LIBRARY ( OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF THE FAMILY OF REV. DR. GEORGE MOOAR Class HISTORICAL CATALOGUE OF THE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE CONNECTICUT. THE : OF HARTFORD, CONN.: PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY, 1881. 14 PREFATORY NOTE. In presenting to the Alumni of the Theological Institute the result of our labors, your committee beg indulgence for any remaining errors or poverty of statement which may mar the work. Knowing its imperfection, we offer it as the best which our resources could command, hoping that fuller details may be secured in the future. We desire also to acknowledge the universal kindness and patience with which you have aided us in gathering the statis- tics for this catalogue, and the manifold most cordial expres- sions of tender regard for this, our "Alma Mater " which have flowed in upon us from far and near. N. B. It will be an invaluable aid in completing annals of future years if each alumnus will forward to the seminary any facts regarding his work and its changes, and also a copy of each publication from his pen as soon as issued, that the same may be preserved in alumni alcove as a perpetual memorial ; arrangements are already made for the reception and record of all such facts, which may be addressed, " Theological In- stitute of Connnecticut, " Hartford, Conn. Any item of information or correction from any source will be gratefully received. L. H. HALLOCK, ) WM. THOMPSON, } Committee. S HINE, ) Oct. 1881. 078 HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Theological Institute of Connecticut was founded at East Windsor Hill by the Pastoral Union in 1833. It receiv- ed its charter in 1834. COMPARATIVE SECURITY. The Board of Trustees is not a self-perpetuating body, but is elected by the Pastoral Union. Subscription to the semi- nary creed is necessary to membership in each of these bod- ies. Each professor is obliged to affirm his assent to the creed at the beginning of every year. DOCTRINAL BASIS. The creed, which is a part of the organic law of the Insti- tution, embodies the old faith of the New England churches, and is grounded, it is believed, in the Divine Word. It has stood the ordeal of time, of Biblical research, and of violent assault. CHARACTER AND METHOD OF INSTRUCTION. From the first it has been Biblical. In recent years, how- ever, Old and New Testament Exegesis has held a prominent place in the daily routine, while each of the other branches is so taught as to make the Bible a constant text-book. Instruc- tion is given both by lectures and recitations, familiar inter- course between teacher and pupil being always encouraged. CHANGE OF LOCATION. The guardians of the Institution deemed it necessary in 1865 to remove it from East Windsor Hill to Hartford.' For fourteen years it occupied three buildings on Prospect street. By a munificent donation of the late Mr. James B. Hosmer, O THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. a spacious edifice, bearing his name, was erected on Broad street, in 1879, where ample accommodations are provided for professors and students. Music. Instruction is provided for all the classes in the theory and practice of music, and a room has lately been added to the main building for the special use of this department. GYMNASIUM. Near Hosmer Hall is a building supplied with complete apparatus for gymnastic practice, and class attendance is required at regular intervals. LIBRARY. Within the last three years, the library has been placed on a new footing, and enlarged by the careful expenditure of eighteen thousand dollars. The number of volumes at the present time is about sixteen thousand. A special feature of the library is the " Alumni Alcove," the gift of graduates, in which all their publications may be gathered. TRUSTEES OF THE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF CONNECTICUT. At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at New Haven, in said State, on the first Wednesday of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, the following persons were constituted a corpor- ate Board of Trustees of " The Theological Institute of Con- necticut," viz. : Rev. Abner Brundage, " Samuel H. Riddel, " Chauncey G. Lee, Samuel Pitkin, Esq. Eli B. Haskell, Esq. Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D. " Caleb J. Tenney, D.D. " Daniel Dow, D.D. " Levi Nelson, " Timothy P. Gillett, " Nathaniel Hewitt, D.D. " Joseph Harvey, D.D. " Asahel Nettleton, D.D. " Geo. A. Calhoun, D.D. " Samuel Spring, D.D. " Cyrus Yale, Hon. Seth Terry, Erastus Ellsworth, Esq. Richard E. Selden, Jr., Esq. Samuel Lyman, Esq. Geo. Goodwin, Jr., Esq. James R. Woodbridge, Esq. The following persons also have served on the Board dur- ing periods of varying length, having been elected in the year placed against their names, viz : 1836 Rev. Frederick Marsh, 1837 " Isaac Parson, 1837 " Jonathan Coggswell, D.D. 1839 Chester Buckley, Esq. T ^39 John P. Haven, Esq. 1840 " Levi Smith, 1840 Alger'n S. Kennedy, Esq. 1841 Herlehigh Haskell, Esq. 1841 James B. Hosmer, Esq. 1841 " Bennet F. Northrop, 1842 Rev. David Parmelee, 1843 " Elisha L. Cleaveland,D.D. 1843 " W. W. Turner, 1844 Minor Grant, Esq. 1844 Jesse Charlton, Esq. 1845 " Lyman H. Atwater, D.D. 1847 " Mark Tucker, D.D. 1847 " Walter Clarke, D.D. 1848 Albert W. Butler, Esq. 1848 " Charles Bentley, THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1849 R C ^ r. Francis L. Robbins, 1868 Rev. 1849 George Sterling, Esq. 1868 " 1849 Olcott Allen, Esq. 1868 1850 I. W. Hooker, Esq. 1868 1850 " Lavius Hyde, 1869 it 1850 John Brooks, Esq. 1869 u 1850 Elisha C. Brewster, Esq. 1869 " 1855 John E. Tyler, 1870 " 1855 " John A. McKinstry, 1870 1855 Charles Hyde, 1871 a 1855 Newton Case, Esq. 1871 it 1856 " Hiram Bell, 1871 tt 1856 " Andrew Dunning, 1872 ti 1856 " Willis Lord, D.D. 1872 tt 1857 " L. B. Rockwood, 1872 it 1857 John W. Stoughton, Esq. 1873 tt 1857 Lucius F. Barbour, Esq. J873 1858 " Francis Williams, 1873 1859 " E. R. Beadle, D.D. 1874 ti 1861 " H. B. Blake, 1874 tt 1861 " J. Taylor, D.D. 1875 ii 1863 " G. A. Oviatt, 1877 ti 1864 Lawson C. Ives, Esq. 1877 1864 John E. Field, Esq. 1877 1864 Pliny Jewell, Esq. 1878 u 1865 E. P. Marvin, D.D. 1879 1865 " W. W. Davenport, 1880 1866 Nelson Kingsbury, Esq. 1881 1867 " E. Hall, Jr. 1881 it 1867 " W. Barrows, D.D. 1881 " 1868 " J. Pike, D.D. 1881 ti J. T. Tucker, D.D. H. M. Parsons, Rowland Swift, Esq. Joseph Carew, Esq. T. S. Childs, D.D. Nahum Gale, D.D. William L. Gage, Geo. H. Gould, Homer Blanchard, Esq. W. J. Jennings, J. A. Hodge, D.D. L. H. Hallock, Richard Knight, E. W. Bentley, D D. Henry F. Hyde, A. C. Pierce, Samuel S. Ward, Esq. Daniel Phillips, Ksq. C. L. Woodworth, A. W. Hazen, E. E. Rankin, D.D. A. E. P. Perkins, D.D. J. M. Allen, Esq. Charles A. Jewell, Esq. J. P. Hawley, Francis B. Cooley, Esq- H. R. Coffin, Esq. Roland Mather, Esq. J. G. Johnson, D.D. Edward P. Terhune, D.D. $amuel B. Forbes. PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD. 1. Rev. BENNET TYLER, D.D. . 2. " GEO. A. CALHOUN, D.D. 3. " E. L. CLEAVELAND, D.D. 4. " W. W. TURNER, D.D. 5. " J. TAYLOR, D.D. 1834-58. 1858-64. 1864-66. 1866-71. 1871- SECRETARIES. 1. Rev. SAMUEL SPRING, D.D. 2. " LEVI SMITH, 3. " E. W. HOOKER, 4. " J. E. TYLER, 5. " W. W. DAVENPORT, . 6. PLINY JEWELL, Esq., . 7. " CHARLES HYDE, . 8. " L. H. HALLOCK, 1834-44. 1844-50. 1850-55. 1855-64. 1664-65. 1865-70. 1870-71. 1871- FACULTY. Elected. Resigned. 1833. Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D. 1857. President, and Riley Professor of Christian Theology. 1834. Rev. Jonathan Cogswell, D.D. 1844. Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 1834. Rev. Wm. Thompson, D.D. 1881. Nettleton Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature. 1844. Rev. Edward W. Hooker, D.D. 1848. Professor of Sacred Rhetoric. 1851. Rev. Nahum Gale, D.D. 1853. Waldo Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 1854. R ev. Edward A. Lawrence, D.D. 1865. Waldo Professor of Ecclesiastical History. Died. 1858. Rev. Robert G. Vermilye, D.D. 1875. Riley Professor of Christian Theology. 1866. Rev. Joseph C. Bodwell, D.D. 1873. Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Charge. 1871. Rev. Matthew B. Riddle, D.D. Hosmer Professor of New Testament Exegesis. 1871. Rev. Thomas S. Childs, D.D. 1878. Waldo Professor of Biblical and Ecclesiastical History. 1876. Rev. William S. Karr, D.D. Professor of Christian Theology. 1878. Rev. Chester D. Hartranft, D.D. Professor of Biblical and Ecclesiastical History. 1880. Rev. Lewellyn Pratt, D.D. Professor of Practical Theology. 1880. Rev. Edwin C. Bissell, D.D. Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature. ALUMNI RECORDS. CLASS OF 1S36. JOHN GODDARD. Born at Portsmouth, N. H., April 7, 1813; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1833 ; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1836. Professor of mathematics in Columbia College, Tenn. ; ordained pastor at South Egremont, Mass., February, 1841. Married Miss Catharine Tyler, daughter of Rev. Bennet Tyler, D. D., at East Windsor Hill, August 4, 1840. Died while on a visit to his father in Roxbury, Mass., Nov- ember 4, 1841. Auto. MONTGOMERY SMITH GOODALE. Born in Conway, Mass., March 22, 1806; graduated at Amherst College, 1834, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1836; ordained pastor of Presbyterian Church at Amsterdam, N. Y., March 24, 1837; resigned his pastorate in 1872 on account of fail- ing health, and was immediately elected pastor emeritus ; received the degree of D.D. from Union College in 1857. Married Miss Harriet P. Waters of Amsterdam, N. Y., June ! 7 '837; (2) Miss Jennette MacBean, Amsterdam, N. Y., February 22, 1872. P. O. address, Amsterdam, N. Y. JOHN HAVEN. Born at Holliston, Mass., September 23, 1808; graduated at Amherst College, 1834; and Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1836 ; ordained at York, Me., December 14, 1836, where he remained four years ; install- ed pastor at Stoneham, Mass., February 26, 1841, and at Charleton, Mass., April I, 1850, which charge he resigned after nearly thirty years pastorate. Married Miss Anna Read, 12 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1836. of Warren, Mass., September 12, 1836; (2) Miss Martha C. Morrison, of Portsmouth, N. H., April 29, 1839 > (3) Miss Martha M. Chadbourn, of Concord, N. H., December 4, 1844. P. O. address, Charleton, Mass. Auto. MARK IVES. Born at Goshen, Conn., February 10, 1809 ; graduated at Union College, 1833 ; was two years at Andover, and graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1836 ; ordained at Sharon, Conn., Sept. 1836, under appointment by A. B. C. F. M. to the Hawaiian Islands ; taught school and made extensive missionary tours over the island of Hawaii, until a church was formed at Kealia in 1844, and he became its pastor. In 1846 he became also pastor at Kealakekua, where he remained till 1848, and then made tours among the Islands until 1850, when he returned to New Eng- land with impaired health. Married Miss Mary A. Brainerd, of Haddam, Conn., November 25, 1836. P. O. address, Cornwall, Conn. Auto. JOHN CHESTER PAINE. Born at Ashfield, Mass., January 29, 1806; graduated at the Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1836; ordained pastor at Rehoboth, Mass., June 6, 1838 ; he was there 10 years ; installed pastor at Gardner* Mass., January 6, 1848 ; 17 years ; installed pastor at Sand- wich, Mass., 3 or 4 years, and preached at Dracut, Mass., 2 or 3 years ; pastor at Groveland, Mass., April 20, 1871, to October 30, 1878. An earnest, judicious, and excellent pastor and preacher, to whom a monument has been erected by the people of Groveland, where he died, March 10, 1880, universally respected and esteemed. He married Miss Eliza M. Folger, Nantucket, Mass., April 25, 1839. DAVID CHARLES PERRY. Born at Sharon, Conn., January 5, 1 8 10 ; graduated at Yale College, 1833 ; was at the Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, a short time ; at Andover, one year ; ordained pastor at New Fairfield, Conn., Decem- ber 12, 1 8 ; installed at Barlow, 1845 ; was disabled by acci- dent, in 1857. Married Miss Margaret Williams, New Hart- ford, Conn., April 26, 1838 ; (2) Miss Polly M. Perry, Bethel, 1836.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1 3 Conn., 1841 ; (3) Miss Sarah Platt, Danbury, Conn., 1867; (4) Miss Esther O. Welton, Cincinnati, O., 1870. P. O. address, Columbus, O. JOSIAH WOLCOTT TURNER. Born at New Marlboro, Mass., July 20, 1811 ; at Williams College two years, leaving in the Spring of 1831, on account of weak eyes; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1836; ordained at First Church, Great Barrington, Mass., April 19, 1837 ; dis- missed, September 30, 1851 ; District Secretary of American Tract Society, Boston, for Northern New England, 1851 1858; Missionary Superintendent of American Sunday-School Union for the same territory, 1858 1860; acting pastor in Wayland and Portland, Me., and Middleton, Mass., 1860 66; installed pastor at Waverly, Mass., February T, 1866; dismissed 1875 ; special missionary in Hyannis, and preach- ed in Greenwood and Maplewood, Mass., and Collingwood, O., 1874 77; since which time he has been acting pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Strongville, O. Married Miss Almena W. Grant, South Windsor, Conn., November 26, 1836. P. O. address, Strongville, O. Auto. ANSON Y. TUTTLE. Born at Barkhamsted, Conn., June 24, 1802 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1833 ; two years at Andover ; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1836 ; stated supply at Otis, Mass. ; ordained at Roots- town, O., December 2, 1 840 44 ; acting pastor at Charles- town, O., 1845 47; at Palmyra, O., 1847 51 ; also at Troy, and Edinburgh, O., at which place he has been farming since 1853. Married Miss Annette B. Dorman, Charlestown, O., February 18, 1842 ; (2) Mrs. Emily Woods, Hudson, O., May 21, 1868. P. O. address, Edinburgh, O. Auto. JOHN ELLERY TYLER. Born at South Britain, (Southbury,) Conn., April 1 1, 1810; graduated at Dartmouth College, 183 i ; one year at Andover ; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1836; ordained pastor at First Church, Windham, Conn., Oct. n, 1837; dismissed on account of 14 ALUMNI RECORDS. failing health, Dec. 2, 1851 ; removed to East Windsor Hill ; was trustee of the Theological Institute of Connecticut until his removal in 1864, to Vineland, N. J., where he preached as his health permitted until his death in Vineland, August 14, 1 873 . He published a historical discourse at the dedication of Windham Church, and the I5oth anniversary of that county in 1849. He was a man of refined sentiments and genial sym- pathy. He married Miss Mary Hooker Williams, North- ampton, Mass., October 26, 1837 ; (2) Miss Caroline E. Goodrich, East Windsor Hill, Conn., August 15, 1855. CLASS OF 1837. GEORGE WASHINGTON BASSETT. Born in Walton, N. Y., May 7, 1812 ; graduated at Williams College, 1834 ; Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1837 J ordained at Walton, N. Y., 1839 ; has been acting pastor at Oxford and Rochester, N. Y.; Ottawa, 111., 3 years; Milwaukee, Wis., I year; Washington, D. C., 2 years ; has lectured upon temperance and slavery ; without permanent pastoral charge. Married Miss Sarah A. Goddard, York, N. Y., May 7, 1845. P. O. address, State Center, Iowa. RUFUS CHAPMAN CLAPP. Born at South Hampton, Mass., Aug. 15, 1808 ; graduated Amherst College, 1833 ; two years at Andover ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1837; ordained at Tinmouth, Vt., Sept. 18, i839,-May 15, 1847 ; acting pastor of Presbyterian Church, Chestertown, N. Y., May, i847,-June, 1849 5 principal of Chester Academy (except 2 terms) from May, 1847-60; taught and preached occasionally as health would permit, until 1877 when he re- sumed care of the Presbyterian Church, Chestertown, preach- ing part of the time, and cultivating a few acres ; was enu- merator of census ; loan commissioner U. S. deposit fund ; county superintendent of the poor, 186570; town superin- tendent of schools, 1850-56 ; supervisor of town of Chester, 1 861-2 ; descended from five successive generations of Roger Clapp or ("Clap") from Devonshire, England. 1 837.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1 5 Married Miss Lois Parmelee, Dunkirk, N. Y., at Ripley, N. Y., October 27, 1839. P. O. address, Chestertown, N. Y. Auto. ALBERT COLE. Born in Saco, Maine, February 19, 1809 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1834; partial course at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Bangor, 1837 ; ordained at Blue Hills, Maine, October 24, 1837 ; dismissed August 23, 1843, after a successful pastorate. Married Miss Sarah Judson, of Uxbridge, Mass. Died at Saco, Me., March 23, 1845. ELNATHAN DAVIS. Born in Holden, Mass., August 19, 1807; graduated at Williams College, 1834; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Holden, Mass., Nov. 9, 1836 ; under appointment of A. B. C. F. M. to South Africa. This he resigned intending to serve as chap- lain in Hamburg, Germany, under the Seaman's Friend So- ciety, but after a short voluntary service he engaged, in 1839, in home mission work in Southern Michigan, and Northern In- diana ; in 1845 labored in the American Peace Society ; was installed pastor at Ashburnham, Mass., September, 1846 ; in 1 849 was delegate to World's Peace Convention at Paris ; in 1850 he resigned his pastorate and became secretary of American Peace Society ; was pastor in Fitchburg, Mass., 14 years ; was secretary of American Missionary Association ; member of legislature from Fitchburg, in 1869 : pastor at Au- burn, Mass., 1869-79, where he resided until his death, April 9, 1881. Married Miss Teresa Davis, Holden, Mass., Novem- ber 8, 1836 ; (2) Miss Mary Avery White, Boylston, Mass., May 26, 1843. ANSEL DEWEY. Born in Lebanon, Conn., August 9, 1809 ; graduated Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837 5 licensed by Hartford North Association, December 14, 1836. Died at Lebanon, Connecticut, August 6, 1838. CUSHING EELLS. Born in Blandford, Mass., February 16, 1810; graduated at Williams College, 1834; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837 ; ordained 1837; from 1838- 48, Missionary of A. B. C. F. M ; 1848-1849 taught in Wil- l6 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1837. lamette University ; 1849-50 in Tulatin Academy, both in Oregon; Taught in Washington Select School, 1851-54; taught various schools in Oregon, 1855-56 ; Qualatin Acad- emy, 1857-60; financial agent of Whitman Seminary, 1860- 72, during which period he taught 2.\ years in that institution and, when not teaching, conducted preaching services in Walla Walla Valley ; 1873-77 missionary among Whites and Indians in Mason, Whitman, and Stevens counties, W. T. ; since July, 1877, acting pastor of Plymouth Church, Colfax, W. T. ; also President of Board of Trustees of Whitman Semi- nary, Walla Walla, W. T., since 1860. Married Miss Myra Fairbank, Holden, Mass., March 5, 1838. P. O. address, Colfax, Whitman Co., Washington Territory. Auto. THOMAS GORDON. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 5, 1807; graduated at Williams College, 1834; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837; studied medicine; preached a few months in Dorset, and two years in Barnard, Vt; in- stalled Presbyterian Church, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 1841. Married Miss Hannah Chapin, Woodstock, Vt, 18 . Died at Hoosick Falls, 1843. JOHN FOOT NORTON. Born in Goshen, Conn., September 8, 1809 ; studied at Yale College, entering in 1829, and received degree of A.M. from there in 1849; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837 '> taught in Nor- folk, Conn., four years ; ordained at Milton, Conn., October 23, 1844; installed at North Bridgewater, Mass., June 5, 1850 ; at Athol, Mass., March n, 1852 ; at Fitzwilliam, N.H., September 23, 1868 ; acting pastor at Hubbardston, Mass., since June, 1877 ; published occasional sermons and "Athol in suppressing the Rebellion." Married Miss Harriet Fran- ces Jenkins, Falmouth, Mass., August 19, 1839 ; (2) Miss So- phia W. Eliot, Bridgeport, Conn., December 31, 1850; (3) Miss Ann Maria Mann, Stoughton, Mass., September 26, 1853- P. O. address, Natick, Mass. Auto. ROYAL REED. Born in Palmyra, N. Y., August 12, 1807 ; 1 837.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I/ graduated at Williams College, 1834 ; one year at Andover ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837 ; preached at Windsor, Conn., 1838 ; ordained at Cummington, Mass., September 14, 1839-42 ; installed at Goshen, Mass., September, 1842-48 ; acting pastor First Church, Joliet, 111., 1848-51. Impaired health led to his removal to Chicago, and study of medicine, receiving the degree of M.D. from Rush Medical College ; now practising in Chicago. Married Miss Mary H. Emerson, Conway, Mass., May, 1839; ( 2 ) Miss Julia A. Starkweather, Chesterfield, Mass., June, 1846. P. O. address, JOHN DUGUID SMITH. Born in Gorham, Me., Sept. 2, 1813 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1834; left Theological Institute of Connecticut, on account of ill health and died at Livingston, Ala., May 29, 1836. ROBERT EDMUND WILLSON. Born in Amenia, N. Y., March 28, 1807 ; graduated at Hamilton College, 1834 ; partial course in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Auburn ; ordained pastor at Hammondsport, N. Y., 1838 ; installed at Corning, N. Y., 1851; at Clyde, N. Y., 1856; became acting pastor at Havana, N. Y., December, 1869; has performed more than 38 years of pastoral labor. Married Miss Mary Strong, Vienna, N. Y., February 20, 1838 ; a sermon and two reviews of his have been published. P. O. address, 42 1 South 1 5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Auto. EDWARD WOODFORD. Born at Westbrook, Me., Aug. 12, 1810 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1834 ; two years at the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; taught at East Wind- sor Hill, Conn., Gorham and Biddeford, Me., and was 14 years in charge of Boys' School at Swampscott, Mass. Married Miss Anna H. Johnson, Brunswick, Me., August 23, 1838; (2) Miss Eliza H. Coffin, Biddeford, Me., January 29, 1843. P. O. address, Lawrence, Mass. GEORGE HENRY WOODWARD. Born at Hanover, N. H., April 24, 1807; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1831; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1831 35 ; taught at Shrews- bury, N. J., three years ; graduated at Theological Institute of 3 18 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1838. Connecticut, 1837; ordained evangelist at Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J., October 4, 1837 ; installed at East Stafford, Conn., January 29, 1840 ; dismissed, April 4, 1850 ; installed at Groton, Conn., August 10, 1851 ; dismissed, Jan- uary 10, 1856; acting pastor at Toledo, Iowa, from 1856, eleven years ; after which he resided there until his death, November 19, 1877. Married Miss Annette Lemon Far- rar, Derry, N. H., April 19, 1836. CLASS OF 1838. EZRA ADAMS. Born at West Medway, Mass., August 28, 1809; graduated at Amherst College, 1835 ; Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained at Surry, N. H., April 28, 1840; 3 years; acting pastor at Roxbury, N. H., Jan- uary, 1843 50 ; installed at Gilsum, N. H., March 19, 1851, where he remained until his death, March 20, 1864. "His crowning excellence was self-denial and self-sacrifice," (Barstow Funeral Sermon ;) published " Advice to an Inqui- rer" or "Children led to Christ." Married Miss Abigail Bigelow, Winchendon, Mass., October 16, 1839; ( 2 ) Miss Alice Melissa Ware, Swanzey, N. H., October 20, 1858. DAVID BANCROFT. Born at Rindge, N. H., Feb. 10, 1809 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1835 ; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained at Willington, Conn., Octo- ber 21, 1839; dismissed, January i, 1859; installed at Pres- cott, Mass., June 3, 1859, where he remained until his death, March n, 1875. Several revivals occurred during these two pastorates. Married Miss S. Roselle Perrin, East Windsor Hill, Conn., January 15, 1839. NOAH BISHOP. Born at Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 21, 1806 ; graduated at Yale College, 1833 ; taught two years in Brook- lyn, Conn. ; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1838 ; taught two years in Keene, N. H. ; ordained at Presbyterian Church, Eaton, O., June 29, 1842; dismiss- ed, October, 1849, when he became Principal of Academy in Monroe, O., and acting pastor there until 1852, when his 1838.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. TQ health failed, and he spent two years on a farm near Spring- field, 111., preaching at Chatham, to which place he removed in 1855 ; was Home Missionary in Murray ville, 111., in 1858; acting pastor at East and West Union until April i, 1869, when he removed to Ironton, Mo., where he died Sep- tember 22, 1869, with words of hope and joy on his lips. " A diligent worker, respected and beloved.'' Married Miss L. Anna Watson, October, 1842 ; (2) Miss Mary J. McClel- lan, May 5, 1845. GEORGE BUTTERFIELD. Born at - - Sept. 5, 1810; one year at Bangor Seminary, and graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained at Wilmington, Vt., June, 1838 ; installed at Queechy, Vt., 1843 45 ; acting pas- tor at Randolph, Vt., 1845 53 5 pastor at Eagle Point, 111., 1855 60, when he removed to Monticello, Iowa; served 3 years in 37th regiment Iowa Infantry,, called the " Grey- Beard Regiment." Through failing health he was unable to preach much after the war, though he was two years engaged in mission work in York county, Neb. ; spent the last seven years of his life on a farm in Monticello, Iowa, where he died July 15, 1872. Married Miss B. White, Putney, Vt., January 2, 1838. ROBERT DEXTER GARDNER. Born in East Haddam, Conn., March 16, 1805 ; graduated at Yale College, 1833 ; taught two years at Wheeling, Va., and two at Easthampton, L. I. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; or- dained at Monroe, Conn., March 31, i84i-September 3, 1857 ; taught five years in Lyme, Conn.; installed at Ellsworth, Conn., June, 1858-65 ; acting pastor at East Stafford, Conn.; after retiring from pastoral duty, h.e had charge of a farm at Easthampton, L. L, where he taught select pupils. He died there June 4, 1874. Married Miss Phebe G. Miller, East- hampton, L. L, September 5, 1838 ; (2) Miss Libra M. Ely, Huntington, Conn., August 25, 1842. JAMES ALEXANDER HAZEN. Born in West Springfield, Mass., 1813; graduated at Yale College, 1834; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained at South Wilbraham, 2O ALUMNI RECORDS. [1838. Mass., 1838 ; dismissed in 1848 with impaired health ; tem- porarily agent of the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; installed at South Williamstown, Mass., 18 , where he re- mained three years, was dismissed on account of failing health ; taught academy at Williamstown one year and then was installed at Sprague, (Hanover,) Conn., where he remained ten years until his death in October 29, 1862 ; several revi- vals occurred during his ministry. Married Miss Helen Rockwell, South Windsor, Conn., 18 ; (2) Miss T. Grant, Stafford, Conn., 18 . CHARLES KiTTREDGE.^-Born in Newburyport, Mass., August i, 1808; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1834; taught, Woodman Academy, Sanbornton, N. H., 1834-5; in Shrewsbury, N. J., 1836-7 ; studied one year at Andover Seminary and graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1838; ordained at Columbia, Conn., March 27, 1839; dismissed February 16, 1841 ; taught in Maryborough, Conn.; acting pastor, North Canaan, Conn., November, i842-April, 1844 ; united with Presbytery at Rochester, N. Y., April, 1845; installed in Presbyterian Church in Parma and Greece, N. Y., July 8, 1845; dismissed October, 1856; acting pastor at Clark- son, N. Y., 1866-7, where he conducted a family school, preaching occasionally, until his death, September 16, 1880; " His mind was filled with peace, and even joy at prospect of his departure." Married Miss Sarah Muzzy Walker, Leba- non, N. H., October 25, 1836. Auto. BENJAMIN BOOTH PARSONS. Born in Enfield, Conn., Aug. 19, 1810; graduated at Amherst College, 1835; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838; ordained at New Preston, Conn., April, 1839, 3 years ; colporteur of American Tract So- ciety, 1841 ; acting pastor at Henvelton, Depeyster, and Rens- selaerville, N 4 Y., 1842-48 ; installed pastor at Madrid, N. Y., January, 1850; at Ripon, Wis., 1856-59; at Wethersfield and Lacon, III, 1859-64; at St. Joseph, Mo., April, 1864; at Ce- dar St. Church, Philadelphia, February, 1869, an< ^ at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, November, 1873, where he now is ; has been secretary of Philadelphia Sabbath Associa- 1838.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 21 tion since 1873 ; agent of immigration in Mo., 1863 ; of Sold- ier's Home, St. Joseph, Mo. ; received degree of S.T.D. from Buchanan University, in 1865 ; has gathered a congregation and built a church at several points of service. Married Miss Arabella Buckingham, East Windsor Hill, Conn., August 9, 1838. P. O. address, 2,641 Frankford Av., Phila., Pa. Auto. LUMAS HOYT PEASE, Born in Colebrook, Conn., June 20, 1811 ; graduated at Williams College, 1835 ; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained pastor at Cohoes, N. Y., by Albany Presbytery, February 19, 1843 ; traveled 3 years in Europe and Asia ; labored 3 years in East Hampton, Conn., was then settled in Edinburg, Saratoga Co., N. Y., until the war, when he became chaplain of Ellsworth Zouaves, 44th regiment, New York Volunteers ; has been seaman's chaplain at New Orleans, La , under American Seamen's Friend Society since the close of the war, where he is now laboring successfully. P. O. address, New Orleans, La. Auto. LEMUEL POMEROY. Born in Southampton, Mass., Jan. 31, 1807; graduated at Amherst College, 1835; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838; preached in Huntington, Mass., April, i838-April, 1839; ordained at Smyrna, N. Y., February, 1840; home missionary at Bainbridge, N. Y., July, i852-July, 1854; acting pastor at Huntsbridge, Ohio, January, i855~January, 1861 ; at Wethersfield, 111., January, i86i-June, 1865 ; home missionary at Muscotah, Kan., and on line of railroad July, i867~July, 1868, and at Muscotah and New Maiden, Kan., October 3, i873~February, 1878; was laid aside from the ministry by ill health, but recovered so as to preach occasionally, but has been without charge up to 1 88 1. Married Miss Hannah Walcott, Southampton, Mass., October 13, 1839; ( 2 ) Mrs. Eunice Amanda Putnam, widow of Rev. Solon G. Putnam, Guilford, N. Y., December^ 1841. P. O. address, Muscotah, Kan. Auto. JAMES PEASE TERRY. Born in Enfield, Conn., March 21, 1812; graduated at Amherst College, 1834; two years at 22 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1839. Princeton ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; ordained at Somers, Conn., December 4, 1839, ano ^ where he remained five -years ; installed at South Weymouth, Mass., July 6, 1848 ; resigned on account of ill health, Octo- ber 27, 1870 ; removed to Lyme, Conn.; published occasional sermons. Married Miss Catharine Ann Matson, Lyme, Conn., Aug. 16, 1842. Died while on a visit at Schodac, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1873. AUGUSTUS CHARLES THOMPSON. Born at Goshen, Conn., April 30, 1812; studied at Yale College but did not graduate; graduted at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1838 ; or- dained at Eliot church, Roxbury, Mass., July 27, 1842, where he is still senior pastor ; received honorary degree of D.D. from Amherst College, 1860; was associated with Dr. Rufus Ander- son in a deputation to the missions of A. B. C. F. M., in India, 1854 55 ; with Dr. N. G. Clark, as a delegate to missionary conference at London, England, 1878; lecturer on foreign missions at Andover Theological Seminary, 1877-80 ; author of the following publications : " Songs in the Night," 1845 ; "Last Hours," 1851; " Lambs Fed," "Young Martyrs," " Poor Widow," " The Better Land," 1854 ; " The Yoke in Youth," 1856; "Gathered Lilies," 1858; "Eliot Sabbath School Memorial," 1859; "Morning Hours in Patmos," 1860 ; "Lyra Coelestis," and "Mercy Seat," 1863 ; "Our Little Ones," 1867 ; " Christus Consolator," 1867 ; " Seeds and Sheaves," 1868 ; memorial sketch of the Rev. H. B. Hooker, D.D., 1881 ; also sermons, miscellaneous addresses, and review articles. Married Miss Sarah Elizabeth Strong, Northampton, Mass , June 3, 1841 ; (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Hill Cutler, Dorchester, Mass., July 6, 1858 ; (3) Miss Miriam M. Burgess, Dedham, Mass., June i, 1870. P. O. address, I Linwood street, Boston, Mass. Auto. CLASS OF 1839. HIRAM BELL. Born at Antrim, N. H., Dec. 16, 1807 ; graduated at Williams College, 1836; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839; ordained at Marlboro, Conn., Feb. 19, 1 839.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 23 1840; dismissed, Oct. 9, 1850; installed at Killingworth, Conn., Nov. 9, 1850; dismissed, June, 1864; immediately became acting pastor in Westchester, Conn., which office he filled until his death after severe suffering, June 18, 1876. At his last prayer-meeting, after reading the hymn, " I love to steal awhile away," he remarked, " If I could choose the time of my death it would be on Sabbath evening at sunset ;" at just that hour of the holy day he died, "An humble, suc- cessful, and devoted pastor." Married Miss Mary Elizabeth Wells, at Mount Pleasant Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y. PHILO CANFIELD. Born at Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. n, 1816 ; graduated at Williams College, 1836; Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, 1839 5 ordained by Presbytery of Buf- falo, N. Y., January 12, 1847 ; acting pastor at Perry Center, N. Y., 1844-48 ; at York Center, N. Y., 1848-52 ; installed at Ridgebury, Conn., Sept. 29, 1852 ; dismissed, April 22, 1856. Preached at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 18567 ; installed at Sparta, Wis., Nov., 1857 ; Home missionary at North Pepin, Wis., 1 860-61 ; at Menomonee, 1862 ; Faribault, Minn., 1864 5 Albert Lea, 1865-68; Washington, Iowa, 1868-71, where he remained without charge until his death, Feb. 1 1, 1879. Mar- ried Miss Sarah Baldwin, Greenfield Hill, Conn., June 3, 1846. THEODORE JARVIS CLARK. Born at Northampton, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815 ; graduated at Williams College, 1836; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at An- dover, 1841 ; ordained at Cummington, Mass., Oct. II, 1842 ; remained there till 1859 > acting pastor at Bernardston, Mass., 1859-61 ; installed at Ashfield, Mass., June n, 1862; re- mained till 1865 ; commenced preaching in Northfield, Mass., 1 865, where he was installed Aug. 17, 1870; dismissed April 20, 1880. Married Miss Julia P. Hollister, Manchester, Vt, Oct. 5, 1842. P. O. address, Manchester Depot, Vt. Auto. JOHN HUMPHREY. Born at Fairfield, Conn., March 19,1816; graduated at Amherst College, 1835 ; tutor at Amherst, 1837- 39 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover, 1841 ; ordained at Winthrop church, 24 ALUMNI RECORDS. Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 30, 1842; dismissed on account of ill health, 1847 \ rested two years, and was installed at Pres- byterian church, Binghamton, N. Y., 1849; resigned, 1854; took voyage to England ; was appointed professor of moral philosophy in Hamilton College, 1856, but was unable to as- sume the duties of the office, and declined in health until he died at his father's house in Pittsfield, Mass., June 2, 1855. " He was greatly beloved as a pastor ; attained distinguished excellence as a preacher ; a man of tender sympathies, refin- ed tastes, and deep-toned spirituality." Married Miss Lucy V. Henderson, of Thomaston, Me., July 2, 1845. JUSTUS LYMAN JANES. Born at Easthampton, Mass., Sept. i, 1808; was left to his own resources at an early age; fitted for college at Old Hadley, Mass., and graduated at Amherst College, 1835 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut ; taught three years at Walpole, N. H., and, returning, graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839; licensed by Monadnoc Association, N. H. ; was ordained pas- tor at Guilford, N Y., 1839, where he remained 16 years, and resigned on account of ill health of his wife ; preached in Ches- ter, O., 185568 ; Presbyterian church, Wyoming, Iowa, 1868-72 ; was acting pastor at Floyd, Iowa, four months, when he was taken ill and died Oct. 4, 1872. He was esteem- ed by all as a devoted, self-sacrificing minister of Christ ; his last sermon was on the text, " The name of the Lord is a strong tower, etc." Married Miss Abigail Ely of West Spring- field, Mass., at Southampton, Mass., June 15, 1836. GEORGE LANGDON. Born at New London, Conn., Jan. 14, 1814; entered Yale College, 1833 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839 ; ordained at Downer's Grove, 111., Feb., 1846; dismissed, 1851; installed at Crystal Lake, 111., and afterward acting pastor at Cincinnatus, N. Y., where his health failed and he became a confirmed invalid, seldom able to preach. Married Miss Emma O. Barstow, Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 6, 1840. P. O. address, Lakewood, N. J. LEMUEL LEONARD. Born at Charlemont, Mass., Nov. 23, I839-] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 25 1812 ; studied at Amherst College, Sept., 1830-32 ; spent four years in study and teaching at North Adams, Greenfield, and Ashfield, Mass. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1839; ordained at Presbyterian church, Portageville, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1839; remained till 1849; acting pastor at Moscow, N. Y., Sept. i, 1849 Sept. i, 1856; professor at Geneseo Syriodical Academy, 1856-59 ; acting pastor and teacher one year at Charlotte, N. Y. ; professsor in Detroit classical school, 1860-64; acting pastor at Odell, 111, Oct. 1864-69, and at Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie, Oct. 1869-72 ; acting pastor at Fancy Creek and Richmond City, Dec., 1872-79 ; acting pastor at Richland City, Wis., 1880; now laboring as an evangelist. Married Miss Hannah B. Miller, Heath, Mass., Nov. 19, 1839; ( 2 ) M i ss Henrietta Laws, Richland Center, Wis., Dec. 9, 1874. P. O. address, Richland Center, Wis. Auto. AARON RUSSELL LIVERMORE. Born at Alstead, N. H., Oct. 28, 1810; graduated at Amherst College; Lane Semi- nary one year; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1839; ordained at North Mansfield, Conn., Aug. 30, 1843 ; dismissed Nov. 30, 1858 ; installed at Lebanon, (Go- shen Society,) Conn., Feb. 22, 1860 ; dismissed Oct. 15, 1868, on account of ill health ; acting pastor at Bozrahville, Conn., May i, 1870 April i, 1873. Married Miss Mary Gay Skin- ner, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Oct. 6, 1840. P. O. address, Fair Haven, Conn. Auto. LEBBEUS ROOD PHILLIPS. Born at Ashfield, Mass., Nov. i, 1806 ; graduated at Williams College, 1836 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Sharon, Mass., July 28, 1841. Married Miss Susan H. Goddard, Al- bany, N. Y., July 24, 1838. P. O. address, Auburndale, Mass. Auto. GEORGE WELLINGTON UNDERWOOD. Born at Enfield, Mass., March 30, 1814; graduated at Union College, 1837; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839; ordained at Charlton, Mass., Feb. 12, 1840 ; compelled by loss of voice to leave the ministry in 1843; became druggist in Hillsdale, 4 26 ALUMNI RECORDS. [ l8 39- Mich., in 1843 ; became a farmer in 1864; Mayor of Hills- dale in 1869. Married Miss Mary M, Dickinson, Enfield, Mass., Feb. 18, 1840; (2) Mrs. E. C. A. Woods, Plainville, Conn , April 15, 1856. P. O. address, Hillsdale, Mich. Auto. JOHN WOOD. Born at Alstead, N. H., July 24, 1809; graduated at Amherst College, 1836 ; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839 5 licensed at Chicopee Factory, by Hamp- den Association, Oct. n, 1838 ; ordained at Langdon, N. H., April 8, 1840, after preaching there one year; dismissed Jan. 23, 1849 5 acting pastor at Townshend, Vt, from Feb., 1849, where he was installed April 10, 1850 ; continued to preach there until Dec., 1858 ; acting pastor at Wolfborough, N. H., Aug. 1859 J une > 1864; District Secretary of American Tract Society, Boston, June, 1864-68, for Maine, New Hamp- shire, and Vermont; District Secretary of American and Foreign Christian Union, June, 1868 June, 1869, in the same states; also of American Tract Society, N. Y.June, 1869 June, 1871 ; acting pastor at Boxborough, Mass., May, 1873-75 i at Dover, Mass., May, 1875-78 ; and other places. Married Miss Laurinda Maria Dimond, of Claremont, N. H., at Meriden, N. H., April 22, 1840, who died July 23, 1872 ; (2) Mrs. Lydia Hawes, of Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 14, 1879. P. O. address, Fitchburg, Mass., P. O. Box 700. Auto. EDMUND WRIGHT. Born at Easthampton, Mass., July i, 1808; graduated at Williams College, 1836; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839 5 engaged in mission work at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 1839 April, 1841 ; ordained at St. Louis, Mo., April, 1842; engaged in pastoral and Sunday- school work ; installed at Weston, Mo., Oct., 1843 ; remained until Nov., 1849; missionary pastor in St. Louis, Mo., Nov., 1849 Oct., 1856 ; District Superintendent for Missouri of American Bible Society since June, 1863, and agent of Amer- ican Tract Society. Married Miss A. F. Hurd, Bridport, Vt., Aug. 11, 1842. P. O. address, St. Louis, Mo. Auto. 1840.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 2/ CLASS OF 1840. AUSTIN GARY. Born at North Bridgewater (now Brocton), Mass., Oct. i, 1809; studied at Waterville, and graduated at Amherst College, 1837 ; at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1840 ; declined call to Petersham, Mass. ; ordained at Sunderland, Mass., Nov. n, 1840, where he died Nov. 26, 1849. From early Christian training, he relapsed into avow- ed infidelity ; after a deep, religious experience, he emerged a devoted Christian, and was blessed by a successful ministry, attended with revivals. He published a Thanksgiving ser- mon, a tract on Sabbath desecration, and another, widely cir- culated, on dancing. Married Miss Catharine Phelps, Wind- sor, Conn., May 4, 1842. ASA FRANKLIN CLARK. Born at Canterbury, Conn., April 3, 1811 ; graduated at Brown University, 1837 ; at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1840; ordained at Tribes Hill, Amsterdam, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1842; installed at Peru, Vt., June n, 1849; at Ludlow, Vt, 1859; acting pastor at Weth- ersfield Center, Vt., 1863-64 ; at Marlborough, Vt., 1865-66 ; at Bellows Falls, Vt., 1868; at Peru, Vt., 1868 June, '73. Married Miss Mary Simonds, Peru, Vt., at Kingsboro, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1845. P. O. address, since June 22, 1873, Leverett, Mass. EDWARD CLARKE. Born at Chesterfield, Mass., July 10, 1810 ; graduated at Williams College, 1837 ; one year at The- ological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Middlefield, Mass., June 19, 1839 ; installed at Ashfield, Mass., July 15, 1856 ; acting pastor at Huntington, Mass., July, 1860 Feb. 1865 ; acting pastor at Chesterfield, Mass., July, 1865 June, 1872. Married Miss Diantha Jenkins, Cummington, Mass., April 1 8, 1839; (2) Miss Julia Hyde, Becket, Mass., March 12, 1844. P. O. address, Chesterfield, Mass. Auto. SOLOMON CLARK. Born at Northampton, Mass., March 2, 1811 ; graduated at Williams College, 1837; at Theological 28 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1840. Institute of Connecticut, 1840 ; ordained at Petersham, Mass., April 12, 1841 ; installed at Canton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1851 ; acting pastor at Plainfield, Mass., since l^eb., 1858. Publish- ed "Old Testament Biography and Chronology," 1862; " Memorial of Mrs. Susan Woods Vining," of Plainfield, 1867 ; " Historical Sketches of Early Times in Northampton," 1879-81 ; has ready, "Antiquities, Historicals and Gradu- ates of Northampton." Married Miss Elizabeth N. Haven, Dedham, Mass.. May 5, 1841 ; (2) Mrs. Lucy E. Gilbert, Plainfield, Mass., Oct. 5, 1858. P. O. address, Plainfield, Mass. Auto. THOMAS GILBERT CLARKE. Born at Franklin, Conn., June 16, 1809; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1840; taught several years; became acting pastor in Scotland, and supplied several other churches, after which he went to farming. Married Miss Cressa Judson, Canter- bury, Conn., Sept., 1856 ; (2) Miss Sarah Johnson, April, 1870. P. O. address, Canterbury, Conn. JOEL LYMAN DICKINSON. Born at Granby, Mass., May 20, 1812; graduated at Amherst College, 1837; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, and licensed by Andover Association ; failure of health prevented his intended mission to Southern India ; preached at Chicopee, South Hadley,and Northbridge, Mass. ; ordained at Northfield, Conn., Feb. 28, 1844 ; remained until 1851 ; installed at Plainville, Conn., June 9, 1852 ; resigned, 1858, by reason of failing health. There he enjoyed a con- tinuous revival for two years. Married Miss Jane Louisa Boies, Northampton, Mass., May 20, 1845. Died at Plainville, Conn., July 13, 1867, after a lingering illness, closing a useful and devoted service. WILLIAM EDWARD DIXON. Born at Enfield, Conn., Jan. 26, 1810; graduated at Williams College, 1833 ; studied the- ology at Princeton, 1835-6; graduated, after a full course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1840; ordained at First Church, Ware, Mass., Jan. 14, 1841 ; member of 1840.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 2Q General Assembly of Connecticut, from Enfield, 1845-6; acting pastor at East Longmeadow, Mass ; at Eastbury and Middle Haddam, Conn., and Presbyterian church at Esper- ance, N. Y., for several years. Married Miss Eliza Johnson, daughter of Nathan Johnson, Hartford, 1846. Died in Enfield, Conn., after a short illness, Oct. 8, 1874. DAVID ELMORE GOODWIN. Born at - - April 8, 1816; studied at Amherst and Yale College, where he grad- uated, 1838; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1840;. ordained at Williamsburg, Mass., Jan. 13, 1841, where he died after a brief illness, May 2, 1842, " Devoted and well-beloved." JAMES CLAY HOUGHTON. Born at Lyndon, Vt., May 13, 1810; three years at Amherst College, and graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1837 ; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1840 ; ordained evangelist at Storrsville, in Petersham, Mass., Dec. 22, 1840, where he supplied till April 27, 1843 ? acting pastor at East Hartland, Conn., 1843-45 > at Granby, Conn., June, 1845 April, 1847; installed at Middle Haddam, Conn., Sept. 15, 1847; dismissed, Feb., 1851 ; installed at New Hart- ford, South, (Nepaug,) Conn., Dec., 1851; dismissed Feb., 1854 ; preached at South Wilbraham several years ; at Chel- sea, Vt, 8 years, from 1856; also at Royalton, Middletown and other places 7 years ; subsequently resided in Burling- ton, Vt., till 4 years previous to his death, when his health failed and he came to Montpelier to live with his son, James C, Jr., where he was suddenly released from his days of wea- riness and watching, by death from apoplexy. Married Miss Julia Morton, East Windsor, Conn., Nov. 4, 1840, who sur- vives him. Died at Montpelier, Vt., April 29, 1880, "An earnest preacher." THOMAS LITTLEJOHN KOLLOCK. Born at Oxford, N. C., Dec. 24, 1818 ; partial course in Theological Institute of Connecticut, and died in the Mexican war, soon after leaving the Institute. ANDREW SHARPE. Born at Pomfret, Conn., Oct. 3, 1810; graduated at Brown University, 1838 ; at Theological Insti- 3<3 ALUMNI RECORDS. [184!. tute of Connecticut, 1840; ordained at Willimantic, Conn., Sept. 23, 1840; installed at Second Church, Rockville, Sept. 26, 1849; acting pastor at Willoughby, O., 185354; install- ed at East Cleveland, O., 1859; at Twinsburg, O., Jan. 1869; remained until June, 1872; preached in Abington, Hampton, Exeter, and Andover, Conn. Married Miss Eliza P. Gilbert, Hebron, Conn., Oct. 6, 1840. P. O. address, Hebron, Conn. CLASS OF 1841. ISAAC AUSTIN BASSETT. Born at Hinsdale, Mass , June 24, 181 1 ; partial course at Amherst College ; studied theol- ogy at Bangor one year, and at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, two years; graduated in 1841; ordained at South Wellfleet, Mass., April 27, 1842; laid aside from the -active ministry by loss of health and eye-sight. Married Miss Han- nah Louisa Conant, Cambridge, Mass., March 23, 1842. P. O. address, Arlington, Mass. Auto. DAVID NICHOLS COBURN. Born at Thompson, Conn., Sept. T i, 1808 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1838 ; at The- ological Institute of Connecticut, 1841 ; acting pastor at Hampton, Conn. ; ordained at First Church, Ware, Mass., Sept. 21, 1842; remained until April 17, 1854; removed to Monson, Mass., in 1855, to educate his family, and died there Dec. 7, 1877; published centennial history of First Church, Ware, May 9, 1851. Married Miss Elizabeth Haley Larned, Thompson, Conn., Nov. 30, 1841. Auto. MOSES KIMBALL CROSS. Born at Danvers, Mass., Sept. 24, 1812; graduated at Amherst College, 1838; two years at The- ological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover, 1841 ; ordained at First Church, Palmer, Mass., Feb. 2, 1842 ; remained till 1849 5 installed at South Deerfield, Mass. Sept. i, 1850; remained till 1854; acting pastor at Tipton, Iowa, Oct. 1855 Aug. !865 ; at Washington, Iowa, Sept. 1865 Sept. 1867; Waverly, Iowa, Nov. 1867 Dec. 1870; principal of Academy at Windsor, Conn., one term ; associate 1841.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 3! editor of Iowa School Journal one year ; president Iowa State Teachers' Association, one year ; contributor to various religious and educational periodicals. Married Miss Tirzah A. Spaulding, of Jamaica, Vt., at Amherst, Mass., May 4, 1842 ; (2) Miss Maria E. Mason, of Palmer, Mass., at Bel- chertown, Mass., Sept. 30, 1852, who died in Illinois; (3) Miss Susan H. Makepeace, Warren, Mass., Sept. 30, 1856. P. O. address, Waterloo, Iowa. Auto. WILLIAM FAIRMAN DIBBLE. Born at Brookfield, Conn., Oct. 31, 1813; graduated at Middlebury College, 1838; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841 ; health and voice soon failed, and he left the ministry and became a mechanic. Married Miss Emeline Peet, Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 13, 1847. P. O. address, Bridgeport, Conrt. Auto. HENRY MARTYN FIELD. Born at Stockbridge, Mass., April 3, 1822 ; entered Williams College at the age of 12, and graduated 1838 ; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841. Was licensed at the age of 18 ; installed pastor of Third Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Mo., April n, 1843 > after five years, resigned, and traveled extensively in Europe ; installed at West Springfield, Mass., Jan., 1851 ; removed to New York, Nov. 20, 1854, and became co-editor and proprie- tor of the New York Evangelist, which has been for the past ten years entirely in his hands ; published the following : " The Irish Confederates, or Rebellion of 1798," 185 I ; " From Copenhagen to Venice," 1859 J " History of the Atlantic Tel- egraph," 1866; two volumes of travels round the world, " From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn," and " From Egypt to Japan," 1876; received degree ofD.D.from Williams College in 1862. Married Madamoiselle Henrietta Des Portes, New York, May 20, 1851 ; who died March 6, 1875 > ( 2 ) Miss Frances E. Dwight, of Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. 9, 1876. P. O. address, New York City ; summer residence, Stock- bridge, Mass. Auto. NAHUM GALE. Born at Auburn, Mass., March 6, 1812 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1837 ; at Theological Institute, 32 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1841. of Connecticut, 1841 ; taught at Amherst Academy, 1838-9 ; ordained at Second Church, Ware, Mass., June 22, 1842 ; remained till June, 1851 ; after a successful pastorate there, he was called to a professorship in Theological Institute of Connecticut, which he held two years, and then became in- stalled at Lee, Mass., Sept. i, 1853, where he remained 23 years, until his death, Sept. 18, 1876, at Newburyport, Mass. His last pastorate was a very faithful and laborious one; his special aim was to keep the church up to a high spiritual tone ; a communion season without additions to the church was rare, and revivals were frequent ; the growth of the church in all Christian graces and activities was marked. His efforts for the youth were specially successful, many of whom he trained to become useful, strong, intellectual men, reverencing him as a " Spiritual Father." He was a corporate member of the A. B. C. F. M., trustee of Theological Institute of Connecticut, and of Williams College, which made him D.D. in 1858. He published two volumes of "Questions on Scripture Biog- raphy ;" " Memoir and Lectures of Rev. Bennet Tyler, D.D. ;" " Pilgrims' First Year in Plymouth ;" " Prophet of the Highest ;" " Conversion by Personal Effort." Married Miss Martha Tyler, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Aug. 10, 1843. ALPHEUS GRAVES. Born at Sunderland, Mass., March 15, 1815 ; studied at Union College but did not graduate; grad- uated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841 ; ordained at Halifax, Vt., Nov. 11, 1841; installed at Heath, Mass., June, 185 1 ; Home missionary in Iowa, Oct. 1854-74; and since 1874, in Minn. Married Miss Fannie GoodelL Lyndon, Vt., Nov. i, 1841. P. O. address, Medford, Minn. BENJAMIN HOWE. Born at Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 4, 1807; graduated at Amherst College, 1838; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841; preached in Rhode Island, 1843-4; ordained at Second Church, Wells, Me., Nov. 5, 1845 J preached in Connecticut, 1850-55; Meredith, N. Y., 1855- 60; at Hudson and Lempster, N. H., 1865-70; installed at Limebrook Church, Ipswich, Mass., May 3, 1871, his native 1841.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. parish, where he is still pastor. Married Miss Waty Williams Tyler, Brooklyn, Conn., May 31, 1842. P. O. Address, Ipswich, Mass. Auto. JOHN ALEXANDER McKiNSTRY. Born at Chicopee, Mass., April 19, 1811; graduated at Amherst College, 1838, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841 ; ordained at Tor- rington, Conn., Oct. 5, 1842, where he remained 1 6 years ; installed at Harwinton, Conn., Oct. i, 1857; remained till Oct. i, 1863, when he served six months as Agent of Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, of which he was trustee, 1853 -64 ; acting pastor at Richfield, O., since Aug. i, 1864 ; Secre- tary of Litchfield County Foreign Missionary Society, 5 years, and of Home Missionary Society, (same county,) 5 years ; published History of Torrington Church. Married Miss Mary Elizabeth Morton, Whately, Mass., Aug. 23, 1843. P. O. Address, Richfield, Summit County, O. Auto. DAVID F. ROBERTSON. Born at Sterling, Scotland ; grad- uated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1841. FRANCIS WILLIAMS. Born at Ashfield, Mass., Jan. 2, 1814; taught at Coxsackie, N. Y., winter of 1834-5 5 at Hawley, Mass., 1835-7; was principal of Sanderson Academy, Ash- field, Mass., 18378, and of the Academy in Windsor, Conn., 1838-9; graduated at Williams College, 1838; at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1841 ; ordained at Eastford, Conn., Sept. 20, 1841 ; installed at Bloomfield, Conn., Dec. 31, 1851 ; at Chaplin, Conn., Feb. 24, 1858, where he is still pastor. Published Genealogy of Williams Family in 1868; Funeral Sermons of Rev. and Mrs. Asa King, of Earl Ashby, and of Anson A. Fenton, who was killed at Winchester, Va. ; also, New-Year Sermons, 1863 and 1864; also, Funeral Ser- mon of Francis Squires in American Temperance Preacher, 1848, and of Benj. Bosworth, Esq., Eastford, Conn. ; has not been out of the pastorate a Sunday since ordination, nor absent from Sabbath service once during the last 23 years ! Married Miss Mahala R. Badger, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 22, 1841. P. O. Address, Chaplin, Conn. Auto. ALUMNI RECORDS [1842. CLASS OF 1842. WILLIAM PITT'AVERY. Born at Griswold, Conn., Oct. 2, 1816; graduated at Amherst College, 1839, and at Theolog- ical Institute of Connecticut, 1842; missionary in Coventry, R. I., one year from April, 1844; ordained at Lewis, N.Y.,. June 3,1846, remained 3 years ; acting pastor at Bozrah, Conn., 6 years, from April, 1850; acting pastor at Hampton, Iowa, April, 1858 Sept. 1872 ; in Chapin, Iowa, April, 1858 Aug. 1875. Has been unable to read since 1865, but has done good service in the ministry, until the last six years, through the valuable aid of his wife. Married Miss Olive Huntington, Griswold, Conn., Oct. 2, 1844. P. O. Address, Chapin, Iowa. Auto. LUTHER HUMPHREY BARBER. Born at Canton, Conn., Sept. 3, 1815 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1839, and The- ological Institute of Connecticut, 1842 ; ordained at River- ton, Conn., Oct. 25, 1843, after having supplied from Sept., 1842; resigned, March i, 1861 ; acting pastor at Scotland, Conn., Oct., 1861 Oct., 1862, where he was installed, Oct. 22, 1862, remaining till May 25, 1869 ; acting pastor at Han- over, Conn., May 25, 1869 June'i, 1878; at Bolton, Conn., since June I, 1878. Married Miss Lucinda Taylor, Canton, Conn., Aug. 23, 1842. P. O. address, Bolton, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM BARNES. Born at Portsmouth, O., Feb. 8, 1814; (was baptized in infancy in a log-cabin on the banks of the Ohio, by a Methodist minister ; while studying law was con- verted and studied for the ministry ;) graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1839, arj d at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1842 ; licensed by New London Association, Sept. I, 1841 ; ordained at Hampton, Conn., Sept. 21, 1842 ; after five years pastorate, was installed in Foxborough, Mass., Dec. 15, 1847 ; 5 years later was attacked by hemorrhage ; acting pastor in Upper Alton, 111., 5 years ; Chandlerville, 5 years ; Sugar Creek, 13 years ; now without charge. Married Miss Eunice A. Hub- 1842.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 33 bard, Manchester, Conn., Aug. 18, 1842 ; (2) Mrs. S. E. Fry, Aug. i, 1878. P. O. address, Jacksonville, 111. Auto. GEORGE BUGBEE. Born at Woodstock, Conn., Feb. 19, 1813 ; graduated at Union College, 1839 ; two years at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut ; licensed to preach by Pres- bytery of Huron County, O. ; a severe bronchial trouble has obliged him to devote himself to other pursuits. Married Miss AlmiraA. Child, Greenfield, O., Sept. 21, 1841; (2) Mrs. Emily Davis, Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 21, 1867. P. O. address, Crete, Neb. JONAS BOWEN CLARKE. Born at Kennebunkport, Me., Jan. 31, 1816; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839; Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1842; ordained pastor at East Granby, Conn., Nov. 5, 1842-45 ; installed at Swampscott, Mass., July 15, 1846-66 ; chaplain 23d Massachusetts Volun- teers, 186164; division chaplain, i8th Army Corps under Gen. Burnside, 1864; served on sanitary commission at New- bern, N. C, 1863-4; ordained, Aug. 25, 1868, in "Emman- uel Protestant Episcopal Church," Boston, Mass., by Bishop Manton Eastburn ; head master of " Oakland Hall School," Needham, Mass., and Rector of "St. Paul's," Natick, Mass., 1866-72; Rector of St. John's Church, Wheeling, W. Va., " Head of Instruction," and Professor of Classics and Moral Science 2t Wheeling College, Sept. 1873 ; rector of St. Paul's Church, Des Moines, Iowa, and " Head Master" of " Seabury School," 1876-78 ; rector of Grace Church, Indianapolis, Ind., " Head Master " and Professor of English Literature, Ancient History, and Classics in St. Anna's School, 1878-81 ; Post Chaplain G. A. R., 1879. Married Miss Abby Greeley Read, Manchester, N. H., Jan. n, 1843. P. O. address, Indianapolis, Ind. Auto. HIRAM DAY. Born at Burlington, N. Y., April 6, 1813 ; graduated at Oneida Institute, 1 839 ; and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1842; ordained at South Cornwall, Conn., Feb. 29, 1844; has been also pastor in Stafford Springs, North Manchester, and Windham, Conn., Chatham, Mass., 34 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1842. and Glencoe, 111. ; published weekly notes on Sunday-school lesson in The Advance since Oct., 1878. Married Miss Em- .ily L. Foster, Petersham, Mass., May 7, 1844. P. O. address, Advance office, Chicago, 111. Auto. FRANCIS LORD FULLER. Born at Wilbraham, Mass., Oct. i, 1814 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1839, an< ^ Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1842; ordained at Westfield, Mass., Sept. 8, 1843 ; served at Otsego, Mich., 6 years ; Kirk- land, O., 4 years ; Freedom, O., 2 years ; Crystal Lake, 111., 6 years ; De Kalb, 111., 3 years ; Chicago, (without charge,) 7 years; Saratoga, Minn., Nov. 1871-73; Spring Valley, Minn., Nov., 1873-75 ; Hamilton, Minn., June I, 1876, whence he removed May, 1880, to Kansas City. Married Miss Dol- lie M. Shepard, Westfield, Mass., Sept. 7, 1843 \ ( 2 ) Miss Hannah Shepard, Richland, Mich., April 13, 1848 ; (3) Miss Harriet Collins, of Pittsfield, Mass., at Clarendon, O., July 8, 1850. P. O. address, Hamilton, Minn. JONATHAN SHELDON JUDD. Born at West Hampton, Mass., Feb. 4, 1816; graduated at Williams College, 1839, an d The- ological Institute of Connecticut, 1842 ; ordained at Whately, Mass., Oct. 12, 1843, where he remained 12 years; installed at Middlebury, Conn., June 26, 1856, where he remained till his death, May 11, 1864. " A modest, prudent, and devoted pastor, and thorough student of God's word." Married Miss Emily E. Wolcott, West Springfield, Mass., Nov. 16, 1843; (2) Miss Emily C. Smith, Terryville, Conn., May I, 1862. CHARLES LORD. Born at Williamsburg, Mass., Jan. 27, 1816 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1838 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Anclover in 1842; ordained at Boonville, Mo., Oct. 20, 1843 ; acting pastor at Independence, Mo., 1843-46 ; at Mad- ison, Wis., 1846-51, and pastor there from 1851 to 1854; installed at Second Church, Whately, Mass., Oct. 20, 1856; dismissed, March 29, 1860; installed at Buckland, Mass., March, 1860, where he died March 29, 1872 ; was city mission- ary in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct., 1859 March, 1860. Married Miss Clarissa Wright, Easthampton, Mass., Aug. 30, 1843. 1842.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 35 MELZAR PARKER. Born at Ashfield, Mass., Nov. 7, 1811 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1838, and at Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, 1842; six years Home Missionary at Long Lake, N. Y. ; taught in Wey Auwega, Wis. ; was or- dained by Presbytery of Winebago, Wis., June, 1865 ; acting pastor at Little Wolf, Wis , where he suddenly died, Jan. 7, 1867, in the midst of his usefulness. Published a series of lessons for Sunday-schools in 1858. Married Miss Baxter, about 1848. OLIVER STARR ST. JOHN. Born at New York City, Aug. 10, 1814; graduated at Amherst College, 1838; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained' at Eliza- bethport, N. J., May 10, 1842 ; with the church, he joined the Elizabeth Presbytery in 1846, and was dismissed, Oct. 12, 1846 ; Profess*or in Latin and Belles Lettres in Lafayette Col- lege, Easton, Pa., from Oct. 12, 1846, to Sept., 1853 ; install- ed at Presbyterian Church, Manhattanville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1853 April, 1857; has since been engaged in literary and benevolent work, preaching occasionally ; has been assistant editor of the New York Witness since 1874; acting secretary of the Palestine Exploring Society. Married Miss Elizabeth G. Bull, Danbury, Conn., Sept. 7, 1841 ; (2) Miss Ellen Bon- ney, New York, Aug. 7, 1855. P. O. address, 41 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Auto. LYMAN WHITING. Born at North Brookfield, Mass., April 28, 1817; spent a few months at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover in 1842 ; or- dained pastor at Brookfield, Mass., Jan. u, 1843-7; installed pastor at Lawrence Street Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1847- 50; at South Church, Reading, Mass., 1850-55 ; at Ports- mouth, N. H., 1855-58; at High Street Church, Provi- dence, R. I., 1859-64; at Dubuque, Iowa, 1864-9; atjanes- ville, Wis., 1869-74; at Philadelphia, Pa., 1874-77; at Pres- byterian Church, Charleston, W. Va., since March, 1878; re- ceived D.D. from Iowa College, 1868; associate editor of the Iowa News Letter, two years ; has published numerous ser- 36 ALUMNI RECORDS. mons, addresses, and reviews. Married Miss Sophia E. Cham- berlain, Westboro, Mass., Jan. 5, 1843. P. O. address, Charleston, W. Va. Atito. CLASS OF 1S43. JOHN BOYD ALLEN. Born in Sturbridge, Mass., Oct. 12, 1813 ; graduated at Union College, 1840, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843, having studied at Union Sem- inary one year ; ordained at Presbyterian Church, Covington, Pa., April 10, 1845-50; installed at Gustavius, O., Dec. 5, 1850-6; Brooklyn, O., Jan. 1856-67; resided in Cleveland, O., 1867-70, without charge; acting pastor at Clinton, Mo., 1870-3 ; was laid aside from the ministry by failing health. Married Miss Catharine C. Boyd, Covington, Pa., Dec. 28, 1846; (2) Miss Sarah Barnum, Rockport, O., Oct. 31, 1867. P. O. address, Rockport, O. DANIEL SHERMAN DICKINSON. Born at Russel, Mass., Sept. 4, 1813; graduated at Amherst College, 1839; taught in Knfield, Conn., and in Chatham Academy, Savannah, Ga., while studying theology; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843; taught and preached in Liberty Co., Ga., and preached in Peru, 111., 1845, where he was ordained, Oct. 4, 1846; through failing health he suspended pastoral labors in 1851 ; in 1852 he took charge of Elgin Seminary; was preacher at Narrington, 111., Marion and Union Grove, la. ; retired to a farm in Beloit on account of failing health, where he died, July 12, 1865. Married Miss Melissa E. Lord, May 4, 1848 ; (2) Miss Mary Lord, April 29, 1851. ANDREW BUTLER FOSTER. Born at Brookline, Mass., Dec. 6, 1819; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843 ; ordained at Orford, N. H., June 26, 1844; dismissed Nov. 22, 1847; installed at Petersham, Mass., May 12, 1853 ; dismissed Nov. 20, 1855 ; preached at Westminster, Vt., and Orange, Mass.; since 1870 has been a druggist. Married Miss Irene C. Cooley, Amherst, Mass., Oct. 3, 1843. P. O. address, Orange, Mass. Auto. 1 843.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 37 DARIUS GORE. Born at Dudley, Mass., Sept. 24, 1814; graduated at Amherst College, 1839; taught one year, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843; ordained evangelist at Sturbridge, Mass., May 14, 1844; spent five years in Groveland, 111. ; four years in Wethers- field ; seven years in Sycamore ; nine years in Lamoille, and four years in La Harpe, where he died, August 9, 1873. His ministry was effective and useful, and churches grew under his care in all spiritual graces. Married Miss Charlotte H. Bruce, Sturbridge, Mass., May 14, 1844 ; (2) Miss Lucretia M. Dean, Woodstock, Conn., Sept. 29, 1846; (3) Miss Carrie J. McArthur, of Chicago, at Rockford, 111., July 15, 1868. NATHANIEL AUGUSTUS HEWIT. Born at Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 27, 1820; graduated at Amherst College, 1839; to k partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; or- dained at Charleston, S. C., March 25, 1847; vice-principal of college at Charleston, 1847-9; missionary, 1851-65 ; pro- fessor of theology and philosophy at Paulist Seminary, New York, 1865 ; received the degree of D.D. from Amherst College, 1877. Published "Life of Rev. F. A. Baker," "Problems of the Age," "Light in Darkness," "The King's Highway," " Sermons in the Paulist Collection," and numer- ous articles in the Catholic World; edited " Works of Bishop England." P. O. address, Augustine Francis Hewit, Paulist Institute, New York City. Auto. NATHAN LYNDES LORD. Born at Leyden, N. Y., August 2 3 '^15 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1837, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1843 ; ordained at Jasper, Ind., April, 1846; acting pastor of Presbyterian church, Constableville, N. Y., one year ; at Shalersville, O., fifteen months ; at Jasper, Ind., five years ; at Plymouth, Ind., three years ; at Rochester, Ind., fourteen years ; and at Hopewell many years, preaching there in connection with the two pre- ceding fields ; has taught also in several places. Married Miss Emeline L. Hawley, Plymouth, Ind., June 21, 1851. P. O. address, Rochester, Ind. Auto. 38 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1843. LAVALETTE PERRIN. Born at Vernon, Conn., May 15, 1816; graduated at Yale College, 1840; studied one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and two years at Yale Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 1843 ; ordained at Goshen, Conn., Dec. 13, 1843, dismissed Sept. 4, 1857 J m ~ stalled at Center church, New Britain, Conn., Feb. 3, 1858, dismissed May 31, 1870; installed at Wolcottville, Conn, (now Torrington), July 31, 1872; associate editor of the Religious Herald since 1875; projector and agent of the "Memorial Hall Estate"; annalist of Congregational Churches of Connecticut, 1876; treasurer of the National Council, 1880; received degree of D.D. from Yale College, 1869; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Ann Eliza Comstock, New Haven, June 4, 1844. P. O. address, Torrington, Conn. Auto. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS PRATT. Born at Deep River, (Say- brook,) Conn., Oct. 10, 1816; graduated at Yale College, 1840, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843 ; or- dained July 9, 1844 ; home missionary and acting pastor in the following places and order: Presbyterian church, Peru; Knoxville, 111. ; Muscatine, Oskaloosa, Andrew, and Scotch Grove, la. ; Fulton, Wis. ; Decatur, 111. ; Vermillion, Wheat- land, Forest, and Empire, and Sterling Congregational church, Minn., from 1853-6; was principal of female department of public schools, Portsmouth, Va., and of Bellefonte Academy, Pa. Married Miss Judith Ann McCormick, of Auburn, Va., at Muscatine, la., Oct. 2, 1849. P. O. address, Mapleton, Minn. Auto. CALVIN TERRY. Born at Enfield, Conn., Fob 3, 1817; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843 > preached at Tariffville, and South church, Hartford, Conn., Chicopee Falls, Mass , and many other places ; ordained at Griswold, Conn., Dec. 26, 1846; installed at Pilgrim church, North Weymouth, Mass., May, 1852; acting pastor at North Parish church, Haverhill, Mass., six years from Sept., 1869; superintendent of schools in Weymouth, Mass.; published sermon on "Christ's presence, 1 843.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 39 the basis and life of Christian effort," preached before the Palestine Missionary Society at North Bridgewater, Mass., June 18, 1856, "Why I became a minister," " Commentary on Genesis," etc. Married Miss Mary E. Brooks, Salem, Mass., Feb. 26, 1846. P. O. address, North Weymouth, Mass. JEREMY WEBSTER TUCK. Born at Kensington, N. H., Oct. 8, 1811; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843 ; ordained at Lud- low, Mass., Sept. 6, 1843, dismissed in 1860; acting pastor at First church, Palmer, (Thorndike.) Mass., 1 859-65 ; preached a few months each at Indian Orchard, Mass., and Mystic, Conn.; installed at Jewett City, Conn., May 3, 1866, dismissed in 1876; installed June 21, 1877, over Third church, Middle- town, (Westfield,) Conn. ; while in Jewett City, published " Letters of Transcontinental Travel;" and centennial address in the history of Ludlow, and occasional sermons. Married Miss Irene Montague Moody, South Hadley, Mass., Sept. 4, 1843 ; (2) Miss Ann Ruby Mowry, Norwich, Conn., Nov. 4, 1845. P. O. address, Middletown, Conn. THOMAS SCOTT VAILL. Born at North Guilford, Conn., March 20, 1817; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1843 J licensed by Brookfield Association, Mass., June, 1842 ; ordained at Millersburg, 111., by Presbytery of Schuyler, April 10, 1844 ; installed at Knoxville, 111., Dec. 5, 1848 ; has preached at Newton, Iowa, in Stark County, 111., Quincy, 111., Lacon, 111., and Beatrice, Neb. ; has been pastor twenty-five years ; acting pastor twelve years, and is now laboring as an evangelist ; has published several sermons. Married Miss Elizabeth S. Comstock, Hadlyme, Conn., Aug. I, 1844. P. O. address, Beatrice, Neb. Auto. 4O ALUMNI RECORDS. [1844. CLASS OF 1844. HENRY BEACH BLAKE. Born at Winchester, Conn., May 20, 1817 ; graduated at Williams College, 1841, and Theologi- cal Institute of Conn., 1844; ordained at South Coventry, Conn., Jan. i, 1845 I installed at Village Church, South Coventry, Conn., May 15, 1850, dismissed in 1855 ; installed at Belchertown, Mass., June 26, 1855, dismissed in 1865 ; Agent of Massachusetts State Temperance Alliance, 1866; engaged in Missionary and Educational work at the south, 1868-76; acting pastor, First Church, West Springfield, Mass., 187779 ; installed at Cummington, Mass., Jan. 14, 1880; published historical sketch of Winchester, Conn., " Noon of the Cen- tury," and occasional sermons, besides writing largely for various newspapers. Married Miss Mary Rebecca Wolcott, Agawam, Mass., Sept. 23, 1845. P. O. address, Cummington, Mass. Auto. CHESTER WHITMORE CARPENTER. Born at Ashford, Conn., Aug. 8, 1812; graduated at Amherst College, 1839, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1844; taught one year at Pittsfield, Mass. ; ordained at Sinclairville, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1845 5 was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, and went south ; started home, but died on the way, April 17, 1867. ' Greatly esteemed and beloved, he was a preacher of deep-toned spirituality." Married Miss Sarah A. Field, Wil- lington, Conn., Sept. 8, 1844. DAVID BURT COLTON. Born at Longmeadow, Mass., June 20, 1821 ; graduated at Yale College, 1841 ; partial course Theological Institute of Conn., and graduated at Andover Seminary, 1844; taught in Elizabeth, N. J., 1848-51, and in Longmeadow, Mass. ; was in office of Springfield Republican for a time, and was a man of peculiar mental activity ; he became intensely exercised upon the great questions of man's character and destiny. Died at Longmeadow, Mass., Sept. 16, 1853. GEORGE COOK. Born at Swansea, N. H., August 31, 1817 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1841 ; two years in Theologi- 1 844.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 4! calJJInstitute of Connecticut and graduated at Andover Seminary, in 1844, but never preached ; studied medicine but never practised ; Prof, of Mathematics, at Dallas' Institute, at Selma, Ala.; teaching from 1845-9; was m oak-lumber business, 1850-66; traveled extensively abroad, 1866-7, an d 1874-5. P. O. address, Keene, N. H. Auto. HENRY AUGUSTUS DWIGHT. Born at Northampton, Mass., 1804; graduated at Williams College, 1829; two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; was licensed to preach ; Prof, of Languages, Military Academy, Norfolk, Va., 1846; in 1850 he established there a classical school which was attended with marked success until the war, when he removed to Northampton, Mass., where he died, May 24, 1879. Married Miss Elizabeth Brintnell, New Haven, Conn., , 1839; ( 2 ) Miss Lucia D. Dwight, Norfolk, Va., , 1849. SAMUEL HENRY GALPIN. Born at Wethersfield, Conn., Oct. 18, 1812; graduated at Yale College, 1835, and Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1844 ; taught at Lexington, Ky., till 1853 ; engaged in railroad -business till 1864, since which he has been in the Treasury Department at Washing- ton, clerk in the fifth Auditor's office. Married Miss Mari- anne Perrin, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Nov. 28, 1844. P. O. address, 1124, I3th St., Washington, D. C. CHARLES FREDERIC GLEASON. Born at Worcester, Mass., Nov. 22, 1812 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1839, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1844; ordained evange- list, at East Windsor Hill, Conn., May 14, 1845 > home mis- sionary and acting pastor, Lowell, 111., July, 1845, to Aug. 13, 1 849, when he died of cholera, greatly beloved and respected by all who knew him. Married Miss Elizabeth H. Charlton, East Windsor Hill, Conn., May 14, 1845. WILLIAM HENRY KARNER. Born at South Egremont, Mass., June 2, 181 1 ; two years at Amherst College ; entered Theological Institute of Connecticut, but did not live to 6 42 ALUMNI RECORDS. graduate ; he intended to be a foreign missionary ; "in great peace and sweet resignation to the divine will ", he died at South Egremont, August 22, 1843. Married Miss Mary Hall, Wallingford, Conn., Jan., 1837. MELZER MONTAGUE. Born at Westhampton, Mass., May 5, 1818 ; graduated at Williams College, 1841, and Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1844; ordained evangelist, at Easthampton, Mass., Oct. 28, 1844 ; commenced pastoral work at Fort Atkinson, Wis., Nov., 1844, and was installed there, March 3, 1853 ; acting pastor at Milton, two years, and at Allen's grove, Wis. ; taught private and select school in Fort Atkinson, White-water and Milton, Wis. ; Professor one year each, in Milton, Beloit, and Ripon Colleges ; Principal of Allen's Grove Academy, twelve years ; Superintendent of schools, Walworth Co., Wis., the last three years of his life. Married Miss Mary Hale, Fort Atkinson, Wis., May 31, 1845. Died suddenly, Dec. 30, 1872. DARIUS MORRIS. Born at South Wilbraham, Mass., April 2 7> '815 ; graduated at Wesleyan University, 1841 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; was compelled to decline a call to Willoughby, and to Toledo, Ohio, on account of ill health ; went to California in 1849, anc ^ served as minister, conducting funerals and religious services in the forests and open fields, before the advent of any home mis- sionary ; made extensive geological surveys in the Rocky Mountains and in California, and published an outline of a system of geology. Died at Ellington, Conn., August 31, 1864. THOMAS SNELL NORTON. Born at New Braintree, Mass., Nov. 25, 1813; graduated at Amherst College, 1840; par- tial course in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor, Sullivan, N. H., Feb. 4, 1846, where he remained fourteen years ; acting pastor, Dover, Mass., ten years ; Northbridge, Mass., four years ; Beech wood, (Cohassett,) three years ; Prescott, five and one-half years ; resigned Jan. i, 1 88 1. Married Miss Julia A. Cooley, Con way, Mass., 1 844.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 43 Sept. 8, 1842; (2) Mrs. Louise H. Holt, Hartford, Conn., March 27, 1877. P. O. address, Dover, Mass. Auto. THOMAS OSBORN RICE. Born at Ashby, Mass., August 19, 1815 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1839, an ^ Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1844; ordained pastor, West Killingly, Conn., Jan. I, 1845, dismissed in 1856; installed pastor, Brighton, Mass., April 6, 1858 ; Circular Church, Charleston, S. C., April I, 1860, dismissed in 1865 ; preached at Rockville, Conn., Chelsea, Mass., Chicago, 111. ; pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa, 1867-72, Carthage, Mo., Cleveland, Ohio, and Chiltonville, Mass. ; accepted a call to Woods Holl, Mass., Feb., 1881. Married Miss Mary Catharine Washburn, Pittsfield, Mass., March 19, 1845 ; (2) Miss Margaret Mann, Boston, Mass., August 27, 1850; has published occasional sermons and addresses. P. O. address, Woods Holl, Mass. PLINY FISK SANBORNE. Born at Reading, Mass., Oct. 25, 1820; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1844; ordained pastor at East Gran by, Conn., April 29, 1846, and remained until Feb. 8, 1853 ; acting pastor Presbyterian church, Nunda, N. Y., March I, i853~March i, 1857; acting pastor West Bloom- field, N. Y., June, i857-April I, '69; served under Christian Commission in the war of rebellion, 1 864 ; acting pastor Pres- byterian church, Springfield. N. Y., April 1 1, 1869 ; published History First Presbyterian church, Springfield, N. Y., 1 876, and several funeral sermons. Married Miss Caroline S. Good- ale, South Egremont, Mass., May 20, 1846. P. O. address, East Springfield, N. Y. Auto. ALEXANDER YERRINGTON. Born at Griswold, Conn., Dec. 24, 1818 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1841, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1844 ; preached in various places, but was unable to enter the ministry on account of feeble health ; resided in Preston, Conn., study- ing Hebrew and Greek, of which languages he was very fond, and gave private instruction. A man of " superior scholarship and of modest demeanor." Was unmarried. Died at Preston, Conn., May 28, 1868. 44 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1845. CLASS OF 1845. ISAAC DAY. Born at Killingly, Conn., May 25, 1815 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1841, and Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, 1845 J ordained South Killingly, Conn., May, 1847 5 acting pastor at South Killingly, Conn., three years; Preston, Conn., one year; engaged in mercantile business. Married Miss Mary C. Griggs, Pomfret, Conn., at Hartford, Nov. 18, 1846. P. O. address, Providence, R. I. WARREN COOLEY FISKE. Born at Wales, Mass., Sept. 21, 1816; graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and Theological Institute of Conn., 1845 5 ordained at East Haddam, Conn., May 19, 1847 5 was home missionary in Wisconsin three years; installed at Marlboro, Conn., Nov. 8, 1850; at Can- ton, Conn., Feb. 2, 1858 ; acting pastor at Barkhamsted, Conn., one year ; at Wolcott, Conn., three years. Married Miss Harriet M. Parsons, East Haddam, Conn, May 19, 1847. P. O. address, Charlton, Mass. ALFRED AUGUSTUS GILBERT. Born at Cummington, Mass., May 2, 1814; graduated at Union College, 1842, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1845 '> taught in Hart- ford Grammar and Classical school ; in Belchertown, and in Cummington Academy, Mass. ; ordained pastor at Lanes- boro, Mass., July 30, 1847; taught in Elmwood Institute, Mass., 1849-79 ; acting pastor at Windsor and Dalton, Mass., also at Heath and Belchertown, Mass. Married Miss Julia Ann Briggs, Cummington, Mass., 1847 5 ( 2 ) Miss Mary Jane Bliss, Lanesboro, Mass., 1853. P. O. address, Lanesboro, Mass. Auto. WILLIAM GOODWIN. Born at New Hartford, Conn., Jan. i, 1814; graduated at Williams College, 1842, and Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1845 5 licensed at Ware, Mass. ; preached in Montgomery, Mass., and Burlington, Barkham- sted, and Hadlyme, Conn. ; ordained pastor of Baptist church, Seymour, Conn., April 14, 1852 ; has since served I845-] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 45 Baptist churches in Hinsdale, Huntington, Southfield, and Tyringham, Mass., and Tariffville, Voluntown, and North Colebrook, Conn. Married Miss Elizabeth C. Crane, Bur- lington, Conn., at South Canaan, Jan. i, 1848 ; (2) Mrs. Calista Vinton Bestor Warner, North Egremorit, Mass., Sept. 16, 1868. Published sermons on "The Devout Sol- dier" and "Death of Abraham Lincoln." P. O. address, North Colebrook, Conn. Atito. WILLIAM MILLER. Born at New Braintree, Mass., Aug. 8, 1817 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1842 ; studied a year and a half at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, and grad- uated at Andover, 1845 was licensed by the Andover Asso- ciation, April 8, 1845 ; ordained pastor at Halifax, Vt, Oct. i, 1845; dismissed July 14, 1847; acting pastor at Gill, Mass., a year and nine months, where he was installed Feb. 21, 1849; dismissed June 4, 1850; taught in Dennysville, Me., and North Brookfteld, Mass., 1850-55 ; was pastor at Sterling, Mass., from May 9, 1855, to Oct. 27, 1858; through failure of vision he performed only occasional labor from 1858-65 ; was acting pastor at Petersham, Mass., 1865-7; at Mount Carmel, Conn., 1867-9; at Killingworth, Conn., from March 28, 1869, to May i, 1879; sm ce then at Rocky Hill, Conn. ; has published school reports and historical ser- mon of the Church in Killingworth, Conn. Married Miss Harriet E. Snow, Shrewsbury, Mass., May 7, 1846; (2) Mrs. Hannah E. Pardee, New Haven, Conn., June 10, 1869. P. O. address, Rocky Hill, Conn. Auto. ENOS JANES MONTAGUE. Born at Westhampton, Mass., March 16, 1820; graduated at Williams College, 1841, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1845 5 ordained as home missionary at Westhampton, May 14, 1846; was acting pastor of Presbyterian church at Summit, Wis., until installed Jan. 13, 1848; installed pastor of Congregational church, Oconomowoc, Wis., Jan. 15, 1862 ; at Fort Atkinson, Wis., May 6, 1873, preaching also at Koshkonong from 1875 until dismissed from Fort Atkinson, June 19, 1879; installed at Rosendale, Wis , Jan. 15, 1880 ; in February following his 46 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1845. health began to fail, and he died at Westhampton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1880. For two years he was associate editor of the Wisconsin Ptiritan, and during his thirty-four years' ministry in that state exerted a weighty influence upon its ecclesiastical affairs. He was twenty-four years permanent clerk of the state convention of Congregational and Presby- terian churches and ministers, and never but once (when attending meeting of A. B. C. F. M.) missed an annual meeting. At the fortieth anniversary, in which he was to have been the first speaker, his dying message was read. It touched all hearts. The devotional services immediately fol- lowing the announcement of his death were memorable for their tenderness and deep sorrow. He was trustee of Beloit College and of Fox Lake Female Seminary, Wis., and cor- porate member of A. B. C. F. M. Married Miss Faith Huntington Hooker, East Windsor Hill, Conn., May u, 1846. FREDERICK HYDE PITKIN. Born at East Hartford, Conn., April 13, 1820; entered Burlington College, and graduated at Amherst College, 1842 ; taught two years ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1845 ; ordained at East Hartford Sept. 4, 1845 5 began service at Delevan, Wis., and preached also at two other stations until his death, April 26, 1847. " He had a frank and affectionate disposition ; a man of devoted and conscientious piety, earnestly seeking to do the utmost possible good in the world." Married Miss Catharine A. Porter, Somerville, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1845. RUFUS PORTER WELLS. Born at Whately, Mass., Feb. 4, 1818; graduated at Amherst, 1842; studied one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Union Seminary, 1845 ; licensed by third Presbytery of N. Y., April 1 8, 1845, and began to preach at the Presbyterian church, Jonesboro, East Tenn., Sept. 26, 1845 ; ordained evangelist by the Holston Presbytery at Jonesboro, Sept. 26, 1846, where he was installed pastor August 17, 1850, and remained until Oct., 1862. When required by his church to make public prayer for the Southern Confederacy, he replied, 1846.] THEOLOGICALmSflTUTE. 47 "I believe you are in the wrong, and I cannot ask God to prosper you." Amid manifold perils and sacrifices he came North, uncompromised and loyal to his country and to his Lord. He was acting pastor of United Presbyterian and Congregational church in Prairie du Lac, Wis., from Jan. I, 1863, to March, 1864; of Presbyterian church, Thornton and Bethel, Ind., 1864-5 I f Presbyterian church, Knox- ville, Tenn., 1865-6 ; gathered a church in Gilbertville (Hardwick), Mass., of which he was acting pastor from April, 1866, to Jan., 1869 ; was pastor at Southampton, Mass., from Jan. i, 1869, to Feb. i, 1874 ; acting pastor at Mason, N. H., from Feb. i, 1874, to March 18, 1877. His health failed and he removed to Norton, Mass., where he died May 25, 1877. As he approached the end, he often repeated, " In the end, glory and eternal life." He married Miss Chloe B. Belden, Amherst, Mass., Sept. 10, 1845. RUSSELL M. WRIGHT. Born at Easthampton, Mass., Dec. 17, 1815 ; graduated at Williams College, 1841 ; taught in Cambridge, N. Y., one year; at Theological Institute of Connecticut, one year, 18421843; was teacher in Wil- liston Seminary, 1843-1847, when he removed to Washing- ton, Ga., thence in 1858 to Athens, Ga., in both places engaged in his work as teacher; returned north in 1861, and became professor of chemistry and natural history in Willis- ton Seminary, where he still remains. Married Miss Caro- line A. Branch. Castleton, Vt, Dec. 25, 1854. P. O. address, Easthampton, Mass. Auto. CLASS OF 1846. WILLIAM AUSTIN BENTON. Born at Tolland, Conn., Oct. n, 1817; two years at Williams College, and graduated at Yale College, 1843, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1846; ordained at Tolland, Conn., May 18, 1847; was a P~ pointed missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Syria, and sailed from Boston, June, 1847. His first years of service were spent in Aleppo, where, amid danger and persecution, he wit- nessed terrible scenes of incendiarism and massacre in 1850. 48 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1846. His later years were spent on the mountains of Lebanon ; in 1860, with his family, he passed through fearful experiences of war, fire, and blood, and remaining at his post manfully through all, was instrumental in saving many lives and much property during those months of terror. He was greatly es- teemed by all classes of natives, even while they were at war among themselves. He returned to this country in 1869, for the education of his three sons, who graduated at Yale Col- lege, and one at Theological Seminary. It was his purpose to return with his wife to his much-loved work in Syria, but before arrangements were completed, he was called suddenly away by death, Aug. 23, 1874. Married at his ordination, Miss Loanza Goulding of West Boylston, Mass., May 18, 1847. DANIEL WILLIAM HAVENS. Born at Norwich, Conn., Jan. 24, 1815 ; graduated at Yale College, 1843, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1846; licensed by New London Association, May, 1845 '> commenced preaching in East Haven, Conn., Jan., 1847, where he was ordained pastor of First Church, June 16, 1847, and remained 30 years. Has since been pastor of Presbyterian Church, Holton, Kansas ; published centennial historical discourse upon First Church, East Haven, 1874. Has written an unpublished history of that town, in two octavo volumes, of 1650 pages ; also an ex- tensive biographical sketch of Rev. Stephen Dodd, for New England Genealogical Society ; A history of Jackson County, Kansas, and numerous sermons. Married Miss Elizabeth M. Heminway, Brooklyn, N. Y., July 21, 1847. P. O. address, Holton, Kansas. Auto. SYLVESTER HINE. Born at Middlebury, Conn., March 16, 1818 ; graduated at Yale College, 1843, and at Theological Institute of Conn., 1846; licensed by Hampshire Associa- tion, Mass., August 5, 1845 5 preached at Elizabeth, N. Y., in 1847 ; ordained pastor at Ticonderoga, N. Y , Sept. 27, 1848 ; dismissed August I, 1849, on account of financial difficulties in the parish ; acting pastor at Abington, Conn., two years ; installed at First Church, Thorndike, (Palmer,) Mass., 1851 ; acting pastor at Staffordville, two years ; Groton, Conn., six 1846.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 49 years ; Northbridge, Mass., two years ; Higganum, Conn., ten years ; resides at Hartford, Conn., associate editor of Religions Herald, engaged as correspondent for several papers, and doing other literary work. Married Miss Annie Grant Skinner of East Windsor Hill, Conn., Oct. 19, 1848. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. Auto* FREDERICK MUNSON. Born at Bethlehem, Conn., April 25, 1818; graduated at Yale College, 1843; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Yale Theological Seminary in 1846 ; ordained pastor at North Greenwich, Conn., Sept. 22, 1847, dismissed April 22, 1856; installed at First Church in East Windsor, Conn., Sept. 3, 1856, dismissed July 18, 1865 ; pastor at Brookfield, Conn., August i, 1 865, dismissed May 31, 1868; at Patchogue, N. Y., June i, 1868, dismissed August 31, 1874; Haddam Neck, Conn., Jan. i, 1875. Married Miss Clarissa A. Clark, Corn- wall, Conn., June 28, 1848. P. O. address, Haddam Neck, Conn. Auto. NELSON SCOTT. Born at Fairfax, Vt., Sept. 24, 1817; graduated at Amherst, 1843, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1846; ordained pastor of East Hartland, Conn., Sept. 24, 1846; dismissed June 4, 1857; acting pastor at Edgartown, Mass., June 12, 1857 Sept., 1858; Marblehead, Mass., a year and a half ; chaplain of State Reform School, Westboro, Mass., one year and a half ; installed at East Granville, Mass., Dec. 13, 1871 ; dismissed Jan. 15, 1879. Married Miss Martha Gaylord, Amherst, Mass., Oct. 8, 1846. P. O. address, Amherst, Mass. Auto. OLIVER MAYNARD SEARS. Born at Ashfield,* Mass., Nov. 29, 1818; graduated at Williams College, 1842, and Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1846 ; preached one year in Chesterfield, Mass. ; ordained pastor at Dalton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1847, where he died, Sept. 29, 1853, on the sixth anniver- sary of his ordination. " A laborious, sympathizing, and be- loved pastor, successful in his ministry." Married Miss Maria Sophia Williams, Ashfield, Mass., Dec., 1847. 7 5O ALUMNI RECORDS. JOHN COTTON STRONG. Born at Granby, Conn., May 12, 1818 ; graduated at Williams College, 1843, an d Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1846; ordained at Blandford, Mass., Dec. 1 6, 1846 ; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Choctaw In- dians; home missionary in Illinois; acting pastor at Chester Factories, Mass., 185053 ; acting pastor at Lyons, la., two years ; Bradford, la., two years ; county superintendent of pub- lic instruction, at Chickasaw Co., la., two years ; pastor at St. Charles, Minn., two years ; Albert Lea, Minn., two years ; Chain Lake Centre, Minn., six years ; superintendent of U. S. Indian boarding-school, Leech Lake, Minn. ; now teaching and farming in Chain Lake Centre, Minn. Married Miss Celia Samantha Wright, Blandford, Mass., Dec. 16, 1846 ; (2) Miss Cynthia R. Hamlin, Lyons, la., 1857. P. O. address, Chain Lake Centre, Minn. Auto. CLASS OF 1847. Lucius MANLIUS BOLTWOOD. Born at Amherst, Mass., June 8, 1825 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1843; spent middle year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and Junior and Senior years at Andover Seminary, graduating in 1847; librarian of Amherst College, 1852-63 ; postmaster at Amherst, 1861-5 ; assistant librarian of Congressional Li- brary, Washington, D. C., 1867-8; librarian of Young Men's Institute, at Hartford, Conn., 1868-75 ; published, "Genealogical part of Judd's history of Hadley, Mass.," at Northampton, Mass., 1863 ( 168 pages;) history and gen- ealogy of the family of Thomas Noble, Hartford, Conn., 1878 ( 870 pages.) Married Miss Clarinda B. Williams, of Goshen, Mass., at Derry, N. H., June 6, 1860. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. Auto. GIDEON COLTON CLARK. Born at Somers, Conn., Feb. 21, 1821 ; graduated at Yale College, 1842, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1847 ; ordained at Somers, Conn., Oct., 1847 J commenced preaching at Rockport, 111., and was acting pastor successively, at Winchester, Collinsville, Wood- 1 847.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 51 bridge, Nokomis, Mt. Vernon, 111., Fowler, Ind., Shipman and Greenfield, 111. ; has rendered thirty-three years of consecutive ministerial labor, mostly as a home missionary, having served nine churches, from one to eight years each; organized two new churches, and enjoyed thirty-five revivals of religion. Married Miss Jane D. Smith, Jacksonville, 111., March 17, 1852. P. O. address, Fowler, Ind. ARETAS GOODMAN LOOMIS. Born at Huttonsville, West Va., Oct. 1 6, 1820 ; graduated at Williams College, 1844, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1847 '> studied at Union and Princeton Theological Seminaries ; preached at Charlemont, Mass., six months ; Colebrook, Conn., nine months ; commenced preaching in Bethlehem, Conn., March, 1849, where he was ordained, Jan. 30, 1850 ; was dismissed in 1860, since which time his health has been inadequate to his resuming a pastorate. Has supplied various pulpits tempora- rily, and was for a time acting pastor of First Church in Green- field, Mass. ; was in Christian Commission, in war of rebellion. Married Miss Elizabeth Mason Bellamy, Bethlehem, Conn. P. O. address, Greenfield, Mass. Auto. HENRY TISDALE LOTHROP. Born at Randolph, Mass. March 6, 1823 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1844, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1847 ; ordained at Palmyra, Wis., Sept. n, 1850, under commission of Ameri- can Home Missionary Society, for destitute places in that state. Has fulfilled that commission in the vicinity, as his own health permitted and the occasion has required ; retired in 1863, owing to deafness. Married Miss Jane Benedict of Ledyard, at Scipio, N. Y., May 13, 1851. P. O. address, Palmyra, Wis. Auto. JOHN ROOT MILLER. Born at Williamsburg, Mass., July 1 8, 1818 ; graduated at Union College, 1844, an ^ Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1847 ; ordained pastor at Norwich, (now Huntington,) Mass., May 17, 1848 ; installed at Suffield, Conn., Dec. 28, 1853 ; agent of Colonization Society in Con- necticut, and R. I., 1864-68 ; died at Williamsburgh, Mass., 52 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1847. Nov. 2, 1869. His two pastorates were quite successful, attended by revivals, at one of which 40, at another 60, made profession of faith. Married Miss Mary A. Phillips, Wil- liamsburg, Mass., May 10, 1848. WILLIAM OLMSTED. Born at Colchester, Conn., Jan. 25, 1821 ; studied at Williston Seminary, and for a time at Yale College ; took a partial course in Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, and graduated at Union Seminary, after four years course, in 1848; ordained April ir, 1849; acting pastor at Mason Village, N. H., 1848-51 ; died, while on a visit to Colchester, Conn., June 6, 1851, and was buried in Mason Village ; a revival occurred during his ministry at Mason Village, during which thirty-seven united with the church on profession of faith. ASA CLINTON PIERCE. Born at Hinsdale, Mass., July 17, 1819 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1843 ; taught in Gran- by, Mass., 1843, Madison, N. J., 1844, Ware, Mass., 1845 '> graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1847; or- dained at Holyoke, Mass., Sept. 2, 1849 5 dismissed May 17, 1851 ; installed pastor at Northford, Conn., June 8, 1853, dis- missed June 30, 1866 ; acting pastor at Durham, Conn., (North Church) 1866-70; installed at Brookfield, Conn., Oct. 19, 1870, where he still remains ; published historical discourses of Northford, and of Brookfield ; sermon in " The National Preacher," and a historical sketch in the " History of Fairfield County, Conn." Married Miss Mary Wilson, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. P. O. address, Brookfield Centre, Conn. Auto. DAVID ROOD. Born at Buckland, Mass., April 25, 1818 ; graduated at Williams College, 1844, and Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut. 1847 ; ordained at Plainfield, Mass., Oct. 6, 1847; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to the Zulus; sailed from Boston, Oct. 28, 1847 J arrived in Natal, Jan. 20, 1848 ; visited America, 1860; returned in 1862. Has labored at Ifafa, Adams, and Umvoti, where he now is ; published, " Talks on the Works of Nature, " 4< Primary Geography," 1848.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 53 " Primary Arithmetic " (two editions) ; revised three editions of hymn-book, and aided in translating the Scriptures into the Zulu language. Married Miss Alzina V. Pixley, Plain- field, Mass., Oct. 3, 1847. P. O. address, Umvoti, Natal, South Africa. Auto. CLASS OF 1848. WILLIAM WETMORE BALDWIN. Born at Granville, Mass., June 24, 1820; entered Williams College Class of 1845 but was obliged to leave on account of ill health ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1848 ; licensed by Hampden East Association, Mass., Aug. 3, 1847; preached in Ellsworth, Conn., 1849-51 ; preached in Burlington, Westminister, and Abington, Conn. ; retired to farming to re- cuperate, in Granville, Mass., preaching occasionally. Having improved in health, he was ordained pastor in North Roch- ester, Mass., Jan. 18, 1870. The climate proving too severe, he was dismissed Sept., 1871. He went to Willington, Conn., where, after four months' labor, he was again attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, gradually declined, and died at Willington, July n, 1872, greatly beloved as a devoted and faithful minister. Married Miss Jane M. Lyman, New Hart- ford, Conn., June 13, 1849, who died March 17, 1874. JOHN STAGEY BELKNAP. Born at Sturbridge, Mass., April 20, 1817; graduated at Amherst College, 1844; P ar ~ tial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, having previously studied one year at Bangor; died at Hartford, August 1 6, 1852. CHARLES EMERSON BRUCE. Born at Hardwick, Mass., Feb. 4, 1819; graduated at Amherst College, 1845, and at Theological Institute of Conn., 1848 ; taught at Northfield, Mass., 1851-4, Brattleboro, Vt., 1854-5, and Keene, N. H., 1855-6 ; engaged in mercantile business at Ashtabula, O., where he resided until 1875, when he removed to Boston; preached in churches in the vicinity of his teaching as op- portunity offered ; was never ordained. Married Miss Eliza A. Stone, Marlborough, N. H., Dec. 25, 1861. P. O. address, Boston, Mass. 54 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1848. PEARL STEEL COSSITT. Born at West Hartford, Conn., March 30, 1817; graduated at Trinity College, 1845; on e year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and gradua- ted at Princeton, 1847 ; 'licensed by Hartford Central Asso- ciation, 1847 ; preached at West Hartland, and New Hartford, Conn., and East Longmeadow, Mass. ; ordained pastor of Presbyterian Church, Whippany, N. J , Oct. 21, 1851. Went West in 1854, and taught several years ; last at Female Col- lege, Terre Haute, Ind. ; at the same time supplying vacant churches. Has published " Genealogy of the Cossitt family." Married Miss Sarah E. Northrop, New Hartford, Conn., June 17, 1849. ( 2 ) Miss Eliza E. Squires, Woodstock, 111., August 14, 1856; who was killed by the cars in 1878. (3) Miss Mary J. Johnson, Richland Co., 111., March 17, 1879. P. O. address, Downer Grove, Dupage Co., 111. Atito. ELIPHAL MAYNARD. Born at Pottsdam, N. Y., April 17, 1820; taught several years in Ohio; graduated at A mherst College, 1844 5 taught two years; graduated at Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, 1848 ; ordained Sept. 28, at New Brit- ain, Conn., missionary of A. B. C. F. M. for Salonica, Tur- key ; sailed, Jan. 3, 1849, and arrived, April 2. In August following, he made an excursion to Mt. Olympus ; soon after his return he was attacked with fever, from which he died, at Salonica, Turkey, Sept. 14, 1849. He was greatly interested in his missionary work, and appeared to carry out the follow- ing resolution found among his papers. " In all my life I will do whatever I think will be most for the glory of God, the highest good of my fellow men, and my own high- est good in this and another world." Married Miss Celestia A. Kirk, of Parishville, N. Y., at Camden, N. Y., August 27, 1848. DAVID ALMERIN STRONG. Born at Haddam, Conn., May 6, 1820; graduated at Williams College, 1845, arj d Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1848; ordained pastor at South Deerfield, Mass., March 21, 1849; installed pastor at Coler- aine, Mass., June 13, 1867, where he still remains ; was act- ing chaplain of Post Hospital, Harper's Ferry, in 1863 ; 1848.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 55 member of the House, Massachusetts Legislature, 1866; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Sarah Ellen Humphrey, Canton, Conn., August 14, 1848. P. O. address, Coleraine, Mass. Auto. JOSIAH TYLER. Born at Hanover, N. H., July 9, 1823 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1845, and at Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, 1848 ; ordained at East Windsor Hill, Conn., Feb. 28, 1849, missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to the Zulus at Natal, South Africa. After twenty-two years faith- ful labor, he visited this country, and returned in two years to his chosen life-work ; has now charge of the Umsumduzi station. Published introduction to " Livingstone, lost and found," and the chapter on Natal in same work. Notes of the mission in N. Y. Observer ; was editor of " Ikwezi" (Morn- ing Star), in Zulu language, 186270. Visited America in 1 88 1 ; returned Oct. 15, 1881. Married Miss Susan Wright Clark, Northampton, Mass., Feb. 27, 1849. P. O. address, Umsumduzi, Natal, South Africa. Auto. HYMAN AUGUSTUS WILDER. Born at Cornwall, Vt, Feb. 17, 1822 ; graduated at Williams College, 1845, and at Theo- logical Institute of Conn., 1848 ; ordained at South Adams, Mass., as missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to the Zulus, South Africa, March 2, 1849 > sailed from Boston, April 7 ; had charge of the mission printing-press one year. In 1851 started a new station at Umtwalumi, where he labored until 1875, when he took charge of a training-school, till sickness obliged him to leave his work. He reached America, Jan., 1877, and died at Hartford in Sept. following; was many years secretary of the mission ; published an article on Polygamy against Bishop Colenso, who advocated it in native churches He was a self sacrificing, zealous, untiring mis- sionary of the Cross. Married Miss Abby Temperance Lins- ley, Cornwall, Vt., Feb. 23, 1849. CHARLES Louis WOODWORTH. Born at Somers, Conn., May 22, 1822; graduated at Amherst College, 1845, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1848 ; ordained pastor in Second Church, Amherst, Mass., Nov. 9, 1849, dismissed 56 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1849. 1863. Chaplain 2/th Mass. Volunteers, April 1862 Sept. 1864; secretary of American Missionary Association, since 1865. Published question-book on Epistle to the Hebrews ; articles in Boston Review ', sermons, reports, etc. ; also works on " Popular Evangelization," " Free Churches," " True Re- construction," etc. Married Miss Maria W. Chadsey, Wick- ford, R. I., Nov. 30, 1846. (2) Miss H. Amelia Perkins, Royalston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1854. P. O. address, Watertown, Mass. Auto. CLASS OF 1849. GEORGE FRANKLIN BRONSON. Born at Middlebury, Conn., Jan. 21, 1821 ; graduated at Phillips Academy, 1846, and Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1849 ; preached at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Nov., 1849; secured the organization of a church, built a house of worship, and was ordained its first pastor, Jan., 1851, where he remained four years; acting pastor at Presbyterian Church, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., three years, from Nov., 1854; Paris Hill, N. Y., two and a half years, from Nov., 1857 ; pastor nine years at Kirtland, Ohio, from August, 1860; acting pastor, three years at Post- ville, la., from August, 1869; Clinton, Wis., seven years, from 1872 ; since Nov., 1879, acting pastor at Odell, 111. ; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Charlotte M. Holt, Andover, Mass., 1850. P. O. address, Odell, 111. ALLEN CLARK. Born at Chaplain, Conn., Oct. 25, 1817; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1849; ordained Evangelist at Windham, Conn., August 8, 1849; labored as Home missionary in Dover, 111. But ill health soon compelled his return to Connecticut, where he was agent of American Home Missionary Society, in Windham Co. ; installed pastor at First Church, Stafford, Conn., March 19, 1851. In about a year his health again failed, and he removed to Windham, where he died of consumption, Dec. 26, 1852, "in quietness and Christian peace." Married Miss Eliza Reed, Windham, Conn., Nov. 15, 1842. 1 849.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 57 CHARLES GROSVENOR GODDARD. Born at Petersham, Mass., Feb. 26, 1817; graduated at Amherst College, 1841, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1849; ordained pastor at West Hartland, Conn., June 13, 1850, where he re- mained three years ; principal of academy, East Windsor Hill, 1854-6 ; installed pastor at West Hartland, Conn., June II, 1856, where he died August 29, 1872. "A thorough in- structor and faithful pastor." Married Miss Anna N. Gates, Edwardsburg, Canada, Sept. 9, 1850. MERRICK KNIGHT. Born at Northampton, Mass., Jan. 15, 1817 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1846, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1849 ; ordained pastor at Chap- lin, Conn., May 15, 1850, dismissed Dec., 1852 ; acting pastor at Stafford, Conn., Dec., 1852 April, 1854; installed pastor at Hebron, Conn., June, 1854, dismissed June, 1860 ; acting pastor at North Coventry, Conn., Jan. 1, 1861 April I, 1862 ; Broadbrook, Conn., May, 1863 Oct., 1867; Rocky Hill, Conn., Oct., 1867 April, 1872; Torringford, Conn., April i, 1872-5; New Hartford South, (Nepaug,) 1875-80; East Hartland, Conn., from 1880. Married Miss Abbie Ward, Ashford, Conn., June 10, 1851. P. O. address, East Hartland, Conn. Auto. JAMES BROWN THORNTON. Born at Saco, Me., July 6, 1825 ; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1846, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1849; ordained pastor at Scar- boro, Me., June 4, 1851 ; installed at Milford, Mass., Nov. 22, 1865 ; acting pastor successively at Great Falls, and Dover, N. H., St. John, N. B., and Hampton, N. H. Ill health ended his active ministry, Jan. 31, 1867. Married Miss Katherine Mary Stoughton, South Windsor, Conn., Dec. 17, 1851. (2) Miss Clara Small, St. John, N. B., July 24, 1872. P. O. address, Oak Hill, (Scarboro,) Me. Auto. 8 58 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1850. CLASS OF 1850. SAMUEL FREDERICK BACON. Born at South Egremont, Mass., March 27, 1824 ; graduated at Williams College, 1847, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1850 ; ordained pas- tor of Presbyterian Church, Union, N. Y., Sept., 1854, where he remained five years ; installed pastor at Newark Valley, N. Y., May 3, 1859, dismissed 1867; acting pastor at Presbyterian Church, Cortlandville, N. Y., two years ; Presbyterian Church, Albion, N. Y., one year ; Presbyterian Church, Carlton, N. Y., three and a half years; Presbyterian Church, Holley, N. J., five and a half years ; became pastor of first Presbyterian Church, Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 19, 1879. Has published several sermons and addresses. Married Miss Lucy Barlow, Amenia, N. Y., June I, 1852. P. O. address, Oshkosh, Wis. Auto. ANDREW CLARK DENISON. Born at Hampton, Conn., June 27, 1822 ; graduated at Yale College, 1847; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Union Seminary, 1850; resident licentiate, at Yale, 1850-1 ; ordained pastor at Leicester, Mass., March 4, 1851, dismissed 1856; taught in Boston, Mass., 1856-8; acting pastor at Westchester, Conn., 1858-61; installed pastor at Portland, Conn., April 17, 1861, dismissed 1868 ; professor of Theology in Biddle Institute, Charlotte, N.'C., 1868 ; acting pastor at Middlefield, Conn. ; has published several discourses. Married Miss Catharine M. Coe, Middletown, Conn., May 25, 1853 ; (2) Miss Lucy A. Nichols, New Britain, Conn., May 20, 1867. (3) Miss Harriet L. Hart, Middlefield, Conn., Sept. 27, 1869. P. O. address, Middlefield, Conn. SAMUEL ROBINSON DIMOCK. Born at Mansfield, Conn., May 28, 1822; graduated at Yale College, 1847; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; was licensed in 1854; professor of ancient languages in Iowa College in 1855 ; ordained at Hudson, N. Y., 1856 ; installed pastor of Second Church, Pittsfield, Mass., 1860 ; Syracuse, N. Y., 1864; installed pastor of Union Church, Quincy, 111., 1869; install- 1850.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 59 ed at Lincoln, Neb., 1872 ; on account of ill health, he re- moved in 1876 to Denver, Col., where he is now living in re- stored health. Married Miss Louisa S. Dimock, Manches- ter, Conn., Nov. 22, 1849. (2) Miss Anna S. Husted, 1858. (3) Mrs. Jennie A. Harter, Oct. 12, 1875. P. O. address, Denver, Col. Auto, HIRAM NICHOLS GATES. Born at Fowler, N. Y., May 31, 1820; graduated at Union College, 1846, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1850; ordained at East Windsor, Conn., August 8, 1850; Home missionary in Iowa, Au- gust, 1850 Dec. i, 1854, and Oct., 1855-62 ; preached at Barkhamsted, Conn., Jan. to Aug. 12, 1863, when he was in- stalled, and remained till Dec. I, 1866; acting pastor at Northfield, Conn., Dec. I, 1866 Oct. I, 1871 ; general mis- sionary of American Home Missionary Society, on line of Union Pacific R. R., Jan. I, 1872 May 25, 1874; superin- tendent of missions in Neb., June I, 1874, to March I, 1881 ; Home missionary at David City, Neb., since June I, 1 88 1. Married Miss Mary Chaney, Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1846. P. O. address, David City, Neb. Auto. ISAAC NEWTON LINCOLN. Born at Plainfield, Mass., Sept 16, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1847, and at Theo- logical Institute of Conn., 1850; taught five years at Hins- dale, Mass. ; ordained Evangelist in 1853, and was acting pas- tor at South Williamstown, Mass , four years from 1853 ; pro- fessor of Latin and French, at Williams College, nine years, also giving private instruction. While caring for his sick brother, he contracted typhoid fever and died after a brief illness, Sept. 5, 1862. "A life of remarkable industry and fidelity to his Christian work, in every field allotted to him." Married Miss Lucy C. Phillips, Windsor, Mass., 1851. CHARLES HENRY NORTON. Born at Westhampton, Mass., June 12, 1822; graduated at Williams College, 1847, and at Theological Institute of Conn., 1850; preached one year in Chester, Mass. ; ordained pastor at North Becket, Mass., April 30, 1851, where he labored with great acceptance till 60 ALUMNI RECORDS. the spring of 1856, when his health failed He went South, but died at Louisville, Ky., Jan. 6, 1857, greatly esteemed and lamented. Two extensive revivals occurred during his short ministry. Married Miss Luthera Fairman, Westhamp- ton, Mass., at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1848. THOMAS HENDERSON ROUSE. Born at Pittstown, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1820 ; graduated at Williams College, 1847, an d Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1850; preached at Feeding Hills, Mass., July I, 1850 Jan., 1851 ; ordained pastor at Poquonock, Conn., June 18, 1854, after preaching there three and a half years, and gathering the church and society over which he became pastor ; built a church and parsonage ; was dismissed Oct. 7, 1856, and installed at Jamestown, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1857, where he remained till June n, 1868, when he went to California for his health ; taught one year in Mills Seminary, Benicia, Cal., 1869; acting pastor at San Mateo, Cal., May I, 1870 Feb. 16, 1878. Went to Makawao, Maui, Hawaiian Islands in 1878, and organized " The Foreign Protes- tant Church of Makawao," Jan. 5, 1879, f which he has been acting pastor since March, 1878. Has published occasional sermons, and letters. Married Miss Eliza Hallock, Plainfield, Mass., Sept. 16, 1851. P. O. address, Makawao, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Auto. CLASS OF 1851. THOMAS SCOTT BRADLEY. Born at Lee, Mass., April 15, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1848 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover, 1851 ; spent six months in study and pastoral work with Rev. John Todd, Pittsfield, Mass. ; preached at Lanes- boro, Mass., and Cornwall, Conn. ; ordained pastor at Wilton, Conn., July, 1853, dismissed 1858. By reason of impaired health, taught High school in Norwalk, Conn. ; resumed pastoral work in New Lebanon, N. Y. ; was captain of Co. 9, N. Y. Sharp-shooters 1862; went to Suffolk, Va. ; health failing, he obtained a furlough, and started homeward, but 1851.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 6l died of typhoid fever at Philadelphia, June 28, 1863. Married Miss Harriet L. Reed, Milan, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1853. FREDERICK HUMPHREY BREWSTER. Born at Waterloo, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1822; graduated at Williams College, 1846; one year at Andover Seminary, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1851 ; ordained at Enfield, Conn., Feb. 25, 1852 ; received commission from A. B. C. F. M. to Canton, China; sailed July 31, 1852, and one month after reaching that country, died of small-pox, at Canton, Jan. 29, 1853. Married Miss Mary Gray Byrne of Wihdham, Conn., April 13, 1852. ' IRA CASE. Born at Chelsea, Vt, Aug. 11, 1820; gradua- ted at Amherst College, 1848 ; one year at Andover Seminary, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1851 ; ordained pastor at Orford, N. H., Nov. 3, 1852, dismissed 1854; preached at Underbill, Vt, 1855-7; Croydon, N. H., 1857-9 ; engaged in mercantile business at Providence, R. I., 1860-72, when he became teacher and preacher at North Scituate, R. I. ; retired to a farm in 1875. Married Miss Mary A. Eaton, Claremont, N. H., Nov. 15, 1849. P. O. address, North Scituate, R. I. Auto. PAUL ANSEL CHADBOURNE. Born at North Berwick, Me., Oct. 21, 1823 ; graduated at Williams College, 1848, with vale- dictory ; taught one year at Freehold, N. J. ; in 1850 took charge of High School at Great Falls, N. H. ; was Principal of Academy, East Windsor Hill, two years while studying Theology (having previously completed the studies of the Middle year in the Institute) ; Professor in Williams College, 1853-67; in 1855, led an exploring expedition to Newfoundland; to Florida in 1857; traveled in Northern Europe in 1859; an d to Greenland in 1861 ; Professor in Bowdoin College half the time from 1858-67; President of University of Wis., 1867-70; received the degree of M.D. in 1859, and of LL.D., in 1868 ; delivered a course of lectures in Smithsonian Institute and in Western Reserve College ; was three years Professor in Berkshire Medical College; President of Williams College, from 1872-81; 62 ALUMNI RECORDS. received D.D. from Amherst, 1872; was two years member of Massachusetts Senate, member of Royal Society of National Antiquaries at Copenhagen, Den., and of many other Historical and learned Societies ; published, " Natural Theol- ogy ", " Instinct in Animals and Men ", " Strength of Man and Stability of Nations", " Relations of Natural History", "Hope of the Righteous", and numerous addresses and articles in periodicals. Married Miss Elizabeth S. Page, Exeter, N. H., Oct. 9, 1850. P. O. address, Williamstown, Mass. Auto. ISAAC HALL NUTTING. Born at Groton, 'Mass., Dec. 14, 1824; graduated at Williams College, 1846; taught in Michi- gan one year, and in Brattleboro and Bennington, Vt. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1851; studied medicine, and received degree of M.D. ; preceptor of Mount Hollis Seminary, Mass., several years ; Professor in Iowa College till 1861, when he removed to Dyersville, Iowa, where he preached and practised medicine ; removed to Elgin, 111., where he died, Dec. I, 1865. TALMON CORNELIUS PERRY. Born at Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 13, 1826; graduated at Yale College, 1846; studied one year at Princeton ; one year with Dr. Nathaniel Hewitt, Bridgeport, Conn. ; was licensed by Fan-field West Associa- tion, Oct. 9, 1850 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1851; missionary of American Home Missionary Society and Maine H. M. S. in Maine and Connecticut, at intervals during a period of about five years ; ordained evangelist by Presbytery of N. Y. at Bridgeport, Nov. 12, 1856; acting pastor, Windsor, Mass., seven years; teacher and missionary to Freedmen at Biddle Memorial Institute Charlotte, N. C., where he was afterward Assistant Pro- fessor ; taught Academy of St. Andrews, Province of Que- bec, Canada, one year from Feb. 4, 1875 ; also helps to conduct and sustain services in La Prairie, a part of the year. Married Miss Sarah C. Clark, New York City, Oct. I, 1851. P. O. address, La Prairie, Province of Quebec, Canada. Aztto. 1851.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 63 GEORGE SOULE. Born at Wellington, Conn., Oct. 12, 1823; graduated at Amherst College, 1847; taught two years ; studied at Union, and graduated at Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, 1851; acting pastor, Ashford, Conn., 1851-2; Hampton, Conn., 1853-5; ordained pastor, Hamp- ton, Oct. 18, 1855; was made Chaplain, nth Regiment Connecticut Vols., Dec. 15, 1861 ; failing health led him to resign, Aug. 2, 1862; having accepted a call to Stafford Springs, Conn., he was dismissed from Hampton, Sept. 24, 1867, but died Oct. 4, 1867, before his removal could take place. Married Miss Caroline R. Litchfield, Hampton, Conn., Oct. 19, 1858. LUTHER RICE WHITE. Born at Northbridge, Mass., March 16, 1816; graduated at Amherst College, 1848; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover Seminary, 1851; ordained as evangelist, Oct. 19, 1851, under A. H. M. S. ; labored at Le Clare and Brighton, Iowa, and Port Byron, 111. Died at Brighton, Iowa, May 30, 1858. Married Miss Elizabeth Webster, Northbridge, Mass., Oct. 19, 1851. FRANCIS F. WILLIAMS. Born at Kennebunk, Me., 1824; graduated at Bowdoin College, 1845, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1851 ; preached at Milton, Conn., 1851 April, 1853; ordained pastor of Second Church, at Manchester, Conn., Dec. 7, 1853; dismissed in Jan., 1856; acting pastor at Gilead and Sherman, Conn., Rockdale and Scituate, Mass., and Westminster, Conn., Dec., 1857 June, 1864; in U. S. Christian commission, Nov., 1864 July, 1865 ; acting pastor at East Marshfield, Mass., March, 1866 July, 1868 ; at Lacon and other places in 111., March, 1872 April, 1874; Boylston, Mass., June, 1874 June, 1877 Freetown, Mass., Feb., 1879 March, l8 ^o ; published ser- mons and reviews in Quarterlies. P. O. address, 40 Upton street, Boston, Mass. Auto. 64 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1852. CLASS OF 1852. DAVID BREED. Born at New Haven, Conn., July 15, 1822 ; assistant missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Choctaws before entering Theological Seminary ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852 ; ordained pastor at Chester, Mass., Feb. 17, 1853; installed at Lisbon, Conn., Feb. 17, 1857; acting pastor at West Attleboro, Mass., March, 1863 March, 1866; Abington, Conn., April, 1868 May, 1872 ; installed at Middlebury, Conn., Oct., 1872 ; acting pastor at Lebanon, and Exeter, Conn., May, 1878. Married Miss Sarah Ann Gillette, Colchester, Conn., Nov. 25, 1847. (2) Miss Caroline L. Lyman, South Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 25, 1852. P. O. address, Lebanon, Conn. Auto. JOHN MANNING FRANCIS. Born at Canterbury, Conn., April 1 6, 1828; graduated at Brown University in 1849, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852 ; preached in Staffordville, Conn., a few months ; was compelled to leave by reason of ill health ; taught in Ohio Institute for deaf mutes, March, 1854 Dec., 1864; superintendent at California In- stitute for deaf, dumb, and blind, 1865 ; resigned on account of ill health. Has published articles in American annals for deaf mutes. Married Miss Sarah J. Kinne, Brattleboro* Vt, April 2, 1869. P. O. address, Plainfield, Conn. CHARLES HARTWELL. Born at Lincoln, Mass,, Dec. 19, 1825 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1849, anc ^ Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852 ; ordained as missionary of A. B. C. F. M. under appointment for China, at Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 13, 1852 ; sailed from New York, around the Cape of Good Hope, Nov. 3, 1852; returned to America in 1865, and re-embarked for China, August 10, 1867, via Panama and Pacific mail steamer ; visited the United States a second time in 1877, and left San Francisco for China the third time, in Oct., 1878. Has published translation of one-fourth of the New Testament into Foo Chow spoken language ; tracts 1852.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 65 in the same, and also in the written language ; several let- ters and pamphlets in English upon questions of interest pertaining to the Chinese. Married Miss Lucy E. Stearns, Billerica, Mass., Sept. 6, 1852. P. O. address, Foo Chow, China. ROBERT DEXTER MILLER. Born at Dummerston, Vt , Sept. 23, 1824; graduated at Amherst College, 1848 ; princi- pal of academy in Purdy, McNairy Co., West Tenn., 1849- 50; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852 ; preached in Rushford, N. Y., 1853, an d Jamaica, Vt., 1855 > ordained pastor at North Wardsboro, Vt., July 2, 1856, where he remained three years ; preached at Peru, Vt., five year^ ; Pelham, Mass., one and a half years; Hawley, Mass., three years ; West Newbury, Vt., five-years ; Hartland, Vt., 1875-9, and West Hartford, Vt., 1880. Published, " Life and remains of Rev. C. D. Jefferds," and a sermon on the great rebellion. Married Miss Sarah Lucretia Button, Brattleboro, Vt., August 8, 1853 ; (2) Miss Eliza Chamberlain Cook, Gill, Mass., July 17, 1855. P. O. address, West Hartford, Vt. Auto. WILLIAM RANDALL PALMER. Born at Griswold, Conn., Jan. 15, 1822; graduated at Amherst College, 1849, an d at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852; spent vacations as colporteur ; was ordained Evangelist at Chicopee, Mass., Sept. 1 6, 1852, and was appointed general agent of American Tract Society, for state of Ind. ; acting pastor of Center Church, Crawfordsville, Ind., two years, and was then in- stalled, April, 1855 ; was dismissed July, 1857, when he be- came acting pastor of Presbyterian Church, Danville, 111., to Sept., 1 86 1 ; then of Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Ind., where he remained two years ; then of Presbyterian Church, Attica, Ind., from Oct., 1863, to Sept., 1865, when his health failed, and in 1866 he returned to New England, where he gradually declined, till he died in Chicopee, Mass., Feb. 19, 1880. His labors were attended with gratifying success and large additions to the church, while he preached much in destitute places. Near the close of his ministry he 9 66 ALUMNI RECORDS. said, " The precious record of my life is this ; permitted to preach the gospel fourteen years." He was fourteen years an invalid at Chicopee. Married Miss Clara Skeele, Chico- pee, Mass., Sept. 16, 1852. CHARLES SCOTT. Born at Halifax, Vt, August 13, 1825 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852; ordained pastor at Marlboro, Vt., Dec. 27, 1854; acting pas- tor successively in Jericho, Pittsfield, Troy, and Post Mills, Vt., and West Cummington, Mass ; now acting pastor of Presbyterian Church, Thornton's Ferry, N. H. ; published occasional sermons. Married Miss Hannah J. Grant, Springfield, Mass., June 16, 1853. (2) Miss Helen King, Palmer, Mass., Oct. 16, 1877. P. O. address, Thornton's perry, N. H. Auto. GEORGE INGERSOLL STEARNS. Born at West Killingly, Conn., Sept. 7, 1825 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1849, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1852; ordained pastor at Windham, Conn., Sept. 22, 1852, where he labored faithfully and devotedly until 1861, when failing health led him to seek release from his charge ; his church declined to accept his resignation, and he retained his pastorate until his death, March 13, 1862. Married Miss Amelia D. Jones, Hudson, Mich., 1852. JOSEPH DWIGHT STRONG. Born at Granby, Conn., June 5, 1823 ; graduated at Williams College, 1849, an d at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1852 ; ordained pastor at West- port, Conn., in 1855; removed to become pastor of Fort Street Church, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands; in 1858 went to Cal.. and preached four years in Oakland, and afterward in San Francisco ; returned East in 1867. Married Miss Margaret Bixby, Sept. 7, 1852. P. O. address, . I853-] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 6/ CLASS OF 1853. OSCAR BISSELL. Born at Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 20, 1822 ; graduated at Yale College, 1849 5 Colporteur, 1850-1 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853 ; preached in Canaan, Conn., 1855 ; ordained pastor at West- moreland, N. H., May 14, 1856, dismissed in 1859; acting pastor, Dublin, N. H., four years ; Roxbury, N. H., two years; West Townsend, Vt., one year; Warwick, Mass., eight months ; Ellsworth, Conn., one year ; installed pastor, Marlboro, Conn., March 28, 1871 ; -acting pastor, Westford, Conn., since 1877. Married Miss Alma Cole, Westmoreland, N. H., May, 1860; (2) Miss Augusta M. Ward, Warwick, Mass., Nov. i, 1869. P. O. address, Westford, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM BROWN COLBURN. Born at Leverett, Mass., May 10, 1830; studied at Amherst College, but failed to graduate on account of ill health ; took partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; was ordained deacon in Protestant Episcopal Church, March 17, 1853, and priest in same Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Eastburn of Mass., May 25, 1854; has labored in Swansea, Quincy, Chicopee, and Rockdale, Mass. ; performed clerical and missionary service at Pittsfield and elsewhere in Mass. ; rector, St. Mark's Church, Bridgewater, Conn., eight years, which office he lately resigned on account of ill health ; received the degree of D.D., from Nebraska College, in 1877. Unmarried. P. O. address, Bridgewater, Conn. Auto. GEORGE WASHINGTON CONNITT. Born at Elyria, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1823; graduated at Williams College, 1849, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853; ordained pastor, Deep River, Conn., Dec. 20, 1854, dismissed in 1856 ; installed pastor of Presbyterian Church, Deep River, Conn., Oct. 9, 1856, dismissed 1862 ; reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Fallsburg, Woodburne, N. Y., May 10, 1862, dismissed 1865 ; reformed Dutch Church, New Prospect, N. Y., 1866, dismissed 1874; in 1872, was disabled by a fall 68 ALUMNI RECORDS. which fractured the hip, producing permanent lameness ; be- came deacon-evangelist in Catholic Apostolic Church, July 26, 1876, and is now teaching in the High School at Fond Du Lac, Wis. Married Miss Lucy I. Tyler, Williamstown, Mass., August 15, 1853 ; (2) Miss Louisa Howe, Portland, Me., Oct. 30, 1866. P. O. address, Fond Du Lac, Wis. Auto. HENRY KINGMAN EDSON. Born at Hadley, Mass., Oct. 5, 1822; graduated at Amherst College, 1844; principal of Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., 1842-9; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and Union Seminary ; licensed in 1852; principal of Denmark Academy, Iowa, Sept. i852-March, 1879; spent a year in Europe; now Professor of Theory and Practice of Teaching in Iowa College; ordained as evangelist in 1881 ; has published pamphlets on educational subjects, and letters from Europe. Married Mrs. Celestia K. Maynard, New York Mills, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1852. P. O. address, Grinnell, Iowa. Auto. TIMOTHY ALLYN HAZEN. Born at Agawam, Mass., June 24, 1826; graduated at Williams College, 1849; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Union Seminary, 1853; ordained pastor, Dalton, Mass., Oct. n, 1854; acting pastor, Broad Brook, Conn., Dec., 1859- April, 1863; acting pastor at South Egremont, Mass., two years, and was then installed there, March 2, 1865 ; at Housatonic, Mass., June 2, 1869; at Goshen, Conn., Feb. 7, 1872 ; published semi-centennial sermon at South Egremont. Married Miss Sarah A. Ives, Lenox, Mass., Aug. 23, 1853. P. O. address, Goshen, Conn. Auto. THOMAS COLTON PARMELEE HYDE. Born at Bolton, Conn., Oct. 28, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1848 ; studied one year at Andover, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853; was principal of academy at Spencertown, N. Y., 185356, preaching at the same time in the vicinity ; preached for several churches in Conn., N. Y., Mich., and Kansas, from 1856-59: edited revised I853-] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 69 edition of "Village Hymns," in 1852. Married Miss Char- lotte Elizabeth Burknap of Andover, Conn., March 4, 1857. P. O. address, Andover, Conn. A^lto. WILLIAM BROWN LEE. Born at Madison, Conn., Aug. 30, 1828 ; graduated at Yale College, 1849 ; taught in Bran- ford, Conn,, 1849-50; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853; ordained pastor at Fair Haven, Conn., Aug. 9, 1853, dismissed 1859; installed, Brooklyn, N. Y., May 8, 1860 ; Portland, Conn., May 8, 1873 ; preached at Pecousett Chapel, Portland, July, i875~Aug., 1879; installed pastor of Presbyterian Church, Yaphank, N. Y., Oct. i, 1879; nas published several sermons, and a tract for the Presbyterian Board of Publication. Married Miss Elizabeth Payson Howe, Portland, Maine, June 7, 1854. P. O. address, Yaphank, Long Island, N. Y. Auto. HENRY PRATT. Born at Salisbury, Conn., Jan 11, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1850, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853; ordained pastor, Dudley, Mass., Oct. 25, 1854. Married Miss Elizabeth Kingsbury, Dudley, Mass., April 23, 1855. Died, March 19, 1880. CHARLES STRONG SMITH. Born at Hardwick, Vt, July 24, 1824; graduated at University of Vermont, 1848; two years preceptor of academy at Craftsbury, Vt. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1853; preached at New Preston, Conn., from July, 1853, two years; ordained as an Evangelist at Franklin, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1855 ; acting pastor at North Walton, N. Y., July, 1855-7; fi ye years of ill health followed ; represented his native town in State Legislature ; has been secretary of Vermont Domestic Mis- sionary Society, since 1863 ; associate editor of the Vermont Chronicle, two years. Has published, " Essays on Syste- matic Beneficence," and missionary reports. Married Miss Lucy A. Maynard, Walton, N. Y., July 24, 1854; (2) Miss Sarah J. Landfear, New Haven, Conn., Dec. 8, 1869. P. O. address, Montpelier, Vt. Auto. 7O ALUMNI RECORDS. [1854. CLASS OF 1854. HENRY MARTYN ADAMS. Born at Enpsburg, Vt., Nov. 20, 1823 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1851, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1854; ordained August 30, 1854, at Enosburg, as missionary of A. B. C. F. M. for the Gaboon Mission, West Africa, for which place he sailed from New York, Sept. 29, 1854, arriving early in 1855 ; he spent a few months in learning the Dikele language, and in July, .1855, was transferred to Nengenenge, where he made his home with Rev. Mr. Bushnell, learning the Pangwe language and laboring among the Pangwees ; he was attacked with chills and fever August 9, and died August 13,1856; his death was a triumph of Christian faith, which profoundly im- pressed the heathen who witnessed it. " A life of unswerv- ing fidelity." (See Missionary Herald, 1856, vol. 52, p. 371, and memoir, published by Mass. S. S. Society of Boston, 1859.) Was never married. JEROME ALLEN. Born at Westminster, Vt, July 17, 1830 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1851 ; partial course at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor of Presby- terian Church, Hopkinton, la., June, 1859, dismissed 1866, and was at the same time principal of Lenox Collegiate Institute ; principal at Maquoketa Academy, la., two years ; professor in Alexander College, Dubuque, la., four years, and of State Normal School, Geneseo, N. Y., since 1871. Has published, "English Grammar," "How to teach map drawing," " Methods for teaching," and " National System of Map Drawing." Editor of Barnes Educational Monthly three years. Married Miss Mary Anne Windsor, Maquoketa, la., Feb. 10, 1854. P. O. address, Geneseo, N. Y. EDWARD WARREN BENTLEY. Born at Tyringham, Mass., July 23, 1826; graduated at Yale College, 1850; taught in Lyme, Conn., one year, also in Rochester and Williamsburg, Mass. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1854 ; licensed by Hartford South Association ; ordained pastor of Reformed Dutch Church, Ellenville, N. Y., by the Classis of 1854-1 THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. /I Orange, Oct. 4, 1854; resigned on account of ill health, 1881. Has published, "The Lord our National God," 1860. "The profit of the war," 1861. " The duty of emancipation," 1862. " History of the Classis of Orange," 1875. Received the degree of D.D. from University of New York, 1877. Mar- ried Miss Emily Humphrey, Canton Centre, Conn., May I, 1854. P. O. address, Canton, Conn. Auto. MARCUS MANARD CARLETON. Born at Marshfield, Vt, August 13, 1827; graduated at Amherst College, 1851; studied theology at Columbia, S. C, and graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1854; ordained Evangelist by Presbytery of 'Connecticut ; missionary of the Presby- terian Board of Foreign Missions, at Umballah, India ; for twenty-eight years an Evangelist and Itinerant missionary, having no permanent place of abode. Married Miss Celes- tia Bradford, Barre, Vt, August I, 1854. P. O. address, Umballah, North India. FRANKLIN BRADLEY DOE. Born at Highgate, Vt., Dec. 5, 1826; graduated at Amherst College, 1851 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Ban- gor, Me., 1854; ordained pastor at Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 19, 1854, dismissed 1858 ; installed pastor at Appleton, Wis., Oct. 19, 1858, dismissed 1868; superintendent of American Home Missionary Society for Wis., since May I, 1868 ; pub- lished reports and sermons, and articles for the press. Married Miss Mary A. Beecroft, Bangor, Me., Aug. 31, 1854. P. O. address, Ripon, Wis. Auto. EDWIN HALL. Born at Middlebury, Vt., Aug. I, 1829; graduated at Yale College, 1850; taught one year at l^orth Granville, N.Y., and at Norwalk, Conn. ; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1854; ordained pastor at New Hartford, South, (Nepaug,) Conn., Dec. 13, 1854; dis- missed, May, 1869; pastor at Presbyterian Church, Youngs- town, N. Y., July 14, 1869, dismissed May, 1873; acting pastor, South Canaan, Conn., August, i873~Oct, 1874, Rosendale, Wis., Oct., i874~Oct., 1876, Presbyterian Church, 72 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1854. Charleston, West Va., Feb., i8/7-March, 1878 ; acting pastor of Presbyterian Church at Rock Stream, N. Y., since April, 1880; published several sermons and reports. Married Miss Henrietta Watson, New Hartford, Conn., Oct. 13, 1869. P. O. address, Rock Stream, N. Y. Auto. JACOB WILLIAM MARCUSSOHN. Born at Scalot, Galitia, Austria, July n, 1826; graduated at Williams College, 1852, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1854, having spent the Senior year also at Union Seminary ; ordained at Wethersfield, Conn., 1854; served as missionary to the Jews and Greeks, under the auspices of the church of Scotland, at Salonica and Constantinople, until 1862 ; installed pastor at Lyndon ville, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1872, Barre Centre, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1878; pastor of Presbyterian Church, Holly, N. Y., Feb., 1 88 1. Married Miss Julia Beringer, Stuttgart, Wur- temburg, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, August 3, 1859. P. O. address, Holly, New York. Auto. BENJAMIN PARSONS. Bom at Bloomfield, N. J., Jan. 6, 1826 ; graduated at Yale College, 1850 ; taught in the family of Hon. Cassius M. Clay, Madison Co., Ky., and in Bloom- field Institute, N. J. ; in 1852 attended a course of medical lectures at Pittsfield, Mass., and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1854 ; ordained missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Turkey, at Fairfield, Conn., June 20, 1854; sail- ed from Boston, August 8, 1854; remained at Sivas till Oct., 1859 ; pastor at Windsor, Conn., 1860-65, Watertown, Conn., two years ; installed pastor at Smyrna, Mich., 1867, dismissed 1872; preached at Saline, Mich., June, 1872 Nov., 1876; pastor since Feb., 1878, at First Presbyterian Church, Le Roy, N. Y. ; has published occasional sermons. Married. Miss Sarah W. Powers, Hadley, Mass., June 18, 1854. P. O. address, Le Roy, N, Y. Auto. HENRY MARTYN PARSONS. Born at East Haddam, Conn., Nov. 13, 1828; graduated at Yale College, 1848, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1854; ordained pastor at First Church, Springfield, Mass., Nov. 15, 1854; in- 1 855.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 73 stalled pastor of Union Church, Boston, Mass., Dec. i, 1870 ; installed pastor of Olivet Church, Boston, Mass., Feb., 1876; installed at La Fayette Street Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. I, 1877, Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Canada, April 15, 1880. Married Miss Mary Elizabeth Dudley, Richmond, Va., Jan. 1 6, 1855. (2) Sarah Johnson Adams, Camden, Me., Dec. 13, 1876. P. O. address, Toronto, Canada. Auto. CLASS OF 1855. CHARLES BASSETT BALL. Born at Lee, Mass., July 9, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1846, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1855. The interval between was spent in teaching at Southampton, N. Y., and studying and practicing law at Cambridge, and Springfield, Mass. ; preached in Williamstown, Hinsdale, and Pittsfield, Mass. ; ordained as pastor at Wilton, Conn., Jan. 20, 1858, where he remained till he died, Jan. 27, 1859. Married Miss Sarah A. Huntting, Southampton, Long Island, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1855. HORACE SMITH BISHOP. Born at Rye, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1832 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1855 ; chaplain in regular army of the United States, March, 1858 to July, 1861, at Fort Fillmore, New Mexico. Was designated for special duty as chaplain on staff of Acting Inspector-General J. E. Johnson, for department of Texas, New Mexico, and Cal. ; ordained deacon in Protestant Epis- copal Church, by Bishop. Odenheimer, in St. Mary's Cathe- dral, Burlington, N. J., May 21, 1861, and also to the priest- hood, by the same Bishop, and in the same place, Feb. 24, 1863 ; assistant in Grace Church, Newark, N. J., May, 1861 Sept., 1862 ; rector of Christ Church, Bordentown, N. J., Sept, 1862 Sept., 1865 ; disabled, 1865-9; rector of Christ Church, East Orange, N. J., since Oct., 1870. Married Miss Mary Harrison Condit, at Grace Church, Newark, N. J., June 30, 1864. P. O. address, East Orange, N. J. Auto. 10 74 ALUMNI RECORDS. [185 5. ALBERT BOOTH. Born at Springfield, Mass., August 22, 1825 ; graduated at Yale College, 1850 ; taught two years at Washington Institute in New York City, and at East Wind- sor, Conn. ; partial course at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, and graduated at Union Seminary ; ordained in Methodist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., by Bishop Mor- ris, April 21, 1857; has been stationed at Darien, Conn., 1855 -6, West Chester and West Farms, N. Y., 1857-8, Litch- field, Conn., 1859-60, Seymour, Conn., 1861, and succes- sively at Rockville Center and Whitestone, L. I., Woodbury, Roxbury, New Milford, Bloomfield, Milford, and Cheshire, Conn. Married Miss Louisa Tristam, New York, March 30, 1857. P. O. address, Kensington, Conn. EDMUND YOUNG GARRETTE. Born at New Hartford, Conn, March 14, 1823; graduated at Amherst College^ 1850; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecti- cut, in class of 1855, and graduated at Andover, in 1853 ; ordained pastor at Foxboro, Mass., April 12, 1854, dismissed 1857; installed pastor at Middlebury, Mass., Sept. 30, 1857, dismissed 1869 ; Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 30, 1869 ; acting pastor at La Crosse, Wis., Oct. i, 1872. Now located at Atlanta, Ga. Married Miss Franzenia Wilder Parkhurst, Milford, Mass., May 17, 1854. P. O. address, Atlanta, Ga. HENRY KIES. Born at Killingly, Conn., March 13, 1826 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1852 ; studied theology with Rev. T. O. Rice, at Killingly ; took partial course at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Lane Sem- inary, Ohio, 1855. Died at Troy, la., August 19, 1855. "A young man of much promise." STEPHEN CLAPP PIXLEY. Born at Plainfield, Mass., June 22, 1829 ; graduated at Williams College, 1852, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1855 ; ordained at Plain- field, Mass., Sept. 25, 1855, missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Natal, South Africa, for which place he sailed, Oct. 25, 1855, and arrived Jan. 20, 1856; pastor and teacher at Umahlon- gua, at Adams, and now at Lindsley stations ; assisted in 1 85 5.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 75 translating the Scriptures into Zulu ; visited America for the first time in 1881, and is now engaged in putting the Zulu Bible through the press. Married Miss Louisa Healy, North- ampton, Mass., Oct. 13, 1855. P. O. address, Duff's Road, Natal, South Africa. During the winter of 1881-2, Auburndale, Mass. THOMAS STOUGHTON POTWIN. Born at East Windsor, Conn., April 4, 1829; graduated at Yale College, 1851; tutor in languages, at Beloit College, Wis., August 3, 1851- July, 1853; principal of academy at East Windsor Hill; tutor of Latin and Greek in Yale College, 1854-57 ; studied one year (1853-4) at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and was ordained pastor at Franklin, N. Y., Feb., 1861 ; superintendent of Orphan Asylum, at Hartford, Conn., from May, 1875. Married Miss Harriet Amelia King, Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, 1858. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. Auto. EDWARD HENRY PRATT. Born at Shrewsbury, Mass., Nov. 4, 1826; graduated at Amherst College, 1853 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover, 1855 ; ordained at East Woodstock, Conn., March 16, 1858 ; acting pastor at East Woodstock, Conn., Dec., 1855 April, 1867. In Jan., 1865, was chosen secretary of Conn. Temperance Union, which he served with acceptance and fidelity until his death at East Woodstock, Nov. 13, 1878 ; published annual reports and several tracts on temper- ance. Married Miss Martha Ann Holden, Shrewsbury, Mass., at Graf ton, Feb. 28, 1856. ORAMEL STEPHEN SENTER. Born at Thetford, Vt, March n, 1823; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1848; read law with Peter Thacher Washburn of Woodstock, Vt., and prac- tised in Springfield, Mass., 1851-3; graduated at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1855 ; preached one year in Vt. ; taught one year in Orange, Conn. ; was Home mission- ary in Minn., July, 1857-9 ; resided in Thetford as associate editor of The Vermont Chronicle ; was ordained as Evangelist at Berlin Corners, Vt., May 8, 1862. Married Miss Clarissa Kent, Clearwater, Minn., July, 1858. P. O. address, Thetford, Vt. 76 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1856. CLASS OF 1856. HORATIO NELSON BURTON. Born at Washington, Vt, Dec. 17, 1826; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1853; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1856; ordained pastor at Newbury, Vt., Dec. 31, 1857, dismissed 1869; acting pastor at Sandusky, Ohio, Sept. i, 1869 April 9, 1876; Plymouth Church, Kalamazoo, Mich,, April 16, 1876 June 10, 1879; pastor at Sycamore, 111., since March 26, 1880; received degreee of D.D. from Dartmouth College, June 25, 1875 ; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Amelia Newell, East Burke, Vt, May 18, 1858. P. O. address, Sycamore, 111. Auto. JAMES THOMAS FORD. Born at Abington, Mass., Sept. 13, 1827; graduated at Williams College, 1851 ; taught two years in East Windsor Hill Academy ; studied two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at An- dover Theological Seminary 1856; county missionary in Lamoille Co., Vt, one year; ordained pastor at Stowe, Vt, March 25, 1857 ; dismissed in 1869 ; missionary of American Missionary Association at Charleston, S. C., six years ; acting pastor at San Bernardino, Cal., since Nov. I, 1875. Married Miss Melinda Adams, Williamstown, Mass., Oct. 17, 1851. (2) Miss Sarah P. Bancroft, South Windsor, Conn., March 17, 1857. P. O. address, San Bernardino, Cal. Auto. ORVILLE WILLARD MERRILL. Born at Oxford, N. H., March 21, 1827 ; two years in Amherst College, and gradua- ted at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1856; preached in Corinth, Vt. ; preached four years in Waterloo, la., from 1859; in June, 1862, commenced preaching at Anamosa, la., where he was installed June 20, 1866; after eight years of very successful labor there, he was dismissed March, 1870, to become superintendent of missions in Nebraska, under A. H. M. S. This office he filled till he died, at Lincoln, Neb., March 11, 1874. "A noble Christian life." The first 1856.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 77 college building in Neb., was named in honor of him, " Mer- rill Hall." Married Miss Anna Couch, Westfield, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1 86 1. JOHN KEEP NUTTING. Born at Groton, Mass., May 17, 1832; graduated at Williams College, 1853; two and a half years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; taught in Chandlersville, Ohio, 1856-7; superintendent of public schools, at Eddyville, la., 1857-8 ; ordained as Home mission- ary at Eddyville, Sept. 8, 1858 ; Home missionary at Polk City, la., 1858-9; Bradford, la., 1859-68; Monticello, la., 1868; agent of Chicago Theological Seminary, for Iowa, 1868 -9; Home missionary at Glenwood, la., 1869-73 ; president of Tougaloo University, Miss., 1873-4 ; pastor at Austinburg, Ohio, since 1874; originated the "Iowa Religious News Let- ter'' of which he was associate editor four years ; published illustrated poems in " Wide awake'' also two bound volumes, "Tilman Loring," and "Rocky Hill." Serials, " Paugus and his braves," " Burdens bravely borne," and sermons in pam- phlet. Married Miss Celeste Eugenie Chandler, Chandlers- ville, Ohio, March 3, 1857. P. O. address, Austinburg, Ohio. Auto. MOSES THURSTON RUNNELS. Born at Cambridge, Vt., Jan. 23, 1830; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1853, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1856; ordained at Jaffrey, N. H., Aug. 13, 1856; served American Sunday School Union, 1856-60; acting pastor at Orford, N. H., 1860-65 J Sanbornton, N. H., 1865-8, where he was installed pastor June n, 1868 ; published " Genealogy of Runnels and Reynolds Families in America," (370 pp.), "History of Con- gregational Church, Sanbornton, N. H.," " Memoir of Miss Martha A. Piper," (66 pp.), discussions in Congregational Reviews, and several sermons ; now issuing, (1881,) " History of the Town of Sanbornton, N. H.," in two volumes Vol. I, "Annals," Vol. 2, " Genealogies," (1000 pp.). Married Miss Fannie Maria Baker, Haverhill, N. H., July 9, 1861. P. O. address, Sanbornton, N. H. A^tto. 78 ALUMNI RECORDS. CHARLES STEBBINS SYLVESTER. Born at William stown, Mass., Aug. 12, 1826; graduated at Williams College, 1846; entered Auburn Theological Seminary in 1848, and after some years suspension of studies from ill health, resumed his course and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1856 ; was ordained as evangelist in 1857, at Spencertown, N. Y., where he was acting pastor, as also at Coxsackie, N. Y., and Richmond and Feeding Hills, Mass. ; engaged in literary labors in Hartford in connection with Chinese educational work. Married Miss Harriet Arms, Conway, Mass., May 15, 1857; (2) Miss Julia Ann Sykes, Feeding Hills, Mass., May u, 1871. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. Auto. JEREMIAH EVARTS WALTON. Born at Alexandria, Va., March 27, 1831 ; graduated at Williams College, 1853 ; par- tial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained by Baltimore Presbytery, pastor of Presbyterian Church, West River, Maryland, where he remained two years ; assisted Rev. Dr. Beman of Troy a few months ; pastor at Rockford, 111., four years ; Third Church, Portland, Me., two years ; joined Protestant Episcopal Church and was Rector of Episcopal Church, Rockford, 111., four years ; Wilton, Conn., eight years ; taught in Hamden, Conn. ; Rector of Trinity Church, Marshall, Mich., since 1879. Married Miss Helen M. Randall, North Adams, Mass., Sept. 21, 1859. P. O. address, Marshall, Mich. Auto. CLASS OF 1857. FREDERICK ALVORD. Born at Bolton, Conn., Dec. 5, 1828; graduated at Yale College, 1855, an ^ Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1857; ordained pastor, Chicopee Falls, Mass., July 2i, 1858 ; preached at West Stafford, Conn., Ludlow, Mass., and Walpole, N. H., 1860-66; installed at Da- rien, Conn., Dec. 26, 1866, dismissed in 1869; installed at Nashua, N. H., July 6, 1869, where he still remains ; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Susan Gridley Ely, Monson, Mass., Oct. 21, 1857. P. O. address, Nashua, N. H. Auto. 1 85 7.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 79 SAMUEL JOHN AUSTIN. Born at Becket, Mass., Nov. 22, 1824; graduated at Union College, 1847 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and one year at And- over ; ordained pastor, Mason Village, N. H., Feb. 25, 1857 ; installed at Gardner, Mass., 1859, dismissed 1864; Orford, Mass., 1864, dismissed in 1868; pastor at Warren, Mass., 1868; Chicopee Falls, Mass., 1877. Married Miss Jennie Clark, 1858 ; (2) Miss Susan M. Miller, 1863. P. O. address, Chicopee Falls, Mass. EDWIN DIMOCK. Born at South Coventry, Conn., June 8, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1854, where he was tutor, 1856-7 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut; was ordained pastor at Orange, Mass., April 14, 1858, dismissed 1859 ; preached at Fair Haven, Conn., 1860 ; acting pastor, Terry ville, Conn., 1861-2 ; health failed, and he went West, but died at Central City, Col., Nov. 3, 1865 ; "A man of great excellence of character and superior qualifications." Married Miss Emerett A. Risley, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Oct. 11, 1857. SAMUEL BAKER FORBES. Born at Westboro, Mass., Aug. i, 1826; graduated at Williams College, 1855, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1857 ; ordained pastor at Manchester, Conn., Oct., 1857 ; health failed after a few months, and while preaching occasionally since, has been engaged in business at West Winsted, Conn., until his installation as pastor of Second Church, Rockville, Conn., March 30, 1881. Married Miss Emily Johnson Guy, Hopkin- ton, Mass., Sept. 2, 1846 ; (2) Miss Lucy Stoughton Ellsworth, East Windsor, Conn., Sept. 2, 1857; (3) Miss Cornelia Beardsley, West Winsted, Conn., Oct. 23, 1867. P. O. address, Rockville, Conn. Auto. JOHN HARTWELL. Born at Lincoln, Mass., Dec. 20, 1827 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1855, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1857; taught in Buckland, Mass., 1858 ; ordained pastor at Leverett, Mass., from Sept. 29, 1859, to Sept. 29, 1864; acting pastor, Becket, Mass., Oct., 186410 Oct. 15, 1871 ; after preaching one year in Southbury, 8O ALUMNI RECORDS. Conn., he was installed there Oct. 30, 1872, where he re- mained until his death, Dec. 18, 1878; "His conscientious fidelity led him to overtask his strength ; for his kindly spirit, his love for the church, and his anxiety for the welfare of all the people, he will long be held in grateful and affectionate remembrance." Married Miss Sarah Wetmore South mayd, Middletown, Conn., June 20, 1860. JACOB HURD STRONG. Born at Haddam, Conn., Dec. 26, 1829; graduated at Williams College, 1854, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1857; ordained pastor at New Preston Village, Conn., Dec. 23, 1857 ; installed at Oxford, Conn., Feb. n, 1863; acting pastor at Torrington, Conn., Nov. 12, i865-Sept., 1869; installed at Soquel, Cal., August 7, 1870; opened a classical school at Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug., 1875 ; organized a church and society in Ferndale, Cal., April, 1876, and was its pastor three years ; preached in Hay ward, and San Mateo, Cal., till Aug., 1879, when he became acting pastor at Pescadero, Cal., where he now resides. Married Miss Laura Frances Walker, Vernon, Conn., July 16, 1857. P. O. address, Clayton, Contra Costa Co., California. Auto. LYMAN WARNER. Born at Bolton, Conn., July 4, 1826; graduated at Williams College, 1854; at Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut one year, and graduated at Andovef, 1857 ; ordained pastor of Second Church, Ashfield, Mass., from Oct. 28, 1857, to Oct. 28, 1859; taught in East Hartford, preaching as occasion offered from Oct. 1859, to Oct. 1862 ; acting pastor at First Church, Becket, Mass., Oct., i862-May, 1864; acting pastor at Rockford, la., May, 1864- August, 1871 ; at East Hartland, Conn., August n, 1872- June 9, 1876; resided in Salisbury, Conn., preaching occa- sionally, from 1876 to 1879; acting pastor at Burlington, Conn., from April, 1879 to 1881, when he went to West Granville, Mass., where he is now preaching. Married Miss Elizabeth S. Olmsted, East Hartford, Conn., Oct. 15, 1857. P. O. address, West Granville, Mass. Auto. 1 859.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 8 1 CLASS OF 1859. EDWIN CONE BISSELL. Born at Schoharie, N. Y., March 2, 1832; graduated at Amherst College, 1855; taught one year in Williston Seminary ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Union Seminary, 1859; ordained pastor at West Hampton, Mass., Sept. 21, 1859; dismissed in 1864. Captain of Co. K., fifty-second Mass., Vols. 1862-3 ; installed at Green Street Church, San Francisco, Cal., 1865, was dismissed in 1869 ; during this time was editor of "The Pacific" two years ; acting pastor at Fort Street Church, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1869-70; installed pastor at Winchester, Mass., from 1870 to 1873 ; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. at Innsbruck, Austria, 1873, dismissed 1878 ; received degree of D.D. from Amherst College, 1874; in 1880 went to Leipsic, Germany, for the study of Hebrew and cognate Languages ; later in the year he was elected Nettleton Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature in the Theological Institute of Connecticut, which chair he occu- pied from the beginning of the Academic year in 1881. Pub- lished "The Historic origin of the Bible," 1872. "Apocrypha of the Old Testament, with historical introductions, revised translation, with notes critical and explanatory," 1880. Mar- ried Miss Emily Pomeroy, Somers, Conn., Sept. 6, 1859. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. Auto. THERON BROWN. Born at Willimantic, Conn., April 29, 1832 ; graduated at Yale College, 1856; two years at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor of Baptist Church, South Framingham, Mass., Dec. 15, 1859; dismiss- ed Nov. I, 1 86 1 ; assistant editor of " Watchman and Reflec- tor" 1861-3 ; acting pastor at North Baptist Church, Hart- ford, Conn., 1862 ; pastor of Baptist Church, Canton, Mass., Jan. 11, 1863, dismissed May I, 1870; assistant editor of "Youth's Companion," from 1870 . Published " Canton Baptist Memorial," "BonruTs Building Lot," "The Blount Family," "Walter Neal's Example," "The Red Shanty II 82 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1859. Boys," " Nick Hardy and the Wooden Spoon." Married Miss Helen Preston, Wellington, Conn., Nov., 1859. P. O. address, Norwood, Mass. WILLIAM ALLEN HALLOCK. Born at Plainfield, Mass., August 27, 1832 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1855 ; one year at Yale Theological Seminary ; spent a year in a voyage to the Mediterranean ; one year at Union Seminary, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, in 1859 ; ordained pastor at Gilead, Conn., Oct. 24, 1860 ; dismiss- ed 1864 ; acting pastor in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 1866, to the commencement of his labors as acting pastor in Bloomfield, Conn., May I, 1875, where he still is. Married Miss Clara M. Hall, Jamestown, N. Y., Sept 19, 1860. P. O. address, Bloomfield, Conn. Auto. EZRA HASKELL. Born at Hopkinton, Mass., April IT, J 835 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1859 ; ordained pastor at Canton, Mass., Aug. 20, 1860 ; act- ing pastor at Belknap Church, Dover, N. H., 1865-7; Bar- rington, N. H., 1869-73 ; Salmon Falls, N. H., 1875-7. Since then, engaged in gospel temperance work in New Hampshire, Canada, and California. Was preaching in the mountains of Cal., in 1879-80. Married Miss Isabella Riley, Dover, N. H., Nov. 9, 1859. P. O. address, Dover, N. H. HENRY SYLVESTER KELSEY. Born at Evansville, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1830 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1855 ; at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut one year, 1856-7; instruct- or in mathematics at Amherst College, 1857-60; professor in Beloit College, 1860-63 \ ordained pastor of church in Granby, Mass., Oct. 28, 1863 ; pastor of First Church, Rock- ville, Conn., from Oct., 1866; Holliston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1870; Woburn, Mass., March 19, 1873 ; acting pastor at College Street Church, New Haven, Conn., since Feb. I, 1877; pub- lished occasional sermons, including contribution to five vols. of " The Monday Club," a series of sermons. Married Miss Harriet A. Beebe, Litchfield, Conn., Aug. 8, 1861. (2) 1 859.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 83 Mrs. Elizabeth L. Fiske, West Charlemont, Mass., Oct. 16, 1867. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. Auto, GEORGE ALPHA MILLER. Born at Andover, Conn., March 3, 1831; graduated at Williams College, 1855; entered Union Theological Seminary in 1855, and spent two years ; taught in Syracuse, N. Y., one year, and after one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, graduated in 1859; ordained pastor at Burlington, Conn., Nov. 29, 1859; dis- missed Sept., 1862; acting pastor at Broadalbin, N. Y., 1863 -4; at Hanesville, N. Y., 1864-67; at East Pitcairn, N. Y., 1865-7; Port Leyden, N. Y., 1867-71 ; La Fayette, N. Y., Jan., 1872-75, since which time has been resident in Syra- cuse, N. Y., without regular charge. Married Miss Helen S. Wood, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1859. P. O. address, Syracuse, New York. Auto. LEMUEL STOUGHTON POTWIN. Born at East Windsor, Conn., Feb. 4, 1832; graduated at Yale College, 1854; taught in Norwalk, Conn., till 1856; two years in Theologi- cal Institute of Conn.; tutor at Yale College, 1858-60; or- dained pastor at Bridgewater, Conn., Oct. 3, 1860; dismissed 1863 ; acting pastor at North Greenwich, Conn., Sept 6, i863-Feb. 26, 1865 ; in American Tract Society of Boston, March, 1865-71 ; was assistant editor of the Congregational- ist, but left that, to become professor of Latin, and instructor in English Philology at Western Reserve College, Ohio, where he has been since August, 1871. Married Miss Julia Hedges Crane, Caldwell, N. J., Sept. 12, 1860. P. O. address, Hudson, Ohio. Auto. ELIJAH ROBBINS. Born a*t Thompson, Conn., March 12, 1828; graduated at Yale College, 1856, and Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, 1859; ordained at East Hartford, Conn., missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Zulus, August 3, 1859; sailed from Boston for South Africa, Sept. 5, 1859. Has been mainly engaged since 1860 in establishing and sustaining a mission school at Umzumbe, and in translating the New Testament into Zulu. Since 1875, has been in 84 ALUMNI RECORDS. [i860. charge of the Theological School of the Zulu mission. Married Miss Addie Bissell, Rockville, Conn., Aug. 17, 1859. P. O. address, Adams, Lower Illovo, Natal, South Africa. CLASS OF 1860. DAVID BEALS. Born at Dalton, Mass., Jan. 28, 1829 ; grad- uated at Amherst College, 1857 ; spent first and third years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, where he graduated in 1860, having spent the middle year at Union Seminary; preached in East Hartland, Conn., where he was ordained pastor, June 10, 1863, and remained four years and a half; acting pastor at Southwick, Mass., June, 1865, where he con- tinued till his death, Sept. 28, 1868. "A faithful and suc- cessful minister." Married Miss Hattie N. Hobart, Leverett, Mass., Sept. 19, 1860. HENRY MARTYN BRIDGMAN. Born at Westhampton, Mass., Jan. 8, 1830; graduated at Amherst College, 1857 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and gradua- ted at Union Seminary, 1860; ordained at Westhampton, Mass., missionary to the Zulus, June 27, 1860; was station- ed at Ifumi, Jan., 1862 ; was in America from 1867 to 1869; was stationed at Umzumbe, Natal, in June, 1869, where he still remains. Married Miss Laura B. Nichols, East Had- dam, Conn., August I, 1860. P. O. address, Umzumbe, Natal, South Africa. Auto. JOHN EUCLID ELLIOTT. Born at New London, Conn., Oct.- 22, 1829; graduated at Amherst College, 1857, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1860; ordained pastor at Ridgebury, Conn., May 6, 1863 ; acting pastor at Higganum, Conn., from May I, 1865 ; Hadlyme, Conn., Oct. 13, 1867; Lucas Grove, la., Oct. I, 1868; Columbus, Neb., Oct. i, 1870; South Glastonbury, Conn., Dec. 13, 1874; Newington, Conn., since July 20, 1870. Married Miss Mary A. Thompson, East Windsor, Conn., Nov. 29, 1860. P. O. address, Newington, Conn. Auto. i860.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 85 AUSTIN GARDNER. Born at Bozrah, Conn., July 2, 1826; left Wesleyan University in 1853 ; taught in Hamilton, N. C, one year ; principal of Manchester Academy, Conn., 1855-8; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1860; ordained acting pastor at West Granville, Mass., Oct. 30, 1860, to March, 1867; installed at Jenksville, Mass., May, 1867; acting pastor at Canton Center, Conn., April, 1 869-} an., 1873 ; West Suffield, Conn., Jan. I, i873-April, 1876; Buckingham, Conn., from 1876 to his installation there as pastor, Feb. 12, 1878, where he still is; published " Familiar Letters on History." Married Miss Emily J. Baker of Benson, Vt., at 'Hamilton, N. C., June 28, 1854. P. O. address, Buckingham, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM LUTHER GAYLORD. Born at Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 14, 1831 ; Studied at Harvard Scientific School, 1856-7 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Union Seminary, 1861 ; ordained pastor at Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 14, 1860, and was county school commissioner, there from 1862 to 1864; received honorary degree of A. M. at Dartmouth College in 1867 ; member of New Hampshire legislature, 1867 ; installed at Nashua, N. H., Dec. 31, 1867; was elected to New Hampshire Historical Society, 1870; in- stalled at First Church, Meriden, Conn., Dec. 22, 1870; has been pastor of Third Church, Chicopee, Mass., since April 5, 1876; published sermons, " The Foundations in danger," "The Soldier, God's minister," "The Soldier's memorial." Married Miss Juliet F. Hyde, Norwich, Conn., June 12, 1861. P. O. address, Chicopee, Mass. Auto. GEORGE DICKINSON GOODRICH. Born at Ware, Mass., April 29, 1834; graduated at Williams College, 1857; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; two years at Princeton, and graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1865 ; ordained at Templeton, Mass., Sept. 12, 1865 ; acting pastor at Denver, Col, 1866-7; resident licentiate at An- dover, 1868-9; removed to Hartford, Conn, in 1869. Died July 26, 1870. HENRY WHITE JONES. Born at Southampton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1830; graduated at Amherst College, 1857, and at Theo- 86 ALUMNI RECORDS. [i860. logical Institute of Connecticut, 1860; acting pastor at Had- lyme, Conn., Oct. I, 1860- April I, 1866; ordained pastor at Hingham, Mass., May 24, 1866; installed at Swampscott, Mass., July 6, 1871, dismissed June 18, 1874; installed at North Church, St. Johnsbury, Vt, Nov. 18, 1875, where he still is. Married Miss Isabella F. Foster, Monson, Mass., at Windham, Conn., Sept. 21, 1860. (2) Miss Hannah E. Ferry, Grand Haven, Mich., Dec. 25, 1872. P. O. address, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Auto. EDMUND MORRIS PEASE. Born at Granby, Mass., Dec. 6, 1828; graduated at Amherst College, 1854; studied at Union Theological Seminary, 1856-7; tutor at Amherst College, 1857-8 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connec ticut ; graduated at Union Seminary ; also at College of Physicians, New York City, where he received degree of M.D. ; practised Medicine in Springfield, Mass., three, years ; two and a half years Surgeon of Third Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery ; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. at Honolulu, Hawaiian islands ; at Ebon, Micronesia, Oct. 10, 1877. Married, Jan. 12, 1862; (2) Harriet Almira Sturte- vant, Westport, N. Y., April 25, 1877. P. O. address, Ebon, Micronesia. HENRY POWERS. Born at Hadley, Mass., Dec. 28, 1833 ; entered class of 1857 at Yale, but left on account of ill health ; traveled in Europe ; studied in Germany, mostly at Dresden, until Spring of 1857 ; traveled in Turkey and Asia Minor; received degree of A.B. from Yale College, 1860; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1860; pastor at Mitteneague, Mass., from Oct. 1860 to 1864; agent of United States Christian Commission with the armies of the Cumberland and Potomac ; afterwards lecturer and col- lector of supplies for soldiers ; pastor of Second Church, Danbury, Conn., July, 1865 to March, 1869; pastor at Elm Place Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. (now extinct) ; pastor of Uni- tarian Church, Manchester, N. H., since Nov. I, 1874. Mar- ried Miss Julia Maria Wolcott, South Windsor, Conn., August i, 1861. P. O. address, Manchester, N. H. l86l.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 8/ CLASS OF 1861. LYMAN BARTLETT. Born at North Hadley, Mass., Feb. 20, 1831 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1856, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; ordained pastor at Morrisville, Vt, Aug. 8, 1861, dismissed in 1867; since then missionary of A. B. C. F. M. at Cesarea, Western Turkey Mission ; has published a few sermons. Married Miss Cor- nelia C. Barrows, Columbus, N. Y., at Henry, 111., Oct. 30, 1857. P. O. address, Cesarea, Turkey, (via Constantinople.) Auto. WALTER BARTON. Born at Granby, Mass., May 5, 1833; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; taught two years at Williston Seminary ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; preached at Oxford, Conn., 1862, and Grafton, Vt., 1863; ordained pastor, South ^Amherst, Mass., Feb. 17, 1864; installed at Suffield, Conn., Dec. 8, 1869; First Church, Lynn, Mass., Feb. 24, 1876; published dedicatory sermon at Suffield. Married Miss Martha M. Smith, North Hadley, Mass., Aug. 6, 1861. P. O. address, Lynn, Mass. Auto. CHARLES HENRY BISSELL. Born at South Windsor, Ct, April 19, 1831 ; graduated at Williams College, 1858, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; ordained at Windsor, Conn., June 12, 1862 ; acting pastor, Poquonnock, Conn., April 1861 to March 1865 ; Harwinton, Conn., Oct. 1865 to Feb. 1869 ; Owosso, Mich., Feb. 1869 to Sept. 1870 ; Independence, Iowa, Oct. 1870 to Oct. 1873 ; Marion, Iowa, Oct. 1873 to April 1875; Traer,. Iowa, since April, 1875; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Anna M. Smith, Bowen's Prairie, Iowa, at Newark, N. J., June 10, 1862. P. O. address, Traer, Iowa. Auto. STEPHEN HARRIS. Born at Fitzwilliam, N. H., Jan. 7, 1834; graduated at Amherst College, 1858; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover, 88 ALUMNI RECORDS. [l86l. Seminary, 1861 ; ordained pastor, Windham, Vt., Oct. 24, 1 86 1 where he was twice elected to State Legislature and dismissed in 1869; acting pastor, West Suffield, Conn., 1869; Indian Orchard, Mass., until installed at Phillipston, Mass., 1872; was killed by the cars at Athol, Mass., June 27, 1874; "wholly consecrated to the work of the ministry, and his people were deeply attached to him." Married Miss Clara Wright Barton, Granby, Mass., at West Suffield, Conn., Sept. 4, 1861 ; (2) Married Miss Jane Angie Stearns, Windham, Vt. SAMUEL EVERETT HOAR. Born at Littleton, Mass., Oct. 3, 1830; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1858, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1861. P. O. address, . ASAHEL MOSELY HOOKER. Born at Wethersfield, Conn., Aug. 22, 1829; commenced preparation for the ministry, but health failed ; in 1857 he was commissioned as missionary of American Sunday School Union in Kansas ; in view of his usefulness in the work, he was licensed to preach by the Association of Eastern Kansas, Dec. 16, 1859; returned East and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1 86 1 ; went back to Kansas in Autumn of 1861 with com- mission from A. H. M. S. and was ordained at Valley Falls, Kansas, May 7, 1862, where he labored till his death, June 10, 1864; "An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile." Married Miss Mary A. Johnson, Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1861. HERMAN OLLENDORF. Born at Rarvier, South Posen, Prussia, of Hebrew parentage, 1833 ; came to United States in 1854; became interested in the Christian religion; was introduced into Mr. Bird's school at Hartford, and thence, by Rev. Dr. Joel Hawes, to Theological Institute of Connecti- cut; died at Hartford, Conn., March 27, 1860; the American Tract Society published a sketch of his remarkable life, enti- tled "The Jewish Prisoner", written by Rev. Isaac Bird, with an introduction by Rev. E. A. Lawrence, D.D. EDWARD AUSTIN PIERCE. Born at Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 15, 1835 ; graduated at Williams College, 1858 ; taught l86l.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 89 one year and graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1861 ; preached in several churches of Connecticut ; ordained pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Chicago, 111., where he remained several years; installed, Calvary Presbyterian Church, Chicago, where he labored till his death, Feb. 26, 1868, at Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS ROBERTS. Born at Cannonsburg, Pa., April 9, ^33; graduated at Western Reserve College, 1856, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; acting pastor at Thompson, Geauga County, Ohio, from Oct., 1861 ; Andover, Ohio, June, 1862 ; Ellsworth, Ohio, May, 1863 ; ordained by the Mahoning Presbytery in Oct., 1863 ; was made chaplain of twelfth regiment Ohio cavalry, Feb. 1864; since Dec., 1865, has been a teacher in Tenn. ; since 1879, home mission- ary of Presbyterian Board at Wartburg, Tenn. Married Miss Mary H. Jones, Wartburg, Tenn., April 4, 1867. P. O. address, Wartburg, Tenn. Auto. IRVIN IRA ST. JOHN. Born at Eden, N. Y., May 10, 1832; partial course in Genesee College, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Westfield, N. Y., June 23, 1862 ; acting pastor, Portland, N. Y., Jan. 1860 to June 1864; Presbyterian Church, Salem, Ind., June i, 1864 to June i, 1877; New Philadelphia and Walnut Ridge Presbyte- rian Church, to Nov., 1879; since then acting pastor of Presby- terian Church, Panama, N. Y. ; has published addresses and poems. Married Miss Sarah M. Foster, Erie, Pa., Oct. 6, 1859. P. O. address, Panama, N. Y. Auto. CHARLES LANGDON TAPPAN. Born at Moultonborough, N. H., June 26, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1858 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1861 ; ordained at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 28, 1864 ; acting pastor, Owatonna, Minn., two years ; Brigh- ton, 111., two years ; Sandwich, N. H., June 18, 1871 to May 31, 1877; East Concord, N. H., March 6, 1881 ; edited Republican Journal of Owatonna, Minn., one year from May i, 1866. Married Miss Almira Remington Rice, Providence, R. I., May 18, 1876. P. O. address, Concord, N. H. 12 9O ALUMNI RECORDS. [l862. RICHARD G. WILLIAMS. Born at New Marlboro, Mass. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; established a school, and preached in Presbyterian Church, Richview, 111., where he did a successful work; established a school and was acting pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Knob Noster, Mo., where he died in 1872. HORACE BLISS WOODWORTH. Born at Chelsea, Vt., March i, 1830; graduated at Thetford Academy, 1850, and Dartmouth College, 1854; principal of Gilmanton Academy, N. H., one year; taught in Thetford Academy, Vt., two years, and Chelsea Academy, Vt., three terms ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1861 ; ordained pastor at Hebron, Conn., Feb. 28, 1862; dismissed Dec. 29, 1864; installed at Ellington, Conn., Feb. 8, 1865, where he remained four years, and at Charles City, la., three years ; since then at Decora, Winnesheik Co., la. Married Miss Phebe Pierce Clark, Lyme, N. H., August 6, 1857. P. O. address, Decora, la. Auto. CLASS OF 1862, WILLIAM HENRY BARROWS. Born at Mansfield, Conn., Sept. 9, 1830; graduated at Amherst College, 1859, an d at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1862 ; preached at Blanford, Mass., May, 1863-5 J Lempster and Goshen, N. H., June, i865~June, 1867; ordained at Lansing, la., Sept. i, 1868; acting pastor at Postville, la., Sept., 1868-9 ; Cass Church, Animosa, la., Sept., i869~Sept., 1874 ; Hampton, la., Sept., i874-March, 1877; since then acting pastor at Staceyville, la. Married Miss Abia Chapin Baker, New- port, N. H., Feb. 10, 1864. P. O. address, Staceyville, la. HOLLIS S. CLARK. Born at ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Ando- ver Seminary, 1863; ordained at Raymond, Wis., Oct. 27, 1863, dismissed in 1865 ; acting pastor at Presbyterian Church, New Lisbon, Wis., 1865-6; Lisbon, 111., 1867-8 ; Williams- burg, la., 1869; Stellapolis, la. 1 862.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 9 1 ELIJAH CUTLER. Born at Holliston, Mass., Feb. 14, 1829 ; graduated at Williams College, 1856; taught two years in Virginia; studied two years at Theological Institute of Con- necticut; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1862; ordained at Conway, Mass., Sept. 9, 1863, where he remained five years ; acting pastor at Greenfield, Mass., two years ; East Charlemont, Mass., two years; since 1873, general agent of the Massachusetts Bible Society. Married Miss Ellen Maria Tucker, Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 12, 1863. P. O. address, Dorchester, Mass. Aiito. JAMES WINCHELL CRUSH. Born at Roxbury, 'Mass., April 12, 1831 ; graduated at Williams College, 1858 ; prin- cipal of academy at Spencertown, N. Y., April, i859-July, 1860; two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut; principal of academy at Canton, N. Y., August, 1861-64; ordained at North Potsdam, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1864, where he preached from April, 1864, to Oct., 1866; Hopkinton, N. Y., Oct., 1866, to Nov., 1872; Chateaugay, N. Y., from Nov., 1872, where he was installed by Champlain Presbytery over Presbyterian Church, and remained till 1877. Since then at Cambria, N. Y. Published a History of the Presbyterian church at Chateaugay. Married Miss Jane E. Ellsworth, East Windsor, Conn., August n, 1859. P. O. address, Lockport, New York. ALDEN LADD. Born at Morristown, Vt., Feb. 19, 1830; two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; preached at Roxbury, Vt., one year, where he was ordained pastor Feb. 15, 1864, and continued fifteen years ; acting pastor at Berlin, Vt. Married Miss Sarah M. Edwards, Roxbury, Vt., Nov. 25, 1869. (2) Miss Mary E. Prentiss, Waitsfield, Vt., Feb. 5, 1879. P. O. address, Berlin, Vt. Auto. ELBRIDGE WHITNEY MERRITT. Born at Huntington, Mass., 1828 ; one year in Union Seminary; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1862; preached at Stafford, Conn., 1862-4; ordained at Rockville, Conn., March 6, 1866; acting pastor at North Madison, 1866; missionary of Ameri- $2 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1862. can Missionary Association in Charleston and Branford, S. C., 1867-8; acting pastor at Leeds, Mass., 1869-70, and at Hardwick, Mass., 1870-72, where he was installed June 9, 1872, and remained till 1876; home missionary in Russell Co., Kansas, 1877 ; acting pastor at Dana and Peter- sham, Mass., since 1877. Married Miss Eliza J. Strong, Wil- liamsburg, Mass., April 28, 1868. P. O. address, Dana, Mass. CHARLES CORNELIUS COFFIN PAINTER. Born at Draper Valley, Va., March 21, 1833 ; graduated at Williams College, 1858, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1862; or- dained pastor at New Marlboro, Mass., Sept. 23, 1863, and was dismissed in 1868 ; acting pastor at Grand Haven, Mich., 1869, one year ; then in Naugatuck, Conn., to 1872 ; installed at Stafford Springs, Conn., June 24, 1873 ; professor of Theol- ogy in Fiske University, Nashville, Tenn., since 1878 ; editor and manager of American Missionary since March, 1880 ; pub- lished "History of churches in Stafford, Conn.," 1876; "Labor vs. Capital," 1878; occasional sermons, and a series of Letters on " Temperance and Prohibition." Mar- ried Miss Martha Gibson, New Marlboro, Mass., June 2, 1868. P. O. address, Fiske University, Nashville, Tenn. Auto. JOHN EDWIN WHEELER. Born at Amherst, N. H., Sept. 9> 1833; graduated at Amherst College, 1857; and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1862 ; preached at Portland, Conn., nearly four years ; also in Litchfield and Windham, N. H. ; Godfrey and Brighton, 111., and St. Louis, Mo. ; ordained pastor at Gardner, Mass., August 24, 1869; dismissed in 1872 ; preached at Little Compton, R. I., 1872-3 ; Needham, Mass., 1874-5 ; acting pastor of Plymouth Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1875-7; at Presbyterian Church, Moro, 111., 1878-9; and at Webster City, la., since 1879. Married Miss Clara G. L. Martin, Godfrey, 111., July 15, 1880. P. O. address, Webster City, la. Auto. 1863.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 93 CLASS OF 1863. JOHN OTIS BARROWS. Born at Mansfield, Conn., August 4> I ^33; graduated at Amherst College, 1860; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1863 ; ordained pastor at North Hampton, N. H., June 9, 1864, dismissed in 1866; installed pastor at First Church, Exeter, N. H., Dec. 5, 1866, dismissed in 1869 ; was appointed missionary of A. B. C. F. M. for Western Turkey, Sept. 23, 1869 ; sailed from New York, Oct. 30, and reached Cesarea, Dec. 23, 1869, where he continued until 1875 ; thence he removed to Manisa, where he spent a year and a half, and thence to Constantinople ; returned to United States in 1880. Married Miss Clara Storrs Freeman, South Coven- try, Conn., May 6, 1864. P. O. address, Mansfield, Conn. Auto. GEORGE HENRY BLAKE. Born at Portland, Maine, Oct. 7, 1836; had special academical course ; two years at Ban- gor, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1863; ordained Evangelist at Ashburnham, Mass., 1864, where he remained one year ; for the last fourteen years has been an editor. Married Miss Mariette Storer, Dexter, Me., July 29, 1 86 1. P. O. address, . ISRAEL CARLETON. Born at Haverhill, Mass., March 13, 1832 ; graduated at Williams College, 1857, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1863 ; ordained pastor at Buck- ingham, Conn., August 19, 1863. In Oct., 1865, he went to Missouri, and has been engaged in home mission work at Breckenridge, Meadville, Stokes' Mound, and Utica, Mo. Married Miss Phebe Miller, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1863. P. O. address, Utica, Livingstone Co., Mo. Auto. HENRY LEWIS CHASE. Born at Westford, Vt, Sept. 9, 1832; graduated at Colby University, 1857; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Ando- 94 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1863. ver Seminary, 1863; ordained pastor at Carver, Mass., Oct. 2, 1863, where he remained four years ; Dyersville, la., three years ; installed at Green Mountain, la., Oct., 1870. Mar- ried Miss Nancy R. Sever, Kingston, Mass., June 22, 1869. P. O. address, Green Mountain, Marshall Co., la. Auto. GEORGE CURTISS. Born at East Hampton, Conn., Jan. 5, 1837; graduated at Amherst College, 1860; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1863 ; preached at Pepperell, Mass., 1863, and at Bristol, R. I.; ordained at Avon, Conn., Dec. 28, 1865, dis- missed in 1868; pastor at Harwinton, Conn., from 1869 to 1877; Union, Conn., 1878-81 ; since April, 1 88 1, acting pastor at Wethersfield Avenue Church, Hartford, Conn. Married Miss Elvira Corbin, at Union, Conn., Jan. 13, 1864, who died April 17, 1875. (2) Mrs. Phebe M. Bishop, at New Haven, Conn., March 8, 1877, who died June 27, 1877. (3) Miss Martha A. Blakeley, at Bristol, Conn., Sept. 15, 1880. P. O. address, 115 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Auto. PIERRE S. DAGNAULT. Record unknown. ALBERT IRA BUTTON. Born at Stowe, Vt., August 5, 1831 ; graduated at Middlebury College, 1858 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover Seminary, 1863 ; ordained pastor at Shirley, Mass., Nov. n, 1863, dismissed Nov. n, 1869; installed at East Longmeadow, Mass., Dec. 8, 1869. Married Miss Helen A. Reed, Groveland, Mass., Oct. 29, 1863. P. O. address, East Longmeadow, Mass. Auto. HENRY ELMER HART. Born at Southington, Conn., June I, 1834 ; graduated at Yale College, 1860, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1863 ; acting pastor at Bridgewater, Conn., July, 1863, to July, 1866; ordained pastor of Union Church, Easthampton, Conn., Sept. 19, 1866, dismissed Nov. 12, 1871 ; acting pastor of North Church, Durham, Conn., Nov. 19, 1871 to June 6, 1875 ; Wapping, Conn., June 1863.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 95 20, 1875 to July, 1878 ; Hadlyme, Conn., April i, 187910 1881. Installed at Franklin, Conn., 1881. Married Miss Josephine G. Perry, New Britain, Conn., Oct. 5, 1864. P. O. address, Franklin, Conn. EDWARD TRUMBULL HOOKER. Born at Bennington, Vt., Oct. 31, 1837; graduated at Williams College, 1860; short time at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; was teaching, and engaged in iron manufacturing at Fairbairn, Vt., 1861-3, when he enlisted in Company A, eighth regiment Vermont Veteran Vols., serving until the close of the war of the Rebel- lion ; then took the last two years of the course at Chicago Theological Seminary ; thence, under commission from A. H. M. S., commenced to preach at Kansas City, Mo ; then at Montville, Conn. ; was acting pastor at Broad Brook, Conn., from Jan. I, 1868, to June 17, 1868, when he was installed, remaining until July 30, 1869; acting pastor at Westfield, Conn., (Third Church, Middletown) July, 1869,10 Sept., 1872 , First Church, New Orleans, La., Oct. 13, 1872, to April 30, 1875 ; installed at Castleton, Vt., Dec. 2, 1875, dismissed 1 88 1 ; acting pastor of Plymouth Church, Charleston, S. C., under appointment from A. M. A., and teacher of languages in A very Institute; has published occasional sermons. Mar- ried Miss Susan C. Atwater, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1869. P. O. address, Charleston, S. C. Auto. HENRY FRANCIS HYDE. Born at Killingly, Conn., Dec. 22, 1834; graduated at Amherst College, 1859; one vear at Union Seminary ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1863 ; ordained pastor, West Woodstock, Conn., June I, 1864, dismissed in 1867 ; installed pastor of First Church, Pomfret, Conn., April 24, 1867, dismissed in 1872 ; installed pastor of Second Church, Rockville, Conn., July 5, 1872 ; where he died May 27, 1880; has published occasional sermons ; he filled temporarily, with thoroughness and accept- ance, aposition as Teacher of Theology in Theological Institute of Connecticut, during a vacancy in that Chair ; it was said at his funeral: "Thus has passed away one of the brightest intellects, ^kindest and most faithful of pastors, a promoter of every good work, and one who, while steadfast and true 96 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1863. to his principles, won, by his uniform kindness and forbear- ance, the good will of those who differed from him in opinion." Married Miss Ellen May, North Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 12, 1863. ALBA LEVI PARSONS LOOMIS. Born at Coventry, Conn., August 2, 1836; graduated at Yale College, 1860; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover Seminary, 1863 ; preached in South Coventry, Conn , 1863 ; spent most of 1864 in European and Oriental travel ; missionary of First Presbytetian Church, Chicago, 111., one year ; ordained in Coventry, Conn., August 15, 1865 ; acting pastor, Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Wis., two years ; at Fort Atkinson, Wis., till April 1868; at Elkhorn, Wis., April, 1868-71 ; Downer Grove, 111., May, 1871, to Oct., 1873 ; installed at Mattoon, III, Feb. 23, 1875 ; acting pastor, Mil- ton, Wis., July, 1876-81 ; now at Rosendale, Wis. Married Miss Fannie S. Peck, Fort Atkinson, Wis., July 20, 1868. P. O. address, Rosendale, Wis. Auto. Lucius LATHROP MERRICK. Born at Monson, Mass., June 8, 1829; graduated at Amherst College, 1860; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and gradu- ated at Union Seminary ; was in 36th regiment Massachusetts Vols., 1862-4; wounded and taken prisoner at Knoxville, under Burnside ; wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, May 1864; died of wounds at Bermuda Hundred, Va., Oct. 7, 1864. Not married. ELIAS HENRY SEVERY. Born at Willington, Conn , Jan. 19, 1834; partial course at Williams College, class of 1860; entered Theological Institute of Connecticut, and died, Oct. 14, 1860. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS THOMPSON. Born at East Windsor Hill, Conn., Nov. 22, 1838 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1860, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1863; was clerk in United States Treasury Department at Wash- ington, D. C., Nov., 1863 to July, 1866; during that time he was President of Y. M. C. Association, and Superintendent of Sunday-School at the First Congregational Church ; 1864.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 97 passed the Autumn and Winter of 1866 and '67 at Andover Theological Seminary ; in 1867 was assistant pastor of First Church in Hartford, Conn., with Rev. G. H. Gould, D.D. ; ordained pastor at Conway, Mass., -Sept. 30, 1868; installed at Reading, Mass., Feb. 14, 1872, where he died, Sept. 17, 1875. Married Miss Maria M. Dobie, Hartford, Conn., Feb. 9, 1871. CLASS OF 1864. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMILTON. Born at Chester, Mass., Nov. 4, 1835 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1861 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Andover Seminary, 1864 ; served in United States Christian Commission ; ordained pastor at North Andover, Mass., June 28, 1865, dismissed 1871 ; installed pastor at Eliot Church, Boston Highlands, Mass., 1871. Married Miss N. F. Pinkerton, Boston, Mass., June 21, 1866. P. O. address, Boston Highlands, Mass. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON MURRAY. Born at Guilford, Conn., April 26, 1839; graduated at Yale College, 1862; partial course in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; preached in Washington and Greenwich, Conn. ; acting pas- tor of First Church, West Meriden, two years ; was called to pastorate of Park Street Church, Boston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1868 ; dismissed Oct. 30, 1874, and since then has been engaged in business. Married Miss Issie L. Hull, Oxford, Conn., at Fair Haven, Conn., August 8, 1862. P. O. address, San Antonio, Texas. LYSANDER TOWER SPAULDING. Born at Cornish, N. H., Sept. 6, 1836 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1861, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1864; ordained pas- tor at West Stafford, Conn., Dec. 27, 1864 ; dismissed Aug. 27, 1867; installed pastor at Essex, Conn., Oct. 2, 1867, dis- missed Oct. 12, 1869; acting pastor at Broad Brook, Conn., Nov. 21, 1869-77; Chester, Conn., May i, 1877, till his death, July 8, 1878. "A successful ministry." The Conference 13 98 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1865-6. says of him : " In all efforts to promote the life and effi- ciency of the churches, his example was an inspiration and a help to us as co-laborers in the work of the Lord. For his fraternal spirit, his fidelity to the welfare of our common Zion, his name will be held in grateful and affectionate remem- brance." Married Miss Elbertine Maria Hawley, Hadley, Mass., Dec. i, 1864. CLASS OF 1865. AUGUSTUS ALVORD. Born at Bolton, Conn., August 30, 1834; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1862; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Bolton, Conn., Jan. 16, 1865 ; chaplain of 2d Connecticut Heavy Ar- tillery, from Jan. 16, 1865, to Nov., 1866 ; acting pastor at Ridgebury, Conn., August, i86/-August, 1871, West Gran- ville, Mass., May, 18/4-May, 1879. Installed at Prescott, Mass., Nov. 1 6, 1881. Married Miss Laurestine A. Hart- well, Lisbon, N. H., Sept. 6, 1866. (2) Miss Emily A. Par- sons, West Granville, Mass., Jan. 12, 1876. P. O. address, Prescott, Mass. Auto. CLINTON MELLEN JONES. Born at Pownal, Me., Dec. 26, 1829; one year at Amherst College, class of 1860; gradua- ted at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1865 ; ordained at North Madison, Conn., May 5, 1869; installed at East- ford, Conn., May 8, 1872. Married Miss Sylvan C. Miller, Sunderland, Mass., Nov. 16, 1858. P. O. address, Eastford, Conn. Auto. CLASS OF 1866. THOMAS LEMUEL ANGELL. Born at Greenville, R. I., Nov. 10, 1837; graduated at Brown University, 1862; par- tial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; principal of Lapham Institute at North Scituate, R. I., 1865-9; since then professor of modern languages at Bates College, Lewis- ton, Me. Married Miss Emily Brown, Providence, R. I., at Worcester, Mass., 1862. P. O. address, Lewiston, Me. Auto. 1 866.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 99 THOMAS DWIGHT BISCOE. Born at Grafton, Mass., May 12, 1840; graduated at Amherst College, 1863 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; tutor and instructor in Amherst College, 1865-9; spent two years in Germany, and was superintendent of schools in Westboro, Mass. ; pro- fessor of natural science in Marietta College, Ohio, since Sept., 1874. Married Miss Laura A. Capron, Uxbridge, Mass., Jan. 12, who died Nov. 21, 1878. (2) Miss Ella Ship- man, Marietta, Ohio, July, 1880. P. O. address, Marietta, Ohio. CHARLES CUTTING. Born at Sturbridge, Mass., March 24, 1840 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1863, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1866; preached at Had- lyme, Conn., thirteen months ; ordained pastor at Ledyard, Conn., June 25, 1868, and dismissed 1881 ; acting pastor at Montville, Conn., since August I, 1881. Married Miss Jes- sica A. Campbell, - , Oct. 31, 1878. P. O. address, Montville, Conn. SAMUEL WARREN DIKE. Born at Thompson, Conn., Feb. 13, 1839; graduated at Williams College, 1863; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Ando- ver Seminary, 1866; preached at Pomfret, Conn., Oct., 1866 -March, 1867; West Randolph, Vt, Jan. I, i868-Feb. 3, 1869, when he was ordained pastor, which office he held till Nov. 9, 1877, and preached there till Feb., 1878 ; acting pas- tor at Royalton, Vt., i878-April 21, 1880, when he was in- stalled pastor. Has been associate editor of the Vermont Chronicle, and has published largely upon the subject of "Divorce," and "The Family." Lectured upon these sub- jects in the Boston Monday Lectureship, in 1881. Married Miss Augusta M. Smith, Montpelier, Vt, Oct. 27, 1872. P. O. address, Royalton, Vt. Auto. JAMES ELLIOT HALL. Born at Spencer, Mass., April 20, 1838; three years at Brown University; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1866; ordained at Saunders- ville, Mass. Married Miss Etta I. Rich, Warren, Mass., March 4, 1862. P. O. address, St. Louis, Mo. IOO ALUMNI RECORDS. [l866. LEAVITT HOMAN HALLOCK. Born at Plainfield, Mass., August 15, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, in 1863, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1866; resident licentiate one year ; ordained pastor at Berlin, Conn., July 1 8, 1867, and remained till Feb. 13, 1873 ; installed pastor of Second Church, West Winsted, Conn, Feb. 13, 1873; pub- lished occasional sermons. Has been Secretary of Board of Trustees of Theological Institute of Connecticut, since 1872. Married Miss Martha B. Butler, Brooklyn, N. Y., June n, 1867, who died Oct. 2, 1873. P. O. address, West Winsted, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM ELLABY LINCOLN. Born at London, England, Sept. 9, 1831 ; graduated at University College, London, 1852 ; founder and first teacher of what was afterwards Berea College, Ky., 1856-7; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1866 ; ordained at Hope, Ohio, Sept. 1866 ; pro- fessor of Latin and Greek in Berea College, Ky., 1867-8; acting pastor of Presbyterian Churches at Blair, and Steeles' Mills, 111., 1 88 1. Married Miss Louisa F. Marshall, of Cole- brook, Conn., at Painesville, Ohio, March, 1865. P. O. address, Blair, Randolph County, 111. Auto. HIRAM BRAINARD PUTNAM. Born at Danvers, Mass., Jan. 27, 1840; graduated at Amherst College, 1860, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1866; ordained pastor, West Concord, N. H., Oct. 28, 1868 ; pastor of Tabernacle Church, Salem, Mass., Dec. 31, 1873, to April, 1877; acting pastor at Charlotte, Vt. P. O. address, Charlotte, Vt. Auto. LEVERETT WILSON ^PRING. Born at Grafton, Vt., Jan. 5, 1840; graduated at Williams College, 1863, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1866 ; ordained pastor of the Rollstone Church, Fitchburg, Mass., April 16, 1868, dismissed June, 1875 ; acting pastor of Plymouth Church, Lawrence, Kan., May 14, 1876 to 1881, when he was elected to the professorship of Belles Lettres and English Literature in the University of Kansas, and was inaugurated September, 1881. I86/.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. IOI Married Miss Sarah Elizabeth Thompson, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Sept 25, 1867. P. O. address, Lawrence, Kan. CLASS OF 1867. CLARK CARTER. Born at Boston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1841 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1862, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1867; ordained pastor, Neponset, (Dorchester,) Mass., Feb. 13, 1868; acting pastor, First Church, Rockville, Conn., 1869; installed, First Church, Great Falls, N. H., April 27, 1870; preached at Central Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1872; installed, South Church, Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 30, 1873, where he still is. Married Miss Emma Henrietta Pease, Boston, Mass., May 19, 1870. P. O. address, 26 Andover st, Lawrence, Mass. Auto. ELIJAH HARMQJI. Born at Hawley, Mass., March 22, 1835 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1861 ; served eleven months in the war of the Rebellion, $2d regiment Massachu- setts regular Vols., 18623 ; assistant principal of Corning Free Academy, N. Y., Sept., 1863, to June, 1865 ; tutor of Mathematics in Amherst College, 1865 ; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1867; preached at Talcott street Church, Hartford, Conn., June, 1866, to June, 1867; ordained pastor at Winchester, N. H., Oct. 17, 1867, where he now resides. Married Miss Lucy Maria Smith, July 12, 1866; (2) Miss Eunice Morse Smith, March 5, 1872; (3) Miss Martha Alcesta Homans, Oct. 14, 1874. P. O. address, Winchester, N. H. Auto. EDWARD AUGUSTUS MIRICK. Born at West Brookfield, Mass., March 16, 1840; graduated at Amherst College, 1864; two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; mis- sionary in Iowa, 1868; graduated at Chicago, 1869; ordained at Augusta, Wis., Sept. 19, 1869; served A. H. M. S., May, 1869, to April, 1870, in Northern Wis., and Eastern Minn.; in Kansas, Oct., 1872, to August, 1877; on account of ill health, went to farming in Kansas ; preached in Ash- 102 ALUMNI RECORDS. [l86/. ville, N. Y. ; Sugar Grove and Farmington, Pa., in 1881 ; preaching at Portland, N. Y., since March 27, 1881, under A. H. M. S. Married Miss Bonita Himrod, Neosho Falls, Kansas, Feb. 5, 1873. P. O. address, Portland, N. Y. Auto. CLEOPHAS MONJEAU. Born at Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada, August 20, 1839; graduated at Ligne Insti- tute, 1864 ; two years in Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Rochester Theological Seminary, 1867; ordained at York, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1867; studied in University of Berlin, Germany, 1872-3; attended lectures in Leipsic in 1873, while editing John P. Jackson's Passion Play of Ober Ammergau ; foreign editor of Journal and Messenger, Cin- cinnati, Ohio ; installed pastor of First Baptist Church, Topeka, Kan., August 20, 1874; First Baptist Church, Kan- sas City, Mo., Feb. 7, 1880, to Sept., 1881, when he resigned on account of ill health ; Kansas editor of The Standard, Chicago, 111. Married Miss Emma Tytus, Middletown, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1869. P. O. address, Middletown, Ohio, and White Oaks, New Mexico. Auto. HENRY ATHERTON WALES. Born at Attleborough, Mass., April 16, 1832 ; middle year in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor of Elmwood Congregational Church, Providence, R. I., Sept. 12, 1866; installed, Second Church, Stonington, Conn., August 13, 1871 ; acting pastor at Leominster, Mass., from Sept. 27, 1874, to August 31, 1877; began to preach in Biddeford, Me., (Universalist Church) Oct. 27, 1878; commenced preaching for the Inde- pendent Religious Society, Biddeford, Me., Jan. 25, 1880. Married at Milford, Mass., Miss Harriet L. Williams, of Attleborough, Mass., May 12, 1857. P. O. address, Biddeford, Me. Auto. 1 868.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. CLASS OF 1868. ALBERT WARREN CLARK. Born at Georgia, Vt, June 27, 1842; graduated at University of Vermont, in 1865; at Union Seminary two years, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1868; ordained pastor at Gilead, Conn., Nov., 1868 ; dismissed in July, 1872, to accept an appointment of A. B. C F. M. to Austria, where he has been since that date. Married Miss Helen M. Spencer, Claremont, N. H., July i, 1868. 7>k*-*<^* '*/- P. O. address, Prague, Austria. Auto. ETHAN CURTIS. Born at East Palmyra, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1844; graduated at Williams College, 1866; one year in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1868; ordained pastor at Camden, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1868, where he still is ; published occasional sermons and contributed weekly for two years past, " Monday thoughts from the parson," to " The Camden Journal'' Married Miss Maria Howard, June 9, 1869, who died Feb. 28, 1880. P. O. address, Camden, N. Y. Auto. CHARLES HERBERT GLEASON. Born at Lunenburg, Vt., Sept. 26, 1840; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1868 ; ordained pastor at Hebron, Conn., Nov. 20, 1867, dismissed in 1870; installed at Somers, Conn., Sept. 14, 1870, where he still labors. Married Miss Ellen Maria Cobb, Westmoreland, N. H., Dec. 24, 1867. P. O. address, Somers, Conn. WINFIELD SCOTT HAWKES. Born at Wakefield, Mass., June n, 1844; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1868; ordained at Wapping, Conn., Nov. 12, 1868, where he was pastor till March 30, 1871 ; acting pastor at Staf- ford Springs, Conn., April 1, 1871, to April 30, 1873 ; installed at Fairhaven, Mass., June 25, 1873, where he remained till Nov. 30, 1876; acting pastor at Haydenville, Mass., Dec. i, 1 876, to June 30, 1 878 ; installed at South Hadley Falls, Mass., (two churches united) Nov. 12, 1878; published funeral ser- IO4 ALUMNI RECORDS. [l868. mon in memory of Dea. Joseph Carew. Married Miss Abbie A. Young, Beverly, Mass., June 15, 1865. P. O. address, South Hadley Falls, Mass. Auto. AZEL WASHBURN HAZEN. Born at Berlin, Vt., April 10, 1841 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1863 ; principal of High School at East Randolph, Mass. ; two years in Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Seminary, 1868 ; resident licentiate at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor of First Church, Middletown, Conn., March 10, 1869; published " History of First Church, Middletown," and occasional sermons. Married Miss Mary Butler Thompson, East Windsor Hill, Conn., Sept. I, 1869. P. O. address, Middletown, Conn. Auto. DANIEL BULKLEY LORD. Born at Hebron, Conn., Feb. 4, 1838 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1864, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1868 ; ordained pastor at Goshen, (Lebanon,) Conn., Oct. 15, 1868, and remained till Jan. 20, 1877; acting pastor at Goshen, Mass., Jan. 20, 1877, to Nov. 17, 1879; installed at Blandford, Mass., Dec. 22, 1880. Married Miss Susan A. Goodrich, Rocky Hill, Conn., Sept. 23, 1868. P. O. address, Blandford, Mass. DAVID SHURTLEFF. Born at Westfi'eld, Mass., June 19, 1818; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut; ordained pastor at Brownington, Vt., Feb. 26, 1868; acting pastor at Fayetteville, Vt., and Shirley, Mass. ; published some sermons. P. O. address, Southwick, Mass. MOSES PORTER SNELL. Born at North Brookfield, Mass., May 3, 1839; graduated at Amherst College, 1861, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1868 ; preached at Talcott Street Church, Hartford, 1868; chaplain of Y. M. C. A., Hartford, 1869; ordained as Evangelist at North Brookfield, Mass., May 10, 1870; missionary in and around Washington, D. C., 1871-77 ; financial Secretary of Y. M. C. A., Washington, D. C., 1877-8 ; since 1879, agent of Wash- 1 868.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. IO5 ington City Bible Society. Married Miss Mary C. Hallock, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 31, 1862. P. O. address, 520 Eighth Street, N. E., Washington, D. C. Auto. FRANK THOMPSON. Born at New York City, Dec. 14, 1835; graduated at Williams College, 1865; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Union Seminary, 1868; was ordained as evangelist, Nov. 12, 1868 ; pastor of First Foreign Church at Hilo, Hawaiian Islands, 1869-74; pastor at Windham, Conn., 1875-81 ; installed at Wilton, Conn., Feb. 22, 1881. Married Miss Louesa Esther Deitz, Cohoes, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1862. P. O. address, Wilton, Conn. Auto. RUFUS SCOFIELD UNDERWOOD. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 24, 1846; graduated at Williams College, 1866; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Wilbraham, Mass., Nov. 19, 1867 ; has labored in many places as an evangelist, in the New England, Middle, and Western States, and is still thus employed ; published one volume of sermons. Married Miss Almira J. Kent, Wilbra- ham, Mass., May 19, 1868. P. O. address, Irvington, N. J. Auto. DANA MILLS WALCOTT. Born at Natick, Mass., July 9, 1840; one year at Williams College, class of 1866, " Univer- sity course ; " one year at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut ; acting pastor at Torringford, Conn., 1869-71 ; ordained pastor at Orange, N. J., Nov. 16, 1871, dismissed in 1876; acting pastor of Presbyterian Church, Rutherford, N. J., 1876-78; acting pastor of Congregational Church, Ruther- ford, N. J., 1878, to the present time ; superintendent of Freedmen's School, two years. Married Miss Elizabeth Billing, Providence, R. I., Oct. 10, 1867. P. O. address, Rutherford, N. J. Auto. IO6 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1869. CLASS OF 1869. EDWARD NEWTON BARTLETT. Born at Amsterdam, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1835 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1865 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; one year in mission work in Vt. ; since then has been employed princi- pally in teaching in N. J. and Penn. P. O. address, Philadelphia, Penn. JASON HENRY BLISS. Born at Colchester, Vt., Sept. 6, 1844; graduated at Amherst College, 1866, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1869; preached at Centre Harbor, N. H.,*June to Oct., 1868, where he was ordained, Nov. 25, 1869, and remained till Nov. 20, 1870; installed at South Hadley, Mass., Jan. 11, 1871, where he labored till May, 1873 ; acting pastor, Clinton, Conn., since Dec. i, 1874. Married Miss Florence A. Russell, Hartford, Conn., Nov. 10, 1869. P. O. address, Clinton, Conn. Auto. PHILIP D. COREY. Born at - ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1869. P. O. address, . CHARLES STODDARD DURFEE. Born at Norwood, Mass., July 22, 1844; graduated at Williams College in 1864; taught three years, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1869; ordained pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 8, 1869; installed at Oak- wood Ave. Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1873 ; Central Presbyterian Church, at Geneseo, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, and at First Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, N. Y., June 2, 1 88 1 ; has published several sermons. Married Miss Ellen Rogers Greeley, Schaghticoke, N. Y., June 13, 1871. P. O. address, Liverpool, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Auto. JOHN PHILO HAWLEY. Born at Norfolk, Conn., April 24, 1834; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1869; ordained pastor at South Coventry, Conn., Dec. I, 1869; installed at Talcottville, Conn., April 28, 1875 ; acting 1869.] ,. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. IO/ pastor at Chester, Conn., Feb. I, iS/g-April I, 1880, and at Westerly, R. I., since April I, 1880; has published occa- sional sermons. Married Miss Imogene Brown, Winsted, Conn., August 3, 1855. P. O. address, Westerly, R. I. SAMUEL INGHAM. Born at Middlefield, Mass., Oct. 17, 1837; taught at South Norwalk, Conn. ; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1869; ordained Evangelist in Hartford, Conn., June 11, 1869; preached in Andover, Conn., 1869-71 ; Glen wood, Mo., 1871 ; Brainard, Minn., 1872 -73, when he lost his voice, and became steward at Santee agency, where he died Dec. 27, 1873. Married Miss Lucinda P. Phelps, Lockport, N. Y., at Poquonock, Conn., Nov. 3, 1870. JOSEPH ALLEN KELLOGG. Born at Frankfort, Ky., May i, 1839; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecti- cut ; engaged in business several years ; was ordained at West Newfield, Me., where he labored as acting pastor and thence removed to Duke Center, Pa., where he now resides. Married Miss M. Estelle Gillett, Meriden, Conn., Dec. 20, 1869. P. O. address, Duke Center, Pa. ISAAC CURTIS MESERVE. Born at Roxbury, Mass., March 27, 1847; graduated at Theological Institute of .Con- necticut, 1869; ordained pastor at Portland, Conn., Oct. 14, 1869; installed pastor of State St. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1871 ; Davenport Church, New Haven, Conn., May 7, 1874. Married Miss Anna E. Brigham, of Hartford, Conn., at Bricksburg, N. J., Sept. 8, 1869. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. Auto. THOMAS MORLEY MILES. Born at Abbottsford, Canada, April 30, 1839; studied law at Canton, N. Y., and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1864 ; studied two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, leaving in 1868, to preach at Crom- well, Conn.; ordained pastor of First Church, Winsted, Conn., Nov. 10, 1870; acting pastor of First Church, Meri- IO8 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1869. den, Conn., April, 1879-81 ; installed pastor of Central Church, Lawrence, Mass., May 12, 1881. Married Miss Luella S. Webster, Fairlee, Vt, Oct. 27, 1868. P. O. address, Lawrence, Mass. Auto. LEWIS FOSTER MORRIS. Born at Branford, Conn., April 12, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, 1866; taught one year at East Medway, Mass., and one year at Milford, Del. ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; stud- ied theology privately, three years ; ordained deacon in Prot- estant Episcopal Church, by Bishop Potter, Sept. I, 1870; rector at St. Mary's Church, Lake Mohegan, (Peekskill,) N. Y.; at Sing Sing, N. Y., in 1879. Married Miss Helen Pedder, July 1 8, 1871. P. O. address, - . HENRY AUGUSTUS OTTMAN. Born at Herkimer, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1844; graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1869; ordained at Pearl St. Church, Hartford, Conn., June 20, 1869 ; acting pastor at Southwick, Mass., July, i869-April, 1871; Bozrah, Conn., Jan., i872-April, 1875; Cummington, Mass., Sept., i875-Sept, 1877; North- field, Conn., Sept., 1877. Sept. i, 1881, resigned to accept a call to Hopkinton, N. Y. Married Miss Ella A. Puff, Danby, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1872. P. O. address, Hopkinton, N. Y. Auto. MARTIN KELLOGG PASCO. Born at Hadley, Mass., Dec. 15, 1841 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1865 ; principal of Penfield Seminary, N. Y., 1865 ; one year at Theological In- stitute of Connecticut, and graduated at Lane Seminary, 1869; ordained at Vermillion, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1869, dis- missed, 1870; pastor at Marysville, Ohio, Jan., 1871-2; St. John, Mich., 1873; West Williamsfield, Ohio, Sept., 1875. Married Miss Nellie P. Guthrie, Marysville, Ohio. P. O. address, Marysville, Ohio. CYRUS BAXTER WHITCOMB. Born at Otisco, N. Y., July 2, 1839; one Y ear at Theological Institute of Connecticut; graduated at Union Seminary, 1869; after which he studied l8/O.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1 09 two years at Yale Theological Seminary, while acting pastor at Bethany, and Derby, Conn. ; ordained at Chester, Mass., Oct. 15, 1874; installed at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Feb. 22, 1876, remained two years; pastor elect, at Mount Joy, Pa. Married Miss Jennie M. Sawyer, Derby, Conn., July 2, 1873. P. O. address, Mt. Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. Auto. CLASS OF 1870. ABEL STANTON CLARK. Born at Staffordville, Eng., Nov. 1 8, 1840; graduated at Yale College, in 1867, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1870; teacher in Deaf Mute Asylum, Hartford, Conn. Has published a magazine article on "Best Methods of Teaching Articulation to Deaf Mutes." Married Miss Nettie A. Platt, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 19, 1869 P. O. address, 20 Atwood St., Hartford, Conn. Auto. AARON WESLEY FIELD. Born at Bernardston, Mass., Oct. 31, 1837; graduated at Williams College, 1865, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1870; acting pastor at Hebron, Conn., Oct. 9, 1870, to Oct. 9, 1871 ; ordained pastor at Blandford, Mass., Nov. 13, 1872; dismissed May I, 1879; acting pastor at Feeding Hills, Mass., since July I, 1879; nas published occasional sermons. Married Miss Jennie E. Raymond, Williamstown, Mass., June 12, 1867. P. O. address, Feeding Hills, Mass. Auto. ALVA ANSEL HURD. Born at Clinton, Conn., July 4, 1842 ; graduated at Yale Law School, 1867; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Chicago Seminary, 1871 ; preached at Emporia and Muscotah, Kan. ; ordained at Muscotah, March 21, 1872, remained till Sept., 1873 ; since then, acting pastor at Scotland, Conn., till May 8, 1 88 1, when he accepted a call to become acting pastor at Monticello, Minn., where he began labor, May 15, 1881. Married Miss Jennie Maria Flagg, Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1871. P. O. address, Monticello, Minn. Auto. IIO ALUMNI RECORDS. [l8/O. ADELBERT FRANKLIN KEITH. Born at North Bridge- water, Mass., August 2, 1841 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1870 ; acting pastor at Windham, Conn., July I, 1869, to Oct. 26, 1870; ordained pastor, Windham, Conn., Oct. 26, 1870, and remained till June 30, 1874; installed pastor at West Killingly, Conn., Oct. 13, 1874, where he labored till May 15, 1877; since then, acting pastor at North (Charles Street) Church, Providence, R. I- Married Miss Eliza G. Baker, Hartford, Conn., June 22, 1870. P. O. address, Providence, R. I. Auto. CHARLES EDWARD SIMMONS. Born at Worcester, Mass., Oct. 13, 1838; two years in Madison University, N. Y. ; at the end of Sophomore Year, entered the Army ; served three years and re-enlisted ; whole term of service, six years and three months ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1870; ordained pastor of Baptist Church, South wick, Mass., May 31, 1871, and remained till May i, 1878 ; since then, pastor of Baptist Church, South Windsor, Conn. Married Miss J. Victoria Waldron, Hamilton, N. Y., August 30, 1 86 1. P. O. address, South Windsor, Conn. Auto. DANIEL WEBSTER TELLER. Born at Yorktown, N. Y., July 26, 1836 ; graduated at University of New York, Medi- cal Department, 1865 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained pastor at Hadlyme, Conn., April 19, 1870, where he remained till Jan. i, 1872 ; acting pastor at Ridgefield, Conn., Feb. i, 1872, to Oct., 1880; since Oct. i, 1880, acting pastor of Howard Avenue Congregational Church, New Haven, Conn. ; published " History of Ridge- field," and occasional sermons. Married Miss Emilie F. Stephens of Mt. Kisco, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1863, who died Oct. 10, 1876. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. Auto. HENRY WILDY TELLER. Born at Croton Falls, N. Y., July 16, 1843 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1870; ordained pastor at Essex, Conn., July 7, 1870; 1 8/ 1.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Ill acting pastor at Toms River, N. J., June i, 1873, to Jan. i, 1874; installed at Presbyterian Church, Springfield, N. J., Oct. 28, 1874, where he now is; has published occasional sermons, poems, Centennial Oration, and a volume entitled " Cheering Words." Married Miss Ida S. Smith, New York City, June n, 1873. P. O. address, Springfield, N. J. Auto. EDWARD SOUTHWORTH TOWNE. Born at South Hadley Falls, Mass., June 20, 1839; graduated at Amherst College, 1864; merchant in Columbus, Ohio, two years; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1870; or- dained at Baptist Church, South Windsor, Conn., Jan. 24, 1872, and remained till April i, 1878; installed at Baptist Church, Plainville, Conn., July I, 1878. Married Miss Sarah Lincoln Kellogg, Hartford, Conn., April 16, 1872. P. O. address, Plainville, Conn. Auto. FRANKE ALVORD WARFIELD. Born at Holliston, Mass., Oct. 4, 1 846 ; partial course at Yale College ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1870 ; preached thirteen months at Staffordville, Conn. ; ordained at Globe Village, Mass., Jan. 10, 1871 ; installed at Greenfield, Mass., July 31, 1873; Boston, Mass., Union Church, Feb. i, 1876, resigned Nov. 1 88 1. Married Miss M. J. Reade, East Medway, Mass., 1866. P. O. address, 569 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Auto. CLASS OF 1871. JOSEPH CONNOR BODWELL. Born at Weymouth, Eng., Feb. 29, 1840; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1863, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1871 ; ordained Feb. 13, 1872; acting pastor at Thompson, Conn., Dec. 10, 1872; installed at Stockbridge, Mass., Oct. 6, 1874; at Leaven- worth, Kan., Dec. 18, 1877, and at Bridgewater, Mass., June 15, 1880. Married Miss Annie L. Kimball, Woburn, Mass., June 15, 1871. P. O. address, Bridgewater, Mass. Auto. 112 ALUMNI RECORDS. FRANCIS HENRY BUFFUM. Born at Winchester, N. H., Jan. 1 8, 1843 ; attended Business College in Springfield, Mass. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1871 ; or- f dained pastor of Windsor Avenue Church, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 31, 1871 ; dismissed, July n, 1873; installed pastor at First Church, East Hartford, Conn., Sept. 3, 1873 ; deposed from the ministry, April 26, 1876 ; engaged in editorial work in Boston. Married Miss Maria Moore Bliss, Orange, Mass., Nov. 19, 1866. P. O. address, Boston, Mass. MYRON EELLS. Born at Tshimakain, Walker's Prairie, Spokane Co., Washington Ter., Oct. 7, 1843; graduated at Pacific University, Oregon, 1866, and at Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, 1871 ; ordained at Fourth Church, Hart- ford, Conn., June 15, 1871 ; acting pastor at Boise City, Idaho, Oct., i87i-June, 1874, under A. H. M. Society; as- sistant pastor at Skokomish, Wash. Ter., June, 1874 April, 1876, where he has been acting pastor since April, 1876, under A. M. A. ; also acting pastor at Seabeck, Wash. Ter., since May, 1 880. Has published " The Twana Indians," " Hymns in the Chinook Jargon Language;" " History of Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington Territory," " Memo- rial sketch of Rev. S. H. Marsh, first President of Pacific University ; " occasional sermons. Married Miss Sarah Maria Crosby, Boise City, Idaho, Jan. 18, 1874. P. O. address, Skokomish, Mason Co., Wash. Ter. Auto. SAMUEL SHERBURNE MATTHEWS. Born at Salisbury, Mass., June 3, 1847; took private instruction and studied one year at Theological Institute of Conn., 1869; afterward studied one year abroad, and three years at Andover Seminary, graduating in 1874; ordained pastor at Wilmington, Mass., Oct. 22, 1874; installed at Boylston Church, Boston High- lands, Mass., Feb. 4, 1879. Married Miss Anna E. Wright, Boston, Mass., April 25, 1870. P. O. address, 3 Arcadia St., Egleston Square, Boston, Mass. Auto. VINCENT MOSES. Born at French Creek, N. Y., July I, 1 8/2. I THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 113 1844; graduated at Amherst College, 1866, and at Theolog- ical Institute of Connecticut, 1871 ; licensed, May, 1870; principal of High School, at Medway, Mass., three years ; of High School, Hopkinton, Mass., one year; principal of High School in Fair Haven, Mass., 1874; principal of Scientific and Classical. School, Hallowell, Me., 1875 ; teacher in Brooks School, Cleveland, Ohio, 1876. Married Miss Evelyn Alice Hazeltine, West Medway, Mass., Aug. 25, 1874. P. O. address, West Medway, Mass. ISAAC FRANKLIN TOBEY. Born at Worcester, Mass., April 2, 1839; four years at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated in 1871 ; home missionary one year in New Hampshire; ordained at Brownsdale, Minn., July 23, 1873, where he remained until 1879; one vear at Valley Springs, Dakota. P. O. address, Aurora, Dakota. Auto. CLASS OF 1872. JOHN MARVIN CHAPIN. Born at Springfield, Mass., May 15, 1844; graduated at Yale College, 1868, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1872 ; ordained pastor at West Springfield, Mass., June 19, 1872. Died Oct. 25, 1872. A beautiful memorial of him has been published, and dedicated to the First Church and parish of West Springfield, contain- ing a full account of his life and labors. GEORGE SHEPARD DODGE. Born at Waldoborough, Me., June 19, 1848; graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1872; ordained pastor at Hebron, Conn., Aug. 14, 1872; dismissed Oct., 1877 ; installed at Rutland, Mass., Dec. 27, 1877. Married Miss Laura M. Chamberlain, Hart- ford, Conn., June 13, 1872. P. O. address, Rutland, Mass. Auto. DEFOREST BENJAMIN DODGE. Born at Edgecomb, Me., May 14, 1849; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut; ordained pastor of Olivet Church, Bridge- 15 114 ALUMNI RECORDS. [l8/2. port, Conn., Dec. 14, 1870; preached in Providence, R. I.; Payson Memorial Church, Portland, Me., and Ayer, Mass. Died at Lebanon, N. Y., August 20, 1879. Published ser- mons, and treatise on " Oxygen, A Relief for Consumption." Married Miss Eva G. Bailey, Bridgeport, Conn., May 30, 1872. EDWIN SPRAGUE GOULD. Born at New Braintree, Mass., Feb. 20, 1844 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connec- ticut, 1872; ordained pastor of Free Evangelical Church, Providence, R. I., Oct. I, 1873 ; acting pastor at West Brookfield, Mass., Jan. i, 1877, to March 27, 1881. Married Miss Phebe S. Gladding, Providence, R. I., Oct. 20, 1875. P. O. address, Providence, R. I. Auto. DAVID BRAINERD HUBBARD. Born at Higganum, Conn., April 30, 1847; one vear at Wesleyan University, and grad- uated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1872 ; ordained and became acting pastor at Staffordville, Conn., August 7, 1872, to June, 1874; preached at Canton Center, Conn., from Feb. I, 1874, and was installed there Nov. 19, 1874; has published occasional sermons. Married Miss Hattie E. Burr, Higganum, Conn., June 9, 1870; (2) Miss Alice R. Burr, Higganum, Conn., at Hartford, Sept. 18, 1876. P. O. address, Canton Center, Conn. Auto. ALBERT LEE. . Partial course at Harvard Uni- versity and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, in class of 1872; preaching, near Moline, Mich. P. O. address, . HENRY MARTYN PERKINS. Born at Oroomiah, Persia., Dec. 21, 1843; graduated at Middlebury College, 1867; taught 1867-9, and studied law before entering Theological Institute of Connecticut, where he graduated, 1872 ; ordained at South West Harbor, Tremont, Me., August 14, 1872, where he spent two years; New Gloucester, Me., one year from July I, 1874; Hanover, Mass., two years and a half, from Jan. i, 1876; Chandlerville, 111., one year, from Feb. I, 1879; acting pastor in Wythe and Rockford, 111., since May, 1880. Married Miss Hannah H. Tilclen, Marshfield, Mass., Oct. 25, 1 8/3.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I 15 1876; (2) Miss Susie P. Hatch, Marshfield, Mass., Sept. 12, 1877. P. O. address, Warsaw, 111. Auto. CLASS OF 1873. FRED HOVEY ALLEN. Born at Lyme, New Hampshire, Oct. i, 1845 ; after four years course, graduated at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; ordained at Enfield, Conn., April 26, 1874; graduated from Boston University School of Oratory, 1878, and taught Elocution in University of Vt., same year ; has been acting pastor of North Church, Enfield, Conn., First Church, Enfield, Conn., West Brook- field, Mass., E. Street Church, South Boston, Mass., Olivet Church, Boston, and Wollaston Heights, Mass. ; has been in England, France, and Italy during the last few years ; edited, 1880-1, "Biography of Great Adventurers," Columbus, Cortez, and Pizarro, three volumes ; published in Scribner's Magazine, "Sketches of Artist Life in Paris." Married Miss M. Cora Bumpus, Auburn, Me., April 26, 1881. P. O. address, Adams House, Boston, Mass. Auto. EDWARD PAGE BUTLER. Born at Clintonville, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1848; graduated at University of Vermont, 1870, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; com- menced preaching at Lyme, N. H., June 9, 1873, where he was ordained pastor, Oct. 20, 1874, and still remains. Mar- ried Miss Lucretia Churchill Nelson, Lyme, N. H., Sept. 25, 1876. P. O. address, Lyme, New Hampshire. GEORGE DODSON. Born at Birmingham, England, April 28, 1845 ; came to New York in 1865, and subsequently to Hartford, Conn., where he took a classical course with private tutor, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, after four years' course; 1873, ordained at Pearl Street Church, Hartford, Conn., July 6, 1873 ; acting pastor at Red Oak, Iowa, one year ; Taftville, Conn., one year ; installed pastor at Pilgrim Church, North Weymouth, Mass., Nov. 23, Il6 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1873. 1876; in Dec., 1879, failing health compelled him to retire, but by earnest desire of his Church he was continued as pastor emeritus, until his death at North Weymouth, May 22, 1880. Married Miss Idella S. Makepeace, Hyde Park, Mass., July i, 1873. CHARLES WOOD KILBON. Born at Springfield, Mass., July 27, 1844; graduated after four years' course, at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; ordained at Olivet Church, Springfield, Mass., missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to the Zulus ; sailed May 10, 1873 ; secretary of Zulu mission since June, 1876. Married Miss Mary B. Knox, Manchester, Conn., April 8, 1873. P. O. address, Adams Mission Station, Lower Ilovo, Natal, South Africa. Auto. FRANK BARROWS MAKEPEACE. Born at Attleboro, Mass., Feb. 1 6, 1848; took classics privately, and graduated after four years course at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; private tutor in Greek and Latin, 1870-1 ; ordained at North Church, Lynn, Mass., June 19, 1873 ; acting pastor at Gloucester, Mass., June 22, 1873, to June, 1874, when he was installed, and remained until Dec. i, 1876 ; acting pastor at Champlain, N. Y., Dec i, 1876-81 ; associate editor of Champlain Herald, 1877-8. Married Miss Helen Mary Viets, East Gran by, Conn., Dec. 17, 1873. P. O. address, Andover, Mass. Auto. PETER BENTON SHIERE. Born at Lorceine, France ; graduated at Brown University, 1870, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; preached one year at Alden, Iowa; ordained at Maynard, Mass., Sept. 8, 1874, and re- mained till April i, 1876 ; acting pastor, Chatham, Mass., May i, 1877, to May i, 1879. Married Miss Louisa B. Weeks, Maynard, Mass., Nov. 24, 1874. P. O. address, West Somerville, Mass. DAVID MELLEN STONE. Born at West Hartford, Vt , June 7, 1848; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1870; one year in Union Seminary ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1873 ; took another year at Union Seminary; 1 8/4.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I I/ spent one vacation in missionary work in Me. ; accepted a call to Windham, Vt., in 1875, but ill health compelled him to relinquish his engagement ; spent the Winter of 1875-6 in New Mexico, and on his return died at Syracuse, N. Y., June 8, 1876. JOSIAH GREENE WILLIS. Born at Enfield, Conn., Aug. 20, 1849; graduated at Divinity School, Cambridge, 1872; spent one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated in 1873 ; preached at Post Mills, Vt., 1874, and engaged in missionary and evangelistic labor in N. Y., Me., and Mass. ; previous to entering the ministry, was engaged in editorial work on several daily and weekly newspapers ; ordained at Guildhall, Vt., Oct. 10, 1876, where he remained two years ; acting pastor, East Hartland, Conn., one year ; since then, acting pastor of Newent Church, Lisbon, Conn. Married Miss Mary Nettie Gilbert, Union Valley, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1877. P. O. address, Jewett City, Conn. Auto. CLASS OF 1874. WILLIAM PRESTON COLLINS. Born at Hartford, Conn., March 13, 1849 5 entered class of 1874, at Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, and after a few months was attacked with disease of the lungs, which resulted in his death, April 18, 1873. JAMES LEE GAMBLE. Born at Winchester, Va., August 8, 1843 ; graduated at National Normal School, Ohio, in 1868, where he was professor 1869-70; superintendent Union School, Ottawa, Ohio, 1870-71 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut; preached at Deposit, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1872 April 14, 1874; at Equinunk, Pa., April 14, 1874 April n, 1877; ordained at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April n, 1875, having been admitted to New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, April 7, 1873 ; acting pastor at Deposit, N. Y., April 11, 1877 April 9, 1878; Ellenville, N. Y., April 9, 1878 Il8 ALUMNI RECORDS. April 13, 1881 ; Falls Village, Conn., April 13, 1881. Married Miss Sarah M. Mulford, Lebanon, Ohio, August 17, 1868. P. O. address, Falls Village, Conn. Auto. JOHN HENRY GOODELL. Born at Millbury, Mass., March 13, 1844; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut 1874 ; ordained at Windsor Avenue Church, Hartford, Conn., May 26, 1874 ; acting pastor, St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Spencertown, N. Y., and Congregational Church at Auster- litz, N. Y., June, 1874 Feb., 1878; Installed pastor at Windsor Locks, Conn., Feb. 6, 1878. Married Miss N. B. Messer, Waltham, Mass., Jan. 10, 1863. P. O. address, Windsor Locks, Conn. Auto. FRANK J. GRIMES Born at Keene, N % H., Oct. 25, 1833 ; was merchant and teacher before studying theology ; gradu- ated after a four years' course at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1874 ; ordained at Windsor Avenue Church, Hartford, Conn., June 2, 1875 5 acting pastor, Presbyterian Church, Hillsdale, N. Y.,June I, 1875 two years ; preached six months at Mt. Washington, Mass., in connection with the Hillsdale charge ; acting pastor at Falls Village, Conn., July I, 1877 May i, 1878; at Hampton, N. H., four months; acting pastor at Westmoreland, N. H., since Sept. I, 1879. Married Miss Charlotte P. Wyman, Keene, N. H., Jan. 15, 1863, who died at Hillsdale, N. Y., August 30, 1876. (2) Miss Emma L. Coon, Kinderhook, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1878. P. O. address, Westmoreland, N. H. Auto. JOHN ANDREW HANNA. Born at Rising Sun, Ind., Feb. 19, 1848 ; graduated at Normal School, Lebanon, Ohio, 1868, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1874; ordained at East Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 15, 1873 ; acting pastor at Thompson, Conn., from Feb., 1875, where he was installed July 27, 1876 ; installed at East Church, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 19, 1879; while seeking health died at Bristol, Vt, July 30, 1880. "He was an earnest, self-sacrificing Christ- ian, a faithful under-shepherd a man who both feared and loved the Lord God Almighty, delighting greatly in his commandments." (Church Record, New Haven.) Married I8/4-] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I IQ Miss Margaret P. Kelley of Boston, at Cheshire, Mass., July 29, 1875. LEWIS WILDER HICKS. Born at Charlton, Mass., Nov. 20, 1845 5 graduated at Yale, 1870, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1874; ordained pastor at Woodstock, Vt., Sept 10, 1874; dismissed in 1881 ; installed at Wethersfield, Conn., Sept. 14, 1881. Has published occasional sermons and addresses. Married Miss Kate Curtis, Hartford, Conn., July 2, 1874; (2) Miss Elizabeth H. Barrett, Woodstock, Vt., June 18, 1878. P. O. address, Wethersfield, Conn. Auto. JOHN EDWIN HURLBUT. Born at New London, Conn., May 23, 1843 j on account of ill health pursued an eight year course under private tutors instead of a college course ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1874; ordained at (Mittineague) West Springfield, Mass., March 24, 1875, where he was installed pastor, May 3, 1876. P. O. address, West Springfield, Mass. Auto. WILLIAM NEAL MESERVE. Born at Barrington, N. H., April 9, 1840; graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1874 ; ordained at Santa Cruz, Cal., Oct. 8, 1873 ; mis- sionary of Sunday School Union in California, April I, 1873 Feb. 1875 ; acting pastor at Antioch, Cal., May I, 1875 Sept. 26, 1876; of Herman Presbyterian Church, Philadel- phia, Pa., Jan. to Nov. 1877; Harwinton, Conn., Jan. I, 1878-80; acting pastor at Durango, Col. Married Miss Abby Augusta Hill, Dover, N. H., Nov. 30, 1864. P. O. address, Durango, Colorado. DANIEL STAVER. Born at Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 30, 1845 ; graduated at National Normal School, Ohio, 1868 ; one year at the Theological Institute of Connecticut and graduated at Union Seminary, 1875 ; ordained at Hartford, Feb. 19, 1875 ; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Turkey ; sailed from New York, Oct. 23, 1875, and reached Cesarea, Dec. 31, 1876; returned to United States on account of wife's ill health in August, 1880 ; pastor at Medford, Minn., since I2O ALUMNI RECORDS. Nov., 1880. Married Miss Abbie Walker, Brookville, Me., Sept. 23, 1875. P. O. address, Medford, Minn. Auto. CLASS OF 1875. FRANK Louis BRISTOL. Born at Milford, Conn., March 26, 1853 ; partial course in Theological Institute of Connecti- cut; ordained evangelist at Halifax, Mass., Oct. 21, 1875, where he was acting pastor, Sept. I, 1875 Oct. 26, 1876; acting pastor at Westport, Mass., Oct. 26, 1876 Oct. 21, 1877 ; acting pastor at West Tisbury, Mass., Jan. I, 1879 April i, 1880 ; installed at the First Church, Ithaca, Mich., June 6, 1880. Married Miss Annie C. Hill, Boston, Mass., June 30, 1875. P. O. address, Ithaca, Gratiot County, Mich. Aiito. HOWARD SAXTON CLAPP. Born at Hartford, Conn., April 28, 1851 ; graduated at Yale, 1872 ; partial course at Berke- ley Divinity School, Middletown, and one year at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut ; ordained Deacon in Protestant Episcopal Church at Middletown, Conn., May 26, 1875 ; ordained Priest at Wethersfield, Conn., June I, 1876, by Bishop Williams of Connecticut ; since May 30, 1875, Rector of Trinity Church and Parish, Wethersfield, Conn. Auto. P. O. address, Wethersfield, Conn. ALBERT MARSHALL CURRY. Born at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 8, 1849; graduated at Hartford High School, 1868; graduated at Yale, 1872; one year at ^Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Medical Department of Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1875, fr m which he received degree of M.D. ; has served in Children's Hospital, Philadelphia, and in 1876 was Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy in Univer- sity of Pennsylvania ; settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., as practic- ing physician and surgeon, May, 1877. Present office and residence, 1151 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Auto. 1 875.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 121 HENRY WARREN ELDRIDGE. Born at Hampton, N. H., April 17, 1845 5 graduated at Amherst College, 1871 ; taught oneyearat Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.; graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1875 J ordained at Becket, Mass., Jan. 18, 1876; installed at East Weymouth, Mass., Dec. 12, 1877. Married Miss Jennie S. Loveland of Hinsdale, Mass., at Rootstown, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1876. P. O. address, South Deerfield, Mass. Auto. ARTHUR GREEN FITZ. Born at Chester, N. H., August 10, 1848; graduated at Dartmouth, 1872; one year, 1872-3, at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and graduated at Bangor, 1875 ; ordained pastor at West Stafford, Conn., Sept. i, 1875, where ne labored till March 18, 187^; acting pastor at Hampden, Me., a year and nine months ; acting pastor at Wilton, Me., from Dec. I, 1880, preaching also at Temple, Me. Married Miss Lizzie Hunter Brown, Bangor, Me., June 22, 1875. P. O. address, Hampden, Me. EDWARD SACKETT HUME. Born at Bombay, Western India, June 4, 1848 ; graduated at Yale, 1870; principal of Millbury High School, Massachusetts, and teacher in Hart- ford High School, Conn. ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1875 ; ordained at New Haven, Conn,, June 2, 1875, missionary of A. B. C. F. M. to Mahratta Mission ; reached Bombay, Oct. 16, 1875 ; spent one year studying the language at Ahmednugger ; since then has been in mission work at Byculla, Bombay. Married Miss Charlotte Elizabeth Chandler, New Haven, Conn., July 2, 1875. Auto. P. O. address, Byculla, Bombay, Western India. FERDINAND T. LATHE. Born at Southbridge, Mass. ; Partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut. PETER MACLEAN MACDONALD. Born at Whycocomah, Nova Scotia ; graduated at Normal School, Toms, N. S., and studied, at Dalhousie College, 1867-8, and at Cornell Univers- ity, 1869 72 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecti- cut, 1875; graduated at Boston University, Department of Oratory, 1877; ordained pastor of First Presbyterian Church, 16 122 ALUMNI RECORDS. Reading, Mass., and of Shawmut street Presbyterian Church, Boston, Mass., June 13, 1876 ; graduated at College of Lib- eral Arts, Boston University, 1878, and took degree of M.A. in 1879; professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Car- lyle Petersillias Academy of Music, Boston, Mass., 1881. P. O. address, 294 Columbus avenue, Boston, Mass. Auto. CHARLES MAEHL. Born in Germany, April 24, 1850 ; partial course at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; printer at Hartford, Conn. Married Miss Antoinette Ernesty, Nor- wich, Conn., Oct. 18, 1879. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. CYRUS STONE. Born at Harwich, Mass., June 2, 1846; graduated at Kimbal Union Academy, 1867, and at Williams College, 1872; one year at Theological Institute of Connecti- cut ; graduated at Andover, 1876 ; attended Medical Lectures in Philadelphia, 1877 ; acting pastor at Dexter and Green Meadow, Minn., August, 1877 May, 1878; went to Wood's River, Neb., 1879, on account of ill-health, and was there killed by lightning, July I, 1879. Married Miss Weltha H. Niles of Pownal, Vt, at Austin, Minn., Jan. i, 1878. ISRAEL NEWTON TERRY. Born at South Weymouth, Mass., Feb. 20, 1851 ; graduated at Amherst, 1871 ; one year in business in New York ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1875 J one year at Union Seminary ; ordained pastor of Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1876. Married Miss Emily H. Butler of New Hartford, Sept. 28, 1880. P. O. address, New Hartford, N. Y. Auto. FREDERICK HENRY WALES. Born at South Weymouth, Mass., June 17, 1845 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1872, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1875 ; ordained at First Church, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. II, 1876 ; acting pastor at Riverside, Cal., Aug. I, 1875 Dec., 1876 ; Rock- lin, Cal., Feb. i, 1877 July 31, 1879; Dutch Flat, Cal., since Sept. i, 1879. P^oit^^t^ P. O. address, Dutch Flat, Placer county, Cal. 1876.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 123 SHELDON HARLEY WHEELER. Born at South Hero, Vt., July 20. 1850 ; graduated at the University of Vermont, 1871" ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut, and grad- uated at Andover Seminary, 1875 ; ordained pastor at Water- bury, Vt., Dec. 1 6, 1875, where he still is. Married Mrs. Mary Clark Landon, Georgia, Vt., Dec. 9, 1875. P. O. address, Waterbury, Vt. Auto. GEORGE WILLIAM WINCH. Born at Northfield, Vt., August 3, 1845 ; graduated at University of Vermont, 1870, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1875 ; ordained pastor at Enfield, Conn., Oct. 6, 1875. Married Miss Han- nah E. Ladd, Grand Isle, Vt., Nov. 10, 1875. P. O. address, Enfield, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM S. WOODRUFF. Born at . Studied a short time at Theological Institute of Connecticut. P. O. address, . CLASS OF 1876. ARTHUR WALTER BLAIR. Born at Plymouth, N. H., May 22, 1848 ; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1872 ; year and a half at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; taught two years in High School, Northfield, Vt. ; two years in High School, Montpelier, Vt. ; since that has pursued the study and practice of medicine. Married Miss Ellen E. Chamber- lain, St. Johnsbury, Vt., July 22, 1877. P. O. address, Newbury, Vt. LEVERETT BRADLEY, JR. Born at Methuen, Mass., July n, 1846 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1873, and at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1876; ordained in Protestant Episcopal Church at Hartford, Conn., March 18, 1878, and to the priesthood at Boston, Mass., June 13, 1879; assistant minister at Trinity Church, Boston, May, 1878 Sept., 1879 ; rector of Christ Church, Gardner, Me., since Sept., 1879. Married Miss Susan Greenough Hinckley, Boston, Mass., Dec. 3, 1879. P. O. address, Gardner, Me. 124 ALUMNI RECORDS. FRANKLIN SAMUEL HATCH. Born at Chelsea, Vt, August 12, 1846; graduated at Amherst College, 1873, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1876; ordained pastor at West Hartford, Conn., June 7, 1876; published sermons on "Thankfulness for the Christian Church," and "Going to School to Jesus." Married Miss Helen Gage, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 29, 1879. P. O. address, West Hartford, Conn. Auto. JOHN MARSLAND. Born at Shelley, Eng., Sept. 12, 1850; studied at Oberlin two years ; graduated at Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut, 1876 ; taught one year at Kingston, R. I. ; ordained pastor at Mill River, Mass., June 20, 1877, where he labored till Jan. I, 1879; acting pastor at Central Village, Conn., March I, 1879 May I, 1881 ; since then acting pastor at New Haven, N. Y. Married Miss Mary J. Rhodes, Ches- ter, Pa., June 13, 1877. P. O. address, New Haven, N. Y. CHARLES BENTLEY STRONG. Born at South Deerfield, Mass., May 31, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1873, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1876; preached at Georgetown, Conn., one year from Jan. I, 1877 ; has originated and published a new alphabet for every day use. P. O. address, Box 3206, Boston, Mass. Auto. CLASS OF 1877. NAHABED ABDALIAN. Born at Gurune, Turkey in Asia, 1847; graduated at Marsovan, Turkey, 1870; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1877; ordained at Park Church, Hartford, Conn., April 9, 1879 ; returned to Turkey and is settled as pastor at Bardizag, Turkey. Married in 1881. P. O. address, Bardizag, Turkey. Auto. NORMAND HAMMOND BURNHAM. Born in New York City, April 17, 1 848 ; graduated at Yale College, 1873 ; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut; graduated at Protestant THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 12$ Episcopal Divinity School, West Philadelphia, 1878 ; ordained Deacon at Philadelphia, March 16, 1879, an d Priest, July 22, 1880, at West Bangor, N. Y. ; is rector of St. Stephen's Church, Pittsfield, N. H. P. O. address, Pittsfield, Merrimac county, N. H. Auto. GILBERT ALLEN CURTISS. Born at West Stockbridge, Mass., April 25, 1848 ; preached one year from May i, 1875, at West Hartland, Conn. ; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1877 ; ordained pastor at Mineville, N. Y., May 9, 1876, and remained till Sept. 1 1, 1877 ; installed pastor at South Hartford, N. Y., Sept. u, 1877, dismissed 1879 ; acting pastor at Lebanon, N. Y., since 1880. Married Miss Elberfine S. Fuller, Housatonic, Mass., at Rockville, Conn., Sept. 20, 1873. P. O. address, Lebanon, Madison county, N. Y. Auto. JOSHUA ASHBURY HILL. Born at Washington, D. C., 1846; graduated at Lincoln University, Oxford, Penn., 1871 ; two years at Union Seminary, and graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1877; preached at Talcott Street Church, Hartford, Conn , three years, to 1877 ; Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church, Macon, Ga., one year ; Mar- ried Miss Agnes Ketchum of Washington, D. C. Died at Washington, D. C , Dec. u, 1878. GEORGE SAMUEL PELTON. Born at South Windsor, Conn., Nov. 1 8, 1845 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1872, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1877 ; ordained evan- gelist at South Windsor, Conn., May 15, 1877; acting pastor at Glyndon, Minn., June i, 1877, to August i, 1880; acting pastor at Deadwood, Dakota, Sept. i, 1880. Married Miss Jennie Grout, of Glyndon, Minn., at East Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 20, 1879. P. O. address, Deadwood, Dakota. Auto. MELVILLE MERRICK TRACY. Born at Triangle, N. Y., March 10, 1836 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1860 ; taught at Barre, Mass., two years ; Framingham, Mass., one year ; Springfield, Mass., seven years ; New Marlboro, Mass., four 126 ALUMNI RECORDS. [18/8. years ; studied one year at Bangor, and two at Hartford ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1877 ; ordained at Three Rivers, Mass., July 25, 1877, where he was acting pastor one year; missionary in Minn., 1878-9; installed pastor at Duluth, Minn., Oct. 28, 1879; dismissed Jan. ii, 1881. Married Miss Abbie D. Weston, New Brain- tree, Mass., August 6, 1863 ; (2) Miss Ruth A. Kent, Leices- ter, Mass., Oct. 24, 1876; (3) Miss Julia E. Brown, Minne- apolis, Minn., Oct. 14, 1879. P. O. address, Topeka, Kan. Auto. CLASS OF 1878. GEORGE BLAKE ADAMS. Born at Medway, Mass., Oct. 4, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1875, and at Theologi- cal Institute of Connecticut, 1878; preached at the First Church, New Marlboro, Mass., June, 1878,10 April, 1879; was ordained pastor at Northboro, Mass., Nov. 19, 1879, where he remained until his death on the 25th of August, 1 88 1. His health had been feeble during the summer, and he went to the Adirondacks in hope of betterment ; being taken suddenly worse, he started for home, and though his desire was gratified, he breathed his last within a few moments after his arrival. Thus died in the very opening of his work, one of our most promising graduates, sincerely mourned by an affectionate and sorrowing people. " His thorough scholar- ship, amiable deportment, and exemplary piety won, to an uncommon degree, the respect of his teachers and associates ; a bereaved congregation lament the loss of a pastor greatly beloved." His last sermon was a memorial discourse to the "Grand Army of the Republic," and was noble, patriotic, Christian ; though his ministry was short, its fruit will remain. Married Miss Emma C. Noble of Hartford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1880. CHARLES WESLEY HANNA. Born at Enterprise, Ind., Jan. 28, 1851 ; graduated at National Normal School, Leba- non, Ohio, took a partial course at Theological Institute of 1878.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I2/ Connecticut 1878; preached at Marlboro, Conn., from Oct., 1876, to his ordination there, August 29, 1877, where he re- mained till 1880; Married Miss Nellie B. Skinner, Marlboro, Conn., Jan. 13, 1879. P. O. address, - . WILLIAM DWIGHT MCFARLAND. Born at Sturbridge. Mass, March 16, 1851 ; after four years' course, graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1878; ordained at Hartford, Conn., June 17, 1878 ; acting pastor at Simsbury, Conn., two years from May I, 1878 ; installed pastor at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Sept. 28, 1880, resigned Oct. I, 1881. Married Miss Myra M. Fowler, of Hartford, Conn., at Poughkeepsie,'N. Y., June 26, 1878. P. O. address, Shelburne Falls, Mass. Auto. MlLLARD FlLLMORE HARDY. Bom at Nelson, N. H., July 22, 1850; graduated at N. H. College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, 1874, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879 J preached since May 10, 1879, at Whately, Mass., where he was ordained pastor, April 21, 1880. Mar- ried Miss Irene Lawrence Harrington of Marlboro, N. H., Oct. 13, 1880. P. O address, Whately, Mass. Auto. IVORY HOVEY BARTLETT HEADLEY. Born at New Bed- ford, Mass., Feb. 23, 1852 ; graduated at -Phillips' Academy, 1871 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1875 ; few months at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; preached at New Boston, N. H., 1875, and at Franconia, N. H., 1876; Row- ley, Mass., 1876-7, where he was ordained Jan. 4, 1877; Philadelphia, N. Y., 1878; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881 ; since July 1881, acting pastor at South Coventry, Conn. Married Miss Helen Ada Daniels, Rowley, Mass., Sept. 18, 1877. P. O. address, South Coventry, Conn. Auto. MARTIN HEWEY MEAD. Born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., August 20, 1846; one year at Amherst College; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1878 ; ordained at 128 ALUMNI RECORDS. [ 1 879. Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 7, 1878. Married Miss Mary L. Brew- ster, North Coventry, Conn., July 8, 1878. P. O. address, Norfolk, Neb. LEONARD BAKER TENNEY Born at Jaffrey, N. H., Sept. 12, 1854; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1875 taught in Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. ; Junior year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; Middle year at Ando- ver Seminary ; licensed by Manchester Association, N. H., 1877; preached at Blair, Neb., 1876; Holden and Dedham, Me, 1877; Warren, Vt., April, 1878, to April, 1879; an( * Barnet, Vt. ; graduated at Union Theological Seminary, 1 88 1, and took Post-graduate year there. P. O. address, Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Auto. CLASS OF 1879. HENRY CLAY ALVORD. Born at Bolton, Conn., April 30, 1854; graduated at New York University, 1876, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; ordained pastor at Montague, Mass., Sept. 10, 1879. Married Miss Alice Cornelia Bissell, of Charlemont, Mass., at Montague, Oct. 6, 1880. P. O. address, Montague, Mass. Auto. CLARK SMITH BEARDSLEY. Born at Coventry, N. Y., Feb. i, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1876, and at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; instructor in Hebrew in Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879-81, after which he studied in Germany. P. O. address, Leipsic, Germany. LYNDON SMITH CRAWFORD. Born at North Adams, Mass , March 24, 1852; graduated at Williams College, 1876, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; ordained at Deerfield, Mass., Aug. 20, 1879, missionary of A. B. C. F. M. for the Western Turkey Mission; sailed Sept. 27, 1879. Married Miss Susan V. V. Doolittle, Jersey City Heights, N. J., August 13, 1879. P. O. address, Manisa, Turkey in Asia. Azito. 18/9.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. I2Q EDWARD ABBOTT HAZELTINE. Born at Busti, N. Y., Feb. n, 1850; took a partial course at Williams College, in the class of 1878, and graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; ordained at Kiantone, N. Y., June 26, 1879, where he is acting pastor. Married Miss J. Emma Lord, Enfield, Conn., Sept. 10, 1879. P. O. address, Kiantone, N. Y. Auto. AARON BURTIS HUNTER. Born at Philadelphia, Pa., April 26, 1854; graduated at Amherst College, 1876 ; one year at the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Union Seminary, 1879 ; confirmed in the Protestant Episcopal Church by Bishop Stevens, June 4, 1879; studied theology at Berlin, Germany, and Leicester, 1879-80. P. O. address, Berlin, Germany. HENRY HOPKINS KELSEY Born at Evans Mills, N. Y., April 9, 1853; graduated at Amherst College, 1876, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879 ; instructor in Voice-building and Elocution in the Theological Institute of Connecticut. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. Auto. VICTOR EUGENE LOB A. Born at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21, 1853 ; graduated at Olivet College, Mich. ; one year at the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; preached at Nepon- set, 111., 1877-8 ; ordained at Sleepy Eye, Minn., June 13, 1879 y removed to Redwood Falls, 1880, to organize Red- wood Classical Academy, of which he now is principal. P. O. address, Redwood Falls, Minn. Auto. JAMES EDWARD RAWLINS. Born at St. Kitts, West In- dies ; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879 ; ordained pastor of Temple Street Church, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 30, 1880, after preaching there one year ; now associate pastor with Rev. Dr. H. H. Garnet, Shiloh Presbyterian Church, New York City. P. O. address, 139 West 26th street, New York, N. Y. Auto. 17 130 ALUMNI RECORDS. [1879. CHARLES SYLVESTER SANDERS. Born at Chavagercherry, Jaffna, Ceylon, India, April 18, 1854 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1875; taught at Granby, Mass., 1876; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; J une 3> 1879, at Center Church, Hartford, ordained missionary of A. B. C. F. M. at Aintab, Turkey in Asia. Married Miss Grace Bingham of Wellsville, N. Y., at Aintab, Dec. 24, 1880. P. O. address, Aintab, Turkey in Asia. Auto. WILLIAM HALLOCK SMITH. Born at Jaffna, Ceylon, India, August 10, 1850 ; after four years' course, graduated at Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut, 1879; commenced preach- ing at Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 5, 1879, where he was ordained Dec. 23, 1879; began labors at Rosemond, 111., Jan. 16, 1881. P. O. address, Rosemond, 111. Auto. WILLIAM HENRY SYBRANDT. Born at Argyle, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1876; one term in Yale Seminary and completed the course, graduating at The- ological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; ordained pastor at Presbyterian Church, South Boston, Mass., June 11, 1879. Married Miss Anna L. Leland, Amherst, Mass., May 14, 1879. P. O. address, South Boston, Mass. Auto. ISAAC WHITE. Born at St. John, N. B., March 6, 1852 .; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; ordained at Boston, Mass., July 21, 1875 ; preached at Talcott Street Church, Hartford, Conn., a year and a half ; acting pastor at North Lyme, Conn., one year, from April, 1879, when health became impaired, and he went to Minnesota ; acting pastor at Le Sueur, Minn. P. O. address, Le Sueur, Minn. Auto. HENRY JACKSON ZERCHER Born at Decatur, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1850; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1879; ordained May 9, 1879, at Hartford, Conn.; missionary at Benson and Monticello, Minn. ; at Detroit, Minn., since August 10, 1879. Married Miss Helen McClanahan of West Union, Ohio, at North Liberty, Ohip, June 2, 1879. P. O. address, Osakis, Minn. l88O.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 131 CLASS OF 1880. GEORGE DAVIS ADAMS. Born at Boston, Mass., Jan. 13, 1854; two years at Amherst College, class of 1879; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; pastor of First Reformed Episcopal Church, New York City. In Feb. 1881, installed pastor of Oakwood Avenue Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y. In Nov. 1881, became applicant for orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church. P. O. address, 131 Second Street, Troy, N. Y. CLARENCE HOWARD BARBER. Born at Canton Center, Conn., Feb. 6, 1853; graduated at Amherst College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880 ; or- dained pastor at Torringford, Conn., June 17, 1880. Married Miss Minnie Johnson of Morris, Conn., Sept. 29, 1880. P. O. address, Torringford, Conn. Auto. FRANKLIN MUNROE CHAPIN. -Born at Portland, Me., April J 9 l8 53 J graduated at Dartmouth College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. at Kalgan, China, Oct. 22, 1880. Married Miss Flora Maria Barnett, Keene, N. H., June 30, 1880. P. O. address, Peking, China. Auto. DANIEL JAMES CLARK.-^Born at Ludlow, Vt, July 20, 1849; three years at Wesleyan University; taught at Wil- braham, Mass., 1874-5 > graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880 ; ordained pastor at East Haven, Conn., July 7, 1880. Married Miss Alice C. Deming, Newington, Conn., Oct. 27, 1877. P. O. address, East Haven, Conn. Auto. JASPER PHILLIPS HARVEY. Born at West Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1849; graduated at Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; ordained pastor at Marlboro, Conn., May 19, 1880. P. O. address, Marlboro, Conn. Auto. EDWARD HOOKER KNIGHT. Born at Hebron, Conn., Oct. 22, 1854; graduated at Amherst College, 1876; taught at 132 ALUMNI RECORDS. [l88o. Williston Seminary in 1878 ; graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; took a fourth year at Prince- ton Theological Seminary, N. J., and subsequently pursued his studies in Germany. P. O. address, Leipsic, Germany. Auto. CALVIN BLODGETT MOODY. Born at Waterbury, Vt., Oct. 26, 1855 ; graduated at Middlebury, Vt., 1877 \ taught in Wa- terbury, Vt., 1877 ; graduated at Theological Institute of Con- necticut, 1880; preached at Jeff ersonville, Vt., 1879 ; ordained pastor at Center Harbor, N. H., August 5, 1880. Married Miss Fannie E. Kingsley, Middlebury, Vt., at Vergennes, Vt, July 29, 1880. P. O. address, Center Harbor, N. H. Auto. DWIGHT MALLORY PRATT.- Born at West Cornwall, Conn., April 1 8, 1852; graduated at Amherst College, 1876, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; preached three months at Torrington, Conn. ; ordained pastor at Hig- ganum, Conn., Dec. 16, 1880. P. O. address, Higganum, Conn. Auto. WILLIAM HENRY SANDERS. Born at Jaffna, Ceylon, India, March 2, 1856; graduated at Williams College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880; ordained at Williamstown, Mass., June 8, 1880, missionary of A. B. C. F. M., to Bihe, Western Africa, for which he sailed Aug. 7, 1880. P. O. address, Bihe, Benguella, Africa, via Lisbon. GEORGE EDWARD TAYLOR. Born at Meltham, England, July 22, 1849 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1880 ; ordained evange- list under commission from A. H. M. S. at Broad Brook, Conn., May 27, 1880 ; acting pastor at Harvard, Neb., since July 9. 1880. Married Miss Clara J. Searle, Southampton, Mass., June 24, 1880. P. O. address, Harvard, Neb. Auto. GEORGE ALBERT WILDER. Born at Amanzimtote (Adams) Natal, South Africa, May 14, 1855 ; graduated at Williams 1 88 1.] THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 133 College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecti- cut, 1880; ordained at Pearl Street Church, Hartford, Conn., May 16, 1880; preached at Wethersfield Avenue Chapel, and Presbyterian Church, Hartford, Conn., summer of 1880; sailed for South Africa in autumn of 1880, under appoint- ment from A. B. C. F. M. to the Zulus. Married Miss Alice C. Scammon, Waltham, Mass., May 27, 1880. P. O. address, Umtwalumi, Natal, South Africa. Auto. CLASS OF 1881. CHARLES S. HARTWELL. Born at Foochow, China, Sep- tember 3, 1855. Graduated at Amherst College, 1877. Studied one year at the Theological Institute of Connecti- cut. Left on account of ill health. P. O. address, Zumbrota, Minn. ALPHEUS C. HODGES. Born at Rochester, N. Y., Febru- ary i, 1853. Graduated at Yale College, 1877, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1881. Ordained pastor at Buckland, Mass., Nov. 16, 1881 P. O. address, Buckland, Mass. FRANK E. JENKINS. Born at Walton, N. Y., November 26, 1854. Graduated at Williams College, 1878, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1881. Ordained pastor at Charlton, Mass., May 25, 1881. Married Miss Maria A. Bucklin, June i, 1881. P. O. address, Charleton, Mass. NEWTON I. JONES. Born at Enfield, N. H., June 28, 1849. Took a partial course at Dartmouth College. Studied two years in Yale Theological Seminary, and one year in the Theological Institute of Connecticut. Resumed study at New Haven in the fall of 1881. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. WILLIAM W. SLEEPER. Born at Worcester, Mass , Feb. 12, 1855. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878, and at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1881, where he is em- ployed as instructor in Music. P. O. address, Hartford, Conn. PRESENT CLASSES. SENIOR CLASS. Geo. Washington Andrews, Walton, N. Y., W. C., 1879. Geo. S. Baskervill, Moers, N. Y., H. S. C., Wm. Dwight Porter Bliss, Constantinople, Turkey, A. C., 1878. Geo. Bliss Cutler, Ware, Mass., A. C., John Rowland, Jaffna, Ceylon, A. C., 1876. Frank Vandermooler Mills, Windsor, H. C., 1877. Charles Henry Pettibone, New Marlboro, Mass., D. C., 1878. MIDDLE CLASS. Edward Abbot Chase, Chelsea, Mass., A. C., 1880. Geo. Albinus Button, Norwich, Vt., D. C., 1880. Herman Parker Fisher, Westboro, Mass., A. C., 1880. William Franklin Furman, Albany, N. Y., D. C., 1880. Arthur Lincoln Gillett, Westfield, Mass., A. C, 1880. Phineas Camp Headley, Jr., Boston, Mass., A. C., 1880. Robert Parkenson Herrick, Manchester, N. H., D. C., 1880. Frederick Augustus Holden, Fitchburg, Mass., A. C., 1880. William Sylvester Kelsey, Hartford, A. C., 1880. Herbert Macy, Worcester, Mass., Charles Herbert Morse, Lower Waterford, Vt., A. C., 1880. Charles Sumner Nash, Amherst, Mass., A. C., 1877. Dryden William Phelps, Hartford, Br. U., 1877. Thomas M. Price, Lansford, Pa. Ernest Richardson, Woburn, Mass., A. C., 1880. JUNIOR CLASS. Charles Stearns Hartwell, Foochow, China, A. C., 1877. Geo. Henry Hubbard, Sherbrooke, P. Q., D. C., 1880. PRESENT CLASSES. 135 Geo. Hewitt Lee, Yaphank, N. Y., W. C., 1879. Charles Stoddard Lane, Braintree, Mass., A. C., 1880. Willis Waldo Mead, Hartford, W. C., 1880. John Montgomery, St. Anns, N. S. RESIDENT LICENTIATE. Wm. Washburn Sleeper, Worcester, Mass., A. C., 1878. SUMMARY. PRESENT CLASSES. Senior Class, 7. Middle Class, 14. Junior Class, 6. Resident Licentiate, I. Total, 28. ABBREVIATIONS. A. C., Amherst Collge. H, C., Hamilton College. B. U., Boston University. H. S., Hampden Sidney College. Br. U., Brown University. . W. C., Williams College. D. C., Dartmouth College. INDEX. 1877 Abdalian, Nahabed 1838 Adams, Ezra 1878 Adams, George Blake 1880 Adams, George Davis 1854 Adams, Henry Martyn 1873 Allen, Frederick Hovey 1854 Allen, Jerome 1843 Allen, John Boyd 1866 Angell, Thomas Lemuel 1857 Austin, Samuel John 1865 Alvord, Augustus 1857 Alvord, Frederick 1879 Alvord, Henry Clay 1842 Avery, William Pitt 1850 Bacon, Samuel Frederick 1848 Baldwin, William Wetmore 1855 Ball, Charles Bassett 1838 Bancroft, David 1880 Barber, Clarence Howard 1842 Barber, Luther Humphrey 1842 Barnes, William 1863 Barrows, John Otis 1862 Barrows, William Henry 1869 Bartlett, Edward Newton 1 86 1 Bartlett, Lyman 1861 Barton, Walter 1837 Bassett, George Washington 1841 Bassett, Isaac Austin 1860 Beals, David 1879 Beardsley, Clark Smith 1848 Belknap, John Stacey 1839 Bell, Hiram 1854 Bentley, Edward Warren 1846 Benton, William Austin 1866 Biscoe, Thomas Dwight 1855 Bishop, Horace Smith 1838 Bishop, Noah 1861 Bissell, Charles Henry 18 1859 Bissell, Edwin Cone 1853 Bissell, Oscar 1876 Blair, Arthur Walter 1863 Blake, George Henry 1844 Blake, Henry Beach 1869 Bliss, Jason Henry 1871 Bodwell, Joseph Connor 1847 Boltwood, Lucius Manlius 1855 Booth, Albert 1876 Bradley, Leverett 1851 Bradley, Thomas Scott 1852 Breed, David 1851 Brewster, Frederick Humphrey 1860 Bridgman, Henry Martyn 1875 Bristol, Frank Louis 1849 Bronson, George Franklin 1859 Brown, Theron 1848 Bruce, Charles Emerson 1871 Buffum, Francis Henry 1842 Bugbee, George 1877 Burnham, Normand Hammond 1856 Burton, Horatio Nelson 1873 Butler, Edward Page 1838 Butterfield, George 1839 Canfield, Philo 1840 Gary, Austin 1863 Carleton, Israel 1854 Carleton, Marcus Manard 1844 Carpenter, Chester Whitmore 1867 Carter, Clark 1851 Case, Ira 1851 Chadbourne, Paul Ansel 1880 Chapin, Franklin Munroe 1872 Chapin, John Marvin 1863 Chase, Henry Lewis 1875 Clapp, Howard Saxton 1837 Clapp, Rufus Chapman 1870 Clark, Abel Stanton 138 INDEX. 1868 Clark, Albert Warren 1849 Clark, Allen 1840 Clark, Ansel Franklin 1880 Clark, Daniel James 1847 Clark, Gideon Colton 1862 Clark, Hollis S. 1840 Clark, Solomon 1839 Clark, Theodore Jarvis 1840 Clarke, Edward 1842 Clarke, Jonas Bowen 1840 Clarke, Thomas Gilbert 1841 Coburn, David Nichols 1853 Colburn, William Brown 1837 Cole, Albert 1874 Collins, William Preston 1844 Colton, David Burt 1853 Connitt, George Washington 1844 Cook, George 1869 Corey, Phillip D. 1848 Cossitt, Pearl Steel 1879 Crawford, Lyndon Smith 1841 Cross, Moses Kimball 1875 Curry, Albert Marshall 1868 Curtis, Ethan 1863 Curtiss, George 1877 Curtiss, Gilbert Allen 1862 Cutler, Elijah 1866 Cutting, Charles 1863 Dagnault, Pierre S. 1837 Davis, Elnathan 1842 Day, Hiram 1845 Day, I saac 1850 Denison, Andrew Clark 1837 Dewey, Ansel 1841 Dibble, William Fairman 1843 Dickinson, Daniel Sherman 1840 Dickinson, Joel Lyman 1866 Dike, Samuel Warren 1857 Dimock, Edwin 1850 Dimock, Samuel Robinson 1840 Dixon, William Edward 1873 Dodson, George 1872 Dodge, DeForest Benjamin 1872 Dodge, George Shepard 1854 Doe, Franklin Bradley 1869 Durfee, Charles Stoddard 1863 Dutton, Albert Ira 1844 D wight, Henry Augustus 1853 Edson, Henry Kingman 1837 Eells, Gushing 1871 Eells, Myron 1875 Eldridge, Henry Warren 1860 Elliott, John Euclid 1870 Field, Aaron Wesley 1841 Field, Henry Martyn 1845 Fiske, Warren Cooley 1875 Fitz > Arthur Green 1857 Forbes, Samuel Baker 1856 Ford, James Thomas 1843 Foster, Andrew Butler 1852 Francis, John Manning 1842 Fuller, Francis Lord 1841 Gale, Nahum 1844 Galpin, Samuel Henry 1874 Gamble, James Lee 1860 Gardner, Austin 1838 Gardner, Robert Dexter 1855 Garrette, Edmund Young 1850 Gates, Hiram Nichols 1860 Gaylord, William Luther 1845 Gilbert, Alfred Augustus 1844 Gleason, Charles Frederic 1868 Gleason, Charles Herbert 1849 Goddard, Charles Grosvenor 1836 Goddard, John 1836 Goodale, Montgomery Smith 1874 Goodell, John Henry 1860 Goodrich, George Dickinson 1840 Goodwin, David Elmore 1845 Goodwin, William 1837 Gordon, Thomas 1843 Gore, Darius 1872 Gould, Edwin Sprague 1841 Graves, Alpheus 1874 Grimes, Frank J. 1862 Grush, James Winchell 1854 Hall, Edwin 1866 Hall, James Elliot 1866 Hallock, Leavitt Homan 1859 Hallock, William Allen 1864 Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin 1878 Hanna, Charles Wesley 1874 Hanna, John Andrew 1878 Hardy, Millard Fillmore INDEX. 139 1867 Harmon, Elijah 1861 Harris, Stephen 1863 Hart, Henry Elmer 1852 Hartwell, Charles 1881 Hartwell, Charles 1857 Hartwell, John 1880 Harvey, Jasper Phillips 1859 Haskell, Ezra 1876 Hatch, Franklin Samuel 1846 Havens, Daniel William 1836 Haven, John 1868 Hawkes, Winfield Scott 1869 Hawley, John Philo 1879 Hazeltine, Edward Abbott 1868 Hazen, Azel Washburn 1838 Hazen, James Alexander 1853 Hazen, Timothy Allyn 1878 Headley, Ivory Hovey Bartlett 1843 Hewitt, Nathaniel Augustus 1874 Hicks, Lewis Wilder 1877 Hill, Joshua Ashbury 1846 Hine, Sylvester 1861 Hoar, Samuel Everett 1881 Hodges, Alpheus Clark 1861 Hooker, Asahel Mosley 1863 Hooker, Edward Trumbull 1840 Houghton, James Clay 1841 Howe, Benjamin 1872 Hubbard, David Brainerd 1875 Hume, Edward Sackett 1839 Humphrey, John 1879 Hunter, Aaron Burtis 1870 Kurd, Alva Ansel 1874 Hurlbut, John Edwin 1863 Hyde, Henry Francis 1853 Hyde, Thomas Colton Parmelee 1869 1836 Ingham, Samuel Ives, Mark 1839 Janes, Justus Lyman 1 88 1 Jenkins, Frank Edwin 1865 Jones, Clinton Mellen 1860 Jones, Henry White 1881 Jones, Newton Irving 1842 Judd, Jonathan Sheldon 1844 Karner, William Henry 1870 Keith, Adelbert Franklin 1869 Kellogg, Joseph Allen 1879 Kelsey, Henry Hopkins 1859 Kelsey, Henry Sylvester 1855 Kies Henry 1873 Kilbon, Charles Wood 1838 Kittredge, Charles 1880 Knight, Edward Hooker 1849 Knight, Merrick 1840 Kollock, Thomas L. 1862 Ladd, Alden 1839 Langdon, George 1875 Lathe, Ferdinand T. 1847 Lothrop, Henry Tisdale 1872 Lee, Albert 1853 Lee, William Brown 1839 Leonard, Lemuel 1850 Lincoln, Isaac Newton 1866 Lincoln, William Ellabey 1839 Livermore, Aaron Russell 1879 Loba, Victor Eugene 1863 Loomis, Alba Levi Parsons 1847 Loomis, Aretas Goodman 1842 Lord, Charles 1868 Lord, Daniel Bulkley 1843 Lord, Nathan Lyndes 1875 MacDonald, Peter MacLean 1875 Maehl, Charles 1873 Makepeace, Frank Barrows 1854 Marcussohn, Jacob William 1876 Marsland, John 1871 Mathews, Samuel Sherborne 1848 Maynard, Eliphal 1878 McFarland, William Dwight 1841 McKinstry, John Alexander 1878 Mead, Martin Hervey 1863 Merrick, Lucius Lathrop 1856 Merrill, Orville Willard 1862 Merritt, Elbridge Whitney 1869 Meserve, Isaac Curtis 1874 Meserve, William Neal 1869 Miles, Thomas Morley 1859 Miller, George Alpha 1847 Miller, John Root 1852 Miller, Robert Dexter 1845 Miller, William 867 Mirick, Edward Augustus 1867 Monjeau, Cleophas 140 INDEX. 1845 Montague, Enos Janes 1844 Montague, Melzer 1880 Moody, Calvin Blodgett 1844 Morris, Darius 1869 Morris, Lewis Foster 1871 Moses, Vincent 1846 Munson, Frederick 1864 Murray, William Henry Harri- son 1850 Norton, Charles Henry 1837 Norton, John Foot 1844 Norton, Thomas Snell 1851 Nutting, Isaac Hall 1856 Nutting, John Keep 1861 Ollendorf, Herman 1847 Olmsted, William 1869 Ottman, Henry Augustus 1836 Paine, John Chester 1862 Painter, Chas. Cornelius Coffin 1852 Palmer, William Randall 1842 Parker, Melzar 1838 Parsons, Benjamin Booth 1854 Parsons, Benjamin 1854 Parsons, Henry Martyn 1869 Pasco, Martin Kellogg 1860 Pease, Edmund Morris 1838 Pease, Lumas Hoyt 1877 Pelton, George Samuel 1872 Perkins, Henry Martyn 1843 Perrin, Lavalette 1836 Perry, David Charles 1851 Perry, Talmon Cornelius [839 Phillips, Lebbeus Rood 1847 Pierce, Asa Clinton 1 86 1 Pierce, Edward Austin 1845 Pitkin, Frederick Hyde 1855 Pixley, Stephen Clapp 1838 Pomeroy, Lemuel 1859 Potwin, Lemuel Stoughton 1855 Potwin, Thomas Stoughton 1860 Powers, Henry 1880 Pratt, D wight Mallory 1855 Pratt, Edward Henry 1843 Pratt, Frederick Augustus 1853 Pratt, Henry 1866 Putnam, Hiram Brainard 1879 Rawlins, James Edward 1837 Reed, Royal 1844 Rice, Thomas Osborn 1859 Robbins, Elijah 1861 Roberts, Thomas 1841 Robertson, David F. 1847 Rood, David 1850 Rouse, Thomas Henderson 1856 Runnels, Moses Thurston 1844 Sanborne, Pliny Fiske 1879 Sanders, Charles Sylvester 1880 Sanders, William Henry 1852 Scott, Charles 1846 Scott, Nelson 1846 Sears, Oliver Maynard 1855 Senter, Oramel Stephen 1863 Severy, Elias Henry 1840 Sharpe, Andrew 1873 Shiere, Peter Benton 1868 Shurtleff, David 1870 Simmons, Charles Edward 1881 Sleeper, William Washburn 1853 Smith, Charles Strong 1837 Smith, John Duguid 1879 Smith, William Hallock 1868 Snell, Moses Porter 1851 Soule, George 1864 Spaulding, Lysander Tower 1866 Spring, Leverett Wilson 1874 Staver, Daniel 1852 Stearns, George Ingersoll 1861 St. John, Irvin Ira 1842 St. John, Oliver Starr 1875 Stone, Cyrus 1873 Stone, David Mellen 1876 Strong, Charles Bentley 1848 Strong, David Almerin 1857 Strong, Jacob Hurd 1846 Strong, John Cotton 1852 Strong, Joseph Dwight 1879 Sybrandt, William Henry 1856 Sylvester, Charles Stebbins 1861 Tappan, Charles Langdon 1880 Taylor, George Edward 1870 Teller, Daniel Webster 1870 Teller, Henry Wildy 1878 Tenney, Leonard Baker 1843 Terry, Calvin 1875 Terry, Israel Newton INDEX. 141 1838 Terry, James Pease 1838 Thompson, Augustus Charles 1868 Thompson, Frank 1863 Thompson, William Augustus 1849 Thornton, James Brown 1871 Tobey, Isaac Franklin 1870 Towne, Edward Southworth 1877 Tracy, Melville Merrick 1843 Tu ck, Jeremy Webster 1836 Turner, Josiah Wolcott 1836 Tuttle, Anson Yale 1836 Tyler, John Ellery 1848 Tyler, Josiah 1839 Underwood, George Wellington 1868 Underwood, Rufus Scofield 1843 Vaill, Thomas Scott 1868 Walcott, Dana Mills 1875 Wales, Frederick Henry 1867 Wales, Henry Atherton 1856 Walton, Jeremiah Evarts 1870 Warfield, Franke Alvord 1857 Warner, Lyman 1845 Wells, Rufus Porter 1862 Wheeler, John Edwin 1875 Wheeler, Sheldon Harley 1869 Whitcomb, Cyrus Baxter 1879 White, Isaac 1851 White, Luther Rice 1842 Whiting, Lyman 1880 Wilder, George Albert 1848 Wilder, Hyman Augustus 1841 Williams, Francis 1851 Williams, Francis F. 1861 Williams, Richard G. 1873 Willis, Josiah Greene 1837 Willson, Robert Edmund 1875 Winch, George William 1839 Wood, John 1837 Woodford, Edward 1875 Woodruff, William S. 1837 Woodward, George Henry 1848 Woodworth, Charles Louis 1861 Woodworth, Horace Bliss 1839 Wright, Edmund 1845 Wright, Russell M. 1844 Yerrington, Alexander 1879 Zercher, Henry Jackson ERRATA. CLASS OF 1836. JOHN GODDARD. Omit "Auto." CLASS OF 1839. JOHN HUMPHREY. Transpose " 1855 " and " 1856." Page 97, line 1 6, read " Tinkham," instead of " Pinkerton." CLASS OF 1880. JOSIAH KIDDEK. Graduated at Williams College, 1877 ; one year at the Theological Institute of Connecticut. ROMULUS CURTIS LOVERIDGE. One year at the Theolog- ical Institute of Connecticut. ARTHUR HAYDN PEARSON. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1877; one Y ear at tne Theological Institute of Connec- ticut ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1880; Professor of Chemistry in Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. P. O. address, Northfield, Minn. HENRY MARTYN ROOD. Graduated at Yale College, 1877 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; returned to So. Africa, on account of ill health. P. O. address, Natal, So. "Africa. CLASS OF 1881. EDWARD O. DYER. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated 11 ERRATA. at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881 ; acting pastor at Raymond, N. H. P. O. address, Raymond, N. H. CHARLES L. MANN. One year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; practicing medicine, Hartford, Connecticut. P. O. address, Hartford, Connecticut. STEPHEN ALLISON NORTON. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1878 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut; graduated at Chicago Theological Seminary, 1881. P. O. address, . CHARLES KELSEY SCOON. Graduated at Hobart College, 1876; two years at Theological Institute of Connecticut; graduated at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1881 ; pastor of Presbyterian Church at McGrawville, N. Y. P. O. address, McGrawville, N. Y. JOSEPH HENRY SELDEN. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881. P. O. address, Norwich, Conn. JOSEPH BATTELL SHEPHERD. Graduated at Wesleyan University, 1874; one year at Theological Institute of Con- necticut. ARTHUR FESSENDEN SKEELE. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1875 ; teacher in Phillips Academy, Andover, 1875-78; one year in Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881 ; acting pastor at East Bloomfield, N. Y. P. O. address, East Bloomfield, N. Y. EZRA ALLEN SLACK. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878 ; one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881 ; pastor of Congregational Church at Merrimack, N. H. P. O. address, Merrimack, N. H. GEORGE LANE SMITH. Graduated at Amherst College, 1876 ; two years Principal of High School, Amherst, Mass. ; ERRATA. Ill one year at Theological Institute of Connecticut ; one year at Andover Theological Seminary ; acting pastor at Rock Springs, Wyoming, under the American Home Missionary Society. Married to Miss Mary Lyman, at Amherst, Mass., Oct. 26, 1 88 1. P. O. address, Rock Springs, Wyoming. JOHN DAYTON WILLARD. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878 ; one year at the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1881 ; acting pastor at Appleton, Wis. P. O. address, Appleton, Wis. CLASS OF 1882. DANIEL WEBSTER CLARKE. Two years at the Theological Institute of Connecticut ; acting pastor at Croydon, N. H. P. O. address, Croydon, N. H. HENRY P. PERKINS. Graduated at Williams College, 1879; two years at the Theological Institute of Connecticut; student of Medicine, New York City. GEORGE WASHINGTON SAVORY. One year at the Theolog- ical Institute of Connecticut. CLASS OF 1883. HOMER T. BEACH. One year at the Theological Seminary of Connecticut ; left on account of ill health. P. O. address, Hancock, Wis. MIDDLE CLASS. PLEASANT HUNTER, JR. SUMMARY (Page 135). Read Middle Class, 1 6 Total, 30 IV ERRATA. SUMMARY. Number who have been members of the Institute, . 421 Number of present members of the Institute, . . 30 Total, . . . . . .451 Number of graduates who have gone to Foreign Mis- sion fields, . . . . . .24 Number of graduates who have gone to Home Mission fields, . ... . . .42 HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY LD21 A-40m-8,'75 (S7737L) YC165862