D864:d; 1877 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY G 000 005 392 6 O la - O ,/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES DISEASES of CHINA; CAUSES', CONDITIONS, AND PREVALENCE CONTRASTED WITH THOSE OF EUROPE. JOHN DUDGEON, M.D. P E K I N. G L A S G O ^V : rrp^ DUNN & WRIGHT 176 BUCHANAN STREET, 3^ And 102 STIRLING ROAD. /f (^ 1877. J^-U THE DISEASES OF CHINA5 THEIR CAUSES, CONDITIONS, AND PREVALENCE, CONTRASTED WITH THOSE OF EUROPE. Br JOHN DUDGEON, M.D., PEKIN, GLASGOW: DUNN & WRIGHT, 17G BUCHANAN STREET, AND 102 STIRLING KOAD. 1877. Ukuy 110 . Read nEFORE the MEDICO-CHIEUEGHCAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW, Febrcarv Snp, 1877, AND Reprinted from '-THE GLASGOW MEDICAL JOURNAL' of April AND July, 1S77. THE DISEASES OF CHINA THEIR CAUSES, CONDITIONS, AND PREVALENCE, CONTRASTED WITH THOSE OF EUROPE. BY JOHN DUDGEON, M.D. PEKIN. The subject of the present paper is a large and important one, and the time at my disposal will only admit of a very cursory glance at so large a theme. My object is to point out some of the more obvious of the differences in the diseases of the east and the west, and if possible to indicate the causes that are operating to produce these changes. On account of the great antiquity of the Chinese nation, the vitality of the Chinese, the great population, territory and range of climate, the field in a medical point of view is specially interesting. What, however, is predicated as true of China will hold true to a greater or less extent of all Asia, and so in like manner, we might safely argue from any one European country to all the rest. The question of disease becomes, therefore, of importance in relation to race, so similar and yet so different are the Oriental and Occidental types of disease. The Asiatic customs and social peculiarities, in my opinion, con- duce to a higher vitality and a greater freedom from acute and inflammatory affections. On that continent life is more quiet and easy ; the Asiatic drinks less stimulating pota- tions, eats simpler food, keeps better hours, marries earlier, takes more care of himself ; his passions are more subdued, and his whole life and its actions more under the control of reason and religion. Race thus modifies disease, and vice versa. The climate and physical features of a countiy, and the food and the diseases which depend thereupon and which destroy or impair vitality, are the principal influences direct- ing the development of the permanent characters of a race, and the chief agents consequently by which race is propa- gated and type constituted. Physiological peculiarities are more acquired than primitively impressed. The acquired and transmitted qualities, with the existing social customs, are amply sufficient factors for tlie production of every variety or degree of vitality which may distinguish any race. These peculiarities affecting stature, health, and duration of life are more dependent upon the combined influences of food and customs, acting through many ages, than mere climate alone. Simple hygienic precautions which we find efficacious in one country are useful in others, and with proper atten- tion to such rules the deadly effects of climate disappear. The cultivation of temperance in all things, general sober- ness of life, and all else that would prove useful to us in Eiu'ope in enabling us to remain vigorous to resist malign influences, is of equal value to us in the East. "We are in the habit of speaking of a certain invariableness in the type of disease — like causes producing like effects — that disease retains this type in all forms of civilisation, in all climes and all ages. Very few diseases have appeared, very few have disappeared. Some have become graver in certain localities, countries, and civilisations than others, but sporadic cases of any disease assume the same type as the same disease in its epidemic or endemic form. Although this is undoubtedly true, it is nevertheless also true that many diseases which were either rare or almost unknown have sprung into no- toriety and have assumed severer forms, and have added greatly to our mortality bills. Although this invariableness of the type of disease still exists in certain nadons and indi- viduals, we are accustomed to speak of the rise of such dis- eases as small-pox, diphtheria, cholera, and syphilis ; of the extension of certain diseases to regions where they were before miknown, as, for example, rubeola into the South Sea Islands ; and of the entire disappearance or great diminution of diseases once prevalent, as e.g., ague, leprosy, and small- pox in our own country, by means of drainage, better cultiva- tion of the soil, improved modes of living, discovery of vac- cination, &c. And so we find disease bounded by both time and space, developed in some parts of the earth, undeveloped in others ; some developed in all parts, some confined ex- clusively to certain regions and completely absent from others, and all modified by the peculiarities already adverted to. Notwithstanding, however, this amelioration in the symptoms and total abolition of certain diseases, caused by our improved civilisation, this same civilisation, as exhibited in our present modes of life and surroundings — the true causes and explanation of the so-called change of type of which we so often hear — have produced a large train of diseases that either did not exist, or existed only to a very limited extent a century ago, such, e.g., as the various nervous, cardiac, and, generally speaking, acute diseases. It cannot be altogether true, as is sometimes asserted, that these dis- eases may have existed, but were unknown owing to the imperfect state of medical knowledge and our means of diagnosis at that time. There would seem to be a law of the increase and diminution or total disappearance of certain affections in proportion to the state of civilisation. If this be so, I fear our present review will not prove favourable to our highly civilized and artificial life and its luxuries. The great strides made by European nations, and ourselves in particular, in trade and international intercourse with the ends of the earth, by virtue of our discoveries and inventions, whatever else may have been done in adding to the sum of human happiness and comfort, have not tended, either among ourselves or nations lower in the scale of civilisation, to longevity or the diminution of disease, but rather the reverse. The immediate efi'ect is naturally that of propa- gating zymotic and other diseases, and that frequently, too, of a more vu'ulent type than may previously have existed, into countries to which the spirit of commerce, colonisation, and civilisation may have led us. The ultimate efi'ect will doubtless be to become better acquainted with the etiology of disease, and so by applying the means of cure or preven- tion, to stamp out, modify, and limit many of our present well-known diseases. To enable tlie reader to understand and contrast the conditions of disease in China with those of Europe, it will be necessary to describe as briefly as possible the various matters recognised as influencing or causing disease, such as the sanitary state of the country, the food, drink, habits, and social customs of the people ; for it is here, I think, where the chief difierences will be found to exist, and so by contrast and inference to point out some of the causes of prevalent diseases in the West, and the errors of modern European life. It is in this department of the controllable diseases that our profession ought to take, and I am happy to say is taking, the initiative, as the prime ministers of the health of the nation. It is ours to lay down the law to our patients, the community, and the state ; to teach what our medical science and experience have made plain to us, and to show how the various phenomena of disease from these social causes may be modified or altogether avoided. We have, unfortunately, no powers to compel their acceptance but we can appeal to reason, common sense, and self-interest, and I believe we could do more in this direction than we are at present doing. I dismiss the argument that such a course would be opposed to our self-interest as not entitled to a moment's consideration, and as quite opposed to the ideal of our profession. Climate. — From the gi-eat extent of Chma proper, or the eighteen Provinces, stretching from about 20° to 42° of lati- tude, and 97° to 122° of East longitude, and with a surface of over 500,000 square miles (not to speak of the still greater Chinese Empire, stretching through 11'^ of longitude, and 40*' of latitude), we have every degree of climate and tem- perature, from the cold of Sweden to the heat of Italy. The country resembles, in the North at least, the climate of the American Atlantic States. In such a vast extent of territory we may expect to find all the diseases to which we are accus- tomed in Europe, and although my own experience is almost solely derived from Pekiu and North China, still I shall make free use of the results and observations of others in Central and Southern China, such as we find in these increasingly valuable Customs' half-yearly medical reports, and those of the various mission hospitals. The country is traversed from East to West by two mighty rivers, both of which occasion frequent and destructive inundations. The Chinese have greatly improved the advantages furnished them by their rivers for irrigation and navigation by digging canals. The Himalaya mountains may be said to divide Asia into North and South portions totally different from each other. China and North-Eastern Asia generally resemble more the northern part, and from its elevated position, bordering on snowy mountains, and the regions of intense cold, China has a pretty rigorous climate, especially in the northern half. The monsoons of the tropics are felt but slightly, except in the extreme South. On the whole the climate may be said to be salubrious, invigorating, and favourable to longevity, without the great rigour of more northern regions and the enervating influences of the more southern. The average temperature of the whole empire is lower than that of any other country in the same latitude. More than the half is mountainous, chiefly in the South and West — the great plains are in the East and N.E. Cultivation is carried to a great extent everywhere — there is no meadow or pasture land. It is the most fertile of all the countries of Asia, though it owes much of its productiveness to its inhabitants. So much for a few general preliminary remarks on the geography and climate of the country as a whole. Other points of more interest medically will be referred to in the course of the paper. Sanitary Condition, Sewage, Drainage, and Typhoid Fever. — China may be said, in a word, to be totally destitute of sanitary science. Take the following as a specimen of the condition of sanitation at Canton. Dr Wang is speaking of typhoid fever, and he says he saw only two cases during a period of more than 10 years. He has seen many cases of remittent and intermittent fevers, but never one of typhoid. It may therefore be safely affirmed that this disease is not at all prevalent, although we should expect a different state of things, as the causes that are usually supposed to produce typhoid fever are in full operation. In Canton large num- bers of the natives are daily using water and inhaling air charged with the impurities of human excreta, apparently with utter impunity. River water is greatly used, and that used by the boat population along the different jetties is extremely filthy, and must be largely contaminated with human and other impurities. They do not suffer from diarrhoea and fever more than others, but rather less. The filthiness of the creeks which ramify into different parts of the city are much worse than this. He gives one illustration of a creek near the foreign settlement which has been under his observation for some years. It is narrow, crowded with boats — innumerable houses on each side — the alvine dejec- tions and other impurities of thousands of inhabitants along it are daily discharged into the stream, yet the water, too dirty even for washing, is daily used for culinary purposes without being filtered, or is precipitated with alum as is done elsewhere. Here we should expect the prevalence of such diseases as typhoid and diarrhoea among the inhabitants occurring often enough to excite attention, but their very impunity is one of the reasons for their continuing to use the water. He adds, a detailed examination of this creek and the disgusting habits of the inhabitants would almost un- settle one's ideas of the connection between typhoid fever and polluted water. I can myself corroborate every word of this as witnessed at Tientsin, in the North, where a similar condition of things exists. Or take another witness, Dr Reid, at Hankow, in Central China, on the Great River Yangtse. Speaking of the same fevers of the intermittent and remittent type which are so prevalent in China, the latter especially, he says — " The failure to discover any type of exanthematous fever is scarcely what might have been anticipated, knowing the filthy condition of the houses and streets, the density of the population, and the poverty in many quarters of the native city. It might have been pre- sumed that the haunts of enteric fever at all events would have come to light, seeing that the products whence its organisms are supposed to be derived and nourished abound in many directions. This will be readily acknowledged if allusion be made to two of the more active and constant sources of impurity — viz., the emanations from the latrines and drains. The latrines are of course numerous — con- structed without regard to cleanhness, and nothing is used to interfere with the results of decomposition. Their con- tents are allowed to accumulate for three or four weeks until the large, deep open troughs underneath are filled, and they are then disposed of to the farmer or gardener and carried to the jetties in uncovered buckets, often during the day. While the process of emptying the troughs is going on the neighbourhood is saturated with odours of the most intense description, and which defy the tolerance of even! well- blunted olfactories. The boys in an adjoining school, who never smelt fresh air, were obliged to have their nostrils stopped or compressed during successive days to exclude the stench. Notwithstanding the apparent undesirable character of the locality, in some cases private dwellings and even restaurants doing a thriving business, may be seen attached to the latrines, and only separated by a wooden partition insufficient to oppose the entrance of polluted aii*. The drains are blocked up with accumulations of mud and debris. From the want of means to obviate the regurgita- tion of gases from the cesspools of the streets, connected with the courtyard or interior of the houses, these drains must contribute largely towards increasing the impurity of the houses. In the poorer quarters the open ditches are half filled with decomposing refuse and garbage, and exposing their nauseous contents close by the doors or even under the floors of the houses." He further adds — " These various prolific sources for the development of organic germs have been specially referred to in connection with the absence of enteric fever, because it may happen that in time evidence may be collected to prove or contradict an important theory in relation to this fever, that where malaria exists there is neutralisation or tolerance of the enteric poison." At Chefoo, 10 Dr Meyers reports "that the water is decidedly imsatisfac- tory, full of organisms, owing to the total want of circum- scribed cemeteries and the water percolating through the soil. The surroundings of the wells, moreover, are filthy, combined with dirty buckets and dirty water-carriers. Per- sons long resident here appear to suffer but little inconveni- ence from this state of affairs. There is no drainage, but at the same time I must confess that this appears to exer- cise no injurious influence over the sanitary state. There is total absence of all those deleterious effects which might be justly supposed to follow so dangerous a disregard of sani- tary laws." Amoy, according to Drs Miiller and Mans on, is superlatively dirty, streets narrow, irregular, and filthy in the extreme, and redolent of every impurity. Pigs and dogs are the sole representatives of the elaborate machinery of sanitation in use in European towns, and a scientific sani- tarian, with only home experience to guide him, would con- fidently predict the origin of epidemics and death. Yet the Chinese manage to live and thrive where he would hardly dare lodge his pigs. There is no typhus, no typhoid, or other disease, considered the inevitable consequence of de- fective sanitation, although Amoy, and indeed all Chinese towns, are full of typical typhus dens. Luckily filth, over- crowding, and bad food are not the only factors necessary for the manufacture of a typhus epidemic. Were they so we should live here (China) in perpetual dread. And these are not the only fevers whose absence we have remarked, with the exception of smallpox, we have met with no representa- tive of the class of continued fevers which claims so large a number of victims in Europe. No case has been met with in either Amoy or Formosa of scarlet fever, measles, relap- sing fever, or diphtheria. The petechial fevers, with the exception mentioned, are entirely awanting. Considering this and reflecting on the rarity of the atheromatous and fatty degeneration, with the numerous dangerous diseases they entail, we may be at a loss to account for the mortality. If we think, however, of smallpox mortality, 1 in 3 from the unmodified form, part of the difficulty vanishes, and then add 11 malarial diseases, remittent fever, ague, diseases of the spleen and liver, anaemia and its consequences, and to these add cholera and leprosy, and we have sufficient causes for a con- siderable mortality. Another writes (Mr Porter Smith, of Hankow) — "Chineseutter disregard of sanitary science among an otherwise highly civilised and accomplished race is one of the worst facts. They take kindly to the purple, but never to the fine linen. The cleanest and whitest garment next the skin would be a strange perversion of the order of wearing their apparel, but nevertheless they possess public baths." Dr Somerville, of Foochow, a graduate of our University, says : — " I have to add my testimony as to the total disre- gard of anything like sanitary arrangements. Dirt of all kinds finds its way through the non-dovetailed and shrunken planks of the floor, and when a house is burnt or blown down, the foundation is seen to be a mass of filth in a decom- posing state. There is nothing like drainage, and the traffic in night soil, the formation of manure pits, and the watering of fields with liquid ordure obtain here as elsewhere. In short, we have all the generally recognised factors of zymotic disease, with a high temperature to favour the fermentative and putrefactive processes. Yet we enjoy a high standard of health, and there has been no epidemic affecting foreigners at this port for at least eleven years.'' He was led to make these remarks by the remarkable fact, that four cases of typhoid fever occurred during 1872-73. There had been no case at the anchorage for three years, and in eleven years' practice there he had seen only seven or eight cases altogether before the present series. There was no evidence that the fever had been communicated fi-om one patient to another, and he sets down the form therefore as sporadic. He adds, " We have a mass of evidence favouring the view that the poison of typhoid is communicated through contaminated water, and I think that cases like the present, where no such mode of diffusion is probable, are deserving of record." And he further adds, very cautiously, as if he felt misgivings about the received connection 12 between contagion and the communication of typhoid, as explaining the whole case : " I think the purpose of these reports (Customs' Half-Yearly Medical Eeports) for the present is best served by collecting material for future use. I, therefore, content myself with stating these facts, and refrain from generalising from them, more especially as the subject of sanitation is at this moment engaging the atten- tion of our best authorities in all parts of the world." The foregoing remarks hold good regarding all large native cities. Drains for surface water are general in Chinese towns, but, for the most part, they have been allowed to get choked up and broken down, and then they become the receptacles, as open ditches, of the city garbage and filth, and become a terrible nuisance. The condition of the capital resembles, in many respects, other Chinese cities, but in many important particulars it is quite different. In regard to drains, Pekin stands unrivalled among the cities of the world as far as their age, extent, former admirable adaptation and present ruinous condition are concerned. We have two large sewers on all the main streets, with branches to all the lanes. They drain into the city moat, and these into the Peiho, or canal leading thereto. Those that are free in parts of their course are sure, after heavy rains, to open somewhere into the streets, deluging them with putrid mud and filth, entering the drain at a distant point, and then again repeating the above act. By and bye the mud dries, and is used for repairing the roads. With all our filth and dirt there is a wonderful immunity, even from fevers. The police, who water our streets from these cesspools, and utilise the dirty water and urine collected in the houses and shops during the day, are among the most robust and' healthy of our population, provided they are not, at the same time, opium smokers. The beggars, a very numerous class, who sleep in the streets nearly all the year round, congregate in the very centres of pollu- tion, and even, to some extent, contest with dogs, priority of claim to the refuse of the dunghill, not only survive, but flourish, and most of them look fat and sleek. The mouths 13 of our lanes, waste places, and tumble-down, or unoccupied houses and shops are our most pulluted regions, and the common place of resort of the neighbourhood for males. The reason assigned for the innocuousness of this sad con- dition of things in China are, among others, the following : — There are our prevailing winds in most parts of China, which act as diluents, and prevent the too great accumula- tion of noxious effluvia, ready to ripen into activity. There is also the sandy, absorbent nature of our soil, in the North at all events. The apparently objectionable and disagree- able plan of watering the streets from the foul fluids of the drains and domestic urinals carries good in it. These collections of decaying organic matter are moved and pre- vented from accumulating in too large quantities, and when thrown on the streets the greater part of it is absorbed by the dry soil. The operation is always performed after sun- down, to prevent too much evaporation. I am unable to say whether this is from economical or sanitary considera- tions, most probably the former. After sunrise the streets are nearly as dry as before. Our weather is very dry in the North, frequently seven or eight months without either rain or snow. In summer, after heavy drenching rains of several inches, the dust will be plentiful on the third day, so dry and absorbent is the soil. Another reason, and this is doubtless the chief one, is the high value of human manure, and the assiduity therefore with which it is collected for agricultural purposes. Large numbers of the people in this way obtain a living. Its high value and the great poverty of the people are our safeguards. It is carried outside the city walls, and is dried and caked, or pulverised. The dung of the herbivorous domestic animals is dried for argol, and used as fuel. Human excrement so prepared is the most expensive of manures. Much that is recommended at home in the way of ventilation, water supply, and disinfection of privies is in China rendered unnecessary. All the advantages claimed for the dry earth system are gained here free of expense to the individual or public. The industrious and frugal habits of the Chinese, and even their very poverty, thus work to theii- u advantage (all sanitary measures more than repay their cost), for it compels them to utilise all excrementitious matter. Every particle of every kind of manure, besides rags, paper, etc., are collected and preserved with the greatest care. The private privies, which are all out of doors, are visited daily by these manure collectors, and so great is the demand for it, that no payment is made to these scavengers. Foreigners pay a trifle monthly to guarantee respectability, cleanliness, and regularity on the part of the collector. The healthiness of our foreign settlements in China is, in a great measure, owing to the absence of water closets in the dweUing-liouses, which, in Europe, are a fruit- ful source of disease. Gases, such as sulphuretted and carburetted hydrogen, are not so injurious to health when given off in the open air, as when escaping from sewers. China is, par excellence, the country of bad smells, and yet, as we have seen, the people do not seem to suffer from them, but, on the contrary, rather like them. The removal of excreta and the disposal of sewer water is the sanitary problem of the day in this country. Our sewers allow transference of gases and organic molecules from house to house and place to place; occasionally, by bursting, leakage, or absorption, the ground is contaminated, and the water supply is constantly in danger of being poisoned and con- taminated ; and all these dangers are greater from being concealed and being beyond individual control. Fevers and cholera are thus possibly propagated from house to house. In China we are entirely free from this danger. It would seem advisable that our water closets should be in an out- building or projection from the main house, and should be placed at the top of the house, with a tube passing to the outer air. When placed in the basement the closet air is certain to be drawn into the house. For use in the bath room, a solution of sulphate of iron 4 parts, carbolic acid, 1 part to 30 parts of water, has been recommended as a good disinfectant by Dr Jamieson. Each time it is used two ounces of the solution should be poured in. By this means the air Avould be rendered perfectly pure, or at most faintly 15 imjDregiiated with carbolic acid. The great expense at- tending the use even of the cheajDest disinfectant wouhl seem to preclude the use of this method for the large sewers of our cities. This, however, is denied, and it is asserted that certain antiseptic agents, even in a highly diluted form, would gain the object in view. It does not seem impossible in large manufacturing towns to ventilate the sewers by con- necting them with factory chimneys. These same chimneys, as well, probably, as those of ordinary houses, in seasons of epidemics at least, or by spray-producing machines or other mechanical appliances, might disinfect closes, houses, and whole localities and towns. Houses. — Let me now say a few words about houses in this connection. In China they are, with few exceptions, of only one storey. The streets are narrow ; those in the capital are an exception to this rule. These narrow streets serve the purpose of warding off the great heat of summer — mat awnings being frequently stretched across them ; in winter they protect equally from cold winds and increase the general warmth and comfort. The houses are, as a rule, arranged in com'ts, the principal ones invariably facing the south, by which they get the cool winds in summer and the w^armth of the sun's rays in winter. The houses of the better classes of officials, temples, &c., are lofty and hand- some. The arrangements of the houses, requu-ed by their style of architecture and family relations, necessitate numer- ous courts, and thus cover a considerable area. No houses infringe on the privacy of others. They are usually sur- rounded by verandahs, rendered necessary by the great heat of summer. The better class are built of substantial brick, the poorer ones, and especially in the country, with sun- dried bricks. The roofs are massive, being covered with closely-overlapping tiles, with a thick layer of mud and lime, and with wood, slate, or straw underneath, which effectually keeps out the cold in winter and the heat in summer. Venti- lation is perfect in summer, but rather defective in winter. The poor people like to have low ceilings to lessen the space to be heated. The houses usually consist of two brick gables. with the otlier two sides filled in with windows and doors. With the exception of the introduction of our chimneys and wooden floors, foreign changes have not been improvements on the best sort of native houses. Our houses, all under one roof and of several storeys, with the exception of economy, perhaps, in heating, are liable to serious objections in the matter of fresh air, free ventilation, and, if need be, isolation. The better class of houses are usually raised several feet above the ground, and the surrounding courtyards being thus lower, afford excellent drainage in rainy weather. In China there are no sunk flats or cellars. The foundations are usually of stone, and the lower parts of the corners of the gables and cornices are also of this material ; all the rest is of brick. In the country the sun-dried brick houses have almost invariably a band of slate, wood, or more frequently straw, running round the house, to prevent the damp ascending and mouldering the bricks. The plan proposed of having a chamber in the foundations of the houses in this country communicating with the chimneys from the lower storey, and where they would begin, is, I think, strongly advisable, and would thus ensure that all foul gases and diseased germs arising from the soil would be carried out of the house. To prevent the ascent of air from the soil, the basement should be paved or concrete used, or, as lately recommended by Dr Richardson, the houses should be raised on arches. Chinese houses and courtyards, of the better class at least, are floored with brick, which prevents emanations from rising, the water in the courts from being absorbed to any great extent and tends greatly towards draining off the rain water. From the condition of the great bulk of the houses of the lower classes both in town and country — the houses having earth floors and a damp subsoil under or around them — we should, of course, expect rheumatism and neuralgia to be very prevalent. And so they are. Among the Mongols, living m tents, rheumatism is the most commonly met with aff'ection. The cases, however, are entirely muscular, the acute variety being rarely heard of, and one practitioner states never met with, although frequent enquiry was made 17 amongst the Cliinese sufferers. The causes of chronic rheumatism are not far to seek in a population lowered by malaria, bad diet, damp dwellings, and especially great and sudden changes of temperature. The absence of the acute form is attributed to the rapid elimination through the skin, and likewise also to the more sluggish, inactive disposition of the Chinese, rendering the system less liable to be roused to produce acute symptoms. Another professional brother reports at his port " rheumatism takes almost invariably the chronic form, caused by the damp and undrained situation of native houses." Dr Smith, of Hankow, thinks the vegetable diet, poverty of nitrogen in rice, and scarcity of red flesh tend to its development. At Newchwang, Dr Watson reports — " The people suffered from rheumatism and ague after the heavy rains, but in spite of insufficient food and the un- healthy character of the country, no very great increase of mortality among natives took place during the summer." The warming of houses is another point of importance. Chinese houses have no chimneys. In the North of China, where the winter is long and severe, the houses are provided with kangs, or earthen platforms, covered with large square bricks, having flues running under them through which the heated air and smoke, if any (for they burn anthracite coal), passes, and after traversing the kang finds an exit in front into the room, and uniting with the heatof the fire, increases the heat of the room. Among the upper classes these bed platforms are sometimes heated from the outside, which is a decidedly preferable plan. The floors, too, are sometimes heated in this way, the flues being arranged under them in the same way and heated from without. This union of kitchen, fireplace, and bed is a matter of great moment to the poor and the delicate, whether young or old, who suffer greatly from insufficient clothing and improperly or im- perfectly heated houses. Among the very poor it dispenses with much bedclothing. The bedclothing of such consists generally of their every-day wearing apparel loosely laid over them at night, with the addition of a cotton mattress. They sleep with the head to the outside of the kang, the 18 reason assigned being that in this position it avoids the danger of the clothes catching fire, and puts the head — the heavenly part of man — in a freer and more honourable position. With the head to the wall the impure air and feeling of restriction and confinement would prove injurious. We have at Pekin several beggars' houses or small inns and an Imperial House of Refuge so heated in the winter season. The latter is gratuitous, and a very small pittance, about a farthing for a night's lodging, is demanded by the keepers of the former. The windows are well papered and oiled. In the centre is a large fireplace for warming the room and the beggars, and suj^plying them with hot water. The beggars squat or lie down on the stove bed-places, with simply a mat stretched upon it, and they without any bed- clothes, in fact generally without any clothes at all. I have seen as many as fifty, each bolstering up his neighbour, on such a kang. The temperature is kept about 70°. The air of these rooms is, of course, extremely disgusting, but they are tolerably clean. During the day the beggars, who for the most part are fat and well-looking, pursue their pro- fession on the streets of the city, and at night again return to their heated ovens. Although the atmosphere in these places is loathsome, it is still a matter of great consideration that they are able to obtain lodging in a warm room for the night when the thermometer is often near zero, especially when they have no blanket or coverlet to protect themselves. In some places a coverlet suspended from the roof is let down upon them at night. The mortality in the Imperial House of Refuge is very great. In the latter place the beggars are supplied with two meals of millet per day. From this description you will observe that the Chinese houses and bed-places in the North, at least, closely resemble the Roman hypocaust, the floors being warmed by pipes and smoke flues under them. A plan similar to this might very beneficially be introduced into our own country in one-storey houses or the basement floors of others. In winter these kangs would prove eminently serviceable for the very young and delicate of whatever age among the poorest classes who V.) cannot aftord eitlior siiflieient clothing or bedding. They might be so arranged that our bitumenoiis coal would prove no drawback, and I feel certain that our great mortality among certain classes -from bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisv, congestion of the lungs, &c., Avould be greatly lessened. The pawnshop, and afterwards the ginshop, are too often the receptacles of the clothing charitably dispensed to the poor in winter. The frugal and economic Chinese, if placed in our position here, might even consider the propriety and feasibility of utilising the waste steam of our great factories for heating the dwellings of the neighbouring poor. The American cylinder stoves, now so universally used by foreigners in North China, are well adapted for heating- purposes. They heat thoroughly, and are greatly to be pre- ferred to the extravagant and poorly heating English fire- place. The water evaporating apparatus provides against headache, &c., from overdryness of the atmosphere. Chinese houses are on the whole well lighted, two sides being almost always composed of doors and windows. The light is well diffused, and there is no glare — oyster shells in the South, and Corean or other paper in the North, being the article with which the windows are glazed. Glass is being extensively introduced. An important factor in the health of the Chinese is their being so much in the open air. The male portion of the people, even those of om' own profession, in- cluded along with the barbers and chiropodists, carry on their trades and callings on the public streets. They live much in the streets and in the open air — the whole side of their shops being freely exposed. In this way many of the evils and dangers of our crowded workshops, arising from impure air, from whatever cause, are avoided. Water Supply. — Another topic demanding a passing notice, as playing a most important part in sanitation and causation of disease is the tvater supply. The water supply in China is derived chiefly from rivers and wells. The water obtained from rivers is manipulated in various ways, passed through filters, allowed to settle, and the organic matter is preci- pitated by chemical agents, alum being in most common use. 20 But whatever be the water, and wheresoever the eupply, it is invariably boiled by the Chinese. The Chinese, as a rule, do not drink cold water. We have already pointed out how strongly it is contaminated with filth and garbage in the great centres of population on the great rivers, and that the supply is almost invariably drawn from the public places. of resort. In Pekin the supply is partly from wells and partly from springs at the Summer Palace Gardens, the water being led into the city, a distance of eight or more miles, in a canal. It runs through lakes, and ultimately through the city moat. Our ice supply in winter is derived from this quarter. The water is soft and sweet, and is equal to our Loch Katrine water. The wells in the city are numerous, and placed at short distances, generally on alternate sides of the streets, from which the neighbouring householders, Avho have not wells on their own compounds — and nearly all large com- pounds have one or more — and animals are plentifully sup- plied. The refuse water at these wells is used for watering the streets. Wells are to be found along all the roads of China at every short distance to supply the wants of travel- lers and the domestic animals. The wells are usually farmed out. The water-carriers have their legs bandaged from the knee downwards, with the object of strengthening and sup- porting their calves, and so aiding them in following out their occupation. The device is effective against varicose veins, or as they express it, " the falling down of the belly of the legs." Varicose veins are very uncommon among the Chinese. Ignorant of the true circulation, they suppose them to be tendinous tumours, and so express them. May not the practice of tight garter-tying, among the fair sex especially, obstructing the circulation, cause this condition of things, which is pretty common in the West ? The Chinese tie their trousers and stockings together at the ankle with- out any bad results, and with the additional advantage of keeping in the heat and keeping out the cold. From the universal prevalence of water and these wells, I need hardly say that rabies is extremely or comparatively rare, consider- ing the vast number of dogs, each householder possessing 21 one or more. Dogs are never muzzled. Gravel and cal- culus, too, are among the rarest of affections in China. Only in Canton has calculus been found at all, and there it seems to exist to a considerable extent. The reason has not yet been explained, for the same conditions, river water, boiled and used in cooking or in infusion of tea, are univer- sal over China. In Canton, from 1854 to the end of 1875, 432 cases of stone were operated upon at the Mission Hospital there. The total weight of stone removed was 408 ounces, or 25^ lbs. The gouty diathesis appears to have little to do with the prevalence of stone at Canton, as gout is not met with among the native population. And not only is stone absent, but all other urinary or renal diseases are compara- tively rare, certainly much less common than in Europe. Only one case of diabetes was seen at Hankow in five years out of thousands of patients. This immunity from renal disease is attributed to some extent to opium. But opium smoking, although very prevalent, and the consumption of the drug increasing and extending, can only explain this freedom from renal and other diseases to a limited extent. We shall point out further on some other and more evident reasons. The original badness and filthiness of the water at the open ports on great rivers and adjoining large native towns — and, as a rule, the foreign concessions are situated below the native cities — has frequently been made the pre- text among our countrymen out there for indulging in vari- ous medicated waters. The seductive cocktail and brandy and soda, &c., &c., in a warm climate, and with high animal living, have had much to do with the high foreign death-rate — liver disease, aneurism, heart disease, heat apoplexy, &c., of which we hear from time to time. There is no doubt that the best treatment to which to subject all water, especially where there is any suspicion, is to boil it, and by so doing to destroy all the living organisms. If we must swallow myriads of insects in almost every drop of water, it is as well that they should be cooked. It has been established that living protoplasm is certainly destroyed by sudden ex- posure to a high temperature, say 140 F. when in the moist 22 state. It is only for a very few minutes that contagious matter can stand the temperature of boiling- point — its destruction is merely a question of sustained boiling. And it cannot be too distinctly understood that dangerous quali- ties of water are not obviated by the addition of wine or spirits. I certainly think that we, as a people, and still more our American brethren, drink too much cold water. The Chinese, who have seen foreigners drink down large tumbler- fuls of water at meals, attribute it to the necessity of putting out the fire in the stomach caused by our beef-eating pro- pensities. The Chinese have water freely exposed in their earthenware utensils or kangs. They tell us never to drink water on which the sun has shone, no matter how thirsty, for besides that it hath at that time pernicious qualities, it is often full of the spawn or ova of innumerable insects. Simple hot water and tea are the common every-day bever- ages of the Chinese. The imiversal use of hot water as a beverage is remarkable. Our own old writers on health have also recommended as an immediate remedy in flatu- lence and palpitation of the heart, and indigestion gene- rally, the use of hot water and the recumbent position. '' Cold water is an enemy to concoctions, and the parent of crudities." And here, as in other matters, it would be well always to remember that before the process of digestion can commence, the matters introduced into the stomach must take the temperature of that organ. And the experience of not a few will doubtless corroborate the Chinese practice, that when overheated, physically fatigued, or mentally ex- hausted, a glass of hot water will refresh them more than wine ; the latter exasperates the evil, the former mitigates it by its softness and coolness. It might probably be sup- posed that owing to this extreme care, observed by all classes regarding water, intestinal worms would be very infrequent in China. The reverse, I am sorry to say, is the case. The tape and round worms are very common — male-fern in the former, and santonine lozenges in the latter, have been most successful remedies. Numerous patients have been relieved of several tens of feet of the one, 23 and hundreds of the others. They are supposed to cause toothache, necrosis, consumption, &c. ; and the native treat- ment is always, of course, directed against this supposed cause. Both the taenia and lumbrici are supposed to be caused by eating macaroni or vermicelH, and the native faculty strictly forbids the use of these substances, which seem in the system to be converted into woi-ms. The people everywhere indulge in pork, raw vegetables, unripe and uncooked fruit, and, I presume, the annuals are carried into the system through these channels. The taenia solium, which is so prevalent, is certainly owing to the consumption of pork, imperfectly cooked or quite raw ; for we know that the cysticercus cellulosa, the embryonic state of the taenia, exists in the pig. Baths. — A word as to Baths. Numerous'public baths exist in all large Chinese towns. They are known during the day by a red lantern, lighted at night, raised on a lofty pole. The water is usually changed once daily. The utmost care is exercised in admittincj to the baths. The floors and the baths themselves are heated from underneath by stoves. Private baths in wooden tubs may be had to order. An ordinary bath costs Id, and during the last month of the year about 3d. Cold bathing is never resorted to, and it is to this use of warm water, to their temperate habits, and partly also to their non-use of flannel, that we must attribute the absence of prickly heat (lichen tropicus) in summer. Europeans are greatly afflicted by this troublesome eruption, the sensibility of the skin being greatly increased by stimu- lants. The looser garments of the Chinese may also operate beneficially. The Chinese are not much given to baths. A little water satisfies them ; for their ablutions they are content with just as much scalding water as will cover the bottom of a flat brass basin. The greasy commissioner Yeh, on his way as a prisoner to Calcutta, indulged in a bath, truly a la Chinoise, when he called for a teacupful of warm water. They never wash their hands or face with cold water, but use a loosely woven cotton handkerchief or cloth, wrung out of hot water, with which they wipe their 24 hands and face in the morning, and also after meals in good families. The Chinese dread the effects of water, especially cold water. It would be cruel to think of disarming the beggars of their foul coat by means of a hot bath, because they would certainly die from inability to resist the cold. The thievish air would gain admittance at every pore. As practitioners, we must eschew water dressings, baths, fomen- tations et hoc genus omne, if we wish to remain in attendance and inspire respect and confidence. The people abhor not only the touch, but the taste of cold water. The Chinese suppose Europeans are obliged to bathe daily on account of the insupportably bad odours which are emitted from their cuticles. Hot or warm baths, especially in tropical countries, are by far the safest and really the most cooling in summer. The strong reaction after a cold bath makes the feeling of heat tenfold worse. There are various diseases, especially of the liver, where cold bathing might prove dangerous, as tending to congestion of internal viscera, and which are there- fore contra-indicated. Beverages. — Speaking of the water supply, leads me naturally to speak of the beverages or drinks of the Chinese, and here also there are some useful lessons for our guidance to be learned. The Chinese are a sober, temperate people. Although China has much fermented liquor, she has neither beer from malt, nor wine from grapes. She is emphatically a sober country; though wine is cheap, and there is no tax upon it, and no re- striction in its sale or manufacture, and though nearly all classes use it, few comparatively drink to excess. That which is the common disfigurement of life in our cities and towns, is a rare sight in China, even in her seaports. The rice wine, not unlike our sherry or Cape, is served up hot in small cups — the common spirit or samshoo, distilled usually from millet, is never heated. Taking our drinks hot, besides being more natural and rendering them easy and ready of absorption, we know what we are doing, not like iced wine Avhich people are induced to drink, deprived of the advantage of knowing when they have got enough. It 25 is indeed a very rare thing to see a drunk Chinaman, and a drunk woman would be a wonder. During a residence of twelve years in the country I have not seen five cases of intoxication. And yet the Chinese, apparently so abstemious, consume no inconsiderable quantity of spirits. The great consumption of spirits in Western countries is often ofi"ered as an apology for opium-smoking in China. There would be force in this argument if China abstained from intoxicants, for in addition to her opium and spirits, she has also her stimulating tea, betel nut, and tobacco. But although a little spirits is usually consumed after meals nearly all over China, the very badness and want of fragrance of the native spuit, which contains much fusel oil, has kept the people sober and temperate. In no country perhaps is wine, of a decidedly intoxicating nature, so generally and yet so mode- rately partaken of as in China. I have seen not a few cases of dyspepsia and stricture of the oesophagus caused by addic- tion to spirits, the latter cases of course uniformly fatal in the long run. The only treatment which the Chinese have devised for this formidable complaint is bread saturated with the blood of decapitated criminals. The absence of renal and hepatic disease is referred in part to their com- paratively temperate habits. With tropical heat in sum- mer, the variableness of the weather, particularly in spring and autumn in most places, the poverty of the people, and their general exposure to the inclemencies of the seasons, it is remarkable to find hepatic disease so rare. Great care in preserving from chills, an object easily obtained, as we shall see, by the nature of the Chinese clothing, along with proper diet and temperate habits, are the chief prophylactic means against "liver." We find the Chinese, too, almost absolutely free from diseases of the heart and blood vessels — fatty degeneration, for example, which is the usual form of heart disease induced by alcohol. We have noted the absence of serious changes in the liver and kidneys, as, for example, diabetes and Bright's disease. Delirium tremens is also unknown in China. And here allow me to make a very few observations 26 on aneurism, heat apoplexy, and syphilis in this connec- tion. Aneurism, as we all know, is of increasing fre- quency in England. During the last 20 years the total number of deaths have been more than doubled, and they have been wholly confined to males above 20 years of age. There has been no increase among females or young people. Heart disease and aneurisms are now among the most ap- pallingly frequent diseases of early manhood. The profes- sion has been greatly exercised in the East to discover causes of degeneracy among the Europeans in the prime of . life. French surgeons ascribe it to changes caused by malaria. As a cause leading to degeneration, syphilis, by a pretty common consensus of opinion, occupies a foremost place. Rheumatism and alcoholism are said to produce the same arterial inflammatory changes as syphilis. With the Chinese, and rice-eating people generally, aneurism is the least common affection. In Shanghai, our principal port in China, the ratio of deaths from disease of the heart and great vessels, to the number of deaths from all causes, is higher than in Europe. In 1873 there were 7 deaths at Shanghai, 7 in 6 months of '71 and '72, 5 in '72, 16 in 3 years. No case has of late years, at any rate, been seen at the Chinese hos- pital in Shanghai. The simple habits of living of the Chinese, their phlegmatic and unexcitable natures, probably give them immunity from this disease. Our present high-pressure European life, with its mental overwork and incessant worry, intensified by other influ- ences, nearly if not quite as potent, such as excessive use of alcohol, inattention to diet, pure air, and by animal excesses, must have much to do, I should think, with heart disease and aneurism, not to speak of such other affections as paralysis, dementia, diabetes, and renal disturbance. This overwork and over-anxiety, by the very exhaustion of the body which they cause, call for stimulants, and soon other diseases set in which too frequently place the patient beyond medical skill. Physical overwork is also characteristic of modern Hfe. Excessive physical exertion is quite unneces- sary to maintain or promote health. The 1000 miles in 1000 k 27 hours sort of exercise , numerous of our games and exercises, such as football, boxing, rowing, leaping, running, &c., in- dulged in to an extreme degree — and I fear such is only too truly the case — are well adapted to increase over-action of the lieart, and consequently subject the individuals to frequent and sudden congestion of the lungs and other vascular organs ; to aneurism, at one time called post-boy's malady, hypertrophy of the heart, &c. When extra force is put forth it is too frequently at the expense of the organism it- self We have also a combination of the mental and physi- cal, so well brought out in Dr Richardson's work on the dis- eases of modern life, as exemplified in long journeys to and from business — our railways facilitating living out of town away from office and places of business. There is the rush- ing to catch a train morning and evening, a mode of life possessing many elements of danger and many annoyances, and in this way both the nervous and vascular systems sufier. To the former belong unnecessary anxiety, restless- ness, timidity, and sleeplessness, irritability of temper, recur- ring fits of exhaustion ; to the latter irregularity of the cir- culation, irritability of the heart, cold extremities, imperfect secretions, want of muscular power — a host of circumstances connected with railway travelling which contribute to injure and shorten life and comfort. I might have referred here to other causes all tending in the same direction, such as poli- tical excitement, excitement of war, religious revivals, con- tests of creeds, speculations of philosophy, publication of daily newspapers, the flashings of the electric telegraph, and other such like influences, from all of which disturbing and disease-influencing and disease-producing causes in China we are fortunately completely free. Some of our Chinese maxims bearing upon the heart and its afi'ections are the following : — Do not employ yourself in any thoughts and designs but what lead to virtue ; keep peace in the heart (anger and sorrow are supposed to damage the internal viscera, injuring the liver, and thereby preventing the secretion of the active principle of the blood and the source of the vital spirits— injuring the lungs, and 28 thereby causing haemoptysis, and finally consumption, and paralysing the oesophagus and stomach) ; besides, reflect often upon the happiness of your .condition — know the value of health, and study to preserve it. I have referred to anger, and here, in passing, I would remark that the Chinese themselves trace almost all their diseases to anger or to wine. The former stands first. That man is indeed rich in physical power who can afford to be . angry. We hear of and often see people red or white with rage, and as a result of this, when long-continued, intermit- tency of the heart, paralysis, apoplexy, congestion of the liver must ensue. Regarding heat apoplexrj, in 1872 no fewer than ten deaths occurred at Shanghai. Intemperance is recognised by all as a powerfully predisposing cause. In regard to these cases, it was found on enquiry that in nearly every instance these patients indulged freely in alcoholic liquors. The dangerous effects of exposure arc controllable by proper pre- cautions and by prudence in eating and drinking. Insola- tion is quite unknown among the natives, even among labouring classes, who go through severe physical exertion, and often with their heads quite unprotected from the sun. A word or two on syphilis in this connection may not be inappropriate — " that one moral and physical blot of our civilisation, tinging many diseases, if not causing some, pro- ducing many forms of cachectic feebleness and impaired physical build, probably the most controllable, but at the same time the most prolific of injury." Our profession re- cognises this disease as predisposing to arterial degenera- tion — the so-called syphilitic arteritis. The diseases of the heart and blood vessels among our troops in China and Japan have been traced to this cause. There is in the army an excessive mortality and invaliding from aneurismal dis- ease, said to be developed in China. The virus of syphilis is said to be more violent and severe there than the same disease when contracted in Europe. There may be other reasons in diet, intemperance, and exposure, to account for 29 this. Syphilis is more frequently met within private European practice in the East than in England. But I should think that diseases resulting from vicious and licentious habits are not so violent in their effects in China as in countries where the use of animal food and higher living render the system more susceptible to the noxious consequences of the virus. 1 have seen hundreds of cases of patients with syphilis and enthetic disease generally at Pekin, and bad though they undoubtedly were, I suppose they were not worse than what may be seen here among our lowest classes where cleanli- ness is not next to godliness. I have always found the Chinese cases most amenable to treatment. I have come across not a few cases of cancer of the penis resulting from unclean connexion. There is no doubt that cases of phy- mosis, on account of the irritation set up by the discharges and secretions inside the prepuce, predispose to epithelial cancer of the penis. All the cases I saw, and in most of which I operated, had this origin. Strange to say, one of my patients was a Mohammedan who had not been circum- cised in youth. It was interesting to me, as tending to con- firm the view advocated by Travers, that the Jews (and he might have added the Mohammedans also) know nothing of this disease. This immunity is attributed to the beneficial results of circumcision. And in these days when so much is spoken and written about our Contagious Diseases Acts, it might be well to have recourse to the alternative of circum- cision. I feel sure it would be attended with the best results, and would diminish very largely all the various diseases of the genital organs, and would abolish altogether phymosis, paraphymosis, and cancer of that organ. After this long digression, I return to the question of beverages. Wherever European civilisation has gone, intem- perance among the native races has followed. We have invari- ably impressed them with our bad example. It is so in China to a small extent already at the ports, and we know that the Hindoos, formerly the most temperate of races, and in whose ordinary food spirits form no part, if indeed they are not for- bidden by their religion, are rapidly becoming addicted to 30 flriiik. Those ■who are host able to judge cnndemn alcoliol as a preventive against cold, and equally so against heat. The heat of the tropics is not so well borne where spirits are indulged in, and they certainly predispose to insolation. Warm tea in the tropics is admitted by all to be the best beverage, and the experience of several hundred millions in China confirms this opinion. Spirits are no necessity in health, and as now used by mankind they are infinitely more powerful for evil than good, and a clear view of their effects must surely lead to a lessening of their excessive use which now prevails in this country especially. In the words of the late Dr Parkes — " There is no question that more disease is directly and indirectly produced by drunkenness tlian by any other cause, and that the moral as well as the physical evils proceeding from it are beyond all reckoning, and yet the attempts of the Legislature to set some bounds to intemperance have been and are opposed with a bitter- ness which could only be justified if the degradation and not the improvement of mankind was desired." As a matter of public health, it is highly important that our profession should throw its great influence into the scale of moderation. Tea and iced beverages, indulged in by the Chinese in summer, such as acidified apricot or rice conge or soup, are certainly preferable to all the so-called " gently stimulating liquids." They never take milk— there being no pasturage or cows except for ploughing, milk has never become an article of diet with the Chinese. Among the Mongols — the nomadic tribes of the North — milk of course is a chief beverage. Hot water alone is plentifully drunk all the year round, but tea is par excellence the beverage of the people. It is most commonly taken very hot, and always made by uping and adding to it well boiled and boiling water. This seems the secret of making good tea, apparently so little understood out of China and Russia. And we should not so often have to complain of bad tea if we were more careful about the quality of the water. Its stimulant and restorative action are aided when drunk hot. It is followed by no depression, and ouglit .",L to be much more extensively used, and not as a meal — I ouglit to say never as a meal — as is so frequently the case three or four times daily by our factory girls and poor classes, and which is productive, when so used, of the very worst results. The Chinese drink it very frequently during the day, and it is always offered to guests on entering a house, but it never takes the place of a regular meal. Resting places exist every few miles, or more frequently, all over the coun- try along the roads, where the tea the Chinaman loves is to be found. Many of our people, I fear, resort to the public-house merely to quench thirst. Fountains, the gift frequently of the philanthropic, are springing up in all our large towns, and these might beneficially be still more increased. Were the Chinese innocuous draught to be supplied cheaply, or even in some cases gra- tuitously to the poor, for example, the necessity of assuaging thirst by being driven to strong drink would be saved. No man is deprived by our laws of the means of his lawful gra- tification, but certainly great advantages would result from the Chinese plan. I am obliged to confess thab I cannot see the rationale of so much denunciation of tea drink- ing, usually merely a cup, by our profession, when taken as in the kettledrum, or at any other time in the afternoon, or immediately before or after dinner. A thousandfold more evil has sprung, in my opinion, from the morning or afternoon's glass of wine, and the sherry cobbler, or sherry and bitters, or brandy, &c., so frequently had recourse to as a fillip just before dinner, and frequently so recommended. Speaking of beverages leads me to say a word about tobacco and opium. Tobacco, unknown in the last dynasty (1368-1644), or only to a very limited extent towards its close (the middle of the 17th century), is now nearly as universal as tea, and has spread with marvellous rapidity. It was a crime punishable with death, the same quaint reason urged by Sovereigns of Europe and Popes of Rome being urged by the Chinese Emperor, namely, that men appeared like devils emitting smoke from their mouth and nostrils. Now eighty percent, of the whole population of both 32 sexes, above twelve years of age or so, may be seen with the pipe. It is hardly every out of their mouths, especially among the women. The native tobacco is mild in the extreme, and probably few bad effects result from smoking it ; at any rate these are reduced to a minimum by the extensive use of the water pipe, which seems worthy of imitation by smokers here for the coolness and comparative purity obtained. The water absorbs a large proportion of the nicotine and other deleterious properties of the weed. As smoked by our people, some of these constituents travel along the stem of the pipe into the smoker's mouth and sometimes down to his stomach. We hear complaints of dyspepsia, dryness of the mouth, sore throat, amaurosis sometimes, various ner- vous diseases, long retention of images on the retina after the objects have disappeared, affections of the heart, irre- gularity in its action producing fliintness, &c. Cigars are worse than pipes on account of the more ready and rapid absorption of the nicotine. Chewing, which seems almost expelled, at least from good society, is manifold worse than smoking ; snuff-taking is very common among both Mongols and Chinese ; the snuff being usually highly flavoured with various odoriferous substances. I cannot say I have seen any bad effects from tobacco smoking among the Chinese. If our people will smoke — and I suppose it may be useful in some cases in preventing the bad effects of over-action and extra excitement of the heart — I would at least advise them to use long clean clay pipes, to abjure the black cutty or blackened meerschaum which have lost all their absorbent power. I am sorry I cannot speak in the same terms of opium, of all our luxuries the surest destroyer of health, property, position, and life ; of all our vices the most insidious and most difficult to throw off; one of the quietest and least obtrusive, yet that which beyond all others tells most seri- ously in the long run on national life and prosperity. This is hardly the place to enter a protest against opium con- sumption, but in considering health and disease among the Chinese, it is impossible to shut out this factor. Whole chapters, if not volumes, might be profitably taken up with the consideration of this subject in all its various aspects, but the medical is alone of interest to us at present. The effects of opium accord well with the Chinaman's natural temperament, which leads to patience and love of peace, rather than rude blows and lighting. There is no just com- parison between the man who indulges in excess of wine and the one who takes a pipe of opium ; the latter is more like the habitual dram drinker, whose depraved and vitiated appetite now craves for the powerful stimulant. Opium is preferable to spirits, for it does not brutalise ; it does not excite the fierce passions of men, but by enervating, soothes them. The habit is easily acquired ; a fortnight's regular use, and it will require an almost super-human effort to cast it off. This is one of its most characteristic peculiarities. The gnawiug agony of the unsatisfied craving is maddening ; physical strength is prostrated ; the mind weakened, and a few seconds after the opium pipe has touched his lips, the smoker is relieved for the time being of all his sufiering. He anticipates his craving and flies to the stimulant ; if deprived beyond the usual period he gapes, yawns, and discharges mucus from his eyes and nose, and is perfectly miserable and good-for-nothing. There are rare cases of great determination throwing off the evil habit; body and mind are usually too weak for the execution of the pur- pose. The 9urse of the habit, like drunkenness, falls with special severity upon the poor; half of the labouring man's wages are spent on this single article. We can imagine the misery at home — his constitution ruined, family reduced to poverty, situation and character lost, beggary his inheri- tance, and thieving his portion. He brings a variety of physical evils upon himself, dyspepsia, inveterate constipa- tion, dysentery and diarrhoea of an intractable character threatening the life of the confirmed smoker who would renounce the vice, and too frequently it is so without the renunciation of the pipe ; spermatorrhoea follows with its long train of evils affecting his posterity and the popula- tion of the country. I cannot take time to pourtray all the 34 physical evils which we fmd following in the wake of the smoker. The good he derives in chest affections, such as cough, chronic bronchitis, ordinary diarrhoea and dysentery, when not caused by the drug itself, are for a time at least substantial gains, although I fear it renders the radical cure of many of these affections in the long run more difficult, in reducing vitality and the resistance of the body to dete- riorating influences. This part of the subject might form a paper itself. Fortunately for China none of the other nar- cotics have as yet obtained a footing, such as chloral, chlorodyne, chloroform, ether, and absinthe, that regularly carry ofi" so many victims in Europe, and are sapping the constitutions of large numbers of the very best of our people.* Food, — From drinks we pass naturally to consider next the food of the Chinese. Few countries produce such a variety of cheap and good foods as China, and fewer still that will bear comparison with her people in the art of cookery. Their food is of a mixed kind, although the vege- table diet from its cheapness prevails. The chief animal food eaten is pork, combined, as in the North bordering on the grass lands of Mongolia, with mutton. Pigs and ducks are their favourites, because easily reared, and the flesh is more savoury and contains much fat. Earth worms and snails, rats, kittens and puppies, though frequent in the pages of travellers, are fortunately rare in Chinese markets and on Chinese cookstalls. The cow or ox being regarded as semi-sacred (because used in sacriflce to the Supreme Being at the Temple of Heaven, and also used in agricul- ture), comparatively little beef is eaten. In seasons of drought edicts are issued against the slaughtering of bul- locks. If the filthy habits of the pigs in China induced trichinee, the most disastrous results would ensue, for pig life there is simply revolting. Rice, or rice and sweet potatoes, flavoured with pickled vegetables or salt fish, is the staple * See paper by the writer, read at the Social Science Association at Liverpool, Sept. 1876, on "Some of the Physiological Actions of Opium in Relation to Health." 35 food at Amoj. At Newcliwang, in the far north, it is prin- cipally boiled millet, a simple, cheap, and nourishing article of diet, possessing all the essential elements of nutrition, occasionally partaken with vegetables. Six people can live well upon this fcire for four dollars monthly. Dr Watson there says, all who can afford it drink a little coarse spirit, but so sparingly that it is rare to find a drunk person. It is much the same all over China — rice predominating chiefly in the south — and rice, alternated with flour or millet, among the better classes in the north. These are combined with oils, fresh and salted vegetables which supply in abundance all the elements for healthy nutrition. It is remarkable they should have hit naturally upon such a diet ; the legu- minous seeds supplying the nitrogenous matter, and animal and vegetable fats remedying the want of fat in the rice. This diet therefore seems to give them the four essentials for the proper maintenance of the body. Of course there are vast multitudes to whom rice would be a great luxury, and whose diet consists of little more than sweet potatoes and salted vegetables. The Chinese partake usually of two meals, one early in the forenoon and one late in the afternoon. Late heavy dinners and suppers, with copious vinous potations, are utterly unknown. The hour for dinner parties is usually two or three o'clock in the afternoon, sometimes earlier. Dyspepsia is one of their most common maladies. The vegetable food is bulky, and the quantity of raw and unripe fruit and vegetables which they consume, combined with so much hot water and tea, confections, pastry, &c., are well calculated to produce dyspepsia. This indigestion exists chiefly in the form of flatulence, with some disturbance necessarily to the heart. They usually style the various forms as a blocking up of the entrance to the stomach ; cardialgia, or more frequently by '-' liver air." Dyspepsia seems far too common among so poor and abstemious a people. One facetious writer has called it " The remorse of a guilty stomach." One of these Chinese dyspeptics com- plained once to one of our brethren, saying that she could oat nothing, and was subject constantly to pain, and he found that she had just eaten three or four hard boiled eggs — then had taken some Chinese medicine — then several potions of hot water, and at that very moment was steep- ing the red wood of her rouge powder box for a final draught! Foreigners in China, and the same holds good of Euro- peans at home, err on the side of eating and drinking too much. It is remarkable that every animal but man keeps to one dish, and some one has said that as many dig the grave with their teeth as with the tankard, and another that if the secret of rejuvenisation be ever discovered, it will be found in the kitchen. I should be far from advocating a too meagre diet, especially in the climate in which we live in China. By experience, in winter at all events, and in the north, we find our wants are even greater than in England. But there can be no doubt, I think, that the excessive use of animal food is one of our national weaknesses. It has assumed an importance which it does not deserve. It is with some the main article at all meals. All the conditions of a good nutritious diet may be found in what is much cheaper. Need I instance good porridge and milk in our own country. The old Roman gladiator's chief food was barley cakes and oil. Our modern meals have ceased to indi- cate what is doubtless the origin of the word. Full animal diet three times daily combined with various liquors, must induce many diseases, and predispose if not excite to inflam- matory attacks, from all of which the abstemious Asiatic is free. If this kind of diet be combined with want of exer- cise, and the persons living in rather a high temperatiu-e, as is the case with many of our Europeans at the open ports in China, I fear it is but natural we should look for some of the maladies already mentioned. I have read of the defini- tion of an Englishman in India, as an individual who eats beef, drinks- brandy, and has no religion ; or as a witty Irish medical man, a friend of my own, once put it — " Europeans come to China, and they eat, and they drink, and they drink, and they eat, and then they die, and afterwards write home that the climate killed them!"' The temperate in eating and drinking, and who exercise discretion in exposing them- selves to the sun's rays in tropical countries, keep their health as well there as at home. The following are a few of the Chinese precepts in dietetics : Do not offend in quantity — breakfast early — make a hearty meal about noon — eat slowly and masticate thoroughly — do not gratify the appetite so as to rise from the table quite satiated — sup betimes and sparingly — let the food be tender and well- dressed — do not sleep till two hours after taking food, and begin meals by taking a little tea. It is recommended to avoid smelling musk and youDg orange blossoms, which contain imperceptible insects, for fear of such vermin finding a way up to the brain. The air is full of imperceptible germs of various small insects which we suck into the stomach with our breath, but they cannot be hatched there for want of a fit medium, whereas the insects which lay their little ova in the mealy cup of flowers, may be drawn up by the nose with a ferment proper to hatch them. Food, moreover, should be taken a little warm, with the view of keeping up the internal warmth, for the radical moisture is apt to be weakened and evaporate in water and sweat. In summer, especially, are the spirits much spent and the kid- neys weakened. This is a quotation from a book on the Art of procuring Health and Long Life, published in 1697; translated by one of the Jesuits ; to be found in Du Halde IL, p. 236, and as you will observe broaching the germ theory. Clothing. — A few remarks on clothing come next for con- sideration. In the material of her fabrics and the shape of her clothes, for both sexes and all ages, China will not suffer in comparison with other nations. In some respects she has the decided superiority ; her clothes are well adapted for the climate and the character of the people. The dress, which is of the most becoming and simple kind, can be adapted with remarkable ease to quickly altered atmospheric conditions, and in this respect tliey teach us a useful lesson in exercising great carefulness in adapting our clothing to sudden changes of temperature. The sameness of our 38 clothing appears very ridiculous to tliem. The Chinaman's material is changed with the changing season, but the fashion never changes. All Oriental countries are similar in this respect. In winter to strip a Chinese of his clothes might be compared to skinning an onion — the layers are so numerous, and yet his dress remains the same. Without changing the entire suit, he takes off or puts on as occasion requires. In the spring and autumn this is particularly necessary. The morning and even- ing dress is hardly suited for midday, and vice versa. The black-haired race is destitute of shirts, flannels, and anti-cholera belts. Their style of dress, coupled with their style of living, renders some of these foreign requisites unnecessary. Our abdomens are not half so well protected from sudden cold, &c., as those of the Chinese. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, &c., are frequently prevented in summer among our Europeans, especially new-comers, by the adop- tion of such belts or bandages. How much mischief is created by our failure to clothe ourselves seasonably ? A good old rule was, not to lay aside winter garments before a warm May, and to put them on before a cold November. Our people certainly err greatly in leaving off winter clothes too early, and not putting them on early enough in autumn. Adjusting dress, according to the vicissitudes of the weather here, in this ever-varying climate, where often "in one monstrous day all seasons mix," is, though difficult, a matter to be carefully attended to if we are to enjoy good health. One has said that " if we are careful, glass will last as long as iron," and Boerhaave has remarked that " only fools and beggars suffer from cold ; the latter not being able to pro- cure sufficient clothes — the former not having the sense to Avear them." Our dress is rendered utterly unsuitable if almost any part of it be touched. We cannot accommodate it to the varying changes of a variable climate like ours without destroying its harmony in most cases. I need not refer particularly to our errors of dress, some of which have been held up to ridicule, and deservedly so by the Chinese, such as tight lacing, tight and stitF colhirs, neckties, sleeves 39 and vests, cravats, tight and hard boots, high heels, the long traiHng dresses of the gentler sex, the low necked dresses and short sleeves, or rather no sleeves of evening parties ; a practice, let me add, which cannot be supported by one single argument, and which, coupled with heated rooms, iced drinks, hot beverages, chilly lobbies and halls, and all in our winter weather, is most absurd and is certainly the fruitful cause, sooner or later, of much bronchial and pul- monary mischief. There is also exposure of the chest in men — insufficient protection of the abdomen where waist- coat and trousers meet — the dark clothes worn in summer — the crape and black mourning so generally and so long worn in the light of devotion to the departed — bad ventilation through waterproofs, galoshes, and many other points ; not to speak of the more than questionable good taste displayed in short jackets, cut-away coats and tight fitting trousers. The Chinaman's long robes, which are the rule, button close up to the neck, and stretch down almost to the feet, and envelope the whole body. A painting or sculpture, which exposed anything but the head and perhaps the hands, would be set doAvn as barbarous and gross. In summer, a long cotton or silk robe is the chief part of the dress ; in winter, cotton-wadded garments among the middle and lower classes, and the various furs among the higher classes prevail. Nothing could be more neat and tasteful than the ladies' dresses in China, whether of the higher or lower classes. Crinoline and chignons have always been amystery to them. In our campaigns in hot climates, the thick coat and heavy hat, or small forage cap, have destroyed by sunstroke and apoplexy, more lives than the enemy's swords or bullets. Chinese tailors, let me say, sit at their boards, and so are saved from those troubles to which the sons of the needle with us are exposed from their stooping and cramped position. And as to their shoes, the top and sides are made of calico, silk, satin, or velvet, and the soles of several layers of thick paper, rags or felt, protected some- times by a thin outer sole of leather. They are soft and easy to the feet, and these plagues of over-civilisatiuu, corns 40 and bunions, are almost unknown. The winter shoe is padded with cotton. The Chinese can dispense with boards in their houses, as from the thickness of the sole, one or sometimes two inches, they may be said to carry their floor- ing constantly with them; it raises them above the dirt, damp and wet. These thick soles suit their dignified gait, and the only evil which I have found from their use, is the necessity for constant paring of the toe nails — a regular craft of chiropodists existing in all Chinese towns for this purpose. It can be readily understood that ingrowing nail and the evils of overparing frequently present themselves. Chinese police in the winter are supplied with large sheep- skin coats which keep out the cold thoroughly. In regard to head-dress, in summer they wear generally white straAV hats, which permit a current of air to pass freely round the head, or they have besides large rims which hang down and shade the face, neck and shoulders. In winter, they wear a cap of silk or satin, or a warm soft one of felt. Many expose their heads to the most violent sunshine without the slightest danger, or protect themselves with only a hand- kerchief or fan, but such have been born and brought up in the country. Sunstroke, or heat apoplexy, are unknown at Pekin. No cases of these affections have occurred among foreigners, and we have missionaries of the Protestant, Koman Catholic, and Greek Church, some of whom having adopted the Chinese dress, go about as the Chinese do with impunity without any head covering. In the precepts laid down in the native work already referred to for regulating the actions of the day, it is said, "wind is to the air Avhat anger is to the passions, therefore avoid air coming through narrow passages." The proverb is — avoid a blast of wind as carefully as the point of an arrow — during perspiration do not leave off clothes, or ex- pose yourself to fresh air, and the abdomen, even in sum- mer, is to be protected. Change linen frequently, but do not put on clothing that has just been dried in the sun. Clothes stowed away in boxes with camphor are always freely aired before being put on, because of the anaphro- 41 disiac effect of that substance. The Chinese dress, as a whole, is invuhierable. Can this be said of ours ? Disposal of the Dead. — Let me add a Avord as to the Chinese disposal of the dead. China has no public cemeteries in our sense, if we except, perhaps, such as those of the Eunuchs, of the Emperors of a dynasty, and of the official ground set apart for the interment, at the imperial expense, of children deposited at the mortuaries outside the city gates for the poorest of the people who own no land, and for those who die away from home without relatives. All interments are made in private ground, and none is allowed within the walls proper^of cities. It is interesting to note this fact in Chinese civilisation. In respect to this subject we have the testimony of Philologus of Ravenna, the first physician in the west, perhaps, who censures the pernicious custom of having public burying places in popu- lous cities, " which taint the atmosphere with cadaverous streams and frequently occasion fatal distempers. I am astonished " he says, " that the moderns should approve of a practice which the wisest nations of antiquity prohibited by the most solemn laws." Well-to-do families in cities, possess private burying grounds outside, and these are gene- rally covered with grass and planted with firs, cypresses and willows. There is no crowding of the dead. In the country, among the agricultural classes, every one seems to possess a bit of land, the dead are buried frequently in the culti- vated fields of the family. The mounds, although religiously tended, disappear in the course of time under the influence of tillage, the weather and the encroachment upon them year by year, of the crops. China, in this way, may be said to be one vast cemetery, the whole aspect of the country is so studded with mounds. That we do not live entirely among the tombs is owing to their gradual disappearance from the face of the soil. There is one practice, however, which must be condemned, and that is the habit among the better classes of keeping the dead for weeks, months, and sometimes years and generations, from motives of respect- ability, feelings of affection, or temporary inability to inter 42 with becoming decency, suitable to their position and rank. In seasons of epidemics, such as cholera, smallpox, or diph- theria, this practice is most dangerous. After death, diviners and priests are called in, and a protracted chanting of prayers, weeping, howling, singing, burning of incense, a beating of gongs, bells and drums, is kept up, and I have seen the most disastrous consequences follow this custom. There is this to be said, on the other hand, that the coffins are of substantial wood, very thick, and are well covered with cement, so that they are in most cases air tight. Cre- mation is sometimes had recourse to 'in the case of Buddhist priests of note. European towns suffer from the contaminated air over or near cemeteries. The trees, plants, grass and crops which obtain in China in or around their burying places, must be very useful in the absorption of deleterious substances. Exercises and Trades. — Such is the state of civilisation in China, that it may be said there are no particular trades specially injurious to life. Their shops, places of business, and such few industries and manufactories as they have, are all carried on out of doors, or in the free open air. As a rule, they rarely have recourse to exercise, in our sense of the word. Among the Manchus, archery is compulsory, and occasionally among the soldiers, we see them practising fencing, wrestling, throwing the stone, &c. The Chinese and Manchus alike are greatly given to shuttlecock, at which they are most expert, and a great deal of time and pains are bestowed upon bird catching, training, airing, teaching to sing, carrying in cages or on sticks, pigeon flying, and above all, kite flying, pastimes in which adults play the principal part. A most elaborate system of medi- cal gymnastics obtains in China, called kung-fu, which ia both preventive and curative of disease. We find this system principally practised by the Tauist priests, who were the first alchemists in the world. For centuries they have been in search of the philosopher's stone. They have practised healing by magic, charms, friction, &c., and many books have been written on the art of procuring health and 43 long life. In ancient times, curing by pressure and friction formed one of the thirteen departments of the great Medi- cal College. A most interesting article might be -written on this subject alone. The Chinese thus first gave the idea of the 3Iovement Cure, which is now practised in most Euro- pean countries, founded on the anatomical basis of the Swedish physician Ling. The system was first brought to European notice last century, through an article by one of the Jesuits in their memoires. At the present day curative and prophylactic gymnastics are to a large extent in the hands of the barbers. Besides shaving the head, which, by the by, is done without the use of soap, hot water being only used — and plaiting the queue, they clean the eyes, ears, and nostrils of their customers ; they put the eyebrows in order, and perform generally what is known in Europe as macer or massage. By extending the limbs, and gently rubbing them with the palm of the hand, the circulation is promoted, and tone and suppleness is given to the muscles. The operation generally consists of tapping, kneading, pinching, chafing, and pommelling the body all over, pro- ducing the most delightful sensations and proving very bracing. I have known adults put to bed every night by their attendants so operating upon them. Epidemics. — A word as to epidemics. And first small-'pox. This disease is endemic; it is never absent, although in certain years and certain seasons it is much more virulent. It prevails most generally in winter, and unfortunately this is just the season, from superstitious ignorant notions, when the Chinese will not vaccinate. Children only in China take small-pox, but then all take it, Avith very few exceptions. The Chinese laugh at the idea of foreign adults contracting this disease. The poison is supposed to be communicated from the parents to the foetus; all therefore possess the small-pox germ in their constitutions, and only waiting for development — often compared to a flint which requires but to be struck to emit fire. The disease is very fatal. At Canton, in one epidemic, or rather a more than usually virulent endemic attack, 20 to 30 per cent, of the unvacci- 44 Dated died ; at another time, as many as from 40 to 50 per cent. The mortahty was very inconsiderable among the vaccinated. There are some fifty or sixty professional vaccinators in Canton. About half of the children get pro- tected in this way. The Chinese have taken wonderfully to vaccination, and it is productive of the best results. They have made its practice coincide with their own theories, and although there is thus an air of mystery thrown around it, the success of the operation is not invalidated. They are most particular in regard to the lymph, the con- dition of the child, the season of the year, &c., and their great care is rewarded with great success. The whole sub- ject is full of interest, and useful lessons might even here be learned by us, but space forbids our entering upon it. Their rule is to vaccinate in three distinct places in each arm, and the operation may be termed the hypodermic one. It was introduced into China in 1805. In this country we can hardly now realise the blessings of Jenner's discovery. This disease has been known in China since about the end of the 9th century of our era, and therefore much about the same time as in Europe. Inoculation in China has been known and practised since the Sung dynasty (a.d. 960 — 1127). Diphtheria existed as an epidemic at Peking in 1866, and is more or less always present, and proves very fatal. I have known of twenty-four deaths in a family of twenty- six individuals within one month. I have not heard of it elsewhere in China. Our brethren at the ports all note its absence. Its origin goes back to 1821, and is attributed to the import of lucifer matches. There was an epidemic of Jaundice at Peking in the autumn of 1861, and no fewer than 370 applied at the hos- pital for relief. This epidemic was not owing to any particular article of diet, but to sudden changes of tem- perature. Cholera visited China in 1862 and 1863, and was pretty general all over the country. Since that time no epidemics have been witnessed. In 1863, at Canton, from 700 to 1200 45 died daily for three weeks, and on the 14th July the deaths reached 1500 in twenty-four hours. About 15,000 or 20,000 in the two months in the autumn of 1862 were carried off at Peking, and probably as many at Tientsin. It followed the course of the river, attacking the various towns on the banks, and lastly reached the capital. A severe epidemic occurred in China in 1820-23. At Ningpo, 10,000 were then carried off. It prevailed at Amoy in 1842. It has been known in China, as in India, from time immemorial. It was described 2500 B.C. by the very name which it now bears, viz., Iiivo-luan^ an expression meaning something huddled up in a confused manner inside the body, which is evidenced by the vomiting and purging. No doubt the term is also applied to what we designate as English cholera. The Chinese reckon two forms of this disease, the wet and dry, according as there is the presence or absence of vomitino- and purging. The latter or dry, is considered the most fatal form. It only remains now to note a few remarks on some of the other more frequent diseases in China, not already referred to, and first in importance comes phthisis. Diseases of the chest are, on the whole, remarkably rare in China. We have already referred to their immunity from heart diseases. Other diseases of the chest, such as pleurisy, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, are hardly known, and phthisis is far from being so common as in this country. The author of the Middle Kingdom, the oldest resident in China, re- marks thus : — '' Diseases of the viscera, of an acute inflam- matory nature, are not so fatal or rapid, nor does consump- tion carry oif so many as in the United States." At Canton, in the south, Dr Wang says, " phthisis is tolerably prevalent, but by no means so common as in Europe and America." Dr Kerr, many years a missionary practitioner there, con- firms this opinion. " It is difficult," Dr Wang says, '* to say why it should be so, as the causes which produce consump- tion, such as bad air, insufficient food and exercise, bad hygiene, &c., must be much more operative, and must exist to a much greater extent here than in the more civilised 46 countries of Europe and America." One thing ought to be mentioned, he says, in connection with this question (if pneumonia and bronchitis have anything to do with the genesis of phthisis), that the Chinese here are not liable to acute affections of the chest. At an earlier period he writes that he saw only one case of acute bronchitis — the only case of acute affection of the lungs in three years. Idiopathic pleurisy and pneumonia he had never seen; and hasmoptysis in men and especially women is by no means such a sure sign and precursor of phthisis as it is in Europe. Chronic bronchitis is common, and so also, to a certain extent, is asthma. I can endorse most fully and heartily every word of this — it is an exact descrip- tion of our pulmonary practice at the capital. Dr Wang further iftdds, and I now quote his very words : — " The rarity of consumption among country people, and the greater exemption from it of the labouring class in the city, not- withstanding that they are badly housed, and badly fed, must be attributed to exercise and life in the open air, and I am inclined to think, that their food, though poor in quality, is not, as a rule, insufficient in quantity. Still I cannot quite understand why phthisis is not more prevalent than it is among them, especially the country poor, whose food often seems not more than sufficient to support life. Scrofula, another form of the disease" — and here I agree with him too — " is often seen in the hospital. The whole subject," he adds, "deserves investigation." Chest affections at Shanghai are not generally severe, and the cases seen are mostly imported. In Formosa, phthisis is common, but of a very chronic nature. Acute disease of the respiratory organs is extremely rare at Amoy; pneumonia and severe bronchitis are almost unknown among resident Europeans there. Dr Smith, at Hankow, reports : " The natives spit blood with little or no provocation at all, and with but very little evil consequences ; consumption is comparatively infrequent," and he suggests '•' that it may be owing to the great frequency of chronic bronchitis." Dr Reid, also of Hankow, is rather inclined to combat this 47 view, when he considers the great prevalence around him, and in China generally, of the usually recognised causes of the disease. It is certainly staggering to one not thoroughly acquainted with the Chinese constitution, and even then, one is very apt to make one's practice almost unwittingly square with our theories and preconceived notions. After commenting on the various causes that exist predisposing and exciting to the disease, such as we have already enumerated, in the great want of sanitary science, he adds — ''if con- sumption did not follow as a consequence of all this, we should have a result different from what has been observed in other parts of the world, Avhere like predisposing con- ditions are found." But unfortunately for his argument, we have it frequently in this country, where few, if any, of the causes emunerated at Hankow obtain. His causes, I may as well state, are these — that more than half tlie town population are debarred from exercise, and rarely, if ever, inhale fresh air ; that the country people chiefly live on a vegetable diet, and often partake of it in insufficient quantity for the purpose of nutrition ; that the subsoil in many places, and at certain seasons, is saturated with moisture ; that the general health is deteriorated by the action of malaria, and lastly, on the strength of his colleague, Mr Porter Smith, that haemoptysis is acknowledged to be a common occur- rence. He further adds, — " supposing phthisis to be rare, its rarity cannot be ascribed to the absence of a special tubercular diathesis among the Chinese, since the researches of Grerman pathologists have demonstrated that this disease, in the vast majority of cases, is, at its outset, a cheesy dege- neration of inflammatory products, and that this may super- vene on any inflammation of the lungs, although most frequently following chronic catarrhal pneumonia ; and fur- ther, that tubercle is a secondary result, produced by the action of cheesy morbid products on the organism. This tendency to cell hyperplasia and cheesy degeneration is fostered by causes which deteriorate the health, whether acting from without or from within the body, and both classes are frequent enough in China." It is no doubt 48 frequent — Dr Reid saw 118 cases out of over 5200; but even on his own showing and enumeration of causes, I think Dr Reid would agree with me, that it is after all not so pre- valent as we should have expected, and certainly not so common as in this country where, as already remarked, the same causes are neither so numerous nor so severe. The Chinese hardly know what acute inflammation means, and all admit that even phthisis is very chronic. I have also seen many cases of haemoptysis that have not been speedily followed by its ordinary consequences. No doubt such patients may, and do eventually succumb, but it is very chronic. Bronchial catarrh is exceedingly common every- where in China, and of course particularly .in the northern half of the country, and especially during the long and severe winter. This affection becoming chronic, which is the normal condition, simulates phthisis, and this may ex- plain, perhaps, the frequency of this affection noted at Han- kow ; although we are told special care was exercised in each case to guard against a wrong diagnosis. Speaking of the naval forces in Chinese waters during and after the first opium war, Dr Wilson says — "We had only one undoubted case of phthisis, and that in an officer whose case had clearly originated in England." Bronchitis, he tells us, though not common, occurred more frequently, but was seldom met with as an original disease having much power and apart from common catarrh ; and when it has given rise to pulmonary abscess, without doubt being confounded Avith phthisis. One thing, he says, is certain, that idiopathic affections of the lung are not common at Hong-Kong, and tubercular phthisis originating here has hitherto been all but unknown, if ever witnessed, at least in the naval force. This exemption, he adds, is in conformity with what has been noted in other miasmatous districts — where there is the prevalence of ague, consumption is not rife. Dr Reid lays considerable stress upon the proved con- nection between phthisis and abundance of soil-moisture and drainage, and quotes one authority to prove that the death rate of phthisis, in certain English towns, depends upon 49 the efficiency of the drainage, and Mr Simon declares, that " dampness of soil is an important cause of phthisis to the population living on the soil." On this ground, if on no other, Hankow, and many other places in China, ought to be hot-beds of the disease. If, then, as Dr Reid himself asks, the disease be rarely met with in China, will it show that certain elements now supposed to be powerful agents in rendering phthisis prevalent among a population, have been over-estimated as regards their e\dl influence on the bod}-, or that some other conditions exist which modify or neutralise them ? A certain antagonism has been supposed by some French surgeons in Algeria and some American writers, to exist between ague and phthisis. Where the one prevails the other is either absent or very rare ; and certainly the obser- vations made in China would seem to bear out this doctrine, Ague is very prevalent in the centre of China along the course of the great river Yangtse, which is, Nile-like, subject to periodical risings and overflowings. It is also very com- mon in the south, most probably the most frequently met with disease there. At Peking, the soil being sandy and ab- sorbent, and there being little damp or marshy ground, ague in ordinary years is one of the rarest affections. The heat there is extreme for six weeks in summer, and the rain- fall is copious at that time. The streets of the city and parts of the surrounding country are frequently for days and weeks under water. During the great inundations of 1870 and following years in Chihli, ague rose to the first place in point of numbers. In Shanghai, from April, 1860, to July, 1861, 28,000 cases were seen ; ten were for pulmonary consumption (seven were well marked), and 1400 were for ague. Tubercle is common, but is confined entirely to the abdominal organs. My experience at the capital all points towards the same conclusion. In Formosa, one practitioner disputes this sup- posed antagonism, and notes forty-seven cases of phthisis in twelve months, and 718 cases of malarial disease. During the summer of 1872, he notes again 340 cases of intermittent fever, and 38 cases of chronic phthisis. At another part of 50 the same island, during the same time, 20 cases of consump- tion were observed. It might, however, be a question, if malaria do not entirely neutralise it, does it not modify it ? If so, this might account for the prevalence of the one, and comparative infrequency of the other. Or is this great im- munity from consumption (for such we must all admit) where ague is rife, to be accounted for on other grounds, such, for example, as that of heat alone, predisposing, according to a well-known and fully-recognised division of diseases, into abdominal and thoracic, the former predominating in the southern and hot, and the latter in the northern and colder regions 1 Time forbids my entering on a detailed statement of the other diseases generally met with in China. Suffice it to sum them all up very briefly. Leprosy, both tubercular and anassthetic, is common in the centre and south of China, and it has been known from the most ancient times. A few cases have been observed of both forms in the north. Lazar houses exist — it is not considered contagious. It is looked upon as incurable, and is attributed to the exhalations aris- ing- from low damp ground. — Lymph scrotum and elephan- tiasis are also found abundantly in the south. — There is a good deal of anaesthesia in the north of China proper, not connected with leprosy. The people, and particularly the Mongols, suffer greatly from rheumatism, caused to a large extent by the practice of sleeping on the ground in tents as the nomadic hordes do, and under the eaves of the houses or verandahs, or in the cold kangs, as in China. The tem- porary loss of sensation in such cases is, doubtless, attribut- able to causes similar to those operating in the causation of neuralgia and rheumatism. Diaphoretics are found peculiarly useful. Dr Wilson remarks that malarious districts have seemed to dispose, if not excite, to attacks of rheumatism, but this he did not iind to be the case at Hong-Kong ; and, therefore, he asks if the neuralgic affections have not been set down as rheumatic i The former, he says, are not un- common in malarious positions where the more open and injurious effects of the poison are very rarely manifested. I 51 may here notice that cases of acute rheumatism have not been observed. — Whooping cough is not known as a distinct disease by the Chinese, although their medical works describe such a disease. It is classed with ordinary cough, and its infectious character is not dreamt of. It is not a prevalent aflfeation. — Scarlet fever is also barely recognised. When it does exist it is usually classed with measles. The latter dis- ease is invariably mild, and I never heard of a fatal case. It may be a question how far small-pox, which is universally prevalent and endemic, has modified or altogether done away with such infantile diseases, so common and fatal in this country. The Chinese sleep on cotton wadded mattresses, so that Dr Salisbury's theory of mildewed straw beds as causing measles does not obtain in China. — The absence of typhoid has been remarked as something very peculiar in view of the physical conditions everywhere existing, and of the habits of the people. Milk has been shown in this country to be a fruitful source of typhoid fever ; but in China milk forms no part of the diet of the people, and here again we have one important factor less in the causation of disease. Scrofula is often seen in China, as evidenced in suppuration of glands, hip-joint disease, and also in spinal curvature, but not so frequently as in our large towns in this country. These affections are found most commonly among women, who, owing to their small feet and the retirement to which custom condemns them, are deprived 5f exercise and exposure to fresh air, two things which are absolutely essential to health, and whose absence is the principal cause of the stru- mous constitution, and much of the phthisis at home with us. With regard to the small feet, it is remarkable that few direct evil consequences, such as necrosis of the bones, or ulcera- tion, etc., result from this barbarous mode of binding these members ; but the indirect results are very great, as witnessed in the strumous constitutions, the ansemia and its lono- train of dependent diseases, such as amenorrhoea and other uterine disorders. Such diseases, peculiar to the sex, are, I suppose, more prevalent throughout China than in any other country, and nowhere is the desire for children — sons at any rate — so iy2 great. Aua3inia is the fruitful source of much of the disease in China, and has been by some considered the characteristic and important pathological feature of the Chinese constitu- tion. This condition is caused, in addition to the reasons already advanced, by ague, deficient and improper food, dj'spepsia, itself the effect as well as the cause sometimes of this condition, andby too long continued suckling of their chil- dren. — Boils and carbuncles are very common — one man is reported as having had as many as 200 during one season. Toothache is not very common — supposed, as already said, to be caused by worms — the population at large has very sound teeth, accounted for by their simple dietary. Shock is unknown. No patients, anywhere, bear operations with more fortitude, and owing to their lymphatic temperament, they are followed with less inflammation than usual in Euro- pean practice. Time fails to quote case after case illustrating this point, and also the recuperative power of the Chinese system— recovering from the most fearful accidents, wounds, injuries, burns, operations, &c., with great ease and rajpidity. Many cases that would be adjudged here as hopeless, or as incurable without surgical interference, get well there. Men, to all appearance mortally wounded, have recovered, making one almost doubt whether there really is such a thing as a wound necessarily fatal ; men with the small intes- tines basking in the sun for hours or days, and covered over with dirt ; extraction of calculi filling up the whole bladder, and which, by all the rules of surgery, ought to have ended fatally ; three musket balls extracted from one individual, two of them having passed through the left lung, etc. The way in which operations are borne is perfectly astonishing. Where chloroform has been administered it has attracted universal admiration, and the accounts circulated of this wonderful medicine have not been less wonderful — the ex- traordinary " sleeping medicine," by which^a person could be rendered dead and afterwards brought to life. This has, in- deed, excited their surprise and attention, and it is declared twelve parts wonderful — ton being the natural number. The Chinese require a large amount to render them unconscious, 53 and their insensibility occurs without ahnost any preliminary excitement. Without chloroform they neither cry nor wince, and this is not to be accounted for, as is often done, so much by a less acute nervous system, but rather to moral training. Their religions systems teach indifference to bodily suffer- ing or to life itself. I have hardly ever met a case in man or woman where objection was offered to taking medicine, or submitting to an operation, provided the latter did not necessitate parting with a member. The idea of the sacredness of the body and the necessity of keeping it entire — dismemberment being considered a sin against one's parents from whom the body was received — of course mili- tate against amputations, and render dissection at present impossible. We have just said that operations are followed with less inflammation than usual in European practice. The Chinese constitutions are essentially anti-phlogistic. Primary aftections of internal organs are seldom encountered, and so strikingly is this the case all over the empire, that the order oi ■phlegmasice of Cullen, forming in other places so large a portion of human maladies, might almost be struck out of the nosological catalogue without even an exception in favour of hepatitis, generally considered the peculiar and overwhelm- ing morbid product of the East. All inflammatory diseases, as remarked by Dr Wilson in 1858, in China and India, assume a far more passive than active form, and require less de- pletion than similar diseases in temperate climates. '• The most sanguine physician," remarks another, " would never ch-eam of bleeding a Chinese." Their diseases are chronic and adynamic. The Mohammedans and Mongols, who live largely upon mutton and meat, generally present more of the inflammatory type, and much more resemble Europeans in their diseases. — Skin diseases, especially scabies, psoriasis, lepra, eczema and pityriasis, are excessively common. — Nerv- ous diseases are remarkably infrequent, and supposed to be owing to the apathetic, peace and quietness-loving charac- ter of the people. The Chinese speak of the heart, seldom of the head, of which they know almost nothing. — Apoplexy among the aged ofiicials, properly predisposed to it by their 54 obesity, and tlie necessity of performing the nine prostra- tions before the Emperor so frequently, is not very nncom- mon, and of course there is paralysis, chiefly in the form of hemiplegia. Paraplegia, general paralysis, softening of the brain and chorea, are quite uncommon. Epilepsy is met with, and a few cases of idiocy and imbecility have been seen. There are no lunatic asylums, and the presence of much insanity is highly improbable, considering the high estimate entertained of foreign medicine, which would draw to our hospitals such cases if they existed, and from a review of their whole condition, we should certainly not expect to find it prevalent. — Cancrum oris or stomatitis is common, of course in young, unhealthy, anemic, pot-bellied, scrofu- lous-looking children. — Goitre is very frequent in the north among both sexes. It is found also on the plains and in our large cities, and frequently in the absence of the sup- posed ordinary producing causes. They have for centuries been aware of the power exercised by seaweed ever tumours of this and other classes. — Abscesses, ulcers, simple tumours, necrosis of bones, especially of the left lower jaw, are exceedingly common, in fact constitute a large proportion of our practice. — Diseases of the eye are, of course, very com- mon, the chief being conjunctivitis, leucoma,entropium, ptery- gium, corneal ulcers, and trichiasis. — Throat affections are common — their universal plan of counter irritation outside, by pinching the skin of the throat, is curious. — Hernia is more common in China among men than probably in any other country. The native faculty and people are ignor- ant of its condition or cause, and suppose it to be a collection of air, and so frequently puncture it. — Fistula in ano and hagmorrhoids, the former called the drip- ping or leaking ulcer, are terribly common. — Constipa- tion is very common. — In summer, diarrhoea and dysen- tery are very frequent, caused chiefly by eating the early unripe fruits and vegetables, and in too great a quantity, and probably also by exposure at night and sudden and severe vicissitudes of temperature. There is much less prostration under attacks of dysentery amongst the natives than among Europeans. Chinese diarrhoea and dysentery, if not among opium smokers, are generally very mild and very amenable to simple treatment, and, as already stated, congestion and inflammation of the liver, so fatal to foreigners, are very rarely, if ever, met with among them. Liver diseases are generally considered to be the effect of climate, but China rather disproves this. I think they are more likely owing to errors of diet. Some of our brethren have drawn attention to a close connection between typhoid and certain forms of malarious fevers. A question which does not yet seem settled is, can typhoid originate de novo from the decomposition of fsecal accumulations and the like ; or, in other words, is it of spontaneous develop- ment? There is some evidence collected in China which seems to point to the latter. — Harelip is not very common, and where it does exist, there is no desire to have it reme- died. They think it cannot be cured, and are generally afraid to meddle with what is natural, and has been received from one's parents. They are wonderfully free, as a people, from deformities, monstrosities, and such like. The Chinese never intermarry with one of their own name, and this may account for the absence of any diseases supposed to be depending upon or derivable from consanguinity. And what is the salvation of any country is early marriage, which is universal in China, from the desire to have sons to hand down their names and worship at their tombs. The children are suckled at the breast for about three years. It is aston- ishing what a greatly increased amount of the milk secre- tion is obtained in China, even by European mothers, by the consumption of a regular daily quantity of well-made rice or millet gruel. The introduction of rice was opposed in Ireland, because of its supposed property of preventing fertility. China is opposed to the potato on the same grounds. Infant mortality here is said to be very high, and improper food to be the cause j)ar excellence. The Chinese substitute for breast milk is a pap made of rice, flour and sugar, with which the child's gums are smeared. There is no registration in China, and there are no means of 56 arriving at an estimate of the mortality of either infants or adults in Chinese cities, except by numbering them as they pass out of the city gates. In every house there is supposed to be a list of the inmates hung up, subject to the inspec- tion of the police. Whatever the rate of infont mortality may be, we do not think it is so high as in Europe. Many of the same causes affecting the adult must also have their favourable effect on their offspring. One thing is certain, infanticide does not prevail to the extent so generally be- lieved among us ; and in the North, whence Europe derived her ideas chiefly from the Jesuits of last century, it does not exist at all. Disinfection, separation or isolation in cases of disease, are but little practised. When had recourse to, fire is the usual instrument. Poverty too often prevents this expensive process from being carried out, and the worst results are to be feared from the purchase of second-hand clothes. Infection is, no doubt, thus frequently propagated, through the pawn-shops especially, which everywhere exist, and are extensively patronised by the poorer classes? and are the hot-beds of infection. On the accession of cold weather, when the winter garments are withdrawn from these establishments, we invariably have an outburst of small-pox which lasts over the winter, proving very fatal — sadly pitting or blinding those who recover. It might prove interesting to classify and tabulate the diseases of China according to the order of frequency, as seen at the ports, in the Mission hospitals for the Chinese, and among Europeans, as seen in .private practice. The hospital and customs' half- yearly reports would furnish the data, but space forbids. The following very brief statement may suffice : — At Peking, in the extreme north, in 1865 and 1866, for example, out of 3157 and 8066 patients respectively, the leading affections were— asthma and chronic bronchitis, 252 and 885 ; dyspepsia, 349 and 634 ; rheumatism, 140 and 200 ; ulcers, 144 and 378 ; scabies, 152 and 1074 ; conjunctivitis, 236 and 342 ; diarrhoea, 45 and 54 ; dysentery, 20 and 138 ; neuralgia, 51 and 224; phthisis and tabes mesenterica, 33 and 171: struma. 50 and 132: affections of the ear. 57 08 and 122 ; abscesses, 95 and 190; ague, 4 and 31 respec- tively. At Chefoo,in the north, on the sea, probably our best sani- tarium in China, the order runs — dyspepsia, eye disease, skin disease, and winter cough. At Hankoio, in the centre, Dr Reid reports in one year, out of 5213 patients — chronic rheumatism, 288 ; ague, 118 ; phthisis, 118 ; bronchitis, 250 ; dyspepsia, 246 ; diarrhoea, 80 ; conjunctivitis, 132 ; eczema, 113 ; ulcers, 138 ; scabies, 334. In another report, he states the order to be, and all of the most chronic kind — rheumatism, dyspepsia, malaria disord- ers, bronchitis, phthisis, conjunctivitis, ulcers, dysentery and scabies. Dr Porter Smith, of the same place, in 1864-65, out of 18,764 patients, catarrh and bronchitis were represented by 2876 cases ; rheumatism, 2506 ; skin diseases, 2624 ; ulcers, 2100 ; eye diseases, 3769, of which 1433 were for conjuncti^dtis alone. At Foochoiv, in the south, in the summer of 1871, out of a foreign population of 1774 there were seen 309 cases, and the order was the following — dyspepsia, 64 ; diarrhoea, 43 ; gonorrhoea, 28 ; ague, 22 ; dysentery, 17 : primary syphilis, 16. At Simtow, further south, the figures stood— ague, 101 ; ulcers, 89 ; secondary syphilis, 87 ; dyspepsia, 80 ; ophthal- mia and chronic bronchitis, each 64 ; rheumatism, 57 ; anas- mia, 44. At Canton, in the extreme south, the leading affections were — ague, 46 ; diarrhoea, 39 ; rlieumatism, 13 ; boils, 14. In Formosa, also in the south, the cases stood for the summer six months of 1872 — 197 cases of quotidian ague ; 94 of tertian ; 49 of quartan ; 118 of remittent fever; 82 of chronic rheumatism ; 148 of enlarged spleen ; 68 of dysjoep- sia ; 67 of chronic ulcers ; 96 of chronic conjunctivitis ; of diarrhoea, 25 ; ana3mia, 44 ; chronic bronchitis, 39 ; phthisis, 38 ; v/orms, 30. This must suffice to give a general idea of the prevail- ing diseases in the three regions of China, and, with the 58 exception of Hankow and Peking, all bordering on the coast. Remittent and intennittent fevers, as om* remarks may have already indicated, are extremely common in the south, and form by far the largest proportion of the diseases pecu- liar to these regions. Among our forces in China, in 1842, periodic fever with chronic fluxes, partly dysenteric and partly diarrhoeaic, were the great endemic affections which attacked them. These fluxes often succeeded attacks of fever, were frequently reciprocal mth, and appeared to be \-icarious of, them. Rice is largely cultivated in the wann, moist south, and it is to this marshy, SAvampy land, we owe the presence of so much fever. Dr Wilson has thrower out the supposition in the form of a query, that the exhalations from paddy fields under regular management, and jdelding healthy products of vegetable growth, may give rise to intermittent, while the stronger poison exhaled from marsh land, tlu-ough processes of rapid and multiplied destruction of vegetable matter, may occasion the more concentrated and fatal remittent fever. He thinks if the surface could be deprived of its malarious ema- nations, and the diseases now inoperative Avere to remain so, Hong-Kong (and this would hold true of China generall}^) AA^ould be one of the most salubrious spots in the Avorld. Much has been done in this dii'ection since these remarks Avere written, Avhen Hong-Kong became a colony of om's. The above Avriter dAvells somcAvhat largely on this subject, and from its oaa^i interest and its close connection Avith the scope of this paper, I make no apology for giAang a summary of the Adews enunciated. In his Medical Notes on China he states that that country ought to be one of the most salubrious, as it is naturally one of the most favoured, portions of the earth's sm'face. What is detrimental is believed to be chiefly the wilful Avork of man's hands, or of his neglect and perverse ignorance. Certainly some diseases, such as ague, fluxes, ulcers and sldn affections, might be reduced in frequency and force if the people abandoned some of their agi'icultural and economic usages. He mentions the substitution of Avheat for rice cultivation as the first simj^le and most poAverful instru- 50 merit. Wherever land can be got to bear rice it is eagerly employed for that pm'pose. This would do away with marsh land, and by virtue of the absorbent natm-e of the soil, for our expensive and laborious drainage he sees scarcely any call in China. As they have long ago adopted one American article (tobacco), and universally use it, he advises the use of the potato, a native of the same country, which at present is ex- cluded from Chinese diet. Next in order of importance are the measures requued to correct the more limited morbific influence created and dihgently fostered by man, and not the product of the soil and climate. He would recommend entire change of plan of the towns and structure of the houses; would ^aden streets, make sewers and gutters, and render compidsory the speedy removal of dirty and rapidly-decom- posing matters from narrow, croAvded lanes. He adds that it may well excite surprise that such positions do not prove much more unhealthy than they are, and become every year abso- lutely pestilential. And this becomes more sm-prismg when viewed in connection with the domestic and personal habits of the people, and here entire change is required to secure great increase of health and enj oyment. The one word " cleanliness " expresses the want. Itch, which is so universal, and cutaneous diseases generally would thus be got rid of. The want of this virtue must be other^vise mjurious to health. If we bear in iTiind the utter absence of all sanitary science, which we have attempted briefly to pourtray, the narrow streets, pent-up houses, dense population, Avant of ventilation, earthen floors, absence of cellars, sewers and other channels for under-groimd purification, stagnant pools and pits of putrefaction m all chrections, Avith a liigli atmospheric heat for half the year, it is astonishing that the country is not sAvept incessantly by fearful epidemics, and ere long depopulated. And we should expect the people to be stiU more unhealthy, and the ravages of disease A^ery much greater, if we consider then- food, mala- ria, extensive use of opium and tobacco, and some would add Aveak tea, then- Avant of personal cleanhness, no body hnen, almost no washable clothes, and the use of the same ganiients day and night, and A\dien unfit for outside Avear, receiving 60 another layer, each layer gradually niovmg iiiAvarcIs a stage until thrown off, etc. Nqw, if all tliis be true — and no one who knows China "wall fail to admit the truth of the description — we may well ask, is theu' general freedom from disease, and especially acute disease, and the general health, vitaHty and activity they exhibit not alto- gether very remarkable ? If western sanitary science could re- lieve them almost enth'cly of the affections already indicated as prevaihng, without planting the diseases of modern Em'opean life, we should have a coimtry the most populous, the pm'est from disease in the world ; and at the same tune it is but reasonable to expect that many of their uncontrollable epidemic or endemic diseases would be greatly lessened and moderated. Small-pox would disappear before vaccination, and the world might then have some hope of stamping out this loathsome disease. Dr Wilson explains the absence of many diseases which are elsewhere frequent and occasion much mortahty, but which in China are comparatively uncommon and imimportant, by saying that perhaps the endemic diseases, periodic fever, flux and small-pox, being the chief destructive agents, absorb and occupy the place of other morbific powers, and that theu' in- fluence is such as not to tolerate the rival action, or even to any extent the inferior operation of the more ordhiary causes of disease. Like Aaron's rod among the wands of the magi- cians, they swallow up antagonists which, though feeble m then* presence, are formidable elsewhere. Concluding Remarks. — I have thus attempted, as briefly as possible, to give a notion of the causes and conditions of dis- eases in China, and the extent to wliich they prevail. I tliuik it is impossible to overrate the influence of climate, food, cus- toms and habits on health as well as on disease. The pecu- liarities of the Cliuiese in these respects have been acting in imbroken order through long series of years. The endemic diseases, as suggested above, may too, to some extent, have had their influence in checldng or neutralising the morbific germs of other chseases, or at least giving the people a certam amount of protection. "We know the natives are less susceptible 61 to malarious and other nialigu inllucuces than Europeans, but this cause does not, I think, explain all the phenomena. There are many useful lessons to be learned from a study of Chinese character and habits as aflfectmg health. The one word sohrieiy might smn up the most obvious of the causes of the favom'able conditions as to health and duration of life which obtain in China. Napoleon said intemperance was incom- patible mth gi-eatness. A review of the conditions of disease in China leads us to believe that msobriety, in its widest accep- tation, is mcompatible mth health and freedom from disease. Sobriety is defined by one to be — that we should neither eat nor drink more than is necessary for our constitution, in order to perform the functions of the mind with ease. The true rule of diet to every man, according to another writer, is his natm'al undepraved appetite. Excess is an enemy to nature — moderation in every affection and enjoyment is the way to preserve health. The Chinese partake sparuigly of flesh, in ]uany cases from sheer poverty, in other cases from religious motives, and in others again to prevent " fires " (inflamma- tions), as they express it, from originatmg in the system and setting up chseased action. Buddhism, with its doctrine of the transmigration of souls, has rendered an important aid to health by inducing among its priests total abstinence from animal food, and general temperance in this respect among the people as a whole. In certain diseases in our o^Yn country our physicians prescribe low diet and absence of animal food, and -with reason and advantage. A trial of a similar regime in health might be equally profitable for both soul and body. If temperance — that is, sufficient for wants but not for luxu- ries — in eating and drinking were more strictly observed, we might hear less frequently of high fevers, acute diseases and general inflammations. It is here, perhaps, where Europe might with great advantage assimilate herself more to Asia, and by so doing acquire much that would prove useful in enabling her people to resist morbific influences. And as Cornaro expresses it, there would then be the absence of all those "distempered humours which bring on defluxions." He enjoins a sober regular life as the onh^ happy one in its G2 consequences; and he exhorts and beseeches all men of sense and resolution to possess themselves of this source of health, more valuable than all the riches of the universe. We never realise what a state might be if its citizens -were temperate in all things. Taking just enough to live upon is the rigid natural law. By obeying this law as nearly as possible we should be comparatively free from the external cause of the induced diseases, and better, or at least well, protected against the consequences of those diseases springing from uncontrol- lable causes. As already stated, although the most sober of peoples, the Chinese drink no inconsiderable quantity of spirits, but excess is almost unknown. They form no exception, there- fore, to the rule that all nations have practically repudiated the doctrine of Avater being the simple salutary beverage de- signed by nature. From a pretty large and extended ex- perience in China, I can, however, confidently assert that the aqueous regime has guaranteed the best health and longest term of residence there among Em-opeans, and the more slowly we de^-iate, if at all, from this com-se the better. Tea. Yvdll be found the most wholesome beverage, promoting health and happmess by doing away "\^'ith noxious and intoxicating potions. So far its introduction has been accompanied -with the most salutary consequences, and it is behoved that its ex- tensive consumption will most effectually counteract drunken- ness and promote health. The author of the Bide to Khiva correctly puts it when he says, " This beverage (tea) becomes an absolute necessity when riding across the Steppes in mid- winter, and is far superior in heat-giving propei-ties to any T\dnes and spuits. In fact, a traveller would succumb to the cold in the latter, when the former \vi\l save his hfe." Tea has been the national beverage of a thu'd of the population of the globe for the last 1500 years. The use of boiling and boiled water, either alone or "\\dth a Httle tea in it, is characteristic of the people, and has been productive of much good and of the prevention of much disease. The astringency of the tea, lilve the use of betel nut in India, has been a corrective against dysentery and diarrhoea, and the boihng of the water has obviated typhoid fever, diarrhoea, calculus, and other diseases. 63 We cannot lay too much stress on regularity in everything — hom-s of sleeping, eating, working and exercise. With the Chinese there is the perfect appropriation of the sunhght in preference to artificial illumination. They rest, work and sleep in periods that precisely accord with the periodicity of nature. They rethe early to rest, opium smokers excepted. The streets of Chinese towns are deserted shortly after sunset. They rise early ; the Emperor and his court at or shortly after midnight. The business of the emphe for the day is all transacted long before we should think of getting up. Some of then- fairs are held before, or just at, sunrise. The value of regular hom*s and of rest is Httle thought of here, and too little inculcated. The almost invariable answer given by aged persons as to the cause of then- longe\dty is early hours and regular habits ; and some one, merely looking at the sub- ject in its commercial aspect, has made a calculation of the saving in gas and candles which such a course would bring about, and it is simply astounding. The Chinese are always struck with our activity in everything — we cannot even walk slowly ; and although we have enough of tune and money, it may be, we must stiU be going a-head, rushing and bustling, little thinking that " nourishing our heart," as they call it, is any concern of ours. Above all things, the Cliinese enjoin peace of mind and quietness of body — avoidance of anger, fear, grief, anxiety and the violent exercise of the passions generally, to which are ascribed more than half their disease. The Westerns seem a riddle to them — they fail to understand us. We have carried industry and competition to an extreme. Our social exigencies override our philosophies. Competition in business, speculation, reHgious controversies party pohtics, etc., undermine om' health and increase our mortality retm'ns. The Chinese do everything quietl}'' and methodically, without the slightest exertion or fuss. They seldom do anythmg for themselves which can be done by another. They have few ups and downs in theh world. Fate regulates everything, and so they are content with their lot. If they have wealth they use it ; if none, they do with- out it. Tliev live on in one unbroken routine Worrv is 64 unknown. General indolence and ease, disinclination to bo troubled about matters, a desii'e to let things take their course, trusting that all A^dll come right, are their characteris- tics. This state of feeling, partly inculcated by their various rehgious systems and occasioned partly by the chmate, and in accordance ^Aatli their unstimulating food and al^^^H^ious habits, conduce most effectively to the permanence of their institutions and indispose them for any change in their cus- toms. I must forbear enlarging further on this subject, as this paper has already exceeded the Hmits assigned to it. We trust some of the views advanced may have the effect of directing the profession to a consideration of our habits of Hfe and civilization generally as bearing upon the question of health, antl the causation, conditions and prevalence of dis- ease. DUNN AND WEIGHT, PEINTERS, GLASGOW ,i52p(e- ■' -- r^i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. AUG 2 9 1967 AUG 2 7 RECTI ^: '^ [2 WKS FROM RECtlPT yULO 9 199 JiQN-.^ENtVvAtlLE Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 • 3 P58 00349 '58