IK a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE READING ROOM WHEN DONE WITH, RETURN AT ONCE TO ITS PLACE ON THE SHELVES 1 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Class / i / p / - Press CHECK LIST FOR REPRINTED WITH ADDITIONS FROM THE BULLETINS OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRAE!. COMPILED BY FREDERIC BEECHER PERKINS. PRESS OF ROCKWELL & CHURCHILL, No. 39 ARCH STREET. 1876. EDITION, 150 COPIES. PREFACE. This list is a memorandum to promote the completion of the historical department of the Boston Public Library. It was suggested by a somewhat similar list issued some years ago by the American Antiquarian Society, and whose titles are here Incorporated. Such of its items as the Library contains are designated by their shelf marks. So far, this will, of course, serve as a finding list also. A plus sign appended to a shelf mark means that the Library has other copies. "Have" means that the book is in the Library, but not yet located. All those publications named below, ami not having a shelf mark, and any additional titles, the Library would like to receive by gift or purchase. The list is confined to towns, counties, and regions within or less than States ; and titles of works reprinted in collec tions, such as those by Force, Sabin. the Mass. Hist. Soc., the Prince Society, etc., are not included. The number of entries under Boston is made larger than will be practicable for other towns, by the admission of a num ber of titles of public documents, of publications by institutions, etc. The Library, being the property of the city, must naturally become the repository of as detailed a collection as possible, not only of works directly upon its history, but of materials for its history. But a similar rule, namely, to include in local history the history of local institutions and con cerns, has been followed as far as practicable, within Massachusetts, and to some extent elsewhere. The arrangement is alphabetical, by the names of the towns or other territories concerned. The titles are necessarily much condensed and abbreviated. If no State is named, Massachusetts is intended. Pub lications under each town, etc., are usually placed in the chronological order of their appearance in print, except that sub sequent editions are placed under first editions. Except in a few instances, Rebellion local history has not been recorded. A future list may, perhaps, contain it. Titles of books not in the Library have not been verified. Special thanks are due to Jeremiah Colburn, Esq., for his kindness in permitting the use of his own unpublished additions to his very valuable "Bibliography of the Local History of Massachusetts." Errors and omissions are unavoidable in a list of this kind. Corrections and additions, no matter how numerous, are earnestly solicited, and will be gladly received and carefully recorded. The above paragraphs are reprinted nearly as they appeared in the Library Bulletin of January, 1876, in which this Check List was begun. A few observations further will be convenient for the compiler. American bibliography, so far as it exists, is predominantly historical. We have no great general work on American books like those of Brunet and Graesse on books generally, nor like those of Hain, Panzer, etc., because we have nothing to make them of, and next to nobody to make them for. Even an American counterpart to Bonn s Lowndes would be a loss to the publisher. In a few departments other than historical, there has been some creditable bibliographical work, in some cases of a high degree of intrinsic merit. The following very short list includes the chief American bibliographies other than historical, and its arrangement shows the order of time in which the different subjects dealt with first engaged the attention of the compilers. 1. Religion. Decanver s (i. e. Cavender s) Books in refutation of Methodism, 1846. 2d ed., 1868. O Callaghan s Bibles printed in America, 1861. Abbot, E. Literature of the doctrine of a future life, 1864. Finotti s Catholic books printed in America (Part I only, to 1820), 1872. 2. Indians. Schoolcraft s List of books on, 1849. Ludewig s Literature of aboriginal languages, 1858. Field s Essay on bibliography of, 1873. 3. Masonry. List of works against, in public libraries of 28 states, 1852. (By Henry Gassett.) 102891 4. Genealogy and Biography. Whitmore s Handbook of American Genealogy, 1862. 2d ed., 1868. Durrie s Index to American Genealogies, 1868. Boyd and Hart s Lincoln Bibliography, 1870. 5. Literature generally. Bibliography of Maine. In Griffin s History of the Press of Maine, 1872. Harris Index to American poetry and plays in his collection, 1874. List of American publications before 1775, in the new edition of Thomas History of Printing, 1876. About American history, with which are closely connected genealogy and one or two biographical specialties (e. ff. Washington, Lincoln), there exists that sort of financiering fanaticism which has prevailed about tulips, crockery, and other heathen gods of collectors. Coincident with this craze, which is operative on both sides of the Atlantic, there is also a zeal, one curiously fervent and efficient for a nation so young, and which prevails within the nation, to wit, the zeal for inves tigating and publishing on these same subjects. In this department, therefore, under the joint influence of enthusiasm managed by speculation, we have conditions which encourage bibliographies, and so there are a number. Such are publications of the class of Rich and Stevens, Ternaux-Compans and llarrisse, and the catalogue of Mr. J. C. Brown s library, all of them relating to "early " rather than " local " American history. Mr. J. R. Bartlett s "Literature of the Rebellion" is a meritorious beginning of the bibli ography of that period of history, though speckled with an extraordinary swarm of typographical errors. Mr. Sabin s remarkably extensive and useful Dictionary of books relating to America" fulfils so well the promise of its title that if it \\-erenowcompleteandwithin the reach of common folks, the present little list would not have been needed nor made; but it is not every one who can go to Corinth and pay three hundred and twenty dollars, or even a hundred and sixty (about the cost of the small paper full set), for a bibliography of one department of literature, even if so workmanlike, learned, exhaustive and trustworthy as Mr. Sabin s. As to American local history proper and exclusive, substantially as above defined in the fourth paragraph of this preface, no list was found when the present one was begun, such as might be used as a memorandum in completing col lections. Ludewig s little tract was a pioneer attempt, and between its issue a generation ago in 1846, and now. there has appeared nothing in the nature of an enlarged edition of it. Except in shortness of titles, this check list may perhaps be reckoned an attempt at such an edition. At any rate, to prepare one has been a favorite notion of the compiler s for twenty years, and if this is not it, he will apparently not make any. Seven State local history bibliographies, of more or less extent, have been printed, as follows : Maine, by Hon. Wm. Willis, in Norton s Literary Letter, No. 4, 1859; and afterwards in the Historical Magazine, March, 1870. Maryland (through Baltimore only), by Rev. J. G. Morris, D.D., in the Historical Magazine, April and May, 1870. Massachusetts, by Mr. Colburn. Minnesota, by Mr. Williams. New Hampshire, by Mr. Eastman, in Norton s Literary Letter, Nov. ( ?) 1859. Rhode Island, by Mr. Bartlett. Wisconsin, by Mr. Durrie, in the Historical Magazine, April, 1870. Besides these sources, use has been made for the present purpose of library and sale catalogues; of course with a full understanding of the inaccuracies unavoidable in such work. Applications have been made by letter to a few competent local authorities, all of whom have replied with both kindness and information; but to preserve this method throughout has not been practicable. It would have been desirable to give full titles, imprints, and so on ; but the beginning of a bibliography is as when one letteth out water, and great self-control (i. e. wisdom forced by circumstances) has ruled the limitation of this list. The matter from the Bulletin has been leaded, for the sake of making this quarto edition of the list more convenient for use. To the same end the outer half of each page is left blank for notes and new titles, as it is meant for a working book. No one can know half as well as the compiler the imperfections of his work. The competent judges, however, in such a case, are the ones who will be sure not to find fault. The request above for additions and corrections is repeated. F. B. PERKINS. APRIL 9, 1876. CHECK LIST Shelf. No. Abington. Historical sketch. Hobart . . 1832 . . 2356.34 History. Hobart 1866 . . 2356.42 loOth anniversary; discourse by Dyer, etc. 1862 . .235(3.41 Argument for div. of town. Morton. .1874. . have Acton. Centennial address. Adams . . . 1S35 . . 4163.13 Account of Concord fight. Adams . . 1850 Speech on grant for Davis monument. Woodbury 1851 . . 4394.69 - Oration, (and poem by Pierpont). Boutwell 1852 . . 4355.24 Letter on claims of Capt. Davis. Adams. . . .4325.50 Acton, Me. History. Fullonton 1847 Acworth, N. U. History. Merrill .... 1869 Addison Co., Vt. Account. Swift .... 1859 . 4431.9+ Adrian, Mich. The whiskey war in; a sermon. Smart (1870?) History of the public schools of. Payne 1876 Albany, X. Y. St. Peter s Church; an- swer, etc 1816 Controversy in, 1816 N. D. - Apprentices Library; opening address. Southwiek 1821 . Ph.v.437 Historical reminiscences of the city. 8vo. 18 pp 1836 Guide for 1845. Wilson 1845 2d Presb. Church; history. Barnes. .1846 - Sketch of history, 30 years. Sprague . 1846 . Ph.v.152 St. Peter s Church; review of report to vestry. Spencer 1846 Kecollections, 1800-1808. Worth .... 1849 2d ed. Worth 1850 3d ed. Worth 1866 . . 4371.25 Annals. Munsell * . 1850-9 . 4378.1 Settlement and early history. Barnes . 1850 Sermon, his 25th anniversary. Spnigue . 1854 . Ph.v.203 Origin of Sunday schools in. [Town- send] 1856 . 7453114+ 2d Presb. Church, his. of Sunday schools. 1857 Kef. Pr. Dutch Church, histor. dis course. Rogers 1808 . . 5543.30 - Board of trade; review, etc., 1861 . . .1862. .6497.31 2d annual report, 1862 1863 . . 6497.51 Academy, half centennial 1863 . . 4371.28 Female academy, 50th anniversary . . . 1864 . 4397.39+ Great sanitary fair 1864 > Settlement and early history. 2d ed. Barnes 1864 . . 4371.16 2 6 Shelf. No. Albany, N. Y., continued. 2d Presb. Church; 50th anniversary sermon. Sprngue 1865 . . 5452.64 - Collections. Munsell 1865-70 4373.16 1st Cong. Ch.; reminiscences, 15 years. Palmer 1865 . . have State St. Presb. Ch. ; parting words. Twombly 1867 . . 7453.2 - Penitentiary; history. Dyer 1867. .4373.17 Medical College; hist, sketches, etc. . . 1867, 68 . 7737.3 1st Cong. Ch.; last sermon in the old edifice. Smart 1868 . . have Early records, translated. Pearson . . 1869 . . 4471.3 Kccolections ; an address. Kent. Sermon; his 40th anniv. Sprague . . .1869 Trinity Church parish, 1829-70. [Sel kirk?] [1870?] 1st Lutheran Church; manual, etc. Sprecher, etc 1871 . . 5549.51 Albany Co., N. Y. Statistical report for 1820. Preston?] 1823 Ph. V.45+ - Same, 2d ed. [Preston] 1824 History and horrors of Helderherg war 1840 . Ph.v.119 Helderbergia; apotheesis of heroes, etc. [Schoolcraft] 1855 Medical society; hist, address. \Villard. 1857 Annals. Willard 1864 . . 7732.1 - First settlers. Pearson 1872 . . 2337.52 Albany Presbytery, revival of 1820 .... 1821 Alexandria, Vt. Half centennial of Episc. Theo. School 1873 Alfred, Me. Centennial history. Parsons . 1872 . 4439a.l2 Allegheny City, Pa. 1st Presb. Church ; Discourse, his 40th nnniv. Swift . . 1859 . . . have Alstead, X. II. History. Arnold .... 1826 Continuation of an appendix, etc. 1826- 1836 1836 Alton, III. Narrative of riots. Beecher . . 1838 . . 2373.1 Trials of rioters. Lincoln 1838 Amherst. College. Address, corner-stone, etc. Webster 1820 . Ph.v.437 College. Statement of affairs 1824 Report of committee of inquiry .... [1825?] Valedictory as president. Humphrey . 1845 Causes of decline and growth 1847 . . 4387.19 Annals 1860 Reminiscences. Hitchcock 1863. .2387.20 Life at. Cutting 1871 - History 1st half century. Tyler . . . 1873 . . 4492.61 Amh-rst, N. H. History. Farmer .... 1820 . Ph.v.236 Same 1837 Historical address, 100th anniv. Towne. 1*74 . . 4335.65 Meetinghouse; Cent l. Davis 1874 Amsterdam, X. Y. Hist, discourse of the Presb. Church. Goodale 18ol Andover. Three discourses on the earth quake. Pemberton 1728 . H. 24.22 Hist, sermon. Symmes 1769 Shelf. No. Andover, continued. Theol. Seminary; constitution, sketch, etc. [Pearson] 1817 \Vest parish. Sermon, Dec. 30, 1827. Jackson 1828 History. Abbot 1829 . . 2357.11 1st Ch. ; 2d centennial. Mansfield. . .1845 Letter to inhabitants of North Andover. Haven 1856 Theol. Seminary; memorial of semi centennial 1859 . . 2387.14 Commem. discourse. Bacon 1859 South Church; Historical manual. Mooar 1859 . . 2357.17 Memorial hall; Historical sketch . . .1873. . 4353.7 Address at dedication. Brooks. . . .1873. . 4353.7 During rebellion. Raymond 1875. .4424.54 West meeting-house; address, corner stone. Edwards. Andover, Ct. Cong. Ch.; history. Rogers.1849 Cong. Church ; centennial discourse. Sprague 1849. .7441.25 Andover, X. H. Historical sketch. Moore . 1822 . . 2357.17 Andrew Co., Mo. Soil, climate, etc. Swan . 1869 Annapolis, Md. Annals. Ridgely .... 1841 . . 2374.21 Observations on naval arsenal, etc. . . . 1818 Considered as great naval depot .... 1818 History of St. Anne s parish. Allen. .1857. .4379.24 Affray at, July 4 1847 Consid. on removal of seat of government from. Aristides. History; and of naval academy. Tay lor 1872 . . 2375.53 U. S. Naval Academy; history. Mar shall 1862 . 4328.6+ Antrim, N. II. Half century sermon. Whiton 1838 History. Whiton 1844 Aroostook R., Me. Travels, etc. Holmes . 1839 . . 2339.17 Ashburnham. Half century discourse. Gushing 1818 Ashfield. Sermon by Richards ; hist, notes by Packard 1851 . . 7442.17 Ministry of 14 years. Shepard 1859 Ashford, Conn. True narr. of contention in church. Bass 1751 Ashland Co., O. History. Knapp .... 1863 . . 4475.4 Astoria, Oreg. Irving 1836 - Irving 1851 . 2391.7+ Athens Co., O. History. Walker .... 1S69 . . 4503.51 Athol. 1st Church ; centennial. Clarke. .1851 Historical address. Norton 1859 in the rebellion. Knowlton 1866 . . 4428.22 Atkinson, N. II. Address (acad.). Felt . 1850 Atlantic City, N. J. History. Carnesworth.1868 Attleboro . Discourse. Feb. 3,1805. Wilder.1805 Remarks, etc., on location of B. & P. R.R, through burying-ground 1834 History. Daggett 1834 . . 2357.31 Shelf. No. Attleboro , continued. 2d Cong. Ch. centennial ; hist, sketch. Crane 1849 Sanitary survey 1850 Historical discourses. Crane 1859 Auburn, X. Y. History. Hall. 1st Church; history. Hawley. State prison ; report on, with history, etc. Powers 1828 Early history. Sprague 1864 History of the churches. Fowler . . .1867 St. Teter s Church; historical sermon. Brainard 1868 Theol. Seminary; semi-centennial . . . 1870 Augusta, Ga. Success of cotton factories at. 1871 Augusta, Me. History. North 1870 . . 2336.52 South parish. Scenes in vestry (contro versy). Weston 1841 . 5549a.42 Centennial address. Weston 1854 Bakerstown, Me. Memorial (lands). Little.1823 Ballston, X. Y., and Saratoga. Poem, with histoiical notes. Sears 1819 Baltimore, Md. List of families, 1752 . .[1752?] Establishment of see; consecr. of Dr. Carroll 1790 Remarks on act to incorp. into city . . 1794 Letters on Polly Elliot s case, by Hu- manitas 1801 German lief. Church; religious fracas, etc 1804 Mob of 1812; authentic account . . . .1812 Interesting papers, etc. Hall (ed.) . . 1812 Exact and authentic narr., and Thomp son s narr. . . . 1812 Address on murder of Geu. Lingan. Custis. Bost 1812 . 4390a.43 Same. Washington 1812 Report of committee on grievances (Annap.) 1813 . . 6375.5 Same. Repr. Baltimore 1813 Address, with ace. of dispensary . . . 1812 Muster-roll of citizen soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry. [Hickman.] 1814? Discourse (after North Point) . Inglis . 1814 Battle monument; erection 1815 Contagion of yellow fever in. Potter . 1816 Siege of; and other poems. Umphraville.1817 Remarks on intercourse with West. Hollins 1818 Epidemic of 1819. Reese 1819 Letters, etc., on yellow fever 1820 . . 5797.55 Annals. Griffith [1824?] Same 1833 3d Presb. Church ; revival in. Walton . 1824 Complete view [1331?] Defence of, etc. 3d ed 1831 I. O. of O. F. ; dedication of new hall . 1881 Picture of. [Latrobe.] [1832] Complete view. Varle 1833 . 4379a.32 Q Sliclt. No. Baltimore, Md., continued. Rural cemetery, etc. Walker 1835 Letters of a mnn of the times, p. 21 . .1836 University of Md., etc. Baker 1837 Bank of Md. conspiracy. Ellicott . . . 1839 Public education in; address. Mon- monier 1847 Washington monument; cor. stone. .1849 During revolution. Purviance 1849 . . 2329.10 Expose of custom house frauds, by Ho- * nestus 1849 Central high school; hist, sketch of . .1850 Same. Lee 1856 2d St, Church ; centenary ser. Hemer . 1850 Same, 2d ed 1850 Cholera in 1849. Buckler 1851 Md. Institute; address. Kennedy. . .1852 1st Independent Church; Sermon, 2oth anniv. Burnap 1853 . . 5452.64 B. & O. Railroad ; history. Smith. . .1853. .3643.60 Baltimore; a poem. W. B. B(uchanan) 1853 Supply of water. Duval 1854 City rambles; or, B. as it Is. Gob right. 1857 Monumental City; a guide-book. Go- bright 1858 Sermon to Asso. of Defenders. McCron.1859 Revivals in Presb. churches. Backus . 1869 1st Pres. Church ; hist, discourse at leav ing. Backus 1860 Oration to Asso. of Defenders. Garey . 1860 The poor in; a report [1860] Reasons for re-numbering houses. Woods 186- Memoranda concerning 1860 Floating school; brief history 1860 Reminiscences, etc. (let Germ. Ref. Ch.) Hemer 1861 Address to A sso. of Defenders. Thomas. [1863] Baltimore long ago. p. 30. [Kennedy.] [1863] Brief account of Union Relief. Davi- son [1864] Sketch of the stock board. Zimmerman. 1865 Resolutions against Sunday law .... 1866 Md. Hist. Soc. and Peabody Institute. Mayer 1866 Stranger in; a hand book [1866] Masonic Temple; address, corner-stone. Latrobe 1866. .5564.12 City Hall; address, corner-stone. La trobe 1867 Md. Hist. Soc ; inaugural. Mayer . . 1867 i Peabody Institute; founder s letters, etc. 1868 . . 4487.1 Essays and lectures. McSherry .... 1869 . . 2375.57 University ; memorial. Johnson .... 1871 . . 4425.14 Past and present. Richardson and Ben. nett 1871 ! To prevent floods in. Winans 1871 Monumental city. Howard 1873 Its interests, etc. (Bucklrr.) 1874 3 10 Shelf. No. Baltimore, Md., continued. - Chronicles. Scharf 1874 . . 2375.63 Our centenary (Supplement to Bait. American) 1873. .4371.50 Presbyterians of. Boulden 1875 Harbor nuisance. Winans 1875 Union relief asso. Brief account . . . . Stranger s guide. J. Murphy & Co. . . Monument and pub. buildings, p. 14 . N. r>. Bangor, Me. Centennial 1870 . . 4338-14 Hammond St. Cong. Ch. ; manual . . . 1871 Barnstable. Statement of facts (revol. war) 1831 . . 4422.51 - Description of the .eastern coast, etc. Davis 1802 - Cape Cod Centennial 1840 . 23*56.19+ 2d Centen. discourse. Palfrey. . . . [1840?] - Same. 2d edition. Palfrey 1840 . . 2356.19 Cong. Church; hist, sketch 1846 Conference, etc. ; hist. sketch of churches 1846 Discourse, and hist, notices of towns. Clark 1856 Barnstead, N. H. History. Jewett & Cav- ei-ly 1872 . . 4333.51 Barre Discourse; his 37th anniv. Thomp son 1841 . 5470a 84 Hist, discourse; his 50th anniv. Thomp son 1854 . 5470a.S4 Discourse; 100th anniversary. Thomp son 1875 . . 2353.44 Barrington, R. I. Hist, address, etc. ; cen tennial. Bickford 1870 . . 4339.5 Sermon ; 2d century of R. I. Williams.1837 . .5543.15 Basking Ridge, N. J. ; Historical dis course. Uankiu 1872 . . have Batavin, N. Y. Historical sketch. Seaver 1849 Bath, N. II. Address; his 50th anniv. Sutherland 1855 Bayfield, Wise. Early history, p. 14 . . 1858 Beavor City, Iowa. Description . . . . . N. D. Bedford, N. II. Historical discourse. Sav age 1841 Centennial discourse. Barnes 1850 . . 4355.4 - History ; IDOth anniversary. Woodbury, etc 1851 Belchertown. Report on election. Ev erett 1811 . . 4426.18 Nature, etc., of political anti-masonry . 1835 Cong. Church ; historical sketch. Doo- little 1852 . . 3544.23 Belfast, Me. History. White 1827 Phuuiix lodg; history. Locke . . . .1803 BellinKham. Century sermons. Fisher . 1822 Belville, W. Va. Brief history. Hildreth . 1839 Bennington, Vt, Sketch .1866 Memorial of a century. Jennings . . . 1869 Bergen. N . J. Annals of classis, and civil hist, Taylor [1857] 11 Shelf. No. Berkeley. Proc gs of eccl. council .... 1831 Strictures on Proceedings," etc. . . .[1831?] History. Sanford 1872. .235651 Review of the Berkeley case. Eddy, .date? Berks and Lebanon Cos.. Pn. History. Rupp 1844 Berkshire Co. and Pittsfield. Allen. . . .1808 Agric. Society. History. Watson . . . 1819 . Ph.v.440 Address. Sedgwick 1823 History. Field, etc 1829 . 2358.5+ Jubilee 1845 . Ph.v.142 - Cong. Asso. ; centennial 1864 . . 5543.7 Berlin, Ct. 2d Cong. Ch. ; Confession, his torical, memoir, etc 1857 Bethel, Me. History. True 1862 - Centennial, with hist, address by True . 1874 Bethlehem, Pa. Excursion Ogden . . . 1SOO Sunif. Reprinted 1805 Female seminary; history. Rcichel . .1858 B. and its school. Mortimer 1858 Old Sun Inn 1873 - Hist, sketch. Martin . date? - Same. 2d ed. (150 cps.) 1873 Beverly. History. Stone. . [1817?] - Same. Stone 1843 . 2357.1+ Second Parish ; lecture. Stone . . . .1835 Sermon, hist. 15th anniv. Abbot(t ?; .1848? - First Ch. ; Valed. Discourse Thayer . 1858 . . 5549a 2 First Parish. 200th anniv. Address. Thayer 18G8 . . 5543 44 Billerica. Half century discour.-e. Cumings.1813 . . 7440.9 Historical memoir. Farmer 1816. .2357.32 - 200th anniversary 1855 . . 4129.57 BinKhamton, X. Y. Annals. Wilkinson . 1840 Black River Conference, N. Y. Memorial. Gorrie. 1852 1854 Bladensburg, Md. Narrative of battle. McKenncy 1814 Narrative, etc., in letter to H. Banning. [1814?] Bl.-idenaburg races (poem) 1814 Snmf. Reprinted, about 1865 Blanford. History, an address. Gibbs . . 1851 Bloomfleld, N. J. Centennial Jubilee. Glldersleeve [1817?] BloominRton, Minn. Sketch. Brewster . 1857 Blue Earth City. Capt. Davy s expedition. 1868 Blue Earth Co., Minn. Advantages, etc. Willard 186S Bolton. Church trouble, etc. [Chaplin] . 1773 Result of eccl. council 1773 2d treatise, etc., and narr. of trouble. [Chaplin] 1773 1st Cong. Church ; history 1851 . . . have Hillside Church, etc. Chickering ... . 1853 Boonesborough, Ky. Address, on 1st settlement. Morehead 1841 Boonton.X.J. Historical discourse. Lyon . 1873 . . .have Boothbay, Me. Centennial discourse. Conn 1866 Boscawen, X. II. Chronol. reg. Price . 1823 12 Boscawen, N. II., continued. Ecclesiastical council 1833 Discourse, 50th anniv. Bouton .... 1859 Boston. See also, for their history before annexation to Boston; Brighton; Charlestown ; Dorchester; Jamaica Plain; Roxbury; South Boston; West Roxbury. Kote. There are many publications upon the early period of the history of New England and of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, when Bo- ton was relatively a larger part of them than now, which are indispensable for dealing with the history of Boston, but which are omitted in the present list. They may possibly be recorded in a future similar list of works relating to the states and regions of the United States, and to the United States at large. The Boston town and city public documents, only a few of which are entered in this list, have been indexed alphabetically under subjects, by Mr. Bugbee [B.H. desk, A. 35, and 0354.2]. Something in answer to John Leverat. Fox 1677 Answer to several new laws, etc. Fox . 1678 Brief narrative, etc. 1st gathering of a Church, etc. Russell. (Lond.) . . . 1680 Brief animadversions, etc. ; a reply. Willard 1681 Description of New England in general, and Boston in particular. [London.] . 1682 Account of the late revolution, etc. By- field 1689 . 4457.25+ lievolution in New England justified, etc. [Mather?] 1691 Manifesto, etc., by undertakers of new church 1699 Rules, orders and by-laws 1702 . . 6359.1 Discourse concerning earthquakes. Mather 1706 . 11.23.30 Names of streets, etc 1708 Jethro s advice (lecture, choice of town officers). Bridge 1710 Same, 2d ed. Bridge 1733 . H.18.224 Burning bewailed; sermon on the fire. Mather 1711 Short lamentation (great fire). [Mather?] 1711 Projection tor bank of credit 1714.2324.77+ Objections to projection, etc. [Dud ley] 1714 . H.28.149 Letter from one in Boston, etc. [Bur- ril?] 1714 H.28.83+ Vindication of bank of credit, etc. Lynde, etc 1714.2324.77+ Five sermons, etc. 1711-13. Wads- worth 1714 . H.25.16 Sermon for reformation of manners. Colman 1716 . H.18.242 Sixth (New South) Church: sermon, new edifice. Mather 1717 . H. 13.46 Some reasons, etc., for markets . . . .1719 Account of, etc., reasons (against Thacher s ordination) 1720 . IT.28.50 13 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Vindication of New North Church, etc. (answer to above) 1720. H.28.92 Brief declaration, etc. Thacher . . . .1720. H.28.79 Distressed state, etc., and plan for bank. Colman 1720 Letter from one in the country (on above) 1720. H.28.152 Distressed state, etc., once more con sidered. Colman 1720 Reflections, on present state, etc. (bills of credit) 1720 . H.28.151 Vindication of remarks on distressed state, etc 1720 . H.28.156 Discourse, etc. (bank of credit). Philo- patria 1721 . H.28.155 Gathering of a new church, etc. Ma ther . 1722 Abuses, etc., of pamphlets in favor of inoculation. Douglass 1722 Voice of God; sermon on the storm. Mather 1723 . H.16.127 Four sermons on the earthquake. Col man 1727 . H.17.127 Some account of the earthquake. Ma ther 172T Voice of the Lord, etc., sermon, Nov. 23, 1727. Foscroft 1727 n. 17.126+ Two sermons on the earthquake. Prince.[1727J Same, 2d ed 1727 . H.17.128 Three sermons on the earthquake. Col man 1727 Work of the Lord, etc. ; sermon on the earthquake. Fitch 1727 Sermon on the earthquake. Danforth . 1728 . . 3457.47 Sermon on the earthquake. Cotton . . 1728 . H.18.129 Small-pox inoculation. Boylston . . . 1726 Same, 2d ed 1730 . . 3809.19 1st Church, Century sermon. Foxcroft . 1730 . 3458.75+ Vade mecum, etc., with names of streets. 1732 . H. 12.22 By-laws for public market 1734 Two sermons, on occasion of the fatal distemper, etc. Fitch 1736 Letter to a merchant in London, etc. (manufactory) 1740 H.27.10+ Letter from a country gentleman, etc. (land bank) [1740] H.28.124 Convention of ministers (revival) . . [1743 ?] H.27.34 Revival of 1740-43. Prince [1743?] Same, reprinted 1823 . H.82.25 Address . . . more especially to Boston, etc. (impressment) 1747 Narrative, etc., new gathered church. Croswell 1749 . . 4356.85 Entertainment for a winter s eve g, etc. ; what took place 27th" Dec , 1749, at noon-day 1750 Society for encour. industry.; discourse. Cooper 1753 4 14 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Good of the community, etc. In a letter (in favor of excise) 1754 . Ph. v. 429 Account of proceedings of presbytery, etc., agiinst Abercrombie 1754 Discourse on the earthquakes of Nov., 1755. Mayhew 1755 . . 3457.11 Improvement of doctrine of earthquakes. Prince 1755.3458. 69,v.3 Sermon on the earthquake. Channcy . 1756 . 3455.234- Remarks on " Fair narrative of proceed ings of presbytery." etc 1757 Thirteen discourses on the earthquakes. Mayhew 1760. .3457.12 God s hand, etc.; sermon on the fire. Mayhew 1760 Address, e.tc., with Great fire of Boston, March 20, 1760. Janeway 1760. . H.85.4 Sentiments of a British American (cus toms, etc.). Thacher 1764 Instructions to customs officers . . . . N. D. Gardiner vs. Flagg; narrative. Gardiner. 1767 Observations on several acts of parlia ment, etc 1769 Letters to the ministry from Gov. Ber nard, etc 1769 Statement of importations, 1763. Mein . 1769 Same, 1770 1770 - Appeal to the world. [Adams?] . . . 1769 . Ph. v. 429 Same, reprinted, London 1770 Massacre : short narrative of horrid, etc. [Bowdoin?] 1770 Same, appendix of depositions, etc. London, Bingley 1770 . . 4426.17 Same. London, Dilly and Almon . . . 1770 - Same, reprinted, N. Y 1849 . . 2353.42 Letter from town to C. Lucas (Dublin). 1770 Trial of British soldiers [1770?] . 4426.17 Same, reprinted 1807 . . 4163.17 Same, reprinted 1S24 . 2326.14+ Additional observations to narrative . 1770 Account of late disturbance 1770 Innocent blood, etc. ; sermon (London) Lothrop 1770 Same, reprinted (Boston) 1771 Fair account and affidavits (London) . 1770 Oration, 5lh March, 1770. Hichborn . 1770 . . 4422.51 Observations of merchants on acts of parliament 1770 Ministerial catechise, etc 1771 . Ph. v. 429 . Letter to Croswell on the commence ment drollery, by Simon the tanner . 1771 . Massacre; oration, April 2, 1771. Low ell .... , 1771 . . 4354.1 American alarm ; or, Bostonian plea, etc ; [1772?] Votes, etc. (tea), town meetings, Oct. 8 and Nov. 2 1772 . 6449.3+ Same (Nov. 20). London reprint , . .1773 15 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Poem which the committee had voted to publish. Allen 1772 Oration on beauties of liberty, thanks giving, Dec. 3, 1772. 2d ed 1773 African society; appendix, etc. (Afri cans in Boston) [1773?] Representations of Gov. Hutcliinson, etc., with votes of assembly 1773 Revolution (of 1688) in N. E. justified (reprint) 1773 . . 4426.17 Copy of letters, etc., of Hutchinson . . [1773?]Ph.v.429 Same. With assembly s address, etc, 2d ed. London 1774 . . 4325^ Historical discourse. Lothrop 1774 Observations on port bill. Quincy . . . 1774 . . 4325.30 Same, reprinted. Philadelphia .... 1784 Same, reprinted. London 1774 Letter ; concise representation, etc. (port bill). Chauncy 1774 Select letters of Gov. Bernard, wilh pe tition of assembly, London 1774 . . 432o.7 Same. 2d ed. London 1774 Free and calm consideration, etc. (colo nies) 1774 First book of American Chronicles . . .1774 Act to restrain the trade, etc. (port bill). London 1775 . . 4422.51 The Alarming Boston Port Bill Act . . [1774?] Boston asso. of loyalists (enrolment hand-bill) [1775?] . have Xotif. to persons desiring to leave, July 24 (sheet) 1775 Proceedings, etc., committees of corre spondence, etc., Feb. 25 1775 Oration on massacre, Mar. 6, 75. War- ren 1775 . . 4354.1 Borne strictures on Bk. of Esther (mas sacre). Noble 1775. 6088.119 Historical discourse on flight of British. Fitch 1776 Congratulatory poem on triumphant evacuation of. London 1776 Discourse, 5th March, 1778 (massacre). Lothrop 1778 Proceedings, Concord convention, prices, etc 1779 Report, etc., on illicit trade with ene my 1782 Fire society. Agreement, etc 1783 Two plans for a city ; published by the town 1784 Detail of several engagements, etc., and blockade of Boston (London). Car ter 1775 Detail of engagements ; blockade of Bos ton, etc. Carter 1785 Orations on the massacre 1785 . . 2353.25 T- Same. 2d edition ... . 1807 . . 4359.18 16 Shelf. No^ Boston, continued. Sermon: return to 1st Church. Chaun- cy 1785 By-law s and orders, 1785 and 1786 . . . 1786 . 4452.12+ Humane society; institution of 1788. . 4459a.7 Sermon and account of Episc. Char. So ciety. Seabury 1788 Directory, first (and subsequent ones) . 1789 . . 2359.1 - Incorporation : "An antiquarian . . . found the following .... paper," etc 1792 Speech for theatrical exhibitions. Gar diner 1792 . 4390a.57 Regulations against infectious disease (sheet) 1793 Beacon Hill; a poem. Morton 1797. . 4391.3 Discourse : appendix on attempts to set fire. Lathrop 1797 Sermon on the epidemic. Lathrop . . . 1798 Names of streets, etc. . . 1800 Brattle St. Church : century sermon. Thacher 1800 Nature, etc., of yellow fever. Brown .1800. . 3797.5 - Centennial discourse. Lathrop .... 1801 . 5460a.l8 - By-laws and orders 1801 . . 4457.4 Female asylum: anniv. sermon. Eck- ley 1802 Account of; with act, etc 1803 Old South Church; account of. Aus tin 1803 Boston : a poem 1803 Report on altering government 1804 New North Church ; sermon at comple tion. Eliot 1804 . . 4358.10 Changery ; an allegorical memoir, etc. . 1805 Collection of facts (bridge to Dorchester Neck) 1805 Friendly fire society. Rules, etc. . . . 1805 Darkness at noon; eclipse, 16th June. [By Newell?] 1806. . 7929.5 Considerations on bridge to Dorchester Neck 1806. .4359.50 Answer to " Considerations," etc. . . . 1806 . Ph. v.280 Extracts, etc. (Norton fund of old South Church) 1807 Contract with mill corporation 1807 Anthology reading room ; Notice of opening, 1st January, 1807 1807 Athenaeum ; Memoir, etc. [Kirkland] . 1807 . Ph. v.427 1st Baptist Church; installation sermon. Clay . . 1807 . . 7440.15 Festival, honor of Spanish valor, etc. . 1809 . H. 85.3 Park St. Church ; Dedic. sermon. Grif fin [1810] . 4358.10 Female Asylum; account, etc 1810. .5570.12 2d Baptist Church; hist, discourse. Baldwin 1811 . . 4453.6 1st Church ; historical sketch. Emer son 1812 . 2354.8+ 17 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Boston assemblage; or, peep at Caucus Hall ................. 1812. Ph. v. 64 Sketch, etc., in honor of Russian achieve ments ................ 1813 Papers on defence of Boston and other places ................ 1813 . . 4426.12 Washington Benevolent Society; di rectory of .............. 1813 . . 6359.9 Report on petition of Davis, etc. (mill- dam) ............... [1813] Inland navigation. Sullivan ..... Miscellaneous remarks on police, as to paupers, etc ............. 1814 . . 5577.53 New North Church; century sermon. Parkman .............. 1814 Summer-st. Church; dedic. sermon. Thacher ............... 1815. .4358.10 Report on alteiing town government . 1815 Asylum for indigent boys; acc t, etc. .1816 have (Other later issues.) Dispensary; account of ........ 1817 Topography and history; description. Shaw ................ 1817 . 228.16+ Same ................. 1818 Same ................. 1843 Fever in autumn 1817 and 18. Gam- age ......... ..... [1S18?] M.Ph. v.138 By-laws and orders .......... 1818. 6359.2+ Female missionary society; Brief ac count, etc ............... 1818 Extract from travels of Aly Bey. Knapp ................ 1818 . . 2353.9 Outlines of mineralogy, etc. Dana . . 1818 Prospectus of mill corporation. Cot- ting ................. 1818 Proposition of mill corporation. Cot- ting ................. 1818 . Ph.v.280 Remarks on proposition, etc ....... 1818 1st Baptist Church ; jubilee sermons. Winchell .............. 1819 Same. 2d edition ........... 1820 Boston : a poem. Wright ....... 1819 Observations concerning canal bridge . [1820?] West Church ; historical discourse. Lowell ............... 1820 . . 5640.20 Society for employing the poor; views of, etc ................. 1820 . B.170.56 Remarks on Dr. Spring s charges (about Boston) ............... 1820 Christ Church ; hist, account. Eaton . 1820 . . 5543.33 Same ................. 1824 . . 4355.27 Artillery Co. History. Whitman . . . 1820 . . 2354.10 Same ................. 1842 . 294.6 Sermon, bi-centennial. Sabine .... 1821 . . 5452.64 Survey. Hales . . .......... 1821 . . 2353.13 2d Church. 2 discourses. Ware .... 1821 . . 7456.55 Report on pauperism and a house of in dustry . . .............. 1821 . . 6359.20 5 18 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Meeting on organizing town govern ment, Nov. 29 1821 Full report of debates, Faneuil Hall, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 and 2 1822 Official papers printed for the Common Council 1822 . . 6359.5 - List of persons taxed in 1821 1822 . 6351.1+ Exposition of principles, etc. of mid dling interest 1822. . 6340.5 Defence of the "Exposition, "etc. [Sul livan] 1822 Chronicles last month of town, etc. . . 1822 Remarks on laws as to poverty, vice, and crime. Quiney 1822 New North Society; historical notices. [Eliot] 1822 . . 4355.8 Union (Essex St.) Church; Eccles. me moir. (Sabine) 1823 have System pursued at the free schools. Gould? 1823. . 5595.6 Overseers of the poor, to their constitu ents 1823. E.224.11 Asylum for indigent boys; account . . 1823 - Same, 2d eel. . .1823 (And accounts, other dates.) Widows society; constitution, etc. . . 1823 Address, and hist, of masonic lodge. Whitman 1823 Washington society ; historical view, etc. 1823 . . 4329a.2 Remarks on constitutionality, etc. (exten sion of Fant-uil Hall market) . . . .1824? Sermon; ordination of Mr. Gannett. Channing 1824 . 3473.1+ (2d, 3d and 4th eds. also in 1824.) Federal-lit. Church ; history. Davis . . 1824 2d Baptist Church; history. Baldwin . 1824 Same, 2d ed. Baldwin 1841 . . 3454.21 Mass. Med. Coll. and Gen. Hospital; account 1824 . Ph.v.244 History. Snow 1825 . 2353.7+ Same , 2d ed. Snow 18^8 . . have - History, Part VI. Bowen 1824 History. Hopkins 1825 Federal St. Soc y ; report on theol. school at Cambridge 1825 . . 5549.6 The Rebels ; or, Boston before the revo lution. Child? 1825 St. Paul s Ch. ; narrative of events, etc. Jarvis 1825 . Ph.v.248 Appeal to good sense, etc., bridge to S. B 1825 Answer to " Appeal" [1825?] Concise view of facts (on new bridge, etc.) . [1825?] Brattle-st. Church. Sermon, hist, notes. Palfrey 1825 . Ph.v.57 Reasons against new bridge to Ch n . .1825 Report on supply of water. Treadwell. 1825 . 6340.5+ 19 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. (Water supply, see documents bound in 7 vols.) 1825-54 6357.20 - News-letter and city record. Smith. .1825-6. 3193.1 High school for girls; account 1826 have Report, etc., free bridge to S. B 1826 The report on the free bridge ". . . .1826 Review of reasons against bridge toCh n. 1827 Review of the case of the free bridge . . 1827 Letters on the new theatre 1827. E.224.11 Brief account of dreadful occurrence (1st Meth. Ch.) 1828 Picture of. Bowen 1828?. 4459.13 Same. 2d ed. Bowen 1833 . . 2353.19 Same. 3d ed. Bowen 1838 Hanover-st. Church ; recent attempt, etc., and trust conveyances. Lowell ? . . 1S28 . Ph.v.403 Review of pamphlet on trust deed . . 1828 Ph.v.403+ Meclianics institution; 1st report . . .1828 List of persons taxed in 1829 1829 (Other lists issued later.) Letters of Columbus 1829. .4475.16 Reply to attacks of Greene, etc. Orne . 1829 . .4475.16 Address at leaving mayoralty. Quincy. 1S29 . . 6340.5 House of correction, etc. Tuckerman . 1830 Address, 2d centennial. Quincy .... 1830 . . 4500a.8 Old South Church ; history (4 sermons). Wisner 1830 . . 2354.7 tTnion Ch., Essex St. Confession, etc., and brief history 1830 have Ode, centennial. Sprague 1830 . 4500a.8+ Historical address, removal to old state house. Otis 1830 . 4500a.8+ 200 years ago; sermon to 1st Church. Frotliingham 1830 . 3455.61+ Letters on Tremont theatre. Pelby . . 1830 Case of Charles River Br., vs. Warren Br. Pickering 1830 Description of Tremont house (archit. illustr. by Rogers) Eliot 1830 Pride; or, a touch at the times. A satir ical poem by Rusticus 1830 Geography of, and of adj. towns. Snow. 18oO . . 4459a.4 Sunday School institution ; address, 50th anniv. Gannett 1831 B. 200 years ago ; or, a story of Miss Car ter, etc 1831 Asylum for indigent boys; statem t, etc.1831 have West Church, hist, sermon. Lowell . . 1831 . 5460a.20 Social Library No. 1, catalogue 1831 Port Society; accountof 1832 B. and its environs, a poem 1832 Report on a farm school 1832 have 2d centennial of Thursday eve. lecture. Frothingham . . . 1833 . . 3455.61 Old South Church; history (covenant, etc.) 1833.5498.11+ King s Chapel; history. Greenwood. . 1833 . . 5549a.l Female Asylum; account, etc 1833.5570.12+ 20 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. - Scenes at the fair (satirical play) .... 1833 Letter on support of ministry at large. Tuckerman 1834. 5470a.44 Masonic Temple : opening address. Whitman 1834. .4355.74 Speech in defence of A. Kneeland, blas phemy trial. Dunlap 1834 History. Carver 1834 . . 4459.4 Report on union of churches for benev. purposes 1834 B.160b.88 Communication of mayor on introducing water 1834 . 6340a.31 Report on introducing water. Baldwin . 1834 . 6340a.31 Plain facts (pauperism, vice, etc.) . . . 1834 Retrospect of the tea party and memoir ofHewes. By a New Yorker. Hawkes ? 2353.16 Traits of the tea party, being a memoir, etc. ByaBostonian 1835. . 219.4-f Charge, first session of court in new court-house. Thacher 1835 Benevolent Fraternity of Churches ; his tory [1835?] Report on almshouses and pauperism. Bimonds 1835 . . 6359.21 Political reminiscences. Derby .... 1835 . . 4347.27 1st Church; Sermon his 20th anniv. Frothingham 1835 . 4163.12+ - Fern. Anti-Slavery Soc., report, etc. (two ed s) Chapman 1836 Speech in his own defence. Kneeland . 1836 Case of the slave child Med 1836 Franklin St. Church; origin, rules, etc. . 1836 . . 4453.6 Report on introducing water. Eddy . .1836 . 6340a.31 Merchant s and trader s guide, etc. Han cock 1836 Influence of the ministry at large . . . 1836 Sketch of recent improvements at East Boston 1836 . Ph. v.280 Exposition of facts, etc. for a bank of 11 millions 1836 Warren St. Chapel; annual meeting . .1837. . 5574.7 Same. 1st report 1837 . . 5574.7 Same. Report of committee 1837 . . 5574.7 Report, Jan. 30, 1837, comm rs on survey of harbor 1837 . 6340a.32 Edes diary in 1775 1837 West Church; sermon, ord. of Mr. Bar- tol. Ware 1837 . . 7440.8 Church in Summer St.; causes of di vision 1837 Irish Charitable Soc y; century address. Boyd 1837 . . 5543.8 Selections from Morning Post court reports. Gill 1837 Negro pew; propriety of distinctions, etc 1837 Duties of hard times; sermon. Frothing ham 1837 . . 3455.61 21 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Trip to Boston. Wines 1838 . . 2353.22 Trinity Church; protest against asst. bishop 1838 Picture of; prefixed Annals. Bowen . 1838 Mass. Med.Soc y; hist, sketch. Alden . 1838 . . have Artillery sermon, 200th anniv. Lothrop. 1838 . Ph. v.237 City documents ; 1822-1838 1838. 6353.2+ Boston Common; or, Rural walks, etc. . 1S38 . . 4457.3 Papers on introduction of pure wator . 1838 . . 6340.5 Principles and results of ministry at large. Tuckerman 1838 . . 3750.85 Opposition to new (15 gallon) law de tected 1838 Proceedings of Mr. Pierpont s friends, etc 1839 ; . 4357.20 (For other documents on the Hollis St. controversy, see 4357.29; and also) . 4163.9 New North Church; historical dis courses. Parkman 1839 . 4163.7+ 1st Baptist Church; brief history; and members 1839 Same. New edition 1843 Right and wrong in Massachusetts . . . 1839 Same 1840 My connection with the Atlas, etc. Hil- dreth 1839 . . 5573.59 List of persons, etc., taxed for $25, etc. (and continued to 1849) 1840 . . 6358.15 Bowdoin Sq. Church, dedication. Hagen. 1840 . .4356.84 Low fares of freight and travel. De- grand 1840 Episc. Charitable Socy.; hist, memoir. Boyle 1840 Exchange; remarks, corner-stone. Per kins 1841 . . 6340a.4 Book and Pamphlet Society ; circular . 1841 . . 4459a.S Remarks on mayor s refusal of Faneuil Hall to Charming, etc 1841 Vital statistics. Shattuck 1841 . 5796.20+ Independent Co. Cadets; centennial. Lothrop 1841 . . 4394.25 Old South Church; history. Armstrong, etc 1841 Confession ; all members, etc 1841 Marine I^oc y ; brief history ; centennial. 1842 Report of the Dickens dinner, February 1st 1842 Revival of 1842. Moore 1842. 5549a.l6 Boston Common ; case, and opinions of Mason and Dexter 1843 Baldwin Place Baptist Ch.; centennial. Stow 1843. 5549a.63 Rules, etc., of Boston Medical Assoc. (medical police) 1843 Bowdoin Sq. Church book. Cushman . 1843 Middlesex Canal; hist, sketch. [Eddy.] 1843 . 4353.12+ New North Church ; sermon, ord. of Mr. Smith (hist, notes). Parkman .... 1843 . 5640a.26 G 22 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Mass. Char. Mechanics Asso. ; address. Smith 1843 Scots Charitable Soc y; const, and ex tracts of records 1844 . . 4459a.7 Hawes Charity; administration of. Capen 1844 . 5440a.29 Reply to above 1844 . 5440a.29 1st Christian Church ; address. 40th anniv. Loring 1844 . . 5542.16 2d Church; 2 sermons at taking down. Kobbins [1844?] Same, 2d ed. Robbins 1844 . . 5546.8 Neptunian; plans for beautifying IS!". Y. and improving Boston. Qourlay . . 1844 . . 4396.78 Mass. Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowl edge ; constitution 1844 . . 4459a.7 The Thursday lecture; a discourse on resuming. "Waterston 1844 . 5470a.79 Female Asy m; reminiscences. [ Wales.] 1844 . .3570.66 Humane Society ; history 1845 . Ph.v.423 Trinity Church. (Affairs, 1845-51, sun dry documents) 5520a.l3 - Address on pauperism. Waterston . . 1844 Merc. Library ; report, 1820-45 1845. Ph.v.433 Address. 25th anniv. Winthrop . . . 1845 . 4163.9+ Trimountain ; or, early history of . . .1845 Mass. Char. Mech. Asso. Half century address. Lincoln 1845 . 6350a.l9 Soc y of Nat, Hist. ; remarks by presi dent, history, etc 1845 Local loiterings. [Dix] 1845 . . 228.9 Public and private charities of. [Eliot] 1845 . 6340a.4-4- 2d Church ; sermon, dedication. Robbins.1845 . 4163.12-f- Municipal court reports. Woodman. .1845. . 3684.1 Suffolk St. Chapel. History of ministry. Sargent 1845 . Ph.v.143 - Discourse, 20th anniv. of his ordination. Young 1845 5460a.llO West Church; histor. discourse. Lowell.1845 5460a.llO Reports on the city schools. Howe, etc. 1846 Church of Messiah; articles, etc.; brief history 1846 Hoston; a poem 1846 Report (citizens) on tenements for poor. 1846 Report on census. Shattuck 1846 . . 6358.7 Calm review of revival measures in 1842. Cushman . . 1846 Review of Cushman on revival measures. Christophilos 1846 Address (public meeting) on kidnapping. etc 1846 Church of Disciples, its principles and methods. Clarke 1846 Our first men (wealth, etc.) 1846 . . 4354.14 Same, a 2d issue 1851 - Opinions of the press, liquor traffic, etc. 1846 Mass. Med. College. Circular and history.1846 My own experience (gambling, drinking) 1846 23 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Mt. Vernon Cong. Cburch ; brief history etc 1846 Latin School, materials for catalogue, 1835-46 1847 . Ph.v.423 Boston and Albany road-book 1847 St. Paul s Church. Report, assessments, etc Hallett, elc 1847 . . 5549.6 Ch. of the Saviour. Dedication discourse. Waterston 1847 . . 7400.13 1st report on orphans, etc. Kinsman . 1847 Auniv. and farewell sermons, Hollis St. Ch. Fosdick 1847 Grace Church; farewell sermon. Butler. 1847 Brattle Square. Church ; liabilities and resources 1847 . 5540a.30 Shawmut; or settlement of B 1847 Same, 2d ed 1848 Old South Ch. ; votes, etc., donations for preaching 1848 . 5540a.30 Aristocracy of, etc. Wilson? 1848 Lecture on public health. Bucking ham 1848 Boston notions, 1630-1847. Dearborn . 1848 . . 229.8 Printers festival 1848 2d (Old North) Church, affairs of ... 1848 Celebration, introduction of Cochituate water 1848 . . 6340a.2 Testimony of a club, etc., on the times 1848 Stranger s guide. Andrews & Co. . . . 1848 Same, No. 2. Andrews & Co 1849 Same, No. 3. Andrews & Co. . . . . 1850 - Description of -water-works. Holbrook & Co 1848 . . 2353.18 New guide. Bowen . [1849] West Boston Soc y; report on land in front of church 1849 . . 5549.6 Brief remarks on hygiene, espec. Boston. Curtis 1849 . 5760a.30. Siege of. Frothingham 1849 2d ed. Frothingham 1851 . 2353.1+ - 3d ed. Frothingham 1872 4th ed. Frothingham 1873 . . 231.4 Pauperism in; sermon. Peabody . . . 1849 . 557Ua.l6 - Remarks on act to establish City Supe rior Court 1849 Hist, discourse, resigning pastorate. Parkman 1849 . . 5543.8 Soc. for Social Improvements ; preamble, etc * 1849. 4459a.7 Boston city measured; by author of Phillipiad 1849 . . 6340a.4 List of persons taxed on $6,000 and up wards 1849 . . 6356.1 Same, yearly, 185D to 1857, Report on cholera 1849 . . 3806.22 2d Church, affairs of. Robbins .... 1850 Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary; address. Reynolds 1850 . Ph.v.423 Shelf. No- Boston, continued. Proceedings, constitutional meeting, Faneuil Hall, Nov. 26 1850 Report, inlra-mural burials 1850 . . 6356.1 Report, public garden 1850 . . 6356.1 Reportof comm rs on harbor 1850. 6340a.32 - As a commercial metropolis. Derby . . 1850 Suffolk Medical Soc. 1st anniv. address. Jeffries 1850 1st Church ; farewell sermon. Frothing- ham 1850 .6088.42+ - Boston and Boston people in 1850 (poem). [Hosmer] 1850 . . 4408.23 12th Cong. Church ; 2 discourses, 25th year. Barrett 1850 . . 7440.9 Athenaeum; chronol. and alph. list of proprietors 1850 Female Asylum; hist, sermon. Hunting- ton 1850.5570.12+ Brief hist, of Mass. Sabbath School Soc y 1850 have Report, etc., of censors for State census, May 1 1850 Boston aqueduct and the city of Boston. 1850 Charter and ordinances. Chandler . . 1850 . . 6358.3 Statistical view; report on tea party, etc. Poole 1850 . Ph.v.384 Tabular representation, railroads, com merce, etc 1851 . . 5656.14 The Boston committee in Canada; (Rail roads, etc.) 1851 Railroad jubilee; two discourses. King. 1851 Remarks on act, etc., for Common Coun cil. Quincy 1851 . . 6350a.5 Charles St. Baptist Church ; catalogue and brief history 1851 Sketches. Homans 1851 . . . 229.7 Report, etc., and view of population. Chickering . 1851 6340.15+ Epitaphs, Copp s Hill. Bridgman . . . 1851 . . 4335.1 History (first number.) Drake .... 1851 or 2 Universalist pulpit, No. 1; Valed. dis course. Ballou 1851 Proceedings, U. 8. vs. Davis, for rescue of fugitive slave 1851 Reminiscences, and Guide. Dearborn . [1851] . 2353.14 Comm n on fire alarms. Cbanning . . . 1851 have South End Provident Asso. ; a report . 1851 . . 4459a.7 Athenaeum; history. Quincy 1851. 2354.1+ Mass. Gen. Hospital; history. * Bow- ditch 1851 . . 2354.6 Same, 2d ed. Bowditch 1872 . . 2354.50 Brattle St. Church; history. Lothrop . 1851 5549a.27+ Municipal history. Quincy 1852 . 2353.4+ Free Church of St. Mary s for Sailors ; history etc . 1852 Reply to charges against rector, etc. . . 1852 Citizens and strangers city guide . . . 1852 Soc. of New Jerusalem. Brief sketch . 1852 25 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Final report on harbor and. Back Bay lands 1852 . . 6350a.6 Report of labors for ten years. Augus tus 1852 Railroad jubilee 1S.V2 . . 2354 3 Municipal electric telegraph. Channing. 1852 Mass. Char. Fire Soc. ; act, etc. . . . . 1852 . . 4459a.7 Medical police; rules of Bost. Med. Asso 1852 have Charles St. Baptist Ch.; services, his 40th anniv. Sharp 1852 . 5470a.39 Report of joint standing com. on har bor 1852 . 6430a.29 2d Ch. (Old North) ; history. Robbins. 1852 . . 2354.2 Memoir on Boston harbor. Davis . . . 1852 Sunday Sch. Soc. 25th rep., with hist. sketch 1852 . . 5441.30 Memorials of the dead. Bridgman . . .1852. .2334.10 Wharf property; or, The law of flats .1852 . 6340a.29 Destruction of the harbor. Whiting . . 1852 . . 4354.5 Young Men s Chr. Union. Charter, etc. 1852 . . 4459a.7 Hundred Boston o raters. Loring . . . 1852 . . . 282.5 /& ame,2ded. Loring 1853 Same, 3d til. Loring 1854 Same, 4th ed. Loring 1855 . . 4341.8 List of wealthy persons 1852 Howard Beuev. Soc. 42d rep. and hist. sketch . 1852 28th Cong. Society. Two sermons on leaving place of worship. Parker . .1853 have Letter (to Abbot and Shaw?) on condi tion and growth of. Clapp 1853 . 6687.65-(- Same, -Id ed. Clapp [1353 ] Inscriptions, K. Chapel burying ground. Bridgman 1853 . . 4335.2 Records of stage. Clapp 1853. . 356.10 Mass. Charit. Asso. ; annals. Bucking ham 1853 . . . 291.5 Ch. of Advent; sermon, 9th anniv. South- gate 1853 . . 5549.6 Report, Bourne r*. Boston. Rogers . . 1853 . . 4289.34 Bostoniad , two parts. Lidstone .... 1S53 . . 4358.36 Third Bostoniad. Lidstone 1853 Appeal in behalf of Athenaeum. Quincy. 1853. .62-2.24 Union of Athenaeum with 1 ub. Library. Ticknor 1853. .620224 New North Church; hist, discourse. Fuller 1854 . . 4453.6 Slave riot; trial of Burns 1854 B. 160.119 Address; opening rooms of Am. Unit n Assoc. Lothrop 1854 St. Paul s Church; report on Sears fund. Hallett 1854 Baldwin PI. Baptist Church ; concise history. Caldicott 1854. 5549a.56 Considerations on annexation of Charles- town. Quincy 1854 have Brief Review of Considerations" . . .1854 have 26 Sbrft Jw- llorton. t#mfiiit*i. Christ Church; report of wardens (Smithcuj .............. is5 . . 35** GraltreeoaBortnneommon. Warm . 1836 . &*t- Rowe St. Bapti** Church : history . . .1835 Scot* Char. 8ae*y; constitution, etc.; htst. notices ............. 1K5 . . 44M..T k Fabric Ubrary; corner-stone ...... ltea.21i4.MH- -- Address; eonx r-4one. Wsnthrop . . 1S9& . . 4393.13 OU South Church : confession, member* since 16 .............. 1S5 - W5*-ll Glance at private libraries. Faruham . ISai . . ZU&.3 Chnrefa of the Advent ; mmm, 21 ami- vei>ary of Holy GitiM- Sonlhgate . 18&5 . . 5*49-6 BottoM mob of gwntlemen, etc. (viz. Qjirtnan riot, l&iV] Yerrington . . W5& - Trim<mnuu; or. Karlyhirforyof. . . [ISiS?] Board of Trade ; lat . Report on LLUIBH Ha&; and Dr. Curtis * obwrratiMM ............. 1*56- .*SOa-3 - Di*t.>ry and aatiquitie*. Drake. . . . 1SJ6 . 2336 M+ Fliftory and afciHrhM fitun MM. (Ho- man*?} ............... 1KB - History. 3d ed ............. 1ST Dkxeument*, dty and state, on Back Bay ............... PM?] rv-scrfptt^n of --e estate* (from Tra- cript) Boirditch .......... lSii-6 CnxUnmboM Lodge (MOM); ht. ac count. H^rd ............ ISa*. .6.1 Raising the veil; or, ceeneB ia the UMBtd. Fenner ............... - P:z-ii:> of. Bnigman ........ ! " - 23*4.22+ W^tCIkurch and its minister* ..... 1*5*. .3^44.17 lUilwmysof, condition, etc. Grant . .1*56. . 4015.1 Charities off; or, 20 year* at Warren St. Chapel. Alger ........... IS*. 44S&1+ Curr. of Bp. atbnrn and Ch. of Ad vent : ................ 1S5- -55MJB Charter and ordinance*. Chandler"* ed, with appendix .... ........ ISM. . SS8.4 - ! year* in *twet mar^e:. Martin . . . 1&5 . . &/.fTi^. Martin ............. MM MeCnrtin ............... 1SI - XotienofUMnrie^ Sargent. ..... ISil . .4451.12 Inauguration of statoewf Franklin. . .1^1.23*411+ >i***.- oration at. Winthrop ..... 4442.14-f - Sigfatein; or, Gude, ete. Slidgtry . . W3T . . 43a8J9 .*IM. Midstey ............ Ma* Sailor*" Snug ilarbor; cornerstone . .1*41 E. .-- H Public Library : dedication ...... 1S S . SIS4J2+ - Corre^pondene* on postal improvement*, etr. Open ............. ISa* - Ftaturcc of (the Franklin inauguration CTWS*.} Knowfe* .......... 136 . .4MTM Ve-y brief life, etc., of Franklin ("verse. 18S. .4442.U 27 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. When will the day come? (with hist, of temperance reform in Boston) .... 1857 Rowe St. Cong. Church ; brief history. [Gould] 1858 Franklin medal association 1858 . . . have Sermon ; 25th anniversary of ordination. Bobbins 1858 . . 5543.5 List of persons taxed on $10,000 and upwards 1858 . . 6355.1 82d anniv. of indep. with orations . . . 1858 . . 4495.12 East Boston; history. Sumner . . . .1858 2353.29+ Sights. Pulsifcr 1859 Freemason s Hall; Dedicatory address. Heard 1859 Preservation of Boston harbor. Tewks- bury 1858 . . . have Church of St. James. List of contribu tors 1859 . . . have Eliot school rebellion ; arguments . . .1859. . .have Report of trial of Cooke (Eliot school). [1859?] . . have Plan of widening the streets. Tudor . 1859 . . . have , Haas. Char. Mech. Asso. : report on li brary 1859 . . . have Old South Church ; Keason to investigate prudential affairs. Ballard 1859 . . . have Courier report ; union meeting. Dec. 8th, 1859 1859 . . . have Introduction of Methodism into; a dis course. Coggeshall ". 1859 Old South Chapel prayer meeting, origin and hist. [Williams] 1859 . Dispensary: history. Lawrence. . . . 1859 St. Andrew s Royal Arch Chapter; by laws and biog. sketches. Waterman . 1859 . . 4354.44 Back Bay lands; Gov. Banks" special mecnge, Oct. 3 1859 . . . have Memorial against filling Back Bay. Snelling 1859 . . . have Same. With remaiks and letters. Snel- ling 1860 . . . have List of persons taxed on f 10,000, etc. . .I860. .6358.18 Charities of 1860 . . 6340a.4 Annals of primary school committee. Wightman 1860 . . 6357.6 Washingtonian home; hist. Harrisson . 1860 . . 1116.1 Sketches and bus. directory. 1860-1 . . [1860] . 4391.16 Franklin Typogr. Society. Sketch of history. Squire 1860 . . 6123.1 2d rep. of U. S. Commissioners on har bor 1860 . . . have The office of City Solicitor; a report . .1860. . .have Federal St. meeting boose; memorial. Gannett 1S60 . 5542.53+ Episc. Chant. Soc. Constit n, etc, ; me moir by Boyle 1860 . . 7571.24 ! i St. Church. Memorial vol. . . . 1860 . . 2354.16 Church of Disciples. Mr. Clarke s 50th birthday 1860 . 4339a,10 28 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Recollections of "Washington s visit. Sumner (1860 ?) N. D. . . have Reminiscences of Hancock, etc. Sumner. (1860?) N.D. . . have Appeal of llie old elm (verses) 1860 Society for Theol. Education. Address, hist, sk., etc 1860 . . 5595.12 Boston Wharf Co. (extract from Opin ions, etc.), p. 3 I860?. . have Back Bay lands; financial effect of re serving. Ross 1861 . . . have Report on a free city hospital 1861 . . . have Boston Soc. of Nat. hist. : objects and claims 1861 . . . huve Emmanuel Church: A year of church work. Huntington 1861 . . . have Mass. Char. Fire Soc. : by-laws, etc. . . 1861 . . . have Church of Advent. Sermons, 17th an- niv. Bolles 1861 . . 5452.64 30 years of Boston ; an address. Hale . 1861 . . 5574.8 Historical sketch 1861 . 4459a.23 Arlington St. Church : discourse, dedi cation. Gannett [1861?] - North Russell St. M. E. Ch. King. . .1861 Marine Soc y. Const n; hist, for 100 years 1861 . . 5956.9 Old South Church; Chronicles 1861? Park St. Church. Semi-centennial . . . 1861 . . 2354.14 Bulh nch St. Society: historic sketch. Alger 1861 . 4496.1+ Old South Church. Consecration of flag. 1861 . 4310a.l2 Society for aged, etc., clergymen; ex tracts, etc 1862 . . 5576.59 Horse railroad guide. Russell 1862 Old South Ch. : pastor s memorial (Blag- den) 1862 . . 2354.17 Cor. stone new city hall 1862 . 6350a.24 Federal St. Ch. : brief history of parish ioners, etc 1862 . . 4435.10 Closing report; and 25 years in Boston. Tliwing 1862 . . . have South Cong l Soc.; report of building committee 1862 . . . have Argument for increased prices for city printing. Rollins 1863 . . . have Truancy and compulsory educ.; supple mentary report. Philbrick 1862 . . . have Second report on same. Philbrick . . . 1863 . . . have Recruiting system of Boston 1863 . . . have Report on Back Bay streets, etc 1863 . . . have Met. police bill, argument for. Ellis . 1863 . . . have Same. Argument against. Amory . . 1863 . . . have Female asylum. Account, act, etc. . . . 1863 . . 5570.12 12th Cong. Soc y, hist, sketch. Pray. .1863. .2354.18 South Cong. Ch. Ray 1863 Boston Shamrock Society. Constitution and members 1863 . . 4459a.8 Old South Ch., Chronicles. [Bigelow.] 1863 . 5549.6+ 29 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. New Eng. Guards, half centennial . . . 1863 Report. Hancock House 1863 . . have Soc. of New Jerusalem ; Sketch . . . .1863 Boston Harbor. Gould 1863 . . 4396.72 List of printed maps of Boston. Shurt- leff 1863 . . . have Beacon Hill Monum t, circular 1864. .4451.23 Trinity church : extracts from Price will, and arguments vs. Trin. Ch. . .1861. . .have Boston Union Mission Soc. 4th anniv. . 1864 . . . have Arlington St. Church: Sermon. 40th year of ministry. Gannett 1864. . 7440.9 Banquet to Adm. Lessoft sky 1864 . . . have Report on prisons, etc., and alleged abuses 1864 . . 6348.8 Parker Fraternity. Account, etc. . . . 1864 1st Univ. meeting.house. Hist, discourse. Silloway 1864 Report on street begging 1864. .6348.15 City Hospital. Dedication, etc 1864.6348.12+ Description, etc 1865 . . 6348.12 The streets and squares on the Back Bay 1865 ? . . have Harbor. Communications, etc., by U. S. Comm rs 1865 . 6340a.27 Chronol. hist, of watch and police. Sav age 1865 . . 6348.1 Boston sights ( Sights" of 1857, with new title). Midgley 1865 . . 4359.15 1st Bapt. Ch. 200th anniv. address. Ncale 1865 Inaug. of statue of H. Mann 1865 List stockholders in nat l banks .... 1865 . . 5647.24 Same 1866 . . 5642.14 Journal by Leach, 1775 1865 New South Ch. 50th anniv. discourse. Ellis 1865 . 4395.73+ Annex n of Roxbury. Arg. for remon strants. Avery 1865 . . 4354.10 Baldwin Place meeting-house. Memorial ser. Eddy 1865 City Hall. Dedication 1865 . 7340a.l+ Handel and Haydn Soc. 50th anniv. ad dress. Upham 1865 . . 8048.1 Boston Deaf Mute Christian Associa tion : hist 1865 . . . have Account of supplies sent to Savannah, etc 1865 . . . have Safe Deposit Co. Act to incorporate, and statement 1865 . . . have Prospectus 1866 . . . have E. B. Ferry Co.; argument vs. Bowker, etc. Scudder 1866 . . . have Union club; constitution, by-laws, mem- bers 1868 . . . have Same 1883 The City Hall, etc 1866 . 6350.1+ Manual for overseers of poor 1866. .6354.50 30 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Theol. Institution : sketch of history . . 1866 Keport on occupation of South Boston flats 1866 . 6340a.29 Defence of merchants of. Hooper . . . 1866 Supplement to laws and ordinances . . 1866 . . 6451.7 Guide (also with date 1867, etc.). Pulsi- fer 1866. .1638.11 Exposition of the J. D. & M. Williams fraud. Goodrich 1866 Reply to Hon. S. Hooper (Williams wine frauds). Goodrich Franklin Fund. Sketch. McCleary . . 1866 . 4452.1+ General regulations of the wharves . . 1866 . . . have Incomes of citizens (Traveller extra) . . 1866 . . 4452.9 Same 1867 . . 4452.25 Harbor comm rs. 1st an. report .... 1867 . 6340a.29 Pub. Library; protest against opening on Sunday. Fowler 1867 Scots Charit. Soc y. Condition ; extracts of records 1867 . . 7578.1 Pub. Library : arg. for opening reading room Sunday p. m. Ellis 1867 By-ways to hell (North Street) 1867 Soc y of Nat. Hist. Annual; historical sketch 1868 . . 7832.5 West Church ; discourse, 30 yrs. Bartol. 1867 . . 5452.64 Reception of the President 1867. . .have Dedication of soldiers and sailors monu ment in Mt. Hope Cemetery 1867. . .have Plan, etc. for improving harbor. (Em erson?) 1867. . .have To the people of East Boston (by the Ferry Co.) 1868 . . . have History of introduction of pure water. Bradlee 1868 . . 6330a.2 Abstract of address (for Marginal Rail road.) Crane 1868 English High Sch. Past and present members 1868 . . 4395.65 1st Ch., Chauncey st. Last sermons. Ellis 1868 Functions of a city; oration, 4th July, 1868. Eliot 1868 Yankee tea-party. Watson 1868 . . . have Address of Gov. Bullock to the council on south bay flats and documents . . 1868 . . . have Protest against Commonwealth s claim to the harbor flats. Adams 1868 . . . have Old South Ch. Poor fund, etc. Ballard. 1868 . . 4354.4 Report of a French Prot. Refugee, 1687 ? Translated by Fisher 1868 . . 4503.24 Charters and locations of street railways. 1869 . 6340a.l7 Society of New Jerusalem. Semi cen tennial 1869 Views. (Plates and text) 1869 . 4459a.ll Emanuel Ch. Conclusion of ministry. Huntington 1869 . . 7452.42 Plan for a public park. Crocker. . . [1869?] 31 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Guide Book. Brown 1869 . . 4459.5 Strangers new guide 1S69 . . . have Brief statement (Roxbury creek) . . .1869. . .have Mass. Char. Mech. Assoc. : Report on apprentices 1869 . . . have Y. M. Chr. Union; account 1869?. . have Annex, of Dorchester; reports on ... 1869 . . 6344.12 Closing argument for, by Train .... 1869 . . 6344.12 Closing argument against, by Harris . 1869 . . 6344.12 Peace Jubilee. Official bulletin . . . .1869.4452.11+ National peace jubilee and musical re porter 1869 . . 4452.11 Old South Ch. Memorial discourses. Blagden 1870 . . 5544.50 List of pastors, officers, etc 1870 . . 4453.6 Extracts from Goelet s journal, 1746-50. Ed. by Hoyt 1870 . . . have Brattle St. Ch. ; account of incorporation and other documents 1870 . , The Parker House (acc t), p. 13 . . . .1870. . Mech. Appren. Lit. Asso.; J centennial . Ib70 . , Museum of Fine Arts. Act, by-laws, etc 1870 . . . have Terminal facilities, railroads north side of Boston 1870 . . . have Boston Massacre. History, reprinted. Kidder 1870 . . 4422.12 Map and description of proposed park. Crocker 1870 . . . have Redman Farm, History of. Ames . . . 1870 . . 4454.12 Garrison mob, Papers on. Lyman . . . 1870 . . 4154.20 St. Andrew s Royal Arch Chap. Cele bration 1870 K. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. 25th annlv. ad dress. Slafter . 1870 Warren Ave. Church. Quar. centennial. Eddy 1871 . . 5452.64 3d suppl. report on truancy, etc. Phil- brick 1871 . . . have Boston Marine Society : constitution, laws, hist 1871 . . . have 73 years in stock market. Martin . . .1871. .5642.28 Celebration 4th July, 1871. DeVoe . . 1871 . . 4452.8 Episcopal Char. Society. Memoir, etc. Boyle 1871 Annex n of Ch n and Somerville. Mor ton 1871 . . 4454.22 Boston North End Mission (acc t of) . . 1871 . . . have History of national peace jubilee. Gil- more 1871 . . . 294.9 Topographical, etc., description. Shurt- leff 1871 . 4451.19+ Same, 2d ed. Shurtleff 1872 . . . 222.4 Boston in the future; its park grounds, etc. [Kelley?] 1871. .4454.24 Memorial of church in Brattle square, etc. Lothrop 1871 . . . have English High school. Half centennial .1871. .4395.65 32 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Trinity Ch. : objections to bill for selling land, etc 1871 . . . have Extracts from church deeds [1871?] . . have Address; Encroachments in harbor. Sleeper 1872 . . . have Report of joint harbor and railroad commission 1872 . . . have Somerset club; const n and by-laws, etc. 1872 . . . have Same 1870 Hanover church. Palmer 1872 . . . have Co-op. Building Co. 1st Ann. rep. . . .1872. . .have Boston Soc. for Med. Observ. Constitu tion, members, etc 1872 . . . have Historical, summary of fires in Boston. Whitmore 1872 Argument and evid., petition of Middle sex It. U. Co 1872 . . . have Most beautiful city, etc. Essay and plan. Copeland 1872 . . . have Paul Lunt s diary, May-Dec., 1775. Green 1872 . . 4415.50 Handbook of World s peace jubilee . .1872. . 4458.4 Report of joint committee on Miller s river nuisance 1872 . . . have Story of the great fire. Coffin .... 1872 . 2359.50+ The great fire. Chandler & Co 1872 . . 4452.10 Burning of Boston. (Verses.) Rice . . 1872 . . 4452.10 Illustrated 1872. 4457.5+ Same 1873 . . 4457.6 Same 1875. 4457.7+ Fire Dep t, Report and evidence on reor ganization 1873 . . 6357.52 Christ Ch. Hist, account. Burroughs . 1874 . . 5543.54 Report of Comm rs on great fire .... 1873 . 2356.52+ James Freeman and King s Chapel. Foote 1873 . . 5542.57 Past, present and future of; speech ou annexations. Potter 1873 . . . have Rep. on corp. punishment in schools . . 1873 . . . have Beschrijving van den grooten brand. (Amsterdam) 1873 Letter on Mr. Cumston and English High School. Waterston 1873 . . . have Complimentary banquet to Lt. Col. Fludyer, etc., by Artillery Co 1873 . . . have History of the great fire. Conwell . . . 1873 . . . 243.2 The Boston fire. Frothingham .... 1873 . . 2359.53 Old landmarks, etc. Drake 1873 . 2359.52+ Report of commission on annex 1873 . . 6354.51 Boston pier, or Long Wharf centen l . 1873 . . 2352.53 First .Church. 20 years anniv. sermon. E11U 1873. .5452.64 Police records and recoll ns. Savage . 1873 . 2352.66+ St. Andrew s lodge. Memorial of half century. Moore 1873 . . 3567.54 Proc gs Mass. Hist. Soc. 100th tea anni- .versary 1874 . . . have North street beacon light 1874 . . . have 33 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Identity of street railways and high way 1874 . . . have Old South Church ; tax-exemption no ex cuse, etc. Quincy 1874 . . . have Old South Ch.: deeds, etc. (Norton gift). 1874. . .have Old South Church: arguments and evi dence in favor of preserving 1874 . . . have Rep. on additional supply of water . . .1874. . .have Report of medical commission on Sud- bury, etc.. water 1874. . .have Commencement, etc. of music in pri mary schools 1S74 . . . have 100th anniversary of destruction of tea. Kimball 1874 . . . have Boston Y. M. Chr. Asso. Bazaar of the Nations. 1874 . . . have Franklin Typog. Soc. Semi-centennial. 1875 . . . have Mass. Char. Mech. Asso. Sugg, on new building 1875 . . . have Index to City documents, 1834-74. Bug- bee 1875. B. H. desk, A.35+ Sanitary Condition. (Rep. of Mod. Com.) Buckingham, etc 1875 . . . have Memorial of Jesse Lee and the Old Elm. Hamilton 1875 . . 2359.58 Souvenir of 1775. Portt*, etc 1875 . . 2350.12 Celebration, Centennial of Bunker Hill. Bugbee 1875 . . 2351.52 New Pocket Guide 1875. 2359a.4o Report on David Sears Charity .... 1875 . . 5575.68 Conductor to attractive places, etc. . . N. D. Old South Soc. r*. Crocker et al. Evi dence 1876 . . 5544.65 Evacuation memorial 1876 . 2351.57+ Boylston. Hist, sketch. Davenport .... 1831 . . 4354.23 Cong. Ch. and ministry. Sunford . . . 1853 Bradford. 2d Church. Letters from 1st Ch. in Gloucester, and reply 1744 Brief narrative, etc. (against Mr. Balch.) (Bayley?) 1746 H.28.52+ Vindic n of 2d Ch. Balch 1746 Discourse and hist. Perry 1821 Braintree. Century sermons. Hancock . 1739 Same, reprint . 1811 It-t Cong. Ch. Report of committee, etc. Quincy. etc 1"53 1st Parish. Result of a late eccl. council. [1792?] 1st Ch. ; covenant and hist, notices . . . 1830 . . 5498.10 Iron works (appendix to Vinton memo rial). Vinton 1857. .4338.18 New town hall, address. Adams .... 1858 1st Cong. Ch., his 50th auniv. Storrs . . 1861 . . have Sermon, 60 anniv. of settlement. Storrs.1871 . . 5452.64 Branford, Ct. Plain narrative, etc., case of Mr. Robbins. Robbing 1747 . H.26.68 Brattleboro , Vt. Attractions of; glimpses of past and present. Burt 1866 34 Shelf. No. Bridgeton, Me. Address, dedic. of town- house. Cram 1852 Bridgewater. Hist. disc. Huntington . . 1820 Geneal. etc., with hist, sketch. Cary. . 1824 . . 2337.54 Century sermon. Sanford 1835 History. Mitchell 1840. 2356.7+ Letter from inhab sof Bridgewatcr, Kng., and reply 1847 Statement of facts (Trinity Ch.) . . . .1848. . .have A few facts, etc., on anti-church party . 1850 . . 7450.20 200th anniversary 1856 . . 2356.6 Scotland Cong. Ch., manual, history, etc. 1863 1st Cong. Soc. ; half centennial. Hodges. 1871 . . 5548.51 Brighton. Evergreen cemetery; address. Whitney 1850. .4355.73 Address, funeral of Mrs. Champney. Whitney 1855 . . 4347.6 Soldiers monument, address. Whitney. 1866 . . 4450a.9 Dr. Clark s report on slaughter-houses . 1866 . . . have Mr. Ingalls argument for annexation . . 1870 . . . have Objoctions to new abattoir company . .1870? . .have Comments on objections 1870? . . have Brimfield. Popish hierarchy, etc. Brown.1798 Authentic copy of result of council, etc. 1801 Remarks on doings of council 1801 Hist, discourse 1829 Annals of the church in 1859 Memorial sermon. Vaill 1864 Bristol Co. directory and history. Dudley . 1872 Bristol, Conn. Hist, sermon. Griggs . . . 1858 Hist address. Peck 1859 Discourses, 50th anniv. of Deacon Ives . 1859 Bristol, Me., Bremen and Pemaguid. Johnston 1873 . . 2335.60 Boothbay, etc. Petition to Mass. Legis. on land titles 1810 Bristol, Pa. Br. Borough. Bache .... 1853 Bristol, R. I. Account of settlement, etc. [Stiles?] 1785 1st Baptist Ch.; hist, discourse, 50th anniv. Hubbard 1861 Historical discourse, leaving old church. Shepard 1857 Discourse, dedication of new church. Shepard 1857 Memorial of ministry of 25 years. Shepard I860 Brookfield. Thankfull remembrance of God s mercy, etc. Wheeler 167B Remarkable providences, etc. Sermon. Fiske 1776 . . 4465.18 Same, reprinted. Fiske 1860 . 7440b.26 (West) Historical discourse. Foote . .1829. 7440b.26 Same, with additions. Foote 1843 . . 4359.43 Decision of supreme court on sacra mental furniture 1832 Hist, discourse, 40th year of ministry. Snell 1838 1st Bapt. Church ; hist, sketch . . . . [184-] 35 Shelf. No. Brookfield, continued. Octogenarian s birthday memor. Stone. 1850 Remin. of half century pastorate. Stone. 1851 Discourse, with hist, sketches. Snell . 1854 Centennial 1860 (West) 1st Church; hist, discourse. Dunham 1868 . . 4457.1 Bi-centen l oration, July 4, 1860. Whiting. 1869 Brookline. Century discourse. Pierce . . 1806 . 5452.64+ Sermons, old and new meeting-houses. Pierce 1806 . . 7440.13 Sermon, ohit. of S. Hammond. Homer . 1816 Century discourse, church. Pierce . . . 1818 . 5460a.51 Reminiscences of 40 years. Pierce . . . 1837 . 4163.6+ Distances of streets, etc. Woodward . 1844 Town hall; address at opening. Pierce. 1846 . 4129.50+ 1st Cong. Ch. ; jubilee discourse. Pierce.1847 . 5460a.51 New year s discourse " 1758 and 1858." Hedge 1858. . 5460a.5 Baptist Church ; history 1861 Longwood: Christ s Ch.; organization . 1863 . . 5549.5 Longwood : Christ s Ch., brief sketch .1868. . .have Case of Mr. Walther 187 2 . . . have Town hall; dedication, etc 1873. .2352.54 Address. Winthrop 1873 . . . have Recollections. Goddard 1873 . . 2465.0 Historical sketches. Woods 1874 . . 2355.52 Records of Muddy Brook and 1875 . . . have Brookline, X. II. Centennial oration. Saw- telle 1869 . . . have Brooklyn, Ct. Half centennial sermon. Whitney 1806 Review of eccl. proceedings. Willson . 1818 . .5543.55 Report of trial of Miss Crandall .... 1833 Same : Report of arguments in error . 1834 Old Trinity Church; sermon, 100th an niversary. Fogg [1871 ?] . 5542.66 Brooklyn, N. Y. Notes. Furman .... 1824 Same, reprinted. Furman 1865 Charters and doc s 1836 Battle of L. Island; a lecture. Ward . 1840 Historical sketches. Bailey 1840 1st Presb. Church : difficulties, 1838-40. [1840?] St. Ann s Church, 1784 to 1845. Fish . . 1845 Clerical soc y. : const n, members, etc. . 1845 . . . have St. Thomas Church: plain statement, etc 1853 and King s Co. record. Smith 1855 Plymouth Church : revival of 1858 . . . 1859 Report on city drainage 1859 . . . have Park Presb. Church : manual, and hist. sketch 1860 andL. I. fair 1864 History. Btiles 1867-70 4373.15 Corporation manuals, 1867, 1868. Water works and sewers; a memoir . .1867. . 4470.1 Church of Holy Trinity : discourse, com pletion of towr, etc. Drowne . . . 1868 L. I. hist. soc. : 5th an. rep 1S68 . . . have 36 Shelf. No. Brooklyn, K. Y., continued. Hist, and antiq. scenes. Field 1868 Church of the Saviour: 25th anniv. Put nam 1869 . . 2452.64 - Battle of Long Island. Field 1869 L. I. hist, soc., members, sketch, etc. . . 1875 . . . have Broome Co., N. Y. History . 1867 Brunswick, Me. (Plymouth and Pippscot or Pejepscot Companies.) Statement of title of proprietors of Brunswick . 1752 Remarks on plan, etc., by proprietors, etc., p. 8 [1753] . H.26.17 Conspectus of laws on land titles, p. 4 Answer to Remarks on plan, etc., p. 33. 1753 - Defence of Remarks on plan, etc., p. 50. 1753 . . JI.26.3 The controversy as to the titles, etc. 2 pamphlets 1752-3 Description of, in letters from, p. 28. [Putnam] . . . [1823 ?J Report of survey of water power. Bald win 1836 Bowdoin college : religious history of. Smith , 1858 1st Cong. Ch.: confession, hist, sketch, etc 1872 Buffalo, N. Y. Memorial on termination of Erie Canal 1821 In 1825. Ball 1825 Directory, and sketch of hist. 1801-28 . 1828 Directory, with address by Salisbury . 1863 (The address separate, p. 41.) Salis bury 1863 Directory, with Hosmer s Physiog. of B. and Dorr s Lake Commerce 1864 . . 6390b.l Directory, with Norton s " Ferry at Black Rock " 1865 . . 6390b.l (" Ferry," etc., separate) p. 19. Norton. 1863 . . . have Directory, with Salisbury s Manuf g position in 1865; and Early residents. 1866 . . 6390b.l Directory, with Dart s Grain Elevators, Grand Island, etc 1867 . . 6390b.l 1st Cong. Church : origin and progress. Martyn 1834 1st Presb. Ch. : brief summary, etc. ; hist. sketch 1838 Same, enlarged edition 1852 Commerce of the lakes: brief sketch, etc. Barton 1847 . Ph.v.195 Free-soil convention : report. Dyer . . 1848 Discussion on Buffalo Hospital (Lord & O Rielly) 1850 . . . have In 1836 and 1852. p. 41 1852 ? Affaires de 1 eglise do St. Louis, p. 4 . . 1853 . . . have Advertiser trade statement 1857 & 1858 . have Manufactories of, in 1859 1859 To manufacturers, etc., brief notice, p. 10 1860 . . . have 1st Unitar. Ch. : history, etc 1861 . . 5543.16 Express trade statement 1861 . . . have 37 Shelf. No. Buffalo, X. Y., continued. Report on vessels, etc 1802 . . .. have 1st Church : half-century sermon. Clarke 1862 Hist, of pub. schools; an address. Steele.1863. . .have American express, and Buffalo. Wells . 1863 . . . have History. Ketchum 1864-5 . 4371.15 Manuf. of iron in. Wilkeson 1804 . . . have Manuf. interests nnd sketch of hist. . . 1866 Same, 2d ed. . . . . . 1866. . .have City sewerage. Steele 1866 . . . have 8t. Paul s cathedral: histor. sermon. Shelton 1867? . have Old settlers festival 1867 Geology of. Hayes 1869 . . . have Norm, school : cor.-stone 1869. . .have Bd. of trade. History, p. 16. Guthrie . 1870 Catholic institute: 1st report: history, etc 1872 . . 4386.73 Board of trade statistics, etc 1873 . . 5642.29 Same 1874 . . . have Young Men s Asso. : 25th anniv. date? Bunker Hill. See under Charlestown. Burlington, N. J. Hist, of the Church. Hills. 1876 . . 3541.50 Burlington, Vt. 1st Cong. Soc y : farewell sermon. Ingersoll 1844 . . 7453.2 Univ. of Vt. : Half-centennial 1854 . . 2387.1 . 1st Cong. Church: jubilee 1867. . have Exercises, unveiling Allen s statue . . . 1874 . . 2344.63 Burrillville, H. I. As it was and is. Keach. 1856 . . . have Burton, X. II. Report on cattle disease. Dana 1822 Butler Co., O. Pioneer biography, etc. McBride 1863-71 . 4441.5 Buxton, Me. Centennial address. Wil liams 1850 Records of church under Mr. Coffin. Woodman 1868 . . 5543.29 Records of proprietors, 1733 to 1811. Goodwin 1871 . . 2336.53 Centennial anniversary. Marshall . . . 1874 . . 2337.58 Byberry and Moreland, Pa. History. Martindale 1867 Cairo, 111. Circular on city property in . . 1847 Engineer s reports, etc., on 1847 Capt. Long s report on 1850 In 18J6 N.D. . . 4376.7 Past, present and future of 1858 Caldwell, N. J. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, survey. Berry 1871 Cambridge: (Harvard University) .... Kute. Not including many catalogues and other regular annual publications. Testimony against prophaneness of dis putes at commencement. Croswell . 1760 Account of fire (broadside) ...... 1764 Brief remarks on satyrical drollery (at commencement). Croswell . . . . . 1771 38 Shelf. No. Cambridge, continued, Letter to Rev. A. Croswell by Simon the tanner 1771 - Narrative of proceedings of corporation on disorders 1807 . . . have Statement of facts by the students . . 1807 . . . have - - Constitution of : and appendix 1812. . .have Petition against bill for overseers . . . 1812 . . . have Narrative of controversy (Morse and Adams) 1814 - Appeal to the public on revolution in. Morse 1814 . . 2387.5 Appeal to the world on same. Adams. 1814 Some notice of remarks, etc. Higginson. 1814 Review of the Appeal, by an alumnus . 1814 Plants, etc., in botanic garden. Peck . 1818 . . . have Documents on, with cursory remarks . 1820 . . . have Report on const, rights, etc. Webster . 1821 . . . have Account of the medical school .... 1824? . . have Further remarks on Memorial, etc., by an alumnus 1824 . . . have Remarks on changes in. Ticknor . . . 1825 . . . have Address. Monument to Harvard. Ever ett 1828 - Facts and documents. Hollis 1829 Letter to Gov. Lincoln. 2d ed. Gray . 1831 . . 2387.4 - Regulations for voluntary studies . . . 1833 . . . have . History. Peirce 1833 . . 2387.6 Memorial of graduates. Farmer . . . 1833 Circular of senior class 1834 . . . have Proceed gs of overseers on disturbances. 1834 . . . have - Remarks on the report, etc. (disturb ances) 1834 . . . have Inaugural : notes. Greenleaf 1834 . . . have - Letter to corporation on proposed changes in constitution 1835 . . . have Constitutional articles, etc. (as to over seers) 1835 . . . have Letters on. Wood 1837 . . . have History : 1st ed. Quincy 1840 Discourse to alumni, 200th anniv. Story. 1842 . . 4475.14 Report on tilling vacancies (overseers). 1845 . . . have Reports on diminishing cost of instruc tion 1845 . . . have Speech to overseers on Mr. Bancroft s report. Quincy 1845 . . . have Annual circular to Medical Department, and history 1846 . . . have And its benefactors 1846 . . . have Remarks on the triennial. Dabney . . 1848 ? . . have Historical sketch. Eliot 1848 . . 2387.10 Memorial against bill for new organiz n. 1851 . . .have Memorial on recent history, etc. (same as preceding) 1851 . Ph.v.453 The astronomical observatory. Mitchell. 1851 . . .have Memorial of corporation on theological school and college 1852 (Letter to overseers on Judge Loring s case) date ? . . have 39 Shelf. No. Cambridge, continued. Catalogue of Institute of 1770 1857 . . . have Report to alumni association on college library 1858 . . . have / Letter on state of library. Sibley . . .1859. . .have - Museum of comp. zool. : charter, etc. . 1859 . . . have History. Quincy 1860 . 2387.12+ Museum of comp. zool. : 1st report and doc s 1861 . . . have Same; annual reports, 1862-1871 have / Report to overseers on library 1862 . . . have Report of committee on perfect copy of charter 1862 . . . have Xecrology of alumni, 1851-2 to 1862-3. Palmer 1864 Roll of students who served in rebellion. 1865 . , .have Notices of the catalogues. Sibley . . . 1865 / Librarian s report, 15 July, 1864. Sibley. 1865 . . .have Report on permanent memorial .... 1866 . . . have Divinity school; address, half centen nial. Gannett 1867 . . . have . Proceedings of overseers on library . . 1867 . . . have Roll of students who served in re bellion. 2d ed. Brown 1869. . .have- Addresses. Inaug. of Pres. Kliot . . . 1869 . . . have , On the new catalogue of the library. Cutter 1869 . . . have Report to overseers on condition, etc. . 1869 . . . have Memorial Hall : address, corner-stone. Hoar 1870 . . . have Law school. Parker 1871 . . . have Boylston Mod. Soc. Catalogue (others also) . . . .1871- . .have Report on nominating overseers (by Hare s method) 1872 . . . have Examinations for women 1874. . .have Harvard book. Vaille and Clark . . . 1875 . . 4380.3 Laws of 1655; introduction by 8. A. Green, M. D 1876 . . 4381.52 Cambridge : (town and city). History. Holmes 1801 .. 2354.51 Historical sermons. Holmes 1801 Sermon, termination of a century, etc. Kendall 1813 New almshouse : discourse. Holmes . . 1818 Humane Society: by-laws and account . 1819 . . . have 3d Cong. Ch. : dedication sermon. Low ell 1828 1st Parish : controversy, etc. By parish committee (Cambridge) 1829 Account of controversy, etc. (Boston) . 1829 Address, bi-centennial. Everett .... 1830 1st Parish : last service in old meeting house. Xewell 1834 . . . have Report on reorg. of public schools . . . 1834 . . . have Mt. Auburn guide 1839 Humane Soc y : by-laws and accounts . 1841 . . . have 40 Shelf. No. Cambridge, continued. 1st Church. With list of members. Albro 1842 Report on West Boston and Canal bridges 1843 . . . have Epitaphs. Harris 1845 1st Church : hist, sermon. Newell . .1846. . .have Mt. Auburn illustrated. Walter .... 1847 Stranger s guide-book 1849 . . 2389.14 History of. 4th edition. Dearborn . 1850 Report on 1st Parish and Harvard Col lege 1851 History. Paige date? Humane Soc y ; by-laws and accounts . 1853 . . . have Same 1858 . . . have Circular, Dec. ,1853 . . ^ 1853. . .have Cemetery : consecration address. Albro. 1854 Humane Soc y : agent s report Sawyer. 1854 . . . have Citizens, etc. vs. R. R. companies : no tice of Argument," etc 1855? . .have 1st Church: quarter century sermon. Newell 1855 Account of some of the bridges, etc. . . 1858 . . . have Christ Ch. : sermon and historical- notice. Hoppin 1858 . . 4454.3 Connection of city and water-works. Green 1858 . . . have Mt. Auburn handbook 1858 East Cambridge and Cambridgeport. Simpson 1859 Mt. Auburn : history. Bigelow .... 1860 - Guide. 4th edition 1860 1st Baptist Church; brief history ; mem bers I860 Commem. of his 25th anniv. Albro. .1860. . 4454.3 Sermon, on his 21st anniv. Hoppin . . 1861 . . 4454.3 T- Christ Church; 100th anniversary ser mon, etc. Hoppin 1861 Mt. Auburn : history. Flagg 1861 . Memorial 1861 . . 4430.7 Union Railway Co. : petition to council. 1862? . . have (West C.) Historical address (on Apr. 19, 1775). Smith 1864 . . 4429a.4 Address of School Committee on corpo- ral punishment 1866 . . . have 2d Baptist Church : history. Donallan . 1866 1st Church: dedication. Ellis 1369 Memorial of revol. war (Lexington, etc.) 1870 . . 4454.14 Soldiers monument; proceedings of city government 1870 . . . have West Boston and Canal street bridges; hearing and Muzzey s argument . . . 1870 . . . have Argument for annexation. Morton . . 1871 . . . have Old and new. Amory 1871 Squire s establishment; closing argu- ment. Muzzey 1872 . . . have And Somerville; joint report on Miller s river, etc 1872 . . . have 41 Shelf. No. Cambridge, continued. Petition of Mayor to fill up Miller s river basin 1872 . . . have Miller s river; closing argument on basin. Muzzey 1872 . . . have Arguments of Derby, Lincoln, Muzzey. 1872 . . . have General Washington s head-quarters in. Deane 1872 Mt. Auburn; guide through 1873 Trade list; and history of Riverside press. Kurd & Houghton 1876 Cambridge, N. Y. Centennial. Smart & Noble 1874 . . 2353.39 Cambridgeport. Sermon, ordination of Mr. Gannett. Holmes 1814 Letter to Evang. Cong. Church. Far- well, etc 1837 1st Cong: Church; dedication services. SU-arns 1852 Discourse. Mr. Gannett s 50th anniver sary. Ware 1864 . . 4454.3 Historical sermon. Gannett 1864 Camden, Me. 1st Cong. Ch. ; half-century address. Chase 1855 Sketches of history. Locke 1859 . . 2339.11 Camden, N. J. Act of incorporation, etc. and historical reminiscences 1857 Local history. Fisler 1858 Campton, N. H. Centennial 1868 Early history (also in " Centennial "). Willey 1869 Canaan, Conn. Anniversary sermon at South Canaan. Prentice 1830 Candia, N. H. History. Eaton 1852 . . 4339.14 Cannelton, Ind. Natural advantages, etc. . 1850 Canterbury, Conn. Sermon on the earth quake. Cogswell, [lite?] 1855 Canterbury, N. H. Historical sermon. Patrick 1834 Canterbury and Enfleld, N. H. Leg islative report on exam, of Shakers . 1849 Canton. Sermon, Ordination of Mr. Kichey. Dunbar 1809 Baptist memorial. Brown 1865 History of the Redman farm 1870 . . . have Canton, Conn. Genealogical sketches. Brown 1856 Dedication sermon. Halleck 1815 Canton and Norfolk, Conn. Narratives of reform. Hallock date? Cape Ann, Landing at. Thornton .... 1854 . 2321. 1-f- Cape Cod. Description. (Freeman) . . . 1802 . . 4355.45 - Centennial anniv., p. 92 1840 . . 2356.19 Centennial discourse, p. 71. Palfrey . . 1840 . . 2356.19 Same. 2d ed. Palfrey 1840 Cape Cod Asso. ; constitution; 1st anniv. 1854 Report of com tee on harbor 1857 . . . have Argument on harbor. Sears 1858 . . . have History. Freeman 1858-62 2350.9 42 Shelf. No. Cape Cod, continued. Report on ship canal across 1860 Discovery of an ancient ship, p. 10. Otis . 1864 Wreck of the Sparrowhawk in 1620, p. 65.1865 Cape May Co., N. J. Early days of. Bees- ley 1857 Carlisle, Pa. Dickinson College : narrative, by trustees 1830 Regulations, etc., of com. schools . . . .1839 Charter, etc., with early history .... 1841 Carroll Co., Ind. Recollections of early settlement. Stewart 1872 . . 2379.65 Casco Bay, Me. Chronicles. Colesworthy . 1850 . . 2339.4 Castine, Me. Journal of siege in 1779. Calef 1781 and the old coins found there. William son 1859 . . 4338.18 Hancock Lodge ; history date ? C. ( Penobscot and Brooksville. History. Wheeler 1875 . . 2372.59 Castleton, N. Y. St. Paul s Church: reply to " Case," etc 1849 Catskill, N. Y. Description and nat. advan tages 1836 History of Catskill Association .... 1837 Catskill Mts., N. Y. Scenery, legends, history. Rockwell 1873 Cattaraugus Co., N". Y. Old pioneers of. Manley 1857 Cayuga Co., N. Y., in the field. Hall . . 1873 . . 2326.55 Centre, etc., Counties, Pa. History of. Rupp 1847 Chambersburg, Pa. In colony and revo lution. Garrard 1856 . . 4372.4 Burning of, p. 76. Schenk 1864 Champaign Co., O. History. Antrim . . 1872 Roll of Honor. Brand 1876 Champlain. See Lake Champlain. . Champl am Valley, N.Y. Hist. Watson. 1863. .2337.19 Charlemont. Centennial discourse. White. 1858 . 4338.18+ Charleston, 8. C. Sermon on the earthquake in New Eng land. Smith 1730 . H.18.105 Burning of Sodom : sermon after the fire. Smith 1731 . H.18.261 Representation, etc., on collector Moore. 1767 Extract, etc. : Vice-admiralty proc gs, ship Ann 1768 Asso. of Baptist churches : history. Furmail 1811 1st Presb. Ch. : doc s on controversy . . 1817 Ace. of intended insurrection. Hamilton. 1822 Same, 2d ed. (Charleston) 1822 2d ed. (Boston) 1822 3d ed. (Charleston) 1822 Stranger s guide 1822 Address on defence of Ft. Moultrie. Crafts . . 1825 Two discourses on the great fire. Smyth. 1828 43 Shelf. No. Charleston, S. C.. continued. State rights celebration 1830 Proceedings (citizens), on incendiary machinations, etc 1835 Report on echism in Methodist Church . 1835 Oration, anuiv. of victory at Ft. Moultrie. Fisk (Risk?) 1835 Centcnnnial oration. Toomer 1837 Discourse on hist, of Bapt. Church in. Manly 1837 . . . have Report on sick poor during epidemic . . 1838 Letters, invasion of. Wilkinson .... 1839 . . 4326.29 Interments, 1828 to 1846, etc 1846 Census for 1848 1849 Reminiscences. Fraser 1854 Farewell to old church, etc. Oilman . . 1854 ? South Caro. College : half cent l celebra tion 1?55 Methodism in ; a narrative, etc. Sum mers 1856 Washington Light Inf. : half centennial . 1>57 Census for 1861 1SC1 The siege, etc.; a discourse. Meynardie. 18G4 Reminiscences. Cardozo 1866 . . . have Siege in 1780. Hough 1867 . . 4503.21 Howard Asso. ; in epidemic of 1871 . . 1871 . . . have Newspaper press of. King 1872 Washington Light Infantry; revival of the company, etc 1873 . . . have Oharlestown: (Bunker Hill). Impartial narrative. (Lond.) Clacke 1775 Same, 2d ed. (Lond.) 1775 Sketch of the action, etc. Map. . . .[1775?] The American war : a poem. Cockings. 1781 Historical address, 1801. Austin . . . 1801 Historical sketch. Bnrtlett 1814 Account of the battle. (Philadelphia.) Dearborn 1818 . . 4355.25 Letter to Dearborn (reply to above). Putnam 1818 . . 4325.49 His. and topog. sketch (after Humphreys essay on Life of Putnam). Swett . .1818. .4449.72 Same, separate, a different issue. Swett. 1818 . .4426.12 Enquiry into conduct of Putnam; re marks on Swett. (Child.) 1819.Ph.v.247 Artillery company ; report on filling , etc. 1820 . . 4426.12 Monument Asso. : circular (signed by Webster, etc.) 1824 . 4354.16+ Address of, to selectmen of Mass. . . .1824. .4354.16 Address, corner-stone. Webster . . . 1825 . . 4354.16 Same, 2d, 3d, 4tb, 5th eds. Webster . 1825 Same, reprinted. Webster 1843 . . 4354.16 Same, in French. (Paris.) Webster . 1825 Same, in Spanish. (N. Y.) Webster . 1825 Full and correct account, etc 1825 A particular account, etc. Bradford . . 1825 . 4354.16+ Same; 2d cd. Bradford 1825. .4354.16 Complete and authentic history. (Same as the " account.") Bradford 1825 . Ph.v.234 44 Shelf. No. Charlestown (Bunker Hill), continued. Same, another ed. Bradford 1843 Notes to sketch of battle. Swett .... 1825 . 4358.12+ History of battle. 2d (1st separate) ed. Swett 1826 . 4358.12-t- Same, 3d (2d separate) ed. Swett . . 1827 . 2323.11+ Oration and caucus speech. Emmona . 1827 . . 4354.16 Association. Proceedings, address, sub scription paper (fol.) 1829 Act of incorporation, subscribers, etc. . 1830 . . 4354.16 History of battle. Coffin 1831 Asso.; Report for 1831-2 1832. .4354.16 History of battle of Breed s hill. Coffin. 1835 Stories about Gen. Warren. (Brown) . 1835 . 4409a.30 Hist, address. A. H. Everett 1836 . Ph.v.237 Remarks on the monument. Coues . 1840 . . 4354.16 Oration. Ellis 1841 . . 4355.26 Battle of; a poem. Emmons 1839 Same, 2d ed., N. Y., 1839; a 2d ed., Best., 1841 ; 6th ed. , 1842 ; 10th ed. , 1859 ; another 10th ed., 1862; an other, 1865 ; llth ed., 1867. Sketch of battle and monument. Ellis . 1843 . 4429a.l5 Same 1844 Same, 4th ed. . . 1846 . 4459a.22 Address, completion of monument. Webster 1843 . . 4354.16 Plans and sections of obelisk. Willard. 1843 Veil removed; or Reflections, etc. Fel lows 1843 . . 2347.11 Sketches of battle and monument. Em mons 1844 Panoramic view of, and of monument . 1848 Who was the commander at? Swett . . 1850 . Ph.v.195 Command in. (Keply to Swett). Froth- ingham 1850 . . 4355.44 Oration, 75th anniv. of battle. Edward Everett 1850 . . 4354.16 History of monument. Packard .... 1853 . 4355.22+ Asso. Proposed alteration of Monument avenue, etc 1853 . . 4354.19 Address before Putnam s descendants. Grosvenor 1855? Doubts on the battle. Hudson 1857 . 4359.2+ Strangers guide to monument, p. 15 . . 1857 . . . have Inauguration of statue of Warren . . . 1858 . 2342.9+ Major-Gen. Putnam. Dawson 1859 . . 4501,19 . Ceremonies, by Mqnument Asso. . . .1861 Asso., annual meetings, 1861-1876 4355.87 Original planning, etc., of monument. Swett 1863. .4354.16 Same. Bwett 1864 . . 4354.16 Petition for new avenue 1868 . . . have Arguments for new ave. to monument . 1869 . . 4451.21 Closing argument of Monument Asso. Warren 1869 . . 4451.21 Celebration . 1871 . .4452.7 Account of the battle. Pulsifer .... 1872 . 237.24+ Bunker Hill: letters etc. Drake. . . .1875. .231.6+ Charlestown (town and city), continued. Brochure of. Coolidge 1875 . 237.26+ * Same; 2d ed.- 1875. . .have Celebration at Boston 1875 . . 2351.52 Centennial (newspaper sheet). Rand, A very & Co 1875 . . . have Gen. Putnam at 1875 . . 2353.37 History of. Ellis 1875 . . 231.5+ Address, 17th June. Deveus 1875 . . . have Memorial of. Holmes, etc 1875 . . 231.7+ New history. Wheildou 1875 . . 231.8+ Prescott the commander. Parker . . . 1875 . . 2355.59 Bunker Hill. Frothingham 1875 . 237.25+ Saute, with additions. Frothingham . 1876 . . . have Gen. Putnam the commander, etc. Drake 1875 . . 2353.37 One hundred years ago. Hale 1875 . . 2353.36 Charlestown: (town and city). Thanks giving sermon. Morse 1798 Account of State prison 1806 Asso. for Ref. of Morals : Dr. Morse s discourse, etc 1813 Historical sketch. Bartlutt 1814 State prison : sketch of. Lane 1816 2d centennial : address. Everett .... 1830 . . . have Doc s on Warren Bridge. (State Sen ate) 1833 . . 4354.19 Ursuline Convent: committee s report .1834 . .4353.5 Account, etc. : by friend of toleration . 1834 Hist, of destruction ; trial of rioters . . 1834 Argument before committee. Fay . . . 1835 Memorandum on Post Office. Austin .1835? Ph.v.234 Report of joint committee (Legis.) on Warren Bridge 1835 . . 4354.19 Opinions, U. S. Supreme Ct., on bridges. 1837 Chronicles of Mt. Benedict 1837 . . . have By-laws 1838 . . 4353.5 Ursuline Convent; documents on . . . .1842. .4355.12 Rights of conscience, etc. (Ursuline Con vent). Curtis 1842 Middlesex canal : history. Eddy . . . 1843 1st Church : history. Budington .... 1845 . . 2355.3 History : parts 1-7. Frothingham . . . 1845-9 . 4352 6 By-laws and statutes 1846 Majority report on city charter 1846 . . 4353.5 Rules and orders of council, etc 1847 . . 4353.5 Short history for 44 years. Thompson . 1848 . . 4354.19 Winthrop Church : final report of build ing committee 1849 . . 4354.19 Improvement of Mystic River. Dana . 1851 1st Ch. : hist, ser., 220th ann. Budington. 1852. .4355.10 High st. Baptist Church; history . . .1853 Considerations on annexation. Quincy. 1854 . . . have Brief review of Considerations." (Whcildon) 1854 . . . have Suggestions on annexation . . . . . . 1853 Review of Supreme Court opinion. (Wheildou) 1855. . .have 4(5 4354.19 2355.2 4395.73 . have . have 4354.19 . have 4353.5 Charlestown (town and city), continued. Review of nunnery committee. Hale . 1855 Reminiscences. Sumner 1858 Report on water supply. Baldwin and Stevenson 1860 . Ceremonies, display of national flag . . 1861 . Harvard Ch. : discourse, his 25th anniv. Ellis 1865 . Winchester Home; dedication 1866 . Sabbath Sch. Society; half centennial .1867 Address to legislature against annexa tion. Stone 1868? Naval library and institute: ann. rep, members 1868 . Argument against annexation. Sher- burne 1868 . Maverick Bridge: argument. Wheildon. 18(39 . Harvard Church : discourse, close of ministry. Ellis 1869 . . 4395.73 Ancient colored inhabitants to 1800 . . 1870 . . 4353.5 The Charlestown Convent. Frye? . . .1870. .4454.21 Report on reduction of Bunker Hill . . 1871 . . . have Arg. for annex, to Boston. Morton . .1871. . .have Something of its history. (Byram) . . 1875 . . 2353.40 Charlestown, X. II. History. Crosby . . 1833 Sermon, his 50th anniversary. Crosby . 1860 Soldiers monument; dedic n. Labaree. 1870 Charlestown, W. Va. The capital, etc. Strother 1872 Charlottesville, Va. Univ. of Va. Early history, etc. Jefferson and Cabell . . 1856 Historical sketch, etc 1859 . . 4495.20 Chatham, Conn. Report on cobalt mines. Francfurt 1853 Chautauqua Co.,1?. Y. History. Warren. 1846 Chelmsford. History. Allen 1820 Chelsea. Cary improvement company : char ter, etc 1853 Winnisimmet Church: hist, discourse. Langworthy 1866 . 5470a.39 Chemung Valley, N. Y. Historical sketch. Cheney . . 186S . . .have Chenango Co., N. H. History. Clark. .1850 Cherry Valley, N. Y. Centennial address. Campbell 1840 Cheshire, Conn. St. Peter s Church: his torical discourse. Beardsley 1839 Episc. Acad.; address. 50th anniver sary. Beardsley 1844 . . 4435.8 Chester, N. II. Facts in early history. Bell. 1863 Old C., including Raymond, etc. Chase. 1869 . . 4431.2 Chester, Pa. Address, 169th anniversary. Armstrong 1852 . . . have Chester Co., Pa. Upper Octorara Church : discourse, 150th anniversary. Futhey.1870 Chestertown, Md. Washington College; historical sketch. Benzola date? Chicago, 111. -Annals (lecture). Balestier.1840 . . 4377.7 Massacre of 1812. Kinzie 1844 . . . have Shelf. No. Chicago, 111., continued. Directory; with hist., etc., acc t. Norris.1845 - Report on statistics. Thomas 1847 . . . have Commercial convention ; proceedings . 1847 Report of St. Louis delegates N. D. Memorial and proceedings 1848 Sons of Penna. : festival, etc 1850 Report on supplying water. M Alpine. 1851 . . . have Annual review of business for 1852 . . .1853 Same, for 1853-1860 4377.6 - Chicago and her railroads for 1853 . . . 1854 . . 4377.7 Same, 2d ed 1854 . . . have Same, for 1854-7. Railroads, hist, and commerce. 67 p. . 1854 . . 4374.7 Gcschichte Eisenbahnen und Handel . . 1854 . . . have - Statist, view of 111., with art. on Chic. . 1855 Mercantile record of business 1856 . . 4376.38 5th annual review of commerce. (Demo. Press) 1857 . . 2373.3 Documents on land-grant extension . . 1857 Sewerage: Reports on European cities, etc 1858 . . 4374.7 Historical Society, charter, officers, etc. 18"<8 . . . have 1st annual statement to Board of Trade for 1858. Catlin 1859 Same. 1858 to 1875 4377.5 To merchants of, and railroad managers. 18 >9 Republican convention . 1860 Ministry at large. Collyer . ..... .1860 Presb. Theol. Sem. : inaug. address . . . 1860 12th ami. review of business, for 1860 . .1861 Memorial for national armory 1861 . . 4347.7 Canal convention : proceedings 1803. . 5650a.l Memorial 1863 Necessity of ship canal 1863 . . . have National convention : report on statistics. 1863 . . . have Northwestern soldiers fair 1863 . 4350a.l24 Copperhead convention 1S64 Chicago Tribune as libeller. Ellithorpe.1864 . .7685.12 Democratic convention of 1864. Good- speed 1804 . . 4321.60 C. in 1861 : annual review of trado, etc. . 1865 . . .have X. W. Sanitary fair 1865 - Arms and trophies 1865 Acad. of Science: act, hist, sketch, etc. 1865 . . 4377.7 Great Union stock yards. "Wing . . . 1865 Same; revised ed. Wing 1866 . . 4377.7 Chicago illustrated 1866-7 Strangers , etc.. guide 1866. 4379a.41 - Spirit s oil well : hist. Buffum 1806. .3493.27 - Artesian well. Shufeldt 1866 . . 3943.27 Lake tunnel. Wing 1SC7 . . 4377 7 Chamber of Commerce : 9th annual state ment. Beaty 1867 Guide to 1868 . 4479a.21 Hist, and statist, sketch. Colbert . . . 1868 Chicago after dark 1868 - Repub. convention, May, 1868. Ely . . U6S . . 4422.20 Chicago and her churches. Phillips . . 1868 . . 4377 25 48 Shelf. Nr. Chicago, HI., continued. - C., past, present and future. Wright . 1838 . . 4376 37 Same. Wright 1870 1st exhib. of statuary, etc. ; catalogue .1869. . .have Out of town : suburban residences . . .1869. . 4374.7 - Public grounds. Cleveland 1869 . . 4377.7 Statist, and hist, review 1869 Same, 2d ed. Cleveland 1869 . . . have Pathfinder 1869 - Walks about. Wilkie . . . . .... 1809 . . 1815.9 Tunnel at Washington street 1869 . . . have -- Public parks. Rauch 1869 . . 4377.7 - Medical College: history, p. 20. Johnson. 1870 . . .have - Early newspapers in. Boss 1870 . . 61ICa.4 During an appalling ordeal. (Detroit). 1871 The great conflagration, etc. Sheahan & Upton 1871 - Great Chicago fire. Sewcll 1871 . . 4478.8 Avant, pendant et apres Pincenaie. For- tunio 1871 . . . have Monetary measure ; to rebuild, etc , p. 16. 1871 . . . have Great fires in, and in the West. (Pub. by) Goodspeed 1871 . . 2375 61 Ruined city; or horrors of C., p. 65 . .1871. . .have History of the great fires, etc. (Written by) Goodepeed 1871 . .2375.51 Census report 1871 . . 2383.50 Doomed city, p. 54 1871 . . . have - Bapt. theol. union: hist., etc 1871. .7543.12 - Wright s proposition to a railway cap- . italist, etc. Wright 3871 ... have Message, etc., on military occupation of. Gov. Palmer 1871 . . . have Report of Board of Health, and sanitary history 1871 . . 0385.52 Lost city. Luzerne 1872 Relief and aid soc y. : 1st gen. report . . 1S71 . . .have - Report, 1872 1872 . . . have - Final report 1874 . . 2371.59 C. and the great conflagration. Col bert, etc 1872 . . 2374.50 - Burning of: a poem. Clarke 1872 . . . have Growth of Illinois and. Parker .... 1872 . . . have Chicago s Entwicklung. Schlaeger, etc. 1872 - Masonic B d of Relief. Report 1872 New Ch. : full review of reconstruction . 1872 - Lakeside monthly : fire no., Oct., 1872 . 4378.4 - Chicago number, Oct., 1873 4374.10 GrandLodgeI.O.O.F.,finalreliefreport.1873 . .3564.53 - Rebuilt Chicago 1873 Merch ts and m f rs of 1873.. . 3640.9 - Methodist relief report 1S73 - Tunnels and water system 1874. .3946.59 and suburb.*. Chamberlain 1874 Lit. Club : Bryant celebration 1874 Disbursements for sufferers 1874. .2371.59 Presb. Theol. Sem. : cor. stone 1875 . . . have 5th Presb. Church : manual 1876 . . . have History. Bros* 1876 . . 2373.69 49 Shelf. No. Chicago, 111., continued. 1st Cong. Ch. : quar. cent l. 79 pp. . . 1876 . . 5544.74 Chicopee. 1st Cong. Soc y.: Centennial Dis course. Clark ............ 1S52 Town Library: catal., hist., etc ..... 1875 . . 2203.12 Chillicothe. Sketch of. In Directory . . 1855 Chippewa Valley, Wis. History. Kandall . 1S75 . . 2374.53 Cincinnati. O. Notices concerning. Drake. 1810 And Miami country. Drake ...... 1815 . . 2373.14 Directory : with sk. of history ..... 1819 Medical College: account of. Drake. . 1822 - Cine. Lit. Gazette ........... 1824 In 1826. Drake and Mansfield ..... 1827 . . 2."73.12 -- Same, in Bullock s " Sketch of a Jour ney," etc ............... 1827 Directory, with history ........ 1829 Epidemic cholera in. Drake ...... 1832 La:ie Seminary : statement ....... 1834 45th anniversary ............ 1834 47th anniversary ............ 18o5- Proc gs against liberty of press. Birncy. 1836 Report of explosion of Moselle .... 1838 Free trade and farmer s rights : market- wagon war .............. 1839 Tales of the Queen City. Drake. . . .1839 Picture of; Cine. Almanac ....... 1839 Same, in 1840 ............. 1840 Meeting on national armory ...... 1841 . . 4475.22 C. in 1841. Cist ............ 1841 . . 2373.13 C. in 1851. Cist ............ 1851. . 4372.2 C. in 1859. Cist ............ 1859 . . 4476.25 Memorial on navig. of Ohio, etc .... 1843 Spring Grove Cemetery, Account of. McLean ............... 1845 C. miscellany. Cist .......... 1S45 Same. Cist .............. 1846 C. Almanac (and subsequently) .... 18J6 Asso. for pract. science : articles, ad dress, etc ............... 1847 . . 4475.22 Her position, duty and destiny. Bebb . 1848 Lane Seminary : History of ...... 1848 Annual statement of trade, etc ...... 1848 Same, yearly, 1848-1870. 1850-64 are in 640J.19 Same, 185J-68 ............. 6405.22 Same, 1870-1 ............. 7643.2 Same, 1870-72 ............. 5640a.50 C. and her railroads. Taft ....... 1850 House of Refuge : address at opening. Taft ................. 1S50 . . . have Colored convention : proceedings .... 1852 Narrative of scenes, etc. (freedom of speech, etc.) ... .......... 1853 Ohio Mech. Inst. ; sketch of history. Kendall ............... 1853 - Gas Co. ; history of .......... 1854 Notices, etc. In memoirs of Drake. Mansfield .............. 1855 Schools of. Foote ........... 1855 . . 4374.1 Trade, prospects, commerce. Smith . . 1855 Shelf. No Cincinnati, O., continued. Democratic convention 1856 Lane Seminary ; history and condition .1858 - 25th anniv. of Abp. Purcell 1858 - Queen city ; by a sylvan pen 1858 Hortic. So c : brief hist. ; transactions for 1858 1859 - Cath. Institute : hist, and organization .I860. . 5515.1 Same, in German 5515.1 - C. Aid Asso. : circular and const n . . . 1861 . . . have - Early physicians and society, etc. (disc s to Med. Li. Asso n, 1852. Drake . . . 1862 Chamber of Commerce; memorial on armory 1862 ^ Theol. and Relig. Libr. Asso. : const n, origin, etc 1863 - Black brigade. Clark 1864 Enrollment and report of 1864 Chamber of Com.; an. review. Smith . 1864 Presidential convention 1864 - Sanitary fair : history 1864 . . 4322.85 - City engineer s rep. on Mill Creek Valley. 1865 . . 4475.22 - Acad. of Medicine: hist, sketch . . . .1865 - Reports on supply of water 1865 . . . have - Account of cholera in. Newton .... 1867 . . 5802.17 - Horrors of the Queen City. De Beck . 1867 - Reports on the Ohio bridge 1867 . . 4476 22 Board of Trade : semi-an. reps. . . . 1868-9 In 1869; summary of attractions, etc. Stevens 1869 . . 4479.5 - Board of Ed.; special report on Univer sity project ^ . 1869 . . 5594.37 - Spring Grove Cemetery ; history, etc. . 1869 - Report of price of gas (to City Council) . 1869 . . . have - Boyd s handbook. Boyd 1869 - Industrial exposition ; history. Maxwell. 1869 - Bible in schools; sketch of anti-Bible movement 1869 Trial, etc 1870 - Minor, etc., vs Board of Ed. .records, etc.1870 . . 7586.8 -Same: brief for pl fs in error 1870. . .have - Arguments of Ramsey, etc., for Bible . 1870 Arguments of Stallo, etc., against Bible 1870 Mass meeting, Sept. 28 1870 Industrial exposition 1870 . . 2376.50 Rules, etc 1871 . . . have Rules and regulations 1872 . . 2376.51 - Suburbs in 1870. Maxwell 1870 . . 2375 50 Central Prcsb. Ch. : manual 1870 . . . have Distrib., etc., of lots in Losantiville in 1788-90 1870 - Information wanted, etc. (Losantiville) ; circular. Clarke 1870 Young men s gymnasium : brief sketch . 1871 Financial, etc., statist. : speech of Mr. Jones 1871 - Gazette annual register 1871 . . 4379.7 Presbvterianism in . , . 1871 51 Slicll. Xu. Cincinnati, O, <ontinued. Presbytery of: hist, disc., 50th unniv. Monfort 1872 . . . have Der Teutsch Kditoren Kongress. Hein- zen 18; 2 . . 2403.51 University of: lecture on. Taft .... 1872 . . . have Cine. Southern Railway ; Ferguson rail way act, etc 1872 . . . have Central Christian Church : history of . . 1872 2J Presb. Ch. : memorial address. Wright 1872 C., past and present. Jobliu & co. . . . 1872 Tyler-D.ividson Fountain ; history . . .1872. .2379.51 Traveller s guide. Holbrook 1S72 - Musical festival 187;i 2d Presb. Church : memorial address. Wright 1873 IMoncer, 5 parts, 1873-4. Ed. by Cald- well. Suburban homes of. Nelson 1874 ^ Law Librarj- : hist, sketch 1875 Pre-historie remains. Clarke 1876 . . 4371.56 Circleville, O., and Pickaway Co. Facts, etc 1853 Claremont, X. II. War history. "Waite . 1S68 . . . have Soldier s monument dedic. Upham . . 1870 Claverack, X. Y. Kef. Pr. Dutch Church. ; history (address). Zabriskie .... 1867 Centennial. (8, p. 95, same as above?) 1867 Clayton, 111. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, discourse. Rice 1876 . . 5541.07 Clermcmt, X. Y. Biogr. history. Clarkson . 1869 Cleveland, <>. -Directory (with hist, de scription) 1837 Herald s annual statement for 1858 . . .1859 Perry statue : inauguration 1861. .4323.14 As a naval depot : report 1S64 Trade, etc. : aim. statement for 1866 . . 1867 Early history. Whittlesey 1867 . . 4475.1 National convention : proceedings . . . 1867 Annual statement of trade, etc. for 1867. Pickard 1868 C., past and present .... 1869 Clifton, X. Y. (Staten I.) Description . . 1838 Clinton, Conn. Cong. Church : 200th anniv. 1868 Dedication of Morgan school date? Clinton, Me. Sebasticook Lodge : history. Clinton, X.Y. Early history. Williams . 1848 Hamilton Col. Xarrative, etc. Davis . 1833 . Ph. v. 88 Inaug. of Prcs. Fisher 1858 . . . have Memorial of 4 centennial 1862. .4391.21 Hist, discourse (also in preceding). Fisher 1862 Inaug. of Pres. Brown 1S67 . . . have jr Hist, of Smith Library Hall 1S72 . . 4393.78 Dedic. of Kirkland monument 1873 . . . have Memorial of Pres. Fisher 1874 . . have Coahoma Co., Miss. Massacre of coun terfeiters, etc. Menson Is41 Shelf. No. Cohasset. Church in : hist, discourses. Flint 1822 - Beech wood Ch. : hist, sketch of 1867 . . . have - Centennial 1870 Colchester, Conn. History. Taintor . . 1854 Extracts from records. Taintor . . . 1864 Colebrook, Conn. Records of Cong Ch. . 1823 Columbia, Conn. Cong. Ch. : 150th anniv. . 1567 Columbia Co., N. Y. Biog. of distinguished men. Raymond 1851 Columbia, S. C. Sack, etc. of. 76 p. (Simms). 1865 Burning of. Trezevant 1866 - Destruction of (poem). By a lady. 24 p. 1866 - Who burnt Columbia? Pt. 1, 121 p. . . 1873 CDlumbus, O. Directory, and history . . 1843 Directory, and brief history 1848 - Directory, and history 1862 . . 4385.5 Camp Chase. Barbiere 1868 - History. Studer 1873 . . 4365.51 Columbus, O., continued. Hist, of common schools 1876? Concord. Convention, prices of mdse., etc. 1789 Hist, discourse, meeting-house. Ripley . 1792 - Hist, address. Everett 1825 - History of the fight, Ripley 1S27 . . 4325.50 - Same. 2d ed. Ripley 1.332. .2324.21 - Half century discourse. Ripley .... 1829 . . 7440.17 - History. Shattuck 1835 . . 2357.45 -Hist. disc. 2d Cen. Emerson . . (1835) .2357.28 Same, republished. Emerson .... 1875 . . 2358.9 - Oration 19th April. Rantoul 1850 . 4492.3+ - Complaint, etc., on Middlesex Canal . . ]859 - Concord Fight, a poem. Bartlett . . . I860 - Same, 2d ed. Bartlett 1862 . . 2358.10 - Sketches. Alcott 1869 . . 2350.25 - Free Public Library : dedication .... 1873 . . . have - Concord Fight. Reynolds 1875 . . 2353 34 Concord, N. II. Hist, sketch. Moore . . - Annals. Moore 1824 . . 2338.15 - Proceedings on intern, improvements . 1825 - 1st Cong. Ch. : members, pastors, etc. Farmer 1830 1st Cong. Ch. : 2 sermons. Bouton . . 1831 - Hist. Disc. 25th anniv. McFarland . 1850 Discourse, his 2",th anniv. Bouton . . . 1850 - History. Bouton . 1856 4355.66+ - Report (citizens) on water supply . . . 1859 . . . have - Fern. Charit. Soc. ; address, 0th anniv. Bouton 1852 Discourse, 40 years ministry. Bouton . 1865 . . 5546.2 3d j centennial discourse. Bouton . . 1875 have Conway. IcOth anniv 1867 . . 4458.1 Historical address (also in preceding). Rice 1867 . . . have Cooperstown,X.Y. Chronicles. (Cooper?) 1838 . .2397.22 Condensed history. Liverraore .... 1862 - Home of Cooper, etc. (Barry Gray.) Coffin 1872 Recollections. 1 . G. 1873 . . . have 53 Shelf. No. Coos Co., X. H. Hist, sketches. Powers . 1841 Cornish, Me. Greenleaf Lodge : history . Cornwall, Vt. History. Matthews .... 1862 . . 2337.7 Cortland Co., X. Y. Pioneer history. Goodwin 1859 . . 4379.42 Sermon, J cent l of Bible Soc y. IIol- brook 1867 Coshocton Co , O. Hist, collections of. Hunt 1876 Coventry, Conn. 1st Soc y: proc gs, etc. . 1811 Reply to Abbot s statement 1812 . . 5542.51 Centennial address. Calhoun 1846 Celebration of Mr. Calhoun s settlement. 1859 Coventry, Vt. History. White 1859 . . . have Cong. Ch. ; manual, and hist, sketch. White 1868 Craven Co., S. C. Historical and social sketch Crawfordsville, Ind. Wabash Coll. : ori gin, etc., of; baccal. disc Tuttle . . 1876 . . . have Crompton, K. I. Warwick and Coventry Church n. d. Croydon.X. H. Hist., etc., sketch. Cooper.1852 - Centennial. Wheeler 1867 Cumberland, Me. Cong. Churches : his tory. Weston 1861 . . 2339.14 Cumberland Co., Me. Address to the Bar. Hopkins 1833 Cumberland and Franklin Cos., Pa. Churches of the Valley. Xevin . . .1852 Cumberland Valley, I a. Fragments, etc. Robinson 1867 Cumminsville. O. Presb. Church in. Rey nolds 1867 Cuyahoga Valley, O. Ancient earth forts. Whittlesey 1871 Dakota Co., Minn. Past and Present. Mit chell . . ; 1868(69?) Damariscotta, Me. Alna Lodge; history. Danbury, Ct. Vindic. of dismission of Mr. White 1764 Century sermon. Robbing 1801 - Same, 2d ed. Robbins 1828 - Same , 2d ed. Robbins 1846 - \Vooster monument : eor. stone proc gs. 1854 Dane Co., Wise. Statistics of, and sk. of Madison 1851 . . . have Statistics, and sk. of Madison 1852 Ph. v. 200 Report on financial affairs 1860 Dansville, X. Y. Miniature of. Clark . . 1844 Dauvers. Ser. dedic. of brick meeting house. Wadsworth 1807 Address, young men slain at Lex. King. 1835 . . 4325 50 Memorial on charges of Miss Dix. 15 p. 1843 History. Hanson 1848. .2357.10 - Health committee address 1849 . . . have Centennial, June 16, 1852 1852 . 2356.13-f Address. Proctor 1852 . 4355.79+ Abstract of real and personal estate . . 1852 54 Shelf. No. Danvers, continued, Result of council (1852?) Review of result of council 1852. . .have Argument for (So. Danvers line.) Rus sell 1855 . 4400a.lO - Proceedings, Peabody Reception and dinner 1856 . 2356.11+ Report, division of town property with South D 1857 Centennial 1862 1st Parish : Proc gs. 200th anniv 1874 . . 3542.59 Danvers Plains. (School Dist. no. 13.) Hist, sketch. Osgood 1855 . . . have Danville, Ind. Presb. Ch. : 44 yrs. in hist. of; discourse. Post 1876 . . . have Danville, Ky. Theol. Sem. : 1st aim. cat. . 1854 . . . have - Plan of 1873 . . . have Darby, Pa. 1 st Presb. Oh. : hist. disc. Brown 1876. . .have Dartmouth. See New Bedford. Dartmouth College. See Hanover, N. H. Dauphin, Cumberland, etc., Cos., Pa. History. Rupp 1845(46?) Davenport. Iowa. Past and Present. Wilkie 1858 . 2373.32+ Dayton, O. Directory, with sk. of hist, by Curwen . . . . 1850 Sketch of history. 2d (1st separate) ed. Curwen 1850 . . 4477.10 Hist, sketch of schools. Steele 1875? . .have Soldiers Home : history 1875 Dearborn Co., Ind. Condensed hist. (Ap pended to Poems.) Cotton 1860 v Dedham, Mass. Hist. disc. Dexter . . . 1738 Same, 2d ed. Dexter 1796 1st Ch. : sermon, 40 years pastorate. Haven 1796 . . 3455.47 3d Parish and Church history; a dis course. Thacher 1801 2 Hist, sermons. Thacher 1809. 7740b.25 South Ch. : Hist, serin. Cogswell . . . 1816 Historical discourse. Bates 1818 1st Parish: statement, etc., settling minister 1819 . . 7496.19 - History. Worthington 1827 . . 4353.11 Centennial discourse. White 18:i6 Centennial discourse. Durfee 1836 Centennial address. Haven 1837 . 2356.16+ 1st Ch. and Par. : Hist. Lamson .... 1839 . 4163.10+ Pulpit; with Centennial discourse, by Burgess 1840 . . 5445.1 - Hist, discourse, closing old Episc. Ch. Babcock 1846 - Historical sermon. Parkhurst 1846 - Annals. Mann 1847 . . 2356.14 Sermon, his 40th anniversary. Lamson. 1859 . . 5443.1 1st Church: Discourse resigning pastor ate. Lamson I860 . . 5443.1 1st Church: sermon 225th anniv. Ed wards 1863? 55 Shelf. No. Dedham, Mass., continued. Memorial ball : dedication ; appendix . 1869 1st Ch. : 2 sermons, 50 years anniv. Edwards 1870 Pub. Library : reports, 1872-1 etc. . . . 1374 . . . have Deerfield. Redeemed captive, etc. 104 p. (Bost.) Williams 1707 Same, with Sermon, Account, Conclusion by Prince (Bost.) 1753 H. 22.18 Same, 5th ed., app. by Prince. 70 p. (Bost.) 1774 Same, 4th ed., app. by Williams, Taylor and Prince (Greenfield) 1793 Same, 6th ed., same app., 132 p. (Bost.) 1,95 Same, with same app. (Xew Haven) . . 1802 . . 2348.21 Same, (Greenfield) 1801 Same, with Mrs. Rowlandson s narrative (Brookfield) 1811 Same, memoir and app. by Rev. S. Wil liams (Xorthamp.) 1353 . 4449a.86 Centennial sermon. 32 p. Taylor . . . 1804 Geog., etc. Description. 30p. Dickinson 1815 Description. (Specimen of Gazetteer), 8 p. Dickinson 1818 Ph. v. 444 Indian wars on Conn, river. Hoyt . . . 1824 1st Parish : dedic. ser. WiUard . . . .1825. .7440.13 Valedictory disc. Willard 182J Same, 2d ed 1831 Brief sketch of 1st settlement, etc. . . . 1833 Address, Bloody Brook, Everett . . . 1835 Ph. v. 258 Biog of Rev. J. Williams, etc. S. Wil liams 1837 . . 539.16 Address, Bloody Brook Monument. Lin coln 1833 . . 4347 31 Biog. of Rev: J. Williams 1845 Deertield Captive (X. Y.) 1853 Address of Wait, etc., for annex, to Green field 1850 Ph. v. 384 Petition of same for same 1850 Ph. v. 384 Address of Temple, etc., against same . 1850 Ph. v. 384 Affectionate remonstrance, etc. Willard 1856 . . 7453.2 1st C. : hist, ser., his 50th anniv. Wil lard 1858 . . . have Brief review of Willnrd s ser. Chandler 1859 De Kalb Co., 111. History. Boies 1865 (8?) Delaware Co., X. Y. History. Gould . . 1856 Delaware Co., Pa. Inst. of Sci. : report on storm 1844 History. Geo. Smith 1862. .4372.12 Reminiscences, etc. Painter 1870 Earliest settlement by Presbyterians. 28 p. 1871 . . .have Delaware River. Primitive settlements on. 62 p. Barker 1827 Annals of the Swedes. Clay 1835 Same, 2d ed 18C8 Delaware Water Gap, N. Y. Brodhead . . 1867 Same, 2d ed 1870 Delphi. Ind. Presb. Ch. : history, a dis course. Ranney 1875 . . . have 56 Shelf No. Derry and Londonderry, X. H. History. Parker 1851 . . 2338.9 Des Moines, Iowa. Hist, reminiscences. Turrill 1857 Des Moines Co., Iowa. Hawk-Eye pioneer asso. Const n, 1st ann. festival, etc. . 1858 Detroit, Mich. Report of water comrnrs., analysis, etc 1853 Sketches. 63 p. Roberts 1855 . . . have Amer. Med. Asso. ; laws, etc., with sketch of Detroit 1856 . . 3746.4 Annual review of trade, etc., for 1855 . 1856 Trade and commerce for 1857. Hamilton 1858 Detroit, past and present : a paper, etc. Trowbridge 1864 "You will find within the most accu rate," etc I860 . . . have Diary of siege (in life of Pontiac). Ellis (1861?) Statistical acc t 1860 Notes historiques, etc. Rameau .... 1861 Commercial convention, July, 1S65; pro ceedings 1865 Review of proceedings. Hill 1865 Address on steamship navigation. Hill 1865 . . 5650a.6 Report on cholera 1865 . . . have Young Men s Soc y. Cat. of library ; hist, sketch 1865 1st Cong. Ch. : 25th anniv. of organiz. . 1870 Hull s surrender. Lossing 1875 . . 4477.17 Dickinson College. See Carlisle, Pa. Dismal Swamp canal, Va. Exhibition of, etc. 1825 . .4376.11 Dorchester. Sermon on the earthquake. Danforth 1728 . H. 18.135 Result of ecclesiastical council 1774 Remarks on result, etc 1 774 . . 5549.64 Sundry votes by the church, result of council, etc 1774 Centennial discourse. Harris 1799 South meeting house. Comm n by pro prietors to town 1806. .4355.31 2d Ch. : proceedings (on Dr. Codman) . 1812 . . 4355.31 Same, 2d ed 1812. .4355.31 Memorial of proprietors of N"ew South meeting-house (Capen) 1813.6341.11+ - Review of two pamphlets on eccles. controversy 1814 Historical discourse. Harris 1817 Sexton s Monitor. Davenport 1S26 Same, 2d ed., 1836. 3d ed., 1845. 2d Centennial : discourse. Pierce . . . 1830 - 1st Ch. : memorials. Harris 1830 4354.27+ - Valedictory discourse. Harris .... 1S36 . . . have Annals. Blake 1846 i857.6+ Serm. his 37th anniv. Codman . . . .1846. .6341.11 Discourse, funeral of Dr. Codman (2d ed.) Storrs 1848. .6341.11 - 2d Ch. : hist. disc. Allen 1848.6311.11+ Materials for early history. Drake. . .1851 Mt. Hope cemet. and consecr n 1852 0< Shelf. No. Dorchester, continued. 2d Ch. ; covenant, etc. ; list of members 1852 . . 5549a.7 in 16SO, 1776, 1855; an oration. Everett 1855 . 224.25+ 50th anniv. disc. Means 1858.6341.11+ History; by committee, etc. (Clapp, etc.) 1859 . . 2356.27 - Early History. Drake 1861 Soldiers monument : dedic n 1867 . . 4450a.9 Annexation. A few reasons in favor of 1867 . . . have " A few reasons "why Dorchester should not be annexed (1867?) To the voters, etc. 3 p. Loring . . . 1869 . . 6344.12 Closing arg t for remonstrants. Harris 1869 . . 6344.12 YesorXo? (handbill) 1869. .6344.12 Closing argument in favor of. Train . 1869 . . 6344.12 Facts to be considered. 1 p 1869 . . 6344.12 Reports in relation to 1869 . . 6:344.12 "Voters of Dorchester!" (handbill). Ip 1869? .6344.12 - Mr. Loring s letter 1869 . . . have Annexation. 1 p. Shurtleff 1869? . 6344.12 Soldiers monument : dedic n 1868. . .have - Epitaphs from the olid burying-ground (Woodward & Lewis) 1869 . . 6341.11 Past and present : a sermon, Dec. 26, 1869. Means 1870 . . 7460.16 1st Church: sermon, 240th anniversary. Hall 1870 . . 54 )2.64 2d Ch. : 25th anniv. of Mr. Means . . . 1873 . . . have Dover. Thirty years ministry. Sanger . 1842? Dover, X. II. Bill of mortality for friends, 1708 to 1791 ; and general bill, 1767-1802 1803 Sketch. Stevens 1833 Bi-cent. ser. Root 1839 Discourse, 250th anniv. of town. Spaldingl873 . . .have Proceedings, July 4, 1876; oration by Quint 1876 . . . have 1st Ch. : manual 1876 . . . have Dublin, X. II. 1st Cong. Ch. : hist, disc., hU 25th anniv. Leonard 1846. .5452.64 History, with address by Mason, etc. . . 1855 . . 2338.22 Dubuque, Iowa. Statistics. West .... 1856 Dudley. Cong. Church : hist, notice. 16 p. 1845 Anniv. discourse; with top. and hist. notices. Bates 1853 .. 3442.4 Duluth, Minn. Hist, description of. 55 p. Johns >-. D. . . 4374.14 Report of select committee on harbor . 1870 Dunbarton, X. H. Sermon. Putnam . . 1832 Early hist. : address. Hadley 1845 History. Stark 1860 . . 2238.11 Address at centennial. Burnham . . . 1865 - Centen. celebration 186.5 . . 4338.5 Dunstable. History. Fox 184S . . 2357.3 Durham, Conn. So. Cong. Ch.: hist. serm. Fowler 1848 History. Fowler 1866 . . 433-3.32 Durham, N". H. Valedictory discourse. Coe 1806 58 Shelf. No. Dutchess Co., X. Y. Diseases of, 1809-25. Sherrill 1826 M.pli.v.16 Shekomeko; or, Moravians in D. C. Davis 1858 Duxbury. History. Winsor 1849 . 2356.2+ First Parish : reply to Mr. Weston, with his answer 1851 . 6088.185 Rejoinder to "reply." Weston . . . 6088.185 Landing Atlantic cable 18o9 . .2356.43 Standi sh monument; consecration. . .1871. .2353.58 Myles Standish; with account of con secration, etc. Allen 1871.2356.50+ Standish mooumcnt. Allen 1873 . . 2353.54 East Chester, !N". Y. St. Paul s Ch. : disc. 100th anniv. Coffey 1866 East Earl township, Pa. Cedar Grove Presb. Ch. 43 p. Leaman 1853 East Florida. Description and Bartram s Jl. Stork 1769 . . 2360.7 East Greenwich, K. I. Seminary : his- torical sketch N. D. East Haddam, Conn. Two 4 century ser mons. Parsons 1841 Eastham. Result of council, with narrative of Hannah Doane (1721) Veracity, etc., of the council in 1720 maintained. 16 p 1723 H.22.34 A Church of Christ Vindicated, etc. (South Church) (1724) H. 2S.92 Additional proposals, etc. 8 p. Stone 1729 H. 18.157+ Postscript in 1732. 8 p. Stone . . . .1732 H. 22.31 Wellfleet and Orleans. History. Pratt 1844 . 4355.1+ East Hampton. Half century sermon. Williston (1839?) Historical sketch. Wright 1852 . . . have History. Lym an 1SS6 . . 4458.13 Williston Sem. : Alumni record, 1842-74 1875 . . 2386.19 East Hampton, L. I. Half century ser mon. Buell 1792 Hist. Sermon. Beecher 1806 Narrative of revival, etc. Buell .... 1808 . 5549a.69 Address, 200th anniversary. Hedges . . 1850 Chronicles of. Gardiner 1871 East Hartford, Conn. Sermon on earth quake. Williams 1755 Legislative report on petition, etc., Bridge Co 1843 East Haven, Conn. Register. Dodd . . 1824 . . 2336.25 Cong. Church. Confession, members from 1755 1833 Stone meeting house : cent l disc. Havens. 1ST6 . . .have Eastport, Me. History : a lecture. Weston 1834 . .4433.11 East Saginaw, Mich. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist. statement. Wishard 1870 . . . have East Tennessee. Resources. Caldwell . 1867 Ebenezer, Ga. Salzbuigers at. Strobel . 1855 . . 4479.4 Economy, Pa. Harmony society at. Wil liams 1866 Elgin, HI. History 18B7 59 Shclt. No. Elizabeth, X. J. St. John s Church. : hist. notices. Kudd 1824 Notes, hist, and biog. Murray .... 1844 Christ Ch. : parish statistics, etc. Hoff man 1856 St. John s Ch. : history. Clark .... 1857 . . 3546.12 1st Presb. Ch. : 2d century discourse. Sprague 1867 History. Hatneld 1868 . . 4475.8 Review, etc. (settlement). Whitehead. U69 . . 44732 Westminster Presb. Ch. : manual and 10th anniv. ser 1876 . . 5545.80 Elkton, Md. Presb. Ch. : hist. 11 p. Heb- erton 1876 . . 3548.15 Ellicott s Mills, Md. Brief account of settle ment, etc. Tyson 1871 Ellington, Conn. Dedication sermon. Brockway 1806 . . 7453.3 Elmira, X. Y. Horseheads, etc. History. Galatian 1868 Emmetsburg, Md. Mt. St. Mary s College Jubilee 1859 English Prairie, 111. 2 years residence. Woods 1822 Ephrata, Pa. Pencillings about, by a visitor. 1856 - Another ed 1860 Epsom, X. H. Topog. and hist, sketch. Curtis 1823 Erie Co., X. Y. Corr. of Supervisors on a workhouse 1826 Centennial history. Johnson 1876 . . 2373.62 Erie, Pa. War of the Gauges; or, Railroad ing at. Slie 1854 Erie Co., Pa. History. Sanford 1S62 . . 4372.44 Erie Presbytery. History of. Eaton . . . 1868 Essex. History. Crowell 1853 . . 4459.6 - History. Crowell 1868 Essex Co. Memorial for 1836. Newhall . . 1836 . . 4459.12 South conference : Review cf result of Council 1850 Contributions to eccl. history 1865 . . 5543.3 - History and directory 1870 . . 4482.5 Essex Co., N. Y. South Conference : review of result of council 1850 Home sketches, Xo. 1 : Ticonderoga. Cook 1858. .2371.25 - History. Watson 1869 . . 4473.22 Essex, Vt. History. Butler 1866 Evansville, Ind. Montgomery Ch. : history. Wilson 1856 - Board of Trade. 1st report 1858 An. rep., 1867; hist, sketch 1868 . . 6386.30 E. and its men of mark. White .... 1873 Hercommerceandmanufactures. Robert.1874 Exeter, X. H. Result of council of ten churches, etc 1744 . H.28.62 Sermon 2d centen. landing of Pilgrims. Rowland 1821 . . . have Result of eccles. council 1842 . . . have Shelf. No. Exeter, N. H., continued. - Review of result 1842 Record of events, 1861. Nason 1862. . .have - Same , for 1862. Nason 1863 - Same, for 1863. Nason 1S64 - Robinson Fern. Sem. : report, doings of trustees 1871 . . . have - Phillips Academy : dedic n address. Pea- body 1872 . . . have - Exeter in 1776. 39 p. (Bell) 1876 . . 2337.22 Fagg s Manor, Pa. Presb. Ch. : hist, dis course. Noble 1876 . . 5545.74 Fairfield, Conn. East Asso. : vindic n of proc gs 1794 Thanksgiving disc. Atwater .... -1839 West Asso. remonstrance, etc. : answer of Hartford Central Asso 1850 .. 5542.51 Trinity Church : hist, discourse. Corn- wall 1851 - East Assoc. and Conso. : hist, sketch . 1859 . . . have Fairfield Co., O. History. Sanderson . . 1851 Fair Haven, Conn. 2d Cong. Ch.: cent l disc. Hovey 1876 . . . have Fairhaven, Vt. History. Adams .... 1870 Fall River. History. Williams 18:i3 Reminiscences on early history of, etc. Durfee (1834?) Cong l Ch. : statement, etc., in defence of.1835 History. 64 p. Fowler 1841 . . 4354.13 Same, 2d ed. Fowler 1862 . . 4451.11 Central Cong. Ch. : confession, etc. . . .1845. .5498.10 Documents, Mass, and R.I. boundary line. 1847 Petition to Mass. Legislature on same . 1847 Historical sketch 1870 Falmouth. 1st parish: case of Barnes against 1811 . . 4426.18 Faribault Co., Minn. History, etc. . . .(186s?) Farmington, Conn. Sketches. 15 p. (Rich ards) 1832 . . 4358.25 Hist. disc. Porter 1841 Half centen. disc. Porter 1857 Congr. Ch. : hist, discourse, 100th anniv. Porter 1873 . . 5546.57 Farmington, Me. History. Parker . . . 1846 Fayette Co., Ohio. Pioneer Record. Put nam 1872 . . 2375.71 Fayetteville, X. C. Presb. Ch. : dedic. ser., and ace. of the fire. Rowland .... 1832 . . 7453.3 Centenary sermon to Presbytery. Banks. 1-S58 Fillmore Co., Minn. History. Bishop . . 1858 Fir3 Lands, Ohio. Fire Lands pioneer. 10 vols 1859-70 Fishkill, X. Y. 1st Reformed Ch.: hist. disc. Kip 1866 Fitchburg. Facts and documents. Wor cester 1802 Narrative of religious controversy ( ans. to above, etc.) 75 p 1804. . .have History. Torrey 1836 Shelf. No. Fitchburg, continued. - Same, reprinted 1865 (but 1867) . . 4354.12 in the Rebellion. Willis 1866 . 4423.46+ 1st Church: century sermon. Emerson Five Forks, Va. Battle of. Warren . . . 1866 . 4340a.96 Flatbush, X. Y. History. Strong .... 1842 . . 4378.5 Flemington, X. J. Presb. Ch. : history, 59 p. Mott 1876 . . 5541.65 Florida. See West Florida. Flushing, X. Y. Utility of a turnpike road to Huntington 1826 Past and present; hist, sketch. Mande- ville 1860 Fond-du-Lac, Wise. Directory (with his tory). Brigham 1857 Fond-du-Lac Co., Wis. History. Mitchell. 1854 Fort Chartres, 111. Affairs at, 1768-81 (12 p., 50 cps. repr. from Hist. Mag.) (Stiles) 1864 . . 2320.42 Fort du Quesne, Pa. Centen. oration. Loomis 1859 Registres des baptesmes et sepultures. 1753-56 1859 . . 2 111.29 Fort Fairfield, Me. Eastern frontier lodge : history Fort George, X. Y. Notes on history of. De Costa 1S71 Fort Hill, X. Y. Story of. Prince .... 1859 Fort Massachusetts. Xarrative ("Re deemed captive," 1748, repr d.).Xorton. 1870 . . 2352.23 Fort Meigs, O. Dudley s defeat. 13 p. Combs 1569 Fort Nassau, Del. History, etc. Armstrong. 1853 Ph. v. 200 Fort Snelling. Minn. Letter from Sec. of War. etc. Sale of reservation .... 1868? Fort Stephenson, O. Address, 45th anniv. of defence. Whittlesey 1858 Fort "Wayne, Ind. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist. sketch. 27 p. Williams 1860 Mission to Indians, 1804. Hopkins & Ty son 1862 Charter, etc. ; officers to 1866. Randall. 1866 History. Brice 1S68 . . 4475.25 Concordia College. Bericht (mit hist. Nachricht) 1873 . . . have Foxboro . Century sermon, on Hannah Sumner. Pierce 1829 .. 5546.2 Framingham. Essay, etc. (Regular sing ing.) Dwight 1725 . H.18 112 Second Church ; formation, etc. Goddard.1750 History. Ballard 1827 - 1st Parish, 2 sermons : Rights, etc., of neighboring churches. Barry .... 1844 Ph. v. 441 History. Barry 1847 . . 2357.38 Franklin. Centennial sermon. Smalley . 1838 . . 5546.2 1st Cong. Ch. : manual, with hist, sketch.1870 Franklin Co. Churches and ministers, etc. Packard 1854. .2356.31 Franklin, Conn. Half-century sermon. Xott.1832 62 Shelf. No. Franklin, Conn., continued. Same, 2d ed. 28 p have 60th anniv. sermon. 16 p. Nott .... 1842 . . 3458.3 Cong. Soc y, 150th anniv 1869 . . 4338.23 Hist, address, 200th anniv. of town. Woodward 1870 ? - Same, 2d ed 1870 Franklin, Ind. Franklin Coll. : hist. 11 p. Stott 1874 . . . have 1st Presb. Ch. : half-century celebr. Wis- hard 1874 . . 3549.62 Hist, address. Banta 1874 . . . have Franklin Co., O. Register. Martin .... 183-t Map and history. Wheeler 1S42? History. Martin 1858 . . 2375.69 - Hist, sketch. Sullivant 1871 Franklin, Muskingum, etc., cos., O. Amer ican antiquities. Park 1870 . . . have Frederick, Md. German Ref. Ch.: Centen. 8er. 31 p. Zacharias 1847 Diary, rebel occupation. Steiner 4340a.SG Fredonia, X. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : reunion, etc 1874. .3545.17 Freeport, 111. Present advantages, etc., of . 1859? Freeport.X. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, sketch. 1875 Freetown, Fall River, and Fairhaven. Brief sketches. Peirce 1872 . . . have Frenchtown, Mich. Battle and massacre, Jan., 1813. 4 p. Dudley 1870 Fryeburg, Me. Lovell s right, with sermon by Symmes 1799 Same : ed. by Kidder 1865 Address on Lovewell s fight. Daveis . . 1825 Centennial, with Address by Souther . (1864) . . 4434.3 Fulton City, 111. Sketches of early history, etc 1856 Galesburg, 111. Hist, of Knox College and Galesbui-g. Gale 1845 Knox College : Rights of Congregation- alists in f 1859 . . . have By whom founded, etc. Bailey .... 1860 . . 4386.67 Historical discourse. Bascom 1866 . . 7640.16 Knox Coll. : Inaug. of Pros. Bateman . 1875 . . . have Galveston, Tex. Bay and Land Co. Ad dress concerning. 37 p 1831 . 6340.16+ Title to city 1847 Articles of Asso. of city 1847 Statement of claim of A. J. Edgar, etc. 88 p 1855 G-arubier, O. Interesting report of church and of town 1827 Plea for the West. Chase 1826 . . 4387.77 Reminiscence of in 1857-58. (Revival) . 1858 ? Kenyon College : Star in the West. Chase.1828 5477.32+ in l 828. Chase N.D. Defence of against Mr. West. Chase . 1831 Respectful address, etc. Mcllvainc . . 1832? .5477.100 Defence against conspiracy. Chase . . 1832 An earnest word, etc. Mcllvaine . . . 1843 5477.100+ 63 .-licit. No. Gambler, O., continued. li letters on indebtedness. Chase . . . 18iJ Removal of Pres. Douglass N.D. Statement, etc., on removal. Douglass . 1844 Ph. v. 143 Reply of trustees (to Douglass) .... 1844 1 h v.!43-f- Further statement. Douglass .... 1S45 . . ?477.32 A few plain questions. Chase .... 1848 Facts relating to. Chase 1849 Answer to Chase. Aydelot X.D. Memento of donors, etc 1S6J . . 4387.77 History, class of 66. Mellonthexecon- thexopsis 1870? . 4387.77 Class of 62; 10th anniv 1872 . . 4387.77 Gardiner, Me. Spotted fever in 1814. Hale. 1818 . . 3797.7 Lyceum : laws and regulations 1825 . . . have Gardiner, Pittston, and N. Gardiner, Me. History. Hanson 1852. .233912 Gardner, Mass. History. Glazier .... 18jO . . 4458.25 Garrard Co., Ky. Hill and Evans feud. Thompson 1854? .4392.80 Genesee Country, N.Y. Account of soil, etc. 1791 Description of. Williamson 1799 - Same, reprinted Is52 Lake fevers of. Ludlow !S23M.Ph.v.llO Description. Munro 1804 Genesee Conference, X. Y. Early method- ism in. Peck 1860. .1115.1s Genesee Consociation, X. Y. Letter to (ma sonry) (also 2d and 3d eds.) Emerson. 1829 Same, 4th ed 1S2SI Ph.v.lll+ Reply of the consociation. (Rochester). 1829 Same, another ed. (Hartford) 1829 Geneseo, 111. Hist, address. Roy .... 1807 Geneseo, N. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : Centennial discourse. Mitchell 1876 . . 3045.15 Central Presb. Ch. : hist. narr. 11 p. . N.D. . . 3545.15 Geneva, X. Y. College : Letter of medical professors to trustees, etc. 1813. M.Ph.39 Controversy, med. institu. and trustees. Spencer 1844 . M.Ph.39 Presb. Church ; history. Winslow . . . 1809 . . . have Seneca Falls, etc. Directory ; with town histories. Brigham 1S63 Geneva, Wise. History. 101pp. Bimmons.1875 . . 2377.4 George s River, Me. Rosier s narrative, etc. Remarks by Prince 1860 . . . have Georgetown. Semi-centennial discourse. Braman 1847 - Review of proceedings of council. Beecher 1863 . 5440a.21 Georgetown, D. C. Question of retroces sion, etc 1S26 . . . have Complaint as to Potomac bridge, etc. Brown 1856 Veto message, police system 1S58 . . . have Memorial on Potomac bridge 1858 . . . have Sermon, with hist. ace. of St. John s Church, etc. Butler 1844 Report of water board, etc I860 . . . have Shi-lf. NV. Germantown, Pa. Academy : centennial anniv. 58 p 1860. .4494.51 St. Luke s Church : Half-cent l sermon. Morris 1868 Gettysburg, Pa. Pennn. College : inaug. of Pres. Valentine 1869 . . . have Gilmanton, N. H. History. Lancaster . . 1845 . . 2338.17 Gilsum, N. H. Cong. Ch. : cent l addresses. 63 p. Hayward 1873 Glastenbury, Conn. For200years. Chapin . 1853 . . 4336.27 . 1st Church : catalogue, brief history, etc. 1859 Glen Cove, X. Y. Address, 200th anniv. Scudder 1868 Glenville, X. Y. 2d Ref. Ch. : semi-cent l anniv. Wilson 1868 . . 7460.16 Gloucester. Appeal by Christian Indepen dents 1785 Answer to "Appeal" 1785 Sermon on Capt. Lynzey s spoliations. Forbes 1792 Dedication of grammar school-house. Forbes 17f 5 Serin., repaired meeting-house. Forbes . 1795 Historical disc, ("in Family Book"). Forbes (1800?) Report, Gloucester election 1811 Letters to Sir J. Banks on sea-serpent. Humphreys 1817 . . 5909;i.5 - Awful calamities (shipwrecks, 18 ;9, etc.). 1st, 2d, 3d eds. Same , 4th ed 1S40 . . . have Directory, and local events of 1859 . . . 1800 . . 4459.51 - History. Babson 1860 . 2356 26-f Fishermen s memorial and record book. Procter 1873 . . 2359.56 Notes and additions to history. Babson. 1876 . . . have Fisheries of: ace. of settlement, etc. . . 1876 . . 4353.14 Gloucester Co., N. J. Reminiscences. Mickle. . 1845 Gloucester, Pa. Memoirs of Fox-hunting Club 1830 Gloucester, R. I. Report on Farmers Exch. Bank 1809 Ph. v. 238 Glover, Vt. 1st Cong. Ch. : discourse, Half centennial. Perkins 1867? Gnadentmtten, O. Massacre of Indians in 1782 1870 Goodliue, Minn. Geog. and statist, sketch. Mitchell 1869 Gorgeana and York, Me. History. Em ery 1874 . . 4339.19 Gorham, Me. Harmony Lodge : history. Centen. address. Pierce 1836 - History. Pierce 1862 . . 4438.20 Goshen. Impartial history of proceedings of church, etc. Whitman. Goshen, Conn. Centennial address. Pow ers 1839 Grafton. Result of council, Oct. 2, 1744 . . 1744 . H 27.197 65 Shelf. No. Grafton, continued. Centen. address. Brigharn 1835 . . 4355.9 Church record : a sermon. Willson . . 1S47 . 5546.57+ Riverside cemetery : consecr. address. Willson 1851 . . 4:355.62 Cong. Ch. : hist. serm. Biscoe 1863 Qranby, Conn. Newgate, etc. 1st ed. ; 2d ed. Phelps Same, 3d ed 1844 . . 5575.28 Simsbury copper mine : report, etc. Franc-fort 1S57 Mines and Newgate. Fhelps 1860 . , 2336.24 Grand Rapids, Mich. Hist. Dillenback . 1875 Granville. Account of classical school . .1831 Jubilee 1845 Granville Co., N. C. Account, in sermons by Harris 1821 Great Barrington. Cong. Ch. : centen. anniv. Todd 1844? - Hist. disc. Durfee 1866 . . 5543.7 Great Valley, Pa. St. Peter s Church. 8 p. 1850 Green Bay, Wise. Early outposts of Wis consin. Durrie 1872 .. 4374.12 1st Presb. Ch. : God s prov. for 40 yrs. ; hist. disc. Crawford 1876 . . 3545.9 Greene Co., N. Y. Hist. disc. : Half centen. Rockwell 1865 Greene Co., O. In the war. Owens . . . 1872 Cenfl hist. Mills 1876 Greenfield. Antiquarian researches. Hoyt . 1824 - History. Willard 1833 . . 2357.25 Address : opening of new court-house. Griswold 1873 . . . have Green Lake Co., Wise. Hist. Gillespy . 1860 Greensboro , Vt. Historical discourse. Stone 1864 Greenville, X. Y. Memorial celebration (address by Spees, poem by Hopper) . 1872 . . 4375.51 Greenwich, Conn. History. Mead . . . 1857 . . 4339.26 2d Ch. : 150th anniv 1867 Grinnell, Iowa. Iowa College: addresses, etc., inaug. Pres. Magoun 1865 . . . have Griswold, Conn. Hist, discourse at Jewett City. Shipman 1856 Hist, discourse, etc. Shipman 1875 Groton. By-laws on schools . 1806 . . . have 1st Church : covenant, etc 1826 . . 5498.10 Result of council. (Beecher.) 1826. . 3543.5 - Same , 2d ed 1827 . . 3543.5 Review of result. (Lowell.) 1827. . 3543.5 - Same, 2d ed 1827 . . 3543.5 Eccles. affairs of. Butler 1827 . 5450a.34 Act and by-laws on schools 1828 . . . have 13 historical articles in Groton Herald. Butler and Shattuck 1829-30 Invincible club : constitution, etc. . . . 1846 . 3563a.7.l - History. Butler 1843 . . 2357.42 Lawrence Academy : catalogue from in corporation 1843. .4393.81 66 Shelf. No. Groton, continued. Same 1855 . . 3592.26 Jubilee 1855 . 3592.26+ - Memorial, for aid to rebuild 1868 . . 4485.20 Catalogue 1876 . . . have 1st Church: covenant, etc 1854. .5498.10 - Report on a high school 1856 . . . have Report on truant by-laws 1863 . . . have Truant by-laws as approved by court . .1865. . . have Irish benev. soc. : const n, etc 1869 . . . have Union Church : confession, etc 1831 have Same Ib70 . . . have - Hist, address, July 4, 1876. Green . . . 1876 . . 2351.58 - ame,2ded 2351.61 Celebration, July 4, 1876 (includes ad dress) 1876 . G.292.4+ - 39 hist, articles in " Public Spirit," 1876-7. Green 1876-7 . . . have Lawrence Acad. In N. E. Acad s, etc. Hammond 1877 . . . have Groton, Conn. Commemorative address. Brainard 1825 . . 4355.20 Fort; narrative; and ace. of capture. Rathbun 1840 - Description of monument 1849 Fort; Chapter of A mer. hist. ; account of storming, etc 1853 - Battle of G. Heights. Harris 1870 Groton, N. Y. Hist, sketch. Baldwin . . 1868 . . 4373.54 Hackensack, N. J. 1st Ref. D. Ch. : hist. discourse. Romeyn 1863 . . 3545.8 Haddam and East Haddam, Ct. His tory. Field 1814 Hadley. Half-centen. discourse. Hopkins . 1805 Sermon, dedie. of new meeting house. Austin 1808 Bi-centennial sermon, December 22, 1820. Woodbridge 2d centenn. address (poem by Porter). Huntingtou 1859 . . 4355.55 Two discourses, his 50th anniv. Wood- bridge 1860? History and geneal. Judd and Bolt- wood 1863 . . 2356.33 Hagerstown, Md. Mason. Hall ; cor. stone . 1822 Hamden. Conn. Centen. of Ch. Thayer . 1864 Hamilton. Century sermon. Cutler . . . 1810 . . 5546.2 Hamilton, N.Y. Madison Univ. : hist, sketch. 1852 . . 4486.50 1st half century of; jubilee volume . . 1872 . . 44S3.50 Hamilton Co. O. Hist, record, etc. (clerk ship of court). Goodenow 1833 Hampden Co. Churches and pastors (with address by Cooley). Davis, etc. . . . 1854 . . 5549.17 Hampden Sidney College, Va. : Charter, etc. (and hist, sketch) N.D. . . . have Circular ls,74 . . . have Hampshire Co. Narrative, etc. (Mr. Breck).1736 H.27.65+ Examination, etc. ; answer to narrative. 1736 . H.27.08 Letter to author of answer, etc 1737. H. 27. 129 67 Shell. N. . Hampshire, Franklin, and Ilampdcn Cos. Bar of. Bliss 1S2T Hampshire and Ilampdcn Cos. Address on early hist., etc. Bates 1874 . . 2"53.:6 Hampstead, X. H. Centen. add. Smith . . 1849 Hampton, X. H. Day of trouble, etc. ; and acct. of earthquake. Gookin 1728 . H. IS. 110 Hist, address, 200th anniv. Dow. . . .1839. . 433S.4 Hampton, Va. Normal, etc., institute and its students 1S74 . . 23S7.13 Catal., 1875-76, with hist, statement . . 1876 . . 4392.9 Hancock, III. Mob in 1846 (Joe Smith, etc.) Conyers 1846 Hanover. St. Andrew s Ch. : hist, serin. Cutler 1848 History. Barry 1853 . . 2357.40 Hanover, Ind. Appeal for Hanover Col lege. Crowe 1S58 . . . have Hanover, X. II. (Dartmouth College). See also Lebanon, Conn. Observations on right to Vermont grant, etc (1807) History (in Memoirs of Wheelock), McClure & Parish 1811 True, etc. .narrative, church difficulties . 1815 Sketches of history, 1779-1815 1815?. 35<>2.22 Vindication of trustees 1815 . 2387 7+ Answer to Vindication. Dunham . . . 1S16 Refutation of aspersions in Vindication. Freeman 1816 Candid, etc., review of Sketches. Par ish 1816? Ph. v. 13 Documents, published by legislature . .1816 Opinion in Trustees v. Woodward . . . 1818 Report of Trustees v. Woodward. Farrar (1819) .3681.6+ Sketches of 1st graduates . 1823 Sketches of graduates to 1834. Farmer. 1832-t Valedictory letter. Hale 1835 ... have Prof. Hale and Dartmouth Coll 1835? . . 4397.3 Remarks on " Prof. Hale," etc 1835?. . have Class of 1811 : meeting in 1849 1850 . . 4387.70 Class of 1843 : septenary catalogue . . . 1851 Class of 1827 : meeting in 1852 1853. . 4397.4 Class of 1842 : decennial catalogue. Rick- ard 1853 . . 4397.4 - Class of 1813, with biog s 1854 . . 4397.4 Church : creed, and sketch of history . 1855 Report on scholarships, etc. 1S58 . . 4397.4 Class day, 186.2 1862 . . . have Proc gs of Trustees, July 24, 1863 (on President) U63 . . 4495.15 Sketches of alumni, and brief history. Chapman 18-i" Class of 1827 : Memorial. Worcester . 1SC9 . . 4387.70 Class of 1843 : Memorial. Tenney . . 1863 . . 4397 .8 Hist. disc, to alumni, 10; th year. Brown 1870 . . 4494.91 Centennial 1870 . . 4387.80 (58 Hanover, X. H., continued. Memorial of college life, class 1827. Crosby 1870 . . . have Class of 1849: Memorial. Stanley . .1870. . .have 1st half century of. Crosby 1876 . . 43<J4.93 Hanson, Lakeville, etc. Historic sketches. . Peirce 1873 . . 2355.62 Hardwick. Discourse. Cooke 1828 - Centennial. Address. Paige 1S3S . . 435S.4 Harlaem River, X. Y., its use, etc Harlingen, N. J. Gleanings for hist, of Ref. Prot, Ch., 15 p. Hoagland 1S47 . Ph. v.192 Harper s Ferry. Va., Insurrection and lec ture on. Barker X. D. . 4424 28 Insurrection; and ace. of Knownothing- ism 1859 Curious adventures, etc. (Gilbert) . . 1860 History of the tragedy. (Drew) . . .1860.4421.28+ Corr. on insurrection at. Richardson . I860 Annals, by Josephus, Jr. (Barry) . . 1869 Same ,. . .1872 H irrisburg, Pa. Speeches on insurrection at Harrisburg. Penrosc, etc 1839 . Ph. v.K8 Annals. Morgan 1858 Memories of the past; ser. his 70th birth day. De Witt 1862 Bible society : hist, sketch, 50th anniv. . 1864 1st I resb. Ch : hist, discourse on ruling elders. Robinson 1868 . . 3o45 11 Hartford, Ct. Dedication sermon. AVads- worth 1739 Sermon on blowing up school-house. Devotion 1766 Hartford Convention : proceedings. 39 p. 1815 . 4421.59+ Same : 3d ed. (Boston.) 32 p 1815 . 4163.13+ Dedication sermon. Strong 1807 Sermon, dedic n of Deaf and Dumb Asy lum. Gallaudet 1817 Hartford Convention : Short account and secret journal. 36 p. Lyman .... 1823 . 4392.2+ History. D wight 1833 . . . 305.4 Baptist Ch. : reason for secession from . 1824 . Ph. v. 213 Trinity College: Considerations, etc., on second college 1824 . . . have Remarks on Considerations, etc 1824? Examination of Remarks, etc. . . . .1825 Sermon, dedic. of Cong. Ch. : hist, ap pendix. Hawes 1825 Dedication sermon. Linsley 1827 2d Centen. Address. Hawes 1835 . . 74.32.79 l.-t Ch. : Historical sketches : centennial. Hawes 1836 . . 7-152.73 Mr. Beach s answer to Mr. Sigourney . 1837 . . . have Century sermon. Williams 1840 Dedication sermon. Burgess 1842 Hist, notices, etc., Hartford in 1640, etc. (2Xos.) Porter 1842. .4435.25 Conn. Hist. Soc. : Discourse. Day . . 1S44 . . 2337.29 1st Unit n Church; dedication, etc. . .1846 69 Shelf. No. Hartford, Ct., continued. Report on canal from Enfleld Falls . . . 1847 . . 8017.51 Brief review of 30 years; two sermons. Hawes 1848. .7452.79 Trin. Coll. : hist, address, 25th anniv. Beardsley 1851 North Ch. : 20th anniv. Disc. Bushnell . 1853 In olden time, by Scaeva. Stuart .... 1853 Report of water com tee. (Meeting of citizens) 1853 . . . have Account of boiler explosion 1854 4th Cong. Ch. : remonstrance. (Am. Tr. Soc.) 34 p l*-55 . 7579.17+ The Charter Oak; its history, its fall . 1856 . . 4333.18 Statistics of Hfd. Sunday Sch. Soc y. (1818-1858.) Preston 1858 Unveiling of Brownell statue 1859 Putnam Phalanx excursion 1859 . . 4352.9 Parting words ; discourse, North Church. Bushnell 1859 Hartford hospital : addresses, dedic n . 1859 . . . have Putnam Phalanx, Origin of 1860 Parade of 1861 Charter Oak hall : procg s at dedic n (in 1856) 1861 . . . have Hartford tract soc. : half-centen. mem l . 1S66 . . . have Armsmear; the home, etc., of S. Colt. Butler and Barnard 1866 . . . have South Ch. : bicentennial. Parker. 1871. (1870?) Retreat for insane : half centen. anniv. 40 p. Stearns 1876 . . . have Hiijh school : biennial catalogue, with hist 1876 . . . have Official statement as to libraries .... 1876 Hartsville, Pa. Neshaminy Presb. Ch. : his tory. Turner 1 ->76 . . 3543.54 Hartwick Sem., N. Y. Half centennial . . 1867 . . 4391.20 Harvard College. See Cambridge. Harwinton, Conn. History. Chipman . . 1860 . . 2336.21 Hatborough, Pa. Address, battle monu ment. Belville 1862 Battle of Crooked Billet. Davis .... 1867 Hatfleld and Deerfleld. Papers; attack on, 1677. Hough 1859 Havana, N. Y. People s college; corner stone 1858? Circular, etc 1S58 . . . have Address by Smith, etc., and correspond ence 1859 . . . have Circular 1860 . . . have Haverhill. Sermon on the earthquake (and impressions, etc., by Brown). Cotton . J727 11.18.106-)- Historical discourse. Dodge 1821 Acct. of Soc. for prom, of temper ance. 27 p 1830 . . 5573 60 - History. Mirick 1832 . . 4359.8 Centre Church ; discourse, re-dedic n. Hosford 1860 History. Chase 1861 . .2356.2} 70 Shelf. No. Haverhill, continued. Baptist Church ; centennial discourse. Train 1865 Picnic to shoe and leather trade .... 1871 . . . have - Baptist Ch. in East Haverhill ; half-cen tennial discourse. Worth 1872 - Centennial oration. 38 p. Crowell . . 1877 . . 4359.31 Head of Christiana (Del.) Church. Hist. discourse. Vallandigham 1876 . . 3545.10 Heath. 1st Cong. Ch. : hist, discourse. 80 p. Miller 1853 Helderberg, N. Y. Early days of church in. 2 sermons. Fuller 1843 . . 4393.23 Hempstead, L. I. Land claims N.D. - Sermon in St. George s Church. Hart . 1823 Hist, sketch of agric., manuf., etc. On- derdonk 1867 . . 5998.22 Rise and progress of St. George s Ch. Carmichael 1841 Hendricks Co., Ind. Directory, hist, sketch, etc. Cline and McHaffie 1874 Hennepin Co., Minn. Address on early his tory. Stevens 1856 - Geog. and stat. hist. Mitchell & Stevens. 1868 lienrico Parish, Va. Vestry book. Brock . 1874 . .2371.53 Henry Co., Ind. Past and Present. Pleas . 1871 . .2379.61 Directory and hist, sketch. Cline and McHaffie 1874 Herkimer Co., N. Y. History. Benton . .1856. .4371.23 Highland Co., N". Y. Proposed remon strance. 15 p 1856 Statistics, etc. 16 p 1858 Hillsborough, N. H. Annals. Smith . . . 1841 True ace. of defalcation of H. bank. 16 p. N.D. Hingham. Old man s calendar ; a discourse. Gay 1781 Same, 2d ed., Lond., 1783; 4th ed., Dover, 1793; Stockbridge, 1794; Salem, 1822. Same, repr. Hingham 1846 . . . have Proc gs in north parish. Thaxter, etc. . 1807 . . . have Vindic n of proc gs, etc. 80 p. (Richard son?) 1805 - Same, 2d ed 1807 - Ordination trouble 1807 Complaint against the BayAsso. .Rich ardson . . . . . 1818 . . . have History. Lincoln 1827 . 2307.15+ 2d centen. address. Lincoln 1835 . . 4355.61 Burial grounds 1842 Letter of Rev. J. Richardson. Richard son 1847 1st Cong. Ch.; discourse (notes). Hill . 1S50 . . . have Loring hall ; dedic n address. Stearns . 1852 . . . have Early settlers in : extracts, etc. Gushing. 1855 . . 4350.10 Ser. : close of 50th yr, ministry. Richard son 1856 . . 5543.9 Hingham and Quincy bridges : their free dom, etc. 1864 . . . have .71 Shelf. No. Hingham, continued. ) Public Library; dedication address. Russell 1871 . . . have / Address at dedication, etc. Loring . . 1871 . . . have y Annual reports, 1871-3, etc 1873 . . . have Discourse : re-opening meeting-house. 79 p. Lincoln 1873 . . 5)42.60 Hingham in the civil war. Burr and Lin coln 1876 . . 23-21.66 - Hingham and Quincy bridges. 4 p. (I860?) x.n. . . . have Hiram, O. Hiram College : hist. of. Hins- dale (1876) . . have Disciples of: hist. of. Hinsdale .... 1876 . . . have Holden. Hist. serm. Davis 1793 History (historical address). Damon . 1841 . . 4451.14 Historical sermon. Paine 1859 Historical sermon. Paine 1864 Holland Land Co., X. Y. Convention on title, etc 1830 Holland purchase, N. Y. Pioneer hist. of. Turner 1849 . . 4374.6 Holley, X. Y. Presb. Ch. : Half-cent l disc. Copeland 1869 . . 5544.75 Hollis, N. H. Centennial address. Powers . 1830 Farrar ceut l address. Clary 1847 . . 5543.18 Memorials of asso. of ministers. Davis . 1862 The town of (reprint from Gen. Reg.). 14 p. (Worcester) 1873? Holliston. View of, etc. ; a century sermon. Fitch 1827 . . 2358.13 Consecr n of Lake Grove cemet. Bod- well 1860. .4392.81 Farewell discourse : Cong. Ch. Tucker. 1867 . . 5549a.2 Holyoke. Directory, with history 1869 . 6390b.4 Thucity of: its water power, etc. 15 p. (1876) . C.C.4.1 Holyoke Seminary. See South Hadley. Homer, X. Y. Cong. Cb. Keep 1833 Cortland Academy : jubilee 1846 Cong. Ch. : sketch of history. Holbrook . N.D. 75th anniv. 58 p 1876 . . 3545.20 Hopedale. See Milford. Hopkinton. Result of a council 1735 H .22.35+ Defence of observations, etc. (about Rev. 8. Barrett) . Mayhew 1763 Historical discourse. Fitch ...... .1776 Centennial serm., 1815. Howe 1816 . 5546.3+ Same, 2d ed 1817 - Same, 3d ed 1825. .5546.57 Same, 4th ed 1851 . . 5546.4 Cong. Ch. : hist. serm. Webster . . . 1864 Hot Springs, Ark. History and guide. 88 p. Cutler 1874 Houston Co., Minn. Advantages and re sources 1858 Hubbardston. Centen. address. Stowe . 1867 . . 2355.58 Hubbardton, Vt. Hist, address : 82d anniv. of battle. Clark 1859 . . 4355,14 Hudson. Abstract of history. Hudson . 1877 . . . have 72 Shelf. No. Hudson Co., N. J. History of land titles. Winfield 1872 . 2370a.52 - History. Winfield 1874 . . . have Hudson, X. Y. Letter, etc., on the Episc. Church. Gardiner 1802 Hist, sketches. 120 p. Miller 1862 . . 2377.10 Hudson River, N. Y. Letters about H. R. and vicinity. 3d ed. (Hunt?). . . .1837 Voyage which led to discovery of. (The Hague) 1859 Hudson s sailing directions, and discov ery of. DeCosta 1869 . . 4503.14 Obstructions in, of 1776. Ruttenber . . 1859 From wilderness to sea. Lossing . . . 1866 . . 4475.6 Indian tribes of the Hudson. Ruttenber. 1872 Overslagh and Coeyman s Bowery. (Munsell?) 1875 . . 4375.65 - By pen and pencil 1875 . . 2373.18 Hudson, O. West. Reserve coll. : rep. of Educ. Soc 1855 . . . have - History. Cutler 1876 . . . have Hudson, Wise., and tribut y region. Hall . 1857 Hull. Sketch of 1830 Notes on the south shore : by the shade of Alden 1848 . . . have Humboldt College. See Springvale. Huntingdon Co., Pa. History. Lytle . . 1876 Huntington. History. 40 p. Bisbee . . 1876 .. 2353.61 Huntington, 1ST. Y. Claim of, to certain islands. Wood 1816 Centennial. Davidson 1866 Old times in : hist, address. Platt . . . 1876 Huntington, Pa. Presbytery of. Gibson 1874 Huron, Mich. Acc t of 1837 Hyde Park. The street question : a report . (1870) . . have Graded course for public schools . . . 1871 . . . have Report of the library committee .... 1872 . . . have Indianapolis, Ind. Lecture on early his tory, etc. Bolton 1853 Directory (with hist, sketch and report of Bd. of Trade) 1859 Trials for treason. Pitman 1865 Merch. and Mfr s exchange. 2d half-an. circular 1868 Directory, 1868-9, with hist, sketch. Brown 1868 The city and its advantages (mfg., etc.) 1870 - History. Holloway 1870 . . 2372.63 Early reminiscences. Nowland .... 1870 Board of trade : semi-annual report . .1871 - Annual report for 1873, 74, 75. (Have for 74 and 75.) - Water Works Co. : 1st an. rep 1871 2d Presb. Ch. : manual (with hist sketch) 1872 Semi-cent l of Sunday schools 1873 1st Presbyterian Church : manual and history 1874 > Public Library : an. report 1874 Manual for teachers: course of study . 1876 . . 5595.63 73 Shelf. No. Indianapolis, Ind., continued. - Presbytery of: history. 132 p. (Moore) 1876 . . 3548.11 Indian Key, Fla. Massacre by Seminoles. 1841 Industry, Me. History. 2d ed. Allen . . 1869 Ipswich. Just and impartial narrative, etc. (case of Mr. Fisk) 1735 Pickering s and Rogers letters 1742 Bad omen to the churches, etc. Picker ing 1747 Plain narrative, etc. Cleaveland .... 1748 Chebacco narrative rescued, etc. Cleave land (1748) . H.26.66 Answer to the Chebacco narrative . . . 1748 Pretended plain narrative convicted, etc. 1748 . H.26.67 Chebacco Parish, 1763-64. Cleaveland . 1767 Short and plain narrative (revival, etc., 1763-64). Cleaveland 1777 Second Parish: sketch of history. Crow- ell 1815 Interment of the dead : a sermon. Crow- ell 1818 Ecclesiastical History. 44 p. Kimball. 1823 . . 4393.23 Commem. Disc. ; his 60th year. Dana . 1825 . .7452.61 1st Church : Centennial discourse. Kim- ball 1834 . 5546.24- - Essex, and Hamilton. History. Felt .1834 . .2356.5 Historical discourse. Kimball 1846 Last serm. in old m tg. house. Kimball. 1846 First serin, in new meeting-house. Kim ball 1847 . . 4392.81 Historical discourse, 30th anniv. Fitz. . 1856 Discourse, his 50th anniv. Kimball . . 1857 . . 5543.14 Ironton, O. Iron industries, etc. 26 p. Lawson 1871 Isles of Shoals, X. H. History. Jenness.1873 . . 1656.14 Same. 2d ed. Jenness 1875 Ithaca, N. Y., and environs. View by Im partial observer 1835 Early history, a lecture. King .... 1847 As it was and is, etc. Goodwin .... 1853 Cornell Library : dedication 1866. .6130.12 Presb. Church : half-century sermon. Wisner 1866? Cornell University : Rep. of Com. on organization 1866 . . 4386.65 Same. another ed 1869. . .have 1st gen. announcement 1868 . . 4386.65 Cor. stone Sage College 1873 . . 4487.7 Circ. to school comm rs, etc 1868 . . 4386.65 Inauguration 1869 . . 4386.65 Report on Sage College for women. White N.D. . . 4386.65 Jacksonville, 111. Illinois College, appeal for. Beecher and Baldwin 1831 . . . have Hist, sketch. Baldwin 1832 . Ph.v.86 Same. 2d ed 1837 . . . have Quar.-cent. celeb n 1855 . . . have 1st Presb. Ch. quar.-century memorial. Glover 1873 . 7453.294- 74 Sheli. No. Jaffrey, X. H. Centen. Address. Parker . 1873 . . . have Jamaica, L. I. Hist, discourse. Garretson. 1842 Union Hall : 50th auniv. Ogden .... 1842 - Hist, of Presb. Church. Macdonald . . 1847 Jamaica Plain. See West Roxbury. Jamesburg, N. J. Hist, address. Hill . . 1876 . . 5541.63 - Presb. Ch. : hist., a sermon. Everitt . 1876 . . 5541.63 Centennial sermon. Everitt 1876 . . 5541.63 Jamestown of Pemaquid, Me. Poem (hist. introduction by Ballard). Hackleton . 1869 Jamestown, X. Y. 1st Cong. Ch. ; 50th an- niv. sermon, hist, sketch, etc. Jamestown, Va. First settlers at. Davis. 1806 Jubilee, 2d centesimal 1807 - Keprint of same. (Wynne) 1857 . . . have Celebr. 250th anniv. 33 p 1857 . . 4396.56 - 1st celebration of Old Dominion Society in New York 1860 Jay Co., Indiana. History. Montgomery . 1864 Jefferson City, Mo. Lincoln Institute (statements, etc.). Foster 1870. . .have Full history, etc. Foster 1871 Jefferson College. See Canonsburg. Jefferson Co., Iowa. Centennial history (pht.). Fletcher 1876. . .have Jefferson Co., N. Y. History. Hough . . 1854 , . 4371.24 Jericho, Vt. Soldiers record. 47 p. Lane.1868 . . 4329.74 Jersey City, N. J. Acts of legist, for water supply 1852 . . . have Report on sewerage. Whitwell .... 1853 . . . have Tarift of rates for Passaic water .... 1867 . . . have Act on water and drainage works .... 1869 . . . have - 1st Ref. Dutch Ch. of Van Vorst: ser., 20th anniv. Van Cleef 1870 . . . have Reports on Passaic water analyses . . . 1873.2373.56.13 Jersey City, Hoboken, and Hudson, N. J. Combined Directories, hist, inform., etc 1854 Jersey, O. Presb. Ch., hist, discourse. 32 p. Colmery 1877 . . 5541.64 Jewett City, Conn. See Griswold. Johnson Co., Indiana. Directory, and hist. sketch. Cline and McHaffle 1874 Johnson s Island, Lake Erie. Scraps from. Barbiere 1868 Joliet, 111. Progress, etc., of. 40 p 1856 Great resources, etc. 32 p. Rowell . . 1871 . . . have Juniata Valley, Pa. History. Jones . . . 1856 Kanawha Co., Va. Memorial on inequality of representation 1841 Ph. v. 279 History. Atkinson ... 1876 . . 2377.7 Kanawha Valley, Va. History. Gibbons. 1872 Kansas City, Mo. History, etc. 67 p. Kelley 1873 Keene, X. H. Annals. Hale 1826 . . 2338.8 Same 1851 Histor. Address, July 4, 1876. White . 1876 . . . have Kehukee,N. C. Baptist Association: concise history. Burkitt and Read 1803 Shelf. No. Kendall Co., 111. Hist. Direct. Fisher & Co. 1876 Kennebec County. See also Brunswick. Agric., etc., with notes on history, etc. (26 perf. cps. only.) Boardman . . . 1867 Kennebunk, Me. York Lodge : history. Kennebunkport, Me. Arundel Lodge: history. History. Bradbury 1837 . . 4438.7 Kenosha, Wise. Fiscal condition, trade, etc. 10 p 1854 Kensington, X. H. Bill of mortality : from Mr. Fogg s record 1802 Kent, Md. Old Kent, etc. Hanson .... 1876 . . 2373.72 Kenyon College. See Gambier. Keokuk, Iowa, in 1856. 44 p. Clemens . . 1856 . . 2373.4 Library asso. : Catalogue, with sketch of hist 1866 . . 2129.32 Ketocton (Catoctin?), Md. Baptist Asso.; concise history. Fristoe 1808 Killingworth, Conn. Hist, discourse. Mil ler 1870 Kings Co., X. Y. Report on town survey . 1874 Kingston. Centennial discourse. Robbins.1794 - 150th anniversary 1876 . 4453.8+ Kingston, X. H., Cong. Church: hist, ad dress, 150th anniv. Mellish 1876 . . 3545.18 Kingston, X. Y. History of Freemasonry in. Baldwin 1870 Knox College. See Galesburg. Krtox Co., O. History. Norton 1862 . . 4475.3 Knoxville, Tenn. Address half-cent, anniv. Humes 1842 Lackawanna Valley, Pa. Contrib s to hist. Hollister 1857 Same. 2d ed 1869 Lacrosse, Wis. Brief Sketch. Carr . . .1854. . .have Lafayette, Ind. Chemical report on arte sian well. 32 p. Wetherlll 1838 . . 3493.27 - Directory for 1858-9, with hist. sk. . . Is58 Half-centen., etc., oration, July 4, 1876. Wilstach. 3d ed . . 1876 . . . have Lafayette College. See Easton. Lake Co., Ind., 1834 to 1872. Ball 1873 . . 2379.68 Lake Champlain. See also Champlain Valley. - History, 1607 to 18 15. Palmer 1866. .2337.20 History. De Costa 1866 Descriptive Guide. Xelson 1868 Lake Erie. Oration, 40th anniv. of battle. Calvert 1853 . . 4426.6 - Same. 2d ed 1854 . . 4426.6 The battle : a discourse. Parsons . . . 1853 . 4435.15+ Same. 2d. ed 1854 . . . have 45th anniversary 1858 . . 4426.6 Lake George. History. Marvin 1853? Hist, discourse, cent l of battle. Van Rensselaer 1856 - Narrative of events, etc. De Costa . . .1868. .2370.18 Scenes and characteristics. De Costa . 1868 Same. 2d ed 1869? 7(5 Shelf. No. Lake George, continued. - Same. 3d ed 1871 . 4469a.27 - Fight at Diamond Island. De Costa . . 1872 . . 4422.55 Lake George and Lake Champlain, to 1759. Butler 1868 . . 4469.54 - Same. 2d eel 1869 Lake George, Schroon lake, and Adiron- dacks 1868 Lake Memphremagog, Vt. Wonders of. Burt 1872 Handbook, of. Dix N.D. Lake Superior country. Description of. St. John 1836 Lancaster. Centennial sermon. Harrington. 1753 . H.16.43 - Same. 2d ed 1806 Sermon, and list of soldiers. 1755-60. Mellen 1760 Sermon; last in old meeting-house. Thayer 1817 Dedication sermon. Thayer 1817 - Topog. and hist, sketches. Willard . . 1826 . . 4452.24 Oration, 150th anniv. of destruction. Goodwin 1826 . 5546.2-f- Copy of answer to church. Carter. . .1832. . .have Letter to N. Thayer (church matters) Carter 1833 . . 4495.82 Discourse, interment of Dr. Thayer. Hill . 1840 . Ph.v.441 - Facts as to, etc. 29 p. Bigelow .... 1851 . . 8027.2 Address, 2d centennial. Willard .... 1853 . 2356.10-)- Indust. school for girls : inaug 1856 . . 4354.20 Memorial hall; dedic. address (and ode) Thayer 1868 . 4500a.6+ - Address, July 4, 1876. Washburn . . . 1876 . . 4401.13 Lancaster, N. H. Centennial 1864 Address (also in Centennial.) Mason . 1864 Lancaster, Pa. Franklin and Marshall Coll. : opening 1851 . . . have Evang. Church ; centenary jubilee . . . 1861 . . 5543.42 Lancaster, Co., Pa. Historical acct. of dis turbance, etc. 8 p 1764 Narrative of massacre (by Paxton Boys). Franklin 1764 Serious address (on the massacre). 8 p. 1764 - History. Rupp 1844 . . 4372.27 Origin of Linnaean Society. 18 p. Rath- von 1866 Authentic history. Mombert 1869 . . 2373.27 Letter to citizens of, on the woolens bill. Miner 5640a.l8 Biographical history. Harris 1872 . . 23J4.59 Lanesborough. St. Luke s chapel; centen nial sermon. Shaw 1867? Lansing, Mich. The capital, its advantages, etc. 38 p 1873 . . 4376.19 Corner stone, new capitol. Bours . . . 1873 . . 2375.62 Lawrence. Cong. Church (Sermon, and hist, notices). Whiting 1849 . . . have Sanitary survey, maps, etc 1850 . . . have 77 Shelf. No. Lawrence, continued. Fall of Pemberton mill . . . . 1860 - Report of committee of relief 1860 . . 7571.25 Authentic hist., etc. (Pemberton Mill.) 96 p 1860 . . . have - History. Hayes 1868 .. 2354.20 Lebanon, Conn. Indian Charity School : Narrative. 55 p. Wheelock 1763 . 2366.20+ Same, continuation. 23 p. Wheelock . 1765 Same, brief narrative (Lend.). 64 p. Wheelock 1766 Same, 2d ed. (Lond.) 63 p. Wheelock. 1767 . .2366.11 Same, continuation. 145 p. (Lond.) "Wheelock 1769. .4465.18 - Same, continuation. 40 p. (N. P.) Wbeelock 1773 . H.84.16 Same, 68 p. (Hartford.) Wheelock . . 1773 . . 2366.11 Same, 61 p. (N. P.) Wheelock .... 1771 Same , 31 p. (Hartford.) Wheelock . . 1775 Half-century sermon. Williams .... 1773 . . 3455.41 - Hail-storm, July 15. 1799. Dewey . . . 1799 Dedication sermon. Lyman 1807 Lebanon, X. H. Historical recollections; a discourse. Cooke 1831 Historical discourse, July 4, 1861 (also in centennial). Allen 1862 - Centennial 1862 . 4337.45+ Address (included in Centennial.) Pat terson 1862 Lebanon, 111. McKendree College : Educ. Convention 1868 . . . have Ledyard, Conn. Dedication ser. Tuttle . 1844 Sketches of history. Tuttle 1859 Half-centen. sermon. Tuttle 1861 Lee. History of; a lecture. Gale 1854 Lehigh River, Pa. Incidents of freshet. Scattergood 1863 Lehigh Valley, Pa. History. 5 nos. Henry 1859-61 have 1 Lehigh Valley II. II., Pa. Scenery on. Senter 1873 Leicester. Top. and Hist. Sks. Washburu. 1826 . .2356.37 - Academy. Wright 1834 Hist. Address. (Leicester in Revol n.) Washburn 1849 . . 2356.36 School committee report, hist, of schools. 1850 . . 6341.9 Academy; Festival 1855. .4387.52 L. Academy : sk. of hist. Washburn . 1855 . . 2356.39 - Hist, sketches. Washburn 1860 . . 2356.38 Pastor s Memorial 1862 150th Anniv 1871 . . 4453.7 Centennial celebration, July 4, 1876 . . 1876 . . 2352.64 Lenox. Sedgwick Library : dedic n .... 1874 . . . have - Hist. Address, July 4, 1876. Rockwell . 1876 . . 4353.15 Leominster. Discourse, his 50th year. Gardner 1813 Sermons, old and new meeting-house. Conant 1823 . 5450a 34 1st Cong. Ch. cent l disc. Stebbins . . 1843 Leominster, continued. - Town hall; dedlc n, -address and poem. Wilder 1852 . . . have - History. Wilder 1853 . 2357. 5 4- Le Roy, N. Y. Ingham University; Inaug. services. Pres. Cox 1856 . . 4494.1 Hist, sketch. Van Lenncp 1876 . . . have Leverett. Hist, discourse at North Leverett. Andrews 1847 Lewis Co., N. Y. History. Hough . . . 1860 . . 4371.17 Lexington. Circumstantial ucct. of attack on his majesty s troops. (Broadside.) Bost 1775 - Narr. of excursion, ravages, etc. (Wor cester.) 1775 - Same. (Bost.) 1775 Battle. (Worcester) 1775 - Narrative, etc. (with Gage s Protesta tions) 1779 - Fate of bloodthirsty oppressors, etc. : sermon and brief narrative. Clark. .1776 - The violent destroyed, etc.; a sermon. Cooke 1777 - Bloody tragedy, etc 1777 - Sermon. 39 p. Cumings 1781 . H. 82.14 - Divine judgments, etc. ; sermon, Apr. 20, 1778. Cushing 1778 - Battle. (Boston) 1779 - Historical discourse. Payson ..... 1782 - Serm.,1783. Adams 1783 Interesting correspondence. Sullivan and Pickering 1808 . . 4500a.9 Century sermon. Williams 1813 . . 5452.64 - History of the Battle. Phinney .... 1825 . . 4325.50 - Fac-simile reprint 1875 . . 2353.24 Address, commem. of battle. Emmons. 1826 Same, another ed 1827 - Report on ministerial fund 1832 . . 6088.60 - Hist. Address. 66 p. Everett 1835 . . 4163.13 - 2d ed 1835 . . . have Narr. of events, journals of Prov. Cong., etc., repr 1838 - Defence of Pickering. Swett 1859 . . 4500a.9 - History. Hudson 1868 . . 4454.2 Oration by Loring, Dedic. of memorial hall, etc 1871 . . 4453a.3 - Oration, Apr. 19th, 1775. Dana .... 1875 . . 2351.50 Souvenir of 1775. Porter and Stephenson. 1875 . 2350.12+ Sermon, Apr. 19th, 1776. (Osgood s re print.) Clark 1875. . 23. G.I Same, Rand & Avery s reprint .... 1875 . . 2353.35 - Proceedings, cent l. Ap. 19, 1875. Hud son and Porter 1875 . . 2352.58 Centennial sermons. Westcott 1875 . . 2359.59 - Abstract of history. Hudson 1876 . . 4452.17 Lexington, Ky. Directory with history. MacCabe 1838 - History. Ranck 1872 79 Shelf. No. Lexington, Ky., continued. Kentucky University: catalogue (and hist, sketch) 1874 . . . have Licking Co., O. Pioneers of (poem.) Clark.N.D. . . 4473.6 Celebr n of Am. Ind p. at Clay Lick. Smucker 1869 Disciple Churches. Winter 1869 .. 4473.6 Presb. Ch s, in. Hervey 1869 - Welsh Settlements in. Smucker .... 1869 Licking Co. s gallant soldiers. 29 p. . . 1874 . . 4323.70 - Our Pioneers. Smucker, etc 1872 . . 4473.6 Centennial history. Smucker 1876 . . 2377.29 Lincoln Co., Me. Report of disturbances in 1811 JJ.D. . . 4426.18 Lisbon, Conn. Half-century sermon. Lee . 1819? Half-century sermon. Nelson 1854 Hist, sermon. Breed 1858 Litchfield, Conn. Statistical acct. Morris . 1811 Acc t of 1815 North Association ; Proscription deline ated, etc. Parker 1819 Cond n of asso. churches in southern dist.1842 . 5569a.7.1 - History. Woodruff 1845 Episc. Ch. Cent l serm. Jones .... 1846 North Consociation; discourse. Yale . 1849 Biographical hist, of county of. Kil- bourne 1851 ". . 2345.7 - County centennial 1851 . . 2336.4 North and South Consociations, centen nial 1852 . 5541.67 North Asso. and Conso. : history .... 1852 Hist. Soc. address. Hollister 1856 Centennial, with address by Woodruff. 44 p 1876 History. Kilbourne 1859 Littleton, Mass. Century sermon. Fos ter 1815 Livermore, Me. Notes, hist, descrip n, etc. (Washburn) 1874 . . 2337.60 Livingston Co. N. Y. History. Doty. Log College. See Bucks Co. Logan Co., N. Y. History. Antrim .... 1872 Logansport, Ind. Centen l 4 July, with hist. 16 p 1876 . . . have Londonderry, N. H. Cent l serm. Parker.1819 . .4393.23 - History. Parker 1851 . . 2338.9 150th anniversary. Mack 1870 . . 4436.2 - Cent l discourse. 1876. 29 p. Pert . . . 1876 Long Island, N. Y. History. Wood . . 1824 . Ph. v. S6 Same 1826 . . 2371.19 Same 1865 . . 2370.54 History. Thompson 1839. .4371.12 - Same . 2d ed 1843 Cong. Convention ; hist, from 1791 . . . 1839 Miscellanies. Furman 1842 History. Prime . . 1845 . . 2371.20 - Profits on manufactures at. Cary . . . 1845 . . 5646.2 - List of 200 Indian names of places, etc. 12 p. (De Kay) 1851 80 Shelf. No. Long Island, N. Y., continued. And New York in olden times. Onder- donk 1851 Commodities of the isle called Manati (reprint) 1865 . . 4503.18 - Brief hist, sketch of Cath. Church. Mul- renan 1871 . 5549a.43 - Antiquities. Furman 1875 . . 2379.62 Lorain Co., O. Early history: an address. 35 p. Boynton 1876 . . . have Los Angeles (city and county), Cal. Semi- tropical California. Truman 1874 . . . have Louisville, Ky. Sketches. McMurtrie . . 1819 . . 2373.8 Same, 2d ed 1820 Thoughts on a school of medicine in, etc. Cross 1838 - History. Casseday 1852 - Her commercial, etc., advantages. Deer- ing 1859 . . . have - Dupont s artesian well: report. 23 p. Smith 1859 . . 3493.27 Christ Church . historical sketches. Craik.1863 Boatmen s national convention 1871 . . . have Lowell. Proposals by proprietors, etc. . . 1826 Vindication of females in Lowell mills. Bartlett 1841 . . 4494.76 Exposition, etc., and review of " Vindi cation" 1843. .4494.76 - Middlesex canal ; history. Eddy . . . 1843 - As it was and is. Miles 1845 . 2357.27+ Same. 2d ed 1847 . . 2357.8 - Result of manufactures. Cary .... 1845 . . 5647.30 - Stranger in. Whittier 1845. .4459.10 - Appleton and Lowell. Correspondence. 19 p 1848 . 4390a.ll - Hand-book for the visitor 1848 . 4489.alO Report on introducing pure water . . . 1848 . . . have Colburn Grammar School : address at opening. Edson 1849 . . . have - Facts on Lancaster mills. 29 p. Bige- low 1851 . . 8027.2 St. Anne s Ch. Sermon, 30th anniv. Edson 1855 . 7440.9+ - Hand bk. of business (this is the 1st ed. of "History"). Cowley 1856 - Introduction of power loom; origin of Lowell. Appleton 1858 . 4390a.ll - Memories of Indians and Pioneers. Cow- ley 1862 . . 4355.17 St. Anne s Ch. 40th anniv. Edson . . 1865 . 5470a.90 History. 2d ed. Cowley 1868 . . 4359.16 Report on supply of water 1869 . . . have Hearing, City vs. Boston & Lowell R. R. 1869 . . . have Examination of the water comm s. Gil- man 1871 . . . have Review of state police records, etc. Emery 1872 . . . have Masonic temple: dedication address. Gardner 1872 . . 3565.59 81 Shelf. No. Lowell, continued. - Old Residents Hist. Asso. Contrib. No . 1 , and 3 1874 . . 4353.8 Proceedings, half-centennial 1876 . . 2355.68 St. Anne s church : Rector s Library have Lower Brandywine, Del. and its pastors, 156 years. Jones 1876 . . . have Lower California. Hist, outline. Leese . 1865 . . 4374.16 Lower Kennebec, Me. Thomas Gyles and his neighbors. Vinton 1867 Lower Merion, Pa. St. Paul s Luth n ch. 19 p. Titus 1860 Lower Oxford, Pa. Lincoln Univ. (Ac count, etc.) 32 p. Johnson 1867 . . . have Presidents an. reps., 1872, 73, 74 have Lowville, N. Y. Academy : half-centennial. 1859 . . 4391.9 Ludlow. Century and centennial. Noon . 1875 Lutherville, Md. And L. Female Col lege : a description. 10 p 1852 Luzerne Co., Pa. Annals. Pearce .... 1860 Lyme, Conn. Impartial account of debate at Lyme. Bulkley 1729 . H. 14.58 Examination of Mr. Bulkley s Account. Walton 1731 . H.28.58 25th anniv. sermon. Brainerd 1867 . . . have Lynchburg, Va. Sketches and recoll ns, by Oldest Inhabitant 1858 . . 4379.14 Resources and advantages. 16 p. ... 1872 Lyndon, Vt. Sketch. Greenleaf 1852 Lynn. Review of. etc 1821 History. Lewis 1829 . . 4353.9 2d (Lynn and Nahant). Lewis .... 1844 . 2356.3+ - Lynnfleld, etc. Lewis and Newball . . 1865 . . 4354.26 Century of puritanism, etc. Cooke . . 1855 History of Dungeon Rock, by Enesee . 1856 1st M. E. Ch. Formation of. Clark . . 1859 . . 4355.15 Lin: or jewels of the third plantation. By Obadiah Oldpath 1862 City ball : events to erection, dedication, etc 1869 . . 6340.23 2d Cong Soc y; half-centennial anniv. . 1873 . .5542.62 Lynn and Salem. Facts, etc. in Society of Friends. Philbrick 1823 Lyon Co., Iowa. Hist. sk. 40 p. Hyde . 1873 Machias, Me. Memorial of Centennial . . 1863 . . 4438.25 Mackinaw City, Mich". Exposition of. Mansfield 1857 Old Mackinaw. Strickland 1860 . . 236.14 Old and New. Van Fleet 1870 . . 2375.65 McLean Co., 111. The good old times in. Duis 1874 . . 2373.66 Madison, Ind. 1st Presb. Ch. ; hist, ser mon. Simpson 1876 . . 3545.12 Madison, N. J. Presb. Ch. ; hist. of. Tuttle 1355 . . 5549.75 Hist, discourse. Aikman 1876 . . 7452.83 Madison, (\Vis.?) Hist, of late difficulty. 60 p. Kemper 1853 Madison. Wis. Sketch. 48 p. (Draper?) 1855. .4377.12 82 Shelf. No. Madison, Wis., continued. Univ. of Wise. : inaug. of Chanc. Lath- rop. 53 p 1853 . . 4129.13 - Statistics of, and of Dane Co. 16 p. . . 1853 . . 3545.12 - Its growth, etc. 48 p. Draper .... 1857 . 4376.6-f - Its progress, etc 1855 . . 4377.12 Same 1865 Directory, with hist, sketch by Draper . 1858 Directory, with hist, sketch by Smith . . 1866 Address, dedicn. of Hist. Soc. Rooms. Lapham 1866 History (78 p.). (Qu. Same as direc tory one? ) 1866 Univ. of Wise : by-laws of regents, acts, etc 1870 . . . have Park hotel travelers guide, with history.1872 . 4489a.55 History. Durrie 1874 . . 2375.74 Presb. Ch. : 25th anniv. ; a hist, address. 29 p. Durrie 1876 Madison University. See Hamilton, N. Y. Mahoning Valley, O. Hist. Collections. Vol.1 1876. -4373.60 Maiden. Baptist Ch. : history of wars, etc. Sprague 1812 Hist. Disc. Wright 1837 ? Bi-centennial Book 1850 . . 4359.10 - 200th Anniv. Oration. Green 1850 . . 4355.58 Oration, etc. New Town Hall 1857 Manchester. Truth Espoused, etc. Par sons 1823 (1829?) Orthodox Cong. Ch. : statement to coun cil (about Mr. Tenney) 1858 . 5549a.l2 Manchester, Conn. South M. and its silk manuf s 1868 Manchester, K. H. Address, Amoskeag Veterans. Potter 1855 - History. Potter 1856 . . 2338.10 - Statement, etc. (Mr. Tenney s Church) . 1858 . 5549.al2 Quarter-cent l of pastorate. Wallace . . 1865 Hist. Disc. Wallace 1868 Masonic Temple: dedicn. 31 p 1871. . .have History. J. B. Clarke . . . 1875 Manchester, Vt. Early hist. : an address. 63 pp. Muuson 1876 . . 2337.26 Manhattan, Ks. State Agric. College: Handbook 1874 . . . have Mankato, Minn, (and Blue Earth Co.) Brief review, etc. Griswold 1867 Board of trade: articles, etc 1869 Manlius, N. Y. History. Van Schaak . . 1873 Mansfield, Ct. Century serm. Welch . . 1801 Marblehead. Sermon : ord. Mr. Whitwell, and hist, of 1st Ch. Barnard 1742 . H.17.195 1st Ch. : hist, discourse. 51 p. Brad- street 1762 Sermon : ord. Rev. J. Bartlett (hist. note.) Homes 1811 1st Ch.; historical disc. Dana 1816 83 Shelf. No. Marblehead, continued. Discourse on disasters at sea, and app x. Lawrence 1848 St. Michael s Church: hist. ser. 158th anniv. 1st Ch. ; hist, sketch, covenant, etc. 38 p 1876 Marietta, O. Oration, July 4th, 178S. (New port.) Varnum 1788 - Oration, on Apr. 17th, 1789. (Worces ter.) Drowue 1789 Cong. Church : Semi-centennial hist, dis course 1847 Marietta College : Address : inaug. of Pres. Andrews. 30 p 1855 .. 4386.69 25th anniv. (and hist. disc, by Andrews). 1860 . .4383.69 And the oil and mineral region. Win chester and McGee 1864 Biog. sketches of early ph3 sicians. Hil- dreth N.D. . . 5731.6 Marietta College: hist, sketch. 33 p. (Andrews) 1876 . . 4335.86 Marion. Historical discourse. Cobb . . . 1863 Marion Co., Ind. Directory and hist, sketch. dine und McIIaffie 1874 Mariposa Estate, Cal. Allyn 1802 . . 3865.63 - Its past, present, and future. McCulloch.1868 . . 3672.4 Maryborough. Hunter vs. Marlboro. Case U. S. Circuit court 1845 . . 7685.27 Church record. (West Church.) Alger.1850 . . 54&8.10 1st Cong. Ch.: hist, sketch. Field . . .1859 Semi-centennial discourse. Bucklin . . 1859 - History. Hudson 1862 . . 2356.29 Marshall Co , Iowa. History. Sanford . . 1867 Marshfleld. Thunder and Lightning. Shurt- Icff 1850 . . 2324.52 Memorials, etc. Thomas 1854 . . 4359.11 Sixty years ago. Leonard 1872 . . 2356.53 Marshpee. Rights of M. Indians; argu ment by Hallett 1834 Indian nullification. Apes (Snelling?) . 1835 Martha s Vineyard. Brief narrative (mis sionary). Mayhew 1694 Discourse, etc., with state of Indians. Mayhew 1720 . II. 18.244 India Christiana; with app x. Mather . 1721 Indian Converts. Mayhew 1727 Sketches. (Devens) 1838 Maryland, X. Y. (andSchenevus). Concise History. Hotchkin 1876 Mason, X. H. Two Lectures on hist. 16 p. Rev. E. Hill 1846 History. J. B. Hill 1858 . . 4337.30 Memoir of Rev. E. Hill, and hist. lect s. J. B. Hill 1858 . . 4348.72 Centennial of incorp n. Hill 1870 Massachusetts, Eastern. Hist, of Ch. Miss. Asso. Perry 1859 . . 3534.4 84 Shelf. No. Massachusetts, Western. See Western Mass. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Lehigh coal found at, 18 p 1825 and vicinity 1872 Maumee Valley, O. Early history (it is also in Toledo directory of that year) . Hosmer 1858 - History. Knapp 1872 Mecklenburg, N. C. Declar. of indep. 32 p 1831 . . 4375.37 Monumental association : memorial. (Wheeler) 1842? . 4365.7.2 Address on declaration of 1775. Gra ham 1875 . . 2329.64 Medfield. Narrative of proc gs. against J. Morse 1785 - Serin 166th town anniv. Sanders . . . 1817 B.160al20 - Hero of Medtield. Kingsbury 1862 . . 4449.9 Town hall : dedication proceedings . . . 1875 . . 2355.60 Addresses. Bishop 1875 . . 2355.65 Bi-centennial ; address Feb. 21, 76. Bishop 1876 . . 2355.65 - Exercises 1876 Medfield memorial (date?) Medford. Sermon, funeral of Dr. Osgood. Holmes 1822 . . 7452.48 Historical discourses. Stetson 1840 . 4163.13+ Town way. Bacon 1841 Ark, ships, etc. (in Medford). Baker .1847 - Tornado of 1851. Brooks 1852 . . 3967.39 - History. Brooks 1855 . 2356.12+ Manual of Mystic Church and hist, sketch. 1860 Address, consecr. of monument to volun teers. Brooks 1866 Medina, X. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist. ser. Tally 1876 . . 5544.75 Medina Co., O. Pioneer history. Northrop. 1861 . 4479a.22 Medway. 1st Ch. ; centen. serin. Wright . 1814 . 5546.2+ Pastors review; discourse, his 50th anniv. Ide 1865 . . 5543.17 1st Ch. : hist, discourse. 86 p. Jameson. 1877 Melrose. Origin, etc., of freemasonry in. Gould 1866 Memorial (in rebellion). Goss 1868 . . 4428.21 Historical address, July 4th, 1876. Goss . 1876 . .2352.66 Memphis, Tenn. History. Davis .... 1873 Mendon. Short acct. of 3d Parish. (Balch s settlement in 1768) 1773 Association: History. Blake 1853. .2357.16 Poem, 200th anniv. Chapin 1867 2d Centennial 1868 Mercersburg, Pa. Presb. Ch. : history. 32 p. Creigh 1846 Meriden, Ct. History. Perkins 1849 . . 4379.27 Merrimack.N. H. Centen. address. Allen.1846 Merrimack Valley. Researches, etc. Poor . 1857-8 . 2350.8 85 Shelf. No. Merrimack Valley, continued. And its incidents; a poem. Caverly . .1866. .4406.28 River, with hist. : etc. Meader .... 1869 . . 4454.5 River: hist. sk. of ship-building on. Cur rier 1877 . . 5955.27 Methuen. 1st Bapt. Ch.: 1st half-century; a discourse. Hall 1805 . . . have - Hist, sketch. liowe 1876 . .4353.16 Miami, O. Baptist Asso. History. Dunlevy. 1S69 Miami Valley, (). Reunion of Pioneers . . 1873 Middleborough. Seasonable warning, etc. (Settlement of Mr. Conant.) Cotton . 1746 H. 16.102+ Anniversary sermon. Conant 1777 Centennial discourse. 31 p. Barker . 1796 Century sermon, Mr. Alden s 100th year. Tompkins 1818 1st Church; catalogue of members, 1694- 1835; hist, notes 1835? Sketches of early history. Harris . . . 1849 - Record of the 1st Church. (Eddy) . . 1852 2 discourses, 150 years of 1st Church, 124, 55 p. Putnam 1852 1st Ch. Cent, half-cen. disc. Putnam .1854 Peirce Acad., Half-centennial 1858 . . 4387.50 Two discourses, his 50th anniv. 34 p. Putnam 1865 1st Bap. Ch , hist. disc. Weston . . . 1868 200th anniv 1870 Middle bury, Vt. College : statement of facts, etc. Olds 1818 .. .have Account. Hall 1821 Half-centennial sermpn. Merrill .... 1841 . . . have College; semi-centennial 1850 60th anniv 1860 . . 4496.51 - History. Swift 1859 . . 4431.9 College (description, etc.) 4 p I860? . .have Pioneer centennial: oration (poem by Dorr). Kellogg 1866 Middlefleld. 2d Church, hist. disc. Ide . 1865 Middlefield, Conn. Hist. Serm. Nash . . 1815 Middlesex Co. Geography. Carter & Brooks 1S30 . . 4359.35 Hist. Fields and Mansions. Drake . . 1S74 . 2359.57+ Middlesex Co., Conn. Statistical account. Field 1819 . 2336.2+ Middle Tennesee. Early times in. Carr.1856 History. Putnam 1859 . . 2373.28 Middletown, Ct. Key to unlock the door, etc. Frothingham 1767 Spotted fever of 1823. Miner 1825M.Ph.v.l3+ Centennial address. Field 1853 . . 4339.25 Wesleyan University ; alumni record. Judd 1869 .. 4485.57 - Same, revised ed. by Winchester, etc. 1873 . . 4485.61 O. Judd hall, etc., corner-stone . . . .1872. .4494.58 1st Church; discourse, 1st century. Hazen . . 1876 . . 5543.67 8(3 Shelf. No. Middletown, Vt. Hist, in 3 disc s. Fris- bie 1867 . . 4431.10 Milford. Constitution, etc., of Fraternal Community. Hopedale 1846 - 1st Cong. Church. Brief sketch .... 1852 Milford, Conn. Cong Ch. : history. Brace. 1852 - Leaf of Milford history. Brace . . . . 1?58 . . .have Histor. discourse. Brace 1860 - Hist, of Milford Grenadiers. Brace . . 1876 Milford, N.H. Farewell Sermons. Moore.1836 . . 7453.2 Millstone, N. J. Ref. Dutch Ch. ; centennial discourse. Corwin 1866 Milton Transactions of town on inocula tion 1809 . 5797.58+ - 2 sermons, centennial. Morison .... 1862 . 5543.7+ - Address, 200th anniversary. Robbins . 1862 . . 5543.7 Milwaukee, Wis. Sketch (in Emigr. Hand bk). Freeman 1851 Trade and commerce reports, 1855 on ward. - Same; 10th-14th, 1867-71. Langson 5645.66 - Chronicles. Wheeler 1861 - Plymouth Ch. ; 25th anniv 1866 Old settlers club; address. Chase . . 1872 . . . have - Same. 1873. Miller 1873 . . . have - Same. 1874. Miller 1874 . . . have - Hist. Sk. of Milw. Methodism. Nutter . 1873 . . .have - Early days (poem) 16 p. Buck .... 1874 . . . have Pioneer history. Buck 1876 Mineral Point, Wis. Directory with sketch of history 1859 Minisink Region, X. Y. History. Stick- ney 1867 .. 4477.25 - Hist, sk of Methodism in. Miller. . .1873 Minneapolis, Minn. Westminster Presb. Ch.. hist. sk. A sermon. Sample . . 1869 - Univ. of Minnesota. Calendars, 1874-5, and 1875-6 have Minneapolis and St. Anthony, Minn. 3d an. rep. of mfg. industry 1869 - Stranger s guide in. (Chittcnden?) . .1869 Tribune s annual exhibit, etc. 26 p. . .1871. .437355 Missisco Valley, Vt. History. 75 p. Sumner 1860 . , 4434.1 Mississippi. Univ. of. See Oxford. Mobile, Ala. Report on late mortality . . 1819 M.Ph. v. 8 Hist. Sketch (in Woold s Mobile Direc tory) 1844 Monongahela, Pa. Presbytery. History. 79 p 1877 . . . have Monroe, Mich. 1st Presb. Ch.; cent l disc. 12 p. Putnam 1876. .5541.57 Monroe Co., Pa. Reminiscences of Or. La Bar, etc 1870 Monroe, etc., Cos. Pa. History. Rupp . 1845 Monson. 2d Cen. Pilgrims; serm. Ely . 1821 Sermon, ord. of colleague. Ely . . . .1843. .7440.15 87 Shelf. No. Monson, continued. Two sermons : at settlement, and 50 years afterward. Ely 1858 . . 5543.7 Address, re-dedication of academy. Ham mond 1855 Montauk, (L. I.) Legends; hist, appendix. Ayres 1849. .4404.26 Monterey Co., Cal. Resources. Butler . 1876 . . 4473.56 Montgomery, X. Y. Hist, discourse, 125th aniiiv. of church. Maclise 1865 Montgomery Co., Ind. Directory and hist. sketch. Cline and McHaflle 1874 Montgomery Co., O. Observations in. Groneweg 1856 Montgomery Co., Pa. History. Buck . . 1859 Monticello, 111. Hist, address, 17th anniv. of Fern. Sem. Baldwin li>55? . . have Montp lier, Vt. Hist. Disc. Gridley . .1843(42?) Hi<tory. Thompson 1860 . . 2337.9 Moorefleld, O. Presb. Ch.; hist. Crawford 1871 Morgan Co., Ind. Directory and hist, sketch. Cline & McHaffie 1874 Morris, III. Cong. Ch. : hist. rein. Turner . 1865 . . 5544.73 Morris Co., X. ,T. Early History. Tuttle . 1870 . . 4392.78 Centennial; address. Tuttle 1876. .4371.53 Morristown, X. J. Wonderful history of ghost. Young 1826 Same. Magic 1800 Snmt, repr 1876 . 56C9a.86 Mt. Desert, Me. (An account.) Martin . 1867 Samet 1S74 . 2369a.79 and typhoid fever in 1873. Morton. . .1873. .5793.69 - Rambles in De Costa 1871 . . 4469.18 Mt. Desert Lodge : hist. Hamor . . . .1871. . .have Mt. Morris, N. Y. Presb. Ch.; ser., his 2Jth anniv. Parsons 1876 .. 7540.3 Mt. "Washington (Bait. Co , Md.) Descrip tion. 7 p 1854 Muskingum Co., O. Roll of honor. King. 1866 Resources of 1874 Muskingum Valley, O. Historical events. Mitchener 1876 Nahant. Letters, hist., etc. 48 p. ( Wheildon).1838 . . 4358.15 Xame 1842 . . . have Letters from, Historical 1853 Picture of. 14 p. Lewis . 1848 . Ph. v.417 X. and other places on the north shore (shade of Alden ) Homer 1848 . 2356.21+ Guide. Lewis 1851 Picture of. Lewis 1855 Nantasket (Hull). Sketch of. (Lincoln) .1830. .4338.18 Nantucket. Copy of a relation, etc. (land claims). (Hopkins) 1770 Robbery of X. Bank. Coffin and Gardncr.1816 . . .have History. Macy 1835 . . 4359.13 Papers, etc. Hough 1856 Centennial discourse. Hosmer 1865 Historical notes and tourist s guide. Cook.1871 88 Shelf. No Nantucket, continued. Nantucket and the whales. 4 p 1874? . . have - Handbook of Nantucket. Folger . . .1875. 2359a.56 Narragansett, Me. See Buxton 2336.53 Narragansett, R. I. Answer, etc. (minis try land, South Kingstown). Prince . 1739? . H. 80.50 - Episc. Ch. in. Updike 1847 . . 5543 43 Nashotah, Wis., Few days at. Kip. . . .] 849 Ph. vol. 175 Nashua, X. H. Unit n. Society : farewell address. Osgood 1841 . . 5549a.2 - 1 st Unit. Ch. memorial 1859. 5549a.l2 Nashville, Tenn. Relation of pastor and people : a statement, etc. Ferguson . . 1804 History of relation of pastor and Christian Church. Ferguson 1855 Address and correspondence. Ferguson. 1856 . . . have University Med. Dep. Hist, address. Bowling 1868 . 5796.48+ University, report on. Lindsley .... 1870 . . 4396.60 FiskUniv.; hist., etc. 64 p 1876. . .have Nassau, N. Y. Ref. Dutch Ch. Hist. of. Knox 1841 . Ph.v.121 Natick. Hist. Serin. 27 p. Moore .... 1817 . . . have - Sermon (hist, appendix.) Lowell . . . 1829 Discourse, hist, appendix. Young . . . 1830 History. Biglow 1830 . 2356.8+ 1st Cong. Ch., ded. serm. Nason .... 1855 . . 5546.3 History. Bacon 1856 . . 2357.36 Localities, streets, etc. Bacon 1859 Nauvoo, 111. City of Mormons; or 3 days at. Caswall 1843 Nazareth, Pa. History of Nazareth Hull. Reichel 1855 Nazareth hall, a hist, sketch. Keichel . 1869 . . 4495.10 A red rose, etc. (Nazareth Inn), 50 p. Jones 1872 . . 2378.51 Needham. Discourse, ord. of Rev. L. Wright.1798 Centennial Sermon. Palmer 1811 Neshaminy. See Uartsville. New Albany, Ind. First Presb. Ch.; hist. Sketch. Conn 1876 . . . have Newark, Del. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, discourse. Porter 176 . . 3545.10 Newark, N. J. Century Sermon preached 1801. McWhorter 1807 2d Presb. Congn. history. Condit . . . 1831 - Directory, with hist, sketch. Pierson . 1836 Trinity Church; centennial discourse. Henderson 1846 1st Baptist Church; semi-centennial ser mon. Fish 1S51 1st Church ; histor. sermons. Stearns. 1853. . 4 !73.5 - Report to Ag. board on water supply. Bailey 1S61 . . . have 2d Presb. Church; 0th anniv., Sep. 29, 1851. J. Few Smith 1861 Records, 1666 to 1836 . .1864 200th anniv. . 1866. .2372.16 89 Shelf. No. Newark, X. J., continued. Report on sewerage and drainage .... 187-1 . . . have Industrial interests. Ford 1874 . . 2373.51 1st Presb. Ch. : sermon, his 25th anniv. Stearns 187G . . 4?,71.3 2d Presb. Ch. ; quarter century, in 28 p. Few Smith 1877. .5541.65 y New Bedford. Lyceum ; const n and by laws 1828 . . . have Same I860 . . . have Port Soc y; 1st ann. rep 1831. Ph. v. 441 Y. M. Temp. Soc ; const n and address. 1834 . . . have Report and resolutions (citizens) on tem perance 1840 . . . have North Cong. Ch. ; Official papers, 8 p. (Case of Mr. Holmes) 1843 Ph. v. 441 Oak Grove cemetery : consecr. address. Congdon 1844 . . . have Traffic in strong drink; address to inhab s. 1847 . . .have Report of council on dismission of Mr. Holmes 1850 Memorial of Rotch, etc. as to bridge . . 1851 . . . have Speech on widening draw. Rantoul . . 18">1 . . . have j Public library; corner-stone, proc gs . .1856. . 2134.9 History. Ricketson 1858 . . 2357.14 Sketches of members of the munic. gov t. 24 p 1801 . . . have Teachers reunion. 12 p 1861 . . . have Centen. Celebr. 200th anniv. of Dart mouth 1865 . . 4358.13 Reports on introduction of water .... 1865 . . 6340.8 Report on truancy, etc 1866. . . have Graded course of instruction for pub. schools 1868 . . . have History of the churches, etc. (Kelley) . 1869 . .5549.16 Extract from mayor s address, on How- land bequest 1870 . . . have Water works; report, with history, etc. 1871 . . 6350.16 Xarcissus scrap-book. Hazeltine . . . 1873 . . 5689.4 and Jersey City; reports on water sup ply 1873 . . . have Centennial : Crape s address, etc 1876 . . 2355.69 New Berne, X. C. Congestive fever in. Up- ham 1863 . . 3801.29 Great epidemic in 1865 Newberry, 8. C. Annals. O Xeall . . . .1859. .2375.15 New Boston, X. H. Address, town centen nial. Cochrane 1863 . . 5543.18 - History. Cogswell 1864 . . 2338.12 New Braintree, Half-century discourse. Fiske 1S46 . . 5546.57 New Brighton (Stat. I.), X. \~. Descrip tion of. (G. A. Ward) 1836 Case of Prot. Ep. Church 1849 ? New Britain, Conn. Dedication sermon. Skinner 1823 History. Andrews 1867 90 Shelf. No. New Brunswick, X. J. Rutgers Coll.; List., by a trustee 1833. Ph.v. 87 Work of grace in the Presb. Congreg n. Jones 1839 Presb. (Mi. : hist, disc., half centenary. Janeway 1840 . Ph.v.117 - Christ Ch. : record, 77 p. Stubbs . . .1850. .5477.49 Qy. same, 1865? - 1st Prcsb. Ch. : hist, sketch. Davidson 1852 . Ph.v.194 - Rutgers College : inaug. of Pres. Camp bell 1863 . . . have - Early reminiscences : a poem. Scott .1864 - 1st Ref. Dutch Ch. : hist. disc. Steele . 1867 . . 5541.52 Memorial disc., 50th anniv. Ferris . .1871 - Rutgers College : centennial 1870 . . 4492.63 Newburgh, X. Y. History. Ruttenber . 1859 Newbury. Eccl. council. Tucker. . . .1767. II. 16. Ill 1st parish: Last sermon in old meeting. house and 1st in new. Popkin . . . .1806. 5460 a. 48 Hist, serm., 200th anniv. Withington 184*5 . 7440.17 Dummer Academy : account of .... 1837 1st centuiy of: a discourse. Cleave- land -f 1865 . 2355.5C+ Newbury, Xewburyport, etc. History. Coflin 1845 . . 2356.1 Newburyport. Sermon : hist, notes, etc. Tucker 1788 Sermons, old and new meeting-house. Cary and Andrews 1801 . . have Humane Society, address. Spring . . . 1807 . . . have Great fire, origin, etc., of 1811 - Same, 2d ed 1811 . . 4359.30 - Episc. Ch., account of. Morss 1811? 5540a.38 Address at meetings of Sabbath schools. Dana 1818 . . 7442.54 - Farewell sermon. Dana 1820. .7442.54 - History. Gushing 1826 . . 4359.21 Ser., ord. of Mr. Fox. Lowell 1831 - Episc. Ch., brief hist. Morss 1838 List of registered voters 1842 . . . have Discourse, his 50th anniv. Dana . . . 1845 . 7442. 54-f- let Ch. : hist. disc. Stearns 18J6 . .7460.16 Town Hall: addresses, etc., cor. stone . 1850 . . 4454.25 - History. E. Vale Smith 1854 . . 2357.37 Reunion of Citizens. Bragdon 1854. .4454.25 - 1st Presb. Ch. : hist. disc. Vermilye . 1856 Federal St. Ch. : geuealog. address. Cook 1862 Public Library : purchase of buildings, history, etc 1866 . . 2128.28 Haunted school-house 1873 . . . have Newcastle, Del , Presb, Ch. ; hist, sketch. Spottswood 1859 Newcastle, N. H. Hist. disc. Alden . . 1849 Fort Constitution and Walbach Tower . 1865 Newgate, Conn. See Granby. New Gloucester, Me. Cumberland Lodge : hist. 91 Shelf. No. New Harmony, Ind., 12 months in. Paul Brown 1827 Visit to. Hebert 1835 New Haven. (Yale College.) Declaration of rector, etc., ag. White- field 1745 . . II.28.8 - Relig. const n of colleges. Clap .... 1754 . . 3458.16 Letter in vindication of. Graham . . . 1759 Answer to Gale. Graham 1759 Brief Remarks on Graham s ans. Gale. 1760 . .2348.12 A few remarks on the remarks, etc. Graham 1760 Annals. Clap 1766 . . 4498.1 - Y. C. Subject to the Gen. Assembly . 1784 . .4387.43 Remarks on present situation .... (1817) 4492.53+ Same title (1817)Ph.v.439+ .Sametitle 1823 . . 4492 53 Reports on course of instruction .... 1828 Ph.v.77+ Same title 1830 . . 4387.40 Laws 1822 . . . have Sophomore class; circular, recent pro ceedings 1S30 . . 4486.15 Phi Beta Kappa address. Kent .... 1831 Annals. Baldwin 1831 . 4393.132 Same. 2d ed 1838 . . 2387.3 Sub.sc ns to $100,000 fund 1833 . . . have Brothers in Unity; catalogue, with his tory 1841 . . . have Alumni address. Silliinan 1842 Sketches. (Belden) 1843 . 4389a.53 Reminiscences. Mitchell 1847 Report of com. on educ. (prof, of agric., etc.) 1847 . . 4492.53 Scenes and characters, by a grad. of 1821 1847 Class of 1797 ; brief memoirs. Day and Murdock 1848 . . 4494.60 - Hist, discourse, 150th anuiv. Woolsey . 1850 . . 3592.24 Oration, etc., 100th ann. of Linonian So ciety. Evans 1853 . 4390a.37 - To the friends of (1853) . 4492.53 Class of 1851; statistics. Wiuthrop . .1854. .4494.60 Reply to circular of members of fac y. Hubbell 1855 . . 4387.40 Plan for organ, of scient. school .... 1856 . . 4494.8 Appeal for scientific school 1856. . 4494.8 Church in; discourse on 1st century of. Fisher 1858 . . 4355.38 Library of (from Univ. Quarterly, Oct., I860) 4387.40 Our Triennial; disc, to alumni. Sprague.1860 . 7441.25+ Class of 1850; biog. record 1861. .4494.60 Class of 1819; meeting and notices . . .1861. .4494.60 Class of 1802; brief memoirs 183 . . .have Class of 1859 ; triennial meeting .... 1863 . . 4492.15 llalf-centennial.toclassof 1S14. Ruggles. 1864 . .4486.10 Class of 1861; triennial meeting. Shel don 1864 . . 4494.60 92 Shelf. No. New Haven (Yale College) , continued. Class of 1862; triennial meeting. Alling.1865 . .4494.60 - Class of 1826; biog. sketch. 99 p. Haines 1866 . . 438T.44 1st rep. to legisl. of visitors of Sheff. Sci. Sch., with history, etc 1866 . . 4486.11 Commemoration (alumni in the war), July 26, 1865 1866 . . 4387.40 - In 1868; 40 p 1868.4387.40+ - Class of 1864; triennial, etc. Rockwood . 1868 . . 4494.60 Divinity Hall ; addresses, cor. stone . . 1869 . . 4494.55 - Class of 1858; 2d biog. record. Bacon . 1869 . . 4494.60 Class of 1822; records of meetings, etc. . 1869 . . .have - In 1869; Statements, etc. 28 p. ... .1869? Class of 1863 ; triennial meeting and biog. record. Edwards . .1869. .4494.60 Aim of the Sheffield Sci. School .... 1869 . . . have - Sheffield Scientific School, etc 1870 . . 4492.53 Briefly described 1870 . . 4492.53 Voice from Squashville, by "Rev. Mr. Pickering" (reprint) 1870 . . . have Report on changes in const n of corpor n.1870? . . have - Regulations (attendance, etc.) 1870? .4492.53 Class of 1833; 3d record 1870. .4387.66 Church in; Confession and covenant . . 1870 . . 4492.53 Class of 1857 ; biog. record, etc. Eaton . 1870 . . 4494.60 Acad. and Sclent. College. Dana . . . 1870 . . 4492.53 Inaug. of Pres. Porter 1871 . . 2387.50 Needs of the University. 23 p 1871. . .have University scheme. Dana 1871 . . 4492.53 Four years at, by a grad. of 1869. Bagg. 1871 . . 4405.18 - Acts of Assembly and perm, doc s . . .1871. .4492.53 Some thoughts on its future. Dwight . 1871 . . . have Divinity school : half-centennial .... 1872 . . 4387.67 Addresses of living graduates. Dexter . 1872 . .4387.63 Divinity school : gen. catalogue 1873 Woolsey fund (circular) 1873 . . . have Class of 1876; supplement to biog. sk. . 59 p. Haines 1876 Old chapel and new; 2 sermons. Porter. 1876 . . . have New Haven (colony, county, city). Hist. discourse. Dwight 1801 Two Hist, discourses. Dana 1801 . . . have Statist, account. Dwight 1811 M eeting in favor of U. S. branch bank .1816. . .have Burying-ground ; removal of monuments, etc 1822 . . 4335.62 Views in, with descriptions. Barber . . 1825 - History. Barber 1831 . . 2336.6 Ladies Greek Asso. ; 1st report .... 1831 . . 6330a.l Franklin institution, outline of 1835? . .have Asso. of Western dist. ; statement on Mr. Magill s case 1836 . . . have Letter on water supply from canal. Farn- hara . . 1837 . . . have - Medic. Soc. ; Rep. on fees of irreg. prac- [v. 39 tioners 1837 Med. Ph., Ans. of City Bank to Legislature .... 1837 . . . have 93 Shelf. Xo. New Haven, continued. - Blue laws. (Iliiunun) 1838 - History of the colony. Lambert .... 1838 . . 4336.25 - Discourse, 200th anniv. Kingsley . . . 1838 . . 2393.8 Programme at anniversary 1838 . . . have Christ Church; 100th anniv., Sermon. Chapin 1839 Burying-ground; report of committee on 1839 . . 4335.62 - Ist Church; 13 hist, discourses. Bacon . 1839 . . 2336.15 1st Bupt. Ch. ; hist, discourse. Teas- dale 1842 North Church ; hist, in 3 sermons. Dut- ton 1842 - N. H. as it is 1845 Ph. v. 229 Canal; Engineer s rep., survey to Plain- ville 1845 . . . have - Howe St. Soe y; statement of facts, etc. 1846? Review, etc. Baldwin 1846 . . . have 1st Church; catalogue of members, 1758- 1847 1847 . . . have Resolution to incorp. Water Co 1849 . . . have 2jth anniv. sermon. Bacon 1850 State of morals in; temperance sermon. Cleaveland 1850 Festival of shirt manufactory 1852. . .have Report of committee on water supply. . 1853 . . . have Same, another report 1854 . . . have Remarks to legisl. committee on water question. Peck and Foster 1854 . . . have Facts on water, for thinking men .... 1854 . . . have Extracts from mayor s comm ns (water) 1854 . . . have 1st Ch. ; members, 1685-1757. Daven port 1855 North Ch. ; discourse, end of 50 yrs ser vice. Merwin 1855 . 744C.17+ Forty years in Trinity parish, etc. Cros- well 1856 . . 5477.30 - History. Barber 1856 Hist, discourse. Cleaveland 1856 Records, 1638-1655. Hoadley 1S57-8 . . have St. Thomas Ch. ; anniv. disc. Beardsley. 1858 . . 5546.9 - Chapel St. Ch.; disc., 20th anniv. Eustis. 1858 . . 7440.9 - Sermon, his 25th anniv. Cleavelaud . . 1858 Review of sermon. Dntton 1858 - Statement; reply to Dutton. Cleave land 1858 List of registered voters 1859 . . . have Same for I860 1860 . . . have Methodism in ; a discourse. Woodruff (1859?) . .have - City guide. 36 p. Barber & Pundersou.1860 . . 4339a.l Hopkins Gram. Sch. 200th anniv. 6 p. . 1860 . . . have - 2d cent l; hist, discourse. Bacon. . .1860. . 6330a.l - City year-books 1861-74 - Farewell sermon. Strong 1862 - North Ch. ; ser., his 25th anniv. Dutton. 1863 . . 7440.9 City burying-ground ; history 1863 - South Cong. Ch.; 2d anniv. ser. Carroll. 1864 . . .have 94 Shelf. No. New Haven, continued. - history. Hallock 1865 . . 5549.66 4 conimem. discourses. Bacon 1866 Merch ts exchange ; charter, opening ad dress, etc 1866. .6330a.l - Attractions of; guide. Elliot 1869 History, etc. Barber and Punderson . .1870 - Half-century ser. Phelps 1871 - Appeal for Y. M. Institute n.d.. . .have Newington, Conn. Church; Half-cent l disc. Brace 1855 . . . have - Early annals. Welles 1874 New Ipswich, N. H. Sketch. Walker . . 1837 - History. Gould and Kidder 1852 . 2338.1+ New Jersey. See West or South Jersey. (East) History. Whitehead 1850 New London, Conn. Dialogue, etc. (about Mr. Hillhouee) 1736 . H.18.141 Yellow fever in 1798 - Address, commem. of 6th Sept., 1781. Brainerd 1825 . . 4355.20 - Dedication sermon. Hallam 1836 - Bapt. Asso. ; hist, sketch 1851 - History. Caulkins 1852 . . 4336.35 - Same. 2d ed I860 Half-century sermon. McEwen .... 1857 - Navy -yard; report on 1862. .4336.34 Statement of facts 1862 . . . have - Report on board of officers on League Island and 1862 . . 4336.34 - Sites for. Williams 1864 . . 4336.37 - Reply to "Advantages of League Island" 1866 - Baptist Asso. ; ser., 50th anniv. Graves. 1867 . . 4393.23 1st Church; bi-centennial. Field. . . . - Hist, sermon. Dnggett 1875 New London Co., Conn. Hist, of Cong. Churches. Arms 1869 Reminiscences, etc., a sermon to the Cong. Conference. Shipman 1876 New London, Pa. Fresh. Ch.; history. 24 p. Dubois 1845 . . 5544.77 - Hist, disc., 150th anniv. 28 p. Dubois . 1876 . .5544.77 New Orleans, La. Notice of incidents in 1804. Watson. Review of the late proceedings, etc. By Agrestis 1807 . . 4427.66 - Faithful picture, etc 1808 . . 4376.33 Batture; right of city to 1809 Review of the cause. Du Ponceau . . 1809 Answer to Jefferson s justification. Liv ingston n. d. . Ph. v. 17 Battle ; official and full details. Davis . 1836 Report of water works committee . . . 1836 . . . have Address on pub. schools. McCaleb . . 1843 . . . have - and environs. Norman 1845 . . 2369.13 Day of all saints. Pugh 1845 . . . have Manhattaner at. Hall 1851 . . 629.15 95 Shelf No. New Orleans, La., continued. - Book of. Barnwell 1851 City vs. Locke, appellant s brief (tax- ation) 1852? . .have Howard asso. ; report, epidemic of 1853 . 1853 . . 5795.73 Address, oa election frauds. Gayarre . 1853 . . . have Tableaux (yellow fever of 1853). Dow- )er 1854 . . . have Hist, of yellow fever of 1853. Fenner .1854. .6793.24 Rep. of saint, com., fever of 1853 .... 1854 . . 5795.57 Jackson at. Walker 1856 . . 215.15 Autob. sketches, 35 years. Clapp . . . 1857 Diary of a Samaritan 1860 Howard asso. ; report, epidemic of 1858 . 1858 . .5795.73 HOmoires, etc. (fietre jaune). Faget . 1864 Grand jury report on riot 1866 Riots of 1867. U. 8. doc 1867 . . 4424.4 Howard asso. ; report for 1867 1867 . . 5795.73 Temple of Africa; creed and statutes .1868. . .have Infirmary and nied. asso., 24 p 1869. . .have Life and death in, 1787-1869. Chailli . . 1869? Howard asso. ; supplemental report . . 1870 . . 5795.73 Chamb. of Com. ; on cotton tax . . . .1871. . .have Crescent city illustrated 1873 Report (citizens) on federal interference 1873 . . . have Disinfection in 1870-75. 16 p. White . 1876 . . 5793.73 Newport, R. I. Looking-glass for Elder Clarke, etc. Claggett 1721 . H.22.59 Trinity Church; appeal, etc. Bours . .1789 Acc t of malignant fever, etc. Bartlett . 1801 United Cong. Ch. ; articles, etc.; hist. notice. Dutnont 1834 Sermon, close of 2d century. Ross . . 1838 Historical sketches 1840 and vicinity; history (Xew York) . . .1842 Visit to grandpa. Cahoone ...... 1840 Sketches, etc. (reprint of " Visit," etc.) Cahoone 1842 . . 4438.10 i Aquidneck (poem, 100th anniv. of Red wood Libr.) Brooks 1848 1st Baptist Church; review of report on date. Granger, etc 1850 Controversy on old stone mill. Ham- mett 1851 Old stone mill controversy. Brooks . . 1851 . 4336.55+ Handbook, etc. Dix 1852 Illustrated. Mason 1854. .4469.15 1st Baptist Church in America. Jack son 1854 Bapt. Ch. ; hist, discourse. Brooks. .1854 Report to chamb. of com. on ocean steamers 1856 . . . have Belle Brittan at. Fuller 1858 . . 635.22 Reunion of sons and daughters. Mason 1859 . . 4336.18 Redwood Library; hist. Bk., etc. King . I860 . .2128.22 Sketch of. Cahoone 1862 School-house dedic n 1863 . . . have Early recollections. Channing 1868. . 227.23 96 Shelf. No. Newport, R. I., continued. - and how to see it 1871. .4469.22 Hist, address, July, 4 1876. Sheffield . . 1876 . . 2352.25 New Preston, Conn. Dedic n Sermon, Boardman 1825 New Rochelle, N. Y. Guide to 1842 New Rowley. Cent l discourse. Braman 1833 . 5450a.34 Newton. Cent l Sermon. Homer 1792 Baptist Church; hist, sermon. Grafton 1830 St. Mary Ch. ; hist, sketch. Baury . .1847 - Appeal and history. Davis 1847 . . 4347.23 - Life of Rev. J. Grafton, with hist. sk. S. F. Smith 1849 . . 5557.15 Notice of settlement 1852 . . 2355.59 2d Cong. Ch. ; hist., articles, etc 1852 . . .have Hist, of early settlement. Jackson. . .1854. . 4359.7 Soldiers Monument dedic n 1864 . . . have - Theolog l Inst n ; sketch of, history, etc. 1866 . .4386.58 y Free Library; hist, statement of origin, etc 1876 . . 2203.37 v transfer to city 1876 . . 6203.28 1st Ch. ; brief history, covenant, etc. 46 p 1876 Centennials, June 17 and July 4, 1876 . . 1876 Newton, N. H. Bapt. Ch. ; centennial. Lamson 1856 Newtown, Conn. Hist, sermon. Beardsley. 1870 Newtown, N. Y. Annals. Riker .... 1852 . . 4371.13 New "Wilmington, Pa. Westminster Coll. ; inaug 1872 . . . have New York City. Brief description. Denton 1670 Same; edited by Furman 1845. 2371.2+ Two years journals. Wooley 1701 Same; reprint of the 1679 ed 1860 . . 4371.5 Narr. of new, etc , imprisonment. Make- mie 1707 . H.26.209 Journal, etc. (negro conspiracy). Hors- manden 1744 Same (London). Horsmanden .... 1747 Same (N. Y.). Horsmanden 1810 Columbia Coll. ; remark on disputes, etc. Jesse 1755 Robin Hood Soc y ; debates 1774. . .have Rutgers vs. Waddington; arguments. .1784 Same, ed. by Dawaon 1866 . . 4320.59 Same; address from committee of citi zens 1784 First directory. Franks 1786 Same, reprinted 1851 Malignant fever of 1791. Addoms . . . 1792 M.Ph.lO-j- Brief account of fever, etc. Davis . . .1795. . M.Ph.4 Acc t of yellow fever in 1795. Seaman. 1796 . . M.Ph.9 Epidemic fever in 1795. Bayley .... 1796 . M. Ph. 14 Statement, etc. resign, of artillery offi cers 1797 Pestilential disease of 1798 1799 Acc t of malignant fever, etc. Hardie . 1799M.P1UO+ 97 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Report on introducing water of Bronx River 1799 Record of deaths (by fever, July 25 to Oct. 21) 1799? Proceedings on supply of pure water . . 1799 . . 6369.12 Dissertation on equality, and the corpo ration of X. Y. Cheetham 1800 - Acc t of State prison in. 97 p. (Eddy?) 1801 . . 6492.3 Hints toward promoting health of .... 1802 . . Ph.40 Annals of the corporation, etc. Cheet ham 1802 Letter on the ten pound court. Cheet ham 1803 Remarks on the Merchants Bank. Cheet ham 1804 Life of Pres. Johnson ; with acc t of King s (Columbia) College. Chandler . 1805 Acc t of malignant fever, autumn of 1805. Hardie 1805 . . M.Ph.l Report on fortifying harbor ...... 1807 Interment of remains of American sea men, etc. (Prison ships) 1808 Account of procession, etc 1808 Picture of. Mitchill 1807 .. 4379a.2 Ebenezer Baptist Church ; narrative of rise, etc 1808 Ph. v. 249 Political meeting in circus, etc. (Broad side) 1809 Fragment of journal of sentimental phi losopher 1809 Columbia College ; report of committee, etc. (King) 1809 Report on course of instruction, etc. . . 1810 Charter 1810 Statutes 1811 Letters of Marcus and Philo-Cate. Davis. 1810 - Hudson s discovery of N. Y. Miller .. 1810 Letter to Trinity vestry, in answer to Jones. Hobart 1811. Ph. v. 15 - Hospital; account of, 1811 1811 M.Ph.20-)- Trinity Church ; statement of J. T. How. 1811 Resolutions of certain Episcopalians con sidered 1812 - Journal of preacher to hospital, etc., 1811. Ely 1812 . . 5539.14 Hist, summary of attacks on and meas ures for defence. Mitchill 1812 . Ph. v. 6 - Brief treatise on the police. (Christian) . 1812 . Ph. v. 36 Brief statement, elec. of Trinity wardens, etc. 4 p. Hobart 1812 Review of, etc. (poems). Eaton. . . .1813 Hospital, etc. 2d journal, etc. Ely . . 1813 Visits of mercy (same as preceding; London). Ely 1815 Case of Rev. C. Jones and Trinity Church. Davis 1813. .2371.27 98 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. ; hist, sketch. Francis 1813 M. Ph. 2+ - Memorial to legislature for aid 1814 . M. Ph. 3 - Charter of Trinity Ch. defended. (Ho- bart?) 1813 - ]st Bapt. Ch.; hist, sermon. Parkinson. 1813 Humane Society, origin of 1814 - Soc y for prom, of industry ; plan of . . 1814 . . . have Coal Co. ; plan for supply of fuel . . . .1814. Ph. v. 1 Free school soc y ; account of 1814 . Ph. v. 71 Benevolent Christian Soc y; acc t of . . 1815 . Ph. v. 29 - Med. Soc y; report on epid. small-pox . 1816 . M. Ph. 5 - Stranger s Guide. Blunt 1817 . . 2389.9 Memoir on Indian and Dutch names. Benson 1817 New Missionary Field; report to Fern. Miss. Hoc. Stafford 1817 . . . have Statement to owners of real estate . . . 1818 City Hall Recorder. Rogers .... 1817-18 Wall St. ; a farce 1819 - Yellow fever of 1819. Pascalis . .... 1819. M. Ph. 19 - Hist, fioc y; inaugural address. Hosack. 1820 . . .have - Installation of president (burlesque) . . 1820 Review of commerce, 1815-20 3820 Gen. Theolog l Sem. ; plan, address, etc. 2d ed. 23 p . . . . 1820 . 5548.20+ - Free school society; manual of Lancas- terian system 1820 . 7597.13+ N. Y. Med. Soc. ; report on epidemic in Bancker 8t 1820 . M. Ph. 8 - Remarks ou report on epidemic fever of 1820 1820. M. Ph. 8 Columbia College ; trial of Verplanck for riot (in 1811) 1821. Ph. v. 25 - Annual deaths, 1820 to 1829 . . 1821-30 M. ph. v. 19, 20, 22 - Bilious typhus in Bancker st. Pennell . 1821 . M.Ph.10 - 1st Unit n Ch. : dedic. ser. Everett . . . 1821 Am. acad. of language, etc. : circular . . 1821 . . . have Same ; circular Xo. 3 1822 . . . have - Appeal, proposed alteration of charter . 1821 Letter on yellow fever. Allen 1822 . . 3797.17 Account of yellow fever in. Hardie , .1822. .5796.89 - Sermon for deaf and dumb, and appen dix. Summerfleld 1822 Ref. Pres. Ch. ; facts relative to. Doug las 1822 . Ph. v. 53 Second statement of facts. Douglas . . 1823 Proceedings of corporation on cemeteries 1823 . . .have Comm u to mayor on prison discipline. Eddy 1823 St. Andrews Soc. ; const n, members since 1756 1823 Report on an inst. for reform of juvenile delinquents 1823 . Ph. v. 49 Gotham and the Gothamites ; a medley. ( Judah) 1823 Short hist, acc t of Methodists in . , . 1824 90 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. ( Mech. and Sei. Inst n ; report on extend ing, etc 1824 Ph. v. 212 Report on Inst. for Juv. Delinquents (Soc. Prev. Paup.) 1824 Board of Health ; address 1824 View of as in 1673. Moulton 1825 . Ph. v. 56 Report on interment 1825 Memoir at canal celebration. Colden . . 1825 Early Indian and Dutch names (2d ed.). Benson 1825 Columb. Coll. ; address to alumni. Bard. 1826 . . .have Exposition of the late election in. 24 p. 1826 . . 4-121.60 Horace in X. Y 1826 - Description, early settlement, etc. Har- die 1827 . . 4378.41 Sketch of resources, etc. (Dix) . . . .1827. .4372.50 Picture of 182S Sketches of the olden time ; or, Gen. Lee s farewell dinner 1829 . Ph. v. 77 Acc t of the late Prot. Episc. Clerical Asso 1829 . Ph. v. 77 Manhattan College; applic n for charter, doc s 1829 . Ph. v. 20 Documents, Board for Einigr., etc., of aborigines 1829 Letter on discretionary power (inspec tion). Henry 1830 . . . have Chronicles of Gotham. Paulding - . . .1830 Brief investigation (election of mayor) .1830. . .have Considerations on a university 1830 Ph. v. 117 Police reports, 1828-29. Skillman . . . 1830 Med. Soc. ; memorial on repeal of statute on practice 1830 M.Ph.v.23 Celebration of French Revol. of 1830. Moses 1830? Columb. Coll. : address on claims, etc. . 18oO . Ph. v. 79 Hist, of African free schools. Andrews. 1830 Anti-auction committee: facts, etc. . . .1831 Med. Soc. ; report on secret med. asso. . 1831 . M. Ph.23 Franklin Bank ; true exposition of failure of. Bartow 1831 . . 5042.37 Vindication of Mr. Leggett 1831 Observations on supplying pure water . 1832 . . 6494.20 Remarks on cholera. 3d ed. Maurau . 1S32 . . f.800a.2 Cholera of 1832. Atkins 1832 Reports on bringing Croton water . . . 1832 Columbia College; address to Alumni (with hist., etc.). Hoffman 1832 - Historic tales, etc. Watson 1S32 . . 2371.14 House of refuge ; doc a. Hart 1832 University of; reasons for resig. of pro fessors 1833 . Ph. v. 89 Society library ; address of trustees . .1833 Ph. v. 88 Address to stockholders 1833 . Ph. v. 88 Reply to manifesto, etc., by a plebeian . n. d. . Ph. v. 88 Olden times in. De Forest 1833 Instit n for the blind; acc t of 1833 100 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Cholera of 1833. Reese 1833 - Address, supplem. to Clinton s report on water 1833 . . 6494.20 Sermon on the great fire. "Ware . . . 1835? Pulling down statue of George III . . . 1835 Plan for a law faculty. Butler 1S35 . . . have - Report of commis rs on water supply . . 1835 . . 6494.20 - Spring water vs. river water. Hale . . 1S35 . . . have N. Y. in 1835 1835 Acc t of conflagration, etc. Foster. . .1835? Summary, etc., view 1836 Report on pier in North River 1836. . .have - Charges against Fern. Benev. Soc., etc. McDowall 1836. . .have Sermon on the fire. Dewey 1836 - Columb. Coll., statutes, with hist, sketch. 18~6 . Ph. v. 95 - Same 1843 Ph. v. 135 History of preliminary proceed gs, case of McDowall 1836 - Hist, of Ref. Dutch Ch. De Witt . . . 1837 23d St. Ch. ; Stone of help ; a 5 yrs re view. Clark 1837 Columh. College; 1st centennial . . . . 1S37 Ph. v. 133 - Bank Convention, Nov. 27, 1837; report . 1837 . . 5643.23 - N. Y. in 1837 1837 Glance at. Greene 1S37 The Friend, an essay, etc . 1837 Com. of Vigilance; 1st an. report . . .1838 5175.1.V.1 - Taxes, 1836 and 37 1838 . . . have Charges against Phoenix Bank 1838 University, History of controversy . . . 1838 Ph. v. 103 - Exposition, etc. , dismissal of professors. 1838Ph.v.l03+ Familiar hist, of evang. churches .... 1838 Letter to councillors of the university. . 1838 Ph. v. 103 - Vision of Rubeta. Osborne 1838 - Humbugs of. Reese 1838 . 5569a.lO To A. Clark, mayor (native American ism) 1839 Remarks of St. Paul s committee on Trin. committee report 1839 . 5440a.l.l - History of Kappa Lambda conspiracy . 1839 M. Ph.v.33 Trinity Church ; letter. Schroeder . . 1839 . . 5477.49 Statement on Dr. Schroeder s publica tion 1839 - New methods, etc. Dunlap 1839-40 . 2371.6 Greenwood Cemetery, plan, etc 1839 . . . have ^ Merc. Lib. Asso. ; address and history. Gourlie 1839 Election frauds, 1838-9. Glentworth . . 1840 Description of Croton Aqueduct. Schramke . 1840. . 3940.3 Statement, etc., St. Matthews and Lu theran churches 1840 Report on powers, etc., of water com rs. 1840 Riots; Memoir of Mr. and Mrs. Wood, etc. . 1840 101 fh IA *?&. ^95 U ^3 New York City, continued. Shell. No. Ira ^ City crimes, etc., by a reformed Bowery boy. 24 p 1840 - Petition of Catholics about school fund. 1841 Week in Wall st 1841 . . 4407.71 General Theol. Sem.; triennial meeting, etc 1841 . . 5548.22 - Croton aqueduct; description. Jen-is. . 1842 Ph. v. 233 Welcome to Dickens; the Boz ball. 8 p. 1842 . .6543.16 - Report on preventive police 1812 ... have Wealth and wealthy citizens. (Beach) . 1842 Ph. v. 127 Same, 3d ed 1842 Ph. v. 127 Same, 10th ed 1846 Ph. v. 155 St. Paul s College; acc t of grammar school 1842 X. Y. 170 years ago. Moulton 1843 Province and city in 1695 (London). Mil ler 1843 Affairs, etc., time of Stuyvesant. Paul- ding 1843 - Croton Aqued., construction, etc. King. 1843 . . 3941.6 Croton Aqued., illustrations of. Tower. 1843 Geol. hist, of Manhattan Island. Coz- zens 1843 . . 7863.12 Letters from. Child 1843-5 - Same, 2d ed., 2 vols. Child 1847 Facts on recent ordination in St. Ste phen s. Smith & Authon J843Ph.v.l43-f Merchants sketch-book and guide. Gi- rard 1844 Hist. Soc. ; Brodhead s address and pro ceedings 1844 . . 4163.13 Sketches of X. Y. press. O. P. Q. . . . 1844 Ph. v. 135 50 yrs reminiscences. Thorburn . . . 1845 . 4479a.33 Sanitary condition of laboringpopulation. Griscom 1845 . B.170.67 Report on fire in New st Ib45 . . . have Report on cause of explosion at fire. Sil- liman 145 . . 5972.51 Great metropolis, or N. Y. Almanac, 1845-Jl 1845 Same, 1851 4379a.l9 - 12th night at Century Club 1845 . . 2407.2 Wealth and progress of citizens, 5th cd. (Beach) 1845 . . . have Sam?, 8th ed. (Beach) 1845. . .have Same, 10th ed. (Beach) 1846 . . . have - Same, llth ed. (Beach) 18-16. . 4445.4 St. Mark s parish, annuals. Anthon . . 1845 - X. Y. annals. Watson 1846 . . 2371.4 1st Bapt. C h.; jubilee ser. Parkinson . 1846 Columb. Coll.; hist, sketch. Moore. .1846. . 2387.9 Letter to Common Council. Gaincs . . 1846 . . 7956.9 Hist, of the churches. Greenleaf .... 1846 Guide to, 2d ed. Daggett 1846 . . 2389.19 Old times and new. Schnapp & Van Garretson 1846 102 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Review, etc., of interfering in Trin. Ch. (Spencer?) 1846. . .have Reply to remonstrance of Trinity eorp n. 1846 - Founder of. Ogden 1846 - Picture of in 1846 1846. 4479a.24 Trinity Church : Charter defended (re printed from 1813 ed ). (Hobart) . . . 1846 Ph. v. 155 Remarks before council t>f revision (re print of 181:5). Troup 1846. 5540a.l.l Report of land comm rs on title .... 1846 Ph. v. 155 Charter, laws, proceedings, etc 1846 . 5540a.l.l - Memorial for repeal of act to alter same. 1846 Ph.v.l55+ Exam, of Clark s minority report . . . 1846 . . . have Who are corporators, etc 1847 Ph. v. 161 Remonstrance of, against repeal of act 1814 1846 I ll. v. 155 Another edition 1847 Unan. rep. of judic. com. on repeal, etc. 1847 . 6548a.l.l Auctions injurious to 1847 Description of. Holley 1847 . 2389.7-f Report against extending Albany st. through Trinity church-yard 1847 - Trin. Ch.; hist. of. Berrian 1847. . 3546.2 Univ. of City of X. Y. ; Growth and pros pects of. Mason 1847 Ph. v. 160 Bogardus vs. Trin. Ch. ; opinion of San- ford 1847 Acad. of Medicine; anniv. discourse. Francis 1847 . . 7747.7 Stocks and stock-jobbing; by reformed stock-gambler 1848 Bloomingdale Asylum for Insane, his tory, etc. Earle 1848. .7803.13 - Calvary Church; to the parishioners. 12 p. Southard 1848 . . 7450.20 Sailor s Snug Harbor; act. Randall s will, etc 1848 - Picture of in 1848 1848 Aristocracy of 1848 Ph. v. 167 - Pioneers of; an address. Hoffman . . . 1848 . . . have Account of traditions and experiments on Kidd s vessel 1848 N. Y. as in latter part of last century. Duer 18-49 Ph. v. 175 Astor place riot. 32 p 1849. .4374.27 Answer of St. George s Church to Trin ity vestry 1849 Chamber of Commerce; charter, hist., etc 1849 Ph. v. 175 X. Y., past, present, and future. Belden. 1849 Same. 1851. N. Y. in slices. Foster 1849 Report on cholera of 1849 1849 Manual of corporation, 1849-1S66. Val entine . . . 6369.22+ Report on public baths 1849 ... have Colored home ; statistics ; account . . . 1849 . . . have 103 SMf. No. New York City, continued. Report on interments below 40th st. . . 1849 . . . have Same ; minority report 1849 . . . have Report on new potter s field 1849 . . . have X. Y. by gas-light. Foster 1850 Union meeting, Castle Garden 1850 . . 4496. 9 Fifteen minutes around N. Y. Foster .1850? Report on catastrophe in Hague st. . . 1850 Plea for church hospital; two lectures. Muhlenberg 1850 Hague-st. Catastrophe. Grift en .... 1850 Hist, of the churches. Greenleaf . . . 1850 St. George s Ch. ; hist, of 1850 Causes of its prosperity ; an address. Belts 1851 Meth. Ch. case; Bascom, etc., c. Lane, etc. Sutton 1851 Xarr. of displacement, etc. Anthon . . 1851 Ph. v. 195+ Report on system of popular educ. . . .1*51. . . have Rutgers Female Institute; address at re tiring. "West 1851 . . . have Reminiscences of Evening Post 1851 Manuel de. La Pefia 1851 Before and behind the curtain. Northall.1851 Glimpses of, by a S. Carolinian. (Bo- bo?) 1852 . Sermon; 25 years of a congregation. Os- good 1852 Report of reception of Kossuth 1852 Progress last 50 years. King 1852 N. Y. city guide. Phelps 1852 . 4489a.25 Annals, by a Xew Yorker 1852 Union Theol. Sena. ; history, etc. 30 p. . 1852 . . 4496 13 Banquet (frigate Prins van Oranje) . . . 1852 Ph. v. 192 St.Luke s Hospital ; appeal to managers. 1852 N. Y. Hosp. ; address of governors . .1852. . . have History (but written by Paulding). Val- entine 1853 . . 236.11 Indebtedness to its university. Draper. 1853 . . 4492.18 Milk trade of. Mullaly 1853 . . 5999.53 City of; a lecture. Dix 1853 London and; crime and police of. Ge rard 1853 Estates and rights of the corporation, Hoifman 1853 Same, 2d ed. Hoffman 1862 Stranger s hand-book 1853 Same 1854 Pen and ink panorama. Mathews . . 1853 Day in the Crystal Palace. Richards . . 1853 . . 8028.7 Exhib. of industry; pictures 1853 Official awards of juries 1853 Treatise on estate and rights of. Hoff man 1853 Hist, of school of Dutch Ref. Ch. Dun- ghee 1853 . . 5549.81 Catholic Church on island of. Bayley . 1853 Pearl St. Church ; histor. sermon. Wood. 1853 Central Park ; report on 1853 104 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Annual reports, 1 to 13 1857-70 Hist, of Xew Amsterdam, etc. Davis . 1854 Trinity Ch. ; Albany St. Extension ; ar gument. Cutler 1854 Argument for. Sanford 1854 Remarks to Street Committee. Wendell. 1854 . . . have Mere. Library; commem. address . . . 1854 Encroachments on harbor 1854 Hist. Soc. ; half-centennial 1854 . .2371.8 - Reformed D. Church ; hist, sketch . . . 1854 - Columb. Coll. ; original charter .... 1854 . . 4386.63 Rep. of trustees to senate committee . . 1854 - Report on removal 1854 . . 4386.63 Report on excluding Unitarians. Ruggles.1854 Report of committee of alumni 1854. .4386.63 Report on organization 1854? .4386.63 Duty of to community (Unitarians.) Ruggles 1854 . 4386.63+ - Defence of, against Ruggles. Ogden . . 1854 . . 4386.63 Review of proceedings of alumni, etc. . 1854 . . . have Industrial exhibition; rep. of comrn rs. (London) 1854. .2328.17 Special report. Wilson 1854 . . 7090.14 Science, etc., illustrated. Silliman and Goodrich 1854 . . 4020.1 Merc. Libr. ; Celebration of removal to Astor Place 1854 Gen. Theol. Seminary; proceed gs, etc., 1821-38 1854 Old brewery and new mission-house . . 1854 . . 808.13 Letters of a lunatic ; my university life, etc. Adler 1854 . 4492.18+ Crystal Palace; how to see 1854 X. Y. Crystal Palace. Carstensen and Gildemcister 1854 Industrial Exhib. at Cr. Palace. Greeley. 1854 . . 4035.8 Reminiscences of the Park. etc. Daw- son and Davis 1855 Reminiscences of N. Y. and vicinity. Dawson and Davis 1855 7th Presb. Ch., 20 years in; 2 sermons. Hatfield 1855 Hist of N. Y. Tabernacle 1855 - House of Refuge ; reply to Hale . . . .1855. . .have Croton Aqueduct; description, Eng., Ger., French. 2d ed 1855 Century Club; Bryant festival . . . . .1855 . .4406.6 Earliest Churches. Disosway 1855 Tontine building; history. DePeyster . 1855 Acad. of Medicine; anniv. disc. Gris- com 1855 . . . have Martyrs, etc. (prison ships.) Taylor . . 1855 Harper s printing estab. Abbott . . .1855? Trinity Ch. ; Letter on Albany St. exten sion. Boorman 1855 - Letter and evidence on property, etc. Miller 1855 . . . have Title, report, memorial, etc 1855 . 5540a.l.l 105 New York City, continued. Letter to Berrian on resources, etc. Jay 1856 . 5540a.l.l Trinity Ch. case ; Dr. Tyng and others, etc. By Presbyter 1856 . 5540a.l.l Communication from Vestry to Senate . 1856 . . . have Report to vestry on state of parish. Ber rian 1856 . 5540a.l.l Title; Exposure of Miller s letter. (Har- ison?) 1856 . 5540a.l.l Facts against fancy; or, true view, etc. Berrian 1856 . 5540a.l.l The rector rectified, etc. (reply to Ber- rian) 1856 . 5540a.l.l Chamb. of commerce, history. Krug . 1856 New Eng. Soc y ; half-centennial .... 1856 . . . have Widening Beekman St.; report. Rug- gles 1856 . . 5662.15 St. Andrew s Soc y; history. Thom son 1856 N. Y. harbor. 20 p. Wheeler 1856 . . 6264.1 Encroachments on harbor; report . . .1856 Columb. Coll. ; letter to trustees from a citizen 1856 . . 4386.63 Grand Lodge; early hist, of charter. Fincke 1856 X. Y. hospital ; charter, laws, etc. . . . 1856 . . . -hare Soc y Library; past, etc., of: lecture. MacMullen 1856 . . 2128 21 Century Club; origin and hist. Gourlie . 1856 . . .have St. Andrew s Soc y; sketch, cent l ora- , tion, etc 1857 . . . have Physiology of N. Y. boarding-houses. Gunn 1857 St. John s Lodge, F. M. centen l .... 1857 Same. History continued 1870 City tax -book; list of the taxed, etc. Boyd 1857 N. Y. and Brooklyn ; Francis new guide.1857 Columb. Coll. ; additional report of com mittee of trustees 1857 . . 4386.63 Trinity Ch. ; report, Senate, Jan. 29, 57. 125 p 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Testimony before Senate committee (dupl. of testimony in next) 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Report of Senate select committee, with testimony March 13, 1857 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Exam, and exposure of report 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Same, 2d ed 1857 . 5540a.l.3 Reply to same, by a citizen. (Ogilby?).1857 . 5540a.l.3 Arguments of counsel for (Senate com mittee) 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Arguments of Porter against (Senate committee) 1857 . 5440a.l.S Speech on bill, Senate. Brooks .... 1857 . . . have Speech on bill, Senate. Wadsworth . 1857 . 5540a.l.3 Speech on bill, Senate. Xoxon .... 1857 . . . have Statement and declaration of views . . 1857 . 5450a.l.3 106 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Communication to Senate committee. Dix 1857 . 5540a.l.3 Title, rights, and property of (Utica) . 1857 Letter to Mr. Brooks. Barnard .... 1857 . 5440a.l.3 Review of reports, evidence, etc. . . . 1857 . 4494.72+ Wood for Trin. Ch. (from Am. Ch. Monthly.) 1857 . 5540a.l.2 Sheep without a shepherd 1857 . . . have Hist. Soc. 53d anniv. : addresses .... 1857 . . 2371.7 Plants gathered in Central Park, Aug. and Sept. 57. Rawolle & Pelat . . .1857? N. Y. during last half century. Francis . 1857 . . 2371.7 Same, enlarged, as " Old New York," etc. Francis 1858 . . . 237.3 Same, with memoir. Francis 1866 . . 4371.19 Tabernacle; last Sabbath in. Thomp son 1857 . 5549a.62 Chamb. of Commerce; on enlarged sphere, etc. Miles 1857 . . . have Report of committee on harbor encroach ments 1857 North Ref. Dutch Ch. ; hist, discourse. DeWitt 1857 . . 5544.64 About N. Y. Wallys 1857 . . 629.17 Reports on Worth monument 1857 Ch. of Puritans; reply to deacons. 76 p. Cheever 1857 . 5544.56+ Narrative of recent occurrences. 49 p. 1857 . . 5544.56 Pulpit and Pew. Cheever 1857 New York and Brooklyn; new guide. Francis 1857 Livingston Ref. Dutch Ch. ; anniv. ser. Zabriskie 1857 . . . have Farewell sermon. Zabriskie 1859 . . . have Report on harbor encroachments. Bache.1858 Yacht Club 1858 Tricks and traps of N. Y. City. Part I. 62 p 1858 . 4409a.21 Report on quarantine charges (to Chamb. of Com.) 1858 . . . have 50 years in South Dutch Ch. ; half-ccnt l. Mathews 1858 . . 5546.57 Brick Ch.; 2 discourses. Spring . . .1858 Century club; Twelfth night at . . . .1858. . 2407.2 Ch. of Epiphany; hist. disc. Jones. .1858. .5546.56 Ch. of Com. ; proceed gs, now rooms . .1858. . .have Banking, and late disaster. M. B. C. . 1858 1st Ref. Presb. Ch. ; McLeod s 25th anuiv. 1858 . . 5543.68 Memoir on dangers and defences. Mor ton 1858 Banks of, and panic of 1857. Gibbons . 1858 . . 135.24 Same. New date only 1870. .5649.16 Fulton-st. Ch.; noon prayer-meeting . .1858 Columb. Coll.; Rep. on condition, etc. . 1858 Sk. b k and merchant s guide. Gobright. 1858 . 4489a.24 Report on sanitary condition of. Ely . 1859 . . 4371.7 Witches of N. Y. Thomson 1859 Tabernacle; dedic. ser. Thompson . .1859 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Handb k and merchants guide. Gobright.1859 First three business tokens in N. Y. (Bushnell?) 1859 Dangers and defences of. Barnard . . 18 >9 . . 7952.18 - Poor Trinity. Hopkins 1859. 5540.1.1.3 - Guide to Central Park. 30 p 1859 . 4479a.50 Some account of a secret society, etc. (Kappa Lambda). 37 p. (Douglass) . 1859 . . 3727.5 Trin. Ch.; Layman s answer to Hopkins. 1859 . . .have Trin. School ; 150th anniv 1859 Rich Trinity. Hopkins 1859 . 5540.1.1 3 Symbolsofthecapit.il. Mayo 1859. . .have History of. 1st eel. 1 vol. Booth . . . 1859 . . . 232.7 - History of. 2d ed., enlarged. 2 vols. Booth 1867 . . 4371.21 Sanitary Asso. ; reports on public health. 1859 . . . have Ch. of Puritans; council on privileges of members 1S59 . 5540a.21 Report to Ch. of Com. on quarantine . . 18 i9 . . .have Report to Ch. of Com. on Battery exten sion 1859 . . . have Ref. D. Ch. ; sermon, his llth anniv. Van Nest 1859 . . . have Report to Legislature on investigation in Health Department 1859 . . . have Sons of Liberty in. Dawson 1859. . 4 !71 8 Matrimonial brokerage in 1859 Cooper Union ; charter, trust deed, etc. . 1S59 . tO years of play-goer s journal ; or, An nals of stage to 1848 1860 Stanton St. Bapt. Ch.; hist, of 1M50 . - Report; importance of sanitary measures to cities. Bell 1860 . . 6363.20 St. Luke s Hospital; account. 68 p. . . 1860 . 7756. 51-f- Report on civic cleanliness. Viele . . . 1860 . . . have Trin. Ch.; half-cent l. sermori. Berrian. 1860 . 5477.22+ West Washington Market case; argu ments. Blundell 1860 . . 3677.5 / Private libraries of. Wynne 1860 . . . have Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. ; hist, discourse. Stryker I860 . . 5549.83 The Prince s Ball (poem). Stedman . .1860 Trinity Ch.; report of Comptroller . .1860 Brick Ch. memorial; Dr. Spring s 50th anniv 1861 . . 5543.59 March of the 7th Reg t ; a sermon. West- on 1861 . . 4422.52 Annals (in memoir by Dorr?). Watson. 1861 Columb. Coll.; our alma mater, etc. Blatchford 1861 Union Sketch-book. Gobright and Dawes. 1861 X. Y. during Revolution ........ 1861 . . . have - First 5 years of Sabbath reform .... 1862 5455.55-f Rich men of. Series Xo. 4. Vose . . . 1862 . . . have 1 hui for defending 1862 House of refuge; act, statutes, etc. . . . 1862 . . . have Market book; private ed. Vol. 1 (all pub d.). DeVoe 1862 . . 36)6.8 108 New York City, continued. - Same. 2d ed. DeVoe 1867 Tammany celebration, July 4, 1862 . . .1862. .4320.15 Novum Belgium. (Ed. and tr. by Shea). Joguca 1862 Hints toward promoting health of ... 1862 - Description (written 1695) ; new ed. by Shea. Miller 1862 . 4472.11 + Hist, sketch of Board of Supervisors. Warren? 1862 Children s aid society; statement to pub lic 1863 . . . have N. Y. 170 years ago. Moulton 1863 Rep. of merch ts committee on colored sufferers (riots) 1863 . . . have Old merchants of. 5 vols. Scoville. . . 1870 Bradford festival; Hep. of Fa. Hist. Soc. Committee. Jones 1863 Gen. Theol. Sem. Letter on election of a professor. 7 p 1863 . 5541.60.2 Riots of 1863. Barnes 1863? Personal reminiscences in 1817; address, etc Man ran 863 . . 3727.81 Morality of the riot; a sermon. Froth- in gham 1863 Relief of colored people (riots) 1863 Bloody week; acc t of riots 1863 Madison-sq. Ch.; new phase in eccl. law, etc 1863 Early annals of homoeopathy in. Gray . 1863 Bradford bi-centenary ; address. Wal lace 1863 . . 2346.11 Columb. Coll.; 1st century of its history. 1863 Madison-sq. Presb. Ch.; appeal of Ch. Gould 1864 4th-ave. Presb. Ch.; Sketch of. Crosby. 1864 Remonstrance of 20(5 land-owners . . . 1864 Citizens Assoc n; exam, of tax levy, 1864 I 864 . . . have Notes for hist, of Seventh Regiment . . 1864 Sale of situations in 4th ward schools . . 1864 . . . have Report on protecting 1S64 Hist. Soc. ; circular to members . . . .1864 Hist. Soc. 1st festiv. of St. Kicholas, in 1810. Moore 1864 Conquest of New Netherlands. Brod- head 864 Report to Chamb. of Com. on harbor en croachments 1864 . . . have Union League Club; rep. on volunteer g.1864 . . .have Rep. on Thanksgiving dinner to soldiers, etc 1865 Columb. Coll.,* inauguration of Pres. Barnard 1 S6 5 ha ve Walks about N. Y. ; facts and figures . 1863 . . . have Early political hist, of; an address. De Peyster I 865 4471.4 Reply to Chamb. of Com. on Battery ex n. 1865 . . .have Income record (incomes for 1863) . . . .1865. . .have 109 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Report on Metropolitan railroad. Rob inson 1865 . . . have - Why X. .Y. sh d have si paid fire dep t . 18(55 . . . have Directions for registration, etc. Connor.1865 . . . have Emigr. hosp. ou Ward s Island; cor. stone, etc 1865 . . . have Nat. Acad. of Design; cor. stone . . . .1885 Annals of. Cummings 1865 . .4077.14 Topogr. and hydrology of. Viele. . . . 1865 Earliest churches in. Disosway . . . .1865 Xew Xetherland Register. O Callaghan.1865 - Recollections. Mathews ]865 . . 4473.58 Laws relating to; digest, etc. Hoffman.l86;> - Growth of 1865 . . . have Cit. Asso. ; items of abuses in gov t . . 18(36 . . . have Appeal against abuses 1866 . . . have Circular to hon. council 1S66 . . . have Act for metrop. sanit. districts 1866 . . . have B d of health; sanitary ordinances . . .1865. . .have Same. 1S67 1867 . . . have Existing ferry leases and railroad grants. Valentine 1866 Report of spec, com tee on volunteering.1866 . 6470a.l7 Rutgers vs. Waddington. Dawson . . 1866 . . 4320.59 Abattoirs in, and elsewhere. Do Voe . 1866 Green wood Cemetery. Cleaveland . . .1866 - As it is. Miller 1866. . 4379a.o Lloyd s companion through the city . . 1866 . 4479a.2S St. Stephen s Church; hift. sketch. Price. 1866 - History. Booth 1866 . . 4371.21 City evangelization 1866 . . . have 1st Ref. D. Church; discourse, 150th anniv. Kip 1866 Rep. of com tee on relief of Portland . . 1866 . . . have Republic or oligarchy; which? 1868. .4421.65 How N. Y. is governed. Parton .... 1866 . . 4379.6 St. Paul s chapel; cent l. Dix 1866 X. Y. S. 8. Union; half-cent l disc. Ferris 1866 Records of X. Y. stage. Ireland. . .1856-7. .4404.15 N. Y. in 19th century; a discourse. Os- good 1867 Chamber of Commerce ; rep. on harbor encroachments 1867 . . . have Chamber of Commerce; rates of com mission and storage 1867 . . . have Church Directory 1867 . . . have St. Paul s Chapel; Past 100 years; a ser mon. Dix 1867 Lutheran Church; early hist. Lintner . 1867 Fenians ; report on h d-qr. management, etc 1867 Park and its vicinity. Dawson 1867 Reminiscences. Duer 1867 Complete guide. Taintor . 1867 . 4479a.26 Office doc s, etc , while mayor. Opdyke.1867 Rutgers Fein. College; Inauguration. .1867. . .have Hand-book of Central Park. Davega . .1867. . .have 110 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. Figures of the Metropolis, pt. 2 . . . .1867?. . have City remodelled. Serrell 1867 . . . have Tenement house act . . . . 1867 . . . have John St. Church ; centenary memorial . 186S ? Chamb. of Com.; cent l celeb n . . . .1868. . .have Address at cent l. Stevens 1868 . . . have Charities of New York, etc. Cammann and Camp 1868 . . 4471.5 Letters from sch. sup ts (classing by tem perament). Hecker 1868. .5595.68 Discussion on course of studies (B d of Educ ) 1868 . . . have Cit. Aeso. ; Rep. on inst ns of charities and correction 1868 . . . have Arcade Railway ; Report on. Viele . .1868?. . have Evidence before Senate com tee .... 1868? . . have Transit in N. Y. (acc t of) 1868?. . have Seventh Regt. ; manual 1868 . . 4422.52 Early days of nat l guard 1868 . . 4421.1 Expenses, riots of 1863 (com. from comp troller) 1868? 7th Presb. Ch. ; half-cent l sermon. Dawson 1868 Chamb. ofCom. ; mem l on harbor obst ns. 1868 . . .have Union League club ; memories, etc. . . 1868 . . . have Public education in. Boese 1869 . 5590a.l9 Abstraction of moneys for Sect n uses (4 p.) 1869 . . . have N. Y. illustrated. 56 p. (New ed.) . . 1869 . . 632.1+ Half century with juvenile delinquents. Peirce 1869 . . 5571.20 - Collegiate Dutch Ch. ; cent l. 76 p. . . . 1869 . . 3542.56 Ermine in the Ring. (\Vood lease case). Perkins 1869 . . . have Wig and jimmy. (Davenport?) .... 1869 . . 4421.61 Great metropolis. Browne 1869 . 4474.5-f- Metrop. art museum; meeting 1869. .4076.14 Abstract of initial proceedings .... 1869 . . 8074.16 Women of. Ellington 1869 West Washington Market case 1869 Election frauds (U. 8. exec, doc.) Lau rence 1859 . . 6491.55 Assass n plot in 1776; Eustis letter, ed. by Slafter 1869 Founders of; address, etc. Beekman . 1870 . . . have Hist, of Public Sch. Soc y. Bourne . . 1870 . . 4474.17 Broadway undergr. railway; comments of press 1870 . . . have Acc t of Anneke Janse, and will .... 1870 Cath. Ch. on Island of, 2d ed. Bayley . 1870 Biter bit; or Dana s Sun, 69 p. Mix. .1870. .4506.22 Chamb. of Com.; history, 1856-70 . . . 1S70 7th Reg t during rebellion. Swinton . . 1870 . . 4424.8 Early historv of P. E. Church in (23 p.). 1870 Project for relief of Broadway 1870 B d way underg d railway ; descr. . . . 1870 . . . have Same 1872. . . have 111 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. II. J. Raymond and the N. Y. press. Maverick 1870 . 4500a 17 Mining stock board; constit n, etc. . . .1870. . .have Rapid transit; an address. Gardiner .1870?. . have Pub. meetings (for hearings) of Dcp t of Docks* 1870 . . . have Ten Years in Wall St. Fowler .... 1870? . . 5643.8 Men and mysteries of Wall st. Medbery.1870 . .1816.20 Cit. Asso. ; address to people, etc. . . . 1870 . . . have Council of Polit. reform; constit n, etc. . 1870 . . .have Columbia Coll.; hist, of class of 71. Conger 1871 . . . have Traveller s guide. Redfield 1871 . . 4479.51 Univ. of City of Xew York ; Inaug. of Chancellor Crosby 1&71 . . . have Merc. Library ; 50th anniv 1871 Frauds of Tammany democrats. 16 p. . 1871 . . 4421.66 Frauds of city gov t exposed. Genung . 1871 . . .have Stuyvesant pear-tree. Dunshee .... 1871 . . . have Great city problem (gov t, etc.) 1871. . .have Roosevelt hospital; opening address. Vermilye 1871 . . . have Hospital ; centenary. Beekman . . . .1871. . .have - House that Tweed built 1871 . . .have Commmun ns on Metrop. Railway . . . 1871 . . . have Chronicles of Gotham. (White). . . .1871. 2409a.54 Cit. Asso. ; address to people, etc. . . .1871. . .have World s fair; practical reasons, etc. (for X. Y.) 1871 . . . have Greenwood Cem y; rules, hist, sk., etc . 1872 . . .have Cit. Asso.; proposed charier 1872. . .have - Report on small pox (to B d of Health.) Morris 1872 . . . have - Olden Time in. (Kip.) 1872 N. Y. and its instit ns. Richmond . . . 18~2 . . 2375.60 Bright side of N. Y. (same as preced ing ) Richmond 1872 Chamb. of Com. ; report of Chic, relief com 1872 Poor and criminals, etc. ; a sermon. Wis- wall 1872 . . . have History of. Stone 1872 . . 2372 51 . - Dangerous classes, etc. Brace 1872 . . 3574.51 St Andrew s church; hist, of 1872 Cotton Exchange : charter, etc., 6th ed. . 1872 . . . have Lights and shadows of X. Y. life. Mc- Cabe 1872 . . 1674.4 X. Y. Warehouse and Railway Co. : doc s, etc 1872 . . . have Metrop. Mug. of Art; Catalogue of pic tures; with outline, etc 1872. A.22">.11 Xethersidc of. Crapsey 1872. .4401.50 House of Refuge : report on charges, etc.1872 . . 5575.64 f. Society Library: address, 100th anniv. Ward 1872 . . . have Clubs of. Fairfield 1873 . . 2379.53 East R. Susp. bridge : tower founda tions. Roebling 1873 . . . have 112 Shelf. No. New York City, continued. - Great riots. Headley 1873 . . 2376.52 Cheap Transp. Asso. : rep. on railway transp 1873? . . have West Side Asso. : Doc. No. 1 (pub. meet ing, etc.) 1873 . . . have Church, School, and State : Sectarian ap- , prop ns 1873 . . F.12.6 Bellevue Hospital: 1st decen. catal., with hist. Castle and Yale 1873 . . 4492 56 N. Y. in Sept., 73 (Wall St. Panic, etc.). Schultz 1873? . . have Counc. of Polit. Reform. 5 reports. Hawkins 1873 . . . have The X. Y. City Ring. Tilden 1873 . . 4475.27 Dark side of N. Y. life 1873 Same in. German : Die Nachtzeiten, etc. 1873 Tombs : its secrets and mysteries. But ton 1874 . . 7^86.20 - N. Y. and Brooklyn illustrated. Treat . 1874 . . 2375.64 Christian work in 1871,3, 4 1874. . .have Crying shame of New York. Warren. .1874 Normal College; dedic n 1874 Arcadian Club : recep n of Peter Cooper. 1874 Debt and taxes of. Hawkins 1875. . .have and Brooklyn : lives of clergy, and hist. of sects. Patten 1875 . . 2341.67 Rapid transit, etc. : report of com tee . 1875 . . 8017.28 Old N. Y., etchings by Greatorex, text by Despard 1875 . . 2370.51 - Old Stadt Huys. Gerard 1875 Counc. of Polit. Reform : reports 1872- 3-4 1875 . . . have Plays and players of. Hutton 1875 Soc. for Suppr. of Vice: 1st aim. rep. . .1875. . .have Peculation triumphant. O Conor . . . .1875. .4471.51 Old streets of under Dutch. Gerard. 2 editions 1874-75 - N. Y. illustrated. 74 p 1875 . . 2371.60 Same title 1876 Report to Union League Club on pub. debt. Hawkins 1876 . . . have Progress of, 177C-1776. Stevens .... 1876 Description of. Hardie date? Bulls and bears of. M. H. Smith . . . .1875. .4405.57 N. Y. illustrated; new ed. 74 p 1875. .2371.60 N. Y. city, and how to see it. 69 p. . . 1876 . 2379a.6l Columb. Colt. : cent l address. Jay . . 1876 . . 4392.12 Hist. Soc y; commem n of Battle of Harlem Plains. 52 p 1876. .2371.63 Rapid transit: speech. 40 p. Evarts . 1876 . .5656.19 Argument. 48 p. Comstock 1876 . . 5656.19 Argument. 47 p. Choate ... . . 1876 . . 5656.19 Croton water supply : an address. But ler 1877 . . 5946.3 Commodities of isle Manati. Shea s re print n. d. . . . have Glance at (govt. theatres, etc.) n.d 113 Shelf. No. New York State. See Western N"ew York ; Central New York, Northern New York. Niagara, ^- Y. Manual for visitors. Ingra- ham 1834 . 4369a.22 Devil s hole. Colt 1844 ... have Every man his own guide, etc., 4th ed. . 1844 . 4489a.l2 Same 1845 Same. Johnson 1853 . 4469a.50 The great manuf g vil age, etc. 33 p. . . 1853 . . 4465.31 Ship canal : resolution of Illinois legisla ture 1854 . . 4376.12 A military, etc., necessity 1863 . . 4376.12 Report on bill to incorporate 1864 . . 4376.12 and reciprocity. Hayes 1865 . . 4376.12 Early history of frontier. Marshall . .1865. .4472.25 History, etc. Holley 1872 . . 2369.73 - Presbytery of, 1824-74. 33+ p 1875 . . . have Guide to travellers, etc. 12 p. (Buffalo) . n.d. . .4465.31 Niles, Mich. : Cent l oration. Jerome .... 1876 . . . have Nonantum and Natick (Eliot s Missions.) Jacobs 1853 . . 2366.30 Norfolk Co. : Early hist, of med. profes sion in. Alden 1853 . 7752.4+ Norfolk, Conn. Half-century sermon. Hob- bins 1811? . . have History. Roys 1847 .. 4335.29 Farewell ser. Eldridge 1874 Norfolk, Va. : History. Forrest 1853 . . 2374.5 Great pestilence. Forrest 1856 Yellow fever in. Armstrong 1856 , .2374.25 Same. 2d ed. Howard Asso. report for 1855 1857 . . 7571.25 Mayor s message, with reports, etc. . . 1874 . . . have Norridgewock. Me. : History. Allen . . . 1840 Canaan, etc. : History. Hanson 1849 . . 2339.8 Norristown.Pa. IstPresb.Ch.; hist, sketch. Ralston 1876 . . 5541.57 - and Bridgeport, directory, etc. White- head . 1860 Northampton. Duty and interest of a peo ple, etc. With part of a letter, etc., from Mr. Edwards. Williams .... 1736 . H.14.19 Faithful narrative of conversion, etc. Loud. Edwards 1737 . H.27.189 Same. 2d ed. Lond 1738 S ime. Edinb 1738 Same. 3d ed. Bost 1738 . 3459.39+ Same. Lond 1800 Same. Halifax 1808 Same. Bost. (from 1738 ed.) 1831 . . 5447 45 Same. Wore 1832 . . 5549.72 Same. London 1839 Same. London. (Whittingham) . . N.D. Same. In Dutch. (Leeuwarden) . . 1750 - Same. (Am. Tr. Soc., N. Y.) .... N.D. - Same. (Elizabethtown, X. J.) .... 1790 Result of council, June 22, 1750, and pro test N.D. 114 Shelf. No. Northampton, continued. Conduct of council that dismissed Mr. Edwards. Brcck, etc N.D. . . 3458.76 Hist, sketch. Williams 1815 . . 2356.25 Sermon : geneal, notes. Lyman .... 1819 - Register of deaths, 1653-1824 1824 Round Hill School, Acc t of. 19 p. Cogs well and Bancroft 1826 . . 4436.25 Names of pupils to 1831 1862 . . 4436.25 Old burying-ground. Inscriptions, etc. Bridgman 1850. .2334.15 Mt. Holyoke; handbook, etc. Eden . . 1851 . 4369a 22 Address : 2d cent l. 56 p. Allen . . . 1855 . 2356.24+ Attractions of. Chandler . . 1871 . . 4359.27 3 Library : building committee s report .1874. . .have Historical register, etc 1875-6.2389.57 Northampton, X. H. Discourse, French. 1822 - Reminiscences; half-century disc. Allen. 1852. .5543.18 Northampton Co., Pa. History. 16 p. . 1869 and Lehigh, etc., Co. s, Pa. History. Rupp 1845 . . 2379.9 North Bend, O., Pioneer life at : an address. Harrison 1867 . . 4373.63 North Berwick, Me. Baptist Ch., 1st cent. of. 32 p. Worth 1868 . . . have Northborough. Half-cent ] ser. Whitney. 1796 Top. and hist, sketches. 66 p. Allen . 1826 . . . have - Ser., his 25th anniv. Allen 1842 . . 4163.6 IstCh. : centennial. Houghton . . . .1846 1st Cong Ch. : cent l disc. Allen .... 1846 . . 6088.54 Town cent l. 48 p 1866 . . . have Discourse, his 50th anniv. Allen . . . 1867 . . 7440.9 North Branford, Conn. : Cong. Ch. : hist. Wood 1850 North Bridgewater. Geneal. and hist. Cary 1%-* 2337.54 1st Bapt. Ch. : rise and progress. Anden. 1851 . . 5543.9 - Hist, discourse. Huijtington 1853 History. Kingman 1866 . . 2357.34 North Brookfield. Hist. ser. Snell . . . 1838 Sermon, his 50th anniv. 56 p. Snell. .1848. . .have Disc, and hist, sketch. Snell 1854 North Carolina, Western. Sketches. Hun ter 1877 North Chelsea. Gold from California, with hist, remin s. Cary 1856 North Danvers. See Danvers. Northern New York. History. Waddell . 1855 Historical sketches. Sylvester 1877 . . 2376.55 Northfleld. History. Temple and Sheldon . 1875 . . 23 3.33 Reminiscences, 1812-25. 2*5 p. Munsell. 1876 . . 4401.12 Northfield, X. Y. Centennial celebration, July 4, 1876 1876 North Haven, Conn. Cen.serm. Trumbull.lSOl Centennial sermon. Hallam 1859 North Middleboro . Hist, of the Church, in 6 ser s. Hopkins 1876 North Stonington, Conn., Picture of. .1807 Same 1825 115 Shelf. >o. North Stonington, continued. 1st Bapt. Ch : hist, discourse. Palmer . 1844 Dedication discourse. Morris 1849 Disc, commcm. of Rev. J. Fish. Hubbell. 1863 . . 4435.8 History. Francis 1866 North Wentworth. (X.H.?) LetterstoMr. Thacher, and result of council. Fer guson 1831 North. Yarmouth, Me. Letters, etc., on late dissen s 1824 1st Church: confession, etc., hist, no tices. [Shepley] 1848 Norton. History, 1669-1 859. Clark. . . .1859. 2357.9+ Norwalk, Ct., Records of. Hall 1847 .. 4438 .3 Hist, discourse, 200th anniv Bouton . . 1851 . 4435.8 Norway, Me. History. Noyes 1852 . . 2339.20 Norwich, Conn. Few words respecting those whipt, etc. Bolles 1726? Proclamation, etc., answered; and jus tice s court vindicated. Backus . . . 1726 . H. 27.175 Account, etc., raising bridge. 10 p. . . 1st Church : jubilee sermon. Lord. . . 1768 H. 16.2134- Chelsea parish : farewell disc. King . . 1811 . . 7453.2 Fiftieth-year sermon. Strong 1828 - History. Caulklns 1S45 . . 4336.26 Uncas and Miantonomah : a discourse. Stone 1848 Christ s Church : centenary discourse. Morgan 1849 Free academy : address, dedic n. Gulli ver 1856 . . 4387.53 Notes on the Baptists in. Denison . . .1857(1858?) Jubilee. Stedman 1859 . . 2336.22 Hist. disc. (2d ed., 1st in "Jubilee.") Oilman 1859 . . 2336.23 2d Cong. Ch. : disc., 100th anniv. Bond . 1860 . . 4435.8 Sermon, his 50th anniv. Tuttle .... 1861 Hist, discourse. Graves *. . 1865 History. 2d ed. Caulkins 1866 . . 4336.24 Same. 3d ed 1674 . . 2336.64 Annals in the Rebellion. Dana .... 1873 . . 2325.61 Norwich, Vt. University, charter, etc. Slaf- ter 1869 Nottingham, Md. History of N. congrega tion. Galey 1866 Nottingham, Ohio. Presb. Ch. : hist. 24 p. Crawford 1871 Oakland, Cal. College of California : state ment 1855 . . . have University, movement for, etc 1857 . . 4387.69 Statement 1860 . . 4387.69 Oberlin, O. History. Smith 1837 Wellington rescue. Shipherd 1859 . . 4374.3 College, origin, progress, etc.; address, 1860. Fairchild 1871 . . 4489.37 Educ. arrangements, etc. Fairchild . . 1866 . . . have Hist, sketch. Fairchild 1868 Origin, etc. Fairchild 1871 Theol. hall; cor. stone 1871 . . . have 116 Shelf. No. Oberlin, continued. - 1st Ch. ; hist. 45 p. Brand 1877 Octorara, Pa. See also Chester Co., Pa. United Presb. Ch. ; memorial ser. Easton.1873 Ogdensburg, If. Y. Report on long, and lat. Peters 1865 . . . have - 1st Presb. Ch. ; hist. disc. Miller. . .1865 Sewering of ; prelim, report. Waring . 1872 . . .have Ogle Co., 111. History. (Boss) 1859. .2373.31 Ohio River (Country round head of) Olden time. Craig 1846-7 Same. Reprint 1876 . . 2321.67 Ohio and Alleghany, and Conewango creek, Pa. Ace t of controversy, etc. 28 p. .1810? Oil regions of Pa. 65 p. Gillelen n.d. Old Redstone. See Western Penn . Olivet, Mich. College; address, cor. stone, etc. Morrison 1866 . . . have Olmsted Co.. Minn. Geog. and stat. hist. of. Mitchell 1866 Old Cheraws, S. C. History. Gregg . . . 1867 . . 4465.22 Omaha, Neb. Directory; hist, appendix. Collins 1866 Oneida Co., N. Y. To the people of (locat ing court-house). Gold 1800 Narrative of revival 1826^ Ph. v. 69 Notices, etc., on early history. Tracy . 1838 Ph v. 102 Annals and recollections. Jones .... 1851 . . 2371.17 - Community, hand-book, etc ]867 . .4475.29 Early bar of, 48 p. Bacon 1876 Ouondaga Co., N. Y. Memoir of salt springs, etc. Be Witt 1798 Agriculture of, and acc t of aborigines. Geddes 1860 Salt Co. of. 29 p 1862 . . 8014.50 Press of; a lecture. Fitch Ib68 And Oswego; hist, sketches. Clark. .1849. .2371.18 Ontario presbytery, N. Y. Hist, ser., half cent l. Page 1867 , . 5544.72 Orange, Conn. Christ (Christ s?) Church; hist, ser., 100th anniv. Chapin . . . .1839? Orange, N. J. 1st Presb. Ch. ; history. Hoyt.1860 . . 5549.80 100th anniv. Gillette 1870 . . . have New England Soc y; constit n and by laws 1874 . . . have Orange Co., N. Y. Outline hist. Eager . 1846-7 . . 4371.18 and Ulster Co. A few facts, etc. (against division) 1859 and Newburgh. Hist. Ruttenber . . . 1877 Orford, N. H. Cent l. Sept. 7, 1865 . . . .n.d.. .2838.21 Orient, N. Y. Ser. and hist, .eketeh. French.1868 Oriskany, N. Y., Battle of; address. 66 p. Roberts 1877 . . . have Orland, Me. Hist, of Rising Sun Lodge. 35 p. Chase 1874 . . . have Orleans. Hist, discourse. Clark 1856 Orleans Co., Vt. Hist, of Cong, churches. White 1868 . . . have Hist, of newspapers in. 4 p. White .1868? 117 Shelf. No. Orono, Me. Centennial 1874 . . 2353.26 Oshkosh, Wis. Directory, with brief hist., etc 1857 - Biog. and statist, hist. 76 p 1867 Oswego, X. Y. R. R. convention ; proceed ings 1871 . . . have Commerce of (board of trade report) . .1871. . . have Otsego, X. Y. Political wars . 1796 . . 4318.13 Otsego Co , X. Y. Reminiscences, etc. Beardsley 1852 Otter, Peaks of, Va., Description. Morgan . 1853 Overlook ML, Traditions. 22 p. Hawkins. 1873 . .2374.52 Ovid, X. Y. State Agric. Coll.; charter, etc.1861 . . . have Oxford. French Protestants. Holmes . . 1826 . . 4358.23 etc. Hist, collections. Ammidown . . 1H74 . . 2352.57 Oxford, Me. Discourse, his 25th anniv. Coggin 1864 Oxford Co., Me. Sketches. Stone 1830 Oxford, Miss. Univ. of Miss., letter to trus tees. Barnard 1858 . . 4386 53 Oxford, X. Y. Academy jubilee 1866. .4494.59 Oxford,*). Miami Univ., 6th anniv. Drake.1831 10th anniv. address. Beecher .... 1835 - Assoc. Ref. Ch.; sketch of hist. Macdill.1843? Oyster Bay, X. Y. Bapt. Ch. ; history . . . 1873 Paddy s Run, O. Hist, sketch. 20 p. Chid- law 1876 Palmer. Cent l hist, address. 60 p. Wilson . 1855 Palmyra, X. Y. Memorial, etc. : a sermon. Eaton 1858 . . . have Cent l, 4th July, 1876 1876 . . . have Paris, Ky. Presb. Ch. : memorial discourses. Blanton 1871 . . 5543.68 Parkersburg, Va. Xotices of in 1860. (Latrobe) 1860 Sketch. 18 p. Wharton 1865 Park Place, O. Description of 1875 Passaic Co., X. J. Hist. sk. 39 p. Nelson. 1877 Paterson, X. J. Lecture on past, etc. Dick- erson 1856 - Hist, sketch of schools. Xelson .... 1877 . . 4398.9 Pawlet, Vt. 100 years, llollister 1867 . . 4477.2 Pawtucket. Poor man s defence (Bapt. Ch., etc.). Potter 1823 Xorlh Providence centennial. Goodrich, 1865 . . 2355.58 St. Paul s Ch. : 50th anniv. discourse. Randall 1868 - Hist, sketch. Goodrich 1876 . . 2353.62 Paxton. Centenary memorial. 78 p. . . . 1868 Paxton Boys. See Lancaster Co., Pa. Peachbottom, Pa. Slate Ridge Ch. : hist. disc. Jos. D. Smith 1868 . . 5544.71 Peaks of Otter, Va. See Otter. Pella, Iowa. Berjgten uit de Hollandsche Kolonie (Zwolle). Ackersdyck . . . 1854 Central University, etc. Inaug. of Pres. Dunn 1871 . . . have Origin, etc. 12 p 1873 . . . have 118 Slielf. No. Pemaquid, Me. Giles memorial : with hist. of. Vinton 1864 . . 2332.3 Papers relating to. Hough 1856 . . 4501.25 Ancient Pemaquid. Thornton 1857 . . 2339.5 Pembroke. 50th anniv. of Mr. Allen . . . 1852 . . 5543.9 Discourse, June 15, 1862. Allen .... 1862 . . 5543.9 Pembroke, Me. Crescent Lodge : history. 20 p. Walker 1872. . .have Crescent Chapter : hist. 27 p 1876 . . . have Pembroke, N. H. Discourse, 40th anniv. Barnham 1848 1st Cong. Ch. Brief history. Willcy .1876. . .have Pennington, N. J. 1st Presb. Ch. of Hope- well : hist. 128 p. Hale 1876 . . 3545.19 Pennsylvania. See Western Pa. ; Whiskey Insurrection. Penobscot, Me. Siege in 1779. Calef . . . 1781 Pensacola, Fla. Sale of lots, description, etc 1836 . . . have City of. (Sale prospectus) 1870? Peoria, 111. Record and hist. view. Drown. 1850. . .have Board of trade : incorp n, numbers, etc. . 1870 . . . have History. Ballance 1870 . . 2379.50 Ann. rep. on trade, etc. 1, 2; 1870-1 . . 1871-2 - Same. 1872, 1873, 1876, 1877 1873-8 . . have History, with atlas. Claxton 1873 2d Presb. Ch. : cent l hist. disc. Thomp son 1876 . . 5544.73 Pepperell. Gov t, etc. .described, etc. Back us 1778 2d parish: cent l discourse. Andrews . 1847 1st Ch. : cent l address. Babbidge . . . 1847 . . . have Truth, etc., vindicated (review of But ler). Andrews 1849 Review reviewed. Butler 1850 . . . have Pequea Valley, Pa. Early settlement, lip. Conyngham 1842 Perry Co., Pa. Churches-between the moun tains (Lutheran). Focht 1862 History. Wright 1873 Perth Amboy, N. J. St. Peter s Ch. : hist. notices. Chapman 1830 .. 5543.41 History. Whiteliead 1856 . . 4373.1 Peterborough, N. H. Cent l address. Mor- ison 1839 . . . have History. Albert Smith 1876 . . 2337.25 Petersburg, Va , Attack on. (A U. S. doc.) 1865 . . 4424.3 Petersham. Documents, etc. (opposition to him). Foster 1817. . .have Cent l address. Willson 1855 . . 2356.17 Petrolia, Penn. Hist, of Petroleum region. Cones and Johns 1869? Phelps & G-orham s purchase, N. Y. Tur ner .1851. . 2371.5 Philadelphia, Pa. Description by Chet- wood : in Voyages, by Boyle 1726 Same. 2d ed., 1727; another 2d ed., 1728, etc 119 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Same. In French. Amsterdam, 1730 . Same. In Gamier, Voyages imagin- aires 2666.1 Charge to Grand Jury. 10 p. Logan . 1723 Protestation presented to Synod of Phila. 1741 Plain truth; or, serious considerations, etc. (Franklin) 1747 Same. 2d ed., same year. Same, in German 1747 Clear and certain truths (reply to Plain truth) 1747 Short apology for Plain truth 1748 A treatise, etc. (reply to Plain truth) . .1748 Sundry Christian truths (another reply) 1748 Necessary truth ; or. Seasonable consid erations, etc 1748 Phila Lihrary : catalogue and account . 1751 Same, 1754; 1789; 1807. Sermon at opening of Arch St. Pres. Church. 79 p. Tennent 1752 Pa. hospital : acc t. to 1754 1754 Acc t, coiit d to 1761 1761 Manners of the times: a satire. 16 p. Philadelphiensis 1762 Paxton Boys; Indian massacre. (See also Lancaster Co., Pa.) Cool thoughts on the present situation of public affairs 1764 Plain dealer, or remarks on Quaker politics. Xos. 1, 2, 3 1764 Address to the Inhabitants of Pa. (an swer to above) 1764 Paxton men impartially represented . . 1764 An answer to the above 1764 The universal peacemaker 1764 The Paxton boys. A farce 1764 Scene in the new farce 1764 Letter of Chas. Reed to John Ladd con cerning Indian massacre at Lancaster . 1764 Looking-glass for Presbyterians .... 176J Substance of a council of Presbyterians held at Lancaster 1764 Remonstrance of distressed frontier in habitants 1764 Serious address to inhabitants of Pa. who connived at massacre of Indians . 1764 The Quaker unmasked, or plain truth . 1764 A dialogue, reflections on declaration of Back inhabitants 1764 Quakers assisting to preserve lives of Indians in barracks vindicated .... 1764 Plain truth; addressed to the freemen of Pa 1764 Remarks; or plain truth found to be plain falsehood 1764 The author of plain truth stript start naked 1764 Clothes for a start naked author .... 1764 120 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. The true Quaker reproving the false one. Buffin 1764 A battle! a battle! a battle of a squirt, where no man is killed and no man is hurt 1764 The Paxtoniade. A poem 1764 Address to Dr. Allison and Mr. Ewing . 1765 Remonstrance shewing grievances of frontier inhabitants. Smith and Gib son 1765 Manual Schools in America : commence ment of College of Phila. 63 p. Mor gan 1765 Cat. of books in Association Library, etc. 68 p 1765 Familiar Epistles, etc., in Latin verse. 88 p. Beveridge 1765 Account of Corporation for the relief of widows and children of clergymen. 48 p. Smith 1769 Phila. Asso. (Baptist) : minutes in 1769 . 1769 Macpherson s Letters. 105 p 1770 Letters to the governors of the College of N. Y. (collections for cols, of N. Y. and Phila.). London 1771 Explanation of map of. Reed 1774 Observations on a variety of subjects . . 1774 Address by freemen confined under gen. warrant. 62 p 1777 Proceedings, town meeting in Phila. . . 1779 Mischianza; Strictures on, in Phila. . .1779 Accounts of the Lieutenants and Sub- lieuts. of Phila. . . 1777-1782 Phila. ; or, new pictures of the city (poem). 83 p 1784 Address to citizens of Phila 1784 Observations on epidemic disorder in Phila. 48 p. Xassy 1793 Account of rise, etc., of malignant fever in Phila. 48 p. Sassy 1793 Foretokens of pestilence, etc., in Phila. (1793). 12 1793? Lists of those buried, mortality of 1793. Carey 1793? Malignant fever in. Carey 1793 Same. 2d ed 1793 . . 3798.21 Same. 3d ed 1793 Same. 4th ed 1794 . . 3798.20 Same. 5th to 10th eds., 1794+ (10th ed., 1830.) Same, in Dutch, Kort berigt, etc. Haarlem 1794 Same, in French, Histoire succincte, etc (1794) . 7768.50 Same, In German, Eine kurze N"ach- richt, etc 1794 Short acc t of yellow fever. Helmuth . 1794 . M.Ph.v.4 Some account of Phila. Davies .... 1794 121 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Enquiry, etc., Into disease, Aug. -Nov., 1793. Deveze 1794 Dissertation sur la fievre jaune, 1793. Paris. Deveze Treatise on yellow fever in. Currie . . 1794 - Yellow fever in 1793. 363 p. Rush . . 1794 Impartial review, etc. (of Rush on yellow fever). Currie 1794 Black people in, during fever of 1793. By A. J. and R. A. 28 p 1794 Minutes of the committee to alleviate malignant fever. 223 p. 8 vo 1794 Hardie s account of Phila. and of charitable institutions 1794 Prospect of, and check on next directory. 180 p. Hogan 1795 The Jockey Club ; or mercantile influence weighed. 23 p. 8vo 1795 The Group (poem). 35 p 1796 Prisons of, by an European 1796 Visit to Ph la. prison. Turnbull .... 1796 Same- ; 1797 . Ph.v. 344 Address to TJnit n congreg s. 24 p. Priestley 1797 Yellow fever in 1797 ; with list of dead. 2d ed 1798 M.Ph.v.26 Yellow fever in 1798; address in Chris tian love. 71 p. Brown 1798 Memoirs of yellow fever, etc., in 1798. Currie 1798 . . 3799.57 - History of pestilence, Aug.-Oct. 1798. Condie and Folwell n.d. Origin of yellow fever in 1797 1798 M.Ph.v.28 Facts and obs. about the fever in 1793. (London) 1798 Facts on pestilential fever, 1793-1798 . . 1798 M.Ph.v.92 Letter on supply of wholesome water. Latrobe 1798 Remarks on Latrobe s 2d publication . . 1799 Pastoral letter from minister in the country etc. (yellow fever). 12 p. . . 1799 Observations on yellow fever. 28 p. Rush 1799 Sketch of yellow fever in 1799. Currie . 1800 Reise von Hamburg nach Phila. (Han over.) 208 p 1800 Phila. in 1800. Birch 1800 Occasional essays on yellow fever by a Philadt-lphian. 42 p 1800 . Essays on yellow fever and a permanent bridge, by a Philadelphian. 51 p. . . 1802 Absurd practice, etc., in yellow fever. Address to Philadelphia. 16 p. ... 1803 Brief sketch of origin, etc 1804 Abercrombie s charge. Phila. academy, July 27 1804 Col. of facts, etc., regarding yellow fever. Part I. Rushton. 68 p 1804 122 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. - Philadelphia dispensary: design, origin, etc 1805 Sketch of origin and progress 1805 Phila. pursuits of Literature (poem). Notes by Heron. 15 p 1805 Reflections on taxation in Phila. Carey. 1806 - Additional facts on fever 1806 M.Ph.v.92 Century sermon, Church at Lower Dub lin. Jones 1807 Statist, memoranda for Robinson s directory 1809 Alpha, list of wards, streets, etc. Pax- ton 1810 . . 4489.59 Stranger s guide. Paxton 1810 Adelphi school : origin, etc., of .... 1810 Oration on masonry ; and ace. of dedic. of Masonic Hall, ililnor 1811 . . 4396.52 Picture of. Mease 1811 .2372.9+ Stranger s guide. Paxton 1813 - Hermit in; by Peter Atall. (1st ed.) Wain 2d ed. Wain 1819 . . 2909.34 3d Presb. Ch. : hist, of eccl. proceedings. Ely 1814 . Ph.v.206 Frankford asylum for insane; acc t of. Tuke 1814 . . 5809.5 Account of ; from Lonter s " Ordi nances" 1815? State-house yard; Rawle s and Dupon- ceau s opinions on title 1816 - Washington benev. soc. : origin, etc., of; with services by Bp. White, etc. . . . 1816 Frankford Insane Asylum. Present state of 1816 Further information on 1818 Account. Wain 1825 Account. Evans 1839 Account. Evans 1846 Penna. Hospital. Acc t to May, 1754. 145 p 1817 Phila. soc. for Agriculture. Address on a Pattern Farm. Mease 3818 - Compendium Florae Philadelphicae. Bar ton 1818 First Baptist Ch. ; statement. 56 p. . . 1818 Addresses : Society for prom. nat. in- dustry 1819 . . . have Proposals for altering eastern front . . . 1820 Prison at 6th and Prune st. Account . 1820 - Military operations on Delaware during late war. 91 p 1820 St. Mary s Ch. To Roman Cath s of TJ. 8. 18 p 1821 Report on malignant disease in 1820 . . 1821 M.Ph.v.25 Yellow fever in 1820. Jackson .... 1821M.Ph.v.l3+ Pa. Inst. for Deaf and Dumb ; ace. of origin, etc 1821 Sketch of origin, etc 1825? 123 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Observations on Yellow Fever. Plan- tow. 58 p 1822 St. Mary s Ch. : view of applic. for amend, of charter. 15 p 1823 Address of Trustees. 25 p 1823 Bishop England and other Catholic let ters. 28 p 1823 New Presb. Ch. : ser. at opening. 32 p. Miller ... 1823 Picture of, in 1824 (includes Mease s, 1811). Wilson 1823 . . 2372.9 Mariner s Church. 8 p 1824 Provident Soc y : statement of object . . 1824 Meeting to com. landing of Wm. Penn . 1824 St. Mary s Congregation : Reflections on Dissensions, etc. 28 p 1824 Phila. in 1824 1824 . . . have Discourse, 24 Oct., 1825. Ingersoll . . .1825 Trial of 24 jour, tailors for conspiracy . 1825? Microcosmus Philadelphicus, etc. 60 p. 1825 Unit. Ch. Ser., ord. Mr. Furness. 46 p. Ware 1825 Breakwater in Delaware R. Town meet ing on 1825 Remarks : Bainbridge s Report, etc. . . 1826 Memoir of locality of Penn treaty, 1682. Vaux 1825 Same, reprinted. London 1839 On a college in Phila. Carey 1826 Glances at First-Circle Wistar Parties . 1826 Efforts to improve prisons of. Vaux . . 1826 Mariner s Ch. Report of 7th year. 17 p. 1826 Report of state of. 24 p 1827 Pauper system and remedies : report of com tee of citizens 1827 Domestic Miss. Soc. : origin, etc., of . . 1827 Sketches of primitive settlements on Delaware. Barker. 62 p 1827 Views in Phila. and vicinity. Childs . . 1827 Report on Fairmount water works, 1823. 2d ed 1827 . Ph.v.248 Criticism of facts in Picture of Phila. . . 1828 House of Refuge : address. Sergeant. .1828 . . .have - Reply to Barker. Mease 1828 Stranger s Guide. 38 p 1828 . . 4489a.8 " Penna. Hospital : origin, etc., of. . . .1828 Same, 1831. Report on pauper system of ... . . 1828 Phila. 1828 1828 - Reply to Phila. in 1828. Barker .... 1828 Desilver s directory and stranger s guide. 1829 Annals. Watson 1830 Essays on public charities of. 5th ed. Carey 1830 . . 4495.65 Anti-masonic convention : proc gs . . . 1830 Malignant fever of 1790 (In "Essays"). Carey 1830 Phila. in 1830. . .1830 124 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Schuylkill Fishing Co. : hist, memoir . . 1830 - Medical statistics of 1821-30. Emerson. 1831 Walnut St. Prison : letter on sale of. Wood 1831 Picture of, by Mease; cont d by Porter . 1831 Devises, bequests, etc.. to city . .... 1832 . . 6378.22 Discourse, 150th anniv. of Penn s land ing. Du Ponceau 1832 . . . have Penna. hospital, acc t of 1832 . . . have Plan ; or, strangers guide 1832 Descriptive sketch, in letter from old printer 1832 Girard College: deed of trust and will. 1832 Will and short biography 1832 - Corner stone : proceedings 1833 . . 7574.7 - Decision of Sup. Court of Pa. on after- purchased real estate, considered . . . 1833 Report of Com tee on legacies and trusts 1834 Report on clothing, diet, etc 1835 . Ph.v.404 Report to com. counc 1840 . . . have - Proceedings, U. 8. Circuit Court . . . 1840 Com tee s reports and testimony on estate 1842 Webster s speech, Supreme Court . . . 1844 Arg ts of defendant s counsel. 301 p. . 1844 Judge" Story s opinion 1844 Final Report of building com tee . . . 1848 . 4386.72+ Description ; with will of Girard . . . 1848 . Ph.v.404 Discourse, 1st anniv. Tyson 1849 . . . have - And its founder. Arey 1854 .537.29+ Phila. vs. Girard : Brewster s arg t . . 186S Phil. vs. Girard : counter statement and arg. of defts. in error 1863? Refutation of libel, etc 1865 Hist, tales, etc. Watson 1833 Board of Trade : an. reps., 1st to 44th, to 1877. Same. An. reps., 5th, 18th. 21st, 26th to 36th ; for 1837-69 6378.25 St. Andrews Ch. : parochial details . . 1834 Grace Church : candid statement (con certs). 12 p 1835 House of Refuge : design and advantages of 1835 - Same. Eds. of 1840, 1850, 1854. Letters on condition of poor, etc. 2d ed. Carey 1835 . . 4495.65 Picture of 1835 Coxe, Dr. J. R., and university class . . 1835 Charges against medical class 1835 Occurrences, removal of Dr. Coxe . . . 1835 Appeal to the public. Coxe 1835 . . . have Stranger s guide 1835 . 4379a.31 Acad. of nat. sci. : notice. 3d ed. . . .1836. Ph.v.95 Univ. of Penna. : hist, of med. depart ment 1836 M.Ph.v.32 Proceedings (portrait of Dr. Physick). (1837) . . .have 125 Shelf. NY. Philadelphia, continued. - Univ. of Pa : med. dep t; history . . . 1844 Cntal. of mod. graduates and hist. sk. of med. dept 1845 M.Ph.v.40 -Report on med dept., 1847-S . . . 1847-8 M.Ph.v.43.44 - Phila. Book; or Specimens of literature. 380 p 1836 1st Cong. Ch. : dedic. sermon. Todd . 1837 Union Benev. Asso. : reflections on the system of 1837 - Controversy on destr. of ch. in Kensing ton 1837 Address on disturbances, summer of 1838. Watmough 1838 Sermon, destr. of Penna. Hall. Furness. 1888 Present state of people of color in . . .1838. .7572.50 - Caution to public : Win. Penn Market Co 1838 . . . have Hist, of Pennsylvania Hall 1838 . . 5575.71 Facts on progressive increase, etc. . . . 1838 . . . have Statement as to bridge over Schuylkill . 1838 Discourse before Law Academy. M CaIl.1838 Asso. of Friends for Instruc. of poor children. Origin, etc., of 1839 Passages from Marshall s Diary. 124 p. Duane 1839 - Same title. 174+ p. Duane 1849 Acad. Nat. Sciences: cor.-stone address. Rogers 1839 . . 4396.71 History of; notice of villages, etc. . . .1839 Statement, etc., as to Phila. Exchange Co. Gowen (1839) 1st troop city cavalry; muster-roll, etc. . 1840 New guide to pub. buildings 1840 Howard Sunday School Address at Open ing. 48 p. Sprague 1840 Picture, or stranger s guide. Tanner . . 1841 House of Ref. for colored juv. dclinq s, rep on need of 1841 Univ. of Pa. : medical dept ; (account). 1841. . .have Christ Church : hist, acc t. Dorr . . . 1841 . . 5548.64 Same. 2d ed. Dorr 1859 Higher classes of colored society .... 1841 Zune-st. school-house : dedic. address. Barclay 1841 . Ph.v.121 Mikveh Icrael. Discourse, dedic. of syn agogue. 24 p. Leeser. (A.M. 5602). 1842 Sketch of waterworks 1842 Statistics, pub. institutions ... .... 1842 St. Michael s Church. lOOjahriger JUbel- feier 1843 Swedish congregations applying for charter. 62 p 1843? Amer. Philos. Soc y : early history. Pat terson 1843 . Ph.v.135 Annals of Phil, and Pa. Watson .... 1&44 . . . have Hist, of Riots (in Origin of Amer. Party) Lee 1844 . . 2328.24 Same. An ed. of 1855. 126 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Recent riots; a discourse. Chapin . . . 1844 . Ph.v.234 Full particulars of the late riots .... 1844 Late awful riots 1844 - Truth unveiled : exposition, etc., of riots. 1844 Same : another ed. Graphic acc t of riots at St. Mary s Ch. in 1822 1844 Reflections on late riots by candid writers 1844 - Street talk on military force for govern ing 1844 Address of Catholic lay citizens on riots. 1844 Olive Branch appeal, etc., and documents on disturbances 1844 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick : brief acc t. Hood 1844 - Church of the Epiphany: an. reports, 1845 to 1857. - Phila. as it is 1845 . . 2389.20 Athenaeum; 32d rep., architect s report: Breck s address, cor.-stone 1845 . 2203.11 - New England Soc y of : address, 21 Dec., 1844. 44 p. Breck 1845 - Address, 22 Dec., 1845. 31 p. Chandler. 1845 - Address, 22 Dec., 1846. 42 p. Furness.1846 - Address, 22 Dec., 1847. 38 p. Dilling- ham 1847 - Wealthy citizens of 1845 Same 1846 Every Philadelphian s Book 1846 Ch. of Evangelists. Yearly annals for 1845. 18 p 1846 Explanation of map of city and liberties of Philadelphia. Reed. 1774. 23 p. Reprinted 1846 Appeal for Ho. of Refuge for col d juv. delinq 1346 . . . have Review of Appeal 1847 Weather in, 1790-1847. 300 p. Peirce . 1847 Christ Ch. : Ladies Miss. Asso. and monument to Bp. White 1847 Minutes of Common Council, 1704-76 . . 1847 . . 6378.23 Health laws and acts 1S48 . . . have Proceedings of com tee on yellow fever in I~y3. (Reprint from 1793 ed.) . . . 1848 M.Ph.v.131 - Letters, etc. : malpractice in law, etc. By Junius 1848 . . 4374.13 Lombard St. Central Presb. Ch. Dis courses at dedic. 6-1 p. Thompson, Brainard, Barnes 1848 Hist. Soc. Opening address. 51 p. Reed 1848 Battle-day of Germantown. Lippard . 1848 Corruptions, illegal fees, etc., of public officers. (1st and 2d eds.) 1849 Statistics of cholera, summer of 1849 .(1849?) Report of sub-com tee on cleansing the city* 1849 . . . have 127 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Handbook for the stranger 1849 Opinions of Binney and Pettit on city title to Indep. Square 1850 - House of Refuge : address, col d deptmt. Kelley 1850 . . . have Eve. schools and dist. libraries 1850 . . . have Library Co. : hist, sketch, charter, etc. . 1850 . . 6205.2 Annals of (a 2-vol. ed.). Watson . . . 1850 Pa. hospital : cent l address. Wood . . 1851 . . 5760a.1 Pictorial panorama of Chestnut st. Rae.1851 Phila. (Baptist) Asso.; minutes, 1707- 1807. Gillette 1851 Panoramic view of Chestnut St. Rae 1851 Welcome by youth to Kossuth, Dec. 26, 1851 1852 Address, on Landing of Penn. 36 p. Armstrong 1852 Laurel Hill Cemetery. Guide to. R. A. Smith. 53 p 1852 Guide 1854 St. Andrew s Ch. Missionary Soc y. 4th an. rep. 11 p 1852 Acad. Nat. Sci. : notice of origin, etc. Ruschenherger 1852 . . 7302.7 - Same . 2d ed 1860 Contributionship for insurance of houses : cent l 1852 Stranger s guide 1852 Letters on resources, etc. Tyson . . . 1852 . . . have Convention on monuments in Indep. Sq. 1852 . . 4494.13 As it is in 1852. R. A. Smith 1852 . . 4479.2 (Rep. to legist, on amending charter) . 1853? . . have Pa. Training sch. for Idiots : appeal in behalf of Idiots 1853 Appeal for the school, and 1st report . 1854 Appeal for 1859 Northern Dispensary : history, etc. . . . 1853 Appeal for aid to 1874 Mysteries and miseries of 1853 City Institute for improvem. of young men : appeal 1853 Am. Ac. of Music; hist, and description. LeBrun and Runge ISM / Phila. Hose, founded 1803. Hist, sketch. 1854 Phila. Soc. for Agric. Minutes, 1785- 1810 1854 West Spring Garden land, etc., Asso. . 1854 . . . have Handbook for the stranger 1854 Acad. of Nat. Sci. : discourse on found ing. Foulke 1854 Stranger s guide 1855 . . 4489.26 Anniv. of Merch ts Fund: address. Boardman 1855 . . . have Appeal for Phila. City Institute .... 1855 . . . have Spring Garden Presb. Ch. : half centen. disc. 30 p. McDowell 1855 Ch. of Evangelists. Sermon, 6 Apr. 1856. 21 p. Durborow 1856 128 Philadelphia, continued. - Ch. of Epiphany : address to legal voters. 9 P 1856 - Penna. College: Med. Deptmt. State ment, etc., on reorganizing 1855 Reply to Statement 1855 Refutation of misstatements of Darrach and Wiltbank 1855 - Plan for consolid. of charities 1855 - Sketch of Fairmount, etc., as park . . .1855 - Arcade hotel guide. (2 eds.) Brown .1856 - Burning of ferryboat; conduct of Wm. B. Reed. Brown 1856 - Rep of relief com tee (yellow fever at Norfolk, etc.) 1856 . . . have - Church of Epiphany : statement (resig n of rector) 1856 . . . have - Same. 2d ed., same year 1856 . . . have - Lemon Hill (public park) 1856 . . . have - Forum : 40 yrs. practice at bar. Brown. 1856 . . . 294.4 - Hand in Hand Fire Ins. Co. Report on date of institution 1857 - Hiberuia Fire Co. Statement, opposing Hand in Hand 1857 - Evang. Luth. Ch. of St. John. Hist. sk. of S. School. 21 p 1857 - Stranger s guide 1857 - Opera house : hist, and description . . . 1857 . . . have - Annals. Watson 1857 - 6th Presb. Ch. : discourse, end of 5u yrs. Neill 1857 . . 7440.17 - Trinity Ch. : hist, sketch. 56 p. Bu chanan 1857 - Moravian Ch. : hist. Ritter 1857 . . 5535.1 1st African Presb. Ch. : half-cent l disc. Catto 1857 . . 5543.61 - Changes of names of streets, etc 1858 -- Union Library Co. : sketch of 1858 - Jefferson medical coll. : hist., etc. Gay- ley 1858 - Phil, and its manufactures. Freedley . 1858 Same, for 1859. 10th Presb. Ch. : quarter-century dis course. Boardman 1858 - St. Andrew s Ch. : past and present of, 2 discourses. Stevens 1858 - Carpenter s Hall : reminiscences .... 1858 - Pentecost; or, Work of God in Phila. .1859. . .have Benev. Inst ns and their legal titles. Col lins and Powell 1859 . 7570b.l6 - Same. 1860 7570b.l6 - Stranger s guide 1859 . . 4498.11 Census of manufacturers. Freedley . . 1859 - Scots Presb. Ch. : (on Rev. W. Mar shall, etc.) 1859 . . . have - Christ Church : hist, account. Dorr. . . 1859 . 55-10a.l2 - Statistics of colored people in. Bacon . 1859 . . . have - Ladies shopping guide 1859 Hist, of Independence Hall. Belisle . . 1859 . . . have 129 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Memorials of 1776. Etting 1859? Sam. 2d ed. Etting 1873 . . . have Old Pipe-St. Ch. : leaves from a century plant. Allen 1859 Ministerial Union : anuiv. address. Stock ton 1859 . . . have Lives of eminent Philadelphiaus now dec d. 993 p. Simpson 1859 Burns centenary 1859 - Soc. for Allev. of Prisons. Sketch, from origin 1859 Review of commercial progress of N. Y. and Phila 1859 Plan to improve Fairmount. Adams . . 1859 Shakspere Soc y : origin, etc. of .... 1860 Hist, and stat. sketch of Fairmount . . .1860? Soc. for charity schools : sketch of, and life of C. Ludwick I860 Natatorium, etc. Address in behalf of . I860 - Will of H. D. Gilpin. lip 1860 Asso. of Friends for instr. of poor chil dren. Origin, etc 1860 Ph. and its merchants 50 yrs. ago. Hitter. 1860 Hosp. of Pr. Episc. Ch. : crner-stone . 1860 . 5541.60.2 House of Refuge; by-laws, act, etc. . . 1860 . . . have German Ref. Ch. : 50 yrs. ministry. Bomberger 1860 Stranger s guide 1860 Census of manufactures of 1861 74th anniv. of signing constitution . . .1861 Ch. of the Mediator. Annual ser. 15 p. Appleton 1861 St. Mark s Ch., Frankfonl : lay coopera tion in 1861 . . . have A traveller s sketch Continental hotel) . 1861 . . . have - Christ Church. The American Vine, a sermon preached in. 85 p. Dorr. . .1861 Central High School : report on Prof. Vogdes, etc 1862 . . . have Report on exam, for qualif s of teachers. 1862 . . . have Statements on navy y d at League I. . . 1862 . . . have Water rates and ordinance 1862 . . . have St. Peter s Ch. : centen l ser. De Lancey.1862 . 5477. 4-f Christ Ch. : memorials : 2 ser s. Dorr . 1862 Chestnut St. Bridge. Paper Book in case of. 104 p 1862 1st African Ch. of St. Thomas. An nals. 172 p. Douglass 1862 - 3d Presb. Ch. : quarter century ser. 24 p. Brainard 1862 Old days of. 24 p. Comm. of Mr. Hazard to trustees. 16 p 1864 Bethesda Home : account 1862 - Same 1872 Navy Yard in the Delaware 1862 Gloria Dei Church. Hnlf-cent l sermon. 18 p. Clay 1863 130 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. French Evang. Ch. ; 2d annual general assembly. 9 p 1863 Univ. of Pa. ; Philomathean Soc y ; semi- cent l 1863 - Appeal to graduates and friends . . . 1872 - Philadelphia malignants. Tartan . . . 1863 Improved railway connexions 1863 . . . have Letter on comm l relations. Baldwin . 1863 . . . have Christ Ch. : inscriptions on grave-stones, etc. Clark 1864 Phila. Merchants : biographies of suc cessful. 245 p. Winslow 1864 - Appeal for hist, soc 1865 . . . have Union league : charter, etc 1865 . . . have Report on revision of tax laws 1865 . . . have Carpenter s Hall : views and sketches of. 29 p. Souder 1865 . . . have Stranger s guide 1865 . . 4379.11 - 1st Ind p t Ch. : 40th anniv. ser. and hist. Chambers 1865 - Tax income for year to Ap. 30, 1865 . . 1865 Sufferers by fire at 9th and Washington streets 1865 ^ St. Andrew s Ch. : Parish Library cata logue. 53 p 1865 Parochial meetings; 1st to 9th an. reps 1865-72 Appeal for endowment. 14 p 1871 Sermon. 26 p. Paddock 1871 Leaders of old bar 1866 - Meth. Episc. Ch. Centenary ser. 36 p. Castle 1866 Fest-Griiss zum Zions-Jubilaum, 13 May, 1866. Mann and Spath 1866 St. Matthew s Ch., Francisville : sketch. 16 p 1866 - St. John s Free Ch. : Report of Warden. 14 p 1866 - Pa. soc. for abolition, 90th anniv. . . . 1866 Centennial 1876 - Penna. Bible Soc y (at first Phila. B. 8.) History of charter, etc 1806 * - Proceedings of Bar on judges and court houses 1866 . . . have - Reform in elections : a plan, etc. Fisher.1866 Reply to " Advantages of League I.," etc. 1866 Special report on gas-works, and reply . 1866 . Cooper-shop refreshment saloon ; his tory. Moore 1866 . Sanitary measures on cholera by board of health. 12 p 1866, - Citizens Asso. : address to people . . . 1866 Christ Ch. : 150th anniv. of Sunday sch. 55 p. Dorr 1866 Report on preserving purity of Fairmount water 1867 Boarding home for young women. 1st an. rep 1867 131 Shelf. No. Philad3lphia, continued, y Merc. Libr. Co., its history and growth . 1867 . . .have Peiin squares 1867 . . . have Phila. and its manufactures. Freedley . ]867 . . 4376.51 Ch. of Nativity. History. 15 p. Mat- lack 1867 Minutes of Committee of Defence of Pbila. 1814-15. 428 p 1867 - First lief. Ch. : hist, sketch. 38 p. Suydam 1868 St. Luke s Ch., Germantown. Hist. ser. 70 p. Morris 1868 1st Cong. Ch. : ex-parte council 1868 - Univ. of Pa. : inaug. of Provost SU116 . . 18t>8 . . . have - Public Ledger building 1868 . . . have I hila. club: charter and by-laws .... 1868 Citizens handbook 1868 College of pharmacy : hist, memoirs. Parrish 1868 - Phila. in 1868 . 1868 Great Fire : testimony, causes of fire in Patterson s Bonded Warehouse . . . 1869 / Phila. Library Co. - Provisions of Dr. Rush s will 1869 - Meeting of Lib. Co. : Oct. 5, 1869. Circular : Oct. 12, 1869. To stockholders : Oct 15, 1869. Resolutions : Oct. 19, 1869. v To shareholders : Oct. 19, 1869. Lower Dublin, or Pennepek Bapt. Ch. : hist, sketch. Jones 1869 Hospital of Prot. Eplsc. Church. 47 p. 1869 Ch. of crucifixion : An. Rep. of Rector, 1 Nov. 1869. 8p 1869 Mission House of P. E. Ch. : History. 85 p. Durborow 1869 St. Matthias s Ch. : hist, sketch. 16 p. Chase 1869 - Hist, sketch, at cor. stone. 8 p 1872 Hist, sk., statements, charter, etc. 38 p.1874 - Compar. mortality, Friends and gen. pop n. Chase 1869 Vniv. of Pa. ; hist, of medic, deptmt. Carson 1869 . . 7741.21 - Falls of the Schuylkill. 102 p. Hngner.1869 Andrew Bradford ; an address, etc. Jones 1869 Mission house (Prot. Episc.) : history. 65 p 1869 * Apprentices Libr. Co.: hist. sk. 11 p. . 1869 . . . have NumiKm. and antiq. soc. : constn, etc. . 1870 . . . have U. 8 Mint : history, etc. Runkel . . . 1870 . . . have Sch. of design for women : prospectus .1870. . .have Railway entertainments 1870 Directors of Prot. Ep. Ch. and instlt ns in. with history 1870 Phila. Ledger almanacs 1870-1877 Gloria Dei Church : Sermon, 170th anniv. 40 p. Simes 1870 132 Philadelphia, continued. -- Sermon, 176th anniv. 37 p. Simes . . 1876 Safe Deposit Co. a public necessity. 61 p. 1870 St. Clement s Ch. : extracts from minutes of vestry. 34 p ............ 1871 -- Paper read before vestry. 35 p. Bat terson ................ 1871 Ch. of Holy Trinity : An. rep. of parochial committee. 17 p ........... 1871 - Presbyterian hospital. History, charter, etc .................. 1871 Investig n of abuses in water dep t . . . 1871 - Financial record for 1871 ........ 1871? Amer. Lit. Union : silver anniv ..... 1871 Public medical libraries in. Dunglison . 1871 Citizen s Hand-book. Mann ...... 1871 - Citizens Munic. Reform Asso : Rules . 1871 - Reform Tracts. 1. Munic. Tax n . . . .1871 Justices Courts in Phil ........ 1873 - (Circulars and documents, 1871-1874.) Acad. of Nat. Sci. : Claims of; address, Ruechenberger ........... 1871 -- Addresses, cor. stone of new building . 1872 -- Condition, at moving into new building. Ruschenbcrger ........... 1876 - St. Mark s Ch. : an. rep s of parish work. 48 p .................. 1871 - Burial Society ; name, objects, etc. . . 1871 ? -- Working men s club and institute ; report. 8 p .............. 1872 - Employment Soc y; 6th an. rep. 8 p. . 1875 - Calvary Ch. : dedic. ser. Humphrey . . 1871 . Address (for citiz. reform ticket) . . . 1871 . Phila. illustrated. Hamersley & Co. . 50 reasons for voting cit. ref. ticket . . Discourse, centen. of Bp. White s ordin. Stevens .............. 1871 . Broad St., Penn. Sq. and Park ..... 1871 . - Fairmount Park illustrated. 155 p. ... 1871 Report on fat and lard melting ..... 1871 . Prelim, report on distrib. of taxation . . 1871 . Library Co. es. Williams: in equity, bill, etc .................. 1871 . -- Answer of Williams ......... 1871. - Testimony .............. 1871 . - -- Master s Report ........... 1871 . -- Williams, appellant, vs. the Co ..... 1873 . -- Opinion of the Court ......... 1873 . Christ Ch., Germantown. Statement of Vestry. Feb., 1872. 63 p ....... 1872 - Hist, sermon. 12 p. Fogg ...... 1876 -- Ser. opening of chapel. 15 p. Stevens. 1877 Sons of St. George. Hist, sketch of soc. of. 112 p ............... 1872 100th anniv. of Decl. of Ind. as a monu ment, etc ............... 1872 First Amer. Art Academy. (Repr. from Lippincott s Magazine) ....... 1872 - 100th anniversary, etc. Leeds ..... 1872 1851 . 1871 . . 7451.57 . . have . 2371.62 . . have . 4444.26 .. have . % . have . . have 7686.16+ .6123.10 . 7686.16 . 7686.16 . 7686.16 . 7686.16 133 Shelf No. Philadelphia, tontiwted. - Diary of Japanese visit, 1872. 79 p. . .1872 All Saints Church, Lower Dublin. Cent l anniv. Stevens. 22 p 1872 Reception of G. H. Boker, Union League, 22d Dec., 1871. 71 p 1872 Baldwin Locomotives. Illus. catalogue. 134 p. M. Baird & Co 1872 Locomotive engine : Phila. improve ments. Harrison 1872 . Histor. Soc , new hall : discourse. Wal lace 1872 . . 4375.65 - Hist, and biog. memoirs. Wood .... 1872 - Xew boarding home; 1st an. rep. . . .1872. . .have Hibernia steam fire-engine co. : hist. memorial. 72 p 1872 - Phila. and environs. 72 p 1872 . . 2375.55 Same. 2d ed 1873 Univ. of Pa. : inaug. of building . . . .1872. . .have Report on restoration of Imlep. Hall . .1873. . .have - Same. 2d and 3d reports. - Consolidation of; history. Price .... 1873 Sparks among the ashes (19 years in almshouse). Pearson 1673. .3679.69 - Banquet to A. G. Cattell, 9th Ap., 1878. 48 p 1873 Masonic temple; described 1873 Hayes Mechanics Home: appeal for . . 1873 Soc. Sci. Asso. What shall Phil, do for its paupers? Kay 1873 - Memorials of 1776. 2d ed. Etting . . .1873. .2321.62 Tea party of 1773. 8 p. Etting . . . .1873. G.300.5 Citiz. Munic. Ref. Asso. : facts for the people 1874 . . . have The gas trust 1874 . . . have 2d report on gas trust 1874 8d report on gaa trust 1874 . .6711.66 - Ch. of Holy Communion. The Aid, JSTos. 1, 2, 3 1874 Faire-Mount (poem). Peterson . . . .1874 - Oration, ItOth anniv. meeting of Con gress. Brown 1874 . . 4415.26 - Same, privately printed ed. Brown . . 1875 . . 4411.10 - Pub. buildings on Penn Square; cor. stone 1874 . . 2372.57 Statistics of births, 1861-72. Hough. . . 1874 Pub. school system of 1874 City mission directory; list of charitable institutions (2 eds ) 1874 - Same, 1875, 1876, 1877. Stock Yards and Abattoir 1874 - Phila. sch. of anatomy : history. 32 p. Keen 1875 - New system of supplying water. Haworth 1875 - Mission Hospital : account of 1875 Hunt s Phila. Guide 1875 Handbook. Syckelmoore. 1J8 p. ... 1875 134 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Washington mansion : address. 35 p. Burt 1875 - St. Luke s parish, Germantown. Ser mons. 28 p. Vibbert and Rodney . . 1875 - First troop city cavalry, 1774-1874 . . . 1 875 A century after. Edited by Ed. Strahan. 360 p 1875 New pocket guide and street directory . 1875 . 2379a.68 - Exam, of Schuylkill water. Cresson . .1875. . .have - 1st Cong. Univ. Ch. : 60th anniv. of Dr. Furness 1875 . 5642.99+ Synod of Phila. : hist, and blog. sketches. Patterson and Davidson 1876? Blockley poor-house hospital ; sketch abt. 12 yrs. ago. 4 p. Caffrey .... date? (Centennial exhibition : documents not entered in this list.) Phila. and the centennial. 70 p 1876 . 2379a.90 I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge cent l celeb. 70 p 1879 . . . have - Industries of. Blodget 1876 Old State House. Etting 1876 . . 2372.71 House of refuge : evidence on legislative investigation 1876 . . 6571.62 Northminster Presb. Ch. : hist, sketch. 17 p. Smith 1876 And its places of interest 1876 St. Mark s Lutheran Ch. : Quakers on the Delaware. 16 p. Kunkelman . . 1876 - Reformed Ch. in: hist. 104 p. Van Home 1876 - Christ Ch.: Cent l disc. 46 p. Stevens. 1876 8th United Presb. Ch. : hist, sketch. 12 p. Barr . . . 1876 100th anniv. of " Resolutions respecting independency." 89 p 1876 Mother city of freemasonry in America. McCalla 1876 - 2d Presb. Ch. Old and New. 1743-1876. 180 p. Beadle 1876 West Spruce St. Presb. Ch. : disc, on hist. of. 24 p. Breed 1876 Deutsche Gesellschaft von Pennsyl- vanien. Geschichte, 1764-1876. 336 p, Seiden sticker 1876 Charlie Ross : a father s story. 431 p. . 1876 - Univ. of Pa. : med. dept. ; alumni cent l. 1876 Retirement of Mr. Forney from Phila. Press 1877 Historic mansions and buildings. West- cott 1877 . 2370a.60 - Penna. Hospital : history, 1st quarter 2d century 1877 - Moravian Ch. : hist. disc. 16 p. Jacob- son 1877 St. Mark s Ch. Case (Ringing bells). 491 p 1877 Annals. Watson 1877 135 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued. Ch. of Epiphany : 43d pastoral report . . 1877 - Diary of Chr. Marshall, 1774-81. 330 p. Duane 1877 Address, cent l of battle of Germantown, 4 Oct. 1877. 22 p. Thayer 1878 Phcenixville, etc., Pa. Annals. Penny- packer 1872 Pickaway Co., O. Address to Pioneer, etc., Soc. Williams 1873 . . . have Pierce Co., Wise. 1st an. review. 48 p. Young and Gibbs 1856 . . . have Piscataqua (N. H.) Asso. : hist, notices. French 1850 . . 4338.18 Pithole, Pa. History. Leonard 1S67 Pittsburg, Pa. Historical acc t (Gazette Public ns). Brackenridge ... . . 1806 In 1826. Jones 1828 Convention (" Act and Testimony " af fairs) : minutes 1835 - Fire of Apr. 10, 1845. Foster 1845 - Her advantageous position, etc 1845 . . . have Destiny of: an address. Roberts . . . 1850 In 1851. Craig 1851 . . 2372.6 As it is. Thurston 1857 . . 2372.12 And Allegheny : sermon, his 40th anniv. Swift 1859 . 5544.68+ Oration, cent l evac. of Ft. Duquesne. Loomis 1859 . . 4394.94 Registres des bapteme et sepulture, 1753-6 1859 Address to holders of city bonds .... 1862 . . . have 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, of Sab. schools. McKnight 1867 . . . have 3d Presb. Ch. : dedic. services, etc. . . . 1869 Diagram of Ohio river : reports on bridge, etc 1871 . . . have Central Presb. Ch. : 14th anniv., hist. disc. Jacobus 1872 1st Presb. Ch. : history. Swift 1876 . . 5541.55 And Allegheny in centen. year. Thur ston 1876 4th Ave. Bapt. Ch. : protest, etc., case of Mr. Pearson. 54 p 1877. . .have Pittsfleld, Acc t of separation in ch. and town. Allen 1809 . . 7496.20 Concise and simple narrative. Allen . . 1809 History of. Field j1844 . . 2356.15 Directory, with sketch of town 1868 History. E. Vale Smith 1869-76 . . 4451.13 Reports on sidewalks, sewers, etc. . . . 1870 . . . have Berkshire Athenaeum : address, by-laws, etc 1873 . . . have Report to B d of Educ n on text-books . N. D. have Pittsford, Vt. History. Caverley 1872 . . 2336.56 Plainfleld. History. Porter 1834 . Ph.v.96 Plainfleld, Conn. Farewell ser. Rowland. 1761 ? H.16.65 Plattsburg, X. Y. Battle of: an address. Sinner . , . 1835 136 Shelf. No. Plymouth. Sermon, Dec. 9, 1621. (Lond.) Cushman 1622 - Reprint. Boston, 1724. Reprint. Plymouth, 1785 6088.135 Reprint. Boat., 1815. Reprint. Stockbridge, 1822. Reprint. Bost., 1846 (fac-simile of 1785 ed.) 6088.135 Reprint. Boat., 1846 (another) (with memoir) 6088.135 Reprint. New York, 1858. Reprint. Bost. (photo-lith d), 1870. Mourt s relation (Lond.) 1622 Same. Bost 1669 Same 1721 Same, ed. by Cheever 1848 . . 2358.2 Same, ed. by Dexter 1865 . . 4503.5 New England s memorial (Camb.) . . . 1669 . H.12.43 Same (Bost.) 1721 - Same (Newport) 1772 Same (Plymouth) 1826 . . 4459.52 Same (Boat), ed. by Davis 1826. .4405.14 Same (Bost., 6th ed.) 1855 . . 2321.3 Book of laws 1685 Patent, and extract from records .... 1751 Declaration of warrantable grounds, etc. 1773 Address. Robbins 1793 Sermons, anniv. of landing. Robbins . 1794 Oration, Dec. 22, 1802. J. Q. Adams . . 1802 Discourse, etc. Harris 1808 Discourse, 188th anniv. Abbot .... 1810 . . 5452.64 Anniv. commem., etc. Davis 1814 Sketch of character, etc.-, of pilgrims . . 1820 2 discourses, 2d Pilg. cent l. Holmes . 1821 Discourse (also 2d ed.). Webster . . . 1821 Sermon, bi-centennial. Emmons . . . 1821 Tribute to memory of Pilgrims. Hawes.1830 Discourse before Pilgrim Soc y. Sulli van 1830 Historical memoir. Baylies 1830 . 223.11+ Same. Ed. by Drake 1866 . . 2350.7 Discourse on landing, etc. Wisner . . . 1831 Discourse, etc. Francis 1832 Result of ecc l council 1832 - History. Thacher 1832 . 2357.7+ Same. 2d ed 1835 . . 4359.9 Abuse of pastoral influence, etc. Stephens. . . . 1833 . Ph.v.441 Address, 1835. Sprague 1836 . . 4355.69 Compact, charter, and laws. Ed. by Brigham 1836? . 6410a.l Chronicles. Young 1841 . . 2353.45 - Same. 2d ed 1844 .. 2353.6 Guide. Russell 1846 . 4359a.51 Journal of Pilgrims. Cheever 1848 . . 2358.2 Discourse, 22d Dec., 1848. Worcester . 1848 Same. 2d ed. Worcester 1849 . . 4453.12 Passengers of the Mayflower. Shurtleff.1849 137 Shel . No. Plymouth, rontinned. Collections on founders of New Plymouth. Hunter 1849 . . 4319 87 Discourse, his 50th anniv. Kendall . . 1850 . . 5452.64 Report on celebrating 21st Dec 1850 . . 4355.72 On changing clay of celebration. Savage. 1850 3d Ch. : half-centennial. Porter .... 1851 . 5460a.49 Pilgrim memorials and guide. Russell . 1851 . 2358.7+ Same. 2d ed 1855 Same. 3d ed I860 Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Banvard . 1851 Same 1853 . . 228.14 - Pilgrim Fathers. Bartlett 1853 . . 223.1+ Same. 2d ed 1854 Same. 3d ed 1866 Pilgrim celebration 1853 . 224.17+ Finger point from Plymouth Rock. Sum- ner 18o3 Pictures of embarkation of Pilgrims . . 18^.3 Collections, Scrooby Church. Hunter . 1854 . . 2321.8 First Plymouth patent. Ed. by Deane. (100 copies) 1854. .5501.44 Records; ed. by Shurtleff 1855-61. . 2350.1 Repairing the breach : hist. disc. Clark . 1855 . .4355.16 History (appended to Morton s Memo rial). Bradford 1855. . 2321.3 Cushman celebration. (Shurtleff) . . . 1855 Discourse at Cushman festival. Gush- man 1855 . . 4355.18 Oration. Seward 1855 . . 4355 68 History, ed. by Deane. Bradford . . . 1856 . . 2320.32 Brewster and his times. Steele .... 1857 Sermon, funeral of Rev. J. Kendall. Briggs 1859 Cushman monument celebration. (Shurt leff) 18.J9 . . 2342.25 First meeting for public worship. Stuart. 1860 Footprints of Miles Standish. DeCosta. 1864 Loss of the Sparrowhawk ; discovery of wreck 1865 . . . have Pilgrims not Puritans nor persecutors. Scott 1866 War record 1866 . . 2323.59 Memorial of Pilgrims. Buckingham. .1867 County directory and hist, register . . . 1867 . . 4353.21 Colony, etc., lecture. 27 p. Brigham . 1869 . 4451.15+ Views from Plymouth rock. Mudge . 1869 . . 228.20 Celebration of 1870 1871. .4454.18 Plymouth and its attractions. 20 p ... 1873 ? . . have And Barnstable Cos. : directory and history 1873 . . 2385.50 Towns in : hist, sketches. Dudley . . 1873 . . 2355.63 Plymouth, Conn. Farewell Discourse. Lynian 1852 Examination of farewell discourse . . . 1852 Plymouth, X. H. Cent l hist, of church. Hazen 1875 . . 3542.66 Plymouth, Penn. Hist, sketches. Wright. 1873 . . 2379.56 Pomfret, Conn. Hist, discourse. Hunt. .1841. . 4336.4 138 Shelf. No. Pomfret, continued. Abington parish : century disc. Smith . 1853 1st Ch. : HOthanniv 1866. . 4435.8 Popham, Me. Address. Poor 1863 . . 5543.41 Colonial schemes, etc. Thornton . . . 1863 . . 4312.3 Celebration ; memorial volume. Ballard. 1863 . . 4324.3 Address, 257th anniv. Bourne .... 1864 . . 4338.18 Beginning of America. 64 p. Benedict.1864 - Address, 258th anniv. Patterson . . . 1865 . . 4338.25 Remarks on celebration. Haven .... 1865 . . . have Discussion of hist, claims and bibliog raphy 1866 . . 4338.48 Poplar Tent Church, N. C. Hist, sketch. Harris 1873 Portland, He. Smith s journals. Ed. by Freeman 1821 . . 2329.30 - 1st parish, dedic. disc., etc. Nichols . . 1826 . . 7440.13 Bapt. Ch. : discourse, March 30, 182S. Ripley 1828 - History, Pt. 2. (Pt. 1 was in Me. Hist. Coll.) Willis 1833 History. 2d ed. Willis 1865 . . 2339.13 Smith s & Deane s journals. Ed. by Willis 1849 . . 2339.25 Railroad convention : proc gs 1850 . 2328.2+ Report on harbor 1855 Commercial importance of. Poor . . . 1855 . . . have Riot, June 2, 1855 : Report on 1855 . . . have Proceed gs, citizens meeting 1855 Review of testimony on death of Rob- bins. (Ware) 1855 8tate-St. Ch. : proc gs, and result of council 1856 . . 6543.21 Trip to. Carnes 1858 Guide-book. Willis 1859 . 4389a.32 Board of trade : an. reports, 1862-(- . . . 1862+ Century of Episcopacy in. Perry . . . 1863 . . 5543.21 Great conflagration. 64 p. Neal . . . 1866 . . 4338.44 Great conflagration (poem) : broadside. Harmon 1866 . . . have Account of the fire. 648 p. International commerce convention . . 1868 . . . have City and harbor of: Pierce 1870 . . 4439a.8 Atlantic Lodge; history. 31 p. Burton. 1871 . . .have Sketches. Colesworthy Burning of Falmouth (reprint). 16 p. Goold 1873 . . . have Illustrated Guide-book and summary history 1873 . . 2339.55 - Illustrated. Neal 1874 . . 2358.14 Medical school : hist. Dana 1874 . . 7736.19 1st parish: 50th anniv 1876. . .have Centennials (poem with notes). 56 p. Ilsley 1876 . . . have And vicinity. Elwell 1877 . . 2338.26 Port Sheldon, Mich , description of. 4 p. (1838) Portsmouth, N. H. South Ch. : cent l ser. Alden .... . . .1801 139 Shell. \... Portsmouh, continued. - Bill of mortality for 1802 (broadside). Spaulding 1802? . . have Discourse on the fire. Buekminster . . 1803 Acc t of religious societies. Alden . .1808 43l 0a.7 Valedictory discourse. Alden 1808 Annals. Adams 1825 2338.16 Discourse, Almshouse Chapel. Bur roughs 1835 5575.69 North Ch. : farewell sermon. Putnam . 1835 5546.56 St. John s Lodge: centen. address. Moore 1836 . 7562.13+ North Ch. : hist, sketch. Holt 1838 . . 5546.5 South Parish Sunday School : address, 75th anniv. Foster 1843 . . . have Wealth, etc., of: lecture. 11 p. Peabody. 1844 Ph. v. 438 Report on election frauds 1848 . . . have North parish jubilee 1853 . . . have Advantages and needs : ser., Nov. 30, 1854. Lamson 1854? Recorded name : dedic. ser. Whiting . 1856 . .7451.57 Centen. anniv. of printing in N. H. . . 1857 - Sermon, closing of school-room. Pea- body 1857 . . 5543.18 Rambles about : 1st and 2d series. Brews- ter 1859-69 . . 2338.14 Same. 1st ser., 2d ed 1873 South parish : 4 sermons, etc. Peabody 1859 North Ch. : disc., 200th anniv. Adams . 1871 . . 5544.51 - Hist, of New Hampshire Gazette. Mil ler 1872 Reunion -1873. .2336.63 Portsmouth, O. Antiquities of. Hemp- stead 1875 Sketch of. Wharton 1876 Portsmouth, Va. Relief Asso. Report . . 1856 . . 2374.4 Pottsville, Pa. Hist, sketch. 19 p. Cham bers 1876 Pottsville and Sunbury, Pa- Consid s on railroad, etc (1831?) Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Water supply . . . 1855 Vassar College: 1st meeting trustees . .1861. .4496.16 President s visit to Europe. 24 p . . . 1863 . . 4496.16 Report on organiz n 1863 . . . have Circular of trustees 1863. .4496.16 and its founder. Lossing 1867 . . 4397.15 What are they doing at Vassar. McFar- land .. 1871 ... have - Sketch, etc. 78 p. Raymond 187:* . . .have - Hist, sketch 1876 . . 4391.13 Course of study. 4 p. Raymond . . . x.l). Eastman s College : celebration 1864 . . have Powesheik Co., Iowa. Descriptive account. 36 p 1865 Prairie du Chien, Wise. Present position, etc Brunson 1857 Annals ("Early outposts," etc.). Durrie.1872 . .4374.12 Frattsville, N. Y. Tannery, description of. (1847) Preble Co., O. Hist, sketches. Morgan . . 1875 140 Shelf. No. Prince George s Parish, Md. History. 12 p. Waylen 1845 Princeton. Remarks on strictures on Thacher s pht. Fuller 1776 - Result of council and protest of minority. Goffe . 1817 Vindication of result of council. Ban croft . 1817 - Review of vindication Goffe 1817 - History. Russell 1838 . . 4355. 5fi - History. Hanaford 1852 100th anniv 1860 . . 4328.15 Address, Farmers Club. Allen . . . . 1871 . . . have Princeton, Me. Lewy s Island Lodge : hist. 13 p. Sargent, etc 1870 . . . have Princeton, N. J. (College). Address of trustees 1802 Ph v. 13 Report on revival. Green 1815. .4494.89 Plea for Theol. Sem. Lindsley .... 1821 Ph. v. 27 - Discourse, with hist, sketch. Green . . 1822 - Brief history, etc. 45 p 1838 Ph. v. 138 Biog. sketches (Log College). Alex ander 1851 . . 4398.8 - Inaug. of Pres. Maclean 1854 . . 4494.89 Hist, sketch .... 1859 Half-century disc., and appendix. Sprague 1862 . . 7441.25 - luaug. of Pres. McCosh 1868 ... have During 18th century. Alexander . . . 1872 . . 4342.51 Books by alumni and officers. Vinton . 1876 . 2205.16+ 1st Presb. Ch. : a century in hist. of. 31 p. Maodonald 1876 . . 5545.75 2d Presb. Ch. : hist discourse. 30 p. Duffleld 1876 . . 5545.75 Providence, R. I. (Brown University). y Catalogue of library 1703. .6135.10 Act to establish . 1803 . . . have Exposition of newspaper publications on. 1826 . .4395.17 Charter of 1764 1834 . . 2387.2 - Manning Hall : dedic. disc. Wayland . 1835 . . 4395.17 - Alumni Assoc.: address. Pitman . . .1843. . 2387.2 1st anniv. : order of exercises 1843. .4:395.17 - Library : preface to catalogue. Jewett . 1843 . 2387.2+ - Hist, sketch. Guild 1843?. 2387.2 Report on changes in system of educ. (Wayland) 1850. 23872+ Report of com tee to raise $125,000 . . .1851. 2387.2+ Circular as to resignation. Norton and Porter 1852 . - . 4395.17 Resig. of Pres. Wayland, etc., proc gs .1856. 2387.2+ - Hist, sketch Guild 1858 . 4395.17 + j _ History of library, etc. Guild 1861. .6135.10 - Sketch of hist, and pres. organiz n . . .1861. .4395.17 Oration and poem . 1861 . . 2387.19 Circular: difficulties with Pres. Way- land, etc 1862 - Report, exempting professors from taxa tion. Potter 1862 Life of Manning and history. Guild . . 1864 . . 2387.18 141 Providence (Brown University), rontinutd. 100th anniv 1865.4395.17+ Under Prcs. Messer. 23 p. (Williams). 1867 . .4395.17 - History. Guild 1867 . . 4397.22 In civil war. Burrage 1868 . . 4400.3 Report of com tee of alumni 1869. . .have Subscriptions and donations, 25 years .1871. . .have Charter (repr. from Bapt. Quarterly). Guild 1875 . . . have - Circular: Manning and B. U 4395.17 Providence, R. I. (city). Benev. Cong. Society; Act, rules, etc 1771 Same 1S02 Resolutions of town on embargo .... 1800 . . 4339.13 Reasons for withdrawing from 1st Bapt. Ch. Eddy Same. 2d ed 1818 . . 5542 65 Samf. Bait , 1819; 2d Bait, ed., 1821; Syracuse, N. D.; 4th ed., 1826; Boston, 18-11. Review of Mr. Eddy s reasons 1819 African meeting-house; short history .1821 Pacific Cong. Ch. ; candid statement, etc. 1823 - History of riots 1831 Result of an ex-parte council 1832 97th anniv. of Paine s birthday 1834. .4496.18 1st Cong. Ch. : centennial disc, flail . 1836 . . 7460.16 2d cent l anniv. discourse. Pitman . . 18:5 . 4435. U+ / Athenaeum ; disc, at opening. Wayland. 1838 . .7440.17 1st Bapt. Ch.; hist. disc. 2d centennial. Hague 183!) . . 5549.78 List of persons assessed 1845 . . . have Beneficent Cong. Ch. ; centennial service (March 10, 1843). Tucker 1845. . .have Reports on public schools 1846 . . . have Grace Church; statement, etc. Cooke? 1847 Review of statement. Mulcahey . . . 1847 Report on introduction of gas-light . . 1848 . . . have Westminster Cong. Ch. ; 2 discourses, close of ministry. Osgood ..... 1849 >/ Athenaeum; catalogue (hist, sketch) . . 1*53 MiteSoc y; disc.. 215th anniv. Jackson. 1854 - Y. M. Chr. Asso. ; dedic. of rooms . .1854. . .have Statistics, etc , of cholera. Snow . . . 1855 . . 6344.1 Census, July, 1855. Snow 1856 .. 2336.11 Same. I d ed 1856 . . 6344.1 History of cholera in. Snow 1857 Waterman St. Bapt. Ch ; brief history. 35 p. Guild 1857 . . . have Grace Ch. ; sketch of rise, etc. (Eames.) 1857 Young ladies high school ; reunion . .1858 Report on small-pox in. Snow .... 1859 . . 6344.1 Lyceum Hall; dedication 18 .9 . .4395.13 / Mechanics* festival ; hist, of Asso., etc. 137 p. Stone I860 . . . have Destruction of Gaspc-e 1861 . 4321.1-)- Registrar s 6th annual report, 5 years statistics, etc. Snow 1861 Measures for preven of cholera. Snow.l86"> . 5800a.l+ 142 Shelf. No. Providence, continued. - Report on keeping swine. Snow . . . 1865 . . . have 1st Cong. Ch. ; sermon, resigning pas torate. Hall 1865 . . 7456.50 - 1st Bapt. Ch. ; disc. 90 years from dedic. Caldwell (1865) . . have Memorial against quarantine regulations. a Snow 1866 . 5800a.20 Centennial discourse. Patten 1866? - Keport on prevention of disease. Snow. 1867 . . .have - Ministry at large (quarter century re view) . Stone 1867 ... have Cove lands ; report 1868 . . . have - Argument against state claim 1868 . . . have Report on rilling basin. Snow .... 1868 . . . have Persons deceased, horn, married, in Prov. 1866-68. Snow 1867-70 . . 6340.12 Report on water supply 1868 . . 6345.14 - Rhode Island Hospital; opening . . . .1868. .4385.13 Union for Christian work; articles of organization 186S . . . have Providence stage; hist, account. Blake. 1868 . .4487.15 Prov. Journal; half-centennial 1870. . .have v x Free Public Library ; statement, etc. . .1871. . .have 1st Univ. Society; half-century memorial. 9U p. Capen 171 . . . have Introd. of Pawtuxet water 1871 ... have - St. John s Ch. ; 150th anniv. Clark . .1872. . .have - Bi-centenary of burning; address. Allen. 1875 . .2338.24 Century of education ; a history of the public schools. 84 p. Stone 1876 1st Bap. Ch.; history. 23 p. Caldwell and Gammell 1877 . . . have Puget Sound, Oreg. Its past, etc. Evans. 1869 Putnam, O. Presb. Ch.; The memorial day; ser. Kingsbury .1860 Putnam County, X. Y. History. Blake . 1849 . . 2371.21 Putnam and Marshall Counties, 111. History. Ford I860 Queen s County, N. Y. Revol. incidents. Onderdonk 1846 . 4328.4+ - History. 29 p. Prince 1801 . . . have. In olden times. Ouderdonk 1865 . . 4371.21 Queensbury, N. Y. History. Holden . . 1874 . . 2373.26 Quincy. Ser., ord. of Rev. P. Whitney. Whitney 1800 Rural Lodge; consecr. disc. Whitney . 1804 Disc., funeral of Hon. R. Cranch. Whitney 1811 - Deeds (land, library) from Pres. Adams; and catalogue of books 1823 . . . have Early history. Whitney 1827? .4454.27 Christ Ch.; century ser. 2i) p. Cutler . 1828 . . .have Ser.,inst. of llev.W.P. Lunt. Whitney.1835 Second cent l anniv. disc. Whitney . . 1840 . 4358.24+ Poem. Cranch 1840 . 4358.24+ Commemorative address. Gregory . . 1840 1st Cong. Ch.; two discourses, 200th anniv. Lunt 1840 . 554-1.13+ 143 Shtlf. No. Quincy, continued. Disc., obit. Rev. P. Whitney. Lunt . . 1843 Report on an academy 1846 . . . have Disc., obit. Hon. T. Greenleaf. Lunt . 1854 1st Cong. Ch. ; disc., his 20th anniv. Lunt 1855 Ph. v. 441 Evang. Cong. Ch.; difficulties 1857 Disc, on Rev. T. Lunt; and appendix. Robbins 1857 New town hall ; address. Adams. . .1858 Hist, sketch of old Ch. Whitney . . . 1864 . 4435.6+ Rebellion record. Underwood 1866 National Sailors Home; dedic 1866. . .have Adams Academy ; account, etc 1873 . . . have Quincy, 111. In 1857. 69 p. Holmes . . . 1857 History; lecture, Dec. 22, 1862. Keyes . 1862? History. Redmond 1869 Racine, Wise. Account. Witbeck, etc. . 1856 Advantages, etc., of 1856 Same 1871 ... have Hist, address. 84 p. Dyer 1871. .4374.12 Early days at. (Ans. to Dyer) 1872 . . 2377.5 Radnor, Pa. St. David s Ch.; sen, 150th anniv. Halsey 1868 Old Ch.; hist, sketch 1870 Raleigh., N. C. Early times in; an address. Swain , 1867 Sketches of early history; an address. Battle 1877 . . . have Randolph. Ser., obit. Mrs. Strong. Hitch cock 1848 Stetson donation ; report on 1851 Division of town; argument for. Mor ton 1872 . . . have Argument against. Harris 1872 . . . have Raritan, N. J. Dutch Ch. ; hist. Messier. 1832 40 years at. Messier 1873 . . 3542.51 2d Ref. D. Ch. ; 40th anniv. ser. Mesick. 1874 . . 2373.56 Raymond, N. H. History. Fullonton . . 1875 . . 4335.72 Raynham. History. Sanford 1870. .4454.26 Reading. Half-cent l ser. Stone 1811 Bi-centennial ; address and poem . . . .1844. .2357.19 South Ch. ; result of council 1847 . . . have Final answer; brief statements, etc. Pickett 1848 . . . have General history. Eaton 1874 . . 2355.51 Reading and Lockland, O. Presb. Ch. ; hist. view. 19 p. Hutehinson 1876 . . . have Reading, Pa. Description, etc. Stable . . 1841 Rea.ing, Vt. Centennial. Davis 1874. .2325.70 Red "Wing, Minn. 1st Presb. Ch. ; manual (and hist, sketch) 1868 Rehoboth. Narrative of lawsuits, etc. Ellis. 1795 Cong. Ch. ; centennial ser. Thompson . 1821 . 5541.56-)- Facts, etc., of 2d ex-parte council . . . 1825 Facts, etc., of 3d ex-parte council . . . 1825 Narrative of difficulties, etc 1828 History. Bliss 1836 . . 2356.4 Hist, oration. (R. in the past). Newman. 1860 . .2356.30 144 Shelf. No. Bensselaerwyck, N. Y. Disc, on 8. Van Rensselaer. Barnard 1839 Ph.v.l07+ - Report on petition of anti-renters . . . 1844 Manor of. Pepper 1846 Review of decision of Court of Appeals. 1859 See also Albany County ; Helderberg. Revere. Report on R.R. accident, Aug. 26, 1871 1871 . . . have Bice Co., Minn. Record of in 1868. Frink.1871 Richfield Springs, N". Y. Account of. Bailey 1874 . . 2369.79 Richland Co., O. Pioneer life in. M Gaw. 1858 History of N.D. Business guide and hist 1P73 Hist, sketch, and Mansfield centennial. Brinkerhoff 1S74 Richmond. Cong. Ch.; Manual (with hist;. 1855 . .5498.10 Richmond, Ind. Directory, with hist. sketch 1857 Annals, etc., Whitewater river, 1804-30. Wasson 1875 Richmond, Va. Calamity (theatre). 2 eds. Phila 1812 Account of hurning (Phila.) 1812 Tears of sympathy, etc. (Phila.) . . . 1812 . . Ph.v.4 Particular account of calamity. Bait. . 1812 Full account, etc. Richmond 1858? Sermon on. (N. Y.). Miller 1812. .7440.10 Distressing calamity. (Boston) . . .1812 Monody on victims, 2 p. (Boston.) (Gilman) 1812 . . 4359.30 Discourse on. Pbila. Alexander . . . 1812 . . Ph.v.4 Discourse on, to Mass, legislature. Sa- bine 1812 Remarks on. (N. Y.) 1812 Fern. Humane Asso. ; constitution and by-laws 1843 . . . have History. Little 1851 In by-gone days. (Mordecai?) .... 1856 . 2374.26+ City intelligencer ; or, stranger s guide. V. & C 1862 . . . have Richmond during the war. (Brock). .1867. .4370.18 Washington monument; hist, acc t. . .1869 Calamity at capitol, April 27, 1870 . . . 1870 . . . have Walksabout 1870. .4397.28 St Mark s Church; a pastor s recollec tions. Dashiell 1877 Ridgefield, Conn. 1st Cong. Ch. ; concise hist. (Clark) 1843 Rindge, N. H. Hist, discourse. Burnham. 1862 . . 4431.14 History. Stearns 1876. .2337.18 Rio Grande, New Mex. Valley of, topog., etc. Stevens 1864 Rising Sun, Ind. Main-st. Presbyterian Ch.; 10 years service. 8 p. Morris . 1854? Riverside, 111., in 1871 1871 Rochester, N. Y. Directory and sketch . 1827 In 1812 and 1827 1827 ? 145 Shelf. No. Rochester, continued. Meetings on Erie Canal Sketches. O Rielly 1838 . . 4379.26 Call for meeting on education .^ . . . . 1838 . . . have History of rappings, etc. Dewey . . . 1850 Univ. report on plan of instruction . . . 1850 . Ph. v. 198 Memorial of owners of water of Genesee river 1853 Pioneers of ] 854 Early history. 24 p 1860 . . 2355.59 Parish memories, 40 years. Claxton . . 1860 . 5540a.39 Junior Pioneer Asso. ; collections, No. 1 (address). Ward 1860 . . 2355.59 Univ. ; notice of the Ward cabinets . . 1863 . . . have Board of Educ.; by-laws and course of study 1869 . . . have Water Works; act of incorp., reports, etc 1870 Eccles. hist. 184 p. Ward 1871. .3542.64 Brick Ch.; 50th anniv 1876. . .have Oakwood Cemetery ; hist Bock Presb. Ch., Cecil Co., Ind. Hist. 37 p. Johns 1872 . . 5545.76 Bock Co., Wise. History. Willard & Guern sey 1856 . . 4477.3 Rockaway, X. J. Church; brief hist., man ual, etc. King 1S-33 . .5541.54 Sermon, 40th anniv. King 1849 . . 5541.54 Farewell sermon. Tuttle 1862 . . 4395 84 Rock Island, 111., in 1853. Davenport . . 1854 Report of suit against bridge 1858 Her present and future 1872 Rodman, N. y. Discourse) his half-cent l. . 26 p. Spear 1858 Borne, X. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : half-cent l ser. Knox 1851 . . . have Ross Co., O. Pioneer record. Putnam & Finley 1871 . . 2375.67 Rossville, O. Western armory at .... 1841 Rowley. Ser., gathering 2d ch. (Balch?). 1735 History; with Bradford s ad. Gage. .1840 .2357.2+ Cong. Ch. ; discourse. Pike 1860 Discourse 1865 Roxbury. See also West Roxbury. Two fast discourses. Adams 1769 Same. Reprinted. Lond 1770 1st Univ. Ch. ; dedic. sermon. Ballou . 1821 . . 4358.10 Cong. Ch. ; hist, sketch 1825 Ser. ; obit, of Gov. Eustis. Gray . . . 1825 Obit, of Rev. J. Bradford. Gray . . . 1825 Grammar School; hist. Parker. . . .1826. . 4457.8 - Disc. ; ord. of Rev. G. Putnam. Dewey. 1830 2d cent l address. Dearborn 1830 . 4353.20+ - Poem. Gray 1830 . 4353.20+ Ser. ; obit, of Rev. Dr. Porter. Putnam. 1834 View of the house where Warren was born, 1840 1840? Ph.v.234 Act to establish the city 1846 . . . have History. Ellis 1847 . . 4129.59 146 Shell. No. Roxbury, continued. Forest Hill Cemetery ; consecr. address. Putnam 1848. Ph. v. 418 Report on removal of almshouse and buying Brook Farm 1849. . 6351.5 Annexation; report in favor. 35 p. Whiting, etc 1851 . 6351.5+ Memorial against. Guild, etc 1851 . . . have Word for old Koxbury (against). 15 p. Guild, etc 1851 . 6351.5+ Another word (against). 33 p. Guild, etc 1852 . . 6351.5 Speech on setting off Wards 6, 7, 8. Choate 1851 . . 5686.2 Division of. 7 p N.D. . . . have - Charitable Soc y ; address to public . . 1852 . . . have Sermon; last in old ch. Gray 1853 Statistics of consumption in. Cotting . 1854 Eliot Sabbath Sch.; quarter-century me morial. Thompson 1859 .5549.13 - Free school of 1645. Dillaway .... 1860 . . 2357.13 - Charitable Soc y ; sk. of hist 1861. . .have - St. James Ch.; anniv. ser. (Converse). 1862 . .5452.64 Athenaeum ; organization and by-laws . 1863 . . . have - Report on sewerage. Bradley 1865 . . . have Forest Hill Cemetery; establishm t, etc. 1865 Review, etc., as to school in. Hale . . 1865 Annexation; argument for remonstrants. Avery 1865 . . 4354.10 Arg. against. Safford 1865 Cholera, 1866. Cotting 1866 Grammar Sch.; rep.ofperamb.com. .1867. . .have - Annexation ; reports on 1867 . . . have Argument. Clifford 1867 . 63iOa.26 Original extent; report 1867 . . . have Report of Boston and Roxbury com rs. 1867 . . . have Roxbury Creek ; brief statement .... 1869 ? . . have Univ. Ch. ; half-centennial 1871 Note. For history after annexation see under Boston. Royalston. Half-centen. disc. Lee . . . 1819 Hist, address. Bullock . 1865 1st Cong. Ch.; centen. hist. disc. Bui- lard 1866 Biipt. Ch.; centen. disc. Gale 1868 Hutgers College. See New Brunswick. Rutland. Two sermons after killing of Mr. Willard. Loring 1724 . H.18.204 History. Reed 1836 Rutland Co., Vt. Statistics of Bar. C. L. Williams 1847 . Ph. v. 161 Hist, of newspapers. 3 p. C. K. Wil liams 1866 Centennial, Oct., 1870. C. K. Williams. 1870 . .2355.69 Rye, X. H. Centen. serm. Porter .... 1801 Half-centen. of ministry. Porter . . . 1835 . . 5546.57 Dedic. of town hall; hist, address. 19 p. 1873 . . .have Rye, X. Y. Chronicles, etc. Baird . . . .1871. .4474.15 147 Saco, Me. 1st Ch.; centen. address. Dwight.1862 2d Parish; discourse; his 20th anniv. Nichols 1863 . . 7440.17 Saco and Biddeford, Me. History. Fol- soin 1830 . . 4339.3 Sacramento, Cal. Directory; with hist. .1871 . 6390a.l6 Saginaw, Mich. History. 80 p. Fox . . 1858 Saginaw Valley, Mich. Hist., etc. 15 p. . 1862 Business for 1868. Louis & Headley . . 1868? Salt, lumber, etc., of T*.D. St. Albans, O. Early times. 11 p. Scott . 1873 . . . have St. Albajis, Vt. 1st Cong. Oh. ; hist. disc. Butcher 1860 . . 4414.8 Raid. Benjamin 1865 . . 4320.26 Hist, of the raid ; an address. Bowles . 1876 . . 2377.9 St. Albans and Sheldon, Vt. History. Butcher, etc 1872 . . 4333.50 St. Ann s parish, Md. See Annapolis. St. Anthony Falls, Minn. View. Storey. 1867 St. Anthony and Minneapolis, Minn. Hist. sk. 15 p 1856 - Sketch. 32 p 1857 . . . have St. Augustine, Fla. Sketches. Bewail . . 1848? Same. 2d ed 1849 . History. Fairbanks 1858 . Sketches of its history, etc 1869 St. Clairsville, O. 1st Presb. Ch.; hist. Alexander 1S69 . . 5541.72 St. Croix Valley, Wis. 4 p. (Gibbs) .(1859) . .have St. George s Parish, Md. Brief hist. 42 p. (Crampton) 1851 St. George s Parish, Va. History. Slaugh ter 1847 St. George s River, Me. Memoirs, etc. Gyles 1736 Same. Brake s reprint. Gyles .... 1846 St. Johnland, X. Y. Account of. Muhlen- berg (1867?) . 5565.58 Account of 1870 St. Joseph Valley, Mich., and Ind. Gazet teer. Turner 1867 St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Address on early hist. Hough 1852 Proceedings; anniversaries at Canton .1858 St. Lawrence and Franklin Cos., N. Y. History. Hough 1853 . . 2371.15 St. Louis, Mo. Anniv. of founding. 32 p. . 1847 Kemper College ; statement, etc 1847 . . . have Republican; hist, of 1854. . 2373.1 - Hist, and statist, acct. for 1853. 48 p. . 1854 Same, for 1854. 48 p 1854 . . 2373.1 Thoughts about. 77 p. Hogan .... 1854 - Washington Univ. Inaug 1857 . . 2387.8 Trade and commerce; an. statement, 1858-1869 6389.15 Sketch-book of. Taylor & Crooks . . . 1858 . . 4374.25 Fragment of Chouteau s narr. of settle ment (in 12th an. rep. of M. L. Asso.) 1858 . . 6201.1 148 Shelf. No. St. Louis, continued. Washington Univ. ; inaug. of Chancellor Hoyt 1859 . . . have Great West, with hist. of. Edwards . 1860 Consideration of commercial wants, etc. Chase 1860 Washington Univ. ; statement on endow ment. 38 p. Eliot 1864 . . 4495.18 Change of national empire, etc. Reavis. 1869 . . 4422.28 History of. Sheppard 1870 . . 4474.9 Christ Ch. ; half-cent l disc. 6huyler . 1870 - The future great city, etc. 106 p. Reavis.1870 . . 4472.23 Same. 3d ed 1871 . . 4474.16 Same. 976 p 1876 Xational capital movable. Reavis . . . 1871 . . . have Washington Univ. ; inaug. addresses, etc. 1872 . . . have Pictorial St. Louis. Compton 1876 . C. B. 3. 1 St. Paul, Minn. Carver centenary 1867 . . . have Early hist. Williams 1867 Chamb. of commerce; acts of incorp., etc 1867 An. reports; 1st to 6th, 1868-73 .... Same, 1872 have Hist, of newspapers. 13 p. Williams . 1871 . . 6194.5 History, and of Ramsey Co. Williams . 1876 . . 2372 68 House of Hope Presb. Ch. ; hist. . . . 1876 . . 5541.61 Salem, Mass. (Witchcraft). True account of trials, etc. 8 p. Mather 1692 Some miscellany observations (in a dia logue, etc.). (Willard?) 1692 Same. Reprinted 1869 Further account of trials, etc. 56 p. Mather 16<3 Wonders of invis. world. 98 p. Mather. 1693 Same. 2d ed., xii. 62 p 1693 - Same. 3d ed., xiii. 64 p 1693 Same. London reprint 1862. 5609a.l6 More wonders, etc. (Lond.) Calef . . 1700 Same. (Salem) 1796 . . 2358.29 Same 1823 Same 1828 - Remarks on. Calef. 71 p 1701 Discourse, 24th March, 1692. Lawson . 1704 Lectures on Witchcraft. Upham . . . 1831 Salem Witchcraft. (Mather, Calef, etc.) Fowler 1861 . 5609a.74 Records of Salem Witchcraft. Wood ward 1864 . . 4501.5 Witchcraft delusion, etc. (Mather aud Calef. Ed. by Drake) 1866 . . 4501.7 Salem Witchcraft, etc. Upham .... 1867 . . 5605.15 Acc t of Rev. S. Parris, etc. Fowler . 1867 Mather papers, etc. 23 p. (Poole) . . 1868 . 7603.30+ Cotton Mather, etc. Poole 1869 . 7601.25+ Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather; a reply. Upham 1869 . 5600.39a Annals of Witchcraft in Sew England, etc. Drake . 1869 . . 4501.8 149 Salem (Witchcraft), continued. Witchcraft delusion, by T. Hutchinson; notes by Poole. 72 p 1870 Witch Hill. Mudge 1871 . . . 228.6 Salem (Town and City). 1st Church divi sions, letters on, etc. Prescott .... 1734 . H. 28.20 Letter on divisions in 1735 . H. 22.36 Just and impartial narrative, etc. . . . 1735 . 5549.50+ Faithful narrative. (Sewall, etc.) . . 1735 H.27.139+ Remarks on a letter. (Brown?) . . .1735 Examination of Brown s remarks. Pres cott 1735 . 5548-50+ Examiner examined (ans. to Prescott). Brown 1735 (or 6?) H.27.182 Rev. Dr. Whitaker, etc., or, Brief De fence, etc. Cleaveland 1784 Chr. Ambassador (sermon) ; and result of council. Forbes 1784 Rules, orders, and by-laws (broadside) . 1789 . . . have . Century disc. Cutler 1815 Sermon to Fern. Char. Soc y. Stewart . 1815 . . . have East I. Marine Soc y ; act, catalogue, etc.1821 Some 1831 Act permitting Board of Health .... 1823 . . . have 1st Cong. Ch. ; dedic. ser. Upham . . . 1826 . . 7440.13 Same. 2d ed 1826 or 1827 Half-century ser. Colman 1826 Report on manufactures 1826 . E. 110.25 Letter on mill-dam. Baldwin 1826 . . . have Annals (1st ed., in 4 numbers). Felt . . 1827 North Ch ; hist, acc t 1827 200th anniv. celebration 1828 Cent l discourse. Story 1828 Ph.v.76+ 1st ch.; 2d cent l, lecture. Upham. . . 1829 . 5540a.8+ Regulations of pub. schools 1830 . . . have Almshouse; documents on 1832. . .have 1st and Tabernacle Ch.; correspondence. 1832 . E. 218.3 Candid review, etc. (Tabernacle Ch.) .(1833?) Charge of ignorance and misrepresenta tion proved, etc 1833 . . . have Conclusion of the Salem controversy . 1834 . . . have Tabernacle Ch. ; centen. disc. Worcester.1835 . .2356.9 Report on donations of Col. Browne, etc. Andrew 1835 . . . have Deacon Giles distillery. Cheever . . .(1836?) Defence for alleged libel (Distillery, etc.) . 28 p. Cheever 1836 . . 4392.59 Report on city government 1836 . . . have Address, org. of city gov t. Saltonstall . 1836 Seamen s wid. and orph. asso. ; formation, etc 1837 . . . have North Soc y. ; Ser., anniv. of ord. Brazer. 1837 . . .have Marine Soc y.; Supplem. catal. of mu seum, etc 1837 . . . have Inscriptions from burial-grounds .... 1838 . . 4333.13 Harmony Grove Cemetery; consecr. ad dress. White 1840 . . 4163.14 Oration, July 4 (hist, notes). Upham .1842. . .have 150 Shelf. No. Salem, continued. South Ch. ; discourse, his 38th anniv. Emerson 1843 . . 5543.44 Discourse, death of Hon. B. Pickman. Brazer 1843 Annals. 2d ed. Felt 1845-9 . 4359.20 EastCh. ; discourses, old and new houses. Flint 1846 . 5549a.2+ SdCh.; correspondence 1847 Reminiscences. Derby 1847 . . 4347.27 Claims of Tabernacle Ch., etc 1847 . . 5540a.8 Candid review of correspondence (3d Ch.). Worcester 1847 . 5470a.97 Review of result of council. 140+ 4 p. 1850 1st Ch.; ser., install, of Mr. Briggs. Mor- ison 1853 . . 5546.6 Report on bequests for schools 1853 . . . have 1st Bap. Ch. ; disc., 50th anniv. Mills . 1855 Tabernacle Ch., memorial of. Worcester. 1855 . .2357.50 Essex Inst. ; act of incorp., etc 1855 . . . have South Ch ; Pastor s jubilee. Emerson . 1855 . .554343 Leslie s retreat at North Bridge. Endi- cott 1856 . . 4355.29 Brief sketch (founders, and 1st Ch.). White 1856 . 4352.11+ IstCh.; had they a distinct confession? Felt _ 1856. .4355.36 Newspapers, etc., 1786-1856. Streeter . 1856 .. 2176.26 Plummer farm school, appeal for . . . 1857 . . . have High School ; members and account . . 1857 . . . have Athenaeum; catal. and hist, account . .1858. 2136.2+ Mayor s communication on pauperism . 1858 . . . have Plummer hall; dedication 1858. .4355.64 Report on sale of neck lands 1858 Univ. Ch.; half-centennial. Willis . 1859. .5543.10 Salem and Danvers aqueduct; history. Endicott 1860 Salem Institute; Weal Reaf 1860. . 2357.3 New England Cong n (1st Ch.). White. 1861 . . 3543.6 North Bridge celebr. ; oration. Loring. 1862 Water; committee s report 1864 . . . have Citizens committee s report 1864 . . . have Joint special committee s report . . . 1864 . . . have Report of aqueduct meeting 1865 . . . have St. Peter s parish ; late proceedings . . 1865 . . . have Essex Inst. ; rep. on 1st Ch. of Pilgrims. 1865 Hist, notice, etc 1865 . . 4453.1 Foote et al.; injunction on water bonds. Proceedings, Supreme Court 1866 Harmony Grove Cemetery ; notices, etc. 1866 Wenham water works; statement by W. P. P 1867? . . have - IstCh.; address, re-dedication. Upham. 1868 (Essex Inst ) Copies of town records . .1868 Programme for aqueduct meeting . . . 1868 . . . have Report on water rates, etc 1868 . . . have Account of transfer of water works, etc. 1869 . . 4454.10 .East India Marine Society; act, mem bers, etc 1870 . . . have Salem, Continued. - Old houses 1870 North Ch.; centenary 1*73 - Cent l of Provincial Assembly. Goodell. 1874 Centennial of Leslie s expedition . . .1875, OldXaumkeag(Salem, Marblehead.etc.). 312 p. Webber & Nevins 1877 , Salem, N. H. 2 Sermons, after dismission. Smith 1811 Salem, X. J First settlement. Johnson . 1839 1st Presb. Ch.; hist. disc. Bannard . .1876. Salem, Vt. Annals. 4 p. White x. n. Salisbury. Exped. to Crown Point. Web ster 175ft A ppeal_on some recent events. Worces ter 1S24 Salisbury, Conn. Historical address, 100th anniv. Church 1842 Centennial address. Reid 1844 Hist. disc. Wainwright 1867 Salisbury, X. H. Letters; diff. in Bap. Ch. 1827 Salisbury, Vt. History. Weeks i860 . Sanbornton, N. H. Cong. Ch. ; centennial. Runnels 1872 . Sandusky, O. Articles of asso. and sketch of history 1837 - Crawford s expedition. Butterfield . . 1873 . Sandusky County, O. History. Everett. 1878 Sandwich. Dedic. sermon. Griffin . . . 1813 Sandwich, X. H. Case of Weed, etc. . . 1?64? San Francisco, Cal Report to U. 8. Senate on defence of harbor 1853 . Documents in land case, San. Fr. vs. U. S. 1854 . Title, briefs, etc., on Dolores mission lands 1855 Annals. Soule, etc 1855 . True and minute history of assassination of J. King of Wm., etc 1856 . Limantour claim. Hittell 1S57 . Decade sermons. 2 hist, disc s Willey. 1869 Mortuary tables. Sawyer 1862 . - Colonial history of. Dwinelle 1S66 - d, 3d, and 4th eds., in 1*65 and 1867. Report to State legisl. on Pueblo lands . 1868 . Calvary Presb. Ch.; hist, sketch. Wads- worth 1869 . Yerba Buenalsl.; memorial. Polack .1870. Report on a case of discipline in Lincoln School 1870 . Men and memories in 1850. Barry and Patten 1873 . Memorandum on discov. of Bay of San Francisco. Doyle 1874 . Ordinance to establish a police force Sangamon Co., 111. Early settlers in. Power 1876 . Santa Clara, Cal. Address, inaug. of new coll. hall. Doyle 1870 Shelf. Xo. . 5542.53 . 2.^63.41 . 2359.63 . 5548.56 . . have . . have 2:i7I.52+ . . have . have have . . have . . have . . have . . have 2D79.57 4401. 13+ , . have 152 Shelf. Xo. Santa Cruz, Cal. Hist, paper; cent l, July 4, 1876. 37 p. Willey 1876 . . 4373.53 Santa Fe, N. Mex. Centennial. 64 p. . . 1876 . . . have Saratoga, N. Y. Young men s asso. ; char ter, etc 1841 . . . have Anal, and hiat. of springs 1858. . .have Hist of High Rock Spring date? And Ballston ; reminiscences. Stone. .1876. .2378.52 And Kay-ad-ros-se-ra; hist, address. Syl vester 1876. .4474.19 Hist, of, and of Burgoyne s campaign. 22 p. Bullard 1876 . . . have Saratoga Co., N. Y. Hist, of temperance in 1855 Historical addresses. Scott and L Amo- reaux 1876 . . 4474.19 Bench and bar of. Mann 1876 Saugus. Seminary hall; discourse, dedic. Emerson 1822 Sketches. Robinson l-i69 . .4354.22 Sauk Co., Wis. Old settlers asso. ; Trans actions 1H72 . . . have Outline sketches; NOB. 1, 2 (all pub d). Canfleld 1861 Sa.vannah, Ga. Description (In Voyage to Georgia). Moore 1744 Indep. Fresh. Ch. ; report of com. of free holders. (Berrien, ete.) 1816 Ph. v. 136 Census. Bancroft 1848 . . 4375.36 Liberty Independent Troop ; hist, ad dress. Jones 1856 Chatham artillery ; 75th anniv 1861 Siege of 1777 1866 . . 4503.20 Hist, records. Lee and Agnew .... 1869 . . 4375.34 Mortuary record, 1854-1S-69. Duncan . 1870 . . . have Siege in 1779 (two journals). Jones . .1874. .2370.50 Saxonville. Edwards Ch.; manual and hist. sketch 1862 . . 5498.10 Saybrook, Conn. Half-century ser. (New Haven ed.) Hotchkiss 1833 . . 5452.64 Same. Hartford ed 1838 . . . have - Bapt. Ch.; hist, of 1849 Reinterment of remains of Lady Fen- wick. Trumbull, etc 1870 Schenectady, N. Y. Remonstrance (change in Erie canal) 1836 . Ph. v. 94 - Burning of (poem). Street 1842 . . . have Narrative of two or three of first settlers. Toll 1847 - Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch.; Extracts from Doop Boek 1864 - First settlers. Pearson 1873 . . 2339.58 - Union College ; report of trustees (Yates & Mclnty re matter) N.D. Ph. v. 197 In chancery; Mclntyre, etc., vs. Trus s.N. D. Ph. v. 197 Stime. Answer of trustees N. D. Ph. v. 197 Report (assembly) on memorial of trus tees . 1814 . Ph. v. 1 Evidence, trustees and regents of univ. 1823 . Ph. v. 45 153 Shell. No. Schenectady, Union College, continued. Address of students (disturbing public worship) 1825 . Pb. v. 55 Organizing an asso. of graduates . . . 1826 . Ph. v. 26 - First half-cent l 1845 Ph. v. 149 Phllom.ithean Soc y; 1st half-cent l . . 1849 Ph. v. 169 Resolution of Mr. Beekman, Apr. 8. 18, r >3 . 4380.71 - Reply of trustees to Beekman 1853 Ph. v. 197 - Report of majority of com rs 1853. 6485. 6-(- - Report on affairs of 1854. . 43<-6.71 - Trust deed, E. & U. E. Xott to trustees (1854) . 4386.71 50th anniv. of Dr. Nott 8 presidency . . 1854 . . 2343.19 - Semi-ceiit l disc. Potter 1854 Disc, on Dr. Nott s 50th anniv. Way- land 1855 . 5546. 56-f 50 yrs progress; an address. Warner . 1859 . . . have - Class of 1862; Bulletin, 1865 1865 . . 44U3.59 - Gen. catalogue, 1795-186S. Pearson . . 1868 . . 4393.84 Alumni Asso. of N. Y. ; 1st reunion . 1809 . . 3116.9 Alumni Asso. of Northwest; 1st reun ion 1869 . . 3118.8 - Inaug. of Pres. Aiken 1870. .4386.71 Inaug. of Pres. Potter, etc 1872 . . . have Class of 1862; bulletin 1872. . .have Address of honorary chancellor. Potter 1875 . . . have Class of 1863; 2d bulletin 1875. .4493.59 Hist, sk 187<i . . . have Sohoharie Co., N. Y. History. Slmms . 1845 . . 4474.6 - Account of cave. 16 p .1853. .4371.31 Schuyler Co., N. Y. Temperance Jubilee, Hector Terap. Soc 1868. .6573.61 Schuylerville, N. Y. Centennial of Bur- goyne s surrender. Btone. 189 p. . . 1878 . . . have Schuylk.il! Co., Pa. Trial of Kehoe (Molly Maguires). West 1876. .5686.18 Scioto River, O. Dunmore s expedition. 33 p. Whittlesey 1842 Scituate. History. Deane 1831 . . J357.44 - 1st Cong. Ch. ; manual, with hist. . . .1844. .5498.10 1st parish; 2d series of letters, etc. Tur ner and Wright 1845.4352.11+ 1st Cong. Ch.; hist, from 1634 .... 1858 Hist. Kk. 67 p. Beaman 1877 . . . have Scranton, Pa. History. Qalatian 1867 Seabrook and Hampton Falls, N. H. Statement of facts. Abbott 1854 Review of statement. Allen 1854 Searsport, Me. 50th anniv. of church ; disc. Thurston 1-66 Seneca Co., X. Y. Gen. view and agric. survey. Delafleld 1S51 Seneca Co., O. History. Butterfield . . .1848. .2373.11 Pioneer asso. ; address. Rawson . . .1869 Senecas and Munsees (N.Y.), Missions among. Alden 1827 Sewickley Valley, Pa. Presbyterianism in ; disc. Allison 1876 . . 3548.9 Shaftsbury, Vt. Bapt. asso. ; hist. Wright. 1853 154 Shelf. No. Shamokin, Pa. Dedic. of coal estates for poor, etc 1855 . . 7597.8 Shapleigh, Me. History. Loring .... 1854 Sharon. Hist. disc. 29 p. Dunbar . . . .1809 Stoughtonham Institute; 1st anniv. . .1864. . .have Sharon and Dorchester. Winter epid. 1815-16 (in Med. sk s). Mann .... 1816 Sharon, Conn. Hist. Sedgwick 1842 . . 4438.2 Re-dedication disc. McLaughlin .... 1864 Sheffield Hist disc. Bradford 1839 - Cent l 1876 . . 2353.59 Shelburne. Ser., his 50th anniv. Packard. 1849 . 5470a.50 Shelby Co., Tnd. Hist. By a com. 40 p. 1876. .5545.77 Shelbyville, Ind. 1st Presb. Ch.; hist, re view. 27 p. Sluter 1876 . . 5545.77 Sherborn and Holliston. Geneal. and hist. Morse 1856 (Sherburne.) History. Biglow 1830 Sherburne, N. Y. Hist. Hatch 18rt2 Shoreham, Vt. History. Goodhue . . . 1S61 . . 4335.8 Shreveport, La. Report on yellow fever of 1873 1S74 . . . have Shrewsbury. Ser. ; his 50th anniv. Sum- ner 1812 - Same. 2d ed 1819 - Hist. Ward 1847 . . 2357.43 Shurtleff College. See Upper Alton, 111. Sidney, X. Y. Cent l jubilee. 99 p. . . .1875. . .have Simsbury, Conn. Ser. to Tory prisoners in mines. Baxter 1781 Disc. ; his 5uth anniv. McLean .... 1859 Simsbury, Granby, and Canton. Hist. Phelps . 1845 . . 433*5 33 Sing Sing, X. Y. Life in State prison. Luckey 1866. .3579.16 Centennial anniv., July 4, 1876 1876 Skowhegan, Me. Somerset Lodge; his tory. 66 p. Estes 1875 . . . have Slate Ridge, Pa See Peachblossom. Smithfleld, X. Y. Benefaction of W. Evans to. 36 p 1858 . . 2345.52 Somers, Conn. Cent l sermon. Strong . . 1828 Somerset Co., Me. Survey of. Boardman.1860 Notes on newspapers of (from Griffin, Hist, of the press). Board man . . .1872 Somerville. Ser. ; burning of 1st Ch. Pope 1852 . . 5543.11 1st Ch. ; hist. ser. Hodges 1869. 7740.9+ - Hist, address, July 4, 1876. Furbtr . .1876. .4352.18 Somerville, X. J. See Raritan. Sonoma Co., Cal. History. Thompson .1877 Southampton. Address; cent l. Edwards. 1841 Southampton, X. Y. Town patent . . .1835 Indian deed and docs 1863 Early history, etc. Howell 1866. .2379.11 Presb. Ch.; registerandhist.sk. . . 1870 1st book of records, etc 1874 Southampton Co., Va. Massacre. (Rich mond) 1831 155 Shelf. No. Southampton Co., continued. Authentic narrative. 38 p. (N. Y.) (Warner) 1831 . . 4375.11 South Bergen, X. J. 1st Presb. Ch.; hist. 19 p. French ..." 1864 . . 4393.23 Southborough. Cent l ser. Parker . . . 1827 Record of the soldiers. Wilson . . . .1869 South Boston. Oration, July 4, 1835. J. V. C. Smith 1835 . . 2353.5 - Hist. Simonds 1857 . 2:J53.10-f- Southbridge. 1st Bapt Ch.; hist. disc. . . 1843 South Carolina. Upper country of. His tory. Loaring 1859 South Carolina College. Set Columbia. South Chelmsford. 1st Bapt. Ch.; cent l, etc 1871 South Groton. Farewell sermon. Fosdick.1861 . 5440a.73 South Hadley. Holyoke Sem y; 25th an. 1862. .4397.40 South Hempstead, X. Y. Christ s 1st Ch. ; hist. disc. Woodbridge .... 1840 Southington, Conn. Two years in the min istry. Richardson 1847 . . . have - Ecclesiastical, etc. Sketches. Timlow. 1875 . . 2337.16 South Kingston, R. I. History (hornet s nest, etc.). Comstock 1803 Southold, X. Y. Personal index to 1698; index, 1698. Moore 1868 Southold and Orient, X. Y. First set tlers 1857 South Pans, Me. Paris Lodge; hist. 26 p. King, etc 1872 . . . have South Heading (afterwards Wukelield, which gee). South Ch ; narrative of Ute difficulties. 1835 Bapt. Ch.; historical sketch 1841 - Bi-ceut l ; hist, address. Flint 1844 - Disc.; return of Co. D., 50th reg t. Bar rows 1863 South Tyringham. Hist. ser. Dow . . 1831 Spencer. History. Draper 1841 .. 2357.31 - Same. 2d ed 1860 . . 2357.33 Spirit Lake. Massacre, 8th March, 1857; history. Lee 1857 Springdale, O. Presb. Ch. ; hist, disc., 79th anniv. James 1876. .5641.51 Springfield. Xarrative, etc. ; settlement of Mr. Breck 1738 . . 5549.56 Examination and answer to above . . .173(5. .5549.56 Letter to author of examination .... 1737 Century sermon, Oct. 16, 1775. Breck . 1784 - Address (new town hall). Bliss. . . .1828. . 4358.6 Address; consecr. of cemetery. Pea- body 1841 - Statement (as to Aqueduct Co.) . . . .1849. . .have Xational armories ; review system . . . 1852 . . . have Same. 2d ed. Memoir of cemetery. Bliss 1857 Christ Church; sketch. McKnight . . 1864 Hist. disc. Dunham . 1868 . . 4457.1 156 Shelf. No. Springfield, continued. 3d Cong. Soc y; hist. Humphreys . .1869 - Reports on supply of water 1872 . . . have Courthouse; dedic. address. Bates. .1874. .2355.56 - 1st Church; hist. 60pp. Morris . . .1875. .3548.66 Early hist. ; an address. Morris .... 1876 . . 2356.55 - Memories. Green 1876 . . 2356.56 Springfield, 111. Hist. 106 p. Power . .1871. .4465.26 Springfield, Me. Forest Lodge; hist. 15 p. Bradbury 1872 . . . have Springfield, O. Plea for Wittenberg Col lege. Conrad 1851 . . . have Directory and brief history 185 2 . . . have Sketches 1856 Springvale, Iowa. Humboldt College. Morison s report. 4 p 1871 . . . have Address on opening. Taft 1872 . . . have Stafford, Conn. Protest against West Staf ford consociation. Foster 1780 Hist, sermon. Woodward 1843 Stamford, Conn. 2d Cent l; hist, address. Alvord 1842 . . 43E6.38 Hist. Huntington 1868 . . 4438.1 Soldiers memorial. Huntington . . . 1809 . . 4424.6 Registration of familie*. Huntington . 1874 - Bapt. Ch.; cent l services (1873) . . . .1875. .3541.52 Staten Island, N. Y. Lecture on hist. Tyson 1*42 Facts, etc.; destruction of quarantine .1858. . .have Port Richmond Ch.; 200th anniv. disc. Brownlee 1865 - Annals. Clute 1877 . 2370a.61 Steele Co., Minn. Geog. and statist, hist. Mitchell 1868 Sterling. Farewell address, with docs. Capen 1819 . . 7451.12 Steuben Co , N. Y. History. McMaster . 1853 Steubenville, O. Trial of Friends at ... 1829 Past, Present, and Future of. McConnell and Garrod 1872 Stockbridge. Plea (eccl. council), case of Mrs. Fisk. Huntington 1782 Ph. v. 331 Hist, sketch of the church. Field . . .1853. . 5546.6 Past and present; or, records, etc. Jones 1854 . . 2357.12 Soldiers monument; dedic. address. Sedgwick 1867 . . . have - Discourse, former pastors, etc. Eggles- ton 1869 . . 4454.8 Indians; report on. Adams 1*70 . . . have Stockton, Cal., The city of; its position, etc. 58 p 1874 . . 4375.60 Stonehnm. History. 36 p. Dean .... 1843 . 4359a.52 Same. N"ew ed. 34 p 1870 . . 4359.54 Stonington, Conn., Defence of. 54 p. (150 copies.). Trumbull 1864. .4431.11 - 1st Cong. Ch. ; hist, and bi-centennial. Wheeler 1875 . . 3542.70 Address, bi-centennial. Terrett .... 1875 . . . have 157 Stony Point, N. Y., Assault on. Dawson . 1833 Stoughton. Sermon, last in old meeting house. Richmond 1809 Stow. Ser., May 16, Ih73. 27 p. Newell . 1784 . . 4163.5 An aged minister s review, etc. Newell. 1S25 Stratford, Conn. Christ Ch. ; hist. disc. Paddock 1856 . . 5477.8 - Consecration of. Beardsley 1858 . . 5546.9 Sturbridge. Hist sk. 48 p. Clark . . . 1838 . . 4355.16 - Bapt. Ch. ; hist, sketch. Kenney . . . 1844 Sturbridge and Southbridge Hist, sketch. Davis 1856 . . 235H.40 Sudbury. Wadsworth monument ; address. Boutwell 1852 . 4392.61 Brief account of monument 1853 . . 4338 18 Report on Sudbury right. Kidder and Underwood 1866 Bi-centennial, with oration by Young . 1S76 . 235^.67 Oration (alone). Young 1876 . 4353 32.1 Suffield, Conn. 150th anniversary. Rev. B. Ruggles 1859 . . 4353.51 20i <th anniversary ; proceedings . . . .1870 Suffolk Co. Typographical descriptions, etc. (Lincoln) 1786 Suffolk Co., N. Y. Early hist. Xicoll . . 1866 Hist, and descr. sketches. Bayles . . . 1874 . . 2379.68 Suffolk and Kings Counties, X. Y. In olden times. Onderdonk 1866 . . 4371.3 Summit Co., O. Hist, remin s. Bierce . 1S54 . 2379a.58 Sunbury. Pa. History. 54 p. Haines . . 187-t . . . have Sunderland. Address, memorial meetings. Taft 1873 . 4459a.20 Superior, Wise. Position, resources, etc. 32 p 1859 Susquehunna Asso., Pa. Hist, notes. Patterson Susquehanna Co., Pa. Hist. Blackman. 1S73 . . 2375.59 Susquehanna River, Pa. Description, stnte of trade, etc 1796 Otzinachson (West Branch Valley). Me- ginness 1857 Early times on. Perkins 1870 Sussex Co X. J. 1st centenary, addresses, etc 1853 . . 4395.84 Sutton. Half-centennial sermon, Oct. 24, 1779. Hall 17S1 IstCh.; history. Tracy 184:2 Swanzey. 1st Bapt. Ch.; hist. sk. Thatcher. 1863 Swarthmore College, Pa. Inaug. proc gs. 1809 . . . have Inaug. of Prea. Magill 1872 . have Syracuse, X. Y. Chapter in hist, of aboli tion at. Davenport 1839 Reminiscences (compiled by Johnson). Cheney 1857 Onondaga Historical Association ; act of incorporation, etc 1865 . . . have Brief account of ministry. May . . .1867. .7440.17 Univ.; inaug. of Chan. Wine-hell .... 1873. . .have 158 Shelf. No. Talbot and Queen Anne s Counties, Md. Epidemics of 1813 and 1814. Martin . 1815 Tallmadge, O. Sketch of settlement. Whittlesey 1842 - 5Uth anniversary 1857 .. 4373.64 Tamworth, N. H. Address, Mr. Philbrick s 100th birthday. Mason 1871 Taneytown, Md. Centennial address. 26 p. Luckenbach 1876 Tarrytown, X. Y. 1st Presh. Dutch Ch. ; hist. disc. 49 p. Stewart 1866 . 5540a.25 Taughannock, Falls of, Tompkins County, X. Y. Sketches. Halsey 1866 . 2379a.50 Taunton. St. Thomas Ch.; hist. disc. Bent 1844 - Sermon, his 25th anniversary. Maltby . 1851 - Bristol Academy ; address, with hist. Felton 1852 . 4390a.61 Ministry of. Emery 1853. .2345.10 -Same. 2d ed 1858 Winslow Ch.; hist. disc. Blake . . .(1862) Tazewell Co., Va. History. Bickley . . 1862 . . 2374.17 Temple, N. H. History. Blood 1860 . . 2338.13 Templeton. Hist, sermons (Sept. 6, 1811). Wellington 1812 Sermon, his 50th anniv. Wellington . . 1857 . . 5543.7 1st Ch ; hist. disc. Adams 1857 . . 4390a.3 Quarter-centennial sermon. Sabin . . . 1862 Tennessee. See East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, West Tennessee. Terre Haute, Ind. Advantages, etc. ; and review of growth 1812 2d Presh. Ch. ; quarter-century sermon. Cheever 1874 . . 5553.68 Quarter-century discourse. Condit . . 1874 . . 5o43.u8 Tewkesbury. Ser. dedic. of new meeting house. Coggin 1824 Thomaston, Rockland, etc., Me. History. Eaton 1865 . . 2339.15 Thompson, Conn. Half-centennial sermon. Dow 1846 Sermon, hist, and dedic. Dunning . . . 1853 Ticonderoga, N. Y. (Sre also Essex Co. ; Lake George.) Second letter to a friend. Chauncy . . 1755 . Narrative of capture (1st to 4th eds.). Allen Same. 5th ed 1854 What it is and needs 1858 Capture of. Chittenden 1872- 2239.59 Toledo, O. Annual statements of trade, etc 1860-1868 Presentation, etc. (Future great city, etc.) Scott 1868 . . 4472.10 - Hand-book (with hist, by Millard). Schaft 1869 Toledo war of 1835. Way 1869 Historical and descriptive. Edwards . 1877 159 Shelf. No. Tolland, Conn. Early history ; an address. Waldo 1861 . . 4336.29 Topsfleld. Address, 200th anniv. Cleve land 1851 . . 2352.52 Topsham, Me. Hist, disc., outh anniv. 15 p. Wilson 1866 . . . have Torrington, Conn. History. Orcutt . . . 1878 . . 4335.79 Townsend. Sketches of college graduates. Sawtelle 1875 . . 433-;.79 Towsontown, Md. Address; cor. -stone of court house. Yellott 1854 Tremont, Me. Tremont Lodge ; hist. 19 p. Tiirr 1874 . . . have Trenton, X J. Bapt. Ch.; 2 sermons, open ing. Stoughton 1804 . . 7453.3 Centennial address. Southford .... 1832 . 5543.15 - Battle of (poem). How 1856. .4477.19 - Presb. Ch.; hist Hall 1859. .5549.77 Annals. 31 p. Haven 1866 . . 4477.19 - History. Kaum 1871 . . 436^.54 Centennial tea-party 1874 - 2d Presb. Ch. ; hist. Kennedy 1876. .5541.65 Trenton, X. Y. Centennial Address, July 4, 1876. Seymour 1877 . . 4376.62 Trenton Falls, X. Y. Description. Sher man. 1844 1844 . 4489a.8+ Picturesque, etc. Willis and Sherman . 1851 . . 4379. :>1 Troy, N. H. History. Caverley 1859 Troy, X. Y. Revival in. Brockway . . . .1827 1st Presb. Ch.; divisions in 1S27 . Ph. v. 69 Termination of Erie Canal (report of Cora. Counc.) 1*36 For 50 years. Buel 1S41 Ph. v. 121 - City of. Kellogg 1847 . . 2371.22 Reminiscences. Wood worth 18o3 Ph. v. 194 Same. 2d ed. (200 copies) 1860 . . 4371 27 Conference miscellany ; hist, sketch, etc. Park 1854 Rensselaer Inst ; reorganization, etc. . .1855. . .have Analysis of hydrant and well waters. Elderhorst and Seymour 1858 Introd. of steam fire-engine 1860 . . . have State-St.M. E. Ch.; last ser. in. Brown. 1871 Rensselaer Polyt. Inst ; semi-centennial. 1874 - History. Weiss 1876 . . 4373.24 Tryon Co., X. Y. Annals. Campbell . . 1831 . . 4371.30 Same 1849 . . 217.11 Tuscaloosa, Ala. Report on plan of instruc tion. Barnard 1855 . . 4484.60 Origin of name, hist., etc. 86 p. Max well 1876 Tusc&rawas Valley, (>. Historic events. Mitchener 1876 . . 2373.55 Tyngsboro . Cent l record. 26 p 1876 . . 4352.14 Ulster Co., X. Y. Advantages of division of, etc I860 Union, Me. History. Sibley 1851 . 2339.7+ Union, O. Notes of early hist. Park . . . 1870 . . 4473.6 160 Shelf. No. University Place, Tenn. Univ. of the South ; statement of facts. 7 p. . .1868 .5541.60.2 University of North Carolina. See Chapel Hill. Upper Alton, 111. ShurtleffColl ; half-cent l. 60 p 1877 . . . have Jubilee anniv. ; hist, address, etc. . . . 1877 . . . have Jubilee memorial (contains the two pre- . ceding). 140 p 1877. . .have Upper Octorara. See Chester Co. Upper Sandusky, O. Wyandot mission. Finley 1840 Upper Ten-Mile, Pa. Presb. Ch.; hist. disc. Wines 1859 . . . have Upton. Cent l address. Wood 1835 . . 4393.28 - Ser., his 50th anniv. Wood 18-16 Urbana, 111. Industr. Univ.; rep. on courses of study etc 1867 . . . have Utica, X. Y. Recollections of 50 years since. 9 Bacon 1843 1st Presb. Ch. ; Heroin s of 15 yrs. Fow ler 1866 . . 5543.68 Pioneer sketches. Bagg 1877 . 2370a.55 Uxbridge. Ser., his 25th anniv. Clarke . 1858 . . 5543.7 Vallejo, Cal., Future of. Hittell? 1868 Resources of. (Hittell) 1869 Valley of Virginia. History. Kercheval. 1833 . .2374.23 - S tme. 2d ed 1850 Scotch-Irish settlers in; address. Chris tian 1860 Vassar. See Poughkeepsie. Venango Co., Pa. Petroleum; a hist., etc. Eaton 1866 - Cent l disc.; sketch of history. 48 p. Eaton 1876 . . . have Vermont (Eastern). History. Hall .... 1868 . . 4337.3 Vincennes, Ind. Hist, address. Law . . 1839 Colonial history. Law 1S5S . . 4473.26 Vinel and, N. J., and the Vinelanders. 81 p. Warner 1869 Virginia. See nlno Valley of Virginia; Western Virginia. (Northwestern) Chron. of border warfare. Withers 1831 Wabash College. See Crawfordsville. Wabash Valley, Ind. Acc t. Ellsworth . 1838 . 4377.4 English gentleman s family in America. Beste 1855 Recollections. Cox 1H60 . . 4473.27 "Wabasha Co., Minn. Geog., etc., sketch. Mitchell 1870 . . 4379.34 "Wadsworth, O Memorial. Brown . . . 1875 . . 4(379.6 Waitsfield, Vt. Memorial records. Bas- comb 1867 "Wakefleld. (Previously South Reading, which see.) Hist, address, etc. (new town name) 1868 . . 4438.18 Cong. Ch. ; a commem. sketch. Bliss. .1877. .354522 Waldo Co., Me., Survey of. Long . . . .1873. . 4438.9 161 Shelf. No. Waldoboro , Me. Centennial. 52 p. ... 1873 . . 2339.67 "Wales. Centennial address, etc. (1862.) Gardner 1866 Walker s Parish, Va. Grace Church. 11 p - N.D. . . have Wallingford, Conn. Faithful narrative, etc. Todd and Hart 1759 Remarks on "Faithful narrative." Ho- bart 1759 Remarks on ordin. of Mr. Dana. Hart . 1759 Reply to Mr. Eells on ord. of Mr. Dana. Todd 1760 Remarks on Mr. Hobart s pamphlet. Hart 1760 Vindication of Mr. Hobart s pamphlet. Hobart 1760 The cage stated 1761 Century disc. Dana 1770 . . 4336.30 Historical sermon. Gilbert 1858 Walpack, X. Y. Ref. D. Ch.; hist. disc. 32 p. Miller 1874 Walpole, X. H Hist. sk. of Col. Bellows. Bellows .... 1855 Waltham. Report on Schools 1844 Industrial exhibition; report on . . . . 18.i7 . . .hare Trinity Cong Ch.; manual 1860 Union League ; report of com tee . . . 1863* Hist, address, by Rutter, and celebra tion 1877 . . . have Wapakoneta, O. Schools; hist. 12 p. . . n.d. Wardsboro , Vt. Farewell ser. Ketchum. 1866 . . 4391.7 W^are. Hist, address, new town hall. Hyde. 1847 IstCh. ; cent l address. Coburn . . . .1857 Wareham 60 years since ; hist. disc. Bur gess 1861 Warner, X. H. Hist, sketch. Long . . . 1832 History. Long 1870 Cong. ch. ; centennial 1872 . . . have Warren. History. 24 p. Darling . . . .1874. .4358.51 Warren, 111. Brief description. Yeakle . 1859 Warren, Me. Annals. Eaton. 1851 . . 2339.16 - Same. 2d ed. Eaton 1877 . . 2539.68 Warren, X. H. History. Little 1854 Centennial address. 18 p. Little . . . 1863 . . . have - History. Little 1870. .4335.15 Warren, O. Early settlement of. Case . 1876 Warren, K. I. Sentiments and plan, etc. . 1769 Hapt. ch. ; dedic. discourse. Tustin . .1845. . 4439a,4 History. Fessenden 1845 Warren Asso. : disc., 1st century. 19 p. Caldwell 1867 74S2.47+ Warsaw, X. Y. Cong. Ch. ; quarter-centen nial 1865 ? - History. Young 1869 Warwick. Disc., his half-cent l. Preserved Smith . . 1864 . . 4392.81 - History. Blake, etc 1S73 . .2358.12 Warwick, Pa. See Hartsville. 162 Shelf. No. "Warwick, R. I. History and war record. Fuller 1875 . . 2337.17 Waseca, Co., Minn. As a home for immi grants. Child 1867 Washington, D. C. 300th anniv. discov. of America 1793 Observations on the Potomack, etc. Ellicott 1794 - Department reports on destruction of papers by British 1814 - Report on British invasion 1814 - Enquiry into capture and remarks on report, etc 1816 - Remarks on enquiry, etc., by spectator. 8 p. (R. H. Winder) 1816 Abstract of calculations, etc. (longitude) Lambert 1817 . . . have Directory for public officers, etc. Force.1820 Guide. Elliot 1823 Narrative of British campaigns, 1814-1 5.1826 Wanderer in 1827 Same. 2d td 1S29 Facts on capture of. Evans 1829 Hist, sketches, etc., with Picture of. El liot 1830 Bridge Co., argument before senate . . 1832 . , . have - Guide to Capitol. Mills 1834 . . 4379.35 - Columbia Typogr. Soc y : protest of . .1834. . .have Reply to Green 1834 . . have - W. in 1835 n.d. Guide. Elliot 1837 - Poiit. sketches, etc. Pt. 1 (all). Mayo.1839 - Public buildings, etc. Haas 1840 . 4379a.l8 - Picture. Watergton 1840 - S<ime 1841, 1843 - Guide. Mills 1842 Stranger s guide. Morrison 1842 - Same. 2d ed 1844 . 4489a.l9 - Picture. Force 1845 - Guide to Capitol. Mills 1847-8.4479.50+ - Seat of government, etc. Varnum . . . 1848 . . 4475.5 - Same. 2d ed 1854 . . 4365.1 Sketch of events before capture. (In- graham) 1849 . . 4422.14 Public schools : an address (and histori cal sketch by Abbot). Chandler. . .1850. .5594.17 Picture of, etc. Force 1850 Congressional banquet, honor of Wash ington. Hincks & Smith 1852 . . . have Memories of the metropolis. Sunder- land 1853 Appeal for colored girls school. Miner.1854 B.160b.l06 Bonn s hand-book of 1854 Same. 1856. - Guide to the Capitol, etc. Mills .... 1854 . . 6244.4 1st Unitarian Ch., old and new : hist, ser mon. Con way 1855 . 6088.217 Report on condition of sch. houses . . . 1855 . . . have 163 Shelf. No. Washington, continued. 4th Presb. Oh. : disc., 25th anniv. J. C. Smith 1855 Invasion In 1814. Williams 1857 . . 4426.2 Etiquette at. 3d ed 1857 Churches and pastors of. Johnson . . 1857 Report on educational statistics, etc. . . 1858 . . . hnve Smithsonian Inst. : acc t. Rhees . . *. 1859 Wash gton Monument Soc y : address . 1859 . . . have 25 views, statue*, etc. (and description). Morrison 1860 Philp s Washington described. Haley . 1861 . . 4379.41 - Sketch-book, by Viator. (Varnum) . . 1864 The federal city. Wyeth 1865 Public life in : an address. Bellows . . 1866 . 4340a.98 Columbian College: circular 1867. . .have Stranger s guide. Morrison 1868 2379a.59+ 1st Cong. Ch. : (statement to the churches) 1868 . . . have Ex parte council : proc gs 1S68 . . . have Eccl. council: proc gs 1869 . . . have Capitol : rotunda and dome. Wyeth . . 1S69 Depot question 1869? . .have Sights and secrets. Ellis 1869 . . 1622.4 Franklin Sch. : dedic., and hist. sk. of sch s 1869. . .have Recollections. Gobright 1869 . . 228.19 Nat. Asso. of School Sup ts : proc gs, Mar., 1870 1870 . . . have Wash n monument : an appeal 1871. . .have First carnival in. Gordon 1871 . . . have Gas Co. : further plea for invest n . . . 1871 . . . have Our little government, etc. Adams . . . 1873 . 2379a 55 Behind the scenes in. Martin 1873 W. outside and inside. Townsend . . . 1873 . . 2362.60 W. city, and how to see it Ib76 . 2379a.62 Washington and Tipton, Ind. Union Ch. : hist.sk. 3 p. Post 1876. .3471.57 Washington Co., Miss. Jefferson College, charter, hist, sk., etc. 90 p 1840 Washington Co., O. Brief description. Delafleld 1834 Soldiers monument 1875 - Centennial hist, address. 83 p. An drews 1877 . . . have Washington, Pa. W. College: rep. on union with Jefferson Coll 1817 . Ph.v.50 W. and Jeff. Coll.: Brief in Collier case, U. S. Supreme Court 1870 . . . have Statement in behalf of 1872 . . . have 2d Presb. Ch. : hist. *3 p. Hays . . .1876 Washington Co.. Pa. History. Creigh. Xame. 2d ed 1871 . . 2375.72 Waterbury, Conn. Almanac, with hist. sk. (2 eds.) 1855 - History. Bronson 1858 . . 4336 28 Waterbury, Vt. Early history : a disc. Parker 1867 164 "Watertovm. Election sermon : hist, notes. Langdon *. . . . 1775 - Hist, sketch. Francis 1830 . 4163.10+ Three disc s, old and new meeting-houses. Francis 1836 . 4163.10+ Hist., etc. Bond 1855 . . 2357.35 Remonstrance vs. New town of Belmont. Austin 1857 Remonstrance as to Hancock Free Bridge. Curtis 1859 1st parish : record of. Fuller 1861 Epitaphs from old burying-ground. Harris 1869 . . 4333.12 "Water-town, Conn. Hist, sketch. Rich ardson 1845 Last disc, in old ch. Reid 1855 . . 4435.8 Watertown, Wis. M f g and R.R. advan tages. 22 p. (Quincr?) 1856. . .have Waterville, Me. Colby University (i.e., Waterville Coll.) : rep. of faculty . .1856. . .have Address to friends. 4 p 1863 . . . have - Memorial hall : cor. stone 1869 . . 4484.51 - Hist, disc., 50th anniv. Champlin . . . 1870 . . 4484.51 Obit, record of graduates 1870 . . 4484.51 - Charter, etc 1875 . . . have Waterville Lodge : hist. 104 p. Skinner. 1874 . . .have "Wawasink, X. Y. The Indians : massacres, etc. (Revolution) 1846 "Wayland. Complaint, etc. (Middlesex Canal) 1859 . . . have W. in the civil war. Draper 1871 . . 2328.59 "Wayne Co., Ind. History. Young .... 1872 . . 2371.51 "Wayne Co., Pa. Charge to grand jury. 22 p. Preston 1800 "Webster. Bapt. Ch. : hist, disc., 50th anniv. Reding 1884 "Wells and Kennebunk, Me. History. Bourne. 1875 . . 2337.62 "Wells, Vt. History. Paul 1869 "Wellsburg, West Va. Record of events, 1871-6. 18 p 1877 "Wendell. Hist. disc. Webster 1821 Wenham. 1st Ch. : 200th anniv. sermon. Mansfield 1845 . . 4392.81 Ordination sermon. Taylor 1848 . . 5546.6 History. Allen I860 . . 2357.18 Wesleyan University. See Middletown. "West Avon, Conn. . 1st Ch. : cent l. Grant. 1851 "Westborough. Cent l sermon. Rockwood.1819 Report on pure water 1873 . . . have "West Boylston. Brief hist. sk. Davenport. 1831 Ser., dedic. of meeting-house. Boardman.1832 Hist, memorandum, etc. Keyes .... 1861 . 4459a.l7 Cong. Ch. : manual, hist, acc t, etc. Fitts. 1870 Half-cent l of Sabbath School, etc. . . . 1870 . . . have West Brookfleld. See Brookfield. "West Cambridge. See Cambridge. "West Charleston, Vt. Cong. Ch. : manual and hist, sk 1868 "Westchester Co., N. Y. History. Bolton.1848. .2371.16 165 Shelf. No. Westchester Co., continued. Hist, of Epis. Ch. in. Bolton 1855 . . 5543,02 Huguenots of, and of Fordham. \Valdron.l864 . .5548.62 Proc gs of supervisors, 1772 to 1787. Johnson 1870 Same, for 1869 (and continued). John- son 1870 West Chester, Pa. Directory, 1857 (with hist.) Darlington 1857 . . 6390b.5 Western Massachusetts. History. Hol land 1855 . . 2358.6 Sketches of nat. hist., etc., in. Gladden. 1869 Western New York. Anti-Masonic ex- citement. Brown 1829 . 5569a.60 History of the press, etc. Follett . . . 1847 Early reminiscences : an address. Barton. 1848 Presb. Church in. Hotchkin 1848 . . 3544.6 Congregationalism in : an address. Dill. 1859 Ualf-cent l ser. to synod of. Chester . . 1871 . 5543.68+ Western Pennsylvania. See also Whis key Insurrection. - Early history. Rupp . . . . 1846 Old Redstone. Jos. Smith 1854 . . 3544.7 Centenary of Presbyterianism in . . . . 1876 . . 3543.55 Western Reserve, O. Brief narrative. Allen 1774 Plea, etc. Trumbull 1774 - Residence in. Hawley 1822 . . 2369.11 Two yrs. residence in. Ogden .... 1835 Cong, and Presb. Churches in. Kennedy .1856 . 5549n.73 - Early history of Disciples. Hayden . . 1875 . . 3548.75 Western Virginia. Xotes, etc. Dod- dridge 1824 Same. Ed. by Williams 1876. .2378.63 Sketch, for use of British settlers . . . 1837 - History. De Hass 1851 . . 2374.6 Westfleld. Hist, sketch. Davis 1826 . . 4356.22 Reasons why R.R. should terminate at . 1850 Ph. v. 384 History, in a sermon. Alden 1851 W. Academy : address, cor. stone. Balch 1857 . 5500a.58 - 20Uth annlv. Bates, etc 1S70 Westfleld, X. J. Sermon, hist, of parish. Huntting 1840 W^estfbrd. Patriotism of in 1775. 4 p. Hodgman N.D. . . 4353.32 West Jj londa. View. Williams .... 1827 Westhampton. Reunion of natives . . . 1666 . . 5543.7 West Hartford, Conn. Sermon to soldiers. Perkins 1775 Sermon, his 50th anniv. Perkins . . . 1822 Sermon, his 60th anniv. Perkins . . . 1832 Two discourses. Morris 1863 West Haven, Conn. Hist. disc. 56 p. Colton 1859 West Jersey. Outline hist, of Presb. Ch., 1700-1869. 75 p 1869 West Lexington, Ky. Immigrant Ch. Shane . .... 1858? 166 Shell. No. Westminster. Hist. Hudson 1832 - 100th anniv. address. Hudson 1859 . . 43i5.64 - Poem (also with address). Hayward . 1860 . . 4365.63 Soldiers monument: dedic. poem. Peckham 186S . . 4450a.9 - Cong. Ch. : 125th anniv. disc.. Rich . . 1869 . . 7440.17 Westminster, Vt. Cong. Ch. : 100th anniv. ser. White 1867 - Hist. of. White 1869 West Meriden and Cheshire, Conn. Hist. Davis 1870 . . 4335.16 Weston. Century sermon. Kendal . . . 1813 . . 5452.64 Address, reunion of sons of. Smith . . 1853 . . 5543.7 50th anniv. of his settlement. Field . . 1865 . . 5546.2 - Oration, July 4, 1876. Fiske 1870 . . 2351.60 Westown, Pa. Friends Boarding-sch. 2d ed 1873 West Point, N". Y. Expose^ etc. (Cadets) 1819 - Sketch. Park 1840 . 4379a.S3 Guide-book 1844 History. Boynton 1863 . . 4371.20 Same. 2d ed. . 1871 . . 4371.32 Battle monument, hist, of project, etc . 1864 . . 4328.15 Biog. register. Cullum 1868 . . 4343.19 Scrap-book. Wood 1871. -240S.50 Westport, Conn. Hist. disc, at Green s Farms. Davis 1839 Half-century disc, at Norfield. Noyes . 1839 60th anniv. sermon. Noyes 1846 West Roxbury. Acc t rendered: ser., resig n pastorate. Allen 1847 . . 6088.74 Jamaica Pond acqueduct corp n (points) 1867? . .have Opening argument for. Austin .... 1867 . . . have Address, dedic. of Eliot Hall. Williams.l8:j2 . . .have Address, July 4, 1835. Goodrich . . . 1835 Half-century sermon. Gray 1842 . . 4163.6 Division com tee report 1852 . . 6351.50 Disc., leaving old ch. Reynolds . . . . 153 - Report on Jamaica Pond 1859 . . . have South Evang. Ch. : hist. disc. Laurie . 1861 . 5549a.lO Report on location and erection of town house 1866 . . . have Address, dedic. of town house. Austin. 1868 . . 5543.7 Dedication of soldiers monument . . . 1871 . . 4457.50 Report on water supply 1871 . . . have Independence to be preferred to annex ation 1873 . . . have Offlc. reports 1862-73. .6351.50 West or South Jersey. Outline hist, of Presb. Ch. in. 75 p. A. H. Brown . 1869 West Springfield. Century sermon. Lathrop 1801 . 7440b.27 Sermon in old meeting-house. Bemis 1812 - Half-centen. sermon. Lathrop 1806 Two sermons, his 60th anniv. Lathrop .1816. . 7440.9 - Historical discourse. Sprague 1825 - Sermon, resigning charge. Sprague . . 1829 . Ph.v.78 Address, 100th anniv. of Dr. Lathrop. Sprague 1856 . 4442.74-f- 167 Shelf. No. West Springfield, continued. - Centennial. Bagg, etc 1874 . . 2353.23 "West Tennessee. Old times in 1873 West Waterville, Me. Messalonskee Lodge, hist. 48 p. Small 1871 . . . have Brummond li. A. Chapter: hist. Oil man 1877 . . . have Wethersfleld, Conn. Sermons on earth quake. Mix 1728H.18.134+ Weymouth. Doctrine of earthquakes. 2 sermons. Paine 1728 . II. 18. 109 Hist, disc , dedic. of North meeting house. Bent 1833 North Ch. : hist. disc. Emery 1851 Union Ch., and Soc y : hist, record . . . 1857 Sermon, 25th anniv. of Mr. Emery . . . 1863 . 5543.9+ Half-cent l of Kev. J. Perkins 1865 250th anniv. (address by Adams) . . . 1874 . . 2355.54 Whately. Reports on election of T. Nash. 1843 - Early ecc l hist. Temple 1849 . . 55-16.2 History. Temple 1872 .. 2352.51 Wheeling, Va. Her arts, trades, etc. Thompson 1846 Bridge Case : reports of Walworth and McAlpine 1851 Ph. v. 195 Physical and med l topograph}-. Reeves. 1870 . . . have Health and wealth of. Reeves 1871. .2374.5! Whiskey Insurrection, Pa. Proc gs of Executive 1795 - Journal of expedition, etc. 14 p. Ford. (1795?) Incidents. Brackenridge 1795 History. Findlay 1796 History of. Brackenridge 1859 . . 2373.20 Exposure of Brackenridge. Craig . . . 1859 Whitemarsh, Pa. St. Thomas parish, hist. of. Millet 1864 White Mountains, N. H. History. Craw ford 1846 Scenery of. Oakes (1848) . . 2380.5 - Hist, relics. Spaulding 1855 .239.11+ Same 1858 . 4469a.40 Incidents in history. Willey 1856 Guide-book 1858 . . 2389.4 White Hills. King 1860 . . . 225.4 History. Willey 1870 Mt. Washington in winter 1871 White Sulphur Springs, Va. Descrip tion. Moorman 1859 Whitewater, Ind. Reminiscences of ... 1873 Whitewater River. See Richmond, Ind. Whitewater Valley, Ind. Facts, etc. (in memoir). Hanover 1857 Wilberforce Univ. See Xenia, O. Wilbraham. Hist, address, cent l. Steb- bins 1864 . . 2356.35 Williams and Fulton Cos., O. Hist, (in Bryam City Directory) 1877 Williamsburg. Hist, discourse. Lusk . 1836 Williamsburg, N. Y. History. Reynold*. 1852 168 "Williamsburg, continued. Grace Free Ch.; report of establishment of. 31 p. Guion 1859 . Kef. D. Ch. in; hist. disc. Porter . . . 1866 . Williamsburg, 8. C. Ch. ; hist of, anniv. disc. Wallace 1856 "Williamsburg, Va. W. and M. College. Youth of Jefferson, etc 1854 . Catalogue and hist, sk 1859 . - Address of J. Tyler and poem by Tuck er, 166th anniv. 34 p 1859 . Hist. sk. 22 p 1866 . - Same, and list of alumni. 62 p 1870. - Same. 184 p 1874. Williamson Co., Ind. History. Erwin . 1876 William stown. Williams Coll. : sermon, with notice of an affair, etc. Dewey . 1815 Memorial of trustees 1823 . Sermon, dedic. of new chapel. Griffin . 1828 Semi-centennial. Hopkins and Robbins. 1843 Address, half-centennial. 2d ed. Hop kins 1843 . Sketches of. Wells and Davis 1847 . Hist, address (poem by Canning). White 1855 Missionary jubilee 1856 . . 5549a.6 . 4393.23 . 4346.51 . 4385.64 . 4396.56 . . have . . have . 4385.65 . 7598.5 . 4396.68 . 4392.15 1860. 1865 . 1865 1867 . 1869 . 1869 . 1872 , 1872 History. Durfee Class of 1844: sketches, etc Centennial discourse. Noble . . . Dedication of missionary monument Necrological annals Class of 1866 : triennial report . . . Inaug. of Pres. Chadbourne .... Obituary record. Durfee Publications of presidents and professors.1876 WilmingtOD, Del. (in hist, of Delaware, etc.). Ferris 1846 Hist. Soc y of Delaware : inaugural meet ing Reminiscences. Montgomery 1851 Board of trade: 1st to 6th an. rep s. Stone 1868-73 Meeting: address on pig-iron manuf. Sellers 1872 "Wilmington, N. C. St. James parish : hist. notices. Drane . 1843 Safety com tee, 1774-6 : proc gs. 76 p. . 1844 - Past, present, and future of. 84 p. . . "Wilton, Conn. Cong. Ch. : 150th anniv. . Wilton, N. II. Proposals for an academy Proc gs, etc., separating from ch. . . . Centennial address. Peabody .... Two dedication sermons. Livermore "Winchendon. History. Hyde History. Marvin "Winchester. Indust. Sch. for Girls; rules, etc 1853 Same 1854 Oration, July 4, 1860. Bolles 1860 5538.2+ . 2387.12 . . have . 5531.3 . 4496.22 . 4496.22 . . have . . have . . have 1872, 1876 1819 1824 1839 , 1S61 1849 , 1868 , 5642.39 6642.39 4375.9 . . have , . have , . have , 4163.10 . . have 4169.8 4451.10 . have . have . have 169 Shelf. No. Winchester, continued. Report on water supply 1873 . . . have Winchester, onn. Half-century ser. Marsh 1822 - Annals, etc. Boyd 1873 . . 4335.86 Windham, Conn. 1st Ch. : century ser. Waterman 1801 . . 5546.9 - Hist. disc. Tyler 1851 .. 4355.51 Battle of the frogs. Weaver 1857. .4338.18 Windham Co., Conn. View of ecc l proc gs, Sherman 1806 Sermon on original asso n. Welch . . .. 1807 Eastern Asso. : churches warned, etc. .1810. .5542.51 - History: vol. 1, 1000-1760. Lamed . .1874. .4473.29 Windham, Me. Hist, address, cent l. T. L. Smith li?40 - History. T. L. Smith 1873 . . 2336.60 Windham, N.H. Farewell sermon. Har ris 1827 Windham, O. Half-cent l of settlement . 18S1 Windsor, Conn. Matthew Grant s record. (50 copies.) Stiles 1859 . . . have - History. Stiles 1859 . . 2336.20 Same. Supplement. Stiles 1863 . . 4431.3 - Centennial, July 4, 1876 1876 Windsor, Vt. Recollections of Windsor prison. Reynolds 1834 . 5579a.44 Farewell sermon. Byington 1869 Winnebago Co., Wis. Geog. and statist. hist 1856 Winona, Minn., etc. Sketch of growth, etc. 26 p 1^58 . . 5998.52 Winsted, Conn. See Winchester, Conn. Wlnterport, Me. Howard Lodge hist. 21 p. Manter 1874 . . . have Winthrop. Descriptive hist. 16+ p. ... 1877 . . . have Winthrop, Me. Brief history. Thurston. 1855 . . 2339.9 Wiscasset, Me. Lincoln Lodge; history. 66 p. Sewall 1S63 . . . have - Supplement to 1870. 69 p. Sewall . . . 1871 . . . have Wirtenberg College. See Springfield, O. Woburn. Dedic. disc. Chickering .... 1809 Histor. disc. Chickering 1839 Sermon, his 25th anniv. Bennett . . . 1846 . 6543.7+ - Soldiers dead in U.S. service, 1861 to 1865.1865 - History. Sewall 1868 . . 4454.11 Report on introd. of water 1872 . . . have Wolcott, Conn. History, etc. Orcutt . . 1874 . . 2333.61 Wolcott. Vt. Narr. of sufferings, beginning settlement. Hubbell 1826 Woodbridgf, X. J., and vicinity. Dally . 1873 . . 2372.58 Woodbury, Conn. History. Cothren . 1854-72 . . 4336.36 - 2d cent l: address. Cothren 1859. . 4336.1 Sermon. Sherman 1859 . . 4435.8 1st Cong. Ch. : bi-cent l. Cothren . . .1870. . .have Woodbury, X. J. Histor. address. 51 p. Carter 1873 Woodstock, Conn. Manual Labor Inst. circular . 1851 . . . have 170 Shelf. No "Woodstock, continued. 1st Cong. Ch. : hist. Grosvenor .... 1860 . . . have "Woonsocket, R. I. I icture of; or, Trutfe in its nudity. Man ........... 1835 Numbering of inhabitants, etc. New man ................. 1846 Carrington Library; catal., sk. of hist., etc .................. 1854 . . 6132.20 - History. Richardson ......... 1876 . . 2338.54 "Worcester (City). Hist, sermon. 24 p. Bancroft ............... 1811 . . . have - Acc t of Antiquarian Soc y. Thomas? . 1813 . . 4311.3 IstCh. : late difficulties, etc. 88 p. . .1820. . 3543.3 -- Protest against proceedings of. Austin. 1821 -- Remarks on late publications of .... 1821 . 5546.53+ Address, dedic. of town hall. Davis . . 1825 . . . have Discourse, end of 50 yrs. ministry. Ban croft ................. 1836 . 5440a.l8 History. Lincoln ........... 1837. .2356.20 History. Lincoln and Hersey ..... 1862 . . 2356.32 Address, consecr. of Rural Cemetery. Lincoln ............... 1838 . Ph.v.441 Address, opening of new Court-House. Shaw ................ 1845 . . 4358.9 - Epitaphs from Cemetery. 36 p. Barton. ( 1848) . .4355.5 W. in 1850. 64 p ............ 1850 . . . have Pulpit. Smalley ............ 1851 2d Cong, meeting-house : dedic. serin. Hill ................. 1851 . . 6446.52 - Serm., his 25th anniv. Hill ...... 1852 . . 5446.62 Mech. Asso. : sketch .......... 1864 . . 2139.63 Old South Ch. : hist, acc t of ...... 1854 Report of survey for water. Inches . . 1854 . . . have W. as it is. Howland ......... 1856. .2356.18 Chemical analysis, etc., of water. Green.1856 . . .have 2d Cong, meeting-house : ser., dedic. of. Hill ................. 1857 School dedic. at New Worcester .... 1858 Dedication of Bigelow monument . . . 1861 Mechanics Asso.: hist, sk ....... 1861 - 1st Bapt. Ch. : 50th anniv. Davis . . . 1862 Reminiscences of the Fire Soc y. Lin coln ........ ......... 1862 . . . have Old South meeting-house : 100th anniv. hist. disc. Bacon .......... 1863 Sermon, his 25th anniv. Sweetser . . . 1864 let Univ. Ch. : 25th anniv.; address, etc. Landers ............... 1866 - 2d parish : report on expenditure .... 1866 . . . have - Sermon, 40th anniv. of settlement. Hill. 1867 . . 7440.9 Laws, ordinances, charter, chronol. view, etc .................. 1867 . 6350a.39 Baptist Asso. : minutes and half-cent l address. 46 p ............. 1869 Free institute, etc., inaug., etc ...... 1869 . . . have -- Claims of. Hoar ........... ]869 . . . have Sermon, after 10 yrs. ministry. Shippen. 1869 . . . have Lyceum, etc. : hist, address. Paine . . 1870 . . . have In the rebellion. Marvin ....... 1870 . . 4424.27 171 Shelf. No. Worcester, continued. Proposed course for public schools . . . 1870 . . . have Fire Soc y : reminiscences. Lincoln and Davis 1870 . . . have High Sch. : dedic., etc 1871 . . . have Home for Aged Females : devises, char ter, etc 1873 . . . have Amer. Antiq. Soc y: notice of library. Paine 1873 . . 4311.50 Acc t of. 30 p. Paine 1876 . . 4311.14 Dedic. of soldiers monument. CO p. . .1874. . .have Fire Soc y : reminiscences. Davis . . . 1874 . . . have Sketches of members. 17 p. Davis . . 1874 . . . have W. illustrated. Ambler ........ 1875 . . 4454.28 Celebration, July 4, 1876. 146 p 1876 . . 2351.63 Singing by public school pupils. 23 p. . 1876 . . . have Notes, etc. (separate from celebr. 35 copies.). Paine 1878. .2351.64 W. in the Revolution. Lovell 1876 . . 2352.62 Tables of population, valuation, etc. 1850-76. 16 p 1876 . . . have Public Library : special rep. for exhib n. 14 p. 1S76 . . 2200.24 Reminiscences. Wall 1877 . . 2354.56 Worcester, Co. History. Whitney . . . 1793 . . 2358.4 Worcester magazine 1826 . . 5224.4 Address to bar. Willard 1830 . . 2356.10 Hortic. 8oc. : trans ns, with brief acc t by Jacques 1S47 . . 5992.26 Statist, record and roll of honor .... 1862 Remonstrance against division . . . . .1874. .4401.13 Statistics of, and of proposed Lincoln Co. 1874? . .have W. Asso. : history of. Allen 1868 . 5549a.l4 Worcester, Vt. Record of births, marriages, and deaths. 31 p. Abbott 1858 . . . have Worthington. History. Rice 1853 Same, brought down to 1874 1876? Wrentham. Century Sermon. Bean . . 1774 Same, reprinted 1834 Sermon (delivered 1701). Mann .... 1801 1st Ch. : hist, ek 1818 North parish : reasons for withdrawing from Masons 1830 . 7565.3+ Letters to Thacher, and result of council. Ferguson 1831 Anniv. sermon. Fisk (1846) Sermon, his 50th anniv. Fisk 1850 . . 4393.23 Wright Co., Minn. Hist, and bus. direc tory. Gray 1867 Wrightstown, Pa. History. Smith . . . 1873 Wyalusing, Pa. Presb. Ch. : hist. Craft. 1870 Wyandot Co., O. Hist. sk.. and Co. Direc tory 1877 Wyoming, O. Description 1875 Wyoming, Pa. "Connecticut Gore "ques tion. Exam, of Conn, claim. Smith .... 1774 Plea in vindic. of Conn, claim. Trum- bull ... . 1774 172 Shelf. No. "Wyoming, continued. Petition to Senate and H. of R 1795 Charge of Judge Patterson 1796 Brief statement of the Conn, intrusion . 1803 - Petition of Capt. Patterson 1804 Sketch. Chapman 1830 . . 4379.52 Stories of early settlers, etc. Priest . . 1S37 Poetry and hist. of. Stone 1341 . . 237.14 Same. 2d ed 1844. .4379.51 Same. 3d ed 1864 Massacre. Bidlack 1842 - History. Miner 1845 . . 234.12 - Same. 2d ed 1866 History. Peck 1858 . . . 237.2 Valley of: romance of history, etc. Miner 1866 . . 4372.37 Mineral coal in valley, etc. 52 p. Mas- well . 1858 Xenia, O. Wilberforce Univ. : hist, notice. 14 p 1841 Laws and hist, sk 1876 Yarmouth. 1st Ch. : hist, notice. Ifi p. . 1841 Free Library : dedication 1872. . 6123.8 - 1st Ch. : history. Dodge 1873 . . 3542.53 Yarmouth, Me. Casco Lodge: hist. 54 p. Curtis and Drinkwater 1870 . . . have Bapt. Ch. : origin and history. 26 p. (Ripley) 1861 . . . have Yates Co., N. Y. Hist, and directory. Cleve land 1873 . . 4S75.G6 Yellow Springs, O. Hist, and descrip tion 1852 Antioch Coll. : ded.and inaug. of. Mann. 1854 . .4278.41 Appeal in behalf of 1858 . . 4494.9 History of. Allen 1858? - Rejoinder to Allen. Fay 1859. .4487.25 Claims of. (Bellows) l!-65 . 4494.9+ Hist, of Christian Ch. in. Allen .... Yonkers, N. Y. Kt. John s Ch., 1753 and 1853: aser. Carter 1853 - Ref. Ch. : hist, address. Cole 1868 York, Me. Garrison house. (S.Ocopics.) Pre- ble . 1874 . . 4393.23 York and Cumberland Co s., Me. Cochranism delineated. Stinchtield . 1819 . . 5548.60 York Co., Me. Atlas, with sketches of town histories 1875? York Co., Pa. History. Carter & Gloss- brenner 1834 York Conference, Me. History of ... 1876 York Hampton Parish, Va. Single, etc., view of Threepenny Act. Camm . . 1763 The colonels dismounted. Camm . . .1763? Yosemite, Cal. Wonders. 68 p. Hittell . 1868 - Report of com rs. 14 p 1868 . . 4474.20 History, scenery, etc. Lester 1873 . . 23 B. 1 Scenes of wonder, etc. Hutchings . . . 1870 . . 4465.7 Yo-Semite book. Whitney 1868 . . 23 B. 1 Yo-Semite guide-book. Whitney . . .1869. .4462.21 173 Shelf. Xo. Yoaemite continttfd. Same. Pocket ed 1871 . . 639.30 Same. 2d pocket ed 1872 . 2369a 51 Guide-book. Whitney 1874 . 2369a.63 Ypsilanti. Mich. The past of: a disc. Foster 1857 Zanesville, O. Few words for 13" 9 As a residence. Russell 1868 Tub. schools: hist, sk 1875 . . 7594.5 Additions and Corrections, I am sincerely grateful to the gentlemen who have pointed out to me a certain number of inaccuracies and errors in the preceding list. I only wish I could believe that they have all been pointed out. The additional titles have either been added in full, on further reflection, as in the cases of Hollis street, Mr. Mann s controversy with the thirty-one Boston school-masters, etc., or have been gathered during the progress of the main list. CORRECTIONS. The list of state bibliographies on p. 4 should say eirjftt instead of seren ; and there should be added, a Vermont list, by B. H. Hall, being No. 2 of Id series of Norton s Literary Letter, 1860. Alexandria, Vt. Correct name of state to Va. Andover, Ct. Cong. Ch. : history. Rogers. 1849. Kraut this entry ; there is no such work. Antrim, X. II. History. Whiton. 1844. Correct date to 1852. Athol iu the rebellion. For Knowlton, read Norton. Baltimore. Muster-roll, etc. [Hiekman.] Date this [1858J. 2d St. Church ; centenary sermon. For Hemer, read Ileiner. Md. Institute; address by Kennedy. Make the date 1851. Floating school; brief history. 1860. Insert as author s name [McJilton]. Barnstable. Conference, etc. ; hist, sketch. 1846. Insert as author s name [Pease]. Blue Earth City. Insert as name of state, Minn. Boston. Christ Church. Erase two entries, date 1820, 1824, on p. 17. The proper entry, under 1824, is in the following additions. Entertainment, etc. 1750. Add, Poem. By Jos. Green? - Letters of Columbus. 1829. Insert as author s name [Kettell]. . Influence of ministry at large, etc. Insert as author s name [Bartol]. Review of Cushman, etc. 1846. Insert as author s name [Knapp]. Shawmut. 1847. Invert as author s name [True]. Wharf property, etc. 1852. Insert as author s name [X. I. Bowditch]. Old South Ch. : chronicles. 1861. Correct date to 1863. City Hospital, Dedication, etc. 1864. Make this date 1865. - Reply to Hon. 8. Hooper. Goodrich. 1866. Make this date 1867. Bridgewater. Geneal., etc., with hist, sketch. Gary, 1824. Erase the entry. Brimfleld. Annals of the church. Insert as author s name [Morse]. Bristol, R. I. Historical discourse, etc. Shepard. 1857. Substitute for this and the next title, the following one: Hif>- torical discourse, old and new churches. Shepard, 1857. 3542.72. Cairo, 111. Engineer s reports, etc. 1847. Erase the entry. Cambridge (Harvard University). Letter to corporation, etc. 1835. Insert as author s name [Palfrey]. Champaign Co., O. Correct to "Champaign and Logan Cos., O." Charlestown (Bunker Hill). Sketches of Battle. and Monument. Emmons. 1844. Erase the entry. Gen. Putnam at. 1875. Erase the entry. Chicago, 111. Chic. Tribune as libeller. Ellithorpe. 1864. Correct date to IMS? Cincinnati, O. Lane Seminary, history, etc., 1858. Insirt as author s name, Fisher. Law library; hist, sketch. 1875. Insert as author s name, Scarborough. Concord, N. H. Hist, disc., 25th anniv. McFarland. 18:0. Erase the entry ; there is no such discourse. 174 Coventry Conn. 1st Soc yi etc. Correct this title to, Statement of proceedings, etc. 68 p. Abbot. 1811. Have. Craven Co., B.C. Hist., etc., sketch. Insert date [1852]. Dayton, O. Soldiers home; hist. Insert as author s name [Earnshaw]. Franklin, Conn. Cong. Soc y> etc., 1869. Currect this and the following title by substituting for the two this one : Cong. Soc y: 150th anniv. ; and Woodward s address, town cent l. 1869. 4338.23. Hull. Notes, etc., by shade of Alden. Insert as author s name [Homer]. Lynchburg, Va. Sketches, etc., by oldest inhabitant. Insert as author s name [Mrs. Cabell]. Madison, (Wis.?) Correct to Madison Co., Va. Manchester, N. H. Statement, etc. (Mr. Tenney s church) . Erase this entry. Hist. disc. Wallace. 1868. Erase the entry. Dr. Wallace says he don t know of any such discourse. Medneld. Narr. of proceedings against J. Morse. 1785. Erase this entry. Middlefleld, Conn. Erase this name; Nash s sermon belongs under Middlefield, Mass. Northampton, N. H. Correct name of town to North Hampton, and correct author s name in second title from Allen to French. North Middleboro . Correct Hopkins to Emery. North Wentworth. Erase this entry. Norwich, Conn. Sermon, etc. Tuttle. 1861. Erase the entry. Orange, N. J. 100th anniv. Correct to 150th anniv. Pepperell. Gov t, etc., described, etc. Backus. 1778.. Erase this entry. Shelf. No. SUPPLEMENTARY TITLES. Abington, Conn. Hist. disc. (1st Ch.). Smith 1853 . 554!>a.lO Adams Co., O. Deceased soldiers in. Evans 1865 Addison Co., Vt. Cong, ministers and eh. in. Lamb 1839 Adirondacks, N. Y. Topographical sur vey. Colvin 1873 . . 2362.54 Adventures. Murray 1873 . . 1639.16 Report. 306 p Colvin 1874 Akron, O. Buchtel College: documents . . N.D. Albany, N. Y. Albany almanac, 1786 onward. Directories, 1813 onward. - Report on Water Supply, Clinton . . . 1832 Grants to Van Rensselaers, etc., and set tlement. Priest 1844 Letter on epidemic cholera of. McNaugh- ton 1832 . . 5806.3 Memoirs of Albanians of note. Munsell. Fancy ball : a letter, etc 1846 . . . have Trinity Church : address, cor. stone. Selkirk 1848 . . . have 2d Presb. Ch. : corr. on West s charges ag tSprague 1850 Reports on ship canal to New Baltimore. 1853 . . .have 3d Presb. Ch. : Last words, etc. ; and his tory. 102 p. Huntington 1855. .5541.62 Two Discourses. Palmer 1856 . . . have Dudley Observatory. Inauguration . . 1856 - Same. 2d ed 1858 - Meeting of N.Y. City Chamber of Com merce 1856 Address to citizens of Albany, etc. Gould 1858 B.170a.l8 Dudley Observ. Statement of trustees. 1858 . 4352.7+ Who withholds cooperation 1858 . 4358.31+ Shell. No. Albany, continued. Nebular hypothesis, by Herschel . . . 1858 Speeches of Messrs. Wilder & Olcott, bef. Trustees, etc 1858 Report of astronomer in charge for 1863. 1864 - Annals of the D.0 1866 Letter to majority of trustees, n.p. . . N.D. . . 4358.2 Defence of Dr. Gould, by the Sci. Coun cil 1858 Same. 2d ed. 3d ed. is 1858 . 4358.31+ - Reply to statement of trustees. Gould. 1859 . . 4358.31 Specimens of garblings of letters, etc. Gould 1858 . 4358.31+ Key to the trustees statement. Thacher 1858 . 4289.53+ - Bridge case ; arg ts, etc. Barnard . . (1860?)7620a.2.1 2il Ref. Ch. : Quarter-cent l. Wyckoff . 1862 - Plan for a Park. Murray 1863 . . 6497.30 Discourse on heroes of, fallen in the war. Clark 1864 - Proposed parks for. lip 1865 . . 6003.50 Hospital; history ]868 . . . have St. Peter s Ch. : circular for memorial chapel. 4 p 1869 . . . have Pearl St. Baptist Ch. : discourse, leaving old house. Bridgman 1870 . . . have University : what it is, etc 1870 Albany Institute: annual address. Meade 1871 . . . have New Capitol : corner-stone 1871. . .have Guardian soc y and home for friendless; past and present of 1871 . . . have - Mt. Vernon Lodge. History 1874? . 5569.55 SdPresb.Ch. 50 years experience; a ser mon. Halley 1875 . . 3545.17 Men and things two centuries ago. Munsell 1876 . . 4401.12 IstPresb.Ch. History. 124pp. Blayney.1877 . . .have Albany Co., N. Y. Anti-rent movement, etc. Barnard 1846 Review of anti-rent decisions (1858) . V620a.4 Albany, O. Manual Labor University. Cir cular 1864 Albion, 111. Letters containing account of. Flower 1822 Alexandria, Va. Episc. Theol. School dedi cation 1859 . . . have Alleghany Mts.,Pa. The mountain. Jack son 1860 Allegheny City, Pa. Flood relief com tee report 1874 Account of. Swift 1876 . . 5541.55 Allegheny Co., Pa. Chronol. table of judges, etc. McFadden 1848 Allen Co., Ind. Gazetteer, etc. Bailey . . 1867 Allen township, Pa. Presb. Ch. History. Clyde 1876 . . 5549.88 Amenia, N. Y. Early history. Reed . . . 1875 . . 4378.17 176 Shelf. No. Amherst College Comments on Wms. Col lege memorial 1824 . . . have Brief account of origin N.D. Substance of two reps, of faculty . . . 1827 . . 4387.19 Popular descr. of cabinet, etc 1848 . . 4387.19 Install., etc. Pres. Stearns 1855 . . . have Notice of Shepard cabinet. Shepard . 1859 . . 4387.19 - Physical culture in. Allen 1869. .4387.72 Semi-centennial 1871 . . 2 i86.11 Opening of Walker Hall 1871 . 4492.14 - Roll of graduates, etc. (rebellion) . . . 1871 . . . have Rev. A. Dickinson s services. Eastman.1872 . . .have - College church manual. 49 p 184S . . .have Andover. Phillips acad. : remonstrance to trustees 1853 . . 4495.72 - Theol. sem.; wants of 1856. . 4485.5 Punchard free school: Dedic. address. Fuller 1856 . 5590a.35 - Phillips acad. : half-cent l of Philo- mathean Soc 1875 . . 4391.22 - Memorial discourse. Bartlet Chapel. Taylor 1876 . . 4392.6 - Sermon, dedic. new chapel Theol. Sem. Smyth 1876 . 4392.6 - Phillips Acad. (in New Engl. Acads., etc.). Hammond 1877 Annapolis, Md. Hist. Sketch. Soley . . . 1876 . . 2386.18 Ann Arbor, Mich. Review of connection with Univ. of Mich. Tappan .... 1864 . 6397.3+ Report on collections in geol., etc. Winchell 1864 . . . have Univ. of Mich. Hist, sketch. Adams . 1876 . . . have Antioch College. See Yellow Springs. Appleton, Wis. Lawrence Univ. appeal for. 24 p. R. Smith 1859 . . 4496.21 importance of; a lecture. 21 pp. R. Smith 1860 . 4496.21+ Arlington. Report on intro. of water . . . 1871 . . . have Asbury Female College. See New Albany, Ind. Asbury University. See Greencastle, Ind. Ashford, Conn. Hist. Discourse. Dutton . 1864 Ashland, Ky. Presb Church; hist, sketch. 25 p. Bayless Astoria, N. Y. Charter, etc 1542 - Same 1869 Athens, O. Cemetery: dedication. Pratt . 1875 Ohio University; memorial of 1874 Gen. Catalogue (hist, sketch) 1875 . . . have Athol. Home of ancient dead : address, cemetery. 2 p. Norton 1859 Atalanta, Ga., as it is. Wilson 1871 Auburn, N. Y. Theol. Sem. : hist, cata logue 1871-2 . . 4484.53 Centennial demonstration. Jan. 1 ... 1876 . . 4373.57 Same. July 4 1876 . . 4373.57 - 1st Presb. Ch. : history. 75 p. Hawley.1876 . . 5543.64 Avon, Conn. 12 years ministry. Hubbell . 1853 Avon, X. Y. Sulphur Springs; description, etc. 95 p. Salisbury 1845 Ayer. Townhouse: dedic. oration. Tseed- hara 1876 . . 4333.17 Baltimore, Md. Fern. Iluinnne Oath. Char. School : brief acct. 23 p 1803 Merchants living and dead. 1786-1806. Woods. Strictures on Colleges, partic. St. Mary V. 1806 Fern. Humane Asso. : brief statement . . 1807 History of the Mob of 1812. [Winches ter] 1812? Brief statement, etc., bridge at Conno- wingo Creek. 12 p 1816 Warning to citizens (on a pauperism eoc y). ISp 18:1 Exhibit of losses (U. 8. Branch b k) under Buchanan, etc 1823 . . 7686.24 Proceedings on intercourse with West . 1827 . . . have Canton Co. : prospectus 1820 . . . have Coriesp on Bk. of Md 1834 . . 6642.37 Reply to "Exposition" (Bk of Md.) Johnson & Glenn 1834 . . 5642.37 Intl. improvement convention : journal . 1835 . . 4:377.50 Meeting of friends of liberty, proc gs Life in Baltimore, by Paul Pry, jr. . . . 1837 1848 Md. Institute : charter, members, etc. . 1851 . . . have Commercial Convention. Dec. 18 ... 1852 City Loan for B. & O. R. R. Co (1854?). .have Board of trade on impr. of Patapsco River 1854 . . . have Rep. of com rs on supply of water . . . 1854 . . . have Rep. of Mr. Bryeon on same 1855 . . . have Board of Trade: stat. of trade, etc., for 1857 1858 Rep. of agts. on sale, etc., of McDonogh estate 1859 . . . have Proceedings Union Meeting, Jan. 10, 1861. 1861 . . .have Brief acct. of 1st Un. Relief Asso. . . .(1865?). .have - B. & O. R. R. : Mr. Garrett s address . . 1865 . . . have Stranger in. Weishampel 1866 Concilii (R. Cath.) acta 1868 . . 5513.36 Peabody Institute : Address on organiza tion, etc 1870 . . 4487.3 Jones Falls : reports on improvement . . 1870 McDonogh educ. fund : reports . . . .1871. . .have - The Jones Falls improvement. 7 p. Winans 1872 The Jones Falls question. Winans . . 1872 East Bait. : mem. for extens. of Patterson Park 1872 . . . have Bait. Baptist Asso. : history. 35 p Jones.1872 . .6543.69 Johns Hopkins Univ. : charter, etc. . . . 1S74 . . . have Report, canal to Ch. & O. Canal .... 1864 . . 8010.16 Johns Hopkins hospital : plans 1875 . . 3762.54 Univ. : Inaug of Pres. Oilman 1876 . . . have 1st ann. rep 1876 . . . have Office circulars, 1-5 1S76 . . . have 178 Shelf. No. Bangor, Me. Affairs of Bangor banks. 16 p. 1822 . . 5647.9 - Farewell sermon. Allen 1857 . 6088.206 Theol. Sem. : half-centennial address. 16 p. Pond 1870 Bangor Business Almanac, with hist. sketches, etc 1875 Baraboo. Wise., and its water-power. Cantield 1871 Baraboo and Devil s Lake, Wise. Hist. French 1876 Barnstable. Conference, etc., hist, sketch of churches. 2d ed. [Pease.]. . . .1846. 5450a.85 Bartholomew Co., Ind. Directory and hist, sketch. Cline & McHaffie .... 1874 Batavia, 1ST. Y. Hist, of Union Free School No. 2 1876 Baton Rouge, La. Univ. of La. : hist. sketch of Med. Dept. Chaille .... 1861 Battle Creek, Mich., Cong, and Presb. Ch. Parting Words. Wishard 1870 . . . have Beaver City, Pa. (an account). 36 p. Gould. 1836 Bedford, N. H. Presb. Church : centl. hist. discourse. Tyson 1876 . . 3547.56 Bedford, X. Y. Presb. Church : brief hist. Heroy 1874 . . . have Belfast, Me. History. Williamson .... 1877 . . 2334.54 Beloit, Wis. Beloit College: 10th anniver sary 1857 Quarter-centl. anniversary 1872 . . 4386.60 - Hist, sketch 1876 . . 4393.25 Bennington, Vt. Address. 52d Anniv. of Battle. Reach 1829 Battle monum. and celebr. ; statem. of Hist. Soc. and Hall s ace. 20 p 1877. . .have Statement by Monum. Asso. 8 p 1878 . . . have Cent l hist, of battle. 72 p. Coburn . . 1877 . . . have BentonCo., Mo. Sk. of history. 76 p. Lay . 1876 . .2377.21 Berea, Ky. Berea College: a hist, sketch. 40 p 1869 Berea College : a history 1875. .2386.16 Berea College. 12 p 1873(?) .have Elements of collegiate success, etc. 19 p. 1872 . . . have Berkshire Co. Address to inhab s on op position to civil government. 28 p. . . 1778 . . 2359.51 Baptist Asso. : minutes and history . . . 1876 . . . have Berlin. Memorial record of soldiers . . . 1870 . . . have Berlin, Ct. Sermons on burning of church. Woodworth 1848 Bethlehem, Pa. Crown Inn. Reichel . . 1872 Billerica. Statement to public on removal of dam 1860 . . . have Mr. Abbott s argt. on same 1862. . .have Petition for repeal of act for same .... 1862 . . . have Centennial oration. Nason 1876 . . 2352.69 Binghamton, X. Y. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist. disc. 50th anniv. Boardman .... 1868 . . 4376.29 Annals, reprint 1872 . . . have Black Rock, N. Y. Concise view .... 1836 . 4469a25 179 Shelf. No. Blendon, O. Presb. Ch., hist, discourse. Robertson 1876 . . 3541.64 Block Island, R. I. Hist, sketch. 62 p. Sheffield 1876 . . 4374.28 History. Livermore . . . : 1877 . . 2339.66 Blue Hill, Me. Cong. Ch. : centl. 35 p. .1874 Blue Rock, O. Disaster at 1856 Bolton. Centennial and address by Edes . 1877 . . 4353.19 Bolt on and Berlin. Joslln s argt. for an nexation to Hudson 1867 Boone County, Ind. Hist, address by Xeale, and ser. by Bishop, July 4 and 2, 76 1876 . . 4371.57 Boscawen, X. H. Procgs., centl. 27 p. . 1876 . . 4339.15 Boston. Description of town and harbor; with Armstrong s plan, 30 mis. round. Broadside. Fo date? Trial of Wm.Wemms (massacre). Hodg son 1770 Same. (London) 1770 Account of the late revolution. Byfleld . 1773 . . 4426.17 Same, ed. by Whitmore 4315.5 Humane Society : discourse to. Thacher . 1800 . . 3808.5 Christ Church : hist. acct. 39 p. Eaton . 1824 . 5543.33+ Bost. Fern. Asylum : ser. 25th anniv. Greenwood 1825 . . 5450a30 Hanover Ch. : hist., articles, etc 1826 Our chronicle of 1826 (poem) 1827 . Ph.v.166 Rights of commonwealth to ferries in har bor 1833 . . 6340.16 Benev. Frat. of Churches; discourse, 1st anniv. Channing 1835 . . 4163.8 Commonwealth s interest in bridges, etc., into Boston. 24 D 1835 . . 6340.16 Exposition, etc., for bank of 10 millions. 2d ed 1836 . . 5647.9 Northern mutual improvement soc y: const n, etc 1838 . . 4459a7 Hollis-Street Church controversy : Documents of the church. 8 p 1838 . . 4357.20 Ann. meeting, Sept. 2, 1839. 8 p. . . . 1839 . . 4357.20 Adj d meeting. Sept. 30, 1839. 4 p. . . 1839 . . 4357.20 Adj d meeting, Oct. 14, 1839. 4 p. . . 1839 . . 4357.20 Proc gsof mtg. of Mr. Pierpont s friends, and reply. 60 p (1839)4357.20+ Special mtg. of proprietors, March 9, 1840. 15 p (1840). 4163.9+ Corresp. on 2d Council, Oct. 26-Xov. 12, 1840. 23 p 1840 . 4357.20+ Reply of Mr. Pierpout s friends on dis solving connection. 8 p (1840) 4163.9+ First Free Coug.Ch. : brief history, etc. 1840 Proc gs in the controversy, etc., 1838, 1839. 60 p 1840? . 4357.20 Mr. Pierpont s remonstrance on ex parte council, etc. 23 p 1841 . . 4357.20 Mr. Washburn s arg. for Mr. Pierpont, and result of council. 120 p 1841 . . 4357.20 Proc gs of council. 384 p 1841 . 4163.9+ 180 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Report of com. of proprietors on result of council. 23 p 1841? .4357.20 Letter from pastor to friends, and reply. 23 p. 1841 4163.9 Corr. which terminated in Mr. Pier- pont s resignation 1845 . 4163.9+ Letter from the soc y, with documents. 40 p 1846 . . 4357.20 Remarks on letter. 22 p 1846. 4163.9+ Circular to proprietors, Dec. 17, 1846. 4 p 4357.20 Letter of Boston Asso., and reply of Mr. Pierpont 1846 . 4163.9+ Young Catholics Friend Soc y; constn., by-laws, members 1839 . 4459a.7 - The So. Bost. Unit. Ordination .... 1841 . . 4163.12 Bulh nch-St. Church ; two sermons. Gray.1841 5440a.86+ Letter to Mr. Gray (strictures on ser mons) 1841. .5544.61 - Letter to friends of Mr. Gray. (Pray) . 1842 . 7465.7+ Boston common (account). 63 p. . . .1842. .4459.19 Bost. Soc. of Nat. Hist.; notice of origin, etc. Gould 1842 . . 3872.4 Mt. Vernon Cong. Soc y; dedic. ser. Kirk 1844 . . 7460.11 Mass. Gen. Hospital; Trustees to public.1844 . . 7736.7 Mann s controversy with 31 school-mas ters: Remarks (of 31 school-masters) on Mann s 7th report. 144 p 1844 . 7594.4+ - Reply to Remarks. 176 p. Mann . . 1844 . 7594.4+ Observations on the Remarks. 16 p. Emerson 1844? . 5596.2 Rejoinder to Reply to Remarks. 55 p. .1845. . 5596.2 - Report of Primary school board com tee on Remarks. ]3 p 1844. 7594.4+ Common school controversy; three let ters of Mann, etc. 55 p 1844 . . 5596.2 - Report of Com tee of Asso. of masters, etc. 18 p 1845 . . 7594.4 Penitential tears, etc., by the Thirty-one. 59 p 1845 . 7594.4+ Rejoinder to 2d Section of Mann s Reply. 56 p. Shepard 1845 . . 5596.2 Rejoinder to 3d Section of Reply. 40 p. Greene 1845 . . 5596.2 Rejoinder to 4th Section of Reply. 64 p. Hale 1845 . . 5596.2 - Trinity Ch. ; statement of proceedings (Greene foundation). 23 p 1845 . 5520a.l3 Report on Greene foundation. 28 p. . 1846 . 5520a.l3 To the proprietors, etc. By a proprietor. Up 1846 . 5520a.l3 Proceedings, etc. (resig n of Mr. Wat son). 10 p 1846. 5520a.l3 Con espondence, wardens, etc., and rec tor, etc. 40 p 1846 . 5520a.l3 181 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Report of com tee on contract with rec tor. 54 p 1846 . 5520a.l3 To the proprietors, etc. (signed J. S. C. Greene, J. 8. Amory). 6p 1846. 5520a.l3 Proceedings, etc. (election of ass t min ister). 24 p 1847. 5520a.l3 Report of com tee of proprietors, Feb. 9, 1847. 33 p 1847 . 5520a.l3 The plea of contract urged by the rector, etc. 4 p N.D. . 5520a.l3 The plea of conscience, etc. 4 p. . . . N.D. . 5520a.l3 Letter to the rector, etc., M ch 23, 1846. 4 p N.D. . 5520a.l3 A few thoughts, etc. 4 p N.D. . 5520a.l3 Proceedings of proprietors and vestry. several meetings. 8 p N.D. . 5520a.l3 Proceedings, communic d to proprie tors, Ap. 10, 1851. 2 p N.D. . 5520a.l3 Rep. of com tee on accounts (sales of pews, Ap., 1846). 148 p 1846. 5520a.l3 Appendix to report on accounts. 29 p. 1846 . 5520a.l3 Remarks on report on accounts. 26 p. . 1847 . 5520a.l3 - Report of minority (Jackson & Bow- ditch) on caste schools 1846. . 4163.9 Perishing classes in; sermon. Parker . 1846 . .3443.22 Merc. Libr. Asso. ; catalogue with his tory 1846 . . 2136.4 Tremont St. Med. School : catal. and acct 1847 . . . have Ch. of Disciples: dedic. ser. (chapel). Clarke 1848 . . 7460.11 - Moral condition of; sermon. Parker . . 1849 . . 3443.22 Spiritual condition of ; sermon. Parker. 1849 .. 3443.22 Argument (separate colored schools). Sumner 1849 . . 5596.20 Declaration of colored citizens (broad side; on Fug. Slave Law) 1850. . 4400a.8 Argt. for Catholic church on jail-lands. Bowditch 1853 . . 4289.37 ST.E. Fern. Med. Coll. ; circ. to House of Reps 1853 . . 7578.8 Rendition of A. Burns. Bowditch. . .1854 B.160a.32 Categorical acct. of fern, med.* college. Gassett 1855 . . 7578.8 Anti-Slavery meeting in Stacy Hall : pro ceedings. Yerrinton 1855 . . 5572.34 Proceedings, presentation meeting (col ored children in schools) 1856 . . 5596.20 Bowdoin-St. Church; arts, of faith, hist., etc 1856 Free city hospital : report 1857.5765.68+ Ordinance for 1857.5765.68-4- Farewell ser., St. Paul s Ch. Vinton . . 1858 5470a.l5-f Outline plan for free city hospital. Clark.1860 . . 5796.9 St. Paul s Roy. Arch Chapter : by-laws and biog. sketches I860 . . 5569.17 Mass. Char. Mech. Asso. annals. Buck ingham N.D. . 4451.7 182 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. Our modern Athens, etc. (poem). 70 p. Clark I860 . . 2407.56 Church of the Advent: ser., 16th anniv. Belles I860 . . 6452.64 Bank of mutual redemption : rep. of in- vestig. comm 1862 . . . have Statement of the cashier 1862 . . . have Statements, etc., of pres. and directors .1862 . . . have Bowdoin-St. Ch. : sermon at closing house. Adams 1862 . . 5440a.3 St. Paul s Royal Arch Chapter : by-laws and biog. sketches. Dame 1864 . . 5569.17 Address of State Temp. Alliance on State police for Boston 1864 . . 5573.60 Report on organiz. of overseers of poor. 1864 . . 6348.15 Chronol. hist, of watch and police. 2d ed. Savage 1865 . . 6348.2 State House. Pulsifer 1865 . 4489a.60 N. E. Fern. Med. Coll. : Memorial to legisl. Batchelder 1866 . . 7578.8 Circular to members of legisl 1866. . 7578.8 Statement to patrons, etc 1866 . . 7578.8 Memorial of Trustees (Dr. Gregory s case) 1866 . . 7578.8 War against. Gregory 1866 . . 7725.1 - South Cong. Ch. : an. reps., 1866-7 . . . 1866 . . . have Evidence, etc., on gas. Yerrinton . . . 1867 . . 4452.16 Masonic temple : dedic. memorial. Strat- ton 1868 . . 3567.64 - Reception of Chinese Embassy 1868. . 4354.7 1st Ch.. Chauncey St. Ser. dedic. of ah house of worship. Ellis 1869 . . 7460.11 Report and statements on park .... 1869 . . 6351.9 Mass. Lodge F. M. : centl. and hist, ad dress by Slack 1870 . . 7565.9 Constitutional club : const., etc 1871 . . . have Social talk, his 25th anniv. Eddy . . . 1871 . . 5452.64 Circular on museum of fine arts . . . .1871. .4076.14 Charities of (8th an. rep. of overseers of poor) 1872 . . 6357.51 Mose Skinner s Great World s Jubilee . 1872 . . . have Martyred church (Trinity : Poem). Gill.1872 . 2409a.63 New banking system (rebuilding burnt district). 77 p. Spooner 1873. .5642.35 Cong. House : dedic. proc gs, hist., etc. . 1873 . . . have Churches, pastors, service hours, etc. . (1874) . Maps 29 Elevation of the poor (selections). Tuckerman 1874 . . 3578.67 Christ Ch. : hist. acct. 44 p. Bur roughs 1874 . . 5543.54 Hearing on petition of Citizens Gas light Co 1874 . . 4452.14 Old South Church. Testimony of Dea. Allen 1874 . . . have Speech of Mr. Hayes 1874 . . . have The Old South (letter of com tee) . . . 1874 . . . have Appleton Temporary Home : a record, etc. . . 1874 . . 3578.54 183 Shelf. No. Boston, continued. - Sketch, and of Cambridge. Ellis. . . .1875. G.309.25 - Hist, of Water Works, 1868-76. Fitz gerald 1876 G.292.2+ Medical libraries of Boston. 11 p. Chad- wick 1876 . . 2205.20 The alarm, night of Apr. 18, 1775. 10 p. Frothingham 1876 . . 2353.60 - Same. 2d ed. 12 p 1876. .23.360 Story of old elm on Common. 23 p. Waterston 1876 . . 4353.52 Surface drainage of metrop. dist. Fol- som 1876 . . . have Old South Loan Collection. 1st to 7th eds 1876 . G.301.3 Siege, etc., of Boston and Chn. Wheil- don 1876 . 2355.64-)- Oration, 4th of July, 100th anniv. Win- throp 1S76 . . 2355.67 Letters during occu. by British, 1775-6. Upham 1876 . . . have Letter on affairs in Oct., 1775 (reprint). Paine 1876 . . 2341.66 Donations under Port bill. Hoyt . . . 1876 . . 2351.59 Plan of burnt district and improve ments. Davis 1876 . . 4450.29 Hollis-St. Church from Byles to King. Chaney 1877 . . 3543.15 Paul Revere s Signal. 16 p. Watson . 1877 . . 2352.27 Humane Soc. : hist., premiums, etc. . . 1877 . . 5572.77 Old South meeting-house : history. Bur- dett 1877 . . 3543.58 Half centennial of Faneuil Hall Market. Wheildon 1877 . 2356.59 Sentry, or Beacon Hill. Wheildon . . 1877 . 2353.62+ West Church. The five ministers : a sermon. Bartol 1877 Trinity Ch : consecr. services. 76 p. . . 1877 . . 3545.23 Public rights in the Common. 64 p. . . 1877 . . . have The Suffolk Bank. 73 p. Whitney . . 1878 . . 3652.52 Wednesday eve. club : centl. celeb. 145 p 1878 . . 2356.60 Boxford. Discourse, his 25th anniv. 81 p. Coggin 1864 Braddock s Field, Pa. La bataille de Malanguele. 51 p. Shea 1860 Bradford. Acad. : memorial. Barrows . 1870 . . 4492.60 Centennial. July 4, 1876 1876 . . . have Bradford, Vt. History. McKeen .... 1875 . . 2338.51 Braintree. Soldiers memorial. 53 p. Thayer 1877 . . . have Branford, Ct. Cong. Ch. : half-centl. dis course. Gillett 1858 Brighton, X. Y. History of church ; 5 dis courses. 60 p. Page 1877 . . . have Brimfield, Address to selectmen, etc. 80 p. (Morse.) Ph.v.62 Bristol, Ci. Copper mines. 14 p 1864 184 Shelf. No. Bristol, Pa. St. James Ch. : sermon, 150th anniv. 20 p. Perkins 1851 Bristol, R. I. Memorial chapel of 1st Church. Osborne 1870 . . 3541.51 Retrospective of fourscore years. Shep- ard 1873 . . 3542.72 First Ch.: hist, sketches. Lane . . . .1872. .3548.74 Manual. Lane 1873 . . 0548 73 ,/ Rogers free library : dedication. 52 p. . 1878 . . . have Brooklyn, 1ST. y. Prison ships : interment of remains of 11,500 who perished . . 1808 Same, reprinted 1865 Dring s Recollections of 1829 Same, edited by Dawson 1865 Narrative of T. Andros 1833 Tomb of the martyrs. Romaine . . . 1837 - Narrative of E. Fox 1838 - Martyrs of the Wallabout. Taylor . .1855. . 4325.5 Account by Hawkins 1864 Letters on, with illustrative notes . . . 1865 St. Ann s Church : 2d solemn appeal. Ireland 1811 Ferries : Fulton Ferry : docs, on 1822 Statement as to 18^2 Acttoincorp 1825 Remonstrance 1825 Memorial 1831 Proceedings, etc 1835 Report on Union ferry 1839 Opinion on title to land 1843 Report on 1848 Report on ferry rights 1848 - Leases, by-laws, etc 1848 Report on ferry and water-rights . . . .1849 Reply to same 1851 Origin of ferry controversy 1851 - Statement in answer to reply of Un. Fer. Co 1852 Act of incorp. of Un. Fer. Co 1855 Silliman s argument, Un. Fer. Co. . . . 1857 Evidence on one-cent fare 1860 Act to incorp. village 1816 Trustees vs. Patchen 1831 v Lyceum : const n and-by-laws 1833 Hamilton Literary Asso., eonst n, etc . 1834 Recollections of. Johnson 1836 Atlantic Dock Co. : incorporation . . . .1840 - Prospectus 1840 - City Hall : report on 1842 New plan for 1845 Remonstrance agst. tunnelling Atlantic avenue 1844 Institute: charter, etc 1844 Wealthy men and women 1847 Directory to Greenwood 1852 Hints concerning Greenwood. Cleave- land 1853 . . 2379.59 So. Cong Ch. : case of discipline, etc. . .1854 City Manuals 1855 to 1871 185 Shelf. No. Brooklyn, continued. Strong Place Baptist Ch. : brief history, etc. 24 p 18.V7 Pacific dock co. : act to incorporate . . 1857 Acad. of music : charter, etc 1860 Water-works: documents and plans. .1864 Central Presb. Ch. : ser., his 14th anniv. Rockwell 1S65 . . 5543.68 Club : certif. of incorp 1866 Greenwood cemetery : history. Cleave land 1866 . . 4475.23 Long I. Hist. Soc. : members, sketch,etc.l867 Same 1868 St. Ann s Church: inaug. sermons . . . 1869 Past and present 1869 East R. bridge : reports ........ 1870-75 Church of Pilgrims : hist, sketch . . . .1871 Ch. of Holy Trinity: hist 1872 Battle of; a farce (repr. from 1776) . . . 1873 . . 4505.6 Plymouth Ch. : history. Thompson . . 1873 Silver wedding : services 1873 Pub. Schools : hist, sketch 1873 Greenwood Cemet. : directory. Cleave land 1873 44SOa.l4+ Handbook. Cleavelaml 1873 2379a.57+ Plymouth Church. Council of 1874 . . .1874 Beecher-Tilton scandal. Speech of B. F.Tracy 1874 Review of the case. Fairfield 1874 Reply to Fairfield. Raymond 1874 Review of the evidence 1875 Xon-conformity and protests of London Cong, ministers, in Beecher case. (Lond.) 1875 Uncontradicted testimony 1876 The A dvisory Council 1876 Report of the Beecher trial. Abbott. I nit n (2d) Church: 25th anniv 1876 Prospect Park reports. 1-14 V.D. Broome Co., X. Y. Hist, address. Burr . 1878 . . 4376.29 Brown, Door, etc., Go s., Wise. Re sources of 1870 Same , in German. Brunswick, Ga. [A description.] 12 p. Map Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin College. Our Alma Mater : address. Packard . . . 1858 . . 4485.23 Roll of Honor; members in the war . . 1865 . . . have Inaug. address. McKeen 1867 . . . have Rep. of Asso. of alumni in Boston, etc. 1869 . . . have Memorial Hall, history, etc 1873 . . . have Address. Cleaveland cabinet. Cleave land 1873 . . 4492 62 Class of 1853 : record. Wheeler .... 1873 . . 4392.70 Report to Alumni Asso 1873. . .have Publications of Pres. and Faculty 1802- Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Me. History. Wheeler 1878 186 Shelf. No. Bucks Co., Pa. History. Buck 1855 History. Davis 1876 Buffalo, N. Y. Annual statement of trade . etc , for 18o3. 24 p. Henderson . . . 1854 Same, by same, for 1854. 56 p 1855 Same, for 1856, 57, 63, 65, 69, 70 . 1857-71 . . 5646.57 Buffalo in 1836 and 1862. 41 p. Salis bury 1863 Prelim, list of plants of. Clinton . . . 1864 - Statement of trade, etc. for 1869, 1870. Same, for 1871, 72, 73 1S72-4 . . 5642.29 Report on Niagara Ship Canal 1871 Statement of trade, etc. for 1874 .... 1875 . . . have Buffalo Valley, Pa. Annals. Linn 1877 . . 2377.31 Bureau Co., Ills. Sketches. Watson . . . 1872 Burlington, Iowa. Procgs. of Rapids con vention 1852 Burlington, IN. J. Address, centl. tea- party. Pugli . . . 1874 Settlement of; an oration. 68 p. Brown . 1878 . . . have Burlington, Vt. Burl. Coll. : address of trustees 1846 . . 4386.54 - Same. 4th ed 1847 . . 4386.54 -First fruits 1840. .4386.54 Ends and objects of 3d ed 1848 . . 4386.60 Univ. of Vt. Address. Spalding . . .1854. 44947+ Byberry, Pa. Sketches of hist. Comly . . 1827 Cairo, Ills. Prospectus and engineer s re port 1S39 . . 4376.7 Proposals for loan to 1841 . . 4376.7 Calais, Me., and St. Stephen, (X. B.) Annals. Knowlton 1875 . . . have Cambridge. Harvard University. Cousin. and govt. of to 1742 4387.7 True reasons, etc. (election of Hollis prof.). Morse 1805Ph.v.256+ Memorial to legislature 1812 . . 7598.5 Observ. on plan for theol. educ. Chan- ning 1816 . . 4387.8 Memorial on constn. of corporation. Ware, etc 1824 . Ph.v.245 - Letter to J. Lowell on government of. Everett 1824 . Ph.v.245 Remarks on changes in. 2d ed. Tick- nor 1825 v.lofE.224.6 Report on a plan for studies 1830. . 4387.8 Speech on theol. faculty. Codman . . 1831 . 5440a.36 Same. 3d ed 1831 . Ph.v.411 ^ Consids. on library. Quincy .... 1833 . . 4387.1 Rep. (to overseers) on voluntary system in studies. 8 p 1841 . . 4387.8 Speech to overseers on Mr. Bancroft s report. 2d ed 1845 . . 4163.13 Plea for name "Harvard." Quincy. .1849. . 4129.9 Benefactors of med. school. Holmes .1850. . 4387.5 Report on powers, etc. of corpn. and overseers 1856 . . 4387.8 187 Shelf. No. Cambridge, continued. Opinion on sepnr. divinity school. Dewy 1856 . . 4289.54 Library : statement, new catalogues. Abbot 1863 . . 212S.29 Class of 1864, See s reports, 1-4 .... 1864-74.4486.59 Class of 18o5, See s reports, 1-4 .... 1865-75.2386.21 Roll of students who served in rebellion. Brown 1866 . . 4398.4 Class of 1857, 1st report 1866. . 4398.3 Library : brief descr. of catalogues. 50 copies 1867. .2128-31 Necrology, 1869-72 2346.54 Principles of rowing at. 44 p 1873. .4009.68 - Diog. sk. of graduates. V. 1. Sibley . 1873 . . 2343.50 Examination papers. Leighton 3599.63 Same. (2d and 3d eds.) 3599.81 Same. 4th ed 3599.81 ProluMones academiose, etc 1876 . . 2496.14 Rules, orders, and statutes, 1686. Re marks by Deane 1876 . . 4381.53 Class of 1876. See s 1st report .... 1876 . . . have Class of 1867. See s reports. 1-5 ... 1867-76.4386.74 - Harvard and its surroundings. King and Ivy 1878 . 2389a.56 Cambridge (town and city). Sermons, his 37th anniv. Holmes . . . 1829 . . 5640a.7 Mt. Auburn ; dedic. address (hist, app.) Story . . . 1831 . 4497.8+ Common, report on enclosing. 7 p. . . 1831 . . 6350a.7 Opinion of Supreme Court, etc 1835 . . 6350a.7 Mayor s address, first orgn. of city gov ernment. 16 p 1846 . . 6350a.7 Hist, of Dana Hill pub. schools. 20 p. Livermore 1849 . . 4359.29 - Report of committee of 1st Parish, 1847- 50. 12 + 18 p 6350a.7 Argt. ngt. incorp. of Belmont. Dana . 1857 1st Church. Lectures on history, of. McKenzie 1873 . . 3549.54 Cambridge in the centennial 1875 . . 2352.61 Poetic localities of. Stillman 1875 Theatrum majorum. Oilman 1876 . . 2355.60 History. Paige 1877 . . 2354.52 Camden, X. J. Sketch of. 80 p. Orr . . 1873 Campbell Co., Ky. History. 16 p. Jones . 1876 . . .have Canonsburg, Pa. Jefferson College: hist., etc. ,los. Smith 1857 Canterbury, Conn. 1st Cong. Ch. : hist. notices. 42 p 1853 . . . have Canton. Centennial address by Endicott . 1876 Canton, Conn. Centennial celebration . . 1876 . . 4352.15 Cape Fear, X. C. Address, Univ. of N. C. Davis 1855 . . 4386.57 Cape Qirardeau, city and co., Mo. Hist. and descript 1867 Cape Vincent, N. Y. Hist, sketch. 48 p. Pratt . 1876 . . 3545.20 188 Shelf. No. Cass Co., Ind. Meeting of pioneers. Aug. 1875. 8 p have Castine Me. Hancock lodge : hist. 35 p. Webster 18T2 . . . have Cayuga, If. Y. Presb. Ch. : hist. ser. Sew- all 1876 . . 3545.20 Cayugas, X. Y. Jesuit missions among, 1656-34. Hawley 1876 . . . have Cazenovia, X. Y. Presb. Ch. : hist, dis courses. 42 p. Torrey 1876 . . . have Central X. Y. Presbyterianisin in Synod of. Fowler 1878 Champaign, 111. 1 resb. Ch. : history. 9 p. Leyenberger 1876 . . 5545.76 Chapel Hill, X. C. Univ. of X. C. : 50 yrs. since, address. Hooper 1859 . . 4386.57 Address to alumni, etc. 8 p. Pool . . 1S71 . . 4386.76 The library. 8 p. Brewer N.D. . . 4386.76 Charleston, S. C. Trial of negroes for at tempt at insurrection. Kennedy . . . 1822 . . 4375.35 Ser. 14th anniv. dedic. 2d Presb. Ch. Henry 1825 . . 5543.41 Hist, of circular church. Yeadon . . . 1853 . . 4494.19 Fort Moultrie centennial. 24 p 1876 . . . have Charlestown. Bunker Hill. Impartial Nar rative (reprinted). 99 cps. Clarke . 1868 Gage s instructions, D Beruicre s narra tive, etc 1779 . . 4422.59 Battle of; a ballad 1811 . . 4577.56 - History of battle. Morsman 1830 . . . have Conditions of sale of house lots near Monument 1839 . Ph.v.280 - Battle of; a poem. 2d ed. Emmons . 1841 . . . 258.3 Same. 6th ed 1856 . . 2397.15 - - Same, llth ed 1867 . . 4508.39 Song by the British soldiers 1875 . . 2350.13 History of, with acct. of monument. Ellis 1875 . 2359a.53 Oration, June 17, 1875. Devens .... 1876 . . 2352.60 Hist, of B.H. Monument Asso. Warren.1877 . .2352.70 Harvard Church : discourse taking leave. Walker 1839 . . 4395.73 First Church ; history. 20 p. Miles. .1859. .7452.46 Rights, etc. ; true issue of convent ques tion. Curtis 1862 . 4390a.62 Stnte prison ; history. Haynes .... - Same. 2d ed 1871 . . 5579.31 Burning of the convent. (Privately printed.) 148 p. Whitney 1877.235,9a.60+ - Same. 2d ed. 198 p 2359a.60 Charlestown, X. H. History. Saunderson.1876 . . 233S.23 Charlestown, W. Va. Capital of W. Va., etc. 32 p. Strother 1872 Chartiers Church., Pa. Hist, address. Collier 1876 . . 5544.74 Chelsea. Sd Cong. Soc. ; dedic. disc. 2d ed. Robbins 1840 . . 4163.13 Roll of Honor . 1865 . . 6393.2 Chester, Pa., and vicinity. Martin .... 1877 189 Shelf. No. Chester, continued. Full descr. of tornado. 28p. Darlington.1877 Same. 2d cd have Chester Co., Pa. Church of Forks of Brandywine. 16 p. Grier 1849 Rock Presb. Ch. ; history. 39 p. Johns . 1872 Chicago, 111. Business directory and hist. account. Xorris 1844, 45, 46 - Trinity Ch.; consec. scr. Schenk . . .1864. .7451.57 Board of trade ; an. statements, lst-18th, for 1858-1875 1859-76 . 4377.5 Univ. of ; addresses and appeals for . . .1867. . .have Speeches, Wilkinson, Tribune libel suit.1869 . . 7685.12 An. review of live stock trade for 1871, "72; (6th and 7th). Griffiths 1872-3.5993.55 Fergus s directory, 1839; hist, sketch, 1843; reprinted 1876 Early Chicago; lecture. 56 p. AVent- worth 1876 Balestier s lecture, 1840. ReprintC l . . 1876 Present and future prospects. Brown . 1876 Biog. sketches of early settlers. Parts 1,2 1876 Chillicothe, O. 1st Presb. Ch. History. Biggs 1877 Cincinnati, O. Lane seminary ; history . .1832 Union chapel; history In52 - St. Paul s Ch. ; reply of vestry to rector. 12p 1865 . . 5545.72 Great suspension bridge; hist 1867 - Exposition Guide. Kenny 1874 . 8079a.37 - Lane Sem. ; catalogue and hist, sketch . 1877 . . .have Cleveland, O. Plan, etc., for female sem inary. 26 p 1850 . . . have Trade, etc. ; ann. statement, 1865-6-7-8 . 1866-9 . 671 1 .32 - Rules of council; list of mayors, etc. 1836-71 1872 . . 6393.52 Clinton, Me. Sebasticook lodge. Hist. 19 pp. Hatch 1875 . . . have Coblesk^ll Centre, X. Y. Methodism in. 8 p. Shank 1864 . . 5558.2 Cohoes, X. Y. History. Hasten 1877 . . 2374.55 College Hill, O. Ohio Fern. College, Plan, reasons, etc 1862 . . . have Colby University. See VVaterville, Me. Collinsville, Ct. See Canton, Ct. Columbia, Mo. Memorial on Coll. of Ag- ric., etc 1869 . . . havo Univ. of Mo. Rep. on reorganiz n, etc. . 1871 . . . have I nau g. of Pres. Laws 1876 . . . have Columbia Co., N. Y. Civil list.; officers of Hudson from 1785. Terry 1876 Columbia, S. C. So. Car. Coll.; hist. La- borde 1859 . . 4385.63 Columbus, O. Ohio penitentiary ; hist. Mc- Ewen 1856 2d Presb. Ch. ; 5 yrs. minist. life. 24 p. Morris 1861 Presbytery, hist. Moore & Awl .... 1876 . . 5545.73 190 Shelf. No. Columbus, continued. - 2d Presb.Ch. : hist, address. Moore . . 1876 . . 5545.73 Columbus & Franklin Cos., O. Histori cal address. 95 p. Noble 1876 Concord. Appeal to Christian public. Green 1828 . . . have Corinthian Lodge; by-laws with biog s, sketches, etc. Burette 1859 Oration, Apr. 19, 1S75. Dana 1875 . . 2351.50 Centennial; also Ap. 19th in Literature. Whitney 1876 . . 2351.55 Cornish, Me. Greenleaf Lodge : history. 14 p. Clifford, etc 1873 . . . have Cornwall, 1ST. Y. History. Beach 1873 Cortland Co., X. Y. Hist. Goodwin . . 1859 . . 4379.42 Crawford sville, Ind. Wabash College: Inaug. of Pres. Tuttle 1862 . . 4395.84 Mission of Wabash Coll 1873. . 4395.8 4 Crawford Co., O. Concise history. In Bucyrus, etc., directory. Ward . . . 1875 Crown Point, N. Y. Hist., 1800-1874. Spaulding 1874 Cumberland Co., X. J. Report on case of I. Stratton (legislature) 1838 Cuyahoga Falls, O. Hist. Fairchild . . . 1876 Damariscotta, Me. Alna Lodge : history. 24 p. Hilton 1874. . .have Danby, Vt. History, and map. Williams . 1869 Danvers. Discussions (Brarnan and Whit- temore) 1834 Same. 2d ed 1834 . . 5467.7 Danville, Ky. Theol. Si-m : addresses, inaug. of professors 1875 . . 4393.26 Danville, Vt. Half-century sermon. Dud ley 1852 Dauphin Co., Pa. Hist. Soc. Addresses. 85 p 1876 Settlement, etc., of. Morgan 1877 Decatur, 111. History. 51 p 1871 Deerfield. Results of 2 eccl. councils. 16 p. 1813 . ^5549a.4o Address to Christian Public (ans. to above). 22 p 1813. 5549a.45 Comments on the address. 43 p. Wil- lard 1814 . 5549a.45 Deerfleld, N. J. Hist, of church in. 31 p. Davis 1873 . . 5545.75 Delaware Co., Pa. Earliest settlement by Presbyterians ; a ser. 28 p. Dale . . 187 1 . . 5544.76 Delaware River. Settlements on. Ferris.1846 . . 2372.50 Detroit, Mich. Chapter of war of 1812. Hatch 1872 . . 2329.67 Devil s Lake, Wise. Pen and pencil sketches. 23 p. Canfield n.d. Donegal and Carlisle Presbyteries, Pa. Discourse on History of. 36 p. Wing . 1877 . . 5545.74 Dorchester. Bd. of Health: rules, etc. Jarvis 1855 . . 6341.10 2d Church ; hist, discourse. 70th anniv. 28 p. Means 1878 . . . have 191 Shelf. No. Dover, N. H. Unitarian Ch. : opinions of Sup. Court in Hale vs. Everett .... 1874 . . 7686.22 Downington, Pa. Presb. Ch. ; hist, address. 28 p. Collier 1876 Dubuque, Iowa. History, mines, etc. Lang- worthy 1855 Dunstable. History. Xason 1S77 . . . have Dutchess Co., N. Y. History. P. II. Smith 1877 Duxbury 30 years ago. 30 p. H. Winsor . 1864 East Florida. Description ; and Bartram s Journal (London). Stork N.D. . . 4335.8 East Greenwich, R. I. History. Greene . N.D. EastHampton. Hist, address, etc. Lyman.1877 . .2354.53 East Hampton, X. Y. Copy of letter, etc. (revival). (London.) Buel 17rt4 East Hartford, Conn. Half-cent l of Cong. Sab. School. 50 p 1869 . . . have East Medway. Hist, discourse. Jameson. Easton, Pa. Lafayette Coll. in the war . . 1867 . . . have Address, dedic. of Pardee Hall, etc. Raymond 1873 . . 4393.87 East Tennessee. Hist., etc., review. J. G. Smith 1842 . . 5998.22 East "Windsor, Ct. 1st eccl. soc.; history. Bartlett 1857 . . 5549.53 Elgin, 111. Hist, and Directory 1875 . . . have Elkhart Co., Ind. Hist, and atlas. Paul . 1875 Enfleld, Conn. Hist, sketch. 26 p 1876 . . . have Evansville, Ind. B d of Trade ; report for 1868 1869 Pairfield, Conn. West Asso. memorial to Gen. Asso. 8 p have Appeal of associated ministers .... have Fall River and its industries. Peck and Earl 1877 . . 4450.31 Falmouth, Me. See Portland, Me. Fitchburg. Statement, Railroad to Brattle- boro . 24 p 1844 . Ph.v. 234 Florence. Free Cong. Soc.; hist., etc. 16 p. 1876. . .have Fort I airfield, Me. Eastern Frontier Lodge. 18 p. Trafton and Durgin 1871 . . . have Fox River Valley, Wise. Resources, etc. 55 p. Reid 1874 Q-ambier, O. Hist. sk. of theol. sem. and Gambler College. 32 p. Bodine . . .N.D. Oorham, Me. Harmony Lodge, hist. 48 p. Emery 1870 . . . have Qreeley, Cal. 1st an. report, with history. 40 p 1871 Qreencastle, Ind. Asbury Univ.: Philol. soc. cat. and hist. 32 p 1855 Same, 1865. 63 p 1865 Greene Co., Ind. Early hist. 96 p. Baker. 1875 . . .have Greenfield, O. Cent l historical sketches. 16 p. Irwin and Crothers 1876 Greenwich, N. J. 1st Presb. Ch. ; centennial ser. 42 p. Junkin 1875 Groton. Early Groton settlers. 28 p. /Green 1878 . . . have 192 Shelf. No. Guernsey Co., O. Cent l history. 11 p. . 1876 G-uilford, Conn. History. Ralph Smith . . 1877 . . 4332.51 Hamilton Square, N. J. Hist. 42 p. West.1876 Hancock Co., Miss. Hist. ace. 16 p. Claiborno 1876 Hancock, N. U. Ser. 25th anniv. Bigelow.1876 Hardin Co., O. See in Dunkirk Business Directory. Harmony, Pa. Acc tof a society at. 12 p. Melish N.D. Harrisburg, Pa. Report on armed force in capitol, etc 1839 Visitor s guide. Orwig 1876 Harrison, Me. Early settlers, and history. 138 p. Ridlon 1877 . . 2338.54 Hempstead, N". Y. Annals, 1643-1832. 107 p. Onderdonk 1878 .. .have Hennepin Co., Minn. Old settlers asso. Address. 12 p. Neill 1877 Hudson, O. Proc gs, nnniv. of settlement. 24 p 1875 Huntington Co., In d. Hist, sketch .... 1877 Indiana Co., Pa. History. Taylor .... Indianapolis, Ind. Hist, sketch. 45 p. . .1857 M f g and com. resources, etc. 16 p. . . 1857 Sketches, etc. (sequel to Reminiscences). Nowland 1876 - 1st Presb. Ch. : manual and hist. 61 p. Greene 1878 . . . have Ipswich. Result of council 1806? .Vindication of result 1806? Reply to vindication 1806 . . . have Jefferson College. See Washington Co., Miss. Jersey Co., 111. Hist, sketch. Hamilton . Jersey City, N. J. Centennial, July 4, 1876. Kennebunk, Me. York Lodge; history. 66 p. Bryant 1871 . . . have Kennebunkport, Me. Arundel Lodge. 28 p. Bryant and Chadbourue .... 1870 . . . have Kent Co., Mich. Directory and history . . 1870 Knox Co., Neb. Hist. sk. 15 p. Draper.1876 .Lacrosse, Wise. Hist, address. 32 p. Seymour 1877 Lafayette, Ind. History. Hassam .... 1874 Lake Erie. Battle; answers to Burges. etc. 124 p. Cooper 1843 Lansingburgh, N. Y. History. Weise . 1877 . . 4374.32 La Porte Co., Ind. History. Packard . . 1876 Laramie City, Wyoming. History. 91 p. Triggs 1875 Lawrence, Ks. Revival in. 47 p. Hammond. 1872 Lehigh Coal and Nav. Co., Pa. History. 69 p 1840 . . 5862.52 Lexington. Battle, and personal recollec tions. (Keprint.) 19 p. Muzzey . .1877. .4352.23 Lincoln, It. I. Hist, sketch. Greene . . . Londonderry, N. H. Cent l discourse, 1876. Pert have 193 Shelf. No. Long Island, X. Y. Report; uniting bays bycan:fl,etc 1848 (Account of.) 23 p. Jones 1863 Los Angeles Co., Cal. Hist, sketch. 88 p. Warner 1876 Louisville, Ky. Cent l report of business. 32 p. Hogeland 1876 . . . have Lowell. American factories, etc. Scoresby.1845 . . 196.21 Handbook ( with Cooley s history). 238 p. 1871 . .2359.61 Lynn. Pirate s Glen and Dungeon Rock (poem). Ames 1853. .2399.48 Cent l memorial. 250 p. Xewhall . . .1876. . .have McDonough Co., 111. Hist. Clarke . . . 1878 . . 4373.C9 Madison Co., Ind. Hist. Harden .... 1874 Madison Co., X. Y. Hist. Hammond . . 1872 . . 4376.54 Madison, Wise. Univ. of Wise. : hist. sketch. 97 p. Carpenter 1876 Mansfield, O. 1st Presb. Ch. : hist, address. 22 p. Miller & Bonar 1876 Medina, Summit & "Wayne Cos., O. District Hist. Soc. 1st Report. 16 p. . 1877 Memphis, Tenn. History. Davis .... 1873 . . . have Menominee Co., Mich. Cent l history. Ingalls 1876 Merom, Ind. Union Ch. College: reunion exercises, lit. soe s, etc. 62 p 1876. . .have Mi^dlebury, X. Y. Tragical narrative, etc. 18 p. Hovey 1816 Milwaukee, Wise. (Account, in Dutch.) 16 p. Van Steenwijk 1851. . .nave History (in German). Koss 1871. . .have - Old Settlers Club : address. 10 p. Lap- ham 1875 Milw. and Rock Isl. Canal, Wise. Doc umentary history. 156 p. Lapham . 1840 . . . have Monongahela, Pa. Presbytery: history, 1793-1876. 79 p 1877 . . . have Mt. Desert, Me. Mt. Desert Lodge. Hist. 14 p. Hanror 1871 . . . have Mt. Horeb Church, Fayette Co., Ky. Ser., 5uth anniv. 30 p. George . . . 1877 . . . have Mountain Meadows, Utah. Lee trial. 64 p 1875 Muskingum Co., O. Court-house; dedic n. 9J p 1877 Nashville, Tenn. Descr. of capital. 8 p. Dardis 1854 Naumkeag. (Salem, Marblehead, etc.) Webber & Xevins 1878 . . 2359.63 New Albany, Ind. Asbury Fern. Coll. : controversy. 189 p. Cooper 1853 Proc gs, opening. 71 p 1852 Newark, X. J. 3d Presb. Ch. : Proc gs, case of Guild. 99 p 1861 Newark, O. 2d Presb. Ch. : 40 years hist. Kingsbury 1876 New Haven, Conn. (Yale College.) Class of 1865; tri. and sexen. nitgs 1875 194 Shelf. No. New Haven, continued. Law dept. : hist, disc., etc. Woolsey andrierrepoint 1874 New Orleans, La. Pickings from portf. of reporter, etc. Corcoran 1846 . . 4507.59 Newport, R. I. Unit n Ch. : dedic. ser. Charming 1836 . . 7460.11 1st Bapt. Ch. in Prov., not oldest in Amor. Adlam 1850 . . -have New Scotland, N. Y. Presb. Ch. : history. McClure New York City. 1st Bapt. Ch. : ser. on origin of. Parkinson 1812 (1813?) - Ser. on the fire. Hugh Smith . .1835(1836?) Sabbath Committee ; account, etc. . . .1867 - Old Stadt Huys. 59 p. Gerard .... 1875 - As it is. Disturnell 1876 Niagara, X. Y. Hist, sketch. Porter Norfolk, Va. Fever at, and at Portsmouth. Bryant 1856 Yellow fever; report of Phila. physicians. 1857 Notre Dame, Ind. University : silver jubi lee. 266 p 1869 Oneida Co., X. Y. Early bar of. 48 p. Bacon 1876 Orange Co., N. Y., and Newburgh. Hist. Ruttenber 1877 Paddy s Hun, O. Hist, sketch. 20 p. Chidlaw 1S76 . . . have Passaic Co., N. J. Hist, sketch. 39 p. Nelson 1877 Philadelphia, Pa. Paxton boys affair : Let ter from Member of St. P 1 s, etc. . . 1764 Letter from Clergyman, etc. (answer to above) 1764 Cheat Unmasked : (rejoinder to above) 1764 The Scribler : Letter on Public Affairs 1764 Address of Quakers to J. Penu . . . 1764 Letter from Gentleman at Elizabeth- Town, etc 1764 Christian Letter to Presbyterian, Church and Quaker 1765 Manual schools, etc. [So entered in main list.] For manual, read medical . . . 1765 Almshouse : plan for government. 23 p. 1805 Museum : address of C. W. Peale. 23 p. 1816 Penitentiary and prison : present state. 14 p 1817 New Eng. Soc. : address May 1, 1820. 35 p. Nancrede 1S20 Address, May, 1824. 23 p. Bond . . 1824 Winter navigation of Delaware. 15 p. Jones 1822 Univ. of Pa.: Anatom. museum. 36 p. Homer 1824 Address to public. 7 p. . . ... 1829 Opening New College Hall. 56 p. De Lancey 1830 Saturniad : rise and fall of. 63 p. . . 1832 195 Philadelphia, continued. History. 112 p. Wood ]834 Inaug. of Provost Ludlow. 31 p. . . 1835 Faculty of Arts : remarks. 8 p. . . .1854 Second Commencement. 16 p 1854 Inaug. of Provost Goodwin. 30 p. . .1860 Presentation of portrait of 8. P. Wood. 17 p 1860 New building: cor.-stone, etc. lip. .1871 Special announcement. 16 p 1872 John Welsh testimonial. 70 p. ... 1877 - Trial of Friends. 154 p 1828 United Swedish Lutheran churches: charter and property. 16+8 p 1830 - Schuylkill River Navigation : rep. to council. 28 p 1832 Schuylkill permanent bridge, etc. 12 p. . 1833 Report on memorials against lighting with gas. 39 p 1833 Girard College : crowning abuse. 22 p. Chandler 1846 - Digest of acts and ordinances. 72 p. Arey 1851 Plan of education. Lieber 1834 Report on organization, etc. 55 p. . . 1S39 Inventory of property. 92 p 1842 Expediency of opening. 8 p 1842 Eighth anniv. Conrad. 21 p 1856 Inauguration of President. 32 p. . . .1863 Wills Hospital : opening. 28 p. Inger- soll 1834 Preston Retreat : cor.-stone. 12 p. . . .1837 Laurel Hill Cemet. : regulations. 20 p. 1839 Operatic and Dramatic House : rep. of com. 415 p 1839 Brief discourse. Phil-Ellena. 36 p. Carpenter 1844 County Prison : Inspectors Rules. 20 p. 1846 ./ Athenaeum: opening new hall; ad dress, etc. 47 p. Wharton 1847 Pa. Soc. Prom. Abol. Slavery : hist. mem. 116 p 1848 - Letter on founder of. 16 p. Smith . i 1852 Park for Spring Garden. 4 p 1853 Parnassus in Phila. 58 p 1854 New Hall, Chestnut st. : dedic. 55 p. . . 1856 Christ Ch. Hospital : cor.-stone. 23 p. . 1856 Hosp. for Insane : cor.-stone, etc. Wood. 30 p 1856 Opening. 26 p 1859 Fairmount Park : constitution 1856 Design for. 12 p. Saunders 1859 Hotel Folly. (Continental.) 30 p. . . . 1857 - Lodge No. 2 A. Y. M. : cent l. 43 p. . . 1858 Hibernia Fire Co.; supplem. statement. 28 p 1858 Chestnut & Walnut St. Railway. 94 p. 1858 St. Paul s Ch. : cent l. 59 p. Newton . 1860 196 Shelf. Nc Philadelphia, continued. Water Works: history, an. rep. of en gineer. 115 p 1860 Central High School. General cata logue. 134 p 1861 Almshouse : medical hist. 52 p. Agnew.1862 Commercial Relations; Ocean Line. Baldwin. 14 p 1863 - City Bounty Fund Commission : report. 161 p 1864 - Sanitary Fair : memorial. Stille .... 1864 Bartram Garden : account, lip. James. 1864 Purchase of ground for park. 16 p. Nutter 1865 Ainer. Phil. Soc. List of members. 56 p 1865 Surviving members. 22 p 1878 - Entomolog. Soc y; address. 6 p. . . .1865 Street Cars : exclusion colored people. 27 p 1866 Sunday Horse Cars : opin. of Judge Read. 27 p 1867 Address to Public 1866 Sabbath Question 1868 Bar; dinner to Judiciary. 80 p 1867 Hollingsworth School; dedic. Shippen. 31 p 1867 Lodge No. 3 A. Y. M. ; cent l. 12 p. Ingram 1867 Reports on bridging Delaware River. 28 p 1868 New Masonic Temple. Broad st. : cor. stone. 16 p 1868 Franklin Lodge. Hist. 60 p 1868 - St. Matthew s Ch., Francisville. Sketch. 16 p 1868 50th anniv. 14 p 1875 Fountain Society : rept s and address, 1869-70. 29 p - Same, 1873-4. 21 p SdPresb. Ch. : report of cent l (" Leaves from Century Plant"), 215 p. Allen . 1870 - Bar. list of. 7 p 1871 Bar-meeting, retirement of Judge Stroud. 19 p 1871 Bar, dinner to Ch. J. Thompson. 61 p. . 1872 - Columbia H. R. Arch Chapter No. 91. Seml-cent l. 24 p 1872 Hat Honor : Judge Allison and the Quakers. 16 p 1874 District Court: proc gs, final adjourn ment. 34 p 1875 A cad. Fine Arts: cor.-stone, new build ing. 18 p 1872 Tnaug. new building. 22 p 1876 - St. George s Hall : opening, address. Mitcheson. 16 p 1876 Carpenter s Hall. Historical memories. 12 p 1876 197 Shelf. No. Philadelphia, continued, Jefferson Med. Coll. Hospital, opening. Gardette. 11 p 1877 - Battle of Germantown : hist, address, cent l. Lambdin 1878 Piney Creek and Emmettsburgh, Pa. Presb. Churches. Siminton 1876 Pittsburgh, Pa. Olden Time. See Ohio, head of. Braddock s defeat (poem) 1839 Board of Trade: ami. address, 26 Jan. 1841. McCandless 1841 Same, 24 Jan. 1842. Loomis 1842 - Directory for 1841-2, with history. Har ris - Rep. of Com. on Fire relief fund. 44 p. .1845 Western Univ. of Pa. Dedication and addresses by Riddle and Upfold. 25 p 1846 Allegheny Cemetery : 1st report ; address by McCandless 1849 Trials of Hazeii, etc. (Small note law) . 1864 Quarterly trade circular, Apr. 1858. 24 p. Thurston 1858 St. Peter s Ch. : sermon, 7th auniv. Van Densen 1859 Hilldale Cemetery : origin, etc. 29 p. . . 1859 Board of Trade : rep. on tonnage tax. 37 p 1859 Rep. on R. Road discrimination. 32 p. . 1860 Orphan s Home (and Farm school at Zelianople). Report, and hist. 1852-60. 69 p 1860 Statistics of churches of and vicinity. 9 p 167 8th II. P. Church : hist. ; a sermon. Sands 1871 2d U. P. Church : from 1793 to 1876. 26 p.1876 1st U. P. P. Church : hist, and anniv. ser. 24 p. Reid 1876 Plymouth. Peep at the pilgrims in 1636 (tale). Cheney 1850. . .434.1 Plymouth, Pa. 1st Presb. Ch. : anniv. disc. White 1876 Posey Co., Ind. Cent, hist., sketch and oration. Hovey and Edson 1876 . . . have Pottstown, Pa. Centennial celebration. Davis 1876 Reading, Pa. Address before Lit. Soc. 21 p. Richards 1851 - High School : First Annual Rep. 24 p . 1853 Directory and hist, sketch. Knabb . 1856-7 Ourselves. A poem. 15 p 1858 First Pres. Church: hist. disc. Rad- cliffe 1876 Ridley Park, Pa. Plan of town, etc. . . . 1877 Roxbury. Review, etc., as to Catholic School. 62 p. Hale 1855 . . 4358.14 198 Shelf. No. . . have . . have Salem. First Church in; 1634. 32 p. . . .1871 - Corr. in relation to Third Church. 44 p.1847 Stroudsburg, Pa. 1st Pres. Church. Anniv. disc. Wallace 1877 Colonel Jacob Stroude, founder of . . . Susquehanna, Pa. Presbytery of. Corss . 1875 Ten e Haute, Ind. Advantages for manuf . 21 p N.D. Tioga (Old) Pa. 90 years of existence. Rolfe 1877 Townsend. History. Sawtelle. 1878 2354.57 Torrington, Conn. Hist. Orcutt ..... 1878 . . 4335.79 Trappe, Pa. Church of Augustus Muhlen- borg 1861 Ccnten. celebration. Richards .... 1843 Upper Merion, Pa. Swedes Church: hist. sermon. Perinchief 1873 Valley Forge, Pa. One hundred years ago. Bean 1876 Virginia, north-eastern. Chronicles of Bor der -warfare. Withers 1831 W abash Co., Ind. Hist, and atlas. Paul . 1875 Washington Co. and Char tiers, Pa. Pres byteries of 1876 I U \ I J GO u<- V \ * * -n Tr \ t l\ \o". V \ v \> ^ % ^ >,. A , ICs i -, -v