are given quantities. RULE. 1. REDUCE the given equation to its lead terms > by dividing it by its greater! common divifor. 2. FIND the value of v from the given equation ; and reduce the refulting expreffion, by expunging all whole numbers from it, until c be lefs than a y and the co-efficient of y becomes unity. 3. ASSUME this laft refult equal to fome known whole number, and the expreffion reduced, will give the value of y in known terms - 9 from which the val ue of v may be determined in the given equation. Note. If after tbe given equation is divided by its greatefl common divifor, the co-efficients of the unknown quantities, are commensurable to each ether, the qusftion is impojfible. EXAM. ( 379 5 EXAMPLES. Given, 109 87 36 ~ o, to find v and y in whole numbers. Fir ft, 51; 4y 1 8 = o, ^j dividing the whole by t; or, $v 4-y 18. Put W N for any whole number: 4-V * T -*- r- 7 /%* ^c? queftion : iZ- . 3 + 47 . ,v 3 + 47 " 3 -j -- > therefore, = W ' N,per axiom 9. Alfo> ^- = /^ TV: Confequsnt- , $y 3 + 4y __y3l fy, --- - -- c~~"^* ^ 3 ferawom 9; jy o therefore, - rr ; and for the leaft value of , ajfume n O, ^;/^/ we fljall havey 3 5^ zz O j . = 3, rf^r v n - n 6. Given, 26*1; -f- i8y 31140, to find v andj in whole aumbers. rfty 13^ -4- 97 = 70 ^y dividing the whole ly 2 : j ? ~ ny Therefore, - - - ~ W N, per axiom 9 ; #//>, 5 + _ i c -f- 1 1 y X , 7. But, * = O 2 4- i2y therefore, - - TF TV", p er ax. 9. -^ , Ar whence, -- =: /F7V; y 2 9 : ^^/ = n ; or, y z: i j ^- 2 ; and \j a/fuming n zz o, w^ have y ir 2, o 4- I OWE my friend a moidore, have nothing about me but crowns, and he has nothing but guineas : How mud we exchange thefe pieces of money, fo that I may acquit myfelf of the debt ? A moidore being valued at 27 fhillings, a crown at 5 Shillings, and a guinea at 21 fhillings. Put x ~ number of crowns, andy the number o yeas : 5^ 2iy zz 27 by the queftion : 5 + 4X + ^-^ ' ^JequentJy, 12 _ 2 4-jy zz # > or, 2 + y zz 577 ; ^^ affuming n~ 27 - kavey zz 3, //&^ number of guineas, and x~ - zr 1 8, /j&tf number of crowns. Therefore, I mujt gros my friend 18 crowns, and he muft give me three gui neas* Given, Given, 4#-f* 17^:1:2900, to find all the poflible values of x and^y in whole numbers. Firlt,y - 29 ~-f = W N ; but 17 10 AX 40 1 6x . 8. iy ax. 9. Alfo* - ^WN\ Confequently, -- -j. i therefore, - a/ummg this lafl equation =i ff, ^ ifnbe taken = i, wejhallhavex 17 6 = 2900 4* 1 1 /0r if/&^ fcj^f ^^/^^ b, c, d> &c. Jhall leave given, remainders, g, k> I, m> n, G?V t C c c RULE, ( 3** ) RULE. 1. SUBTRACT each of the remainders from #, and divide the feveral refults by their refpe&ive divifors, a y b y c, d> &c. and the refuhing quotients will equal whole numbers. 2. ASSUME the firfl equation equal b, and find the value of x in terms of h. 3. SUBSTITUTE the value of x in terms of, in the fecond equation j and proceed with the refult as in the lad problem, by expunging all whole numbers, until the co-efficient of h becomes unity, &c. 4. PUT this expreflion equal />, and find the value of* in terms of/>, by means of the equation of b. 5. SUBSTITUTE the value of x in terms of/>, in the third equation, with which proceed as before, and fo on, through all tht given equations ; affuming the final refult equal to fome known whole number, and finding the values of the feveral fubflituted letters, , />, &c. from which the value of A; may be. determin ed in known terms. EXAMPLES. To find the. leaft whole number, that bemg di vided by 7 fhall leave 6 remainder j but being divid ed by 6 fhall leave 4 remainder. Put v z: number Jought. i) 6 djfvnu - ~ b) and we Jh all have v yb + which Jubftifuttd for v in thejeccnd equation, gives ( 38,1 ) 6b But, ~g~ WN: Confequently, 6h + 2 b+z _- _ - w N) md ajfuming ~ zr 77, we Jhall have h~ 6n 2 ; wfor* ;/# fo /tfte = i, ^^ ^^77 ^i; 14 14 14 w* have h rr i4- 9; /?^ putting n ~ i, ^ zz 14^ 9 5, ^^^/ i; ~ 1 8^ 4- 14= number required. Diophantine Problems. DIOPHANTINE Problems, fo called, from Diophan* tus their inventor, are fuch as relate to the finding of Pquare and cube numbers, &c. THESS THESE problems are fo exceedingly curious, that Nothing lefs than the moft refined Algebia, applied with the utmoft fkill and judgment, could ever fjr- mount the difficulties which neceffarily attend their folution. The peculiar artince made ufe of in form ing fuch pofitions as ihe nature of the problems re quire, fhews the great ufe of Algebra, or the analy tic arr, in difcovering thofe things that otherwile, would be without the reach of human uoderftandingo ALTHO no general rule can be given for the foi-j- tipnofthefe problems; yet the following direction will be very ferviceable on many occations. DIRECTION. ASSUME one or more letters, for the root of the required fquare, cube, &"c. fuch that when involved tu t./e height of the propofed power, either the given nu nber, or the highelt term of the unknown quan tity mav vanifh. Then if the unknown quantity in the reful tin.-> equation, be of fimple dimenfion, find its value by reducing the equation. But if the un known quantity be ilill a fquare, cube, or other pow er ; affui-ne or her letter or letters, with which pro ceed as before, until the higheft term of the unknown quantity become qf fimple dimenfion in the equa tion. EXAMPLES. To find a fquare number #% fuch that A?* + i lhall be a fquare number. Affume x 2 for the root ofx z -\-i : Then will x 2!* n x* + i ; that is, x* 4* + 4 ~ x'* + i ; or, 4* n 4 1~3 i whence ,x r:^, an& a 5 . w 9 TT is tie numler required. But if we had aJJumeX ar 2 4- i / ^^ i> 9 -f-i; 3 =^ 6 , ^r fquare and cube numbers ; where v may be any number taken at plea fare. To find four fquare numbers in arithmetical pro- greffion. For the fum of the two extremes, ajjiime in* 5 then will thefum of the two means be aijo 2 a by the nature of the proportion : For the roots of the two means 9 ajfume n -f 3%, and n 42 : _ _ fben will n -f 3zj z + n 42!' = 2/2* : That is, n* + 6nz 4- 9^ -h x - *nx + i6z*=i - 2WZ -4- 272* = 2W* t Or, 25 2 x = 2% ; and by dividing by z, we have 252 Whence, z~ in~i$ ; andputingn i, we have , 6 lit And for the roots of the two extremes, ajfums n n 4- z : Then will n~^- . Or, w z And by reduction, z '~ 2-j-j ~ T ; Whence, n - -22)% and n 4- zj* zr ~ 'two extremes. So that the four fquare numbers in arith metical progrejfion, are ^ T> ^44, |4|, *|. To find a number, fuch that being multiplied with one tenth part ofitfelf, and the product increafed by 36, fhall produce a fquare number. f jP/ 1; for the number fought ; /to v* -MO + 36, *V / where n may be any number at pleajure : ^fw^ 4x ajjuming n zi i, we Jhall have v zr 2-^-13 : dt* 40- Whence, i zr r 1 - Tor w ^^/* extreme : *3| 109 And i + ~ >r the greater : Wherefore, 49 289 the numbers required^ are -^*> i, THE END OF VOLUME I. Os - O-^\w OO N V t^. i^, O VO ON - ;SEtP NO O O 00 N VO O ^ r^. O '^^e r*"j J-X.VO O '-^ oo ee N 'sO c^ ^ w -f- oo u^ o P^ MI -t H ro r^OO 1-1-^-4- * O t-^\ r^ r^. O oo oo o'o vo *^- ON -IN. '.> rn - rv. *7s o -4- -*- o ^ ^- . O O o a. vo ~ D vo o "> o o ON r^vn r^ N <* *f* r^~ f-o*o ON oo r^vo NO o -4- r^. r-vo t- O O N NO O + i/^so O i t>x ON <* N O VO LO N ONOO rn rh r^, o NO N O O ry *> ""> * i<^ f^ N OO in rj-'sO "N N OO ^t- r^-0 \CNO ^-O\^.O N O rv, >-i - NO NO O\ * ^ N ThOOsO N rj-OONC3 M N VA * t* ^r ON ON - N *i- 00 NO .... .-...- ^ ; C\