1 cjj Cftellpf of J>epnt ftenelme dpnge anfc Ipfearttr, from Caxton'g OBoltien Itegenti, fajiti) a j^ote on tfje 6orn anb lerneb mpn engUftty m Hente in ttje toeelb tofjere 3 bouftte not te gpofeen a^ 6robe anb tube engliggf) as fe m on? place of englonb. topllpam Caxton NOTE ON THE ORIGIN OF CAX* TON'S GOLDEN LEGEND IN the latter half of the thirteenth Gen* tury, Jacobus de Voragine, Arch* bishop of Genoa, who died in 1298, com* piled a book called fc fc Legenda Aurea, " in which the lives and miracles of numer* ous saints were narrated. This was found very useful to the priests in their sermons, and soon became so popular that it was translated into nearly every European language. The Latin text of " Voragine "has been reprinted from an early manuscript, and edited by Dr. Th. Graesse, 8vo, Lipsise, 1840. It has also received a modern French dress under the title "LaLegendedoree, par Jacques de Voragine, traduit du Latin, par M. G. B., 8vo, Paris, 1843." In ^e early part of the fourteenth century, Jean Belet, an author but little known to modern bib* 1 liographers, though often quoted by the writers of his age, translated the Latin of Jacobus into French, not, however, without embellishing it with many new additions. Shortly after the production of Belet, Jehan de Vignay, undertook a new version in French of "La Legende doree," which he accomplished before 1380, as he dedicated it to "Jeane, royne de France/' His translation, however, was founded on the previous labours of Belet, which he amplified adding about 44 new legends. About the middle of the fifteenth century, certain "worthy Clerks and Dodtors of Divinity" com* piled a "Book of the Life of Saints," which they describe as "drawn into English after the tenor of the Latin." These worthy Clerks & Dodtors, how* ever, would have given a much more true account of their labours had they Elated that, with the exception of some additional fables not traceable in the original Latin, they owed the whole of their compilation to "La Legende doree" of Jehan de Vignay. It is probable that in Caxton's time the English version here noticed was well known; indeed we may infer this from the account given by our Printer of the origin of his own text : Against me fjere misfit some persons sap, tfjat tfjts Hegenb fjatfj been trantflateb tofore, anb trutf) ft te; but for- atfmucf) a* 3 fiab bp me a fcegenb in Jf rencf), an= otter in iattn, & tfje tf) trb m OSngltsf) , tof) tdj bar teb in manp anb biberge placed; & aldo man? t)itorie toere tomprideb in tfje ttoo otfjer bookd tufjicf) toere not in ttje Cnglidf) faoob, therefore 3 Ijabt Written one out of tfje iaib tijree books. to Caxton maybe given tKis praise, that in several places where the * "\vortliy dodtours of divinite" Had inserted in their English version some Glories more incredible or more filthy than usual, he very discre e tly considerably modified or altogether omitted them. Blade's Life of Caxton JLpt of ^epnt feenelme fjatf) been tranalateb tofore, anb trutfi it ii; but for- atfmucf) a* 3 fiab bp me a fcegenb in Jfrencfj, an- otfjer in ILattn, & tije tfjtrb tn Cnsltefj, tDfttct) toarieb in man? anb biberge plated; & also man? fn&orie* toere comprtob in tfjc ttoo otfjer boobs; tof) tcfj tore not in tf)e Cngli^lj boob, tfjertfore 9 Jjabe barttten one out of tfje daib tijree boofeg* to Caxton maybe given tKis praise, that in several places where the "worthy dodlours or divinite" had inserted in their English version some Glories more incredible or more filthy than usual, he very discreetly considerably modified or altogether omitted them. Blade's Life of Caxton of euarn, anb Cfjidfepng llenelme toad fepng of Wmttttv dftpre, ^artoife dftpre anb stem* cetre dfcpre, anb tfje bpd= dbop of D^urcetre toad b fesJjop af tfjode 3 f) tres, anb Ije toad fepng aldo of &tafforb= pngljam dljpr ton , anb Epncoln tfyt marclje of Walpti, & of alle tfjo^e contrapefi gepnt llenelm toas fepns anb tpntfjecomie tfwt tpme toad cljpef cite of alle tftp^e dfipred* Slnb in tfjat tpme hoere in epnt Itenelme. Snb ilenulf iiid faber bepbe Hje pere of our Horb biit C xix. Cijenne toad ^en= elme mabe fepnge totian fie toad bit pere of age. & fjid dudter JBornempIbe loupb fjpm mocfje,& tijep Ipueb ijolplp to gpbre to tftepr Ipued enbe. 2?ut quenbrebe tfiatot|)erdud= ter torneb fjpr to topcfeeb= ned, anb fjab grete enupe at tier brother Henelme, bp cause be toas go ridje aboue tier, anb laboureb toptf) aUe fier potoer to bestrope fjpm tip cause sfje toolb be queue anb regne after bpm, & lete make a strong popson, anb gaf it to tier hrotfjer, 2ut <@ob bepte fipm tfjat ft neuer grepueb tipm* & tofjau sfje satoe tfiat sfje coube not preuaple apenst tfte fepng m tfjat maner, si) e lab our eb to &feeberb toljicfje toas cfttef ruler aboute tje ilpng, & pro= mpseb to |ipm a grete somme of mouep, & also tier bobp at bis toptte, pi fyt toolb slee tfjis pong fepng tier brother, anb anone tfiep atcorbeb in tfjts treson* in tftis tofjile anb tfiat Same tpme,tf)ispong tiolp fepng toas a slepe anb bremeb a mar uellous breme* Jf or fipm semeb tfjat fie Sato a tree stonbe bp bpg bebbes spbe, anb tfjat tfie fjepsftt thereof toucfjeb fjeuen, anb it Sbpneb as brigbt as golb anb ftab fapr brauntbes (ul of blosmes & frupte. ^Inb on euerp brauncbe of tbps tree toere tapers of toaxe brennpng anb lampes Ipgbt, tobicbe toas a glorious stgijt to bebolbe. & bpm tfjougljt tbat b^ clpmeb bpon tbis tree, anb Ssfeeberbe bis gouernour stobe bpnetbe anb b*toe boun tbis tree tbat be stobe on. & toban tbps tree toas fallen boun , tfipd bolp pong fepng Inas 9 fjeup anb sorouful, anb fipm tfjoujjfjt tlier cam a fapr iiprb tofjtcte flttogij to fieuen toptf} grete e* ^Inb anon after tfjps fje tribe to ftte notice nameb ^oltoelpne. Snti tofian i)^ fjab tolbe to tier alle Jjpfi breme t sfje (ul fjeup, & tolbe to bteme lie atoofee, & teas aUe aftassfjib of tftps breme, tofticiie anon after 10 tofjat |)it mente, anb ljt gutter anb tijetrapter llgfeaberbe fjab fateelp conspireb fjfe betf). Jf or gfje gaib to fjpm, tfjat fje fjab prompgeb to uen brebe to glee tf;e, anb tfj signet petfj tfjat fje gmptf) etfj boun tfje tree tfjat gtobe b p tfjp bebbe gpbe. 3nb tfje bprb tfiat tfiou gatoegt flee bp to teuen jstgnefpetfj tftp soule tfjat angellpg stfjal bere bp to ijeuen after tfjp marttp- bom^nb anon after tfjpg begtreb tfje tljat lie gtjolb goo anb bteporte ijpm 6p tfje toobe* stbe nameb Clent, & a Ije toalfetb tfte bpng toag al tieup & lepb fjpm boun to lepe, anb tijenne tJjtg fals traptour pur= po&b to fjaue glapn tfje fepng, anb began to make tije ppt to burp 6pm m. anon ag toolb tfje fepng atoofee, asfcaberb tfjat fje laboureb tn bapn, ffor ^ob topi not tfjat 3 bpe in tfjpg plate* 2frut tafee tfjpg gmalle robbe, anb tfiere ag tijou gfjalt gette it in tfje ertfje, tfter gfjal Sbemartreb. &t|jenne tfjep toent fortfj to gpbre a goob toap tfjens, tpl tfjep cam to an gatotfjorn, anb tfjere fje ppgfjt tfje robbe in tfjertfje, anb fortfjtoitfj incontpnent it bare grene leupg t & gobenlp it toexe to a grete aggfje tree, tfte tofjitfje gtonbetfj tfjere pet bnto tijpg bap, & i$ taUeb Eenelmg aggfje, & tfjere ggfeaberb gmote of II tfjp* fiolp pong fepngg fjebe. &nb anon Ijp Bottle toas born top tn to fteuen tnlpfeneofataf)ttebouue. &nb tfjen tf)e topcfeeb trap= tour bretoe tfje bobp tn to a grete toalep bettoeen tt fjplles, anb tfjere fje mabe a bepe pttte anb cast tije 6obp tfierm anb lepbe tfte fjebe bpon tt Sub bljplcsi ijc tuas afaottte to smpte of tfje fjebe, tfte fjolp fepng fenelpng on in* fenees tftts fjolp cantptle beum laubamus, tpl ije cam to tf)ts faer* marttrum canbtbatug, tfjertopti) fje paf up gpprpte to our lorb Jft^^u Crpgt tn Ipfeenes of a boutie, as afore is sapb, Cfjenne anon tfjtsi totcfeeb man ^sfeafterb toent to 12 uenbrebe & tolb to titr aUe alonge Ijoto fje fiab tion, lufjtrof f)e tnasf ful glab, anb anon after tobe on fjir to 6e quene, anb cfiargeb on pajm of betfj tfjat no man s^olb spcke of Senelme. Snb after tfjat gfje afmnbounneb jjjtr bob? to toretcfipb Iputng of fter ff legfj tn lecfjerpe, & brought Ijtr otoen men to toretcijpb Iputng. ^Inb tijp* Ijolp bobp lap long tpme after in tfjat toobe taUeb Clent, for no man burst f etclje Ijpm tt)end to burp fjpm tn h^lototb place for fere of tije quene uenbrebe* anb tt toas; do tfjat a poure topbotD fap, toftttfte tab a toljtte cotpe, toftidje euerp bap teas brpuen tn to tfje toobt of Clent Sub anon as sije toas tijere slje toolbe beparte & goo in to tije toalepe toijere lienelme toas burpeb, & tfjere reste aUe tfje bap spttpng ftp tfje corps tuptftout mete. Sub euerp npgtjt tome fjome toptfj otfjer begtes fatter & gaf more mplfee tfjan onp of tfje ot^er bpen. ^inb go contpntoeb certepn peres, toljerof tije peple mer= uepleb tfjat fje euer toas in so goob popnt & ete no mete. Cijat bale? toijere as sepnt Henelmes bob? lape tscalleb Coufaage* lifter on a tpme as tije pope song mass at 3&ome in g>epnt peters cfjirtfje, Sobenlp tljer cam a toljpte bouue $c let fall a scrotoe on tfjc aulter tofjeron tije ^ope sapb ftps masse, glnb tijpse toorbes toere toreton tfjerin in lettres of golb 3fn dent in Cou= faage, ilenelme fepngt barn, Ipetf) bnber a tljorn , fjis ftebe of sftorn. 3inb tpfjan tfte pope ijab sapb ijis masse, fje sljetoeb tije scrotue to aUe tfie peple, but tfjere toas none tljat coube telle tofjat it mente, tpU atte last tfjere cam an englpsslj man, & Ije tolb it openlp tofore aUe tije peple toijat it ment. ^inb tijenne tfje pope toptij alle tfte peple gaf laube anb praspng to oure lorb, anb bepte tfjat sferotoe for a relpque. &nb tije test of sepnt ilenelme taas ijal= otoeb tijat bap solempnlp 13 tfjorougij atte &nb anon after, tije pope gent Ijpg meggagerg tntonglonbtotije&rcij= bpggijop of Caunterburp nameb fl&plfrpbe, & bab ijpm toptij ijpg bpggijopg goo anb gefee tfje place toijere tijeijolpbobp Ipetf), in tfje tpobe of dent. tfien tfjte place toad gone fenotoen, bp cauge of tt) mpracle tljat fcoag gfjefcob 6p ti>e tofjtte cotoe. ^Inb tofjan tije &rcfjebpggf)op tPttf) otter btg^opptg anb manp otijer peple cam tfje= ber &fonb tfje place, anon tijep lete bpgse bp tije ftobp, anb tofee tt fap toptf) grete golemnpte* Slnb f ortf) toptij gprang top in tfje game place toljere ag 14 tfje bob? fiab lepn, a f apre teelle, toljicije tg caUeb gepnt Henelmeg toeU bn= to tfjpg bap, tofjere mocfje peple fjaue ben feeleb of btuerg gekeneg anb mal= abpeg. bobp toag a= boue tfjertfj, tljerfplagtrpf jpttoenetijem of ^orcettergfipre anb of gloucetregfjtre tofto gfjolb fjaue tfjpg bobp, ^Inb tijen a f ul goob man tfjat toag tfjeramongti)empafcoun= gepl tliat aUe tije peple gijolb Ipe boun anb glepe ®t tijem,for tije toettj= er toag tbenne ngfjt Ijoote. &nb tobpcfje of tije ttoo gijtreg tijat (@ob toolb gjolb fprgt atoafee, tijep to take tf) te fjolp bob? aub goo tfiepr toape. &nb aEe tfie peple agreeb tfjerto, & lepbe tftem bouu to dlepe* gjubttfjappebtfjattfjabfaot of tiwcf)ecombe anb alle fjts men atuofee fprst, & tf) ep tofee bp tfje fjolp bob? anb bare it f ortt totoarb topncfiecomli til tijep cam bpon a IjpEe ample fro tfje abfaep. llnb for fiete anb labour tfjep toere npgfj bebe for tfjurst, anb anon tftep prapeb to gob anb to recepueb it toptft proce^g- comf orte. 31nb tfjenne tfte abbot ppgfjt fjt^ croo^ in to tfjertfj, anb fortf) tnptt) sprang bp ttier a f apr toel tofjerof tftep branfee anb refrestefjeb tfjem motf)e. ^Inb tfjenne tobe bp tfiis ^olp bob? toptf) grete ol= it into tfjabbap toptf) grete reuerence, jope & mprtft, anb tfie bellps gotoneb anb toer ronge toptljout manned fjonbe. &nb t^enne tfie queue ueubrebe bemauubeb tofjat aUe tfjps rpngpng mente* Snb tfjep tolbe fjer fjoto fjer brother ilenelme brought toptft pro in to tfjabbap, & tfjat tfte belled rongen toj>t{) out manned fjeipe. ^iub tfjetme dfie dapbe in grete Accrue, tfiat id ad tretoe dapb df)e ad botij mpn epen f alle bpon tfipd bobe, anb anon bottje fjer epen fel out of tier iiebe bpon tfie bofee* Sub pet it 15 fe aeen on tfjp* bap to&ere tfiep f pUe bpon tfje dauter stye rabbe tfjat same tpme 29eu laubem. gJnb done after gfje bepbe toretctjpb= ip, anb toad cadt out tn to a foul mpre, anb tfjenne after toad tfjtd fjolp bob? of g>epnt ilenelme lepbe in an ijonouraile sijrpne, toljere ad our Horb si) ttn et6 baplp man? a mpra- cle. Co tofjom 6e gpuen laub & prapspng toorlb outen enbe. enbetfj tfie Hyl of ^>epnt ilenelme, ilpnge anb Jfflartir, from Caxton's (@olben Hegenb, toitf) bratomgd tafeen from "<3Kfj ^rtnteb bp Jf reb & Sfrertija at Cfje Wlage ijam, ^Wagsiacfjudetts in 160 copied. i / BENDER COLL 1