— M—WWMIIHHW ■■ Ill mmmmmummummm iiinmii imSlSfSysi v KMNamMnufJ .1 :•}:'■ '>:Ai; <;'!:■ PRECEDENTS OF ■ GENERAL Requisitions on Title HERBERT A. DICKINS ■5'Co02r i^O^ SECOND EDITION o I April, VALUABLE LAW WORKS 1901 PUBLISHED BY s ~~NS, » The The A ri C i A J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Pridea it C E " ' Pr Spence 1! o1 tl II a.i Redma o1 B Odgers C E Pollocl B Johnson's Bills of Costs.— Second Edit. By HORACE MAXWELL JOHNSON, Barrister-at-Law. Royal Svo. 1901. Price 35«. cloth. Jepson's Lands Clauses Acts.— With Decisions, Forms, and Tables of Costs. Second Edition. By J. M. LIGHTWOOD, Barrister- at-Law. Demy Svo. 1900. Price 21*. cloth. Theobald's Concise Treatise on the Law of Wills.— Fifth Edition. By H. S. THEOBALD, K.C. 'Royal 8vo. 1900. Price 32*. cloth. Highmore's Stamp Laws.— By NATHANIEL JOSEPH HIGH- MORE, iitirrister-nl Law, Assistant- Solicitor of the Inland Revenue. Demy 8vo. 1900. Price 10«. 6rf. cloth. Hamilton's Complete Manual of Company Law. — Including the Winding-up "f Companies and the I Companies Act. 1900, Second Edition. ByW. P. HAMILTON, LL.D.Lond., K.C. DemySvo. 1001. Price 21a. cloth. O O » * j,',' Standard Law II arks are kept in Stock, in law cut) and other bindings. SNOW, Bar- the Supreme s. Two Vols. A'., XX., XXI., in, Defence and nt. His Honour •ice 25*. cloth. ssertations on )HN WHIT- . Two Vols. :ts, 1883— dso the Board together with or Crops Act, jR, Barrister- s' the Practice REDMAN, .oth. rocedure in Edition. By of Plymouth. ■enth Edition. : POLLOCK, • 10s. cloth. o uhiln a - *' STEVENS and SONS, Ld., 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, London. Palmer's Companies Act, 1900.— With Explanatory Notes and Forms, together with Addenda to "Company Precedents." Second Edit By F. B. PALMER, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1901. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. Palmer's Company Precedents.— For use in relation to Com- panies subject to the Companies Acts. Part I. : COMPANY FORMS. — With Copious Notes and an Appendix containing ttie Acts and Rules. Seventh Edition. By FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, Barrister-at-Law, assisted by the Hon. CHARLES MACNAGHTEN, Q.C., and ARTHUR JOHN CHITTY, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1898. Price 36s. cloth. Part II. : WINDING-UP FORMS AND PRACTICE. -With Copious Notes. Eighth Edition. By FRANCIS BEAUFORT PALMER, assisted by FRANK EVANS, Barristers-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1900. Price 32s. cloth. Part III.: DEBENTURES AND DEBENTURE STOCK. — With Copious Notes, eighth Edition. By PR AN CIS BEAUFORT PALMER, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8 vo. 1900. Price 21s. cloth. Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius.— Seventeenth Edition. By MAURICE POWELL, Barrister-at-Law. Two Vols. Demy 8vo. 1900. Price £2 : 2s. cloth. Archbold's Pleading, Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases. — With the Statutes, Precedents of Indictments, &c. Twenty-second Edition. Bv WILLIAM F. CRAIES and GUY STEPHENSON, Barristers-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1900. Price 31s. 6d. cloth. Russell's Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards, with an Appendix of Forms and Statutes. Eighth Edition. By EDWARD POLLOCK, an Official Referee of the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the late HERBERT RUSSELL, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1900. Price 30s. cloth. Carver's Treatise on the Law relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea.— Third Edition. By T. G. CARVER, K.C. Royal 8vo. 1900. Price 36s. cloth. Cripps' Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Compensa- tion.— Fourth Edition. By C. A. CRIPPS, K.C. Royal 8vo. 1900. Price 25s. cloth. Lawrance's Precedents of Deeds of Arrangement between Debtors and their Creditors —Fifth Edition. By ARTHUR LAWRENCE, Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1900. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. Shirley's Selection of Leading Cases in the Common Law.— With Notes. Bv W. S. SHIRLEY, Barrister-at-Law. Sixth Edit. By RICHARD WATSON, Barrister-at-Law. Demy Svo. 1900. Price 16s. cloth. Wigram's Justice's Note-Book.— Containing a Short Account of the Jurisdiction and Duties of Justices, and an Epitome of Criminal Law. Seventh Edition. By HENRY WARBURTON and LEONARD W. KERSHAW, Barristers-at-Law. Royal 12mo 1900. Price 10s. 6d. cloth. © * * * A Catalogue of Law Works gratis on Application. G> PRECEDENTS OF GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS. BY HERBERT A. DICKINS, SOLICITOR. SECOND EDITION. LONDON : STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, 119 & 120, CHANCEEY LANE, 2Lato ^ubltejwsi. 1898. T LONDON : l'RINTED LY C. F. BOWOETH, GEEAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE, E.C. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The ready way in which the first edition of this little work has been taken up by the pro- fession justifies me, I think, in eliminating from the title page to the present edition the words, " for the use of Articled Clerks, Law Students, and others." The effects of recent legislation and of the more recent decisions of the Courts have been duly noted in the text, and I trust that the work will continue to prove useful to the pro- fession at large, and will help to fill the want I referred to in the preface to the former edition. H. A. D. December, 1897. «2 778850 PREFACE TO THE •FIEST EDITION. This manual has been written principally with the object of providing some practical assistance to Articled Clerks, Law Students, and others whose acquaintance with this branch of the law is necessarily somewhat limited from a want of actual experience in its practice. The writer's object will have been further attained if the forms of precedents supply the want (which he has himself felt) of having ready to hand forms of general requisitions on title, which can be easily adapted to the varying circumstances arising in the investigation of title. The precedents are largely taken from forms in actual use in the writer's own office, and where this could not be done they have been framed to meet the various contingencies that may be met with on a purchase of land or house property. It has been found necessary to avoid, almost entirely, the framing of requisitions on " title," properly so called, as they would be necessarily hypothetical, and, therefore, of small practical value. Moreover, the sub j ect of title to property being one so intimately connected with the theory and practice of Conveyancing, it was thought impossible to do justice, in a work of this kind, to a subject of such vast magnitude. H. A. D. June, 1896. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface - - - - - - -iii Table of Cases cited - - - - - - vii Table of Statutes cited - - - - - xi Part I. NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS ON GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE. CHAPTEE I. Usual Eequisitions on Purchase of Freehold Land - 1 CHAPTER II. Usual Eequisitions on Purchase of Freehold Ground Eents - - - - - - -12 CHAPTEE III. Usual Eequisitions on Purchase of Copyholds - 18 CHAPTEE IV. Usual Eequisitions on Purchase of Leaseholds - - 25 CHAPTEE V. Eequisitions as to Description and Identity - - 40 CHAPTEE VI. Miscellaneous Eequisitions - - - - 45 a 3 VI CONTENTS. Part II. PRECEDENTS OF GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE. FOEM I. PAGE Requisitions as to Freehold Land - - - 61 FOEM II. Requisitions as to Freehold Ground Eents - - 62 FOEM III. Requisitions as to Copyholds - - - - 63 FOEM IV. Eequisitions as to Leaseholds - - - - 65 FOEM V. Eequisitions as to Description and Identity - - 66 FOEM VI. Miscellaneous Eequisitions- - - - - 68 INDEX - - - - - - - 71 TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE Attstekbuky v. Corporation of Oldham - - - 51 Barnes v. Wood - - - - - - 52 Barrow v. Isaacs - - - - - -16 Barry and Cadoxton Local Board v. Parry - 6 Beyfus and Masters' Contract - - - - 41 Bos v. Helsham - - - - - - 52 Camberwell and South London Building Society v. Hollo- way - - - - - - -54 Carter v. Sebright - - - - - - 20 Castellain v. Preston - - - - - 36 Cato v. Thompson - - - - -8, 51 Clay v. Burrough - - - - - - 16 Croft v. Lumley - - - - - - 27 Cubitt v. Porter - - - - - - 13 Cumming v. Bedborough - - - - - 34 Curling v. Austin - - - - - - 43 Davis v. Greenwich Board of "Works - - - - 6 Denby v. Moore - - - - - - 34 Doe d. Baker v. Jones - - - - - - 27 Doe d. Bankin v. Brindley - - - - - 27 Duke of Norfolk v. Worthy - - - - - 41 Dyer v. Hargrave - - - - - - 41 Dykes v. Blake - - - - - - 8 Ecclesiastical Commissioners v. Parr - - 22, 23 Vlll TABLE OF CASES CITED. PAGE Farebrother v. Gibson - - - - - - 41 Fligbt v. Booth - 42 Flower v. Harfcropp - - - - - - 43 Ford and Hill, re - - - - - - 58 Governors of Christ's Hospital v. Harrild - - - 2 Hanbury v. Litchfield - - - - - 24 Hare v. Elms - - - - - --16 Haywood v. Brunswick, &c. Company - - - 51 Higgins and Hitchman's Contract - - - - 51 Hill v. Barclay - - - - - - 16 Holland (Lady) v. Kensington Vestry - - - - 6 Keppell v. Bailey - - - - - -51 King v. Wilson - - - - - - 41 Kirby v. School Board of Harrogate - - - 52 Knight v. Simmonds - - - - - 51 Lawes v. Gibson - - - - - - 10 London and South-Western Eailway Company v. Gomm - 51 Lyddall v. Weston - - - - - - 46 Manning v. Lunn - - - - - - 2 Martin v. Cotter - - - - - - 46 Mayfair Property Company v. Johnston - - - 13 Nicoll v. Fenning - - - - --51 Nind v. Nineteenth Century Building Society - - 16 Nottingham Patent Brick and Tile Company v. Butler - 51 Paine v. Miller - - - - - --36 Palmer v. Earith - - - - - - 4 Pattison v. Long - - - - - - 54 Peek v. Matthews - - - - - - 51 Phillips v. Caldcleugh - - - - - - 51 Plumstead Board of Works v. British Land Company - 6 Plumstead v. Ingoldby - - - - - - 6 I 'oole v. Shergold - - - - - - 36 Portman v. Mill - - - - - - 41 Powell v. Smithson - - - - - - 46 Purser v. Local Board of Health for Worthing - - 29 TABLE OF CASES CITED. IX PAGE Eayner v. Preston - - - - - - 36 Eeg. v. Lady of the Manor of Dullingham - - - 20 Beg. v. Parish of Hammersmith - - - - 32 Eeg. v. Wilson - - - - - --20 Eenner v. Tolley - - - - - -55 Einger to Thompson - - - - - - 27 Eogers v. Eingston-upon-HuH Dock Company - - 53 Seaman v. Vawdrey - - - - - - 46 Smith v. Eichmond - - - - - - 29 Smith v. Eobinson - - - - -17, 37 Soady v. Wilson - - - - - 4 Spencer v. Parry - - - - - - 34 Stedman v. Smith - - - - - - 13 Terry and White's Contract - - - - - 41 Tidswell v. Whitworth - - - - 17, 37 Tubbs v. Wynne - - - - --17 Tulk v. Moxhay - - - - - - 51 Vestry of Bermondsey v. Eamsey - - - - 6 Vestry of St. Mary Battersea v. Parmer - - - 6 Upperton v. Nicholson - - - - - - 46 Waller v. Andrews - - - - - - 4 Walter v. Maunde - - - - - - 54 Walters v. Webb - - - - - - 22 Whatman v. Gibson - - - - - - 50 White v. Cuddon - - - - - - 41 Whittemore v. Whittemore - - - - - 40 Wilkinson v. Calvert - - - - - 53 Wilmott v. Barber - - - - --27 Wilson v. Hart - - - - - - 51 TABLE OF STATUTES CITED. PAGE 13 Edw. 1, c. 1 (Statute of De Donis) 18 ■23 Hen. 8, c. 5 4 13Eliz. c. 9 4 43 Eliz. c. 2 (Poor Relief Act, 1601) 28 7 Anne, c. 20 (Middlesex Registry Act, 1708) 57 17 Geo. 2, c. 38 (Poor Relief Act, 1743) 28 38 Geo. 3, c. 5 (Land Tax Act, 1797) 2 c. 60 (Land Tax Perpetuation Act, 1798) 3 53 Geo. 3, c. 142 (Land Tax Act, 1813) 3 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22 (Sewers Act, 1833) 4 c. 27 (Real Property Limitation Act, 1833) 23, 47 c. 90 (Lighting and Watching Act, 1833) 31 c. 105 (Dower Act, 1833) 47 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50 (General Highway Act, 1835) 30 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 71 (Tithe Commutation Act, 1836) 4 2 & 3 Vict. c. 62 (Tithe Act, 1839) 5 3 & 4 Vict. c. 15 (Tithe Act, 1840) 5 4 & 5 Vict. c. 45 (Sewers Act, 1841) 4 5 & 6 Vict. c. 35 (Income Tax Act, 1842) 33 8 & 9 Vict. c. 20 46 9 & 10 Vict. c. 73 (Tithe Act, 1846) 5 10 & 11 Vict. c. 17 (General Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847) .... 32 12 & 13 Vict. c. 50 (Sewers Act, 1849) 4 14 & 15 Vict. c. 36 (House Tax Act, 1851) 35 15 & 16 Vict. c. 76 (Common Law Procedure Act, 1852) 16 c. 81 (County Rates Act, 1852) 32 16 & 17 Vict. c. 34 (Income Tax Act, 1853) 34 c. 90 3 c. 117 3 18 & 19 Vict. c. 120 (Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855) . .5, 6, 31 19 & 20 Vict. c. 80 (Taxes Act, 1856) 3 21 & 22 Vict. c. 33 32 c. 104 (Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1858) 4 23 & 24 Vict. c. 93 (Tithe Act, 1860) 5 c. 125 (Metropolis Gas Act, 1860) 32 c. 126 (Common Law Procedure Act, 1860) 16 24 & 25 Vict. c. 79 (Metropolis Gas Act, 1861) 32 c. 133 4 Xll TABLE OF STATUTES CITED. PAGE 25 & 26 Vict. c. 61 (Highway Act, 1862) 30 c. 102 (Metropolis Local Management Amendment Act, 1862) 4, 5, 44 27 & 28 Vict. c. 18 (Revenue (No. 1) Act, 1864) 34 c. 101 30 37 & 38 Vict. c. 42 (Building Societies Act, 1874) 59 c. 54 28 c. 78 (Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874) 9, 55, 57 38 & 39 Vict. c. 55 (Public Health Act, 1875) 5, 29, 30, 31, 38 41 & 42 Vict. c. 42 (Tithe Act, 1878) 5 43 & 44 Vict. c. 19 3 c. 82 (Taxes Management Act, 1880) 33 44 & 45 Vict. c. 41 (Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881) 9, 15, 27, 37,45, 55 45 & 46 Vict. c. 27 30 c. 39 (Conveyancing Act, 1882) 49 46 & 47 Vict. c. 61 (Agricultural Holdings Act, 1883) 10, 58 47 & 48 Vict. c. 54 (Yorkshire Registries Act, 1884) 57 48 & 49 Vict. c. 26 57 c. 32 5 51 & 52 Vict. c. 8 (Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1888) .... 48 c. 41 (Local Government Act, 1888) 44 c. 51 (Land Charges Registration and Searches Act, 1888) 59 52 & 53 Vict. c. 7 (Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1889) .... 49- c. 30 21 c. 42 3 c. 50 3 53 & 54 Vict. c. 59 (Public Health Act, 1890) 5 54 Vict. c. 8 (Tithe Act, 1891) 5 54 & 55 Vict. c. 39 (Stamp Act, 1891) 56 c. 64 (Land Registry (Middlesex Deeds) Act, 1891) 57 c. 76 (Public Health (London) Act, 1891) 38 55 & 56 Vict. c. 37 (Private Street Works Act, 1892) 4 57 & 58 Vict. c. 30 (Finance Act, 1894) 47, 48 c. 46 (Copyhold Act, 1894) 21, 46 c. ccxiii. (London Building Act, 1894) 13 59 & 60 Vict. c. 16 (Agricultural Rates Act, 1896) 28, 31, 32 59 & 60 Vict. c. 28 (Finance Act, 1896) 2 EEQUISITIONS ON TITLE. Part I. NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS ON GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE. Chapter I. USUAL REQUISITIONS ON PURCHASE OF FREEHOLD LAND. 1. Is there any land tax, seivers rate, tithe, or tithe rentcharge, payable hi respect of the property ? If re- deemed, the certificate of redemption should be produced and handed over on completion. The object of this inquiry, which is a very usual and constant one, is to ascertain the nature of the burdens upon the land. The charges in question are of the nature of outgoings, which are payable by the vendor up to com- pletion ; when, if need be, they should be apportioned between the vendor and purchaser. Land tax. — This is a permanent charge on land and all messuages, tenements, quarries, mines, and such incorpo- real hereditaments as parks, chases, warrens, fishings, tithes, tolls, and fee farm rents, and annuities payable out of land. The tax is, in the absence of an express agreement on D. I! 2 NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS the part of the tenant to pay the same, a charge on the landlord, although rated in the first instance on the tenant as the person " having or holding " the property in respect whereof the charge is made within the meaning of the Land Tax Act, 1797 (38 Geo. 3, c. 5), s. 4 (the earliest statute dealing with the subject). In this connection it is important to notice that any covenant or agreement by a lessee or tenant to pay " all rates and taxes " will render him liable to pay the land tax. (See Prid. Conv., 15th edit., Vol. II., p. 1 1.) It has been held that the land tax is a " parliamentary tax" within the meaning of an agreement to pay "all taxes, parliamentary and parochial" {Manning v. Limn, 2 C. & K. 13 ; Governors of Chris? 's Hospital v. Harrild, 2 M. & G. 707) ; but the tax is not a " parochial tax." The subject of the redemption of the land tax is now governed by the Finance Act, 1896 (59 & 60 Vict. c. 28), which repeals the earlier Acts upon the subject. By sect. 32 (1) of the Act, it is enacted that the owner of any land may in any year redeem the land tax charged on such land by payment to the Commissioners of Inland Eevenue of a capital sum equal to thirty times the sum assessed on such land by the assessment last made and signed after deducting any increase of the assessment made by virtue of that section (sub-sect. 2), and such sum may be paid either in a single payment or by such annual instalments as may be agreed upon with the Commissioners, and interest at the rate of three per cent, per annum on so much of the capital sum as remains unpaid shall be payable with each instalment, and all the instalments remaining unpaid may be paid at any time. It is further provided by the Act that where an owner redeems land tax upon any land by payment of a capital sum, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall, on his application at the date of the redemption, grant to him a certificate charging the land with the amount of that sum and with interest equal to the ON GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE. 3 amount of the land tax redeemed, and he shall be entitled to the charge as if it were a mortgage secured to him by a mortgage deed ; it is further provided that where the certificate is registered in pursuance of the Land Charges Registration and Searches Act, 1888, it shall have priority over all other charges and incumbrances. (See sect. 33 (a).) Having regard to such last-mentioned section, in the absence of express stipulations in the conditions or contract, it is not quite clear what is the exact position of a purchaser with reference to his liability towards the vendor. In the first place, the Act does not place any limit as to the length of time the land will remain subject to the charge, and it would almost seem that although the land tax had been redeemed, say thirty years, before the date of the purchase, yet the whole capital sum would remain charged on the land, and be payable by the purchaser. Then, again, it is doubtful how far the purchaser would be protected by the absence of notice of the charge, and whether he would be bound to make inquiry as to the existence of the Inland Revenue certificate, and to search at the Land Charges Registry. The instalments unpaid at the date of purchase would doubtless be outgoings to which the purchaser would be liable. In such a case it does not seem clear when and to whom the certificate of charge should be given. The best evidence of the land tax having been redeemed would now seem to be the certificate of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue granted in pursuance of the above- mentioned Act. This certificate should be produced on completion, and handed over to the purchaser to be kept with the title deeds. The following are the principal Acts besides those already noticed relating to the land tax : — 38 Geo. 3, c. 5 ; 38 Geo. 3. c. 60; 53 Geo. 3, c. 142; 16 & 17 Yict. c. 90 ; 16 & 17 Yict. c. 117 ; 19 & 20 Vict. c. 80 ; 43 & 44 Vict, c. 19 ; 52 & 53 Vict. c. 42 ; and 52 & 53 Vict. c. 50. B 2 4 NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS Sewers rate. — This is a charge assessed upon the owners of land lying within the districts over which the Commis- sioners of Sewers have jurisdiction, in respect of improve- ments to such land, arising from the general drainage and other works done in the district by the Commissioners. (See Soady v. Wilson, 3 A. & E. 248, where this general rule is laid down.) The tenant or occupier pays the rate in the first instance, but is entitled to deduct the amount so paid from the next payment of rent, unless he has stipulated to pay the same, either expressly or in general terms. The rate has been held not to be included in the term " parliamentary tax " {Palmer v. Earith, 14 M. & W. 428) ; but it is included in the words " scot and outgoing" ( Waller v. Andrews, 3 M. & W. 312). The following are the principal Acts relating to the rate : — 23 Hen. 8, c. 5, as amended by 13 Eliz. c. 9 ; 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22 ; 4 & 5 Vict. c. 45 ; 12 & 13 Vict. c. 50 ; 24 & 25 Vict, c. 133; and the Metropolis Local Management Acts, 1855 and 1862 (18 & 19 Vict. c. 120, and 25 & 26 Vict. c. 102). By the operation of the last-mentioned Acts, and of the Act of 21 & 22 Vict. c. 104, the Metropolitan Board of Works were authorized to raise a special rate, to be called the Metropolitan Main Drainage Rate, to meet the expenses incurred in the purification of the Thames, and the main drainage of the metropolis. Tithe and tithe rentcharge. — Tithes, or the payment in kind out of the annual increase of the land, are now of small importance, and are rarely met with, since, by the operation of the Tithe Commutation Act, 1836 (6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 71), and subsequent Acts, they have almost invariably been commuted into annual rentcharges, issuing out of the land, and varying in amount with the average price of corn. The tithe rent-charge is now in all cases a charge upon ON GENERAL REQUISITIONS ON TITLE. 5 the "owner" of land, and any contract to the contrary on the part of any lessee or tenant is void. (See the Tithe Act, 1891 (54 Vict. c. 8, s. 1).) The charge is payable half-yearly, and is apportioned among the landowners in each parish. In addition to the above-noted Acts, the following are the principal Acts bearing on the subject, viz. : — 2 & 3 Vict, c. 62 ; 3 & 4 Vict. c. 15 ; 9 & 10 Vict. c. 73 ; 23 & 24 Vict. c. 93 ; 41 & 42 Vict. c. 42 ; and 48 & 49 Vict. c. 32. 2. Have all the roads and footpaths abutting on the property been taken to by the parish or other local or public authority ? Evidence should be furnished that all charges {if any) for making, repairing, and draining the same have been fully satisfed. This requisition is a necessary one, as, until all the roads and footpaths have been adopted by the vestry or local authority, all expenses of making, keeping in repair, and draining the same must be borne by the owners of the adjoining properties. Private roads and footpaths may be converted into public highways either by their dedication by the owner to the use of the public generally, or by their adoption by the local authorities, whether rural or urban, under the Public Health Acts, or, in the metropolis, under the Metropolis Local Management Acts. (See the Public Health Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c. 55), ss. 150 and 152, the Public Health Act, 1890 (53 & 54 Vict. c. 59), s. 41, and the Private Street Works Act, 1892 (55 & 56 Vict. c. 57), ss. 19 and 20, and the Acts of 18 & 19 Vict, c. 120, s. 106, and 25 & 26 Vict. c. 102, s. 80.) The owners of land within the metropolitan area (to which the two last-mentioned Acts apply), which bounds or abuts upon any " new street " within the meaning of n i, ^^~ ^ v ? . ^» who entitled to moneys paid in respect of, 36. declaration of trust as to, effect of, 36. LAND, nature of burdens upon, 10. LANDLOED, requisition as to name and address of, 35, 65. charges upon, 2 — 4, 5, 10. when liable for nuisances, 17, 37. rates, 30, 32. must allow tenant to deduct property tax, 33. INDEX. 77 LAND TAX, requisitions as to, 1, 61. evidence of redemption, 3. nature of, 1. a parliamentary tax, 2. LATENT DEFECTS, vendor bound to disclose, 7. LEASE, of copyholds, when requires licence, 23. by mortgagor, not reserving best rent, void, 55. the fact that other property contained in, should be stated, 54. LEASEHOLDS, requisitions as to, 25 — 38, 65, 66. LICENCE, necessary to lease of copyhold land, 23. LIGHTING EATE, nature of, 31. paid by occupier, 31. not affected by Agricultural Eates Act, 1896...31. LOED OF MANOE, right of, to seize quousque, 23. when entitled to mines, 46. licence of, necessary to lease, 23. MANOE, customs of, 18. freehold land in, usually held at a rent, 45. METEOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT EATE, nature of, 31. METEOPOLIS MANAGEMENT ACTS. See Statutes. e 3 78 INDEX. METROPOLITAN GAS RATE, how regulated, 32. paid by meter, 32. as between outgoing and incoming tenants, 32. MIDDLESEX. See Registration. MINES, requisition as to, 45, 68. pass to purchaser without express words, 46. belong to lord of manor on enfranchisement, 46. when subject of compensation, 46. MISDESCRIPTION, what entitles purchaser to compensation, 40, 41. what to rescission of contract, 42. conditions as to, 40. wilful, entitles purchaser to rescind, 41. MORTGAGE, of copyholds, how created, 20, 47. how vacated, 47. requisition as to, 47, 68. MUNIMENTS OF TITLE. See Title Deeds. NEW STREET, definition of, 6. NOTICE. See also Sanitary Notices. requisitions as to, by lessor as to repairs, 25, 65. necessity of, before enforcing forfeiture, 16. NOTICE TO QUIT, requisition as to, 52, 68. nature of, 53. NUISANCE, definition of, 38. notice to abate, 37. OCCUPIER, when liable to abate a nuisance under the Public Health Acts, 37. when liable for land tax, &c, 2. definition of, for purposes of property tax assessment, 34. INDEX. 79 OUTGOINGS, requisitions as to, 10, 26, 62, 65. •what included in the term, 10, 27. when apportionable, 10. must be paid by vendor up to completion, 10. OWNEE, charges upon, 1 — 4, 10. when liablo for rates in respect of small properties, 30, 32. PAINTING, requisition as to, 26, 65. covenant for, 26. PAEOCHIAL NOTICES. See Sanitaby Notices. PAETICULAES OF SALE, error in, as to description, 40. should contain accurate description, 40. should except minerals, 46. should specify tenancies, 52. should state when land forms part of larger estate, 54. PAETY WALLS, requisitions as to, 12, 65. defiuition of, 13. repair of, 13. partition of, 13. PATENT DEFECTS, vendor not bound to disclose, 7. PAVE, definition of, in Public Health Acts, 6. PENALTY, for non-stamping, 56. who liable to, 56. PLANS, requisition as to, 42, 67. copy, on enfranchisement of copyholds, 22. should be supplied by vendor, 42. 80 INDEX. POLICY OF INSUBANCE. See Insurance. POOR EATE, nature of, 28. a personal charge on occupier, 28. not paid on unoccupied premises, 28. as between incoming and outgoing tenants, 28. as respects agricultural land, 29. PRIVATE IMPEOVEMENT EATE, nature of, 30. by whom payable, 30. when tenant can deduct same from rent, 30. PEOPEETY TAX. incidence of, 33. under Schedules (A) and (B), 33. under Schedule (A), a landlord's tax, 33. under Schedule (B), a tenant's tax, 34. as between incoming and outgoing tenants, 34. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS. See Statutes. PUECHASEE, when entitled to compensation, 40, 41. rescind, 41, 42. of largest lot in value, entitled to title-deeds, 9. without notice of claim to estate duty, protected, 49. when entitled to policy moneys, 36. QUIT EENT. See also Eent. requisitions as to, 22, 45, 63, 68. nature of, 21, 45. included in outgoings, 10. EECEIPTS, requisitions as to, 10, 26, 62, 65. for ground rent, 27. for rate* and taxes, 27. when evidence of performance of covenants, 27 INDEX. 81 REDEMPTION, of land tax, 2. of tithe rentcharge, 4. evidence of, 3. REGISTRATION, requisition as to, in Middlesex or Yorkshire, 57, 69. -when necessary, 57. condition of sale, as to, 57. usual searches for, of incumhrances, 59. of orders, &c, in Land Registry, 59. of deeds in Middlesex, 59. REMEDY. See Breach of Covenant. RENT. See also Ground Rent. different kinds of, 45. when reserved in respect of freeholds, 10, 45. receipt for, prima facie evidence of performance of cove- nants, 27. when apportionable, 10. non-payment of, relief against forfeiture for, 16. REPAIRS, requisition as to, 25, 65. notice as to, 25. usual covenants by tenant as to, 25. of party walls, 13. of drains, notice as to, 17. REQUISITIONS. See Table of Precedents. RESCISSION OF CONTRACT, when purchaser entitled to, 41, 42. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, requisition as to, 50, 68. nature of, 50. when binding on assignee, 51. notice as to, 51. when purchaser entitled to disregard, 51. should be stated in conditions, 51. 82 INDEX. EOADS, requisitions as to, 5, 61. ■when they become public, 5. charges upon, for making up, who liable for, 5. paving of, 6. expenses of, as between owner and occupier, 6. rates in respect of, 29. when purchaser entitled to evidence of payment of charges upon, 7. SEAECHES, usual for incumbrances, 59. in Central Office, 59. in Land Eegistry, 59. in court rolls of manor, 47. SETTLEMENT ESTATE DUTY, requisition as to, 47, 68. nature of, 48. when payable, 48. SEWERS EATE, requisition as to, 1, 61. incidence of, 4. when payable by tenant, 4. SPORTING, EIGHT OF, nature of, 8. STAMP ACT, 1891. See Statutes. STAMPING, requisition as to, 56, 69. condition of sale as to, 56. when vendor bound to remedy defective,'^. penalty for insufficient, 56. by whom payable, 56. STATUTES, TABLE OF, xi. STATUTOEY ACKNOWLEDGMENT, requisition as to, 38, 66. when vendor bound to give, 9. trustees give, but not undertaking, 9. INDEX. 83 SUCCESSION DUTY, requisition as to, 47, 68. incidence of, 47. now payable on the principal value of real property, 48. rates of, 48. not payable by lineal descendant, 48. purchaser without notice of, protected, 48, 49. evidence of payment of, 50. SUEEENDEE, of mortgage of copyholds, requisition as to, 47, 68. evidence of, 47. TENANT, charges upon, 1 — 4, 10. when liable for land tax, &c, 2. when entitled to deduct property tax, 33. not now liable for tithe, 5. when Hable to abate a nuisance, 17, 37. of agricultural land, entitled to compensation for improve- ments, 58. TITHE. See Tithe Eentchaege. TITHE EENTCHAEGE, requisition as to, 1, 61. nature of, 4. now a charge upon the owner, 5. how commuted, 4. TITLE DEEDS, requisitions as to, 8, 38, 61, 63. when retained by vendor, 9. purchaser of largest lot in value entitled to, 9. acknowledgment and undertaking as to, 9. trustees retaining, giving acknowledgment only, 9. TEUSTEES, property of building societies formerly vested in, 59. UNDEELESSEE, no remedy for breach of covenant by, as against lessor, 15. last receipt for rent evidence of performance of covenants by, 27, 37. 84 INDEX. UNDERTAKING, requisition as to. 38, 66. vendor retaining deeds bound to give, 9. trustees not bound to give, 9. UNOCCUPIED HOUSE, not Liable in respect of poor rate, 28. liable in respect of county rates, 32. VACANT POSSESSION, requisition as to, 38, 66. VENDOE, bound to disclose latent defects, 7. must pay oiitgoings to completion, 10. wben entitled to retain deeds, 9. wben bound to give compensation, 40 — 42. VENDOE AND PURCHASES ACT, 1874. See Statutes. VESTRY, application to, for certificate of cbange of name, 44. WATER RATE, usually paid by occupier, 32. when paid by owner, 32. WAY, RIGHT OF, requisition as to, 7, 61 — 65. when ground for compensation, 8. YORKSHIRE. See Registration. PRINTED BY C. F. ROWORTH, GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE, E.C. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS— Anril IQfll TELEPHONE— "RHODRONS, LONDON." A[II11, 10UI. No. 1386 (HOLBORN). CATALOGUE OF LAW WORKS PUBLISHED BY STEVBNS and SONS, Ltd. 119 & 120, Chancery Lane, London. (And at 14, Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn.) A Catalogue of Modern Law Works, together with a complete Chronological List of all the English, Irish, and Scotch Reports, an Alphabetical Table of Abbrevia- tions used in reference to Law Reports and Text Books, and an Index of Subjects. Demy 8vo. Oct. 1900 (120 pp.), limp binding, post free 6d. Acts of Parliament. — Public and Local Acts from an early date may be had of the Publishers of this Catalogue, who have also on sale the largest collection of Private Acts, relating to Estates, Enclosures, Railways, Roads, fyc, #c. 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Royal 8vo. 1898. 18s. "That learned, excellent and useful work." — Law Times. "This is the best collection of conveyancing statutes with which we are acquainted. . . . The excellence of the commentaries which form part of this book is so well known that it needs no recommendation from us." — Law Journal. Jackson and Gosset's Precedents of Purchase and Mortgage Deeds. — By W. Howland Jackson and Thorold Gosset, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Demy Svo. 1899. Is. 6d. " Not the least merit of the collection is that each Precedent is complete in itsf-lf , so that no dipping about and adaptation from other parts of the book are necessary." — Law Journal. *** This forms a companion volume to " Investigation of Title" by the same Authors, vide p. 17. Palmer. — Vide "Company Law." Prideaux's Precedents in Conveyancing — "With Dissertations on its Law and Practice. 18th Edit. By John Whitcombe and Benjamin Lennaed Cheeky, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1900. 3/. 10s. " ' Prideaux ' is the best work on Conveyancing." — Law Journal. " Accurate, concise, clear, and comprehensive in scope, and we know of no treatise upon Conveyancing which is so generally useful to the practitioner."— Law Times. "Recent legislation has compelled the Editor to re-write some of the pre- liminary dissertations. He has evidentlv taken great pains to incorporate the effect of the Land Transfer Act of 1897."— The Times. CORONERS.— Jervis on Coroners.— The Coroners Acts, 1887 and 1892. With Forms and Precedents. Sixth Edition. By R. E. Melshexmee, Esq., Barrister- at- Law. Post 8vo. 1898. 10s. 6d. COSTS. — Johnson's Bills of Costs in the High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, in the House of Lords and the Privy Council ; with the Scales of Costs and Tables of Fees in use in the Houses of Lords and Commons, relative to Private Bills ; Election Petitions, Parliamentary and Municipal. Inquiries and Arbitrations under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, the Light Railway Act and other Arbitrations. Proceedings in the Court of the Railway and Canal Commission, in the County Court and the Mayor's Courts. The Scales of Costs and Tables of Fees in use in the Court of Passage, Liverpool. Conveyancing Costs and Costs between Solicitors and their Clients ; with Orders and Rules as to Costs and Court Fees, and Notes and Decisions relating thereto. By Horace Maxwell Johnson, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Second Edition. Royal 8vo. 1901. II. Ids. "A useful and sufficient guide to the subject." — Law Quarterly Ri riew. " It is ditficult to conceive how any costs clerk or solicitor can go wrong with a work of this kind to guide him." — Law Times. " We consider the book marvellously accurate, and we are able to commend it in all confidence. On the law of bills of costs the practitioner, let his business be as wide as it may, wants nothing but such a work as the one before us." — Law Notes. *f* All standard Law Works are kept in Slock, in law calf and other bindings. 8 STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, COSTS — continued. Summerhays and Toogood's Precedents of Bills of Costs. Seventh Edition. By Thornton Toogood, Thomas Charles Summer- hays, and C. Gilbert Barber, Solicitors. Royal 8vo. 1896. H. 10s. Webster's Parliamentary Costs. — Private Bills, Election Petitions, Appeals, House of Lords. Fourth Edition. By C. Cavanagh, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Post 8vo. 1881. 20*. COUNTY COURTS. — The Annual County Court Practice, 1901. With Supplement containing New Rules, &c. — By His Honour Judge Smyly, K.C. , assisted by W. J. Brooks, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 5s. *%* The Supplement may be had separately, sewed, 2s. &d. " Invaluable to the County Court practitioner." — Law Journal. COVENANTS,— Hamilton's Concise Treatise on the Law of Covenants. — By G. Baldwin Hamilton, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1888. 7s. Qd. CRIMINAL LAW. — Archbold's Pleading, Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases. — With the Statutes, Precedents of Indictments, &c. Twenty-second Edition. By William F. Crates and Gut Stephen- son, Esqrs., Barristers- at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1900. 11. lis. 6d. " Archbold ' is the one indispensable book for every barrister or solicitor who practises regularly in the criminal Courts." — Solicitors' Journal, March 3, 1900. Chitty's Collection of Statutes relating to Criminal Law. — (Re- printed from "Chitty's Statutes.") With an Introduction and Index. By W. F. Craies, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1894. 10s. Disney and Gundry's Criminal Law, — A Sketch of its Principles and Practice. By Henry W. Disney and Harold Gundry, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1895. 7s. 6d. ""We think we have here just what students want." — Law Times. Kershaw's Brief Aids to Criminal Law. — With Notes on the Pro- cedure and Evidence. By Hilton Kershaw, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. Royal 12mo. 1897. 3s. Mews. — Fide "Digest." Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases, — Twelfth Edition. By A. P. Perceval Keep, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. DemySvo. 1898. 11. lis. 6d. "To the criminal lawyer it is his guide, philosopher and friend. What Roscoe says most judges will accept without question." — Law Times. Russell's Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors, — Sixth Edit. By Horace Smith, Esq., Metropolitan Police Magistrate, and A. P. Perceval Keep, Esq. 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1896. hi. 15s. 6d. " No library can be said to be complete without Russell on Crimes." — Law Times. " Indispensable in every Court of criminal justice here and in our Colonies." — The Times. ' "" Shirley's Sketch of the Criminal Law. — Second Edition. By Charles Stephen Hunter, Esq., Banister- at- Law. Demy 8vo. 1889. Is.Qd. Warburton. — Vide " Leading Cases." Thring, — n*"Navy." DEATH DUTIES.— Freeth's Acts relating to the New Death Duty, with an Introduction, A Digest, Copious Notes, and an Appendix containing the Estate Duty Forms, and the Rules. Second Edition. By Evelyn Freeth, Esq., Deputy -Controller of Legacy and Succes- sion Duties. Demy 8vo. 1897 12s. 6d. " The official position of the Author renders his opinion on questions of proce- dure of great value, and we think that this book will be found very useful to solicitors who have to prepare accounts for duty." — Solicitors' Journal. Harman's Finance Act, 1894, so far as it relates to the Death Duties. With an Introduction and Notes, and an Appendix of Forms. By J. E. Harman, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 12mo. 1894. 5s. DECISIONS OF SIR GEORGE J ESS EL— Peter's Analysis and Digest of the Decisions of Sir George Jessel ; with Notes, &c. By Apsley Petre Peter, Solicitor. Demy 8vo. 1883. 16s. %* All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. 9 DEBENTURES AND DEBENTURE STOCK.— Palmer's Com- pany Precedents, — For use in relation to Companies subject to the Companies Acts. Part III. DEBENTURES AND DEBENTURE STOCK, including Debentures, Trust Deeds, Stock Certificates, Resolutions, Prospectuses, Writs, Pleadings, Judgments, Orders, Receiverships, Notices, Mis- cellaneous. With Copious Notes. Eighth Edition. By Francis Beaufort Palmer, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8 vo. 1900. 21«. " The result of much careful study Simply invaluable to debenture- holders and to the legal advis rs of such investors." — Financial Y< ws, March 15. " Embraces practically the -whole law relating to debentures and debenture stock Mils; take front rank among the works on the subject. "—L'ut'2'imes. DIARY.— Lawyers' Companion (The) and Diary, and London and Provincial Law Directory for 1901.— For the use of the Legal Profession, Public Companies, Justices, Merchants, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, &c., &c. Edited by Edwin Layman, Esq., Barrister-at- Law ; and contains Tables of Costs in the High Court of Judicature and County Court, &c. ; Monthly Diary of County, Local Government, and Parish Business : Oaths in Supreme Court ; Summary of Sta- tutes of 1900 ; Alphabetical Index to the Practical Statutes since 1820; Schedule of Stamp Duties; Legal Time, Interest, Discount, Income, Wages and other Tables ; the New Death Duties ; and a variety of matters of practical utility : together with a complete List of the English Bar, and London and Country Solicitors, with date of admission and appointments. Published Annually. Fifty-fifth Issue. 1901. Issued in the following forms, octavo size, strongly bound in cloth : — 1. Two days on a page, plain ... . 5s. Qd. 2. The above, interleaved with plain paper . . . .70 3. Two days on a page, ruled, with or without money columns . 5 6 4. The above, with money columns, interleaved with plain paper 8 5. Whole page for each day, plain 7 6 6. The above, interleaved with plain paper . . . .96 7. Whole page for each day, ruled, with or without money columns 8 6 8. The above, interleaved with plain paper . . . 10 6 9. Three days on a page, ruled blue lines, without money columns . 3 6 The Diary contains memoranda of Legal Business throughout the Year, with an Index for ready reference. " The amount of information packed within the covers of this well-known book of reference is almost incredible. In addition to the Diaiy, it contains nearly 800 pages of closely printed matter, none of which could be omitted without, perhaps, detracting from the usefulness of the book. The publishers seem to have made it their aim to include in the Companion every item of information which the most exacting lawyer could reasonably expect to find in its pases, and it may safely be said that no practising solicitor, who has experienced the luxury of having it at his elbow, will ever be likely to try to do without it.' — Law Journal. " The legal Whitaker." — Saturday Review. DICTIONARY.— The Pocket Law Lexicon.— Explaining Technical Words, Phrases and Maxims of the English, Scotch and Roman Law, to which is added a complete List of Law Reports, with their Abbre- viations. Third Edit. By Henry G. Rawson and James F. Remnant, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Fcap. 8vo. 1893. 6s. 6d. "A wonderful little legal Dictionary."— Indermaur's Law Students' Journal. Wharton's Law Lexicon.— Forming an Epitome of the Law of Eng- land, and containing full Explanations of the Technical Terms and Phrases thereof, both Ancient and Modem; including the various Legal Terms used in Commercial Business. Together with a Trans- lation of the Latin Law Maxims and selected Titles from the Civil, Scotch and Indian Law. Ninth Edition. By J. M. Lely, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Super-royal 8vo. 1892. II. 18s. " On almost every point both student and practitioner can gather information from this invaluable book, which ought to be in every lawyer's office."— Law Notes. " One of the first books which every articled clerk and bar student should pro- cure." — Law Students' Journal. *** All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. B 10 STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, DIGESTS.— Campbell's Ruling Cases.— Arranged, Annotated, and Edited by Robert Campbell, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister- at- Law, Advocate of the Scotch Bar, assisted by other Members of the Bar. With American Notes by Irving Browne, formerly Editor of the American Reports, and the Hon. Leonard A. Jones. Royal 8vo. 1894-1900. Half vellum, gilt top, net, each 25s. The following Volumes have been published: — I.— Abandonment— Action. II.— Action - Amendment. III.— Ancient Light— Banker. IV.- Bankruptcy— Bill of Lading XII.— Executor— Indemnity. XIII.— Infant— insurance. XIV.— Insurance— Interpretation. XV.— Judge— Landlord and Tenant V.— Bill of Sale— Conflict of Laws. XVI.— Larceny— Mandate VI. — Contract. VII.— Conversion Counsel. VIM.— Criminal Law— Deed. XVII.— Manorial Right- Mistake. XVIN.— Mortgage- Negligen.ee. XIX.— Negligen.ee— Partnership. IX.— Defamation — Dramatic and i XX.— Patent. Musical Copyright. 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The more im- portant and Ruling Cases are set forth at length, subject only to abridg- ment where the original report is unnecessarily diffuse. The effect of the less important or subordinate cases is stated briefly in the Notes. The aim of the Work is to furnish the practitioner with English Case Law in such a form that he will readily find the information he requires for ordinary purposes. The Ruling Case will inform him, or refresh his memory, as to the principles ; and the Notes will show in detail how the principles have been applied or modified in other cases. " A Cyclopfedia of law .... most ably executed, learned, accurate, clear, concise ; but perhaps its chief merit is that it impresses on us what the practising English lawyer is too apt to forget -that English law really is a body of prin- ciples." — The British Review. 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All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. ♦ * 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, "W.C. 11 DiG ESTS — continued. Marsden. — Vide "Shipping." Mews' Digest of Cases relating to Criminal Law down to the end of 1897. — By John Mews, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal Svo. 1898. 25s. MEWS' DIGEST OF ENGLISH CASE LAW.— Containing the Reported Decisions of the Superior Courts, and a Selection from those of the Irish Courts, to the end of 1897. Under the general Editorship of John Mews, assisted by TV. F. Barry, E. E. H. Birch, A. H. BlTTLESTON, B. A. COHEN, W. I. COOK, E. W. HaXSELL, J. S. Hknderso.v, A. Lawrence, J. M. Lely, R. C. Mackenzie, E. Manson, R. G. Mabsden, H. J. Newbolt, A. E. Randaxl, J Ritchie, J. Smith, J. F. Waley, T. H. Walker, and W. A. G-. Woods, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. In 16 vols. Royal Svo. £20 {Bound in half calf, gilt top, £3 net extra.) " A vast undertaking. . . . We have tested several parts of the work, with the result of continuing our impression as to the accuracy of a work which is indis- pensable to lawyers." — The Times. %* Lists of Cases followed, overruled, questioned, &c, have been omitted from this Digest, but the Publishers have in preparation a New Edition of Dale and Lehmann's " Overruled Cases" brought down to the end of 19(0, by W. A. G. Woods and J. Ritchie, Esqrs., Barristers- at-Law. The Annual Digest for 1898, 1899 and 1900. By John Mews, Esq.. Barrister-at-Law. Royal Svo. each 15s. %* This Digest is also issued quarterly, each part being cumulative. Price to Subscribers, for the four parts payable in advance, net 17*. " The practice of the law without Mews' Annual would be almost an impos- sibility." — Law Times. Law Journal Quinquennial Digest, 1890-95.— An Analytical Digest of Cases Published in the Law Journal Reports, and the Law Reports, from Michaelmas Sittings, 1890, to Trinity Sittings, 1895. By George A. Streeten, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1896. 1/. 10s. "Extremely well done, with abundance of headings and cross references . . . could not be done better." — Law Times. Law Journal Quinquennial Digest, 1896-1900. {In preparation.) Talbot and Fort's Index of Cases Judicially noticed (1865— 1890) ; being a List of all Cases cited in Judgments reported from Michaelmas Term, 1865 to the end of 1890, with the places where they are so cited.— By George John Talbot and Hugh Fort, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1891. 25s. " This is an invaluable tool for the worker among cases."— Solicitors' Journal. DISCOVERY— Sichel and Chance's Discovery.— The Law relating to Interrogatories, Production, Inspection of Documents, and Dis- covery, as well in the Superior as in the Inferior Courts, together with an Appendix of the Acts, Forms and Orders. By Walter S. Sichel. andWiLLiAMCHANCE,Esqrs.,Barristers-at-Law. Demy Svo. 1883. 12s. DISTRESS.— Oldham and Foster on the Law of Distress.— A Treatise on the Law of Distress, with an Appendix of Forms, Table of Statutes, &c. Second Edition. By Arthur Oldham and A. La Trobe Foster, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Demy Svo. 1889. ISs. DISTRICT COUNCILS.— Chambers' Digest of the Law relating to District Councils, so far as regards the Constitution, Powers and Duties of such Councils (including Municipal Corporations) m the matter of Public Health and Local Government. Ninth Edition. —By George F. Chambers, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal Svc. 1895. 10s - * * All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in low calf and other holdings. B2 12 STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, DIVORCE,— Browne and Powles' Law and Practice in Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Sixth Edition. By L. D. Powles, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1897. 25s. "The practitioner's standard work on divorce practice." — Law Quar. Rev. Kelly's French Law. — Vide "Marriage." DOGS. — Lupton's Law relating to Dogs.— By Fbedebick Lupton, Solicitor. Royal 12mo. 1888. 5*. DOMESDAY BOOK AND BEYOND.— Three Essays in the Early History of England. By Professor Maitland. 1897. 8vo. 15*. EASEMENTS,— Campbell's RulingCases. Vol. X.— n^" Digests." Goddard's Treatise on the Law of Easements, — By John Ley- bouen Goddaed, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Fifth Edition. Demy 8vo. 1896. U. 5s. "Nowhere has the subject been treated so exhaustively, and, we may add, so scientifically, as by Mr. Goddard. We recommend it to the most caref ill study of the law student, as well as to the library of the practitioner." — Law Times. Innes' Digest of the Law of Easements. Sixth Edition. By L. C. Innes, lately one of the Judges of Her Majesty's High Court of Judicature, Madras. Royal 12mo. 1900. 7*. &l. 3s. Chambers. — Vide " District Councils." Humphreys. — Vide " Parish Law." LONDON LOCAL GOVERNMENT. — Hunt's London Local Government. The Law relating to the London County Council, the Vestries and District Boards elected under the Metropolis Management Acts, and other Local Authorities. By John Hunt, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1897. 3/. 3s. " This very eompiehensive and well-arranged code of London Local Govern- ment will be invaluable to local authorities, the legal profession and others directly intere.-ted in the subject." — London. " Concise, accurate and useful." — Law Journal. " We heartily recommend Mr. Hunt's work." — County Council Time's. Hunt's London Government Act, 1899.— The Law relating to Metropolitan Boroughs and Borough Councils. By John Hunt, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Author of " London Local Government." Royal 8vo. 1899. Net, 7s. 6d. " Shows an intimate acquaintance with London Government, it is well printed, and has a g'ood indfx." — Solicitors' Journal. "Mr. Hunt deals systematically with all the sections of the Act, and the mass of legislation incorpoi'ated by reference." — Law Journal. LU NACY.— Heywood and Massey's Lunacy Practice.— By Arthur Heywood and Arnold Massey, Solicitors. Demy8vo. 1900. Is.Gd. "A very useful little handbook, which contains a clear account of the practice in lunacy." — Law Journal. " An exceedingly useful handbook on lunacy practice." — Law 'Notes. "A clear and able handbook. . . . A feature of the work are the precedents given, which have nearly all stood the test of actual practice." — Law Times. MAGISTRATES' PRACTICE and MAGISTERIAL LAW.— Vide "Justice of the Peace." MARINE INSURANCE.— Vide "Insurance." MARITIME DECISIONS.— Douglas' Maritime Law Decisions,— Compiled by Robt. R. Douglas. Demy 8vo. 1888. 7s. 6d. MARRIAGE.— Kelly's French Law of Marriage, Marriage Con- tracts, and Divorce, and the Conflict of Laws arising there- from. Second Edition. By Oliver E. Bodington, Esq., Barrister-at- Law, Licencie en Droit de la Faculte de Paris. Roy. 8vo. 1895. 21s. MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY.- Lush's Married Women's Rights and Liabilities in relation to Contracts, Torts, and Trusts. By Montague Lush, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Author of "The Law of Husband and Wife." Royal 12mo. 1887. 5s. MASTER AND SERVANT.— Macdonell's Law of Master and Servant. Second Edition. By John Macdonell, LL.D., M.A., C.B., Esq., a Master of the Supreme Court. (In preparation.) %* All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. 119 & 120, CHANCERY LAME, LONDON, W.O. 21 MEDICAL PARTNERSHIPS.- Barnard and Stocker's Medical Partnerships, Transfers, and Assistantships.— By William Barnard, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, and G-. Bertram Stocker, Esq., Managing Director of the Scholastic, Clerical and Medical Associa- tion (Limited). Demy 8vo. 1895. 10s. 6d. MERCANTILE LAW.— Smith's Compendium of Mercantile Law. — Tenth Edition. By John Macdonell, Esq., C.B., a Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature, assisted by Geo. Humphreys, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1890. 21. 2s. " Of the greatest value to the mercantile lawyer." — Law Times. " One of the most scientific treatises extant on mercantile law." — Sol. Jl. Tudor's Selection of Leading Cases on Mercantile and Maritime Law. — With Notes. By O. D. Tudor, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition. Royal 8vo. 1884. 11. 2s. Wilson's Mercantile Handbook of the Liabilities of Merchant, Shipowner, and Underwriter on Shipments by General Ves- sels. — By A. Wilson, Solicitor and Notary. Royal 12mo. 1883. 6*. MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT.— Payn's Merchandise Marks Act,1887.— ByH. Payn, Barrister-at-Law. Royall2mo. 1888. 3s. 6d. " A safe guide to all who are interested in the Act." — Law Times. METROPOLIS BUILDING ACTS.-Craies' London Building Act, 1894; with Introduction, Notes, and Index, and a Table showing how the Eormer Enactments relating to Buildings have been dealt with. — By W.F.Craies, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. RoyalSvo. 1894. 5s. MORALS AND LEGISLATION,— Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, — By Jeremy Bentham, M.A., Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. Crown 8vo. 1879. 6s. 6d. MORTGAGE.— Beddoes' Concise Treatise on the Law of Mort- gage. — By W. F. Beddoes, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1893. 10s. "Compiled carefully and with discretion." — Law Times. Robbins' Treatise on the Law of Mortgages, Pledges and Hypothecations. — By L. G. Gordon Robbins, Assisted by E. T. Maw, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Founded on " Coote's Law of Mortgage." 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1897. 3J. " It is not a patched-up edition of an old work ; it is a new book, containing of the old what is good and is still law, with the advantage of the work of a modern editor." — Law Journal. "The practising lawyer will find in detail everything that he can possibly want." — Solicitors' Journal. " A complete treatise on the law of mortgages." — Law Quarterly Eeview. MOTOR CARS.— Bonner's Law of Motor Cars, Hackney and other Carriages. — An Epitome of the Law, Statutes, and Regulations. By G. A. Bonner, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1897. 7s. Qd. "The book is full of useful information, and will undoubtedly prove of service to those who require advice on this subject." — Law Times. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS.— Bazalgette and Humphreys.— Vide " Local and Municipal Government." NAVY. — Thring's Manual of Naval Law and Court Martial Pro- cedure ; with an Introductory Chapter on the Early State and' Discipline of the Navy, the Rules of Evidence, together with the Naval Discipline Act and an Appendix of Practical Forms. — Third Edition. By J. E. R. Stephens, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, C. E. Gifford, Esq., C.B., Fleet Paymaster, Royal Navy, and F. Harrison Smith, Esq., Staff Paymaster, Royal Navy. Demy 8vo. [Nearly ready.) NEGLIGENCE. — Smith's Treatise on the Law of Negligence. Second Edition. By Horace Smith, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Editor of " Addison on Contracts, and Torts," itc. 8vo. 1884. 12s. Oaf. %* All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. 22 STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, NISI PRIUS.— Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius.— Seventeenth Edition. By Maurice Powell, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. 1900. 21. 2s. " Continues to be a vast and closely packed storehouse of information on practice at Nisi Prius." — Law Journal. " Almost invaluable to a Nisi Prius practitioner. . . . We have nothing but praise for the new edition." — Law Quarterly Review. NOTARY. — Brooke's Treatise on the Office and Practice of a Notary of England. — With a full collection of Precedents. Sixth Ed. By James Cranstoun, Esq., Barrister -at -Law. (In the press.) OATHS.— Stringer's Owths and Affirmations in Great Britain and Ireland; being a Collection of Statutes, Cases, and Forms, with Notes and Practical Directions for the use of Commissioners for Oaths, and of all Courts of Civil Procedure and Offices attached thereto. By Francis A. Stringer, of the Central Office, Royal Courts of Justice, one of the Editors of the "Annual Practice." Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 1893. 4s. " Indispensable to all commissioners." — Solicitors' Journal. OTTOMAN CIVIL LAW.— Grigsby's Medjelle, or Ottoman Civil Law. — Translated into English. By W. E. Grigsbt, LL.D., Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1895. 21s. PARISH LAW.— Humphreys Parish Councils. — The Law relating to Parish Councils, being the Local Government Act, 1894 ; with an Appendix of Statutes, together with an Introduction, Notes, and a Copious Index. Second Edition. By George Humphreys, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Author of "The Law relating to County Councils," &c. Boyal 8vo. 1895. 10s. Steer's Parish Law. Being a Digest of the Law relating to the Civil and Ecclesiastical Government of Parishes and the Relief of the Poor. Sixth Edition. By W. H. Macnamara, Esq., Assistant Master of the Supreme Court, Registrar of the Court constituted under the Benefices Art, 1898. Demy 8vo. 1899. 20s. " Of great service both to lawyers and to parochial officers." — Solicitors' Jour. 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If it did, we could heartily recommend this able, thoughtful, and valuable book .... as a very successful and instructive attempt to seek out and expound the principles of duty and liability underlying a branch of the law in which the Scottish and English systems do not materially differ." — Journal of Jurisprudence. %* All standard Law Works are kept in Stock, in law calf and other bindings. 30 STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, TRADE MARKS— Sebastian on the Law of Trade Marks and their Registration, and • matters connected therewith, including a chapter on Goodwill ; the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Acts, 1883-8, and the Trade Marks Rules and Instructions thereunder ; with Forms and Precedents; the Merchandize Marks Acts, 1887-94, and other Statutory Enactments; the United States Statutes, 1870-82, and the Pules and Forms thereunder ; and the Treaty with the United States, 1877. By Lewis Boyd Sebastian, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Fourth Edition. 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