PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES iJ] m i An drccllcnt rftw Commcdic, h^tulcd: The Conflid of Confcience. g CONTAYNINGE, A mod lamentable exam ple,of the dole- full Dcfperattonof a mtTerable tbojlD^ Ijiigc, termed, by the name of <^ rmiottlcTs, whoforfookctbe rructh of Gods Gofp^l.for fcareofthc lofleof Iyfe,& worldly : goods. Compiled, by Nathaniel! \Voodcs,\liniftcr, in Norwicli. ji ^Tlie A^ors names,deuided into fix partes, mofl con* ucnicnr for fuch as be dirpofed,citlicr to fhow chis Cotncdic in priuatc houfcs.orojhcrwifc. Prologue, Mathetcs. Confcience. Paphinitius, fti; one. Hypocriflc, Thcologus. |fo; one Sathan. Tyrran)'C, Spirit. ' fi)^ one. Horror. Eufebius. Cardinal. Auarice. Suggeftion Cubertus, Nuntius, ro; one. \ Cacon, 1 fb;i onc. PhiloIoTus fo; one. S9 AT LONDON ^ Printedjby Richarde Bradockcj dwcllincT in Aidcrmanburic, a litdc abouc the (?,f5 CondLii<5l. Anno i 5 8 i. /^^ lVj.«J >» *r* Mf V« 4* '.T^ V, S* iJ' ^- *^ ^' Vi ■V* *< ^i^ *r* ^r »i *_• r9 >« *■* 6-< ►/ '/ c / • « • • • • %• • • * • • • • • » • * • • ft • •«** * ^•••ift • •• ••• • * ••• !•• • • \' i '^ The Prologue.' rt»^.r^-r^ HcnwlirlingwinJcArlilcIjblowcwitlibl. (I ngbl-fc. Shall ccafc their courfe.and not the Ayrciuooje. But fbll vnAirrcd it doth chaanccth at the !■"'• rr?A^^\\#'/'^ai "^^ ^^ infc£t, the tructh hereof cucndavLy day weP'''^»ii-. ' By thefc cxamples.and fuch like, approoue then well may wcc. That idlencs more cuil Is doth bring, into the mindc of man. Then labour great in longer tymc, againe expcll out can. l ^ Which thingour Author maflcing well, when wcricd washismlnJo, From reading graue and auncicnt workes, yet loth his lime to Igofc, " i Betliought cafe liis heart. Tome recreance to fyndc J M Andasne'mufedinhis mindc, immcdutcly arofc, j A ftraunge example done df late, which might as he fuppofc, ■J- Stine vp their mindes to godlinej, which ftioulde it fee or hearc, > And iltcrcforc humbly doth you pray, to geue attcDtauc care* ^Thc argument or proun J wBcron our Author chefely ftayeJ, Is (furc)aHyftory ftraungc and true, tx) many men well koowne, ,.. ', Of one through louc of worldly wealth, and rcare ofdcath difmaiJc, Becaufc he would his lyfe and goods, haue kept dill as hisowne. From ftate of grace wherein he ftoode, wasalmoft oucrthrownc: So that he had no power at all , in heart firmc fayth to haue, Tyll i\ (he Uti, Cod chaungd his my ndc his mercies for i^ crauc. A.ij. Aq4 '::«_T^< > — ■ - t The Prologue. f^Anc! here, our Author, thought ii inpcte, the true nAmc to omlt^ ^od at this time, imagine him I'Hilologvs to be, ^irft, for beciy.caComcJie, will hardly him pcrmir, The vices ot one priuate man, to touch particulcrly, Agiinc, nowcflnll it ftirrc theui more, who fiull Jt hcareorfcc, For if this worldlinp^ had ben n.imdc.we wold ftraight dceme in minde, Thit all by him then (pokcn w ere, our fclucs we would not findc. fButfythrHriotocvsis nought clfe.but one that loucj to tilkc, Apd common of the worde of God, but hath no further care. According as It teacheth them, in Gods fearefor to walke. If that we praftife this in deedc, phi to loci wc are, Andfo by hisdeferued fault, we may in time beware, Nowe.if as Author firft it meant,youheare it with thisgaync. In good bchalfc he will eftccmc^ that he bcftowcd his paync. ^Andforbecaufe wc fee by proofc, that men dofoonc forget, Thofc thinges for wliich to call them by, no name at all they knawe> Our Author for to hclpe fliort wittcs.did thinkc it vciy mcctc. Some name for this his Comedy, in preface for to fhowe, Nowc names to natures muft agree, as euery man do knowc, A fitter name he could in mynde, no where excogitate, Then, THB coNpLiCT Of coNsciaNCB, the time to nominate, A crueil Conflict certainly, where Confciencc rakes the foyle, Andisconftrunedhytheflcfli, toyeldeto deadly finne, Whereby the grace and louc of God, from him,hi$ finnc docrh (poylc, Then(wretchaccur{>)rmall power hath, repetiunce to bcginne, This Hyftorie here, example/howcs, of one faft wrapt therein, As in difcourfc before your cyes,(hall plaincly prooued be. Yet (at the liii)Go'\ him rcftoardcjcucn of hij mcrcie frec^ ^And though ihcHiftorie ofitfcIfe,"bc too toopoloruj, A nd would conftraine a man with tearcs of blood.his checkes to wctt, Vet to refrefh the myndes of them that be the Auditors, Our Autlior intermixed hath, in places fitt and meetc, Some honcft mirth,yct alwaies ware, DECOR.vM,to excccde: But hfk, I hcarccheplaycrf prcft, inprcfence foorth to come, I therefore ccafc, and ^ake my leaue, my Meflagc 1 hauc done. -•- Exit. FINIS, P * I s f .mmm The Conflid orCoi>{cicncc. Adcfuft. ' /;St«anci. ...ui.rcio •' $atha»I;m"'- ' y ^r/v . Hj0l) time it 10 fo2 moc to flttrrt about, ^nD DCD nip bcff,mp htiisDom to niamtatiir, iro; tubp ^ 31 fa of enemies a rougljt: St tCtf)ifi) all mt? laU)e5,aniift 'Z^ jant) Ijecretpon tijat man in finie great : r> ^iD foulDiers renD,tt)efe i)ufbanomen to fptll, SL^eir EoVduc to burnc,!)e Dio ttjem alfo luilL 'H^xxt out ala0,ala0/o.> U)oe 3I crie, JTo tjfe ttjc fome^farre iufter caufe iKlue 3f, ifo: Ujjjere tt)e feingDome,of tt)iB too:lDe is mpne, ' *^ 0nD 1)10, on Ivt^m 3 luiU tlje fame beffoU), 00 p;ince f)CErcof,3l Dio mp felfe atfigne : ^^ Darling Deare,lul)orc faitbfuU Icuc 35 Unoto, . «r» ^l)all neucr faile from mce,but Davlic Rolu: ^. )Sut tot:o tiiat i0: pcrjjaps fomc man mav Doubt. 31 Utill tI}erro:e in b:(ieft^purtriV;(t aiiD patnt !;tm cut. £Et)e mo;taU man bp naturcB IS louuD JCfjat CljilD to fauour,mo:c tbcn all i\)t reft, W, fjifl) to bimfelfe in facc,i0 Iv^eft fouiiD: ^0 ttat f)c (I)all U)itt) all t^is g(DDc0 be blcft : Cucn fo DO) i eflamc auD Ivfec t)im brft, ^ll)icf) Doett) inoft nearc m^ Dealings unitate^ jSno ■^n' The Confli(^ of Confcicnccr 3u^ Dot^ pnrfuc (!?oD0 IalDC5,t)3tt^ oeaol)? l)ate. ^B t^crcfo:c 3>U){;cn once in Angels ftaite, 3 tDiUf^nto tt)tnUc m^ CclfcUittt) <^n 00 mate to bee, $Do Doctf) mv^ Cotinc btnifcire^notD eleaate, i^bouc mans naturc,in rule ann Dtgnttte* ^0 ttjat in terns Dcus fiimJaittj 1^: 3;n cartt) Bi am a Coo.tout) Cnncs fo: to Oifpence, ;^no fb: rrtuaroc£e>3i loill foi^iut ecbe maner of o0tence. 3i TaiDe to £uc,tu(!),tu(l),tt)ou O^alt not Die, 13ut rattjcr fljalt as Ooo, fenoto euerie tljing : 95p fonne Ithcluifcto mamtame 3JOolatrie, &attt) tu(^ tuhat t)iirt,can carueo jools b.:ingf Difp .fc tt)is bU) of Ooo, tf)c !jcauenlT> iitng : ;3nD fct t^cm m tt}c Ct)urct7c,fo; men ttirrcon to hoUe, 0n 3DoU Dott) muct) goD, tt is a lapmans bobe. Ncmbioth that Tyinnt,fcaringCots tjanoe, !)i3p moE Ujas pctfUiaoco to builDe t)p bi5b Babell: taijcrcbv lie p:cfumcD.viDot)0 toiatb to U)ttl)ttnnt>e>. &o tjatf) mr' 13or, Df uifcb bcri? tucll, f^anp p:ctv torc3,to hoepc nrens foulc from [)cU: Jlmc thcf ncucr fo ciuU l)Gcre,anD toicbcolp, S^s tDaais>trcntaUcs,parf ons,anD Scab ccxli. 3B cg?co en Pliano of Ei;i( t tf:c Itrng, Cf)c Kr.jclitcs to biU,fo fconc as t^r^ twere boznc :/ i0^ Mrlinij liUctDifcOoetlj tt:c fd'c fame tbrng: janD lhcrcfo:e caufc limr!;cs,anD pjinrcsr to be ftoojne, Hhat tutth niigfjt ano iriamc,tf)cp fij al Uape to« bid twjn* ano lljall Dcffrov trntt; fire,arc ant! fluo:De, ^uff; as agamU: l;ii;i,n)all fpcake but one tCOiOC. ^nu eucn as ^ Usas fomclv^it to Hou), ^3 that nota)itl;ftimDzng, tbe Hbhtes DID augment: ^3 fo: lacH of im!ttt)?nnc![,OoDs people D(d grotUy itno Davlv mrtcafcat tins time pjcfcnt : taiich mv ro:;nc flir.ll fc:lc inconlincnt. "Pit an 01 her pj.-LrtifctlHS cu'U to loithltanD, V^c frn'n.D oruuT,U'hi.*I; noiu he tabes inbanD, fo; Vuhcn as Mc.fws, J mipijt not De(lror> The Confiicl of Confcicncc. iPccaufc ttiaf l)e luas of the iio:D appcintrt, S^o bzmg tt)r people from tl):alDomc to toe : 3; D to not ceare>U)inift 31 IjaD muentcD, jan ott)er meaner to tjaitt btm p^euenteD : ■ il5^ accompting l)imfclfe t^c fcnnc of Pliamo, JTo make i)im lot!) Ei^ipt to fo;goc. TiUc fame aDiiife 5 alfo attcinptco, fluamtt t!)e fonne of CoD,U)ben f)c toas incanwtc, looping tijere bi|,to !)aue Ijim relentcD: jano fo^ promotion fahcfjimfelfc to p;iolhatc, 13efo:c mv fate tuljen 3 Dio- oemonlhratc, ^t)e U)l)ole luojlde bnto ^tm,ant) all tt)e glo^r, ;aB It 10 reco:DeD in Mathcus l^ifto;jt>e. ^0 i)att) ttie ^ope,U)!)o 10 mv Darlunc l>eatc, ^^ elDell bOT',m U)()om 31 dcd oeltgl)t : Jleaft l)e (IjoulD faU,tol)icl) t^ing tie great li? feare, • ^ut of t)t0 &eat,of l)ono;> pompe ano mtg^, l)att) got to t)tm,on ^is be^alfe to figbt : S:tDO Ct)ampton0 ff out,of lotitcb tbe one is Auarice, SCjje Ott)er 10 ralleO Tyrrannicall p^atttfe. 1 i?o? a0 3 faii)c,alttoug|i 3 claime br rtgfjt, ' JTlje hingoonte of ttts earttjlp toojlu fo rounDe : ^ 9no in m^ (teao to rule toitb fojce anfi migfjt, ^ 3 baue aflignco tbe pope,tul)ofc matclj 3 no tof)er foiino, j 1^10 barf toitb loue,to nnr,ro mucf) aboimoe: ! ^ctDtuer0menof!ate,ofmallirertioftt)iihinBe, (find E>o ftuDp to oilplace mt? fon, fome toattoarDc «:e^ne0 to ' tClbf rfo;re 3 marnell mtirb,tol)at caufe of let tbcre 10, { fZ\)at bctbcrfo,tte\? baue not tbetr office put in 'k):e, 3 U)ill go fcc,fo.j U)br>3 feare tbat fomUJhat is aniig» 3f not,to raunge ab?oan,tbe lco!lDe, 3 \xi\\ tVxm ftraigbt pjoetirf, < %^i\t nat5C0 t\)£y! niu0,l)nuc one to btlpjncn? bavt^ To: to allure ; I Ctnto tbeir traine,tuljo tbat (boulD brej cannot vet efpie, ' fio mater inatcb 3 ran finDe cut,tl!en \b VU pocnfic. tObo can full loell in timt anD place,t)icfnible eit!;cr0 parte, fi man (ball eafclv perceiue,U)tth ttbitb fioc be tatb biare. JiDUt U)l)cn once fimour ^e bat^j got^ano cretit in man0 bart : ■««r f The Confli£^ of Conscience; l^toill not flacb in mtiwatrRirei,3JW9!nmiiotl»atg flare i ,.^i-^ IBut time Dotl) runnc.toj fall aU)a?,fo2 me to tarie tjeat, • • ] c ^- if 02 none toill be tnamourco^of mi? fljape 3 ooibnoto, 31 U)iU ti)crfo;c,mi;nc impcs fcnD out,from t)eU t^jeir flKipe« to llioto' r< . Exit* A6lc. fyift. Sceanc.i: M A T:H E.r E S;. P 1*1 JL O J. OG vs. <»r- M: ^ mrn^c Doctli tl)irft oeare frienoc Philolo^us, iDf fo:mcr talUc to mabe a final! enoe : •ano to!)crc bef02« toe gan f02 to Dirrus, ri^^uui ila.^-'r . CbccaufctotjvOoorjott)fucbamutioii0fcnDc, -. .jynPi'A',^ Snto t)is (Ihurrt),rou U)oulo fomc nms^ timt fpcnfift - ;; jt-*,,-; %^ 3n tJie fame caufe, tt)at ttiercbp rou uaft^ /carnc, - ^ t r.. - -n i3ctUjittti)eto;at^aui)loucorCa:),ansl}tfi);tocifcerne. , , Pliilologus. mit\) rigbt gmb tuill,to vour ittmU^m 31 Do confcnt, . ^ 20 toell becaufci^? ^ percducvo" ^^^^ t^cm Delight, ; S!l« alfo fo: becaufctt IS mottt^clp pettmcnt, . ;_ Untonnneomce,tomarutf,anot«af|ipecbf <^l>^^^^^^««^^> , Cruc gool^ncffe,ant)%to to tljem,t[x patl; t^iXt Icaactl) ti^t, i I anto C3oO0 fem!3t)omc,\D|>erc toe fl)all,ml)ente our faliiation, ' Ceucntntot» from (i&)0,b^C;}:ift our tniepi^jitiiUton. I 15uttt)at a better 02Dcre0cour(e,[)arwn toe mat obfi^fue, , 0no map Diredl^ to l^ ftrft,applp ttjut tobic^ infue, fLo fpeaftc tbat batb bene faiDe,befoie, J toil a time referue : . flnu fo pzofccocjfitjiu tobence toe left , b^ courfc ano oiocr Due, I Oiito the enoe : at firft t|)erfo:e,rou did lament Anx^ cue, ^ £:be mifcne of tycf : our Duic«,auD gi cat calam^^tie, ©dfliictj t^ofe fuOainctoljo oare gauiIaDitJie Kajui^ ii^gpocrifie. I 31 !)at!e iuH caufe^as batb ecbe QzilHan !)are, I %o toailc anD toixpe,to (IjcD out tcatec of bIcuD : ' tabcn ao y call to mmDc.tlje to/ments anD tlje fmart, CabitbtljofcbducboinCjtobobontftbeanDgcDO, . , , ifo; nouf^jjt cl0,but beeaufct^ir errojs t\)z^ toitt)lla«»; , .. . . . : j f^tt torcD jS mucb,to fee boto paricntlr, " £:t)e^ boare tj^e crofe of Cljntt?toU[j conOancic. Phil- TT^ ThcConfli^l ofConfcicnccr Pliilologus, &0 mant of t)0> m into one boo^ ba, 5nco;po:dtc> tolicrof Ct);tll is ttft Uttel)? l)eaoe> ;^0 ntcmbcrs of our bonm tDt)(ci) toee fo : tdttt) topntcs of louc togettjcr bee como^neO: 0nD muflt neeocB fuffer,t)nle(Ie t^at tbe^ be DeaD t ^ome part of grtefe in m^nDe tolncb ott)er feele, 3;n boDic tbougb not fo muctj b^ a great Deale. XXJlt)trfoie bp ttfiB it is moflt apparent, ^bat tjiofc tipo into one boDte are not tinvteD, ^f tbc U)l)icb>tbe one bott) ruffet,tf)e ot^ Dotf) torment : dnD in tbe loounbes of (ns li5;ot^ XB Deligbteo : /p^oU) tD^tcb is CbnffeBboDie^ma^ eafcl^ be benoet^': if o: t\)c llambe is Denonreo of tt)e Molfe altoa?, j^ot t^c ^Xlolfe of tf)e ilambc as Clirifoftom botfj fai?. 0gapnc of bnrigtjteouB Ca) nc murttiereo \mb Abcll, Ji5^ tuljoin tbe Cburcf) of U)as aflPli(teb b^ ^ia ^onne, ^n^ put from Yfis bingbome 1 meane b? Abfolom Ehas tbC Tliefbitjfbj fiearC of IczabcU, pit) a^ to Horeb,ano ^n bim in a Caue : Michcas tbe p;opbct,aB tbe ^to;v bffltb tell, Pib barblf t)ts l^'fe from Baalles p^tells (aue.: Icremy Of tbat fatucc taftcD baue : ^ DID Eray,Danicll,anb tbc Ct)flb;^en tb;a, jano t|)cturanDc0 moit^\x)\}\c^ in (to;ie0 toe mat» fd. Mathctes, tn tfje nctD SCctf miicnt,lue mai» alto rabr, S^bat our ^aniour Cl).:i(l, eucn in bis |nfanq^, £Df Herod tbe Umg migi>t (tanb it\ great ozeab : tabo fougbt to Dcffro^ pim-, fncti tuas tfiB infolenci?: jaftcrtoarD of tbe p^arifc0,bc did toitb conftanci?, puffer Cbamcfnll bcatbibis j^poltlcs aUb, ifo; tc^tmontc of tbe tructl),Dio tl^etr croCTeB bnoer go. 33. Philo- The Confli£^ of Con(cience. Pliilologus, lames bnocr Herod, Uiafl ijcaDcD toitf) tl^C ^tDO;^C, 2^e reft of tfic ^poftl^0,oiD fuffer mudj turmotle : dDh Paul toas murttcrcD bp Neio l)i0 too;De : Domitian DcuifeD a 115arrcU fuU of jDvie, SD(fC boDp of lohn tbc Cuatigeltft to boilc : S^tc pope at t\)is tnffant fonDne toimtnttB ^;ocuxc, Sfoi fucij as bp CDoDs ^It; tuo;D tuill tntiurc 3i5p tljcfc fo;rntfr fto;ic0,tti)o tbingcB toe mat? Icarnc, 0tiD p:ofptabIi? rrro:Dc in our rettienib^uncc : SL\ic f^ift w (IDoD5 Cbotct) from ttje E^iucls to nifccrnc : Oje feconD to marhe,to|)at mant^feft rcfiftaunce , ^|)e STrurllj of (DoD i)atf),anD toljat mcomb^aunce: Jt b;in(Tctt) bpoii tijem fljat toill it piofcflir, tCUjf rfo;c,tt)cj mutt armc tijcm fcUiC0,to fuffer fiiffreflt* Alathetcs* 3(t is no ncto ti)tng,3| 00 nolo pcrretue, El)atC!)uftc0 Cf)ur(l| Do fuffer tr i bulation, a5ut tfjat tt)t tame erode i migbt better receine: 3 requeft pou to fijeto me fo; m^ eonlblatton: ZU\)iit t0 ti)e cau(e,br ^ur efttmatton : Ktjiit Cod Dotb fnSer,|)t0 people be in ttaall ; l^ct f)elpe tijem fo rone a0 tbet to ^inx call* Philologus. 0)e rfjiefeff tfjmctobirtrmtgM b0 caufc 02 moue, ^Ittl) (onftant mmDe0,C|);^tfte0 erode (b.; to fuftame : 30 to f oncciuc of l^rauen,a faitljfull louc : tdbcrto toe mai? not forae,a0 Paul ootfj p.:one it plaint : anicdc toitf) Cfjaft toe fuffcr,tfjat toitl) bun toe mar mine: ^game 0tb ti^t it 10 our beauenl^ iratbcro toill, yz^ toozlDl^ tooc0 our tarnall luft0 to btlU £po2couer,toe bo t)(e to loattj tbat tbing toe altoa^ Ijauc, 0nD D(D Dcltgbt tbc mo2e in ti^at tobicb mottle toe doc toant, 3fflittion bigctb b0 alfi),mo.:e earncftl^ to craue : 0UD tobcn toe once releeueo be,true fattb in b0 it plant, ^0 ([Kit to call in ectie oiftrcde on Coo toe toill not fotnt ; The Conflid of Confcicncc^ ifo^ trouble bnttg fo;(l) pactencc, from paneiu^ tmt^ ttiftte * €rpatcnce,from erpcrtehce l^ope,of ij^tl; t|)e anko; true; 0gainc,ofttme0,OoD Dotl) p:otuDe,a(fIutton fo.: our game, 00 lob U)l)o after loOc of goDe5,i)aD ttotce (b mnc^ t^efo;c: ^mef tme affliction is a meaneiei^to iiono^ to attatne : 00 \?ou ma^ (ee^tf lofcphes l^fe,^ou fet tour c^cb before t Conttnuall\> it Dotl) t)0 \oarne,from.finnin0 an^ mo;e : mt)cn 00 lue (^ tt^e iuDgcment0 iuS,U)|)tcl) <3a(i our l^mtettl? bing^ ^pon of!rnDer0 \fktc m cail(),fo; tijeir offences bjinge. Sometime CDoD Dot)) it t)0 to p^oue,tf conttant U)c loiU be. 0s l)c Dio tnto Abraham : fom|ime ^10 tDfjolc intent, SB to Declare bi0 l;eauenl|? mic^t,a0 in lohn lue ma^ fee : 'm\)m t\}t DircipIe0 Dio afbe Ct)zt(l,U)^ (I3oD tt)e bUnonediD fent tlnto t|)at man tbat Uioo bo;ne blinDc ? to tDl)om incontinent, C\)i\tt Umt :ncttt)er fo: pareiitcs rmnc0,no;^ fb; \iiB olsne offence* Xmas l)c bo;ne bltnDcbut tt)at Coo mtg^t (^elD i)i0 magnificence* Mathctcs. Srbi0 i0 the fumme of all vour talke,tf t\)at Bl geffe a riglit, S^at d^n Dott) punnil^ |)i0 clectt to bcepe t^ir faitt) in t);e, £D;i leaCt t|)at if continuall eare,anD reff enio^i i^vg mi^t: Cod to fo;iget tl);u)ug|i t)autine(&,ftaile nature (Ik)uId procure: £D; ef0 bi7 fitting puni(^ment,onr finne0 fo; to abiure : ^; e(0 to p:oue our conffanct,o: laffl? ttiat \dz ma^, ^e inllrunicnt0 in lJDf)om i)i0 mtg|it,CoD ma? ab;oaD Dtfpla?. ^o\si muff 31 ndcDe0 confeffe,to tou m^ former igno.:aunce» tnt)ici) kncU) no caufe at aU,U)bt <5oD tt^ouin trouble bi0 elect) )i5ut tt)Ougt)t afflution0 all, to be reluarDe0 fo; our offence : 0nD to p:oc(xDe from U);att)full 31uDge,Dio altoa^ it fufped : 00 Doe tbe common fo;t of men,tubo tDtll ffraigbtluai? Direct 0nD point tbeir finger at fucb men,a0 CDoD Dot^ c^affice \}Xt:t Cff^ming ttem b^ iuff Defert,tt)eir punil^mient to beare* Plulologus. $^ucl) is tbe nature of mankinD,bim(elfe to tuff if^c* 0nD to conDemne all otber men,tDl)era0 toe ougbt of rtgl)t : 0ccu(e our feluc0 erpeciaU,anD Ci^oD to magnfie : ZXIL\io in btB merer DOtt) t}0 fpare,U»|)erea0 be alfo mtgfjt, f^i^ tf)at U)e DO) t^ kltt lame tt)ing0,U)tt|) liUe plagues \a reqntg^ The Coiifli£l of Confcicnce. Caijtcb thm^ our &auiour C^itH ooflKtcacfi, m tettifv^fi} Luke, &t)c tbtrtont^ Ctmptcr,U)l)ere fft imV) twine glo;jiou« men rcbufec : )3ut fo2 tlrifi tww let tt)t8 fuffire,nolD Irts t>omctoarD goc, ;i!nD furtl)cr taltie m piiuat place^ifnaoe be,\ue iDtll tjauc : Matlietes. tZitttt) rtglit g0O lxnU,31 tutil atteno on T?ou,^our fjoufc tuito: £*: elfi goe ron tDitfj mce to mtne,tl)c longer iournep fauc : ifO.: it IB nots t)igt) Dinner tune^mv ftomacb meiit oortl) crauc : Philologus, 3 am rome biODen to m^ fricnDe^comc on let tjs oepartc^ Math etc s.. , ' Coe rou befo:e;ant) Jj Ml come bebinoe loitt) all mt I?arte. Adc fccond. Sccaiic fvrft. Hr p ocKisi t. GO D Qttoe ^on an,tf}at be of CDOD0 htliefc, ICfjc migljtie lehouah pyjtcrt tHMi from ill : 31 beCsc^ tt^e lining CDoo^tbat [^ Uioulo giue> ^0 ecf) of you p;:e(ent, a ^rt^ goD \siUy tziitb fl^(^ to contenDC)t!onr lutt fo; to b^U : SO\}at bi? tbe atDC of (ptntuall afltftance, l^ou ma^ fobotie ?our carnaU contnpifencc* Coo graunt tou all fo? btJS mercies fatte, K\fe Ipgbt of bi0 tuoio to ^oar b^rtes iot?: 3; !)umb(v befcccbe bmi a confuion to mahc £>f crronioufl fcctectDbicbt migbt ron annois : earneftlp rcquirwg ertje one to implode, li)i5 tobole tnoeuour C3oz)0 iDo;tD to matntaine, 3nD from ttraunge Doctrine tour Ijartcs to refrainc. Craimt to:D J p:a^ tbffjfucl) pzeacberjr to bee, Sn tfjp fongrcgntion,tlj^ people to learnc : 0s map fo: Confcicnce fafte,anD of metre (Imeritic, i3cing able ttoirt Ca:nc anD Cocfele to Difcerne. l^pplp tbeir lluoic to rcplenif^ tbe 5IBcrne. i^iat iB tf)? C^rc!;,b^ tf^eir ownlnf incrwC?, The Conflict of Confcicnce. -" jHnti ninhc man^^ ^rtrw of tijinc etemall pea«. Aintii. Amen, *'' ^ut foft let iKoe Ot^Urfni ootf) mis afp^ jrirft finggirt) Saturn of natare fb coloc : i3c!ng placed in T.mro,m^ beamtfl Do rcictf, 0no Luna in C mcio in fertile l>c bcljoulD : , % \joi\l the f ffrd Ijirrcaftcr tinfonlDe. ^oU) lupitcr tlje centi!,of temperature meant, , P(ii:c Mcrcui y tt)c titrmote>t)ee foiIiBbe (leane. jljioU) murt|)crm5 Mars rctrogarlw in Libra, CClittj.amiable tti'ncappli? to mp beame, 0nD fplcuoant Sol tt)e ruler of t|ie bat? : 0ftcr bts Cclipa to lupitcr toill leane, SIhe CoDDcile ofpleafurc,E>ame Venus3|mfanc, . & mc Ijcr pojjc fci uaunt feme frienblp to be, ^0 a'fo Dorl) LuM.i otljcrtuife calleo Phebe. 3J3iit noUi 3 ipcalje nufct)cuoufli?,3i tooulD twgyin a miller^ CSnijf ;fo:c to intcipjct it,3l IjolDe it beft Done, ifo; htrc be a goO fojt 3 bel^eue in tt)i« compani? : Sri^at dnoU) not niv mean^ng^ajs tt)t0 man fb; one, ZL\\)dt,i bliif^ not at it,T?ou are not alcnc : l)ccre 10 an otljcr ttjat bnoto not mp m^nDe, • 1 /ioj f)ff in mp luo:DeB,great fauour can fvmo. | Elfje planet Mcrcunus, is neitljcr toljot noz rolue, /^ettt)cr got) no: ^et berte bao of bis otonc nature, 13ut Dotl) alter \)i0 qual^tie,Vuttb tbent tu^tct) Do boloc: 0np frienolp afpcd to lum,cuen Co 3 allure : Me Meicunahds 5 mcaiic I9ppofrit0 cannot long enDure ' 3ln one conDicion,biit Do alter our m^^nDe, jCo theirs that talhc iDittj bfl,tlicrebr fricnbflnp to fvmDe. JLt)e litlc Came!) on b^ /^ature can cfjaunge l^er felft,to tjjat colour,tt)e txA^ic^ fl^c bci^jtoc : tCThp fl)ou!o It tijen to anp fame ttraunge i 2I|)at lue DcD t\}i\s altcr,U)l)p are tec controulDc ? ^itt) onclt> the rule of uatiire toe Ijoloe : tClc ftrbe to plcafe'all men,pct motl do tc tjatc, jartb toe are retoarDcD fo: fnenDft^ip Debate, t Sacurnus id (nutou5>|n}to then can bcc Ituc i 1 15.ig» AJuIation I J The Confli£l of Confciencc, Adulation o;t I^crtlle to l)im moS contraries K^t louids being goo oo lobe i)igi) abone : flno D© not rcgato ttje reft of t^ tompante,: /5oto Ma« being rctrogaiD,fo;rrtelletb mifcrte: SCO tr:^anntcaU pjaaifc^to t)appen tfttontt^ ^ tt^nibc apparant brfoie all be Done* ^l)tcl) SCirannte toitb flattcrte iB eafel^ p^df^^eo, WOftTM 2Com tell trotty f^ll fklz o(^is ^tt)o;o> ^0 ttiat U)i t^ fuel) men ts follf berifi^et^ %^t oloe (aio fatD,anD common b? tDo;D: Obfequium amicos,bi? flateries frienO0 are p;eparco t 3i3ut Veritas odium parity COmmonl)? IB fene, ifo; fpeabing ttfc truetb^mani? ^sttn bane bane* )5^ Sol bnDcrftano,popil|) p^tncipal^tie, tZXitb Ipiiom full big()l? 31 ant rntertaineo, )15ut being edtpfeo $all ^eto fo:tb ^ib qual^tie: STbcn a)all l^tpocriQe be btterl^ Di(baineo: Wil)ok U):ctct)eo erile tbougb greatly complat?ncO : ^no luept fb: of manv»(^albe toitbout ^ope> K>^at in fud) pompc fl^all cuer be pope. 13^ Vcnns ttje riotufi,bp Luna tt)t twrfable, SBettoirt tobom ano Mercun^ no bariance can fally ifo: tbev iDbicb in \DomB be moft trnftabte^: ^oulD be tbougbt faitbfulUano tbe riotono liberall : ^0 tt)at l^ipocrifie tbeir DoingB cloabe (^11 : J5ut tobift not a lDo:D,foj ^noer come fome, % afidc Wa^ S HnoU) U)bat tbe^ are,3I toill be tombe* Adefecond. Sccanc.z. TIRANNY. AVARICE. P:3tmabefo2efijj3ltutllll^iftfbjone, pufliAmricc ^0 long as ftrengtb rcmainetlj in ftjiB 0rme, badtwardc ano pluck t}p tbi? \iatt tbou faint barteb momc> 0B long 00 J li?ne,tbou (bait tabe no barme: &u(|i 00 (ontroll b0;3| toiU ttwr tonjsue0^ct)arme> 15^ The Conflid of Confcicncc. ^ ^V i?tvc o: fU'02i! o: otfjer lifte torment, ^0 that cucr tiiep did it tf)ep (l^all tt repent. l)atl tl)Ou fc:gotten iDJjat fat^m otD Cat^e, tZ\)k tljc li. Hipocrify oar DoingoJ fl^oute ^iDe, H v P, Ambo ^0 that DnDcr t)t0 Cloahs our partC0 toe OjoulD pla^ ;anD of tf)e r udc people O^oulo neuer be fpiDe^ £D2 if tf)e tuo;ia n)ou(o t)app o; betiDe, JChat K bv Tiiann) 0)OUlD bott) pou oefiMH^ a0 from ligt^y hyp.i title k SSb^t aln^ott no man coulo me out efp^e, to hide ro J6ut Ije being gon to euer? mans 0gbt, v * ; • - p« » i«b- 31 Uja0 apparent ccb man bio befcri?e, < ul o.-. r ^"- '- iPl? pilling anb poling fo tt^at glab toas 3(, -^ ' ^rom mv nature to ceafe a tbmg mod meruciloutf, i ;anb Itue in fecret tbe tr me load (b baungerous. ! -'i Tyraiinv. HYP.hcfeir SCufl^ Auaricc tbou feareft a tljing tbat is ta^ne, «th nothigtc m b^ me alone botb m ^albe tta^cb, it" unLaa 0nD if tbou marbe tocll tbou l^alt prrcciue p!avnc> -^ ^^.^j * S^bat if 31 Tyranny m^ parte ban tocU p!avco, h y p.Hc an lano from billing of i^cretiUcs my^ b^i'f bao not day^ciiy pi. 7 too p.utj SEbe^ ball neuer grotocn to fucb a great roiut, «•>« fr>oic and i^eitber ^oulb bauc bene able to tjauc bamftjt bini out : ^'^ ^• 3l5ut fero fapiunt Phrigcs,at Icngtb 31 tuUl tofee ^CCOe, jano loitb blouD enougb tbitf euill lutll p2euent> niP.a ^fifh ifo: if 31 b^re of nn^ tbat in tDo;D 0; in beeo, pohcyc. I^ea if it be polTible to bnotoe tbeir intent, 3f 31 can p^ouc tl^t in t^ougtit tbc^ it ment : %9 The Confli£^ of Confcicncc, Co intpaire otir cttatc0,no pnavtr (1^1 fcrue, hy p. Amichir- %^ut Ujill paic tljem tljcir liircaa ectje one ocferue* ^**" charitic. Aiiaricc. S:^c irtfl^ once taben.anu fcapcD from be^iffyU taUiW rucr l)careaftcr,beiuare of tt)C iKobe , &uct) 05 Mk i)unttng luill fpie tt)e i^are ffratg^f, ESlKJugt) otlxr oifccrnc fjer not,^ on ber l^aU Icoftc : SiQaincytifc katmn can (j^ in a ll5(Dbe» SCtioug^ tt)c t)nrhtlfuU fning equaUtufi^ t|)em> Cannot Dtfccrnc an F from an M. ^ t^ok tD^td) t^aw tatttr>tt^ frutte tiiat toe beare 0no finoe it fo fotoer^tuiU not \nt implant : T}Tannyc. 3Cu(^ Auaricc,3l toarrant ttwj tijou nofcft not firare, vdiitas fjdt gnttie f Icargt? 3! fenotD,no frienoo toe fljal luant : ^« ^"*' Wiliidf foi [)opc of gainCjtije truct|j toill recant: 3nD giiic tticm fcluea tolioli? to fct out Hypoaific, 313cmg ego on lottt) Auance,anO Oefcnocb b^ Tiranny. Auaricc. WSd tm^ tf)e Clergie on otir 0oe boKe, iFo? tl)ep bi? t)« no fmall gainc oio rcapc, ^ut all ttfc tempo;altte,3 oart be bculDc, %o Venture in toager of (H^oloe a gcDD bcapc, SXt onr p;efemtentc9 toiU mourne toatle ano iuecpc, Tyrannv. snio«gt)tnad5cno'tuftcaufcoftot»tbet»canfin5c, „„!> ti,- • ^et fo: frarc of m;i fUjo:D,tbt^ UjiU alter tbcir minDe. ^^\^' ^^" " HSut J niaruell mucb^toberc Hvpocnfic i0, mcqtcs! iOa tbutb It is long Cince,frotn Mb be Oto goe, Auarice. 3f ooirbt tf)at of big purpofe Ije milTc : ;anD tberefo:e batb banged bim fclfc ft: tooe. - hyp. Puyc for i;olD lava tbou Tymnriy ooett not tbinhe fo y°^ ^^^''' 3n faitb if 3! tbougbt tbat tit migljt bee fpareo, • HYP.yotnk.nd j^nD toe i^auc our purpofe beA);eto mee tf I carcD« htn (hx] v .a me 2 couple of ref- ftK$. Tyranny The CondiCt of Confcicnccr Tyianny. ; fratD^ouetiwft^ltk^ of tifcj Doubting DOtttti ^I'^'r |t greraea met to |>earc tM)tD feint bart(0 5c w» fuch a cut i ink tDoulo canfe me to hin t^eCyt^m aCcoulte : ibou cooit: ^ee,rer,ro; iDoe |)e t0 \^t fb? to ptflit : SDo gtoe an attempt,tDt)at a feUolo tsere ti)&0 ^ Ifut tt)t0 10 tt^ gcDD ttmt commetl^ of CouetontHe(fe l^e Uuett) allua^ in feare to l(9& |lu( ctc^s* jasatne,marbeI)otD 1^ reganictt^ t(^ Oeat() of |K0 friend ^0 t)e f)att) ^10 parpore,t)e cares fo^ no inoe» perfnt patterne of a couctouf m^no, W^ict) neither elteemetf) bi0 fHeno no^^ foe> ll3nt rattier Auance mt^ I ^aat (aioefb : ^^JXfo if tit tDcrc gone,m9 kVc conlD ^moe^ ^tiere tjwt 111? ^ abCmce luect ionc^at on cQOe* Adlcfecoj^. Scq^le.5. ., HrpocMjr*. TIKANNX. AVAHICE* OHotitng ifatl^r ano nterc^ d^oD, ' ' r ^e t^txt^ our 0nne0 t9i? iNiiiid^ment oefentf^ 0no baite piiouobeo toljeat toitti tt^ rom tnr lhtbbo;ne CbtU);»n,tDt^ &pl|t t^ttpQDcrne : ■ tK3c loat!)co ttr? U)czDe,but notp IDO (IMi^mc : ifo; Hypocnfic 10 pUueo againe in t^loMiCy Sinn tti^ true C^ofpell as ertte oot)^ llutte* t^is 10 tt)p taS iu^ment fot ouroffencc,' M^ tiaurng tte ligt)Mm Darbneflie tuD fltraic, 3!3ut notD if t^ou tDoalijcll ottbig fai^ti^ iwwtoUnce : %^ pnrpcfeo taDgemento tii U);att) ft} to ffa|9 : %^t part of t^e p;oDi0aU ^Minne loo toofilo pUf : > jano loitt) bitter teares be fo^ t^ tuonlo faU, ;ani) in true repentaunce fio: mcrc^ teooio call 3ln our p^oCpcritte loe tuoulDe not regarOY SL^ tDo:oe0 of tt)^)d;eac|)cr0,Ui|o t|)^atneb tlje famei y5ut flattering our telues^ttlongl)! f iooulbett ^tte fpareo * . J • < .X The Conflia^Cgiiilcicttcc^^.w as in ftjr mcrcr,anD neucr bs binmc:' JZ^atfxQtn ti)P JuaiceKioit mivHt hot nfftarnc;' .^^ ^'''' "''• ' ^ '^- feflt^ ttoinif^ Phntno a ICicantmol^cruclI. ••''•-" ^ * a r'^ ^at|)b:ougbttJ5agam0mtocapf!mitir. '' - ;'^*^-'^^""V. .^x* aiiD mUcaD of tl)c pnrc"^towb of ttv<£iSSefI ^^'''^-' '"'''^^''•' "^ .'j' ^-^ i)at[} povfonco our Mm^tiudis^^pptt^ '^'- ^' ^''''^" "^ - ^ tai)ir[jarcappouUcDfoifjmtl$1okapcV' ■ ''••^'' ' ^ Tyranny, /'^'''i'r''^'''*-"'- •••' ' li "•••■.. f« iloc Auaricc^fjarkctDJial'ftflSaWi^fry^^^ •' ^''-"^ ;againft our Ijolp iratljcr tbtg ]w ffe fa^ tt tt %ftf^" t» -ir.ii A'vp.j^pci'f 3 migbt Ijauc [jarDc mo.»»fr'3| t£Sil#^ftMS'^^^ •' Iv;?'^ ^'^ •> iDUt fo: grafc mp caim ^ft i V fyrjiruil^jri tf ^ufe'-^ '^ ^^ • - '=>C "-^^ iBiB tongue in tbis mancr:\ut)crfo:e oo ercufc, $>f)all purcljafe fauour but t^ W^il fpSftS ^ ' • ^^ ISp fetDo:D 3! toill huti his Due maoc. rabcrfo:c,tbotf w^ife^ifeHt^toiire^'liafe tfei ^ *» ' '^ • ^ PWT> to tt)e ^aintes,tt)i? fpobefmen tfl ba, STfjat at CoDB banD,from tbi^Wm mmii t ff ' *^^"'^'"''"- 5«^ ^ai . i5rtbcirintcrcc«oh;^Wav*|& . -t:]): ) iftrftcutofbisbcao^j^lM^fln* ^' '*J ^ol^aIlbcbcrurc,tjgmJfffl5?Bi^,-**' -^^ ' *^ i|-.'!i'e' i'-pl. S^arrv t^ou fl^alt not JwH^ftWr fermife^ a3ut fo; tf)r paincs to plriifeffiWiSWfiftgWt' ''•' ^'*' C»)ouartnotfn'ngforcaov?t0t«iy^hA0j'-"' • . '- ,':".':':-.*:. a»tt)ouartto^dWdi^§«^ ^ ,>•> Xk- nncc ^!u^>iFiii *> m\[ fomc man con)c ]i2f^mMnfm ^ ^,, ^^u pi fe^^r/i 0n5 ret toS^t^it.rtdaftour>^lil^k ;™ 2:t)e coucitoufl lufef tolrc#p^^.ptt;ejttitti;efla^ ,^.. > ,j.:,j, r ETfjcir games to fntT(laI^,ttictJ^^ 0,^^ ,5l3j 3L.J cro £ ^HO fo tt;cr map ^^ue it^f MttKro^ 3;o-ir4!:i l^auc one gcoD wra!rr' " il>ap farctocll T^ ramiy,31 CiWe b{ttiUaj;(y^^^ )j.5v,^;.r^ 3pcrccmealrcaD'^JattttT)tt|m^h^\^r» ^ f ■^^Jri,t: -.-cr^ui ^fir? 3!\McrcnotbcamibrittlatiT^iJWtottfmt: ,-•"'' tJnlcffc 3 tocrc luiliingto lie ^(Qijip pmf^lone ;^ J, -,» . .i» *Kt. ^ SBttbid) if Hypocnhc «imMI)ap£tW|nfni ',j-j .,rjfi!rf *> ,<: -; t ail Uic ill fufttte aiiB plcafurc i«i|MT||P(L.:, ..,*,,, 5., . ^r..-!! • "> JTftft^iontcnt foj (Do^s caurc,tt)!fl croffc fo? to bcare, e.g. Tyran- The Confli^ of Confciencci Tyranny. yt iB bed killing l)tm,notp biB rn^O^ Ui Ut UrtlU . Hypocrifl^ yottr tcotfin^ ano motbmg (2^00 fixtt) cdje Deal : Tyr^nhy: t^ea^Doett tfiou per(Ut,tjrlhh tf)a0 to c^ccft, SC^ (^c|) J tDtll ttmD^cbv cutting of t))]? nec^* 'Hypocrific. /^at,botoir ttn* bant) Cadby^jou ball bitti ma cnouglj Mt]iat neaer tbe foncr fo; a mrr^ M)o^nci H meant not gc60 eartiUt,to ^our rtiaCbip I tjolo: 3 D^D but tc0, ano fpajhe but in b(D;b: Si:berfb.2e of frtenb(^i£,pot^ agatne tb? (bo^b : Tyi'anny. i^a? caiptiff^ piefome not,tbat tbou (bait goe frotfro, SCbetfo;e b^to 11(11 ana J toill Icnte tify&t^ ttjic, " Hypoaific, TOwt i J pjat tbep Tyranny bnoU) f|;tt tobo 3 am, l^c purbiuitreo fbfe^jba) )9our l^pjs blihbe rour f^tBi ^b7> Bi ti>(Ui ui place long befb;e ^ou ramc': )I5 ut t*ou coalD not tet tbe Ipob to; tbe tm»: 35ut in fattb fatber Auarice g tmU pap i^ pour fa^: if o; tbe great gcDOtdiU Mfit^ joa to mee beare, ^Y'' ^^^" SnointimeUT^UitqtHgbtttagamebffinotfeare. Auarice, Content ^ourftlfir,gartJ matter Hvpocrific. %}^ tDo;Dc0 ^\)ic^ J (pabe 31 Q>abe bnatoare. Tyranny. . l^lDe tbn bantj Hypocrific,3[ p:a^ ti^ bartclp : ^0 Ipbe a tftf Oman toitb tbi? frienbes Do not fare. ■■' Hypocrific, ^ if02 netber bfrou botbia pin boj 3 rare : Ooc Ibafee pour eare* botb, like Oaue« as pou bee, 0nD loDbe not in >gotn neete to be bolpcn of met, Tyrjnny. tObat (paHer Hjpocrilie^toai poo take timffe (o toncf The Conflift of Confeicnce. £parvi ^n ?ou ^^ ndteoe to be kept terr toarme, * Aiiarice. 31 tivtart to rour maiaerl|»tp,bt ttie man in t^ ^pcmt, K^at to tjour pcrCon I ^ntetiDeD no ^acmt: Hypocrific. ^ntti)at|amtDearie,3l topulDbofti^oortonfficlwrmc f^ [)oU) to m^ face ttieip Do ma oertoe, 3 tDiU not tt)ei:fo;e in roar cmnpanief abtte » Au^ncc. tOI)^ matter HipoaifictDtwt tootUO von Q^ 3I D0 f ifo; mr o9encc>of merde I i?ou p;8i>e« Hypocrific tini^ t^ H am at one >bittofttmt djMrdHmt to, B loobe fo; fome amcnt)C0,o; elf K IdUI atoa? «* T)Tannye. 2ni)e p:erumptuou0 ftolcB parte lieemn tijoa Doe0 ptai?, ^t^it f of r[jv S|B40cr,D(Dell tfjou lake fba obni^fance, 31 iDUi not once intreate t(^,tf tfioa totlt get t(ia lience. Hypocrific. Nimia fnrailiaritas pane contetnptumy SCbc piDe pjoucrbe bt ma iB tierefiet, li2>^ too mucb fampliarttte contcmneD be fome : Cuen (b at ttfis p pocnficy (mate Tyranny. ^Iftt 31 P2a^ tba Auaricc,botD tbw rafcall can pjate : flntJ \Ditt^ ma Tyranny Dotb ctjalcnjjt f qualptic: WC^ttt ^e of Ijtmfelfe Iwtb ncttbcr fticngtb no^ l^abtttt? 15ut tt)oa to btm rtcbe0,ano I ftrrngtli Do gtue, ^0 tt)at 3 mud be tiu matter, tbougb it DotV tjun groue. Auance. $Ctt)o j^oggef oftentuneo one bone teoolD faine catcb. The ConfliL}: of Confcicnccr 13utrftfl)ctI)!rteDQ)boftJttiemWfcii»,- •' ' '■ ' '^- li^ '"^ Curn fo I h pod iric fo: tijc piclicmiitcnocDmttj fnatc^i : ^hic() Tininny gapcs fiD.MDc»nat',ptrce'■'■ "- r- j. > 5i3iit J muftobtainc it,f02 of mattjcprrtaino 011 Uincc of riches, tbcir dates to m^^ntamt, £3o palDc to uuetiie^f (ot t^t mult be bod>fdtrtf . . . , ; ^ . . : '. . taas Ch:iacj5mafttr,bwaufe lie barr tfje ptiril ' fia^ ratbcr of all, be teas ICiift rcgartjco, - i>aur not men of iiono:,&f (toarcs to mfborfe : !k\\ fticb funimcfi of monp,lot>erUatb ttjep be clwrjjcb : ^ct abouc their maittcr tl;cir fjono: ib notcniargfo : Cuen fo, thix Auaricc,mi' &tetbpocrjtcs,licercm \vt rc^carcc : t^lt)tfb being romimcco b\f tf)fi.t«^«f r ipec. . ' ^ uutoomniuniafl^pfapjijr.;^ .; Hmong frientirs tbcrcuf-W^fieiv npp,jopcr)k^ ii -:;, j. 13nt tbe one ^aflylft|ii»pUj.iw,t(>^^«; ma«f.i'. J; I tbe bfc of tbc %)i^,^ft fliwnc A^bettip v . • • . Cucn fo aincnu tjs it i£( of a furetic^: ,.,,.,.:: ^. ;, ,; jro: ti bat tbc oncbatj) of fiui otonp p.2oper ng$t, 3t ifi ttnnc to tfe b^ Day c;br Wij#» . .: ii'vui t. j:;.;- i . Auarkc, , • , ^' ;;. ;: 5nbltDcroufarfrl^abJJfefittp<^i«;!9Wftt^, ' ^ucb tbinrrcs AS to get rte enoe ar^ referrcp, . Hno bv this rwfcn to po« J j);iouc fljall : -..r , i . :<» &at 3befo2cHypocnricimi(tbc-p:efcrrcD: . ' SZljc concliifion of mv rcafcn is tbismferril? i -j .-^ j :; u ^itb H\ pocnfic hj:si»ucntcv^toaiuj3iMCttt5^,inaJjHH^ i;r,T, x' 3 ain ttjc cno orifypocVihc, tbls vspUiusi^. n ^: j.-j; j.v| /. l.-ip 'j^:-\ Hypociific. !i A(f>iim c(\ <\c Amicitui,^jcijarfi|Mi is OiQjatcIjcb,. - . ^'A,:r.j j • *'. ^nD>ctluomfricn5a;ip,are;tomf6^«^Qnc. . ; :. • f- :»!.--> 5n tbe fame bnot,toitb VJW IcfinaaJJ^ ^eittotc^ebrf j rU ^j: ' >iQ** ano of monv S luarranl vou^|o^(^4jf ^Mn)^ijOiKj;::i;i^ ^ •^•. ' " Hypocrific. ' 3 agra,U)bat (av Ton^^ Hjall b t tc £ wc ^ j^yp frrcn"' Tyrnn. 31 luDgc bun nrtDcfiill in oiir companv to.bit: ^, j^, g^^ ^ Slnb tberfo;c,fo: mp part,b«^if if|cUaKti|9iiu^ ,.,j, .^j ,i: M -..n; '*;;>; ^et^5 noto rpabclv on ourtiiCncttc Attcnoc, ^m .- !•. L.'vtw'- -l'', ' '■'i*ia':- > 1" ::•* {;■':•' -/I Q1 il'j^. -i* . i -:5 HYP.Ktr^jti- learned lo- gcip^ 1 ;!:iJ :nrf i C Vi;r,T, ti^ii; : ./-? ThcCondiCt of Gonfcicncc. 0tit labour ect^ one to b;in0 tt about Hypocrifie. STbat is alreao^ bv nw b^onslK to enoe; f^ tbat of vour pitkmwnt )?on neeOe not to Mbt*, ^D mt comming l^ttier Umo to finoe rpn out : K^tat m)?elbotoi7outm(^bemreadimtlir, %o belp if naoe tuere tn t^ UMi<0|Ktrtafim(Gr* SCo tell ^ix t^ ^m it toere but to teotooi^ ^tD t^e pope ano 31 togetb^ ^ane oentfn^ ^irltli? to tratesle tbe people rrii?8 2Lbe tiuetb of tbe (2H)fpefl,aimonr portkf talte. Tyranny. SCbt< Deuice is p;tatfc too;tbr)ilotD Uatt t^ Auacice i Auance* Ull^be it tDcU if it ioere put in b;e, l^et title gaine to tn^lbatt tbis tobole p^atfiCt : cpo;e tben I bAO befo;e time procure : H>pocriric S^e negates are reaot to rioe 3 am fnre ; QSlberfbze toe bao naoe to make no Cmall DelatCf fi:be? Sap tti} ttt^ comming alonej Dare 1^, I^Urbeit tbe iiapitie toottto (ptatlt mtatfte, 3lf tbet (boluo bnoto all-oar puipoft aitt) intent* , l^ea anc perbapo fimie meanei tbe? tooulo Osbe I ^ur fo;CftiDo bufinetb in time to p^euent : Tyranny. ggfll rou tben be ruleo bg m)g aibtomtfut f The Condi^k olContcicnee, • lead tbe people l^oulD foDenl? DtflPoIue franqntllttir^ ifo;ttJCJtegatc0iJcftnce,lctlj|?tiibfetiiitiTyrthhy».Hi.-. i un^*;^ Hypocrjfie. !^cremt?ourrounfcUi0notmw|etntDifi^ f.^ ^auc tt?at in one t^mf^yh)c tjaD naoe to betoare, Jlcaft pou be hnoU)en,lue to^ll pon Dtfgtiffe, ' ' "^ HtiD fome graiic apparcll/b.z ^ou lurll p.zepare, 3ieut i^our name Tyi anny,^ firarc all to^I mairi ^ ' ' "' *^ '^ - "f * Jlet ni? a!one,anb 3 iDtUinncnf, ■'^'- ^^- -*■ name to vour nnture,tobictje fl^albc fofraetttent:^ ' ' '^'^" ^ -^ Zcalc nrall Vour name be,!>olu l^e too bp ti^at? 0no tljcrfo^cin omce,poa mull Keale jcaloifflg ; ilcf mc alone, i'UjvH par tfjem ^omtvtlti • STfjoaisfj tfjcr call mc Zeale,tf»rt l^all (iAttPitTyniimr - '- • Hypocnfic - ' - ' '^ '' ' ^^ ILoe,!7ere is a (Darment,fome b?cte vpa tmnbromli^t 3 R:aiT(q«otf) Iw) 3 Irfte fljist t)eri? iDcll : tt)c 2Dewvl£rCDMce,Tn3a ma^ feme to Bqic cp^fett i^olu mutt 31 ajjplv^al m^ BBnuetition, .'^ ^^^ '^* * *»' 2Dt)at J maptwoffe Auirriccfo yoet JDtn? name (ba'fce tallro CarcfuH proui/rcm I - flno eucrp man fo; f)is ^^onO^olD mat latefttllt p;oaiD^ ^^U9 Ujalt t^on 00 cloafeet, art) neucr be QptDe : Auarice. Cfn' counrcU Hipocrific J terr tocH allotdi 0nD UjiU reeompencp tf)tt,if cofr 3 fenoftu lioto» Tlrrann)^ ' '" ■ - /ioUj,on a boon voyag;c,let tW tuie^f, if 0^ Ji .toell lottw ant time to uelapr, Hypocrific. /^^t?ctm 0gncofamertl;att, '^: :»-::; JLctbsflngcbcfbie U«0oatpai?e. Aiuricc. 3 am content,besf n 3 t«i PWt 15ut to Onjsje t|)e ^reble,U)c mutt noDes fiane one* Dj, Hypooific The Cotifli^'of Gonfcicncc, 3frou fap fc,Ict ttettcaalMt^ : . Exeunt. MU Adcthyritei • 'Sccaflci. PHILOLOGVS.. TiD^ truc(alas)to truji J ra^,tijai50ur Dim'rtnh'cit, 23l?e toljif^e Math^Tties did f6:cfoejtQl|cn laft lot. tucic in place, ' iro: notD(m Ctt^>U)^ £«k t^ fmart anp f}o;riblc tcwtion, tnbiftjc Uompft) poUif r bnto t5DiD tb;eatcn aiiD nianacc: ^i)crro2c>grcat naeDc U)e 6auc,tacaU to Ooii a'tuap fo: grace : 5fo; frtbic flcflj is farre to tDeake,t!)ofc parncs to VuDergo: ^t)e Uiljtctje all tt)cv tfiatfcac^ t^qllo^Mt^c nolu aypouuteo to* £Ct)c Lrgate fjrom tW^^ of Semite, 10 com^ iitfb cur Coa(fe0, tCl!)o Dotl) the ^ainttes of (S>ob cc^c ix)|}crc,luitlj Tmnny opp;effe, ;anD in ttit fame moft ^lo^f^ouflp^f^felfe (le tiaUint auD bbaft, ^\ft mo:c one moumcth t)nto 6tm,j^ pttttett) ttje IcSc, jaDnt of l)iB cr^ Tyrapi y,t^c iLo;De of ^caucn me ble JTc: ifo; t)it^rto,m Bleueb ttatCyW^. Ui^ Ipfe 3j Ijaue fpenf : ^ ' satt^ bealtf) of boDp,tpcaItb in ^xOMfi^ ano mtnDe alloaf cotifcitf » ^cftDC5,of frtcnDC0,3 boutigreot uo;e,U'^ do nic firmclp louc, fatthftiU loife anD ct;iiD;ett fa^:e,of loo^DeB ano paSurel!o;e» 0nD Dtucrs otl)er tf^trv^etf^tDlitc^e 31 Ijaue ^t fo; m^ bst)ofe, tat)ictc noU)c to be DcpiancD ofF,U)oulD gricue mp fjart full ro;e : 0no if ][ tome once in tt)etrclalue0,3li^aU j^t cut no mo^ze. Unlcik 31 lurH renounce mi? fa^t^anp (b t^cir minoc fulfill, tUl)ict)c if 35 Do,U)ittiout alt Doubtjirtp foulc fo; av 3 fpf H. if 0: fit!) J \}aue rccciucD ewe t[je firft fruutw of mp faitl^ - 0nD i?atic begon to ronnc ttje courfc,tl)at IcaDetf) to laluation, / 3f m tbc miDfl tljerof,^ tta^ 0: ceafc,ttjc gpcriptuie fa^tl^, 3t brolcti) not tbat 3i began loitb fojjffiD pjeparation, , i3ut ratlicr,makctl) murbe tfjc m'o;c,l)nto mv conDempnation: jfoi t}t alone fljall ^aue ttfc palmc,tDl)icl)c to %; cnDc Dot^ronnc, janD be U)t)ict) plucbB t)i5 f}anD fro piou$^,tn l.)eaur 0)al neuer com* ECbofc LabouretB U)l;id) fjpjeD toere»in 53inearD To; to mo^le> 0nD 1)40 tl)cir laen^ fo; tj^ir pagne;tt)ei? tartco all lDln?Ie ntQ^t^ 11 -u i^ The Conflift of CimfclcnccT 5Fo: if tf)et rca(rco|)ao,tDf|cn S»umtt t^frfIft(tb(^|JMf%iib9i^y ;anD t)aD Departed from timr tDd^ft^tl)ei^(l(K>ftlD t^iue IM%^rt^^ ^f that fame Crotoncttje tvl^tdje J IMue ^ SSut fo; tt)i5 ttmc,3l U»rU aepart,| Dare ^(^B^liamoji; Exk. HYPOCRISIE. Ha,!)a,f)a,mart nolo tbc Came bcgimw, Hypocrinc tf):ougt)out tt)UB Kealloe to imD^m flftmiretuny. ^ anO bp m^ mcanc0,bOttl AuanccanD Tirrannyxrrptlll^ u tSlf)o m (^02t rpafe,Un?ll make men tonne t|ie ioag to Delblattglii' tai)at Dio j fdv ? m^ toHjpe rrgn trpp,3l (!)oab (ai^,roii(oiatimu. ^' ifo; n3U)(fo^fa)tt))tljc Clergte mail into mp boCmietrape, ': ^; cLa,tf)ci? tsnolu not>bp tut)at meaneBi tt^em felues al^uc to bspe. £)n tl)c ott)cr ft^e^tbe iUtettcbc tt^ei? e?tt^ri(i»r/oi^ {Miae^ n 3!f ridje.tftcn Auai ice ttraiigle tfjcmibecaaCe tt^ ^»rU wtlaft 'nH SLtic tDOiiolr lDcaieii;o: els ive 6aiie one fubttte p^adiCe vmtf * X £:i}at t0,tl).it rcnfuaU ^usgcSiOft^ttK^tr outUiardeman flyaU poft; <^ ZiB\^ can full finely tn ct\)t tauCe^t^is mm^e to t\fcm Dtfdofe, %dut if tl)at ucut:cr oftljcfc tU)a?ne,can to mp tra^nettemtDsnttr, 3EI)cn,fit IjiB Cuc(to pla\> IjijBi parte,t»i[) Tirimn^ hegtjtmfc;. j-^ Ss fo: tt)c pcD:c knauciS,ruct7e a one as tf^ii ii^, tcreDonotcltecmel)vni,butmaUcfl)0.ttat»D9 . 3fl)CrtDpUnotcomcon,U}eD(Dl)r»nnotmp(li, "i 3i6ut to ti)C pot,l}e IS furc to goe : . ' . Tirranny Dcalcfi luitt) f)t:m anD no moc» 5i3at 3 mcruavle,U)l)at Dott) l)t>m from Ijence to longc lbr?lf ^oncr namcD,fcDncr cuine^is ccmon p^onette* fap. s«? »^0i A^c. thyrdc. Sccanc.3: TYRRANNY, AVARICE. HYPOCRYSlE. ' B^ 1)10 luounDfg,9l fcaret;ott,bae it tfifod{efm»nqt»,Hi'^>«*< anocr tt)e XefSiitcs ^cale,in jaDflftrc 3 am pfaccD: ^°f^y 8"^ The Goi>fii^ of COnCclcncc, g^rcib^ U4)o€ofrfiC^ nt£ 3i tuill mabt Ijim to boto, Hrp. he is gr^ XSf^ ffin m^b^ ty ranay HoU) he Difgraceu ? "^'^^^ •^^^^'^X • mitt) a t)ca^ of b.)a(& 3 UmII nftt be out facto, ^ut iottl execute miite office txntt) ertremie crueltie, 9^ ttjat aU nwnfljall Hno\ue me to be ptetw Tyranny. Auarice, i^a^ Chatter Zcalc be uUel^ famine, Ko fuel) as rcfift,fuc!) rico: tou ma^ fl^otu, Tyranny. Zeale naf, no Ze.ile, mil name 10 Tyranny, j;5eit!)cram3;afl)amcOtDbooott)mi?namefehotDe, «,« u • ifo; tn mp Dealiitgd tbc feme 3 tjuill fl^otoe, ^^ cTrdcflr j^onc D«re repwnit moof tlwt J am fure, • ^along 30 0utbOt^ttp on tn^ ftoc ennute, 15ut to tbp )so:ot0 a tut^Ue 31 iDtU Itft, Qerefo;e m b^tefe fa^c on tobat ^tnx iDtlU .: ; • Auance. 31 tooolD ^e ^u d^oU) rtgoz to fucb ^0 rcttHe. 0nDfucb acbeobOinate fpar« not to ktlU ^ut tbofe tbat be tutUin? T)our tftdtB to fulfill, 3ftbetoffcnoanortotofobftmacie, hip. haikc ifo: monci? etcufe tbem tbougb tbe^ bfe billame, the pu^iis of sb^ns tbaU t!0u pcrfo;me four office arigijt, ^P««:f"i Sum- iro; fauoat 0; raonet! to fpare t|)e offcnocnt. ""*• .Tyranny. &0 mape | alfo of maUtce 0;: fptgbt) O2 rancho; of mpne ptmm(b t^e innocent, asut J iDilbc rulcD bf tl)inc arbitrament, ano U)ill fauour fucb a0 toill m^ twno create, Cf}c oetid IS a gma feWoto if one can bim plcafe, hi?, 'anj you >3iit to folloU) our bufine0 great pa^iiico Iwe 00 talte, areorc of hi$ £Dn an tjattte mcOac^c U)c \Dcrc fit to be fcnt. '"""", "^" Hvpocnlie, j^^^j • ^ tClfjcn J If e a o^i^ig 3 tuiU tou meCTcngcru mabe, JHou plve f ou fo fnft von arc tco to Dilligent, ^aJpe ^otw^spafter" Zcaic luljet^er are ta bentf Auarice. The Conflid of Confcicncc. Aunricc, ^)ark£ mz tl)0ugl)t one tjaliotDcd ¥ calleD t^ou bi> name^ Tyranny. J luoulD It tocrc Hypocr1fy.Aua.3t is tl)c bert Tame, ©Jljaf Smaller Hyprcnde fo: tou 31 tiaue-foujjtjt, K'\}i3 lfO\D;c 0; tU)o but conio i?ou not finoe. Hypocrific, sri)at 10 no meruaOe it is not fb^ nought, iro; 31 ^ni but Iitle ano i^ou tU)o are bltnoe, /lettljcr baue ^ou e^eo to fee tX7ttb bctitnoe^ Pet nuv t^e leaineD note becetn a m^erp, Ebnt neitber^ Auar. can ftnoe out Hypocrific 13iit tubat earnefi; bufines baue t>ou m cbar^e, iL\}iXt U)itt) (b great Tp^ieoe mud p^ercutlg be UaiOitiL Tyranny. iparp fa bcre.Hip.tubat is itf Tyran.a commiffion large iFroni niv llojo llcgate tfUn fclfc au(tbo;ijeD, Z^l)c effect toljcrcof mutt pjcfcntlg be pjartifeo, Hypoaific. WJiljHt is tf)e tennrej ^;sl^ poa let me bnoto. Tyraruiye. Auaricc Ijatf) ceD ie,not |,let i)im fl^otoe. Auaricc. l^e batb S:(!lp in c barge to mahc mquiCtion, ^bf tbcr Suiters be recbifico tDbcttjrr djalif e ano bcftr, UtUmtnts fcI(C0, tatjilk DC D^urb ats; l)aUp &trbe,latb a fart of ra|?rmatarbc0. 0tu2 gtlDea(!DoD0 ar b^ougt)t a^n mtca atii.: !&trh0 tlb tDt)^re> Etjat tjmc tlwm ato: panfljioner^a aflftr tf)ar guoetDtll, ifar Ijallp ^aflfe in ilhc plafe,ncUj tljea auter0 oc prepare, l^)alI^ lDattcr,Pcir,Croffc,13anner,Ccnfour ano Canoill, Crenni,Crtfniato;p,!)allT! 513:eD,tbe reft omit a? toiU, XXHW Ijallr irat^cr0 uio tmicnt frc atuo antiquitie, y5c nelu reccurD tnte ato: l&irb0,tDtt^ great folcmnitte. y5a^ ttjcfc ttjaugli lemcn bene app:ctt,tfie Clargr fall bef gcan, ipar tc aU): frcnt0 thtis after ^tft0 all iDljilh loc fall reccfue, dU)2 ^llp S^afle, t^Ui tt)ea bap oere,t1)ea be it but in ba^ne, ifar tbaU) ti)cr frcni)0 frca purgatoj^, te ^p tijea Dea bcleue^ p£t af tber ^opcgif nebe reto^ai^je it tuatob tl)cam all Dcfcue, ^ca toalDDe atu: pilgrimage,Keltfitw0,E:rcntal0 anb parbon0, OTl)ilh far attj; gcrn intc alo: liirb ar b2aagf;t in far tlje none0. ifar toell a ncre tol)at tear ato; ttnttis % ta^tfjcs tbat gro in filb, taijat gif toe ban of glcbcb lonb enc platotoark bap tbe teare, jaU)2 affrmg bcas be bara laptell ar netting tc t)0 rclb, •jato: i3caD:cn gcanes,atoi cb:itbm cletbe0 be lavtlc menb ato; fare Cif atot af rtjifi U^e pea far t)alc,toc laT?tle marc can fpare, ^atol ®alIc5,Dini:cs,^oncd)marnbC0.ann 15urtingcs> e, ^c t!)at tbc ntarbrt in tb^B pitnt,Vvc |^;dcll0 (aUiD ban at iotUy nia^ p;eeft babe d^ gtue tt ten fan: ciie» r Hypocufic. , S^o ^ou gaffer parfon in tbi0 partC^ finger Cat on. ■; l^ai 0r tl)at ap Dcgif r otull ghie mc trortfjing, i Tyranny. J \}Mt a romtfllion tour b^ufe anb Cbttrcb to takc^ &rcard)tft!onancreotttoadl&(Bbe0Dob(rpe« ; Cacon. . ' ZXXt^e a^i \s)tll a neare at tiDtr bat ti^ &acramenf» ;a V bab ratbcc b^n a rup af nale ti^n a jSDeltament* Hypocrific. l^otD can tou iDitbout tt tour Office Otfcbarsef . Cacon. 3t 10 tf)e lead tbtng at car fiar bat mat ft^arge, ifar fc lang a0 tbca ban BBniages tobaron te lahe» Ulbat ncoe tbca be Dtitructcb alat af a li5ube» Hypocrific. Cu(b tbat toill noDiuc tbem all tpell enotpe, SlB tuell a beab JImage ad a Dumb 3lDole 3 mabe CDoD al)Otue, Cacon. |^at,at mt ren,bat erpcrtence tbot con (bolxie, ifar in mat po:tace tbe tongue at De nat bnolue> l^et tDben at fee tbc great gtiocD letter, . . ^t ben it lea iDcll^a^ nea man ben better: , ' i^n far €ramp(e,on tbe oat q(€^»^b y^attuitte , . Siv Toe a 1i3ab in a ^nger^anb ttoo Idtaftte llanDtng b? &b^ ^rutce iDbilb to j^cloteareB bat 10 aflatgnD, 315at tbc IDauture of tbe Ctrcumctfion at fatnb. JO;c^erutce>tot)ilb9(lji&l»ai%.(acmnnbcoon>. . )at -sra- The Confli£b of Conscience, a^ feefec \m flje marte of ttje ttjia ferngc* of Colon. 5l5ap tbc JDetitU tetiti?ng Ct)jaill>a^ faino whadrawfuna, itSar crtjiaift on tl)c CroCe,ai? fcrd) out guoc frajday: Pafch fo2 |)ts maFbe,t)atl) tt)e tterurrecrton, il^cntt Hilly Thiirfdayjifi pcntcD Cf);(atlte0 jaflimtion, £Sbus m marn oiune buke,«i? is a gimc Clarbe, J5ut grf tlic &cntfl U)ar goncttic Cat ^aD eate mp mark ^c tl)c nini3z\i matraclci9)tDlntft ilk ^ent baue oone» 13a? tt)c li>tcttttrc0 on t^c loalletf fal appore to t^em Cone ^Av ttic tut)ilk tf)ca ar letntn in euerp luffre(&, ta^at &cnt tbca mun p:ea te far fuccour (oubtled: ^ca ttjat all ILcpers te Sylueller muft p;ea> Ctjat Ijc luatoD free tl)am,t|>er Difcafe taftc atoap. ):aphtuat0,ttica ttjat ^ t^c foiling faukttea, Cc br f afcD tl)crfre,t(jca mwi pjca to fet. Comelis: 3n rontagiotis aicr,a« in plague oj peCilence, Cc Ijallr &cnt Ruke,tf)ea mun tall far aOlttanee. irra parill of o?a\Dntngv$&ent Carp bape tlje fi^ar^nertf i?ra oapng in \Darfare,&cnt George garo t^ ^loierfl, j&ent lob bealc tt)C pore,tbcjagfto,fr»ent Germayne, irar te cafe tljc t(Dt^ac!je,falI tc ^nt Appollyne, Ctf tliat a Uioman be barren an) cinloie0, JTe beipe fjer l)erem,a)c mnft p:ea tc $&?nt Nicolas. ifirr tDcmen in trauai?lt,call to fecm Magdalene ifar laUilrnes of minDCjCall te 5>ent Kathcrjne, f^ent Loy faue ronr (^;fe^(&ent Anthony )?oar ^Ivtne. Tyranny, XXXbati^is parfon jfeemcti) tonnrng to bCj 0nt) as Tirre as J (etyin a goD bmf9^mf>tie: ^ea,t}e n U;ell reD,tn tt^ goloen ilegeno. Cacon, I3ar ma? trajtb>m rcao^ng an? ot^r, ne ta?m bo 3I 5f ar t^at a? ttenj^a? general ca6reU,to cancnif eO (fpen) ^no bn? tbe t)el? pope b?mfetfe it antl)o;tf eo; E^bat I3ube fartbcr,uf toijoll? permptteo, tabaras.tbe 15a?ble in part ts piobibtteb. ^nD tticr fb;e;gif U be latDfuU to Wzt m^ sunkiuwt, - .«-, 3!5efo;c The Gondii ofConfcicnccr Hypocrific. ' 3 allolD [)ifi JutQzmmt tefb^e Ambrofe f Auftin," ;9nD fo; Hypocrifie, a ttio^t conucnicnt C^teijn, Auaricc. 3rt crauctb mc mucf) ffint no faulf toe ran fp^ ' \ iro: nolD of fomc b^ibe ttifappoi?ntcD nm 3f, » ^ct fjappil^ t)c map tell b0 of tone \^izt^ts, Tiranny. 3i« ftjcrc ^. l^arfon in ?our pariC^ no f^cifmatifte^ Cacon. pPaunara ig tber a tara bnfy botjpe, ?KIl)c tDill left \Ditl) me ano call mc fule mn nDbU^e, j9»c fete bifl liaDs te fpotot latm arcnll me, ilDUt ar fpofc t!)cn luitb Dcpaifundis Clam aui, janD oftentimcfiljc toil rcfon tpttlj mc of tlje ^acarmettf, ^\\D h\> \)t cm pzcDuc bap ttjc ncto Caftament, Kifat €tf;ti^nss boDp is in l^eauen placet), 315iit av^B net belrur Ijinuav tooll not be atof fawD, l)c faps bcfnvD that tljc pope \8 jantir ratft, j } if iigcicD of lohn bar tt)C fcucn Jjcudco beatt, I . janurUntojcieUgicnisiutmonsinnentton, i 9nb Uiitlj OoD3 luarD is at titer DifiDrntion, •< flno a plagup oal ntarc af fapfe lapb ralbe, %l}at a-^ Dav not far may? narg bap ^0 pate toatte, 5;5ut ap toatoo be vuer bJimt tfwt ap matogljt be to^iaie^ Tirannv. ^^ muff.Ijaue a coler l)i« tcngnc rumie0 at riat. Auaricc. \ tXJO^t is ^iB name fir joi/n, canft t[joa tell t« Caccn. ^ai fir tfjaf op^cn fje 10 rfipeD PJiailclcgoo*, Tyranny. Milt t^u go n^oto t)i0 l)bafc tol^ere ^ Dtoellf > Cacon. pui ox e\B ap toaton map fatol toar in l^f^U SCe De t)im a plefure sp toatoo gang a toi^le pear^ The Conflict of Confcicncc, Otf it tuar hut te make tfim a ifaoocbc tc bcare* Tymnny. Co U)ttf) t0 Auaricc aiU) bcare bd conipani?. Auahce. i^a^jif ^ou go licncc 3 toill not ^txt tan?» H^'pocrifie♦ "* iatoar flrfl in ^oar buQncs in a cojncr^Do not lurfec, Cl)at mr I102D ^legate Ipfjeu ^0 corns ma^ tKuie U»);kc. T)ranny. Come on Ut t0 go togetlier 0r %o^tu Cncon. 0S (all fblloU) after,(3oD lnn> tniu gob (l^cntlcman, Hvpociific. ifaretDell,ti);a falie knauc0,as bctto^me ^is ano Honbott Tyranny. CObat (a^ t\mi Hip.Oif boncft men a0 J t|j;tt }ling0 of Colon. g^bwgfarcgocsrounbiftbattDcbaoafiDDlc: Excum xyr. iaai?,3 mull Cng tffl,bcigb ocrv befp berr, ^"' ^*«°°- 31 can DO but laugti m^ bait tfi To merrp, BJtDtlbc minOrel mv (clfc bctgb bible DiDlc btblr, ^ut la^ tbere a ltraU)e 3 began to be toer? : 315ut barbe 31 bare a trampling of feete, 3(t iB m^ )lo;D iLcgate 31 U)itt |)tm go mate. -^ Adcfbunh. Sccanci. ( ■ . CAR. HYPO. AVA. .TYR. PHlLO. GjD to fatter Ze.«Ic, b;ing fb;tl) (!)at ^etetibe, CObici) Dotb (1)00 biflm-b out religion Catbolicbe* Hvpociific. UotDmfojmtlLo;D0grace;bJtwt^i»manerretierenc^ - Wut Cap on beao i^oDgc>ant) tt^t in a 110^00 p:clenfe. CardinaH. tai)at^q^a0er Hypoaific 3I baue HmH to; rou long» , Hypocrjfi*. JpoulDetc bed ftotoo in wbpte^lwninonge. CardinaU ^ri *• • ThcCon£i(^ ofConfcicnccI CardinaU. t^re iiacie 70U ten from me (b long db(imt^ 31 appotintcD to tmue ben i^cre t^ fyttD^tB ago^ 3ln m^ conKffo:^ to I)aue fct tn Bjnogement, jS)f tliat i3);etcl}eD ^ctOnattbe tt^ot Dotd trouble t»i (b» H)'pocnfic. .;aj.' ^Slbat haue ron caugtjt but one ano no moef ' ^^ ■ ' ^n fa?ti) fatt)cr Auatice»f ou |wie{iUeo ^oor cljapi JDeiU Aunricc. m' 'i!'! 3 muff ndeti0 confeOe t|)dt 3( am pato ft; ra^ tratteU. Tyranny. i^otomc fo; ttfc p;troner,tDi»tf rotomc on eti) ^ano, 1^; 31 ll)all mabe fomc out of t^ toa? fb; to l!ano» lio |)cerc(m^ Lo:D)tB tf^febtttouB ^ff(mattbe, &t)dt tve t)aue la^o toatte fb;,an arram l^rettbe. Cardmall. ^tt Dotone falter Hypochfie to ^lo me olllitfanf e. Hypocrific. 3ltf)ankT!Our!lo2D(^tpfo;^oarcoarteoa0beneuoIence> a 3 toilbc tbc i^oDDp,3 (boulolai? t!)C iiiotar)?, 2:0 \i)nQ^t before mp llo;o legate t»l)trb td ComtflSici?* Cardinal!. 0b firra, be ^ou f)e tbat boetb tfmd tiiffmt^ STbc tjDl)Ole effate of our fa^tb Catboltbef S^t tbou fo eirpcrt in Ci^ood latues nno U)02b, ^^at no man mav Icame tbff f tbou arrant l^erettltc : . . , $5ut tl)i« w tt)c nature of cuer^ ^cifmatibe :. 15c bis erro;!S neuer (bfaUeSDoctrtne, li^e \uiU far,br OOD0 tDo:o,be bare it a:amiiie» Philologus, tr' , ZMitl) bumble fubmilDon to poor antliQ^tttey 3( parDon aaue if ougbt nntflc 31 fa^e^ if 0; being tl)u8 fct in pcnll ano ertreamitte, %o me tnaquatntcD, mv tongue fone trip matt* t2:ibcrefo:c crcufc me, 31 bo ^our iLo;b(bip pja^ 0nD 3! Id ill anClDcare to eaer? oemannb^ ^ccoping to mi conCciencej ^ams t»o;oe be^ va^ UMirrano* €.tf. CardinalL The Conflid of Confciaicc, Cnrtlin.ill. %o begin tt)crfo:c o:Dcrlp,tot]) faift tijou Philologus? I^aue I autt)o:tt(c to call ttic mc befoaef . jD; to be n)o:t,31 iDtK obicd itt^na : cahctl)cr batt) tbc ^ope Urfjjcb is Peters fuffcCbj: %\)cn alt otber i3i^ops p;c[)cmincncc tmiti Hf not, tbcn it follotu tt^at ncttbcr lie, i^o> 3 iDt)tcb c qucdton it pcrtUouo fo: mc to Determine^ Cbccfcly tubcn ttjc partp ia luDgc ut tbe caufe, i^ct iftbc U)l)QU(ourre of Scripture pc erannne, flnD iDi'bc trrco b^ CDooc ^oJ^ latof «, ^mall bclp (ball vou finisc to t^ftnn t^i; fjme canfc, 13ut tbc f ontrarf map be picntn muuifcftlp : 3s 3 in (l)o:t Ujo:dcb UjiII p:ouc to pou b:afelt'. S:^bc furcft grouno U)beron ^our pope ootti Gmtk 30 of Peters being at Htome a llrong tmagmatuui> flnD tbe fame Pcter.pcn do tmucrllanD, Of all tbe Difciplcs b^t) fbe gubcrnation, {^nrmtQng botb l»ttt)out goto approbation : anleffe rou toill bp tlje name of 13abvlcn, iprom lubcnrc Peter luiote is bnterftanccu Uomc: 2ls inDito ciuers of ^our to^tters bauenlTtrmeD, SKeciting IeroiTiy,Au^ine,Primarius anD Ambrofc, tabo bi> tbetr feneratl iDiittngrs b^ue confomeo: Cbat iXoim is nctu 13ab^on J ma^ if not glofc, i5ut it torrc better fo; pcu tbep tccrc Dumbe 3 fuppofr, iFo: f l;cp labour to p20itt Kcome b^ ttjat acecption : Cf)c U)ba:c of l5abiIon fpokc of m the Keuelatiin, 15«t graunt tljat Peter in Uojmc fctleb U)a0, ^ct tbat be tuas cbafc,it remains rou to p^cae: iro: in m^ 3uDgement ^isa pla^ne cafe, SIbat if an^ afiicngtt tt?cm to rule it did beboue, i)e (boulD be (bccfe iDbom Cb^ltmol! did louc ; Co U)bcm be bequerbeD bis motticr moft Deere, £:o )D\fom m rntelotton Cb;Ut did aUo app^c. 3 mean The Conflict of Confciencc. 31 mcanc lolm Eamgdift (b? birtt)) CmCn gennaine, %o our ^autour Ctind &b fto;^c0 Do tB (ell, irrom U)t)ofc fuccclTion if t[;at vou fljoulD cla^nic ^upcrio;tttc,vc!U fl)oulD nunc \>ow caufe Uiell, ifo; ttcu of Tome UHeli^D of trut|i it (^oulD ftncU, ^t)crc none fo often as Peeter toaB rep^cueD, /^o;i from ttcDfafl fa\:tb Co often t^me0 remoueD > IBiit graunt all tuere hue herein rou w famine, £Parbc one proper UlUon of a (^^'ulD rcntattic t}« C|);t0tait0 among^ Ont one fboulo loiic aiwt^er att our life long: ft 01 as tlic b:cau U of nidti? Co:ncIl« compomiDeB, flno tijc CClinc tVotn tlje 3ufe of mani? ^^b do mfcetiD; ^0 lue U)l)icb into C^^tft our tto(fee are ingroimDeOt ^0 into one Hcntplcf^oulo tenfe to content) : Slcaa b)? otir contcution tf)e Clnn'ct) toe offeno, niB luas not tt)c l^oft caufo among mant luoief ' Ca^ictj arc noU) omitteD tijat ttjii Sacrament tea* geutn foh %\ft (tjccfra caufe \t)W t^is ^crammt toad o;DatneD, CHas tt)e utflrmttic of our outlD8rt)c man : tatiercaB Valuation to all men \»aB p:odainneD* %>hat U)itl) true faptt) app;^c^enD tt^e fame can, y3^ tlic Dcatli of 3(efu0 C^itft tt)af immarulate ilambe, JC^at ttjc fame micrt)t t^e ratljcr of all men be beleaeo, SEEo the tDo:ti to ao a ^acrame t,it €^iiii notfjing greuel ^nD a0 tut t\}c fcDncr belecue tf^at tfitng true, 5Fo2 tf)e tr^all loljcreof moze \Ditnttku U>e finoe, ^0 b^ tlje meane0 of tl)e j^acranient man^ grue 35clccuing creature0,to^ere before ttjei? toere bl^noe, 5fo: our fcnce0 fome fauour of our fai^th notu Do finDe> jl5ecaufe in tbc Sacrament ttjcre 10 tjjt0 Analogy : £Dl)at Clj^tft fsDc0 our toultB as tt)e b;eaD Dotf) our boDn Cardinall. 0») t^ foul ?f)ercttbe,(0 tfjerc baeaD in tfie feacramcnf t^trre 10 ^;tlle0 boDi? tf)en ix^it^ \tc did Mb Qiuci Philologus. 35 hnotD to tfje fapttrfull rctcluer it is tt)ere pjelent : 55ut set tlje b;caD rcmatncti) ftil J acDfaftlp beleeue. Card'] nail. a fjcrc ttjefc ^10 erroi0 it Dofij me greaflp grceae : 55ut that \JDC mar fl^onip to^fome lOue come, 3n luljat fence favD C!):ift, Hoc eft Corpus mcum? Pliiiologus. Cuen in tfjc fame fcncc t|>at Ijc fa^D bc(ij;e : ' , :. i j ' Vos cflis /ail tcrr.r,vos cftis Lux mundi: " i £go fuin ofbuni : onD a |^uno;et|) fact) mo;c» Iftrme ThcConfliiflofConfcicncc. ' 3lf fpmc tuoulD permit to alleaDgc t|)cm fcunrnUp, ^ut tl)at 3i ma^ tt)c Gmplc (oitt et)(6e, |0ou aCUc mc in U)l)at feiicc ttcfe iuo^Des 31 tcrtf^e, Where (It):t(t of t1)e biead (a to : tt)ts ts m^ boot? : ifoz anAocre ^erein,3 a(ke pou tt)U( queltton, Were €\fiiitts Dtfcipled into fait tranffb:meD^ Wfjen be fat?D:t?e are tijc fait of ttjc cartlj euerp one, ^i \ubcn t^c ltgt)t of tte lDo;lD be tticin alfirmeo^ £)> binrfelfe to be a bo;e loben be confinneD, iDi to be a ^tne did i)t0 boD^ tben cbange^ 3if not ttjcn, \u^ noiof tbia to me femetb Grange. Cardinall. ' XXJOfn bocH tf)cu boubt of€\^M bis oinnipotenctc; . ^ut tubat fo be iutlletb ootb (b come to pallet Pliilologus. Cod ftcepe me anD all men from facft a f rent f e, 9lB to tbinfte an^ tbing Cb;t0e0 potoer to furpafTe, W)en tfis tuitl to biB poloer iopneb U)a0, 3l5ut tubere bt0 bjiU loantctt) Irts potuer i0 bneffectuall : 0B Ct):tlt can be no l^er, CDoo cannot be mo.:taU : ^et DoUme tberefb:e fome p:(Dfe of bis tuitl, S^liat [)c Uioulo be maue b:eao,anb ti^en 3 recant Cardinal!. STbtB Cit^if,mrne cares luitfj luinbe l>e botlj fill : ^iB U)o;Dc0 botb truetb anD reafon botb toant: C|);ilte0 iDo;D is \^is )3)iiU ttn0 mud t^m nceoes graunt. Philologus, 1^ fpalic tf\t tUQ^O ltkeU)tfe,tDbcn i^ taitij am tbe bo^e, Wa0 b(0 boD)? tranff02meb into timber tbcrefe;e^ Carciinall. iSar if tbou ball obftinate 3f tuill fa^ no mojc. I^atie bim bence to p;ironan2>b(iq)e bun full fme : 31 luill mahe l|tm fet bs mf frienol^ip mo.^e flo;c : t5ut bereft tboo Zcnle,go firff ano p20cure, ^ome binbe of neU) torment loljicb be mar not tnbure. Tiranny. B am })tn in rebincs to bo i?oar conmiaunbtmcut, anb TIic Conflict of Confcicncc^ Hno iutU rcturnc tiittier aqAvnc tnconttneitf. Hvj-)ocrific, ilt tb? rcturnc,b:vn0 J)ctl)cr Senfuall Sujgeftion. ^?)at if nctue bc,f)e mav b3 Jifftft, ilcaff t!)at both jf ,anU Carefull prouifion, Ji^bc K3lc of P!iiloloG:u$,mai» not full? reOU* 15ut be tn bis obHtnacic ootb Wi pctUtt, K^o put bin} to ocatb>U)oulD accufe t)0 of fiTtrratmi?: ' ]!5ut tf U)c coulD tDtn bim,be fl^ouU) oo tw maclj boneSt;. Tyranny, 3 ^taxt y>ou,nnn U)f?U fulQll ^r too^be« fpebd?. Hypocnfic. Exit Tyrran. OfflD Spaiffcr Philologu0,3( pittie i?onr cafe, SCo ffE vou fo fa)Iti(b,?oar fclfe to bW)©: 3 Durft |?et p^om^B to pnrcbafc ^ou grace, 3f rou Ujoalo(at lcnQtb)ponr crrouM fo?goe: Sl)^^^0v^c,3 p;av ?ou,be not i?our otone fioe* Philologus. Call i?oa fbofe Crrour0,tDlncbe t^<]Dofpcn befentw, 3 bnoU) not tbcn,tDb^nce true EHtrine oefccnoa, Cardinall. ^av,9?."ipffcr Hj'pocrific, t?oa tjjenb tamz in twine* CSo rcafon U)itb bnn.bc bjtU not be remoueo, Auarice. l^!«) 3 fo mucb to liue b? ns be batb fertarne^* 3 tooulD not Iccle tbat bobtcb 31 fo t^oell loueo. Cardinall. l^e (tanM in ^ reputatton,be tDtfl not be rep^ooeD: 3;5ut m tbis icfpctt 3 fcare 3 lIloulD bill !^ foaU to; cuer Mf a^ainll m? conCciemi Sfl^ouio The Conflia of Confcicnccr 3 rSlouIo to t^ poprs Idtoes acbnoioleoge ^beDicit(i»~ H}'pocTyfic. Ceace from ft}ofc tD02Dc«,if i?our fafttk pou low: 00 tffou^ no inan [jao a Umlc mo^c tten pou: ^ucl)c nips (pcrrMcc)mp Jlo;o« pattmre to^Ii m©ae ; SEtjen tooulo vou plcafc ?)im,tf tjjat ton luitt ^otu : 3But,if pou U)pli be mItD,(bv mp boneOie)! tpto, 3 tuUl DO tilt bca l)f rem tbat 31 ran : IScrnufe pou fctmc to be a goo ©tntlonait. Auaricc. tKIcrc If not better foj t«u to Ipoe at f afe^ 0no fpcno tfjat me rclr.totjirfje earft poa ^ut got, Srtjen br vonr oU)nc rollie,pour felfe to oileafef 0nD b^uig ^u to ttoubIe,U)inrtic otjwr men tobe not. Hypoaific, 3;n fait!?, Plulologus, ^ur zcalc t0 to l;otc, tnbtche mil not be quencljecbut fuit^ pour Ijart bhoo, at Jl Ujere fc jea!ou0,3 tooulo ttjinftc mp feift tuaAi. Cardjnall. STaflj^it Uj^II not be,t>e tfjinfeej toe 00 bnt ieff, tClbcrfo:e,tt)at fome trpall of mp mmoe,tie map t^atte, JLbat Carefuli Prouifion,(^ool0 (XOCj ttjuUie belt, Jnto tt)c tolunc ano tt»ere,amilaiwe crai:e, *t)is l^^cufe ft; to enter,ano tjiB Cojob fo; me (anet iicaa,U)bcn l:iB luifc fenolD,tt;at tfjep be confifcate, 2nto ott^cr mens bit ppng^ttje Ian« ($e Ort|j oilb)iate. Hypocnfie. ^ 1^00 fpcafee teri? VDifeIt?,m nn» Cmple JaOgemenC, S^!;erfo;c,t)ou U?ere bel! to fence \)m atoap. Cardinal], CDo tQ),C3rcfulI ProuiHonjOepart mrontinent, 0nD fulfill ttjc U»o^De0,tDljic^ j to pou fap, Auaricc, £)fparl)on ?^rem,3i oopourJLo2onijrpp;av, • ^ou Doubt not 3 trua,cf mp lopl'vjm minoe, Ulljiclje bcrcin molt reopjuou altoap fljall fifiDe 4 jfo; Uilw bs mo;c rc0i:,bp fratooc to pur lipue, Thxr Coiiiliot of Confdencc, - Ott)tt mrns goj^flt^ 31 am-c^ti;^rgf iiitf If aft fomc inan at nux fljoulce cl)aunf a to fame, 0nD Uill ma atciut' I frcatlr tcD feare, 3 tan ratt)cr pcrfluaDc Ijtmtiis foUt! to &);beare. • . Cardinal. ^:ouc f^i if tfjmj tanll c« tim anp gcBO, t)c I^all not tap ttiat iw febc ^ blovtn, Aunricc. : ' ail maiftcr Philologusi touXapOMi^otone cafe, Ct)at boft) life anc nccDcs arc m mv Lo:D5 \di(I, S:^hcrcfo2c vou lucre bcft to fttt fb: feme grace,'; »' - 2nQ be content bis. tofl:fies to futfiUi: '' ' •' 3f roil ncglcti ti^is,t)cnce Hrrnz^ luan K Uj^rtl, 3n:i all rour go^fl J U«U fureronfefcate, Ctjcn luill rcu repent , it iDtjcn it is to Utf, 3^ cafe injwoe 3 to moft trafernble, ' : iif» H - - . - $!s\JoasSur.rina^tijnrttlKtienTlsplaceD, J .»-:--'"' ^-ii *• Citber to confent to Unnt nioCt abbommabU: C: els m tiie Ujo:lDes ^v^toVt'ttmw DlfgraceO : 'i3ut as Q)C t)er floftitic at the£ tunc imbwceo, ^0 iDiU i nolu fpivUuaU iDtjKbom renct, • ;■>.''>' ;anD ka;pc mff a true dirgm to mt Iflumj TpoHfe ; • U '' t 2^t)atif5n)outDCoDsfiatutc0^tu(oatne, ...i 3;iiU);ctil)cDftatcrtjcn,3fl^oulDrematne: '• 2::tjns crvetl) mp Confcicnce,to mee coirtmuaMj?, tu^iclj If rou can Car ? 3i to*ll r?eBiDe,t« vwifilaOl^*^ .J; >ivj-Ml:T. v Cardinally. ; •- ; ; '^■. ■; i;:'j g: i:; :'ii: ':, 31 ran far nomo2c,tt)cn 3 f)aue Dqne alrea^rt ^Ijou t)carDcft lliat ji callcD tt)c fjeretub snD fcDie: 3[ft!)oulDtltnotfon(cnttflniaanDtt)atfpceoilB: -i.'-:^ J ^ttl)ancU)maillcr,tt)ou(l)altgoctorct}Ole> • 2^1)011 baff no mo:c ttut,'5l fee t^n Ifjis ffcDle^ • /i ' j . ♦ i?ar re \)nfi t to Difpute,Dj rcafon toittj mf lifl^U^' ' . . i ' : ^e can fubouc t^tott^ fire % fluo}D,qut0t)t v6 one tDo;9 Tyranny. . » %'a \i ■. r ,- . ?. vCo ij::"r Come, follolD ap^ce, fcnfuaii Su^gcftibn, : ) • .i'S.u.rM ^;t\3 1 tuiUlcaue^outocomeaUabne; i '^■'^ ' Suggeflion, f ou go tn !)dff, ^ou nmbe ^eottton, /;5nv if vou runne fo faft 3 toil none: JItw litle iournap,VDill njake ma to gronc : • ■/ : 't .::. c:c ?^..' - 31 W not to trouBle m^ felfe in tt)i0 l]uile> \ ^nn noU) to bcginne,^! ^ not aoutfe: Tiranny. I^aue not 31 plf eti met, lD(}t(t) am come againe to fiwte, Hno i^ct t)aue fintOjeO fuel; funD;^ bnfitielle : K i^aue caufcD manr p^ctie t0t?C0 to be oone t ^0 t|)at noU) 1 tKittc ect^ tiling ifi r^^^ncHi?. Cardinnll, W^t tmiSUx Zcale^rou are p;aiCtU)o;t!n; totibtlcfD^ The Coiiilitfl of Confclcncc, ik!rt thou p:rpareD tt)is gcntleraan to rccciuc? V^c h}iU reSc a i?a0ot>ot e(8|)c me dccciur. Tyranny. Jn Cmplc mannn: 3 lotti ^tm enfertafne, 3^ct muft ^c take it all in goD parte ; ^no tt)ougljtiiB btet be (mall, tic ma? not Dtfbatne, ^o; ^et contcmnc ttjc Innucncg of m? tjeart, ifo: tbougt) 3 lacUe utCtrutnentB, to put f)im to fmart, l^ct (^all t)C abtoc in a t)clU(^ blacfce Dungeon : 0B fo; blocbB,ttocbs f irons, J toarrant Ijim toant none. Hypocnfic. tCIcll,fareU)f I Philologus, ^a beare of ^our loDgtng, 3 tuoulo x£t t!0 rou gfflO, if tbat 3 U)ift Ijotoc. Cardin.ill. Hcf fjim go Hypocrine,ttanD not all ba? bobging, I'ou t)auc bon to mocb fb: b"n J make oar c5mtng i)ab ben tDOltc. Sug^edion, ^J^ou bnotD of m? fclfe, | am not berf qnicbr, iSecaufc ttjat mp bob v jt bo fo moc^ tcnbcr, i?o: feenfuall Suggeftion, U)tU qukbeli? be ficftc 3f tbat 1)10 otonc cafe be f^oulb not remember : Ct)us one caufc of mi' tariauncc to ^o I do renter, janotbcr 3 l)ao, as 3 came b^ tfje teatc : tUfju [) DID me tl?c longet fc-om pour company Ha^t, Hypocnfic. CObat tx)a« tfjat Sii^'^efHon, 5 p^ffT< tb« to tw trttcr^ iro; 3 am toitt^ cfjilb, till tbat 3 Do it [Karet Suggcfhon. n certaine gent Ictoomon, ttD mtirmur,mib matter, ilnb fo2 grcefe of mmbt, b?r ^rje flje DtD tcarc : fs'oes loiU at laS kill f)cr felfe, J sreatlp Do feare. Hvpocrific. tZl^At ui tf^ cauCc U)t)H tt)t« ^rdrti^ (^c DtD tatted Su?a;eftion. The Confli(5t ofConfcicncc. ^uggcftion. 15c(autt f7cr l^tifbaho t)cr company Dto fo^fabe : l^cr rf}ilD:cn alfo about \}cv Din SanD, ^obbing;anD fig!)ing, anD maDc lamenfatfon : fcnocbing tfjcir brcftcs, anD to^inging ttjcir t^ano : paving, tt;cp arc brought to titter Deflblation, ySv tbr mcancs of tijcir faffjer© tutlfuU piotcttation, UltiDk go9Dc0 tf)c^ fapr, are alrcaop confirrate, licnauk f}t DotI) tt)c U^oprB latoes titolate, ^nn tnoecD 3 faiue Auance ffanttng at tbe Do;e> ;^D a company of Hu£finn0 afllding bint ttjere, Philolo2;us. ^las ala0, tf)t0 pincbctf) mi? f)cart full ro:e, SBvne ciiills ^c ootb Dcclate,mpnc otone too, i Do fjwrr," W\)er£to;c from tcares, 31 cannot fo;bcare. Hypocrific. %i f)({,nott) t\)i0 touct) i?ou, spatter Philologus, f ou naoc not t>auc |}a:) tt, being ralDe b^ t)0. Sus^^cftion. XZllrci lB!;at is be. tba0> fi^affer Hypocrifit, Suljat taUctf) fuel; ro;roto at tbe too^Des tobtct) J fpabe* Hypocri(ie» JoDne tbat is tahcn,ahD conaincco of i^rcCe, 0ni) 3 fcarc mc muci), UnU burnc at a llahe, Pet to rccla)?mc tjun, mucb parnes luoulD 3 takr, ^nD bauc oon alrcaop, hctobcit in tavne, 31 luoulD craue tt)inc ailidancc, toerc it not to tf)r parnr, Suggcftion. 3 toill DO tt)e belt l)crc!n tbat 3 can, ^tt go tbou toitb me. to hcipe at a nesDc, CClitli all mv bcart. Cod fauc pou, gcDD gentleman, SIo to powr great fo;roto,m^ ^tnxt Doctf) toelnigb blaDc : 3!Biit tobat ifl tbc caufc of i?oar trouble anD D;aDc^ PifDame not to mc ^our fccrctj to tell : SH toife man fomettmcof a fol ma^ tobe coimreU. Philologus. f^m cttate(alas}i0 note mod lamentable. The Conflicl of Confcicncc^ fc: J am but ticaticlubtcf) cncr (iDc ? take, ' .neither to Dctcrnunc Iwrcin nm J able, cUitb gffiD .iMi'.cc nunc cLction to mabe : ' ■Zhc \uo:ri' la le'ufcanQ tljc bfft fo: to tabc, O^r Spirit fctiifcG tbconc,but aUis fmcc vour pjcfeitce, £15'^' flcflj lca:iC0 mv fpnit tlicrfroc br toiolcnre. f-o: at tbjs tiinc, 3 being tn great ejrtrcmitic, Citiirr niv i o:o Cod m bart to rciect, Ox cIjb to be oppieffcD br tljc Legates autbo???tic : ;.lnD tn tbts U}o:lD to be counteD an abtect : cnv LanDcs,U)ifc anu CtjilDien alfo to neglcrt: ZJm later part to tahe,nip &»pirit is in reaDineHc, yo\xX nip Si\i% Dott) fubtjuc,mr Spirit DoubtlelTc. Suggertion. I^our effate pert)aps,focmetl) io ton Dangerous, Qc ratbcr becanfc vou bane not bene tjfcD : Co mcurre befo:e tune,fucb troubles perilous : IT^ut to rciir poloer fucb cuilsljflucretijfeD , l')olubcit of tlco cuils,tbc Icatt nuift be cbufeD': /5oU) Utfitfb ts the le«^.ft euill,tuec toill lljojtlrc eraminc, £:t)at iDhicb part to taUcvour fclfe map Determine. iDn IP riabt bc^tiD tcu fav,T;^ou fe r.oDs \\x^ ruogmcnt, l:is U'Mtl) ano Difplcafure,on rou fo: to fall, flnD m ftcfDc of the io^cs of l^caucn^euer permanent, |3cu fa fo; rour CipenD,t!)c tojmcntes mfernaU: Philologus. Chat rsf \i tnTJoctJCluhicI) 31 ff arc moft of all : i^o: O^v^^ faiD,frarc not tl)cm,U)hif^ ^^ boDr can ano|», Ojut fcarc !jini,U5l)ich \H boDi? aiiD foulc can Dcftrot?: Su'j;gcn-ion. tndl, let tfjat lev afi!)c,atDhilc as it i^, \ «anD on ti)c other CDe make tlje i^Ue inquirition, 3f on t ic left fiDe vou falUfhen (^all pou not milTe, 13ut to b:mg pour totter perDition ; j'-n; at mans ijanD,vou knoU) there is no rcmilTion : iicfnc ronr ChilDirn fathcrleffcvour luife DrfLlr.te, |Pcur gcooes anu polIcCru)us,to ott;cr men conaCcate. Plii- The Conflict ofConfcicncc. Philolocjus, ^aint Pnut to tbc Romanes\t)at[) thiB ti^o:tf)p fcnfcnce 31 ncconipt tfjc affUmons of this luoilD tranfito.:ic, 13c tbcv ncucr fo manvjin full c quiiiolcnre : Cannot countcruailc thofc t)e?iuiour, Greater jjaincg to imt»tt)cn tl)t0 l)oufc full cf trcafurc* Suij;c;c(lion. ^ou fiauf fpobcn rcafonablv,but y^ct as t^t^ Cap, £>nc 15irDc in H)e |)anDe,is tDOJtb tlno m tlic bu(^, ^0 vou nolu miovmg,tticfc.U)o;lBlv iovcsmai?, Cffccmc t\)£ Dtticisas li jl|t m a rul^: ^\)us mav ^ou fcapc tf)i0 p? rrtUous pul^c : Pliilologus, r»ca,but inp faluation to mcc iB moll ccrtatnc, /jicitijcr Doubt 3!,t^at 31 l^all fuffcr tljts in tiainc. Suggcihon. Js rour ocatf) mcrin);ious,tt)cn in Cods figljt i Z'\)it vou arc fo dirc^to attainc to faluation, Plulologus. 3C to) not tliink fo.but niv faitb ts full pigt)t: 3n tl?c merries orOoD,bt' Cbjtlts meoiation ; 3i5v Ujljom 3 am furc of nip pjcfcruatioit. Su7'j;cllion. C\)cn to t|)c ^itMjrnUjno liurt can acfrcto, V5ut U)ljat fo Ijc U)o:(: ( t1i,(i:a)D cno fl)aU mfuc. PIii!t)logus. Om ^iniiour C|i:ift,DiD faf to the tempter, tcfbcn he cib prifluaoe t)nn,from the pm.ule to fall, i^lno faiDr,he mtijht fafclr,that Danger aDu? nture : iSecaufe th^U Cor»s angc l0,fronj hurt Inm faue ftjall : ^ix ti;at thv Lo:D C3oD,thou tempt not at all: ^0 X, thongli pcrfU-aDcD.of nir Onncs free rcunffion, cp.]^ not commit fin,t)pon fhis p:efinnptton. CaidiD.ill. CCJfjat Ijauc rou not ^ct Done,v!Our fcolvH) tattelmg:' taitb The Confli£b of Confciencc. tClit!) that frotwarDc bcrcticbj Imll t^cn atca^, Jf fou tjuill tavic to Ijcarc all big p.:attelpngi iic UjouId fiirciv Hoepc iJOu niod part of tljc Dap : git 10 noU) ijigl) Dinner time mp (loinack Dotti (a^t Sinn 31 tutll not lofc one mcalc of mp tkt, £:^ou0b t[)crcon Did bang an bunD.:eD mens qutet Suggeftion . 13v vour Lc:Dl^ip3 patience, on? Idoid iottb l)im mo;e, 0nD ttjen if be UjiII not, J jjeue bim to Tyrrany. Hypocnfie. 3 ncuer fato mp LoiD (b pacient before, X3o fuffe one to fpeake fo: bimfelfe fo qutetip, }3ut pou tDeie not bell to trull to bt0 curteflie : 3t is euill Uiabmg of a Dog tbat Dotb flope, m\}\k pou baue \)iB frienD(btp,i>ou toere belt it to ^cpe. Caidin.iU. 3 pjomifc tbcc riiilolog:us,bp mp totoeD cballitie, 3f tbou UJilt be rulcD bp tbp frienDes tbat be bare, Sou i^alt abounD in toealtb anD p^ofperttte : sunt in tbe^Countrte cbiefe rule tbou Qiait beare, 0nD a bunD:eD pounos mo:e tbou (^alt ^mt in tbc pare: 3 f tbou UjiU tbifl curtefie refufe, Z^i)ou fl^att Die incontment,tbe one of tbele cbu^e. Suggeflion. tClcI'. fitb it is no (fr;ic,foj be to Debate, 3fn fo:mcr maner tubat ifi in mp minDe: 3 toll! at ontf to tbcc ffraigbt Demonftraf e, JItKifc luoilclp lores, tDbicbbttrc tbou Q^altfinDe : jTlnD fo: bccaufc tbou art partlp blinDc, 3rt ttjifi rcfpcrt Iffibc tb20uo:b tbi5 mirjour, b parrlrlTe p!cafureB,ob iopcs tmfpeaUable, Cii ttoMi'iv Uob Ih^c lafcmious: The Conflid of Conkicnct, C>!) Dolourous Dcatf) iDhiri) luoulD mde betray, 3 mrurre : tahcthcr !)caucn o: ijclUtuljct^er (Dams to?ift^ o; grace, E^tjis glatfc of Dcliijtjt 31 tutll ruer imb;afe : Wilt one tl)mg moll fljtca^ Dctfi trouble ma [jare, ^r i|5cigt)bo,z5 \jnconftant Uiill compt ma J fcare. Hypocrifie. l;>c tbat luill fdehc cr!}c man to tonttnt • ^hall pzcDuc inm fclfc at laft moft ijntDife, l^our fclfc to faur barmlcOTc ttjinh it fufficicnt: S\ii(i U)aig|) tiot tijc peoples damojous outcncs, ^ct t|)crc moutljcB to Hop 3! can frone Deuife: ^ar tlMttbc riaDing of the Ujo^bcs of ^.^clfloue, ;ano Doctoi ilmbition did four crrcurs rcmoue. 0nD barhc in m^ nc rare Dclap no mo;ie time, Oe fcnne; the better in cnnc rou luill faf , tae l;auc nolo caugbt btm as )i5trDe ts in line. Tyranny. Come on Crs i/aue rec Done,3B tuoulD fatne aloa?. Hypocriiie. Coc cuen tubcn rou U).ll,U3c dqj v ou not ffaie, Pliiloiogus batlj tiunb fucb a Ojaugtjt of Hypocrifie, £:tjat Ijc minbs not to Die vct,t)c toil matter ttjis malabp. Cardinal!. Come on matter Phjlologus, arc rou (Trolone fo a ttatj K am glao to Ijcare tbat foii become traaable. PInloIogus. 3f it p'rafe rour ilo2Dl^ip,3 far cuen tuljaf fou fat? S\m confcCfc your relvBU)n,to be niott alloUjable, /5citiicr U)tll \ gamfav pour cuttomcs latuDablc : 9^v i'oimcr foihjcs jl btterlf renolunc e, S^^at mr fcUc Ujas an iBcre tich 3 two Jjlscrc p^onotonce. ©. Car* The Confli£l of Confciciice, Cardinal I. ^af ib^affci PJ iilolo2;us, gac tuirt) moc to mr pa Hare fliiD 3f fljall fct Dolune t^t fo:nTc of recantation, tdbicl) ro" n)all rcaoc on ^scnuar nert,in open plscci Ois Doncvou (^all ratifftc our crpcrtation, 0no l^all be (el frie,Ci om all molci^otion: 3nto tttt bolbme of ttje oii taftr, Ann fome fjiclj officer,t^ercm twill ton mahc PhiJolos;us. 3e muff firff rcqucff vour ILojDfl^ips fauour, ILIjat J mav goc tjome,niv ^rfc fo: to frc, ;3nD 31 t»ill atteno on rou,U;it|)in t^is ipUi^c* Cardinall. i^P 3( ntar not fuffer,rou alone to goe free, UitleUe one ortl;ere,T^our furetie U)il bcc: Sug^clbon. 3 fenfuall Suggcft)on,fo.: Ijim toill tjnocrtaUe, Cardinall, tlerte luell tabe bint to rou,rour pstfoner BI biin make. Ooe roil inaitter Philologus anD bearc nice companp, iD: el0 J am fure no meate | n)OulD eate, anD goe befoje Zcale,to fee ect) t\}inQ reaijp : £Ct)at Uit^en Uie once eome,\ue ffati not fo; meatc Hypocrifie, ZXXiti) fmall fute beereto^t^ou l^all mee tntrcatc. Cardinall. ExitTyr. ifareUjell Ph!lo!o2;us,ano make fmall Delap, perbap0 of our DinnerB^foi ^on 31 U)tll ffate, Exi Suggeftion. Car.(Sc Hvp !F)aD not rou bene a loife manjt'onr fclfe to ^aiic loft, jHnD b:otigi)t rour tobolc family to U);ctfbcD eftate, dlberc no\D of ^our bleCrcDncflfc,tour fclfe t'Ou may; boff: ^no of all tl^e countrte,accompt vour fclfe fo;tunate, Pliilologus, ^ut\) \xiafi tl)t toit of m^ fmliC^ pate, ySut lubat D(D toe fta^ifo long in ttt$ plr.ce, 3 t^all not be loell, U)bilff 31 am toitl) m? 3lo;Oci8 grace. TheConfli*^ ofConfcicncc. A£lc fourth. Sccanc 4. SP.IRIT. PHILO. SVGGES. PHilolo2ius,Pliilologus,PhiloIogus,3 fat»» 5n time tahc IjaDcgoc not to farrc^UnUc toell tf)p ffcp0 tnto, net not Sug<^eftion of t!)p flcH^jtljp Confciencc fta betray, t^t)o Doth conbuct tl)oe in tt)c pat|),tbat leaoctt) to all tooc: tClaigti lucll tijis Uiarmng giucn from CcD,bcfo:e tijou ftirtijer goe: janD fell not eucrlafting tove0,fb: pleafurcg tcmpojaU, irrom tohict) tt)ou foone Cjalt goe,o.: tijc^ from t\fk bcreaneo tl^ftll. Philologus, 2la6,U»hat tjoicc is tt}is J barcfo tjolcfullp to fountie, 3[nto mmc carcj(,cino tuarnct!) mcc,m tmic y>ct to bcluare, tlltjp t}auc not 3 tbc plcafant patb,of txjozlDlp plcafureB founoe, %[>o lualU tt^ercm fo.: m^ Dcligt)t>no man d^all me Debarre» Suggeftion.' •'' ^ ilfflkc in f[)is ©laDTc Philolo2;us,fo: nougbt els Dm tijoa care, ZCi\}at ncoft tl;ou fee lu(tt)tn ttie fame^is not tbe Coaft all dcarc ^ Phiiologiis. ^aucfyt c\6 but plcafurc,pompe,anD tDealt!),[)cerein to tm appcarc* Sug2;cftion. Oiuc met tl)\> |ianDe,3 UiiU k guioc,anD leaDe tfja in tt)c tua^, Cafjat Dffiflt t?)ou G);u\\i, Philologus^tufjerc 31 Dare 0oc before i Spirit. |»ca,(T):in^?c fo (Hll Philolo2;us,no time turne bacfe 3 f^r> 5n fenfuall Su.;2;cllions fteppcs/cc tbat tfjou treaD no mo:c: :anD though tfjc kailtic of i^c fic(!),l)att) maoe tljc fall fu'l fojc : janD to Dcnrc loitb outUjarD li?p5,thr Lo;»d anD CDoD moft Deare, JTfje fame to ftablifi) U)itl) fonfent,of it cuiU fo euer come. Spint. 31f naoes tI)ou toilt tt)^ felfc tmiajjfar not,but tljou arte toloe : Plii]o]o2;us. l)ap,U)l)at bap torll J toill not Imfe tbefe pleafures ma»irrolDc ^tjerfo^e conDuct mcr once agatne,f)ccre take mec bv tbe tjanoc. Suggeltion. Cbat fcnfuaU SuagcHion ootij leaDc !jim tnnerttano. Ade fourth. Sccane.3. CONSCI. PHILO. SVGGES. Atns nlrt£i,thou toofull loigbtjtDbaf furie Dtntb H?«:mouc i so toillmglv to cciH tl)f felfe into confumr no; tv:e, ttlhat Circes tjath beluitcheD tt\ec,tl}v \voMv bca'tf) fo louc £0o:c tben the blefltD ttate of feouIe,tf)is one tbmc^ 3[ tcivic : tCIaig!) ltd toe caufe Uiitfi finrere bart, tby Ccfncnce ttit require Hntj fell not euerlaUmg lores/oi pleafures tempo:a't, i^cfilr Su?2cftion of tbe flen),Ujbo fccUes tbce fo: tc fj'cile: f\ c Ijcaltlj^rjcoC take fuel) car^ Confucnce. (ncC carc ; S^r crafct ConfcicncclDfjiffi fo:fii:,tf5f plapcs f tojmcnts Due, U{l;icl) from lutt 5nDgc,U)Ijom tl)ou ucnrcft n;al b^ dm b^ infiic : SuiZ;2;clllon. Chon Vaf^ gcDD triall of t^c fattt),tul)ic!) ? to tficc Dm bf arc, iloinnut tbv farctic to m^ cliargc,t^crc is no oaungcr narc. Conficicnce, &iich 10 tbc LiinnnclTc of tiie flcfl),t!iat it ma\? not Dcfcrie, O: fiv i.j: pernio lutjicl) tbc ^onlc,is rcac^ to incurve : ilno ?)u»fb the 'cDTconr otunc cftate0,loe can our fclucs cfpic; l.^f fai:rc Sii;j:,auD D.;uiJ bccomc^ Confcicncc. T[ fpraftc not laraelfc of all tbcm,li'b:r;» banc th'P iv.o:!t^!v luraUfi, i?o; U)br,3i Unoiu ttjat ncljcs arc tbc crcrtiircs r tl;c 1.c;d:: vD.iij. ^CllJifl; r The Conflicl of Confcicnccl CClljicf) of fficmfelucs, arc gojD al) one, a« Salamon Ijb tellctfj, ^ .Ino are appovntc to Do gojD toitlwU, b^ Cow olune tDO.:o, I3iit luticn.ttirv let Us froni the i:o:d, tljcn oug!)t ttjcp be ab^o:D : oQbicb caufcD C!):iic binifclfe to tiiSf|)., , Confcien(e. ^ 3[n Ddeoc S cannot bfe» tliofc fonD anD fmlifl^ tanitie0 3(n \})hul) tbe outtuarD part of man Dot!) tahe fo great Dcligfjt, /lo,ncitbcr luoulo jStbougf) to me luere geuen tl)at liberty, 33ut r.^.tber teoulD confume tbrm all to nougbt, if that J migfjt, foi if J fbouiD DcUgbt tberein,it Vuerc ns gcoD a f?g!jt, as if a man of perfect age, fyoulD riDe Upon a fticUc ; £)2 pln^c \D\V) compters m tbc ffrect,t»bicb pattimc c^iilDjen l^Ue, 13ut al! mv iorcs in l)caucn rcmapnc6,\ubeias i long to be, 0n;5 fo luculoclt tbou, if tbat on CfjjiC tbpfartb full faltncD lucre, f:o: tbat affcrtion, U)as m Pnull tbc apoillc, Ujc map fee, Jibe fttft to tlie Plulippuins Dotb toitnes bcrcin bearc, i3is U)o:OB be tbcfc : ob iDOulD to CoD DifolucD tbat J lucre, anil ujcie U)itl) Cb:ift, anotber place fjis mpncc in tbofe IOO.2D0 tell, Ijdc arc but Itiaungeis all from OoD,lui)tlc m ttjts U)0.2lo^tuc Dluell: ^olu The Conrtici: of Confcicncc. i^olu inarUc, fioU) far from his rcqucft, Diffcntiiig is thv tnyitity %)c luif^t fo;;,but moic then t)eU,tt)ou oocft ttjc fame octctt. Suggcftion. SIhc raufc tuljf P^ml did Iot[) !)ifi I^fcmap cafclp be aHignDc : i5:caufctljc lewes in cuctic place, did faUc Jjmi to molefl, I5itf tliofc UJbJrt) in ttiijj lt)o;lD,obtame fccuritic anD reft : Do take Dcligljt to Iicic tbcrcin,pea nature Dotb inouc, Cfb Ipuing creature U)iib a feare,leaft Deatb fljoulD ttjcm accrue. Pea tl)c fame Paul at AntKxlie,Di(rf mblcD to be DeaD, U>bile tbcf luere gone lubo fougbt bis l^fc, toitb ftones fo; to Deltro^ riiis fo2 to faue t)is Ipfe,to Hoicb Ithluife tleD, ^0 DID liing D.iukI flcr,Ujben Saul DiD fitke him to annop : |0ea Cb^ift bin^fclfCjUjbom in our DecDe0,to follovu Idc map icp, D:d fecreatlp conuaigb b»»ftlfe,from Icwcs fo full of bate, lubcn Vccy! tbotigbt from the top of biljbini to p^iecipitate. tabercfoie^tt is no (inne at al!,a man fo,: to DefenDc, ;tlnDiljaiJe binifclfc from Deatb,fo long as nature giues btJ^t Itrnt* ' Confcieiice. SSbc fame lobom pou reciteD baue,conceiueD a furtfjer enD: Cbcn to them felucs to liue a!one,a0 ccb man map perceiue, J?o; Vnbcn tbat Paul baD run bis courfe,bc DiD at laft recciue; ioitb i) did fubDue, ;3nD b:oi!gbt it tjuDcr^tbat to fpint,it moftlp DiD tonfcnt : iDherebp tbep fecfeing CoD to pleafe^DiD biD the \do:ID aDue: tlufe,CbilD:cn,anD poOrcfTionjs fo:fakmg,fo: tbep hneUt JEhat euerlafttng trcafurec loere,appointcD tbem at lad, £:be lubicb tbep thiifting, Dii^from U o:lDlp pleafurcg caff, 13ut tbcu iD to:ctcb Docft life p:cIong,not that thou luoulDft aots ^s Dutie bmDjj ts all to D(D,moft chieflp glo:pfp, (name y5ut rather bp thp liumg aill,lDilt CoDc tenolune Defame, ^nD mo;e auD mo.:e Difljono: hnn,tbts \s tbp tJ;ift I fpv . PliiIolo«!;u<. J mcanc to line in l»o;lDlp lopes, J can it not oenve. Con- The Confli£b of Confcicncc^ Conrcicncc. ZUW- nrr iV.ok iows.tutjifl) thou tiasff meane,bnf picafurefl ffratng 13r t)(in£ of tljc lu't)icU>t!>ou C^alt pjouoUe ^10 t)caui; roo; (fro godf Su22;cltion. CtjHi hnctDctt t[)Ou UiKit ^hilologusjbc tuife t\^\> kite tjitto, :anD Itftcii not to tbcfc fono txiojDCB toljicb Confcicncc to t\)cc tell, j'ro; ti;v ricfcnrc J Uivtl aUca!)gc one Ujojtbr IcCTon moc: Unto the lubtcb 3 am rigbt furc,ljc cannot anftocre lucU: tClbcn D.iuid bv t^ainc truft in men of U)arre,from Ooo fo?c fell, 0no toas appomtcD of tl;:ee plague5,tl)e eaficll foi to tbufe, Ij^c faioe Cons merer cafier is to cet,tl)cn mang as 3l! fuppofc. iSgatnc l;e faretb among tbe p(alme0,it better 10 to tiuft 3fn Coo.tljcn tbat our ronfiDence lue fellc fboulD in man, tcn)erfD:e,to this lubicb 5 note faf of fo?ec confent tljou mtiff: £^bat Utljen tU)o eutls befo:e \}s plaSe, no Irar aboiDc tue can : 3nto the liano of CoD to fal br djoyce is laUifull tljan, lircaufc tbat Co:) is mcrcrfuHj^bf n man no mcrcp IbotD, Cl;us l;aue I pIcaDeD m tljis caufe,fufficientlt) 3 trolu. Confcicncc. IpolD can vou fav^^ou trutt iu Coo,U)ben as vou bi'm fo^fafte, ano of tbe U)ickeD iBammon becrc>DcD maUe rour fame^ frenDe, p,o,nOyt\fck luo:Des tobicl; rou i^c"te againft ii'ou moCIv niahc: iro: thus he tbmks in bis DcftrcCTcCoD cannct mec ocrcnoe, ilno tbcrfo.'e bv Sui;gcftion fiaUe.tomans kipe be l^atb leanbe. ^arke U)[}0 fav truetj) of^im 0: msanD Deo l^un belt belceue. PIij1o1o2;us. 3: Ipljc tbi: luo2D:s,but ttjat to lox tbcfc ioi»es it twoulDe ma graue. Confciencc. iJnD lubcre Sugecnion,tclIctb tb(r,tbat CoD in mercies flolu, Pet 16 be ii'G ftnncs to co:rect,anD true m tbat lie fpeabe, tai'erfo:c lit favetb,U)bo fo mv nanie,befoil lofc tbcm, gaine (ball Sii2;5crtion. (baue CObat DID not Peter Cb;i(i bcnp,vet mercp DiD obtamc. tobcrc The Confli£b of Conrdence. tZt\)cxc it\it \}an not,of t\}t Icvves,i)e (l^oulD [)aue taffeb Deac^: Plulologus. Cuen To fl^all 3; in tract of time>tti) bitter tearc5 coniplaine. Su2gcflion. I^ca tin!C incuo:f),ttoufff) t[)ou Dcffcrff,tntiU tl^ l^tctt b^eatfj, Confciencc. ffeo faieti) Suggcftion tinto t|)ce,but Confciencc it Ocn^jet^ anu m tjic cnDc vobat fo 35 fav,fo2 tructl) tljou l^alt cfp^c, ;ano ttjat moft falfCjU)[)icti Confciencc l^al in fccrcat tjart Den^. Philologus. ^\) li)?etc|)CD man,tD!)at l^all 3i do f lobicf) Do fo plaT?n!|? fa, ^Pt: flc^ ano spirit to contenDc,ant> f bat in nofmall ttjing, iduVas conccrnrng tbe cucnt,of crtrcamc miferic,:* Wlhicl) cttbcr ftuDic to auoi?oe,o.j cIs tipon ma b:in((, ;anD luljtrb of tbem 3E (^oulD belt trult,tt \b a ooubtfull t^ing. S0^ Confciencc fpcahct!) trutt) ma tl)ink,butTct'befaufc 3 fiwrc, ^t? bis aijutce to (uflfer DeatbiS Ocd bi0 too^ocs fo^beare. 0nD tbcrfojc pacpff i^v felfc,anD nm not fo torment, 2^br fcIfCjin bainc 3; mult feUc fomc meanc» fo: to cfcbeto, Cbcfc gripmg grafc^jtobicl; tjnto ma, 3 fa nolo imminent, ;ano tberfo^e lutU no longer 0a?,but bto tba noU) aoue, Confciencc. J2DI) flat 3 fa^ Pliilologus,o; tin ttou toilt it rue. Philoloc^us. 3:t 15 loll labour tbat tijou boctt,3I toill be at a point, <3nD to inioi[)e tbefe luozloli? iote0,3 ieoparoe luiU a iont Exit Confciencc. Phil.& Sug. £>b curfcD creature £D fraile ae(b,^ meat fo;j li)o,:mc6,£D Dull, £) blatbcr puffcD full of unnDe,£) tiainer tfjcn tbefe all, ^bat catife ball tbou in ti^int otone Uiit i to baue fo great a trud: CClbicb of tbr fclfe ranll not efpie,tbc cuil0 tobicb on tba fall, S^bc blmbncire of tbe outtoaro man, Plulologus fbciu l^all ^t bis rcturnctnliffc 31 can at latt,mahc bim relent, i?o; iDbr fbc ito;D bun to co;rcct,in furious \ojatb 10 bent. Exit Confcicncia. ^. , Aa r 1 The Coiiili£l of Confcicnce, A£^c. fyftli. Sccane.j: HYPOCRISIE. SZUh rI:oppinn: c?:CiUc,afi toe Ijauc maoc,ti)c like fjatfj not bin fccne 'iHD u»I}0 fo plcnftint tuittj mp ilojDc, a« ts Philolo<;us, 1^13 reCiXntation,l)c fjati) maDeiano ib DifpatrtcD cicanc. Of all tl)e 01 icfc^ lu^icl) tnto t}tm,DtD fcrmc To Dangerous : ZLlhkl} tfjmc voi: bnolu, luas bioimfct to paCTc cfpcciallt' bp b0, ^0 '•ijat H> pocnlle Ijatl) tjouc tljat , \x^\)iti) &at!)an did intense, j::i)at men \o: 1co:!dIv iucaUb,(boulD cf afc tljc CcfpcH to DcftnDc: tClbvit ftall become of folill) Cmfc,}; mcaiic Philologus ; 5n aruall mancr to vour ev^ JEf,rt)all rcp:crentcO La : ifo! tbougtj 30 noUj,l)e fames to be, in (late moft glo:iou0, l\ n^all not long continue ro,C(t;e cne of vou l^all fa. i3ut nc:DC0 i muft be packing hence,mp felloUjcs fta^ fo: mat ^liahe banoes befoje iue do oepart^pou (l)aU fa ma no mo:e : ;3nD tijoujjl) H) pocnlk goe aU)av,of Ij^pocrit^ tjarc is gcu no;c, HxitH)p, Adc fyfth. Sccanc 4. PHILO. GISBERT. PAPHl. CDu\c on mi? CbilDzcn Deare to ma,anD let b0 talk atobtle, i::>f tDo;lDli? sa>Dc0,U)bicb 31 Ijauc got ano ofmp pleafaiit ttafe, Cclbicfj fo:tune hatl) inttallco ma, lul;o on ma cljarclr fmyjlc. ^0 tl)M mto tgt top orU)!}ale,(^e Dotf) ma eleuate : jf bane f ffapeu all mirt)ap0,of luhicb mp Confcicncc did p:atc, ilJiD iDbcrc bcfo2e 3 rulcD U?a0, as tc tljc common fo:tc, j">olu as a luDge tuitljm tbis Lani3, 3 bcare a Uulcrs po;t j(nt3ciDc>a(DD fatbcr , Ujc \).mc canfc,to pMife tour ffrauftic, tiCl^o DID both faue rour fclfc from Uioe^nD i^s from bcggmg ftatc, tv.I:)crc if rou tjHD pcrfciicrco (lill,a3 Uic did feare grcatl\» : pour gfflDs from tJ3;V0ur CotlDJcn n)o:il:>,to Legate b:ne fonfffratc ^.?r glo^iauj po,np»:s,tf)cn,n;oijlD Ujc Ijauc bene g!ao fo; to abate. Paj-.h. The ConflifbofConfcicncc^ Papli'mitius. liZut note, nof oiicl^ tljat rou bao foj t0,buf alfo fiaue ^uc[) offtcciS.lo'oci cb^ nio^c gaine5,vou ^care b^ locate (^all Cmte: riiiioiogus, 3E \ras at pcint, oncr,\Jcrp ncarc,to Ijaiic bene quite fo2lo?ne, l^ao not Suu;2;c(bon of t^c flefl),frcm foUv ma icclapmeD, ir.^i kt t[)i5 OlaCTc of teojlol^ iovcs,mp Cgljt anu cres bcfo^nc: JIli^ fisljt u^hcrof DID taufe all tttnges,of mee to be Difoaineo, 3 tvCitg^t 3 [;aD fclvcitic-iuljen it 3 liaD cbtaincD : met abiDc. 15nt Ift bs fjomcluarDc gcc afi(iinc,fome prifiime tlirrc to moktj ^\> iLijolc D:lis!)t in fpo;t ano gamcs,of pleafure 31 rcpofc: Horror. /5ai? Hap tlif tcurKar t^trc aU)l)ilc,3I Co tYjCc p:ifcnrr tafee, 3 fljall abate tl)p picafure« fmnej^ca, to ((one. tljou luilt fupjpcfe, Philologus. tSZH^at i5 t!;T) name f iDl^ncc cominett tt)ouf U)f)erfo;c to me ttfcloft^ Horror. spp name is calue Confufion ano horror of tbc mrnDe> ;an^ to correct inipenitems^of Cod 31 am aflTignDe* £ir\n fo: bccaufc t|)on Doft Difpife,C3oos merc^ anu Ijis (trnee, ^nD luoulDfi^ no acmony^tion tabcbp tbem tl;at tin thcc Usarne, ^zitl)cr U'.ljcn Coufcicnce ccunfailcD t^ce, tljon tuculDft t)i5 Uic:tc0 lobo luotilD l;aue l;ao tbec \)nto goo>obeDicnce trii to lcarnc:(tmb:acs f^oi coiilDfi: brtU)ixnc Suggeftions fraft,i Confcience trutlj DiCcctnc ^ebolDe tbertoie^tbou Cjalt ofmee an otber ieObn fjeare^ tUbicl) toil tl)ou,nil t!jou,t6 to:mcnt of Conrcicnce,tt)cn fl)alt bearc ilnD luf^ere t. oa ijaft crtingin(l^cD,iOe Ijolp Spirit of CoD, janD mat)c tjim U)ci v toitlj tbv annes,\i;!;ifb oarly tijou Ijaft Done, l[)c U)iU no Icngcr in tbp foulcanD fpirit make aboDe: Xrnt UJittj tbc OinccjEjlDljifh be z^i^c to tt:cE,nolu uj l>e gone, ^•0 u;at to CDoD\warDc,bp Cl);iftrs Dcath,ieiorGng tljou ball none, SL\]C peace of Confacncc faoeo i0,in Ui\:j U)berccf,5 bjlng $Z\)£ Spirit of fe'atbaiijllafpbemv^coiifufion ano cuifmg. £:tjc OlaCfe liUcluifc o;t}anrtic0,\ubid) i& tbinc onclv top ^.9. 31 tutu r The Confli£l of Confcicncc, J iDill tranfro;inc into ttjc Olaffc of DcaDlv Dcfpcration, 115^ loktng m tt)c U)t)tcl),tljou tl)alt concciue a great annop : K'^uB f)auc Bl caugt)t t|)CD in tt)v p:tDc>ano b;ougbt tl)de to oamnatio: ^0 tt)at tt)ou art a patternc truc,of 0oos iutt moignatton: tClt)crebr ((^ man ma^ UiarncD bc,tt)c Iihc Rnncs to efcbctu, Jlcatl ti)c (amc tojmcntB tt)cv in(urrc,Ujl)id) in ttjatbc^ ^all tictu. Philologus, £) painfull painc of bccpc DifDaine,ob criping grdefc officii, £*b \)oixoi busCjOl) foulc rupp:cft,anD Oamc toitlj Dcfpcration, Q\) beapc C'f (inncsjtbc fum U)berof,no man can numtcr toell; )Db Dcatl)>o!; furious flames of bcU,m^ iuft recompcnfation, £)b iDjctcbcD U)igl)t,ob creature curft,ob cbiloc of conocmpnatiojt* £>b angnc v!!}or),anD mcrcilcCTcmoft fcarcfull to bebolDc, £)b Ct);ia tljou art no Lambc to mce,but Lion fcarcc ano bouloc. Gifljcrtus, ^loB bcare i?atl)cr,t»bat ootb moue ano cattfe )?ou to lament i PJiiloiogiis, C^ finnc0 (ala5)U)bicb m t\)iB (3latre,appcarc innumerable, ifo; iDbicb 35 fl^ull no paroon get,fo: Oon is fuUv bent : 3n furie fo: to puniU) mc,ti)ttb patnc0 intollcrable : /icittjer to call to Ijim fo.j gracco: paroon am 3! able, 3^v fmne is t)ntfl Dcatb,3 fttle Cbziftcs Dcattj ootb me no goo, j^citber fo; mp bebofcoio Cb.Mti n)cD bis mod precious blouo. Paphiimius. 3las Dcare iFatter(ala0 J fap)lDbat fobaine cbaungc is tt)iB i Pliilolo£;us. 3( am (onoemneD into fjelljtbcfe torments to fuftainc. Cisbartus, Ob fa^ not fo'mp ifatber Dcare,CoDS merci? migbtV iJ^f, Philologus. Cbe fcntcnce of tfje rigbt^o«0 3^uDgc,cannot be calb againe, cObo batb alreaoi' iuogeD cuerlatting pavne : Q\) tbat mv> boDie buricD luere,tbat \i at reft migbt bet, Zi^bougb foul^ ^fre put in Judas place,o.i Games crtrcmitic, Gisbertiis, O!) 13iotbcr batt ^ou to t\)t CoUjne.anu fcl Thcologus, Cabat foDainc plague ano punill)mcnt,mv j? »".t:jcr batb befell, Paplii- The Co!iflid ol Coiifcicncc. Pnpliinitius. 31 run in [)a(l,ano toiU rcqucft t)un fo: to come luttt) im, GislKftus, ^1) iratljcr, reft vour fclfc in (I?oD,ano all fljing (^albc tuell, Pliiloloi;us. ai) t):cDfijll name,U)[jicl) trfjcn | f)are,to figfj it mce fompcll : vZ^OD IS againft uto: 3 pcrfciuc,l)c is none of nip Coo, wlnlcflTe m tt}id,tt)at lie luitl beat, ano plague mec tuttf) l^tg roD. Hno tl)ou?b \}is mercp ooti) rurpa(re,tl)e Qnncs of all ttie luo;lDc, l^ct t^all it not once profit nie,02 paroon mine offence, 3 am refnfeo btterlvJ quite from (2>oD am tobojlD: £0^ name tuitbin tfie liSohe of lpfe,!)aD ncuer reliDencc, Clnitt p;areo not,Cl):ift fuffercD not,mp fmncs to recompencc : 5i6ut onlv fo^ ttie llo;jDC0 elect,of tobicb fo2t 3 am none, J falc \)is iuftice toUiarOes meE,!)is merc\> all is gone: ;anD to be rbo2t,U)itt)in (bo:t rpace,mp finall end (^all bff, STb^n (^^11 niT? ^oule iiwirre tbe patne6,of ttter DeColatton, ilno 31 l^all be a pjcfiDcnt.moft fjouible to foe : 2Io CoD5 ele(t,tbat tt^eti map ree,tl)e p.ace of abiuration. Gisbertus. STo bare mp i^atbers oolefHll plaints, itb:ingetb pjcturbution, CInto mp foule,but ponoer comeg,tliat gcco Tlieoloeus : £^l) tuclcome (ir,anl) Uielcome pou gmo matter Eufebius. Adc. fyftJi. Sccanc.i: THE-p- PHl. EVSE. G IS. PAPHI. r G^D (hue \>ou gcDD Philoloirus, fjoU) t® pou bp CcO0 grace, Plii'.olo^ns. I^ou toelcome are,but J (alas/vilc U3;etcf),am bare cuill founD Eu(cl>ui<. tabat 10 tbe tfjiefeft caufc .tell Vs; of this pcur tolo:i:5 cafe f Pi-.i!olo'z\i";. £^b luoiilo mp foule loerc funlic in htWSo boDv locre m grounnc Ebat angric Coo,noU) batb bis Uuli,U)bo fougbt \mx to confounoe. \d.'\i, TIko- The Confli£V of Confcicncc. Theologus, ^]) fiit» not fo Pliilologiis, fo.: Coo is gracious, nm to fb:5iuc the pcmtcht ^10 mercy is p!cntiou0. Do ^ou not UnolD that all the cartl) Uuth nrerc^ Dotf) abotmu, U:;o thouijl) th: iumcs of all ti}c toojlo \3pp0n one man tuerc la^Dc, ;Xf he one onlr f;3arhc of a;race 0: merrv onrc hao fonno, ins luicUconcc cculo not him h.^rmc: U)herefc:e be not DifmavtJC, ChMltes Death Alone foi all vour fmnes, a perfect raunfomc pa^oc : OoD Doth^not f oiict finners oeat':, but rathef'ttjat he ma? 13r Ituing (hi!, beUmill l;is fmnea, ano fo them put atua^e. Conftocr Pcetcr U)ho th^oe tymts \)is fpaifter Did Den^e : pea, \uith an oat!?, ano that althoujt'i Chnft Dio han Uiarnmg giue, ZUitl-) M)omz bero:: t^mc he haD IpueD fo lonj familiarl'i?, £>f luhonie fo man? benefits oflouc he did receiue, 3t?ct'U5hen once Pcctci Ijis olune fuUlt,DiD at the lalT pc rcrtue, 2nD DID bctuaiie \i\s former crvme,tr!»th fait aiiD bitter te.;rc0, Ch.i'.tt bv ano by DtD parDon him, the Ccfpeii luitnes be.ue0. Che thocfe l^keUnfe, ano murthcrer, U)|)uh neuer hao Don goD, 15ut haD m mifchafc fpent hi0 Da?e0, ?ea. During all t)\s Ivfe, caitl) lattcCi L:eth luhcn he his finne0 aiiD U)icUcDne0 U;i:tflc5De, anD U'ith iniquit?ei of Oellj, hi0 fpirit Iras at ftrife, S^toiolu that one motion of hi0 heart, anc potuer of true bdiefc, \r)c Uias receiucD into grace, aiiD all his finnes DefaccD, Chit cill to him tinfaincDl? fo: grace, ;againr,it is OoDs p:opertre, to parDon finners nnigt^: P;av ti)crefo:e luith thr he^rt to Ood, here in tt)is open place, ^nD from (!;c ^erp rente o^heart beluailc to him th? cafe; janD Z affn^e thcCjOoD luil!, on t\)(t bis merer CI)otD, £'h?o"Sl) Jefus Cfj;ill,tuI)o is luitl; :)iin our aDnocatc row fenolue» Pliilolo^us, 9 Ijauc no farth.thc loojDes vcu fpeaUe my \)axt Doth not bclccuc, 3; mutt confcilc that J fo;, am lufd't' th;oli;nc to hell. liufcbius. inis monlcrcus increDulit?e, my bcr? heart Dofh grccue, 01) Dcrc Pliilolo^usjj; l;auc Unolunc hy face anD tjiHige tocU, The Conflicl of Confcicncc. n fo:t of mcn.luJiic!) |)uiic bene tert,luitb x^iutlB anD fpirits fell, Kn farrc Ujo:fc ffatc tljcii voti nrc ^ct,b2oui5f)t »^io Dcfpcration. |?ct tn tl)C cnDc l:aiic bene rcr laimi)c,br gooip crtio;tation. ^ucb arc the nicrcics ortl;c Lo;Dc,ijc tuiU thjolo Dotunc to fjcU: ilriD vet call backc againc fiom (i)cncc,as fjol^ Daukl U):igl)tes» tUYiati f^oulo tYftn let vcur truft in CoD ^ 3 p:ap ipou to \)s tcl, ^iti) to fD!gtiie,anD Da) \3S cljicfclp Mm Dcligljtcs. tJlltjat luculD net vou,! bat of pour fmcbe fl)oulD pou clcanc acquitcf l/OUi can be once Dcnic iO voii>oiic tting vou Do rcqucft i Cahub b^tl) alreaDv gcucn to yiou.VjiB belt bclcucD C\);ifi. iiift top vour [jatt ui biJpc tbcrefo:e,a'a>i)ile be ofgoo cf 0nD make acccCTe, bnto \}is fcatc of jjrafe,br carnctt pM^cr, XlnD Cod U)iU furel^ ^ou reloeuc tuitl; graccCauD not in fearc : PlllloloiillS. 7 Do; bdauc,tbat out from OoD,p:o^a:oc t^cfc fomfojtess fairc, feo DO tljc Diuel5,vct of t!;cir !)ealtb,tbev alltap Do: DiCpaire* %L\jcv are net Uj;itten t)ntc nice^fo; 3 iroiilDc fainc attatne, %l\)c merer, anD tbe Icue of CoD^but fje Dotb me Difoame, !5oiu tuoiilD vou banc t\fat mm to IfucUibicb t)atlj no mouflj to rate j^o n:c:e can i i^ue in mp fcule,li;birb baue no faitb at all: lanD U:l;erc von far,f bat Peter DiD,of Cluilr fcne parDon QtU U'bo in tbc fclfe fame Onne,U)itb niajrom CcD tiD meatlii! fall, lubr^S cannotjCbtame tf'e fame,to you S open Uiall : Cod baD refpett to bmi alU'aicc^anD DiD wcc f'nnl]} Icuf, 116ut 3 alas,am repiobatcCco DctI; n*r foulc rep:oue. 0-o:eoucr.3i; Unll U^y iDitb tcr.nucU bat fo vcu \uvli require, ^r|;«irte J litlc luitb blafptemv,nri0 cr.rfu:^; i5 rrp!:ate. T}ico!oj;iis. Cljen pjap ^i^!) ^^,30 C'o:ilT tis f tirght^lu: Dc rou all Defirc. Co p:af toitb l!ps,tn{D ycrr C oD,vcii ll-al! nrrc frcn: fntrcatc, £Pv' fpiritjto ^utljan is in ti):alK;< Cun i^ net tl;cncc i^it : Rurtbius. Coc (T^all renuc yout (pint aaame,p:av cnclr as vou can, 3nD to acr.ft vf u >» tljc famine p:av tcb Cb:iflian man. rinlo!o'j:iis. O Got! vsliich JvvcUcfl 111 tlie ih\ ua^s,:^K\ ait our fuihcr dc.irc. Thy "i""*" The Conflid of Confciencc. Ti>y Iioly nnnictlHovvrJiouttliewoildbcener fain^bified, JTlic k!ii'j;donie ot c»:y word and fpirjt, vppon vs rule might bearc, Thy will in cai hy thy Cuuih in hcauen be ratified, Our da> ly brcad.wc thee bcfecch, O Loid for vs prouide. Oar fmncs renut Lord \ nto vs)as we cch man for^iue, Let not tcntation vs alliiyle, in all eiiill vs releeue. Amen. Tiieoloeus Oc 1L0!D be vi'A'dknMo bati) at length ^v fpt"t moUifieu, Qcfc arc not tobcr.s tonto w of vonr reprobation, ^ou mo:ne U)tth tcares.ano fuc fo: grace, to^erfb^c be certifier, Ctjat OoQ in mercv giuctlj care, tjnto ^our fupplication, tctt)crfo:e Difpai?;e not tbou at all of tb^ foales picfcruation, anD ^av not trith « Dcfpcrat l)cart,tt)at Cod againft tijrc is, i^ U)itl no Doubt,tl)cre pannes once pall;receiue i^ou into blil&. PhilologUs. /,mr fricnos.^ou onlp Ijcafc anD foe tlje outtoarD part, tclbifb tl)cugb vo" tl)mhc tbc\> Ijaue Don Ujcl,it bcDtctb not at all, rpv Irppf » li*i"c rpoUc t\)c Xvo'Mb m dcedc, but ^tt i fale mp \)catt, taitb curfing is rcplcnifl)CD,U)itl) ranco.2,fptgt)t, ano gall, /icit^cr DO *< xour Lo:D anO CoD,in Ijart m\? father call, 13ut rather fitfec l)ic Wv "'Jnic fo: to blafpbeamc anD curiTc, £B^ ttatc thcrfo:c Dot^ not amcnobut toare ftill Ujo:fe anD Ujoafe, 3 am fccUiDcD c'cane from grace,m^ Ijcart is IjarDcneD quigljt, tCll)crcfo;;c tou Do tour labour l(Dfe,anD fpeno t?our b;etl) m tsagne* Eufcbius. C'4 far not fo Phi!oloj!;iis, but let \^our fjeart be pigfjf, tlppon tbc mere res of tbc Lo:D, ano 5 ^ou alTertarnr, Ucnuilton of rour fb:mcr finnr5,rou f^all at laft^btai?ne: Co:* ijatli It fat^Defluljo cannot Ipc) at Iwljatfoeucr time ^ (inner l^all Uoni tjcart repent, 5 tuill rcmitttjifi crtmc. Philoloc^us. 5^on cannot far fo mucf) to me^as fjerein 5 do ftnotDC, ST^at bp ttje mercpes of tlje Lo;D,all fmnes arc Don atuare, 2nD \jnto tljcm t!)at tjsuc true fartt),abounDantlr it flo\ue, ^ut Urt}Citcc DO ti)iB true fartb p:ocecDc to ts, J Do rou p;ap, 3t 15 tbe onlr gift of Cod, from bim it comes alluare, 3 U)oulD tt)ercfo;e l)C UioulD tjoucljfafc^one fparUc of fartf) to plant, ^itt)tn TheConHi^b bfConfcicnce? tDtt!)tn mi? hmdyt^cn ot\}is sracc,3l fenoUj 31 C&ooJf wof ioant ' ~ :E3ut it as cafe It? nia^ be Donc,a0 vou map tottt) one rpoone» Sit once take top ttjc Uiatcr cleanc,U)^u[) in tj)c fca« abiDe : ^tiD at one D2augt)t,tt)en Dunk it bp,tl)i0 fljall ^e Doe as rone* 00 to m^ b;ell of true beIetfe,one fyaxkk (^all bettDe: j^u(^,pou iotitd) are in p;torperoas ffate,f mp pame0 t^atte not trteD IDot tbinU it bat an eafv t[)tng,a finner to repent l^un of bis finne0,anD b\> true faittj,Damnation to pieuent. Cl)c !)calttfuU ncEDc not pi)ificli0 art,anD pe toljicl) are all ^ile* Can giue gmo counfcU to tl)c fic!i,tl)cir fir UneOie to cfctjcto: 15ut here ala0,confufion,anD !)cU,t)ot!) ma alTaile, anDtbatallgrace,frommei0reft,3lfinoeittobetrue. . ^p l)art t5 ffecle,(b tt)at no faitf),can from tt)e (ame tnfue* 3 can conceiue no l}opc at all,of parton o> of grace, . ' ^ut out alafi.Confufion w aliuap befo;e mp face. an:) certritnlp,euen at Ijis time,? 5© mott plapnlp fe, JCbc D^mls to be about me rounoc,lDl)id) make great preparation, 0nD kape a ftirre^jerc tn tf^is platclubitl) onlp is for mec» ijicitfjcr DOC 3 conceiue,tl)rfc tijingcs,bp tjaine imagination, .'.inr ,. 3!5ut jcuf n 80 trulp,a0 mine epefl,bel)Oloe pour lljape ano fall^iott " ^rberefojcocfiret) EDcatb Difpatfl),mp boDp b;img to reft, S:!)ougf}tl)atmpfoulc,inforiou0flame0Of6re,befupp;ett, ; Thcologjus. ^onr minbe cojrupteb tirotl) p;erent,to pou, ti^is talk illufion, . 21But turne aU)tnkr,tjnto ttje fptnt of tritctfj,tn rour DiareOfe, 0nt) it f^all caft out from pour cie0,aU !)o;jro2 ano conftifem: 0nD oft^is pour aflfltrtion,it U>ill pou fcone reb^clTe. Eufebius, ZUSlt I)aue goo l^pc P}iilolo?us,of pour falitation boubtleCTe* Pliilologus. Mljat pour Ijopc is concerning mtt,3l ttterlp contempne, ' Cpp Confcience,lo|)ic^ fo; tl»oufatit0 aano,a0 guiltic mectonwmnc. Eufcbius. ^lien DID t^i$ tjo^roj firtt pou take,tx)tiat tl)ink pou i0 t^je caufetf Philolo2:us. Cuen tIjo;tlp, after 31 DiD mafemine open abiuration, ifoj t^at 31 DID p;efer mp gcDD0;befo;« eoD0 IhjIb latoe0» . ThcGonflicl of Confcicnce, ClicrcJbic in to:atlj|)c ti5 mr fcnw,tM3 IjcJtillc bcwtiotr, *-J jHn^ [jatli mc iDounocD m t\)c foulc,\Ditli grccuous tribulation: £:bat J map be a p:cfiocnt,in luljcm all men ma^ t>:eVD, Cljofc to;mcnt5, Uitjicl) to tiicm, ttjat \cil fo;faUc tljc llojD, arc Dac» Tlicolo2;us. ^ctkt me boulDlv afhe cnc t|)in'g of rou,U)itbouf offcncr, tuhcit U)as vonr fo:mcr faitlj tn CbJift^bjbicl) ton bcfo:cbiO ^locf ifo: It IS faiic of l)o;p Paulctn tbcfe fame Ujozocs m fcnrc;: It cannot be vtterly, m f.-.ith licHiouKl l)ee colde. Who (o lie !>e,\vhich pcife(ftly,tmc F.iith m hart once lioldet tCTberfo:e reljearcc in (^02t Difcourfe^tbe fum of roar belctfe, 3n tljcfc poijitra ft)ic9\s tubi:^ foj t)faltl) of foule, arc ttougbf mod Philolos^s, (cljecfcr T {.Ud bclccuc in linit>t)iat Chrift wAs'tlmt true facrificc, AVhicli dyd appcnlc tlie Fathers wrath,nncl tliat by hiin alone VVc were made lurt and faniT^jHed:! dyd bcfceuC lykewi^S That without him,heauen to attaincjfufticicnt meancs were none. X3ut to rchnotDltogx tt)iB agatne,ala0, all axncc \Joas gone; 3 neucr loucD btm agatnc,U»itb rigbt anb fincerc tjnrtc, /icithct lua3 tbanhfiiU foi tbc|famc,ns \x\\s ecb g.nDntans part. 13ut Tcibtr tcokc ttje faitl) ofatCbJiftDiffbargcD fiaDanf ranfonie,? DtO truff : tDf)crfo:e i^ Loib Dotl) nolo fOiretf,tbe lame UMtb to:mcrit0 luff . €Bv fonne5,mp fonnes,.? fpeahe to fou,nrp ccunfcll ponber iDell, jilno p::.airc that :n DaDCfi,lul)tfl) J m lDc:DcsT^all to fou tell. 3 fpcaUr not ttif^Jljat 3 luoulD oiigbt,^!): Ccfpcll Derogate,. ln?)icb IB moll true m euerf part, J mutt it naors ronfelTe, 15ut ibii3 3r faf.tljr.t of bame faitb afor.f,von fliculD not p.iate-: ^ut i'lKtrtv vcux \;d\v lrfc,vcu t^oulo vw:r faitb erp^rflDei ' i5ctffue mr (pzcBfiii bv gaiDp:cDfr,tbffe tT?:uct» 3 bplDe niav flop tfje m«ott?cfl of fach nif tuoulu bacfebigfjf, £:j)c ftfttr,tt»t ot|)cr b? our Ipw5,to (iiJoD rcOQfc toe inigtit ; ;againc,ti;cp Cng a plcaliint fortg,tD!)kt).fin5 in taDc anu tooift, 15iit U'ljcrc f lull lifcinfuc goD toO560,tl;cre w a foitle Difroibc : Wat ? nlaSjtuoft UijctrijcD lurffftt^UjficrcaB 3B DiD p^crumc, SThat 3 hao got a perfect fditb,DiD Ijolp life Difoainc : 0nD tbougb 31 Dto to ottjcrp;cad),gaifi l^re 31 mt" conrunic : ' £0v l^fc in luicUeDnciTc anD Iinne,m fpo.:t anu pleafureft tjame, ijio.ncither Dio 31 once content)c,from ttjcnt flcdito rcfraine, 13eJ)olDe tbcrfo:c,tbe iuDgcmcnts iuCof ©od Dotb mee annop, /piotft),;amcnt)cmentofmvlpfc,batmafo?toOettro^. ..mi, Eufdjius, ^Ele D© not altogefber ItUc Of tbiff TOur crbo:tation, iDbcreafl i>oa luarne tjs net to trnft,fo inucb tjnto our fei'ff?, ys^iit tljat goD Ujj:hcfi Ujc fljoulo p:cparc,^nf o ciir picfcruation, Chcrc are tloo kinoes of rigbtcQUfncflc,as Paul to Rom^^ncs fait^: Ktfc one Depcnoctb of gcijD;iuoibcs>tbc otber bangs of faitb i SLtt former tPttcb tbc tuo^lD allotrr0,gob counts it lead of fUiatnCy £t3 I'.v amti p.:n>fc,it iball to tou,tn U)0>D3 be p:oueD pla^ne. ::po: Socmtcs anD Cato botb,iii5 purtbafe great re notone, •anD Aullicks furnomeo lult, tbis rigbteoufncffc fulftllcD, ^lberfo:a be Urns as iufteft man, etpcloe f^is natine tbtcne, l^et are ttjcir foules )siit^ 3(nrv»Dels,in bell foj cuer fpiUeD, 315?caufe tbcv foug^it not xic{\)tcQu(nt$yt^^t UwV tbat OoD tbe toilleO %\ti otiTcr rigbtccufnes corns from faicbe,liJbifb <3od regarDS alone, ;aj^!i ijMucsAJff fxmt iminafulatc,bcf05c bis bcaucnlp tbione. t:ciberro:r,tI;ere ts no caufe rou (boutD,fcnDe bs to outluaroc ati Jfs to the anco; o: refugc,of our p;cfcruation. Theolo2;us. Z>\)c meaning of Philolo2;us,is not bare fo eract, ^B DO b'iS UraiDcs make it to ftKme>br vout allegation, 'f l)c ootb not meane bettodene gcuD U)o;fes,anD faitb to mafec rclTtioil ^asdjougb U)o:kcsUJcrc cquino!cnt> faluation to attame. ilc; IS true faitb,but tobat be mcnt,^ tmll fct Dovune nio.jc plattte^ l^c DiD erbojt tbc vongmen lyetre,b^ bun foj to bctoare, -^ ilcafl as be biD,fo tl)ei? f.bufc jCoDs gofpcll pure, ;3no U3ttbout goD aouice^bfurp of faitb tbc gift fo rare ; The Confli£b of Confcicncc, tdlictcb^ V)t^ tI;fnft,U)!)at fo rtjci? !W),tl)f klucs from fo;mcnt0 free, 0nD b^ ttjts p^D p;it(uniptton,CoD0 anger (^outD p20fare: t)aunt,ttc rc(uc0,ga)D fattbfutl men to bee, |Pet in tbeir Irucs/.tjcy dad dciiV tfjcir fait^ in ctt) Degree : ta^crfo:e be raitl;,as Pctci fatDe^fee tbat pou Do maUe bnolDnc, l^our o\une election b^ vcur Uio:be«:agame,&.Iaincs oott) far, ^oeU) mot tljF faitb) nnD bi? m^ Uio2k0,mv fait\) (ball tboe be npton. 3nD \Dbcrupon bis olunc offence, he lUDtb to ttjem bctojap, tClbcras be did V)aincfllo:rouDp,t3pon a DeaD faitb ftav: tabic!) fo2 tbe intuarDc ngbtcoufnetTcbe altua^i'DiD fufpect, SlnD bflcreupon all goDl^nr0 of lt?fe,l)c did ncglca. Fhilologus. Cbat U)a0 tbc meaning of mp U)o:De0,botD euer 3E t^f m fpafte, ^\)c trut^(ala0;bilc t]);etcb,mt foulc ano Confctence to trne feelc Thcoiogus. ^batf DO tou not Philologus, toitb b0 no c ontfo:t tabc, OTjcn all tbcfe t|5mge0,fo goblplp ,to vou 3 Do reueale, Cfpctiallp,Qtb tbat pour felfe,in tbem are (eene fo \Jot\i : ^ome bope bnto b0 of i?our bealtb,anD fafetie vtt is left, lue DO not ttjinh tbat all COD0 grace,from ^ou in tuboHp reft» Philoiogus. a!aft,tMbat fomfo:t can bctiDc,i3nto a DamneD toietcfj i lol)at Co 3 b^re,r«£,feele,tall, fpeaUe,i0 turneo all to luoe. Eufebius, :ab Dcare Philologus,fbinU not, ^ ought can (25oD0 grace outrcaclje, Con&Der Damd lobicb DiD Cnne in lu(t,anD murtber to^: |M U)a0 be parDoncD of bi0 finnr0,anD fo (bult tboii nlfo. Piiil. l^mg Dauid altoaie0,li)a0 eleft,but 3E am rcp:obate, \ 3nD tberefo:e 3J can finDc fmall eafc^bp tuaifrbins bis cftate. \^)c alfo p^a^cD bnto C?oD,U)l:icb 3» &)a!l ncuer doc, ^iB p:arcr Uja0 tbat OoD UjouId nct,h:3 fpirit take atoa^ : ycut It 10 gone from mee long (ince,anD (ball be giuen no moe* 5i5ut iDbat became of Oync.of Om^f Saul,3 do ^ou p.:ai? i , £)f lucias^no Barehu, ttiefc mull mp (lonfcicnrc flap. £)f lulyan ilpottata,tDitb otber of tbat crue, S:t}e fame to;ment0 mutt 3 abiDc^lubicb tbcfe men DiD infue: Thcoiogus. jnia« mp frienD.tabe in soao p^rt , tije ctjaftmjnt off Jlo;Dc V The Conflid of Confcichcc. . ZlXXfyi DotI) fojrrrt t?ou in t\iis \Do;\tytbst h\ tftt \vfe to romc, ^ migi)t rou Cuie,fo^ of itichktyt^ jB^criptute tcarftircf o^i; Pliilolosius. %\)at f not <]Dot)0 intent^ougt) it be fo iDift) tomt, lubo after boT)ir3 pumf^mcnt,baue into fnuour conic: )i3iit Jalasyin fpirit anD foule,tbefc grccnous toimcnts bcnrc, Cfl« batij conticniiif D mp Cofcicnce,to perpetual! grcife ann ftaw . 3 luouio moft glaolv ct)ufc to lt'uc,a tboufano.tboufanoc f care. 3iialt tt)c torments ano the grtcfe tbat DomncD foulea fuffaine, > .&o ttjat at Icngtb 3! mtgbt \fMt eafe,tt tuoulo mc greatly d)eare. ^ut 31 atas,f^Il in tbi0 1 vfc,in to:mcnt0 UiW remaine, lDl)tle OoDs tu(t angcr,\}pon mfc^liaU be reucaieo plainc: 0no 31 eramptc maoe to aU> of ODoDsiult inimmatimi, ^ tljat m^ koo^ Uicre at rcMnt) foule in nmoemnation* 3 p:a^ T70U anfljDcr me liercin,lubere pou b^ Deepe Dtfpatrry 5&af ,vou arc tDo;rfe bert in tljis lpft,tt)cn if ^ou toerc in licll, Sno foi bcfaufc to Ijaue ocatb comc.t|ou altoav mahe ^our p.ja^cr, ' 0s tbougb ^ur foiilc ano boD^ bctt; in to;^mcnt0 great DiD ^tncU: 3lf tbat a man (l)oulD giiic to ^oua fU)o:D,3l p;a^ rou tf^U? iDoulD rou DcJlhor ronr fclfc tbcre \x)it^ i as Doe tbe ncrperatc, ' lut)tc[) [jange o; btU,o; into fiouO0,tt}emrclue0 piectpitatc* Philologus, Oiixt me a (lDO;oe, tben (l^all ^ou bnolu,tDl)atis in mine intent* Eufcbiiis. ■ /^ot (o mt fncnD>3l onelt afkr,tubat barcin isere ^onr tDttl> Philologus. 31 cannot, ncitfjcr luiU 31 tcl^joberto 31 ttnntD be bent. . Thcologjus.. SCbcfe 1do;dc0 toe notbing eDifve,btit ratber fancies fill, tubid) tut'tooulD glaDlp if Uie coulo,moeuotirtb2 to btti. .- ..> tuberefoicS once agatnc reqneft,togetberlet ts pia^ : dno fo U>e tutU leauc t>ou toCoD^onD (end ^on bcncc atDa?. Philologus. 3 cannot p;ar>m? fpirtt \b oeao^no faitb in me rema\)ne Tlieologus. S^ W im can>no mo;it tbcn intgiit,loc con &fh at tour iiani). x : '::• 3.iy. Phiio- 458713 The Conflid of Confcicncc^ .• •— Pliilolo2;os. ^f p ji^^fw turncD ib to (inncfw OoD bottj it Diftafnc, Iiurc'ouis. Jt is the fair ^mu of tfic fpint.luHcb Dm yom health luirtjffamic, JCfjat tcdf^ ^3" tln0,\vhrr'o:c m tirncrcica tjis filttju bnnDc. Thcolo2;us. Com: hnetle b^ ma,ant) let ts p:ap,tl)C Lo;D of l^caiicn tjnto: Plii!oloi;ii.s. tClitb as g©D toil! as did ttic Diucll,out of the Dcaffc man goe. O ()od winch dvvcllcl] in tlic he.iucns.«S:c. (tOttlCi difl) firs,rou Qo \?our labours loafcfce Vuhcrc 13cl5afaub Dot^ flnD Dott) uiuite ni ce to a fcaft,roa tbcrcfojc fpcaU? in tiaine, lea if veil afdc ouirtt moic of anfuicr ^ Unll be Dumbe, J U)tl not \j ail mv tong ta: na'J5i)t,as Cone Hjall one fmall grapne ^f {y:u.lciDur:)c,ft!l all tf:: Uio:lD>a8 5 true fairlj attamc. Theolo2;iis, CCtc UjiU no'lcnjcr ftav ro" noU»,but let ^ou fjencc Cepart. Eulcbius. I^et toll tue pjar font:nuallp,that (3o5 tuoulDc ton conaart. Thcoio2;us. Cisbcrtus nnD P.iphinitius^conDuct bmt totis plar* 3;3ut fee l;c baue 0cdD ccuipanvjlct tjim net be alcne : Aiii'do. ^c fl^all fo Da),Coo bs airill,liutl} Ijis moH bolp ffracc. Gisbertus, Contf ifatLcr cod poii not tornli g-u^itljat U)c from ficncc bejjone? PJiiIolofz;us. Let 03 \r\v banoen at lrbertie,a!Tit!aunrc ? cn'ine none : jD'i) tljat j, l)ao a fU)o:Dc aiu'oilcj; fgoulD fainc eafcD boe. Anilo. Xis Deare fatber,tDbat do pou ^ Eufcb.l)is tuil toe mar nolu fee Tlieoloi^us. Exeunt Phi.Gir.P-ip'i. O g'o:ious CoD» l;olu VuonDcrftjlKtljofc iuDocments art [of tbmc EI;ou DcDit kcJjcIoc t\)c iVnct !>ut,naug1?t Dotl) tbr e^es beguile, * Ol; \x%\t ocrafio.! is tis g:ucn,to fcare t\)y> migbt Dcumc, ^;nD ft cm cur tja 're to \)a^.c anD lot!ie,tniq!Uties fo tjilc, Leoli fo; tbe wiinc^ti^ou in tl;v to^atMall grace from \)0 erile. I The ConHicl of Confcicncc. fCfjc ouf toartie man Doctlj ttja not pleare,n3j yzU^t mfn^c alone, %5ut tfjou rcqutrcft botl) of t0, o; clfc rcgarCcil nonc» Eufcbius, l[}(Kre mar tlje loojlDltngcs b'W^ fl gla(tc,t!)cir tUtts foj to le^clD, 0ni) Icarnc in time, fb; to efcapc, t\}t iuDgcmcntg of the J:c;or, titttjiiac tfjcp bp aattcring of tljcm fdncs,of faitlj botlj DcaD anD folot £>a) fell ttjeir foulcs to toicUconcs, of all gcoD men abbo;Dc: J5ut gotjlpncfl Dot() not Depend, in bnoUung of tbc \uoir>e: 53ut in fuUfilling of tl)c fame, t\s in t\iis man U)C Cde, Ulfjo tljouglj l)c Dio tc otljers p;caclj, tis Ipfe DiD not agree. Theolojrus. againe Philologiis tuitneOctlji tu^ic^ is tfje ttnct^ of Ci);ill, ifo: tJjat confcnting to ttjc pope, f?e uiD t|ie Lo;uc abiure, ^laberebp ^c teacljt tljc luaucring faptb, on tobtct) fioc to perCff: flno tbofc iDfjicl) tjauc t^c truett) of Oo^,ttjat ftill t\)e^ mar inDure, 2Il)c Cr^auntfl.lDbict) Dcltgtjt in bloDe, t)c UUeluifc Dottj aCfare, 3n tDljofe affaD;e0,ti)e^ fpenoc tt^eir time: but let Mb i)ometDaroe goe. Eufcbius. a*am contcnt,tt^t after mcate,tDe mai^e retb;te })im to, Exiunt. Thco. & Eufc» A(ftcfixc. Scanelafl. NVNTIVS.' O^ iopfull netDe«,tx)!)icb i* repo:t,am) b:ing fnto ipotir caretf, PhiloIo2;us, ttat UjouIo baue t)angDe l)imfclfe toitti coarD, 3(8 notoc coHuerteD tnto CoD, luitb manie bitter tearf», it3^ goolr councell be loas loon, all p;apfe be to tbe llo>De, i^i0 errours aU,be Dto renounce, ^is blafpbemies be abbo;De: am) being conucrtct),left bi« lFfe,er!)o;ting foe anD frienD, JEb'it DO pjofeffc tbe foptb of Cbnft, to be conftant to tlje enDe, if all ttr^tie lDa:lie0,m tuofull tD!fe,afElirteD be bao bene, 011 iDbtcb long timc,be tohe no fa)Dc,but fo:tt agatn0 bi0 toill, Cucn tDitb a fprnnc to poure fome b2oatb;bi5 tectb bettoecn^ j3nD tbougb tber fougbt br fo;ice,tbi0tDirc to fec^c Ijim llill, l^c alU)a^c0 ttrouc toitlj all bi0 mtgbt,tbc fame on grouno to fpill, ^0 tbat no fuffcnaunce be rcceiu'De,ne flape coulD be attarne, anD noise t\ic llo;D, m mercp great batt eafbe bim ot\)is pai^nt, FINIS. N. W. 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