."^ric. Dept. /Mam Agric. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Class DIRECTORY CALIFORNIA, AND OF THE PRINCIPAL GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF THE EASTERN STATES. PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF STATE VITICULTURAL COMMISSIONERS OF CALIFORNIA. SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, : : : : : A. j. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1891. C33 19 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. J. DEBARTH SHORE, President San Gabriel, Commissioner for the State at Large. GEORGE WEST, Vice-President.... Stockton, Commissioner for the San Joaquin District. JOHN T. DOYLE, Treasurer ..__ San Francisco, Commissioner for the State at Large. 1. DETURK _. SantaRosa, Commissioner for the Sonoma District. CHARLES BUNDSCHU ...San Francisco, Commissioner for the San Francisco District. R. D. STEPHENS... Sacramento, Commissioner for the Sacramento District. E. C. PR1BER Napa, Commissioner for the Napa District. L. J. ROSE Los Angeles. Commissioner for the Los Angeles District. G. G. BLANCHARD Placerville, Commissioner for the El Dorado District. WINFIELD SCOTT, Secretary ...San Francisco. CLARENCE J. WETMORE .Livermore and San Francisco, Chief Executive Viticultural Officer. Office of the Board: 317 PINE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. FRUIT BRANDY DISTILLERS OF CALIFORNIA. FIKST DISTRICT Continued. No. NAME OF DISTILLER. Post Office. 807 Charles Detoy Mountain View 808 A. Zicovich San Jose" 818 Santa Cruz Mountain Wine Co. Santa Cruz 814 Glen Terry Wine Co . Clayton 815 Buhach Produce and Manufacturing Co. Atwater 818 Theodore Beck. _ . _ . Santa Cruz E. B. Rodgers . .Fresno FOURTH DISTRICT. NAME OF DISTILLER. Post Office. A. Douet F. Borreo S. C. Hastings James Sweeney J. Kinimer _ G. D. Endriss George Hood ... J. D. Winters. P. & J. J. Gobbi C. J. Dunn George Lang___ E. C. Priber L. Rasmussen Martin Feusier & Co. Henry Mette B. Dreyfus & Co Kohler & Van Bergen J. Laurent ... M. M.Estee. E. M. Grimes... _ J. Dowdell J. Zentgraf. Kortum & Fulcher G. Sieber G. M. Wubbina. C. P. Adamson Leland Stanford H. Hugot California Distillery Co J. M. Ramm Italian-Swiss Agricultural Society. A. Lancel E. G. Furber... Kohler & Frohling. J. F. Miller.. William Hill M. J. Azeveda & Co. A. B. Driesbach A. Isoard C. Hellwig M. S.Nevis __. J. Kaiser E. A. Hood T G. Engler Wm. Goldstein Charles Krug L. Ponlin A. Domeniconi Stamer Bros E. W. Davis G. Groezinger. Walden&Co C. Aguillon J. Oberti John Thoman .. Amador County. -_ _.Napa. Lakeport. _ Placerville. Green Valley. Coloma. Santa Rosa. Sonoma County. Healdsburg. .Sonoma County. Calistoga. Napa. Coloma. Santa Rosa. --_ Mormon Island. Sonoma County. .Guthrie's Station, Sac'to Co. -. St. Helena. Napa. ._ Yountville. St. Helena. Shingle Springs. _ --.Calistoga. Marysville. Mormon Island. Rutherford. Vina. El Dorado County. St. Helena. Camptonville. .- Cloyerdale. Occidental. Cloverdale. Glen Ellen. Shasta County. ..; Sonoma County. Sacramento County. _. Grass Valley. Nevada City. _._ ... Grass Valley. Sacramento. _ ...Penryn. Santa Rosa. Sonoma. Napa County. St. Helena. Sonoma County. Sonoma. St. Helena. Santa Rosa. Yountville. Geyserville. Sonoma. _ Cordelia. .. St. Helena. FRUIT BRANDY DISTILLERS OF CALIFORNIA. FOURTH DISTRICT Continued. No. NAME OF DISTILLER. Post Office. 907 C. Carpy . Napa. 908 J Chauvet Glen Ellen. 91 f> James Finlayson Sonoma. 216 Joseph Simi Sonoma County ?,19 R. F. Tilveria __ Butte County. 91 G. F. Hooper _. _ . Sonoma. 999, Natoma Vineyard Company Natoma. 99^ I. DeTurk Santa Rosa. 994 La Roza & Nevis Sacramento. 995 J A Prien Napa Countv. 9^9 Orleans Distilling Company Orleans ?84 Beringer Bros. _ _ St. Helena. 935 H. E. Weinberger . . St. Helena. ?37 J. Lonnibos . . _ Sonoma. 940 C. Gundlach Sonoma. 94 s Bouchou & Batemale Cordelia. ?,45 H. Bolle Sonoma County. ?,47 G. F. Fisher _ Sonoma. ?49 J. H. Wheeler St. Helena. *>51 Lay, Clark & Co. Santa Rosa. 955 F. Sciaroni St. Helena. ?58 A. Korbel _ __ Korbels. ?m P. Bieber St. Helena. ?,63 John Benson _. _ . _ _______ Oakville. DIEEOTOEY OF THE GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. Compiled by the Board of State Viticultural Commissioners of California. 2-v 10 DIRECTORY OF THE 03 o <-M c o3 a 03 O V-i O o Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes ^ cT+f^H i _ .- 3ggw .pail 5 ? ^2^5|^1II1 tf ^|3 63*^111 faH -^_r^ .^^_"? g 5 .-- w >'-'- N NNN r^r^r^> Q_QO P^ fig" cs;^ ^TC mi ii cq old pqpqpq ON O t>- Tji O i'S rH JH .i g.S j x y> co i s l o OCi ^> O O O C 5 00 5 O C Q 00 5 O tc w co OQ co co .2 -2^2-2 a CO CO 00 CO rt c c c CO 02 In p 05 s t^C r- iH rH ^ CXI O rs iH 8 iH 8f fe o o k C o o o o c 5 O C j s g d dodo* c jz; O O O O S d 1 i | 1 T ~ ] ! ; 1 i 1 i i | i ! j j I I r-l iH >3 10 3 ^a SS ^ 8 ' 8 S' -3SS S coooo CN i 1 Tt< O5 >O i 1 CO H s ss 3c3 5 8 g >O 9 ff -SSS g 8S8 O5 GO >o rH s 1C S3 S^ S 8 g -- 1 8 ff -S^ c^ ocooo Ol i 1 -^i iH 00 05 ^H ; ; i 1 1 I ! o3 > O |s 1 1 1 1 R i .s Livermore .. Livermore _.. d o 'E .s g i| i.s j .1 f! I !;' I C > .5 .^ MOQ I-H 02 h- a) a > > 3^ "sS ^3 >. DO 00 1 2 "1 'a 'o o> 0)^3 r^M X 2 s-, JH d ^ 2 IllS ^ ^ ^ fz, g h-3 g^ fl c>^fl os cs.^.S cj S CO COl-3hHCG i 1 Q ||c| Mission San .. Pleasaiiton . ! ' 1 1 j ! ! ! i f j I I ! CM r * ..H^T "S 1 1-5 orT s commett, Chas. ?| ^ Q p S-g C . * "l| 1^1 '" t-l 1 & IIIl d O d oJa co" G jSg-gS ^ 03 P > i PQpq QO OQ Q O QOOO O O SJ3 -a s 2^ G 3 <3.s ^CK-G^N I H -- ! NO CSJ N SN 6 .. rH c-g = n v 3 en ^ c pa c s c Nf^N <^N N^N co c/j co G G G 3 33 r^ 8 CC OQ 03 CQ 3 33 3 O O iO CO *- ^00 00 poo 3 3 i Wine Maker ..... o o d o'SR o odd do odd Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Sg Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes 8 S as ^M w/ 5 t> . a a *" 2 5? .2 S ^^ p ^p S * OP PP o *"o o o ooo GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 13 " s ... -O O ft .S I i -S : 58 - to ' "3 r-TjD C # ss*8 8 5 S L * l|o"1^ s i ^ gtasgfiqr oi o+J'*VT3 c c i'o'o 2 G^^S^ ^ fl" 1 "" 1 s3 icc'co^CG G^*^ | < .53 S 'o ^ .^ 83 'Q .03 K^ W) 3 S '.S.5 F rf ( ^ o 3.SKS 2 ^"0 NN:AH ^sSJ sjOo o j^ u f-i g ; S ' * ft S - T-I CO \G> lO iH (M T-I O iHi-ICN CO SgS 1 88 00 1>HCC i g il S ! J C3^O Q^" O 00 Occ'oO gg NSl ..8 S a o is - o ooo -s ass i lig o o'o 1 M CK| o o > > fl W ', i i CO 2^ ip^ w 2 in i wwww www ww www s 1 1 . 14 DIRECTORY OF THE 1 I* 2 g^ - S. i ~ ' s is I PQ ! o O ~ ! o c^T " N N N s: co co fl fl ! K O Q CO CO CO CO fl G G fl 3 -2.8.2 8 83 Wine Maker ^ oooo fcfcfcfc ooo 5z;52;Sz; Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. O IO Total Acres in Grapes 10 VC CO * 1C i I Tfl .2 OT3 sg &2 nqj^Q ^u^< g SO III S"s *I1I |IJ> t-, CO >> CO QJ >v_| HP O fl fl OOc3 fld> O3ofli fel^lll fsrj.i=* O c3 ^r S c3 o Wwg^S . ^l^ssl^/ia llll^ w l w - a S SP* 2 5 r E3 -U tJO QjcXjOC'^ sSw.2 -c ciri'Sos 1 00 GO CO 00 GC O> OJ DQ DQ ! CO 02 CO tn co -s. o C o o III 1 II 1 ft eg 03 bfi 11 QCliOCO tf > JO 10 00 :S 'M ] t- CO i S 1 S ^ 5 J? o 1 T ( 1 1 s j - i i : i ^ i i i -(I?) 1 4H "" ?J^ S r4N 00 O C* O "^ iH S | S * -a ^^ CO CO WJ CO ss - I s 1 3 ""g ; i ; ! j ! ; 1 c^ ! 1 ! I ! 1 j 1 | 1 c * I ! 1 1 ! c/2 O - ^ i i i S ' ' CO -a S) o o.g 5 3 -^ o 'C QJ ?1 1 11 3 > a >al iR-sf! fl oj 'S o S a "fl GO si -3 a S CO o 1 O) o^ c5 O SH ?H g^| c3 a GO so '^ ^ S 03 o> > S ^ as S3 f^ H Ss ^ S 3co ^ i ^0 i > i ! ! o [ [ , i . 10 i 1 J tn L ; i ,2 ! - o i ! ^ 1 ! "-; ^H ! ' ' ' ' gg ^ , j w ' to ' aj | d ^ | " lM o .2Fo !pH PnPn 02 4 (S3 03 CO CO .s o2 if coco 16 DIRECTORY OF THE s-go g g C 83 , ^^^ 4 M L> S C3 i-s^S 3 o ,t*H O5H 02-^ 3.S 3 ir O ii 51 e ... 32" aw c -1 pa-a.SS SS.2O.. ,q 0,14 C'oJ O S a c-2 a 2 Sjj*j X" -T /-T v '* / ^* ^"^ ^ w ^-^ ^7) 1111 K-lj.il I_J S f2 u_; ^o . vX ' - ^^ PL, NN ! I! CO OOO5 CNJ rH O O2 OQ t GQ G S fl C 00 00 ccojoi^co .w cooccncc rtfiG-^C GG CGGG 555 ;2 55 5555 Wine Maker.. O 00 do dddddddgo Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing o o?f iH rH O OO O !> tH T-ICD ^10^ OO a PM'PQ C-ls ! s I-afffS* >j > W.Z+O ff r-H a> a> 5 C O.S455 18 DIRECTORY OF THE o o p^ o Q w pa !| Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes . . Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes *H s fc-d V% g* CO 0) S3 5B> P p p o P-i a I c a P C ; C ; C H a ) : : ; ^ - ii ; c \ C J C ; ^ 3 C ) C : ; 5 C H C c 5 i c .< a ;i V Jl C ( 5 1 7 / ^ c ! i i 1 i NAME OF OWNEE. a ji 'c j n c < 1 H C 5 s :? 5 - : IP j ^ , ^ ^ : ii i ; -i ij t i :& 3u 2J ^ r 3 C 1 i -- S, V [i -J , ^ ] 3 5 i :V ^ - 5 y i i c c .' n J JO k ?L :i : - H U = < r+ n y H H f^ W - 11 :'- : : <7 -:- ^ i r 3 ! 5 i i ts H- P ^ y T "c E- ? 4 i 1 i {I PH Wine Maker _____ O O H H P PQ Acres in Raisin j Grapes _________ Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes o o> I ^ si 1 WOO GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 19 1 1 j i j 1 i ; , i 1 ; ] i i c ^c. 1 g X CO 1 c i kC r^ 3*8 CO CO 1C -H>M . i CO ! T-l CO i' 505COIO CC COrH OCO | ~ ^-^^ (M Cs'cV JCN 1 i T ( iH iH > T-l CO O CO CC T 1 T iH " O T- oc T-l T-l C5 O TH CO iH CO CO 1> T-l COr-l COOCOCT T-l 1 COrHOCOOIr-l^-C rH O T SS%^S^ iH iH g 1 ! ! ! ! 1 1 i j T L t 1 'B 11 '^-^ . :> c - 'J | S c / B ~ < E c c a a c C 1 'a ; : ; ; : i 1 >Joc s 1 1 j III J O O C c b &r> c. : bo bo be CD fc. "^ "S 2 P oc C C C t ri - r n^qp;^ ri r: c3 c3 03 .S'x! J5 JM 53 S f pqpqpqpqcqpqoooooe \^ > 5 5 s ' > ' ^ ' ' > * H- 1 -r y a HS ^ 1 [ ! ' o; ^ii i B ;B i ! I ! & :EJ \^ | ||| g ||| 1 11,11 c: :! ^ - 20 DIRECTORY OF THE &H EH Jz; P O o 02 -+i It- .s i 1 | 12 tons. i ! > d <* Wine Maker o o fc^ 666 6 6 6 ooooooooooooooooo h^ hy ^y h^ h?" h^ 1 h^ *"^ h^ h^ t"^- h^ h^ h^ h?" ^^^ f-y ^^^(^/H^^J^^^H^H^H^^H^-i^H^ Acres in Raisin Grapes coS CO^COOOCO * asa ^ agl ..- a8 * ,. a 1 Acres in Table Grapes. i i i i iii i iii I s ! ! ! ! ! s * | Acres in Wine : : ^ \ \ \ i i i i i ; i s Grapes !'!! LLLLJ ' ^ )iO ^ KM O Acres in Bearing. : ; : ! ! ! >>>>>> *!>>>^> > it> > ! ! ! C! tfi 2 w lr Z e3 <3 03 73 CO CT 02 ^ "a UOOC 0) 0) 03 0. fcD &U be 'o OQOC Q ^ 3 3 S ? C OOOC C OOOC ooooooooo OOOQOQQOC S6SSi3J3Sof NAME OF OWNER. rTg-S > i i ; : d ; : ; : : :^> : : 22 Totals for county : ; c4 i i Pope, J. H Totman, J. R..__ FrutoLand&Irnp. Weyand, Julius .. Felts, C. C Hudson & Hutchir Hall, A. L Zumwalt. J. 0. _. 22 DIRECTORY OF THE c3 G c S c3 S 0c3e3.c30.c3 OJ tt_ t+_ tn ; *H o o O O g .3.i a b>> ^ S ^ g g N S N N ^ S N S N H N N S N GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 23 s: >. ^ p fc ? * ^ PQ j m 2 II o> 0) . s^d F : c^ !^^ 2J ^ 1.2 b'i a is ^^ 02 23 o ^ .% ^^ HO (5 ^-T_H- '^-T " 01 Ol'ai <^'3 r w I I I 5 QJ 0> O> 0) T3T3^T3 e a- C5.C3 . S G fl >, o o o 03 O2 rH TH TH .-i aflflBp-s5pflfia.a s-s.s.2.s I . 03 S- ^': I I ^-r N O O O O O O coo go oo 0^ O ^ ocoooooooo r-l rH IO(M OO t^OCOiOOCOOCC (M O(N lOOOCDO CD >O X) TH iH iH O iH(MCO'-'CD CC 00 O CD VO iO (N OOCOiO^O^O5(MCD COiO Oi(N CO c s o c c c O O O O O " -U^JHJ-M^ SpjGRRlUflCflS * O O O O O O O S ztt'Z'ZWZWZ^W &t 88888888888888 'H^'S'S'H'S'S^'H'S 8888888888 . : ! i I d i ; O i !"g J c t> u ^ -c. -3 : 3. t ^5 W e : 24 DIRECTORY OF THE S3 c C.22.2 55 E3 S'Jsj a S i ri4 I pq j I . .2.3 g 03 .2 ee . a in s s p H.5 _rd\ S a ^^ .! 5 tn O I! 8 I! Wine Maker... o o fc-fc Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes. CO * COvO ^oco Acres in Wine Grapes t^ CO 00 CO O O 00 C rJ 5S . _ QJ * I I ! i . tt I| 1 S PH ooooooocooooocoooooo o o o o o o SS83S8S8SS88SSgS*SS3SS88<| Wine Maker \3 i * i IH jfc I >H ; : , O O O j j i O i X) Acres in Raisin Grapes. 10^0 o Acres in Table Grapes i CO i 1 H i 1 iH i 1 ' i 1 Cc I Acres in Bearing. sssssess^s^sssssssssssss^is *o-*o 1 I Hri iH CO Total Acres in Grapes OOOOOi000050MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(N>Ci limit Creek. ilnut Creek limit Creek .. Post Office and Name of Vineyard. i ':;,:,,::, : : , i i i : i i i i i i i i ^^S ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOQOQQQOQUUOOOQOUQOOOOOO Smith, Thos. Wait, ... Weston, C. K Totals for county NAME OF OWNER. II II II II II II i ; ; i i i ; ; : : s-g i : : ; I'll!! ^ i !-J ' I ^ ' rt^P '; ' K |5^ ; -ggOOOiO ||^;^fefe^fefe^pufecQa20QCOOQGQG03QOOa2CCi3QC/2 iW OOOOOOOO 1 p_- 30 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker 666666666 KKKKKKKKK 6666666666666 66666 s s s- s ' s *^f-4&f-4f-4 6666 666 2;^;^ Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas j Acres in Muscats S8rH.S38 l&rH^rO^MS^rHcS^^^^rH^rHrH ^ ^ ^ Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing .^OQOOIMO 1C CO 05 t- -H Q ^ i^ Tj< 1 1 CO i CO | O ' ' rH ' I : - Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing ClOCi ' ' 00 ' C<1 i i i I i i it^"*COO ' ' * O CO CO CO t- 1 KM Coo6c II i^c s- c c c 1 c o c o c III j i c | ^ aston.. aston .. Illl ill! r Easton. Easton . ^ ^ rtd .tn ^ c Z- OC- OQQC QUO W w &q H W S W W H W NAME OP OWNEE. ! ; ; i : ; 1 i i ; 1 i j ; i 1 1 . j itendent' I i | i S ^ ' 1 ^a >T '^ 1 ki- !|3j s k \l 2 ? :^ 4 ' *< 5f H it 1 fc re I l< p: C 1 1 < w ^ i.^W- .,2 ~aTr > o> .2 ^ ^ WPQPQPC '1 ;. Jz 1 | C i O-W =2 "3 P c ^ >ooP Davenhill, H Davies. JohnD... [; ll ^ 3- - . 2 ' P^Cn Or?H^ ^"^ Sslfe p,^ ^ ^ -" ^ o ffi ffi ^ CH Du C3 C: GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 31 do'dddddddddddddddddodddd do 0066666 6 66666666666 OOOiOOC lO COOC<) GO t~ ,00^00000 i^OOiOOO^COOOOOiOOOCDOOl^OOOiOTHOCOOOOC<100C<|iOCDCDOOC ^ ^1 i ! \"4 co ' ;w II : :w f*w^* $.*i'j*.M I..A, : 1 '^!PQ o.als 2 ^ ^ ~ AH o ^ t ** r r ^n QftHSW^SoWWWWWWWW 32 DIRECTORY OP THE Wine Maker. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Acres in Sultanas' Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats COOCOrHOO^OT l I CO *&*& T-{ r-i r-( C Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing _______ O OCi-H OS ^> W C5 CO W C5 CO ^ CO C1OOOO 3S Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing ----- ...... . r-l i-l Tfl 00 Tt< Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing ____ Total Acres in Wine Grapes.. Total Acres in Grapes ard. fl a a e c o o o c3 O O _ ^o> ^QJ ^u ^a o o o o B. ' ' V ^^ ! D ^I B '^< :|gH - a it^g|i}i a ^s^ il4fsi|iii|5i5s"is s=. s 6 a s S 551^3151, QaQaQaQaocD30ODcnDnDnDP-iP-(FHR>E> piniipgin d^r^.SSSSSdo^^^ OSCCQQCCGQGQOQGOGIQQQaiaQa^ 'n> r- H ^^ " -^ S^PQ . pr .^-|pq^^0o^^ is e '||lllf|lll 3 S* 'O 5 S ja^C S fl C.5*=1 SC^Ko3c3c3^00S GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 33 ooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooo O CO O iO *O O 00 i 83' oo 3 ^in^S ^^H "*CN iSi-l ,N ; o CO CM CO iH ^ P O O O O oooooooo ^ ^ ft b o b b b b ^ ooo ooooooooo O w ! Q -< 5 SO M a eg w 34 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. ... oooooooooooSooooooooooooooooooooo \cresinSultanas Acres in Malagas j Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing aaaa^aas-ss^sasas Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing CDOOiOO Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes. . Total Acres in Grapes 3P> P .2 o o o o o o O) 0) o> ^^^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o ^^ i Sx 2 i 1 Sb5.9 .sa-g 3 & c 5 e O^K O taO oj GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 35 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ot^oo iH i 1 rH (N i 1 iH 'CO ^ OCO IggOOWSjgoOgga ; jg ;O |O COi-H TJ< t-r-t ** ******** * O C 03 03 03 02 O O '02 C2 OOOOOOOO O> 0) O> G^ 1 4 "1, > > -^f SSS^gg d I .H5 i g 2 rf'a-rf^E 5 C3 P<2 CD |i8 w . : S^^rif-ri ' > {^{>^^^^^' < l << l < ^l^J^ 36 DIRECTORY OF THE ooogoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes. . GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 37 OOOOCOOOOOOjgOOOOOOOOOOOGGOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO !S o o c s oooooooooo BQa " aaMna " n 8!| 00000 C M C fl G- 02 02 02 02 02 O O O O G C C C O O O O O O O ooooooooooo GCGGPiGCrtcies MO2O2l02tnO2O20302O2 ;55^fe o. co pe ^ ir ^o^ K^l' 14 l^:^4^l^^iMii^ fi^Jii I:-*! ^^iliM pj^-Mjj^'Sji^-fS >oC^2 >^ " * te * r^ S - * " t- ^'~~ 1 S-l'^'^'^eoCD^ rnCfl ^.O 03 rM t O -.S 1 ^-^ c tT f^^ o'o; 02 ./CT3 jrS_o S'S^o; ^o'S^'^'^-^-^'oG-^r^'o' 11 ^^J^^^ 'Q'-* ^^ow B-&MI-* ^P^ 38 DIRECTORY OF THE 1 -J3 B 1 O ft Wine Maker. ^oo^o oooooooooo ^ocoooooooo^ooooooeooco Acres in Sultanas O (N | i X) O 'CC COcr fn s 1 a o 0> a i 1 i 56 1 c c y 1 ; ] i : ! i i ! i 1 | ; i : ; i i | j , , CO i i ; ; i I ' i i ' i ; : : i i ! i C C fi C C O2 CO 02 CC c X i- & C c 0^ C C C c o o o c 3 O O O C c c I o o c r - r ftftl Fresno - - Fresno - . IIIIII1IIIIII 2II22III2 NAME OF OWNER. H C C, a 5 cc 1 1 , 1 , , i , 1 , , , , ; i ; ; .! ! , , , ! ! ' i , , i i ; ;' ; ; : ! [ J i ! ; , , , ! ! ! ' ' 1 ' : : : : : ; : ; j i i i ! i i i , , 1 i , ; ; erintend j *-> ! ,' ; ** pe i 55 c^ H 1 ' 1 ' "{ jj ! Q Brown, Frank Rrowti T. H. \ ' c & :r * a ! i* c ' CH | > , r* ^ ^ j -E * "8|||||||'| : t-3-||-^|||||||||||||| -----^^ ^-ri^cici'C5c5r > CjCic5cjCtTicic5ric^c3ri DQCQoaD2cac2^c5f::5cJcboc:oooooooooooooo GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 39 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSgoooooo rH CN| i O co cooi o i lO CO O j- 10 : ; : : : a i : i : i ; : : | ! , 1 ! i i i i ; : : ; 1 Fresno.-. . Fresno Fresno - Eggers Vineyard Cc . Fresno ..... . Eisen Vineyard Co. TTrpssnn i : , : : : : : ; : : : i ; i ; : : i : . Fresno Fresno C 1 8 O vi c C^ C ^5^ c c V I c c y a ^ C PI P 05 V O Q o o o o c ' 1. ^ Spe > o o o c ; g g g P [jtJSfe^ o o o o o c c a PI PI PI P 03 CC O3 03 O3 d o o o o o o c G fl pj C c C p CQ 32 GO CO QQ QQ 00000 ^fe^fcfe j : : i ; I j : : : ; , ; 1 i ii ! I PI | ^ ^ oS 5 CC ~ < t= t 1 ! 1 X < ^ tie, William... W. E. (Superint F. . Ei P P2 ac ^ y c c H OPH 0^ =< c f P ~fc & a ^ E- pc 1- c" -^ P ^g ^-Pi'c r: i i r~ <5 Jt! &j rv, ^ KM - 0) G " *"* W) & CJO+T TJ ^ ^"^ B S K >*l I WSBHSSSKHSWWHWWHH^^^^^^feSEfefefe^^^fafa s a a s T ( 55 s - -.2 ' ' i Tl PcfS 4-v 42 DIRECTORY OF THE odoooooooooogdoodo'ddddcdddddddo'ddc Wine Maker. . KKKK***K*KK*KttK**KK*K*K**KKKKKtt Acres in Sultanas . S ! ; o^ | , | , | ^ j Acres in Malagas co CO i ; | | Acres in Muscats " ^^ggS^^I^ g^S^SgS^S- 3 pSSS^S^SS: Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing CDiOCDt-OO 'O O >O co t'io ' oo co o C^J iH 00 ' OOCDOiO OOCOTt* O5xr I Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing - COO OO COThOCNiOOO Oi "^ ^H O tH O T-H H (N TH O iiOiHCOiO "* i 'OOOO^Tt o o3 Jl 02 2 ^w fl G >OJ 4> ss oo d^ G 02 g-g"S fegcq fi | S Si g|1S ooWW J^i-sOQ -02 b , -Sjljjj 3 > Jrr ^ i i : 3 "'-S'oocoooSSSS ooooc5oooo^o S-jj-2 o ..^C C G fl fi G fl MWWWWWWWMMWW GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 43 oooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooocooooooooooooc lO^iOiQCOOOOOi 'OO "OiC i O i I 00 CO r- 1 COOOOOCO OO COCO i-lTjooooooooooooooooooo } Q) 0} C} C 0000000000 w^l-|^|^*a^ rf^^SV"^^ 18 -^ 0* Oc3o.S SM '^' :UCl< ^^ i '-rcS rj "ajSaj.SfcTSPJlo'^ .Safl8ooo^*'a t^_c H ^ G o o pS'fi'C SS^^S >73 S^ ofg GT3T3T3 fi ^S .o-S^ &-2, S-S-Q w n M^^ a o - fl 8 R^N > S H S *< TI t3 C js > M > S ^ a fl c c a 'C ^ S cte 5a ^n3T3T3 wmS SB *s aT^-r:^^ , T -*--> / ^_*.^^ ( ^*_, 1 j_^_ i- a_ 4 i ^ f ~^ Jr *rt il in !r !rt -^ i -w ii: >r ^r i-r^zr , _w _, z.j^ ^_, ^ c > T^ T^ .^.S.^ O O O isl^^^ 44 DIRECTORY OF THE 0000000000000000000000000000000*00 Acres in Sultan as Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing COO OOtMOOO C o o o o ooooooooooooo 0000 S G fl C 5-s, ^>^^G- .l^S' OQ r i-i GO c; >0 I^^H-; 5b o3m ^^^2^- . -M p ^ -^ I ^ ,7-3 i- 5 ' ^ G Q^ <-< r^ f^ xr> ^ r& -*S vo - 8 2 8 5 5 c: s 5 o ^^^^^^^'S^^ MiSS^aaSSSSSSsssaasasaaaasssaaaa^ 46 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker o o' o 6 o' o* 5g d z OOOOOOOOOC 000000000000000 Acresin Sultanas 1 i ; ' ' ||! i !M i 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 III Acres in Malagas TH : i i i : i Acres in Muscats R^ttS"e8a8Ya83M*88MS889*" Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing ;a ss pa- 8S8SS2- |sss as ja Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing OiOCDOvO lOC-QO 0) 0, t-, f-l ^H t- C o o o c 1 Fresno. .. Fresno... GGGQGOGQGQMCGGOGQty NAME OF OWNER. : I 1 i IN! ' ' I I I ; : i i ! ! ! ! ! ! : : : : i i i ; ; ; i ! ! McVey, .. VIcWhirter, George S. M"arlson Hans &j Kit o> o-r; ^ >^ g^ S T3 tOD-iii C 03 03 cj c3 e M - I ! ^ N OT ' j ' rf M ^o| h *T .. ' ~ Ltchell, C itcherson. John.- J^.ali , ; ^H- ^ i! j|jffl |J J-JS.4W c8 08 oS 08 e eJ o3 o w > a) a) 0) ;; i^S^SSS GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 47 ddddddoddddddddddo'dddo'do'ddddddddddddddddddddd O(MTtCDOOCOt~-iO>OO > iH CO 25 iH rH CO T-| C^l COY-liZ5rHiH r-IOiHOOi liHTfliH >CDOOfOl>iOiOO i iH SO fO r-f T-I CO i I fefefc^ ooooooooocoo'ooo ooooooooooooo 1 O I ; o !O oooo.Sooo f^ fe li, 000 a c c CD 2 03 n) n) Q) p c c 000 fl C CH ifcfc W i i- 2 Lu . N .p. , 000000000 O O O G fl G OJ CB CO 000000 pi C fl C C fl O2 02 OC 00 I o o o 'J^ II, 'p'p ^^a fi H OQ Is 5 -. o o o o o o GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 49 ooooooooooooooooooo^ooooooooooooooooooooooo t-iH CO^t O3}CO.-lCOO C^r-t r-4 ;S IS: cOQOIr^M ' Q JS iH < -H i 1C CO 33^3 t^lOOCOOGOCOOCDiOiOOO t Tf< CD CN lO lO iH t^ iH s a s c 92 IT 03 03 O O> O> CJ OOOOOOOOOO GfiGSflSSSCG c!/3Ectajtna2t! OOOOOriOOOO oooooooooooooooooooo cd tJD i^SSSSSMf w ll'Sd : ^$z i2^.S.2.S.Sl" S >ifl SS>p^^ - ^-2-5^-9-5^5* ^e^^o^lH !c^CECCCBQoSGQa2S 50 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker- 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Acres in Sultanas 1 1 1 ! ! i i 1 Acres in Malagas ! i !!!! iQ C CO ' CD 00 C<1 t 1C -^i iO t C5 TH iH tH i C<1 iH Ci ! i i ; : i i i i Total Acres in Wine Grapes.- i i i : Total Acres in Grapes 0:D 82 9-3818898-^ S%%? S ~888a8asa { > o o> K 1 3 I C E :::::; i ; \ C X i i i i i I 1 I i | ] ; ; ; ; ; ! ' : : ; I i 2 c c K CJ i i i ; i Sgp K! 00 O3 Of G) Q} Q) & C C C fl 00 00 CO K C 03 03 5C Q) O C. oooooooc C C fl P 03 oo a g& C E y & ^ oooooooc 03S30303!S3COCr NAME OF OWNEK. a C 1 ; , ! < ! ] I \ ] i 1 i i I | \ I ; I 1 1 ; | ! 1 1 I 1 1 ; ; j ^ w i i 1 1 C OQ -*i Q ; H s* ^E' 52 C UH WM Wr- ^ . .tffe:^ * &* 1 it v*X^ fi | fc^' J*3 ' d l| ^ C4RAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 51 ooooooooooogoooooooooooooooooooooooooSooooooo vCOOOOOCDOOOiOO i-l CD ^1 iH CO CO iH iH CO iH (N CC iH i-i OiOCO CD iH CO CO C<1 ^t< O C^ iH i-l iH i :& i i cq KM i 'O iiH sss COCD^^ ii s 1 ^s ^. ^ w -~-^ .,. ,.^ ^ ^ ^ D .J! ,_,_, ^ !e &fe^ t r'S' f> U^^ GO 'S^^^, Illi l I 3QHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 5 : ' J ' ' " ~^ ^^' I S ts ; _ ^ /. 52 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. _ ooooooooocooo frK^KKK'ttfr^KKK o ^ oooocoooooo oooooooo 2 i i ; ! i i i i i i Acres in Muscats 00 CO 0O ! iH f ri t J I I , i ! ! ! ! ! , ! ! fE J'S 11 ; >>< p: : .a c > & > ~^ ^. ^ r 1 * 1 4. < * 1 s c ^_ f. ^ : ^ -^ 1 t & j T S s ^ ^ f r CS I ft- tE P: Ji- " ^ i -? O3 aj o^-C-^^^-SrG^-C^: :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wz^w* GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 53 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PI a .T ' 2 MPQOOOOOOOOOI 54 DIRECTORY OF THE oooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooo oio > g 3 G g^SSSSSSSSSS 72 0(3 03 00 OT2 00 OTJ ... ... bo be be bo be bo tx GGCCGGGGG tnooi/2!or3o(30QoQorjocar!;n!na3McooQwy3oooC! be bo be to be be be be be be be be be be be be bo be be be bo be 00 OQ OQ M 02 bO bO bO be be G G G G G ^ Q) C T3T3 c3 o3 NN ^C^SQ^PH^V ^-"c^i - -. *GG "rftscS P-IGGH <3 1^3 H> S^W a" 1^1 a' 1 11 rve . A. S^OD : H j4^u k_ O *-i_ _"" . *^ !T3 ao o> 0.9 ">.-- G P tJ fc P4 o * S ^ ^ G G VMM* 388?? 56 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. fcfcfc 000 o o o o o jz; ;z; ; ; c o o o c ;z o o o o o izijz;^;^^; ooooooooooooo Acres in Sultanas i I 1 I ill ! i 1 ! ! ! ! ! ii It!! i i i i i i i I i i i i I i i i i t i i I I i I i I Acres in Malagas : i i i M Acres in Muscats >2g C O C*-1 iO iO ^O O O *O C^ O O O O O O vO vO iO O *O iO i ( i-H TH iH -rH T * O rH II iH iH rH rH CS Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing I : : ; : ; i i 1 ' : : : i Total Acres in Wine Grapes. . i i i i ! ; g ,! ; ; i i i ; i i i i ! Total Acres in Grapes S sa*s2 C00>0 >0 t^O i i i i : i j 1 o3 ec c: 03 K c 03 03 C5 p< d c; 03 o3 o3 o: oj ce ce F a 1 ^ 1 1 1 a) a> a r O r O r C c3 C3 o; ri F- 1 ^ Madera ... Madera .. a 1 ^ a r: a "z > a 1 * a) Si ~ ja a , ^ ^. z. : i i i i Is ! O WP- &c r nr Z C pi t ""E e a 53 j rK C3 -*! ^ ^ff-gf'wi o3 S o3 c3 ^^ i C O O O < 1 'i c: GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 57 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O O O O O 1C iO O O iO O O OO 30 iOOiOO ^OOOOOOO^OOOOOO^OO lOOvOlOOlOOOOOiH OO-^OOiOOOiOOOOOOOOUDOOOiOiOOOOiOiOiOiOOiQO ^-v' , 5-v 58 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker ddddgdddddo o'oooooooooooooooooooooo -y t-r \-r \-r r t-y r-^- h^- H:-F- f-^- H^- H^- l-^ -y h^ h^- hy- h^- ^X" h^ ':^' h^ f^^ ^ ^ hx' b^ *V h^ ^ ^ ^ h^ ^ Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats OOkOOOOOCOOiOOTHiOiOOOOiCiOOOiOOOOOOiCOiOQ 8' Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing OOlOO TJ<- iO -# O i i O ' T- I ! CSI i T-H i i O ' *O i i i i iH i ^^ I I O no KNt^ ' ' ' '(NO iiO rH |

a; -O*^ fl C a3 o3 a> a> r&rgrg G fl fl o3 o3 c3 03 O> 4> ooc C OC oooooc C OOC c C OOC C OC C 00 OC C c OOO NAME OF OWNER. pc ( \ o i -r \1 P -. c r C 1 it > :^ b ; ; i C ^ 1 111 gplp^ * < ^3^ ^A llp HSsl> (. o> 3 ? ;| P. It d : c "s J C 2 y ^ ) C. ^ i < r 5? ) C PC -1 5 c ^ ; ^ -1 -(- " -i- > C fc ^ " J : | P !j (i ^ !J ) C <* ^r- ip. r c ?J ;"c ^ a "r c ;/ 3 |2 *4 Ii 3 .a .2 ^^ ^ iPnx; . . .p: ||llf|g 2.2 3 ^ > ;^j2;{2i5zi^? pe < *4 > GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 63 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SScNS^CO^COaS^TtlO COiOlM^S^^Si-ICN^O^^CN iO(M^iOOiOCOiQCOOOOiOO GOCCC/2CCCQOQC/2GQGOCCC002OQCCCQCQCOGQGOGO :w *->,? i^^ris gf.3 1 >;< j-flgg^^p-3^ .1 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 65 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ii-t TO 10000 OO 38 18 10 OiOOOOO iH iH CD CO CO t-l !8 O i lOOO t- CD :8 iO iOiO-iOCDO CO T-t CM i-H o-|di [ s --- "^$OK a2 n .* t :?"'^ B ! c-2 MS i f4-,H, ^ H> n4 od 66 DIRECTORY OF THE FRESNO COUNTY Continued. Wine Maker 000000 ^0 00 ^0 ^00 o o o o o &&&,& ooooooooooooooooo Acres in Sultanas | ! ] I ! || i : 1 : ; ; : , i : Acres in Malagas ; i ;;; ii : : i iii;;;:: i j i i i i j i Acres in Muscats iH Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing s | asssasr-ss OOxOOOiOiO COOOOX jiOOO j^OOOt^ lO ^iH Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing - 000 ; ; CO o iH TjH iiiirHii'i i iC<)(M i i i i ' t \ , ii i ' Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. ss-asasrss^ T-l 7 " 1 ' Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in || III || ! i ! Ml Mi -H-H Wine Grapes.. Total Acres in Grapes s 8>0 10 CC GO X i 1 IT" 1 1 Ttf rH Post Office and Name of Vineyard. i i i i ; 1 ill ! ! , iii i i 1 ; 1 i . i i| : : : \ : . : . tfoSoSeicSos'os'os'oSrioJe; aaaaaaaaaaaa C5 03 05 as a s 03 o as a I a II a o3 o: C5 c r c a oi OS 0! aa ajaia>a>a>a>a>a>i>a>aj COCGCOGOGGCOCOCeGOGGCece a V _a c a a> a OQCC a CC a a: G. tx c a, a CC a (X coa NAME OF OWNER. : i j j ' I ,' j I i i 1 ? r a Sc i o> a ,or . I . : - I jg. H,tf^ fi - _ % W H^ fife ^\ > u t. )C^r J r, ; 5. " ll > ' H ;=- - a 5^ : = ^ ^~ 'c 3,- ? y : r JU ^ c e < ^c ^ C ^ pTe . -o c > -p co t/ Lg-Wi^ " & "i c r fe H^^ ^ H ill ^ .P- PC M J < ^C ^ & Si i.^ rhri- Bice's 111! rh rh r4 r4 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 67 >ooooooooooo KKKKKKKKKKK ^ O O O O O O O o X O O O ooooooooooooooooooooo HX- ^x- K^ 1 h^ h^ 1 r^ ^ ^ h^ h^ h^- h^- ^^ h^ h^ H^- ry t-r h^- hy hy /-\ f-\ /-* & r-+ f-( f-\ & f-* f-\ f-\f-+ f-+^-\f-\^\f-*^-\y^f-\f-\ 00 1 j j j j j i ^oogccgoo COOOOOCDQO CO CD C Tfl ^H TH iO TT g 10 SOOt^OOCOCOCOO(MOO iiOOOiO^fiOiO ^ COi-i35c^THr4 OTHCOt- jC-lCDTHdiHC^ C- CD O CO O VO C CD 0000 rH 1 1 Cv| 8 S8 . T 1 ! ! ! ! ; i i ja SS -5 iH [CD iH [ ;TJ< ; |8 8 C GO CO 02 OC r^ c^c^^ * a; a> O> a 3g p: r- "I C u- E- " a c P C ! ! a JP ^ < "C ^ -H ^^ j r c [2 i j 3 c -i^ lie ^S 3 03 c th-H-r larbinson, James . Tor/lwiW f! S i il ih- t^T roseph, Antone {in r.pp Tin ta a t C IS oT J S t* ^jfg OJ c3 o3 S ^ 1 1- 1 ^ ^ i: *"; CO'-' * "<^ lllll^ \T^ [""| |^ ^"-H ^^^ S 2 S OOOJS 6i S^^^v^^ 68 Wine Maker. DIRECTORY OF THE 6666666666666666666666666666666666 Acres in Sul tanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin j Grapes not i Bearing I oooooiooco' JOOOOOt-OOOCi I "* CS TJI (MrH Acres in Raisin I ! o Grapes Bear- 1 ! ing I ; Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes.. Total Acres in Grapes aasssass SSSSS c3 03 c3 53 aaaa asaeaaaaaaaaaaa GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 69 jddddddddddd^ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ;!;;!! i aa-- aaa OOiOrt o> a 2coa OQCQCCOCGOCC a a; G. a OQCC COCOXQQOOO: 05 a cca o> a GQCC CCOOGC a a a a: c a; a a; a a a cc a a a a coy a 05 a cca 1 i i I I I i j i | I J 1 1 1 1 ( , ! ! 1 i i i i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 i u j 1 1 1 I 1 i | i i ; I ! ! s : ; I ! ! !p i H PC S^'* 1 . ^ ^HQ'*' iH^l^tf P _ ' a ! S ia tr ^ * P- N Q^^^ 5 p4 pH :; I, QI a3 <5 a a ^ ^2 JO -O d C ^_ ; :j goQ^ ^^ .^j ^cq't-;^^ ^ ^^ - of of of f* t O 1 < > >^05 fl J^'a's'a'a G'S.33l S'su SJ^i g c c i i I i S32252s^s^JJ^ OS S COOQOiCOCBCKCCOQCCCCGOOQCCHHHHHHHP^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^i^^l^^^NN 70 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. __ oooooooooocooo Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin Grapes iiot Bearing (NOOOO CD iO CO iH >O000ft! 72 DIRECTORY OF THE INYO COUNTY. Varieties. J 1 ! ! ! I | ; ! I , : 1 j ! 1 , 1 [ " i . ; | j ; j fl tj-jj GGCGGGGGGGGG G-G GGGGGGGGGG 555555555555555535555555 CO CO CO HjicO CO CO l*nO HjiO U5 O ^O gO H*M*KO WMc^ Wine Maker j 1 ! ' ; i I Acres in Raisin Grapes i i | 10 1 CN i CN O5 Acres in Table Grapes rH CN CN -l T-l iHrHrHCNr-ICNCNCNiH 'lOC^r-lil rH i 1 i l CO Acres in Wine i ] ! o I : I I ! C* J * HIM H 1 1 Grapes ; ! I i ! : ; Acres in Bearing. HN 1-1 ^ * T ( Total Acres in Grapes iHCN ^ G G T3 1 T' a ; , > i ndependence ndependence . G ^ ^ G G 1 -5 G ndependence liii IIJI i i Q) G) Q) .S.S.S bCbCbC c. ^ X ft o ,G ft "M ^ f -s , ft ,d O) r*i rn fi rn rn rn P* pq NAME OF OWNEK. i i i .S id ' Ij-ij 1 r^ -*H . U3 o3 M . 02 ' Q CO ^.ES? . |jo s ^2^ lili ! ' *^S ' b^ 'SS'S S jcil^^l ^J^Kfl-rfiv^f !*. gtfi^dlilldlH |l.l|l||||B||| t J f jf ^ 3 ||| S GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 73 Wine Maker. 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes. o c^ ^ ^ o *^3 ^ 'QJ o "^ ""cu -r2 * S 5?o s ^ >/ c gpq.G .-g g 35 Sbs.S &.g 8 -3 S | g ^ |^ tig g g 53 o-g | g -3 g o'S^ 6-v 74 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker c c X c fe c ^ c X C ^ Acres in Snl tanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats C c f S X X g p I Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing c s X ^H oc S i -' ' Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing ^ "o P 1 o Acres in Raisin Grapes iii iii:: : a E Acres in Table S ; : i i i i i : % Grapes 'O a s T3 n s rr rr T: rf Acres in Wine Grapes oo^o^ooxccooo 1 C a 5 a. a o I ? a a E c ,ii -i> pi 1 't -5 cr g 9 ~ Acres in Bearing. -tf ' ' r-l iH -H 1C ^ *} PJ W ^ : : cj i : d ; ; g? : : o ' i 8 - i ^ a i+ a & x -C *-*- _2 > r ^ E- H- oj > H. g ^ 5: ^ a H , " -*^ 1 Si ^ ^ C 1 C c ^ Cf 3 r- h o a KERN COUNTY ADDITIONAL. The following list of vine growers in Kern County was received too late for insertion in its proper place: NAME. Post Office. Adams, W. B Bakersfield. Bacon, G. W '.... Bakersfield. Battv, A. W. Bakersfield. Bark'er, J. W Bakersfield- Bacon, J. K. Bakersfield. Beck, A. J. Bakersfield. Beck, E. F. _.. Bakersfield. Brough, Amelia Bakersfield. Butler, A. J. . - Bakersfield . Carr, Jolin Bakersfield _ Close, W. J. Bakersfield. Davis, J. F Bakersfield Demaine, W. & G i Bakersfield. Duvall, J. W Bakersfield. Du vail. Mrs. J. W. Bakersfield. Elliot, E. E. ; Bakersfield. Ferguson, J. W. ..... j Bakersfield . Garry, W. H Bakersfield. Gibson, G. H j Bakersfield. Harmon, jBakersfield. Hawkyard, G. .JBakersfield. Henry, Rev. - Bakersfield. Huff, P. J. -. Bakersfield. Hunt, W. C ...JBakersfield. Hunt. Richard .. iBakersfield. Isbester, W. E. Bakersfield. Jones, J. H. - Bakersfield. .Knowles, C. G. | Bakersfield. Lane, Williim i Bakersfield. Loveland, E. H ...Bakersfield. Lowe, F. D. . Bakersfield. McLean, W. C. .. - Bakersfield. Merritt, . ! Baker^tield. Morrah, J. W. Bakersfield. Ogelvie, H. T. :.. Bakersfield. Palmer. L. B Bakersfield. Pearson, Bakersfield. Pierce.- Bakersfield. Pike, E. L. , ! Bakersfield . Randall, William Bakersfield. Randall, G. W. .. Bakersfield. Revill, Bakersfield. Riddell, W. L Bakersfield. Robertson, G. W. Bakersfield. Robinson, F. W .Bakersfield. Rockwell, E. P Bakersfield. Rudd. R. Bakersfield. Russell, J. .. Bakersfield. Segress, J. A. .. j Bakersfield. Sensen, G. W. i Bakersfield. Shepherd. W. R Bakersfield. Shortemuier, H. E. Bakersfield. Strobel, J. B. Bakersfield. Thiesen, P. O. Bakersfield. Thompson, J. W Bakersfield. Thompson, G. H Bakersfield. Tupman, E. Bakersfield. Tupman, R. Bakersfield. Tupman, H. T Bakersfield. Upton, William Bakersfield. Uren, Bakersfield. Waters,!. . Bakersfield. Winters, H. S Bakersfield. White, Ray Bakersfield. Young, E. . Bakersfield . All of the above are Muscat vineyards, and from one to two years old. GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 75 -g fcr oo_oo300ooooooooooo_oooooooooooooo oooo Sg Qoooocooooftoooooooog.'goooooooo'go 8 ^^S^S occo COOO(MO iOvC 8 S3 CC 3 tf 333 ooooooooooov^riLi"-' ^HW^^jJ^JHlJE^SS ftftft ^^^Sg^SSSSSSpptD ij ^ Mc3 c3 - S | -s^ k _:^ffi . w ^* jX I bJO S^" 1 " 5 .^ T 03 to' 2 O -5 f,'^r2"^ co r- fe S 53^ c3 S. 5 ** _? ?1 mcscSr; (D a^rtX-ri-C-S owwl I S 3 c3 .y ^ 76 DIRECTORY OF THE >H H 52J p O O 32 W s o ^ ^ CO O i-5 Varieties. 0? ^f* Muscat. Muscat, Zinfandel. Muscat. Trousseau, Mission, Burger. Zinfandel. Zinfandel, Trousseau. Burger, Zinfandel, Blaue Elba. Zinfandel, Muscat. Pisco. Mission. r>iaue jiiiua. Mission. Zinfandel. Muscat, Sultana. Zinfandel. Zinfandel, Burger. Zinfandel. Muscat, Sultana. Mataro. Zinfandel. B P OH I i i i *i 111111 ' ' ' j i i i : : i i i i i Wine Maker o o fcfc odd? d d d d ^ ^ r*> ^- dddddddddgodd & i & fcfc Acres in Raisin Grapes i I : : i i : : \ i i Acres in Table Grapes . 1 1 i ; ; i ; ; 1 i 1 Acres in Wine Grapes ; | | 1 t rH iH 1 I -1 -*a ^8 ! Acres in Bearing. I i 8 o ; : t-O XOOC >O t- 1 ^8 ; ; Total Acres in i i ^ : : i iCO^OCDOxO O t- r- c i : i [ [ Post Office and Name o Vineyard. > a I c i I \ \ i i i i i i \S ; *> X c c c *W c e o c GC "s: c e c c ^ c ? ^ T z ) E I&E . Fruitland- ... TTVnit.lnnH a; a ! ! T3 En's o3 03 03 o3 03 13 "ol ^'^ r ^ r ^ r C r C (d-Mr^RAPCC Qo3ggggg ^ , . ^ c5 c3 ^ cd d> 0) O> O 1> o3 o3 o3 o3 oj o3 o3 ^ T3 t3 ^ T3 T3 T3 - G G G C C G g o3 o3 c3 (C ( IM l ifl ? ..Q "iS^^S^dwj ^ -H-;- 03 1 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 77 PQ tB .S CD * i ; : I j i ' j | I asseau, Mataro, R asseau. irger. 1 ! 1 I Sultana. . | 1 ! ; ! ! 3-33 TSTSW Us s a^ NNPQ i 1 Zinfandel, Zaiifandel Mission. ; ; ! | ; i ; ; | ! i ; j i ! ; J | > ] ; ! o 6 o c ddddddg ddc^g : j j | 1 O O i i ! i i i i i ; ! ! 1C 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! j ; ! i 1 ISSH-S2SSS8 88| S5 : j ' u: S3 ' O il O O iH i 1 C<1 CO i 1 (M 1C CO O S j : ] c r O O issiraaasaa ss-| S S-88S 3S8SS i i C ss i I i !;!!! a S Pomona Pomona (San Gabriel) ;;;,;; : ; ; i! j : ; : : ; : . J^-^^^r^r^^^ !)^^^ i 5 03 c3 s3 13 03 c3 o: i PH PH PH OH PH PM P- 3 c3 s3 o3 c3 o3 c3 e: 3 T3 TJ T3 T3 T3 73 n c 2 t : i c H *- gfl-Sllfl SGflfl CCflGCCC 3o3c3o3 c3o353-^<^.i. JF ^ ; P- L 03 w ! ! i ! i I \ :::::: s a i~^ > '2 d . d,j|t -03 Js < bcg=^U ! fl jft ii 3 t= ^ J|;4J i _ "S g . - S ^ - e Jc-^JS'c I ^^ V > ' o gp^ 78 DIRECTORY OF THE ^73 fltJ'd'c) .rS'S.+s ^oooooooogoooogoooooo ^ 5z; ^ 52; ^ jz; ^ ^5 52; ^ 52; 52; ^ }z; ^ ^ ^ Jz; ^ {z; ft Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Total Acres in Grapes oooo ooooo oo OOOOOOOO03OOOOO aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 000000000000000 pLHPMDn GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 79 J fl go| 'H EH 2? 3 S ? > o o ^^ 833 > ^ G o a ^^'^^ S^l p S o Q O O Wine Maker... t oogoooooooo o o o o o o Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes OOOOOOOO J r-i Acres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes OXC O) ooo |S^fi p=^ .t^, PH g|.s|! - 82 DIRECTORY OF THE MERCED COUNTY Continued. Wine Maker. ... 000000000000000000000 ^0000000000 Acres in Sultanas i i ; i i i i i i i ; i : : ; rH Acres in Malagas ^S i jjjj!!] i i i | I [ : : 1 Acres in Muscats CO CO l>- j ( CO a ! ! ! : Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing 0000 TJ1 1 I CO S-22SSS s : J ! ; i I Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing 1 jo i i i i CO a 3 J J ! ; i i i i i ; ; ; ; ' Total Acres in Raisin Grapes- c T o o o i-l CO Ot-00000 1 1 1 1 T CS| T- 1 Tfl Ice 1 [ [ CO 08 s 1 Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing i i i i i i : ; 1 j j ] i ! j ] 5 1 a O Q) Qi SS^ 1 1 Q^ Q^ Q> o> a 'CSC 02 02 a: CCCCGGCGGGCGGGZ GOCO02GQ02O2COOQO2CQO2C/2O2O20: c NAME OF OWNER. 21 o 1 1 Totals for county __ 1 > a 1 1 "a PH | i S a; ^ M o' 'p p .2 O > V I i P c p. C 11 f02 1 E 1 I i- -> I g j Montgomery. J. A. " 5 c Robinson, J. H. 02 1 02 S g rt 1 111 &&* 'Q^ fl p 11 i >^^a Wpq || w6^ o ! . w pnPnfeO i 02' [3 17 5 ^j Jacobs & Co Largomarsini, A. GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 83 H O EH O S Varieties. 11 PH Wine Maker . Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes . Post Office and Name of Vineyard. 4 d O O Wine Maker ..... Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes ...... .. Acres in Wine Grapes. Acres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes. . N .5 t o.S.Sc G .2.2.S 6JD tSj 6C C G C fl C G be bD tOD 6JD tSj 60 afc-J 84 DIRECTORY OF THE of* . r-i ~-fi . Sauvignon I M S g g Sj. 5 1VJ. .1 I ill ' " : l I i a ll I > -28 -2 -2 - S^ fe n o ...... -50 ~. .50 III Jill It ill ill sIS II ?J.2.g2s82S N N N S N N N N N S 3 O N N O J^ N N PQ S N W N N N N N N N N S N S a | 8 S Wine Maker ... .o o o.o.b.d.d d.d.6 d.p d.o" 6 6 o d.d o S d o" d d SR o d S.d S.d o O Acres in Raisin *H Grapes. ^5 Acres in Table O Grapes. 2j Acres in Wine j Grapes. Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes. o QJ i STJ P s > g 6 6 _o o o~ 6" 6" 6" o" 6" b 6" b b" b o 6" o o g >P H .rH .i-l >rH -rH T-H -. .pH -r- -rH -pH .r^ -r-l >rH .PH .rH .p-l .p- .PH -r-l .pH !-! ^ OOOOOOOOOOQQOOQQQOOQQQ QOOOOQOOOOQ : . j- -o g - lf ^ I* O h O 1 S 1 i rr?rtr I as ^ 5sV7~c ^ tfi S" if if fl " ^ Ef sf ^. ftVO ^ cS w " r5 * GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 85 s I ~ 1 11 i * I S t I g& . . . .tf-S .g ^ .!> . . " -S - ..2* ^ d.2 .2 .2 53 *"' "" m ^ m m * - d S ^ S.S.S.S.S.S.5.S.S.S.S.S.5.S N S N H N N N S 5 N N N S N N S HiiiliSigiiii iss 10 ^^ 00 ^^^ ^ ^ ^s^s^^^s^^^^^ass 50tJ:5f)^fcXjbJDbJDtC'bbCfcJOcljSjbC^c^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^OOOOUUOU^^QTJKI "** -M -M -4-3 -M -*J -4L5 ^^> ^ j_^ ^ ^3 _^ ^ ^ ^ ^j ^j _^j ^j _^j ^ ^j ^j ^j ^ ^^ ^5 _j^ _^_5 _^ ^> ^J ^3 . ^ . i -i-^ CW ^ ^ ^^ COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCQCOCOCQCWCOCOCOCOOTCOCQ^COCOCOQO CQCOCOCQCO7 ^loOQQQQQOCOQQOOOOOUOOoSQ QQOQOOQQQQQQObbcJ M I ' ! ^' iiiiifiiiiiiijiiiipiiiiiii ijiyfeifiiiiii 86 DIRECTORY OF THE .QO ~0> o Ot [ ' - .S fcb g'o'S' "3.S _-^. M.S Q tS f-i 'C G >rH *-i ^i bx;^ ^ j> 6J5 SX) 5^. ^2 s ^ Ill-lll-llllllllllll MKinaaoaajoatncooQaDoQCQajinwajcQooaj'wwinwBDooBQaDaBBJwaBiQaQ gGGCGCGHGG G^ GGGGGGGGGG G 'g G G ^ G G G G G G G C<1 Wine Maker oooooooooSSSSooSS o o o o o ? logooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes. Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes. OiO(M rH i-l tH OOD(MOOO^-lCSO^O>OOOO>OiO iH iH CD (M Tji r-t T-| C * o > ^ ~ 3 w <, O 11 a - . 8>0 ^ ^ -Sfe.Sg .S . PQ25 2 MPQPP oTcT'Tf ''^" j'S'c's si-s^ j o |S5SS.s3.s2SSSS!sS.sS325 "s s.s.s's.s j j NNNPQO^SoO^SNNK3NNNNNNNNNS9fci3NNNNN NN^NNNQQ 03 OQ 00 CO G fl C S 3555335 i555 55 88 oogooooooogoS 00 ooooS oooogogoooogooo c3 sJ :>; : Jo ! , fl I >aa eg S3 o3 ; d T3 il = Sii: *d tfai:-J8|||||||2||l si s ||1 w 5^St- : ^SfeS s- >.^ !/3 " 88 DIRECTORY OF THE jab 4H " j s Chasselas Malvoisi , Malvo dy, Ma o If H si* 1 J. .SJ i J82&.S'3'3S''ij3 > d.S.SjSffl ^^ jsJ^ . ,. .* . ->/. ^^^^^^_^PQ ~ ~ ~ ,. _ .. . ^ g G G c G G G G g 3"G~G j^lH^c G"G"G G>. G'G'G^G G G ScG G G.S'G'G N 55 N 5 N N N N PQ PQ N N O 5 5 N N 5 N PM N 5 55 N N N N N S S N N 73 J5 CO i I CD t l> Oi 1C QO rH r-1 C<1 Tji O !> iH (M CN TfH t-- I> i I C<1 r-l i I g | C WineMaker o S b S.o S.o S.o g.o g . g o o.o o.o g o^oooo G Acres in Raisin {M Grapes H K g Acres in Table Q Grapes < % Acres in Wine g Grapes Acres in Bearing rp^4-l i O lO >O O ^ * O t"-* iO C^ O t^ O O O O *O 00 CO O O 00 ^O O IT-* 00 O lOtal ACreS in rHC^ICS^^i-irOi-liH (MOCOiH rHO CO r-ti-4 S Grapes ~ia g \g i : :^ ^1 !> >> !* ;S> . ^._!l!l! aap-p-apHpH P-PH PH oo r i & PH I <3 >, IH, ^J , -g M . ,..,.. O H^PH * ^t^^ilSf^l^A^'^ g^lssvl * PH PH (^1 PH O'Pn PnPHOQOQOCC/2COO2COCCCCa!CQ CBGQCBGQOQHH GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 89 11* ^l> < e c 3 &tpq e ' ~.w> Q *H "> g r^H =3 S o O} 02>S t^ .OQ &B^ > o O 3 bb - 3 " C3 ."rrj 11 '&& H . O .rH r^ O CQ 3 P3 f . oT ^ ^ . - sw 1 1 1.2. 5 II Slllll >- w o; o3 iSSS .35 SS.2.2.2S QQ ^^ -^ N O ^ ^-^-N N N ^~ ~ ~ *" - ^ ^^ '&. ~&. :r Kn v^ 9 o S.S.2.2.S 2.5.2 5.2.2 ^t*-,^--*^ 02 02 OTtftlM*^ O2 M 02 1 *-! "- 1 c c a c.2 2.^ G c fi.^ i.2 ^-^ 'O^T^TS c fl a c ^t2^^ a c c a C? QJ i i i* .S .3 0) 03 .2 S -^^3^ 'o'S 3 G C >>^cH^ o3 c r3 G a ooooooooooooooooooo SJ-fcS^J-fi-M-)J-tJ-J-+J-U-(J-U^J-^- + J-(J-tJ-)0- l J CO T ogoSooooooooooooogoooo OOOCOOOOOOgOOOXOO.0^0 jO^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPHOnPHl-MP-iPHP-iOMP-iP-i 7-v 90 DIRECTORY OF THE 1 oUs - a I I NtSNNis^OHNNNNNNN '*> 2P M C NNCS3NNNNNNNSJNNS3 .8f PU'oJ C M fSk fK *r- < fl C fi CSS3NN IIIl 8 Wine Maker... o oo o o o o o o o < o o o Acres in Raisin Grapes.. Acres in Table Grapes... Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing, oo O i-l Total Acres in Grapes iOOOOO '-iOrHlMCq t-iOOO rHrHC^rH lii'^|l|l 5 J^N Q ^"- 2^ ,s c-S C 02 si |s ^gs II >. 0) MPM GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 91 92 DIRECTORY OF THE Riesling. Pinot Bos g, Mataro n Ve n Ve , Rie g. "3 c _;_;_-: o> '3 i i - 0) 03 O* 1 ^ 02 > S^d^^d fl SwfcfiCrtH-03^ ~ - JS ^Jd'-^^cS gS^dg ogfg.s.s.s^^ tftfoH^ri S^ NNN - r - voisi sling. uvign uvign ssela Burgundy, Riesling Burger, Riesling. Chasselas. 8 ^ ^ S S . > :-t gti N N N N OO N N OPQ co ON 2 02 O2 CO 02 O2 q fl ff fl fl 00000 O ^J *J -fj +J -4_> - OOOOQ >Oi gi^cocoS t-i o Wine Maker ..... oooog ooosoooogsssoogboooooosaoooo Acres in Raisin Grapes ......... Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes O 95 35 eo T-I 3 co Acres in Bearing Total Acres Grapes in Ofl&ce and Vineyard sl oS c9 o) oS a e c c a 03 Q3 O) 0) WMfflWW GQOQCCOQCC +j-*j P^*S. _; _; _^ _: _j _: ^ iH! 03 C3 0) 03 CD O pqfqpqpqpq ^ OO GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 93 O N N NNNOnNNNO S S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo i I CO O t- CD CO iH t~- --H C- (M C<< Ol Ttl O C^ osogoooososoo o 5R o o 2R o o o o o o o r "3 "a3 'o "aj a> " o o o J +S -^ -^ - 03 c3 e3 fl PI G a> a) a> 94 DIRECTORY OF THE &s DC . . . , , ' l -I? a S3 g * 1g| II - II 3 js tftf.f' 3 ' 3 ' 3 '*' 5 *- ^ **=! * * *-**** 333333333333 3333333333333 3333333 vO t~- THT( " S^^'-i^ SSSSSrtSooooSSSSooooM S S S S S S w S S 5 5 S 5 S S 5 S S S S S 5 S S WWftWWWWWWWWWWWWEWSWffl -|J +J ^J -|J -iJ -l_i -|J CCODCCCCCOCBOQGOOJCCCBf/JCOCOaOCOCOCCGQCCCOCOQOQO 96 DIRECTORY OF THE NNNN^NNNNNNNNN r g Wine Maker ______ Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes ........ . Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. ^H lO Ci rH T-l iH i I **! i I i ( T> CO IQ X! rH C^l iH CO i I iH Total Acres in Grapes Post Office an Vineya 1-2 -M -J -^ ^J ^ -J-J -fj SWi in :-;.s:-F.isl>J""3S5- GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 97 b %> bb B ..S ^ tn C r-j b]j i qj QJ "-\ ^ ^g be br -S O.S.S ^ ^ QJ S'Mtf M i5 S 1 I o - 3 1 Zi) C S O> S S S *H O> CO 02 g ^H g-M^jS O . 5 ^ &C J 03 g ^ OJ-OJOQ j ,bbciof ^ '55 '53 -bD^TSa - ~'55^ f*p .2 i o ^'^;p g '^'02 'oQ -TJ 5 rf ' '' ' r "" 1rr oooo ooooooooooooooooooooo 888 'iCOlt^OOiOt OOOO'X'OOOiOiO it--CO(MC^OI>-rHiHTf!THo6coio(MTTiT}i ogoSooSooooooooSoS ooo^ 0000000000=^0000000000 (MiOt^OOiOO OOiCO OiQiOiOOiOC<)O(MiOOOC>OOOOCOOOiO rH CO O CO ~J > S* J3 5 o "^ &o C^ OQ ^3 "Jo && &if S fc ' t 'Sg^Salall SoSSS^S^g Illllllll *S c 3% p'S'S^ * S N N N N N S N S .2 WDOCOWOOCQIBCOOO p PH sssssssgs Wine Maker 6 o 6^6 o o I 000000000 NAME OF OWNER. !>> 10 W ^.| 3 8 ^ B^gW o^ g S S 2-S'S^i- 5 c " s " 3 o I" OOOOOO^OOO Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing, Total Acres in Grapes 8 : i i ' lO 00 CD O id * < ogooocoo ooocooo^ 15 13 'S U 15 "I S ^SiJ ^ & * c s L GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 99 :N co 10 >o 10 1 - 1 C pe c j?L Acres in Raisin Grapes ^ "* Acres in Table Grapes . Acres in Wine Grapes cocoo eg i T Acres in Bearing. CD g S8 * T Total Acres in Grapes CDOOO CD * -t j r- 1 O Anaheim _. Anaheim _. Orange... v Ornno-p 4S J ^ 5 _0a ! A m to &, o 3 5 fci ! fllJllll 1 Illllll H 100 DIRECTORY OF THE a "Soi I srs oa oa 1! O O o Wine Maker ..... Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes. ,. Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 101 ! ! I : j ; 1 1 : i ! ; : i i i i ! i : GQ t/5 00 GO 00 CQ 00 Illllll iH i-l CO CD O2 O2 O2 02 G G G G lili 600 tons. 25 tons. 02 02 G G O C CQ CQ QQ CQ 3333 02 02 02 02 G G G G OOOO 02 OQ 02 333 III , d g d d d d d dodo 1 d fc O O 12;^ ; O ^i^H dodo d d d o oooo 8:!:li ! J i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i J 1 s^asss S8SS 3 sa s- ^^g 3SS 8 j i i , i g i 1 I 1 i i 1 1 j j J | i i i i i i 1 1 1 s ?1 8 ** ssss g tH o iH aa-aa- C^l Tf< t- ?ss s 3SS8 s aaa* 8Sgl ^^ ! ; i j I i 1 1 1 i ; : i i i 3H K I o 5 Q^ 5 "2 j [!!!! : ; : ! 1 J j G G ! G^ ?n2 32 CO O2 O 03 o3 o3 o3 OOOO 4> 4> 4> 41 ttKK Newcastle ._ Newcastle .. 4> 4> 4) 4) 03 4 02 O2 02 O2 "02 " So3 03 o3 o3 c O O O O O 41 4> 4> 4> 4) C G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 5 o o o o o o c G G C G G C G 88 G G 8888888 G G G G G C G 888 G G G o o O G G o o O G C O o c o o'S b .s.s^|, H H^H^u^J nW Jh^h^H^ iJnW i-W : i : ; : : i i;| : ] : : : ! ! ! ! 1 1 ; ! b* ^ ^^^-^H4 ^^2 ,-^^ i d G 2 ~ Q^ ! 1 ^ J-H ft j ; d Jf Z > s w L- H^^W i ry, . C^ U^*i^^ M ^ t? ef 3 ^P bfic 5 ^^ m-a#&Q C Q^ ri Q^ ^ S ^ Kn ^ < t rt-\ _^ - WJ " y^ a) O rrt 1^ ^ ^ ^-^2 oAj^^> *>. ** ^ ii r^ rl *>^p t cc * zi! i C ^ i i 5ca2?w>rf-3:3% ^- irn G^.G.G E^. 102 DIRECTORY OF THE Varieties. .111. I i , 1 1 1 ! ' ! | : J ! I ' ' , , 1 : : - 1 : : ! I ' i ; ; : ! ! ! ! 1 ! ; ! ! i : . i ; i ! ! ; ; 1 ; ; 1 1 ; I [ ; j ; ! j j j | | j a |g PH 120 tons. See sib GO 00 I/I c P m tn GO q S S g c S || S c S g 1 1 (M o I vO O a O tn oo tn or O O O O C > > t GO GO 1 O O C J C n v l x x x tn a O O O O C NAME OF OWNER. a , ; i : ; ; ; ; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ! "3 2 GO 03 -+J O 4- w SpringValley Vineya Westoott. C. P. ! /- I >^ ^l^rl g^'S^S ty^-i a; c c Geisendoffer, G Harris, J. J WoT-Kar-f C < 5 : * c c ? If 2 j J ! Mazal, J. C Barrett, C. H Brown, Otis California Raisin Crocker, L. L Hines Estate Hovt. I. . GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 103 SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 1 ! i i i ! i 1 ; ; [ 1 d 8 Wine Maker... : : Acres in Raisin Grapes ! ; Acres in Table i *" ! ! Og^'^CO CO 1 ' Acres in Wine Grapes oot- 1 1 i CO ^^sss t w >o Acres in Bearing. XO (MlOOt' r-i iHlOCO CO -sss^- t-c^oo Total Acres in Grapes 10 co O} o o i- He ^H He *iH 10 eo CO -H CO O O O HCT C^"r-l O iH TJI CO i 1 t** t>- oc Post Office and Name of Vineyard. American River Andrus Island Antelope 'Antelope Brighton Center Townshin 1 ' i i i S i i : i i i i S ! ; : i i i i i i i ; : ; ; i i i i i t a T p Oj - ; : : Ij 0) O O O > a >> >> T3 r d r ^T3T3T: c c c c c c c3 o3 e3 eJ c3 05 0. r V r ^ '-^ ','' r ,^ %"* 'V ^^ "V r^ *V *V NAME OF OWNER. ; ; : : ; ; i S I ! i e3 ; ; ' S^JCQ ^ 'E^ ^t>r^H '"j'PH fe ^ H Wi -^ ^ > "i-^-s'i'i I'll ^'."5^^ o K ^^^WMWlSmOQUQOQ ! ' | .2 o^ 45 *-> O Q _^j 'a. _Q c3 *E & %* T^ ^ G Hj ^fi'^Srh ^ g"^ J|g|5||||| 104 DIRECTORY OF THE. CC PH Wine Maker ____ Acres in Raisin Grapes ...... _i. Acres in Table Grapes. -&- Acres in Wine Grapes ________ r-HO iH CO O CO iH (M rH 00 CO CO 30 O i 1 rH i ! iH CO CO -H r r r p - r r r ^ r ^ir- r- 22.12 2 2222222222222 oooooooooooooooooo. 035 J a -fc ^ 00 . 5 ' C3 - r ' ^ \1^ I i o =4-1 O> o-e 2 OQ M ^ o -5 "I +J 02 OJ . J^d^-gggtf 0) ^ r- = , fn 2$ OQ 02 x 02 o5 x 02 x x ^ ^ "^ " "~ ^ ^ " " " ~~ 8-v o3 o ^ s ? #r^.8Sigj i 3 jjj3 o c K^D zn-^ 52 d c . 2 2^ "ll^mil 106 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO COUNTY Continued. Varieties. : ; ; d j Wine Maker ; | Acres in Raisin Grapes... | i Acres in Table Grapes sr 10 idOO^fiOO CD (N C C ' ' -S p ! ^ ' ' !!i | 5g>:. ":-*Al i s-sis ffi-Sit-s IfSji i w ^t3^ flSt^^ ^.^.^."^ ^ Ol ^ ^-^^^-^^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OP CALIFORNIA. 107 1 HJl ' C^ - O C<1 CO CD CO iH Si'TH CD CO TH ^^H ^ _j i *^ ^ trH ^ / cs.lia_ l r < m c ^ corat - l - lJ ^^^^^'O[!3O kT^ O ^ "^ * ' ^^ "-^ 03 trH ^gS8fiw^SocgSwSMMMMo5wwwwssss(S^{HMWwas>a 108 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker GGCGGGGC OOOOOOOC ^ -4J -M -f^ +3 -<^ I- X :3833S Acres in Raisin Grapes Acr^s in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. T >tal Acres in Grapes Post Office and Name o Vineyard. ~"5! 00 C O CO O^ CO O CO > S *^W 5 fe . -.^o^s" ' t> S . t^* P^ H -.2 c3 l "">-H:5 ^ ^G*^^ - Pn^j" J^t> GCT^ ^ c ^ !2 oTs -~ ^CM | -5^ W -H C ^5 o3 >.^ ^ , o "^ O J> O '^ g c3 g ^ > ^ ^ m iWWW^Ss^^^^>^mMKWQQPfeSWWWW^^3ijS^^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 109 i i i i i I ' I -! i ! : : : i j j i ; ] j i i ! ! : ; 1 ; j i i S [ j ; : * j t' co 55 H ^- I CN CO l> -* CO iH t^ ! -*iH COCOOOrH rH CO C iH CQ I CN i( r- O iO i ( O M H 10 s- (N 1-1 CO CO iHO OC Ho H^> i I ! ! ! ! ! ! Ili!.' ! .' .' ! ;;;:;:: : : i : i ; i 1 a i i i i i i : i ; i i i i i ; jj^lll sgg^^ 'oOQO^Q^OOC^Q^C^OO^O^C^Q^DO^Q^^O =5^ 1 SB ss a a a a s a s a s ffss s s a a SSS1SI ^ ^ ''' ^ '- "-" "-g "-g'-g "1 Illllllillll OOOOOOOCJOOOOOOO 0000 03 03 c3 d CO 32 CO O2 i i i ! 'S - ! ' ' - e ! i S !""* ' ' * ! g ! ! ! ! ' ' ^ ! 110 DIRECTORY OF THE Varieties. V Wine Maker Acres in Raisin 1 Grapes... I Acres in Table Grapes H T 1 CM * (N CD 04 r-T Acres in Wine Grapes 3 r- ""* 1 1 s. co Acres in Bearing. i i 03t-lOOr- V} iH 00 CO CO o> a '- '-*', O rt rj rt r "c o o o c |BBWtt 5 G G C p S.2.2.2. c >oooooooo ^.^OQ^^^^^C^ i^m^i^ NAME OF OWNER. ! > ! : '. ; i McManus, A. G., Sr... Miller, A. D..I... Schulze, John, est. of.. Sherwood, J. O _. Totals for county . i i i i ii III 1 1 II GO fl CQ J^ PH f^\ 2 ^ O PQ H H-5 f^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. Ill SAN BENITO COUNTY. 1 Imported varieties. Imported varieties. Imported varieties. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. tn * 3 d 11 fi 03 EC bJC> tfi .2 [ T| j Wine Maker te$ d 6 d o o' o' o* d 6 d Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Raisin OiOT*Tji,H Tfl C (M -4-3 -M - M -+J 4^ -M -J ' >^ -*- -J ' -4^ -4-J -M -4-^ -4-3 -4J -f-3 -4-3 +J +J -+-3 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo c3 o8^J3 fcr hr ooooooooooocj Cr : G S O 8S ^^^^^^^ 114 DIRECTORY OF THE OQ GQ W 03 03 02 O3o3o3c3o3c3o3c:io3 o3c3o3o3o3o3o3o3c3 02 Wine Maker ..... dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes.. . Acres in Wine Grapes. Acres in Bearing iO t- 1 Total Acres in Grapes. O^CDCOCOT^^CDC^iOcaOOCD Office and Vineyard. i bD bo 60 60 60 6C bo bo 60 be M be be bC 60 60^60 W). ;*.& of' W) ' JH .rt .r- 1 .p-T.r-f .,-< 03 03 SHWHHWWWWMWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS^ PM d ^P S'-S J fl f_ sToi i ps p^pg, l glllltsiillli GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 115 ie d et 00000000000000000 000000 '8 8 03 c3 c a ! .5 .a .5 .5 'g 'g 'g -g 'g 'g 'g 'g 'g 'g 'g *g 'g 'g 'g 'g 'g -^ ^ j^^S^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOOOOOO 2.2 'g ' ooooooooo o I'g'g DQ tfl^ aT^S?. c ^r- .8 Sr.- .a^iQi _flS C^ g g-C!T3^ 5 -^ 3 3 t: s-T^H ?-i-(5^^ a)rM.T5Wi i ^>?H ^-i fn y oD-*^ ^III^K^Ml^lllll^S 8 116 DIRECTORY OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Continued. Varieties. and wine varieties. OOOOOCJOOOOOO ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCJC. MWaaWMMMCfiWcnMMDOWCnWOTtMCeCflMMMCOMajMWW!/ ^^S^^^^^^S^^<5^<5^S*3^^i^yg g > ; !H G |sH-g ^ H >l^^^ M(-H* - ^^J 1 *^ r;^ n U w ^jH|rfa g t^'O .s -2 - 3 .2 g ji r|||1l|||?! GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 117 -(J -(-5 W^-M^ O O O O / CQ 03 t ooo oooooo oooooooooooooooooooooo ococoooooo OOOi OidiOO XiOOOCOO(NH 1 8l : *^-S POD gllSfiSSS-^iiS {gfg^^^^ ^w6^SSa^^c^ r 'O &CO c O ng;. -2 c >c^ fi^tt S cs-y e^ss i"S^ > *i ^ X J - ^o3 Sf,c ^=5^ :-^^ Jhy -^ = - ^-5"^ = 118 DIRECTORY OF THE ! J Wine Maker... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes OOO<*Otr- CO.H O> 0) 0> cQaiM tBaj cnin 'S's's ^ > > OQ S3 ;fc iw P fi . C J ^ "S bC ^ q ISSl^llll 1'E-g^ is-S 9r GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 119 Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Zinfandel, Mission. Muscat. Muscat. Zinfandel, Riesling, Mission, Burger. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. SAN DIEGO COUNTY. Varieties. Muscat. Muscat. Zinfandel. oft OS o3 09 08 cS cQ QQ QQ CQ 00 c p ' d d d c ' p PJ a P San Bernardino. _ San Bernardino .. San Bernardino.. 'OQ'H'ST^'S'S'E'H'S'S'S'S ^^"g P pfSpppppppp 0, , ."S .S.S.S.S.S.S c .'ft'ct'&i'pt'pl'p' >- 'w '53*55 'M Q ) o> o> a )WPQP iOQOQC/ }MttttpqMoqpc < < . -.3 rill 1 5 S ' P! 03 2^s o m H NAME OF OWNER. H pe | { a C s i ! ; : ; . S 'H -fe l~5 " ^2 g i . ^ }t-5^=if=< . ''"S -^ j_jCO^ , ~ r-<^ O ,_5 o bld " & ^ Q - /-T El H ^-M-U ;. oa 03 G^ -^ o ^M ** ^ Iflllllllllllllj ^ ^ ^i i'l * o| 5S^c^a 120 DIRECTORY OF THE M g H O ' OOOOO ^oQccDOcQcri 2 32 P^plSP cooocoooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes flflcJCdfi'-'fl'-' a B a * 2^* -^1|! GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 121 Js 5 . ^ . . . -M -4J -+3 ^J s ooooodoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodo do ^ ^ !^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 883333 r-1 ^-1 1 iio i ; ; ; ; ; i ; ;o i ; ; .'OOiOCOiOOiOt-OOOOOOOiO OO r-KN iH .-I ^ d : igvH n:^^^ : ; ! ' Inn's ^-fa^- ^ Ol '- > OQ O3o3o3o3o3o3o3o3o3o3o3c3o3o3c3c3c3o3o3c3o3e3o3 O S O O O Sg O ^^^^^JH^; O O 00 Tt< (N 00 O i 1 M tH 1 1 i 1 Crj 'w 2 fi'So' o3 o3 o3 o3 o3 o3 oS o3 o3 o3' o3 o3 oj o3 c3 es o3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO _^ 02 X 02 5 ^^^^^^^^^ S' ^"^"^^J-^-^iSoSoSoSoSoSoSaPaJVUOOOWOOOOOOOOOCCPOOOSmcrt^i^crtnS J S S S J^ O O O PH P4 pLi' PH 0< 2L| (X, PH pu PU pn PH P-i P-i Oi pn flj OH AH Pn Pn CM PD OH OH P-i p4 AH PH PH rJQ CKOQ(Kc^ 124 DIRECTORY OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY Continued. . Varieties. d c3 I O C DQ GG CO CO CO CO Forty-five varieties. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. Muscat. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. a SB I i ! I ! | ; | ; ; i j Wine Maker &&&&&&&&&&&& Acres in Raisin Grapes iHiHCS ^H rH iH iP iH iH T Acres in Table Grapes iii iii i i i ! ! ! ! ! ! ^ Acres in Wine Grapes JS J3 j j j g Acres in Bearing. S ?H CM ^ T-l "* H iH C- Post Office and Name of Vineyard. ; i : i i i : ; ; : ! 1 ! ! ! ! 1 II 1*4*4*4 si e 03OOOOOOOO >,>,>, PnPnPn ^ G C rt C C C G^^^ iil2S2^222231? Hi M W g ^' ' 1 ' ! > ti 1 > ! c 8 O O5 jr Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine 10 c oo Grapes Acres in Bearing. xO 1C iC iO Total Acres in 10 >c iCO Grapes o k 8.2 'E .p o ^M . JJj.^, S O a o o JI-3 M S E o r. tf w ? of I G c 1 i'l c -^ 5 MPQ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 125 100000 28' ,0 iQ O OOOuDOCOOOOO jOOOOiOCOOOOCOiOOOOiOiOiOiO OiOOlOiOOOiOvOOOOOOCOOOOOiOUDiOOOOOOiCiX'OOOOOOOvOir5iOiO OOOOO 555555535 CQCOOQGOOQCODQCCCOaiCOCCCOCCOQOQC/:^ GOGOCCCOOQ GOGOOQCCOJCCQQOOCK OQODOQOQ COGOCC OOOOOOOOO 525555555 555555555555335 ^xxx^tx-x* 55553335 oo O O O O O O 555533 tfpq 126 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes ......... .. Acres in Wine Grapes _________ OOOIO O IOCS 30 t- Acres in Bearing. 010005 oo r~ OOVOO Total Acres in Grapes OOOOOiOiOt^iOiOOi gOiOOOCCt- Office and Name o Vineyard. o o o o o o o^o o o c o 55. O O _o o o OOOOO poooo Joooooooooooo^^ oooooooooooo^Q -gWSsS Q ^ gT ^ ^ ^ -^Illilllllllliii IQ ;d 1 1 111 GRAPE GROWERS -AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 127 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. | I Zinfandel. Mataro, Carignan. Zinfandel, Muscat. ;:;;;; Muscat, Mataro, Black Morocco, Zinfandel, Chasselas. Mission. a Zinfandel, Riesh d CQ 03 u 5 Wine Maker ss 25 y 0) ^ o to 00000 KKKKK m vi v v gj a ;*!*> ^^ >H>-i Acres in Raisin Grapes .. \ ^ 10 CD 5? Acres in Table Grapes 3^ JCO >iOOCOO 1 1 Acres in Wine Grapes TH 3> sr 1 O CO C 0) O> O> c br be be be TSTJ-TD'TS Post Office and Name of Vineyard. Creston . . Creston _. ; ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 j ooooooooooo ooo p, p. p, p, p, PJ p. p t Q^ ^ Pi p, Cli p, gggg 00 CQ CO CC oootr X m *l 1V1US1CK Musick .. ooooooooooo ooo CQOQCOCOOQCQCQOQCBCOCC CBCC JOXJ-Q-O r a r OT3'd o o o o Gillingham, Parrott Bros. .._ Shattuck, H. C Thompson, John Totals for county... NAME OF OWNER. Ernst, John Ernst, William Ernst Bros Webster, J. V Othersmallervineyards Black, John De Neergard, Louis. ._ TT 1 . - 1 T> j 1 ! ! i ! w 1 1 1 i O jcaasuroucK, ^v. j>.. Meachum, J Andrews, J. P Correa, Mrs. F. ._ i i i* ill!!! ill 111 in 128 DIRECTORY OF THE SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY Continued. Varieties. Zinfandel, Burger. Zinfandel, Burger. Zinfandel. Burerer. Zinfandel, Burger. There are also about twelve acres additional in Templeton, in small lots of from one quarter of an acre to one acre. SAN MATEO COUNTY. Ooi 1 s PH ; * \ 1 ; 9 60 tons. j Wine Maker C ^c o K $ o o SO Acres in Raisin Grapes .. ; I'll *"^ 1 1 1 1 Acres in Table Grapes - i \ \ \ : 8 Acres in Wine Grapes ooc o rH CM 1C 1OO 1 1 T- 1 TJ< s Acres in Bearing. ooc O il c^ 10 10 o T-l rHTC 1 Total Acres in Grapes ooc O'NrfiOfMOiOO __ il i 1 ji Post Office and Name of Vineyard. i : ;;i i | ^ -'ft a CD H CO 00 CO OO CO OQ ] [ oooooo a e e NAME OF OWNER. : : ; f o o tn 3 o l*f J-flJJ^ Varieties. i TJ w ,4 5 OP Q^ O OP S 'I'clr^'cr^r < "S^]s.d.p.s .2 O Ci p fi Wine Maker 11^5 Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes S' Acres in Wine Grapes d c s * si SS 52-^ O tt c a c c GOH o o o o o 3 S S S PH 3) OP O CJ O Q NAME OF OWNER. Bruno, Owen Oerasco, B Frapoli, B., estate of ._ Vlezes, B. M., estate of . Scalmamni, C., est. of. Kibler, John .. GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 129 2 c3 s .3 4) p-j Htf3* ^ ) -^ O 73 p s.8 5 ^N - -G 1 5 .1-1 E 03 1 1-2 a jJ&i.a 91 O> 0> CT3 G G > o 8=2^ .s g 3D ^ _^ rHaic ' 2t ^'lT^'^ rH ^C' M nicSK*" f ^~ t C r " 1 ^ N C? o'SRo ;doddoooSo ^ o.o ^ o> H >H iQ ! CO 5 ^'(N COiOCOO^t^CDOiOOOOtCOOt- COCOO O>O *' ) rH iH iO (N 00 r-l rH OO T I iH CD CXJ ^^ ) CO ir-liiO CO O i 1 iH 00 C<1 G^ G i G G i G G ! ^ g :22 ' gg rT | !!!!!! fe "wfe ' PHW C ! >>>>>>>> i ! B I G G j G G c3 gj -^ ^j -(j -+J . i o3io3o3i o3o3 r^ j ^ ^^ QJO^Q;C^Q^Q^Q)COC^CUO Q^^'' 1 ^- I I I I ! I *M . : : , : :j : :-2 .2 ^ f g ^SigiV- i 'f .1 ^ M -s ' S|S!Hc3 .rtJ^'^G^ W 2 Sl ~ 5 Iq^t^^OTSt-jS ^02 -S jj . ^ rdr ^^ 42 1 If Iff Illllf |l||||" III 1| I s &&to&&x33&&Z&AxS& ^S SH 130 DIRECTORY OF THE GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 131 c3 W 1 4 Cj 3 ? gfi H g o Pi Go ^ S^ i fl G - O O fed fi G O O ,00. pqcq G G G c c G G G GG c33 e3c3o3c3c3c3o3o3o3c3 CCCO OOODCOOOaQQQQQQQQQOQ is if ;g,-3 S GO .^ ! o 1 : ra " i2~ S^ ! 03 G i^N JS^ ; g | i|a >H H & 1 P G C -t- T 1 1 1 o CO G O X) GO or 11 (M (N T-H a t- % ?i -* of tJD & 5 _c GO tK II 8 ro \-> O O Wine Maker ^ 6 O fc y S c && I QJ PS Acres in Raisin Grapes : j \ \ H3 O Acres in Table Grapes ^ He \ "^ - ; - ! ?! v^- Acres in Wine Grapes "* CO ^0^ (NO CO t- C W *r< <% ~S J '- ^^ & 53" o^3 J2 0) "*" cl Jhellman & Wilson Frank, C. A... K! -5 ^3 ~ G *" yj 5 3 -~ ii Is o3 Loean, J. S. (te A. P. McKiernan, Chas. _ Miniss, Edward .._ GT3 0) O G ^^ 132 DIRECTORY OF THE 35 cQjncctnajtntnmoQ co t t 02 02 c w 02 GfiGSCGGGGGHGCGGGG 55533355335333333 Wine Maker ooooSRoooocoo Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes T-H ' ^ ; w i-S^* :c |^| IM .i^bi . e8fe p si-;jF_Sfla . GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 133 cccccSSsSSSS 5555555^5555 1! 55555 OOOOOOOOgS 00000 O U O O S O O * O O O C O CO 00 O > >-. >> > >>t>t>>t> >.>>>>>>>> >>>>>p>>>>>ii ^, i. ^ ^, i^ ;-;_;_:_^^f_i:-.;- l MwViSUwMMfcHMtHS! ooooooooo oooooooooo^ 111" *jj !!fcM%1lil S S ' ice r^ I c GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 135 O . d 1 o II IS !" 0) o ~ v +* 2 02 o> C OOOOOOOOOO 00 O2 OT2 O2 . G C C C 13535 02 02 c c o o ooooooooooooo oSRooooooo CO(M t- TH rH iO O5 O5 O t- CD ( 00 OS OS O t- CO (M 00 (N (N iO CO vr CD CO (M t- CO -^ 8888880 oc CSSCCSSGGC, ooooooooooo OO OOO -UJ -^J -^ -M -M - OOOOOOOOOO -4-^ -M -4>3 -M -M -^ -*-^ 4^ -*J -M 03 TO 03 ^ ^ ^ ^ Ct! ^ ^ 00 00 1/2 00 00 o o o o o 4h3l>H MM oooooooo J^fJJ.J.JJJJ OO CO 00 136 DIRECTORY OF THE Varieties. Charbono, Zinfandel, Malvoisie, Chasselas, Mus- cat. ! i ! III! 1 j ! S i : 1 ! <3 H3 G j i i j ; i 1 1 g i g ; ; | 2 of 1 8 ; i O |2 .c3 r2~S . 1 ; 1 1 On Ci Ci C} C^ OS C5 ^ GO X CO 00 '30 00 838i8 $$ 28 338gg3 on 02 on 02 on on on C G G G G G G O O O O O O O 02 02 02 02 G G G G 3333 CM TP CO 6 tons. on" 02 G G t-C- O2 02 3h_ 33333 on 02 02 on 02 .r-i - O O O O o3 333333333 NAME OP OWNER. Francis, 0. J _. Grallman. C. M. _. 1 c r _c H-j So g WJQ > lW 1 O J Hartman, Guscave Hill, Levi Hilton, E. F. .. Hav, W. A. Hulten, H Hoffman, J. A. ._ > > i i i i ^ : i ; L : ii'3 i^^ -^ * iiSis^fiif^-llIs 1 S 1 p_S S 2 -go oO.go S^J-?? fe or GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 137 ;S ;! gjl P ! g 02 CC 2 "8 5 3555555 02 33 33 33 02 CO IB 33 02 33 03 33 02 555555 O t^ O , :a5S ^Is^w O ^ i^<1 d|o ^N^rfrf'S'g ^o |8arBfl|g3 3^.2 'oS.S.^ooo c .2 gg^5 pMpHOnPHtftftftf 10-v lil llllPllltllls Ulllllf illllll ^Wf4 Pnca2caa 02020202020202 H HHHHH^r*^^^^^^ 138 DIRECTORY OF THE " of " ^ ^T $* c O^ 'So O o II c c c a g fi s o o o o o o o -M ^ -*-- -f^ -t-3 -+J ^ O O !> O O 1C CO (M (N r-1 00 CO CD CO i (N O CO CO t^ Wine Maker o o sg o o o Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing, OCD Total Acres in Grapes. 0-3 fitiytfljlflR-l rO g g^B g A-Sfc5 W- Sg o CO X> lO^iH CO OO QO 00 O lO O CO CO O CO O CO OOO^* OOO CO (N iO CD TK rfl CN COO O rfM CNJ 00 O lO O i-t CO CO CO O CD CO 0000 CO iQ C5 OO CO * ^ CN O O cocoooo ^ go CO O lO^OqCNCCOiOO cO 00 CO O CO J COCOQO TH g^ CfiC p>GCeGSGGCGGCflflGC 2 p 2 .GiSpSppiSpppSSPSS O O O -w [Ki|!Mli}8tB^!%ffJi^liSi3jffi 5 1 Si SlS Sl il ||>o llllf'll |=| s lols | S3 1 II 140 DIRECTORY OF THE 888 c G e III!!! M 05 02 02 c c e o o o o Wine Maker o o o o o o o o o o Acres in Raisin Grapes .-... Acres in Table Grapes -XiiOi ^T O-^OOiHOOi-l C<> CO tH C^ r-t ^H t^ r-l Tp rH C 'r-H~ I Q) c* ia ^ if 1 i a . I ! 2 o Ci C^ C5 O5 C5 Oi O C5 OCOOOODOQOOOOiQO 33 35555555 CDiOOOO CO M OT 03 fl fl fl C o o o -M -u -t-a 000000 O O O O O ooooooooo SS a S: 18 I 00 O M>0 O O OCD^OOiH CO 00 >HiHi-lrHCC> O O (M 1- 1- (M O < 10 iH CO Ttii 142 DIRECTORY OF THE 02 02 03 02 O2 W fl H G C C fl O O O O O O ooooooo oooo>o^oooo_ooooooooo OiOOOiOiO CO CS OOt- OC CO r-lCK C0 O iH C<> CD o3 o3 o3 c3 o3o3o3o3o3c3o3o3c3c3 e ^ ;^ & .p 1 " 1 ., o3O ^^MiisftiS-ji^asfi w . :-gs i- a -ic s s g WilS^^a B -o-sV1 1 fe ililli HI!!! 144 DIRECTORY OF THE lll > P-s So rTO O 5 c III * 3 O 3 rO 5j I! ON jOO.0 33333 III 8S Wine Maker. .. o o o o 00^00 Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing SSS ^S Total Acres in Grapes 833 ^ jtf ^03 _c3 _tf 43 ^ K 02 m CC O2 02 CO CC g2gggS22g2Sf2Sg o8flS0S4SOiloS48o3o3oSo9oSo8^oSo8o809 66666666 066666666666666606 fc t t bC &JD O C O O O -!J -U -^ -)J -U OS i . o PH Q- o; G^< GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 145 N: 8 i i : OQflQVBflQCQQCtQQQQIQBbOQQQQQOQ a oooooooooooooo 533 OOOOOOOOOOOOO iBWiBOQjnaiBQBQjntBcnMinajaj IIIIIIIIIIIIIII iOOiOOOOOC 00 3Q OQ QQ OQ 355555555555555553333555555 : ; ;w ! ! !Q :Wd^_ ! ! i^b 000 146 DIRECTORY OF THE !o il ! 3 IN Wine Maker ooooogoooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes.. Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes .00 Acres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes II o3 c3 ) &JO W3 tD bfi &JD bX> W> bX O O 53335 e3 03 03 c3 03 cS IbC &C bfi bD 5C oi 355555 03 o3 5CbD i oS is hr,-" 55 ^ Z- A :^ "S? cj>pq R scfl ^i"S . Ill -S3 S3 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 147 1 Riesling, Fraumier, Ru OJ 1 ePinot, St.George, Pino taro, Carignan, Franker Riesling, Fraumier, Sau e, Semillon, Muscadell< Gutedel, Rulander, Foll< bono. Vert, 2; Frankeii Riesling, 1; Table, 5. ;, Feher Szago !ii '5 Folle Blanche Grenache, Meunier, Petit Tannat, Cabernet, Ma Riesling, Johannisberg vignon vert, Marsann du Bordelaise, Burger, Blanche, Muscat, Chai Muscat, Table. flr^ Frankeii R lander, T Table. Zini 0> 03 H a o .Is P c c3 ! ! ' ; (35 00 i" W " > O 1 s PP 03" of II 1 I" t- ^ fl fl o o r 1 S & CO bO P of oT I I PP of oT c e CO O ! G$ o) > o o c ; o o fcfc 000 o d o' d d g do |z; |z; ft Jz; ^ jz;^ d to dddddddg d ! i i i i ! ! ! : 3lO^O(N . &0 . 6 1 -2-2 jbc^b. .2 ,. > . 03 7 -(-> + ;bC 6 i !4i^ Jrd^ I'C'f 5^5^ SbflbCb 2.2,2,2,22.2 ik&MldlJ x &C &X3 &JO tiO &JD ! ^^^ ^^ 2 co co m a ' +* +* -M +. b bo's) bc"5 : : ; : : | j i j I! '*? ^ S3 n ^ !M, 1 a 1 J P ! j ^ yl .g 5rr S^ CQ i H - . 9 ijlj .{ ^ ON, J fe"^ r ^ g^^H^ z_r>3 T * T! tT-2^ 3 3 bee! 0^3 ^S3 'bC-j 148 DIRECTORY OF THE c3 i c o i H p 03 ti 1 02 p" i 02 J 2 a 1 I 33 o3 CD ?A rW _T 5 ^>tt c 173 i -2 > 555 aT i 0.2 .2 s s c3 c3 SB - /-T d 2 O H | 1g * i-e a 0$ 3 fH* 2 'c | .S fl M Of SS 8 53 s p (Di-H 5 b>-^ i So O A' 5 | ?? S ?s P s s ??s "3 ^ y CQ CQ i _a c .-i_ ^ 1 _oo lOCO o -M 9 c i -t^ IT -2-2-2 oo cc 1 1 CO T . 1 Wine Maker c d 3 o C c ^ ) C ? o o c C C ^ d d K C ! d c Acres in Raisin Grapes ir ) 4 I J | 1 1 1 i i Acres in Table Grapes ^ CO Cf 5ir }^ ^H ** > t- 3 M i> cr looo'* 11 Acres in Wine oo r- 10 10 lO r-l i i Grapes ! Acres in Bearing. ^ 83 if r- 51- 4 ^ M s i> T>- lOOCTt 1 Total Acres in Grapes Tj 58 2 cc C ^ c^ 05 if 3 t- 35 00 CO T !T > ooo^ i JH ! i , 0> C i oS | [ i [ i! il j ; ; i n sfl> It a an tn _r| m It 2 i a 03 03 V j 1 m a j V a 5 g 3 B gjm O 1 ll)i'S ); i rC ^ c i &A^ C5CCJD& ol H ^3rC ObC& ii _r^ ^3rC ^: Cb ~ Cc 1 cl ^ Cb. jfcc"&i) r 5 D 1 & iU^fc ^ ^ = : > :^& ^ :^ ^ :^ : ^^^ M w C 5 S 5 i c N/ME OF OWN PI ^ c 2 Montgomery, D Morrell, H.'C... Mnller Bros. P P g 3 < i H^ 3| ^ !! 5- nC j i ^ r^ 3 .t-4< ->J 111 p: 1- ;l II It = s^ (? $0? 5-SS 2 O2O H 3 3 1^ f? !l ^ 03 ^ O J F "OT J3 '* ? 15 II !O2 O2O J E I a: s- C 1 5 ^ = \ ^ ^ ^ '| ?: 1 ,? j S^S-^ 1-&I 3 M ; I 1 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 149 . > 02 I ,S t!^ 'oO 2 fl II OO filj &DbC CM e g S* ^=Sj q o> . S.2 ea fl - CO N -i o ^T3 ti a "S-i i oO - r-H ^ S-T Q JIJ >rH (U O O I ' 5 11 1 IlllJ flj|35 1 l^ltfS^lffljsgwilll^ll S S-2 S J 3 f?JS-S e-2 G-So^fl e c ?* SfegiS'g 1 jS Ztf C C 5"5.i3".H' OOHOOC EHNHNH *~^ C H t "^ W . ..^M ^4-H H-H H*^ H K*i tj M fl tj ^a s ^-s5^333 ?| 85 3aa3 NNNOOOO^ r ^ r ^ 00 fl d OQ CQ CQ OC l "3 bo Si ^8 8 P O O ES3 O Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes 3 00000 f_| *-l JH f^ f_| a) 00 O O rj fi rj ,3 rj O O O O O pqpqpqpqpq i a a a c | ;35-23fl S ^1 1.8 la M til ariti ^^ Sg"|g^|fe^^ ^ fi n w S w o ^ c^w rt S J ^ C q q- dllli o 150 DIRECTORY OF THE rh o> " 1* o .. .4 1? ** * i W His 5 . . ^oli II* | V|^ - bill* ! : J NO Hco Q H H>CS3 HHHHHNHOO HH gals gals o 42 Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes ...... - Acres in Table Grapes O C, _a> Ho Q) Q> O Cc3c3o3e3 C O c =-< O O Jzjpiirt ^pqpqmoooH^H,^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 151 uvignon, 4; Merlot. Chauche Noir, 3; Gray Riesling, 15; , 7; Petite Pinot, 3; Johannisberg 2; Table, 6. Sa n lon, 8; infandel iesling, dal, 12. et . . . Cr-J<}"M'-3 3 .2 .2 S ^g. 2 -3 ,Q _Q _Q X2 S'poQj ^ 03 03 03 e8 N m HHHOGO > Sauvignon . inot. k Bu hauche Noir. iesling, Zinfand ataro, Colomb nc, Chauche ir iesling, 17; Semillon, , 3 ; Sauvignon Blanc, Blanc, Semillon. s s| g ^ M S GO S drh - n V Zinf an n, 3. an n,' 8^ c P Blac g. , Ch Rie , M Fra l. ber t 12 2 e Pin ay Dij Fontaine fandel. lanc, Muscadelle d sling, Pinot, auvignon Vert, , 8. rundy, ^ga ^l s O. cW iTi <-H e u Ga 8; del , urg, Zin ignon B ernet, Caberne c, Semill Crabb's ru, Musc Hambur Sauvig Cabern , 4; Ca lanc, oir, Cr e n , o au, 4 non Bl che Noi ose Peru Black H emillon, delais, olos. sseau, non R Se del Ni Tro vig Chauc net Sauv. Vert, Mu Cabe gnon ta Zinfandel, Mataro, Trousseau, Merlot, Johan. Riesling, Sauv cadelle du Bordelais. Mission, Zinfandel, Muscat, Fo Peru. Zinfandel. M Zinfandel! 3 3 O O _ 4^ S fl C O O 45 -M ,3 JS 40 ^iS^ 00 (MCOCO t- COO iOO 1C 00 00 iH 10 lO O O CO iHCD (M H^iN} OQ 3 J*~T *H gjo : ^s Sgg I I BSfS OOO O O OO.g^J gg5 555 5 5 55^g O OQ w M C OQQ P-t CO OQOQQQ OQ OQ OCOQOQ Santa Cruz Santa Cruz PH l 152 DIRECTORY OF THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Continued. Varieties. Mission. Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Verdot, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Muscadelle du Bordelaise, Franc Pinot, Burat, Petite Syrah. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, 2i; Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon, 2|. Charbono, 4; Zinfandel, 3; Petite Pinot, 4; Folle Blanche, 12; Malvoisie, 12. Zinfandel, Charbono, Chauche Noir, Riesling, Semillon. Zinfandel, Charbono, Grenache, Malvoisie, Petite Pinot, Riesling, Muscat, Black Hamburg. o 1 O (N 2 1 c Zinfandel. Zinfandel, 30; Riesling, 10. Zinfandel. Zinfandel, Rie Zinfandel. a O3 Ct P ' B (D B ^ ^ ^ 'cS ""cS 13 ,2~2 "to be bD W3 o o r-~ of of o o 75 tons. 25 tons. } t co Wine Maker cr Q > mm Q 02 v a 1 1 1 s ^ j|!g Sj| C g C ^i ^ ^H ^< SH ^ Acres in Raisin Grapes 1-1 i | i i i i i . * !!! ! i Acres in Table Grapes a & H CJ I C cc cc 'C cc c H c c cr 0) C c c coa "OJ ^ W c b W 1 i 5 w GO | 5 ^3 C ft s > ^ c ^ "S OPH ^ cc W " t> "H'SP - co 0) >i>^ III 8 !i o GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 153 Wine Maker o' o o o o o 000000 O O O O O O O o o o Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes eV Acres in Wine Grapes ........ Acres in Bearing iHOlOiHQO ; iO (N iH iO iH Total Acres in Grapes IH-*T-IOOTH . cn S S r-r. (T5 " ~ LI r~\ hM Cll^^Sflsll WPQWWI 5.cJa.^-S.3' 11-v 154 DIRECTORY OF THE 1 Varieties. ! ! ! | | J ! ; ; 1 ; ' [ j 1 ! 1 , i j ! ; 1 ' j ; ! i ; : ] Product in 1889. . i ' I i j 1 i ! : 1 ! ! ! ! Wine Maker -d fe d^d d odd d d o o ^. C d d d d % dodo Acres in Raisin Grapes > 1 0*00 0) ] ! O O O O O G G C G G -2.2.2-2-2 0) > O O ^44 0) >> 4^ *-< *- O O C c >C . > -4- ^ c a ',- Z c C ,=. c 1 C f . +- a g c c C. ^ -^_ *"! > g i >o9 > o c rd- ) C ^i!? g ft C C i i ! i a j PH -^ rrt ^ ^3 <^ r^ r^ 8 t Z c !ii >OP- ii Cb e : ! DW)C> C C )bDb C&CbfcfcCbO&JCfcJOSJC&J fiSflGGGCC ^PnP: "OtSTI O O Q PH &? P^ -73 "C TST: o c T3 T3 13 T3 73 ^ ^ ^ ftfrfrftZ >oooooooc NAME OF OWNER. Cutler, H. H.... Forrester, J , Tipnn T/ ^ \ ! i | Beiitley, George H. . Bush, C. C _.. Brincard, James Chfinoworth. fi. ; i d ^ ^T ^ ^"^ c"^ a^w^^ g'^^ ^ 1lfl?li!l iff Pill Darlot& Pradel.. Drm'fiv T, "F* iil. t^ifc-1^ gkd S3 S fl rO T3 .2 'C 'C ^ QJ c GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 157 > a > i^ fcfc c 0* g 0* 0* C o o fcfc I > T COTP T-KM co i COrH CQ rH H i ? ^^ js- rH CD COH iH ^rp C^ O TO CO %$$$ ; e "or c; jE c; 1 a I c 1 K a g 5 '-M '^3 '-p '-C '43 ! '43 j>. [i. COCCOQCCCOOQCC!^|> 3 *d a> a) a> o'o o'c ! S ^ fn ^*- Totals for county ^ 9 . S ' JH ^r -'fe a E '**2 c 158 DIRECTORY OF THE Varieties. . Muscat. . Zinfandel, Mission. . Muscat, Burger. , J | [ 1 1 1 j j i i f. c \ I .s O oi Wine Maker o d d d c O O O O C frfrfrfrfr o o 25fc c d d d d d g o d d d c * O ^ s >H 00000 Acres in Raisin a OOOCD *H Grapes Acres in Table >o i i i Grapes | j ! | Acres in Wine Grapes sa i s ! ! ; Acres in Bearing. S3S SSg8SgS8 iHOTH' l-^iHi (C a. ff oj i : a "c c C 03 o3 8 ce i i e 9 0303* C5 , c^ 03' 03' 03' J 4 O OJ 'S'S o o QC C c 6 a "S 1 3 'S c C II 55 T 5 d ? c o; a> s i : 1 M ! : '" S - "o 5 cs S ? n E, . |3|l|8s?| QJ m nn rr> ^ CQ'CQ CD ^ IS ooo GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 159 a < 02 O O G | -g| . p^ H S.S OOOOOOCOOOO5^OOOiO_Q o> 0) G G STS 02 c? fi e O G^ O O P3K^ fe&H OOOOOO HHHHHH O O GO r^ o ( rH CO rH t> 03 S3 q q 0303C3030303C3 OOOOOOO 03030303030303 is ^^SS^^Sn* 3 hrT-T " -*3 -^ >rH ^g^g'ga piataE-la ^ > f^ f-<.Z t~ -2 F O^'o o3 So^ ^ s GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 161 Tokay. aineb alvo u. t, Tokay. t, Tokay. 5 -g^J g .1 J1s b'3 ^ ^ '3 i 5 Cg jj C3 C3 CD -4^ rH O -^ G^-S w S^oi 000 ^ M HhHHPto^ w '^r*r P 8 tf iS'^"'.9 S ?? ^ O)^^ 5 ^'c3 > ""OHPHO^&;^;C3 ru, Mus el, Mus Tokay. ebleau. Fontain i&s&Sg.g.'Ss^iifs 5^^^^SSH.2^^3 gg^^g^W P3sji^nHS II 88 H CO iH C^l T-H iH r ( t~~ Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes ..... ____ Acres in Wine Grapes. Acres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes Post Office and N Vineyard. a 1 -2 s3 VI > t 3 OOOOOOOQOg. ^^S-^^s-A-iS-tS-fS^a c ooo !!!. % S a 162 DIRECTORY OF THE o> c 02 GO OQ ri t3 '' ' -2 -2 . .2 .2 i * rri '3 '3 oj '3 M '*" & ^ ^ 5 ^GG c3^ ^ ^^ ^^J QC^^ ( ' t ^ , ^ ' ^ t , p ^ * 1 j i ; ^ * r . * t ( d boooooooooooooooobcoooooooooooooop OOiOfMOQkQOCJiOQiOOiOQpOOOQQQQipOOxpQO .9 " Wine Maker. Acres in Raisin Grapes ' Acres in Table ' ' '.'.'. &*. '. '. i ! i | i o o o o o< o o o o o o o 10 o oo ^ o p 01 o >o g o g o o 10 Grapes o ft o3 ^> 5C fcfi 6JD tJDr^ r^r^rQrQr^r^^r^rQr^pQ^r^r^Jr^rQn-jr^jr^^i-Qr^fQ-i^rQ 6 X| 1 ^^ . r g .r.rfl 5 8<2 ^ ^^5^- ^'o^^r^G^r-e e ^ ^ b c "S . ^g-Slfl GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 163 a a 0> O> 0> 'a 'a 'as a oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -tJ-M-fJSJ-M>i-lJ-fJ-*J-M-(J-4J-+J-fJSJHJ-^-^>J-M-M^J-4J-^^J-M-MSJ-f^ OOOOo 000000000000 S 00000000000000 S S 00 S 00000 QJ 0) O> N N N NN.N64NNNNNNN oocoooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO a G 00 00 .2-2 w^ l^.S^fl-^ ^. .* K W;iC rr rH ^ }xj bJD^-!-q O L. >a JJH5* ^22^0 r-^.5 -.- So *^^ _G ^^ P^"0 ~ ScE >2^ M '^o O^ 3-SS^^ . 'WArf^-^j-a ^'02 . gS - O fc ^^^Uif-^l: QC 164 DIRECTORY OF THE . o5 . $ :%% c-s d 5 9:5 .2 '3 .2 ^ S $ . ____ If- . . - - - '' ' * " ' " ' r ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' r ' " ' ' " ' ' S'S CO tSj m CO CC tC CQ ^ COCCSOCQCOEQ GflGflCG fl^ GCCCSS 3 "2 S 5 S 5 5 * \\meMaker ------ O Q'O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O S O O O O O O O O O O O O O OCOO C<1 'a gSg2SsS-^-M-M-M-(J-fJ-M OiOOOOOOC QQ l '^"^ >u 5' t^t^rfiiOCO^C >^3fli:-. i^>-p^, -^^^ 3 p r m _S S'C M H, fi (u ^*ga S * I ?a pa^ >**^T M r fl r5 S^i o _r S ( Q QOO 166 DIRECTORY OF THE t^fci) II H.2 rrt E.g^^.'s.'s.'g.B.'p j355.'g's5.SSSS33 !s. < s. % s3.?-^. e s.'s!s 9 S S3 S N N 5 N S N f/2 N N S N N O N PH N N N N N O2 N N N N N ^ N N N N , CGGC! C 7* ~ C (U G fi S Wine Maker _____ Acres in Raisin Grapes _________ Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes cres in Bearing Total Acres in Grapes SS2 Office and N Vineyard. O Q} Q) Q^ C? Q^ -.yii. GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 167 X ** X O> C X G X .2'S 2 '~ .5^.2 ^ ^^ i G .2 G* G' G' X G' .2 .2.2 .2 '3 .2 "OQ _^; 'S '02 ': G 'S So S 'QJ n) 0^ Q3 flj ^ "S '^ "^ d) 'fli ^ O ^ ^O ^ d) <1> 'o? *O *O c ' c G c cfl i ogooo'ddgddggdddodddddgddoo'Sgodd 168 DIRECTORY OF THE T3 8 **> .S c a^ -s.s g_ 'o'oj a) "P'e fl O> 60 S S C 6C ^-< r>-t tn 5 ^1, acg OS 03 ^^ ^_aj'3'^Qj"3.SHa) 'o'^'Saj'cp'o'al'o aj'^'^'S r^"^ "o> 'QJ 'aJ "c? N N N S N W N N N Wine Maker... 000000 Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing Total Acres Grapes in i! 05 QJ ^^c^ooc^oooc^o^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 169 02 T3 & S O> C .2 02 S3 s ^ S 1 1 & O g i I n g gggSSS 5 oogo^ ddd lil lllllll i ! I Illllf 1 till 170 DIRECTORY OF THE M o> 'w B' 'o .2 > M W !73 X2 8i4 "gtg..ag * 10373 5 g tf-S.B "jg-d xTcigTB I ^^ c3 ^ ^ <5^p3O o ^^i .73^43 |||| ^ CO GO QQ ^ COCQCCGQCQWI/iMCQMGOCQCCCOWCOCQOCCQCQCOQCCQQOW 5f *^ r " r ^ ooo^ooopooooooqopQpQOoooopopo ^- CDO^_. a o ^ B C Wine Maker.... dSdSSSdodSddo'dd 6 odd 00666^0 odd o'Sbo o 9 i Acres in Raisin H Grapes r ^ Acres in Table "* ' * w Grapes o Acres in Wine gg^ScSS SSS^S^Sg^g^SSS^Scoc^gSg g88 Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes "8 o a cS fe >d S, ^^ t v i i i i i a O O O O O O ^ opppooo -> 777 fcO^fcC^'S^?^????? B fi B B C <=:3 PH mfflffitS^tStStSjjjujjjjjj23325353S.Sh33 3333 "o I - I '5 J 1 a ^ I | h : pq i K |^ a SU^^ST: ^.o^cfflS'i^g^^? w '^l | So^d' c of 2'^^ S BAljf? las ^l^^^l bSl^&if IS afl , ^ -*J 03 O rj 03 io6fi WW3^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 171 rHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOO ooooooooooooo-So 4J-(J-|J-^-^-M-l-3-l-3-f->-*J-tJ-*J-fJ H-^ ddddd o'dd d odd* dd do dddddSoddddddSco'dddo'd 06 ,0000033000:0 oo cooooocoococ^^ S .Sri-Hra 33 S3 3-3 G ^T'S G G S -K 'y 3 fls - n -. ^,___*_H^_H^^^H_ r _ HF __ P _ Hp __ 000000 3353553333333 J333J>\ ft rv,.' 3 ^^T; bb w ^ . ^ * . 8 .8*^**^*^ fl S>J1 S^f :: ^ bgtil ^i _KZ O 0'3QS'^"'^ry4 __rSfei-afl-r3S"_r I 172 DIRECTORY OF THE &o &o .s .s 1 1 s s till 1 3d d w 1 -la d g d .2 .2 t/j O CQ S _ _ = _ a. g _| 1 : I I -a| SIS g N N N N N N N N N N O ^ 53 N N N S fl oo5oooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo?3o I fi I <"" Winp Maker '-''-'. > -'cDa).'-'. > -'^'(D PH p^ PH PH PH PH PH PH " O | | j i| j i ; : : i's : i ; i : i i^ ! 2 I lift ;s3ao3o3a3o3cpa)a)Ot-^^t-^iiDSc3o3c3 c3^3^ GOOOOO^^sS^ GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 173 . a s GCC>GCGG^^,-^^r-,^^^^,-,~^-,^^^ r , r _,^ r ,.,_,^, r -,,, 3 3 3 OQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 K 3 3 3 3 3 N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ^ 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 3 3 3 00 W C G O O 02 CO 00 Z G G O O O poo-ooooogooooooooogoooQooogooooooooooo iCOOOt-O5(MO rH CO O - *- 1 03 1 coO 03 { l i fl : ? L i ij i < ^ en C & C. i M !> fT 03 P 0. o P T3-T! rf ,' c S h QQ r-T i^ "-s^-: M S C - O O * S 03 03 H-W-W a^ opq 03 03 c "^ ^ ""'S^gfc: Hill ^S^J JC-ip.03^ .1-1 i C C , | we^1tj^|M ^ ?^ - _%- > ,w ^^ C5 ^ i-^ fi s*- 10 a w m C OIPMtW "^o W ( CO ^ir^ J^73 fl-S'5 .ooooociOOOooMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAWM 174 DIRECTORY OF THE PQ ""O O2 73 M ^ ' M " 5 0"^ ? r ?ntP'^ t^'o'oOOW fl C^S C StStSiSllI^IIIsasllSSSaassilSagSSgSSgS GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 175 "S -"S ^ 2 8 ^ g>M G M - .83 *** d-3 fed -3 H d.2 G .2- -2* ^ '3 S --'3 * IF 3 9 '3'3'3 .2^-^ - 2 ^ '3 .2 P .2 PrS .'a $ S 60 ^S 'S ^S C ^ SSS ^"o3 gS 1 9 1^ I ^^ ^ n -3 i .S-d -2 s^^^ 'd-O'd -S"dg ?-2 "5 ^ .2 03 .2 3J ^^ G a c fl o rt fl d fl 3 a . d cfl o fl fl fl fl 3 fl C d fl d fee d a fl fl g d d c d d.2.S.S* S 2 fl .S5^.9.9.S * MWW c gdo'dgddgddc c ^ o c Y-r K^ ^H FH C y z c y c O C >r -v- ' s s ' s- s ' s f-* & f-\ y^\ f-\ f-\ ^ OOOOOOOOOOOOC *-y \~r r^- ^ H^- \T *T ^T ^T ^ ^f *T h^ &f-\f-4f-\f-{&&f-<.f-\f\f-\/-\f-+ oo g| ^2n>H>- 6 o KK ! i ! i ! i * i ! ! ill!!! !!!!!!!! i !' i i ! ! ! ! . ! ! ! i ! . ! - ! ! ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! i : i i i i i i i i | r j ! | j 1 i [ i i ] j ! ! ! id G'G^G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G'G _03_ - ~ -- -- - GGGGGG -1-5 -- -4 -4-> -4 t GGGGG - - -< ' - -- GGGGG <{ o -l &^^' c^ o o PHPnW is II. 4K 111 -U 03 a>a>a>a> M02CCCKOQCQCCOQCOGQOQ rSr5> <; 5 fi N " ^^.^ . GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 177 3 L 1J1^-.,J-J, j,,'_.,_. J_.,.1^,,L. SJl-_. C C^j CCCGgCGCCCGcgGCCGCflSflGoCPlCSGfiPlCGCC Pl-d Pi P! Pi Pi PI .S S-^.S S .S .5 .S .2 .2 .*S ~5 ^ ~S S.S.S.S.S.9.S S~S^"S p ^ S S.'s.S.S.S.'s.S.'s.S.S.S'^.S.S.S.S.S.S N N S N S S 55 5j N N S N S N N N N N N N N N N 5 N S S N N S N N N N N N N N S N N N N N N opooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o' o' odd gd.c5.c3 dddd do d d d d d o d 6 S 6 o d d o'.d.d d d d o'.d d d.d.d.d odd !os I I i I I GQGQCBGOGQCOCCGQGOCQGQCCCO!KGQCGGCecCGQCe ^ P!!- !' ! igg! <1 PH^^pH^lg^ 1 *3 \^>> | tf ^w &i ^ w - EfSS^Jais^p^ ^w^^SgS 1 - 8 g^s ^h,,. J'is^w^t-sl r 178 DIRECTORY OF THE a as ^ _ ,^'a; "3 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ^^HJ^.^SJ^^+i^^^^^^^SJ^^^HJSJ+=>.fJ-|J.^-fJ+a-tJ-|J+J-tJ+J+J f ,,,. ,, , WineMaker ooooooooooooooo^oSRoooooooooooo Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Total Acres in Grapes ooooooooooo o3o3irfo3o3o3o3o3o3c3OOOOOO r O r O r O r O r d r O r O r O r ^ r dCC3Cflflfl oooooooooooooo OOOOOOOO CGfiflGCCP ooooooo 000000 rt & C C fl S o o o o o o GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 179 ;> '3 a .2 OO "oj'oj 11 oco _r 'S.S sLa 0.2 U O3 ;-] >> 00 "-j r] 3 52 c 5 !2 r o2 2 J^-c^-d 2 HOg .do OH Ss O 0X3 HHO HI c _2 c SON fl 'o; ^ ^ 'o! "3 o'al'3'5 03 73 r^ r^J r^ rQ r^J r^-j r^J rr* QM CO G.OJ ooooooooooooooooo siiiiliilillsiill ooo 55 -2 .25333-2 -25535-235-2 -2SS '0< ooo $ OOOOOiOOOO 88: ! 1^ ^ ! c3 03 :^S > 3 .2 d !^. B CQGQS GCdCrtCCPl G C G C oooooooooWo CO CO CO OQ CO 02 CQ CC CQ - OD , dB fS o9* flfi o) o( oS ci laa^saaasaaaaae IOO^ROOOOOOOOOO , C C-Q;^ CCCflflCflflCC oooooooooooo O2CQGO CO CO GO CO CQ GO OQ GO CO ; o3 o3 o3 c3 o3 c3 oi aaaaaaa o o o o o o o C PI S G C fl C noma noma e-5 ' ^^ S 5 w r^"S ai ,!:* ^ Sss fifip S 2 ifi"g fe r. ^^J-gpg -oi^edw^g^^^^^ -a 2 ^M^-^S>f8|,r l 2rtfi'rf|*r V m ^ ^ ^ aT"o ^H <^> flJ 2 "02 rrt P Sc r O " &*C -^ "5c QJ mn? CbJOO-^^-^-G ;r Ur ^ or-ic^^^H^flos bc^i Hegi Manue Heller, M., esta Hooper, George 180 DIRECTORY OF THE i < < OJ.S r^r^ IS 8S 61 11 I _<-,_ _; ^ ^ rrt ^ ^ ^ a e ss *l 11 si ,_; ^4 _r^H- I,-, ^4-^: ^-^ ^r^4 _; ^ r* SSNNNNtSSNNHHliNNNN^NSiSSHSNNNNOSSlSSN OOOOOO OO5(NOiO Wine Maker ooSgooSRo g 0^^0 Acres in Raisin Grapes... ..... Acres in Table Grapes .......... Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes OOOOOOOOiOvOiOiOOOCDOOOiOO>OOOOOOiOOCOOiO iH iH (N -5l r=J >> c fl GflGGGGSGelGCGSSGPlCflfiSGflCGCPlCPlcSaj^oo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-2-w-t^-M-tJ * :=q s5 -j "wrt GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 181 .0 ^00 O ,2'M bc'S S'fi '53 M P. .S.S S-2.S.2.S.S.S.S5 2.S.S S ,2- s .S.S.S.S.5.S fl ---^ c S.S S - S-^ ...... N N N S N N N S 535555555555 5'g 55535 ~0 dooSoooS d r-l TT CD -( xOOOOOCDt^COCDOOt^OOCOOTtilMOOCO r-( i I iH CN >H -^f Tfl rH C 03 S S 9 P P S 182 DIRECTORY OF THE g'J llll I * g .S g CD &> ^ ^ ^ *c5 "cD ^ . 'o ^ t bD CO 02 CO OC ooooo'C oo oooooooooooo OO-r-i OOCDOO ^ >OO (M OOiOiOO(M OOOOOOOO gOO H O rH O C .4 g t^^.2 c^S^^ C.S e S'SS 7 % , ^^ rT<1 :<^ 1 S -; o H 'H JH GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 183 O) . -)- p > ^ C C r^J ^ -5 5 S I Wine Maker Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes s> o 1 PH r s * o ^cog * be 'S'S'S'o SJS'S o^ f: WWWPH^W^OEH 184 DIRECTORY OF THE C? O H Muscate Muscate Muscatel Muscate] II g si o oj WS M Wine Maker. -. O O i O O O O O o o o o o o o 00 i O O O fcfc : O O 02 Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Table Grapes .......... Acres in Wine Grapes ........ Acres in Bearing rH O rH Total Acres in Grapes. OCDlMrHTflfOrHrHOCOiHlOrHOrH iO CO rH O j rH c > -f- 2 - a BE P 5 a 7 1 t* e 5 -y C c: i > OQ 00 33 OQ O3 G C G G C ooooo Wine Maker c fc > c V > C ^ ) C ^ ) C & c > c * c k C k c ^ > c rs o o o o o !2H^^^l2i Acres in Raisin Grapes Tj < IT 50- c>' 4 2 cc >Z Acres in Table Grapes cc cc ) c- vC O 'tf'MTtl i ! i i i Acres in Wine Grapes ! 1 ; ! ! A ere sin Bearing. cc 1C Tj CCiOCOOC Total Acres in Grapes cc cc >T vr 5 iC cc ^j (M r " cc T o 0> j li as a; a I> b c'F 7 | c- I C ^ * ^g?^ 5 ?^ 1 h C 'c 1 a 1 1 p tr >^ C C tn I I rii | a. a j* a 1 C- CL ^i CL. ^ (3 i p^ p: PC 1 PC PQP3P3P3CC 4- C n a M "r * fe o s M i 02 O i i 2 i i H < i _r Muscat. Zinfande .s 000 Illgglf ill! i 3C OO iHCOrH g CO CD CD t- C 3S| CO 1 1 r^ Wine Maker c * 000 h^ h^- ^f &f-<& C H7 > s ' s ' s s ' s < s f* A f-\ f-\ f-\ f-i f- oog f^-i^^H | Acres in Raisin Grapes co I>-0 * lOCN CN TJ > i r Total Acres in Grapes 33* oo o co oo 10 co o COCOlO <> c i i > co" T} "o oj fc_j j j > ll ! ! 1 l! d ta'fc't! dta'dta'ta' * .a o i OH M ^3 www TJ'CTJ #( O'dTS'd-d Jj s ^ 03 oj o3 |j>> NAME OF OWNER. CQ 1 5oic Sc - ^h? <^' gS^ 1 1 s V. 1 Wine Maker- Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas O O O O O Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes.. Total Acres in Grapes r-i Q r-> rn n 00000 ss GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 187 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO aasaasaaasaa - 188 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing ... :a s Total Acres in Raisin Grapes Acres in Wine Grapes not Bearing Total Acres in Wine Grapes .. Total Acres in Grapes OiOO'>'>'> GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 189 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CCOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOO _ a> o a> S C bOW)&c -^ co i-n IH Bearing 383 ' 'C<1 i i -rti>OC g llBllllllIllIllllllIlg^llMIIllll.sisilas^sg^ 192 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. ooooooogoooooooooooooooooooooooooo Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats Acres in Raisin Grapes not Bearing Acres in Raisin Grapes Bear- ing Total Acres in Raisin Grapes. CXMCM VO O 0) O> Oi O> >>>.>> c3 c3 o3 03 03 03 22 fe ;&i s^ illll fllliilll &rl ^.^pS S'SPQOQfe o- JH a -3 ?. r s^3^fi-2'3 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 195 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooo QCDOVOOQ OCDiOOOO iH rH (MrHrH OOOOOOOIM H . cl ^P^M JM H - J8S* ^ <-" ..^ --H /v> .4* Si | 6 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. o o o o o ^^ ooooooooooooooooooooooooo !z; fc ^ ^ Jz; ^ fr & K & K & ft fc ^ fc ^ 525 ^ $25 fc Jzj ^ ^ Acres in Sultanas | i ! i : ; i jO | ! I I Acres in Malagas ; i 1 ( i 1 i ' i i i i i i 1 ! ! ! ! i i i i Acres in Muscats , i i ! * 1 ! I i i i i i * i i * Total Acres in Grapes In " ; ; : S S S cl s CL E | lllllllllls > ' ' 22222 HHHHHEHHHHHHHHHHHHHe PHHHHHEHHH^ HHHHH NAME OF OWNEB. 'C t a i ; i : i i H ; [i : J! i C ~ \- i C a> 'Sj 1 G mwalt - N 5 1 ?a ^TS C T3 C as < ^' H ^s, 5~:{Hj llfl i It ic ^ J ) C > ^ 1 & r ^^ g&t '^^^ raV^Ss* 3^ OJSS S ^jjjSSS^ : ^ j&b w ^3 S S II ^s SH*I^ H KoodfS|^>i*^^rif32^d rt^ a-I s ^ o-i s*firf E i s| - s KllifiiifiMlillll GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 197 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 198 DIRECTORY OF THE Wine Maker. ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSROOOOO Acres in Sultanas Acres in Malagas Acres in Muscats OOCOOO00!NCOCOCOO: > TH_rk q GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OP CALIFORNIA. 199 o o Varieties. ! ; | i I ' \ i i 1 i i ; J ; ; , 1 I i J i i H j ! : 1 i .2 "S ci ! ! | . . i i i 1 1 Wine Maker ; : : ! [ Acres in Raisin ; 1 j Grapes ' : ; Acres in Table Grapes j . . Acres in Wine Grapes i j i i ; Acres in Bearing. [ : i Total Acres in Grapes . . i . . ; ; j : ; Post Office and Name of Vineyard. 1 1 c 1 ! ' ! ! | . : : i ft ftp, sss 03 03 o3 OOO r o3 o: c; et c ! e c a j QJ oj a M 02 V cSc S S S S S S S Sgl Z3S3SS2sSc o Sc S3 C i-sOC C O O O O C OOQOO2QQQC g g g g g g 2 C QQOQCQCOCOCCCC 'SSSSSSSSSSSJU NAME OF OWNER. : : : : ; Culbertson, G. F. .. Goodwin, J. A Meneke, Wm Quinn, H. Cavron, Mrs. M.__. Tn.rvis Milan, J Nichol, J I.I Pedistre, John Schilling, A Trask, P. M Winchester, Gen. J Blackburn, James . Loney, James Peireira, John TJriomordella. G. |ii.i wool * 200 DIRECTORY OF THE I _Q I &L m eg ll -J - 2 ' c .5 Wine Maker... ooooooooooo 52; Iz; Acres in Raisin Grapes 8 Acres in Table Grapes.. Acres in Wine Grapes 8 Acres in Bearing, O iO CO CO O kO O O O CO C< O O O O VO 1C CO C<> CO CO CO fl Is?" al^lllrflcgf-S r^H^S ^SSO^'^O^^'S^-S GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA. 201 9*3 Wine Maker.. - O O O O O O O 00000000000000000000 Acres in Raisin Grapes :88 :8 : Acres in Table Grapes. Acres in Wine Grapes S !8 Acres in Bearing. oooooo CDOOCOCO-^ i i r- 1 co >O OOOOO O '>'> H!Z; or GO t see 20 02 O2 GO O3 02 fl C C C C ooooo o o o o o CO CO CD COIN C C G fi G C C O2 O2 72 O3 O3 O2 C q c C S C o o o o o o o o c o o o Acres in Table Grapes. ........ Acres in Wine Grapes. s 8 gs S Acres in Bearing. Total Acres in Grapes o ji.yt.v>.yus>TOTOCocsTOcgwcgcDW r~" ""^ pDiooassssss^asas^saaaasftrd ville Gibson, Wni. Munfordville Hubbard John Munfordville Hubbard Mrs Kate Munfordville Logson Van Buren Munfordville Martin Capt H C Munfordville Payton, S. M. Munfordville Walton C. J Munfordville AVood Dave Munfordville Bent J M Mount Sterling Richards, John Nolin ._ Menard Stephen Paducah Yes. Coakley B F Powder Mills Lane JHarvev Rio Garden Mrs Genie Rowlett's Station Coats W S Rowlett's Station Cuvle Stephen Rowlett's Station Gardener John Rowlett's Station Maxey P I, Rowlett's Station Harbison John Bent J M Snulsberry 1 Yes. Logsdon William Thompson ville 5 Yes. Upton Hardin Uptonville Angel 'E. M Woodsonvilfe Garvin James \Voodsonville - AVoodson A L EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. 217 LOUISIANA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Burn Milton Covington 3 2 1 l| ; f No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Cahier Jules Covington Dutrucli Alphonse Covington Covington Gotti Louis Covington . Labat J M. Covington . . Lossette Francois Covington Mat hies Fritz Covington _. Mathiew Louis E Covington Munch John T Covington Perreand A Sr Covington Schultz Christian Covington Madisonville Aveilhe" Rev Eugene Mandeville Mignot Rev Canon Mandeville . . Erath Albert New Orleans ._ _ _ Gehlbach Charles New Orleans Wila Casper New Orleans Cousin Maxine Slidell i No. Winnfield MARYLAND. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Giddins L Annapolis ^^allace Col James Cambridge Yes. Stevens Charles Denton Maxwell John J East Newmarket Waters L L Princess Anne Yes. Woolford Royer Princess Anne 20 Yes. Spence Irving Snow Hill MASSACHUSETTS. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. State Agricultural College Amherst 3 No. Crocker, Alfred Barnstable O'Brien John Bradford _ _-..._ ^Woodman C Cambridge . . . Bull Ephraim W Concord 1 No. Coughlin John Concord ___ _.. __ 1 No. Coughlin Nicholas Concord 1 No. Gariy James Concord 1 No. Hunt Wm H Concord 5 No. Hurd' Wm F Concord 5 No. Hutchins Charles Concord 2 No. Keyes John S Concord 1 No. Litchfield Paul Concord 2 No Merwin H C Concord 2 No. Concord 1 No Moore John H Concord.- 5* No. Pratt F G Concord . 1 No. Wheeler Alvah E Concord 1 No. ^Vheeler Anson Concord - 2 No. W^heeler Frank Concord - - - 4 No. Wheeler George F Concord 3 No. ^V^ood James B Concord ... 3 No. Wright Geo H Concord 4 No. Churbuck Wm E East Wareham 3 Yes. Gibbs Benj F East Wareham 4 Yes. 15-v 218 DIRECTORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Pease, Richard L _.. Edgartown Nichols, Dr. J. R _. Haverhill . . _ France, James Holyoke Pineo, Peter _ Hyannis Hoxie, D. E. Leeds 3 No Clement, Asa Lowell Paige Joseph W T . Medtield i Strong, Wm. C. _. Newton Highlands Taibot, J. W. Norwood Rogers E. S. Salem Smith E J Smith's Ferry 5 Yes Moulton, H. D Taunton Everett, O. E William sburg 2 No Kinney F. J. Worcester MICHIGAN. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Bradfield Edward Ada Yes Baldwin, J. D Ann Arbor Woodworth, S. E. Battle Creek Withey W. T. Benton Harbor Jaqueth S. P. Benzonia Munson & Knapp Grand Rapids . No. Pearsall, S. M. Grand Rapids Perkins Mr. Grand Rapids No. Weatherby W. W. Grand Rapids Roberts R Z Harrisville Higbee, John Ionia 3 No. Hosford George Ionia 15 Yes. Kellogg R M. Ionia 4 No. Le Valley, L. Holden... __ Ionia . 7 No. Rust, C. E. Ionia . Smith, Nelson Ionia _ . 8 No. Shoemaker Michael Jackson Yes. Stearns I N Kalamazoo No. Newcombe H M Ludington Blome, Wm. H. Monroe . 10 No. Boyer G. Monroe 6 No. Daiber Mrs. A. Monroe 2 No. Dental Monroe 6 No. Dewey, J. B. Monroe 2 No. Dewey, J. W. Monroe _ - 3 No. Diedrich & Breisacher Monroe (Detroit) No. Dubois Louis Monroe 15 No. Entemann E Monroe 6 Yes. Gittler, John Monroe 7 No. Gittler, Mike Monroe 5 No. Greening J. C. Monroe 8 No. Kawzier Chas Monroe 6 No. Kirchengoessner Chas. Monroe 5 No. Kirchmaier, Theo. M onroe 3 No. Nelson, John Monroe _. . 3 No. Obermaier, Geo. Monroe _ ._ 3 No. Paulding M Monroe 4 No. Peppier Louis Monroe 4 No. Rauch John R Monroe 2 No. Reisig Gustave Monroe 8 Reisig Fred Monroe 7 Reisig Leonard Monroe 4 Robert James I. Monroe _ 3 No. Sedlaczek Joseph Monroe 4 Yes. Smith J R Monroe 5 No. Sterling J M Monroe 10 No. Sturn, B. .. Monroe .. 2 No. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. MICHIGAN Continued. 219 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Toll Chas Monroe 4 No. Verhoeven B Monroe 2 No Weier Anton Monroe 15 Yes Cummins Mr Sparta No Swartz, Mr. _. Sparta _. No. Ramsdell, J. G Traverse City Graham, Elwood Walker No. MINNESOTA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Luedloff Charles Carver \ Yes. Yes. Yes. Ruediger Carver Adam D A Hutchinson Davis L R Lac-qui-parle Clarke. Charles H. Minneapolis Pettit, C. H. Minneapolis _ _ Lord O. M. Minnesota City Ohland F. Norwood 4 Yes. Carter T G. St. Peter . Ford L M St. Paul Smith Truman M St. Paul Dieterle Herman 'Wabasha Peterson "\Varoma i No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Bicker, J. Winona .. . ._ Knopp M. "Winona Ackerman J. H. Young America . . Ackerman \V. Young America Buesther Ernst Young America MISSISSIPPI. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Howard, H. H. Carthage .. ._ Holden G. W. Enterprise. __ Graham T. B. Forest Holly Springs 2 No. Bishop J Holly Springs 4 Yes. Buckhaman George M Holly Springs 1 No. Davis Orlando Holly Springs No. Jones "W A Holly Springs f No. Shnford, Dr. F. B. Holly Springs ? No. West, A. M. HolJy Springs 1 No. Miller J M D luka Shanom J. J. Meridian i Yes. Bolton R Pontotoc Cullen' Dr Oxford _ Skipwith T H Oxford Turner \Villiam Oxford Gains Cole & Co State Line . _ Yes. Seabrook John P State Line Yes. Hardy C Victoria i No. Withers A" Q Victoria I 2 Yes. Arrington Burrell Waynesboro Yes. Davis W S Wa3 r nesboro Gray H Waynesboro Yes. Gray J L Waynesboro Yes. Hopper J C ^Vaynesboro McRae *M L AVaynesboro Russell A G Waynesboro 220 DIRECTORY OF THE MISSOURI. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Bachmann, Christ. . Amazonia ^ Yes Egger, Samuel Amazonia Yes Harvey, Wash. Amazonia f Yes King, Wm Amazonia f Yes Amazonia f Yes Miller, John Amazonia f Yes Riesenmey Fred. Amazonia f Yes Segessemann, Gottleib Amazonia _ if Yes. Strasser, Alfred Amazonia Yes Vetter, John Amazonia 1 Yes Wenger, John Amazonia i Yes Zimmermann, John Amazonia 13 2 Yes. Grimes, R. P. Astoria Mansfield, John W. Astoria Schneider, Nicholas Avenue City i Yes Gast Wine Co. Baden (St Louis) 30 Yes Carpenter, Daniel Barry Dailey, W. W Beaver Allemaiin, Sam Bererer 20 No Dilthy Peter Bereer 10 No Finke Mrs Berger 10 No Geiger, L. - _. Booneville Wertheimer, M. J. Booneville 20 Yes. Brown Geo. Brookfield 1 Yes Brown S H Brookfield 3 Yes Gamble, Joseph _ Brookfield 1 No. Bush, Gidor _ . . Bushberg Bush Raphael Bushberg Bush & Son & Messner Bushberg Yes Zoog, Florian Carterville _ Conrad, C. Carthage Kubler C. Carthage Lohmar Henry Cassville 10 Yes. Kehn, Dr. A Castor i Yes. Jackson, John T. Chillicothe Blankenship, J. Corsicana Muench Frederick Dutzow Agnew S H Edina Harmon, Daniel Erie . .. . | No. Brown, J. J. Forsyth Mueller Lois Glen Allen Yes. Reilly John A. Glen Allen 2" Yes. Steiner , Louise Granby 2 Yes. Zoellner, Louis _ Granby 1 Yes. Scroggs W. S. Greenville Carver James Guilford Bell N B Hamilton 1 Yes. Bauer, Mrs. . - Hermann . 10 No. Bomfare, John Hermann. . 10 No. Buddemeyer, F. Hermann 25 No. Biirbel Fred. Hermann 30 Yes. Burchhardt Emil Hermann 25 No. Burchhardt Fred Hermann 20 No. Burchhardt, Win. _.. Hermann . _ 20 No. Dilthey Mrs. Barbara . _ _ Hermann 10 No. Eberlin Albert Hermann 20 Yes. Eberlin Louis Hermann 30 Yes. Feil, Carl Hermann 10 No. Fleisch Christ Hermann 20 No. Foerber, Adam . . . Hermann 20 No. Foerber Valentine Hermann _ . 30 No. Frank Fritz Hermann _ __ . 15 No. Glaser Mrs Hermann 40 No. G laser Richard Hermann 20 No. Glott, G. Hermann 10 No. Good Anton Hermann 10 No. Gross Charles Hermann 10 No. Grossman G. Hermann . . __ _ __ 20 No. Haasren. A._ Hermann .. 10 Yes. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. MISSOURI Continued. 221 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Hemme. Christ. Hermann 30 No. Henze, Henry Hermann 30 No. Hickman, Capt. W. L. Hermann 20 No. Hoeberle Mathias Hermann 10 No. Hoeberle, Mrs. Hermann _ 10 No. Hundhausen, Julius -. ___ Hermann. . 30 Yes. Kuhn, Mrs. Mary. Hermann ._ ._ 30 No. Loehnig, Rich. Hermann 20 No. Loehnig, 0., & Co. Hermann 50 Yes. Ludwig, F. Hermann 10 No. Luigenfelder Louis Hermann 10 No. Maagelin C Hermann 10 No. Martin, Ernst Hermann ._ 10 No. Mueller, Beruh _ Hermann 10 Yes. Mueller, J. G. Hermann . _ 50 Yes. Mueller, Mrs. Hermann 20 Yes. Mueller, Havier Hermann 30 Yes. Neidbudt, John Hermann 40 Yes. Noe, Mrs. Hermann 30 No. Petrus, Beruh Hermann 40 Yes. Petrus, Fritz Hermann 40 Yes. Poeschel, Michael Hermann . . 15 Yes. Poeschel, Mrs. Dora _ . Hermann . _ 50 No. Puchta, Adam Hermann . 35 Yes. Puchta, Chris. Hermann 25 Yes. Rhodius, Mrs. E. Hermann 40 No. Roemer, Christ. Hermann 15 No. Ruediger, Louis. Hermann 20 No. Schmidt, __ Hermann. 25 No. Sperry Wm Hermann 20 Yes Stein, Franz Hermann 20 No. Stone Hill Wine Co. Hermann . 100 Yes. Strassner, Beruh Hermann 15 No. Strassner, Joe Hermann 10 No. Strecher, Wm. Hermann 25 No. Strehly, Hugo Hermann 10 No. Suedmeyer Christ Hermann 10 No. Uffelmann, John.. Hermann. 15 No. Vallet Fred Hermann 20 No Vogt Mrs Hermann 20 Yes Voigt, Otto Hermann .. Watch, Henry Hermann 10 No. Walker, Otto' Hermann 20 No. Weber, Martin Hermann 10 No. West, John Hermann 10 No. Werner, Christ. Hermann 20 No Will, John Hermann ._-_ 10 No. Willie, John Hermann ._ 10 No. Wittmann, David Hermann _ 20 No. Wittmann, Louis Hermann 10 No. Wittmann, Robert _ . Hermann 10 No. Zeller, John Hermann __ - 20 Yes. Krell, N. Hornet Rousch, J. Joplin Scheffe.rdecker, C. J oplin Northup Wm. Kingston 1 Yes. Northup M. D. Kingston Grove, F. A., M.D Kirksville... Brandohl, Ludwig Laclede 3 Yes. Brown, S. H Laclede 3 Yes. Sprechelmeyer, Dr. J. C. _ . Lange's Store 25 No. Boardman, C. . _ Linneus Yes. Engehart, Christopher Lutesville . 1 No. Slaybaugh, Samuel Lutes ville ._ 1 No. Stemm, A. C. Lutesville . .. . 1 No. Schrock, Anton Marble Hill . i Yes. Gaunt, Thos. W. Marysville _. .. _ Maynard, Dr. _ _ . May i No. Wilson, Q. M. K. Moberly Rommel & Sobbe... Morrison .. 50 Yes. 222 DIRECTORY OF THE MISSOURI Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Kirchhoff, Gust. Morrison 10 No. Landrum, R. H. Mount Vernoii Jaeger, Hermann Neosho _ 15 Yes. Jaeger, John Neosho 5 Yes. Schoenborn, Ernest Neosho 3 Yes. Zimmermann, J. Neosho Marcusson, Geo. New Boston i, Yes. Stone, G. H. New Boston 1 No Zoellner, L New ton ia Thudium, John G. North Salem 6 Yes. Kempt, F. A. Norwood Baumgartner S. Pierce City I Yes. Graef, L. Pierce City Herman, Martin Pierce City 1 Yes. Mettlach, John P. Pierce City 1 Yes. Shaffer, G. M. . Pierce City _ . . . Yes. Berten, D. Pineville I No. Lawrence, J. P. Pineville || No. Lagron, Arthur Rhineland 4 Wild, Herman Sarcopic Caldwell, Wm. Savannah Ent, William Savannah 1 Yes. Thudium, John G. Sedgwick 2 Yes. Schiffbaur, Jos. Seneca Brock, W. A. Split Log i No. Garnette J L Split Log 1 No. Gavin, J. M. Split Log f No. McConnell, G. B. Split Log 1. No. Kirchgraeber, Jos. Springfield American Wine Company St Louis Gast Wine Company St. Louis Beck, Domineck St Joseph 5 Yes. Digel, Christ. St Joseph 3 Yes. Go if, N. D. St Joseph 6 Yes. Haffner, Christ. . St. Joseph Ridgway, Nathaniel M. Trenton Fulkerson, Abram Tuscumbia Listen, E. Virgil City Ames William B W^arrensburg Speiss, H. Warren sburg Monks & Green West Plains Rislev, Sama West Plains Pamperl, John Winigan 1 Yes. NEW MEXICO. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Rosenfeld, B. Casad, T. Mesilla Thomson John H Santa Fe Hub bard E J NEBRASKA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Chaney S G Wahoo EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. 223 NEW JERSEY. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Bishop, Howard. .. ._ . Beverly 5 5 10 5 15 5 5 1 5 No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. Boyd, William H. Beverly Krini, William Beverly Marter, Edward Beverly Parry, Oliver Beverlv. Vansciver, Charles Beverly Vansciver E R Beverlv Townsend, F. Sidney Cape May Jessup, George W. Cinnaminson Ceilings, Richard T. Collingswood Homer, Joel Delair 10 3 No. No. Baniehr, .T. H. Egg Harbor City Bauge, Henry . Egg Harbor City Baum, Henry ... Egg Harbor City 15 Yes. Behns, William Egg Harbor City Bergmann Philip Bolte H Egg Harbor Citv 3 3 No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Bolte, William Egg Harbor Citv Borm, Charles Egg Harbor City Bower, Joe Egg Harbor City 1 Braunbeck, William... .. Egg Harbor City _ _. _. Brendal, Joseph ... _ Egg Harbor City 1 6 No. Yes. Butterhof, John Egg Harbor City Dihlmann, John Egg Harbor City Doell, Amandus Egg Harbor City 2 1 4 No. Yes. Yes.' Dryer, Ernest Egg Harbor City Emmendorf, Mrs. . Egg Harbor City _ Ertel, Louis Eg * Harbor City Fiedler, Herman Egg Harbor City Freitag, Geo. . Egg Harbor City 5 1 1 1 Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Friedler, Frederick __ _ Egg Harbor Citv Gissel, Jacob . . Egg Harbor City Glatthorn, Louis Egg Harbor Citv Grunler & Bahnne Egg Harbor City Gunther, Gustavus Egg Harbor City Hanselman Geo Egg Harbor City 5 10 Yes. Yes. Hanselman, John Egg Harbor City Hanselman, Michael _ % Egg Harbor City Hartmaier, Peter Egg Harbor City Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. No. Hassentenfel, Mrs. Egg Harbor City . 1 8 4 15 Heil, Augustus Egg Harbor City Hincke, G., heirs of Egg Harbor City Hincke, Julius Egg Harbor City __ Hoebel, Hugo Egg Harbor City Hoenes, John Egg: Harbor Citv 2 Hoffman, Valentine P. Egg Harbor City Karrer, Wm. Egg Harbor City 8 Kertz, Jacob Egg Harbor City Kevser, Herman Egg Harbor City 6 Yes. Kiebat, Mrs. Egg Harbor Citv Kimmick I. Egg Harbor City 6 Yes. Kurnig, Jacob Egg Harbor City Leipe, William Egg Harbor City 3 3 Yes. Yes. No. No. No. Meyer H Egg Harbor City Mewes, Eugene Egg Harbor City Michel Eg CT Harbor City 3 2 Mueller, B. H. Egg Harbor City Nehr. Joseph Egg Harbor City Oberst & Sons Eg " Harbor Citv Oberst, S. Egg Harbor City i Yes. Yes. No. Oberst, Stephen Egg Harbor City _ Oeltjenbruns, D. . _ _ Egg Harbor City _ 2 1 3 3 8 5 Oese'r William Egg Harbor City Orfall, Henry Egg Harbor City Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Pfeirler, Henry Egg Harbor Citv _ Ranscher Ed Egg Harbor City Reimann, Dr. Robert Egg Harbor City Renault L N Egg Harbor City Ribat, Mrs... Egg Harbor City... 2 Yes. 224 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW JERSEY Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Roesch, Joseph Egg Harbor City Saalmann, Charles Egg Harbor City 12 Yes Schirmer, L. T Egg Harbor City 6 Yes Schroeder, ... Egg Harbor City 6 Ye^ Schroeder, Egg Harbor City 2 No Schmidt, E. A Egg Harbor City Yes. Schuster, John _. Egg Harbor City Simmers, William. _. Egg Harbor City 4 Yes Speeht, Jacob Egg Harbor City 2 No Sludtler, Casimir Egg Harbor City Steigauf, Philip .. Egg Harbor City . 1 No. Stroedtmann, William . Egg Harbor Citv Stortz, Fritz ... Egg Harbor City Tapken, Egg Harbor City 2 No Tapken, Egg Harbor City 3 No Teal, William Egg Harbor City 2 Yes. Undernehrer, Joseph Egg Harbor Citv H No. Van Riel, Rev. Egg Harbor City Wagner, E i >-g Harbor City 1 Yes Waschow, Ferdinand Egg Harbor Citv Wichelmann, Wm. Egg Harbor City Williams, Wm. Egg Harbor City 2 No. Wolf, George.. Egg Harbor City Wolsiei'er, Wm. & J. H E'g Harbor City 5 Yes Young, Louis Egg Harbor City 3 No. Hill, William Flemington Olmstead, H. C. Flemington 1 Yes. Harris, Thos. W Forest Grove North, Dr. J. H. . Ham monton 2 Yes. Parkhurst, L. H. Hammonton 8 Yes. Ransom, J. O. Hammonton 10 Yes. Sproulle, E. R Hammonton 1 Van Ness, John H. Hilton Duroe, Daniel Landisville 13 Yes. De Bauge, Chas. Maine Avenue 4 Yes. Dumas, Francois . . . Maine Avenue 8 Yes. Zacco, Apolinare Maine Avenue Hovner, Daniel Merchantville 5 No. Potts, John .. . Merchantville . 10 No. Collins, John G. Moorestown 10 No. Runyon, John R. Morristown Demarest, J. M. Mountain View Goldsmith, W. H. Newark 6 No. McDowell, Wm. Newark Guinri, P. T Newark; Ward, Wm. B. Newark 3 No. Blish, Samuel New Brunswick Doolittle, W. M. Ocean View Evaul, Isaac Palmyra . 5 No. Hvlton Dr J D Palmyra 5 No. Parry, Charles Parry 5 No. Parry, Wm. Parry 10 No. Speer Wine Co. (Alfred Speer, President) Passaic -_ 66 Yes. Bouner, Mr. Pomerania 1 Yes. Champion, Mr. Pomerania 1 Yes. Filling, H. Pomerania 1 Yes. Filling, Lewis Pomerania & Yes. Fink, "William Pomerania _ . i 2 Yes. Grunow, Albert Pomerania 3 Yes. Henchel, George _ Pomerania . 3 Yes. Henman, John C. Pomerania 2 Yes. Kreig, Wm. Pomerania 8 Yes. Swickerath, Joseph Pom erania 10 Yes. Thirow Frank Pomerania 2 Yes. Fuller A S Ridge wood Lippincott, Edward Riverton . . ~ 5 No. Logan \Vm J Anderson, John Vineland 10 Yes. Baker, P. .. Vineland .. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. NEW JERSEY Continued. 225 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Beck, Chas. Vineland 1 Yes. Beck, Philip _. Viiieland . 8 Yes. Bidwell, Dr. E. C. Vineland . . Bosio, C. Vineland Brown, Henry Vineland Cavagnaro, F. Vineland 10 Yes. Dean, M. L. Vineland Dexter L. W. Vineland Green, James _ Vineland 1 Yes. Hoffmyer H Vineland 8 Yes. Jones E G Vineland Laubsch, Louis Vineland 12 Yes. Meech, W. W. Vineland Muhleisen, Geo. B. Vineland 2 Yes. Pearson, A W. Vineland 10 Yes. Raische, Chas. Vineland Raisch, Henry Vineland . 1 Yes. Reustle, David _ _ Vineland 2 Yes. Reustle, F. . Vineland 10 Yes. Rice, Phil. Vineland Sauer, F. Vineland 10 Yes. Scheer, Augustus Vineland 8 Yes. Snell, Chas. Vineland 1 Yes. Vernino, Jim Vineland Welch Dr. C. E. Vineland NEW YORK. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Blackford, Joseph Adam's Basin 6 Fetter, J. E. Adam's Basin Hosford, David R. Adam's Basin Schiess, Augustus Adam's Basin Bo^ue, Virgil.. Albion . _ Dibble John A Albion 6 Gates, Charles P. .. Albion McNall, Watson C. Albion Parker, Mary Albion Payne, Carlton A. Albion Peterson, John H. Albion Tanner, W. A. Albion Sleight, Carlton W. Allen's Hill 25 Van Dusen, John H. Arcadia 4 Van Dusen, Richard Arcadia 3 Cox, James R. Auburn Snyder R. M. Auburn 2 Giddings, D. Burr . Baldwinsville 18 Bogue, Nelson. Batavia Bruiidage, A. C. Bath 8 No. Brundage, Ad. Bath 6 No. Bruiidage, George A. Bath 8 No. Brundage, J. W. Bath 7 No. Bronson, George Bath 10 No. Bronson, Isaac Bath 10 No. Casson, Dr. Bath 12 No. Eastwood & Wolf. Bath SO Yes. Howell, D. C & Co Bath 40 No Longwell, Charles Bath 4 No. Longwell, John Bath 5 No Stenton Co. Vineyard Associa'n Bath Tobias, H. M Bath 4 No. Mead, Joshua Bellona Becker, A. S. Benton Center Gage, S. B. Benton Center Gage, S. Granger Benton Center Hewes, M. B... Bereen.. 226 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Brown, Everett Bluff Point Brown George H. Bluff Point 20 No Coleman, E. T. . Bluff Point ... 10 No. Fitzwater, Charles W. Bluff Point 20 Xo. Frimmingham, James Bluff Point 25 No. Gilder, John Bluff Point 15 No. Long, Eli Bluff Point .. 10 No. Bluff Point Parker, George H. Bluff Point 30 No. Pepper, James Bluff Point 15 No. Purdy, Frank H. Bluff Point 25 No. Sill H R Bluff Point 12 Xo Wilson, J. 8. & E. B. Bluff Point 14 No. Barton, E. C. Branchport 50 No. Belknap, James A. Branchport Davis Melvin J Branchport Millspaugh, Charles Branchport . ._ _ _ . 20 No. Hose Bros. Branchport 20 Yes. Rose, Edmund Branchport 12 No. Wright, David Branchport 10 Yes. Reed Thomas H Brewster's Station Beedle, J. W. Brockport Bentley, Almond Brockport Bentley Manly T. Brockport Brainard Geo J Brockport 12 Bulkley, H. L. Brockport Chamberlain, H. T. Brockport 25 Coolev, Willard A. Brockpo v t Doty Alva Brockport Hammond Geo T Brockport King, Nelson A. Brockport Mershon, James Brockport Quinn Hugh Brockport Taylor A dm B Brockport Barker, Deville Brocton _. Becker, A. Brocton Becker Philip Brocton Becker W H Brocton 40 No. Brainard, Fay Brocton Brainard, Urin O. Brocton Breen, James Brocton 65 . Xo. Breen Mrs Brocton Breen, Wm. Brocton ._ -- 20 No. Buckner, E. Brocton 75 No. Burr, Ovett Brocton . _. Butler Capt. Jas Brocton Chamberlain O J Clark, Sherman Brocton Crandall, J. E. Brocton Dean Bros. Brocton 75 Dean Mary S Brocton Farnhaus Carl Farnhaus Jonas Fay A A Fay, Franklin & Son Brocton 50 No. Fay, Otis N Brocton Grant G Brocton Haight Geo Brocton 38 No. Haight Mark Haight Mark & Ransom Hall R!A. Brocton - .. Harlenburg Denty Brocton 20 No. Hatch John L Brocton Hull C W Brocton Hull D W Brocton Johnson Bruce Johnson Cornelia Johnson N D Brocton 60 No. Brocton 60 No. Judson & Lvman.. Brocton . . EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. 227 NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Kelley Bros Brocton 50 No. Kelley, Leslie Brocton Manton, P. M - Brocton Martin, Jonas, & Sons Brocton 200 Yes Martin, William Brocton 20 No Monfort, G. L., & Son Brocton 80 No Monhall, Bridget Brocton Moss, T. S. Brocton 75 No Pettitt, W. W., & Sons Brocton. _ ' 20 No. Powell, Cressie . Brocton 100 Ryckman, G. E. Brocton 135 Yes Schoenfield, Gustavus ... Brocton Skinner, A. A. . _ .. Brocton 25 Skinner, E. W. Brocton 46 No. Skinner, George L. Brocton 33 No. Sullivan, L. D. Brocton Tavlor, E. B. Brocton Tucker, E. B. .. Brocton . Walden &Son Brocton Warner, Charles _ Brocton _ Weld, Wi Hard H Brocton Wenborn, C. A. .. .. Brocton Westerling, Samuel Brocton Zahonk, Joseph Calicoon Gould, E. Dwight Cambria Phillips, E. Burt Cambridgeport Andruss, C. J. Canandaigua 40 Bush, Osband T. Canandaigua 25 Green, Miles H. Canandaigua 30 Ross, M. L. Candor 11 Chapel, Stephen Carleton Roberts, John B. Carleton Jordan, L. J. Carleton Station Jordan, Theda V. Carleton Station Porter, J. H. Carleton Station Lacy, M. C Carlyon 5 Bliss Guilford D Castile Tabor H E Castile Tallman, G. B. Castile Wynkoop, E. H. Catskill Mack, H. Q. Catskill Station Ashley, Charles W. Chatham Porter, Abram C. Chittenange Adams, George Churchville Bailey, William Churchville Taylor, Royal W. Clarendon Allen Henry Clarksoii Nellis George B. Clarkson Seneca Chief Vineyard Company Clifton Springs Dwight Benjamin "W" Clinton Donaldson Daniel J Clintondale Heaton Reuben B Clintondale Barton, A. & A. K. Clyde 2 No. Buell, J. Clyde 6 No. Crawford, C. Clyde 2 No. Devereaux, A. F. Clyde 2 Yes. Porter E. Clyde 2 No. Weed B Clyde 13 No. Purdy Leo W Cold Springs No. Harmon A "W Corfu Cartwright Minor T County Line Porter S J & T M. County Line Carr W I Crosby Clark Margaret E Dansville Cole Geo S & E Dansville 25 Patchin E S & Chas V Dansville 10 Bartlett W C Demster 5 Hathorn E L Dey's Landing 11 Say re Caleb Dey's Landing 20 Skinner. Aaron B.__ Dev's Landing ... 18 228 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Almy, Chas. W. & W. C. Dundee . . 30 23 12 11 80 25 Fitzsimmons, Walter Dundee Pierce H. W. & L. S. Dundee Reynolds, Louis H Dundee Day, Ralph Dunkirk Yes. Paul, W. W. East Bloomfield _ .- . . Stebbins, Isaac N. East Carleton Warner, James H. East Groveland Lusk Jacob East Palmyra 2 Wheeler, C. P. East Wilton . . Burnap, Martha A. Eddy town 10 Broque Bros. Elba Pettit Dorastus Fair Haven 25 Phillips Geo W Fair Haven Turner, Isaac Fair Haven . . De Nise, Garrett Fairport . - 16 6 3 Warner Fred. Fairport Austin E G Fairville Gillett N M Tfnvpttpvillp Heuber Louis TPnvpf.t.pvillp Putnam Geo H. Fayetteville Wells Samuel J Favetteville 25 12 6 ~\Vorden Palmer Fayetteville Allen C C Ferguson's Corners Allen, Valentine Ferguson's Corners __ Benson Orson Fishers Burrows J G Fishkill 20 25 Yes. Yes. Cary, Wm. M. Fishkill . Parsons Sons Flushing Long Inland Le Fever Josiah Forest Glen Dunn Thomas Forest Lawn. Torrey John Fowlerville Crissey S S Fredonia Gardner R W Fredonia 20 32 35 Yes. No. No. Goodell B J Fredonia Hubbard T S & Co Fredonia Josselyn Geo S Fredonia Roesch Louis Fredonia Stevens W H Fredonia Stone S E ' Fredonia 55 40 No. Yes. Webster, L. B. Fredonia _ Young Leonard J Fredonia Pratt Jonathan S Furnaceville 5 6 Sanders Eugene Furnaceville Thompson Edward Furnaceville Reed W W Gaines Sanford L A Gaines Wadhams S W Garland Smith E J Gasport 4 Cleveland O C Geneseo Jones R M Marsh A. L. Geneseo Cook Henry J Geneva - 6 Tompkins vVilliam French Myron L Mason C C & F E Gilbert's Mills 3 Hopkins E A Glen Cove Peche Glenora Parker George Gouverneur Clarke John D Williams H Groton Gleason, Alfred Grove Springs 10 7 12 40 16 40 5 3 4 Yes. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. No. No. Abbott Frank Hammondsport Abbott Theodore H Hammondsport Babcock Bros Drs Hammondsport Babcock M & O H Baucher & Masson Hammondsport Beers Ed & Fred Hammondsport Hammondsport Benham, Henrv .- Hammondsport .. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. YORK Continued. 229 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Benner, William Hammondsport 3 No Boothe, A. E. Hammondsport 6 No Booth, M. Hammondsport 11 Yes Brundage, George Hammondsport 8 Yes Brundage, J. W. Hammondsport 12 No Brush, George ._ _. Hammondsport ._ 4 No. Cameron D. Hammondsport 14 No Campbell, H. H Hammondsport Casteline D. Hammondsport 5 Xo Champlin. C A Hammondsport 35 Yes Champlin, H. M. Hammondsport 30 Yes. Columbia Wine Company Hammondsport 20 Yes. Conley, Anthony Hammondsport 2 Yes Coryell, F. H. Hammondsport 4 No Coryell, Frank Hammondsport 5 No. Covert, F. M Hammondsport 5 No Danes Geo. Hammondsport 7 No Darrowe, E. B. . Hammondsport . 35 No. Dildene, Wm Hammondsport 8 No. Drew, Jepth Hammondsport 5 No. Eaton, Geo. Hammondsport 5 No. Edgett, Jos. Hammondsport 8 No. Egelstone, David Hammondsport 5 No Fairchild, H. P Hammondsport 50 Yes Fairchild O H Hammondsport 40 Yes Fairland, W Hammondsport . _ . 2 Yes. Frey, Jacob, & Sons Hammondsport 20 Yes. Gardner, Major Hammondsport 8 No. Germania Wine Company Hammondsport 10 Yes. Haase, Mrs. M. Hammondsport 20 Yes. Haggadon, T. J. Hammondsport 5 No. Haight, S. E. Hammondsport 7 No Hammondsport Wine Company Hammondsport _. 4 Yes. Howell, D. C.,&Co Hammondsport 35 Yes. Hultenschmidt, Augustus Hammondsport 15 No. Hunt, F. Hammondsport 15 No. Jump, G. V. Hammondsport 20 No. Kingsley, L. & F. Hammondsport 2 No. Longwell, Moosbrugger & Co. _.. Hammondsport 6 Yes. Longwell, Randall Hammondsport 20 No. Mason, Lyn Hammondsport . 60 No. McFie, Thomas Hammondsport 23 No. Mills, J. C. Hammondsport . . 6 No. Monarch Grape and Wine Com- pany(T. M. & 0. H. Younglove) Hammondsport 50 Yes. Moore, Trevor & Hubert Hammondsport 25 No. Myrtle, B. F. Hammondsport 4 No. Nichols, W. H. Hammondsport 25 No. Nichols, G. W. Hammondsport O'Loughlin, James Hammondsport 10 Yes. Parker, J. R. _ Hammondsport 5 No. Parker, Wm. Hammondsport 6 No. Pattison, Walter. . . Hammondsport 6 No. Randel, W. S Hammondsport .. 8 Yes. Ray, Joseph Hammondsport _ 3 No. Ray, Richard . Hammondsport _ 1* No. Retan, N. . . Hammondsport 15 f Yes. Retan, S. L. Hammondsport _ 15 No. Rose D Hammondsport 20 No Sargent, A. J. Hammondsport .. 20 No. Saun, T. Hammondsport 10 Yes. Scofield, Jas. Hammondsport .. _ 10 No. Simpson, W. Hammondsport ._ .. . 2 Yes. Smith & McCorn 25 No. Smith, Jos. L. Hammondsport 16 Yes. Sprague, David Hammondsport 4 No. Sprague, Joseph Hammondsport 6 No. T&tz, F. Hammondsport 8 No. Thelen, N. Hammondsport 6 Yes. Thorp, James. ... Hammondsport .. 10 No. 230 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Urbana Wine Cellar Hammondsport 75 20 10 12 11 11 Yes. Yes. Yes. Wheeler Graham Hammoridsport Wheeler Monroe Hammondsport Hinman Benj & E P Hannibal Lund E A & A H Hannibal Rice, A. Hannibal __ Shutts G. J. Hannibal . Henderson J D. Herkimer Baker John M & E J Hickory Corners Condren Bros Hickory Corners Levan, S. S. Hickory Corners __ Martin Aaron Hickorv Corners _ _ . Van Dusen A E Hickory Corners Deyo Mrs Zorada Highland Elting C W Highland Hasbrouck Angelo Highland . . Leroy David Highland Rhodes Aaron Highland Rogers Samuel Highland bO Taylor John F Highland Terpenning A. Highland Thorn Salmon P Highland ^Villiams Nathan Highland Seneca Lake W^ine Co Himrods Fowler Thomas N Holley Fuller John B Hollev Kurd Ellen A Holley Tuttle Geo E Blackmer M H & H P Hoiieoye 25 25 Rennoldson Thomas R. Honeoye Hakes H Honeoye Rapeliec L C Hopew r ell Junction Shull Josiah Ilion Pierce Chas Ira Roe N S Ira Sprague C B Ira 12 Irondequoit Wine Co Irondequoit Crandall P B Ithaca Carry ^Vm Johnsville Johnson Robt Johnsville Ladue, Jno. M. Johnsville Pierce L V. Johnsville 20 20 Yes. No. Waldo J B Johnsville Bridgeman C S Kendall Snow James G Kenyonville Bradburv Daniel Kingston Barrett E H & Alice S Knowlesville Fitch Willard R Knowlesville Shaw Richard Knowlesville 20 Smith G A Knowlesville Trow William Knowlesville 6 ^Vebster Henry Knowlesville Burlev AViliiam Lakeville Roe L P & L M Lakeville West L P Lakeville Hotchkiss George A Nichols L M Lewiston Cluni Ferdinand Lincoln - Esley Alfred Lincoln - 4 Oyston Charles Little Falls Ames Ellsworth E Lockport Bowen George ^V Lockport 25 25 Clark B Wheaton Lockport Cushman S Frost Lockport Emerson G E Lockport Fritton Silas Lockport - - - - Gould John B Lockport Hoag, C. S Hyman J S Lockport - - Lockport Moore, Henry .. Lockport _. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. NEW YOKK Continued. 231 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Niagara White Grape Company Lockport __ .- . Ringueberg, N. S. Lockport _ ._ . Taylor, A. L. Lockport ._ _ _ Urtel Henry Lockport Van Shuler D. Lockport 12 Wakeman J E. Lockport 12 Warterbury W D Lyndonville McPherson J C Lyons 18 No Van Dusen, H. P. Lyons 10 Osborn, Ozias _ . . Manlin's Station . Stratton, Geo. W. Marion Van Duzen, William Marion 3 Caywood, A. J., & Sons Marlboro Albone, John Medina Balch William J. Medina Hess J. H Medina Howell, H. B Medina Sandhovel, Peter Mexico . _ Barnes W D Middlehope 35 No Barlow, A. G. & E. D. Middleport Gardner, L. A. Middleport Wait, H. L. Millville Abbott Franklin Mitchelville 7 No Abbott, Theodore Mitchelville 6 No. Barrett A Mitchelville 5 No Bronson C H Mitchelville 10 No darman, Joseph Mitchelville 5 No. Dildine, Uriah Mitchelville 12 No. Randle, Wm. Mitchelville 5 No Bell, George W. Montezuma Crosby, N. H. Moscow Bills Nancy & N B Mount Morris George, William Mount Morris i McPherson, J. C. Mumford 18 Maxrield, D. H. Naples Sagar, J. Naples Budd, S. E. Newark 2 Goldsmith, W. H. Newark Ridley, William Newark 5 Roberts, H. Nelson Newark 5 Soverhill G M Newark 6 Van Dusen, Dr. Newark . Van Benschotten, H. Newark . Barnes, Nath. Newburg _ _. Carmer, A. T. Newfane Corwin, P. H. Newfane Barker, D. A. North Bergen Dean, Thomas J. North Bergen Holbrook, S. H. North Bergen Reed, Charles N. North Bergen Lamereaux, Geo. North Hector 2 Mekeel A. M North Hector 40 Coleman R W North Ridgeway Stannard, Ransom Norton Hill ... Cook, E. J. & S. A. Oaks Corners __ 6 Emerson, Geo. C. Oaks Corners . Mickelson, J. K. Oaks Corners 2 New, H. D. & MaryE. Ogden Albright, John H. Ontario 25 Howe, O. M. Ontario 2 Niles, Mrs. Mary Ontario 1 Pintler & Van Der Veer Ontario 12 Pratt, J. Demar Ontario 10 Ricker, E. L. Ontario 40 Thompson, A J Ontario 6 Turner, J. B. Ontario 2 Whitcomb F Ontario 5 Hooker, William Ontario Center 6 Anderson, Mary A & D S Orleans 11 Wheat, V. B.. & Son ., Orleans .. 22 232 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Orleans Whitney, C. P. Orleans 25 Jenkins, Robert Oswego Center 3 Cleveland, Sophia B.._. Ovid Center.. 12 Russell, H. W Owego Hylton, John D. Palmyra Stafford, E. G. Palmyra Tilden, Christopher _.. Palmyra . . Rouse, Lorenzo Paris... Trescott, B. T Pavilion Kittridge & Sons Peekskill Saddleson, R. Pekin Clark, Franklin E. Perifield .. Thomas, A. P _ Penfield 8 Bordwell, Ernest Penn Yan 19 No Brown M. Gulick Penn Yan 25 No Butler John H. Penn Yan 150 Yes Fenton , George Penn Yan 25 Yes. Hart & Scott .. _. . Penn Yan 12 No. Hammondsport Vintage Co. Pen 11 Yan Miller James Penn Yan 6 No Mills Horace F. Penn Yan 20 No Purdv, Frank H Penn Yan Purdy, John Penn Yan Purdy Joseph Penn Yan 20 No Schofield R F. Penn Yan Seneca Lake Grape and Wine Co. Penn Yan __ Shannon & Eastman Pen 11 Yan 17 No. Sheppard Geo. S. Penn Yan 21 No Snow Geo C Penn Yan 75 No Stever, J. A. . ... Penn Yan 70 Yes. Wixon, Norman Penn Yan Andrews Parris Perry Benedict Charles J. Perry Fitch, Cyrus W. - Perry . Gillette, Isaac Perry Hathaway, M. Perry O'Connor P Perry Simmons Chas F Perry Tabor, A. M. Perry Cosad, D. Phelps 25 Leake Delia M. Phelps 11 Newell, Mrs. F. K. ._ Phelps.. 2 Norris, T. Phelps 5 Pardee, E. J. Phelps 6 Pardee Howard & F. M. Phelps 2 Richmond, James Phelps 20 Rockefeller, A. B. Phelps 11 Rogers, P. S. Phelps 6 Stryker W. S. Phelps 25 V room an Henry S Phelps 2 Whitbeck George V H Phelps 25 Young, Elkanah Phelps ... . Bailey John W. Plattsburg Hall S P. Pomfret Hayden Lucy T. Port Byron 11 Myers J & G A Port Bvron 13 Myers "William Port Byron 13 Paddack C A Port Byron 6 Paddaok C. B. Port Byron 2 Rhodes W. R. Port Byron Root Helen and William H. Port Byron 4 Arnold G M Portland Arnold Sam Portland Barhite T Portland Camel Patrick Portland Case Cass Portland ... Coon M S Portland Corell Joseph & Son Portland Crandall. Ed... Portland.. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. NEW YORK Continued. 233 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Crosby C R. Portland Crosby T ^ - Portland . .._ y Dean Bros Portland Dudley E E. Portland Fay E H Portland 25 No Flint Bros Portland . . Fuller G W Portland 25 No Fuller' M. P. Portland HillerBros. .. Portland Hipwell, Jacob _ Portland Ho brook, Josiah Portland.. Hull D. Portland Keet Henry Portland McFadden & Sons Portland _ _. McGarrell Hugh Portland McGinnis Frank Portland Marsh, G. W., & Taylor Portland Merrick, F. P. Portland.. Monfort, Frank Portland Monfort W. J. Portland Morse Samuel _ _ Portland Munger G. W. Portland Outhank B. Portland Pecor Chas Portland Pecor Frank Portland Powell W Portland 100 No Powers, J. A. ._ Portland Skinner E W Portland 20 Skinner^ Frank ._ Portland ._ Skinner Homer _ Portland... Taylor Henry Portland Titus N J Portland _ Tyler Cass Portland Walker Alley Portland \Valker Jas Portland Weigie, Bridget Portland Wolobey, J. M. Portland _ Wood, S. B. Portland Van Deventer, H. B. .... Port Washington _ 2 Yes. Tappan, Chas. 0. - - Potsdam Hyatt N. R. Pulteney _ _ _. Wageiier Jacob Pulteney Burm aster Chas. Ransomville Burmaster Henry Ransomville ._ . Andrus Rollin Red Creek . _ ._ . Abbott F Rheims 10 No Abbott T H Rheims 15 No Arlany W^m Rheims 25 No Boothe A Rheims 6 Yes Booth, M. U. . Rheims 12 No. Brundage John Rheims 4 Yes Brundage Mrs Ed Rheims 4 No Champlin Chas Rheims 40 No Champlin Harry Rheims 35 No. Columbia ^Vine Co Rheims 20 Yes Connolly Anthony Rheims 1 Yes Dildine Miss Delia Rheims . .. '. 6 No Eastwood & Wolf Rheims _ . __ _ '. 35 Yes Eaton Geo Rheims 5 No Edgett Jos Rheims ._ 12 Yes Evans Frank Rheims . . 10 No Frey H & Hobbs Rheims 20 Yes Haase Chas P Rheims . 4 Yes Haase Mrs Rheims .... 25 Yes Haggadorn T J Rheims 8 No Henderson R J Rheims 8 No Lobeck H E Rheims 11 No .Longwell Randall Rheims 25 Yes Mason & Bauder Rheims 40 Yes Nichols. Wm. A... Rheims __ 40 No. 16-v 234 DIRECTORY OF THE NEW YORK Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Parker, J. R.... Rheims . 5 No Parker, W. T Rheims 4 No Rheims 60 Yes Randall, Wm. S. Rheims y No Sauer, Mrs. J Rheims 15 No Sergant, Joe Rheims 15 No Simpson, Wm. Rheims li Yes Smith, Joseph Rheims 20 No Sprague David Rheims 4 No Thelen, Nic Rheims 5 No Thompson, G. H Rheims 4 No Green, R. M. Rhinebeck Jones P. D. Ridge Tenant C W. Riplev 40 No Cayuga Lake Niagara Vyd. Co.._ Rochester 200 Ellwanger & Barry Rochester Seneca Lake Niagara Vineyard Co. Rochester 240 Hunt Julius F. Romulus 11 King Niagara Grape Co. Romulus 150 Newman, W. Jared . Romulus 6 Steele, H. Frederick _ Romulus 35 Hasbrouck James S. & E. Rosendale Bogart, Elbert ,. Roslyn 3 Yes. Kern, John Rossville _ 1 Yes. La Vand, F. . . __ _ Rossville Theal Louis Rossville Ellis Don C Royalton Mackey, James . .. Royalton Gannet, E. B. Sackett's Harbor 2 No. Lee Mrs. E. E. Savona 9 No. Lacy Edward T. Scottsville 5 Severance H R & J D Scottsville Stewart Wm & M J Scottsville Johnson L. P. Seneca Castle 25 Peck Henry J Seneca Castle 11 Edwards, Wm. H. Setauket, Long Island - _.. Butler, Rufus Sheridan. 7 Yes. Carey L M. Sheridan 12 Yes. De Land J Sheridan 4 Yes. Garlock, N. H Sheridan 8 No. Griswold, E. J. Sheridan _ 5 No. Hanlet E. E. Sheridan _ . _ 10 Yes. Huvck F B Sheridan 5 Yes. Johnson, W. R. Kruger F Sheridan Sheridan 5 3 Yes. No. Lucas Alva Sheridan . ._ _ 17 No. Manton P M Sheridan Merrett'N G Sheridan 6 No. Mever Jacob Sheridan 12 Yes. Miller Robt Sheridan 10 Yes. Morey "Wm. M. Sheridan _ 4 Yes. Morrison P Sheridan . . .. 10 No. Morse J H Sheridan 5 No. Morse R Sheridan 6 No. Morton H S Sheridan 10 No. Newell O. W. Sheridan 15 Yes. Sweet W. J. Sheridan . 8 No. Tarbox Chas Sheridan . ._ 4 Yes. Tolles E B Sheridan 6 No. Tooke H S Sheridan 4 No. Tooke Manley J Sheridan Aigner F Silver Creek 10 No. Crissey S S Silver Creek Frone W W. Silver Greek. . 5 No. Smithboro Rat'hburn A T Smith's Mills Arnold W T Sodus -- Case B J Sodus 10 No. Halc'us A H Sodus Pavne/J. E... Sodus. .. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. NEW YORK Continued. 235 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Flemming, K. M. . .- Sodus Point 6 Put man, Henry Somerset Gardner F. D. " Somerset Swick H. E. South Wilson Goodrich E. W. Spencerport Copley Chas. J. Stapleton, Long Island Hunter Thomas Sterling 20 Kirk James A. Sterling 7 Oliver S H Sterling Russet, Mr. St. James, Long Island 10 Yes. Darling, Chas. T. . . Stony Brook, Long Island 6 Yes. Westervelt, H. R. Taughannock Falls. 2 Wilcox, John Three-Mile Bay 1 No. Anderson, H. S. Union Springs New Urbana Wine Co. Urbana JBowerman E. C. Victor 6 Hastings S C. Vine Valley Hixon F A Vine Valley Knapp Albert G Vine Valley Emmerson J M & Son Washingtonville Harrington E E W^atertowii 2 No Marvin, Daniel S. _ W aterto wn 1 No. Gano, L. M. Watkins : Woodhull, Benj. Webster . . . 6 Erwin "Wni. J. Webster's Crossing . ._ Bennett W M. Weedsport Durston E W & L. A. Weedsport Ewins W P Weedsport Lamphere James H Weedsport Brown, John W. _ __ West Batavia . . Allen, Mrs. Win. N. . ... Westfield .. Barney, D. Westfield 12 No. Bartholomew, E. S. Westfield . Bern is H. Westfield 12 No. Colburn C. Westfield 30 No. Densmore W Westfield 32 No. Dixon & Faloy Westfield 10 No. Farel John Westfield 275 No. Fay J R Westfield 10 No. Fitch, Joseph Westfield.-. 12 No. Gleason, M. B. Westfield ... 7 No. Hardenburg, J. Westfield 25 No. Holley, F. Westfield 9 No. Jillson, D. G. Westfield 18 No. Lamb, F. Westfield 10 No. Loop, J. H. Westfield 18 No. Mateer, R. M. Westtield 23 No. Minton J. V. Westfield 30 No. Rumsav Bros. Westfield 50 No. Schofield E J Westfield Skinner S Westfield 30 No. Taylor David Westfield 18 No. Taylor T B C Westfield 30 No. Thompson H Westfield 30 No. Watson A S Westfield 75 No. Wright. 'R G Westfield 70 No. Fish Chas H West Kendall Hardenbrook W West Kendall Welker Jacob J West Walworth Bowenblust James West Webster 3 Church W '0 Wolcott Jenkins E E & W U Wolcott Talcott Joseph Wolcott Van Hausen Catherine Wolcott Wise J W & H M Wolcott Pomeroy, Frederick B. York . ._ Wilkinson Wm A Youngstown 236 DIRECTORY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Coffey, W. C. .. Boone ._ Harrill, L. Brier Creek Phifer, Robert F. Concord Bruce John Fayetteville g No Broadfoot John B. Fayetteville 2 No Green, W. J - Fayetteville. 100 Yes Lawrence, G. W. . . Fayetteville 15 Yes McLean, J. P. Fayetteville 10 No Pearce J. M. Fayetteville 10 No Tillinghast W N Fayetteville 1 No Thomson John P Fayetteville 10 No Bennett, Washington Gibson's Mills 6 Yes Benbow, D _ Greensborough . Pearsall, E. D _ Kenansville Hunt, S. R., & Co _.- Kittrell 30 Schenck, D Lincolnton Garrett & Co. Littleton Yes McAboy, Dr. L. R Lynn Evans, John W. Manteo . Garrett, C. W., & Co Medoc _ 100 Oestel, J. F. Morganton Beal William Murphy Ricks A H. Nashville 20 Gray J W Peachland 5 No Patrick, J. f. Pine Bluff . No Van Lindley, J. Pomona 5 No Andrews P. H. Raleigh s No Bilyew F Raleigh 5 Yes Burwell, J. B. Raleigh __ . ... 12 No. Cole J W. Raleigh No. Davis J. H. Raleigh 10 No Goodwin W H J. Raleigh No Edwards C B Raleigh 10 No Harris, R. J. Raleigh Heck J M. Raleigh 40 No. Jones & Powell Raleigh 20 No Lewis Dr R H Raleigh 10 No Mahler, H. Raleigh _ 20 Yes. Moore Jas. Raleigh . __ 10 No. Montague B F. Raleigh No. Royster V C Raleigh 6 No. Satta & Wyatt Raleigh No. Shellem, Geo. Raleigh. 8 Yes. Upchurch B. J. Raleigh 10 No. Watson F A Raleigh 5 No. Whitfield N G Raleigh No. Williamson B P Raleigh 17 No. Whiting B W Raleigh No. Wilson Raleigh _ . 10 No. Womble & Batchelor Raleigh 10 No. Raleigh No Ridgeway ^Wlne Co Ridgeway Baxter W L Ridgeway 15 Yes. Moore *R. G. Ridgeway. 15 Yes. Porter Chas Ridgeway 15 Yes. Scott Bros Ridgeway _ . 15 Yes. Garrett C W & Co Ringwood Bolton Abner Rockingham 4 Yes. Steele T. J. Rockingham 10 No. Bringle David L Salisbury Beane J C. Shelby 20 Yes. Cleveland Vineyard Co. Shelby 10 Yes. Durham C C Shelby - 1 No. Fromm C Shelby i No. Gillny & Webb" Shelby . . _ . Croft. N. W... Shore.. Yes. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. NORTH CAROLINA Continued. 237 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Bilger, H. E. Southern Pines _ _ Average of 25 acres each. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bonner, John Southern Pines . Boyiiton 0. H. Southern Pines Buchon. J. E. Southern Pines Clark A. M. Southern Pines Douglass B. J., Jr. Southern Pines Eylestield C. J. Southern Pines Grant. C. B Southern Pines Keck & Co Southern Pines Kemp G H Southern Pines McCracken, J. B Southern Pines _ . Marks, R. S., & Co. Southern Pines - - .. Obenhauser, Fred. Southern Pines __ _ . Raymond, W. R. Southern. Pines Rockwell & Co. Southern Pines Shaw C. W. Southern Pines Thompson Chas. Southern Pines Torbell & Co Southern Pines Thurston & Co Southern Pines Weaver, C. W. Southern Pines Wilson, J. T. Southern Pines - .- Swindell, Geo. W. Swan Quarter _. - Stringlield, Geo. W. Waynesville Battle M. J. Whitakers Burnett, J. H. Whitakers 20 Cook A. C. & Son Whiteville Yes. Lehmon Jacques Whiteville Rockwell U R Whiteville Yes. Whiteville Wine Co Whiteville 25 Bowdeii C E Wilmington No. Yes. No. No. No. Noble, S. W. Wilmington - _ _ 125 Thomas, C. G. Wilmington Walker, Gerrett Wilmington 5 Wiilcard, M. S. Wilmington OHIO. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Cunningham John Ada Sherbondy, Mrs. Akron Scott Mrs Akron Ekey Andrew Ashland Beard, C. Avon Lake 5 No. Beard, E. Avon Lake 10 No. Beard, N. Avon Lake 15 No. Beck, L Avon Lake ._ 20 Yes. Braman H. Avon Lake 12 No. Ouyler Capt. R. Avon Lake Cuyler & Son Avon Lake _ ._ 25 No. Dagen Geo. Avon Lake 5 No. DoFler A Avon Lake 10 No. Folger, Thomas Avon Lake 40 No. Folger & Son Avon Lake Gedeohn, J. Avon Lake 15 No. Gierman, H. Avon Lake 10 No. Green D Avon Lake 10 No. Moon, Henrv Avon Lake 15 No. Padley, F. Avon Lake 18 No. Scheoll, A. Avon Lake 8 No. Shertondv, A. W. Avon Lake 18 No. Titus, John. Avon Lake 25 No. Willis, A Avon Lake 15 No. Winlev, A. Avon Lake 10 No. Orawford, Richard Bridgeport Book, Ben... Catawba Island.. 5 No. 238 DIRECTORY OP THE OHIO Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Cagney, John Catawba Island 4 No Catawba Island Wine Co. Catawba Island Yes Foost, Garret Catawba Island Friedman S. Catawba Island 10 Yes Furrer B F. Catawba Island 14 Yes Kegley, Geo Catawba Island 8 No. Landy, Henry . _ ... Catawba Island Lemmerman, Geo. Catawba Island 8 No Owens Bros. Catawba Island Q No Parson, Casper . . Catawba Island Rofker, Henry Catawba Island 10 Yes. Rofker, Geo. - _. _ _ Catawba Island 2 No Steffens Conrad Catawba Island Weyhe F. W. Catawba Island 4 No Smith Rev E J. Chagrin Falls 1 No Marzluff, Paul Chillicothe 5 Yes. Seney, Joshua Chillicothe 6 No Smith, John Chillicothe 5 No West W. H. Chillicothe o No Mihalovitch Fletcher & Co Cincinnati Rheinstrom Bros. Cincinnati Gidley, W. Claribell 6 No Klipec J. Claribell 15 No Leslie F Claribell 5 No Riedel, M. . Claribell 5 No. Robbins, Geo. Claribell 7 No. Schmidt J. Claribell No. Stein H Claribell 10 No Stenson S Claribell 5 No Stevenson, D. M. Claribell 8 No. Childs, H. B. Cleveland 55 No. Frick Dr. George F. Cleveland 40 Yes. Kendal, A. C. Cleveland 18 Moses N & Bros Cleveland 150 No Schmidt, Paul Cleveland 16 Yes. Walterson M. G. Cleveland 15 French A B Clyde Beach Joseph D Coal Run Doane, J. W. Collamer Aldrich, 0. W. Columbus Yes. Innis G. S. Columbus Post B E Columbus Streeper J P Columbus No. Syiiold, A. Columbus Yes. West water J. M. Columbus No. Wilson Horace Columbus No. Witt M Columbus No. Albaugh B F Covington Bates Horace Cuba Crawford, M. Cuvahoga Falls Bredbeck Henry Danbury 18 No. Bush, Henry Danbury . 8 No. Going, H. Danbury 15 No. Koch, William Danbury 10 No. Miller, Will Danbury 12 No. Zaller, John Danburv 12 No. Z oilman H Danbury 12 No. Guenther Frank Dayton 3 Harkes Nursery Co Dayton Herby John J Dayton 1 Knecht Jacob Dayton 3 Kratochwill Jos Dayton Kramer Wm. Dayton _ - 20 Yes. Kurtz Frank Dayton 2 Linxweiler Jacob Sr Dayton 3 Longenecker Theo F Dayton 1 Mumma E B Dayton Ohmer N Dayton Pot August Dayton Rost, Ernest. .. Davton . . 1 EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. OHIO Continued. 239 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Siebenthaler, Jacob Dayton 3 Siebenthaler, John Dayton 2 Steinmetz, Lawrence Dayton 3 Stockstill, J. Dayton Campbell George W. Delaware Pfiffer John Delaware Calhoon, Marshall-. Dover _. _ ._ Behler Charles Sr. East Cleveland 18 No Behler F. A East Cleveland 12 No Behler, Herman _ _ East Cleveland 6 ' No. Behler, East Cleveland 35 Yes. Chapman, H. M. East Cleveland 35 No Fisher, John East Cleveland 8 No. Frank, Carl East Cleveland 9 No Frank, Daniel ... East Cleveland . 8 No. Fries, Wm. East Cleveland 3 No Glenn, W. East Cleveland 20 No Henderson, Mr. _. East Cleveland _ _. . 10 No. Higgins, Charles _ __ _ East Cleveland 3 No. Hollister, George East Cleveland 10 No. Ingersol, Rev. Mr. East Cleveland 14 No. Jensen, Glaus East Cleveland 10 No. Kraus, Hans East Cleveland 8 No. Lee, E. East Cleveland.. 8 No. Meeker R. C. East Cleveland 5 No Meyer, Henry _. East Cleveland - - 5 No. Morgan H East Cleveland 3 No Nebahii, John East Cleveland - . 40 No. Palmer, L. East Cleveland 8 No. Quilliams, Wm. T. East Cleveland 8 No. Rolf, Fred. East Cleveland 5 No. Rush, Charles East Cleveland 5 No. Rush, Orlando. East Cleveland 2 No. Rush, Sanford East Cleveland -. 8 No. Sheldon, C. N. _.. East Cleveland -- 30 No. Sommer, Fred. East Cleveland 10 No. Stahl, Frank East Cleveland 9 No. Taylor, Charles East Cleveland 20 No. Thompson, M. T. East Rockport Barber, Robert ., East Toledo - - 6 No. Caswell, Corbin East Toledo 3 No. Chamberlin Robert East Toledo 5 No. Harris William East Toledo 5 No. Hoist, L. East Toledo -.. Kenna, Frank East Toledo . - .- 3 No. Lerdig, William East Toledo _- . 3 No. Schrier, John East Toledo 3 No. Tracy, William East Toledo 3 No. Warner, Elliott East Toledo _ - 4 No. Whetmore, Luther East Toledo 4 No. Bullock A. W. Elyria 16 No. Fay W. L.,& Co. Elyria 18 No. Johnston C. W. Elyria 18 No. Adams, Frank Euclid 8 No. Ager Geo Euclid 12 No. Akins Ralph Euclid 22 No. Avery H & Son Euclid 14 No. Berkhardt' J Euclid 10 No. Bliss, Eugene - Euclid 18 No. Brainard, Arthur _ . Euclid _ . -.. 35 Yes. Brush, Col. Euclid 16 No. Cavanaugh, Chas. Euclid 5 No. Cavanaugh John Euclid 25 No. Crosier, M. Euclid _ 8 No. Cushman, E. H. Euclid Cushman, H., & Son Euclid _- 10 No. Davis, E. Euclid - 10 No. Davis, John Euclid . 7 No. Dille W. H. Euclid . 20 No. Durham, Mrs. Dr. .. Euclid. - No. 240 DIRECTORY OF THE OHIO Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Gorham Bros. . Euclid 25 14 60 25 15 15 15 17 18 33 40 6 15 12 10 15 10 15 23 30 10 30 10 10 7 15 7 8 20 9 25 15 65 100 26 7 55 10 7 5 10 10 5 10 3 3 4 14 4 4 5 No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No.' Yes. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Haskell, Mrs. J. K Euclid Harms Bros. Euclid Hazen Bros. En p.l id Hermle, S. | Euclid Hunt, R. A Euclid Ghy, Geo. . . . . ! Euclid Keverleber Bros. Euclid Manty A. Euclid Mertzel, John Euclid ... Nash, Geo. Euclid . Nolan, Joe. . __ Euclid . Oliver, Wm. Euclid Oswald, John Euclid Palmar, Wm Euclid ._ Payne Bros. .. Euclid Pelton, M. S. _ i Euclid Peters, J. Euclid Powers, 0. T Euclid . Friday, Alfred Euclid Priday, Fred. Euclid Friday, Henry Euclid Reidel, Philip. Euclid _. Richmond, Wm. Euclid Schriber, J. . _ Euclid Schuster, E. _ _ Euclid Sherkey, John Euclid Sherman, John . Euclid . Slade Bros. . Euclid Smoltz, John Euclid Stray Bros. Euclid Stray, 0. A. Euclid ... Tracy Bros . Euclid Verbsky Bros. Euclid Vorce, H. G. ' Euclid Welch 0. B. Euclid Whetmore H S Euclid White, G. Euclid White, H. Euclid Blodget, Mr. Fairmount Buckley J Fairmount Chryst Bros Fairmount Hellwig, Albert F. Fairmount Keane, Henry Fairmount Middleton, George C. Fairmount Phare, William _ Fairmount Preyer, Charles Fairmount Preyer, Emil Fairmount Preyer, Robert Fairmount Sambrook', George _. Fairmount Spence, William Fairmount- .. _ Trowbridge, G. W Glendale Sohn, John W. Z. Hamilton Norton, Clark Hiram Abbott, E. T. Kelley's Island 10 45 30 10 10 20 20 10 6 15 25 5 40 No. Yes. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. Beatty, Lewis Kelley's Island __ . . . Becker, Wm _ Kelley's Island Bowman, Sam . . . _ Kelley's Island Brown, Otto Kellev's Island Cameron, A. Kelley's Island Carpenter, C. C. Kelley's Island Cattanach, H. Kelley's Island Cogswall F. W. Kelley's Island Dodge, Otto Kelley's Island _. _ _. Duvall S S Kelley's Island Eefers, H. Kelley's Island Estes, James Kellev's Island Fisher, Chas. Kelley's Island Hamilton Estate Kelley's Island 100 40 Hamilton, Robert . . Kellev's Island .. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. OHIO Continued. 241 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Hauser, John Kelley's Island 15 10 15 15 15 45 8 10 12 35 No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes, No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Hess Herman . __ _ Kellev's Island Huntington, Mrs. E. K. Kellev' s Island Irishman H. Kelley's Island Kastruck J Kellev's Island Kellev Addison Kelley's Island Kelley F M Kelley's Island Kelley, G. A Kelley's Island Kellev, X. Kelley's Island Kellev, W. D. ... Kellev's Island -. - . . Kellev' s Island Wine Co TTpllpv's Tslnnrl Koster, Mrs. H. Kellev's Island 20 8 12 12 15 15 60 10 20 25 50 30 15 15 Lang, Henry Kelley's Island Lang J. H. Kelley's Island Lincoln Joseph Kelley's Island Meyer, Fred. Kelley's Island - Miller, Adam Kellev's Island Maysey, R Prignitz, H. Kelley's Island Kelley's Island - - Rauft, John Kelley's Island Riedv, P. Kelley's Island Schardler, Aug. Kelley's Island Schardler John Kelley's Island Schardt Adam Kelley's Island Schlesselman William Kelley's Island Schorelt Henry Kelley's Island Seaton, James Seelholtzer, Charles Kelley's Island' 12 25 30 Kellev's Island Stokes, John __ .... Kelley's Island _ _ . Sweet Valley Wine Company--. Ward, E. Kellev's Island Kelley's Island 20 7 10 20 6 15 10 10 8 30 10 18 13 8 10 10 20 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. Yuker R. Kelley's Island Allen F. Kirtland Carpenter S. C. Kirtland Clapp Payson Kirtland Hoose George Kirtland Hoose, Warren.. Kirtland Hooper Mr Kirtland Maskell, Geo. Kirtland Randall Bros Kirtland Sanborn, Alden Kirtland - Traver, David Kirtland . _ - Tryon, J. H. Kirtland Upham B S Kirtland Wellman, M. Kirf.la.nH Williams A. Kirtland Woodard E M Kirtland Coffin Henry Lakeside Duroy "Wine Co Lakeside 10 14 18 10 5 40 8 10 16 12 10 10 20 12 10 75 12 10 8 8 10 20 Graves, H. A _._ Lakeside No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Johnson, C. D. . _ - Lakeside Kelle} T , Robert . _- _ Lakeside . Miller, H. H. Lakeside _ Andrews, Mrs. E. Lakewood .. .. __ ._*-_ _ Bayes, Harry Lake wood Hall, Albert Lakewood - Hall, John C. Lakewood . . _ __ Hall, M. C. Lakewood _ . - Hall, T. C Lakewood Hotchkiss Nobie Lakewood Mail, Wm Lakewood . _. . Martinetsy R B Lakewood Mullalley* Thos Lakewood Nicolson, Ezra Lakewood Peterson, Thos Lakewood Southern, Christ Lakewood Thompson, M. T Lakewood Townsend Charles Lakewood Wagar, F. H. Lakewood Webb, Daniel. - Lakewood _. 242 DIRECTORY OF THE OHIO Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Boving, Mrs. F. J Lancaster 3 No Schneider, John S. Lancaster 30 Yes Van Burtons, Mr Lancaster. Carver, A. M. Little Mountain 10 Xo Hoose, Ezra Little Mountain 10 No Hoffman, George W Leipsic . . . Nechter, John B Mansfield Palmer, F. R. Mansfield 10 Molitor, Casper ... Marblehead 20 Yes Schneiderer, C. G Marysville I Yes Woodruff, Theron . Mentor 10 Xo High, George M. Middle Bass 15 Yes Lang, Peter Middle Bass 10 Yes Rehberg, A. Middle Bass 10 Yes Schardf, C. Middle Bass 18 No Vogel, C Middle Bass 15 Yes Wehrle & Son Middle Bass 50 Yes Wehrle, M. Middle Bass 30 Yes Newton, G. F. Millersburgh Joljnson, F. H. Musselman Vanderwort, John M. New Antioch Miller, F. C. .. New Philadelphia Axtell, Wm. North Bass Island 29 Yes Boslaw, Mrs. . . North Bass Island 10 No Combes, W. S. North Bass Island 6 Xo Fox, A. J. North Bass Island 10 Xo Fox, E. E. North Bass Island 24 Xo Fox Geo North Bass Island 12 Xo Herring, Geo. _. North Bass Island _^ 10 Xo. Kellogg, H. S. North Bass Island 25 Yes Kmney, E. L. North Bass Island 20 No. Cummings, Peter 1 f 18 Yes. Fox, Peter. 1 North Bass Island Wine Co., 45 Yes. Fox, Simon [ North Bass Island 40 Yes. Snide, Jasper... . j 1 23 Yes. Reichete, C North Bass Island .. . 10 Xo. Rinderlv, Aug. North Bass Island 8 No. Smith, G. C. North Bass Island 18 Smith Geo. North Bass Island 24 Smith, W. D. _ _ North Bass Island 23 Trehan, J. . North Bass Island 12 Townsend, O. D. North Bass Island 14 Wines, Geo. North Bass Island 23 Dille, A Nottingham 10 Eddy, Hays Nottingham _ 10 Gardner, A. C. . Nottingham . 5 Gardner, Perry Nottingham 7 Gawne, Frank Nottingham Kniffin Mrs Nottingham 5 Lamb Bros. Nottingham . . _ . 20 Lilly, Emline Nottingham _ . 15 McClymonds John Nottingham 10 Miller, James Nottingham 5 Smith L W Nottingham 10 Stevens A P Nottingham 9 Voorhees Bros N o ttin gh am 8 Dolaishe, Francis Peachton 2* Yes. Ellithorp, Geo. Peachton 6 No. Henson Charles Peachton 4 Xo. Kanker, Henry ... Peachton .. 4 Yes. Landy, G. Peachton 6 No. Landy, Henry Peachton . 6 Yes. Landy, J. Peachton 2 No. Muggy, C. Peachton 4 No. Mus'gv, J C. Peachton ... 6 No. Noeltner A. Peachton 4 Yes. Pierce F Peachton 3 No. Stiffens C C Peachton 4 Xo. Vogts, G. Peachton 3 No. Voerts. Henrv... Peachton .. 2 Xo. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. OHIO Continued. 243 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Brossia, Geo. Perrysburg 1 No Brossia, John Cook, Asher J. Perrysburg . Perry sbu r g 4 8 No. No Crain, Wm. Dunipace, James Perrysburg Perrysburg 3 18 No. Yes. Horeii , Casper Perrysburg 4 No. Hufman John J. Perry sbur - 4 Yes Oliver, Paul __ _ Perrysburg Penniwell, Perry _ Perrysburg 4 No. Eberswine, Fred. Piccolo 10 No. Bauer, Adam Pipe Creek 5 Yes. Ernst, C. Pipe Creek 3 Yes Giesen, Fred. Pipe Creek 3 Yes. Lorch, Thaddeus Pipe Creek 15 Yes. Lorch, Theodore .... Pipe Creek _ 15 Yes. Ricenmulle R- Pipe Creek 15 Yes Textor A Pipe Creek 1 Yes Windish, George Pipe Creek 10 Yes. Broughton, Mr. Portage 1 Muggy, John P. Port Clinton Burggraff, F. W. Put-in Bay 12 Yes. Burggraff, Henry Put-in Bay 13 Yes. Burggraff' Mathias... Put-in Bay 70 Yes. Doller, V Put-in Bay 15 Yes. Engel L & Co Put-in Bay 10 Yes Fox, Nicholas Put-in Bay 7 Yes. Ingold, M. Put-in Bay 12 ' Yes. Kuner, Ed. Put-in Bay 10 Yes. Lungren & Rotert Put-in Bay 17 Yes. Miller, George F. Put-in Bay 18 Yes. Parker A. Put-in Bay 30 Yes. Pfeiffer, Henry Put-in Bay . 10 Yes. Rehebesy Wm Put-in Bay Reible H Put-in Bay 10 Yes. Riedling, Wm. O. Put-in Bay _ ._ 10 Yes. Rotert, G. F. Put-in Bay 9 Yes. Ruh, Anton Put-in Bay 13 Yes. Ruh Carl Put-in Bay 18 Yes. Stone J. Put-in Bay 10 Yes. Vrooman, Philip _ Put-in Bay 15 Yes. Webster, Dr Put-in Bay 10 No. Wigand W Put-in Bav 12 Yes. Beebe, Horace Y. . Ravenna . . Freeman, Isaac Rex Stump, Levi Richville Lord, Henry C. Riverside Aspen, Isaac Rocky River 10 No. Bates, Ed. Rocky River 5 No. Gates Chas. Rocky River 5 No. Alstaetter Louis Sandusky Alstaetter William Sandusky Yes. Bauer, John Sandusky . 5 Yes. Blank Chas Sandusky Becker W^m Sandusky Yes. Cook & Co. ... . _ Sandusky Yes. Dorn H Sandusky Engles & Krudwig Sandusky Yes. Feick, Ph. Sandusky 15 Yes. Gensch Louis Sandusky Gunther Aug Sandusky Hartsorn, Mrs. A. Sandusky 22 No. Hommel, M. Sandusky Yes. Mills, Wm. H. Sandusky Yes. Moos, Edward R. Sandusky 10 Yes. Only Bros. Sandusky Schmidt, A., Jr., Wine Co. Sandusky Yes. Schmidt, Peter Sandusky Yes. Smith, George Sandusky Stahle, George Sanduskv Stenk, Edward _. Sanduskv . - 244 DIRECTORY OF THE OHIO Continued. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Stang, Frank _ Sandusky 10 Yes Strobel, George _ Sandusky Yes Textor, A. Sandusky Yes Windish, F. Sandusky 15 Yes Monroe & Wolcot Sheffield Lake 20 No. Smith, Peter. __ Sheffield Lake 15 No. Rhoads, E. V.. St. Paris Albaugh, N. H. Tad m or Rowland, I. P. Tallmadge 3 No Pierce, L. B Tallin adge Ashworth Bros Tippecanoe Brand, Henry, Wine Co. Toledo 40 Yes. Grasser, J. . Toledo 5 Yes Harris, W. C. Toledo Koch, E. W. E. Toledo 8 Yes LenkWineCo Toledo Yes. Romeis, J. Toledo 10 Yes Winsonred, L. Toledo 7 Yes Berlisch, Fred. Venice 20 Yes Cullen, N. Venice 10 Yes Dorn, John G. . _ . Venice 40 Yes. Dreher, L. Venice 20 Yes. Heimlich, G. . Venice 13 Yes. Klotz & Kromer Venice _ 18 Yes. Obergefall, J Venice Yes. Smith, G. Venice 15 Yes. Stauth, Mrs. J. C Venice _ 15 Yes. Toole, B. Venice 10 No Farnsworth W W "Waterville 1 Yes Lower, Henry West Cleveland 12 Yes. Fields, E. Wickliffe 8 Fields, G. Wickliffe 6 Henisk C Wickliffe 10 Langshaw, D. Wickliffe 10 McArdle, M. Wickliffe 25 Prescott, Dr. . Wickliffe.. 16 Provo, Mr Wickliffe 40 No. Smart, S. W. Willoughby 10 No. Ward, John Willoughby 20 No. Bovd, Dr. S. Wilmington Skimming, R~obert _ Wilmington _ _ Stoddard, Henry .. . _ _ . Wilmington Taylor, Harvey Wilmington Vantress,- C. H. Wilmington Weltz, Leo. Wilmington Wolf W P Wilmington Jenkins, J. . _ . Winona PENNSYLVANIA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Straub, John N. Allegheny City Metzgar, Levan Altoona 11 Yes. Gerbig, A. V. . Archibald Flick Wm. Bealsville 2 Yes. Hoffman, J. L. Bentleysville _ . . _ 15 Yes. Strickler, Mr. Dawson Yes. Carr Bros. Erie - . Eaton, Johnston Fairview Jaekel, Frederick Hollidaysburg 13 No. Strasser John Martinsbur " 10 Yes. Preston Robt Monongah ela Elaine G W North East 35 No. Butt, A. W. North East , 30 Yes. Butt, George _. North East . . 12 No. EASTERN GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS. PENNSYLVANIA Continued. 245 NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Carr, E. E. North East 35 No Crawford Bros. North East . 40 No. Davis, Fred. North East 22 No. Davis, 0. W. North East 20 No Dill Robert North East 30 No Elsworth C. F. North East 75 Yes Flemming, J. E. North East 70 No Flemmiiig J. W. North East 30 No Gay, Ira . NorthEast . 20 No. Griffith J W North East 15 No Hammond, J. S. NorthEast 20 No. Hard, Dr. A. B. North East 20 No. Higgins, John North East 30 No. Hillman, Rev. Mr. NorthEast 40 No. Leet, Alfred North East 30 No Leet, Calvin ... . NorthEast 30 No. Loop & Stettson NorthEast 25 No. Morse, C. H NorthEast . 30 No. Mottier, C. H _ NorthEast 30 Yes. Phillips, J. H North East 40 No. Pierce, A. Y., & Son North East 15 No. Pierce Bros. North East 60 No. Scouller, E. North East 20 No. Scouller, J. B. NorthEast 10 No. Seeley, Frank North East 20 No Selkregg, George _ NorthEast 15 No. Selkregg, L. D. NorthEast _ 15 No. Selkregg WO * North East 15 No South Shore Vineyard Co North East Stettson, A. C., & Co. North East 25 No. Stettson, John H. North East 25 No. Stinson, John North East 40 No. Taylor & Stockton North East 20 No. Whitehill S P North East 15 No. Wing, A. K. & W. O North East 25 No. Norton, Randall _ ._ Pittsburg Oler, Jonathan Scenery Hill _ Shearn, Chris. Tuckerton __ ._ Nutt, A. C. Uniontown Cleeland, J. J. Washington 2 Yes. Smith, Wm., & Son Washington 2 No. v Schmidt Chas. Washington Bottomfield Sam'l Williamsburg 9 Yes. Evans Edw. J & Co York RHODE ISLAND. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Rhodes, H. F. East Greenwich . Yes. Lewis Sam Olneyville I Cushman Robt. Pawtucket ? No. Haskell W. H. Pawtucket i No. Nisbet James Pawtucket J No. Channing Dr W^m F. Providence Manchetser Silas Providence i Yes. Lawton B H Wickford 246 DIRECTORY OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA. NAME. Post Office. Acres in Vines. Wine Maker. Satterwaite, S. C. ..... Aiken 15 No White, Tom Anderson McCrary, Sam Autun Bunch, Dr. G. A. Clark's Hill- 10 Yes. Butt, Dr. _ Clark's Hill 5 Yes. Butler Capt J Clark's Hill 5 Yes Middleton, Col. R. H Clark's Hill 12 Yes Scott R. H. Clark's Hill 2 No Kirk & Reed Cokesburg 2 Yes. Reed, C. C. ._ ._ . . Cokesburg 5 No. Richland Wine Co. Columbia 60 Yes. Tillman, B. R. Columbia 15 Yes Law C. C. Coronaca 4 Yes O'Neal G P Coronaca 8 Yes O'Neal, J. H. Coronaca n Yes. Toushe, J. D. Coronaca I Yes. Hood, Prof. Due West i Yes Minis R. H. Edgefield Land, C. S. .... Foreston Yes. Beaslev, C. C. Greenville 12 No. Beattie, W. E. & H. C. Greenville 75 Yes. Beattie Mrs. J. E. Greenville 3 No Buist, H. B. Greenville __ 16 No. David, J. E. Greenville 60 Yes. Donaldson, M. L. Greenville Earle, Dr. William Greenville 4 No. Earle T Greenville 1 Yes Euloe & Kemble Greenville 10 Yes. Gaffeur, August Greenville 10 Yes. Gearreaux, Mrs. F. Greenville 5 No. Gilreath H C. Greenville 40 Yes. Howel, A. M - Greenville 2 Yes. Hunt Col J F Greenville 8 Yes Nelson & Rosseller Greenville 30 Yes. Putman Mrs. Greenville 5 No. Stearns Mr Greenville 5 Yes. Weldon Dr. R. T. Greenville . . 5 Yes. 6 Fourth District 7 GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS OF CALIFORNIA Alameda County 10 Amador County 18 Butte County 18 Calaveras County __. 20 Colusa County ., 21 Contra Costa County ' 22 El Dorado County 27 Fresno County 30 Fresno County (vineyards in Tulare County) 71 Inyo County 72 Kern County ._.- 73 Lake County 74 Los Angeles County 76 Marin County 79 Mendocino County . 80 Merced County 81 Napa County 83 Nevada County _.i 98 Orange County _ 99 Placer County 100 Sacramento County 103 San Benito County _._ Ill San Bernardino County 111 San Diego County _ 119 San Joaquin County 124 San Luis Obispo County t 127 San Mateo County 128 Santa Barbara County .__ ._. __ 130 Santa Clara County 131 Santa Cruz County _ 149 Shasta County _. 153 Solano County 158 Sonoma County __ 161 Stanislaus County __> .._ 183 Sutter County.. 184 Tehama County 185 Tulare County _ 186 Tuolumne County __ 199 Ventura County 200 Yolo County 201 YubaCountv.. 203 254 INDEX. GRAPE GROWERS AND WINE MAKERS EAST OF THE ROCKY F MOUNTAINS Alabama 207 Arkansas 207 Colorado 208 Dakota 208 District of Columbia 208 Florida 208 Georgia 209 Illinois 210 Indiana '. 213 Iowa . 214 Kansas 215 Kentucky 215 Louisiana 217 Maryland 217 Massachusetts 2L7 Michigan 218 Minnesota . - 219 Mississippi 219 Missouri 220 New Mexico 222 Nebraska . 222 New Jersey _ 223 New York 225 North Carolina 236 Ohio . 237 Pennsylvania. 244 Rhode Island . 245 South Carolina 246 South Dakota 247 Tennessee 247 Texas 248 Virginia 249 West Virginia _._ k ._ 251 Wisconsin 251 RETURN CIRCULATION D~EPARWENT KMURTI 9n9 Majn Llbrary DUE AS STAMPED BELOW UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FORM NO. 006.60^ 11/78 BERKELEY, CA< r U.C- BERKELEY UBRAWES C 33