HS 1003 C2A32 BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA -^^r ^c DIGEST ♦ OF THK LEGISLATION AND DECISIONS OV THK SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL COMMONIGATIONS OF THK R. W. GRAND LODGE, OF THE nircp^nirent prtr^r of @bb Mellotos, OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. By DAVIS/ LOUDERBACKJ P. G v BY AUTHORITY OF THE GR.1ND LODGK. :»»:> SAN FRANCISCO: Ji^ PRINTED BY JOS. WINTERBURN & CO., No. 417 CLAY STREET, NEAR SANSOME. J^ -^o^^^^^ DIGEST OF THE LEGISLATION AND DECISIONS OF THE 8EYENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATIONS OF THE R. W. GRAND LODGE, OF THE nirep^ntr^nt %thtt of Sbb ^elloiDs, OF THE STATE OF CALIFOENIA. By DAVIS LOUDEEBACK, P. G BY ATJTHOBITY OF THE GRAND LODGE. SAN FKANCISCO: PRINTED BY JOS. WINTERBURN & CO., No. 417 CLAY STREET, NEAR SANSOME. 1870. H S (00:3 'Q. I "-i S -a DIGEST OF LEGISl.ATION AxND DECISIONS OF THE Irantr noii^t of tl^c Stali of Salifornia OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. ABSENCE. 1. An officer who has been absent from the county, and is on his way home, may give " absence from the county " as his excuse, although he is in the county at the time of calling the Lodge to order; provided he exercised due diligence to reach his Lodge. 188, 255, 282. See Eke ATA. 2. A Lodge has a right to grant leave of absence, but actual service in office at least a majority of the nights of a term, whether the officer is absent with or without leave of the Lodge, except in case of sickness, is required to entitle an officer to the honors of the office. 125, 126. See Watchers and Watching. ABSTRACT QUESTIONS. Abstract questions upon hypothetical propositions, when propounded by a member or a Lodge, without a case in fact, shall not be answered in an official manner by the M. W. Grand Master, or any of his Dis- trict Deputies. All such questions shall be presented to the Grand Lodge at its annual session, and shall be referred to an apjDropriate committee, under the rule. 89, 115. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE. See Blank Forms, Charges, Summons, Sub- poena. ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE. See Defense. ADMISSION. See Reinstatement, Visiting and Visitors, Non-Affiliate, No. 2, Initiation, No. 2, Suspension, Offenses, No. 3, 9, Rejection, Dispen- sation, No. 1, ADMISSION OF SERVICE. See Blank Forms, Alias Name, Summons, Charges, Nos. 5, 6, Subpoena. AID. See Dispensation. 354 DIGESTr AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS. A proposed amendment to a section of the By-Laws of a Lodge that all members absent at roll call at funerals shall be fined one dollar, pro- posed in the very words of the section except that the proposed amendment reads five dollars, is in proper form and order. — 188, 255, 282, and see Ekeata. See Bj^-Laws. AMENDMENT OF CHAKGES OE PLEADINGS. See Charges, Nos. 9, 10. ANNUAL COMMUNICATIONS. Article II, Section 1, of Constitution of Grand Lodge so amended as to make the annual communications commence on the second Tuesday in May. 76, 106. ANNUAL TKAVELING PASS-WORD. See Degrees, No. 2. ANNIVERSARY. See Sabbath. ANNULLING. See Withdrawal Card, Draft, Charges, No. 8, Cards. APPEALS. 1. Where there is sufficient evidence to support a judgment, the Grand Lodge will not interfere with the findings of fact by the Subordinate. 100, 123, Lodge No. 15 vs. Collins. 2. A brother was delinquent in July, 1868; paid his dues in that month; m March, 1870, he died. After his death the Lodge appointed two committees to investigate the standing and account of the deceased, and report upon the facts regarding his health with reference to award- i^io^^°^ ^^^^ funeral benefits. One committee reported that in July, 1868 the brother was sick and in arrears for dues, and not entitled to benefits, and remained sick till his death; and the other committee reported that they found his account was delinquent at his death, and that no funeral benefits could be granted according to the By-Laws Both reports were adopted. The executor appealed, and the records contained several written statements of friends to the effect that the brother was well for seven months after the time of paying his dues m July, 1868. Both parties took their testimony ex parte. The appeal is premature. Appellant should have asked the Subordinate Lodge to hear the evi- denc^ as to the health of the brother, and to have an examination ot the whole matter under the usual forms of investigation; and It the decision of the Lodge had then been adverse, an appeal from that decision could have been made to this Grand Lodge. Then the record would have contained the facts on both sides, properly taken and authenticated. ' r xr j I ' Upon the present record the Grand Lodge cannot decide as to the merits or truth of either ex parte statements. But as the record of the action ot the Lodge IS m form, and shows that the Lodge sustains the action ot the committees regularly appointed to make inquiry in the prem- ises^ the Grand Lodge must presume the report of said committees to be correct, and cannot go behind the action of the Lodge in the premises. 230, 231, 252, Landers vs. Lodge No. 3. DIGEST. 355 APPEAL S — CONTINUED. 3. Where appellant claimed that he was disabled by a pistol shot wound from attending to his business for fifty weeks, and no evidence on the part of the appellant, except a certificate from his physician, which recites that the api)ellant was shot on the nineteenth day of August, 1868, and from that time to the present he has been unable to do labor incident to his occupation, and the Lodge jDresents the testimony of several witnesses to the effect that the appellant was able and did attend to his business before the month of March, 1869; the commit- tee of said Lodge reported that the appellant was entitled to benefits twenty-eight weeks ; that he had received $102, and was entitled to $38 additional from the Lodge; and the record does not show that the Lodge adopted the report of the committee or took any action there- on, nor from what action the plaintiff appeals. The case was returned to the Lodge, with instructions to forward to the Appeal Committee a full record of the proceedings of the Lodge, including the final action of the Lodge on. the report of the committee. 226, 250; Weston vh. Lodge No. 49. 4. A communication wherein a brother complains that he is in good stand- ing in his Lodge, that he has been a longtime sick, and that his Lodge refuses to pay his benefits, was returned to the brother, as it is a mere statement mthout record and without the substance or form of ap- peal. — 228, 251, Kuchenmeister vs. Lodge JSfo. 9. 5. No appeal taken in matters of charges, the transcript or papers should not be transmitted to the Grand Lodge. — 227, 251, Lodge No. 74 vs. Limpemel. 6. An appeal by a member under suspension does not restore him to the privileges of his Lodge. — 256, 282, Lodge No. 109 vs. Turner. 7. A brother under suspension has no right to sit in the Lodge during the pendency of his appeal. — lb. 8. Such a brother desirous of testing whether he had such a right, should apply at the door for admission, and a refusal on the part of the Lodge would present an opportunity for an appeal. — lb. 9. Policy of our Laws is not to disturb the judgment of a Lodge based on the verdict of a Committee rendered on matters of fact, unless the evidence is palpably insufficient to justify the verdict of the commit- tee. — 258, 292, Lodge No. 1 vs. Livingston. 10. Slight irregularities. It is not expected that a trial before a committee of Odd Fellows can be conducted with all the nice discriminations and exactness which attend trials before regular judicial tribunals. It is sufficient if the testimony is so presented as to give the committee a full knowledge of all the facts and circumstances, and lead them to just and correct conclusions. — Lb. 11. Where the errors committed were not such as to render the trial in any degree unfair, and where the case would not have been more favorable to the defendant had none of these errors existed, the judgment was affirmed.— 16., 259,292. 12. Where on charges of feigning sickness and attempting thereby to ob- tain sick benefits, the trial committee committed an error in refusing 356 DIGEST. APPEALS— CONTINUED. the defendant time to obtain an absent witness, a doctor ; and the trial proceeded without objection, and both parties introduced testi- mony a,s to what the witness had said in reference to the case, and the defendant was especiallj^ allowed to give evidence of the witness' state- ment in full as to the exact condition of defendant's health, and the defendant testified, or had an opportunity to testify, to all the facts known to the witness, the error veas considered not detrimental to de- fendant, lb., 258, 292. 13. Errors of law may occur during the progress of a trial and not be of sufficient importance to justify a reversal of the judgment. 262, 292, Battenberry Y8. Lodge No. 87. 14. Where a brother claiming benefits sent his statement of the facts of the case, together with a statement from a Lodge of another jurisdiction, containing orders and reports of committees in relation to the matter, and there was no notice of ajjpeal nor return thereto nor transcript, the papers were returned to the brother, to the end that an api)eal might be taken in form as required by law. 273, 295, Hudnott vs. Lodge No. 52. 15. In such a case the brother utterly fails to bring his case before the Grand Lodge, so that the Grand Lodge can act thereon. If he is wronged by the action of his Lodge, the law points out the mode and manner by which he may be relieved by the Grand Lodge. lb. .See Notice of Appeal, Trial Committee, Offenses, Charges, D. D. Grand Master. APPEAL ON QUESTIONS OF ORDEE. See Question. APPOINTED OFFICE. See Past Grand. ASSESSMENTS. See Funeral Assessments. ASSISTANCE. See Dispensation, No. 1. ASYLUM. See Benefits, No. 7. ATTORNEY. See Charges, No. 2. BALLOTS AND BALLOTING. See Evidence, No. 2, Offences, No. 2, Despensation, No, 1. BANKRUPTCY, See Offenses, Nos. 14, 15. BENEFITS. 1. Where the By Laws provide that a brother shall be a member six months before being entitled to benefits, and the brother falls sick before the expiration of the first six months of his membership, and such sickness continues beyond such six months, the brother becomes entitled to benefits immediately upon the expiration thereof. 83,107. 2 A Lodge is not necessarily liable to pay benefits to, or expenses incurred m behalf of a sick brother merely because he continues to hold mem- bership in the Lodge. 121, 302. DIGEST. 357 BENEFITS— CONTINUED. 3. Where the By-Laws, provided that " no member who may have ne- glected his dues for the space of thirteen weeks, shall be entitled to receive benefits by reason of any payment he may make dm'ing his sickness or boidily infirmity;" and another article, provided that the quarterly dues must be paid on or before the last regular meeting of each quarter, and another section, that any member less than six months in arrears is entitled to pecuniary benefits — a brother thirteen weeks in arrears for dues is entitled to benefits under such By-Laws. The neglect commences at the expiration of thirteen weeks, so thata brother m^^st owe twenty-six weeks' dues before he can be said to have neglected the paj'^ment of his quarterly dues for thirteen weeks. 13, 14, 125, 126. 4. A sick brother not entitled to benefits on account of the non-payment of dues cannot by paying his dues entitle himself to benefits for or during such sickness. 230, 252; Landers vs. Lodge No. 3. 5. By-Law of a Lodge providing that no sick or funeral benefits shall be paid when a brother renounces the order, or his friends refuse to have the deceased buried under the auspices of the Order, disapproved. 244, 245. 6. A Subordinate Lodge has no right to make any such provision in its By-Laws until authorized so to do by this Grand Lodge, or the Grand Lodge of the United States. 272, 294. 7. A member in good standing becoming insane is entitled to sick benefits while in an asylum. 188, 255, 282, and see errata. See Funeral benefits, Belief Committee, Appeals, Defense. BILL OF EXCEPTIONS. ,18 To Lodge^ No ,1. 0. 0. F.: The undersigned hereby presents the following bill of exceptions to the report of the Committee, heretofore made herein, relative to the charges preferred against him by Bro ; also, to the pro- ceedings of and the testimony taken before said Committee; also, to the action and proceedings of said Lodge, relative to said charges. First — Said charges and specifications are insufiScient to show the commission of the offense charged by the accused herein, in this: Second — The evidence is insufiicient to sustain said charges; or the re- port of the Committee herein, in this : Tliird — The following errors were committed by the Committee in the course of the trial : 234, 251. See Charges. BLACK BALL. See Rejection, Ofifenses, No. 5. BLANK FOEMS. 1. Committee on Appeals to prepare a set of blank forms for Charges, Summonses, Subpoenas, and Reports of Trial Committees, and upon the approval of the Grand Master, the Grand Secretary to cause a quantity of the same to be printed, and keep a supply on hand, and 858 DIGEST. BLANK FORMS— CONTINUED. furnish the same to Lodges when called for, free of charge, 109, 128, 231, 251. See Charges, Summons, Siibpoena, Trial Committee, Notice of filing Eeport of Trial Committee, Bill of Exceptions, Notice of AppeaL BOAED OF HEALTH. See State Board of Health. BUEIAL. The burial of a suicide with the honors of the Order, is a matter optional with the Lodge, 11, 124, 126. See Funeral Benefits, Eelief Commit- tee, Benefits, No. 5, 6. BY-LAWS. 1. BY-Laws of a Lodge are binding on all parties. 121, 302. 2. Amendments to By-Laws of Subordinates, must be sent in duplicate to Committee on Laws of Subordinates, one copy to be retained by the Committee, the other to be returned to the Lodge sending the same. 312. BUSINESS. See Lodge. BUSINESS OF THE GEAND LODGE. The Constitution of the Grand Lodge prescribes, that the businsss of th® Grand Lodge shall be transacted by the elective officers and the repre" sentatives ; and the work of a regular Committee is part of the busi- ness thereof. 114, 117. CANCELLATION. See Draft, Cards, Withdrawal Cards, Charges, No. 8. CANDIDATES. See Initiation, Dispensation. CAEDS. A brother applies for a Withdrawal Card from his Lodge, receives the same, leaves the place where he resided, but remains within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge. Afterwards, within one year, he returns his Withdrawal Card and asks for a Visiting Card, stating that at the time he made application for a Card his intention was to ask for a Visiting and not for a Withdrawal Card. The Lodge can annul the Withdrawal Card and grant a Visiting Card, 113, 117. See Withdrawal Cards, Charges No. 8, Degrees No. 2. CEASED MEMBEESHIP. Section I, Article VII. Constitution of Subordinates amended so that no brother shall cease to be a member under the section whilst charges are pending against him. 110, 116, 104, 105. See Eeinstatement. CELEBEATION. See Sabbath. CEETIFICATE. See Eepresentation, and Eepresentatives. CEETIFICATE OF SEEVICE. See Summons, Charges, No. 5. Subpoena, Notice of filing Eeport of Trial Committee. DIGEST. 359 CHAIK OF NOBLE GRAND. See District Deputy Grand Master, No. 1, Question, Noble Grand No. 2. CHAIR OF VICE-GRAND. See Question. CHAPLAIN. See Prayer. CHARACTER. See Defense No. 1, Offenses. CHARGE. See Initiation No. 1, Vice Grand No. 3, Rebekala Degree No. 1. CHARGES. 1. By the provisions of the Constitution of Subordinates, the Lodge is re- quired to pronounce judgment whether exceptions are filled or not (see Sec. 4, Art. 7,) and the Lodge in pronouncing judgment can adopt the report of the Trial Committee, or modify it or refer it back to the same or another committee, or grant a new trial. In fact, until the Lodge has taken action on the report there is no judgment. — 112, 113, 117. 2. Where the record shows that at the meeting of the Trial Committee, the defendant being absent, a brother appeared on his behalf and protested against any proceedings in the case, on the ground that " he had re- ceived no answer from the defendant, and he wanted to have a chance to write to him." And the record does not disclose that the defendant had been served with a copy of the charges when his trial com- menced, or that he ever received the same ; the trial is illegal. — 229, 251, Perl vs. Lodge No. 13. 3. Where a brother pleads guilty and the Trial Committee examine wit- nesses on both sides, including a witness not a member of the order, and find the brother guilty, the fact, that the witness not an Odd Fellow is not sworn, is of no importance. — 228, 280, Charges against Bagnell. 4. F«rm of Charges and Specifications. To Lodge, No , I. 0. 0. F. : The undersigned, a member of Lodge, No I.O.O.F, , under the jurisdiction of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Cali- fornia, I. O. O. F., hereby charges , a member of Lodge, No , with having been guilty of as more fully appears by the following SPECmCATIONS. First. So far as the charges are concerned, members, by consulting Article VII of the Constitution of Subordinates, will find a general designation of offenses against the Order, any one or more of which may be in- serted in the blank, or the general charge of " conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow," as the case maybe. Under the head of " Specifications " there should be a full statement of the offense, time, place and circumstances of each alleged offense — if more than one — separately. — 232, 235, 251. 360 DIGEST. CHARGES — CONTINUED . 5. Certificate of Service of Charges. Lodge, No , I. 0.0. F.,| 18 \ I HEBEBY CEETiFY, That on the day of , A. D . 18 . . . . , at the State of California, I served the within summons, also the charges and specifications referred to therein, by delivering to and leaving with said the accused, a copy of said sum- mons, attached to a copy of the charges and specifications against him, certified under the seal of the Lodge. Member of said Lodge.— 232, 250. 6. Admission of Service of Charges. 18.... I hereby admit due service of the within summons, also of a duly cer- tified copy, under the seal of the Lodge, of the charges and specifica- tions referred to herein, this day of , 18 233, 251. 7. A member holding a \sithdrawal card in date can jDrefer charges against a member of his own Lodge. 187, 255, 282, and see Errata. 8. After the expiration of one year from the date of a ^dthdrawal card, the Lodge has no power to annul the card so as to bring the brother back into the Lodge and try him on charges for offenses committed after the card is out of date. — 187, 255, 282 and see Errata. 9. The charges or pleadings in a case may be amended when it can be effected without detriment to the accused ; and the same should always be done upon good cause being shown. — 262, 292, Rattenhery vs. Lodge No. 87. 10. Applied to a case where, after trial commenced, it was found that one of the alleged improper acts charged against the defendant occurred in a different locality than the one charged, and in order that evidence might be introduced as to said charge, the Lodge, upon application of the managers who conducted the cause against the defendant, allowed an amendment of the charge in this respect. 262, 292; Battenberry vs. Lodge No. 87. See Trial Committee, Offenses, Appeals, Ceased Membership, Blank Forms, Penalty, Defense, Eemoval from Office. CHRISTIAN SABBATH. See Sabbath. COLLEGE. See Odd Fellows' Home and College. COMMITTEE. See Trial Committee, Past Grand, Business of the Grand Lodge, Relief Committee. COMMITTEE ON LAWS OF SUBORDINATES. See By-Laws, No. 2. DIGEST. 361 COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. A Standing Committee of three, of which the Grand Secretary is chairman, created by an amendment to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, Article XIV. See Constitution of Grand Lodge, No. 4. COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE AND INSTRUCT DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. See District Deputy Grand Masters, Nos. 5, 6, 7. COMMUNICATIONS. See Annual Communications. COMPENSATION. See Watchers and Watching with Sick, No. 2. CONDEMNATION. See Defense, No. 1. CONFERRING OF DEGREES. See Lodge No. 1, 2. CONSTITUTION OF GRAND LODGE. 1. Sec. 1 of Art. 2, amended by striking out the word " first," before Tues- day, in line two, and inserting the word "second." 76, 106. See Annual Communications. 2. Sec. 1, Art. 4, amended by striking ont " on application of a Lodge to confer Degrees on a member without delay;" and inserting in lieu thereof : He may grant despensations : 1st. To confer degrees on a member without delay. 2d. To allow members of the Order to appear in public in regalia. 3d. To allow Lodges to apply to other Lodges for assistance. 4th. To allow Lodges to admit to membership persons who reside near some other Lodge. 5th. To authorize the installation of ofl&cers in public. 6th. To give entertainments for the benefit of the Order. 7th. To authorize the balloting for and initiation of a candidate at the time his proposition is presented to a Lodge. 8th. To allow Subordinate Lodges to change their place of meeting. 9 th. To allow a brother to be reinstated after expulsion. 10th. To institute Lodges, and authorize them to work as such until the next session of this R. W. Grand Lodge. 11th. To empower Subordinate Lodges to elect Scarlet Degree Members to any office in such Lodge ; Provided, all quaUfied brothers refuse to serve. 270, 271, 294, 91, 115. See Dispensations. 3. Sec. 2, Art. 2. See Business of Grand Lodge, Past Grand. 4. Amended by adding the following : AETICLE XIV. Six weeks previous to the holding of any session of this Grand Lodge, it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary, through at least one paper of the city in which such session is to be held, to invite proposals for the printing of the Jomnal of this Body; the printer to 362 DIGEST. CONSTITUTION OF GKAND LODGE— continued. furnish the necessary paper, and to stitch and cover the Journal, ready for distribution; the printing to be done according to the style of the revised Journal, and the matter be stereotyped and the plates to be delivered to the Grand Secretary, in good order, as the property of the Grand Lodge of the State of California, as soon as a suificient number of copies are struck off to meet the purpose of the law requiring the distribution of the proceedings, which number the Grand Secretary must state, as near as practicable, in the advertisement; and such pro- posals for the said work as may be received shall be filed away by the Grand Secretary, with their seals unbroken, until twelve o'clock noon of the first Monday of the week previous to the session of this Grand Body, after which time no more proposals shall be received, and such as shall have been received shall be placed in the hands of the Com- mittee on Printing, to be by them opened, examined, and decided upon. A standing committee of three shall be aj^pointed at the com- mencement of every session, in the same manner as other standing committees, of which the Grand Secretary of this Grand Lodge shall be one, and shall be the Chairman thereof, whose duty it shall be to agree and decide upon such proj)osals as may have been made to do any of the printing of this Grand Body, and report their decision and the terms of their contract to the Grand Lodge, for its approval and confirmation. 280, 281, 301, and see errata. CONSTITUTION OF SUBORDINATES. 1. Article 3, Section 1. See Eejection. 2. Article 5, Section 2. So much of Section 2, Article 5, as provides that the Grand Master, or D. D. Grand Master, maj' by dispensation authorize a Degree Lodge, or officer authorized to confer degrees, lo- cated in another District to confer the same, repealed. 91, 115. 3. Article 6, Section 3. See Past Grand, Vice Grand. 4. Article 6, Section 8. See Eemoval from Office. 5. Article 6, Section 11, amendedby inserting the words "or dispensation" after the word "charter," where it occurs therein. 77, 106, see Re- presentation and Representatives. 6. Article 6, Section 11, amended by striking out the word "first" in line two, and inserting "second." Ill, see Representation and Represen- tatives. 7. Article 7, Section 1, amended by adding thereto the following words : "and provided further, that no person shall cease to be a member, under this section, whilst charges are pending against him." 110, 116. 8. Article 7, Section 4. See Charges. 9. Article 7, Section 7. See Penalty, 188, 255, 282, and see errata. 10. Article 7, Section 10. See Reinstatement. 11. Article 7, Section 10, amended by inserting after the word "paid," the following words: "together with such additional amount on account of > the increased age of the applicant, as the By-Laws of the Lodge may require." 74, 106. DIGEST. 3g3 CONTEMPT. See Offenses, No. 9, Appeals, Nos. 6, 7, 8. CONTExAiPTUOUS LANGUAGE. See Offenses, No. 16. CONTINUANCE. See Appeals, No. 12, Charges, No. 2. COPY OF CHARGES. See Charges, Nos. 2, 5, 6. CREDENTIALS. See Representation and Representatives, No. 5. COUNSEL. See Charges, No. 2. DAY. See Sabbath. DEATHS. See State Board of Health. DEBATE. See Noble Grand, Nos. 2, 3. DEBT. See offenses, Nos. 14, 15. DECEPTION. See Offenses, Nos. 10, 12. DECISION. See D. D. Grand Master, Nos. 2, 3; Question, No. 2. DEFENSE. 1. It is a principle of general jurisprudence and natural justice, recognized m the practice of all judicial tribunals and legislative assemblies, that no man should be deprived of his rights without an opportunity to be heard to explain, assert or defend them. To condemn a brother to sacrifice his reputation or his honors, rights, or privileges, that 'he possesses or acquires in our Order by service in office, without his J^nowledge by notice or otherwise, is to deprive a brother of such an opportunity to be heard, and should not be permitted. 269, 294. 2. Applied to the removal of a N. G. from office without knowledge by notice or otherwise. 269, 294. See Removal from Office. 3. It would be unjust to a Lodge, for this Grand Lodge to undertake to ad- judicate upon their liability for a large amount of benefits, without their first having an opportunity to be heard. 273, 295. Hudnott vs. Lodge No. 52. DEGREE LODGE. A Scarlet Degree member is not eligible to fill the office of N. G. of a Degree Lodge. The same qualifications are necessary as for the N G. of a subordinate Lodge. 83, 107. See Rabekah Degree Lodge, Dispensation, No. 2. DEGREES. 1. Only one Lodge can be in session at the same time and place, and 'con- ter the degrees, although another Lodge may be present at the con- ferring of the degree. 125, 126, 12. 364 DIGEST. DEGREES— CONTINUED. 2. A Lodge here may confer the degrees on a member of a Lodge in an- other jurisdiction who has a traveling card with the A. T. W. P. and a certificate of his Lodge that the degrees have been voted him and paid for, with a request that they be conferred. 187, 255, 282, and see errata. 3, A Lodge may confer degrees upon a member of another Lodge when the proper certificate is jjresented, and the fee therefore belongs to the Lodge of which the brother is a member. 188, 252, 282, and see errata. See Eebekah Degree, Dispensation, Nos. 1, 2, Lodge Nos. 1, 2. DEPUTY GKAND MASTER. See Election of officers of Grand Lodge. DISPENSATION. 1. Section 1, Article 4, of Constitution of Grand Lodge amended by strik- ing out "on application of a Lodge to confer Degrees on a member without delay," and amended so as to authorize the Grand Master to grant dispensations: 1st. To confer degrees on a member without delay. 2d. To allow members of the Order to appear in public in regalia. 3d. To allow Lodges to apply to other Lodges for assistance. 4th. To allow Lodges to admit to membership persons who reside near some other Lodge. 5th. To authorize the installation of officers in public. 6th. To give entertainments for the benefit of the Order. 7th. To authorize the balloting for and initiation of a candidate at the time his proposition is presented to a Lodge. 8th. To allow Subordinate Lodges to change their place of meeting. 9th. To allow a brother to be reinstated after expulsion. 10th. To institute Lodges, and authorize them to work as such until the next session of this R. W. Grand Lodge. 11th, To empower Subordinate Lodges to elect Scarlet Degree Mem- bers to any office in such Lodge, provided all qualified brothers re- fuse to serve. 91, 115, 271, 294. 2. So much of Section 2, Article V, of the Constitution of Subordinates, as provides that the Grand Master, or District Deputy Grand Master may, by dispensation, authorize a Degree Lodge, or officer author- ized to confer degrees, located in another District to confer the same ; repealed. 91, 115, 3. A Lodge has a right, without dispensation, to hold a picnic on any day without regalia. 296. 4. The Grand Master has a right to withdraw a dispensation when gi-anted. 296. See Sabbath, Past Grand No. 1. DISPENSATION, LODGE UNDER. See Representation, and Representa- tives. DISREPUTABLE. See Liquor Saloon. DIGEST. 365 DISTEICT. 1. The several Districts of this jurisdiction are comprised and numbered as follows : District No, 1, Lodges Nos. 1, 3, 15, 17, 29, 131 ; Degree Lodge, No. 2. Distiict No. 2, Lodges Nos. 13, 116, 122, 145 ; Degree Lodge, No. 4, and such new Lodges and Degree Lodges as may be established in the City and County of San Francisco to work in German. District No. 3, Lodges Nos. 2, 4, 8, 62, 87, 157 ; Degree Lodge, No. 3, and such new Lodges and Degree Lodges as may be established in Sacramento and Yolo counties, to work in English. District No. 4, Lodges Nos. 7, 107. District No. 5, Lodges Nos. 5, 45. District No. 6, Lodges Nos. 154, 159, 166. District No. 7, Lodges Nos. 6, 11, 98, 102, 134, and Degree Lodge No. 1, District No. 8, Lodges Nos. 10, 21, 58, 82, 97. District No. 9, Lodges Nos: 12, 16, 26, 67, 165. District No. 10, Lodges Nos. 130, 150. District No. 11, Lodges Nos. 48, 126, District No. 12, Lodges Nos. 9, 20, 27, 37, 56, 63, 89. District No. 13, Lodges Nos. 14, 38, 40, 55, 73, 120. District No. 14, Lodges Nos. 18, 28, 167. District No. 15, Lodges Nos. 22, 43, 78, 83. District No. 16, Lodges Nos. 47, 59, 92, 113. District No. 17, Lodges Nos. 49, 80, 91, 127. District No. 18, Lodges Nos. 24, 32. 54, District No. 19, Lodges Nos. 25, 31, 36, 51. 79. District No. 20, Lodges Nos. 34, 52, 142, District No. 21, Lodges Nos. 39, 99, 104, 110. District No. 22, Lodges Nos. 57, 75, 141. District No. 23, Lodges Nos. 33, 68, 86, 106. District No. 24, Lodges Nos. 65, 121, 149, 170. District No. 25, Lodges Nos. 30, 53, 64, 161. District No. 26, Lodges Nos. 19, 70, 115. District No. 27, Lodge No. 41. District No. 28, Lodge No. 76. District No. 29. Lodges Nos. 77, 85. District No. 30, Lodges Nos. 35, 138, 160. District No. 31, Lodges Nos. 61, 84. District No. 32, Lodge No. 74. District No. 33, Lodges Nos. 90, 96, 137, 147. District No. 34, Lodges Nos. 44, 50, 66, 158. District No. 35, Lodge No. 133. District No. 36, Lodges Nos. 93, 114, 118, 129, 144, 164, and Degree Lodge No. 5. District No. 37, Lodge No. 94. District No. 38, Lodge No. 101. District No. 39, Lodges Nos. 46, 81, 132, 139. District No. 40, Lodge No. 100. District No. 41, Lodges Nos. 88, 136. District No. 42, Lodge No. 105. District No. 43, Lodge No. 140. District No. 44, Lodges Nos. 109, 143. District No. 45, Lodges Nos. 152, 163. District No. 46, Lodges Nos. 1, 2, Vancouyer Island, British Columbia. District No. 47, Lodge No. 1, Hawaiian Islands. District No. 48, Lodge No. 119. District No. 49, Lodges Nos, 117, 128, 151. 366 DIGEST. MSTKICT— CONTINUED. District No. 50, Lodge No. 135. District No. 51, Lodge No. 146. District No. 52, Lodge No. 148. District No. 53, Lodge No. 153. District No. 54, Lodge No. 156. District No. 55, Lodges Nos. 71, 112, 123, 124, 155, 171. District No. 56, Lodge No. 1, Arizona. District No. 57, Lodge No. 168. District No. 58, Lodge No. 162. District No. 59, Lodges Nos. Ill, 169.— 101, 182, 183, 186, 244, 245, 309. 310, 311. 2. The report of Committee on Ke-numbering Districts, p. 101, was adopted, but by an omission of the printer the record of the adoption does not appear in the printed journal. DISTKICT DEPUTY GEAND MASTEE. 1. Has no right to take the chair of the N. G., except at the installation of officers. 11, 124, 126. 2. Should not give a decision unless appealed to in writing. 11, 124, 128 . 3. It is not necessary for him to retire, and announce himself officially upon entering, in order that his decision should be valid. 11, 124, 126. 4. The rule requiring the M. W. Grand Master elect to announce the names of those whom he intends to appoint District Deputies as soon as may be after his election, rescinded. 6. 5. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, on the first day of the session, the duty of the sitting Grand Master to appoint a committee of five, among whom shall be the acting Grand Eej)resent- atives, whose duty it shall be to examine and instruct the nominees for District DepVity Grand Masters, in the secret work of the Order. 7. 6. On the first day of each Annual Communication, the duty of the Past Grands present from each District to nominate a candidate for District Deputy Grand Master of their District, and to hand a certificate of such nomination to the said committee, the duty of such nominee* to appear before such committee, whenever required, for examination or instruction. 7. 7. Upon the completion of their labors, and at any time after the election of the incoming Grand Master, said committee may report to the Grand Lodge, and shall hand the list of nominees to the Grand Master elect, with such recommendations as they may deem proper. Such nominations and reports shall be considered by the Grand Master elect, but he is not bound to appoint the persons so nominated, unless their qualifications meet his approval, and the approval of said exam- ining committee. 7. See Abstract Questions, Dispensation No. 2, Installation No. 2. DONATION. See Draft No. 3. Funeral Assessment. DIGEST. 367 DRAFT. 1. A Lodge's draft on its Treasurer in payment of a bill, returned to the Lodge bj' the payee, with the statement that the payee did not intend further to ask payment thereof, but left the whole matter with the Lodge, may be cancelled by the Lodge. 67, 78, Titlcyw vs. Lodge No. 85. 2. Fraud and mistake are not the only grounds for such action. 67, 78, lb. 3. A Lodge may vote a donation, and after the draft is drawn, and while it is in possession of the Lodge, the members may change their mind, and the Lodge may cancel the draft. 67, 78, lb. DRUNKENNESS. See Offenses, No. 4. Fine. DUES. See Reinstatements. Benefits, Nos. 3, 4. ELECTION. See Past Grand, Nos. 1, 2 ; Representation and Representatives, No. 4; Offenses, No. 2; Installation, No. 1. ELECTION OF CANDIDATE. See Initiation, No. 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF GRAND LODGE. 1. The Grand Lodge will hereafter ignore the practice of electing as a matter of course the Deputy Grand Master to the office of Grand Master, iand the Grand Warden to the ofl&ce of Deputy Grand Master, and will elect officers without regard to their previous service in office. 262. 2. A committee of five, appointed to take into consideration the propriety of adopting some plan by which any Past Grand, in good and regular standing in this jurisdiction, shall be secured the right and opportu- nity of voting for all the Elective Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge. 126. 3. The report of the committee recommending no action be taken in the premises, and a proposed amendment to the Constitution in regard thereto, laid over till next session of Grand Lodge. 235, 245. ELECTION TO DEGREES. See Lodge No. 2. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. See Election of Grand Officers. EMBEZZLEMENT. See Offenses No. 1. ENTERTAINMENT. See Dispensation No. 1, Sabbath. ERRORS OF LAW. See Appeals, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13. EVIDENCE. 1. A letter from a Catholic Priest, stating the law of the Catholic Church in regard to Secret Societies, and renunciation thereof, and then stating ' ' By applying this law to the question, you will readily find a solution" is not admissible to prove that a Brother, who re- ceived the Sacrament of the Catholic Church, and was buried in ac- 13 368 DIGEST. EVIDENCE— CONTINUED. cordauce with its doctrines, renounced the order on his death-bed. 68, 69, 78. Teague vs. Lodge No. 109, 2, The tickets voted are admissible to prove that a teller fraudulently mis- read the ballots to secure the election of a brother. 94, 127. Lodge No. 15 vs Collins. 3. Brothers may testify as to how they voted at an election to prove that a teller fraudulently misread the ballots to secure the election of a brother. 94, ^9, 123. Lodge No. 15 vs Collins. See Appeals Nos. 1, 2, 3. 9. EXCEPTIONS. See Charges, Bill of Exceptions, Appeals. EX PARTE STATEMENTS. See Appeals Nos. 2, 3, 4, 14. EX PARTE TESTIMONY. JSee Appeals Nos. 2, 3, 4, 14. EXPENSES OF BURIAL. See ReHef Committee, Funeral Benefits, Funeral Assessments. EXPLANATION. See Pass-word. EXPULSION. The jDenalty of expulsion, the highest — the capital one of the order — ought only to be visited for the gravest transgressions, otherwise injustice will be wrought by Lodges in the expulsion of their members. 250, 281. See Penalty, Appeals, Offenses, Dispensation. FACTS. See Appeals. FALSEHOOD. See Offenses Nos. 5, 12. FEE FOR DEGREES. See Degrees No. 3. FEE. See Initiation Fee. FEIGNING SICKNESS. See Offenses No. 10. FINDING OF FACTS. See Appeals. FINE. A member fined, in accordance with the By-Laws, for non-attendance at the funeral of a member of the same Lodge, who died in good standing, and who was buried by the Lodge, must pay the fine notmthstanding that the deceased died of intemperance. 188, 255, 282, and see errata. FORCE. See Lodge No. 4. FORM. See Blank Forms. DIGEST. 369 FRAUD. See Draft, Nos. 1, 2, Offenses, Nos. 2, 3. FUNERAL ASSESSMENTS. Where a brother dies, and by the By-Laws no funeral benefits are due, and the Lodge voluntarily makes a donation to his family to defray the funeral expenses, the Lodge cannot oblige the members to pay the usual stipend or funeral assessment of one dollar, to keep up the funeral fund. 229, 251, appeal of John Shelly. FUNERAL BENEFITS. 1. Cannot be withheld on the ground that the deceased renounced the Order. 68, 69, 78, Teague vs. Lodge, No. 109. 2. By-Laws of a Lodge, providing that no sick or funeral benefits shall be paid when a brother renounces the Order or his friends refuse to have the deceased buried under the auspices of the Order, disapproved 244. See Relief Committee No. 2, Appeals No. 2. FUNERAL FINE. See Fine. Funeral Assessments. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE. See Relief Committee. GENERAL SYSTEM OF RELIEF. See Relief Committee. GOOD STANDING. 1. Defined as being free from all charges involving moral turpitude, disa- bility, and delinquency in the payment of dues, assessments and fines. 121, 302. 2. A member is not in good standing merely because he may have the semi- annual pass-word. 121, 302. See Relief Committee, No. 2. GRAND LODGE. See Business of Grand Lodge, Election of Officers of Grand Lodge, Constitution of Grand Lodge, Abstract Questions. GRAND MASTER. See Election of Officers of Grand Lodge, Dispensations. Jewels, Abstract Questions, State Board of Health, District Dep- uty Grand Master. GRAND REPRESENTATIVES. See District Deputy Grand Master. As to instructions, see Relief Committee, No. 5, Italian Language, Non- affiliates, No. 1. GRAND SECRETARY. See Blank Forms, State Board of Health, With- drawal Card. GRAND WARDEN. See Election of Officers of Grand Lodge. HEALTH. See State Board of Health. HOME. See Odd Fellows' CoUege and Home. 370 DIGEST. HONOKS, OF OFFICE. See Defense, Nos. 1, 2, Absence, No. 2. HONOKS OF THE OEDEK. See Burial. HONOES OF VICE GEAND. See Vice Grand, Nos. 1, 2. IDENTITY. See Visitors and Visiting. INDECENT BEHAVIOR See Offenses, Nos. 6, 7, 16. INDECENT LANGUAGE. See Offenses, Nos. 6, 7. INITIATION. 1. In the absence of the Noble Grand and all Past Grands, there can be no initiation, as a Vice Grand has no right to deliver the Past Grand's charge. (See Digest Grand Lodge of the United States, page 68.) 125, 126, 12. 2. The Lodge can elect and initiate a candidate, notwithstanding his peti- tion to become a member is lost after its reception. 267, 293. 3. The Grand Lodge disapproves of allowing original petitions to go out of the hands of the Secretary. 267, 293. See Eejection, No. 1, Dispensation, No. 1. INITIATION FEE. The Eecording Secretary cannot pay the initiation fee to the Treasurer be- fore the ballot is taken, except the By-Laws of the Lodge otherwise provide. 188, 255, 282, and see Errata. INITIATORY DEGEEE. See Lodge Nos. 1, 2. INNOCENT MISTAKE. See Cards. INSANE. See Benefits, No. 7. INSANE ASYLUM. See Benefits, No. 7. INSOLVENCY. See Offenses, Nos. 14, 15. INSTALLATION. 1. If the Noble Grand elect does not appear for installation at the first meeting of the term, the Lodge may elect and install another person in his place. 187, 255, 282, and see Errata. 2. Installing officers should impress upon the minds of those officers hold- ing in custody the secret work of our Order, the great importance of such trust, and the binding nature of their obligation in the premises, and the penalty attached to their violation. 28U, 296. See District Deputy Grand Master, No. 1, Past Grand, Nos. 1, 2. INSTITUTION. See Sabbath, Dispensation No. 1. DIGEST. 371 INSULTING LA.NGUAGE. See Offenses, Nos. 16, 7, 8, 11. INSTItUCTIONS. See Grand Kepresentative. INTEMPERANCE. See Offenses, No. 4, Fine. INTEREST. See Vote and Voting. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. See Offenses, No. 3. ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Our Grand Representatives instructed to present the petition printed on page 4317 of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the United States for 1868 again to the Grand Lodge of the United States, and ask that the proper steps be taken to have the work of the Order translated into the Itahan language, and authority given to establish Subordinate Lodges to work in that language. 312. JEWELS. The Grand Lodge will in future present the retiring Grand Master with a Past Grand Master's Jewel. 127. JOURNAL, AS TO PRINTING. See Constitution of Grand Lodge, No. 4. JUDGMENT. See Appeals, Nos. 1, 2, 9, 11, 13, Charges, No. 1. KEEPER OF LIQUOR SALOON. See Liquor Saloon. KNOWLEDGE. See Defense, No. 1. LANGUAGE. See Offenses, Nos. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16. LAW, ERRORS OF. See Appeals, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13. LAWYER. See Charges, No. 2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. See Absence. LETTER. See Evidence No. 1. LIAR. See Offenses, Nos. 8, 11. LIE. See Offenses, Nos. 13, 12, 5. LIMITATIONS, STATUTE OF. See Offenses, Nos. 14, 15. LIQUOR SALOON. The question " Is the keeping of a liquor saloon within the meaning, spirit and intent of our laws, a respectable known means of support ?" the Grand Lodge answer as follows: "The business in question is not necessarily disreputable, but may be and very frequentlj' is made so, by the manner in which it is conducted ; and we would therefore urge upon aU Lodges a very careful consideration of all applications from persons engaged in such business. " 12, 13, 125, 126. 372 DIGEST. LODGE. 1. A Lodge open in the Initiatory Degree should vote npon and determine the time for holding meetings for conferring the higher degrees. 83, 107. 2. All business of the Subordinate Lodge, except the election to and con- feriing of the degrees, must be transacted in the Initiatory Degree. 83, 107. 3. A Lodge is not necessarily liable to pay benefits to, or expenses incurred on behalf of a sick brother, merely because he continues to hold membership therein. 121, 302. 4. The N. G. has a right to cause a member under suspension, who at the hour of opening the Lodge refuses to retire and remains in Lodge- room, to be removed therefrom by force. 256, 582, Lodge No. 109 vs. Turner. 5. The Grand Lodge refuses to allow a Lodge to so amend its By-Laws as to hold but twenty-six meetings a year. It would establish a danger- ous precedent, seriously retarding the growth and usefulness of a Lodge. 272, 294. See Eelief Committee, By-Laws, Degrees, Abstract Questions, Grand Lodge, Constitution of Grand Lodge, Constitution of Subordinate Lodge, Dispensation. LODGE UNDEK DISPENSATION. See Kepresentation and Representa- tives, Nos. 1, 2, 3. MAGNOLIA LODGE PROTEST. See Sabbath. MAJORITY REPORT. See Trial Committee, No. 2. MASONS. See Vote and Voting. MEANS OF SUPPORT. See Liquor Saloon. MEETING, PLACE OF. See Dispensation No. 1. MEETINGS OF LODGE. See Lodge No. 5. MEETINGS TO CONFER DEGREES. See Lodge Nos. 1, 2. MEMBERSHIP. See Reinstatement, Offenses No. 3, Rejection, Dispensa- tion No. 1. MERITS. See Appeals No. 2. MINORITY REPORT. See Trial Committee No. 2. MISCONDUCT. See Removal from Office. MISLEAD. See Offenses, Nos. 3, 12. DIGEST. 373 MISTAKE. See Draft, Withdrawal Card, Cards.' MORTUARY REPORT. See State Board of Health. NAME. See Offenses No. 3, \^sitors and Visiting. NEGLECT AS OFFICER OF LODGE. See Removal from Office. NEGLECT TO PAY DUES. See Benefits No. 3. NEW TRIAL. See Charges No. 1. NOBLE GRAND, 1. A Scarlet Degree member is not eligible to fill the ofiice of Noble Grand of a Degree Lodge. The same qualifications are necessary as for the Noble Grand of a Subordinate Lodge. 83, 107. 2. Cannot put his Right Supporter in the chair to enable him to take part in debate. 188, 255, 282, and see errata. 3. He may put the question to the Lodge after he has taken part in the debate on it. 188, 255, 282, and see errata. See Removal from Office, Order for Pass-Word, D. D. G. M. No. 1, Initiation No. 1, Lodge No. 4, Question. NOBLE GRAND ELECT. See Installation. NOMINEES FOR D. D. GRAND MASTER. See D. D. Grand Master. NON-AFFILIATES. 1. Our Grand Representatives instructed to remonstrate against the adop- tion of the Resolutions of P. G. Sire Veitch. p. 4,320 Proceedings Grand Lodge of U. S. for 1868. 103. 2. A brother cannot apply as a non-affiliated Odd Fellow in the same Juris- diction as the Lodge from which he has been suspended for non-pay- ment of dues, three years having expired or elapsed since his suspen- sion. 12, 125. NOTICE. See Removal from Office, Defense of Grand Secretary. NOTICE OF APPEAL. To , Lodge No I.O. 0. F.; Take notice that the undersigned hereby appeals from the action and judg- ment of this Lodge, in the matter of charges preferred against him by Brother on the following grounds: • Yours, in F., L. and T., Dated , 18 See Appeals, Nos. 4, 14, 15. 374 DIGEST. NOTICE OF FILING BEPORT OF TRIAL COMMITTEE. 1. Lodge, No I. O. O. F.,) 18.... S To : • SiE AND Brother : Take notice, that the Committee heretofore appointed to try charges preferred against you by Brother , have this day filed their report herein. You have two weeks from the date of receiving this notice within which to file your exceptions thereto. Yours, in F., L. and T., Recording Secretary. 234, 251. 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. NOTICE OF TILING REPORT. To .Lodge, No , I. O. O. F., | ,18.... f I HEREBY CERTIFY, That I Served the within notice on , by delivering to and leaving with him a copy thereof, this day of , A. D. 18 . . , at the place aforesaid. Recording Secretary, 234, 251. See Trial Committee, Blank Forms. NURSE AND NURSING. A Lodge has not a legal claim upon another Lodge for money expended in nursing a sick member. Contagious disease and other unusual circum- stances constitute no exception. The custom of the Order is to treat such claims with great liberality. 187, 255, 282, and see errata. See Relief Committee, No. 2. OATH. See Charges, No. 3. ODD FELLOWS' COLLEGE AND HOME. 1. The subject referred to a committee of five, to take such action in the premises as they may deem necessary; provided, "they shall not create any liability against the Grand Lodge, until they have first reported and received its assent thereto." 75, 76, 82. 2. Report of Committee proposing the founding of an institution which shall become a Home and School for the Orphans of Odd Fellows; a Hume for aged, indigent and permanently disabled Odd Fellows; and a College for the education of children of living Odd Fellows, and others who might avail themselves of the advantages of such an insti- tution; and presenting the proposition of the Hon. John B. Frisbie, of Vallejo, etc. Report adopted, and the Committee continued for one year, and authorized to accept the proposition of Frisbie, and to take the necessary steps to carry out the same. 240, 241, 263. DIGEST. 375 OFFENSES. 1. Embezzlement of money of Cemetery Association, by Superintendent. 6G, 78. Lodge No. 109 vs. Turner. 2. A teller fraudulently misreading ballots, to secure the election of a broth- er. 94,123. Lodie No. 15 \8. Collins. 3. Fraudulently gaining membership in the Lodge by assuming an ahas name, thereby misleading the Investigating Committee and members from learning his reputation and character. 4. Drunkenness. 67, 78, Lodge No. 31 vs. Derby. 5. Slandering and uttering falsehoods about a brother, by falsely reporting that he had informed a rejected candidate that a certain brother had cast a black ball. 226, 250. Goodale vs. Lodge No. 148. 6. Indecent behavior. 227,251. Toman ys. Lodge No. 21. 7. Vulgar and indecent language, under intoxication, on a public street, in the presence and hearing of respectable ladies and others. 227, 251. Toman vs. Lodge No. 21. 8. Calling a brother a thief and liar in public, in an angry and boisterous manner. 228, 280. Charges against Bagnell. 9. A suspended member to refuse, at the hour for opening the Lodge, at a regular meeting night, to retire from the Lodge-room when requested by the Noble Grand, and to remain thereafter, and compel the Noble Grand, after speaking from ten to fifteen minutes, in endeavoring to persuade him peaceably to retire, to call on the Warden and other members to put him out of the Lodge-Koom by force, which they do. 256, 282. Lodge No. 109 vs. Turner. 10. Feigning sickness and attempting thereby to obtain sick benefits. 257, 292. Lodge No. 1 vs. Livingston. 11. Calling a brother a liar in open Lodge. 257, 292. Lodge No. 1 vs. Livingston. 12. Willful and deliberate falsehoods to deceive a Lodge. 257, 292, Lodge No. 1 vs. lAvingston. 13. Accusing a brother in open Lodge of falsehood, by stating concerning a remark that had been made by such member that ' 'what Brother has said about me is a He." 257, 292. Lodge No. 1 vs. Liv- ingston. 14. An Odd Fellow who borrows money from his Lodge is not morally ex- cused from paying the same on account of the Statute of Limitations, or on account of the lapse of time, however long it may be, and one who seeks that advantage, or who, while owing money to his Lodge, accepts pecuniary assistance upon condition that he shall not fulfill his moral and pecuniary obligations thereto, is guilty of an ofl'ense, deserving expulsion. 261, 292. Lodge No. 31 vs. Fijield. 15. Applied to a case where a brother after his insolvency was assisted in his business by persons who exacted a promise from him that he would not renew any of his old obligations, and on that account refusing to 376 DIGEST. OFFENSES— CONTINUED. take any steps to pay or in effect promise to pay in the future. 261, 292. Lodge No. SI ys. Ftj " 16. Insulting language towards brothers of the Order, and contemptuous langiiage in open Lodge. 261, 292. Battenberry vs. Lodge Xo. »7. 17. To write or copy the charge in Degree ot Kebekah. 279, 280, 296. OFFICE. See Kemoval from Office, Dispensation, Noble Grand, OFFICEES. See Election of Officers of Grand Lodge, Removal from Office. OFFICIALLY. It is not necessary for a D. D. Grand Master to retire and announce himself officially upon entering in order that his decision should be valid. 11, 124, 126. OEDER, EXILES OF. See Question Order, Questions of, see Question. OEDEE FOE PASS-WOED. A Noble Grand cannot give an order for the P. W, of the term succeeding his term. 189, 255, 282, and see errata. OEPHANS. See Odd FeUows' College and Home. PAEKEE MONUMENT. 1. Placed in charge of Standing Committee of the Grand Lodge, and their successors in office, and the balance of moneys on hand to the credit of the Parker Monument, and all moneys to be hereafter received on account thereof, committed to the care of said Standing Committee in trust for the embellishment or repairs of the Monument as may be deemed necessary, and to be applied to no other purposes. 64. 2, Fifty dollars per annum allowed out of the Treasury for the purpose of keeping it in proper condition. 119. PASS-WOED AND EXPLANATION. The Warden may require the Pass- Word as well as its explanation on ex- amination prior to opening. 187, 255, 282, and see errata. See order for Pass-Word, Annual Traveling P. W. PAST GEAND. 1. Where vacancy occurs in the office of N. G., by resignation, and all qualified brothers refuse to serve, and the V. G., who is a scarlet member that has not served a term as V. G., or the balance of a term to fill a vacancy, is elected and installed N. G., without dispensation, no objections being raised, and the Lodge acting in good faith, and serves as N. G. the balance of the term, the irregularity (the want of dispen- sation) is cured, and the brother is entitled to the rank of Past Grand. 65, 76, 78, Solomon vs. Lodge No. 38. DIGEST. 377 PAST GEAND— CONTINUED. 2. If the objection had been raised before installation, it would have been a good cause for a new election. 65, 76, 78, Solomon vs. Lodge No. 38. 3. A liepresentative who is apjjointed by the Grand Master, previous to the close of the session of the Grand Lodge, as a member of a regular Committee, and serves on said Committee during the recess, and at the next session of the Grand Lodge attends the session, but is not returned by his Lodge as a Kepresentative, cannot serve on such Committee, 113, 117. 4. The Grand Master may appoint a Past Grand not a Kepresentative to an appointed office. 114, 117. 5. A Past Grand not a Kepresentative cannot be appointed on a regular Committee. 114, 117. 6. A Past Grand not a Kepresentative cannot act on a regular Committee. 114, 117. See Initiation, No. 1, Election of Officers of Grand Lodge, District Deputy Crrand Master, No. 6. PAST GKAND'S CHAEGE. See Initiation, No. 1. PAST GKAND MASTER. See Jewels. PAST VICE GKAND. See Vice Grand, No. 1. PAY. See Watchers and Watching with Sick, No. 2. PAYMENT OF DUES. See Benefits, Nos. 3, 4. PENALTY. 1. A brother after being summoned, refusing to attend the regular meeting and receive the reprimand imposed by the Lodge as a penalty, on con- viction of certain charges, should be suspended from all the benefits and privileges of membership, in accordance with Section Seven, Article Seven Constitution of Subordinates. 188, 255, 252, and see erTctta. 2. The members of the Lodge who hear the words uttered in open Lodge, and see the manner of the brother, and feel the effect of his words, are, in cases of charges, therefore, more capable of affixing the pen- alty, than the Committee on Appeals, or the Grand Lodge. 258, 292, Lodge No. 1 vs. Livingston. 3. As to the power or right of the Grand Lodge to review the penalty on appeal. In the case of Goodale vs. Lodge No. 148, in which a member was expelled for slandering and uttering falsehood about a brother, by falsely reporting that he had informed a rejected candi- date that a certain brother had cast a black ball, the Grand Lodge declared, " Were we enabled to review the penalty in this case, we might deem the same excessive. And we cannot forego the expression of the opinion that the penalty of expulsion, the highest— the capital 378 DIGEST. PENALTY— CONTINUED. one of the Order, ought only to be visited for the gravest transgres- sions. Until this is done, injustice will be wrought by Lodges in the expulsion of these members. " 250, 226. 4. In the case of Lodge Xo. 1 vs. Livingston, the Grand Lodge declared, "Whether, under the proof as to this charge, (calling a brother a liar "in open Lodge) basing the action of the Lodge on that alone, the ** punishment (of expulsion) is not excessive, a disinterested person *' might reasonably doubt. But he policy of our laws is not to dis- " turb the judgment of Lodges, based on the verdict of committees, " rendered on matters of fact, unless the evidence is palpably insuffi- " cient to justify the verdict of the committee ; and this is wise." 258, 292. PERMANENT SECRETARY. See Vice Grand, No. 2. PETITION. See Initiation, No. 2. ' PIC-NIC. See Sabbath, Dispensations, Nos. 1, 3. PLACE OF MEETING. See Dispensation, No. 1. PLEADINGS. See Charges, No. 9. POSTPONEMENT. See Charges, No. 2, Appeals, No. 12. PRAYER. If the By-Laws of a Lodge prescribe a form of prayer, no other should be used. In such a case, the Chaplain cannot deliver at the opening or closing of the Lodge, any other form of prayer. 267, 293. PRINTING. See Committee on Printing ; and as to printing the Journal see Constitution of G. L., No. 4. PRIVILEGES. See Defense, No. 1. PROPOSALS. As to proposals for printing the Journal, see Constitution of G. L., No 4. PROPOSITION. See Initiation, No. 2. PROTEST OF MAGNOLIA LODGE. See Sabbath. Dispensation. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE. See N. G., No. 1. QUESTION. 1. No question can be stated or put to vote except from the chair of the N. G. 14, 125, 126. 2 Where the Rules of Order provide that in case of appeal from the deci- cision of the N. G., on questions of order, the question shall be taken DIGEST. 379 QUESTION— CONTINUED. by the V. G.; it is illegal for the V. G., on such an appeal, to put the question from the chair of the V. G., and the act is void. 14, 125 126, 127. ' See Abstract Questions, Noble Grand, No. 3. QUESTIONS OF OKDEK. See Question. KEBEKAH DEGKEE. An offense to write or copy the charge in the Degree of Rebekah, 279, 280, EEBEKAH DEGEEE LODGE. The Grand Lodge has exercised the authority and power conferred by the Grand Lodge of the United States, to institute Rebekah Degree Lodges and adopted the following resolutions : 1. That the M. W. Grand Master, R. W. Deputy Grand Master, and the E. W. Grand Secretary be, and are hereby appointed a committee ^vith authority to institute Degree Lodges of the Degree of Rebokah through- out this jurisdiction, and that such Lodges shall possess the powers and enjoy the privileges prescribed by the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States. 2. That the Committee be empowered to authorize, by written commission, any Past Grand in good standing to institute such Lodges in a particular District. 3. That the By-Laws and Rules of Order that may be enacted by a Rebekah Degree Lodge be subject to the approval of the Committee. 4. That sueh Lodges be under the charge and control of the Committee. 5. That the actions and decisions of the Committee be subject to the con- firmation of this R. W. Grand Lodge, and that the Committee make an annual report thereto of all their actions and decisions. 6. That the terms be the same as in Subordinate Lodges, and that all terms shall commence on the first day of January and July in each year, and end on the day on which the succeeding one commences. 7. That the ofi&cers shall serve a regular term; and the Lodge may elect a Financial Secretary for the same time, or one year, to take charge of the accounts between the Lodge and its members. 8. That nominations for elective officers shall be made only on the two meetings immediately preceding that of the regular election, except when the nominees for an office all decline. 9. That officers shall be elected at the last regular meeting in each term, and shall enter upon the discharge of their duties at the first regular meeting ia the new term after the Lodge has acted upon the report of the retiring officers. 380 DIGEST. EEBEKAH DEGKEE LODGE— continued. 10. That vacancies in an elective office may be filled by the Lodge by nom- ination and election at the next regular meeting after nominating; and until so filled the Noble Grand shall appoint a member to the office pro tern. 11. That any officer absenting himself or herself from the Lodge for three successive meetings, except in case of sickness, or any officer for mis- conduct or neglect as such, may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the members voting at the next regular meeting, after a resolution therefor has been offered in the Lodge. 12. That the officers for the term about expiring shall prepare and deliver or transmit to the R. W. Grand Secretary, the result of the elections, and a regular report of the work of the term, including the names of the brothers admitted, the names of the sisters admitted, the names of the brothers dropped from the roll, the names of the sisters dropped from the roll, the names of the sisters deceased, the names and the number of those upon whom the Degree is conferred, the whole number in membership, the amount of receipts and the amount of disbursements. 13. That in addition to the above, the officers for the term expiring on the first meeting in July, shall annually make to the Grand Lodge a full return of the members of the Lodge, and a statement of the number of brothers and sisters relieved in the past year, the amount of benefits granted, the number of widows relieved, the number of orjihans relieved, the number of members buried, the amount of money applied to each of these purposes, designating the amount paid for the education of orphans, the amount of money in the treasury, and the amount of investments, 88, 89, 115, 252. EECOEDING SECRETAEY. See Initiation Fee. EECONSIDEEATION. See Eejection, No. 2. EEGALIA, CHANGE OF. The Grand Lodge refuses to instruct Grand Eepresentatives in regard to rescinding the action of the Grand Lodge of the United States, chang- ing the regalia. 74, 106. See Sabbath, Dispensation. EEGULAE COMMITTEES. See Past Grand, Nos. 3, 5, 6. EE-INSTATEMENT. 1. On re-instatement, a brother must pay the amount of the yearly dues at the time he ceased membership, and not the amount of the yearly dues at the date of his re-instatement. This amount is the same, whether the re-instatement be on motion within one year by a two- thirds vote, or on petition after the year, as in case of initiates. 64, 76. Chaffin vs. Lodge No. 33. 2. An error in admitting a brother by payment of less than is due does not deprive the brother of membership. The balance due can be charged against him on the books. 64, 76. Chaffin vs. Lodge No. 33. DIGEST. 381 KE-INSTATEMENT— CONTINUED. 3. A brother who may have ceased membership for non-payment of dues may be re-instated alter one year by paying the amount due the Lodge, " together with such additional amount, on account of the increased age of the appHcant, as the By-Laws of the Lodge may require." 74, 106. See Kejection, No. 2, Dispensation, No. 1. REJECTION. 1. Where on ballot for initiation there being one black ball, the matter is deferred under Section 1, Article 3, Constitution of Subordinates, one week, and at the next meeting the N. G. , states that no reason has been given him for the black ball, he should declare the candidate elected ; yet if he orders another ballot, which is taken without ob- jections, and three blackballs are cast, and he declares the candidate rejected, the rejection is valid and the candidate must wait the usual time before he can make a new application. 189, 255, 282 and see errata. ■ 2. A Brother re-instated by vote in due form, cannot be rejected at a sub- sequent meeting by a reconsideration of the first vote. 189, 255, 282, and see errata. See Offenses No. 5. RELIEF. See Dispensation No. 1. RELIEF COMMITTEE. 1. A member of a Relief Committee has the right to demand the S. A. P. W., of a brother sick or in distress if the brother seeks relief. 112, 117. 2. Where a member of this jurisdiction, but not in good standing, having the S. A. P. W., was, while away from his Lodge, taken sick in San Francisco, and the General Relief Committee of that city had notice of his sickness, Nov. 25th, 1868, and immediately employed a nurse for him and on the next day he died, and on the morning of Nov. 27th, the Committee telegraphed to his Lodge the fact, and asked instruc- tions regarding the disposition of the body, and at 2^, P. M., of same day the Committee received a telegram from his Lodge informing them of the fact that the brother was not in good standing, and at 3, P. M., the Committee buried the body, at an expense of $56, in accordance with their airangements made before the telegram was received, and the Bv-Laws of the Lodge provide that on the death of a brother in good standing the sum of $75 shall be allowed as a funeral benefit, and $10 per week during sickness, said General Relief Committee as a matter of right can claim from the Lodge no more than two week's benefits, as allowed by the By-Laws. 119, 120, 121, 302. 3. Has no other, further or higher powers than a Lodge would have under similar circumstances. 121, 302. *4. The subject of the organization of a General Relief Committee for the jurisdiction referred to a Special Committee of five, to consider and 382 DIGEST. EELIEF COMMITTEE— CONTINUED. perfect a suitable plan therefor, and report the same at the session of 1871. 297, 298, 302. 5. Kepresentatives to the Grand Lodge of the United States instructed to urge upon the Grand Lodge of the United States, the establishment of a General System of Relief within its jurisdiction, and the general ' plan, as set forth on pages 4604 and 4665 of the Journal of the Pro- ceedings of the Grand Lodge of the United States, recommended as the basis of appropriate legislation. 293, 301. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. "A resolution under Section 8, Article VI, Constitution of Subordinates, removing a Noble Grand from office for misconduct in office, must specify in what the misconduct consists, and a copy or notice thereof be served on him," unless he is present, and has actual knowledge thereof. 269, 294, 187. REMOVAL OF PERSON FROM LODGE ROOM. See Lodge No. 4. RENT. See Vote, and Voting. RENUNCIATION. No Subordinate Lodge should, under any circumstances, pass a resolution, declaring that a deceased brother has on his death bed renounced the Order, except from the clearest proofs and most positive evidence, if at all. 272, 294. See Benefits Nos. 5, 6, Funeral Benefits, Evidence No. 1. REPORT OF TRIAL COMMITTEE. To Lodge, No. . . .1. 0. 0. F. : Your Committee heretofore appointed to try the charges preferred against , by Bro , . . . , report that the accompanying documents contain the proceedings of, and the evi- dence taken before, said Committee. That, from all that appeared to said Committee in said case, they find Bro Committee. 233, 251. See Trial Committee Nos. 2, 3, Notice of Filing Report. REPRESENTATION, AND REPRESENTATIVES. 1. Section 11, Article VI, Constitution of Subordinates, amended, so that Lodge under dispensation, shall elect one representative for its dis- pensation. 77, 106. 2. Lodge under dispensation which makes no report, prior to the 31st of December of the previous year, is entitled to only one representative. 77, 106. 3. Those making such report, are represented according to membership like other Lodges. 77, and 106. DIGEST. 383 REPRESENTATION, AND REPRESENTATIVES -continued. 4. Section 11, Article VI, Constitution of Subordinates, umended, so that the election of representatives takes place previous to the second Tues- day in May, oi each year. Ill . , 5. Certain representatives admitted without proper certificates, or creden- tials. 2S8, 180. See Grand Representatives. REPRIMAND. See Penalty, No. 1. REPUTATION. See Defense, No. 1, Offenses. RESIDENCE. See Dispensation, No. 1. RESPECTABLE, AS TO MEANS OF SUPPORT. See Liquor Saloon. RIGHTS. See Defense, Nos. 1, 2. RIGHT SUPPORTER. See Noble Grand. No. 2. RULES OF ORDER. See Question. SABBATH. 1. A Lodge has a right, without dispensation, to hold a picnic on any day, without regalia. 296. 2. The above decision, made in reference to the protest of Magnolia Lodge, No. 29, concerning the celebration of the anniversary of its institution by a picnic on Sunday. See relating thereto the Grand Master's decision, 190, the Reports of the Committee on the State of the Order, 274 to 279, and decision of Grand Lodge, 296. SCARLET DEGREE MEMBERS. See Dispensation, No. 1, Noble Grand, No. 1, SECRETARY. See Recording Secretary, Grand Secretary, Permanent Secre- tary. SECRET WORK. See Work of our Order, Offenses, No. 17, District Deputy Grand Master, No. 5, Rebekah Degi-ee. SEMI-ANNUAL PASS-WORD. See Pass-word, Relief Committee No. 1, Good Standing, No. 2. SERVICE, IN OFFICE. See Vice Grand, Nos. 1, 2, Absence, Election of Officers of Grand Lodge. SERVICE. Of Summons. See Summons. Of Copy of Charges. See Charges. Of Subpoena. See Subj^oena. Of Notide of Filing Report of Trial Committee. See Notice of Filing Report of Trial Committee, SESSION. See Degrees, No. 1, Lodge, Nos. 1, 5, U 384 DIGEST. SESSIONS, ANNUAL. See Annual Communications. SICK AND SICKNESS. See Watchers and Watching, Lodge No. 3, Niirse, Benejfits, Absence, State Board of Health. SICK BENEFITS. See Benefits. SLANDEK. See Offenses, Nos. 5, 8, 11, 13. STANDING COMMITTEE. See Committee on Printing. STATE BOAED OF HEALTH. Grand Master authorized and required to instruct all Secretaries of Subor- dinate Lodges in this jurisdiction to make out and forward to the Grand Secretary, or to other persons, as directed by the Grand Master, such annual reports as required by the State Board of Health, showing the number and nature of deaths in each Lodge, and amount and nature of sickness thereof, and suitable blanks to be provided by the Grand Secretary for that purpose. 153, 281. STATEMENTS. See Appeals, Nos. 2, 4, 14, 15. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. See Offenses, 14, 15. STEKEOTYPE. As to Stereotyping the Journal. See Constitution of Grand Lodge, No. 4. SUBPCENA. 1. Form. Lodge, No , I. O. 0. F., ,18 To : ":i You are hereby notified and required to appear before the Committee here- tofore appointed to try the charges preferred by Brother against Brother , at , on the day of , A. D. 18. . ., at o'clock M. of that day, to testify as a witness therein, on behalf of said By order of the Committee. , Secretary of Committee. 233, 251. 2. Certificate of Service. SUBPCENA. ' To Lodge, No ,1. O. 0. F., | 18.... \ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That ou the day of A. D. 18. . . . , I served the within subpoena on , by delivering to and leaving with him a copy thereof, in the , County of Member of said Lodge. 233, 251. DIGEST. 385 SUBPCENA— CONTINUED. 3. Acceptance of Service. I hereby accept service of the within subpoena, at , this day of A. D. 18.... ■1 See Blank Forms. SUICIDE. See Burial, SUMMONS. 1. Form. Lodge No ,1. 0.0. , lo .... To ; SiK AND Brother : Yon are hereby notified that on the day of •_ , A. D . 18 . . , charges and specifications — of which a cer- tified copy, under the seal of the Lodge, is herewith served on you — were preferred against you and filed in said Lodge, and were referred for trial to the undersigned Committee. You are hereby summoned to appear before said Committee, at on the . . .day of , A. D. 18. . , at o'clock, M. of that day, to make answer to said charges and proceed with the trial thereof. In default of which, you will be reported to said Lodge as being guilty of contempt thereof. 2. FILING. SUMMONS. To } Committee. 232, 251. Filed this day of , A. D. 187. . . . • • J Secretary of Committee. 223, 251. 3. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. Lodge, No , I. O. O. F., | 18.... I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on the day of , A. D. 18 .... , at the , State of California, I served the within sum- mons, also the charges and specifications referred to therein, by de- livering to and leaving with said , the accused, a copy of said summons, attached to a copy of the charges and specifications against him, certified under the seal of the Lodge. Member of said Lodge. 232,251. 4. ADMISSION OF SERVICE. ,18.... I hereby admit due service of the within summons, also of a duly certified copy, under the seal of the Lodge, of the charges and specifications referred to herein, this day of , 18 ... . 232, 251. See Blank Forms, 386 DIGEST. SUNDAY. See Sabbath. SUPPOET. See Liquor Saloon. SUPPOETEK. See Noble Grand, No. 2. SUSPENSION. See Penalty No. 1, Lodge, No. 4, Appeals, Nos. 6, 7, 8. TELLEE. See Offenses, No. 4. TESTIMONY. See Appeals, Nos. 2, 12, Evidence, Trial Committee, Nos. 1, 4. THIEF. See Offenses, No. 8. . TICKETS. See Offenses, No. 2, Evidence, No. 2. TIME. See Offenses, No. 14. TEAVELING CAED. See Cards, Degrees, No. 2. TEAVELING PASS-WOED. See Degrees, No. 2. TEEASUEEE. See Initiation Fee. TEIAL COMMITTEE. 1. Must be composed of the full number required by law, and all must be present to see and hear all the witnesses and testimony. 67, 78. Lodge No. 109 vs. Turner. 2. May submit majority and minority reports as to the guilt and innocence of the accused. 94 to 100, 123. 3. FOEM OF EEPOET. To Lodge, No J.O.O.F. : Your Committee, heretofore appointed to try the charges preferred against ............. by Brother , report that the accompanying documents contain the proceedings of, and the evidence taken before, said Committee. .That, from all that aj^ijeared to said Committee in said case, they find Brother >- Committee. ) 233, 251. 4. Is much more capable of judging of the testimony of witnesses and weighing the same than the Committee on Appeals, because they see . and hear the witnesses, and the manner and tone in which the testi- mony is given. 258, 292. Lodge No. 1 \s. Livimjston. See Charges, Notice of Filing Eeport of Trial Committee. VEEDICT. See Appeals, Trial Committee. DIGEST. 387 VICE GKAND. 1. A Vice Grand elected and installed N. G. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the N. G., forfeits the honors of the V. G., and they pass to his successor. 65, 78. 2. A brother who has served twenty-six weeks in the office of Permanent Secretary, but never in any other office, is not eligible to the office of Vice Grand. 83, 107. 3. A Vice Grand has no right to deliver the Past Grand's charge. 125, 126. See Question. VISITING CAKD. See Cards. VISITING COMMITTEE. See Watchers and Watching. VISITING AND VISITORS. A Lodge should admit a visiting brother in possession of a Visiting Card, who can not write his name on the margin of his card, if he can prove his identity in any other manner satisfactory to the Lodge. 112, 117. VOTE AND VOTING. A Lodge rents its hall to a Masonic Lodge ; a member is not debarred from voting on a proposition to reduce the rent, simply because he is a member of the Masonic Lodge, and therefore may be interested. 187, 255, 282, and see errata. See Question. VOTEES. See Evidence, No. 3. VULGAE LANGUAGE. See Offenses, No. 7. WAEDEN. See Password and Explanation. WATCHEES AND WATCHING WITH SICK. 1. A brother cannot, after he has been notified by the Visiting Committee to watch with a sick brother, absent himself without procuring a sub- stitute, or informing the Visiting Committee of his intention to be absent, and then claim to be excused for said neglect, under the fol- lowing By-Law, to wit : " Any brother neglecting or refusing to watch with the sick or to procure a substitute, when required by the Visiting Committee, shall be fined five dollars, except in case of absence or sickness of himself or family. 267, 293. 2. The Grand Lodge answers the question, "Is it incumbent upon the Noble Grand of a Lodge to compel his members to watch with a so- journing sick brother, without compensation from the Lodge to which he belongs ?" as follows : It is a binding duty, imposed upon the members of the Order by our laws and principles, to watch with a sick brother without compensa- tion, when called upon to do so, and without regard to the Lodge to which the sick brother may belong, 268, 293. 388 DIGEST. WEEKLY BENEFITS. See Benefits. WITHDRAWAL CARD. A brother to whom a withdrawal card is granted, returns the same with a re- quest that it be annulled, as he had not applied for the same, and did not wish to sever his connection with the Lodge. The Lodge has the right to rectify the mistake, by annulling the card, and it is not neces- sary to notify the Grand Secretary of its action in the matter. 79. See Cards, Charges, Nos. 7, 8. WITHDRAWAL OF DISPENSATION. See Dispensation, No. 4. WITNESS. See Charges, No. 3, Trial Committee, Nos. 1, 4, Evidence, No. 3. WORK OF OUR ORDER. Installing officers should impress upon the minds of those officers holding in custody the secret work of our Order, the great importance of such trust, and the binding nature of their obligations in the premises and the penalty attached to their violation. 280, 296. See District Deputy Grand Master, No. 5, Offenses, No. 17, Rebekah. Degree, Italian Language. WRITE. See Visiting and Visitors, ^1