CATALOGUE Brooklyn Libra AliTHOKS, TITLES, SUBJECTS, AND CLASSES. PART SECOND D-M ( ^^^ G ^l^lFOf^TV^ A iT^'^Wi jBii^m'r, ,rr^r •eS;, 'i ' F- Extract fcoii'i. the Falitical Code. Skction 22U6. Books may be taken from tlie Library by tbe mkmbkrs op thk Lkgislaturk, during thk sessions THEREOF, and by otlier State officers at any time. Skc. 2298. The Controller, if notified by the Librarian that any officer lias failed to return books taken by him within the time prescribed by the Rules, and after demand made, must not draw his warrant for the salary of such officer until the return is made, or three times the value of the books, or of any injuries thereto, has been paid to the Librarian. Sec. 2299. Every person who injures or fails to return any book taken is liable to the Librarian in three times the value theieof. No person shall take or detain from the General Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. Books of reference shall not bk TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY AT ANT TIME. — [E.-itract frOlll the Rules. .KB" The foregoing Regulations will be strictly enforced. t'l* r k. ^t/ A. ^^ CATALOGUE OF THE BROOKLYN LIBRARY. AUTHOES, TITLES, SUBJECTS, AID CLASSES. PART SECOND, D-M (Pages 401-81)2). BROOKLYN, N.Y. 1878. ^ 1 l/ CUMBERLAND -CURIOSITIES 401 Tho curfew. Simpson and Co. 44. His first champagne. Autouy ami Cleopatra. Afftiir ol' honor. Provost ol Kruges. Rolund for au Oliver. Three woi-ka after marria;'e. Queen's bench. Daiuou and Pythias. Clear case. 45. Calayuoa. Figaro in London. Devil and Faiistns. Oreea man. bride of Lammurmoor. Honesty the best policy. Metliinks I see iny father, lletribution. 46. Don Ciesar de Bazan. Le;j:end of Florence. Giralda. PucheBs of Malfl. Werner. Cramond Brig. Alexaudei- the Great. Belphegor. the inonutebauk. King Henry vi. Troilus and Cressida. 47. Inyoniar. Cor- eican brothers. Perfection. Life's a lottery. Skeleton wit- ness. Fazio. 43. Aiigelo. and the actress of Padna. Be- ginning and the end. Sanctuary, or England in 1415. Love and honour. Postman's knock. Aladdin. Au optical delu- Biou. All Baba. Wild boy of Bohemia. Cumberland's Minor theatre. With remarks by D— G. V. 1-lG. L., n. tl. 18° 1721.16 Contents : v. 1. The Pilot. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Inch- cape Bell. Slasou of Buda. The Scapegrace. SuU Dhuv, the coiner. The Earthquake. •• My old woman." Ma- sauiello. 2. Don Giovanni. Paul Jones. Luke the la- bourer. Crazy Jane. X-'lyinj^ Dutchman. "Yes!" The forest oracle. Ivanhoe. Floating beacon. 3. Sylvana. Tom Bowling. Inkeeper of Abbeville. Lady of the Lake. Billy Taylor. Two tiregories. Wandering boys. I'aris and Loudon. A day after the fair. 4. Humphrey Clinker. Mischief milking. Joan of Arc. Ruflian boy. Fortunes of Nigel. The wreck. Everybody's husband. Banks of the Hudson. Guy Faux. 5. 'Die devil's ducat. Mazeppa. Mutiny at the Nore. Pedlar's acre. " No I ! 1 " Peveril of the Peak. Thalaba. Waverley. Winning a husband. 6. Hofur, tho TeU of tho Tyrol. Paul Clifford. Damon and Pythias. Three Huuchbaiks. Tower of Nesle. Sworn at Highgute. Mary tilastoubury. Tho lied Rover. Golden farmer. 7 Grace Huntley. "Thesoal'' The Clerk of Clerk- enwell. Hut of the red mountain. John street, Adelphi. The liear of private life ; or father and daughter. John Overy, or the miser of SoutUwark. Spare bed ; or the shower bath. Smuggler's daughter. 8. Cedar chest. Wardoch Keimilsou. The shadow. Ambrose Gwiuett. Gilderoy. Fate of Calas. Young reefer. Itevolt of the workhouse. The man and tlie marquis. 9. Gipsey Jack. L'Drliue. Fire raiser. Golden calf. Man-Fred. Char- coal burner. " My Poll and my partner Joe.'' The sixes : or, the devil's in the dice. Good looking fellow. Wizard of the moor. 10. Roof scrambler. Diamond arrow. Rob- ber of the Rhine. Eugene .Vi-am. Eddystoue elf. My wife's husband. Married bachelor. Shakspearo's festival. Van Dieman's laud. Le Pauvre Jacques. 11. Rochester. Au uncle too many. Wild man. Rover's bride. Beggar of Crippiegate. Paul tlie poacher. Thomas a Becket. Pestilence of Marseilles. Unfortunate Miss Bailey. 12. Humpbacked lover. Bound 'prentice to a waterman. March of intellect. Jocoude. The KiBuba. Shipwreck of the Medusa. Chain of guilt. Ion. Mistletoe bough. " My friend Thompson." 13. Battle of S':dgemoor. Larboard fin. Frederick the great. Wapping old stairs. Man with the carpet bag. Hercules. Female Massaroni. or fair brigand's Reform. Fatal snow storm. 14. Venus in arms. Earl of poverty. Siamese twins. Austerbtz. Payable at Bight. Bull-fighter. Rich man of Frankfort. Richard Plantagenet. Don Quixote. Black-eyed Sukey. Great devil. 15. Paul the pilot. Curse of mammon. Jack Sheppard. Boarding-house. Rule Britannia. Twins of Warsaw. The Venetian. Bashful man. Ravens of Orleans. 16. Ten thousand a year. Under the rose. Jack in the water. Haunted hulk. Marianne, the child of charity. Our village. Barber baron. Sixteen-string Jack. Ouming (H. Syer). History of keys [Jour, of Brit, archeol. ass., V. Vi : U61.12J ;— History of purses [v. li : IKil.U] ;— On horse shoes (v. 6 : liOl.OO] .—On mirrors [v. 17 ; 14G1.17J;— On spectacles [v. 11 : 1461.11]. " Oummerlaud talk." See Richardson (J.) 1682.2S Ctunniiug (Alexander). Elements of clock and watch- work. L., 1766. 4° 3937.31 Cumniiug (John, D.D.) Benedictions ; or, the blessed life. B., 18.51. 12° 354'2.0'2 — Ch arch before the flood. B., 1854. 12°. .3543.01 — Cities (The) of tho nations fell. 2d ed. London, 1871. 12° 3543.08 — Daily life. B., 1854. 12°. 3542.03 — FaU (The) of Babylon. L., 1870. 8°. . . 351'2.U — Great consummation. Ists. N.Y., 1863. 1'2°. 3542.08 — Great prepai'iitiou. N. Y., 18(i0. 1'2°. . . . 3542.06 — Great tribulation. 2 v. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . 354'2.04 — Last warning cry. N. Y., 18(57. 1'2°. . .3512.10 — Lectures on the Apocalypse. 3 v. Phila., 1856. 12° .• 3512.15 — Lectures on the Parables. Ph., 1856. 1'2°. 3542.14 — Lectures on Koaiaiiism. B., 1854. 1'2°. . .3542.12 — Moses right and Coleuso wrong : popular lectures on the Pentateuch. N. Y., lfS6:i. 12°. . . . 3731.15 — Prophetic studies. Lectures on DauieL Phila. , 1856. 12°. 3512.13 — Sabbath evening readings. St. John. Boston, 1856. 12° 3543.04 Same. St. Luke. B., 1855. l^". . . . 3543.03 Same. St. Mark. B., 1855. 12°. . .3513.02 Same. St. Matthew. B.,1855. 12°. .. 3543.01 — Sabbath morning readings. Exodus. Boston, 1856. 12°. 3542.20 Same. Genesis. B, 18.56. 12°.. . ..3512.10 Same. Leviticus. B., 1,S55. 1'2'. . . 3542.21 — Seventh vial ; or, the time of trouble begun. New York, 1862. 12°. 3542.22 Same. London, 1871. 12° 3543.12 — Signs of the times. Ph., 1855. ]'2°. . . .3542.18 — Teach us to pray. N. Y., 1862. 1'2°. . . .3543.07 — Voices of the day. B., 1859. 12°. . . .3.543.09 — Voices of the dead. B., 18-55. 1'2°. . .3543.11 — Voices of the night. B., 1854. r2°. . .3543.10 — Watchman, what of the night? New York, 1876. 12°. 3842.23 Cumming (Koualyu Gordon). Hunter's life in South Africa. 2 V. N. Y., 18.52. 12° 1093.11 — Wild men and wild beasts. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 4617.31 Cumminga (M. F. ) attd Miller ((J. C. ) Architecture. Designs for street fronts, suburban houses, and cottages. Troy, 1865. 4° 1317.07 Cuneiform inscriptinns, — Bowtmi {J.) Inscriptions. [In Ms Kineveh and it3 palaces. 1853.) 1051.14 — Groteferiil ((?. F.) On the cuneiform character. [In Heeren. Historical researches, v. 2, 183:i.] 424 20 — Layard {A, II,] Assyrian researches. [In his Nineveh and its remains.} 1054.11 — Iiawtinson{G.) Language aud writings. [In his Five great monarchies, v. 1, ISO'J.] 425.15 — Rich (C. J.) Inscription at Persepolis. [In his Nan-ative. 1839.) 1014.13 — Smith ( 6. ) The Chaldean account of Genesis. Ba- bylonian fables, and legends of the gods ; from the cuueiform inscriptions. 1876. . . 3737.0!) — * Chaklaeau account of the deluge. 1872. A. 27. 15 — Walt {r. ir.) On cuneiform writing. f//t /a's Orthography of tho Jews. Pt. 3, 1B56.] (i4'25.22 Cuuniugheun (Alexander). Ancient geography of In- dia. V. 1. L., 1871. 8° 1035.05 Contents: v. 1. The Buddhist period, including the cam- paigns of Alexander, and tho travels of Hwen-Tlisaug. — Bhilsa Topes ; or liudiUiist ruouumunts of Ceutral India ; rise, progress, and decline of Buddhism. Loudon, 1834. 8^ 3.528.08 Cunningham (Allan). Biogr. and critical hist, of the literature of the last 60 years. [In Waldie library, v. 3 ] . . 6078.17 — Life and corresp. of Buin.s. L., 1836. 16°. 3025.24 — Life of Wilkie. 3 v. L., 1843. 8°. . . . 3185.07 — Lives of British painters and sculptors. 5 v. New York, [n.d] 18' 1431.01 — Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern, with introd. aud notes. L., 1825. 8° 1631.20 Cunningham (G. G. ) Lives of eminent Englishmen. 8 V. L., 183.5-37. 8° 3224.12 JVote. — For Contents see Biography (CoUective), p. 111. Ouaningham (John). Poems. Ed. with life, by A. Chalmers. [/li Chalmers. English poets, v 14. Lslo.] . . . llViC.U — Select poems. Ed. by H. Walsh. [In Sanford (E.) and Walsh. British poets, v. ^, lb22.] lGill.32 Cmuiingham (John). The Quakers, from their origin. Edmb., 1868. 1'2° 3148.18 Cunningham ^John Wm.^ Cautions to continental travellers. London. 1823. 8°. (Pamphleteer, v. 2 1 ] . . . . 6U.';8.21 — Ob.servations on friendly societies. London, 1823, 8". [Pamphleteer, v. 22.] ., 6068.22 — A woild without souls, [anon.] L.,1805. 16°. 3624.29 Curmingham (Peter). Extracts from the accounts of the revels at coiu-t in the reigus of Elizabeth and James. With introd. L., Slink. soclSiS. 8°. 1756.07 — Inigo Jones : a life. L., Shnk. snc. 1S48. 8°. 1756.39 — Memoirs of J. M. W. Turner. [In "'Burnet (J.) Turner and his works. 1852.) 1446.05 Cuore (L. B. ) Italian conversation grammar. 3d ed. N. Y.,18C6. 12° 642'2.05 Cup and platter. Sei; Drewry (G. O.) tmcZ Bartlett (H. O.) 6014.10 Cupid and Psyche. See Apuleius 301)3.27 ; 123.05 Cups aud their customs, [anot.] 2d ed. London, 1869. 12°. 6015.17 Cure of old age. See Bacon (Roger). 1C83 1322.27 Curing of meats, fruita. etc. See Domestic economy. Curioaites des inventions et decouvcrtes. Paris, 1855. 16°. [BibUothfeque de poche.] . . . 3921.15 BROOKLYN MEBCANTILE LIBRARY. 402 CURIOSITIES-CUTTS Curiosites philologiques, ge'ographiques et etlinolo- giques. Paris, 1855. 16^. [Bibliothfeque do poche.] 1)411.07 Curiosities of biog aphy ; or, memoirs of remarkable men. [aium.] Glasgow, 18i5. 12''. . . . 32Gt.21 Ouriosities of civilization. .SVe Wynter (.\.) .'.... Curiosities of nat. history. Sni: Taylor (Joseph). 1819. . 4722.11 Ouriosities of hterutui-e. .^c^ Disraeli (I.) 27t)2.03 Cariosities (New) of literature. .SV'e Soane (G.) .... G218.26 Curiosities of the pulpit. 6V'-' Jacksoa (Thomas). 1869. 35t}2.29 Curiosities of science. See Timbs (John). 1858. . . . 3913.03 •Curiosities of street literature : comprising catch- pennies, street drolleries, broadsides, ballads, etc. Loudon. 1871. 4^ 5028.1)4 Curiosity. Plutarch. Of ciu-iosity. [In his Morals, V. 2, p. 421- 411.1 6l;i5,27 Curious facts of old colonial days. See Bouwick (J.) 1870. 1062.08 Curley (Edwin A.) Nebr.iska. L.. 1875. 8=. 1136.12 Curling stones. See Dublin nuiv. mag., Feb., 1876. Corraa (Johu Philpot). Speeches. With memoir. London, 1817. 8' 6312.12 Carraud (Mine, h.) La petite Jeanne, on le devoir. Paris, 181)6. 12= 7002.34 Currency. 5*'^ Political economy. (Banks ;~ Currency ; — Money.) Currency .and banking. .S.e Price (Bouamyi 5933.29 Currents aod counter currents' in medical science. See Holmes (O.W.) 1861 4322.03 Carrie (Gilbert E.) History of the "Wesley M. E. church of Brooklyn, L. I. N. Y. 1876. 12?. 3457.24 Currie (James). Early and infant school education. Edinburgh, [1857.] 12' 5513. 0'J — Elements of musical an;ilysi3. Edinburgh, [1858.] 16' 15B3.0U — aubjecta and methods of early education. [In Papers for the teacher. 2d series. lK(i0.] 6524.23 Curse of Kehama. .S^ee Southey (Robert) 1686.03 Curtis (Beujamin Eobbius). Digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, to 1854. B., 18G4. 8=. 5632.02 — Dottings round the circle. B., 1876. 12°. . 913.12 Curtis (Jf/-.s-. Arnaua W.) The spirit of seventy-six, a drama. A change of base. Doctor Mondschein. [anon.} B., 1868. 16^ 1744.04 Curtis (George M., jatiice of Vie marine court of iV. Y.) Proceedings in the senate of N. Y. State on charges preferred against G. M. C. Albany, 1874. 8'. Curtis (George Ticlmor). History of the formation and adoption of the constitution of the United States. 2 v. N. Y., 1854. 8° 5734.21 — Life of Daniel Webster. N. Y., 1870. 8°. .3182.23 — Oration, 4th of July, 1862, before the municipal authorities of Boston. [The sovereignty of the separate states.] B., 18G2. 8° — Treatise on the law of patents. 3d ed. B., 18G7. 8° 5625.18 Curtis (George \Vm. ) Howadii in Syria. N. Y., 1867. 12° 1051.16 — Lotus eating: a summer book. N.Y., 18.52. 12°.1112.19 — Nile notes of a Howadji. N. Y., 1IS54. 12°. 1082.11 — Opening address. [In Amer. Boc. sci. assoc. Trans., no. 6, 1874.] 6811.03 — Potiphar papers. N. Y., 1834. 12° 171.20 .^t5* For his novels see Fiction class-list. Curtis (Johu). Farm insects injurious to the field crops of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinb., 1860. 1. 8°. 4818.02 Curtis's botanical magazine, v. 1-91, 1793J865. 91 v. in 70. L., 1793-186.5. 8" 4932.01 — Same. General index, v. 1-53. L.,1828. 8°. 4933.04 A^oU. — V. 63, "to. 86 contain additional indexes. • Ciutiss (Daniel S. ) Western portraiture and emi- grant's guide. N. Y. 1852. 12° 1123.09 Curtius ( Dr. Ernst). History of Greece. Tr. by A. W. Ward. 5 v. L., 1869-73. 8°. . . . 425.20 Curtius (Georg). Student's Greek grammar. Ed. by W. Smith. 3ded. L., 1868. 1'2°. . . . 6114.04 Curtitis llufus (Quiutusi. De rebus gestis AJexandri magui. Ex ed. Fr. Schmieder. 3 v. Londiui, I't/pi/- 1825. 8° 7713.(J9 — History of the life and reign of Alexander the great. Tr. with notes, liy Mr. Pratt. 2 v. Lond., 1809. 8' 3012.27 Curwen (Harry). Echoes from the French poets. An anthology. L., 1870. 16° 1634.21 — French love songs and other poems. From the originals of Baudelaire, Mtssct, Lamavtiue, and others. N. Y., Is71. 16°. 1613.21 — History of booksellers, the old and the new. L., 1873. 1'2°. 2711.26 Curwen (Samuel). Journal and letters in England, 1775-1783. With biographical sketches, by G. A. Ward. 4th ed. B.. 1864. 8" 58'2.14 Curzon (Robert). Travels in Armenia. N. Y., 1854. 12° 1053.12 — Visits to monasteries in the Levant. N. Y., 1849. 12°. 1052.08 Cusack (M. F.) lUastrated history of Leland [to 1868]. 5th ed. L., 1872. 8° 453.'20 — Student's manual of Irish history. L.,1870. r2°.492.10 Cusa (Nicolaas del, oc Nicolaas Oasanus. The idiot. Of wisdome, the miude, etc. L., 1650. 24°. 3541.04 Cusanns. See Cusa (Nicolaas de). Gushing (Caleb). Eeview of the late revolution in France. 2 v. B., 1833. 8° 513.22 — Treaty of Washington : its negotiation, execution, discussions, e(c. N. Y., 1873.' 8'. . . .5613.17 Cushing (Luther S.) Law and practice of legislative assemblies in the U. S. B., 1856. 8°. . 5617.29 — Manual of parliamentai-y practice. C. , 1870. 1 8°. 5622. 19 — Keports of contested elections in the Ho. of rep. of Mass., 1780-1852. B., 1853. 8' 5638.01 Cust (tiir Edward). Annals of the wars of the 18th century. 5 v. L., 1862. 16° 442.18 — Annals of the wars of the 19th century, v. 1-4. 1800-1815. L., 1862-63. 16° 442.-23 — Lives of the warriors who have commanded fleets and armies before the enemy. Warriors of the seventeenth century. 3 v. in 6 pts. L., 1867-69. 12°. 3222.09 V. 1. pts 1-2. Warriors of the 30 years' war. Pt. 1. Mau- rice of Nassau. Spinola. "Count "Maiisfeld. Tilly. Giis- tavus .\dolphu8. Pappenheim. Walienstein. Pt. 2. Duke of Saxe Weimar. Johann vou Bauer. Mathias von ^Ullas. Torstenson. Johu de Weerth. Gustavus Horn. Piccolo- miui. Wrangel. Raymond de Montecuculi. etc. V. 2, pts 1-2, Warriors oj the civit wars of France an(i England. Pt.l. Tureune. Conde. Charles i. of Gt. Brit. Robert Devereux. earl of Essex. Pt. 2. Prince Rupert. Sir Thomas Fairfax. Montrose. Cromwell. Huguenot civil war, Robert Bertie, earl of Liudsey. Earl of Leven. Sir David Leslie, lord Newark. Sir Wm. Waller. V. 3, pt. 1. Warriors who have commattded armies, 1608-1748. Monk, duke of .Ubemarle. Marechal Mont- moreuci. Frederick William, the great elector of Brand. eubourg. Sobieski. Von Schomberg William iii. ol England. Giaham of Claverhouse. Aurungzebe. emperor of India. O. F. Trann. count of Abetisberg. Pt. 2. War- riors who have comtiiatidedjleets, 1598-1709. Blake. Tromp. De Ruyter. Lord Sandwich. Du Quesne. Van Tromp. Duke of York (.Jaraea ii). Marechal de Tonrville. Adm. Herbert, earl of Tot-ringtou. Mai-echal d'Estrees. Adm. Russell, earl of Orford. Commodore Jean Bart. Marechal de Chateau-Regnaud. Adm, Beubow. Adm. Sir Cloudes- ley Shovel. Adm. Sir George Rooke. Cust {Lady Mary Ann). The cat : its history and diseases. 2d ed. L., 1870. 16°. . . . 4724.21 Custer (Oen. George A. ) My life on the plains ; or personal experiences with Indians. N. Y., 1874. 8' 1134.22 — War memoirs. [In Galaxy, 1876.] ^ WhUtaker (K) Life of G. A. 0. 1876. . .3045.25 Custine (Astolphe, marquis de). Russia. N. Y., 1854. n° 993.09 — Same. Abridged from the French. L., 1856. 16°. [Trav. library, V. 5.] 5075.10 Custjs (Geo. Washington Parke). EecoUcctious and memoirs of Washington. N.Y., 186U. S'. 3177.03 Customs. See Manners and ouRtoms. Cutbush (James). American artists' manual. 2 v. Ph., 1814. 8° .■ 3916.08 Cutler (Thomas). Notes on Spa: its chalybeate springs. 9th ed. L., 1871. 16° .4328.03 Cutter (Charles Ammi). Harvard college library. [In N. A. rev., Oct. 1868.] — Library catalogues. [In United States. Bureau of education. Public libraries special report, pt 1, 1876 ; p. 5'2C-622.] — The new catalogue of H.irv^d college library. [In N. A. rev.. Jan., 1869.) • — .Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. [M United States. Bureau of education. Public libraries special report. Part 2, 1876.J „ ^ Cutter (Wm.) Life of general La Fayette. N. Y., 1849. 12°. 3097.11 — Life of Gen. Israel Putnam. N. Y., 1S47. 12°.3147.02 Cutts (ficu. Edward L.) An essay on the Christmas decoration of churches. With decorations for Easter, e(c. '2d ed. L., [186i]8'. . . . 145L0J la aaklng for booka, use the •• Baok Order," glvlog lUo AUraoa'd S iMii. tu» first part of llie T:TI,3, and tho KU-MBER, CUTTS-DAME EUROPA'S SCHOOL 403 — Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages. L., 1872. 8^ 4i5.26 Cuvier (Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, baron). Animal kingdom. 4 v. in 8. L., 1831- 1836. 8°. . ' 4724.01 Same. New ed. , with additions by W. B. Car- penter and J. 0. West wood. L.,1819. 1.8^. 4737.05 Same. New ed. London, 1863. 8^ . 4737.04 — Essays on the theory of the earth. With geol. illus. by Prof. Jameson. 5th ed. Edinb.,1827. 8=. 4724.09 — Memoir of Priestly. [Sm. report. 1858.) 8936.13 j8^ For lives of Cuvier «(!(: Biography (p. 137.) Cuyler (Theodore L., D.D.) The cedar christian: and other papers. N. Y., 1861. 18^ . .3537.18 — The empty crib ; a memorial. With words of con- solation for bereaved parents.N.Y.,1869.24=.3537. 17 — Heart culture. L., 1872. 16= 3537.21 — Heart life. New York, 1871. 24= 3537.19 — Thought hive.s. New York, 1872. 12=. . .3537.20 Crclical deluges. See Walker (W. B.) 1871 4112.37 Cyclometry and circle squaring in a nutshell. [_ation. ] L., 1871. 8°. 4011.26 Oyclopsdias. See Encyclopsdias. Cyclopedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. See Arvine (K.) 185:i 6217.07 Cyclopaedia of commercial aud business anecdotes. See Eirkland (F.I 2v. 1865 6217.03 Cyclopedia of costume. See Plancho (J. R.t 1873. . . 6626.10 Cyclopaedia of literary aud scientific anecdotes. See Keddie (W.) 1854 6216.30 Cyclopaedia of modern travel. See Taylor (J. Bayiirdl. 1856. 925.07 Cyclopaedia of the *physical sciences. See Nichol (J.P) aud others. 1867 4025.01 Same. 1860 4025.02 Cyclopaedia of the practice of medicine, ^ee Ziemssen (/>r. H. W. von) 4358.01 •Cyclopaedian (Thei, or atlas of general maps. Lon- don, 1874. fol. 927.06 Cyclopaedic science simplified. [Physics.] Pepper (.J. H.) 4022.21 Cyclops Ohristianus. &e Herbert (i.) 1849 494.13 Cymbalom muudi. See Des Perriers (B.) 2521.30 Cyuosure; select passages. [Ed. by H. Nicolas.] London, 1837. 16=. 6212.17 Cyprian, (bishop of Oxiihaqe). Writings. Tr. by R. E. Wallis. 2 V. Edin., 1868-69. 8=. [A.-N. C. Ubr., V. 8, 9.] 3467.07 Cyropaedia ; or, institution of Cyrus. See Zenophon. 122.16 ; 423.04 ; 424.01. Cyrus. See Biography (Inditndual. p. 137). Gyrus (Expedition of). See Xenophon. .Vnabasis. . . . 424 01 Gyrus (Travels of). *>• Ramsay (Chaa. A. M.) .... 421,19 Czar and the sultau. See Gilson (.^.) 1853 993.13 Czar (The), his court and people. *-.- MaxweU (J. S.) 1848. 993.08 Gzermak (J. N.) Practical uses of the laryngoscope. With ad- pendis on rhinoscopy. Tr. by G. D. tiibb. London, Xew SydenJiam socCeti/, 1861. 8' 4302.02 Dabistan ; or, school of manners. [Ascribed to Mohsan Fani.] From the Persian, with notes, by D. Shea and A. Troyer. 3 v. Pai-is, 1843. 8=. . . 7816.02 Dabney (Jonathan Peele). A selection of psalms and hymns. Andover, 1821. 16=. . . . 3761.15 Same. 9th ed. Boston, 1823. 16= . . 3761.08 Dabney (Robert). Life of Thomas J. Jackson (Stone- wall Jackson). Ed. by W. Chalmers. 2 v. L., 1861. 8°. 3086.15 — Sensualistic philosophy of the 19th centuiy, consid- ered. N. Y., 1876. 12=. 5434.33 D'Abrantes. See Abrantes. Dacier (Andre). Life of Pythagoras, with his sym- bols and golden verses ; with the life of Hierocles and his Commentaries. London, 1721. 12=. 5415.28 Dacota language. See Riggs (S. R.) 3937.04 Daddow (Samuel Harries) and Baiuion (Benjamin). Coal, iron and oil ; practical Amer. miner. Ph. , ls66. 8= 3941.06 Dagnall (John M.) Daisy Swain, the flower of Shenandoah. Brooklyn, ISiiS. 16=. . . 1634.20 Dahlgreu (John A. ) Boat annament of the U. S. navy. 2ded. PhUa.,lS5«. 8= 4515.33 — Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Ph., 1872. 8=. 3016.25 — Naval percussion locks and primers. Phila., 1853. 12= 4515.29 Dahomy. See Goontries ( Dahomy, p. 303). DaUlou (Jacques, Otnite du Lude). Ax laid to the root of popery. London, 1721. 12= 3812.31 — Treatise of spirits : vulgar errors concerning witch- craft, apparitions, etc.. L., 1723. 12=. . 3812.31 Daily couuseller. See Sigourney (.!/«. L. H.) 1859. . . 1685.04 Daily News correspondence of the war between Ger- many and France, 1870-1. With notes and com- ments, maps and plans. L., 1871. 12= 52G.04.a Dainty dishes. See St. Olair (iiitiy H.) 6015.05 Dairy. .See Agriculture (p. 7). Daisy Swain, the fiower of Shenandoah ; a tale of the Eebellion. .See Dagnall (.J. M.) , 1634.2U Dal Rio (E.) /See Rio (E. dal). Daleth ; or Egypt. See Clark (Edw. L.) 1864 1075.09 Dall (J/re. CaroUne Wells Healy). The cottage, the market and the court ; or, woman's relation to education, labor and law. B., 1867. 8\ 5824.25 — Practical illustration of woman's right to labor. B. , 1860. 12= 5821.06 Dall (WiUiam H.) Alaska and its resources. B., 1870. 8= 1145.03 Dallas (E. S. ) The gay science. [The science of criti- cism.] 2 V. London, 1866. 8°. . . . . 6334.10 Dallas (George Mifflin). Letters from London, 1856-60. 2 V. in 1. Phil., 1869. 8= 955.09 Dallas (Robert Charles). History of the Maroons. 2 v. London, 1803. 8= 556.07 — Recollections of the life of lord Byron, 1808 to 1814. Loudon, 1824. 8=. 3027.04 DaUas(Wm. S.) Zoology. 2 v. L., 1855. 8=. . 4715.09 DallaTway (Harriet). A manual of heraldry for ama- teurs. L., 1828. 16= 6621.22 Dalmatia. See Countries {Dalmatia, p. 303). Dalrymple (Sir John). Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, [1680-92]. 4th ed. L., 1773. 8=. 3046.08 Dalton (John C, ;?•.) Treatise on human physiology. Philadelphia, 1859. 8° 4326.03 — Treatise on physiology and hygiene, for schools, famiUes, etc. New York, 1868. 12=. . . 4325.06 Daly (C. ) L'architecture privee au 19e siecle sous Napoleon HL Nouvelles maisons de Paris et de ses enprons. 2 v. in 3. Paris, 1864. fol. . 1317.04 v. 1. Hotel^rives. 2. Maisons a loyer. 3. Villas suburbaines. Damages. See Law. (Damages.) Damascius, (neo-Pkdoidsi). Vita Isidori. Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, DiihA, 1802. 8= .7764.15 Damascus. .See Countries. (Damascus, p. 303.) * Daine Europa's school. — Fight at Dame Europa's school : showing how the German boy thrashed the French boy ; and huw the boy looked on. [By H. W. PuUen.) L., 1871. 18=. . . 441.05 — — Same. Combat a I'ecole de Mme. Europa. [Par H. W. Pullen.] Londres, 1871. 18" 441.03 iVote.— This political squib gave rise to the following re- joinders and imitations, viz.: — Break-up of Dame Europa's school ; or what came of making the EugUsh boy join in the fight. {anon.\ London, 1871. 18° 441.05 — C/irt5(/?wz5 holidays, at Dame Europa's school, ending in peace. [anrnl.'] London. 1871. 16' 441.05 — Dame Europa's school fifty years hence ; a prophetic view thereon, [anon.] L.. 1871. 16° 441.06 — Etui of the fight. John's defence, and Dame Europa's apology ; with her addresses and advice to the other boys. [aiioji.J L.. 1871. 16° 441.04 — Fifffit of the fair : and why John Bull kept out of it. [atifm.] 'London, 1871. 18° 441.05 — Finale to Dame Europa's school ; the consequences of John's policy : and a peep into futurity, [anon. \L., lull. 18°. 441.05 — Great fight between William the German, and Louis the Frenchman ; shewing how Louis went out for wool and came home shorn, [anon.] L., 1871. 16°. . . . 441.05 — How the fight ended, and the lesson it taught Johnnie, [anon.] London, 1871. 18° 441.06 — How John nearly quarrelled with Jonathan, the head boy at Dame Columbia's school, [anon.] Mauch.. 1871. 16°. 441.09 — How Louis defended his arbour : aud how Aleck wanted part of Constautine's lake, [anon.] L., 1871. 18°. . . 441.05 — John justified : a reply to the " Fight in Dame Europa's school," showing that there are always two sides to every question, [anon.] L., 1871. 18°. . . . 441.05 ; 441.10 — John not so wron^ after all ; or, what he said for himself, or could be said for him, to Dame Europa. [anon.] London, 1871. 18° 441.05 — John B — aud Jonathan : an instructive story founded on fact, [annn.] Exeter, (Engl.) 1871. 16°. . . . 441.04 — ■ John's fag in Dame Europa's school, [anoji.] L.,1871. 18°. 441.05 — John's governor visits Dame Europa's school. A rejoinder to •the Fight.' [anon.] Edinb., 1871. 16° . 441.10:441.04 — John's letter to Dame Europa, exxiostulutiug agaiust being called a coward, [anon.] L.. 1871. 18' 441.09 — John's uncle (a thoughtful old gentleman) thinks it time to say a word : or, 1. How to conquer England ! 2. How to defend England I 3. How to thrash the Prussians I Loud., [1871.] 16° 441.04 — Last fight at Dame Christian's school : shewing how it was that the English boy would not join in it. [anon.] London. 1871. 12' 441.09 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUIHOB'S S.WIE, the first part of the TITLE, aud the NUMBER 404 DAME EUROPA'S SCHOOL-DANTE. Dame Europa's School, coniinued. — ioo7j before you leap ; or, another account of the figlit at Dame Europa's school. By a preseut Etonian, [aiwn.] London, 1871. 16' ' . . . Ul.»a — Louis' owu account of the fight at Dame Europa's school. [anon.] From the French. Loudon, 1871. l(i'. . 441.04 — • Ma-'tyr John and his tenants ; or, what Sandy thought of the matter. A letter from John Bull to Dame Eiiropa. in which he proves himself in the right. 2ded. {anon.] London, 1871. 16' 441.06 — Mrs. Britannia's defence of Johnny's conduct at Dame Eu- ropa's school. •(<»»"" 1 L., 1871. 16° 441.06 — Mrs. Britton'9 letter touching the Europa trouhlea, [atwn.] London, 1871. 16' 441.06 — Mrs. Malaprop'g military advice to the British people. [an>ni.] Loudon, 1871, 16' 441.U4 — Fart takeu by tho Irish boy in the fight at Dame Europa's school. [anon.\ Dublin, 1871. 16° 441. U6 — P.ea for all aides ; or, the views of a real neutral. By au Etonian, [aivm.] L., 1871. 18° 441 05 — Public school ; showing how it fared with Johnnie after ho ran away from Dame Europa's. [anon.] L.,1871. 18°. 441.05 — Bsccnt fight in Europe street at the back of " Dame Europa'd school ;" showing how somebody went for " Berlin " wool and got back shorn, [anon.} L.,1871. 16°. . . . 441.00 — R'no at Dame Europa's school. " Auothcr account " by a chum of Johuuy Bull's. [a\vreck of the Medusa ; sufferings of the Pioard family. [In Waldie lib..v.2.J 6078.16 Dardanelles. Sff Countries, etc. (Dardanelles, p. 303.) Dares Phryjiu.^. De bello Trojauo. Cum notis et in- terp. in usum Delphini, et iudicibus. London, Valpjj. 182.3. 8= 7713.12 Daricn, (Conn.) See Countries. [Darien, Conn.; v. 3M.) Darieu (Isthmus of). United ,Stiitei. Navi/ departnirnt. Ship canal between the Atlautic and Pacific oceans. Keports of surveys, by T. U. .Selfridge. Wash., 1874. 4°. . . '. 1150.16 «^^.5';« (I'S'J Panama (Isthmus of), p 356. Daring raplnits aud perilous adventures. Hartford, 1^47. 1-2= 921.13 Dark ages {^o-iiaUed^. S.'e Cour.tries, etc. {Middle ages, p. 345.) Dark ages. ,%:e Maitland ibl. U.) 184.5 3425.06 Dark scenes of history. Ae! James (Q. P. B.) 1830. . . 443.22 Darley (F. 0. C. ) Composition in outline from Judd's Margaret. Engr. by Konrad Huber. New York, 1856. obi. fol 1446.09 — Selection of war lyrics. With illus. N. Y., 1864. sq. 8= 1635.20 — Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. L., 1868. sq. 8' 942.22 Darling (James). Cyclopaedia bibUographica. v. 1. A-H. V. 2. I-Z. 2 V. L., 1854. 8=^ 2774.02 Same. Subjects. Holy scripture. L. 1859. 8°. 2774. 04 Darlington 'Wm. ) American weeds and usefid plants. 2ded. of Agr. botany. N. Y., 1860. 12°. 4913.06 — Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall. Philadelphia, 1819. 8= 3016.25 Darlingtonia CaUfornia. See Tony (J.) 3937.06 Darnell (Elias). Journal of the defeat and captivity of Kentucky volunteers and regulars, commanded by Gen. Winchester, I8r2-13. Ph., 1854. 18°. 581.18 Darra3 (AhhS Joseph Epiphane). A. general history of the Cathoho church. With introd. aud notes by M. J. Spalding. 4 v. N. Y., [18G5.] 8°. 3428.07 Dart (P. C.) Freight computations. N. Y., 1868. 12°. 4014.06 Dartmouth college. Catalogue of officers and students. 1861-2, 6G-7, 68-9—75-6. Hanover and Boston, 1861-75. 8°. — Catalogus seuatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, etc. Hanoverai, 18G1. 8°. — Chapman (d. T.) Sketches of the alumni of Dart- mouth college, 1771 to [18G7], with a brief hi.story of the institution. 1SG7 3244.12 — Report oi the case of the trustees against Wm. H. Woodward, 1817 aud 1819. B., 1819. 8°. 5611.22 — Tenmn [J.) Memorial of the [of] 1843. 3247.23 Darmn (Charles Eobert). Descent of man, and selec- tion in relation to sex. 2v. N.Y., 1871. 12°. 4712.17 — Expression of the emotions in man and animals. N. Y., 1873. 8= 5431.17 — Geology and natural history of the countries visited byH. M. S. Beagle, 183'2-1836. L., 18-10. 8°. 1155.'20 Same. 2 v. N. Y., IsS'i. 12° 1155.21 — Insectivorous plants. N. Y., 1875. 12=. . 4911.10 — Journal and remarks. [With Fitzroy (R.) Narrative of the ships " Adventure " and "Beagle," V. 3.] . . . .1155.19 — Monograph on the sub-class cirripedia. 2 v. L., Ray .society, 1854. 8° 4744.05 — Movements and habits of climbing plants. 2d ed., N. Y., 187G. 12° 4911.11 — On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilized by insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing. L. ,1562. 12°. 4914.16 — Origin of species. N. Y., 1860. 12^ . . . 4712.04 — Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 V. N. Y., 18G8. 12° 4712.05 .ftS* For works written for or against the Darwinian theory of the origin of specit^ see, in the general alphabet. Natural history. ( Darwinian an'l other theories 0/ evolution.) Alio Evolution, in the general alphabet. Darwin (Erastus). Poetical works. With philos. notes. 3 v. L., 180H. 8° 1635.21 Contents : V. 1. Botanic garden : Economy of vegetation. With uotes. v. 2. Botanic garden : The loves of the plants. With notes, v. 3. The tt,'mple of nature. With uotes. — Zoonomia ; or the laws of organic life. 3d ed. 4 v. L., 1801. 8° 4348.01 Darwinian theory. See Natural history. ( Darwinian theory. ) Darwiniana. See Gray (.\aa) 4713.26 Darwinism in morals. S'X Cobbe (Frances P.) 1872. . 6434.27 Dasent (George Webbe). Popular tales from the Norse. With introd. essay. N. Y.. Is5'.l. 1'2°.171.39 — translator. See Gisli saga [171.38) ;— Njals saga [145.36]. Dash {La cointesse), pseud. See Saint-Mars ( yieomtesse de). In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUmoU'S NA^E, the first part of the TITLE, aud the ND>IB£R. 406 DASHES-DAVIES Dashes at life with a free pencil. See Willis (N. P.) In his Miscel. worka.J 6076.22 D.ishwood (Eicbarii Lewes'). Chiploquorgan ; or litu by the camp five in Domiaiou of Canada aud Newfoundland. New ed. 1872. 12°. . . 1151.07 Dates. See Chronology (p. 268). Dat3s and data relating to religious anthropology and sacred and ecclesiastical history, [dHCOi.] L., [1872.] 8° 3541. IS D.ithavanaa ; or history of the tooth-relic of Gotama Buddha. Pali text aud translation. With notes by Mutu Coomara Swany. L., 1874. 8°. 3528.10 Diubeay ^Charles G. B.) Lectures on Koman hus- bandry. Oxford, 1857. 8^ _. 6126.01) — Fugitive poems, co.meeted with natural history and physical science. Oxford, 1869. 18S . . 1635.26 — editor. Popular geography of plants. By E. M. C. L-mdon, 18J5. sq. 16^. - 4912.12 D'Aubigne Jeau Heuri Merle). See Merle d'Aubigne. Daubroe lUabriel .\u;{ii3te). Syuthetic experimeuts ou meteorites. ISm. repiirt. 13i3S.| 3936.26 — Synthetical experiiuouts ou luetamorphism. aud on the forma- tion of crystalliuo rocks. [Sm. rep., 1851. | . . . 3936.13 DauSet (Eruest). Le ramar d'une jeune fille. (1770- 17J1.) Paris, 1869. lO" 7043 01 Daulby (Daniel). Descriptive catalogue of the works of Remliraudt, and of his scholars, Bol, Livens, and Van Vliet. Liverpool, 17915. 8° 1434.18 Daumas (Melchior Joseph Eugene). The horses of the Sahara, aud the manner.^ of the desert. With comuieutariesby Abd-El-Kader. From the French, by J. Hatton. L., 1863. 8= 1095.15 Daunau (Pierre Claude Fraugnis). Meraoires pour scrvir a I'liis- toire de la convention uationale. [/« Barriere (J F.) Bibl. des mem., etc, v. 12.]; , . . . . 507.01 Dinphino. Musgrave (Q. M.) Pilgrimage, ete. 2 V. 1857 961.13 Da van (KingamiU). An essay on the pas.sioas. L., 1799. 12^ 5434.31 D.ivenant (Charles). Political and commercial works. Collected by Sir 0. Whitworth. 5 v. L., 1771. 8^ 5923.15 Contents, Discourse upon gr.aut8 auti resumption, v. 3. Discourse upon improving the revenue of Athens, v. 1. Discourses ou public revenues and trade of England, v. 1-2. Essay on the East India trade, v. 1. Essay upon the balance of power, v 3. Essay upon the probable methods of making people gainers iu the balance of trade, v. 2. Essay upon right of making war. peace, aud i:Jiances, v, 3. Essay upon universal monarchy, v. 4. Essay upon ways and means, v. 1, Essays upon peace at home aud war abroad, v. 4-5. Reflections upon the constitution and management of the trade to Africa, v. 5. Report to the commissioners for taking the publicK ac- counts. V. 5. True picture of a modern whig, etc., v. i. Daveiiaut (F. ) What shall my son be? Hints on the choice of profession or trade. L.,l870. 12°. 5515.18 D'Aveiiant (.8i?'Wm.) Dramatic works. With pref. memoir. 5 v. L., 1872-74. 8°. . : . . 1722.22 V. 1. Pref. memoir. Albovine. Cruel brother. Juet Italian. Temple of love. The Prince d'amour. 2. Platonic lovers. The wits. Britannia triumphaus. Salmacida spolia. V. 3. Unfortunate lovers. Love and honour. Entertain- ment at Rutland House. Siege of Rhodes. 4. Playhouse to be let. News from Plymoutli. The lair favorite. The distresses. The siege. 5. The man's the master. The law against lovers. The rivals. Macbeth. The tempest. Addenda et corrigenda. — Poema Ed. with life, by A. Chalmers. [Chalmers. English poets, v. 6. 1310|. . ■ i 1626.06 — Select poems. Ed.byE sKnford. [Sanford and Walsh Brit- ish poets, V. 5. 18191 1691.05 ^iS-.For lives of D, see Biography (p. 138). Dav3iiport (C. A.) Gifts of genius : miscellany, by Amer. authors. N. Y., 18j9. 12°. . . . 2526,02 D-ivanport (John) and Petronj (Stefano Egidio). Italian dictionary. With the equivalents in French. 2 V. L., 1821. 8° 6425.01 v. 1. Italian and English, v. 2. English and Italian. Davenport (Richard). Amateur s perspective. 2 v. in 1. L,, 18J8--i9. 4° 1430.28 Davenport (Richard Alfred). Delusions, impostures and deceptions. L., 1869. 18' 3813.20 — History of the Bastile aud its principal captives. Newed. L,, [». A] 1-2° 521.18 — Perilous adventures. N. Y., [1841.] 1S°. .3261.01 Contents: 'WanderingBOf prince Charles Edward. Escape of Casanova from the State prison of Venice. Wanderings of Charles II. Escape of the earl of Nithsdale. Perils of Stanislaus Lecziuski, king of Polaud. Cortez' conquest of Mexico. Davenport (Samuel). Engraving. [In British manufacturing industries. 1876.) 3941.31 Davenport, [Iowa\, See Countries (p. 304). Davesies de Pontes (Lucien). Etudes sur I'orient. Precedees d'une notice biogr. par le Bibliophile Jacob. Paris, 1864. 12° 7043.04 Davesies de Pontes (lime, Lucien.) Poets and poetry of Germany. 2 v. L., 1858. 8°. 2732.14 David, (Khvj of Ifsraef). — Coviley (^.) Davideis, a sacred poem. \ln Cowley (A.) Poet. works, V. 2, 3. 1809.] 5026.11 — Krummaclter (F. W.) David, the king of Israel. 1868 3564.17 — Taylor (,W. M,) Da'vid, king of Israel : his life and its lessons. 1875 3541.14 i^" See also Biblical and relig. lit., (Fsalma, p. 98-99). David (Jacques Louis). See Befftley's miscel., v. 69, 1866. Davidge (Wm.) Footlight flashes. New York, 1866. 12° 1715.12 Davids (ThaddeuB). History of ink. N. Y., 1860. 12°. 3932 28 Davidson (Alexander) and Stuve (Bernard). History of niinois. 1673-1873. C, 1874. 8°. . . 653.15 Da'vidson (Edward, B, E) The railways of India. L., 1868. 8°. ■ 3925.36 Da'vidson (Ellis A.) Boy joiner and model maker. L., [1874.] 8° 1314.35 — Drawing for bricklayers. L., [1872.] 16°. 3924.15 — Drawing for cabiuet makers. L., 1872. 16°. 3924.33 — Drawing for carpenters and joiners. With 250 illns. L.,1870. 10° 3924.22 — Drawing for machinists' aud engineers. L., 1870. 16° 3924.19 — Drawing for metal plate 'workers. London, [1872]. 16° 3924.34 — Drawing for stonemasons. Xi., [about 1872].18-.3y24.16 — Gothic stonework. L., 1871 18°. . . . 1311.04 — Linear drawing. L., 1868. 16° . . . .3924.23 — Model drawing : solid forms, shading, objects in card board. L., 1871. 16° 39'24.18 — Our houses, and what they are made of. L., 1869. 16° 1311.01 Datndson (G. F. ) Trade and travel in the far East ; Java, Singapore, Australia and China. L., 1846. 12°. • 1002.11 Davidson (.lames Bridge). Notes, descriptive and historical, [/n Fenton (R.) The Conway in the stereoscope.] . . 954.27 Davidson (James Wood). Living 'R'riters of the South. N.Y., 1869. 12" 2751.01 Da'ridson (Lucretia Sfaria). Poetical remains. With biography by C. Sedgwick. N.Y.,1850. 12°.1612.01 Davidson (Margaret Miller). Biography and poetical remains. By AV. Irving. N. Y., 1850. 12°. 1612.02 Davidson (Samuel, -D.-D.) Introd. to the Old Testa- ment. 3v. L., 1862-63. 8' 3725.03 Reviewed in Quar. rev., v. 113. 1863. — Introd. to the study of the New Testament. 2 v. L., 1868. 8°. . . 3747.07 Reviewed iu Brit. qu. rev.. Jan , 1869. Da'vies (B. ) Students' Hebrew lexicon. London, 1872. 8°. 6421.17 Davies (Charles). Elementary algebra. N. Y., 1859. 12° 4012.15 — Elements of surveying, and navigation, 'with taljles. Revised ed. N. Y., 1868. 12° . _ . .3925.16 — Logic aud utUity of mathematics. N. Y., 1850. 8° • 4014.04 — Metric system. N. Y., 1871. 12° 4015.16 — School arithmetic. N. Y., 1859. 12°. . . 4011.09 — Treatise ou shades and shadows, and linear perspec- tive. N. Y., 1832. 8° 1435.27 — and Peck (W. G.) Mathematical dictionary. N.Y., 1856- 8° 4017.02 Davies (CM.) History of Holland to [1794]. 3 v. London, 1851. 8° 530.01 " Daviss (Edward). Mythology and rites of the British druids. L., 1809. 8°. ....... 3817.19 Da'viss (James). History and literature of the Stuart period. [1566] to 1689. L., 1871. 16°. . 461.18 Da'vies (James Boyd). Practical naturalist's guide. New eul. ed., by R. Brown and J. Middleton. Edinb., 1872. 16° 4723.23 Iu asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AU IHOIfS NAME, the first part of the TI'DLE, and the NUMBER. DAVIES -DAVY 407 Davies Sir John), Poems, Eil.. witli life^ by A. Chalmers. [In Chalmers. English poets, v. 6, 1810.] 162G.U5 — Select poems. EJ. by E. Sanford. [/re Sanford (E.) and Walsh (H.) British poets, V. 4, 1819.J 1691.04 Davies (John, D.D., vector of Oatesheait). An estimate of the huraau miud, as counectod with the christ- ian religion. Newed. L., 1817. 8^. . . .5435.0(5 Davies (R-i). John, rector of Wisbech) . Of Keltic words used by early Euglish writer,s. [la Philol. soc. Proe., v. 6, 1852-5:) [644;!. Oo) ;— On the Semitic languages and their relations with the Indo-Europeau class. [In Philol. soc, 1854] ; — On the connection of the Keltic with the Teutonic lan- guages, and especially \vith the An;ilo-Saxou. [In Philol. soc. 18.>7] ;— On the races of Lancashire, as indicated by the local names and the dialect of the county. [In Philol. soc , 18,">5.J Davies ( Rev. John Llewellyn). Theology and morality. Essays. Loudon, 1873. 8^ 35il.l5 Contents: Debts of theology to secular influences. Christ- ian theory of duty. Weak points iu utilitarianism. Nature and prayer. The continuity of creation, lieginnings of the church. Erastua and excommunication. Pauperism as produced by wealth. Combinations of agr. labourers. Communism. Davies (Rowliiu'l, fZeaiio/ Bos,?). Jonrnal, 1688-90. Ed. by R. Caulfield. L., Camlen soc. , l^'il . i° 5113.22 Davies (Thomas). Dramatic miscellanies : consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakes- p3are : with a review of his principal characters, as represented by Mr. Garrick and others. With anecdotes of actors, efc. 3 v. Dublin, 1784. 8=. 1714.22 V. 1. King John. Richard ii., Henry iv. Henry viii. 2. All's well that ends well.' .Jonsou's " Every man in his humor.'" Macbeth. Julius Ctesar. King Lear. Antony and Cleopatra. Knle a wife and have a wile, by Beaumont and Fletcher. 3. (Wautius.l — Memoirs of David Garrick. 2 v. L., 1870. 8°. 3064.02 Davies (Thomas). Preparation and mounting of mi- croscopic objects. L., [1863.] 16^. . .4827.12 Davies (T. A.) Answer to Hugh Miller and theoretic geologists. N. Y., 1861). 12^ 4111.10 Davies (Thomas A.) How to make money and how to keep it. N. Y., 1806. 12° 5922.00 Davila (Arrago {or Henrico] Oattarino). History of the civil wars of France. From the Ital. 2d ed. London, 1078. fol 528.01 — Adivns [J.) Discourses of D. [In his Works, v. 5.J . 5013.05 Davis (Andrew Jackson). Approaching crisis ; review of Bushnell on supernaturalism. New York, 1852. 8= 3817.36 — Death and tbe after life. Also a voice from James Victor Wilson. 3d ed.,enl. B., 1871. 8=. 3543.14 — The Fountain ; with jets of new meaning. 2d ed. Boston, 1871. 12^ 3543.13 — The Great barmouia. 5 v. N. Y., 18.50-61. 12". 3815.19 V. 1. The physician. 2. The teacher. 3. The seer. 4. The reformer. 5. The thinker. — The Harbinger of health. N. Y., 1862. 12°. 4321.08 — Memoranda of persons, places, and events ; magnet- ism, clairvoyance, spiritualism. Boston, 1808. 12° 3815.14 — Mental disorders. N. Y., 1871. 12°. . .4332.20 — Pliilosophy of spiritual intercourse. New York, 18.53. 8°. . • . . 3817.37 — Present age and inner life ; ancient and modern spirit mysteries. B., 1809. 12°. . . . 3815.11 — Priucifiles of nature : her divine revelation and a voice to mankind. 31st ed. B., 1869. 8\ 3513.15 — Sacred book [of Arabula], containing old and new gospels. B., 1873. 8° 3543.17 Davis (Charles). Report on hydraulic engineering. [U. S. Com. to Int. exhib. at Vienna, 1873. Reports, v. 3, 1873.J 3916.16 Davis (Charles Henry, U. S. N.) Report on inter- oceanic canals and railroads between tlie Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Wash., 1867. 8°. [39th cong., 1st. sess. senate ex. doc. 62.] .... 1100.23 — Law of deposit of the flood tides. [In South, contrib., v. 3, 1852 3937.03 Its' For other scientific articles of C. H. D., see Ameri- can assoc. Proceedings (p. 15), v. 1-6. Davis (Charles Henry Stanley). History of Walling- ford. Conn., 1670-1870, including Meriden and Cheshire. Meriden, (Omn.) 1870. 8\ 655.19; 592.08 Davis (Emerson, D.D. ) The half ceutnrv ; or. changes and events, chiefly in the U. S., 18U0-1850. Bost., 1851. 12° 573.02 Davis (Edwin Hamilton). Ancinut monuments of the Miss, val- ley. See Squier (E. Q. and Davis. ...... 3937.01 — On ethnological research. [In Sm. report, 186G.] . . Davis (G. L. L.) The day-star of American freedom ; or, toleration in Maryland. N.Y., 185.5. 12°. 593.13 Davis (Henry Winter). Speeches and addresses in the congress of the U. S., and on public occasions, [1856-65.] Preceded by a sketch of public services, by J. A. J. Creswell. N. Y., 1867. b°. . . 6315.12' — The Southern rebellion, and the constitutional powers ol^the republic lor its supprcsfjion; address before the Mercantile Library Assoc, of Brooklyn, Dec. 20, 1862. N. Y., 1S62. 12°. Davis (James Edward). Annals of Windsor. See Tighe (R. R.) and Davis 486 14 Davis (John, navigator). Voyage to the East Indies, 1598. [In Astley. Voyages, v. 1, 1745 ; and Kerr. Voyages, v. 8. 1813.] 914.15 — Voyages for discovery of northwest passage, 1585-87. [hi Hakluyt. Voyages, v. 3.] 916.17 — . World's hydrographicall description. [In Hakluyt. 'Voyages, v. 4.] 916-18 Da'vis (John). Fii'st settlers of Va.. hist, novel. 2d ed. New York, 1800. 12° 171.41 — Life of Chatterton. L., [». d] 16°. . . .3036.08 Davis (Sir John Francis). China. New ed. 2 v. Lon- don, 1857. 8°. . . , 1023.04 — The Chinese. 2 v. N. Y., [».) Gray substance of the medulla oblongata and trapezium. [Sm. contrib.. v. 16.] 3937.16 Dean (Kichardi. On the future life of brutes. 2 v. in 1. Loudon, 1768. 16° 3543,'22 BROOKLYN MEBCANTILE LIBBABY. .DEAN-DE FOE 409 Dean (Wm.) The China mission. New York, 1859. jfo 1023.13 Deans (The) English. See Moon (G. W.) 1866. . . . 6423.25 Deaus. Danseii i, IF. i HoriB deeanise ruralos. 2 v. 3511. 1 U Deaue (H. Burecrave). Law of block.:de. L., 1870. 8\ . . 5613.-20 Deane {Rev. John Bathurst). Observatious on Dracoutia. [In Archxologia, v. 25, 18W.] 6128.— Deane (Samueli. The New England farmer. 3d ed. B., 1822. 8= 6137.U Dear experience. See Rufflni (.J. I 1857 214.43 Dearborn (Nathaniel S.i American text book for let- ters. 9th ed. B., IS'JO. obi. 18^ . . . HG5.02 — Scrolls, monograms, ornaments, crests, etc. Boston, 1869. obi. 18° U65.03 Death. — Dying speeches and behavior of the several state prisoners that have been executed the last 3UU years. With their several characters. 1720. 5611.02 — Jacox iF.) At nightfall and midnight: musings after dark. 1873 2532.32 — PhUiij (A. P. W.) Inquiry into the nature of sleep and deith. 1831 1323.03 Alger ( ir. R.) [In '«■.■ S'llitiiaes. etc. p. 82-91. 1807.) 2312.07 — SmiUi (.4) On fear of death. Dreamlhorp, pp.52-"2.18G4.2543.11 — ^ T/iaundi.sathauatos. A medley. [In BeuUey s miscellany, v. i2- 43, 1858 ; 16 articles.] See «/so Popular science monthly, July, 1873 Physiology of de,ith. by F Papilliin) ; Contemp. rev., v. 18, 1871 (What is death, by dean of Bristol) ; Fraser's mag., v. 4. 1871 (Cowardliness of dying) ; Hammond's qiiar. jour, of psy. med., Jan. 1.S69 (Resumption of the mental la^-ulties at tlje approach of death ; Nat. qu. rev., v. 13, 1S66 (Pbilos. of D.); Pop. science rev., v. 8, 1869. or Littell, 1869. v. 3 In articulo mortis) ; Wiuslow's j., pseud.) Shortest way with the fr3e trader,'!. Loudon, [ii.d.] 8°. . . . 5093.17 De Fonblanque (Edw. B.) .ffc Fonblanque (Edw. B. de). De Forest (E. L.) Methods of interpolation. [Smith, report. 187i.] 3936.'i6 De Forest (John W. ) History of the Indians of Con- necticut. HiT,rtford, 1853.' 8= 592.07 — Orieutal acquaintance ; Syria. N.Y,18o6. 12°. 1051.08 jtjKS^ For his novels see Fiction class-list. Deformities. .S'*''.* Medicine. (Defonnities.) Deformity, an essay. See Hay (\Vm.) 3561.17 Deformity. Hay {Win.) Deformity : an essay. '2ded. 17.54 3561.17 .V-'e also Winslow's med. critic, v. 1, 1861 (Deformed and their mental characteristics ; and essays ou Shakspere's Richard III. (.S'ee under Shakspere.) Degerando (M. J.) See G-erando (M. J. de). Degge (.Sir Simon). The parson's counsellor; ■with the law of titties. 7th ed., by C. Ellis. London, 1820. 8^ 3543.25 De Hart (W. C.) Observations on military law, courts martial, etc. N. Y., 18(i3. 8°. . . . . 5635.01 Deicides (The). See Cohen (J.) 1872 3543.19 Deidier (Autoine). Nature of the plague at Marseilles. From the French [by Anne Plumptro]. London, 1722. 12°. ["Tracts on the plague," V. 2.] 4334.20 Deipnosophisls (The). See Athensus. 3 v. 18.54. . . . 2512.14 Deism, .s'"' Biblical and relig. literature (Deism, p. 83 ; — Natural tkei)hie Kuyter, Evertsen. — Komanoe of cliarity. L., 18i;7. 12°. . . 5S2J.10 • — Six mouths among the charities of Europe. 2 v. London and New York. 18G5. 12°. . .5825.12 Deligiiy (Eugene). La gracde dame et la Normande. Faris, lt.73. 12°. 7U14.;i't — Le secret de M. de Boissonnauge. Paris, 1870. 12° 7014.33 DelUle (Jacques). (Euvres. Nouv. ed. 16 v. Paris, 1821. 8° 5031.01 Contents: v. 1. Poesies fugitives, v. 2. Les Georgiquea de Virgile. Trad. Latm en regard. 4-6. L'Eueide de Vir- gile. Trad? Latin eu regard. 4 v. 7. Les Jardiua, poeme. 8-9. L'lma^inatiou, poeme. 10-11. Les trois regnes, poeme. 12. Malheur et pitie. 13-15. ParaJis I^rdu de Mil- ton, trad. Teste auglaise en regard. 16. Essai sur I'homme de Pope. trad. Teste anglaise en regard. Delirium tremens (Horrors of). See Root (J.) 1844. . . 3587.22 Delitzsch (b'rauz Julius). Biblical commentary on Isaiah. From the German, by J. Martin. 2 v. Edin., 1869. 8= 3733.20 — Biblical commentary of Job. From the German, by F. Bolton. 2d ed. 2 v. Edin., 1869. 8°. . 3733.02 — Biblical commentary on Proverbs. Tr. by M. G. Easton. 2 v. Edin. , 1876. 8°. . . . — Commentaiy on Hebrews. 2 v. From the German, by T. L. lOngsbury. Edin., 1868. 8°. . 3755.20 Delloii (C. ) Histoiy of the inquisition at Goa. Tr. by [H. Wharton]. L., 1688. 4° 3126.25 Delmar (Alexander;. A warning to the people. The great paper bubble ; or, the coming financial ex- plosion. N. Y., 1864. 16° — What is free trade ? By Emile AValter. [pseud. ] New York, 1867. 12° 5912.14 — editor. See Social science review. Delmard (Sophia Duberly). Village life in Switzerland. London, 186.5. 12° 982.04 De Lolnie (John Lewis or Jeau Louis). The constitu- tion of England. Ed. by W. H. Hughes. London, 1834. 8' 5717.05 — History of the flagellants ; a paraphrase and com- mentary on the Historia flagellantium of Boileau. [anon.] Loudon, 1777. 4^ 5818.26 Deloiiey (Thomas). Garland of good-wUl. Ed. by J. H. Dixon. L.,1851. 16°. [Percy soc, v. 30.] 5060.30 — Strange histories, or souges and sonets. London, 1811. 16°. [Percy soc, V. 3.] . . .5060.03 Delord (Taxile). Histoire du second empire. (1848- 1869.) 4 V. Paris, 18(;9. 8° 517.22 Delpha (A.) French drama. London, 1818. 8". [In Pamphleteer, V. 12, p. 49-77.] 6058.12 Del Rio (Martinus Autonius'). Disqvisitionvm magica- rvm libri sex. 3 v. in 1. Lvgdvui, 1604. 4°. 3818.14 Deltuf (Paul). La comtesse de Silva. Paris, [n.d.] 16° 7004.28 — Fides. [F;-.] Paris, 1865. 12° 7004.27 — Mademoiselle Fruchet. [Fr.] P., [n.d] 12°. 7004.29 Deluges. — - Thirlwall (C.) Traditions reLating to the submeraiou of an- cient cities. [In Roy. soc. of lit. Trans., v. 6, 1869.] 60C6 14 — Walker ( W. li. ) Cyclical deluges : geological phe- nomena, etc. 1871 4112.37 j8®" See also Biblical, relig., and eccl. lit. {Deluge, p. 83.) Delusions. — Browne {Sir T.) Vulgar and common errors. [In his Works, V. 1-2.) 6U22.1:i — Carpenter { W. B.) Epidemic delusions. [In Popular science monthly, Nov., 1872.] — Chambers's Papers for the people, v. 8 (Wonders of human folly) 2516.U4 — DctL'enport (R. A.^ Delusions, impostures, and de- ceptions ; with remarkable instances of credulity 1869 3813.20 — Fiijuier ( L. ) Histoire du merveilleux dans les temps moderues. 2e ed. 4 v. 18G0 3^12.21 Contents: v. 1. lutroductiou. Lea diables de Louduu. 2. Les prophetes pi'otestantes. 3. Le magnetisme auimal. 4. Les tables tournantea. Les mediums et les csprita. — Mackay (C ) Extraordinary popular delusions. 2 V 3813.10 — Miidden (R. R.) Phantasmata ; or illusions and fanaticisms. 2 v. 1S57 3813.12 — Marvin (^F. R.) Epidemic delusions: a lecture. 1874 3S13.38 — Taylor (/.) Epidemic whima. [In his Ultimate civiUzatiou, p. 264-289. 18G0.1 2644.04 «fS" For kindred topics, see Apparitions (p. 31) :— Di- vining rod ; — Hallucinations ;— Humbugs ;— Impostures ; — Occult sciences ; — Spiritualism ; — Superstitions ; — Witchcraft ;— Animal magnetism. Delvau (Allred). Collection de romans de chevalerie, mis en prose fran^aise modeme. i v. Paris, 1869. sm. fol 5038.10 DeMan (E. F.) The "beetroot sugar" question. London, 1870. 8° 3931.43 — Flax ; its cultivation and management. London, 1851. 8° 5093.21 Demaus (flet!. R.) Hugh Latimer: a biography. Lon- don, [18C9.] 12° 3097.25 — William Tyndale : a biography. L.,[ra.d] 8°. 3173.23 Demidoif (Anatole de). Travels in southern Kussia and the Crimea ; through Hungary, Wallachia, and Moldavia, 1837. 2 v. L., 1853. 8°. . . 997.14 Democracy. See Government and politicB (Democracy ; — Lib' ertt/j etc.) Democracy in America. See Tocqueville (A. C. H. C. de). 5723.02 Democracy in France. See GJuizot (F. P. G.) .... 5727.29 Democrat (The). See Pye (J. H.) 5722.16 ■Democratic party. See Coantries {United States : Fulitical history, p. 389.) Democratic review (United States magazine and). V. 1-8. Wash., 1838-40 ; v. 9-41. N.Y., 1841-52. 8°. Note. — The title of v. 1-29 was 'United States magazine and Demrtcratic review.' v. 9-29 have ' New series ' on the t.p V. 30-31 are also ' v. 1-2 ' of a ' New series.' v. 32-3(1 read on t. p. ' Itnited States review, v. 1-e ;' v. 37 is ' United States Democratic review, v. 6. New series'; v. 40-41 are ' New series, v. 40-41.' Demogeot (Jacques). Histoire de la litt^rature Fran- (jaise. P., 1870. 1'2° 2731.21 — History of French literature : adapted from the French by C. Bridge. Phil., 1874. 8°. 2731.22 Demonology See BibUcal and relig. literature {Devil ami evil sijirils, p. 83) ; — Occult si-iences ; — Witchcraft ; — also some entries under SpirituaUsm. Demopbilus, (Uie Pytluiyorean). Pythagoric sentence.?. Tr. by T. Taylor. L., 1793. 8°. 3587.27 ; 3817.10 — Similitudines. Gr. et Lat. [In Fragmenta philos. V. 1. Dtdot] 77(i6.04 Same. Translated [In Phenix (The). N.Y.,I835. 12°.] 6U02.14 De Morgan (Augustus). Arithmetical books Irom the invention of printing to the present time : being brief notices. L., 1847. 12° 2722.29 — Book of almanacs. L., 1851. obi. 24°. . .6722.22 — A Budget of paradoxes. [Mathematical and miscel- laneous.] L., 1S72. 8° 2527.19 — All Essay on probabilities. L., 1810. 16°. 5931.01 — Formal logic. London, 1817. 8° 5428.22 — Mathematics : their value in education. [In soc. of education, v. 1, 1837]. — Professional mathematics. [In v. 2, 1838.) 6513.04 — Syllabus of a proposed system of logic. London, 1860. 8° 5093.15 De Morgan (Mr.i. Augustus). From mutter to spirit. [ano»,] London, 1863. 12° 3811.07 Demosthenes. Against Leptines, Androtion, and Ar- istoc ■ ates. Tr. by C. 11. Kennedy. London, Bolm, 1856. 12° 6314.18 — Opera. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. T. Voemelius. Parisiis, Didol, 1857. 8° 7764.12 — Demosthenes. [Greek text.] With an English com- mentiiry, by K. Whiston. v. 1-2. L., 1859-68. 8°. [Long's Bibl. class.] 7763.02 Contents : v. 1. Preface. Life of D. Chronoi. table. Libauiou upotheseis. Olynthiacs. Philippic i. De pace. Philippic ii. On Halonnesus. On ttie <'hersonese. philip- pic iii. iv. Answer to the letter of Philip. On tlie regula- tion of the state. The Propylnea. The Parthenon. Siieech on the symmnrife. The trierarchy. On the liberty of the Rhodians. Mansolus and the Mausoleum. For the Jlega- lopolitaua. On the treaty with Alexander. On the Crown. V. 2. On the embassy. Against Leptine.'*. Meidiaa, An- drotion, Aristocrates, "Timocrates, Aristogeitou. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S XAJIE, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 412 DEMOSTHENES-DE -QUINCEY — Orations Tr. by T. Leland. 2 v. New York, 1831. liS° 6321.05 — Orations oti the crown, and on the embassy. Tr. with notes, etc., by C. K. Kennedy. London, Bohii. 18.38. 12° _ . 6314.20 — Oratipns [private and other] against Timocrates, Aristogilou, Aphobus, Onetor, Zeuothemis, Apa- lurius, Phormis, Lacritus, Pantaeuetus ; Nausi- maohus, Boeotus, Spudias, Phseuippus ; a'ld for Phormio. Tr. by C.ll. Kennedy. Loudon, Bohii, 1861. 12= C314.19 — Broinjiiain. (ff., lord). Coutributions, V. 1. p. 25-69. . 2517.00 — Oral/ {J. C.) Essays, elc. 1831) Cl'i:).ll3 — FM;ti{a.C.i [/a (lis Greece, V. 2, 1807 ; p. 219-218.] . 4J0.12 — Lucidn. Eucomiiim ou D. [/« /lis Works. Tr. by Fraul-liu. V. 2, 1718 ; p. 512 528.] 6058.17 — Lejara (f/. S.) Demostheues, the man. the statesmau. aud the cratoL'. [//i /ks Writiugs, v. 1.] 6ti47.0(5 — Pliitarck. DeniostUeiies [In h/s Lives. Tr. by Laugborue. v. 6 of 3146.17 ; v. o of 3145.22 ; v. 4 of 3145.U8.] D. and Cicero compared. [In his Lives, v. 5 of 3146.17 ; v. 5 of 3145.22 ; V. 4 of 3145.08.] — Rapin \R.) Comparisou of Demostheues and Cicero for elo- quence. [In his Woika. v. 1.] 6U64.11 S'i aUo Beutley's miscel.. v. 30, 1851 ; National rev., v. 12. 1801, p. 99 129 : also Literature {Greek) ; aud the histories of G-reece by (irote (V. 11-12), aud by Curtius (v. 5). Dempsey (G. Drvsdiile). On the drainage of districts and lands. L., 1859. 16° 3934.011 — Budimentary treatise ou the drainage of towns and buildings. Loudon, Weak, 1854. 16°. . . 3934 .67 • — End. trealise on the locomotive engine. L., Wi-ale, l!S57. 16° 3926.1.3 — Tabular and other iron girder bridges. L,, Weak, IsSD. 16° 3934.0.3 Dempsey (J. Maurice). Our ocean highways. L., 1870. 12° 933.05 Dempster (Charlotte). Vera, or the Russian princess aud the EngUsh earl, [auort] N.Y.,1871. «°. 262.93 Not<; (from the Boston Atheufflura catalogue). — Miss D is the author of the articles ou Durer {in Ed. rev., Jul.v, 1801) ; Eubeus (Jan.. 1803) ; Boustetteu {.\pr., 1864) ; Anjou (Jan., 1808) ; Eu^lish vers de societe (in N. . Brit, rev., Sept.. 1807) ; Mi.stial'9 Mereio (June, 1808) ; Mme. du Plessis- Moraay (AprU, 1871). Denarius. 5^^ Arts ( Wst-ful : Weights and miuzsures, p. 48). Dandy (Walter Cooper). Philosophy of mystery. New York, 1817. 12° 3813.06 Deuham (Dixon) and Clappertcn (H. ) Travels in Noitiera and Central Africa, 1822-24. 2 v. Loudon, 1826. 8° 10:14.01 Denham (Sir John). Poems, Life, by S. Johnson. [In Chalmers (A.) English poets, v. 7. 1810.] 1026 07 — Woiks. [Ill Sanford (E.) and Walsh (E.) British poets, v. 0. 1819.] 1691.06 Deuham (Michael Aislabie). Proverbs and sayings relating to the S3a30us, the weather, and agri. pur- suits. L.,1846. 16°. [Percy society, V. 20.] 5060.20 Deiiiaa (Giaaomo Maria Carlo). Essay on the revolu- tions of literature. Tr. by J. Murdock. London, 17,"L 16°. 1631.16 Denis (Ferdinand). Bre'sil. P.,1837.8°.[Univers.]90I.17 — Les Ciliforuies, I'Ore'gon, et les Possessions russes ea Amerique, les lies Noutka et la Keine Charlotte. Paris, 181 J. 8°. [CTuivers] 901.12 — Portugal. Paris, 1846. 8° [Univers.] . . 902.27 Denis (J.icques). Hi^tiire des theories et des idees morales d.in3 I'antiquite. 2v. P., 1836. 8°. 5133.26 Deniaoii (Caarles W. ) The tanner-boy: U. S. Grai.t. Bv Major Pennymau. [pseud.] B., 1846. 16°. 3067.21 Deuison (Edmund Beckett). Astronomy without ma- thema.ics. Ed., with notes, by P. E. Chase. New York, 18 ;9. 12° 4016.06 — Treatise on clocks and watches, and bells. London, 1860. 16° 3932.20 Deuiaon (Edward). Letters and other writings. Ed. by Sh- B. Leighton. 2d ed. L., 1872. 8°. 5828.04 Denmark. 5fe Countries (p. 304) ;— Poetry. Dsnuia (Geivgd). Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. New ed. -.i v. Loudon, 1878. 8°. . . . 437.13 — Hand-book for Sicily. Murray. 1864. . . 981.00 — A summer in Andalucia. laaon.] 2 v. in 1. London, 1839. 8° 985.22 Dennis (John, Emil. cyitic, h. 1657, d. 1734). iselecl works. 2 v. London, 1718. 8°. . . . 5044.20 Contents: v. 1. Poems. Pricsti-raft dangerous. Essay upon public spirit. Essay on the opera. 2. Dramas. Priestcraft distinguished from Christianity. Grounds of criticism iu poetry. Letters. — Usefulness of the stage. L., 1698. 12°. 7u 1731.29 — Disraeli (/.) Miscellanies, 1796 2622.28 — Talfourd {T. i\".) Essays, p. 35-43. 1852 2547.14 Dennison (i'ic Wm.) Vaiittits of vice-iegal life. [Van Diemen's Land, Ncriblk Island, lutUa.] 2 v. Loudon, 1870. 8° 1035.22 Dennistouii (James). Memoirs cf the dukes of Urbi- no, 1440-16a0. 3 v. London, 1851. 8". . 534.21 Denominational reason why. 8th ed. London, 1866. 12° 3412.19 Denominations and sects. See Biblical and relig. lit, (p. 83). Denoii (Dominique Vivant). Voyages dans la basse et la haute Egypte, pendant les c.ampagnes de Bona- parte. Londres, 1809. 4°. Pfanc/.f.v, fol. 1076.22 Dent (Edward J.) Desciiption of tie dipleidoscope, or double-reflecting uitridian and nltitude instru- ment. London, l.'S43. 8^ 5093.19 Dentistry. See Medicine. {Teeth.) Deutou (Daniel). Brief desciiption of NewY'ork, 1670. New ed., by G. N. Y., 184.3. 8°. 614.11 Denton (.L Bailey). Sanitary works and sewage utiliza- tion. London, lSu9. 8° 3934.07* — Sewage farming : no. 1. L., 1870. 8°. . 3934. 07i Denton (Wm. hud Eliz. M. F. ) The soul of things ; or p.sychometric researches. 3d ed. Boston, 1866. 12= 3814.16 Denton chapel, (Manche.slfr). — Booker {J.) History of. (/n Ohetham misc., T. 2, 1S5B.] 6094.38 De Peyster (John Watts). Histoiy of the lile of Leonard Torslensou, Swedish general. Pough- keepsie, 1855. 8° 3173.19 — Personal aud military history of Philip Kearney. New York, 1869. 8° 3095.18 — Same. 2d td. N. Y., 1870. 8°. . . . 3095.18a — Anniv. address before the 3d army corps union, 6th May, 1876. N. ¥., 1876. i' 646.16 — Ancient, niedireval, aud modem Netherlands, A series of pamphlets. No. 1. History vt the Rlenapii ; and ol the "Franks," p. 1-04. PoughkteiiBie, 1869. 8°. . . . 61131.17 — La Royale. Part vii. Cumberland church, or the heights of Farmville : the last strickeu field of the army of northern Virginia. 7tU April, 1865. N. Y., 1874. 4° 646.17 — Maj.-geu. Philip Schuyler, and the Burgoyne campaign, 1777. Address belove the N. Y. hist. Boc. N. Y., 1877. 8°. 6031.17 — Nashville the decisive battled the rebeUiou. [Address before the N. y. hist, soc, Jan., 4, 1876,] [n.p.ord.] 8°. . 6031.17 — Organization of the militia, [v.]'. or d.] 4". ... 646.17 — Practical strategv. as iUus. by achievements of field marshal Traun. Catskill, 1863. 8° 6031.17 — Proofs considered of the early settlement of Acadie by the Dutch, [Tivoh, N Y., 1868.J 8° 6031.17 — Report ou the organization of the French and Florentine fire departments, [p. 29-06. n.t p.] G46.17 — Reuniou of post Phil. Kearney, Mth. 25, 1868 ; address. New York. 1868. 8' 6031.17 — Secession iu Switzerland and in the Uiiited States compared. Catskill, 1864. 8° 6031.17 — Sketch of Gen. Kobert McAlHster. [From 'Representative men.' 10 pp.] 4° 640.16 — State sovereignty. 8 pp. [Repr. from Yonkers gazette. 7i. p. ord.\8' 6031.17 — Sketch of Gen. George H. Thomas. [From •Bepreseutative men. 10 pp.] 4" 640.16 Depping (Guill.iume). Wonders of bodily strength and skill, iu all ages aud countries. Tr. aud enl. by C. PtUsseU. Loudon aud New York, 1670. 12°. 4613.25 De Pradt. See Pradt. Depths of the a. a. See Thomson {C. W.) 1873. . . . 4828.20 Depuy (H. W. ) Ethan Alleu and the Green mountain heroes of '76. B,, 1853, l-s° 3013.21 De Quincey (Thomas). Art of conversation and other papers. Edm.,ls63. 12° 2523.29 Contents : Letters to a young man whose education has been uegleiteti. Orthographic mutineers. John Paul Rithter. Art of couversatiou. Presence of mind. On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth. The Antigone of Sopho- cles. Traditions of the Rabbius. Modern Greece. — Autobiographic sketches, 1790-1803. Boston, 1856. 16° 2522.02 Contents : The afflictions of childhood, Introd. to the world of strife. Inlant literature. Female iufidel. Public school. I enter the world. The nation of London. Dublin. First rebellion in Ireland. French invasion of Ireland, and second rebellion. Travelling. My brother. Premature manhood. Same. Edin., 1863. 12° 2.323.30 Contents : Same as foregoing ed., with addition of ' Lax- ton ' and ' The priory.'' — Beauties ; from [his] writmgs. B.,1862. 12°. 2522.01 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY." DE QUINCEY - DESNOIRESTERRES 413 - Biographical essays. B., 1S.J1. 16^ . . 2r)i2.04 Contents : Shakspeai-e. Pope. Lamb. Goetbe. SchiUer. ■ The CiBsars. J3ostou, IS-'il. 10" '2522.0.5 ■ Coleridge aud opium-eatiug, and other writings. Eclin., IS 13. 12' 2523.27 Contents: Prefatory uote ou Coleridge. Ceylon. Tlie king of Hayti. Colerid;;e auil opiuui-eatiug. Toilette of the He- brew lady. National teiuperauco movements. Miltou Vfr-vus Soutliey and LanJor. Tiie tatal murksuiau. On christiautly as au or^aii of politii'ai movement Notes ou Godwin, Fos- ter, aud Hazlitt. Falsiflcatiou of English history. - Coufessious of an Euglish opium-eater. Edinbvirgh, 1862. 16' 2523.17 Note— B,epr. from Blackwood's mag., v. 67-58. 1S45. • Coule8aiou.>i of an En'.;lish opium-eater, aud Suspiria deprofondis. Boston, 1853. 16^. . . 2522.20 - Essays oa philosophical writers. 2 v. Boston, 1851. 16= 2522.18 Contents : v. 1. Hamilton. Mackintosh. Kant. Herder. Eiohter. Leasing. 2. Beutley. parr. - Essays on the poets aud other writers. Boston, 1853. 1G° 2522.06 Contents : Wordsworth. Shelley. Keats. Goldamitb. Pope. Godwin. H:izlitt. Laudor. - Hist, and critical essays. 2 v.'B., 1853. 16°. 2522.07 Contents : V. 1. Philosophy of Roman history. The Es- Beues. Philosophy of Herodotus. Plato's republic Homer and the Homeridie. 2. Cicero. Style. Rhetoric. Secret societies. - Klosterbeim. See Memorials, etc., v. 2 ; below. - Letters to a youug man , and other papers. Boston, 1854. 16' 2522.0'.) Contents : Letters to a young man. Greek tragedy. Con- versation. Language. French and English manners. Cali- fornia aud the gold mania. Ceylon. Presence of miud. - Life and manners. Bo.^ton, 1851. 1'2°. . . 2522.10 Contents: Early days. Loudon, li-eland. The Irish rebel- lion. Premature manhood. Travelling. My brother. Ox- ford. German literature. iVo^i;.— All of the above, except the two last, are included in 'Autobiographic sketches." - Literary remmiscences. 2 v. B., 1S52. 16°. 25'22.11 Contents : v. 1. Literary novitiate. Sir Humphrey Davy. ■Wm. Godwin. Mrs. Grant. Recollections nf Charles Laml). Walladmor. Coleridge. "Wordsworth. 2. Wordsworth and Southey. Southey, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. Recollec- tions of Grasmere. The Saracen's head. Society of the lakes. Charles Lloyd. Walking Stewart Edward Irving. Wordsworth. Talfourd. The London magazine. Julius. Clare. Cunuinghaiu. Libellous attack by a Loudon Journal. Duelliug. - Logic of political economy and other papers. Boston. 1S59, 16° Contents : Logic of political economy. Eife of Milton The Suliotes. The fatal marksman. The incognito. The dice. The king of Hayti. - Memorials and other papers. 2 v. Boston, 1856. 16° 25-22.13 Contents : v. 1. Explanatory notices. Orphan heiress. Oxford. Pagan oracles. Revolution of Greece. 2. Kloster- beim. The Sphinx's riddle. Templar's dialogues ou politi- cal economy. - Miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1851. 12°. . 25'22.1.^. Contents : On knocking at the gate, in Macbeth. Murder as one of the fine arts. Joan of Arc. English mail coach, "l^isiou of sudden death. Dinuer, real and reputed - Narrative and miscellaneous jjapers. 2 v. Boston, 1853. 16° . 2522 16 Contents : v. 1. Household wreck. Spanish nun. Flight of a Tartar tribe. 2. Heavens as revealed by Rosse'a telescopes. Modern superstitions. Coleridge and opium eating. Temperance movement. On war. Last days of Im- manuel Kant. - Note book of an English opium-eater. Boston, 1855. 16° 2522.17 Contents : Three memorable murders. True relation of the Bible to merely human siience. Scblosser's liteiai-y history of the isth century. The Antigone of Sophocles. The marquess Weilesley. Miltou vs. Southey and Laudor. Falsifications of English history. Peripatetic pnilosopher On suicide. Superficial knowledge. Euglish dictionaries. Dryden's Hexastich. Pope's retort upou .Addison. - Suspiria de jjroluudis, aud other misci^aueous writ- ---- ings. Edin., 1S71. 12° 2523.32 Contents : Suspiria de profundis. Memorial chronology Portrait gallery ; Prof. John Wilson ; Sir Win. Hamilton. California. China. Literary remini.sceuces. Walladmor. The juggernaut of social life. The avenger. Translations from the German : 1. Historico-critical inquiry into the Rosicrucians and the fiee-masons. 2. Kaiit ou national character in relation to tho sense of the sublime aud the beautiful. Notes from the pocket-book of a late opium- eater. - Theological essays. 2 v. Bo.ston, 1851. 12°. 35J3.20 Contents : v. 1. Christianity as an organ of political movement. Protestantism. On tho supposed Scriptural expression for eternity. Judas Iscariot. Hume's Argument against Miracles. Casuistry. Greece under tlie Romans. 2. Secession from church of .Scotland. Toilette ol the He- brew lady. Milton. Charlemagne. Modern Greece. Lord Carlisle on Pope, — Walladmor, See Suspiria, etc. ; above 2523.32 Note.—' Freely translated ' from the German of Hiiring. — Bayne (P.) T. De Quiucey aud his works. [/.» B.'s Essays, V. I, 1857, p. 15-5U.] 2513.04 — Giles ifl.\ lUustratious of genius, p, 3UU-362. 1854. . 2520.U3 — JAisson iD.) Wordsworth, etc 1874 2536.29 — Steplien {L.) Hours in a library. 1875 2543.31 Note.—Repr. fr. Fortn rev., v. 15, 1871, or Littell, 1371. v. 2. See also Atlantic monthly, v. 12. 1863 (by H. W. Alden) ; Bentley's miscel.. v. 37, 1855 ; Eclectic (from Examiner), v. 27, 1852 ; Eraser's mag , y. 62 03, 180U (2 art.), or Littell, 1861, v.l: Nat. quar. rev., v. 22. 1871 ; N. A. rev., v. 74, 1852 ; V. 88, 1859 : N. Brit, rev., v, 39, 1863 ; Quar, rev., v. 110, 1861, or Littell, 1861. V. 3 ; Weslm. rev., v. 61, 1854. or Littell, V. 5, 1854. De Rheims (J. F. H.) First practical lines in geometri- cal drawing. London, 1865. 8°. . . . 3924.31 Derby (Nelson L.) Report on architecture and materials. [U. S. com. to Vienna exliib , v 4, 1875 3916.18 Derby {Earls of). See Biography (p. 138). Derbyshire. See Countries. iDerbysftire, p. 304.) Derenzy (George Webb). Euchirioiou ; or. a hand for the one- handed. London, 1823. 8°. [In Pamphleteer, v. '22.] 6058.23 Dermot Mac Morrogh, or the conquest ol Ireland : a poem. See Adams (J. Q.) 6093.04 Derrick and drill : petroleum. See Morris (E.) 1865. . 3933.21 Dervishes. — Brown (John P.) The dervishes ; or oriental spiiit- ism. 1868 35'24.24 See also Brit. qu. rev., Jan,, 1870 (Among the prophets) : New monthly mag., v. 22, 1828 (Daucing and howhng der- vishes of Constantinople) ; and works on Turkey, Desagulieis iJ.T. ) Course of experimental philosophy. 2d ed. 2 v. London, 1745. 4° 4028.01 De Sanctis (L. ) Rome, christian and papaL New York, 1856. 12° 3426.15 Desarbres (Ner('e). Deux sifecles k I'opera, (1669-1868). Paris. 1868. 12° 1562.06 De Saulcy (L. F. J. C.) See Saulcy (L. F. J. C. de). . Descamps (Jean Baptiste). La vie des peintres fla- mands, allemauds et hollandois, 5 v. P., 1753-09. 12° 1434.05 Descartes [Lat. Cartesius] (Bene). Discourse on me- thod. From the French, with an iutrod. 3d ed. Edin., 1806. 12° 541'2.21 Reviewed by Prof Huxley in Macmillan's mag.. May, 1870 ; and in his Lay sermoiis-(4712,15], • — Meditations. Tr. by W. R. Walker. [In Journal of spec, philos., V. 4, 1870 ; 4 articles.] — Meditations ; ami solectious from the Principles of philosophy. From the Latin, with notes. Newed. Edin., 1867. 12° 5412.21 — Sur la methode. MediUttions. Traite des passions. Paris, 1844. 1'2° 5412.14 — Alger (W. R.) Solitudes, etc., p. 239-'242. 1867.. . .2612.07 — Daniel- (0.) A voyage to the world of Cartesius. Tr. by T. Taylor. 1694 5412.13 — Huxley (T H.) Ou tho hypothesis [of Descartes] that ani- mals are automata. [7it Fortn. rev , Nov. 1, 1874.] — Sitinle-Gennain (B. de). Descartes considere comme physiologiste et eomme medeciu. 1869. . 4326.10 — Stephen {L.) Hist, of English thought, v. 1. 5426.26 See also Eclectic mag., v. 26. 1852 (Historical position of D.) : Ed. rev., v. 95 (Genius and writings of D. by H. Rogers^ : Revue des d. mondes, Jan. 1868 (par P. Janet i ; — Winslow's Jour, of psy. med., v. 8, 1855 (Psychology of D.) Descent. See Law. {Desce7U.) Descent of man. See Darwin (Charles) 4712.17 Deschanel (.\ugustin Privati. Elementary treatise on natural iihilosophv. Tr. with additions, by J.D.Everett. 4pts. in4v. L., 1870. 8'. 4026.06 1. Mechanics. Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics. 2. Heat. 3. Electricity and magnetism. 4. Sound and light. Deschauel (E. ) Le bien qo'ou a dit des femmes. Paris, 1856. 12°; 5821.24 Desert of the Exodus. .See Palmer.(E. H.; 2V. 1871. . 1044.13 Desert world. See Mangin (A.) 1869 4727 05 Deserted village, a poem. *e Goldsmith O.) 1044.15 ; 1691.30 Des G-uays (J, F. E. Le Bois). See Le Bois Des Guays. Design iu art. See Fine arts. (Design.) Des Laudes ( L. ) Jianhood, the causes of its prema- ture decline. B., 1845. 18' 4331.09 Dpslys (Charles). Le Koy d'Yvetot. 2 v. Paris, 1866. ^ 12°. 7042.33 Desnoiresterres (Gustave). Voltaire k la cour. Paris, ls6'J. 8°. 3175.25 la asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER 414 DESOR-DIBDIN Desor (Edouard). Palaflttes. or lacustrian coustrilctions of the lake of Neuchitel. [Sm. rep. 1865.J 3936.'20 De Soto (Hernaudo de). Sep Biography (p. 200). Despair. Hflps (A.) Friendji in council, v. 1 2531.28 Dea Perriers (Bonn venture). Cymbalum mundi ; or satvrical dialogues. Done into EngliBh. L., 1723. 12\ . . . 2521. 3U Despotism. See Government and politics. (Despotism). Despotism in America. See Hildreth (Ricbard). 1834. . 5831.23 Dessert books. With orisinal recipes. By a Bostou lady, [-mon.] B., 1872. 12°. •. . . .6016.11 De Stael. See Stael. Destouches (Philippe Nerlcanlt). Alembert {J.leB. d'). Eulogies. ,(c., Y. 2 3221.15 D'Estrees. See Estrees (GabrieUe d'). Distutt de Tracy (Autoine Louis Claude, Comte'i. Political economy ; with suppl. to ' Elements of ideology.' Georgetown, 1817. 8°. . . . 5932.14 Desvergers (Marie Joseph Adolphe Noel). Abyssiuie. Paris, 1847. 8°. [Uuivers.] 902.30 — Arable. Paris, 1847. 8°. [Univers.] . . 901.13 — L'Etrurie et les Etrusques. v. 1-2. 8°. v. 3. Planches. fol. P., 18li2-G4 1465.15 De Teissier (G. P. ) The parables practically set forth. Lonilon, [1870.] IIP 354403 De Tocqueville. .5ee TocqueviUe. Detroit. .See Ooantries. (i».'^roi(, p. 304). Deus-Homo ; Qod-man. See Parsons (T.) 3422.06 Deus-Semper. By the author of Semper-Deus. Phil. , 181)9. 12° 3544.04 Deutsc'i (Emanuel Oscar Menaheml. Literary remains. With a memoir. N. Y., 1874. 8°. . . . 3.)40.75 Contents : The T.ilraud. Islam. Notes on Semitic paleo- graphy. Notes of three lectures on Semitic culture. Kgypt, ancient and modern. Hermes Trismegistus. Jiidso-Arabic metaphysics. Les apoirea, par E. Keuan. Five letters on the tEcumenical council. Apostolicae sedis. The Roman passion drama. On Semitic languages. On the Targums. Oil the SimaritaD Pentatevich. The book of -Jasher. Early Arabic poetry in Spain and Sicily. See notices of E. Deutsch, by H. B. Eaweis in Contem. rev., V. 23. 1874. Deutsch-amerikanisclier Dichterwald. Eine samm- lung. Detroit, {Mich.) 185i). 18°. . . 7114.01. Deutscli-aiuerikiinisches conversations lexicon. Bear- beitet von A. T. Scbem. v. 1-7. N. Y., 18H9-72. 8°. De Veaux (.James). Lester {C.E.) Artists of America. 1846. 1415.10 Development tUeories in nat. history. .See Evolution. Development theory in theology. See Newman (John H.) De Vere (Aubrey Thom;i3). Irish odes, and other poems. N.Y., 1869. 12° 1612.28 — Picturesque sketches of Greece and Turkey. 2 v. L., 18.30. 8= 992.24 De Vere (Maximilian Scheie). Americanisms. New York, 1872. 8° 6424.18 — The great empress. [Agrippina.] A portrait. Ph., 1870. 8° 3012.21 — Modern magic. N. Y., 1873. 12°. . . .3814.36 — Oatliiies of comparative philology, with a brief hist. of the art of writing. N. Y... l'8')3. 12°. 6413.02 — Rim i,nce of American history. Early aunals. New York, 1872. 12°. . . '. 573.08 — S^ray leaves from the book of nature. New York, 18-)(1. 12° 4712.27 — Studies in English. N. Y., 1S67. 12°. . .6433.10 — Wonders of the deep. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . 4826.11 De Vericour (L. B.) Historical analysis of christian civilization. Londou, 18-30. 12°. . . . 443.19 Devereiix (J. E.) On Lord Wharnclifie"s ciitholic bequest bill, and other catholic matters. London, 1814. 8° Ill 5093.19 Devereux (Walter Bourchier). Lives and letters of the Devereux, earls of Essex. 1540-1616. 2 v. L., 1853. 8° 3052.05 Devereux (W. Cope). "A cruise in the Gorgon," gn the east coast of Africa. Including a trip up the Zambesi with Liviu_g3tone. L., 1869. 8'. 1081.21 Devey (JosepB). Coinixirative estimate of modern Enghsh poets. L., 1873. 12° 1641.02 — Logic. London, 1854. 8° 5428.04 Devices. PaUiseiiMra.B.) Historic devioes.1870. 1452. 16 Jt^ See also Heraldry ; — Emblems. Dsvil (The). .See Biblical and relig. lit. (if.iiif. p. 83) ; also Atlantic monthly, v. 32, 1873 (Modern iliabolism, by H. James) ; Contem. rev., Feb.. 1870, or Eclectic mag., April. 1876 (De- monology, devil-dancing, and demoniacal possession, by K. C. Caldwell) ; Cornhill mag.. .\pr., 1865 (Devils of Mor- aine : St. Paul's mag., July, 1871, or Littell, 1871, v. 3 (Tas- mauian devil). See atso Spiritualism ;— Apparitions ; — Witchcraft. De Vinne (Theo. L. ) Printers' price list. New York. 1871. 8°. 2763.18 De Voe (Thomas F.) The market' assistant. N. Y., 1867. 8° 6016.24 — The market book, an hist, account of {mbbe markets, V. 1. [New York markets. No more published.] N. Y., 1862. 8° 6016.26 Devonshire. lEngl.) See Countries. {DevonsMre, p. 304.) Devotional works. iSee Biblical and reUg. literature (p. 83). Devotions of tlie ages. See AUcn (N. G.) 3513.25 Devrieut (Eduard). My recollections of Mendelssohn ; and his letters to me. Tr. by N. Macfarren. L., 1869. 12° 3123.16 Dew. See Meteorology. De Walden (E.) Ball-room companion. New York, [)].d] 16° 4612.22 Dewar (Daniel). Elements of moral philosophy, and of christian ethics. 2 v. L,, 1826. 8°. . . 3544.07 D'Ewres (J.) Sporting in both hemispheres. London, 1858. 12° 4615.08 De Wette (W M. L.) See Wette (W. M. L. de). Dewey (Chester). Best hours of daily observation to find the mean temperature of the year. [Smith, rep.. 1857, I860.] 3936.12 : 3936.15 Dewey (Mary E. ) Life and letters of Catherine M. Sedgwick. N. Y., 1871. 12° 3161.09 Dewey {Rev. Orville). Problem of human destinj'. N. Y., 1864. 8° 3544.05 — Works. London, 1844. 8°. 3544.06 Contents .- Discourses. Moral views on commerce, so- ciety, and politics. Discourses in defence of Uuitariaiiism. The old world and the new : travels. Miscellaneous dis- coiu-ses and essays. Dew^hurst (Henry Wm.) Natural history of the cetacea. London, 1834. 8° 4826.26 De Witt (Jan). See Witt (Jan de). . . . , 6713.09 De Witt (Thomas). Discourse in the North Keformed Dutch church. New York, 1857. 8°. . . 3456.08 Dexter (Charles) Versions and verses. Cambridge, 1865. 16° 1641.14 Dexter (Henry Martyn). As to Eoger Williams and his banishment from the Mass. plantation ; with a few further words concerning the Baptists, the Quakers, and relig. liberty. B., 1876. 4°. 3185.23 — Congregationalism. Bostou, 1805. 8°. . . 3544.09 — Verdict of reason upon future punishment. Boston, 18G5. 12° 3544.10 Diable (Le) a Paris. Paris, 1862. 12°. . . . 7032.11 Diagnosis. See Medicine. Dialogues. — Becket {A.) Dialogues, (/re fti's Miscellanies, v. 2.) .1714.01 — Lawlor iW. Smage). Imaginary conversations. [/« Sis Works. 1853.] 6047.03 — Lucian. Works, from the Greek, by T. Franklin, 2 V. 1780 5058.16 — LyUdlon (George, lord). Dialogues of the dead. 50-')2.14 — Sargent (JSpes). Original dialogues for school and family reading aud representation. 1861. 6333.03 ,8®" See also Elocution. {Readings.} Diamond necklace. — Kize(e/ii/ {H.) The story of the. 2d ed 2 V. 1867 3097.27 Carlyte (T.) Diamond necklace. [In his EsBays) . . 2517.12 See also Gentleman's mag., June, 1847; and (in Biography: Individual, p. 120) lives of Bat.samo ; — L.i Motte ;— Marie Antoinette ;— Rohan {Card. de). Diamonds. See Jewelry and precious stones. Diana. See works on Ephesus (p. 316) ; also Eraser's mag., v. 66, 1862. p. 113.116 (Hymn, etc.. by E. Arnold). Diarian miscellany. .See Hutton (O.) 4011.01 Diaries of a lady of quality, 1797-1844. &e Wynn (F. W.) 3180.3() Diary of an ennuyee. .See Jameson (.1/r.^. A.) .... 941.10 Diary of an invalid : tour, etc. See Matthews (H.) . . 945.21 Diary of a Samaritan. By a member of the Howard Association of N.O. New Orleans,1860.12°. 5S'25.01 Diaz (.t/es. Abby Morton). See Fiction class-list ; also Chaney (.l/rs. G. L.) William Henry dramatized. 1875. [17'22.30 ] Diaz del Castillo (Bei'nal). Memoirs, containing a true account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico. From the Spanish by J. I, Lockhart. 2 v. L., 1844. 8° SOC.Ol ■ Same. [In Kerr (H.) Voyages, v. 3, p. 432-608 ; v. 4. p. 1-328.1 914.10 Dibdin (Charles), Collection of songs. 3 v. L., 1792. 16° 1642.03 Dibdin (ThomasV Metrical history of England, to 1812. 2 v. L., 1813. 8° 1635.29 - Remmiscences, 1 771-1 8'27. 2 v. L., 18'27. 8°. 3052.09 ]^g- Foi' his plays see Plays. {Alphabetical arrangement.) BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. DIBDIN- DIDAY 415 Dibdin (Thomas Frognall). 'Bibliographical, antiqua- rian, and picturesque tour in France and Ger- many. 3 V. L., 1821. 8° 2745.22 Same. 3 v. L., 1S29. 8°. 2763.10 — 'Bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in the northern counties of England and in Scot- land. 2 V. L., 1S38. 8'. ..".... 2745.09 — 'Bibliographical Decameron ; or ten days' pleasant discom-se upon Uluminatcd manuscripts, and sub- jects connected with early engraving, typography and bibliography. 3 v. L., 1817. 8°._ ._ . 27-15.19 — 'Bibliomania ; or book madness ; a bibliographical romance. Newed. L., 1842. 8^. . . . 2745.11 — 'Bibliotheca Spenceriana, a descriptive catalogue of the books printed in the 15th century, in the • library of earl Spencer. 4 v. L., 1814-15. 8°. 2745.12 Same, containing part of the Cassano library, books added, and a general index of the Bibhotheca Spenceriana and .Sides Althorpianie. Loudon, 1823. 8° 2745.18 — Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics. With an account of polyglot Bibles, polyglot psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Biblcs and Greek Testa- ments ; the Greek fathers and the Latin fathers. 4th ed. 2v. London, 1827. 8°. . . .2733.31 — Typographical *aiitiquities. See Ames (J.) and Herbert (W.) 2766.02 DicEBaxchus. Periegesis. [Gr. et Lat.] [In Miiller (G.) Geographi Gr. min., v. 1. 1853.] 7765.03 — Fragmeuta. [In Millier (C.) Fragm. Gr. min., v. 2, 1848.] Dicey (Edward). The battle-fields of 1866 [in Ger- many]. L.,1866. 12° 533.28 — Cavour. A memoir. Cambridge, 1861. 8°. . 3034.04 — The morning-land. 2 v. L., 1870. 12°. . . 1052.18 — KomeinlSOO. C, (Ea(il.) 1861. 16°. . . 533.29 — Six months in the federal states. 2 v. London and Camb., 1863. 8° 642.05 Dick (Thomas). Celestial scenery [the planetary sys- tem] ; illustrating the perfections of deity and a pluralityof worlds. N.Y., 1845. 1^°. . .4016.09 — Lnprovement of society by the diffusion of knowl- edge. N. Y., [H.d.] 18° 3913.19 — Practical astronomer. N. Y.,1846. 12° . . 4016.01 — Sidereal heavens. N. Y., l° 77«4.U1 [Note. — The titles of works included in this collection iire given more fully elsewhere, under the names of their authors, or the first word of the title, if of a collection.] Contents. .ffiUanns. Porphyrius. Philo. 7764.01 .Eschylus. Sophocles. 776i.02 Appianus 7764. U3 Aristophanes. 2 v. . 7764.04 Anstoteles. -4 v. . . 7764.06 Arrianus 7766.10 Bible. Novum Testameutum, Ed. C. Tischeudorf. 7766.01 — Vetus Testiimentum. cura J. W. Jager. . . 7767.07 Chrysostomus. . . 7764.10 Demosthenes. . . . 7764.12 Diodorus Siculus. 2 v. 7764.13 Diogenes Laertius. . 7764.15 Epigrammatum anthologia Pillatiua. Ed. r. Diibuer. 7764.16 Erotici scriptores. Ed. by G. A. Hirschia. . . . 7764 17 Euripides. Perdita tragico- riun omnium. Christus Pa- tieus. Ezekiel, et chriat- ianie poetie. . . . 7765.02 Homerus 7765.13 Josephus. 2 V. . . 7765.14 Lucianus 7765.17 Geographi Graeci niinoies : HauUM.Arriauus.Diuuysius. Prisciauus, etc., etc. Ed. C. Muller. 2v. . . 7765.03 — Same. TabuIjB. . 7765.05 Oratores Attici. 2 v. . 7766.02 Fhilosophorum Grsecorumfrag- meuta. 2 v. ... 7766.04 Philosiratus. Callistratus. Eu- napiue. Himerius , 7766.06 Plato. 2v 7766.07 1 Pausanias 7766.09 \ Plotinus. Porphyrius. Froclus. ' Priscianus 7766.11 ; Plutarchus. 5 v. . . . 7766.12 PoetcB bucolici et diductici : ' Theocritus, Biou. Moschus, Nicauder, Ojipiauus, Phile, I Aratus, Mauetbo. [jrseudon.], \ Masjmus. Ed F. Diibuer. He. 7766.17 Poetarum comicorum Grjeco- rum fragmeuta. . 7767.01 Polybins 7767.02 Strabo 7767.03 Theocritus. Schoha in Theoc* ritum. Scholia et paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppianum. 7767.04 Theophrastus. Marcus Aure- iius Antoninus. Epictetus. Cebes. Maximus Tyrius. 7767.05 Thucydides 7767.06 Xenophon 7767.09 Didron (.A.. N. ) Chi'istiun icouograpliy : or christian art m tlie middle ages. v. 1. [No more published. ] Loudon, ls51. 12° 1442.27 Diemerbroeck (Isbraud de). Treatise concerning the pestilence. Abridged and tr. from the Latin, by T. St;\utou. L., 1722. 12^. [' Tracts on the plague, V. 2.'] 4334.20 Dies irae ; 13 orig. versions, by Abraham Coles. N. Y., 1859. 12° 1634.29 Same. [Tr. by W. H. Bright. ] New York, 1866. 8° 1635.25 Same. Tr. by A. P. Stanley. [In Macmillan's mag., Dec, 1868.] Same. Tr. by J. A. Dix. |/)! Scribner's monthly. Apr., 1876.] Diet. Stf. Medicine ; — Domestic economy. {Fuud.) Dietetics of the soul. See Feuchtersleben (E. vouj. 1858. 6435.20 Dietz (E.) Chemical analysis. .iVe De Koninck (L. L.) a/ici Dietz (E.) 1872. . . . 4002.02 Dieulafait (Louis). Diamond-) and x>recious stones. Tr. by F. Sanford. New York, 1874. 1G-. 1581.04 Difficulties oi infidelity. iVe Faber iG. S.) 1829. . . .3647.14 Digby (John, \st cart of Bristol). Defence of his negociations in Spain, [1622]. L., t'amUennuscrf., V. 6. 1870. 4'. .5114.07 Digby (Sir Keuelm). Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean ; ed. by J. Bruce. London, Cctm- deiisoc, 18C8. 4° 5113.50 Digby (Keuelm Edward). Introduction to the hist, of the law of real property. Oxford, 1875. 12°. 5635.17 Digby (Kcnebu Hemy). Broadstone of honor, v. 1-3. London, 1844-48. 8^ 6623.22 v. 1. Godefridus — of the institution of chivalry and chriBtiau government. 2. Taucredu.s— of the religion and disciphue of chivalry. 3. Moras— of the priuciples and practice of christian chivalry. — Compitum ; or, the meeting of the ways at the Catho- lic cUuich. 2d ed. v. 1-4. L., 1851-55. 10^ 3.j41.19 — Mores catholici : or, ages of faith, [unon.] 11 v. L., 1831-1842, 16= 3421.U6 — Short poems. London, 1865. 16°. . . . 1635.27 Digging fur gold ; or, adventures in Caliloruia. [Ballantyne's migceUauy, v. 11, 1869. J 931.12 Dike (Samuel F. ) Doctrine of the Lord in the primi- five christian church. B., 1870. 12°. . . 3541.12 Dikemau (Jolin). Brooklyn compendium : .streets, grants under water, feny rights, ek. Brooklyn, 187U. 8° 5li3li.01 Dignities. See Heraldry ;— England (Court and ojl'icial reffisters, p. 308) ; — Aristocracy (p. 35) ; — Peerage. DUke (Charles Wcntwortli). Greater Britain ; a record of travel in English speaking coimtries during 1866-67. 2 V. in 1. Phil., 1869. 12°. . . 1074.15 Same. New York, 1869. 12° 1074.15a Reviewed in Ed. rev., v. 129, 1869. — Hinton(I{.J.) English radical leaders. 1875. . . .3221.14 Dillon (Francis, esq.] See Memoirs of Francis Dillon, esq. 5051.17 Dillon (Henry Augustus, viscount). Discourse upon the theory of legitimate government. Florence, 1817. 24° 5712.10 Dillon (John B. ) Notes on hist, evidence in reference to adverse theories of the government of the U. S. New York, 1871. 8°. 5734.24 Dillon (John F. ) Law of municipal corporations. 2d ed. 2 v. New York, 1873. !s° 5615.28 Dillon ( Chpt. Peter). Voyage to the South Seas to ascer- tain the fate of La Peiouse. 2 v. L., 1829.8°. 1064.03 Dillon (Weutworth. earl of Hoscomvion). Poems. Life, by S. John- son. [711 Chalmers (A.) Eughsh poets, v. 8. 1810.] 1626.08 DilTworth (H. W.) History of Fiancis-Eugene, prince of Savoy. L"., [n.d.] 18° 3051.24 Dimbleby (J. B. ) A shorthand dictionary. London, 1868. 12° 6431.05 Dinarchus. Oratioues. Gr. et Lat. [In Oratores Attici. v. 2. llidot, 1868.] 7766.03 Dingley (Thomas). History from marble, printed in ])hoto-lithogiaphy, by V. Brooks ; with introd. by J. G. Nichols. L., Cayndhi, soc, (v. 94-97) 1867- 68. 4° 5113.48 Dingman (J. H. ) Directory of booksellers, stationers, newsdealers, music dealers, and libraries in the United States and Canada. N.Y., 1870. 8°. 2713.12 Dining (Art of). .SVe Domestic economy. (Dining ;— Cookery.) Dinners and dinner paities. [a»on.] L.,1862.12°.6015.11 Diodorus Sicvlas. Bibhothecse hist, quas supersunt. Exrec. L. Dindorfii. Gr. et Lat. [Ed.] C. Muller. 2 v. Parisiis, BidU, 1855. 8°. . . . . 7764.13 — Historical library. With [his] fragments. Tr. by G. Booth. 2v. L., 181J. 8° 427.12 XiiozGne& Sinopensis, Vie cynic. Fragmeuta. [/n Wagner {F. G.) Poetarum trag. gr, fragmeuta.] 7765.02 — Diogenes Laertius. Lives, etc. 1853 5115.01 See also Nat. qu. rev., v. 18, 1869. Diogenes (Autonius). Do incredibilibus ultra Thulcm. Gr. et Lat, [In Erotici script. Dtdol, 1856.] 7764.17 Diogenes Laertius. De claroriim philosophorum vitis. Bee. C. G. Cobet. Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, iJidol, 1872. 8° 7764.15 — Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers [of antiquity]. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. L.,1853.1-.i°. 5415.01 Diogenes at court. See Coetlogon (D. de). 1748. . . . 2621.21 DiognetuH. Epistola ad D. [in Bunsen (C. C. J.) Christianity aud maukiud, v. 5, lH'yi.] Epistle to D. [In Apostolic fathers. A.-N. C. libr., v. 1, 1870.] 3467.02 Dionysius of ^4teiY(ii(/)-ia. AVorks. Tr. by S. D. F. Sal- mond. Ed., 1871. 8°. [A.-N. C.lib., v. 20.] 3467.09 Dionysius, (bucolic poet). De avibus. Lat. Eecens. A. Koechly. Parisiis, JUidot, If-Sl. 8°. . 7766.17 Dionysius ij(/-a»//H5. Auaplus Bospori Thriicii. Gr. etLat. [In Muller (C.) Geogr. Gr. min. v. 2, 1855 ] . . . . 7765.04 Dionysius Calbpliouds Jilius. DescripUo Gra^ciae. [Gr. et Lat. In Muller (C.) Geogr. Gr. min., v. 1, 1855.] . . . 7766.03 Dionysius Ilulicarnassensis. Roman antiquities. Tr., with notes and dissertations, by E. Spelmau. 4 V. L., 1758. 4°. . • 438.01 See also Classical journal, v. 34. p. 277 ; v. 35. p. 112, 268 ; V. 36, p. 3, 202 ; v. 37, p. 179 ; v. 38, p. 1 (D. as an historian aud critic) 2742.34 Dionysius Feriegetes. Orbis descriptio. Gr. et Lat. [In MiiUer (C.) Geogr. Gr. min.. v. 2, 1365.] 7765.04 Diphtheria. See Medicine. (Diptlieria.) Dipleidoscope. See Dent (E. J.) 5093. ID Diplomacy. — Bernard (M.) Four lectures on subjects connected with diplomacy. 1868 5623.11 — Enibassie.r reply to which, see ' Illustrator,' elc, below. Set a/.so N. A. rev., v. 90, 1860. — Genius of Judaism. L., 18d3. 12^ . . . 3514.13 — Ulustr^itor [/. e. Bolton Comey] illustrated, [anon-l London, 1838. 8^ 2741.10 — The Literary character ; and character of James L New York, 1868. 12°. . ' 2522.29 Same. 3d ed. 2 v. L., 1822. 8°. . . 2522.26 — Miscellanies ; or lit. recreations. L., 1796.8°. 2522.28 Contents; Of miBcellanies. Ot professors of art. Of style. Historical characters are false repiesentati«.'ns of nature. On prefaces. On diaries, self-biography, and self charactere. Deums the critic. Of erudition and philosophy. On licensers of the press. On reading. On an individual puisuit. On • literary genius and industry. Climate, Of novtlty in litera- ture. Influent e of the lemaie mind in politics and rcUgion. French and English puetry. — MiBcelhmies of literature. L., 1853. 8°. . 27C5.01 Contents : 1. Literary miscellanies : Misiellanists. Pre- face. Style. Goldsmith aud Johnson. Self characters. On readiug. On habituating oura-ilves to an individual pursuit. On novelty in literature. Vers de societe. Genius of Mo- liere Sensibility of Eaciue. Of Sterne. Hume, Kobertstm. and Birch. Of voluminous works incomplete by the deaths of the authors. Of domestic novelties at firtt condemned. Domesticity ; or, a dissertation on servants. Printed let- ters in the vernacular idiom. 2. Quarrels of authors. 3. Calamities of authors. 4. Chai-acter of James i. 5. The literary character. — Quarrels of authors. See ' Calamities and quarrels ' and ' Mis- cellanies of literature,' aOov^. — Distinguished men of modern times, v. 2. 1810. . . . 3221. 08 Dissent. See Biblical, relig., and eccl. lit. {Dissent, p 83.) Dissenters. See Bibhcal, relig.. and eccl. lit. {Ihss'-nters. p. 84; —Denominations and sects, p. 63 :— Puritanism (p. 99^;— and names of various di^senting sects. Distaff. Akerman [J. Y.) On the distafl'and the spindle, as the insignia of the female sex in former times. [In Archsolo- gia. V 37, 1857.) 51'28.— Distillation. See Arts {Useful ■ Zriguors, p. 44). iJistmsuished men of modern times. 2 v. New York, mo. 16°. • 3221.08 Note —For Contents sea p. 113 of catalogue. D'lstria (Dora). See Koltzof-Massalssky (H, Ghii-a, princess). District fichool as it was. See Burton (Wm.) 1850. . . 5513.18 Distumeli (J.) American register or blue hook. Phil., 1876. 8° 6755.06 — Guide between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston : also, routes of travel from Boston to Buffalo aud from New York to Montreal New York, 1846. 18^ 1121.01 — New York as it was and as it is ; including the city of Brooklyn and the surrounding cities and vil- lai'es ; with a classified business directory. With maps and Ulustn^tions. N. Y., 1876. 12^ 1121.20 Ditson ^ George Leighton). Circassia ; a tour. New York, 1850. 12° 993.07 — Crescent aud the French crusaders. New York, lb59. 12^ 1082.18 — The Para papers on France, Egypt, and Ethiopia, Paris, 1858. 8^ 1091.15 Ditterhne (T.) Sketch of the battles of Gettysburg. New York. isG3. 12' 641.04 Divine comedy. See Dante. Divine footsteps in human history, lanon.] Edinburgh, 1862. 8^ 3112.08 Divine right of rulers. See Government and politics. Divine legatinu of Moses. See Warburton (Wm.) . . . 3616.12 Divine tragedy. .Vcv Lon^ellow (H. W). _^ Divine weckes aud wurkus. See Du Bartas. . . ', ". . 1638.01 In asking for books, use the "Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud tho NUMBER./ 418 DIVING-- DODG-E Diving bell and diving. Siebe (H.) Conquest of the sea: divers and diving. [1873.] . . 4518.23 DiTining rod. Figuier (L.) La baguette divinatoire. \In his Hist, du merveiUeux, v. 2, 186U.] 3si2.22 — Oould {S. B.) Curious myths, V. ]. 1867. . . . . .3810.16 " Divinvmi humanum" iu creation. Spiritual revealings. [«)ion.] London, 186y. 12° 3544.11 Divorce. See Law {Marriage and divorce) ; — Marriage : — Women. Dix (Johnl. Life of Cbatterton. L., 1837. 10°. 3036.09 Dls (John Adams). Speeches and occasional addresses. 2 V. New York, 1864. 8° B315.14 Contents : V. 1. Speeches in the senate. 1846-19 :— The Ore- gon question. Freucli spoliation. Warehouse system. Lieut.-geu. of the army. The turco million bill. The war with Mexico. Minister to the jjapal states. CaUtornia clamis. Yucatan bilt. A territorial government in Oregon. Goverumeuts in the territories. Trade with Canada. Ter- ritories acquired from Mexico. 2. Pilot laws. Ou Hon. Dixon H. Lewis. Memorials of officers in Mexico. Addresses and reports .-—African coloni- zation. Ou two questions of ahenism. Education of teachers. The militia system. Geological report on Kew York state. Progress of science. Apportionment of mem- bers of congress. Rural life and embellishment. Growth of New Yorl£ city. Agriculture of New York. War with Tripoli. Rebejhon iu Louisiana. Proclamation to the peo- ple of New York. — A winter in Madeira,- and a summer in Spain and Florence. N. Y., 1853. 12° 984.10 Dix (Rev. Morgan). The two estates ; that of the wed- ded iu the Lord and that of the single for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. N.Y., 1872.12°. 3543.28 — Ritualism. [In Galaxy, July, 1807-] Dix (Wm. G.) Trie American state and American statesmen. B., 1876. 12° 5724.22. Dixon (Edward H., J-/. Z).) Backbone; photographed from the " The Scalpel." N. Y., 1866.12°. 4321.10 — Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon. New York, 1855. 12° 4321.15 Dixon (iiey. E. S. ) The dovecote and the aviary management. L., [1851.] 16° 4813.06 — Ornamental and domestic poultry. New York, 1859. 12° 6134.23 Dixon (James Henry). Ancient poems, ballads, and songs of the peasantry of England. L., 1845. 16°. [Percy society, V. 17.] 5060.17 — Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads. Lon- don, 1845. 16°. [Percy society, v. 17.] 5060.17 Dixon (Wm. Hepworth). Free Russia. New York, 1870. 8° 996.11 — Her majesty's tower. 2 v. Phila., 18G9. 12°. 493.11 — The Holy Land. 2 v. London, 1864. 8°. . 1054.19 — John Howard, and the prison world of Europe. New York, 1850. 12°. 3083.10 — Life of William Penn. Phila., 1851. 12°. 3137.08 — London prisons. Loudon, 1850. 16°. . . 5817.25 — New America. PhU., 1867. 8^ 1115.02 — Personal history of Lord Bacon. B.,18B1.12°. 3015.01 — Robert Blake. London, 1852. 8°. ... 3022.03 — Spiritual wives. Phil., 1858. 12°. . . .5824.07 Reviewed in Fraser's mag., v. 77, 1867. — The Switzers. London, 1872. 8°. ... 983.24 — The White conquest. 2 v. L., 1876. 8°. . 58:J3.16 Note. — The subjection to the whites ol the American blacks and Indians. Doane (Rev. George Hobart). To and from the Pas- sion play. Boston, 1872. 16° 1715.22 Doane (George Washington, hp. of N. J.) Life and writings. 4 v. New York, 1860. 8°. . . 3545.01 Contents : v. 1. Memoir. " Songs by the way.*' 2. Charges. Constitutional, missionary, and visitation ser- mons. 3. Parochial sermons. 4 Educatioual writings viz. : 1st — Kith baccalaureate addresses ; Two sermons. Orations— Niue 4th of July addresses. Cincinuati oration: Civil gov. a sacred trust. Goodly heritage of Jerseymeu. Mount Vernon oration : one world, one Washington. Lec- tures. Address on the death of pres. Harrison. Sermon on the death of pres. Taylor. Six sermons. Dobbs (A. E. ) General representation on a readjust- ment of Mr. Hare's plan. L., 1871. 8°. . 5717.30 Dobell (Horace). Affections of the heart. London, 1872. 8° 4354.14 — On diet and regimen in sickness and health. 4th ed. London, 1870. 8°. 4324.14 Dobell (John). A new selectioa of 700 evangelical hymns. Morristown, 1810. 12°. . . . 3761.01 DobeU (Sydney). Poems. B., 1860. 32°. . 1642.06 — The Roman. A dramatic poem. By S. Yendys. [p.sei«i.] L., 1850. 8^ 1715.14 — .Smith (A.) Last leaves. f(c., p. 171-210. 1869. . . .2642.27 Doblado (Don Leucadio), pseud. &e White.(J. Blanco). ^ 984.22 Dobrizhoffer (Martin). An accouut of the Abipones. 3 V. iu 2. L., 1822. 8° 567.20 Dobsou (Edward). Bud. treatise on foundations and concrete works. L., Weak, 1850. 16°. ^ . 3932.29 — Rud. treatise ou masonry and stone-cutting. Lon- don, Weak, 1859. 16° 3932.26 — Rud. treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. 2 pts. London, Weak, 1850. 16°. . . 3932.24 — Rudiments of the art of building. London, Weak, 1859. 16°. 1312.01 Dobson (J. R.) The ox : his diseases and their treat- ment. With essay on parturition in the cow. 2d ed. L., 1872. 12° 6134.27 Dobson (Mrs. Susanna). Life of Petrarch. 2 v. L., 1805. 8° 3143.06 Docks. 'See Arts (Useful : Dry docks, p. 41). Dockray (B. ) Egeria : or casual thoughts and sugges- tions. 1st series. London, 1857. 16°. . 2523.01 Doctor (The). See Southey (Robert) 2643.22 Doctor HookweU ; or, the Auglo-Catholic family [anon.] 3 v. London, 1842, 12° 3641.09 Doctors, See Biography {JledicaJ, p. 112). Doctors and patients. See Timbs (John). 2 v. -1873. . 3252.16 Dod. See aiso Dodd ; — Dods. Dod (Albert Baldwin). Articles ou capital punishment, phreno- logy, the vestiges of creation, aualytical geometry, and Ox- ford architecture, with reviews of Mr. Finney and Dr. Beecher. [In Princeton review es&ays. 2d ser. 1847.] 3686.U2 Dod (Robert P.) Parliamentary companion. 1868, 1870. London, 1869-71. 24° 6741.10 Dodd (George). Dictionary of manufactures, mining, and the industrial arts. L., [186'.i.] 12°. 3915.25 — The food of London. London, lfc56. 12°. 6014.12 — Hist, and explau. dissertation on steam engines and steam packets. Loudon, 1818. 8°. . . 3927.27 — Railways, steamers, and telegraphs. London and Edinburgh, 1868. 12° 3926.31 Dodd (Henry Philip). The epigrammatists, ancient and modern. Loudon, 1870. 8°. . . . 6213.15 Dodd (John Theodore). Sayings ascribed to our Lord by the fathers and other primitive writers. London, 1874. 12° 3544.27 Dodd (Stephen). Revolutionary memorials. New York, 1852. 12° 1625.08 Contents : Poems, by Rev. W. Case. Burlesque of General Burgoyne's proclamation. Accouut ol the death of Mies McCrea. The American hero, by N. Niles, etc. Dodd(Wm.,I».i>.) Reflections ou death. York, 1818, 24° 1641.01 — Thoughts in prison, etc. York, 1818. 24°. . 1641.04 O- For lives of Dr. Dodd, see Biography (p. 139). Dodd (Wm.) Three weeks iu Majorca. London, 1863, 12° 981.07 Dodd (^Vm.,puUi.^her). Specimens of early wood en- gravings. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1862.4°. 1436.23 Dod^dge (Philip). Some remarkable passages in the life of Col. James Gardiner. Loudon, 1796, 16° 3063.23 4a-For lives of P. D., see Biography (p. 139). Dodds. See also Dodd ; — Dods. Dodds (James). Thomas Chalmers : a biogr. study, Edinb., 1870. 12°. 3033.25 Dodge (Jonathan). Complete system of stenography. Providence, 1823. 8° 6431.13 Dodge ( J. R.) West Virginia. Phila., 18)5. 12°. 1123.28 Dodge (Mary Abigail). [' Gail Hamilton. ' ] Battle of the books ; for the use of authors and publishers. Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1870. 16°. .... 2752.17 — Child world. Boston, 1873. 16° 174.58 — Country living and country thinking. Boston. 1862, 10° 2523.03 Contents : The bank. Boston and home again. Brown- bread cakes. A complaint of friends. Dog days. Lights among the shadtiws ot our civil war. Men and w.uuen. Moving. My birds. My iluwer-bed. My garden. Sujnmer gone. Tommy. Winter. — Gala-days. Boston, 1803. 16° 2523.01 Contents • A call to my countrymen. Camilla's concert Cheri. Gala-daya. Happiest days. Side-glances at Harvard class-day. A spasm of sense. Success iu life. — Little folk life. New York, 1872. 16°. . . 174.59 — New atmosphere. Bostoa, 1865. 16°. . . 5821.03 BBOOELVN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. DODG-E -DOMESTIC 419 — Nursery noonings. New York, 1S75. 16^ 3512.04 — Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. [In Atlantic tales.] — Ked-letter days iu Applethorpe. B., 1866.16^. 175.10 — Sermons to the clergy. Bcston, 1876. W. 3541.28 — Skirmishes and sketches. B., 1SG5. 10°. . 2523.05 Contents : Anno DomiQi. Brain and Brawn. Child-power. Christ as a preacher. Christ in Carolina. Counter charm (A). [A. de TocquevUle.J Court crime lA). Doubtful argu- ments. Drunkenness and driukiug. Eddykny-Mur-r-pUy. Ellen. Emmons, Nathaniel, of Franklin. Folly in Israel [Sunday schools.] ' Glory Hallelujah ! ' Gloryiug iu the goad. Interruption. Landmark removed [Owen Lovejoy.] Language. Ma^'azine literature. Mob patriotism. My book. New school of biography. ' Out in the cold.' Pictor Igno- tus [Wm. Blake.] Pictures and a picture. Itamble in the old paths [of Engl, lit.] A suggestion. Word to the inconsider- ate. Words Jor the way. — Stumblin','-blocks. Boston, 1864. 16°. . . 2523.06 Contents : Arausoments, Church-sittings. Controversies, Error. Fitness of things. Forgiveness. God's way. Law of Christ. Ordinances. Outs and ins. Pruyer-meetings. Praying. Proof of your love. A view from the pewa. Words without knowledge. — Summer Boston, 186S. 12°. . . .2523.07 Contaits : Council about a council. Fancy farming. Gil- Allan's sabbath- King James the first. Kiugdom coming. Larva lessons. Orchard talk. Prose Henriade. Well done. — Twelve miles from a lemon. N.Y., 1874. 12°. 2523.02 Contents : Amer. inventions. Autumn voices. Conference wrong side out. Country character. Dinners. Fashions. Hemlock poison. Higher laws of railroads. Holidays, Le- drops. Pleasures of poverty. Science, pure and practical. Sleep and sickness. Social formulaa and social freedom. Twelve miles from a lemon. To Tudiz by railroad. Wonders and wisdom of carpentry. — Woman's worth and wortMessuess. Complement to ' A new atmosphere. ' N.Y., 1872. 12^.5822.18 — Woman's wrongs : a counter-irritant. Bostou, 1868, 12° 5821.17 — Woolgathering. Boston, 1867. 12°. . . .2523.08 Note. — Some of M. A. D.'s ^v^iting8 have appeared in the Atlantic montldij and Scribner's moyiUUy, for which cjnsult their general indexes. Dodge (Mary Mapes). Bhymes and jingles. New York, 1S75. 12° 1635.31 4S- For other of her works see Fiction class-hst. Dodge (Nathaniel Shatswell). Stories of a grand- father about Americati history. Boston, 1874. 16° . . . 571.01 — Memoir of Sir J. F. W. Herschel. [In Sm. rep., I87I.] 3936.2S Dodge i^Richard Irving). Black Hills. N. Y., 1876. 12° 1132.25 — Plains of the great west and their inhabitants. N. Y., 1877. 8^ 1133.27 Dodgson (Charles Lutwidge). See Carroll (Lewis), pseud. Dods (J. B. ) Had Grimes (J. S.) Electrical psychology. London, 1851. 12° 3814.21 Dodsley (Robert). Chronicle of the kings of England. Written in the manner of the ancient .Jewish histo- rians. By Nathan Ben Saddi. [^smd.'\ London, 1740. 12° 471.'29 — Economy of human life. L., 1810. 16°. . G211.22 — Poems. Ed. with life, by A. Chalmers. [In Chalmers (A.) EugUsh poets, V. 15, 1810.] 1626.15 — Select collection of old plays. 2d ed., with notes [by I. Raed]. 12 v. L., 1780. 12° 1722.01 Contents : V. 1. Prefaces. God's promises, by J. Bale. Four P.'s, by J. Heywood. Ferrex and Porrex, by '1'. Sack- ville, lord Buckhurst, and T, Norton. Damon and Pythias, by R. Edwards. New custom. 2. Gammer Gurton's needle. Alexander and Campaspe. by J. Lyly. Tancred and Gismunda. by R. Wilmot. Corne- lia, by T. Kid. Edward n.. by C Marlow. 3. George-.i-Qreene, the pinuer of Wakefield. First part of Jerouymo. The Spanish tragedy, by T. Kid. The honest whore, by T, Dekker 4. Malcontent, by J. Marston. All fools, by G. Chapman. Eastward hoe. by G. Chapman, Jonsou. and Marston. Re- venger's tragedy, by C. Touruer. Dumb knight, by L. Machin. 5. Miseries of inforced marriage, by G. Wilkins. Lingua, by A. Brewer. Merry devil of Edmonton. A mad world my masters, by Middletou. Ram alley, or merry tricks, by L. Barry. 6. Roaring girl, or Mol Cutpurse, by Middleton and Dekker. Widow's tears, by G. Chapman. White devil, or 'Vittoria Corombona, by Websler. Hog hath lost bis pearl, by R. Taylor. Four pi-entises of Loudon, by T. Heywood. 7. Green's Tu quoqne, or the city gallant, by J. Cooke. Alburaazar, by TouiUis. A woman killed with kindness, by T. Heywood. Match at midnight, by W. Rowley. Fuimu's Troes, the true Trojans, by J. Fisher. 8. 'Tis pity she's a whore, by J. Ford The heir, by T. May. The bird in a cage, by J. Shirly. Jew of Malta by Marlow. The wits, by Sir W. Daveuaut. 9. Gamester, by Shirley. Microcosmns, by T. Nabbes. Muses lookiug glass, by T. Randolph. City match, by J Maine. Queen of Arragon, by W. Habington. 10. The antiquary, by S. Mavmion. The goblins, by Suckling. The ordinary, by W. Caitwright. Jovial crew by R. Bioome. Odd couple, by T. May. 11. Andromauu, by Shirley. Mayor of Quinborough, by T. Middleton. Grim the collier of Croydon. City night cap, by B. Davenport. Parson b wedding, by T. Killegrew. 12. Adventures of five hours, by Sir S. Tuke. Elvira, by G. Digby. The widow, by Ben Jouaon. Chichevache and Bycorue. Historia histrionica, by J. Wright. Index to notes. — Select poems. Ed. by E. Sanford. [In S.'s British poets, v ■i6. 18^2.] : 1691.26 DoelUnger. See DoUinger. Doesticks (Q. K. P ) Set Thompson (Mortimer M.) . .1693.23 Dogs. See Natural history {Days) ; also Amusements tSportinq. p. 25). Dogmas. .See BibUcal and relig. lit. (^Doctrine and Dogma, p. 84.) Dogmatic faith. See Garbetl (E.) 1868 3364.17 Doherty (Hugh). Memoir of Fourier. [l'''"'Transon(A.) Charles lourier's theory] 6812.15 Dolby (Anastasia). Church vestments. London, 18e8, sm. 4° 3767.21 Dolgorouky (Paul). Handbook of principal families in Russia. From the French. L., 1858. 8°. 554.28 Dollinger (Johann Joseph Ignaz von). The Church and the churches ; or the papacy and the temporal power. Tr. by W. B. MacCabe. London, 1862. 8° 3545.05 — Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages. Tr. by A. Plummer. With essay en the prophetic spirit and the prophecies of the christian era. Tr. by H. B. Smith. N. Y., 1872. 8°. . . . . 3424.12 — History of the church [to the reformation]. Xr. by E. Cox. 4 V. London, 1840. 8°. . . . 3427.11 — Lectures on the reunion of tlie churches. Tr. with preface by H. N. Oxenham. New York, 1872. 1'2° 3545.06 — The Pope and the council. By Janus, [psmd.] 2d ed. Londou, 1869. 12°. 3425.15 See Cathohc world. June, 187fc (Apostasy of Dollinger) ; Nov. 1871 (Dollinger scandal) ; Coutem. rev., v. 14, 187() (Three broad church cathohcs). Dollman (Francis T. ) * Examples of antient pulpits existing iu Englaud. L., 1849. 4°. . . 1316.08 Dolomieu (Deodat G. S. T. de Gratet de). "Account of the earth- quakes in 1783. [In Pinkerton. Voyages, v. 5.] . . 926.05 Domenecb (Emmanuel). Missionary adventures in Texas and Mexico. London, 1858. 8°. . 1125.12 — Seven years residence in the great deserts of North America. 2 v. L., I860. 8° 1125.10 Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri, called; 6. 1581, d. 1641). — Landon ( C. ) Lives and works of celebrated painters, V. 1. 1804 1446.20 Domeny de Rienzi (Gregoire Louis). Oce'anie. 3 v. Paris, 1836-37. 8°. [Univers.] . . . 902.20 Domestic animals. See Agriculture [Slock and domestic animaU, p. 9) ;— Natural history. Domestic annals of Scotland. See Chambers (K.) . . . 496.01 Domestic economy. 1. Comprehensive and miscellaneous works. — iJazar book of the household. 1875. . . C014.03 Contents : Marriage, establishment, servants, house- keeping, children, home life, company. — Beecher (C. E.) and Stowe (li. B.) American woman's home. 1869. 6016.05 — Beecher (Miss C.) Housekeeper and healthkeeper. 1873. . 6016.13 — Beeton's Dictionai-y of practical recipes and every-day inform'ition ; new domestic cycloptedia. 6016.09 — Bernays (A. J. ) Household chemistry. 1852. 4214.06 — Best of everything ; By the author of " Enquire Within." 1870 6016.06 — Conti (A. de B., prince de). Concerning the government of his house. [/« /lis Works, 1711.] 6023.17 — Diaz (A. Jil.) A domestic problem. Work and cul- ture in the household. 18;5 6015.22 — Domestic management, or the art of conducting a family ; with instructions to servants in general [anon.] 6015.24 Id asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of tb» TITLE, and the NUMBER. 420 DOMESTIC ECONOMY ■ Donovan I yi.) Domestic ecouomy. Brewing, distil- ling, wine-makiug, bak ng, human tood. 2 v. 18J0 eoie.oi - Fads and hints for every-day life. [Receipts. etc.] e015.23 - Gardner (E. C. ) Illustrated homes : papers describing houses and real people. 1875. . . 131'2.'.iy - iiurtrZ-ioofc of useful and ornamental amusements and accomplishments. By a lady, [aium.] 1815. 0017.21 - Haslcdl (Urs. E. F. ) Housekeeper's eucyclopaadia. 1873 6016.17 - Leslie (Miss). Lady's house-book. 18.J1. . 6016.08 ■ Murray (B.) The modern householder. 1872. 6016.12 - Our English home : its early history and progress. With notes on the introd. of domestic inventions, 1860 6014.01 - Reason why : Domestic science. By the author of En- quire wichia. 1S69 6016.07 - BkoilfS I H. ) Russell [J. ) and others. Bokes of nurture. Ed. by F. J. FurnivalL [Early Eug. text soc. No. 32.] 7913.10 - StocJdon (F.R. and M.) The home where it should be and what to put in it. 1873 1311.05 - Slowe (Mrs. H. B.) House and home papers. 18iJ5 25iJ.13 - Walsh (J.M.) Economical housekeeper. 1857. 6016.04 - Warren ( Mrs. ) How I managed my house on £200 [lilOOdo:lirs]ayeir. 1B66 6015.25 -Webster (T ) and Parkes (Mrs.) An encyclopaedia of domestic economy. New ed. 1861. 6017.01 Contents . The reaidenca ; warming and ventilation ; lighting; furnitnre; eervautB : cleaning; food; beverages; cooking ; textile fabrica for clothing and furniture ; dress; the toilet : jewellery ; the laundry ; carriages ; the dairy ; health and aicknesa. -.Xfnopion. (Economics, [/n Ais Works] . 424.01 ; 6077.15 - Youiaans (E. L.) Handbook of household science. 1857 6016.03 Contents : Heat ; light ; air ; food and drink ; cleaning. - rouit;/ lady's book. 18.59 5427.07 See also Contemp. rev., Dec, 1873 (Co-operative house- keeping, by Mrs. E. M. King). 5. Cookery. - Seechcr {Miss C. ) Domestic receipt-book. 6th ed. 1872 6015.18 - Beetun {Mrs.''! Every -dav cookery and housekeeping book. 1872. ..." 6015.16 - Blot (P.) Handbook of praot. cookery. 1869. 6015.12 WL'at to eat, an.l how to cook it. 1863. 6015.01 - Bowman (A.) New cookery manual. 1869. 6015.08 - Choice receipts. J[. S. W. 1875. . . . 6015.20 - Dessert book. With original recipes. By a Boston laay. [anon.'] 1872 6016.11 - How'ird (Mrs. B. G.) Fifty years in a Maryland kitchen. 1873 60J5.19 - Xi the kitchen, lanon.] B,, 1875. 12°. . . 6016.15 -Indian cookery, [/n Oriental Tr. Fund. Miacel. trans., v. 1. 1«3I.) 7818.16 -Johnston {W. E.) Report on the preparation of food. (In United States com. to Paris exp. liepoits, v. 6, 1867.) 3916.09 - Man)i. (Mrs.H.) Piiysiological cook book. 185 5.60 15. U4 - May (Li.) The accouiplisht cook. 1678. . 601.5. H - St.i'lalr (Ladi/II.) Dainty dishes. 5th ed. 1866.6015.05 - Soyer (A.) (juliaary campaign. 1857. . . 6015.06 - Terhune (ilrs. V. H. ) Common sense in the house- hold. 1871 6016.10 - T/iompson {B., count Rwnford). Of kitchen fire-places and kit- chen uteubile. (In Ids Essays, v. 3. 1804.) .... 4026.12 - Wafn-^ (H.) Antiquitites culinariae ; or curious tracts relating to the culinary affairs of the old EngUsh. 17J1 6018.01 3. Food, and art of dining. - Aihenasus. The Deipnosophists or banquet of the learned. Tr. by G. D. Yonge. 3 v. 1854.2512.16 - BlotiP.) Artof diniuj;. [/n Galaxy, May, .Jun., Jul., Aug., 1866.) Modern and mediffival dinners, [galaxy, Apiil, 1867.) - Breakfast, dinner, and tea : viewed classically, poeti- cally, and practically. 1860 0015.02 - Brillut-Havarin (A.) Hand-book of dining ; or, corpu- "eucy and Idauness scientifically considered. Tr. by C. F. Simpson. 1865 6015.03 Physiologie du gout, gastronomie transcendante. 1869 0015.13 - Bristed (C. A.\ Table iesthetics. [In his Pieces, efc, 1858, p. 1'26-171. Repr. from Knickerbocker mag,, 1848.) 2517.09 — Church (A. II.) Food ; its sources and uses. 1877 6014.14 — Cozzens (F. S.) Bietelics. [/ft ftjs Sayings of Dr. Bush wacker, p 1-43.] 2521.12 — De Quincei/ [T.) Dinner, real and reputed. [In his Miscel. essays, p. 20J-255.) 2522.15 — De V'oe ( T. F. ) Market assistant, containing a brief description of every article of liuman food sold in the public markets of New York, Bo.stou, I'hiiadel- phia and Brooklyn. 1867 6016.24 Market book : hi^t. account of the markets of New York, e(c. v. 1. [New York markets. J 1862. 6016.26 — Dinners and dinner parties, [itnon.] London, 1862. 12° 6015.11 — Dodd(G.) Food of Loudon. 1856. . . . 6014.12 — Dorun(J.) Table traits. 1855 '2523.10 — Drewry (0. 0.) and Bartlelt (R. C.) Cup and platter, or, notes on food and its effects. 1876. . 6014.10 — Fisher (J.) Where shall we get mtai.? The food supplies of ^Vesteln Europe. 1866. . . 6016.23 — Foisoin {C F ) Our meat supply, and public health. (In Mass. state board of health. 6ih report, 1876.) .... 4346.23 — Gastronomy : or the school for good living. 2d ed. [anoH.] 182'2 6015.06 — Henderson (Mrs. M. F. ) Practical cooking and din- ner giving. 1876 6016.16 — Hunt (i.) Breakfast. [In liis Seer, p. 73-107.) . . . 2633.09 — Hoadiey(J. C.) Ou the trauspoitatjou ol live-stock. (In Mass. btate board of health, (^th report, 1875.) .... 4346.22 — lllustrutiijns of eating ; displaying ttieomuiv. charac- ter of man. By a beef-eater, (anon.] 1847. (iOlS.lO — Jeaffreson (J. C) Book about tae table. 2 v. 6016.18 — Kn'ight {J.j Hist, of food. (In his Improvement 01 the health. 1876.) 4324 30 — Lankester (C.) Lectures on food. 1864. .59:^6.22 Uses of ammals in relation to the industry of man. 1864 59:i6.22 — Lelheby (H.) On food : four lectures. 1870. 6014.13 — Massacliusetls. btate board of lieulth. Annual report, 1870-75. (Several essays. ) 4345.22 — Peate {T. R.) U.^es of the brain and marrow of animals among the Indians of North America. (Sm. rep., 1870. j . 31136.25 — Ptutarck. Of eating of flesh. (In his Morals, v.5.pp.o-10.) 5435.30 — Papers from the Quar. rev., 1862 (ijastionomy and gafitrouo. mers, p. 6S-118) 2641.16 — Porphyiius. On abstinence from animal food. (In his Select works. 1823. ] • 6416.26 — Sinimouds (P.L.) The curiosities ot food. 1859. 6014. 11 — iSimpson (L. S. ) Haiidbook of dining. 1859.6016.09 — Soyer (A. ) Pantropheon ; or history of food and it8 preparation. 1853 6016.26 — Terhune (K. h.) Breakfast, luncheon, and tea. 1875 6016.14 — Turner [T. H.) Usages of domestic life in the middle ages. The dining table, (/ft *Archaeol jour., v. 2.j . . 1462.16 — Vei/elabte substances used for the food of man. New York, 184U. lc° 5926.24 See also Blackwood's mag., v. 71, 1852 (Thoughts upon dinuers) ; v. 88, 1860 (Theories of food) ; v. 103, 18118 (Horse flesh) ; Coutem rev., v 7, l.'i68 (I'oodof the people, by B. Shaw) ; V 9. 1868 (Food supiily ol* Loudon ; 2 articles^ ; Blackwood. V. 80. 185ii (looj ol Liiudoii) ; Quar. rev., v, 96, 1854 (Louduu comtiiissariat) ; Ed. rev., v. 99, 1863 Con- snmplion ol jood in the Uniteil Kingdom) ; Iraser's mag., v. 55, 1857 (Food) ; Kat. qu. rev., v. 12, 1867 (Food and its prep.) ; Iraser's mag., v. 47, 1853 (Flies and feasts ; an- cient festivities). 4. Xeedle-wnrk. — Xadies' work-table book. Pbil., [n. d.] 12°. 6017.22 — Lambert (Miss —). Hand-book, ric. 1851. 6017.19 Practical hints on decorative needle-work. 1817 6017.20 4S- See also Arts (Useful : Lace, p. 44 -.—ilamifactura, p. M). 6. Preserving, curing, etc. — Art and mystery of curing, preserving, and potting : also art of pickling. 1864 6014.04 — Gouffi (J. ) Book of preserves : meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. 1871 6017.09 — Robinson (J. ) 'Whole art of curing, pickling, and smoking meat and fish. 1847 6014.05 See also Eraser's mag., v. 45. 1852 (Preserved meats). fi. Servants. — Chamberlain ( C. , jr. ) The servant girl of the period, the greatest plague of life. 1873. . . .6014.02 — Su}ift{J.) Directions to servants, [in /its Works.) 6074.13; 23 See also Eraser's mag., v. 74. 1860 ; North Brit, rev., V. 20. 1853. BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. DOMESTIC ECONOMY-DOUBLEDAY 421 ffS^ Si-e also Adulterations (p 5) ;— Arts (Useful : Con- fectinnerij. p 40, — Liquors, p. 44 '.—Receipts, p. 46 ; — Wann- 'ingand V'UtiUUinn.p. 48(;— Coffee (p. 274): — Family;— Fur- niture :— Home ;— Medicine \B' Vi'rnges ;— Fuud and Diet} ; —Milk: — Tea ; — Toilet uud rtiBmi^lic arts. Domestic history ol the Aniericau revolution. See Ellet (iifrs. E. F.) 1851 _. 6S2.04 Domestic mauagement ; witli instructions to servants in general. |rt»oH.] L., [n.rf.1 ](i°. . . 6015.21 Domestic manners of the Auiericaus. See Trollope (jVr5.F.)1084.21 Domestic relations. See Law. Domingo (San). See Countries. {Fl'yti, p. 3'29.) Dominica (Island of . 5«e Countries, ifi'muiica, p. 3Qi.} Dominican ai-tist. See Lear I Mrs. Sidney A.) Dominican republic. See Co\intTies. {Dominican republic, p. 304.) Dominoes (Buoli about). See Hope {A. R.) 5513.17 Donald (J,, editor). Chambers's etj-mological diction- ary of tlie English language. L.,18(;8. 1-2°. 6432.03 Donaldson (J. ) Principles of taste. Edinburgh, 1786. 8° 5434,02 Donaldson (James). Critical hLstory of christian lit- erature and doctrine, to the Nicene couucil. 3 v. London, ls61-6(3. 8° 3413.19 V. 1. Apostolical fathers. 2-3. The apologists. Donaldson (Prof. John). British agriculture. 1860. 8° 6128.01 — Clay lands and loamy soils. L., 1852. 16°. 61:15.02 Donaldson (.John Wm., D.D ) The new Cratylus ; or, contributions towards a more accurate knowledge of the Greek language. 3d ed. L.,1K59. 8=. 6il4.07 — English ethnography. [7a Cambridge essays, 1856.] 2517.14 — Hist, of Greek lit. continued. .'See Mailer (E. O.) . 2734.06 — Theatre of the Greeks. 3d ed. Cambridge, ( Engl, ) 1830. 8^ 1715.15 — Varronianus : introd. to the ethnography of ancient Italy, and to the philological study of the Latin language. 3d ed. L., 1860. 8"". . . . 6411.19 Donaldson (Wm.) Switches and cros.sings : formulse. London, 1871. 8" 3925.41 — Tables for plate layers. From ' ' Switches and cross- ings." L. 1871." 1(3° 3925.42 Donck (Adrian van der). Description of the New Netherlands. Tr. by J. Johnson. [N. Y., historical soc. Coll., 2d s., v. 1. 1811.) 615.06 Donders (F. C.) On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye. With essay on physiolo- gical dioptrics. Tr. by W. D. Moore. London, iV'tw) S.i/iUnliam. .soc, 1861. 8° 4302.04 Donkersley (iJ'ii. K. ) Facts about wives and mothers. New York, 1869. 16° 5835.16 Donkin(W. F.) Acoustics : theoretical. Parti. [Vi- bration of strings audiods.] Oxf.,1870. 12°. 4024.08 Donne (Dr. John). Poetical works. With memoir. Boston, 185.5. lii° 1(542.07 Contents • Epistles to several perwonages. Funerfil elegies. Divine poems. The progress of the soul. Miscel. poems. Epigram. Elegies. Epithalamious, or marriage thongs. Satires. Latin poems. — Poems. Ed. with life, by A. Chalmers. [In Chalmers' Eug. Hah poeta, v. o. 1818.] 162U.05 — Select poems. {In Sanford(E.) and Walsh (R.) British poets, V. 4. 1819.) 1691.04 — Walton (/.) Life of J. D. (/ii Wordsworth (O.) Eccl. biogr.. V. 3, 1853.] 3446.03 aS" See also Biography (p. 139). Donne (William Bodliam). Es.says on the drama, and on popular amusements. 2d ed. London, 1863. 8° 1715.20 Donnegan (James). New Greek and English lexicon. IstAm. ed. Boston, 1837. 8° 6416.02 Donuell (E. J. ) Chro'iological and statistical history of cotton. New York, 1872. 8°. . . . 5926.09 Donovan (Michael). Domestic economy. 2 t. Loud., 1830. 16^ 6016.01 — Treatise on chemistry. Newed. L.,1854. 16°. 4211.01 Doollttle (Rev. Justus). Social life of the Chinese. 2 V. New York, 1865. 12^ • • .- • .1023.08 — 'Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language. 2v. Fooohow,(CMua.) 1S72. 8°. . . . 61'26.17 Doon de Maience ; chauson de geste. Publ. par A. Pey. P., 1859. 18'. [Aucieus poetes de la France, V. 2.] 7061.02 Dora d'Istria, pseuil. See Koltzoff-Massalsky (H. Ghika, princess). Doran (Dr. John). The Bentley ballads. London, 1858. 16° 1614.14 — Book of the princes of Wales. L., 1860. 12°. 32.53.21 — Court fools. London, 1858. 8° 2523.09 — Habits and men. New York. 1856. 12°. . 25'23.H Contents : Dress. Hats, Wigs. Swords. Gloves, b— B. and buttons. Stockings. ' Miisks and facCH.' Tailors : St. William, Sir J. Hawkwood, G. DiSrfllng, Adm. llobsou, J. Stow, J. Speed, S. I'epys. R.teyan, P. Wliitthead! Beaux : Beau Fielding, Bean Na'jIiiTnuce do I.igne, Beau Brummell, Doctors ready dressed. Odd laahioua. — Knights and their days. N. Y., 1856. 12°. 6021.06 ■— A lady of the last ci ntury (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu). With a chapter on blue stockings. 2d ed. Lond 1873. 8^ 3125.29 — Memoir of queen Adelaide, consort of William rv. London, 1801. 8^ 3011.08 — Monarchs retired from business. New York, 1857. 1'2° 3253.07 — New pictures and old panels. L., 1859. 12°. 2523.18 Contents : A picture in three panels ; Dr Dodd. Gold- Bmith, Wesley. Andre Chcnier. OUhlenschlager. Venus appearing to Aspasia. Our lady of Boulogne. The ungra- cious rood of grace. Flowery legend of Our lady of Guada- lupe. Pictures ot England. Foreign scenes. Group of queens unqueeued. Portraits of daughters of Charles I. Things we don't know. Portraits of Fariuelli and Pompa- dour. " Tabliax de Paris "' in the last century. Old and young christma.s, etc. — Queens of the House of Hanover. 2 v. New York, 1855. 12° 3253.05 Contents : v. 1. Sophia Dorothea, qu. of George I. Caro- line Wilhelmiua Dorothea, qu. of George II. 2. Charlotte Sophia, qu. of George lU, CaroUne of Brunswick, qu. of George IV. — Saints and sinners ; or in church and about it. 2 v. London, 18(i8. 8°. . 3544.14 — Table traits, with something on them. New York, 1855. 12° 2523.10 — "Their majesties' servants." Annals of the stage. 2 V. New York, 1865. 12°. . . . 1715.16 Dorchester, (Mass.) See Countries. {Dorchester, p. 304). Dorchester antiquarian and historical society. History of the town of Dorchester, Massachusetts. Boston, Ph., 18o9. 8° 611.05 — Collections. No. 3. Journal of Kichard Mather. 1635. His life and death, 1670. Boston, 1850.16°. 3122.21 Dor6. By a stroller in Europe. , See Wright (W. W.) . . 943.14 Dore (Paul Gustave). Two hundred sketches, humor- ous and grotesque. London, 1867, 4^ . 1447.10 J8®" For works illustrated by Dore see Balzac (H. de). Coutes drolatiques (7012.18) ; — •Bible. La saiiite Bible [1468.11] : — 'Cervantes (M. de). Don Quichotte [1468.14]:— •Dante. L'Eufer [1468.13] ; Le Purgatoire (1468.19] ;— Ls Paradis [1468.19] ; •La Fontaine's Fables [1468.18] ;— L'Epine (E.) Legende 'iu/er.) Dowie (James). The foot and its covering. London, 1861. 1'2° 4332.12 Do'wrleans (A. M.) Descrip. catalogue of contrib. from India to the Loudon exhibition of 1862. Cal- cutta, 1862. 4° 1016.04 Do'Wley (M. F.) Histoi-y aud honorary roll of the 12th regiment, infantry, N. G. S. N. Y. N. Y., 188'J. 1-2° 631.15 Do'Wliag (John). History of Bomanism. New ed. New York, ISJ* 8° 3425.07 — Reply to ildier on the end of the world. 2d ed. New York, 1812. 8° Down among the water-weeds See Bickerstaffe (M. B.) 4821.11 Down iu Teuiieasoe. See Gilmore (J. R.) 195 05 Downes (John). Oooultatioiis by tlie moou visible in the U. S., 1851-63. [In Sm. contrib.. v. 2-3.) 3937.02 Do-waey (W. .S. ) Proverbs. N. Y , 1858. 12°. 6214.05 Do'Wning (Andrew Jackson). Architecture of country houses. New York, [n. rf.] 8°. ... 1314.21 — Cottage rasileaoes. New York, 1852.8°. 1314.19 ■ — Fruits aud frait trees of America. New Y'ork, 1847. 12° 6135.23 — N jtes. [/n'Wightwick (Q.) Hints to young architects.) 1313.31 — Haral essiys. M.'moir, by G. W. Curtis. N. Y., 185!. 8' '. . . . 6125.07 — Trej,ti3e on landscape gardening, with remarks on rural architecture. N. Y., 1841. 8°. . .1314.20 Same. 8th ed. with supplement by W. H. Sargent. New York, [1«7-]. 8° 6125.10 Downing (0. Toogood). The Fan-Qiii in China lu 1836-7. [In ■Waldie library, v. 12 ] 6078.25 Dov^sou (Jolini. Gramruar of the Urdu or Hindus- tani language. L., 187'2. 16° 6421.16 Doyle (Sir Francis Hastiugs). Lectures, before the University of Oxford, 1.SC8. L., 1869. 16°. 1642.31 Contents: 1. Inaugural lectures. 2. Provincial poetry. 2. The dream of Geroutms. — The return of the guards, and other poems. London, 1860. 16° 1642.24 Doyle (John). Genuine copies of letters rel. to execution of D. Loudon, 1770. 8° [/n 6093.11 Doyle (John Andrew). American colonies previous to the decl. of independence. L., 1869. 1-2°. 576.07 — History of the United States. 'With maps by F. A. Walker. New York, 1876. 12°. . . . 572.31 Doyle (Martin). Illustrated book of domestic poulti^. London, 1857. 8° 6134.22 Same. New ed. PhUa., 1873. 8°. . .6137.21 Doyle (Hichard). * Bird's eye views of society. Lon- don, 1864. obi. fol 1456.17 — Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Eobin- sou. New York, 1871. 4° 1456.08 Dozy (Dr. lleiuhart Pieter Anne). Het Islamisme. Haarlem, 1863. 1. 8°. . .' 3458.09 Dracontia. Deane (J. B.) Obsei-vations on Dracontia. [In Archeeologia, v. 26, 1834.] 6128— Drafts ou my memory. See Lennox (Lord 'W. P.) 2 v. . 3097.22 Dragon myth. [In New monthly mag., June. 1874.] Dragoon campaigns to the Eocky Mountains, [onon. ] New York, 1836. 8° 1114.26 Drainage. See Agriculture (p. 7) ■,—hs\s (Useful, p. 41). Drake (Benj. ) Lite of Tecumseh and of his brother the prophet ; with hist, sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. Cin,, 1856. 8° 3171.19 Drake (Charles F. Tyrwhitt). TJneiplored Syria. See Burton (K.F.) anii Drake 1044.24 Drake (Daniel, J7.i>.) Pioneer life in Kentucky. With biog. by his son. Cin., 1870. b°. . . . £92.25 Drake (M?' Francis). — Exped. to the West Indies. 1586 86. [In Haklnyt. Voyages, V. 4. 18U ,— Kerr (R.i Voyages, v. 7,1824.]' . . . 914.14 . — First vo\age to Nombre de Lios and Dariene, 1572. [In Hakluyt. Voyages, v. 4, 1811.] 916.18 — Fielclar (F.) The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, [1577-1579]. [Hakluyt soc, 1854.] 925.15 See also Hakluyt (E.) " Voyages, v. 4, 1811 [916.18] ;— Kerr. Voyages, v. 10, 18'i4 [914.17]. — Muynurde (T.) Sir F. D., his voyages 1595. With Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Ed. by Vf. D. Cooley [Hakluyt soc, 1849. 925.16 US' For lives of Sir F. 1).. see Biography (p. 140). Drake (Francis S. ) Dictic nmy of American biography. Boston, 187-2. 8° 3247.18 — Life and corresp. of Etnry Knox. Boston, 1874. 8° 3096.27 Drake (Joseph Eodnien). The culprit fay. New York, 1839. 16°. 1642.08 — Culprit fey, and other poems. New York, 1847. 8'^ 1642.09 — Poetical writings. N. Y., 1869. 12°. . .1645.18 Drake (Nathan). Sieges of Pcntefract castle, 1644-45. [Surtees soc, v. 37.] 5117.05 Drake (Nathan, 3J.D.) Essays, biogr., crit, and his- torical, iilustiative of the Rambler,' Adventurer, idler, and of the periodical papers, in imitation of the writings of Steele and Adoiscn published between the Spectator and 1809. 2 v. London, 1809. 16° 2523.12 — Essays, biogr., critical, and historical, illustrative of the Tattler, Spectator, and Guardian. 3 v. Lond., 1805. 16° 2523.14 — The Gleaner : essays selected from scarce or neg- lected volumes. 4 v. L., 1811. 8°. . . 2527.04 — Literai-y hours ; or, sketches, critical and narrative. 2d ed. 3 V. Londou, 18U0-04. 8°. . . . 2527.08 — Memorials of Shakespeare ; or, sketches of his character and genius, by various writers. [With criticisms ou some of his principal characters.] London, 1828. 8° 1753.10 Drake (Samuel Adams). Historic fields and mansions of Middlesex Boston, 1874, 8°. . . . 601.07 — Nooks and corners of the New England coast. New York, 1875. 8° 1134.25 — Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. Boston, lb73. 8° 601.01 Drake (Samuel Gardner). Biography aud history of the Indians of N. A. Boston, 1851. 8°. . 557.01 — Early history of Dorchester. B., Is51. 8°. 611.03 — History aud antiquities of Boston, to 1770. Boston, 1856. 8° 596-01 — History of the five years French and Indian war in New England and parts adjacent, 1744-49. With BROUKLYN MEBOANTrLB LIBBART. DRAKE-DRAMA 428 memoir of major-general Shirley. Albany, 1870. sq. 12° 584.07 — Old Indian chronicle ; a collection of rare tracts. Boston, 1836. 16° 557.09 — Besult of researches among British archives relative to the founders of New England. Boston, 1860. sm. 4° 595.16 Drake (William Kichard). Notes ou Venetian ceramics. London, 1856. 8°. . ; 1453.07 DRAMA. Note. .^ For an Alphabetical Arrangement of P zys, under both authors and titUi, see Plays, In th© general alphabet. Amateur Theatricals. Note. — For Contents of these collectionB, see individual entries, in general alphabet. Baker (G.M.) Amateur dramas. 1867. . .1712.28 — Drawing-room stage. 1873 1712.30 — Mimic stage. 18ti9 1712.27 — Social stage. 1871 1712.29 Baiiklt (Q. B.) Parlor amusements for the young folks. 1875 1712.32 Frost (Miss S. A. ) Amateur theatricals and fairy tale dramas. 1868 1724.17 — Book of tableaux and shadow pantomimes. 1724.33 OilbeHiW.S.) Original plays. 1876. . . .1724.34 Head (J. H.) Home pastimes ; or, tableaux Tivants. 1867 1742.0.! Heahj (M.) The home theatre. 1872. . . . 1742.00 JIudsoniF.) Private theatricals. 1870. . .1712.34 Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. 1867. 1742.01 Parlor theatricals ; or, winter evenings' entertainment. New York, 1859. 12= 1742.02 Phelps (L. H.) Dramatic stories. 1874. . .1742.07 Scott (C.) Drawiug-room plays. 1870. . . . 1742.25 Cracroft (B.) On private theatricals. [In his Essays, v. 1, p. 285- 97. 1868 ] 2521.13 American Stage. Brown (T. A.) History of the American stage, 1733- 1870 1714.13 Clapp i^W. W.yjr.) A record of the Boston stage, to 1852 1714.16 Dunlap (W.) Hist, of the American theatre [to 1810]. 2 V. 18.33 1723.04 Ebers {J.) Seven years in the Kings theatre.1828.1723.09 Uulloa(L.) Plays and players. 1875. . . . 1731.13 Smith (S.) Theatrical management in the west and south for thirty years. 1868. . « . . 1745.01 Vandenhoff (G.) Loaves from an actor's notebook. [1839-58] 1744.18 We^nyss {F. C.) Chronology of the American stage. 1752-1852 1744.29 Wood {W. B.) Personal recollections of the stage, during 40 years. 18)5 1744.33 See also Atiautic monthly, v. 19, 1867 lAniong the come- dians, by L. G. Davis) . Also (in Biography) lives of Forrest. Ammergau Passion Play. Blackburn (,M.) Art in the mountains. 1870. 1713.15 Bucklatul (A. W.) Ober Ammergau and its people. 1872 1713.16 Doane (0. H.) To and from the passion play. 1715.22 MacCoUyM.) Ammergau passion play. 2d ed. 1732.28 Oxenhain (H. M.) Kecoll. of Ober-Ammergau. 1734.33 Sdlar {A. C.) The passion play, e(c. 1871. .1742.26 See also Blackwood's mag, v. lOli, 1869, or Littell, 1870, v. 1 ; Blackwood, v. 107, 1871) ; Catliohc world, Oct., 1871 ; Contem. rev., v. 18, 1871 (Ober-Ammergau and symbolic Christianity, by St. J. Tyrwhitt) ; Fraser'a mag., v. 4, 1871. Art of Acting. £!;5rt!/ on the science of acting. \anon.'\ London, 1828. 12° 1735.28 Hedelin.{F.) Whole art of the stage. 1684. .1735.33 ieioes(G.i£) Actors and the art of acting. 1875. 1735.27 Character and Influence of the Stage. 1. Injurious Tendency of the Stage. Bedford{A.) Evilimd danger of stage plays.1706.1731.25 Bucklty ij. M.) Christians and the theatre. 1875. 1731.22 Collier (J. ) Short view of the immcrality of the Eng- lish stage. 2d ed. 1698 1731.27 Conti{A. de B., prince de). Treatise against plays and shews, [In his Works, ITll.] 5023.17 Foster {J.) Crit. essays, v. 1, Bohn's ed 2626.03 Oosson (8.) School of abuse, [1612,] against poets. players, etc. Introd. by J. P. Collier. [Shak. society.] 1756.02 ImmoraWy of stage-plays in general and of Douglas in particular, [anon.] Ediub., 1757. 12°. . 1722.15 Kortlibrooke {J.) Treatise against dicing, dancing, plays, etc. Introd. [by J. P. Collier. Shak. society.] 1756.14 Some serious remarks on a pamphlet, entitled. Morali- ty of stage-plays seriously considered, [anon.} Edin., 1757. 12° In 1722.15 Styles (J. ) Essay on the character and influence of the stage. 3d ed. 1820 1731.32 Sutor (^A. ) Essay on the stage ; its morality, character, etc. 1820 1731.33 Testimonies on the nature and tendency of theatrical amusements. Sheffield, 1819. 8°. . . . 3586.09 2. Vindications of the Stage. Baker [W.) On the stage. [In his Peregriuations, efc. p. 9-19— 64-74.] 2513.12 Caffaro iF.) Discourse on the lawfulness and unlaw- fulness of plays. 1814 7)1 1731.31 Cliesterfield {P. V. S., lord). Speech on stage licencing. [In his Works.] 6026.03 Conway (J/. D.) The Theatre : discourse. Cincin- nati, 1857. 8°. Defence of dramatic poetry, being a review of CoUier. [a)io)i.] 1698 In 1731.29 Defence of the drama, containing Hansel's Free thouglits, and [Comaro's] discomse on the lawfulness and unlawfulness of plays. 1836 1731.26 Delpha{A.) French drama: of making theatres vie with each other in promoting taste and morals. [In Pamphleteer, v. 12.] 6068.12 Dennis (J.) Usefulness of the stage. 1698. 7?i 17ol.'29 Donnet^W.B.) Essays on the drama. 2d ed. 1863. 1715. 20 Fibner (K) A defence of plays. 1707. . . . 1731.30 Heywood (T.) Apology for actors. Introd. by J. P. Collier. [Shak. soc] 1756.03 Lodije ( T. ) Defence of poetry, music, and stage-plays. Introd. by D. Laing. [Shak. soc] . . 1756.48 Macdonnell {A.) Oxford piize essays, v. 3, 1836. . . . 2641.13 Hansel (R.) Free thougLts ujion methodists, actors, and the influence ol the stage. 1814. . . 1731.31 Morality of stage-plays seriously considered, [anon.} Edin., 1757. 12° /)* 1722.15 Plagiary " warned." Vindication of the di'ama from John An- gell James. [In Pamphleteer, v. 26 ) L., 1824. 8°. 6068.26 Plumplre (J.) Four discomses on the amusement of the stage. 1809 1731.24 SalaiG.A.) Lady Chesterfield's letters, p. 100-117. . .2642.09 Vanbruijti (Sir J. ) Vindication of the Relapse and Pro- voked wife, from immorality. 1798. . . 1731.29 See also Blackwood's mag., v. 106, 1869 (Stage morality and the ballet) ; Catholic woild, Sept.. 1872 (Use and abuse of the stage); Fraser's mag., v. 69, 1859 {Play goingj; v. 68, 1863 ((Plays, players, and critics) ; Putnam's mag., June, 1857 (Question of theatres) ; Winslow's jour, of psy. med.. V. 13, 1860 (Mental dietetics). Collections and Specimens of English Plays. yote. — The Contents of tliese Collections are given under the names of the several collections, in the general alphabet. British drama: trag., com., and farces. 2 v. 1853. 1714.09 Cmnberland's Minor theatre. With remarks by D. G. V. 1-16. L., [n.rf.] 18° 1721.16 Ciiniberhoid's British theatre. With remarks by D. G. V. 1-48 1721.16 Dodsley (J?.) Select collection of old plays. 2d ed. Withnotes byl. Keed. 12 V. 1830. . .1722.01 Frencli's Minor drama. Nos. 1-296. v. 1-37 in 21. NewYork, [i(. d.] 12°. 1771.01 Frencli's Modern standard drama. Nos. 1-344. v. 1- 43 in 29. N. Y., [n.d.} 12° 1772.01 In asking for books, use the •■ Book Order," giving the AUTHOU'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUilBliH. 424 DRAMA iondoii stage : a collection of plays. 4 t. 1830. 1732.17 Oxberr!/{W.,ed.) New EBglish drama. 12 v. 1731.10 Selections. Hows (J. W. S.) Golden leaves from British and American dramatic poets. 1S65. . . . 1731. 12 Lamb ( C. ) Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare. 1854. 1732.09 Cornish Drama. Norris (E.) Ancient Cornish drama. 2 v. 1859. 1733.31 Dramatic Art and Criticism. Blaclcstme (H.) Ou dramatic composition, [in Oxford prize eB- says, V. 1, p. 167-nO.] 2541.11 Brown [J. ) The laws of comedy, and their application to the ancient and modern drama. [In Classical journal, v. 2. 181U.] 2742.02 Coleridge iS. T.) Lecturta on Shakespeare and other dramatists. [Jn lus Works, v. 4, 1853.J 5U25.07 Fitzgerald (P.) Principles of comedy and dramatic effect. 1870 1735.30 Girardin (Saint-Marc-). Lectures on dramatic litera- ture ; or the employment of the passions in the drama. From the French, by R. G. BarawelL 1824 1724.29 McDirmot (M. ) Philosophical inquiry into rhe source of the pleasure derived from tragic representations. 1821. : 1735.32 ilanzonHA.) Sur I'unite de temps et de lieu dans la tragedie etc. [/« Prose vane. 1869.J 7al7.10 Mazzini {J.) On the historical drama ; On fatality as an element of dramatic art. [/a /us Writings, v. 2. J . . . . 6U53.09 Rumlt (J., earl). On plays. [/« /lis Essays, p. 88-123.] 5717.07 Schlenel [A. W. von). Lectures on dramatic art and literature. Tr. by J. Black. 1846. . .1742.18 Scott ISir W.\ Essay on the drama. [In his Works, v. 1, 1833.] ' 6005.13 ; 6086.02 Woods {G. B.) Dramatic topics. [In his Essays, f(c.. 1873.] 2546.18 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 5, 18(10 (The representative art) : v. 10. 1862 (Plays aud play acting, by A. Dexter) j Frasav's mag,, v. 6, 1862 (Oorneille and Dryden) , Feb., 1874 (Modern comedy). English Drama. Baker (D. K) Biographm dramatica ; or companion to the playhouse. 3 v. in 4. 1S12 1712.23 V. 1. Alphabetical account of authors. 2-3. Alphabetical account of plays. Chapman {J. K. ) Complete hist, of theatrical enter- tainments, dramas, masques, and triumphs at the English court, from the time of Henry VIII to the present day. 171B.01 (Ulier (J. P.) History of English dramatic poetry to Shakespaare: and aimals of the stage to the restora- tion. 3v. 1831 1715.07 — Mamoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakspeare. [Shak. soc] 1756.32 Canniaqkain (P.) Extracts from the accounts of the revels at court in the r^-igns of Elizabeth and James. Withiutrod. [Sliak. soc] . . 1756.07 Doraii {Dr. J. ) Annals of the English stage, from Bet- tei-ton to Keau. 2 v. 1865 1715. 16 Dramatists of the present day. By "Q." Eeprinted from " The Athtnajiim. 1871 1722.31 Fitzqernld (P.) Eomance of the EngMsh stage. 1875 1723.29 Friswcll (J. H.) Essays on Engl, writers, p. 125-167. 1869, 2526.17 Gall {J. ) Lives of the players. 2 v. 1831. . . 3263.03 Contents. Farren (.1/(5S). v. 2. Foote (a.un.). v. 1. (iarrick (David), v.l. Ciwiu (Nell), V. 1. Hart (O.), V. 1. Hayues (J.), v. 1. Henderson (J ), v. 2. Holcroft (Th.), v. 2. Jordan (.l/(ss, , v. 2. Komblo .J. P.j.v. 2. King (T.), v. 2. Kynaaton (E), v. 1. (Jeueste tJ.) Some account of the 166U to 1830. [rt/.o/i.] 10 V. 18J2. . Note. — The general index fiUa p. i-cxl. of Baddeley(Yrs.l.T. 2. Barry {Mrs. E), v. 1. B.'Uaiuy {Mrs.), v, 2. ButtoLtou(Th.),v. 1, B >oth (Barton), v.l. Ceutltvre {.\frs.), v.l. Charlie {Airs. U.),v.2. Cibber (Colley) v. 1. Cooke ((i. Fr.), v. 2. Dugget (Thos.), V. 1. Emery (.John), v. 2. Fai'quUar (Geo.). v.l. Macklin Ch.). v. 2. llouutlort (W.). V. 1. Murphy (A.). V. 2.) Oldield (.1/rs.), v. 1. Quiu (Jas.), V. 1. Uyau (Lacy), v. 1. S.mdlord (S.), v. 1. Savage (R.). V. 1. Siddons (Mrs.), v. 2. Weston (Thos), v. 1. Wilks (R.). v. 1. Woffiugtou (Peg),v.l. English stage from . 1724.01 1. OUlUand(T.) Dramatic miiTor. 2 v. 1808. .1724.27 Contents : v. 1. Rise of the English drama ; Principal players of Shakspeare's time. Histcu-y of the stage to 1807. Country theatres. Biographical sketches nl dramatic writers to 1806. V. 2. Biogr. aud critical account of actors to 1807. Grinsled {T. P.) Theatres of London, past and present. [/» Beutiey'a miscel., v. 35, 36, 1854 ; 6 articles.] llazUtt { \V. ) Criticisms and dramatic essays of the Eng. stage. L., 1854 2531.18 Same. 1851 2531.17 — Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 3d ed. 18-10 2531.11 Hazlili ( W. C. ) English di-ama and stage under the Tudor and Stuart pf:inces, 1513-1664. Illus. by • documents, treatises, and poems. Roxburgh libr., 1869. 1869 1731.23 Houston {A.) Ou the English drama. [In Afternoon lectures. V. 1, p. 123-181, 1863.) ■ . 2512.20 Hudson {H. A'.) Origin and growth of the. [In his Shakespeare, etc., V. 1.] 1764.04 Hunt (i.) Marriages from the stage. [In his Men, women, etc., p. 37-Ca. 1847.) 2633.07 Kingstey {C.) Plays and puritans. [In his Sir Walter Ealeigh and other papers, p. 74-119. 1869.] 2634.08 Mitllhews {Mrs. A.) Anecdotes of actors. 1844. 1733.10 Rnv'id Col. des chron., v. 37-40.] . 6126.07 Duclos (Charles Pineau). History of Louis XI. king of France. From the French. 2 v. London, 1746. 8° 3111.11 — Acajou et ZirphilB. [In Cabinet des lies, v. 36.] . . 7062.36 . — Memoires secrets, 1700-58. [In Petitot. Sir. 2, v. 76-77,] 6U4.17 — Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Causeries du lundi, v. 9.] . . 7U33.26 Du Couret (Louis). Life in the desert. New York, 1860. 12°. 1C42.03 Du Deffand. Lettres k Walpole, 1766-80. Notice, par A. Thiers. 2 v. Paris, 1864. 16°. [Barriere. Bibl. des memoires, etc., v. 28, 29.] . . 507.01 — Correspondence. Tr. by Mrs. Meeke. 2 v. London, 1810. 8°. 3052.03 4lg- See also Biography (p. 140). Dudevant (Mme. Amantine LucUe Auroie Dnpin). ['George Sand.'] Andre. [Fr.] P., 1857.12=. 7015.01 — Antonia. [Fr.] Paris, 1863. 12° 7015.02 — Autour de la table. Paris, 1863. 12°. . . 7015.03 Contents: H. de Balzac. Beranger. Le Berry. Botes et gens. Bonneau. J. F. Cooper. Deiatouche. K. I'rouieutin. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. — Beau (Le) Laurence. 2e t-d. Paris, 1870.12°. 7015.29 — Beaux (Les) messieurs de Bois-Doie. 2 v. Paris, [)i.d] 12°. 7005.06 — Chateau (Le) des desertes. Paris, 1802. 12°. 7015.04 — Compagnon (Le) du tour do France. Paris, 1861. 16° 7015.23 — Comtesse (La) de Kudolstadt. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 1857. 12°. 7015.05 — Confession (La) d'une jeune fille. P., 1865.16°. 7015.25 — Constance Verrier. [Fr.] P., [n.d.] 12°. . 7015.19 — Consuelo. [Fr.] 3 v. Paris, 1856. 12°. . . 7016.06 — Elle et lui 5e ed. Paris, 1867. 16°. . . . 7015.27 Bepr. from Revue dee d. mondes, Jan. -mars 3859. — FamiUe(La) deGermaudre. Paris. 1862.12°. 7015.09 — Flavie. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1866. 12". . . . 7015.39 Same. Paris, [»i.d] 12° 7005.06 — Francois le Champi. Paris, 1868. 12°. . . 7005.01 — Histoire de ma vie. 11 v. in 5. Leipzig, 1854-5. 18°. 3051.01 — Hiver (Un) U Majorquo. Paris, 1864. 12°. . 7005.02 — Homme (L') deneige. Nouv. ed. 3 v. Paris, 1867. 12°. 7015.36 — Homce. [Fr.] Paris, 1867. 16°. .... 7015.28 — Impressions litteraires. Paris, 1863. 12°. . 7015.10 — Impressions and reminiscences. Tr. by H. K. Adams. With memoir. B., 1877. 12° 2524.20 — Indiana. [Fr.] Paris, 1868. 16°. .... 7015.30 — Jacques. [Fr.] Paris, 1866. 16° 7015.31 — Jean de la Eoche. Paris, 1865. 16°. . . .7015.11 — Mademoiselle Merquem. [Fr.] 3e ed. Paris, 1870. 12° 7015.34 — Mademoiselle La Quintiuie. [Fr.] Paris, 1863. 12.° 7015.13 — Maitres (Les) mosaistes. Paris, 1861. 16°. . 7015.33 — Maitres (Les) souneurs. Paris, 1868. 12°. . 7005.03 — Malgretout. New York, 1870. 8°. . . . 7015.20 Same. 2e ed. Paris, 1870. 12°. . 7015.20a — Mare (La) au diable. Paris, 1869. 16°. . . 7015.32 — Marquis (Le) de VUlemar. Paris, 1862. 12°. 7015.14 — Mauprat. [Fr.] Paris, 1^58. 12°. . . . 7015.13 — Monsieur Sylvostre. [Fr.] Paris, 1866. 12°. 7015.21 — Peche' (Le) de Monsieur Autoine. [Pauline.] 2 v. Paris, 1861. 12° 7005.04 — Petite (La) Fadette. Paris, 1858. 12°. . . 7015.15 — Pierre qui roule. 2e ed. Paris, 1870. 12°. . 7015.35 In asking for books, use the '■ Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 428 DUDEVANT-DUIG-NAN » Dudevant (' George Sand '), continaei — Spiridion. [Fr.] Paris, 18t;4. W. . . . 7005.02 — Tamaris. [Fr.] Paris, 18B-2. 1-2°. . . .7015.16 — Valentine. [F;-.] Paris, 1864. 16°. . . . 7015.17 — Valvfedre. [_Fr.] Nouv. ed. Paris, 1863. 12°. 7015.22 — La VUle Noire. Paris, 1861. 12°. . . .7015.18 JS£^ For numerous contributious by George Sand to the Eevue dc3 d. moudes, s« p. Hi of its T.ible generale. j^" For trauelatious of her novels, set' Fiction class list. «S~ For lives and critical estimates, see Biography (p. 140); aUo Galaxy, Feb., 18G7 (George Sand and her works, by E. Bensou) ; Blackwood's raag.. Jan.. 1877 ; St. JauieB s mag., Aug.. Sept., 1876 (by A. de Valvedre). Dudevant (Maurice). ['Maurice Sand.'] CaUirrhoe. [F/-.] New York, 1868. 8" 7034.22 Bepr. from Revue des deux«aoudes, 1 et 16 juin, 1 et 15 Juillet 186li. — L' Augusta. Paris, 1872. 12° 7034.24 — Masques et bouffous (oomedie italienne). Texte et dessins par Maurice Sand. Gravures par A. Mau- ceau. Preface par George Sand. 2 v. Paris, 1860. 1. 8° 7038.01 — Miss Mary. [Fr.] Paris, 1808. 1'2°. . . . 7034.23 Repr. from Eevue dea deux moudes, 1 et 16 avril, 1 et 15 mai 18U7. i^ff" For translations of his novels see Fiction class-list. Dudley (J. G. ) Growth, trade, aud manufacture of cotton. New York, 1852. 8' 5926.08 Dudley (Kobert, earl of Leice.^ter). Correspondence, during liis govern liaeut of the low countries, 1585- 86. Ed. by -J. Bruce. h-Camd. soc.,1843. 4'. 5112.27 flS- For life, see Biography (p. 140). Dudley [Gov. Thomas). Letter to the Countess of Lincoln relat- ing to New England's plantation, 1631. [In Force's Tracts, V. 2.1 677.09 Duelling. — Beecher (L.) Remedy for duelling: sermon. 5093.08 — - Bosqu^:t {A.} Treatise on dueUing. 45 pp. {/» Pamphleteer, V. 12 I 6U58.12 — • Brantdmc (P. de B.) Momoires touchant les duels [In his CEuvres, v. 6, 18'23.] 6021.19 — Brllisli, Code of duel. With case between 10th hus- sars and Mr W. Battier. L., 1821. 16^ 6621.11 — Carlyle [T.) Two hundred and fifty years ago. [/» his Essays, V. 6, 1869.] 6027.11 — Chalmers (P.) Two discourses on dueUing. 1822 2532.26 — Chevalier (ff. de). The ghosts of the deceased sievrs de Villemor, and de Fontaines. A discourse of dveUs. 3d ed. 1624 6613.20 — Churchill (C.) The duellist. [In his Poet, works, v. 2, 1854). 1611.15; 1633.03 ; 1691. — Coclchnrn(J.) Hist, and exam, of duels. 1720. 6613.2G — Colombey (E.) Histoire anaodatiquo du duel. 6621.10 — De Quincey {T.) Lit. Kemiuisoeuces, v. 2, 1851 ; p. 295-337. — Down the river ; or, practical lessons under the code duello, [ajion.] N. Y., 1874. 12°. . 176.36 — Lea (H. C.) The wager of battle. [In his Superstition and force. 1875.J 5631.25 — Mminqeji(.J.a.) Hist, ofdiiellin?. 2 v. 1841. 6613.21 — Moore {O.) Treatise ou duelling. [In kis Of suicide, v.2 ) 3578.04 — Sabine (L. ) Notes ou duels aud duelling. 185-3. 6613. '25 — &'te()ii)ie(z (A) Romance of dueUing. 2 v. 18r>8. 6613.23 See also Fraser'a mag., v. 71, 1865. or LitteU, 1865, V. 2 (The law of honor) ; Beutluy's miscel., v. 30. 1851 (Anec- dotes of duelling ; 3 articlesi : v. 57, 1865 (French duel. lists) ; New monthly, Aug., 1861 (Duelling in olden times). Duer (Wm. Alexander). Tiie life of William Alexander, earl of StU'ling, [1726-83] major-general during the revolution. New York, 1.S47. 8°. . . . 3165.23 Dufaure (.Jules A. S.) See King (Edw.) French political leaders. 1876.] 3221.17 Duff (Mountstuarl Elphinstone Grant). Elgin speeches [on EugUsh politics]. Ediu., 1871. 8". .5724.16 — Notes of an Indian .joumft,y. L., 1876. 8=. 1031.-25 — SicUy. [In Oxford essays, 1857.) 2538.21 — Studies in European politics. Ed., 1866. 8'. 5727.12 — Teachings of Richard Cobden. L., 1871. 16°. Duff [Reu. W.) Critical observ. on writings of geniuses iu poetry ; sequel to the Essay on genius. London, 1770. 8=. 1641.06 — Essay on original genius, [anon.] London, 1767 8^ 5422.12 — Letters on the intellectual and moral character of women. Loudon, 1.S07. 8' 5824.28 DuflTerin {Lord). .See Blackwood-(F. T) DufT-Grordon {Lady). See CJordon {Uidii D;iflf). Duffey (.l/i-.?. E. B. ) No sex iu education. Phila. , 1S74; 16° 5514.30 — Our behavior, etiquette aud dress. Ph., 1876. 12° 5427.20 — Relations of the sexes. N. Y., 1876. 12°. . 4331.34 — What women should know. Phila., 1873.12°. 4331.29 Du£Qeld (George). Claims of " ei^iscopal bishops" examined. 2d ed. N. Y., 1842. 12°. . 3544.25 Duffy i^Uon. Charles Gavau). Ballad poetry of Ireland. 39th ed. DubUn, 1866. 16" 1642.30 Dufief (Nicholas Gouin). Nature displayed ; mode of teaching language. Adapted to the French. 3d ed. 2 T. Ph., IslO. 8° 641.3.20 Dufour (Ch.) Scintillations of .'itars. [In Sm. rep., 1861.) 3936.16 Dufdur (Pierre), pseud. See Lacroix (P.iul). Du Fresnoy (Charles Alphouse). Art of painting, with preface by J. Dryden. [In Dryden (J.) Works, v. 17, 1808.1 6042.30 Dufton(\Vm. ) Practical billiards. L., 1867.8°. 4612.08 Dvifur(A. J. ) Statistics of Oregon, rfc. Salem, (Oregon,) 1869. 8° . 1132.16 Duganne (Augustine Joseph Hickey). Camps and prisons. 20 months iu the department of the gulf. 2d ed. New York, 1865. 12°. .... 643.06 — The fighting Quakers, [E. H. and J. T. Ketchvun.] With fuueial sermons, by O. B. Frothingham. New York, 1866. 16° 3095.19 Dugdale (Henry G. ) Life of Edmund Geste, bishop of Salisbury. London, 1840. 8°. . . . 3065.15 Dugdale (Sir Wm. ) Antiquities of Warwickshire. London, 1856. foL 488.04 — Monasticou * Anglicanum : a history of the abbies and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries, and cathedral and collegiate churches, etc. New ed. by J. Coley, H. Ellis, and B. Baudinel. 8 v. London, 1817-3U. fol 457.01 — Visitation of the county of Yorke, 1665. Durham, 1859. 8°. [Surtees soc, v. 36.] . . . 5117.04 — Visitation of the county Palatine of Lancaster, 1664- 6.5. London, 187-2. 4°. [Chetham soc, v. 84, 85, 88.] 5096.03 Du Hausset {.Mme.) Jlomoires. [In Barriere (J. F.) Bibl. des memoirea. «/c., V. 3.) ^07-01 Duhring (Julia). Gentlefolks and others. Philadelphia, 1876. 8° 2524.17 C'intenis . Gentlefolks. Lovers of nature. Letter-writers. FuoliaU virgins. Ovfrratiug our neighbors. Fascination of roving. Eguista. Passionate women. Liars, thieves, and the like. Confidants. Erratic people. Authors. Our knights. — Philosophers and fouls. Phila., 1«74. 8°. 25'24.16 Contents : Philosophers and fools. Finding our level. Chief among realities [intellect]. Voice and language. Who are wicked ? Greater than sceptres [love]. Antagoiiistio people. Romance versus criticism. Duigiian (Michael George). Positive facts without a shadow of doubt New York, 1862. 8°. 2527.03 Aote. — Pieces selected from various writers. Contents • That there is a God, Parsons. Why man was created. Parsons. Sources of hereby and infidelity. Evi- dences aud comforts of Christianity. Archer. Of Christian- ity, Home. Incomprehenei bility of some doctrines of the christian religion. Archer. Divinity of the christian reli- gion proved by its niysterie.s, MacCarthy, The infidel, etc., MucCarthy. The Sibyls, and their prophecies concerning Christianity, Excellencies of Christ's parables. Home. Divinity of Christ. MacCarthy. Miracles of Christ, Home. Respect to the name of Jesus, Gahan. Religious venera- tion, Hay. Former high esteem for philosophers, etc. Civil duties vf a christian. Archer Lucian'a Encomium on the love of country. Evils of rebellion, Addison. Essay on war. Clarendon. On peace. Clarendon. Patriotism, Doucas- ter. Treason, Hall Liberty, Clarendon. Fall of Judas, Un- just judges. Public robbi-rs, Cobbett. Of beggars, Godwin. Swearing, cursing, aud biasphemiug, Gahan. Frailties of human nature. The workl. Creation of Angels, and the fall of man, Necessity of a Redeemer, aud the promise. Char- acters of the Messiah, Proofs of the Messiah, Itigby. Ar- bor vit£6, E. M. Arrias. Examples of birds, flies, itc. Of ugliness, ' Nouitareil.' Death ol the Archer. Empire of nothing. ' Looker-ou.' Discourse on xmcleauness, Oetervald. On chastity, Ostervald. Equalization of follies aud dis- eases, ' Looker-on.' Small number of the elect. Gahan. Lu- ciau against calumny .Sin of detraction. Rlatrimouy, Ga- han. Lounger on the dissolution of marriages Art of tor- menting a husband Art of tormenting a wife. Of marriage. Duties of parents, Gatian. Art of tormenting children. Duties of children. Respect for the sanctuary, Gahan. Past.irs aud their flocks. Gother. Of old men. Guevara. Duties of masters an' {flrther on) Memoires d'un medecin. — Louis XIV. et son sifecle. 4 v. iu 2. Paris, 1866. 1-2° 7016.27 — Louis XV. et sa eour. 2v.ini. P., 1866. 12°. 7016.29 — Louis XVI. et la revolution. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 1866. 1-2° 7016.30 — Louves de Machecoul. N. Y., 18.59. 8°. .7018.01 — Madame de Chamblay. 2 v. P., 1862. 1'2°. 7017.06 — Mt'moires d'un mt'deciu : Joseph Balsamo. 5 v Paris, 1867. 12° 7007.0(5 iVote— Followed by ' Collier de la Keiue,' ■ Auge Pitou," and ■ Comtesse de Charny." — Memories de un Medico. G v. Paris, 1816.8°. 721 G. 07 — Mes me moires. Nouv. ed. 10 v. P., 1805.12°. 7007.19 — Mille (Les) et un fantomes. Pascal Bruno. Paris, 1854. 8° 7018.05 — Mohicans (Les) de Paris. P., 1862. 12°. .7017.01 Note. — For continuation and conclusion, see ' Salvator.' — Page (Le) du due de bavoie. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 1H62. 12° 7017.03 — Pasteur (Le)d'Ashbourue. 2 v. P., 1860. 12°. 7007.07a — Pictures of travel in the south of France. London, [1857.] 8° 961.10 — Progress of democracy ; illustrated iu the history of Gaul and France. N. Y., 1811. 12°. . . 51'2.04 — Quarante-ciuq. (Lea) 3 v. in 2. P., 18.59. 12°. 7017.11 -Vo^e.— Complement of ' Reine Margot ' aud ■ Dame de Monsoreau." — Keine (La) Margot. 2 v. P.. 1860. 12°. . 7007.01 Note. — Followed by • Dame de Monsoreau aud ■ Quaraute cinq.' — Salvator : fin des Mohicans de Paris. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 186-2. 12° 7017.13 — Souvenirs d'une favorite. 4 v. P., 1863. 12°. 7007.13 — Sylvandire. Paris, 1848. 12° 7005.01 — Tales of Algeria ; or life among the Arabs : from the Velooe, by R. M. Bache. Phil., 1868. 12^ 1081.15 — Trois (Les) mousquetaires. 2 v. iu 1. Paris, 1859. 12° 7017.14 iVofe.— ■ 'Vingt ana apres " and ■ Vicomte de Bragelonne ' follow. — Trou (Le) de I'enfer. P., 1873. 12°. . . . Note. — For sequel see ' Dieu dispose." — Tulipe (La) nou-e. Paris, 1860. 12°. . . .701.7.15 — Vicomte (Le) de Bragelonne, ou Dix ans plus tard. 6 v. in 5. Paris, 1860. 12° 7017.16 .'\'<''i!.— Sequel of • Troia mousquetaires ' aud ' Vingt ana apres." — Vingt aus aprjis. 8v. in2. Bruxelles,1852.16°. 7017.20 Not&. — Sequel of ' Troia mousquetaires." J8®* For English translations of Dumas' novels see Fic- tion class-list. For biographical sketches, see Biography (p. 140) : also Castelar's Life of lord Byrou, and other sketches [3027.31] ; Bentley's miscel., v. 62, 1862 (A supper with Dumas, at Brussels). Dumas (Alexandre, fih). Aflfaire Clemenceau : memoire de I'aocuse. Paiis, 1869. 12°. .... 7005.18 — Antoniue. Paris, 1870. 12°. 7005.20 — Aventures de quatre femmes et d'un perroquet. Paris, 1869. 12° 7005.19 — Dame (La) aux camelias. Preface de Jules Janin. Paris, 1869. 12° 7005.21 — Dame (La) aux perles. Paris, 1869. 1'2°. . 7005.22 — L'Homme-femme. 33eed. P., 1872. 12°. . 5822.11 — Priucesse (La) Georges, pifece en trois actes. 2e ed. Paris, 1872. 8° 7005.25 — Roman (Le) d'une femme. Pai-is, 1869. 12°. 7005.23 — Theatre complet. 4 v. P., 186'J. 12°. . . 7004.26 Contents: v. 1. La dame aux camelias: Diane de Lys : Le bijou de la reine. 2. Le deuii-monde : La question d'argeut. 3. Le til.s naturel ; Le pere lu-odigue. 4. L'ami des femmes ; Les idees de Madame Aubray. — Trois bommes forts. Paris, 1869. 16°. . .7005.24 — Man-womau ; or, the temple, the hearth, the street, Tr. by G. Vandenboff. Phila., 1873. 12°. 5836.05 For'biogr. sketch of Dumas 71/5 see Bentley's miscel., April. 1857. &S- For English trausl. of his novels, see Fic- tion class. list. Dmnaa (Maii3 Alexandre). Le man de madame Benoit. Paris, 1809. 12° 7005.15 — Madame Benoit. 2e ed. P., 1869. r2°. .7005.14 Dumas (Mathieu, comte). Memoirs of his own time ; [1770-1815]. 2 V. Phil., 1839. 1'2° . . 521.01 Dumeril (Andre Marie Constant) and Bibron (G. ) Eipetologie generate. P., 1834-54. 8°. . 4835.01 Same. Atlas. Paris, 1854. 8°. . . .4835.10 Dumersan (Theophile Marion) utuI Segur (N. ) Chan- sons natiouales et populaires de France. 2 v. Paris, [1842.] 8°. 1636.01 Dvmiont (Pierre Etieune Louis). Recollections of Mirabeau. London, 1832. 8° 3124.06 Dunbar (Edward E.I Romance of the age ; disco v. of gold in California. N. Y., 1867. 16°. . 691.02 Iu asking for books, use the " Book Oraer.'" givias the AUTHOR'S NAME, tUe first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 430 DUNBAR-DURAND Dunbar (George). * Greek-English lexicon, itiied. Ediii.,185G. 4° 6415 12 Dimbar (James). Essays on the history of marikind. London, 1781. 8° 5813.03 Duncan (EiUvard). Marine. See Foster (Vere). Painting in water colors, lit. 6 1443.18 Duncan iCapt. F.) Canada in 1871. Loudon, 1872. 8°. 1145.19 Duncan (George). The various theories on the rela- tion of mind and brain reviewed. L., 18G9. 1-20 54-12.00 Dimcan (Rev. Henry). Sacred philosoi^by of the sea- sons. 4v. N. Y., 1855. 12^ 3544.19 V. 1. Wiuter. 2. Spring. 3. Summer. 4. Autumn. Duncan (H. P. ) Book of garden management. Phila- delphia, 1873. 16" 6121.11) Duncan (James). Beetles. Ediu., [rt.d] 10°. 4721.01 — British buttei-flies. Echn., [u.d] 16^. . . 4711.29 — British moths, sjjhinxes.dc. Edmb.,[>i.d.]16°.47U.30 — Exotic moths. Edin., 1852. 16° 4711.32 — Foreign butterflies. Edin., [n. d.] 16°. . 4711.31 — Introduction to entomology. Edin., [n.d].16°.471 1.28 jVote.— Ttiese six works are v. 33, 29, 30, 32, 31. and 27, respectively, of Jardiue'e Nat. library, 1833-43. Dunoau (John). Philosophy of human nature. Edin- burgh, 1815. 8° 5434.35 Duncan (Ilev. John M.) Remarks on the unlawful- ness of creeds and confessions of faith. Baltimore, 1825. 12° 3544,23 Duncan (John M., A.B., d. 1835). Travels through part of the United States and Canada, in 1818-19. 2 V. Glasgow, 1823. 12°. 1073.19 Duncan (Jonathan). The dukes of Normandy. Lon- . don, [I.S39.] 12° 472.13 — Histoi-y uf Russia. Set^- Rabbe (A.) and Duncan (.J.) . 554.29 Duncan (J. S. ) Analogies of organized beings. Oxford, 1831. 8" 4734.01 Duncau (P. Martin). The transformations of insects. Loudou, 1871. 8° 4828.03 Duncan (S. A.) Aiuericau system of patents. [In Araer. soc. sci. assoo Trans, no. 3, 1871.] 5811.02 Duncan (\Vm.) Elements of logic. N. Y., 1818. 16° 5428.31 Dunciad (The). See Pope (Alexander) 1621.03 Duucker (Max Wolfgang). Geschichte des Alterthums. 4 V. Berlin, 1852. 8° 403.01 Duncombe (Charles). Free banking. Cleveland, 1841. 12° 5915.13 Dundoaald {Earl of). See Cochrane (Thomas), in Biography, p. 134. Dunglisou (Kobley). Dictionary of medical science. Philadelphia, 18G5. 8° 4314.06 — History of medicine. Ed. by R. J. Dunglisou. Phila., 1872. 8° 4312.11 Dunham (Samuel Astley). History of Denmark, Swe- den, and Norway. 3 v. London, 1839-40. 16". [Lardner's Cabinet cyclopoedia. ] . . . 542.01 — History of Europe during the middle ages. 4 v. Loudon, 1833-34. 16°. [L.C.C.] . . . 442.07 — History of the Germanic empire. [To 1792.] 3 v. Loudon. 1834. 16°. [L. C. C] .... 54410 — History of Poland. [To 1830.] London, 1830. 16". [L. C. C] 545.05 — History of Spain and Portugal. [To 1790.] 5 v. London, 1832. 16°. [L C. C] . . . . 552.02 Same. 5 v. N.Y., 1854. 18° 552.07 — Bell (R. ), and others. Lives of literary and scientific men of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 v. London, 183G-8. l(i°. [L. CO.] 3211.14 A'ote.~Fov-Contents Bee Biography i Literary, p, 112). Dunkiu (Edwin). The midnight sky. London, 1870 4°. 4018.14 Durilap (S. F.) Vestiges of the spirit histoiy of man. New Yoric, 1858. 8° 3817.18 Dimlap (Williiim). History of the American theatre. [To 1810.] 2 V. Loudon, 1833. 8°. . . 172.1.04 — History of the arts of design in the United States. 2 V. New York, 1834. 8° 1415.06 — History of New York, to [1783]. 2 v. New York, 1839. 8° 014.21 — History of New York, for schoSls. [To 1783.] 2 v. New York, 18.55. 16° 621.04 — Life of Charles Brockden Brown. 2 v. Phila., 1815. 8° 3024.09 Same. London, 1822. 8° 3024.11 — Memoirs of G. E. Cooke. 2 v. L., 1813. 8°. 3043.20 Diuilop (Durham). Philosophy of the bath. 3d ed. London, [1873.] 12° 4355.12 Dunlop (John). Compulsory drinking u.sages of the United Kingdom. L., 1844. 16°. . . .5834.03 Dimlop (John). Hist, of fiction. L., 1S45. 8°. 2722.28 — Memoirs of Spain ; reigns of Philip iv. and Charles n. 2 V. Edin., 1834. 8° 553.12 Dunn (Cyrus George). Autobiography of a crystal. Phila., 1876. 12° 1641.31 Diuai (Fiulay). Veterinary medicines. 4th ed. Edin., 1874. 8° 4627.19 Dunn (Henry). Guatimala, 1827-8. New York, 1828. 8°. 1166.18 — Destiny of the human race : a scriptural inquiry. New ed. London, 1872. 12°. .... 3544.24 — Facts, not faii-y-tales. Brief notes on Matthew Ar- nold's "Literature and Dogma," London, 1873. 12°. . 3514.03 Dunn (John). Cm-ious observations. Ser Lambert (J.) . 922.09 Dunn (Wm.) Thu Vansittart plan of finance. London, 1820. 8°. [In Pamphleteer, v. IC] 6058.16 Dunn Browiie, [|>seutt.] See Fiske (S. C.) Dunning (E. O.' Account of antiquities in Tennessee. [Smith. report, 1870.) 3936.25 Dunning (John). Tobacco. [7n British mauufacturiug industries. 1876.) 3941.33 Dunraven {Earl of). See Quin (Wiuahani TliomiVS). Duns. Hinti on the nature of duns, [aiion. ] 2d ed. London, 1815. 8° 2528.31 Dunsky (H. D.) Statement on the present timber and deal trade. Loudon, 1821. 8°. [/?i Pamphleteer, v. 18] . . .6058.18 Duushee (Henry Webb). Historj- of the school of the reformed piotestaut Dutch church, in the city of New York, from 1633. With introd. by T. De Witt. N. Y., 1853. 12° 3456.19 Dunster (Charles). Considerations on Milton's early reading. Loudon, 1800. 12° 1672.31 Dunton (John). Athenian oracle ; cases in divinity, history, philo.'^ophy, mathematics, love, .poetry. 3d ed. 4 v. London, 1728. 8°. . . . 2512.08 — Life and errors. Ed. by J. Nichols. 2 v. London, 1818. 8° 3053.06 Dupanloup (Felix Antoine Philibert, bp. of Orlians). Stiidious women. Tr. by K. M. Phillimore. Bos- ton, 1869. 10° 5822.30 — Emg (E.) French polit. leaders. 1876 8221.17 Duparcq (Nicolas Edoiiard De LaBarre). Elements of military art and history. N. Y., 1803.8°. 4514.07 Dupin (Francois Piene Charles, haron). Mathematics applied to the useful and fine arts. Halifax, 1854. 8° 4014.02 Duplais ah)( (P.) Manufacture and distillation of alcoholic liquors. From the French, by M. Mc- Kennie. Phil., 1870. 8° 3931.40 Duplan de Carpin (Jeau). Voyages ties cnrieux vers les Tartai'es et autres peuples orieutaux. [In Bergeron (P.) Voyages, elc. 1735.] 1U16.11 Duplessis (Georges Gratet). The wonders of engrav- ing. New York, 1871. 12° . . . » . 1414!30 Duppa (Richard). Lite of Michael Angelo. London, 18i6. 12° 3151.03 — A dissertation on the lotus of antiquity. [In Archaeologia. v. 19. 1821] 5128.— Du Ponceau (Peter Stephen). Dissertation on the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. Phil., 1S24. 8° 6611.21 Du Potet (J. do Sennevoy, baron). Traite complet de magnetisme animal. 3e ed. P., 1850.8°. 3814.28 Duore '\1 Treatise on wine. See Thudichum (J. L. "W.) and ^ Dupre(A.) • • ■ ■ "33 '0 Dnprez (Francois Joseph Ferdinand). Atmosphenc electncuy. [In Sm. report, 1858.] 3936.13 Dupuytren (Guillaume, baron). On injuries and diseases of bones. Tr. by F. Le G. Clark. London, Si/denham society, 1847. 8° 4316.03 On the lesion of the vascular system, diseases of the rectum, etc. Tr. by F. Le G. Clark. L., Sydenham sncidy, lHr,i. 8° 4316.04 Durand (E.)'oii<( Hilgard (T. C.) Report on botauy. See Pacific R. R. routes. Reports, v. 5.] 1127.05 Durand [Sir Henry Marion). Loui (C. li.) Memoir of. [In United Service mag., 1871. v. 1-2.] BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. DURAND -DYING 431 Durand (Jolm Frames). Genuine and curious memoirs of captain Thurot. [In Percy suciety, v. 21.) Duraut (Ghislani, .)/. D.) Hygiene of the voice. New York, 1870. »•= 6333.27 Duraut (Thom;is). Memoirs and select remains of an only son. [W. F. Duraut.] Andover, 18iJ3. 1'2^. 3053.18 Durbin (John Price, D.D.) Observations in Europe. 2 V. New York, 1S18-52. 12°. .... 943.U1 Diirer (Albrecht). The jjassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, pourtrayed. Ed. by H. Cole. London, 1870. 8" 1431. lU j^g" For livs and iwlicfs oi Diirer s^r/; Biography (p. 141'; alsii (jeutieman's mag., Oct., Nov., 18ti6 ; Jan.. Aug., 1867 (Allegorical engravings of D. ; 4 art., by H. F. Holt). D'Urfo (Honor6). See Beatley's miscel., v. 45, 1859. Durfee (Rev. Calviu). History of Williams College. Boston, 1860. 8^ 5518.23 Durfee (Job). What cheer, or Koger Williams in • banishment : a poem. Provideuce,1832.12°.1641.15 Durham (Gmnty of; Eni/land). — Beauties of England, v. 5', 1803 (by E. W. Bi-ayley). . 951a.05 — Murray {J.) Handbook for travellers. 18('4. 951.13 Durham (Monastery ixnd See of). Kegister of Tlichard de Kellawe, lord bishop ; 1311-16. v. 1- . London, 1873. 8" 5141.— JS^ For numerous works relating to Durham, see under Surtees society. Durrani (Wm.) The Krae coast, cape Palmas, and the Niger. (//I Galton(F.) Vacation tourists. 1861.) .... 925.12 Durrie (Dauiei S. ) iSibUographica genealogca Ameri- cana ; an alphabetical index to American genealo- gies and pedigrees. Albany, 1868. 8°. . 3247.10 Durrieu (Xavier). Present state of Morocco. London, 1854. 16=. [Trav. libr., V. 10.] .... 5075.1.3 Jiumy {Victov, and others). Italie ancienne. 2 v. Paris, 1850. 8'. [Uuivers.] 902.15 Dusch (Th. von). Thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses. Tr. by G. Whitley London. jVeio Sydenltatn soc. , 18i;i. 8^ . . . 4302.02 Dusenbery (B. M.) Monument to the memory of Gen. Andrew Jackson : 25 eulogies and sermons deliv. on occasion of his death. With a sketch of hisUfe. Nash., 1816. 8° 3087.08 Dussauce (H. ) Practical guide for the perfumer. Philadephia, ISBS. 8° . 6014.19 — Treatise on the manufacture of soap, Philadelphia, '1869. 8° 3932.10 Dust. Tymiall (J.) Dust and disease. [In his Fragments of Bcieuce, 1871.] 4027.23 Repr. from Fraser's mag., n s., v. 1, 1870. Dust and foam ; or. three oceans and two contiueuta. See War- ren (T. R.) 1859 921.24 Dutch, vtt^ For the Dutch countr.v. history, and institutions. S''e Countries [H. il). Dyer (C. C. J.) Sunny davs abroadt New York, 1873. 16° " 942.26 Dyer (George). Commentary on Richard of Cirences- ter, and Antoninus's Itineraries of Biiia'n. Re- marks on our history and description, depending on fiction ; with Richard's original work. Exeter, 1814. 8° 467.14 — Dissertation of the thporv and practice of benevolence. New ed. L . 1819. 8°. [In Pamphleteer, v . 13. p. 391-428.) 6058.13 — Four letters on the English constitution. 4th ed. London, 1818. 8° [In Pamphleteer, v. 12, p. 143486.) . . 6058.12 — Principles of Atheism and Deism unfounded, [iinon. ] Exeter, 1814. 8° 467.14 — Restoration of the ancient modes of bestowing names on the rivers, hiUs, ete. of Britain. Exeter, 180.5. b°. 472.20 — Vulgar errors, ancient and modem, attributed as imports to the proper names of the globe, with a critical disquisition of every s^tation of Richard of Ciiencester and Antoninus in Britain, London, 1816. 8° 467.14 Dyer (John). Poems. Life, by S. Johnson. [/» Chalmers (A.) Eng- lish poets. V. 13. 1810.) 1626.13 — Poetical works. Ed. by U. Walsh. [In Sanford (E.) and Walsh (R.| British poets, V. 19. 1819.) 169119 Dyer (Mary M.) See Marshall (Mary.) • Dyer (Sidney). Songs and ballads. New York, 1857. 16°. 1642.18 Dyer (Thomas Henry). Ancient Athens : its history, topography, and remains. L., 1873. 8°. 427.26 — History of the city of Rome. L., 18«:'>. 8°. 436.28 — History of the kings of Rome. L., 1868. 8°. 436.17 — History of modern Europe, 1453-1857. 4 v. Lond., lSGl-6i. 8° 445.02 — Pompeii. London, 18G7. 12° 1455.13 Dying. See Death (p. 409). Dying sjieeches and behaviour of state prisoners, the last 300 years. With their several characters. London, 1720. 8° 5611.02 In asking for books, use the " Book Orders," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the flrat part of the TITLE, aud the NUMBER. 432 DYMOND- EARTH Dymoud (Jonathan). Essays ou the principles of mo- rahty. New York, 1S15. 12° 5435.10 — Inquiry into the accortlancy of war with Christianity. 4th ed. Phija., 1S35. B° 5i37.'21 Dynamics. See Arts Uwelnl : Mechanics, p. 45) ; — Physics. Dyspepsia. Sec Medicine. [Stomach diseases.) JQadie (John). Ecole-jiastical cyclopaedia. London, 18G2. 8°. 3112.01 — The English Bible : an external and critical history of the various EngUsh translations, with remarl^ on the need of revising the English N. T. 2 v. London, 1876. 8" 3735.09 Eager (Samuel W. ) History of Orange county, [New York]. Newburgh, 1816-7. 8°. ... 613.20 Eagle. See Birds, p. 217. Eagle's uest. AW Ruskin (.Tnhn). 1S73 1411.27 Eagle pass. See Montgomery (U.) 1852. . . 1114.14 ; 1165.04 Eagles (Rev. John). .Sonnets. Edin., 1858. 12°. 1641.12 Nute. — For binfjr. sketcli of J. E., see Blackwood's mag., V. 78. 18.'55, to which journal he contributed the 'Letters of Kusebius," and othor essays aud reriews, la 1853 and 1855. Bar (The). See Medicine. [Ear ; — Senses.) Earl (George Windsor). The Eastern seas; Indian archipelago, 18,i2-34. London, 1837. 8°. 1064.19 — Native races of the Indian archipelago : Papuans. Loudon, 1853. 8" 4733.13 Earle (John). Micro-cosmographie. [Essayes aud characters.] 1628. Ed. by E. Arber. London, 1868. 18° 5011.05 Same. New ed. , with notes, by P. Bliss. Lond. , 1811. 8° ' 2523.33 Earle (John, M.A.) Philology of the English tongue. Oxford, 1-571. 16° 6433.13 Earle (John Charles). English premiers from Walpole to Peel. 2 V. London, 1871. 8°. . . . 3222.11 Earle (Pliny). Visit to thirteen asylums for the insane iu Europe. Phila., 1841. 8" 4353.01 Early aud late papers. .S'/e Thackeray (W. M.) Early man in Europe. See Rau (O.) 1876 680303 Early rising (Letters on). 3d ed. L., 1819. 12°. 2535.05 Early English text society. Publications. Nos. 1-61. London, 1861-75. 8^ 7913.01 CotUents ■ v. 1. Morris (R.) Early English alliterative poems, iu the west-miillaud dialect of the 14th century, 18t)4. 2. Arthur ; skt-tcli of his life and history m Enghsh verse of the ist half of the 15th cent. Ed. by F. J. Fvirni- vall 3. [See a'so 'il.j Lauder (\V.) Ane compendious and breue tractate concurnyu;^ ye office and dewtie of kyngis. Ed. by F. Hall. 4. Sir Gawayne and the green knight. 1320-30. By author of Early Engl, alliterative poems. Re ed. by R. Morris. 5. Hume {.\.) Of the orthographie aud cou- gniitie of the Britau tongue. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. 1865. Q Lancelot of the laik ; Scottish metrical romance, 1490- 1500. Re-ed. by W. W. Skeat 7. Story of Genesis and Exodus, early Engl. song. 1250. Ed. by R. Morris. 8. Morte Arthore. Ed. by G G.Perry. 9. Thynne (F.) Chaucer: animadversions uppou the auuot. and corrections of some iuipoffectionsof Chaucer's worker repr. in 1598. Ed. by G. H. Kingsley. 10. 21, 36. Merlin: or, early hist, of King Arthur ; a prose romance, 1450-60 ; with iutrud. by D.W.Nash. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley 11, 19, 35, 37, 47. Lyndesay [Sir D.) Works. Ed. by F. HaU and J. A. H. Mur- ray. 1^. Adam of CoUsani. Wright's chaste wife. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. 13. Selnte Marherete the meiden aut martyr, iu old Eughsh. Ed. by O. Cockayne. 14. King Horn, with fragmcnt^^ of Floriz aud BlauncheHur aud of the Assumptiou of Our Lady. etc. Ed. by J. K. Lumby. 1866. 15. Furnivall (F. J.) Political, religious, and love poems. 16. Book of quinte eBsence ; or. the tilth being. Ed. by F.. J, Furnivall. 17, Langland (W.) Parallel ex- tracts from 29 mss. of Piers Plowtuau. Ed. by W. W. ykeat. Id Halt meitleuhatl ; alliterative honiiiy of the 13th cent. Ed. by O Cockayue. 19. See 11. 20. KoUe de Hainpole (R.) Euglish prose treatises. Ed by G. G. Perry. 21. See lO. 22. La Courdrette. Romans of Partuay or of Lusigiieu. otherwise known as the Tale of Me.usine ; tr. %)ai the French, 1500-20. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. 23. Dan Michel's .\yenbite of inwyt ; or. Remorse of conscience ; in the Kentish dialect. 1340. Ed. by R. Morris. 24. Fur- nivall (F. J.) Hynnis to the Vlrgiu and Christ ; the Parha- ment of devils, etc.. 1867. 25. Furnivall (F. J.) Stacions of Rome, and the Pilgrims sea-voyaL^e . with Clene may- deuhod. 20. Perry (G. G.) Religious pieces iu prose and verse. 2'7. Levins (P.) :\Ianipulu8 vocabulorum ; rhym- ing dictionary of the Engl, language. Ed. by H. B. Wheat- ley. 28. 38. Langland [W.f Visiou of William cone. Piers Plowman, etc. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. 1807-69. 29. 34. Morris (R 1 Early Euglish homihes. pt. 1-2, 1867-68. 63. Same. 2d series. 30. Pierce the ploughman's crede, 1394 ; app. God spede the plough. 15ii0 Ed. by W. W. Skeat. 31. MjTTC (.J.) Instructions lor parish priests. Ed. by E. Peacock. 32. Furnivall (F.J.) Babees book. Bokes of nur- ture of H. Rhodes aud J. Russell. Wyukyn de Worde's Boke of Keruyngo. The Booke of demeanor. The Boke of curtasye. Seager's Schoole of vertue, &c., kc. With some French aud Latin poems on Uke subjects, aud some fore words on education in early England, 1868. 33. La Tour Landry (G. de). Book of the knight of L. Tr. aud ed. by T. Wright. 34. i'ee 29. Zb. See 11. 36. See 10. 37. See 11. 38. See 28. 39, 56. Colonna (G. del. The ' Gest hystoriale ' of the destruction of Troy ; from • Hysteria Troiana.' Ed, by G. A. Panton and D. Donaldson. 1868 74. 40. Smith (T.) English gilds ; -with iutrod. by his daughter Lucy ; aud essay, by L. Brentano. 1870. 41. Lauder (W) Minor poems. Ed, by F. J. Furnivall. 42. Bemardus. Decura jeifamularis, with some early Scottish prophecies, etc. Ed. by J. B. Lumby. 43. Ratis raving, aud other moral aud religious pieces, in prose aud verse. , Ed, by J. R. Lumby. 44. Joseph of Arimathie : otherwise called The Romance of the Seiut Graal or Holy Grail. With • The Life of Joseph of Armathy ; ' ' De Sancto Joseph ab Ariinathia ; ' and ' The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathia.' Ed. by W. W Skeat 1871. 45, 50. Kiug Alfred s West Saxon versi(m of Gregory's pastoral care, with Eng. trans., etc. Ed. by H. Sweet. Pts. 1-2, 1871-72. 46. Morris (R.) Le- gends of the holy rood, symbols of the passion, and cross- poems : in old English of 11th, 14th, and 15th cent. 1871. 47. See 1 1. 48. C. R., i(. Times' whistle : or, A newe daunce of seven satires, and other poems. Ed. by J, M. Cowper. 49. Morris (R.) An old Eugl. miscellany. 1872. 50. See 45. 51. Cockayne (0.) St. Juliana. 52. Palla- dius. On husbondrie. Ed. by B.Lodge. Pt. 1. 53. See 34. 54. Langland (W,) Vision of Wilham concerning Piers the plowman, pt. iii. Bichard the redcless. The crowned king. Ed. by W. Skeat. 1873. 55. Generydes. aromance in seveu-hne stanzas. Ed. by W. A. Wright. Pt. 1. 56. 6'ee 39. 57, 59. Cursor muudi (The Cursnr o the world). A Northumbrian poem of the 14th cent. Pts. 1-2. 1874-76. 58. The Blickling homilies of the 10th century. Pt. 1. Ed. by R. Morris, 60. Bonavenmra [Card. John). Medita- tions on the supper of Our Lord, aud the Hours of the Passiou. Ed. by J. M. Cowper. 61. Romance and pro- phecies of Thomas of Erceldouue. Ed. by J. A. H. Murray. 1875. S.ime. Extra series. Nos. 1-25. London, 1867-75. 8° Namely : v. 1. Romance of Wilham of Palcrne ; added, a fragment of Alisaunder. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. 1867. 2, 7, 14, 23. EUis (A. J.) Early Eughsh pronunciation. Pt. 1-4. 1867-74. 3. Caxton's Book ol curtecye. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. 1868. 4. Lay of Havelok the Dane, 1280. Re-ed. by W. W. Skeat. 5. Chaucer's transl. of Boethius's ' De consolatione philosophi;e.' Ed. by B. Mor- ris. 6. Romance of the Chevekre Assigne, Ed. by H. H. Gibbs. 7. See 2. 8. Gilbert [Sir H.) Queen Elizabeth's achadeiny. 1869. Booke of precedence. Versions of the Good wife. The 'Wise man, etc. Maxims. Lydgate's Order of fools, itc. Ed. by F. J. I'uruivall ; with essays on early Ital. aud German books of courtesy, by 'V\'. M. lioe- setti and E, Oswald. 9. Awdeley (J.) 'Ihe fraternitye of vacabondes. Harman (T.) A caveat or warening for com- mon cursetors called vagabonds. Haben or Hyberdyno' [Parson). Sermon iu praise of thieves and thievery. Parts of the grouudworke of Conny- catching that differ from Harman 8 Caueat. Ed. by E. Viles and F. J. Furnivall. 10. Borde , (.^,) First boke of the iutrod. of tnowledge. Compendyous regymeut, or Dyetaiy of helth. Barnes in defence ^>t the berde ; answerynge the treatyse of Borde. Ed. with hfe of Boorde, by F. J. Furnivall. 1870. 11,21, Barbour iJ.) The Bruce. Pts 1-2. Ed. by W. 'W. Sktat. 12. Starkey(T.) England in the reign of King Henry viii.; a dialogue between Card. Pole aud Thomas Lupset. Ed. by J. M. Cowper. Pt. 2. 1871. 13. Fish (S.) A snpplicacyou for the beggers ; with a Supplycacion to our moste souer- aigue lorde Kyuge Henry the eyght. A Supplication of yi® poore commons. The Decaye of England by the great mul- titude of shepe. Ed. by J. M. Cowper 14. ^ee 3. 15. Crowley (K.) Select works. Ed. by J, M. Cowper. 1872. 16 Chaucer (G.) Treatise on the astrolabe. Ed.byW.W. Skeat. 17, 18. Complaynt of Scotlande ; with contemp. Engl, tracts. Ke-ed. by J. A. H. Murray. 1872-73. 19. Myroure of Oure Ladye. Ed. by J. H. Blunt. 20, 24. History of the Holy Grail, Engllsht ab. 1450, by Herry Lonshch. Re-ed. by F.J. Furnivall. Pts. 1-2, or v. 1, 1874-76. 21. See 11. 22. Brinklow (H.) Complaynt of Eoderyck Mors, aud Lamentacyou of a christen agaynst the cytye of London, made by Roderigo Mors, 23. See 3. 24. See 20. 25. Romance of Guy of 'Warwick. Version 1. Ed. by J. Zupitza. Pt. 1. 1876. Earth (The). — Ainsworlh [W. F.) Earth delineated. . . 9.36.17 — Buffoit [G., conite rfe). History and theory of the earth. [In /m Natural history. V. 1, 1812.] 4714 01 — Cuvier ((r., baron). Essays on the theory of the earth, with geol. illus. by Jameson. 18'27. 4724.09 — Daialctns [ M'. B.) The limits of our knowledge of the earth. [In Owens college. Essays aud addresses. 1874. J 2538.05 — Dranson [Otpl. A. W. ) Earth we inhabit : its past, present, etc. London, la59. 8°. . . . 4111.11 — thjuier l,L.) Earth and sea. 1870. . . . 925.14 — Ouiiot [A. M.) Earth and man. 1853. . . 922.03 — li<:dus{K) The earth. 2 v. 1871. . . . 923.16 In asking for boolis, use the " Book Order," giving the AU I'HOB'b NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud the NUMBER. EARTH - EDEN 433 — RilrMe (A. T.) Dynamical theory of the earth. 2 r. 1850 4112.07 — ScliouwiJ.K) En,rtli, pUnti, and man. 1852. 4U2.20 41fS~ li^Ve at^o Astronomy (T/ic nartlt : itsfi'jwf, rotation, etc . p. 54) ;— Creation (p. 3'.)7) ;— Geography ;— Geology ; — Meteorology ; — Nature ;— Physics. Earthly I'at-adiso ; poem, Sie Morris (\Vm.) 1673.32 Earthquakes. Sfe Meteorology. Earthward pilgrimage. S^c Conway (M. D.) 1874. . . 3537.00 Eassie (W. ) Hcai thy houses. N. Y., 1872. 12". 39;i2.5G East (The). Sfe Countries. (fii.s-<, p. 3l« ) East and west poem^A'Cf! Harte (Bret). 18T1 1646.32 Eastcott (Kicbam). Skelchus of origin and effects of music. Bath, 179;;. 8" 1563.24 East Hampton. See Countries (p. 30.5). East India company. Ste Countries (p. 305). East Indian archipelago S^'i' Countries (p. 305). East Indies. Si^n Countries (p. yu.3). Easter-day. ^ee Calendar (p. 247) : afso Browning (R.) Easter- day, poem [1023. OS): and Loudon aociety. Apr., 1804 (Easter eve at St. peterwbuig). Eastern empire. .Sef Countries. {Eastern empire, -p. 3(^5.) Eastern harp : tunes and rhymes. See Boyden (J., J'".) £asteru hospitals and English nurses. By a lady volunteer, [anon.] 2 v. L., 1.S56. 8^ . 4344.2'.) Eastern hunters. See Newall (J. T ) 1S62 1012.19 Eastern mauiiers andA;ustom8. ^-.e Tweedie (W. K.) .1041.18 Eastern pilgrims. See Smith (Agnes). 1870 1043.23 £astlake (^^'i/' Charles Lock, painter). Contributii'us to the literature of the fine arts. With memoir, by lady Eastlake. 2 v. L., 1818-70. 8^ . . 1412.04 Contents : v. 1. The fine arte. Modern German school of fresco-painting. The English school. Kepiesentatiou as distiuguished from description. Sculpture. Basso-rihevo. Painting suited to the decoration of public buildings. Life of liaphael. On the decoration of a viUa. 2. Memoir of Eastlake. How to observe. Language and art, beautiful and sublime, representations of the Saviour, etc. — Materials for a history of oil painting. 2 v. London, 1847-69. 8° 1422.03 EeiBtlake (Lttdy ; wife of Sir C. L.) Letters from the shores of the Baltic, [^mon.] L., 1844. 12°. 996.06 — History of Our Lord. See Jameson (Mrs. A, M.) arid Eastlake Laiy) 1442.17 — Life of John Gibson. L., 1870. 8°. . .30155.23 — Livouian tales. New York, 1855. 8°. . . 224.11 Confen^s .- The disponent. The wolves. The Jewess. — Memoir of Sir C. L. Eastlake. [In his Contributions, v. 2, 1870.] 1412.04 Eastlake (Charles Lock, architect). Hints on house- hold taste in furniture, upholstery, and other de- tails. London, 1868. 8" 143.!. 17 — History of the Gothic revival in England. Loudon, 1872. sm. 4° 1315.41 Eastman (F. S. ) History of the State of New York. New York, 1828. li° 621.02 Eastman {Rev. Hubbard). Noyesism unveiled : the sect of self-styled Perfectionists. Brattleboro, 1849. 16° 3545.25 Eastman (S. C.) White mountain guide book. 7th ed. Concord, (.v. i/.)18G7. 16° 1111.12 Eastman National Business college illustrated cata- logue. Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) 1864. obi. 4'. 6715.01 [Eastman's] guide book for the coast of New England. [By O. F. K. Waite.] Concord, 1871. 1G°. 1111.16 Eastward : travels. See Macleod (N ) 1869 1052.17 Eastvoick (Edward B. ) Handbook for India. 2 v. Loudon, John Murray, 1859. 12°. . . 1013.08 — Journal of a diplomat e's three years' residence in Persia. 2 v. Loudon, 18G4. 8°. . . . 1043. U7 — Venezuela: sketches, t/c. L., 1868. 8°. . 1163.13 Eating. See Medicine {Diet) ; Domestic economy {Food, p. 420). Eating and drinking. See Beard (U. M.) 1871. . . . 4324.12 Eating for strength. See Holbrook iM. L.) 1875. . . . 4324.18 Eatou (Charlotte A.) Home in the 19th century. 5th ed. 2 V. Loudon, Buhn, 1852. 12°. . . 973.01 Eaton (Dorman B.) Municipal government, [/n Amer. soc. sci. ossoc. Trans., no. 6, 1873.] 6811.03 Eaton {Rev. T. B.) Shakespeare and the Bible. Loud., 1858. 8° 1753.12 Ebers (John). Seven years of the King's theatre, Phila, 1828. 8' 1723.09 Ebert (Frederic Adolphus). A general bibliographical dictionary; liom the German. 4 v. Oxford, 1837. 8° 2723.01 Ebn. .^ee Ibn. Ebrard (Dr. J. H. A.) Biblical commentary ou the Epistle of St. John. With appendix on the Catholic Epistles, and essay on the life and writ- ings of St. John. Tr. by W. B. Pope. Edinbuigh, 1860. 8° 375i;.03 — The Gospel history : in support of the histnry and character of the four Gospels. Tr. by J. Martin. Ed. by A. B. Bruce. Edinb., 1863. 8>. 3746.21 Ecee coBlum. See Burr {U'v. E. F.) 1HC9 41116.05 Ecce Deus. Life and doctrine of Jesus Christ. Sec Parker (Joseph) 3422.04 Ecce Deus-Homo, or the work and kingdom ot the Christ of Scripture. [«?io/i.] Ph., 1868. 12°. 3122.06 Ecce femina. Se^ White (Carlos). 1870 6821.28 Ecce Homo. .5»(; Seeley (John Robert). 18(56 3422.05 "Ecce Homo." .Stv Gladstone (Wm. E.) 1S08 3422.16 Ecce Messias. See Higginson (E.) 1871 S557.28 Ecoeutric and humorous letters. Ed. by Joseph Tay- lor. London, 1824. 24° 6212.19 Eccentric personages. See Russell (Wm.) 1806. . . . 3264.03 Eccentricities of auimal creation. See Timbs (J.) 1869. 4715.12 Eccentricity. — Vuhring {J.) Erratic people. [In her Gentlefolks and others. 1876.] 2624.17 — Pej-ci/ aBecdotcs, V. 10, 1823 6211.10 See atso Winslow's mod. critic, v. 2, 1863 (Micropsychology). a£S- See atso Biography ( Wonderful and eccentric cliar- acters, p. 115) ;— Wit and humor. Ecclesia : church problems considered : [congrega- tional] essays. Ed. by H. R. Beynolds. 2 v. Lon- don, 1870. 8° 3545.14 Note.—Toi Contents see Congregationalism (p 82 of Cat.) Ecclesiastes. See Biblical and reli^. literature (p. 84). Ecclesiastical. See Church (p. 268). , Ecclesiologist (The). Publ. by the Cambridge Cam- den society. 29 v. in 25. Cambridge, and Lon- don, 1843-f;8. 8° 34(;5.01 EcclesiologT : New Testament church. .Ifee Fish (E.J.) 1875. 3552.18 Eccleston (James). Introduction to English anti- quities. London, 18i7. 8^ 494.19 Echo club. See Taylor (B.) 2544.00 Echoes from the French poets. See Curwen (H ) 1370. 1034.21 Echoes of Harper's Ferry. 5ee Redpath (James). . . .6831.24 Echoes of the Foot-Hills. See Harte (Bret) 1645.34 Echoes of the universe. See Christmas (H ) .... 36:)5 02 Eckardt (Or. Julius). Modern Russia. London, 1870, 8° 996.08 Eckel {Mrs. L. St. John). Maria Monk's daughter ; autobiography. N. Y., 1874. 8°. . . . 3427.07 Ecker (Alexander). The cerebril convolutions of man, especially their development in the foetus. Tr. by R. T. Edes. N. Y., 1873. 8^ . .4337.25 Eckermann (Johann Peter). Couversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret. 2 v. London, 1850. 8" 3066.16 Same. London, 1874. 12° 3066.25 Eclectic magazine, v. 10-63. N.Y., 1847-64.8°. 8089.00 Note.—r. 1315 for 1847, v. 31, May-A«g., 1867, are wanting. — Same. New series, v. 1-24. N Y., 1865-76.8°. B099.0O Eclipse of faith. See Rogers (Henry). 1835 3587.16 Echpses. See Astronomy, p 54. Economical European tourist. See Hemstreet (Wm.) 1875. 941.31 Economist (The), weekly commercial times, bankers' gazette, and railway monitor, v. 1-29, 1843-71. London, 1844-1876. fol Economy. Bentfiam. {J.} Defence of, 1817. [In Pamphleteer, v. 9-10.] 6068.10 Economy of himiau life. &e Dodsley (R.) ^10. . . .6211.23 Ecumenical council. See Biblical and religTUt. {Councils, p. 82). Eddas. See Literature {Scaitdinavian^. Eddis (Wm.) Letters from America; 1769 to 1777. London, 1792. 8' 583.13 Eddy (Daniel C.) Walter's tour in the East. 6 v. New York, 1868-69. 16° 1041.12 Contents: v. 1. Walter in Egypt. 2. Walter in Jerusa- lem. 3. Walter in Samaria. 4. Walter in Damascus. 5. Walter in Constautiuople. 6. Walter in Athens. Eddy (T. M.^ The patriotism of Hlinois. History of the State in the war for the Union. 2 v. Chicago, 1865. 8° 633.05 Ede (George). Management of steel. 5th ed. Loudon, 1873. 12° 4002.03 Eden {Hon. Emily). Up the country : letters from the upper provinces of India. 2d ed. 2 v. Loudon, 1866. 12° 1011.03 «S- For her novels tee Fiction class list. Eden (Frederic). The Nile without a dragoman. Loudon, 1871. 12° 1091.10 Eden (Lizzie Selina). A lady's glimpse of the late war in Bohemia. L., 1867. 12°. . . . 965.17 — My holyday in Austria. L., 1869. 12°. . 964.18 la asklDg for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AHIHOB'S NAME, tbe first part of tbe TITLE, and the NUMBER 434 EDEN -EDUCATION £!den (Robert). The Athanasian creed : incl. a now translation. Oxford and London, 1872. 8'. 3545.24 Edersheini (Rev. A.) The temple, its ministry and services, as they ware at the time of Jesus Christ. London, [1871."] 12^ 3441.25 Bdgar (John G.) Boyhood of great men. New York, 1856. 16" 3263.23 Nittc,—TPor Contents see Biography, (p. 115). ^ — Crusades and the crusaders. B., 1800. 16=. 6623.12 • r—Footprmts of famous men. N. Y., 185G. 16°. 3263.18 — History for boys ; modern Europe. New York, 1855. 16" 442.12 — Sea-kiugs and naval heroes. N. Y., 1863.10°. 3263.17 Edgar (Samuel). Variations of popery. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1838. 8° 3545.10 Bdgartou ("W. P. ) The New York speaker. New York, 1860. 12°. 6332.11 Edge-worth (Maria «ncZ Kichard L.) Practical educa- tion. New York, 18.55. 12° _ 5513.10 &e' For hio'ir. votio's of the Edgeworth fiirauy, ses Bio- graphy {p. 141). For Maria Edgeworth'H novtis, S'X Fiction claes-liBt. Edinburgh. .SVe Countries. {Edinburgh, p. 305.) Bdiuburgh cabinet library. 39 v. Ediub., 1833-49. 16° Contents. Crichton (A.) History of Arabia. 2 v. 2d cd. . . . 1041,08 — and Wheaton (U.) Scandinavia. 2 v 542.04 Fraser (J. B.) Mesopotamia and Assyria. 2d ed. . . 1041.11 * — Persia, from the earliest ages. 2d ed 1041.10 Hist, account of circumnavigation of the globe, [anon.] 921.0G Hist, and descrip. of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islanils. [anon.] 1142.01 Humboldt (F. H. A. von). Travels and researches in Equinoctial America, and in Asiatic Kiissia 1164.01) Lives aufl voyages : Drake, Cavendish. Dampier. [anon.] 921.25 Macgillivray (W.) Lives of eminent zoologists. . . 3252.04 Murray {Hugh). The United States : history, industry, etc. 3 V 672.04 — [aTid others). Account of China. 3v 1021.03 Account of British America. 3v 5G2.01 Account of British India. 3 v 1012 03 > Discovery and adventure in Africa 1»81.01 ' Discovery and adventure in the Polar regions. 1142.06 ' Polo (M.) Travels, notea by H. Murray. 2d ed. . . . 1041.06 Hussell (M.) History of.tho Barbary States 1081.05 — Nubia and Abyssinia 1081.03 — Palestine, or the Holyland. 4th ed 1042.08 — Polynesia 1061.01 — View of ancient and modern EgyiJt 1081.07 Spaulding (W.) Italy and tho Italian Islands, from the earliest ages. 3 v _. . 532.01 Tytier (P. F.) Progress of discovery on the more northern coasts of America 562.04 — Life of King Henry the Eighth 3077.20 — Life of .Sir Walter Kaleigh 3147 15 Voyages round tho world, from Capt. Cook, [anon.] . 921.07 Edinburgh encyclopedia, conducte^l^y David Brew- ster. 18 v. PhUa., 1832. 4° Edinburgh essays by members of the University. 1S56. Edinburgh, 1857. 8° 2528.05 Contents : Plato, by J. S. Blackie. Early English life in the drama, by J. Skelton. Homoeopathy, by AV. T. Gaird- ner. Infauti Perduti, by A. Wilson. Progress of Britain in the mechanical arts, by J. Rime. Scottish ballads, by A. Smith. Sir Wm. Hamilton, by T. S. Bayues. Chemical final causes, by G. Wilson. Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, v. 16-22. Edinburgh, 1871-76. 8° 8068.01 Edinburgh review, or critical journal. Oct., 1802 — Oct., 1877. v. 1-140. L., 1806-77. 8°, . . . 8071.01 Same. General index. 5 v. L., 1810-76. 8°. 1, V. 1-20. 2, V. 21-50. 3. v. 51-80. 4, v. 81-110. 6.V. 111-140. — Bagehot (U^.) Tho first Edinburgh reviewers. [In Ais Esti- mates, p. 1-46. 1858.] 2517.24 Editing. Boyd {A. K. H.) Essay concerning cvitting and carv- ing. [Inhis Every-day philosopher, 1863; p. 278-317.] 2514.08 Editorial life. .S'ce Journahsm. Bdkius (Joseph). China's place in philosophy. Lou- don, 1871. 12° 0421.05 Edmeads [Rev. Wm.) National establishment ; thoughts on the consequences of commuting the tithes. Oxford, 1816. B'. [In Pamphleteer, v. 7, p. 1-31.) 6068.07 Edmonds (John Worth) and Dexter (George T.) Spiritualism. With appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. New York, 1853. 8° 3817.33 Edmonds (S. Emma E.) Nurse and spy in the Union army. Hartford, 1865. 12° 644.04 Edmunds (Flavell). Traces of history in the names of places. London, 1869. 12°. . . . 472.19 EDUCATION, . Bibliography. Low (Sampson) & Co. Classified catalogue of educa- tional works in use in the United Kingdom and its dependencies. 1876 5522.17 Steiger {E.) Classified descriptive catalogue of publications on education. [In Kiddle (H.) and Schem (A. J.) Year-book of education, 1878.] 6638.01 Biography of Teachers and Educators. Barnard {II., cd. ) [American] Educational biography. 2d ed. 1861 55i4.20 Contents : Ezekiel Cheever. Samuel Johnson. Caleb Bingham. Timothy Dnight. T. H. Gallaudet. D. Olm- sted. Emma Willard. S. R. Hall. J. G. Carter. Warren Colburn. Gideon F. Thayer. Wm. Russell. Harvey P. Peet. Wm. A^Vlcott. W. C. Woodbridge. Walter B. Johnson. WilUr Fisk. John Kingsbury. Lowell Mason. G. B. Emerson. C. E. Stowe. Samuel Lewis. Horace Maun. Cyrus Peirce. Nicholas TiUingbast. Francis Dwight. David Perkins Page. W, F. Phelps. John S. Hart. F. A. P. Barnard. flhff* For sketches of the lives of several hundred Eng- lish and foreign teachers and educators, in Barnard's Amer. journal of ed., see p. 38-41 of its Index [5531.23]. Classical or Liberal Education. Seattle {J.) On the ittiUty of classical learning, {/n his Works, v. 6.) 6015.14 Clark {W. a.) [/n Cambr. essays, 1855 : p 281-308.] . .2517.13 Classical studies : • essays, etc. By B. Sears, B. B. Ed- wards. C. C. Felton. 1843 5513.28 Farriir {F. W., ed.) Essays on a liberal education. 1867 551.5.21 Parker (C. S.) History of classical education. Sidgwick (H.) Theory of classical education. Seeley (J. R.) Univer- sity education. Bowen (E. E.) Teaching by grammar. Farrar(F. W.) Greek and I^tin composition. Wilson (.J.W.) On teaching natural science in sctionls. Hales (J. W.) The teaching of English. Johnson W.) On the education of the reasoning faculties. Houghton {Lord). On the present social results of classical education. Reviewed by John Fiske, in N. A. rev., v. 10", 1868. Godwin {W.) (/n /lis Enquirer, 1797 : p. 36-6.';.] . . . .2526.17 Higginson {T. W.) [In his Atlantic essays. 1871 : p. 325-41.] 2528.28 International review, v. 1, 1874 (Study of the classics, by 0. El- liott) Knox ( V.) Remarks on the tendency to degrade grammar schools. 1821 [In Pamphleteer, v. 19.) 6058.19 Legarc {H. S) [/?i /iis Writings, v. 2, p. 1-51.] . . . .5047.07 Ogitvie {C. A.) Classical and math. ed. [/n Oxford prize essays, V. 3, 1836.] 2641.13 Sedgwick {A.) Discourse on classical, metaphysical, moral, and natural studies, (/n /us Discourses, ((c. p. 141-260.] 3913.17 Seeley {J. R.) EugUsh in schools. [In his Roman imperialism, etc. 1871.] 2642.31 See also Pop. sci. monthly, Oct., 1872 (English against the classics). Sewell ( W. ) Essay on the cultivation of the intellect by the study of the dead languages. 1830. .5515.24 Note. — Devoted to an analysis of the law of association of ideas as connected with mental disciphne, with but slight reference to tlie dead languages. Taylor (!<. H.) Classical study. 1870. . . .5513.25 Note. — A collection of essays written in favor of classical Btudy. by Joshua Jones, F. Thiersch. H. S. Legare, Wm. Whewell, J. S. Hill, Noah Porter, Joseph Payne, B. B. Ed- wards, J. Conington, W. H, Gardiner, J. piUans, G. B. Loring, W. Y. Sellar, J. Mct'osh. E. D. Sauborii, D. Masson, P. H. Sears, C. C. Felton, S. G. Brown, D. W. Thompson, G. .Smith, L. Campbell. See also Eraser's mag., v. 47, 1863 (Class, school books, by T. K. Arnold) : Fortnightly rov.. v. 9, 1868 (by T. Fowler) ; Contemp. rev., v. 9, 1868 (Lowe and Huxley on the classics, by L. G. Smith). 4Etr See also Universities, in the general alphabet Co-education of the Sexes. fl(S- See Scribner's moiitldy, Sept., 1871 (article by A. Hyde) ; Kiddle and Scliem's Cyclopiedia of education ; and Annual reports of the 0. S. commissioner of education. College life. Bulls (I.) Chapters of college romance. 1863. 5513.20 Four years at Yale, by a graduate of 'tiO. 1871. 5513.27 Osgood (S.) Student Ufe. 1861 6512.07 THE BROOKLYN LIBRARY, EDUCATION 435 Pijcroft {J.) Collegian's guitle : or recollections of college days. 1858 5512.17 IIall{B. IL) College words and customs. 3851. 5513.13 Ste also Loudon Boc, Mch.. Apl . 1809 (Amer. univ. cus- toms, by G. M. Towle) ; Lippiucott'e mag., Apr., 1876 (Tho college studeut, by J. M. Hurt). For Romances of colleg-' lift: see Verdant Green [141.13];— Tom Bro\vu at Oxford [2U.45i ;— Fair Harvard [1*14.34];— Studeut life at Harvard [25i.70] ; — Haniiueramitli ; bis Harvard days [245.21] ;— Peudenuis [255.47]. Common School Education. M,wi^ (K) Free school system of U.S. 1875. 5534.11 J'hi:brick {J. D.) Inspection of cuuutry schoole. [In Amer. eoc. .sci assoc. Trana., no. 1, 18C>y.] 5811.01 PoW r {A. ) and Emerson ( (?. B.) The school and school- master. 1844 5514.03 RamhiH (.S. S.) First principles of popular education and public instruction. lS6y 5514.08 Ttti/hr {J. O.) The district school 1834. . 5522.05 See also Blackwood's mag., v. 91. 1862 (Public scbools and tbe poor) ; Fraser's mag., v. 80, 1869 (Primary education) ; Quar. rev., v. 92, 1853 (Factory schools) ; v. 110, 1861 (Edu- cation of the poor) ; v. 132. 1872 (Primary education in Ireland) ; 'Westm. rev., v. 91, 1869 (Primary education) ; Ed. review, v. 98 (Popular ed. iu tbe U. S., 1853) ; New Englauder, v. 13, 1855 (Common school eystem of Mass.) ; Nat. quar. rev., v. 7, 1S63 (Education in N. : Westm. rev., V. 59. 1853 (Ed. iu U. S.) ; N. A. rev., Jan., 1876 (Ed. in Amer., 1776-1876, by D.C.GUman): Nat. qn. rev.. Dec , 1875. See also Nat. ed. (p. 438);— England (p. 436) ;— U. States (p. 439). Compulsory Education. M'Cosh (J.) On compulsory education, [/n Nat. assoc. prom, aoc. sci. Trans., 1867 ; p. 379-385.] 5815.12 NoTlhrup {B. G.) Legal prevention of illiteracy. [In his Educa- tion abroad. 1873.] 5518 08 Questions for a reformed parliament, p. 131-199 [Popular educa- tion, by C. a. Parker) 5724.14 See also Fortn. rev., v. 14. 1870 (by F. Seebobm) ; June, 1876 (Laws for compulsory ed., by J. White) ; Westm. rev., V. 92, 1869 ; Macm. mag., Nov. 1876 (Results of five years compulsory ed. in England). Cyclopaedias, Year-books, and Periodicals. American educational annual, v. 1, 1875. . 5522.14 Kducational year-book, 1872-73. 2 v. . . . 5511.07 Kiddle {H.) and Sckem {A. J.) Cyclopiedia of educa- tion. 1877 5528.28 — Year-book of education. 1878 2538.01 Periodicals. .America* educational monthly. 11 v. New York, 1861-74. 8° 5533.01 American journal of education. Ed. by H. Barnard. V. 1-24, 1856-73. Hartford, 1856-73. 8^ . 5531.01 jVo?e.— v. 11-16 are also entitled 'New series, v. 1-16 ;' and V. 17-24, "National series, v, 1-8." Contents : v. 1. American association for the advance- ment of education. Proceedings, 1849-54. Henry (J.) Philosophy of education. Cole (D.) Classical education. Richards (Z.) Discipline, mental and mural. Hamill (S ) School government. Huntington ,F. D.) Unconscious tui- tion. Olmstead (D.) Democratic tendencies of science. Barnard (F, A. P.) Improvements practicable iu American colleges. Hodgins (G.) Popular education in upper Canada. Abbott Lawrence. Peabody institute. Tappan {H. P ) Progress of educational development in Europe, Lewis (T.) Method of teaching Latin aud Greek. Biography of Ezekiel Cheever, with notes on the early free schools aud text books of New England. Gilman D. C.) Scientific schools in Europe, Brooks (0.) Moral educatjou. Thayer (G. F.) Letters to a young teacher. [Contiiiuedin v. 2 6.] Bache (A.D.) \ national university. Le Verrier. Ele- mentary inetructiou in matbematice. Brockett (L. P.) Idiots, and institutions for their training. Biogr. sketch of Henry Barnard. 2- American institute of instruction, 1818-55. Biogr. of "Wm. Lawrence. Hammond (C) History of Lawrence acad. at Groton. Mass. Milton on education. Halderman (Prof.), Brooks (C). Pierce (B.) Remarks on a national univ. G-ilman (D. C.) Higher and special schools of science aud literature iu France. Russell (W.) Lectures to a class of young teachers. [Cont'd in v. 2.] Seguin (E.) Treatment and training of idiots. Davies (Fro/.], Randall (S. S.). McElligott (J. N.). Potter (bishop). Relig. instruction iu public schools. Gillespie (W. M.) Instruction in mathema- tics, as prescribed fur admission to the Polytech. school of France. How^e(S. G.) Modern Greek language. Hillard {G. S.) Boston city library. Vail (T. H. i Hints on reading. Condition of commou or public schools in the United States, 1855, Gould (B A., jr.) An American university. Edson (T. Biogr. of Warren Colburn. Dana (J. D.) Science and scientific schools. Clark (T. M.) Edncaiiou required by tlio times. Dwight(M.A.) Art, as a branch of educa- tiou. [Cmtt'd.] Catholic educatitpual establishments in the U.S. Public instruction in duchy oi Nassau. Gradation of public schools. Official exposition of common scbooU in the United States. Burgess (G.) Thoughts on religion and public schuols. Edwards (H.) Memoir of Nicholas Tilling- haat. Inaug. of the Dudley nbwcrvatory at Albany. Everett (E.; Uses of astronomy. Reid (D. B.) College of architect- . ure. Norwich free academy. [ConfUinv. S ] 3. J. H. Wichem and the rough bouse. Roger Ascham. Russell (W.) Cultivation of the faculties of expressiuu. Duffield (D. B.) Duty of the state in regard to education. The school and the teacher iu literature, [(.'ont'd m v. 3, 4.] *The Public high school. Free academy at Norwich, (Conn.) GammeU(W.,i Memoir of Nicholas Brown. C U. Zeller aud institution at Beuggen, for training t'^acliers of schools for orphan and vicious children. Jacob Vehrli aud normal schools at KruitzUngen, Switzerland, for training teachers of schools for the poor. Life and educational prin»iple^of Pestalozzi. Phelps (W. F.) Normal schools. Dawson (J. W.) Nat. history as a branch of education. Abbe de La Salle, and institute of christian brothers. Brockett (L. P.) Valentin Hauy, Pastor Fliedner's institution at Kaisers- werth. Prussia. Botta (V.) Public instruction in Sardiuia. [Cont'd j"n V. 4.] Reformatory education, p. 501-811. 4. Bowen (F.) Memoir of Edmuud Dwight. Huntington (F. D.) College prayers. Brockett iL. P.) Institutions aud instruction lor the blind. Educational labors of Lowell Mason. Raumer(K. von). History, science and art ot edu- cation. Life and educational system of John Sturm. Wim- mer (H.) Catechism on methods of teaching. Eliot (S.) Thi>ma3 Arnold as a teacher. Jarvis (E.) Tendency of mis- directed education and the unbalanced mind to produce insanity. Memoir of Gideon F. Thayer. Raumer (K. von). The Hieronymians ; or. brethren of the common life. Me- moir of Wm. A. Allcott. Barnard (H.) History of commoa schools in Conn. [Cont'd itiY. 5-6] Memoir of Henry Todd. Raumer (K. von). Early teachers iu tbe Nether- lauds ; Educational views of Erasmus ; Educational ser- vices of Philip Melancthon. School architecture. [Cont'd in other volumes.) 5. John Kingsbury and the young ladies' high school in Providence, R. I. Ventilation of our dwellings. Alcott (W. A.) Memoir of Wm. C. Woodbridge. Raumer (K. von). Education in the Netherlands and southern Germany. Wolfgang Ratich ; John Amos Comenius ; Verbal realism; or, from words to things ; Lord Bacon ; Valeutme Fried- land Trotzendorf ; K. C. W. von Tiirk. Memoir of Hermann Erusi. Kriisi (H.) General views of education and plan of ao institution for boys. John George Tobler. Schools and teach- ings of the. Jesuits. German school lite in the 16th cent, autobiogr. of Thomas Platter. Real schools. Elihu Yale. Coggeshall (W.T.) Samuel Lewis. Reformatory pbilologibts: Gesner and Ernesti. Frederick A. P. Barnard ; Meiuoir. Walter R. Johnson : Memoir. Wm. F. Phelps. Frau' is Dwight : Memoir. David P. Page. Cole (D.) Aims of tbe state normal school of New Jersey. 6. Raumer (K. von). German universities. [Cont'd in v. 7.] Samuel and John Phillips, jr., and Phillips academy at Andover, Mass. Coggeshall (W. T.) History of common schools In the state of Ohio. Thomas H. Burrowes, and the school system of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Emma Willard and female education. Pestalozzi's Evening hour of a hermit. Raumer (K. von). J. G. Herder : John Locke, and his pedagogy ; J. G. Hamann ; Fr. A. Wolf ; Methods of teaching Latin. Barnard (D^.) Stephen Van Rensselaer. State of pubUc instruction in France. [Cout^d in v. 13, 22 ] Memoir of Wilbur Fisk. Bacon (L.) James Hd'house : memoir. Early school codes of Germany. Hill (T.) Ti-ue order of studies. Sears (E. 1.) Lord Brougham. Cogges- hall (W.T.) Hist, of common schools iu Ohio. Burrowes (T. H.) aud common schools in Pa. Graser's course ot in- struction for common schools. System of public instruc- tion in Bavaria. [Cont'd in v. 8.] 7. Halsey tL. J.) Philip Lindsley : life. Memoir of Gus- tav Friedrich Dinter. Raumer (K. von). The German universities. Students' societies in Germnn universities ; Contrib. to the improvement of universities ; Education in peace and war ; Religious instruction ; History of edu- cation of Italy ; Classical instruction. Dawson {J. W.) James McGill and McGill college. Boston public library ; Joshua Bates. Assistants and disciples of Pestalozzi. Edward Everett. Pestalozzi. Selections from his pub- lications. 8. Educational aphorisms and suggestions, ancient and modern. Raumer (K. vonl. On teaching history -. Geogra- phy ; Instruction iu natural science ; Geometry ; Arith- metic ; Physical education; Christianity in education. Barnard (H.) Memoir of Josiah Holbrook. Collis (J. D.) Public or foundation schools of England. Coggeshall (\V. T.) Memoir of N. Guilford. Nissen (H ) PubUc in- struction iu Norway. Akroyd (E.) Modes of improving a factory population. Griscom (J. H.) Memoir of John Gris- com. Hist, development of pop. ed. in Germany. Stowe (Vro/.). Mann (/>'".). anti others. Course of instruction in the primary schools iu Germany. System of public in- struction in Prussia. Subjects and methuds uf instruction in^he primary schools of Prussia. Memoir of Thomaa Sherwin. Public instruction in the kingdom of Bavaria. Northend (0.) Memoir of Wm. H. Wells. Agricultural education in France, etc. Public instruction in Belgium aud Holland. Deisterweg on school discipline. Hentschel (E.) Instruction m siuging. Polytechnic schools. 9. Memoir 01 E. (_'. Wines. Russell (W.) Moral educa- tion. The university ; iis siguificance. Kliipfel on the hibt, of the univ. of Tubiugeu. Felton (C. C.) Character- lu asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOU'S .NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 436 EDUCATION American joiimnl of education, v. 9, continued. istics of tlio Amer. college. Eliot (S. A,) Hist, of Harvard C'lUege. School of miues at Freyberg. S.ixony. Normal cul- lege at Battersea, Engl. Wimmer (il.) Secondary ed iu Saxouy. Bache (A. D.) Burgher sl-LuoI at Leipsio, Saxony. Progress of elementary iustriietiou iu Scotland, Currie (J.) Subjects and methods of early educatiou. Morrison (J.) Method and esaminatiou. Morrison (T.) Oral lessons on real ubjecta. Everett {£.) Memoir of Th'iraaa Dowse aud the Dowse library. Ross (W.) Cat'.'chetical method of teaching. System of i)ublic iustrurtiou in France. Special instruction in science aud art iu France. Stow (D.) Gal- lery training lessons orally presented. Normal schoul for training primary school teachers. Specimen lessons iu teaehiug a primary school. System of public instruction . in»Anstria. 10. Memoir of Theodore Lyman. State normal school of Connecticut. Hentschel (E ) Drawmg in all elemen- tary schools. Fellenberg iW. de). PestaKizzi, Felleuberg. and Vehrli, and the industrial training of the puor. In- struction iu common things. Knight (0.) Elementary iu- Btructiou in economical science. Intellectual instructiim : aphorisms. Subjects and means of educatiou : aphorisms. Public instruction in Baden. Schools of art aud science. Raumer (K. von). GeVman vit-ws of female educatiou. Cornelius Couway Felton : memoir. Memorial of the Worcester couuty tea.hera' assoc. to the State teachers' assoc, iS60. Kobert Kelly : memoir. Public instruction in Eugland. Joseph Lancaster aud monitorial instruc- tion. British and foreign school society. Manual of pri- mary instruction in the model schools. Normal school of the British and foreign school society. Historical de- velopment of niuuitorial instruction. Memoir of Andrew Bell, aud the Madras system. Manual of school methods in the central school of the National society. Coleridge (D.) St. J\Iark's traiuing college. Mosely (H.) Cliester diocesan training school. Walkins (F.) Traiuing schools for female teachers in England. Specimen notes for les- sons ou objects. Normal or training colleges in Scotland. Wm. Bentley Fowle : memoir. Mary Lyou. Influence of Yale college ou American civilization aud iustitutious. School architecture, coutiuued. Index. 11. [Kew series, v. 1.] What is education? defined by Eugliah authorities. Conversations on objects. A practical course of elementary instruction aud mental development. Matthew Vassar and Vassar female college. Ascham (R.) The schoolmaster. Misery and crime, as affected by in- Btruction in school. Gideou Hawley : memoir. Plutarch. Views on education. Quintiiian- Kuman views on educa- tiou. System of national school.s in Ireland. Raumer (K. vou). Instruction in the German language. [See al^o. v. 12.] Kay on Prusyiau tea'hers. Hartlib's •' Proposition for erecting a college of husbandry in 1L)51." Plan ot a trade or industrial school iu England, by W. P., iu 1G17. Mark Hopkins: memoir. System of public instruction in Baden. S. G. Howe : Memoir. Guizot's ministry of public in- Btructiou in France. Dana P. Colbum : memoir. State and educatiou. [Ooiit'd in v. i.] Locke (J.) Thoughts ou educa- tion. [Cont'd in v. l;l.] Spencer (fl.) Thoughts ou educa- tion. [Cont'd in v. 3.] Military exercises iu public schooia. Lewis (Dio). New gymnastics. [C'mCd /n v. 12 J 12. Military system and military education iu France and Prussia, p. 1-3^9. • Moral education ; aphorisms. Diesterweg. Intuitional and speaking exercises. Ebenezer Bailey : memoir. Wm, E. Ghanning ou education. Second- ary or academic education iu the United States. [(Tunt'd in V. 17, 22.] Cady (L. F.) Elementary instruction iu Latin and Greek language. Johannis (P.) Pubhc instruction in modern Greece. A. B- C books aud primers. Oswego Bohool committee ou primary instruction by object les- ^BonB. [Cont'd in v. 15. J Westfield state normal school at Westfield. 13. What is education ? aphorisms. Unitefi States mil. acad. at West Point, dpt. Alden Partridge : memoir. Caroline Plummer : memoir. Suggestions on early mental traiuing : aphi'risms. Bushnell (li.) Plays, pastimes, and holidays of children. Webster (N.) and othi^rs. Elementary Bchools as they were. Young (T. U.) Subjects and methods of instruction for public schools. Barnard (H.) American text-books; bibliography [Cont'd in \. li.\ Female educa- tion, suggestions ancient and modern. Education of girls in the public schools of Boston. History of normal schools in France. Kay (J.) Educ. iu«t. of Switzerland. Bernard Overberg : his labors. Military ed. in Austria. Military ed. in Sardinia. Fenelon aud his educational labors and views. German views of educatiou of girls. Mann (H.) American educators and pedagogy. State normal school at Albany. 14. Proceedings of the national teachers' association, IffSS-GS. Richards (Z.) The teacher as an artist. Hill (T.) The i)owers to be educated. Sheldon (E. A.) Object les- BOU8. Aristotle on education. Rabelais on eiiucatioii. Professional ed. of teachers in Prussia John Milton aud his educatiou. Buckham (M. H.) English lang. ii^ociety and the school. American educational s-icie^. 181(i. Gregory (J. M.) Problem of eduoatiuu. Instruction in Hesse Darmstadt. The Jesuits aud their schools. Military systems and schools in Russia, and in Gt. Britdn. Ver- planck (G. C.) Memoir of D. S. Barnes. Lycurgus aud Spartan ed. Naval aud nav, schools iu England. [Cont'd in v. 16.] Leroy (.\.) Public iuatruction iu Holland. Normal schools iu Penn. 15. Amer. doctrine of public instruction. Naval academy at Annapolis. Public or endowed grammar schooia of England ; report of govern, commissioners. Amer. school Boc. 1830-33. Wotton [Sir H.) Phdos. survey of ed . or moral architecture. Wells (W. H.) Method.s of teaching Engl, grammar. Bates (S. P.) Liberal education, or the col- lege curriculum. Nat. association for od. purposes. Public instruction iu Germany. American school-books. Jewell (F. S ) Pubhc school training, can it bo made a profession. Stowe (C. E.) Teachers' seminaries or normal schools in the United States. Irish endowed schools. 16. Lalor ( J ) Natur^^and value of education. Sarmiento (D. P.) Dignity of the schoolmaster's work. Barnard (H.) ^ •Doc. history of uormal schools in the U. S. Glimpses of Amer. education prior to 1800. Day (J.). Hall (W.), Alcott (A. B.), Beecher (H. W.) Schools as they were. Female edu- cation as it was. Woodbridge (W.) Hist, of ed. assoc. In the U. S. Penn. system of normal schools. Oswego nor- mal and training school. Public instruction iu Austria. [Cont'd iti V.17.] Cowdery (M. F.) Formation of character, the maiu object of edueation. Edwards (R ) Normal schools of the U S. Wickersham (J. P.) Education as an element in recoustructiou. Bridgewatcr state normal school. New England academies. Elyot (5iV Thomas). Tho Governour ; witli his life. St. Mary s college at \Viuchea- ter, Engl. Buckham (M. H.). March (F. A.). Porter (S.) English language and literature. 17. Classified index to v. 1-16. Garfield (J. A.) Ednca- tiuu i-ecoguized as a national interest. Constitutional pro- visions respecting schools aud educatiou iu the U. 8. Schools as they were in the U. S. Hoole (C.) New discov. of the old art of teaching, I65y. Fowler (W. C.) The clergy aud popular educatiou. Cowley (A.) Plan of a philosophical college, 1G61. Secondary schools, Germany. Public in- structi'in in Switzerland. Co-education of the sexes. Hart (J. S.) Normal .schools- Secondary instruction iu Prussia. Public iustruction iu Oldenberg aud Switzerland. Egerton Eyersou : memoir. Sybel (H. vou). German universities compared with the Engl, aud French. Mrs. Lincoln Phelpa; biography. Dupanloup {M.) Studious women. DTsright (H, E) Example of Prussia iu the training of teachers. Normal and training schools iu the U. S., p. 651-822. 18. Sam-', as 'American year book of J8G9 ' [6723.01]. 19. Education in district of Columbia, with its efficiency compared with the principal cities iu the V. S. andEiu'oi)e. 20. Public instruction iu diflerent countries {p. 1-780). German universities, past and present (p. 722-768). 21. Scientific and industrial education. Pt. 1. Systems and iustitutious iu Europe. 22. Systems and institutions of Rpecial instruction in Great Britain. Science and art department. Manual labor aud mechanical dexterity in scientific institutions. Savig- ny (F. C.) Uuiveisities aud colleges, past and present. Public instruction in France. Temple, Lowe, and Glad- stone, ou classical education. Barnard (F. A. P.) Pveport on elective stuilies of Columbia college. Renan on Ger- man views of education in France. Public instgfcctiou in Europe. German reform schools. School codes of Germany, old aud new. State educ. associatitms in United States. 23. Wanting. The whole of its contents are reproduced iu Mr. Haruard's two publications, 'Study and conduct* [5518,02] and ' Military systems ' [5524.19]. 24. Newman (J. H.) The university historically developed. Freui h pedagogy, English pedagogj*. Muleaster, Webster, Wase. Chapters in the history of American schools and ednca.tion. Public iustruction in duchy of Finland. State systems of common schools in the United States Early christian schools, scholars, aud teachers. Teaching orders of the catholic church, Domiuicaus aud Franciscans. Hamilton {'S'irWm.) and Newman (J. H.) English uui- verf^ities. Military schools and systems iu Russia. Kirk- patrick ;E.) Superior instruction historically considered. Elementary uat. iustruction in Great Britain. Amer. pub!, instruction. Ancient uuiv. of Paris, Superior iustruction in vario\iB countries. Gfinmon-school journal. Ed. by Horace Mann. 4 v. Boston^ 18)9-42. 8' 5516.20 Xt'W Eiujland journal of education, v. 1-7, Boston, 1875-78. tbl England, Scotland, and Ireland. Barilcy {G. C. T.) Schools for the people : history, de- velopment, and present working. 1871. 3533.16 England. Inspectors of schools. Extracts ftom reports. London, 1852. V2'' 5515.06 Hoiderson {J. 0., jr.) Our national system of educa- tion : an essay. 1877 5522.11 Mtrlei/ iJ.) The btruggle for national education. 3d ed. i874 5511.10 A'ofc— Repr. from Fortn. rev., Aug., Sept., Oct., 1873. Owen {H.) Elementary education act 1870. 5514.10 I'arkman [yfra. S.) Nat. education in Enylaud. {In Amer. soc. sci. asaoc. Trans., no. 4. 1872] 5811.02 Ptjcrofi {J.) School education. 1843. , . . 55U.04 ^'■e alsn Contemp. rev . v. 12. 1860 (iMr. Foster's hill, by T. Markbv) : v. 16. 1871 (The school boards, by T. H. Huxley); V. 16. 1871 (London school board, by W. M. Torrens) : v. 19, 1872 {Ed, dUliculty, by F. Seebohm) ; Ed. rev., v. 95, 1862 THE BROOKLYN LIBRAItr. EDUCATION 437 (Nat. ed.) ; T. 97, 1863 ; V. 99 ; V. 102 (Ed. censuB of Great Bi'itaiu' ; v. lU. ISOl ; Fortu. rev., v. 6, 1806 (Revised cd. coilo, b.v F. Wiskar) ; Fraser's mag., v. C5. 1802; v. 72. 1HG5 (Improving eleuieutary iustruction) : Nat rev., v. 12, 1801 ; Nortli Brit, rov., v. 10. 1851-'2 (Progreas of popular ed ) ; v. 22. 1854-5 (Pop. cd. in Scotland) ; v. 29, 1858 (Pop. ed. iu Brit, and Ij-eland) ; v. 34, 1861 (Ed. iu .Scotland) ; Quar. rev., v. Ill, 1862 (The new code) ; v. 128, 1870 (Ed. of the people) ; v. 131, 1871 (The new school boards) ; Westm. rev., v. 89, 18(18 (Pop. ed.) ; v. 97, 1872 (ftov. and the ed. act) ; Statistical soc. of London, Journal, v. 25, 1802 (Uesources of pop. ed. in England, present and future, by H. Maun). Scotland. See Edin. rev., Apl., 1876 (Secondary ed. in 9 ): Fra-^er's mag., v. 78. 1808 (School and univ. system in S.) ; Apl., May, 1876 (Secondary ed. iu S., by (J. G. Ramsey) ; N. Brit, rev., v. 24, 1855-6 (Middle-class school) ; v. 19, 1SS3 (The higher instmctiou iu Scollaud) ; v. 46, 1867 : Westm. rev., v. 98, 1872 eS' See also Universities, iu the general alphabet. XSuglish Public and Eudowed Schools. Defence of public schools. [In Classical journal, v. 8, p. 187. 441 ; V. 9, p. l.J 2742.08 Public schools, Winchester, Westminster, Shrew.sbury, Harrow, Rugby ; notes of their history and tradi- tions. By the author of ' Etoniana. ' [anon. ] 1867. 5513.19 Reply (A) to the most popular objections to public schools, with particular refereuce to the Tyrocinium of Cowper. 1814. [Pamphleteer, v. 4, pp. 1UJ-13U.) 6058.04 Siaunlun (11.) The groat schools of England : au ac- count of [tbeir] foundatiou, endowments, and discipline. 1805 5.513.22 i(^ For articles upon the public schools, generally advo- cating au enlargement of the course of .study, see Black- wood's mag., v. 96, 18tl4 (3 articles on Harrow and Rugby, Loudon schools, and Winchester and Shrewsbury) ; Con- temp, rev., v. 4, 1807 '.Adverse criticism, by T. Murkby); V. 12, 1869 (Reply to Markby on the inspection and exaiu. of eudowed schools, by D. R. Fearon) ; v. 9. 1868 (French criticisiu ou our public schools, by D. R. Foaron) ; Ediub. rev., V. 120. 1804 ; Fortu. rev., v. 2, 1865 (by A. TroUope) ] V. 9, 1868 (Adverse criticism, by F. W. Farrar) ; Fraser's ma.;., v. 03, 1801 (Moral aspects) ; v. 09. 70, 1804 : v. 77, 1808; V. 79, 1869 (Educational eudowmeots) ; North Brit, rev., v. 41, 1804 ; Quarterly rev., v. 108, 1800 ; v. 116, 1864 ; Westm. rev., v. 77, 1802 ; v. 95, 1871. Europe. Arnold ( M. ) Schools and universities on the continent. 18G8 5515.07 Barnard ( //. ) National education in Europe. 1851.5515. 13 Freese [J. R.) Report on school-Uouaos and popular education. [In Paris univ. expos.. 1807. Reps, of U. S. co.. v. 5.J 5915.13 tf»^ See also, iu this class, England : — France ; — Ger- many (p. 436); — National education (p. 438). Also Coutemp. rev., V. 78, 1863 (2 art.] ; Foirtu. rev., v. 12, 1809 ; Fraser, N.8., V. 3, 1871. Female Education. [Sec Women, in general alphabet.] France. Arnold (M.) The popular education of France, ■with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. 18G1 5515.20 Note. — Reviewed in rev., v 125. 1S68. — A French Eton. [In his Essays in criticism. 1865.] 2512.13 See also Quar. rev., v. 117, 1805. llazen ( W. li. ) School and the army in Germany ' and France. 1872 45 10. 13 See also Dublin rev., Jan.. 1876 (French catholic univer- sities) ; N. A. rev., v. 85, 1857 (The royal house of St. Cyr., 1686-1793 ; for the education of French ladies) ; Westm. rev.. July, 1875. ^^ See also Europe {above). General and MisceUaueous Works. ArnoliHT.) Education of the middle classes. [In his Misoel. works. 1846 3514.01 Barnard (D. D.) Speeches and reports on educational topics. 1838 5912.26 BarneirdiH., ed.) English pedagogy. Education, the school, and the teacher, iu English literature. 2d ed. 18G2. 5524.21 Contents: What is education. Ascham (R.) The school- master. Bacon {Sir F.) Essays on education, with aunot. by Whately. 'Wotlon {Sir H.) Apothegms ou education. Masson (D.) Memoir of Johu Milton : his home, school, and college education. Milton (J.) Tractate on education. Petty {Sir Wm.) Plau of au iudnstrial school. Locke (J.) Survey of pedagogical system, and Thoughts ou education. Spencer (H.) Thoughts on education. Note.— For other publications of Henry Barnard, see page 64 of catalogue. Beccher {C. K) Educational reminiscences and sug- gestions. 1871 5.522.1.7 Bentham {J) Chrestoniathia : new system of iustru.-tion. (/n /u'.! Works, V. 8 (pt. 16).] 6010.08 Bethune {G. W.) Duties of educated men. [In his Orations, 1850, p. 281-319.] 2513.'JO Bouiwell (G. S.) Thoughts on educational topics. 1859 5513.02 Contents : Learning and labor. Educatimi and crime. Reformation of children. Elementary training iu the pub- lic schools. Relative merits of public high schonls and endowed academies. The high school system. Normal school training Female education. lutluence and duties of teachers. Liberty and learning. Massachusetts school fund. Agricultural education. Burtlon {W.) Education. [In his Materials for thinking, v. 1, ISIO, p. 193 261.] 2614.21 Burton ( \V. ) Culture of the observing faculties in the family and the school. 18G5 551.1.01 Campan {Mme. J. L. II. G.) Thoughts on education. [ \Vith her Conversations.] 3032.06 Central society of education. Papers, v. 1-2. 18:i7- 38 5513.01 Cliambers's Papers for the people, v. 1, 6 2516.01 Clarke (K H. ) The building of a brain [in relation to sex]. 1874 5513.29 — Sex iu education. 1873 5514.27 Carrie {J.) Early and infant school ed. 1857. 5513.09 Dali {Airs. C. H. ) The college, the market, and the court ; or woman's relation to education, etc. 18G7 5824.25 Dickinson {A. E) A paying investment. 1876. 5522.09 Doane {G. \V..bp.) Educational writings. 1861. 3545.04 Bioljlii {B. W.) Higher christian education. 3545.09 Elijcworth (M. and R. L.) Practical education. 18.55 5513.10 .Eiuca/ionai year-book. [v. 1-2.] 1872-73. 12°. 5511.07 EveniliE.) Orations and speeches K322.03 Note. — For Contents see under his ntimo iu general alphabet. Fichte {J. G.) The science of knowledge. 18GS. 5412.19 Frost {J.) Hints to the young mechanic. ]p. 179-403 of Kelt's Mechanic's text-book.] 392:(.07 Froude{J.A.) Short studies, v. 2, p. 313-44. 1871. . .2523.06 Handllon {Sir W.) Discussions ou education and imiversity reform. 1856 5413.10 Contents : Ou the study of mathematics as an exercise of mind. Ou the conditions of chissi al learning. On the universities. On the right of dissenters to admission into the Enghsh universities. Cousin ou German schools. Uecker {J.) The scientific basis of education, demonstra- ted by phrenological facts, etc. 2d ed. 1868. 5 131.06 Helps {A.) [In his Friends in council, v. 1, part 1, p. 120 58. 1861.] . . . .' 2531.26a IMveUus (C. A.) Treatise on man; and education.. From the French, by W. Hooper. 2v.l810. 5413.17 Hill {T.) True order of studies. 187G. . .5512.30 Ilodson (R) Influence of on nat. character. [In Oxford essays. V. 1. 1834 ; p. 277-94 • . 2641.11 nape (A. It. ) Master Johu Bull, a holiday book for parents and schoolmasters. 1873. . . . 5512.26 Hoyt{.I.}V.) Report ou education, [/n Paris univ. expos., 1867, Reports, v. fi.J 3916.14 Lessing {G. £.) Education of the human race. 1858 5513.15 Locke {J.) Some thoughts concerning education. [In his Works. V.9.] ......_ 6052.09 Loudon {Mrs. )Light of mental science; on moral training. [With essay on public insti-uction. ] 1845. 5511. IJ6 Mann {II.) LecwBcs on education. 1848. . 5522.06 — editor. Common school journal 5516.20 Mansfield (E. D. ) American education ; its principles, etc. 1851 5513.16 Contents : Idea of a republic. Civil and religious liberty. The teacher. Idea of science. Mathematics. .Astronomy. History. Language. Literature. Converj^ation. The con- stitution. The Bible. Education of women. Maurice ( F. D. ) Learning and working : six lectures. 1855 5513.24 Milton {J.) On education, [/n 7iis Works, v. 3, 1848.] .6064.03 Same. [In Pamphleteer, v. 17. | 5058.17 More {H.) Hints for forming the character of a princess. [In his Works, V. 7. 1847.] 5057.07 National assoc. for the prom, of social science. Transai-tions, 1857-77. 21 V 6815.01 A'o/«.^Each volume devotes much space to education. Northrop (B. G.) Education abroad, and oiher papers. 1873 5518.08 Contents : Should American youth be educated abroad ? Legal prevention of illiteracy. Culture and knowledge. The professional study. Study and health. Labor as an educator. Education and industrial arts. Labor and capital harmonized. In asking for books, use the ■• Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 438 EDUCATION Olin {S.) Theory and practice of scbolabtic life. Baccalaureiito discourses. Eas;tyB, t^c. (//i Ais Works, v. 2.] . .3581.01 Owmi (R. D. ) Outline of the system of education at New Lanark. 1825 5515.19 Papas for the teacher. 2a series. 1860. . . 55J'1.23 Contents: 1. Introduction.— -Object teaching. School- houses and their equipment. 2. Oral leaeoua on real ob- jects, by T. Morrison. 3. Specimen notes of lessons. 4. Gallery traiuiug lessons — common things, by D. Stow. 5. Prize schemes for tho encouragement of a knowledge of common things among teachers, by Prof. Sullivan and lord AsUburton. 6. Necessity and progress of elementary in- struction in economical science, by (_'. Knight, 7. Subjects and methods of teaching in reference to tho prevention of misery and crime, by E. C. Taiush. 8. Progress of ele- mentary education iu Ireland. 9. Subjects and methods of primary education as presented in the model infant school, Dublin, by F. U. Young. 10. Organization and instruction of the ordinary national schools. 11. Progress of element- ary education iu Scotland. 12. Subjects and methods of early education, by J. Currie. 13. BlL-thod and examina- tion, by J. Morrison. 14. Lesson on color, by J. H. Hay. 15. Progress of elementary education in England. IG. British and foreign school society. 17. Manual of the sys- tem of primary instructions iu tho model schools of the British and foreign school society. Quain (R.) On some dufects in general education. 1870 5514.15 Quick (R. II.) Essays on educational reformers. 1868 5513.21 Contents: Schools of the Jesuits. Ascham. Montaigne. Katich. Milton. Comenius. Locke. Kousseau's Emile. Base- dow and the Philauthropin. Pestalozzi. Jacatot. Herbert Spencer. Thoughts about teaching children. Moral and religious education. fiaunier (K. von). Geschichta der Pildagogick. i v. 1846-51 5525.02 Rice {II.) E. and its errors. [In his Nature and culture. 2538.31 liichter {J. I'. ) Levana ; or, doctrine of education. 1863 5514.05 Rousseau (J. J.) Emile, ou do I'eJucation. 1648. 7033.04 Raskin {J. ) Sesame andlilies ; two lectures.1865.2542.22 SewanllW.K) Discourse on education. 1837. 5093.23 S'loell (K 31.) Principles of E., drawn from nature and revelation, and applied to female education iu the upper classes. 2 v. in 1. 1860. . . 5514.00 Spencer {II.) Education : intellectual, moral, and physi- cal. 1861 5514.07 Tliompson (D'A. W. ) Wayside thoughts on education. 1868 5514.09 Timbs (J. ) School-days of eminent men, with sketches of the progress of E. in England. 1358. 3263.22 Todd (J.) Student's manual. 1858. . . . 5512.13 Germany. Arnold (M. ) Higher schools and universities in Ger- many. 1874 5511.09 Barnard [H.. editor). German educational reformers. See Eau- mer (F. L. G. von) 6515.14 Cousin { V. ) Report on public instruction in Prussia. 1834 5511.05 Hamilton (Sir W.) Cousin on German schools. [In Jiis Discus- sions. 1850.] 6413.10 Hart {J. M.) German tmiversities : with comparison of the German, English and Amer. system. 1874 5515.28 Hazen ( W. B. ) The school and thawrmy in Germany and Prance. 1872 ~ . . .4516.13 Hurst {J. F.) Life and literature in the Fatherland. 1875. [1874.] 964.28 Perry (TF. C.) German univ. education. 1845. 5515.16 Raumer (K. von). German educational reformers. Memoirs ; with contributions to the history of education from the 14th to the 19th century. [Tr. from his History of pedagogy, by L. W. Fitch and F. B. Perkins.] Ed. by 11. Barnard. Phila., .1863. 8^ 5515.14 Stiffens (H.) German univ. life. Tr. by W. L. Gage. 1S74 5515.20 See also Fraser's mag., v. 4, 1871 (Two German schools : Friedrich "Wilhelm's gymnasium and the Elizabeth schule); Westm. rev., v. 77, 1802 (Pop. ed. iu Prussia) ; New Eng- lander, v. 15, 1857 (.Vmer. student in Germany). See also on German universities, Atlantic mag., v. 7, 18G1 (The German university professors) ; N. A. rev., v. 9G, 1863 ; Littell, 1870, v. 1, or Uevue dos deui moudes, 16 sept. 1809 (by G. Pouchet). flSr See also Europe (p. 437). Home Education. HnnUn/jton {F. D.) Home and college. . . 3511.09 Marlineau (II.) Household education. 1867. 3511.13 Taylor (I.) Home education. 1858. . . .5512.12 See also Contemp. rev., v. 3, 1866 (Home and school edu- cation, by W. E. Jeli). Kindergarten and Object Teaching. liuelow (-B. von M.) The new education by work, ac- cording to Fraebel's method. Tr. by Mrs. H. Mann and L. Noa. 1876 5512.31 Calkins (N. A.) Primary object lessons. 1870. 5514.18 Douai (A.) The kindergeirten : Froebel's system. 1871 5514.20 Ilailman (W. K.) Kindergarten culture. Froebel's system. 1873 5512.32 Krieije (A. L., ed.) Rhymes and tales for the kinder- garten and nursery. 1876 5512.35 — Friedrich Froebel ; a biogr. sketch. 1876. 5512.34 Krierje (M. II.) The child, its nature and relations ; an elucidation of Froebel's principles of education. 2ded., 1872 5514.26 Mann (Mrs. H.) and Peahody {E. P.) Moral cultui-e of infancy, and Kindergarten guide. 1863. 5514.01 Same. ' 1876 5514.02a Wiehe (E.) Paradise of childhood : a manual for self- instruction in Frcebel's educational principles, and a guide to kinder-gartners. 1SG9. . 5528.29 Object Lessons. AfaHuo/ for object lessons. 1S62 5513.20 Papers for the teachef-. 2d series. 18G0 (Object teaching and oral lessons on social science and common things. Parts 1, 2, 3. 4.) 5.524.23 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 10, 18G2 (by E. D. Peabod> )- Morality and Thrift, and Education. JarvisiE) Tho value of common-school education to common labor. [U. S. Cam. of ed. Sep., 1872.) 0516.04 Foster {J.) On popular ignorance. [In fiis Essays, 1835.] 5412-00 Mansfuid [E. D.) The relation between crime and education. [U. S. Com. of ed. Rep., 1872.1 6516.05 Mans/i'ld {K. D.) Relation between education and pauperism. [U. S. Com. ofed. Rep., 1872.] 6516.04 Oxford prize essays, v. 2, 1830 (Connexion betw. intellectual and moral excellence) 2541.12 Sketch of popular tumults, illus. of the evils of social ignorance. 1837 441.03 Spencer {II.) National education. [In his Social statics, 1851 ; p. 34C-352.] 6814.01 Tainscit {Edw. C.) Education a preventive of misery and crime. [In Barnard (H.) Amer. jour, of cd., v. 11, p. 77-93.] 6531.11 United States. Commi.isioner of education. Report for 1874, p. cxi- cxix. (Crime and ignorance.) 6516.00 See also Statistical society. Journal, v. 10, 1847 (luHu- ence of education, shown by facts recorded in the criminal tables for 1845-46. by G. R. Porter) ; v. 12, 1849 (Moral and ed. statistics of England and Wales, by J. Fletcher); v. 31, 1868 (Increase of material prosperity and of moral agents compared with the state of crime and pauperism, by J. H. Elliott). Consult a/so Nelson's Vital statisstics, p, 353-308 [5918.02] : and the annual reports of tho English registrar general, from 1876. National Education. ' Biirnard (H.) National education. Systems, institu- • tions, and statistics of public instruction in differ- ent countries. 4v. 1872-77 5518.03 Contents; v. 1. Europe. — German states. 2. Europe. — Switzerland. France. Belgium, Holland. Denmaik, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal. 3. Great Britain. 4. United States. 6b)ii6e ( G. ) Lectures on popular education. 1837.5513. 06 — Remarks on national education. 1847. . . 5513.07 Macbride {J. D.) Address on national education. 1.S49 5721.04 Rnners {J. E. T.) In his Cobden and political opinion, 1873 : p. 343- 382 6724.18 Normal Schools. Barnard {II.) State normal schools and city training schools. [InXS.S. Com.of ed. Report, 1868.] 6516 01 .Vie also Fortti. rev., Sept.,*1874 (Professional training of teachers, by W. Jolly) ; and consult Indexes to Barnard's Amer. jour, of ed., v. 1-24 [5531.23]. Religion and Education. See Contemp. rev. 9, 1868 (Function of church and state In uat. education, by E. H. Plumptre); v. 14, 1870 (Attitude of the church towards primary education, by J. Oakly) ; Fraser's mag., N. B., v. 1, 1870 (The religious dUficnlly) ; Now Euglauder, v. 29, 1870 (Bible and the school, by I'les- THE BROOKLYN LIBUAll Y. EDUCATION -ED WARDS 439 BPnse) I Qu. rev., v. 132. 1872 (Eaucation, secularism, and noncouformity) ; Wcstm. rav., v. 01. 1853 (Sects and secu- lar education) ; v. 99, lISTi (Keligiou as a subject of na- tional education). Blole in the public schools. See Biblical and religious lit- erature (p. 79y. Hitman cathnlic church ami education. See Cath. world. Oct.. 187a (Are our public schools free?); Sept., 1875 (Uights of the church over ed.) : Dublin rev.. Apl . 1876 (Secular ed. in England and the U. S.) ; Apl., 1876 (Catholic inter- mediate ed.) Scientific, and Industrial-Art Education. Ailciiisoii { IK. P.) Classical and scientific studies and the great schools of England. 1865. . 5518.09 Tujiniiii/ ('!'.) Technical training : a national system. 1874 3915.20 See also Fortn. rev.. Aug., 1868 (by F. Jenkin ); Int. rev.. Sept., 1875 (Indus, art ed. in the U. S.. by E. S. Drone) ; Pop. sci. mo., June, 1874 (Sci. and indust. ed.) jeS=- See also numerous entries under Arts (Useful : Sci- entijic educaiion,y. 39);^Fiae arts (Education in art, p. 542). Teaching (Theory and Practice of). Ascliam (R.) The scholemaster. Isted., 1570; [ed.] •by E. Arber. 1870 5011.10 — Same, [/ii Ais Works, V. 3. 1864.] 6012.18 — Same. [/» Ais Works, 1761.] . . " 6017.11 CaUenoood (S.) On teaching : its ends and means. 1875 5512.29 Hall (B. R. ) Teaching a science : the te%cher an artist. 1848 5513.14 Holbrook (A.) The normal: or methods of teaching the common branches. 4th ed. 1873. . 5515.27 Hope (A R.) A book about dominies. 1869. 5513.17 Paije (D. P.) Theory and practice of teaching. 1«52 5514.02 Potter (A.) (md Emersnn (G. B.) The school and the schoolmaster. 1844 5514.03 Rohinson ( R. ) Teacher's manual of method and organi- zation. 1869 5514.17 Rosenkranz (A") Pedagogics as a system. From the German, by A. C. Brackett. 1872. . . 5518.07 Sand.'i (N.) Philosophy of teaching. 1869. 5514.14 Si/fiher (J. R.) Art of teaching school. 1872. 5514.25 Wickersham (J. P.) Methods of instruction. 1865 5514.10 See also Blackwood's mag., v. 82. 1857 (Teaching and training) ; v. 98. 1885 (Educators) ; N. A. rev., v. 86, 1858 (Profession of schooliuaster). United States. United States. Commissioner of education. Report. 8v. 1868-76 5516.01 Note. — Appended to the Report are statistics of the school systems of states and lerritories. and of schooU. colleges, libraries, and educational iustilutions generally. SSS^ More or less complete sets of tije E'luoational re- ports of Connecticut, Massachusetts. New York, and other states ; and of Boston, Brooklyn. New York, and other cities, belong to the Library. &^ See also Universities, in the general alphabet ; and Ooramon-school education (p. 435). University Education and History. [See Universities and Colleges, in general alphabet.] ,8®- See also Amusements (Gymnastics and physical edwcalirtn. p. 25) ; — Arts [Useful: Method ; — Scientijic education, p. 39) ; Bhnd (p. 220) .—Conversation (p. 280) :— Criticism (p. 393) ;— Culture (p. 400) :— Deaf and dumb (p. 408) ;— Elocution (p. 442) ; Etiquette {p. 419) ; — Fine'arts (Education, p. 542) ; — Governesses (p. 5S3i ; — Knowledge (p. 6G8) ; — Language (p. 673) ; — Litera- ture (p. 7031 ;— Mathematics (p. 747) ;— Memory (p. 770) ;— Military science (Military education, p. 777) ;— Pestalozzi ;— Read- ing :— Self- culture ; — Social science ; — Women (Education of women]. Education of tho htiman race. .S'm Lossing 'G. E.) 1858. 5513.15 Education of American girls. ,^ee Brackett (.\nna C.) . 5214.28 Education of the feeUngs. See BrayJOharli-s). 1872. . . 5433. K) Educational year-book. [v. 1-2.] 1872-73. New York, 1872-73. 12^ 5511.07 Edward. See Biography (p. 141> for hvea of persons of this name. Edward vi., (king of England). Writings. London, 1831. 12° 354 (i. 15 Contents : Against the pope's supremacy. Short cate- chism. Extracts from the primer of Edward vi. Edwards (Amelia Blandford). Ballads. New York, [1865.] 16' 1G42.19 *^ For her novels see Fiction class-list. Edwards (Arthur M. ) Life beneath the waters ; or, the aquarium in America. N. Y., 1858.16°. 4825.13 Ed'wards (Bela Bates). Writings. With a memoir by E. A. Park. 2 v. B., 1853. 12=. . . 3546.09 V. 1. Metnoir. Sermons. 2. Essays, addresses, lectures : Koman catholic religion in Italy. Slavery in ancient Greece. Roman slavery in the early centuries of the Christian era. Slavery in the middle ayes. Classical studies. Female education. Poetry of Wordsworth. Reasons for the study of the Hebrew language. Ear;y Engl, versions of the Bible. Of the Pentateuch. The imprecations in the Scriptures. Hebrew poetry. Importance of a thorough theological education. Christians sTrould study the pro- founder mysteries of their faith. Collateral signs of hu- man depravity. Influence of eminent piety on the intel- lectual i>owers. Edwards (Bryan). History of the British colonies in the West Indies. 4th ed. 3 v. Loudon, 1807. 8^ 556.01 yote. — v. 3. contains a history of St. Domingo. Ed'wards (Charles). History and poetry of finger rings. N. Y., 1855. 12° 1585.06 — Pleasantries about courts and lawyers of the State of New York. New York, 18C,7. 8'. . .3254.21 — Juryman's guide throughout the state of New Y'ork. New York, 1831. 8° 56:i2.26 Ed'wards (Edward). Chapters of the biographical history of the French Academy. New York, 18C4. 8° 2744.12 — Free toira libraries, their management, and history ; in Britain, France, Germany and America. With notices of book collectors. L., 1869. 8". 2744.07 — Libraries and founders of libraries. London, 1864. 8° •. . 2744.03 — Life of Sir Walter Ealeic-h. With his 1-tters. 2 v. [London], 1868. 8° 3147.16 — Lives of the founders of the British Museum. 1570- 187(1. 2 V. London, 1870. 8° 2744.09 — llemiars of libraries ; incl. library economy. 2 v. Loudon, 1859. 8° 2744.01 Ed'wards (Frederick, jr.) On the extravagant use of fuel in cooking. London, 1869. 8°. . .3932.50 Edwards (Tiiovanni O'Kelly). History of the restoration of tho public iiictures at Venice. [In Merrifield (.t//'i-.) Original treatises, etc., v. 2.1 1422.03 Edwardes (.sic Herbert B. ) and Merivale (Herman). Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. 3d ed. New York, 1873. 8= 3098.12 Edvrards (Henri MUne). Manual of zoology. Tr. by K. Knox. London, 1856. 16° 4713.18 Edwards (H. Sutherland). History of the opera. 2 v. Loudon, 1862. 12° 1562.27 — Life of Rossini. L., 1869. 8° 3154.21 — The Polish captivitj' : account of present position' of the Poles. 2t. L., 1863. 8° 545.23 — ((raii.s/otor). Captivity of two Russian princesses in the Caucasus. Loudon, 18.';7. 8'. . . 993.06 Edw^ards (Isaac). Treatise on bills of exchange and promissory notes. 2d ed. N. Y., 1863. 8°.a^23.15 Ed^T'ards (Jonathan, the elder). Life of David Brai- nard. Boston, 1749. 12°.' 3023.12 — Works, with iudex. 4 t. N. Y., 18.5'2. 8°. 3.546.01 Cotil'mts : v. 1. Memoirs. Farewell sermon. Inquiry concerning qualifications for communion. Reply to Solo- mon Williams. History of the work of redemption. Dis- tinguishing marks of a work of the Spirit ot God. Miscel. observ. in importaiit doctrines. Life of David Brainerd. 2. Inquiry into the freedom of the will. Dissertation cone, tlie end for which God created the world. Diasert- on the natiu-e of virtue. Great christian doctrine of orig. sin defended. Concerning the divine decrees in general and elections in particular. Concerning cfiicacious grace. Observ. cone, faith. 3. Treatise concerning relig. affections. Narrative of surprising conversions. Thoughts on the revival in New England. On attempt to promote explicit agreement in extraordinary prayer. Concerning the perseverance of the saints. On the notion of the pre-existeuce of Christ's human goul. Mysteries of Scriptm-e. Observ. upon par- ticular passages of Scripture. Theol, questions. Six occa- sioual sermoi]^. 4. Forty sermons. KtJ- For biogr.and crit. notices of E., see Biography (p. 141); also Bibl. sacra. Oct., 1861 (by J. P. Thompson) ; April. 1869 (by I. N. Tarbox). In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the ACXHOB'S KAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 440 EDWARDS-ELIE DE BEAUMONT £dwards (Jonathan, Ihe younger). Works, -with me- moir by Try on Edwards. 2 v. Andover, 18 i2. 8^ b5iG.U7 ConUnts : v. 1. Mumoir. Salvation of all lueu strictly ex'd. BiBSert. couceruiug liberty aud ueceswity. Ou tbe lauguagQ ot the MuliUijkaueow ludiaua, llemarka ou tlie improvemeatd iu tliuology by his lather. Tlioughts ou tho atoueuieut. Appeudix — Fuueral sermon, by K. Smitlj, 2. 2i* sermons. Articles from the Theological mag. Edwards (K. B. ) How the Frencli make lowls pay. Loudon, 1871. 8= 6131.26 Edwards (ilatilda Bethain). A winter with the swal- lows [iu Algeria]. Loudon, 18()7. 8°. 10S3.18 eS* -For wioels by this author, see Fiction class-list. Edwards (Niniaa W.) History of Illinois, 1778-1833 ; and life of Niaian Edwards. Springfield, (IU.) 1870. 8". . . 592.23 XJdwards (Richard), and Hopewell (M.) Great West aud St. Louis. St. Louis. 18!J0. 8'". . . 1135.19 Edwards (Tryou). Tha world's laconics ; prose and poetry. New York, 185G. 12^ .... 6213.11 Edwards (Wm.) Personal adveutures during the In- dian rebellion. Loudon, 1858. 12'. . . 1011.07 Edwin of Daira. See Smith (Alei.) 1861 1685.15 Edwy aud Elgiva, aud Sir Everard. 5ce Bland (E.) 1809. 1614.35 EalkLug (Max von). Memoirs, and letters and jour- nals of Mij. Gaa. Beidesel. Tr. by W. L. Stone. 2 V. Albany, 18(53. 8' 3153.21 Egan (Charles). Antiquity and primltiye form of tlie harp. [Journal of Brit. arch, ass., v. 0.] 1161.06 Egau (Fierce). Book of sports and mirror of life. London, 1875. 8' 4tJ13.27 — *Boxiaua. 3 v. London, 1830. 8°. . .4613.20 Same. New series. 2 v. London, 1829. 8°. 4613.23 — Sporting anecdotes. Loudon, 1825. 8*^. . 4617.05 — Tom aud Jerry. Life in London. London, 1869. 12' 6216.36 fl®- .%« also Fiction class-list. Egbert, (.a'jp. of York. A.D. 732-66). Pontifical. Dur- ham, 185.J. 8'. [Surteeasoc, V. 27.] . . 5116.31 Egsde (Haus). Description of Greenland. With a life of the author. London. 1818. 8°. . 1143.05 Egeria. Ste Dockray (B.) 1857 2623.01 Egartou (Francis F. L. G. 1st earl of EUesniere). Essays. London, 1858. 8' 2528.08 Contents : Manners and usages of Japan. Recollections of Japan. Life aud letters of Wallenstein. Art and artists in Ea^tand. Life of Blucher. Hudson's Bay company. Aqueducts and canals. Painting in the Hth cent. Mar- mout, Siboruo. and Alison. Ross's voyage to the Antarctic regions. Borneo and Celebes. Skerryvore light-house, Russian and CJermau campaigns. Diary of General Gordon. Travels among the Laps. — Guide to Northern ai'chsaology. L., 18^g. 8". 543.09 Egertoa (Wm.) Faithful memoks of Mrs. Anne Old- field. London, 1731. H" 3135.19 Egertoa papers, illus. of the times of Elizabeth and James I. Ed. by J. P. CoUier. London, Octnuha soc, 1810. 4' 5112,12 Eggleston (Edward), Christ in art : story of the evange- lists. WithdesigusofBida, N.Y., 1875.1°. 1436.33. XHS* For hia novels, see Fiction class-hst. Egglestou (George Gary). How to educate yourself. New York, 1872, 12' 551'2,24 — Haw*o m;ik6 a Uviug. N, Y,, 1875, 12°. . 5922.30 — A rebel's recollections. New York, 1875, 1'2°. 631,16 Eglesfield (Francis). Monarchy revived ; personal hist, of Charles n. to his restoration to the throne. London, 1822, 8' 3034.25 Eglestou (George W. ) Search after truth ; addressed to youug man. New York, 18G9, 12°. 3546.13 Egleston (T.) Catalogue of minerals, with their formulas, etc. |Sm. miacal. Coll., v. 7, 1863,] 3935.17 Eghwaati. .See Ibn-ed-Din el Eghwaati. Egloffstein (F. W., bacon von i. Geology and physical geogr. of Mexico. New York, 1864. 8'. 1155.01 Egotism. Da'trimi {J.) Egoists, [{n her Gentlefolks, etc. 1876.] 2524.17 — HitzlM ( Wm.) [In, his Table-talk, v. 1, 1!<57 : pt, 1, p, 161-76.] — Rand {W. B.) [' Matthew Browne.'] [7/t /tis Views and opin- ions, 1866 ; p, 122-35,) 2514.18 See also CoruUiU mag,, Feb., 1876 (Self-esteem and self- estimation), ^ Ejypt, See Countries, (Egypt, p. 308.) Egypt to Sinai .See G-aussen IS. R. L.) 1869 3564.22 Egyptian sepulchres. See Smythe (Emily A.) . . . .1091.25 UUert (Louis). Letters on music. Tr. by F. K. Hit- ter. Boston, 1870. 16° 1562,01 Ehrcnmalm (Arwid). *Travela into western Nordland aud Lap. laud, 1741. [/ft Pinkerton. Voyages, v, 1.] . , . 920.01 Eighteen Christian centuries. ■ */c White (James). 1S58. Ui.lS Eighteenth century (llislory ot the). See Schlosser (F. C.) 446.19 4fcir Ou the ISth century, see aUu ^listory. Eighth commandniBut. See Eeade (Charles) 2712.36 Eighty years of repubhcau gov. iu the U. S. See Jennings iL. J,i „ , "68 6726.18 Eighty years' progress of the United States. By emi- nent literary men. 2 v. N. Y,, 1861. 8°. 5917.18 Note.— For Contents see p. 375 of this catalogno. Eikon basilike : the portraicture of his sacred majestie [Charles I.] Loudon, 1824. 8°. . . . 3034. '20 Note.— Itia still an nneettled question whether the above was written by i>r, Gandeu or by Charles i. — Mackintosh {.Sir J } Eefutatiou of tlie claim on behalf of Chaileti I. to the authorshii>. [In his Misccl. works.] 2536.27 Eitel (Ernst J.) Fetig sliui : or natmal science in China. L„ 1873, 8° 1025,23 El. /es=- Arabic names go imder the word which follows El. Elam (Charles) . On cerebria and other diseases of the brain. London, 1872. 8° 4332.29 — A physician's problems. L,, 1869. 12°. .4333.12 Contents : Katural heritage. On degeneration in man. On moral aud criminal cijidemics. Body U5. mmd, • niu- eions and halluciuatiuus. uu sumnambuUsm. lieverie and abstraction, — Winds of doctrine. N.Y.,1877. 12°. . .4332.30 Elcbo (Francis Wemyss Charteirs, lord). Letters on military organization. L., 1871. 12°. . 4516.09 Elder (William). Biogiaphy of Elisha Kent Kane. Phila,, 1858. 8° 3095.04 — The enchanted beauty, and other tales, essays, aud sketches. New York, 1855. 12°. . . . 2524.01 — Questions of the day : economic and social. PhUa., 1871. 8° 5927.24 Elderhorst (W., Jf.D.) Manual of blow-pipe analysis and deteiminative mineralogy. 3d ed. Philad., [1873.] 12° 4213.21 Eldorado. — Bulfinck (T.) Oregon and Eldorado. 1S66. 1123.04 — Simon (P.) Expedition of Pedro de Ursua aud Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado, etc., 1560-1561. [Haklujrt society, 1861.] 567.13 Election : telegraphic epic. Sue Richards (W. C.) 1858. . 1682.19 Election aud electioneering. See Government and pohtics. (Bal- lot ; — Elections ; — Representation.) Election (Doctrine ol^. See Bibhcal and rehg. ht. (Calvinism, p 80.) Elections ( r,aw of). See Law. (Elections.) Electrical philosopher. .See Lovett (B.) 1774 4024.14 Electric telegraph. See Arts (Useful : Telegraph, p. 47). Electricity. See Physics ; — Meteorology ;— Medicine. (Medical electricilii). .(4/si) Animal magnetism (p. 28). Electro-metaliurgy . See Arts (Useful, p. 41). Electro-statics. See Physics. Eleusinian and other pagan mysteries. — Oiriiiie. (J. ) Observations occasioned by OuvarofTs essay. 1817 3817.11 — Faier {G. S.) Origin of pagan idolatry, v. 3, 1816 ; p, 99- 19U,) 3818,10 • — Howard (R.) Kevelations of Egyi^tian mysteries, aud allegories of Greek poets eU-arly intei'i>reted. 1850 4322.23 — Inman ( T. ) Ancient faiths embodied in ancient names. 2 v. 1868-69 3551.21 — Ouvaroff (6'., comie). Essay on the mysteries of Eleusis. 1817 3817.11 — Sainie-Crolx (0. K J. 0. de C. L., haron de). Kecher- ches historiques et critiques sur les mystferes du paganisme. 2e t;d,, par Sylvestre de Sacy, 2 v. 1817 3817.15 — Taylor (T.) Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic mysteries. 1791 3817.10 Same. 2d ed. 1816. [/n Pamphleteer, v. 8.] . .5058.08 — Yarla;r (J., jr. ) Notes on the scientific and religious mysteries of antiquity ; the Gnosis and secret schools of the middle ages ; modern Kosicrucian- ism ; and masoury 5837.32 See also mag., v, 73. 1853 (Eleusinian mysteries). US' See also Mythology ;— Oracles ;— Mysteries. Elephant. See Natural history, {Elephant.) ElKin (James Bruce, earl of). See Oliphant (L.) Earl of Elgin s mission to China, etc. [1025.03] ; reviewed iu iilackwood's mag., v. 87, 1860 ; Ed. rev., v. Ill, 1860 : Eraser's mag., v. 47. 1853. See also N, Brit, rev., v. 40, 1864 (In memoriam), Elgin marbles. See Fine arts, (Elgin and other marOles.) Eha, psewl. Sle Lamb (Charles), Elie de Beaumont (J. B. A. L. L ) See Beaumont Lcouce Ehe de) BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY, ELIJAH-ELLIS 441 Elijah the prophet, a poem. See Moon (G. W.) 1H67. .1605.26 Elijah, (the propliet). Lowvie (J. M.) Tbo tniuslated prophet. 18i;8 SoGCJO — T'lijhtr (]]'. M.) Elijah the prophet. 1876. a611.:i3 Eliot. See also Elliot ;— Eliiott XiUot (Oharles Wm.) uiui Storer (F. H.) A manual of inorgiUiic chemistry. 2d ed. N.y.,18(;8. X2''. 4210.14 Eliot {Greorge), pseud. See Lewes (Mrs. M;iriaii Kvaua). XUiot (Samuel). Liberty ot Home : a history [of the repubUo]. With au hist, accouut of the liberty of ancient nations. '2 v. New York, 184'J. 8°. i'i6. 05 The same. [Title altered.] History of liberty. Part 2. The early christians. 2 v. Boston, 1853. 8" 3423.03 — Civil service reform. [In Amer. boc. sci. assoc. Traus., no. 1. 1S69.] 5811.01 — Belief of labor. [In Amer. soc. science asaoc. Traus, no. 4. 1»72.J 6811.02 Eliot (Samuel Atkius). History of Harvard College, and of its present state. Boston, 1853. 8^ 5515.02 Eliot (Wm. G. ) The discipline of sorrow. 5th ed. Boston, 18(38. 16^ 354(i.l8 — Discourses on the unity of God. B., 1854. 12''. 3540.17 — Lectures to young ladies. St. Louis, 1853. 24°. 3511.12a — Lectures to young women, bth ed. Boston, ISilT. 12° 3511.12 Rlisaeus (bp. of the Amftdwiians). History of Var- tau, and of the relig. wars between the Persians and Armenians. Tr. by C. F. Neumann. London, Orient tr.fand, 1830. 4° 1050.08 Elizabeth. See Biography (p. 142). for lives of persons of this name. Elizabeth (Charlotte), pseud. S-e Tonna {.!/' J. C. E.) El Khuds. tliB Holi Sue Turner (W. M.) 1861. . . . 1055.08 EUa (John I. ilasical sketches. L., 18(J'J. 12°. 1501.19 EUacomba (Henry Thomas). Practical remarks upon belfries and ringers. 3d ed. L., 1871. 8". 1451.00 EUenborough (BiW nf). See. Law (EdwarJI. Ellesmere (ICu-l of). See Egerton (F. L. (i.) Ellet (Charles, Jr. ) Essay on trade, in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United State.s. Richmond, 1839. 8° 5932.23 — Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Phil., 1853. 8'. 3935.01 — Physical geography of the Miss, valley. [Smith, coutrib., V. 2, 1851.) 39^7.02 EUet {Mrs. Elizabeth Fries). Characters of Schiller. B., 1839. 12° I(i85.02 — Court circles of the republic, from Washington to Hartford, 1809. 8^ 3245.13 — Domestic history of the American revolution. New ■Xork, 1851. 12° 582.04 — Nouvellettes of the musicians. New York, 1851. 12°. . . '. 1561.23 — Pioneer women of the west. N. Y.. 1852. 12°. 5822.02 — Queens of American society. N. Y. , 1807. 8°. 3245.07 — Summer rambles in the West. N. Y., 1853. 12°. 1123. 10 — Women artists in all ages. N. Y., 1859. 12°. 1414.24 — Women of Amer. rev. 3 v. N. Y., 1853. 12°. 5822.04 Ellicott (Charles James, hp). Considerations on the revision of the English New Testament. N. Y., 1873. 8° 37JG.22 — Apocryphal gospels. [In Cambridge essays, 1856.] . 2517.14 — Hist, lectures on the life of Christ. Hiilsean lectures, 18.59. Bo.ston, 1883. 12° 3422.07 Elliot and BUiott. See also Eliot, ft^ lu alphabdizing these names the 2d t in Elliott is not regarded. Elliott (1.3harle3 Boileau). Letters from the north of Europe. [1830). [/(I Waldie library, V. 2.) 6078.16 Elliott (Charles Wyllys). Mysteries ; or glimpses of the supernatural. N. Y., 1852. 12°. . .3813.40 — New England hist., to 1776. 2 v. N.Y., 1857.8°. 595.08 Elliot (Ebenezer, '(/«e corn-iato r/i(/»ier '). Poems. 3 v. Loudon, 1833-35. 16° 1641.07 — More verse and prose. 2 v. L., 1850. 12°. . 1641.10 .) The knowledge of divine things, from revelation, not from nature. Loudon, 1811. 8°. 3546.19 Tilljg (.John, M.D. ) Avoidable causes of disease, insan- ity and deformity. New York, 18G0. 12°. 43'21.U7 Ellis (John B., M.D.) Sights and secrets of the natiomd capital: Washington city. N.Y., 1869.8°. 1115.10 Ellis (Kobert). Asiatic affinities of the old Italians. London, 1870. 12= 6412.23 Ellis (Eobei-t Leslie, ed.) S^e Bacon (F.) Works. 1861 ed. [5014.03] ; aud foi' biogr. sketch of him by Grote, see Contemp. rev., V. 20, 1872. TillJg (Mi:f the existing establishment for prom, the fine arts, etc. Iln Pamphleteer, v. 3, 1814 ; p 320-343.] 6058.03 — SirC. Wren, and his times. L., 1852. 8'. 3187.11 Elmham (Thomas del. Hist, monasteiii S. Augustiui Cantuarieusis. Ed. by C. Hardwick. London, 1858. 8°. [Rolls chronicles.] .... 5140. — Liber metricus de Henrico v. [In Memorials of Henry v. [Rolls clu'ouiclcs, 1858.] 6U0. ELOCUTION, ELOQUENCE, ORATORY, SPEECHES. Elocution. Bacon (A.'M.) Manual of gesture. 1873. . . 6333.09 Jiaulain (L. E. M.) Art of extempore speaking. 6332.03 Btonsoa (C. P.) Elocution ; reading and speaking. Illustrated. 43d ed 6332.07 Cbx (K W. ) Arts of writing, reading, and speaking. 1868 6332.09 Fivbisher (J. E.) Culture of voice and action, with readings. 1868 6332.13 Graham (F. T.) Reasonable elocution. 1875. .6332.22 i/oitos (J. W. S.) Practical elocutionist, aud academical reader and speaker. 1849 6332.15 Hullah {J.) Maniigement of the speaking voice. [In Coutemp. rev., V. 10-11, 1800.] Hani (J_) Philosophy of voice and speech. 1859. 6333.25 Mcllvaine (J. B. ) Elocution ; sources and elements. 1870 6332.17 Neioman {F. W.) Elocution in education. [/« Aw Miscellanies, 1809.] 2538.10 Putnam ( W. ) Science and art of elocution and oratory. 1863 6332.18 Parker (R. 0.) Progressive exercises in rhetorical reading. 1841 6333.20 Potter (II. L. D. ) Manual of reading and elocution. 1871 6332.19 Rush (J.) Philosophy of the human voice ; with a system of elocution. 5th ed. 1859. . . 6333.24 Seiler (E.) The voice in speaking. From the German, by W. H. Furness. 1875 6333.28 Sheridan (T.) Lectures on elocution. 1798. . 6333.07 Siddons (H. ) Practical illustrations of rhetorical gest- ure and action. 1807 6333.08 Vandmhoff (Q.) A plain system of elocution. 6333.11 Readers and Speakers. Edgarton (W. P.) New York speaker. With introd. remarks upon declamation. 18G0. . . . 6332.11 Hartley ( V. ) The English elocutionist. [Chiefly verse. ] 1872 6331.03 Kirkland (Mrs. C. M.) Patriotic eloquence. [1764- 1865.] 6311.06 Knowles (J. S.) The elocutionist : pieces in prose and verse. With introd. ; Walker's system simplified. 24th ed., revised. 1866 6332.16 Lyman (A.) American reader. 1812. . . . 6331.01 Norlliend(C.) The young declaimer : poetry, prose, and dialogue. 1872 6331.02 Parker (li. U.\ and Walson (J. M.) National fourth reader. 1865 6333.17 — National fifth reader. 1864. 6333.18 Patriotic and heroic [Amer.] eloquence. New York, 1861. 12° ~ . . 6311.07 Raymond (R. R.) The patriotic speaker. 1864. 6332.21 Reeves (P.) The student's own speaker. 1871. 6333.02 Sarrjmt (E.) Standard speaker. 1859. . . .6333.04 Scott ( W.) Lessons in elocution ; pieces in prose and verse. 1802 6331.19 Wilson (F. B.) Book of recitation and dialogues. With instractions in elocution aud declamation. 1868 6333.13 Readitigs. Baker (0. M) Reading club and handy speaker. 4 v. 187576 6331.29 Beecher [A. C.) Recitation and readings. Humorous, serious, di'amatic. (1874.) 6331.20 Carpenter (J. E. ) Popular readings iu Prose and verse. 5v. 1868 6331.21 — Sunday readings in prose and verse. 1867. 3531.02 Hood (T.) Comic readings iu prose and verse. 6331.07 Hunt (L. ) Book for a corner. 1857. . . . 2533.03 Knox(V.) Elegant extracts. 6v 5046.17 Larkin (M.) Rival collection of prose and poetry. 1872 6331.16 McBride (II. E.) All kinds of dialogues. Humorous,. etc. [1874.] 6331.09 Martin (B. A'.) Choice specimens of Amer. literature. 1871 6331.18 Monroe (i. 5.) Public and parlor readings. 1872. 6331.10 il/oxon's Standard penny reirdings. 3 v. 1869. 6331.12 Spencer (A. J. ) Book of comic speeches and humorous recitations. 1867 6331.11 Towiisend (0. II.) Every-day book of modern literatirre. Short readings. 1870 6331.15 Vasey (6.) The charms ot elocution : r>-adings and recitations, illustrative of the human aflfections aud sympathies. 1868 6331.17 Eloquence and Oratory. Adams (J. Q.) Lectmres on. 2 v. 1810. . .6334.00 Bai/ley (A.) The alliance of musick, poeti-v, and ora- tory. 1789 1613.32 CarlyleiT.) The stump orator, [/n Latter-day pamphlets.] 2515.10 ChanniiKi [E. T.) Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. 18,i6. 6334.08 Qcero (M. T.) De oratore. Tr. by Guthrie. . 6321.01 — On oratory and orators. With notes. 2 v. London, 1808 6315.06 Same. On oratory aud orators, with his letters to Quintus and Brutus. Ed. by J. S. Watson. 1S55. [B. C. L.] 6314.15 BJtO^KLYN U£BOANXIL£ LIBBABV. ELOCUTION- EMERSON ^ 443 — Dialogue concerning oratory. To Fabiue. [In Melmoth (Siv W.) Letters, rlc. y. a70-452.1 2335.20 — Treatise on rUi'toiic-al mveution. The orator. Topics. Ou rlretorical partitions, etc. f/n his Orations, v. 4. Bohn's ed.] 6314.11 — Three dialiigues upon the orator. 1808. . . Dircks(II.) Nature study ami eloquence. 1809. 4715.19 Emerson IR. W.) Eloquence, lln Ins Letters ami social aims. 1876.] 2524.19 — Eloquence. [In his Society and solitude, p. 53-91. 1870.] 262-1.U3 Feniion (F. de U. de la M.) Dialogues on eloquence. 1808 6334.16 JM i,R. C.) Attic orators from Antii^hon to Jsxoa. 2 V. 187G 6325.12 Jones (R.) Oratory : a lecture. 1841. . . .5721.04 A'unx (J.) Elegant extracts, v. 2. Orations, etc 604li.l8 Maait/ (J. S.) Prinoiples ot eloquence. 1848. 6331.19 Perci/ anecdotes, V. 2. 1823 6211.02 Priestley (J.) Lec-tures ou oratory, (/n /lis Works. T. 23.] 3591.25 QaintUian. Institutes ot oratory. Tr. by J. S. Watson. 2v. ISoO 6334.23 Rapin (fl.) Reflections on eloquence. [In his Works, v. 2.] 5064.12 ttoUin ic.) Of the eloquence of the bar, the pulpit, the writings, [in /us Belles lettres, v. 2, 1787.] . . .2541.35 Ru.'iselliW.) Pulpit elocution. 1859. . . .6332.04 Sherlock (O.) Peculiarities of popular oratory. [In Afternoon lectures, v. 6, 18i;7-C.8.] 2612.34 Witherspooii (J.,) Lectures on eloquence. 1810. 5430.16 See nlso Atlantic monthly, v. 2, 1858 (liloqueuco by It. W. Emersou) ; Bla<;kwoo(r8 maj;., v. 105. 1869 (Pulpit ot the olden time) : Quar. rev., v. 103, 1858. or Littell. 1858, v. 2 (Public speaking) ; Nat. quar. rev,, v. 6, 1863 (Orators and eloquence). Oratorical Biography. Harsha (P. A.) The most eminent orators and states, menof ancient and moilern times. [1874.] 3257.19 Contents : Demosthenes. Cicero. Chatham. Burke. Grattan, Fox. Erskine. John Philpot Ciirrau. Sheridan. Pitt. Canning. Brougham. Patrick Henry. Fisher Ames. Henry Clay. Calhoun. Webster. Edward Everett Windsor {A. L.) Ancient and modern orators. [In his Etliica. p. 322-404. I860.] 2547.01 jdS" .See also (in Biography, p. 126 216) Uvea of orators enumerated (below) uuder Speeches. France. Orators of Franco. [1789-1830.]r,3n.09 Contents: Mirabeau. Danton. Napoleon. DeSerre. Gen. Foy. Beirj. Constant. Royer-GoUard. Manuel. Gamier- Pages. Sau2et. Lafayette. OdiUon-Barrot. Dupin. Berryer. Lamartine. Guizot. Thiers. O'Counell. Ireland. Croly {Rev. 0.) Eloquence of Ireland. [In his Hist, sketches, etc. 1842.] 2521.22 Irish oratory ; with its effects on the measure of catholic eman- cii)ation considered, [anon.] London, 1817. 8^. [In Pamphleteer, Y. lu.] 0068.10 United States. ' MagooniRL.) Oratorsof the Amer. rpv. 1848. 6311.12 Contents: James Otis. Samuel Adams. Josiah Quiucey. Hancock. Joseph Warren. John Adams. Patrick Henry. Richard Henry Lee. Alex. Hamilton. Fisher Ames. Wm. Piukuey. Wm, Wirt. T. A. Emmet. John Uaudolph. Parker (R G.) Goldenageof Amer. oratory.1857.0311.08 Atnes. Piuckney. Choate. Everett. Ctiapiu. Beecher. Phillips. Clay. Webster. Speeches. (CoUedions.) Chapman (N.) Select [British] speeches, forensick and parliamentary. [1757-1805.] 5 v. . . . 6311.01 Ooodricli (V. A.) Select British eloquence, 1628-1831 ; with lives, etc 6311.01 Moore ( F. ) American eloquence : speeches , etc. , with biogr. sketches and notes. 2 v. 1858. . 6325.03 Oralores Attici. Grsece, cum trausl. reficta a C. Miil- ler. 2 V. Didul, 1847-58 7766.02 Perfect gentleman : model speeches for all occa- sions 5127.03 Sjjeec/ie.s' of British statesmen. [1816-54.] 2 v. London, 1855-57. 16^ 6321.22 Note. — Lettered on back ' British eloquence. Political.* fi®*For Greek and Koman oratory, see, in the general al- phabet, the writings of Cicero (M. T.) :— Demosthenes ; — [socrates ;— Lysias ;— Jebb (B. 0.) Attic orators from Auti- phon to ISBBOs. 2 V. [6325.12]. jgt^ For speeches of ^mt'rican orators, see, in the gen- eral alphabet, Ames (Fisher) : — Calhoun (John C.) ; — Ohoate (Eufus) ;— Clay (Henry) ;— Ooddington (D. S.) ;— Cox (S. S.) ;— Davis (11. Winter) ;— Dickinson (Dan. S. ;— Dix (John) ;— Everett (Edward) ;— Henry (Patrick) ;— Ju- lian (li. W.) ; — Phillips (Wendell) : — Rantord (B., jr.) ;— Schurz (Carl) ; — Seward (Wm. H.) : — Smith (Gerritt) : — Sumner (Charles) ;— Webster (Daniel) ;— Winthrop (R. C ) ; —Wirt (Wm.) *5^ For speeches of English orators and public men. see, in the general alphabet. Bright (John) ; — Brougham (Henry, lord) ;— Burke (Edmuud) ;— Canning (George) ;— DisraeU (B ) ; — Erskine (Thos., lord) ; — Fox (Ch. J.) ;— Gladstone (Wm. E) ;— Horsley (S.) ;— Haskisson (Wm.) ; —King (Peter, lord) ;— Macaulay (T. B.) ;— Peel (Sir Rob- ert) ;— Pitt (Wm., lord Chatham) ;— Pitt (Wm.. the younger) ; —Russell (John., carl) :— Shaftesbury (A. A.. 7th earl of);— Wellington (Dake of) ;— Windham (Wm.) ifc^ For speeches i)y Irish orators and public men, see Burke (Edmund) ;— Curran (J. P.) ;— Grattan (Henry) ,— Meagher (T. F.) ;— O'Oonnell (D.) ;— Phillips (0.) ;— Shell (U. L.) ;— Sheridan (R. B.) «®* See also Mirabeau (H. G. de H.) Speeches [6323.11] ; —Kossuth (L.) Speeches in N. E. (3096.11J. tS" For works on Extemporaneous preaching and pulpit eloquence see Biblical and relig. lit, (p. 97). Elphinstone (Mouutstuart) . History of India. Hindu and Mahometan periods. [To 1761.] 3d ed. London, 1849. 8^ 1035.25 #5" For biogr. notices of E.. see Biography (p. 143). El-Shidiac (Faiis). Practical grammar of the Arabic language. [Tr.] by H. G. WilUams. 2d ed. • London, 1866. 16° 0421.01 Elsing (H.) Notes of the debates in the House of Lords, 1621 ; ed. by S. R. Gardiner. Loudon. aimden soc, la"!). 4^ 5114.07 XUton (Charles Abraham). Specimeus of tho classic poets, transl. into Engl, verse. 3 v. Londou, 1814. 8° 1643.01 Elton (J. F.) With the French in Mexico. Pbila. 1867. 8°. 1152.06 Elton (Romeo, K.D.) Life of Roger Williams. Londou, [ii. d] 10° 3185.22 Elwood (J/cs. A. K. ) Memoirs of literary ladies of England, from 1700. 2 v. L., 1843. 12'. 3253.22 Elwood (J. L. ) Grain tables calculated in federal money. Phila., 1852. 8° 4015.10 Elwyn (Alfred L. ) Glossary of supposed Americanisms. Phil., 1859. 12° 6423.23 Ely (Alfred). Journal while a prisoner in Richmond ; ed. by C. Lanman. N. Y., 18G2. 12°. . 612.13 Ely{A. W.) Cotton and cotton manufacturing. [In He "BowJ^. D. B.) Indus, resources, etc., v. 1, p. 198-211. 1852.] 592Sff5 Elze (Karl). Essays on Shakespeare. Tr. by L. D. Schmitz. Londou, 1874. 8° 1753.24 — Lord Byron : biography. Xondon, 1872. 8°. 3027.30 Elzevirs. See Printing.' Emancipation. *S'ee Slavery. Emancipation of faith. See Schedel (H. E.) 3592.13 Emanuel (Harry). Diamonds and precious stones. 2d ed. L., 1867. 12° 1585.07 Enabalming. Greenhill {T.) Art of. 1770. .6218.14 Embankments. See Arts (Useful : Engineering, p. 41). Embassies and foreign courts : hist, of diplomacy. By " the roving Englishman. " L., 1856. 8°. 5623.10 Emblems. See Fine arts. {Emblems.) Emblems, divine and moral. See Quarles (P.) 1845. , . 1677.32 Same, 1861 *. 1677.33 Embroiderers' book of designs. See Delamotte (F.) . . 1437.01 Embryology. — Agassiz (L.) Twelve lectures on comparative em- 'bi^ology, before the Lowell Institute.1849.4717.11 — Foster (M.)and Balfour {F. M.) Elements, etc. [The Hen's egg.] 1874 4732.20 — Packard {A. S., jr.) Life histories of animals, in- cludiug man. 1876 4737. 10 j^3" See also Bioloffv (p. 216) ;— Medicine {Physiology ; — Analomij) ; — Natural histnry. Emergencies aud how to treat them. See Howe (J. W.) 4357.10 Einerline (G. D.) See EmiUane (Gabriel d'). Emerson (Frederick). North American arithmetic. 3d part. N. Y., [n. r/.] 12° 4011.11 Same. Key. New York, [1838.] 12°. 4011.11 Emerson (George Barrell). Trees and shrubs of Massachusetts. B., 1846. 8° 6135.09 — Houses iu the country for working-men. [In Amer. eoc aci. assoc. Trans., no. 3, 1871.] *. . . . 6811.02 — and Potter (A.) School, and schoolmaster. N. Y., 1844. 12° 5514.03 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, tho first part of the TITLE, aud the NUMBER 444 EMERSON -ENCYCLOPEDIAS Emerson (George Rose). London : how the great city grew. L., ltii;-2. 16° 491. IH Emerson (Gouverueur). Amer. farmer's encyclopsedia. New York, 1860. 8° lil-J6.03 Emerson (N. S.) A thanksgiving story : "Betsy and I are out " and other poems. New York, 1873. 12= lG4].i3 Emerson (Ralph Waldo). Conduct of life. Boston. 1860. 12° 2.521.02 Contents : Fate. Power. Wealth. Culture. Behavior. Worship. Coueiderations by the way. Beauty. Illuaious. Reviewed iu New Euylauder, v. 19, lb61. — traits. Boston, 1857. 12°. . . . 951.16 "Reviewed by Parke Godwin, iu his Out of the past, 13TU. [2520. 18J ; New Euglander, v. 11. 1856. — Essays. 1-2 series. 2 v. Boston, 1852. 12°. 2521.06 Contents : 1. History. Self-reliance. Compen.'iatiou. Spiritual lawa. Love. Friendship. Prudence. Heroism. The over-soul. Circles. lutellect. Art. 2. The uoet. Experience. Character. Manners. Gifts, Nature. Politics. Nominalist and realist. New England retonuers. Same. 1st series. Boston, 1873. 16°. .2524,05 — Introduction. See Plutarch. Morals, v. 1, 1870. . . 6-135.'26 — Letters and social aims. B., 1876. 12°. .2524.19 Contents : Poetry and imagination. Social aims. Elo- quence. Resources. Tlie coiuic. Quotation and originality. Progress of culture. Persian poetry. Inspiration. Great* nesa. Immortality. — May-d,iy and other pieces. B., 1867. 12°. . 1643.05 — Miscellanies ; embracing nature, etc. Boston, 1858. _s.l2° 2524.10 " ' Note. — For contents see ' Prose works,' below. — Parnassus. Boston, 1875. 8° 1641.24 — Poems. 7th ed. Boston, 18.58. 8°. . . .1613.04 — Prose works. New ed. 2 v. B. , 1873. 12°. 2524.07 Contents : v. 1. Miscet'anies : Nature. The American scholar. Address to the senior class iu Divinity college, Cambridge. 1HJ8. Method of nature. Literary ethics. Man the reformer. Lecture on the times. 'Ihe conservative. The trauscendentalist. The young American. — Essays. 2. English traits. — Conduct iiflife. Representative men. — RepresenUitive men. Boston, 1852. 12°. . 2524.09 Contents :' Uses of great men. Plato, or the philosopher. Plato, new readings. Swedeuborg. or the mystic. Mon- taigne, or the sceptic. Shakespeare, or the poet. Napoleon, or the man of the world. Goethe, or the writer. Reviewed in Eclectic mag., v, 26, lHrv2. — Society and solitude. B., 1870. 12°. . .2524.03 Contents : Society and solitude. Civilization. Art. Elo- quence. Domestic life. Farming. Works and days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old age. Reviewed bv M.D. Conway. Fraser's map., N.s., v. 2. 1870. — Friswell (J. H.) Mod. men of letters. 1870 2525.18 — Frotliingltam {O.B.) Transcendentalism in Now England, p. 218 49. 1870 3553.29 — OitJWan {(J.) Gal. of lit. portraits, v. 2, 1860 ; v. 3. 1855. 2626 12 — Homes of Amer. authors. 1857 3245.11 — . Lowell [J. H.) Emerson as a lecturer. [In My study windows, p. 375-385. 1871.J 2534.18 ^g" For other notices, see Biography (p. 143). See also Fraser's mag., v. 70, 1864, or Littell. 1864, v. 3 ; V. 75, 1867, or Litlell, 1H67, v. 2; v. 78, 1868 : North Brit. rev., V. 47, 1807 ; Meth. fju. rev., July. 1874 (by Q. Prentice). Emigration. See Immigration and Emigration. Emiliaue (Gabriel d'). Frauds of Komish monks and priests, [rtnon. ] 3d ed. L., 1691. 16°. .3424.23 Same. Frauds of papal ecclesiastics. New York, 1835. 8° 3547-03 Note. — Title page gives aiithor as ' G. D. Emerline.' . — Obsferv. on a journey to Naples ; frauds of Romish monks and priests farther discovered, London, 1691. 16° 3424.22 Eminent women of the age. See Parton (J.) 1863. . , 3265.01 Emmanuel. AV« aiso Emanuel. Emmanuel, or the iucaruation. See SaWler (M. F.) 1867. 3587.24 Emmiughaus (A. ) Poor relief in Europe. Tr. by E. S. Eastwick. L., 1873. 12° 5825.09 Emmons (Ebenezer). Agriculture of New York, v. 1-4 and plates. 5 v. Albany, 1846-54, 4°. 4718.13 — Geology of New York. 2d district. Albany, 1842. 4°; 4718.10 Emmons (George F. ) Navy of the United States, 1775-1853. With a lisst of private armed vessels ; of the revenue and coast survey vessels ; and princi- pal ocean steamers, in 1S5(1. Wash., 1,S(1.3.4°. 588.14 Emmons ( Wm. ) Battle of Bunker Hill ; histiric poem. Boston, 18.'".n. 12° 1643.06 Emory (John, D.D.) Defence of " onrfather«," and of the orig. organization of the Meth. Epis. church. New York, 1838. 8° 3546.25 Emory (W. Helmsley). Notes of a military reconnois- sanee, from Fort Leavenworth. CaUfornia. Wash- ington, 1818. 8" 1134.02 — Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey. 2 v. in 3. Wash., 1857. 4°. . . 1127.17 Emotions. See Philosophy ; — Moral science ; — Expression. Emotions and the will. See Bain (A.) 5421.10 Emperor's vigil, poem. See Jones (Ernest). 1856. . . 1602.11 Empire and the church. See Gray {.Mrs. H.) 3414.01 Empty crib. See Cuyler (Theodore L.) 1869 35;i7 17 Emulation. Oxford prize essays, v. 5, 1836 2641.16 Euault (Louis). Alba. 3eed. Paris, 1863, 12°. 704.'t.23 — Pele-mile. Nouvelles. P., 18G2. 12°. . . 7021.01 — Pupille (La) de la le'gion d'honneur. 2e ed. 2 v. Paris, 1869. 12° 7043.24 — Roman (Le) d'une veuve. 2eed. P.,1870.1'2°. 7043.26 — Stella. 2e ed. Paris, 1870. 12° 7043.27 — Vierge (La) du Liban. 2e ed. P., 1860. 12°. 7043.28 Encaustic painting. See Fine arts. {Fresco painting.) Enamel IKa;/ (.4.) [/n ArchEeol jour., v. 2.] 1462.16 Enchanted beauty. See Elder (Wm.) 1855 25'24.01 Enchiridion. .See Quarles (F.) 1866 6214.06 Eiicyclopediana. Bomhuuiih {C. C.) Gleanings [for the curious] fi'om the harvest-fields of literature. 1870 6611.32 Encyclopaedias. — Aineriaiin cyclop8sdia. Ed. by G. Ripley and G. A. Dana. 15 v. H. Y., D. Appleton(& Co. 1873-76. 8° Note. — A topical Index to this work, which is a revised ed. of the New American cyclopadia {see below), will be issued in 1877. — Applelon'.i annual cyclopaedia. 1861-72. 15 v. N. Y., 1862-76. 8° Same. General index to v. 1-15, 1861-75. N. Y., 1877. 8° — BacJidd ( 77i. ) and Dezohry (Ch.) Dictionnaire gene- ral des lettros, des beaux-aiis et des sciences morales et politiques, 2 v. P., 1862. 8°. — Beetim'-s science, art and literature : a dictionary. 2 V. [ii.(l.-\ 8° 3916.i4 — Bouillel {N.) Dictionnaire universel des sciences, des lettres et des arts. 9e ed. P., 1870. 8°. — Brande ( IF. T. ) and Cox ( Q. W. ), Dictionary of science, lit., and art. New ed. 3 v. London, 1865-67. 8" — C/KMiiter.s's encyclopsBdia. 10 v. Phil., 1860-68. 8°. Same. Atlas. Phil, 1868. 8°. . . . 915.19 — Chambers's Information for the people. 2 v. Boston, 1853. 8° 5025.01 — iii'ocfc/irtKs'Conversations-lexikon. 12eauflage. v.1-5. Leipzig, 1S75-76. 8"' Note. — Will make, when completed, 15 volumes. — Deutsf^h-itmerilcfinisches conversations-lexicon. Bear- beitet von A. T. Schem, 11 v. N. Y., 1869-74. 8°. — Encydoptedhi Americana. Ed. by F. Lieber. 13 v. Boston, 1853. 8° Same. Supplementary. Vol. 14. Ed. by H. Vethake. Boston, 1853. 8° — Enri/clopcBdia Britaunica. 8th ed. 21 v. Boston, 1853-60. 4° Same. Index. Boston, 1860. 4°. . . ' Same. 9th ed. v. 1— . Boston, 1875— . 4°. — Eimidopcedin metropolitana. Ed. by E. Smedley, Hugh J. Rose, and Henry J. Rose. 30 v. London, 1815-49. 4° Contents: v. 1-2. I'ure Sciences: ; with preface, by H. J. Rose, and general introd.. or treatise on method, by S, T. Coleridge, v. 1. Stoddard (J.) Grammar. 'Whate- ly (R ) Logic ; Rhetoric. Barlow (P.) Geometry. Peacock (G,) Arithmetic. Lardner (D.) ^Ugebra : Geometrical ana- lysis. Barlo-w (P.) Theory of numbers. Airy (G. B.) Trigouomelry. Hamilton (PI. P.) Analytical geometry ; Conic secti^uis. Levy (A.) Diflfeiential and integral calcu- lus 2. Levy (A.) Integral calculus. Hall (T G.) Calculus of variations, and of finite differences. De Morgan (A.) Cal- culus of functions ; Theory of probabilitieM. Moseley (H.) Definite integrals. Maurice (!•'. D.) Moral and metapliyni- cal philosophy. Jebb (R.) General principles of law. Pol- son (A.) Ivuw of nations. Graves (.1. T.) Itouuin and canon law. Poison (A,) English law. Corrie (G. E.). Rose (H J.), Corrie(/'™/.) 3-8. Mixed Sciem-es. 3. Barlow (P.) Mechanics, hydr.'dyuaniics. pneumatics, ^ optu-s, and plane asti-onoiny. Kater {Copt.) Nautical as- tron pt. 1. Squ-Tia. 12, pt. 2. T-Z. 27. Cienei-al ItKies;. List of plates and maps. 28-30. Platea. 3 V. 1, Plates to pure sciences. 1-2, Plates to mixed sciences. '6, Plates aud maps to the hist, aud miscel. divisions. — cyclopedia. CouJnoted by C. Kuight. Geography. 4 v. Lou.lon, 1854-55. 4°. 93IJ.18 Same. iSuppleuieat. Londou, 18iJ9. 4^. 936.23 Natural history. 4 v. L., 1854-56. 4°. 4728.13 Same. Supplement. L., 1870. 4°. . .4728.17 Arts and sciences. 8v. London, 1859-61. 4°. 3908.0!) — — Same. Supplement. London, 1873. 4°. 390s. 17 Biography. 6 v. Loudon, 1856-53. 4°. 3228.12 Same. Supplement. London, 1872. 4". 3228.18 Synoptical iudex. London, 1868. 4°. . ■ — Heck {J. Q. ) Icouograpliic encyclopaedia of .science, literatm-e, and art. Tr. by S. F. Baird. 4 v. New York, 1852. 8' V. 1. Mathematics and astronomy. Physics and meteor- ology. Chemistry. Mineralogy. Geognosy and geology. 2. Botauy. Zoology. Anthropology. Surgery. 3. Geography and plauography. History aud ethnology. Military sciences. Naval sciences. 4. Architecture. Mytholo-y. Fine arts. Technology. Same. Plates. 2 v. N. Y., 1851. obi. fol. V. 1. Mathematics aud astronomy. Natural sciences. Geography. History and ethnology. 2. Military sciences. Naval sciences. Architecture. My- thology. Fine arts. Technology. — Johnson's universal illustrated cyolopssdia. 4 v. N. Y., 1875-77. 1. 8^ l^ote — Tlie 4th volume contains a supplement to the work. — Lirdiier (D., ed.) Cabinet cyclopiedia. 132 v. Lon. don, [u. d] 10^ Note.— For Contents see Lardner, in general alphabet. — Larousse (P.) Grand dictioniiaire universel du xixesiecle, etc. v. 1-12. P., 18i;6-74. 4°. 2740,01 — Maa)ider ( S. ) Scientific aud literary treasury. Lon- don, 1866. S°. 3914.33 — Mailer's Kouversations-Lexikon. v. 1-8. Leipzig, 1874-76, 8= Note. — Will make when completed about 16 volumes. — .JTafiouai cyclopiedia. 12 v. B., 1853. 8°. . — New American cvolopsedia. Ed. by G. Eipley and C. A. D.xna. i6v. N. Y., 1858-63. 8'. . — Park {It. ) Pautology ; or, survey of human knowl- edge. Londou, 1843. 8=' 2725.11 — Penny cyclopaedia of the Soc. for the diffusion of useful knowl. 27 v. Loudou, 1833-13. fol. Same. Supplement. 2 v. L., 1816-51. fol. Same. Second supplement. L., 1858. fol. — Pierer ( II. A. ) Universal-Lexicon. 19 v. Altenburg, 1859-64. 8= — Iiees(A., ed.) Cyclopasdia. 39 v. London, 1819. 4°. • Same. Plates. 6 v. London, 1820. 4°. — Voltaire (F. 31. A. de). Philosophical dictionary. 6 V. L., 1824. 16= 5075.35 — ZeU's popular encyclopedia. By L. Colange. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1871, 4" Same, Supplement. Phil., 1873. 4°. . Note.~~Tor a history of encyclopsedias, see Quar. rev., v, 113, 18G3. See aUo ^Vestm. rev., v. 78, 1802 (Eucyclopaedia Britanuica, 8th ed.) J^y .SV« also Dictionaries fp. 415). For special ency- clopedias, sre names of special sub.1ects, as Agriculture (p. 7) ;— Architecture (p. 31) ;— Arts DKelul. p. 41) ;— Bibli- cal aud reliK. lit (p. 83) ;— Biography (p. ll») :— Botany (p. 224) ;— Chemistry (p. 264) ;— Fine arts ;— Heraldry ;— Lit- erature ;— Medicine :— Quotations, itc. Endless mirth and amusement. See Gilbert (C.) . . . 4622.13 Endless puuishmeut. See Biblical aud religious literature, (^'u-' lure puuislttnerU, p. 88.) Enfield (.Edward). Indian com. N.Y., 18G0,12=',0124.0» Eniield ( \Vm. ) History of philoaojihy : drawn up from Brucker. L., 1N40. 8^ 5412 15 Same, 2v, Dublin, 1792, 8= 5422.10 Engel (Carl). Introduction to the study of national music. London, 18i;6. 8°. 1564.16 — Music of the most ancient nations. 2d ed. Loudon, 1870. 8° 1564.19 — Musical instruments.' N. Y,, 1876, 8°, [South Ken- sington museum ait handbooks. No. 5.] 1561.37 — Ei-flcctious on church music. L., 1856. H°. 1563.03 Engelhardt (Moritz). Formation of ice at the bottom of water. iJii Sm. report, 186S.J 3930.21 Engelmann (George). Cactaceao, [In Pacific R, K. routes. Re- ports, V, 4.] 1127.04 Engine-room (The) ; also the application of the indica- tor to marine engines, [ajion.] South Shields, 1870. 8=" 3926.38 Engineer (The), v. 27-34, 1869-76. L., [ii.ti.] fol. Engineer's, architect's, and contractor's pocket-book for 1870. London, 1870. 16° 3925.32 Engineering. 5ee Arts (Usclul), p. 41 ;— Military science. Eugineeriug : iUust. weekly. Ed. by W. H. Man and and J. Dredge, v. 3-22. L,, 1867-76. fol. Engineers. See Biography {Engineers, p. 110). England, JK5" For EngUsh hif.tory, dfscription. government, insti- tutions, etc., sei Countries {Enghmd, p. 307"310). For other sources of general information, sec Agriculture :— Amuse- ments ;— BibUcal, relig., aud eccl. lit. (p. 84);— Biography, (p, 110);— Drama (p. 42;));— Education (p 434;— Eloquence; — Epigrams ;— Epitaphs : — Essays ; — Fiction ; — Folk-lore ; — Government and politics ; — Language ; — Literature ; — Periodicals ;— Poetry:— Political economy; — Proverbs ; — Wit aud humor, etc. England (Bank of). See Political economy. England (* hurch ol). See Biblical aud religious lit. (p. 84). England and Christendom. See Manning (H. E., abp.) England's autiphou. See MacDonald (George) 1671.27 England's reformation : a pot ni. ,vcc Ward (Th.). . , 1694.20 England's workshops. See Strauss (G. L. M.) ISOG, . . 3914.22 Euglaiider (Dr. S. ) Abolition of the state ; direct government, a federal govtrnmtnt, or individual- ism. London, 1873. 16° 5712.17 Euglefield (Sir Henry). Ancient vases from [his] collection. Drawn and eugr. by H. Moses. L,, 1848, 1, 8° 14G0.19 English. flS" England (abnre). English bards and Scotch reviewers. See Byron, English bee-keeper. By a country curate, [nnoii.] London, 1851. 16° 4824.08 English catalogue of books. See Low (Sampson). , , , 2724.15 English Channel. — Oiahners (T.) The Channel railway connecting England and France. 1867 3934.18 — JIcMutlen ill. T.) Down channel, 1S69. . 951.30 — Youruj (E. W.) International floating tunnel. 1809 3934.19 English dance of death. See Combe (TVm.) 1634.02 Enghsh ecieutrics aud eccentricities. .SVr Timbs (John). 3264.25 English forests aud forest trees, legendary and descrip- tive. London. 1853. 8° 6135.21 EngUsh governess at the Siamese cotu-t. See Owens (A. H. Leon). 1870 1026.19 English hcxapla. See New Testament (p. 94). EngUsh-Irish dictionary. Dublin, 1814. 10' 6421.13 Enghsh meu of science. .Sec Gallon (Francis). 187.5.. . 3913.12 English note-books. See Hawthorne (N.) 1870 952.21 English portraits. 6'seSainte Benve (O. A.) 3262.17 English premiers- .ft-e Earle (J. C.) 1871 3222.11 EugUsh retraced, or comparison of the Breeches- Bible with the English of the present day. Cambridge, 1862. 12° 6433.11 English seamen and divers. See Esquiros {.\.) 18G8. . . 4517.17 English seamen vmder the Tudors. See Bourne (H. R. F.) 2 v. 1808 921.26 EngUsh sportsman in 'U'estern prairies. See Berkeley G.F.)4616.20 EngUsh traits. .SVc Emerson (It. W.l 1857 954.16 Enghsh tiav. and Ital. brigands. See Moens (W. J. C.) 1866. 973,17 Eiiglisliinaii's almanack ; or daily calendar of gene- ral information for the United Kingdom. 1829- 42. 14 v. London, 1829-42. 16°. . . 6761.11 * Same. Englishman's and family almanack ; or daily eaiendar of general information. 1843-64. 22 v, Londou, 1S43-64, 16° 6761.25 Englishman's house. See Hichardson (C. J ) 1870 . .1312.28 EngUshwoman iu Italy. See Gretton (Mrs. G ) 1800. . . 972.22 Enghsh women of letters. See Kavanagh (Julia). 2 v. . 3256.19 Engraving (.^rt of). See Fine arts. {Engraving.) In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giviuj the AUTHOU'S NAME, tha^rst part of Iho TITLE, aud the NUMBER ^fii-s 446 ENGRAV^INGS-ERACLIUS Engravings (Boolis of,. .Sef Fine arts. Enigmas. See Amusements, p. U3. ,0,01,7 iniimas of life. &e Greg (Wm. K.) . . . , _ . . . • 681217 ■Siiuemoser (Joseph). History of magic. Tr. by W. Howitt. 2 V. London, 1851. 12^ . . 3813.07 tlaiiius. Enniausa poesis reliquiae. Kec. J. Vahlen. LipsiiB, 1854. 8' Tlnnoi. Bancroft (O.) Lit. and hist, miscel., 1865; p. 41.75. 2517.01 Suoch the prophet (Book of). Tr. by fi. Laurence. L., 1838. ^i" 351(j.'2() — Buidi-kover (F.) Judaism at Beme. B. 0. 76-UO. p. IBp-lSS 1376 iH()4.U Sff also M'Clintoclj and Strong's CyclopiKdia, v. 3. 1H71 ; witli its full references ; also Amer. Bible repos., Jan., july 1810 (by Stuarti ; For. qu. rev., Jan., 184U ; Fraser s mag.', Nov., 1833. Eaarfh, tho second messenger of God. 2 v. London, [n.d.] 8= 3541.23 -inooh Arden. S'.e Tennyson (A.) 18G1 1693.05 Enquiry into tlie conduct of Ot. Britain, rel. to the present state of Europe, [atmn.] London, 1727. 8'. . . . . . 6721.(12 Easeignemsuts spirites et moraux. Conseils da saint Eloi aux spirites. etc. Paris, [n.d] 8°.' . 3818.03 Enterprise, Percj/ anecdotes, v. 3. 1823 6211.03 Enterprising (The) impresario ; by W. Maynard {pseud.] See Beale (T. W.) 1554.21 Entertaining and marvellous repository, [anon.] Boston. 1827. '2i' 6211.31 Biitliusiasm. ' Tai/loril.) Natural hist, of enthusiasm. 1855. 3612.05 Eutick (Rev. John). Guneral history of the late war. [1748-63.] 5v. L., 1763-64. 8°. . . . 47,5.20 Eatomologiat'a annual. 3 v. L., 1871-73. 16'. 4822.11 Entomology. See Insects. Entomostraoa. S^-e Natural history. {Cruslacea.) Eatozoa. See Medicine, ( Worms and internal parasites.) Environs de Pans. Ouvrage redige par I'elite de la litte'rature oontemporalne. Pans, 1844. 8°. 967.10 Eolopoesis ; Amor, rejected addresses. See Bigelow (J.) 1643.07 Eoihen : or. the east. Sf,- Kinglake (A. W.) . 5076.13 ; 1061.02 Ephemera, i)S''«(i!. .SVe Fitzgibbon (E.) Ephesians. ■'See Biblical, relig and eccl. lit, (p. 85), Ephesus. See Countries. {Epliesus, p. 316.) Ephraem Synis. Ripuutiinoa of Nineveh, a metrical homily on the mission of Jonah ; with other pieces. Prom the Syriac, with iutrod. by H. Burgess. London, 1853. 16^ 35y5.24 Epic poetry. See Poetry. {Epic.) Epic of Hades. See Morris (Lewis) 1673.41 Epic ^T0m6U, etc. See O'Shaughnessy (A. W. E.) 1871. . 1674.33 Epictetus. Dissertationes ab Arriano literis mandate. Fragmenta et Enchiridion, cum comment. Sim- plioii. [Gr. etLat] Parisiis, Dldot,18l± 6". 77G7.05 — Morals, with Simplicius his comment. From the Greek, by G. Stanhope. L., 1694. 16°. 5433.08 — Morals. Poetical paraphrase, by E. Walker. London, 1716. 18° 543423 — Works. From the Greek, by Mrs. E. Carter. 4th ed. 2v.ini. Loudon, 1807. 8' 5434.15 — Farrar [P. W.) Soakers after God, p. 186-25S. . . . 6435.19 — Seller (E.) Stoics, epicureans, and sceptics. 1870. . 5426.28 See also Philosophy (Histories) ; and New monthly mag., March, 1860. Epicurean (Tho). .STee Moore (Thomas) 232 23 Epicurus and the Epicurean philosophy. — Life and morals. Transl. by J. Digby. With "essay, bv St. Evremoud. Ed. by J. Tela. London, 1818. 8= 3613.01 — Malkin (B. H.) Classical disquisitions, etc. 1825. . . 2536.28 — Platarcli. Against Colotas. disciple and favorite of Epicdrus. [In Ms Morals, v. 5. p. 338-38.5. J 5435.30 — . — That it is not possible to live pleasurably according to the doctrine of Epicurus. [In Ids Morals, v. 2, p. 167-203.] 5415.27 — Zeller {E.) .Stoics, epicureans, and sceptics. 1870. . 5426.28 See also Frasers mag., Nov.. 1871. or Litlell. 1871. v. 4 (art. bv P W, Newman) : Nat. qu. rev., v. 16, 1858 ; N. A. rev., v. 107, 1868 (by D. A. Wassou). i^5* .y.'e also Lucretius ; and Philosophy (Ancient). Epidemics. .See Medicine (EpuUMies). Also MeUora. v. •!. 1860 (E. of fanaticism/ ; Winslow'a iour. of psy. med., v. 2. 1849 ; v. 6 (Mental E.| ; v. 9 (Moral and criminal E.) ; North Brit. • rev., V. 38, 1863, or Littell, 1863, v. 2 (Vegetable E.) Epigrams. — Booth (J.) Epigrams, ancient and modem. 6212.05 — Gtrey(0. S.) Commouplace bonk of E. 1872. 6213.11 — Dodd (J. P.) The epigrammatist. 1870. .6213.15 — Eplgrammatam anthologia palatina, etc. Gr. et Lat. Apparatu critico instruxit F. Dubner. Volume 1. Parisii-i. Dhht ISIil. 8= 7704.16 — Mathews ( ir,) Epigrams. [In his Great conversers, efc] 2536.05 See alsi-i Blackwood's mag., v. 93. 1863. or Littell, 1863. V. 3 ; Catholic world, July, 1872 ; Contemp. rev., v. 14, 1870 (by J. Davies) : New monthly, v. 5, 1822 : North Brit, rev., V. 42, 1865 ; Quar. rev., v. 117. 1866 ; Harper's mag., v. 15 (by J. G. Saxe). Epilepsy. See Medicine. Epirus. See Countries (p. 316). Episcopacy and Episcopal churches. See Biblical, religious, and eccl. lit. [Episcopacy, p. 85.) Episodes in an obscure lite; Tower Hamlets. See Row (E.) 6828.01 Episodes ot French history. See Pardee (Jane). 1869, 613.05 ; 01 Episodes of insect life. By Acheta domestica. [By MissL.M. Budgen.] 3v. N.Y., 1851-52. 8^ 4823.02 Epistles from Bath ; and miscellaneous poems. By Q. in the corner, [rtnoji.] Bath, 1817. 8°. .6091.03 Epistles (The) of Clio and Strephou in prose and verse. 2d ed. Loudon, 1729. 18°. . . . 1632.32 Epistolae obscvrorvm virorvm. LipKi£e,1858.16°.2527.20 — Hamilton (.Sir Tr.) Discussions. 1856 6413.10 Epistolary compositions. See Letters 3267.07 Epithet^. Jermyn (J.) Book of English epithets. 1849 'wss.og Epitaphs and monumental inscriptions. — Boioden (J.) Epitaph wiiter. 1791. . .6215.08 — Boyd(A. K.S.) Concerning churchyards, [in /as Kecreations, v. 2.) 2614.07;i — Bridgman (T.) Inscriptions from the monuments in the Granary burial grotmd. IWith his Pilgrims of Boston, 1856.] 611.17 Memorials of the dead in Boston. Copp's Hill burying ground. 1852 611.18 — Brown (J.) Epitaphs, etc., in Grey friars churchyard, Edinbmrgh. 1867 6215.05 — Qtldwall (T.) Ancient and modern epitaphs. 6215.07 — Dingley {T.) History from niaiile, printed in photo- lithography by V. Brooks ; with iutrod., by J. G. Nichols. [Camden soc, v. 94, 97.] . . 5113.48 — Epitaphs, collected fiom Holy Writ, and onr best authors on sacred subjects. By H. L. S. and L. S. M. Ed. by G. B. Chaloner. L., 1868. U°. 6215.15 — Ilackdt (J.) Select and remarkable epitaphs. 2 v. 1757 6215.11 — Jlairis (W. T.) Epitaphs from the old burying grounds in Cambridge. 1845 3242.00 — Xortherid (C.) Book of epitaphs. 1873. .6215.18 — Oriqinal col. of extant epitaphs, [anon.] London, 1870. 8°. 6215.06 — Palliser (F. and M. A.) Mottoes for monuments. 1872 6215.00 Pair (S.) InBcriptlouB. [In las Works, v. 4, p. 657-720.) 6062.06 — PHVujrew (T. J.) Chronicles of the tombs. 6215.01 — Bitcliings (-B.) General volume of epitaphs, with appropriate texts, [rmon.] 1840. . . . 6215.16 — Samiders (F.) Salad for the solitary, p. 227-262. 1863. 2642,10 — Webb(T.) Select collection of epitaphs. 2 v. 6215.09 See also Blackwood's mag., v. 71, 1852 : Eclectic mag., v. 25, 1852 ; Harpers mag., v. 46 (by ■«". E. Wallace). j6®" See also Inscriptions. Epochs of ancient history. Ed. by G. W. Cox and 0. Saukey. Viz. : — Capes (W. W.) Koman history. The early empire. New York, 1876] 16' 431.21 — Roman empire of the 2d century. N. Y.. 1876. 16'. Cox (G. W.) The Athenian empire. N. X., 1876. 16°. 411.13 — Tlie Greeks and the Persians. N. Y., 1876. 16°. . . 421.34 Merivale (C.) The Eomaa triumvirates. L., 1876. 16°. 431.22 Epochs of English history. Ed. by M.Creighton. Viz.: Powell (F. York). Early England up to the Norman conquest. London. 1876. 16° 461.21 Epochs of modem history : ed. by Edward E. Morris, J. S. Phillpotts, and Colbeck> Viz.:— 1 Seebohm (F.) The era of the protestant revolution. New ■ Y.nk. 1874. 16° 3432.22 2 Cox (d. W.) The crusades. New York, 1874. 16'. .6623.01 3. Gardiner (S. K.) Thirty years' war, 161S-1C48. New York. 1H74. 16° 544.24 4. Gairdner (J.) Houses of Lancaster and York ; with the eon- and loss of France. N. Y., 1876. 16° 461.19 5. Morris ("W. G'O.) French rev. and the 1st empire. New York. I1H74.1 16° 621.17 6 Warburton (W.) Edward the third. B., 1875. 16°. .3061.22 7. Creighton (II.) Age of Elizabeth. N. Y.. 1876. 16°. . 3063.32 8 Hale (E.) Fall of the Stuarts, and Western Europe, 1678-97. Uostin. 1876. 16° 481.01 9 Gardiner (S. E.) The puritan revolution. New York, 1876. 16° 481.03 10. Stubbs (W.) The early Plantageneta. N. Y., 1870. 16*. 481.02 Epworth singers. .See Christophers (S. W.) 1875. . . . 3766.23 Equador. .See Countries {Eeuadnr. p. 316). Equestrianism. See Horsemanship. Equinoctial America. See America {Equinoctial, p. 289). Equity. .See Law. {Equity.) Eraclius. De colortbus et artibus Eomanoriun. [In Merriiield iMrs. M. P.) Orig. treatises, v. 1, 1849.] .... 1422.01 'W KLYN MEUCANIitE tlBEAKY. ERASMUS -ESSAYS 447 Erasmus (DesiJerius). Adagia. See Bland (R. ) Proverbs (12U.2;i — Enchiridion. Abridgment. [In Coverdale (M.) Writiiige. 1844.) 3636.rj — Liber utilissimus de couscribendis epistolis. Ed. nova. Lugd. But., 1G15. 32^ 3267.12 — Pope Julius the second. A comical dialogue be- tween Julius n. . Evil genius, aud St. Peter, Dublin, 1719. lli=. 3091.23 — Praise of tolly. With outs, by Hans Holbein. 48 pi. Loudon, [1S70.] 1G° 6212.08 — Prayers. Tr. by C. S. Ooldwell. L., 1872. 32°. 3547.09 — Select familiar colloquies. [Latin.] With literal trans, by J. Clarke. New ed. by J. Ross. Phila. , 1818. 12^ 2527.21 For lives and critical fstimalfiS of E., see Biography (p. 143) ; also Bibl. sacra, Jan., 1802 {Life of E., by E. Pond) ; Brit. quar. rev., Jan.. 1875 (E., hia character) ; MacuiiUan, March, 1865 (Early years of E., by J. Hamilton). Erceldoune (Thoma.s of). See Thomas of Erceldouae. Ercilla (Alouzo de). Sketch of the Araucana, with copious ex- tracts, by W. Hayley and H.Boyd, [\rilli. Molina (G. I.) ChiU, V. 2. 1808.] 607.26 Erckmaun (Emile) and Chatrian (Alexandre). Ami (L'j Fritz. 3e ed. PmIs, 1867. 16^ . 7021. OG — Blocus (Lei : episode de la fin de I'empire. lOe ed. PiU-is, [».<;.] 12° 7018.27 — Brigadier Frederic. Paris, 1874. 12°. . .7021.17 — Confidences d'un joueur de clariuette. 4e »;d. Paris, [)i.d] 10°. 5*. 7018.29 — Contes des bords du Rhin. 3e ed. Kris, 1803. 10^ 7018.30 — Contes fantastiques. 2e id. P., 1868. 16=. 7021.07 — Contes de k Montagne. P., 1860. 1G°. . 7021.08 — Coutes populaires. 3e ed. P., [li.d.] 16°. 7021.09 — Deux (Les) freres. Paris. 1872. 16°. . .7021.18 — Guerre (La). Paris, 18G6. 16 7021.10 — Histoire d'un couscrit de 1813. 20e ed. P., [H.d] 1G° 7021.11 — Histoire d'un homme du peuple. 7eid. Paris, 18G5. 1G° 7021.12 — Histoire d'un paysan. 1789. Les etats generaux. 14eed. Paris, 1869. 16° 7021.13 Same. 1792-93. 2 v. P., 1869. 16°. . 7018.23 — Histoire d'un sous-maftre. Paris,1872. 16°. 7021.23 — Histoire du plebiscite. Paris, 1872. 16°. . 702L24 — L'illustre Docteur Matheus. P., 1859. 12°. 7021.05 — L'iuvasion ; ou le fou Yego£ 9e id. Paris, [1862.] 16.° 7021.02 — Madame Ther^se. 15e ed. P., [n.tZ.] 1G°. 7018.2.5 — Maison forestifere. 5e ed. P., [«.d] 16°. 7021.03 — Maitre Daniel Rock. 2e ed. P., [u.d.] lb°. 7018.2G — Maitre Gaspard Fix. Paris, 1876. 1G°. . 7021.25 — Souvenirs d'un aucieu chef de chantier a Isthme de Suez. 5e ed. Paris, 187(i 7021.29 — Waterloo : suite du Couscrit de 1813. 20e ed. Paris, [n. d.] 16° 7018.28 fi®* For biogr. nrftice of th& two a,athove, see Men of tlie third republillJ873 [3252.27J ; also Edin. rev., v. 123, 18U6 (The E.-(J. noWlB). Erechtheus, tragedy. See Swinburne (A. 0.) 1744.09 Eilchsen (John Eric de). Ob.servatious ou aneurism. Selected. London, 1814. 8° 431ii.l7 — Science and art of surgery. Gth ed. London, 1872. 8° 433G.13 Erie canal. See Reports of the canal commissioner of the state of New York. Erie county, {Penn.) See Oountries. {Erie County, Pa.) Erie (Lake). See Countries. {Erie, Lake.) Erie railway. Adams (C. K, jr.) Chapter of Erie ; the Erie raid 5922.22 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 22, 1868 (The Erie imbro- glio, by J. K. Medbury) : Galaxy. March, 1872 (A great law- suit aud a field fiaht, by J. S. Black) ; Oct., 1872 (Truth of a great lawsuit, by A Stickney). Erigena (John Scotus). See N. A. rev., v. 94, 1862 ; North Brit rev., V. 23, 1865. Ermau (Georg Adolph). Travels in Siberia. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° 1024.11 Emesti (Johanu August). Principles of interpreta- tiou. Notes, by M. Stuart. 4th ed. Audover, 1842. 12° 3721.07 Emi (Henri). Coal oil and petroleum. Philadelphia, 1865. 12° ,31)53.22 Erotici scriptores. Parisiis, Dhlol. 185G. 8°. 77fi4.17 Contents : Parthenius. Achilles Tatius. Longus. Xeno- pbon Ephisitts. Heliodorus. Chariton Aphrodisirrisit. Dio- genes, lamblichus. Eumathius. Apollonius Ti/rius. Nice- tas Eugenntnus. Errors. See Delusions. — Erskine (David Stewart, earl of Buchan). Essays on Fletcher of Saltoun and the poet Thomson London, 1792. 8° 3057.oi Erskine (Ralph). Gospel sonnets. Edinburgh, 1803, 1 Cobbe (Fiances P.) Coetlogon (Dennis de). Coleridge {S. T.) Coffin (li-B.) Coleman (John), Coleridge (Hartley). CoUins (Wilkie). Colton (Hcv. Walter). Connoisseur (The). Conybeare (Wm. J.) Cooper (A. A., earl of Shafte.'shurt/). Cowley (Abraham). Cozzens {P'red. S.) Cracroft (Bernard). Craik (D. M. Mulock. Mrs.) Critical and social essays. Croly (Mrs. Jennie June). Croly (It-'v. George). Crowfield (Christopher). Dana (Alex. H.) Dana (R. H.) Darby (John, ps^itd). Davy (Sir Humphrey). DeKroyft (S. H.) Delapierre (Octave). DeMorgan (A.) De Quincey iThomas). DesPerriers (Bouaventure). Disraeli (Isaiic). Dixon (E. H ) Dockray (B.) Dodge (M. A.) [Gail Hamil- ton.] Doran (Pr. John). Drake (Natlian). Duche lf{''i'. Jacob). Duhring (Julia\ Duignan (M. G.) Earle (John). Edinburgh essays. Elder (William). Ellesmere (F, E., earl of). Ellis (Mrs S, 8.) Emerson (R. W.) Essays from the Loudon Times. Essays on social subjects from the Saturday Rev. Everett (Alex. H.) Everett (Edward). Fairbanks (Oharles B.) Fannie Fern. Favorite authors. Fern (Fannie). Field (Kate). Fielding (Henry), Fields iJ. T.) Fitzosborne (Sir Thomas). Flamank (J.) Folk lure. From 'Notes and Queries.' Forbes (rrof. Edward). Forster (John). Foster (Johu). Frankhn (Benjamin). Freeman (E. A.) Friswell (J. H ) Froude (J. A.) Gail Hamilton. See Bodee Gardner (S: J.) Gentleman's magazine. (Curious articles from). Gibson (Wm. S.j Gifts of gmiius. Giles (lltW-y). Gilfillan ((ieorge). Gilman (Samuel). Gleig(/i!tf. G. K.) Godwin (Parke). Godwin (William). Goldsmith (< liver). Gray (John C) Green (Thomas, of Ipswich). Greene (George W.) Greenwell (Dora). Greg (Wm. R.) Grote (Mrs. George). Guardian (The). Haie 0. V. R. M). Half tints. 18G7. Hall (Robert). Hall (S. T.) HaUam (A. H.) Halliday (Andrew). Hamilton (Gail). See Dodge (Mary Abigail). Hannay (James). Hare (J. C. ami A. W.) Hawthorne (Nathaniel). Hay (John). Hayward (Abraham). HazUtt (William). Head (.y^r Fr B.) Headley (Joel T.) Heine (Heinrich). Helps (Arthur). Herbert (Henry W.) Higginson (T. W.) Hothnann (David). Holland (K. G.) Holland (J. G.) Hohnes (O. W.) Home and social philos. Hope (A. J. B) Hope (A. R) Hopkinson (Francis). Home (K. H.) Houghton (R. M. M., ford). Howard (G. W. F., earl rai;e). Smith ( li-a. Syduey). Southey (Ufibert). Spectator (The). Spencer (U'n'bert). Stael-Holstein (A. L. G. N., barofiit^- de;. Stanhope (P. H., 5th earl). Stephen \Sir James), Stephen (Leslie). Sterling (John). Stirhng (J. H.) Story iJo^eph). Stowe {Mrs. H. B.) Summer daybook. Symonds (J. A.) • Table d'hote and drawing room. Table talier (The). Talfoord (T. N.) Talmage (T. De W.) Tatler (I'Ue). Taylor (B W.) Thackeray (W. M.) Theophrastus. Thompson (U. M.) Thoreau lUtury D ) Tdton (Tbendoie). Tirabs (John). Tooke (Wm.) Townsend (Frederic). Trinal (Theophilus, pseud.) Tuckerman (Heury T.) Tupper (M. F.) Varieties "f literature. Vaughan jK'ibertl. Vaughan (Robert A.) Verplanck (0. C.) Very (Joues). Walker (Johu). Walker (Tiioiuae). Wallace H. B.) Walsh (ItMbert). Waring; (J. B.) Warne? (U. D.) Warren (Saiuttel). Webster (Noah). Whately (Bichard). Whipple (E. P.) White (H. R.) Whittier (.John G.) Wilkinson (Wm, C.) WiUisiN. P.) Willmott (R. A.) WiUs (Wm. H.) Wilson (Johu). Windsor (A. L.) Wmtlirop (Theodore). WirtlWm.) Withington (Leonard). Woodbury (L'-Vi). Woods ('ieorge 13.) World (I'he). Wraxall [Sir C. F. L.) Wynter (Audrew). Essays and reviews. From 2d London ed., with iutrod., by F. H. Hedge. B., 18'5I). 12°. 3.347.03 ContriUs : Temple (F.) The education of the world. Wil- liams (Rowland). Buusea'3 biblical re.searchea. Powell (B ) Ou the study of thii evidences of christiauitv. Wilson (H. B.) The national church. Goodwin (O. W ) Ou the mosaic cosmogony. Pattison(M.) Tendt-ucies of rehgious tliought in Englaud, ItJOa-lToO. Jowett (B.) On the inter- pretation of scripture. — A'uls to faith ; a reply, etc. Ed. by W. Thomson. New York, 1862. 8' 3517 00 Note. — For Conlents see p. 9 of this Catalogue. — R'ltlk^s to essays and reviews. With preface by [S. Wilberforce]. 18132. 3.517.07 ContenU : Goulbum iE. M.) Education of the world. Rose (H. J.) Buusen. the critical school, and Dr. Williams. Heurtley (0. A.) Miracles. Irons (W. J.) Idea of the ua tioual church. Morison (G.) The creative week. Hadden . {.\.. W.) Rationalism. Wordsworth (0.) Ou the interpreta- tion of Scripture. Main (R.( and Phillips (J.) Letters. — Squife I B. ir.) 'Revelatiou and science, ete. 1862. . .3592.09 — Stanley (.1. P. -Essays and reviews.' [In his Essays on Church and state.] 359,'>.06 Essays from the ' Times.' See Phillips (.Samuel). 2535.09 ; 2.538.14 Essays in mosaic. S-e Ballantyne (Thomi.5) 2.513 14 Essays of au optimist. .See Kaye (J. W.) 1871 2533.23 Essays of Elia. &e Lamb (Charles.) fc34.19 Eisays oil conversation, or quackery. [anon'\ London, 1836. W 2521.22 Essays on reform. London, 18i;7. 8'. . . 5724.12 J\ro(e.— For Contenis, see Government and politics. {Reform.) Essays ou religion and literaturo. Ed. by H. E. ilau- niug. 2 V. London, 1^157. 8°. ... 3574.04 Not£. — For Contents, see p. 102 of Catalogue. Essays ou social subjects from the Saturday Review. Boston, 1865. 16^ 2.525.10 Contents : Busy people. Snubbing. Ignorance. Foolish things. False shame. Fluency. Contempt. Dulness is a sensation. Mistakes in life. .Scenes. Acquaintances and friends. Saying disagreeable thini^R. On being understood. Study of chara<.-tor. Prejudices. .Shirking. Constancy. Re- serve. Explanations. HuLii^er-mugger. Attention. Strong WiUs. Talking of self. Fully. Time Alloys. Use of pathos. Choice. One's own way. Want of money. Essays on various subjects. [Communications from the world of .spi its] by Joshua, Cuvier, Franklin. etc. Given thrdugh a lady. N. Y., 18G1. 8". 3817.34 Essenes. See Biblical and religious lit., {Euenes, p. 185.) Also London quar. rev., v. H, 1875 (Delaunay's Jewish mou- achism.) Essex (James). Remarks on the antiquity and different modes of brick and stone buildings in Jiuglaud. (/n Archjeoloeia „ V. 4, 178ii.J 5i2g._: Essex. See Countries {Essex, p. 31fi.) Essex {U. S. Fiiyaie. ) I'reltle {U. H.) Account of her career. [In Essex Inst. hist, col., v. 10,] 605.12 Essex county. {England). See Countries (Essex county, p. 316.) Essex county {Masa.) natural history society journal. Salem, 18)2. 8^ 4725.21 iVote.— Continued in Essex institute. Prgteedings. Essex county, (.V. Y.) See Countries (p. 316). Essex institute {Salnn, Mans.) Bulletin, Y.1-3. 18G9-71. 3 v. in 1. Salem, 1870-72. 8° 8078.01 — Historical collections, v. 1-11. Salem, 1859-72. sm. 4° 605.03 iN'o^e.— The Contents of v. l-Il are given ou p. 928 of Bus- ton Atheusum Catalogue. — Proceedings, v. l-(j, 1848-18G8. Salem, 1856-70. 8° 8078.ti5 Estabrooks (Henry L.) Adrift in Dixie , or, a yankee officer among the rebels, [ajioii.] New York, 1866. 12° C43.13 Estate management. ..S« Macdonald(D. G. F.) 1868. .6123.11 Estcourt (M. J ) Music the vo.ce of hurmony in crea- tion. London, 1«57. 16° 1561.13 Estella (Diego de). Obras escogidas. {In Ochoa. Escri- tores misticos, v. 3.] 7215.10 Estes (L. C.) Antiq. of the Miss, river. [Sm. rop., 1806.] 3"J36.21 Esthetics. See Fine arts. Estieuue [Lai. Stephanus] (Hemi). L'introduction av traite de la couformite des merveiles aucieunes auec les modernes. ov, Iraite preparatif "a I'apologie pour Hcrodote. Paris, 15li6. 8^ . . . 6216.37 — Thesaurus GraeciB linguae. Ed, nova. 8 v. Londini, 1816-25. fol (;4:.7.()1 Estimate of the manners of the time, 1757. S^e Brown (John, U.D.) 6433.20 Estlin (.John Prior). Familiar lectures on moral philosophy. 2 v London. 1818. S°. . 5433.04 Estrada (Alvaro Flore><). Representation to Ferdinand vii., of Spain, in defence of the Cortes. Tr. by C. Toplis. London, 1819. 8°. [Pamphleteer, V. 14. p. 305-380.] •. . . .6058.14 Estray (The). .See LongfeUow (H. W.) 1C64.23 Eslrces (GabrieUe d). See Biography (p. 143) ; also Bentley's miscel., V. 35. 1854 (by SaiLte-lieuve). Hitvau (B. ) War pictures from the South. New York, 1863. 12° 644.05 Etching. See Fine arts {Etching.) Eternity. De (^uincey (2'.) Supposed scriptural espression for eternity. [/« /i/s Theol. essays, v. l.J 3543.20 — Mansel{N.LJ) Man's conception of eternity. [In his LeUerB. etc. 1873.] 5124.23 — Maurice {F. D.) Tlieol. essays. 1854 3574.19 See also Biblical and relig. lit. {Future life, p. 88). Ethelwerd (Fabius). chronicle, to 'J75. [In Giles (J. A ) Six old English chronicles.] 471.04 Btherege [Hir George). Works: plays and poems. Lonlon, 1704. 8° 1723.08 Contents : The comical revenge, or love in a tub. She would if she cou d. Mau of mode, or sir Fopling Flutter. See Fortnightly rev., v. 3, 1865 (Com. of E., by It. Bell). Etherington (, George F., Ji.Xi.) Vivi.section investi- gated and vindicated. Edin., 1842. 8° .4336.25 Etheridge (Sir J. W. ) The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Czziel ou the Pentateuch ; with the fragments of the Jerusalem Targum ; from the Chaldee. 2 v. London, 18(;2-65. 8°. . 3727.01 Etherization. See Medicine. ( Anesthetics.} Ethica. .See Windsor (A. L.) Etbica 2547.01 Ethics. See Moral science ;— Biblical and religious lit. {Christian ethics, p. 80). Ethics of the dust. .See Ruskin (Jolin). 1866 3511.16 Ethiopia. See Countries. {Ethiopia, p. 316.) Ethnic inspiration. &e Goodsir (J. T.) 1871 3423.10 Ethnography and Ethnology. .See Man (2. Ethnology) -. also travels in particular countries (p. 285-394 of Catalogue) ; also Negro. Etiquette and manners, Politeness, etc. — Hiznrhook of deconim. ['(Hon.] 1870. . . 5427.12 — Boke of curtasy. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. [In Percy society, v. 2.) 50i;0.04 Same. [In Fumivall (P. J.) Bubees book, etc. [E. E. T. S. 1868.] 7913.10 — Oi.'ilirilioni (B.yConte). The courtier: or, the com- plete gentleman and gentlewoman. From the ItaL, by B. Samber. 1729. ..... 5724.25 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving tbe AOTHOB'S NAME, the ftrst part of the TITLE, aul the NU.VIBER . 450 ETIQUETTE-EUSEBIUS — Cheslerfidd (P. D. S., lord). Letters to his son. 4 v. 1800 5025.11 Letters, sentences, and maxims. 1870. . 5025.17 Works, incl. letters to his son. 4 v. 1853. 5025.03 — Cheslerfidd burlesqued ; or school for modern man- ners, [aiiort.] 1811 5091.05 — Day (G. W.) Hints on etiquette; with a glauce at bad habits. 1844 5427.15 — Vuffey ( Mrs. E. B. ) Our behavior ; etiquette and dress of American society. 187t!. . . . 5427.20 — Eijebrhiht (Daisy), pseud. Manual of etiquette. 1873. 5427.16 — Forester {Oal.) Polite philosopher, [anon.] 5435.32 — Frost (S. A. ) Laws and by-laws of Amer. society. 1869 5427.11 — FuniivaU {F. J., editor). Babecs book. Bokes of nurture by H. Rhodes auii J. KnaseU. Booke of demeanor. Books of curtasye. Seager'B School of vertue. [In Early Eii^ilish text BOO. , 32 [W. as V. 10.] 7913.10 — (?oo(Z manners ; manual of etiquette. 1870. 5427.13 — HahUs of good society. 1859 5127.06 — Male (Mrs. ) Manners ; or happy homes and good society all the year round. 18B8. . . . 5127.02 — Hartley ((7. B.) Gentlemen's book of etiquette. 1875 5427.17 — HerceyiQ. W.) Principles of courtesy. 1852. 5427.21 — Leslie {Miss). Behaviour book : a manual for ladies. 1853 5427.04 — Mirror of the graces. Hints on female acoomplish- ments, etc. 1831 5091.02 — Mucinrj in society : manners. By the coimtess of •*•*•*♦. 1870 5427.14 — Perfect gentleman ; etiquette and eloquence. 5127.03 — Sed.iwick (C. M.) Morals of manners. 1853. 5427.08 — To lis saint I, F V.) Manners, [anon] 2d ed. 5435.36 — Baker [iV.) Politeness, [/n /tts Pereyrinatlous of the miud. 1811.] 2513.12 — BiUantyne (?.) Essays in mosaic, p. S9-80. 18V0. . . 2513.14 — Cracroft (B.) Manners. {In his Essays, v. 1. p. 275-285.) 2521.13 — Emerson {R. W.) Behavior, [/ft A (^ Conduct of life.] 2524.02 Manners. [M /us Essays, v. 2, p. 119-155. 1852.] 2524.06 — Feyd-au, (B.) The art of pleasing. 1874 6836.04 — GodioiiHW.) Politouess. [Euquirer, p. 326-351. 1797. J 2526.17 — Hoffmann (/>.) Social topics. [Iti his MieceUaueuus thoughts. 1841.] 2532 07 See also Fraser's mag., v. 74, 1866 {Conventional laws of society) ; Lippiucott's mag,, Mch., 1873 (Unsettled points of E.) Tlic Gentleman. — Calvert {&. H.) The gentleman. 1860. .5427.01 — Lieber (i*. ) Character of the gentleman. 3d ed. 1864 5427.19 Etna. See Meteorology. (Earlttquakes and volcanoes.} Eton college. Musce Etonenses ; carminum delectus primum in lucem editiis. 2 v. 1795. . . 1611.21 — Greasy (E. S. ) Memoirs of eminent Etonians : with early history. 1850 3257.01 — Ti^lie [R.) and Davis {J. E.) Annals of Windsor, etc. 2 v. 1858. See also Education, p. 434 {English Pulilic and Endowed schools} : also Blackwood's mag., v. 95, 1864 : v. 97, 1865 ■ (Etoniana ; 3 art.) ; Coutemp. rev., v, 3. 1866 (E. relorni. by W. E. Jelf) ; Ediu. rev., v. 113. 1861 : Fraser's mag , v. 66, 1857 (Visit to E.) ; Nat. rev., v. 18, 1864 (E. reform) ; Westm. rev., V. 75, 1861. Etruria. See Countries {Etruria, p. 316.) Etruscan researches. &e Taylor (I.) 1874 435.16 Etruscan inscriptions analyzed. See Lindsay (A. W. C, earl of Vraiojord] 436.14 Etting (Frank M. ) Historical account of the Hall of Independence, [Phil.] Boston, 1870. 4°. 1110.04 Ettrick shepherd. Sej; Hogg (James). Etymology. i"ee Language . Etzeuberger (R. ) Up the Nile by steam. With pro- grammes for the East, by T. Cook & Son. Loud., [1872.] 12° 1091.23 Eubulus. pseu(2. Letter to Philograntus : sequel to 'Present sys- tem of academic education. London, 1822. 8°. \In Pamph- leteer, v. 20] 5II.W.-20 — Thoughts on the present system of academic education. London. 1822 8'. [/« Pamphleteer, v. 20 ] . . . 6058.20 Eucharist. See Biblical and reUg. Ut. {Lord's supper, p. 91.) Euchre. See Amusements, p. 24. Euclid. Elements of [geometry]. [Ed. by] J. K. Young. London, 1854. 8^ 4013.01 — Elements, with additional propositions. By H. Law. London, 1860-55. 16' 4011.29 Eugenie {empress of France).%ChaUice {Mrs.} Illustrious women of France. 1873 3266.09 iKS* See also Biography p. 143) ; and London soc, Nov., 1870 {Empress in Enijiand}. Euler (Leonard). Letter.j on natural philosophy. 2v. New York, 1848. 18" 4022.19 Eulogivim historiarum sive temporis : chronicon ad A. D. 1366. 3 V. Ed. F. S. Haydon. London, 1858-C3. 8°. [RoUs chronicles.] . . . 5140. Eiunatbius or Eustathius. De Hysmines et Ilysminiaa amoribus. Gr. et Lat. [Erotici scriptores, Didut, 1«56.] 7764.17 Eunaplus Sardianus. Vitfe sophistarum. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. F. Boissouade. Parisiis. Didot, 1819. 8° 7766.06 Euphrates. See Countries (p. 317). Euphues. Anatomy of wit. 1579. Euphues and his England. .See Lyly (John). Ed. by E. Arber. 1868 6011.04 Euripides. Fabulue. [G-r. et Lat] Kecog. , Lat, vertit, etc. T. Fix. Parisiis, Didol, 1855. 8°. . 7765.01 — Fragmenta. Collegit F. G. Wagner. Parisiis, Didot, 1846. 8° 7765.02 — [Tragedies. Greek text.] With English commen- t!^ry, by F. A. Paley. 3 v. London, 1857-60. 8°. [Long's Bibl. class.] 7763.04 ■— Niueteen tragedies and fragments. Tr. by M. WoodhuU. ^ew ed. 3 v. L., 1809. 8°. 1723.19 Contents. Alcestis. V. 1. Andromache, V. 1. Bacchanalians, Children of cirles, V. 2, Cyclops, v. 2. Electra, v. 3. Fragments, v. 3. V. 2. Her- Hecuba, v. 1. Helen, v. 3. Hercules distracted, v. 3. Hippolytus, v. 1. Index, V. 3. Ion, V, 3. [V. 2. Iphigenia in Aulis, Iphigenia in Tauris, Medea, v, 1. [v. 2. Orestes, v. 1. Phoenician damsels. V. 1. Rhesus, T. 2. Suppliants, v. 2. Trojan captives, v. 2 Same. Literally tr. [into prose] by T. A. Buck- ley. 2v, L., iJo/a^ 1854. 12°. . . .1723.14 Contents. Alcestis, V. 1. Heraclidffi. v. 1. Medea, v. 1. Andromache, v. 2. Hercules furens, v. 2. Orestes, v. 1. Baechro, v. 1. Hippolytus, v. 1. Phcenissas. v. 1. Cyclops, V. 2 Ion, v. 2. [v. 1. •Rhesus, v. 2. Electra, v. 2. Iphigenia in Auhde, Supplicauti, v. 2. Hecuba, v. 1. Iphigenia in Tauris, Troades, v. 2. Helena, v. 2. v. 1. Same. Tr, by E. Potter. 3 v. N. Y., 1852. 16°. 1723.11 Alcestis, v. 1. Andromache, v, Bacc]]i8, V. 1. Electra. v. 3. Hecuba, V. 3, Helena, v. 3. Heraclidse, v. 2. Contents. Hercules, v. 2. Hippolytus, v. 1. Ion. V. 1. Iphigenia in Aulis, V. 2. Iphigenia in Tauris, V. 3. Medea, v. 1. Orestes, V. 3. Phoenician virgins, V. 1. Rhesus. V. 2. Supplicants, v. 2, Trojan dames, v. 2. — Barchw. Iphigenia in Aulis. Tr, by R. Potter. [In Sanford (E.) and Walsh (R.) Briti-sh poets, v. 5(1.] .... 1691.50 — Crowned Hippolytus. Tr. into Engl, verse, by M. P. Fitz-Gerald. Loud,.n, 1807. 16°. . 1723.17 — Cyclops. Tr. by P. B. Shelley. [In S.'s Poetical works, v. 3. 1856.] 1684.21 — Medea. Tr. [into EngL verse], by J. Iv. Lee. L., 18G7. 16°. 1723.18 Same. Literallv tr. into Eugl. verse, by Augusta Webster. Loudon, 18i;8. 16°. : . .1723.16 — Jodrell {li. P.} Illustr.itions of the Ion and the Baccha). 2 v. 1781 1723.22 — Peacock {T. L.} The Phaethonof E.,a fragmeut. [/n /(is Works, v. 3 [5062.17) ; repr. from Fraser's mag., v. 45, 1852. • See also Blackwood's mag., v. 92, 1862 (Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in Tauris) ; Class, journal, v. 14 (Philosoph. sentiments of E.) ; Nat. qu. rev., v. 19, 18159 (Vindication of E.) ; Westm rev., Jan., April. 1872. and references in Poole's Index. In Poetry, .tee Browning (R.) Balaustiou's adventure [1623.09]; and his Aristophaues' apology [1622.16]. Europe. See Countries {Europe, p 317-319 ; with cross references on p. 319). Europe through Amer. spectacles. *e Fulton (C. C.) 1874. 940.08 European capitals (Sketches of|. See 'Ware (Wm.) . . . 942.09 European celebrities. &e Sprague (W. B.) 1856. . . . 3'202 08 European Ufe, legend, ami landscape. By an artist. [anon.] Phil., Is59. 8° 915.04 Eusebius Pamphili, {hp. of Gaesarna). An ecclesiasti- cal history to the yiear 324. Tr. by Kev. C. F. Crust'. Loudon, 18;t8. 8° 3413.14 Same. [Greek text.] F.r.-it bo ik and selections. With introd. by A. Ballard, and notes by W. B. Owen. N. y.,1874. 12° 3531.14 BBOOKLVN MBUCANTILE LIBRA It V, EUSTACE-EVERETT 451 Eustace (John Chetwocle). Classical tour thiouKh Italy [18U;i, etc.] 7tli ed. a v. Loudon, 1841. 18' .• 971.01 Same. 3d ed. 4 v. L., 1815. 8= . . 974.0e Bustathius TftfssalDnicr-iisis. Commeut;irii. Gr. et Lat. [/n Mul- leriO.) Ueogr. dr. mill , V. 2. 18G1.J 77(55.0i Eustathius '>'* Eumathius. Sue Eumathius. Eutaxia, or presbyterian liturgifs : hist, sketches. By a minister. N. Y., 1855. 12^ . . .3547.13 Eulhanasy. See Mountford (Wm ) 1852 3576.01 Eutropius. Abridgement of Roman history. Tr. by J. S. Watson. L., Bnhn, 1853. l'2^ ." .^ 423.0G — Breviarium historise Eoman;« ; ex ed. H. Verheyk, cum notis et interpretatione. Londiui, Valpy, 1821. 8° 7713.13 — — Same. [Lnl. et F/.] Paris, 1865. 8°. [Nisards Collection.] 7726. U2 Eaxine Sea. See Black sea (p. 294). Evagiius Sdiohtslioiis. History of the church. A. D. 431-594. L., Bohn, 1854. 12°. . . . 3413.06 Evangelical alliance conference, 1873. History, es- says, orations, and other documents. Ed. by P. Schaff andS. I. Prime. N. Y., 1874. 8°. 3518.15 Contents : Historical sketch. Address of welcome. Re- ports ou various christian countries. Christian union. Christianity and its antagonists. . Christian Ufe : educa- tion and Uterature. pulpit of the age. Sunday schools, christian associations. Romanism and protestantism. Christianity and civil government : church and state, Christianity and liberty, ministerial support. Christian missions. Social reforms. Letters and documents. Index. Evangelical religion. See Biblical and rehg. lit., (p. 85). Eyangehne See Longfellow (H. W.) 1604.09 Bvraiis (Col. Alliert S. ) Our sister republic: tropical Mexico, lS6'.t-70. Hartford, 1871. 8^. .1152.17 Evans (A. J. ) Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina. Lonlon. 187(1. 8' Evans (B. , Z>. D. ) Early English Baptists. 4 v. Loudon, 1862. 12" 3453.16 Evans (David Jlorier). Commercial crises, 1847-48 ; facts and figures. London, 1848. 8'. .5911.23 — History of the crisis, 1857-58, and the stock panic of 1859". London, 18.59. 8°. 5911.25 — SpecuLative notes, and notes on speculation, ideal and L., 1864. 8^ 5922.20 Evans i/iei'. Evan). Specimens of the poetr«of the ancient Welsh bards. Renr. from Do islev's ed. of 17(54. Llanidloes, (TKife-,-.) \_n.d.\ 8°. 1643.18 Evans (Frederick W. ) Shakers , compendium of origin, doctrines, e(c. N. Y., 1859. 12". . . .3448.10 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 23, 1869 (.\utobiography of a Shaker, by F. W. E.) Evans (G. W. D.) Classic and connoisseur in Italy and SieUy. 3 v. L., 1835. 8°. . . . 974.20 Evans (Hugh Davey). Treatise on the christian doc- trine of marriage. N. Y., 1870. 16°. .. . 5824.16 Evans (John, F.R.S.) Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Gt. Britain. New York, 1872. 8" 427.24 — On flint implements in beds of gravel, sand, and clay. [Li ArchiBologia, v. 38, 1860.J 6128.— — Ou tlie manuf. of stone implements iu prehistoric times. [In Intemat. cong. of prehist. arLhiBol. Trans., 186.S.J 5813 28 Evans (.John, qitaker). Narrative of the proceedings of the Quakers in Phila. , against J. E. With evi- dence on case of J. E. versus Ellis Yarn ill and others. Phila.. 1811. H' 3448.17 Evans (Marian J.) See Lewes (.l/rs. G H.) 1642.2(3 Evans iSebastiau). See biogr. notice in St. James mag., 1875. Evaus (Thomas'). Old ballads, with some modem. Ed. enl. by R.HEvans. 4v. L.,1810. 12°. 1611.17 Evans (Thomasl. Exposition of the faith of the Quakers. Phil., 1828. 8° 3.547.10 Evans (W.F.) Meutal-cure. Boston.lS69. 12°. 5438.16 Evelyn (Chetwood). Tabla-tiilk on books, men, and manners. N. Y., 1853. 12° 6216.02 Evelyn (John). Diary and corresp. [1620-1704.] Ed. by W. Biay. 4 v. L., 1850-52. 8°. .30.35.0:1 — Life of Mrs. Godolphin. L., 1864. 12°. .3066.28 Evenings with the children. .See Ramsey (V. G.) 1872. 1161.02 Evenings with the sacred poets. .See Saimders (Fr.) 1870. 1683.28 Events of a military life. See Henry (Walter) 3U75.29 L'Eveque. See Levesque. liverest (Charles \V. ) Poets of Connecticut ; with biogr. sketches. Hartford, 1843. 8°. . . 1643.08 Everett (Alcxand.>r Hill). Critical and miscel. e.isoys. Added a few poams. B., 1845. 12°. . 2524;il Contents : Mme de Sevigue. Who wrote Gil Bias ? Ber- nardin de St. Pierre. Schiller. Geoffroy on French drama- tic literature. Private life of Voltaire. Art of being happy. Canova. Sir James Mackiutosii. Cicero on government. Dialogue ou government between Franklin and Montes- quieu. Chinese manners. The sabbath. Poems. Same. 2d series. Boston, 184(i. 12°. . 2.524.12 Contents : Harro Harriuf?. De Stael. Muea?u8' Pojiular tales. Irving's Columbus. De Gerando's History of philo- sophy. Greeuough's statne of Washington. D.Stewart's pliilosophy. Life of R-'Usseau. Havana. History uf intel- lectual philosophy. Lord Vapourcourt. — Europe : survey of the principal powei-s . [ajion. ] London. 1822. 8°. . . . ' 5727.06 — Life of Patrick Henry. Boston, 1848. 16°. [/ii Sparks (J.| Amer. biogr., v 11.] 3241.11 — ■ Life of Joseph Wanen. New York, 1B53. 16°. [/ii Sparks (J.) Amer. biogr.. v. 10 ] 3241.10 — New ideas on population. B., 1823. 8°. . 5914.03 — Poems. Boston. 1845. 12°. 1643.09 Everett (Charles Carroll). The science of thought ; a system of logic. Boston, 1870. 12°. . . 5428.33 Everett (Edward). Life of Washington. New York. 1860. 12°. 3177.04 — Life of John Stark. New York, 1853. 16°. [In Sparks (J.) Amer. biogr., v 1.] 3241.01 — Life of Peter C Brooks. [In Hunt (F.) Lives of American merch,ants. v. 1, 1858.1 3244.10 — Life of Webster. |/ii 'W.'s 'Works, v. 1. 1851.] . . . 6077.01 — Mount Vernon papers. N. Y., 1860. 12°. . 2.J24.13 — Orations and speeches. 4 v. Boston, 1850-68. b° 6322.03 Contents. Abdul Rahaman, v. 3. Accumulation : property; capi- tal ; eredit, v. 2. Adams (J. Q.) Enlogy on. v. 2. Adams and Jefferson, v. 1. Africa (Colonization and civili- zation of). V. 1. Africa (Colonization of), v. 3. Agriculture, v. 1. — as affected by the war, v. 4. — (Importance of), v. 3. — (Progress of), v. 3. Aid to colleges (2 speeches), v. 2. America (Discovery of), v. 3. American constitutions (Prin- ciple of), V. 1. American institutions (Vindica- tion of). V. 4. American manufactures, v. 2. American scientific assoc, v. 2. AneL'dotes of early local hist., v. 2 Animals (Treatment of), v. 1. Appletou (Nathan), v. 4. Arctic sea (American expedi- tion to), V. 4. Army of the Potomac, v. 4. Astronomy (Uses of), v. 3. Baring (Thomas), v. 3. Barnard (Daniel Dewey), v. 3. Barnstable (Settlement oO, v. 2. Bible (The), v. 2. Bloody brook (Battle of), v. 1. Boston public library dedica- tion, v. 3. Boston school festival, v. 3. Boston schools, v. 2. Bowditch iDr N.), v, 2. Brattle house (Opening of), v. 3. Bristol (Royal agricultural so- ciily at , V. 2. British association at Manches- ter, V. 2. Brooks (Peter Chardon), v. 3. Bunker hill (Battle of), v. 1-3. Call (The), to anus. v. 4. Cambridge (Scientific associa- tion at), v. 2. Cambridge, (Engl.), University of, V. 2. Cambridge high school, v. 2 3. Charita1)Ie institutions and charity. V. 3. Oharlestown. (17th June at), v. 2. Choate (Utifus). v. 4. Circumstances favorable to the progress of literature in America, v. 1. Civil war (Causes and conduct of the), V. 4. Concord (loth of April at), v. 2. Conditions of a good school, V.3. Danvers (Agricultural society of), V. 4. Danvers (Cattle-show at), v. 2. Dedham (Cattle-show at), v. 2, Dedham (Settlement of), v. 2. Demand for reinforcement, v. 4. Derby (Agricultural 60c.of),v.2. Dorchester iu li;30, 1776, and 1855, V. 3. Dowse (Thomas), Eulogy on, V. 3. — Obituary notice of, v. 3. Dowse's libraryjfi. 3. Duty of crushiii^he rebellion, v.'4. Duty of supporting the govern- ment, V. 4. ' E pluribus unum.' v. 4. East Tennessee (Aids to), v, 4. Kducation in a republic, v. 2. Education and civdization. v. 3. Education favorable to liberty, morals, and knowledge, v. 1. Education in the western states, V. 1. Education of mankind, v. 1. Education of the poor. v. 4. Education the nurture of the mind, v. 2. Education (.\cadeniical), v. 3. Education (Superior and popu- lar), v. 2. Education (University), v. 2. Eliot school-b^e Clater (F.) 4627710 Every man's own lawyer, [anon.] L.,1870. 12°. 5022. '^8 Every Saturday, v. 1-8. B., 186G-6"J. 1.8''. . 8179.01 — 8ame. N. fS. v. 1-3. B., 1870-71. fol. . — Same. N. S. v. 1-1, B., 1872-73. 8^. . 8079.09 Evesham abbey. Chronicon abbat. Eveshameusis, ad 1118. Ed. by W. D. Macray. London, 18tJ3. 8°. [RoUschrou.] 5110. Evidehce. See Opinions ;~Probabihtiea ;^also references under Behef (p. 72). Evidence ^Law of). See Law (Evid'^nce.) Evidences of natural and revealed religion. See BibUcal and relig. lit. [Evidences of chrisfiatuty, p. 80.) Evil. See Bibhcal and rehg. lit {Evil, p. 87 -.—Evidences, p. 8G ;— Fad of Man, p. 87 ;— Natural thml., p. 9y ; —Sm. p. 104);— Moral Bcience. Evil eye. See Witchcraft. Evolution. — fiirkfi {T. R.) Modern physical fatalism and the doctrine of evolution, in 3522.27 — Fiske (J.) Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based onevoluliou. 2 v. 1^5 [l.s7-4.] . . . 3915.28 — Force (J/. K) Pre-his'oric man. Darwinism a^d deity, etc. 1873 5803.02 — GiU{ W. I.) Evolution and progress. 1875. 355(>.18 — HaeckeliK) History of creatiou. 2v. 1876. 4713.24 — Lov)ne(B. T.) PMlosopby of evolution. 1873. 4713.11 — McCosh (J.) Tlie devulopmeut hypothesis: is it sufficient 1876 35<',7.26 — Martiiuau (./,) Place of mind in nature and intuition iu man [In Coutemp. rev.. April. 1872.] — Mivari {8L G.) Coutemporary evolution; essay on some recent social changes. 187(.i. . . 4713.27 Repr. from Coutemp. rev., v. 23-24, 1874. — 3larp}iy {J. J.) Habit and iutelligence, in connec- tion with the laws of matter and force. 2 v. 1809 5425.01 — Savage {3f. J.) Religion of evohition. 1876. 3588.19 — Sfncer (//.) Reply to Martiueau. [Coutemp. rev., v. 20. 1872, nr Pop. sci. monthly. June. IH72 ] ^V'*, under his name in the general alphabet, for his works and accompanying criticism. — Stallo {J. B.) General principles of the philosophy of nature. 1848 5126.05 — WriqU {Chaunccy). Pbilos. discussions. 1877. 5418.12 See also Nat. qu. rev., v. 24, 1872 ; New Englander. v. 30, 1871 (Defence of E.) ; Jan., 1874 (E. versus theism, by B. A. Smith) ; v. ^4. 1875 {Metaphysics of E. , Modern philos. and theory of K., by L Adam^) ; Pup. Bci. monthly. May, 1874 (E and the doctrine of design, by W. S. Jcvone). j^g~ See also Natural history {Ddriuinian and other develop- ment throries) ;— Biblical and relig. lit. (Evolution and reli- gion, p. 87) ;— Language. {Evdui iun.) E-wald (Alex. Charles). The last centmy of universal history, 17:e Government and politics. Executors. See Law. {Execulors and admiuistrafors.) Exeter academy. See N. A. rev , v. 87, 1838 (Philiipa family and Exetiir academy). Exhibitions (Universal)- See Arts (Uspful ; ExhibitiQns, p. 43) ;— United States centennial exhibition. Exile. Percy auecdutes. v. 5. 1823 6211.05 Exodus (B>>ok of). See BibUcal and relig. lit. {Exodus, p. 87). Exodus (Desert of the). Ste worku ou Palestine (in Oountries. p. 355). Exodus of the western nationa. See Bury (W. C.) 1865. . 663.16 Exotics. [Poetical translations. ] By J. F. C: and L. C. Bostou, ls75. l(i^ 1642.23 Expanse of heaven. See Proctor (R. A.) 1873 4013.22 Expediency. See Chris examiner, v. 22 (Question of, by J. Wal- ker) ; also Compromise (p.'278| ; also Biblical and religious lit. {Consciejice, p 82) ; aud Moral science, fur works dis- cusaing the yrouuds of moral ubligatiou. Experience. Emerson {R. W.) Essays. 2d series, 1852 : p. ly 91 2524.06 BROOKLYN MEKCAM'lLE LIBRARY. EXPERIMENTAL -PAIRHOLT 453 Experimental spiritism. See Kardeo (A.) 1874. . . . 3812,37 Ibcpositiou of the barriers txcludiug men of geuius from the public. [riuo«.] L., 18:«. 12'^. 2712.19 Exposition of the weakness and inefficiency of the gov. of the United Statis. &e Mercer (C. F.) 6725.12 Express business. Tucker ( T. W. ) Waifs from tlie way bills of an old expressman. 1872. . 3'J2G.40 — Eiifi-rll {E.) Mount Vernon papers, I860 : p. 248-258. 2524.13 Expression, {in. art), ,S''e Fine arta {Ezpr':ssion). Expression oi the emotions. Darwin (C'.) Expression, etc. 1873 5431.17 Il..'Viewed in Ed. rev., April, 1873. jCtS* 'Stjf; also Physiognomy : — Eye. ExquemeUn (.Alexandre Olivier). Sec Buccaneers (p. 238). £jxtrac ts. — Zioo/t of elegaut extracts. [Prose and ] 14G3.01 — Buckle iff. T.) Commonplace books. [/« his Miscel. works, V. 2-3, 1872.] 6022.21 — Oieen ( T. ) Extracts from the diary of a lover of lit.r.iture. ISlO 2528.20 — Ueiirne { T. ) Reliquiae Hoarniance. Remains, beiug extracts from bis ms. diaries, with a few notes by P. Bliss. 2ded. 3 v. Iblj'j 5041.18 — Piiyiuler (J.) Literary extracts from EiigUsb aud other works. 3 v. 1841-17 6218.09 — SoiUlifi/ (li.) Commonplace book. 4 v. London, 184'.i-51. 8'. 0218.111 Same. v. 1-2. New York, 1819. 8'. . C218.0:. ij^ See also Quotations : — Elocution. (Readings, p. 442.) Extraordinary men. .bVc Russell (Win.) lSjl> 3203.21) Extraordinary women. See Russell (Wm.) 1857. . . . 3203.19 Eye (Expi'essiou of the). — Tackerman (//. T.) The optimist, p. 164-174 2544 11 — Juniley (J.) Language of the eye. 1856. . 54;il.21 See also Macmillan'a mag., Sept., 18GG (Expresaion, by C. A. Collins). Eye (Physiology and diseases of the). See Medicine. (Eye.) Eyebnglit (Daisy), pseud. Manual of etiquette. New York, 1873. 12^ 5427. 1*6 Eyes and ears. See Beeoher (H. W.) 1862 2513.08 Eyes and eai-s abroad. See Paddock (W. !•'.) 1873. . . 941.2'J Eylert ( Uulem. Ft..RD.) lieligious life and opinions of Frederick William in., king of Prussia. Tr. by J. Birch. London, 1844. 8° 3002.25 Eyma (Xavier). Les femmes du nouveau-monde. Paris, 1860. 12° 7044.12 — Les Peanx rouges : scfeues de la vie dea Indiens. Paris, 1800. 12='. 7041.13 Eyrbiggja saga. Scott (Sir IF.) Abstract of the Eyrbiggia-sags. [/(I /lis Complete works, V. 1,1833.1 .5005.13:02 Eyre (Edward John). Expedition into Central Austra- lia, 184(J-41. 2 V. L., 1845. 8^ 1063.02 — Hame(H.) Life of E. .1. E. 1867. . . .3054.29 See also Macmillau'a mag., Oct., Nov., 1865 (2 papers by H. Kiiigsley). Eyre ( Sir James). The stomach and its diffioultie.s. 6d ed. Phila., 1869. 16° 4321.07 Eyre (Mary). Lady's walks in the south of France in 1863. 2ded. London, 18o5. 8^ . . . 962.15 Eyries {I. B. B. ) L'Angleterre, ou costumes, moeur-s etc. Paris, [«;;oi(( 1825.] 8^ 662.3.05 — La Chine, ou costumes, moeur.3, etc. Paris, [about 1825.] 8°. 6625.05 — Danemark. Paris, 1840. 8'. [ITuivers.] . 901.22 — La Russie, ou costumes, moeurs, etc. Paris, lubout 1825.] 8" 6625.05 — La Turquie, ou costumes, moenrs, etc. Paris, lahout 1825.] 8' 6025.05 Eytou {llev. R. W.) Antiquities of Shropshire. 12 v. in 6. Loudon, 1854-60. 1. 8° 486.08 Eytou (T. C. ) Herd-book of Hereford cattle, v. 2-3 ; 4 [byT. Duokham]. 3 v. L., 18.53-59. 12°. 6136.02 Ezechisl. Ezechieli et christianorum poetarum relig. dramaticEe. Annot. F. Diibner. Parisiis, Dklni, 1846. 8° 7765.02 Ezekiel. See Biblical and relig. lit. (E;ekiel, p. 87 .—Prophets, p. 98 -.—Old Test., p. 87 -.—Bible, p. 78). Fabeus (J. W.) Life on the isthmus [of Panama]. New York, 18.53. 12° 1165.01 Paber (Frederick Wm.) Foot of the cross; or the sorrows of Mary. 4th Amer. ed. Baltimore, 1859. 12°. 3517.12 — Hymns selected from Faber. Northampton, ( .Va.s-.f. , ") 1867. 16°. . . • 1643.10 Faber (George Stanley). Apostolicity of trinitarianism. 2 V. Loudon, 1832. 8° 3517.21 — Difficulfos of infidelity. Phila., 1829. 16°. :i517.14 — Inquiry into the hist, and theology of the ancient Valleuses aud .Vlbigeuses. L., 1838. 8^. 3133.17 — Napoleon m., the man of prjphecy. New York 1«59. 24° 3133.01 — Origm of pagan idolatry. 3 v. L., 1816. 4°. 3818.08 — Sacred calendar of prophecy. 2d ed. 3 v. Lundon 1841. 12°. 3540.22 Fable. Ji«//t/if:/i ( T. ) Age of fable. . . . ; 143.29 — Brewer (K C. ) Diet of phrase and fablo. 1.S70. 6218.07 — Wkeeler ( IK A. ) Noted names of fiction. 1865. 2761. 1 7 See also Classical dictionaries (p 271)) ; — Mythology. Fable for critics. .V-r Lowell (James R.) 1850 1071,00 Fable of the bees. See MandeviUe (Bernard). 1795. . . 6435.17 Fables. See Fiction class-list, p. 480. Fables aud legends cf many countries. See Saxe (J. C.) 1872. FabUaux of the 12th-13tU century. See Le Grand D'Aussy (1'- J. B.) 1004.01 Face (The). See Fine arts (Expression .-—Head) ;— Physiognomy. Facetiffi. See Wit aud hiimur. i'actories. U^rait Britain. Inspectors of factories. Re- ports, 1872 4314.22 See also Arts (Useftil : Manufactures, p. 44). Facts (Law of). iVy Law. (Facts.) Facts about wives and mothers. See Donkersley (E.) . 5835.10 Facts and faces. See Woolnoth (Thomas). 1354. . . . 6432.06 Facts aud bints lor e very-day life ; [receipts, etc.} [ByA. H. W.] L., [187- .] 12°. . . .6015.23 Facts, not fairy-tales. ."See Dunn (H.) 1873 3614.03 Faerie queen. .S'eii Spenser (Edmund). 1080.16; 1C2G.03 ; 1091.02 Fagau (Louis). Handliook to the department of prints aud drawings in the British museum. London, 1S76. 8" Fagge (C. Hilton). Report on forensic medicine, and on public health, 1863-65. With bibliography. [New Sydenham society. Yearbook, 1864 66. 8° .J 4304.05 — Report on toxicology and materia medica;— On materia medica and general therapeutics. 1865-6. [lit New Sydenham aoc , Bienn, retrospect, 1804-00.] 4304.06 Faggot of French aliclis. .V« Head (Sir F. B.) 1853. . . 963.17 Fagnan (.Vine. Marin .Autoiiiotte). Miuet-bleu ct Louvette. [In Cabinet des fees, v. 35.] 7052.35 Faiu (Agathon Jean Fr., Inron). Memoirs of the inva- sion of France, and of the last six months of the r.--igu of Napoleon. New ed. London, 1834. 8° 3131.11 Fair(.lfrs. Laura). .'?« Morse (J.T ,j>.) Famous trials. 1874. .0611. 19 Fair France. See Craik (.Itrs. D, M. Muloch). 1871. . . 961.18 Fairbairii (Jolin). Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. by J. Maclaren. 2 v. Edinburgh, [I860.] 8° 6614.20 Fairbairii (Patrick, J). D. ) Review of the controversies respectmg the per.sou of Christ in Britain since the middle of the 17th century. [In Dorner (J. W.) History, etc. v. 3.] 3545.21 Fairbairii (Wm. )" Iron, its history, i^roperties, and manufacture. New ed. Edin., L'S65. 8°. 3931.37 — On the application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 3d ed. With short treatise on wrought iron bridges. L., 1857-58. 8°. 3933.29 — On water-wheels. [In Weale (.1.) Qnar. papers.] . . 3918.16 Fairbanks (Charles Billiard). Aguecheek. Essays, [and Sketches of foreign travel]. Boston, 1859, 12° 943.16 Fairbanks (George R.) History of Florida, to 1812. Philadelphia, 1871. 12°. 591.15 — Spaniards in Florida. Jacksonville, 1SG8. 8^ 651.02 Fairfax (Thomas, lord). Short memorials. By himself. [In Ma- sares (F.) Select tracts, v. l.J 476.17 aS" See also Biography (p. 143). Fairfield (Mas C. E. ) Oui- Bible class. New York. 1860. 12° 3517.15 Fairfield (Francis Gerry). Clubs of New I'ork. New York, 1S73. 12° 0216.34 — Ten years with spiritual mediums. New York. 1 875. 12° 3812.38 Fairfield (George A.) Report on sewing-machiues. [In U. S. Com. 10 Vienna exhib. Reports, v. 3, 1875.] 3916 17 Fairfield (Sumner Lmcolu). Lays of Melpomene. Portland, 1821. 12° 1643.20a — Poems and prose writings, v. 1. [Poems.] Pliila., 1841. 8° 1643.20 — Select poems. (tri« Fairfield (J.) Autobiogr., 1860.] 30.55.17 Fail holt (Frederick Wm.) Civic garland. Songs from » Londou pageants. L. , 1815. 16°. [Percy society, V. 19.] 5060.19 — Costume in England, till [1800]. L., 1846. 8°. 6625.17 In aaUlQg for books, use the " Book Order," givins the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, aud the NU-MBER. 454 FAIRHOLT - FANSHAWE Fairholt (Frederick William), continued. — Dictiouaxy of terms iu art. L., 1870. 12". 1413.01 — Gog and Magog. The gianta in OuildhaU ; witli otiier civic giants. Loudon, 1859. 16^ . 3816.31 — Homes, haunts, and works of Kubens, Vandyke, Kembrandt, and Cuyp ; the Dutch genre-paiuters ; Michael Angelo and Kaiifai'lle : art-rambles in Belgium, Holland, and Italy. L., 1871.' 8^ 1415.22 — Homes, works and shriues of English artists. With rambles in Kome. L., 1873. sm. 4^. . . 143.5.2,j — Lord mayor's pageants. Loudon, 1843. 10°. [Percy- society, V. 10.] 50U0.10 — Poems and songs rel. to George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, and his assassmatiou. Loudon, 1850. IB". [Percy society, v. ^'J.] . . 506;).29 — Eambles of an archiBologist. L., 1871. 8". 1445. lU Cmitenls : lUmblea of au archisologist. Gi-otesijue de- signs. Fiugei- rings. Aucieut bruaclius and dress lasteu- iuga. Albert Durer. — Satirical songs and poems on costume, 13th-19th ceutury. L.,18iy. 16^ [Percy soc.,v.27.] 5060.27 — Tobacco : its history and assoeiatious : inol. its manufacture. L., 1859. 16= 4915.23 — Up the NUe, and home again. L., 18G2. 12°. IOSI.19 Tairies. Hunt (i.) [In his Day by tile fire, 187U ; p. 81-124. 2532.23 j^" See also Follt-lore. Fairlie (II. F. ) Railways or no railways. Narrow gauge u broad gauge. Loudon, 1872. 8°. 392.3.43 Fairmount park. Set; Countries. {Pkihuielphia, p. 35B.) Feiirplay (Francis). Map of the Uauadas. Loudon, 1831. 12^ 5091.07 Fairplay (.John, ed.,) pseud. Notes of the Wandering Jew on the Jesuits. Loudon, 1845. 24". 34i4,0S Fairs. — Bourne {11 R.F.) Romance of trade, p. 60-72. 5922.15 — Brooklyn and Long Island fair, Feb. 22, 18G4. History. Brooklyn, 1861. 4" 596.02 ' — Jl/orie(/(H.) Memoirs of Bartholomew fair. 1859. 46 17. 04 *"« also article iu M'Culloch's Diet, of commerce, 1869. Fairy queen. See Spenser (Edmund). Fairy tales. See Fiction, p. 480. Fairy tales of science. .See Brough (J. C.) 1859. . . . 3913 18 Faith. .See Biblical and relig. lit. (p. 87). Faith {Eclipse ot). See Rogers (Henry). Faith (Nemesis of). .S.:'' Fronde (J. A.) Faithful forever. .■?«(! Patmore (C.) 1861 1675.20 Faiths of the world. See Gardner (J.) 2 v. [1858 60.) . . 3428 Ul Falconer (Thomas). Dissertations. .See Hanno. Voyage, elc. 427.18 Falconer (Wm., M.D., b. 1741, d. 1SI)5). Disserta- tions on St. Paul's vovage ; and on [his] ship- wreck. 2d ed. London, 1870. 8^ . . 3758.10 Falconer (Wm., i/iepoei). Poetical works. With life, byJ. Mitford. Boston, 1854. 16°. . . 1643.11 Same. London, 1836. 16° 1611.26 — Poems. Ed. with life by A. Chalmers. [Fn Chalmers" Eng- lish poets, V. 14. 1810.) 1626.14 — Select poems. [/» Sanford (E.) and Walsh (R.) British poets. V. 27, 1822.) 1691.27 Palkner (Edward). Ephesus, and the temjile of Diana. London, 1862. 1. 8° 1056.01 Falkland Isl.anda. See Countries. {Falkland Islands, p. 319.) FaU of Babylon. See Gumming (John). 1870 3,542.11 Fall of the Crimea. See Spencer {Capf. Edmund). 1854. 554.10 Falloux (Alfred A. P., vicomte de). Louis svi. [Biographie.] Seed. Paris, 1868. 16°. 3113.32 — Madame Swetchine : sa vie et ses oeuvres. 2 v. Paris, 1862. 12° 3167.20 FalstaSf (Sir John). Brough (B. B.) Life of. lUus. ' by G. Caiiksbank. 1858 1755.02 See also Fortnightly rev., Marcb, 1873 ({Eist. element in Shakspeare's Falstaff) ; Gentleman's mag., Nov., 1868. See a so under Shakspere (Wm.) Fame and Reputation. — Barnes (.4.) Desire of reputation. [In his Essays and reviews, V. 2, 1855 ; p. 167-201.] 2513.07 — Buliver (Sir E. G.) Posthumous rep. [In his Caxtouiana, 1864 ; 331-356.] 2515.07 — Goilwin {Wm.) [/ii /u'.! Enquirer 1797. (2 art,)] . . . 2.W6.17 — liazlilt { Wm.) Posthumous fame. [In his Hound table.] 2531.12 — .Marsk {E. Q.) Posthumous fume. [/» Oxford prize essays. V. 2.1 254r.l2 — Sauwle'rs (/".) Mosaics, p. 321-365 2543.04 Familiar French quotations, proverbs, and phrases. London, 1876. 32° FamiUar lectures. See Herschel {Sir J. F. W.) . . . . 3913.26 Familiar letters on public characters, 1783-1815. .5'ee SuUi^n (Wm.) 673.09 Familiar talks to boys. See Hall (.John) 3512.06 Familiar quotations. See Bartlett (John) 6213.02 Familiar words. .See Friswell (J. Haiu) 6213 04 Famihes. .S'ee Genealogies :— Aristocracy (p. 35) ; — Heraldry. Families of speech. See Farrar (F. W.) 1870 6412.22 Family, as a primitive institution. A'ote. — The Family as the nidus out of which sprang the the earliest forms of law and primitive judicial ctmcep- tions of proprietary rights, is treated at large by Sir Henry Maine in his 'Ancient Law.' In bis 'Village Communi- ties' and his 'Early history of Institutions,' he dwells more largely upon the family as the type of archaic so- ciety. Much light is thrown upon the relations of the early family to legal and political institutions and ideas among the Teutonic peoples, by V-jn Maurer and others, a list of whose writmga is appended to Maine's ' Village Commnuities.' p. 398. The place of the family in Greek and Roman history is discussed at large in the 'Ancient City ' of Fustel de Coulauges, and incidentally in Cox's 'History of Greece," and Freeman's ' Comparative Politics." Sohm s 'Friiukische Reicha- und Gerichtaverlassuug," and Lave- leye's 'LaPropriete et ses formes primitives," will be of service iu studying the family in its connection with origin of proprietary rights. Anglo-Saxon family Law is treated of iu a recent volume of ' Essays on Anglo-Saxon Law," by Henry Adams and others. A very complete list of authorities is prefixed. The place of the lamily in so- ciological development is touched upon by Herbert Spen- cer, IMhis ' Principles of Sociology,' and by John Fiske iu his • cosmic philosophy ' (chapter ou the Evolution of Society).— W. M. I. Family and home life. — Ackman(.W,) Life at home, ric. 1870. .3513.15 — Beattie [J.) Attachment ot kindred, [/n Works, v. 3.] 5016.11 — Emerson (R. W ) Domestic Ufe. [In his Society and solitude, 1870 ; p. 91-121 '2624.03 — Farninrjham (J/. ) Home life ; or, how to make home happy. 1871. 16° 3547.16 — Oasparin (A., comte de). The family : its duties, joys and sorrows. 1867 3511.05 — Marine {W.) Home life. 1855 3556.09 — Percy anecdotes. V. 20. 1823 6211.20 —^Ware(,./.F.W.) Home life 3617.08 J^S' See also Children (p. 266) ; — Marriage. Family adviser. .Ve.' Hartshorne (H.) 1869 4322.15 Family *(The) and Parochial almanack. L., 1835-41. 16'. 6761.17 ■''Same. Family almanack. Loudon, 1842. 16'. . 6761.24 Xole. — For coutinuation. see Englishman's and lamily almanack. Family and the church. &f Hyacinthe (Farter). . . .3563.17 F.imily pen (The). Taylor family. &f Taylor (iJer. Isaac). Family romance. See Burke {Sir Bernard) 6612.14 Family worship. See Mauri ce (F. D.) Dialogues, etc. . 3574.21 Famm (Cesar). Chili, Paraguay, Diuguay, Buenos- Ayres. Paris, 1810. 8°. [Uiiivers.] . 901.18 — Circassie et Georgie. P., 1838. 8°. [Uiiivers.] 902.29 — ColombieetGuyanes. P., 1837.8°. [Uuivers.] 901.17 Famines. — Arnold E. A.) History of the cotton fiimine, from the fall of Sumter to the passing of the Public works act. 18G4 5926.06 — Richard..;on ( w.) Simple measures by which famines may be prevented. 1816. [In Pamphleteer, v. 8.] . . . 6058.08 A'o^e.— Upon famines in India, see W. W. Hunter's Fam- ine aspects of Bengal districts [1013 21] ; aho Conteinp. rev.. V. 4, 1867 ; Eraser's mag., v. 76. 1867 (Prevention ot) ; V. 76, 1867 : North Brit. rev., v. 46, 1867. Famous Americans. .S'ee Parton (James). 1867. . . . 3245 16 Famous books. See Adams (W. H. D.) 2513.11 Famous girls, [rtmm.] 4th ed. L., [1870. ] 12°. 3261.17 Famous Loudon merchants. .See Bourne (H. R. F.) 1869. 3261.04 Famous painters and paintings. .S'ee Shedd {.Mrs. J. A.) 1435.16 Famous persona and places. See Willis (N. P.) 1854. . . 2545.13 Famous trials. See Morse (J. T.) 6611.19 Famous women and heroes: apoeni. See Michell (N.) 1871. 1667.03 Fan (The), a poem. .See Gay (John) 1644.08 Fanaticism. -- Reese (D. 31) Humbugs of New York. 1838. 3813.39 — Madden ( R. li. ) Phautasmata ; or, Ulusions aud faiiaticism.s. 2 v. 1857 3813.12 — Taylor (I.) Famtioism. 1819 3G1'2.04 ^S' See also Biblical and religious literature. {Imposture and Fanaticism, p. 89) ; — Delusions. Fauconrt (Charles St. John). Hist, of Yucatan to close of 17th century. L., 18-54. 8°. . .1165.16 Fane (Julian Charles Henry) and Bul-wer-Lytton (R. ) TanBhi'iuser ; or the battle of the bards ; a poem. By N. Temple and E. Trevor. [ji.'.'Wk;. ] Loudon, 1861. 8" 1604.03 Fankwei. *e 'Wood (W. M.) 1859 1022.08 Famiing (Oil. David). Adventures in North Carolina, 1775 to 1783. With iutrod. aud notes. New York. 1865. 8°. [Sabiu's reprirfi. ] .... 564.22 Fanny Fern, pseud. See Parton {.Mrs. James). Fausha'we (Cyril Aston). Book of battle songs of va- rious uatious. With remarks. L.,[)i.d.] 4°. 1614.33 BBUOKLVN MERCANTILE LIBBART. FANTOSME F AU VEL.-GOURAUD 455 Pantosme (Jordanl. Chronicle of the war between the English aud Scots, 117U-1. Tr. with notes, by F. Michel. Londoii, Sxiities soc, 1810. 8°. 511(i.l5 Faraday (Michael ). Experimental researches in chemis- try and physios. London, 1S59. 8^ . . 4215.20 — Lectures on the chemical history of a caudle. New York, 1861. 16^ 4211.02 — Observ. ou the education of the judgmeut. [In Youmans (E. L.| Culture, etc., IBB?.] 5514. 10 — Six lectures on the forces of- matter. New York, 1860. 16^ 4022.04 — ■ Some thoughts on the conservation of force. [In Youmans (E. L.) Con-el.ition, elc, p. 357-383.] 4U'22.02 Sfie al^o Biography (p. 143) ; a[Sfi MacmiUan'B mag., June, 1868 (F.. a discoverer, by J. 3. Kuasell;. Farey(Johu). Treatise on the steam engine. London, 1827. 4= l!927.U6 Farces. .9r;e Plays. Faria y Souza or Souea (Manoel de). Portuguese Asia, 1505-1539. Kerr (R.) Voyages, elc, v. 6-7.J 914.13 Same. [/« Astley (T.) Col. of voyages, v. 1, 1745.) 935.09 Faiiugtou papers ; ed. by Susan M. Efaringtou. London, 1856. 4=. [Chetham soc, v. 39.] . . 5094.40 Fariui (Luigi Carlo). The Roman state, 1815-1850. Tr. by W. E. Gladstone. 4 v. L., 1851. 8°. 535.17 Farley (Frederick Augustus, D.D.) Unitarianism de- fined. Boston, 1870. 8° 3547.24 Sermons. — Christ among the children. [/?» Monthly relig. mag., Aug., 1850] 3547.29 — Christian consolation for bereaved parents. Brooklyn. 1841. 8° 3547.29 — Dangers of a business life. New York, 1847. 8'. . . 3547.29 — Death of the president of the D. S. Best.. 1341. 8°. . 3547 29 — Discourse at the dedication of Weatmuister church. Provi- dence. :|fcl829. 8' 3547.29 — Discourse o^ToUa Quincy Adams. Brooklyn. 1848. 8". 3547.29 — Father (The) the only proper object of christian worship. New York, 1849, 12° 3547.28 — Gospel requisitions. [Liberal preacher, July, 1834.] . 3547.29 — Grounds for rejecting the text of the three heavenly wit- nesses. Brooklyn, 1845. 12". .• 3547.28 — MiUtary glory. New York, 1848. 12° 3647.28 — Sermon, Westminster church, Nov. 10, 1839. Providence, 1839. 12° 3.547.28 — Sermon after the interment of Henry Leeds. New York. 1843. 8' 3547.29 — Tribute to the memory of Seth Low. N. Y.. 1853. 8". 3547.29 — Two discourses ou the Lord's supper. Pro\'idence, 1830. 12° 3547.28 — Two tracts. 1, on the origin of the doctrine of the trinity. 2, on the genuineness of the text of " The three heavenly wituessos." Brooklyn. 1832. 12° 3547.28 — "What is truth." New York, 1843. 8° 3547.29 — Chaiining {W. E.) Discourse at the ordination of F. A. F.. Providence, K. I., Sept. 10, 1828. Boston. 1828. 8°. 3547.29 Farley (J. Lewis). Two years in Syria. London, 1858. 8= 1042.17 Farlie (Robert). Moral emblems. Ste Pigot (E.) . . . 1446.21 Farm ballads. &e Carleton (Wm.) 1873 1631.07 Farm legends. ,SVe Carleton (Wm.) 1876 1631.10 Farmer (Benj. ) View of the internal policy of Gt. Britain, [nnoii.] L. , 1764. 16=. . . . 5713.14 Farmer (Eichard, D.D.) Cheethnm ms. ; ed. by A. B. Grosart. L., 1873. i". [Chetham soc, v. 89, 90.] 5096.08 — Essay on the learning of S. [In Shakspere (W.) Plays, v. 2. 1803.] 17-3.05 Farmer's boy; rural poem. .Vee Bloomfleld (R.) . . . IG'5.02 Farmer's vacation. .See Waring (Geo. E.,j>.) .... 946.12 Farmers' calendar, and gardening. L., 1843. 16*. . . 6761.25 *.Same. British farmers' almauack. 5 v. London, 1844 48. 16' 6761.26 Farmers' ready reckoner. London, 1801. 16°. 4015.20 Farming. See Agriculture (p. 7). Farming for boys. See Coulter (-l/iss). 1866 6122.05 Farm-yard club of Jotham. See Loring (G. B.) . . . . 6126.09 Faruliam (^Eliza \V. ) Ideal attained, story of two stead- fast souls. N. Y., 1865. 1'2° 191.01 — Eliza Woodson : an autobiography. See beiow My early days 191.05 — Life in Prairie land. New York, 1852. 12°. 11'24.16 — My early days. New York, 1855. 12°. . 191.05 — Woman and her era, 2d ed. 2 v. New York, 1865. 1865. 12°. 5823.01 Farnham (^Thomas J.) Life, adventures, etc., in Cali- fornia and Oregon. N. Y., 1849. 8°. . .1114.01 FarniQgham (Marianne). Home life. New York, 1871. 16° 3547.16 Faroe Islands. ,^ee Countries (p 319;. Farquhar (George). Dramatic works. Ed. by Leigh Hunt. Loudon, 1849. 8= 174431 Contents : Beaux stratagem. Constant couple ; or a*rip to the jubilee. Inconstant (The) ; or, the way t/.,) 1865. 16^. . 3765.99 Farragut [Admiral David G.) See Biography (p. 144). Farrar (Adam Storey). Critical nistorv of free thought. N. Y., 1803. 12°. [Hampton lectures] 3547.17 Farrar [liev. Frederic Wm.) Essays ou a liberal edu- cation. London, 1807. 8° 5515.21 — Fall of man, and other sermons. 3d ed. London, 1876. 8° 3547.30 — Families of speech ; 4 lectures. L., 1870. 12°. 6412.22 — " In the days of thy youth." Sermons, 1871-76. New York, 1876. 12° 3547.'23 — Life of Christ. 2 v. N. Y., 1874. 8°. . . 34'22.24 — Seekers after God. Phil., [Loud..] 1869. 1'2°. 5435.19 Viz. : Seneca. Epictetus. Marcus AureUus. — SUence aud voices of God, with other sermons. 2ded. London, 1875. 1'2° 3547.19 — Witness of history to Christ : Hulseau lectures for 1870. Londou, 1871. 1'2* 3547.18 Farrar ( Mrs. Eliza Eotch, lolfe of John). John Howard. Boston, 1833. M° 3083. M — EecoUectious of 70 years. B., 1806. 16°. . 3055.18 Farrar (Timothy, LL.D.) Mnnual of the constitution of the U. S. Boston, 18G7. 8- 5735.03 Farren (Wm,, actor). See sketches of him in Beiitley's miscel., Jan., 1857. and Gentleman's mag., Jan.. 1872. Farren ( George). Observations ou the laws of mortali- ty and disease, and life insurauce. With appen- dix, on mania, melancholia, etc , as displayed in Shakespeare's Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Edgar. London, 18-29. 8° 5914.26 Faniery. See Horse ;— Veterinary medicine. Fascination ; or, philosophy of charming. See Newman (J. B ) 3814.24 Fashion. J^ercy anecdotes, v. 19, 1823 6211.19^ 43- See also Costume (p. 284). Fast day sermons : or the pulpit on the state of the country. New York, 1861. 12°. . . . 3517.20 Conlenln : Thornwell (.T. H.) Our national sins. Palmer (B. M) Slavery a divine trust. Dabney (B. L.) The christ- ian's ijest motive for patriotism. Breckinridge (R.J.) The utiion to be preserved. Van Dyke (H J I Character and influence of abohtiuuisiu. Lewi-s (T.) Patriarchal and Jewish servitude no argument f^)r American ^slavery. Raphall (M. J ) Bible view ot slavery. Vinton F.) Fanati- cism rebuked. Beecher (H. W.) Pea.e. be stiU. BeUows {H. W.) The crisis of our national disease. Adams (W.) Prayer for rulers ; or duty of christian patriots. Fast in the ice ; polar regions. [In Ballantyne's miscel., v. 3. 1809.1 931.04 Fast hfe ou the modern highway. See Taylor (J.) 1874. 3925.44 Fatalla-Sayeghir. Lamariine (A. de). Residence of F. among the wandering Arabs of the Great Desert. 1836 1052. '21 Fate. Emerson {R. W.) Conduct of life. 1860 ; p. 1-43. 2524.02 — Plutarch. Of fate, [/n /us Morals, v. 5, p. 293-308.] .6436.30 *S- See also Necessity ;— Providence (as Autonym). Father Prout. pseud. See Mahoney (Francis'. Fathers of the church. See Biblical, relig and eccl. lit. (p. 87), Fathers ol the Desert. See RufTner (H.) IS-TO 3421.01 Fau (Julien). Anatomy ot the external forms ofman ; for artists. Ed. by K. Knox. [Test only]. Lond., 1849. 8° 1456.06 Faulkner (Henry). Elephant haunts. London, 1868. 8° 1085.13 Faimce (D. W. ) Christian in the world. Boston, 1875. 12° 3547.25 Fauriel (Clande Charles). History of proven9al poetry. Tr. by G.J. Adler. N. Y., 1860. 8°. . . 27'25.12 Faussett (Tliomas Godfrey). On the present state of the law of "Tiea.sure trove." (/ii Archeeol. journal, v. 22.] .1463.17 Faust, drama. See Goethe (J. W. vou). Faust. Dr. Johauues Faust, (/ii Simrock (K.) Deutschen Volks- biicher. V 4. 1846.) 7126.24 Same. Hist, of the damnable life and deserved death of Dr. John Faustus. [In Thoms (W. J.) Early EugUsh prose romances, v. 3. 1858.] 261.24 Same [In Roscoe (T.) Germ, novelists, v. 1, 1826.) 244.16 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 2. 1858 (German legend of Dr. Faustus. by T. A. L. Robiusou). Fauvel-Gouraud (Francis). Phreno-mnemotechny ; or the art of memory. N. Y., 184.5. 8°. 5518. '26 In asking for books, use the " Book Or.lers," giving the AUTHOR'S NAMS, the fir«t part of tbe TITLE, aud the NCJMBER. 456 FAVORITE-FENIAN Favorite authors, a companion-book of prose and poetry. Boston, 1S61. 12° 2.V24.U Favourite fables, in prose and verse. London, 1875. 16°. 181.15 Favre (Jules). See King (E.) Freuch polit. leaders. 1876. 3221.17 Favycett (Heni'y). Manual of political economy. 3d ed. London, 18()'J. 12° 5912.13 — Pauperism : its causes and remedies. London and New York, 1871. 8° 5825.23 — Speeches on some current political questions. Lon- don, 1873. 8° 5724. 1'j Contents : Indian finance. The education act. Iy73. Tlje Mine hours bill, 1873. Election, 1873. Women s euffi-age, 1873. Household suffrage, 1873. Irish university education. The enclo.sure ot commons, 1871. The law offi- cers of the crown, 1872. Speech at Brighton, 1873. — HintoniHJ.) Eng. radical kailers. 1875 3221.14 — and Fawcett (Millicent Garrett). Essays and lec- tures on social and political subjects. Loudon, 1872. 8° 5814.23 Contents : [By H. F.J Modern socialism. Of state inter- vention. Pauperism, cliarity. and the poi.T law. What can be done for the agricultural labourers. The House of lords. [By M, F. G.l Free education in its economic aspects. Na- tional debts and national prosperity. Schools' inquiry com- missioners on the education of girls. Education of women. Electoral disabilities of women. Why women require the franchise. An American [S. Sterne] on representation. Proportional representation and Hare's Bcbemc explained. — Political economy for beginn<^. London, 1870. 18° Sltll.lO Fawcett (Millicent Garrett). Tales in political econo- my. London, 1874. 12° 5911.29 The Srimats. The shipwrecked sailors. Isle Pleasant. Foreign trade. Fawkes (Francis). Poems. [In Chalmers' (A.) EngUsh poets, V. 16. 1810.] 1626.16 Fay (F. R.) Epistle of Paul to the Romans. [In Lange (J. P.) Commentary. New Test.. V. .">, 1809 3747.15 Fay (Joseph D.) Digest of laws of state of New York. 3 V. New York, 1874-70. 8° 5610.09 Fearing (Paul). See Campbell (J. W.) Biogr. sketches. . 3245.15 Fearn "f Noel Fearn. See Christmas (Henry). Fearu (John). First lines of the human mini Lon- don, 1820. 8' 5433.09 — Letter to Stewart on laws of vision. [In Pamphleteer, v. 12, 1818.) 5058.12 — Manual of the physiology of mind. London, 1829. 8° 5433.10 — Review of first principles of Berkeley, Reid, and Stewart. 1815. [In Pamphleteer, v. 3, p. 345-359.J .... 5058.03 — Essay on external perception. 1815. lln Pamphleteer, v. 5, p. 65-81.] 5058.05 Fearuside (Henry Gray). Picturesque beauties of the Rhine. London, [ti.d] 8° 960.05 Featherstouhaugh (George Wm.) A canoe voyage up the Miunay Sotor. 2 V. L., 1847. 8°. ."1115.14 Federal party. .Vte Countries. (United States : Polit. hist., p. 380.) Federal government. See Government and politics. Federalist (The) on tlie new constitution. By Hamil- ton, Madison, and Jay. New ed. Hallowell, 1832. 8" 5734.05 Same. Also the Contiuentalist, etc., by Hamil- ton. Ed. by J.C. Hamilton. N.Y., 1864. 8^. 5734.10 Same. The Foederalist. With liist. introd. and notes by H. B. Dawson. N. Y., 1803. 8°. 5734.11 — Correspondence between John Jay and H. B. Dawson, and between James A. Hamilton and H B. Dawson, concern- ing the Foederalist. New York. 1864. 8° 6734.14 Feejee Islands. iSfe Countries. {Fiji Islands, p. :il9.) Feelings Braij {C.) Education of 4th ed. 1872. . . . 6433.19 Jt(EF* Sej: also Emotions p. 444). Feet. See Medicine (Fool) ; — also Boots and Shoes (p. 223). Feilner (J.) Explorations in upper Caliloruia, in 1860. [In Sm. report, 1864.] 3936.19 Feierabend (August). Die Schweizerische Alpenwelt. Bielefeld, 1873. 8°. 985.25 Feinagle (Gregor von). New art of memory. London, 1812. 12° 5511.11 Feldborg (Anders Andersen). Continuation. See Baden (G. L.) History ot Norway, ncient philo.^ophers. Tr. by J. Cor- mack. New York, 1847. 18° 5412.24 — Selections from writings. By Mrs. FoUen. Boston, 1859. 12° 3552.07 g^' For lives of F., see Biography (p. 144). Feuian brotherhood. Jame.i Stephens, chief organizer of the Irish republic, embracing an account of the Fenian brotherhood. N. Y., 1800. 12°. .31t;5.15 See also Atlantic monthly, v. 17, 1860 (The Fenian idea. %by F. P. Cobbe) ; Blackwood's mag., v. 98, 186»j v. 101, 1867 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FENIAN -FETRIDGE 457 (Transatlantic fenianism) ; v. 103, 1868 (2 art.) : Contemp. rev., V. 19. 1H72 |2 art.| ; Fortnightly rev., v. 9, 186H (i". an.l the Irish church, by J. Godkin ; I'raeer's mag., n.s., v. 6, 1872 ; Quar. rev., v. 122, 1867 (Engl, demociacy and llisU fenianism) ; v. 12S, 1871J (Irish crime). Fenin (I'ierre lie). Histoire de Charles vi, 1407-1422. [In Tetitot. Col. de mem., 1 ser., V. 7.] 5U1.U7 Fenu I .sir John), rastoii letters : reigus of Heiir3- vi. , Edward iv., and Eiebard in. [1435-87.] With notes. New ed. by A. Kamsay. 2 v. in 1. London, Bolin, 1849. 12°. 471.17 Same. New ed., by J. Gairduer. 1422-1509. Hen- ry vi. —Henry vu. 3 V. L., Arim; 1872. 12°. 472.23 .9/v Fortu. rev., v. 2 (.\re the P. letters authentic? by H. Merivale ; with reply by J. tiairduer) ; Ed. rev.. Apr., 1877. Feuiiell(G.) Book ol the roacb. L., 1870. 10°. 46li;.23 Femiell (Jamcsi. Apology for life. Ph., 1814. 8". 305.5.28 Fenner (Thomas P.) Fifty cabin and plautation songs, [fn Armstrong (II. F.) and Ludlow. Hampton and its stu- dents.! 5522.04 Fenning (Eliza, d. 1815). Paget {J.) Judicial puzzles [In fits paradoxes and puzzles. 1874.) 2538.11 Feustauton (Church of). Kecords. 1651-1694. Ed. by E. B. Underhill. London, 1S54. 8°. [Haaserd Knollys society. ] 3558.13 Fenton (Elijah). Mariamno ; tnigedj-. London. 1723. 8' "... 1724.12 — Poems Life, by S. Johnson, [hi Chalmers (A.) English poets, V. lU, 1810.] 1026.10 — Select poems. [In Sanford (E.) and Walsh ^R.) British poets. V. 14, 1819.J 1691.14 Feiitou (Koger). The Conway in the stereoscope. Notes by J. B. Davidson. L., 1860. 12°. 954.27 Feuwick (T.) «Hd Baker (T.) Treatise on subterra- neous surveying;, and magnetic variation of the needle. London, 18(il. 16° 3925. ly Ferber (J. Jacques). *Oryctography of Derbyshire. [In Pin- Iserlon. Voyages, v. 2.] 926.02 Ferdinand. ftS* tor lives of rulers of this name, see Bio- graphy (p. 144). Fereal (V. del. Young Dominican ; or, life in the In- quisition. Phila., 1853. 8° 3426.17 Fergus (HenryV Hist, of the Western world : United States. [To 1830.] 2 V. London, 1838. 16°. [L. C. C] 572.09 Ferguson (A. ) Essav on the history of civil society. 5th ed. Loudon', 1782. 8° 5813.04 — Histoi-y of the Koman republic. New York, [n.r?.] 18° 433.17 — Institutes of moral philosophy. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 178.5. 16°. 5434.39 Ferguson (James). Astronomy. L.. 1799. 8°. 4016.04 — Life ; with notes, etc., by E. Henderhon. Edinb., 1867. 8° 4013.14 Fergussou (James). Ancient topography of Jerusalem. London, 1847. 8" 1055.12 — History of architecture. 2 v. L., 1865-67. 8°. 1314.07 — History of the moJein styles of architecture , sequel to Hand-book of architecture. L.,1862. b°. 1314.09 — Hlustrated hand-book of architecture. 2 v. Lond., 1855. 8° 1314.05 — One hundred 'stereoscopic illustrations of architect- ure and natural hisiory in Western India. Photo- graphed by major Gill. L., 1864. 8'. .1312.19 — Kude stone monument.s in all countries. London, 1872. 8' 427.22 — Tree and serpent worship. L. ,1869. 4°. . — True principles of beauty, with reference to archi- tecture. London, 1849. 1. 8= 1436.03 Ferguson (M. C. ) Story of the Irish before the con- quest. London, 1868. 16° 492.05 Fergusson Robert). Select poems. Ed. by R. Walsh. [In British poets, V. 37, 1822.] 1691.37 Ferguson (Robert). New and popular history of Eng- land. [To 1850.] 4v.ini. L., 1.S54. 12°. 462.26 Ferguson (Robert). Swiss mm and Swiss mountains. L., 1851. 16°. [Trav. Ubr., v. 1, 1856.] 5075.06 — The Teutonic name-system applied to the family names of France, England, and Germany. Lon- don, 1864. 8° 6614.13 Fermentation Sec Schiitzenberger (P.) 1212.20 Ferns. Nee Botany (p. 225). Feroe Islands. A'ee Countries. (Faroe Is!antls, p. 319.) Ferrall (James St.phen) and Repp (T. G.) Dansk- engelske Ordbog, gjennemseet af W. Mariboe. Kjobenhavn, 1861. 12° 6422.14 Ferrar (Nicholas), rrckard {P.) Life of. [In Wordsworth C.) Keel, biogr., V. 4, 1853.] 3446.04 Ferrar (W. H. ) Comparative grammar of Sanskrit. Greek, and Latin, v. 1. L., 1869. 8°. . 6412. 19 Ferraris iF. L ) i'rompta bibliotheca, canonicu, jiiri- dica, moralis, theologica, etc. Ed. novissima ; locupletante J. P. Migne. 8 v. Paris, 18i;0-(;5. >^° 3518.01 Ferrell (Wm.) Converging series expressing ratio between the circumferences and diameter of a circle. [In Sm. contrib.. V. 18.] 3937.18 Ferrero (Edward). Art of dancing. New York, 1859. 12° 4612.23 Ferrey (Benjamin). Recollections of A. N. Welby I'ugin, and Augustus Pugin. With app. by E. S. PurceU. London. 1861. 8' 3146.16 Ferriar (John). Iilustratious of Laurence Sterne, with other essays and verses. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1 . Lond. , 1812. 12° 2524.15 Contents : Illustrations of Sterne. Of certain varieties of man. aienippean essay on English historians. On the origin of the mod. art of fortiticatitin Tlie puppet-show : a poem. Of genius. Dialogue in the shades. The Biblio- mania, an epistle. A northern prospect. Ferrier (Davidi. Functions of the brain. New Y'ork, 1876. 8° _ 4337.27 Ferrier (James Frederick). Institutes of mefcipbysics : theory of knowing and being. Edtn. and Lond., 1854. 8" 5412.16 Reviewed in Blackwood's mag., v. 77, 1855 ; North Brit, rev., V. 23, 1855. — Lectures on Greek philosophy, and other philosophi- ciU remains. Ed. by Sir \. Grant and E. L. Lush- ington 2 v. Edin., 1866. 8° 5412.22 — Skellon [J.) Campaigner at home. 1865 ; p. 231-240. . 2542.29 See also Ed. rev., v. 126, 1867 (F.'s Philus. remains, ; llac- millan, Jan., 1868 (Philos. life of F.) Ferrier (J. P. ) Hist, ot the Afghans. Tr. by W. Jesse. London, 1858. 8° 1036.15 Ferris (Benj. ) Hist, of the settlements on the Dela- ware, to the colonization under Penn. Wilming- ton. 1816. 8° 5'i2.11 Ferris (Benj. G.) Utah and the Mormons. New York, 1856. 12° 3454.02 Ferris ( Mrs. B. G. ) Mormons at home. New Y' rk, 1856. 8° 3451.09 Ferris (Isaac). Jubilee memorial of the Amer. BiJle society: fifty years' work. N.Y., 1867.8°. 3515.14 Ferris iJoLn Alex.) Financial economy of the U. S. illustrated, and causes which retard the progress of California. San Francisco, 1867. lz°. 5916.06 Ferry. See atso Ferrey. Ferry (Gabriel), psewl. .See Bellemarre (E L. G. de F. de). Ferry (.lules). [/i! King (E.) French polit. leaders. 1876.] 3221.17 Ferry-boy and the financier. .Sec Trowbridge (J. T.) . .3036.21 Ferrybridge (J/r.v. Henry Nelsoni. Naples and Sicily under the Bourbons. L., 1867. 12°. . 973.03 Fessenden (Thomas Green). Teirible tractoration, and other poems. By Christopher Caustic [;).sc»d.] Boston, 1836. 16° 1643.13 Fessler (Joseph). The true and the false infallibility of the popes. Reply to Dr. Schulle. New York, 1875. 16° 3.547.'26 Festivals. .See Amusements (p. 23) ; at.^o Demosthenes. Against Leptines. Appendix, p. 271-307 16314.18]. Festus (Sextus Pompeius). De verbortim significa- tione. 2v. London, Vctlpi/, 1826. 8°. . 7713.14 Festus, a poem. &e Bailey (P. J.) 1853 1614.01 Fetich in theology. See Miller (.lohn). 1872 3575 30 Fetis (Fran(;ois Joseph). B.ographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographic geuerale de la musique. 2e ed. 8 v. Paris, 1868. 8° l/.eo.Ol — Histoire generale de la musique. v. 1-5. Paris, 18i;9-76. 8° 1565.09 — History of music. From the French. London. 1846. 1'2° 1562.14 — Traite complet de la theorie et de la pratique de I'harmouie. Paris, 1811. 8° 1566.10 Fetridge (W. Pembroke) Harper's hand-book for travelers in Europe and the East. New Y'ork, 186-2. 12°. 942.03 Same. 7th year. New York, 1868. 12°. 942.03i Same. 14th year. New York, 1875. r2°. 942. '28 — Harper's phrase-book ; or hand-book of travel talk. In asking for books, use tho " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 458 FETRIDG-E-FICHTE English, French, German, and Italian. New York, 18G8. sq. 16" Gill. 02 — liise and fall of t'ae Paris commune in 1871. New York, 1871. 12^ 526.U Feuchtersleben (Erust, Freiherr \oa). Dietetics of the soul. New York, 1^^58. U'y 5135.20 — Medical psychology. Tr. by li. E. Lloyd. Loudon, St/'lenliaia soc, 1817. 8' 43HJ.05 Feuctitwanger (Lewis). Popular treatisa on gems. New York, 1859. 12^ 15a3.0l Feudal castles of France, (Western provinces.) By [Mrs. W. P. Byrne]. L., 18u'J. b^. . . 523.15 Feudalism. — Bell {A.) Historical sketches of. 1852. . 4-43.10 — Hainpson (A'. 7'.) Origiuos patricise : or, a deduction of European titles of nobility and dignified offices from their primiti\'e soiirces. ISKJ. . . (jGl.i.Ou ,e®* S''e also Countries (Middle ages, p. 345} ;— Knighthood. Feuerbach (Ludwig Andreas). Essence of christumify. Tr. byM. Evans. 2d ed. N.Y., 1857, i^o -^r^r^^M -~ Reuiin (&'.) Feuerbach and the new Hegelian school. [In his Studies, etc.. 1S64.) 3412.10 Feuerbach (Paul Johann Anselm von). Caspar Uau- ser. Boston, 1832. IS' 307<;.07 — Remarkable criminal trials. Tr. by lady Duff Gor- don. New York, 184(1. 12° 5G11.13 FeuUlet (.Jean Baptiste). Life of Saint Rose of Lima. Ed. byF. W. Faber. L.. 1847. 12^ . . 3151.29 Feuillet (Octavel. Bellah. 8e ed. P., 1809. 12°. 7018.0o — Histoire de Sibylle. Nouv. ed. P., 1809. 12\ 701s.07 — Julia de Trecoear. 5e ed. — [Cu-ce, scene parisienue.] Paris, 1872. 12° 701S.08 — Monsieur de Camors. 7e e.l. P., 1807. 10\ 7018.22 — La petite comtesse. Le pare. Onesta. Nouv. ed. P., l,-.57. 12° 7018.21 — Roman d'uu jeune houime pauvre. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1869. 12" 7018.18 — Scenes et comedies : L3 village, Le cbcveu bLmc, Dalila, L'ermitage, L'ume, La fee. Nouv. ed. Pans, 1808. 12^^ 7018.19 — Sct^ues et proverbes : Le fruit defendu, Lx crise, Re- demption, Le pour et le contre, Alix, La partie dc dames. La cle d'or. Nouv. ed. P., 18ii9. 12°. 7018.20 1^^ For Engl, versions of his novels Sf<' Fiction class-list. Feuillet de Couches (F. S. ) Causeries dun curieux. 4v. Paris, 18G2-08. b^' 2-3-5.21 Feval (Paul Henri Corcntin). Le Bossu ou le petit Parisien. Nouv. ed. 3 v. P., 1800. 12'. . 7014.17 — L9 Capitaine Faulome. 5e ed. P., 1807. 16^. 7041.20 — Le Fds du diable. 4 v. Paris, 1801. 12°. . 7014.21 — Les Habits uoirs. 2e ed. 2 v. P., 1805. 12° 7011.20 — Les Parvenus. Paris, 1809. 10^ 7044.25 Fevers. See Medicine. (Fevers.) Feydeau (Ernst Aime;. Art of pleasing. New York, 1874. 12^ oSiO.Ol — Aveutures du baron de Fe.este. Comra3nt s^ fer- ment les jeunes gens. Paris, 1809. 12°. . 7018.14 — Man (Le) de la danseuse. 36 ed. P., 1801. 12^ 7018.15 — Monsieur de Saint-Be rtrand ; suite dun Debut a I'opera. Paris, 1804. 12'^ 7018.10 — Secret (L9) du bonheur. 2 v. P., 1804. 12°. 7018.12 — Uu debut a lopera. 3e ed. P., 1801. 12°. . 7018.17 Foulkes {R''v. Edmund S.) The Athanasian creel; with other enquiries on creeds in general. Lon.ion, 1872. 8°. 3552.01 Fibbleton (George). Travels in America. New York, 1833. 12° 1132.20 Fibrous plants. See Botany (p. 225). Fichte (Johana Gottlieb). De la science de la con- naissauce. Tr. parGrimblot. P.. 1843. 8^ 5412.18 — Criticism of philos. syBteins. Tr. by A. E. Kroej^er. [In Jour. of spec, philoa., v. 1, 18(57.] — Destiuatioa de I'homme. Paris, 1836. 8°. 3552.15 2^'ote. — The French of ' Vocation of niau,' below. — Facts of cousciousuess. Tr. by A. E. Kroeger. [In Jour, of spec. phil03., V. 5, 1871; (lart.)J — Laviebienheureuse. Paris. 1845. 8°. . . 3552.16 — New exposition of the science of knowledge. Tr. by A. E. Kroe^'er. [In Jonrual of fipec. pUilos., v. 3, 189.1 2544.19 See also Nat. Qu. rev., v. 15, 1867 i,F. and his philos.) BBOO^I^YN MERCANTILE LIBRARY, FICHTE -FICTION 459 Fiohte (Iinmauuel Horiimun). Contributions lo men- tal philosophy. Tr. by J. D. Morell. Lomion, l«i;a K)^ 5112.17 .fiv WinaloWs journal, v. 13, 18G0 (Ueutal philos. of the youuger F.) Ficklin (.Jo.seph). RobiuHou's shorter course. Com- plete algebra. N. Y., 187-5. l-i\ . . . 40r2.;)3 — Collectiou of algebraic problems. New York, 1875. 12° 401J.;i4 FICTION CLASS-LIST : ENGLISH. Preceded by \yorks upon the BibUoiji-nphy, lU>ttory, Pldltx'niiihi/, and Teiidenci/ of Works of Fiction. 1. Bibliography of Works of Fiction. Baltimore Mercantile library. Cj,t:ilogue of English prose fiction. 1874 •i714.29 Boston public libr.iry. Chronological index to histori- cal fiction ; including prose fiction, plays, and poems. 2ded. 1875 2730.13 — Class list for English prose fiction. 5th ed. 1871 2736.32 Same. 6th ed. 1877 2736.33 Note— The 6th e^. gives under tlie names of countries numerous references to historical fiction. Brookh/n mercantile library. Alphabetical catalogue of works of fiction in English prjse. 1869. 2730.36 — Class list of English prose fiction. 2d ed. 1875. 2736.37 Cincinnati public library. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1876 2736.30 — Deutsche Komau-Literatur. Kttalog. 1876. 2736.30 New York mercantile library. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1876 2736.38 San Francisco mercantile libr.iry. Class list of English prose fiction. 1S76 2736.40 2. Comprehensive Works. Beattif [J.) On fable and romance [In his Works, v. 3, 1809] 5015.11 Dantop {J. ) History of fiction. 1845. . . . '.^722. .'8 Hcece (C.) Progress of romance, thrjugh tirajs, coan- tries and manners. 2 v. in 1. 1785. . . 27i2.24 MonijKou (/). ^.| History and pbilosopUy of story telllua. [In Afternoon lectures, v. 4, 18157.] 2515. '2J 3. English Novels and Novelists. Forsyth ( W.) Novels ami novelists of the INth century in illustration of the miujers and morals of th3 a:;e. 1871 2752.30 Frisweti (J. H.) British novelists. [In his Esiayj ou Ea;;:li^h writers, 1869 ; p. 26I)-2VI5.J 2525.17 Jeaffreson (J. G.) Novels and novelists, fr.)m Eliza- beth to Victoria. 2 v. 1858 2722.25 Kavana^jh (J.) English women of letters • biographi- cal sketches. 2v. 1863 3256.10 Contents : v. 1. Mrs. luchbald. Miss Edijeworth. Miss Austin. Mrs. Opie. Lady Morgan. 2. Aplira B^Uu. Miss Fieldmij. Mme. d'Arbiay. Mrs. Charlotte .Smith. Mrs. Kaiicliffe. }tasson {D.) British novelists anl th ir styles. 1851 2722.27 Scolt(iy.) Lives of the novelist?. 1872. . .2752.31 Co^itenti ■ Ricliardsou. Fielding. Smollett. Richard Cumberland. Goldsmith. Saiiinel .ToUosou. Sterue. Hor.ica Walpole. Clara Reeve. i\Ii-8. Uadclitf'. Alaiu Le Sigo. Johnstone. Ba-jo. Henry M.ickenzie. ttS^ See also in Biography (p. 10J-21j) names of various authors. 4 French Novelisls- fUg- London soc. v. 20. 1871 ; v. 21, 1872 ; v. 24. 1873 : Nov.. 187-t ; June. 1875 (French novelists) ; Blackwood's mag., v. 72, 1852 iFictions for French firesides) ; Ed. rev.. v. 120, 1864. n>- Littell. 1861. v. i (French clerical novels) ; Nat. rev., v. 11, 1860, or Littell, 1860. V. 4 (The lowest deep). jJU" See also Literature (French). 5. German NoveUsts. fS" See N. Brit, rev., v. 43, 1865 ; Westiu. rev., v. 70, 1858 ; aUo Literature (i-iermau), 6. Philosophy of Fiction, and its relations 10 Morahty and Culture. Alcock {Sir R.) Truths iu fiction. [In his Life's problems, p. 233-236.: 3513.22 Bayne {P ) The modern novel. Dickens, Bulwer. Thackeray. Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. [In his Essays, v. 1. 1857.) 2613.114 Butwer-Lylloji {E. L.) Certain principles of art iu works of imagination. [In his Caxtouiaua, 1864.] .... -615.07 Duliring \J.\ Romance versus criticism. [Philosophers and fools. 1871.] 2.524.16 Giles (W) Fiction [In his Illus. of genius. 1854.] . . 2526.0:) Greg ( \V. It.) False morality of lady novelists. [In his Literary judgments. 1868 | 2526.20 Helps (A.) Fiction, yin his Friends in council, v. 1, Book 1.] 2531.26a ilamjin (F.i Essay on light reading, as it may be sup- posed to influence moral conduct and literary taste. 180-i 2.534.-i8 Mansel [II. L.) Sensation novels. [In his Letters, etc. 1873.] 5424.23 jl/a/iz'xu (.4.) Del romauzo storico. [In his Prosevarie, ]8ti9.J 73J7.10 .Mithias [G.II.D.) Of novels. [In his Tutor's couuf-el, 1867.] 6512.05 Miller III.) Popular fiction, (/ii Ais Essays. 1866.] . . 2635.16 Moberly {(i.) Is a rude or refined age mure fa\orahle to fiction. [In Oxford prize essay.s, v. 4. p. l:)l-65 ] 2541.14 Foster {J.) Morality of ti.tion. [In his Critical essays, v. 1. p. 417-428. 1851'..] 2.525.03 HazlitHW.) Conversations of Northcote, p. 199, e(c. .3134.13 Murray [II) Morality of fiction. 1817 2,537.24 Phillips {S.) Railway novels. [In hit Essays from the Times, v. 1, 1871.] 2538.14 P.utarch How a young man ought to hear poems, (/n Ais Minals, v. 2. p. 42-91.1 6436.27 Rands (IT. B.) To a young lady al out to write a novel. [In his Henrv Holbeach, stuilent, v. 1.] 2.532.-20 Scott {Sir ir.) Essay on romance, [/ii Ais Works, v. 1, 1833.] .'.065,13 Same. [In his Works, v. 2.] 51:65.02 Skellon {J.) NugM criticie, p, 292-327. 1862 2542.30 Stephen il\) Relation of novels to life. [In Cambridge essays. 18.55.] 2517.13 See olsn Atlantic monthly. Sept.. 1874 (The novel and ils future, by (J. P. Lathro)i) ; Beutlcy's niiscel.. v. 46. 1859 (Of novels, hist, and didactic, by * Moi kshood ') ; Black- wood's iiiag.. V. 82. 18.57 (.Mod. light lit.) ; v. 91. 1862 (s-^en- sation novels) , v. 94, 186.) : v. 102, 1867 : v. 108. 1870 (Fic- tion as an educator) ; Catholic ^^ orld. Nov. 1872 (Use and abuse of the novel) . Chanibcrs' journal, v. 3, 1845 (Read- ing works of fiction) ; Dublin nuiv. mag., v. 69, 1862, cr Littell. 1862. V. 2 (I'orgotteu novels) ; Ed. rev., v. 106, 1857 (l,ii:eiise of mod. novelists) ; Fortnightly rev., v. 3, 1865 (Criticism in relalion to novels, by O.H. Lewes) . v. 16. 1871 (.Some recent Eoglish novels, by J. H. Slack) ; Friisci "s mag , V. 61. 1860 (Brit, novelists) ; v. 62 (No\els of the ilay); V. 72. 1865. or Littell. 1866, v. 1 (Fiction imd its uses) ; Mac- railla.i. V. '26. 1872. or Littell. 187-2. v. 4 (NovcLs and their iiitlueuce ou their tirai^s. bv lady Pollock) . Nat. rev., v. 12, 1861 (The ethical aod dogmatic fiction, bv Miss Yoiige) ; N. A. rev.. V. 9'2. 1861 (Thn literature of power): N. Brit, rev.. V. 20. 13.5:!. or Littell. 1854. v. 4 : v. 26. 1856-7 (Kelig. novels defined) ; v. 33. 186:1 (Imag. Uteratme) : v. 38, 1863: V. 43. 1865 (Sensational uovelist-i: Miss Braddou. etc.); Qiiar. rev., v. 113. 1863. and Littell. 1862. v, 2 (Sensation novels) : Quar. rev., v. 1'22. 1867 (Books of fiction for chil- dren) ; Westiu rev.. V. 00, 18.5:i, or Littell. V. 39, 1853 ; Westni. rev., v. 66. 18.56, or Littell. v. 16. 1856 (Silly novr-ls by lady novelists) . v. 82. 1864 (Novels with a purpose) ; Winslow's med. critic, v. 3, 1863 (Sensation novels). Alphabetical List of Works of Fiction. N'ote.—^ac.h work is entered tivice— under its Author's name, and under the first word of its title. Abandoned. Pt.2 of Mysterious Island. Verne (^,J.) 2il6.86 Abbe Tigrane. Fabrk(1'\) 186.26 Abbess (The). Tbollope {Mrs. F.) . . . . 266.10 Abbot (The). Scott (Walter) 245.22 Abbott (B, A, amZL.) Matthew Caraby. By Benadly [p.s'ei(J.] 231.41 — Cone cut cornTS 111.36 Abbott (.U/-;;. B. K.) Leah Mordecai. . . . 113.21 Abbott (Edward). Long look books, v. 1, . 113.22 1. Long look house. Abbott (J:icoi)). .\ugust stories. 4 v. . . . 111.56 1. August and Elvie. I 3. S-hooner Mary .\nu. 2. Hunter and Tom. | 4. (irauville Valley. • Franconia stoiieg. 10 v 111.01 Malleville. Wallace. ^Liry Erskine. Mary Bell. Beecliuut. 6. Rodolphus. 7. Ellen Linu. 8. Stuyvesant. 9. Caroline. 10. Agnes. 216.92 — Harper's story books. 12 v 1 Bruno. Willie. The strait gate. 2. The little louvre. Frank. Emma. 3. Virginia. Timboo and Jolilia. Timboo and Fanny. 4. Harper estiiblisliment. Boyhood of Franklin. The studio 5. Ancient history. E iglisli hist.iry. American history . 6. John True. Elfred. Tiie museoin. 7. The engineer. The .Alps. The three gold dollars. In asking for books, use the "Book Oraors," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 460 FICTION : Abbott lo Ao Abbott (Jacob). Harper's story books, continued. 8. The Liibr;tltar guUeiy. The alcove. Dialogues. 9. Tiie great ehu. Auiil M.ugaret. Veriiou. 10. Can auti Jocko, l^apstoue. Orkney the pcaceDiaker. 11. Judge Justiu. Mlliigo. Jasper, 12. Oougo. \ iuhi aud Arlio. Little Paul. — Janostjries 111.31 [ 3. Juno on ajoiiiney. 4. Hubert. !. Juuo aud Georgie. 2. JMai-y t.)sboriie. — [Marco Paul's voj-ages and travels. ] 6 v. Adventures iu New York. 111.11 Adventures lu Veriiiout. 111.14 Erie Caual 111.1'.! Adveuturea ill Boston. 111.15 Adveutures iu the lorests 01' Maine 111.13 .spriuglield armoi-y. 111.16 — lioU 1 storv books. 12 v. Apple gathering. . 111.4('. Blueberry 111,48 Causey building. . . 111,45 Iresnet (Tne). . . . ill.4'.l Georgie lll„ii) Labor lost 111.54 — Hollo's tour in Europe. 1, Rollooutlio Atlantic. 111,19 2, Rollo iu I'aris. . . 111,20 3, R .lloinSwitzerland. 111,21 4, Rodo in London. . 111,22 5, Kodoou tue Rhine, 111,23 Lucy's visit 111,5.'» Hollo iu the \vood,s, . . 111,51 Kollo a gardeu. . . . 111,52 Steeple trap, .... 111.53 Trouble on themouutaiu.111,44 Two wheelbarrows. . . 111.47 10 T. 6. Rollo in Scollaud. . 111,24 7. Rollo iu Geneva. . 11125 8. Rollo iu Holland. . 11120 9. liollo in Napl.s, . Ill 27 10. Rollo in Rome. . . 111.28 Abbott (Rosa), [ps-cuj.] See PAKKER{Ro.a Abbott. )235.00 Abdall.vh. Sherwood iM. M.) Works, v 3. 252.03 Abdalhh, or the foui--leaved shamrouk. Luioulaye (E. R. L ) 18->.-'t A'Becketc^G.A. ) Comic history of England. 2 V. 111.38 — Cjtuic history of Rome. ... ... 111.40 ABiiL Drake's wife. Sadnders (.T. | .... 245.02 Abou Ben Ailhem (Morals of). Locke (D. R.) 224.45 About (Elm )ad F. V.) The Fellah. . . . 112.05 — G.'riu.iiue 112.01 — K ng of tae mountiiiu.s 112.02 — Mm with the broken oar 112.03 — Nose of a uotaiy 112.04 — Hodge et noir. A tale of Baden-Baden . . 112.07 — ToUa, a tile of modem Rome 112.06 Ab>%e su:ipieian, Kiddeli, (.U/-.v. J. H. ) . . 243,60 Above her station. Nathusius (M. ) . . . 233.17 Abrvhvm Paije, Esq. Holt (J. S) . . . . 111.43 Absemtee. EoaswoitTH (Mariai. Novels, v, 5. 1S2.15 Abu Said Abd al Malik ibu Kuraib al Asmai. Antar, a Bedoueeii romance. 4 v 122.16 AcHAKD (Einile). Hislory of my Meuds, or home life with animals 114.31 Acus.iH. Pennot (Rev. Peter), psntd. of Round (W. M. F.) 236.08 AcTOJJ Bdl, pseud. See Bronte (Ch.irlo te Anae). Adam B;.le. Eliot (,Gaorge), p.^-euil. of Lewes (Mm. G. H) 184.01 Ad.imBIiu-, Lockhart (J, G ) 224.19 Adam Brown the inerehant Smith (H.i . . 253.03 Adam Graeme, of Mossgray. Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) 234.03 112.08 112.09 Maj. 11-2.11 222.18 112.13 navy IWO!) 112,19 112,16 •) . Adams (C ) E.lgar Clifton, — .Matilda Lo isd de. . Adams iF. Colburnl. Life and adventur.?s of Riger Sherman l'o!ter. jjKCKf/tm. ] . Advms (J. T. I Knight of the golden melice. Adams (N.) The taiib cloud ; a soatberu ta! Adams (W. T. ) [■ Oliver Optic] Army and stories, 6 V. . . 113 03 14. 112.29 5. 113.10 I 0. 6 V. 1. Soldier boy, 2. Sailor boy, . . 3. Young lieutenaut. Yankee middy. Fighting Joe, , Brave old salt. — Boat club series. 1. Boat club. . . . 2. All al>o.ird, . . . 3. Now or never. . . 112.15 112,14 112.21 4. Little by litllo. 5. Try again. , . 6. Poor and prond , 1. — Great western serii's. v 1. Going west, or the perils of a poor boy. . — Like shore series. 6 v. 1. Through by daylight. 1 12.13 | 4. Switch off. 2, Lightning express. 3. Ou time. 112.34 112 35 Brake np. Bear aud forbear. 112,23 113 0.1 112.26 112,3G 112,37 112,33 — Living too fast or confessions of a bunk officer. 113. 14 — Stari-y fl tg series. 6 v. 1. Starry flag, . . , 113 01 I 4. Seek and find. . . 113,01 2. Freaks of fortune. 112 30 5. Make or break. . . 113.11 3. Breaking away. . 112.17 | 6. Down the river. . . 113 13 — Upward and onward scrie-. C v. 1. Field and forest. . 112.39 I 4. Cringle aud cross-tree 112 42 2. Plane and plank. . 112.40 5. Bivouac aud battle. . 112 43 3. Desk aud debit. . 112.41 | 6. Sea and shore. . . 112,44 Way of the world 113 07 "■ " ■" 6 V. Work and win. Hope and have. Haste aud waste. 113.08 112,21 112,20 113.37 5. The Dorcas club, or our girls ufloat. 6, Oci an-born, or cruise of the dubs. [1st seiics. ] 6 V. and Wales. . . . 112.27 4, Dikes and ditches. , 112,18 5, Palace and cottage, . 113.12 6, Down the Rhine, . 112.32 — WoodviUe stories. 1. Rich aud humble 112. 2S | 2. Ju school aud out. 112.22 3. Watch and wait. , 113,00 j — Yacht chib scries. 4 v. 1, Little bobtail. 2, The yacht club, 3. Money makers. 4. Coming waves. — Young America abr.iad. 1. Outward bound. . 112.2.'> 2. shamrock aud thistle ; or Ireland and Scotland. 113,02 3. Red cross ; or Fnglaud Same. 2d series. 1. Up the Baltic: ; or Denmark aud Sweden 113.31 2. Northern lands : or Prus.sia and Russia 313 32 3. Cross and crescent : or (.ireece and Turkey. . . . 113.33 4. Sunny siiores . Italy and Austria 113 34 5. Vine and olive , or Spaiu and Portugal 113.35 Addison |H. E.) Eecolleclious of an Iiish police ma- gistrate 113.28 Addison (.Joseph). Sir Roger de Coverley. [In Trav. libr., V. 22.] 5075.27 Adela Cathcart. Mac Donald (George). . . 224.85 Adelaide, or the my.sterious r. scue 192.17 Adelaide Lindsay. Maesh-Caldwell (.Vi-.s-. ,\.) 231.03 Adele. Kavan.\gh i.J. ) . . 221.45 Adelfr (Max. p.teud.) iS'ie Clark (Charles H.). Adeline Mowbray. Opie (Mrs. A.) Works, v. 1. 234.28 Aden Power. Owen (F. i 234.44 Admiral's daughter. Maesh (i[rs. A. C. ) [/» /lerTwo old men's tales.] 255.76 Adopted heir. Paedoe ( .1/i,v,s- J. ) .... 234.51 Adrift with a vengeance. Cornwallis ( K. ) . li;5.]0 Adventurers ('Ihei. [Oehlenschlaegee (A.G,)] 151.12 Adventurers (The). Aimahd (Gustavel. . . 114.33 Adventures in Boston. Abbott (.lacob). . . 111.15 Adventures in New York. Akeott (.Jacob). . 111.11 Adventures in the forestsof Maine. Abbott (J.) 11). 13 Adventures iu the land of the Behemoth. Vekne (.Jules.) 2G6.77 .\dventures iu Vermont Abbott (J.) . . . 111.14 Adventurics of a brovvnie. Craik {Mrs. Mnloch). 235.78 Adventures of a gi'ifRn, written by himself. .' 113.20 Adventures of a marquis, a i^ovel. Dumas (A.) l,s].19 Adventures of a medical stridi nt Douglas (R.) 175.14 Adventures of an aid-de-camp. Grant (James). 211.35 Adventures of an atom, ."-mollett (Tobias). Miscel. works, V. 4 253.17 Adventures of an attoimy in starch of practice. Stephen (■'.) Brave and bold series. 4 v. 123.42 1. Brave and bold 12.1.42 2. Jaclt's ward, or the boy guardian . Vi'.iA3 3. Sbiltiug for himself, or (ijibert Greyson's fortunes. 123.44 — Campaign series. 3 v. 1. Frank's campaign 121.11 2. Paul Prescotfs charge 121. I.t 3. Charlie Codniau's cruise. ... ... f 121.10 — Helen Ford. 121.12 — Luck and pluck series. 1. Luck and plucli. . 12 1. 3G | 3. Strong and steady. . 121.38 2. Sink or swim. . . 121.37 | 4. Strive aud succeed. 121.39 Same. 2d series. 1. Try and trust. . . 122.44 | .1. Risen from the ranks. 122.40 2. Bound to rise. . . 122.45 4. Herbert Carter's I legacy 122.47 — Ragged Dick series. 6 t. 1. Ragged Dick. . . I'il.lS I 4. Rough and ready. . 121.27 2. Fame and fortune. 121.14 | 5. Ben. the luggago-boy. 121.2s 3. Mark, the matihl>oy.l21.'20 I 6. RufusandKose. . . 121.-J9 — Tattered Tom series, v. 1-3. ^ 1. Tattered Tom. . . 1'22.34 I 3. Phil, the fiddler. . 1'22.3S 2. Paul, the peddler. 122.35 | 4. Slow and sure. . . 1-22.37 — Tattered Tom 1. Julius, or the street boy out west. . . . 123.38 2, The young outlaw 123.39 3 Sams cb:ince. and bow he improved it. . 123.40 — Timothy Crump's ward 122.40 — and Chi.nev (O. A.) Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues 121.34 .\LHiMBRA (Tales of the). Irving (W.) . . . 215.26 Alice ; or, the mysteiies. Bulwer-Lttton (E. G. E. L.) 144.08 Alice Arran ; or, 100 years ago. Smith (.1. F. ) 251.(l'.t Alice Brand ; a romance of [Wash n.,'lon]. Riddle (.\. G.) -243.16 Alice Lon'aine. Blacemore (R. D. ) .... 133.44 ALicE'sadventiires in Wonderland. Cariioll(L.) 151.33 Alicia Warlock. Collins (W. Wilkie). . . . 1(!2.39 AxxDE ; an episode of Goethe's life. Lazarits (Emma) 223.00 All abo.rrd : sequel to boat club. ADAMs(W.'r.) 112.14 All for her. By**"'? . 115.32. .ALLin thediirk! J. S. Le Fanu 223.01 All in the wrong. T. E. Hook 214.01 Allston (Washington). Mn.vALDi 121.16 Allworth Ab'oey. Southworth (.1//-.S.E.D.E.X.) 253.-23 Almack's. [<(«i>)i.] 3 V 115. 2t> .\lmeria. Edgeworth (Mariai. Novels, v. 10. 182.15 Almost aheroine. .Sheppahd (E. S.) . . . 251.5S .\LMOsTanun. Wright (Julia McN. ) . . . 265.02 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHORS NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER 462 F I C T I O Itf : Almost to Arthujr. Almost a priest. Wkight ( Jfi-s. McN. ) . . . 205.01 Almost faultless, [anou. ] 121.4'2 A. L. 0. E. [p.seud.J .See Tucker (C. ) . . . 121.18 Alone. TERHaNE ( J/;-.s. M. V. H.) .... 255.21 Alonzo nnd Melissa ; or, the unfeeling father. [anon.] ^n]'^n Alroy. Disraeli (Benja-oin) :_ 174.17 Alsaclin schoolmaster. Ekokmann ^E. ) ((«■( Ch.itrian (A.) 1-4.41 Alton Lo3ke, tailor anl i»et. Kingslei (,C.) 221. 6it AmAURY. DUMiS(.\.) Hf'JJ Amazon (The). Dinglestedt (F. ) .... lJ4-i>7 Amber gods, and other stories Prescott i,H. E) 25:i.5(j I Amber witch. Meinhold (VV. ) 231. 5J Ambrosio de Letinez ; Texiaa novel. Myrtle (A. J.) 234.91! Amelia (History oft. Fielding ^H.) Works, v. 3. 192.(J7 American baron. De.MillecJ. ) 172.51 American (The) cardinal, [anon.] .... 114.30 American family liobiusau. Belisle ( D. W. ) 133.11 American gun club. [Froji the earth to the moon.] Verse (J.) 265.79 American wonderland. Bache (R. M. > . . 125.38 Americans at home. Haliburton ( 1'. C. ) 3 v. 212.08 Ames (Mrs. M. C.) Eireue, or a's right. 114.27 — His two wives 114.29 — Victaire. lanon.] 114.28 Ames (Ms. Nellie). Up Broadway, anl its secjuel. By Eleanor Kirk, pseud 121.41 Among the brigands. De Mille (•!.) . . . 172.41 Among the guerillas. Kirkc: (ElmiAd), pseud, for GiLMORE ( J. K. ) 195.03 Among the pine.s. Kirke (EAmund), pseud, for Gil- more (J. R.) 19..04 Among the trappsrs. Fosdick (C. A. ) . . . 152.48 AmoryCT.) Life of John 13un;l3. \_an.<,n.] 4 v. 122.02 Amy Dudley, or what makes me grow? [auxi.] 263.77 Amy Han-iugton, or a sister's love, [anon.] . 122.06 Amy Herbert. Sewell(E. M. ) 251.29 Amy Lawrence, or the Freemason's d vughter. Smith (,I. F.) 252.89 An KS" Articles are not regarded in alpliab^^tizi ig. Anastasius, or memoirs of a Greek. Hope ( 1'. ) 2 V. 214.08 Sama. 3 v 214.67 Anchored. By author of tliB Climber f. . . 122.t»7 Ancient regime. James (G. P. R. ) .... 215.3S Andersen (H.G.) Danish fairy legends and talis. 122. Oot — Ice maiden and other tales 122.09 — Improvisatore 121.30 ; 122.1(_) . Later tale^ 121.35 -- Only a tiddler! and 0.' T.' I'.i2.11 — O. 1'., a Dauisli romance 121.32 — Sandhills of Jutland 122. 12 — Stories fro;u. 2 v 122.13 — Two baronesses 121.31 . — What the modu saw : and ot'aer tilei. . . 122.15 AuoREAsHofer. Mijhlbach iLo iisa>.[MLiNDT,G.)] 232.6,1 Andree d-! Taverney. Dumas (.\.i .... 175.38 Andrew Deverell, the history of an adventurer in New Guinea. Beach (C.) . . ■ 133.06 Andrews (Fauny). [-Elzjy Hay.'] Family secret 114.37 Andsiqht (Faith), [p.«e)((I ] Susie's spectacles. 114.32 Angel of the iceberg. Todd (J. ) 261.39 Annals of a baby. By one of its slaves. . . 11j.42 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. MacDonald (G. )224.5S Ann-als of au eventful life. Dasent (G.W.I . I^I.IO Annals of the parish. Galt(J. ) 193.21 Anne Fumess. Tbollope (JZ/s. T. A.) [anon.] 114.36 Anne Hathaway, or Shakespeare in love. Severn IE.) 3 v. ... 2.51-26 Anne Judge, spinster. Robinson (F. W.) . . 241.52 Anne of Geierstein. SroTT (.St/- W. ) . . . 24.5.23 Anne Severin. Craven (A.) 105.25 Anne Warwick. Ciuik (G. M.) 166.04 Annette, or chronicles of Bellevu:-. Walsing- HAM(C.) ., 202.45 Annette, or the lady of the peul-i. Dumas jii's (A.) 175.66 Annis Warleigh'sfortun?. Lee(H.) . . • 222.61 Anno Domini 2071. Tr. from the Dutch original, with notes, by A. V. W. Bikkers, [p.' August and Elvie. Abbott (Jacob). . . . 111.56 AuLNOY(M. C. J. deB., comfp.v.sf d'l. Fairytales. 185.18 Aunt Hattie, [p.semlon.] tfee Bakkb (11. N. W. ) Aunt Jane's hrro. Prentiss (E. ) .... 241.82 Aunt Jo's scrap bag. Alcott(L. M.) . . . 121.17 Aunt Judy's tales. Gatty ( 3//s. .A . ) . . . 194.42 Aunt Kitty's tales. Mackintosh (;U/.s-.s M. J.) 224.674 Aunt Margaret. Abbott (J.) Harper's story books, v. 9 216.88 Aunt Margaret's trouble. Trollope ( .Ur.s. T. A. ) 2(16.51 Aunt Patty's scrap bag. Hentz (Mrs. C. L. ) 213.18 AuRELiAN, or Rome in the third century. AVaee (W.) 262.66 Aureola, or the bl.ick sheep. JIc Kenzie (Mrs. A. S.) 226.48 Aurora Floyd. Braddon (M. E. ) .... 135.19 Austen (Jane). Emma 125.13 — Mansfield park 125.14 — Northanger abbey , a novel 125.15 Same. [IFiV/i Pride and prejudice.] . . 125.16 i — Pride and prejudice 125.16 ■ — Sense and sensibility 125.17 Austin Elliot. Kingsley (Htnry) 2'22.01 Austin (J//-.S-. J. G.) Cipher . .' 125.12 — Dora Darling 125.19 — Moonfolk 186.13 — Outpost 125.20 — Shadow of Moloch mountain 125.21 Autobiography of a small boy 125.30 Autobiogeaphy of a New England farm-house. Cham- berlain (N. H. ) 152.15 Autobiography of a ivjecttd MS. T.C. [anon.] 125.31 Automaton ear, and other skttches. Mc Landei'rgh (F.) 227.37 Avenger, and other papers. Pe Quincey (T.) 172.27 AvERYGlibun. Kerr ^Orpheua C. ) [ 11. H. Newell. ]233. 35 Avery (S. P.) Harp of a thoufaud striuts ; or, laugh- ter for a life time 125. 26 — Mrs. Partington's carpet-bag of fun. . . . 125.27 Avillion, and other tales. Craik (D. M. Muloch) 232.45 Aylmeks, of Bally-Aylmer 211.76 .\yrshire legatees. Galt (Join) 193.21 Azalea. Clayton (C. ) 155.36 AzARiAN, an episode. Spofford(H. E. Prjscott) 253.57 AzEGLio (M. T. d'). Ettoie Fieiauiosca, or the chal- lenge of Barletta, au hist, romance of the times of the Medici. Tr. by C. E. Lister. . . . 172.10 Same. [Another translation] 172.10 Babes in the wood. De Mille tJ. ) .... 172.62 Babolain. Droz (Gustave) 176.30 Bach and Beethoven. Barnard (C.) . . . 1561.26 • Eache (Richard M.) American wonderland. . 125.38 Bachelor of Salamanca. LeSage (.\.. R.) 2 v. 223.18 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage (M. W.) . 245.08 • Bachelors (The), and other talcs. Knapp (S. L.) 226.35 Bachelor's story. Bunce (O. ) 145.10 Backwoodsman. Weaxall (Si- C. F. L. ) . . 265.08 Bacon (F.) New Atlantis. [Works, v. 5.] .5014.07 Same. [Moral works.] 5015.01 B.\df.n (Mrs. F. H.) Tales. [With Artist's love.] 253.94 B.vFFLED.or Michael Brand's wrong. Goddaed (J. )195.31 Baffled schemes, [nnon.] 131.01 Bailey (James M. ) Life in Danbury. . . . 125.40 Baker (George M.) Maidenhood S3rie.s. Running to waste 131.40 Baker [Mrs. H. N. W.) Brookside series. By Aunt Hattie, [pseiic;.] 4v 125.01 1. Hole in tlje pocliet. I 3. Lost bnt found. 2. Stopping the leak. | -1. Fashion and folly. — First and second marriage ; or, courtesies of wedded life 13102 — Household angel in disguise 131.34 — Juliette ; or, now and forever 131.11 — Light and shade 131.10 — Live and learn 131.09 In asking for books, use the " Book Oraor," giviag tlie iCTHOR'S NAME, the first pirl of tl)a TITLB), ami the NU-MBEI*. 464 FICTION : Baker lo Beechcroft. — Little Agnes' library. By Mrs. Madelsine Leslie. [psfud] 4v 125.05 1. Little Agnes. I 3. I'll try. 2. Tryiug to be useful. | 4. Art and artlesaness. — riay and study series. By Jlrs. Madeleine Les lie [p.s-fiwi] 131. U3 1. play aud study. I :l. Howard and hifi teacher. 2. Motlierless children. \ i- Jack, the chimney-sweeper. — Up the ladder 131.07 Baker (.SVr S. W.) Cast up by the sea. . . 131.12 BAKEK(Wm. E. S.) Widow Seymour. . . . 125.33 Baker (\Vm. M.) Carter Qiiartennan. . . . 125.37 — Inside : a chrouiclo of secession. By George F. Harrington, [pseuJ.] 212.43 — Mose Evans 125.30 — Tlie new Timothy 125.35 Bai-dwin (F.) Two brides ; or, the French chateau and the English home 131.13 Baldwin (J. G. ) Fiiish times of Alabama. . 131.15 Ballanttne (R. M. ) Ballautyne's miscellany. 13 V 931.02 Contents : v. 1. Fighting the whales. 2. Away in the wilderness ; or life among the red ludiaus, and fur traders of North America. 3. Fast iu the ii^e. 4. Chasing the sun : or rambles in Norway. 5. Sunk at sea. 6. Lost iu the forest 7. Over the Hocky mountains 8. Saved by the life boat. 9. The Cannibal Lslaiids. 10. Hunting the lions : or the land of the negro. 11. Digging for gold ; or adventures in California. 12. Up in the clouds ; or balloon voyages. 13. The battle and the breeze ; or tlie British tar. — Coral island. A tale of the Pacific ocean. . 131.17 — Deep dowu 131.29 — Dog Crusoe. A tale of the west cm prairies . 131.18 — Eiling the bold 131.30 — Fighting the flames. A lale of the tire brigade. 131. 19 — Freaks on the Fells 131.20 — Giiscoyne, the sandal-wood trader. . . . 131.21 — Gorilla hunters 131.22 — Hudson's bay ; or, life in the wilds. . . . 131.23 — Lifeboat ; a tale of our coast heroes. . . . 131. 2'1 — Norseman (The) in the 131.32 — Red Eric ; or, the whaler's last cruise. . . 131.25 — Silver lake ; or, lost ill the snow 131.28 — Snowflakes aud sunbeams ; oi-, the young fur traders 131.2fi — Ungava 131.27 — wad men of the West 131.31 Balzac (Houore de). The alchemist ; or, the bouse of Claes 132.01 — Cesar Birotteau 132.112 — Eugenie Graudet ; or, the miser's daughter. 132.03 — I'etty annoyances of married life 132.01 Bandello (M. ) Novels. [Itu.scoE. Ital. nov., v. 3.] 211.22 Banlm (M. ajirf John). Bit o' writin' [ByJ. B.] 132.30 — Boj-ne water. [ByJ. B.] 132.31 — Clough Fion ; or, stone of destiny. [By M.B.] 132.37 — Croppy (The). [By M. B.] 132.32 — Denounced (The) ; baron of Crana. [J.B.] 132.33 — Ghost hunter and his family. [By M. B.] . 132.37 — Mayor of Windgan. [By M. B.] . . . . 132.31 — Peep of dav. [ByJ. B.l Crohnoore of tEe Bill-hook. [ByM. B.] 132.35 — Peter of the castle, aud the Fetches. [By J.B.] 132.3(5 Bandit (The). ■ Blanche (A.) 133.36 Banisued son. Hentz (.!//■<. C. L.) .... 213.13 Banker's secret. Smith (J. F.) 251.8J Banker's wife, or, court aud city. Gore {Mrs. C. G. F.) 211.H Banvard (Joseph). Priscilla, ortrialsfor the truth. 132.07 Barbara's history. Edwards (A. B.) . . . 1S2.22 Barbai'ld (,)/,■.«. A. L- 1 Stodi-'s, fables, (■/(.•. . 132.08 Barber of Bautry. Griffin (G.) .... 21I.7G Bakchester towers. Trollope (Anthony). 2 v. 261.50 Barclays (The ) of Boston. Otis (Mrs. H. G.) 231. 8S Bakefooted maiden. Auerbach(B. ) . . . 124.06 Barham (K. H. D.) Ingoldsby legends. . . 132.10 — My cousm Nicholas 132.12 Barker (M. A., ladi/). Sybil's book. . . . 132.06 #5r See also under her name, p. 64 of Catalogue. Baknaby Rudge. Dickens (C.) 173.14 Barnard (C. ) [' Jane Kingsford.' 'Mr.s. Maria Gilman.'] — Camilla : a talc of a violin 132.10 — Money aud music 132.09 — The Soprano 221.92 — The Tone masters. 3 v 1561.21 1. Mozart and Mendelssohn. I 3. Bach aud Beethoven. 2. Handel and Haydn. | B.U5NES (J., senior). Green Mountain travellers' entertainment 132.17 — The old inn 132.18 Same. [7ft Little classics, v. 9.] . . 226.96 Barney OReirdon. Lover (S.) 224.28 Babniim (P. T. ) Lion Jack 132.29 Baron Leo von O berg, MD. Mels ^.\..) . . 231.76 Baron Miinchausen (Adventures of).llAsrE(R.E. ) 133.01 Barren honor. Lawrence (G. A.) 222.47 Babriers burned away. Roe (E. P.) . . . 244.25 IUrtvIngton. Lever (C.) 223.29 B.iKRows (W.) The General 1123.13 B.utRY Gray, psend. .See Coffin (R. B. ) Barry Lyndon. Thackeray (W. SI.) . . . 255.43 Baktol(M.) Honor May. [anon.] .... 213.05 Barton (J. ) Travels of young Candid and Dr. Pangloss 132.38 Barton (K.) lo. A tale of the olden fane. . 133.03 B.VRTON experiment. [H.ujerton (John).] . . 132.22 Basil. Collins (W. Wilkie) 162.05 Basket of chips. Beougham(J. ) . . . . 113.01 B.isTiLLE (Chronicles of the), [anon.] . . 152.17 B.VTES(J. C.) Quest, [ninoft.] 241.74 Bateins (Lifeof Jefl'erson S., ) member from Cranberry C'Utre. Written by himself. [;wto./.] . 132.28 B.VTTLE of Dorking ; reminiscences of a volunteer. Chesney ( ti)/. George) 132.26 B.iTTLE of the books. Swift (J.) Works. 5074.02; 5074.23 B.vttle-fields of our fathers. Townsend (V. F. ) 2lil.44 Battle summer. Harland (Mariou\ pseud, nf Terhune (jVra. M. V. H.) ' 2."i5.31 Battles at home. Darling (Mary G.) . . . 171.44 B.iTTLES worth fighting. [anon.'\ 132.27 B.iUER (Karoline). ['Karl Detlef.'] At Capri : a story of Italian life 176.06 — Dead to the world, or sin and atonement. . 176.05 — Must it be 176.03 — Valentine, the countess 176.04 Bayer (K. R. ) Sphinx ; or, striving with destiny. By Robert Byr, p.sciiJ. 132.39 Bayly (T.H.) Musings and prosings. . . . 1613.33 Bay path. Holland (J. G.) 213.44 Beach (C. ) Amlrew Deverel. History of an adven- turer in New Guinea. 2 v. in 1. . . . 133.06 — Lost Leuore ; adventures of a rolling stone. 133.40 BE.1LE (Anna). Simplicity and fascination. . 133.05 Bear and forbear. AD.iMs (W. T. ) .... 112.38 BEiUt-HUNTERS of the Rocky Mountains. (A.) 135.09 Be.aten path.s. Thompson (E. W.) .... 255.76 Beatrice. Kavanagh (J.) 221.46 Be.itrice. Sinclair (C.) 252.50 Beatrice Boville, e(c. Rame eL. de la). . . . 172.15 Beatrice Cenci. Guecrazzi (F. D. ) 2 v. . 211.67 Beau Tancrede ; or marriage verdict. Dumas (A.) 181.40 Beauch.imp ; or, the error. James (G. P. R. ) 215.42 Beauchampe ; or Kentucky tragedy. SniMS(W.G.)252.23 Be.\uclerc, father and son. Clarke (C. C.) . 155.07 Beaumaechais. Br.^chvogel (A. E. ) . . . 135.15 Beauseincourt (Romance cf). Warfeexd (Mrs. C. A.) 262.63 Beauties of German literature 133.02 Beautiful fiend. Southworth (3/c.s-. E. D.E.N.) 2.")4.90 Beauty and the beast, etc. Taylor (J. Bayard). 255.07 Beauty and the beast. Thackeray (A. I. ) . . 255.79 Bebee, or two little wooden shoes. Rame (Louise de la) 172.56 Bechard (Frederic). Maurice 132.23 Bechstein (L.) As pretty as seven and other popular German tales 186.15 Beckford (W. ) Vathek, an Arabian tale. . . 133.07 Beckoning (The) series. Cobden (Paid), pseud. 161.29 Bed-time Ht»ries. Moulton ( Louise Chandler). 235. 68 Bede (Cuthbert), p.seud. See Bradley (E. ) Bede's charity. Stbetton (H.) 255. 89 Beechcroft. Yonge (C. M. ) 21)5.24 Iu asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAMK.the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMUKK. FICTION : Bsecher (o BlackweU. 465 Beecheb (H. W.) Norwood; or, village life in New Englunl i:i:i.ii8 Beecheb (Mrs. H. W.) From dawn to diiylight ; or, the simple storj- of a western home, lanon.] 13:110 Beechnut. Abbott (Jacob) 111.05 Bkechwood. Speingeb (K. R. ) 2.">(5.05 Bee-huntebs. Thobpe (T. B ) 2(jl.a4 Beggae ou hovseback. Pays (James). . . . IKi. 13 Begon tF., CDiii/es.s-edei. [' Madame de Stolz.'] House ou wheels ; or, the stolen child. . . . 2.);i. (iO Behemoth. Mathews (Charles) 505!. Oj Behind the covm er. Hacklandee (F. W. ) . 211. 9(; Behind the scenes. Bxjlweb-Lytton (iai/i/). 145.01 Behind the veil. [anoiL] 13J.2-1 Behind the scenes in Paris ; a tale of the clubs. [aiio/i.] 133.12 Belfokd Regis ; or, sketches of a country town. Miss M. R. Mitford 232.12 BELiAii. [anon.'] 133.14 Belinda. Edgeworth (Maria). Novels, v. 6. 182. Hi Bellsarius. Makmostei.(J. F.) . . 225.87 ; 225.43 Belisle (D. W. ) The American family llobinson. 133.11 Bell (Aeon), pneud. See Bkonte (.-inne). Bell (Currer), pseud. See Bkonte (Charlotte). Bell (Ellis), pseud. See Bkonte (Emily). Bell (Cath. D. ) Kenneth and Hugh ; or, self- mastery 133.15 — Margaret Cecil 133.21 Bellah. Feuillet (Octave) 11)6.21 Bellamy (D.) Ethic amusements 185.07 Bellamy I E. W. ) Four oaks. By Kamba Thorpe. 261.33 Bella Trelawny. Smith (J. F.) 251. 8J Bellehood and bondage. Stephens (Ann S.) 2.54.9J Belot (-■Vdolphe). Article 47 132.14 — Womaioffire 132.15 Below the suitace. Elton ( .^'i;- A. H. ) . . . 183.14 Belphachjr. Machiavelli (N.) . . . v. 2 of 244.20 Belton estate. Trollope (A.) 261.51 Ben Mihii-r's wooing. Lee (Holme'. . . . 222.76 Ben, the luggage boy ; or, among the wharves. H. Alger , ■ . . 121.28 Ben Sylvester's ward. Yonge(C. M.) . . . 205.25 Benauly, pseud. See Abbott (13. , A., n>id L.) Bench and bar of Jurytowu. Field (J. M.) . 2(51.91 Bendbow (HespcT'. More than she could bear. 133.22 Bene.ath the wheels, [anon.] 133.23 Benedict (Frank Lee). John Worthington's name. 132.42 — Madame. A novel 133.09 — Miss Dorothy's charge 132.41 — Miss Van Kortland 231.91 — Mr. Vaughau's heir 132.43 — My daugliter Eliaor 233. 10 — St. Simon's niece 132.44 — 'Twist hammer and anvU 132.40 Benjamin (S. G. W. I The choice of Paris. . 1,33.J5 Bennett (Emerson). Outlaw's daughter ; or adven- tures in the South 133.34 BENNETsabroad,lookto theeud. Ellis (.l/is.S.S.)lx3.06 Bennett ( J/iss Martha H. B. ) Leisure moments. 133.18 — Pastimes with my little friends 133.16 Benoni Blake, 3/. -D. , surgeon at Glenaldie. [anon.] 133.26 Bensley ; a story of to-day 133.17 Beppo the cousoript. Tkollope(T. A.) . . . 261.81 Bekbee. Mayo (W. S.) 231.50 Bergek {E.1, pseud. See Sheppakd (E. S.) BiiKGEEAC (S. C. de).. Comical hibtory of the empires of the moon and sun 133.19 Berkeley, the banker. Maetineaij (H.) . . 231.31 Berlin aud Sau Souci. Mijhlbach (L.) . . 232.64 Berlin. Landek (S. W.) Spectacles for young eyes, V. 6 222.9J Beknabd (C. de). A fatal passion, or " Gertaut." 133.17 Bebnabd Lyle. Clemens (J.) 155.17 Beenthal; or, the son's revenge. MiShlbach (L.) 232.65 Beetha and Lily. Smith (J/rs. E. 0.) . . . 252.76 Bebtha Percy ; or, I'esper.xnce. Field (M.) . 192.04 . Bertha's engagement. Stephens (. inn S.) . 254.95 Bekteam family. Charles (ifr.s-. E.) . . . 1.53. 04J Bertram Noel ; a story for youth. May (E. J.) 231.48 Bertrams. Trollope (A.) 261. .52 Bessie. Kavanagh (J.) 221.57 Bessie books. Mathews (Joanna H.) 1. Bessie at the sea-gide 22.'t.80 2. Bessie in tlie city 225.81 3. Bessie and her Iriends 225.82 i. Bessie among the muuutaiiis 225.83 6. Bessie at schuol 225.84 6. Bessie ou her travels 225.85 Bessie Morris's diary (Wedding garments, or). McLaik (Mary W.) 226.98 Bessie R.ine ; a novel. Wood (i/j-.?. H. ) . . 264.75 Best (The) fellow in the world. Wright {Mrs. J. McN.) ■..-... 265 00 Best of husbands. Payn (James) 23."). 65 Betrothed (The). Manzoni (.\.) 2 v. . . . 225.33 Betrothed (The). Scott (W.) 245.29 Betsey Bobbet's (My opinions and). By Josiah Alkn's wife 231.97 Betsey Jane 'Ward, hur book of goaks. [anon.] 1-18.16 Beulah. Wilson (A. J. Evjins) 183.27 Be^terly ; or, the white mask. Walworth (M.T.) 2C.2.59 BEYjassiRE. [Wallace E.I] 133.20 Beyond the Breakers. Owen iR. D. ) . . . 234.72 Blernatzei (J. G. ) The Hallig ; or, the sheepfold in the waters 231.18 Big bear of Arkansas, and other sketches. Porter (W. T.) 134.01 Big brother : Story of Indian war. Eggleston (G. C.) 184.26 BiGSBY (R. ) VLsions of the times of old. 3 v. 475.26 BiKKERs (Dr. A. V. W.) pseud. ? Anno Domini 2071 122.20 Billings (Josh), [p.s-f»d.] See Shaw (H. W.) Billy Grimes's favorite. M.annering (May). . 225.19 Blrd(R. M. ) Nick of the woods 134.02 — Sheppard Lee. [anon.] 2v 251.64 Birds of prey. Braddon (M. E.) .... 135. iO Birth and education. Schwartz (Marie S. ) . 244. ilO Birthright. Gore (jU/;?. ) .... 235.95 ; 211.15 Bisaccioni (M.) Novels v. 4 of 244.23 Bishop's son. Caby (Alice) 152.01 Bit o' writin'. Banlm (M.) 132.30 Bits of blarney. Mackenzie (R. S.) . . . 225.04 Bivouac Maxwell (W. H.) 231.43 BrvouAC and battle. Adams (AV. T. ) . . . . 112.43 BjiiRNsoN (B. ) Aroe ; or, peasant life in Norway. 133. 27 — 'Ihe Fisher-maiden 133.29 — The happy boy. Tr. by H. K. G. . . . 133.30 — Ovind. [Same as Happy boy.] Tr. by S. and E. Hjerleid. 133.32 — The railroad aud the churchyard 133.31 Black (W.) A daughter of Heth 134.36 — In silk attire 134.31 — Kilmeny 134.32 — Love or marriage 134.03 — Madcap Violet 134.43 — Maid of KiUeena, and other stories. . . . 134.39 Contents: Maid of KiUeena. Queen Tita's wager. Fipht for a wife. Sequel to That. The man who was like Sliakspeare. — Marrkge of Moira Fergus 134.42 — Monarch of Mincing Lane 134.34 — Princess of Thule 134.38 — Strange adventures of a phaeton 134.37 — Three feathers 134.40 Black brothers (King .of the golden river; or the). RusKiN(J.) 244.50 Black dwarf Scott (Sir W.) 245.31 Black-forest village stories. Auekb.ach (B. ) 124.20 Bl-Ack pauther. Wk.vx:.all (.%• C. F. L.) . . 265.09 Black sheep. Yates (E. ) 265.14 Black spirits and white. Trollope (F. E. ) . 266.55 Black tulip. Dumas (A.) 17.5.47 BL.1CKEURN (W. M.) The Theban legion. . . 133.41 Blackmore (R. D. ) Alice Lorraine, a tide of the South Downs 133.44 — Clara Vaughan 133.42 — Cradock Nowell : a tale of the New Forest. 131.27 — Cripps the carrier l''^ 37 — Lorua Doone : a romance of Exmoor. . . 133.43 — Maid of Sker. 134.30 Blackwell (A, B.) The Island neighbors. . 134.19 In asking for books, use th9 " Book Order," giving tUe AUTHOR'S NAME, the first pari of tUa HILE, an! the NUMBER. 466 FICTION : Blackwood to Biamleighs. ■254.57 191.42 233.12 Blackwood (Talos from). See Tales, etc. Blade o' gniss. Fakjeon (B. L. ) . . . BL.AC1DEN (Isa). Nora aud Arcbibalel Lee Blake (i'eJy). Lady of Lyndon i:^^-!" _ Ruth Maxwell. . . • •,• • „■ ;.,, Blike (Lillie Devereux). Fettered for lite Blanohabd iL.) Sketches from lite. 3 V. Blanche (August). The bandit i:^f^V BL.iNCHE Bearwood. [anon.'\ . ■ ■ ■ BL.ANCHE Gilroy; a girl's story. Hosmeu (Mr Blanche Seymour. [o».on.] ••,•", ,, ,t Bl^n (Sickness and health of the people ot). Mar- TiNEAU (Harriet). Bleak house. Dickens (C.) . . . • • Blessington (Marguerite Power, counless) quarters. 2 v. 133.3'j l;i3.3S 131.21 134.01 M.) 214.17 . 134.21 173.10 Country 134.05 _ M^rmaduke Herbert. 2 V. \f\\l - Memoirs of a femme de chambre. . . . l«-i- -Meredith. ; ; ^.^^■{^ — Strathern. 2 v "" rmit,'nts '■ CoufesBiouB of an oklerly gentleman Bions ofln eUierly laay. Kepealers. Two mends. V.c. timeol society. with other tales. Embury ^K. C.) 134. IG Confes- Bowman (Anne). Bear hunters of the Kocky Moun- tains 1:^;?',';^ — Esperanza \-if\^ — Kangaroo hunters i,r,J BoT emigrants. Brooks (Noah) . . . • • 140.1^ BoT farmers of Elm Island. Kellogq (E.) . -^i-^' Boy hunters. KEiD(Mayne.) -4-.39 Boy in grey. Kingsley (Heury) --b-U^ Boy slaves. Keid (Mayne) --l--*" Boy lar. Eeid (Mayne) ^- : ' '-a -*-,. Boyhood of Franklin. Abbott (Jacob.) Harpers story books, V. 4. ..... . • • -Jy-)^'? Boy's adventures in Australia. Ho\«tt (W.) . IJ^'i-^J Boy's trip across the plains. Pres^ton (L.) . -3.J.49 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney (Mrs. A. D. T.) 2(j3.58 Boys at Dr. Murray's. Gaylord (Glance), P«e»t<-./or Bradley (W.J.) • • • • ■ v • ■ ]di-l° Boys of Grand Pr HoEY (Mrs. C.) . . Blind girl, Blind passenger. LLaun(1.)J • ■ ■ Blindpiis ; a story ol bcoitish life. Blithedale romance. Hawthorne (N.) EloSade (The) of Phalsburg. Erckmakn (E.) j««d Chatkian (A.). . . • - Blockade mnuers. 'Verne (J.) Blonde and bmnette ; or, DETT (C.) . • • • •, •„ : ■ Bloodstone (The). S-Ucleod (D.) . Bloom and brier ; a southern romance (W.) Blossoming of an aloe the 213.27 111.48 134.22 Heathen Blueberrving. Abbott (J Blue liLibou. Uin • , .^ ^ -, o^i .m Border bealles: tale of aUs.issippL SIMMS (W.G. ) -.2. 4 Border (The) Kifles. Aimard ^G. ) . . ■ • f^^^^ Border war ; a tale of disunion. Jones (J. B. ) ^ZL..J BORG (S.ytV.fl) Northern lights. Stones ^'om Swe- dish and Finnish authors, . - • • • -^^••'^ Boris (Gontrau). She loved him madly. . . 13b.U4 loRROvMGeor^ge). Lavengro ; the scholar,^ the gypsy, -Eom^iuyBye." A sequel to Lavengro. . . 135.07 Bosom friend. Grey ( jUis. E. C. ) • ■ Lander (S. W.) Spectacles for young 1 of 244.20 . 263.04 146. 0-. 177.04 134.23 231.!S4 1123.00 235.13 255.33 235.15 Birds of prey — Charlotte's inheritance. . . — DaiTell Markham — Dead men's shoes — Dead sea fruit. ..... — Diavola, or nobody's daughter. — Doctor's wife — El.anor's victory Fenton's quest — Hostages to fortune. . . . — John Marchmout's legacy. . — Joshua Haggard's daughter. 135.21 135.36 141.06 135.33 135.22 135.23 135.24 13.5.39 141.05 135.25 141.08 Lady Audl'ey's secret itl'll 21L57 of Boston. BoTH'^Jides'of'the street. Walker (M. S.) . Bothwell, or the days of Mary, Queen Gb.ANT (J.) . • • • ■ • ■ h't -i? NT Bound to John Company. [Bkaddon (M. J;-. )] Bound to rise. Alger (H.) ....••■ Bound to the whiel. Saundeks (J.) • • • • BouTON (J. B.) Kound the block. [«m.n.] . B W. C. series. Sf e De Mille (J • ) ■ • • BoWEN(C. E.) Jack the conqueror. . . • 222.85 202.79 Scots. 211.88 134.35 122.45 245.03 244.30 172.34 135.17 — Lady Lisle, — Lady's mile iii'o4 — Lost for love "'■"* — Lovels of Arden ^j*^-*^ — Only a clod t>.-'qj. _ Oscar Bertrand "''■''* — Outcasts _ Publicans and sinners — Eobert Ainsleigh. 2 v — Bun to earth. 2 v — liupert Goodwin — Sir Jasper's tenant — Strange world. — Strangers and pilgrims — Taken at the flood [ c.,' -J ^ — Three times dead ; or, the secret of the heath, = ^V°eav:rf and we'^t ; V " Love 'thit iatii us in his net." „■ ; ■ Brvdfokd (Annie C.) Nellie Bracken. Bradford (Sarah H.) Linton tamily. ., . „ BrXy (Edward). ['Cnthbert Bede.'] Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green ill 12 _ Nearer and dearer. . . . 141! 14 Fradley (w'j.) '['bl^ce dayiora.'] Kainfoi^d^smes : Boys at Dr. Murray's. • • . • • 191 19 Gilberfs last summer at R-amford. ..... JJ*-i» 135.28 135.35 141.02 135.41 135.37 135.30 135. '31 135.44 141.01 1'3.03 . 1H5.32 13.3.43 141.11 141.10 141.09 Gilbert stair and UiB lessons. . Jiick Arconibe ; the story of a wail Will Rood's IriendsUip — Miss Patience Hathaway _ Mr. Pendleton's cup. ...•■•• BB.iDY(Jame.5T.) Christmas dream. . . the son of Athos. Dumas (.A.) ADA.Ms(Wm. T.) ... . • ■ 11-37. Brakespeare -, or, the fortunes of a free lance. ^Law^ Bragelonne, Br,ake up. 191.'21 l'Jl.22 . 194.23 . 194.31 . 141.15 . 181.18 BBOOKLVN MKRCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : Brandon (o Bulwer. 467 Brandon : or, a hundred years ago. Tiffany i^O.) 2G1.35 Urave and bold seiies. Aj.gek (,H., J>.) . . 12 '.42 Brave hearts. Gray (Robertson), psmd. for IIaymond (R. W.) 242.87 Brave hidy. Cbaik (D. M. Mnloch) .... 2:!2.(;() Br WE old salt. Adams (W. T.) 112.1ii Bravo. [Scviie laid in l'tnire.1 Cooper (J. F.) 1G:!.20 BuAvo of Venice. Lewis (M. CI.) 223.70 Bkay (Mis. a. E. K.) Novels and romances. lOv. 141.29 1. The white hootla. 2. De Foix ; Uth (.-eutliry. 3. The Protestant ; a tale of q. Mary. 4. Fitz of Fitz Ford ; a k'^eiiii of Devon. 6. Tlie Talba ; or. Moor of Portugal. 6. \Vark>i(,'h : or, the fatal oak. 7 Trelawuy of Trelawuo ; a legend o.' Cornwall. 8. TriaU of the heart. 9. Heury de Pomeroy ; or, the eve of St. John ; a legend of Cornwall and Devon. 10. Courtenay of Walreddou ; a legend of the coast of England. Brazen Gates. Smith (F. N.) Ed. by J. V. Smith. 252.90 Bkead-.and-cheese, and kisses. Far.ieon(B. L. ) 191. -13 Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence ( G. A. ) . . 222. 52 Breaking away ; fortunes of a student. Adams (\V. T.) 112.17 Bred in the bone. Payn (James) 141.07 Bbeezie Langton. Sm.U(T(H. ) 252.92 (A. del. Belin (Jean) 141.16 Bremer (Fredrika). A diary, H — family, Axel aud .\nna, and other tales 141.18 — Easter offering 141.17 — Father and daughter 141.19 — Four sisters 141.20 — Home, and Strife and peace 141.21 — Life in D.ilecarlia, parsonage of Mora. . . 235.99 — Neighbors, and other tales. ...... 141.22 — President's daughtei-s ; including Nina. . 141.23 Same. Part 2. Nini 141.24 Bressant. Hawthorne (Julion) 212. C8 Breugel brothers. Sternberg (A. von*. . . 254.00 BrevioiG.) Novels 2 aud 3 v. 2 of 244.21 Brewer's family. i .Vcs. S. S. ) . . . 183.05 Brewster (Aune M. H.) Compensation. . . 142.01 — St. Martiu's summer 142.02 Bridal eve. Southworth ( J/r.s-. E. D. E. N. ) 253 24 Bride of Limmermoir. Scott (Sr Walteri. . 245.33 Bride of Llewellyn. Southworth (J/'ra.E.U.E.N. )253.25 Bride of Omberg. Cirlen (E. F.) . . . . 145.37 Biude's fate, a sequel to Changed bride?. Southworth (jr--.s. E. D. E. N.) • • • 253.87 Briery Creek. Martineau (H. ) 231.34 Bbig.adier Frederick. EBOKMANN-CHATRiAN(MM.)lt>3.23 Brigand (The), or Corse de Leon. James (G. P. K.) 215.47 Bright (.l/i-.s-. Matilda A.) Margaret ; a story of life in n prairie home. By Lyndon, [psmd.] . . 142.03 — Oxley. By Lyndon, [psend.1 142.2G Bright" uV/v. A. M.) The three Berniees, or Ansermo of the crag 142.31 NoU. — Hist, novel ; time of Vespasian and Titua. Brisee. [tinon.] 142.04 Buisted (C. A.) The upper ten thousand. . 142.05 Brock (.l/cs. Carey). Home memories. . . 142.07 Brock (S. A.) Kenneth, my king 142.0(! Broken chains. Werner (E.) 263.92 Broken columns. Dixon (Rec. — ) 142.08 Broken to harness. Yates (E.) 2(55.15 Broken toys. Steele ( A. C. ) 252.91 Bronte (Anne). ■ ['Acton Bell.'] Agnes Grey. 142.14 — Tenant of Wildlell ILill 142.13 BKONTii (Charlotte). [' Currer Bell.'] Jane Eyre. 142.09 — The professor 142.10 — Shirley 142.11 — Villette •. 142.12 BBONTii (Emily). ['Ellis Bell.'] Wuthering Heights 142,15 Brooke aud Brooke Farm. Martineau (II.) . 231.27 Brooke (Henry). Fool of quality. 2 v. . . 142.18 Brooke (Noah). Boy emigrauts 146.12 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville (G. J. W.) 235.86 Brooks i Shirley). Aspen court 142. '20 — GortUan knot 142.23 — Silver cord 142.21 — Sooner or Liter. » 142.22 Brother clerks. By Xariffa, psiud 265.23 Brothers bet. Carlen (E. F. ) 115.38 BRouciii (R. B. ) Life of .Sir John Falstaff. . . 17."j5.(12 Briuigham (Henry, Ain/l. Albert Lunel. . . 142.41 Brougham I John I. A basket of chips. . . . 143.(11 — Bunsby papi r.s 113.02 Bro'ight to the front. Kellogg (E.) . . . 2'27.03 Broughton (Rhoda). Cometh up as a flower. 142.33 — Good-bye, sweet-heait 142.34 — Joan 142.38 — Nancy 142.37 — Not wisely, but too well 142.35 — Red as a rose is she ]42.:!1) Brown (Charles B. ) Arthur Mervyn ; or, memoirs of the year 1793. 2 v 143.(l5 — Clara Howard ; or the enthusiasm of love. . 143.07 — Edgar Huntley; or memoirs of a sleep-walker. 143.08 — Jane Talbot 143.09 — Ormrnd, or the s.cret witness 143.10 — Wieland, or the trnn.'sforuiiition 143.11 Brown (John, M.U.) JIarjorie Fleming. . . 143.18 Same. [In Little classics, v, 10.] . . 220.97 — Rab and bis friends. [In Little classics, v. 4.] 226.80 Browne iC. F. ) Artenms Ward : his book. . . 143.13 — Artemus Ward in Londcn, and other papers. 143.14 — Ai-temus Ward : his travels 143.15 — Artemus Ward's panorama 143.17 . — Artemus Ward : his works 143.12 Vontimis ; Essays, sketehes. and letters. War stories and romances. To California and letnrn. Loudon Punch let- ters. Artenms Ward's panorama. Miscellaneous. Brown stone f , out : a sti^ry of New York and Saratoga. Fulton (Chaudos) 193.04 Brownings, a t;ile of the great rebellion. Fuller (J. G.) 193.06 Brownlows. Oliphant (3/r..'JG Caister Qimrterman. Baker (Wiu. M.) . . 125.Li7 Gary (Alice). The Bishop's siu ISj.Ol — Cloveruook 152.U.J — Married, uot mated 15:i 03 ^ Pictures of country life 1 )2.0t — Snowberri 3's. A book for youug fjlks. . . 152.05 Casella ; or, cbildreu of the valleys. Farquhakson (Martba) I'.ll.Uti Casimir Miiremma. Helps (.\rthur). . . . 213.01 Casper. Warner (A. B. rtiwi 8. ) 26i.2:t CissiQCE of Kiawah. Simms (W. G. ) . . . 252.25 Cassy. STRETroN(Hesba), p.s«>u. ) . 121.10 Chaklotte Aekeimau ; a [Hamburg] theatrical romance. Mjller (^Otto) 232.83 Ch.iblotie ElizabL'tb, [™;.] .See Tonn.\ {C. E. ) CHAKLOTrE's iiiiieri ance. Braddon (M. E.) . 135.21 Charmed sea. MAimsE.AU (Harriet). . . . 231.31 Charming widow. Macquoid (K. S. ) . . . 220.57 Charms and coiinter-cliarms. M'Intosh (M. J.) 224.67 Ch,lkon, or the (Select call, of nov. y. 2.) . . . 171.03 Ch.arteris. Meline (M. M.) 231.47 Chaste as ice , pure as snow. Desp.,ird ( ^L■s. M. G. ) 176. "^G Chateau Frissac, or homo scenes in France. LoG.AN (0.) 224.21 CaATE.iu Morrille, or life in Touraine. [niion.] 153.24 CH.iTEAU Eoage. Dumas (A.) ~ 181.10 Chateaubrmnd (F K. de). The martyrs. . . 153.22 — Atala. the beautiful Indian of the Miss. . . 153.2J Chatrun (A.) lies Erckmann (E.), and Chatrlvn (A.) Chatsworth, or the romance of a week. Ward (R. P.) 262.55 Chavette (Eugene). So £ur yet false ; or, " Pour- quoi." 153.38 Checkmate, [roioii. Le Fanu (J. S.)] . . . 223.U8 Cheney (Mrs. E. D.) The child of the tide. . 154.37 Cheney (O. Augusta). Seeking his fortune, and other dialogues 121.34 Chekbullez (V.) Joseph Noirel's revenge. . . 103.32 — Count Kostia 153.33 — Miss Hovel 153.36 — Prosper [K.mdoce] ^^i^-i^f — Bom, mce of an honest woman 153.35 CniiRRY and Violet, a tale of the great pligue. Manning (A.) 22.5.23 Chesebro' (Carolina). Children of light. . . 153.27 — Dreamlaid by daylight 153.28 — Foe m the household. . 15,!.30 — Isa. A pilgrimage 153.2'J — Peter Cari'adine, or the Martindale pastoral. 154.01 — PhiUy and Kit. 154.02 — Victoii;!, or the wo:ld overco-ne 151.03 Chesney (('c)(. George*. The dilemma, [rtiwii.] 1.53.3^ — The iall of England ? The battle of Djrkiug : remi- uisoencjs of a volunteer 132.26 Chestnut wood. Linden (L.) 2v 223.75 Chevalier (The). Dumas (A.) 181.37 Chevalier Casse-Gou. Boisgobey (F. du'i. . 146.01 1. The red caiiielia. 2. The search for imce-it.>rs. Chev.^lujr de M.iison Hougi Du.mas^A. ) . 175.19 Chevalier d'Hannental. Dumas (A.) . . . 175.41 Chevaliers of France. Herbert (H. \V. > . . 213.26 Gheveley, or the man of honor. Bulwer ( Ltd;/). 115.02 Child {Mrs: L. M. ) Philothea ; a Grjciau ro- mance 154.06 — The reb'ils, or Boston before the rjvolutiou. 151.08 — A romance of the republic 151.07 Child of the islaud glen. Kellogg (E.) . . 226.11 Chilo of the tide. Cheney (Mrs. ED.) . . 154.o7 Child pictures from Dickens 173.20 Child wife (The). Reid (.\Iayue) 242.37 Child world. H.amilton iGaili, pseiul. nf D loas (M. A.) ..."... 174.58 Child's dream of a star. Dickens (C.) Jn Little classics. V. 10 226.97 Children of Amity Court. Thurston (L. M.) 243..77 Children of Ught. Chesebro' (C.) . . . . 153.27 Children of the abbey. Roche (R.M.) . . 243.5S Children of Mount Ida. Child (L. Maria). . 151.09 Children of the public. Hale (E. E.) In Little classics, V. 12 227.15 Children of the olden time. M.ackaeness (H.) 22449 Children of the new forest. (F.) . 22-5.46 Children's treasury of new stories. A.L.O.E. 121.18 Children's week. Rv¥monb(B. W. ) . . . 212.89 Chimes. Dickens (O. ) 173.22 Chi.nese tales. Gueulletie (T. S. ) Novelist's maga- zine, V. 5 233.56 Choice humorous works. Hook (T. ) . . . 213.02 Choice (The) of Paris. Be.njamin (S.G. W.) 133.25 Choisy. Story (J. P.) 254.89 Chops, the dwarf. Dickens (C.) In Little cLissiop, V. 2. . . ■. 226.81 Chobley (H.F. ) A Prodigy ; a tale of music. 3 v. 154.26 Cnras and Otho ; a s:quel to Widow Goldsmith's daughter. Smith (Julie 1'. ) 154.11 Chrisna, the queeu of the Danube. Saintine (X. B.) 241.54 Christi.\n Gellert. Auerbach(B. ) .... 124.07 Christian physiologist. Gkifpin(G. ) . . . 211.79 Christian's mistake. Muloch (D. M.) . . . 232.44 Christie Johnstone. Ekide(C.) .... 242.13 Christie's faith. [Robinson (F. W.)] . . . 154.10 Christina North. Archer (E.M.) .... 125.09 Christine. Enault (L) 183.3G Christmas books. Dickens (C.) 173.21 CHKisTMiS books. Thacker.iy (W. M. ) 7)1 /i/.s- Miscel- lanies, V. 5 255.65 carols. Dickens (C. ) 174.24 Christmas carol ( to light: or, a). 192.34 Christmas dream. Brady (J. T.) .... 141.15 eve and clu'istnias day. Hale (E. E. ) 212.90 eve on board the "Oberon." Reid (VValtjr) 242.77 Christmas festivities. Poole (J.) 241.47 Christmas guest, etc. Southworth (E. D. E. N. ) 253.89 CHRIST.MAS stories. Dickens (C.) 173.22 Christm.4s stmy. DA\^s (C. E. K. ) .... 171.42 Christopher Kenrick. Hatton (J. ) . . . . 212.70 Christopher North, pseud. tVc Wilson (J.) Christopher Tadpole. Smith (A.) . . . . 252.67 Chronicles of the Bastile. Chamep.ovzow (M.A.) 152.17 Chronicles of Cailingtord. Oliphant (M.O. W. ) 234.09 Chronicles of Cartaphilus, the wandering jew. H0FPM.AN (D.) 2v 446.26 Chronicles of Clovetnook. Jereold(D. ) . 221.15 Chronicles of Uotham. Book 1. White (It. G.) 151.12 Chronicles of theC.ino.ig.ite. Scott (W. ) 245.37; 245.76 Chronicles of the Schonberg Cotta family. Charles (E.) 153.10 Chrysal ; or the adventmes of a guinea. John- stone (C.) 4v 221.24 Church (Florence Marryat, Mrs. Eo.ssl. Confessions of Ger^dd Estcouit 154.13 — For ever and ever 154.14 — Girls of Fever.sham 154.21 — Her lord and master 154.25 — Love's conflict 154.15 -- My own child 154.32 — Nellie Brooke 154.22 — No intentions 154.29 — Open ! Sesame ! 154.30 — Petronel 154.23 — Poison of asps 154.24 — Prey of the gods 154.17 — Star (A) and a heart 154.31 — Temper 154.18 — Too good for him 154.19 — Veronique 154.16 — Woman against woman 154.20 Churton (Hfnryi, psend. .S'flc Tour,tee (A. W.) Cinderella. Thackeray (il/ A. I.) 261.01; 255.78 Cracj Mars; an historical romance. Vigny (A. de). 172.30 Cinnamon and pearls. Martine.iu (H.) . . . 231.33 CiNTHio (G. G. ) Novels V. 2 of 244.21 Cipher, a romance. Austin (.1//-.s'. J. G.) . . 125.12 Circe. White (B.) 263.52 Circuit rider. Eggleston (Edward). . . . 184.39 Citizen of Pr.ague. Translated by .Mary Howitt. 155.01 Citoyenne Jacqueline. Tytler (Sarahi. . . 262.33 City of the jugglers, or free trade in souls. North (W.) 233.41 CLACKirrs (The) of Inglebrook Hall. Prosseb (Mrs.) 235.56 Clan Albyn. Johnstone (Mrs.) 221.28 Clandestine murriage. Dupuy (E. A.) . . 181.36 Clara, or slave life in Europe. llACiCL.tNDER (F. W.) 212.07 Clara Howard. Brown (Charles B.) . . . 143.07 Clara Lake's dream. Wood (.)7y.s-. H. ) . . . 264.79 Clara Melville, [anon.] 155.02 Clara Vaughan. Bl.vckmore (R. D. ) . . . 133.42 BROOKLYN MEBOANTI.LE LIBBAEY. FICTION : Clare to Colonel. 471 Clare (Adu), pseud. Oaly a woman's heart. . 15".03 Clabence, or a tiile of our own time. Sedgwick (MissC. M.) 251.20 Clarissa Harlowc. Ekhaiidson (Samuel). . 243.011 Same. Edited by E. S. Dallas. 3 v. . . 243.23 Clabk (Charles U>/ber). [■ Jlax AdLler.'J Elbow- room 113.18 — Out of the hurly-burly 113.1'.) Clark (L. Gaylord). Ivniek-kiiacks fro a an edit(.r's table lo.^j.Oi; CrAEK (Th. M.) Johu Whopper, the uewsboy. l.Jo.Ol Clarke (C. C.) Boaudercs : father and son. 15'>.l)7 — Deiiise. 2 v 173.02 — Madame Fontenoy 226.01; Clarke (E. G. H.) Lovers and thinker.s. By Hewes Gordon, pseud 1.5.j. 08 Clarke {Mrs. M. C. ) Girlhood of Shakespeare's he- roines. 2v IS"). 10 — Irou cousin 155. 12 — Kit Bam's adventures 155.14 — Kambliug story 155.13 Claeke (Marcus). His natural life. . » . . 155.05 Clarke (K. S.) [' Sophie May . '] Asbury twins. 227.93 — ]>)ctor's daughter 22li.()6 — Dotty Dimple stories. Cv 225.90 1. At her graudmotlier's, 14. At play. 2. At home. 5. At Si'liool. 3. Out west. I 7. Fljaway. — Little Pmdy stories. 6 v. ,. Cousin Grace. . . 226.71 i. Little Pnuly's Story Book 226.72 6. Little Piuily'8 Dolly Dimiile 226.73 • Little Piudy's flyaway series. 4 v. 1. Little Pimly. . 226.08 2. Little Prudy's sis- ter Susy. . . . 220.09 3. Little Prudy'sCai)- toiu Horace. . . 220.70 3. Aunt llailRe's story. 226 76 4. Little i^raudmother. 226.77 1. Little folks astray. 226.74 2. Piudy keeping house 226.75 — Maideuhood series. Our Helen 226. fi? Classic tales 155.15 Claude Gueux. Hugo (Victor) 214. 81 Claudia. Douglass (A. M. ) 175.15 Clavebings. Trollope (Anthony) 2G1.55 Clavers (Mary). /St'e Kiekland (.Uc*. CM.) Clay (Bertha M.) Thrown on the world ; or the dis- carded wife 155.38 Clayton (Cecil). Azalea 155. 3G Clemens (Jeremiah). Bernard Lyle ; an historical ro- mance 155.17 — Mustang Grey: a romance 155.18 — Rivals ; times of Burr and Hamilton. . . 155.24 Clemens (S. L.) [' Mark Tw.iiiL'] Adventure 5 of Tom Sawyer 155.32 — Bmlesque autobiography 155.20 — Celebrated jumpiug frog of Calaveras coauty, and other sketches . , . . 155.19 — Screamers 155.16 — Sketches, new and old 155.30 — ouiWABNEB (CD.) Gilded a!?e 155.25 Clemmer (Mary). See Ames {Mrs. M. C. ) Clergyman's wife and other sketches. Ritchie (.\. C M.) . . 243.33 Cleve Hall. Sewell(.1/i-,s. E. M.) .... 251.30 Cleveb woman of the family. Yonge (Miss CM. 1 265.27 Clcpp climbers, sequel to plaut hunters. Reid(M. ) 212.44 Clifford Troup ; a Georgia story. Westmore- land (M.J.) 263.99 Climbing the rope. Mannering (May), pseud, of NowELL (H. P. H. ) 225.20 Cline (A. J. ) Henry Courtlaud ; or, what a farmer cau do 155 34 Clinton ; or, boy life iu the country. Aimwell (Wal- ter), p.vett/;. of .Simonds (Wm. ) .... 252.44 Clique of gold. Gaboriau (E. ) 196.36 Clive(C) Paul Ferroll. [anon.] .... 15.5.22 — Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife, [anon.] . 1.55.23 — Year after year, [dnon.] 155.21 Cloister and the hearth. Reade (C. ) . . . 242.14 Cloud on the heart. Roe (A. ,S.) . . . . 213.95 Clotjd with the silver lining. Mjickaeness {Mrs. M. A.) 241.24 Cloud-pictures. Underwood (F. H. ) . . . 262.87 Cloudesley. GoBWiN(VVm. ) 19.5.',:7 Clouded happiiiess. Or.say (aii)i(f,s-se d'). . . 134.0'?' Clouds and Kunsliine. 1!eade (C.) .... 242.15 Clouds and sunshine in the life of a village pastor. [iiiinn.] 155.26 Clough Fiou; or the stime of destiny. Hanim (J.) 132.37 (■LOVENfoot KEBR(OrpheusC)[NE\VELnR.ll. i] 23.3.41 Cloverly. Uigham(M. R.) 214.97 ( 'LOVEENooK. Caky (AUcc) 152.02 Clovernook (Chronicles of the). Jeekold (D. ) 221.15 Club book, original lalvs. [(inini.] .... 1.55.27 Clyde (Altou). Tried und true 155.28 — Undir foot 1.55.29 Clytte. Hatton (Joseph). . ; 214.98 Cobb (Sophia D.) HilHidro' farms 1.55.31 Cobden (Paul), pseud. Beckr n ng series. . . 161.29 V. 1. Who will wiu? I 2. Cioiug ou a mission. — Take a peep 161.31 CocKAY-NES in Paris ; or, gone abroad. Jeeeold (B.| 226.23 CooKTON (HiniT). Love match Ifu.Ol — Percy Effingham 1G1.02 — Sisters ; or, the fatal marriages 161.03 — Stanley Thorn 161.06 — Steward ; a romance of real life 1C1.04 — Sylvester Sound, the souuiamlulist. . . . 161.05 — Valentme Vox, the ventriloquist 161.07 CoiLEBs iu search of a wife. Moi;e (H. ) t. 2 of 5057.01 Coffin (Charles Carletou). Winning bis way. 161.09 — Caleb Kiiukle. 161.10 Coffin (R. B. ) ['Bariy Gray.'] Cakes and ale at Woodbine '. 161.11 — Castles iu the air . 2521.19 — Matrimonial infelicities. Added, My neighbors and Down in the valley 161.12 — My married life at Hillside 161.13 — Out of town ; a rural episode 161.14 CoOGESHALL (W. T. ) Everglade heroes. . . 161.18 — Stories of frontier a dveutme 161.19 Coiner (The). Griffin (G. ) 211.75 Cole (Miriam). >te H aekis ( J/r.v. M. C) Coleridge (Sara). Phantasmion, a faiiy tale. 161.39 Collegians (The). GiaFriN(G.) 211.73 Collier (VV. F.) Pictures of the periods. . . 162.28 Collins (A. M. ) Mrs. Ben Darby 162.01 Collins (Mortimer). Marquis and mtrchnnt. 162.30 — Two plunges for a pearl 162.29 — Vivian romance 162.31 Collins (AV. Wilkie). After dark 162.02 — Alicia Warlock, and other stories. . . . 162.39 — Antouina, or the fall of Rome J( 2.03 — Ai-madale 102.04 — Basil; or the crossed path 162.05 — Dead alive 162.17 — Dead secret. 162.06 — Frozen deep [and a Terribly strange bed]. . 162.37 — Hide and seek 162.07 — Law and the lady. 162.38 — Mad Monktori ; and other stories. . . . 162.32 Conletit.^ : Black cottage. Tlie bilcr bit. Family secret. Mad Monktou. Plot iu i)rivate lite. — Man and wife 162.14 — Miss or Mrs. ? and other stories 162.40 Cfnilents : •■ Blow up with the biig." latal cradle. Miss or Mrs. ? — Moonstone 162.13 — New Magdalen 162.16 — No name 162.10 — Poor Miss Finch 162.36 — Queen of hearts _ . . . . 162.11 — Queen's revenge, and other stories. . . . 162.15 — Sister Rose 162.33 — Stolen mask ^f~-^t — Woman in white ^^'},^ — Yt How mask ' ^f'^'t Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Manning (A.) 225.24 CoLoMBA. Mekimee iP.) 231.81 Colonel Dacre. Jolly ( .l/;,-.-.s- E. ) 161.20 Colonel Floyd's wards. Teehune (.1/j>\M.V.H.) 255.31 Colonel Jack. De Foe (Daniel) 5037.14 lo asking for books, use tho " Book Oraor," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NCMBER. 472 FICTION : Colonua to Corse. CoLONNA. tlio paiutor. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. . 254.57 Comedy of terrors. De Mille ; J. ) .... 172.54 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton (Rhoda). 142.33 CoMio annual for 1870. Hood (Tom). . . . 213.S6 Comic history of England. A'Beckett (G. A.) 2v. . . . 111-38 Come histoi-y of Rome. A'Beckett (G. A. ) . 111.40 Comic history of the U. S. Hopkins (L.) . . 573.19 Comic history of the U. S. Sherwood (J. D.) 573.06 Comic tales. 2t 162.19 Comical history of the empiros of the moon and sun. 133.19 Comin' thro' the rye. Mathers ul/i.vs H. ) . . 162.24 Co.^^NG home. Mackarness ( J/)-.b-. M. A. ) . . 241.25 Coming race (The), or the new Utopia. Bulwer-Lytion (E. G. E. L., lord Li/tlou) 102.23 Coming to the light, or Fidgety Skeert. [aiio?!.] 162.22 Coming wave. Optic (Oliver), pseud, o/' Adams \V. T.) 113.40 ComNS (Lizzie B.) ['Laura Caxton.'] Marion Berkley 152.33 — Hartwell Farm 152.34 Commander of Malta. Sde(E.) 254.34 Commonplace : a tale of to-day ; and other stories. EossETTi (C. G.) 243.91 Compensation. Brewsteb (A. M. H.) . . . 112.01 CoMYN(L. N. ) Elena, an Italian tale. . . . 161.34 Con Cregan, the L-ish Gil Bias. Lever (C.) . 223.33 Condensed classics. Ed. by K. Johnsou. 2 v. 156.01 V. 1. Scott (W.) Ivanhoe. 2. Dickens (C.) Our mutual friend. Condensed novels and other papers. (B. ) 212.47 Cone (N.) Which is the heroiue ? .... 263.79 Cone CUT corners. Beuaulay. ADB0TT(B.,V.,5. 11 Same ^«-73 CouLsoN (J. G. A.) Odd trump, [dnon.] ■ . 231.01 — Harwood. [anon.] 212. 4Hi Coui.TKR i,Mhs). Hay-time to hopping. [a}(on.] IHfi.lS ConsT Alarcos. Diskaeli (B.) 174.46 Count de Castlenew. James iG. P. R. ) . . 215.48 Count Kostia. Cheubullez (V. ) I."i3.32 CotiNT Ludwig, a marvellous tale, [anon.] v. 3 of 174.18 Count Mirabeau. Mundt (T.) 232.06 Count Munte Leone : the Carbonari. St. Georges (H. de) 241.53 Count of Monte Christo. Dumas (A.) . . . 175.43 Count of Moret. Dumas (A.) 175.64 Count Robert of Paris. Scott ( Sic W. ) . . 245.39 CouNTERP.iRTS, Or the cross of love. Sheppard (E. S.) ' 2.-.1.61 Countess de Charuey. Dumas (A.) .... 175.45 Countess de Gisela. Marlttt (E.) .... 225.42 Countess Kate. Yonge ( J/(.sa- C. M. ) . . . 265. '28 Countess Ida ; a tale of BerUn. Fay (T. S.) . 192.10 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Sidney (Sir Philip) 5066.05 Countess of Riidolstadt, sequel to Consuelo. Sand (George) 175.25 CouNTUY curate. Gleiu (G. R.) 195.12 Country hospitalities, or Lord and Lady Har- court. Sinclair (C.) 252.52 Country-house on the Rhine. Auerbach (B.) 124.16 Country life (Pictures of). Cary (Alice). . . I.'j2.04 Country neighborhood. Dupuy (.l/j.vs E. A.) 181.23 Country quarlors. Blessington (Ojwniess of). 134.05 County family (Beggar on horseback, or). . . 133.13 Coupon bonds, rfc. Trowbridge (J. T.) . . 262.07 Courtenay of Walreddon. Bray (Mi:s. .\. E.) 141.38 Courtney (Lydia L. D. ) Pauline's trials. . . 155.43 Courtesies of wedded life (First and second marriages, or). B.vker (Mrs. H. N. W.) . 131.02 Courting aud farming : or, which is the gentle- man ? Smith (J. P. ) 254.92 Court life at Naples in onr own times. 2 v. . 165.17 Courtship and marriage. Hentz (.U/s. C. L.) 213.06 Courtship in 1720 aud iu 1860. Smart (H.) . 253.00 Cousin Alice. .Sec Haven {Mrs. Alice B. Neal). Cousin Clara. Lancewood (Lawrnce). . . 222.36 Cousin fi'om India. Craik (Georgiana M. ) . 165.38 Cou.siN Harry. Grey (.liivs-. E. C. ) .... 211.58 Cousin Marshal. Martineau (Harriet). . . 231.29 Cousin Maude aud Rosamond. Holmes (M. J.) 213.48 Cousin Paul. Glenn (.Jessie), pseud. . . . 195.23 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell iE. C. ) 194.02 Cousin Virginia, pseud. See Johnson (V. W. ) Cousin WilUam. Hook (T. E.) 214.02 Cousins. MoIntosh ( M. J. ) 224.69 Coventry (F.) History of Pompey the little, or adventures of a lap-dog 165.14 Coverley (Sir Roger de). Addison (Joseph). . 5075.27 Coward, a novel of 1863. MorfordiH. ) . . 232.29 Cox (G.W.) and Jones (E. H.) Popular romances of the middle ages 165.03 — Tales of the Teutonic lands 165.04 Cox's diary. Thackeray (W. M.) Miscel., v. 1. 255.57 CozzENS (F. S.) Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker. lt>5.15 — Sparrow-grass papers 165.16 CozzENs (S. W.) Young trail hunters: or, the wild riders of the plains 100.01 Crackers for Christmas. Hugessen (E. H. KuatchbuU) 185.38 Cradock Nowell. Blackmore (R. D.) 3 v. . 134.27 Craik (D. iL, formerly Miss Muloch). — Adventures of a brownie 235.78 — Agatha's husband 232.46 — Avdlion, and other tales 232.45 Contents : Adelaide. All for the Viest. Antonio Melidori. AvillioQ, or the Happy isles. I3i-idc's tragedy. Cleoiiienes, the Greek. Cross on the Snow mountains. Danghter ot Heremon. Doctor's family. Erotion. Half-t-aste. Itiilian's daughter. Kong Tolv. Last ol the Rutlivens. Life epi- sode. Minor trials. Miss Lettie's experiences. Old mathe- matician. Ouly son. Kosicruciau. Sculptor of Bruges. Self-seer. Story of Elisabetta Siraui. Story of Hyas. Tis useless ti'yiug. Two homes. — Brave lady 232.60 — Christian's mistake 232.44 — Fairy-book 18.').26 — Hannah 232. (;2 — Head of the family 232.48 — Hero (A), Bread upon the waters, Alice Lear- m nt 232.47 — Is it true? Tales curimis and wonderful. . 231.84 — John Halifax, gentlomiin 'J32. 49 — Laurel ; old fashioned love story. . . 235.80 — Life for a life 232. .50 — Little lame prince 234.85 — Little Sunshine's holiday 232.61 — Mistress and maid 232.51 — My mother and L 235. 79 — Noble life 232. ",2 — Nothing new : tales 232 53 Content.'! : Lord Erliatoun. Alwyn's first wife. M. Auas- tasius. The water cure. The last house in C— Street. A family iu love. A low marriage. The double house. — Ogilvies 232..54 — Olive 232.55 — Our year ; a child's book 232.56 — Two marriages 23.1.57 — Unkind word, and other stories and sketches. 232.59 — Woman's kingdom 2.12.58 Craik (Georgiana M. ) Anne Warwick. . . 16i>.04 — Faith Unwiu's ordeal 165.19 — Cousin from India 164.38 — Leslie TyrreU 165.20 — Mildred — Miss Moore. A tale for girls 16i.37 — Sylvia's choice 165.36 Crane (Miss Anna Moncure). See Seemullek (Mrs.) Ceantord. Gaskele (Mrs. E. C ) . . . . 194.03 Cratilr, or Vulcan's peak. Cooper (J. F.) . 163.22 Craven (Mnie Augustus, formerly Mite. La Ferro)i(iys). Aune Severin Hi."). 25 — Fleurange 165.39 — Jettatrice ; or the veil withdrawn. . . . 165.44 iVu(f.— Repr. from Cath. world. May Sept., 1874. — A sister's stoiy. 3014.16 Xote. — A geuuiue family memorial. Crayon miscellany. Irving (W.) 922.16 Crayon (Geoffi-ey), p.wud. See Irving (W.) Creole orphans. Peacock (J. S. ) . . . . 235.24 Cress Y and Poictiers. Edgar (J. E.) . . . 181.33 Crew of the Dolphin. Stretton (H. ) . . . 255.93 Creyton (Paul), psend. See Trowbridge (J. T. ) Crichton. Ainsworth (W. H.) 115.05 Cricket on the hearth. Dickens (C.) /ji 7iis Christmas books 173.21 Crimson star ; or the midnight vision. Wright ( Mrs. S. A.) 266.00 Cringle aud Crosstree. Optic (Oliver). . . 112.42 Cripple of Antioch. Charles (3//-S. E.) . . 153.04 Cripps, the carrier. Blackmore (R. D.) . . 133.37 Crock of gold. Tupper(M. F.) 262.20 Crofton boys. Martineau (H.) 231.20 Crohoore of the Bill-hook. Banim (M.) . . 132.35 Cboker (T. C. ) Fairy legends aud traditions ot the south of Ireland. Ed. by T. Wright. . 186.10 Croly (G. ) Marstou, or memoirs ot a stjxtesman. I(i5.26 — Salathiel, the immortal. [Wandering Jew.] 165.27 — Tales of the great St. Bernard. 3 v. [anon.] 165.28 Cromwell. Herbert ( H. W. ) 213.00 Crooked places. Mayo (Isabella F.) . . . 196.02 Croppy ; a tale of 1798. Banim (M.) . . . 132.32 Crosby (G. S.) The mystery, or Platonic love. 165.43 Crosund (.lies. N. ) Hildred, the daughter. . 1()5.32 — English tiiles aud sketches 165.33 — Hubert Freeth's prosperity 165.42 — Lydia. or a woman's book 165.34 Cross aud crescent. Adams (W. T.) . . . 113.33 Cross of honor. Thomas (A.) 261.10 Crotchet castle. [7/i Peacock (T. L.) Works, V. 2.] 5062.16 Crouch (Juiial. Three successful girls. . . li'>5.35 Crowe (C. ) Linny Lockwood 171.01 Crown from the spear. Hamilton ( .Ucs. C. V. D. )165.40 Crown jewels, or dream of an empire. Moffett (Mrs. E. L. ) 232.85 la aakiDg for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'8 NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER . 474 FICTION : Croxall to Days. Croxall (Samuel). Select collection of novels and histories. 6 v 171.0-2 Cruel as the grave. Southworth (J//-,-,-.E.D. E.N. )25:!.92 Cruelest wrong of all. [aiio/i. ] 171.09 Croikshaxk (G. ) Three cour.-jes an I a dassert. 171. OS Cruise of the Casco. Kello-jg (E.) . . . 22 1.10 Cruise of the Dashaway. MANNERiNoMay). . 22-1.89 Cruise of the Frolic. Kingston (W. H. G.) . 222.12 Cruise of tbe Jlidge. Scott (M.) .... 24:5.16 Cruse (M. A.) Cameron Hall ; story of the civil war U.5.t!() Ckust and the cake. Garrett (E.) .... 193,32 Cryptogram (The). De Mille (J.) . . . . 172.40 CuDJo's cave. Trowbridge (-1. T.) . . . . 262.08 CuDLip {Mrs. Pender ;/on(ieci// Annie Thomas). — Called to account 261.09 — Cross of honor 261.10 — DonisDonue 261.11 — Dower house 261.1-1 — False colors 255.70 — "' He Cometh not,' she said." 2-55.73 — Married at last 255.69 — Maade Mohan 255.72 — Narrow escape 256.55 — New grooves 266.01 — No alternative 266.04 — Ou guard 261.12 — Only herself. 255.71 — Passion (A) in tatters 266.02 — Played out 261.13 — Playing for high states ■ . . . 261.16 — Theo Leigh 261. 15 — Walter Goring 261.17 Cummins (Maria S.) El Fureidis 171.10 — Haunted hearts 171.11 — Lamplighter 171.12 — Mabel Vaughau 171.13 Cunningham (A.) Hauuted ships. [In Little classics, v. 8.] 226.9.5 — King of the peak. [/;i Little classics, v. 7.] . . . 2213.89 Cunningham (G. G. ) Tales and traditions, chiefly from the G.rman 171.19 Cupid and Psyche (Fable of). Apuleius. 123.05; 3093.27 CuppLES (ilis. George). Driven to sea. . . 171.14 Curate (The)and the rector). [Strutt (Eliz.)] 171.24 Curate in charge. Oliphant ( Mrs. M. O. W. ) 235. 75 Curate of Cumberworth, and the Vicar of Koost [wion.'\ 171.15 Curate's di.scipUue. Eiloart (.W-.v. C. J.) . . 183.03 Curious impertinent. Cervantes i,M. de). . 171.01 Curious myths of the mitldle agos. Gould (S. Bavin:;) 3816.16 Curious stories to counteract belief ia ghosts. 195.02 Curling (H. ) Shakepere ; the poet, the lover and the mau 171.16 Currer Bell. .Tee Bronte (Charlotte). Currier (iU)-.?. Sophi-onia). By th-3 sea. . . li'iS. 41 Curse of Clifton. Southworth ( .l/c.s-. E. D. E. N. ) 25 1.26 Curse of Gold. Stephens (J//-s. A. S. ) . . 251.65 Curtis (GiorgeW.) Potiphar pipers. . . . 171.20 — . My chateaux, {hi Little classics, v. 4.] . . . « . 22(>.sfi — Our new Uvei-y. [/rt Tueasube-tiiove sei-iea, v. l.J . 2ii7.0O — Prueandl 171.21 — Trumps 171.22 Cushions and corners ; or, holidays at old orchard. Greene (Mrs. R. J.) 211.51 CuTHBERT Bede, psrul. See Bradley (E.) CvRiL Thornton. Hamilton (1'. ) 212.30 Cyrilla. T.1UTPHIEUS (L von). 2 V. ... 255.09 Dacjota land, or beauty of St. PauL Hankins (Col.) 212.37 Daisy. Sequel to M'lbaume house. Warner (S. ) 2 V 263.04 D-iisY Brentwell. Widdemar (L) .... 267.07 D.visY Burns. Kavan.agh (J. ) 221.47 D.AISY chain. Yonge (Jfi.s* C. M.) 2 v. . . 26.5.30 Daisys necklace. Aldrich (T. B. ) .... 121.06 Dakin (Miss C. v.) S'e Hamilton (Mrs. C. V. D.) DaTiT. (Mrs. C. H.) Patty Gray's jouraey to the cotton islands. 3 v 171.46 1. From Boston to Baltimore. 2. From Baltimore to Washington. 3. On the way, or Mount Veruou. Dallas Galbraith. Davis (3/ra. K. H.) . . . 172.02 Dalton(W.) Lost among tUe wild men. . . 171.25 — Tiger pr ace 171.26 — War tiger 171.27 — White elephant ; or, the hunters of Ava. . 171.28 Daltons ; or, tbree roads in life. Le'S'er (C.) 223.36 Dame Nature and her three daughters. Saintdte (X. B.) 244.81 Damsel of Darien. Simms (W. G.) .... 2-5.3.51 Dana (R. H.i Idle mau, a tale. . . v. 1 of 5026.09 "D.anbury news man." See Bailey (James M. ) Danger in the dark. Kelson (L) .... 226.33 Danger ; or, wounded in the house of a friend. Arthur (T. S.) 123.07 Dangerfield's rest ; or, before the storm. Sed- leyiH.) 171.30 D.ANGEROus game. Yates ^.) 265.76 Dangerous guest. [«niin.] 171.36 Daniel (J//-.V. Mackenzie). Elsie's married Ufe. 171.31 — Marrying for money 17132 — Georgina Hammond 223.68 — Our guardian • . . . . 223.68 Daniel Deronda. Eliot (George) 186.32 Danish fairy legends and tales. Andersen (H. C. ) 122.08 Danvers papers. Yonge (C. M. ) 265.49 D'Arblat (F. B.) See Arblay (F. B. d'). . . 171.34 Dare (Shirley). See Dunning (Susani. Darien ; or, the merchant prince. Warburton (E.) 262.52 Daring exploits and perilous adventures, [anon.l 921.13 Dark night's work. G.askell (E. C. ) . . . 194.04 D.ARKNESS and daylight Holmes (M. J.) . . 213.49 Darling (M.G.) Buttles at home 171.44 — In the world ; sequel to Battles at home. . 171.45 Darnley. James (G. p. R.) 215.49 D^VERELL Slarkham. Br.addon (M. E.) . . . 135.36 DAHRYLLGap. Townsend (V. F. ) .... 261.45 Dasent (G. W.) Annals of an eventful life. . 171.40 — Laly Sweetapple ; or, three to one. . . . 171.35 — Story of Gi.sli, the outlaw 171.38 — Popular tales from the 171.39 — Story of the burnt Nj-vl. From the Icelandic. 145.26 Dash ( La comtesse), pseud. See S.unt-Mars (N. C. de C. de). Dashes at life with a free pencil. Willis (N. P.) 5076.27 Dashwood priory. May (E. J.) 231.49 Daudet (.-ilphouse). New Don Quixote ; or, wonderful adventures of Tartarin of Tarascom. . . 171.52 — Sidouie. From the French 171.66 Daughter of an Egyptian king. Ebers (G.) . 181.42 D-iUGHTER of Bohemia. Reid (Chri.sliau). . 242.79 D.AUGHTER of an empress. Ml'hlbach (L. ) . . 2:i2.68 D.IUGHTER of Heth. Black (W.) 134.36 Daughter of night. Fullom (S. W.) . . . 193.17 Davenport Dunn. Lever (C.) 223.39 David Coppertield. Dickens (C.) .... 173.25 D.AVID Elgiubiod. MacDonald (George) . . 224.82 David Lloyd's last will. Stketton (H. ) . . . 171.53 Davies(T. ) Losing to win 176.22 Davis (C. E. K.) A christmas story. . . . 171.42 — Gran 'ly Bright's blanket 171.56 Davis (J.) First settlers of Virginia. A historical novel 171.41 Davis (L. Clarke). A str.anded ship. . . . 171.-13 Davis i.V/s. R. H.) Dallas Galbraith. . . . 172.02 — Captain's story, [fn Little classics, v. 2] . . . . 2-26.84 — Faded leaf of history. [/« Little classics, v. 10.] . 226.97 — -John Audross 172.04 — Kitty's choice 172.03 — Margret Howth 172.01 — Waiting for jhe verdict 172.06 D.AWN and twilight, [anon.] 2v 172.08 Dawn (From) to daylight. Beecher ( 3//-.s\ TI. W. ) 133.10 Dawson (Flora). Princes, public men, and pretty wom:^n 171.54 Day (Reii. Lai Behari). Govanda Sdmanta ; or, history of a Bengal Riiyat 1031.24 D.iY (Thomas). Hi.sto y of Sanford and Merlon. 172.09 Day's ride. Lever (Charles) 223.40 Days of Bruce. Aguilar (G.) 114.08 Days of my life. Oliphant (M. O. W. ). . . 234.10 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION: Days to Diary. 475 Days of .shoddy. Mobford (Henrj-). . . . 232.20 De\o alive. Colliss (W. Wilkie) 1(32.17> f^ii3st. ZslHokke iH. ) 21)5.57 Bevd riie) lake, and othrr tales. Heyse iP. ) 212.1)5 Dead leltsr. Seoley K gister, jiseuil. of Vii"i\m (.lA-.v. M. V. F.) ■. . . 2i;2.12 Dead marquise (The), a rjmaue?. Kip (L. ) . 22(>.:U Dead mail's shoes. Braddox (M. E. ) . . . 141.01! Dead sea I'viiit. Briddon- (il. E.) . . . . 13').:i:{ DEADSJCr.'t. COLLIXS (W. W.) I(il0(! Dead sii aud other stories. Gabrett (E. ), pseud. 19(1.01 Dead to the worLl. Detlef iCirl) 176.05 Dealinqs with the fairies. MacDonald (Geo. ) 185. Ill Dean's daughter. Gore ( .l/cs. 0. ) 2 v. . . 211.17 De.ixe (Millv). Miii-jry 172.55 De.U! lady D,sda;ii. McCarthy (J. ) . . . 227.25 Debe!Jha5i's vow. Edw.vrds (A. B.) .... 182.;i4 Debit and credit. Freytao (G.) 19J.U2 Deborah's diary; a sequel to "Mary Powell." MvN.viNG (A.) 225.31 Decameron. Boccaccio (G.) ...;.. 5021.02 De Cressy. ['(uoii.] 173.01 Deep dowu. BALLAxrYNE (R. M.) .... 131.29 Deep waters. Druby (A. H.) 17.5.20 Deerbrook. Martineau (H. ) 231.21 Deerinos of Medbuiy. Townsend (V. F.) . 261.98 Deerslayeb. Cooper (.J. F.) -103.23 Deeb-stalkees. Hebbeet (H. W.) .... 4017.19 De Foe (D.iuijI). Novels, etc. vU. : — Captaiu Singleton, v. 3 Colonel .Jack, v. 5 .5032.05 Great fire in Loudon, v. 5 50:12.05 Life and adventucea of Mrs. Christian Davis, v. 8. 503J.08 Life or Mr. Duncan Campbell, v. 19 5ll;l2.19 Memoirs of a cavalier [Col. .\udrew Newport], v. 6 50:12. 0(J Memoir:* of Capt. Ueorge Carletou, v. 8. . . . 5032. OH Moll FlLinders. v. i 5032.04 New voyage round the world, v. 7 5032.07 Plague in L mdon, v. 9 5i>:>2.09 Robinson Crusoe, v. 1. 2 5U32.01 lioxaua, or the fortunate mistress, v, 11. . . . 5032.11 — Kobiiison Crusoe 172.11 ; ." — Works selected 5037.14 Ciintf-nts : Robinson Crusoe. Colonel Jack. Memoirs of a cavalier. Duncan Campbell. PUgue in Loudon. Appari- tion of Mrs. Veal. De Foix : llth century. Bbay ( .!//•.<;. A. E.) . 141.30 De Fonbl.anque (Albany). A family tree. . . 172.60 De Fobe-st (.J. W. ) Honest John Vance. . . 176.37 — Kate Beaumont. 172.49 — Liusou tragedy. [/« Little classics, t. 3.] 226.85 — Oierl and 172.48 — Playin;^ the niischi?f. 172.45 — Si?acliff, or the mysteries of the Westervelts. 172. 12 — Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession. . 172.13 — Weth.rel affar 172.50 Deformed. Marsh (.Wca-. A. C. ) In her Two old men'.s t»les 225.70 Delapl.vine. or sacrifice of Irene. 'Walwobth (M. T.) 202.70 De la Kame (li. 1 See K.ame (L. de la). Dele.)N (.l/j/je **•). Under the ban : a tale of the 19th century 231.43 DeLeon(E.) Askaios Kassis, the Copt. . . 172.39 De IjIefde (ZJei?. J, ) . . . 223. S2 — Galama, or the beggars 176.20 — Maid of Stra'.sund : a story of the Thirty years' war 172..59 Del'Oeme. Jaiies (G. p. K.) 215. .50 Demerara. M.iRTiNEAiT ( llaiTiet) 231.28 De Mille (J.) American baron 172.51 — Babes in the wood : a tr,igic comedy. . . . 172.02 — '-B. O. W. C." series, (i t. . . '. . . . 17J.34 1. The B. O. W. C I 4. Fire in the woods. 2. Boysot tirand preschool. 5. Picket! up adrift. 3. Lost iu the log. | tj. Treasure of the Kcas. — Comedy (A) of terrors 172.54 — Cord and creese 172.33 — Ciyptogram 172.40 — Dodge club, or Italy in 1859 172 32 — Lady of the ice 17U.35 — Living link 172. (iO — Lily aud the cross. A tale of Acadia. . . 172.01 — Open (An) question 17C.13 — Young Dodge club. v. 1-3. ...... 172.41 1. Among the brigands. | 3. Winged lion ; or, storieil '2. The seven hills. | of Venice. Demster (C. ) Iseulte 210.14 — Vera 20J.9:t Dene Hollow. Wood (.V>-s. H.) 204.70 Denis Don lie. Thomas (.\nnie) 201.11 Deni-i DuvaL Thackeray (W. M.) . . . . 2r„5.35 Denise. Clabke ^C. C.) 2 v 173.02 Denison (J/i-.s.M.A., ici/"co/C.W. ) Gracie Amber. 173.04 — Old Hepsy. . . . " 173.00 — Lover's trials 173.05 — Victor Norman, rector 172.31 Denounced (The). Banim (M.) 132.33 De profundis. Gilbert (W.) 194.28 De QiuNCEY (Thomas). 'The avenger, and other papers 172.27 — Flight of a Tartar tribe. [In his Narrative papers. V. 1, 1S53.] 2522.10 — Klosterheim, or the masque 172 28 — Spanish nun, and Household wreck. . . . 2522.10 Debby (Aleck). Ida Goldwin 172.07 Debby (George H.) Pha-nixiaua 173.08 — The Squibob p:ipers 173.09 De Rohan. Sue(E.) 254.35 Derbick (Francis), pseuil. See Notley (Mrs. ) Des Chesxez (Buro)iue E. Martineuu). Lady Green Satiu and her maid Rosette 153.37 Desebt home. Reid (M. ) 242.45 Deserted mill. Llewellyn (E. L.) .... 224.12 Deserticd wife. Southworth uV/s.E. D. E. N.) 253.27 Desk aud debit. Optic (Oliver) 112.41 Deslonde ( .1/r.s-. D. ) Miller of Silcott mill. . 172.65 Despaed (Mrs. M. C. ) Chaste as ice, pure as snow 170.26 Despebate remedies. Hakdy (T. ) . . . . 216.36 Destiny ; or. the chief s daughter. Feekiee (M. ) 3 V 191.19 De Stoltz {Mine.) See Stoltz (Mine.- de). Desultory man. Jajies (G. P. R. ) . . . . 215.51 Detecthe and the scmnambulist. Pinkekton (A.) 230.12 Dethkoned heiress. Duptrr (E. A.) . . . . 181.44 Detlef (Carl), pscml. See Baueb (Karoline). Detboit Free Press man. See Lewis (C. B. ) De Vane. Hilliaed (H. W.) 213.33 Devait-t's mills. Jones (C. H.) 21(5.70 Deverevx. Bulwer-Lytton (Sir E. L. ) . . 144.03 De Vigny (.K.) Cinq Mars ; an hist, romance. 172.30 Devil oa two sticks. Le Sage (A. R.) In Novelist's libnvry, v. 2 233.53 Devil's chain. JenktnsiE.) 210.51 De\il'sioo!. Dudevant ( J/hic .\. Ij. A. D. ) . 175.03 Dew all (— van). A great lady. From the German, bv M. S. '. 20(i.71 De Wille (E.) Joban-ies Olnf. 170.24 De Wette ( \V. M. L. ) See Wette ( W. M. L. de. 1 De Witt (.Mine.) Motherless, or a Parisian family. 1 72. 40 — A French country family 173.11 Dlalogues. Abbott (J. ) Hai-jier's story books, V. 8 210.99 Diamond cross. Phillip.s ( W. B. ) . . . . 211.14 Diamond cut diamond ; a story of Tascan life. Trollope(T. A.) 201.87 Diamond on the hearth. James (M. ) . . . 215.SS Diamond rose. Tytleb (Sarah) 202.35 Diana Carew. Fobeester ( .)/r.s-. ) 190.41 Di.AN.v's crescent. Mannin-o (Miss -Anne). . . 224.99 DuNA of Meri.lor. Dumas (.\.) 175.10 DiABY (A). Bremer (F.) 111.18 Diary of a late physician. Warrf.n (S. ) 3 v. 203.30 Same. 2 v. " 2U3.2S Daiey of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. Thackeray (W. M.) Miscellanies, v. 1 255.6I Dur.Y of amilliner Oris (Kelle). [Woods (C.H.)] 234.34 Diary of brother B irtholoiuew. Charles (.Wis. E.) 153.07 Diary of Mrs. Ki tv Charles (J/m. E.) ...■..".' 153.08 In asking lor books, use the •• Book Orders," giving the AOTHOB'S KAME, the llrst part of the TITLE, and the NU.MBER. 476 FICTION : Diavola to Dr. Austin. DiAvoiiA ; or, nobody's daughter. Bbaddon (M. E.) 135.22 Diaz (3/re. A. M.) William Henry Letters. . 174.41 — Liiey Maiia 174.43 — Schonlmistev'fi trunk, containing papers. . 174.40 — Story book for the children 174.3',l — Will, am Henry and his friends 174.42 Dick Duncan. Lancewood (L. ) [WisE(D. )] . 22'2.81 Dick Markham. Smith (J. F.) 252.78 Dick O i.slow among the red skins. Kingston (W. H. G.) . ' 222.09 Dick Tarleton. Smith (J. F.) 251.87 Dick Wilson, the rnmseller's victim. Cornyn iJ. K.) lfi.5.08 Dickens (Charles) B.irnaby Budge. . . . 173.14 — Bleak house 173.11) — Child pictures from Dickens 173.20 — Christmas books 173 21 Coiiti-nts : A Christmas carol. The chimes. Orit-ket on the hearth. Tlie battle of lite. The hauuted inau aud the ghost's bargain. The Holly tree iiiD. A Christmas tree. — Christmas carol, as condensed by himself for his readings 174.21 — Christmas stories. 2 v 173.2J C'tnttnts : v. 1. A Christmas carol. The chimes. Cricket ou the hearth. Battle of liie. 2. The hauuted raau and ! the ghost's barg.iiu The wreck of the Golden Mary. The [ seven poor travellers. Nine new stories by the Christmas ^ tree. Note. — The wreck of the Golden Mary and Nine new stories, are wrongly ascribed to Dickens. — Cyclopedia of [his] best thoughts, compiled by F. G. de Fontaine. 1873 17C.01 — David Copperfield 173.25 — Dialogues and dr.imas from Dickens. A.T.inged by W. E. Fette. 2 V 174.33 — Dr. Marigold's proscriptions : new Christmas story 174.31 — Dombuy and son 173.27 — Great expectations 173.30 — Hard times. [In New storie.s.] 174.04 ^ Same 173. Itl — Holly-tree inn ; and other stories 174.32 Contents: Holly tree inn. Seven poor travellers. New stories by the chiistmas fire. Message from the sea. Wreck ot tile Golden Mary. — Huut d down and other pieces 173.13 — L.implighter'.s .story, and other uouvellettes. 173. 3(j jVof'T.— Same as 'Short stories.' below; with the addi- tional pieces. ' Hunted down,' 'Lamplightei- s story,' and 'Hauuted house.' — Little Dirrit. 2v 173.31 — Mirtin Chuzzlewit. 2v 173.33 — Mister Humphrey's clock 174.08 — Message from the sea ; and Uncommercial traveller 174.01 — Mrs. Lirriper'a legacy 174.02 — Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings 174.03 — New stjrie.s. 171.01 Contents. Hard tiuies. Pictures from Italy. — Mystery of Elwin Drool 17,3.39 Note — For a so-called .sequel, see John Jasper's secret. 173.40 Same. [With a so-called part 2, by T. P. James, a '■ medium."] 173.41 — Nicholas Nickleby 174.05 — Old curio.sity shop 174.(18 — No thoroughfare 1'73.37 — Oliver 174.12 — Our mutual ftiend 174.15 Same. Condensed by R. Johnson. . . 15(5.02 — Pickwick papers 174.21 — Short stories 174.2.3 Contents. Begsing-letler writer. Bdi St ckiug, " Birtli. Mrs. Meeks. of aaon.' Chil Is of a star. Child's story Christinas tree. Detective police. Down with the tide. Plight (A). Ghost ot art. Long voyage. Lying awake. Monument (A) of French folly. Noble savage. Ou duty with inspector Field. Our bore. Our EngliMh watering-place. Our French watering-place. Our honorable friend. Our school. Our vestry. Out of the season. Out of town. Plated article (A). Poor man's tale of a patent. Poor relation's story. Prince bull ; a fairy tale. Three detective anecdotes. 1, The pair of gloves. 2. Tiio artful touch. 3, The sola. Walk in a workhouse. Sketches by Boz 174. 2G Contents. Charaeters : Cliristmas dinner. Dancing academy. Hospital patient. Plaiting a night of it. Misplaced attachment of Mr. J. Dounce. Miss Evans and the eagle. Mistaken milliner ; a tale of ambition. New year. Parlor orator. Prisoners' van. Shabby genteel people. Tlionghts about people. Scenes : Astley's. Brokers' and marine store- shnps. Criminal courts. Doctors' commons. Early coaches. First of May. Gin shops. Green\vich fair. Hackuey-coftch stands. Lust cab driver, and the first omnibus cad. London recieations. Meditations in Monmouth street. Omnibuses. Parliamentary sketch. Pawnbroker's shop. Piivate tlieatre. Public dinners. River (The). Scotland-yard. Seven dials. Shops aud their tenants. Streets (The). Vauxhall-g.irdens by day. Visit to Newgate. Seven sl;eteltes from our parish : Beadle (The), Broker's man. Curate (The), Election for beadle. Four (The) si^ters, Half-pay (The) captain. Ladies' societies. Old lady. Our next door neighbor. Parish engine. Schoolmaster. Taes: Black vail (The). Bloonisbury christening. Boarding-lionse. Drunkard's death. Great Winglebnry duel. Horatio Si-arkins. Mr. Minus and his cousin. Mrs, Joseph Porler. Pantomime of life, P.iHsage in the life of Mr. Walkius Tottle. Public life ol Mr. Tulrunible, once mayor of Mudfog. .Sentiment. Steam (The) excur.^ion. Tuggs at Ramsgate (The). — Somebody's luggage 174,28 — 'I'ale of two cities 174,29 — Tom Tiddler's ground 174.30 — Uncommercial traveller. Master Humphrey's clock. New Christmas stories. General index of chr.r- acters 174.34 — (Elilor). Pic-nic papers. By various hands. 174,18 — Sre PiEKCE (G. A.) Tlie Dickens dictionary. 174:11 Dickinson (Anna E, ) What answer? . . . 174.38 Dikes and ditches. Adams (W,T,) .... 112.18 DiLEM.M-i (Thei. Ches.ney (G.) 153.39 DiiiiTEi Koudine. '1 oukoeneff (I. S. ) . . 26(1.66 DijiiTUY (Charles). Guilty or not guilty, [^oioh.] 211.85 DiNGELSTEDr (Fiauz). 'i'he Amazon. . . . 174.37 Dinah. Moore (M. A.) 232.22 Dion and the Sybils ; a nov.l. Keon (M. G.) 226.18 DisCABDED daughter. Southworth (Mrs. E. D. E. N.) 253.28 Disc-\EDED wife. DrrrY (Eliza A.) .... 186.22 DisCAi:DED wife (Thrown on the w»)ild ; or, the). Clay (Bertha M.) l.'iS.SS Disgrace to the famdy. Jerrcld (W. B, ) . . 221.33 Disosway (E. T. ) Sonth meudows 176.02 Disowned. BuLWER I.ytton iE.G,E,L.,/oif/ i;yHoH)144.04 Disponent (The I. E.istlake (im/j/). in. /ler Livoniau tales. . . ' -;1'11 DisR.AEi,i (Benjamin). Alioy. . . . 174.51 ; 175.01 -- Coniugsbv 174.,54 ; 175.02 — Coutarini" Fleming 174.53 ; 175.03 — Henrietta Temple • 175.04 — Ixion in heaven. Infernal maniage. Count Alarcos. Popamlla 174.46 — Lothair 174.49 A'oic— Sec '"Maccallum' Lothair : [a satire,] . . 174,56 — Else of Iskander. . . 174.48 — — Same. {In Little elastics, v. 6.] . . 226.87 — Sybil. 174,51 ; 175.05 — Tancred 174,52 ; 175.0G — Vinetia 171.44 ; 174.52 — Vivian Grey IV.5.08 — Young duke 174.45 ; 174.53 Dixon (/if 11. — ). Broken columns 142.08 Doctor BasUius. Dumas i A.) 175.51 Doctor Antonio: a tale of Italy. Euffini (G.) 244.44 Dr. Austin's guests. Gilbert (W.) .... 194.35 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : Doctor Birch to Dumas. 477 DocTon Birch and his young friends. Thackeray (W. M.) -^boMi Doctor Faustus. [Tn Thoms (\V. J.) E.irly English prose romances, v. 3, 18ifS.] "JUi.Ji Same, [/li Koscoe(T. ) Grir.u. nov., v. I, 1S2(; 211. k; Doctor Hiiok well. Armixage (.¥ci'. Uob rtl. 3511. 0'J Doctor Howell's family. Uoodwi.n (II. B. ) . 2U. 12 Doctor Jacob. Edw.uids (M. BeulUami. . . 182.10 Doctor Johns. Mitchell (IJ. G.) 2 v. . . 232.01 Doctor Marigold's prrfScnpt.on-5. Dickhns (C. ) 171.31 Doctor Oldham at (jreystoue i. UenrviC. S. ) 212.87 Doctor Ox, aud other stories. VERNa (J. ) . 2i;6 80 Doctor Thome. Trollope (A. ) 261. 5t> Doctor Vankyke. •Cooke(J. K. i I(j2.2(i Doctor Wainwright's patient, Y.vtes (E.) . 2^15.71 Doctor Wilmer's love. Lee (M.>r,'iret). . . 222.73 Doctor's daughter. May (Sojiliie .[Clarke (R.S. )]226.(i0 Doctor's dilemma. .Stretton (H. i . . . . 2-J5.U0 Doctor's family. Oliph\nt (.)//. v. M. 0. W.) . 231.70 Doctor's wife. Buaddon (M. E.) 13.5 2! DoDD family abroad. Lever iC.) 3 v. . . . 223.13 Dodge (Mai-y Abigail). Child wo. 11. . . . 171.">8 — Ked-letter days ia Applethorpe 17o. U) — Little folk life 17i..5V» Dodge (Mary ilapes). A few friends, anl how they amused themselves 175.18 — Hiins Briuker 175.19 — Tlie Irvington stories 171.00 — Theophilus and others 171.61 Xote. — The name of this authoress is {^iveu us Mary E. Dodge in some of her works. Dodge Club (The). De Mille (.1.) .... 272.32 DoDusoN {Liec. C. L.) ['Ljwis Carroll.'] Alice's ad- ventures ia wonderland 151.33 — Through the lookuij;-glass 151.31 Doe (Charles H.) Buffets 171.02 D0E.STICSS, aud what he says. Thompson ( M. M. ) 201.31 Doo Crusoe, a tale of the prairies. Ballanty-nti: (K. M.) 131.18 Dog fieud, or Snarley-yow. Makrtat(F. ) . 223.03 DoHERTY (Morgan). See McGinn (\Vm. ) Doing and dreaming. Mayo (.1/c.s-. I. F.) . . 196.0.3 Doing his best. Trowbridge (J. T. ) ... 200.21 Doings ia Maryland 175.11 Doings of tlie Bodley family. Scddder iH. E.) 251.01 Dollars and cents. Warner (A. B.) 2 v. . 26.i.01 Dolores. Forrester (Mrs.) 19l>.21 DoMBEY and sou. Dickens (C.) 2 v. . . . 173.27 Dominie's (The) son. Jones (.J. H.) .... 221.31 Don Caklos. Saint Real (C. V. de). . . . 171.01 Don Quixote. Cervantes (M. de) 151.19 DoNi (A. F.) Novels v. 3 of 211.22 Dora. K.wanagh (Julia) 221.18 Dora Darliug, or daughter of the regiment. Austin (J. G.) 12/5.19 Dora Deane and.Maggie Miller. Holmes (M. J.) 213.50 Dorothy Fox. [anon. Parr (.IfiVv L. )] . . . 2.35.52 Dorr (JIis. J. C. E.) Expiation 170.07 — Laamere 175.12 — Sibyl Hunliugtou 175.13 Dotty Dimple stories. See Clarke (R. S. ) Double marriage, or White lits.UE.iDE iC. ) . 212.24 Double pliy. or how Joj Hardy chosj his friends. EverethW. ) 181.12 Double story. M.icdonai.d (G. ) 227. 8;l Double wedding. Warfield (.l/cs-. C. .\.) . 202.05 Doubly false. Stephens ( .\. S. ) 253. 06 Douglas (Amanda M. ) Claudia 175.15 — Drifted asunder ; or, the tidi- of fate. . . 170.32 — Home DO ik ; or, the crown of duty. . . . 17i'i.33 — In trust ; or Dr. Bertram's houseliold. . . 175.16 — Lucia: her problem 171. SO — Maidenhood series. Seven daughters. . . 170.31 — • Nelly Kinnard's kingdom 170.31 — Old woman who lived iu a shoj 17r>.35 — Syilnie Adriance 175.09 — Stephen Dane 175.17 — There's no place like home. [.Same as the ' Old woman who lived iu a shoe.'] .... 175.22 — With fate against him 175.23 Douglas (Marian). l'( ter and PoUy, or home life in New England a hundred years a.;o. . . 171.57 Douglas (R.) Adveutures of a medical student. 17.1.14 Dove in tlie eagle's nest. Yo.ncse (il/i.vs C. M.) 205.31 Dower-house. Thomas (Aiiniei 261.11 Down in lennessee. Kikke ,Edmundl. [Gilmore (J- I!)] 195.05 Down the Rhine. [Adams (W. T.)] . . . . 112.32 Down the river. [Ad.\ms(W. T. )] 113.13 Down the river ; or piactical les.vons under the code duello. By an amateur, [khoh.] . . . 170.36 Downing (Major Jitck). See .-^mith (Seba). Dk.\ma iu Pokevdle. Field i J. M.) .... 261.01 Draytons and the DavtnarOs. Cn.UiLES (Mi:\ — I'Ue Ist uf a sei-ies. embracing— 'J, Marguerite de Talois : 3, Forty-five guardsmuu. — DiciorBijilius 175.51 EdrnonJ Daate^) ; sequel to Monte Caristo. 175.44 -Foresters l«l-01 — Forty-five guarJsjien 181.02 — Hor.or.sof I'ans Ibl.l7 A'.ifa.— Coucliisiou of Mohicans of Paria. — Ingenue ; or, the death of Marat 181.41 — Iron hand ;or, the liniglit of Maul.^ox . . 181.03 — Iron masli ; or, Eaoul do Bra,^ Ijune. . . 181.04 — Isabel of B ivaria ; or, the chr juielei of France for the reigu of Charles VI 181.05 — Lauise de la Vallicre • . . . 181.00 — Ljve aad liberty 181.13 — Marguerite da Valois 181.07 — Memoirs of a physician 181.08 JVote.—Iha 1st of a series, iucliidiog— 2, Q leeu's neck- lace : 3. Sii years later : -1, Countess de Cliaiuy ; 6, Au- dree de Tavei'iiey : 8, Chevalier de M.ii30Q- Rouge. • — Mohicans of Pads 181.09 Kote.^For concUision, see Horrors of Paris. — Nanou ; or, woujn's war 181.41 — Page of the D. ike of Savoy 181.14 — Qaeeu's necklace 181.10 — Regent's daughter. '2(5.95 — Six years later ; or, taking of the B.istile. . . 181.11 — Three mu -ike teers, [or Tliree gurrdsuiea]. . 181.12 JV(?((:.— The l9t of a series, eoibraciutj— 2, Twenty years after ; 3, Bragoloime, the sou of Athos ; 4, Iiou mask ; 5, Louise de la Valiiei-a. — Twenty years after 181.15 — Twin captaius. [.s'u)i» «.? Twin lieutenants.] 175.52 — Twin li uiteuants ; or, .soldier's bride. . . 181.10 — Two Dianas ; an historical romaace. . . . 181.00 — Vicointe de Bragelouae, or ten years later. 2 V 181.33 DnMis /i(s- (A.) Annette ;orthelidy of the pe.irls. 175.li0 — Cimlle; or the fate of a oquette. . . . 175. 19J DyuB love, Libussa, Meleohsala. Mos^ius (J. C. A.) 151.13 Du.\io:d? . . 180.22 — Hidden sin. Sequel to the Dethroned heiress. 181.43 — Hiwhedidit .• . 181.30 — Michael Rudolph 181.31 — Mysterious guest 181.35 — New way to wiu a fortune. ...... 180.23 — Planter's daughter, [aiwii.] 241.35 — Was he guilty ? 180.24 — Who shall be victor? 181.34 — Why did he many her ? 181.29 DtJKsroN abbey. Trollope {T. .\. ) .... 21)1.80 DuruH dominie of Ihe Catskills. Muudoch (D. ) 233.11 Dutch in the Medway. M.\cp.\kl.vne (C. ) . . 221.(i2 Dutch pictures. S.iL.4. ( G. A. i 244.58 DaTCH-\i.vN's fireside. Paulding (J. K. ) . . "235.14 DwELtjEKS in five sisters court. Scuddeb (H. E. ) 251.00 Dy.sevor Terrace. Yoncje ^^[i.s^! C. M. ) 2 v. 205.32 E.iKL's daughter. Sewell (E. M.) . . . . 251.31 Eire's Dene. FR.iNtiLi.o-j iR. E.) .... 192.41 E.vrl's heir. Wood (J/.*-. Henry) 264.51 Eabl's secret. Pakdoe (J.) Snme an lin- Life struggle.] 234.53 Early d.iwn ; Christian life in Englanl in the olden times. [Charles {Mrs. E.)] . . 153.00 Early English p- ose roinr.nces. See Thoms (W. J.) 261.22 East Ljniue. Wood {jilrs. H. ) 204.52 E.tsTER ofllrmg. Bremer (F.) 141.17 Eastern tales. Caldcleugh (W. G.) . . . 145.32 Eastlake {Lady, wife of Sir V. L.) Livonian tales 224.11 Contents : The Dispoueiit. The Wolves. The Jewa. Eastwood (F. ), pseud. See Knevels ( iJrs. D. C. ) Easy Nat, or the three ajiprcntices. Btimson (A. L.) 254.06 Ebbtide. EEiD(Chiistion). [Fisher Jii'.v.v I'.C.)] 242.74 Ebers(G. ) The daughter of an Egyptii.n king. 181.42 Ebony idol, latum.] 181.26 EccE Feuiina ; or, the woman Zoe. Pine (Cuyler).241.3y Eddies lound the rectory. \'ABEA"(Owtni. . 262.40 Eddy (D. C. ) \\ alter's torn- iu the East. 6 v. 1041.12 1. AValtei- iu Egypt. I 4 Walter in Damascus. 2. \\alter in Jerusalem. 5. ^^alter iu Constantinople. 3. Walter in Samaria. | 6. Waller iu Athens. Edelweiss. Auekb.ach (B. ) . . . . ". . 124.15 Eden (E. ) The semi-attached coiijjle. [oKon.] 181.24 — Semi-detached bouse, [ojioii] 181.25 Edgar ( J. E.) Cressy and Poictiers. . . . 181.33 EDG.VB Clifton. Adams (C.) 112.08 Edoar Himtley, or memoirs of a sleep-walker. Brown (0. B.) 143.08 Edgeworth (Maria). Frank 182.01 — Hairy nnd Lucy. 2v 182.03 — Mor.d tales. 2 v 182.05 — Parent's assistant 182.07 — PopiUar tales. 2 v. 182.08 — Rosamond, and other tales 182.10 — Tales and novels. 20 v. in 10. viz.: 1-2. Castle Rackreut. Essay on Irish bulls. EFsay on the noble science ot selfjustifiiatiou. Marat tales: For- rester. The Prusbiun Aabe. The good aunt. . 182.11 3 4. .Moral tales : Ai gelina, Gi od Frencli governess, Madenioiselle Panache, The Knapsack, Lanie Jcrvas, The Will, The Limerick gloves, Out ot debt out of danger. The Lottery, Ki sauna 182.12 5-t) }'iqmlar tales: Murad the niihicky. The mauulac- turers, 'Ihe contrast, The gr.'itelul negro. To-morrow. Tales I'f fashionable tt/e : Ennui. The dun. . . 182.13 7-8. Tales oj fashionable life : Manoeuvring. Alnieria. Vivian 182.14 9-10. .Same. Absentee. Madame de Fkury. Emilie de Coulanges. Modern Griselda 182.15 11-12. Bchuda 182.16 13-14 Leonora. Letters on female education. . 182.17 15-16. Palrouage. Comic ttrainas : Love and law. Rose, thistle, and shamrock 182.18 17-lM. Harrington. Thoughts on bores. Ormoi-d. 182.19 19-20. Helen 182.20 Edina or missing since n-iduight. Wood {Mrs. H.) 264.94 Edinburgh tales. Ed. bj- Sirs. Johnstone. 3 v. 184.22 Edith Lyle. Holmes 1 3/r.v. M. J. ) .... 213.90 Edith's ministry. McKEE^•Eu (H. B.) . . . 224.80 Edmond Dantes, sequel to Monte Christo. Dumas (.4.) 175.44 Edna Browning, cr the Lelghtoii homestead. Holmes iM. J.) 213.72 Edward. Moore (J.) 2 v 505(;.01 Edw.U!D Colvil's joiiriinl. Putnam {Mrs. M. L. ) 241.70 Edw.ard Osborne (Colloquies of i. M.innino (A. ) 225.24 Edwakds (J/)-s. Annie). Archie Lovell. . . 182.21 — EsteUe 180.01 — Leah . a woman of fashion 182.43 — Miss Forrester 182.32 — Morals of May fair ; [or, Philip Earnscliffe]. 182.36 — Ordeal for wives 182. 38 — Ought we to visit her? 182.35 — Philip Earnscliffe 182.30 — Point of honor 182.44 — Stephen Lawrence, yeomnn 182. 31 — Susan Fielding 182. 33 — Vagabond heroine 182.37 Edw.uius (.!/;.« Amelia B.) — Barbara's history 182. 22 — Delienham's vow 182.34 — Four-fit'teeu express. [/« Little classics, v. 8.] . . 226.95 — Half a mil. ion of money 182.23 Smie. 2v 182.24 -^ Hand and glove 182.26 Same, av 182.27 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : Edwardato Ersilia. 479 — In the days of my youth 182.39 — Li:vilder of life ; a heart history 182.28 — Miss Carew 182.29 — My brother's wife 182. :iO Edw.vkds iM. B. ) Dr. Jacob 1S2. 10 — Kitty 18i. 11 — The Sylvesfres 182. 12 Edwauds" ^Rollin). Twice defeated, or the story of a durk society in two countri's 18(i.05 Edwin Brothertot't. Wikthrop (T. ) . , . . 204.29 ED^VI:^ Drood iMvstery of). Dickens iC.) . . 173.39 Elian (Pierce). LadyMmd 181.27 — PilfTriins of the Thames 181.28 Egoi.eston (E. ) The circuit rider 1S4.39 — The end of the world 181.21 — Mysteiy of Metropolisville 181.31 — Hoosier schoolmaster 181.20 EoGLESTON (George Gary). The big brother ; a story of Indian war 181.26 — Captjiiu Sam, or the boy scouts of 1811. [Big bro- ther .series.] 181.29 — A man of honor 181.33 Eglantine. Tabor (Eliza) 251.70 Egypt : the romance of ancient history. 2 v. 211. 11 Eight cousins. Alcott (Louisa M.) . . . 122.33 Eighteen hunth-ed and twelve, or Napoleon's campaign in Russia. RELLST.iB (L. ) 243.01 EiLOAuT (.)//.';. C. J. G.) The curate's discipline. 183.03 — From thistles — grapes 183.02 — The love that lived 18(!.18 EiRENE, or a woman's right. Ames (.Ifcs. M. C. ) 114.27 Ekboes from Kentucky in 1867. Nasby (Petro- leum V.), p.s-en/7. o/ Locke (D. K. ) . . . 224.15 Elbow room. Adelek (Max), pseud, of Clark (C. H,) • 113.18 El Buscapie. Castro (A. del 1.52.12 Elder I W.) Enchanted beauty, »•(«: 2524.01 Eleanor's victory. Br.\ddon (ilfos M. E.) . 135.24 Elective affinities. Goethe (J. W. vou). . . 195.18 Same 195.22 Elements of morality. Salzman (C. G. ) In Yonge (C. M. ) Storehouse of stories, v. 2 265. 63 Elena, an Italian tale. Comyn (L. N.) . . . 161.34 Eleonore. Kothenfels (E. von) 244.24 Elephant club. Thompson (M. M.) . . . . 261.43 Elfred. Abbott (Jacob). Harper's story books, v. 6 216.97 El Fureidis. Cummins (M. S. ) 171.10 Eli Perkins : his sayings. Landon (II. D. ) . 222.28 Elia. Feinan Caballero. Arrom (C.B. de F. de). 145.28 Eliot (George), p.tewl. Si-e Lewes ( J/r.s-. G. H.) Eliza Woodson. Fabnham (Mrs. E. W.) . . 191.03 Elizabeth ; or exiles of Siberia. Coitin (Mine.) 165.11 Same 241.73 Elizabeth (Story of). Th.ackeray ( .l/is.s- A, I. ) 261.01 Ella. Aimwell (W.) [Simonds (W. )] . . 252.45 Ella of Garveloch. Martineau (H. ) Dlus. of polit. econ., V. 2.] 231.28 Ellen deVere. [Smith (J. F.)] 252.81 Ellen Linn. Abbott (J.) 111.07 Ellen Middletou. Fullerton (Lady G. ) . . 193. 08 Ellen Story. Fawcett (E.) 186.28 Ellet (J//S.E.F. ) Nouvellettes of the musicians. 156 1.23 Ellie ; or, the humiui comedy. Cooke (J. E.) 163.09 Elliot (Fiances). The Itili ms : a novel. . . 183.33 — Romance of old court life in France. . . 1S3.01 Ellis (G.) Specimens of early English roafance. 183.04 Ellls (J/n*. S. S.) Brewer's lamily 183.05 — Friends at their own firesides. 2 v. . . . 183.12 — Look to the end ; or, the Bennetts abroad. 183.06 — Hearts and homes 183.08 — Pictures of private life. 3 v. . . 183.09 ; 2524.18 Elm Island stories. Scr Kellogg (E. ) 6 v. . 221.94 Elm-tree tales. Smith (F. L"^.) .... 253.01 Eloise. Roussead ( J. J. ) 4 V 244. 31 Elsle Mngoou. Gage { Jf/-.?. F. D. ) .... 193.20 Elsie Dinsmore. Finley (Martha) 191.08 Elsie's girlhood. Finley (Martha) i;tl.38 Elsie s married life. Daniel (.1/<-.«. MacKenzie). 171.31 Elsie's motherhood. Finley (M.) .... 192.00 El.sie's womanhood. Finley (M.) .... 192.01 Elsie Venner ; a romance of destiny. Holmes (O. W.) 2v 2i; Elster's folly. Vfoon (Mrs. H. ) 261.55 Elton (.SiV A. H. ) Below the surface. . . . 183.14 Elves (I'he). Tieck (L. von) 151.13 Elzey Hay. See Andrews (F.) Embury (E. C.I Blind girl ; with other tides. 183.17 — Glimpses of home life im;). ig — Pictmes of early hfe 183.19 Emery (E.B.) Queens 181.19 Emery (S. A.) Three generations 184.18 Emilia in England. Meredith (G.) 3 v. . . 231.94 Emilia Wyndiam. Marsh-C.^ldwell (.Mrs.) . 2v. 231.10 Emilu and Sophia, or a n-w system of education. Rousseau (J. J. ) 4 v 214.35 Emily Chester. Seemuller (\. M. Cnuie). . 165.22 E.\nLY Marsden : hkes an^l dislikes. [«)Wn.] 223.74 Emma. Austen (J.) 125.13 Emma Corbett, or miseries of civil war. [Pratt (S. J.)] 241.77 Emmanuel PhUibert. Dumas (A.) .... 181.46 Empke-ss Josephine. MOhlbach (L. ) . . . 232.69 Empty heart, or Hu.sks. Haeland(M. ) . . . 2.55.18 Enaui.t(L. ) Christine 183.36 — Pupil of the legion of honor. 183.35 Enchanting and enc'ianted. H.4cklander (F.W.) 211.97 End of the world. EiiGLEsTON (E.) .... 184.21 English hearti and English hands, [iinrm.] . 183.21 English orphans. Holmes (.][rs. M. J. ) . . 213.51 English tale^. Crosland (J/r.v. G. ) . . . . 105.33 Ennui. Edgewoeth (Maria). Novels, v. 6. . 182.13 EntaJl (The). Galt (John) 193.22 EoLiNE, or Magnolia vale. Hentz ( .Ur.s- C. L. ) 213.07 Ephemeris, or leaves from ye journal of M. Drayton 225.44 Epicurean. Moore (Thomas) 232.23 Erckmann (E.) and Chatrian (.\. ) Alsacian schoolmaster 184.41 — Blockade of Phalsburg 183.39 — Brigadier Fredeiick 183. 23J — Campaign in Kabylia 187.04 — Citizen Bonaparte, 1794-1815 187.05 — Confessions of a clarionet player 1,S7.06 — Country in danger, 1792 187.07 — Dean's watch. [ With Brigadier Frederick.] 183.23J — Forest house, and Catherine's lovers. . . lf<3.15 — Friend Fritz 187.08 — Gieat invasion of 1.S13-14 ; or after Leipzig. 183.16 Same. [Different trauislution.] . . . 183.40 — lUustrious Dr. Matheus 187.09 — Madame Therese, or the volunteers of '92. . 183.22 — Miin-wolf, and other tales 187.01 — Miller's story of the war, or the jileljiscite. 183.43 — Peace 187.10 — Polish Jew. 184.40 — Popular tales and romances 187.11 — Story of a conscript ; a story of 1813. . . 183.23 — States general ; (1789J 187.02 — Stories of the Rhine 187.13 — Story of a peasant. 1789,1792,179.!. 3 v. 183.11 — "War. 183.44 — Waterloo, a sequel to Story of a Conscri[)t. . 183.20 — Year one of the republic : 1793. Story of a peasant 187.14 Eric, or little by little. Farrar (F. W.) . . .191.11 Erewhon, or over the range. [Butler (S.)] . 184.28 Erie canal. Abbott (J.) 111.12 Erlesmere ; or, contrasts of character. Lavenu (L. S.) 222.45 Erunu the bold. Ballantyne (K. M. ) . . . 131.30 Erma's engagement, [anan.] lM3. 38 Ernest Bracebridge. Kingston (W. H. G.) . 222.13 Ernest Carroll ; or, artist life in Italy. Gheen- orGH(H.) 211.49 Ernestine ; or, the heart's longings. Aleth. 183.24 Ernest Linwood. Hentz iC. L. ) . . . . 213.08 Ernest Maltravers. Lytton (E. B.) 2 v. . 141.07 Eros and .^.nteros. Canute (Judith i. [Campuell . (J. H. L.)] 14.5.31 Erring, yet noble. [n>ton.'\ 183.25 Ersilia. Poynter (J/(s.s- E. F. ) 186.20 la aaUog for books, use tlie " Book Order," giving tlie AUTHOR'S NAMiS, the Brst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 480 FICTION : Erskiue U, Fairy Tales. Erskine {Mrs. Tbomas). Wyncote 186.0S Ehperance. Landek (M.) 222. :19 EspERANZA. Bowman (A.) 135.10 Es-sENCE of fun. Hood (Tom) 213.87 EsTELLE. Edwards (Mrs. Annie) 180.01 EsTELLE Rassell. By the author of "Private life of Galileo." 183.37 E ESTHER, a tale of Spain in the 0th century. Smith (H.) V. 3 of 174.18 Ethel ChurchiU. Landon(L. E. ) Works. . 5047.05 Ethel Mildmay's follies 184.27 Ethel's love life. Sweat (M. J. M.) . . . 254.47 Ethic amusements. Bellamy (D.) .... 185.07 Ethic tales and fables. Fenelon (F.) . . . 185.07 Ethlyn's mistake. Holmes (J/i-.s. M. J.) . . 213.59 E t'NA Van Jemir ; a romance. Hancock (S. . I.) 214.93 Ettoee Fieramosca, or the challenge of Barletta. AzEGLio (M. d') 172.10 Eudoxia, a picture of the 5th century. HahnHahn (Ida, cmudess von) 211.91 Eugene Aram. Lytton (E. B.) 144.10 Edgenie Grandot, or the miser's daughter. Balzac (H. De) 132.03 Eustace (The) diamonds. Tkollope (A.) . . 261.77 EuTAW, a sequel to The Foiayers. Simms (W. G.) 252.29 Evan Dale. [anon.'\ 183.26 Evan Harrington. Meredith (George). . . 231.78 Evans (Mtss A. J.) ^'t■e Wilson (Mr.<<. A. J, E.) Evans {Miss Marian). Soe Lewes (Mrs. M. E.) Evelina. Arblay (F. B. d) 171.31 Evenings at Donaldson's mano". Mackintosh (.)/i.s-sM. J.) 221.70 Evenings at Haddon Hall ; tales 152.13 Evenings at home. Aikin (J.) ami Barbauld (Mrs. L.) 114.10 Eventide. Apton (Effie) 114.01 Everett (W.) Changing base 184.10 — Double play 184.12 Everglade heioes. Coggesh\ll (W. T. ) . . 161.18 Everybody's friend ; or Josh Billings' eacyclopgedia of wit and humor. Shaw (H. W.) .... 251.72 Every day. [Pike (F. W. A.)] 184.16 "Ewald (H. F.) Story of ^Valdemar Krone's youth 184.11 EwiNO (Juliana Horatio). From six to fcixteen, a story lor girls 186.21 E.'CEMPL.ARY novels. Cervantes (M. de). . . 151.26 E.XILES. Talvi. [Koeinson (Mrs. T. A. L. v. J.)] 243.41 Experience of a barrister. Warner (W., iVy.) 203.27 Experiences of a real detective. \_a>ujii.'\ . . 26ii.70 Expiation. Dorr (3/ra. J. C. R.) 170.07 Eyster (Nellie). On the wing ; suuny horn- series. 181.14 Fables : — Miop. Fables. Version, by T. James. New York, . [n. d.] 8° 185.03 — — Same. New ed. by E. Garrett. Loudon, IsO-J. 16° lS5.03.a — Be%vick (T. and J.) and others. Select fables ; with cuts. L., 1S20. 8^ 1413.09 — BussEY (G. Moir). Fables: original anl selected. Designs by J.J. Graudville. Ljud.,lHU. 8'. 185.10 — Favourpte fables. With 21 illus. by H. Weir. Lond., 1870. 12'. 185.00 — Fenelon (F.) Fables. Lond., 1770. 4°. . 185.07 — Flowers of fable from Nortlicote and others. New York, 1847. 16' 185.02 — Gay (John). Fables. [7u his Poetical works, v. 1, 1854.] 1041.08 — Krilof. Fables russes, imitees en vers franijais et itali(«s. 2 V. Paris, 1825. 8°. . . . 185,11 Ralston (R. S. ) Krilof and his fables. London, 1869. 12° 185.06 ^ La Fontaine (J. de). Fables. Tr. by E. Wright, jr. 2 V. Bo.stoQ, 1811. 8°. 1605.05 Same. London, 1853. 8° 1681.12 — Lessing (G. E. ) Fables and epigr.ims. London, 1825. 12°. 185.08 — Moore (E. ) Fables for the ladies ; to which are added seven select fables, by other authors. Philadelphia, 1811. 18° 1073.32 — MoRLEY (H.) Fables and fairv tales. London 1800. 12° ■ 1S5.13 — PiLPAY or BropAY. Fables. Tr. by W. KnatchbulL Oxford, 1819. 8° 1S5.01 Same. 1818 ed. revised. N.Y.,1872. 12°. 185.01. a — Prosser(3//-6-. ) Origmal fabL-s. L.,[)i.(?.]12°. 185.09 — Wallbeidqe (A. ) Bizarre fables, L.,181-'.l 0°. 185.14 — WiijaE(W.) Fables. Lond., 1708. 12°. . 18-5.05 — Yeiarte (T. de). Literary fables. Tr. by G. H. Devereux. B., 1855. 12° 1090.14 S*'e also Clas.sical journal, v. 25, p. 20. 3G4 ; v. 27, p. 24 (Fables of iEsop aud liabrias, by G. B.) ; v. yo, p. 'M5 (On fables and tlie Eastern Bcient-es) : Coutcm. rev., v. H, 1S70 (MJKratiou of fables, liy Max Miiller). JKS" '^''-t' «^o MTthology, in general alphabet. Fabiola ; or the church of the catacombs. Wiseman (N.) 264.35 Fabre (Ferdinand). The abbe Tigranj. Candidate for the papal chair. Tr. by L. \V. Bacon. 186.26 Faded leaf of history. Davis (Mrs. 11. H.) In Little elassies, V. 10 22tJ.97 Fadette, p.'ieud. See Rodney (Mrs. M. R. L. ) 263.81 Falrfax ; a chronicle of the Shenandoah. Cooke (J. E.) 163.10 FiViB god (The) ; or, the last of t'ne 'Tzins. W.allace (Lewis) 262.99 Faib Harvard. . [Washburn (W. T.)] . . . 184.34 FAiR-haired Eckbert. Tieck(L. vonV . . . 151.13 Fair maid of Perth. Scott (.sic Wal'er). . . 245.80 Fair maid of the Inn. Cervantes (M. de). . 171.03 F.air play. Southworth i. Vrs. E. D.E.N. ) . . 253.45 Fair Saxon. McCarthy (J.) 225.68 F.uR to .see. Lockhart (L. W. M. ) .... 223.81 Fair women. Forre.ster (Mrs) 192.32 Faiky finder. Lover (C.) Jn Little classicH, v. 12. . . 227.15 Fairy fingei-s. Ritchie (A. C. M. ) .... 243.34 Fairy land and other tales. Jervey (C. ft. ). . 1643.33 Fairy tales : — Anderson (H. C.) Danish Fairy tales. London, 1801. 8° • 122.08 — AuLNOY (M. C. J. de B. ) Fairy tales. Tr. by T. R. Plauche. Loud., 1808. 12° 185.18 — Austin (J. G. ) Moonfolk. N. Y., 1.874. 12°. 186.13 — Bechstein (L.) As pretty as seven, etc. ioudon, [n. d.] 186.15 — Child's own book of fairy tales. Philadelphia, 1855. r2° 186.16 — Child's own treasury of standard fairy tales. N. Y. , [1860. sq. 16° 185.19 — Ckaik (Mrs. D. M. Muloch). Adventures of a brownie. N. Y., 1872. 16° 185.30 — Ceoker (T. C.) Fa'ry legends and trailitions of the south of Ireland. Lond., [». J.] 12°. . . 186.10 — Fairies of our garden. Boston, 1807. 12°. 18.5.20 — Faiky book. N. Y.. 1803. 12° .... 185.26 — Fairy book, with engravings by J. A. Adams. New York, 1836. 12° 185.17 — Feere (M. ) Old Deccan days ; or, Hindoo fairy legends. Phila., 1868. 12^ 185.32 — Grimm (W. L. C. awl W. C. ) German jiopular sto- nes. London, [n.d.] 12° 185.29 German popular tales and household stories. 3 V. in 1. Boston, 1868. 12°. .... 185.23 — — Grimm's goblins, selected from the Household stories. Boston, 1867. sq. 16°. . . . 185.33 — H.1LLIWELL (J. O. ) Illustrations of the fairy mythol- ogy of a Midsummer night's dream. London, Sluik. soc, 1845. 8° 1756.26 — Hamilton (A.) Fairy tales aud romances. Lond., 1819. 12° 185.25 — Hugessen (E. H. Knatchbull). Crackers for Christ- mas. London, 1871. 12° 185.3H Higgledy-piggledy. N. Y., 1876. 12°. . 180.29 Moon shine. Fairy stories. L., 1871. 12°. 185.39 Puss-cat mew, an^other stories. New York, 1871. 12° 185.37 Queer folk. London, 1874. 12°. . . . 18.-).41 Tales at tea-time. London, 1872. 12°. . 185.40 Whispers from fairy land. N. Y., 187.5. 12°. 185.42 — Jervey (Mrs. C. H.) Fairy land. Boston, 1872. sq. 18° 1043.33 — Johnson (V. W.) Catskill fairies. New York, 1876. 12° 226.29 BBOOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : Fairy Tales (u Fielding. 481 ■— Keiohtley (T.) Fairy mythology. Loudon, 1850. 1-2° 185.21 — Keh, (G.) New fairy stories for my gr.iiidchiWrLn. New York, 1801. 16° 185.3-1 — liABocLAYE (E. R. L.) Fairy tales of all nations. New York, 1867. 12' 185.21 — LEL.VXD (C. G.) Johnnykin and the gobUns. New York, 1876. 12° 180.30 — Lemon (M.) Legends of Number Nip. London, 1861. 16". 185.36 — MacDonald (G.) Dealings with the fairies. Lond., 1867. sq. 16= 185.16 — Mace (J.) Home fairy tales. New York, 1867. 12°. 185.27 — Maclauen (A.) Fairy famUy. L., 1874. 12°. 185.22 — Maguire (T. F. ) Young prince Marigold. Lond., 1873. 12= 185.13 — Mason (J.) Old fairy tales. L.. [lS7.i.] 1C=. 185.4-1 — Pebrault (C.) Four-and-twenty faii-y tales. Lond., 186y. 12= ls.5.28 — RrrsoN (J.) Fairy tales. Lmdon, 1831. 12=. 185.35 — Wentwokth (May). Fairy tales from gold lands. New York, 1SG7. 12= 185.31 — WoNDEK world. Fairy tal s, old ;uid new. From the Freuch, German, and Danish. L., 1875. 12=. 186.11 .95" See aho Folk-lore, iu geaeial alphabet. Faikt tales for grown folks. THACKEK.iY (J/Ias A. L) 261.04 Faith and Patieuce ; or, the Harrington girls. Win- THROP tS. ) 266.89 FAixaFUL (^Emily). A reed shaken with the wind. 184.35 Faith Gartueys" girlhood. Whitney (A. D. T.) 26^.59 Faith Unwin's ordeal. (G. M. ) . . . 16o.l9 Faith While's letter book, 1620-23. [Whiting (M. H.)l 184.3U Falconer (W.) Bloom and brier, a Southe:-n romance 181.25 Falcon family; or, young Ireland. Savage (M.W.) 245.09 Falkenbueg ; a tale of the Rhine, [((/urn.] . 191.01 F.ALKLAND. Bulweb-Lytton (E. G. E. L. ) . . 114.39 F.«LL of Fort Sumter, or 1860-61. ['/iiou. ] . 184.:!2 Fall (The) of prince Florestau of Monacii. . 186.17 Fall of tUe houst) of Usher. PoE {E, A.) In Little classirs, V. -J 226,84 F.iLLES fortunes. Payn (J. ) 235.57 F.1LLEN pride. Southwobth i E. D. E. N. ) . 254.80 False colors. Thomas (Annij) 255.70 False heir. James (G. P. 11. ) 215.52 Fame and fortuae. Alger (H.) 121.14 FAMiLV(The) doom. Southworth (J[/rs.E.D.E.N.)253.yi F.imcly pride. [««.>«.] 191.00 Family secret. Elzey Hay. [Andrews (F.)] 114.37 Family secrets, [uiwn.] 191.02 Family stories. lln Yonge (CM.) Storehouse of storias, v. 2.] 265.63 Family tree. Fo.nblanque (A. de) 172.66 Fanchon, the cricket. Sand (George). Dudevant (A. L. A. D.) 175.26 Fans (Violet). S«e Singleton (iTiss). F.iNriNE. HoQo (Victor). 214..52 Far above rubies. Riddell (J. H. ) .... 213.17 Fab from the madding crowd. Hardy (T.) . 216.37 Fabdorougha, the miser. Caeleton ( W. I . . 151.03 Fabjeon (B. L. ) At the sign of the sUvor fl;igon. 196. 15 — Blade o' grass 191.42 — Bread and cheese, and kisses 191.43 — Duchess of Rosemary lane 196.08 — Golden grain 196.12 ^ Grif. 2 v 191.39 — Island pearl 196.10 — Jessie Tnm 196.14 — Joshua Marvel 191.41 — King of No-Laud. 196.13 — Love's victory 196. 16 — Shadows ou the snow : a Christmas story. . 196.09 Farm of Muioeron. Rueil (M.) 177.01 Fabmingdale. Thomas (C.) 261.18 Farnh-am (E. W. ) Eliza Woodson, or the early days of oue of the world's workers 191.03 — Ideal attained, being the story of two steadfast souls 191.04 ■ - My early days. [Same as Eliza Woodson.] . 191.05 FARQrHARSON (Martha), pxmd. Sre Finley (M.) Farrak (Frederick W.) Eric, or little by little. 191.11 — Julian Home, a tale of college life. . . . 191.12 — St. Winifred's I'jj. !.•} Farrers of Budge Row. Mabtineau (H.) IUus. of pol. econ., V. 9 231.35 Fashion iind famine. Stephens (.l/r.?. A. S. ) . 253.G7 and folly. By Aunt Hattio. [Bakeb (H. N. W.)] 12,5.04 Fast friends. Trowbridge (J. T. ) .... 266.25 F.vtal marriage. Southworth (Mrs. E. D. E. N. ) 253.29 Fatal passion; or, " Gerfaut. ' Bernard (G. du). 133.17 Fatal secret and other stories. Southworth {Mrs. E. D. E. N.), and B.aden ( Mrs. F. H. ). . . 253.47 Fat-al boots. Thackeray (W. M.) iliscellanies, V. 1 255.57 Fated to be free. Ingelow (J.) 214.80 Father and daughter. Bbemer (F.) . '. . 141.19 Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge (J. T. ) . 262.10 Father Butler, or Irish manners, [(imm.l . 191.15 Father Clement, a Roman Catholic stoi-y. Kennedy ((J) ". . 221.91 Father Tom and the pope. Mubray (J. F. ) . 233. 13 — Same. In Little classics, v. 9 220.96 Fathers and sons. Hook (T. ) 214.00 Fathers and sons. Tourgeneff (I. S.) . . 262.21 F.austina. Hahn-Hahn ( t^b«.'i(e.vs Ida). . . 212.20 FAUsrt's (Doctor). See Doctor Faustus. Fawcett (Edgan. Ellen Story 186.28 — Purply aud fine linen 1^4.36 Fawcett iM.G. ) Tivlesiu political economy.1874.5911. 29 Fay (T. S. ) Norman Leslie I'Jl. U — The Countess Ida ; a tale of Berlin. . . . 192.10 Feats on the fiord. Martineau (H. ) . . . 231.22 Fellah (The). About (E. ) 112.05 Felix Holt, the radical. Eliot (George). . . Is4.02 Female Jesuit. [Luke (J/ra.)] 224.14 Female Quixote (The). Lennox (C.) . . . 223.15 Fenelon (F. de S. de la M. ) Etbic tales and fables. 185. 07 — Telemachus 191.17 Fen-n (George ManviUe). The treasure hunters. 196.20 Fenton's quest. Braddon (M. E. ) . . . . 135.39 Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Smollett (T.) . 253.12 Same. In his Works, v. 4 5067.07 Fernando de Lemos ; truth and fiction. Gayaere (C.) 194.39 Fern (Fanny). See Pabton {Mrs. S. P.) Fern leaves. Pabton (J/r.f. S. P. ) .... 235.07 Feene Fleming. Warfield (.U/s. C. A.) . . 267.13 Febni-huest Court. By author of Stone-edge. 191.18 Febeiee (Miss Mary). Destiny, or the chiefs daughter. 3v. 191.19 -Inheritance. 3 v. , 191.23 — Marriage. 2 v 191.22 Fetches (The). Banim (J.) 132.36 Fetteeed for life ; or, lord and master. Blake L. D.) 133.38 Feuillet (Octave). Camors ; or life under the emjiire 191.27 — Led astray ; or La petite The sphinx ; or, Julia de "Trecoiur. BjUah. From the French, by O. Vibeur 196.21 — Marriage ia high life 196.22 — Romvuce of a poor young man 191.28 — Story of Sibylle 191.36 Feval (P.) " I am here ! " The duke's motto. 191.37 Few (A) days in Athens. Wright (F.). . . 261.87 Few friends (A), and how they amused them.-selves. Dodge (M.E.) 17.5,18 Ft;YDEAU(E. ) Secret of happiness 191.34 Field (.l/ra. Anna A.) Asphodel, [anon.] . 192.03 Field i J. M. ) Drama in PokevUle : the bench and bar of Jurjtown, e/o. By " Everpoint," [;wr»,/.] 261.91 Field (Margaret). Bertha Percy ; or, I'esperance. 192.04 — Not pretty but precious 23:1.84 Field and forest. Optic (Oliver). [Adams (W.T.)] 112.39 Fielding (Henry). Amelia. 192.07 — Jonathan Wild. . . . 192.0S ; 5036.03 ; 5037.23 — Joseph -Andrews 192.08 — Jo;mi.>y from this world to the next 5037.23 ; 5036.01 — Tom Jones I'J'-UO la asking for books, use tUs " Book Order," giviug the AUTHOR'S NAIIE, the first part or tUe TITLE, auJ the XUILBER. 482 FICTION 1 Fielding lo TouquS. FiEUJiNG ; or society. \Vaed(1v. P.) . . • 262.,56 Same. iuWaldie library, v. 11. . . . 5U78.2.5 Fifteen days ; an extract from Edward Colvil's journal. Putnam (J//-.S. M. L. ) 241.70 Fifteen years. Uobinson (Mrs. T. A. L. v. J.) 21:i.45 Fifty years ago ; a, story of New England lif3. Wil- LAUD (C. A.) 264.85 Fight at Dame Europa's school. [Pullen (H.C. )] 184.38 Fighting Joe. Optic (.Oliver). [Adams (W. T.)] 112.1'J Fighting the flames. Ballantyne (K. M.) . 131.19 Fighting the whales. Bali^antyne (R. M.) . 931.02 File n). 113. Gabobiau (E.) I'JtJ.SS Finette ; a legend of Brittany, [anon. ] Trans, from the French 192.12 Finley (Martha Farquharson). Casella ; or, the chil- dreu of the valley 191.06 — Elsie Diasmore 191.08 Elsie's girlliood ; a sequel to " Holidays," eic. 191.38 — Elsie's motherhood : sequel to " Elsie's woman- hood." .• 192.00 — Elsie's womanhood ; sequel to "Elsie's girl- hood." 192.01 — H'jlidays at Eoselands ; a sequel to " Elsie Diusmore." 191. ff? ■ — Liliau ; or did she do right ? 191.16 — Old fashioned boy (An) 191.10 Our Fre 1 ; or, seminary life at Thurston. Sequel to " Old tashioned boy." 196.17 The Shannons ; or, from darkness to light. 191.09 — Wauted^a pedigree 191.33 FiORd'.Uiza. Lamartine (A. de) 222.24 Fire and flame. ScH Licking (L.) 251.78 Fire in tiie woods. De Mille (.1 .) .... 172,38 FiRKNzuoLA (A.) Novels I and 10. . . v. 2 of 244.21 Fireside saints, Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk, and other papers. Jekrold ^Douglas) 221.42 First friendship. [(Oioii.] 192.13 FiasT and second marriages. [Bakeb {Mrs. H. N. W.)] 131.02 First and true love. Dbdevant (A. L. A. D. ) 175.27 First families of ihc Sierras. Miller (Joaquin). 232.08 First settlers of Virginia. Davis (J.) . . . 171.41 Fisher (Alice). Too bright to last, [rtiioii.] . 261.94 Fisher (Jfo.s P.O.) ['Christian Reid.'] Ebbtide. 242.74 — Daughter of Bohemia 242. 79 — Hearts and hands 242.81) — Morton house 242. 7ii — Nina's atonement, etc 242.78 — Question of honor 242.81 — Valerie Aylmer 242.75 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove. Kellogg (E.) 226.20 Fisher maiden (The). Jornson (B.) . . . 133.29 Fisher's river, (North Carolina) ;»soenes, etc. [Talia- rERKo(H. E.)] 192.15 FiTZ of Fitz-Ford ; n legend of Devon. Beat (j1/,-.9. A. E.) 141.32 FiTz-BooDLE papers. (W. M. ) Miscella- nies. . . . V. 4 of 255.61 ; also v. 4 of 255.57 FrrzGERALD (P. ) Second Mrs. Tillotson. 3 v. . 191.30 Five fine old novels 192.17 Five hundred majority, or the days of Tammany. NiLES(\V.) _ . . 233.76 Five hundred pounds reward. By a barrister. 192.18 Five thousand a year. Wood (JV/c.f. H. ) . . 264.80 Five weeks in a balloon. [Verne (J.)] . . • 191.29 Flag of distress. Reid (Mayne) '242.69 Flag of truce. Warner (Susan) 266.93 Flagg (E. ) A good investment. 192.22 Fleetwood, or the new man of feeling. God- win (W.) 195.16 Fleming (M. A.) Guy Earlescourt's wife. . . 192.16 — Kate Danton 197.04 — Mad marriage 192.02 — Norine's revenge, and Sir Noel's heir. . . 192.44 — One night's mystery 197.03 — Terrible secret 192.14 — Wonderful woman 192.11 Flemish life (Sketches from). Conscience (H. ) 163.06 Flesh and spirit. A novel 197.09 Fletcher (Miriam). The Methodist. 2 v. . 192.19 'Fledranoe. Craven (Mme. Augustus). . . 165.39 Flight of a Tartar tribe. De Qotncey (T.) In LrriLE classics, V. 1 226.83 Flirt. Gray (iWrs.) 211.59 Fliriations in fashionable Ufe. Sinclair (C.) 252.53 Flitch of bacon. Ainswokth (W. H. ) . . . 115.02 Floating city. Vekne(J. ) 266.76 Florence Macarthy. Morgan (irtdj'). . . . 233.74 Florence SackviUe, or self-dependence. Bub- bury (Mrs.) 14-5.16 Fixjrian (J. B. C. de). Numa Pompilius. . . 225.87 Flush times of Alabama. Baldwin (J. G.) . 131.15 Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. Eichteb (J. p. F. ) 2 V 243.26 Foggy night at Ofl'ord. Wood (jlfrs. H.) . . 264.53 Foe (The) in the household. Chesebeo' (C. ) . 153.30 FoLLE farine. By " Ouida." Rame (L. de la). 172.25 Folly as it flies. Pakton ( J/re. J. ) . . . .2541.19 FoNBLANQUE (Albany, jc.) A tangled skein. . 192.21 — A family tree. • 172.66 Fool of quality. Brooke (H.) 2v 14'2.18 FooTE (E. B. ) Science in story. Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. 4 v 195.25 For a woman's sake. Wachenhusen (H. ) . . 262.71 For better, for worse. Harland (Marion). . 255.18 For better, tor worse. [anon.'\ 192.23 For each and for all. Maetdteau (H. ) . v. 4 of 231.27 For ever and ever. Church (.1/rs. Ross). . . 1"4.H For her sake. Robinson (F. W. ) 243.53 For lack of gold. Gibbon (C.) 195.09 For love and life. Ollphant (Mm. M. 0. W.) 234.95 For summer afternoons. Woolset (S. C. ) . 161.40 FoRthe king. Gibbon (C. ) 195.26 For the king's dues. Macdonell (A.) . . . 225.08 Forayers, or the raid of the dog days. Simms (W. G.) 252.30 Force of frimdship v. 2 of 171.02 Foregone conclusion. Howells (W. D. ) . . 213.96 Forest (Neil). Mice at play 186.31 Forest (The). Huntington (J. V.) .... 215.08 Forest days. James (G. P. R.) 215.53 Forest exiles. Reid (Mayne) 242.46 Forest glen series. iS'ee Kellogg (E.) . . . 227.01 Forest house. Erckm.ann-Chateian (MM.) . 183.15 Forest tragedy, etc. Lippincott (Mrs. S. J. C.) 224.04 Forester (Frauk), pseud. i!ee Herbert (H. W.) Foresters. Dumas (A.) 181.01 'Foresters. Wilson (John) 264.18 Forgery. J.usies (G. P. R.) 215.54 Forgiven at last. Haderman (J. R.) . . . 211.99 Forgotten by the world. [Macquoid (K. S.)] . 192.33 Forlorn hope. Yates (E.) 265.16 Forrester (Francis), pseud. See Wise (D.) Forrester (J/ji.) Diana Carew 196.41 — Dolores 196.'24 — Fair women 192.32 — From Olympus to Hades 196.23 — Mignon 196.43 — My hero 196.42 Fortescue. Knowles(J. S.) 222.21 Fort Lafayette. Wood (B.) 264.42 FoRTiNi (P. ) Novella XIII v. 2 of 244.21 Fortune seeker. Southwoeth (E. D. E. N.) 253.30 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever (C.) 2 v. . . 223.46 Fortunes of Miss FoUen. Talcott (Mrs. G.) 211.13 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott (, St/- W.) .... 245.40 FoRTY-five guardsmen. Dumas (A.) .... 181.02 FoscAEiNi ; or the patrician of Venice. 2 v. in 1. 193.45 FoscoLO (Ugo). Letters of Ortis 192.24 FosDicK (C. A.) See Castlemon (Harry), pseud. Foster brothers ; school and college life of two young men. [tmon.] 215.05 FosTER-brothers. Carlen (,Uc,«. E.) . . . . 235.97 Fothergill (J.) Healey, a romance. . . . 216.41 — The Odd trump 234.01 Foul play. Reade (Charles) and Boucicault (Dion) 242.25 Found dead. Pays {.Jamesl 192.43 Foundations; or castles in the air. Porter (Rose). '241. 50 Fountain of youth. Paludin-Muller (F.) . 2.34.73 FouQUE (F. H. K. de la Motte). Four seasons. 192.25 Contents : Aslauga's kuigUt. Sintram. Two captaiua. Uiidine, .BROOgLVN MEUOANTILE LIBKARY. FICTION : Pouque to Garrett. 483 — Miustrol lovo ; a romance. ' 192.2r) — Uoiuantic fiction. [.Siege of Algiers, e(c.] . ]',»2.'27 — TidDclolpli, the Icelauder r.)2.-JH — ^ Un iiuo ami Sintni^u 192.2'J — Wild lovi!, and otlior tales It)2.:i0 Four and wliat tioy did. Week^ (H. C.) . . 2G;!.'.tl Fomt-tll'toou oxpiv3.s. Edwards (.\. B.) In Little clasHii-s. V. 8 ajll.ll.'i Four oaks. Thorpe (K.) 2iJl.;i3 Four si^tjr^s. Brcmisr (F. ) 141.20 FoxHOLME hall. KiNG.STON(W. 11. G.) . . . 222.95 FosroN(E.) [paearl.] Set' Palfrevt (..Ui.Si- S. ) . 2li.(>.5 Frimley par.sou igo. Trollope lA. ) . . . 2()1.57 FRiNC]i.scA G.irrara. Lvndo>j (L. E. ) . . . 50-17.0.5 Frvnc[lu)n(R. E.) Earl's Dane I'.t2.41 — Rvre good luck 197. l:i — Zeldi's fortim3 IdZAi) Fbinconia stories. See Abbott (Ja^o'j). FaiNois Croft ; au autobiography. St. John (Bayle). 3v 24t.(;7 FRiNOis Eistwood, [psenftort.] S-eKsEVELs {Mrs. D. C. ) Frank. Abbott (Jacob;. Harper's stoi-y bo jki, V. 2 216.93 Frank. Edoewosth (Maria). 2 v 182.01 Frank among the ranohei-oi. Castlemon (H. ) 152.29 Frank at Don C irli).s' raucho. Castlemon (H. ) 152.;iO Fr\>jk b3fo:-e Vicksburg. OAsrLisnaN (H. ) . 152.10 FitANK Fairlegh. S.wedley (F. E. ) .... 252.06 Frank Fraem m's b.arbdr-sliop. Hall (R. R i 212.18 Frank Hilton ; or, the quean's own. Grant (J.) 211.36 Frank in the mountains. Cistlemon (H. ) . 152.31 Frank in the wjod<. Castlemon (H.) . . . 152.08 Fbink llildmiy.or the u vval offi'er. Marryat (E. )225.47 Frank Nelsju in the for icistl?. Cistlemon (II.) 152.51 Frank Nalsjn series. Se' Castlemon (H. ) Frank on a gunboat. C.iSTLEMjN (H. ) . . . 152.07 Frank on the lower Missis jippi. Castlemon (H.) 152.11 Frank on the prairie. Castlemon (H) . . 152.09 Frvnk, the youug naturalist. Castlemon (H.) . 152.0l> Frvnk Wirnngloa. [Harris (.1/cs. M. C.)] . li!1.2l Prink Wild :U m's adventures. Gesstacker^F. ) r,)4.25 Fa.ANKscaupuga. Aloeb (H., j>. ) .... 121.11 Franks ^(srEiN. Shelley (.W-.s-.M.W.) . . . 251.50 FavsER-TYrLEB (C. C. ) See Tytler (C. C. Fraser-). Freaks of fortima. Optio (Oliver). [Adams (\V. T.) 112.30 PREiKSoffortuu3. J0NE5(J. B.) 221.31 Freaks on the fells, or three months' rustication. Ballintyne (R. M.) 131.20 Fred Vrdm, or Jesuit's revenue. Smith (.J. F.) 251.8* Fred Graham, or masks and ficas. S-MrrH(J. F. ) 252. 9() Fred Mirkham in R'lssia. Kinoston (\V. H. G.) 221.93 Fred Veruon, or avarice. Smith (J. F.) . . 251.96 Fred, Maria and me. [Prentiss (E.)] . . . 193.01 Frederick the Great and his court. Mijhlbach (L.) ^232.70 Frederick the Groat and his family. MiJHLB.Aca (L.) " 2.32.71 Frederick the Great and his merchant. MiinLBAi'ii (L.) 232.7.J Fre 3, yet forging their own chains. Cornwall (CM.) 163.37 Freebooters (The). A story of the Texiau war. Aimard(G.) 114.20 Freelan<;e (Rulical, esq.), pseud. The philo.sophers of Foufouville 191.05 French (ti. V.) My roses 193.46 French country family. Witt (M.iu: G. de). 173.11 French wines and polities. Martineau (H.) Iu her lUus. of pol. economy, v. 4 231.30 Fsesuet (The). Abbott (J.) 111.19 Fbeytag (Gustav). Dtbit imd credit. . . . 193.02 — Ingo 192.38 — Ingraban 192.39 — Lost manuscript 193.0.3 — • — Same. 3 v." 192.35 — Our forefathers, v. 1-2. V. 1. Ingo 19>.;!8 I V. 2. Ingraliaa. . 102 ;i9 Friar Gerund. Isla (J. F. de). 2 v. . . . 214.65 Friarswood post-offire. Yonge (Miss C. M.) 265.31 Friday night. Hebrew life 192.42 Friedrich (F. ) The lost despatch 193.44 Friend Fritz. Euckmann (E.) «;»ZCnATRiAN (.V.) 184.41 Friknus at their own iireside. Ellis {Mi.i. H. S.) 1^3. 12 Fkkuit (The). 1'ickeuino (.1/is.v E. ) 2 v. in 1. 236.10 Friswell(J.H.) Other people's windows, [anon. ] 234.39 — One of two 193.07 From an island. Thackkuay t.Ui^s A. I.) 261.03; 255.79 darkuoHS to light. a Christinas carol. [«/ion.] 192.34 From dawn to daylight. Bekcher (.TTi-.v. H. W.) 133.10 From dreams to waking. Linton (E. L.) . . 221.10 Fuo.M fourteen to fourscore. Jewett [Mrs. S. W.) 215.99 From hay-time to hopping. [Coulter (Jfiss.)] 165.13 From jest 1 1 earnest. IIoe(E. P.) . . . ; 243.92 Fro.m my youth up. Harl.and (Marionl. . . 256.18 From Olympus to Hades. FoiuiESTEii (.Ur.s.) . 196.23 From the depths. Southworth (E. D. E. N.) 254.81 From the earth to the moon. Veene(J.) . . ^62.97 From thistles — grapes? Eiloart (J/i-s. ) . . 183.02 Frozen deep. Collins (W. Wilkie). . . . 162.37 Fudge doings. Mitchell (D. G.) 2 v. . . . 232.04 Fuller (J. G.) The Brownngs ; a tale of the great rebellion 193.06 Fuller (L.) Mistaken ; or, the seeming and the real 193.18 Fullerton (Lady Georgiaua). Ellen Middleton. 193.08 — Gr.mtly manor. 2 v 193.09 — Lady bird 193.11 — Mrs. Ger.ald's niece 193.14 — Stormy life 193.12 — Too strange not to be tnie 193.13 FuLLOM(S. W. ) Daughti r of night . . . . 193.17 Fulton (Chandos). A brown stone front. A story of New York and S:iratoga 193.(14 Fur country. Vekne (J i 1144.10 FuRNESs (W. H. ) Julius, and other tales, from the German 193.19 Future life ; or, scenes in another world. Wood (G.) 264.43 G.abled honse. [Bates (L.)] l',i3.'-9 (E. ) Clique of gold 196.;'6 — File no. 113 196.38 — Mysteiy of Oreiv.ll 193.10 — Other people's money 196.37 — The widow Lei ouge 193.15 — Within an inch of his life 196. :'5 Gabriel, a story of Prague, [inmn.] . . , 193.28 G.abriel Conioy. Haicte (Bret) 216.42 Gabriel X'ane, his lortniie ai.d his friends. , 224.26 G.vbbielle Andre. Gould (S. Baring-). . . 195.40 Gage (-l/i-.-;. Frances Dana). Elsie Magoon. . 193.20 — Steps upward 193.27 Gail Hamilton, pseud. See Dodge (MissM. A.) Gain (The) of a loss. Yonge (CM.) . . . 265.64 Galama ; or, the beggars. De Lietde (J. B.) 176.20 Galate,v. Cervantes-Saaa'ei ira (M. de). . . 151.25 Galt (J. ) Annals of the parish, and the Ayrshire legatees 193.21 — Entail (The) 193.22 — Fiitiil whirtptT. The painter, a .Sicilian tale. The unguarded hoiu-. Book of lifu. /ii <;niB book 165.27 — ; or the tiaveller. /ft Cltjb book. 15.5. 'J7 Same. [In Little classics, v. 9.] 226.9(1 — Laurie Todd 193.23 — Pen Owen 193.24 — Provost (The), and other tales 193.25 <7on(pn(s ; The Provost. The Steamb .at. Tho Omen. — Sir Andrew Wyhe 193.26 ^ Steamboat (The) 193.37 Gambier (Mrs. J.) Holiday adventures ; or, the >Stret- tous' summer in Normandy 193.35 Gambler's wife. Grey (.Mrs. E. C.) . . » 211.60 Gardette (C. D.) Johnnie Dodge ; or, the idle boy • 194.01 Gardner (Celia E. ) Richard Medway's two loves. 195.21 — Tested ; or, hope's fruition 196.30 — A woman's wiles 196.32 Gardner (Mrs. II. C1 Glimp.scs of our lake regions in 1863, and other papers 196.29 Garibaldi ( Oen. G. ) Rule of the monk ; or. Rome in nineteenth century 193.36 Garret Van Horn. (J. S. ) . . . . 245.07 Garrett (Edward and Ruth), psrudim. See Mayo (ilfi-.«. IsabeUaF.) 193.31 Iu askiug for books, use the " Book Oivlei's," giving the AUTHOK'S N.\ME, the Bi'st iiail of tlio TITLIi, and Ibo NU.MBElt. 484 FICTION : Garstang Grange to Glimpses. Gabstanq Grange. Tbollope (T. A. ) . . . 261.84 Gasootke, the sandal wood trader. BAiiANiTNE at. M.I 131.21 GiSKELii (.iimieV A widow ofWindsor. . . 196.31 Gaskell (J//-5-. E. C.) Cousin PliilUa. . . . 19i.(l2 — Or.iu(ord ID-l.OJ — Dark night's work 194.01 — LzzisLdi^h, and other tales 194.U.J Coateiits : Bessie'a troubles at borne. Christmas stnvraa auil siiushiue. Coinp;vuy manuers. Disappeaiuuu-es. Hand aaa heart. Heart uf Joku Middletou. Libbie Marsh's three eras. Lizzie Leigh. Mr. Harrison's coui^-ssious. M^ntou Hall. My French master Old nurse's story, sixtou s hero. Squire's story. Traits and stones of the Uugueuots. Well of Peu-morfa. — Mary Barton 194.06 — Mao 1 land cottage 194.07 — My lady Ludlow 194.08 — North and south 194.09 — Eight lit last, and other tales 194.10 Contents ; Right at last. Manchester marriage. Lois the witch. Crooked branch. — Kuth. 2v 194.11 — Sylvia's lovers 194.13 — Wives and daughters 194.14 6.\SPAKIN (V. B., C''ee Bradley (W. J.) Gleanings from Germany ; specimtns of German ro- m-anee, by J. D. Haas 211.84 Gleig iG. R.)" Country curate 1 9-5. 12 Glen fKnellm. Isabel Carrolton 195.13 (}len Morris stories. See Wise (D.) .... 22'2.80 Glenn (Jessie), pseud. Cousin Paid. . . . 195.23 Glennair ; or, life in Scotland. Hazlett (H.) 212.75 Glenns (The). McConnell (.T. L. ) .... 224..53 Glimpse of the world. Sewell [Miss E. M.) '251.34 Glimpses of home life. Eiibury (E. C. ) . . 1S3.18 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRA.RX. FICTION : GUmpsea M Gray. 485 Glimpses of our lake rsgion in IXB;!, Gabdnkh (Mrs. H. C.) l'.)(i.2!l Glosy of the house of Israel ; a picture of Judaism. Stkaus3(F.) 251.28 Glover ( Mrs. C. H. G. ) See Jebtet ( .Vra. C. H. G. ) Gloverson and his silt-nt partners. Keeleu (R. ) 221.84 Go-ahead. C.^stlemon ( H. ) ir)2. 2i GoAKs aud tears, by M. Quad. " The DHroit Froe Press Man." With a centennial c.ih ndar. . . 10.5.39 GoBiMEAU (Count A. de). Tj'phaiue's abbey. . 19.5.28 Goblet. Tieck (L. von) 151.13 GoDDARD (Julia). Baffled, or Micha:^l Brand's wrong 193.31 — Se.irch for the Gral 195.32 GoDoLPHis. Bulwer-Ltttok (E. G. E. L., lord Li/tlon) 144.U Godwls (Ma'.y WoUstonecraft). AVrongs of women, or Maria ; a fragment. [/;i her Posthumous works. V. 1-2.] 5823.20 GoDwrx (Parke"!. V:da, a mythological tale. . r,)5. :i3 Godwin (W. ) Adventures of Caleb Williaais. 2v. 195.11 — Cloudesley 195.27 — Fleetwood, or new man of feeling. . . . 195. ICi Godwin (William, jr.) Trausfusion. . . . 195.17 Goethe (J. W. von). Elective affiaities. . . 195.22 — Novels and tales 195.18 Contents : Elective affinities. German emigrants. Good womau. Weither. — Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. Tr. by R. D. Boylan 195.19 ^ ^ Same. William Meister's apprenticeship and travels. Tr. by T. Carlyle. 2 v. 195.19 ; 5J2G.22 Goetbe and Schiller. Ml'hlb.ich (L.) [Mundt (C.)] 232.7G GoiSG and sous. By ' Monk.' [LuDonci (Louis)]. 22i.J3 Going ta the bad. Yate-s (E.) 2(i5.79 Goi.VG west. Optic I Oliver). [Adams (W. T.)] 113.15 Gold aud name. Schwartz (M. S. ) . . . . 244.!S9 Gold and dross. Garrett (Edward). . . . ]9(>.(ll Gold brick. Stephens (A. S.) 251.77 GOLD-B0G. PoE (E. \.) In Little classics, v. 12. . . 227.15 GoLDElsie. MARLrrT(E.) [JoHS(e.i] . . 225.40 Gold hunters in Europe. Thomes (W. H.) . 2til.21 Gjld hunter's adventures, or life iu Australia. Thomes (W.H.) 261.20 Gold of Caickaree. Wakneb (S. aji/J A.) . . 2(;ij.98 tioLD seekers, a tale of Californii. Aimard (G.) 111.13 Golde!j butterfly. By the author of ' ' Ready mouey Mortiboy."" 211.07 Golden cap, and other stories. De Liefds (Rev. J.) 223..S2 Golden hair. Weaxall (>7r C. F. L. 1 . . . 2i>5.10 Golden grain. Farjeon (B. L. ) 196.12 Golden legacy. [Moore (i//\«. H. J. )] . . . 195.29 CiOLDEN lion of Graudpere. Trollope (.V) . 21)1.76 Golden sorrow lAi. Hoet (Jilr.i. C.) ... 213.37 GoLDKN tress. Boisoobev (F. du). s . . . 177.04 Goldsmith (Cliristabel), pseml. See Smith (F. N.) Goldsmith (Oliver). 'The vicar of Wakefi-ld. 211.01 GoMERT of MoatgomJiy. A lit uily histoiy. Inmin.] 2 V. 211.02 Good-bye^ sweet-heart ! Beoughton (Rhoda). 142.31 Good fiTht aud other tales. Re.ade(C.) . . 242.16 Go )d genius (The I. Miyhew (H. ««<; .A.) . . 251.51 " Good luck. " Werner (E.) 263.96 Good (Tue) old time=!. Manning (J/i.«s .\.) . 224.97 Good stories. Pts. 1-2 211.03 CoiUtnts : Pt 1. TliB avpnaor. bv Dn Qiiiuoey. Peter Ooldtliwaite's treasure, by N. Hawtb'orne. Love ami •■ikutes, bj-T. Wintlirop. Tim defaulter, by T. HiWd. Coldstream, by H. 'Vau'„'liaii. Jladonua, bj- H. Spicer. 2. The metempsy- chosis, by n. Macuish. The uuinvited. The bellows- mender of Lyons Tiie small change family. The Scot- men 3 tale. The blacksmiths of Holsby. A "ijenitout con- fession. Goodwin-Talcott {Mrs. H. B.) Dr. Howell's family 211.12 — Fortunes of Miss FoUen 211.13 — Madge, or night and morning 211.09 — Slierbrooke. [anon.] 251.67 Goodwin (Edward). Lily Whitj ; a romance. 211.08 Goody gracious! aud the forget-me-not. Neal iJ.) Ill Little classics, v. 10 226.97 GoRDiAN knot. Brooke (Shirley) 142.23 Gordon (Clarence). [' Vieux Moustache.'] That good old time, or our fresh and salt tutor.5. . 2i;i.(16 — Boarding-schooldays r.l.'..:i7 G — Lucy A.dea ; or, Hollywood hall 211.90 — Marv of LoiTaine 211.92 — Oliver Ellis ; or, the fusiliers 211.93 — Philip l:ollo ; or, the Scottish musketeers. . 211.95 — ■ Romance of war 211.38 — • Scottish cavaher 211.39 — Second to none 216.07 — Secret dispatch ; or advcntnres of Captain Balgouie 216.11 — Shall I win her ? the story of a wanderer. . 216.13 — Yellow frigate, or the three sisters. . . . 211.98 Granville de Vigne. [Rame (L. d ■ la. ')] . . 172.18 Gr.antley manor. Fullerton (iiu/// G.) 2 v. 193.09 Grapes and thorns. By M. .\. T 211.05 G rattan (T. C.) Heiress of Bruges. 3 r. . 211.41 — A chance medley 235.95 — Julie Corrveur, a romance of the .\lp' . . 235.95 Gra\-es (i?^!'."R.) The spiritual Quixote. 3 v. 195.31 Gray (B.irry). See Coffin (R. B.) la asking for boots, use the '■ Book Order," giving tU© AUTHOU'.'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and t'ae NUMI3ER. 486 FICTION; Gray ini>N (Tlie). LovEK (.S.) In Little claasics. v. 9. . 22l>.9G Grif ; a story of Australian life. Farjeon (B. L. ) 2 V 191. :;9 Griffik (Gerald). Works, v. 1-7 211.73 1. Tlie collegians 2-4. Tales of the MUDSter festivals. 1. The rivals, and Tracy's aiubitiou. 2. The caril-drawer. The half-sir. The coiuer. . 3. Ayiiners of Bally-Aylmer. The huud aud word. Builder of Bautry, tie. fi. Tales of the jury-room. <}. The Duke of Rloumoutb. 7. Tales of the five senses. Christian physiologist. A uight at sea. — Mr. Tibbot OXeai-y. the curious. In Little classics, v. 5. 2213.87 — Wwaus of Lir. In Little classics, v. 1 2iB.S3 Griffith (Cecil). Victory Deane 216.00 Griffith Gaunt, or jealousy. Reade (C.) . . 242.17 Geimm (J. L. nnd W. K. ) German popular tales and household stories 185.23 • — Grimm's goblins 185.33 — German popular stories 185.29 Gringo (Harry), pseud. Sre Wise (Henry .\. ) Grumbler (The). Pickering (E. ) . ; . . 241.16 Gryll Grange. Peacock (T. L. ) 235.25 Same. \_Iu Pe.\cock (T. L.) Works, v. 2.] 5062.16 GOAEDiAN angel. Holmes (O. W.) . . . . 213.62 GuDRUN ; a stoi-y of the North Sea 211.94 Gueensey (L. E. ) Lady Betty's governess ; or the Corbet chronicles 216.19 — Lady Rosamond's book : second part of the Stanton Corbet chronicles . 216.18 — Mdly : or the hidden cross 212.00 GuERE.izzi (F. D, ) Beatrice Cenci. 2 v. . . 211.67 — Isabella Orsini. 211.66 — Manfred 211.72 GuELLETTE (T. S. ) Chinese tales. [In Novelist's mag. V. 5.] 233.56 — Tartarian tales. [Novelist's mag., v. 19.] . 233. '^0 GuLLDcouRT. MacDonald (G. ) 224.57 Guilt aad innocence. Schwaktz (M. S.) . . 244.91 Guilty or not guilty. Connah ( .1/re. K. E. ) . 211.85 Guizot (Madame F. C. P. de M.) Popular tales. 211.71 — Young student 211.70 Gulliver's travels. Swift (,T.) . . 5074.23 ; 254.49 GuN-bcat ser.os. See Castlemon (H. ) Gunn (T. B.) New York boarding houses. . . 212.04 GuNNAE : a taie of Norse life. Boyesen (H H.) 134.41 GuKNEY married. HooK(T.) 214.03.a Gus How.ard. Smith (J. F.) 251.94 GusTAVE Adolf ToPELros (Z.) 255,95 GusTAvus Liudorm. Caelen (E. F.) ... 145.39 GusTATus Vasa. Nieeitz(G. ) 233.81 GuTTA percha Willie . MacDonald (G.). . . 226.52 GuTZKOw (Karl). Through night to light. . 211.86 Gut Carlton. Lancewood (Lawrence ),psfi((Z. of AVise (D.) 222.80 Gut Dalesford. A. L. O. E. [Tuckee (C.)] . 121.25 Guy Deverell. LeFanuiJ. S.) 223.02 Guy Earlscourt's wife. Flemiko (M. A.) . . 192.16 Guy Fawkes ; or, the gunpowdtr tr.'ason. Ainswoeth (W. H.) 115.15 Guy Liviugstoiie; or thorough. Lawrence (G.A.) 222.53 Guy Maunering. Scott (i^irW.) 245.43 Guy Rivers ; a tale of Georgia. Snvnis (W. G.) 252.31 Gwendoline's harvest. Payn (James). . . 211.81 Gwynne (Talbot). Nannette nnd her lovers. . 212.02 — School for fathers ; an old English story. . 212.03 — Silas Bamstarke 212.01 Gypsies ot the Dane's dike. Phillips (G. S.) 241.13 Gypsy Breynt on. Phelps (E. S.) 241.04 Gypsy's cousiu Joy. Phelps (K. S. ) ... 241.05 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Phelps (E. S.) 241.07 Gypsy's year at the golden crescent. Phelpsj (E. S.) 241.06 H family. Bbemee (F.) 141.13 Haas (J. Dj Gleanings from Germany. . . 211.84 Habekmeister (The). Schmid (H. ) .... 244.86 Habbebton (John). Barton experiment. . . 132.22 — Helen's babies '..... 214.74 — Jericho road (The) 216.55 Hack(M. ) Winter evenings titles 211.87 Hacklandee (F. W. ) Behind the counter. . 211.96 — Clara ; or slave life in Europe 212.07 — Enchautiug and enchanted 211.97 Haddon hall (Evenings at) 152.13 H.1DEEMAN (J. R. ) Forgiven at last. . . . 211.99 H.adeem.ann (Janet H.) Heavy yokes. . . . 211.80 Hagaeene. Lawrence (G. A.) 224.17 HAHN-Hahn (Ida, coutitess). Endoxia ; a picture of the filth century 211.91 -Faustina 212.20 H.AJJi Baba iu England. Moeleb (J.) . . . 232.35 Hale (Edward E. ) Christmas eve aud Christmas day. Ten Christmas storifs 212.90 — His level best, and other.stories 212.93 ' Brick mooo. I'.iiilitieiice. His level best. Moiierii Sinbad. If, yes, and perhaps ; possibilities, etc. Coutails. Contents. i Mouse aud lion. Queen of Calitoriiia. I Tale of a sa auiauder. Water tall!. 212.93 Children of the public. Cliristiuas waits iu Boston. Last of the Florida. Last voyage of the Resolu- tion. Man without a country. My double and how ho undid me. Old and new, face to face. Piece ot p(>ssiVile tiistory. Slicletou in the closet. South Amei-icau eiUtor. BROOKLYN MEECASTILE LIDHARy. FICTION : Hale lo Harveys. 487 — In his name. 3ded 21-2.96 — Ingbum papers 215.05 Cmtlnifs : Ilnw Mr. Fryo would bavo p'-L^achftl it. Monioir nl" (Vipt. I'Vdll lughaiu. Hi;;iii;in .tiiil ijiu'w iriian. Uoiliid the wot-Ill ill u hark, r.iiil Jouori an I Duulii Duval. Daily broad. Ditl ho tako tbo priuoo to riilo? Diimor spoakiti^^. Frieruls' moisting. GoDii Hooioty. Good uatiirod peudulmii. — Mao without a cimntry. (/ii nc lalca.) . . . 121.04 Saiue. In LrrrLE cla-*su's. v. 1 2'.iO.H;J — ■ My doable aud bow be uudid me. [lu Atlantic tales. V. 1.) IJi.Ol — Our new crusalj. A temi^ei'iince story. . 212.SG — Piiilip Njlau's friends : it story of tUe change of ■western empire 214.8! — Skolotoii iu tbo closet. \!ii Littli5 classics, v. 5.J . . 226 87 — Sybaris and Other homes 212.91 — Ten times one is ten 212.92 — Ups and downs 212.94 HALE(.l/m-L. P.) The struggle for life. . . 254.32 Hax,e (,1/ra. Sarah J. ) North wood 212.17 — Sketches of American character 216.'J2 H.vLF a million of money. Edwards (A. B.) 2 v. 182.24 Half sisters. .Tewsbuuv (J/i.v.s- G. E. ) . . . 221.20 Halibuutom (T. C. ) The Americans at home ; or, bye- ways, backwoods, and prairies : [a selection of tales and sketches, by .Vmer. authors]. 3 v. 212.08 — Letter bag of the Great Western 212.80 — Sam .Slick, the attache. . . ' . . . . 212.12 — Sam Slick, the clockruaker 212.11 — Sam Slick's wise saws and modern instances. 212.16 ■ — Traits of American humor ; by native authors. 3v 212 13 Hall (Clara Oakey). Sweet bells jingled ; a dramatic love tale 216.24 Hall (James). Legends of the west. . . . 212. 19 Hall (R. R. ) Frank Freeman's barber-shop. . 212.18 H.ALL (J/r.s. S. C. ) Can wrong be right ? . . 212.21 — Midsummer eve ; a fairy tale of love. . . 212.22 ■ — Tales of woman's trials 212.2.5 — Village garland : tales and sketches. . . . 212.23 — Whiteboy ; a story of Ireland 212.24 Hall and the hamlet. Howitt iW.) 2 v. . . 214.27 Hallek (A. voni. Usong ;an Orieutal history. 212.83 Hat.lig (The), or the sheepfold in the waters. Bier- N.VTZKt (J. G. ) Tr. by .Mrs. Marsh. . . 231.18 Halpine (C. G. ) Life and adventures, songs, services, and .speeches of private Miles O'Reilly. . 214.83 — Private Miles ReiUy ; his book 212.26 — Baked meats of the funeral 212.27 Halves. Payn (.J.) 235.151 Hamel, the Obeah man. [anon.] 2 v. . . . 212.28 Hajiebton (P. G.) Harry Blouijt 216.28 — Wenderholme ; a story of Lancashire and York- shire 212.97 Hamilton {Mrs. C. V. Dakin). Behind the veil. [unoji.] 133.24 — Constance Lyndsay, or the progress of error. lation.] 163.03 — Crown from the spear, [ano/i.] .... 165.40 — Ropes of sand, lanoii.] 214.84 — Six months henca ; passages from the life of Maria (nee) Secretan. Innon.] 251.77 — Woven of many threads, [anon.] . . . 264.84 H.iMiLTON (E. ) Letters of a Hinlo) nijah. . 216.26 H.4MILT0N (Gail), pseud. .Se Dodge (M. A.) HaM[lton(T.) CyrUThorutm 212.30 H.amley (E. B. ) Lidy Lee's widowhood. . . 212.32 Hvm.mer and anvil. Spielh-Igen (F. ) . . . 253.9S H.AMMETT (S. A.) Str.iy Yankee in 'fexas. By Philip Paxton, [pfie.ud.] 212.34 — Woud^rfal adveutur.>s of Captain Priest. . 212.31 Hammond (William A.) Robert Severne. . . 212.33 Hampde)J (Allen). Hartley Norman. . . . 212.35 HAMpro.-j Heights. Siarbuck iC.) .... 2.53.64 Hancock (S. J. ) Etna Vandemir ; a romance of Ken- tucky •. 214.93 — The Montanas ; or nnder the stars. . . . 212.36 Hand and glove. Edwards (A. B.) . 1S2.2G ; 182.27 H.\ND but not the heart. Arthur (T. S.) . ; 123.08 Hand of Ethelberta. H.akdy(T.) 21G.38 Handel and Haydn. Barnard (C.) .... 15C1.2.5 Handley (^ross ; or, Mr. Jorrock's hunt. [Subtees (R. S.l] 212.38 Hands not hearts. Wilkinson (J. A. ) . . . 264.01 HvNDsoME Lawrence. [Dudevant (\. L. \. D. )] 175.61 H.VNDY Andy. LnvER (Samuel) 224.211 Hankins (''"'.) Dacota land 212. :!7 JLvNN.vH Thurston ; a story of American life. Tay^lou (B.) 205.15 Hannay (Davidl. Ned Allen ; or, the past age. 212.39 Hannay (James). Singleton Fontenoy. . . 212. H) H.vns Brinker; or, the sdver skates. Diukse (M.E.) 17.5.19 Hans of Iceland. Hugo (V.) 214..M) Happy boy. Bjobnson (B. ) 133.30 Happy-thought hall. Buknand (F. C. ) . . . 145.22 Hippy thoughts. Bubnand (F. ('.) . . . . 145.23 Harbour bar, a tale of Scottish life. [Phillips (,!//■<. J.)] 212.79 Hard cash. Re.ide (C.) 242.23 Hard-scrabble of Elm Island. Kellogg (E.) 221.99 H.ARD times. Dickens (C.) M'ilh /li.v New stories. 174.04 Same. iri//t Ai.s Barnaby Rudge. . . . 173.16 ILvRDENBERG (F. von). ['Novalis.'] Henry of Ofter- dingen 212..'i4 Hardy (Lmly —). Daisy Nichol 212.41 H.vRDY (T. ) Desperate remedies 216.36 — Far from the madding crowd 216.37 — Hand of Ethelberta 216.38 — A pair of blue eyes 216.35 — Under the greenwood tree 216.34 Hare (R. ) Standish ; a stoi-y of onr [civil war]. 253.62 H.ARLAND (Marion), tyee Terhune (^M. V. H.) Harley (A. J.) Young Crusoe 212.78 Harold ; or the last of the Saxon kings. Bulwer- Lytton (E. G. E. L., ?oi(/ 7.j/«o»). . . . 144.12 Harold Tracy : or, pliases ot life. Smith (J. F.) 252.97 Harp of a thousand strings, etc. 212.42 H.ARPEK establishment. Abbott (J.) Harper's story books, v. 4 216.95 Harrington (George F.), pxeud. See Baker (Wm. F. ) Harrington (John). Commonwealth of Oceana. 57'i8.02 Harrington. Edoeworth (Maria). Novels, v.l7. 182.19 Harrington girls. Winthrop (Sophy). . . . 266.89 Harris (George W.) Sut Loviugood. . . . 212.45 H.ARRis (.1//S. Miriam Cole). Frank Warrington. 161.21 — Lonie's last term at St. Mary's. .' . . . 161.22 — Perfect Adonis " 161.28 — Richard Vandermarck Iii4.27 — Roundhearts and other stories 1(11.23 — Rutledge 161.24 — St. Philips 161.25 — Sutherlands 161.26 HiRRY Ashton. Smtih (J. F.) 2.52.99 Harry and Lucv. Edgeworth (Maria). 2 v. 182.03 H.ARRY B'.onnt. " Hamerton (P. G.) .... 216.28 Harry Coverdale's courtship. Smedley i F. E. ) 252.70 Harry Heatbcote of Gangoil ; a tale of Australian bush life. Trollops (A.) 261.78 Harry (Sir) Hotspur. Trollope (.\.) . . . 261.74 Harry Lee ; or hope for the poor 212.46 Harry Lorrequer. Lever (C.) 223.34 H.ARKY Ogilvie; or the black dragoons. Grant (.J.) 211.37 Harry Skipworth. Kingston (\V. H. G.) . . 222.96 Hart (Gerald), pseud .See Ir\tsg (T. J.) . . 212.77 Hakt (Joseph C.) Miriam Coffin, or the whale-fisher- man 214.85 Haute (F. Bret). Condensed novels, and other papers 212.47 — Gabriel Conroy 216.42 — Luckjof Roiiring Camp, and other sketches. 212.44 — Mrs. Skagg's husbands, and other sketches. 212.72 — Tales of the Argonauts, and other sketches. 212.73 — Tbankftd. blossom. A romance of the Jerseys. 1779 216.43 — Two men of Sandy bar : a drama 214.17 Hartley Norman ; a tale of the times. Hampden (A.) 212.35 H.ARTM.ANN (M.) Last days of a king. [Murat.] 212.49 Hartmann(T.) Charity Green 212.50 Hautwell farm. Caxton (Laura) 152.34 IIarveys (The). Kingsley (H.) 226.06 Iu askiug for booka. use the " Book Oiiers," giving tbe AUTHOR'S NAME, the Scst part of tUs TITLE, aud tbo KUMBER. 488 FICTION : Harwood to Helcisa. Harwood. Coulsos (J. G. A.) 212.-18i Hasheesh eater. Ludlow (F. H.) .... 221.40 Haste aud waste ; or the young pilot of Lake Cbam- plaiu. Adams (W.T.) 112.21) ILwroN (Joseph). Christopher Kenrick. . . 212.70 — Clytie. A novel of uio.lera life 214.98 — The TaUauts of Birton 212.C9 HauchcJ. C. ) Robert Fulton, an hist, novel. 212. 48 HAUfF(W.) Salect popular tales 212.51 Contents : The caravan. The colJ heart. The sheik of Alexandria and lii3 slave,?. Legend of the HirscligiUdeu. Portrait of the emperor. The giuudwiuscl dancer. Haunted crust. S-aunders (K. ) 2-1-5.01 Haunted hearts. Cu.\imins lil. S.) .... 171.11 Haunted homesteatl,c(c.SourHWOKTH (E.D.E.N.) 253.32 Haunted mau. Dickens (C.) Christmas books. 173.22 Haunted tower. Wood (.!//■.?. H. ) .... 2(U..57 Haven (Alice B. Neal). The Coopers ; or getting under way. 212.52 — Home stories 212.53 — Loss and gaia ; or, Margaret's home. . . 212.85 HiwEcs (H. R.) Pet; or pastimes and penalties. 214.91 Hawksview. Lee (Holme). [Pakr(H.)]. . 222.63 HiwsER Mirtiugale, psemi. See Sleeper [3. S.) HvwrHjKNE (Julian). Bressant 212.68 — Idolatry ; a romance 212.76 Hawthorne (Nath.iniel). Blithedale romance. 212.55 — Birthmark (The). [In Little classics, v. 8.| . . . . 22B.95 — - — . Same. lu tiis Moasea from au old mauee. . . . 212.59 — David Swan. [In LrxrLE cla^^sies, v. 4.] 226. 8(i Same. In ttis Twice-told tales, v. 1 212.6* — Ethan Brand. In LirrLB classics, v. 1. .... . 226.83 , — — Same. In his Snow image 212.62 — House of the seveu gables 212.56 — Mxrble fauu; or, romauca of Moato Bcni. 2 v. 212.57 — Mosses from au old manse. 2 v 212.59 Contents. Monsieur dn Miroir. v. 1. Mew Adiini and Eve, v. 2. Old apple de.iler, v. 2. Old manse, v. 1. P"8 correspondence, v. 2. Pass iges from a relmqnished work, v. 2. Rappa.-cini's daughter, v. 1. Roger Mai v die 3 burial, v. 2. Select party, v. 1. Sketches frmn memory, v. 2. Procession of life, v. 1. Virtnoso's collection, v. 2. Young Goodman Brown, v 1. Artist of the beautiful, v. 1. Birthmark, v. 1. Buds and bird voices, v, 1. Celestial railroad, v. 1. Christmas b.mquet. v. 2. Drowne'B wooden image, v. 2. Earth's holocaust, v. 2. Egotism; or the bosom serpent, v. 2. Feathertop : a moralized legend. Fire worship, v. 1. Hall of Fantasy, v. 1. Int -Uigence office, v. 1, Mrs. Bulll'rog, v. 1. — Scarlet letter 212.61 — Septimius Felton 212.67 — Suow image, and other twice-told tales. . 212.62 Bell's biography (.\). Canterbury pilgrims. Devil in manuscript. Ethan Brand. Great stone face. John Itiglefleld's thauksgiv^ Contents. Man ot adamant an .ipologue. Old news. 1. 2. The <-dd French war. 3. The old tory. Old Ticonderoga : a picture of the past. Snow image; a child sh miracle. Sylph Etherege. Wives ot the dead. Little Daflfydowndilly. Maiu-street. Major Molinoux. — Tanglewood tales, for girls aud boys. . . 212.63 Contents. Circe's palace. I Minotaur (The). Dragon's teeth. Pomegranate seeds. Golden fleece. | Pygmies (The). — Twice-told tales. 2v 212.64 . 1. Contents. Ambitious guest. V. 2. Chippings from a chisel, v. 2. David Swan, v. 1. Dr. Heidegger's experiment, V. 1. ' Edward Fane's rosebud, v. 2. Eudicott aud the red cross, v. 2. Fancy's show box, v. 1. Footsteps on the sea shore, v. 2. Gentle buy, v. 1. Gray champion, v. 1. Great carbuncle, V. i. Haunted mind, v. 2. Hollow of the three hills, v. 1. Legends of the Province house, V. 2. 1. Howe's masiqnerado. 2. Edward Raudolplifci portrait 3. Lady Kleanore s mantle. i. Old Esther Dudley. Little Annie s ramble, v. 1. May-pole of Merry .Mount, v. 1. Minister's black veil. v. 1. Mr. Higgenbotham's catastro- phe, V. 1. Night sketches, v. 2. Peter Goldthwaite's treasOTes, v. 2. Prophetic pictures, v. 1. RiU from the town pump, V. 1. Seveu vagabonds, v. 2. Shaker bridal, v. 2. Sights from a steeple Sister's years, v. 2. Snowflakes (The,, v. 2. Sunday at home. v. 1. TuU-gatherer's day, v. 1. — Wonder book for girls and boys. Contents. Bald-summit. Paradise of children Village uncle, v. 2. Vision of the fountain, Wakelielil, v. 1. Wedding knell, v. 1. White old maid, v. 2. 212.66 Shadow brook. Tanglewood fiieside. Tanglewood play-room. Tanglewood porch. Three golden apples. Chimara (The). (iulilcn apples. iii'Iilen touch. Gorgon's head. Hill side (The). Miraculous pitcher. H.iY (Elzey), pseiid. See Andrews (Fanny). Hay (Mai-y Cecil). Arundel motto 216.31 — Hidden perils 211.82 — Niira's love test. 216.32 — Old Myddelton's money 212.81 — Squire's legacy 212.71 — Victor and vanquished 212.74 Haytime (From) to hopping. [Coulter (J/m'\] 165.13 Hazlett (Helen). ['M. H. Tatem.'] Gleunair ; or, life in Scotland 212.75 — Heights of Eidelberg 254.78 He Cometh not, she said. Thomas (Anuie). . 255.73 He knew he was right. Tkollope (A.) . . . 261.72 He would be a gentleman ; or, treasme trove. Lo-vee (S.) 224.33 Head of the family. Ckatk (D. M. Muloch). . 232.48 Headless horseman ; a strange tale of Texas. Reid (Ctipl. Mayne) 242.49 Headlong hall and Nightmare abbey. Peacock (T. L.) 235.26 Heads of the people ; or, portraits of the English. 2 V 2535.12 Headsman (The). Cooper (J. F.) 163.24 Healey : a romance. Fothekgill (J.) . . . 216.41 Healy (M. ) Lakeville; or, substance and shadow. 212.88 Heart and cross. Oliphant (J/)'.s\ M. O. W.) 234.11 Heart hungry. Westmoeeland (M. J.) . . 2U3.98 Heart (The) of Mabel Ware. [«)/on.] . . . 213.63 He.aet of Mid Lothian. Scott [Sir Walter). . 245.46 Hearts and faces ; or, home life unveiled. Cp.eyton (P.) [Trowbridge (J. T.I ] 262.11 Hearts and hands. Reh) {Chri.stian). . . . 242.80 Hearts and homes. Ellis {Mrs. S. S. ) . . 183.08 Heartsease. Yovcn (Miss C. M.) 2 v. . . 265.35 Heathens of the heath. McDonnell (W.) . 227.35 Heavenward led. Sommers i J. R. ) .... 253.84 HE.IVY yokes. Hadermann (J. H. ) .... 2I1.«0 Hector O'Halloran. Maxwell (W. H.) . . 231.45 Hedged in. Phelps (E. S.) 235.42 Heidelberg. James (G. P. R.) 215..57 Heights of Eidelberg. ^Tatem (M. H.), pseml. of Hazlett (Helen) 254.78 Heidenmalier. Cooper (J. F.) 163.25 Heir expectant. [«?iO».] 212.84 Heib of Mabeward ; or, restored. By the author of 'Sou and heir.' 214.94 Heir of Wast-Wayland. Ho\\itt (M.) . . . 214.22 Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge ( J/is.v C. M. ) 2 v. 265.37 Heir to Ashley. Wood (.Ur.s. H.) .... 264.58 Heiress, an antobiogiaphy. Stephens (A. S.) 253.68 Heiress of Bruges. (T. C.) 3 v. . 211.41 Hexress of Greenhurst. Stephens {Mr.-i. A. S.) 253.68 Heiress of Haughton. Marsh-Caldm-eia (.Vi',s'.A.) 231.16 Held in bondage. Ouida. [Rame (L. de lal.] 172.18 Helen. Edgeworth (Maria). Novels, v. 19. 182.20 Helen and Arthur. Hentz (J/c.s-. C. Lee). . 213.09 Helen Courtenay's promise. [Jervey {Mrs. C. H. G. )] 195.24 Helen Ford. Alger (H., jc.) 121.12 Helen Gardiner's wedding-day ; or Colonel Floyd's wards. Habland (Marion) 255.31 Helen Ethinger. Whittlesey {Mrs. E. L. ) . 263.82 Helen Fleetwood. Tonna {Mrs. C. E. ) Works, V. 1 5076.13 Helen's 'babies. Habberton (J.) 214.74 Helena's household ; a tale of Rome in the first cen- tury. [Charles (JTre. E.)] 212.82 Heloisa'; or, the unrevealed secret. Robinson (T. A. V. J.) 243.42 BKOOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBKARI FICTION : Heloise lo Hoffinan. 489 Heloise [&Ky;.s-/t Eloisrt]. Rousseau (J. J.) 2H.31 Hklping himd series. iVc Nowell (H. P. H. ) '2'25. 1'J Helps (Arthur). Casimir Maremma. . . . 213.(11 — Ivan de liiron, or the Russian court in tlio middle of the last century 213.01 -Roalmih 213.0.J Helvas, kuigbt of the Swan. In Tuojis (\V. J. ) Early En;.^lish romances, v. 3.] 2(il.22 Henrietta Temple. Disraf.ti (B.1 .... 175.01 HaNKT(C. S. ) Doctor Oldham at Greystones. 212.87 Henuy Cou'tland. Oline (A. J.) 15.1.3'1 Henky De La Tour, or the comrades in arms. Smith (J. F.) . 251.81! Hekry vra. and his court. MiJHLB.icH (L.) . 232.75 Henry De Pomeroy, or the eve of St. John. Bray (Mr.f. A. E.) 141.37 Henry Esmond. Thackeray (W. M.) . . . 255. 3'J Henry Masterton. James (G. P. E.) . . . 215.59 Henry Miln.!r. Sherwood ( M. M. ) Works, v. 1 and 15 252.01; 2.52.15 Henry of Guise. James (G. P. K.) .... 215.,"j8 Henry of Ofterdingen. Hardenberci (F. von). 212.51 Henry Powers. Kimball (R. B.) . . . . 221. 6S Henry St. John, gentleman ; a tale of 1774-75. Cooke (J. E.) 163.11 Hentz (Mm. Carolina Lee). — Aunt Patty's scrap bag 213.18 — ISanisUed sou, and other t;iles of the heart. 213.13 — Courtship and marriage 213.0G — Eoline 213.07 — Liuw.ood 213.08 — Helen aud Arthur 213.09 — Linda ; or, the young pilot 213.10 — Lost daughter 213.11 — Love after marriage 213.17 — Marcus Warland. 213. 12 — Planter's northern bride 213. 1-t — Rena ; or, the snow-bh-d 213.1.') — Robert Graham ; a s^quelto Linda. . . . 213. U! Her dearest foe. Alexander ( J/r.v. ) .... 115.35 Her tacj was her fortune. Robinson (F. W. ) 213.71 Her lord aud master. Florence Marryat. [Church (Mrs. Ross.)] 151.25 Her majesty the queen. Cooke (J.E.) . . . 1H2.27 Her two selves (Lois Carroll ; or). Vance (S.S.) 206.72 Herbert Carter's legacy. Algeh (H., j;-. i . . 122.47 Herbert (H. W.) Cavaliers of England. . . 213.23 — Chevaliers of France 213.26 — Cromwell 213.00 — Frank Forester's sporting scenes and characters, 2 v. 41)17.19 V. 1. My shooting box. The deer etalkera. v. 1. AVarwick woodland. Quorudou bounds. — Knights of England, Prance and Scotland. . 214.78 — Marmaduke Wyvil 213.19 — Roman traitor ; or, the days of Catiline. . 213.21 — Wager of battle 213.22 Here aud hereafter. Athern (Annie). . . . 124.02 Heretic (The). LAJETCHNiKorF ( — ). Tr. from the Russian 222.42 HEREW.uiD, the last of the English. Kingsley(C.)221.70 Herman; or young knighthood. Foxton (E.) pseud. of Palfrey ( J7is,s S. ) 2v 234.45 Herm-an Agha. Palgrave (W. G.) .... 234. G8 Hero (A), etc. Craik (D. M. Muloch). . . . 232.47 Hero aud martyr. Reade (C.) 242.71 Hero Carthew. Parr(L.) 235.55 Hero of the pen. Werner (E.) 2(53.90 Heroes (The) ; Greek fairy fciles. Kingsley(C.) 221 76 Heroes of Asgard. Keary (.\. niidE.) . . . 212. S9 Hesperus ; or thirty-five dog-post days ; a biography. RicHTER (J. P. F.) 2v 243,12 Hester Howard's temi^tation. Warfield {Mrs. C. A.) 2()2.60 HE.STER Kirton. Macquoid (K. S. ) .... 22li.54 Husteb Morley's promise. Siretion (Hesba), pseud, of SMrrH(H.) 255.91 Hester Strong's life work. Southwobth {Mrs. S. A.) 253.85 Hetty. Kinosley (Henry) 222.08 Heygate {Rev. W.E.) The scholar and trooper. 213.21 Heyse (Paul). Dead lake and other tab's. . . 212.95 — Lonely ones 225.70 Hkywood (J. C.) How will it end ? .... 213.30 IlicKLiNu (W.) Rector of Roxburgh, a story. 213.97 Hickory Hall ; or the outcast Southwobth {Mrs.) , . 2.53.33 Hidden depths, [annn.] 213.28 Hidden path. H.uilaxd (Marionj. pseud, oj Terhune Mrs.) 2.').5.22 (-1 Hidden perils. Hay (M. C.) 211 82 Hidden sin (The). [Browne (Frances.)! . . 213.29 Hidden siu. Sequel to ' ' The dethroned heiress. " DupuY(E. A.) 181.43 Hide and seek. Collins (W.) . . . . ^ . 102.07 Hioginson (T. \V.) Malbone 213.32 — Oldport days. . 213.98 IIiGGLEDY-piggledy. Knatchbull-Hugessen (E. H.) 186.29 High mills. Saunders (K.) 215.96 High life in New York. Suck (J., iii/.) 2 v. 213.31 HiGHAM(M. R.) Athol. [anon.] .... 214.95 — Cloverley 211.97 Higher law. [Maitland (E.)] 213.76 Highland widow. Scott (.sic Walter). . . . 245.29 HiLA Dart ; a bom romp. Mumford (M. E.) . 232.95 HiLDRED, the daughter. Crosland (iViA-. N.) . 105.32 Hell and the valley. Maetineau (H. ) lilus. of pol. econ., v. 1 231. '.i? HiLLERN (W. von). By his own might. . . 213.78 — Geier-Wally : a tale of the Tyrol 214. 75 — Only a girl 213.77 — Two-fold life 213.76 Hti.i.iard (H. W.) De Vane ;a story of plebeians and patricians 213.33 Hills (Alfred C.) Macphcrson, the great confederate philosopher 213.34 Hillsboro' Farms. Cobb (S. D.) 155.31 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner (Susan). . 263.05 Hillyars aud Buitons. Kingsley (H. ) . . . 222.03 Hilt to hilt. Cooke (J.E.) I(i2.25 Hindoo rajah (Letters of a). Hamilton (E.) . 210.26 Hirell. Sapndees (J.) 245.06 His level best, and other stories. Hale (E. E.) 212.93 His marriage vow. Corbin (J/rs. C. F.) . . 105.31 His natural life. Clarke (M.) 155.05 His two wives. Ames (M. E.) 114.29 His young wife. Smith (Julia P.) .... 2.")4.79 History and pleasant chronicle of little Jehau de Saittie. Salle (A. de la) 222.79 History and records of the Elephant Club. [Thomp.son (JI. Jl) 261.43 History of female favourites 213.39 History of my friends ; home life with animals. ACHAKD(E.) 114.31 History of my ptts. Greenwood (Grace). [Lippincott {Mrs.)] 223.85 History of Pompey the little ; or the life aud adven- tures of a lap-dog. Coventry (F.) . . 165.14 History of Sanford and Meitou. Day (T.) . 172.09 Hita (G. F. de). Civil wars of Granada. . . 213.79 HrrcHCocK (E. A. ) The story of the red book of Appin ; a fairy tale of the middle ages 213.25 Hitherto. Whitney ( J/c.v. A. D. T. ) . . . 2(33.03 Hive of the bee-hunter. Thorpe (T B. ) . . 261.34 Ho.aryhead and M'Donncr. Abbott (J. ) . . 3513.04 Hoddeb (Edwin). Lost in Paris 213.70 — Tossed on the wave.s 213.69 Hoey (il/i'.9 Cashel). Blossomin..; of an aloe. 213.27 — Blau in the reservoir. In Little classics, v. 4. . . 226.86 — A golden sorrow 213.37 — A house of cards 213.35 Hofer (Edmnnd). Old countess 213.40 Hoffman (C. F. ) Greyslaer ; a romance of the Mohawk 213.36 — Wdd scenes in the forest. 2v 1122.18 (David). Chronicle of Cartaphilus. 446.26 Hoffmann (C.T. A.) Mapter Flea. . ". . . 151.11 Hoffmann (E. T. W.) Strange stories ; from the German 213.38 — Madame do Scndori. [In Holceaft (U.) Tales from the Gor- man.] 213.83 Ja asking for boots, use th« " Book Order," giving tUo AUTUOR'.S NAME 'the flrst j>art of the TITLE, aud the KTJSIBER. 490 FICTION : Hoffman to Household. — Master Martia aud his workmen. [In Beauties of German lit. 1847.) 133.0a — The saudmaii. Tlie elementary spirit. The Jesuit's chiir2 — Iris. /» Little classics, v. 7 226.89 — Professor at the breakfast table ; with the story of Iris 2532.11 Holt (E. S.) Ashcliffe hall : a tale of the last century 213.80 — Isoult Barry, of Wynscote : a tale of the Tudor times 213.67 — Mistress Marjory 213.81 — Robin Tremaine, a tale of the Marian persecu- tion 213.82 — Wbite rose of Langley : a story of the court of Eugliind in the oldeu time 213. '.i9 Holt (J. S.) Abraham Page, Esq. [a7um.] . 111.43 — What I know about Ben Eccles 211.4! Home. Leland (A. ) ■.'2''. 11 Home (The). Bremer (Fredrika) lit. '21 Home as found. Cooper (J. F.) 16 (.27 Home at Greylock. Prentiss (J/cs. E.) . . 246.16 Home iuiluonce. Aguilar (Grace) 1 14. 03 Home in the valley. Caelen (E. F.) ... 145. 40 Home life ; or, a peep across the threshold. Soule (Afrs. C. A.) 253.19 Home memories. Brock(Mc.s. C. A.) . . . 142.07 Home narratives : or, stories from "Household words." 213.64 Home nook ; or, the crown of duty. DonGL\s (A. M.) 176.33 Home scenes. Arthur (T.S.) 123,12 Home seines and heart studies. Agullae (Grace). 114.04 Home stories. Haven (A. B.) 212.53 Homes abroad. Martineau (H. ) Illustrations of pol. economy, v. 4 231.30 Homestead on the hillside. Holmes (.1/re.M J. ) 213. 52 Homeward bound. Coopee (J. K. ) . . . . 103.26 Honest John Vane. De Forest (J. W. ) . . 176.37 Honey-moon (The). Medina-Pomar {0)n/i( de). 235.71 Honob Bright ; a romance, by the author ot Malbrook. [anon.'i 213.68 Honob May. Baetol(M.) 213.65 Hood (Thomas). Tyhiey Hall. . . 213.66 ; 5044.30 Hood (Tom). Essence of fun 213.K7 — Comic annual for 1870 213.86 — Love and viilor 213.91 — Rates aud taxes, and how collected. . . . 241.87 Hook (J.) Pen Owen 241.01 Hook (Theodore). All in the wrong. . . . 214.01 — Choice humorous works . 213. 02 — Cou-sin William 214.02 — Father.^ and sons 214.00 — Gilbert Gurney 214.03 — Gurncy married 214.03a — Jack Brag 214.07 — Maxwell 214.04 — Parson's daughter •... 214.05 — Widow and the marquess 214.00 HoosiEE schoolmaster. Eggleston (E.) . . 184.26 Hope (Asiott Robert), pseiul. See Moncbieff (R. H. ) Hope (Stanley). A new Godiva. . . . . . 216.75 Hope (Thomas). Anastasius ; or memoirs of a Greek. 2 V 214.08 ; 214.67 Hope and have ; or, Fanny Grant among the Indian,s. Optic (OUver). [Adams (W. T.)] . . . 112. '21 Hope deferred. Pollabd (E. F.) 241.23 Hope Meredith. Tabor (E.) 251.69 Hopiis and fears. Yonge ( Ms.s- C. M. ) 2 v. . 265.39 Hopkins (EUice). Rose Turquand 214.48 Hopkins (Samuel). Youth of the old dominion. 214.10 Horace Templeton. Lever (Charles). . . . 223.41 HoEKORS of Paris ; a stquel to the Mohicans of Paris. Dumas(A.) 181.17 Horseshoe Robinson. Kennedy (J. P.) . . 221.59 HoBTENSE (Queen) : an historical novel. Muhlbach (L.) 232.77 HoBTENSE Mancini (Mademoiselle fifty millions ; or). Dash {La 171.51 HoETON (3//-S. M. B.) Wife's messengers. . . 214.11 HosMEE (James K. ) The thinking bayonet. . 214.14 HosMEE (J//-S. Margaret). Blanche Gilroy. . 214.17 — The Morrisons ; a sto; y of domestic life. . 214.12 — Ten years of a lifetime 214.13 HoTspuB : a tale of the old Dutch manor. Walwoeth (M. T) 262.49 Hostages to fortune. Bbaddon (M. E.) . . 141.05 HouB and the man [Toussaint I'Ouverture]. M.ujtineau (H.) 3v 231.24 House and the brain. Bulwer-Lytton (E. G. E. L.) In Little classics, V. 2 226.84 House by the churchyard. LeFanu(J. S. ) . 2'23.()3 House in town. Sequel to "Opportunities." [Waenee (Susan).] 263.15 House of cards. HoEY(Jfrs. C. ) 213.35 House of the seven gables. H.iwthorne (N.) 212.56 House of Yorke. By M. A. T 215.00 House on the Moor. Oliphant {Mrs. M. O. W.) 2;i4.12 House on wheels. Stoltz {Mine, de), psemL of Begon { 253.00 House with spectacle."?. Robinson (L. B.) . . 243.85 Household angel in disguise. Baker {Mrs. H. N. W.) 131.24 Household of Bouverie. Wabfield {Mrs. 0. A. ) 2 v. 26-2.01 Household of Sir Thomas More. Manning {Miss A.) 2-25.30 Household stories from the livnd of Hofer. . 186.12 ^BOOKllVN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. F I C T I O In : Housekeeper lo Inez. 491 II )UiEKHEi>EU (51. E.) My husband's crime. . 211.1.') II iw ft brkle \v:i,s won. GeiistXceek (F. ) . . 194.21 How Charley Koberts becamj a man. Thuuston (L. M.) 2i;!.7r. IIowcnil,lbebel;)it? EoE (A. S.) . . . . 211.01 Hjw E.a Ilibin-ts gained her education. Tiiuks- Tos (L. M. ) 213. 7C. Iliwhodiait. DupuT(E. A.) 181. .10 11 iw ho won her. Southwoktu (,Uc.s-.E. D.E.N.) 2jI1.1i1 How 1 ni;uia:;ed luy children from intimcy to marriage. Wauuen (Mis.) 262.85 Hjw it all happined. Pabb(L. ) 235.53 How Marjorv helped. CaroluM.) .... ]45.2t) H )W will it end ? Hetwood (J. C.) .... 213.30 HowvKD (Hlauche "Wyllys). One summer. . 234.41 Hjivaud(E. ) Sir Henry Morgan 211.16 Hliwakd aid bis teacher. Bakek (Mr.f. H. N. W.) 131.05 Hjwe (.Mary A.) Merchant mechanic ; a tale of "New England Athen.s." 214.18 Howe (W. W.) Pasha papers 211.19 HowELLS (W. D.) A chance acquaintance. . 213.95 — Foregone coucliisiou 213.96 — Parlor car : farce 216.79 — Komance in real life. In Little classics, v. 4. 226.86 — Their wedding journey 213.94 HowiTT (Anna Mary). A school of life. . .. 214.20 Ho WITT (Mary). Heir of Wast-Wayland. . ". 214.22 — ■ Oar cousins in Ohio 214.25 — Til'siu 214.23 — Who shall be greatest ? 214.24 — Work and wages ; or, life in service. . . 214.34 — (trannlator). S'e Citizen of Prague. . . . 155.01 HowiTT (Wm.) Boy's adventures in Australia. 1061.21 — Hill and the bamlgt. 2v 211.27 — Jack of the mill 21 1.29 — Johuuy Darbyshii-e. Tii Little classics, v. 9. . . . 22f).96 — Tallaugetta ; the squatter's home in Australia. 214.35 — Traditions of the most ancient times. 2 v. 214.30 — Wojdbura Grange. [Nottiugham.sbire.] . 214.32 Hjwitt (Wm. and Mary). Stori.-s of English and foreign life 214.33 Ho WL.i.ND ^ Marie). Papa's own girl. . . . 211.70 HuBB.ACK (3//\-,-. M.) May and Djcember. . . 214.36 — Oidvicuage 211.37 ^ Tliree marriages 214.38 — Wife's sister 214.39 Hl'bbell {Mi-s. M.S.) Shady side ; or, life in a sonige 211.49 HnBEB(V. .i.) Stories of Spanish life. 2 V. . 214.41 Hpbert. Abbott (J.) Juno stories. ... 111.34 HjBEBr Freeth's prosperity. Cbosland {Mrs. Ne.vlou) 165.42 Hjd soy's b.iy ; or life in the wUds. (KM.) 131.23 HuaEssEN" (E. H. Kn itchbuU). Crackers for mas 185.38 — Moonshine. Fairy stories 185.39 — Tiles at tea-time. Faiiy stories 185.41 — Higgledy-piggledy 186.29 ■— Qiejr-f)lk 185.41 — ^ Wuispers from f liryland 18)41 Huaa .Melton. KisciiK.) . 221.77 H wa Worthiugton. Holmes (M. J.) . . . 213..j3 Ho:iHES(r. ) Scjuring of the white horse. . 214.41 — Tom Brown at Oxford. 2v 2U. 15 — Tom Brown's SL^hool days at Rugby. . . . 211.43 IIuoo (Victor). Claude Gueux. Last day of a oon- demued min 211.61 — H ins of lee Ian 1 211.5) — Hnnchback of Notre Dame 21 1.5 1 — Jargal. [Bag Jurgal.] 214.49 — Les Miser ibles. 5 pts 214..52 Cnntfitls : Part 1. Fiintin.-. 2- Co.s.'lle. 3. M:irius. * St. Djuia, ;iml Irlyl of tlm Phimcst. 5. Joiu Valjo.lil San;. 5 parts in 1 v 214.57 — Mm wliolaug'is 211.62 — Ninety three 214.59 Cimtenls: Pt. 1. S.'a aa.l uiaUt. Pt. 2 By tlia king's coiaiuau'l. — Toilers of the sea 214.58 HiicuENor (The), James (G. P. R. ) . . . 215.61) HuQOENOT family (The). Tytleb (Sarah). . 262.34 HtiLDA, or the deliverer. Lewald (F.) . . . 226.41 Human face diviuo, e/c. Gattv ( .Urs. A.) . . 194.43 Humphhey Clinker. Smollett (T. ) .... 5067.04 HiiNCHB.uK of Notre Dame. Hugo ('V'.) . . 214.51 Hi'No.utiAN brother.s. Pouter ( .l/'i.s.'; A. M. ) . 192.17 HiiNCUBY (Tales and trnditions of). Piilszky(T.) 211.69 HuNOEKFOKi) (JaMies). The old jilaiitation. . 215.01 Hunt (J. I[. l.eigh). Stories fiom the Italian poets; a su'.nmary in prose, of the pojms of Dante, Pulei, Baiardo, Arioslo, and 'r:isso 215.02 — On3 hundred romances of reid life. . . . 214 65 Hunt (Robert). Panthea, the spir.t of nature. 213.92 Hunt (Thornton). The foster brother. . . . 215.05 Hunted down ; and other reprinted pieces. Dickens (C.) • . 173.13 Hunted to death. ["»""■] 215.07 HuNTEE (Fanny), psniil. What Fanny Hunter heard and saw in K insas and M ssouri. . . . 263.50 Hunter and Tom. Abbott (.1.) 111.57 HuNTEK naturalist. Webbeu (C.) .... 263.45 Huntek's feast. Reid ((Ji/i/. M.) 242.50 Huntington (J. V. ) Alban ; a tale of the new world 215.04 — The forest 215.08 — Lady Alice ; or the new Una. [aium.] . . 215.09 — Rosemary ; or life and death 215.10 HuKON (The), or the pupil of nature. Voltaiee (F. M. A. de) 5075.32 HtiRTADO (L. ) Palmerin of Englind. 4 v. . 221.80 HusB.4NDsa;id homes. [I'ekhune i jl/y.s. M. V. H. )] 255.23 Husks. Harland (M. ) [ I'erhune ( Mrs. M. V.H. )] 2.55.24 Hypatia. Kincsley (C. ) 221.71 Hyperion. Longfellow (H. W. ) 224,24 — — Same, [/ii Ai.v Works, v. 2.] . . . .5052.12 Hypolitus (History ofi. Aulnot (M. C. J. de B. d'). id Crox.iU's novels, v. 2. ' 171.03 I will be a soldier. Tuthill (L. C.) . . . . 262.23 Ice maiden, and other tales. .\.ndekson (H. C.) 122.09 iDvCr.iven. Cadell(H. M.) 151.18 Ida Goldwin. Derby (Aleck) 172.67 Ida May. Langdon (M.) [Pike (Mrs. M. A.)] 211.20 Ida Norman. Phelps (J/i-.s'. L.) 241.10 Idalia. OurDA. p.sTuJ. o/'Rame (L. do 1:1.) . 172.19 Ideil attained (The). Faknham (J/r.s-. E. W.) 191.04 Idle mai, [a tale]. Dana (U. H.) . . . .5(126.09 Idjlatry. Hawthorne (J.) 212.76 If, yes, and perhaps. Hale (E. E. ) . . . . 212.06 Ik Alai-vel. pseuil. See Mitchell (,D. G.) Illicini(B. ) Novella I v. 2 of 244.21 I'll try ; or the young housekeeper. [Baker (Mrs. H. N. W.)] 131.36 Illu.stbations of lying. Opie (.1fj-,«.A.) Works, v.3. 234.28 iMPRovis.AToitE (The). Anderson (H. C. ) . . 122.10 • Same 121.30 Is a winter city. Ouida. [Kame ^I . de la)] . 172.58 In bonds. Preston iL.) 241.61 In duty bound, [anmi.] 215.12 In exitu Israel. Gould (S. Paring) 195.40 In extremis. Greenough i .!/<;,• . R. S. ) . . . 214. ^8 In exile. St (W. vou). .' 262.92 In his name. Hale (E. E.) 212.96 In school a id out. Adams (W. T.) . . . . 112.22 In search of the castawavs. 'Verne (J.) . . 266.75 In silk attire. Black (W.) 134.21 In the world. Daklino (Mary G.) . . . . 171.45 In th3 clearings. Wells (K. (i.) 262.98 In the days of my youth. Edwards (A.. B. ) . 182.39 In the r.ipids. Hart (Gerald) 212.77 In the saddle. Castlemon (H.) 152.46 In the year [I8]'13. Kevter (F.) 243.02 In trust, or. Dr. Bertmiu's household. Douglas (A. M.) 175.1G Ina. Valerio (Kathorine) 262.91 Inchbu,d (-Vr-i. E. ) Nature and art. . . . 215.06 — A simple story. [11';//* Tliree sisters]. . . 2'23.68 S.vme 215.06 Indlv. Southworth (.l/i-.s-. E. D. E. N.) . . 253.34 Indiana. Sand (George). [Dudevant(A.L.A.D.)]17;).28 Indian chief. A!Marc>(G. ) 114.14 Indlan scout. Aimard (G.) 114.15 Imez ; a tale of the Alamo. [Wilson (A. J. E.)] 183.28 lu asking for books, use tlie " Book Or.lora," giving tlio AUTHOR'S NAME, tUo fii-st part or tUo TITLE, and tlio NUIIBEU. 49S FICTION: lufeUce to James. Infelice. Wilson (A. E.) 183.32 Infeknal marriage. Disraeli (B.) . . . . 174.46.a Influence. Mackakness [Mrs. M. A.) . . . 211.28 Inqelow (Jean). Fated to be free 21't.8U — Poor Mat ; or, the clouded intellect. . . . 215. l;i — Mop ia the fairy 215.17 — Oflf the Skelligs 214.79 — Sister's bye-hour.s 215. 14 Coiiffiifj! Laui a Richmond. Marked. 'Masuhafhito mio. Poor Matt, or the clouded iutellect. Prejudice, or the black polyanthus. Upa aud dowuB of life. Widow Mac- leaa, or leudiug to the Lord. — Storijs told to a cinld 215.15 Contents ■ The Cumbeiers. Dr. Dean's governess. Emi- ly's ambitiou. My great auufa picture. The stolen treasure. — lor stories 215. IG Ingenue ; or the death of Marat. Dumas (A.) 181.41 Ingham papers. Hale (E. E. ) 212.U.3 Inglis (Heury D.) The new Gil Bias. 3 v. in 1. 215.11 — Tabs of Ardennes 94:5.18 Inglises (Thi). KoBEBTsoN (M. M.) . . . 243.62 Ingo. rREYT.VG (G.) 192.38 Ingoldsby lege ads. B.akham (R. H. ) . . . 13'2.10 Ingraban Fkeytag (G. ) 192.39 Ingsaham (Rev. J. H.) Lafitte, the pirate of the Gulf. 214.72 — Pillar of lira ; or Israel in bondage. . . . 21.5.19 — Priuce of the house of David 215.20 — Sunny south 215.21 — Throue of David 215.22 Inheritance (The). Ferrieb ( JIf i.«s M. ) . . 191.21 Inklings of adventure. Willis (N. P.) . . .5076.22 Initials (The). Tautphoeus (I. von). . . . 25u.ll Innocent : a tale of modern lite. Oliph.ant ( Mrs. M. O. W.) ^ 234.94 Innocents abroad. Twain (Mark), pseud of Clemens (S. L.) 915.13 Inside ; secession. Haruinqton (G. F. ) . . 212.43 Insidu out, a curious book, by a curious m.m. 2bj.23 Inside the bxr, or sketches at Soakiugton. Melville (G. .1. W.) , 235.87 iNrERPEEPER (The) ; a tale of the [Crimean war]. Mel- ville ( 6. J. W. ) 2v.ini 231.99 Into the light, or the Jewess, lannn.] . . . 215.24 Invasion of France iu 1814. Ebckmann (E.) and Ch.atrian(A.) 183,40 Invisible princ:eB8. O'Connor (P.) /n Little classics, v. 8. 227.95 lo ; a tale of the olden fan;. Barton (K.) . 133.03 Ireland. Martinead (H.) Illustrations of political economy, v. 3 -31. '-7 Ireland ( Legends and stories of). Lover ( S. ) 224.30 jVoJc— For other stories and sketches illustrative of Irish character, see certiiu works of B.^nim (J.):— CAULETm) (W.l ;— EDOEWoRrH (M.) ;— lilul'FlN (li.) ;— Hall [Mrs. 8. C.) ;— Lever (C.) ;— Lover (3.) ;— Th.wkerax (W- M.) ;— Trollope (A.), etc, Ireland War I, pseud. See Widdemar (I.) Iris. H ilmes (O. W.) In Little classics, v. 7. 226.89 Irish skotch book. Th.ackek.ay (W. M) v. 2 of 255.61 Irish life (Realities of). Trench (W. S.) . . 952.05 Iron haud, or the kuight of Mauleon. . . . 181.03 Iron cousiu. Clarke (il//'.s, M, C) .... 155.12 Iron ma^k ; or ilaoiil de Bragelonne. Dumas (A,)18I.04 Iron shroud. Mudford (W.) In Little classics, v. 3. . 226.85 IitviNG (J. T. ) Ttie attorney 215.25 Irving (T. T.I ['Gerald Hai-t.'] Iu the rapids. 212.77 Irving (Wasihingto-.i I. Tales of the Alhambra. 215.26 — Adventures ot^Capt. Bouneville iu the Rocky Mouu- tains. 1123.00 — Braeebridge Hall, or the humorists. . . . 2 15.27 Contents: The hall. St. Mark's eve. rortiine-telling. The studeut of .Salaiaiinc;i. (lypaies. May-day. Auuette Delarbre. Doljjh Heyliger. Tlie storm sUip, e(c. — Chronicles of the conquest of Grauada. . 215-32 — Crayon miscellativ, [Tour on the prairies. Abbots- ford. Newstead Abbey] ' 922.16 — History of New York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker, pseui 215,-28 — Sketchbook 215.29 Contents: Eip Van Winkle. Boar'a head tavern. Spectre bridegroom. Westmmster abbey. Christmas, The legend of Sleepy Hollow, etc. — Spanish pap^'rs aud other miscellanies. 2 v. 2533.11 Contents: v. 1. Legend of Don Roderi.k. Legend of the subjugation of Spam. Count Julian. Polayo. Abderahnian. Fernau Gonzalez, Count of Castile. Chronicle of Fer- nando, the saint. 2. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent, liiugiaphical sketches. Keviews aud miscellanies. — Tales of a traveller 215.30 Contents : Strange stories by a nervous gentleman. Buck- tborue and his friends. The Italian banditti. The money- diggers. Hell-gate. Kidd, the pirate, fic, — Wolf erfs roost 215.31 Contents : Wolfert's roost. Birds of spring. Creole vil- lage. Moumj.iy. Tlie Bermudas. Widow's ordeal. Knight of Malta. Sketches iu Paris iu 18'i5. The Mississippi bub- ble A contented man. Broek, or the Dutch paradise. Ouesti from Gibbet Island. Kalph Ringwood. The Sem- inoles Count Van Horn. Don Jnau. Legend of the en- gulled convent. The phantom i.slaud. The adalautado of the seven cities. Recollections of the Alhambra. The Abencerrage. — (Wm.), rt./d Paulding (J. K.) Salmagundi. 2533.14 Irvington stories. Dodge (M. E. ) . , . . 174.60 Is it true '? Tales curious and wonderful. Craik (Mrs. D. M. Miiloch) 234.84 Is that all? [No name series. ] 216.45 IsA, a pilgrimage. Chesebro' (C.) .... 153.29 Isabel Oarrolton. Glen (K.) 195.13 Is/VBEL of Bavaria ; or, the chronicles of France, for the reign of Charles vi. Dumas (A.) . . ltsl.05 Isabel, the young wife. Je.affeesun (C. ) . . 221.04 Is.iBELLA Orsmi. Guekrazzi (F. D. ) . . . . 211.66 Iseulte. Demstee(C. ) 216,44 Ishmael. South worth (.1//'.s-. E. D. E. N.) . 254.85 ISKANDER (Rise of). DiSRAELI (B. ) .... 174.48 Island neighbors. Blackwell (A. B.) . . . 134.19 IsL.AND pearl. Faejeon (B. L.) 196.10 IsLA (J. r. de). History of fiiar Gerund. . . 214.65 IsoLiNA : or, the actor's daughter. Bv E. O. S. 215.33 Isora's child. [Alcott iH. H.)] •. ". . . . 215.34 IsouLT B.irry of AVinscote, a tale of Tudor times. Holt (E. S.) 213.67 Israel Mort, overman. Saunders (J.) . . . 215.00 IsR.AEL Potter. Melville (H.) ..... 231. G6 It is never too late to mend. 1veade(C.) . . 212.18 It i-i the fashion. Auek (A. von) 124.23 Italian (The). Radcliffe (.\iiue). 3 v. . . 212.03 It.alian girl. Washburn (K. S.) 266.81 Italian novelists. See Roscoe (T. ■) .... 244.20 Itallan poets (Stories from the). Hunt (Leigh). 215.02 Italians: a novel. Elliot (F.) 183.33 Italy. Romance of history . Macfaelane (C.) 224.63 Iv.AN de Biion, or the Rus-ian court in the middle of the last century. Helps (A.) .... 213.01 Iv.iNHOE. Scott (Sir Walter) 245.51 Same. Condensed by R. Johnson. . . 156.01 > IvAR ; or, the Skjutz-boj', a romance. Garlen [Miss 'E.F.) 14.5.41 I've been thinking. EoE(A. S.) 244.02 Ivors. Sewell(E. M.) 2v 251.35 IxioN in heaven. Disr.aeli (B. ') 174.46a Jack Arcombe. G-AYLOrd (G. ) [Bradley (W.J. )] 194.21 Jack Br.ig. Hook (Theodore) 214.07 Jack Hazard aud his fortunes. Trowbridge (J. T. ) 262. 18 Jack Hintou. Lever (Charles) 223.48 Jack Hopeton ; or, adventures of a Georgian. Turner (W. W.) 26'2.26 Jack in the forecastle. Sleeper (J. S. ') . . . 252.63 Jack Manly ; his adventures by sea and laud. Grant (J.) 216.08 Jack of all trades. Parker (Mrs. R. A.) . . 235.02 ,r.ACK of all trades. Eeade (Charies). . . . 242.16 Jack of the mill. Howitt(Wui. i .... 214.29 J.ack the chimney sweeper. Baker (l/r.v. H.N. W.) 131.06 J.ACK the couquer.jr. Bow,cn(C. E. i . . . 115.17 .I.icK Sheppard. Ainsworth (W. H. ) . . . 115.16 Jack Tier. Cooper (J. F. ) 163.28 Jack's sister ; or, true to her trust, [nnon.] . 216.50 Jacks ward. Alger (H.,j)-.) 123.43 Jacob Faithful. M.arryat (F.) 225.49 Jacobs (J. P.) The massacre of the Jews at Lisbon, 1506 In 171.19 Jacquerie. James (G. P. E. ) 215.61 Jacques. S.and (George). [Dudev.ant (A.L.A.D.')] 175.29 Jacques Bonueval ; or, the days of the . Dragonnades. [Manning (jUi.-.s Anne).] 225.26 J.iMES(.U)'i'. Edwin). Wanderings of a beauty. 215.90 BKOOKLTfN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : James to John. 493 James (G. P. R.) Agincourt 215.35 _ Agnes Sorel ^^'''■■^'' — .\iins and obstacles — Ancient ri'^ime — Ar.ibellii .Stiuirt — Arrali Neil ; or, times of old — Attila — Bi^iiuch;imp ; or, the error — BLick eagle ; or Ticouderogn — Cistle of Ehrenstoin .....•■ — Cavalier. [Time of Cromwell.] . . . — Charles Tyrrell : or, the bitter blood. . — Couvict. ■••:,•,••■,■■■' f)ir;j^7 — CA-se de Leon ; or, the brigand fl'^-ji^ — Count de Castleuew. — Dark scene.s of history 215.37 iil5.3S 21.''>.39 215.40 215.41 215.4-2 215.82 215.43 215.44 215.45 215.4ti 215,48 443.22 ,, , .... 215.49 -J^'""?;/- „ .... 215.50 — DeLOrme o|t;r;i -Desultory man • ; ^^ -lalseheir ^^5 g. -Forest days 2j. 5^ — Forgery. •••,•••,•"'■ yi^ ^t; — Gentleman of the old school ^i»-^» .<5'p?y. ■ : ; 215.57 . — Heidelberg 215.58 ■ Hinry of Guise yi.->=iq . Henry Masterton. . . . • • • • • • -'^''■'"' ■ Huguenot, a tale of the French protestants. ■ Jacquerie (The) - John Marston Hall ■ Kinij's highway. 215.60 215.G1 215. i;2 215.63 Leonora d Oreo oitisrl _ Life of vicissitudes |J»°'^ 215.65 215.66 215.67 21.5.68 215.83i 215.69 21.5.35 215.70 215.71 215.72 215.73 215.74 or. Laurel water. 2 v. 215.76 . . 215.78 . . 215.79 ■ ■ ■ ■ . . 21.5.81 — Lord Montagu s page — Man at arms ; or, Henry de Cerons — Man in black — Mary of Burgundy — Morley Erustem — Old domiuion — One in a thousand — I'equinillo — Philip Augustas — Richelieu — Robber , ,' ' — Rose D'Albret ; or, troublous times. . . . — Russell ; a tale of the reign of Charles ii. J. v. — Sir Theodore Bronghton — Smuggler — Step-mother. 2 v. . . String of pearls. _ . /„, •_ , J cUantable' man aud his J^'"^'J^'^y^s^''tc,ee Il,.a,.a» ana his son PaLo of tUe talisman. Travels ol pnuce Acba,-. ^^_ ^^ — Ticonderoga 9l^'«"i — Whim aud its consequences 215 84 jlM^rXenry, p':) ' a' passionk-e' pilgrim ^ad^other CoIadouna°of the f.u.ire. Romance of cer- Uin old clothes. Madame de Mauves. ^^^^^ — Roderick Hudson. . . ■ 9it;'«q James Gordon's wife. [r(no«.l . • • • • • ''^^•°- James (M. ) Diamond on the hearth. . James Montjoy ; or, I've been thinking. (A. S.) • •, • J.VMESOS {M,-s. A.) Studies, stones, etc. False one. Hallorau the pedlur much care. In her Visits aud skot,;heB, Jane Uouverie. Sincluu (C. ) Jane Eyre. BitoNTii (Charlotte). . ■ • • • Jane Kingsford, p.«utl. See Baknabd vl..) Jane Seton. Gb.ant (James) Jane Talbot. Brown (C. B. ) Janet'-s homo. Keaky (.\.t . ■ ■ • • • • Janets love and service. Robkutson (M. iM- ) Janet Strong. Townsend i,V. F. ) . . . ■ The .\merican in Pans. . . • • ;i«i. .s'ee Phillips (G. S.) Marry AT (F. ) Abbott (J.) 216.90 . . 26.'. 58 Jasper ; or the spoiled child recovered. Harper's story books, v. 11. . . . Jasper Lyle. Ward (J/rv.) Jaufry the knight and the fair Bruuissende. Lafon (Mary) , ; '„ '''-^•"- JiY (W. M. L.). p.s-««Z. .S'ee Woodruff (J. L. M.) .lEAFPRKsoN (J. C.) Isabel 221.01 -Live it down f-^l^;' — Lottie Darlmg ''"'•"•' — Not dead yet — Olive Blake's good work Je.ALOUS wife. I'AKUOE (.Uw.s- J.) . . • Jealousy ; or, Teverino. Sand (George), 1'elletan . 221.06 . 221.07 . 231.54 . 175.33 Jeames' diary. Thackeray (W. M.) la his Miscella- works. . . v. 1 of 255.61 ; v. 2 ot 25.1..57 Jean. Newman (.1//-.v.) 233.(8 Jean Jaronsseau, pastor of the des rt /jj \ Jean Belin.' Bbehat (A. de) }i\\^ jEANValjean. Hugo (V.) f}^f^ Je.4Nie's quiet Ufe. Tabor (Eliza) Ulim Jeffrey (K.V.) Wood. .urn. 221.0 j Jehan de Saintre. S.alle (A. de la). . . . • ^r-;-'.-' Jemmy aud Jenny Jessamy. Haywood (E. ) v. 17 ot 2ii. .3- Jenings(E.) [• VVyclifle Lane.-] My good-for-uothm" brother Jenkin {Mrs. C.) Jupiter's daughters — Madame de Beaupre — P.syche of to-day — Skirmishing, [fmoii.] .... — Who breaks— pays, [anon.] ■ ■ — Within an ace Jenkins (E.) Devil's chain. . . . — Ginx's baby, a satire — Lord Bantam , . „ Jericho road (The); a story of western 1 le. Habberton ,T^ ZH>.00 Jerold (D.) Cakes and ale. • ■ • • ■. . • "■rl\^ — Caudle lectures. Story of a feathir. bick giant, an I the Doctor dwarf. ,,""' i — Fireside saints, Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk,^ and o.herp.ipeis —1.4- Cimlrnis : An old house in the city Mr husband's ■■winnings.'' Midui„_- Tutor fleud aud his three pupiU. Gcegnty audthc tree. Stage devil. Lord of Peiresc. Piijs. Flesh-pots. A respeoUble man. Great paciflcator, man who kuew himself. Guy Fawkes, 23.5.36 2-22.43 215.87 221.08 221.10 221 11 221.12 221. '22 216.51 ,5825.25 215 85 The last parachute. Midnight at Madame T.' Hans The hog letters Heds . Man made of money . Chronicles of Clovernook. -221.15 . Men of cliar.vcter. _. . • • •,; '___ ' , ' 'r:'//.. Punch's complete letter- . . . 221.17 221.18 Paris, or gone . . 2'26.23 ' ■ . . . 226.33 Janin (J.) jANO.vRY.Searle, p.s-ei(( Japhet in search of a father. Jaroal. Hugo (V.) . ■••_,• ' " Jasmine Leigh. Tytler (C. C. Eraser). . 215.88 Roe . 244.02 . 221.01 Indian mother. Much coin, 3, 1835. 25;)3.17 . . 25-2.55 . . 14-2.09 216.04 143.09 215.91 •243.61 ■261.46 235.97 225.48 214.49 261.89 — Punch's letters to his sou, writer. Sketches. . . — St. Giles and St. James. . Jerrold (W. B.) Coekaynes abroad — to the family. . , ■ „ jerry Jarvis' wig. Bauham (R H.) /a L.txle '=ta'»«"^|.. ^ g^ Jebvey ('.Mi's. C.' H. , OHCfi'.V«.' Glovek). — Fairyland, etc • • -^"to'l — Helen Courtnay's promise, [anon.]. . ■ IJO-^* — Vernon Grove, [cmoii..] .... • • ■ "'2;;"?" JESS.IMINE. H.VRLAND;. Marion) [TERHUNE(3iO^,.)] 2.jb.l( Jesse; or trying to be so.ue'oody. [Simonds W.] 2..2 48 Jessie Carlton. Lancewood tLawrence), pseud, 'irjl^f, (D.) ^^^-^^ Jessie Phillips. Trollope {Mrs. F.) ... Jessie Trim. Fabjeon ^B. L.) Jesuit executorship, [nnon.] 2 v. . . . • Jettatrice ; or, the veil withdrawn. Craven A.) .... ',■ Jew (The). Spindlee tK) • • • -.' ' ' .^,-00 Jewett ( .l/r,9. S. W.) From fourteen to four score.21c..99 Jewsbury (.lfi.s-.s G. E.) Constance Herbert. . — Half sisters — Zoe, the history of two lives Joan. Broughton (R.) . . • • ' i- ^ ' ' Jocelyn's mistake. Spender ( -VL-s. J . ii.. ) • JoHiNNKS Olaf. De Wille (E. i . . • . . JoHN(E.) ['E. Marlitt.'] At the councillor s. — Conntess Gisela. — Gold E14e 262.01 196.14 221.00 (JZ/iie. 165.14 253.55 221.19 221.20 221.21 14-2.38 256.42 176.24 225.73 2'2."..42 225.40 la askini for books, use tho ■' Book Order," giving the AUXaOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the SOMBER. 494 FICTION: John to Kavanagh. John (E. ), continued. — Little moorland j)riucess 225.71 — M.igdalena 225.70 — Over yonder 225.41 — Old mam'selle's secret 225.39 — Siicond wile 225.72 John, a love story. Oliphant (M. O. W. ) . 284.121 John Aodross. D.iVi.s (R. H.) 172.o4 Johannes Schoreel. Pichleh (C. G.) . . . 133.02 John Brent. Wintheop (T.) 2U4.30 John Dje and Kichard Hoe. Gould (E. S.) . 211.33 John Dorrien. Kavanagh^J. ) 227.11 John Drayton. [«/iort.] 221.23 John Gilderstring's sin. Biohakds (C. F. ) . 213.07 Johk Go:ll'rey's fortuue.s. Tatloih J. Bayard). 25.5.16 John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg (E.) . . . 22(;. 12 John Halifax, gentleman. Ckaik ( D.M. Muloch). 232.4!) John Jack.' Palmek(L.) [Peebles (M. L.)] 234.78 John Jasper's secret ; a sequel to " Myst -ry of Edwin Drood." [ttrtOH.] ." 173.40 John Law. Ainsworth (W. H.) 115.24 John Marchiuout's legacy. Beaddon (M. E.) 135.25 John llarstou Hall. James (G. P. K.) . . . 215.62 JoHNiMirteu. Sherwood (M. M.) . v. 16 of 25i.01 John Milton and his times. Ring (Max). . . 243.31 John Oakley's inheritance (Luck and pluck ; or). Alger (H., ;/■.) 121. 3G John Paul's book. ■Wubb(C. H.) .... 2546.25 John Pncenix, psend. See Derby (G. H. ■> John Thompson, blockhead. [Parr(Li. )] . . 235.54 John True. Abbott (J.) Harper's story books, v, 6. 216.07 John Ward's governess. McGregor ^ Annie L.) 224.60 John Whopper the newsboy. [Clark (T. M.)] 155.04 John Wortliiugtoii's name. Benedict (F. L.) 132.42 Johnnie Dodge. Gardette ( C. G. ) .... 194.01 Johnny Darbyshire. HowiiTtWiu.) in Little classies.v. 9 226.96 Johnny Ludlow, [anon.] 226.25 JoHNNYKiN and the goblins. Leland (C. G. ) . 18o.30 Johnson (H. K.) Roddy's ideal 216.6S — Rjildy's reality 216.66 — Roddy's romance 216.67 Johnson (R.I Seven champions of Christendom. 251.66 Johns in (Rossiter, ediUir). See Little classics. 226.83 Johnson (S ) History of Rasselas. 211.01 ;221. 22; 5045.10 Johns )N (Virgi'iia W.) Calderwood secret. . 226.28 — Catskill fairies 226.29 — Joseph the Jew. [drnon.] 215.96 — Sack of gold 226. -27 — Travels of au American owl 215.92 Johnstone (C. ) Chrysal ; or, the adventures of a guin 'a. 4v 221.21 Johnstone (Mi:i. J.) Clan-AlbjTi ; a national tale. 22 1.2 S — (editor). Ediuburgh tales. 3v 1S4.22 JoLi.Y (Emilv). Caste, [anon.] 152.14 — G iloiiel Dacre 161.20 — My son's wife 233.16 — Safely married 256.51 Jonathan. Tvtler (C. C. Frascr-) .... 262.80 Jon VTHAN Jeflfer.sou Whitlaw. Trollope (F. ) 26il.5S Jon VTH.IN Wild. Flbluing(H.) ]92.0j;.50J6.03;.5037.'23 Jones iCliarles H.) Davanlt's mills 216.70 Jones (E. H.) ami Cox ^G. W.) Tales of the Teutonic lands 165.04 Jones (Just n). Virginia Graham 215.93 Jones (J. B. ) Border war ; a tale of disunion. 221.29 — Fr.aks of fortune 225.H8 — Rival b lies 215.95 — Winkles (The) 221.30 Jones (J. Hilton i. The dominie's sou. . . . 221.31 JoNE-i (J. R ) The Quaker soldier ; or the British in Philadelphia 221.32 .loNEsi (J.S.) Life of Jefferson S. Batkins, [pseud."] 132.28 JoNiiUiL, p.iend. Was she engaged 262.84 Jorkock's hunt (Hundley, or). [Surtees (R. S.)] 212.38 Joseph and his friend. Taylor (B.iyard). . . 255.13 Joseph Andrews. Fielding (H.) 192.08 Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez (V. ) . 153.32 Joseph n. and his court. MIjhlbach (L.) . . 233.01 Joseph the Jew. Johnson (Virginia W.) . . 215.96 Josh Billings, pseid/. i'ee Shaw ( Henry W. ) . Josh Billings, his sayings. ShawiH. W.) . . 251.47 Josh Bilhngs on ice. SH.iW (H. W. ) . . . 251.48 Joshua Davidson, eommumst (True history of). [Lin- ton [Mrs. E. L.)] 226.30 .Joshua Haggard's daughter. Braddon (M.E. ) 141.08 Joshua Marvel. Farjeon (B. L.) 191.41 Journey to the centre of the earth. Vebne (J.) 262.96 .Tourney to the world underground. HoLnERG(L. )213.84 Journey from this world to the next. Fielding (H.) 5037.2,1 ; 50.36.01 -Journeyman joiner. Dudevant (A. L. A. D. ) 175.63 JuD.EA capta. ToNNA (C. E.) 5076.15 Judah's lion. Tunna (C. E.) Works, v. 2. . 5076.15 JuDD (AVr. Sylvester). Margaret; a tale of the real and the ideal. 2v 221.34 — Philo ; an evangeliad 221.36 — Richard Edney and the govei nor's family. . 221.37 Judge Justiu. Abbott (J. ) In Harper's story books, v. 11 . . . 216.90 Judge not ; or, Hester Power. Sheppard (Mrs. (E.) 2.51.58 JuDSON (Jf/-.s\ E. C. ) Alderbrook. 2 v. . . 221. 38 — Kathayau slave. Jn Little classics, v. 3. . 226.85 Julia (The), [anon.] 221.40 Julia de Roubigiie'. Mackenzie (H.) . . . 2536.15 Julia de Trecoeur (The sphinx, or). Fehillet (Octave) 196.21 JoLLAN home; tale of college life. Farrar (F. W. ) 191. 12 Julian, or .scenes in Judea. Warh (W.) . . 262.67 Julian ; or, the closeof an era. Bungener(L.F ) 145.11 Julie Coirveur, a romance o( the Alps. Grattan (T. C") 235.95 Juliette ; or, now and forever. [Baker {Mrs. H. N. W.)i 131.11 Julius, and other tales. Topjteb (R.) . . . 193.19 Julius ; or, the street boy out west. Algeb (H , p:) 123.38 Jumping frog of Calaveras county. Clemens (S. L.) 155.19 Juno and Georgie. Abbott (J.) 111.31 Juno Clifford. Moulton (L. C. ) 232.39 Juno on a journey. Abbott (J.) 111.33 Juno stories. >'ee Abbott (J. ) 111.31 Jupiter's daughters. Jenkin (Mrs. C.) . . 215.87 Justin Harley. Cooke (J. E.) 163.33 Kaloolah. Mayo (W. S.) 231.57 Kamba Thorpe, pseud. See Bellamy (E. W.) K.INGAROO hunters. Bowman (A.) .... 135.11 Karl Krmken. Warner (S. (tnc/ A. B.) . . 263.20 Karr(A.) The Alain tamily 221.41 Kate Beaumont. De Forest (J. W. ) . . . 172.49 Kate Carlton. Wise (D.) ." 222:84 KiTE Coventry. Melville (G. J. W.) . . . 231.93 Kate Danton. Fleming (M. A.) 197.04 Kate Keunedy. Newby ( J//-.*. C. J. ) . . . 233.28 K.iTE Marstoue ; or, happy homes, etc. [anon.] 221.43 Kate O'Donoghue. Lever (C.) 2'23.57 Kate Vinton. McKeever (H. B.) .... 225.01 K.atharine Ashtcm. Sewell (i)/i.s-s E.M.) 2 v. 251.37 Katherine Douglas. Coppard iS. S. ) . . . 165.05 Katharine Walton ; or, the rebel of Dorchester. Simms (W. G.) 252.;;2 Kathayan Blave. Jitdson (E. C.) /« Little classics, v. 3. 'i'iO.SS Katherine Earle. Tr.afton ( J//ss A. ) . . . 2G6.32 Kathie Brande. [Parr (H. i] 222.64 K.athleen. [finon..] 221.85 Katie Stewart, a true story. Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) 221.44 Katsch (A. E.) Under the stork's nest. . . 221.36 Kavanagh (Bridget and Julia). Pearl fountain and other fairy tales 216.56 Kavanagh (Julia). Adide 221.45 — Beatrice 221.46 — Bessie 221.,57 — Daisy Burns. 221.47 -Dora. 221.48 — Grace Lee 221.49 — John Doirien . . 227.11 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY FICTION : KavanagU to Kiiapp. 495 — Miideleine : a tale of Auvergne 221.50 — Nathiilie 2iil.">l — Qaeen Mab 221. ;V2 — UachelUray 221.. ^.3 — Seven years, and other tales 221.51 — Silvia. 221.5(> — Sybil's second love 221. ."jo — Two lilies 227.12 Kav.vnagh. Lonofeijx)W (II. W. ) 221.23 Same. Prose works, v. 2 51)52.12 Keaey(A.) Castle Daly 21(i.,50 — Janet's home 215.94 — Oldbury 227.U(; — York and Lancaster rose 21(i.()0 — and E.) Heroes of Asgard 212.89 Keddie (.l/i'.s'.f II.) [' Sar.ili Tytler.'] Citoyeune Jacqueline 2G2.33 — Diamond rose _. . . . 2r.2.:!5 — Girl bood and womanhood. ..'.... 2()2.29 — Huguenot family 2(i2.34 — Noblesse oblige .j . 202.25 — Papers for thoughtful girls 2l'i2.2l) Keelee (R.) Gloverson and his silent partners. 221.81 — Vagabond adventures 221. 8(i KecitehS. F.) Orient boys 215.97 — Lyle MacDouald 215.98 Keightlet (T.) Fairy mythology 185.21 Kei.loqo(E.) Elm Island stories. 6 v. . . 221.94 1. Lion Ben. . . . 221.04 1 4. Boy farniera. . . . 221.97 2. Charlie Bell. . . 221 95 3. Ark of Elm Island. 221.96 Young ship-buililers. 221 98 Hard-ecrabUe. . . 221.99 — Forest glen series, v. 1-3 22('.94 1. Sowed by the wind. 227.01 I 3. Brought to the front. 227.03 2. Wolf nm. . . . 227.02 | — Pleasant cove series, v. 1-G. . . . 1. Arthur Brown. . 226.08 ] 2. Youuti deliverers. 22t).uy | 3. Ci'uise of the Casro. 1 4. Child of the iBlaud gleu. | .... 22(5.08 5. John Godeoe's lefjacy. 220.12 G. Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove 226.20 -6. 226.13 — Whispering pine series, v, 1- 1. Sparks of genius. 226.13 I 4. Winniug his spurs. 226.16 2. Sophomores of Radclifife. 5. Turning of the tide. 226.17 3. Whispering pine. 226.15 | 6. Stout heart. . . . 226.19 Kelson (L) Danger in the dark, a tale of priest- craft 226.33 Kelleys and O'Kelleys. Tkollope (A.) . . 261.70 Kenelm Chillingly, his adventures and opinions. Bulwek-Lytton (E. G. E. L. ) . . . . 144.05 Kelty (M. A.) Visitiug my relations. . . . 262.44 Kenilwokth. Scott (.'■((• W.) 2 v 245.52 Kentv-edy iGracei. Dunallan 221.08 — Father Clement, a Roman Catliolic story. Profes- sion is not principle. Decision or religion must be all 221.91 Keiinedy ( J. P. ) Horseshoe Robinson. . . 221.59 — Quodlibet : annals, e(c 221.60 — Rob of the bowl. By Solomon Second-thoughts, pseud 221.61 — Swallow barn, or the old dominion. . . . 221. ()2 Kenneth. Yonge (J/tss C. M. ) 265.41 Kenneth and Hugh; or sell-mastery. By "Cousin Kate,"pso!(d 133.15 Kenneth, my king. Bkock(S. A. ) .... 142.06 Kennett (Story of). T.iylob (J. Bayard). . . 255. 17 Kentucky's loves ; or roughing it around Paris. (E.) 221.89 Keon (M. G.) Dion and the Sibyls 226.18 IvERR (Orpheus C. ), -jtseud. tiee Newell (R. H.) Ketchum (J/cs. A. C. B.) Nellie Bracken. . 141.10 Kettell (S. ) Yankee notions. A medley, by Timo. Titterwell, pseud. 261.96 K'sAUNiE Kineh-Wella, or Eastern story-teller. Shipp (J.) 251.73 KicKLEBUKYS abroad, etc. Thackeeay (W. M.) 255.40 KiLMENY. Black (W.) 134.32 KiLosA. See Hosmek (ttirriet). Kimball (R. B.) Henry Powers, banker; how he achieved a fortune and married. . . . 221.68 — Prince of Kashna ; a West Indian story. . 221.63 — Romance of student life abroad 221.64 221.65 221.87 'J2i.tiG 221.67 — Saint Leger ; or, the threads of Hff . . — To-day — Undercurrents of Wall street. . . . — Was he successful ? Kino ;U-tliur. iS e .\HTHru (p. 462'). King o! the golden nvcr ; or, black brothers. RrsKiN (J.) 24 1. ,50 Same. In LrrTLK classics, v. 10 226.79 KiNO(E.) Kentucky's love; or, roughing it aroutid P'iri.s 221. H9 King (Katherine). Hugh Melton 2?1 76 — Off the roll 221. H8 — Our detachment 221.79 — Queen of the regiment 221.78 King ( .U/.s. S. P. ) Sylvia's world, lanon.] . 2.54.51 King of No-land. F.arjeon iB. L.) .... 196.13 King of the mountains. About (E.) . . . 112.02 King of the Hurons. JIyirs (P..M.) . . . 233.77 KiNdof thepeak. Cunningham (A.) /« Littli: classics, v. 7. 226.89 Kino's own. Makryat (F. ) 22.5.50 King's highway. James iG. P. R.) .... 215.63 KiNGsFORD (Jane), pstud. Sir Barnard (C.) Kingsley (C.) Alton Locke ; tailor and jioet. 221.69 — Hereward ; the last of the English. . . . 221.70 — Heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales 221.76 — Hypatia 221.71 — Madam How and Lady Why ; or first lessons in earth lore for children 4723. 1 1 — Two years ago 221.72 — Water baljies 221.73 — Westw^ard ho I voyages of Sir Amyas Leigh. 221.74 — Yeast ; a problem 221.75 Kingsley (H. ) Austin Elliot 222.01 — Boy in grey. 226.05 — Hetty 222. 08 — Harvey s (The) 226.06 — The Hillyars and the Burtons 222.03 — Leighton court ; a country house stoiy. . 222.04 — Lost child, [/tt Little classics, V. 10.] .*.... 226.97 — Mademoiselle Mathilde. . ■ 226.(11 — Old Mnrgaret 222.00 — Ravcnshoe . . . . 222.05 — Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. . . . 222. 02 — Silcote of Sdcotes. . . . ' 222.06 — Stretton 22-'. 07 Kingston (W. H. G.) Adventures of Dick Onslow among the red skins 222.09 — Annual lor boys 222. 10 — Antony Weymouth ; or, the gentlemen adven- turers 222.11 — Cruise of the Frolic 222.12 — Ernest Bracebridge ; or, school-d:iys. . . 222.13 — Foxholme Hall, and other tales lor London boys 222.95 — Fred Markham in Russia 2J1.93 — I'eiils and adventures of Harry Skipworth. 222.96 — Peter the whaler 222.14 — Pirate's treasure 222.97 — Pirate of the Mediterranean 222.99 — Rob Nixon ; the old white trapper. . . . 222. 15 — Itouud the world 222.16 — Salt water ; or, Neil D'Arcy, the n.idshipman. 222.17 — True hero, or storj' of W. Penn 222.98 Kinsman (J. B.) Cadet life at West Point. . 1J5.30 Kingston's annual for boys. Kingston (W.H.G.) L22.10 KiNKEL, paeud. See Sheppard (E. S.) KinziE {Mrs. J. A.) Walter Ogilby. . . . 221.90 Kip (L. ) .ainone, a tale of slave life in Rome. 113.20 — The dead marquis 22(5.31 Kirk (Eleanor), ;)«»f?. Spc Ames (.1/r.s\ Nellie). 121.41 KiiiKE (Edmund), ^'ee Gilmore (J. R.) Kismet. [No name series.! 216.64 Kissing the rod. Yates (E.) 265.17 Kit Bam's adventures. Clarke (M.C.) . . 155.15 Kitty. Edwards (M. B.) 182.41 Kitty's choice. Davis (Mrs. R. H.) . . . . 172.03 Klmiiis (Nicolasl, pseud. See Hoi.eerg (L.) Kleist (H. von|. Michael Kohlhaus. [/« Oxen/ord J.) Tales from the German.) 2.i5.04 Klosterheim ; or. the masque. De Quincey (T. ) 172.28 Knapp(S. L.) The bachelors, and other tales. 226.35 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME 'the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 496 FICTION : KuatohbuU lo Lawrence. Knatchbull-Hugessen (E. H.) See Hugessen (E. H. K.) 185.38 Knevals (i/rs. D. C.) ['P. Eastwood.'] Mai-cella of Rome 180.07 Knics knacks from an editor's table. Clark (L. G.) 155.06 Knickekbockeb's history of New York. Ibvinq (W.) 215.28 Kn'ight of the golJeu molice [i. e. Sir Christopher G-ar- diuer)]: a historical romiince. Adams (J.T.) 222.18 Knight of Gwynne. Lever (C.) 3 v. . . . 223.19 Knights of Eugland, France, aud Scotland. Hekbert (H. W.) 213.27 Knitting work wrought by Kuth Partington. Shilla- beb(R P.) 252.18 Knorrinq (Baroness). Peasant and his landlord. 222.20 Knowles (J. S. ) Fortesoue 222.21 KoNiNGSMARKE : a story of the new world. Paulding (J.K.) -235.17 KoKNER (C. T.) Prose tales. In Ills Life, etc. v. 2, 1815 1G51.28 Kkiloft (I. A.) Fables msses. [In Kussian, French, and Italian]. 2 v 185.11 — litdsloii (li. S.) Krilofif aud his fables. . . 185. OG Labor lost. Abbott (Jacob) 111.51 Labor stands on golden feet. Zschokke (H. ) 26."). 59 Laboulaye (E. K. L. ) Fairy tales of all nations. 185.21 ConUiUs : Perliuo. Tvon and Fiuelte. Castle of life. Destiuy. The twelve moutlie. Sswauda, the piper. The gold bread. Story ut the noses. Three citrons. Story of Co- querico. King Bizarre aud prince Charmiag. Abdullah, or the lour-kaved clover. — Paris in America 222.25 Lace-makers ; or, Irish character. Meredith [Mis.l,. A.) 952. OG Lacy diamonds. Coiilson (J. G. A.) . . . . 222.16 Ladder of life, a heart history. Edwards (A. B.) 182.28 Ladies of Beaver Hollow. Manning (Anne). . 225.27 Lady .\.lice; or the new IJna. Huntington (J.V.) 215.09 L.ADY aud the priest. Maberley (Mrs. K. C. ) 22 1.50 Lady .\nua. Trollope (Anthony) 261.92 Lady Ashley. Smith (J. F.) 252.98 L.ADY Audley's secret. Braddon (Miss M. E. ) 135.26 Lady Betty s governess ; or the Corbet chronicles. Guernsey (E.) 211!. 19 Lady-bird. Fullerton (idi/i/ G. ) .... 193.11 Lady Erue.5tin\ Wareield (.il//-.s. C. A.) . . 262.72 Lady Green-satin. Chesnez (C. M. dos). . . 153.37 Lady Hester. Yonge(C. M. ) 205. G8 Lady Judith. MoC.uithy ( J. ) 223.88 Lady Lee's widowhood. Hamley (E. B.) . . 212.32 Lady Lisle. Braddon ( M. E.) . . . . 135.27 L.ADY Maud. Egan (Pierce) 181.27 Lady of Lyndon. Blake (laiFy) 133.10 Lady of Milan. Thompson (J/ra. K. B.) . . 201.30 Lady of Shalott. Phelps (E. S. ) In Little classics, V. 10 226.97 Lady of the ice. De Mille (J.) 172.35 Lady of the isle. Sodthworth (3/c.'(.E. D.E.N.) 25,3.35 Lady of the manor. Sherwood (M. M.) . . 252.09 Lady Kosamond's book. Guernsey (L. E.) . 210.18 Lady Superior. Pollard (E. F.) 211.19 Lady Sweetapple ; or, three to one. Dasent (G. W.) 171.35 Lady Willoughby. [Eathbone (H. M. )] . . 222.23 Lady's mile. Braddon (.V/ss M. E.) . . . 135.28 L.AFITTE ( J. P. ) The red doctor 222.26 L.1FITTE, the pirate of the Gulf Ingraham (.J.H.) 211.72 LviNG (C. H. B.) The old farm house. . . . 222.27 Laird's Jock. Scott (.Sir W. ) 245.37 Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) 231.13 Lajetounikoff ( — ). The heretic 222.28 Lakh house. Lewald (F.) 223.69 Lake shore ; or, the slave, the serf, the apprentice. Souvestre (E.) 253.49 Lake shore series. .See Adams (W. T. ) . . . 112.33 Lakeville ; or, substance aud shadow. Healy (M.) 212.88 Lamartine (A. P. de). Fior d'Aliza. . . . 222.21 — Geaevifeve 222.29 — Graziella 222.75 — Memoirs of my youth. [With Genevifeve. ] 222.29 — Raphael 222]30 — Stone mason (The) 222.31 LiAMB(C. ) liosamoud Grr.y. . . 5047.01 ; 5047.07 — Dissertation upon roast pig. In Little classics, v. 6. 226.86 — Dream children. In Little c]:is6icc, v. 4 226.87 Lamb (G. and M.) 'lales fi'om Shakespeare. 2 V. in 1 222.32 Lamb (J//S. M. J.) Spicy 222.93 Lame devil. LeSage(A. K.) 223.93 La Motte Fouquii ^F. H. C, haron). Hee Fouque. Lamplighter. Cummins (M. S. ) 171.12 Lamplighter's story, dc. Dickens (C.) . . 173.36 Lancashire witches. Ainsworth (W. H. ) . . 115.03 Lancewood (L.), pseitd. See Wise (D.) Lances of Lyn wood. Yonge (J/iis C. M.) . 265.12 Land at last. Yates (Edmund) 2t'>5.18 Lander (Meta). Esperance 222.39 — Marion Graham' or " higher than happiness. " 222.41 Lander (Sarah W. ) Spectacles for young eyes. 8 v. 222.85 Conffnts : 1. Boston. 2. St. Petersbnryh. 3. Pekin. 4. Moscow. 5. Zurich. 6. Berliu. 7. liome. 8. New York. Lando(0. ) Novels, //t RoscoE (T. ) Italian novelists, V. 3 244.22 Landon (L. E.) Complete works. 2 v. in 1. 6017.05 Contents: Romance and reality. Francesco Carrara. Traits and trials of early life. LtUel Churchill. — Romance and reality 222. 38 Landon (M. D. ) Eli Perkins (at large) : his tayings and doings 2'.;2.'^8 — Saratoga in 1901 •. . 222.19 Landor (W. S.) Pericles and Aspasia. 222.22 ; 5047.04 Lane (Wickliflfe), pseud. .See Jenings (E. ) . 222.43 Laneton parsonage. Sewell(E. M. ) . . . 251.39 Langbein (A. F. ) Novels, hi Roscoe (T. ) German novelists, v. 4 '. . 244.19 Langdon (Mary), pseud. See Pike (Mrs. F. W. A.) Langhorne (J.)History of Solymau and Almena. 222.94 — Theodosius aud Constantia 222. 94 Langstaff (Lancelot), pseud. See Irving (W. ) Lanier (Sidney). Tiger lilies 222.44 Lanmere. Dorr (Jfr.v. J. C. R. ) 175.12 Lapstone ; or, the suilor turned shoemaker. Abbott (J.) Harper's story books, V. 10. . . . 216,89 La Salle (A. de). Little Jehan de Saintre. . 222.79 Lascelle (L. E. ) Magdalen the tncLanlress. 225.12 Lascet.lf.s (Lady Caroiine), pseud. .See Braddon (M. E. ) Lasgine. By an Oxford man 226.37 Lasselle (Mrs. N. P.) The belle of Washington. 222.46 L.iST Aldini (The). Dudevant ( J/we. A. L. A. D.) 175.57 Last Athenian (The). Rydberg (V.) . . . 244.51 Last baron of Crana (The denounced, or the). Bamim (M.) 132.33 L.isT chronicle of Barset. Trollope (A.) . . 201.59 L.\.ST day of a eoudemned man. Hugo (V. ) . 214.61 Last days of a king. [Murat. ] HARTMANN(r.) 212.49 L.1ST days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton (E. G. E. L.) 114.13 Last of the barons. Bulweb-LtttonCE.G.E.L.) 111.14 Last of the foresters. Cooke (J. E.) . . . '163.12 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper (J. F.) . . . 164.01 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) 234.13* Last of his name. Perce (E.) 211.02 Later tales. 1807-68. Andersen (H. C. ) . . 121.35 Later years. Prime (W. C. ) 211. 65 Latter days. Sherwood (M. M.) Works, v. 2. 252.02 Launcelot Greaves. Smollett (T.). Works, v. 5. 5067.08 Laura Everinghara. Grant (J.) 216.05 Laurel bush. Craik (.1//<. D. M. Muloch). . 235.80 Lacson tragedy. De Forest (W.) In. Little classics, v. 3. 226.85 Lavengro ; the scholar, the gipsy, the priest. Borrow (G.) 13,5.03 Same. • 3 v 135.04 Lavenu (L. S.) Erlesmere ; or contrasts of character 222.45 Lavtnia. KuFnNi(G. ) 244.15 Lavinia; or one year of wedlock. Cablen lE. F. ) 115.42 Law and the lady. Collins (W. Wilkie). . . 162.38 Lawrence (G. A.) Anteros 2-'2.77 — Barren honor 222.47 BROOKLYN MKECANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION : Lawrence to Leslie. 497 — BKaking a butterfly ; or, Blanche EUereUe's ending 222.52 — Brakespeare ; or, fortunes of a fi'ee lance. . 222.48 — Guy Livingstone 222.53 — Hagarene 224.17 — Maurice Dering ; or, the quadrilateral. . . 222.40 — S;uis Merci ; or, kestrels and falcons. . . 222. 51) — Sword and gown 222.51 Lawresce Lancewood, pseud. See Wise (D.) Lawrence's adventures. Tkowbridge iJ. T. ) 262.17 Lawrences (Tlie). TuRNBcii, (Charlotte). . 266.45 LAWEiETodd. G.ii.T(J.) 193.23 LazakusiE. ) Alid-3 ; an episode of Goethe's life. 223.00 Leaf in the siorm. " Ouida." [RAiiE (L. dela).] 172.26 Same. In Little classics, v. 11 226.99 Leah : a womau of fashion. Edwards {Mrs. A.) 182.43 Leah llordecai. Abbott (J/re. B. K.) . . . 113.21 liEAM Duudas (Atonement of}. Linton {Mrs. E. L.) 224.03 Lear of the Steppe. Tourgeneft (L. ) . . . 266.67 ' Leather-stocking tales. Cooper (J. F. ) 1. Decrslayer. . . 163.23 j 3. Pathfinder. . . 164.08 2. Last 01 the MoUi- 4. Pioneers. . . 164.10 cans 164.01 I .I. Prairie. . . . 164.11 LE.iTHEB stocking and silk. Cooke (J. E.) . 163.18 Leaves from a family journal . Souvestre (E ) 253.52 Leaves from Margaret's Smith's journal. Whittieb (J. G.) 263..57 Leatitt (J. M. ) The American cardinal, [anon.] 114.30 Led astray, or la petite comtesse. FEun.r.ET (0. ) 192. Jl Ledbury I Adventures of JTr. ) Smith (A.) . 252.75 Lee(D. K.) Master-builder 222.54 — Merrimack ; or, life at the loom 225.55 Lee ( J/.s. E. B. ) Parthenia 222.56 Lee (Harriet). Canterbury tales. 2v. . . . 222.57 Cim!ents : v. 1. Introduction. Tlie landlady's tale — Mary Lawson. Tiie friend's tale — Stanhope. The wife s tale — Julia Tbe traveler's tale— MontforJ. Ttie poet s tale— Arundel. The old woman's tale — Lotliaiie. a legend. 2. The German's t^le — Kruitziier. The Scotsman's tale. — Claudiue. The Frenchman's tale— CoustaQce. The offi- cer's tale— Cavendish. Lee (Holmel, pseicl. See Pars (H.) Lee (Margaret). Dr. WUmer's love. . . . 222.73 Lee (Sophia). Canterbury tales 222.59 Conients ; Introduction. The clergyman's tale Pem- broke. Memoir of Sopliia Lee. The young Luly's tale. The two Emilys. Leech club ; or, the mystery of the Catskill. Owen (G. W.) 236.01 Leeds (W. H., iranslafor). Popular tales and romances of northern nations. 3 v 255.01 LeFanu (J. S.) Ail in the dark 223.01 — Checkmate 223.08 — Guy DeverelL 223.02 — House by the churchyard 223.03 — Lost name 2'23. 04 — Tenants of Malory 223.04 — Uncle SUas 223.07 — Wylder's hand 223.06 LEFT-handed Elsa. [/dwh.] 226.40 Left on Labrador. Stephens ( C. A. ) . . , 256. 10 Legend of Montrose. Scorr (Sir Waltart. . 245.31 Legend of Reading Abbey. Macfarlvne (C. ) 224.62 Legend of the Khiue. Thackeray (W. M.) . 255.57 Legends and stories of Ireland. Lover (S.) 2 v. 224.30 Legends of the American revolution. Lippabd (G.) 2'23.94 Legends of Charlemagne. Buuinch (T. ) . 143. 30 IjEgends of number Nip. Lemon (M.) . . 185.36 Legends of the Black Watch. Grant (J. ) . 216.06 Legends of the Christian east. St. John (B. ) 244.70 Legends of Mexico. Lippard (G.) .... 223.89 Legends of the West. HAii,(J.) 212.19 Legr-and (M. ) The Cambridge freshman ; or, memoirs of Mr. Golightly 223.09 Leigh (Marian). My own story 223.10 Leighton court. Kingsley (H. ) 222.04 Leiia ; or the island. Tytler(A. F.) . . . 262.30 Leila in England. Tytleb (.\. F. ) .... 262.31 Leila, at home. Tytler (A. F.) 26'2.32 Leila, or the siege of Granada. BulwebLytton iE. G. E. L., (orcZi^n) 144.15 Leisure hour series, l^am&'y: — About (E.) Mau with a broken e«r 112.03 — Notary's nose 112.04 Alcestis 114.26 Alexander (.Vrf.) Her deareat foe 115.35 — Heritage of LaiJgdale 115.36 — Kalph Wilton 8 weird 11.1.34 — Which shall it be ? 266.70 — Wooing ot 204.82 Auerbach (B.) Aloys 124.27 — Black inrest village ptories 124 20 — Convicts (The) end their children. . . . 124.25 — E(lelwei8S l'J4.]5 — German tales 124.21 — Joseph in the snow 124.22 — Little barefoot 124 08 — I/irley aud Keiiihard 124.26 — On the heights 124.09 — Villa on the Rhine 124.19 Butt (B. M.) Miss Molly 143.:)7 Bjoruson (B.; Usher niaiden 133.29 Ca.21 Mvntle (The). [Naubebt (B.)1 151.12 MvNZONi(A. ) The betrothed lovers; [or, I promessi sposi] : a Milanese story of the 17th century. With the Column of infamy. 3 v. . . 225.33 MvR (Helen). Sie Walker (Mrs. D. M.) M iRBLE fawn ; or, romance of Monte Beni. Haw- thorne iN.) 212.57 MvRCELLAof Rome. [Knevels (ilfi-s. D. C.)] 186 07 March (Anne). The old stone house. . . . 226. G2 March (Walter), pseud. See Willcox (O. B.) Marchioness of BrinviUiers. Smith (A.) . . 2.52.42 MiEcus. Aimwell (Walter). [Slmonds (W.)] 252.47 Marcus Blair ; a story of provincial times. Weight (C. E.) 266.78 Marcus Warland. Hentz (C. L.) .... 213.12 Maedi, »ud a voyage thither. Melville (H.) 231.67 MAEG.iEET. Tytler (G. C. F.) 261.90 Margaket, a prairie home. Bright (Mrs. M. A.) 142.03 Maegarft, a tale of the real and ideal. Judd (liev. Sylvester) 221.34 M.iRGAEET and her bridesmaids. [Stretton (J. )] 225. 3G Maegaeet Cecil. Bell (C. D.) 133.21 Margaret Denzil's history. [Greenwood (F.)] 225.37 Maegaeet Hamilton. Newby (J/rs. C. J.) . 233.29 Maegeet Howth, a story of to-day. Davis (Mrs. K. H.) 172.01' Margaret Lyudsay. Wilson (J.) .... 264.20 Maegaeet Maitlaud. Oliphant (jlfi-s. M. 0. W.) 234. 19 1 Maegaeet Moncrieffe. Burdett (Charles). . 145.18 Maegaeet Percival. Sewell (E. M.) . . . 251.42 Margaret Smith's journal. Whiitier (J. G. ) 263.57 Same, //i /us Prose works, v. 1. . . . 5077.10 Margaret's engagement, [anon.] .... 225.38 Mabgaret's home (Loss and gain ; or). Haven (A. B.) 212.85 M,uiGRET Howth. Davis (J/)s. R. H. ) . . . 172.01 Maegueeite Kent. Wayne (M. W. ) . . . . 263. 70 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas (A.) .... 181.07 M.AEIA ; or the wrongs of women. Godwin (Mrs. M.W.) Ill hrr Posthumous works, v. 1-2. . '. . 5823.20 Marlan Drayton (Leaves from ye journal of). . 225.44 Marian Grey. Holmes (J/j-s. M. J.) .... 213.55 SIaeian Rooke ; or, the guest of fortune. Sedley (H.) 251.23 Marie Antoinette and her son. Muhleach(L.) 233.03 Maeie Dorville ; a story of a French boarding-school. Witt (Madame G. de) 172.47 M.iEiEiTA. Trollope (T. A.) 261.80 Marion Barnard. Smith (J. F.) 251.96 Maeion Berkley. Caxton(L.) [CoMiNS(LizzieB.)] 152.33 Marion Graham, or "higher than happiness." Lander (Mflta). 222.41 Marion Harland, pseud. See Teehune (Mrs. M. V. H. ) Marius. Hugo (Victor). Les Miserables, part 3. 214.54 Maejoeie Daw, c/c. Aldeich (T. B.) . . . 121.43 Maejoeie Fleming ; a sketch. Brown (J.) . 143.18 Same. In Little classics, v. 10 226.97 Maejorie's quest. Gould (J, T.) 195.30 Marjory. Deane(M.) 172.55 Mark Gildersleeve. Saczade (.7. S. ) .... 245.91 M.4RK Rowland. Martingale (Hawser). [Sleepee (J. S.)] 252.62 M.ARK, the match boy. Alger (H.) .... 121.26 Mark Twain. See Clemens (S. L.) Maek Twain's Sketches, new and old. [Clemens (S. L.)] 155.30 Maek Wilton, the clerk. Taylor (G. B. ) . . 25.5.14 Market Harborough. Melville (W.) . . . 235.86 Marlitt (E. ), j}seud. See John (E. ) Maemaduke Herbert. Blessington (Lady) . 134.10 Marmaduke Wyvil. Heeeert (H. W.) . . . 213.19 IVLiRMONTEL (J. P. ) Belisurius 225.43 Same. [Another translation] 2'25.87 Maeoon. Reid (Cnpt. Maynei 242.51 iVoi^.— Sometimes occurs with the name of W, G. Simms on the title-page. MiEOONER's Island. Goulding (F. R.) . . . 211.40 Marque-ss (The). Hook(T. E.) 214.06 Marquis and merchant. Collins (Mortimer). 162.30 M.iBQUis de ViHemer. Sand (George). . . . 175.56 Maeeiage. Feeeiek (J/ M.) 191.22 Maeeiage, a lottery. Geey (3/rs. E. C.) . . 211.62 Maeei.\ge in high life. Feuillet (O.) . . . 19(i.22 Maeeiage in high life. Geey ( 3/r.9. E. C. ) . . 211.61 Marriage of Belphagor. Machia'S'elli (N. ) v.l of 171.02 Maeeuge of Moira Fergus. Black (W.) . . 134.42 Maeeied against reason. SLickenzie (A. S.) . 224.88 M.iEEiED at last. Thomas (Annie) 255.69 Married beneath him. Payn (J.) .... 235.60 Maeeied belle. Smpth ( Julie P. ) 254.86 Maeeied for both worlds. Porter (Mrs. A. E. ) 241.84 Maeeied in haste. Stephens (Mrs. K. S. ) . 253. 78 Married life. Aethue(T. S.) 123.14 BROOKLYN MERCANTILE LIBRARY. FICTION ; Manied lo May. 503 Married life at Hillside. Gbay (Barry). [Coffin (R. B.)] 1G1.13 Married uot mated. Cart ( jI/i'.w Alice). . . 15'2.0;i Married or siugle. Sedowick ( .l/w.s C. M. ) 2 v. 251.14 Marryat (Florence). .SVe Church (Mrs. Ross). Mabryat ( Capt. F. ) Children of the new forest 225.46 --Jacob Faithful 22r,.49 — Japhet in search of a father 22.'). 48 — Kintj'sown 22").50 — Little savage 22.5.51 — Mastermnn Readj' ; or, the wreck of the Pacific. 225. 52 — Midshipman Easy 225.53 — Missiou ; or, scenes in Africa 225..54 — Naval officer, or Frank Mildm ay 225.47 — Newton Forster. .' 225.55 — Pacha of many tales '. . . 225. 5B — Percival Keene 225.57 — Peter Simple 225.574 — Phantom ship 225.58 — Pirate and the three cutters 225. 6() — Poacher. 225.67 — Poor Jack 225.59 — Privateer's-man one hundred vears ago. . 225.60 — Ratlin the reefer " 225.61 — Settlers iu Canada 225.62 — Snarleyyow ; or, the dog fiend 225.63 — Travels and adventm-es of Monsieur Violet. 225.64 — Valerie, an autobiography 225.65 "Marrying by lot. Mortimer (C. B.) .... 232.36 MiUBYiNG for money. D aniel ( .^/cs. M. ) . . 171.32 Mabrytn'g too late. Wood (George). . . . 264.44 Maesh-Caldwell ( Ji)s. A. ) Adelaide Lindsay. 231.03 — Aubrey. 2 v 231.01 — Castle Avon. 2v 231.07 ; 231.02 — Emilia Wyndham. 2v 231.01 ; 231.10 — Father Darcy 231.01 — Heiress of Haughton 231.16 — Mordauut hall ; or, a September night. . . 231.12 — Mount Sorel ; or the heiress of the De Veres. 231.01 — Norman's bridge; or, the modern Midas. 231. 13; 231.01 — RavenscUfle. 2v 231.14 ; 231.01 — Time, the avenger. 231.02 — Tiiumphs of time 231.01 Contr^nts : Sealed orders. Previsions of lady Evelyn, A soldier's fortune. — Two old men's tales : the Deformed, and the Ad- miral's daughter 225.76 — Wilmingtons 231 .02 Marsh ( Mrs. G. P. ), translator. See Hallig (The). 231. 1 8 Marsh (J. B.) Life of Robin Hood 225.78 MarshaUj (Emma). Mrs. Mainwariug's journal. 226. G5 M.iRSHAi-i, (Mss Nellie). As by fire. . . . 225.75 Marston ; or memoirs of a statesman. Croly (G. ) 165. 26 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens (Charles). . . 173.33 Martin Merivale. Creyton (Paul). [Trowbridge (J. T.)] 262.13 Mabtin Paz. Vebke (J.) [In his Sm-vivors of the Chancellor.) 266.82 Martin Pole. Saunders (John) 245.04 Maetineau (Harriet). Croftou boys. . . . 231.20 — Deerbrook 231.21 — Feats on the fiord 231.22 — Hour (The) and the man. [Toussaint Louverture.] 3 V. 231.24 — Illustrations of political economy. 9 v. . 231.27 1. Life in the ^vild8. Tlie hill and the valley. Brooke and Brooke farm. 2. Demerara. Ella of Garveloch. Weal and woe in Garveloeh. 3. Manchester strike. Cousin Marshall. Ireland. 4. Homes abroad. For each and for all. French wines and pohtics. 8. The charmed sea. Berkeley, the Ijanker. 6. Messrs. Vanderput and Suoek. The loom and the lugger. 7. Sowers and reapers. Cinnamon and pearls. 8. Briery Creek. Tiiree aees. 9. The Farrers of Budge-Row. The moral of many fables. — Peasant and prince 231.23 — Settlers at home 231.37 Martingai,e (Hawser), psmd. See Sleeper (J. S. ) Maetins of Cro" Martin. Levee (Charles). . 223.53 Maetyn Ware's temptation. Wood (iWr.s. H.) 261.60 Martyria(W.) Mountford ( W. ) 232.09 M.vrtyrs. Chateaubriand (F. de.) .... 153.23 Maetyes of Spain. Chables (Jl/r.v. E. ) . . . 153.16 Maevel (Ik), pseud. See Mitcheli, (D. G.) Mabvellous adveutures of Master Tyll Owlglass. MuRNER (T.) 234.42 Mary and Hugo. Smith (3/>-s. E. O.) . . . 252.77 Mary Barton. Gaskell {Mis. E. C.) . . . 194.06 Mary Bell. Abbott (Jacob) 111.04 Mary Brandegee ; an autobiography. [Peck (E. )] 235.2S Mary Derwent. Stephens (iUc*. A. S.) . . . 253.69 Mary Erskine. Abbott (J.) 111.03 Mary Lj-ndon ; or revelations of a life, [anon.] 231.38 Mary Lyndsay. Ponsonby (Lady E.) . . . 241.46 Mary of Burgundy. James (G. P. R.) . . . 215.67 Mary of Lorraine. Grant (J.) 211.92 Mary Osborne. Abbott (J.) Juno stories, v. 3. 111. ,32 Mary Powell. [Manning (Anne). 1 .... 225.28 Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. Meinhold (J. W.) 231..59 Maey Staunton, [anon.] 231.39 Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. Charles (Mrs. E.) 153.09 Mason (C. Welch). Rape of the gamp. . . 225.86 Mason (James, cd.) Old fairy tales. . . . 185.44 Mason (M. M.) Mae Madden, with an introductory poem by Joaquin Miller 227.74 Massacre of the Jews iu Lisbon [in 1506]. Jacobs (J.F.) In 171.19 Master builder. Lee(D. K.) 222.54 Master Flea. [Hoffman (C. T. A.)] . . . 151.11 Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens (C.) . . 174.34 Master Martin and his workmen. Hoffmann (E. T. W.) 133.02 Master of Greenway Court (Fairfax ; or). Cooke (J. E.) 163.10 Master of Grey lands. Wood (.Vi-.s. H.) . . 264.78 Mastebm AN Ready. Maeryat(F. ) .... 225.52 Mathews (C. ) Chanticleer ; a thanksgiving story of the Peabody family 225.89 ' — Various writings 5053.05 Coiitimts : The Motley book. Behemoth : a legend of the mound-builders. Career of PuffiT Hopkins. Mathews (J. H.) The Bessie books. 6 v. . 225.80 v. 1. Bessie at the sea-side. I 4. Bessie among the moun- 2. Bessie in the city. | tains. 4. Bessie and her friends. I 5. Bessie at school. I 6. Bessie on her travels. JIathteu Kopars. [anon.] 231.40 Matilda. Sue (Eugene) 254.36 Matilda Douglas (Doings in Maryland ; or). . 175.11 Matilda Lonsdale. Adams (C.) 112.09 Mateimonial infelicities. Gray (Barry). [Coffin (R. B.)] 161.12 Matt's follies, and other stories. Peescott (M.N.) 241.88 SIatthew Caraby. By Benauly, pseud, of Abbott (B., A., and L.) 231.41 Matthew Wald (History of). Lookhart (J. G.) 224.19 Mattie : a stray. [Robinson (F. W.)] . . . 231.42 Maud and Miriam. McKeever (H. B. ) . . . 225.16 Maud Mohan. Thomas (Annie) 255.72 Maud or Nina. Melville (J. G. W.) . . . 235.89 Maude Talbot. [Paeb (H.)] 222.65 Maudit (Le). Under the ban. [anon..] . . 231.43 Mauprat. Sand (George) 175.31 Maurice. Bechabd(F. ) 132.23 Maurice Dering ; or, the quadrilateral. Lawrence (G. A.) 222.49 Maueice Tiemey. Levee (C.) 223.56 Max Havelaer. By Multaluli. [Dekkee (E. D. )] 10i!4.18 Mas Kromer. [Sjhth (Hannah).] .... 225.79 Max Meredith's millennium. Townsend (V. F. ) 261.96 Maxwell. Hook (T. E.) 214.04 Maxwell (Cecil). Story of three sisters. . . 231.17 Maxwell (Mrs. Johni. See Beaddon (,Miss M. E.) Maxwell (W. H.) Bivouac 231.43 — Captain Blake 231.44 — Hector OHalloran 231.45 — Stories of Waterloo 231.46 Maxwell Drewitt. Traffoed ( F. G. ) [Eiddell ( Mrs. (J. H.)] 243.19 May. Oliphant (.Urs. M. O. W.) .... 234.93 In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the A0 FHOB'S HAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 504 FICTION : May "i;- F. ) 443.08 Merchant mechanic. Howe (M. A.) . . . 214.18 Merchant of Berlin. Muhibach (L. ) [Mundt (C.)] 232.73 Merciee de Lacombe (H. ) Memoirs of the year 2.500 231.77 Meecy Philbrick's choice, [finon.] .... 235.73 i\'o«e.— Attributed to Mrs. Jackson, formerly Mrs. Helen Hunt. Meeedith (George). EmiUa in Engl;md. 3 v. 231.91 — Evan Harrington ; or, he would be a gentle- man 231.78 Meredith (il/rs. L. A. ) The lacemakers : Lish character 952.06 Meredith (Owen), pseud. See Bul'wee-Lytton (R. L. ) Meredith. Blessington (indy M. ) . . . 134.12 Meridiana. Verne (J.) 206.77 Mekimee(P.) Colomba 231.81 — 1572 : times of Charles IX 235.67 — Letters to an incognita 3251.16 Meekland ; or, self-sacrifice. Oliphant {Mrs. M. 0. W.) 234.20 Merrimack ; or, life at the loom. Lee (D. K. ) 222.55 Meeey Christmas. Mackarness (.l/cs. M. A. ) 241.29 Merry mount ; a romance of the Massachusetts colony. Motley (J. L.) 232. 3S Mery (Joseph) Through thick and thin : or, " La guerre du Nizam." Tr. by O. Vibeur. . 226.92 Message from the sea. Dickens (C.) . . . 174.01 Messes. Vauderput and Snoek. Maetineau ( H. ) 231.32 Meta Gray. McIntosh (M. J. ) 224.73 META'sfai'th. Tabor (E.) 231.80 Meteyaed (Eliza). Mainstone's housekeeper. 231.82 Methodist (The). Fletcher (M.) 2 v. . . 192.19 Meteopolites (The) ; or, kuow thy neighbor. St. Clak (R.) 244.56 Mexico versus Texas, a descriptive novel. By a Texian 227.31 Mice at play. Forest (Neil) 186.31 Michael Armstroug. Tbollope (J/re. F. ) . . 262.02 Michael Rudolph. Dupuy(E. A.) .... 181.31 Michael Strogoff. Veene (J.) 266.91 IIiddlemaech. Eliot (George). [Lewes {Mrs. M. E.)] 184.08 MrosHiPMAN Easy. Markyat ( (7((p(. F. ) . . . 22.5.53 Midsummer eve : a fairy tale. Hall ( .U)-«. S. C. ) 212.22 JIldsummer fays. Pindek (Susan) 235.38 MiGNON ; a tale, [anon.l 231.83 MiGNON. Foeeestee ( .Ifj-s. ) 196.43 MiLDEED. Ceaik(G. M.) 165.21 MiLDEED Arkell. Wood (3/re. H.) .... 264.63 MiLDEED Norman, the Nazarene. [nnon.l . . 231.85 Mildeed's wedding. Deekick (F. ) [Notley {Mrs.)-\ 173.12 Miles O'Riley, p.seud. See Halpine (C. G.) . 212.26 Miles Wallingford. Coopee (J. F.) .... 164.04 Mlllbank : or Roger Irving's ward. Ho lme s {Mrs. M. J.) 213.63 Mill of the vale. Lohmann(F.) .... 7n. 171.19 Mill on the floss. Eliot (George i. [Lewes (Mrs. G. H.) 184.03 BBOOKLYK MERCANTILK LIBRAKY, FICTION : MiUer to Moonshine. 505 Mii-LER (Christine). See Van Walrke (.1/r.v. E. C. W. i AIiLLEB (Hugli). Tales and sketches. . . . 2!1.8(> MiLUiit (.Joaquin). First lam'lii.s of the Sierras. 232.118 — The ouo lair woman 2:i:t.l)") Miller (S. F.) Wilkins Wjlder 2:jl.87 Miller of Ant,'il)ault. [Dudevant (A.L..\.l).)] 17'i.5.5 MiLLEi: of Silcott mill. Deslonbe (,l/i-.s-. D. ) . 172. Ii.5 Miller's story of the war. Ekcksi.vnn (E. ) wul Chatrian (A.) 18:5.43 MtLi.s of the gods. Twells (.l/i-.v. J. H.) . . 2i;