9 itt Z 2024 W5W63 A A 4 9 2 8 4 2 WIGAN, ENG. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY WIGAN AND DISTRICT, A LOCAL RECORD THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / tz WIGAN AND DISTRICT A LOCAL RECORD. By henry TENNYSON FOLKARD, f.s.a. [one hundred copies only.] WIGAN : .1 STAIIR A- SONS, LTD., 14, WALUJATE, ^ UAWIiEH StUEET lyio. The Library University of California, Los Angeles The gift of Mrs. Cummings, 1 963 WIGAN AND DISTRICT A LOCAL RECORD. By henry TENNYSON FOLKARD, f.s.a. [one hundred copies only.] WTGAN: J. STARR & SONS, LTD., M, WALLCATE, & DAWHER STREET 19 IG. o r "®£t eijergtfjing anti Icabe its fbaluation to postcritg/' "N the year 1886 I issued a Catalogue of Wigan and District Books and Pamphlets. Since that date by purchase and donation a large amount of material has accumulated, and the scope of the Collection has greatly extended. Its value to the local historian must always be important, the motto placed at the head of these forewords, chosen by the eminent bibliographer, Mr. W. C. Berwick Sayers, fitly describing the method of its acquisition. To that motto I would append the one upon our Reference I^ibrary bookplate: " TOt tiul, ilii aprs," HENRY T. FOIvKARD, IvIBRARIAN. r% A ^ r ' 41 O Q WIG AN AND DISTRICT. CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF WIGAN AUTHORS AND OF WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN AND DISTRICT DIVIDED INTO FIVE PARTS. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN. PART III. WORKS PRINTED IN WIGAN BUT NOT WRITTEN BY LOCAL AUTHORS, WITH A LIST OF WIGAN PRINTERS. PART IV. LIST OF PRINTS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND PAINTINGS OF WIGAN STREETS AND BUILDINGS AND PORTRAITS OF WIGAN PUBLIC MEN. PART V. WIGAN AND DISTRICT MAPS AND PLANS, PHOTOGRAPHIC GROUPS AND COMMEMORATION OF PUBLIC EVENTS, WITH A LIST OF LOCAL POTTERY, MEDALS, ETC. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS. Anonjrmous books are entered under the first word of the title not an article. Abraham (James, Wrgan Corporation markets superintendent.) Report of the chief Inspector of Weights and Measures, 1902-15 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1902, etc. Address to the spirited promoters of parliamentary reform in Wigan, by a friend to the cause. 8vo. Liverpool, 1816. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. — Remarks on the " Address, etc.," by an Englishman. 1816. — See Englishman, An, pseud. Aldwell (B. D., minister at Crooke, near Wigan.) Sermon [on Philipp. ii. 13.'\ preached on June 24th, 1860 sm. 8vo. Wigan: Tyrer, 1860 Ale.xander (Alfred, Mus. bac, organist, Wigan Parish Church.) Church music and church choirs. — Music and musicians of the past and future. — See Parish Church and S. Michael's Magazine. 1879-80. — [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 1-4. Alker (Arthur, organist, Wigan ; 1786-1874.) Thirty psalm or hymn tunes, in different metres, etc., composed and arranged for four voices, etc ob. 4to. Mauch. [1828] Anders (Jonathan, Wigan police court missioner.) In memory of Mary Ann Anders. A tribute of love by her husband. 12mo. Wigan: Starr, 1909. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 12. Arrowsmith (Josiah, clerk in the Wigan County Court, 1850-1909.) Transcriptions and In- dexes to Lancashire Parish Registers. — See Lancashire Parish Register Societij. 1899-1907. Atherton (Henry, Sunday school teacher, St. Catherine's Church, Wigan.) The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1915. — See Theological PampJdets. vol. 21. — Sovereign (irace Union : sermons and papers ; our benefits in Christ, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1915. — See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 21. Hailey (Charles Morton, mus. bac, organist, Standish Church, 1813-1911.) [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 3-4. Bailey (James, curate, Wigan Parish Church; died 1880.) Life of Bishop Pearson. — Tour through Normandy. — Life of liishop Wilkins — See Parish Church and St. Michael's Magazine. 1879. 2 Wigan. Wigan — cotitimied PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Bairstow (Edward Cuthbeit, Mus. doc, organist, Wigan Parish Church and York Minster.) [Musical Compositious.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 3-4. Baldwin ( — Bro.) A Sermon [on ii. ThessaJonians Hi. 73.] preached at St. George's Chapel in Wigan, etc., before the Lodge of Sincerity, no. 492, etc 8vo. Wigan : Banchs, 1789 Ball(John^Vndrew,;/owrna^js^) To Pretoria & back. Wigan journalist's notes.Svo. Wigan: Tf«^^,1912 Barbour (William, m.a.. b.sc, of Wigan, explosives chemist.) Industrial Nitrogen compounds and explosives, by G. Martin and W. Barbour. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond. 1915 Barker Family of Hmdley. — See Earwaher {J. P.) Local Gleanings, etc. 1875-78. Barlow (Henry, oj Pemhcrlon.) An address to the non-preachers of the Gospel. 12mo. Wigan : Tijrer, [186- ?J — See Wigan Local Pamhpoets. vol. 12. Baron (Peter, factory operative, Ince.) An examination of the sixth articie of the Church of England, etc sm. 8vo. Wigan: Jackson, 1849 Bateson (C , b.a., minister at Westhoughton.) Hymns for public and private use, selected by the rev. C. Bateson, etc 18mo. Wigan: Brown, 1817 Binding stamped with the name Jno. Hargreaves. Benson (Charles, Wigan corporation farms manager.) Report of the manager of the Wigan Corporation Farms, etc. 1902-15 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1902, etc. Benson (William, of Wigan, conductor.) The Lament; for violin and pianoforte. 4to. Lond. n.d. Berry (William, f.r.c.s.l, d.p.h., medical officer of health, Wigan, 1852-1910.) An abstract of the Medical Act Amendment Bill 8vo. Wigan : Starr, 1883 — An address on the advancement of Public Health during the last quarter of a century 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1898 — An address on the relation of the medical officer of health to his professional brethren, sanitary authority and the public sm. 8vo. Halifax, 1899 — Annual reports on health of County Borough of Wigan. 1887-1910. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1887 — Difficulties and duties of the medical officer of health under the Notification of Infectious Diseases' Act 8vo. Halifax, 1897 — Elephantiasis of the arm, etc 8vo. Lond. 1889 — Handbook of rural sanitary science, etc., by C. F. Gardiner, W. Berry, etc. Edited by J. C. L. Marsh 8vo. Lond. 1875 — How to wash, dress, and feed an infant 12mo. Wigan: Starr, 1883 — Isolation of infectious diseases 8vo. Liverpool, 1897 — On infant feeding. 8vo. Wigan : Starr, 1877. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7 — On sanitary progress in Wigan durmg the last 30 years 8vo. Halifax, 1898 — Small-Pox: how to stamp it 'out 8vo. Wigan : Starr, l^Oi — Surgical dressings. 8vo. Wigan, 1880. — See Medical Pamphlets, vol. 1. — Temperature chart in operation cases. 8vo. Liverpool, 1883. — See Medical Pamphlets, vol. 1. — Treatment of wound''. 8vo. Wigan • Starr, 188G. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — Tuberculous meat: uniformity as to seizure 8vo. Lond. 1900 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Wigan. 3 Wigan — continu ed. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Beta, pseud. Sonnets and fragments, by Beta 12mo. Wigan: Reckitt, 1845 Betley (Frederick, Wigan Corporation gas engineer.) Annual reports of the Gas Engineer for 1912-15 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1913, etc. Betley (Ralph, f.g.s.; of Wigan, analytical chemist, 1S37-1S92.) The Industries of Wigan, by R. Betley, etc. 1889.— See Folkard {H. T.) Bible, The, and the Church. A rejoinder to the Hon. Colin Lindsay, by a Protestant Layman. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1849. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Birch (F , b.a , minister at CrooTce, near Wigan.) Espousals of Rebekah and Isaac : a sermon [on Gen. xxiv. 11.] preached at Shevington, near Wigan, on the Marriage of h.r H. the Prince of Wales. 12mo. Wigan : Tyrer. 1863. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Birkenhead (Edward Hesketh, mastei of the Wigan Mining and Technical School, 1837-1867.) On micro- geology. — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 15. 1863. — Efficiency of safety cages. — Coal-cutting machines. — >See North of England Institute of Mechanical Engineers, vols. 8, 14-15. 1859, 66. Bithell (.Jethro, m.a., of Wigan, lecturer in German.) Contemporary Belgian poetry, selected and translated by J. Bithell 12mo. Lond. 1911 — Contemporary German poetry ; selected and translated by J. BithelJ...12mo. Lond. 1909 Bonnefont(Gaston, i^rencA tnaster,Wigan Grammar School. )Jj' Avt danslaFamiUe.8vo.Paris,1911 — English & French people compared. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1880. — Wigan Local Pamph. vol. 1. — Les Exercises du corps. [Illustrated.] sm. 8vo. Paris, 1890 Booth (.1., of Hill Cottage, near Sutton Mill, Wigan.] Sacred to the memory of the rev. Charles Middlehurst [a poem.] 12mo. Wigan, 1848. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Booth (Samuel Lawson, r.c.a., f.r.g.s., artist and honorary member of Wigan Library Committee.) Catalogue of oil paintings by S. L. Booth. [Exhibited in the Old Council Chamber, Wigan.] sm. 8vo. Wigan : Roger & Rennick, 1907. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Bradshaigh Family of Haigh. Notes on the Bradshaigh roll, by Ernest Axon. — See Lanca- shire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, Transactions, vol. 25. 1907. Bradshaigh (Mabel, wife of Sir William Bradshaigh ; flourished in the fourteenth century. ) — See Wigan : part ii., under MaUs Cross. Bradshaigh (Rachel, wife of Sir Roger Bradshaigh, third baronet ; d. 1743.) [Portrait.] — See Wigan Central Library Committee Room. Bradshaigh {Sir Roger, first baronet, mayor and m.p. for Wigan, 1627-1684.) SirR. Bradshaigh's Letter Book. — See Lancaf^hiro and Cheshire History Society, Transactions, vol. 63. 1912. — The death of the righteous, etc. [A .sermon on Numbers Hi. 10.] delivered at the obsequies of the Lady Elizabeth, relict of Sir R. Bradshaigh, by Z. Taylor sm. 4to. Lond. 1695 — Righteousness rewarded, etc. A sermon [on Psalm exit. 6.] at the funeral of Sir R. Bradshaigh. by H. Wroe sm. 4to. Lond. 1684 liridgeman (George, m.a., rector of Wigan, 1765-1832.) Statement addressed to the owners and occupiers of laud in Wigan, ou the subject of the claim of the rector to the tithe of hay, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1829. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 6 & 11. Bridgeman [Hon. George Thomas Orlando, m.a., rector of Wigan, 1823-1895.) Account of the Family of Swynucrton of Swyniiertou and elsewhere, in thecountyof Stafford,8vo. Lond. 1886 — Ancient Lords uf Mechain 8vo. Lond. 1863 4 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Bridgemau {lion. G. T. 0.) — continued. — An answer to certain objections raised at a meeting of some of the congregation of All Saints' Church, Wigan, 10th of December, [1873], etc. 8vo. Manch. [1874].— Reply of the Committee, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1874. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 3. — Genealogical account of the Family of Newport, of High Ercall, Salop, afterwards Earls of Bradford sm. 4to. Bridgnorth, [1851] — History of the Church and Manor of Wigan, in the County of Lancaster. Cheiham Society, new series {vols. 15-lS.) 4 vols. sm. 4to. Manch. 1888-90 — History of the Manor and Parish of Weston-under- Lizard, in the county of Stafford. William Salt ArchfEoloqical Society 8vo. Lond. 1899 — History of the Princes of South Wales loy. 8vo. Wigan : Birch, 1876 — Loans, contributions, subsidies and ship money, paid by the clergy of the diocese of Chester in the years 1620, 1622, 1624, 1635, 1636 and 1639 (as recorded in the private ledger of John Bridgeman, d.d., bishop of Chester, now in the possession of his descendant, the Earl of Bradford.) — See Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, Trans, vol. 12. 1885. — Memoir of Dr. John Bridgeman, Bishop of Chester, 1619-52. Privately ft. 8vo. Manch. 1882 — [Another edition.] — See Palatine Note-Book, etc. 1883. — The Princes of the Upper Powys, etc 8vo. Lond. 1867 — Recollections of school days at Harrow, by H. J. Torre. Edited by G. T. 0. Bridgeman. 1890.— >See Torre (//. J.) — Some account of the Welsh Lords of Kerry and Arwystli 8vo. Lond. [1868 ?] — [Portraits, framed.] —See Wigan Puhlic Men. Bridgeman {Sir Orlando, lord keener, 1606 ?-1674.) Conveyances : being select precedents of deeds and instruments concerning the most considerable estates in England. fol.Lond.1710 Brierley {Mrs. Alice, of Wigan.) Transcriptions and Indexes to Lancashire Parish Registers. — See Lancashire Parish Register Society. 1899-1911. Brierley (Henry, b a., registrar oj the Wigan County Court.) Transcriptions and Indexes to Lancashire Parish Registers. — See Tjancashire Parish Register Society. 1899-1913. — Notes on Lancashire Parish Registers. — See Fishwick (//.) and Dilchfield (P. H.) Memorials oj Old Lancashire, vol. 2. 1909. — Registers of Martindale, Westmorland , transcribed by H. Brieriey.8vo. Wigan : Strowger,1901 — Floreat lex Wiganensis. [In verse.'] 8vo. [Wigan, 1909.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets vol. 13. Bromley (Herry, horn at Wigan, 1750.) Catalogue of engraved British portraits, from Egbert the Great to the present time, etc 4to. Lond. 1793 Bromley (Samuel, oj Wigan.) Immanuel : a sacred poem. 12mo. AVigan : Atkinson, 1824. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Brown (.Tames, oj llaigh, 1832 'f-1907.) Poems, songs and recitations in the Lancashire •dialect 12mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1880 — [Another edition.] ,sm. ^to. Wigan: Piatt, 1881 — Verses recited at the St. Mary's Church, Lower Ince, etc. 16mo. Wigan : Lawson, 1888. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 8. Brown (Joseph, j.p., oj Wigan, 1842-1913.) Masonry in Wigan, being a brief history of Lodge of Antiquity, no. 178, originally no. 235 ; with references to other lodges in che borough at the c'ose oi. the last and beginning of the present century 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1882 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Brown (William, Sunday school superintendent : died 1S57.) The first thirty years of the King Street Baptist Sunday School, Wigan. 12mo. Wigan : Strowger, 1857. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, rob. 8 & 12. Buchanan (John, senior house surgeon, Wigan Infirmary.) Simple Fracture of the leg. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1886.— -^ee Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Buckley (John A., u.\., of Wigan) and Williams (W. T.) A Guide to British historical fiction 8vo. Loncl. 1912 Bullock (Henry, o/ Wigan.) Octavius ; tragic drama, in live acts. 2nd ed.l2mo. Wigan : Wall, 1847 — [Another copy.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. Bullock (Robert, of Wigan, incumbent at Bolton, 1764-1824.) Geography epitomized, or a companion to the Atlas, etc ito. Wigan: Lyon, 1810 Butler (Hilary) The Mayor of Wigan : a tale [w verse.] 12mo. Lond. 1760 Byxom (Thomas Henry, of Wigan, analytical chemist.) Physics and chemistry of Mining. [Illustrated.] sm. 8vo. Lond. 1905 — [Second edition.] sm. 8vo. Lond. 1912 — and Christopher (J. E.) Modern Coking practice. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond. 1910 Campbell (George Lamb, f.s.s., secretary to the Lancashire and Cheshire Miners'' Permanent Relief Society and honorary member of the Wigan Library Committee, 1819-1906.^ Central Association for dealing with distress caused by mining accidents. 1890.8 vo. Wigan: Wall, [1891] — Grouping of populous places for Library purposes. — See Library Assaciation Transac- tions. 1880. — Miners' insurance funds: their origin and extent 8vo. Lond. 1880 — Miners' thrift and Employers' liability : a remarkable experience. 8vo. Wigan : *S^roM;.(7er,1891 — The Nest : a song composed by G. L. Campbell and Charles Wall, words by F. E. Weatherly. [In manuscript.] 4to. Wigan. [18 — 1] — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 5. — Permanent Fund k the Compensation Act. A final word before the bailot.8\ o. Wrexham, 1 898 — Permanent national relief of distress caused by accidents in mines. 4to. Wigan : Wall, 1878 — Pre\'ent us, O Lord ; melody by G. L. Campl'dl, privately printed. 18o. Crawford Chapter. — »Spe Wigan Local Music, vol. 3. — The Provident, edit, by F. G. P. Nelson & G. L. Campbell, vols. 1-G. Ito. Wigan : Wall, 1881-86 A i)criodical dealing cliiclly witli milling assurance — Real fiction and the marvellous, a sketch: the opening address of the 1887-8 session of the Wigan Literary and Debating Society 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1887 — Statistical report of the Public Free Libraries of the United Kingdom, by C. W. Sutton and G. L. Campbell. —See Library Association Transactions. 1880. — Wigan Public Library : a note to introduce Mr. H. T. Folkard's Catalogue of the Reference department '8vo. Wigaii : Strowger, 1886 — [Portrait.]— »See Wigan Public Men. 6 Wigan. Wi gan — CO ntin u ed. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Cart Wright (ThoiuaS; d.d., hishoy of Chester and rector of Wigan. 1634-1689.) A sermon [on King.monium to free his miserable captives, [anon.] 8vo. Wigan : Harrison, u.d. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Dickson (George, Wigan Corporation borough treasurer.) Accounts of the Treasurer of the County liorough'of Wigan, 1905-1915.' 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1905, etc. Doria (Samuel Marie Rocco, m.a., head-master, Wigan Grammar School; died 1867.) An exegetical and historical exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England, etc., designed for the use of schools 12mo. Wigan : Reckitt, 1850 — A scheme of National Education. 8vo. Wigan : Reckitt, [Manch. printed.] 1857. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — An address to the Working classes, being a supplement to a scheme ot national education 8 vo. Wigan : Thomas, [1851 ] — The Grammar Schools of Britain : a poem in three cantos, sm. 8vo. Wigan : Thomas,[\^b\\ 8 Wig-an. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Doming (Clare) pseud, [i.e. Miss E. Smith, of AspuU, teacher.] Annals of a Lancashire village [AspulL] sm. 8vo. Lond. 1913 Eccles (T. H., of Pcmherton.) [us. Travels in England and Wales and Europe.] 8vo. 1829 Eckersley (Nathaniel, J. p., of Sta)idish Hall, high sheriff of Lancashire, M.P. and mayor of Wigan, 1S15-1S92.) Memoir of the late N. Eckersley, etc. anon. [Reprinted from the Wigan Examiner : with portrait.] 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Rennich, 1892 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Eckersley (Thomas, mayor of Wigan, 1814-1872.) Catalogue [Sale, priced.] of the valuable and important library of the late Thomas Eckersley, Esq sm. 4to. Wigan: Pearson, 1873 Ellis(Beth [Mrs.Godfrey Baker], PFigra/i ; novelist,d. 1913.) BarbaraWinslow, rebel.8vo.Lond.1903 — Blind mouths , 8vo. Lond. 1903 — An English girl's first impressions of Burmah 8vo. Wigan: Piatt. 1899 — The King's blue riband 8vo. Lond. 1912 — A King of vagabonds 8vo. Lond. 1911 — The King's spy ...8vo. Lond. 1910 — Madam, will you walk? 8vo. Lond. 1905 — The Moon of Bath 8vo. Lond. 1907 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Ellis {Sir Thomas Ratcliffe.)— ^ee Ratcliffe-Ellis {Sir T.) Englishman, An, pseud. Remarks on the "Address to the spirited promoters of parliamentary reform in Wigan," etc., by an Englishman. Reform in Wigan," etc., by an Englishman, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Brown, 1816. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Evans (Arthur, m.a., head-master, Wigan Grammar School.) Ylistovy of the Wigan Grammar School. — See Parish Church and S. MichaeTs Magazine. 1879. Fairhurst (.John, curate at St. Catharine's Church from 1879-1884.) Rock or Sand, which ? A sermon [on Matt. vii. 24-27.] preached in St. Catharine's Church, etc. sm. 8vo. Wigan : Lnwson, 1883. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Farr (Henry, of Wigan, councillor and member of the Wigan Library Committee.) George Selwyn and his letters. — See Southport Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. 6. 1905-06. Fawel (.John, cirate at Wigan Parish Church from 1780-1794.) The Divinity of Jesus Christ, virtually comprising several sermons on the subject ; and very fully elucidated with notes and scriptural references 4to. Wigan : Banchs, 1791 — Letters, etc., occasioned by the rev. Mr. Fawell's discourse on the Divinity of Jesus Christ 1791. — See Letters, etc. — Due subordination true freedom ; a discourse [on i. Peter ii. 13-14.\ preached in the Parish Church, etc. sm. 8vo. Wigan : Lyon & Atkinson, 1793. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets. vol. 12. — Principles of sound policy delineated and enforced : or, observations on the great wisdom, necessity and poUcy of educating the poor, as the only means to check their depravity and licentiousness, etc 8vo. Wigan: Bancks, 1785 Wigan. 9 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Fergie (Thomas Francis, b.d., vicar of Ince, hon. canon of Liverpool, 1827-1896.) The English Church before Augustine. — Shorten your sermons : a protest against the cry of the day. 8vo. [Wigan ? n.d.] — See Wigan Local Pamfhlets. vol. 3. — Farewell sermon [on Acts xv. 29.] preached at Ince Parish Church, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1894. — See Wigan Local PampMets. vol. 11. — A Good Man : a sermon [on Acts xi. 24.] on the death of William Bryham, j.p. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1893. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — The Great Question : a sermon [on Acts xvi. 30.] preached at Liverpool Cathedral, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Piatt, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 5 & 7. — Home again : a sermon [on Acts xxi. 1.] preached in Ince Parish Church, etc. sra. 8vo. Piatt, 1885. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — An hour in a Coal Pit. — See Wigan Mechanics'' Institute Magazine. 1861. — Memoir of the late Thomas Knowles, m.p., etc. and a report of the funeral service preached by Canon Fergie 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Ilalliwell^ 1883 — The Printing press and the people, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1890. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. — A recent visit to America : two lectures, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1873. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. — The Rotten Plank. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1886.— >See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. — " The Rotten Plank " investigated and authenticated [6?/ J. Smith and R. Tatley.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7, Finch (Gerard Brown, of Wigan, m.a. d senior rvrangler ; 1835-1913.) Legal Education, its a m and method : an inaugural lecture delivered at Queen's College, Cambridge.8vo. Camb.1885 — Selection of Cases on the English law of Contract roy. 8vo. Lond. 1886 — Self-government for Ire]and.--See Contemporary Review, June, 1882. — Gerard Brown Finch : an appreciation, by H. T. Folkard. — See Wiaan Observer. March 29th, 1913. — (Framed Portrait miniature on ivory^ painted by Edward Lobo Moira.] — See Wigan Central Library Committee Room. FitzAdam (John Thompson, rccorcier o/ Wigan, 1824?-1886.) Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 ; with orders in council and additional rules of court. 8vo. Lond. 1875 Folkard (Henry Tennyson, f.s.a., Wigan Corporation librarian.) Bibliography in the Reference department of the Wigan Free Public Library, including an index to the papers contributed to the publications of the Library Association of the United Kingdom. [12 copies only detached from the general catalogue.] ito. Wigan: Piatt, 1887 — P>ook plates and autographs preserved in the Wigan Free Public Library : Reference department. [Manuscript.] 8vo. Wigan, 1884, etc. — Catalogue of the printed books in the Lil)rary of James Henry Johnson, f.o.s., of Southport and Silverdale, Lancashire, [100 copies printed.] sm. 4to. Lond. ( 'hisivick Press. 1885 — Catalogue of the books and manuscripts belonging to the late J ohn Leyland preserved at the Leyland Free Library, Hindley. [Purtrail.] 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1890 10 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART 1. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Folkard (Henry Tennyson, f.s.a.) — continued. — Gabriel Peignot : a list of his works preserved in the Reference department of the Wigan • Free Public Library : with an introductory notice. \25 cofies only. [4:to. Wigan : Starr, 1905 — Gerard Brown Finch, m.a. : an appreciation. — See Wigan Observer. March 29th, 1913. — The Industries of Wigan, by H. T. Folkard, R. Betley, & C. M. Percy. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1889 — Ireland and the Irish. Catalogue of works in the Reference department, etc. [20 copies only.] ito. Wigan: Starr, 1896 ^ — A Journey round the Wigan Reference Library. — See Wigan Observer. 1884-86. — The late Earl of Crawford : an obituary. — See Library Association Record, vol. 15. 1913. — Law Books. List of books and pamphlets in the Reference department, etc. [25 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Plait, 1899 — Medical Books. List of books and pamphlets preserved in the Reference department, etc. [80 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1901 — Music and musicians. list of booKS and pamphlets preserved in the Reference and Lending departments, etc. [50 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1903 — Ornithology. List of books about Birds preserved in the Reference department, etc. [25 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1904 — Painters and painting. List of books preserved in the Reference department, etc. [25 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1904 — Poets and poetry. A representative collection preserved in the Reference department, etc. [25 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1906 — Scotland and the Scots. List of books preserved in the Reference department, etc. [25 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1910 — Second International Library Conference. Visit of American librarians to Wigan and Haigh Hall, July 7th, 1897 ^ sm. 4to. [Wigan, 1897] — Wigan : an historical sketch, with a note on its Free Library, for the meeting of the Library Association, August 23rd, 1898 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1898 — [Another edition.] — See Lancashire Court Guide. 1904. — Wigan and district : a local record. [100 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Starr, 1916 — [Another edition, enlarged and illustrated.] — See Fishwich {H.) and Ditchfield (P. H.) Memorials of Old Lancashire, vol. 2. 1909. — Wigan Bibliography : a local catalogue of books, etc., preserved m the Reference department, etc. [100 copies only.] 4to. Wigan: Piatt, 1886 — Wigan County Council Chamber, opened October 30th, 1890. Descriptive sketch. [IllHstrated.] 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1890 — Wigan Free Public Library. Annual reports 8vo. Wigan: Wall, etc. 1879-1915 — Wigan Free Public Library. Index Catalogue of books and papers relating to Mining, metal- lurgy, and manufactures. Reference department [in progress.] roy. 8vo. Southport, 1880 — Wigan Free Public Library. Reference department Catalogue of Books: parts one to twelve: A-W. [in progress.] 10 vols. 4to. Wigan: Piatt and Starr, 1890-1915 Wigan. 11 Wigan — contimied. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Folkard (Henry Tennyson, f.s.a.) — continued. — William Shakespeare. List of books and papers preserved in the Reference department, etc. [30 cofies only.] 4to. Wigaii : Starr, 1910 — Works relating to Freemasonry, preserved in the Reference department of the Wigan Free Public Library. 2nd edition sm. 4to. Wigan: Piatt, 1882 — [The same] third edition. [100 ccpies only.] sm. 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1892 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Forrest (Edward Francis, m.a., vicar of Pemherton.) A Christian and a Socialist : an exposition of the indebtedness of socialism to Christianity, as evidenced in the writings of R. Blatch- ford sm. 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1905 Foster (John Monk, of Wigan, journalist.) The History of Wigan : being a short chronicle compiled from various authors and sources 8vo. Wigan: Jackson, 1899 — Mining inspection, a sham. — See Nineteenth Century. June, 1885. — Passion's aftermath : a dramatic story 8\o. Locd. 1662 — Reasons for atheism, philosophical and scientific. 12mo. Lond. [188-?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. Fox (George, minister, Unitarian Chapel, Park Lane, Ashton, 1833-1910.) Park Lane Chapel, its history, etc sm. 8vo. Manch. 1897 Gamier (Russell Montague, estate agent for Winstanley Hall.) Annals of the British Peasantry 8 vo. Lond. 1908 — History of the English landed interest 8vo. Lond. 1892 — Land agency 8vo. Lond. 1891 Garstang (Arthur Harold, of Wigan, solicitor.) Huxley as an ethical teacher. — See Southport Literary and Philosophicnl Society, vol. 1. 1900-01. — and Waterhouse (J.) Literature and the influences of modern life. — See Southport Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. 3. 1902-03. G ask ell's third and last Comic song book. 18mo. Wigan : Ramsdale, 1845. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Gaskell (James, of Orrell.) [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 2-3. Gerrard (John, of Ince, ii.m. inspector of mines.) Reports by John Gerrard, u.m. Inspector of Mines for the Manchester and Ireland District (no. 0.) 1892-1913 fol. Lond. 1913 Gheerbrant (Thcophile, French master, Wigan Grammar School.) French conversation Gram- mar sm. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Glazebrook (James Kirkland, curate, Wiga7i Parish Church, from 1831-1819.) Puseyism. Remarks on portions of the 15th chapter of " Newman onJustilication," etc. 8vo.Lond.1876 Godfrey (Page, curate and schoolmaster of Wigan.) An introduction to the knowledge of the Latin tongue, for the use of the Free (irammar School in Wigan. 8vo. Wigan : Bancks, 1766 Tho fiFHt book known to bo jirintcd in W'igfvn ? Goggins (J., of Wrightington.) Church tithes : should they be paid I 8vo. Wigan : Starr, 1884. — See Wigan LjOcuI Pamphlets, vol. 6. 12 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Graham (Thomas, organist, Wigan Parish Chvrch, 1800-1867.) Wigan choir choral association. Order of service for the first festival of the parochial choirs to he held in the Parish Church, August 31st, 1865. 8vo. Lond. 1865. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. — Hymn tunes. 8vo. Lond. n.d. — See Chorley Tune Boole. — [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 1. Gray (Andrew Edward Phillimore, m.a., f.s.a., curate, Wigan Parish Church.; died 1895.) The Domesday record of the land between Ribble and Mersey. — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 39. 1889. — Early history of the Church of Strathclyde, with special reference to the Apostle of Lan- cashire. — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 40. 1890. — Foreign quarterings in Lancashire shields 8vo. Liverpool, 1887 — Lineage and genealogical achievement of the Woodcocks of Wigan, co. Lancaster. 12mo. Wigan : Piatt, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. — Marriage with a wife's sister : a sermon [on Matt, xix., 46.} preached in St. George's Church, Poynton. 8vo. Stockport, 1883. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — Origin of Christianity in Wirrall.— See British Archaeological Association, Proceedings. 1887. — Parochial survey of 1649. — Shield in parish church. — The old walls of Wigan : Wigan 1600 years ago. — Bishopric of Liverpool. — See Parish Church and S. Michael's Magazine. 1879-80. — Woodcock of Cuerden, of Newburgh, and of Wigan, co. Lancaster, sm. 4to. Canterbury, 1882 Gray {Miss K. M. S., of Wigati.) Nellie Graham, a tale. — Florence Waters, a tale. — See Parish Church and S. Michael's Magazine. 1879-80. Green (Ralph E., of Wigan, art master.) Friends of the river side. [Illustrated.'] 8vo. Lond. 1913 — Practical brush drawing. Teachers' manual 6 vols. sm. fol. Huddersfield, [1906] — Practical nature drawing. Teacher's handbook, [six years' course.] 6 parts. 8vo. Hud. [1911] — Practical object drawing. Teacher's handbook. [2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th years' courses only.] 4 parts 8vo. Huddersfield, [1909] Grundy (George Frederick, m.a., vicar of St. Elizabeth's Church, Asptdl.) " Church Reform" and three points of order, by an Oxford m.a. [i.e., the Rev. G.F.Grundy.] 8vo. Wigan : P^aff, 1896 — Priests and politics : a paper read at the Bishop's College, Blackheath, London, 1894. sm. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1911. — See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 20. — " Tied" Tim, a social satire [in verse], by Wycombe Marsh [i.e., the Rev. G. F. Grundy.] [Wigan : Piatt? 19-?]— See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 20. — Tolstoi's lamb [a poem] by Wycombe Marsh [i.e., the Rev. G. F. Grundy.] 8vo. [Wigan : Piatt ?] — See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 17. -- Worship and controversy : [a sermon on Psalm xxv. 1.] 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1904. — See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 17. Gunning [Sir Henry .John, bart.. m.a., rector of Wigan, 1797-1885.) Relative duties at the present crisis : a sermon [on Jeremiah v. 23-24.] 8vo. Wigan : Simms, 1842 Wigan. 13 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Hains (Philip Frost John Bird, vicar of St. George's Church., Wigan, 1827-1907.) " Better times to come." A speech to the employes of the London and North-Western and Lan- cashire and Yorkshire Railway Companies (at their establishments at Wigan, etc.) 8vo. Wigan: Pearson. 1865. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Justice to Ireland : a lecture, etc., in favour of the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church, etc. 8vo. Lond. [Manch. printed.] 1869. — See Wigan Local Pamphlds. vol. 9. — The existence of a God : being a series of articles contributed to the " Wigan Examiner," and now reprinted by permission. 8vo. Wigan : Roger, 1885. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — Spirited foreign policy. Speech delivered March 18th, 1880. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1880.— See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — Testimonials of the rev. Philip Hains. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1864. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. — Was the disestablishment of the Irish Church the initiation of a policy ? etc., a correspon- dence between P. Hains and F. G. Collier. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1876. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Hampsoa (Thomas, of Ilorwich.) History of Blackrod 12mo. Wigan: Wall, 1882 — History of Rivington : with lists of the clergy and churchwardens, the churchwarden accounts, particulars of the Rivington and Blackrod Grammar Schools, an account of the Pilkington Family, etc 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Rennick, 1893 — Horwich : its history, legends, and church 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1883 — The Whittles of Horwich 4to. Wigan: Wall, 1884 Hampson (Thomas, junior, of Wigan.) How to teach Woodwork in elementary schools: being instructions for arranging and fitting up a workshop, etc., with illustrations and working drawings by G. Richardson, and a preface by F. W^ilkinson sm. 4to. Lond. 1893 Hardy (George, Wigan Corporation chief constable.) Criminal and miscellaneous returns of the Police Force, 1899-1912 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1900, etc. -- Report of the special committee appointed to inquire into the administration of the Police department, .January 29th, 1914 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1914 — [Portrait.]— See Wigan Public Men. Hardy (William, of Wigan, barrister-al-laiv, 1S37 ?-1889.) Management of a parliamentary election : a practical guide, by .). H. Edge and W. Hardy. 2nd edition.... 8vo. Lond. 1885 Hay (Robert, of Wigan ; died 189-J ?) Redstan : a tale of the Welsh Border, and other sketches, biographical and descriptive 8vo. Wigan : Clarke, 1865 Healy (Charles Watson, of Wigan, councillor.) Valsc Irresistible. —iSee Wigan Local Music, vol. 5. Hewlett (Alfred, .J. p., general manager of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company ; freeman of the borough.) Report on the coal trade of Lancashire from 1H73 to 1885, with special reference to the coal trade of Wigan fol. Wigan: Slrowger, 1886 14 Wigan. Wigan — contimied. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — COntinved. Hewlett (Alfred, j.p.) — contimted. — Wigan Coal and Iron Company, Limited. Reply by Mr. Hewlett to charges made against him by Mr. John Lancaster and Mr. Thomas Part, and memorandum by the Earl of Craw- ford and Balcarres, with letter from Lord Overstone. 8vo. Lond. 1870. — See Mining, etc., Pamphlets, vol. 10. Higham (Thomas, m.a., vicar of St. Catharine's Church, Wigan, 1824-1883.) Jehovah, the believer s confidence in life and in death : sermon [on Psalm xxiii. 4.] preached, etc., on the death of a parishioner. 12mo. Wigan : Clarke, 1864. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets. vol. 5. Hilton (John Thomas, of Wigan, assessor and collector of taxes.) The office and warehouse guide and clothing trades handbook, etc sm. 8vo. Lond. etc. [1914] — Wigan town and country rambles, with views and interesting historical incidents. [Portrait.] sm. 8vo. Leicester, 1914 Hindley Family of Hindley. — See EarwaTcer {J. P.) Local Gleatmigs, etc. 1875-78. Hodder (Andrew Edward, of Wigan, m.b.) Transcriptions and indexes to Lancashire Parish Registers. -See Lancashire Parish Register Society. 1904-06. Holcroft Family of Wigan. — See Earwaker [J. P.) Local Gleanings, etc. 1875-78. Holmes (Charles Butler, alderman, mayor of Wigan, 1834-1908.) Hymn tunes : double chant. — See Chorley Tune Book. 1898. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Holmes (Arthur Henry, of Wigan, chartered accountant.) Light and shade... 8vo. Lond. 1903 — Quinford Bvo. Lond. 1899 — The pride of Mrs. Brunelle 8vo. Lond. 1905 — The voice of the world 8vo. Lond. [1903.] — Twinkle 8vo. Lond. 1912 Holmes (C4eorge Sidwell, of Wiga^i, chartered accountant.) Observations on the accounts of the Borough of Wigan, by " Scrutator." 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1883. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 4. — Observations on the accounts of the Borough of Wigan 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1888 Hope (Thomas Hoyle, of Wigan, solicitor, 1883-1899.) Brief account of Alder Fold, Atherton, the Chowe family and Chowbent; Mr. John Mort and his friends 8vo. Leigh, 1893 — Errors about Atherton in Mr. Croston's " History of Lancashire," etc. 8vo. [Atherton], 1891 — The modern doctrine of the Trinity, etc sm. 8vo. [Atherton], 1895 — Notes on the Athertons of Atherton, etc 8vo. Leigh, 1892 — Sanitas sanitatum omnia sanitas. A rural sanitary reminiscence. ..sm. 8vo. Leigh, [1888] Hornby (James, of Wigan,merchant,1839-1913.) Cat. of a portion of the valuable library of James Hornby, etc., which will be sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. 8 vo. Lond. 1900 — Catalogue of the Library of James Hornby, Wigan : compiled by W. W. Nicholson. Privately printed. [Only 20 copies printed.] sm. 8vo. [Wigan,] 1888 Wig-an. 15 Wigan — continued PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Hughes (Mark Thomas, of Wigan, tutor and artist ; died 1899.) Dawn : a monthly magazine, etc., edited by M. T. Hughes. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1870. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. — In Wigan town, and other poems and sketches. With illustrations by the author: parts 1-5. [all 'published.'] 4to. Wigan: Horrocks, 1898-99 — Illuminated address on vellum, presented to Mrs. Winnard, May 6th, 1878, at the opening of the Wigan Free Public Library. Painted by M. T. Hughes 4to. Wigan, [1878] Hughes (Thomas, minister at the Wesleyan Chapel, Standishgate, Wigan, 181-5-1S84.) The economy of thought sm. 8vo. Lond. 1873 — The human will: its functions and freedom 8vo. Lond. 1867 — The ideal theory of Berkeley and the real world sm. 8vo. Lond. 1865 — Things new and old relative to life : being sermons, on different subjects. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1871 Hughes (Thomas Lloyd, Wigan Corporation unterworJcs manager.) Annual reports of the resident Waterworks Engineer and Manager. 1893-1916.... 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1893, etc. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Hunter (John Law, Wigan Corporation borough surveyor, 1820-1876.) Plan of part of the B orough of Wigan, showing proposed main sewers. 8 inches to mile. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1856 — Map of the Borough of Wigan surveyed and corrected up to 1876. 220 feet to an inch. {Coloured.'] 4to. Liverpool, 1876 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Hurst (Charles, of Wigan, engineer.) Valves and valve gearing. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond. 1897 ~ [The same.] 7th edition 8vo. Lond. 1914 Hurst (Henry, oj Wigan, organist.) " I will lay me down " : anthem for evensong — See Wigan Local Music, vol 5. — Fight the good fight: song. fol. Lond. [1915.] — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 5. Hatchings (William Medlen, of Wigan, journalist and editor of the Colliery Guardian, 1830 F- 187G.) Apostolic sketches. 8vo. Wigan : Clarke, 1865. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Christianity and secularism : report of a public discussion between W. M. Hutchings and Charles Bradlaugh, held in the Public Hall, Wigan, 1861. 8vo. Wigan: Clarke and Winstanley, 1861. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — Mary, Queen of Scots. 12mo. n.p. n.d. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Mistakes about Sunday schools : a lecture delivered in St. Paul's Schoolroom, 1856. 8vc). Wigan : Stronger, 1856.— »SVe Wiga)i. Local Pamphlets, vol. 8. — " Smoking to the glory of Cod " : a letter to the rev. C. H. Spurgeon in reply to his apology for Binoking. sm. Hvo. Lond. 1871. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — " Two whole years " : a discourse delivered on the occasion of the second anniversary of the workingmen's Congregational Church, Wigan. 12nio. Wigan: Clarke, 1864. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — " Who's that knocking at the door ( " A familiar discourse delivered to the Congregational Church, Wigan. 12mo. Wigan: Clarke, 18(54. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. Ince Family of Ince, near Wigan. — See Earwaker (./. P.) Local Gleanings, etc. 1875-78. 16 Wigan. Wigan — contimied. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — continued. Jackson (John, of Wigan, attorney.) The Wigan Hunt. [Manvscrift ballad.] 8vo. [Wigan, 1802] Copied in the handwriting of Thomas Whitehouso, compiler of the History of W igan, with Ills notes on the local characters introduced. At the end is written : " Thomas Whitehouse's present to Doctor Pegge, Newton Heath." h.t.f. Jessel (George, m.b., d.p.h., Wigan Corporation tuberculosis officer.) The after-care of consumptives. [From " The Medical O^cer.''''] — The work .of a Tuberculosis department. [From'' PuUic Health.''] '. 4to. Lond. 1915 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan PuUic Men. Johnson (Richard, J. p., mayor of Wigan, 1852-1906.) The Case against the sugar tax and sugar convention, etc sm. 8vo. Lond. 1903 — England's duty in the Transvaal 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1899 — Use of mineral acids for adulterating serated beverages. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1885.' — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — [Portrait] — See Wigan Public Men. Kearsley (John Hodson, m.p. for Wigan; died 1842?) Catalogue. [*SoZe] of the furniture, library, etc., submitted by auction, by order of the executors of the late J. H. Kearsley, Higher Hall, Westleigh 8vo. Bolton, 1842 — [Election posters, 1831-1835.] — See Wigan Broadsides Booh. Kirton (Charles Harry, lecturer at the Wigan Mining and Technical College.) The principles and practice of Typewriting fol. Lond. 1912 Knowles (Francis, mini'sier of the Unitarian Chapel, Park Lane, Ashton, 1784-1857.) The balance of scriptural evidence on Trinitarianism and Unitarianism, etc. [With a list of local subscribers.] 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. [Wigan printed : Brown,] 1835 — A plain statement of the evidences of Christianity. 12mo. Lond. [Wigan pr. : Brown,] 1826 Knowles (Thomas, j.p., m.p. for Wigan. 1824-1883.) Memoir, etc. [Portrait.] 1883.— ;See Fergie {T. F.) — [Election posters, 1880.] — See Wigan Broadsides Boole. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Knox (George, formerly lecturer at the Wigan Mining and Technical College.) The relation between subsidence and packing, with special reference to the hydraulic stowing of goaves. —See Institution of Mining Engineers, Transactions, vol. 44. 1912-13. — The hydraulic stowing of goaves. [Supplementary to the above.]- — See Institution of Mining Engineers, Transactions, vol. 45. 1913-14. — [Another edition of the two papers above.] 8vo. Lond. 1913 Lambert (Kichard, minister of the Methodist Free Church, Wigan, 1836-1905.) The orthodox view of hell not the doctrine of the Bible 8vo. Wigan: Piatt, 1878 — The critic criticised : a defence of the " orthodox view of heU," against the criticisms of the rev. J. Ashley. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1878. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. Wigan. 17 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS Continued. Landreth (Peter, of Wigan, Preshytenan minister and tutor.) Legends of Lancashire. sm. 8vo. Lond. [Wigan printed : Cocker,] 18 il — The Poet : the Infidel ; with miscellaneous poems. 12mo. Lond. [Wigan printed : Cocker,] 1840 — Studies and sketches in modern literature 8vo. Edinb. 1861 Langton Family. Collection of twenty-two origiaal deeds dating from 1588 to 1728, relating to the Langton Family formerly seated at Low Hall, Hindley. [Eight members of this family mere redors of Wigan, 1334-1532.] fol. n.p. 1588-1728 Latham (Peter Wallwork, of Wigan, m.d.) On the formation of uric acid in animals: its relation to gout and gravel, etc sm. 8vo. Camb. 1884 Layman, A., pseud. Authorities of the Church of England on private confession. An answer to a sermon preached by the rev. R. G. Matthew. Compiled by a Layman, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan • Piatt, [1897. j — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Lea. {Miss Edith) The British workman in EngUsh fiction, 1830-1870. — See Library, The. Second series, vol. S. 1910. Leigh (William. B. d., rector of Standish, 1550-1639.) The dreadful day, dolorous to the wicked, but glorious to all such as looke and long after Christ his second comming. 16mo. Lond. 1610 — The Soules solace against sorrow. A funerall sermon [on Isaiah Ivii. 2.] preached at Childwall Church in Lancashire, at the buriall of Mistris Katherin Brettergh, 1601. 12mo. Lond. 1617. — See also Harrison {W.) DeatKs Advantage little regarded, etc. 1617. Leland (John, d.d., divine, born at Wigan, 1691-1766.) The advantage and necessity of the Christian revelation, shewn from the state of religion in the ancient heathen world, etc. 3rd edition 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1819 — The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted, etc 8vo. Lond. 1837 — A sermon [on Hebrews xiii. 7-8.] preached at Eustace-Street, 1766, on the occasion of the much lamented death of the late reverend and learned John Leland, etc., by Isaac Weld 8vo. Lond. 1766 — A view of the principal deistical writers, that have appeared in England in the last and present century, etc 8vo. Lond. 1837 Letters to the Inhabitants of Wigan, occasioned l)y the rev. Mr. Fawel's discourse on the Divinity of Christ, [by II. Toulmin, J. Holland, 11. Kirkpatrick, G. Wicke, and L. Lloyd.] 8vo. [Wigan ^ J 1791 — [Another copy.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Leyland (Henry, of Chowbent, landlord ; flourished 1795.) An address to the inhabitants of „ Chowbent; containing an account of some events relative to the White Horse Bublic House being deprived of its license, etc. [Reprinted for Thomas lloyle Hope, by Thomas Wall and Sons.\ sin.'8vo. [Wigan, 1893] Leyland (John, .j.p., of the (i range, llindlcy, donor of the Leyland Library and Museum, IH13-IHH3.) Deeds relating to lliiidlcy, and other pUices near Wigan 8vo. Manch. 1878 — Documents relating to the township of Hindley 8vo. Leigh, 1879 — Extracts from a Lancashire Diury [Uogrr Lmvi's.] 1663-1678, in the possession of .lohn Leyland, etc 8vo. Manch. 1876 18 Wigan. Wigan — CO n tinned . PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — continued. Leyland (John, j.p.) — co.dinued. — Memorials of Abram, etc 8vo. Manch. 1882 — Memorials of Hindley, etc. part first 8vo. Manch. 1873 — Catalogue of the books and manuscripts belonging to the late John Leyland preserved in the Leyland bookcase at the Leyland Free Library and Museum, Hindley, by H. T. Folkard. [Po/Yra/<.] " 8vo. Wigan: Strowqer, 189& — Catalogue [Sale] of the valuable contents of " the Grange," Hindley. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1883 — [Grant of Arms to John Leyland of the Grange, Hindley. 1863.] — See Rylands, of the Rylands, etc. — Will of John Leyland of the Grange, Hindley. [Manuscript copy.] fol. 1883 Linacre (Thomas, d.d., physician and classical scholar, rector of Wigan, 1460 ? -1524.) Galeni Pergamensis De Temperamentis et de insequali intemperie libri tres. Thoma Linacro Anglo interprete, etc. 1521. Reproduced in exact facsimile, with an introduction by J. F. Payne, and a portrait of T. Linacre sm. 4to. Camb. 1881 — T. Linacri de emendata structura Latine sermonis libri sex sm. 8vo. Lutetise, 1550 — [Another edition.] A pud Paulum Manutium sm. 8vo. Venetiis, 1557 — Life of Thomas Linacre, by J. N. Johnson 8vo. Lond. 1835 — Thomas Linacre, by W. Osier. [Portrait] 8vo. Camb. 1908 — [Life of Thomas Linacre, by J. F. Payne.] — See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 33. 1893. Lindsay (Alexander Wilham Crawford, twenty-fifth Earl of Crawford and eighth Earl of Bal- carres, Baron Wigan, 1812-1880.) Argo: or, the quest of the golden fleece. A metrical tale in ten books 8vo. Lond. 1876 — Ballads, songs and poems, translated from the German. Privately printed. 4to. Wigan 1841 — Brief analysis of the doctrine and argument in the case of Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter ; and observations on the present position of the Church of England, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1850 — Conservatism : its principle, poUcy and practice. A reply to Mr. Gladstone's speech at Wigan, 1868 , 8vo. Wigan Newspaper Co. 1869 — Considerations on the present (juestion of the Com Laws, etc sm. 4to. n.p. [1846 ?] — The C^eed of Japhet, that is of the race popularly surnamed Indo-Germanic or Aryan, as held before its dispersion, etc 8vo. Lond. 1891 — The Earldom ol Mar in sunshine and in shade during five hundred years, etc.8vo. Edinb. 1882 — Etruscan Inscriptions analysed, translated and commented upon 8vo. Lond. 1872 — Idas ; or, Antichristus Britannicus, inter pocula. An extravangaza, by Johannes Bous- trophedonides. Privately printed sm. 4to. Edinb. 1875 — A Letter to a Friend [Sir R. Holt Leigh\ on the evidences of Christianity. 12mo. Lond. 1841 Wigan. 19 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Lindsay (Alexander William Crawford) — continued. — Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land. 2nd edition 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1838 — Lives of the Lindsays, or a memoir of the houses of Crawford and Halcarres. 4 vols. 4to. Wigan: Simms, 1840 — AMemoir of Lady ^niia Mackenzie, Countess of Balcarres, 1621-1706. sm. 8vo. Edinb. 1868 — Memoires d'une Poupoe. Autobiographical memoirs of the life and adventures of a doll. Freely translated from the French of Mile. L. D'Aulnoy sm. 8vo. Lond. 1840 — (Ecumenicity in relation to the Church of England, etc 8vo. Lond. 1870 — On the theory of the English hexameter, and its applicabiUty to Homer. Bvo. Lond. 1862 — Poems and poetical f'-agments 4to Wigan: Brown, 1838 — Progress by antagonism : a theory, involving considerations touching the present position, duties and destiny of Great Britain 8vo. Lond. 1846 — Report of the speeches of Counsel, etc., upon the claim of James, Earl of Crawford to the original Dukedom of Montrose fol. Lond. 1855 — [Review of " The Book of Carlaverock."] 8vo. Lond. 1874 — Scepticism a retrogressive movement in theology and philosophy, as contrasted with the Church of England, catholic (at once) and protestant, stable and progressive. 8vo. Lond. 1861 — Hertum Horatianum : twelve odes 8vo. Lond. 1874 — Sketches of the History of Christian Art 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874 — Two Letters : — To an Italian priest, on the catholicity of the Church of England ; and to an EngUsh clergyman, on the futility of attempts at reconciliation with the Church of Rome 8vo Lond. 1866 — The true story of Lord and Lady Byron, etc Bvo. Lond. [1869] — The Dunecht mystery, 1882. [Twelve Scots Trids, hij W. Roughead.l. 8vo. Edinb. 1913 — [The Dun Echt outrage. A collection of newspaper cuttings, relating to the stealing of the body of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. J 4to. Aberdeen, London, Wigan. etc. 1882-86 — [Life of Alexander William Crawford Lindsay, twcuty-lifth Earl of Crawford, by W. A. J. Archbold.] — Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Diclionarij oj iXaliontd Jiio(jr-,]^3(\ — Sacred to the memory of the rev. Charles Middlehurst [/w»r?». ] by .1. Hoolh. Tinio. Wigan, 1848. — See Wigan Local Paniphhts. vol. '>. Minimus, p.seud. Appeal to Ininianity in lich.ill of tlic heathen worhl, etc. Hy JMiniinws. 2nd edition sni. 8vo. Wigan: lirtnvn, [\^2[.\ Mockler ((Jeorge H., director of Education for Wiga)i.) Minutes of Education roinmittce and sub-committees, I9()6-1913 5 vols. Wigan: Wall, 1906, etc. — [J'ortrait.J — See Wigan Public Men. Moody (Charles H., organist, Wigan Parish Church and I'ipon Cathedral) Sclby Abbey : a resume, 1069-1908.' [Illustrated.] 8vo Lond 1908 26 Wigan. Wigan — CO n tinu ed. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Moody (Charles H.) — continued. — [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 2-3. Morgan (James S., of Wigan.) Marian and her son : a narrative poem of real life, written specially for the young 12mo. Wigan : Tyrer, 1871 — Poems, entitled field and fireside musings 8vo. Wigan: Buchnall, 1866 Dedicated to Henry Woods, Esq., m.p., Gillibrand Hall, Chorley. Mort (Richard, of Wigan, innheefer.) Manuscript copy of the last will and testament of R. Mort, 1691. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Moss (Madge Chester, a.r.c.m., o/ Wigan.) Friend of mine : song. — See Wigan Local Music.vol.5. Moss (Richard Arthur, a.r.c.o., of Wigan.) An easy setting of the Te Beum. — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 3. Nebon(Philip,TF2g'aw, assurance agent.) Pilgrimage to Sherwood Forest.8vo. Wigan : Pra^^,[1889] Newman (George R., of Wigan, schoolmaster and organist.) Parish history. [SS. Michael and All Angels, Wigan.] {Illustrated.] — See S. Michael's Bazaar Handbook. 1913. Observations on the temporal conduct and actions of our Saviour, and of John the Baptist, as recorded in the Gospels ; [attributed to W. Bankes,of Winstanley.] 12mo. Wigan: i/?/ow, 1800 0' Donahue (Thomas Aloysius, of Wigan, mineral assessor.) Colliery engineers' pocket book. 3rd edition 24mo. [Wigan ?] 1900 — Colliery surveying : a primer designed for the use of students, etc. [Illustrated.] 6th edition sm. 8vo. Lond. 1909 — Mining calculations, for the use of students, etc. [Illustrated.] sm. 8vo. Lond. 1901 — Mining engineering. An illustrated journal of coal mining and engineering. [Edited hy T. A. O'Donahue, etc.] 6 vols. 4to. Wigan: Strowger, 1896-1903 — Mining formulae and their application 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1907 — The valuation of mineral properties : a paper read before the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1907 — The valuation of mineral property: rules and tables 8vo. Lond. 1910 O'Donoghue (Daniel Joseph, dean of St. Mary^s, Wigan.) A short history of St. Mary's Mission. [St. Mary's Church, Wigan : Grand Bazaar.] 12mo. Wigan : Worswick, 1913. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. O'Neill (Henry, curate at the Wigan Parish Church from 1832 to 1837.) The substance of a discourse deliverd in the Parish Church of Wigan, 1836, on the Romish doctrine of pur- gatory, etc. 2nd edition. 1836. — Popery a novelty ! etc. 1836.— Transubstantiation contradictory to scripture, etc. 1836. — Oral tradition, or, the rules of faith sanctioned by the Church of Rome, etc. 1836. — The history of Andrew Dunn, an Irish catholic, [anon.] [Pamphlets hound together.] sm. 8vo. Wigan: Griffith, 1836 — [Reply to the rev. H. O'Neill.]— iSee Middlehurst (0.) Ormandy (R., of Wigati) and Cohen (J. B.) A new method for the estimation of nitrates and nitrites in water. 8vo. Lond. 1890. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Orrell (Norman George, headmaster Douglas School, Parhold.) " The Slave of Frakish " ; a play for children. 8vo. Wigan : Starr. 1911. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Wigan. 27 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. p. (M.) Poems, by M[ary] F[latt.] 12mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1872 The authoress was the first wife of William Piatt of Wisan. h.t.f. Pacy (Frank, of Wigan, librarian to the City of Westminster.) The assessment of public libraries to rates and taxes. — See Library Association Year Book. 1900. — Borrowing and rating powers under the Public Libraries Acts. — See Library, The.vol. 1.1889. — City of Westminster Public Libraries. Catalogue of books in the lending department, Buckingham Palace Road. 2nd edition 8vo. West. 1905 — The Library Association Year Book, 1899-1901. [Edited by F. Pacy.] 8vo. Lend. 1901 — Public libraries and the National Home Reading Union. — See Library World, vol. 5. 1903. — The reference library versus the lending department. — See Library Association Record, vol. 3. 1901. — Saint George, Hanover Square, Public Libraries. Catalogue of books in the lending department, Buckingham Palace Road 8vo. Lond. 1894 — Saint George, Hanover Scjuare, Public Libraries. Catalogue of books in the lending depart- ment of the South Audley Street Library 8vo. Lond. 1895 — Town libraries and surrounding districts. — See Library Chronicle, vol. 5. 1888. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Park (Henry, J.P., alderman and mayor of Wigan, 1827-1890.) [Portrait, in oils, by S. Lawson Booth, framed] — See Old Council Chamber, Borough Courts. Parratt {Sir Walter, organist, Wigan Parish Church.) [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vols. 3-4. Pater (Charles Dudley, m.a., curate at St. Michael's Church, Wigan, 1865-1901.) Church Bells. — See Parish Chvrch and S. MichaeVs Magazine. 1879-8^. Peace (Maskell William, town clerk oi Wigan, 1834-1892.) Acts for the regulation of Mines, as amended in August, 1860. With an introduction and practical notes, sm. 8vo. Lond. 18'il — The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1872, etc. , with explanatory notes. 2nd edit. 8 vo. Lond. 1872 — The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887, summary of alterations, etc. 8vo. Wigan : W'dl, 1887 — The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887, also digest of the law relating to truck. 8vo.Lond.1888 — Report on the experiments made at Wigan to test the values of the steam coals of Lan- cashire and Cheshire for use in marine boilers, by T. Richardson and L. E. Fletcher ; with a preface by M. W. Peace fol. Wigan: C/arkr, 18()7 — Visit to the Electrical Exhibition, Paris [.sw'/if//c .sZ/fW. I fol. Wigjiii. 1881. — See Wiga)i Local Pamfhlets. vol. 7. — Catalogue of the " Lynwood Sale," Parle Avenue, llcMKcfli Park, Southporf., fonncrly the residence of Maskell W. Peace, and recently of C. O. Peace (Svo. Soutliport, I8',J4 — [Obituary notice of Maskell William Peace.] — Sec M'ignv Ob.srrvrr, \nv. 12, 1S92. — [Portrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Library Comniiltee Room. 28 Wig:an. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Peace (William, mining engineer, father of the preceding, 1811-1861.) Application of compressed air to the purpose of working machinery \inderground, more particularly in coal mines. — See Manchester Geological Society, Journal, vol. 2. p. 102. 1842. — Dislocations of the coal strata in Wigan. — See British Association Reports, p. 82. 1837. — [Other papers.] — See Wigan Mining, etc., Catalogue. 1880. — [Reports, etc.] — See Mining, etc., Pamphlets, vol. 10. Pearson (James H., of Wigan, musical conductor.) Romanza for violin solo, with pianoforte accompaniment. — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 4. Pearson (John, d. r., bishop of Chester and rector of Wigan, 1613-1686.) An exposition of the Creed. 5th edition, revised. [Portrait.] fol. Lond. 1683 — Vindicfe epistolarum S. Ignatii. Editio nova. [Edited hij E. Churton.] [Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology.] 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1852 — [Life of John Pearson, Bishop of Chester, by Francis Sanders.] — Stephen (Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 44. 1895. Penketh (William, alias Rivers, Jesuit, of Crossbrook, Orrell, near Wigan, 1679-1762.) River's Manual: pastoral instructions upon the creed, etc 8vo. Wigan: Ferguson, 1782 Percy (Cornelius McLeod, mechanical engineer and principal of the Wigan Mining College, 1846-1903.) Agricultural Show held in Whitley Park, Wigan, 1889. Catalogue of industrial exhibits, etc. [Edited by C. M. Percy.] 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1889 — Colliery machinery 16mo. Lond. [1890] — Colliery sinking, etc., by James Keen, etc., with prefatory note by C. M. Percy. — See Keen {J.) — Colliery ventilating machinery. — See Cassier's Magazine, Mining number. 1902. — Colliery winding appliances, past and present, future, etc 8vo. Newcastle, Staffs. [1882] — The Coppoe system of Coke ovens and coking 8vo. Cardiff, 1887 — Haydock Mining lectures. Colliery machinery. An inaugm-al address. 8vo. Wigan : Roger, 1890 — History of the I^Oning and Technical School, Wigan. [Illustrated.] sm. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1890 — The Industries of Wigan, by C. M. Percy, etc.— See Folhard [H. T.) — The Koepe system of Colliery winding. 8vo. Manch. 1882. — See Mining, etc.. Pamphlets, vol. 11. — The mechanical engineering of Collieries. [Portrait and plates.]... 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1882-85 — The mechanical equipment of Collieries, by the late C. M. Percy. Completed and edited by Frank Percy and G. H. Winstanley. [Portrait and plates.] 8vo. Manch. 1905 — iline rents and mineral royalties 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1888 — ^Mine rents, etc. ; observations on[the above], etc., hjO. Walmesley. 8 vo. Wigan : Roger, 189^ — ^lining in the Victorian era : a popular record from 1837 to 1897, etc. ..8vo. Lond. 1897 — Some engineering appliances in mining, etc 8vo. Manch. 1898 Wigan. 29 Wigan — contimied. PART I. wiGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Percy (Cornelius McLeod) — continued. — Technical education for miners in the Wigan district. With illustrations of the proposed Mining and Technical College, etc 8vo. Lond. 1899 — Technical instruction in Lancashire. An address on coal mining, etc. 8vo. Wigan : i?0(/er,1893 — Winding and overwinding : giving descriptions of winding engines, detaching hooks and safety cages. 3rd edition 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1880 — [Obituary notice of Cornelius McLeod Percy.] — See Wigan Observer. June 24th, 1903. — [Portrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Library Committee Room. Percy (Frank, of Wigan) and Winstanley (G. H.) The mechanical equipment of collieries, etc. 1905.— See Percy {C. M.) Percy (Robert McLeod, of Ince, colliery manager.) Coal mining in Siberia, as carried on by an English company. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Wigan: Roger, 1909 Peterkin (James Dysart, B.sc, of Wigan, schoolmaster.) and Dixon (H. B.) The action of nitric oxide on nitrogen peroxide 8vo. Lond. 1899 Pickard (William, J. P., of Wigan, miners' agent, 1822-1887.) The practical teaching of coUiery disasters. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1878. — See Mining, etc.. Pamphlets, vols. 7 and 13. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Plain matters of fact, etc., or, Unitarianism and Trinitarianism contrasted and tried by scripture. By a friend to free inquiry, [anon.] Svo. Wigan : Brown, 1823. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 8 and 9. Piatt (James, of Wigan and Southport, burgess auditor, 1830-1909.) [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Piatt (Richard, of Wigan, bookseller and printer, 1844-1883.) Catalogue [Sale] of books com- prising a selection of works in the various departments of literature. 12mo. Wigan : P^a«,1882 Poem, A, entitled Old acquaintance well met, or, true friendship displayed, lacing an impartial conference between a Catholic and a Protestant, etc. [anon. J 12mo. Wigan : Ferguson, [178- ?] Poems, entitled Whisperings of an hour, [by Young.] — See Young ( — ) Porteus (Thomas Cruddas, b.a., vicar of Coppull.) Some recent investigations concerning the ancestry of Capt. Miles Standish 8vo. lioston [Mass.] 1914 Potter (John W., of Wigan, organist.) [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan LocalMusic. vol. 3. Potter (Richard, M.r. for Wigan, 1773- 184r).) [Election posters, 1831-37.]— See Wigan Broads- sides Book. — [Life of Richard Potter, by Miss Eliza Orme.]— See Stephen (Sir L.) and Lee (Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography. Supplement, vol. 3. lUOI. — [I'ortrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Library Committre Room. Powell (P.enjamin, vicar of St. George's, Wigav, 1702- 180 L) A brief Memoir of the late rev. Thomas Wade, incumbent of St. Anne's, Tottington, etc 8vo. Bolton, 1834 30 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Powell (Benjamin) — continued. — Letter to the right hon. the Earl of Balcarres, in reply to the unfounded aspertions of his lordship, on the character and conduct of the rev. B. Powell. 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1838. — See Wigan Local Panipjilets. vol. 3. — Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Wigan [on Mark xiv. 7.] in the afternoon of Simday, 14th June, 1818, for the benefit of the Sunday schools. 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pampldets. vol. 3. Powell {Sir Francis Sharp, bart., m.p. for Wigan ; son of the preceding, 1827-1911.) Address on health. 8vo. Manch. 1897. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — Our church and her accusers. A speech, etc 8vo. Lond. 1872 — Progress of sanitary legislation in Great Britain. 1884. — See Health Exhihition Literature, vol. 2. 1884. — [Borough of Wigan. Presentation to the Borough of the Boys' Reading Room by Sir F. S. Powell, BART., M.P., April 17th, 1895.] sm. 4to. Wigan: Piatt, 1895 — [Election posters, 1857-96.] — See Wigan Broadsides BooTcs. — Sir Francis Powell, bart. , and member of parliament. A Memoir by his nephew, Henry L. P. Hulbert. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Leeds, 1914 — [Obituary notice of Sir F. S. Powell.] — See Wigan Observer. December 26th, 1911. Power (Matthew, s.J., b.a., of Wigan.) The alcohol case : the summing up. A medical, legal and historical sketch. 8vo. Edinb. 1909. — See Medical Pamphlets, vol. 9. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Prince (John Critchley, of Wigan, poet, 1808-7866.) Poetical works of J . C. Prince. Edited by R. A. D. Lithgow 2 vols. 8vo. Manch. 1880 — Autumn leaves : original poems. New edition, with additional poems. 8vo. Lond. 1866 [1865] — Dreams and realities : in verse and prose 12mo. Lond. 1850 — Hours with the muses. 2nd edition, enlarged 8vo. Lond. 1841 — The Loyal Ancient Shepherds' Quarterly Magazine, edited by J. C. Prince [1845-1847.] vol. 1 8vo. Ashton- under- Lyne, 1847 — A poetic address to p.p.g.m. Samuel T. Settle, of Whittle Springs, on the occasion of a visit from the odd- fellows of the Bolton district, etc., and other poems. 12mo. Chorley, 1855 — The poetic rosary 8vo. Lond. 1850 — Sutton park, a poem, etc., by H. H. Horton. 4th edition, to which is added an appendix by J. C. Prince 8vo. Lond. 1850 — The Life of John Critchley Prince, by R. A. D. Lithgow. [Portrait.].... 8vo. Manch. 1880 — [Life of John CVitchley Prince, by C. W. Sutton.] — Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dic- tionary of National Biography, vol. 46. 1896. — [Portrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Lending Library. Wigan. 31 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Ragland (John Searls, of Hindley, Unitarian minister.) A brief memoir of Maria Ragland, of Hindley, near Wigan. 8vo. Manch. 1856. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. Rankin (Thomas T., c.e., b.sc, principal, Wigan Mining and Technical College.) Wigan and district Mining and Technical College Calendar, 1904-1911 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1904-14 Ratcliffe- Ellis [Sir Thomas, law clerk and secretary to the Mining Association of Great Britain.) An ancient and loyal borough iWigaii]. — See Parish Church and S. Michael's Magazine. 1879. — The Church of England in Wales, an address, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Roger & Rennick, 1895. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. — The Mining Assoriation of Great Britain. Coal Mines Regulation Bill, 1895. Report on the provisions of the bill. 8\c. [Lond. 1895.1 — See Mining, etc., Pamphlets, vol. 15. — [The same.] Observations on the bill. 8vo. [Lond. 1895.]- See Mining, e'c. Pamphlets, vol. 15. — The Mining Association of Great Britain. Mines (Eight Hours) Bill. Report of proceedings at a deputation to the Earl of Rosebery and the rt. hon. H. H. Asquith, 1894. 8vo. [Lond. 1894.] — Set' Mining, etc., Pamphlets, vol. 15. — The Mining Association of Great Britain. Public Bills, 1895. Report by the law clerk, 8vo. [Lond. 1895.] — See Mining, etc., Pumphlels. vol. 15 — The Mining Association of Great Britain, Steam Engines (Persons in Charge) Bill, 1895. Report on the provisions of the bill. 8%o. [Lond. 1895.1 — ^^^ Mining, etc.. Pamphlets, vol. 15. — Sign boards [in Wigan.l — See Parish Church and S. Michael's Magazine. 1879. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. RawclifFe (Dorothy M., of Ilaigh.) Poems 16mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1914 Recent Debate ; or, controversial dialogue which has taken place between a Romish priest and a Protestant layman, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Ramsdale, 1848. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. Rigby (Alexander, parliamentary colonel and m.p. for Wigan, 1594-1650.) A true relation of the great victory obtained by God's providence, by the Parliaments forces in Lancashire, etc sm. 4to. Lond. I(i43 — Colonel Alexander Rigby : a sketch of his career, etc. , by C. S. Banks, sm. 4to. I'ortlaud, 1885 — [Life of Alexander Rigby, by W. A. Shaw.] — Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 48. 1890. Rigby (.loseph, of Aspull, parliamentarian ; d. 1671.) An ingenius poem, called the drunkard's prospective, etc lOmo. Lond. [105(5] — [A manuscript poem upon repentance.] 12mo. [1650?] [Life of Joseph Rigby. by C. W. Sutton.] — Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 48. 1896. 32 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Roaf (William, 0/ Wigan, Independent minister, 1804-1870.) The church and the school : a paper read at a Sunday school Conference, held in Wigan, 1864, etc. 12mo. Lond. [Wigan printed : Clarke,] 1864. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 8. — Conscience for Christ : or, August the twenty- fourth. A lecture, etc. [Illustrated.'] 8vo. Lond. [1864.] — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 8. — Ebenezer, a pastoral letter, no. i. To the church and congregation assembling in St. Paurs Independent Chapel, Standishgate, Wigan. 12mo. Lond. [Wigan printed : Ramsdale,] 1846. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 8. 11. — The pastor's pledge of total abstinence. 2nd edition 12mo. Lond. 1861 — The Sunday school question book, bible-class manual and family catechist. 12mo. Lond. 1858. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 8. — Thirty years in Wigan. Report of a soiree held at St. Paul's Independent Chapel, Wigan, 1868, commemorative of the completion of thirty years' ministry, by the rev. W. Roaf, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1869. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 8. Roberts (Robert David, 0/ Wigan, journalist.) Millet, the peasant painter. 16 mo. [Wigan], 19 03 Roby (George, 0/ Wigan, author and shoemaker, 1822-1891.) Atheism, not scientific and not philosophical. A lecture delivered before the Wigan Secular Society. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1882. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — The disease of the Liberal Party : or, the massacre of the successful. 12mo. Manch. [187- ?] — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 1. — Essays and lectures sm. 8vo. Lond. 1903 — Lamp 63 ; being a critical examination of the inquest held to consider the cause of the Abram Colliery Explosion. Part i. sm. 8vo. Bolton, 1883. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 9. — A new chapter of proverbs : or, wit and wisdom for the fireside and the closet. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1869. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. — Old times: song of life: a philosophical poem, and other fragments. 12mo. Wigan: Wall, 1875. — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 1. — The story of Ireland's captivity. 3rd edition. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1872. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. — The plunder and persecution of Ireland : or, remarks on [the above,] by M. Seagrave. 12mo. Manch. [187- ?] — See Wigan Local PampJdets. vol. 9. Roby (John, horn at Wigav, author of ' The Traditions of LancasJiire," 1793-1850.) Legendary and poetical remains, etc. With a sketch of his literary life and character, by his widow [Ann Rohy.] 8vo. Lond. 1854 — Lorenzo, or the tale of redemption ! [a poem.] roy. 8vo. Lond. [RocJidale printed.] 1819 — Seven weeks in Pielgium, Switzerland, Lombardy, Piedmont, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 — Traditions of Lancashire. 2nd edition. [Plates.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Wig^an. 33 Wigan — contimied. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Koby (John) — continued. — [The same.] Second series. [Plates.'] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 — [Life of John Koby, by C. W. Sutton.] — See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 49. 1897. Roby (William, brother of the preceding, minister of St. PauVs congregational church, Wigan, 1760-1830.) Protestantism; or, an address particularly to the labouring classes, etc., occasioned by the late controversial attacks of the rev. J. Curr. Bvo. Manch. 1821. — See Manchester Papal Controversy. — A short treatise on the absolute necessity of the satisfaction of Christ : or, the dangerous tendency of socinianism considered 12mo. Wigan: Bancks, \lSi\ — [Life of William Roby, by Alexander Gordon.] — See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 49. 1897. Roger (William, journalist, editor of the " Wigan Examiner " and honorary member of the Wigan Library Committee.) UphoUand and its past. Facts from the parish registers and other sources. [Reprinted from the Wigan Examiner.] ...fol. Wigan : Roger & Rennick, 1907 — The\\iganExammeT.[Ed.hyW.Roger,S.Halliwell(&R.L.Rennick.]38voh.iolWigSin,]81S-in5 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Rogers (Edgar, m.a., curate at the Wigan Parish Church.) A ramble round the Wigan parish church, by W. J. True. Edited by E. Rogers. 1901.— See True{W. J.) Rogers (William, j.p., mayor of Wigan, 1846-1890.) A representative mining engineer : [W. Rogers, with portrait. Extract from " The Service Magazine'' Sept. 1891.] 8vo. Lond. 1891. — See Wigan LmcoI Pamphlets, vol. 13. — [Portrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Library Committee Room. Rogerson (Joseph, coroner for Wigan ; died 1850.) Letters for ladies. 12mo. Wigan: Wall, 1843. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. Rossiter (Mary, of Wigan.) The gathered lily, and other poems sm. 8vo. Lond. 1873 — Mildred Gower, and other poems 12mo. Loud. 1875 Rothwell (Fred., of Wigan., b.a.) Education and ethics, by E. Boutroux, translated by F. Rothwell sm. 8vo. Loud. 1913 — French idiomatic expressions with English equivalents 8vo. Edinb. [1909 ?] — Hermes and Plato, by Edouard Schure. Translated by F. Rothwell Bvo. Lond. [1909 ?] — Pythagoras&theDelphic mysteries, by Edouard Schun'. Trans. by F.Rothwell.Bvo. Lond. 1906 Rowbottom (Lever Robert, v. d., niujor, coroner for Wigan, IS36-I906.) The late Major Lever Rowbottom, etc. Reprints from the " Wigan Examiner." July 7th and 1 1th, 190(5. [Portrait.] 12mo. Wigan : Roger & Rennick, 1900 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Saul (Joseph, of Wigan.) Tutor and scholar s assistant, being a new treatise on vulgar and decimal arithmetic, etc 12nio. Wigan: Lyon, 1794 — Key to the Tutor and Scholar's aaaiataut 12nio. Wigan: Lyon, 1794 •^* Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — continued. Shaw (William B., of Wigan.) The story of Presbyterianism in Wigan : a record of three centuries. With portraits and illustrations 8vo. Lond. 1912 Short biographical sketches of the Earls of Crawford from the earliest times to thr present, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Piatt, 1885. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Shuttleworth (J., Roman catholic priest at A shton-in- Maker field.) A Letter to the inhabitants of Ashton, and an address to the Ashton Sunday school committee. — Reply to the three first letters of the rev. E. Sibson 8vo. Wigan : Lyon, 1822 Bound up with the above are a number of pamphlets, written by W. E. Andrews in answer to the rev. E. Sibson's Letters on Poperj', etc. 1822. Sibson (Edmund, muasfer of Ashton-in-Makerfield ; d. 1874.) Letters to the rev. J. Shuttle- worth. [27 numbers.] Wigan : Lyon, 1822-23— Defence of E. Sibson ; and a vindication of the reformation from the attacks and misrepresentations of W. E. Andrews, by ■ Champion. 1822. — Dr. Cahill answered, etc., by an English protestant. Preston, 1852. — Twenty-one plain reasons for not being a Roman catholic, [anon.] Dublin, 1828. — Letter from the late Pope Pius vi. , with other recommendations to catholics to read the holy scriptures. Lond. n.d. [Bound together.] 8vo. Lond. 1822-52 — Reply to the first three Letters of the rev. E. Sibson. 1822. — See Shuttleworth {J.) — Selection from the version of Psalms in the prayer book of the church of England, classed and arranged by E. Sibson, etc. 18mo. Wigan : Wall, 1874. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 5, 11. Simpson (John, of Wigan, relieving officer, 1841-1904.) Poor Law and its administration. On the out-door relief and the in- door- relief question, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, [1889.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Sinclair (David, of Wigan, schoolmaster.) Beyond : or, a glimpse at Paradise, [a poem.] 12mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1886 — History of Wigan 2 vols. 4to. Wigan: Wall, 1882 — Idylls of busy life: [verse.] 8vo. Perth, 1904 — Lux naturae : nerve system of the universe. New demonstration of an old law. 8 vo. Lond. 1894 — Mangodism : or, philosophy of the Mangod 12mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1889 — A new creed (human and humane) whose axioms are all men suffer. All men worship. All men believe " Union is strength," etc sm. 8vo. Lond. 1892 — The Sacrifice : a drama, in three acts. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1880. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 1. — Ups & downs in Bumpkin's mayorality of Boroughtown. 12mo.Manch.[PFigfan pr. Tf a/^,]1884 Slater (Francis, b.a., curate at the Wigan Parish Church ; d. 1905 ?) A very short guide to Repentance and a knowledge of Sin. 24mo. Lond. [Wigan printed: Piatt,] 1872. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Slevin (James, Wigan Corporation electrical and tramways engineer.) Annual reports of the Borough Electrical and Tramways Engineer, 1902-1915. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, etc. 1902, etc. Smethurst (William, of Wigan, j.p., mining engineer, 1844 ^1910) and Ashworth (J.) Experi- ments on safety lamps. — ^ee Manchester Geological Society, vol. 15. p. 113. 1878-79. Wigan. 35 Wigan — contimted. PART 1. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Smith (Arthur, b.a., ll.b., cleric of the peace for the borough of Wigan.) Transcriptions of the Registers of the Parish Church of Walton- on- the- Hill. — See Lancashire Parish Register Society, vol. 5. 1900. Smith (Fred Foy, of Wigan, journalist.) Official guide to Wigan. [Illustrated.] Burrow's "Royal Handbooks.''' 12mo. Cheltenham, 1911 Speed (John George, o/ Wigan, journalist.) Education of man, and other essays. 8vo. Lond.[18891 — ' Oh dear ! What an age we're in.' Music by J. Livesey. — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 5. Standish (Arthur, a connection of the family of Standish of Standish Hall ; flourished 1611-1615.) The Commons complaint. Wherein is contained two speciall grievances : the first, the generall destruction and waste of woods in this kingdome, with a remedy for the same, etc. The second grievance is the extreme dearth of victuals, etc sm. 4to. Lond. 1611 — [Life of Arthur Standish, by E. Irving Carlyle.] — See Stefhen {Sir L.) and I^ee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. -53. 1898. Standish (Frank Hall, of Duxbury Hall, Chorley, connoisseur and traveller, 1799-1840.) The Bride of Palencia, a poem sm. 8vo. Lond. 1837 — The Life of Voltaire, with interesting particulars respecting his death, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1821 — Seville and its vicinity. [Portrait.] 8vo. Lond. 1840 — The shores of the Mediterranean 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837-38 Dedicated to Sir Roger Holt Leigh, of Wigan. — - Timon, a poem, in two cantos sm. 8vo. Chorley, 1833 — [Life of Frank Hall Standish, by C. W. Sutton.]— /See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 53. 1898. Standish (John, o.d., rector of Wigan, 1507 ? -1570.) A confutacion of that treatise which one John Standish made agaynst the protestacion of D. Barnes in the yeare 1540, etc., by Miles Coverdale. [Remains.] Parker Society. 8vo. Camb. 1846 — A discourse wherein is debated whether it be e-xpedient that the Scripture should be in English for al men to reade that wyll, etc. 2nd edition 16mo, Lond. 1555 — [Life of John Standish, by W. A. J. Archbold.]— See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 53. 1898. Standish (William, of Standish Hall, jacobite, 1638 F-1705.) By the King, a Proclamation for apprehending of William Standish, etc. [Broadsheet, offering five hundred pounds reward.] f^l- Lond. 1694 [95] Steele (David Wallace, lecturer at the Wigan mining and techniad college.) Manual training, its aims, methods and results, etc. Hvo. Wigan : Roger cfe Rennick, 1898. — See Wigan Local Pamplets. vol. 13. Steigmeier (Oustave, of Wigan, teacher of music and languages; flourished 1858-1869.) [Musical compositions.] — See Wigan Local Music, vol. 1. Steill (Alexander, congregational minister of SL Paul's Chapel, Wigan, 1768-1832.) Catalogue [Sale] of the late A. Steill, of Wigan, consisting of a choice collection of the classics, etc., to be sold, etc., by .1. Brown Hvo. Wigan: Brown, 1833 36 Wigan. Wigan — contimied. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS Continued. Stoker (Albert Edward, of Wigan, hurgess anditor.) A first glance at Wigan's finance. Published by the Wigan branch of the Social Democratic Federation 8vo. [Wigan : Starr, 1906] — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Strappini (Walter Diver, s.J., of St. John's, Wigan.) The inward Gospel : some familiar discourses addressed to Religious who follow the rule of St. Ignatius, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1909 — Meditations without method, etc 8vo. Lond. 1913 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Struggle, A, with the protestant champion, by a catholic layman of Wrightington. [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Lyo>t, 1823. — See Wigan Local Catalogue, vol. 12. — See also Sibson (E.) Letters, etc. 1822. Stuart (John Barlow, of Wigan, surgeon, 1851-1899.) Use and abuse of the stomach. sm. 8vo. Wigan: Lawson, 1879 — [Portrait, framed.] — See Wigan Central Library Committee Room. Sunmer (John, Wigan Corporation sanitary inspector, 1861-1912.) Cremation and earth burial : [a paper read before the Sanitary Inspectors' Association.^ 8vo. Liverpool, 1895. — See Medical Pamphlets, vol. 9. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Swarbrick (Thomas, of Wigan, burgess auditor, 1843-1885.) Status and functions of elective auditors, sm. 4to. Wigan: Wall, 1885. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. Tarver (John, of Wigan.) New Zealand : reprinted from the Wigan Examiner. 8vo. Wigan, 1911 Taylor (Albert, Wigati Corporation chief inspector of nuisances.) The sanitary inspector's handbook. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond. 1893 — [The same.] 5th edition 8vo. Lond. 1914 Taylor (Helen B., wife of Thomas Taylor, j.p.) Soups, savouries, sweets, with a chapter on breads sm. 8vo. Lond. 1889 Taylor (Thomas, of Wigan, j.p. , cotton spinner and donor of the Wigan Public Library central building, 1809-1892.) [Portrait, painted by James Archer, r.s.a.] — See Wigan Central Library News Room. — [Marble bust, by Jules Dalou.] — See Wigan Central Library Reference Library. Taylor (Zachary, m.a., curate to the rector of Wigan, 1653-1705.) The death of the righteous, or, the descriminating circumstances that favour the departure of a pious soul. Delivered at Wigan, April 18, 1695, at the obsequies of the honourable and vertuous Lady Elizabeth, relict of Sir Roger Bradshaigh of Haigh sm. 4to. Lond. 1695 — The Devil turn'd casuist ; or, the cheats of Rome laid open, in the exorcism of a despairing devil at the house of Thomas Pennington in Orrell, in the Parish of Wigan. sm.4to. Lond. 1696 — The Surey imposter : being an answer to a late fanatical pamphlet entitled The Surey demoniack. [With a woodcut portrait of the Surey imposter.] sm. 4to. Lond. 1697 — [Life of Zachary Taylor, by Alexander Gordon.] — Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dic- tionary of National Biography, vol. 55. 1898. Wigan. 37 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Templeton (Robert C, of Wigan, dentist.) The Wigan gas accounts, 1874 to 1877. Examined by Mr. R. C. Templeton, dentist, 20 Marsden Place, Wigan. 8vo. Wigan : Wcdl, 1878.— See Wigan Local Pamfhlets. vol. 4. Thicknesse (Ralph, of Wigan, b.a., oxon.) Digest of the law of Husband and Wife, as it affects property, and the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, with notes and illus- trations, etc 8vo. Lond. 1884 Thicknesse (Ralph, of Wigan, u.o., 1719-1790.) A treatise on foreign vegetables. 8vo.Lond.1749 — [Life of Ralph Thicknesse, by C. W. Sutton.] — See Stephen {Sir L.) and Lee {Sir S.) Dic- tionary of Natiotial Biography, vol. 56. 1898. Thicknesse (Ralph, m.p. for Wigan ; d. 1842.) [Ralph Thicknesse.] — See Wigan County Borough Year Book. — [Election posters, 1831-32.] — See Wigan Broadsides Book. Thicknesse (Ralph, drowned in Windermere Lake, 1853.) Sermon [on Numbers xvii. 12.'] delivered at Wigan by the rev. Robt. Holt, on the death of Ralph Thicknesse and Thomas Woodcock. 8vo. Wigan : Thomas, 1853. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Thicknesse (Ralph Anthony, m.p. for Wigan, 1800-1854.) [R. A. Thicknesse.]— See Wigan County Borough Year Book and Boase {F.) Modern English Biography, vol. 3. 1901. — [Election posters, 1847-52.] — See Wigan Broadsides Book. Thomas (John, congregational minister at Chorley ; flourished 1819-1823.) Christian expe- rience : a sermon preached \on Romans vii. 14.] in Darwin Chapel. 8vo. Wigan : Lyon, 1820. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Thomas (John Wesley, Wesleyan minister at Wigan, 1798-1872.) Poems on sacred, classical, mediaeval, and modern subjects sm. 8vo. Lond. [Wigan printed: Thomas,] 1867 — The poetry of Byron : the substance of a lecture, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Thomas, 1867. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Thompson (Richard, of Weld Bank, vicar-general of the I^ancashire district, 1762-1841.) The case stated of the Wigan catholic chapels, in two letters, etc. To which are added, (as an appendix) Mr. Walmesley's two letters to the rev. R. Thompson, as made public by himself. 8vo. Wigan : Lyon, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 3. The controversy dealt with the advisability of building the two churches, St. Jolinn and St. Mary's, so near together, h.t.f. — The case is altered, in a letter addressed to the Roman catholics of Wigan, by the rev. C. Plowden, of Stonyhurst : [an ansiver to the case stated, etc.] 8vo. Wigan: Brown, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — See also, Walmesley {C.) Short addresses, etc. 1818. Timrains (Joseph, Wigan Corporation gas engineer, IS43-l'.H2.) Annual reports of the (.'as Engineer, l«'jD-rji2 Hvo. Wigan: W nil , dc, JS'.n»-Ji)12. — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Toulmin (Harry, unitarian minister, Alherton, 1766-1823.) A short view f»f {,\w. life, sontimenta and character of Mr. John Mort, in an address to the dissenters of Atherton, and ni a sermon [on Luke xxiii. 47.] preached in New Bent Chapel, January 20, 1788. To which are added two family prayers by Mr. Mort 12mo. Lond. 17U3 38 Wigan. Wigan — continued. FART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. True stateraeat of facts : by six of the Incumbents in the ancient parish of Wigan induced by a statement put forth in the name of the rev. T. Whitehead ; together with a number of letters which Mr. Whitehead has not inserted in what he calls " the entire correspondence, and the correspondence in all its integrity.'" 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1857. — See Wigan Local PanifJilets. vol. 3. This pamphlet contains the signatures of the following clergy : — J. T. Browne, John T. Dixon, Arthur Coates, P. Jones, Howard St. George, James Cronshaw. — See also Whitehead {W. T.) True (W. J., verger at the Wigan Parish Church.) A ramble round the Wigan Parish Church, etc., edited by rev. Edgar Rogers, m.a. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1901 Vinon (Frederick Augustus Holden, f.s.a., curate of Haigh and Asfull ; flourished 1867-1891.) The Christian doctrine concerning death : a sermon [on Eccles. xii. 6, 7.] preached in the parish church of S. David, Haigh, etc., after the death of Alexander WilUam, Earl of Crawford. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Walker (Edward Bent, of Wigan, artist.) The ballad of Lake Laloo, etc., by J. H. Goring. Illustrated by E. Bent Walker 4to. Lond. 1909 Walker(George Edward,o/ Wigan,F.n.c.s. ,1839-1909.) Essays in Ophthalmology.8vo. Lond. 1879 — Treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia, and dislocation of the lens. 8vo. Liverpool, 1878. — See Medical Pamphlets, vol. 1. Wall (Charles, editor of the " Wigan Observer " and honorary member of the Wigan Libraries Committee, 1850-1902.) The Wigan Observer and District Advertiser. [Edited by C. Wall from 1878-1902.]— See Wall (T.) — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Wall (Thomas, J. P., founder and proprietor of the " Wigan Observer,'''' 1815-1904.) The Wigan Observer and District Advertiser, 1857-1915 55 vols. fol. Wigan, 1857-1915 — The Wigan Almanac and Advertising Year Book, 1844, 1858-1914. [Edited by Thomas Wall, etc.] 16 vols. sm. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1844-1914 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. WaU (William, editor of the " Wigan Observer.'''') The Wigan Observer and District Advertiser. [Edited by William Wall, from 1902.]— See Wall (T.) — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Walmesley (Charles, o.s.b., d.d., f.r.s., of Westwood, vicar apostolic of the Western district of England, 1722-1797.) General history of the Christian Church, from her birth to her final triumphant state in Heaven ; chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle, by Signor Pastorini [i.e., C. Walmeslei/.] 8vo. Wigan: Ferguson, 1782 Walmesley (Charles, of Westwood, 1781-1833.) Short address to the Catholics of Wigan, occasioned by the rev. Richard Thompson's " Case stated of the Wigan Catholic Chapels," together with the whole of the correspondence between the rev. Mr. Thompson and him- self. 12mo. Wigan : Brown, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. Wigan. 39 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS Continued. Walmesley (Henry Worthington, s.j., son of the preceding, horn 1811.) Poems, and other small occasional pieces 12mo. Wigan : Hilton, 1826 H. W. VValniesley, the son of Charles Walmesley, of Westwood, if the author of these poems, would only be 15 years of age at the time of publication. Dedicated " to the friends of his college life, etc." H.T.F. Walmesley (Oswald, of Wigan, 1846-1911.) Guide to Mining laws of the World. 8vo. Lond. 1894 — Mine rents and mineral royalties : observations on paper by Mr. C. M. Percy, with suggestions for practical legislation 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Ren)iick, 1888 — A picture of a village school board. [Shevington, near Wigan.'] 4to. Wigan : Wall, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Walmsley (Robert, m.a., vicar of St. Elizabeth's, Aspull, 1842P-1886.) S. Elizabeth's Church, Aspull. — See Wigan Parish Church and S. MichaeVs Magazine. 1879. Watmough (Walter, councillor, vice-chairman of the Wigan Libraries Committee. ) [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. Webster (Joseph, of Wigan.) Christianity v. Infidelity. Reasons for theism : being a reply to J. M. Fosters " Reasons for atheism, etc." 8vo. Lond. [1887 ?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. — ■ Christianity v. infidelity. The immortality of the soul : or, a future life necessary, possible and desirable. 8vo. Wigan : Stnrr, 1887. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. White (James, of Wigan.) The new Licensing Act, 1903 : a protest. 8vo. Wigan : Cooke, [1903.] — See Political Economy Pamphlets, vol. 8. White (Patrick Terence, of Wigan Corporation electrical works.) " Buckle, London." [Detective stories.] sm. 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Rentiick, 1907 — Elementary electrical engineering. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Wigan: Stroivger, 1905 — Engineering pocket book, etc ob. 12mo. Wigan: Wall, 1911 White (Robert Prosser, of Wigau, m.d., m.r.c.s., vice-president ol the Royal lnjirmury, Wigan.) Acute symmetrical erythematous keratodermia caused by the administration of arsenic 8 vo. Lond. 1903 — Britain's need brings Britain's meed, [a poem.] 8vo. Wigan, 1900. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. — Catarrhal fevers, commonly called colds : their causes, consoiuences, control and care. [Plates.] ^vo. Lond. 190(5 — The control of secondary infections in tuberculosis 8vo. Lond. [191()J — The effects of dinitrol)enzine and other nitro-sul)stitution products of the aromatic scries, on the workmen employed in the manufacture of high explosives. — See Oliver (7.) Dangerous Trades, etc. 1902. — Life : [a poem.] 8vo. Wigan, 1904. — Sec Wi-ian Load PamphlcLs. vol. 13. — Manual for the Church Lads' Brigade medical staff corps 24mo. Lond. [1903J — Microbes: or, our mighty foes and mightier friends 8vo. Wigan: Jackson, 1896 — Nitro and dinitro benzoic poisoning f^vo. Wigan: Jackson, 1896 4-0 Wig^an. Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. White (Robert Prosser) — continued. — Occupational affections of the skin. A brief account of the trade processes and agents which give rise to them. [Illustrated.] 8vo. Lond. 1915 — Peripheral neuritis, with some original observations, etc. 8vo. Wigan, 1890. — See Medical Pamj)hlets. vol. 4. — Sanitation ; or, the science of health 8vo. Wigan, 1887 — Some new forms of occupational dermatoses 8vo. Lond. 1916 — Two cases of acute dermatitis due to bichromate of potassium 8vo. Lond. 1910 — and Hay (John) Some recent inquiries and researches into the poisonous properties of naphthalene and the aromatic compounds 9m. 8vo. Lond. 1901 — and Sellers (Arthur) A case of acute industrial aniline poisoning, with an experimental enquiry into some aspects of its pathogeny 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910 — [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Men. — Special list of Local Views presented to the Wigan Free Public Library by Dr. R. Prosser White. [Portrait.] — See Wigan Public Libraries. Quarterly Record, vol. i. no. 9. 1912. Whitehead (William Thomas, b. a. , curate of the Wigan Parish Church and, vicar of St. Catharine's from 1858-1863.) A statement of facts by the rev. W. T. Whitehead, relative to a serious charge recently brought against him by seven incumbents of ecclesiastical districts within the Parish of Wigan, in a letter to the Rector ; together with the entire correspondence. 8vo. Wigan : Reckitt, 1857. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 8. The ' statement ' deals with the charge that the clergy of All Saints' parish had no right (since the passing of Lord Blandford's Act, 1856) to publish banns or celebrate marriages between persons residing wholly out of that parish. — The sequel to " A statement of facts." Containing commencs upon "A true statement of facts." 8vo. Wigan : Reckitt, 1857. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 8, 9. — See also, True statement of facts. 1857. Whitehouse (Thomas, of Wigan, wine merchant ; flourished 1781-1842.) The History of the Town and Borough of Wigan in the County of Lancaster, and its vicinity ; with anecdotes collected and recollected by T. Whitehouse, late of Wigan sm. 4to. Wigan, 1829 A manuscript of one hundred and eighty-eight leaves, with forty-six water-colour drawings of buildings and views of Wigan and district, all signed by the compiler and dated from 1781 to 1842. The sheets which were originally of octavo size, have been enlarged to small quarto and mounted and bound in whole brown crushed and tooled morocco, by John Fazakerley, of Liverpool, h.t.f. — See also, Jackson '{J.) The Wigan Hunt. 1800? Whitfield (John George James, ^.k., curate of Christ Church, Ince.) The inner life of the King's daughter. [Sermons.] sm. 8vo. Liverpool, 1889 Whitworth (Richard Hisco, curate of Standish Church from 1850-1865.) Farewell sermon, [on Ephes. iii. 14-15.] 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1865 Wickham (William Arthur, vicar af St. Andrew's, Wigan.) Ad clerum : an address delivered to the Wigan and district Clergy Union in Billinge Parish Church, privately printed. 8vo. St. Helens, 1907. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Wi^an. 41 Wigan — continued. PART I. WIGAN AND DISTRICT AUTHORS — Continued. Wickham (William Arthur) — continued. — Anglian Cross-head at Aughton and other recent discoveries there. [Illustrated.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, vol. 66. 1915. — Cockersand Chapter-House. [Illustrated.'] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 67. 1916. — Liverpool Cathedral Embroidery Association : a paper, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1908. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. — Notes of a sermon preached in Billinge Church Parish, etc. Bvo. Wigan : Roger dc Rennick, [1909.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. — Pugin and the re-building of Winwick chancel. [5 plates.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 59. 1908. — The Puritans in power : a paper, etc. 4to. [Wigan, 1904.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. — " Robinson Crusoe " and Christian missions. [Extracted from " The East and the West.''] Bvo. Lond. 1912 — Some notes on Aughton. [7 plates.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Trans- sactions. vol. 60. 1909. — Some notes on Billinge. [8 plates.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Tran- sactions, vol. 61. 1910. — Some notes on Chapter Houses. [11 plates and 5 plans.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 64. 1913. — Another edition. [Illustrated.] Bvo. Lond. [1913.] — Some notes on Hindley Chapel. [3 plates and 2 plans.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Transactions, vol. 62. 1911. Wigan Local Music 5 vols. 4to. Lond. v.d. The contents are given under the composers' names. Wigan Local Pamphlets 13 vols, v.p., v.d. Tl'.e contents are given under tlie autliors' names. Wigan Sunday school magazine vol. 2. Bvo. Wigan : Clarke and Winstatdey, 1801-62 Wilkins (John, d. n., f.r.p., bishop of Chester and rector of Wigan, U')ll-1')72.) Disroiirpc con- cerning the gift of Prayer : shewing what it is, wherein it consists, and how fur it is attain- able by industry, etc Bvo. Lond. 1695 — Discovery of a world in the moone, etc 12mo. Lond. 163B — An essay towards a real character, and a philosophical language ft)l. Lond. 1668 — Mathematical and philosophical works ; to wliicli is prelixcd the author's life and an account of his works 2 vols. Bvo. Lond. 1802 — Mathematical magick : or, the wonders that may be performed liy mechanical geometry, in two books, etc. [Plates.] sm. Bvo. Lond. KiBO Of the principles and duties of natural rcligifni ; to wliii Ii is added a sermon preached at his funeral, by W. Lloyd, r). i». \P<>rlrf Pnrliamenl. 1822- 18S9. — Pembortori. Act [as amended in committeej to authorise the local board of IVmberton to construct waterworks, etc f"l- L<"ii'l. 1875 — The local government board's provisional orders confirniation (Dawlisli, Shanllow iitiion and Wigan) act, IHIH.-See Wigan Ads ,,f I'ar/nrnirnt. IS:>:J ISS9. — Wigan improvement act, 1880. — See Wigan Ads of I'ar/nnnint. IS22I889. — Wigan district (mines and sewers) act, IHh;J.- Ser Wn/un Ads ,>l Parliament. 1S22-1889. — The local government board's provisional orders conlirniafion (no. 5) act, 1885. \Udating to Wigan, etc] — See Wigan Ads of far/imnrnl. I.S22-ISS9. 46 Wigan. Wigan — contimied. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN — COrttinved. Acts of Parliament relating to Wigan — continued. — Wigan borough extension act, 1889 fol. Lond. 1889 — Wigan corporation act, 1893 fol. Lond. 1893 — Tramways orders confirmation (no. 2) act, 1895. [Relating to Wigan, etc.'] fol. Lond. 1895 — Local government board's provisional orders confirmation (no. 19) act, 1896. [Relativg to Burnley, Oldham, Wigan, etc.] fol. Lond. 1896 — Wigan corporation act, 1901 fol. Lond. 1901 — Wigan corporation act, 1902 fol. Lond. 1902 — Wigan corporation tramways act, 1903 fol. Lond. 1903 — Local government board's provisional orders confirmation (no. 17) act, 1904. [Part relatirg to Wigan only.] fol. Lond. 1904 — Wigan corporation act, 1905 fol. Lond. 1905 — Local government board's provisional orders confirmation (no. 7) act, 1913. [Relating to Bath, Manchester, Wigan, etc.] fol. Lond. 1913 Agricultural show held in Whitley Park, on the 25th, 26th, and 27th July, 1889. Catalogue of industrial exhibits and articles on industries of Wigan. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1889. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. AU Saints' Parish Church : — — Armorial bearings existing in the Churches of Prescot, Wigan, and Liverpool in the year MDXC, with explanatory notes, by J. P. Rylands. 8vo. Liverpool, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — Church plate and tapestry. All Saints. — See Ball {T. S.) Wigan and District Church Plate. 1908. — Deed [manuscript] relating to the sale of a pew by T. Burrows to J. Thompson, ob. 8vo. 1808 — History of the church and manor of Wigan, by the Hon. G. T. 0. Bridgeman. Chetham Society, neiv series (vols. 16- IS) 4 vols. sm. 4to. Manch. 1888-90 — Hymns to be sung in the parish church of Wigan, by the boys educated in the charity school, on Sunday afternoon, July 27th, 1788, when a sermon will be preached by the rev. Glover Moore, rector of Halsal. [Single sheet.] Wigan : Bancks, [17881 — Hymns to be sung in the parish church of Wigan on Sunday, June 14th, 1818, when sermons will be preached. 16mo. Wigan : Lyon, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — Order of service on Aug. 10, 1902, being the Sunday following the coronation day of Edward vii. 12mo. Wigan : Plait, 1902. — See Theological Pamphlets, vol. 17. — Parish church and S. Michael's Magazine 8vo. Wigan ■ Plait, 1879-1915 — Parish registers. — See Registers. t Wigfan. 47 Wigan — continued. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN — Continued. All Saints' Parish Church — continued. — Eamble round the Wigan parish church, by W. J. True. \Illust.\ 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1901 — Views of the parish church in the public libraries. List of. — See below, Wigan. fart iv. — Wigan choir choral association. Order of service for the first festival of the parochial choirs, to be held in the parish church, Aug. 31, 1865. 8vo. Lond. 1865. — See Wigan Local PampJilets. vol. 11. Almanacks : — — Bucknall (S. G.) Bucknall's household almanac, year book of useful knowledge and general advertiser for 1863 and 1865 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Wigan: Bucknall, 1863-65 — Bjrwater (J. A.) Bywater's Ince almanac 5 vols. sm. 8vo. Ince : Byumter, 1878-1883 — Jackson(T.) Jackson's domestic almanac& Wigan advertiser for 1866. 8vo. Wigan: JocAso», 1866 — Lowe (A.) Arthur Lowe's Wigan almanack for 1878, to which is added his diary, local inforination, etc sm. 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1878 — Pearson (Messrs.) Pearson's almanack, manual & advertiser. 8vo. Wigan : PearsoH, 1863,65 ,66 — Piatt (K.) Piatt's household almanac, year book of useful knowledge and general advertiser, 1878-1908 11 vols. sm. 8vo. Wigan: Piatt, 1878-1908 Wigan year book of useful knowledge, and diary for 1909-13. 12mo. Wigan : Piatt, 1909 — Wall(T.)Wigan almanac & advertising year book,1844,1858-1916.8vo. Wigan: If fl^Z,1844-1916 Andrews (W. E.) The Truthteller : a weekly [Boman catholic] political pamphlet.8vo. Lond. 1825 Containing matter relating to Wigan. Alley. An order for the pit : a descent into the Arley mine. [By the special commissioner of the " Sunday Chronicle.'' Illustrated.] — See Mining, etc. Pamphlets, vol. 11. — Arley mine. Evidence relating to explosion of gas, etc 8vo. Lond. 1854 — Arley hall. [Reprinted from " Wigan Observer;' 1909 & 1916. Jllnst.] 4to. Wigan : Wall, 1916 Armorial bearings. Wigan local arms emblazoned in colours. [Manuscript.] 4to. 1890 — Armorial bearings existing in the churches of Prescot, Wigan and Liverpool, in the year Muxc, with explanatory notes by .1. I*. Rylands. 8vo. Liverpool, 1881. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. — See also. Council chamber. Insignia. AspuU. Annals of a Lancashire village, i)y Clara Doming [i.e. Miss E. Smith.] 8vo. Lond. 1913 Bailiffs' accounts. [Manuscript book of receipts and payments of the Wiga)i horotufh hailifjs from 1732 to 1800] ". fol'. Wigan, 1732- ISOO Baines (E.) History of the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster. New revised and enlarged edition, etc., by James Croston. [Illustrated.] 5 vols. roy. 4to. Manch. 1888-93 vol. 4 containH Wigan. liali (T. S.) Wigan and district church plate. \ Reprinted from the Wigan Examiner.] 4to. Wigan: Roger <& Rennick, 1908 All Saints' Parish Church, Standinh, Uphollarid. Millingr, Hindh-y. ^ Wigan. Wigau — conUmied. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO wiGAN — Continued. Barker (Robert, shipwright, horn near Wigan, 1729.) The unfortunate shipwright, or, cruel captain: being a faithful narrative of the unparalleled sufferings of R. Barker. [Woodcut.'\ 8vo. Lond. 1773. — See Biographical Pamphlets, tiol. 2. Barometric observations, Wigan, from June, 1872 to May, 1886, taken by John Hargreaves 2 vols. 4to Wigan: Strowger, 1872, etc. — Wigan weather charts [barometer and thermometer] made at the Public Library at 10 a.m., February, 1893-December, 1900, January, 1905-December, 1915.... 8vo. Wigan, 1893, etc. — See also. Rainfall of Wigan. Baths, Bye-laws for the management of the Public Baths. 8vo. Wigan : Strowger & TFa//, 1882-1893 Baths committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Bevan {Mrs. Elizabeth, of Lowton.) Mrs. Bevan's will. Mr. Weeton's statement of facts, as to the preparation by him of Mrs. Bevan's various wills and codicils, sm. 4to. Leigh, 1833. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 4 & 12. — Mrs. Bevan's letters to Mr. Weeton, in reply to his pamphlets sent to her, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Critchley, 1833. — See Wigayi Local Pamphlets, vol. 4. Bicycles. Bye-laws for regulating the use of bicycles 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1883, 1893 Billinge hill scenery : an offering to Billinge bazaar, [anon.] 18mo. Wigan : Brown, 1834 — Some notes on Billinge, by W. A. Wickham. [8 plates.} — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 61. 1910. — Billinge church plate. — See Ball (T. S.) Wigan and District Church Plate. 1908. — Selections of psalms & hymns for the parochial chapel of Billinge. 12mo. Wigan : Brown,lS09 Bird (John, died 1841.) Inquest on the body of a man [J. Bird] whose death was caused by privation at Wigan, in Lancashire. [Extracted from the Lancet.] 8vo. Lond. 1841. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Burgess lists. Burgess roll of the borough of Wigan, 1835, 1854, 1874-1915. 4to. Wigan, 1835, etc — Parliamentary voters lists, 1844, 1846, 1868, 1895-6, 1905-15. 28 vols. 4to. Wigan, 1844, etc. — List of citizens and burgesses, taxed in 1351. — See Inhabitants. — See also. Elections. Oaths of Allegiance Parliamentary. Burial board committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Bye-laws. County borough of Wigan 8vo. Wigan: Pearson ; Wall, 1860, 1893 Bye-laws and charity committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Cabs, hackney carriages. Bye- laws with respect to hackney carriages. 8vo. Wigan : Strowger, 1880 Caravans. Bye-laws. — See Tents, etc. Charities. Report of the commissioners for inquiring into public charities within the parish ot Wigan 8vo. Wigan: Hilton, 1830 — [Another edition.] — See Charity Commissioners' Reports, vol. 16. 1830. Wigan. 49 Wigan — continued. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN — Continued. Charities — continu ed. — Wigan charities : report thereon collated from the charity commissioners' report of 1829, and from particulars furnished by the present charity commissioners. Signed, Ralph Darlington 8vo. Wigan: Roger & Rennick, 1888. Charters of the borough of Wigan. [The original charters with seals attached, granted in the reigns of Edivard II., Charles II., James II., and William IV. (2) ; five in all.'] — - Charters of the borough of Wigan in Latin and English : opinions of counsel thereto, and observations thereon : together with an account of the manner of electing oflicers, and of the different proceedings at various periods in that borough. In two parts. Part the first [containing the charters only.] sm. 4to. Warrington, 1808 — The same [manuscript copy of the translation, made by Joseph Ingram.] ...sm. 4to. n.p. n.d. Children trading in streets. Bye-laws 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1906 Churchwardens & overseers of the poor. [Manuscript] accounts from 1744 to 1800.fol. Wigan, 1744 — Queen's bench. Prosecution of the public works loan commissioners v. the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of Wigan. Writ of mandamus [copy.] fol. [1849] Clock. Regulator clock : presentation to the town of a regulator clock, by alderman James Smith [and placed in the Wigan Library] October 30th, 1890... roy. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1890 Coal : report on experiments made at Wigan, to test the values of the steam coals of Lancashire and Cheshire, for use in marine boilers, by T. Richardson and L. E. Fletcher ; with a preface by M. W. Peace. [39 plans.] fol. Wigan: Clarke, 1867 Coal:railway rates on coal to Lancashire & Ches.markets,byH. Bramall.8vo. Wigan:|)li Brown Hv(». Wigan: Plait, 1882 — Masonic testimonial to John Walls, of the Lodge of Sincerity, Wigan. 1802. [ Vellum, manuscript, with seal attached, signed by J. Anderson, P. Mawdsley, & T. liroadhent, master and wardens.] — Works relating to freemasonry preserved in the Reference department of the Wigan Free Public Library, l)y H. T. Folkard. 2nd edition sm. 4to. Wigan: Plait, 1882 — [The same.] Third edition sm. 8vo. Wigan: Strowgcr, 1892 Garswood hall collieries institute. Descriptive catalogue of the loan collection of picturcH [by li. II. Edmondson.] 1897 8vo. Wigan: Roger . 1911. — Roman Wigan. — See also, Watkin (W. T.) Roman Lancashire. ISS3. Royal visit to Wigan. Notes and rccollcctiona of the royal visits to Wigan and Holton, .lime 1873, by — Freeman, of London 8\(). Lond. 1H73 — See also, Infirmary. 60 Wig:an. Wigan — contimied. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN — Continued. St. Elizabeth's church, AspuU, by R. Walmesley. — See Wigan Parish Church and S. MichaeTs Magazine. 1S79. St. John s Roman catholic church. The case stated of the Wigan catholic chapels, by R. Thompson. 8vo. Wigan : Lijon, 1818. — ^ee Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 3. — The case is altered, by C. Plowden. 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Short address to the catholics of Wigan, by C. Walmesley. 12mo. Wigan : Brown, 1818. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — History of the mission of the society of Jesus in Wigan, by J. G. Macleod. 8vo.Roehamp.1900 — St. John's catholic union society : rules and regulations, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Critchley, 1827. — See Wigan Local Pam/phlets. vol. 5. St. Mary's Roman catholic church. A short history of S. Mary's mission, by D. J. O'Donoghue. [St. Marys Church, Wigan : Grand Bazaar.] 12mo. Wigan : Worswick, 1913. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. — See also, St. John^s Roman catholic church. St. Michael's and All Angels' church magazine, 1883-85 sm. 4to. Wigan: Plait, 1883-85 — Bazaar handbook, {with a parish history, by G. R. Newman.']. ..Svo. Wigan: Piatt, 1913 — Quotations 12mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1913 St. PhuI's congregational church. Rules of a Sunday school society, established, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Lyon, 1807. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. — Grand floral bazaar, Nov. 12th-15th, 1913 ob. 8vo. Wigan: Starr, 1913 — Thirty years in Wigan. Report of a soiree held at St. Paul's independent chapel, 1868, commemorative of the completion of thirty years' ministry by the rev. W. Roaf. 8vo. Wigan : Piatt, 1869. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 8. — See also. Nightingale (B.) Nonconformity in Lancashire, vol. 2. 1890. Salaries Committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Sanatorium sub-committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Sanitary conveniences. Bye-laws 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1893 Sanitary institute. 17th Congress : delegate's [James Ashton] report. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1898 Sanitary works committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. School board, Wigan. Bye-laws. 12mo. Wigan : 1880. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5 Seal. Wigan statute merchant seal, temp. Edward in. [1350], plaster cast, bronzed. [Description from the proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Feb. 22. 1883.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 4 and 13. Wig-an. 61 Wigan — continued. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN — Continued. Sewage farm, sub-committee: report for 1811 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1881 — Report on Wigan sewage, by G. T. Clark. Bvo. Lond. 1894. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. — Annual reports of the farm manager, 1902-16 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1902, etc. — Sewage disposal committee minutes. — See Council Minnies. Shevingt9n. A picture of a village school board, by 0. Walmesley. 4fco. Wigan : Wall, 1881. — See Wigan Local Patnphlets. vol. 5. Silverwell congregational chapel, Wigan : order of service. 24mo. Wigan : Clarlc, [1891 ?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Slaughterhouses. Bye-laws Bvo. Wigan: W(dl, 1893 Societies and institutions and liranch societies of Wigan and district : — — Adult and Sunday schools friendly society: rules. 12mo. Wigan: Brown, [18—?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Agricultural society, Wigan, Ormskirk and St. Helens : catalogue. 8vo. Wigan : W(dl, 1876. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vols. 7 and 13. — Agricultural society, Haigh : rules, etc. sm. 8vo. Wigan : Ramsdale, 1844. — See Wigan Load Pamphlets, vol. 11. — Amicable female society, Lowton : rules and orders. Bvo. Wigan : Lyon, 1804. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Building society : rules. l2mo. Wigan : Atkinson, 1823. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — Burial society, held at the Coach and Horses, Hallgate, Wigan : rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Birch, 1869. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 5. — I'urial society. Bear's Paw, Wigan : rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Pamsdale, [18- ?J — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. — Catch and glee club : rules. IBmo. Wigan : Brown, 1835. — See Wi(iaii Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. — Catholic young men's society : report of the general conforcnco, held at Wigan, 3r(l August, 1H91. [I*i>rtraits.\ Hvo. Livcrjtool, IS!) I.- Sec Wigan Load Pamph/ds. ml. i . — Chamber of commerce, Wigan and district: rules. 12niu. Wigan: luigir 1\. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Literary and scientific society : annual reports, 1877-79. 12mo. Wigan : Starr, Wall, 1878-79. — See Wigan I^ocal Pamphlets, vol. 11. — New amicable society : rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Hilton, 1827. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Oddfellows, laws and regulations to be observed by the officers and brothers of the independent order of oddfellows of the m. u. in the Wigan district. 12mo. Wigan : Rainsdale, 1844. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. — Provident benefit building society : rules, etc. 8vo. Wigan : Bucknall, 1867. — See Wigan Loccd Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals : annual reports, 1878, 1882, 1895, 1897 8vo. Wigan: Piatt, 1878, etc. — Savings bank : rules. 12mo. Wigan : Reckitt, 1846. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. — Spinning company (limited) : articles of association. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1877. — See Wiaan Local Pamphlets, iml. 10. — Tradesman's society : rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1854. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Typographical association, Wigan branch : rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1870. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Rules and regulations. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, 1880. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 10. Wig-an. 63 Wigan — continued. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WlGA'S^-COntinued. Societies and institutions and branch societies of Wigan and district — continued. — Universal friendly society: rules and orders. 12mo. Wigan: Browri, 1808. — See Wigan Local PampMets. vol. 10. — Victoria permanent building society : first annual meeting. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1879. See Wigan Local PamjMets. vol. 9. — Wigan club : rules, sm. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1875. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. Standing orders, adopted 31st October, 1912 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1914 Standish. Charters and deeds relative to the Standish family, of Standish and Duxbury ; edited by J. P. Earwaker. [i72 copies printed.] sm. 4to. Manch. 1898 — Notes on the parish of Standish ; extracts from the accounts of the churchwardens, [anon.] sm. 4to. Wigan : Wall, 1877. — See Topographical Pamphlets, vol. 7. — Notes on the Standish parish church, by W. F. Price. — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Transactions, vols. 56-57. 1905. — Registers of the parish church of Standish, transcribed by Henry Brierley. Ljancashire Parish Register Society, {vol. 46.) 8vo. Camb. 1912 — Some further notes on Standish church, by W. F. Price. — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. Transactions, vols. 56-57. 1905. — Some recent investigations concerning the ancestry of Capt. Miles Standish, by T. C. Porteus 8vo. Boston, [Mass.] 1914 — Standish l)azaar. May 10th and 13th, 1911. [M^iWi notes on the ancient church and village of Standish, and Coppull notes ; illustrated.] ob. 8vo. Wigan : Starr, 19 1 1 — Standish grammar school. In chancery : in the matter of the charities called " Standish grammar and ushers school," etc. scheme for the regulation and management of the above-mentioned charities f ol. Lond. 18(i0 — Standish pew in Chorley church, by F. Moss. [Pilgrimages to Old Homes.] 8vo.Didsbury,190(i — Standish rectory : [sale] catalogue of household furniture and clTocts, etc., sold by auction. May, 1880. 8vo. Wigan : Roger & Rennick, 1886. — See Wigan Local Pamphlels. vol. IL Verses and notes : topographical, historical, anticpiarian [on the Standish family ; with portraits and illustrations], by .). Wilson X\o. Ciiorlcy, 1903 — See also, Standish family in general calalogue. Street betting, Mye-law 8vo. VVigMi\ ; Wn/f, I'.tOI Streets and Ituildings <»f Wigan and district: photograplis and drawings, etc . in the Wii,':in free public library. (For coniplcl.c liMt:|— /SVr Mow, Wigan : part ir. Streets and buildings, liye-law.s Hvo. Wigan: Wall, 1882, 1883, 1893, 1904 Streets, ImildingH and improvements ritrnmittce rniinitea — See Council Minnies. Tents.vans.shed.s&similar .structures used for human habitation. l'.ye-laws.8vo. Wigan: UW/, 19 14 64 Wigan. Wigau — continued. .. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO wiGAN — Continued. Traditions and legends of Wigan. — See Rohy (J.) Traditions of Lancashire. 1S30-31. Tramways. Opening of the Pemberton branch, July 31st, 1880 : report of proceedings, sm. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1880.— /See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. — Confirmation, relating to Wigan and district tramway, etc 8vo. Lond. 1895 — Report of the sub-committee on their inijuiry as to the proposed acquisition of the Hallgate site for a central car shed fol. Wigan, 1902 — Tramways engineers' reports. — See Electrical and Tramways. — Tramways committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. — Bye-laws and regulations Bvo. Strowger, Wall, 1870, 1893, 1903 Treasurer s accounts. — See Finance. Upholland and its past : facts from the parish registers and other sources. Reprinted from " Old Wigan : men and manners," in theWigan Examiner. 4to. Wigan : Roger & Rennicl-, 1907 — Upholland grammar school : scheme for the administration of the foundation known as the grammar school in the township of Upholland, in the parish of Wigan, originally established by Peter Walthew, 1668, and of the endowments thereof fol. Lond. [18- '(] — Upholland church plate. — See Ball {T. S.) — Upholland parish registers. Registers of the church of St. Thomas the Martyr, 1600-1735, transcribed by Alice Brierley. Lancashire Parish Register Soc. {vol. 23.) 8vo. Rochdale, 1905 — Three touches of a Lancashire parish [Upholland] with national history, by G. F. Wills. [2 plates.] — See Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society, Transactions, vol. 60. 1909. Vitellius, gold coin of the Emperor, found in Wigan. — See Roman Remains. Volunteer detachment, Wigan. Wigan loyal volunteers. [Original manuscript receipts of payments. ] ob. 8vo. Wigan, 1803-04 — Wigan and district volunteer rifles : rules and lists of the original first and second com- panies as formed in 1859. Single sheets. Wigan : Pearson, [1859 ?] — See Wigan Broadsides Book. — Fourth Lancashire rifle volunteers. (Companies a to e forming the Wigan detachment.) Camp gazette. 6 numbers. 4to. Deganwy, 1883. — See Newspapers : Exhihiticn record. — Hints to officers, n.-c. officers and men of the 4th Lancashire rifle volunteers, by J. H. Connellan 12mo. Manch. 1882 — First vol. batt. Manchester Regiment. Hymns for use at the special Church parade at Wigan parish church, on Sunday, Feb. 4, 1900 18mo. Wigan: Piatt, 1900 — Return of the Manchesters, ist v.b.m.r., Wigan detachment [from South Africa.] Official programme and souvenir. May, 1901. Containing a short history of the volunteer movement in Wigan from its birth, etc ob. 8vo. Wigan: Sutherland, 1901 — Wigan Troop of Ught horse. — See Yeomanry. Walthew house Colliery, Pemberton : general and special rules to be observed. 8vo. Wigan : Clarke, 1865. — See Mining, etc. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Watch Committee minutes. — See Council Minutes. Wigau. 65 Wigan — continued. PART II. WORKS RELATING TO WIGAN Continued. Watching and warding : list of men on duty in various districts of Wigau in the year 1717. [Manuscript.] fol. Wigan. [1717] Water supply. Report to the Wigan local board of health on the supply of water to Wigan, by R. Rawlinson. 8vo. Wigan : Keckitt, 1852. — See Wiffan Local Pamphlets, vols. 11 & 12. — Anu;ial reports of the Waterworks engineer, 1893-1914 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1893, etc. — ■ Water Committee minutes.— »See Council Minutes. — Water regulations. Bye-laws 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1893 — See also, Peniberton, Rainfall. Weights and measures Act : annual reports of chief inspector, 1902-15. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1902 Wigan. Account of Wigan in 1661 [in the Kingdom^ s 1 ntelliyencer, etc., June 10 to June 17, 1661.] sm. 4to. Lond. 1661 — Wigan illustrated : its past & present, with some anticipations of the future, ito. Lond. [1899] — Wigan. [Illustrated in colour.] [anon.] 8vo. Wigan: Starr, 1913 — Wigan Broadsides book : collection of single sheets, ballads and broadsides, " dying speeches," election squibs, candidates' addresses, etc., relating to Wigan and district; including a set of the first postal orders issued from the Wigan post office in 1881. roy.fol. v.d. — Wigan Public Men : portrait albums of members of the council, borough officials and public men of Wigan, with index 2 vols. fol. v.d. — Wigan shopping week. May 4th to May 9th, 1911. [Containineting. [Signed 'John Lancaster, Thomas Part.'] 8vo. Lond. 1869. — See Mining, etc. Pamphlets, vol'. 10. — Reply by Mr. Hewlett to cliarges made against him by Mr. .Iiiliii Lancaster and Mr. Thomas I'art, and memorandum l)y the Earl of Crawford and Halcarres, with letter from Lord (Jverstonc. 8vo. Lond. 1870. — See Mining, etc. Pamphlets, vol. 10. — Reports, etc ^vo. Wigan: IVaU, IS71-83 — Prospectus of the Wigan Crs< .] Minutes ol proceedings and correspondence, 1H2H-IH1I, \nminiscript.\ fol. Wigan, IS2«, etc. For other works containinu inatLer relating to Wigan and district, Sec Lancashire (Jalalogue. 66 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART III. WORKS PRINTED IN WIGAN, BUT NEITHER RELATING TO WIGAN NOR WRITTEN BY LOCAL AUTHORS ; WITH A LIST OF WIGAN PRINTERS. Audrews (W. E.) Defence of catholic principles, and an exposure of protestant sophism : being a reply to Parson Sibson's letters on popery 8vo. Lond. [sold in Wigait : Lyon,] 1822-23 Ball (T. H.) The Third Person of the Trinity. A sermon [on Acts ii. 1-11.] preached at Blackrod, etc 8vo. Wigan: Tyrer, 1853 Banister (R.) Sermon [on ii. Chron. xxxii. 24-26.] preached at Upholland chapel, 1789, on His Majesty's recovery 8vo. Wigan: BancJcs, llSd Bible. Holy Bible and Apocrypha 4to. Wigan: Ferguson, 1783 Blackrod. Occasional hymns, for the use of Blackrod church 12mo. Wigan: Brown, 1828 Blovve (D.) View of the United States of America, part i. 8vo. Wigan : Sumner, [1818 ?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Bramall(H.)Railway rates on coal to Lancashbe & Cheshire markets. 8vo. Wigan : Strowger ,1SS4: Brown (M.) Chemistry of coal, etc 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1910 — Gradation for Mine management 8 vo. Wigan : Wall, 1899 — Modern practice in fuel contracts, etc 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1910 Bunyan (J.) A true relation of the Holy War, etc 8vo. Wigan: Brown, 1816 Including also: Bunyan's raiscellanies: The pharisee and publican. — Paul's departure and crown. — The barren fig-tree. Byron {Hon. J.) Narrative, etc., containing an account of the great distress suffered by him and his companions on the coasts of Patagonia, etc. [Portrait.] . . .12mo. Wigan : Bancks, 1784 On the fly-leaf, "Hannah Fletoher, 1790." Catholic hymns and canticles for the different festivals of the year. 12mo. Wigan : CritcJdey,[lS3-] Catholic record society. Publications, vol. 12. Obituaries 8vo. Wigan: Strowger, 1913 CausiQ(N.,s.j.) Entertainments for Lent, trans. bySir Basil Brook. 12mo. Wigan : Bancks, 1785 Cave (A. T. T., Baron Braye.) Great Britain and the Vatican 8vo. Wigan: Wall, 1886 Chetwood (W. R.) Voyages and adventures of captain Robert Boyle in several parts of the world, etc 8vo. Wigan: Ferguson, 1781 On the Uy-leaf, " Mr. William Hilton, June 23rd, 1782." Compendious guide to Southport, etc. [anon.] 16mo. Wigan: Cocker, 1839 Complete manual of family and private devotions, etc., suited to a great variety of cases, etc 8vo. Wigan : Bancks, 1782 Description of the Island of St. Helena, etc. Written upon the spot, in the year 1801. [anon.] 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1815. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 6. Doddridge (P., d. u.) Some remarkable passages in the life of the hon. col. James Gardiner, who was slain at the battle of Preston Pans, etc 12mo. Wigan : Bancks, 1782 Douay catechism, abstract of 12mo. Wigan: Atkinson, [1825] Emerson (I.) Downright Popery developed, etc. 12mo. Wigan : Griffiths, 1837. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 11. England described: or, the traveller's companion, etc. [anon.] ...8vo. Wigan: Bancks, 1788 Wigan. 67 Wigan — continued. PART III. WORKS PRINTED IN WIGA^— continued. Etheridge(R.)Geology : its relation & bearing on mining. 12mo. Wigan : ('larJie, 14, 1(), 19, 20, 24, 2(j, 30, Xi, :J7, 40 and 47 are |tiin(cd by Strowger, Wigan. Latimer(H., bishop.) Life of Hugh Latimer, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Broivn, [18- ?] Lester (J. VV.) Criticisms. 3rd edition 8vo. Wigan: Strickland, 1853 Love (S., canon.) Lines written on hearing a robin sing in church; priiilcd for llic Wigan bazaar sm. 8vo. Wigan: lirown, 1835 — [Another copy, j — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, col. ■'). Vi Luther (M.) Commentary upon St. Paul's Kpistle to the (Jalatians. 4to. Wigan: Itancks, 1791 On til.- liy-luaf, " .Jos(|.ii Kirks. Mliuknxl. IH.'W." McAll (R. S.) Four addresses to the young, etc sm. 8v(). Wigan : Sinuns, |S12 Marconi (J.) Lif(3 of the veneral)lc Henedift Joseph I^abrc, who died at Home in the odour of sanctity on the I'ith of April, 1783. [anon.) [Portrait.] l2mo. Wigan: Bancks, 1780 On tiif titlu-idigf, ■■ Anne Scdil." &S Wigan. Wigaii — continued. PART III. WORKS PRiNTKi) IN wiGAN. — Continued. Martin (W.) Petriticata Derbieiisis : or, figures and descriptions of petrifications collected iu Derbyshire, vol. i. [all piiblished ; 54 coloured plates.] 4to. Wigan : Lyon, 1809 Massingliam (J. D.) The church of England defended. Two lectures [given at Wiganl in reply to the rev Joseph Parker. 12mo. Wigan : Clarke, 18G6. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. — [Another copy.] — See Wigan Local ParnpMets. vol. 13. Picture Book, A, consisting of ancient ruins, representations of persons of different nations, portraits of eminent military and naval officers and other interesting subjects 4to. Wigan : Brown, [18 — 1 ] Potter (S. G., d. d.) Orangeism, its history, character and aims. A reply to Jesuit calumny. 12mo. Wigan : Wall, [18 — ?] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 7. Prayer. Form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels, etc. , on Wednesday, the 24th day of March, 1847, being the day appointed by proclamation for a general fast and humiliation before Almighty God. 8vo. Wigan: StricMand, 1847. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, ml. 6. Protestant catechism, shewing the principal errors of the church of Rome. In four parts, [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Thomas, 1850. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 2. Psalms and hymns collected for the use of Tildsley chapel 12mo. Wigan : Lyon, 1794 Rogers (J. E. T.) The political situation : a speech delivered at Wigan, 1868. 8vo. Wigan : Wall, 1868. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 9. Romilly {Sir S.) Authentic and particular account of the lamented death of Sir Samuel Romilly : containing the coroner's inquest, etc. [anon.] Wigan: Sumner, 1818 Serious recommendations to parents of the lower class, etc. [anon.] 12mo. Wigan : Bancks, 1788. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 12. Sermons by xxxix. living divines of the church of England 8vo. Wigan : Simms, 1840 Sittingbourne agricultural association, anniversary, 7 th No v., 1844. 12mo. Wigan : Ramsdale,lS4i4: Smith {Reo. T.) Discourse from Revelation xix., 10. [anon.] 8vo. Wigan : Brown, 1817. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 8. Spiritual repository, or, a selection of catholic prayers, etc 12mo. Wigan: Hilton, 1825 — [Another edition.] 12mo. Wigan: Wall, 1844 Tarbuck (J.) Mine rent ready-reckoner 8vo. Wigan: Pearson, 1870 Thompson( J.) Account of John Thompson [of Lincoln], by a clergyman. 8vo. Wigan : Brown,1809 Vahey (D.) A heroic poem in six cantos, illustrative of the most interesting events that took place in the battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras and Waterloo, on the 16th and 18th of June, 1815 18mo. Wigan: Fairhurst, 1828 — [Another copy.] — See Wigan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. Wilson (T., D. u., bishop.) Principles and duties of Christianity 12mo. Wigan: Lyon, 1794 Oil the fly-leaf, " Thomas Green, liis book, 1808." — Sermon [on Ephes. v. 3-5.] 12mo. Wigan : Brown, 1815. — See Wigan Local Pamphlets vol. 2. Wigan. 69 Wigan — continued. PART III. WORKS PRINTED IN WIGAN — Continued. Wilson (T., D.D.) — coidinued. — • Short instruction of the understanding of tlie Lord" s Supper. 12nio. Wigan : Ferguson, [1780] Winterbottom (C.) An address to Richard Carhle, comprised in a poetic controversial attack upon atheism. 12mo. Wigan : Atkinson, 1823. — See Wiyan Local Pamphlets, vol. 13. LIST OF WIGAN PRINTERS, WITH Ashton, William 1887-191() Atkinson, Roger & Son 1821-1825 Bancks, William 1766-1791 Birch, Thomas 1865-1887 Birch and Pollard 1852 Brown, John 1808-1838 Bucknall, Samuel George 1859-1867 By water, J. A, of Ince 1878-1883 Clarke and Co 1864-1867 Clarke and Winstanley 1859-1862 Cocker, Richard 1838-1841 Cooke, William 1903 Critchley, D 1824-1833 Easton, John 1869-1872 Fairhurst, J 1828 Fenton, William Thomas 1903-1916 Ferguson, R 1780-1783 Gornall, Peter 1869-1872 rJriilith, Joseph, dftcrwards Loxham, Richard 1836-1812 Harrison, James 1838-1840 Hilton, J 1825-1830 Horrocks, Thomas, & Co 1883-1916 Hutchings and Roberts 1852-1854 Jackson, Thomas 1844-1872 Jackson, James 1866-1891 Lawson, John 1879-1908? Loxham, Richard. — See Grifjiih, ./. Lowe, Albert 1904-1916 Lowe, A., and Rii)ley, Jos. E. 1902-1901 Lyon and Co lK20-lH2:i Lyon and Atkinson 1793 Lyou, Dorothy 1809-1^18 THEIR APPROXIMATE DATES. Lyon, William 1794-1800 Pearson, William (Messrs.) ... 1859-1865 Pearson, Exors. of 1865-1872 Pearson, George R 1873 Peers, William 1863-1890 Peet, H 1843 Piatt, Richard 1867-1883 Piatt and Co 1883-1916 Pollard, John 1854-1858 Ramsdale, EUzabeth 1852-1854 Ramsdale, John 1838-1852 Reckitt, Henry Burtt 1844-1865 Roberts, David — See llntckimjs & Roberts. Roger, William & Halliwell,t5amuel,1883-84 Roger,Wm. & Rennick, Rich. L. 1885-1916 Simms, Charles Samuel 1838-1M12 Starr, James and Sons 1877-1916 Strickland, William 1846-1854 Strowger, Charles 1851-1887 Strowger and Son 1887-I9l() Sumner, John, and Son 1818-1825 Sutherland, George 189(i 1916 Thomas, David 1848-1854 Thomas, Frederick 11 1867 Tyrer, James 1853-1890 Wall, TIdiums and Soils 1811-1916 Wallwork, T I83(i Wig.iii Ncwspiipcr Printing and Publishing Co .. I8(i9-|HH| Wigan rri!iting Co 1903-1915 \nuw' J 1829 ?0 Wigan. Wigan — continued. PART IV. A LIST OF PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS ANP PRINTS OF WIGAN STREETS AND BUILDINGS. — PORTRAITS OF WIGAN PUBLIC MEN. I. WIGAN STREETS AND BUILDINGS. Cooper (John) Wigan local views. [Original pJwtoynt'pks.] ob. 8vo. Wigan, 1898 Framed views, prints and paintings, on the Lending department and Newsroom walls. 8tarr (James) Views of Wigan ob. 8vo. Wigan [Dundee ■'printed.'] 1900 Whitehouse (Thomas) History of Wigan, [manuscript, with water colour illust.] 4to. Wigan, 1829 Wigan streets and buildings. Photographs 3 vols. fol. Cooper and Douglas. Wigan, 1899-1911 CONTENTS Adelaide Street. 1901. 3 purls. [Wigan streets, etc.] Ashton's Yard, off Duke Street. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Bamfurlong Hall, 1877, framed. Bank Yard, off Standishgate. 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] Bank's Yard, ofi Wigan Lane. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Bear's Paw Inn, Wallgate, framed. Beech Hall Farm. 1910. [Wigan streets, etc.] Bishopgate, old Manor House. 2 views. [Wigan streets, etc.] 1900. Black Horse and the Moot Hall, [circa 1700 ?] framed. — Black Horse. — See alio. Market Place. Boar's Head Inn, 1893, framed. Bolton, Ralph. Ralph Bolton's house, late residence of Robt. Bolton, Esq. [Unidentified.] 1826, water colour. [Whitehouse.] Borough Courts. 1892. [Coopers local views.] — At the funeral of Edward vii. 1910. [Wigan streets, etc.] Butterfly Hall, Pendlebury Lane. 1907. [Wigan streets, etc.] Chapel Lane. 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] Cherrycroft, Wigan Lane. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Cloth Hall, old : pen and ink sketch of the print in the Binns collection. Public Library, Liverpool. [Wigan broadsides.] Church Street. 1901. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Another view, 1870, framed. Coach and Horses Inn, Wallgate. — See llallgate. Collier's Yard, of? High Street, Wigan Lane. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Coop's Factory. [Cooper's local views.] Coppull Lane. [Wigan streets, etc.] -^- Result of gas explosion, 1886. [ditto.] — Hermitage, 1904. [ditto.] — Old Corn Mill, [ditto.] — Coppull Lane, 1902. [ditto.] County Police Court, 1898. [Cooper's local views.] Crook e Hall, framed. Dicconson Arms and Standishgate. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Dispensary, old, afterwards the Savings Bank. [1874 ?] [Cooper's local views.] Dog, Old, Inn. circa 1780, water colour, framed. — Another view. 1826, water colour. [Whitehouse.] Wigan 71 Wigan — continued. PART IV. — continued. I. WlGAN STREETS AND BUILDINGS Continued. Dog and Partridge, a meeting of Wigan notabilities, circa 1780, oil painting, framed. — another view, framed. Dog-i'th'-Thatch, old, showing Frank Maycock, landlord. [Cooper's local views.] — enlargement. [Wigan streets, etc.] — another view, 1874, framed. Douglas Terrace, 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] Duke Street, off Wigan Lane. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Eagle and Child, and Royal Hotel. 1826, water colour. [Whitehouse.] Electric Light Station. 1904, framed. Faggy Lane, off Chapel Lane. 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] Finch, Dinah. Dinah Finch's rag-shop, Millgate. 1893. [Wigan streets, etc.] Florence House, Standishgate, site of. [Wigan streets, etc.] Grammar School, old. 1826, water colour. [Wliitehouse.J — The same, photographed from an old print. (W. Rigg, del. ; J. H. Le Keu.\, sc.) [Wigan streets, etc.] — Residence, in Millgate, of head-master. — See MiUyate. (Jrammar School, present. 1898. [Cooper's local views. | — Another view, 19(K). [Starr's views.) Orayson'H Yard, oti Wigan Lane. 1901. 2 jrirtN. [Wigan streets, etc.] (Jreen Hill, Wigan Lane. [19—.] [Wigan streets, etc. | — Another view, water colour, Ity W. Wright, 1893, framed. Hallgate, with Coach and Horses. 1872. [Cooper's local views.] — enlargement. [Wigan streets, etc.] — another view, 1874, frained. — Pied Bull, with premises erected by Thomas Whitehouse and part of the New Town Hall. 1826, water colour. [Whitehouse.] — Hallgate, 1899. 2 parts. [Wigaii streets, etc.] ^ Top of Hallgate, 1891, frained. Hardy's Court, Lower Morris Street. 1901. [Wigan streets, etc.] Hardybutts. 1900. 3 parts. [Wigan streets, etc.] Harp Inn, Scholes. 1901. [Wigan streets, etc.] Harrogate Well Cottage, Darlington Street, framed. Hermitage, The, Coppull Lane. 1904. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Another view, framed. High Street, off Coppull Lane. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Holme House, Swinley, 182^3, framed. Holme Street, off Duke Street. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Hope Congregational ('liiinii. [|S9— .| [Wigan streets, etc.] Horse Shoe Inn, Millgate. 2 views. [Cooper's local views.] — enlargement. (1898 ^1 | Wigan sf.rects, (!t(;. ] Ince U«)undary. 2 riews. (Wigan streets, etc. I luce liiill, water colour. | Wliilclioiise. | — Four views, frained. Infirmary, witli Wigiin L;inc. | 19 — '.\ [Wigan streets, etc.) — Frontage. 1900. [Starr's Views.] 72 Wigan Wigan — continued. PART IV. — continued. I. WIGAN STREETS AND BUILDINGS COniimied. Jacksoirs Row, Wigan Lauc. 11)01. [Wigau streets, etc.] .Jaimock Shop, old, Standisbgate. 1874. [Wigan streets, etc.] Jolly Mill, Chorley Road, framed. Ring Street, old County Ck)urt OlHces and Royal Court Theatre. 1892. [Cooper's local views.] — Borough Courts and Quadrant.[Cooper's local views.] Library, Public, full view. 1896, framed. — Front view. 1896, framed. — The same. 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Library Street view. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Reference Ubrary. 1895, framed. — The same. 1900. [Starr s views.] — The same. 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] — News Room. 1896, framed. — Powell Juvenile Library. 1896. [Wigan streets, etc.] Library Street. — See Lihrary. Little London, off Upper Dicconson Street and Standishgate. 1900. [Wigau streets, etc.] — Standishgate entrance. 1870. [Wigan streets, etc.] — another view, framed. Mab's Cross. 1800, water colour by John Ralston, framed. — 1837, water colour. [Whitehouse.] — 1900. [Wigan streets, etc.] Manchester and County Bank 1898 ? [Cooper's local views.] Manor House Schools. Bishopgate, framed. [18-^ rj Manor House, Bishopgate. 1900, etc. 2 views. [Wigau streets, etc.] Manor House, old, Scholes. [Wigan streets, etc.] — another view, framed. Market Place. Harwood, framed. — Water colour by J. Harwood. 1824, framed. — The same, hand coloured (print), 1831. [Whitehouse.] — The same, photographed. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Water colour, by Paul Braddon. 1838, framed. — With old and new Town Halls. 1826. water colour, framed. — New Town Hall, framed. — East side. 1826, water colour. [White- house.] — Showing old steam-car. [1890 ?] [Starr s views.] — Market Place, Piatt, framed. — Before alterations. 1904. [Wigan streets, etc.] - — After alterations, 1907. [Wigan streets, etc.] Market Square and Hall. Coronation cele- brations of Edward vii. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] — Hall illuminated, night photograph. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Market Street. 1902. [Wigan streets, etc.] Mesnes, old, with Rylands' Factory : site of Mesnes Park. [Cooper s local views.] — The same, enlarged. [Wigan streets, etc.] Wig-an. 73 Wigan —