-NRLF I CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE LIBRARY OF PRINTED BOOKS AND lllumiuatci) ^ot^cr important glanusaipts OF THE LATE HENRY WHITE, ESQ. J.P. D.L. F.S.A. &c. (of 30, Omen's Gate, W.) mm 215 431 653 867 mm First Day Monday, 21st April Lots Second Day Tuesday, 22nd April Lots Third Day Wednesday, 23rd April Lots Fourth Day Thursday, 24th April Lots Fifth Day Friday, 25th April Lots Sixth Day Saturday, 26th April Lots 1084 to Seventh Day Monday, 28th April Lots 1229 to 1447 Eighth Day Tuesday, 29th April Lots 1448 to 1661 Ninth Day Wednesday, 30th April Lots 1662 to 1891 Tenth Day Thursday, Jst May Lots 1892 to 2119 Eleventh Day Friday, '2nd May Lots 2120 to 2347 1 to 216 to 432 to 654 to 868 to 1083 1228 ILLUSTRATED COPY— PRICE THREE SHILLINGS. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOwhitrich CATALOGUE ; , . . THE VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE A i r.: ! l^; LIBEARY OF PMNTED BOOKS AND JfUummatelr ^ otbtv impoitant iWanuBcti^Jt^ OF THE LATE HENRY ^^HITE, Esq. j.p. d.l. f.s.a. etc. (Of 30, Queeu's Gate, IF.) INCLUDING Many Finely ILLUMINATED HORtE & OTHER SERVICE BOOKS, learl^ Co^eye0 of tbe Qib an^ 1Rew Testaments, WRITINGS OF THE GREEK AND ROMAN CLASSIC AUTHORS, THE FATHERS, SCHOOLMEN, Etc. Interesting Historical and Poetical Manuscripts, EDITIONES PRINCIPES, BOOKS PRINTED UPON VELLUM, Rare Incunabula, 31 fine Series of printeti Bibles aiiti ^Testaments, Psalters, Ctturgies, etc. FINE BOOKS OF PRINTS, Works illustrated by Rowlandson and Cruikshank, FIRST EDITIONS OF ENGLISH CLASSIC WRITERS. and Mlorks of a Ceneral Hiterarp Character. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, JVuctioneera of fitcrarg f ropcrtp ^ Morka iUuatratitre of tijc JFittc ^rta, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the •21st day of APRIL, 1902, and Ten following Days, at one o'clock precisely. may be viewed two days prior, catalogues may be had. DRYDEN press: J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. < ; ch '.TJie' highest bidder to be the buyer ; aud if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound,if required^in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in defaiilt of which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other proi^erty are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense (the same as if re-sold) will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm -holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates or blank leaves, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, auto- graphs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enume- ration of the numbers stated, or error oi description. VIII. No Imperfect Book will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required aud deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and tf any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid fo7; oM charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. J^ CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE LIBKAEY OF FEINTED BOOKS AND SUutntnateti $c ot|)et important iHanuscripts OF THE LATE HENRY WHITE, ESQ. J.P. D.L. F.S.A. &c. FIRST DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. Lot 1. BELARDUS (Petrus) et Heloisse conjuga eius. Opera, nunc PRIMUM EDITA ex MSS. Codd. Fr. Amboesii cum eiusdem Prefatione, Apologetica, &c. crushed crimson morocco extra, tooled au pointing, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly, fine large . COFY (Sunderland) 3-^ U^^(,' 4to. Paris. N. Buon, 1616 2 Abrege du Faux Clerge Remain (L'), folaing frontispiece and 50 satirical figures of monks in red, boards ♦*' ^ ,' . ., sm. Ato. s. a. et I. 3 Ackermanu (R.) History of the University of Oxford, its Colleges, Halls l\ C Ox. ^"^ Public Buildings, pmirait of Lord Grenville and 80 coloured views ij-S i^^and costume plates, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g.e. ito. R. Ackermann, 1814 4 Adrianus Carthusiensis. Liber de Remediis utriusque Fortunse prospere . scilz et adverse per quendam A. poetam prestantem necnon Sacrae ^/'^^ Theologiae Professorem noviter compilatus, lit. gotjj). long lines, 27 to ' / a full page, without marks (Hain *94), rubricated, crimson morocco gilt. AM\, g- 6. {back loose) sm. 4to. absque ulla nota [Argent. H. Eggestein, 1471] 5 -^gidius (de Columna) Romanus. Super Secundo Sententiarum Opus 5i,»/ dignissimum, lit gotij. double columns, with .ngnaiures, capitals painted •7 77 ^ in red, modern crimson morocco extra, richly gilt, inside dentelles, g. e. fijiAJi^ FINE COPY sm. folio. Venetiis, Lucas Venetus, 1482 B 820636 2 SIZES MIXED ' i6-' "^gidius (de Columna) Eomanus. In Libros de Physico audita Aristo- 'i;:\'i'i ^®'^^® Commentaria ; ejusdem Questio de gradibus Formarum, lit. 'i: ,, ".. ■■. goti> {some II. stained and wormed), calf sm. fol. Venet. 0. Scot, 1502 ' 7 !^lianus. Histoires Diverses d'£lien, tradnites du Grec avec des Re- a ^ marques, LARGE AND FINE PAPER, old French calf gilt, ivith the arms \ /^ of Marie Josephine Louise de Savoie Comtesse de Provence, g. e. roy. hvo. Paris, Moutard, 1772 8 yEneas Silvius. Pius Papa Secundtis eloquentissimus q obiit Anno MCCCCLXiiii in Anchoiia dum proficisci proposuerit Contra Turcos j oS}A, coniposuit, &c. editio prima, tit. gotlj. long lines, 27 to a full page, ; U ' \ icithout marks {Hain *171), rnbricafed, brown morocco with antique f^ blind stamped ornaments, g. e. by Hay day ^ sm. Uo. absque ullanofa [CoLON. U. Zell, ante 1470] *^* A^ERY rare ; this copy contains a leaf of Latin verses at the be- ginning of the volume, printed on the recto only, in the same type as the rest of the book, which neither Hain nor Brunet mention. It consequently has 54 11. instead of 53 as enumerated by them. The page has 24 lines only, and begins D " Qui te pallio amat veiat quo te qz gaudz " and ends " Claudite id rivos pueri sat prata biberfd." Every two lines occur in the margin the letters I) and J^ alternately, but the first of the last four lines has a ^ in the margin. 9 ^schylus. Tragcedise VII, Gr. cum Scholiis Grsecis, P. Victorii cura et diligentia, large copy, KiNG James I.'s copy, bound in old English calf , gilt lions and lines on back, line frame sides icith thistles in corners, and the arms of the King in centres, original silk ties, IN MOST EXCELLENT • • CONDITION. [See PLATE] sm. 4io. (Lut.) in officina H. Stephani, I5b7 ^lo^, Agrippa (H. Corn.) De Occulta Philosophia lib. Ill, &c. head of Agrippa ^ ^ on title, icoodcuts and ornamental woodcut initials, oaken boards, pigskin ^ \\ stamped with figures and ornaments in compartments, clasps folio, s. I. et nom. impr. 1533 11 Ainsworth (W. F.) The Earth Delineated with Pen and Pencil, numerous illustrations, tree-calf extra, g. e. Ato. C. Griffin, n. d. 12 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Tower of London, first edition, illustrations by ^ , . G. Cruikshank, calf extra, inside dentelles, art end papers, a. e. by Tout "' :^ V 8vo. R. Bentley, 1840 (^ Ainsworth (W. H.) Windsor Castle, new edition, illustrated by G. Cruik- t\^ sha7ik and Tony Johannot, calf gilt, m. e. Colburn. 1844 ; Guy Fawkes, -' '. illustrations by G. Cruikshank, half morocco, Eoutledge, 1857 8vo. (2) 14 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Siege of Manchester, ORIGINAL Autograph ^VV mV - Masvscript, 400 pages, red morocco Ato. Sept. 13, 1876 16 Ajello de Tovar. Carta Executoria de Hidalguia a Pedimiento di Alonso Aiello de Tovar, Vezino de la Villa de Almagro, MANU- SCRIPT ON VELLUM (51 //. 1 2 by 8^ in.) of a Patent of Nobility granted by Philip IT of Spain, finely written in Qoii)k letter?, the first two pages i,. FINELY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED tvith the Ajello arms, the Candidate \ kneeling before Vie Virgin, St. Jago on a white horse on the opposite side, 1 9 fiiie large illuminated ornamental initials on red and blue grounds, fine border to last page but one, icith a miniature of the King enthroned, and numerous official signatures, oiiginal vellum binding sm. folio. 1563 Lot 9. SIZES MIXED 6 16 A'Kempis. Opera et libri Vite fratris Thomae de Kempis Ord. Canon. -i-^ Regul. &c. (including De Imitatione Christi), lit. goti). rubricated, rl^ contempwary binding, oaken boards, stamped pigskin, clasps nrV-' sm. folio. Ahiremberga;, Caspar Hochfeder, li94: 17 Albertus Magnus. Compendium Theologise Veritatis, lit. ram. double iilf^ columns, 34 lines, icith signatures (Hain *434), blue morocco extra, I inside denfelles, g. e. sm. folio » . . '■^ Hec ego Thomas Dorniberg prefatus feliciter profeci et complevi lAtMlAJiMi Anno dni (1473) in Vigilia S. Bartholomei Apli. (Spirce)" 18 Album Amiccrura. A Volume containing 50 Signed Original CllC Drawings, some with autograph inscriptions, of Artists (chiefly / j " Italian) studying in Rome in the Eighteenth Century, including ^Figure Subjects, Scriptural, Landscapes, Classical, Groups of ihjtl^*^ Flowers, Arabesques, a Painting in oils on vellum of Dogs and Ducks, signed A. Held, at. 11, Ao. 1738, &c. ; chief among the Artists are the following : Carlo Maratti, C. Fontana, Fr. Venturini, Fr. Solimena, Fillippo Barigione, G. Valvassone, F. P. Rossini, F. Proccacino, A. Pozzo, J. F. Sandrart, &c. bound in old French red morocco gilt, toith initials J. C.E. and A.C.E. an interesting volume sm. obi. 4/0 19 Album Amicorum. " Hocce Album generosissimis nobilissimisque _j Fautorum Amicorumque Nominibus omni quo parest pietatis amo- r^ risque studio prosequendis offert Christ. Fried. Tob. de Lang Pappenheiraensis, Erlangse die 1 Maii Anno MDCCCX." A Volume of Autographs and Sentences, chiefly of German Savants of the Eighteenth Century, on 264 pages, with 2 drawings and title ivithin coloured floreate border, and alphabetical index, German binding sm. obi. ito. Sjec. xviii 20 , Alciatus (And.) Emblematum Libellus, fine woodcuts, olive morocco extra, b^Wwiy^*- by Zaehnsdorf large copy \'2mo. Paris. C. Wechel. 1536 21 Alciatus (And.) Omnia Emblemata, cum Commentariis per Claud. ^/«/ Minoem, numerous woodcuts, old French red morocco covered withfleurs- " de-lis, with the arms and monogram of the Abb4 Wignerot de Bichelieu, prize copy from the College of the Sorbonne at Plessis, by Guido de la Vacquerye, 1663, uxilh official certificate on fly-leaf, g. e. 8w. Paris. J. Jiicheritis, s. d. 22 Alfred (King). The Life of Alfred or Alured, the First Institutor of >W Subordinate Government in this Kingdome and Refounder of the University of Oxford, by Robert Powell of Wels, &c. yellow morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Larkins l2mo. Pi. Badger fur Th. Alchorm, 1634 23 Alhazenis Arab. Opticas Thesaurus lib. VII nunc primnm editi ; 2/ ; ejusdem de Crepusculis, &c. cum commentariis a Fr. Risnero, fine "t/-^ woodcut on reverse of title and diagrams, old calf, J. A. De Thou's COPY, with his arms on sides and monogram on back folio. Basil, per Episcopios, 1572 24 Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe, 1789-1815, new edition, portraits, ?y^ 14 vol. calf gilt, m. e. Hvo. Blackwood, 1849-50 25 Allegre (Ant.) Les Vies des Empereurs Tiberius, Adrianus, Julianus, iWf &c. extraictes de plusieurs Autheurs, ornamental woodcut initials, old red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. Uo. Paris P^ascosan, 1556 ' B 2 4 SIZES MIXED ■26 Allport (Douglas) Collections Illustrative of the Geology, History, »«A Antiquities and Associations of Camberwell and Neighbourhood, Y inteiieaved, extra plates inserted, calf gilt (loose in cover) 8z/U Camber well for the Author, 1841 ^ Almanacks. Astrological Almanacks for 1733, by Gadbury, Wing, . Parker, Partridge, Moore, Andrews, Saunders, Coley, Pearse, Weaver, v\ Poor Robin, &c. (14) in 1 vol. old English blue morocco, fleurs-de-lis ' on bock, ornamental frame sides, uith crowned monogram of King George II, g. e. — Astrological Almanacks for 1786 (8), in 1 vol. old red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8vo (2) 28 Alpine Club. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers ; Excursions by Members of '!);, the Alpine Club, edited by J. Ball and E. S. Kennedy, maps and ^ \ ^ plates, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. 1859-62 29 Alpine Journal (The) ; a Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific <>\tM Observation, by Members of the Alpine Club, numerous illustrations, ^O^^ol. 1-Xll, half green morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. 1864-86 30 Alpine Scenery, &c. A Collection of 71 Photographs of Mountainous Scenery in Switzerland and Savoy by Charnaux of Geneva ; Views of Scotland, &c. mount''d in a vol. half bound oblong folio 1 31 Alunno (Fr.) Le Richezze della Lingua Volgare, editio Aldina, ruled in \ t^ / ''^^' oaken hoards, hroivn calf inlaid in ichite and black intersected scrolls M \ ^^'' '^ dotted ground, ivith croivned initial F and salamander in centres, y)'m^ devices on back, a fine modern imitation of Francis I binding, metal bosses '*^ a7id clasps (1 missing), gilt and gauffred edges (Hagud of Brussels) folio. Vinegia Casa de Figliuoli di Aldo, 1543 32 Amadis de Gaule, traitant de maintes Avantnres d'Armes et d' Amours, . &c. traduit nouvellement d'Espagnol en Francois par le Seigneur .^l^A/ des Essars Nicolas de Herberay, the 12 books complete, in 4 vol. • ' \ ^ ruled in red, with numerous woodcuts and ornamental initials, old French <^ olive moi'occo, full gilt backs, line sides, with arms of Sir M. M. Sykes, gold flowered end papers, g. e. {Du Seuil), fine copy of a rare EDITION sm. folio. Paris, V. Sertenas, 1548-'50-'48-'55-'50-'57-'46-'48-'53-'55-'59-'56 33 Ambrosius Episc. Mediol. (S.) Expositio seu Explanatio in Corpus Evangelii Sancti Lucae Evangelistse (seu Vita Joannis Baptistae lib. X), EDITIO PRIMA, lit. sfmi-goti). long lines, 38 to a page, without marks, 10 fine ornamental woodcid iyiitials, coloured, smaller initials oainted in red. modern red morocco extra, joints, g. e. FINE COPY {Sysio-n Park), RARE Augustce per Authonium Sorg stanneis karacteribus artificialiter effigiata, 1476 *^(.* One of the earliest books issued by Sorg at Augsburg. 34 Anacreon. Odse Gr. et Lat. ab H. Stephano luce et latinitate nunc ^ ^ primum donatae, portrait inserted, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside J \ dentelles, g. e. sm. Uo. Lut. H. Sfephanus, 1554 35 Andlo (Petrus de) De Imperio Romano, Regis a Augusti Creatione, jA V Inaugurations administratione, &c. curante M. Frehero, old calf ^^^ gilt, J. A. DE Thou's COPY, with his and his second wife's arms on sides, and monogram on back ito Argent. \60S SIZES MIXED O 36 Andreini (Gio. B.) L'Adamo, sacra Rapresentatione (seconda edizione), ^\ -A ^ fine, engraved title and cojJperplate engravings, 2JU}'pi<^ morocco extra, t. e. g. \ \ nncut, by L. Broca, large copy, but name plain margins wormed (interest- ing from its similarity to 3Iilton's Paradise Lost) sm. 4 to. Milano, G. Bordoni, 1617 37 Andreuccus (A. Hieron.) De Episcopo Titular! seu in Partibus Infi- ll \ delium Tractatus Canonico Theologicus, dedication copy (1) to Arch- ''H - bishop Malachia de Ivguimbert of Theodosia, old blue morocco gilt, ivith arms sm,. Uo. Eonice, A. de Eubeis, 1732 38 Annseus Floras et Velleius Paterculus, Elzevir editions, engraved titles, \L\ . 2 vol. straight grained red morocco, line tooled, g. e. (E. Payne) ' \ l2mo. Lugd. Bat. ap. Elzevirios, 1638-54 39 Annuals. A Series of 86 fine Engravings by Celebrated Artists, taken iK] separately on large paper, mostly artists' proofs ; -with a few india I ' and ordinary proofs, in 1 vol. lutlf bound folio 40 Anstis (John) Historical Essay upon the Knighthood of the Bath, auto- 2]J graph letter of Thos. Hearne to the Author inserted, old calf I'jyUAV *^^- J^t'S. Woodman, \1 '25 41 Anthem^ (Collection of Select) used at Her Majesty's Chapels Royal, ^ 1 1 rided in red, old blue morocco gilt, with croicned monogram of Queen *' I Anne, g. e. S. Kehle, 1712 — Cannon (Thos.) A Close View of Death, jX&c. frontispiece, old blue nwrocco gilt, E. Dilly, 1760 — Liturgia rjj^ Ar\g\ic3ina,, frontispiece, old blue morocco gilt, 1713 — Psalms in Metre, ^^ by Tate and Brady and Sternhold, 2 vol. old red morocco gilt, 1767- 71 ; &c. 8m (7) 42 Antichita di Ercolano : Pitture 5 vol. ; Bronzi 2 vol. ; Lucerne e Candelabri jj.v e Catalogo tome I ; together 9 vol. numerous fine plates, old French i{ J" red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides with corner fleurons, g. e. RiAl i^^'^'^^^^) imp. folio. Napoli, 1751-^2 •43 Anthologia Epigrammatura Grsecorum (Planudis Rhet.) Grsec^ (cura Jo. cAj ^ Lascaris), editio princeps. printed in capitals, reimpression, ivithout the I I 7 U. after KK8, crushed red mwocco, plain, inside gilt lines, vellum fly- Jll/U ^^ leaves, joints, g. e. by Masson-Debonelle •^ j} 4/0. [Florentice, Fr. de Alopa, 1494:] '44 Anthologia Grseca et Arabica, cum Notis Musicis, Manuscript on PAPER (230 //.) crushed purple morocco extra, inside dentelles, by L. Broca Svo. 8jeg. xvi 45 Antiquarian Repertory (The) of Topography, History, Biography, f Customs and Manners by Fr. Grose, T. Astle and others, new JMi^^ edition, numerous portraits, views, Givse's caricature figures, &c. 4 vol. ( calf gilt {worn) " Uo. 1807 46 Antiphonarium Ambrosianum Mediolanum, Manuscript on vellum (215 II. 22 by 16 in.) icritten in large gotj^tc cj^aractfrg, in red and black, I 1 icith square musical notes, by an Balian scribe; with 41 large finely "jl'' painted AND brilliantly illuminated INITIALS. 14 of which ARE exquisite figured MINIATURES IN A VERY HIGH STYLE OF ITALIAN IHtW/f ^^^^ ^^^ c/iie/ and largest representing the Ascension of Christ (a fine P) ; [in^ Pentecost (5 by 5f in.), very fine ; St. Helena icith the Cross ; John the \ Baptist in the Desert, a large S (5 in. square), very fine ; the Apostles Peter and Paul (4f in. square) ; the Meeting of Elizabeth and Mary (4| by 4 J in. square) ; St. Mary Magdalene, a charming small initial ; 6 SIZES MIXED Lot 46 — continued. the Asiumptlon of the Blessed Virgin ; the Deitij and the Saints ; the others being Martyrdoms of Saints ; the rest of the 41 initials are of rich ornamental scroll flower designs, all varying, on grounds of gold and different colours ; old Italian red morocco icith blind stamped ornaments large folio. SiEC. XV *^* The miniatures in this volume are remarkable and worthy of the best Italian artists of the XVth century. 47 Antiphonarium Diurnum Ambrosianiim Mediolanum, Manuscript on VELLUM (216 //. 23 by \i\ in.) written in largp. gotI)ic cljaractcig, in i^U\•A / red and black, ivith square musical notes, by an Italian scribe, toith 27 \ ' FINE AND LARGE RICHLY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURE INITIALS, 22 of ichich are figures of Saints, &c. by an Italian artist of Q great skill (most of them measuring 3| by 3^ in.) numerous large orna- l\^^' mental pen-letters, margin of first page decorated, uith shield of arms below ; old Italian red morocco toith blind stamped ornaments large folio. S^C. XV 48 Antiphonarium diurnum de Tempore Mouachorum S. Ambrosii Medio- \ J lani, secundum ritum Monasticum Ambrosianum, Manuscript on i 'M' V i VELLUM (212 //. 22 by 16 in.)turitten in large goti)if letter^, in red and K^ black, with square musical notes, the first page decorated, and has a fine large miniature initial of King David, 21 fine painted and illuminated initials, 6 of which are figured (1 apparently representing the Ambrosian Monastery at Milan), the rest ornamental, many fine ornamental pen- letters and other decorations ; old red mwocco icith stamped blind m'na- ments large folio. Sjec. xv *^* The above three Antiphonarii are evidently the work of the same scribes and miniaturists, and were probably written in the end of the XlVth and beginning of the XVth century. The bindings of the three volumes, which are XVIth century, are uniform, and lettered on the back " LiBRO CoRALi del Canto Ambrosiano," but the volume first described (lot 46) has the finest decorations. 49 Antiphonale Cisterciense. Manuscript on vellum (94 II. 18i by .15 in.) of Italian ivorkmanship, written in large got[)tc letters, in red I and black, with square musical notes, with 14 FINE large MINIATURE initials REPRESENTING THE Saints, the Virgin Mary, &c. each having \^ V a painted and illuminated three-quarter border of fiowers, &c. numerous .yJ\, large ornamental pen-letters in red and black, dx. oaken boards, leather, ' s'^ \^ blind stamped ornamental frame sides large folio. Smc. XIV 50 Antiphonale seu Graduale, Secundum Romanae Ecclesise Usum, I Manuscript on vellum (210 II. 22 by 16 in.) icritten in large I Soti^tc ci)aractcr0, in red and black, ivith musical notes, by an Italian scribe, boi-der of first page finely painted and illuminated in compart- ^ ments, with 4 figured miniatures and ornaments and large figured iA* . initial {slightly rubbed), A VERY FINE AND LARGE MINIATURE INITIAL V\ OF THE Nativity (5| in. square) with a rich marginal decoration, on NNfv"" reverse of fol. xlvii, another of the Offerings of the Magi on foL Ixxviii (6 in. square), 42 fine large painted and illuminated orna- mental and figured initials (Sin. square), and numerous ornamental pen- letters, contemporary binding, oaken boards, metal borders, spikes on all j edges and bosses very large folio. S^C. xv Lot 63. 6>' SIZES MIXED 7 61 Antiphonale Eomanum(]). Manuscript on vellum (198 II. 11^ by -ioi-l ' 8^ in.) written in bold g;oti)tc rjjaractcrg, long lines, ivith musical notes, ' 'i I painted ornamental capitals in blue, black and red, contemporanj Nether- ^Hands binding, oaken boards, leather, stamped icith blind floreate orna- ments, metal corners and clasps, IN FINE CONDITION, enclosed in a new red morocco case with chamois leather linings folio. S^C. XV *^* lu the front cover of this MS. is an old washed drawing in colours of the Madonna and Child within a nimbus, and in the end cover I a remarkable XVth Century drawing which may have been done for I one of the Block-Books. 52 ApoUonius Alexand. De Constructione ; Maghi Basilii De Grammatica : ^ij exercitatione, EDITIO PRIMA, olive morocco extra, g. e. {Syston Park ^ i copy) sm. Svo. Florent. Ph. Junta, 1515 53 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonauticon lib. IV, Greece cum Scholiis Grsecis, editio princeps, printed in capitals and cursives, old Italian "j^.'^ red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, the sides covered with rich and if' elaborate large leafy scroll ornaments, g. e. A RICH SPECIMEN OF 17th ^!iU CENTURY Italian binding, rare. [See PLATE] ito. Florentice, Fr. de Alopa, 1496 54 Apparato di Notizie su gli Anni Santi di Universal Guibileo, dedication copy to Cardinal Odeschalchi, in Italian red morocco, icith rich gilt ornaments and the Cardinal's arms in centres, g. e. sm. 4to. Eoma, dai Torchi del Salviucci, 1824 P\ 55 Aragon. " Vitalis de Camelis Hosaeniae Episcopi Fororum Regni \ Arragonum compilatio, sive digestio," Latin Manuscript on Vm\ vellum (14G II. 10^ by 7^ in.) icritten in double columns of 40 lines, \i^V' *'^ ^^^ ^ black, with painted ornamental initials, modern biiiding in ^ ' oaken boards, stamped leather with metal bosses sm. folio. Smg. XIV This MS. appears to contain a digest of the Laws and Privileges of * * Aragon from a.d. 1240 to a. d. 1361. 56 Arbuthnot (Dr. J.) Tables of Antient Coins, Weights and Measures, second edition, with Appendix by Langwith, 1754-5— Gilly (W. G.) Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, maps and plates, half calf, 1824 — Barrow (John) Life of the Earl of Macartney, portrait, 2 vol. calf, 1807 4tto. (4) 57 Arch^ologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published I , by the Society of Antiquaries, vol. I-LVl ; Index to the first 2J/'C FIFTEEN VOL. and Index to vol. I-L {icanting vol. XLF, part 2, ' XLFI, XLVII and XLVIII), numerous plates, vol. I-XXXIX calf IK^ gilt, y. e. remainder in cloth volumes and half volumes (68 vol.) 1779-1899 58 Archaeologia, vol. XXXVIII part 2, and vol. XXXIX, in 3 vol. cloth Uo. 1862-3 59 Aretinus (Leonardus) Historiarum sui Temporis Sumraarium ; in quo ^ , , I Laudes Principium in Italiam hunc temporis dominantium habentur, ;' "Y^ &c. Manuscript on vellum (50 II. 8| by 6 in.) neatly written in , ~ semi-roman letters, long lines, 24 to a full page, by an Italian scribe, ' '('l* a i^ -^ illuminated initials, purple velvet binding sm. Uo. S^C. xv 8 SIZES MIXED '.1 f vl^ Aretinus (Leonardus) De Bello Italico Adversus Gothos (editio .h ^ I I \ SECUNDA), finely printed hi roman letter, long lines, 32 to a full page, \ ' j Wy-A/ painted ornamental initials, old French olive morocco, full gilt hack with ill* acorns, line sides, g. e. (Derome), Wodhull copy with arms on upper cover, [j RARE sm. folio. Venet. Nic. Jenson, \^1\ 61 Aretino (Pietro) La Passione di Giesu con due Canzoni, una alia Vergine , , et I'altra al Christianissinio (Re Francesco), EDiTiO PIMMA, crushed I '^'V^ green morocco extra, line tooled, ivith corner fieurons and centre icreaths, { \ , V inside dentelle.<, g. e. hy Lortic, FINE COPY I vU^ ^^^' ^^^' J^^^'^ffi'^j G. A. de Nicollnida Sabio, 1534 62 Ariosto (Lud.) Le Rime non piu utile, et nuovamente stampata a in- ^. ^ stantia di Jacopo Modonese, prima edizione, printed on large blue ^ AnV paper, red morocco with gilt ornaments, edges uncut, rare in this state v:*" sm. ito. Vinegia \s. nom. del impresso?'], 1546 63 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, novissimamente alia sua integrita ridotto ; \^ Aggiuntovi per una brevi espositione, woodcut title, numerous fine '>^^\ woodcuts in the text and historiated initials, old French red morocco gilt, line tooled, gold flowered, end papers (Padeloup), FINE COPY, scarce edi- tion sm. 4to. Venetia, G. Giolita da Ferrara, 1546 64 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, Baskerville's finely printed edition, fine plates after Eisen, Moreau, Cipriani, &c. 4 vol. old red morocco, line tooled, ^"L^ 9- 6- {Roger Payne), FINE COPY t' imp. 8vo. Birmingham, G. Baskerville, 1773 I 65 Aristides. Orationes Grsece (edente Euphrosyne Bonino), editio PRIN- A, . CEPS, crimson morocco extra, g. e. {Syston Park) '^ ^^"^ V sm. folio. F brent. J. Ph. Giunta, 1517 66 Aristophanes. ComcEdise novem, Greece (cum Scholiis Grsecis et Pre- fatione Grseca Marci Musnri), EDiTio princeps et Aldina, old MS. ^' \ notes in margins, old English red morocco, full gilt floreate hack and ornamental horders, rough edges {Haiieian) '^'nt a sm. folio. Venet. Aldus, 1498 67 Aristoteles. Opera Philosophica naturale : de Physica, de Coeli et Mundi, de Generatione et Corruptione, de Metheora, de Anima, de • ^ V' Plantis, de Morte et Vita, (fee. Manuscript on vellum (247 II. \\^^\^ 12^ hy % in.) written in neat gotijlc ci)acactevs in douhle columns of 33 ** ^^ V lines, prohahhj hy an English scribe, miniature initial of Aristotle on first Sj)r- pfiff^ within strap marginal decoration, and 26 fine painted and illumi- VV, ruited ornamental initials in the text, some icith marginal decorations, numerous ornamental pen-letters, &c. vellum folio. S.fiC. xiii 68 Aristoteles. Opera Omnia; Theophrastus de Historia et de j . y Causis Plantarum, Grtec^, editio princeps et Aldin.a, 5 vol. I VV\ in 6, old calf, russia gilt backs, g. e. rare I S\Sv^SN)J^ sm. folio. Venet. Aldus Maniitius Bomamis, 1495-8 ■ 69 Aristoteles. Opera Gr. ; Theophrasti de Historia Plantarum ^ib. X et de Causis Plantarum lib. VI, Omnia Greece, EDiTiO prin- "A\^y^ CEPS, 5 vol. new pigskin, with stamped hlind antique ornaments, few II. \\ \^in vol. I slightly wormed, hut a good copy generally ^i. folio. Venetiis, impressum dcxteritate Aldi Manucci Romani, 1495-8 !l SVI \\tANVA^'b , SIZES MIXED 70 Aristoteles, Opera ; et Theophrastus de Historia et de Causis Planta- ^M 1 rum, &c. Graece, EDiTio princeps, 5 vol. in 6, olive morocco extra, /till ^\^ (jilt hacks, broad ornamental side borders, g. e. by Mackenzie, FINE COPY sm. folio. Fen et. Aldus, I i9 5-8 Aristoteles. Thopicorum (sic) Analeticorum lib. VIII, tit. gotj^. mag. (76 //.) long line><, without marks, fine ornamental woodcut initials {wormed), old oaken boards, leather, the sides covered with small stamped floicer ornaments, clasps {well jrreserved) ^ sm. folio. Augustce, A mbrosius Keller, 1^79 Aristoteles. Artis Rhetoricse lib. Ill, Gr. ab A. Riccobono latine con- versi, brown moivcco, g. e. Hanov. 1606 — Aristotelis Poetica par A. Paccium in Latinum conversa, Gr. et Lat. red morocco extra, silk linings, g. e. anchor on sides {Syston Park), Venet. Aldus, 1536 — Horatius, old red morocco richly gilt {faiigude), Amst. J. Blaeu, 1660 — Hieron. Vidse Opera, old red morocco gilt, Antw. C. Plantiv, 1567 12rno. (4) {7^ Aristoteles. Ethicorum ad Nichomachum lib. X, Gr. et Lat. cum Com- 1 ment. A. Riccoboni, old French brown morocco, line tooled, with 4 stars ^M— on back and centre laurel icreath, and corners icith 4 stars, g. e. {style of I De Thou) 8vo. A. JFechel, Francof 1596 (f|) Aristoteles. De Poetica Liber, Gr. et Lat. cum notis, LARGE PAPER, old tM English red morocco, full gilt back, ornamental frame sides, g. e. \ imp. 8vo. Oxon. 1760 75 Aristoteles. Alexandri Aphrodisiei in Topica Aristotelis Commentarii, *i Graece, p:ditio Aldina, red mwocco extra, gilt borders, gold anchor in ^|i5j centres, uncut, t. e. g. fine copy {Syston Park) • ' folio. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1513 76 Aristoteles. Eustradii et aliorum insignium Peri-pateticorum Commen- rtri taria in Libros decern de Moribus ad Nichomachum una cum textu ^/*| " suis, Graece, EDiTio Aldina, brown morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut fore and i It lower edges, with arms of Bev. H. Drury {Syston Park copy) is iil>.'V sm. folio. Venet. Hceredes Aldi Manutii, 1536 77 Aristoteles. Simplicii Hypomnemata in Aristotelis Categorias, Graece, EDITIO PRINCEPS, title within ornamental device in red, heading and initial of first page and other woodcut initials in red, a few II. at end slightly ivormed, brown morocco extra, antique gilt ornaments, g. e. by F. Bedford, a very large and clean copy, very rare fUio. Venet. sumpt. Nic. Blasti opera et industria Zacharice Calliergi, 1499 78 Armenian Manuscript. Hymnus et Preces Metricales, &c. Armenian j\ ! MS. on vellum (256 //. 5 by 4^ in.) icritten in neat characters in long ni 1 V lines, 23 to a page, contemporary native binding, with flap, oaken boards, ^•^^ lllpather stamped in blind Byzantine ornaments thick small 8vo. S^EC. XV 79 Arrianui De Expeditione Alexandri Magni lib. VIII, ex Bonav. Vul- ^ canii nova interpretatione, &c. old French calf gilt, icith the coronetted y - > double G. on back, the monogram of Gaston d' Orleans, brother of Louis XIII ^ f\ {Sunderland copy) fol. Genevce, H. Stephanus, 1575 ^'80 Ars Artium, Scientia Scientiariim, &c. Manuscript on paper (34 II. ' III 8 by 5 in.) goti)ic letter, much contracted, long lines, 40 to a page ^ ' — ' sm. 4to. Smc. XIV 10 SIZES MIXED 81 Art (L') Revue hebdomadaire illustree, Annies 1876 et \ 87 S, numerous \^\ ^ illustrations, 8 vol. 4 cloth and 4 half hound fol. Paris 82 A.rts Somptuaires (Les) Histoire du Costume et do I'Ameublement, &c. rx, dessins de CI. Ciappori, Introduction Generale et Texte explicatif, Mangi, 3 vol. blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. ^'■> par Chas. Louandre, numerous fine chromolithographs by Hangard- 4cto. Paris, Hangard-Mangi, 1857 83 Arundel] (Rev. F. V. J.) Discoveries in Asia-Minor, map, views, &c. 2 vol. lil^, tree-calf extra, y. e. by Riviere 9>vo. R. Bentley, 1834 84 '' Ashmole (Elias) Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble ^\ \ Order of the Garter, fulUevgth portrait of Charles II by Sherwin, fine ^{^\/^ views by Hollar, plates of arms, orders, &c. old calf ^ Y /^^- J. Macock for N. Brooke, 1672 85 Ashpitel (A.) and Alex. Nessbitt. Two Memoirs on Saint Peter's Chair, *}\ Preserved at Rome, pZate imp. folio. Nichols, 1870 l<^6) *ASTEXANUS DE AST. SUMMA DE CaSIBUS CoNSCIENTI^ lib. VIII. Manuscript on vellum (257 //. 16^ by 11| in.) vritten in neat g;otl)ic P\\y\ Itttciio much contracted, in double cohimns of 68 lines, by an English \\ I " scribe, rubricated in red and blue, ornamental pen-letters, 5 fine illu- ' minated ornamental initials, loith marginal elongations of spiked ivy-leaves, a grotesque bird, dx. old French calf (from Lee of HartwelVs library) fol. SiEC. XIV 87 Astle (Thos.) Origin and Progress of Writing and Printing, portrait and plates, half bound, uncut ito. Chatto, IS7 6 88 Astry (Sir Ja.) The Royal Politician represented in One Hundred Em- , blems, written in Spanish by D. Diego Saavedra Faxardo, done into \'\ En<>;lish from the Original, portrait of William Duke of Gloucester, and 100 engravings, 2 vol. straight grained red morocco, line-tooled, g. e. 8vo. Myles Gylliflower, 1700 89 Auction Catalogues of Celebrated Libraries. Libri (Choicer Portion), ■. -- Ostenley Park, Hamilton, Heath, White Knights, Merly, Stanley,' " \ Roxburghe, Bright, Bindley, and others, mostly priced in MS. in 12 vol. various bindings 8vo. v. d. 90 Audsley and Bowes. Keramic Art of Japan, 32 plates, some coloured, \\\ morocco gilt, g. e. sup. imp. 8vo. Sotheran, 1881 91 ■ AUgustintis (S. Aurelius) " Incipit Liber alius Sci. Augustini de Quatuor Virtutibus Karitatis, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (47 //. 12 by 8^ in.) i^by Zaehnsdorf '\/[. - /oj i / / ' fol- S^C. X-xi DeCi in »-s\j Y"". ' *^^"' boarded red m.orocc(i, blind stamped antique ornaments, inside dentelles, 92 AUGUSTINUS (S. A.) I!)e Civitate Dei lib. XXII, finely printed in rom.an , letter, long lines, 46 ^o a full page, vnthout marks, contemporary MS. J \ notes, a feiv leaves at end slightly wormed and last leaf a little mended, \itin^'* otherwise a fine clean and sound copy, crushed crimson morocco extra, with InT^ ^ tiniique gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by L. Broca fol. ' Romce, C. Sweynheym. et A. Pannartz in dome Petri di Maximo, 1468 *^* The extremely rare second edition of " De Civitate," and one of the earliest books printed at Rome by these great printers. Pro- [ ' bably, as was usual, only 275 copies were printed. SIZES MIXED 11 ;(93) AUGUSTINUS (S. A.) De Civitate Dei lib. XXII, finely printed in roman letter, long lines, 46 to a page, icithout marks, old rusmi extra, FINE COPY 57 {Syston Park) large folio . I Eonice, C. Sweynheym et A. Pannartz in domo Petri di Maximo, 1468 *^* The second edition of " De Civitate," which is as rare as the first from the press of the same printers, and one of the earliest books printed at Rome. 94 AuGUSTiNUS (S. A.) De Civitate Dei lib. XXII, finely printed in roman J / letter, long lines, 46 to a fall page, icithout marks, first few leaves slightly Wpjl^l^ wormed, otherwise a FINE large AND SOUND COPV, rubricated in blue I / / and red, with painted blue and red capitals, red morocco extra, antique >, ■ gilt ornaments, g. e. by R. De Coverly fol. ib. 1470 Kj* This the third edition of "De Civitate" from the press of the first "w* y Roman printers, and is VERY rare. Probably, as was their usual custom, only 275 copies were printed. 95 AuGUSTiNUS (S. A.) De Civitate Dei lib. XXII (cum Expositionibus Fratris Thomae Anglici Ord. Praid.) lit. gotl). {the commentary in a H smaller type), double columns, 47 and 57 lines, without marks, finely printed, rubricated, fine large ornamental pen letters in red, one icith signa- '"^ ture " P. Wolf," numerotis contemporary MS. notes in margins, old riissia gilt, with Wodhull arms, rough edges, LARGE AND FINE COPY large folio. Argent, absque ulla nota [Argent, ante 1468] An extremely rare editiofi, having in the text the peculiar R. formerly attributed to Mentelin's Press. The Spencer-Rylands' copy has an inscription by the illuminator J. Bamber, dated 1468, showing that it was printed before that date. 96 Augustinus (S. A.) Opuscula plurima : scil. Meditationes, Manuale, \ _^ Enchiridion, De Beata Vita, Doctrina Christiana, Confessiones, &c. lit. goti^. double columns, capitals painted in blue and red, modern black morocco, with gilt ornaments srn. ito. Venet. A. de Bonetis, 1484 97 AUGU.STiNUs(S. A.)Sermones ad Fratres suos Heremitas : et Confessionum lib. XIII, Manuscript on vellum (165 //. 9J by 6^ in.) neatly ivritten lOl^ in semi-^ot^it \tittxi, in double columns of 40 lines, by an Italian saibe, illuminated and other ornamental initials (Phillipps MSS. 9270), crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, by L. Broca sm. folio. S^c. xiv-xv Augustinus (S. A.) Sermones in Novum Testamentum, Manuscript on paper (113 II. 8^ by 5|), written in gotj^tc cl)aractcv0, long lines, 37 to a page, red and black, vellum sm. Aio. Middelburch scripsit librum per Cornelius istud (1469 1) Augustine (S. A.) Manuell or Little Booke of the Contemplation of Christ, blvicft letter, printed tvithin woodcut borders of figures of Biblical characters and saints, leaf of preface in facsimile, top corner of next leaf slightly defective. Day's device inserted in front, sold not stibject to return, modern brown morocco antique, r. e. l2mo. J. Daye, 1575 Ausmo (Nic de) Liber qui dicitur Supplementum quoniam Summa que Magistrutia seu Pisanella vulgaritu nuncupatur, lit. goti). double ^ columns, toith signs. {Hain 2 1 58), capitals painted in blue and red (slightly I wormed), purple morocco extra, t. e. g. by L. Broca ' sm. Ato. Venet. s. nom. impr. 1479 „6 Augu.^, JH ^m 98 1 99 f 100 12 SIZES MIXED 101 Autographic Mirror (The), July 1, 1865, to April 28, 1866, numerous fac- U similes, ia 1 vol. half morocco gilt — Facsimiles of 100 Autograph Letters \ of Royal and Distinguished Persons of Great Britain, from the XVth to the XVIIIth Century, by Jos. Netherclift, 1849 Uo. (2) 102 Autographs. A Collection of nearly 500 Franks of the Nobility, Eminent Literary and Scientirtc Men, Statesmen, chiefly of the first half of ^'i - the last Century, arranged alphahetically and mounted, in 2 vol. half russia 4:to 103 Autographs. A Collection of 283 Franks to Letters, comprising Auto- graphs of the Nobility, Statesmen, Literary Men, M.P.'s and others, including Lord Clive, Arthur Chichester, H. L. Bulwer, T. F. Bux- ton, G. Byng, G. Bentinck, W. E. Gladstone, Lord George Lennox, Lord Vernon, Lord Tavistock, Earl Stanhope, &c. mounted in a vol. arranged alphahetically, half russia 4to 104 Autographs. Isographie des Hommes Ct^lebres, ou Collection de Fac- similes de Lettres, Autographes, et de Signatures, 662 facsimiles, n\ arranged chronologically, 3 vol. bound in 2, half morocco gilt, uncut, I. e. g. M {from Dawson Turner's collection) Ato. Paris, A. Mesnier, 1828-30 105 Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned and Remarkable Personages con- spicuous in English History, &c. with Memoirs, &c. by J. G. Nichols, numerous facsimiles, half morocco gilt, g. e. J. B. Nichols, 1829 106 Avienus (Rufus Festus) Opera : scil. Arati Phcenomena lat, vers, reddita et Orbis terras Descripti, Arati Phcenomena per Germanicum lat. nV^ Conversa, &c. curante V. Pisano, EDITIO PRIMA, numerous singular [™\ '; woodcuts afterwards tised in Aldus' s edition of the Astronomici Veteres, purple morocco, icith centre gilt ornament'', g. e. by Thouvenin {Syston Park copy), signed autograph note by L. Aimemartin on fly-leaf, RARE svi. ito. yenet. A. de Strata Cremonensis, 1488 107 Bacon (Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, temp. Q. Eliz.) Col- , . lection of Speeches made in Parliament, to the Queene's Majesty, in 2)\\t\ the Star Chamber, and on other occasions, with a Copie of the \ Queen's Letter to Sir Amyas Poulet, contemporary manuscript on paper (83 //. with a table of contents 9f in. by 1^ in.), neatly written, limp vellum {from the Phillipps Collection) sm. 4to. [15 — ] 108 Bacon (T. Scott) Beginnings of Religion, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. Rivingtons, 1888 — Christianity v. Ecclesiasticism, edited by J. H. frontispiece, half morocco gilt, IVilliams & Norgate, 1887 — Scrivener (J. H.) Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, red morocco extra, g. e. Canib. 1874 8vo. (3) 109 Baglione (Gio.) Le Vite de' Pittori, Scoltori et Kxc\i\tet\,\, frontispiece and #0i. ^ portrait of the Author, old French citron morocco gilt, with abbot's mitre and monogram D.L.V. on sides, g. e. ito. Roma, 1602 110 Baker (George) History and Antiquities of the County of Northamp- ^y^<^ ton, portraits and views, monuments, etc. 2 vol. half red morocco, t. e. g. \ uncut fol. J. B. Nichols, 1822-30 111 Balzac (H. de) Les Contes Drolatiques colligez es Abbayez de Touraine, cinquiesme Edition, 425 dessins par Gustave Dord, red mm'occo extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Kauffman 8vo. Paris, 1855 SIZES MIXED Ip Bandelli. " Opusculum Fratris Vinceatii de Castronovo (Bandelli) Old. Pred. ad magnanimum ac generosura Virum Laurentium ^it Medicem, qm. beatitudo in hominis in actu iutellectus et non l^ voluntatis essentialiter consistit," MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER (41 II. 8^ in. by 5^ in.), neatly ivritten by an Italian scribe in long lines, 27 to a full page, the first page painted in floivers and illuminated, with the Medici arms below, probably the original MS. sent to Lorenzo de' Medici, oaken boards, purple velvet sm. ito. S^C. XV [Bandelli a Castro Novo (Vincentius de)]. Libellus recollectorius de veritate conceptionis B. Mariae Virginis, EDiTio prima, lit. gotO- double columns of 38 lines without marks, rubricated, fine ornamental ' — initial at head of first page, old French red morocco gilt, g. e. (Boyet), fine copy, RARE sm. ito. Mediol. C. Valdarfer, 1475 Barber (Mary) Some Drawings of Ancient Embroidery, 30 specimens, cloth gilt, g. e. fol. Sotheran, 1880 Barclaius (Jo.) Argenis, editio novissima, cum Clave, engraved title, crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Belz-Niedree, FINE COPY Vlrno. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzevir. 1630 Barbara (Rev. R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, FIRST EDITION, illustrations by Leech and Cruikshank, 3 vol. calf extra, g. e. ' 'ivo. R. Bentley, 1840-42-47 Baring-Gould (Rev. S.) Lives of the Saints, frontispiece, 15 vol. calf /^ gilt, g. e. cr. Svo. Hodges, 1877 Bartlett (J. R.) Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua, map and numerous illustrations, 2 vol. calf extra, m. e. roy. 8vo. G. Routledge, 1854 ^19 • Bartolus de Saxo Ferrato. Tractatus Judiciorum, Processus Sathane t'l contra genus humanum, lit goti). (26 //.) long lines, 31 to a full page, Iv 4i iMt7/i signs. '3-® {not in Hain), ruled in red, old green boards / j— sm. 4:to. absque nota Batty (Miss) Italian Scenery, from Drawings made in 1817, 60 fine plates on LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS, separate issue without text in 4 portfolios fol. Rodwell (& Martin, 1820 Batty (R.) French Scenery, from Drawings made in 1819, india proof plates, complete in 12 parts, 1820 — Fisher's Historic Illustrations of the Bible, plates. Parts 1-23, n. d. ito Baurn (Jo. G.) Iconographia, complectens in se, Passionem, Miracula, Vitam Christi Universam, nee non Prospectus Rarissimorum Por- ^ turn, Palatiorum Hortorum, etc. quae per Italiam spectatu sunt /^^7 dignse, 145_^7ie copperplate engravings, vellum gilt, m. e. obi. ito. Aug. Find. M. Kysell, 1670 Beaumont (Francis) and John Fletcher. Comedies and Tragedies, ^ never printed before and now published by the Author's original /vliirl copies, FIRST EDITION, ^^«e portrait by Marshall {backed), margins of yv\ . last leaf mended, somewhat stained, but a very good copy, modern calf \£i,J\,\{ gdt, m. e. sm. fol. Printed for H. Robinson and H. Moseley, 1647 134 jBeattie (Wm.) Switzerland, illustrated in a series of views by W. H. iLJ Bartlett, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco super extra, with rich gilt ornaments, J inside dentelles, g. e. Uo. Virtue, 1836 113 114 115 116 m 117 118 120 121 122 123 14 SIZES MIXED y,'^ ^' 125 Belgique (La) Monuraentale, Historique et Pittoresque, Texte par A. Baron, coloured frontispieces and numerous illustrations, 2 vol. vellum gilt, g. e. imp. 8w. Brux. Jamar et Hen, 1844 126 Bellin. Recueil des Memoires qui ont 6t6 publics avec les Cartes Hydrographiques, que Ton a dressees au Depot des Cartes et Plans J^^fy- de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseux du Roi, 1737-51, old French red morocco, fidl gilt floreaie back, line sides, with arms of a French marquis on sides, g. e. (Derome) ito. Paris, imp. roy. 1765, &c. 127 Bembo (Card. P.) Rime (e Sonnetti di Diversi a P. Bembo), contem- y \ porary Italian MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (80 II.) beautifully written (8| in. byh\ in.), red morocco extra, broad inside gilt borders, joints, g. e. sm. ito. [c. 1500] Bembo (Card. P.) Petri Bembi ad Nicolaum Teupolem de Guido Ubaldo Feretrio deque Elisabetha Gonsagia Urbini ducibus liber, MANU- SCRIPT OF THE 16th century, on paper (80 II. 9^ in. by 6^ in.), vMh marginal notes said to be in the Aiithor's oiun handioriting, brown morocco k^" plain, g. e. (ex-libris II. S. Turner) sm. ito. S^C. XVI Benedictus (Sanctus.) Regulse Beatiss. Patris nostri Benedicti, cum Approbationibiis,Ordinationibus, DeclarationibusquePatrumCongre- ,i^ gationis Sanctae Justinse Cassinensis (Monte-Cassino), MANUSCRIPT Vv\ ON PAPER (250 II.) neatly tcritten in red and black by Italian scribes in various hands in Latin and Italian, first page of text ornamented, capitals painted, contemporary brown morocco, ivith stamped blind ornaments ( slightly damaged) ' sm. 8vo. S.-EC. xv-xvi Bentivoglio (Card.) Relation], LARGE PAPER, ruled in red, ex-libris of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford, in cover, old calf gilt, with arms of Valentin Conrart on sides ito. Farigi, C. Sciappellain, 1631 Bentivoglio (Card.) Delia Guerra di Fiandra, parte prima, engraved title, \ ruled in red, old calf gilt, with arms and devices of Valentin Conrart, CVy g.e. FINE COPY, Colonia, 1633 — Faerne (G.) Cent Fables en Latin et \\ en Fran9ois, traduites par Perrault, frontispiece and 100 fine copper- plate vignettes, old calf, 1744 ito. (2) Bentley (R.) Designs for Six Poems by T. Gray, fine plates and vignettes, half russia {cracked) sm. fol. J. Dodsley, 1775 B^ranger (P. J. de) Chansons, anciennes et posthumes, nouvelle 6di- \ lion populaire, numerous illustrations, half morocco, imp. 8vo, Paris, \A\ / Perrotin, 1866 — Reybaud (L.) Jerome Paturot a la Recherche de la Meilleure des R6publiques, illustr6 par Tony Johannot, calf gilt, ib. M. Uvy, 1849 (2) Bercborius (Petrus) Liber Biblise Moralis, sive Moralisationes Bibliae, lit. goti). double columns, 50 lines, without marks, capitals painted in red (Hain *2795), contemporary oaken boards, leather, stamped with birds, rosettes and fleurs-de-lis in small diagonal compartments, title on horn on upper cover {well preserved), RARE, large folio, " litteras reductus ad •pi'essas correcture advertencia li; puncture j^er C. JF. Civem Argentensem ex annis domice incarnacionis millesimoquadri-gentesimo tertio elapsis, fru^tus anni sequenti idibus septembrium septimis Luce Mercurii," &c. (1474) 135 Beresford (Jas.) The Miseries of Human lA^e, folding frontispieces, the * -A ^ series of 24 coloured folding plates by J. A. Atkinson inserted, 2 vol. •Nyxv ^¥f ^^^^"^j {/• ^- h lii'vi'^i'^ sm. 8vo. W. Miller, 1807 13 131 S7n. 8vo. Argent, apud Wuolfiimi Cephalceum, 1526, 24 '' \ *^* A finely printed edition of the Bible in Greek, rarely found com- plete and in good condition. The 0. T. has three Books of Macca- bees, and the N. T. omits the Text of the Three Witnesses in S. John's Epistle I, v. 7. 152 Biblia Sacra Grseca Septuagintse Interpretum. Sacra Scripturse Veteris \ Novaeque Omnia, Grsec^, EDITIO PRINCEPS, title in red {neatly re- iV«A paired), some leaves slightly wormed, otherwise a most excellent copy, "T^X modern boarded crimson morocco extra, broad and richly gilt inside \ borders, joints, g. e. by R. De Coverly . '. . fol. Venet. in ced. Aldi et Aldi Soc. 1518 153 Biblia Aurea. Liber manualis ac introductorius in biblie hystorias figurasq. veteris et novi Testamenti per optimus Aurea Biblia voci- , . tatus (editio secunda), lit. gemt-goti> 59 //. the first blank, without marks, I H^A ' rubricated, Ulm per Johannem Zeiner de reutlingen artificialiter effigiata, \ j I 1476 — Bernardus Abbas Clarvallensis. Contemplationes de In- \ ^ teriori Hominis, de Bona Conscientia, de Miseria Vitae, lit. scmi- j ^ gotjb- 22 //. long lines, 36 to a full page, without marks (not in Hain), rubricated, absque ulla nota — Eusebius. Epistola B. Eusebii ad I Damasum Portunensem Episcopum et ad Theodomum senatorem I romanum de morte gloriosi Hieronimi doctoris eximii, lit. gotlj. long jl lines, 3\ to a page, 66 II. the last blank, without mxirks, rubricated {Hain ] 6718), absque ulla nota ; ALL FINE COPIES OF RARE INCUNABULA, in 1 I I vol. crushed brown morocco extra, inside dentelles, by De Coverly sm.fol. 154 Biblia Sacra Latina, editio Vulgata cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Hebr. Nom. Manuscript on thin vellum (366 il. 9^ in. \\t ^.y 65 in.) uritten in small, neat gothic letters in double columns of 53 i%lK ^ lines, by a Northern French scribe, numerous contemporary MS. notes in n \ margins, ornamental pen letters, etc. modern boarded morocco, unth rich I ^ gilt ornaments and a gilt reredos in centres, inside dentelle.% joints, g. e. ■ ^ ito. SiEC. XIII. *^* Twelve leaves at the beginning of this volume are occupied by "Officium Missarum ad usum Morinensem " (Thi':rouanne), and 11 11. at end contain the II Book of Esdras and some Prologues, a little later than the Codex itself. N SIZES MIXED 17 155 BiBLiA Sacra Latina, editio Vulgata, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi 1 et Interpr. Hebr. Nominum, MANUSCRIPT on thin vellum (533 II. \ 5 fin. by 4 in.) (wants first leaf of Prologv.e to Genesis), written in small I * got{)(C c^atattcrg, much contracted, in double columns, 47 lines to a full ■ i- / !P<^9^y ^y ^^ Anglo-Norman or Northern French scribe ; numerous small ) uhJ painted ornamental initials, with elongations in the margins and orna- \\\ y mental pen letters with marginal decorations, ancient French or Nether- \ \ji lands binding, oaken boards, leather, blind stamped involved dotted orna- f(fIJ}KjlliAnents, having on the outside border of the upper cover the legend, " ISTA ^ BiBLiA EST Domini Petri Corvi ; Per. Donatus me fecit ; " and at the top of the under cover " Jesus Crist ; " A remarkable specimen of XIVth century binding, well preserved, but somewhat worn, in bi-ownmoroccosl^ case~ thick sm. 8t'o. S^EC. xiii i *^* At the beginning of the vol. are 9 11. of an ancient MS. Table of I . Gospels and Epistles for the year, headed, " Ista Biblia est fratrum f / ^M/l-f conrentuo Ste Katerine oi'dinis minorum." 156 Biblia Sacra Latina, editio Vulgata, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, &c. Manuscript on vellum (313 /Z. 15 hj 10 in.) written in neat gotj^tc letttrs, in double columns of 60 lines, by a Northern French w C2^ Anglo-Norman scribe, numerous fine ornamental pen-letters, some mar- ginal decm'ations, headings of chapters and divisions into books written in blue and red, numerous annotations in the margins in two different hands, one in a very peculiar style ; curious Table for Calculating Faster on last leaf, modern boarded brown morocco antique, gilt ornaments, by F. Bedford large folio. Sjeg. xiii %* A FINE AND perfect MANUSCRIPT. In the Epistles, which are in a different order from the usual, will be found the spurious Epistle to the Laodiceans. 157 Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgatae, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Hebr. Nom. Manuscript on uterine vellum (658 II. 5^ by 3^ in.) in small neat gotj^tc cf)aractcrs(, double columns, 47 lines, by l^'^ an Anglo-Noiihern or Northern French scribe, numerous painted his- ^ toriated initials with marginal decorations, and ornamental pen-letters, modern vellum gilt, g. e. thick sm. 8vo. S^C. xiii In A.D. 1574 this volume was given by "Assuerus Stroyff " to ft. "Joanne Libero Barone a Bronckhorst." — [See inscription on fly- *^v leaf.] Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgate, cum Prologis S. Hier- onymi, Manuscript on thin vellum (424 II. 9 by 6 in.), written in small neat g;otI)tt letters, in double columns of 57 lines, by an Anglo- Norman or Northern French scribe, the first leaf having a fine illumi- nated border of fioreate scrolls and animals, with a greyhound hunting a unicwn in lower margin, 1 36 FINELY painted and thickly illumi- nated historiated and ornamental initials, many having marginal continuations characteristic of the Anglo-Norman illuminators of the Xlllth century, and many decorated pen-letters (wants first leaf of Genesis), crimson velvet binding, in new moi'occo slip case, A very FINE MS. 4/0. S^c. xiii c JU 18 SIZES MIXED Id'^ ^1 \A 1 59 BiBLiA Sacra Latina, Editio Vulgata, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et I \ Interpr. Heb. Nom. Manuscript on uterine vellum (522 II. 5|- ;is S. Hieronymi, lit. goti). double columns, 48 lines, ivithout marks (Hain 3053), titles to books and prologues in red, head titles to columns in red or black, numbers of chapters in black, marginal references to the Gospels, numerous large and small icoodcut initials, painted by a contemporary hand, 2 vol. brown mm'occo extra, with antique ornaments, g. e. by R. De Coverly, FINE LARGE AND PERFECT COPY OF A RARE EDITION large folio, absque nota [Basil. B. Richel c. 1475] Biblia Sacra, Editionis Vulgatse, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi at inter- pretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum, lit. gotl). double columns, 51 T I L lines, with signs, and head-titles, large illuminated initial with marginal 1 1 decoration on first page, m'namental pen-letters and painted capitals in . ' I blue and red, last leaf of " Interpretationes " mended, othermse a clean and sound copy, russia gilt, with JVodhull arms sm. folio. Venet. Fr. de Hailbrun et Nic. de Frankfordia, 1476 This is the second Latin Bible of these Venetian printers and differs from the first chiefly in having signatures. 173 1^)116 174 cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et double columns, 52 lines, with llq^ Biblia Sacra Latina, Editio Vulgata -1 Interpr. Heb. Nom. lit. goti). parva. ' \-~ signatures, rubricated, capitals painted in blue and red, first leaf and leaf ' of register at end, the latter often wanting, inlaid, old calf gilt, g. e. good copy of a scarce edition sm. folio. Venet. Nicolaus Jenson, 1476 175 Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgatse, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Notitia Menardi, lit. got]^. double columns, 57 and 58 lines, without marks, rubricated, capitals painted in red {Hain 3062), contemporary oaken boards, stamped leather, rebacked, coi'uers mended, fine copy fol. absque nota, [Nuremb. Jo. Sensenschmictf], 1476 176 Biblia Sacra, Editionis Vulgatse, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Hebr. Nominum, lit. gotl). double columns, 51 lines with signs, (a, a \ v'v\w\'^^«^^, wanting), fine illuminated ornamental initial with marginal j « \ \ decoration to first page of text and prologue, ornamental pen-letters and I y. '^ blue and red capitals, the text rubricated, old calf, g. e. FINE COPY fol. ^ " Biblia ipressa Venetiis opera atqz. impisa Nicolai Jenson Gallici, 1479 " * * British Museum duplicate, exchanged in 1891 for first edition of Sir Thos. Browne's Eeligio Medici. See note by Dr. Garnett in fiy-leaf. It belonged formerly to the Priory of St. Arnulph of Metz, and has a signature of "J. Waltier," one of the Priors, on first page. Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgatse, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Heb. Nom. lit. goti). double columns, with signatures, a beauti- ful painted and illuminated fioreate bm'der and initial to first page and several small illuminated initials in the text, capitals painted in red and blue, text ruhicated, lower margin of a 4 cut off, otherwise a most excel- lent copy of a scarce edition, contemporary oaken boards, leather, stamped in small compartments of fieurs-de-lis, cinquefoils, &c. {back repaired) sm. Mo. Venet. Octavianus Scotus, 1480 * 177 SIZES MIXED 21 178 Biblia Sacra, Editionis Vulgatae, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, lit. got^. f double columns, 47 lines, v:ith signs, and head-titles, capitals rubricated, ifjfCl wants leaf of the Rubric of Proper Lessons and Inter pretatio7i of Hebrew 'I I names, modern boarded brown morocco Ism. folio, s. I. et nom. impr. [Basil. Jo. de Amerbach], " Fontibus et Greeds Hebr^or unique libris," &c. 1481 179 Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgatae, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Hebr. Nom. lit. goti). double columns, 58 lines, with signs. JjJ (f^A rubricated, painted capitals in blue and red, oaken boards, stamped pig- 'If f skin, metal bosses, clasps y^^^^/ sm. folio. Fenet. Jo. Herb&rt de Silgenstadt, 1483 180 Biblia Sacra, Editionis Vulgatse, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi (the title has the single ivord " Biblia "), lit. gotl). double columns, 56 lines, J " Fontibus ex G'roicis " edition, some leaves wormed, wants colophon and i4Jf^in*^the '■' Interpretationes," &c. sold not subject to return, red morocco extra, f r\J g 9- e- fol. absque ulla nota (c. 1490) 181 Biblia. Liber Vite. Biblia cum Glosis Ordinariis et interlineai'ibus, '\ excerptis ex omnibus ferme Ecclesie Sancte doctoribus simulqz (y It ./ cum Expositione Nicolai de Lyra, &c. lit. goti). double columns with signatures, letters and numerals, 6 vol. (vol. VI stained), vellum sm. folio. Tenet. Paganinus de Paganinis, 1474 (■/i^ I 182 Biblia cum Concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testamenti et Sacrorum Canonum, necnon et additione in Marginibus, Canonibus Eusebii, Prologis S. Hieron. Interpr. Heb. Nom. &c. (per y. P. Fr. Alber- ftum Castellanum re visa, &c.) lit. gotl). title in red and black, Canons of Eusebius in red, ninnerous very fine Italian woodcuts, some within i borders, a fine full-page one of the Nativity before the Gospels, numerous ^J ^ g^t^^^namental initials, &c. margins of title mended and a few head-lines f^^^^/ shaved, otherwise an excellent copy of a RARE AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION, old calf, with arms (rebacked), g. e. sm. ito. Venet. L. A. de Giunta, 1511, iv. Kl. Junii *^* Most of the cuts in this edition are from the Mallermi Bible of 1490, and are very good impressions. 7 1 83 Biblia, diligentissime emendata, cum Concordantiis, Quattuor Repertoriis, Summariis, Interp. Hebr. Nom. &c. lit. gotl). full-page cut of the Creation in six compartments, numerous small woodcuts and figured and ornamental initials, many leaves coloured yellow, icants title, sold not sub- ject to return, brown morocco antique, blind stamped ornaments, g. e. R. Farmers copy thick sm. Svo. Lugd. in Off. Jacobi Mareschal Anno Domini decimo quarto supra millesim.um (sic, pro 1514) 184 Biblia Sacra Latina, cum Concordantiis et Additionibus in Marginibus, Interp. Heb. Nom. Prologis S. Hieron. &c. (per V. P. F. Albertum Castellanum revisa, &c.) lit. goti). numerous spirited woodcuts and orna- mental initials, some coloured by hand (one of the " Fontibus ex Grecis " editions), oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin, brass corners and clasps fol. Lugd. D. Saccon expensis A. Koberger, 1515 22 SIZES MIXED 185 > 186 Biblia cum Concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testament! et Sacrorum Canonum, &c. novissime autera additione sunt Concordantise ex viginti libris Joseph! de Antiquitatibus, Hebr. Norn. Interp. &c. -^^it. gotlj. fine icoodcut title, numerous icoodciits and ornamental initials, calf extra, line tooled, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine COPY of one of the rare " Fontibus ex Gra;cis" editions fol. Lugd. Jac. Sacon expensis Ant. Koberger Nuremb. 1516 Biblia cum Concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testament! cum Sumariis, Interp. Hebr. Nom. &c. per Albertum Castellanum Venetum Ord. Prsed. revisa, correcta et emeiidata, lit. goti). title in red, numerous small icoodcvts, half bound thick sm. Svo. Venet. mandato L. A. de Giunta, 1519 187 Biblia Sacra Latina (Editio Vulgata) diligenter recognita et emendata, cum Concordantiis ac Summariis simul et argumentis, &c. lit. got(). n\/\ doitble columns, cuts of the Creation of Adam and the Stem of Jesse, *\ \ '' Kerver's large device on title and last page, crimson morocco extra, panels >l ^. expert in the forsayde tongues (with calendar, etc.) falacfe letter, *r^ I ¥ I woodcut title by Holbein and numerous cuts in the text, first title, some ^ ' /- inner margins and corners of some II. neatly repaired, some headlines in the Epistles cut into, brown morocco extra, antique gilt ornaments, g. e. by Riviere, very rare fol. prynted by Rychard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, 1539, fynyshed in April (.* The FIRST AUTHORISED EDITION OF THE COMPLETE BiBLE IN ENG- LISH, called " The Great," or " Cromwell's," and a most excel- lent copy, with Cromwell's arms uneffaced and all the titles, those to the 0. T. the Hagiographia and the N. T. being alike. As one or two of the titles may be supplied from another edition it will be sold not subject to return. iJ^ SECOND DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. Lot 216. IBLE (Holy). The Great, or Cranmer's (first edition 1), blacfe letter {very imperfect, wanting all before Gen. II, all the titles ; after Second Epistle of St. John, etc. sold not subject to return), half bound vK^ •\ , fol. Grafton and Whitchurch, 1539 217 Bible (Holy). The Great, or Cranmer's Bible, second edition, blacfe 1 \ letter, numerous icoodcuts, tvanis all before Gen. I and after folio LX III yi ' ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Testament, first leaf of Genesis defective, several leaves supplied X A'^'"'^ ^^ shorter copy ; separate titles mounted, except that of the N. T. ^ which is good ; first title and a leaf of calendar supplied hi facsimile ; sold not subject to return, black morocco fol. E. Whitchurch, 1540 218 fBible. The Bible in English of the Largest and Greatest I .'t.«' Volume, according to the translation appoynted by the Queen's •' I Majestie's Injunctions to be red in all churches, etc. (with the Order ^ for Morning and Evening Prayer and Calendar in red and black), * blarfe letter, icoodcut title to 0. T. in red and black, title to N. T. in black only, other titles within borders of 25 compartments of biblical subjects, with initials of J. M. (Jehan Mallart) ; title to 0. T. defective and mounted, corner torn off that of N. T. icants 2 II. after first title, last 2 //. defective; some II. stained, but generally a large, sound and clean copy ; sold not subject to return, red calf extra, A VERY rare EDITION fol. Rouen, at the Coste and Charges of Richard Carmarden {per C. Hamilton) 1566 219 Bible. The Byble, whych is all the holy Scripture, truelye and purely translated into Englishe by Thomas Matthewe 1537, and now imprinted in the yeare of Oure Lorde 1549, blacfe letter, woodcut titles and ornamental woodcut initials, 0. T. title in facsimile, margins of many II. at beginning and end neatly repaired, hit generally a VERY GOOD COPY, red morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford fol. Thos. Raynalde and W. Hyll, 1549 Mathewe's Version, revised by Becke, with Tyndale's Prologues. One of the " Bugge " Bibles. * 28 SIZES MIXED 220 Bible. The Byble, that is to say all the Holy Scripture .... truly and y ^ purely translated into English, and now lately with great industry \q y ' and diligence recognised (with Tyndale's Prologues), blacU letter, " woodcut titles and woodcuts in the text ; the first title has woodcut border '^nly, the text being icritten in facsimile, N. T. title mounted ; margins of 2 //. in Genesis and of 14: II. at end mended ; a feic leaves stained and scribbled on, but generally a very fair copy, icith all the separate icoodcut titles ; sold not subject to return, old russia gilt, A rare edition sm. fol. Daije and Seres, 1549 Mathewe's Version, revised by Becke, with the " Bugges " reading in Psalm xci., 5. \ 221 Bible. The Byble in English, that is to say, the content of all the holy A Scripture .... accordyng to the translation appointed to be read in 1^ churches, blacfe Itttcr, woodcut titles in compartments to all the five parts, \f^ , \^ ^itle to 0. T. mounted, that to N. T. mended, the others all intact ; margins *^ f several II. mended, BUT otherwise A PERFECT AND most excel- lent COPY, broicn morocco, covered with antique blind stamped orna- ments, g. e. fol. Edw. Whytchurche, 1553 %* It is said many copies of this edition were destroyed on the Acces- sion of Queen Mary. \ cfi ' ^ LI 222 Bible. The Holie Bible, contayning the Olde Testamente andtheNewe, (V *\y^ falacfe letter, numerous fine ivoodcuts within ornamental borders by Virgil < SoLis, icith his mark, portrait of the Earl of Leicester to title of part 2, and one of Burleigh before the Psalms, numerous woodcut initials of subjects and. ornaments, first title in facsimile, margins of preliminary leaves mended, 2 II. at end mended, otherwise a very large and SOUND COPY, old calf folio. R. Jugge, (1568) *^* The first edition of the " Bishop's " Bible, very rarely found complete. 223 Bible. "The Holi Bible" {these three words in a blank space of a \^ large woodcut representing Queen Elizabeth being crowned by Mercy \^ , and Justice) ; with Calendar, Proper Lessons, Morning and Evening Prayer, &c. {margin of first leaf of Genesis mended), blacfe and roman letter, double columns, looodcuts ; title to each part except Joshua, which has leaf with printer's device only ; at the end the Table, followed by a leaf of " faultes escaped in the printing," R. Jugge, 1569 — The Whole Booke of Psalmes in English Metre, by Sternhold and Hopkins, with apt notes to sing them withal, black letter, /. Daye, 1569 ; in 1 vol. old calf {Ashburnham copy) sm. Uo %* The second edition of the Bishop's Bible, and the first in 4to. 224 /Bible (Holy), The Bishops' Version (revised by Archbp. Parker), ^ ^ . Genealogies, Calendar {in red and black), &c. blacfe letter, woodcut \4^ titles, full-page cut of the Creation and ornamental initials, margin of leaf before Genesis mended, otherwise a fine, sound and clean copy, yA \^ icith several old signatures, "Richard Asquith," "John Savile," \}^^>v " Kichard Cann," &c. red morocco super extra, g. e. ^^ ^ large folio. C. Barker, 1585 A" SIZES MIXED 29 * 225 Bible (The) and Holy Scriptures (Genevan or " Breeches " Ver- sion), translated according to the Ebrue and Greke ; and conferred with the best translations in divers Languages ; with moste profit- able Annotations, &c. (and Two Tables), maps and woodcuts, THICK PAPER, ruled in red, title neatly repaired, some headlines ad into, two or three corners slightly mended, otherwise A MOST EXCELLENT COPY, modern oak boards, brown moivcco with antique ornaments,, g. e. \to. at Geneva, printed by Rowland Hall, 1560 *^* First edition of the Genevan or " Breeches " version ; extremely RARE, especially on thick paper. 226 Bible (The) and Holy Scriptures . . . translated according to the Ebrue and Greeke . . . with most Profitable Annotations (Genevan or \ \ / " Breeches " Version), with Calendar, Historical Table, Whole Booke U\*\\L of Psalmes in Meetre (with Notes), and Catechism, ruled in red, y^ woodcuts and maps {coloured), margins of last 2 II. mended; Family Register of Thomas Person, 1651-63, on fly -leaf before N. T. ; vellum inlaid in brown morocco in triangles and diamond shape centres, gilt scroll tooling, gilt and gauffred edges, rare edition (Jshburnham copy) sm. ito. Geneva, John Crispin, 1569, 68 227 v^ible (Holy) Genevan or " Breeches " Version ; translated according to \j\\\^ the Ebrue and Greeke ; with most profitable Annotations, a Table, '/Ty W &c. maps and woodcuts, Geneva, John Crispin, 1570 — The Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into Englishe Metre by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others, with apt Notes ; with a Calendar containing jwoodcufs, ib. 1569 ; in I vol. crushed crimson morocco extra, g. e. good copy sm. Mo Bible. The Bible and Holy Scriptures . . . translated according to the Ebreue and Greeke, with most profitable Annotations, &c. (Genevan or " Breeches" Version), first title in facsimile, preliminary II. stained, margins cut doivn, icoodcut maps inserted, Third Book of Machabees inserted from a black lettei' English edition (sold not subject to return), A calf, rebacked, g. e. folio Edinburgh, A. Arbuthnot, 1579 {N. T. Thomas Bassandyne, 1576) *;^* First edition of the Bible in English printed in Scotland. Very RARKj^ 229 Bible (Holy), Genevan or " Breeches " Version, with Annotations and v*V\ Two Tables, roman letter, woodcuts, wants title and next leaf, C. Barker, ^ \ 1582— The Whole Booke of Psalmes in English Meter, by Sternhold, VV-^JSopkins and others, with apt Notes and Prayers, blacfe fetter, title ^^ within woodcut border (last 2 II. mended), Assignes of R. Day, 1585 ; in 1 vol. calf {back broken) ito 230 Bible. The Bible (Genevan or "Breeches" Version), translated ac- Irli,'^ cording to the Ebrew and Greek, and compared with the best trans- ^ ' lations in divers languages, with most profitable Annotations, Chronologies, Calendar, &c. blacfe letter, Jine woodcut titles and A tvoodcuts, the fly-leaves and some margins filled with learned contemporary MS. notes, chiefly on the chronology and genealogy of the Bible, oaken boards, stamped oi'namental leather, metal bosses and clasps {Ashburnham, copy) large folio. C. Barker, 1583 30 SIZES MIXED ^ ■^ 231 Bible (Holy) Genevan or "Breeches" Version, with most profitable annotations and two Tables, Genealogies, Calendar, &c. black Ifttfr, woodcut titles, cuts and ornamental initials, first title backed, hut a good, sound and perfect copy, old russia uith metal clasps (rebacked) folio, a Barker, 1583 232 Bible (The), that is the holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, &c. (Genevan or " Breeches" Version), with most profitable Anno- tations (and Two Tables), icoodcut titles and cuts in the text. Deputies of C. Barker, 1599 — Whole Booke of Psalmes in Metre by Sternhold and Hopkins, with apt notes {no imprint) ; in 1 vol. old English blue T morocco {XVIIth Century), fleurons on hack, line sides with corner fieurons, silver corners and centre-pieces, with croivned i7iitials E. E. and clasps, g. e. with a loose silk cover embroidered in silver and various coloured threads in flowers and other ornaments, probably the work of the Little Gidding Nuns sm. Uo *^* The initials on the silver shields in centres are probably those of Arthur Earl of Essex, who was popularly supposed to have been assassinated in the Tower in 1683. An interesting volume. 233 (r - 234 235 Bible (The) translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke, &c. with mostProfitable Annotations, and Two Tables (Genevan or "Breeches" Version), roman letter, woodcut titles and cuts in the text. Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1599 — The Booke of Psalmes, collected into English Meeter by T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins, with apt notes to sing them withal (with Prayers, &c.) n. d. p. or name of printer, very large AND FINE COPIES, in 1 vol. crushed crimson morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly Uo Bible (Holy) King James's or Authorized, FIRST edition, tcith the ''He" reading in Buth, iii, 15, blacit letter, wants all before the Calendar and both titles, and after Revelations, chapter x [sold not subject to return). contemporary binding, oaken boards, leather R. Barker, 1611 r ,^ 236 w\ ir^ 237 Bible (The Holy) . . . newly translated out of the Originall Tongues, &c. (King James's or Authorized), with Speed's genealogies and map, blacfe letter {preface in roman), ruled in red, titles within looodcut borders in compartments, margins of title and prel. II. mended ("^e" reading in Ruth iii, 15), modern green morocco extra, inside gilt borders, fine large copy {Ashburnham) sm. Uo. ib. 1613 Bible (The Holy) . . . newly translated out of the Originall Tongues, &c. (King James's or Authorized), with Speed's genealogies and map, roman letter, printed within black lines, titles within ivoodcut borders in compart- ments {''She" reading in Ruth iii, 15), modern green morocco extra, inside gilt borders, g. e. fine large and perfect copy {Ashburnham) sm. Ato. ib. 1613 Bible (The Holy), newly translated out of the Originall Tongues (King James's or Authorized Version), woodcut titles, with Speed's genealogies {wants title), map of Canaan, R. Barker, 1612-13 — Book of Common Prayer, woodcut title, R. Barker and Assignes of John Bill, 1636— Whole Book of Psalmes in Metre, by Sternhold W-^ / 'c/A {"U- A SIZES MIXED 31 Lot 237 — continued. and others, with apt notes, Stat. Co. 1613 ; w 1 vol. oaken hoards, black silk, back, corners, rims and centre ornaments, and initials I. T. EMBROIDERED IN SILVER THREAD, g. e. {Ashbumham copy) sm. 8vo *^* The initials on this curious binding are those of John Trickten. There are two inscriptions, one on vellum (which is damaged), the other on fly-leaf at end ; both stating that Mistress Anne Sadleir, wife to Kalph Sadleir (afterwards Sir Ealph, whose State Papers were edited by Arthur Clifford in 1809), daughter to Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief e Justice of England, gave this Bible to D. Trickten, who gave it to his son John, who, dying, left it back to his father, who declares he will never again part with it " till he gives his soul into the hands of his God." Bible (Holy) King James's or Authorized Version, with Speed's Gene- -• 7^ alogies ; and Whole Booke of Psalmes in Metre, by Sternhold and Hopkins, &c. with apt notes, icoodciit titles ; in 1 vol. brown morocco, antique style, old gilt and gavffred edges 8vo. E. Barker & Stat. Co. 1615 239 Bible (Holy) King James's or Authorised Version, blacfe letter, woodcut "J ^^ /j f titles, Norton dc Bill, 1628 — Speed's Genealogies — Whole Book of ^^/'y^/tOL.^ Psalmes in Metre, by Sternhold, &c. Stat. Co. 1629 — Common ^ f^ • Prayer, n. d. {the two last imperfect) ; in 1 vol. old English (Lyon- nese), calf, the sides having semis of pine cones with corner scroll orna- ments and the arms of King James I in centres (mended) ito 240 Bible. The Holy Bible (King James's), ;??je/// printed in a neat roman letter, engraved title (inlaid), Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Daniel, 1629 — / *2 ^ Book of Common Prayer (corner of title mended), ib. T. and J. Buck, / •^ J * 1629 — Whole Book of Psalmes in Meeter, with Apt Notes, ib. ^''^ 1629 ; ^ne copies, in 1 vol. old yellow calf with gilt ornaments (neatly repaired), (Ashbumham copy) folio .^^ In the cover is pasted an original inscription " The Gift of my '^^ \ Father Sir Oliver Cromivell to Eliza Ferrers." This is the first Cam- bridge Bible, and the first in which the erroneous reading thy for the doctrine appears in Timothy iv, 16. 241 Bible (Holy), King James's or Authorised Version ; with Apocrypha ; — /^ and Speed's Genealogies ; The Book of Common Prayer ; and the ^■/^ Whole Book of Psalmes in Meeter, by Sternhold and Hopkins, with Apt Notes, woodcut titles to both Testaments and Common Prayer, contemporary oaken boards, red morocco, gilt hearts on back, the sides covered in elaborate gilt fioreate scrolls in frames, gilt and gauffered edges, leather and metal clasps, A FINE SPECIMEN, well preserved, in new half morocco case 8vo. R. Barker & Assigns of J. Bill and Stat. Co. 1631 The date is the same as that of the " Wicked " Bible with the objectionable error corrected. 242 Bible. The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament and the New, with the fine engraved title by Hole, a full-page woodcut of the Creation and a woodcut border to the title of the New Testament, London, by Robert Barker and the Assignesof John Bill, 1633— The Whole Book ^- 32 SIZES MIXED r) n Lot 242 — continued. of Psalmes collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others, with Apt Notes, London, -printed by R. Barker, 1632 — The Booke of Common Prayer, London, by R. Barker, 1633; 1 wl. ruled throughout ivith red lines, contemporary English binding, olive m&rocco, richly tooled sides and back, someivhai worn "^ folio 243 Bible (The Holy), King James's or Authorised, woodcut titles, Edinburgh,^j// by the Printers to the Kings Majestie, 1634 — Whole Book of Psalmes ^^ in Metre {headlines cut into). Printers to the University of Cambridge, 1645 ; in 1 ml. old calf, icith clasps, in half morocco case {Ashburnham cop]i) 8vo 244 Bible (The Holy), newly translated out of the Original Tongues (King James's or Authorised Version), woodcut titles, R. Barker and Assignes of John Bill, 1637 — Speed's Genealogies, n. d. — Book of Common Prayer, ib. 1638 — Whole Booke of Psalmes in Metre, by T. Sternhold, &c. G. M. for Stat. Co. 1637 ; in 1 vol. ruled throughout in red, vellum binding, embroidered in silver and other threads, with centre full-length figures of warriors, g. e. silver clasps sm. 8vo (tr^ r^ 245 Bible (Holy), King James's or Authorised Version ; with the Book of Common Prayer ; and Whole Book of Psalmes in Meeter by Stern- hold and Hopkins, with Apt Notes, engraved titles, ruled throughout in red, inscription on fly-leaf : ^^ Dorothy Ashcroft her Book the Gift of my Godmother Mrs. Isabella Pocklington," fine copies, in 1 vol. old English blue morocco, tvith elegant gilt etruscan ornaments on back and sides, g. e. 2 ex-libris within covers, one of the Prince of Wales's feathers 8vo. R. Barker, 1640, 3d—Stat. Co. 1640 246 Bible (The Holy), King James's or Authorised, with a set of copper- plates inserted, W. Bentley, 1648 — Book of Common Prayer, R. j^ Barker, 1642 — Whole Book of Psalmes in Meeter, with Apt Notes, A. M. for Stat. Co. 1648 ; in 1 vol. ruled in red throughout, old English » citron mmvcco with gilt ornaments, g. e. {Ashburnham copy) 8vo *^* At the beginning of the Bible is a Latin address to King Charles I by William Slatyer and Jacob van Langeren, followed by an auto- graph translation in English of Slatyer's Address by Thomas Guidott. /o 247 Bible (Holy), King James's or Authorised Version (with the Psalms in Metre by Sternhold and Hopkins), engraved title with view of Old London below {the last of the Cromwellian Bibles printed by John y^ Field) ; in 1 vol. old blue morocco with blind tooling, silver corners and clasps, g. e. good copy 1 2mo. Printed by John Field one of his Highness' s printers, 1608 248 Bible. The Holy Bible (King James's or Authorised), illustrated with r\ choi'ographical sculps by J. Ogilby, 214 fine engravings by Picart and ^ others inserted, with MS. list by the collector John Palmer of J^cton, bound in 3 vol. old red morocco, line tooled, g. e. folio. Camb. John Field, 1660 {N.T. 1659) fU J SIZES MIXED 33 249 Bible. The Holy Bible (King James's or Authorised), the Grand " Vinegar " Bible, so called from the error in headline of the Parable of the Vineyard in Luke xx, 9, fine frontispiece by Du Base after Thorn- bill, copperplate vignettes by Vander Gucht, and large figured initials, old russia gilt, velhim fly-leaves, g. e. sup. imp. folio. Oxford, John Baskett, 1717 {N.T. 1716) 250 Bible. The Holy Bible (Authorised Version), with Common Prayer, ^ Index and Downame's Concordance, with a series of historical cuts by John Cole, maps, &c. {leaf in Matthew torn), in I vol. old calf folio. J. Baskett, 1723-6 251 Bible (Holy), with Apocrypha, Index, Concordance, Common Prayer, Psalms in Metre, &c. with a set of copperplates by J. Cole, old morocco (broken), Oxf. 1739 — Challoner (Bp.) Memoirs of Missionary Priests, plates, Edinb. 1880 — Cunningham (A.) Life of Sir David Wilkie, inlaid in Ato ivri ting paper, unbound, in 6 portfolios, J. Murray, 1843; &c. sold not subject to return ito. a parcel 252 Bible (Holy), Embellished with Engravings from Pictures and Designs y of the most eminent English Artists, Macklin's fine edition, 7 vol. /^' russia gilt, g. e. covers of one vol. broken imp. folio. T. Bensley, 1 800 253 Bible (Holy), with Commentaries of Henry and Scott, coloured plates, &c. •« morocco roy. ito. IF. Collins, Glasgoio 254 Bible. The Holy Bible Faithfully Translated into English, with Argu- > ments, &c. by the English College of Doway (second edition), with / V J The New Testament, translated by the English College of Rhemes, yi^ V fourth edition, ornamental woodcut initials, 3 vol. russia gilt, m. e. good copy but bin/ling broken sm. ito. Doway, J. Cousturier, 1635-33 255 Bible Illustrations. Finden (\V. and E.) Landscape Illustrations of the Bible, with Descriptions by the Rev, T. H. Home, large paper, numerous fine plates after Turner, Calcott, C. Stanfield, D. Roberts, &c. (some foxed), 2 vol. purple morocco richly gilt, g. e. Uo. Murray and Tilt, 1836 256 Bible Illustrations. Historia del Testamento Vecchio dipinta in Roma ^^^^-^ nel Vaticano da RafFaele di Urbino, et intagliata in Rame da Sisto y / ^^..'^ Badalocchi et Giovani Lanfranchi, engraved throughout on 54 fine ^ ^t-'^'^^'*'^^ plates, original impressions, calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford oblong ito. Amst. M. Colyn, 1614 257 Bible Illustrations. Evangelicse Historige Imagines ex Ordine Evan- y.* geliorum, in Ordinem temporis Vitse Christi digestae, auctore */ Hieron. Natali S. J. engraved title and 153 fine large plates by H. A Wierix, old calf with gilt centre ornaments, y. e. (repaired) ; from the Earl of Aylesford's library sm. folio. Antw. 1596 258 Bible Illustrations. Picturse Chalcographicse Historiarum Veteris et Novi Testamenti a Philippo Andrea Kiliano sere expressse et expositae, 130 fine copperplate engravings, with engraved title and index, broivn morocco ito. Augspurg (\110) 259 Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Library of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, ^ by T. J. Pettigrew, large paper, portrait and engraved facsimiles of manuscripts, 2 vol. (Bibles complete), half morocco, t. e. g. uncut imp. ^vo. Longman, 1827 D ^ > 34 SIZES MIXED 260 Bibliotheque Internationale de I'Art. Le Surintendant Foucquet par E. BonafFe ; Les Origines de la Porcelaine en Europe par le Baron , " Z' y Davillier : Le Livre de Fortune de Jean Cousin ; La Gravure en ""^C^ /^ Italic avant Marc-Antoine par le Vte. H. Delaborde ; Ghiberti et ^^^ (^ son Ecole par Chas. Perkins {autograph letter inserted) ; Le Style Louis XIV, Charles Le Brun par A. Genevay (2 autogra,ph letters inserted) ; Les Musees d'AUemagne par E. Michel (autograph letter inserted) ; Claude Lorraine par Mme. Mark Pattison ; Les Delia Robbia par Cavallucci et Molinier ; Le Livre des Peintres de Carel van Mander par H. Hymans (autograph letter inserted), 2 vol. ; L'ArC Espagnol par L. Solvay ; Les Du Cerceau par le Baron Henry de Gey mil Her ; Marc-Antoine Raimondi par le Vte. H. Delaborde ; together 14 vol. edition sur papier d'llollande, tirage a 25 exemplaires, half black morocco (one half red morocco), original covers bound in Paris et Lond. Lihrairie de VArt, 1882-8 261 Bibliophile Fran^ais (Le) Gazette Illustree des Amateurs de Livres, y/^^ -j ^•--^ d'Estampes et de haute Curiosito, mimerous plates of hook bindings, [^-^^^ u-codcuts, coats of arms, &c. vol. I- VII, half green morocco gilt, t. e. g. sup. imp. 8vo. Paris, 1868-73 262 Binet (R. P. Est.) Abreg6 des Vies des Principaux Fondateurs des j j Religions de I'Eglise repr^sent^s dans le Choeur de I'Abbaie de ^./ ^0 May, 1793," on large folio leaf ; "The Unmsm Abstract," one leaf plain; ^xA^ "The Garden of Love," one leaf plain ; "The Chimney Sweeper," 1 leaf tjU plain; " A Divine Image," one leaf plain; three leaves of "Urizen,"^e- ginning "Ethintus Queen of Waters," printed on both sides in tints, each with different design : " Europe," an original sketch on one side, of a huge coiled seipent, "Lambeth, printed by Willm. Blake, 1794," the other side with text in red, beginning " The four Zoa's clouded rage "; a leaf of 17 lines icith design in blue, headed " Silent as despairing love "; three leaves, two headed " Preludium," printed on both sides in tints, each with different designs: "Jerusalem, Chap. II," fine proof one leaf plain, printed on one side only ; one leaf in red, beginning " And the Clouds and Fires Pale roll'd round," printed on one side only ; one leaf plain, *■ beginning " Then Eos heaved his thundering Bellows," printed on one side only ; two leaves plain, from " Urizen," printed in double columns on one side only ; " There is no Natural Religion," small woodcut on a 4:to leaf; one leaf in black with designs headed "On Homer's Poetry," printed on one side only ; one leaf from the " Daughters of Albion "(?) in black icith design printed on one side only with a number (iv) beloic ; Four engraved designs by Frederick Calvert, the Pupil and Friend of Blake, on one leaf; two leaves from the "Daughters of Albion "(?) beginning " Why should the Minstrels of the Vales of Hur utter a Sigh," in black with design, printed on one side only ; one leaf from "Albion "C?) headed "Bath Healing Cities," in black with design, one side only; one leaf headed "Earth's Answer," in black on one side only; "My Son ! My Son !" small proof engraving, 1793 ; "I have said to the Worm, thou art my Mother and my Sister," srnall pi'oof engi-aving, 1793; "What are these 1 Alas, the Female Martyr," small proof engraving, ib.; "The Traveller hasteth in the Evening," small proof engraving, ib.; " At length for Hatching Ripe, he breaks the Shell," small proof engraving ; "For the Sexes, The Gates of Paradise," sma?^ pi'oof engraving ; " To the Accuser, who is the God of this World ? " small engraving with design ; one leaf of Verses, "He meets his Saviour in the Grove"; "A Little Boy Lost," small engraving with design ; another with the same heading but with a different design, in red ; "The Keys," engraved verses, one leaf ; a, leaf headed "Introduction, Hear the Voice of the Bard," verses and designs ; Original Pen and Ink Sketch of a Warrior at a Tomb ; two other Original Designs in Pencil ; a Design in Sepia, with Verses in blue, headed " Chap. IV, Ages on Ages roUVl over him " ; Frontispiece to Lavater, proof ; another, proof before all letters ; an Unfinished Plate to " The Butter- fly "; three plates for Flaxman's Composition ; and another one from Steadman's Surinam ; in all 52 subjects, AN exceedingly INTERES- TING AND VALUABLE COLLECTION, inserted in a scrap-book, rough calf fol. Blake (W.). Young (Dr. Edw.) The Complaint and the Consolation, or Night Thoughts, with 43 full illustrations by Wm. Blake, original ISSUE, corner of a leaf neatly mended, mottled calf extra, t. e. g. other edges uncut, by Eiviere imp. ito. R. Edwards, 1797 D 2 5/^7 U) 271 r 36 SIZES MIXED \oi 272 Blake ( Wm.) Ballads by Wm. Hayley, Esq. founded on Anecdotes relating to Animals, with prints (5) designed and engraved by Wm. Blake, old yellow morocco gilt, g. e. 12mo. Chichester, J. Seagrave for B. Phillips, 1805 273 Blake (Wm.) The Grave, a Poem b}'^ Robert Blair, illustrated by 12 etchings executed by L. Schiavonetti from the original inventions of Wm. Blake, proof copy, ivith the portrait of Blake on india paper, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, by Zaehnsdorf, fine copy imp. ito. T. Bensley for B. H. Cromek, 1 808 274 Blake (Wra.) The Grave, a Poem by R. Blair, 12 etchings after Blake by Schiavonetti, and portrait of Blake, calf gilt, m. e. Ato. ib. 1808 275 Blake (Wm.) The Grave, a Poem by Robert Blair, illustrated by 12 etchings by L. Schiavonetti from designs by Wm. Blake, with portrait, second edition, half bound 4to. B. Ackermann, 1813 276 Blake (Wm.) Jerusalem, the Emanation of the Giant Albion, 100 plates, facsimile reprint, wrapper Uo. 1804, n. d. 2TJ Blake (Wm.) Jerusalem, /«csimi7e reproduction, \00 plates, another copy, \ full half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. ito. n. d. '278 Blake (Wm.) Life, with Selections from his Poems and other Writings, new and enlarged edition, illustrated from Blake's own works, 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Biviere divo. Macmillan, 1880 Blackstone (Sir Wm.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, third edition, portrait, 4 vol. vellum gilt, the upper covers having portraits drawn in sepia of Blackstone, Kings Alfred and Edward III, and King , John signing the Magna Charta, the under covers having similar drawings \ of St. Jerome in his cell, a Druid at Stonehenge, King Bdivard's tomb ' and the ruins of an abbey, all in ovals, those on the upper covers with lettering on gilt frames, g. on blue edges 4to. Oxf. 1768 Blome (Rich.) Britannia, or a Geographical Description of the King- doms of England, Scotland and Ireland, numerous county maps a,nd coats of arms, " Margaret Watson her Book," old calf sm. folio. T. Boy croft, 1673 (Blomefield (Rev. Fr.) Essay towards a Topographical History of THE County of Norfolk, continued by the Rev. Chas. Parkyn, ., original edition,, plan of Norwich {with the reference table), views, pedigrees, &c. perfect with all the plates, pages and pedigrees sometimes 1 wanting, 5 vol. panelled calf gilt, r. e. \ folio. Fersfield and Lynn, 1739-75 Boccaccio (Jo.) Genealogise Deorura Gentilium ; Ejusdera de Montibus, Silvis, fontibus, lacubus . , et de diversis nominis maris, &c. EDi- TIONES PRINCIPES, /ne??/ printed in roman letter, Hong lines, 41 to a full page, ruled in red, painted capitals ; in 1 vol. old French olive morocco, full gilt back and broad ornamental borders, g. e. (Derome), fine copies, RARE sm. folio. Venet. Vindelin de Spira, 1472-3 Boccaccio (Jo.) De Claris Mulieribus, opus insigne, 14 fine woodcuts in- cluding the Delivery of Pope Joan, with mark I.K. (Jo. Kobel), slightly tvormed, calf gilt, g. e. sm. fol. Bernce Helvet. per M. Apiarium, 1539 SIZES MIXED 37 284 y i.:MF Boccaccio (Jo.) De Claris Mulieribus, opus insigne, 14 fine woodcuts {in- cluding the Delivery of Pope Joan), with mark I, K. {J. Kbbel), hoarded •own morocco antique, ivith blind stamped ornaments, g. e. by Ramage sm. folio. Bernce Helvet. per M. Apiarium, 1539 1 285 K)CCACCio. The Boke of Bochas describing the Fall of , Princes, Princesses and other Nobles, translated into / I I Englishe by John Lydgate Monk of Bury, English Manu- r\C\ ''1/feCRlPT on vellum (lb3 II. 16-^ by 11 in.) written in neat English l^ script characters, in double columns, in 1-line rhymed stanzas, 49 lines to ' a full page ; 3 jMges finely illuminated in fioreate scrolls, and numerous iO small illuminated ornamental initials with marginal decorations ; orna- \y\ mental pen-letters, &c. (2 II. defective), iciih armorial bearings of the J original owners and their connections ; modern hoarded russia with line scroll tooling, inside borders, silk doublures, clasps, g. e. large folio. S^c. xv *^* A FINELY WRITTEN AND INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT, by ail Eng- lish scribe, probably done at Bury St. Edmunds, apparently for some member of the Cheyuey family of Cambridgeshire, the armorial bearings in the MS. being connected with the families of Engaine, Rempstou and Cheney. From the Colworth Library with ex-libris of the Lee Family (of Hartwell). 286 Boccaccio. The Tragedies, gathered by Jhon Bochas, of all such Princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the Mutabilitie of For- ' I I tune since the Creation of Adam, until his time . . translated into 2^/^ ^ Englysh by John Lidgate Monke of Burye, blacfe letter, title within I J icoodcut border, cut of Adam and Eve on " Leaf /," and ornamental X yW woodcut initials, plain margins of several II. and one or two whole II. \\ iyV*-^ neatly repaired, otherwise a tall and sound copy ; contains 9 jt;re/. II. ; \v leaf {sic) i-CLXiii and fol. {sic) i-xxxvii, russia, g. e. with the Buccleuch arms on sides folio, imprinted by John Wayland {Day's device below), n. d. (1558) 287 Boccaccio. The Tragedies of all such Princes as fell from theyr / Estates throughe the Mutabilitie of Fortune since the Creation of UImJ/^ Adam until his time, translated into Englysh by John Lydgate, y //7 k Monke of Burye, blacit letter, title within woodcut border, cut of Adam ^ I ttnd Eve before the text, oi-namental initials, wormed throtighout, plain A £} P^^^ "-^ ^^^^ xxxvii cut off; but a large copy, signatwes of Thos. f\ ^K.^ Faughan and Geo. Mathew on title, russia gilt \J folio, imprinted by John Wayland, n. d. (1558) *^* At the end of the vol. is a title " The Memorial of such Princes . . since the time of Richard II," with Queen Mary's Privilege to Wayland to print Primers, &c. ^88j Boccaccio. Bocace des Nobles Maleurex (des nobles Hommes et Femmes iiifortunez, translate de latin en francoys), nouvellement imprime a Paris, lettres bdtardes, double columns, title within woodcut borders, numerous ornamental woodcut initials, red calf extra, plain edges sm. folio. Paris, imprime par Nic. Couteau, 1 538 289 Boccaccio. II Decamerone, Manuscript on vellum (162 U. 12^ by 8|- in.) very beautifully written in italic letters by an Italian scribe, long lines, ^\ to a full page ; unfinished, ending in the middle of " Giornata quinta," with spaces left for initials and miniatures, new vellum sm. folio. Secolo xv f/ if- 38 SIZKS MIXED Boccaccio. II Decamerone di nuovo emendato secondo gli antichi esemplari, ivoodcut head, a coat of arms {Louis de Bourbon 1) painted on recto of the same leaf, tvoodcuts and figured initials, contemporary Venetian calf, the sides having an outside frame of interlaced line scrolls, the panel with line and leafy scrolls, in the Geoffrey Tory manner, with the arms of Cardinal Louis de Bourbon in cerdres, gilt and gauffred edges, A fine specimen, well preserved. [See PLATE'] sm. Uo. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1548 291 Boccaccio. Le Decameron de Jean Bocace, fine impressions of the Ut.,*A numerous plates and vignettes, 5 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Ribolet ^\ \ Svo. ' Londres (Paris), 1757 292 Boccaccio. Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, traduction libre, accommod^e y\ a,u gout de ce temps, seconde edition, frontispieces and vignettes, illus- y\ \A* iW^^of^ ^y Romain de Hooghe, 2 vol. mottled calf extra, g. e. by Tout \\\aj\\ \'2mo. Cologne J. Gaillard, 17 \2 293 Bocchianti (Battista) Descrizione en Versi Burleschi della Citta e degli -4 a Uomini di Firenze, original Italian Manuscript on vellum \\ {20 II.) very neatly written, illuminated initial, limp vellum 294 Bocchius (Achilles) Symbolicarum Quaestionum de Universo genere quas . \\ serio ludebat lib. V, editio prima, 151 fine plates of emblems by Julio l\\X\r Bonasone, very brilliant early impressions ; 27 duplicates in a different \ *\ state, inserted, on the blank page reverse of the verses to Pope Paul IV is an autograph letter of Bocchius signed and dated " Bononice Nonis April, 1556"; signature of " iV. Moreau Sieur Uauteuil, 1571" on title, red morocco gilt, inside dentelles, g. e. by J. Clarke sm. 4to. Bonon. in aed. novae Academics Bocchiance, 1555 295 Boemer (Fr. Jo.) Delineatio Historica Fratrum Minorum Provincise .\^^ Spain, third edition, vol. II-IH, half calf gilt, 1843 8vo. (7) 305 Bossuet (J. B. Eveque de Meaux) Maximes et Reflexions sur la Com^die, " 1^ \^' EIRST EDITION, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by \ ■ Riviere, FINE COPY, RARE sm. 8ro. Paris, J. Anisson, 1694 306 Bottazzo (Gio. Jac.) Dialogi Maritimi ; et alcune Rime Maritime di t ij^ M. Nic. Franco, crushed blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Duru ^ \ et CJmmholle \'2mo. Mantova,J. Piuffi,nelli,\bil 307 Bouchot (H.) The Book ; its Printers, Illustrators and Binders, edited v\ by H. Grevel, Jiumerous illustrations, 1890 — Life of Martin Luther, *\^\ 50 plates by G. Konig, calf antique, 1853 — Opie (John) Lectures on ^ Painting, portrait, calf, 1809 ; \ 40 SIZES MIXED 311 Boutell (Rev. Ch.) Christian Monuments in England and Wales, numerous illustrations, calf antique, r. e. imp. Svo. G. Bell, 1854 312 Bowers (G.) A Month in the Midlands, 24 coloured plates, half bound oblong ito. Bradbury, n. d. ^313 Brant (Sebastianus) Stultifera Navis; narragonice profectionis \ 1 nunquam satis laudata Navis ; jam pride m per Jacobum Locher in 0\VI\/^ latinum traducta, EDITIO PRIMA, numerous spirited woodcuts, crushed u A P'^'^'P^^ morocco gilt, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy, rare *\ Gs^ Basil. J. B. de Olp)e, 1497, Kl. Martiis 314 Brant (See.) Stultifera Navis, Narragonice Profectionis nunquam satis laudata Navis . . . jam pridem per Jacobum Locher in latinum traducta, lit. goti). numerous spirited woodcuts (colophon slightly damaged), blue morocco extra, g. e. by De Coverly sm. 8vo. ib. The VERY rare edition in small octavo, with the same year and month as the small quarto edition described above, but in gothic ^instead of roman letter. Brant (Seb.) Navis Stultifera, a Jac. Lochero latinitate donata et ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio Vario Carminum Genere, &c. illustrata, lit. gotlj. numerous spirited woodcuts, old MS. notes in margins, red calf xtra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout sm. ito. Basil. N. Lamparter, MCCCCVI (sic pro 1506) 316 Brant (Seb.) Stultifera Navis Mortalium, in qua Fatui affectus. Mores, conatus atque studia...in Speculo ab Oculos ponuntur, per Jac. ^/ Locher latinitate donatus, nunc vero revisus, &c. numerous spirited woodcuts, crimson morocco, ornamental gilt bach, interlaced line borders, '^.inside dentelles, t. e. g. fore and lower edges uncut, by Zaehns- \dorf, very rare in this condition 8vo. Basil. S. Henric-Petrus, 1572 317 BraiJt (Seb.) La Grat Nef des folz du Mode [Paraphrase en Prose t \ y faite sur la Traduction en Vers de P. Riviere], lettres bdtardes, iBy Y double columns, numerous spirited woodcuts and ornamental initials, \ some headlines shaved, otherwise a good copy, calf, r. e. an extremely ^^ rare edition sm. folio. Paris, Imprimee pour Geoffroy de Marnef VIII Feb. 1499 ^ ^18 Brayley (E. W.) Topographical History of Surrey, numerous illustrations, 'Y^v' 5 vol, brown mm-occo,m. e. roy. Svo. G. Willis^ 1850 319 Brayley (E. W.) and W. Herbert. A Concise Account of Lambeth Palace, large paper, 15 fine plates, including 6 coloured portraits, russia (broken) folio. 1806 320 Bree (C. K.) History of the Birds of Europe, not observed in the n\ \»A British Isles, 180 fine coloured plates of birds and eggs, 4 vol. red \\ moi'occo extra, g.e. imp. Svo. Groombridge, 1866, 03 \ 321 BkEVIARIUM ad usum Ecclesise Aptensis (Apt in Vaucleuse), cum \ Calendario, MANUSCRIPT on vellum (310 il. 9 by 6 in.) written in \^\/ ^old goti)ic ktterg, in red and black, double columns, 31 to a full page, with oi'namental pen-letters (some II. mended), crushed crimson marocco icith rich gilt ornaments, broad inside boi'ders, joints, g. e. thick sm. ito. S^c xiii i^; fi SIZES MIXED 41 322. Breviarium Coloniense, cum Calendario, Manuscript on thick VELLUar (414 II. 7i by 5 in.) ivriUen in goti)ic djaractcrg, in red and black, long lines, 27 to a full page, uith mimeious ornamental pen-letters, rubrications and painted capitals in red and blue, boarded red morocco super extra, full gilt ornamcjital back and rich side borders, broad inside wnamental borders, joints, g. e. by Zaehnsdoif thick 8w. S/EC. xiv #- Breviarium ad usum Ecclesise Eomanse, cum Calendario, Manuscript ON vellum (265 II. 9 J by 7 in.) uritten in gotljtc Ifttcrg, red and black, double columns, 30 lines, BY AN English scribe, with numerous small illuminated ornamental initials, some icith marginal decorations, fCLcontemporary binding in oaken boards, stamped pigskin, metal bosses ^^ ito. SiEC. XIII *■** from a MS. note on a blank leaf in the middle of the volume, this MS, appears to have been given to the Church of St. George, South- wark, in the early years of King Henry VIII. 324 Breviarium juxta Eitum Ecclesiae Curiensis (Chur) pars Estivalis, cum i) Calendario, lit. gotb. red and black, finely p-inted, large woodcut of the \ |o Virgin and Child, loith SS. Floi'inus and Lucius on recto of first leaf, ^■f^ ribbon initials in red, numerous old MS. notes in margins by Melchi'jr \^ (fA Gottfried, ichose signature is on title, crushed red morocco with blind ^r^'-. stamped antique ornaments, rough edges, inside dentelles, by Zaehnsdorf, \iNE COPY, RARE foHo. Aug. Find. G. Ratdolt, 1520 325 Breviarium Pictaviense, Pars Estiva, old French red morocco, richly gilt (back and ornamental borders, icith arms of the Bp. of Poitiers (Derome), Pictavii, 1765 — De La Rue (P.) Bybelstoffen, old red morocco gilt, Middelburg, 1732 — Belgiojoso (Carlo) Brera. Studi e Bozzetti Artis- tici, half morocco, Milano, 1881 — Bigioli, Cento Sacre Famiglie, plates, obi. 1851 — Yriarte (T. de) La Musica, fine plates by G. Ferro, 1779 Svo. (5) ^2^ Breviarium Rhedonense (Rennes) D.D. Francisci Bareau de Girac Epis- ^ jfj copi Rhedonensis Auctoritate editum, 4 vol. old French citron morocco, IP\ gilt floreafe backs, line sides with corner fleurons, with the Bishop's arms ' in centres, g. e. sm. Svo. Paris. M. Lambert, 1786 327 Bridgewater Treatises, by Chalmers, Kidd, Whewell, Bell, Roget, Buck- land, Kirby and Prout, 1 1 vol. bright calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford Svo. W. Pickering, 1833-4 328 Britton (John) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, large paper, numerous fine plates, 5 vol. green morocco extra, g. e. FINE COPY ito. Longman, 1807-26 329 Brockedon (Wm.) Italy, Classical, Historical and Picturesque, large PAPER, 60 fine india proof plates, red morocco richly gilt, g. e. imp. ito. Duncan and Malcolm, n. d. 330 Brooke (Ralph) A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquisses, Earles and Viscounts of this Realme of England since the Norman Conquest to 1622, woodcut title (mended) and coats of arms painted heraldically, old calf sm. folio. 1622 331 Brougham (Henry, Lord) Works, revised and corrected by himself, por- trait, 11 vol. lialf morocco gilt, m. e. post 8w. Edinb. Black, 1872 42 SIZES MIXED BKOWNE (HABLOT K.) ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. 332 Seven Original Drawings in Crayons, Pencil and Indian Ink, of the following subjects : " A Girl Reading," signed H. K. B. ; " Hay Making," not signed ; " April, or Sunshine and Showers," signed H. K. B. ; " The Council of Women," not signed ; '• Paddy and the Pig," with inscription, " JFhisht, whisht, dinna say a woirl, he thinks he's going to Pigstown Valley, and its to Cork he's going he is," not signed; " Philosopher, Clown and Fool," not signed; and a Hunting Episode, "^11 right, zur, look straight between his ears and you can't fall off" signed '■^ Phiz" ; mounted, framed and glazed (7) 333 Time and Immortality (1) Large Subject (18| by 15 in.) in black and ichite, signed H. K. B. 1851, framed and glazed 1 334 A Girl Crossing a Rivulet, on a rustic bridge with trees, large wash draicing, unsigned, 1 ft. 8 in. long by 14: in. high, mounted in a black and gold frame, glazed 1 335 Two Large Pencil Sketches of Hunting Scenes, "20 in. long by 14 in. high, signed H. K. B. mounted in 1 black and gold frame back to back, glazed both sides (2) 336 Five Small Sketches, one in crayons entitled "Music on the Waters"; "Bringing him up in the way he should go" {pencil) ; "The Pied Piper ": Two Sketches of Children, moimted in oak frame, glazed (5) 337 Two Classical Subjects in Outline, " Aurora and Tithonus," signed, and "Capturing Love," unsigned, mounted in 1 oak frame, glazed (2) 338 Paddy and the Pig ; Two Girls at a Well, large vxish drawing, signed Phiz, 20 in. long by 14: high, moulded in an oak frame, glazed (1) ^A 1 339 Browne (Sir Thos.) Works, first collected edition, potirait by R. White {backed) and plate, signature of ^'■Samuel Prince" on title, red morocco extra loith broad borders of rich ornamental tooling, g. e. by Riviere sm. folio. T. Bassett, &c. 1686 340 Browne (Sir T.) Religio Medici, &c. edited by Henry Gardiner, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. 8vo. jr. Pickering, 1845 341 Browning (Rob.) Poetical Works, first collected edition, 6 vol- ^y^ green morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. I sm. 8w. Smith, Elder & Co. 1875 342 Bruin (Claas) Korte Schets van het Leaven en Sterven der Martelaaren, 150 copperplate engravings, vellum sm. 4to. Amst. Jan Blom, 1719 343 Brunet (J. Ch.) Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres, 4*^ edition, papier vdliv, 5 vol. half vellum gilt, m. e. Paris, Silvestre, 1844 344 Bruweiler. Priviledges granted by the Emperor Charles V, Archbishops , of Cologne and others to the Benedictine Abbey, St. Nicolas in / ^/ Bruweiler, in the Diocese of Cologne, Legal Document on vellum / (10 //. \o^ by 11 in.) neatly tvritten in script roman characters with m'na- mental initials, seal of the Abbey and notarial signature at end, limp vellum fol. c. 1550 sizes mixed 43 345 Bryan (Michael) Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Pain- ters AND Engravers, first edition, portrait, 2 vol. extended to 6, and extra illustrated ivith 477 portraits and specimens of the ivorks of the masters mentioned, comprising many old and scarce prints, with special printed title to each vol. half morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut, by Worsfold ito. Carpenter, 1816 [illustrated about 1889] 346 Bryan (M.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, portrait and marks, •2 \ol calf ito. 1816 347 Bryant (W. C.) and S. H. Gay. A Popular History of the United States, poi'traits and numerous other illustrations, 4 vol. red cloth, uncut ray. Svo. S. Lou; 1876-81 348 Brydges (Sir S. E.) Breton's Longing of a Blessed Heart, only 100 copies privately pinted at the press of Lee Priory, Kent, purple morocco gilt, g.\e. ito. 1814 349 Brydges (Sir S. E.) Excerpta Tudoriana, or Extracts from Elizabethan Literature, with a Critical Preface, only 100 copies printed, mottled calf gilt, g. e. Svo. Kent, Lee Priory pirivate press, 1814 350 [Brydges (Thos.)] A Burlesque Translation of Homer, fourth edition ? )'7 improved, humorous plates, 2 vol. mottled calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, by I F. Bedford Svo. Robinson, 1797 351 Buck (S. and N.) Antiquities ; or Venerable Remains of above 400 . -y Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, &c. in England and Wales, with near ^'HJ 100 Views of Cities and Chief Towns, Sayer's original issue, 511 fi fine plates, including 83 large views of cities, with portraits of the brothers, y frontispiece and index map, 3 vol. rassia (broken) fol. R. Sayer, 1774 352 Buckingham and Chandos (Duke of) Court of England During the Kegency, pmirait, 2 vol. lialf calf, 1856 — Burgon (J. W.) Life and Times of Sir Thos. Gresham, portrait and ptlates, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1839 — Life of Lord Lyndhurst by (Sir) Th. Martin, portrait, calf gilt, 1883; (fee. Svo. (10) 353 Budaeus (Gul.) Commentaiii Linguae Grsecse, ab eodem accurate recog- niti, &c. old French brown morocco, covered with alternate crowned L. and fleur-de-lis, royal arms of France in centres, g. e. {much worn), Wod- hull copy fol. Paris. R. Stephanus, 1548 354 [Bull (Henry)] Christian Praiers and Holy Meditations, as well for Private as Publike Exercise, gathered out of the most godly and learned in our time, by H. B. now lately imprinted, blacli Iftttr, title, calendar aiul almanack in red and black, old English blue morocco gilt, g. e. \2mo. H. Middleton, A.D. 1570 A VERY INTERESTING COPY, having on the leaf before the title an original moral poem of tliree stanzas and a moral addressed to Queen Elizabeth, by Thos. Heneage, who was Captain of her Guards, Vice-Chamberlain of her Household and one of her Privy Council, signed " Your La. moch bound T. Heneage," and some Latin lines on Life, with English translation and inscription, " This above was ivritten in a booke by the Queenes Ma"'." 55j Bulla Aurea Caroli IV. Die Giildin Bulle und Ki^nigclich Reformacion, lit. gotl). (27 //.) lo7ig lines 40 to a fidl page, with signs. (Hain 4081), 11 spirited early German tvoodcuts, leaf of title and A 6 defective and mended, and some words supplied in MS. half bound, very rare sm. fol. Strazburgh, JoJiannes Prussz, 1 485 44 SIZES MIXED % 160) I M 1 356 BuNBUEY (Henry) Collection of Humorous Prints, Macaronis, Horse- . /4»ajiship, &c. Coloured and Plain, 71 subjects, some scarce, mounted in ry/jyvol- and hound in red morocco gilt fol. Banyan (John) The Pilgrim's Progress, 29th edition, with the Second Part, 22nd edition, ^or/?-fli^ and cuts, A. W. for JV. Johnston, 1758 — y^ The Pilgrim's Progress, the Third Part, with the Life of John Bunyan, 2)rinted for C. Hitch, 1757 ; in 1 vol. mottled calf extra, g. e. l2mo 358 Bunyan (J.) The Pilgrim's Progress, with Life, by J. Conder, 25 plates, r including one of " Vanity Fair," by Geo. Cruikshank, brown moivcco extra, g. e. 8vo. Fisher, n. d. .Burke (J. B.) Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain, numerous views and coats of arms, BOTH SERIES, 4 vol. half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut imp. 8vo. Colburn, 1852-5 1/560} Burley (Walter, Anglicus) Expositio in Libros VHI Physicorum ' Aristotelis, lit. gotl). paiba, double columns, 66 lines, with signs, {not in Hain), rubricated in blue and red, oi-namental ])en-letters, fir.4 page deco- rated, with coat of arms below {per f ess or and arg. with six stars of the same), old MS. notes in margins {plain margins of first few II. mended), russia gilt, Wodhull copy, with arms on upper cover '" \ ' large fol. Padua imjyressa li7Q, xviii Julii Burmese Buddhist Bible. Manuscript on 16 narrow strips of bark, written in large black characters on gold ornamental grounds, with figures $/„^ of native deities in gold, ivithin native painted hoards, native silk cover and inscribed tyer fol. Burn (J. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Beaufoy Cabinet of London , Tokens, second edition, plates, iiiorocco extra, g. e. 1855 — Madden W (J. W.) History of the Jewish Coinage, ivoodcuts by Fairholt, imp. Svo, 1864 — Humphreys (H. N.) The Gold, Silver, and Copper Coins of England, taken in facsimile, Bohn, 1849 (3) Burns (Rob.) Complete Works, with Life and Notes, by A. Cunning" ham, numerous illustrations, hcdf morocco gilt, imp. Svo, Virtue — Camp- bell's Specimens of the British Poets, 1845 — Wright (Thos.) History of Scotland, portraits, 3 vol. half calf, ito, Lond. Pub. Co.; and another (6) Burr (Mrs.) Sketches in Egypt, li fine plates, coloured and mounted like drawings, icith descriptions {no title), loose in portfolio n. d. Burtin (Fr. H.) Oryctographie de Bruxelles, ou Description des Fos- siles d^couverts dans les environs de cette Ville, large Holland paper, engraved title and 32 coloured plates, old French red morocco gilt, g. e. fol. Brux. Le Maire, 1784 Burton (J. H.) The Book Hunter, frontispiece, 1885 — Stevens (H.) Re- collections of Jas. Lenox, 1886 — Vinycomb (J.) Production of Ex- Libris, 1894, etc. sm. 8vo. (9) Burton (Robert) The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is, with all the ;*- / 1 Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and severall cures of it, ^Tr FIRST EDITION, colf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford {short copy) sm. ito. Oxfm'd, J. Lichfield and J. Short for H. Cripps, 1621 368 Burton (R.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, thirde edition, engraved title in compartments {backed), old calf sm. folio, ib. H Cripps, 1628 1^9 Butler (Rev. A.) Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal ' Saints, the original stereotype edition, 1 2 vol. half calf, m. e. 8vo. C. Dolman, 1854 362 363 364 365 366 367 SIZES MIXED 45 370 Butler (Sam.) Hudibras, the First Part, the spurious first edition, title and next leaf mended, some corners stained and frayed, 12wo, I printed in the year 1663; Hudibras, the Second Part, by the ^/ , Author of the first, GENUINE first edition, icith Imprimatur Nov. 5, /'^'^ 1663, signature of Ch. Elstoh on title, good copy, \'2mo, J. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry, 1664; Hudibras, the Third and last f ^,^*x^ V- Part, first edition {corrected issue), 8vo, S. Miller, 1678; together 3 vol. uniformly bound in brown morocco, covered in rich gilt tooling, g. e. by Riviere Butler (S.) Hudibras, the First Part, icith leaf of Imprimatur Nov. 11, 1662, 12mo, /. G. for R. Harriot, 1663 ; Hudibras, the Second Part (wants leaf of Imprimatur), cr. 8vo, T. R. for John Martyn and Jas. Allestry, 1664; Hudibras, the Third and last Part, 8vo, S. Miller, 1678 ; ALL first editions, 3 vol. half bound 1663-78 372 Butler (S.) Hudibras, the First Part, written in the time of the late Wars {wants leaf of " Imprimatur "), 12//;o, J. G.for R. Harriot, 1663 ; 1 \ Hudibras, the Second Part, by the Author of the first, " Imprimatur [•n '^ Roger U Estrange, November 5th, 1663," cr. 8vo, T. R. for John Martyn I and J. Allestry, 1664 ; Hudibras, the Third and last Part, cr. 8vo, S. Miller, 1678 ; all first editions, 3 vol. uniform red calf extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf ' 1663-78 Butler (S.) Hudibras, the First Part {wants leaf of imprimatur), calf gilt, by Zaehnsdorf, \2mo, J. G. for R. Harriot, 1663 ; Hudibras, tlie Second Part, Impi-imalur Nov. 5, 1663, old calf {broken), cr. 8vo, T. R. for John Hartyn and J. Allestry, 1664; Hudibras, the Third and last Part {top corners of title and next 2 II. mended), calf gilt, by Zaehnsdoif, S. Miller, 1678; together 3 vol. all first editions 1663-78 374 Butler (S.) Hudibras, the First Part, /. G. for R. Harriott, 1663— '\\^\ Hudibras, the Second Part, T. R. for John Hartyn and Jas. Allestry, ^\*^\ ^ 1664; GENUINE FIRST EDITIONS OF BOTH PARTS, some margins cut \ n close, in 1 vol. crushed red morocco extra, inside denteUes, g. e. by Zaehvs- ^Sdorf l2mo 375 Butter (S.) Hudibras, corrected and amended, with large annotations (T-' and a preface by Z. Grey, portrait and plates after Hogarth, 2 vol. old i^^/ ^ English blue morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. Camb. Bentham, 1744 376^ Butler (S.) Genuine Poetical Remains, with Notes by R. Thyer, portrait and cuts, 1827 — [Farewell (Chr.)] The Irish Hudibras, or Fingalliau Prince, 1689 — Colvil (S.) The Whigs Supplication, or the Scotch Hudibras, 3 editions, 1710-51-96; &c. 8vo. (6) 377 Byron (Lord) Works, with Letters, Journals and Life, by Thos. Moore, portrait, frontispieces and vignettes, 17 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. post 8vo. J. Hurray, 1832-3 378 Byron (Lord) Hours of Idleness, a series of Poems, original and trans- S//f/^ lated, FIRST EDITION, bright calf extra, g. e. by Tout / / sm. 8vo. Neicark, S. & J. Ridge, 1807 379 Byron (Lord) Hebrew Melodies, first edition, green morocco super extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Birdsall 8vo. J. Hurray, 1815 380 Byron (Lord) Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto the Third, /. Hurray, n/j 1816 ; The Prisoner of Chillon, ib. 1816 ; Sardanapalus, The Two y^l Foscari, Cain, ib. 1821 ; Marino Faliero, The Prophecy of Dante, ?7*, / 1821; ALL FIRST EDITIONS, 4 vol. uniform red calf extra, t. e. g. by 'lout 8vo 46 SIZES MIXED 381 Byron (Lord) Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, Cain, J. Murray, 1821 ; Marino Faliero, The Prophecy of Dante {imperfect at end, the rest boundin another vol.) ib.; Werner, ib. 1823 ; Hebrew Melodies, 1815 ; Prisoner of Chillon, ib. 1816 ; Beppo, ib. 1818; Mazeppa, ib. 1819; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, IV Cantos, ib. 1812-16 ; Siege of Corinth, Parisina, ib. 181 G ; The Corsair, ib. 1814 ; ALL first EDI- TIONS ; and several other pieces by Byron, later editions, in 9 vol. half calf gilt 8vo 382 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, Cantos XVI complete, first edition ; Cantos I, II. ito, III, IV, V, 8vo, T. Davison, 1819-21 ; Cantos VI- XVI, 8vo, John Hunt, 1823-4 ; in 3 vol. full half red morocco gilt, t. e, g. uncut 8vo and Uo 383 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, Cantos XVI, first complete uniform edition, in 2 vol. black morocco, plain, g. e. sm. 8vo. T. Davison, 1820 ; J. & L. Hunt, 1824 384 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, Cantos XVI complete, with " Continuation of Don Juan, Cantos XVII and XVIII," bound in 7 vol. blue morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut post 8vo. T. Davison, 1820-21 ; /. Hunt, 1823-24 ; G. B. Whitaker, 1825 385 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, Cantos I-II, first edition, uncut, ito, T. Damson, 1819 ; Marino Faliero, Prophecy of Dante, first edition, I calf gilt, J. Murray, 1821 ; Childe Harold, Canto IV, first edition, 2/1^ calf gilt, t. e. g. uncut, ib. 1818; Prisoner of Chillon, unbound, ib. 1816 ; Lara and Jacqueline (S. Rogers), first edition, calf gilt, g. e. ib. ! 1814; Poems, original and translated, second eciitioTi, frontispiece, half calf NeiL-ark, 1808 Uo & 8vo. (6) 386 Byron. Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, text by William Brockedon, original edition, large paper, fine proof plates, 3 vol. morocco extra, g. e. ito. Murray aiid Tilt, 1833-4 387 Byron. Uriel, a Poetical Address to Lord Byron, with Notes con- taining Strictures on the Spirit of Infidelity in his Works, etc. printed for the Author, 1822 — The Vampyre, a Tale [by Dr. Polidori (Lord Byron's Physician)], FIRST EDITION, Sherwood, 1819, in 1 vol. blue morocco gilt, fore edges uncut 8vo 388 Byron. Trial of William Lord Byron, Baron Byron of Rochdale, for the Murder of William Chaworth, Esq. before the House of Peers, April 16, 17, 1765, original edition, half bound, scarce fol. S. BilUngsley, 1765 389 Bythner (Vict.) Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis ; sive Analysis Critico- ^/j I Practica Psalmorum, old French red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, / line sides, m. e. J. B. Colbert's copy, ivith his arms and monogram / sm. 8vo. Tiguri, 1664 390 Cseremoniale Episcoporum jussu Clementis VIII novissime reformatum, -^y J red and black, fine engraved title and numerous copperplate engravings, /M/ ^^^ Italian red moi'occo, with elaborate gilt tooled ornamental borders and / /y^'^ panels, with figure of S. Peter in centres, gilt and gauffred edges 1/ fol. liomce, 1600 391 Cseremoniale Episcoporum jussu Clementis VIII Pont. Max. novissime yp ' reformatum, red and black, numerous woodcuts, contemporary Italian *^/ binding, oaken boards, red morocco, covered with rich fan ornaments au J pointing, 1 clasp, upper cover damaged ito. Bomce, Lepidus Fatius, 1605 SIZES MIXED 47 ^ 392 C^SAR (Julius) Commentarii de Bello Gallico lib. VII (et Hertii lib. VIII) ; accedit Julius Solinus de Situ Orbis Terrarum, Manuscript on vellum (117 II. 11| in. by 8 in.), finely ivriiten in lettres bdtardes, long lines, 34 to a page, in red and black, rubricated, \2 fine illuminated ornamental initials and numerous painted capitals, A) old English red morocco, broad gilt ornamental borders {JVodhvll copiy) ex. sm. folio. SiEC. XV *'^* This MS. contains at the end of Caesar a short chapter, beginning " Exceptus est Ccesaris adventus ab omnibus municipiis," etc. At the end is the following inscription : — ■tyi,, J Hinc opera visum figentes poscite xpm \ de P'dio \ Pro Scriptore Polum pHdat ut in Primum. f me scripsit. 393 Csesar. " Commentariorum C. Julii Csesaris de Bello Gallico, &c. libri XI, Julius Celsus Constantium vir clans emendavit"; [at end] ^l^ "Explicit Deo Gratias," Manuscript on paper (167 II. 12 by 9 in.) I'^l written in very neat gotljic Ifttcrs, long lines, 42 to a page, with 7 fine I painted and oi'namented initials and pen-letters, old calf ( from the Hope- ' toun library) folio. S^C. XV 394 Caesar (Caius Julius) Opera, (Joannes Andrea Episc. Aleriensis edidit), EDITIO prinCEPS, finely printed in roman letter (166 //.) long lines, 38 to a full page, without marks, ruled in red, new outer margins throughout, several II. neatly re2Mired and words supplied in facsimile, illuminated initial and painted lower margin on first page, sold not subject to return, old red morocco, g. e. [duplicate from the Duke of Devon- shire's library, 1815), VERY RARE folio Bomce in domo Petri de Maximis per C. Sweynheym et A. Pannartz, 1469 395 Csesar (Julius) Rerum Gestarum Commentarii XIV, omnia collatis tantiquis MSS. exemplaribus ; cum doctiss. annotationibus, ex Museo J. Stradse, mimerous fine woodcut views of cities, &c. by JosT Amman, Dutch vellum folio. Francof. a. M. 1575 396 Csesar (Julius) Quse Extant ; ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri, the genuine original Elzevir edition, engraved title, map and woodcuts, old French green morocco, gilt ornamental back, line sides, g. e. (Derome), FINE COPY l'2mo. Lugd. Bat. 1635 Csesar (Julius) Opera quse exstant omnia access. Annotationes Sam. Clarke, maps and numerous fine large copperplate engravings, ivith fine portrait of the Duke of Marlborough after Kneller by Vertue, 2 vol. old English red morocco, full gilt backs, ornamental frame sides, g. e. FINE 'copy (19| in.) imp. folio. J. Tonson, 1712 Csesar (Julius) and Phsedrus, cum notis in usum Delphini, 2 vol. red morocco gilt, with gilt dolphin in centres, g. e. (Lewis), Paris. 1675-8 — Fr. Luisini Horatii de Arte Poetica Commentarius, calf gilt, with gilt anchor {Syston Park), Venet. Aldus, 1554 — Van Spaan (P.) De Antiphonte, (Dratore Attico, Dissertatio, old calf, vjith rich gilt orna- ments, Lugd. Bat. 1765 Uo. (4) 399 Csesar (Julius) Warhafftige Beschreibunge aller namhafFten fiirt- . refflichen Kriege, &c. jetzt aufFs newe nach M. Ringmanni Philesii ^if verteutschung, lit. goti). numerous fine woodcuts by Jost Amman, full half red morocco extra, g. e. by Tout sm. folio. Franckf. a. M. Peter Schmidt, 1565 2i/ 48 SIZES MIXED 400 \(\ paldecott (R.) "Graphic" Pictures, coloured, oblong, 1883 ; Sketch Book, /reproduced hy E. Evans, n. d. — Furniss (Harry) Parliamentary Views (2 copies), n. d. ; Australian Sketches and Royal Academy Antics (2) I 4^0. (6) 401 Callot (Jacques) Les Miseres et les Malheurs de la Guerre, mis en Lumiere par Israel, IS fine plates, including title, original impressions, margins cut close and mounted in a vol. hound in half morocco gilt sm. obi. 4to. Paris, 1633 402 Calverley (C. S.) Theocritus in English Verse, Verses and Flyleaves, Literary Remains, with Memoir by W. J. Sandal, portrait, and Translations into English and Latin, 4 vol. crushed blue morocco, plain, g. e. sm. 8vo. Bell & Sons, 1883-6 403 Cambridge Scrap Book (A), humorous woodcuts, oblong, Camb. 1859 — Doyle (Rich.) Journal kept in 1840, indi a proof portrait and humorous sketches, 1885 — Kingsley (Chas.) Song of the River, illustrated, 1887 —Crinoline, 1710-1864; &c. ito. (6) 404 Camden (Wra.) Britannia, nunc postremd recognita et adaucta, large '^///i / ^^Py^ ^^^^^ illuminated, maps, ornaments and initials coloured, old English / ^/x calf, v:ith centre gilt ornament ' folio. G. Bishop & J. Norton, 1 607 405 Camden (Wm.) Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha ad Annum 1589, calf gilt, m. e. folio. W. Stanesby, 1615 40,6 Camden (Wm.) Britannia, enlarged by the latest Discoveries by R. 4%i Gough, fine portrait, maps and plates, 3 vol. half morocco gilt, m. e. / folio. Payne and Son, 1789 1407 Camoens (Luis de) Rhythmas, divididas em Cinco Partes, dirigidas as ^ V miuto illustre Senhor D. Gon9alo Continho, first edition, some y(Sy fore-edges shaved, wants leaf of Errata and Soneto of Francisca Lopez, / crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. hy L. Broca, rare / y^' , sm. Uo. Lishoa, M. de Lyra, 1595 408 Camoens (Luis de) The Lusiad, or the Discovery of India, an Epic Poem, translated by W. J. Mickle, first edition, half red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. Uo. Oxford, 1776 409 Campbell (Colin) Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British Architect, numerous plates, 3 vol. old calf imp. folio. 1715-25 410 Campbell (Lord) Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, and Lives of the Chief Justices, library EDITION, 10 vol. half calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1848-57 411 Campbell (Lord) Lives of the Chief Justices of England, 3 vol. calf, 1849 ; Lives of the Lord Chancellors, vol. IV, 1849 8m (4) 412 Campbell (Thos.) Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems, first edi- tion, with original receipt of one guinea for " a Volume of Poetry " from G. W. Ormerod, dated 4 Deer. 1805, signed hy the author, green morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut, hy Eiviere Uo. Longman, 1809 413 Campbell (Thos.) Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems, first edi- tion, half russia, t. e. g. published for the Author by Longman, 1809 Canon Missse juxta Formam Editionis Romanse, printed in large roman letter, red and black, with musical notes, engraved title, full-jjage "^ engravings, borders and ornamental initials (some II. repaired), old calf, device of the Monasterium Bathensis Ord. S. Bened. on sides folio. Salishurgi, J. B. Mayr, 1682 SIZES MIXED 49 415 Canterbury and York (An Accurate Description and History of the Cathedral Churches of), illustrated with \\1 fine copperplate engravings, old tree-calf fol. printed for IF. Sandby and J. Hildyard of York, 1755 416 Cantica Salomonis Regis. [Begins] Incipit Expositio in Cantica Canti- corum ; [ends] Christi bonus odor Summus deo nomini loco. MANU- SCRIPT ON VELLUM (28 //. 7 by 4| in.) written in small contracted goti^ic lettfriS in double columns of 37 lines, limp calf sm. ito. S^C. xiv Capella (Mart.) Opus de Nuptiis Philologise et Mercurii lib. II. de Grammatica, de Dialectica, de Rhetorica, de Geometria, de Arith- metrica, de Astronomia, DE MusiCA lib. VII, editio prima, old English red morocco gilt, y. e. {Roger Payne), {Wodhidl copy) sm. folio. Ficentice, Henricus de Sancto Urso, 1499 418 [Capgrave (John)] Nova Legenda Anglic, lit. gotl). double columns, full-page icoodcuts of royal English arms and devices before the first page ^g> of text, the hist leaf composed of a full-page cut of the Saints in Heaven, "' with Caxion's device on reverse, ornamental initials ; wants the title con- TJ^I tf^ sisting of a similar woodcut to that forming the last leaf, otherwise a I'Ul sound and excellent copy, modern red morocco super extra, g. e. ,yj ./^— sm. folio. Impress. Londonias in domo JVinande IrJ^ de JFarde, 1516, xxvii Feb. 'irl ** The First Edition of Capgrave's Lives of the English Saints; VERY rare. 419 Caradoc. Historie of Cambria, now called Wales, written in the Brytish Language above two hundreth yeares past, translated into English by H. Lhoyd, corrected, augmented and continued by D. Powell, FIRST EDITION, blacli letter [dedicated to Sir Philip Sidney], woodcut title (inlaid), and woodcut heads, ruled in red throughout, the first woodcut initial finely painted and illuminated, and the coats of arms emblazoned, red velvet binding, g. e. fine copy sm. Uo. Bafe Newberie & H. Denham, 1584 420 Caradoc. The Historie of Cambria, now called Wales, translated from the Ancient British by H. Lhoyd, corrected and augmented and , I continued by David Powell, FIRST EDITION, blacfe letter, woodcut title I (margins mended), and numerous ivoodcut figures and coats of arms, the cuts painted and the arms emblazoned heraldically, brown morocco antique, g. e. sm. 4to. ib. 1584 421 Cardanus (Hieron.) Libelli quinque ; quorum duo priores jam denuo sunt emendati, duo sequentes jam primum in lucem editi, et quintus magna parte auctus est, woodcut portrait on reverse of title, old calf sm. Uo. Norimb. J. Petreius, 1547 422 Caricatures and Humorous Prints byGillray, Heath, Ghezzi and others, /}'/' / 90 plates, coloured and plain, mounted in a vol. and bound in half morocco imp. folio 423 Caricatures and Humorous Subjects by Woodward, Rowlandson, Gill- ray, Newton, and others, 73 coloured plates, mounted in a vol. and bound in half morocco imp. folio 424 Carlo Emmanuele Re di Sardegna e Elisabetta Teresa Principessa primogenita de Lorena ; La Sontuosa Illuminazione della Citta di Torino per loro Augusto Sposalizio {in Italian and French), lifine plates, old Italian calf gilt, with the King of Sardinia's arms in centre (rebacked) folio. Torino, G. B. Begio, 1737 E /1 / f 50 SIZES MIXED 425 Carlyle (Thos.) Collected Works, 16 vol. bright calf gilt, y. e. by F. /'^/ Bedford cr. 8vo. Chapman & Hall, 1858 426 Carlyle (Thos.) Past and Present, 1843 ; Latter Day Pamphlets, no. 1 The Present Time, 1850; and Shooting Niagara, 1867; ALL first EDITIONS, in 2 vol. red calf extra, t. e. g. — Milman (Dean) Agamem- non of ^schylus, and the Bacchanals of Euripides, &c. translated, woodcuts, red calf extra, t. e. g. 1865 cr. 8vo. (3) 427 Carnevale di Eoma (II), 20 large plates, with descriptions oblong imp. folio. Boma, 1820 428 Carter (John) Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now- remaining in this Kingdom from the earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VIII, engraved titles and 122 fine plates, 2 vol. full half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. folio. 1780-87 Carthusians. Repertorium Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis per Or- dinem Alphabeti ; Statuta Ordinis Cartusiensis a domno Guigone Priore Cartusie edita ; Privilegia Ordinis et multiplex confirmatio eiusdem, &c. lit. got]^. fine large woodcut in 9 compartments representing the Origin of the Order, full-page figured genealogy before A 2 coloured, and woodcut heads of Popes, text rubricated, contemporary oaken boards, leather, with stamped blind ornaments in compartments, fine copy folio. Basilice, Jo. Amerbach, 1510 Carthusians. Statuta Ordinis Cartusiensis a domino Guigcne priore Cartusie edita ; et Repertorium Statutorum Ord. Cartus. per ordinem alphabeti, lit. gotft. rubricated, large woodcut and small woodcut heads of Popes, stamped ornamental pigskin sm. folio. Basil. Jo. Amerbach, 1510 Cartwright (Wm.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, first edition [with the hiatuses in sheet U as usuaT\, margins of some II. in- cluding title shaved, calf gilt, r. e. {cover broken) sm. 8vo. H. Moseley, 1651 THIRD DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. Lot 432. ^^ ASSIODORUS (M. A.) Opera, &c. exquibus qusedam nunc primum eduntur, cum notis, Paris. S. Nivellius, 1579 — Codicis Legum Wisigothorum lib. XII, &c. ex Bibl. P. Pithoei, ih. ; in 1 vol. old French red morocco covered in semis of fi§urs-de-lis, wreath in centres with initials P.B. g. e. TM-j ~ r-*Jv^ folio 433 Castell (Rob.) Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, plates, old calf, Earl of ^' ■-'K Aylesford's exriihris %~ '\ roy. folio. 1728 434 Cataneo (Pietro) I Quattro Primi Libri di Architettura, prima edi- \7/\ ZIONE, numerous woodcuts, vellum \ folio. Vinegia, Figliuoli d' Jldo, 1554 435 Catesby (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama '2)j.a| Islands, 220 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions in English and \ Y^ French, 2 vol. russia, line tooled, y. e. fine copy j^M^f imp. folio. B. White, 1771 6iE^ Cathewpa de Senis. Legenda (per Thomam de Senis), Manuscript 3/.\7 J. ON^VELLUM (47 II. 11^ hy 8| in.) written in gotj^tc IttterS hy an Italian I scribe, double columns cf 33 lines, 2 illuminated historiated initials, con- temporary oaken boards, red doeskin sm. folio. S^c. xv 437 Catherina da Siena (Sancta) Epistole ; che essendo state adunate insemi l^.j — I _con grandissima diligentia per Frate Barth. da Alzano da Bergamo, ' Editio Aldina, half morocco, fine large copy, seldom found in such good condition sm. folio. Venet. in Casa di Aldo Manutio Piomano, Sept. xv, 1500 438 Catherine of Siena (S.) Foure Sermons containing the Life and Actes 2/.*v of the moste famous Virgine S. Katherine of Siena, written by the 7^ . Reverend Fa: Lewes de Granada, English Manuscript on paper 17 Ih (128 II. b\ by 3^ in.) neatly written, ruled, head titles in red, brown mo- ' WAJL rocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8vo. xvi cent. 439 Cato. Disticha de Moribus cum commentariis J. Philippi Bergomensis _/ (Foresti), lit. goti). long lines, 40 to a page, without marks, rubricated, J/^ ^ headings written in red, capitals painted in green and red, blue morocco I e^ gilt, g. e. by C. Smith, fine copy of a rare and early edition (Sysion Park) sm. folio. [Aug. Vind. A. Swg'\ Incarnationis saluberrime anno MCCCCLXXV, die Crastina besti Omnium Sanctorum E 2 o:- l« ' " 52 SIZES MIXED Catullus. Carmina. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (61 //. 8| by b\ in.) finely written in script characters by an Italian scribe, the first 2}age within a finely painted border of trophies and cupids, small illuminated initials throughout, green morocco gilt, g. e. from Lord Leigh's library O sm. ito. S^C. XV 441 Caulfield (Jas.) Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Per- Ak sons from 1688 to 1760, ORIGINAL edition, 157 portraits, 4 vol. half /^Y morocco gilt, m. e. 8vo. Young d- Whiteley, 1819-20 442 Caulfield (Jas.) Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remark- able Persons, from the Reign of Edward III to the Revolution, new edition, large paper, 111 fine portraits, B. S. Kirhy, 1813; Portraits, Memoirs, &c. from 1688 to 1760, 157 fine portraits, large paper, 4 vol. Young & Whiteley, 1819-20 ; together 7 vol. uni- fcyrmly bound in blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. fine copy Ato 443 Caulfield (Jas.) The High Conrt of Justice ; comprising Memoirs of yA — the Principal Persons who sat in Judgment on K. Charles the First, ^^ 24: tinted portraits with aittographs and seals, half calf ito. 1820 444 Caussinus (Nic.) De Eloquentia Sacra et humana, dedication copy to • Louis XIII, in old French calf, the back and sides covered with semis of |j ^' croumed L's and fleur-de-lis, with the King's arms in centres, g. e. {A. CiY" Piuette), well preserved Ato. Lugd. Ant. Valancot, 1643 445 Cavalcanti (Bart.) Trattati overo Discorsi sopra gli ottimi Reggimenti ojK\ , delle Republiche antiche et moderne, old Italian red morocco, gilt or- ^ \ namental back and borders, loith the large Foscarini arms in centres, g. e. ^ {well preserved) sm. Uo. Venet. 1571 446 Cavalcaselle. " Privilegium in Arte Aromataria," Diploma of the State -V of Venice granting to D. Joseph Cavalcaselle the Privilege of ex- fy\ ^ ercising the " Arte Aromataria " and the Profession of an Apothecary \ in the City of Venice, Manuscript on vellum (6 II. 8^ by 5| in.) the first 4 pages richly painted and illuminated, another page painted with ^ the devices of the Apothecaries' College, the last page having a coat of \ arms with official signatures, half bound sm. \to. Venetia, 1757 447 Cavaleriis (Jo. Bapt. de) Omnium Romanorum Pontificura Icones, usque A\^ ad Clementem VIII, 136 portraits, modern morocco, g. e. ^\ y^ sm. 8iu Eomce, 1595 448 Caviceo da Parma (Jacomo) Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin traictant de Ihonneste et pudique amour concilie par -^ pure et sincere Vertu ; traduict de vulgaire italien en langue ^ . f racoyse par Maistre Francoys Dassy, Secretaire du Roy de Navarre, \ A /&c. lettres bdtardes, red and black, the woodcut ornamental initials finely f\P\ \ painted and illuminated (wants 24 II. ; and 8 of the initials have been cut y/bw/; sold not subject to return), marbled and gilt vellum, g. e. ^\ sm. folio. Paris, N. Couteau for G. du Pre, 1527 *^* Printed upon vellum, extremely rare, only one other copy being known, which is in the Harleian Library. The first edition of this translation. It has the ex-libris of N. J. Foucault, and formerly belonged to J. L. Way, who has noted the imper- fections on a fly-leaf. SIZES MIXED 53 / J40 Caviceo da Parma. Dialogue treselegant intitiale le Peregrin, traictant I de I'honneste et pudicq amour concilie par pure et sincere Vertu ~":&jU^y traduict de vulgaire italien par Maistre Fran^oys Dassy, lettres I jp*" bdtardes, title in red and Mack {small piece mended), woodcuts and orna- mental initials, yellow morocco extra, broad inside gilt borders, joints, g. e. signature of " Bourdonnieres" on title sm. 6vo. Paris. F. Gibert, 1540 450 Celestina. Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea novamente traducta de / Spagnolo in Italiano Idioma (per Alphonso Hordoguez), crushed red yjSj . morocco, centre gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by Thibaron, fine ' /_ COPY G^sm. Uo. Stampata in Venetia Adi xii Aprile, 1515 (s. no. impressore) 451 Cellini (Benvenuto) Life, newly translated into English by J. A. Symonds, second edition, portrait, 2 vol. half morocco, g. e. cr. 8vo. Nimmo, 1888 ^2) Celsus (Corn.) De Medicina lib. VIII (ex Recogn. B. Fontii et • > • Saxetti), editio PKINCEPS, lit. rom. long lines, loith signs, modern blue morocco, with stamped blind and gilt wnaments, some margins neatly re- paired {Lakelands copy), rare m^\>.' sm. folio. Florenti(e, a Nicolao impressus anno 14:78 453 Ceittt Nouvelles Nouvelles (Les) suivent les Cent Nouvelles, vignettes par ^yf Fiomain de Hooghe, 4 vol. in 2, half mmvcco, g. e. ^ sm. Svo. Cologne, P. Gaillard, 1786 454 Cervantes (M. de) L'Ingenieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche, o/ traduction de L. Viardot, avec les dessins de Gusiave Dori, first edi- ■y5/L_ tion, jive early impressions of the woodcuts, 2 vol. crushed red morocco I extra, inside dentelles, joints, t. e. g. uncut, fine copy folio. Park, Hachette, 1863 Cervantes (M. de) The History of the Valorous and Witty-Knight- Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha, translated out of the Spanish, now newly corrected and amended by Thomas Shelton, both parts {the second edition of the first English Translation of Don Quixote), title of part I defective and scribbled on, otherwise a good copy, modern red morocco extra, g. e. sm. folio. Pi,. Hodgkinsonne for A. Crooke, 1652 !!ervante8 (M, de) History of the most renowned Don Quixote of /^/ Mancha and his Trusty Squire Sancho Pancha, now made English y//^ according to the Humour of our Modern Language, by J. P. (John / "^ Phillips), first edition of this translation, copperplate engravings in /li/^ compartments, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Q /^ Riviere, fine copy, book tablet of Sir C/ias. Buck folio. T. Hodgkin for John Newton, 1687 457 Chalcondylas (Laonicus) Historiarum de Eebus Gestis Turcorum lib. X ^ J Graece, Greek Manuscript on paper (328 //. 9i by 6^ in.) written ll'' — ^f^ 0, neat cursive hand, limp vellum sm. Uo. S^C. xvi 45e Chalcondylas (Laonicus) Historiarum de Rebus Gestis Turcorum lib. X -I Gr. et Lat. Conr. Clausero interprete, studio et opera C. A. Fabroti, llO^ LARGE PAPER, old French red morocco, gilt ornamental back with crowned /_ fleurs-de-lis, broad borders of gilt fleurs-de-lis, and the Boyal French Arms I in centres, g. e. from the Libraries of Louis XIV and Lamoignon, fine COPY large folio. Paris, e typ. Regia, 1650 •\- 54 SIZES MIXED 459 Chamberlaine (J.) Original Designs of the most celebrated Masters of \ , the Bolognese, Roman, Florentine and Venetian Schools, 70 ■^ ' ^ fine tinted plates after Da Vinci, the Carracci, Claude, Raphael, . ' M. Angela, the Poussins, etc. including portrait of Da Vinci, by \ Bartolozzi and others, russia gilt {cover broken) atlas folio. Nicol, etc. 1812 460 Chambers (J. D.) Divine Worship in England in the Xlllth and XlVth VW\ Centuries, contrasted with that of the XlXth, numerous illustrations, \ uncut sm. 4,fo. B. M. Pickering, 1877 461 Chambers (R.) The Book of Days ; a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities, 2 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 1863 ; Chambers's Encyclopaedia, 10 vol. half calf, 1860; Information for the People, 2 vol. half morocco, 1848 imp. 8vo. (14) 462 Champier (Symphorien). Domini Symphoriani Champerii Lugdunensi Liber de Quadruplici Vita Theologia Asclepii hermetis trismegisti i^// discipuli cum Commentariis, et alia Opera; Tropheum Gallorum I \ jI \Buadruplecem eorundem complectens historiam, etc. lit. goti^. first j\w^-«n red within ivoodcut border, several spirited cuts in the text and numerous ornamental initials (very slightly wormed), vellum, rare sm. ito. Lugduni expensis St. Gueynardi et J. Huguetani arte et industria Jannot de Campis, 1507 463 Champlin (J. D.) and C. C. Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and I Painting, upwards of 2000 illustrations, 4 vol. crushed h'own morocco ^ extra, g. e. imp. 8w. New York and London, 1888 464 Chantal (Sainte) Fondatrice de VOrdre de la Visitation de Sainte-Marie ; n\ Lettres, nouvelle Edition, portrait and facsimiles, 2 vol. old French \\\ calf with gilt fieurs-de-lis and the lioyal French arms on sides {Charles X) \ {taken from the Eoyal Library of St. Cloud in 1870) 8vo. Paris, 1823 465 Charavay (Etienne) Revue des Documents Historiques, numerous fac- *Yk similes, vol. I-IV {vol. I wants title), half mwocco \ imp. 8vo. Paris, 1874-7 466 Charity Schools. An Account of Charity Schools lately erected in ^\ England, Wales and Ireland, with the Benefactions thereto, the first, \\ seventh, ninth and thirteenth editions, 4 editions in 1 vol. {some II. stained), half calf sm. ito. Jo. Downing, 1706-8-10-14 467 Charles I, His Majesties Declaration to both Houses of Parliament, in answer to that presented to Him at Newmarket the 9th of March, 1641, limp calf . . sm. ito. B. Barker, 1641 468 Charles I. A Collection of Prayers and Thanksgivings used in his Maiesties Chappell and in his Armies, upon occasion of the late ^\ Victories against the Rebells, etc. (at Edge Hill, etc.) wormed, half Y bound, scarce, sm. ito, Oxf. 1643 — Cornwallis (Sir Ch.) A Discourse of the most illustrious Prince Henry, late Prince of Wales, written anno 1626, wants portrait, sm- ito, J. Benson, 1641 (2) ^yitt^ Charles I. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majestie III in his Solitudes and Sufferings ; together with his Private Prayers, TV^ folding plate by Marshall {margins cut close), crushed red viorocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by L. Br oca 8vo. n. p. or printer's name, 1649 ^IH' h'^^\ SIZES MIXED 55 470 Charles I. Eikon Basilike. The Portraicture of his Sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and SuflFerings, together with his Private Prayers, front of royal arms, portraits of Charles I and II, and folding plate, panelled calf extra, g. e. by Riviere %w. no place or printer's name, 1649 %* This edition contains "A Prayer in Captivity" taken from Sidney's /^ Arcadia, not found in the first or subsequent editions. See old note ) on fiy-leaf as to Milton's connection with this prayer. 471 Charles I. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum Lon- n^ dini publice celebratorum, etc. ^portraits and view of the execution of ^ / Charles I, fine impi'essions, blue mwocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford ' \2mo. Amst. J. Jansonius, 1649 472 Charles I. Catalogue of the Pictures and Rarities brought from Ui ^^' '^^^^s'^ ^o ^^^ Kings new enclosed Cabinet Room at Whitehall ; \v as also other Pictures, Medals, Agates or the like, since by the King ' y thereunto augmented, etc. Manuscript on paper (30 II. 15 &?/ 9| in.) /\^ old rough calf folio. Cent, xviii 473 Charles II. Lower (Sir W.) Relation of the Voiage and Residence H^ which the King Charles the II hath made in Holland from the 25th I Of of May to the 2 June, 1660, portrait of the king {mounted), and 5 vTI'^ folding plates, lialf morocco roy. folio. Hague, A. Vlack, IQQO 474 Charles II. Statutes made Anno Regni Caroli II. duodecimo {i.e. 1660) ^ . in the twelfth year of the Reign of King Charles II, at the Parlia- ^fCf meut began at Westminster, April 25, 1660 (with the Rates of / A^ d Merchandise), in 1 vol. old calf gilt, with royal arms I \p\4-> J sm. folio. Bill (& Barker, 1660 I 475 Charles V Imp. Abschiedt der Rom. Keys. Majest. und gemeyner I *\^ steud ufF dem Reichsztag zu Augspurg ufigericht Anno Domini I ^'^\ '1548, etc. lit. gotl). et rom. modern roan gilt, old stamped panels inlaid folio. Mainz, 1548 476 Charles VI Imp. Real Privilegio concede a Don Giuseppe Giannettasio per rOfficio di Credenziero del Ferro della R". Doana di questa Citta I 5\ di Napoli, etc. original document on 4 //. of vellum, with official signa- ! \ tures, morocco sm. folio. 1717 477 Charnocke (St.) Several Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God, FIRST EDITION, portrait by White {cut down and mounted), old English blue morocco, the sides covered in elaborate gilt tooled mosaic ornaments in .square compartments, with inlayings of red {probably by S. Mearne, K. Charles lis binder), g. e. folio. D. Newman, etc. 1682 Charron (P.) De la Sagesse, engraved title, old French red m&rocco, g. e. Leide, Jean Elzevir, s. a. — Valerius Maximus, old red morocco, Lugd. Bat. F. Hegerus, 1640; &c. 12/no. (6) 479 Charron (P.) Of Wisdome, Three Bookes, translated from the French tM\ ^y Samson Lennard, first edition, fine portrait of Lennard by > Vaughan and engraved title by Hole, sprinkled calf extra, g. e. by F. Bed- qAj^ ford sm. ito. G. Miller for E. Blount and W. Apsley, 1630 480 Charron (P.) Of Wisdome, Three Bookes, translated from the French yH^ by Samson Lennard,-iHHHBHB9f, engraved title, old calf with English Ay — arms sm,. ^to. N. Eanew, 16t0 56 ' SIZES MIXED 481 Chateaubriand. Atala, avec Us dessins de G. Dord, first edition, green A morocco super extra, donUures of yellow silk, broad inside gilt ornamental borders, joints, g. e. by Holloway folio. Paris, Hachette, 1863 482 Chatterton (Thos.) Works, with Life by Dr. G. Gregory, 3 vol. blue \p\ ^ morocco gilt, joints, g. e. Svo. Longman, 1803 483 Chaucer (Geoffrey) The "Woorkes ; newly printed, with divers additions, whiche were never in printe before ; with the siege and destruccion of the Worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate Monke of Berie (edited by John Stow), blacfe letter, Chaucer s arms on first title, other titles within genealogical borders, wood- cuts and ornamental initials ; signature of " Roger Hollinges " and motto " Vim Virtus Vicit " etc. on title ; and old MS. notes on fly-leaf at end relating to the tombs of Chaucer, Drayton, Denham and Ben Jonson, modern boarded brown morocco with antique gilt ornaments, g. e. by Kiviere, fine COPY folio. Jhon Kyngston for Jhon Wight, 1561 484 Chaucer (Geffrey) The Workes of our Ancient and learned English Poet I tOx- newly printed, with Additions, by Thos. Speght, Speght's first V EDITION, title within woodcut border {written on) and woodcut initials, ^-^- boarded modern morocco extra, g. e. by McKelvie folio. A. Islip, 1602 485 Chinese Punishments. Twelve Drawings in colours on rice paper, in native figured silk binding oblong folio iH- 12 wo. Paris, Jean Richer, 1587 486 Cholieres. Les Apresdisnees du Seigneur de Cholieres, premiere ki I EDITION, blue morocco extra, gilt floral icreath on sides, inside dentelles, \ Y 9- «• ^ Trautz-Bauzonnet, fine copy, rare 487 Chorale Ecclesiifi Romans, musical manuscript on vellum (21 II. 16 X lOi in.) written in neat gotijic letters in red and black, long lines, by an Italian scribe, square sJiape musical notes on red staves, 2 pages ivith large illuminated ornamental initials and marginal decorations, numerous ornamental pen letters, half bound {from the Phillipps' Collec- tion) folio. Sjec. XIV 8o^ Chronica Bossiana. Donati Bossii Causidici Gestorum dictorumq. Memorabilium ; et temporum ac conditionum et mutationum humanarum ab orbis initio usque ad eius tempora, genealogy of the Dukes of Milan in red on reverse of first leaf, old leather sides, lettered Nwith title, inlaid and repaired \J , sm. folio. Mediol. Ant. Zarotus impensis Donati Bossii, 1482 48§ ) Chronicon Nurembergense. Libri Cronicarum cum Figuris et % Ymaginibus ab inicio Mundi (auctore Hartmanno Schedel), Itt. -|\ _^\ goti). numerous spirited woodcuts by M. Wolgemuth and Wm. Pleyden- j\\ p wu7ff the Masters of Albert Durer, brown morocco, with blind stamped I ornaments, joints, g. e. by H. Stamper imp. fol. Nurembergiv, Ant. Koberger, 1493 *^* The FIRST edition of the celebrated Nuremberg Chronicle. Perfect, with all the blanks and Sarmacia, and a VERY LARGE AND CLEAN COPY, measuring 18^ x 12^ in., but some leaves are slightly wormed. SIZES MIXED 57 fj/f (^90\ Chronicon Nurembergense. Liber Cronicarum cum figuris et imagi- uibus ab inicio Mundi usq. ad nunc temporis (per Hartmannum LjtJ Schedel), second edition of the Naremherg Chronicle, with the numerous I I woodcuts by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwurff reduced in size, title mended I and written on, some II. stained, margins of map shaved, hut generally a good sound copy, crushed purple morocco extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. by L. Broca sm. fol. Augusta Jo. Schonsperger, 1497 401 Chronicon Nurembergense. Der Buch der Croniken und Geschichten -I J mit figuren und pildniissen von anbegiunen der Welt bis auf dise W/~/ unsere Zeit, lit. goti). numerous spirited woodcuts by Wolgemuth and I / ' Pleydenwurff, large copy, title loosely inserted from smaller copy, contem- porary oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin (worn) large fol. Nuremberg, Ant. Coberger, 1493 *^* The FIRST EDITION of the celebrated Nuremberg Chronicle in German. -^ 492 Chroniicke vande Hertoghen van Brabant, vergadert uyt diversche A^J Histoire-Schrijvers ende overgheset door L. Van Haecht Goidtsen- '/ houen, lit. goti). 4:2 fine full-length coptperplate portraits, old calf / sm. fol. fAnticerpen, Moretus,\^\1 493 Chronicle of Flanders. Dits die excellente Cronike va Vlaenderen, ^ .jlJ beghinnende van Liederich Buc den eersten Forestier . . tot . . onsen I 'Vj Keyser Karolo, lit. gotj). numerous woodcuts, some by Lucas van Leyden, I / / some slightly coloured, contemporary oaken boards, stamped ornamental ^^^Aj.A leather fol. t'Antwerpen by JF. Vorstermann, 1531 1494 (Chroniques de St. Denis. Chroniques de France appellees 1 P Chroniques de S. Denis, Manuscript on vellum (492 ZL 16^ x 12 in.) finely written in lettres bdtardes, double columns o/ 49 lines, headings of chapters and books in red, leaf at beginning and 2 II. at end \ ^ supplied in MS. copied by Guyon de Sardihre, the first having the arms %^itr — of the Abb6 Antoine de Seve emblazoned at the head of it; 26 very ^ FINELY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES (3 x 3^ in.) of S^Q subjects connected with the text, with marginal decorations of spiked ivy leaves, &c. ; 35 large and very richly illuminated ornamental initials, ^ and numerous small illuminated capitals, ornamental p)en-letters, &c. old J French red morocco, full gilt fioreate back, line sides, with arms and monogram of the Abbe Antoine de Seve, those of the Duke of Buccleuch stamped above (Derome) large fol. 8mc. xv *^* A VERY FINE MANUSCRIPT, and in a very good state of preservation. (k§p) Chronique de Normandie. Les Croniques de Normendie nouvellement imprim^es a Rouen, lettres bdtardes, double columns, 46 lines, Eegnault's lC *tQ^uevice in red on title, and a grotesque initial icoodcut before the text ( plain P}^£^§..2L3J^- Trended), russia, g. e. with crest on sides, A VERY GOOD COPY OF A VERY~RARE EDITION ito {or sm. fol.) imprimies a Eou^n pour Pierre Eegnault libraire de luniversitS de Caen, s. d. [vers 1 500] 496 Chronique du Monde et Genealogies des Roys Fran9oises jusqu'au Roy Louis XI, manuscript on a long roll of vellum, 14/^. 6 in. QJj/< long by 2 ft. 4 in. icide, written in Idtres bdtardes, in four columns, with 1'^ [ 18 circular painted and illuminated miniatures, mostly p)ortraits, and I / many hundred illuminated initials, imperfect at beginning, commencing I with Chilperic S^c. XV 58 SIZES MIXED h 497 Chronique. Cronica Cronicarum abreg^e et mis par figures, descentes et rondeaulx de la Creation du Monde jusques a Pan 1601 ; -^\rl Contenant les descentes des Patriarchs, Roys Juives, Empereurs, //y Roys de France et d'Angleterre, &c. printed on a long vellum / ROLL, in lettres bdtardes, Sift, long by 1 //. 8 in. wide, within ornamental borders, icitli many hundred circular woodcuts, genealogical trees, orna- mental initials, &c. the last sheet near the imprint has two holes mended, EXTREMELY RARE Paris, J. Petit, 1501 Chronique. Chronica Chronicarum. Le Registre des ans passez puis la Creation du monde jusques a lannee presente mil cinq cens XXXII,- lettres bdtardes, title in red and black, numerous small woodcuts and ornamental initials, old calf, r. e. sm. Uo. Paris, A. Couteau pour Galliot du Pre, 1532 Chronicle of England. The Chronicle of St. Albans [?]. The Brute Chronicle; from Brute to the Death of King Edward III, A.D. 1377, English Manuscript on vellum (100 //. 13 % 9 in.) neatly written in red and black, double columns o/ 36 lines {loants first leaf, and 1 is defective), old English calf, with arms of Sir Jas. Ley of Westbury folio. S^C. XIV This interesting MS. contains the story of King Arthur, which is not usually found in English MSS. It has two old entries on the last leaf, showing the book to have been in the possession of the Young and Woodward families. 500 Chronicle of England. The Brut Chronicle. " Here begynneth Brute in Englyshe the whiche declareth and treteth of all the Kynges and of all the notable actes and dedes done in this land sithe thefurstebegynnynge,"&c. English Manuscript on vellum (93 //. 8 by b\ in.) neatly written in small characters, long lines, 27 to a full page, headings of chapters and marginal references in red, orna- mental pen-letters, modern blue morocco {from the Duke of BuccleucKs library) sm. ito. Cent, xv If %* This MS. agrees generally with the Brute text printed by Caxton, Jf\/\:i but varies in language considerably, and sometimes in more im- portant particulars. It finishes with the entry of King Henry V into the City of Rouen, Jan. 141|. ^.2* 501 % w 502 .24/ 7 Chrysostomus (Joannes) Opera, nunc primum Grsece et Latine con- junctiom editse; ex Bibl. Henricus IV. Regis Francorum ; Fronto Ducseus recensuit et notis illustravit, large paper, 3 vol. old French ^. red morocco, line tooled, g. e. J. A. De Thou's copy, with his arms and his second wife's on sides and monogram on back, fine copy folio. Lut. Par. C. Mwellius, 1609-14 Chrysostomus (Jo.) Homiliae LXX super Mathseum e Greco in latinum editaj a Georgio Trapezuntio, lit. gotl;. and scmi=gotl). (2 types), long lines, 39 ^o a full page, without marks {Hain *5034), rubricated, ruled in red, contemporary MS. notes in margins, painted initial on first page: "C. vii P. M." and the arms of Pope Clement VII painted on reverse of last leaf, oaken boards, the sides and back entirely in gold, the ground au pointilU, ivith interlaced geometrical scrolls, the Medici arms painted in centres, plain gauffred edges, clasps ( 1 missing) and metal bosses {Hagu4 of Brussels) folio, absque nota [Argent. Jo. Mentelin, 1466-7 1] SIZES MIXED 59 503 Chrysostomus (Jo.) Vita, Trombellii Commentarius, old Italian calf, H I ivith arms of Pope Pins FI, s. I. et a. ( 1 788) — L' Alcorano di Macometto [Hl/^ tradotto in Lingua Italiana, woodcut title, old calf gilt, with ex-libris »r of the Earl of Lishirne, s. n. Uo (2) 504 Churchill (Chas.) Poems, first collected edition, 2 vol. old English red morocco, v:ith elaborate gilt tooled floreate ornaments, g. e. ito. printed for the author, 1763 505 Ciaconius (A.) Vitte et Gesta Summorum Pontificum usque ad Clementem VIII uec non S. E. E. Cardinalium, mimerous cuts of arms (some painted), 2 vol. (some II. in vol. II wormed], vellum sm. folio. liomce, S. Paulinus, 1601 506 Gibber (Colley) Apology for his Life, written by himself, new edition, with Notes and Supplement by R. W. Lowe, 26 mezzotint portraits jj f by Pi,.B. Parkes and 18 etchings by A. Lalauze, LARGE paper EDITION, IliA ^^/i the pmiraits in duplicate on Japanese and india, 305 copies printed l"^ {no. \Q), full half morocco, i.e. g. uncut roy. 8vo. AHmmo, 1889 507 Ciccarelli (Antonio) Le Vite de' Pontefici, con 1' Effigie di Giovan- ^M battista de Cavallieri, ^we engraved title and 232 engraved portraits of /^ 1^ Popes, within ornamental borders, calf gilt, g. e. Y sm.ito. Piomai,D. Basa,\o88 508 Cicero. Opera, omnium quae hsec tenus excusa sunt, castigatissima • / nunc primum in lucem edita (cum Notis P. Victorii), ivoodcut ^h/f devices, d:c. on title and last leaf of each vol. 4 vol. old English red / I viorocco, gilt backs and ornamental borders, g. e. / folio. Fenet. L. A. Junta, 1534-37 509^ Cicero. Orationes, Epistolae, Philosophise, De Officiis, et Fragmenta 2/ Scriptorum, Editio ElZeviriana, 10 vol. in 8, crushed red mm'occo, y/h antique style, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout / \'2mo. Lugd. Bat. ex Off. Elzeviriana, 1642 510 Cicero. De Natura Deorum lib. Ill ; de Divinatione lib. II ; de Fato ; de Legibus ; Academicarum Quaestionum liber II ; Modesti de a{^ j Disciplina Militari et Vita Ciceronis ex Y\\)XdiX<:^\, finely printed in l^/ roman letter, long lines, 34 to a full page, without marks, ancient MS. notes in margins, old calf (Hopetoun copy), a very rare edition sm. folio. Fenet. Findelinus de Spira,\il\ 511 Cicero. De Natura Deorum et de Divinatione {forming a portion of the 4 J "Opera Philosophica" printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz in 1471), //6/ contains 87 II. in roman letter, long lines, without marks, contemporary ' I - MS. notes in margins, half russia, large copy {from Earl Spencer's ' library) -^/' , | folio. {Romce, 1471) 512 Cicero. De Amicitia, Paradoxa, de Somno Scipionis ; et de Senectute, Manuscript on vellum (76 II. 7| by 5 in.) written in neat roman letters by an Italian scribe, long lines, 23 to a full page, illuminated shield and initial on first page, vellum, with Wodhull arms sm. Mo. SiEC. XV 513 Cicero. Epistolae ad Atticum, Manuscript on paper (278 II. llf by 8^ in.) written in neat Italian cursive characters, long lines, 28 to a full page, old calf {from the Hopetoun library) folio. S^C. xvi 60 SIZES MIXED 517 518 519 % l"l 514 Cicero. Ad Marcum filium de Officiis Libri, Manuscript of the lyj XVth century on paper, 63 11. written in angular characters /^-/ {French)^ icith 18 II. of a Digest in a different hand at end {\\\ by I 8i in.) in the original binding of oaken boards, half leather, clasps ' sm. folio. S^C. XV icero. De Officiis, Orationes, Rhetorica, Epistolse et de Philosophia, together 9 vol. old Lyonnese calf, dotted backs, the sides covered with rich gilt cartouche ornaments, interspersed with poiniilU tooling, g. e. {woi'n, backs of four vol. mended) 12mo. Lugd. A. Vincentius, 1560 Cicero. De Officiis, Erasmi Rot. Argumentis et Annott. old French red marocco, back and sides covered with semis of fleurs-de-lis, g. e. (fatigude) sm. ito. Paris. T. Bichard, 1558 Cicero. De Philosophia, 3 vol. old calf, Venet. Aldus, 1523 ; and other classics sm. 8vo, l2mo and 16??io (13) Cicero. Orationes (XXV) [Begins] Oratio P. Cne. Pompeio Imperatore elegendo, [Ends] Festra Virtute construetis, MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER jjA.A (163 II. \2>h by 8^ in.) loritten in neat {\^ n 62 SIZES MIXED 535 (Siemens Alex. Opera Gr. et Lat. quse extant, edidit Fr. Sylburgius, LARGE PAPER, old French red morocco, full gilt floreate hade, line sides, g. on m. e. (Dii Seuil) folio. Lut. Par. typis Eegiis, 1641 536 Clemens V Pont. Max. Constitutiones dementis ppe. V Liber VII, cum Glossis Jo. Andreae Episc. Aleriensis, Manuscript on vellum (94 II. 12 by 7^ in.) written in goti^ic cljaracttrg, in 4 columns, text in centre surrounded by the Gloss, ornamental pen-letters folio. &mc. xiv 537 CDlemens V Papa. Constitutiones, una cum Apparatu dni. Jo. Andreae, lit. gotlE). 4 columns, red and black, rubricated in blue and red, painted capitals (slightly wormed), calf extra, inside dentelles, by Tout folio. Basil. M. Wenszler, 1476, colophon and shields in red 538 ©lament (CL) Michel-Ange, Leonard de Vinci, Raphael, numerous plates, half morocco gilt, sup. imp. 8fo, Paris, Hetzel, s. d. — Scott (Leader) Renaissance of Art in Italy, numerous illustrations, half morocco, ito, 1883 — Order of the Administration of the Lord's Supper, illuminated, morocco, Uo, Hayes, n. d. (3) 539 Olichtovseus (Judocus) De Vita et Moribus Sacerdotum Opusculum, Secunda Emissio, ornamental woodcut initials, Paris. S. Colin. 1520 — Bernonis Abbatis Libellus di Officio Missse quern edidit Rhomte, ' woodcut initials, Paris, ex Off. H. Stephani, 1518; in 1 vol. vellum gilt, m. e. sm. Uo 540 ©lichtovseus (Judocus) Propugnaculum Ecclesise adversus Lutheranos, ruled, ornamental woodcut initials, signature o/" Jamart C. S. P. R." on title, old calf {Wodhull copy) sm. folio. Paris. S. Colin. 1526 541 ©lodius (J, C.) Compendiosum Latino-Turcico-Germanicum ; ac Gram- matica Turcica, old red morocco, elaborately gilt tooled with leafy and scroll ornaments a petits fers, r. e. neicly rebacked and edges mended 8m Lips. W. Beer, 1730 542 Glouet (Fr.) Three Hundred French Portraits representing Per- sonages of the Courts of Francis I, Henry II, and Francis II, auto- lithographed from the Originals at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, by Lord Ronald Gower, 2 vol. blue cloth gilt folio. Lond. and Paris, 1875 543 Clutterbuck (Robert) History and Antiquities of the County of Hert- ford, map and 54 fine plates, 3 vol. crimson morocco super extra, inside dentelles, joints, g. e. by Hayday, fine copy roy. folio. Nichols, &c. 1815-27 544 ©ockburn (Major) Swiss Scenery, 60 fine plates on large paper, INDIA . /^ proofs, separate issue without text, in 4 portfolios folio. Eodwell & Martin, 1820 545 Cockton (Henry) Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox the Ventrilo- quist, FIRST edition, 60 illustrations by T. Onwhyn, calf extra, f. e. g. t other edges uncut, by Tout 8vo. R. Tyas, 1840 646 Godrus (Antonius) Orationes, Epistolae, Silvse, Satyrse, Eglogae, Epigrammata, cum Vita Codri a Blanchino (cura Ph. Beroaldi), editio prima {not often found complete), old calf ( Wodhull copy) folio. Bonon. J. A. Plato, 1502 SIZES MIXED 63 547 Coins. Kenyon (LI.) Gold Coins of England, plates, 1884 — Lane-Poole y^ (S.) Coins and Medals, 1892— Thorburn (Col. W. S.) Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, jsk^es, 1888 — Humphreys (H. N.) Coin Collector's Manual, 2 vol. Bolm, 1853 ; and others on coins 8m (11) 548 Coleridge (S. T.) The Piccolomini, or the first part of Wallenstein, and the Death of Wallenstein, translated from the German of F. iLj Schiller by S. T. Coleridge, first edition, 2 parts in 1 vol. pwtrait I of Wallenstein, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. by Riviere ' 8vo. Longman, 1800 549 Coleridge (S. T. ) Christabel ; Kubla-Tchan ; The Pains of Sleep, calf gilt, t. e. g. uncut, by W. Pratt, J. Murray, 1816 ; The Statesman's Manual, calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, by F. Bedford, Gale and Fenner, 1816 ; Sibylline Leaves, calf gilt, m. e. R. Fenner, 1817; Zapolya, calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, by F. Bedford, ib. 1817; ALL first editions 8m (4) 550 Coleridge (S. T.) Eime of the Ancient Mariner, illustrated by G. Dove imp. folio. Dor 6 Gallery, 1876 551 Coleridge (S. T.) Aids to Reflection, first edition, calf gilt, g. e. 1825 — Helps (Sir A.) Friends in Council, first edition, 2 vol. calf, JV. Pickering, 1851 — Evelyn (John) Life of Mrs. Godolphin, portrait, morocco extra, g. e. ib. 1848 ; &c. cr. 8vo. (10) 552 Coleridge (S. T.) Letters, Conversations and Recollections of S. T. Coleridge (by Thos. AUsopp), 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. 8vo. E. Moxon, 1836 553 Collectio Legum et Ordinationum de Recta Studiorum Ratione editarum a SS. D. N. Leone XII P. M. et Sacra Congregatione Studiis Mode- randis, old green moi'occo extra, g. e. Romce, 1828 — Vita del I). Bart. Ferri, portrait, morocco, Montefiascone, 1833, &c. Uo. (4) 554 Collier (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, new edition, by Thos. Lalhbury, 9 vol. half mmvcco, m. e. 8vo. W. Straker, 1852 555 [Collier (John)] " Tim Bobbin." Human Passions Delineated, in above f/ 120 figures, droll, satyrical and humorous, designed in the Hogarthian 'v style, original edition, icith portrait and explanation of the plates, half bound fol. Manchester, foi- the author, 1775 556 Collins (Lieut.-Col. D.) Account of the English Colony in New South 1 A Wales, from its first Settlement in 1788 to August 1801, second ^71 edition, portrait, map, views, coloured natural history subjects, &c. mottled ' \ calf Uo. Cadell, 1804 557 Collinson (Rev. John) History and Antiquities of the County of Somer- jy set, map and numerous engravings of relics, town seals, baths, churches /f^L (^^d gentlemen! s seats, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. I" Uo. Bath, printed by R. Crutwell, 1791 558 Colman (W. G.) Normandy, Picardy, &c. Picturesque Exteriors and Interiors of Cathedral Churches, lithographs, foxed, half bound fol. 1838 559 Columna (Fabius) Plantarum aliquot Historia, accessit etiam Pisciam ^/ . aliquot, &c. portrait and copperplate engravings of plants and fishes, f/'H signature of "Ri. Garth," and inscription of ^^ Lancelot Brunius Medi- / ■' -^vjicus" to whom Garth presented the Book in 1598, on title, old calf, morocco (j'Xjiack sm. Uo. Neapolis, 1592 64 SIZES MIXED 560 CoLUMNA (Franciscus de) Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, ubi JLA \ Humana omnia non nisi Somnium esse docet, atque obiter plurima »^\ y scitu sane quam digna commemorat, FIRST KDITIO'S, fine impressions ' ^ J^S ^^*^ nuraerons woodcuts attributed to Giovanni Bellini, the Priapus unmutilated, brown morocco, covered with elaborate and elegant gilt line and leafy scroll ornaments, in the Grolier manner, vellum fly-leaves, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy sm.fol. Venet. in JEdibus Aldi Manutii, 1499 561 CoLUMNA (Fr. de) La Hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo, cioe pugna y. d' Amore in segno, &c. ristampato di novo et ricorretto con somma V5\!»\X diligentia, second edition, fine imp-essions of the woodcuts attributed to J. \ ' Giovanni Bellini, the Priajms unmutilated, very clean copy, calf gilt, Q\)^% g. e. Aldine anchor on sides sm.fol. Venet. Figliuoli di Aldo, 154:5 562 Columna (Guido de) Historia Excidh Troi^ lib. xxxvi. Manuscript on vellum (147 //. 8 by 6 in.) written in neat cursive characters in long VC^ lines, 27 to a page, [ends] "Factum est Presens Opus Anno...Millesimo ' A ducentesimo Octuagesimo Septimo prime Inditionis feliciter... Explicit -> \j^. Liber de Casa Troie dictus Troianus, Scriptum per Mattheum de Civeyo Baiocens. diocesis anno Nativitatis domini Millesimo CCC tricesimo Octavo," &c. modern russia extra, g. e. sm. Uo. written 1338 *^* An interesting Manuscript from its connection with Caxton, who printed and translated Raoul de Fevre's French version of this original Latin. 563 [Combe (Wm.)] Three Tours of Dr. Syntax, 80 coloured illustrations by T. Rowlandson, 3 vol. bright calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout imp. ^vo. R. Achermann, 1813-20-21 564 [Combe (Wm.)] The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, first ETfiTioiii , frontispiece, picture-title and 29 plates by Thos. Eowland- son, imp'int of title cut into, first 2 II. mended, sold not subject to return, crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. 8vo. Ackermann, 1812 565 [Combe (W.)] Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, third edition, 3 1 humorous coloured plates by Thos. Rowlandson, old calf, a MS. " Prologue to a Play, Written and Spoken by Mr. Coomb " {sic), 2 pp. folio inserted imp. 8vo. [Ackermann, 1821] 566 [Combe (W.)] Tour of Dr. Syntax through London, or the Pleasures and Miseries of the Metropolis, 20 hzimmvus coloured plates, including title, old calf (slightly soiled) imp. 8vo. J. Johnson, 1820 567 [Combe (W.)] Tour of Dr. Syntax through London, third edition, 20 humorous coloured plates, including title, half calf ib, 1820 568 [Combe (W.)] The English Dance of Death, "first edition, frontis- piece and engraved title to vol. I, and 72 fine coloured plates by T. Eow- landson, 2 vol. bright calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout imp. Svo. R. Ackermann, 1816 569 [Combe (W.)] The History of Johnny Quse Genus, the Little Found- ling of the late Doctor Syntax, first edition, 24 coloured plates by T. Rowlandson, bright calf extra, t. e. g. by Tout imp. Svo. R. Ackermann, 1822 SIZES MIXED 65 / N 571 .; 572 Comestor (Petrus) Scholastica Historia, Manuscript on paper (211 //. 16 by 11 in.) the first book written in got()ic letter J5, the remainder in very neat roman, red and black, double columns, 46 lines, capitals in blue and red, contemporary Netherlands binding^ oaken boards, leather stamped in small compartments with Agnus Dei, birds, fleurs-de-lis, &c. title within metal frame on upper cover {well preserved but top cover broken) (-f _ i .^ fol. S.EC. xv Comic Albuni (The) A Book for every Table, containing contributions by L. Blanchard, G. A. A'Beckett, Alfred Crowquill, &c. printed upon various tinted papers, with humoi'ous illustrations by Cham, Gavarni, Gil- bert, &c. calf gilt, g. e. Uo. Orr & Co. 1843 Coramines (Philippe de) Memoires de Louis XI et Charles VIII, reveus et corriges pour la seconde fois par Denis Sauvage, ruled in red, fine ornamental initials, oaken boards, brown morocco, elaborately tooled in leafy scrolls and ornaments a pointilU, with title of book and motto begin- f ^ nirig " Custodit Dominus " in centres, gilt and gauffred edges, perforated /\ WSer clasps, a fine imitation of an ancient binding, by Hagui of Brussells l|A>f y-y^ — sm. folio. Lyon, Jan de Tournes, 1559 Commines (P. de) Les Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines Sr. d'Argenton, derniere edition, engraved title bearing the signature of "P. de Cardonnel, 1662," &c. crushed red morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout 127710. h Leide chez les Elzevirs, 1648 Commines (P. de) Les Memoires, derniere Edition (Elzevir), engraved title, crushed crimson morocco, full gilt ornamental back, line frame sides with corner fleurons, the royal arms of France in centres, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Lmiic, with his ticket, FINE COPY \^mo. ih. 1648 bip Commines (P. de) Memoires, nouvelle Edition, sur un MS. ayant appar- /^V^ , tenu k Diane de Poitiers par R. Chantelauze, 4 chromos. and numerous ^fpH'<^ woodcuts, full half red morocco, uncut, t. e. g. // ' sup. imp. 8w. Paris, F. Didot, 1881 576 Comines (P. de) Historical Memoirs, portrait, calf gilt, imp. 8vo, J. Davis, yf\ . 1817 — Broglie (Due de) Personal Eecollections, 1785-1820, portrait, ^M^ 2 vol. calf gilt, t. e. g. 1887 — Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, portraits, /. / 2 vol. half morocco, Colburn, 1845; &c. 8vo. (7) 577 Compendium Musices confectum ad faciliorem instructionem Cantum Choralem discentium, necnon ad introductionem huius libelli qui Cantorinus intitulatur (Cantorinus Eomauus), lit. goti). red and black, with plain chant music, fine full page woodcut, smaller ones and orna- mental initials, contempwary oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather, clasps {back damaged), a good copy, RARE \2mo. Venet. L. A. de Giunta (device in red), 1513 578 Conseus (Georgius) De Duplici Statu Religionis apud Scotos lib. 11, limp vellum sm. ito. Bomce, typis Vaticanis, 1628 579 Concilia Generalia Ecclesiae Catholicse Pauli V. Pont. Max. auctoritate .'*] edita, Gr. et Lat. editio princeps, 4 vol. old French dark blue „.morocco, line tooled, J. A. De Thou's co/??/, with his arms and his second wife's on sides and monogram at back, very fine copy {the Seillihe, ' by Clarencieulx King of Armes and by _- \ , her Highness most graciously accepted and princely rewarded, CON- Xk^rV temporary Manuscript on paper (96 II. 16 in. by 10| in.) very ^»\ \ neatly written, with 492 finely emblazoned coats OF arms ; in- V scription on title " Clarenceiix Cook compiled this Book, Richard Lee Clarencieux" {Cooke's successor), vellum fol. 1592 *^* An important Heraldic MS. 591 Cooper (Thos.) Cooper's Chronicle (Lanquette's) contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of thys realme as all other countries, J . etc. now with great diligence corrected and augmented unto the VII f/fJ yere of Q. Elizabeth Anno 1565 the firste daye of Auguste (to Oct. 1570), blacfe \tiitx {a few II. slightly wm'med), russia gilt, g. e. GOOD COPY S7n. 4:to. n. d. 592 Copernicus (Nicolaus) De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium lib. VI, . / EDiTio PRIMA, numerous diagrams and ornamental woodcut initials, ''//(/) purple morocco extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. by L. Broca, fine copy, A- — with very wide margins, rare ( placed on the Index Lihrorum Prohibi- / torum) ito. NorimbergcB, Jo. Petreius, 1543 SIZES MIXED 67 593 594 y Coppa (Steph.) Series Chronologia Iconum Romanum Pontificum, numerous medallion heads and coats of arms, full half red morocco gilt, by Tout fol. Bomce, 1783 Coptic or Ethiopic Religious Drawings. A Series of 32 Drawings in Colours on vellum of Religious and Apocalyptic Subjects, Defeat of Rebellious Angels, etc. each picture measuring 6 in. by 5^ in. arranged in panoramic form. sqre. 8vo. Sjec. xvi (?) Coptic or Ethiopic Manuscript, containing Homilies on the Archangel Michael, written in red and black on 82 II. of vellum (10 in. by 5^ in.) with 2 religious drawings, oaken boards, native russia, (bivught from Magdalain 1818) sm. ito. (S^c. XVI?) 596 jCorderius (M.) De Corrupti Sermonis emendatione et Latine loquendi ratione, old russia, ivith Wodhull arms, Paris. R. Stephanus, 1536 — ij Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Venet. Aldus, 1515 — Erotemata /u Chrysolarge, etc. Greece, old red moi'occo, ib. 1 5 1 2— Aurelius Pruden- tius, vellum, Amst. D. Elzevir, 1667 — Quintus Curtius, vellum, Lagd. Bat. Elzevir, 1633; etc. 12»io. (5) 597 Corneille (Pierre) Sartorius, Tragedie, premiere edition (6 /. and \'\X PP' 95), red moi-occo gilt, g. e. j \2mo. Rouen et Paris, A. Courlie et G. du Luyne, 1662 p98) Cornelius Nepos. ^milii Probi de Vita, Excellentium liber, editio "7^ , PRINCEPS, lit. rom. long lines, 31 to a full page, without marks, straight I \ gffiined blue morocco, line tooled, g. e. {Roger Payne), IFodhull copy, I ^^ RARE sm.fol. Venetiis opus impressum per Nicolaum Jenson, \^1\ 599 Corsal Terralavoro (Matthseus) Metaphisica Universalissima, engraved ^ title and portrait of Clement X by A. Clouet, dedication copy to Pope 57 / Clement X (Altieri), full gilt back, sides covered with semis of stars ij...^ and ornaments tooled a pointilU, with the Pope^s arms, g. e. A beauti- ful SPECIMEN {from Lord Orford's library) folio. {Romce, 1672) 600 Cortese (Giulio Cesare) Opere in Lingua Napoletana in questa XV /\\ Impressione Purgate, etc. cru^shed red morocco, plain, inside dentelles, \\/^ J^ e. by Duru et Chambolle, Napoli, 1666 — La Libraria del Doni I /'riorentini, divisa in tre Trattati, woodcuts, mottled calf extra, g. e. by \ F. Bedford, Vineg. G. Giolito, 1557 l'2mo. (2) CoRYAT (Thomas) [Crudities]. These Crude Veins are presented in this Booke following (besides the foresaid Crudities) no lesse flowing in the body of the Booke than the Crudities themselves, etc. first EDITION, wants engraved title and 3 plates, that of the Heidelberg Tun mended and mounted ; 2 II. of contemporary poetry relating to Coryat, John Bunyan, John Dunton, etc. with signature '^ E libris Samuelis Westley {? Sam. Wesley, the poet) e Coll. Exon. Oxon. Dec. '86," before sheet B ; sold not subject to return, crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere sm. ito. printed by W. G. A. D. 1611 602 Coryat. Thomas Coriate, Traveller for the English Wits; greeting, from the Court of the Great Mogul Resident at the Towne of Asmere in Easterne India, cut on title, leaf with cut on each side {mended), and 2 other cuts in the text, first edition, crushed green morocco extra, g. e. by W. Pratt, rare sm. Uo. W. Jag gar d and H. Fetherston, 1616 F 2 ')^. -68 SIZES MIXED 603 Coryat. Mr. Thomas Coriat to his friends in England sendeth greet- %\\'\ ^"o ivom Agra, the Capital! City of the Dominion of the Great Av\ \ Mogoll in the Easterne India, the last of October 1616, first EDI- TION, cut on title, repeated in the text, and fidl length woodcut figure of the author, red morocco extra, joints, g. e. sm. ito. Printed by J. B. 1618 60i Costa (Gianfr.) Le Delizie del Fiume Brenta, nei Palazzi e Casini wv situati sopra le sue Sponde, etc. 70 fine engravings, including title and *A plan, plain margins stained, old Italian calf, with rich gilt ornaments and arms in centres, g. e. imp. obi. fol. (Venez.) s. d. 605 Costumes. A Collection of 27 Original Water-Colour Drawings of , , Costumes, etc. chiefly taken at Nice in 1856 ; Landscapes in Pencil, etc. in a Scrap-Book, red morocco gilt 4to 606 Costume of China (The) by Wm. Alexander, 48 fine coloured engravings, .A at the end are bound 2& plain engravings by Alexander of Chinese sub- • \ y^<^^s, russia, m. e. Uo. W. Miller, 1805 607 Costumes Historiques des XIP, XIIP, XIV^ et XV^ Siecles, dessin^s A et graves par Paul Mercuri avec texte by Camille Bonnard, nouvelle ^^\ edition par Charles Blanc, 200 finely coloured plates, 3 vol. green \ ^ morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. (Hailstone copy) ito. Paris, Lhy Fits, 1860-61 608 Cotton (Chas.) Poems on several Occasions, first edition, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. T. Basset, 1689 609 Couch (Jonathan) History of the Fishes of the British Islands, original k\ j1 edition, 250 beautifully coloured plates, 4 vol. red calf extra, inside fx I dentelles, g. e. by B. De Coverley imp. 8vo. Groombridge, 1864-5 610 ' Coverdale (Miles) Certain most Godly, Fruitful and Comfortable Letters of such true Saintes and holy Martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye "VloA pej?secution, gave their lyves for the defence of Christes Holy \*\ Gospel, FIRST edition, blacfe letUc, title within looodcut border, with \ cut on reverse, and ornamental initials, broicn morocco antique, g. e. by B. De Coverly, fine copy sm. ito. John Day, 1564 Cowley (A.) Poems, viz. I, Miscellanies. II, The Mistress or Love A Verses. Ill, Pindarique Odes ; and IV, Davideis, first edition, \U \ LARGE PAPER, portrait by Faithorne (cut down) inserted, old red morocco \ gilt, g. e. folio. H. Moseley, 1656 Cowper (Wm.) Works, with Life by R. Southey, portrait, frontispieces and vignettes, 15 vol. half morocco gilt, m. e. 12mo. Baldwin, 1835 613 CowPER (Wm.) Poems, with The Task, a Poem in Six Books (with half-title lettered "vol. II") FIRST EDITION, 2 vol. original pencil drawing of Cowper ; and an Essay on Caraccioli, interesting AUTOGRAPH MS. on 3| pp. 4:to by Cowper, written on a business bill of James Nickolls, lace manufacturer of " Oulney" inserted in vol. I, crushed brown morocco extra, fidl gilt ornamental backs, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Lortic, fine copy, rare 8vo. Printed foi' J. Johnson, 1782-5 614» , Cowper (Wm.) Poems, FIRST EDITION, red morocco extra, inside dentelles, [^ g. e. by Tout 8vo. ib. 1782 I Cowper (Wm.) and the Rev. John Newton. Olney Hymn? in Three Books, FIRST EDITION, calf, line tooled, r. e. scarce sm. 8vo. Printed and sold by W. Oliver, etc. 1779 1^ ^^ SIZES MIXED 69 616 Cowper (Wm.) Life and Posthumous Writings, by Wm. Hayley, first ^.| EDITION, 3 pmiraits and a frontispiece engraved by Wm. Blake, 3 vol. *^\ " straight grained blue morocco extra, g. e. (^ffggfiSStSi^lm^ the Duke of • Sussex's FINE COPY, uith coronetted A. on sides and ex-libris ito. Chichester, T. Seagrave, 1803-4 617 Crabbe (Rev. Geo.) Poetical Works, with Letters, Journals and Life by his Son, portrait and frontispieces, 8 vol. half morocco post Svo. J. Murray, 1851 618 Crabbe (Geo.) English Synonyms Explained, calf gilt, 1859 — Black- Si-.^ stone's Commentaries by Ker, 4 vol. calf gilt, 1857 ; &c. Svo. (12) 619 Craeyer (Gaspar de, Flemish Painter, contemporary of Rubens and Fandyck, 1582-1669) A series of 53 very clever Original II I Drawings in oils upon brown paper of Scenes in the Life of I 11^ Christ (11| by 8^ in.) with a portrait of the artist by his friend I •«. Vandyck, mounted in a vol. and bound in modern crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles oblong folio, xvii Cent. Gaspar de Craeyer is placed as an artist only just below his friends and contemporaries Rubens and Vandyke. Rubens said, in reference to his " Centurion," " Craeyer, nobody will surpass you." «i. 620 Cranmer (Thos. Archbp. of Canterbury) A Defence of the True and I Catholike Doctrine of the Sacrament of the body and bloud of our y ]f^f f Saviour Christ ; with a Confutation of sundry errors concernyng the same, etc. blacfe letter, first edition, fine portrait and woodcut title, old calf with croicned dolphin and fleurs-de-lis (rebacked), cover broken, g. e. good copy sm. Uo. Reynold Wolfe, 1550 '^( * princeps, lit. demi-goti). long lines, 35 to a full page, without marks, ly A rw^hrown morocco extra, g. e. by C. Smith, fine copy (St/ston Park), rare 621 Crescentiis (Petrus de) Ruralium Commodorum libri XX, EDITIO ft\ \l\ ^ ^-^ sm. folio. Augustce, Joannes SchUszler, 14:71 622 Cristianus ad Solitarium quendam de Ymagines Mundi (per Honorium Augustodinensem), lit. Sfmi=gotIj. long lines, 30 to a full page, 46 II. \\i^ ^ without marks (Main 8800), 2 illuminated initials icith marginal decoror ^\ \ tion on first page, capitals in blue and red, calf gilt, by Lewis ( Wodhull SjwJ^ ^^iPy) sm. folio, absque ulla nota[Nuremb. Koburger, c. 14:72] 623 Cromaziano (Agatopisto) Istoria Critica e filosophica del Suicidio ^-^ Ragionato, old Italian brown morocco, the sides covered with elaborate Pffl .gilt ornaments, with an archbishop's arms in centres, g. e. / ^ 1 Vv ] Svo. Lucca, V. Giuntini, 1761 624 Crowe (J. A.) and G. B. Cavalcaselle. New History of Painting in y^y Italy, from the Second to the Sixteenth Century, numerous illustra- // r ^ — 'tions, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. by Zaehnsdorf Svo. J. Murray, 1864-6 625 Cromek (R. H.) Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, russia gilt, t. e. g. uncut, 1810 — Thomson (Jas.) The Seasons, with Life by Murdoch, ilhistrated, calf gilt, Longman, 1842 — Rogers (S.) Italy, new edition, portrait and vignettes after Turner and Stothard, green morocco extra, Moxon, 1834 - Svo. (3) 70 SIZES MIXED 626 Cromwelliana. A Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver /)Jilv{ Cromwell was engaged from 1642 to 1658, with a Continuation of H^\ other Events to the Restoration, illustrated with 98 portraits, I including some mezzos, vieics, etc. russia gilt, g. e. sm. folio. Westminster, M. Stace, 1810 627 Croque-Mitaine (La Legende de) recueillie par E. L'Epine, illustrde par G. Dor4, Mo, Paris, Hacheite, 1863 — Vieux Noels Illustres, dessins par Hadol, folio, ib. — Sculptures en Marbre du Chateau de Menars, photos, folio, Paris, 1881 ; &c. Uo and folio. (7) 628 Cruikshank. The Commercial Tourist ; or Gentleman Traveller, a Satirical Poem, in four Cantos, frontispiece and 4 humorous coloured K plates by I. It. Cruikshank, bright calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, bi/ Biviere 8vo. Whiitaker, 1822 629 Cruikshank (George) A Collection of Essays and Literary Articles upon the Genius of George Cruikshank, gathered from the best Authors and Essayists during the last fifty years (1827-78).. including Thackeray, Sala, Ruskin, W. Thornbury, Cuthbert Bede and others, ILLUSTRATED WITH MANY HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, WOOD- CUTS, ETC. BY THE GREAT ARTIST, many coloured ; a Catalogue of the Cruikshank Exhibition at Exeter Hall, 1863, Criticisms and Biographies from extinct Magazines, Obituaries, etc. A very interesting collec- tion, neatly mounted on thick white paper and bound in 2 wl. half morocco gilt folio 630 Cruikshank (Geo.) A Collection of 126 coloured and plain Illustrations, comprising Etchings, Line Engravings, Woodcuts, Caricatures, &c. by L R. and G. Cruikshank, comprising the Series of Engravings to Egan's Life in London, The Fairy Library, Tales of other Days, Popular Authors, Pentamerone, Der Freischutz, Fairy Songs and Ballads, &c. all fine original impressions, neatly mounted and bound in a vol. full half red morocco extra, g. e. 4to 631 Cruikshank (Geo.) Caricatures and Political Prints, chiefly early and scarce, mostly published by Humphreys, St. James's St., comprising The Game of Chess, The Colic, Anglo-Saxon Salutations in London, Coriolanus (George IV), the Plebs, Monstrosities 1819-21, Fashion- able Portraits, Bonnie Willie, A Tailor in a High Wind, The Theatrical Atlas (C. Kean), &c. 22 plates, mounted on grey cardboard folio 632 Cruikshank (Geo.) Illustrations to Oliver Twist, Guy Fawkes, Jack Sheppard, Dibdin's Songs, &c. i6 plates, and fidl-length coloured por- trait, mounted in a scrap-book — My Sketch Book, nos. 1 and 4 (oiiginal), coloured — Scraps and Sketches (original), 6 plates, in a vol. half morocco — Scraps and Sketches (reprint), 24: plates folio 633 Cruikshank (Geo.) Cruikshankiana, an Assemblage of the most cele- brated Works of George Cruikshank, 81 subjects on 68 plates, extra plate of the Knacker's Yard inserted at end, brown morocco gilt, g. e. folio. E. Lumley, n. d. 634 Cruikshank (Geo.) Wight (J.) Mornings at Bow Street, half calf, t. e. g. uncut, Baldwyn, 1824; More Mornings at Bow Street, calf gilt, g. e. J. Bobins, 1827 ; BOTH first editions, with 46 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank 8vo. (2) SIZES MIXED 71 635 Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations of Smollett, Fielding and Goldsmith, 41 plates, A DOUBLE SET, plain and coloured, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. hy Riviere sm. 8vo. C. Tilt, 1832 636 Cruikshank (G.) My Sketch Book, vol. I, title and 36 plates, containing many humorous subjects, original issue, calf extra, g. e. obi. 4/0. C. Tilt, Dec. 1, 1834 637 I Cruikshank (G.) The Comic Almanack, complete from 1835 to 1853, original issue, with all the coloured frontispieces and original illustrations, bound in 6 vol. green morocco super extra, elegantly tooled, jinside dentelles, g. e. by L. Broca, Londres, fine copy, some of the '^ginal covers bound in sm. 8vo. Tilt & Bogue, 1835-53 Cruikshank (G.) Omnibus, edited by L. Blanchard, illustrated with 100 engravings on steel and icood, first edition, bright calf extra, g. e. by Tout 8w. ib. 1842 639 . Cruikshank (G.) Table-Book, edited by G. A. A'Beckett, first edition, M \ rA numerous fine etchings and woodcuts, panelled calf extra, g. e. by Kauf- •A '\ mann, original covers bound in imp. 8vo. Punch Office, 1845 640 Cruikshank (G.) The Bottle, and the Drunkard's Children, the latter a presentation copy with characteristic autograph, miginal issues, 1 6 plates, [with Mackay's Poems to illustrate the Plates], half bound, fol. 1848 641 Cruikshank (G.) The Pentamerone of Gambattista Basile, translated by J. E. Taylor, with illustrations by G. Cruikshank, second edition, half morocco, t. e. g. uncut sq. 8vo. D. Bogue, 1850 642 Cruikshank (G.) 1851, or the Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family at the Great Exhibition, original edition, numerous illus- trations by G. Cruikshank, calf extra, t. e. g. by L. Broca 8vo. ib. 1851 643 Cruikshank (G.) Life of Sir John FalstaflF, illustrated by G. Cruikshank, *2//r, ' y\xh a Biography of the Knight from Authentic Sources by R. B. //o/ — '^ Brough, original edition, mottled morocco {imitation Spanish), g. e. by / / Leighton roy. 8vo. Longman, 1858 644 Cruikshank (G.). Mayhew (Bros.) The Greatest Plague of Life, illus- trated by G. Cruikshank, calf gilt, g. e. D. Bogue, n. d. — The Gentleman in Black, and Tales of Other Days, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, &c. moi-occo, C. Daly, n. d. > sm. 8vo. (2) 645 Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations of Jack Sheppard (24), Oliver Twist (22), Life in London, coloured, &c. 84 plates 8vo 646 Cruikshank. Auldjo (J.) Journal of a Visit to Constantinople, plates by G. Cruikshank, calf, 1835 — Westmacott (Chas.) Points of Misery, 20 designs by R. Cruikshank, calf, Sherwood, 1823 8vo. (2) 647 Cruikshank (G.) Life, by B. Jerrold, numerous illustrations, 62 extra engravings from his most poptdar works inserted, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Riviere cr. 8vo. Chatto & Windus, 1882 Cuperus (G.) Harpocrates ; ejusdem Monumenta Antiqua inedita ; ace. St. Le Moine Epistola Melanophoris, plates, old French calf gilt, with the Bignon arms sm. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1687 72 SIZES MIXED 649 Cupid (The), a Collection of Love Songs in Twelve Parts, suited to Twelve different Sorts of Lovers, second edition, 12 plates after *in Chatelain by Scotin {one slightly defective), tvith a set of the re-imjn'essions lI added, tivo re-impressions of frontispiece ; blue morocco super extra covered with emblematic tooling, DOUBLE with yellow damask silk, inside dentelles, joints, g. e. by Birdsall, rare ; sold not subject to return sm. 8vo. J. Osborne, 1739 650 Cuvier (Baron) The Animal Kingdom, with additional Descriptions by Griffith, Smith and Pidgeon ; with Index, numerous finely coloured plates, 16 vol. half green morocco, g. e. roy. 8vo. Whittaker, 1827-35 651 Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures, edited by C. Tomlinson, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. half morocco, sup. imp. 8vo, 1854 — FuUarton's Gazetteer of the World, maps and views, 7 vol. half morocco, ib. 1856 (9) 652 Cyprian. Les (Euvres de Saint Cyprien Eveque de Carthage, traduites I en Francois par M. Lombert, avec des Remarques, &c. old French red morocco, fidl gilt floreate back, line sides, with the arms of Mme. Marie- Adelaide, eldest daughter of Louis XV, g. e. sm. ito. Paris, A. Pralard, 1672 653 Cyrillus (S. Patr. Alex.) Commentarius in S. Lucse Evangelium cum aliorum aliquot Petrum Fragmentis Grsece (edidit Card. A. Maius), THICK PAPER, bright Italian red calf extra, rich gilt borders, blind centre wnaments, g.e. thick 8vo. RomcB, typis Collegii Urbani, 1838 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. ^'1- A 656 SIZES MIXED. Lot 654. AGLEY (R.) Takings ; or the Life of a Collegian, 26 coloured plates, hoards, uncut .M imp. ^vo. fFarren (& fFliittaker, 1821 ^ i 655. Danfrie (Philippe) Declaration de I'usage du Graphometre par la Pratique duquel Ton peu mesurer toutes distances des Choses de remarque qui le pourront voir et discerner du lieu oil il sera pose, &c. (avec le Traicte de I'Usage du Trigometre), printed in '' Caracthes de Civility," with full-page and other looodcuts, brown mwocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. {Didot copy), RARE sm. ito. Paris, chez ledict Danfrie rue des Carmes, 1597 Daniell (Sam.) African Scenery and Animals, 30 fine coloured plates, IvUA,^ Qrww^/i calf imp. obi. folio, n. d. 657 Darnell (Wm.) and Ayton (R.) Voyage round Great Britain, numerous l^lSl (i fi^'^^ coloured plates and a chart of the voyage, 8 vol. in 4, russia gilt, g. e. I 'V {cracked) imp. Uo. Longman, 1814-25 658 pante. La Divina Commedia col Commento di Chr. Landino, roman lCl-'\ ' letter, numerous fine ornamental initials, ILLUMINATED, old Dutch calf \ \ gilt, g. e. fine copy, ex-libris of Wm. Constable folio. Vinegia, 0. Scot {with device in red), 1484 659 Dante. Comedia di Danthe Alighieri Poeta divino ; col' espositione di r Christ. Landino, nuovamente impressa, e con somma diligentia revista ed emendata e di nuovissime postille adornata, title in red and black gotijic, within icoodcut border, with large head of Dante on reverse, fine full-page cut before tlie Inferno and smaller ones in the text, portrait of Dante after Stradanus by C. Galle inserted, old calf, FINE COPY, RARE A 'I .EDITION folio Cv"U4VVvA, Venet. Jacobo de Burgofranco ad instantia di L. A. Giunta, 1529 660 Dante. La Comedia di Dante Aligieri {sic) con la Nova Espositione di Alessandro Vellutello, numerous fine woodcuts, VERY FINE COPY vith wide margins {1 large paper, 9f by 5^ in.) ruled in red, contemporary Venetian calf, icith interlaced floreate and geometrical scrolls in the j / . >/_ Grolier MANNER, Kelt preserved but the bdck joints neatly repaired, J\n''^\\ g- e. enclosed in new red morocco slip case lined with chamois I Uo. Vinegia, F. Marcolino, 1544 r ♦^* -pjjg First Edition of Dante with Vellutello's explanations. '% Vj/ffi wit '* I Ve: 74 SIZES MIXED 661 Dante. La Commedia, 2 vol. ; Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol. ; ^ . Tassoni, La Secchia Rapita ; Guarini, II Pastor Fido ; Carteroraaco, ^\'~j - Riccardetto, 3 vol. e Lippe, II Malmantile Racquistato, portraits and I ■ engraved titles ; together 1 vol. uniformly hound in old French morocco, \\ ^ /"^^ 9^^^ ornamental hacks, line sides, g. e. with arms of Le Cour Damon- \\ kVA}^ ^"'^^''' ■^'^ocat au Parlement, on sides (Derome), ex-lihris of R. Foote vL • ^^^ l2mo. Paris, Prault, 1767, &c. 662 Dante. La Divina Commedia, finely printed with 125 etchings from de- ullfi^ sig'ws by L. Adamotti e Fr. Nenci, 4 vol. russia extra, g. e. luith arms ^'1*^ folio. Fii'enze, all' insegna deir Ancora. 1S17 663 Dante. L' Inferno, colle figure di G. Dor6, premiere edition, first irv\ impressions of the numerous illustrations on plate paper, crushed red mo- ^ ^ rocco extra, inside ornamental horders, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy folio. Parigi, Hachette, 1861 664 Dante. Convivio di Dante Alighieri Fiorentino, prima edizione, j^ tA p>rinted in neat roman letter, without title, long lines, 39 to a page, signs. rt^ v\ ' (i-l^ in S's, crushed blue morocco, fleurons on back, sides covered in geo- • \ metrical line frames, ivith centre line and leafy scrolls, douhlS with red morocco with semis of gilt fleurs-de-lis, joints, red damask silk end leaves, ^ w- UNCUT edges, by Binda, Milano, fine copy ^ i^\js>^vv^ §jj^_ 4^gi_ Firenze, per Francesco Bonaccorsi, 1490 665 Dante. Le Terze Rime di Dante, prima edizione Aldina, crushed red v^'X— morocco, plain, with Aldine anchor in gold on sides, inside dentelles, g. e. \ * by Thibaron sm. 8vo. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1502 ^^* The first edition of Dante in a portable form, and the first in which \^^K*J ; ^ Aldus introduced his celebrated device of the anchor. 666 Darcie (A.) Annales, the True and Royall History of the famous Em- Av\ press Elizabeth, Queene of England, France and Ireland, &c. True *^ \ faith's defendresse of Divine Renowne and happy Memorie, ho,, fine \ portrait of Q. Elizabeth and engraved title by Vaughan {margins cut V. into), modern brown morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. ^^^ \ sm. ito. B. Fisher, 1625 667 \.Dar^(John) Westmonasterium ; or the History and Antiquities of the , Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, numerous fine plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf (broken) folio. C. Bowles, n. d. 668 David (F, A.) Antiquit^s d'Herculanum, avec leurs Explications par A P. Sylvain Mar^chal, numerous fine plates, vol. I- VIII, old French mottled calf gilt, g. e. 8vo. Paris, chez David, 1780-89 669 David (F. A.) Histoire de Russie, representee par Figures, avec Dis- '^ cours par Blin de Sainmore, 48 plates after Monnet, 'd vol. in 1, half ""X bound ito. Paris, chez Le Blane, 1813 670 Davila (H. C.) Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, large paper, ^y\r portrait, frontispiece and vignettes, 2 vol. old calf folio. Venet. 173.3 671 ' Davillier (Baron Ch.) Spain, translated by J. Thomson, illustrated byG. Dor6, green morocco super extra, g. e. ito. S. Lou; 1876 672 Deazels. " Book of the Chronicles of Deazels " ; [an Itinerary through \ X Chingford, Woodford, Rochester, St. Albans, Waltham, &c.] ORI- Vu\^\ GINAL Manuscript (40 II.) neatly written, with 104 clever original \ \ drawings of a humorous character, some signed with initials G. D. (G. Deazel), interesting MS. brown morocco antique style, by F. Bedford sm. Uo. [18—] SIZES MIXED / O )76 ik 673 De Bry. Petits Voyages en Latin, parts I- VIII, all first editions, \ numerous fine plates by the Brothers De Bry, 8 vol. half calf gilt \V\\S\ -/ sm. folio. Francof 1598-1607 674 i)e Bus (Pere Cesar) Sa Vie, composee par leE. Pere Jacques Beauvais ^l de la Congregation de la Doctrine Chrestienne en France, fine en- I -^ graved portrait by G. Huret, old French red moivcco gilt, g. e. (Du Seuil) iio. Paris, S. HurS, 1645 1 675 Decretura Gratiani ; Sextus Decretalium a Bonifacio VIII in Cone. Lugd. j j?^ editus ; cum Glossis, lit. gotl). red and black, numerous woodcuts {titles I mended), 2 vol. vellum. sm. Ato. Venet. L. de Giunta, 1514 Decretalium Gregorii cum Glossis et Tabula Ludovici Bolognini, lit. goti^. o'ed and black, fine icoodcuts ( wants title, 2 //. defective and mended), vellum sm. 4to. ib. 1514 Decretalium Sextus liber a Bonifacio VIII in ConcilioLugdunensi editus, I I cum Glossis, Libro Clementinarum, Extra vagantibus, Constitutioni- ' *ilt\ t»us Concilii Florentini, &c. lit. gotj^. red and black, numerous fine small j ' / "^ Italian woodcuts, black morocco, with antique blind stamped ornaments, g. on r. e. by Riviere, fine copy sm. Uo. ib. 1514 678 Decretales. Sexti Libri Decretalium Compilatio illustrata lucubra- |M tionibus et additamentis clarissimi doctoris Hieronymi Clari \v\^ Brixiani, &c. lit gotj^. old calf, Venet. B. de Tortis, 1491 — Book of j Common Prayer, Baskett, 1742 ; &c. (4) 679 Dedikindus (Fr.) Grobianus, von Groben Sitten und unhoflichen geber- ir\\ den, Verteutschet durch Caspar Scheldt von Wormbs, lit. QOtlj. /~ singular woodcut on title, unbound sm.ito. JFormbs, G. Hoffmann, 1551 680 Dee (Dr. John) A True and Faithful Relation of what passed for many years between Dr. John Dee and some Spirits, &c. with a Preface by Meric Casaubon, D.D. frontispiece containing 6 portraits by F. Cleyn, brown morocco gilt, g. e. folio. D. Maxwell foi' T. Garthwait, 1659 681 Defoe (Daniel) A True Collection of the Writings of the Author of the True Born Englishman, corrected by himself, FIRST EDITION, por- trait in each vol. 2 vol. calf gilt, g. e. 8vo. 1703-5 682/ Defoe (D.) Miscellaneous Tracts : The True-born Englishman, a Satyr, 1701 — Elegy on the author of the same ; with Essay on the late Storm, 1704 — The Mock Mourners, a Satyr by way of Elegy on K. William, 1702 — Reformation of Manners, a Satyr, 1702 — More Reformation, a Satyr upon Himself, 1703 — Hymn to the Pillory, 1708 — A new Test of the Church of England's Loyalty ; or Whiggish Loyalty and Church Loyalty compared, 1702 — The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, 1702 — Dialogue between a Dis- senter and the Observator concerning the Shortest Way with the Dissenters, 1703 — The Experiment; or, the Shortest Way with the Dissenters exemplified, being the Case of Mr. Abr. Gill, 1705 — En- quiry into occasional Conformity, 1702 — Moderation a Virtue, or the occasional Conformist justifyed from the Imputation of Hypoc- risy, 1703 — DeLaune's Plea for the Non-Conformists, 1706 — Image of the Beast, shewing by a parallel Scheme what a Conformist the Church of Rome is to the Pagan: by T.D. (Delaune), 1706; in 1 vol. half russia ^to. v. y. 86 : 76 SIZES MIXED 683 Defoe (D.) Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, writ- ten by himself, 2 vol. (vol. I third edition, tvith frontispiece, vol. II CA \ FIRST EDITION, tcith folding map), printed for W. Taylor at the Ship " Y 1 X in Paternoster Row, 1719 — Serious Reflections during the Life of V Robinson Crusoe, written by Himself, first edition, folding fron- ^ tispiece of Crusoe's Island, ib. 1720; together 3 vol. uniform mottled calf gilt, g. e. hy W. Pratt 8vo 684 Defoe (D.) Robinson Crusoe, fourteen Original Water-colour Drawings to Illustrate Robinson Crusoe, by J. Buys of Amsterdam, signed "J". Buys f." purchased in 1830 in Amsterdam hy John Chaplin {see note ort flyleaf ) (probably done by Jacobus Buys cl. 1801), mounted in a vol. green morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Biviere 8vo 685 Defoe (D.) Short History of Standing Armies in England, third edi- tion, A. Baldwin, 1698 — The True-Born Englishman, first ito edition, printed in the year 1701 — The Mock Mourners, first edition, 1702 — The Dyet of Poland, FIRST edition, printed at Dantzick, 1705 ; in 1 vol. russia extra, y. e. by F. Bedford sm. 4to 686 Defoe (D.) The Two Great Questions Considered ; What the French King will Do with respect to the English Monarchy ; What Measures the English Ought to Take, 1700 — The Succession to the Crown of England Considered, 1701 ; in 1 vol. sm, ito 687 Defoe (D.) The Storm; a Collection of the most remarkable Casual- ly ties and Disasters which happened in the late dreadful Tempest [Vj^ both by Sea and Land, first edition, calf I Svo. G. Saivbridge, 1704 688 Defoe (D.) Jure Divino ; a Satyre in twelve Books, first edition, 'portrait by Van der Gucht, modern red calf extra, t. e. g. folio, printed in the year 1706 689 Defoe (D.) The History of Addresses, first edition, 2 vol. russia gilt, y. e. by F. Bedford 8m ib. 1709 690 Defoe (D.) Journal of the Plague Year, 1665, first edition, old calf 8vo. E. Nutt, 1722 %iy [Defoe (D.)] The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll vj Flanders, &c. who was born in Newgate, eight years a transported r\t Felon in Virginia, &c. and died a Penitent, written from her own '' Memorandums, second edition, corrected, calf, scarce ' 8m T. Edlin, 1722 692 ^efoe (D.) Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, divided into Circuits and Journies, first edition, majjs, 3 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf Svo. G. Strahan, &c. 1724 693 Defoe (D.) Political History of the Devil, as well ancient as modern, "first myiTio^, frontispiece, calf extra, hy Tout {soiled II.) Svu. T. Warner, 1726 Defoe (D.) A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed, FIRST edition, red morocco extra, y. e. Svo. ib. 1727 695 Defoe (D.) A Plan of the English Commerce, first edition, calf gilt, lY ff- «• 8^0. Ch. Eivington, 1728 iSo .Defoe (D.) Memoirs of an English Officer who served in the Dutch War in 1672, to the Peace of Utrecht, 1713, by Capt. George Carleton, first edition, old calf Svo. E. Symon, 1728 1 SIZES MIXED 77 697 Defoe (D.) The Secrets of the Invisible World Disclos'd ; or an Universal History of Apparitions, by Andrew Moreton, Esq. plates, mottled calf ■ extra, g. e. by W. Pratt 8w. /. Clarke, &c. 1729 698 Defoe (D.) The Consolidator, first edition, B.Bragg, 1705 — History of Addresses, first EDITION, p-in/(;'i 1709 ; both in uniform calf extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf 8vo. (2) 699 Defoe (D.) History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell, second editioi^, portrait and plates, calf gilt, g. e. E. Curll, &c. 1720 — Enquiry into the State of the Union of Great Britain, 1717 — Political History of the Devil, fourth edition, calf gilt, J. Fisher, 1739 9>vo. (3) 700 Defoe (D.) History of the Devil, second edition, frontispiece, old calf {broken), T. Warner, 1717 — Wilson (W.) Life and Times of Daniel tieioQ, portrait, 3 vol. hcdf russia (backs broken), 1830 — Chad wick (Wm.) Life and Times of Daniel Defoe, portrait, calf aritique, J. R. Smith, 1859 8vo. (5) 701 Delamotte (Ph.) The Art of Sketching from Nature, chromos. cloth ito. G. Bell, 1888 702 Delon (Charles) Notre Capitale Paris, avec une Preface de Leon Cladel, numerous ilhistrations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut, Paris, 1888 — Victor Hugo and his Time, by A. Barbou, translated by Ellen Frewer, illustrations, S. Low, 1882 sup. imp. 8vo. (2) 703 Delorme (Philibert) Nouvelles Inventions pour bien bastir a petits Fraiz, fine luoodcut title and cuts in the text (slightly wormed), in&criftion oil fly-leaf ^^ La present Livre apparlient a moy Germain Girard Maistre Charpentier a Paris," vellum folio. Paris, H. de Marnef, 1576* \704 Demosthenes. Orationes duse et sexaginta ; Libanii Sophistse in eas ipsas Orationes argumenta ; Vita Demosthenis per Libanium ; ejusdem Vita per Plutarchum, Greece, editio Aldina secunda (some II. iained), oaken boards, pigskin, stamped ornaments, clasps sm. folio. Venet. Aldus. Nov. 1504 705 Demoustier (C. A.) Lettres a Emile sur la Mythologie, portrait and 36 fine plates after Moreau by Delvaux and others, 6 vol. in 3, green morocco extra, g. on r. e. 8vo. Paris, Kenouard, 1809 706 Dempster (Thos. Scotus) Antiquitatnm Romanarum Corpus Abso- lutissimum, editio postrema, old French red morocco, the back and sides covered with semis of alternate fleurs-de-lis and croivned L's, loith the arms o/LouiS XIH in centres, g. e. ito. Geneva, Chouet, 1632 707 De Neuville (P. P. Claude Frey) Sermons, D^di^s au Roi, thick paper, 2 vol. old French red morocco, fall gilt floreate backs, line sides with the arms of King Louis XTI on sides, to whom the volumes are dedi- cated, g. e. (Derome) sm. 8vo. Rouen, L. Dumesnil, 1778 708 Dennis (Geo.) Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, third edition, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. ccdf extra, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1883 709 Denon (V.) Egypt Delineated in a Series of Engravings, portrait and 110 plates, calf, with arms (cover broken) imp. folio. C. Taylor, 1825 710 De Rosoi (M.) Les Sens, Poeme en Six Chants, seconde Edition, revue et corrigee par rAuteur,^He plates, vignettes and cuts de lampe after Eisen and Wille, crushed blue morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by ChamboUe-Duru, fine copy 8vo. a Londres (Paris), 1767 i713 78 SIZES MIXED 711 De Saussure (H. B.) Voyages dans les Alpes, &c. numerous plates, 4 vol. russia gilt, m. e. ex-libris of E. H. Alex. Bennet in each vol. hy Anna Darner Uo. Neuchatel, 1779-96 712 De Wit (Jacob) Teekenboek der Proportien van't Menschelijke Lichaam (Dutch and French), engraved title and 11 plates, old calf gilt ito. Amst. 1790 713 D'Haudricourt (Ternisien) Fastes de la Nation Fran^aise et des Puissances Alliees, ou Tableaux Pittoresques Graves par d'habiles artistes, accompagn^s d'un Texte explicatif, 192 fine vignettes, old J brown morocco gilt icith the arms of the Emperor Napoleon I, g. e. Jr\J {from Lo7-d Farnham's lih-ary) sm. ito. Paris, Gilld Fils, I S07 714 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Typographical Antiquities, begun by Ames, continued by Herbert and now greatly enlarged, numerous poiiraits, pointers' devices, paper marks and other illustrations, 4 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. by J. JVright Ato. Miller, Longman, dx. 1810-19 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, illustrated with cuts, sepia portrait of Dibdin by Harding inserted, blue mwocco extra, richly gilt bach and borders in and out, pink silk doublures, joints, g. e. 8vo. Longman, 1811 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, in Six Parts, adorned with cuts, 1811 ; and The Library Companion, FIRST edition, 1824 ; 2 vol. uniform brown morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf 8vo )IBDIN (Dr. T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, with ^des Althorpianse and the Cassano Catalogue, immerous facsimiles, 7 vol. vellum gilt, r. e. sup. imp. 8vo. Longman, 1814-23 718 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical Decameron ; or ten days' Pleasant .(A Discourse on illuminated MSS. &c. numerous illustrations, 3 vol. ^v^\ purple morocco extra, g. e. imp. Svo. Payne & Foss, &c. 1817 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, first edition, loith the series of groups of the people of France and Germany etched by Geo. Leicis on india paper inserted, 3 vol. brown moi'occo extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Zaehnsdorf imp. 8vo. ib. 1821 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) The Library Companion, first edition, illus- trated WITH 639 portraits, views and autograph letters, icluding those of the Author, Lindley Murray, Dr. Adam Clarke, Sir ^Jas. Mackintosh, Dr. Ch. Burney, Alex. Chahners, Chas. Wordsworth, Lord Grenville, Wm. Scoresby, E. D. Clarke, Lucy Aikin, Archd. Coxe, Bp. C. J. Blomfield (6), Wm. Gifford, A three-page most characteristic interesting and early letter from S. T. Coleridge, containing an original sonnet, dated Oct. 24, 1794, "Kings, Wolves, Tygers, Generals, Ministers and Hyenas, I renounce them all," &c. {small hole where the postmark has been torn), Jas. Montgomery, Dr. Sam. Btitler, &c. all addressed to the Rev. Fr. Wrangham, bound in 2 vol. half red morocco gilt, t e. g. uncut 8vo. Harding, &c. 1824 721 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Introduction to the Eare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, fourth edition, large paper, fac- similes, 2 vol. russia gilt, g. e. {cracked) imp. 8vo. 1827 SIZES MIXED 79 \^ % 7A 722 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. brown morocco super extra, g. e. hy R. Be Coverly imp. ^vo. J. Bohn, &c. 1838 723 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Introduction to the Classics, fourth edition, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, 1827 — Nodier (Ch.) Description raisonn^e d'une jolie Collection de Livres, half morocco, Paris, 1844 — Bodleian Catalogues, 1848-57 ; and others 8m (7) 724 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, portrait and plates, autograph letter inserted, 2 vol. {wants index), half morocco gilt 8t7o. /. Major, 1836 725 Dick (W. R.) Inscriptions and Devices in the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, lithographs, half hound ito. n. d. 726 Dickens (Charles) Pickwick Papers {with the 2 ^^ Buss" plates), 1837 — Oliver Twist, new edition, Cruikshank's plates, 1846 — Sketches by Boz, new edition, complete, Cruikshank plates, 1839 — Nicholas /^J 'Nicidehy, portrait, 1839 — Martin Chnzzlewib {" 100£" frontispiece), ^ 1844— Dombey and Son, 1848— David Copperfield, 1850— Bleak House, 1853— Little Dorrit, 1857— Tale of Two Cities, 1859— Our Mutual Friend, 2 vol. in 1, 1865; and Edwin Drood, 1870; all FIRST EDITIONS except otherivise stated, together 12 vol. uniform bright calf extra, g. e. by Tout, some covers bound in, fine copies Svo 727 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, first edition, 3 vol. in 1, half morocco, imp. Svo, 1840-1 — Bleak House, Our Mutual Friend, ///// and Edwin Drood, first editions, 4 vol. uniform half red morocco ''^%__ gilt, 1857-65-70— Tuggs's at Ramsgate, by " Boz," &c. (Library of / Fiction), half morocco, Philad. 1837 — Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, new edition, portrait and plates by G. Cruikshank, half bound., 1846 — Oliver Twist, Cruikshank plates, 1846 — Haunted Man, first edition, 1848 ; &c. Svo. (10) 728 Dickens (C.) Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, first edition, illustrations hy Seymour and H. K. Browne, with the 2 Buss plates, calf gilt, m. e. Svo. Chapman & Hall, 1837 729 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by " Boz," first edition, portrait and fine plates by G. Cruikshank, extra illus- trated, with portraits of Grimaldi, including original drawings, 3 portraits of Dickens by Cruikshank, D'Orsay and Maclise, coloured scenic plates and views of Sadlers JVells, &c. Grimaldi playbills, &c. in all 38 extra illustrations, 2 vol. crushed blue morocco super extra, t. e. g. fore and lower edges uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, fine copy Svo. R. Bentley, 1838 730 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz," first edition, tuith portrait and plates by Geo. Cruikshank, the " Last Song " being without the masks, 2 vol. half green morocco, plain, i. e. g. uncut Svo. R. Bentley, 1838 731 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, first edition, illustrated by /ZV Cattermole and Browne, 3 vol. in 2, calf extra, g. e. imp. Svo. C. & H. 1840-1 32 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, first edition, illustrations by /J Cattermole and Browne, 3 vol. in 2, calf extra, g. e. ib. 1840-1 80 SIZES MIXED 733 Dickens (C.) The Pic Nic Papers, by Various Hands, first edition, /tJ 1^] ^^lustrations hy Geo. Cruikshank, H. K. Browne, etc. 3 vol. calf extra, I I inside dentelks, t. e. g. uncut, hij Tout 8vo. H. Colburn, 1841 734 Dickens (C.) American Notes for General Circulation, FIRST EDITION,' 2 vol. calf gilt, t. e. g. uncut, by Tout 8vo. Chapman & Hall, 1842 735 Dickens (C.) Christmas Books : Christmas Carol {''Stave I"), coloured illustrations by John Leech ; The Chimes, Battle of Life, Cricket on the Hearth and the Haunted Man, ALL first issues of first edi- tions, numerous illustrations by Leech, Maclise, etc. 5 vol. crushed brown morocco extra, inside dentelles, ornamental end papers, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf, original cover and back of each work bound in sm. 8vo. Chapman & Hall and Bradbury, 1844-48 736 Dickens (C.) Pictures from Italy, first edition, vignettes on tcood by S. Palmer, blue morocco gilt, t. e. g. sm. 8vo. Bradbury, 1846 737 Dickens (C.) Child's History of England, first edition, frontispieces by F. W. Topham, 3 vol. crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, original end covers and backs bound in, t. e. g. by Bamage sqre. sm. 8vo. ib. 1853-54 738 Dickens (C.) Great Expectations. The Set of 20 Coloured Illustrations and Title by F. W. Pailthorpe, only 50 sets printed in colours, loose in portfolio imp. 8vo. Bobson & Ker slake, 1885 739 Dictionarium Grsecum copiosissimum secundum Ordinem Alphabeti cum Interpretatione Latina ; Cyrilli Opusculum de dictionibus (et alia Opuscula), Gr. et Lat. EDITIO Aldina, red morocco extra, with anchor on sides, g. e. (Syston Park) sm. fol. Veiiet. Aldus, 1524 740 Digby (K. H.) The Broad Stone of Honour, or Rules for the Gentlemen of England (with the alterations from the first edition), brown morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy cr. 8vo. Bivington, 1823 741 Dionysius Afer De Situ Orbis habitabilis ex Versione Ant. Becharise, editio secunda, roman letter, long lines, 26 to a page, with signatures, orna- mental woodcut initials {first leaf inlaid), old French red morocco, line tooled, g. e. {Derome) sm. ito. Venet. F. Benner de Hailbrun, 1478 742 DTsraeli (Isaac) Amenities of Literature, 3 vol. E. Moxon, 1841 ; The Literary Character Illustrated, 2 vol. cr. 8vo, J. Murray, 1822 ; to- gether 5 vol. bright calf extra, y. e. by F. Bedford 8vo 743 DTsraeli (I.) Romances, first edition, frontispiece, 1799; Curiosities of Literature, 3 A'ol. calf, 1817 ; The same, ninth edition, revised, portrait, 6 vol. half calf gilt, cr. 8vo, Moo-on, 1834 — Ellis (H.) Original Letters illustrative of English History, first series, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1824 8m (13) 744 Disraeli (Benjamin, Earl of Beacomfield). The Rise of Iskander (a Tale), original Autograph Manuscript complete, 187 pp. written on both sides of the paper, an interesting Autograph Letter of Disraeli signed D. Oct. 7, 1848, to Count D'Orsay, referring to the latter's portrait of Lard George Beniinck, inserted, blue morocco extra, with a top flap, by Zaehnsdorf fol. SIZES MIXED 81 745 Dodoens (Remb.) A New Herball, or Historie of Plants, now first translated out of French into English by Henrie Lyte, blacfe letter, wants end of index, some II. soiled and slightly defective, old half binding sm. 4to. Ninian Newton, 1586 746 Dodwell (Edw.) Views in Greece, 30 fine plates, COLOURED AND mounted LIKE DRAWINGS, russia extra, g. e. {cracked) imp. fol. Bodwell (& Martin, \S2l 747 Dolce (Lodov.) Dialogo Piacevole, nel quale Messer Pietro Aretino parla in difesa d'l male Aventurati Mariti, blue morocco, line tooled, g. e. (B. S. Turner's copy) sm. 8vo. Tudini per Curtio Troiano d'l Navo, 1542 Dolce (L.) II Capitano, Commedia, con la Favola d'Adone, novamente corretta, old French calf gilt, Mme. de Pompadour's copy, with her arms, ex-libris of the Earl of Lisburne 1 2mo. Vineg. G. Giolito, 1547 749 Dolce (L.) Le Trasforniationi (di Ovidio), first edition, woodcut title and numerous woodcuts, including 2 spheres with " Nneva Hispania," " Strecho de Magallanes," etc. on them, corner of title and 2 other leaves mended, boarded red morocco antique, g. e. sm. Uo. Venet. G. Giolito, 1553 750 Dolce (L.) Marianna, Tragedia ; con alcune Rimi e Versi del detto, FIRST EDITION, figured woodcut initials and ornaments, green morocco plain, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Duru, \2mo. Vineg. G. Giolito, 1565 751 Donn (Benj.) A Map of the County of Devon, with the City and County of Exeter, 13 sheets {wants " a general view of the County''), half morocco atlas fol. printed for the author, \l%b 752 Donne. Un Brieve Trattato dell' Eccellentia delle Donne, composto dal Prestantissimo Philosopho (il Maggio) et di latina lingua in Italiana tradotto, yelloiv morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Thomp- san, RARE l2mo. Stampato in Brescia per Damiano de Turlini, 1545 753 Doran (Dr.) Habits and Men, Lives of the Queens, and Monarchs Retired from Business, portraits, 5 vol. calf gilt, m. e. cr. 8vo. Bentley, 1854-7 754 Dorat (CI. J.) CEuvres, c'est-a-dire ; Mes Fantaisies, 3^ edition. La Haye et Paris, 1770; La Declamation Th6atrale, 4'' edition, Paris, 1771 ; Les Sacrifices de I'Amour, nouvelle edition, 2 vol. Amst. et Paris, 1772; Les Malheurs de I'lnconstance, 2 vol. ib. 1772; Mes Nou- veaux Torts, ib. 1775; Les Victimes de I'Amour, ib. 1776; et Theatre, 3 vol. ib. 1782; numerous fine plates arid vignettes by Eisen and Marillier, together 11 vol. uniform old French mottled calf gilt, g. e. 8vo 755 Dorat (C. J.) La Declamation Theatrale, Poeme, 4^ edition, 4: fiiie plates after Eisen by De Ghendt, old French red mm^occo gilt, g. e. (Derome) 8vo. Paris, Delalain, 1771 756 Dorat (C. J.) Mes Reveries, etc. 2 fine plates by Desrais, half morocco, Lond. 1771 — F^nelon (Archev.) Aventures de Tei^maque, portrait and 24 fine plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, Paris, Le Quieu, 1820 — Marmontel, Beli saire, _^/ie ^Za/es by Gravelot, etc. Merlin, 1767 8vo. (4) Doyle (J. E.) A Chronicle of England B.C. 55 — a.d. 1845, numerous illustrations in colours, printed by E. Evans, red morocco super eo:tra, inside dentelles, g. e. Ato. Longman, 1864 G * * * 82 SIZES MIXED 758 Doyle (Richard). A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, by Dame Juliana Berners, Stock's facsimile reproduction of IFynkyn de Worde's edition of 1496, tlie first few leaves having 10 ORIGINAL HUMOROUS AND EXCEEDINGLY CLEVER DRAWINGS IN COLOURS by Richard Doyle, for a proposed illustrated edition by him, with explanations in capital letters in his hand ; the frontispiece is the full size of the page, and is entitled " Ye King Fisher, little Prince Fishers and rest of the roycd Family ;" on the reverse side in the margin several hoys are dragging a huge fish up the river hank ; other subjects are " Wynkyn de Worde, his p)rynters D — I taking off ' copye ' of Dame Berners to he ^ sette up,' " " Dame Berners, her young pupyls practysyng ye Arte of Fysshynge," " Dame Berners at Court icaiting fm' Wynkyn de Worde," etc. {in 3 divisions), " Dame Berners sending a ' Line ' to Wynkyn de Worde," etc. all of the most quaint humour characteristic of this celebrated artist, stamped vellum, uncut ito. Stock, 1880 This very interesting volume appears to have been exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1885 and purchased by Thomas Satchell, Esq. There are 3 unfinished groupings in pencil. 759 Doyle (R.) A Grand Historical, Allegorical, Nonsensical Procession /)/1 ( ^ ^^ *^^ Princess Royal, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in colours {un- /[^iJm published), on 58 pages, forming a panorama 43 ft. long, hound in a • 'I vol. calf obi. [1840] Doyle (R.) Sketch Book of Original Designs in Pen and Ink, numerous exceedingly clever humorous figures on 52 II. half bound sm. ito. (1840) Doyle (R.) Pictures of Extra Articles and Visitors to the Exhibition, original issue, panoramic sheet, 2 sets, 1 coloured, mounted on 8 plates, with original covers, calf gilt, by Riviere sm. 4to. Chapman S Hall [1851] 762 Drake (Francis) Eboracum, the History and Antiquities of the City of York, map and fine plates, russia gilt, g. e. (cracked), fine copy fol. Printed by Wm. Bowyerfor the Author, 1736 763 Drawings chiefly by or after Old Masters, etc. Landscapes, Roman Views, Figure Subjects, Classical, Scriptural, etc. including Original Design for Grand Staircase by L. Cheron, a clever Drawing in Colours of the Tomb of William HI at Delft, portion of a Roman Triumph by Grasieux, Martyrdom of S. Lawrence, Daniel in the Lions' Den, by T. Berna, 1707, etc. ; 88 draivings, mounted in a vol. Dutch vellum imp. atlas fol. 764 Drawings. A Collection of Original Water-colour Drawings, with a few in Pencil, by Sir W. A. Calcott (English landscapes, &c. 21) ; Clarkson Stanfield (shipping, landscapes, figure sub- jects, 8); Sir Edwin Landseer (4 in pencil) ; J. M. W. Turner (2), " Shoreham" and " Rome "; T. GiRTiN (3); SiR T. LAWRENCE (2), Head of Timon and Mrs. Siddons ; Wm. Blake, " The Vision," in colours, 2| by 2 in. ; W. G. RoMNEY, Lady Hamilton, in pencil, signed (engraved); others by Wheatley, C. Fielding, D. Roberts, Constable, W. Collins, Linnell, Stothard, Creswick, Hamil- ton, Antony and Cleopatra (engraved), R. K. Porter, Howitt SIZES MIXED 83 Lot 764 — continued. (Deer), Paul Sandby, and others ; in all 86 subjects, many signed, viounted in an album ivith some MS. extracts from various books, bound in old morocco Mo *^* This volume belonged originally to the family of Sir E. K. Porter, whose sister, Mrs. Hamilton (who drew some of the flower subjects in the vol.) afterwards Mrs. Denham, inherited the book and at whose death it was sold. 765 Drawings. A Collection of 25 Original Water-Colour Drawings AND Sketches in Sepia, Chalks, &c. by Celebrated Artists of the late XVIIIth and early XlXth Century Period, including Richard Wilson (6), Benj. West (5), C. Burney, Lairesse, Pynnaker, Van Everdingen, Worledge, &c. mostly mounted, loose in portfolio 766 Drawings. ACollection of 109 Original Water-Colour Drawings AND Sketches by the following Eminent Artists, A. W. Call- I yV coTT, D. WiLKiE, Stephanoff, Cattermole, Prout, D. Roberts, Goodall, E. W. Cooke, J. Danby, Cruikshank, Birket Foster, Ai^^ Stothard, Allom, Boys, and others, neatly mounted in a vol. and ^.,i/| John Dryden, with a Short Account of the most Eminent Painters I M by R. Graham, second edition, frontispiece by Gribelin, large PAPER, ' old English red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, ornamental frame sides, g. e. from Lord Leigh's Library, with ex-libris roy. 8vo. B. Lintott, 1716 774 Du Fresnoy (Abbe Lenglet) Principes de I'Histoire pour I'Education de j J la Jeunesse, nouvelle edition, 6 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt WilTl/^ floreaie backs, line sides, g. e. icith arms of the CoMTESSE DE PROVENCE ' ' (Marie Josephine Louise de Savoie) on sides {Derorne), fine copy sm. ^vo. Paris, Le Clerc, 1752 775 Dugdale (Sir Wm.)Monasticon Anglicanum, sive Pandectse Coenobiorum 1i' q/s 4 Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Carthusianorum ^j - a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, &c. FIRST EDITION, I numerous fine plates by W. Hollar and D. King, 3 vol. modern red calf extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. by Tout, FINE COPY fol. R. Hodgkinsonne, Alice Warren and T. Newcomb, 1655-61-73 776 Dugdale (Sir W.) Monasticon Anglicanum, new edition, enlarged by ikl V Caley, Ellis and Bandinel, Bohn's re-issue, po^irait and numerous plates, ' I \ 8 vol. half blue morocco gilt, g. e. fol. Jas. Bohn, 1846 777 Dugdale (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, FIRST EDITION, portrait, map and fine plates by Hollar, coats of arms, &c. icith the Peto Monu- ment and the plate of the Filding arms at p. iyS, portrait, title and margins of several leaves neatly repaired, russia gilt, g. e. by Paviere [cracked) fol. T. Warren, 1656 778 Dugdale (Sir W.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, first /. EDITION, jt?or^rat7 and fine plates by W. Hollar, inscription on title '^A. //(ff Gwynn ex Bono T. Stanley ; N. Lambert ex Bono A. Gwyn," russia I /— gilt, g. e. (Miss Currer's copy) fol. printed by Tho. Warren, 1658 779 Dugdale (Sir W.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral, with a Continuation and Additions by (Sir) H. Ellis, portrait and numerous plates, russia, m. e. (broken) fol. Lackington, dr. 1818 780 Dugdale (Sir W.) Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials of the English Law, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, &c. large paper, FIRST EDITION, fine plates of arms, portraits of the Earl of Clarendon by Loggan, Sir Edw. Coke by Loggan, Sir Bob. Heath, Sir John Clenche and Sir Ranulph Crew by Hollar (the last 4 mounted), russia gilt, g. e. fol. F. and T. Warren for the author, 1666 *^* Many copies of this first edition were destroyed in the Great Fire. 781 Dugdale (Sir W.) The Baronage of England, or the Lives and Actions of Our English Nobility, pedigrees, 3 vol. in 2, red calf extra, inside dentelles, r. e. by Tout, fine copy fol. T. Newcomb for A. Eoper, &c. 1675-6 782 Dugdale (Sir W.) Antient Usage in Bearing of Arms, calf, Oxf. 1682 — Eikon Basilike, wants plate, narrow 12mo, 1648 — Knight's Cabinet Portrait Gallery, 8 vol. in 4, 1845 ; &c. sm. 8vo. (13) 783 Dunlop (John) History of Fiction, second edition, 3 vol. calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedfoi-d cr. Svo. Edinb. Ballantyne, 1816 SIZES MIXED 85 (784^ Du Pont (Louis, de la Comp. de Jdsus) Meditations sur les Mysteres de ^ la Foy, ruled in red, portrait by L. Moreau, old French red morocco, line ^/X^ tooled, DOUBLE icith red morocco, inside dentelles, line frame sides with '^f^^C^ fieur-de-liii at corners, joints, g. e. (Padeloup), " ex-libris de Richouffly de Liessard" written on titles ito. Paris, Fr. Muguet, 1683 785 Dupuy (Jacques) Traits de la Maiorit6 de nos Rois, et des Regences du Royaurae, avec les Preuves, &c. old mottled calf gilt, g. e. Baron de Longepierre's copy, loith his Device of the Toison d'Or on sides and back srn. Ato. Paris, M. du Puis, 1655 Purandus (Gulielmus) Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, Manuscript on PAPER (5 12 II. 1 If by 8 in.) written in cursive gothic by a German scribe, long lines 34 to a full page, several leaves at end in a later hand, modern boarded purple morocco gilt thick sm. folio, written a.b. 1429 Diirer, Ephrussi (Charles) Albert Diirer et ses Dessins, papier d'Hol- LANDE, with duplicates of the plates on Japanese paper and some on india, only 100 copies printed {No. d'2), full half citron morocco, t. e. g. uncut, by De Coverly ito. Paris, Quantin, 1882 788 Diirer. Life and Works, by Moriz Thausing, translated from the A -J in facsimile by the Imperial Press at Berlin, published by Dr. Lipp- l/i I —mann, parts I-II, ^ 00 fine plates, half bound, uncut I imp. folio. Quaritch, 1889-91 816 Epigrammatum Grsecorum Libri VII, annotationibus Joannis Brodsei Turon. illustrati, old French red morocco, covered with ornamental gilt fiowers and scrolls, with " Jesus Maria " in centres, PRIZE the Seminary College of Le Mans to ^^ Antonius Ronsard," with signature of the Rector sm. folio. Basil. Froben. 1549 VJ} Epistolse Canonici, scil. S. Jacobus, S. Petrus I-II, S. Johannes I-II-III et Judas cum Glossis Veteribus, interlinearis et marginalibus, Manu- script ON VELLUM, 40 II. the text in large gotfjic letter of 17 lines, the glosses in small o^otf)ic (10^ by 7 in.) half bound {from A. J. Horwood's Library) sm. folio. Smc. xiii 818 Epistolse Basilii Magni, Libanii Rhetoris, Chionis Platonici, ^schinis & Isocratis Oratorum, Phalaridis Tyranni, Bruti Romani, Apollonii Tyanensis, Juliani Apostatse; et Epistolse diversorum Philosophorum, Oratorum, Rhetorum sex & viginti. Omnia Greece, editio Aldina PRIMA, 2 vol. in 1, russia {covers broken), g. e. sm. ito. Venet. ap. Aldum, 1499 819 Epistres (LesX et Evangiles en FRANgois; Selon lusage de Paris [par Jehan de Vignay] : at end, on reverse of last leaf : " Cyfimst les epistres et les evangiles translatees de Latin en Francois. Selon I'usaige de Paris. Ft les translata frere Jehan de Vignay a la requeste de Madame le Royne de Bourgougne, femme Philipe de Valoy roy de France ou temps quil vivoit. Ce fit, fait Ian de Grace Mil CCC XX FI ou mois de May XIII jour entrant. Deo Gracias." Manuscript oio Jiipigramiuatum I ; Turon. illus Men \{iooling in fit I />Dijj60PY from , VN m 1689, loit m ^' 88 SIZES MIXED Lot 8\9— continued. . ^ » ON VELLUM (177 U. 10 by 7 in.) written in lettres bdtardes in red and \LM -' black, long lines, 30 to a full page ; with ^5 finely DRAWN MINIA- • J j TURES EN grisaille, ivitkin gold borders, some of the figures having gold nimbi ; representing Christ as Judge surrounded bij the Emblems of the 4 Evangelists ; St. Luke writing ; St. John in Patmos ; A Bishop teaching (in a triptych) ; The Betrayal of Christ, each having a dimi- diated coat of arms in the lower margin, Az. and Gii. a larnbel Arg. 10 'V ijf^^^^ 2 wheat ears Or.; a lion rampant Or. with stars; and many /JV^ Awwc?re(^ small illuminated ornamental initials and 2J^n-l^tt^'>'s ; old Ap French red morocco, full giltfloreate back, line sides, g. e. an interest- » iNG Manuscript ito. S^ec. xiv 820 Erasmus (Des.) Proverbiorum sive Adagiorum Chiliadse, ex tertia Autoris A recognitione, fine engraved title in compartments, woodcut borders and * \ ornamental initials by Hans Holbein, old calf folio. Basil. Jo. Froben. 1518 821 Erasmus (Des.) Moriae Encomium ; or a Panegyrick upon Folly, done ^^1 into English, illustrated ivith above fifty curious cuts designed and 'Y'X drawn by Hans Holbein, &c. and portrait, crimson morocco extra, g. e. \ 8w. J. Woodward, 1709 822 Erasmi Francisci Ost-und West-Indischer wie auch Sinesischer Lust- OA und Stats-Garten, &c. numerous copper-plate engravings {leaf of Preface o\ in MS.) vellum folio. Nilrnb. Endter, 1668 823 ^' Erdeswicke (Sampson) Survey of Staffordshire, published by Sir Simon "IJiy Degge, map, old calf 8vo. W. Mears, 1723 824 VEremundus Frisius (Ernestus) Origo et Historia Belgicorum Tumultuum; ace. Historia Tragica de furoribus Gallicis, portraits and folding plates, blue morocco gilt, g. e. J. Bindley's copy with his ex-libris 2>vo. Lugd. Bat. B. Vander Bild, 1619 825 Erman (A.) Travels in Siberia, translated by W. D. Cooley, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1848 — Back (Capt. G.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, ^ 1833-37, plates, 2 vol. 1836-8 — Narrative of the Loss of the I Winterton East Indiaman on the Coast of Madagascar, 1792, map ' and plate, Edinb. 1820; and others 8w. (8) 826 Espinosa. Carta Executoria de Hidalguia a Pedemiento de Juan d'Espinosa Vezino de Ecija (Philip II), Spanish Manuscript on / vellum {l'2ll. {'2^ by 8^ in.) reverse of first leaf occupied by the illumi- nated and emblazoned coat of arms of the Claimant, the recto of the last leaf having an. illuminated painting of the Virgin and Child, the Claimant kneeling before her, 17 fine large miniatures and ornamental initials, with official signatures at end, green velvet sm. fol. Dada en Granada, March 21, 1586 \ "K^ 827 Etchings and Sketches after Kembrandt, Portraits after Van Dyck, Vtt\ ^^ Engravings after Lucas van Leyden, &c. 1 20 small subjects neatly \ \ mounted in a vol. and bound in half morocco Uo nA (828) Etchings (Old) and other Small Engravings by S. Rosa, Rembrandt, i^X ^ Callot, &c. 66 subjects mounted in a vol. old red morocco 8vo 829 Etchings. Passages from Modern English Poets, illustrated by the Junior Etching Club, 47 fine etchings, full half blue ma>-occo gilt, L e. g. folio. Day & Son, 1862 SIZES MIXED 89 830 Etchings. Passages from Modern English Poets, illustrated by the f 01 Junior Etching Club, 47 fine etchings, india proofs, half red morocco ' y- gilt, g. e. folio. Day & Son, 1862 831 EucLiDES. LiberElementoruminArtem Geometric, cum comment, ,7/ Campani, lit. got]^. fine woodcut border to first page of text, woodcut lllOi diagrams and ornamental icoodcut initials, plain margin of first 2 II. II Jy^ mended, plain margins slightly wormed, otherwise an excellent copy, red K^ morocco super extra, g. e. with the Duke of Sussex's ex-libris, very rare /?,»-^^N. sm. fol. Fenet. Erhardus Eatdolt, 14:82 ' \ ♦^* The first edition of this Latin Version, and the first book printed with mathematical diagrams. j^^^ Euclides. The Elements of Geometric, faithfully (now first) translated /-7 into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley : whereunto are annexed /^ certaine Scholies, annotations and inventions of the best Mathema- ' / ticiens, with a very fruitfull Preface made by M. J. Dee, first EDITION, woodcut title, diagrams, ornamental initials and portrait of the printer on last leaf, old MS. notes in margins, signature of " Bo. Mostyne, 1615," at end, red morocco extra, inside line borders, g. e. folio. John Daye, 1570 833 Eugene de Savoye (Prince Fr.) Batailles gagnees sur les Ennemis de la - lA Foi, et sur ceux de I'Empereur et de I'Empire, en Hongrie, en Italia ^ ^ -^ en Allemagne et aux Pais-Bas, depeintes et grav6es en taille-douce par Jean Huchtenberg, avec des Explications Historiques par J. Du Mont, portrait and 24 plates of Battles and Maps, old calf with Savoy crest imp. folio. La Haye, P. Husson, 1720 834 European Scenery : viz. French, Hanoverian and German ; The Rhine, ifj jy^ &c. by Capt. Batty, and Sicilian by Major Light, numerous fine INDIA 1 1 I FROOF plates, 5 vol. blue morocco gilt, g. e. Uo. 1822-29 835 Eusebius. De Evangelica Preparatione Latine Geo. Trapezuntio interprete, EDITIO PRINCEPS, finely printed in roman letters, long lines, 39 to a full page, without marks, spaces left for capitals, headings of books and chapters written-in in red ink, red morocco, gilt ornamental back and elegant borders, g. e. FINE COPY sm. folio. Venetiis Nicolaus Jenson Gallicus, 1470 The first book issued from Jenson's Venetian Press ; and a very fine specimen of early typography. Eusebius. Chronicon, id est Temporum Breviariura, roman letter, red and fo^ ^^'^^^ (wi^/i the 1 1 II. of Table), contemporary oaken boards, stamped pig- cy— skin sm. Uo. Fenet. E. Batdolt, 1483 '837 Eutropius. Breviarium Historise Romanse, editio princeps, finely ^ I J printed in roman letter, long lines, without marks, margin, of first page \nki illuminated, with coat-of-arms below, capitals painted in blue and red I / {2lLj mnting} ^, old yellow morocco extra, g. e. (Sykes and Syston Park I copy) Bomce Impressus {Geo. Laver), 1471 838 EVANGELIA QUATUOR, GR AECE, cum Canonibus Eusebii, Ancient Greek Manuscript on vellum (400 II. Si by 6 in.), finely written m() in cursive characters, long lines, generally \d> to a full page, the rubrics " a/^ in gold letters, with accents ; the canons in a different character ; with FULL PAGE Miniatures of all the Four Evangelists {slightly 90 SIZES MIXED Lot 8 38 — continued. rubbed), ornamental arcades to the cavons, &c. hound in 2 vol. modern hoarded hvwn morocco, blind stamped antique ornaments, enclosed in red velvet case icith compartments .^m. ^to. Sjec. xi-xii [c. A.D. 1000] \* An Important Byzantine Codex of the Four Gospels and QUITE perfect. Such MSS. are very rarely found with the Minia- tures of all the 4 Evangelists. It appears to have been copied from one of the most ancient texts. Two leaves have been cancelled by a contemporary corrector, who has substituted three 11. in a different hand, in order to supply the omission of John viii, 1-2. 839 EVANGELIA QUATUOR GrAECE. ANCIENT GrEEK MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (143 II. ; 8^ by 6 J m.), well written in small cursive characters, VN^y ^^^'^ lines, 30 to a full page, old accents, dative iota omitted, illuminated ^^^ w* Byzantine ornaments before Mark, Luke and John {apparently ivants beginning and end), modern hoarded morocco, with antique gilt and blind i| ^ stamped ornaments, g. e. by F. Bedford ; in a purple velvet and icooden \ljKr l^ox, with an original cover of the MS. loosely inserted sm. ito. SiEC. XII A^GH /^* A FINELY WRITTEN AND INTERESTING MS. (Qithe gelia QUATUOR Graece, Ancient Greek Manuscripton vellum (239 II. 7^ by 5f in.), written in neat cursives in long lines, 22 to a full age, with singular drawings of Christ, the Virgin, Mark, Luke and John, old russia gilt, ivith the arms of the iJuke of Marlborough on sides (from the Sunderland Library) thick sm. Uo. Smg. xiii e Gospels are followed by a Calendar giving references to the Gospel lessons for each day, and the volume ends with a prayer for the scribe " Michael." 841 Evangelia. Codex Purpurens Rossanensis. Die Miniaturen der Grie- /.JLA chischen Evangelien-Handschrift in Rossans, nach photographischen f \/ Aufnahmen herausgegeben von A. Haseloff, uncut * 4/0, Berl. et Leips. 1898 842 Evangelia Secundum S, Lucam et S. Joannem, Ancient Greek Manu- script ON VELLUM (155 II. 6 by i^ in.), written in small cursive ^ characters, long lines, 17 to a full page, 2 miniatures of the Evangelists oartly obliterated, ivants a leaf or 2 at end, boarded purple velvet Svo. Sjec. xi-xii 843 Evangelia. The Four Gospels, &c. Manuscript in Old Armenian, with calendar and Eusehian canons, &c. neatly written on paper (331 II. i 7} by 5 in.), finely illuminated with figures, arcades in the canons, (\ \ u N miniatures of the Evangelists, rich ornamental headings, and small \ XffKoBiaments in the margins, old leather binding with stamped emblematic L> Iji vmiaments sm. Uo. S^c. xvi 844 \ Evangelia Quatuor Latine cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, Argumentis, - \ Breviario et Indice Capitulum Evangeliorum per cirulura Anni, ''*' Manuscript on vellum (155 II. 6 J by 4f in.), written in minute hut ^lear Carlovingian characters, long lines, 30 to a full page, some II. stained, making small portions of the text illegible, a few lines wanting at the beginning of each gospel ? an Anglo-Norman miniature ' 0,' containing a figure of St. John with the Eagle, from an old Antiphonale, inserted in SIZES MIXED 91 Lot 844 — continued. front, modern hoarded purple velvet, an ancient ivory plaque, repre- senting the Crucifixion, inserted in upper cover sm. 8vo. Sjec. ix-x *^* A VERY FINE SPECIMEN OF CaRLOVINGIAN CaLIGRAPHY, which may have been written in Eastern France in the time of Charles the Simple. On two fly-leaves are written in old German the form of Oath at the Election of a Prioress of the Convent of "Polin- chusen." '845 EVANGELIA QUATUOR LATINE, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, Argumentis, Breviariis et Canonibus Eusebii, Ancient Latin Manuscript on vellum (204 //. 11 hij 7^ in.), finely icritten in hold roman letters (approaching gothic), long lines, 22 to a full page, the . 1 A Eusehian canons in painted Eorruin arcades of red and green, A VERY .jn^ S'ine EARLY FULL-PAGE MINIATURE OF S. Matthew, xvith the Angel 3' in a porch above, with a fine spiral initial L. opposite, occupying nearly the ivhole of the page, of Byzantine work tvith Irish influence (1), ivants first leaf in S. Mark's gospel, corners of a feiv II. mended, modern hoarded hrown morocco extra, g. e. hy F. Bedford, in blue and white velvet lined case -11^ sm. folio. SiEC. xi-xii %* An important and valuable MS. Some corrections and additions have been made by a later hand, who however has left the original text intact. The verses in Matthew viii, 19-22, omitted in the text, have been supplied ; in a few instances the music of some passages has been written above the line in red ; on the last leaf is written the name of the scribe " Amerosius me Scripsit," below four Latin lines descriptive of his labours. 846 Evangelistarium Gr^ecum, Ancient Greek Manuscript on vellum (174 II. 10 by 7f in.) finely written in hold cursives, with red accents, in double columns of 19 lines, some II. written in a more compact character than the rest of the MS. ; with 2 FULL-PAGE paintings, 1 OF S. Matthew and 1 OF S. Mark, seated at a lectern reading, on rich gold grounds {somewhat rubbed) ; and a painted figure of Christ as Emmanuel, seated, on a blank leaf ; and some illuminated Byzantine ornaments, modern Greek binding Uo. S^C. x-xi A VERY VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT ANCIENT GrEEK CODEX, with the two remarkable portraits and the figure of Jesus, probably of Byzantine origin. 847 Evangelistarium Gr^.cum, Ancient Greek Manuscript on vellum . (343 II. 10 by 7 in.) written in cursive characters in double columns of jpl 22 lines, rubricated, with some Byzantine ornamental initials, &c. and a full-page miniature of St. Mark writing, new boarded purple morocco ivith antique blind stamped ornaments, by Zaehnsdorf Uo. SiEC. XI-XII '5 848 Evangelistarium Gr^cum, Ancient Greek Manuscript on vellum A (346 II. 13^ by 9^ in.) written in hold cursive characters in double \v /\ columns o/ 26 lines, with decorative marginal ornaments in red and green ' ^ of a Byzantine character (one leaf defective), modern hoarded purple ^^ ' mm'occo, with antique ornaments, by Zaehnsdorf folio, initio S^EC. xiil \^ 92 SIZES MIXED 849 EVANGELISTARIUM Gr^CUM, ANCIENT GREEK MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM {liiSll. 13 by 9| in.) written in bold cursive characters in double columns , of 26 lines (old accents, dative iota omitted), the rubrics written in gold .\ letters, Byzantine ornamental initials (apparently wants the beginning), ARiV— • boarded purple velvet binding sm. folio. S^EC. XIII y* *^f* A VERY FINELY WRITTEN AND VALUABLE MS. EVANGELISTARIUM LaTINUM, MANUSCRIPT ON STOUT VELLUM (176 II. 10 by ^^ in.) finely icritten in roman letters, long lines, 23 to a full page, rubrics in red, modern boarded purple velvet, in morocco slip case 4to. Sjec. x-xii A FINELY WRITTEN AND VALUABLE MS. of the Gospel Readings for the whole year ; in first-rate condition, and perfect. 851 EVANGELISTARIUM, sive Evangelia quae legnntur per totum Annum, in . J. Sanctam Ecclesiam, ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (144 II. lOf A Vj^ % '' ^^O exceedingly well written in semi-uncials, long lines, 25 to a full A ' P'^Qe, rubricated, crimson morocco extra, g. e. sm. folio. S^c. xi-xii N'V** A VERY FINE AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT, well-preserved and ^''^ perfect from the beginning of S. Matthew to the end of S. John. 852 Evangelisches Gesang-Buch in 630 so wohl alter als neuer Lieder bestehend, fur die Gemeinde Christi in der Reichs-stadt Wetzflar, ^ &c. lit. gotlj. frontispiece, oaken boards, black morocco, with silver rims and perforated ornaments and clasp, croicn double-headed eagle of the Emperors of Germany in centres, g. e. 8w. (JVetzlar), K L. Winckler, 1751 853 Eyton (J. W. King) Catalogue of his Library, large paper, 50 copies /' printed for presents only, front, of arms, 12 portraits and other illustra- /^ /^^ tions inserted, blue morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere sm. Ato. 1848 854 Fabyan (Robert) Cronycle, newly prynted, wyth the cronycle, actes ^ and dedes done in the reygne of Kynge Henry the VII (SECOND -4^ edition), blacfe letter, title icithin woodcut border, ornamental woodcut */2t/ initials, title and 6 other II. washed and mended, otherwise a most excellent /o eopy, new boarded morocco gilt, antique style, g. on r. e. ' -^^ sm. folio. Wm. Rastell, 1533 Faernus (Gabriel) Fabulse Centum, ex antiquis autoribus delectae, car- minibus explicatse (a Silvio Antoniano editse), EDITIO PRIMA, engraved title and 1 00 fine plates from designs attributed to Titian, brown moi-occo gilt, g. e. sm. Ato. Romoi, V. Luchinus, 1546 ^ 856 Farqubar (Ferdinand) The Relicks of a Saint ; a Right Merry Tale, coloured humoi-ous frontispiece by Rowlandson, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. ^ ^^ uncut, sm. 8vo, T. Tegg — Birch (Jonathan) Original Fables, 84 original Y designs by R. Cruikshank (name on title), half morocco, t. e. g. 8w, ' 1834 ■ (2) 857 Farrar (Dean F. W.) Lives of the Fathers; Sketches of Church History in Biography, 2 vol. red calf extra, t. e. g. by Tout 8tu Edinb. Black, 1889 SIZES MIXED 93 858 Fasciculus Temporum [auctore Wernero Eolewinck] " impress^ Colonie Agrippice, . . secundum primum exemplar quod ipse venerabiles autor propriis covscripsit manihus ad finem usque deduda per me arnholdum ther huernen, sub annis dni. MCCCC LXXIIII," lit. gotib- ivoodcuts, text rubricated, cuts coloured bj/ hand, colophon in red with pointer's mark, broicn mmvcco, antique style, g. e. by F. Bedford ' sm. folio. Colon. A. Terhveren, 1474 *^* The FIRST EDITION of this celebrated Chronicle ; very rare. 859 Faulkner (Thos.) History and Topographical Account of Fulhana, map and plates, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. roy. 8vo. T. Egerton, 1813 860 Faulkner (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Kensington, plates and pedigrees, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut 8vo. T. Egerton, &c. 1820 861 Faulkner (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Hammersmith, /roft^vo. Bentley, 1853-7 FoxE (John) Actes and Monuments of thynges passed in every Kynges tyme in this Realme, especially in the Church of England, &c. newly recognised and enlarged by the Author (second edition), blacfe letter, woodcut titles and numerous woodcuts, with a separate one of the Poisoning of K. John, second title mounted, margins of several II. very slightly defective and mended, otherwise A very good COPY, but sold not subject to return, 2 vol. oaken boards, the old orna- mental calf sides neatly repaired and rebacked, VERY RARE in GOOD CONDITION folio. John Bay, 1570 895 Foxe (John) Acts and Monuments of matters most Speeiall and Memorable happening in the Church, now againe as it was recog- nised perused and recommended by the Author the eight time newly Imprinted, blacfe letter and roman, poiirait of Foxe by Glover mounted, woodcut titles (that of vol. Ill backed), folding plate of Perse- cutions (backed with linen) and cuts in the text, 3 vol. purple morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Mansell folio. Stat. Co. 1641 896 Foxe (John) Acts and Monuments of Matters most special and memorable happening in the Church, ninth edition, with Additions to the time of King Charles I, Life of the Author, &c. fine portrait by Sturt and numerous copperplate engravings, 3 vol. russia gilt, inside boi-ders, joints, g. e. by J. Lewis (cracked), large and fine copy folio, for the Company of Stationers, 1684 897 Frezier (A. F.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou et du Br6si], 1712-1714, maps and plates, 2 vol. crushed red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. d>vo. Amst. P. Humbert, 1717 898 Froissart (Sir John) Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretagne, Flaunders and other Places adjoynynge, translated oute of Frenche into oure materall Englysshe tongue by John Bouchiek (sic) Knyghte, lorde Berners, ""/ &c. blacfe letter, ornamental woodcut initials, Berners arms on last leaf _- of vol. I, 2 vol. leaf of Preface in vol. I and last leaf in vol. II slightly mended, some wormholes in, both volumes, otherwise a large and clean copy (sold not subject to return), russia extra, g. e. folio. Imprinted by R. Pynson, 1523-25 The first edition of Froissart in English and of Lord Berners' Translation, both vol. being the genuine Pynson issue. 899 Froissart (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, &c. trans- lated by Thomas Johnes, with Life, &c. coloured frontispieces and \ numerous woodcuts, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. \ sup. imp. 8vo. W. Smith, 1844 SIZES MIXED 97 900 Froissart. Illuminations from the Manuscripts of Froissart's Chronicles / in the British Museum and in the Biblioth^que Royale, Paris, and ^ in from other Sources, by H. Noel Humphreys, 72 fine chromo-liiho- / ly graphs, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, g. e. sm. 4/o. J¥. Smith, 1844-5 90F Froissart and Monstrelet. Chronicles of England, France and the adjoining Countries, translated by Thos. Johnes, first edition, numerous plates, 9 vol. russia gilt (some vol. broken) ito. Hafod Press, J. Henderson, 1803-9 902) Fuggerorum et Fuggerarum quae in Familia Natae, quaeve in Familiam transierunt, quot extant sere expressae Imagines, engraved title and 127 fine portraits within borders bij Bom. Custodis, and Wolfg and L. Kilian, cruslied crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bed- ford, FmE cofy, rare folio. Aug. Find. 16\8 903 Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Abel Redivivus ; or The Dead yet Speaking; the Lives and Deaths of Moderne Divines, frontispiece by Vaughan, portrait of Fuller and heads, calf gilt, r. e. by Riviere sm. ito. T. Brudenel for J. Stafford, 1651 904 Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Church History of Britain to the Year 1648; with 3W the History of the University of Cambridge and Waltham Abbey, I r^^k^* ^^^ ^"^^^^ 9^^^' 9' ^- folio. J. Williams, 1655 Fuller ^br. Thos.) History of the Worthies of England, new edition, with Notes by J. Nichols, ^or/rai^, 2 vol. calf ito. Rivington, 1811 'h 906/ 907 Furniss (Harry) Parliamentary Views, Special Edition, printed on hand- made paper, with 28 plates taken apart on india paper, picture boards, uncut oblong \to. Bradbury, n. d. Furttenbach (Joseph) Architectura Universalis ; das ist, von Kriegs- Statt und Wasser Gebawen, portrait and 60 plates, vellum sm. folio. Ulm, J. S. Meder, 1635 Gage (John) History and Antiquities of Suffolk. Thingoe Hundred, J map, views, portraits, pedigrees, &c. calf extra, m. e. 4/0. S. Bentley, &c. 1838 Gale (Thos.) Certaine Workes of Chirurgerie, newly compiled and pub- />w lished, the 4 books in 1 vol. each luith separate title, first edition, llGl blacfe letter, limp vellum {damaged), large and clean copy ' I • sm. 8vo. Rowland Hall, 1563 (910 Galfridus Monemutensi ex Antiquissimis Britannici Sermonis Monu- ^1 . mentis in latinum traductae, cut of printing press on title, and woodcut ^"l initials {slightly wormed), device of Wynkyn de Worde inserted in front, calf gilt, g. e. sm. ito. Paris. Ascensius, 1517 911 Garcilasso de la Vega. I'he Royal Commentaries of Peru, in two parts, ^2^ rendered into English by Sir Paul Rycaut, portrait and plates, bright I calf extra, y. e. fine copy folio. M. Flesher for C. Wilkinson, 1688 " Gardner (Rev. Jas.) Faiths of the World ; a Dictionary of all Religions and Religious Sects, portraits and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, m. e. imp. Svo. Fullarton, n. d. 912 Sff-^' 913 f Gardner (Percy) The Types of Greek Coins, an Archaeological Essay, \^ plates in autotype, half morocco Uo. CamJ. 1883 H 98 SIZES MIXED 914 Gardiner (Dr. S. R.) Oliver Cromwell, illustrated with numerous portraits, a\<\\ autograph facsimile, &c. fine paper, red morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut ^\\ 4:to. Goupil (& Co. IS99 915 (rarnier (Ed.) The Soft Porcelain of Sevres, with an historical Intro- duction, 50 plates representing 250 water-colour subjects after the ori- ginals, heightened in gold, art hoards, g. e. folio. Nimmo, 1892 916 Garrick (David) Memoirs of his Life, with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, &c. by Thos. Davies, extra il- lustrated icith 246 scenic and character and natural portraits, views, Garrick Play-hills, Autograph Letter of Garrick and one of Dr. John- son, Historical Portraits, &c. some scarce, an interesting collec- tion, 2 thick vol. green morocco extra, full giltfloreate hacks, line sides, g. e. hy F. Bedford 8vo. printed for the author, 1780 91 Ty Gavres. Histoire des Seigneurs de Gavres, Roman du XV^ Siecle \Q\\ / public par Van Dale, facsimile reproduction of the original MS. with V \\\ coloured drawings, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. Ato. Brux. s. d. 918 Gay (John) Poems on Several Occasions, first collected edition, frontispiece, 2 vol. in 1, old calf 4to. Tonson & Linfot, 1720 919 Gay (J.) Fables, with a Life of the Author, embellished with 70 plates, by JV. Blake and others, 2 vol. in 1, russia gilt, m. e. imp. 8vo. Stockdale, 1793 920 Gay (J.) Fables, vignettes by Gravelot, 2 vol. in 1, 1757 — Petrarca, Le Rime, portraits and plates, 2 vol. vellum gilt, Firenze, 1821 — Marmion Travestied, by Peter Pry, Tegg, 1809; &c. 8vo. (8) /^ 921 Gaza. Theodori Introductivse Grammatices lib. IV, Ejusdem de Men- .1 \ ^ sibus ; Apollonii Gramatici de Constructione lib IV, Herodiani de jlM Nuraeris, Grsec6, editiones principes, contemporary Venetian black I */\ morocco, with blind stamped arabesques in compartments, in fine preserva- . ck tion, fine large copy, from the Vidot sale, very rare » \ sm. folio. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1495 922 Gaza. Introductivse Grammatices lib. IV, &c.; Apollonii de Construc- kl^j ^ tione et Herodiani de Numeris, Grsece, editiones principes, MS 6r| VhxnoilEsi'AmarginSf half bound sm. folio. «J. 1495 923 Geikie (Walter) Etchings illustrative of Scottish Character and Scenery, fA Sir T. D. Lauder's edition, with additional plates and letterpress, I lu^rV?'^'*^^*' ^^(^If vo. York, 1730-41 Gent (T.) History of the Famous and Magnificent Great Eastern Win- dow id St. Peter's Cathedral, York, original edition, large folding ly^ ivondctd frontispiece of the window, coloured, numerous cuts, &c. in the text, old calf 8vo. Impressed for the author in St. Peter's Gate (York), 1762 929 Geological Society's Quarterly Journal, nos. 213, 219-23, 1898-1900; &c. 8vo. a parcel - I , 530 (^^eorge I. Rex Britanniae. In Recto Decus ; &c. [German Verses and . \ a Fulsome Dedication addressed to King George I, by Johannes \A • ^ Nobilis de Scheidlin], printed in g;oti)ic letters on 4 II. of satin, with the \ /\ '"'oycil arms at head of first page, loose in red velvet cover folio, {privately printed), 1726 931 George HI. Act for amending, explaining and reducing into one Act of , J'arliament the Laws relating to the Government of His Majesty's S^LAX Ships, Vessels and Forces by Sea, George Ill's copy, blue morocco, '\ V broad gilt ornamental borders, with Garter, Crown and King's initials, g. e. sm. 4to. Eyre & Strahan, 1780 932 Gerlac. Les Soliloques de Gerlac Chanoine Regulier de I'Ordre de S. V Augustin dit un autre Thomas a Kempis, old French red morocco, full giltfloreate back, line sides, with arms of Jacques de Flecelles, m. e. 12mo. Paris, Chas. Savreux, 1767 933 Gersonides. Levi ben Gershon (Rabbi) Commentarius in Pentateuchum, \\ A Hebraice, editio prima {first 2 and last 2 or S II. slightly defective), , ' ^ sm. folio. [Mantuce, per Abraham Conath Salamonis Filium, 1476 f\ 934 Geyler von Keisersperg (Joannes) Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum, I in Sermones jtixta turmarum seriem divisa a Jacobo Othero diligen- y(yi ^ ter coUecta ; Corapendiosa Vitae eiusdera descriptio per Beatum \ \ Rhenanum, lit. goti^. numerous spirited woodcuts, brown morocco, plain, g. e. rare sm. Uo. Argent, s. nom. impr. 1511 935 Geyler von Keisersperg (Jo.) Navicula sive Speculum Fatuorum . . in J Sermones juxta turmarum seriem divisa . . atque a Jacobo Othero *7/l/ diligenter collecta, &c. Compendiosa Vitae eiusdem per B. Rhenanum, / /-— ' lit. gotl> numerous spirited woodcuts mostly copied from Brant's '^Stulii- I fera Navi-s," brown morocco with antique blind ornaments, g. e. sm. ito. ib. 1511 Geyler von Keisersperg (Jo.) Navicula, sive Speculum Fatuorum, in Sermones juxta turmarum seriem divisa, a Jac. Othero diligenter Collecta, &c. (cum Vita ejusdem B. Rhenani), lit. Qoti)- numerous spirited woodcuts, title margined, some wormholes filled in, but a good large copy, modern brown morocco extra, g. e. sm. ito. ib. 1511 H 2 100 SIZES MIXED Geyler von Keisersperg (Jo.) Das Evangeli Buch. Das Buch der Ewan- gelien durch das gantz Jar, mitt Predig und Uszlegungen, lit. gotf). numerous fine full-page woodcuts, large figured initials and small orna- mental ones, by Hans Furtembach, Hans Schauffelein and Urs Graf, modern stamped calf, r. e. a good copy of a very rare book Strasburg, gedrucki von Jo. Gruningen, 1515 938 Ghezzi (Pier Leone, Roman Artist, 1674-1755) A Collection of 67 Ori- oVA Aft ^INAL Drawings and Sketches by this well-known Artist, chiefly T^\I\L fcjjpwoMS, mounted on thick paper, and bound in a vol. half morocco \ ySMiP'-^ imp. folio 939 Giangiuseppe della Croce (S.) Vita, scritta dal P. Fr. Diodato dell' As- sunta per la Beatificazione, Italian red morocco, ivith richly ornamental j j borders and a Cardinal's arms in centres, g. e. Uo. Roma, A. Ajani, 1839 940' (Gibbon (Edw.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, new edition, M(tvl ^ portrait and maps, 8 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. Cadell, &c. 1838 941 trilbert (Josiah) Landscape in Art before Claude and Salvator Rosa, \( numerous illustrations, half m,orocco extra, t. e. g. uncut \>fl 8vo. J. Murray, 1885 942 Gillray (Jas.) Works, from the Original Plates with the addition of I I y many Subjects not before collected, portrait and numerous plates, half \j^H^''^ morocco extra, g. e. atlas folio. Bohn 943 Gillray (J.) Suppressed Caricatures, 46 subjects on 23 plates, half morocco atlas folio. {Bohn) 944 \ Gillray (J.) Suppressed Caricatures, another copy, 46 subjects, half mo- V\\ '^occo atlas folio, (ib.) 945 vl*lpin (Wm.) Works, viz. : Remarks on Foreign Scenery, 2 vol. ; Ob- ; ' servations on Picturesque Beauty in the Highlands, Lakes, River nisi ^y^» Hampshire, Kent, Sussex and Western England, 8 vol. in 4 ; l/^ \ and Essay on Prints ; numerous plates, together 7 vol. half green mo- \ rocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut 8vo. Cadell, 1800-8 946/ Giraldi Cinthio (Giovan Battista) De Gli Hecatommithi nella quale si ~'\ contengono Dialoghi della vita Civile, prima edizione, woodcut lS\y portrait of author in each vol. {some margins mended and stained ; sold ' 1 jwtsubject to return), 2 vol. old red morocco, line tooled, g. e. \ ~' snCSvo. nel Monte Regali appresso L. 2'orrentino, 15Q5 Giraldus de Barri. Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, A. D. 688, translated, with annotations and Life, by Sir R. C. Hoare, portrait cond plates, 2 vol. russia {broken), g. e. ^to. W. Miller, 1806 iry (R. P.) Vie des Saints pour tons les Jours de I'Ann^e, nouvelle Edition, par Paul Gu6rin, 14 illustrations after Lepautre, 1 vol. bound in 2, black cloth, g. e. sup. imp. 8vo. Paris, V. Palm4, 1861 949 Giuseppe da Leonessa (S.) Ristretto della Vita di, portrait, old Italian ■"A red morocco, gold and red ornamental paper douUures, g. e. ^\ 4to. Roma, 1746 95p ^ vrlanvil (Rev. Jos.) Saducismus Triumphatus, or full and plain evidence concerning Witches and 'Apparitions, second edition, 2 fine frontis- pieces and plate, old calf 8vo. T. Newcomb, 1682 i ii\J Vianv vVX coi (fy''^ SIZES MIXED 101 '.>' '''! ' 951 Gloucester. A Collection of Coats of Arms, borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Glocester, 62 plates, containing several hundred coats of arms, uncut Uo. J. Good, 1792 952 Glyn (Col. Thomas) Journal in the Flanders War with the Brigade of .11 Guards under Maj.-Gen. Lake in 1793-94, unpublished MS. (ll'J, pages), jk^ neatly icritten, old calf ivith the ivritei-'s ex-libris sm. ito. [17 — ] 953 Goldsmith (Oliver) Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, frontispieces, oi_] 4 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1854 9^4 [Goldsmith (0.)] The Citizen of the World, or Letters from a Chinese \ . Philosopher in London to his friend in the East, first edition, *^^ t 2 vol. calf gilt, by Cecil and Larkins t }■ , , ^ 127Jio. Printed for the author and sold by J. Newbery, 1762 955 [Goldsrfiith (0.)] The Citizen of the World, or Letters from a Chinese ■/^l..\ Philosopher in London, first edition, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Biviere ^*^\ " l2mo. J. Newbery, d-c. 1762 956 Goldsmith (0.) Essays. Collecta revirescunt, first edition, vignette on 5ZJ ^- title, green morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere sm. 8w. W. Griffin, 1765 95]v Goldsmith (0.) The Vicar of Wakefield, second edition, 2 vol. original fA wA calf, rough edges {repaired), in wooden case, covered in green morocco gilt \\ sm.Svo. J. Neifbery, 17 QQ 958 ^Goldsmith (0.) She Stoops to Conquer, or the Mistakes of a Night, Svo edition with the same date as the ito supposed to be the first, title ^ soiled and, mended, calf gilt, by Riviere Svo. printed for J. Newbery, 1773 959 Goldsmith (0.) The Comic Romance of Monsieur Scarron, translated VV\ ^y Oliver Goldsmith, first edition, 2 vol. (c 6 in vol. I defective), \ 2 vol. red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. Svo. W. Griffin, 1775 960. Gorringe (H. H.) Egyptian Obelisks, bO full-page and other illustrations, V V picture cloth roy. Uo. Nimmo, 1885 961 Graduale Cisterciense, cum notis Gregorianis, MANUSCRIPT on / VELLUM (184 /Z. 14 by 10 in.), written in neat gotbtc Uttcrg, in red and 2 Jb - black, with square musical notes, by an Italian scribe, 31 large and finely painted ornamental initials, and numerous pen letters and painted capitals I \ {wants end), contemporary oaken boards, leather, metal rims and desk 1^ j\ I spikes {worn) folio. SiEC. xiv \T**^This MS. was apparently written for the Abbey of S. Maria de Chiaravalla, Milan. Several inscriptions occur to this effect : " Sante Marie Charevalis Mediolani est liber iste," &c. 962 "Gradualk Monachorum Abbati^ de Cornu Ordinis Cisterci- ENSis," Manuscript on vellum (199 II. 12 by 9 in.), written in 2 different hands, g;oti)tc If tUrg, in red and black, with square musical notes {m the first 32 II. and last 6 //. the letters and musical notes are larger and less neat than those in the body of the book), numerous painted capitals and ornamental pen-letters, fragments of ancient MS. on vellum as fiy- leaves, modern boarded red morocco, loith antique blind stamped ornaments, g. e. sm. folio. Smc. xiv-xv The Abbey de Cornu, to which this MS. originally belonged, was either Corneto in Sardinia or Cornu Gallise (Quernouilles) in Lower Brittany. ^ A s ,, 102 SIZES MIXED "^^63/ Grsduale Eomanuni. Manuscript on vellum (104 II. 22f hy 16 in.) written in large gotl)tc Uttfrs, with sqimre musical notes in red and black, the first page richly painted and illuminated with a miniature of St. Gewge ^nd the Dragon {slightly damaged), four other very fine and very large ornamental illuminated initials with marginal decorations, 133 large and small decorated initials of a rich ornamental character, and numerous very fine and large ornamental pen-letters, all of high class Italian workmanship, originally executed for the Benedictines of Padua, half russia, broken very large folio. S^C. XV 964 -^^ 967 ^968 969 970 Graduale Diurnum Secundum usum Eoman/e Curiae. Manuscript ON vellum (337//. 16 by 10| in.), finely written in large missal characters, in red and black, with square and diamond shaped musical notes, by an Italian scribe, the first page of text surrounded by a beautiful border of flowers, finely painted and richly illuminated with a large minia/ure initial, containing a figure of a Priest ivith a musical instrument, 37 VERY splendid large richly illuminated initials of flower WORK, with marginal decorations, some 3^ in. square, some smaller, one \aving a very fine miniature of the Nativity, with Jesus as a bambino in a basket, Joseph and Mary looking on. Hut with Bull and Ass in background; many hundred ornamental pen-letters, red morocco extra, with brass bosses and clasps, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf folio. " Completum est hoc Opus Anno Dom. MCCCCLXXV, Orate pro Scriptore et Pro Notatvre," 1475 Granger (Rev. J.) Biographical History of England, fifth edition, with Continuation by Noble, illustrated with 360 portraits, many — scarce, 9 vol. russia gilt, t. e. g. (2 covers broken) 8i'o. 1824-1806 Gratianus. Decretum cum Glossis Bartholomei Brixiensis ["Incip. discordantiu Canonu Concor-dia, ac primu de jure nature et humane Constitutionis Rubrica."] lit. goi^. (2 types), red and black in ^columns, witho^d marks (2 or 3 small holes mended and letters supplied), the first page liaving a finely painted initial of a green dragon, with a coat-of-arms below (Az. a lion rampant crowned Or, grasping a cross-hilted sword Gules), bound in 2 vol. old Italian red morocco gilt \\ large folio. Moguntice Idibus Augustus per Petrum Schoyffer ^ de Gernsheym, 1472 {colophon and shields in red) Printed upon vellum, extremely rare. Contains 412 leaves. About 1 2 copies are known on vellum, mostly in public libraries. Gray (Thos. ) Poems, first collected edition, calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere 8vo. J. Dodsley, 1768 Gray (T.) Poems, first edition, signature of G. J. de Wilde on title, panelled calf extra, g. e. 8vo. ib. 1768 Grazzini (A. F. detto // Lasca) La Prima e la Seconda Cena Novella, alle quali si aggiungi Una Novelle della Terza Cena, ora per la prima volta data alia luce, LARGE PAPER, old mottled calf, g. e. Lond. appresso G. Nourse, 1756 Greek Manuscript. Sayings and Homilies of the Holy Fathers, Manu- script ON PAPER (220 //. 6^ hy 4f in.), written in small cursive charac- ters, long lines, 32 to a full page, old Greek boarded calf binding (J^ S7n. Ato. Smc. XV * ^ N SIZES MIXED 103 Greek-Turkish Musical Manuscript (Hymnal). Manuscript on paper (247 //. Sbi/6 in.), red and black, icith musical accents. Oriental morocco, with stamped blind ornaments sm. Uo. S^C. XVI Green (J. R.) History of the English People, 4 vol. ; The Making of England, and The Conquest of England, portrait and maps, 6 vol. ^ uniform red morocco, plain, inside gilt borders, g. e. 8vo. Macmillan, 1881-5 973 Greenwood (Jas.) Wild Sports of the World, illustrated, 1862— Wolff (Dr. Jos.) Travels and Adventures, 2 vol. half morocco, 1860 — Wood (Lieut. John) Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, calf gilt, 1841 — Gordon (Dr. C. A.) Our Trip to Burraah, coloured frontispiece and woodcuts, half calf (187 o) ; &c. 8vo. (7) 974 Gregorio dei Rimini. Expositione overo la Commendatione sopra le Epistole di San Paulo, Manuscript on paper (290 II. IH h 8^ in.) \ \\\lA ^ w^'*% written in Italian cursive characters, the first page painted with a W \ triptich, liaving coat of arms (Malatesta ?) in centre and the following inscription below, "lo Padre fra Gregorio dai Riniine del Ordine de Santo Agostino, ho scripto et facto la- expositione overo la Commendatione sopra ^a Epistola de Paolo et ho facto la donatione a lo Sigr. Galeoto Malatesta," 3 miniature heads befoi'e ^'- Philemon," contemporary binding, oaken boards, leather stamped in small circular compartments of griffins, dragons and ornaments, clasps, a sin^ilar specimen well preserved but back mended sm. folio. Smc. XV ^ A 975 Gregorius Magnus Papa I (S.) Dialogorum lib. IV, Manuscript on |(/1— I aItI vellum (124 //. 9^ by 7 in.) written in g(nii-goti)tc letters, long lines, I I •/ I "^^^ '^ a full page, with rubrics, limp vellum sm. ito. S^C. xii-xiii 976' Gregorius Magnus Papa I. Dialogorum lib. IV, lit. got[). double columns, XktiA 42 lines, without marks, capitals painted in red (67 II.) (Hain 7957), old Y I French red morocco gilt, g. e. bound by la Veuve Guejfier, with ticket . I sm. folio, absque nota [Argent. Uggestein, 1470?] 977 Gregorius Magnus Papa I. Dialogo de Sam (sic) Gregorio tratto de latino . in vulgar par Maistro Lunardo da Udene e partido in quatro libri, //^ /t^. rom. double columns of 33 lines, without marks (Hain 7974), first V / EDITION with a date of this translation, brown morocco, antique stamped ' blind ornaments, r. e. by J. Wright, fine copy, rare sm. folio. Impi-essum Fenecis (sic) P. M. F. mcccclxxv die Figesimo mensis Aprilis ^78^ Gregorius Magnus Papa I. Super Cantica Canticorum lib. Ill, cum /^ Prologo, Manuscript on vellum (79 II. 13 by 9^ in.) finely mitten in 0emt-g;otl)tc tljacactets, double columns, 31 lines (belonged originally to the Carthusian Abbey of Pontigny in Auxerre), (PhilUpps MSS. No. 3718), half bound sm. folio. S^c. xii-xiii 979 Gregorius Magnus Papa I. Homeliarum Libri, lit. ^QX^j.-double columns Qc) (signs, aa-oo), Jialf morocco I sm. ito. Fenet. Peregrinus de Pasqualibus, 1493 I 986 Gregorius Magnus Papa I. Moralia in Jobum libri XIX, Manuscript ^ OTH vellum (\1911. I\^by7^in.) finely written in semi-roman characters, xy ' /^ in double columns of 33 lines, rubricated, with fine ornamental painted / A spiral initials in red, blue and green, purple morocco gilt, g. e. Q\ sm. folio. SiEC. XII 104 SIZES MIXED /^ST) Gregorius Nazianzenus. Carmina de Rebus Suis, Gr. et Lat. editio ^ jA Aldina pima, capitals painted in red and blue {plain corner of title /Vi damaged), old French blue morocco gilt, g. e. * sm. Ato. Venet. ex Aldi Academia, 1504 982 Gregson (Matthew) Portfolio of Fragments relative to the History and Antiquities of the Duchy of Lancashire, second edition, with Additions, portrait, map and numerous illustrations {both titles), russia extra, inside gilt borders, joints, g. and gauffred edges sm. folio. Liverpool, \9)\1 -2^ 983 Grenville Papers (The) being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, and the Rt. Hon. George Grenville, &c. edited, with Notes, by W. J. Smith, 4 vol. calf extra, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1852-3 984. Grixwhite (J. Le) Original Water-Colour Drawings of Landscapes, <\C\ Mountainous Scenery, &c. in Italy, Switzerland and England, Studies, * \ Sketches, &c. 30 clever drawings, in a vol. narroic imp. fol. 985 Gronow (Captain) Reminiscences and Recollections, 1810-60, by Joseph Grego, special edition of 870 copies ivith a duplicate set of the plates, proofs before letters and coloured, with portrait {No. 822), 2 vol. half morocco, t. e. g. uncut imp. Svo. Nimmo, 1889 986 Grose (Fr.) Military Antiquities of the English Army, numerous plates, 2 vol. old russia, richly gilt, g. e. by Kalthceber Uo. S. Hooper, 1786 "987 Grose (Fr.) Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, first edition, old russia super extra, g. e. 4to. ib. 1786 988 Grose (Fr.) The Olio, old calf 1792— Robinson (J. C.) Italian Sculpture I A of the Middle Ages, &c. plates, 1862 — Catalogues of the Uzielli and (/\ Bernal Collections ; &c. Svo. (6) 989 Guarini (B.) II Pastor Fido, ora in questa XX impressione di curiose e dotte annotationi arrichito, title within fine copperplate figured border and full page engravings, old French morocco, line tooled, g. e. Lord Lisburne's copy with his ex-libris sm. Ato. Venet. G. B. Ciotti, 1 602 99(X Guercino. Raccolta di alcuni Disegni del Barbieri da Cento detto II \i\ Guercino, 19 fine plates by Bartolozzi, half morocco \ atlas fol. Eoma, 1764 991 iGuercino. Raccolta di alcuni Disegni del Barbieri da Cento detto II Sr\ Guercino, 13 fine engravings {only) by Bartolozzi, Ottaviani, &c. uncut ^ ■ fol. ib. 1764 992 • Guerin (Paul) Vie des Saints, illustration de Yan Dargent, direction artistique E. Mathieii, printed within woodcut borders, chromos. and other illustrations, 2 vol. cloth extra, morocco back sup. imp. Svo. Palis, V. Palmd, 1887 993 Guido de Baysio Bononiensis Archidiaconus dni. Papse Capellanus. Positiones in Decretalem lib. VI, Manuscript on vellum (130 II. 17 h/ 11 in.), written in much contracted goti)tc letter^, double columns, 74 lines, the first page having a miniature of the Archdeacon teaching in a school surrounded by his disciples, a miniature initial of a man swimming, with marginal decoration and coat of arms below, 72 small painted and illuminated ornamental initials and numerous pen letters, contemporary oaken boards, half rough leather fol. Smc. xiv SIZES MIXED 105 994 Guilmard (D.) Les Maitres Ornemanistes, Dessinateurs, Peintres, 1^ Aichitectes, Sculpieurs et Graveurs, 160 plates, 2 vol. half morocco If gilt, t. e. g. uncut Uo. Paris, Flon, 1880-1 995 GuiRON LE CouRTOis. [Begins] Cy Commence le livre de missire Guiroii le Courtois du Loys Kerdoyant, et sera devise en tros parties, La ^/ I Premiere sera au comencement du lignaige des brims et tinira a la *^/ /jftort du roy pelinor le listenoys [Book I only\ (ends) "Fin du premier ' ' rUbure de Guyron le Courtoys," Manuscript oii-JWjgWBm in neat lettres /Tt tdtardea (215 II. 16^ by 11 in.) long lines, 43 to a full page, crushed LKcrirnson morocco extra, with antique gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. \y Zaehnsdorf large fol. Smc. XV *^* kn important MS. connected with the Arthurian Cycle. Only the iirst book seems to have been written. Books II and III were to deal with the adventures of Guiron in Prison and with a giant, the birth of Lancelot and Tristan, and to end with the death of Galmant le Blanc. 996 Gunpowder Plot. His Majesties (James I) Speach iu this last Session / of Parliament, as neere his very Words as could be gathered at the h instant, with the maner of the discovery of this late intended Trea- son, &c. ORIGINAL EDITION {title Written on), half morocco sm. 4 to. R. Barker, 1605 997 Guyonnet de Verbron (C. Claude) La Morale, ou le Tableau de la ^y I Sagesse, MANUSCRIPT ON paper (74 II.) dedicated to J. B. Colbert, first y^J ^^Minister of Louis XIV, old French red morocco, with arms and monogram I /^'"^^ of J. N. Colbert de Croissi, Archbp. of Rouen, g. e. sm. Uo. [16 — ] 998 Hackett (John) Select and Remarkable Epitaphs, //wtiispztiCf, 2 vol. /-f old calf {broken), with Towneley ex-libris, T. Osborne, 1757 — Southey . y/ ^^^-(Mrs.) Chapters on Churchyards, 2 vol. blue moi'occo gilt, g. e. ( IV. Blackwood, 1829 sm. 8m (4) 9^9B».^^ afiz. The Diwan . Persian Mariuscript on ^ glazed paper (188 //. 7^ by ^5 m.) RICHLY ILLUMINATED WITH 2_5 VERY "SUPEKfOft^^MUf lATURES, native doubU laco^uer-hi^iding, richly painted infiowers Svo. Sjec. XVII (?) 1000 Hafiz. The Diwan, Persian illuminated Manuscript on native paper I ^^{180 II. 7 i by 'i^ ill.) t/ie 2 front pages richly illuminated, small flower ^l/lJ r wnaments and borders throughout the text ; and 25 FINELY PAINTED Y y 6 AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES (3^ by 3 in.) native double binding, richly painted infiowers Svo. Smc. XVII (?) 1001 Haghe (L.) Monuments Anciens recueillis en Belgique, avec notices ')aJ l historiques par O. Delepierre, \\ fine lithographs, half morocco Jo imp. folio. Brux. 1845 10()2 Hakewill (Jas.) Picturesque Tour of Italy from Drawings made in Ot/ 1816-1 7, //(e india proof plates, morocco gilt, g. e. ito. J. Murray, 1820 XlO^^ Hakluyt (Rich.) The Principal Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries by the British Nation, made by Sea or Overland at any time within Ky/ , the Compasse of these 1500 yeeres, JiRST EDITION, blac& and roman •^11'— J Ifttcr, with the very rar^ folding map of the World, " Orbis Terra- // / ' rum typis de integro midtis in locis emejidatus, auctore Petro Plancio 1524:" inserted ; and the Original of Sir Francis Brakes Voyage (6 II.) inserted between pp. 643-4, original calf {rebacked) sm. folio. G. Bishop and R. Newberie, 1584 * •Vv 106 SIZES MIXED 1004 Hall (Capt. C. F.) Life with the Esquimaux, illustrated, 1864— Porter (Kev. J. L.) Giant Cities of Baslian, illustrations, 1876 — Bird (Isabella Q.) A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, 1881— Curzon • (Hon. R.) Monasteries in the Levant, 1881 ; &c. all well hound cr. 8vo. (8) 1()05 Hall (S. C.) The Baronial Halls and Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England, numerous coloured lithotints and wood engravings, large PAPER, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. folio. H. Sotheran, 1881 1006 Hamconius (Martinus) Frisia, seu de Viris Rebusque Frisise Illustribus, fine fidl-length copperplate portraits tvith coats of arms, red morocco, stamped blind ornaments, joints, g. e. sm. 4:to. Franeq. J. Lamrinck, 1620 1007 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, first edition, numerous fine illustrations, broicn morocco extra, with elaborate Grolieresque tooling and inlaid scrolls, g. e. by Riviere imp. 8vo. Macmillan, 1 868 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, first edition, 35 fine etchings, some from the original coppers, brilliant impressions, an original etching by Rembrandt of " The Virgin in the Clouds," inserted at p. 252, green morocco extra, with interlaced geometrical scrolls, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf imp. 8vo. ib. 1868 1009 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, new edition, \2, fine plates, red morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. ib. 1876 1010 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, third edition, numerotisfine plates, half brown morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut ito. ib. 1880 1011 Hamerton (P. G.) The Graphic Arts, a Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting and Engraving, numerous illustrations, boarded brown morocco gilt {imitation crocodile), g. e. ito. Seeley, 1882 Hamerton (P. G.) Landscape, toith original etchings, and many illustra- tions from pictures and drawings, publishers' half binding, uncut ito. ib. 1885 Hamerton (P. G.) Landscape, with original etchings and other illustra- tions from picttires and drawings, large paper, INDIA PROOFS befo^'e letters, 525 copies printed (710. 253), brown morocco super extra, inside gilt borders, joints, g. e. fine COPY folio, ib. 1885 Hamerton (P. G.) Imagination in Landscape Painting, etchings and other illustrations, uncut sm. folio, ib. 1887 Hamerton (P. G.) Present State of the Fine Arts in France, 12^ne etchi7igs and numerous vignettes, art cloth folio, ib. 1892 1016 Hamerton (P. G.) Thoughts about Art, half morocco, 1873; and The Intellectual Life, portrait of Da Vinci by Flameng, half calf, 1887 — Parker (J. H.) Concise Glossary of Architecture, numei'ous woodcuts, morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1869 cr. 8vo. (3) 1017 Hamilton Palace Collection. Illustrated Priced Catalogue, 3 copies {\ fine paper) ito. Librairie de l' Art, 1882 1018 Handel (G. F.) Life, by Victor Schoelcher, portrait, extra illustrated with 29 portraits of HandeVs Musical Contemporaries, calf gilt, t. e. g. uncut 8vo. E. Cocks, 1857 SIZES MIXED 107 1019 Harding (John) The Chronicle from the fyrst Begynnyng of Englande unto the Reign of Kyng Edward the Fourth, where he made an end of his Chronicle (in verse) ; and from that time continued in prose to thys our tyme, NOW first imprinted, blach letter, 2 woodcut titles, and aimamental initials (a few worm-holes), crushed modern brown morocco super extra, back and sides covered in elaborate gilt scroll orna- ments ivith titles lettered in centres, by Riviere, rare sm. ito. R. Grafton, Mense Januario, 1543 1020 Harding (J, D.) Portfolio, 24 tinted lithographs (foxed), half morocco roy. Uo. 1837 1021 Harris (Dr. John) The History of Kent, vol. I (all published), 'yi I large paper, portrait by Virtue, map and fine plates, crushed crimson ff/Jf^ morocco super extra, joints, g. e. by Riviere, Lord Brabourne's fine 1^1^ COPY roy. folio. D. Midwinter, 1719 1022r Hams (Dr. John) History of Kent, portrait, map and fine folding views ^lJ by John Kip, etc. russia gilt (cracked) folio, ib. 1719 10^3 Harrison (Maj.-Gen. Plantagenet) History of Yorkshire. Wapentake of Gilling West, views, pedigrees, coats of arms, &c. folio. 1885 1024 Hasted (Edvv.) History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, first edition, maps and plates, including the map of the Hundred of Worth often wanting, 4 vol. old calf gilt, y. e. (rebacked) folio. Canterbury, for the Authvr by Simmons & Kirby, 1778-99 1025 1026 [Head (R.)] The English Rogue Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, portrait and plates, 4 vol. uncut sm. divo. 1665-80. Hotten's Reprint, n. d. Hearne (Thos.). Thomse Sprotti Chronica edidit T. Hearnius, large PAPER, FIRST edition, old calf, roy. 8vo, Oxon. 1719; Walteri Hemingford, Historia, edidit Hearne, first edition, 2 vol. old calf, ib. 1731 ; Roberti de Avesbury, Historia, edidit Hearne, first edition, calf gilt, g. e. ib. 1720 ; Lives of Leland, Hearne and Wood, LARGE PAPER, j9/ft^e5, 2 vol. calf, roy. 8w, ib. 1772 (6) Hearne and Byrne. Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles and Churches, ^^ fine plates, with Descriptions (vol. I), old calf obi. folio. 1786 Hebrew Manuscript. Sepher Tefilloth [Prayer Book for German Jews], Manuscript on stout Dutch vellum (196 //. \'i^by 8 in.) ivritten in large cJiaracters with points, within gold line borders, the invocations in letters of gold, finely drawn title and ornaments, similar to the engraved titles of Amsterdam printed books for the Jews, contemporary Dutch leather binding with blind stamped oimaments, gold and red figured end papers, g. e, folio. [Amst. Sjec. xviii] 1029 Hebrew Roll. (The Bible). A very long and ancient Hebrew MS. \ \cA '^ol'j 230 ft. long by 21 in. wide, in large characters without points W^\ ' Smc.xiy(I) 10|0 "Hebrew Roll. The Book of Esther, Manuscript on vellum (7 ft. long by 7| in. wide), 23 lines, without points S^C. XV (]) 1027 1028 108 SIZES MIXED 1031 1032 ^ 1033 1034 Heliodonis. Les Amours de Theagene et Chariclee, traduction nou- velle (par Jehan deMontlyard), enffraved title (loose) and fine engravings by M. Lasne and C. de Pass, old French red morocco, line tooled ivith fleurs-de-lis, double icith red morocco with lines and fleurs-de-lis, g. e. (Padeloup) srn. Svo. S. Thiboust, 1620 Heliodorus. Les Amours de Theagene et Chariclee, Histoire Ethio- pique d'Heliodore, traduction nouvelle (de J. de Montlyard), seconde edition, frontispiece and engravings by M. Lasne and C. de Pass (lower plain margin of leaf after title mended), old French yellow morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, g. e. (Derome) Svo. ib. 1620 Heliodorus. Amours de Theagenes et Chariclee, Histoire Ethiopique (traduction de I'Abbe de Fontenu), large paper, flne proof j^lates and vigyiettes before letters, with an extra plate at the end of each vol. entitled " Conclusion," 2 vol. in 1, red morocco, plain., inside dentelles, g. e. by Arnaud, fine copy sm. Svo. a Londres (Paris), 1743 Heliodorus. Historia delle cose Ethiopiche, calf gilt, Vineg. G. Giolito, 1559 — Xenophonte della Impresa di Ciro Minore, tradotti per L. Domenichi, old calf, with Longepierre's device of the Toison d'Or on back, ib. 1547 l2mo. (2) Helvetius (J. F.) Microscopium Physiognomise Medicum, portraits, Amst. 1676; Ejusdem Dirbitorium Medicum, ib. 1670; Ejusdem Vitulus Aureus, ib. 1667 : in 1 vol. old French red morocco covered ivith daborate gilt tooling in scrolls and au pointilU, gilt and gauffred edges ^ sm. Svo Henault (Pres. Ch. J. Fr.) Nouvel Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire de France, depuis Clovis jusqu'a la mort de Louis XIV, with the 35 " EsTAMPES Allegoriques " by Cochin inserted, brilliant impressions, 2 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, g. e. (Derome), fine copy 4fo. Paris, Prault, 1768 1037 ^Y 1038 Henry III of France and Poland. Le Livre des Statuts et Ordon- nances de I'Ordre du Benoist Sainct Esprit, estably par le tres- Chrestien Roy de France et de Pologne Henry troisieme de ce nom, large copiy uith wide rided margins, contemporary French brown morocco, loith arms and devices of Henry as King of France and Poland, g. e. PROBABLY Henry Ill's own copy .. Uo. Privately printed, without name of printer or place V'^i/"^^^^ o/ ^riwiin*/ (Paris, 1578) Henri III. Recueil de Diverses Pieces servant a I'Histoire de ^_^ Henry III, Roy de France et de Pologne (et Discours Merveilleux /3/ sur la Reyne Catherine de Medicis), orange morocco, full gilt back, line inside dentelles, joints, g. on m. e. by Girard of Anqers 12mo. Cologne, P. du Marteaux (aiix Elzeviers), 1663 VIII. [A] Remonstrance faicte par la Seur (sic) du Due de Jullieres au Roy dangleterre et a son Conseil ; "Ala Royne de Navarre " \a poem in French rhymed verse, 362 lines'] ; Remonstrance faicte par les confederez de lempereur aux estatz tenuz a Valdolie sur la reddition de Mylun ; Responces aux Remonstrances faictes a mpereur paraucuns de ses Confederez et Subjects sur la Restitution duchd de Mylan (faicte par Jehan de Luxemberg), Manuscript VELLUM (88 //, 8^ by 4| in.) neatly written in long lines, 20 to a 1039 1^ fj/ sur la / sides, 39 He^ry I y^ sur U\ du Von SIZES MIXED 109 Lot 1039 — continued. full page, with 32 finely painted and illuminated small initials, old crimson morocco super extra, full gilt floreate back, line frame sides, with corner fieurons, joints, g. e. by Traxitz-Bauzonnet sm. Mo. c. 1540 *^* An interesting MS. written to influence the European powers of the period concerning the affair of the repudiation of Anne of Cleves by King Henry VIII. Each section is signed " Jehan de Luxem- bourg." On the hrst page is the emblazoned coat of arms of " Croy." It appears to have been issued as a privately printed tract about 1541. 1040 Henry (Philip) Manuscript Sermons (36 //.) neatly written, calf, 16too, Cent, xvii — Savage (Mrs.) Manuscript Sermons (80//.) Cent, xviii / l/j — Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper / House, MS. (52 //.) old red mmvcco gilt, with royal English arms, I 1699; and 1 other sm. 8vo. (4) 1041 Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington House, 1894, Illustrated Catalogue, ^l (A 50 large plates, some coloured, and numerous woodcuts, only 250 copies \ \ printed, roxburghe, t. e. g. ito. 1896 1042 Herbert of Cherbury (Lord) Life, by himself, with Letters, portrait, half mwocco, 1826 — Lives of Leland, Hearne and Wood, plates, 2 vol. old calf, Oxf. 1772 — Mary Queen of Scots, Love Letters to the Earl of Bothwell, portrait, half calf , 1825; and others 8vo. (7) 1043 Herculanensium Voluminum quae supersunt, numerous plates, 12 vol. in 9 (complete), calf gilt, g. e. folio. Neapoli, 1793-1855 1044 Herculanum. Catalogo degli Antichi Monumenti dellaCitta di Ercolano Li composto da O. A. Bayardi, calf gilt {broken) imp.fol. Napoli, 1755 1045 Hermann (K. H.) Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes, mit erlauterndem i\ \ ^Texte von Dr. R. Loss {no text), \ 5 fine large plates, half bo^md •^ \ elephant folio. Gotha, J. Perthes, K. J. 1046 Herodotus. Historiarum lib. IX, Greece, editio pringeps, crushed rocco extra with antique gilt ornaments, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, VERY COPY folio. Venet. in domo Aldi, mense Septemb. 1502 .1047 Herodotus. Historiarum lib. IX, Latine par Laurentium Vallensem 3x recens. B. Brognoli), editio pringeps, roman letter, long lines, ivithout marks, old calf sm. folio. Venet. Jac. Eubeus, 1474 Herodotus. Historiarum lib. IX, et de Vita Homeri Libellus ex , Interp. L. Valise, etc. cum Apologia pro Herodoto H. Stephani, old \]o\ French broion mmvcco, the sides and back covered with fleurs-de-lis, with 1 the device of the Collegium Gi'assinceum, g. e. ivith ex-libris of Sir J. S. Denholm rt sm. folio. Francof. Haeredes A. Wecheli, 1594 1049 Hesiodus. Opera et Dies ; Theogonia Scutum Herculis omnia Vero cum multis optimisq. expositionibus, Graece, old English red morocco x'TvA giltyg. e. {Roger Payne), Lord Lisburne's copy, with ex-libris ■ y-^ ^ sm. 4/0. Venet. B. Zanettus, 1537 1050 Heyden (Herm. Vander) Speedy Help for Rich and Poor, or Certain . . \ Physical 1 Discourses touching the Vertue of Whey, of Cold Water, I «Hr I ^^of Wine Vineger, for the Cure of the Plague, &c. half morocco Umo. J. Young for 0. P. 1653 t (^ I 1046 Herodotu ^^*^ \^ \ Y FINE C( ^ 110 SIZES MIXED 1051 Heyns (Zacharias) Const-Thoonende Juweel by de loblicke Stadt \ y Haerlem ten versoeke van Tron moet blijcken in't licht gebracht, OOKyj f^i'fiajflates of pageants, emblems, musical notes, &c. red morocco gilt, ^\^i^ 4:to. tot Zivol by Z. Heyns, 1607 1052 Hibbert and Whatton. History of the Foundations in Manchester of ^ ,j/| Christs College, Chethams Hospital and the Free Grammar School, ^L^^ fine plates, 3 vol. russia gilt, red cloth linings, g. e. by B^instanley ' ito. Manchester, Agneiv & Zanetti, 1830, 28 1053 Hieronymus (S.) Expositio in Pentateuchum quem dirigit ad Deside- rium quendam Amicum suum, &c. [ends] " Sit deus benedictus per c.imcta Seculorum Secula Amen," Manuscript on vellum (211 II. 12^ by 8^ in.) written in neat gotbic letters, red and black, double columns, 52 lines, rubricated, numerous ornamental pen-letters, modern vellum folio. Sjeg. xiv Hieronymus (S.) Breviarium Super Psalmos, Manuscript on VELLUM (139 II. 13| by 9^ in.) ivritten in small 0cmt=g;ot]^tc cfjaractcrsJ, in double columns of 45 lines, by a Burgundian scribe, with painted scroll initials and ornamental capitals and rubrics in red ; modern boarded purple morocco, lettered in gold on upper cover folio. S^EC. XI The first leaf of this MS. is occupied by a copy of Prester John's letter to the Greek Emperor, consisting of 65 long lines written in minute contracted semi-gothic letters, said to have been written about A.d. 1180. Hieronymus (S.) Tractatus in Danielem Prophetam, Manuscript on vellum (116 II. 8^ by 5^ in.) written in modified Carolingian , minuscules, in long lines, 22 to a page, 5 II. at end supplied by a later I/t/- hand, mo^rn crimson morocco with blind stamped antique ornaments . / /y " sm. ito. S.EC. ix-xiv "IW 1** A tablet on blue morocco, inserted in the front cover, records that / /"l this MS. was written in the Benedictine Monastery of S. Maximer I ' I at Trier in the first half of the ninth century in Carolingian minus- 11 cules a little modified towards the Lombard style, the last 5 11. having fi been done in the same monastery in the XlVth century. Hieronymus (S.) Tractatus super Matthaei Evangeliam, Manu- script ON thick vellum (172 II. 9 by 51 in.) finely written in semi- goti)tc letters, long lines, 24 to a full page, Greek quotations in Greek characters, modern boarded red morocco super extra, inside dentelles, by E. De Coverly ito. Sjec. xi-xii This important codex gives the name of the scribe in the following inscription at end, but unfortunately no date or indication of the place where written, " Indignus alunus see. Marie nomine Bertolfus'"" scripsit he codice. optans a dno. P hoc percaminus suorn." An epistle on the last leaf from a Minister of a church in Bamberg seems to locate the MS. as German. It is perfect. Hieronymus (S.) Epistol^ (cum Indice Capitulum, et Epistola Damasi ad Hieronymum), Manuscript on vellum (319 II. 13| by 10 in.) finely written in roman letters, in double columns of i^ lines, by an Italian scribe, headings of sections in red, fine illuminated initial and marginal decoration of white scrolls on gold, green and red, on first page, contemporary oaken boards, leather {worn) folio. S^^C. xv Os 0^; SIZES MIXED 111 Hieronymus (S.) Epistolae et Tractatus, lit. gotb. double columns, 50 lines, without marks (Hain ^SSiQ), rubricated, headings of chapters written in red, modern boarded purple morocco gilt, fine copy of a very RARE EDITION if not the first large folio, absque ulla nota. Argent. Jo. Mentelin (c. 1466 ?) Hieronymus (S.) Epistolae D. Hieronymi Stridonensis ; et Libri contra Haereticos etc. cum scholiis M. Victorii Reatini, 4 vol. {no title to vol. IV), green morocco extra, Aldine anchor in gold on sides, g. e. (Syston Park copy) Bomce, P. Mn.nutius, 1566 106CI Hieronymus (S.) Incipit Epistola Sci Jheronimi ad Elyodor [Helio- I dorum], editio prima, lit. %q\\). (6 II.) long lines, 27 to a page, with- ln\^^ out marks (Hain 8568), modern green morocco, large copy, scarce I sm. ito. absque ulla nota [Cologne, U. ZeW] 1061 Hieronymus (S.) Epistola ad Virgines (pars prima), Manuscript ON VELLUM (221 II. 14^ by 9^ in.) finely tvritten in neat roman charac- ters by an Italian (Paduan?) scribe, long lines, 38 to a full page, rubricated, the first page having the border richly decorated and illuminated, with a large initial of an architectural interior at the head, 82 fine illuminated initials of decorative scrolls^ russia folio. S^C. Xiv " Iste liber e Monachorum congregacionis Sancte Justine deputatus Usui monasterii ipsius Ste. Justine de Padua." [Inscription on first and last leaves]. 1062 Hieronymus (S.) Liber Vitas Patrum Appellatus, partes duo, lit. got]^. I double columns, 51 to a page, without signatures, contains ccxxxviii jj j folioed II. rubricated, capitals painted in red, oaken boards, stamped pig- ij'^l^ skin, clasps, fine copy folio. Nurembergce, Ant. Coburger, 1478 1063^^ Hieronymus (S.) Libri Vitas Patrum Sanctorum Egyptiorum, etiam eorum qui in Scithia, Thebaida, atque Mesopotamia morati sunt, lit. goti). double columns, with signatures, and numbered leaves to CCXLiii ; Tabula 8 II. the first blank, and leaf of Register {Hain 8599), vellum Mo. Venet. 0. Scotiis, 1485 1064 Hieronymus (S.) Vita Doctrina Miracula etc. ex Eusebio cum Epistolis y S. Augustini, roman letter, long lines, 25 to a full page, without marks, rj// j capitals painted, old russia I /r^ sm. ito. {Mediol.) impressum per Philippum de Lavignia ICCCCLXXV ^y{/(^i ^ " {14:75) die XXYIII Novebr. 1065 HroDEN (Ranulph) Polychronicon [this word only, in large red gott)tc letters with icoodcut of St. George beneath], translated into English by John of Trevisa, black letter, woodcut initials, 2 woodcuts on last leaf, colophon within fine borders of trophies and cupids, with large cut of St. George on reverse (title neatly repaired), oaken boards, modern blue morocco, stamped blind ornaments, g. e. sm. folio. Imprented at Southwerke by me Peter Treveris, at ye expences of John lleynes 1527 xvi Maye A very fine and perfect copy of this extremely rare edition, from the Library of Bp. Van Mildert. (The Ashburnham copy). 1066 Hindi Mystical or Mythological Roll, in the Hindi character (32 ft. long by 5£ in. wide), in various colours within painted borders S^C. XViii 112 SIZES MIXED 1067 Histoire du Clerg6 Seculier et Regulier ; des Congregations de Chanoines et de Olercs et des Ordres Religieux de I'lin et de I'autre sexe, Nouvelle edition tiree du K. P. Bonnani, &c. numerous fine PLATES OF MONASTIC HABITS, &C. 4 vol. Uue VlorOCCO gilt, g. e. FINE COPY sni. 8vo. Amst. P. Brunei, 1716 1068 Hodges (Wm.) Travels in India, during the years 1780-1783, map and plates, old crimson morocco gilt, g. e. ito. J. Edwards, 1793 1069 Hogarth (Wm.) Works. " Les Satyrs de Guillaume Hogarth oeuvre moral et coniique en LXX sujets," 79 plates, with title and index {some margins shaved), half morocco, g. e. folio. Chez Rolert Sayer, 1768 1070 Hogarth (Wra.) Analysis of Beauty, first edition, frontispiece of Columbus breaking the egg, and 2 large folding plates, backed with linen, sprinkled calf extra, inside dentelles, tj. e. by F. Bedford ito. p'inted by J. Beeves for the Author and sold by him at his House in Leicester-Fields, 1753 1071 Hogg (Jas. Ettrick Shepherd) Pilgrims of the Sun, Edinb. 1815 ; Mador of the Moor, ib. 1816 ; and Queen Hynde, 1825, all first editions — Scott (Sir W.) Halidon Hill, first edition, 2 copies, Edinb. 1822 —Gillespie (G. W.) Poems and Songs, ib. 1827 8m (6) 1072 Holbein (Hans) Imitations of Original Drawings in the T^ollec- tion of his Majesty for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, with Biographical Tracts ; published by John Chamberlayne, FIRST EDITION, 80 portraits, and portraits of Holbein and his wife ; A DUPLICATE SET, 1 plain, the OTHER PRINTED IN COLOURS, on tinted papers, BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS ; with the 2 circular heads in colours of the 2 sons of Brandon, Duke of Suffolk ; and the 8 ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS of Francis II, Mary Queen of Scots and Personages of the French Court, original impressions in colours; the coloured set mounted on large stiff paper, in 2 vol. crimson morocco super extra, full gilt backs, broad and rich gilt ornamental borders, g. e. A VERY fine and rare copy atlas fol. IF. Bulmer, 1 792 1073 Holbein (Hans) Imagines Mortis ; his accesserunt Epigrammata e Gallico a G. ^mylio in Latinum translata; ad haec Medicina Animse, &c. 53 fine woodcuts by Sylvius Antoninus, some bearing his mark S. A. calf gilt, g. e. \2mo. Colon, haeredes A. Birckmanni, 1567 1074 Holbein (Hans) Dance of Death, engraved by W. Hollar, 30 fine plates, including title, hilliant original impressions, mounted on thick paper, and bound in full half red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. Ato. [16 — ] 1075 Holbein (Hans) The Dances of Death, through the various Stages of Human Life, 46 copperplates etched by D. Deuchar, with descriptions ; the series of 4:6 plates engraved by Chr. de Mechel, Basle 1780, inserted, ^>s. calf gilt sm. ito. J. Scott, 1803 s^07d) Holbein (Hans) Icones Veteris Testamenti ; Illustrations of the Old v^'~r''^ Testament, engraved on wood from the designs of Hans Holbein (edited iyv^i^ by T. F. Dibdin), 90 fine woodcuts printed on one side of the page only, \ \ crushed blue morocco extra, full gilt back, line sides with corner ornaments, ^ inside dentelles, g. e. in brown morocco slip case 8vo. W. Pickering, 1830 1077 Holbein (Hans) der Jiingere, Text von Dr. Alfred Woltraann, fine photos, cloth gilt, g. e. Ato. Berlin, G. Schauer (1865) SIZES MIXED 113 1078 Holbein and his Time, by Dr. A. Woltmann, illustrated, half morocco, ifo, 1872 — Salvator Rosa, by Lady Morgan, portrait, 2 vol. calf, 1824 — Wright and Evans' Account of Gillray's Caricatures, half morocco, 1851 ; &c. 8vo. (8) 1079 Holbein (Hans) Life and Works, by R. N. Wornum, numerous illustra- tions, half morocco, 1867 — Temple (Sir R.) Palestine Illustrated, chromolithographs, 1888 4/o. (2) 1080 Hole (Dr. M.) Practical Discourses on the Liturgy, edited by Rev. J. A. Giles, 4 vol. calf antique, r. e. W. Pickering, 1837 — Stewart (D.) Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1859; and others 8vo. (13) 1081 HOLINSHED (RaPHAELL) CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, SCOTLANDE, AND Irelande, the first OR "Shakespeare" edition, blac6 letter, numerous woodcuts, wants the folding view of Edinburgh, title with G. Bishop's imp-int pasted on vol. II, otherwise a good sound copy, sold not subject to return, 2 vol. red morocco extra, y. e. thick sm. folio. L. Harrison and G. Bishop, 1577 1082 Holinshed (R.) The Historie of Scotlande, containing the beginning, increase, proceedings, continuance actes and government of the Scottish Nation [from the first or Shakespeare edition of the Chronicles, complete), lilacfe letter, numerous woodcuts, calf gilt folio. Imprinted for John Hunne, 1577 1083 Holinshed (R.) Chronicles of England, Ireland and Scotland, now newlie augmented and continued to the yeare 1586 by John Hooker and others (SECOND edition), blacfe letter, woodcut titles and initials, 3 vol. in 2 {title to vol. Ill inlaid), crushed red morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere, fine copy folio, finished in Jan. 1587, at the expenses of John Harrison (and others) SIXTH DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. Lot 1084. OME. Select Views in Mysore, the Country of Tippoo Sultan, from Drawings taken on the Spot, with Historical Descriptions, maps, straight grained blue morocco ito. E. Bowyer, 1794 1085 29 fine coloured views and 3 gilt g. e. . HOMERUS. IlIADOS, GREECE, Greek Manuscript of the CUM Glossis interlinearibus, XVth century on Oriental glazed 3X^ \tA ypaper (317 II. llf hy 8^ in.) written in a very legible cursive hand, in ' \ \ long lines, generally 32 to a page, including the Gloss lines, which are in A 1. red, with Oriental ornaments in red at the beginning of each book, con- \v^\ temporary binding in oaken boards, leather, with stamped oi'naments (re- * * * V \ 1087 H< 1088 i 1089 backed) sm. folio A very well written and well preserved MS. Complete to Book XV, verse 42. The fly-leaves bear the signatures of '^Johannes G6uderde Norimberga " (a celebrated Greek scholar), and an inscription on a fly-leaf at end shows it to have belonged to a learned doctor named " Johannes Toffelsohn," after whose death it was given to the above-named in 1510. (108y Homerus. [Begins] Homeri Liber feliciter incipit. [Ends] Homeri * '■ ■ - • . ...,.,.. -r ,.. , ,^^ Manuscript on 'rom H. Drury^s library) sm. Uo. Arezzo, 1469 Homerus. Opera ; Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, Grsece, editio princeps, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, Harleian orna- y^ents, g. e. GOOD COPY, RARE Florentice, Sumpt. Nerliorum, 1488 1088 J. Homerus. Ilias Grsec^, editio Aldina prima, blue mmvcco, g. e. with \J^\\0\/— anc/feor m\sides {Syston Park copy) sm. 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1504 Homerus. Ilias et Odyssea, editio Aldina, 2 vol. old Venetian red LAijfCi mcfocco with gilt ornaments, gilt and gauffred edges {not quite uniform) V\W\ \A A 1 sm. 8m ib. 1517 *))\^ Liber feliciter explicit Aretii die 15 Julii 1469, \ PAPER (22 II.) by an Italian scribe, half bound (fr 1090 Hom^usr* Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni XXXII, eorundem ll\tA iiaultiplex lectio, Grsece, old Venetian brown morocco, gilt back, the sides \rXr\^ covered with gilt involved scrolls in the Grolier manner {slightly worn) \ i\\ ^ ^ sm. 8vo. Venet. Jo. Farraeus, 1542 9v^ .1 » « a- Lot 1091. SIZES MIXED 115 1091 Homerus. Odyssea, &c. Gr. et Lat. tertia editio ; ace. Heraclidis Pontici de Fabulis Homericis libellus, ruled, contempwary red morocco, hack and sides elaborately tooled in leafy scrolls a petit fers, with the 4 A marguerite of the Queen of Navarre and the arms of Nicolas de Villa '/V Lord and Bishop of Agen in centres, g. e. (Clovis Eve) ^ l2mo. Geneva, E. Vignon, 1546 [09^ Homerus. Ilias et Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. et in eundem Scholia et ^^ ^ rj'^l Interpretatio Didymi, 2 vol. old French olive morocco, vol. I with arms ^^ ^1 ^ of Louis de Court AbM de St. Georges {ivith autograph), vol. II with /^ arms of Louis XIV, g. e. sm. ito. Amst. ex Off. Elzeviriana, 1655-6 1093 Homerus. Ilias et Odyssea, Grcech, cum Var. Lectt. e Cod. Harleiano y^/ (cura Grenvilliorum), 4 vol. in 2, old blue morocco, plain, g. e. I ^ ■■ ' sm. ito. Oxon. e typ. Academia, 1800 1094 Homerus. Galleria Omerica, or Raccolta di Monumenti Antichi ^, esibita dal Cav. Fr. Inghirami per servire alio Studio dell' Iliade e '//^ deir Odissea, numerous coloured and other plates, 2 vol. brown morocco '' extra, g.e. {Sir E. Sullivan's copy) 8vo. Poligrajia Fiesolana, 1831 1095 Homerus, Sophocles, Pindarus, Hesiodus et ^schylus, Opera Omnia, fGrajc^, cum Annotationibus marginalibus ex hisce, MANUSCRIPT ON ^ PAPER (1047 //. 12^ by 8 in.) neatly written by Carolus Stephan, Imperial Public Notary in Spires, citizen of Augsburg, with a full-length drawing in colours of Homer, with a book and a swan, within ajloreate border, inscribed " Vera Homeri ex antiquioribus Effigies," numerous ^ stencilled ornaments, &c. a remarkable MS. a work of immense labour, \ and loell written throughout, with the writer's signature in several places, 2 vol. vellum folio. 1552, (&c. 1096 Homer. Iliads, Odysseys, Batrachomyomachia, Hymns and Epigrams, •t including the Calendar, having an inside or outside border of straps "^^ I and spiked ivy-leaf scrolls connecting ornamental initials, some terminating in very clever grotesques ; 15 VERY FINE MINIATURES, chiefly on diapered backgrounds of red and blue of the usual subjects, some treated unconven- tionally, as in The Annunciation {the Virgin enthroned, with a vase of flowering lilies before her, the Angel kneeling, the border having ten figures of winged Angels enshrined) : The Massacre of the Inno- cents {an interior, Herod seated, two men in full grey armour each beheading a nude infant) ; a peculiarity of this MS. is that the minia- tures have no landscapes, or only suggestions of them, nearly all having fidl diapered backgrounds ; brown morocco super extra, back, centres and corners inlaid in red, covered with elaborate scroll ornaments aupointilU, inside dentelles, g. e. by Capd Svo. SiEC. xiv *^* A VERY interesting Franco-English Manuscript, and a very fine specimen of Cape's binding. 1112 HoR^ Beat^ Marine Virginis, cum Calendario, illuminated . ■ Manuscript on vellum (206 II. 6i by 4^ in.) written in bold ^^57— g;oti)tc letters in red and black, long lines, 14 to a full page, by an I Anglo-French scribe. Calendar in French in blue, red and gold, some rubrics and Prayers at end in French; with 13 FINELY PAINTED AND illuminated MINIATURES, chiefly on chequered grounds of blue and gold and red and gold (2i in. sqre.) with outside borders of spiked ivy- j. , .) .leaf scrolls and fine inner decorative borders r.oanecting large ornamental \ flPi-^ initials ; the subjects of the miniatures are the Annunciation, the Saluta- y Hon, the Nativity, the Sliepherds, the Magi, Circumcision, Coronation of u the Virgin, Christ as Redemptor Mundi {surrounded by the emblems of «) 118- SIZES MIXED Lot 11 12 — continued. the four Evangelists), Crucifixion, Pentecost, Madonna and Child {seated)^ Christ as Judge, Vigilia Mortuorum ; there are also numerous ornamental initials, with marginal decorations similar to the borders ; modern ■purple morocco, with clasp 8vo. Sjec. xiv *^* From the names of the Saints Yves, Tudgual and Corentin being used in the Calendar, this MS. has been connected with Brittany. St. Yves also appears in the Litany, and there is a special service for his day in the Proprium Sanctorum. 1113 HoR^ Beat^ Marine Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illu- / MiNATED Manuscript on vellum (184: II. 8 by 5h in.) written in /IQD bold regular gotfttc letters, ivith rubrics, long lines, 15 lo a full page, by / 4^ in.), ivritten in neat gotljic c]^aracttrg, by a Flemish- French scribe (calendar and rubrics in French), red and black, long lines, 16 to a full page, 2 illuminated miniatures, numerous fine illuminated ornamental initials, xoith marginal decorations and many decorative details, crushed crimson morocco, plain, inside dentelks, by Zaehnsdorf sm. 8w. S^C. XV ti 1127 Horse Beatse Marise Virginis, cum Calendario, Manuscript ON VELLUM, I (146 //. 5| by 4 mi.), written in gotbif letters, in red and black, by ^J/Sl tt Flemish-French scribe, with 5 illuminated borders of natural flowers, / I'-'&c. and numerous small illuminated oi'namental initials and details, ^ damask silk binding sm. 8vo. Smc. XV 1128 HoRiE Beat^ MARiiE Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated Manuscript on vellum (227 II. 6f by 4^ in.), written in neat gotbic IttttrS, in red and black, 1 6 lines to a full page, by a Flemish scribe, the calendar containing 24 small miniatures of the occupations of the months tarixi^ the signs of the Zodiac, 32 large and fine painted and iVlJfLUMiNATED MINIATURES, the 2 at the end of the vol. comprising a ^nead of Christ as Salvator Mundi, and his Passion, each within splendid ^ borders of fruits, flowers, insects, animals, human grotesques, oak-leaf scrolls, &c. on grounds of rich gold and red, blue and green colours, with opposite boi'ders to each miniature, and other separate borders of similar design, 43 small miniatures of Saints and their emblems, within three- quarter boi'ders of floivers on gold grounds, numerous small illuminated ornamental initials and details, red velvet binding, on thick boards, with 7 yellow metal repoussd corners, clasps and coivnetted monogram of E. D. S. in centres 8m S^C. xv 1129 Hor.^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated Manuscript on vellum (109 II. 7f by 5 in.), ivritten in neat lettres batardes, long lines, \8 to a full-page, by a French scribe, calendar and rubrics in French, with 14 VERY finely painted and brilliantly illuminated miniatures, icithin rich borders of flowers, fruits, birds, insects, grotesque animals, architectural designs, figured subjects, angels, nude infants, &c. many of an U7iusual character, 3 small miniatures of the Evangelists, and hundreds of large and small illuminated ornamental initials and decorative details, m,odern crushed red morocco, tvith ancient ornaments, inside dentelles, by Zaehnsdorf sm. ito. late S^C. XV A very good example of late XVth century French art. The borders are very unconventional and the grotesques well drawn. The subjects are the usual ones, but David has been drawn in an Oriental costume, and Job is half nude on a dunghill, with his three friends in XVth century costume. The last miniature, representing a nun kneeling before Christ, probably represents the person for whom the MS. was done. In one border an angel bears a monogram of the letters L. G. and some of the architectural borders have inscriptions round them. 124 SIZES MIXED 1 130 Horae Beatse Marise Virginis, cum Calendario, Manuscript on vellum (207 U. 4| by 3 in.), written, in semi-gotI)ic c|)aractcrg, i/i red and black, long lines, lo to a page, by a Spanish scribe, with 22 finely painted and ' decollated small miniatures {'2^ by 1| in.), within charming borders of flowers and fruits, the page opposite to each having a similar border, and there are numerous ornamental initials and decorative details in the text, old Spanish red morocco, with rich gilt ornaments 12 /no. S^c. xv 1131 ^V 1132 Horse Beatse Marise Virginis^ cum Calendario, RICHLY ILLUMINATED Manuscript on vellum (135 II. 6| by 5 in.) written in bold goti^ic letters in red and black (calendar in blue, red and gold), long lines, \b to a full page, by a Flemish-French scribe (some rubrics in French), nearly every page Jiaving an outside border of charming floreate scrolls, fruits, etc. with 19 beautiful painted and illuminated miniatures, surrounded by splendid borders of flower scrolls, birds, grotesque animals and humans, fruits, etc. numerous fine large and small illuininated orna- \\nental initials and details, modern boarded purple velvet binding with chased solid gold clasp sqre. Svo. 8mc. xv A Manuscript of great brilliancy. The subjects of the minia- tures are the following: (1 ) Madonna with Dead Christ; (2) Madonna and Child ; (3-6) The Four Evangelists; (7) Adoration of Christ by a Saint ; (8) Annunciation ; (9) Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth ; (10) Crucifixion; (11) Pentecost; (12) Nativity ; (13) Shepherds ; (14) The Magi ; (15) Presentation in the Temple; (16) Flight into Egypt; (17) Coronation of the Virgin ; (18) David praying; (19) Vigilia Mortuorum. HoR/E Beat^ Mari^ Virginis secundum Consuetudinem Romans CURI^, cum Calendario, RICHLY ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON vellum {Latin and Flemish), by a Flemish scribe (209 //. 7| by 5^ in.) ■written in goti)ic cj^atacttv^, red and black, long lines, \1 to a full page, with 15 VERY BEAUTIFUL PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES, mostly with backgrounds of ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE, within very rich borders composed of conventional floreate scrolls, natural flowers, grotesques, etc. many having two small oval miniatures representing Biblical subjects, 14 PAGES ARE SURROUNDED BY BRILLIANT BORDERS of grotesques, birds, fruit, flowers, each having a small historiated initial, mimerous ilhiminated ornamental initials and details, thick boarded red morocco, g. e. sm. Uo. S^C. xv ^* A VERY FINE MS. probably executed at Ghent. The order of the miniatures and the subjects are uncommon. They represent the following : (1) St. James the Apostle with Pilgrim's Staff and Scrip ; (2) Martyrdom of S. Sebastian; (3) The Crucifixion, three crosses, with scourgings and throwing on spikes from precipices ; (4) S. Katherine with her foot on a prostrate king; (5) Christ teaching in the Temple ; (6) The Annunciation ; (7) The Nativity ; (8) The Circumcision ; (9) Massacre of the Innocents (an interior with soldiers in full armour) ; (10) The Flight into Egypt ; (11) Virgin aud Child adored by angels (in a heavenly landscape); (12) The Ascension; (13) Vigilia Mortuorum; (14) St. Eustace, wife and child in the Golden Ox Furnace ; (15) Disembowelling of S. Erasmus. Lot 1134. SIZES MIXED 125 1133 RonjE Beat^e Marine Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated Manuscript on yellu:.i {294 Jl. 4:^ It/ 3i in.) ivritlen in semi-gotljtc ,\^ characters, red and black, lonn lines, 12 to a full page, by a Flemish- >A1 French scribe, icith 22 finely painted and illuminated minia- tures, within decorative borders of flower scrolls, numerous illuminated m'namental initials and decorative details, old calf, with crucifix in gold in centres, metal clasp, in morocco slip case thick \2mo. Sjec. XV 1134 HoRiE BEATiE Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated ' Manuscript on vellum (169 //. 7^ bij 4f in.) written in neat gotl)ic letters, long lines, 17 to a full page, by a Flemish-French scribe {calendar in French, in blue, red and gold), rubrics ivritten in gold letters, every , L- ' P^d*^ having an outside border of brilliant decorative flower scroll ivork ; IjO 18 splendid illuminated miniatures in the text, surrounded by I rich decorative borders of flowers in compartments of various shapes, numerous flne large and small illuminated ornamental initials and other ornaments; old Lyonnese calf {XVIth Cent.) a pine cone on hack, side stamjjed with gilt cartoucJie ornaments in centres and corners, luith name " Antoinette-Lezurier," monogram of double A ; I.H.S. * MA. and date 1 574 on sides, and the signatitre of the owner " Antoin- ette Lezurier 1574" in cover, g. e. icith painted coat of arms below {from the Hamilton collection). [See PLATE] sin. Uo. S^C. xv *^* A VERY FINE Manuscript, the miniatures being evidently the \ WORK OF AN artist OF NO MEAN SKILL, The features of the figures, the grouping, the costume, the backgrounds, the colouring and gilding are extremely tine. The subjects treated are the following : (1-4) The Four Evangelists (Luke is painting a portrait of the Virgin on a modern easel, with a lectern by his side) ; (5) The Betrayal (Roman soldier in full gold armour); (6) The Annunciation; (7) The Salutation; (8) The Nativity; (9) The Shepherds; (10) The Magi ; (11) Presentation in the Temple ; (12) Flight into Egypt; (13) Coronation of the Virgin (an interior, the Deity seated, the Virgin kneeling before him, through the window two angels in blue bearing a golden crown); (14) Crucifixion (Roman soldier in full gold armour); (15) Pentecost; (16) David praying; (17) Raising of Lazarus; (18) Vigilia Mortuorum. The workmanship is attri- buted to Jouvencel des Ursins, c. 1480. . 1135 HOR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated /T ' Manuscript on vellum (135 II. 8 by b^ in.) written in neat goti)" /D ■■ ^'^ Itiitii, long lines, 15 ^o a full page, by a Flemish-French scribe {Calendar '^ ^ in French), the outside border of nearly every page finely painted and (~~^ illuminated with flower and leafy scrolls, vases of flowers and other orna- ments, 12 fine painted and illuminated miniatures representing the usual subjects, surrounded by very richly illuminated borders of floreate ornament in unusual combinations, large illu- minated ornamental initials within frames of spirals, many hundred smaller capitals and decorative details, AN ELABORATELY DECORATED Manuscript, old blue mwocco, rich gilt ornamental back and borders, g. e. {lettered ' Missale ') srn. 4:to. S.-EC. XV '^ 126 SIZES MIXED 1136 HoR^ Beat^ Marine Virginis (sine Calendario ; the text beginning with "■ Domine labia mea"), illuminated Manuscript on vellum (110 //. 7^ by 4| in.) written in neat gotl)ic tj^aractcrg by a Flemish- French scribe, red and black, long lines, 14 to ci full page, with 15 SUPERIOR PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES with backgrounds of interiors, landscapes, chequered ornaments, etc. within elegant floreate borders on grounds of black ink scrolls and dots, outside margins shaved, numerous ornamental initials and details, modern brown morocco gilt 8vo. S.EC. XV * The miniatures in this MS. are very good and depart somewhat from the usual subjects, which are here as follow : (I) Annunciation ; (2) Christ in Gethsemane ; (3) The Betrayal (Christ touching Malchus's ear) ; (4) Christ before Pilate ; (5) Christ bearing the Cross ; (6) Christ nailed to the Cross; (7) The Crucifixion ; (8) Taking down from the Cross; (9) The Entombment; (10) Raising of Lazarus; (11) St. James the Apostle; (12) S. Christopher and the Infant Jesus ; (13) S. Margaret and the Dragon ; (14) Naked Christ rising from the Tomb ; (15) St. Francis and another figure kneeling. A blank leaf in the volume gives the Genealogies of the Seigneurs d'Asse, to whom the book formerly belonged and for whom it was probably executed. HoR^ BEATiE Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated Manuscript on vellum (125 U. 7| by 5 in.) written in gotbtc letters red and black, long lines, 15 to a full page, by a French scribe (Calendar I f^\' A ^^ French), the outside border of every page finely painted and richly 10\ I ^ illuminated with conventional flower .'scrolls, fruits, etc. 13 VERY FINE PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES, COMPRISING THE USUAL SUBJECTS, SURROUNDED BY RICH BORDERS of SCroll flowers, fruitS, grotesques, etc. (4 slightly rubbed), and numerous illuminated ornamental initials and details, modern boarded red morocco, lettered '' Missale Bomanum " sm. Uo. S^C. XV 1138 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, Manuscript on VELLUM (131 II. 6| by 4^ in.) written in large gotj^ic letter^, in long lines, 16 to a full page, by a Flemish-French scribe (Calendar in French in red, blue and gold, rubrics and prayers at end in French) ; tvith 9 painted and illuminated miniatures within fine floreate and leafy scroll borders; numerous large ornamental initials with marginal decorations ; and a number of small initials and decorative details; modern boarded red mwocco extra, with arms of W. Boyne of Leeds sm. 8vo. Sjec. xv 1139 HoR^ Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, richly illuminated age ; headings of Calendar Ji \ /'richly ornamented in gold, on red, blue and green grounds; 4 very 'Ito'^I I FINELY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED MINIATURES vnthin borders of i^ ' }\i,natural flowers, birds and insects, gothic architectural designs, &c.; com- prising the Annunciation ; the Crucifixion, Elevation of the Host ; Madonna and Child enthroned^ with Angels praising ; 5 fages occupied SIZES MIXED 127 Lot 1139 — continued. by very rich ornamental and miniature initials, icith borders of rich architectural and flower designs ; 21 smaller but very fine historiated and ornamental initials, and numerous illuminated capitals and rich decorative details, modern vellum sm. Svo. late S^C. XV *^* A VERY FINE MS. THE ILLUMINATIONS BEING THE WORK OF A Flemish artist of great skill. The names of some of the months in the Calendar are peculiar; " Hardemaiiit" for January; " Spurkell " for February ; " Mertze " for March ; " Btaichmaint '"' for' June; " Heumaint" for July, and so on. From an Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV for reciting a certain Prayer to the Virgin, the MS. must have been executed after a.d. 1484. In the margins of two of the miniatures are semi-nude male and female figures standing on a pedestal bearing a dimidiated coat of arms, Arg. a chevron between 3 horseshoes, and a long Greek Tau J, sable. 1140 HoR.E BEATiE Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, illuminated Manuscript on vellum (157 //. 7^ by 5 in.) written throughout in Flemish or Low Butch, in bold gotljic letters in red and black, long lines, 29 to a full page ; with 5 very fine large and finely j^ainted and illumi- \nated miniatures, icithin borders of natural flowers and fruits, measuring with the borders 4| by 4^ in. representing the Annunciation ; the Cruci- fixion (a rich gold background) ; S. Blida (?) with palm-branch and book ; ^he Trinity; Christ as Judge {Mary on rigid, Peter on left); loith ^numerous ornamental pen-letters and marginal decorations; original binding, oaken boards, leather {neatly repaired and backed), with clasps Svo. S^c. XV 1141 HoRiE BEATiE Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, &c. richly illumi- nated Manuscript on thin vellum (78 II. 7^ by 5 in.) written in ' J^ y\ lettres batdrdes {Calendar in red and black), long lines, 30 to a full page, '^\ ^ every page being finely illuminated with an outside border of leafy scrolls, \ grotesque animals, birds, human figures, insects, etc. some in the shape of hearts, fleurs-de-lis, diagonals, triangles, &c. ; 10 fine full page and brilliant illuminated miniatures with borders of the conventional subjects (that to the Vigilia Mortuorum, being the meeting of 3 Deaths with 3 ^vths on horseback) ; 6 small miniatures of the Evangelists and Saints, ' numeroxis small ornamental initials and details, red velvet boarded inding, with yellow metal clasps Svo. 8mc. xv-xvi *^* A very brilliant Manuscript, and a fine specimen of late French illuminated work, the costumes and groupings being particularly good. From the Hailstone Collection. 1142 Horse. A Book of Prayers in Latin, commencing "Commendatio ad Deum," &c. Manuscript on vellum (147 //. 6^ by 3^ in.) written in Qljj lettres bdtardes, red and black, long lines, 18 to a full page, by a French I Y scribe ; with 4 full-page illuminated miniatures, and numerous ornamental p, ^ initials and details, coats of arms, partly erased, &c. ; the first page has (1/ an inscription round the border: "Cede Vince D. Carolus Fontanus," y |j(l modern purple morocco ivith blind ornaments \'2mo. late^MQ.'XN 128 SIZES MIXED 1143 HoRiE BEATiF. Mari^ Virginis, cum Calendario, A fine illuminated Manuscript on vellum (181 II. 6 hy 4 in.) finely uritten in red and black gotljtc letters (lettres bdtardes), long lines, 18 to a full page, by a , Flemish scribe ; decorated tcith 15 very^surerior full-page painted .qX. and illuminated miniatures, represeiiting the folloiving subjects : \j\ ^^^ Christ as Salvator Mundi ; (2) Crucifixion {Cross of Christ only, ' I with Mary and John and Boman soldiers in armour) ; (3) Pentecost ; r (4) Madonna and Child outside a tent, angels icorshipping ; {b) The A *- Annunciation; (6) The Salutation; (7) The Nativity; (8) The Shepherds; jX* {^) The Magi ; {10) Presentation in the Temple ; {11) Massacre of the V) Innocents; (12) Flight into Egypt; (13) Coronation of the Virgin; (14) David Praying ; (15) Praising of Lazarus ; ALL within choice borders of natural fruits and flowers, leafy scrolls, animals, insects, grotesques, birds, &c. each opposite page having a SIMILAR BORDER with a fine historiated initicd ; at the end are 8 fine large initial miniatures of Saints, with smcdler illuminated initials and details, cdl on red grounds ; modern boarded red velvet, double with brown morocco with opposite silk end leaves richly gilt, perforated silver gilt corners and clasp, in a black morocco case, lettered " Ofiicium " sm. Svo. late S^C. XV *^* A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF LATE FLEMISH ILLUMINATING ART. 1144 HoR^. Beat^ Marine Virginis, cum Calendario, finely illuminated Manuscript on vellum (68 II. 7} by 5 in.) written in neat gotfett IftttrS, in double columns of 25 lines, by a French scribe and illuminator, A. the Calendar written in French in blue, red and gold, within fine deco- yy\ ■' rative bm'ders having small miniatures of the Signs of the Zodiac and Occupations of the months, every page having an outside border offlozver scrolls, arabesques, birds, grotesque animals, &c. on a gold ground ; the cohimns divided by gold, red and blue lines; 11 FULL-PAGE MINIATURES icithin plain gold borders, finely painted and very richly illuminated, ^\ ' comprising St. John in Patmos ; The Annunciation (2 miniatures oppo- site each other) ; The Salutation ; The Nativity ; The Shepherds ; The Magi; Presentation, in the Temple; David and Abigail {the names written in gold letters) ; A Nobleman and his Wife seated at a banquet, servant in waiting ; and the Virgin and Child enthroned ; old French broicn morocco, ornamental gilt back, the sides covered loith richly gilt leafy branches within panellings, g. e. {XVIIth cent.) [See PLATE] sm. ito. late S^EC. XV *^* A VERY FINE MS. but one or two of the faces slightly rubbed. iA 1145 Horse. Le Livre d'Heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne, traduit du Latin et accompagne de notices in^dites par l'Abb6 Delaunay, splendidly REPRODUCED IN chromolithography from the original Manuscript, 850 copies printed, 2 vol. magnificently bound in crushed blue morocco super extra, boarded, the backs and sides richly tooled in scroll compartments a petits fers, rich centre ornament with arms and initials of Anne of Brittany, broad inside dentelles with bronzed fiowered end papers, joints, g. e. the vol. of plates having metal clasps with croivned initials, by Zaehnsdorf A FINE SPECIMEN OF HIS ART, enclosed in black morocco box, velvet lined i(o. Paris, Curmer, 1841 Lot 1144. Lot 1148. SIZES MIXED 129 1146 Horae Beatse Marise Virginis, ad usum Roraanse Curiae, cum Calendario, J leitres bdtardes, printed upon vellum, within borders of Saints and ijjf^y^ Biblical characters, with numerous fine full-page woodcuts, &c. the initials and details illuminated, contains 90 //. signatures not regular, 4 II. in A^-^-J— *-»^ % \n sheet ^ at end defective, no colophon ; sold not subject to return, wood- ^.^h ■ ,; ^(-{/Tv- boarded modern red morocco, ivith stamped figures of Saints, inside uo* ornaments, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf '^ ' sm. 8vo. [Paris. Verardi, Almanack 1478-1508] 1147 HoRiE Div.E Mari^ Virginis Secundum Verum usum Eomanum, cum aliis multis . . . una cum figuris apocalipsis post figuras Biblise ,^-> recenter iusertis, raman letter, red and black, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, within fine luoodcut borders of the Dance of Death, Apocalyptic and f-^ Biblical subjects, arabesque ornaments, grotesques, figures of saints, <&c. jy^ 18 SPIRITED FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS also icithin bm-ders, Kerver's large device on title, with astrological man on reverse {the latter slightly damaged), all untouched with colour except the small capitals which are illuminated ; A VERY GOOD AND PERFECT COPY OF A RARE EDITION, modern black morocco tvith blind stumped m-naments sm. 8vo Officium B. V. M. . . . cum Hoiis, etc. Parisius impi'essum Anno domini 1507, Opera Thielmanni Kerver XIII Mensis Sept. 1148 HoR^. "Ces Presentes Heures a lusaige de Paris sont au LONG SANS RiENS REQUERIR, avec les miracles nostre dame, et les figures de lapocalipse et de lantique et des Triumphes de Cesar," wrtu Calendario, &c. lettres bdtardes, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, within fine woodcut borders of apocalyptic subjects, triumphs, hunting scenes, Dance of Death (66 subjects), arabesques, d;c. Vostre's large device on title, astrological skeleton ; 14 quite full-page woodcuts without borders, and 7 iVi other large cuts within borders, &c. entirely untouched by colour, the ^^\ spaces f 01' tlie small illuminated capitals left blank (3 II. shrivelled and \ slightly stained), old French red morocco, gilt pomegranates on back, the sides covered with fleurs-de-lis, a circle of stars in centre, inside of which are flying insects and a small crucifix, chased silver clasps, AN UNUSUAL SPECIMEN OF XVIIth Century French binding, in new brown morocco slip case, very rare. [See PLATE] sm. 4to Paris, Simon Vostre, s. d. [no colophon ; Almanack 1508-28] 1149 HoR.E. Officium (sic) Beat^ Marine Virginis ad Usum Sarum, cum Calendario, compluribus devotis Orationibus et contemplation- ■ i/ ibus impressum, caracteribus figuris ac mortis accidentia noviter ^ additis, lit. goit). printed upon vellum, red and black, lo7ig lines, within fine woodcut borders of Biblical subjects, incidents in lives of A) Saints, pastoral and hunting scenes, Dances of Death, groups of cupids, ^^f^ arabesques and other subjects and decorations, Vostre's device on title, astrological man ; and 14 FINE FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS, all quite free from colour ; some prayers erased and others added in MS. in the text, modern boarded red morocco with antique gilt and blind ornaments, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, very rare 8vo Parisiis, Expensis Honesti Viri Symonis Vostre in Vico Novo, &c. s. d. {Almanack 1512-30) K 130 SIZES MIXED 1150 HORiE BeAT^ M ARl^ ViRGINIS SECUNDUM USUM ROMAN^ Ec JLESI^, cum Calendario, totaliter ad longum atque aliis devotis Orationibus , . •' noviter additis, roman letter, long lines (signs. 31-© in 8's), PRINTED UPON hi ! VELLUM (ivilJiout woodcut borders), device of the Ram of Prose; pine on ' f title, astrological man within a border of 4 woodcut figures ,-14 FUiX-PAGE WOODCUTS of the usual subjects, numerous small initial cuts of saints and ornamental initials, very finely painted and illuminated in the style of the ancient MSS. (a rubric and a prayer at end run through with ink) ; modern vellum gilt with centre gilt ornament, old gilt and gauffred edges, A perfect and very excellent copy of a rare edition Svo Impressus opera Egidii Hardouyn, Farisiis, s. a. [Almanack 1516-30] ^ 1151 Hor^. Hore in laude gloriosissime Virginis Marie Secundum USUM ROMANUM, totaliter ad longti sine require; cum multis Suffragiis et Orationibus de novo additis ; etiam cum figuris apocalypsis beati Johannis evageliste (cum Calendario, &c.) lettres bdtardes, printed UPON VELLUM, uitkin fine woodcut borders of Biblical subjects, nud"- female figures, trophies, arabesques, &c. Hardouin's device on title, astro- logical skeleton, 16 large oval woodcuts of Scenes in the Life of Curist and the Vhgin {without borders), and mmierous small circular ivoodcuts of Saints and Apostles (all entirely untouched by colour), the small ornt. mental initich illuminated throughout, contemporary Lyonnese calf, full gilt ornameuval bach, the sides stamped in indented ornamental scrolls in high and hm relief and richly gilt, g. e. A FINE SPECIMEN, loell preserved [See PLATE'] _ 8w Cy fymssent ces presents heures . . . ont este nouvellement Imprimdes a Paris par Germain Hardouyn demourant entre les deux portes d.i Paris a lenseigne de Saincte Marguerite, s. d. [Almanack 1532-45] *^* A very rare edition of Hardouin's Roman Hours ; perfect and in very fine condition. It contains ^-© in 8's. 1152 Horse. Heures en Vers Fran9ois, contenant les CL Pseauraes de . ^, David selon I'ordre de I'Eglise ; ou sont compris les Offices de la iM K Vierge, &c. nouvellement traduites et compose par Messire Claude Sanguin, ruled in red, dedicated to Anne of Austria, wife of Louis XIV, with her portrait by J. Fresne and 3 copperplate engravings, old French C^^/N^^^j--^'^^ morocco covered in semis of fleurs-de-lis, with arms of Anne on sides c) . (prize from the College of Sorbonne-Plessis) sm. ito. Paris, J. de la Caille, 1660 1153 Horatius. Opera, cum notis interlinearis et marginalibus, MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER (189 II. 8| by 5| in.) written in neat roman cursives, long lines, \^ 24 to a full page, capitals painted in blue, contemporary oaken boards, leather, toith blind stamped ornaments (worn and rebacked), (Phillipps MSS.) 4to. S^C. XIV \^^ 1154 Horatius. Opera, cum notis interlinearis, Manuscript on paper rj/Ul (131 II. 8i oy 5^ in.) written in roman cursives, tong lines, 31 to a full page, with rubrics, old calf (from the Hopetoun library) sm. ito. Sjec. xv Lot 1151. SIZES MIXED 131 1155 Horatius. Opera, Manuscript on vellum (149 U. 7 J by i^ in.) y.'- written in neat roinan letters by an Italian scribe, long lines, 24 to a full page, 6 painted and illuminated initials, painted blue capitals {apparently icants beginning and end), old calf 8vo. Sjec. xv 156^ Horatius. Opera Omnia, cum Interpretationibus Chr. Landini, finely qi\ printed in roman letters, ruled in red, russia gilt, g. e. ( JFodhull copy) j\\ ^ sm. folio. Florentice, A. Miscominus, 14:82 11 7^ Horatius. [Opera], Editio Aldina Prima, crushed brown morocco extra, Cs"^ inside dentelles, g. e. by David sm. 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1501 1158 Horatius. Opera cum animadversionibus D. Heinsii; et de Satyra .n-i /^^Horatiana iib. II, Elzevir edition, old English red morocco, fidl gilt t f'jA^'damental back and frame sides, g. e. \2mo. Lugd. Bat. 1629-(28) 1159 Horatius. Opera, aeneis Tabulis incidit Johannes Pine, first or ^jlipfi ":^OST est" edition, fine impressions of the numerous plates, 2 vol, '\ \ ^ Wwe morocco, line tooled (Stoneleigh Abbey copy) imp. 8vo. Jo. Pine, 1733 11 60 Horatius. Opera ; Pine's first edition, another copy, fine engravings, ^Itl ^^ ■^'o^- crushed brown morocco extra, g. e. roy. 8vo. ih. 1733 lA6r Horatius. " Pickering's diamond type edition," printed on large india ^,fj paper, portrait, with frontispiece and duplicate title on ordinary paper, f '^r^ crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. by Belz-Niedr4e ' 16 mo. W. Pickering, 1824 1162 Horatius. Odes, translated into English Lyric Verse by Lord liavens- worth, crushed red morocco extra, gilt Harleian ornaments, g. e. by J. Wright ;^c=-- imp. 8vo. Upham & Beet, 1858 Horatius. Commentarius Acronis in Operam Horatii, Manuscript ON PAPER (158 II.) neatly written in roman letters by an Italian scribe, half bound, green edges sm. 4/o. " Finis 17 Febr. 1462 " Horatius. De Laudibus Vitse Rusticae Ode Horatii Epodon Secunda ab Aldo Manuccio explicata, portrait of Horace insert^, brown morocco extra, g. e. (Syston Park), Bonon. 1586 — Isocratis Helense Encomium, Gr. et Lat. ex interpr. H. Wuolfii, signature of " Flaminii Plati Hie- ronymi F." on title and MS. notes in margins, purple morocco extra, g. e. Venet. 1566 sm. Ato. (2) 1165 Horborch. Decisiones Antiquse dominorum de Rota, annotae ab editore /^ Guil. Horborch alemanno, lit. gotj). parva, double columns, 50 lines, /'~/ without marks, rubricated, half morocco folio ^ (^ In Civitate Maguntina impressus per Petrum Schoyffer de ^N Gernsheym, 1477 [colophon and shields in red] ^(l66^ H(ORTUS) Sanitatis DE Herbis et Plantis de animalibus et rep- ^ tilibus de Avibus et Volatilibus, de Piscibus et Natatilibus, &c. cum Directorio generali per omnes tractatu (auctore Johanne de Cuba), lit goti). double columns, icith signatures (Hain *8941), numerous spirited woodcuts, russia (broken), m. e. old vellum fly-leaves sm. folio, absque ulla nota The smkbhiMh^ of this remarkable book, and a very sound and excellent copy. Very rare in this fine condition. Houbraken (Arn.) De Groote Schonburgh der Nederlantsche Konsts- ^ V childers en Schilderessen, numerous fine pmiraits, &c. by Hoxibraken, l/VI 3 vol. calf gilt, g. e. 8vo. in 's Gravenhage by J. Swart, &c. 1753 K 2 1167 di 132 SIZES MIXED 1 168 Houbraken. Weyerraan (J. C.) De Levens-Beschryvingen der Neder- landsche Konstschilders, portraits of Weyerinan and the Prince of Orange {the latter torn) and numerous fine portraits by J. Houbraken, (&c. 4 vol. old Dutch calf sm. ito. in 's Gravenhage ende te Dordrecht, 1729-69 1169 Houbraken and Vertue. The Heads of Illustrious Persons » .-^ of Great Britain, with their Lives and Characters, by Thos. Birch, Ol\> \ large paper, brilliant original impressions of the 108 portraits, bound \ \ \ in '2 vol. russia extra, joints, g. e. by Hayday (rebacked) imp. fol. J. Knapton, 1756 1170 Houel (Jean) Voyage Pittoresque des Isles de Sicile, de Lipari et de Malte, 264: fine tinted plates in bistre, 4 \o\. full half red morocco extra, t. e. g. by Tout imp. fol. Paris, Impr. de Monsieur, 1782-87 • 1171 Howard (John) Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe, first edition, plates, full half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. Uo. Warrington, 1789 1172 Howitt (Sara.) Original Drawings of Animals, 38 very clever drawings of lions, deer, monkeys, &e. large and small, some in water-colours, several signed, mounted in a vol. half bound fol. 1173 Howitt (Wm.) Rural and Domestic Life in Germany, and Life in Germany, numerous illustrations by Sergeant and others, 2 vol. red calf extra, t. e.g. 8vo. Longman, 1842-9 1174 Hugo. Le Livre d'Or de Victor Hugo, par I'Elite des Artistes et des Ecrivains contemporains. Direction de Emile Blemont, tirage de grand luxe, papier d'hollande, half red morocco, t. e. g. uncut Uo. Paris, H. Launeite, 1883 1175 Hume (D.) History of England, new edition, portrait, 6 vol. calf gilt, 1841 — Plutarch's Lives, by the Langhornes, portrait, 6 vol. calf, 1813 — Spectator (The) With Lives and Notes, poiirait, 8 vol. russia gilt, 1819 8vo. (20) 1176 Hume (D.) Histoire de la Maison de Tudor, et de la Maison de Stuart (traduites en Fran9ais par Mme. B***, &c.) 12 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt flm^eate backs, line sides, g. e. with the ARMS OF MADAME Marie Adelaide, eldest daughter of Louis XV on sides, g. e. fine COPY sm. 8vo. Amst. et Lond. 1763 Humphreys (H. Noel) Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages, iO fine chromolithographs, &c. calf with stamped blind m'naments, g. e. — sm. folio. Longman, 1849 Humphreys (H. N.) History of the Art of Printing, 100 illustrations in photolithography, crushed crimson morocco extra, full gilt ornamental back and broad side borders, inside dentelles, g. e. by De Coverly fol. B. Quaritch, 1867 1179 Humphreys (H. N.) Masterpieces of the Early Printers and Engravers, numerous facsimiles, art cloth extra, g. e. fol. Sotheran & Go. 1870 1180 Humphreys (H. N.) Ancient Coins and Medals, /acsmfe in ancient relief, 1850 ; and Coinage of the British Empire, facsimiles in gold, silver and copper (12 plates of ancient Greek coins bound at end), com- position binding, Griffin, 1863 8vo. (2) 1181 Hunnewell (J. F.) England's Chronicle in Stone, Personal Observations of Cathedrals, Churches, Abbeys, Monasteries, Castles and Palaces, 60 illustrations, red calf extra, t. e. g. uncut 8vo. J. Murray, 1885 SIZES MIXED 133 1182 Husbands (Edw.) An Exact Collection of all Remonstrances, Declara- tions, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, &c. 1641-1643 (wants frontispiece), old calf E. Husbands, &c. 1643 1183 Husbands (E.) Exact Collection of Remonstrances, &c. {wants frontis- piece, hole in title), old calf sm, Ato. E. Husbands, &c. 1643 1184 Hutchins (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, rnaps, views, dec. 4 vol. vol. I-U, FIRST EDITION; vol. IH-IV, Gough's edition ; vol. I-II was J. Bowyer Nichols copy and has the plates from the second edition inserted, loith his IIS. directions for placing the plates, uniform calf fol. 1774-1813 1185 Huttichius (Jo.) Imperatorum et Caesarum Vitse, cum imaginibus ad r»j Vivam effigiem expressis, cum Elencho et Iconiis Consulum, title ol ^ xciihin woodcut border, medallion heads and ornaments, old velvet binding, "^ gilt and gauffred edges 8vo. Argent. JF. Cephalceus, 1534 1186 Hyett (AVr H.) Sepulchral Memorials, comprising Altar Tombs, EflBgies and Monuments, ancient and modern, *within the County // of Northampton, large paper, 16 plates, calf, g. e. fol. Nicholls, 1817 1187 Imitation de Jesus Christ, Edition Curmer, avec notice par Jules Janin, &c. finely printed within rich illuminated ornamental borders icith miniatures, reproduced in chromolithography from ancient MSS. 2 vol. crimson morocco with blind stamped ornaments, gilt and gauffred edges sup. imp. 8vo. Paris, L. Curmer, 1858 11 88 Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, with illustrations in colours, morocco antique, Oxf. Parker, n. d. — Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Life, by T. IScott, illustrations after Stothard, morocco extra, g. e. Bohn, 1854 — Tupper (Martin) Proverbial Philosophy, illustrated, thick paper, morocco extra, g. e. Hatchard, 1854 sm. ito. (3) Indian and Persian Drawings. A Collection of 326 Original Native Drawings of Oriental Princes, Court and Civil Officials, Harem Interiors, Mythological Figures, Costumes of the Upper and Lower Classes, &c. nearly all beautifully illuminated, mounted on paper, in 7 vol. native binding fol. An exceedingly valuable and interesting collection. 1190^ Ingram (Dr. Jas.) Memorials of Oxford, firie engravings by J. Le Keux, from drawings by F. Mackenzie, 3 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. 8m Oxf J. H. Parker, 1837 Ingram (Dr. Jas.) Memorials of Oxford, fine engravings by J. Le Keux, ,1 \ /3 vol. Oxfoixl, Parker, 1837 — Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, ^n \/ fine plates, 2 vol. Tilt and Bogue, 1841 — Godwin (Geo.) The Churches ^ 1 of London, fine plates by Le Keux, 2 vol. Tilt, &c. 1838; together 7 vol. uniform russia gilt, g. e. 8vo 1192 Instruction et Meditation. Cy commence une petite instruction et I t maniere de Vivre pour une Femme Seculaire, &c. : sensuyt une JJaA devote Meditation sur la mort et passion de nostre Saulveur et I I Redempteur Jesu Christ, &c. lit. Qoti). titles within woodcut borders, . with device of cross and swan, fine woodcuts of Biblical subjects and oi'na- VVtH. mental initials, rubricated, both pieces by the same printer, in 1 vol. >r ^ brown morocco plain, inside dentelles, g. e. by Hammond, VERY RARE, two of the small woodcuts have the initials G. G. (not mentioned by Brunei) sm. 8vo. sans notes [Paris, 15 — j 1190, im 134 SIZES MIXED 1193 1195 1196 1|»1 Intrationum excellentissimus Liber per qiiam necessarius omnibus Legum Hominibus, &c. FIRST edition, lit. gotft. title in red and black with large cut of royal arms on reverse and Pynson's device at end, some leaves at beginning and end ivormed, purple morocco gilt, antique style, g. on m. e. rare ydl. Impressum in Flete Strete in Officina Ricardi Pynson, 1510, mensis Feb. 1194 Ireland (Sam.) Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant and part of France, LARGE PAPER, fine plates in aquatinta, 2 vol. in 1, russia, 1790 — Winkles, Illustrations of Cathedral Churches, large paper, fine india proof plates, vol. I-II in 1 vol. calf, 1836 4to. (2) Ironmongers' Hall. Catalogue of the Antiquities and AVorks of Art exhibited at Ironmongers' Hall in May 1861, compiled by a Com- mittee of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, mcmerous illustrations, 2 vol. rttssia super extra. Ironmongers' Company's arms on sides, t. e. g. roy. Mo. Harrison & Sons, 1869 Irving(Washington)Bracebridge Hall, 2 vol. 1822 ; Tales of a Traveller, 2 vol. 1824; The Alhambra, 2 vol. 1832; Astoria, 3 vol. 1836; [/^Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 3 vol. 1837 ; ALL FIRST EDITIONS, ! together 12 vol. red calf extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. others wiciit 8vo 1197 Irving (Washington) Life and Voyages of Columbus, first edition, ^ - 4 vol. calf bvo. J. Murray, 1828 1196 Irving (Washington) Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, first edition, 4 vol. boards, uncut, 8vo, J. Murray, 1828; Life of George " Washington, portrait, 4 vol. green morocco gilt, g. e. cr. 8vo, Bohn, 1855 (8) fll99j Isidorus (S. Archiep. Hispalensis) Sinonima ; seu Soliloquia, Manu- script ON STOUT vellum (70 II. 1 by b in.) finely toritten in Carlo- vingian characters, with 3 initials in red and white, headings in capitals in red ink, ancient binding in oaken boards, doeskin, catches for clasp, lettered, in new red morocco slip case {from the Fhillipps collec- tion) sm. Uo. circa A.D. 1000 Isidorus Hispalensis (S.) Liber Tres Sententiarum [de Summo Bono], Manuscript on stout vellum (154 II. 8 by 5f in.) written in large semi-3otl)ic Ictttrg, long lines, 2\ to a fidl-page, ivith rubrics; modern brown morocco with blind stamped antique ornaments, by Riviere sm. Uo. S^C. XII Islington. Tomlins (T. E.) A Perambulation of Islington, mounted in a ito scrap-book and illustrated with numerous plates, portraits, views, woodcuts, handbills, advertisements, &c. half bound ito Isocrates. Scripta Omnia, per H. Wuolfium correcta et conversa, 6r. et Lat, old calf, with medallion head of Henry II of France stamped in i_ gold on the sides 8vo. Basil. Jo. Oporinus, 1588 Isocrates. Orationes et Epistolse Gr, et Lat. old French red morocco, the back and sides covered in gilt fleurs-de-lis, with the arms of Louis XIII in centres, g. e. 8vo. Paris, S. Chappelet, IGSl Italian Engravers (Works of the) of the XVth Century, reproduced in facsimile, with an Introduction by G. VV. Reid, First Series, 19 plates, half bound, uncut folio. B. Quaritch, 1 884 1201 1202 1204 ^ SIZES MIXED 135 1205 Italian School of Design, One hundred and fifty-two Prints engraved by F, Bartolozzi, J. Basire, &c. (reimpressions), 2 vol. half morocco gilt, g. e. roy. ito. Lewis, 1825 1206 Jackson and Chatto. Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical, ORIGINAL EDITION, numerous illustrations, half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. imp. 8vo. C. Knight, 1839 1207 Jackson and Chatto. Treatise on Wood Engraving, new edition, by H. G. Bohn, numerous illustrations, half morocco gilt imp. 8vo. Chatto and JFindus, n. d. n20o\ Jacobus Antonius de Middelburgo. Elegans Libellus ac nunc primum — "^ impressus de perexcellentia potestate Imperatorise (contra Aretini et aliorum (Jalumnias), title in red, with fine German woodcut below, , Antw. Theod. Martens, 1502 — Apud Julium II, Pont. Max. pro IL Christianissimo Francorum Rege Ludovico XII, per R. D. Guliel. ''^ Briconnetum Oratio, Romse habita 1507, device of D. Roce on title, Paris, D. Roce (1507) ; in 1 vol. green morocco, with blind stamped ornamentsX sm. ito 1209 Jamblicus. De Mysteriis -^Egyptiorum, Chaldseorum, Assy riorum ; Proclus in Platonicum de Anima, de Sacrificio, &c. (necnon alii tractatus Philosophici), Latine Mars. Ficino Interprete, editio PRINCEPS (186 //.) Fenet. in Aedibus Aldi, 1497 — Enarrationes AUegoricse Fabularum Fulgentii Placiadis (48 Zi. 1 blank, woimed), Mediol. U. Scinzenzeler, 1498 ; in 1 vol. oaken boards, stamped orna- mental leather, bevelled edges (repaired), (the Sunderland copy) sm. folio 1210 James (G. P. R.) The Commissioner, first edition, illustrations by H. K. Browne, half moi'occo, t. e. g. uncut, Dubl. W. Curry, 1843 — A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, calf gilt, Punch Office, 1864; and Comic History of Rome, half calf, Bradbury, n. d. ; coloured illustrations and woodcuts by J. Leech 8w. (3) 1211 James (Wm.) Naval History of Great Britain, new edition, with additions and notes by Capt. Chamier, portraits, 6 vol. calf gilt, m. e. '/ 8vo. R. Bentley, 1847 1212 Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art (fourth edition), with y Legends of the Monastic Orders (second edition) and of the %jy\^ Madonna (third edition), numerous illustrations, 4 vol. uniform red I calf extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf square 8vo. Longman, \8QS-52-64: 1213 Jameson (Mrs.) Legends of the Madonna, first edition, numerous illustrations, yellow morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. square 8vo. ib. 1852 1214 Jameson (Mrs.) History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of / . y Art, completed by Lady Eastlake, first edition, numerous illus- I trations, 2 vol. half vellum gilt, t. e. g. square 8vo. ib. 1864 Jameson (Mrs.) History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art, FIRST edition, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. boarded red morocco gilt, bevelled rims square 8vo. i6. 1864 12161 Jameson (Mrs.) Legends of the Monastic Orders and of the Madonna, sixth edition, numerous illustrations, roxburghe, 2 vol. uncut, t. e. g. square 8vo. ib. 1879-80 136 SIZES MIXED f 1217 Japanese Picture Book, of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers, Land- scapes, Figure Subjects, &c. 90 coloured plates on native cloth, within ornamental borders, ornamental cloth covers sm. ito Jardin de Plaisaiice (Le) et Fleur de Rethoricque (sic), lettres hdtardes, double columns, grotesque initial on title, ivith cut on reverse, and spirited woodcuts in the text {a short copy, but perfect and in good date), crushed crimson morocco super extra, full giltjloreate hack and elegant ornamental borders, DOUBLE with green morocco iciih richly tooled frames and centre ornaments, ivith an outer border of red morocco, with gilt scrolls, joints, g. e. by Riviere, RARE edition sm. folio. Paris, Michel le Noir, s. d. 1219 Jeanne d'Arc par H. Wallon, Edition illustree d'apres les Monuments de I'Art depuis le quinzierae Siecle jusqu'a nos jours, chromos and otJier illustrations, crushed crimson morocco super extra, broad inside dentelles, g. e. by It. de Coverly iio. Paris, F. Didot, 1876 1220 Jeannin (President) Negociations Diploraatiques et Politiques, nouvelle edition, portrait, signature of " Le Chev. Jeannin Otage du Eoi Louis 16 et Chev. de S. Louis " in vol. I, 3 vol. old French green morocco, richly ornamented back, and side borders, g. e. with arms of the DuCHESSE DE Berry on sides, and ex-libris of Bibliothhqae de Rosny in covers, bound by Zezzio Relitur de la Duchesse douairihre d'OrUans, with his ticket Svo. Paris, Petit et Boucher, 1819 1221 Jerrold (Douglas) Cakes and Ale, first edition, frontispieces and vignettes by G. Cruikshank, 2 vol. half morocco gilt, t. e. g. sm. Svo. How and Parsons, 1842 1222 Jerrold (Douglas) Time Works Wonders, a Comedy in two Acts, AUTOGRAPH MS. AND ORIGINAL COPY, performed at the Theatre Royal Haymarket 26 April, 1845 (120 pp.), crimson morocco extra, given by the author to F. G. Tomlins, who presented it to L. Hermann Svo. 1845 1223 Jerrold (Douglas) Shilling Magazine, numerous plates by John Leech, 5 vol. complete, signature on titles, half calf gilt cr. Svo. Punch Office, 1845-7 1224 Jewell (Bishop John) Certaine Sermons preached before the Queenes Majestie, and at Paules Crosse ; with a Short Treatise of the ^ Sacrament, blacfe letter, title within icoodcut border, brown m.orocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. LARGE COPY sm. Svo. C. Barker, 1583 Jewitt (LI.) Ceramic Art of Great Britain, illustrated ivith nearly 2000 engravings, with portrait, 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, g. e. imp. Svo. Virtue, 1878 Jewitt (LI.) and S. C. Hall. The Stately Homes of England, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. red calf extra, g. e. Virtue, n. d. — Hall (Mrs. S. C.) Pilgrimages to English Shrines, illustrations by F. JV. Fairholt, green morocco, m. e. ib. 1858 roy. Svo. (3) Joannes Climacus. Trait6 de S. Jean Climaque des Degrez pour Monter an Ciel, traduit du Grec par Arnauld d'Andilly, seconde edition, old French red morocco, gilt fioreate back, line frame sides with corner fleurons, g. e. (Du Seuil) sm. Svo. Paris, P. le Petit, 1654 SIZES MIXED 137 1228 Joannes de Utino (Frater, Ord. Minorum) Compilatio His- TORIARUM TOTius BiBLi.E et Historiarum Scolasticarum, Manu- ,sji SCRIPT ON VELLUM (59 II. 12 by 8J in.) written in small goti^ic letters, 17/ much contracted, in double columns of 48 lines, the columns divided by I red and blue lines, with circular Biblical Pedigrees in red and black, 9 / CLEVER CIRCULAR OUTLINE DRAWINGS in pen and ink, washed with colour, the first a triptych representing the Deity creating Adam alone and then Eve, the others representing 4 episodes in the Garden of Eden, -^ Adam Digging and Eve Spinning, The Nativity, Crucifixion and Ascen- ^Jl sion, 16 small heads of kings, numerous ornamental pen-letters and ^^-^ painted capitals in blue and red ; modern red morocco extra, richly gilt back and ornamental frame sides, inside dentelles, g. e. old ex-libris of Bibliotheca Amhi'osiana pasted in cover sm. folio, [at end] Hucusq. Cronicarum Cosmi Dromii Sjec. xv [c. 1413] *^* A very interesting MS. on account of its singular drawings. The binding is wrongly lettered 1346, as there is a reference under date 1413 to the coming Council of Constance. Z' SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. CANNES Scholasticus Abbas Montis Sinse. Sancto Joanni Cli- macho altrimenti Scala Paradisi [tradotta in Italiano], aU on title and reverse, and ornamental looodcut initials {stained), half calf , \ sm. ito. Venesia, Chr. da Mandela, 1492 1230 Johannes. Summa Johannis aus dem heyligen Decret-Buch gezogen, und von latein in teutsch gemacht durch den Briider Berchtold Prediger Ordens, lit. got!). lo7ig lines, 29 to a full page, without marks, illuminated initial with marginal decoration on first page, painted capitals, II. of register slightly wormed, calf, broken fol. Augspurg, Jo. Bdmler, 1472 1231 Johnson (Jas.) Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor, large paper, printed within woodcut borders, head of Caxton and frontispiece on india, 2 vol. half morocco, t. e. g. uncut post 8vo. Longmans, 1824 1232 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, addressed to the Earl of Chesterfield, first 8vo edition, ivith the same date as the Mo, calf gilt Svo. Knapton, etc. 1747 1233 [Johnson (Dr. S.)] The Idler, in Two Volumes, first edition, 2 vol. crimson mwocco extra, t. e. g. by Tout sm. 8vo. J. Newhery, 1761 1234 Johnson (Dr. S.) Life, by Jas. Boswell, with the Tour to the Hebrides, Anecdotes, and Notes (edited by J. W. Croker), portrait and plates, 10 vol. half mm-occo gilt, m. e. sm. 8vo. J. Murray, 1835 1235 Johnston (Keith) Eoyal Atlas of Modern Geography, half nwrocco imp. fol. Blackwood, 1861 1236 Johnstone, Croall, and Moore. Nature - Printed British Seaweeds and Ferns, numerous coloured plates, nature-printed by H. Bradbury, 6 vol. half green morocco gilt, g. e. roy 8vo. Bradbury & Evans, 1859 1237 Jones (D.) Secret History of White Hall, 2 vol. 1697— Warwick (Sir Ph.) Memoires of the Reign of K. Charles I, portrait, 1702 — Price (John) Mystery and Method of His Majesty's Happy Restauration, portrait, 1680 — Ascham (Ant.) Of the Confusions and Revolutions of Governments, 1649 — Fairfax (Thos. Lord) Short Memorials, written by himself, portrait, 1699, uniform calf gilt sm. 8vo. (6) SIZES MIXED 139 1238 ./ 1240 1241 3 1243 1247 1248 Jonson (Ben) The Workes of Benjamin Jonson [as first pub- lished in one volume], portrait by Vaughan and engraved title by Hole (inlaid), russia super extra, fidl gilt oi-namental hack, line sides, with corner fleurons, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy sm. fol. printed by JV. Stansby, and are to be sold by R. Meighen, 1616 Jonson (B.). Q. Horatius Flaccus : his Art of Poetry, Englished by- Ben Jonson, with other works of the Author never printed before (Execration against Vulcan, Masque of the Gipsies, Epigrams, etc.) FIRST edition, portrait of Horace by W. Marshall, with the leaf of Imprimatur {wants A\ a blank 1), leaf damaged, modern calf, antique blind ornaments, g. e. Vlmo. , /. Okesfor John Benson, 1640 Joseph II of Portugal. The Genuine Legal Sentence pronounced by the High Court of Judicature of Portugal upon the Conspirators against the Life of his Majesty — The Proceedings at the Trials of the Conspirators against the Life of the King of Portugal, engravings of the Execution and the Assassination Attempt, 3 Portuguese plates of ilie Punishments (backed), etc. half bound, in 1 vol. scarce Uo JosEPHUs (Flavius) Antiquitates Judaic^ lib. XXX, Manuscript on vellum (248 //. 14 by 10 in.) neatly mitten in Italian cursive characteis in red and black, double columns of 52 lines, capitals painted in red, by an Italian sa-ibe, old mlf fol. S^C. xiv * A FINE and unusually COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT. On the fly-leaf is an inscription : " Iste liber est mei Fratris Francisci De Stenis Ordinis Fratrum Heremitarum S. Augustini in Verona 1393." Josephus. De Vetustate Judeorum lib. II, Manuscript on vellum (168 //. 9^ 6y 6 in.) written in a neat roman letter, long lines, 25 to a 'ull page, by an Italian scribe, |-in. margin of first page painted and illuminated with decorative scioll woi'k with a fine initial, and an illu- minated initial to Book II, calf {Phillipps MSS 9401), sm. fol. S^C. xv Josephus. Opera, Graice (cum Prefatione Arnoidi Peraxyli, editio princeps, title in red and black, num.erous MS. notes in margins, brown mm'occo extra, antique style, g. e. by Riviere, fine copy fol. Basil. Jo. Froben, 1544 Josephus. Opera, Grsece, editio princeps, title in red and black, old French red morocco, line tooled, g. e. (Derome), fine copy {TFodhull) sm. fol. ib. 1544 Josephus. Antiquitates Judaici et de Bello Judaico e Grseco in Latinum traductum per Kufinum, lit. rom. painted initials in blue and red, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere fol. Venet. Jo. Vercellenses, 1486 Josephus. Delia Guerra Giudaica tradotto in Lingua Toscana et nuovameute con diligentia stampato, old yellow morocco gilt, g. e. sm. fol. Fiorenze heredi di Philippo di Giunta {with large device), 1532 Jovius (Paulus) Le Vite dei XII Visconti che signo reggiarono Milano, tradotte da L. Dolce, frontispiece and 1 2 fine engraved por- traits, red morocco, m. e. 4:to. Milano, G. B. Bidelli, 1645 Justinianus Imp. Institutionum lib. IV, cum Expositione, Manu- script ON vellum (39 //. 174 by 10| in.) written in g;oti)ic Utters in 2 and 4 columns, rubricated, new brotvn morocco extra fol. Sjec. XII-XIII 140 SIZES MIXED p49) JusTiNiANUs Imp. Codicum lib. IX, cum Glossis et Indicibus, ^^"^ Manuscript on vellum (280 U. 18 bi/ IH in.) written in gotljic lpttei'0, red and black, double columns of 46 lines, surrounded by the glosses, by an English or Anglo-Norman scribe, with 9 FINELY painted and illuminated initial miniatures of figures in English costumes on blue and red grounds, NEARLY EVERY PAGE DECORATED WITH elongated grotesques of the same character as the miniatures, and numerous blue and red painted capitals, old calf large fol. S.-EC. XIII *^* A finely decorated English MS. 1250 Justinianus Imp. Institutiones a Gr. Haloandro recens castigati, old K7 If., t French red morocco, fidl giltfloreate back, line sides, g. e. {Du Setiil) /~ ^*^)\ sm,. 8vo. Paris. C. Guillard, etc. 1552 1251 Justinianus Imp. Institutionum lib. IV, notis illustrati cura et studio A. Vinnii, Elzevir edition, engraved title, modern brown morocco extra, inside borders, joints, g. e. l'2mo. Amst. 1669 1252 Justinus. Historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio lib. XLIV, red morocco, g. e. Amst. ex off. Elzeviriana, 1664 — Valerius Maximus, red morocco gilt, ib. D. Elzevir, 1671 ; another edition, old English morocco, richly tooled, Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1633 — Busbequii Opera, blue morocco extra, g. e. ib. 1633 — Comicorum Grsecorum Sententiae Gr. et. Lat. edid. H. Stephanus, old French red morocco gilt, g. e. {Derome), (Lut.) H. Stephanus, 1569 l'2mo. (5) 1253 Justinus. WarhafFtige Historian die er ausz Trogo Pompeio gezogen, ?' und in viertzig vier Biicher auszgeteylt, durch Hieron. Boner ausz den Latein in teijtsch vertolmetscht, lit. gotj). numerous fine large woodcuts {title and first 4 coloured by hand), ivoodcut initials and orna- I ments, full half red morocco extra, g. e. by Tout sm. fol. Augspurg, H. Steyner, 1531 1254 Justinus Philos. et Mart. Opera, nuper vero latine reddita interprete S. Gelenio, vellum fol. Basil. Fruben, 1555 Og 1255 Juvenalis. Satyrs, cum Commentario Dora. Calderini, lit. roin. with j (, i/'^ signatures, old red morocco gilt sm. fol. editum Eomce, 14:74: Y 1256 Keane (A. H.) The Early Teutonic, Italian and French Masters, / numeraus illustrations, half morocco gilt sup.imp.8vo. Chatto,\880 1257 Keats (John) Poetical Works, and other writings, now first brought together, with Poems and Letters never before published, edited, U t' with notes and appendices, by H. B. Forman, portraits, plates and facsimile sketches, 4 vol. tree-calf extra, g. e. 8vo. Reeves and Turner, 1883 Jihi., 1258 Keats (J.) Endymion, a Poetic Romance, first edition, calf gilt, m. e. ' I 8vo. Taylor & Hessey, 1818 1259 Keble (Rev. John) The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the \ij Sundays and Holidays throughout the Year, first edition, 2 vol. )Mv\—^ crushed green morocco super extra, full gilt ornamental backs, line frame ' f sides, with corner fleurons and centre laurel wreath, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere, fine copy sm. 8vo. Oxford, for J. Parker, 1827 1260 Keble (Rev. J.) Lyra Innocentium : Thoughts in Verse on Christian o^ Children, their ways and their privileges, first edition, calf extra, \ i.e. g. uncut sm. 8vo. ib. 1846 SIZES MIXED 141 1261 Kemble (John) Authentic Narrative of his Retirement from the Stage, pmirait and plates, autograph note of C. Kemble, &c. inserted, half mo- Q'i rocco, 1817 — Moxon (E.) Sonnets, Stothard's vignettes, blue morocco, I 1837 — Moore (T.) Loves of the Angels, js/a^es bij R. fFestall, 1823 ; — Dah-ymple (J.) Collection of English Songs, 1796 ; &c. 8vo. (11) 1262 Kenn (sic) (Dr. Thos. Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells) A Manuall of Prayers for the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, &c. to which are added Three Hymns, first edition (?), portrait, blue mo- rocco extra, inside dentdles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy 12 mo. printed for Charles Brome, n. d. 1263 Ken (Bp. Thos.) Life, by a Layman (J. L. Anderdon), portrait, auto- graph letter inserted, Cambridge panelled calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford ^vo. W. Pickering, 1851 1264 Khawur Nahmeh [a Story of Khawur Shah], Persian Manuscript ON PAPER (300 //. \'2 by '6 in.) written in 4 columns {uwfned), modern red calf gilt folio, (S^C, xvii 1) 1265 Kidd (Wm.) Facetiae ; comprising The Devil's Walk, the Real Devil's Walk, The Devil's Visit, Old Boots, Monsieur Tonson, Steamers v. Stages, Margate, Brighton, The March of Intellect, The High- Mettled Racer, &c. all with cuts by R. Cruikshank (one imperfect), in 1 vol. half calf, \2mo — Le Sage, The Devil upon two Sticks, copper- plate engravings, old red mwocco, Tonson, 1757 — Smith (Albert) Sketches of the Day (First Series), in three parts, woodcuts, calf gilt, g. e. 12 mo, n. d. ; and others ^vo. (9) 1266 Kilburne (Rich.) A Topographie, or Survey of the County of Kent, fine portrait by T. Crosse {wants leaf of Epistle), russia gilt, m. e. sm. ito. T. Mabbefor H. Atkinson, 1659 1267 Kilian (Wolfg.) Serenissimorum Austriae Dncum, Archiducum, Regum, Imperatorum Genealogia a Rudolpho I ad Ferdinandum 1\, Rom. Imp. engraved title, map, genealogies, coats of arms, and 47 /trie copper- plate portraits, half red morocco gilt, g. e. sm. folio. Aug. Vind. 1623 1268 King (Edw.) Munimenta Antiqua ; or Observations on Antient Castles, numerous fine views, &c. 4 vol. russia gilt, m. e. folio. G. Nicol, 1799-1805 1269 Kingsley (Rev. Chas.) Village, Town and Country Sermons, Sermons for the Times, Westminster Abbey Sermons, Good News of God, Sermons on National Subjects, Gospel in the Pentateuch, &c. 6 vol. black morocco, g. e. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, 1880-4 1270 Kirby (Wm.) and AVm. Spence. Introduction to Entomology, fifth edition, portrait and plates, 4 vol. brown mm'occo extra, inside dentelles, g. e. 8vo. Longman, 1828 1271 Kitabe Alieea Oolum (Ancient History of the World), Oriental Manuscript on native glazed paper, within red lines (330 //. 9^ by 5^ in.) neatly written, native brown douhld morocco, with gilt mosaics sm. 4to. S^c. XVII ] 1272 Kitto (Dr. John) Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, numerous engrav- ings, 2 vol. half morocco, roy. 8vo, Edinb. 1856 — Wordsworth % (Dr. Chr.) Christian Institutes, 4 vol. calf gilt, 8vo, Rivington, 1837 — The Fathers of the English Church, 8 vol. calf gilt, Hatchard, 8vo, 1807 (14) 142 SIZES MIXED 1273 Knapp and Baldwin. The Newgate Calendar, comprising interesting Memoirs of the most Notorious Characters, numerous woodcuts, 4 vol. red calf gilt, g. e. Svo. Robins & Co. 1824-28 1274 Knapp and Baldwin. The New Newgate Calendar ; being interesting Memoirs of Notorious Criminals, extra illustrated uith 11 -2 por- traits, views, &c. 5 vol. half russia gilt, m. e. Svo. Cundee, n. d. 1275 Knight (Chas.) Pictorial History of England, new edition, revised and extended, many hundred wood engravings, a series of portraits of Sovereigns by Worthington on india paper inserted, 7 vol. calf gilt, m. e. sup. imp. Svo. Chambers, 1855-58 1276 Knorr (G. W.) Delicise Naturae Selectse, oder auserlesenes Naturlicheu Cabinet, fortgesetzet von dessen Erben, beschrieben von P. L. G. Miiller, text in German and French, half bound atlas folio. Nuremberg, 1766 1277 Kohlreiffius (L. Gottfr.) Defensio Restitutes Antiquitatis Temporum, Religiosa et Evangelica, old French red morocco, line tooled, arms of Louis XV on sides and his monogram on back, r. e. Duke of Sussex's ex- libris sm. Svo. Hanib. 1728 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper (212 U. 4|% 3 in.) neatly written within gold lines, 4 pages illuminated, and illu- minated ornaments in the margin, native binding, painted in flowers inside and out \2mo 1279 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper (284 II. 11 by h^ in.) every page written in deep black characters on a rich j j m GOLD ground, the two first and the tico last pages richly decorated ; \ \ A VERY FINE MS. modem red morocco extra, with gilt ornamental \ I. ^borders and mosaics, a fine imitation of native Oriental binding by Zaehns- yj^^'^idorf V^ , narrow- sm. folio. Sjec. xvi ? 1280 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper, with inter- linear commentary in red (180 //. 10^ by & in.) finely written within fli A Qcid borders, with an outer ftm-eate border, 3 pjj. finely illuminated, gold ^ \ details in the text, native morocco binding, loith stamped mosaic orna- ments (" taken from Tantia Topee's carriage after the action of the lOth October, 1857 ") narrow ito. S^c. xvii 1 1281 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper (302 II. 6^ by \^^ (> i} in.) the first 2 pp. illuminated {one damaged), and marginal orna- \\^ \\ ments, native red morocco with gilt mosaics, in native cloth bag \ fNsk ' sm. Svo. S^c. XVI1 1 1282 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper (SOO II. 6^ by VA in.) written within gold borders, the first 2 pp. illuminated, native binding, with flap Svo. Smc. xviii ? 1283 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper, ivith Com- mentary in Persian (445 II. 12 by 7 in.) written in small neat characters in red and black, 2 first and 2 last pp. richly illuminated, ornaments in the text, native red mm'occo binding with gilt mosaics {first leaf slightly damaged) sm. folio. Sjec. xvii ? 1284 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper (213 II. 9 by 5 1 in.) written within letters of gold, the first 2 pages finely illuminated, native doubU russia binding, the sides covered with elegant gilt scroll flower icork sm. ito. Sjec. xv 1 Said to have been written in the year 851 of the Hejira. See MS. note by Thomas Park. T>Y SIZES MIXED 143 1285 1286 m 1290 1291 \ 1292' if\ 1293 Koran (The) Arabic Manuscript on native glazed paper, with inter- linear and marginal Commentary (ill II. II by 6 in.) finely written within gold lines, first two and last two pp. richly illuminated ; some small illuminated ornaments in margins; douhld native lacquered binding, richly decorated with gold and coloured flowers, &c. {rebacked) sm. narrow folio. 8mc. Xix ] stern (Capt. A. J. von) Voyage round the World in 1803-1806, by Qrder of the Emperor Alexander I of Russia, translated from i/ the German by R. B. Hoppner, 7nap and coloured frontispiecp.s, 2 vol. J^in 1, half red morocco gilt, g. e. ito. J. Murray, 1813 Kugler. Handbook of Painting ; the Italian, German, Flemish and Dutch Schools, by Eastlake and Crowe, numerous illustrations, 4 vol. red morocco, g. e. cr. 8vo. ib. 1874-9 Laborde (Alex.) Description d'un Pav6 en Mosaique d6couvert dans I'ancienne Ville d'ltalica aujourd'hui le Village de Santiponce pres de Seville, with a double set of the plates, coloured andplain, calf gilt, joints, g. e. atlas folio. Paris, Bidot, 1802 Laborde (L6on de) Voyage en Orient, iOO fine large views, &c. 24 parts {wanting parts IX, XXI, XXII), in elephant portfolio ib. 1838-40 La Bruyere (J. de) Les Caracteres de Th6ophraste traduits du Grec, avec les Caracteres ou les Mceurs de ce Si^cle, 7^ Edition, reveue et corrig^e, crushed red morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. by Petit, fine copy sm. Svo. Paris, E. Michallet, 1692 Lacroix (Paul) XVII« Si^cle; Institutions, Usages et Costumes. France, 1590-1700, 16 chromos and numerous woodcuts, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. sup. imp. Svo. Paris, Didot, ISbO Lacroix (P.) XVIIP Si^cle ; Institutions, Usages et Costumes, France, 1700-1789, large paper edition, 650 copies printed, numerous fine chromos and other illustrations, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, elegantly tooled, g. e. by Riviere ito. ib. 1875 Lacroix (P.) XVIII^ Siecle; Lettres, Sciences et Arts. France, 1700- 1789, edition tirde h 650 exemplaires sur grand papier (no. 106), nume- rous fine chromos and other illustrations, 2 vol. crushed crimson morocco extra, gilt backs, oi'nanuntal frame sides, g. e. by Riviere, Sir E. Sullivan's copy ' Uo. ib. 1878 acroix (P.) et Ferd. Ser6. Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, numerous fine chromo-lithographs and other illustrations, 5 vol. blue mo- • rocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. ito. Paris, 1848-51 Lactantius. Opera [begins] Lactantii Firmiani de Divinis Institutionibus ad Constantinum Imperatorem liber primus de falsa Religione feliciter incipit, [ends] finit Lactantius de Opificio Deo Gratias, Manuscript on vellum (133 II. 12 by 8^ in.) written in a small but very neat roman letter, by an Italian scribe, long lines, 39 to a full page, blank spaces left for Greek quotations, headings of chapters in red, margins of first page finely decorated with white scrolls on blue and green, with a fine large illuminated initial, and 7 smaller initials of a similar character with short marginal decorations, in the text, brown mo- rocco, stamped blind ornaments, antique style, joints, by Thompson of Paris ; A finely written and well preserved MS. sm. folio. S^c. XV 144 SIZES MIXED 1296 Lactantius. Of'ERA., finely printed in roman letter, long lines, 38 to a full page, without marks, 9 very fine painted and illuminated initials, the margin of first page of text decorated, ornamental pen-letters and rubri- cations, numerous XVIth century MS. notes throughout, probably by the Monk who has written on the title the following " Ex librisfris. Alphonsi Urbevetani? Ordinis Heremitarum Sti. Aug. \ 555," old blue morocco, with line scroll oi'naments, g. e. {Roger Payne), fine copy (from the Wodhull library) folio. Romm in domo Petri de Maximo per C. Sweynheym et A. Pannartz, 1468 j^* The second edition of Lactantius, extremely rare. In this edition the titles to the chapters are printed and Greek type used for the Greek quotations throughout. \/ 1297 Lactantius. Opera, editio secunda, j^?ieZ?/ printed in roman letter, long lines, without marks, by Siveynheym and Pannartz, table rubricated in blue and red, with 9 fine large painted and illuminated initials, the first with a marginal decoration, ornamental pen-letters and painted capitals, h'own morocco, antique style, blind and gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by Lortic {from Didot's collection), very fine copy folio. {Bomce) in Domo Petri de Maximo, 1468 The second edition of Lactantius is nearly as rare as the first issued by the same printers in 1465 at Subiaco, and is one of the first books printed by them in Eome. '^298 Lactantius. Opera, finely printed in roman letter, long lines, without marks, rubricated {first leaf slightly defective, wants the 7 II. of the »]v /^ Nephytomon), contemporary oaken boards, leather, with blind stamped * ornaments, good copy of an early and rare edition folio. Venet. Vindelinus de Spira, 1472 1299 Lader (P. F. Octavianus) Historia und Wunderzaichen desz allerhei- ligsten Sacraments in dem lobwiirdigen Gotteshauz beym H. Creutz in Augspurg : sambt den H. Reliquiis, &c. lit. Qoii). numerous copper- plate engravings of relics and images, red calf extra, g. e. by Tout sm. ito. Augspurg, S. Manasser, 1625 1300 Lafontaine (Jean de) Contes et Nouvelles, en Vers, edition des Fermiers-Generaux, portraits of La Fontaine and Eisen, and fine plates by Eisen {unlettered), and vignettes by Choffard, the " Cas de Conscience," in 2 states, 2 vol. old French red morocco, vases on, backs, ornamental line sides, g. e. {vol. I reprint of 1792) 8vo. Amst. Paris, 1762 1301 Lafontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, with portrait, plates after Eisen and Gh-avelot, from the " Fermiers gineraux " edition, with spurious date, 2 vol. old French red morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1762 1302 Lafontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, re-impression de Vddition des Fermiers gindraux, LARGE paper, portrait by Savart, fine plates by Eisen {unlettered), some with rough edged margins, 2 vol. crushed crimson morocco, full gilt ornamental backs, and broad and rich side borders, g. e. inside dentelles, joints, g. e. fine copy 8w. Amst. 1764 \ SIZES MIXED 145 1303 Lafontaine (Jean de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, nouvelle edition, accorapagn^e de Notes, &c. by Mathieu Marais, thick paper, portraits, frontispieces and the series of plates after Eisen as proofs before letters, inserted, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. arms of H. White, Esq. bound by Bauzonnet cr. 8vo. Paris, A. Delahays, 1858 1304 Lafontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, nouvelle edition, accompagn^e de notes, &c. par M. Marais, papier vergi, portraits and fine impressions of the plates from the '*' Fermiers g6n6iaux " edition, after Eisen and Gravelot, without lettering, 2 vol. red morocco extra, full gilt ornamental backs, line sides, coat of arms on upper covers, inside dentelles, g. e. {Bauzonnet) cr. 8vo. ib. 1858 1305 Lafontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, 2 vol. old French citron morocco, line tooled, g. e. ii Londres, s. d. — Les Memes Contes, edition stereotype, 2 vol. in 1, blue morocco gilt, Paris, Didot, an VIII, 1800 — Berquin, Contes et Historiettes, plates, calf gilt, ib. Renouard, 1803 ; &c. 12mo. (6) 1306 Lafontaine (J. de) Fables Choisies, mis en Vers, papier d'Hollande, brilliant impressions of the 245 plates after Oudry, with frontispiece containing poiirait of Lafontaine {no Oudry portrait), 4 vol. old calf, the Prince of Wales's {aftenoards George IV) copy, ivith his arms on sides, feathers on backs, and " Carleton House Library " ez-libris in covers, gilt and marbled edges folio. Paris, Desaint et Saillant, 1756, dx. 1307 Lafontaine (Jean de) Fables, avec 276 figures par Vivier, gravies par MM. Simon et Coiny, papier velin, with p-oof-plates, the borders and the vignettes below printed in pale green, 6 vol. old French red mwocco, oi'namental hacks and borders, inside and out, blue silk linings, g. e. {Ddromx), fine copy, scarce in this state cr. 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1787 1308 Lafontaine (J. de) Fables, illustrees par J. J. Grandville, nouvelle edition, 2 vol. broivn morocco, ivith inlayings of red and green, and gilt ornaments, g. e. 8vo. Paris, H. Fournier, 1838 1309 La Marche (Olivier de) El Cavallero Determinado (La Chevalier 1 I Delibere) traduzida de Lengua francesa en Castellana por D. jJi'^l^^ Hernando de Acufia, fine copperplate engravings, crimson morocco, with I 1/ floral ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by Duru et Chambolle, fine copy i|^Ay ^ sm. ito. Anveres in Off. Plantiniana {Moreto), 1591 1310 JLamb (Charles) Complete Correspondence and Works, with Essay by 9.} \^ ^' Purnell, frontispiece, 4 vol, tree-calf gilt, m. e. cr. 8vo. Moxon, 1870 Lamb (C.) Essays of Elia, with etched illustrations by B. Swain Giff'ord J. D. Smillie, C. A. Piatt, F. S. Church, half calf gilt, t. e. g. uncut sm. ito. Edinb. W. Paterson, 1885 Lamb (C.) ; a Memoir by Barry Cornwall, portrait, calf extra, t. e. g. by Bedford, Moxon, 1866 — Reminiscences of Thos. Assheton Smith, by Sir J. E. Eardley-Wi Imot, 2)/a ^, sm. ^vo. Amst.'P. Mortier, 1728 1340 Le Grand. Fabliaux or Tales abridged from French MS. of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries, translated into English by G. L. Way, , - \ with Preface, &c. by G. Ellis, new edition, woodcuts by Bewick, 3 vol. \ calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. J. Rodwell, 1815 1341 Le Maire de Beiges (Jehan) Le Premier (le second et le tiers) Volume des Illustrations de la Gaule Belgique, Antiquitez du Pays de Haynau et de la Grand Cit6 des Beiges, &c. lettres bdtardes, titles in red and black within woodcut borders, large woodcuts, ornamental woodcut initials and devices, brown moi'occo with antique gilt ornaments, fine copy sm. folio. Paris, Galiot du Pr4, 1531-2 Le Maire de Beiges (Jehan) Les Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troy, trois Livres ; Le traicte de la difference des Scismes et des Concilles de Leglise ; Lepistre du Roy a Hector du Troye, &c. Kt. gotf). woodcid devices, &c. and ornamental initials, crushed French red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, line sides with centre scroll ornaments, DOUBLi*: with red morocco, with elaborate gilt tooled scroll borders, joints, g. on m. e. by Belz-Niedr6e, fine copy, in morocco open case, rare sm. folio. Paris, Nic. Hicman pour Ambr. Girault, 1533 SIZES MIXED V 149 1343 Le Maire (le Sieur, Graveur) Les Traits de I'Histoire Universelle, Sacree et Profane, d'apr^s les plus grands Peintres et les Meilleurs Ecrivains, numerous fine copperplate vignettes, 6 vol. old French red mwocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8vo. Amst. et Paris, 1760-62 Leo Magnus Papa. Sermones (cum prefatione Jo. Andrese Episc. Aleriensis ad Paulum II), plain, margin of first leaf mended, capitals painted in blue, vellum sm,. folio. Venet. Lucas Venetus, 1482 Leonicenus (Nic.) Libellus de Epidemia, quam vulgo Morbum Galli- cum vocant {one of the earliest books on the subject), loith errata, some marginal notes cut into, vellum {Duke of Sussex's copy), scarce, Venet. Aldus, 1497 — Rocca (A.) De Sacro sancto Christi-Corpore Romanis Pontificibus iter conficientibus prseferendo Commentarius, copper plates, vellum, Eoma', 1599 — L'Apotheose et le Memorial de la Vie de Jean Clement le Coustelier (2 II.) 1650 ; &c. sm. ito. (6) 1346 Le Roy (Jacobus) Notitia Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii, hoc est Urbis et Agri Antwerpiensis Oppidorum, Dominiorum, Monasterio- •y^H-V /' rum, Castellorumq. subeo, &c. ex Monumentis, &c. numerous fine \r Y plates, name of authoi- erased from title and tvants Index Familiarum, crushed red morocco, elegantly tooled, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Riviere fol. Amst, 1678 1347 L'Espinasse (M.) Don Fernand Com^die, en trois actes et en prose, f^ original manuscript, with dedication to Fouchi Chief of Police, signed VEspirMsse, old French red morocco gilt, g. e. 8w, [18 — ] 1348 Letters to the Earl of Ardglass and Lady Ardglass, chiefly from Anthony Lock ; others from Michael Boyle Archbishop of Armagh, \c j Father of Lady Ardglass, Capt. Fitzherbert, Jas. Hamilton, Jo. • Haynjp, Aa. Swift,- &c. on Family and G-eneral Irish Matters betwen 1682 and 1689; 86 interesting letters, in 1 vol. boards {Phillipps MSS.) sm. folio Lettres et les Arts (Les), Revue illustr6e, numerous fine etchings, illus- trations in tints, &c. vol. I-IV, brovon morocco, separate floreate orna- ments on back and sides, inside gilt ornaments, t. e. g. uncut, by Zaehns- orf Ato. Paris, Boussod, Faladon, &c. [1886, &c.^ Le Vassor (Mich.) Histoire du Regne de Louis XIII, pmiraits, 3 vol. ^\J\ old French citron morocco, full gilt floreate backs, broad ornamental Ji\ ^ borders, with arms of Fleurian d'Armdnonville Garde des Sceaux, double with red morocco, rich dentelles, joints, g. e. {Padeloup) sm. Svo. Amst. P. Brunei, 1712 Lever (Chas.) Various Novels, Illustrated Library reprints, 18 vol. calf \ extra, t. e. g. 8vo. Chapman & Hall, &c. 1872, &c. Lewis (F. C.) Imitations of Claude Lorraine engraved from the Drawings in the British Museum, 10 fine plates, half morocco imp. folio. F. C. Lewis 1837 1353 Leycester (Sir Peter) Historical Antiquities, containing particular Remarks concerning Cheshire, &c. map and coats of arms, portrait and 3 plates inserted, russia gilt, g. e. {broken), Geo. Ormerod's copy folio. R. Clavell, 1673 1354 Lievre (fidouard) Merveilles d'Art. QCuvres D^coratives choisiesdans les Collections C^lebres, 50 plates, half morocco folio. Paris, Goupil, s. d. 150 SIZES MIXED vX 1355 1356 1360 'V Lingard (Dr. John) History of England, fifth edition, revised and enlsirged, portrait, 10 vol. blue morocco extra, g. e. by White of Pall Mall 8vo. Dolman, 1849 Lipscombe (Dr. George) History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, vieios, pedigrees, woodcuts, &c. 4 vol. russia gilt, g. e. by Hay day {joints rubbed) ito. J. and W. Robins, 1847 Lipsius (J.) Politicorum sive Civilis Doctrinse lib. VI, old Spanish red morocco gilt, with Braganza (?) arms, g. e. Antwerpice, Moretus, 1596 Lithgow (Wm.) The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Painefull Peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travails from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Africa, &c. newly corrected and augmented, woodcuts {slightly mended), brown calf gilt, g. e. sm. ito. J. Okes, 1640 Liturgia Grseca. Manuscript on paper (75 II. 9 by 6^ in.) written in large and small Greek cursives, in red, black and gold letters, with nume- . rous Oriental illuminated m'naments, native russia doubU binding with \\^t mosaics Uo. S^C. xvi (1) Liturgia Gr^ca. Manuscript on glazed paper (143 II. 1 1| Jy 8 in.) written in bold cursive characters, in black and gold, with 100 very FINJILY painted AND RICHLY ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTAL INITIALS and other ornaments, and 3 full-page illuminations, modern Greek morocco, A very fine manuscript Uo. SiEC. xvii (?) Liturgia Hebraica. Hebrew Manuscript on vellum (212 II. 10 by i^ in.) finely written with dashes for points, rubrics in red, large painted c. modern boarded brown morocco Uo. S^C. Xiv (?) Liviiis. ^^istoriarum lib. X, Manuscript on vellum (206 II. 10 by 7 in.) {ti^ni^ the beainning of Lib. J^ rc"^ '^ H fd^fi. d pfectiv(i\, written in neat curswe^r^fnan letters, long lines, 38 and 35 to a page, by an Italian scribe, icith 9^nely painted and illuminated ornamental initials, inscrip- tion at end " Titi Livii Patavini liber X explicit die 21 Septemb. 1456," russia, g. e. by C. Leicis^from Henry Drury and the Phillipps collec- tions) sm.Uo. 1456 Livius. Romanse Historise quae exstant lib. XXXV, &c. In Collegio Lugdunensi Soc. Jesu, old French brown morocco, the back and sides covered with semis of alternate fleurs-de-lis and H's, the devices of Henri de Bourbon Condi, phre du Grand Conde, g. e. {A. Ituette), well pre- served sm. iio. Lugd. Th. Soubron, 1620 Livius. Romanse Historiae lib. XXXV [ut supra], old French brown morocco, the back and sides covered in elaborate gilt leafy scrolls and /• geometrical ornaments, the arms of Louis XIII on under cover and religious devices on the upper, g. e. {Le Gascon), well preserved >■ sm. Uo. ib. 1620 Livius. Romanse Historise qui exstant quinque et triginta libri ; in Collegio Lugd. Soc. Jes. old French red morocco, covered with a coronetted monogram F.V.C.E. with alternate $'5 and an archbishop's ^ sides, g. e. tcell preserved Uo. ib. 1621 Litmus. Les Decades de Tite-Live, avec les Supplemens de J. Frein- shi&mius, mises en Francois par P. Du-Ryer, portrait, 8 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt flweate backs, line sides, g. e. 8vo. Suivant la copie imprimde a Lyon, 1695 SIZES MIXED 151 1367 Livius. Titus Livius dat is de Roemsche Historie ofte Gesten , . . nu eerstmael in onser Nederlandtscher Spraken gedruckt, lit. gotj). title within fine woodcut border in compartments, and numerous spirited woodcuts in Cranach's manner, inner margin of title mended, some mar- ginal notes slightly shaved, otherwise a good sound copy, crushed crimson morocco extra, g. e. rare folio. t'Antwerpen ghedruckt by Jan Grapheus vom- Jo. Gymnicus, 1541 *^* This, the first translation of Livius into Dutch, is not recorded by Brunet. The woodcuts are of a very remarkable character without any marks, except in some ornamental borders, where E.G. occurs. 1368 Lloyd (Charles) Poems on the Death of Priscilla Farmer, by her Grandson Charles Lloyd (the Introductory Sonnet by S. T. Cole- ridge), ORIGINAL EDITION {slightly ivormed), original wrapper, uncut folio. Bristol, N. Biggs, 1796 Lloyd (David) Memoires of the Lives, Actions, Sufferings and Deaths of those Personages who Suffered for the Protestant Religion and Allegiance to their Sovereign Charles, I from 1637 to 1666, yine frontispiece, containing portrait of Charles I surrounded by 18 other heads, signature of Henry Bradshawe on title, old calf sm. folio. S. Speed, 1668 1370 Locke (John) An Essay Concerning the Human Understanding, in four Books, first edition, crushed crimson morocco, richly orna- mental back and sides with centre cartoucJies, broad and rich inside ornamental borders, joints, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, fine copy folio. Eliz. Holt for T. Basset, 1690 Lodge (Edm.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Memoirs (second edition, first in 4to), 240 fine por- traits, INDIA proofs, 12 vol. in 6, brown morocco super extra, inside telles, joints, g. e. fine copy 4^o. Harding & Lepard, 1823-34 Loftie (W. J.) Kensington Picturesque and Historical, 300 illustrations (some in colours) by W. Luker, red calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. uncut, by Tout Uo. Field & Tuer, 1888 1373 Loftie (W. J.) The Latin Year, B. M. Pickering, 1873— Helps (Sir A.) v'y. ^. Essays Written in the Intervals of Business, calf antique, W. Picker- Y ing, 1851— Chope (R. R.) Carols, Metzler ; &c. 8w. (11) 1374 Lombardus (Petrus) Sententiarum Lib. V, cum Glossis, Manuscript Tj^' ON VELLUM (325 //. 7|- by 5^ in.) written in small much contracted -^7^ ^ gotljic letters, in double columns of 50 lines, by an Anglo-Norman or JajM French scribe, rubricated, with pen ornaments in margins, modern blue |v by hand, contemporary binding, oaken boards, fishskin with stamped \r^ figures and ornaments, bi'ass coimers and clasps (rebacked) LA folio. Franckf a. M. C. Egenolff, 1557 frSSO[ Lokms (Gul. de) et Jehan de Meung. Cy ,est le Eommant de la jt RoZE ; ou tout lart Damour est corrige et reveu enclose, &c. lettres ^}n\ bdtardes, double columns, title in red and black within woodcut border, \\ \ with Petit's name, numerous icoodcuts and ornamental initials, Petit's * device on a single leaf at end, crushed crimson morocco extra, full gilt floreate back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Trautz-Bauzonnet, fine copy of a rare EDITION sm. folio, imprime a Paris le IX' jour de Juinglan mil VCXXXI (1531) Louis XIV. Medailles sur les principaux Evenements du R6gne de Louis le Grand avec des Explications Historiques, frontispiece and numerous plates of medals, old French blue morocco, fleur-de-lis on back, line frame sides with corner fleur-de-lis, royal arms of France in centres, g. on m. e. (Derome), fine copy ito. Paris, Impr. Royale, 1702 Loutherbourg (P. J. de) Romantic and Picturesque Scenery of England and Wales, from drawings made expressly for this undertaking, descriptions in English and French, 18 fine coloured plates, marbled calf gilt, m. e. imp. folio. R. Bowyer, 1805 1383 Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographers' Manual of English Literature, by i^2A H. G. Bohn, 6 vol. calf gilt, m. e. cr. 8vo. 1864 \Lucanus. Pharsalia, cum Vita Lucani Pomponii Infortunati, finely n\-(\ printed in roman letter, long lines, with signatures, MS. notes in margins, '\\\ painted capitals, vellum, scarce edition ( Wodhull copy) ^ ^ ^VvW* sm. folio. Medlol. Ph. Lavagnia, 1477 1385 Jj\xa&m\s^: First Aldine edition, blue morocco, inside dentelles, g. e. sm. 8vo, Venet. Aldus, 1502 — Claudianus, vellum, with Wodhull arms, ib. "m^ Florent. Haeredes Ph. Juntce, 1519 (2) V)!^ 153 ianus Samos. Dialogi, Grsece, EDITIO princeps (attributed to the diiij t mess of Fr. cle Alopa), old calf (JFodhull copy) ^\f'^V folio. Florent. (s. n. imp.) 1496 1387 Lucianus Samos. Opera Omnia quae exstant, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis, I. Bourdelotius emendavit etc. large paper, old French red maivcco nnj gilt floreate back with monogram K. D. line sides with corner fleurons, a ^Y Count's arms (France ancienne, with an escutcheon of a porcupine) hi I sides, Sir Kenelm Digby's copy (see MS. note by Simon Folkes, the anti- quary, in jly-leaf), g. e. (Du Seuil), from Lord Lisbui-ne's library, ivith ex-libris folio. Lut. Par. J. Bertault, 1615 Lucianus. Lucien, de la Traduction de N. Perrot avec des Remarques, nouvelle Edition revue et corrig^e, ^/a^es, 2 vol. old French red moovcco, full gilt floreate bacJcs, line sides, g. e. (Derome), fine copy sm. 8vo. Amst. P. Mortier, 1709 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura lib. VI, first edition iciih a date, finely printed in roman letter, long lines, icith dgnatures (Aj blank), old green morocco extra, g. e. (Syston Park) sm. folio. Verona, Paulus Friedenberger, 1486 1390 Lucretius. Delia Natura delle Cose libri sei tradotti dal Latino in jJjA Italiano da Aless. MaxahQtii, fine pilates and vignettes by Cochin, 2 vol. j in 1, russia extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy imp. kvo. Amst. 1754 1391 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura lib. VI, fine plates and ornamental f-t^l vignettes, old French red morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, g. e. ■^1 1 (Derome), Lut. Par. Ant. Coustelier, 1744 — Virgilius. Carmina Omnia, perpetuo commentario explicuit Fr. Dubner, photos, crushed red morocco extra, gilt tooled back, line frame sides with corner fleitrons, inside dentelles, g. e. by Hardy-Mennil, Paris, Didot, 1858 sm. 8w. (2) jUther (Dr. Martin) and contemporary German Protestant Reformers. A collection of the original editions of 72 C**- ^ rare and interesting Tracts by Luther, Melanchthon, W ZwiNGLius, Erasmus, Wimphferling, Justus Jonas, Carlosta- ^*^ Dius, Urban US Rhegius, in German or Latin, lit. got!;, each with a 2^^ • -woodcut title and many with other woodcuts, the first being a ^^LJ presentation copy from Luther, with his Autograph in- Ay.--SCRIPTI0N AND NOTES. In 3 vol. purple morocco, g. e. sm. ito. (72) %* This collection contains : Luther (M.) Von beyder Gestalt des Sacraments, Presentation copy from Luther, with his autograph <^^ inscription and notes, Vuittemberg, s. a. (1537) — Anthon (D. ausz r^ Engelandt) Artickel der Christlicheu Kirchen bey den alten imbrauch aber yetzt von den Papisten verdampt sambt vorred J. (Bugenhagen), Pomerani, Nurenberg, 1531 — Luther (M.) Das diese wort Christi (Das ist mein leib, etc.) noch fest stehen widder die Schwermgeister, Wittemberg, 1527 — Lichtenberger (J.) Weissagunge mit vorrede M. Luthers, tvoodcuts, ib. 1527 — Regii (Urbani) Der Closterfrawen Absolution in Liineberg, ib. 1532 — Luther (M.) von L. Reiser in beyern verbrandt, ib. 1527 ; Sermon von tzweyerley Werckenn, Item ein Kleines von dem Glauben, s. I. & a. ; VI Ephesergepredigt, Wittemberg, 1533 ; Von Menschenn lere zu meyden, ib. 1522 — 154 SIZES MIXED Lot 1392— continiied. Eberlin (J.) Vermanung wazu M. Luther von Gott gesandt, ib. s. a.; Lob der Pfarrer, s. I. &a. — Schweblin (J.)Ermanung iiber flussigen Kosten, Psortzen, 1522 — Luther (M.) Psalm CIX mit Auslegung, WiUemherg, 1535 ; Von beider Gestalt des Sacraments, ib. 1628 ; Acht Sermon, ib. 1523; Elter Kinder zu Ehe nicht zwingen, ib. 1524; Sermon vom Glauben und Wercken, ib. 1522; Psalm CI ausgelegt, ib. 1534 ; Vermanung zum Sacrament, ib. 1531 ; Sermon aufdem Hinweg gen Wormbs, ib. 1521 — Kettenbach (H.) Apologia M. Luthers, s. l. 1523 — Luther (M.) Von der Winckelmesse und PfafFen-Weyhe, Wittemberg, 1534 — Spiegel. Wimpfeling(J.) Pragma- ticae Sanctionis Medulla, Selestadii, 1520 — Luther (M.) Auf des Bocks zu Leypczick Antwort, Wittamberg, 1521 ; Trost inn Leiden, ib. 1535; Die drey Symbola, ib. 1538 — (Ecolampadius (J.) Die Messverteutscht, s. I. 1528 — Luther (M.) Vom Abendraal, Wittemberg, 1528 ; Psalm LXV ausgelegt, ib. 1534 ; Predigt vom verloren Schaf, ib. 1533; Sermon vom Guten Hyrten, ib. 1523; Widder den Meuchler, ib. 1531; Sermon Secundum Lucam, ib. 1532; Frucht und Nutz des Sacraments, ib. 1524 ; Form Kinder zu Touffen, one of the rarest tracts in existence, Ziirich. s. a. ; Sermon von den syben Broten, Wittemberg, s. a. ; Sermon von zwayerlay Gerechtigkait, ib. 1520 ; Passion durch Marcellum beschrieben, extremely rare, s. I. & a.; Vom Jiingsten Tag und seinen zaichen, Wittemberg, s. a. ; Sermon von der Bereytung zum Sterbenn, Erffardt, 1520 ; Widder den stand des Bapsts und Bisschoffen, very rare, Wittemberg, 1522 ; Sermon auff den Pfingstag, ib. 1523; Interim, first edition, presentation copy to L. von Seckendorf, with numerous MS. notes, very scarce, Augspurg, 1548; Jesaia LIII Ausgelegt, Wittemberg, 1539— Emseri (H.) A. Venatione Luteriana ^goterotis Assertio, s. I. & a. — Erasmus (D.) Von Walfart, s. 1. 1522 ; Erasmi Epistola qua se excusat cur Mutarit Monasticam Vitam Item Habitum, s. I. & a. — Melancthonis (P.) Von der Messe, s. I. 1525 — Cinck (W.) Dialogus der Auszgelauffen, Miinch books printed at Altenburg are of extraordinary rarity, Alden- burgk, G. Kantz, 1525 — Zuingli (H.) Vom Touff, WidertoufF, und KindertoufF, i^«nc/t, 1525 ; GegenwurfFH. Zuinglius wider H. Emser, ib. 1525 — (Ecolampadii (J.) De non habendo Pauperum Delectu Epistola, Bailee, 1523 — Joannis Chrysostomi (B.) Sermo CEcolam- padio Interprete, Moguntice, J. Schoeffer ; (Ecolampadii Nunc dimittis trostlich den sterbenden, s. I. & a. — Jonae (J.) Danielis VII mit Unterricht, Wittemberg, s. a. — Bodenstein von Carolstatt (A.) Frage ob Yemant moge seligen die Fiirbitt Marie, ih. 1524 ; Carlo- stadius super Ccelibatu, Monachatu et Viduitate, ib. 1521 ; Auszzug ex Decretis, s. I. 1530; Beschwerung der alten Teufelischen Schlan- gen, woodcuts, s. I. & a. ; Sendbrieff" von ainer eelichen Frawen an ain Klosterfrawen, s. I. & a. — Rhegius (U.) Von falschen Propheten, Wittemberg, 1539; Frag en einen Cartheiiser von H. Summerhart, s. I. 1524 — Scharpf (H.) Ketten zerryssen, Klingnow, 1524 — Polentz (BischofFG. von) Sermon, s. I. 1524 — Riisz (W.) Sermon iiber Luce XI, Uhn, 1523 ; Sturm wyder eyn leymen Thurm Mess, woodcuts, s. I. & a.— Pflawmen (J.) Weissagung, Wittemberg, 1532 — Rhegius (U.) Vom teglich beichten, Augspurg, 1521 ; Didymi Faventini Pro M. Luthero Oratio, Wittembergae, s. a. — Melanchthon (P.) Von Engeln, ib. 1536. SIZES MIXED 155 1393 Lutheran Tracts in German, 1518-23, comprising Auszlegung der / ^1 dreyer Versz der dreyssigsten Psalmen, In Te Domini speravi, etc. I I f^ Gemacht durch Bruder Jheronimum (Savonarola), K. 0. Gedruckt A. D. 1522 — Evangelium Nicodemi ausz dem latein in das teutsch ^ gebracht, title within fine woodcut hoi'der, K.O.u.J. — Hugo Von Landen- (Z^ berg, Ernstliche Ermanung des Fridens und christenlicher Einigkeit, ^ title within woodcut border, Gedmckt zii Hohensteyn durch Hans Fiirwitzig (1522) — Ain Niitzliches Gesprech und Underweisung, MDXXV. Hoffman Bawr, spirited ivoodcut on title, K. 0. u. J. — Unterricht und Ermanung Doct. Johannis Brielmanns Barfusser Ordens an die Christlich gemeyn zu Cottbus Anno MD.XXIH — Ain Saligs newes Jar. Von der lieb gottes durch Briider Johannes von Staupitz Augustiner, spirited woodcut on title, 1518 — Wider die vermeynten Evangelischem. Bericht und auzeyge der helgen geschritft und rechter Evangelischer Leer, title within woodcut border, 1523 — Wester- burch von Coellen (Dr.) Vom Fegefewer und Standb der verscheyden selen eyn Christliche Meynung, 1523— Ein Schone und Clegliche History Briider Jacobs Probst Augustiner von den Wort Gottes, title ivithin fine woodcut border, woodcut head on last leaf, K. 0. u. J. — Wolfgang Fabritius Capito, Entschuldigung an den BischofFen zii Straszburg, etc. device on last leaf, 1523 — Erasmi Koterodami Para- clesis teiitscht, very fine woodcut head of the Saviour on title, K. 0. u. J. — Erasmus, Auszlegung iiber die Wort Christi von der Wercken der Phariseyer, ib. — Erasmus, Vermanung das hailige Evangelium, etc. A. D. 1522, title within fine woodcut border — Von Walfart. Erasmi Vermanung wo Christus unnd sein Reich zii siichen ist Anno XXHI, fine icoodcut title, K. 0. u. J. — Erasmus in Buch Encomion Morias zaigt an dem spotlichen dienst so wir jetzt bewysen den hailigen, Der XIIH. Bundtgnosz, head and ornainents on title, 1521 — Eynn Kurtzer Begriff in Wasserley gestalt die Briider der Observantz Bernhardinenses genanth tzu Preszlaw, etc. K. 0. u. J. — Ain Schouer Dialogus ; Ciintz unnd der Fritz, die brauchent Wenig Witz, etc. ib. — Dialogus von der Zweitrachtung des heyligen Christenlichenn glawbens neulich entstanden, ib. — Ain Schoner Dialogus von zwayen gutten Gesellen genant Hanns ThoU und Glaus Lamp, sagendt vom Antechrist und seynen jungern, ib. — Eyn schoner Dialogus und Gesprech zwischen einn Pfarrer und einn Schulthaysz, spirited wood- cut on title, ib. ; all printed in German goti^ic ; in 1 vol. crushed crimson morocco, richly gilt back and broad side borders, doubU with russia, with inside ornamental gilt borders, joints, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf sm. 4to *^* A collection of very rare German Reformation Tracts, all fine fyf-f}// I (copies, but having the stamp of the Royal Society. 1394 Luther (Martin) In Esaiam, Micham et Hoseam Prophetas Prselec- tiones, 3 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. \2mo. Witiemb. et Basil. 1534-43-45 Luther (Martin) Enchiridion Piarum Precationum cum Calen- dario et Passionale ut vocant, &c. numerous woodcuts, coloured by hand, and ornamental initials, numerous MS. notes throughout the volume; bound in perforated wrought silver ornamental work, with centre brass ornaments containing 2 monograms of the initials G. M. R. and C. S. R. with date MWinthe back, with clasp thick 12mo. WitebergcB, 1560 *^* An interesting volume, which the owner, who had it bound in 156 SIZES MIXED Lot 1395 — continued. 1711, has converted into a sort of " Album Amicorum ; " having several blank leaves bound up, which contain Autographs, Mottoes Epitaphs, &c. in Greek, Latin and German, by Friends of the Owner. He has also inserted 15 small original woodcuts, one a head by Rembrandt, some by H. S. Beham, Jacques Callot, &c. 2 illumi- nations, a drawing of John Huss, and an emblazoned coat of arms, &c. 1396 Luther (Martin) Auszerlesene Psalmen und geistliche Lieder, audi #.*j\ anderer gottseligen Lehrer und Menner, mit einem kurtz undechtiges '^ Y^ Bettbiichlein, &c. lit. goti). printed within red borders, 20 II. of a con- * temporary German Religious MS. on vellum, with clever drawings, hound up with the hook, oaken hoards, black pigskin, gilt and gauffred edges thick \^mo. Lubeck, 1608 1397j Luther (Martin) His Life and Work, by Peter Bayne, LL.D. portrait, \4\ 2 vol. red calf extra, t. e. g. by Tout 8i?o. Cassell, 1887 1398 Lydgate (John, 3Ionk of Bury) Lyfe of Our Ladye. "This booke was compiled by Dan John Lydgate monke of Burye : at the excitacio and stirynge of the most noble and victorious Prince King Harry the fifthe, in honour, glorye and reverence of the berth of Our most Blessed Lady, mayde, wyf and moder of Our lord Jhesu Chryst," Manuscript on paper (11811. 7^ by 5^ in.) in rhymed verse, written 1 1 in old English cursives temp. Henry Fill (1) ; at end in large letters. \\ii.'~'"I!xplicet Testamentum Johannes Lydgate," modern blue morocco gilt. V\V^ g. e. sm. Uo. XVI Cent! 1399 Lypn (Capt. G. F.) Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa, 1818-20, coloured plates, calf, 1821 — Brooke (A. de Capell) Winter in Lapland and Sweden, plates, calf, 1827 — Labillardiere, Voyage in Search of La P^rouse, 1791-4, map and plates, half morocco gilt, Stockdale, 1800 — Lepsius (R.) Die Chronologic der ^gypter, vol. I, Berl. 1849 4to. (4) 1400 Lyra Germanica, by Catherine Winkworth, 2 vol. blue morocco super extra, by F. Bedford, 1861 — Lamb (Chas.) Specimens of English {C\ Dramatic Poets, 2 vol. calf E. Moxon, 1835— Longfellow (H. W.) Song of Hiawatha, first English edition, half calf, Eoutledge, 1856 ; &c. sm. 8vo. (9) y 1i 1 1401 Lysons (Rev. D.) Environs of London, first edition, with the Middlesex Parishes, numerous plates, 6 vol. russia 4:to. 1796-1811 Lysons (D. and S.) Magna Britannia ; vol. IV, containing Cumber- land, large paper, 1 vol. hound in 2, extra illustrated ivith about 250 views (some coloured), miginal water-colour drawings, maps, &c. half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut roy. ito. Cadell, 1816 1403 Lytton (Edw. Bulwer, first Lord) The New Timon, first edition (containing the suppressed passages on Tennyson), presentation copy to Sam. Rogers the Poet, with inscription on title: ^' Mr. Rogers fro^n one who amongst the Pleasures of Memory reckons that which excuses this intrusion" 8vo. H. Colburn, 1846 < SIZES MIXED 157 1404 McCarthy (Justin) A History of Our Own Times, library edition, 4 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. Chatto, 1881 1405 Macaulay (Lord) History of England, 5 vol. calf gilt, bevelled rims, m. e. 8vo. 1849-61 ^406] Macrobius. Saturnalia— Fenestella. De Magistratibus Roman- ORUM. Manuscripts on fine Italian vellum, both written in the same neat roman hand throughout (279 //. 12 by 8 in.) in long lines, 31 to a page, fine illuminated initial and ornamental border to first page, with the Maffei arms in lower margin ; and 5 illuminated initials icith short marginal decorations in the text, old russia gilt (cracked), Wodhull copy, formerly Dr. Askew' s sm. folio. Scripsunt Eomce Aug. Xiiii — N'ov. iv. 1465-6 *^* An important and interesting MS. diflfering in many places from the first printed edition of Macrobius in 1472. 1407 Madon. Physionomie de la Soci^t6 en Europe, depuis 1,400 jusqu'a ^ nos jours, li lithos. red morocco gilt obi. imp. folio. Brux. 1837 1408 Magical Treatises. (I) The Book of King Solomon called the Key of Knowledge ; (II) An Excellent Book of the Art of Magick, first begun March 22, 1567; (III) An Old Book found amongst the Secret Writings of Dr. Caius : (IV) Certaine Strange Visions on Apparitions of Memorable Note, anno 1567 ; (V) A Notable Journal of an Experimental Magician ; (VI) Regulse utilissimse in Artem Magicam turn multis aliis de Arte Magica; (VII) A Catalogue of Mr. Bovey's Magical Books ; (VIII) The Vision of Humphrey Smith which he saw concerning London in the 5th Month in the year 1660 ; (IX) Of Elizabeth Jennings 13 years of Age being bewitched ; (X) Compendium Heptarchiae Mysticse ; (XI) The Examination of Several Persons accused of Witchcraft, Manuscripts on paper (3 //. on vellum) (238 II. som£ blank, 12 by 8 in.) chiefly in English, temp. Q. Eliz. ; with some singular cabalistic diagrams and hieroglyphics {some II. defective and mended), in 1 vol. modern boarded red mmvcco folio. Cent, xvi-xvii *^t* A very interesting and singular Collection of Treatises on Magic and Witchcraft, by Dr. Caius, Dr. Dee, Simon Forman, Kelly (Dee's disciple), &c. all contemporary MSS. that of Simon Forman being certified by Dr. Macray of the Bodleian. On the first page of the Caius MS. is the following contemporary inscription : " This tome Booke was found amongst the Paperbookes and Secret Writings of Dr. Caius Master and Founder of Caius College. Dr. Legg gave it to Mr. Fletcher fellowe of the same Colledg and a learned artist for his Time." Some of the later Treatises are in Elias Ashmole's handwriting. The volume formerly belonged to Lord Somers, afterwards to Thomas Brittain the " Small-coal Man," who sold it to Bateman for £10 5s., it was afterwards sold to Joseph Ames, whose note is on the fly-leaf. 1409 Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, Statuta de Merton, de Marlburghe, 3w J de Gloucestriae, de Westminstre, &c. cum Capitula ; Manuscript on /"W^-VELLUM (36 II. 13 iy 9 in.) written in French by an English scribe, in ' 9;ot|)ic Uttcrg, double columns of 44 lines; beginning ^^ Edward par la Crdi(MM lAV 158 SIZES MIXED Lot 1409 — continued. Grace de Dieu Roy d'engleterre etc. as Arcevesqes, Evesqes, Abbes etc. Solus"; ending with "Ici quience lassise du Pain et du Servoyse"; with old inscription, '■'■ Liber Mi. DaUon Lincolniensis Hospitii"; with '2% fine illuminated historiated and ornamental initials with marginal leafy ex- tensions, new boarded red moi'occo, blind stamped antique ornaments, inside gilt borders, by Zaehnsdorf folio. S^EC. xiv 1410 Magna Carta Regis Johannis XV Die Junii Anno Regni XVII A.D. MCCXV, edidit Johannes Whittaker, printed upon vellum IN LETTERS OF GOLD, RICHLY DECORATED, WITHIN BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTAL BORDERS, numerous em- . rv , blazoned arms and heraldic devices, &c. produced under the direction of (VtI/ Thos. Willement, with highly coloured portraits of King John and the \\» Prince Eegent, interleaved with blank leaves of thin vellum, sumptuously bound in crimson morocco double, the sides in and out having elaborate blind stamped and gilt ornaments, the insides with a centre panel of crimson silk, the opposite end leaf being of the same material, with a rich gilt ornamental border, joints, A splendid specimen atlas folio. Lond. Jo. Whitaker, 1815 1411 Magnus (Olaus) Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, earumque > diversis statibus, conditionibus, moribus, ritibus, superstitionibus, ^\\ y &c. numerous spirited woodcuts and historiated initials, crushed crimson \ \ morocco extra, full gilt floreate back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Chambolle-Duru, A very fine copy of the most esteemed edition sm. folio. Romce, J. M. de Viottis, 1555 1412 Magny (Marquis de) Nouveau Traits historique et archeologique de la Science des Armoires, vol, I, many hundred emblazoned coats of arms, blue morocco gilt, g. e. by Wright ito. Paris (1846) 1413 Maimonides. Rabi Mossei ^gyptii Dux, seu Director Dubitantium . aut Perplexorum Aug. Justinianus recognitus, title within fine woodcut hjft/^ border with ^^ Prelum Ascensianum" in centre, ornamental woodcut * initials, fidl half morocco gilt, g. e. by Tout folio. Paris. J. B. Ascensius, 1520 1414 Majerus (Mich.) Atalanta Fugiens, hoc est Emblemata nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica, title within fine engraved boi-der of Atalanta Legends, and numerous fine engraved plates of emblems by J. T. De Bry, crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, by Riviere, fine copy, rare sm. Uo. Oppenheim. H. Gallerus, 1618 1415 Malcolm (J. P.) Londinium Redivivum; an Ancient History and Modern Description of London, numerous plates, 4 vol. russia gilt, m. e. 4to. J. Nichols, &c. 1803-7 141 6/v Mander (Karel van) Het Leven der Nederlandsche en Hoogduitsche S\ '' Schilders, in de Nederduitsche Spraake overgebragt door Jacobus de : \ Jongh, numerous fine plates by S. Fokke, 2 vol. calf gilt, g. e. 8vo. Amst. S. Fan Esveldt, 1764 1417 Manning (Rev. 0. and Wm. Bray). History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey ; with a facsimile copy of Domesday, maps, views, pedigrees, &c. 3 vol. crushed red morocco super extra, g. e. by H. Stamper, FINE copy /. White and Cochrane, 1804-14 SIZES MIXED 159 *> 1418 Mantz (Paul) Les Chefs-d'CEuvre de la Peinture Italienne, 20 ^ne chromolithographs by Kellerhoven, and 30 full-page ivoodcuts, one of 270 copies, "Sur Papier a la Forme," bright French calf with elaborate gilt ai-nameutation, double with blue morocco, with broad calf borders richly gilt, blue silk end leaves, joints, t. e. g. uncut, finely bound by C. Magnier folio. 'Paris, F. Didot, 1870 Manutius (Aldus Pius) Institutionum Grammaticarum libri IV, russia gilt, g. e. (broken) sm. 4^o. Fenet. in cedibus Aldi et Andrem Socii, 1514 Marbeck (John) A Concordace, that is to saie a Worke wherein by the Ordre of the Letters of the A. B. C. ye raaie redely finde any worde conteigned in the Whole Bible, so often as it is there ex- pressed or mencioned, blacfe letter, title within woodcut boi'der, full page woodcut of the King in Council on last leaf (mounted), Grafton's device, &c. contemporary binding, oaken boards, leather, vnth stamped blind frame oimaments (neatly repaired), signatures of S. Biggs and J. Burton on title sm. folio. B. Grafton, 1550 *^* A first-rate copy of the First Edition of the First English Concordance to the Bible. 1421 Marcus Antoninus Imp. Reflexions Morales, traduites par Dacier, 2 fine large plates by Moreau le Jeune, calf (back broken) roy. ito. Paris, Saugrain, 1800 1422 Marcus Paulus Venetus. De Regionibus Orientalibus lib. Ill cum notis ; accedit Haithoni Armeni Historia Orientalis ; item And. Mulleri de Chataja, &c. engraved titles, d;c. old French red morocco, giltfloreate back, line sides, g. e. J. B. Colbert's copy, with his arms on sides and monogram on back sm. Uo. Col. Brand. G. Schultz, 1671 1423 Marco Polo (Ser) Book of, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of ry] X the East, newly translated and edited with notes by CoL. H. Yule, I'^l second edition, maps and illustrations, 2 vol. brown mwocco, inside ' V dentelles, g. e. Svo. J. Murray, 1875 1424 Marguerite d'Autriche, Duchesse de Savoie, Regente des Pays-Bas. Materiaux pour servir a son Histoire, par le Cte. E. de Quinsonas, chromes, maps, views, facsimiles, &c. 3 vol. purple morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Cap4 roy. Svo. Paris, Delaroque, 1860 1425 Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Contes et Nouvelles, mis en beau langage accommode au gout de ce temps, frontispieces and fine vignettes by Bomain de Hooghe, first edition, 2 vol. dark green mm'occo, plain, g. e. by Thompson (of Paris), Libri copy sm. 8w. Amst. G. Gallet, 1698 1426 Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. L'Heptam^ron ; les Nou- velles de Marguerite de Navarre, original Berne edition, fine impressions of the plates after Freudenberg and vignettes by Bunker, 3 vol. old straight-grained red morocco, line tooled, g. e. (Boger Payne), A fine AND tall copy, with a line of the pinted directions to the binder on title of vol. II (usually cut off), and the numbers of the plates in vol. Ill intact Svo. Berne, chez la Nouvelle Socidti Typographique, 1780-1 160 SIZES MIXED 1427 Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. L'Heptameron des Nou- velles, publie sur les MSS. par les soins et avec les notes de MM. Le Roux de Lincy et A. de Montaiglon, papier verg6, with tlie plates after Freudenherg and vignettes from the Berne edition, 3 vol. crushed crimson morocco super extra, broad and rich inside dentelles, white silk doublures, joints, t. e. g. uncut, by Riviere, fine copy demy 8vo. Paris, A. Eudes, 1880 1428 Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. L'Heptameron des Nou- velles, public sur les MSS. par les soins et avec des notes de MM. Le Roux de Lincy et A. de Montaiglon, portrait, frontispieces and fine 'plates after Freudenberg, and vignettes, 4 vol. crushed crimson morocco extra, full gilt floreate backs, line sides with corner fleurons, inside den- telles, doublures of white damask silk, uncut, t. e. g. by Riviere, fine COPY demy 8vo. ib. 1880 Marianna de Gesii. Compendio della Vita, Virtii, Doni e Grasie, del Fr. Enim. da S. Alessandro, dedication copy to Cardinal Rezzonico, afterwards Pope Clement XIII, in old Italian red morocco, with elaborate gilt floreate ornaments and the Pope's arms on sides, g. e. ito. Roma, Generosi Salomoni, 1762 Marillier (C. P.) Suite de Figures des Voyages Imaginaires, Songes, Visions et Romans Cabalistiques, complete set of the 76 plates, fine impressions, bound in a vol. crushed purple morocco extra, inside den- telles, g. e. 8vo. [1787-9] 1431 Maritime Alps (The) and their Seaboard, by the Author of "Vera," " Blue Roses," &c. numerous illustrations, three-quarter red morocco gilt, t. e. g. by Tout imp. 8vo. Longmans, J 885 1432 Marino (J. B.) La Sampogna, e Rime (Della Lira), 3 vol. old French y^ red morocco, gilt ornamental backs, line sides, g. e. Count Hoym's copy O 1 / tcith his arms, Bibliotheca Colbertina ; ex-libris of IFm. Cole (and auto- /OyVvs, graph), and the Earl of Lisburne's \'2mo. F. Barba, 1652-3 1433 Marlborough Campaign, 1702. Naval and Military Papers; Dispo- sition of Forces in the Squadrons of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Sir Geo. Rooke ; Number of Forces for the Duke of Ormonde's Expedition ; List of Ships intended for the present Expedition, June 5, 1702; Petition of the Officers of Marines, with a note signed Ormonde. Nov. 21, 1702 ; Memorials to the Duke of Marlborough ; Document signed Anne R. ; List of General Officers appointed to attend the Sea Expedition, signed Ormond ; Copy of Ordnance, Mortarpieces, and other Stores and Ammunition of War sent with his Grace the Duke of Ormonde to Cadiz, and other official Papers relating to the same Expedition ; in a vol. boards (Phillipps 3ISS. 9994) sm.fol. 1702 1434 Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moranx, large paper, portrait, engraved titles and fine plates after Gravelot, 3 vol. calf gilt, g. e. (rebacked), Duke of Grafton's copy 8vo. Amst. M. M. Rey, 1779 1435 Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moraux (ddition Cazin), portrait, frontispieces and fine plates after Gravelot, old red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides, g. e. {Derome), fine copy 16mo. Londres, Likge {Paris, Cazin), 1780 i^ SIZES MIXED 161 1436 Marmontel. Chefs d'CEuvre Dramatiques ; ou Recueil des meilleures pieces du Theatre-Francois avec des Discours Pr6liminaires et des Remarques (tome I le seul publU), fine plates, vignettes and tailpieces by Eisen, old French calf gilt, r. e. 4to. Pans, Grangd, 1773 1437 Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundelh'anis, Seldenianis aliisque conflata, recens. et perpetuo commentario explicavit H. Prideaux, &c. old French red morocco, gilt floreate hack with monogram, line sides, with arms of J. B. Colbert, '^ Bibliothecce Colbertince" on title sm. folio. Oxun. IQ7 6 1438 Marot (Clement) Les (Envres, reveues et augmentees de nouveau, portrait by Harrewyn, 2 vol. old French red morocco gilt, g. e. scarce edition l2mo. La Haye, Adr. Moetjens, 1700 1439 Marot (Clement) OEuvres, revdes sur plusieurs MSS. et augmentees ; avec les Ouvrages de Jehan Marot, Mich. Marot, &c. (par Gordon de Percel), pinted within borders, with portrait by G. F. L. Dehrie, 4 vol. old French red mmvcco, full gilt backs, plain sides, g. e. 4/o. La Haye, P. Gosse et J. Neaulme, 1731 1440 Marot (Jean) Vases, 12 fine plates by P. Mariette, original impressions, 1 1 ^ mounted in a vol. and bound in lialf morocco sm. Uo. [16 — ] /1441 Marriott (Rev. W. B.) Vestiarium Christianum : The Dress of Holy Ministry in the Church, numerous plates, half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. sup. imp. Svo. Eivingtons, 1868 1442 Marshall (John) Royal Naval Biography, with Supplement, 12 vol. calf gilt Svo. Longman, 1823-30 1443 Martialis. Epigrammata, Editio Prima Aldina, crushed green morocco extra, double gilt triangle on sides, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Duru sm. 8vo. Venet. in ced. Aldi, 1501 Martin (Sir Th.) Life of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, portraits and views, 5 vol. half morocco gilt, m. e. Svo. Smith, Elder & Co. 1879 1445 Martyn (W. F.) New Dictionary of Natural History, numerous coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Harrison & Co. 1785 — Miller (Ph.) The Gar- dener's Dictionary, numerous plates, old calf, 1768 folio. (2) 1446 Martyrs. The Book of Martyrs, with an Account of the Acts and Monuments of Church and State from our Saviour to the year 1701, copperplate engravings, 2 vol. {leaf in vol. I defective), calf extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf Svo. D. Browne & W. Turner, 1702 1447 Mary Queen of Scots. Maria Stuarta, Regina Scotise Dotaria Francise, Hseres Anglise et Hibernise Martyr Ecclesise, innocens a Caede Dar- leana; Vindice Oberto Barnestapolio, editio prima, red morocco extra, y. e. by W. Pratt sm. Svo. Ingolstadii, IV. Ederus, 1588 7 M EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. ^ t SIZES MIXED. Lot 1448. ATARATIUS (Fr.) De Componendis Versibus hexametro et penta- metro opusculum, editio prima, lit. got]^. long lines with signs. a-b in 8's (a j blank, c-d in 6's, fine ornamental woodcut initials, crushed crimson morocco extra, broad inside dentelles, g. e.byL. Br oca, FINE COPY ?? 3- <- sm. 4to. Venet. E. Ratdolt, Anno MCCCCLXVlli {sic pro 1478) 1449 Mataratius (Fr.) De Componendis Versibus hexametro et pentametro opusculum, lit. gotf). fine ornamental woodcut initials, contemporary S7n. ^ Y' MS. notes in margins, red morocco gilt, g. e. S7n. ito. ib. 1450 Mathews (Charles) Comedian. Memoirs, by Mrs. Mathews, portraits and ^ y plates, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED With 113 character portraits of celebrated tX^"* actors and actresses, including many of Charles Mathews's special imper- \ \ ^ S(ma/w7icvo. R. Bentley, 1838-9 1451 Mathews (Charles) Memoirs, by Mrs. Mathews, j^orfrai/s, 4 vol. morocco \*y\ gilt, g. e. 8w. ib. 1839 145^^ Matthieu (P.) Histoire de la Mort deplorable de Henry IIII Roy de JA^ France et de Navarre, ensemble un Poeme, etc. engraved frontispiece ]r\ l^ {some headlines shaved), broum morocco extra, elegantly tooled, g. e. by SfSr Chipot sm. Svo. Paris, Veuve M. Guillemot, 1612 1453 Matrimony. Incomenca una disputation bella agitata fra tre Gentil- donne, una Vergine, I'altra maritala, la terza Vidua; qual stata sia piu digno, el Virginale, aut el matrimoniale, osia el Viduale, ITALIAN .V Manuscript on paper (56 II.) the first with a full-page coloured "^A drawing of the ladies conversing, illuminated initial and a figure on the * opposite page, ornamental pen-letters, old calf l2mo. S^C. xv Maundrell (H.) Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, a.d. 1697, map (some II. stained), old French red morocco gilt, with the arms of the Marquis Gougenot de Croissy on sides and his ex-libris on fly-leaf (top of back damaged) Svo. Dubl. 1749 Maxwell (W. H.) History of the Irish Eebellion in 1798, with ♦j\x\ Memoirs of the Union and Emmett's Insurrection in 1803, first \ Y edition, portraits and illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, bright calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout, FINE copy Svo. Bailey Bros. 1845 1454 ^V 1455 SIZES MIXED 163 1456 Maxwell (W. H.) Hector O'Halloran, plates by John Leech, half calf okl 9^^^^ ^^^» ^' -^^^^^^j ^- <^-— Smith (Albert) Christopher Tadpole, A^\ -^ FIRST EDITION, ^or^rai/ and plates by John Leech, half calf, ib. 1848 ; ' Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, 21 steel engravings by John Leech, half morocco gilt, imp. 8vo, ib. 1886 (3) 1457 May (Sir T. E.) Constitutional History of England, 1760-1860, 3 vol. Ay, tree-calf gilt, Longmans, 1875 — Jameson (Mrs.) Celebrated Female 'Y Sovereigns and Characteristics of Women, 1869-79, etc. all bound cr. 8vo. (10) 1458 Mayer (A. M.) Sport with Rod and Gun in American Woods and Waters, numerous illustrations, roxburghe, i. e. g. sup. imp. 8vo. Warne, n. d. 1459 Mayer (Luigi) Views in Egypt, with historical illustrations and inci- (51 dental illustrations, 48 fine coloured plates, calf gilt, m. e. •jf^^ imp.fol. B lower plain margins of last leaf mended, otherwise good, crushed blue |^r^-_He.„..,.».. —,...,..«. sm. Uo. Printed and to be sold by Peter Parker, &c. 1667 1488 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in ten Books, first edition . I /" {fourth title, with fleur-de-lis ornament), backed, brown morocco, gilt nl ^ floreate back, upper side covered with stars with lettering in centre, g. e, n by Mansell f\y/ sm. ito. Printed by S. Simmons and to he sold by S. Thomson at the Bishops- '^ Head in Duck-lane, &c. 1668 1489 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, A Poem in Ten Books, first edition >a \ / {Lowndes^ seventh title), with 3-line printer's address to the reader, 7^>\ Y,. Argument and Errata, brown morocco, gilt triangles and frame orna- ments, g. e. Uo. Printed by S. Simmons and are to be sold by T. Helder at the Angel in Little Brittain, 1669 1490 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, first edition {seventh title), 5-line printer's address, title mounted, second leaf of Argument slightly defective; the third mj title with initials only, J. M. Peter Parker, &c. 1668, also mounted ; I l/"^ (^^<^ 1 ^ pmiraits of Milton, including the Marshall a7id Dolle ones, and ^^ one of Andrew Marvell inserted, modern brown morocco gilt, antique ^^ style, r. e. sm. ito. ib. 1669 1491 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, A Poem in Twelve Books, the second /l}^ edition, revised and augmented by the same author {the first ^yJ^. 1 edition in 12 Books), {wants portrait), crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf sm. 8vo. Printed by S. Simmons, 1674 166 SIZES MIXED 1492 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, A Poem in Twelve Books, the third I Aj/\ edition, revised and augmented by the same author, portrait by W. V p \ Dolle, calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy, with QF^ some rough lower edges 8vo. Printed by S. Simmons, 1678 14yy^ Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in Twelve Books, the third edition, revised and augmented by the author, poiirait by Vander Gucht, Aet. 21, with Greek verses below, inserted {mounted) {wants the Dolle por- trait), signatures of Alex. Stanhope and Edward Ever shed on title, brown morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. ib. 1678 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, the third edition, revised and augmented by the same a,nthoT, portrait by W. Dolle, S. Simmons, 1678 ; Para- dise Regained, a Poem in IV Books, with Samson Agonistes (second edition), /. Starkey, 1680 ; together 2 vol. uniform blue morocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8vo _ Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem in twelve Books, the fourth edition nv\ {first edition in folio), fine portrait by B. White and plates, russia, g. e. ® \ {bi-oken) folio. M. Flesher for E. Bentley, 1688 1496 \ Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, with illustrations by John Martin {one plate «^ loose), black morocco with blind stamped antique ornaments, g. e. \^ folio. R. Washburne, 1858 1497 Milton (J.) Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in IV Books, to which is U ;-\ added Samson Agonistes, first edition, with leaf of License dated *• \' W July 2, 1670, and Errata at end, crushed blue morocco super extra, f^y^-'^side dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford 8vo. J. M. for John Starkey, 1671 1498i Milton (J.) Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in IV Books, to which is added I \ Samson Agonistes, first edition, with the leaf of License dated fy^Yy^July 2, 1670, and leaf of Errata at end, calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. *f\^^y F. Bedford, fine copy 8vo. ib. 1671 1499 Milton (J.) History of Britain, portrait and genealogical table, calf gilt, fA ^ y. e. R. Wilks, 1818 — Milton, Poetical Works, with Memoir by 3\ Jas. Montgomery, woodcuts from drawings by W. Harvey, 2 vol. red mm-QCco extra, g. e. by J. Wright, Tilt & Bogue, 1843 8vo. (3) 1500 Milton (J.) A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, &c. the I Author J. M. first edition, title mended, some headlines shaved, ^\/ portrait {age 21) by Dolle, with Greek verses inserted {margins cut M down), calf, 12mo, T. Newcomb, 1659 — Raleigh (Sir W.) The Cabinet & Council, containing the Chief Arts of Empire and Mysteries of State, published by John Milton, portrait {some margins shaved), calf, ib. 1658 (2) 1501 Milton (J.) Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, contra Salmasii Defensi- \A onem Regiara ; cum Indies {editio secunda 1), red morocco extra, g. e. \ 12 mo. typis Du Gardianis, 1651 1502 Milton (J.) Pro Se Defensio contra Alexandrum Morum, Libelli \ famosi cum titulus, " Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Ccelum," &c. first \\\^ edition, red morocco extra, g. e. 16mo, Hagce-Com. A. Vlacq, 1655 — V Heinsius, De Tragcediae Constitutione, red morocco extra, g. e. 16mo, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1643 (2) 1503 Milton. Sotheby (S. Leigh) Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton, facsimiles and 2 photos, lialf morocco, picture panels sm. folio, printed fm- the author, 1861 SIZES MIXED 167 11^ 1504 Miniatures. A Collection of 76 finely painted and illumi- nated Miniatures, large Miniature Initials, Borders, &c. taken from Antiphonarii and other illumiruited MSS. of the XlVth, j - XVth and XVIth centuries, mostly Italian, amongst which are the A* following : a large initial M representing the Martyrdom of St. Peter, 11^ by 9^ in. vei-y fine ; Pope Alexander VII on a bed, the Virgin ^^ appearing to him, tcith splendid border of flowers and small miniatures ^Fi m blue, with the Pope's arms below; 19 fine large initials of Apostles and Saints; large initials of Passion subjects; a very superior miniature, crowded with figures, an " EccE Homo," 6f in. long by 4 in. high ; SPLENDID RENAISSANCE BORDERS, with arms of Pope Paul III, &c. / 1 3 fim. miniatures of the Passion from a Book of Hours, XVth Cent. ; illuminated leaves to Venetian Ducales, with the Doges' arms ; large initial of David and Goliath, &c. ; A very DESIRABLE COLLECTION, mounted on thick paper and bound in a vol. thick boarded modern morocco folio 1505 Minsheu (John) Guide into Tongues, first edition, old calf \\-^ large folio. J. Browne, 1617 1506 'Mishkut, by Abdiel Huk of Delhi, Persian Manuscript on native PAPER (305 II. \2i by ^ in.) urritten in long lines, red and black 'jmned), modern calf extra sm. folio. S^C. xviii ? [50.7) Missa. Expositio Misteriorum Missse Christi Passionem devotissime figurantium metrice atque prosaici posita, Itt. QOti). (24 //.) unbound sm. ito. August. Jo. Froschauer, 1501 1508 Missale Copto-Arabicum, /?rmfec? in red and black, ivith woodcuts, vellum ^X/ sm. ito. [16 — ] 1509 Missale Ebroicense (Evreux), Illustr. et Rev. D.D. P. J. C. Roche- chouart Ebroic. Episcopi, &c. auctoritate editum, lit. rom. red and ijJM black, with musical notes, fine full-page engravings inserted, old French ' i^ red mm'occo, full gilt floreate back, broad and rich ornamental borders, /\ with a French marquise's arms in centre (Le Noir ?), blue silk doublures, VyVvm» 9- «• (Dermne), fine copy folio. Paris. J. B. Coignard, 1740 1510 Missale Gallicanum (sine Calendario), Manuscript on vellum (139 II. \2^ by 8^ in.) written in bold goti^ic cl)aractct», in red and 3^1 J black, double columns of 2% lines, with Neames shaped musical notes, by *A \/^0' French-English scribe, with a painted miniature (5 by 3 in.) of the ' Crucifixion with John and Mary, on a blue ground, John with a jagged red cloak, before the Canon ; 4 fine large illuminated scroll initials, and a numerous ornamental pen-letters with marginal decorations ; new boarded brown morocco, lettered as follows in gold letters on upper cover : " Missale Gallicanum ; written in France about a.d. 1200-1220 ; used in England as appears from the Service of St. Edmund being added at the bottom of a leaf about a.d. 1400 " folio. Sjec. Xiii 1511 "Missale Magalonense," cum Calendario, Manuscript on vellum (334 II. II by 7^ in.) written in large goti^tc ItttersJ, in red and black, with square musical notes, double columns of 32 lines; i pages having fine large illuminated initials with ornamental borders and outside de- corations of ivy leaves of Anglo-French design, and many hundred orna- mental pen-letters ; boarded crushed crimson morocco super extra, doubU i 168 SIZES MIXED * Lot 1511 — continued. with very broad blue and red inside borders richly gilt, joints, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf thick sm. folio, late xiv Cent, or early xv On the reverse of the first leaf is written in a late hand " Missale Magalonense 1481 " ; but it may have been done for Montpelier, or for Loteve, Diocese of Languedoc. A XVIth century inscription on the first page of Calendar reads " Gratianus Gh-anierus Vicar huius loci Podiobenensis." r [l512j Missale et Lectionarium Eomanum, cum Calendario, Manuscript ON VELLUM (271 II. 13 byS^in.) written in bold goti)iclctt€r0, the first 56 II. including Calendar in smaller characters, loith accent marks for in- toning ; before the Canon is a large illuminated miniature of the Cruci- fixion (7^ by 5^ in.) ; 3 large illuminated ornamental initials, numerous fine painted scroll letters, and ornamental pen-letters, and there are numerous additions to the services in 16//i century hands, jnodern boarded brown morocco extra thick sm. folio. Sjeg. xiii-xiv i\\ 1513 Missale Romanum, cum Calendario, richly illuminated Manu- script ON vellum (236 II. 9 by 6| in.) finely written in gotj^tc IcltctjJ (lettres bdtardes), red and black, in double columns of 33 lines, by a Flemish-French scribe ; 22 superb painted and illuminated bor- fj DERS of rich flower and leafy scroll ornament, interspersed with natural ruits and floivers, small miniatures of the Passion, human figures, &c. on rich gold or dark coloured grounds ; each con- and fine figured initial, A very fine full-page minia- •ich border before the Canon ; 30 small figured miniature initials, mostly with short marginal decorations, besides numerous rich ornamental initials, large and small, and decorative details ; modern boarded bhte morocco richly gilt, g. e. (from the Hamilton Palace Library) sm. ito. Smc. XV *^* A remarkable and very fine example of XVth Century WORK, executed by a first-rate French or Flemish artist. The page beginning with the Dominica Prima post Octavem Penthecostem, has a very fine border with a miniature of Christ as Salvator Mundi between two kneeling figures of a Knight in armour and his lady in gorgeous costume, the lower margin having their arms, De Ferrol (Dauphine) and de Cambronue (Ponthieu), for whom evidently the manuscript was executed. ^ X^tANVVJ^W- 514) Missale Romanum, cum Cdllendario, Manuscript on vellum (200 II. 14| by 10| in.) very finely written in large goti)tc letters, the Canon in larger letters than the rest, in red and black, double columns of 29 lines, with square musical notes, by a German scribe ; A FINE full- page painting of the Crucifixion with Mary and John, and a male figure with a coat of arms, kneeling below (10 by 7 in.) before the Canon, Id fine large illuminated ornamental initials, some with marginal decorations, and many hundred painted initials in blue and red and ornamental pen-letters ; on the first page of the text is written the name of the scribe " Joh'*. Horwer, Scriptor," and at the top the date 1469 ; contemporary oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather, brass bosses and clasp, enclosed in new red morocco case lined with chamois leather, a very finely written and perfect manuscript folio. 8mc. XV # m \ SIZES MIXED 169 USI 1 u 1515 Missale Romanum niiperimpressum, cum omnibus aliis Missis ; ceteris missalibus curantibus, &c. [cura et diligentia emendatum], lit. got!)- red ami black, mth musical notes, fine fall-page icoodcut of the Cruci- fixion within d-namental border before the Canon, small cuts in the text, ornamental woodcut initials, modern blue morocco extra, g. e. good copy J ft of a RARE EDITION hikJUl 8fo. Fe7iet. impressus sumptibus Nic. de Franckfordia arte et in- dustria H. Liechtensteyn Coloniensis et Johannis Hertzog di Landau; 1501, VI Kal Nov. 1516 Missale Romanum noviter impressum (cum Calendaiio), ordine quo- dam miro ad facillime omnia invenienda, &c. lit. gotf). red and black, with musical notes, full-page and numerous smaller Italian woodcuts, historiated and ornamental initials and ornaments, the first full-page cut after the Tabula has the initials Z. A.. (Zoan Andrea), contemporary MS. prayers in margin, oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather (rebacked) sm. 8vo. Venet. L. A. Junta, 1526 This is one of the first liturgical books introduced into Mexico by the Franciscans, the first Apostles of Christianity in the New- World." See MS. note on fly-leaf by Don Jos6 F. Ramirez, President of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico's first Ministry. 1517 Missale Romanum, novissime impressum ; diligentissirae emendatum, ex omni parte integrum et perfectum, &c. lit. goti). red and black, yilfii ^*^^ musical notes, cut on title, full-page cut of Crucifixion before the I''' I Canon with a border to the opposite page, numerous small cuts in the I Calendar and throughout the text ; modern boarded black morocco with blind stamped antique ornaments, clasps, fine copy of a rare edition ito. Venet. H. Scotus, 1558 1518 Missale Romanum, summa revisum diligentia, ac novissime impres- ijij sum ; et ad Antiquorum Missalium Ordinem redactum, finely printed Lr in large lit. gotI). in red and black, double columns, with musical notes, /^ fine large woodcut of the Crucifixion befvre the Canon, with a icoodcut r bm-der opposite in 7 compartments, numerous snuill cuts in the text and ornamental initials, modern boarded red morocco super extra, inside den- telles, g. e. fine copy folio. Venet. L. A.Juncta, 1563 One of the finest Missals issued from the celebrated Giunta Press at Venice. 1519 Missale Romanum, Pii V Pont. Max. jussu editum ; cui accessit Kalen- darium Gregorianum perpetuum, red and black, musical notes, wood- cuts and woodcut initials {title backed), boarded red mm'occo, antique ityle, gilt gauffred edges 8vo. Paris. Kerver, 1584 10 Miss 1520 Missale Romanum, Pii V Pont. Max. jussu editurn additis aliquot SS. » Officiis, red and black, with musical notes, looodcuts, some illuminated, *\^\ and historiated woodcut initials {some II. at end wormed), oaken boards, ^ stamped ornamental pigskin, clasps sm. Uo. Ardw. Moi-etus, 159.3 1521 Missale Romanum, Pii V jussu editum, cum Kalendario Gregoriano, I lit. rom. red and black, musical notes, woodcuts, the large one befwe the Canon coloured {icants 7 II.) [Bound at the end is '• Proprium Festorura Diocesis Augustante," Dilingce, J. Mayer, 1597], oaken boards, leather, with religious devices {back broken) folio. Venet. ap. Juntas, 1596 II. 170 SIZES MIXED 1522 Missale Romanum, cum Calendario Gregoriana, et Missis Sanctorum a Sixti V usque ad Clementem VIII, Ordinatis, &c. lit. rom. red and black, with musical notes, large cut of Crucifixion before the Canon, figured and ornamental woodcut initials, old calf, sm.fol. Venet. ap. Juntas, 1598 1523 Missale Romanum, dementis VIII auctoritate recognitum, lit. rom. red and black, with musical notes, full-page engraving before the Canon and border to opposite page [mended), woodcut figured initials, russia, y. e. folio. Antw. B. Moretus, 1634 1524 Missale Romanum, nunc denuo Urbani VIII, auctoritate recognitum, red and black, fine full-page copper-plate engravings, vignettes and borders {leaf in Canon mended), old Italian red morocco, covered with elaborate ornamental gilt tooling m frame compartments, g. e. a Cardinal's arms on ^ sides {Barberini ?), a fine specimen, but somewhat worn folio. Romce, exTyp. Vat. 1635 1525 Missale Romanum, nunc denuo Urbani VIII auctoritate recognitum, lit. rom. red and black, fine copper-plate engravings ; [bound at the end, LA ^ " Missse propriae Festorum Ord. Eremitarum S. Augustini," Antw. \ 1654], oaken boards, black morocco, clasps \ ^ folio. Antw. B. Moretus, 1661 1526 Missale Romano-Moguntinum, nunc denuo Principis ac domini D. -J /J Philippi Caroli Mogunt. Archiep. &c. auctoritate recognitum, red and /asfw^ black, portrait of the Archbishop, large copper-plate engravings, oaken t boards, red morocco, richly tooled {worn) folio. Mogunt. 1742 1527 Missale Romanum, Clementi VIII et Urbani VIII auctoritate recog- I nitum, red and black, musical notes, 2 large engravings and ornamental Ifltl initials {title torn), boards covered in brown velvet and embroidered nearly I I all over with rich ornaments in silver threads ; an Imperial Crown in centres with a raised coat of arms {1 Spain) worked in coloiired threads, g. e. folio. Venet. N. Pezzana, 1762 1528 Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesi^ Sarisburiensis, nunc recens typis elegantioribus exaratum, historiis novis, variis et propriis in- signitum ; et a mendis quam plurimis (quibus passim scatebat) omni diligentia nuper emendatum, lit. gotJ^. red and black, with y musical notes, numerous fine large and small uvodcuts and ornamental initials ; the 2 II. before the Canon containing 2 full-page woodcuts, one of the Crucifixion, the other the very remarkable one of God the Father ON VELLUM, someivhat woi-med throughout, but a very clean and large copy, modern binding, oaken boards, leather, with blind stamped antique ornaments, very rare folio impressum Parisiis typis Jo. Amazeur ptro Guil. Merlin, 1555 One of the finest Sarum Missals printed in the 16th century. On the title is a cut of the English Royal Arms, Rose and St. George and Dragon. 1529 Missale Speciale, item Cautele circa defectus vel Casus in celebratione ^ 1 misse ; et Consecratione Sacramenti Eucharistise ; occurrentes (cum lyl*^ Calendario), lit. gotf)- {Missal type), red and black, large cut of Cruci- '/v fi'^^o''^ before the Canon coloured, 11 II. of Anthems with music in MS. f\ inserted before the Canon, and other MS. additions in the Calendar, &c. ^^ contemporary oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin, clasp, very rare sm. folio. Argent. Johannes Priisz, 1508 js|"l Hi SIZES MIXED 171 Il530 MissALE Wratislaviense (?) cum Calendario, lit. goti), magna, red and black, double columns of 38 lines (19 in the Canon), fine large f». j 1 painted and illuminated ornamental initial on first page and beginning ^'Vl ^f ^^ Canon, with marginal decorations, blue painted capitals {wants I r title), oaken boards, modern stamped ornamental calf, r. e. a fine copy, ' RARE folio J. M " Presens Missale ad dei laude et honor em per Petrum Schaffer de ffjkgL Gernszheym in inclyta civitate Maguntina huius artis Impressorie lA^^Krf\. inventrice . . . impressum et finitum anno MCCCCXCTX " {colophon and shields in red) 1531 Missale Ordinis Sancti Benedict! (cum Calendario). [colophon], Missale secundum moixm et consuetudinem Ordinis Sancti Benedicti de Observantia Burszfeldensis ; lit. got]^. red and black, with musical notes, wants woodcut before the Canon, plain margins of several II. mended ; otJierwise a most excellent copy of a very rare edition, modern calf, antique blind stamped ornaments folio. Spirce Petrus Drach {with his fine device in red) 1498, III KL Augusti [issale (cum Calendario) juxta morem et consuetudinem Carthusien- sium cum nonnullis missis de novo superadditis, lit. gotf). red and ^Jhj iilo.ck, with musical notes, fine full page and small Italian woodcuts, iL ^^^^^'"'^^^^ "'^'^ ornamental initials, two of the full page cuts smudged . / with Colour, inscription of Provenance on title, modern crushed red ^/w^ morocco extra, lettered on sides, g. e. by R. De Coverly, rare edition llviL ^"^' ^^^' ^^'*^^' ^" ■^' ^^ ^'^"^«' 1^09 1533 Missale Monasticum Pauli V. auctoritate recognitum, pro omnibus /// sub Regula SS. Patris Benedicti militantibus, &c. lit. rom. red and /-" black, with musical notes, fine copperplate engravings, old Italian red it O morocco, gilt ornamental frame sides with figure of S. Benedict in centres, f^Wi g. e. folio. Venet. Nic. Pezzana, 1693 1534 Modus Legendi Abbreviatui-as in utroque Jure, sive Processus Juris, ■■<0^ lit. gotft. signatures of R. Percy {Earl of Northumberland) and Charles t-^/^/Q -' Baxter oiytitle, old calf gilt sm. ito. Nuremb. A. Koberger, 1494 /1535 MolesworthyTLord) Account of Denmark, 1692; Account of Sweden, 9>J 1688 ; ^Wfl several Pieces relating to those Countries, with MS. notes «*^ by Thos. Bollis, hisoivn copy, in old English red morocco, ivith ornamental / tooling and devices of a lion and Britannia, &c. g. e. presented to Andrew Lumisden 8vo. T. Longman, 1738 1536 Moliere. Les CEuvres de Monsieur de Moliere. Reveues, corrig^es . /, et augmentees (avec les (Euvres Posthumes), enrichie de figures en ll\i\\ iaille-douce, 8 vol. crushed blue morocco extra, fall gilt floreate backs, I * I line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Duru-Chambolle, FINE COPY OF A RARE ' AND EARLY EDITION OF THE COLLECTED WORKS, Containing the first of the " (Euvres Posthumes " sm. Svo. Paris, Thierry, Barbin et Trabouillet, 1682 1537 Moliere. CEuvres, avec les Remarques grammaticales, des Avertisse- . . . mens et des Observations sur chaque Pi^ce par M. Bret, first LA Iff EDITION, with the starred leaves, portrait and fine plates after Moreau, y \ 6 vol. crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. I Svo. Paris, Libraires Associ4s, 1773 1- LD4U 1- 172 SIZES MIXED 1538 Moliere, La Fameuse Comedienne ou Histoire de la Guerin, aupar- " avant Femme et Veuve de Moliere ; Preface et notes par Jules -^ Bonnassies, printed upon glazed leaded paper, portrait, half morocco gilt sm. 8vo. Paris, Barraud, 1870 1539 Moliere. Theatre Choisi, avec une Notice par M. Poujoulat, 50 fine etchings by V. Foulquier, 2 vol. crushed red morocco, full gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. by A. Bertrand, in cardboard cases sup. imp. 8vo. Tours, A. Mame, 1878 1540 Mollhausen (Baldwin) Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific, translated by Mrs. Percy Siunett, map and chromolithographs, 2 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. Longman, 1858 15^1 Monscatinus. " Johannis Thomse Montecatini Adernionis Comitis de Ul J Vita Illius Constantise Davalos Comitis Acerarii Premium incipit," vUvl/ Manuscript on vellum (60 II. 9^ by 6^ in.) finely written in reman ' letters, long lines, 18 to a full page, by an Italian scribe ; border of first page finely illuminated with the Medici arms beloiv ; '20 fine illuminated initials in the text, modern boarded purple velvet [from the Conventual Library of S. Lav;rence of Salerno) ito. S>mg. xv 1542 Monson (Lord) Views in the Department of the Isere and the High Alps, map and 22 fine large lithographs by Haghe, on india paper, half tiiwocco atlas folio. W. H. Dalton, 1840 Monstrelet (Enguerran de) Le Premier (le Second et le Tiers) Volume des Croniques de France, d'Angleterre, Descosse, &c. lettres bdtardes, ' double columns, woodcuts on titles and reverses, large cut of St. Denis in vol. Ill, numerous fine ornamental woodcut initials, 3 vol. old calf, with gilt backs and centre ornaments {cover of vol. I broken), good copy of a RARE EDITION Small foUo. Paris, J. Petit et M. Le Noir, 1512 1544 Monstrelet (E. de) Chronicles, translated by Thos. Johues, 13 vol. including ito vol. of plates, half russia 8vo. Longman, 1810 1545 Montague (Edw.) The Citizen, a Hudibrastic Poem, to which is added Nelson's Ghost, coloured caricature portrait, half morocco, t. e. g. 8vo. 1806 1546 Montaigne (Mich, de) Les Essais; edition nouvelle, enrichie d'anno- tations en marges; corrig6e et augmentee, plus la Vie de I'Autheur, >4 engraved title by E. Charpy, and fine pmirait by Th. de Leu, oaken boards, ^^^^-^ leather, stamped with heads of Emperors and Popes and renaissance oniiaments ; rebacked, modern clasps, rare edition sm. 8vo. Paris, Jean Petit Pas, M. Nivtlle, &c. 1608 1547 Montaigne (M. de) Les Essais, nouvelle Edition, exactement purgee des Defauts de Precedentes, selon la Vray Original (avec la Vie de V/w-J I'Autheur), frontispiece containing portrait by Clouet, 3 vol. modern red X morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. (Janseniste), fine copy of a rare / EDITION sm. 8vo. Amst. A. Michiels, 1659 1548 Montaigne (M. de) Essays, translated by Chas. Cotton, with notes, &c. JP -.-^2 ^ "^ edited by W. C. Hazlitt, portrait and illustrations, 3 vol. half moroccOy/^^ ^^ t. e. g. 8vo. Beeves and Turner, 18J^ 1549 Montanus (A.) Denckwiirdige Gesandtschafften der Ost-Indischen J^ J -a Gesellschaft in den Vereinigten Niederlandern an unterschiedliche Aj^^ /^ Keyser von Japan, map and copperplate engravings, vellum * sm. folio. Amst. J. Meurs, 1669 /S'O SIZES MIXED 173 1550 Montesquieu. Le Temple de Guide, nouvelle Edition, avec figures ^ \/ X^ gravdes par N. Le Mire d'ap-hs les Dessins de Ch. Eisen, frontispieces ^^^JjL ^ containing medallion head, engraved title, and 9 fine plates, crushed '//[^ i(f ■'^ crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e, by F. Bedford, fine copy y ^ roy. 8vo. Paris, chez Le Mire, 1772 1551 Montresor. Memoires de Monsieur de Montresor. Diverses Pieces durant le Ministre du Card, de Richelieu, &c. 2 vol. French red morocco (Janseniste), g. on m. e. by Duru l'2mo. Cologne et Leyde, Jean Sambix (auz Elzevirs), 1663-5 1552 Moore (Thos.) Poetical Works, collected by himself, portrait, fronts, and vignettes, 10 vol. purple morocco gilt, g. e. 12mo. Longman, 1841 1553 Moore (Thos.) Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence, edited by Lord John Russell, portraits, frontispieces and vignettes, 10 vol. Jialf calf gilt, m. e. cr. 8vo. ib. 1853 1554 Moral Emblems, &c. from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie, with illus- trations freely rendered by John Leighton, translated by R. Pigot, XX^/'^ }^ crushed blue morocco super extra, inside gilt boi-ders, g. e. by J. Leighton j4 sm. f?C=3ZnS59= ^ // 1555 Morant (Philip) History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, yyi^CL maps and plates, signature on titles, 2 vol. calf gilt, y. e. folio. T. Osborne, &c. 1768 1556 More (Sir Thomas) Workes, written by him in the English Tonge, FIRST collected EDITION, blacfe XtHtK {with the Youthful Poems and Leaf to the printer), title within woodcut border, repaired and backed ; plain margins of 2 or d II. mended ; otherwise a most excellent copy, brown morocco extra, with antique blind stamped ornaments, g. e. RARE sm. folio. J. Cawood, J. Waly and R, Toitell, 1557 *^* The title bears the signature of '• William Roofer the very true Owner" (son-in-law of Sir Thos. More), and that of his brother "Antony Roofer liber exdono Fratris." An interesting copy. 1557 Morellius. Thesaurus Morellianus sive Familiarum et Iraperatorum d ^ Romanorum Numismata omnia, cum Commentariis S. Havercampi, ^1 ll &c. numerous plates, 5 vol. calf, m. e. folio. Amst. Wetdein, 1734-52 1558 Morgan (Sylvanus) The Sphere of Gentry; deduced from the Prin- ^1 ^ ciples of Nature, an Historical and Genealogical Work of Arms I ' and Blazon, frontispiece by Gaywood (top edge shaved), and numerous copperplate engravings and coats of arms, calf antique, r. e. folio. W. Leybourn, for the Author, 1661 Ij^ waOJv. 1559 Morley (Henry) Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, first edition, wood- cuts, calf antique, r. e. 1859 — Bewick's Select Fables, edited by E. Pearson, numerous woodcuts, half morocco, Longmans — Butler (Sam.) Hudibras, &c. (Aikin's British Poets), plates, 2 vol. russia, 1803 8m (4) 1560 Morlinus. Opus Morlini complectens Novellas Fabulas et Comoediam, integerrime datura, &c. maxima cura et impensis P. S. Caron Biblio- phile, &c. {only 55 copies printed), red morocco gilt, g. e. scarce sm. 8vo. Paris, 1799 Ill-; 174 SIZES MIXED 1561 Morris (Rev. F. 0.) History of British Birds, and Natural History of iJl A the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, original editions, numerous ^l\ \ fine coloured plates, 9 vol. green morocco gilt, g. e. (backs icorn) roy. Sw. Groombridge, 1851-7 Morris (Wm.) The Earthly Paradise, and the Life and Death of Jason, 5 vol. red mm'occo extra, g. e. cr. 8vo. F. S. Ellis, 1870 )63 Motley (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic, new edition, 3 vol. calf \'Ar^ gi^Ura.e. ^K^\\\ ^^^- Bickers, l^^'^: 1564 " Mouhy (Chev. de) La Mouche, ou les Avantures de M. Bigaud, traduite ^\ ^-de I'ltalien (avec la Suitte), 3 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt ' K backs, plain sides, g. e. 8vo. Paris, Poilly, 1738-42 1565 Mount Olivet. Bullae Julii H, Pont. Max. Privilegias concessunt . Monasterio divae Catharinse Montis Oliveti Ord. Benedicti [copies of *yiA Three Bulls of Pope Julius II conceding Privileges to the Benedic- \\ tine Monastery of Mount Olivet], Manuscript on vellum (26 II. 9 by 6 ins.) neatly written in script characters by an Italian Scribe, long , lines, 25 to a page, first page painted with a monogram forming the words - A Mons Olivetus, opposite border painted and illuminated, ornamental pen ipri letters, &c. old ailf, with blind stamped ornaments sm. Uo. S^C. xvi 1566 Miinchener Bilder-Bogen, Nos. 1-264, illustrated sheets with German text A ^ in prose and verse, bound in a vol. cloth, uncut V/^ fol. Milnchen, Wolf und Sohn, K. J. 1567 Munster (Sebastian) Cosmographia: Beschreibung aller Lander, lit. got]^. t\lA spherical and other woodcut maps containing America, and numerous \\ * \ singular woodcuts in the text, oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin, V^QijVJ^^sps fol. Basil. Henricpetrus, 1548 1568 Murchison (Sir R. I.) The Silurian System, numerous plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, m. e. {cover cracked) Uo. J. Murray, 1839 1569 Murchison (Sir R. I.) Siluria, third edition, numerous illustrations, with geological map in case, half russia, J. Murray, 1859 — Stewart (A.) Our Temperaments, illustrations, 1887 — Wallace (R. L.) The Canary Book, plates, n. d. ; &c. Svo. (6) 1570 Museum Veronense, hoc est Antiquarum Inscriptionum atque ana- \ glyphorura collectio (edidit Scipio MafFeius), plates, old Dutch vellum ^^ fol. Veronce, 1749 1571 Nacatene (R. P. Guill.) Le Palmier C6leste ou Heures de I'Eglise, old rt k| French red morocco, gilt cinquefoils on back, rich gilt scroll ornaments ^ \ on sides, with painted ducal arms and monogram in centre, g. e. sm. Svo. Cologne, J. G. Krakamp, 1750 1572 Napoleon I. Compte de I'Administration des Finances pendant I'ann^e \^\ 1811, Napoleon I's copy, bound in red morocco, with N and imperial \ »V ^0,91^ on back, rich gilt ornamental borders, with the Napoleon arms in centres, g. e. Uo. Paris, Impr. Imp6riale, 1813 1573 Nash (Dr. Tread way) Collections for the History of Worcestershire, \ i\ " ^^^^^^ edition, with Additions " (with the Supplement), map, por- \V^'^\ trait, views, pedigrees, &c. 2 vol. purple morocco super extra, full gilt c^ backs, ornamental frame sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Hayday, fine *-N copy 'fol. J. White, 1199 SIZES MIXED 175 1574 Nassau. Description des illustres Exploits de son Excell. Maurice de Nassau, &c. 40 maps and plates of sieges and battles {wants title), old French red nwrocco, fleurs-de-lis on hack, ornamental borders, with royal arms of France {Louis XIII), m. e. [16 — ] Natalibus (Petrus de) Catalogus Sanctorum et G-estorum eorum ex diversis voluminibus collectus, editio prima, lit. rom. numerous fine large and small ornamental woodcut initials {last leaf backed, a few leaves slightly wormed), modern boarded blue morocco extra, with a crest on sides, bevelled rims, joints, g. e. fol. Ficentice, Henricus de Sancto Ursio, 1493 1576 Natalibus (Petrus de) Catalogus Sanctorum Vitas Passiones, miracula Oiji commodissime annectens ex variis voluminibus selectus, lit. goti). \y^ double columns, title in red and black within fine woodcut border in com- A \ partments, numerous small woodcuts, crushed red mmocco extra, g. e. by \\\&ll^ D^ Coverly Uo. Lugd. Jac. Giuncti, 1543 1577 Nebuchadnezar. Histoire Tragedienne tir^e de la Fureur et Tirannie de Nebuchodnosor, Manuscript on vellum (16 II.) copied in fac- Ol simile with pen and ink drawings of the woodcuts from, the printed edition »A,^ of A. Cousturier at Rouen, s. a. old blue morocco, silk linings, from the "^ " Didot Library sm. 8w. Cent, xvii 1578J Necrologie (Le) Des Hommes Celebres de France par une Society de a1 Gens de Lettres, 2 vol. in 1, old French red morocco, full gilt floreate *'^V' back with fleurs-de-lis, line sides with royal arms of France (Louis XVI) ^ in centres, g. e. {Derome) sm. 8vo. Paris, Moreau, 1767 o 1579 Nelson (Lord) Life, by T. 0. Churchill, portrait, facsimile autograph letter and fine plates, including the funeral car, half bound roy. ito. 1 808 t .580 1580 Neri, Vita di S. Fillippo Neri Fiorentino Fondatore della Congrega- (J^" tione deir Oratorio di Roma, engraved title containing portrait after J. » Stella, by C. Sas, and 44 fine large Italian engravings, mostly with initials L. C. crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by JV. Pratt Ato. s. I. a. e nom del Impressore (c. 1597) 1581 Nessel (Dan. de) Catalogus, sive Recensio Specialis omnium Codicum I Manuscriptorum Graecorum, nee non Linguarum Orientalium "^^ August. Bibliothecse Csesareae Vindobonensis, numerous engravings, ^ 2 vol. old calf fol. Findob. L. Voigt, 1690 1582 Nibbs (R. H.) Antiquities of Sussex, first Series, 50 plates, 1874 — i\\ ^ Hearne and Byrne. Britannia Depicta, Part I, Bedfordshire, Berk- ' \ shire and Buckinghamshire, 2i fine views, obi. 1806 — Turner's Liber * W^Studiorum. Mountains and Marine Subjects, 23 autotypes, 1876 \J^ fol (3) 1583 Nichols (John and J. B.) Literary Anecdotes and Illustrations of the 57/C7 Literary History of the XVIIIth Century, numerous portraits, 17 vol. / /~ tree-marbled calf gilt, y. e. 8vo. 1812-58 |[ 584) Nicolaus. Incipit Antidotarium Nicolai, finely printed in roman letter, I long lines, 21 to a full page, without marks, capitals painted in blu^e and (Off red, painted and illuminated initial and coat of arms on first page, calf 1 gilt, RARE {Syston Park copy) Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1471 7S 176 SIZES MIXED Nider (Joannes) Expositio Decalogi seu Prseceptorium Diviuse Legist, lit. gotf). double columns, 37 lines, without marlcs, rubricated (Hain 1 1782), absque nota {Basil. B. Bodt?) — Bonaventura (S.) Pharetra, lit. got^. "* (90 II.) long lines, 33 to a full page, roithout marks, rubricated {not in Hain), [at end] " laus deo clementissimo Fricz Cruszner," s. a. {Nurem- berg, 1473-4) ; in 1 vol. contemporary oaken boards, leather, stamped with ornaments in small circular and diagonal compartments, with ex- lihris of the Biblioth. Abb. Saijn Ord. Prmmonstr. and inscription on fly- leaf, " Liber Ecclesice Sanctce Marim Sanctorumq. Johannis et Symeonis in Seina Ord. Premonstr." thick sm. folio 1586 Nider (Joannes) Expositio Preceptorum Decalogi, printed in a neat oi- 1 roman letter, long lines, icith signs. (A I blank wanting), rubricated, crushed I'A . — crimson morocco, line tooled with centre ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. Cij[r\. by L. Broca \^ sm, Mo. Paris, per Udalricum Gering, 1482 1587v^izami. [Dramatic Poems], Illuminated Persian Manuscript on ^[y native glazed paper (412 II. 10|- by 5^ in.) 'written in double columns %\j \ ■' with an outside gloss, icith 1 9 fine large illuminated miniatures connected \\K\ ^^^^ ^^^ subjects of the text and many richly decorated pages (2 or 3 U. \j^\ damaged), native binding {damaged) S^C. xvi 1 1588 NiZAMi. [Dramatic Poems], Illuminated Persian Manuscript \n native glazed paper (336 //. 12^ by 8 in.) in 4 columns within gold yn| ^\ / and blue lines, with the seal of the library of Shah Jahan, the Mogul «<\'V Emperor, dated 1063, with 23 fine full page illuminated miniatures (C\ representing subjects connected with the text, and several pages richly ^J^^ decorated, native morocco binding, the sides covered in elaborate gold- flowered ornaments sm. folio. A. H. 987 (1610) /^ 1589 Nizolius (M.) Thesaurus Ciceronianus, nunc denuo auctus et ampliatus, /pl-^ \\\_> i^ lucem editus, old calf fol. Venet. H. Polus, 1588 lotices Historiques, anciennes et modernes. Manuscript on paper (68 II.) containing numerous draicings of arms and heraldic devices, plans of military evolutions, <&c. black leather sm. ito. Cent, xix 1591 Nuitter (Chas.) Le Nouvel Opera, ivoodcuts, morocco gilt, Paris, 1875 — Muntz (E.) Etudes Iconographiques P" Serie, Jialf morocco gilt, ib. 1887 — Daudet (A.) Trente ans de Paris, aquarelles, 1888; &c. cr. 8vo. (9) ■592 J Officium Beatse Marise Virginis Secundum Eomse Curiam et alia Officia, A" 90 \ N( 91 ] (~y If \^JL^ cum Calendario, Italian Manuscript on vellum (192 //. 4 by 2^ / '^^\^y*V^ *"•) '^■'■^^'^'^ ^^ ^^''^ '"■^^^ roman letters, long lines, 10 to a full page, 2 pages I V o painted in Benaissance ornaments, 2 painted initials within ornamental ^ '^.frames, and smaH^ ornaig^ntal initials, vellum IQmo. fino S^C xv Officium Beatse Marise Virginis, cum Calendario, &c. roman letter, red \ Unci black, with woodcuts and ornamental initials, wants beginning before IAIsV ^"^^ *^^ Colophon, sold not subject to return, old Lyonnese calf, covered ^ ^ \ with quatrefoils, corner ornaments. Crucifixion in centres, icith sun, moon and stars ^ 8vo. [15—] Oflficium Gloriosse Virginis Marise secundum Sanctam Ecclesiam Romanam, nuper ex Concilio Tridentinum reforniatum et tribus anni temporibus accomodatum, cum Calendario et Officio Passionis Cliristi, lit. gotj^. red and black, with woodcuts and figured initials, olive morocco, plain, g. e. 12mo. Fenet. Jac. Leuncinus, 1571 Lot 1596. SIZ^,S MIXED 177 lf)95 # r ^ a Officium Beat^e Marine Virginis, Pii V Pont. Max. jussu editum, nunc pluribus quam hactenus umquam figuris seneis illustratum, roinan letter, red and bhick, ruled in red, numerous fine copperplate en- gravings, brilliant impressions before all letters, old French brown morocco, ornamental gilt back and frame sides with corner fleurs-de-lis, WITH THE ARMS AND CROWNED MONOGRAM OF MARIE DE MeDICIS ON SIDES, g. e. {Ctovis Eve), in very good condition. [See PLATS'] sm. ito. Antw. J. Moretus, 1609 Officium Beatse Marioe Virginis nuper reformatura ; ad instar Breviarii Romani sub Urbano VIII recogniti, 59 fine copperplate engravings (unsigned), oaken boards, pigskin, g. e. Uo. Antw. B. Moretus, 1652 Officium B. V. M. Urbani VIII auctoritate recognitum, plates, old Italian red morocco icith rich ornamental gilt tooling, g. e. 16mo. Venet. 1770 698 i Office (L') de la Semaine Sainte, selon le Missel et le Breviaire Romaiu, ruled, copperplate engravings (some II. soiled), old red morocco, covered with croioned monogram and fleurs-de-lis alternated, icith the arms of Maria Theresa of Austria wife of Louis XIV sm. 8vo. Palis, Compagnie des Libraires, 1671 1599 1600 icf^ 1602 e 1603 ^iiXi Office de la Semaine Sainte, Latin et Francois, a I'Usage de Eome et Paris, &c. frontispiece (backed), old French red moivcco, fleurs-de-lis on back and sides, royal arms of France in centres (Louis XV), g. e. '{ ' G. Dupuis, 1724 Office de la Semaine Sainte en Latin et en Fran9ois, a I'llsage de Rome et de Paris, &c. d6di6e a la Reine, engraved title, dedication COPY to Maria Leczinska Queen of Louis XV of France, in red morocco, tlie back and sides covered with elaborate gilt ornamental tooling with the Queen's aims in centres, gold flowered end papers, g. e. very ivell preserved 8vo. Paris, chez la Neuve Mazieres, 1728 Office (L') de la Semaine Sainte, k I'Usage de la Maison de Roy, Lat. et Franc, avec les Explications par J' Abbe de Bellegarde, frontis- pieces, old French red morocco, gilt fleurs-de-lis on back and sides, with the royal arms of France (Louis XV) in centres, g. e. sm. 8vo. Paris, Collombat, 1748 Office de I'figlise en Latin et Fran9ois pour les Dimanclies et Fetes, imprime par I'Ordre du Card. De La Rochefoucauld, Archeveque de Rouen a TUsage de son Diocese, 4 vol. old French green morocco, back and corners inlaid in red, sides covered with elegant gilt floreate ornaments, with name " Rosalie Lefebure, Femme Dione," blind stamped in centres, doublures of pink silk, green end papers, g. e. fine copy sm. 8vo. Rouen, P. Seyer, 1787 Onophrio. A Diploma of Medicine granted by the University of Padua to Honophrius de Honophrio in 1550, Manuscript on VELLUM (13 II. 8^ by 5^ in.) containing a very fine drutving in pen- and-ink of Onophrio's name in a monogram " Joannes Dominicus Maurus Partinopeus scribebat 1550"/ a miniature portrait of the Graduate, 4 paintings in colours (allegorical) and a painting on last leaf; crushed brown morocco extra, by F. Bedford sm. ito. (Padua, ivritten 1550) N 178 SIZES MIXED- |1 1604 Oppianus. De Venatione lib. IIII et de Piscatu lib. V, Gr. et Lat. ,/jl — cum Comment, confectis studio et opera C. Ritterhusii, old French /^l . hrown morocco, with arms and devices of Monimorency-Saxony, g. e. ^f\}^-— 8vo. Lugd. Bat. F. Baphelengius, 1597 1605 Ordre du St. Esprit (Statutes de 1') establis par Henry III Roy de H r France, au mois de D^cembre Tan 1578, engraved title, old French red \] ^ morocco, back covered with fleurs-de-lis and Pentecostal flames, ornamental ■* ' .1 borders, with dove in cartouche in corners, arms of Louis XV in centres, A'^ blvs end papers, g. e. (Derome), fine copy 4fo. Impr. Royale, 1740 Origenes. In Nuptiale Carmen, Manuscript on vellum (78 II. lA A 12^6?/ 'din.) finely written in gfmt=goti)ic Uttcrg, long lines, 30 to a full ^vlD\ page, ornamental initial to first page, half bound (Phillipps MSS. 3729) ' V folio. Smc. XII 607 Origenes. Homilise in Pentateuchum Divo Hieronymo interprete, leaf VJLA ^of an ancient MS. Lectionarum tvith a fine painted initial at end (afeiv \\ ^l' slightly wormed), oaken boards, half leather, clasps ^ ^ ^ ^ folio. Venet. Aldus, 1503 Origenes. De Obscuris S. Scripturse locis a SS. PP. Basilio Magno et Gregorio Theologo ex variis Origenis Commentariis excerpta, Gr. et Lat. nunc primum Graece edita, opera et studio Jo. Tarini, cum notis, old French red morocco, covered with semis of crowned L's and fleurs-de-lis, with the arms of Louis XIII, old ex-libris of Sir Robert ThrockwMrton in cover, g. e. sm. ito. Lut. Par. S. Cramoisy, 1624 Ormerod (Dr. George) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, original edition, map, portrait, views and other illustrations (a pedigree of the Minshull family written on the back of the view of Brereton Hall in vol. Ill), 3 vol. green morocco extra, full gilt backs and broad gilt borders, g. e. folio. Lackington, &c. 1819 Ornithology, &c. A Series of 50 very clever Original Drawings in colours of Life-size Figures of British Birds in their Natural Haunts, with MS. names, and 22 other Drawings of Flowers, Fruits, Shells, &c. mounted in a vol. bound in crushed green morocco extra, broad inside ornamental borders, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf folio Orosius (Paulus) Historia [Adversus Cristiani nominis querulos, libri VIIj, EDITIO PRINCEPS, lit. goti). long lines, 35 to a full page, without marks, rubricated, m-namental pen-letters, old blue morocco, line tooled, y. e. (fVodhull copy) sm. folio. Augustce, J. Schilszler, 1471 Ortelius (A.) Th6atre de TUnivers contenant les Cartes de tout le Monde, avec une brieve description d'icelles, engraved title, portrait, ^ and 112 copper-plate maps, including America, England, Scotland, Wales, &c. cdLflnely coloured by hand, old calf with centre gilt orna- ments, g. e. nJWV -,r f^^^^- [Antwerp], 1587 Ortelius (A.) EpitomeNyS^eatri Orbis Terrarum de novo recognita, aucta, &c. a M. Coignexb, 113 small engraved maps, ivants end, calf gilt obi. 8vo. Antw. ex off. Plantin. 1612 Ostade. 't Werck complet van den vermaarde Schilder Adrian van Ostade, door hem selfs geinventeert en geest, portrait, printed title ^ and 52 fine etchings, brilliant early impressions, mounted on stiff paper, and bound in a vol. red moi'occo gilt folio, s. d.. 1609 1610 1611 1612 1614 SIZES MIXED 179 1615 Ottley (W. Young) An Enquiry into the Origin and early History of / / Engraving upon Copper and Wood, numerous facsimile illustrations^ /j/A 2 vol. yellow morocco, full gilt ornamental backs, very broad and rich gilt I I ornamental borders, uith an owl in centres, m. e. I ito. J. d: A. Arch, 181Q 1616 Ottley (W. Y.) Collection of one hundred and twenty-nine facsimiles of scarce and curious Prints by the Early Masters of the Italian, German and Flemish Schools, &c. original issue, 117 fine plates, India proofs, the duplicate Nielli upon silver', half vellum, t. e. g. roy. Uo. Longman, 1828 1617 Our Native Land, coloured plates, 2 vol. half morocco, 1879-80 — Court Album, Female Portraits after John Hayter, 1852 ; &c, Uo. (5) 1618 Overbeck (Fr.) Darstellungen aus den Evangelien, 40 plates, russia obi. folio. Dusseldorf, A. W. Schulgen, K.J. 1619 Overbury (Sir Thomas) His Wife ; with Additions of New Characters, and many other Wittie Conceits never before printed, the twelfth impression, portrait (published by R. Baldwin) inserted, title neatly re- paired, bright calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford \2mo. I. L.for K Sioayne, 1627 Ovidius. Opera Omnia, lit. rom. long lines, 43 to a full page, without marks, margins of several II. mended ; some stained, othervnse good, 3 vol. old English red mwocco, gilt ornamental backs and boi'ders (Har- leian) (Hopetoun copy), RARE edition sm. folio. Venet. Jacobus Rubeus, 1494 idius. Opera, D. Heinsius textum recensuit, ace. breves notse, &c. igraved title, 3 vol. crushed red morocco extra, antique style, g. e. by Tout {Osterley Park copy) 12mo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzemiana, 1629 1622 Ovidius. Metamorphoseon Libri, Heroides, &c. editio Aldina prima, /yl/y* 3 vol. vol. I-II ruled in red, with illuminated initials and coat of arms "m ^ on first page with initials N.D. old French red morocco gilt, original gilt • I and gauffred edges, vol. Ill newly bound to match (Didot's copy) sm. 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1502-3 1623 Ovidius. Metamorphoseon lib. XV, 164 small woodcuts by B. Salomon I-yl called Le Petit Bernard, mounted 1 on a page, with a title cut up and I mounted, no text, in aval, boards sm. ito. Lips. 1578 1624 Ovidius. P. Ovidio Metamorphoseos Vulgare, novamente stampato, 1^ diligentemenle correcto et historiato, woodcut title, fine Italian outline Q I woodcuts and oi-namental initials, several II. stained and mended, half yV^A. morocco gilt, g. e. sm. folio. Venet. G. de Rusconibus, 1517 1 II625J Ovidius. Le Metamorphosi, tradotte dal Latino diligentemente in I Q Volgar Verso, con sue allegoric, significatione et dichiaratione delle T Fabole in prosa (per Nicolo d'Agostino), fine Italian woodcuts, half vellum sm. ito. Venet. N. di Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1533 1626 Ovidius. Metamorphoses d'Ovide en Rondeaux (par Benserade), im- primez et enrichis de Figures par Ordre de Sa Majesty, frontispiece ^Su^l ^y Le Brun and 225 copper-plate vignettes by F. Chauveau, old French I / — red morocco, rich gilt ornamental back and borders, inside dentelles, joints, ' g. e. by Dubois dEnghien, fine copy Uo. Paris, impr. Royal e par S. Mabre Cramoisy, 1676 N 2 180 SIZES MIXED 1627 Ovidius. Verwandungen (Metamorphoses) in deutsch gebracht, lit. fcl got]^. numerous fine woodcuts by Virgil Solis {wants all preliminary **\ leaves), morocco, g. e. sm. 8vo. Francf. a. M. G. Eaben, &c. 1564 1628 Ovidius. Metamorphoses; oder wunderliche Verenderung ver- n J I fd schiedener Gestalden, an Tag gegeben und verlegt durch M. Kysell, ¥y^\/^ loO fine copper-plate engravings, including title, brown morocco extra, g. e. ' oblong 8vo. Augspurg, M. Kysell, 1681 1629 Ovidius. Heroides, Manuscript on vellum (47 II. 10 by 7 in.) UltM written in gotl^tc cJ)aracter0, long lines, 35 to a full page, illuminated '] I f j _ figured initial, ivith 4 contemporary fly-leaves covered with writing bound I in the vol. red morocco extra, by Zaehnsdoi'f Uo. S^C. xiv iiesol Ovidius. Epistol^e Heroidum, Elegit Amorum, de Arte . . - Amandi et Fasti (cum annotationibus in marginalibus ad Mm Heroides), Manuscript on Italian vellum (232 //. 11 by 1\ in.) I \ finely written in roman letters, long lines, 30 to a full page, headings and titles in red, 4 finely painted and illuminated ornamental initials, and numerous ornamental pen-letters, old calf gilt {Hopetoun ex-libris) sm. folio. Sjec XV 1631 Ovidius. Epistolse Heroidum. "Publii Ovidii Nasonis eptaru M heroidu liber primus," lit. gotf). (94 II.) long^ lines, 24: to a page with 1 signs, (apparently not in Hain), old cloth binding {Heber copy) \ sm. 4:to. absque ulla nota \l632^ Ovidius. Epistole Heroides Ovidii, cum Commentariis Antonii Volsci et Ubertini Clerici Crescentinatis, fine Italian woodcuts and orna- mental initials, Venet. B. de Zanis de Portesio, 1507 ; Ejusdem de Arte Amandi et de Remedio Amoris et de Tristibus, cum Comento (B. Merulae), ornamental woodcut initials, Venet. Jo. de Tridino, 1494-99 ; in 1 vol. old red calf gilt, m. e. {Sunderland copy) sm. folio 1633 Ovidius. Fastorum libri VI, Manuscript on paper (90 II. II by 7^ in.) written in a neat Italian hand, long lines, 29 to a page, calf !"t\ y folio, [at end] : Explicit feliciter per me Eaphaelem de Predanigra ^ \/ Vicinie Sancti Agathce Cremonce mcccclxxi die prima ^ mensis Marcii hora quarta et vigesima 1634 Oxford. Marmora Oxoniensia (edidit Rich. Chandler), large and I I pine paper, view of Oxford on title, and 78 fine proof plates, old French ^Aj\ red morocco, full gilt back, line sides, g. e. {Derome), very fine copy 1 imp. folio. Oxon. e typ. Clarend. impensis Academice, 1763 1635 Pailthorpe (J. W.) Twenty-one Illustrations to "Oliver Twist," a coloured set, 50 copies taken, in portfolio Uo. 1886 Palatino (Giovam. B.) Libro nel qual s'ensegna a Scriver ogni sorti lettera antica e moderna ; con un Breve et util Discorso de la Cifre, riveduto nuovamente, woodcut head of the author on title, m'namental alphabets, caligraphic specimens, etc. {some II. wormed and stained), old calf {Towneley copy) sm. ito. Roma, V. Dorico, 1561 Paleotto (Alfonso, Arcivescovo di Bologna) Esplicatione del Lentuolo ove fu involto il Signore & delle Piaghe in esso, etc. engraved title, portrait and folding plate, brown morocco gilt, g. e. sm. ito. Bologna, heredi di Cfio. Eossi, 1538 % 1 SIZES MIXED 181 1638 Palestrina. Joannis Petri Aloysii Prsenestini Hymni totius Anni secundum Sanctse Eomanse Ecclesise Consuetudinem quatuor Vocibus concinendi ; nee non Hymni Religionum, rornan letter, diamond and I I square musical notes, numerous figured woodcut initials, oaken boards, fs-j^ ted damask velvet, by Bedford, in an oak hinged case lined with blue « Tj rntin {from the Libri collection), very rare I large folio. Bomce, J. Tornerius et B. Donangelus, 1589 ^* The upper cover of this fine volume has an ancient ivory frame in 1 2 shrine compartments, each shrine occupied by a silver statuette OF AN Apostle, and in the centre an ancient carved ivory CRUCIFIX of fine work. 1639 Palladine of England (The Famous, Pleasant and Delightful History of), hole in leaf after title, calf, pinted and sold by the Booksellers, n. d. 11 >^ — The Knowledge of Things unknown, shewing the Effects of the l\ Planets, etc. cuts, old calf, J. Clarke, 1743— The French Convert, or the Happy Conversion of a Noble French Lady from Popery, frontispiece, calf gilt, J. Hodges on London Bridge, etc. 1757 — Y Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin y Cydymmaith Goreu, etc. Mywthig gan Thomas Durston, n. d. — History of Fair Rosamond and Jane Shore, cuts, calf gilt, 1762; and others 12mo. (8) Pallas (P. S.) Flora Rossica ; seu stirpium Imperii Rossici per Euro- pum et Asiam indigenai'um Descriptiones et Icones, 100 beautifully coloured plates, russia gilt (cracked), Earl of Aylesford's ex-libris fol. Petropoli, 1784 Palliser (Mrs. Bury) History of Lace, first edition, numerous illus- -^ations, red calf extra, y. e. sqr. 8vo. S. Low, 1865 Palmerin d'Angleterre. Le Premier (et le Second) Livre du Preux Vaillant et tres-Victorieux Chevalier Palmerin d'Angleterre fils du Roy dom Edoard, traduit de Castillan en Francois par Jacques Vincent, m'namental woodcut initials {some II. stained), 2 vol. in 1, old calf, r. e. fol. Lyon, T. Pay en, 1553 Panegyrici Veteres XH ; nunc vero opera Jani Gruteri, cum notis, old French red morocco, line tooled, g. e. J. A. de Thou's copy, with his arms and his second tvife's on sides and monogram on back {Earl of Lisburne's copy, with his ex-libris), 1 '2mo. Francof. N. Hoffmannus, 1607 Panormitanus. Quotidiana ac aurea Concilia Rev. domini Nicolai de Tudeschis de Sicilia Abb. Monacensis cum Tabula (edita per Ludovicum Bologniuum de Bolognia), lit. got]^. double columns, 53 lines, without marks, rubricated, contemporary MS. notes in margins, new half crimson morocco extra, g. e. fine copy •'Y^r^ large fol. Ferrarioi Peti-us de Arensco et Jo. de Tornaco, 1475 1645 Paris au Bois, Texte et Croquis par Crafty, numerous illustrations, C ^fS m^^ some coloured, half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut, Uo. Paris, Plon, 1890 1646 Paris. Voyage Pittoresque de Paris, ou Description de cette Grande Ville, par M. D***, 5<= edition, plates {one wanting), old 'French calf, with arms of Queen Marie Antoinette on sides sm. 8vo. Paris, De Bure, 1770 Parkinson (John) Theatrum Botanicum ; The Theatre of Plants, or a Herball of Large Extent, engraved title by W. Marshall and numerous woodcuts of plants, short copy, bound in 2 vol. half calf fol. Tho. Cotes, 1640 N 182 SIZES MIXED Parry (Commander W. E.) Journals of his Four Voyages for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, numerous plates and charts, 4 vol. calf gilt, m. e. ito. J. Murray, 1821-28 1649 [Parsons (Robert, Jesuit)] A Quiet and Sober Reckoning with Mr. Thomas Morton, somewhat set in choler by his adversary P.R. etc. (title and some II. stained and mended), brown morocco, g. e. sm. Uo. Permissu Superiorum {printed abroad), 1609 Parusacchi (Dom.) Raccolta delle Principali Fontane della Citta di Roma, iS plates and engraved title, half morocco ito. Roma, 1637 Pascal (Blaise) Ludovicii Montaltii Litterse Provincialis de Moralia et Politica Jesuitarum Disciplina, portraits of Arnauld, Jansen, Pascal and Nicole, old French brown morocco, covered with semis of fleurs-de-lis and dolphins, double with blue morocco, with the same devices and ornaments, gold-flowered end papers, g. e. (Padeloup) 8vo. Colonice, N. Schouten, 1665 1652 Pascal (B.) Les Provinciales ou les Lettres Ecrites par Louis de ^ Montalte a un Provincial de ses Amis et aux RR.PP. Jesuites, etc. \^\ nouvelle Edition, augment6e de quelques pieces, red morocco plain, \ inside dentelles, g. e. by Bauzonnet-Trautz 8vo. Cologne, N. Schoute, 1667 1653 Pascal (B.) Pens^es sur la Religion et sur quelques autres sujets, ^REMIERE EDITION, old French blue morocco plain, with the Baron de Longepierres device of the Toison d'Or on back and sides in gold, g. e. sm. 8vo. Paris, G. Desprez, 1670 1654 Passavant (J. D.) Le Peintre-Graveur, large paper, portrait and J numerous painter^ and engravers' marks, 6 vol. in 3, gre^n morocco gilt, g. e. by Holloway Ato. Leips. P. Weigel, 1860-64 1655 Passio dni nostri Jesu Christi Predicata sive compilata per modum quadragesimalis a venerabili Patre Reinhardo de Landenburg sacre Theologie lectore Ordinis Sancti Augustini, lit. QOti^. fine woodcut of the Crucifixion on reverse of title, blue morocco, with gilt fleurons, inside dentelles, g. e. by Cap4 sm. Uo. Nuremb. (s. n. Imp:) 1501 1656 Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi neo-coelatis iconibus expressa ; neu- \ ersonnen iind gezeichnet von Jo. Jac. von Sandrart, in kupfFer j^A-^ gebracht von. Chr. Weigel, frontispiece and 100 fine copperplate en- y \ gravings, with text in Latin and German, old French red morocco gilt, ex-libris of Jo. B. VEcuy, Abbatis Prcemonstratensis, in cover 8vo. Aug spur g, 1693 Paulmier (Nicolaus Le) Scriptura Sacra in Formam Meditationum . 'Redz,ct2i, frontispiece, old French red morocco, full giltfloreate back, line sides, with arms of Chevalier Louis Boucherat, g. e. sm. Svo. Lut. Par. S. Benard, 1692 Paulas Apostolus. Epistolse, Manuscript on thin vellum (105 II. 9 % 5| in.) written in neat semi-roman letters, long lines, 26 to a full page, by an Italian scribe, the first page decorated in scrolls icith an his- toriated initial, and ten oi'namental initials in blue and gold in the text, ru^sia gilt sm. narrow Ato. S^C. xv SIZES MIXED 183 1659 Paulus a Sancta Maria, Episc. Burgensis. Dialogus vocatur Scruti- 1^ nium Scripturarum, Ut. got]^. long lines, 39 to a full page, without a l*^\ ^ marks, having the peculiar R formerly ascribed to 3fentelin's Press, (j i / rubricated, painted capitals in red {Hain, 10762), old French red JLymM I morocco gilt sm. fol. Absque ulla nota [Argent. R Printer'\ " *^ | [660j Paulus Venetus. Philosophiae Naturalis Compendium, unacum libro t«j de compositione Mundi, etc. devices on title and last leaf^ woodcuts, ^ etc. {a few headlines shaved), old French calf gilt, g. e. \ sm. Uo. Paris. M. Lenoir, s. a. 1661 Pennant (Jos.) Some Account of London, third edition, large paper, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED with 772 old views, maps and portraits, including Hollar's pvspect of London and Westminster and several other old folding views, 4 original drawings and numerous cuttings from old books relating to London, 1 vol. extended to 4, russia, uncut (broken), an INTERESTING COPY ito. 1793 NINTH DAY'S SALE. 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 SIZES MIXED. Lot 1662. ENNANT (Thos.) Tours in Scotland, Wales, Chester to London, Account of London and Literary Life, numerous plates, 8 vol. calf, m. e. sm. iio. 1776-93 Pennant (T.) Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, large PAPER, oimp and fine pvof plates, 2 vol. calf, r. e. roy. 4to, E. Harding, 1801 ; Tour from Alston-Moor to Harrowgate, plates, calf, y. e. ito, J. Scott, 1804 ; Literary Life, by himself, portrait and plates, calf, sm. Uo, B. White, 1793 ■ (4) [Pennington (Sarah)] Letters on Different Subjects, amongst which are the Adventures of Alphonso, 4 vol. old English red morocco, richly tooled hacks and borders, with crown and sceptre in corners, g. e. sm. 8vo. printed for subscribers, 1766 Pens^es sur le Eoyaume de Dieu, et sa Justice, sur la Providence, &c. old black morocco, heraldic devices on back, line sides, with tlie arms of A. A. Hannivel, Marquis de Crevecceur, President a Mortier au Par- lement de Paris, double with yellow morocco, joints, gold end papers, g. e. (Padeloup) \'2mo. Paris, E. Couterot, 1691 Pepys (Sam.) Diary and Correspondence with Life and Notes by Lord Braybrooke, third edition, portraits, &c. 5 vol. half morocco gilt, g. e. cr. 8vo. Colburn, 1848 Perceforest. La Treselegfite, Delicieuse, Melliflue et tresplaisainte Hystoire du tresnoble Victorieux et excellentissime Roy Perceforest, Roy de la Grant Bretagne . . . avec les Merveilleuses entreprinses faitz et adventures du tresbelliqueulx GadifFer Roy Descosse, lettres bdtardes, woodcut titles, large cut in vol. V, numerous ornamental woodcut initials, original woodcut border of first title only the text su pplied in MS. margins of several II. in vol. I mended, otherwise a sound and excellent copy of a rare edition, 6 vol. in 3, old French calf, gilt backs, g. e. {Earl of Aylesford's copy, with ex-libris) sm. folio. Paris, E. Gourmont pour Galot du Pre, &c. 1531-2 SIZES MIXED 185 ^llf [1668) Per6fixe. Oraison Funebre de Messire Hardouin de Perefixe de 1 Beaumont Archevesque de Paris, &c. prononc^e a ses Obseques par I'Abb^ Cassagnes, pai'trait by De Larmessin, old French blue morocco, full gilt back, line sides, with arms of J. B. Colbert on sides, g. e. sm. ito. Paris, P. Le Petit, 1671 Peregrinus (Frater) de tempore Sanctisq. per Circulum anni Sermones Populares diligenter correcti, lit. gotj). long lines, 40 to a page, with signs. a-t5 in 8's, aj, a blank, wanting, rubricated, jMintecl ornamental capitals in red (Hain 12580), red calf extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. by Tout, FINE COPY sm. folio, absque ulla nota [Eichstadt typis Beyserianis] 1670 Perkins (John) Floral Designs for the Table, 24 coloured plates, picture y, ' boards oblong. Wyman, 1877 [1671^ Perkins Library. Sale Catalogue of Valuable Books and Illuminated C7 MSS. &c. facsimiles, neatly priced in MS. half morocco, t. e. g. I imp. 8vo. 1873 1672 Perrault (Chas.) Les Contes des Fees, en Prose et en Vers, deuxieme edition, revue et corrig6e sur les Editions Originales. avec une Lettre Critique par Ch. Giraud, large paper, portrait and fine vignettes, with a dup>licate set taken apart on india paper, crushed blue morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut, by R. Thomas 8w. Lyon, L. Perrin, 1865 1673( Perrot and Chipiez. History of Art in Persia, numerous illustrations, calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Tout, sup. imp. 8vo, Chapman & Hall, 1892 — Michelet, The Mountain, from the French, numerous illustrations by P. Skelton, morocco extra, g. e. imp. 8vo, 1872 (2) 1| 1674 Persian Manuscript, written on native paper, in large characters (65 II. \Sb\ 13^ by 7^ in.) modern red calf gilt sm. folio 1675* Persian Manuscript [Jami, Jusuf e Zuleika], on native paper (198 II. . 7 by ^^ in.) written in double columns luithin gold lines, with 74 fine iW^ small illuminated miniatures {a few II. damaged), limp native leather V\ 8vo. (S^C. XV1 1) 1676 Persian Manuscript, on native glazed paper (260 //. lOf by 4| in.) written in double columns within gold lines, native double morocco with gilt mosaics sm. narrow folio. (S^C. xvii ?) Persian Manuscript, on native glazed paper (424 II. 8\ by 5 in.) written in double columns, with rubrics, native red morocco narrow ito. {Smc. xvii ?) Persian Manuscript, on native glazed papei- (291 II. 11| by 7^ in.) in double columns, with marginal commentary, several pages illuminated, native doubld binding with gilt ornaments sm. folio. (SiEC. xvii 1) Persian Manuscript (Jeleel el Khomat), on thin native glazed paper (78 //. 8^ by 4|- in.) written in red and black within illuminated ornamental boi'ders and gold lines, 4 pages with rich illuminated ornaments, native doubU binding, richly painted in flowers sm. 4to. (SiEC. xviii 1) 1680 Persian Manuscript, on native glazed paper, in long lines within gold ._ boi'ders (163 //. 12 by 7f in.) first 2 pp. illuminated, native doubU *T morocco binding with painted fiowers sm. folio. (S^EC. xviii 1) UOA*M^ re 186 SIZES MIXED 'M 1682 1681 Persins. Joannis Britannici Brixiani Commentarii in Persii Satyras, I , EDiTio PRIMA, lit. rom. half calf ( Wodhull copy) |N sm. folio. Impressum Brixm per Gabrielum Tarvisinum et Paulum eius ^ filium, 1481 Petrarcha (Fr.) Triumphi (in lingua volgare), Manuscript on paper - (51 II. 8 by 5^ in.) written in old Italian cursive characters, long lines, \q\ . 25 ^0 a full page, the last 7 II. being occupied by a prose treatise beginning ' J. , (' NelV ultimo Huomo famosissimo," contemporary oaken boards, leather, \jfi^\Xl^i^ith stamped blind ornaments (rebacked) sm. ito. late S/EC. Xiv Petrarcha (Fr.) Sonetti e Canzone, Manuscript on paper (169 11. : nn 8^ by 5^ in.) written in italics, long lines, 2i to a page, first page \ decorated, painted blue capitals, modern French brown morocco extra, g. e. AN IMPORTANT CODEX sm. ito. late S.EC. XIV or early XV Petrarcha (Fr.) " Le Cose Volgari," Sonetti, Canzone e Triomphi, Manuscript on thin Italian vellum (167 II. Q^ by 3| in.) beau- tifully written in italics, long lines, 29 to a full page, margin of first ^ page illuminated, ivith a coat of arms beloic, painted blue capitals, head- ings of chapters and headlines in red, crushed blue morocco, plain, g. e. vellum fly-leaves, by Thibaron-Joly sm. 8vo. late S^C. XV 1685 Petrarcha. II Petrarcha, con 1' Espositione d'Aless. Vellutello, di novo red morocco gilt, g. e. (Duke of Sussez^s copy) sm. Ato. Venet. in ced. Aldi et And. Asulani, 1522 1711 Play Bills. Theatre, Birmingham, 1803 (52) — Lyceum Theatre, n\ English Opera, 1810 (83)— Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 1829-30 i\ (The Kembles, &c.) (194) folio 1712 Plinius. Epistolarum lib. X, cum Comment. J. M. Catanaei, old French *ji \ red morocco covered with semis of a monogrant F. C. E. V. and $'s ojnd JI"!— arms of a Count- Archbishop in centres, g. e. ex-libris of Lord Or ford in cover sm. ito. (Genevce) P. et J. Chouet, 1625 1713 Plinius. Letters of Pliny the Younger, translated with Observations and an Essay by John Earl of Orrery, 2 vol. old English red morocco, full gilt ornamental backs and broad borders, g. e. (Harleian), presen- tation COTY from the Author to Mrs. Mallet ito. P. Faillant, 1751 ot (Dr R.) Natural History of Oxfordshire, map and plates, old calf (cover h'oken) sm. folio. Oxford, M. Pitt, 1676 1715 Plot (Dr. R.) Natural History of Staffordshire, large paper, folding jm\ map (backed with linen), wants slip of arms omitted, blue marocco extra, ^1 11 a. e. folio. Oxfo^-d, at the Theater, 16S6 t J SIZES MIXED 189 Il71w Plutarchus. Opera quae exstant Omnia, Gr. et Lat. Gulielmo Xylai dro interprete cum notis, &c. large paper, copperplate head of mi Plutarch on each title, equestrian portrait of Louis XIII and fine portrait IZl- of Brunart Sillery, 2 vol. old French red morocco, line tooled, withfleurs- ' de-lis. Sir Kenelm Digby's copy, with his arms and monogram . K.V.D. {Kenelm and Venetia Dighy) on sides, g. e. fine copy, with Lord Lisburne's ex-libris folio. Lut. Par. typis Regiis, 1624 [l717l Plutarchus. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. Interpretatione Cruserii et Xylandri et cum notis var. studio Jo. Rualdo, head of Plutarch on each title,' equestrian portrait of Louis XIII by Estienne, and of Brunart Sillery, 2 vol. old French red morocco gilt, g. on m. e. with arms and monogram of Louis Henri Comte de Lomdnie {Du Seuil), from the Thynne library folio, ib. 1624 1718 Plutarchus. Vitse Parallelse ; Illustrium Virorum Grseci nominis ac . \^_^atini, Grsece, editio prima Aldina, signature of "JoANNiS i** \ Jacobi Ammiani " on title, and numerous old MS. notes in margins in ]Jr red and black, brown morocco extra, antique style, g. e. by Riviere, fine '^-^ copy folio. Venet. in ced. Aldi et Andrece Soceri, 1519 \l719j Plutarchus. Vitse Comparatse illustrium Virorum Grsecorum et Ro- manorum, ita digestae, Hermanno Cruserio interprete, contemporary H brown French morocco, back and sides covered in gilt leafy scrolls and other ornaments, g. e. with the arms of J. F. de Madruze, Comte d'Avl, Marquis de Smnan {Clovis Eve), icell preserved i^ ^ - \2mo. Lugd. A. Gryphius, 1566 |1720l Plutarchus. Opuscoli Morali, tradotti in Vulgare da M. A. Gandino, A.I &c. 2 vol. old French brown morocco, gilt ornaments and device of lion ^\ on back, and within a centre wreath on sides, g. e. • sm. ito. Venetia, F. Prati, 1598 1721 Plutarchus. Vies d'Hanibal et de Scipio, de Pomp6e le Grand et de Strabo traduites du Latin en Fran9ais, MANUSCRIPT on vellum (124 II. 14^ by 8f in.) very beautifidly written in roman letters with red and blue rubrics, long lines, 35 to a full page, with A very fine PAINTED and illuminated BORDER to the margin of the first page, containing below the Bourbon arms and initials P. A. ; and in tJie upper margin the motto " EgPERANCE " in a belt ; 250 large and small finely painted and illuminated flower initials, and many hundred smaller, and decorative details, crushed modern blue morocco, vellum fly-leaves, g. e. -^bp Trautz-Bauzonnet folio, late S^EC. Xiv or early xv ^^^n unfinished Manuscript, very fine as far as it goes ; done for Pierre II Due de Bourbon, who married Anne of France, daughter of Louis XI. The initials in the border (P. A.) stand for Pierre and Anne. The Duke died in 1503. Large blank spaces occur throughout the volume, intended for miniatures. 1722 Plutarchus. Les Vies des Hommes illustres Grecs and Romains, com- par^es Tune avec I'autre, translat6es par Jaques Amyot, second [f>|1^rX edition, reveues et corrig^es, ruled in red, old French broivn morocco, I • inlaid in black elaborate interlaced geometrical scrolls, with gilt outlines, * in the Grolieresque manner, g. e. ivith ties, neatly repaired in several places, and new ovals in centres, but otherwise in good state folio (Paris), F. P err in pour J. Le Preux and Jean Petit, 1567 i 190 SIZES MIXED 1723 Poems. Holdsworth (E.) Muscipula sive Kambromyomaxia, with the I English Translation by S. Cohh, plates, E. Curll, 1709-12— The Ap- W^ parition, 1710 — Essay on the Different Stiles of Poetry, B. Tooke, \ 1713 — Philips (John) Cyder, with the Splendid Shilling, &c. H. Hills, 1709 — Pope (A.) Essay on Criticism, second edition, JF. Lewis, 1713 ; in 1 vol. (some margins shaved), calf gilt Svo 1724 Poetse Grsecse Principes Heroici Carminis et alii nonnulli, &c. Greece (edidit H. Stephanus), old calf, with Baron de Longepiert'e's device of the golden fleece, g. e. folio. H. Stephanus, 1566 1725 Poets. Works of the British Poets from Chaucer to Bowles (including the less-known Poets), with Memoirs and Critical Dissertations by the Rev. George Gilfillan, numerous portraits, 48 vol. calf gilt m. e. Svo. Edinb. Nichol, 1855, &c. |]79fy Politianus (Angelus) Opera Omnia (edidit J. Badius Ascensius), two ,,\ woodcut titles with '^ Prelum A scensianum" avd numerous ornamental ^yC\ I woodcut initials ; autograph of Alexander Arbuthnot the Scottish Reformer ' \\ on first title, 2 vol. in 1, coritemporary oaken boards, stamped ornamental n leather (rebacked) sm. folio. Paris. JTB. Ascensius, 1512 1727 Political and Satirical History of the Years 1756 to 1762, in a series 0/112 humorous and entertaining prints, with a key to each (3 plates wanting), sold not subject to return, new half calf sq. l2mo. [1763] Pollux (Julius) Onoraasticon Grsece, Venet. Aldus, 1502 — Stephanus de Urbibus Gr. ib. 1 502 ; editiones principes, in 1 vol. russia gilt, g. e. hy Mrs. Weir, fine copies, from the JVodhull library folio 1729' Pollux (Julius) Onomasticum Gr. et Lat. cum notis, edidit T. Hem- sterhuis, Dutch vellum gilt, with Amsterdam city arms sm. folio, A mst. ex off. Wetsten. 1706 ■fl 1 173^ Pomerius (Julianus, Episc. Toletance) Liber Prognosticorum, Manu- script ON VELLUM (105 //. 7^ by 5 in.) written in neat gotf)ic Ifttfrsi, ytA long lines, 21 to a fidl page, with rubrics ; ornamental and plain capitals l\ V t^i'itt^f^ 'in red and green, old signatures on last leaf, " Iste Liber Pertinet ad Eobertum Gylbart," &c. modern boarded red morocco gilt sm. ito. Smc. XIII /l?5r) POMPONIUS Mela. Geographia ; una cum Prisciani ex Dionysio de \ J { ^ Orbis Situ interpretatione, lit. goti). long lines with signs. A j forms a A /yn'w'^ full-page woodcut semi-sphere, fine ornamental woodcut initials, half [JXt* '>^0'>'occok clean copy, rare edition sm. ito. Veyiet. Er. Ratdolt, 1482 1732 PompoHiu\ Mela. Geographia ; Prisciani ex Dionysio de Situ Orbis Interpretatio, lit. 901]^. map and fine ornamental woodcut initials, Venet. E. Ratdolt, 1482 — Liber Abrahamio Judei de Nativitatibus, lAliVj lit. goti). diagrams and fine ornamental ivoodcut initials, ib. 1485 — I iWl , Rufus Festus Avienus. Opera ; Arati Phaenomena latinis versibus reddita, &c. roman letter, rubricated, astronomical woodcuts, Venet. A. de Strata, 1488 — Hyginius. Poeticon Astronomicon Opus, roman letter, astrological woodcuts and fine ornamental initials (last 5 II. stained), Venet. E. Ratdolt, 1485; very rare pieces, in 1 vol. ivith signature of M. Nicolaus Leopoldus, tutor to the Infanta of Spain, purple morocco extra, by L. Broca sm. Uo SIZES MIXED 191 1733 PONTIFICALE SIVE Ordinarium VenerabiHs Patris et dm. domini HuGONis DE RuBEis dei et aplice sedis gratia Epi. Parmeri. Se- cundum Consuetudinum romane ecelie. Manuscript on vellum (278 //. 12 by 9 in.) finely written in hold semi-roman letters, in red and black, with square musical notes, by an Italian scribe, with 48 large FINELY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED FIGURED INITIAL MINIATURES, with marginal decorations of flowers and grotesques, and numerous orna- mental pen-letters, modern light brown calf, with blind stamped ornaments sm. folio. " Actum sub M CCC xxv die sec. Julii," 1325 1734 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM, emendatum diligentia R. P. Jacobi de Lutiis Epi. Caiacens. et D. Joannis Burckardi Capelle S. D. N. Papse Ceri- naoniarum Majistri, voy finely printed in lit. goti). magna, red and black, double columns, with square musical notes ; contains ccxxvi II. numbered in red, and leaf of errata (wants the 4 prel. II.) ; the first page of text lias a beautifully illuminated ornamental border with an historiated miniature of two Saints ; 10 fine illuminated initials in the text, 3 of which are figured, crushed crimson morocco extra, g. e. by B. De Coverly, FINE COPY OF A RARE EDITION foUo Impressus Romce per Stephanus Planck, 1497, xvi Aug. 1735 PONTIFICALE Secundum Ritum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cum multis additionibus opportunis ex apostolica bibliotheca sumptis et aliis non impressis, per Albertum Castellanum ordinatus, lit. 50t|^. red and black, square musical notes, title within fine woodcut border, large cut of Crucifixion within compartmental b&rders, with another border to the opposite page, and numerous smaller spirited woodcuts in the text, oaken boards, leather, with blind stamped frame ornaments (rebacked), gilt and gauffred edges, 2 //. of an ancient MS. vellum Lectionarium as fly-leaves, A very fine COPY of a finely printed and richly DECORATED BOOK foUo. Venet. L. A. de Giunta, 1520 *^* The first, and perhaps the finest, Pontificals issued from the famous Giunta press in Venice. Very rare. 1736 Pontificale Romanum, ad omnes Pontificias Cseremonias, quibus nunc .^ utitur Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia accomodatum, &c. nuper summa lol diligentia revisura, &c. lit. goti). red and black, with musical notes, I full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion and many smaller cuts {margins of A. Wj several II. mended), old calf, with gilt crucifix in centres folio. Venet. ap. Juntas, 1561 -i^. 1I737J Pontificale Romanum dementis VIII P. M. jussu restitutum atque I editura, lit. rom. red and black, musical notes, engraved title {coloured and ^- , \Qa backed) and numerous copperplate vignettes, bound in 3 vol. old Italian ij I red morocco, richly gilt backs and ornamental frame sides, with arms of ^ Chapt de Rastignac, Archbishop of Tours on sides fol. Romce, J. Luna, 1595 1738 Pontificale Romanum dementis VIII P. M. jussu restitutum atque editum, roman letter, red and black, with musical notes, engraved title and copperplate vignette engravings, old French red morocco gilt, g. e. fol. ib. 1595 192 SIZES MIXED 1739 Pontificale Eomanum dementis VIII jussu restitutum atque editum, nunc primum typis Plantinianis emendatius recusum, roman letter, red and black, with musical notes, woodcut figured initials, old calf {from the Monastery of St. Benedict, Amo^-bach) fol. Antw. B. Moretus, 1627 1740 Pontificale Eomanum, lit. rom. red and black (ivants title), old French red morocco, fleurs-de-lis on back, line sides toith corner fleurons, the arms of Cardinal Farnese on sides fol. Bomce, 1682 Pontis. Memoires du Sieur de Pontis, nouvelle Edition, 2 vol. old French red morocco, gilt ornamental backs with crowned double L. line sides with arms of Louis XV, g. e. (Derome), (top edge of vol. I damaged) sm. 8vo. Paris, Libraires Associds, 1766 '1742 Pope (Alex.) Works, first collected edition in folio, fine portrait (A tby Vertue {some marginal notes shaved), red calf extra, g. e. by Tout 'l\ .vA '^ sm. folio. W. Bowyer for B. Lintot, 1717 1743 Pdpe (Alex.) Works, ^rs^ collected edition in folio, old calf ib. 1717 1744 Pope (Alex.) Works, with Notes and Illustrations, new Life, &c. by Wm. Roscoe, new edition, portrait, 8 vol. half calf gilt 8vo. 1847 1745 Pope (Alex.) Essay on Man, IV Epistles, J. Wilford, n. d. — Epistle to Lord Cobham, L. Gilliver, 1733 — One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, II Dialogues, E. Cooper, 1738 — A Dialogue on One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, ib. — Of the Characters of Women, L. Gilliver, 1735 — Of the Use of Riches, second edition, ib. 1733— Of False Taste, third edition, ib. 1731~The Man of Taste, Occasioned by an Epistle of Mr. Pope's, frontispiece, ib. 1733 — Epistle to Arbuthnot, ib. 1734 — First Satire of the Second Book of Horace, A. Dodd, 1733 — The Second Satire, Paraphrased, n. d. — Sixth Epistle of the First Book, Imitated, L. Gilliver, 1737— The Universal Prayer, B. Dodsley, 1738— Second Epistle of the Second Book of Horace, Imitated, i6. 1737 — First Epistle of the First Book, Imitated, ^iJ.— Horace, his Ode to Venus, Imitated, /. Wright, 1737; and others by or relating to Pope, mostly first editions and all fine copies, in 1 vol. straight grained red morocco gilt, g. e. by De Coverly fol. 1746 Pope (Alex.) The Rape of the Lock, an Heroi-Comical Poem in Five Cantos, FIRST complete edition, 6 plates, portrait of Arabella Fermor mounted on back of title and original advertisement, ex-libris of Earl De la Warr and Col. Grant, purple morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. B. Lintott, 1714 1747 Pope (Alex.) The Dunciad Variorum, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus, vignette of ass, owl and books on title, scarce edition, sm. 8vo, 7 London printed and reprinted for the booksellers of Dublin, 1729 ; Another Edition, vignette as above, 8vo, A. Dob, 1729 ; Another Edition, similiar frontispiece, 8vo, L. Gilliver, 1729 ; Another Edition, frontispiece of owl on altar, " Written in the Fear 1727," ib. n. d. ; and 3 other editions 8vo. (7) 1748 Pope (Alex.) Mr. Pope's Literary Correspondence for Thirty Years, from 1704 to 1734, with Lettres Moscovites and New Letters, 6 vol. in 5, half calf 8m E. Curll, 1735-37 h SIZES MIXED 193 1749 Pope and Swift. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, first edition, 3 vol. old calf 8vo. Benj. Motte, 1727 1750 Popery (Tracts on) The Church of Rome Unmask'd, 1679 — Popery a Novelty, by T. D. 1679— Pelling (Edw.) The Good Old Way, 1680 — The Sincere Popish Convert, 1681 — Baxter (Richard) Which is the True Church ? 1679 — A Letter Concerning Invocation of Saints and Adoration of the Cross to John Evelyn of Deptford, 1679 ; and 3 others on the same subject, in 1 vol. old English blue mm-occo, gilt hack and ornamental frame sides, g. e. Ato 1751 Popish Plot. A Collection of Letters and other Writings relating to the horrid Popish Plot, from the Originals in the Hands of George Treby, Esq. Chairman of the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons, morocco, uncut sm. folio. S. Heyrick, 1681 1752 Porcacchi (Fr.) Funerali Antichi di diversi Popoli et Nationi, fine engraved title and plates hi G. Porro, old French red morocco, full gilt hack, line sides, g. e. fine copy Uo. Venet. 1574 1753 Porcacchi (Thorn.) Funerali Antichi di diversi Popoli et Nationi, engraved title and fine copperplate engravings hy G. Porro, half hound 4to. ih. 1574 1754 Porta (J. B.) Phytognomonica octo libris contenta, woodcut title, cuts of plants, ornamental initials, &c. limp vellum fol. Neap. H. Salvianus, 1588 1755 Portfolio (The) An Artistic Periodical, edited by P. G. Hamerton, 1880-86, numerous fine etchings, &c. 7 vol. lialf calf fol. 1880-6 1756 Portlock and Dixon (Capts. N. and G.) Voyage Round the World, but hi J more particularly to the North-west Coast of America, 1785-88, by L^ Capt, N. Portlock and Capt. G. Dixon, maps and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt Uo. 1789 1757 Portraits and Autographs. A Collection of 70 Portraits of Royalty, Nobility, Statesmen, Soldiers, Divines, &c. with several hundred Franks and Letters, mounted in a vol. half hound fol. 1758 Portraits. Cassell's National Portrait Gallery, with Biographies, numerous tinted portraits, 3 vol. half calf sm. ito. Cassell, n. d. 1759 Portraits. Cronica breve de I Fatti illustre de' Re di Francia, con le loro Effigie dal naturale, da Faramondo sino ad Henrico III, 62 por- traits, full half red morocco gilt, g. e. by Tout sm. folio. Venet. B. Giunti, 1590 1760 Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science and Art, with Memoirs, edited by L. Reeve, numerous photos, 6 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. sm. ito. L. Peeve, &c. 1863-7 1761 Portrait Gallery (The), of Distinguished Poets, Philosophers, Statesmen, 1^ Divines, &c. with their Biographies, originally published by the / Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, numerous fine p)ortraits, 3 vol. red calf super extra sup. imp. 8vo. W. S. Orr, 1853 1762 Portraits des Rois de France, avec un Sommaire Discours, depuis ^ I Pharamond jusques au Roy Louys XIV, engraved title and 65 por- *A' traits, half vellum sm.ito. Paris, L. Boissevin {1652) o 194 SIZES MIXED 1763 Pouchet (F. A.) The Universe, translated from the French, numerous illustrations, crimson morocco extra, g. e. by R. De Coverly, Blackie, 1870 — Guillemin (A.) The Heavens, edited by Norman Lockyer, numerous illustrations, tree calf extra, E. Bentley, 1868 — Mihier's Gallery of Nature, numerous illustrations, calf gilt, Chambers, 1860 sup. imp. Svo. (3) 1764 Pradon (Nic.) Les Q^^uvres de Mr. Pradon (Six Pieces), premiere A ^ 0^ i;DiTiON, crushed French red morocco, full gilt ornamental back, line |ji/v MpJ ^ sides, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by Chambolle-Duru, fine copy I ' sm. 8vo. Paris, T. Guillain, 1Q8S 1765 Prayer. The Booke of the Common Prayer and Administracion of the Sacramentes . . . after the Use of the Churche of England, blacft letter, title within woodcut border, ornamental woodcut initials (with the leaf at end with order as to prices), (title and several leaves washed, — . mended, some head-lines shaved, sold not subject to return), brown morocco ^I extra, antique style, g. on r. e. ex-libris of Birket Foster in cover \ sm. folio, in officina Edw. Whitchurche, I5i9, Mense Junii *^* A rare issue of the first Prayer Book of King Edward VI. 1766 Prayer. A Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the j^ . Ancient Writers, and best learned in oiir time, worthy to be read J^\A/' with an earnest mynde of all christians, &c. blacfe letter, printed ' \ within woodcut borders of Biblical subjects and the Dance of Death, after W iklk '^' -^^''^^ ^^^ Hans Holbein, woodcut title with figure of Queen Elizabeth )^tIK»^J^w reverse (inner margin mended), blue morocco, line tooled, g. e. sm. ito. John Day, 1581 *^* The third edition of " Queen Elizabeth's " Prayer Book, very rare. 1767 Prayer. A Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the . Ancient Writers, and best learned in our time, worthy to be read ift\ K with an earnest mind of all christians, &c. blacfe and roman letter (the \P\ Y fourth edition of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book), printed within » woodcut borders after Durer and Holbein of Biblical subjects. Dance of ^eath, &c. portrait of Queen Elizabeth on reverse of title, some lower bor- lers slightly shaved, otherwise perfect and a very excellent copy, in crushed morocco, antique gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by L. Broca sm. ito. R. Yardley and F. Short for assignes of R. Day, 1590 [768| Prayer. A Booke of Christian Praiers, collected out of the Ancient Writers, &c. blacfe and roman letter, printed within woodcut VAli bwders of Biblical subjects, the Dance of Death, &c. after A. Durer and \^ H. Holbein, portrait of Queen Elizabeth on reverse of title, a good and 1 generally sound copy, ivith very wide margins, but the title is inlaid and 2 plain margins mended, blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. 4to R. Yardley and P. Short for the assigns of R. Day, 1590 [title, printed for the Company of Stationers, 1608], *^* This is the fourth edition of " Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book," with the title to fifth and last of the old editions. It is almost large enough to be called LARGE PAPER. 1769 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, printed with ornamental bwders %ii\ '^fl^^ Holbein and Durer, as used in " Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book" \n\ of 1569 and onwards, blue morocco extra, g. e. by J. Wright \ sm. 8vo. JF. Pickering, 1853- » WOi Lot 1772. SIZES MIXED 195 1770 Prayer. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, &c. with Calendar, Act of Uniformity, &c. with the 7I . Psalter after the Translation of the great Bible poynted, and Godly i . Prayers, bl.jcfe Ifttir, icoodcut titles and ornamental initials {some mar- \\ ewis ci't into), bine morocco, g. e. a scarce edition \fi\i\i sm. 4'o. Dcjnities of Chr. Barker, n. d. (1598 1) 1771 Prayer. The Booke of Common Prayer and other Eites and Cere- monies of the Church of England, with Calendar, Act of Uniformity, Commination against Sinners, Psalter after the Great Bible, and Godly Prayers, blaffi letter, 2 woodcut titles and ornamental initials, religious verses b>/ Sir Richard Trevor on fly-leaf , R. Barker and Assigns of John Bill, 1632— The Whoh Booke of Psalms in English Meeter by Sternhold, Hopkins and others, with apt notes to sing them withall, black letter woodcut title, T. P. for the Stat. Co. 1633 ; fne copies in contempo^'ary calf sm. 4to 1^772 Prayer. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, etc. of the Church ot England ; with the Psalter pointed, black letter, very large copy, ruled in red, woodcut titles, numerous fine ornamental initials and ornaments, contemporary English blue nwrocco coi-ered with rich orna-mental gilt tooling in frame and diagonal comparf- ,'\fients, with the ARMS OF KiNG CHARLES I IN CENTRES, g. e. (S. Meames), slightly rubbed in places, but generally well preserved. [See PLATE] folio. R. Barker and Assigns of John Bill, 1636 1773 Player. The Book of Common Prayer . . . and other parts of Divine Service lor the use of the Church of Scotland, with the Psalter 57 ( uncording to the last Translation, blacfe letter, first edition of Ijy^' Archhishop Laud's Scottish Prayer Book, ends with the catch- '^ wird ^ Certaine' ; title within woodcut border, and numerous woodcut 1 1 initials, calf gilt, r. e. ex-libris of J. Donglas A.M. in cover sjKljh " folio. Edirb. R. Young, 1637 {Psalter, 1636) 1774 l^ra.3 er. The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the * S.icraraents, etc. with Calendar {in red and black) ; Act of Uniformity, (i)lleci3, Epistles and Gospels for the Year, etc. The Psalter or Psalmes of David after the Translation of the Great Bible, pointed, Ifi.u'k letter, ivoodcid titles, R. Barker and Assigns of John Bill, 1637 — Wliole Booke of Psalmes collected into English Meeter, by T. Stern- hold, J. Hopkins, etc. with apt notes, -Jlncfe letter, some margins shaved ; in 1 vol. calf gilt, g. e. sm. ito 1775 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, etc. with the Psalter pointed . . and the Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons, etc. the " Sealed Book " of K. Charles li, blarfe letter, engraved tide by Loggan {short copy), nev) red calf extra, i'liside dentelles, g. e. by Tout sm. folio, by his Majesty's printers, 1662 1776 Pr".yer. Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter, Form and Manner of making Bishops, Priests and Deacons, etc. engraved title, old calf {cover l/roken) sm. folio. His Majesty's printers, 1&&2 1777 Prayer. Book of Common Prayer, etc. (George I), large copy, tvith wide margins, ruled in red, old English red nwrocco, with gilt ornaments l/\y^ aid the. arms and monogram of K. George I, g. e. ' Uo. J. Baslcett and Assigns of T. Newcmnb, 1715 2 196 SIZES MIXED 1778 Prayer. (William III). A Form of Prayer, to be used in all Churches and Chapels on Friday, 19th December (1701), being the Fast Day appointed by Proclamation, hlat'k Ictttr, blue morocco gilt, g. e. sm. 4to. a Bill, &c. 1701 1779 Prayer and Psalms. Book of Common Prayer, with Psalter, large and fine paper, old blue morocco gilt, g. e. Oxf. T. Baskett, 1745 — Book of Psalms Paraphras'd, by Bp, S. Patrick, 2 vol. old blue morocco gilt, g. e. 1691 — Psalms in Metre, ruled in red, old red morocco gilt, 1716 ; and 2 others Svo. (6) 1780 Prayer (Book of Common), with the Psalter, frontispiece, old blue morocco gilt, g. e. J. Baskett, 1735 — Evelyn (John) Sylva, etc. (wants portrait), 1706 — Tryals for High Treason, temp. Chas. II, etc. (7); &c. folio, a parcel 1781 Prayer. A Primer or Book of Prayers in Dutch, with Calendar, ^ Manuscript on vellum (88 II. 5 by 3 in.) written in lettres batdrdes, •^»— in red and black, 16 lines to a full page, with 27 small outline drawings Wof the Passion in indian ink, and ornamental pen-letters, oaken boards, green leather with gilt flowers, r. e. l2mo. c. 1500 1/82 Prayer. Ghetiden van den Heiligen Geist ; den Heiligen Drivoldich- sit ; die Seven Psalmen in duytsche met Litanien, etc. Manuscript ON VELLUM (154 II. 4| by 3^ in.) written in gotj^ic lettcrg, red and black, long lines, IQ to a full page, by a Low-German scribe, first page illuminated with the words " Jhesus Maria," 7 fine large illuminated initials and one miniature, and numerous pen-letters, oaken boards, chased silver corners and clasp 1 2mo. Smc. xv 1783 [Provost (Abbe)] Suite des M6moires et Avantures d'un Homme de Quality qui s'est retir^ du monde (containing the first appearance of Le Chevalier des Grieux et Manon Lescaut), green morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. by Alio, scarce sm. Svo. Amst. aux d^pens de la Compagnie, 1733 1784 Priapeia. Diversorum Veterum Poetarum in Priapum Lusus, &c. quae omnia nuper diligentius sunt emendata, editio Aldina, calf gilt 12mo. Fenet. Aldus, I53i 1785 Priseus (Joannes) Historise Brytannicae Defensio, Joanne Priseo Equestris Ordinis Brittano Authore ; et De Mona Druidum Insula, first edition, contempmxiry signatures on title, " Bic. Alredus 1587 ex dono Steph. Smith generosi," " Thomas Prise" ; and on the opposite leaf the following, " Maii 12, 1709 Donam Joan. Prise arm', nepotis Eruditi Authoris etc. Ro. Harley " (Earl of Oxford), MS. notes in margins, old calf sm. 4 to. H. Binneman expends H. Toy, 1573 1786 Proph^tie. La Grande Prophetise Regis filius Persii Abbatis Cambri- X sonsis, traduite de Latin en Francois 1588 (2 II. stained), bound in a vJ\ green morocco cover with the arms of the King of the Two Sicilies \ sm. Svo. s. I. on nom d'impr. 1589 1787 ^Protestant Armour, by Theophilus Anglicanus, 1769 — Whichcot (Dr.) Select Sermons, 1698— The Ladies Calling, 1673— Sturmy (D.) Theory of a Plurality of Worlds, 1711— The Ladies Calling, Oxf 1673 ; together 6 vol. all in old English blue mwocco, richly gilt, g. e. Svo SIZES MIXED 197 1788 Prout (Samuel) Scenery and Architecture, English and Continental, done for the Landscape and Continental Annuals, 40 fine plates on LARGE PAPER, some p'oofs 071 inditt paper, interleaved, and bound in half morocco gilt folio 1789 Psalterium Hebrseum, Grsecuni, Arabicum, et Chaldseum, cum tribus latinis interpretationibus et glossis, edidit A. Justinianus, title in red and black within woodcut border, blue morocco gilt am. folio. Genuce, P. P. Porrus (with device), 1516 The first Polyglott Psalter, containing in the Gloss on Psalm XIX the earliest Life of Christopher Columbus. SALTERiUM Davidis Gr^cum ET Latinum (ex recensione Joannis Crastoni) (some plain margins neatly repaired), crushed brown morocco super extra, vnth antique gilt ornaments by R. De Coverly, fine large COPY of the first issue of this very rare edition sm. folio. Impi-essum Mediolani anno MCCCCLXXXI die xx Septembris Psalterium Davidis Latine, cum Credo Apostolorum, Letania, Canticis, Hymnis et Orationibus una cum Calendario Martio ad Decembrem (wants Jan.-Feb.) Manuscript on vellum (141 U. 8^ by 5^ in.) wiiiten in bold gotI)tc tj^aractcv^, in red and black, long lines, 2i to a full page. Calendar within illuminated bwders, the first page occupied by a large painted initial B of saroll fioicer ornaments, 8 other similar but smaller initials in the text, capitals painted in red, the Litany in double columns icithin painted arches, modern boarded velvet doubU with white morocco, in purple morocco lined silk case Ato. S^EC. xi-xii ♦^* This very interesting and valuable Codex, probably of English origin, has an inscription in gold letters in the first cover as follows : " This came from the Isle of Wight and was always considered as having belonged to Charles the First tchile at Carisbrooke Castle.'" Some of the entries in the calendar have been erased, and there are later MS. additions in the margins. 1792 Psalterium Davidis, cum Calendario; et Hymnis Ordinis Humilia- torum, cum notis musicis. Manuscript on vellum (188 II. 7 by 5 in.) WITH 11 large initials in gold involved spirals on blue and brown grounds icithin an outer frame of yellow and red, numerous painted initials in blue and red and rtibricated capitals, first leaf of Calendar slightly defective and mended, modern crushed crimson morocco extra, by R. De Coverly sm. ito. S^EC. xiii *^* The greater part of this volume was probably written in the Bene- dictine Abbey of Egmund in North Holland, as it contains entries in the Calendar and Litany of the name of St. Erlinda, daughter of Theodoric Count of Holland, and first Abbess of Egmund in the tenth century. 1793 Psalterium Davidis, cum Calendario ; atque cum Canticis, Hymnis, Orationibus, etc. Manuscript on vellum (193 //. 6^ by 3^ in.) written in bold gotj^tc IctteriS, long lines, 18 to a full page, by an English scribe, initials to Calendar illuminated ; 10 FINELY illuminated ornamental scroll initials, with marginal decomtions of ivy-leaves, etc. and 198 SIZES MIXED Lot 1793 — continued. numerous smaller illuminated ornamental initials and pen-letters, old calf {17 th century), with the arm,s of Latton on sides sm. %vo. S^C. xiv *^* A modern pedigree on the fly-leaves shows the descent of the Latton family from Nicholas Wadham, founder of Wadham College, Oxford, in whose possession this MS. may probably once have been. ^79|) PSALTERIUM Latinum, cum Hymnis, Precibus, Litaniis, etc. nee non Kalendario (cum notis musicis), Manuscript on stout vellum (149 II. \'2\ by 8 in.) written in large missal characters in red and black, with upright musical notes, large painted initials, ornamental pen-letters ^and red and green capitals, old oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin fol. Smc. XIV PSALTERIUM Davidis, cum Symbolo S. Athanasii, Litaniis, Orationibus etc. una cum Calendario, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM (79 II. 7f by 5 in.) written in neat got&tc Ittterss, double columns of^l lines. Calendar in black, red and blue, by an English scribe, 8 pages with brilliant illu- minated borders surrounding a fine ornamental initial {that on the first page being a miniature of David), the colours being blue, red, pink and gold, with marginal fiourishes, of distinctly English work ; numerous smaller illuminated initials and pen-letters, original binding in oaken boards covered in doeskin, in new brown morocco slip case sm. Uo. SiEC. XV (c. 1425) *^* An interesting MS. called the " Wigmore Psalter," from its having been in the possession of the Wigmore-Mytton families. Six emblazoned coats of arms occupy 3 II. before the Calendar, and a leaf contains the names of "RiCHARD Wygmore owythe this Soke 15.3.5 " and " Thomas Wygmore Richardi filius 1565." Many English saints are mentioned in the Calendar and Litany. 1796 Psalterium. The Latin Psalter in the University Library of Utrecht ^ (formerly Cotton MS. Claudius c. viii), photographed and produced ^hfjj in facsimile by the Permanent Autotype Process of Spencer, Sawyer, Bird and Co. black morocco joints, r. e. fol. d. 1798 Ijli Psalterium, cum Hymnis, lit. gotj^. magna, red and black, with musical notes, long lines, 22 to a full page, with signatures, contains title, CLVI folioed leaves, and 4 II. of register, many of the staves for music are left blank, contemporary Netherlands binding, in oaken boards, leather, with small stamped ornaments in diagonal and frame compart- ments, well preserved, extremely rare, '^ Liber Conventus Sanctce Cecilice in Hanau" (?) S7n. 4to. s. I. et nom. imp. [last line of Hymnarius, '^Amen mcccclxxxi"] ^ <'- 4 4- Psalterium Dominicum, cum Hymnis, Precibus, Litaniis, etc. cum notis musicis. Manuscript on vellum (274 //. 14^ by 10 in.) written in large missal characters, in red and black, with square musical notes, long lines, \9>to a full page, by an Italian scribe, a fine large painted and illuminated figured initial on first leaf, 1 6 large painted floreate initials (2 with figures), numerous ornamental pen-letters and painted capitals in blue and red, oaken boards, modern black morocco, with old metal bosses and desk spikes, g. e. fol. S^c. xiii-xiv SIZES MIXED 199 1799 Psalterium et Cantica Canticorum et alia Cantica Biblica, ^THIO- PICE; et Syllabarium seu de legenda oratione (in fine Cantica Simeonis) [Edente Joanne Potken], finely 'printed in Coptic or Ethiopic characters in red and black, the first book printed in these cha- racters, fine full-page woodcut in red of David playing on the harp, crushed crimson morocco extra, y. e. by H. Stamper, FINE COPY, RARE sm. ito. Romce, impensis Jo. Potken Prcepositi Ecclesice Sancti Gem'gii Coloniensis per Marcellum Silber al's Franck die ultima Junii [et die X Septemhis], 1513 1800 Psalter. Les Pseaumes mis en rime Fran9oise par CI. Marot et Th. \ de Beze [avec le Calendrier, Pri^res Ecclesiastiques, Confession de )^y\ Foy des Eglises de France, etc.] (les airs notis), ruled throughout, \ crushed red morocco plain, inside dentelles, g. e. 12mo. s. I. par J. B. Pinereul pour A. Vincent, 1564 1801 Psaltei'. Traduction Nouvelle des Pseaumes de David faite sur I'Hebrew par M. Langeois, large and fine paper, printed within bm-ders, 2 vol. old French red morocco, full giltfloreate backs, line sides, loith arms of Louis PhAlypeaux Due de la Vrillie.re, g. e. sm. 8vo. Paris, Le Mercier, etc. 1762 1802 Psalter. Les Pseaumes traduits en Francois avec des Notes et des Reflexions par le P. G. F. Berthier, fine portrait, 8 vol. old French green morocco, full gilt fioreate backs, lettered on red, line sides, g. e. {Derome), fine copy sm. 8vo. Paris, Merigot, 1785 1803 Psalter des Kiiniglichen Prophetten Davids geteutscht nach warhaff- -A tigem text der hebraischen Zungen, lit gotl^. cut on last leaf, some OXt \ pages ivith woodcut boi'ders, and ornamental initials, contemporary oaken o * boards, stamped ornamental pigskin, clasp sm. d>vo. Augspurg durch Doctor Sigmund Grym, 1523 1804 Psalter. The Whole Boke of Psalmes, collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others, with apt notes to sing them withal, blacfe letter, ivants 2 II. some margins cut into, sold not subject to return, old calf, a scarce edition sm. ito. John Day, 1565 1805 Psalter. Psalms (The Whole Book of), collected into English Metre fA. by Thos. Sternhold, John Hopkins and others, etc. contemporary *l}f\ binding of boarded black silk, with thick floicer ornaments in relief \ embroidered in silver threads, g. e. 8vo. Stat. Co. 1682 1806 Psalter. " The Victoria Psalter." The Psalms of David, illuminated tj by Owen Jones, stamped leather fol. [Day and Son, n. d. 1844 1] 1807 I Public Advertiser (The) from January 2 to June 30, 1769, in 1 vol. \ J^ half calf fol. Puckle's Club. Illustrations to Puckle's Club, printed {for the pro- iBTi prietor) in colours, from the original blocks and limited to 100 impres- ' I sions, green morocco extra, g. e. sm. Uo. 1817 1809 ^Pugin and Heath. Paris and its Environs, in a series of Picturesque Views, LARGE PAPER, _^ne india proof plates {some slightly foxed), half morocco, g. e. roy. ito. Jennings, 1829 1810 Pugin and Heath. Paris and its Environs, numerous fine views, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco extra, richly gilt ornamental back and borders, m. e. ito. 1831 i 200 SIZES MIXED Pycroft (James) Oxford Memories, a Retrospect after Fifty Years, 2 vol. lialf morocco gilt, m. e. 8w. Bentley, 1886 Ptolemseus (CI.) Geographicse Enarrationis, lib. VIII, et Bilibaldi Perckheimeri tralatione et Prisca Exemplaria a Michaele Villanuovo (Servetus) secundo recogniti et locis innumeris denuo castigati ; acced. Scholia, etc. dO fine woodcut maps, large copy, ruled in red, mottled calf gilt, m. e. (from the Duke of Sussex's library) fol. Lugd. Hugo a Porta, 1541 llPtolemseiis (CI.) Liber de Analemmate a Jo. Comraandino instauratus et commentariis illustratus; nunc primum in lucem prodit; Ejusdem 7de Horologiis, diagrams, red calf extra, g. e. by Tout sm. Uo. , Eomce, P. Manutius, 1562 1814 Quaritch (B.) Facsimiles of Choice Examples selected from Illuminated 5^ Manuscipts, Unpublished Drawings and Illustrated Books of early / / date, numerous chromos imp. 8vo. 1889, dc. 1815 Quaritch (B.) Palaeography ; Notes upon the History of Writing and 2j ^ the Mediaeval Art of Illumination, 22 facsimiles, half bound J *^ Ck ^'^P' ^^^P' ^^^" pt'i'vately printed, 1894 1816 Quaritch (B.) General Catalogue ; Supplement, vol. I, V, VII, X, LARGE PAPER, Uo, 1889-98 ; General Catalogue of 1880, halfmo^vcco ; &c. Svo. (10) ■^ 1817 Quilter (Harry) Preferences in Art, Life and Literature, numerous q\ illustrations, art cloth gilt, t. e. g. uncut sup. imp. 8vo. Swan &Co. 1892 1818 Quintilianus. Institutiones Oratoriae, lib. XII, editio Aldina % PRIMA, old French yellow moivcco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, ^ ^\ gilt and gauffred edges, fine copy (H. Drury's) , \\ s, • sm. 4:to. Venet. in aed. Aldi, 1514 [1819/ Quintiiratius. Institutionum Oratoriarum lib. XII, old French red morocco, with elabwate ornamental tooling in the Le Gascon style, g. e. M (fatiguSe) \ iy\)i 8vo. Genevce, P. Chouet, 1641 Rabanus Maurus. * Qusestiones Hebraicae in Libris Regum, Manu- ^ SCRIPT ON VELLUM (114 II. 13^ by 10 in.) finely ivritten in g(it})tc ^— I letters, double columns of 30 lines, with rubrics, half bound (Phillipps I I MSS. no. S7 21, fro7n the Cistercian Abbey of Pontigny) folio. SiEC. xii-xiii 1821 Rabanus Maurus. O^xx?, diQ\]m\ev&oM.\xndiO, finely printed in roman letter, 167 II. in double columns of 56 lines, without marks, with the t\ J peculiar R, formerly ascribed to Mentelin's Strasburg Press {Hain 13669), l'v\ rubricated, fine painted ornamental initials, some with marginal decora- i I tions in green and red, absque ulla nota [Argent. 1472-5] — Bernardus Clarvallensis Abbas, Epistolse LXXXXVI ; de Miseria et brevitate Humanae Vitae ; de bona et mala Voluntate ; de gratia et libero Arbitrio ; Apologia de Concordia Ordinum, &c. finely printed in roman letter, 89 //. in double columns of 60 lines, without marks {Hain 2870), rubricated, capitals painted in red, absque nota [Argent. Fggesteyn], old MS. vellum fiy-leaves ; in 1 vol. oaken boards, neiv stamped pigskin , from^ R. S. Turner's library, fine copies roy. folio SIZES MIXED 201 1822 Rabelais (Fr.) (Euvres, avec des Remarques historiques et critiques I . par Le Duchat, nouvelle Edition orn6e de figures de B. Picart, &c. ^L^y^ portrait, ornamental frontispieces, views, map and fine plates, 3 vol. " 1/ crushed crimson morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. by Cap4, fine copy Uo. Amst. J. F. Bernard, 1741 1823 Raccolta delle piii interessante Dipinture e belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei e diStabia, l\^ plates, half hound Uo. Napoli, 1830 1824 Racine (Jean) (Euvres, 12 pieces, all with frontispieces, and separate pagination, some with separate printed titles ; leaf in Andromaque de- fective, 2 vol. red morocco antique, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout V2mo. Amst. chez Antoine Schelte, 1698 [Athalie, 1696] 1825 Racine (J.) Theatre, printed on toned paper with portrait and 23 etchings by V. Foulquier, 2 vol. criished crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. sup. imp. 8vo. Tours, A. Mame, 1876 1826 Radziwill (Princeps Nic. Chr.) Jerosolymitana Peregrinatio, primum a Thoma Tretero ex Polonico Sermone in Latinum translata, nunc varia aucta et correctius in lucem edita, engraved title and plates, old calf gilt, g. e. folio. Antic. Vidua Jo. Moreii, 1614 1827 Raphael. Parerga atque Ornamenta ex Raphaelis prototypis a Jo. Nannio in Vaticani Xystis partim Opere plastico, partim coloribus expressa, (fee. 44 fine plates, old calf oblong folio. Romce, J. J. de Bubeis, n. d. 1828 Raphael. Sacrse Historise Acta in Vaticanis Xystis ad Picturae Miraculum expressa, N. Chapron Gallus delineata et incisa, bSfine plates in first state, covers of an ancient vellum musical 3IS. oblong folio. Bomcv, 1649 1829 Raphael. Selections from the Frescoes in the Vatican, lithographed id / by N. Consoni, 31 plates, roman p'oofs elephant oblong folio 1830 Raphael. Frescoes in the Vatican, engraved by Sancto Bartoli (3 sets), ^ 75 fine plates, half mvrocco oblong. Bomce, J. J. de Bubeis, n. d. 1831 Raphael : his Life and Works by J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle, 2 vol. calf extra, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1882 Rapin and Tindal. History of England, printed upon writ- ing PAPER, numerous portraits by Houbraken and Virtue, plates of coins, seaLls, monuments, maps, dc. brilliant picked impressions, said to be the publisher's own copy, 5 vol. straight grained red morocco, line \ W\ VQ yooZet^, marbled end leaves, g. e. (Roger Payne;, fine copy, rake in »^\ \ms STATE {Syston Park) folio. Knapton, 17 32-i5 Rapin and Tindal. History of England, second edition (with the I . Acta Regia), numerous fine portraits by Houbraken and Vertue, pdans of I 1 cities inserted, plates of medals, maps, &c. 6 vol. russia gilt {broken) folio, ib. 1732-5 1834 Rasis. Liber Rasis ad Almanserom, Divisiones ejusdem et alia Opus- cula ; Aphorismi Rabi Moysi, Aphorismi Damasceni ; Liber Secre- torum Hippocratis ; H. Manfredi Medici Centiloquium de Medicis, &c. lit. gotl). numerous MS. notes in margins {first title hacked); in 1 vol. modern red calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout folio. Venet. J. Hertzog de Landoia, 1500, et B. Locatellus, 1497 M H 202 SIZES MIXED 1835 / Kecueil de Di verses Pieces Curieuses pour servir a I'Histoire, red mo- rocco extra, full gilt flm'eate bach, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Chamholle-Duru '\2mo. a Cologne (Amst.) J. du Castel {a la Sphhre), 1664 1836 Recueil de Pieces Rares et Fac6tieuses, Anciennes et Modernes, en vers et en prose, plates, papier vergS, only 300 copies printed, 4 vol. half morocco, t. e. g. 8vo. Paris, A. Barraud, 1872 ^ 1837 Recueil de quelques Pieces Nouvelles et Galantes tant en Prose qu'en Vers, 2 parts in 1 vol. old French blue morocco, with elaborate gilt orna- ments and crowned R and double A, the marks of Louis XIII and Anne of Amtria (the book not originally in this binding) l2mo. Cologne, P. du Marteau (a la Sphhre), 1667 rave (R. and S.) A Century of Painters of the English School, with Critical Notices, &c. 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, m. e. by Mansell 8vo. Smith, Elder, 1866 Reflexions sur les DifFerends de la Religion, avec les Preuves de la Tradition Eccl6siastique, par divers Traductions des Saints Peres, &c. (par Pellison), 4 vol. old French red morocco, full giltfloreate backs, line sides, with corner fleurons, the arms of Card. Franc. Maria de Medicis on sides, g. e. (Le Gascon), fine copy sm. 8vo. Paris, G. Martin, 1687-92 Reflexions sur les On vrages de Litt^rature [par 1' Abbe Granet], 1 2 vol. old French calf gilt, r. e. Madame de Pompadour's copy with her arms on sides l2mo. Paris, chez Briasson, 1742 1841 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, ex Authoritate primum Regis Henrici 8 inchoata, deuide per Regem Edovardum 6, provecta, adauctaq. in hunc modum, atque nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum re- formationem in lucem sedita [cum Prefatio Johannis Foxi], FIRST EDITION, title icithin woodcut border, modern calf antique sm. ito. J. Day, 1571 Registrum Omnium Brevium, tam Originalium quam judicialium, Manuscript on vellum (211 II. 10 by 7^ in.) written in an old English legal hand, long lines, SS to a page, rubricated in red and blue with ornamental pen-letters, russia, g. e. ito. S.-EC. xiv-xv ^* On the last leaf of this MS. occurs the following inscription : " Iste Liber constat Edmuvdo Spencer filio et herede Richardi Spenceri ex dono magistro Willo Sprig ge," &c. 1843 Reinikes Vulpeculse. Opus Poeticum de admirabili Fallacia et Astutia Vulpeculse Reinikes libros IV, ex idiomate Germanico latinitate donates, &c. cum Commentariis, &c. auctore Hartmanno Schoppero, numerous fine woodcuts by JosT Amman and Vergil Solis, sprinkled calf extra, g. e. by W. Pratt, rare \2mo. Francof. ad M. P. Fabritius, 1567 1844 Rembrandt. L'CEuvre Complet, decrit et commente par Charles Blanc, 40 fine etchings, 2 vol. half morocco, t. e. g. uncut 8vo. Paris, Gide, 1859 SIZES MIXED 203 1845 i^ 1846 Vi Rembrandt. Catalogue Raisonn6 de toutes les Estampes qui forment I'QCuvre de Rembrandt, &c. compost^ par les Sieurs Gersaint, &c. nouvelle edition, enti^rement refondue, &c. par Adam Bartscb, por- trait and plates, 2 parts in 1 vol. half calf , uncut, scarce 8w. Vienne, A. Blumauer, 1797 Rembrandt. Daulby (Dan.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt and of his Scholars, compiled from the Original Etchings and from the Catalogues of De Burgy, ^c. with prices affixed to each entry in MS. hy the compiler, from the sales of Barnard, fFoodhouse, R. Graves, Willett, Baring, Duke of Buckingham, &c. etched portrait, blue morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. Liverpool, McCreery, 1796 1847 11 1848 1845 \ 185U Rembrandt. Daulby (D.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt, &c. with the values in MS. portrait, Liverpool, McCreery, 1796 — Descriptive Catalogue of the Prints of Rembrandt, by an Amateur, /. F. Setchel, 1836 — Catalogue de la Collection des Estampes de Rembrandt de M. Amade de Burgy, La Haye, 1755 8w. (3) Rembrandt. Etchings, illustrated by a Selection of Specimens, repro- duced in facsimile, with Life, &c. by H. N. Humphreys, 30 photos. ^ cloth gilt, g. e. folio. Bell, 1871 Rembrandt. Fifty of the most notable of Rembrandt's Etchings, reproduced in photogravure, with Biography and Notes, by C. B. Curtis, cloth, uncut folio. Qvxiritch, 1889 Rembrandt, sa Vie, son (Euvre, et son Temps, par fimile Michel, ouvrage contenant 343 reproductions directes d'aprh les CEuvres du Maitre, red calf extra, t. e. g. uncut 4to. Paris, Hachette, 1893 Rent Roll. An English Rent-Roil of Lands in the County of Salop, &c. Manuscript on paper (14 //. 13 by 10 in.) sm.fol. Sjeg. xv 1 85|i Resendius (L. A.) Libri quatuor de Antiquitatibus Lusitanise, a Jac. JT M. Vasconcello recogniti atque absoluti, old calf, g. e. "" sm. folio. Eborce, Martinus Burgensis, 1593 Resta a Talleacotio (F. Propertio) De Falsa et Vera Sapientia lib. IV. old olive mwocco, J. A. De Thou's copy, with his arms and his first * wife's on sides ito. Romce, G. Jacciottus, 1599 Retza (Franciscus de) Comestorium Vitiorura, editio princeps, lit. Scmi^gotl). double columns, 49 lines, without marks, finely printed, rubri- cated, capitals painted in red and blue, modern red morocco super extra, A ivith the Seillihre arms, g. e. FINE COPY large folio L — Nurembergce Anno &c. 4xx° (1470) Patronarum formarum que Concordia et proporcione impressus \Jo. Sensenschmidt et H. Keppfer] *^* The first book printed at Nuremberg. eynolds (Frederick) Life and Times, written by himself, portrait after ill Harlow, extra illustrated with upwards of 120 portraits of • actors and actresses, poets, artists, &c. scenic plates, views, (&c. and an original portrait in colouis of K. George IV before the dedication, 2 vol. blue morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. Colburn, 1826 N 204 SIZES MIXED 1856 Eeynolds (Sir Joshua) A Discourse delivered to the Students of the ^i\ y Royal Academy on the Distribution of Prizes, Dec. 10, 1772, by ^\\ the President, original iSQiiiOYk, 'presentation copy '"'■to his Grace the \ Duke of Marlborough from the Author," original gold flowered wrapper ito. Griffin and Daries, n 63 {sic for 17 T6) 57) Reynolds (Sir J.) Discourses delivered at the Annual Opening of the - Royal Academy in January, and at the Distribution of Prizes to \v the Students in December, for the years 1769, 1780, 1784, 1786, and 1788 (6); in 1 vol. original issues, most presentation copies with inscriptions, but parts of the writing cut off, half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. ito'. 1780-88 I 1858 Reynolds (Sir J.) Life and Times, by C. R. Leslie and Tom Taylor, j , portraits and illustrations, 88 EXTRA illustrations inserted, 2 vol. j^ y^ bound in 4, calf extra, g. e. by Tout Svo. Murray, 1865 1859 Reynoldes (Dr. Rich.) A Chronicle of all the Noble Emperours of the Romaines from Julius Csesar orderly to this moste Victorious (A ^ Emperour Maximilian, blacfe letter, title within woodcut border, medallion 2y\/ heads within ornaments, and ornamental initials, crushed hrown morocco \ , extra, inside dentelles, g. e. LARGE COPY sm. ito. T. Mar she, 1571 1860 Rezzonico (Ant. Jos. a Turre) Musarum Epicinia ad Ludovicum \l (XV) Regem Galliarum et Navarrse, Balearium Expugnatum, I frontispiece and vignettes folio. Parmce, F. Borsius, 1757 1861 Rhetores Grseci. Apthonius, Harmogenes et Dionysius Longinus Fr. »w^k^ Porti opera industriaque illustrati, old French red morocco, line tooled, M 1^1*1 Vl ^' ^' *^" ^* -^^ Thou's copy, with his first arms and monogram ' y^ * J^tA-^ ^^^' ^^^' {Geneva}), Jo. Crispinus, 1570 1862 Richaroson (J.) History and Antiquities of Furness, numerous tinted ilA views,\nblazoned coats of arms, &c. 2 vol. red mmvcco gilt, g. e. ' \ ito. Barrow-in-Furness, 1880 1863 Ritt (0.) Histoire de I'Isthme de Suez, portrait and maps, half morocco gilt, Paris, Hachette, 1869 — Voltaire, Siecles de Louis XIV et de Louis XV, 4 vol. calf gilt, ib. Didot, 1820 — De Genlis, Henri le Grand, 2 vol. calf gilt, ib. Maradan, 1815; and one other ^vo. (8) 1864 Rivas Garcia. Real Provision Executoria de Infanzonia, obtenida por Don Pedro de Rivas Garcia y sus Hijos en que se contiene su Origen, Calidad, Armas y Nobleza, text printed upon 9 //. of vellum, ivritten title within painted ornamental border, fine emblazoned coat of arms, occupying the whole of a page, first page of text ivithin painted ornamenial border, ivith a miniature portrait of Charles III of Spain, official signatures and notarial certificate at end, with royal seal in metal box attached, bound in red velvet sm. folio. 1774 1865 Roberts (David) The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia, described by Rev. Geo. Croly, numerous lithographs, 6 vol. in 3, blue morocco extra, g. e. ito. Day & Son, 1855, &c. 1866 Roby (J.) Traditions of Lancashire (first series), first edition, large paper, india pn'oof plates, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, g. e. roy. Svo. Longman, 1829 SIZES MIXED 205 7 1870 1871 il872 1867 Kocoles (Sr. J. B. de) La Fortune Marastre de plusieurs Princes et Grands Seigneurs de toutes Nations, copperplate engravings by A. Schooneheck, stamp of Mark Fattison, Master of Lincoln, on title {last leaf slightly defective), old French red morocco, line tooled, g. e. l2m.o. Leyde, 1684 Rodericus Episcopus Zamorensis. Speculum Vitse Humanae, editio PRINCEPS, finely printed in roman letter, long lines, 33 to a full page, without marks, ornamental pen-letters, wants first leaf of preface and first leaf of second hook, a few II. at end wormed, otherwise an excellent copy, crimson m,orocco extra, by R. De Coverly sin. folio Bomce, in domo Fetri de Maximo per Conrad Sweynheyn et Arnold Fannartz, 1468 Rodericus Episc. Zamorensis. Speculum Vitse Humanse ad Paulum II Pont. Max. lit. goti^. long lines, 35 to a full page, rubricated, brown . — morocco extra, blind and gilt antique ornaments, vellum fly-leaves, g. e. by Riviere, fine copy sm. folio. Augustce, Ginther Zainer ex Reutlingen, 1471 (Sam.) Italy, a Poem, with fine vignettes after Turner and thard, first edition, green morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. Cadell, 1830 Rogers (Sam. ) Italy ; another copy, foxed, purple morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. ib. 1830 RoUe de Hampole (Richardus) Explanationes notabiles devotissimi viri Richardi Hampole super lectiones illus Beati Job ; que solent in exequiis defunctorum legi : Sermo beati Augustini de Miseri- cordia et pia Oratione pro defunctis, lit. gotlj. parva, double columns, rubricated, title within woodcut border with Remboldt's device, a cut of Death and the Sacristan on reverse, half calf, fine copy, very rare sm. 4to. Faris. B. Remboldt, 1510 The first edition of this work was printed in Oxford, by Rood and Hunt, in the XVth century, and is unattainable. 1873 Rollin (Charles) Histoire Ancienne et Romaine ; et La Manier d'En- seigner et d'Etudier les Belles Lettres, large paper, 2 portraits, 28 plates and vignettes and 26 maps, 16 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt backs, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Fadeloup, with his ticket on vol. I of Histoire Romaine), the fine Beckford copy Uo. Paris, Veuve Estienne, 1740-52 1874 Rollin (C.) Histoire Ancienne et Romaine; et Traits des Etudes, &c. LARGE paper, portrait, maps and fine vignettes, 18 vol. old French yellow morocco, full gilt ornamental hacks, broad leafy borders, g. e. fine uniform set {Eliza Gulston's) ito. ib. 1740-52 1 875 Roman Wonder (The), being Truth Confessed by Papists (against the Jesuits), morocco, uncut sm. folio. W. Ketlilby, 1 680 1876 Rosa (Salvator) A Collection of Prints, comprising Figure Subjects, large and small, Classical and Scriptural, Landscapes, &c. Finding of Moses, Prodigal Son, Warrior and Dragon, Preaching of John the Baptist, &c. 99 plates, fine original impressions, in a vol. old calf imp. atlas folio 1877 Rosa (S.) Various Engravings of large and small subjects {85), fine impressions, bound in a vol. half morocco atlas folio \ 206 SIZES MIXED 1878 Rosa (Salvator) Series of Figures, dO fine plates {including title), original J'l/i ^ impressions, old French red moivcco gilt, g. e. J lA/' ito. Paris, chez De Poilly, s. d. 1879 Rosarium sive Psalterium Beatse Virginis Marise, &c. a T. W. A. editum, fine full-page woodcuts, brown morocco, plain, g. e. I'Imo. Ingoldstadii, A. Angermarius, 1603 1880 Roscoe (Thos.) The Italian Novelists, selected from the most approved authors, translated with notes critical and biographical, FIRST EDITION, frontispieces, MS. notes in some margins, 4 vol. yellow morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by J. Wright demy d>vo. S. Proivett, 1825 1881 Roscoe (Thos.) Wanderings and Excursions in North and South Wales, 100 engravings from drawings by Cattermole, Cox, Cresivick, Fielding, &c. 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. (cracked) imp. 8vo. Tilt, &c. n. d. 1882 Rose (Rev. H. J.) New General Biographical Dictionary, 12 vol. calf gilt, m. e. ' 8m 1857 1883 Ross (Mrs.) The Balance of Comfort ; or the Old Maid and Married Woman, 3 vol. 1817; &c. 8vo. (11) . 1884 Rossetti (D. G.) Collected Works, with Preface and Notes by W. M. ^ r)k)v\ /^ Rossetti, 2 vol.^ngm mwocco extra, gilt ornaments, t. e. g. uncut, by R. J j \^Y de Coverly \yAjsW cr.^vo. Ellis and Scrutton,\88Q ' 1885 Rousselet (L.) India and its Native Princes, maps and numerous illus- trations, purple morocco extra, g. e. ito. Bickers, 1882 1886 Rousselet (L.) India and its Native Princes, 317 illustrations and 6 maps, crimson morocco super extra, g. e. roy. ito. Chapman & Hall, 1875 . 1887 Rowlandson. Poetical Sketches of Scarborough, 21 engravings of ^^ ' humorous subjects from original coloured designs made on the spot by T. j Green, etched by T. Rowlandson {frontispiece backed), bright calf extra, ' inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout imp. Svo. R. Ackermann, 1813 1888 Rowlandson. Naples and the Campagna Felice, in a Series of Letters addressed to a Friend in England in 1802, coloured title, maps and coloured humorous plates by T. Rowlandson, crushed 2'xile blue morocco, plain, inside ornamental borders, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, fine copy imp. Svo. ib. 1815 1889 Rowlandson. The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi 1 in y Hindostan, a Hudibrastic Poem in Eight Cantos by Quiz, humorous coloured plates by T. Roivlandson, mottled calf extra, q. e. by Riviere imp. Svo. T. Tegg, 1816 1890 Rowlandson. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, 17 coloured plates by T. Rowlandson, crushed citron morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere imp. Svo. R. Ackermann, 1821 1891 Rowlandson the Caricaturist; a Selection from his Works, with Anecdotes, &c. by Jo. Grego, about 400 illustrations, 2 vol. half morocco gilt, t. e. g. ito. Chatto, 1880 TENTH DAY'S SALE. L W 1893 H 1894 1895 1897 SIZES MIXED. Lot 1892. OYAL Academy Catalogues from the Commencement in 1769 to 1778 (10)— Plan of an Academy and Royal Charter, 1765 — Catalogues of the Society of Artists of Great Britain from the Commencement in 1760 to 1778 (18), (waniing 1769), 2uiih some of the miginal admission tickets — Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Society of Free Artists Associated for the Relief of their Distressed Brethren, 1763-73 (11 catalogues, com- iplete set) — Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Free and Inde- J[J(pendent Society of Artists for the Benefit of their Distressed Brethren, 1768-76 (9) — Catalogue of the General Exhibition and Grand Museum of Arts and Sciences at Exeter Change (1777 1) ; in 1 vol. old rough calf, with ex-libris of Antony Villion, A very rare COLLECTION sm. ito Royal Gallery of Art, Ancient and Modern ; Engravings from the Private Collections of Her Majesty and Prince Albert, Hi fine line engravings, miginal issue, 4 vol. half morocco, g. e. folio. Colnaghi and Agnew, n. d. Rudder (S.) New History of Gloucestershire, ^/je views (wants map), half calf folio. Cirencester, S. Eudder, 1779 Ruding (Rev. R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies, second edition, 5 vol. 8vo and ito vol. of plates, half ccdf Lackington, dtc. 1819 RuFFiNUS Aquileiensis Presbyter. Super Ecclesiasticam Historiam (Eusebii, &c.), Manuscript on vellum (134 II. 11^ by 8^ it).) J written in neat gcmt-gotjbic letter^!, in double columns of 36 lines, with several fine large painted oi'namental initials and several smaller, in green and red, old calf {from Rev. H. Drury's library, afterwards Phillipps No. 3343), lettered " Historia Ecclesiastica liufini et Eusebii " folio. S^c. XII Rule (W. H.) and J. C. Anderson. Biblical Monuments, plates, half morocco, t. e. g. sup. imp. 8vo. Croydon, privately printed, 1871-3 208 SIZES MIXED 1898 [Runda seu Runida. Summa Generalia] Begins :" Dicunt de Sacra- i mentis, Primo de Sacramento in Generali." At end : " Sephett Vl Kunida de Viciis," Manuscript on vellum (187 II. 1\ by 5 in.) written in very small much contracted goti)tc letters, red and black, double columns of 30 lines, capitals painted in red and blue, half bound sm. Uo. SiEC. xii-xiii 1899 Ruskin (John) Modern Painters, Stones of Venice and Seven Lamps, A I ORIGINAL EDITIONS {Modem Painters vol. I sixth edition, vol. II fourth 7v Iwi edition, vol. I of "■ Stones " second edition), numerous illustrations by the 1 ^ author and J. M. IF. Turner, 9 vol. uniform calf extra, g. e. I imp. ^vo. 1856-60-1858-53-1849 1900 Ruskin (J.) Works, viz. Fors Clavigera, 7 vol. Munera Pulveris, Time and Tide, Crown of Wild Olive, Queen of the Air, Val d'Arno, Sesame and Lilies, Ariadne Fiorentina, Two Paths, Aratra Pente- lici, and The Eagle's Nest, numerous illustrations, 17 vol. uniform purple morocco, plain, inside dentelles, t. e. g. uncut Svo. G. Allen, 1871-80 1901 Ruskin (J.) Notes on Samuel Prout and William Hunt, 20 autotypes, half morocco, t. e. g. uncut ito. F. A. S. 1880 1902 Ruskin (J.) The Art of England; Lectures at Oxford during his / Second Tenure of the Slade Professorship, first edition, half blue J. I morocco, t. e. g. uncut sm.. ito. G. Allen, 1884 1903 Ruskin (J.) The Poetry of Architecture, with illustrations by the author {some in tints), cloth, uncut 4/o. iJ. 1893 1904 Ruskin (J.) "Our Fathers have told us." The Bible of Amiens, plates, red calf extra, t. e. g. by Tout, G. Allen, 1884 ; Deucalion, half calf, ib. 1879 ; Aratra Pentelici, second thousand, ib. 1879 Svo. (3) 1905 Ruskin (J.) Notes on the Turner Gallery, 1856-7, third and fourth editions, 1857 ; Catalogue of the Turner Sketches and Drawings, 1857-8, FIRST edition, 1858; The Two Paths, FIRST edition, 2 plates, calf gilt, Smith, 1859 ; Selections from Ruskin's Writings, portrait, morocco, ib. 1862; Story of Ida, by Francesca, 1883; Crown of Wild Olive, 1886 ; Sesame and Lilies, 1887 Svo. (8) 1906 Ruskin (J.) Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds {first and fourth editions), 1851-79 ; Guide to the Principal Pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts at Venice, 2 parts, Venice, 1877 ; Catalogue of the Turner Drawings and Sketches in the National Gallery, 1881 ; and other pamphlets by or relating to Ruskin Svo. (19) 1907 Ruskin (J.) Poems, now first collected, with Notes by W. G. Colling- wood, facsimiles of MSS. and illustrations by the author, 2 vol. cloth, uncut Uo. G. Allen, 1891 1908 Russell (Dr. P.) Natural History of Aleppo, second edition, revised and enlarged by P. Russell, M.D. fine plates, 2 vol. russia, m. e. ito. Bobinson, 1794 1909 Russian Manuscript. A History of the Mother of God, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, and of Several Holy Men, &c. Russian Manuscript on paper (192 U. 13J by S^ in.) boldly written, with 70 original draivings in ivater-colours of scenes in the lives of the above, a letter giving an account of the MS. inserted, old calf folio, begun in 1793, finished in 1800 SIZES MIXED 209 1910 1917 1918 1919 Rustinji (Sal. Van) Schau-Platz des Todes, oder Todten-Tanz, in Kupffern und Versen vorgestellet herausgegeben von J. G. Meintel, lit. ^oi^.Jine copperplate engravings, nissia gilt,g. e. ^ sm. 8vo. Niirnb. P. C. Monath, 1736 Ryves (Bruno) Mercurius Rusticus. The Countrie's Complaint against the Sectaries, /ro/i^/spie^^e (backed), 1646 — May (Thos.) Epitomy of English History, 3 plates (mended), 1690 — Historia Breviarium Par- liamenta Anglise authore T. M. (Thos. May), s. a. — Method and Manner of Proceedings in Parliament in Passing Bills, 1689 — Some Sober Inspections into the Carriage and Conduct of the late Long Parliament, 1656 — Opinions of Suudry learned Antiquaries touch- ing the Antiquity, &c. of the High Court of Parliament, 1658 ; un^m calf gilt l'2mo. (6) Bl^to (Joaif^^es deVKpheidcum Qptt^culum C Purbachius edidit, an letkoir^'^dctc^-^mgranis tbbdrfffnamental initials (first 2 II. inlaid), own mmvcco gilt, g. e. sm. iio. Fenet. E. Ratdolt, 1 485 Sadeler. Sylvae Sacre ; Monumenta Sanctioris Philosophise quam severa Anachoretarum disciplina Vitse et religio docuit, 85 fine plates including 3 titles by J. and R. Sadeler, in a vol. vellum obi. Ato. Monachi, 1594 Sadi. Gulistan and Biistan. Persian Manuscript on native paper (381 11. 10 by a in.) several pp. finely illuminated, native doubU morocco, sides covered in rich mosaic ornaments, joints, g. e. narrow ito. (Sjec. xviii 1) Sadi. Gulistan and Biistan. Persian Manuscript on native glazed paper (206 //. 6 by 3| in.) neatly written, in double columns, within gold IVJ ^nd blue borders, with 12 VERY finely painted and illuminated MINIATURES, ^rsi 2 pp. richhj illuminated arid illuminated ornaments 07i every page, native lacquered binding, finely painted in flowers inside and out sm. 8vo. S^C. XIX Biistao, Persian M.'^f-^glazeit-papef\(22d> II.) initials/)fnn4 12 l^fj£LY douUd ornamental lacquer balding sm. 8vo. written in 1830 St. James's ; a Satirical Poem in six Epistles to Mr. Crockford, hight calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. ito. 1827 St. Non (Abb^ d') Voyage Pittoresque, ou Description des Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile, numerous plans, views, plates of antiquities, medals, etc. 4 vol. full half crimson morocco extra, t. e. g. by Tout imp. folio. Pans, 1781-85 Saint-Pierre (J. H. B. de) Paul et Virginie ; et laChaumi^re Indienne, ^V 7 poiiraits and 30 full-page illustrations by Meissonier, Tony Johannot, ^\ etc. india proofs, and numerous woodcuts, morocco gilt, g. e. imp. Svo. Paris, L. Curmer, 1838 Saintes. Les Vies des Saints, dispos^es selon I'ordre des Calendriers et des Martyrologes, etc. avec les Saints de I'Ancien Testament, les Fetes mobiles, le Chronologic et la Topographic, 1 7 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt floreate backs, line sides with corner flexirons, g. e. (Du Seuil), FINE COPY Svo. Paris, Botdland, 1701-3 *l\ 1/ M 210 SIZES MIXED 1921 Sallustius, Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini Historiae, Manuscript on I tAw* VELLUM (86 II. 9 hy b^ in.) written iv. small semj-gotijic Ictttrg, long ' \*\ ' lines, 23 to a full page, A very singular ancient lettered . ' spherical map on reverse of leaf 37, (Phillipps MSS. 9804), modern 1922 Sallustius. De Conjuratione Catilinae et de Bello Jugurtino, cum vita sua, lit. rom. long lines, 35 to a full page, unthout marks, top plain margin of a leaf mended, straight-grained red morocco, line tooled, g. e. 'oger Payne), TFodhull copy, scarce sm. folio. Brixice imp-essus per EustacJiium Galium, 1475 llustius. Opera Omnia, cum selectis Observationibus recens. A. Thysii, engraved title, old French red morocco gilt, with arms and monogram of Gaston d' Orleans, g. e. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. Hackius, 1665 1924 Sallustius ; cum Veterum Historicorum Fragmentis, FAzevir edition, red A morocco, antique style, hy Tout, Lugd. Bat. 1634 — Julius Caesar, Elzevir \\^ edition, old red morocco gilt, a. e. ib. 1635 — Livius. Historiarum libri, I engraved title, russia gilt, Amst. D. Elzevir, 1678; &c. 12?no. (6) J_925^ Sancto-Blasio (Baptista de) Tractatus de Actionibus et Natura Rerum, lit. got&. double columns, 63 lines, 26 II. 1 blank, with signs. 2 pages occupied with woodcut circles of Actions headed " Bubrica ; incipiunt Glossce piimi ordinis Pretoriarum " and ending " Finis Glossarum Joannis," with a full-length woodcut female figure and o^-namental wood- cut initials, old rough calf large folio. Impressum Venetiis per Erhardum Ratdolt de Augusta, 1481 ^* Printed upon vellum, of which one other copy is recorded by Brunet as being in the Royal Library of Munich. At the end is bound a document on vellum in German by Albert Pfalzgrave of the Rhine appointing one Cristoff Smid of Aschaifenbacli to the post of Choirmaster dated 1470, a single sheet measuring 16| by 21 in. . "^ 1926 Sanctorum Plurimorum Hystorise noviter et laboriose ex diversis libris \ An unum collectse, lit. goti^. finely printed in double columns of 41 lines, Y with signs, and folioed II. cccv, rubricated, brown morocco extra, g. e. by C. Smith, fine copy of a scarce book (Syston Park) sm. folio. Lovanii in domo Joannis de Westfalia, 1485 1927 Sandby (Paul) Collection of Landscapes, with descriptions, 32 fine plates engraved by Booker and Watts, half bound, uncut obi. Uo. G. Kearsley, 1777 1928 Sandby (Paul) The Virtuosi's Museum, containing Select Views in England, Scotland and Ireland, 108 fine views, brilliant impressions, half morocco gilt, rough fore and lower edges, fine copy obi. 4to. ib. 1778 1929 Sandford (Fr.) Genealogical History of the Kings of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, 1066-1677, first EDITION, fine plates, lUQj pedigrees, coats of arms (some emblazoned), etc. extra illustrated I I with numerous portraits, plan of the Battle of Naseby, monuments, etc. ' crushed red morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Hayday, fine COPY folio. In the Savoy, T. Newcomb, 1677 "It li M ^ SIZES MIXED .211 1930 Sandrart (Joachim von) L' Academia Todesca della Architectura, Scultura et Pittura ; oder Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau-Bild- und Mahlerey-Kunste (mit den Abbildungen der Gotter), many hundred fine plates, 5 vol. old French red morucco, gilt backs, line sides, g. e. Prince Eugene of Savoy's copy, with his arms on sides and monogram on hacks, fine copy folio. Nurnherg, J. P. Miltenherger, etc. 1675-80 Sangermano (Father) Description of the Burmese Empire, translated Ly W. Tandy, D.D. Rome, 1833 — Barrow (John) Travels in China, portrait and coloured plates, calf , X^Qi ito. (4) Sansovino (Fr.) Cento Novelle scelte da piii Nobili Scrittori della /)A Lingua Volgare, con 1' aggiunta di cento altre Novelle Antiche (et un » Discorso sopra il Decamerone) " quarta " irapressione, numerous icoodcuts, brown morocco extra, full gilt back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Trautz-Bauzonnet, fine copy sm. ito. Venet. Herecli di M. Sessa, 1571 1933 Sapien9ia (D. Otavio) Nuevo Tratado de Turquia con una Descripcion Vdel Sitio y Ciudad de Constantinopla, Costumbres del Gran Turco, etc. calf gilt, g. e. sm. ito. Madrid, Viuda de Alonso Martin, 1622 Saxton (Chr.) and John Norden. Maps of the Counties of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, engraved by W. Hole, Wm. Kip, etc. 57 original maps {not a consecutive series), hacked (3 mended), sold not \ subject to return obi. folio. [1573-9, d;f.] [CHATZBEHALTER (Das Buch der) oder schrein der waren Keichtiimer 'des heils und ewygter Seligkeit genant, lit. gotj). double columns, rubricated capitals in blue and red, spirited full-page woodcuts by M. WoLGEMUTH, master of Albert Dijrer, coloured by a contemporary hand, contemporary oaken boards, leather, with blind stamped ornaments, title of book on upper cover (icorn) folio. Nuremberg, A. Koherger, 1491 A MOST excellent copy of a VERY RARE book vrith early German woodcuts, some of which were afterwards used for the Nuremberg Chronicle. ^1936 Scheffer (Jo.) De Re Vehiculari Veterum lib. II, etc. woodcuts, vellum n "^ sm. ito. Francof 1671 1937 Schiller (Fr.) Die Verschworung des Fiesko, fiir die Biihne bearbeitet ^ von C. M. Pliimicke, frontispiece after G. W. Hoffmann, calf extra, g. e. / by Riviere, A RARE EDITION sm. 8vo. Berlin, C. F. Himhurg, 1784 1938 Schmeids (Margareten) Acten gemasse Relatio facti et Juris uber den zu Braunschweig wider Margareten Schmeids, eine stuprirte Bauer- Magd, in puncto verdachtigen Kindermords gefiihrten inquisitions, lit. gotb- woodcuts {a full account of the trial of the celebrated German Witch in the XVIIth century), brown morocco gilt, large copy, rare sm,. ito. Braunschweig, C. F. Zilliger, 1664 1939 Schmolck (Benj.) Andach tiger Hertzen Beth- Altar, zur allerheiligsten Dreyfaltigkeit, &c. blacfe Ictttr, frontispiece, oaken boards, stamped pigskin, the sides covered in silver repoussd ornaments, with clasps narrow 8vo. Breslau, M. Hubert, 1738 Schutte (R.) Heilige Jaarboeken ; of Saraenstemming des Evange- listen, &c. maps and plates, 3 vol. Dutch bright red morocco covered with large and richly gilt floral and other ornaments, g. e. 8vo. Amst. J. TFessing, 1779-83 p 2 mende 212 SIZES MIXEU 1941 Schwaben-Spiegel. Der Spiegel keiserlicher und gemeiner Lantrecht, . . lit. gotlj. long lines, 33 to a full page, contains 9 prel. II. of register, &c. tU|W >^' including a leaf containing a full-page tuoodcut only, and CXXXXix \ ' folioed leaves, some plain margins wormed, and that of the woodcut mended, black morocco gilt, g. e. sm. folio [adfinem] " Goites gerichi hedenck mit sorgenj und richt den reichen als dem armen," absque ulla nota {G. Zainer, Augsbourg 1) 1942 Scotland and the Union. A Serious Address to the Commoners of England, 1705 — The Reducing of Scotland by Arms, and annexing it to England as a Province Considered (by Ridpath), B. Bragg, n. d. — The Scotch Patriot Unmasked {in answer to the above), by Wm. Atwood, 1705 — Reasons for an Union between England and Scot- land, 1706 — Journal of the Proceedings of the Lds. Commissioners of Both Nations in the Treaty of Union, 1706 — Vulpone or Remarks on some Proceedings in Scotland relating to the Union, &c. 1707 — A View of the Management of the late Scots Ministry, 1709 — Answer to the Brief Account of the Elections in the North of Britain, 1708 ; and other Tracts on the same, in 1 vol. old calf ito 1943 Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels, Prose Works, Poetical Works,. and Life by Lockhart, numerous portraits, vieivs, vignettes, &c. 98 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. unifm-m set sm. 8vo. 1830-40 1944 Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels, the choice Abbotsford edi- tion, with numerous steel engravings and ivoodcuts by and after the best artists, 12 vol. green morocco extra, g. e. imp. 8vo. Edijib. Cadell, 1842-47 1945 Scott (Sir Walter) The Abbot, and the Monastery, first editions, 6 vol. cloth Molding, plain edges, Edinb. 1820 ; Redgauntlet, first EDITION, 3 vol. original half binding, ib. 1824 sm. 8vo. (9) 1946 Scott (Sir Walter) The Pirate, 3 vol. 1822 ; Redgauntlet, 3 vol. 1824 ; Y St. Ronan's Well, 3 vol. 1824; Woodstock, 3 vol. 1826 ; and Tales '|V\A. / (if my Landlord, fourth series, 4 vol. 1832 ; ALL first editions, ' \ together 16 vol. uniform red calf extra, inside dentelles, t. e. g. other edges uncut, by Tout, all fine copies sm. 8vo. Edinb. 1947 Scott (Sir Walter) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, second edition, . 3 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. Edinb. 1803 ; Lay of the Last Minstrel, I "A morocco extra, 1806 ; Marmion, Lady of the Lake, and Rokeby, 3 vol. » yellow morocco extra, g. e. 1808-13 ; Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, first edition, half morocco, Edinb. 1816 8vo. (8) 1948 Scott (Sir Walter) Marmion, FIRST EDITION, Edinb. 1808 , Lay of the Last Minstrel, third edition, portrait after Saxon, by Heath, Longman,. 1810 ; Lady of the Lake, first edition (no portrait), Edinb. 1810 ; Lord of the Isles, FIRST EDITION, ib. 1815; together 4 vol. uniform half morocco gilt 4to 1949 Scott (Sir Walter) Marmion, first edition (2 copies), blue morocco extra and calf gilt, g. e. Edinb. 1808 ; The Vision of Don Roderick, FIRST edition, half moTocco, ib. 1811 ^to. (3) 1950 Scott (Sir Walter) The Lady of the Lake, a Poem, first edition,. a\ X large paper {no portrait), full half red nmvcco gilt, t. e. g. others (K y' UNCUT, by Tout Uo. Edinb. Ballantyne, &c. 1810- SIZES MIXED 213 1951>^cott (Sir "Walter) Rokeby, a Poem, first edition, full half red ^1 morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut, htj Tout Uo. Edinb. Ballantyne, 1813 1952fVi Scott (Sir Walter) The Lord of the Isles, first edition, original *| hoards, half cloth, uncut ito. Edinb. Constable, 1815 1953 ' Scott (Sir Walter) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, frontis- ^1 piece, a set of the illustrations by G. Cruikshank, coloured, inserted, 37] crushed red morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut, by Riviere '/ sm. 8vo. J. Murray, 1830 1954 Scott (Sir Walter) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, }4J ORIGINAL EDITION, numerous fin£ plates, 2 vol. blue morocco gilt, g. e. t"^ 4fo. Longman, 1814 1955 Scott (Sir Walter) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, «i;J1 ORIGINAL ISSUE, numerous fine plates, 2 vol. full half red morocco gilt, ' t. e. g. uncut, by Tout ito. ib. 1814 1956 Scottish Arms, being a Collection of Armorial Bearings, a.d. 1370- 1678, reproduced in Facsimile from Contemporary Manuscripts, Heraldic and Genealogical Notes by R. R. Stodart, large 2 I 1678, repr ^ KJ with Hera / ly/^APER, only 60 copies printed (^no. 4), many hundred emblazoned coats of . ^ J f arms, cloth, 1957] { „ , , t. e. g. uncut ^jJit ray. folio. Edinb. Paterson, 1881 [ il957j Scotus (Joannes Duns) Primo super Sententiarum Questiones repor- ' * - tationum Parisiensum a Bartholomeo Bellatum feltensem Sacre Pagine doctore clarissimo, &c. lit. gotlj. double columns, 48 lines, with signs. (Hain *6425), ruled in red, brown morocco, with elaborate orna- I mental scrolls and gilt tooling au pointilU, ivith name Ercole Estense in V I centres, edges with gilt and painted ornaments {by Hagu6 of Brussels) Iy sm. folio. [Bononice] impensis domini Johannis de Annunciata, 1478 1958 Scriptores. Libri di Re Rustica. Cato, Terentius Varro, Columella, ^ Palladius ; cum enarrationibus Georgii Alexandrini, EDITIO Aldina, /5/ contemporary MS. notes in margins, snuill plain portion of title mended, I •— crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by B. De Coverly sm. ito. Venet. Aldus, 1514 ^1959j Scriptores. Notse ad M. Catonem, M. Varronem, L. Columellam de 2j re rustica ad Kalend. Rusticum Farnesianum et Veteres inscriptiones ^ Fratrum Arvalium, &c. ex Bibl. Fulvi Ursini, old French red morocco / with gilt ornaments, g. e. sm. 8vo. Romce, Geo. Ferrarius, 1587 1960 Segneri (P. Paolo) Opere, con sua Vita, large paper, 2 vol. in 4, DEDICATION COPY TO PoPE Clement XI (Albani), Contemporary rt . Italian red morocco, the backs covered with flowering leafy branches, the /-'/ sides divided into circular, oblong and diamond .fhape compartments, with ' /'"^ semis of stars, and leafy branches at the angles, the centres being depressed ovals, with the Pope's anus in gold on a silk ground, gilt and gauffred edges, the name of the binder NicoLO Edler OF Parma on the under rims of vol. I and II, A REMARKABLE SPECIMEN OF ITALIAN BINDING OF THE PERIOD foUo. Parma, 1701 1961 Seguin (L. G.) Rural England, with numerous illustrations by Millais, i.yj F. Barnard, Mc Whirter, J. D. Watson, J. Wolf, &c. edition de * W LUXE, printed on special hand-made piaper, the illustrations proofs on I Japanese, only 300 copies printed for England, illuminated boards, doubU, g. e. folio. Strahan, n. d. 214 SIZES MIXED 1962 Selden (John) De Synedriis et Prsefecturis Juridicis Veterum Ebraeo- fji I rum, 3 vol. old French red morocco gilt, J. B. Colbert's cofy. with his ]y\y^arms on sides and monogram on back, m. e. I sni. Uo. Jacob Flesher, 1650-55 1963 1 Semedo (F. Alvarez) The History of the Great and Renowned Monarchy OAj ^ of China, translated from the Italian, maps and figures, sprinkled calf Y giit) 1'- ^- by Holloway sm. folio. E. Tyler for John Crook, 1655 1964 Seneca (L. A.) Proverbia, Manuscript on vellum (222 //. 7| by 5 in.) written in small contracted g;otj^ic letter^, red and black, long lines, Z\ to a full page, contemporary binding, oaken boards, deerskin, dyed red /b/nd stamped in small compartments of fabulous birds, lions, fleurs-de-lis, &c. with pinned title on paper on under cover "i)e Vitiis et de Virtutibus" ; preserved, but a piece torn off ; in new red morocco extra slip case sm. Uo. S^C. XIII * * This interesting MS. is said to have been written and bound in the Abbey of St. Martin of Tournay. {Phillipps MSS. no. 2144). 3j- * * * 1965 Seneca (L. A.) Tragcedi^ X, cum notis interlinearibus et marginal- ibua-, Manuscript on paper (210 //. 11^ by 8h in.) loritten in neat gotl)it Ictttrs, long lines, '2b to a full page, rubricated, old russia gilt (from the JFodhull library) sm. folio. SJEC. XIV The following inscription, in a later hand than the text, occurs on the end fly-leaf : " Iste mei R. de Maff'eio notarum Apostolicarum scripitoi'is tragedice sunt pme Parthemia (fr. audite sed minime intellecte MCCCCLXXIII Predie non. November." Seneca (L. A.). Scenecse (sic) Tragoedise, ^rs^ Aldine edition, title slightly , \ mended, broivn morocco, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. by Hardy M VV^)iiUAx5^ ^''^' ^'"^' ^^'^^^^ -^^dus, 1517 Seneca (L. A.) Epistola^, editio princeps with a date, printed in sitmU semi-g;otl)ic type, long lines, 36 ^o a page, without marks, a feiv II. wormed at end, russia gilt, plain edges, with Wodhull arms on upper cover, good copy, very rare sm. folio. Romm in domo Petri de Maximis per Arnoldum Pannartz, 1 475 * One of the few books printed by Pannartz alone, after las separation from Conrad Sweynheym. Seneca (L. A.) Opera Moralia; Marci Declamationes etLucii Epistolae, lit. goti). long lines, 53 to a page, with signatures, rubricated, painted I ^ red capitals, old French red morocco, full gilt flweate back, line sides, \ g. e. (heroine), (Da la Valliere and Wodhull copy), in fine state, scarce sm. folio. Tarvisii, Bernhardus de Colonia, 1478 * 1968 % 1969 Seneca (L. A.). Commentarius Justi Lipsii in Senecai Operam (wants -.y title, headlines shaved), old French red morocco, back and sides covered •M*^ with fleurs-de-lis and ornaments, with arms of Louis II de Bourbon, \^ V » Prince de Condd, g. e. sold not subject to return folio. Antw. 1614 197G>Seneca (L. A.) Opera Omnia ex ult. J. Lipsii emendatione ; et M. Annaei \ A Senecse quae exstant ex And. Schotti recensione (cum Notis J. F. U\ \ ''\ y Gronovii), Elzevir edition, engraved title and portraits, 4 vol. French \ blue morocco, richly gilt backs and borders, Duke of Buccleuch's arms in centres, g. e. by Thouvenin \'2mo. Lugd. Bat. ap. Elzevirios, 1640-9 SIZES MIXED 215 1973 9/ 1974 •I- 1975 1 197 I 1971 Seneca (L. A.) Opera Omnia ex ult. J. Lipsii et J. F. Gronovii emen- /ji datione, et M. A. Senecae quae exstant ex A. Schotti recensione, cum ' Notis, frontispieces and portrait, 4 vol. red morocco gilt, inside dentelles, g. e. by Tout (Hopetoun copy) 12mo. Amst. ap. Elzevirios, 1659, 58 ^72y Seneca (L. A.) (Euvres, traduites par La Grange, tome VI, old French ^ » red morocco icith arms of the Comtesse d'Artois, g. e. W" sm. %vo. Paris, Be Bure, 1778 Seneca, his Tenne Tragedies, translated into Englysh (by Thos. New- ton), FIRST EDITION, blacfe and roman letter, title within woodcut border, jj ornamental ivoodcut initials,' some leaves washed and neatly repaired, but Aw ^ ^^^^ '^^Py ^^^^^ ^^^"^ rough lower edges, crushed black rnorocco, plain, k/\y inside dentelles, g. e. sm. ito. Thos. Marsh, 1581 Senex (John) The Universal Geographer, or Compleat Atlas containing all the Known Countries of the World, 34 large maps including North and South America {first 2 damaged), old calf (broken) narrow imp. fol. n. d. [17 — ] Seroux d'Agincourt. History of Art by its Monuments, from the IVth to the XVIth Century, 335 subjects on 328 plates, 3 vol. in 1, half red morocco gilt, g. e. imp. fol. Longman, 1847 [Seymour (Rob.)] The Compleat Gamester, with the Gentleman's Diversion in Riding, Racing, Archery, Cock Fighting and Bowling, "ll sixth edition, with Additions, mottled calf extra t^ 12mo. J. fFilford, 1726 1977 Shakespeare (Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published according to the true Originall Copies, THE SECOND IMPRESSION, |l^ portrait by Droeshout on title, with Ben Jonson's verses opposite, PERFECT /uO AND GENUINE COPY THROUGHOUT {very slight worm-hoks in plain margins in first and last leaves filled in, and one or two very small worm- A^ holes not filled in the first 6 plain margins), {measures 12| by d>\ in.) W Y^^^ russia, plain, inside dentelles, g. e. with ex-libris of John Adam, J. H. R. Chichester and A. Dalrymple, in purple morocco slip case fol. T. Cotes for R. Allot, 1632 1978 Shakespeare (Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, the \ ■l\ \ SECOND impression, title containing portrait by Droeshout inlaid, oppo- ite leaf with verses backed, otherwise a sound and genuine copy, measuring 12| by 8^ in. old russia fol. ib. 1632 1979 Shakespeare (Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published according to the true Original Copies, unto which is added Seven Plays, never before printed in folio, THE FOURTH EDITION, pmirait by Droeshout with verses beneath (inhid), crushed crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford {Birket Foster's fine copy, measuring 14 Mi, by 8| in.) fol. H. Herringman, E. Brewster and R. Bentley, 1685 Shakespeare (Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published \ according to the true Original Copies, unto which is added Seven »^\ Plays, never before printed in folio, THE FOURTH EDITION, title with ^ \ \poiirait by Droeshout, and verses beneath much washed and mended and "^JSxK \^lY fol. Berlin, K. J. 2024 Spanish Armada. The Copie of a Letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza, Ambassadour in France for the King of TjjA Spain, declaring the State of England, &c. found in the chamber of *^7 one Richard Leigh, a Seminarie Priest, whereunto are adjoyned '^""^ certaine late Advertisements concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish Navie, blacfe letter, red moi-occo gilt, rare sm. Ato. J. Vautr oilier fm' R. Field, 1588 12025 Speculum Passionls domini Nostri Jesu Christi [cum textu quatuor Evangelistarum et Glossis plurimorum doctorum per D. Udalricum tJlj PiNDER connexum], lit. gotf). AO full-page spirited woodcuts by Hans ^wl-^ Schauffelein, and ornamental initials, a few II. at end slightly wormed, ' I otherwise an excellent copy, in contemporary binding of oaken boards, half Y K stamped pigskin, clasp, ex-libris of Jo. Geo. Ringer, Frotonotary Apostolic [/f/v of Bamberg in cover, VERY RARE sm. fol. Nuremh. F. Feypus, 1519 2026 Speculum Humanje Salvationis, les plus anciens Monuments de la *) f) Typographic et de Xylographie reunies, reproduit en facsimile, avec ^lly' Introduction par J. Ph. Berjeau, taken on one side of the page onhj, '/Q only 155 copies printed, calf extra, antique blind stamped ornaments, g. e. / by JV. Fratt, old engravings pasted in covers sm. fol. C. J. Stewart, 1861 2027 Spenser (Edmund) The Faerie Queene; disposed into Twelve Books, fashioning XII Morall Vertues ; first edition of the first 7j7y three books, containing the three stanzas at end of Book III ; suppressed ' / ^1 in other editions, and spiaces left blank for Welsh ivords in Book II ; a few L/^j^J^- very neatly repaired ; otherwise a VERY GOOD COPY ; crimson morocco rU extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by De Coverly ^\ sm. ito. printed fm- JVilliam Fonsonbie, 1590 _ Spenser (E.) The Faerie Queene, first edition of the six books (K \ loi complete, good copy but rather short, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, M I I inside dentelles, by De Coverly sm. Uo. Wm. Fonsonbie, 1596 2029 Spenser (E.) The Faerie Queene, H. L. fw M. Lownes, 1609-12; The Shepheards Calendar, Prothalamion, Daphnaida, Complaints, Tears of the Muses, Muiopotmos, &c. ib. 1611, first COLLECTED EDITION OF THE WORKS, Wanting genercd title, woodcuts, &c. crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine clean copy sm. folio penser (E.) Complaints containing sundrie Small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie, first edition, 4 woodcut titles, margins of 3 titles and some corners mended, calf gilt, g.e. sm.Ato. IF. Fonsonbie, 1591-90 220 SIZES MIXED 2031 Spirit of English Wit, /o^m^^ coloured frontisinece by Williams, uncut, 1 809 — The Good Genius by the Brothers Mayhew, Cruikshank plates, D. Bogue — Seymour's Comic Album, W. Kidd, n. d. — Patmore (C.) Florilegium Amantis, edited by K. Garnett, G. Bell, n. d. ; &c. sm, 8vo. (6) 2032 Sprat (Bp. Thos.) History of the Royal Society of London, fourth edition, LARGE paper, sprinkled calf gilt, r. e. sm. ito. J. Knapton, &c. 1734 2033 Sprigge (Joshua) Anglia Rediviva ; England's Recovery ; being the History of the . . . Army under Sir Thos. Fairfax, Captain General, Ik A / frontispiece of Fairfax arms, equestrian portrait of Fairfax by Marshall, \ \ folding plate of the Battle of Naseby, and a printed table of the actions • of the army, signature of C. Warton on title, russia, line tooled, g. e. FINE COPY sm. folio. B. IF. for John Partridge, 164:7 2034 Spurgeon (Rev. C. H.) The Interpreter, or Scripture for Family Ijk W orshii^, presentation copy from C. H. and Mrs. Spurgeon to Dr. Bennnett, >'\ morocco gilt Ato. (1876) 2035 ^tanfield (Clarksou, B.A.) Original Sketches in Pencil, Water- 15\ ^ S \ /^lourSj Indian Ink, Ofec. 188 drawings, mostly signed 20316 Stanley (Dean A. P.) Lectures on the Eastern Church, 1861 ; Epistles to the Corinthians, 1865 ; Sinai and Palestine, 1868; Jewish Church, ^\hA ^ vol. 1870-6; The Church of Scotland, 1872 ; and Christian Insti- '' * V tutions, 1881 ; together 8 vol. uniform half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. by Riviere 8vo P031 Statius Papinius. Thebaidos lib. XII et Achilleidos lib. II : accesit l|i . C. Cypriani De Cruce Versus, Manuscript ON vellum (187 II. ltS-^| 10-^ by 6^ in.) finely written in cursive roman letters, long lines, 30 to a I • page, by an Italian scribe, ivith lb fine painted and illuminated initials of gold letters and interlaced u-hite scrolls on various coloured grounds, crushed crimson morocco eoira, by R. De Coverly sm. folio. Sjeg. XIV 2038 Statius. Opera, cum Observationibus et Commentariis, Emericus f,\ . Crucens recens. contemporary French brown morocco, full gilt ornamental ^3M«H// back, richly tooled ornamental panel sides, with arms of Nicholas I' Hospital \^Ji _ Marquis de Vitry, Mardchal de France, on sides, g. e. {A. Ruette), A «;ell preserved specimen 4 to. Paris. T. Blaise, 1618 IS, cum Orthographia et Flexu Dictionum Grsecorum, EDITIO .xxvi^CEPS ET ALDINA, green morocco gilt with Aldine anchor, g. e. nIvvA ^ ^"^' ^^^' ^^^*^^- -4^dus, 1502 2040 StatuteV Magna Charta ; Charta de Foresta ; cum Statutis de Merton, de M^lborough, de Wintoh. de Westmonast. de Gloucestr. &c. 1i\K{ Manuscript on vellum (263 II. 3| by 2^ in.) written in old English fix^'^ ■%«/ characters, long lines, 22 to a fidl page, rubricated, modern calf \**^ gilt thick l6mo. Sjec. xiv-xv 2041 Statutes. Anno quinto et sexto Edwardi Sexti. Actes made in the . jA Session of this Present Parliament at Westminster Jan. xxiii to \». XVI April 1552, original issue, black Ittttr, title within ivoodcut border *\ of the King in Council, half calf sm. folio. R. Grafton, 1552 2042 Statutes. Anno quarto et quinto Philippi et Marise. Actes made at \vX /' a Parliament begun and holden at Westminster Jan. XX to \ Marche vii, blac& Utter, title within woodcut border, and figured initicds, half bound sm. folio. J. Caicood, 1558 SIZES MIXED 221 •2044 2048 Statutes (A CoUeccion of all the) from Magna Carta to 1557 (1558), blatft letter (some II. at end stained, defective and wormed), limp vellum ,M' sm. ito. R. Tottyll, 1559 Steinmetz (And.) History of the Jesuits, portraits, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. Bentley, 1848 Sterne (Laurence) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandj', 9 vol. FIRST EDITIONS of vol. Ill, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX {vol. I-II fifth edition), autograph of authm' in vol. V and VII, half calf, blue edges l2mo. JDodsley, 1763 — Becket and De Hondt, 1762-7 Sterne (L.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, frontispieces, 9 vol. (vol. VII, VIII IX FIRST edition), signature of the author in vol. V, VII, IX, old calf, with ex-libris of Goixlon of Buthlaw Umo. Dodsley and Becket & De Hondt, 1768-9-68-67-65' terne (L.)] A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick, first edition, 2 vol. green morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere sm. %vo. Becket & De Hondt, 1768 Sterne (L.) A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, first edition {only 200 copies printed), 2 vol. blue morocco super extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy sm. 8w. ib. 1768 2049 2050 2051 n 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 Sterne (L.) A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 12 full page Goupil photogravures and 220 sketches from designs by Maurice Leloir, 550 copies piinted, full half red morocco, t. e. g. ito. Routledge, 1885 Sterne (L.) Letters from Yorick to Eliza, new edition, G. Kearsly, 1775 — Letters from Eliza to Yorick, first 'EDYYiO'Hi, printed for the Editor, 1 775 ; together 2 vol. uniform straight grained blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. 8vo Sterne (L.) Letters to his most intimate Friends; with a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais, to which is prefix'd Memoirs of his Life and Family, written by himself, and published by his Daughter , Mrs. Medalle, FIRST edition, portrait of Lydia Sterne after B. West, 3 vol. straight grained blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedfoi'd sm. 8vo. T. Becket, 1775 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Velazquez and his Works, first edition, head on title, imitation Spanish morocco gilt, g. e. by Riviere sm. 8vo. Parker, 1855 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Don John of Austria, 1547-58, numerous wood engravings, 2 vol. half morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut imp. 8vo. Longmans, 1883 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain, new edition; Cloister Life of Charles V, new edition ; and Miscellaneous Works, "'portraits, &c. 6 vol. half red morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut ^l ^ sm. ito. Nimmo, 1891 StotharJyC. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, numerous fine plates, some in colours, half mmvcco, uncut ito. 1817 Stothard (Thos.) Life, with Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray, p&rtrait and numerous illustrations from his works, calf gilt, y. e. sm. ito. J. Murray, 1851 2062 222 . SIZES MIXED 2057 Stow (John) A Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles conteynyng the jy True accompt of Yeres wherein every Kyng of this Realme began \»\^ their Reigne, &c. tilacfe letter, the first edition with a certain date, . u calendar in red and black, crimson morocco extra, g. e. hy L. Broca (backs Qv'O' crushed), fine copy with some uncut edges \'2mo. T. Mar she, 1565 2058 Stow (J.) The Summarye of the Chronicles of Englande, lately cor- *>All\ rected, abridged and continued unto the present Yeare 1573 by I. S. \"\ " blacS letter, crushed red morocco, line tooled, inside dentelles, fine copy Jsl y 24mo. ib. 1573 2059 Stow (J.) A Survay of London ; with the Libellnm de situ et nobilitate ^-.\ Londini, by \Vm. Fitzstephen, first edition, blaffe letter (slightly \'\ stained), calf sm. ito. John Wolfe, 1598 2060 Stow (J.) A Survay of London written in 1598, since by the same f^\ \ Authour increased ; with Libellum de situ et nobilitate Londini, by W. ^'^\ <^ Fitzstephen, &c. blacb letter, calf gilt, g. e. by Biviere ' ^ sm. Uo. J. TVindet, 1603 2061 Stow (J.) Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, corrected, improved and very much enlarged by John Strype, numerous maps and fine views, 2 vol. old panelled calf folio. A. Churchill, &c. 1720 2062' Stow (J.) Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster and the Borough of Southwark, corrected, improved and very much enlarged by John Strype, &c. sixth edition, map and numerous plates (one of London Bridge mounted), 2 vol. russia extra, g. e. (broken) folio. W. Innys, &c. 1754 2063 Stow (J.) Annales, or a General Chronicle of England, augmented and continued to 1631 by E. Howes, blacU letter, woodcut title, some headlines shaved, russia extra, g. e. folio. B. Meighen, 1631 2064 Strabo. Geographia lib. XVII ex versione Guarini Veronensis et Gregorii Typhernatis, EDITIO prima CUM dato, old French red morocco, full giltfioreate back, line sides, g. e. (Derome) loith ex-libris of Duke de Brancas, very large copy, but a few II. stained and slightly worm,ed ; fine illuminated initial, and numerous MS. notes in margins {Syston Park) folio. Venet. Vind. de Spira, 1472 2065 1 Street (G. E.) Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages, numerous illus- \ lA - tmlU)^s, morocco gilt, g. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1855 2066 'Strutt^raoseph) Horda Angel-Cynnan : a Compleat View of the Mannei^, Customs, Arms, Habits, etc. of the Inhabitants of England from the Arrival of the Saxons to Henry the Eighth, 30 tinted plates, 3 vol. in 1, crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf ito. 1774-76 2067 Strutt (J.) Chronicles of England, first edition, numerous plates, 2 vol. old calf ito. T. Evans, 1779 2068 Strutt (J.) Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, new edition, coloured plates. J. White, 1793 ; Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the English People, first edition, coloured plates, 2 vol. 1796 ; Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, first edition, coloured plates, 1801; together 4 vol. 3 half russia (broken), 1 calf, Uo 2069 Stumpffen (Johann) Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten, Landen und Volckern chronicwurdiger Thaaten Beschreibung, numerous copperplate engravings and woodcuts of vieivs, maps, coats of arms, inci- dents, ornamental initials, etc. vellum, thick fol. Zurich, Froschover, 1586 i$^ "^ SIZES MIXED 223 2070 '1 2071 2072 2073 2074 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 Suidas, Lexicon Grsecum, Greece, a Demetrio Chalcondylo editum, curante J. M. Cataneo, EDiTio princeps, old calf fol. Mediol. Jo. Bissollus, etc. 1499 Sulivan (R. J.) A View of Nature, in Letters to a Traveller amonj? the Alps, with Reflections on Atheistical Philosophy now exemplified in France, 6 vol. calf gilt, green edges 8vo. T. Becket. 1794 Sumner (Heywood) The Itchen Valley from Tichborne to Southamp- ton, 22 five etchings^, etc. full half morocco gilt, t. e. g. imp. fol. Seek}/, 1881 Surrey and Wyatt. Poetical Works (edited by Sir H. Nicolas), 2 portraits, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco extra, g. e. hg ffagdag, fine copy cr. 8vo. IF. Pickering, 1831 Surtees (Rob.) and the Rev. Jas. Raine. History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, and of North Durham, portraits, views, plates of antiquities, pedigrees, etc. 5 vol. russia gilt, g. e. fol. Nicliols, 1816-40, 52 Swift (Dean) Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts, by Lemuel Gulliver, first issue of first edition, separate pagination, portrait {with lettering) and maps, 2 vol. crushed 'crimson mwocco extra, full gilt ornamental backs, line sides, with corner fleurons and centre ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine COPY 8m Benj. Motte, 1726 Swift (Dean) Travels into several Nations of the World, in Four Parts, by Lemuel Gulliver, 2 vol. {vol. I first edition, with separate pagination, vol. II second edition), portrait and maps, calf extra, g. e. by Taut ib. 1726 Swift (Dean) Voyages de Gulliver (traduits par I'Abb^ Desfontaines), first edition, portrait of Gulliver and plates, 2 vol. in 1 , Paris, V. Coustelier, 1727 ; Le Nouveau Gulliver par Monsieur L. D. F. (L'Abbe Desfontaines), 2 vol. in 1, ib. V. Clouzier, 1730; together 2 vol. uniform crushed green morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. by A. Motte, fine copies " sm. 8vo Swift (Dean) Some Remarks on the Barrier Treaty, first edition, /. Morphew, 1712 ; History of Martin, being a Proper Sequel to the Tale of a Tub, 1742 — Memoirs of John Lord Haversham (by Defoe), 1714 — Fisher's Cheerful Companion to promote Laughter, n. d. etc. 8vo. (7) Swift. [King (Dr. Wm.)] Some Remarks on the Tale of a Tub, to which are annexed MuUy of Mountown and Orpheus and Eurydice, first EDITION, half bound {Col. Grant's copy) 8vo. A. Baldwin, 1704 Swinburne (H.) Travels through Spain and in the Two Sicilies, map and plates, 3 vol. russia, 1779-83— Clarke (E. D.) Travels, vol. IF, plates, 1810-19— Heber (Bp. R.) Indian Journal, 2 vol. 1828, ito. (10) Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy; Age of the Despots Revival of Learning, the Fine Arts, and Italian Literature, portrait, 5 vol. red morocco, plain, inside gilt borders, g. e. 8vo. Smith, Elder & Co. 1880-81 Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc. Illustrated, in a series of Views by W. H. Bartlett, etc. with Descriptions by John Carne, 3 vol. half mm-occo gilt ito. Fisher, n. d. /s' 1 224: SIZES MIXED 2083 Tambaco (Joannes de) Liber de Consolacione Theologise consummatus A.D. Mo, CCC", LXVIo, lit. gemi.goil). long lines, 44 to a full page uithout marks {Ham * 15236), oaken hoards, half hound sm. fol. absque ulla nota \typis Beyserianis, 14 — ] Tacitus, Cornelius Tacitus exacta cura recognitus ex emendatus, copiosus Index et varia lectio in calce Operis (exrecens. B. Rhenani), editio Aldina, old French red morocco, acorns on hack, line sides, g. e. (Derome), Duke of Grafton's copy, with autograph 1716 on title sm. ito. Venet. Hceredes Aldi, 1534 2085 Tacitus. Libri quinque noviter inventi atque cura Reliquis eius ^j J operibus editi (accedit Vita Agricolse), editio prima, old French red JWf morocco, full gilt back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. {Duke of Sussex's copy) fol. Romce, Steph. Guilleretus de Lotharingia, 1515 Targa (Pietro) Cento Cinquanta Favole tratte da diversi autori -od antichi e ridotte in versi e rime, woodcut title {stained) and numerous /~~ cuts, old French yellow morocco, g. e. l2mo. Venet. G. Chrigero, 1569 2087 Tasso (Torquato) Gierusalemme Liberata, Poema Heroico, tratta dal vero Originale con aggiunta di quanto manca nel' altre Edittioni et \i)A con r Allegoria della stesso Autore (per Febo Bonna), woodcut title, » figured initials and ornaments, brown morocco, antique gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, g. e. by Cape', fine copy sm. Mo. Ferrara V. Baldini, 1581 *^* One of the best of the five editions with the same date, the first printed from the complete MS. 2088 Tasso (T.) La Gierusalemme Liberata con le annotationi di Scipio AGentili e di Giulio Guastavini, con le figure di B. Castello ( from the y designs of A. Caraccio and Giacomo Franco, with the right plate to J Canto IV), engraved title containing portrait, old calf {some II. at end stained) ito. Genova, G. Bartoli, 1590 2089 Tasso (T.) La Gierusalemme Liberata, con le Figure di Bernardo Castello e le Annotationi di Scipio Gentili e di G. Guastavini, engraved title and full-paged plates, brown morocco super extra, inlaid in green and red Maioli scrolls, with doublures of brown, red and green morocco, with elegant dentelles and panels au pointille, green silk end leaves with gilt ermines, joints, g. e. A fine exhibition binding by Chatelin in morocco case sm. fol. ib. 1 590 2090 Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme Liberata, stampata d'ordine di Monsieur, papier v4lin, frontispiece and 40 very fine full-page engravings by C. N. m/ Cochin, 2 vol. divided into 4 parts, original hoards, UNCUT \ Uo. Farigi, A. Didot VAin6, 1784-6 2091 Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme Liberata, ^/i^Zy pointed, with poiiraits of Tasso and Prince N. d'Esterhazy and a p)late to each Canto after L. Sahatelli and G. Martellini, 2 vol. russia extra, g. e. with arms fol. Fiorenze, G. Marenigh, 1820 2092 Tasso (T.) Jerusalem D^livr^e, nouvelle traduction, portraits of Tasso A and Gravelot and fine plates and vignettes by Gravelot, WITH AN EXTRA \*\ SETrt/ large vignette plates by Gravelot inserted, 2 vol. purple morocco extra, full gilt bucks, inside dentelles, g. e. by fVorsfold Svo. Paris, Musierfils, 1774 SIZES MIXED 225 2093 Tasso (T.) Jerusalem D6livr6e, nouvelle traduction (par Lebrun), ^ portrait, 20 fine plates and 20 head and tail pieces after Gravelot, extra /| plates from other editions after Gravelot inserted, 2 vol. old calf gilt I 8vo. Paris, Musier fils, 1774 2094 Tasso (T.) Life by John Black, portrait, 2 vol, bright calf extra, g. e. by C. Lewis, Wm. Beckford's copy, ivith profuse MS. notes in fly-leaves ito. Edinb. for John Murray, 1810 2095 Taylor (Bp. Jeremy) Whole Works, with Life, etc. by Bp. Heber, revised and corrected by the Rev. C. P. Yiden, portrait, 10 vol. boarded calf gilt, bevelled edges, m. e. 8vo. Longmans, etc. 1859 2096 Taylor (John, IVater Poet) All the Workes, being 63 in number, collected into one volume by the Author, with sundry new additions, corrected, revised and newly imprinted, first edition, engraved title containing portrait by T. Cockson {mounted), and woodcuts in the text, apparently wants the "Dedication to Mr. Trim Tram Senceles," between parts I and II, corner of leaf mended (sold not subject to return), old russia gilt (back cracked), g. e. sm. fol. J. B. for Jas. Boler, 1630 2097 Temple (Sir Richard) Palestine Illustrated, chromos, 2 copies sup. imp. 8vo. Allen, 1888 2098 Teniers (David) Le Theatre des Peintures ; auquel sont representez les Desseins traces de sa Main et graves en cuivre par ses soins sur les Originaux Italiens, que I'Archiduc a assemble en son Cabinet de la Cour de Bruxelles, first edition, portrait of Teniers and 245 fine engravings (title backed), crushed crimson morocco extra, g. e. by J. Clarke folio. Bruxelles aux despens de Vautheur, 1660 2099 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Works, library edition, portrait, 7 vol. crushed red morocco extra, full gilt floreate backs, ornamental corners, inside dentelles, g. e. by Eamage Svo. H. S. King, 1877 2100 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Princess, Idylls of the King, Enoch Arden, Maud, In Memoriam, Holy Grail " Poems," Gareth and Lynette, Queen Mary and Harold, together 10 vol. brown morocco extra, g. e. post Svo. 1869-77 2101 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Maud, Idylls of the King and Enoch Arden, FIRST EDITIONS, 3 vol. red calf extra, t. e. g. uncut, 1855-9-64 ; Idylls of the King, first edition, blue morocco extra, 1859 ; Gareth and Lynette, &c. first edition (2 copies), morocco extra, 1872 cr. Svo. (6) 2102 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Elaine, Vivien and Guinevere, photographs after G. Dord's designs, boarded crimson morocco extra, bevelled rims, inside gilt borders, g. e. folio. E. Moxon, 1867 2103 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Elaine, ^ fine photogravures on plate paper after Gustave Dord, loose in portfolio, E. Moxon, 1867 — Thomas Hood, illus- trations by G. Dori, S fine engravings, cloth gilt, folio, ii. 1872 (2) 2104 Terentius. Comcedise Sex. Manuscript on vellum (131 W. 8i &y 5 in.) I 1 written in neat roman letters by an Italian scribe, long lines, 2Sto a full ^'l^ page, numerous MS. notes in margins, the first leaf of text supplied in a later hand, the first leaf is occupied with a painted coat of arms of Jacobus Soldanus (impaling Aldobrandinus), old calf sm. ito. Smc. xv Q 226 SIZES MIXED- ^4 2105 Terentius. Comcedi^ Sex, cum Argumentis Fabularum, Manu- script ON THIN VELLUM {IQi II. 6 by 4: in.) BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN in roman letters, in red and black, long lines, 24 to a full page, by an yitalian scribe, vnth painted ornamental initials ; [at end on reverse of last leaf] " Terentii Affri Phorniio explicit Comedia VI. Deo. Gratias. Amen." modern boarded light brown morocco, inlaid in black borders and geometrical scrolls, with gilt floreate ornaments and dotted tooling, in imitation of a Tory binding, g. e. a fine MS. sm. 8vo. S^EC. xv rentius. Comcedi.^ Sex, cum Prefatione et Vita ; Manuscript ON VELLUM (86 II. 11 by 7 in.) written in neat roman letters in red and black, long lines, 37 to a full page, by an Italian scribe, first page of text finely illuminated infloicer scrolls and ornaments, and % fine illummated scroll initials, new boarded red morocco with blind stamped antique orna- ments, by Zaehnsdorf sm. folio. SiEC. XV (1471) A finely written Manuscript finished in the same year in which the first printed edition appeared. At the end is the scribe's colophon in red ^^ Publii Terentii Afri . . Comedia sexta et ultima feliciter explicit . . X'- Kl. Septembris MIIIILXXI." On the reverse of the last blank leaf is an inscription showing the book to have been purchased in 1517 by " Giovanni Maria di Goghi da Crema." 2107 Terentius. ^lii Donati Commentarius in Terentii Comoedise, lit. rom. long lines, Al to a full page, without marks {some II. slightly wormed), old Ufj English red morocco, ivith ornamental gilt borders, y. e. RARE jy/^"^ sm. folio. Venet. Vindelinus de Spira, s. a. (c. 1470-72) 2108 Terentius. Donati Grrammatici in P. Terentii Afri Comedias exami- ^^ nata, Interpretatio, lit. rom. long lines, 41 to a page, with signatureSy, ^1'— old red morocco gilt, fine large copy, loith rough edges (2 II. stained) ' sm. folio. Mediol. Ant. Zarotus, 1476 This volume contains the commentary of Donatus only, Zarotus had already printed the text separately in 1474 ; and also in the same year as this Commentary. 2109 Terentius, cum Directorio, Glosa interlineali, Commentariis Donati, -gi I I Guidoni, Ascensii, lit. rom. ruled in red, rubricated in red and blue, lUn^^Lnumerous spirited German xylographic woodcuts, brown morocco gilt, g. e. I p^C. Smith), fine copy, very rare ' I sm. folio. Argent. Jo. Grilninger, 1496 ilA >f*/ "^^^ first edition of Terence with these remarkable woodcuts ; iV ^®^y brilliant impressions, but the big Theatre Cut before the text I coloured by hand. 2110 TertuUianus. Apologeticus, editio Aldina, red morocco extra, inside- y\ dentelles, g. e. by B. De Ooveriy (from the Sunderland library) ■ [^ V I sm. Svo. Venet. inced. Aldi, 1515 2111 Testamentum Novum Chaldaicum, cum Concordantiis Eusebii, Mis- ^^ \ sale cum benedictione, &c. quae omnia Fr. Petrus Ethyops, auxilio /T fUl ^ piorum Sedente Paulo III Pont. Max. et Claudio illius regni Im- If peratore imprimi curavit anno 1548, printed in Chaldee characters icith ' Latin title and preface, in red and black, with woodcut boi'ders and cuts in the text, first few leaves stained, and last leaf vjo)'med, calf, g. e. S7n. ito. Bomce, Valerius Doricus, et Ludovicus Fratres Brixianes, 1548 * SIZES MIXED 227 2112 Testamentum Novum Syriacum; Ferdinand! Rom. Imp, jussu, cha- I racteribus et lingua Syra, Scriptorio praelo diligenter expressum, cura \lly^ Widmanstadii, editio princeps, signature of Ccesar de Missy on ' / title, old red morocco gilt, g. e. ( WodhuU copy) sm. Uo. Viennce Austr. Cymbermannus, 1555 2113 Testamentum Novum Grsecum ; ex Bibliotheca Regia, E. Stephans's nJU first " Mirificam" edition, the two parts in 1 vol. ruled, crimson mo- j Vy rocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly, fine copy (from the ' Sunderland library) l2mo. Lut. ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1546 2114 Testamentum Novum Grsecum ; ex Bibliotheca Regia, Stephans^s second 2//tJ " Mirificam " edition, the 2 parts in 1 vol. crimson moi'occo extra, inside l*j^0^ dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly, fine copy {from the Sunderland ' ^ library) \2mo. ib. 1549 2115 Testamentum Novum Grsecum; ex Bihliotheca. Hegia, old English red 4 fj morocco, gilt back, ornamental panelled sides, g.e. {Harleian), FINE COPY, /•y signature of " Karolus Emmanuel de Roucy " on title, rare / folio, printed with the types of Garamond, ib. 1550 2116 Testamentum Novum Grsecum ; additis Summis Rerum et Sententia- j"y I rum, &c. Crispin's first edition, old English red morocco, fidl gilt Ij,^^ floreate back, line frame sides, g.e. (Du Seuil), the fine Sunderland copy ' 12mo. Genevce, Jo. Crispinus, 1553 2117 Testamentum Novum Grsecum (editum a Jo. Crispino), ruled in red, Xnl crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly (Sunder- L~~land copy), scarce edition l2mo. ib. 1564 2118 Testamentum Novum Grsecum; ex Bibliotheca Regia (cum diversis /ri Lectionibus), red morocco extra, g. e. by R. De Coverly, fine COPY OF / A RARE edition {from the Sunderland lih-ary) • 12mo. Lut. ex off. R. Stephani, 1568 2119 Testamentum Novum Grsecum; ex Bibliotheca Regia, ruled in red, 2 vol. old blue morocco, line tooled, g. e. large and fine copy, with the Earl of Lisbume's ex-libris, scarce edition 127/io. ib. 1569 {Epistles dated 1568) Q2 ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. Lot 2120. ESTAMENTUM Novum Grsecum, ex Eegiis aliisque optimis edi- tionibus cum cura expressum, the rare small Sedan edition {^\hy 1| in.) old English blue morocco, covered with elaborate ornamental {Sunderland copy) S2mo. Jo. Jannonm, 1628 gilt scroll Jooling, au pointilU, g. 2121 Testamentum Novum Graecum, fine Buck, 1632 — Booke of Common lt~ title, R. Barker and Assignes of J. t/ engraved title, Cantab. Thorn. Prayer, roman letter, woodcut Bill, 1632 — Whole Book of Psalmes in Meeter by Sternhold and Hopkins, with apt notes, Stat. Co. 1632 ; all fine copies, bearing the contemporary signatures of Antony Fenton ; in 1 vol. crushed crimson morocco extra, inside den- telles, g. e. (from the Sunderland library) 8vo Testamentum Novum Graecum, ex Regiis aliisque optimis editionibus cum cura expressum, editio prima Elzeviriana, red morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly {Sunderland copy) \2mo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1644 stamentum Novum Grsecum et Latinum, diligenter ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum et emendatum, cum annotationibus, editio PRIMA, margins of the Holbein border round dedication shaved, woodcut ornaments and initials, old calf, rare small folio. Basil. Jo. Froben. 1516 *^* The first edition of the Greek text of the New Testament and of Erasmus's Latin version. 2124 Testamentum Novum Grsecum et Latinum, diligenter ab Erasmo recognitum et emendatum . . una cum annotationibus, editio prima, fine Holbein borders and ornaments, portrait and ex-libris of Bilibald K^ Pirckheimer by Albert Durer, original impressions, but slightly wormed, y\ mounted and mended, inserted, leaves of text wormed, MS. notes in N wzarp-ms but a large copy, with the stamp of the Royal Society of the ^ y^oward gift, blue morocco super extra, with antique gilt ornaments, g. e. %i F. Bedford folio. Basil. Jo. Froben. 1516 2122 I 2123 -A/ SIZES MIXED 229 2125 Testamentum Novum Grsecum et Latinum diligentius ab ErasmoRot. Vlyi/ TecogBi^gc:st=eaa^tda;fe um (edife i»— ^gg^^a^^wg looodcut borders, ly\ - . initials and ornaments by Bdlbein,"jfine woodcut of the Resurrection of kJ^ Christ with Mark H. F. etc. (some 11. wormed), oaken hoards, half new russia folio. Basil. Froben. 1519 2126 Testamentum Novum Grsecum ; cum interpretationibus duobus latine, 7/1 una vetus, altera nova Th. Bezae diligenter ab eo recognita, cum r annott. old calf folio. Lut. H. Stephanus, 1565 I 2127 Testamentum Novum Latinum. Opus quatuor Evangelistarum, lit. ; SOtft. Paris. Jo. Petit, ivith device on reverse of last leaf, 1508, 24 Oct. I ^ . — Apocalipsis id est Revelatio Jesu Christi [ad Johannem Apostolam], I / /^^ ^^^- SOt{). Petit's device on reverse of last leaf, ib. 1508, 26 Oc^.— Epis- / l^ tolas Divi Pauli atque beatissimorum Jacobi, Petri, Johannis et J udi Epistola) Canonicae cum casibus summariis, lit. ffoti). title in red and g) black beginning "Si Sauctitatem, si temperantium," etc. Paris, per Thomam Kees pro Magistro Baquelier, 1512 — Sequitur Ars Predicandi perutilis praedicatoribus a Magistro Alberto edita, lit. got]^. 27 fol. with signatures, absque nota — Oratio Sancti Bonaventure ad deum patrem oblationem pro Peccatis offerendo, lettres bdtardes (4 II. 1 blank), absque nota ; all very rare pieces, in 1 vol. from the Sunderland library 1 2mo 2128 Testamentum Novum Latinum totum Erasmo interprete per eum • I castigatis aliquot locis, in quibus operarum incuria fuerat erratum, ^ M ^ adjecta et nova illius prefatione, etc. text rubricated throughout, title in X^ red and black, within architectural woodcut border, vnth Christ preaching Cff below, fine Holbein m-namental initials, contemporary MS. notes in ^^ margins, crimson morocco extra, g. e. by B. Be Coverly {Sunderland copy), rare svi. 8vo. Antw. P. Hillenius, 1520 2129 Testamentum Novum Latinum ; Breves Variarum tralationum anno- t^A tationes, adjecta veterum Latinorum exemplarium manuscriptorum ^\ diversa lectioue, ruled in red throughout, large copy, large paper ? K v^ ^^P'^f'^"^'^ '^PP^ on sides, and " Ex-libris B. Mar ice de Trappa " written on titles, \V^ g. e. 8w. Mons, G. Migeot, 1673 ^13^ Testament (Le Nouveau) en Fran9ois avec des Reflexions Morales ^Pl\ y sur chaque A'-erset (par P. Quesnel), 2 vol. old French red morocco, ^\^ full gilt floreate backs, line sides toith corner fleurons, g. e. {Du Seuil) '\ 8w. Paris, A. Fralard, 1693 2137 Testament (Le Nouveau); avec les Pseaumes en rime Fran9ois, les A r airs not6s, old citron morocco, richly tooled, with silver cm-ners and clasps, VW sm. 8vo, Amst. 1684 — Dutch New Testament and Psalms, with music, » plates, painted, old morocco, 1 2mo, Haarlem, 1786 — Tyndale's First New Testament in English by G. Off"or, portrait, morocco extra, 1836 ; &c. 8m (6) 2138 Testament. Das New Testametso durch L. Emser salige verteutscht, ^\^ / blacft Utter, fine full-page German icoodcuts, ornamental initials, etc. blue y\ L morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by R. De Coverly, fine copy, very RARE thick small 8vo. Leyptzick durch Fallen Schuman, 1528 First edition of Emser's translation, made in opposition to Luther's, to which he attributes 607 errors, which he corrects in this. 2139 Testament. Evangeliorum Quatuor Versiones perantiquae duse /\ ^ Gothica scil. et Anglo-Saxonica ex codice Argenteo nunc primum V depromsit, etc. Fr. Junius, cum Glossaria, large taper, fine frontis- ttj\^^iece, old calf (cover broken) sm. 4to. Dordrecht, 1665 2140^T*stament. The New Testament in Englishe after the Greeke trans- lation annexed wyth the translation of Erasmus in Latin ; with a lAlfiV / Calendar, an Exhortation, Epistles taken out of the Old Testament \ \ and a Table, falacfe letter and roman, title in MS. facsimile, a few head- lines shaved, otherwise an excellent copy of a very rare edition, ,A/u^ crushed purple morocco, with antique gilt ornaments, g. e. by Riviere \V^ sm. ito. Excusum Londini in officina Thomce Gaultier pro J. C. 1550 *^* Tyndal's version supposed to have been edited by Sir John Cheke ; the recto of a 2 is occupied by "/. C. unto the Christen reders." 2141 Testament (The New), translated faithfully into English with Argu- irA y ^®"^^ ^^'^ Annotations by the English College of Rhemes, first • V) \^ edition, ornamental woodcut initials, a few headlines shaved, last leaf I of Table mended, calf gilt, g. e. by F. Bedford sm. ito. Rhemes, Jo. Fogny, 1582 2142 Testament (The New), with engravings on wood from designs of the Old v\ Italian masters, printed within fine woodcut borders, oi'iginal issue, v\ boarded brown morocco antique, bevelled rims, g. e. \ sm. ito. Longman, 1865 •SIZES MIXED 231 143 Testament. The Four Gospels, illustrated by Bida, p-oofs, 2 vol. hoarded brown morocco gilt, g. e. roy. folio. S. Low, 1877 144 Tevvrdannckh. Die Geurlichkeiten und eins teilsder Geschich- TEN des loblichen und hochberiimbten Helds und Ritters Tewr- \^l|J dannckhs, lit. gotj). numerous fine large woodcuts by Hans "j'tfL^ScHAUFFELEiN, Crushed crimson morocco, full gilt floreate back, line • sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedfwd, fine copy a folio. Augsburg, Hans Schbnsperger, 1519 This second edition of Theurdanck is EXTREMELY RARE. The verso of title has an extract from the Privilege not found in the first edition. ^ ^ ^. 'hackeray (W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illustrated by M. A. Titmarsh, first edition, tinted plates, in vol. II are inserted 12 DRAWINGS from Geo. Cruikshank's illustrations in his Almanack for Thackeray's story of ^^ Sttcbbs's Calendar, or the Fatal Boots," ex-libris ivith initials H. T. in each vol. 2 vol. half morocco gilt, m. e. cr. 8vo. H. Cunningham, 1841 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, first edition, illustrations by the 'JLA author, red morocco super extra, g. e. by Tout. 1^4^ Miscellaneous ' I Essays, Sketches and Reviews, illustrations by the author, morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. Smith & Co. 1885 ; Kickleburys on the Rhine, t\nvdi Q^iixon, illustrated, half morocco, \8o\ 8w. (3) 2147 Thackeray (W. M.) The History of Pendennis, first edition, illus- V KjA trationson steel and wood by the author, 2 vol. half morocco gilt, t. e. g. hj \ Tout W^Aa^ S'''^- Bradbury, 1849 2148 Thackeray (wTM.) The Orphan of Pimlico, and other Sketches, i(A Fragments and Drawings, with some Notes by A. Isabella \ Thackeray. ^o?'^rai7 and illustrations, crimson morocco super extra, g. e. ^ ' 4fo. Smith, Elder S Co. 1876 2149 Thackeray (W. M.) The Mahogany Tree, loith illustrations by Frank Merrill, fine india proof etched portrait inserted, picture boards Uo. Boston, S. E. Cassino, 1887 2150 Theatre Fran9ois (Repertoire du) ou Recueil des Tragedies et Comedies oi ni/^ restees au Theatre depuis Rotron, avec des notices, &c. sur chaque I y piece par Petitot, 25 vol. calf gilt, m. e. luith arms of the Earl of Clare 8vo. Paris, Foucault, 1817, (&c. 2151 Theatrum Machinarum (Sechs Theilen) ; in welchem vilerley ^.1 kunstliche Machinse in unterschidlichen Kupferstiicken zu sehen v^/ sindt, &c. durch Heinrich Zeising und andern ausgegeben, engraved Y. titles and numeroiis plates [musical instruments, &c.) 6 parts in 1 vol. Q^ . «^ covers of an old vellum MS. \P^^ sm. oblong ito. Leips. u. AUenberg Henning Grosse der Junger, 1621-14 \ 2152 Theocritus. Eclogse ; Genus Theocriti et de Inventione Bucoli- \ , y, corum ; Catonis Sententiae ; Sententise septem Sapientum ; De iiliLl -^Invidia; Theognidis Sententiae ; Hesiodi Theogonia ; Scutum Herculis, &c. Grsec^. woodcut ornaments, first edition of most of the writers included, before the alteration of some pp. old French red morocco, full gilt tooled back and ornamental borders, gold anchor in centres, doublures of blue damask silk, with gold borders, joints, g. e. by Simier, vellum fly-leaves {Syston Park and Sir M. M. Sykes' copy) sm. folio. Vcnet. Aldus, 1495 t \l 232 SIZES MIXED 2153 Theologia Moralis jussu et author! tate Episcopi Petrocorensis (P^rigueux) ad usum sui Seminarii Edita, 4 vol. old red morocco, fall gilt floreate . hacks, ornamental borders, with the arms of the Cardinal Due de Noailles, g. e. (Du Seuil), fine copy sm. 8vo. Paris. Guirin, 1695 2154 Theophanes Archiep. Tauromenitani. Homiliae in Evangelica Domini- jalia et Festa totius Anni, Gr. et Lat. nunc primum edita cum notis a Francisco Scorso, old French red morocco, covered with semis of fleurs- de-lis, with wreath of thorns in centres enclosing the words " Jesu Maria," g. e. prize copy from the College of Treco-Pithceano to Dionysius le Virloys {slightly repaired) folio. Lut. Par. S. Cramoissy, 1644 2155 Theophilus Antecessor. Institutiones Juris Civilis in Graecam . linguam olim traductse et explicatse, Grsece, cura et studio Viglii ^K] / Zuichemi, editio prima, ornamental woodcut initials, old French red • I morocco, line tooled, g. e. J. A. de Thou's copy, with his first arms on t>jAX^^^es and monogram on back sm. folio. Basil. Froben. 153 i 2156 Theijphilus Korydalens. Epistolse — S. Gregorii Tetrasticha — Homeri Ilias lib. Ill, IV, V, cum exegesis, &c, Greek Manuscript on PAPER (319 //. 8 by 5f in.) written in cursive characters, long lines, old stamped binding sm. ito. S^c. xvi 1 2157 Theophrastus. Opera Omnia, Grsec^ (cum prefatione Hieron. lA\ Gemussei) et Opuscula Aristotelis, Prisciani, &c. first separate edition, *'^ purple moi'occo extra, g. e. (Syston Park) sm. folio. Basil. J. Oporinus, 1541 2158 Theophylactus Arch. Bulgariae. Enarrationes in IV Evangelia Grsece, editio princeps {last leaf mended), old French red morocco, full gilt floreate back, line sides, g. e. {Lakelands copy) "^ sm. folio. Eomce, Ant. Bladus, 154:2 Theuriet (Andre) Sous Bois ; Impressions d'un Forestier, papier ,J^ d'llollande, only 50 copies printed {710. 25), WITH 102 VERY CLEVER ^"y^ ORIGINAL WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS (AQUARELLES) IN THE TEXT V BY E. Chabod, signed, full half morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut ■I^I^N^An cr.Svo. Paris, E. Charpentier, 187 S 2160 Thomas A'Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (S.). Vita et Processus Sancti Thome Cantuariensis Martyris super hbertate Ecclesiastica, cum Petri Bertrandi Libello de Jurisdictione Ecclesiastica, lit. goti^. printer's device {emblem of Trinity) on reverse of last leaf, red morocco gilt, g. e. by Faulkner {ex Bibliotheca Colbertina) sm. ito. Paris. Jo. Philippus Alemannus, 1495 2161 Thomas Aquinas (S.) Super Primo libro Sententiarum, cum . ^ textum singulis distinctionibus anteposito, lit. got]^. double columns M^ k4 of 62 lines, with signatures, illuminated initial and blank shield of arms ■^on flrst page, rubricated, capitals in blue and red {some II. slightly wormed), crushed blue morocco extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by B. De Coverly folio. Fenet. Antonius de Strata, liSQ Printed upon vellum; extremely rare, if not unique. A copy sold in these rooms in 1870, for £300, may have been this one, since newly bound. Hain does not record this edition. A contemporary MS. slip denotes it as originally belonging to the Monastery of St. Leonard at Venice. SIZES MIXKD 233 2163 2164 2165 A Thomas Aquinas (S.) Secunda Secund^, editio princeps with a DATE, lit- goti). parba, double columns, 59 lines, ivithout marks, rubri- —eated, capitals painted in blue and red, old French blue morocco with rich gilt tooling on back and sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Bozerian le Jeune, FINE COPY {Syston Park), VERY rare.^ 'olio. Hoc Opus . . Alma in Urbe Moguntina . . Industrie est consummatum est per Petrum Schoyffer de Gernsheini, a.d. 1467, VI Marcii Thomas Aquinas. De Modo Confitendi et de Puritate Conscientiae, ivl J . EDITIO PRIMA, lit. gotjb- long lines, 27 to a full page, ivithout marks, ' V^ rubricated, painted red ornamental capitals, blue morocco gilt, g. e. W^ sm. ito. absque idla nota [Colon. U. Zell] Thomas Aquinas. Quaestiones Secundi libri Secundi Partis Theo- Q\tA logiae, lit. gotij. double columns, 59 lines, without marks, rubricated v|j| (^Hain *1455), illuminated initial and coat of arms on first page, oaken ' Hi boards, modern calf icith blind stamped ornaments, folio, absque ulla nota [Eichstadt, Reyser] on (R.)] Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary, large PAflPR, woodcuts on india paper, half russia, Smith, Elder and Co. 1827 cient Reliques, or Delineations of Architecture, large paper, numerous plates by Stoi'er and Greig, 2 vol. in 1 , calf gilt, W. Clarke, &c. 1812 ^vo. (2) 2166 . Thornton (Col. Thos.) Sporting Tour through Various Parts of '2Av^ /^France in the Year 1802, coloured portrait aiidfine tinted plates and . \_ V icoodcuts, 2 vol. half russia gilt, m. e. 4fo. Longman, ISOQ Thornton (Col. Thos.) A Sporting Tour through Various Parts of France in 1802, pmirait, folding and other plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf ito. ib. 1806 I 2168 Thucydides ; Georgius Gemistus ; Herodian ; Scholia in Thucydidera, I {^-A Omnia Greece, editio princeps et Aldina, plain corner of title I 1/ mended, russia gilt, joints, g. e. sm. folio. Venet. in domo Aldi, lbO'2 Thysius (Ant.) Memorabilia Celebriorum Veterum Rerumpubliearum, old calf, with arms of J. A. De Thou and his first wife on sides aiid monogram on back 16 wo. Lugd. Bat. Jo. Maire, 1646 Ticknor (Geo.) History of Spanish Literature, first edition, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8w. /. Murray, 1 8 49 Tierney (Rev. M. A.) History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, india proof views, a few extra plates inserted, presen- tation COPY, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. imp. 8vo. Nicol, 18:34 Tillotson (Archbp. John) Works, portrait, old English red morocco, full gilt back, ornamental frame sides, g. e. (Harleian) folio. B. Aylmer, 1696 Timbs (John ; and A. Gunn) Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales, photogravures, 3 vol. calf extra, m. e. 8vo. F. Warne, n. d. Tobacco. Beintema van Peyma (Dr. J. J. W.) Nuttelyke Aanmerk- ingen over het heedendaags Tabak-Suigen, &c. xmcut, sm. Uo, Amst. 1692 — Monardes (Doct. N.) Historia Medicinse de las Cosas de las Indias Occidentales (de Tabaco, &c.) imperfect, half morocco, sm. Mo, Sevilla, 1572— Stella (B.) II Tabacco, sm. 8vo, Roma, 1669— Baillard (Sr.) Discours du Tabac (Snuff), ca//, ib. Pam, 1668 — Everard(Dr.) The Wonderful Vertues of Tobacco {wants poiirait), 1659 ; and 2 others on the same sm. ito and 8vo. (7) 2169 1- 2170 2in 2172 2173 2174 234 SIZES MIXED 2175 Tobacco. Scriverius (Petrus) Saturnalia, ofte Poetisch Vasten-avond- .^ Spel, vervatende gebruyk ende misbruyk van den Taback, in * I Neder-Duytsch vertaeld door S. Ampling, half morocco, large copy with wide margins sm. Uo. Haerlem, Adrien Roman, 1630 2176 Todd (Dr. J. H.) Descriptive Remarks on Illuminations in Certain tc\ Ancient Irish Manuscripts, facsimiles, wrapper, uncut ^Y folio. Nichols, 1869 2177 Todeschi (Claudio) Opere, 3 vol. dedication copy to Cardinal - / . Casali, bound in Italian red morocco, with rich gilt ornaments, and the '^Yi\ CardinaVs arms icith ornamental shield in centres, g. e. I ito. Roma per il Casaletti, 1779 2178 Tonnage and Poundage. An Ordinance of Parliament, with the Rates 1 of Merchandise, 1641 — Collection of Orders in Chancery, 1652 — ^lA Rights of the People concerning Impositions, 1658 — Grand Question I concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers and the Case of * Thomas Skinner, Merchant, 1669 — Works of Judge Jenkins, portrait, 1648 — English Liberties, or the Free-Born Subject's Inheritance, 1682— The Book of Oaths, 1649, uniform calf gilt V2mo. (7) 2179 Tophat ul Muminin. Persian Manuscript on native glazed paper I (284 //. 1 2 % 8 in.), neatly ivritten in red and black, long lines, with a full \\ page illuminated drawing [some II. wormed), native binding {wm-n) I sm. folio. Smc. XVI1 1 2180 Tophat ul Muminin. Persian Manuscript on native paper (221 II. V13|^ by 8i in.), neatly written in red and black, long lines, 2 or 3 II. mended, native binding sm. folio. SyEC. XVI1 1 2181 Tosone. Ordine de Cavalieri del Tosone, Venetian brown morocco, 2jj\/' stamped in low relief, with gilt cuneiform ornaments, diamond shaped I r\ M centre, with name of former owner, " Marius Tuscus, J. U. D." in I \\S^'^entres sm. 4to. NelV Academia Venetiana, 1558 2182 Tozzetti (G. Targioni) Notizie degli Aggrandimenti delle Scienze *. > Fisiche accaduti in Toscana, nel corso di anni LX del Secolo XVII, It Y 3 vol. in 4, dedication copy to Peter Leopold, Archduke of Austria ft . W^ and Grand Dtike of Tuscany, in contemporary red morocco, tvith elaborate \fS* gilt ornaments, and large arms of the Archduke in centres, g. e. (backs somewhat icorn) ito. Firenze, 1780 2183 Tractatus Sacerdotalis de Sacramentis, de Divinis Officiis et eorum \ uA administrationibus, lit. gotj). double columns, 35 liites, headlines shaved, \ some II. icormed, russia gilt sm. ito. Argent. M. Flach, 1496 2184 vTrelaeus (N. C.) Austrasise Reges et Lotharingise Duces, nativis iconibus \'XX et historicis Epigrammatis ad vivum expressi, fine engraved medallion \ heads, bright calf extra, g. e. by W. Pratt sm. ito. Colon. 1614 218o Trials. Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Juris- 4% A prudence from the earliest Records to 1825, portraits and plates, j\ \-^ numerous MS. notes in margins, 6 vol. calf sm. 8vo. Knight and Lacey, 1825 2186 Trials. Green, Berry and Hill for the Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 1679 ; Robert, Earl of Essex, 1679; History of the Plot, 1680 ; Narrative '1\ of Lawrence Mowbray of Leeds (on the Plot), 1680 ; Narrative of \\ R. Bolron, 1680 ; Trial of Eliz. Cellier, 1680 ; Information of F. de Faria, 1680; Trials of Anderson and other Popish Priests, 1680; and other Trials, Informations, &c. connected with the Popish Plot, in 1 vol. old rough calf sm. folio SIZES MIXED 235 2187 Trithemius (Joannes, Abbas Spanheimensis) Liber Experimentorum, — " Here beginneth the Booke of Secretts otherwise called the Booke of Angells, in this booke are contayned all the Secretts of Artes, for that without it no man can be perfect in Nigromancy," &c. Theosophical Manuscript on paper, Latin and English (69 II. \\\hy 1\), brown morocco extra, antique style, by Riviere sm. folio, early xvii CENT. 2188 Trogus Justinus cum Notis Variorum, 2 vol. in 1, old French brown . f morocco, covered with crowned L's and arms of Louis XlVth in centres I j/1 (ivorn), Lugd. \2mo, 1670 — Julius Caesar quae exstant, old French / brown morocco, covered with crowned L's and fleurs-de-lis, with Royal French arms (Louis XIV), 16mo. Amst. 1672 (2) 2189 Trollope (Frances) Vienna and the Austrians, etchings by Hervieu, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1838 — Costello (Louisa S.) Pilgrimage to Auvergne, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1842 — A Summer in Andalucia, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1839 8m (6) 2190 Tryphiodorus, Destruction of Troy, translated from the Greek, with notes by J. Merrick, large and thick paper, brown morocco, plain, broad inside borders, joints, g. e. {Lewis), Rev. Th. Williams's copy, after- wards Earl of Clare's imp. 8w. Oxfoi'd at the Tlieatre (1739) 2191 TUNSTALL (CUTHBERTUS, EPISC. DUNELM.) De ARTI SUPPUTANDI |o-t|.«i ^^libri quattuor Cutheberti Tonstalli, prima editio, roman letter, title V / 1 * J toithin fine Holbein ornamental border, ivith Mutius and Porsenna below, ' with initials H.H. crushed crimson morocco, full gilt ornamental back, broad and rich ornamental panels, inside borders, j oints, g. e. by Zaehns- dorf sm. 4/o. in mdibus Richardi Pynsoni, anno \ 522, pridie idus Octobris A very fine copy of the exceedingly rare first edition of the first book on Arithmetic published in England. 2192 Turner (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views in England and Wales, with ^ Descriptive and Historical Illustrations by H. E. Lloyd, original 1 "^ edition, large paper, lettered pi-oof s, 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, ' inside dentelles, g. e. by Mansell roy. ito. Longman, 1838 Turner (J. M, W.) Picturesque Views in England and Wales, with Descriptive and Historic Illustrations by H. E. Lloyd, original edition, largest paper, 26 fine india yroof plates, 2 vol. crimson morocco extra, broad gilt ornamental borders, in and out, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy sup. imp. fol. Longman, 1838 2194 Turner (J. M. W.) Views in England and Wales : a selection of 12 plates, in duplicate, on large paper, proofs and etchings on india paper, with Descriptions, comprising Ely Cathedral, Blenheim, Upnor Castle, Langharne Castle, Coventry, Nottingham, Pass of Penmaen- mawr, Carew Castle, Christ Church, Oxford, Arundell Castle, Leicester Abbey, and Llanberis Lake ; in a vol. lialf morocco gilt imp. folio 2195 Turner (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast of England, engraved by W. B. and G. Cooke, &c. 80 fine views and vignettes, original impressions, half red morocco gilt, m. e. ito. J. and A. Arch, 1826 ®, * * 236 SIZES MIXED 2196 Turner (J. M. W.) Liber Studiorum, edited, with Critical Notices by the Rev. Stopford Brooke, autotype reproductions from the best states of the plates, 3 vol. in 1, crimson morocco extra, y. e. obi. folio. Autotype Co. 1882 Turner (J. M. W.) Illustrations to Thos. Campbell's Poems, 20 fine engravings, 2 sets, proofs before letters and engraver's proofs, i^ several of the latter " touched " by Turner himself, with remarks in his \ hand (foxed), loose in portfolio (from the Dillon collection) ' \ folio. Moccm, 1837 2198 Turner (J. M. W.) Annual Tour. Ritchie (Lei tch) Wanderings by the '\iA Loire and by the Seine, 41 fine engravings after drawings by J. M. W. \ Turner, 2 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. roy. Svo. Longman, 1833-5 \' 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 206 Turner (J. M. W.) The Turner Gallery, a Series of Sixty Engravings from his Principal Works, with Memoir and Illustrative Text by R. N. Wornum, largest paper, with a duplicate set of the FINE plates, etchings AND PROOFS BEFORE ALL LETTERS ON INDIA PAPER, 2 vol. green morocco super extra, inside dentelles, joints, g.e. elephant fol. James S. Virtue, n. d. Turner (J. M. W.) The Turner Gallery. A Series of Sixty Engravings from the Principal Works of J. M. W. Turner, with Memoir and Illustrative Text by R. N. Wornum, largest paper, india proofs, with portrait, half red mwocco gilt, g. e. eleplmnt fol. Chatto, 1875 Turner (J. M. W.) Life, by W. Thornbury, portrait, extra illustrated with 51 views, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Tout Svo. Hurst and Blackett, 1852 Turner (J, M. W.) Turner and his Works, by John Burnet, the Memoir by Peter Cunningham, re-edited by Henry Murray, extra illus- trated with 63 portraits and views after Tamer, some india proofs, full half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut Uo. J. S. Virtue, 1859 Turner and Girtin. A Collection of 162 Drawings in Sepia and Black Chalks, chiefly of Landscapes, probably done by J. M. W. Turner and T. Girtin, from the collection of Dr. Munro, the friend and benefactor of the two artists, mounted in 2 vol. half bound russia gilt, g. e. imp. ito Turner and Girtin. A Collection of 54 Original Drawings in Black Chalk, chiefly of Landscapes, from the collection of Dr. Munro, the friend and benefactor of the artists, and probably executed by them, neatly mounted in a vol. and half bound obi. fol. Turner and Girtin. A Collection of 53 very clever Original Sketches in Sepia, chiefly of Landscapes, unsigned but probably early productions of the two artists named above, neatly inlaid on thick paper and bound in a vol. half russia roy. 4to It* These drawings are from the collection of Dr. Munro, the friend and patron of Turner and Girtin in their youth, who used to give them a supper and 5s. for their sketches. — See Thornbury's Life of I'urner. Turnley (J.) Reveries of Affection in Memory of H.R.H. The Prince Consort, photos, morocco extra, g. e. by Riviere, presentation copy Uo. Privately printed, 1868 SIZES MIXED 237 2207 Turrecremata (Card. Joannes de) Expositio brevis et utilis super toto Psalterio, lit. gotl). finely printed, long lines, 35 to a full page, without rks, rubricated, painted ornamental capitals, old English blue morocco, gilt ornamental borders and centre ornaments, fine copy of a rare DITION {Sunderland copy) sm. folio Moguntice impressum per Petrum Schoyffer de Gernsheim, 1474 {colophon and shields in red) 2208 Tursellinus (H.) Epitoma Historiarum, old red morocco gilt, Romce, 1625 . — Descrizione delle Funzioni che si celebrano nella Cappella Ponti- W\/ ficia per la Settimana Santa, old red morocco gilt, g. e. ib. 1789 sm. 8vo. (2) 2209 ^1^ Tyburn Chronicle (The) or Villany Displayed in all its Branches, con- taining the Lives, Adventures, Tryals, Executions, &c. of the Most Notorious Criminals from the Year 1700 to the Present (1768), oerplate engravings, 4 vol. calf gilt, g. e. d>vo. J. Cooke, 1768 2210 ^\ 2211 fT^ 2214 1h 2215 2216 Tyi^d^WNIWfi?) John Frith and Doct. Barnes, three Worthy Martyrs ; Whole Workes, Collected and Compiled in one Tome together, being before Scattered, blacfe Utter, woodcut title, cut on reverse of last leaf, signature of ^^ Jo. Feilde, 1573," on title, blue morocco gilt, g. e. fine COPY fol. John Daye, 1572 Tyrell (James) General History of England to K. William 111, frontis- j^ce by Burghers, signature of " H. Dundas, 1810," on title of vol. I, 3 vol. in 5, calf gilt, r. e. sm. folio. IF. Rogers, 1700-4 U^lauft (Prof. F.) The Alps, translated by Louisa Brough, 110 illus- trations, three-quarters red morocco gilt, t. e. g. by Tout \\ imp. 8vo. Kegan Paul, 1889 nlawful Marriages. Of Priests Unlawful Marriages, hX&tk letter, very imperfect, in English XVIth century binding of leather, with stamped orna- mental bm'ders of crowned r^es, portcullises, heads, &c. in fair preserva- ^^^ \XjdA versiis ea de re in Christiano Orbe, hoc praesertim seculo excitatis, //^ &c. old black calf, plain, Queen Elizabeth's copy, tvith the royal / arms of England between the initials E. E,. and the following quotation J r\ ^^ Icii'ge capitals stamped in gold on sides : ^ ' "Syncerus et genuinus Verbi Dei "Intellectus Hominem ad ipsius "Dei Ecclesiam et recte docendam "Et bene regendam aptum et Idoneum facit," neatly repaired. \See PLATE] folio. [Paris.] Oliva Hob. Stephani, 1554 i2237 ViRGiLius. Opera, Manuscript on vellum (210 II. 10^ by 6f in.) ^^ written in very neat roman letters by an Italian scribe, long lines, 31 ^o a full page, border of first page painted and illuminated, with 1 7 fine large painted and illuminated scroll ornamental initials in the text, wants end of the XII Book of the yEneids, which ends icith the line " Letalemque sonum nee fallimt missa superba," old russia, full gilt back and broad ornamental borders (Osterley Park) sm. folio. S^c. XV 2238 ViRGiLius. BucoLicA, Georgica et ^Eneidos, Manuscript on /^ / vellum (224 II. 9|- by 6^ in.) finely written in neat roman letters, long *■ '* lines, 29 to full page, by an Italian scribe, illuminated initial at the /, beginning and several large ornamental pen-letters, A FINE and perfect y. '- MS. ; crushed red morocco extra, antique gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, by L. Broca sm. folio. S^c. XV 2239 Virgilius. ^neidos libri XII, cum notis interlinearibus et mar- ^^ ginalibus. Manuscript on vellum (179 U. 11^ by 8 in.) written in ^'.J neat Sfini-goti)ic IcttcvjS, 28 lines, by an Italian scribe, begins {verso of first page) " Octavum Cesaris leneyde Virgilii Versus," ends on fol. 179 recto with the last line of the Eneicls, on reverse the following inscription : . . ' " Ilii explicit lib' diiodecimus ceterisq. alii Virgilii Eneydos Scripti p me ' Jacobi de Pratoveteri," &c. {partly erased), ruhicated in blue and red, with many fine large ornamental pen-letters ; modern boarded crimson Lot 2236. SIZES MIXED 241 Lot 2239 — continued. morocco gilt, line tooled, blind stamped antique wnanunts, vellum fly- leaves, by Zaehnsdorf sm. folio. SiEC. XIV *^* A VERY FINELY WRITTEN AND VALUABLE CODEX, It appears to have belonged to a member of Amerigo Vespucci's family, as it bears the following inscription underneath that of the scribe quoted I above : " Georgii Antonii Vespucci liber. Kotva to. cjjiXwv," &c. 2240 ViRGiLiUS. ^neidos lib. XII ; addidit Maffei Vegii Poetse laudensis Virgilii libris Eneidorum Liber. Manuscript on vellum (227 II. 9 1 by 6 1 in.) finely voritten in neat roman letters, double columns of 2i lines, by an Italian scribe, first page within fine illuminated border with large initial of gold and white scrolls on grounds of blue, red and een, with coat of arms below (erased), and 1 1 other ornamental initials a similar character in the text, on aflij-leaf the inscription " Hie Liber est Mens qui vocor Nicolaus de Cappellis " ; crushed blue moi'occo extra with antique gilt oi'naments, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf sm. folio. SiEC. XV 2241 Virgilius. ^neis, cum Commentariis Honorati, Ph. Beroaldi, Donati, Dathi, J. Badiu Ascensii et aliorum, numerous spirited icoodciits 3 '11 ^ and ornamental initials, title and last leaf inlaid, otherwise an ex- " cellent copy, blue morocco, line tooled, with the arms of Gomez de la Coi'tina, Marquis de Morante ' folio. Lugd. J. Saccon, 1517 2242 Virgilius. [Opera] accuratissime recognita cum Commentariis Servii et Donati ex antiquis exemplaribus restitutis ; ace. Interp. Ascensii annott. Landini, Dathi et Beroaldi, &c. numerous spirited woodcuts and ornamental initials, green morocco extra, broad gilt ornamental borders, inside dentelles,g. e. folio. Venet. {L. A. Giunta), 1543 2243 Virgilius. Opera ; D. Ph. Melancthonis et aliorum doctissimorum TVirorum Scholiis, e^c. woodcuts, oaken boards, pigskin, with stamped wnaments and figure, signature of " Wolfgang Moschemius Argent. 1571" in cover sm. 8vo. Tiguri, C. Froschover, 1564 Virgilius. Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit C. Ruaeus in usum Delphini, old French red morocco, gilt vases on back, line sides, g. e. 4to. Paris. S. Benard, 1675 2245' Virgilius. Opera, N. Heinsius recensuit, Editio Elzeviriana, en- Si ^^\A( graved title and maps, tall copy, measuring 5f in. crushed blue I ^^\\ \ "Morocco, full gilt ornamental back, line sides, inside dentelles, g. on m. e. Uv^T ^ Z^wrw X^mo. Amstel. ex Off. Elzeviriana, 1676 Virgilius. Bucolica, Georgica et ^ueis, illustrata, ornata et acQuratissime impressa, plates, 2 vol. old French red morocco, full gilt wnamental backs, line sides, inside dentelles, g. e. (Boyet) sm. 8vo. Lond. Knapton & Sandby, 1750 Virgilius. Opera, cura et studio S. A. Philippe, thick paper, fine impressions of the plates by Cochin and ornamental vignettes, 3 vol. old French red morocco, fioral ornaments on backs, broad and rich orna- mental scroll borders, g. e. (Derome), very fine binding sm. 8vo. Lut. Par. J. Barbou, 1754 2248 Virgilius. (Euvres de Virgile traduites en vers Francais ; Edition polyglotte, printed on tinted paper, 2 vol. half morocco extra, t. e. g. uncut, by F. Bedfm-d Ato. Paris et Lyon, 1838 li 24r2 SIZES MIXED 2249 Vitelli. Privileges granted through Cardinal Vitellotius or de Vitellis to the Collegium Mililum S. Petri de Urbe, MS. on vellum (10 //.) ^irl unth emblazoned arms of the Cardinal, with some figures a7id cherubs, v\h)\/^&c. loUhin a finely pai.ifed and illuminated cartouche on first page and I { another Cardinal's arms mi last leaf, with official signatures ; a printed " Bulla Erectiunis Officii Dcminorum Militum Sancti Petri, tcith wood- A N cuts, Romce, Ant. Bladus, 1527, inserted, contemporarii Italian red mo- K' rocco, the sides having broad and elaborate borders of interlaced orna- \) mental scrolls, panel centres ivith leafg scrolls, and the CardinaVs arms painted, A rich specimen. 2 holes bored through the binding and the book for siispendlng purposes. [See PLATE] sm. ito 2250 Vitruvius ; per Jocundum solito casigatior factus cum figuris et possit, numerous woodcuts, limp vellum sm. folio. Venet. Jo. de Tridino, 1511 2(rt Tabula et jam legi et intelligi possit, numerous woodcuts, limp vellum 2251 Voltaire. La Henriade de Mr. Arouet de Voltaire donnee au Public par lui-meme, on y a ajou..^ la Critique de ce Poeme, printed ivithin ornamental woodcut borders, old French red morocco, full gilt floreate back, broad ornamental borders, doubli^ with blue morocco, with orna- mental gilt borders, maroled end papers, joints, g. e. (Padeloup) sm. 8vo. La Haye, Gosse & Neaidme, 1728 2252 Voltaire. La Henriade de Mr. de Y oXtviwQ, fine plates and vignettes by J. de Troy, Veughels, Micheux, &c. old calf gilt, m. e. Ato. a Londres, 1728 2253 Voltaire. Henriade. Henrik de Groote ; nit de Fransche in Neder- : » duitsche oser^Qhv>, fine plates after Gravelot ; and a set of 12 vignettes \p^ \ after Michaix by D. Poilly, &c. inserted, Dutch vellum v., ' Uo. Amst. A. Slaarts, &c. 1753 2254 Voltaire. Eecueil de Pieces Fugitives en Prose et en Vers, old calf, r. e. with the anas of De la Po^:^oucauld, author of the ^^ Moximes," on sides (ex Bib. Renessiana) ' ' 8vo. Paris, 1740 2255 Voltaire. La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poeme, divisez en quinze Livres par Monsieur do V***, PREMIERE EDITION, calf extra, g. e. by Tout, very RARE 12 wo. Lovvain, 1755 2256 Voltaire. La Pucelle, Poeme, suivi des Contes et Satires, LARGE paper, two portraits of Jeanne d'Arc, two of Agnes Sorel, one of Dunois and one of Charles VII, with two sets of 2 1 fine plates to La Pucelle, one by Moreau, the other by Monsiau, proofs before letters, and a plate inserted before le P.cavre Diable, calf gilt 4to. (Kehl) Impr. de la Soc. Litt. Typ. 1789 2257 Voltaire, Theatre, dditioa stereotype d'am-ls le procide de Firmin Didot, \ \ ,y \^ \s\^ ^^^'^ morocco, line tooled, g. e. l2^\/|'Ct ■ 12j7W. Paris, Didot, 1801 •J ^258* Voltaire. Theatre, papier vilin, portrait and fine plates after Moreau, ^^^ 9 vol.; et La Henriade, papier vMin ; together 10 vol. French red sP morocco, full gill ornamental backs, broad and rich ornamental borders, T\f arms in centres, doublure of blue icatered silk ivith gilt ornaments, joints, iv^V^ 9' ^- ^^y ^' ^'^^'''y^^'^y ^^^^ COPY M I u 8w. Paris, Pemvard et Nicolle, et Didot, 1809-14 ^ Lot 2249. sizp:s mixed ' 243 [Voragiiie (Jacobus de) Legenda Aurea in Deutsch]. Passionbl; het Winter Stuck. Dat men heet die Gulden legende — HiER BEGHiT TSOMER Stuc Vande Passiole in duytsclie getranslateert, got]^. numerous spirited xylographic woodcuts, cut in two or three different styles, and ornamental initials, the word " Passionel " in large red gothic letters, with cut beneath ; second title in large black gothic, mth cut beneath, some II. stained ; but otherwise a most excellent COPY, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco, very rare sm. folio tot Antw&rpen by mi Henrick Eckert Van Homberch 151G Jan. xxv ende lesten dach in Meye 2260 Vossius (G. J.) Etymologlcon Linguae Latinse, old French brown morocco, covered with fleurs-de-lis, and other ornaments, g. e. prize copy from the Jesuits College of Rhemes to Nicolas Michel, with the college arms folio. Lugd. sumpt. Jo. Gregoire, 1664 2261 Vulson (M. de) Les Portraits des Hommes Illustres Francois qui sont paints dans la galerie du Palais Card, de Eichelieu, avec leurs principales Actions et Armes, 26 fine portraits, blue morocco extra, g. e. sm. 8vo. Paris, M. Bobin et N. Le Gras, 1667 2262 Waagen (G. F.) Works of Art and Artists in England, 3 vol. /. Murray, 1838 — Passavant (M.) Tour of a German Artist in England, ^or- trait and plates, 2 vol. Saunders and Otley, 1836 ; together 5 vol. uniform red morocco extra, g. e. Svo 2263 Waagen (Dr.) Treasures of Art in Great Britain, with the supple- mental volume, 4 vol. crimson mo^'occo extra, g. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1854-7 2264 Walker (Frederick, A.R.A.) Life and Letters, by J. G. Marks, pw- trait and numerous illustrations, buckram, uncut sup. imp. Svo. Macmillan, 1896 Waller (Edmund) Poems, &c. written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Bekons- field, Esq. and printed by a copy of his own hand-writing, first edition (the last of the three editions with the same date), crimson morocco super extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf ^ -^ 12mo. I. N. for Hu. Mosley, 16i5 2266 Walpole (Horace) Works ; with Letters to Geo. Montagu, Rev. Mr. Cole, and the Earl of Hertford, numerous portraits, &c. 8 vol. russia gilt,m.e. Uo. 1798-1822 2267 Walpole (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with additions by Dallaway, new edition, by E. N. Wornum, pmiraits, 3 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. Bohn, 1849 2268 Walpole (H.) Catalogue of Eoyal and Noble Authors, revised and enlarged by Thomas Park, \bO fine portraits, 5 vol. blu£. morocco extra, blind and gilt ornaments, g. e. Svo. Longman, 1823 2269 Walpole (H.) ^des Walpolianse : a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, &c. third edition, 2 portraits, contains the original valuation for each picture in MS. unbound, uncut Uo. 1767 r>\ 244: SIZES MIXED 2570 Walpole (Lord, of Woolterton) An Answer to Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study of History, presentation copij, loith inscription on title, ^^ from Lord Walpole " (" to Dr. Sleech of Eton "), old English red morocco, full gilt back, and ornamental borders, g. e. 8vo, W. Richardson, 1763 — Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, second edition, frontispiece, 2 vol. old blue morocco gilt, g. e. sm. 8vo, Dodsley, 1759 (3) 2271 Walsh (Thos.) Journal of the late Campaign in Egypt, coloured plates of costume, maps, views, etc. old red morocco gilt, m. e. Uo. 1803 2272 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, with Lives of the Authors, and Notes by Sir John Hawkins, first edition, portraits and copper- plates, bright calf extra, g. e. by Riviere sm. Svo. T.Hope, 1760 2273 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, with Lives by Sir John Hawkins, Bagster's edition, with Improvements and Additions, numerous plates, russia {cracked) Svo. S. Bagster, 1808 2274 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, with Introductory Essay " I and Illustrative Notes, Major's fine EDITION, LARGE PAPER, fine I'm rA India proof plates, green morocco, bevelled, gilt angling subjects on back, I 1/ ^"'^ sides, loith corner 7netal medallions of an angler's basket, gold ? medallion portraits of Walton and Cotton in centres, and gold clasp, broad inside gilt borders, joints, g. e. in morocco slip case Svo. J. Major, 1823-4 2275 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, with Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir H. Nicolas, second edition, portraits and numerous fine plates, 2 vol. green morocco extra, with fishing emblems, g. e. sup. imp. Svo. Nattali & Bond, 1860 2276 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited and arranged by R. B. Marston, with the Chronicle of the Complete Angler, by Westwood and Satchell, portrait, 54 photogravures and 100 woodcuts, only 500 copies printed, 2 vol. half morocco, t. e. g. uncut demy ito. S. Low, 1888 2277 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wottou, Richard Hooker, » Y Gieo. Herbert, with some Letters of Geo. Herbert, first EDITION, "IAtV portraits by Lombart, Dolle and White, crushed blue morocco extra, inside * I \ dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, fine copy ' Svo. T. Newconib for R. Marriott, I Q70 2278 Ward (John) Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, with Life of Sir Thos. Gresham, large paper, portrait by Vertue, monument and 2 plates, calf extra, r. e. by Tarrant {cracked) folio. Printed by J. More for the Authour, 1740 2279 Waring (J. B.) Art Treasures of the United Kingdom, 100 /we chromos and numerous woodcuts, brown calf with rich scroll ornaments in black and gold, g. e. folio. Bay & Son, 1858 2280 Waring (J. B.) Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862, 300 fine chromos by Tymmsand others, 3 vol. half crimson morocco gilt, g. e. roy. folio, ib. 1863 2281 Waring (J. B.) Examples of Decorative Art in Weaving and Embroi- dery, Furniture, Sculpture in Marble, &c. Metal Work and Jewel- lery, chromos and woodcuts, 4 vol. cloth gilt folio, ib. n. d. 2282 Warner (G. F.) Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum, first series, \o fine chromos in portfolio 1899 SIZES MIXED 245 (-^ ^283J Warren (Sam.) Ten Thousand a Year and Now and Then, 5 vol. Imlf ^ ' T calf gilt, 1841-8— Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, 4 vol. Dublin, f/~' n. d. ; and others cr. 8vo. (17) Watson (Thos. Bishop of Lincolne) Holesome and Catholyke Doctryne concerninge the Seven Sacraments of Chrystes Church, &c. blaclt tetter, limp vellum sm. ito. B. Caly, 1558 2285 Watts (Dr. Isaac) A Guide to Prayer, first edition, old English blue ^ rmyrocco, full gilt ornamental back, frame sides, g. e. cr. Sua. E. Matthews, 1715 Watts (Dr. Isaac) The Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian State and Wor- ship, FIRST EDITION, crimsoH morocco extra, inside dentelles, (&c. bf/ Tout, FINE COPY, VERY RARE sm. 8vo. Printed for J. Clark, &c. 1719 2287 Wedgwood (Josiah) Life, from his Private Correspondence and Family A Q/l Papers, with Sketch of the Art of Pottery, &c. by E. Meteyard, • / portrait and numerous illustrations, 2 vol. brown morocco extra, inside { dentelles, g. e. b// De Goverhj 8vo. Hurst & Blackett, 1865 2288 Weever (John) Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United Mon- - //7 archie of Great Britain, Ireland and the Islands adjacent, first V*^//EDITI0N, poi-trait and Jine frontispiece by T. Cecil, and engravings in the 1/ text, old russia extra, g. e. sm. folio. T. Harper for L. Sadler, 1631 2289 AVeldon (Sir A.) Court and Character of King James, pmirait inserted, 1650 — Secret History of the Reigns of Charles II and James II, 1690— The Tablet or Moderation of Charles the First Martyr, 1661 — England's Happiness in a Lineal Succession, frontispiece {mended), 1685 — The Historian's Guide or Britain's Remembrancer, 1688 — Augustus Anglicus ; a Compendious View of the Life and Reign of Charles II, /?wi/. {title inlaid), 1686; un if oi'm calf gilt l2mo. (6) 2290 Wellington (Duke of) Dispatches during his various Campaigns, 1799- 1818, compiled by Lieut. -Col. Gurwood, with index, 13 vo\. calf gilt, m. e. 8w. 1834-9 2291 [Wesley (Samuel)] Maggots ; or Poems on several subjects, never .-^ ^ before handled, by a SchoUar, with the rare and singular portrait, lis/ containing the autograph of the author below, " Sam. Westley " {sic), f with the names filled-in in the dedication and corrections in the text by him, mwocco gilt, g. e. by Tout, rare 12?no. John Dunton, 1685 2292 Wesley (Sam.) History of the Old and New Testament attempted in Verse, with 330 sculptures by John Sturt, thick paper, 3 vol. crimson morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie sm. 8w. C. Harper, 1704-1701 2293 Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland illustrated, from original drawings by T. Allom, etc. numerous plates, calf, Fisher, n. d. — Pardoe (Miss) Beauties of the Bosphorus, numerous plates after W. H. Bartlett, calf gilt, Virtue, 1838 Uo. (2) 2294 Westwood (J. 0.) Palseographia Sacra Pictoria ; a Series of Illustra- g^i^^jt tions of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from ancient Ifjf^ illuminated MSS. from the IVth to the XVIth century, 50 chromo- I I lithographs, blue moi'occo extra, broad gilt ornamental borders, joints, g. e. f by J Wright Uo. W. Smith, 1843-5 2295 Wheatley (Chas.) The Church of England Man's Companion, frontis- piece, old calf, Wm. Blackstone's copy {the author of Commentaries on the Laws), with his autograph, and ex-libris Svo. Oxfwd, 1714 246 SIZES MIXED 2296 Whitaker (Dr. T. D.) History and Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds, portraits, views, pedigrees, etc. 2 vol. russia extra, m. e. roy. folio. Leeds, 1816 2297 Whitaker (Dr. T. D.) History of Richmondshire, Co. York, numerous views by J. M. W. Turner, pedigrees, coats of arms and other illustra- tions, 2 vol. russia gilt, g. e. folio. Longman, 1823 2298 Whitaker (Dr. T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, (Jo. York, first edition, portrait, pedigrees, views, facsimiles, &c. 2 original water-colour drawings by H. Jeayes inserted, half russia, uncut ito. Nichols & Son, 1805 2299 Whitaker (Dr. T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, Co. York, third edition, with additions and corrections, by A. W. Morant, &c. map, views, pedigrees, &c. black morocco, g. e. imp. ito. Leeds, 1878 2300 White (F. Le Grix) Original Sketches in Water-colour, 8 large land- scapes, &c. mounted in a vol. half morocco oblong folio 2301 White (Rev. Gilbert) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, 'll'tAL» ^'^' Southampton, first edition, plates, the large view of Selborne backed with linen, calf gilt, m. e. ito. T. Bensleyfor B. White, 1789 5302' White (Rev. G.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, with •vA Notes by Frank Buckland, a Chapter on Antiquities by Lord Sel- fl '~ borne, and new Letters, numerous illustrations by P. II. Delamotte, ' calf gilt, g. e. %vo. Macmillan, 1875 2303 White (Rev. G.) Natural History of Selborne, with Notes by Fr. Buckland, a Chapter on Antiquities by Lord Selborne, and new Letters, medium 4to edition, numerous illustrations, 2 vol. half green morocco gilt, t. e. g. uncut 4to. ib. 1876 2304 White (Lieut. G. F.) Views in India, chiefly among the Himalaya Mountains, 30 fine india proof plates, 2 vol. half bound sm. folio. Fisher, 1836 2305 White Rose (The) or a Word for the House of York, Vindicating the Succession in a Letter from Scotland to a Peer of this Realm, red morocco extra, uncut, ex-libris of C. R. Price sm. folio. Printed anno dom. 1680 2306 Whittington (Rev. G. D.) Historical Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France, large taper, frontispiece of Rheims Cathedral, 63 fine plates of cathedral exteriors and interiors, proofs before letters inserted, T. Bensley, 1809 — Milner (John) Ecclesiastical Architecture of England, large paper, 10 plates, J. Taylor, 1811; in 1 vol. russia, g. e. ito 2307 Whymper (Edw.) The Ascent of the Matterhorn, maps and illustrations, nif il ^three-quarters red morocco gilt, t. e. g. by Tout V Y imp. Svo. J. Murray, 1880 2308 Wilkie Gallery (The) with Biographical and Critical Notices, 68 fine plates, bound in 2 vol. russia extra {broken) ito. Virtue 2309 Wilkie (Sir D.) Life, with Journals, Correspondence, &c. by Allan Cunningham, portrait, 3 vol. calf extra, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1848 2310 Wilkes (John) The North Briton, Complete in 218 Nos. (with Appen- dix to the first 46 uos. &c.) with Notes, (frontispieces inserted), 2 vol half calf , r. e. sm. folio. W. Bingley, 1769-70 SIZES MIXED 247 2311 Wilkes (John) Genuine and Succinct Narrative of a Scandalous Libel entitled An Essay on Woman, by the Rev. Mr. Kidgell, n. d. — Britannia's Intercession for the Happy Deliverance of John Wilkes, Esq. from Persecution and Imprisonment, 1768; and others of the same in 1 vol. — Military Transactions of Sir John Burroughs in the Isle of Rhea, 1758 — [Ritson (Jos.)] Observations on Warton's His- tory of Poetry, first edition, 1782 — Prynne (Wm.) Mount-Orgueil {imperfect), 1641 ; &c. sm. ito. (8) 2312 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, both Series, numerous coloured plates, 6 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 8vo. J. Murray, 1837-41 2313 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, Graphic and Historical Memorials of the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, 206 fine plates, 2 vol. half red morocco, t. e. g. uncut roy. ito. R. IFilkinson, 1819 2314 Williams (Gr.) Seven Goulden Candlesticks, houlding the Seaven -. / I greatest lights of Christian Perfection, engraved title in compartments Ml I "^ by Delaram, old English calf (Lyonnese style), with semis of stars and // I corner ornaments, the arms of King James the First in centres, gilt and gauffred edges {hack slightly repaired) sm. ito. N.Butler, 1624 2315 Williams (Haines) A Series of 24 very clever Original Drawings (4 by 3^ in.) in Water-colours, Sepia and Pencil of Scenes and Cos- tumes in Various Districts of Spain, neatly mounted on cardboard and bound in brown mwocco extra, figured end papers, g. e. obi. Ho 2316 Williams (T. H.) Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire, 22 fine etchings, half morocco, t. e. g. uncut imp. 8vo. J. Murray, 1 804 2317 Willshire (W. H.) Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient ^ i^i/i /Prints, second edition, revised and enlarged, facsimiles, 2 vol. half '^l' i^]/^ bound, t. e. g. uncut 8w. Ellis and White, 1877 2318 Wilson (Rich.) Etchings from his Works, with some Memoirs of his Life, by Thos. Hastings, head on title, and 40 fine etchings, original half binding ito. Hurst & Co. 1825 2319 Wilson (Rich. R.A.) Life by T. Wright, portrait, half bound, 1824 — Description of the Antiquities and Curiosities in Wilton House (Earl of Pembroke's), j9/a sm. Ato. Vineqia, Stephano da Sabio, 1535 ' K:}^