Sfc P R ACTI C A L DYNAMO BUILDING, WITH DETAIL DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR WINDING. GIVING CORRECT SIZES OF WIRE, DIMENSIONS OF IRON, ETC., ETC. ALSO DIAGRAM FOR HOUSE WIRING. BY L C. ATWOOD ST. LOUIS: NIXON -JONES PRINTING Co. 1893. < Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1893, by L. C. ATWOOD, In the office of the Librarian at Washington, D. C. ft ft? R R Ever since electric lighting has become a practical success, there has been a desire, on the part of the general public, to know the method of construction of dynamos. There are many able works on the subject, but far too deep and scientific to reach the class most deeply interested. This work is gotten up especially for amateur builders and non-professional men. All measurements and instructions for winding are taken from machines in actual service. Particular attention has been given to every detail of construction, that they may be thoroughly understood. This work will be of great value, not only to those who wish to build dynamos, but to superintendents, engineers and workmen who have the care of present established systems. St. Louis, June, 1893. (in) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction 1 The Construction and Winding of a Siemens Armature 4 How to Wind a Gramme Ring Armature 9 Four Light Dynamo 14 Ten Light Dynamo 21 Fifteen Light Dynamo 29 Thirty-five Light Dynamo 39 Sixty Light Dynamo 45 One Hundred and Fifty Light Dynamo 52 One Light Arc Dynamo 61 Method of Field Winding and House Wiring 67 Neutral Diameter 70 Charging of Dynamo 72 Magnetic Strength of Fields 72 Speed of the Dynamo 72 Lines of Force 72 Causes of Brushes Sparking 73 Commutator Segments , 75 Position of the Brushes 76 How to Test the Dynamo 77 Wiring for Lamp Circuits 78 Wiring Tables for Lamps 80,82,83 Table of Dimensions, Weight and Resistance of Bare Copper Wire 85 w vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Table showing the Weight, Carrying Capacity and Loss in Volts of Different Sizes Copper "Wire 84 Rules and Regulations of the New England Insurance Exchange and Boston Fire Underwriters Union for Electric Lighting 86 Rules and Regulations of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters .... 101 How the Electric Current is Produced 110 History of Electricity and Electric Light 115 The Incandescent System 129 Storage Batteries 135 Economy of Electric Lighting 140 INTRODUCTION. The time has come when the proper understanding of dynamo building is just as essential as the knowledge of steam engines or any other mechanical appliance. There is hardly any branch of industry but that electricity figures in it in some form. Engineers are called upon to take charge of dynamos and motors in connection with their engineering duties, and many times they are compelled to take positions and run the chances of the machine not getting out of order, and how often are they censured for the apparatus getting out of order when the injunction has been placed upon them not to meddle with any portion of the machine or its adjustments? ~No engineer can take charge of an engine and boilers until he has passed a thorough examination as to his fitness, still machinery far more delicate and liable to get out of order is forced upon him. A mischievous person with a little smattering of electricity can give him no end of trouble when, if the engineer thoroughly understood the machine, he could easily locate or determine the cause. The construction is purely mechanical and in cases of accidents, when the parts are returned to the factory for repairs, those who repair them are perhaps no better workmen than the engineer who had charge of the machine, only they have had a little more experience in that particular line of work. From the mystery that is thrown around that class of work, it is looked upon as something beyond the reach of the ordinary mechanic. The object of this work is to dispel that illusion, and to teach engineers, machinists, non-professional men and school- boys that all that is required to build dynamos is the knowledge of the proper dimensions of iron, correct sizes of wire and a little mechanical skill. The (1) 2 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. principles involved in the generation or production of dynamic electricity are all the same, even if each separate machine is known as a certain system. That magic word has long gone into disuse, and one that thoroughly understands one machine, knows them all, and all that is required to build dynamos for any service, let it be arc or incandescent, continuous or alternating current, high or low potential, is the knowledge of dimensions of iron, sizes of wire and number of windings, for whatever service the machine is intended. If the exact dimensions of iron, the sizes and correct number of windings of wire on the armature and field magnets were given of a large lighting or power generator, it would be impossible to reduce at a regular ratio and construct a dynamo that would give satisfactory results, if any at all. As sizes and styles change, conditions change also. Each machine has its own measurement and sizes of wire for whatever service it is to be used. What wonderful changes have been wrought within the last few years in systems that were put on the market as perfect ! Form and quantity of iron have been changed, sizes and quantities of wire have gone through the same transformation, and the end is not yet. The future field is open as wide for electrical developments as the past, and I fully believe that if the fundamental principles of dynamo building were within easy reach of all, it would enable those who are engaged in the care and management of electric plants, to give the owners better service and the machines longer lives. Those who have a desire to engage in the business can do so with a thorough knoAvledge of dynamo construction. Practical electric lighting is of very recent date. In 1878 Charles Brush exhibited the first lamps burning in series, and in 1881 Edison installed his first incandescent plant. But how many who are familiar with the workings of dynamos understand their construction? In presenting this little volume to the public, it is the writer's aim to give that information so much desired. The fundamental principles will be so plainly laid down that any one skilled in the use of tools should be able to build all the dynamos in this work, or, with the information it gives, should be able to repair almost any of the present systems. Every dynamo that this work contains has been built and thoroughly tested by the writer, and only information gained by actual practice will be given. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 3 Electricity will not be treated scientifically, and no attempt will be made to explain its nature ; neither will we go back to Davenport and Page and rehearse their experiments. No attempt will be made to explain the various systems now in use, as there are but few who have any love for the study of electricity, but have had the opportunity of seeing the different systems working, or have books with cuts of the different machines in use ; but none have given the information so much desired; that is, to tell just how a dynamo is constructed ; how the armature and commutator are made ; how much iron in the pole pieces, and field magnets ; what size of wire on the armature and field magnets, and how many convolutions on each to produce a given current and voltage. That information is the private property of dynamo builders, and the writer will not infringe on their rights, but will confine himself strictly to machines of his own building. While the machines given in this work are small and of low voltage, the principles of construction are as thoroughly incorporated in them as though they were the largest lighting or power generators on the market to-day. It has been the writer's aim in getting up this work to make it as plain as possible for amateur builders, and give information which is of the greatest importance to that class. All technical terms and mathematical formulas have been dispensed with and only plain words and figures used, so that all parts can be readily understood. By carefully following the instructions, there is no reason why any one building a dynamo from this work should not get as good results as the writer. Good workmanship, good material and good insulation are the essential features of success. ST. Louis, Mo. L. C. AT WOOD. THE CONSTRUCTION AND WINDING OF A SIEMENS ARMATURE. When the armature core is finished, whether it is a spool of iron wire, or is built up of iron discs, it should be spaced off into the number of sections required. In each end of the core, and on lines parallel with the shaft should be formed equi-distant slots 3 /i6 inch deep and about Vie inch wide. Into these slots are driven pieces of hard wood or vulcanized fiber, which should project sufficiently to keep the coils of copper wire in place, the length of pins varying with the different sizes of wire used on the armature. The armature core should now be covered over its entire surface with rubber tape or two or three layers of thin muslin well saturated with shellac varnish. The shaft for a proper distance from the core should also be covered with the same thickness of insulation, and the armature is ready for the copper wire. In Fig. I, the wire starts from the commutator end of the armature at 1 ; is carried along the surface of the core between two division pins parallel with the shaft between the pins at the opposite ends ; across the end of the armature core ; then between the pins diametrically opposite those between which the coil started ; then across the commutator end of the core and alongside of the first wire laid on. The wire is carried around the armature core in this manner until the space between one set of pins is filled one layer deep. If two layers of wire are required to each section, go around the armature again in the same manner between the same set of pins, thus winding back to the point of starting. The first layer can be laid all on one side of the shaft and the second layer on the other side, or each coil may be (4) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING, divided, one-half on each side of the shaft as shown in figure (1). Do not cut the wire but leave a loop as shown at 2 sufficiently long to go to the FIG. I. commutator. After making the loop and securing the wires together close to the armature core, as shown at 2 (which may be done with strong thread, or the wires may be twisted together) , the second section is started between the 6 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. next set of pins, and proceeded with as the first section until one-half of the sections are laid on the core as shown in Fig. II. All the spaces are now filled, but with only six loops to go to the commutator. The outer layer is now started at 7, going between the pins in the next section and between wire 1 and loop 2, as shown in Fig. Ill on the opposite side continuing around the armature core as in the first instance until the outer layer is laid on. The FIG. II. ending wire of the last layer and the starting wire of the first layer joining together and connecting to the same segment in the commutator. Only three sections of the outer layer are shown in the diagram. If there are two layers of wire to each section, there will be four layers between each set of pins with the lead wires for each section on opposite sides of the armature core. The object of leaving the loops between the sections instead of cutting the wire is PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 7 to prevent making a mistake in connecting the wires to the commutator, as each loop from the armature connects to a segment in the commutator. To prevent the copper wire from being thrown out against the pole pieces from the centrifugal force, there should be bands of brass wire placed on the outside of the armature ; the number of bands and the size of brass wire will depend upon the size and length of the armature. For the small machines three bands FIG. III. of No. 26 spring brass wire is large enough, but for the larger machines No. 20 or 22 should be used. Between the brass and copper wires should be placed strips of mica, which not only serve as insulation but will prevent the insulation on the copper wire being scorched as the bands are being soldered. These cuts are made from a small armature in the course of construction with only twelve sections and one layer of wire to each section. The core is a g PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. wooden spool filled with iron wire, the division pins are small smooth wire nails with the heads removed. After the armature is wound, the bands placed on the outside, and it is given a coat of shellac varnish, the pins are removed. If the copper wire is well laid on the armature core, there is no danger of the wire coming off, even at a high rate of speed, but in all large armatures the division phis should be of wood or fibre and should remain in the armature. HOW TO WIND A GRAMME RING ARMATURE. The armature core should be first well insulated and spaced off into the desired number of sections that the coils may all be of the same width. The winding is a very simple process as far as the knowledge of the work is concerned, as can be seen by referring to Fig. IV. Starting the first coil at 1, the wire is passed through the interior of the armature core, returning across the outer surface to the point of starting, ending the first section at 2. The second section starts at 3 ending at 4, and so on around the core until the surface of the core is covered. If two or more layers are required to each section, wind back and forth until the desired number of convolutions are laid on. The ending wire of one section and the starting wire of the next section join and go to the same segment in the commutator. As the wires 2 and 3 connect and go to one segment in the commutator, 4 and 5 would connect to another segment ; thus when the whole surface was covered, the ending wire of the last section would connect with the starting wire 1 of the first section, forming a complete circuit around the armature core. It is not convenient to leave a loop between the sections to go to the commutator segments as in a Siemens armature, as the wire has to be wound on a shuttle to get it in convenient form to pass through the interior of the armature core. The length of each section should be determined and cut off, for if there should be a few convolutions short in a section, all the wire in that section would have to be taken off again or the wire spliced, which is a dangerous piece of work, as a splice in an armature is liable to come apart, which would open the circuit in the (9) 10 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. armature, no doubt causing sufficient spark to burn the section in which the break occurred and the adjoining one as well. Figs. V and VI are cuts made from a four light armature, which is a FIG. IV. GRAMME RING. little more convenient to make than the one given in the drawings for a four light dynamo. The armature core is made of iron wire wound on a wooden spool with removable flanges on the ends. When the proper amount of wire is wound on the spool the end of the wire is soldered; the flanges are then PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 11 FIG. V. no. vi. 12 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. removed and the wire ring slipped off the wooden spool. The iron ring is then covered with two layers of adhesive rubber tape, then spaced off into eighteen sections and wound four layers deep with "No. 20 double cotton covered magnet wire (B. & S. Gauge). To secure the armature to the shaft, the shaft should be threaded in the center the length of the armature or a little more ; two taper wooden bushings with holes in the centers to admit the armature shaft are placed in the interior of the armature ; with a nut and washer on each end of the shaft, the bushings are forced into place, which will bring the armature central with the shaft if care has been taken in winding the armature so that the copper wire has not been piled up more on one side than the other. After that is done the shaft should be placed in the lathe and turned down to the proper size of the bearings. Fig. VI shows the armature finished with commutator in place and bearing turned down. No dimensions of the armature in Figs. V and YI need be given here as they are given in drawing for four light dynamo. Only two styles of armature will be given in this work, the Gramme ring and the Siemens or drum armature, as they are the only ones that can be used with this type of field magnets given. At one time there was quite a difference of opinion as to the relative merits of the two armatures, but the difference existed more in imagination than in the armatures themselves. The agents of the different systems had as much, or in fact, more to do in forming the opinions of users of dynamos than did the machines themselves. In early days of electric lighting ever argument was used to convince a prospective purchaser that theirs was the only system that could be used with any degree of success. Those in favor of a Gramme ring would tell of the slow armature speed, of the hollow core, thereby securing perfect ventilation, and that as each coil was separate and distinct from its neighbor, in case of injury one could be removed without disturbing the others. As all the wire on a Siemens armature is laid on the outside of the armature core, each coil as it is laid on must necessarily cross all previous ones at each end ; the ends of the armature thereby become a perfect network of wires so when one coil burns out, it is generally the first one laid on, and all the wire on the armature must be removed to get to the injured coil. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 13 If the wire is properly laid on the core, and is drawn down firmly across the ends, and properly bound and shellaced that the wires may not be thrown out of place from centrifugal force, there is no reason why a Siemens armature of the same electrical output should not run as long and give as good servive as a Gramme ring. When a coil on an armature burns out from fair play, let it be Siemens or Gramme ring, it is time that all the wire on the armature was removed and new wire put on in its place. It requires skill and good workmanship to build either style of armature, and no pains should be spared if good results are expected. As both armatures require the same mechanical horse power to produce a given candle power, it resolves itself into a mere matter of choice which armature is used. FOUR LIGHT These drawings are for a dynamo that will supply current for 4, 16 candle power, 35 volts lamps. The machine weighs 25 pounds, and occupies a floor space of 8 x 12 inches ; armature speed 3,200 revolutions per minute, and V2 horse power will be required to drive it. Dynamos of this size are much harder to build than larger ones, and the results obtained are not generally as satisfactory. In order to get the required voltage, many turns of fine wire are used on the armature, and a slight variation will cause trouble. If finer wire is used than given here, the armature resistance will be increased. As the resistance of fine wire multiplies very rapidly, that of itself would be sufficient to prevent the machine working. Other obstacles that present themselves are the small polar surfaces and the large air space, and the only way to overcome these difficulties is by a high rate of armature speed and strong fields. In Fig. I is shown the upper pole piece (1) ; lower pole piece (3) ; field magnets (2) ; bolts (5) ; and cross section of pole piece extension for supporting the bearings (4). The pole pieces should be of soft gray cast iron ; the field magnet cores can be of the same material, but it would be much better to make them of wrought iron as it is very difficult to get solid castings where they are so small ; also the iron is liable to chill, which makes it very hard, thereby increasing the magnetic resistance of the iron, and reducing the efficiency of the machine. Too much care can not be taken in putting the machine together. Where the pole pieces join the field magnets the surfaces must be perfectly (14) a FIGS. VII. 16 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. true and smooth, that the whole surface of the iron may be in contact, for if only half of the iron in the field magnets touches the pole pieces, the portion that is not in contact may as well be left out of the machine. There is always a loss at a joint, no matter how well it is made. The best way to put the machine together is to bolt the field magnet cores to the lower pole piece, then place the upper pole piece in position and examine carefully to see that the whole surface is in contact ; if not, the high points should be taken off until it is. Do not depend on the bolts to spring the pole pieces down to make a joint. The pole pieces are 7V2 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 3 / inch thick. The field magnet cores are 4 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 3 /4 inch thick. The gap between the pole pieces is ! 3 /4 inches. The diameter of the bore of the machine is about 4 inches, but it should not be bored out until the armature is finished for the reason that the armature may not have worked out to just the size calculated ; if not, the pole pieces can be bored out to suit the armature. Fig. II shows the lower pole piece (3) with extensions (4 1 and 4 2 ) for supporting the bearings. The extension (4 1 ) on the pulley side is ! 3 /s inches long ; 1V2 inches wide, and 3 /s inch thick. The extension (4 2 ) on the commutator side is 2V2 inches long, ! J /2 inches wide, and 3 /s inch thick. In Fig. Ill is shown the armature drum (1) which can be made of brass or galvanized iron ; it consists of a tube 3 inches long, 2*/2 inches in diameter with flanges on each end 1/2 inch wide. To support the tube is a brass hub with 3 radial arms, as shown at 2 in Fig. IV. The hubs are first drilled, then slipped on the shaft in their proper position ; a pin is then put through the hubs and shaft to securely hold the armature in place. The shaft should then be placed between the centers in a lathe and the ends of the arms turned off until the core will slip over them ; then secure the core to the arms with screws or pins as shown at 3 in Fig. IV. The core between the flanges should now be wound full of No. IS annealed iron wire with a layer of paper between each layer of wire. The outer end of the wire should be soldered to prevent its unwinding. The core should be placed on parallel strips and perfectly balanced before it is insulated. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 17 This armature is a Gramme ring and as the wire has to pass between the shaft and the core, the inside of the core must be insulated as well as the outside. Great care must be taken in insulating the arms of the hubs where they join the core ; if not, the copper wire will be drawn down so close in these corners that it Avill come in contact with the core, so one-half of the sections in the armature would be cut out, or in other words, the coils would be grounded on the core. A machine in this condition would generate no current though all the other parts were perfect. The armature should be spaced off into 12 sections and wound 4 layers deep, 22 convolutions per layer of "No. 20 double covered copper wire (Brown and Sharp gauge). The method of winding and connecting the armature is given in Figs. 4 and 5, page The commutator (3) is an important feature ; the success of the machine to a great extent depends upon its construction. The core is of vulcanized fibre 1V4 inches long, and 1 inch in diameter ; a brass ring Vs inch thick is forced over it. The ring is then spaced off into 12 sections, and a screw put through the end of each section into the fiber, as shown at 3 in Fig. IV. Then with a fine hack saw cut through the ring to the fibre between the rows of screws. Be sure that the ring is cut through and all brass cuttings are removed from the slots. The slots can then be filled with fibre, making the commutator solid and smooth on the outside. If any of the brass cuttings are allowed to remain in the slots, thus making a contact between two sections of the commutator, one section of the armature would be cut out or short circuited, reducing the efficiency of the armature. !S"ot only that, but there will be an induced current set up in the coils thus short circuited. The result would be the destruction of that coil, and no doubt the neighboring coils ; the whole armature would then have to be rewound. The cause of all the trouble being in the commutator, if not corrected, the second armature would share the same fate. The joining together of the field magnets and pole pieces, the adjusting of the armature and bearings are secondary considerations compared with the building of the armature and commutator. A little carelessness in the construction of either one will be sufficient to prevent the machine from working ; the work will have to be done over again, which is usually harder 18 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. to do than to build in the first place, to say nothing of the annoyance and disappointment of the machine not working properly. The writer has a machine now in use from which these drawings are made, and any one building from these instructions should be able to get the same results. The pillow-blocks (2) are l : /2 inches wide at the base ; Va inch thick ; from center of shaft to base of pillow-block is 2 3 /s inches. Instead of babbitting the bearings, bushings are used, one of which is shown at 9. They are made of brass 1V4 inches long ; 5 /s inch in diameter with a 3 /s inch hole through center to receive the shaft. It is secured to the pillow block with a screw, as shown at 5, Fig. IV. The screw should go through the bushing instead of pressing on the outside, for in that case there would be danger of compressing the bushing and heating the shaft. The object of using bushings is to facilitate repairs. In case of wear in the bearings, the bushings can be removed and new ones supplied without the danger of getting the armature out of center, as would be the case if the bearings were babbitted. The bushing on the commutator side also serves to hold the yoke and allows it free movement to determine the position of the brushes on the commutator. The shaft (11) should be of steel 10 inches long, and 3 /s inch in diameter. The pulley is 2 niches in diameter, 1V4 inch face. It can be made of wood with a metal bushing to secure it to the shaft. The brush holder yoke (4) is made of vulcanized fibre 3 inches long ; V4 inch thick; 2 l /z inches between centers of brush holders cut to shape, as shown at 4 in Fig. IV. A brass yoke can be used if preferred like the one shown in the 10 light machine, but insulating bushings and washers will have to be used which will cause a great deal more labor with no better results, as I have found in small machines that a fibre yoke answers all purposes. The brush holders (5) are of 3 /g inch square brass ; ! 3 /4 inches long, turned on one end for the distance of 9 /ie inch to go through the yoke and threaded to receive the nut (7) . A brass washer (8) is interposed between the nut (7) and the yoke (4). To the washer are attached the wires from the field magnets and lamp circuits. The other end of the brush holder is slotted to receive the brush (6). A screw (10) is put through the end of the holder to clamp the brush and hold it firmly. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 19 The brushes (6) are made of several layers of thin sheet spring 1 copper, thick enough to make a good contact on two sections of the commutator, while the insulation between the sections is passing the brushes. If a good contact is not made by the brushes on the commutator there will be an excessive sparking and a rapid destruction of the brushes and commutator. A handle (10) as shown in Fig. IV serves to hold the yoke in place after the position of the brushes has been determined. It is made of wood with a screw in the end. A hole is drilled and tapped in the yoke. The handle should be screwed down sufficiently to hold the yoke, but not enough to compress the bushing, or it will cause the shaft to heat. THK FIELD MAGNETS. On each end of the field magnet cores should be placed a fibre washer Vs inch thick, or 2 thicknesses of cardboard will answer as well. The washers must be well fitted to the magnet cores and held there firmly to prevent the wire from pressing them out of position while the magnet is being wound. The magnet cores should then be covered with two layers of adhesive rubber tape or several layers of muslin or manilla paper well shellaced. They are now ready for the copper wire, which is of double covered 'No. 20 (Brown & Sharp gauge) 11 layers deep ; 80 convolutions per layer, making 880 convolutions on each field or 1,760, convolutions on both fields, with a total length of about 1,200 feet, and a resistance of nearly 13 ohms. The length of wire may vary a little from the figures given, caused by the difference in the thickness of insulation, but the variation will not be enough to make any difference with the working of the machine. The method of winding and connecting up the circuits is given in diagram 14, page 68. (20) TEN L-IGHX These drawings are for a 10 light, 50 volt, 16 C. P. dynamo; floor space 18x12 inches and 7*/2 inches high, to be run at a speed of 2,200 revolutions per minute, weight 75 pounds. It will require one horse power to drive this dynamo. In Fig. I is shown the upper pole piece (1) ; lower pole piece (3) ; field magnet cores (2) and cross section of lower pole piece extension for supporting the pillow blocks (4). The pole pieces (1) and (3) are 10 inches long, 4 J /2 inches wide, l a /4 inches thick. The gap between the pole pieces is ! 5 /s inches. 3 /s inch hexagon cap screws (5) are used to secure the pole pieces (1) and (3) to the field magnet cores (2). Pole pieces are to be bored out to 5 niches. Soft gray cast iron should be used for pole pieces and field magnet cores. Great care must be taken in putting the machine together at the points where the pole pieces and field magnets join. The surface should be planed smooth, then scraped that the whole surface of the iron may be in contact without depending on the screws to make a good joint. The joints are the weakest points in the machine and quite a loss is sustained with the best possible workmanship. FIG. II. Fig. II shows the lower pole piece (3) with extensions (4) and (4") for supporting the pillow blocks (3). The extension (4') on the pulley side is 3*/2 inches long and 2V2 inches wide. On the commutator side, the extension (4") is 5 3 A inches long ; 2V2 inches wide and J /2 inch thick. A. brace or rib is shown in cross section (4) Fig. I. (21) FIG. VIII. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING.' 23 FlG. III. Fig. Ill shows the armature core (1) ; shaft (2) and pin (4) through the shaft for holding the commutator in position. The armature spool is made of well seasoned maple wood, 4*/2 inches long ; inside diameter 2V inches ; diameter of flanges 4 3 /s inches ; thickness of flanges 3 /i6 inch. A pin (3) shown by dotted lines, is put through the spool and shaft to securely hold the armature in position. The spool should be finished on the shaft that it may be perfectly true and is then wound full of annealed iron wire with a layer of paper between the layers of wire. The shaft (2) should be made of steel 5 /s inch diameter; 17 3 /s inches long. On the commutator side the shaft should extend 6 3 /s inches from the armature core ; on the pulley side, 6V2 inches. FIG. IY. Fig. IY shows the commutator (1) ; shaft (2) ; pillow blocks (3) ; brush holder yoke (5) ; bushing (6) ; brush holder (7) ; nut (8) ; brass washer (9) ; insulating washer (10) and insulating bushing (11), all in position. (3) is a side view of the pillow block, which is 1 inch thick ; ! 3 /4 inches at shaft. The dotted lines show the bushing (6) and the mode of holding the brush holder yoke (5). The insulating bushing (11) is of vulcanized fibre, or well seasoned maple wood may be used 5 /g inch outside diameter, and Vi inch inside, fitting into yoke (5). Insulating washer (10) can be made of fibre or hard rubber 1 inch in diameter ; Vs inch thick with V4 inch hole in center to slip on the holder. (7). One washer is placed on each side of yoke. On the outside of washer (10) is a brass washer (9) serving the two purposes of fastening for the field wires and preventing nut (8) from cutting into insulating washer (10). FIG. Y. Fig. Y shows end view of pillow block (3) ; side view of brush holder yoke (5) ; handle (4) ; screw (7) for holding bushing (6). The base of pillow block (3) is 2V-2 inches wide and 2 15 /ie inches from center to base. The bushing (6) is fitted into pillow block (3) and screw (7) is put through the head of the 24 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. pillow block and through the bushing (6) to hold it in position. The object of putting the screw through the bushing is to prevent the compressing of the bushing and causing the shaft to heat. The yoke (5) is made of brass ; it is 4Va inches between centers of brush holder (7) . Handle (4) is made of wood with a screw in the end ; the screw to go through yoke (5) and press on bushing (6) . After the position of the brushes on the commutator has been determined, turn the handle until the screw presses tightly on the bushing, but not hard enough to compress the bushing and heat the shaft. FIG. VI. In Fig. VI is shown the bushing (6) and brush holder (7). The bushing is made of brass 2 l /i inches long ; ~/s inch outside diameter with a 5 /s inch hole to fit the shaft. A flange 1V2 inches in diameter is left on the inside to hold yoke (5) in place. The brush holder (7) is of brass 2 x /2 inches long; J /2 inch square, turned down on one end for the distance of IVs inches to go through yoke and threaded to receive nut. Through the other end is a slot Vs x 3 /4 inches to receive brush. The thumb nut (8) holds the brush firmly in place. FIG. VII. In Fig. VII is shown the construction of the commutator, one of the most essential features of the machine. Take a piece of vulcanized fibre l x/ 2 inches long ; ! 5 /s inches in diameter, and force over it a brass ring 3 /i6 inch thick, then space off into 24 sections and put a screw through the end of each section as shown at (12). Then with a fine hack saw cut through the ring between the rows of screws, being careful to cut clear through the ring to the fibre and remove all brass cuttings from the slot. Then fill the slot with thin sheet fibre. The commutator must not be turned off until in position on the shaft. If any of the brass cuttings are allowed to remain in the slots between the sections, it will short circuit the coil attached to that segment ; the result will be an induced current set up in that coil, which would soon destroy it and no doubt the adjoining coils. THE ARMATURE CONSTRUCTION AND WINDINGS. This armature is the Siemens type. When the spool for the armature core is turned to size and secured to the shaft, space off the flanges into 24 parts, being 1 careful that the spaces in both flanges are directly in line with the shaft. Then with a fine saw cut into the flanges to the depth of V* inch to receive division pins. The pins may be made of vulcanized fibre or wood, and should project 1 A inch above the flanges. The object of the pins is to keep the layers of copper wire in their proper position. Then wind the spool full of !N"o. 18 annealed iron wire with a layer of paper between each layer of wire. The outer end of the iron wire should be soldered to prevent unwinding. Then cover the wire and the shaft at each end of armature for the distance of 2 inches with two layers of adhesive rubber tape and the armature is ready for the copper wire, which is No. 18 Brown & Sharp gauge. Starting from the commutator end of the armature, the wire is carried along the surface of the armature core between two division pins parallel with the shaft ; then across the end of the armature core between the division pins diametrically opposite those on the other side of the armature ; then across the commutator end of the core and alongside of the first wire, and so on until there are ten convolutions on one side of the shaft; then go around the armature again in the same manner, crossing the ends of the core on the opposite side of the shaft ; then there will be 20 convolutions called 1 section. Do not cut the wire but leave a loop about five inches long to go to the commutator. Those are called lead wires. After making the loop and securing the wires together close to the armature core, lay the wire along armature core in the next space as before. Continue thus until 12 sections are laid on. This (25) 9(5 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. is the inner layer. All the spaces on the core have two layers of wire but there are only twelve lead wires. The outer layer is then started on top of the inner layer and goes around the core as in starting. There will be four layers of wire between each row of pins but only two sections Avith the lead wire for each section on opposite sides of the core. The copper wire all being laid on the core, the next step is to bind the copper wire that it may not be thrown out of place from the high rate of speed the armature has to revolve. The bands should be three in number of ~No. 22 spring brass wire drawn as tightly as the wire will stand without breaking and each should be soldered at several points. A layer of mica or rubber tape should be between the brass and copper wire. FIELD MAGNETS. The field magnets are 5 inches long ; 4 ! /2 inches wide ; I 1 /* inches thick. They should be of soft gray cast iron and should be secured at each end to the pole pieces with two 3 /s inch hexagon cap screws, as shown in Fig. I. At the points where the pole pieces and field magnets join, the parts should be planed smooth, then scraped so that a perfect joint is made and all the iron touches, as there is quite a loss sustained with the best possible joint, and the poorer joint the greater the loss. The best way to put the machine together is to first bolt the field magnets to the lower pole piece, then place the upper pole piece in position and carefully examine the joints to see if the iron touches the whole surface ; if not, it should be made to do so. Do not try to spring them into position with the bolts. On each end of the field magnets should be placed a vulcanized fibre washer 1 /s inch thick extending out from the magnet 5 /s inch. The field magnets should then be covered with two layers of adhesive rubber tape or several layers of muslin thoroughly saturated with shellac. The magnets are then ready to wind. The wire to use is ~No. 20 Brown & Sharp gauge double covered, ten layers to each field magnet with 95 convolutions to each layer, making 1,900 convolutions on both fields, with a total length of wire about 1,900 feet, with a resistance of about 20 Ohms. The length of wire may vary somewhat from the figures given, because of the difference of the thickness of insulation, or the wire may not be laid closely, so that a few turns may be lost ; the variation will not be enough to materially change the output of the machine. Before starting to wind the field magnets coils, a hole should (27) 28 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. be drilled through the fibre washer almost to the iron. The end of the wire should go through the washer that a connection can be made to lead to the brushes. It is better to lead out a flexible wire as there is not so much danger of breaking in handling. If the wire should be broken off close to the fibre, it would necessitate unwinding the whole field to get the end again. FIFTEEN LIGHT DYNAMO. These drawings are for a 15 light, 16 candle power, 50 volt dynamo. The machine will require a floor space of 24 x 14 inches ; is 9 inches high ; armature speed 2,500 revolutions per minute, and will require 1V2 horse power to drive it. FIG I. Fig. I is a front elevation of the upper pole piece (1) ; lower pole piece (3) ; field magnet cores (2), and cross section of pole piece extension f4). The pole pieces are of cast iron 10 3 /4 inches long ; 6 inches wide ; 1V2 inches thick ; gap between pole pieces 2 3 /s inches. The bore of the pole piece is 5 x /4 inches. It is entirely unnecessary to bore out the pole pieces of these small machines if a close calculation in building the armatures is made, and it corresponds with the circle of the pole pieces. The armature should be finished before the machine is put together and if the circles of the armature and pole pieces are concentric, all that is necessary is to make the proper allowance on the length of the field .magnet cores for the air space between the armature and pole pieces. It will make no difference in the working of the machine whether or not the iron in the pole pieces presents a sand or a finished surface. The field magnet cores (2) are of cast iron 5 1 /* inches long ; 6 inches wide and IVa inches thick with the corners rounded off to facilitate winding. A hole is cored through the center to admit a 3 A inch bolt, and a hole is drilled through the end of the upper pole piece to correspond, the lower pole piece (29) 30 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. FKJ. IX. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 31 being drilled and tapped. There will be only one bolt at each end. This makes a very quick and convenient way of putting the machine together. The field magnets should be faced off in a lathe that the ends may be true with the hole in the center. FIG. II. Fig. II shows a plan view of lower pole piece with extensions for supporting the pillow blocks and bearings. The extension (4 1 ) on the pulley side is 5 inches long ; 3 inches wide with the end rounded off to a radius of l x /2 inches. The extension (4 2 ) on the commutator side is 10 7 /s inches long; 3 inches wide, and 7 /s inch thick with the end rounded of to the same radius. FIG. III. Fig. Ill shows a vertical section through armature shaft. 1 is the upper pole piece, and 3 is the lower pole piece showing extensions (4 1 ) and (4 2 ) ; also the method of securing the pillow blocks to the extensions. One bolt can be used as is shown in Fig. Ill, but if it should become loosened from any cause, the shaft would cramp in its bearings and become heated. The better plan is to use two bolts or screws as is shown in Fig. II. The distance from top of base to center of shaft is 3 3 /s inches ; the pillow blocks are cored out to receive babbitt metal bearings, as shown at 27. The cap (32), Fig. IV, is secured to the pillow block with two half inch hexagon cap screws (33). The shaft (31) should be made of steel 23 inches long and 1 inch in diameter. In the bearings the shaft is turned down to 3 /4 of an inch, leaving a shoulder to prevent endwise play without the use of set collars. The distance between bearings is 13 7 /s inches. The armature core is of soft iron wire wound in a spool of well seasoned maple wood (7), 6 inches long. The flanges on each end are 4V2 inches in diameter and 3 /i6 inch thick ; inside diameter of the spool is 2V2 inches. It should be finished on the shaft, that it may be perfectly true. A V inch steel 32 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. pin should be put through the spool and shaft (as shown at 9) to keep the armature in position and prevent its turning on the shaft. Space the flanges into 24 sections and with a fine saw cut a slot to the depth of a quarter of an inch to receive division pins, as shown at 10, Figs. Ill and Y. Before placing the division pins in position, wind the spool full of No. 18 annealed iron wire, as shown, at 8, and the armature is ready for the insulation. The instructions for insulating and winding a Siemens armature are given in Figs. I, II, III, pages 4 and >. It may seem to a casual observer that it is a very easy matter to wind a spool of iron wire and have it round, smooth and perfectly balanced, but it is not as easy as it looks. It can be done by commencing the layers each time at the same end of the spool, allowing the wire to rest in the grooves of the preceding layer. This will necessitate cutting and soldering the wire at the end of each layer. Or the wire can be wound on continuously by placing heavy stiff paper between each layer of wire to keep it from dropping into the grooves between the convolutions of the Dreceding layer, and giving an even surface on which to wind each layer. The commutator (11) is very easy to build and makes a very nice one for a small machine. In place of the brass core with a nut for compressing the segments and holding them in position, 4 bolts are used, as shown at 14. Two brass heads ,(13), turned concave, are shown in section Fig. I, of which 13, Fig. YII, is an end view. 12, Fig. YII, shows the end insulation, which can be of fibre rings or mica, either one will readily take the concave form of the brass washers on the ends of the commutator. 8 /32 inch is of sufficient thickness for the end insulation. Mica or fibre insulation Vs2 inch thick is used to insulate the segments from each other. After the segments have all been arranged with the insulation between them well shellaced, an iron band should be forced over the segments to draw them as closely together as possible. The ring should be somewhat smaller than the commutator in its loose condition and forced over by putting it in a vise or with a bolt from the center with a large washer at each end. Put the end washers on the shaft or a mandril the exact size of the shaft with the commutator in the center, then with the bolts set the PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 33 washers up firmly. Take off the ring from the outside and the commutator is finished with the exception of turning off the outside, which should not be done until the commutator is placed in its proper position on the shaft so it will be perfectly true. The lead wires from the armature may be secured to the commutator segments by screws or soldering, whichever is the most convenient. Soldering is far the safer, as there is danger of the screws becoming loosened, breaking off or becoming corroded, causing the brushes to spark, the commutator to burn and greatly increasing the internal resistance of the machine. The yoke (16) is of brass 3 /s inch thick, with 5Va inches between centers of brush holders. A hole in center 2 inches in diameter fits on the collar (17) that secures the yoke to the bearing (6) . The handle (34) serves to hold the yoke in position. The brush holders (19) are of a style that is quite easy to make as they can be cast in shape and finished with a file with very little labor except wiiere they go through the yoke. They should be turned to 8 /s inch in diameter for the distance of I 1 /* inches and threaded to receive nut (20). An insulating bushing (23-) goes through the yoke and a hard rubber or fibre washer (22) is placed on the brush holder on either side to insulate the holder from the yoke. A brass washer (21) is placed between the nut and outside washer, to which the lamp circuit and field magnet wires are attached. FIG. IY. Fig. IY shows the bearing on the commutator side with cap (32) and screws (33) ; also the method of attaching the collar (17) for supporting yoke (16). The holes (28) in the pillow block (6) are drilled and tapped. The holes (28) in collar (17) are large enough to permit the screws to pass through freely and are counter sunk so that the screw heads may be flush with the face of the collar. After securing collar (17) to the pillow block, the yoke is placed in position and washer (18) is placed on the outside and held in place with screws (29) . By this arrangement the yoke is allowed to revolve freely around the shaft for the purpose of changing the position of the brushes and 34 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. at the same time keeping the points of the brushes concentric with the armature shaft, which is a very essential feature. The brushes should touch segments in the commutator that are diametrically opposite each other. There should always be an even number of sections in an armature, that an equal division can be made, as the current divides at the brushes when it enters the armature, and joins again at the other brush. As electricity will always take the path of the least resistance, if there is an unequal number of sections in the armature, or the brushes set so there are two or three sections less on one side, more current will flow through one side than the other, causing the armature to heat, the brushes to spark and the machine to work bad generally, and no doubt in a short time the destruction of the armature would result. FIG. Y. Fig. Y shows the armature core (7) giving the necessary dimensions, and showing the method of placing the division pins (10). FIG. YI. Fig. YI shows brush holder yoke (16) which is 5Va inches between centers of brush holders ; 3 inches in diameter in the center, bored out 2 inches to fit collar ; holes in ends l /z inch to receive insulating bushings (23) . The handle (34) can be made of hard wood. 22 is an insulating washer 1 inch in diameter ; 23 is the insulating bushing. Their positions are shown in Fig. III. 19 is the brush holder with brush (26) in position. The holder is slotted out to the proper width of a brush. Plate 25 is placed over the brush (26), and screws (24) going through plate (25) into brush holder (19) hold the brush firmly and at the same time admit of easy adjustment of the brushes. The brushes are made of several layers of thin spring sheet copper. They are 4 inches long; 1 inch wide and 3 /ic inch thick. The object of using several layers is to get sufficient surface on the commutator and still have the brush elastic. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 35 FlG. VII. Fig. VII shows the commutator in detail. 11 is the end view ; 15 are the screws for fastening the lead wires to the segments ; 13 the brass heads, and 12 the insulation. The proper way to set the armature to have it central in the pole pieces is to have strips of wood or cardboard of the proper thickness and place them at four equi-distant points between the armature and the pole pieces, which will make the air space the same all around the armature. Before the metal is poured in the bearing spaces see that the center of the shaft is in the center of the bearings, when cap 23 is in place. If it is not, the pillow blocks should be raised or lowered as the case may be. Remove cap 23 and after the metal is poured and becomes cool, take out the strips from around the armature and let the shaft rest in the bearings. Put on the caps and babbitt them, then remove the pillow blocks and take off the sharp corners of the metal between the caps and pillow blocks, and cut a groove lengthwise in the babbitt that the oil may circulate the whole length of the bearings. If the work is well done, the shaft should run cool, but if it does not, take off the caps and put a piece of paper between the cap and the bearing. THE ARMATURE: WIRE AND WINDING. The wire on the armature should be No. 15 double covered (Brown & Sharp gauge). There are 24 sections in the armature and 2 layers per section, making the wire on the armature 4 layers deep. The instructions for insulating and winding a Siemens armature are given on page 4, Figs. I, II, III. (36) THE FIELD MAGNETS: WIRE AND WINDING. The wire on the field magnets is No. 18 (Brown & Sharp gauge). There are 11 layers on each field, and 93 convolutions to each layer, making the total number of convolutions on both fields 2.046. The method of winding and connecting up the machine is shown in dia- gram 14, page 68. If a rheostat is needed the instructions for building and connecting are given in the same diagram for winding and connecting the field magnets. This machine without changing its construction or armature windings will make one arc light, but in the place of the No. 18 wire on the fields, put No. 11 wire, and connect up in series. When wound and connected in this way it will only require to be run at 1,600 revolutions per minute. The first machine built from these patterns was to supply current for one arc lamp. The field wire was changed and it did equally as good service as an incandescent dynamo, only requiring a higher rate of armature speed. (37) FIG. x. THIRTY=FIVK LIGHT DYNAMO- These drawings are for a 35 light, 50 volt, 16 C. P. dynamo ; floor space 20 x 24 inches and 13 inches high, to be run at a speed of 2,200 revolutions per minute, weight 150 pounds. It will require four horse power to drive this dynamo. It is unnecessary to go into a thorough detail of construction, as that ground has been thoroughly covered in the 4 and 10 light machines, and only parts that differ from them will be taken up. FIG. I. In Fig. I is the front elevation. The pole pieces (1) and (2) are 18V4 inches long ; 4 inches wide ; 2V4 inches thick, bored out to 8 inches with a gap between pole pieces 3V2 inches. The field magnets are of wrought iron 8 inches long ; 3V4 inches diameter, as shown by dotted lines in Fig. II. The ends of the pole pieces are rounded off to a radius of 2 inches and project over the field magnets 3 /s inch on the outside, which is sufficient to hold the insulating washers in place and prevent them from warping. The pole pieces are secured to the field magnets with a single 3 /4 inch cap screw in each end. The pole pieces extensions (4 1 ) and (4 2 ) are 1 inch thick, and 3 J /2 inches wide ; 8 inches long on the commutator side ; 5 inches long on the pulley side with braces as shown in cross section in Fig. I and at (16) and (17) in Fig. III. The armature is a Gramme ring ; the core is built up of thin iron discs 7V4 inches outside diameter ; 4V4 inches inside diameter, making the iron in the (39) 40 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. core 1V2 inches thick. The two outside discs should be of thicker iron to prevent bulging out between the arms of the hub ; also to hold them firm while the armature core is being turned off as it will have to be, as the holes in the discs are not always in the center, which would make the armature out of round and it would be impossible to balance it. The core must be balanced before the copper wire is wound on it and can be done by drilling into the end of the core on the heavy side instead of trying to build up on the outside of the core, as that would make the armature out of round. If the armature were out of round the fields would have to be bored out larger in proportion. That would mean a great loss as it would increase the average distance between the iron in the pole pieces and the armature core. The core is built up of alternating rings of iron and paper until it is 4 inches wide on the face. If the hub is turned up to a good fit so the rings will just slip on and press each one of the arms in the hub firmly, they will require no other fastening, as the friction is sufficient to prevent them from turning. The shaft (16) should be of steel IVd inches in diameter; llVs inches between bearings, but in the bearings it should be turned down to 1 inch so it will leave a shoulder on the inside of the bearings to keep the armature in position without the use of set collars. The shaft should project 4 inches on the outside of bearing to receive the pulley, which should be 5 inches in diameter ; 4 1 /2 inch face to receive a 4 inch belt. The commutator (7) is 4Va inches long ; 3 inches in diameter with lugs or projections on each segment 8 /s inch wide ; 8 /4 inch long, the lead wires to be secured to the lugs with screws or the lugs to be slotted and the wires soldered to them. An axial section of the commutator is shown in Fig. VI. (1) is a brass sleeve with a flange on one end, the other end threaded to receive nut (4) . The segments (2) are beveled at each end ; the insulation (3) is concaved to match. There are 42 segments with mica or vulcanized fibre Vs2 inch thick between the segments. The inside diameter of the commutator should be at least Vs inch larger than the core that there may be no danger of the segments and core coming in contact. The brush holder yoke (5) as shown in Figs. Ill and VII is of brass 5 /s inch thick and 8 inches between centers of brush holders with 8 /4 inch holes in the ends for insulating bushings (12). The bushings (12) are of vulcanized PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 41 fibre 3 /4 inch in diameter, 1 /s inch thick. The brush holders are shaped as shown at (II) in Figs. Ill and VIII, and are 4 3 /4 inches long. The end going through the yoke is l /2 inch in diameter for the distance of 1 3 A inches, and is threaded to receive nut (8) . "Vulcanized fibre or hard rubber washers (3) are placed on brush holder to insulate it from yoke (5). A brass washer (14) is placed between the nut and insulating washer to prevent the nut from cutting into the washer, and also for furnishing a means of connecting the lamp circuit and field magnet wires to the brush holder. The other end of the brush holder is slotted as shown in Fig. VIII, the slot being l*/2 x 8 /s inches ; the brush to be 1V2 inches wide ; the gib (3) is placed in the slot between the brush and the screw (2) ; the gib presenting a larger surface to the brush, holds it more firmly and prevents the screw from cutting into the brush. The yoke is secured to the bearing with a collar and washer, and handle (10) serves to hold the yoke in place when the position of the brushes has been determined. The pillow blocks (9) are secured to the extension with two */2 inch cap screws going up from the bottom into the bearings. The pillow block and cap are cored out around the shaft, to make room for the babbitt metal bearings, which gives the shaft a wearing surface of 3 inches. From center of shaft to base of pillow blocks is 5V2 inches. Cap (18) is fitted in between projections in the pillow blocks and is held in position with two V2 inch cap screws. In fitting the shaft in the bearings and babbitting them, care should be used that the armature is perfectly central in the pole pieces. The shaft must be allowed to revolve freely to prevent heating, but it should not be loose or the armature will vibrate. The hub (2) of the armature should be of brass, secured to the shaft with a pin (3), as shown in Fig. IV. In Fig. V. are given the dimensions of the armature hub with projections for holding the rings in place. The projections (19) are put on with screws that they may be removed to allow the rings to be placed on the hub. ARMATURE: SIZE OF WIRE AND WINDING. There should be 42 sections in the armature with two layers of wire to each section ; three convolutions to each layer of ]^o. 12 double covered copper wire (Brown & Sharp gauge). The winding should start on a line of the arms so there will be three spaces left on the outside of the armature just the width of the arms. It is not a good idea to try to fill those spaces over the spider arms, as it would pile the wire up against the arms on the inside of the core and would be liable to throw the armature out of balance, and if it does not, it will make the armature look badly. With 42 sections, and 6 convolutions per section, the total number of convolutions on the armature would be 252. With about 13 inches per convolution, the length of wire on the armature would be 273 feet. (42) THE FIELD: MAGNETS SIZE OF WIRE AND WINDINGS. The size of wire on the field magnets should be No. 18 (B. & S. gauge) 10 layers deep ; 135 convolutions per layer, making 2,700 convolutions on both fields with a total length of about 2,900 feet, making the resistance of the field coils about 19.5 ohms. What little variation there will be in the length of wire will not materially affect the machine. The fields are to be connected hi "shunt." This style of machine has been in use for two years. (43) 44 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. FlQ. XI. SIXTY LIGHT DYNAMO. These drawings are for a 60 light, 16 candle power, 50 volt dynamo ; floor space 20x28 inches, and 13V2 inches high; armature speed 1,600 revolutions per minute ; weight 500 pounds. It will require about 5 horse power to drive the dynamo. FIG. I. Fig. I shows the front elevation. 1 is the upper pole piece ; 3 the lower pole piece ; 2 the field magnet cores, and 4 the cross section, of pole piece extension. The pole pieces are 16 3 /4 inches long; 8 inches wide, and 2Va inches thick. The field magnet cores are 8 inches long ; 8 inches wide and 2V2 inches thick in the center, and are rounded off at the corners to facilitate winding. Two holes are cored through the fields to allow the bolts to pass through, as shown by dotted lines. In bolting the machine together 4 bolts are used, 2 at each end, the bolts passing freely through the upper pole piece and field magnet cores. The lower pole piece is drilled and tapped to receive them. FIG. II. Fig. II is a plan view of lower pole piece, showing extensions for supporting the pillow blocks. The extension (4 1 ) on the pulley side is 5V2 inches long ; 4V2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. On the commutator side, the extension (4 2 ) is 10 7 /s inches long; 4V2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick with a (45) 46 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. brace, as shown at (4 2 ) Fig. Ill, to strengthen the extension. Only a fillet is needed on the pulley side, as the bearing is so close to the pole piece. FIG. III. Fig. Ill shows a vertical section through shaft. The shaft (35) is made of steel I 1 /* inches in diameter; 28 inches long; 16 8 /s inches between bearings. In the bearings the shaft is turned down to 1 inch, leaving a shoulder on the inside of the bearings to prevent endwise play. The shaft should revolve freely in the bearing and still not be loose; a little endwise play of the shaft say Vie inch will not do any harm, but if the cap to the bearing does not fit properly and there is a chance for the shaft to vibrate vertically, it will not only cause the whole machine to shake and make a pounding noise, but whatever vibration there is in the bearing will be felt at the brushes ; at every revolution the brushes will be thrown off the commutator, causing an abnormal spark, which will soon destroy the brushes and the commutator as well. A great many machines are working badly to-day from that cause ; that is, machines that have been in use for a long time. The bearings get a little worn and the armature may be a little out of balance and the sparking begins so gradually that it is hard to determine the cause. The result is a continual turning off of the commutator and constant renewal of brushes, which is not only expensive but very annoying. The machine is also in danger while working in such a condition, as the fine particles of copper from the brushes and commutator pervades every portion of the machine. They work in between the lead wires where they connect to the segments of the commutator ; also into the armature, and will eventually short circuit some of the coils, and a burnt-out armature is the result. The shaft on the pulley side should extend sufficiently to allow room for a pulley with a 4 J /2 inch face, as it will require a 4 inch belt to drive the machine. The bearings (6) are 4 inches wide made of babbitt metal. Before the metal is poured in the bearing spaces the armature must be placed perfectly central in the pole pieces. From center of shaft to base of pillow blocks it PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 47 is 5Vs inches. The pillow-blocks are secured to the extensions with four 3 /s inch bolts going down through the base of pillow blocks into extensions. The hub for the armature core is of brass and is in two parts, as shown at 7 and 8, with three radial arms extending out from the center, as shown in Fig. V. The hubs are first bored out to fit the shaft and the inner surfaces faced off that they may come together without leaving an opening between them. They are then slipped on the shaft in place and a pin put through the hubs and shaft to hold them in position, as shown at 35, Fig. Y. On one side of the arms are solid lugs extending to the height of the core, on the other side the lugs are removable, as shown at 10. The core is built up alternately of thin iron discs and paper 7 J /4 inches outside diameter and 4V4 inches inside diameter to form a solid ring 8 inches long. The ends of the arms should be turned off so the discs will slip on tight but not sufficiently so to warp them out of shape. The two outer discs should be 3 /ie inch thick. After the discs are placed on the hubs and pressed down, lugs (10) are replaced and held firmly with screws (11). The object of the thicker discs on the outside is to prevent the iron discs bulging out between the arms. If the discs are properly fitted to the arms, they will need no other fastening, as the friction will be sufficient to hold them from turning. The shaft should then be put in a lathe and one or two cuts taken off the outside that the outer surface may be perfectly true and smooth. The armature should then be placed on parallel strips and perfectly balanced, which can be done by drilling into the end of the core on the heavy side until the armature will come to rest at any point. When insulating the armature core, care should be used that the insulation is of the same thickness at all points on the outer surface, for if the insulation is of unequal thickness, the same irregularity will show when the armature is wound, which will necessitate boring out the pole pieces enough larger to accommodate the high places, and it will also throw the copper wire farther from the center in some places than others ; the armature will thus become unbalanced with very poor chances of correcting the difficulty. If good results are expected and a smooth, quiet-running machine is desired, these suggestions must be observed. 48 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. There are 42 segments in the commutator (12). They are 4 1 /* inches long on the inside ; 3 3 /4 inches on the outside and 1 inch wide ; 13 is the commutator core; 14, fibre insulation; 10, the nut to hold the commutator together; 15, a metal washer interposed between the nut and insulation. If the washer is not used, the friction of the nut on the insulation in tightening up the commutator is sufficient to twist the segments and leave them spiral instead of longitudinal with the shaft as they should be. 38 is the air space between the segments of the commutator (12) and the core (13) ; 37 are the screws for connecting the lead wires to the segments of the commutator. A detail of yoke, brush holder, rod and insulation is given in Fig. VII. Brush holders (24) are constructed so that they may be moved on the stud bolts and can be set zig-zag so that the whole surface of the commutator may be in contact and as the commutator wears away, the surface will wear smooth and not in ridges. Four narrow brushes are used instead of two wide ones, which is very essential for machine carrying heavy currents, as it insures better contact on the commutator, and in case the commutator becomes a little rough or uneven the brushes are less liable to spark. Brush holders should not be positive on a machine carrying heavy currents, but should be pressed on with springs that the least wear in either brush or commutator may be automatically taken up, which not only relieves the person in charge of a great deal of trouble, but keeps a constant pressure of the brushes on the commutator at all times. The measurements of the brushes and holders are given in Fig. VIII. The collar (18) for securing the brush holder yoke to bearing has been thoroughly described in previous machines. A detail is given in Fig. IV. FIG. V. Fig. V shows end view of armature core (9) with dimensions of rings. Their position is shown at (9) Fig. III. FIG. VIII. Fig. VIII shows a side and top view of brush holder (24) with brushes (27) in position. This is a very easy and convenient holder to make. The PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING, 49 screw (28) that holds the plate that clamps the brush should always be on the top side so it will be an easy matter to adjust the brushes when the machine is running 1 . It is not necessary in building machines that each separate one shall be carried out in detail as given in the drawings. There are several different styles of commutators and brush holders given and any one can be used as it suits convenience or fancy, or parts of your own inventing can be applied ; so there is sufficient material used to safely carry the current, and all parts well and substantially constructed. I would not advise any material change in the dimensions of the machine or sizes or quantity of wire, unless you wish to do some experimenting and take these machines as a basis from which to work. The writer found by building and running these machines what their capacities were and gives them here just as he found them. They are no toys but machines that are intended for actual service. The 60 light machine from which these drawings are made has been used for lighting our shop for the last two years, and is giving as good service now as the first day it started. All measurements in the dynamo are given finished and in making patterns allowance will have to be made for shrinkage and finishing. THE ARMATURE WIRE AND WINDINGS. The wire on the armature is "No. 12 B. & S. gauge, double cotton covered. There are 42 sections with 2 layers per section, 5 convolutions per layer, making the total number of convolutions on armature 420. The method of winding and connecting a Gramme ring is given in Figs. 4 and 5, page 9. (50) The wire on the fields is No. 15 double cotton covered. There are 13 layers on each field, with 106 convolutions to each layer; total number of convolutions on both fields, 2,756. If a 110 volt dynamo is preferred to a 52, the only change that is necessary in this machine is to put one more layer of wire on the fields ; leave the armature and balance of the machine as given above, and increase the armature speed a little, and you will have a 110 volt dynamo. (51) ISO LIGHT These drawings are for a 150 light, 110 volt dynamo ; floor space 25 x 38 inches, and 16 3 /s inches high; weight, 1,100 pounds; armature speed 1,350 revolutions per minute. The machine will require 15 horse power to drive it. FIG I. Fig. I is a front elevation of the machine. 1 is the upper pole piece ; 2 the lower pole piece, and 3 the field magnet cores. The pole pieces are 22 inches long ; 10 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. The field magnet cores are 10 8 /s inches long; 10 inches wide, and 3V2 inches thick in the center, and gradually rounded off to the circle of the ends of the pole pieces as shown in Fig. II. The field magnet cores will then have the same cross sectional area as the pole pieces. The lower pole piece (Fig. II) is provided with extensions for supporting the armature bearings. The extension on the pulley side is 6 3 /s niches long, and 6V2 inches wide ; on the commutator side, the extension is IS 1 /* inches long, 6V2 inches wide and IVs inches thick. A chipping strip 5 inches wide and V inch thick should be placed on the ends of the extensions for furnishing surfaces for bearings. Two bolts at each end passing through upper pole piece and field magnet cores, threaded into lower pole piece, are required to bolt the machine together. Pole pieces are bored out to lOVie inches ; gap between them 3 x /2 inches. Too much care can not be taken in making the joints. The pole pieces should be planed as smooth as possible, (52) FIG. Xli. 54 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. then with a fine file and scraper remove all the tool marks that the surface may be perfectly smooth and polished. The field magnet cores may be finished in a lathe, but unless a strong- heavy lathe is used and the tool held rigidly, it will spring, and the farther the cut goes from the center the greater the spring of the tool. After the cut is finished and a straight edge is placed on the core, it will show that the center is nearly Vs2 inch lower than the outsides. Those high placed will have to be taken off with a file with danger of getting them out of true. If the machine were put together as the cores came out of the lathe, not V* of the iron would be in contact ; a great loss would be sustained from the increased magnetic resistance ; the joints would become heated, and it is a question if a dynamo working under those conditions could be brought up to its rated capacity without increasing the speed to a dangerous point. It may appear to the reader that there is too much stress laid on the forming of the joints of the machine, and that there is too much explaining about them; but as it has cost the writer a great deal of time and expense, and, in fact, a good many changes to get the dynamos described in this work up to the point claimed for them, he can more fully realize the importance of a thorough explanation. To show the effect of poor workmanship, the writer will give an instance of a specially constructed machine for slow speed. The dimensions were as follows : armature (a Gramme ring) 10V2 inches in diameter ; 3 inches wide ; wound 5 layers deep with ~No. 16 wire ; the pole pieces were of cast iron 3 inches wide at the armature, 4 inches at the field magnets and 2 inches thick. The field magnet cores were of wrought iron 14*/2 inches long ; 4 inches wide ; and l J /2 inches thick. Instead of the machine being bolted together, as shown in drawings, the field magnets were long enough to allow the bolts to go through them into the ends of the pole pieces. Wire on field magnets !N"o. 10 with 720 convolutions on each field; intended speed 600 revolutions per minute for an output of 10 amperes at 50 volts pressure. When the machine was tested it was found that at 800 revolutions per minute the output was only 5 amperes at 20 volts pressure. In taking the machine apart to find the trouble it was found that not more than Va of the iron in the pole pieces was in contact with the field magnets. The wire was taken off PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 55 from the field magnets, perfect joints were made, the wire replaced, and at 600 revolutions per minute the machine gave 10 amperes at 65 volts pressure. This shows the importance of good workmanship. : FIG. III. Fig. Ill shows a vertical section through shaft. The shaft should be of machine steel 38 inches long ; I 3 /-* inches in diameter. In the bearings it is turned down to ! J /2 inches, leaving a shoulder inside the bearings to prevent endwise play. Distance between the bearings 21 3 /4 inches. Shaft extends over bearing on pulley side 6 inches. The pillow blocks (6) are 6V2x5 inches at the base, and from base to center of shaft 7V inches. They are fastened to extensions with four Va inch hexagon cap screws and lined with babbitt metal, as shown at 27. Length of shaft in bearings 5 inches. The hub of the armature core is in two parts, as shown at 7 and 8. They are made of brass with three radial arms extending from the center, of which 7, Fig. V, is an end view. There are lugs on the outside of the arms extending around the core to its outer circumference. Lugs (10) are fastened to the arms with screws (11) so they can be removed to place the iron discs on the hub. The hub should be bored out to fit the shaft and the inside of the arms faced off so they will come together without leaving an opening. Place them on the shaft in position and put a pin through them, as shown at 36, Fig. V. If it is more convenient or preferred a key may be used to hold the hub in place instead of a pin. The ends of the arms should be turned off to 6 inches in diameter. The core is built up of thin iron discs (9) 9 3 A inches outside diameter, 6 inches inside diameter. The discs should be insulated from each other. It may be done with disc of paper or the iron disc may be covered with a coating of insulating paint or shellac will answer. The discs at each end should be made of J /4 inches iron to prevent the thin iron disc from bulging out between the arms. For convenience of insulating, a fibre ring Vie inch thick can be placed 56 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. on the outside of the iron disc, as the ends of the armature core are the hardest parts to insulate. Fill the hub as full of iron discs as possible, so that it will require clamps or bolts to press them on, then replace lugs (10) and fasten with screws (11). If "No. 22 iron is used to make the disc, it will require about 400 to build the core and as many discs of manilla paper. If the discs are properly fitted to the hub and as many forced on as possible they will require no fastening, as the friction will be sufficient to hold them from turning on the hub. The core should be turned off and perfectly balanced before insulating. The commutator has been fully described in previous machines. The only changes necessary are the dimensions and the method of fastening the lead wires to the segments, which is shown at 29 Fig. II and 29 and 30 Fig. "VI. 29 is a copper strip of sufficient carrying capacity let into the lug of the segments and well soldered. The outer end is split, as shown in Fig. Ill, and the parts bent out to form a fork, as in 1 Fig. "VI. The lead wires are laid in and the ends bent over, as shown in 2 and 3, and well soldered. This makes- the most sure and substantial way of fastening the lead wires to the segments, for if the solder were to become loosened the wires would remain in contact with the segments, thus avoiding an open circuit in the armature, but it would undoubtedly cause the brushes to spark, and a burning of the segment at fault from the increased resistance of the poor contact. The machine should not be allowed to run a great while in this way as it would damage the commutator to such an extent as to require turning off. Another difficulty that would arise would be the burning of the points of the brushes sufficiently to change their circle on the commutator. They would have to be refitted. Another form of attaching the lead wires to the segments is shown at 30, Fig. YI. It is a clip and can be cast in that form. It should be deep enough to permit the wires to lay in it, one above the other, and the sides of the clip bent over the top and well soldered. The clip is fastened to the segments with screws, as shown at 31. This form of connection is equally as good as the other, with the exception of the screws. Unless an extraordinarily good job is done at the joints, the commutator will spark and nothing can be done to remedy it. If the screws become loosened or corroded or dirt works- PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 57 under them, the resistance will be so greatly increased that a portion of the current will be carried across the insulation to the next segment, and it will invariably produce a spark either at the point of the brush or at the insulation between the segments. The core of the commutator is 8 inches long with a projection on the inside for set screws (28) to keep the commutator from moving on the shaft. There are sixty segments in the commutator; diameter finished, 4V2 inches; inside length of segments 6 inches, outside length 5*/2 inches and 1 inch wide. The brush holder yoke and method of securing it to the bearing has been fully described in previous machines. A detail is given in Figs. IY and VIII. FIG. VII. In Fig. VII are shown the brush holders 32 and 33 for carbon brushes. They are made of brass in the form of a box open at each end. They are 3 Inches long ; 2V4 inches wide and 5 /s inch thick with a hole through them that will admit a carbon 2 inches wide and 3 /s inch thick. As the end of a carbon brush touches the commutator a spring is used to keep a constant pressure of the brush on the commutator at all times and also to take up the wear of the brush. This style is known as automatic brush holders. Two forms of springs are shown. The spring in 32 is made of sheet spring brass and wound as a clock spring around the screw at the head of the uprights, the outer end projecting down to the brush. As the tendency of the spring is to unwind, it keeps a constant and even pressure on the carbon. 33 is the same pattern as 32, only a little different arrangement of the spring. Instead of the flat spring a thin sheet of brass is used with a hinge at the top of the upright ; near the bottom is a hole through which passes a small eyebolt or screw ; on the outside is a thumb nut ; to the other end is attached a spiral spring, so by turning the nut one way or the other, the pressure of the brush on the commutator can be regulated at will. On the lower side of the holder is a boss extending the whole width of the brush holder and through it a 3 A inch hole, so it will slip on the stud (17), then the thumb screws should be 58 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. tightened to keep holders in place. The brushes should pass freely through the holders, but not too loose, or they will rattle ; not only that, but the vibration will cause sufficient spark to eat away the brush and keep the commutator in a rough and unsightly condition. Unless the commutator is kept in first-class condition, carbon brushes on a low voltage dynamo will give trouble. The commutator should be of a dark-brown or chocolate color when running properly. If it is allowed to spark and become rough the brushes will be so thoroughly insulated from the commutator that the dynamo will not start. The way to correct that trouble is by polishing the commutator with a piece of sand paper fitted into a block of wood the same circle as the commutator ; never use emery cloth, as the particles are liable to cut into the insulation between the segments and short circuit the coils on the armature. THE ARMATURE : WIRE AND WINDING. The armature is wound with Xo. 11 wire (B. & S. gauge), two layers deep, and the layers connected in multiple. So the winding is the same as though a single wire were used and only one layer. In using two small wires it makes it much easier to wind, as one w T ire of sufficient carrying capacity for a machine of this size would be so hard to handle and bend around the ends that it would make a rough and unsightly job ; another serious objection to the large wire is that there would not be as many convolutions on the armature, necessarily requiring a higher rate of speed to get the voltage. There are 60 sections in the armature with 8 convolutions per section, total number of convolutions on the armature 480. With 20 feet per section, the total number of feet 1,200, making about 30 pounds. The method of winding a gramme ring armature is given in Figs. 4 and 5, page 9. (59) THE FIELD MAGNETS AND WINDINGS. The wire on the field magnets is No. 15 (B. & S. gauge). There are 11 layers on each field, with 152 convolutions per layer, making a total number of convolutions on the field magnets 3,344, with an approximate length of 6,000 feet, weighing 61 pounds. This machine is connected in shunt. The method of winding, insulating and connecting up is shown in diagram 14, page 68. (60) ONE L-ICHT KRO These drawings are for a 1 arc-light dynamo ; will produce 10 amperes at 50 volts pressure; floor space 15V2x22 inches, and 11 inches high; weighs 100 pounds ; armature speed 900 revolutions per minute, and will require one horse power to drive it. FIG. I. Fig. I is a front elevation of the machine ; 1 is the upper pole piece ; 3 the lower pole piece ; 2 the field magnet cores and 4 is a cross section of pole piece extensions. The pole pieces are of cast iron 4 inches wide ; 1V2 inches thick at the field magnets and 8 /4 inch in the center. The reducing of the pole pieces in the center is not necessary ; it makes the machine a little lighter and perhaps looks a little better, but the machine works as well with the pole pieces solid as cut away, as it has been tried both ways. The field magnet cores are of wrought iron 11 inches long, 4 inches wide and 1 inch thick, and bolted flatwise to the ends of the pole pieces instead of end on, as is the usual manner, on account of the small cross sectional area of the field magnets. Where wrought iron field magnet cores are used a provision will have to be made as in this instance, that the whole cross sectional area of the pole pieces shall be in contact with the field magnet cores on account of the high magnetic resistance of the joints and of the small area of their surfaces. As the magnetic resistance of cast iron is 30% greater than wrought, the cross sections of cast iron portions of the machine should be that much larger or the lines of force would be throttled and the (61) FIG. XIII. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 63 strength of the field magnets reduced. But if it is preferred to extend the pole pieces across the ends of the field magnet cores, increase the size of the latter to 1V2 inches thick, and the same results will be obtained with cast iron cores as with the present construction and wrought iron. The pole pieces are bored to 8 inches, the gap between them 3 x /2 inches. FIG. II. Fig. II shows a plan of the lower po.e piece (3) with extensions (4 1 ) and (4 2 ) for supporting the bearings (6). On the pulley side the extension (4 1 ) is 3V2 inches wide, 1 inch thick and 4V4 inches long, rounded on the ends to a radius of ! 3 /4 inches. On the commutator side the extension (4 2 ) is 3V 2 inches wide ; 8 3 /s inches long, and rounded on the end to the same radius as (4 1 ). FIG. III. Fig. Ill shows a vertical section through shaft. The shaft should be made of steel 21V2 inches long; 1M inches in diameter; 9 3 /4 inches between the bearings. In the bearings the shaft is turned down to 1 inch, leaving a shoulder on the inside to prevent endwise play. The pillow blocks (6) are 3V2 inches at the shaft and lined with babbitt metal bearings as shown at 27. From top of base to center of shaft is 4 5 /s inches. To secure pillow-blocks to base, bolts (25) are used. The hub or spider of the armature core is of brass with six arms extending out radially from the center as shown in Fig. "V, with lugs on the outer ends extending around the core to its outer circumference. The hub is in two parts, as shown at 9 and 10 in Fig. III. The inner surface must be faced off to make a good joint. The hubs are then placed in position on the shaft and pins put through as shown at 30, Fig. V. The shaft should then be put in the lathe and the ends of the arms inside of the lugs turned down to 5 J /4 inches in diameter. The armature core can be made of thin discs or annealed iron wire. If wire is used, the space between the arms must be filled with wood, then turned 64 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. off smooth with the inner diameter of the hub. Wooden heads should be placed on the ends to prevent the wire bulging out or breaking down as it is wound on. The space on the inside can now be filled with No. 18 annealed iron wire with a layer of paper between each layer of wire. After the wire is all wound on and the outer end soldered to two or more of the lugs to prevent the wire from unwinding, take off the heads from the ends of the core. The wood between the arms can now be driven out, leaving- the wire on the inside as perfect a circle as on the outside. The only difficulty in building an armature in this way is the liability of getting it out of round, unless the wire is cut off at every layer and soldered and started from the same end every time. In winding there must be quite a strain on the wire, that each layer may be perfectly smooth and solid as thread on a spool; if it is rough or uneven and out of balance, you will find it quite a hard matter to balance it. If iron rings are used instead of wire for the armature core, the lugs on one end of the arms will have to be attached with screws, and only three arms in the hub are needed, but they should be a little thicker say 3 /s inch. This style of commutator (11) has been fully described before. The dimensions are given in Fig. YII. The brush holder yoke (17) is the usual pattern. The insulating bushing (21) ; insulating washers (20) ; brass washer (19) and nut (18) are all given with their dimensions in Fig. "VI. The brush holder (22) is 2 7 /s inches long ; one end for the distance of IVs inches is turned down to V2 inch, leaving a shoulder that fits up against the insulation (20). In the other end is a slot 1V2 inches long, 3 /s inch wide, to receive the brush. On top of the brush should be a brass plate to prevent the screw (23), Fig. Ill, from cutting into the brush. The brushes are made of several layers of thin sheet spring copper, the outer ends being soldered to keep the layers together. The collar for supporting the yoke and method of attaching to pillow block is shown in Figs. IV, and III. The pulley (8) , Fig. Ill, should be four inches in diameter ; 3V2 inches face to take a belt 3 inches wide. The armature is a Gramme ring of 42 sections ; 7 sections between each set of arms. The wire is No. 17, B. & S. gauge, double cotton covered, 4 layers deep w r ith 8 convolutions to each layer, making 32 convolutions to each section, with about 32 feet per section, total length of wire on armature 1,350 feet. It is unnecessary to try to lay the wire on the armature so that the sections will come together over the arms on the outside, as in so doing the wire will be piled up against the arms on the inside, not only making the armature look badly, but this is liable to throw the armature out of balance. In other words, the six groups of sections are to be separated by the spider arms. The lead wires from the armature may be fastened to the commutator segments with screws, or slots can be cut in the lugs and the wires soldered in, which, in my judgment, is a far superior method of securing them. The method of winding is given in Figs. IV and V, page 9. (65) THE FIELDS: THEIR WINDINGS AND WIRE. The fields should be properly insulated and have insulating- washers on the ends, as shown in diagram 14, page 68. Wire on field is ~No. 11, B. & S. gauge. There are 8 layers on each field core with 72 convolutions per layer, making 1,152 convolutions on both fields with a total length of 1,056 feet. The lengths of wire on the armature and field magnets may vary a little from the values given, but this will not make any material difference in the working of the machine, if the proper number of convolutions is obtained. This is a series wound dynamo. The whole current generated passes out from the positive brush around the positive field core through the lamp, returning 1 , passes around the negative field core to the negative brush. The whole current generated passes through the field coils, and they are wound and connected as shunt or internal circuit in diagram 14, page 68. The machine that these drawings and windings are taken from has been in constant use for over two years ; it was specially built for slow speed and connected directly to the engine ; that is, the armature was on the engine shaft, but if run with a belt and the speed increased to 1,500 revolutions per minute, it will raise the voltage up to 110, easily making a two light machine of it. ~No rheostat is used with an arc dynamo ; the strength of current is increased and decreased by the movement of the brushes. If the current is to be reduced, the .brushes should be moved forward, or in the direction of the rotation of the armature'; if the current is to be increased, move the brushes backward. (66) METHOD OF FIELD WINDING AND HOUSE WIRING. This diagram shows the method of winding the field magnets and connecting up the fields, rheostat and main line of a shunt wound dynamo. Before winding the wire on the field magnets, they should be well insulated with three layers of cotton cloth well saturated with shellac varnish, and at each end should be a washer of vulcanized fibre. The fibre washer is not only an insulation, but serves to hold the wire firmly in its place. On the outside of the fibre washer should be a washer of brass to prevent the fibre washer warping out of shape. As the 4, 10, 15, 35, 60 and 150 light machines are all shunt wound, these instructions will answer for all of them. The current leaves the armature at the positive brush, + a portion of the current going through wire (7) in the course indicated by the arrows, through fibre washer as shown by the dotted lines to positive field (11) ; around positive field by the course indicated by the arrows up to rheostat binding post (13) to finger R, to washer S, thence to binding post (14), to wire 8 ; around negative field magnet (12) out through fibre washer to negative brush . At the negative brush the current divides, one-half going around the armature in one direction, the other half in the other direction joining again at positive brush +. This is the internal or field circuit, and no portion of its current goes through the lamps. As shunt wound dynamos are not fully self regulating, it would be impossible to decrease the number of lights on the circuit without destroying the remaining ones, unless some means were provided to decrease the magnetic strength of the fields. To produce those results, resistance must be introduced in the field or internal circuit to check the flow of current through them as the (67) DlAGHAM XIV. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 69 magnetic strength of the fields increase and decrease in proportion to the amount of current flowing through the wire around them. By the aid of the rheostat the operator is enabled to keep the lamps burning at their proper candle power or to increase and decrease their brilliancy at will. The rheostat consists of a box containing a suitable number of coils of German silver wire. For convenience only a few coils are shown. On the outside of the box are twelve brass plates set in a perfect circle insulated from each other. This may be done by putting fibre or mica between them, as in building a commutator, or the plates may be set Vie inch apart, which will answer fully as well. To these plates are attached wires leading from the German silver coils as the numbers indicate. In the center of this circle is brass plate (S) ; to it is attached the finger (R) in such a manner that it may be allowed to revolve freely around the whole circle. In the position that finger R is now, no current would pass through the German silver coils, but if the finger were moved over to plate 2, the current would flow through wire 15 ; through coil !S r o. 1 ; through finger R to plate S, returning through wire 8 to negative field 12. Thus, if the finger R were to be moved around the whole circle of plates, all the coils in the rheostat would be in circuit with the field coils. The number of coils in a rheostat and size of wire in them will depend wholly upon the size of the machine, the amount of current that is required to energize the fields and to what per cent of lights it is desired to regulate the machine. If only two or three amperes of current are allowed to pass through the field coils, No. 16 wire is large enough; for three to five amperes of current use No. 14 wire. The ends of the rheostat box through which the German silver coils pass must be made of slate. The sides may be made of wood but lined with asbestos paper. If it is fastened to a wooden partition, porcelain knobs must be placed between the box and the partition with a sheet of asbestos intervening; or the box may be set on brackets several inches from the woodwork. The coils in the rheostat sometimes get sufficiently heated to ignite wood, and unless these rules are observed, a fire may be the result. NKUTRAL DIAMETER. As the neutral point of a shunt wound dynamo changes with the change of load, it is the resultant of two factors, namely : the magnetism generated by the current flowing through the armature, and the magnetism of the field magnates generated by the current flowing through the field coils. Should the magnetism in the armature become greater than in the field coils ; or that in the field magnets greater than in the armature, the polar lines will shift back or forward as the case may be. This is brought about by the varying conditions under which the machine works. To prevent sparking and secure a maximum amount of work from dynamo electric machines, the brushes should always be kept at or near the neutral line. The brushes, therefore, must be shifted to secure this result, or some means devised to prevent the shifting of the neutral line. The travel or change of the neutral line is forward or in the direction of the rotation of the armature, as the load increases, the reverse as the load decreases. In an arc machine it is practical to follow the neutral line with the brushes as it oscillates back and forth with the change of loads. As the current is very light and constant, or nearly so, the changing of the position of the brushes is more to regulate the voltage than the quantity of current. The increase and decrease of current in an arc dynamo is very slight, but the voltage is raised and lowered according to the number of lamps burning on the circuit. But the conditions under which an incandescent dynamo works are very different. The brushes remain positive and means must be devised to compensate for change of load and keep the neutral lines as near one position as possible. (70) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 71 There are several means devised for producing these results. In some dynamos coils of wire surrounding the armature and connected in series with the main line are used. Others have coils wound around the field magnets at a given point and produce the same results. A single layer of wire in addition to the shunt coils on the field magnets of the cross sectional area of the main line and connected in series with the armature will to a certain extent make the dynamo self -regulating. The last named winding is known as compound ; that is, series and shunt coils on the field magnets. The author has a device in the form of a horseshoe magnet let into the pole pieces (but insulated therefrom) as near the neutral line as possible. These magnets are wound with the line wire and connected in series with the armature. The object is to exert sufficient influence at that point to keep the neutral line permanent. All these devices are supposed to make an incandescent dynamo self-regulating without the aid of a rheostat, and, in fact, they do to a certain per cent of the load, but for absolute regulation, a rheostat must be used. A DYNAMO MUST BE CHARGED BEFORE IT WILL WORK. After the dynamo is finished and the field wires properly connected, a current from another dynamo should be sent through the field coils and armature to magnetize the iron, or the dynamo will not start. If it is not convenient to get a dynamo current either continuous or alternating, several strong batteries may be used. After a dynamo has once started to work it will never have to be charged again as there will always be sufficient magnetism retained in the iron to make the dynamo self-exciting. THE MAGNETIC STRENGTH or FIELDS. There is a limit to the magnetization of the fields for two reasons. The first is that beyond a certain amount of wire in the field coils the internal resistance of the dynamo is being increased without producing any effective lines of force. Second, with too much current going through the field coils, they will be magnetized so strongly that they will be beyond the proper range of regulation, and it will be almost impossible to keep the lamps burning at a fixed candle power with a variable load. Field magnets in that condition are called over-saturated. As little current as possible should be used to energize the field magnets, as all current that passes through the field coils that is not needed is wasted. A dynamo to work properly should just be able to carry the full load with all the coils in the rheostat cut out. SPEED OF THE DYNAMO. Another essential feature in producing good light is steady speed, for the candle power of the lamps will vary as the speed varies. LINES OF FORCE . It will be seen from the construction of this type of dynamo that all lines of force generated in the field magnets are brought into (72) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 73 direct action with the armature ; no lines of force are wasted. As all lines of force that are generated in the field magnets and miss the armature, are not only a loss, but a detriment to the machine, as well as a loss of power to produce them. CAUSES OF THE BRUSHES SPARKING. It would be a matter of impossibility to name the different causes of the brushes sparking and give a remedy which the operator could apply and get instant relief. A chapter might be written on the subject, but how would the operator know which remedy to apply? If from any cause he has allowed any portion of the machine to get out of adjustment, or has allowed dirt to accumulate in the armature, or the lead wires to become loose from the segments of the commutator, the brushes to change their position, or get so badly worn out of shape that only a portion of them is in contact with the commutator, or has allowed the commutator to become rough and uneven, he should be able to see those causes of sparking, and remedy them without any printed instructions ; but if he does not, he should be given another position and a closer observer placed in charge of the dynamo, as there is no excuse for allowing a dynamo to get in such a condition. A dynamo may be in perfect condition and then spark at the brushes, the cause being an overload ; but still the dynamo may not be working up to its rated capacity. The rated capacity does not always determine its carrying capacity, as there are hardly two machines of the same build and winding that will carry exactly the same number of lights. The first thing to find out is the actual carrying capacity of the dynamo and then keep it at its proper load, regardless of its rated capacity. The different carrying capacity of machines of the same size and winding is due to several causes. First, the wire used in their construction may vary slightly in size, or if the same sized wire is used, it may be of higher resistance in one machine than the other. Second, the difference in the thickness of the insulation on the wire may be the means of allowing several convolution o more on the field magnets and armature in one machine than the other. Third, the iron in one dynamo may be harder than in another, which increases the resistance and retards the travel of the magnetic lines of force, for the harder the iron, the higher the magnetic resistance, and consequently the 74 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. slower the iron to magnetize and demagnetize, causing the dynamo to heat, and all undue heating represents that much loss. Fourth, the air space in one dynamo may be greater than in the other, and as all lines of force generated in the field magnets, have to leap across the air space to the iron in the armature core, and as air is about seven hundred times higher resistance than iron, the weakening effect of unnecessary air space can readily be seen. In small machines Vie inch clearance between the binding wire on the armature and the pole pieces is sufficient, and in the larger ones not over 3 /32 inch is needed. In the large machine 3 /32 inch space between the armature and the pole pieces looks very small, but it is just as good as though the pole piece were J /4 inch away, for all there is to guard against is the expansion of the armature by heating. It is very important that the armature should be perfectly round, for if there is one high place, the pole pieces will have to be bored out that much larger to accommodate it, thus increasing the air space and reducing the efficiency of the dynamo in proportion. FIG. XV. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 75 COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS. It is generally supposed that the proper way to build a commutator is to have a solid ring of the proper size cast, turned to the proper shape, and cut into segments of the desired width. That will do very well for a small commutator when the segments are small and narrow, but for a large commutator it is far more convenient, and also more accurate to cast the segments separately. But in order to have the segments all of the same thickness, they must be cast from a gate, as shown in the Fig. 15. If an attempt were made to cast enough segments for a commutator one at a time, there would hardly be two of the same thickness, which would require a great deal of work with a file to bring them all to gauge ; but with a gate on which there are six or eight segments, the moulder being reasonably careful, all the filing required would be the taking off of the sharp points and corners, and the commutator is ready to be put together. If possible use mica insulation between the segments as it is hard and will wear as long as the segments themselves ; fibre may be used, but it will not give as good service as mica. The insulation between the ends of the segments and the commutator heads may be of fibre if of sufficient thickness, as there is no wear on them, and their requirements are no greater than those of the insulation between the copper wire and the iron core of the armature. POSITION OF THE BRUSHES. The brushes should be set at a non-sparking point ; but the exact position cannot be determined until after the machine is in operation. Theoretically they are in their right positions in diagram 14, supposing the neutral diameter to be in position shown. But after the machine is started and the brushes spark, they should be moved forward or in the direction of the course of rotation of the armature, although with the brushes at a non-sparking point, the machine is not always the strongest. Great care should be taken in fitting the brushes to the commutator that all the leaves, if copper, are in contact the whole width of the brush ; if not, it will cause a spark and the longer the machine is allowed to run in this condition, the worse it will get; the commutator will become rough and uneven, which will necessitate taking the armature out and turning the commutator off in the lathe. A little care and judgment must be used, for when the commutator begins to spark, there is something radically wrong, and the defect should be remedied at once. If a copper brush is allowed to spark and burn, those parts become insulated, reducing the carrying capacity at point of contact, thereby increasing the spark and destroying the brushes and commutator. The copper cuttings will be flying around the machine, getting in and around the connections and armature, and will work into the insulation, short circuit the coils and eventually burn out the armature. (76) HOW TO TEST THE As the coils are being wound on the armature they should be frequently tested with a magneto to see that none of the wires are in contact with the iron core. If there is any place on the armature that has been slighted while insulating, especially on the edges or in the corners where the arms of the spiders join the core, it is a very easy matter to draw the copper wire down close enough to cut through the insulation and bring the wire and iron core in contact. If there were several places on the armature where this had happened, the machine would not work ; the wire would have to be taken off and the defect remedied. So it would be much better to test the armature as it is being wound than to have to take it all apart to correct it. The commutator must also be tested, before it is connected with the armature, to see that the segments are all properly insulated from each other and from the core as well. The fields must be tested in like manner, but for the first and second layers only, for if they are clear, there will be no chance of the outer layers coming in contact with the iron. The only real danger of the field wire coming in contact with the iron is where the insulation of the core comes up against the fibre washers. After the field is wound, unless care has been used in holding the fibre washers in their proper places, they are liable to spring off and allow the wire to draw into the crevice and come in direct contact with the iron. If these instructions are closely followed, it will be the means of saving a great deal of work and annoyance ; otherwise the machine would probably have to be torn apart and the work done over again. (77) WIRING FOR LAMP CIRCUITS. Although this work contains the rules and requirements for electrical wiring adopted by the Boston and !N^ew York Board of Fire Underwriters, a. reference to the accompanying diagram will give one a far better idea than the printed instructions, as a plan of the work is before him. Before leaving the dynamo with the main line, a fuse block must be placed as shown at 5 with a fuse of sufficient carrying capacity for the whole current, and no more, to protect the dynamo in case of a short circuit on the main line. Wires may be supported on porcelain knobs or wood cleats may be used, but for heavy wires porcelain knobs are preferable. Tie wires must be insulated as well as conductors. Wherever a loop is taken from the main line, a branch block must be placed, as shown at unless the wire is very large, then fuse blocks will be allowed to be placed as shown at 1 and 2, but as close to the main line as possible. Whenever a loop is taken from the main line, and a branch taken from that loop, a branch block must be placed as shown at 3 and 4. Whenever the size of wire is reduced from one loop or branch to another a branch block must be used. All fuse and branch blocks must be double pole ; that is, have a fuse in both wires. Wherever a lamp is placed in a loop or branch, a double pole porcelain cut-out must be used to protect the lamps from grounds as well as abnormal voltage. All loops leaving the main line or branches where branch blocks are not used, must be well soldered and covered with adhesive rubber tape. Where one wire crosses another so they touch, hard rubber tubing must be used. The (78) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 79 course the current takes ' through the wires and lamps is indicated by the arrows. The ends of the main line and all loops and branches must be left open. The following are wiring tables arranged by E. A. Sperry for 50, 70, and 110 volts, 16 candle power lamps, and by consulting them it is a very easy matter for any one to determine the correct size of wire for any number of lamps for any distance. 80 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. WIRING TABLE FOR 50 VOLT, 16 CANDLE POWER LAMPS. LOSS OF 1 VOLT. Arranged by E. A. SPERRY. V. p o H 3 f Distance in Feet to Center of Wire Sizes are indicated belo\v in B. & S. Gauge. Distribution. 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 60' 70' 80' 90' 100' 120' 140' 160' 180' 200' 1 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 14 14 13 2 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 3 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 4 16 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 5 16 16 15 14 13 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 7 15 14 13 13 12 12 1] 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 8 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 9 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 10 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 12 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 14 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 16 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 18 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 20 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 25 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 80 9 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 35 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 40 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 000 000 000 45 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 0000000 50 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 000 000 00000000 55 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 00 000 0000 0000 0000 60 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 00 00 000 000 0000 65 *_/ 5 f_/ 5 ^t 4 n 3 *j 3 2 2 1 o o 00 00 000 0000 0000 \ju 70 tj 4 vj 4 JL 4 <_J 3 t/ 2 2 4U 1 1 o 00 00 000 000 0000 0000 \* 75 jC. 4 JL 4 TI 3 t_J 3 Mrf 2 0U i JL 1 o 00 00 000 000 0000 0000 1 U 80 \ 3 7X 3 o 3 Cf 2 Al 2 _i_ 1 JL 1 \j o \J\J 00 00 000 000 0000 0000 V-J\y 90 fj 3 U 3 tJ 2 M 2 M 1 i o 00 00 000 000 0000 0000 .... *J w 100 U 2 t_J 2 Al 2 Al 1 JL 1 JL \J \J\J 00 000 000 0000 0000 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 81 CARRYING CAPACITY IN AMPERES AND 16 C. P. LAMPS OF COMMERCIAL COPPER WIRE. Arranged by E. A. SPERRY. 2% DROP PER 100 FEET OF CIRCUIT. American Gauge. Biovvn & sliarpc's Number. Circular Mils, (d 2 .) Amperes. 3 Watt Lamps. Amperes. 3-5 Watt Lamps. Amperes. 4 Watt Lamps. 0000 211600.00 197.75 205 296.35 396 395.50 618 000 167805.00 156.82 150 235.02 317 313.64 490 00 133079.40 124.37 126 186.38 252 248.74 388 105592.50 98.68 101 147.89 199 197.36 309 1 83694.20 78.22 81 117.22 157 156.44 243 2 66373.00 62.03 64 92.96 125 124.00 194 3 52634.00 49.19 50 73.71 99 98.38 153 4 41742.00 39.01 40 58.46 79 78.02 122 5 33102.00 30.93 32 46.36 62 61.87 97 6 26250.50 24.53 26 36.76 50 49.06 76 7 20816.00 19.45 19 29.15 39 38.90 61 8 16509.00 15.42 16 23.12 31 30.85 47 9 13094.00 12.23 12 1835 25 24.47 38 10 10381.00 9.70 11 14.54 19 19.40 30 11 8234.00 7.69 8 11.53 15 15.38 24 12 6529.90 6.10 6 9.14 12 1220 19 13 5178.40 4.84 5 7.25 9 9.68 15 14 4106.80 3.84 4 5.75 7 7.68 12 15 3256.70 3.04 3 4.56 6 6.08 9 16 2582.90 2.41 2 3.61 4' 4.82 7 17 2048.20 1.91 2 2.87 4 3.83 6 18 1624.30 1.51 2 2.27 3 3.03 5 19 1252.40 1.17 1 1.75 2 2.34 3 20 1021.50 .95 1 1.43 2 1.90 3 82 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. WIRING TABLE FOR 70 VOLT, 16 CANDLE POWER LAMPS, LOSS OF l^j. VOLTS. Arranged by B. A. SPEBBY. p. s "o 6 'A Distance in Feet to Center of Wire Sizes are indicated below in B. & S. Gauge. Distribution. 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 60 70' 80' 90' 100' 120' 140' 160' 180' 200' I 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 15 15 14 2 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 O 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 4 17 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 5 17 17 16 15 14 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 H 6 17 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 8 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 9 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 10 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 12 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 16 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 18 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 20 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 25 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 30 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 35 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 40 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 00 00 45 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 00 000 50 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 000 55 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 000 000 000 60 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 o 00 00 000 65 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 00 000 000 70 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 00 00 000 000 75 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 o 00 00 000 000 t-/ 80 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 o 00 00 000 000 v-*vy 00 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 o 00 00 000 000 103 3 n 3 3 2 2 1 1 00 00 000 000 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING, 83 WIRING TABLE FOR 110 VOLT, 16 CANDLE POWER LAMPS, LOSS OF 2-fff VOLTS. Arranged by E. A. SPEBRY. o5 s 03 O ^0 Distance in Feet to Center of Wire Sizes are indicated below in B. & S. Gauge. Distribution. 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 60' 70' 80' 90' 100' 120' 140' 160' 180' 200' 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 17 16 2 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 13 3 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 12 12 4 19 19 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 5 19 19 18 17 16 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 6 19 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 7 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 18 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 9 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 10 17 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 12 16 15 14 14 13 J3 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 14 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 18. 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 20 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 25 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 30 12 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 35 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 40 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 45 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 50 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 ' 4 3 3 2 1 1 55 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 60 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 f V 65 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 70 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 75 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 80 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 o 90 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 LOO 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 84 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. TABLE SHOWING THE WEIGHT, CARRYING CAPACITY AND LOSS IN VOLTS OF DIFFERENT SIZES OF COPPER WIRE. Arranged by E. A. SPERRY. Brown & Sharpe's Gauge No. Diameter. Lbs. per 1,000 feet bare wire. Approximate Weight Underwriter's Insulation per 1,000 feet. Safe current in Amperes. Loss in Volts per Ampere per 100 feet of line (2 wire). 0000 .... .46 640.5 825 Ibs. 312. .0098 000.... .40964 508.5 610 " 262. .0123 00.... .3648 402.8 458 " 220. .0155 0.... .32495 319.6 385 " 185. .0196 1.... .2893 253.4 308 " 156. .0247 2 .25763 201.0 249 " 131. .0311 3.... .22942 159.3 201 " 110. .0392 4.... .20431 126.4 163 " 92.3 .0495 5.... .18194 100.2 133 " 77.6 .0624 6.... .16202 79.46 109 " 65.2 .0787 7.... .14428 63.01 90 " 54.8 .0992 8.... .12849 49.98 74 " 46.1 .125 9.... .11443 39.64 62 " 38.7 .158 10.... .10189 31.43 52 " 32.5 .199 11.... .090742 24.93 43 " 27.3 .251 12.... .080808 19.77 36 " 23. .316 13.... .071961 15.68 30 " 19.3 .399 14 .... .064084 12.43 25 " 16.2 .503 15.... .057068 9.86 21 " 13.6 .634 16.... .05082 7.82 18 " 11.5 .799 17.... .045257 6.20 15 " 9.6 1.088 18.... .040303 4.92 13 " 8.1 1.271 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT AND RESISTANCE OF BARE COPPER WIRE. BROWN & SHARPE'S GAUGE THE STANDARD. American Gauge, I Brown & Sharpe's Number. Diameter, Mils. AKEA. WEIGHT AND LENGTH, sp. gr. 8.9. RESISTANCE AT 75 F. Circular mils. (d2) 1 mil. = .001 in. Square in. (d2 x .7854) Lbs. per 1,000 ft. Lbs. per mile. Feet per Ib. R Ohms per 1,000 feet. Ohms per mile. Feet per Ohm. Ohms per Ib. OOCO too 00 460 000 409.640 364.800 211600.00 167805 01 133079.40 166190. 131790. ! 104520. 639.33 507.01 402.09 1 3375.7 2677.0 2123.0 1.56 1 97 2.49 .04906 .06186 .07801 .25903 .32664 .41187 20383. 16165. 12820. .000076736 .00012039 .00019423 1 o 324 950 289 300 257.630 105592.50 83(194 2 66373.0 82932. 65733. 52130. 319.04 252.88 200.54 1684 5 1335.2 1058.8 3.13 3.95 4.99 .09831 .12404 .15640 .51909 .65490 .82582 10409. 8062.3 6393 7 .00030772 .00048994 .00078045 3 4 5 229.420 204 310 181.910 52634 00 41742.00 33102.00 41339 32784. 25998. 159.03 126.12 100.01 839.68 665 91 528.05 6.29 7.93 10.00 .19723 .24869 .31361 1.0414 1.3131 1.6558 5070.2 41)21.0 3188.7 .0012406 .0019721 .0031361 6 7 8 12 020 144.2SO 128 400 26250.50 20816.00 16509. 01) 20617. 16349. 12966. 79 32 62.90 49.88 418.81 332 11 263.37 12.61 15.90 20.05 .39:>46 .49871 .62881 2.08S1 2.6331 3.3201 2528.7 2003.2 1590.3 .0049868 .0079294 .012608 9 10 11 114.430 101.890 90.742 13594.00 10381.00 8234.00 10-284. 8153.2 6467.0 39.56 31.37 24.88 208 88 165.63 137.37 25.28 31.38 40.20 .79281 1. 1.2607 4 1860 5.2800 6.6568 1261.3 1000.0 793.18 .020042 .031380 .050682 12 13 14 80.808 71.961 64.084 6529 90 5178.40 4106.80 5128.6 4067.1 3146.9 19.73 15.65 12.41 104.18 82.632 65.525 50.69 63.91 80.59 1.5898 2.0047 2.5908 8.3940 10.585 13.680 629.02 498 83 385.97 .080585 12841 .20880 15 16 17 57.068 50.820 45.257 3256.7 2582.9 2048.2 2557.8 2028.6 1608.6 9.84 7.81 6.19 51.956 41 237 32.683 101.63 128.14 161.59 3.1150 4 0191 5.0683 16.477 21 221 26.761 321 02 248.81 197.30 .31658 .51501 .81900 18 19 20 21 22 23 40.303 35.390 31.961 1624.3 1252.4 1021.5 1275.7 983.64 802.28 4.91 3.78 3 09 25.925 20 051 16.315 203.76 264.26 324.00 6 S911 8.2889 10.163 33.745 43.765 53.658 156.47 120.64 98.401 1.3023 2.1904 3.2926 28.462 25.347 22.571 810.10 642.70 509.45 636.25 504.78 400 12 2.45 1.94 1.54 12 936 10 243 8.1312 408.56 515 15 649 66 12.815 16.152 20.377 67.660 85.283 107.59 78.037 61.911 49.087 5 2355 8 3208 13.238 24 25 26 20.100 17.900 15.940 404.01 320 40 254.01 317 31 251 64 199.50 1.22 .97 .77 6.4416 5.1216 4.0656 819.21 1032.96 1302.61 25.695 32 400 40.868 135.67 171 07 215.79 38.918 30 864 24.469 21.050 33.466 35.235 27 28 29 14.195 12.641 11.257 201 50 159.79 126.72 158 26 125.50 99.526 .61 .48 .38 3.2208 2.5344 2.0064 1642.55 2071 22 2611.82 51.519 64.966 81.921 272 02 343.02 432.54 19.410 15.393 12.207 84.644 134.56 213.96 30 81 32 10.025 8.928 7.950 100.5 79.71 63.20 78.933 62.604 49.637 .30 .24 .19 1.5840 1.2672 1.0032 3293.97 4152 22 5236.66 103.30 127.27 164.26 545.39 871.69 867.27 9. 6812 7.8573 6.0880 340.25 528.45 860.33 33 34 35 7.0SO 6 304 5.614 50.13 39.74 31.52 39 372 31 212 24.756 .15 .12 .10 .7920 .63:56 .5280 6602.71 8328.30 10501.35 207.08 261.23 329 35 1093.4 1379.3 1738.9 4 8290 3 8281 3.0363 1367.3 2175.5 3458.5 36 37 38 5.000 4.453 3.965 25.00 19 83 15.72 19.635 15.567 12.347 .08 .06 .05 .4224 .3168 .2640 13238.83 16691.06 20834.65 415.24 523 76 66U.67 2192 5 2765.5 3486.7 2.4082 1.9093 1.5143 5497.4 8742.1 13772. 39 40 3.531 3.144 12.47 9. 89 9.7939 7.7676 .04 .03 .2112 .1584 26302 23 33175.94 832.48 1049.7 4395 5 5342.1 1.2012 .9527 21896. 34823. RULES AND REGULATIONS Or THE NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE EXCHANGE AND BOSTON FIRE UNDERWRITERS' UNION FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. [ADOPTED APRIL 15TH, 1889, AND SUPERSEDING ALL PREVIOUS RULES.] ARC SYSTEM. OUTSIDE WIRES. All outside overhead wires must be covered with some material of high insulating power, not easily abraded ; they must be firmly secured to properly insulated and substantially built supports. All tie wires must have an insulation equal to that of the conducting wires. 2. All joints must be so made that a perfectly secure and unvarying connection, fully equal to the cross-section of the conducting wire, will be secured and they should be soldered. Resin should not be used as a flux. Nothing but an acid solution should be used, and any excess should be washed off before the splice is covered. This also applies to inside wires. All joints must be securely wrapped with an approved tape. The following formula for soldering fluid is recommended, viz. : Saturated solution of zinc 5 parts. Alcohol 5 " Glvcerine 1 / 3. Care must be taken that conducting wires are not placed in such position that it would be easy for water, or any liquid, to form cross connection, between them, and they should not approach each other nearer than one foot. (86) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 87 4. The wires must never be allowed in contact with any substance other than air, and their proper insulating supports. 5. Conducting wires carried over or attached to buildings, must be at least seven feet above the highest point of flat roofs, and one foot above the ridge of pitch roofs. Lines constructed subsequent to the adoption of these regulations should not be run over and attached to buildings other than those in O < - > which the light or power is being, or is to be used, but should be on separate poles, or structures, where they can be easily reached for inspection. 6. When they are in proximity to other conducting wires, or any substance likely to divert any portion of the current, dead, insulated guard-irons must be placed so as to prevent any possibility of contact in case of accident to the wires, or their supports. The same precautions must be taken where sharp angles occur in the line wires, and also where any wires (telegraph, telephone or others) could possibly, owing to their position, come in contact with the electric light wires. 7. Overhead wires from the main circuit or pole in the street to the terminal insulators attached to buildings, and at the point where they enter a building, must not be less than twelve inches apart. They must be rigidly and neatly run, and supported by glass or porcelain insulators, or rubber hooks. The rubber hooks must be of an approved pattern, i. e., with the rubber insulation free from flaws, and projecting over the hook in cup form. 8. Service blocks must be protected by at least two coats of water-proof paint over their entire surface ; and when used to support rubber hooks, must have at least one inch of wood between the inner end of the hook and the back of the block. 9. For entering buildings, wires with an extra heavy water-proof insulation must be used from the terminal insulators outside to the inside of a building. They must loop down, so that water may drip off, without entering the building, and the holes through which they enter should, where possible, slant upward. If an approved glass insulator for bushing the hole be used, the extra heavy water-proof insulation will not be required. 10. Service wires must come in contact with nothing save air, and their 88 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. insulating supports, except in unavoidable cases, when a wire with an extra heavy insulation suitable for the purpose must be used. 11. The use of porcelain knobs, as insulators, except in perfectly dry places, or for the support of specially insulated wire, will not be accepted unless of some approved .shape. 12. ]S"one but an approved tubing will be accepted as a durable water-proof insulation. 13. Wires must enter and leave the building through an approved cut-out switch. 14. The cut-out switch must be " double contact," and should effectually close the main circuit, and cut off the ulterior when turned " off." It must be so constructed that there shall be no arc between the points when thrown "on" or " off." It should be automatic in its action in either direction, not stopping between points when once started. It should indicate upon inspection whether current be "on" or " off." 15. It must be mounted on a non-conducting base, kept free from moisture, and easy of access to firemen and police. INSIDE WIRING. 16. Wires must not be concealed ; they must be run in plain sight so as to be open to inspection at any time. They should be kept apart at least twelve inches. 17. In perfectly dry places wires may be supported by cleats of wood (filled to prevent the absorption of moisture) or porcelain. Cleats should be so made as to separate the wire at least one-fourth of an inch from the building. 18. In places liable to dampness, wires must be separated at least one and one-half inches, they must be thoroughly and carefully put up, and supported upon porcelain or glass insulators, or hard rubber hooks. They should also be provided with an approved insulation covering. 19. When wires pass through walls, floors, partitions, etc., in-doors, glass insulators, or an extra covering of hard rubber, should be used. Wires must never be left exposed to disturbance or mechanical injury. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. ARC LAMPS. 20. The frames and other exposed parts of arc lamps must be carefully insulated from the circuit. 21. Each lamp must be provided with a proper hand switch, and also with an automatic switch that will shunt the current around the carbons, should they fail to feed properly. 22. Stops of some kind must be provided to prevent the carbons from falling- out in case their clamps fail to hold them ; and these stops must always be in place when the lamp is burning. 23. For inside use the light must be surrounded by a globe resting in a tight stand, so that no particles of melted copper or heated carbon can escape. When inflammable material is near or under the lamp, the globe must be protected by a wire netting. Unless a very high globe, which closes in as far as possible at the top, be used, it must be provided with some protector or spark arrester, reaching to a safe distance above the light. Broken or cracked globes must be replaced by perfect ones immediately. (By inflammable material is meant such as dry goods, clothing, millinery and the like in stores ; flyings or goods in fabric factories, shavings and saw-dust in w r ood- working shops, or any other substance that can be readily ignited by droppings or flyings from the lamp.) 24. Electrical connection between the conducting wires and lamps must be made through a suitable "hanger-board" and rods on which the lamp is hung. INCANDESCENT LAMPS ON ARC-LIGHT CIRCUITS. 25. The rules for running wires for arc lamps apply also to incandescent lamps run in series. 26. These must be provided with a proper hand switch, and also with an approved automatic device which will shunt the circuit around the carbon filament should it break. ~No electro-magnet device will be accepted for this purpose. 27. Any method of distributing current to incandescent lamps on 90 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. arc-light circuits, other than as above provided for, must receive the approval of this Exchange before being put into use. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. 28. They must be located in dry places, not exposed to the flyings of combustible material, and must be insulated upon dry wood, filled to prevent absorption of moisture. They must be kept thoroughly clean and dry. They must be provided with a reliable automatic regulating device, or a competent person must be in attendance near the machine whenever it is in operation. In wiring for motive power, the same precautions should be taken as with a current of the same volume and potential for lighting. 29. The wires leading to motors should be separated at least twelve inches from each other, and must be provided with an approved cut-out switch at the point where they enter the building. The same precautions must be observed in entering the building that are required for lighting circuits. TESTING. 30. All circuits should be tested at least twice a day with a suitable magneto, or other approved device, in order to discover any escapes to ground that may exist. One test should be made in the morning, and another in ample time before starting, to remove any defect, should it be found to exist. The rules for testing should be observed in any separate or isolated plant the same as in Central Stations. 31. The JSTew England Insurance Exchange reserves the right at any time to add to, change or modify these rules, and to enforce such modifications, changes, etc., as it shall deem necessary for safety; and it will use all reasonable efforts to promptly notify all electric light companies of any change. 32. The signing of these rules by an electric light company, or persons controlling electric lights, shall be considered a guaranty on their part that they will have the testing performed on their circuits or lines as above required. INCANDESCENT SYSTEM. OUTSIDE WIRES. 1. All outside overhead wires must be covered with some material of high insulating power, not easily abraded, and they must be firmly secured to properly insulated and substantially built supports. All the wires must have an insulation equal to that of the conducting wires. 2. All joints must be so made that a perfectly secure and unvarying connection, fully equal to the cross-section of the conducting wire, will be secured and they should be soldered. All joints must be securely wrapped with an approved tape. 3. Care must be taken that conducting wires are not placed in such position that it would be easy for water, or any liquid, to form cross connection between them, and main conductors or feeders should not approach each other nearer than one foot. 4. The wires must never be allowed in contact with any substance other than air, and their proper insulating supports. 5. Conducting wires carried over or attached to buildings, must be at least seven feet above the highest point of flat roofs, and one foot above the ridge of pitch roofs. Lines constructed subsequent to the adoption of these regulations should not be run over and attached to buildings other than those in which the light or power is being, or is to be, used, but should Jbe on separate poles, or structures, where they can be easily reached for inspection. G. When they are in proximity to other conducting wires, or any substance likely to divert any portion of the current, dead, insulated guard- irons must be placed so as to prevent any possibility of contact in case of accident to the wires or their supports. The same precautions must be taken where sharp (91) 92 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. angles occur in the line wires, and also where any wires (telegraph, telephone, or others) could possibly, owing to their position, come in contact with the electric light wires. 7. Wires from main circuit to main cut-out inside of buildings, must be separated by a distance of not less than six inches, for currents having an electro-motive force of 250 volts or less, and this distance must be increased for currents of higher potential. 8. They must also be rigidly and neatly run, and must be supported by glass or porcelain insulators, or by rubber hooks. Rubber hooks must be of an approved pattern; i. e., with the rubber insulation free from flaws, and projecting over the hook in cup form. 9. Service blocks must be protected by at least two coats of water-proof paint over their entire surface ; and, when used to support rubber hooks, must have at least one inch of wood between the inner end of the hook and the back of the block. 10. For entering buildings, wires of extra heavy and durable water-proof insulation, protected by an outside covering not easily abraded, must be used from the terminal insulator outside, to the main cut-out inside of the building. They must loop down, so that water may drip off without entering the building, and the holes through which they enter should, where possible, slant upward. If an approved glass insulator for bushing the holes be used the extra heavy insulation will not be required. 11. Service wires must come in contact with nothing save air, and their insulating supports, except in unavoidable cases, when a wire with an extra heavy insulation, suitable for the purpose, must be used. 12. The use of porcelain knobs as insulators, except in perfectly dry places, or for the support of a specially insulated wire, will not be accepted, unless of some approved shape. TTNDERGROUND SERVICE. 13. Where underground service conductors, enclosed in a metal tube, enter a building, special care must be taken at the point where the conductors leave the tube, and thence to the main cut-out, to protect them in such a PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 93 manner that they can not come in contact with each other, nor with the tube, nor be acted upon by falling moisture, nor disturbed by anything being moved against them, etc. 14. This service must not end in any place where it would be unsafe or undesirable to place a cut-out, but should be continued by means of specially insulated conductors (and a space of ten inches should be maintained between them) to a suitable location. INSIDE WIRING. 15. Copper wire used for incandescent lighting must be procured from manufacturers whose products have been found, by reliable tests, to be at least 95 per cent, conductivity. Samples of wire to be used, or in actual use, must be submitted to this Exchange, for tests of conductivity, at any time when required. Samples of wire must also be submitted for tests of insulation, at any time when required. For inside work, no wires smaller than "No. 16 " B. & S." or ISTo. 18 "B. W. G." will be approved. 16. Permission will not be granted for the use of the lights unless the wire come fully up to the standard of conductivity, no matter how well the wiring may be done. 17. All parties, firms or corporations proposing to do construction work or wiring, either outside or inside, must fully satisfy this Exchange of their ability to do the work in a safe and acceptable manner. 18. Before using any new form of insulation, the approval of this Exchange for its use under the proposed circumstances must be secured. 19. The use of lead-covered wire, or wire the covering of which contains paraffine, is prohibited. 20. Mouldings with open grooves laid against the walls or ceilings will not be approved. A wood moulding having a backing of at least one-fourth inch thickness to intervene between the wire and the wall or ceiling of the building, the backing to be protected by at least two coats of water-proof paint, and the moulding of such shape as to protect the wire from moisture, will be approved. 94 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 21. When wires are run in new buildings, and are to be concealed from view by walls and ceilings, care must be taken to separate them ten inches or more, whenever it be possible to do so, by running them singly on separate timbers, studding, etc. Cleats are not desirable for concealed work. All concealed wires should be supported on insulators, such as porcelain knobs, or other equally good, non-combustible, insulating substance. Wires should, where it be possible, be kept from contact with any part of the building by means of such insulators, rather than to depend upon the insulation covering. Where complete separation from the building by air space and insulators be not possible, an approved insulation covering, that shall be water-proof and non-combustible, will be required. Wires run in non-combustible and water-proof tubes, made of a suitable insulating material, will be approved. Care must be taken to keep the wires away from metal pipes and other conductors. Outlet wires should be left in such a way as not to be injured by plasterers. They should not, as a rule, be brought through the same opening with gas-pipes, but must be carefully insulated from them. 22. Approval will not be given to any work where the wires have been " fished" any great distance. 23. Moulding must not be used in wet places. 24. In dye-houses, paper and pulp mills, and other buildings specially liable to moisture, all wires (except when used for pendants) must be separated at least six inches. The wire must be thoroughly and carefully put up, and must be supported by glass or porcelain insulators, or by rubber hooks. 25. In crossing any metal pipes, or any other conductor, wires must be separated from the same by an air space of at least one-half inch, where possible, and so arranged that they can not come in contact with each other by accident. Wires should go over water-pipes where possible. 26. Where wires pass through partitions, floors, etc., glass insulators, or an outer covering of hard rubber should be used to protect them. 27. Wires must never be left exposed to mechanical injury, or to disturbance of any kind. 28. Metallic staples must never be used ; when staples are used they must be of an approved insulating material. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 95 29. None but an approved tubing will be accepted as a durable water-proof insulation. 30. Wires of the same polarity, but belonging to different circuits, or leading to and from a double-pole switch, must not run in one groove through the same tube, nor in the same slot in a cleat. 31. Cleats should be made of well-seasoned hardwood (filled to prevent the absorption of moisture), porcelain or other approved material, and so made as to separate the wire at least one-fourth inch from the building. When, secured by cleats not over four feet apart and tightly stretched in the same horizontal plane, wires having a difference of potential of 120 volts or less, should be separated at leaet one and one-half inches ; when they are confined in moulding a half-inch space is sufficient. This rule applies only to small mains, taps, etc., mains carrying currents of large volume should be separated a greater distance. 32. The dividing strip between grooves in moulding must never be reduced below one-half inch in thickness by cutting out to admit ioints in wires. 33. Where exposed to acid fumes, vapors of ammonia, etc., wires should be provided with an insulation that will not be injured thereby, and should be put up in the manner described in Rule 24. 34. All splices in wires must be soldered ; a soldering-bolt should be used for this purpose, if possible. Care must be taken not to render the wire brittle by over-heating. Resin should not be used as a flux. Nothing but an acid solution should be used, and any excess should be washed off before the splice is covered. 35. The insulation of any joint must be equal to that of the other parts of the same wire. SAFETY CUT-OUTS AND SWITCHES. 36. Every system of conductors must be protected by safety cut-outs that will interrupt the passage through the conductors of a current stronger than they can safely carry. The carrying capacity (in amperes) of a fusible metal must be less than that of the smallest conductor it is designed to protect. 96 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. Conductors include wire, cord, binding-screws, contact points of switches, sockets, cut-outs, etc. Any fuse must melt immediately with any excess of the amperes which it is marked to carry. 37. A cut-out must be placed where the underground or overhead service joins the inside wires, and at every point where a change is made in the size of the wire (unless the cut-out in the larger wire be intended to protect the smaller) . 38. Cut-outs, switches, and other devices which occasion a break in the circuit, must be so arranged that leakage of electricity from them is impossible, and should be mounted on non-conbustible material ; must not be put in places liable to become damp; must be protected from rubbish, etc., and should be easy of access. 39. "Where it be necessary to use cut-outs and switches in damp places, great care must be taken to protect them from moisture, and to use only such as are provided with bases that will not absorb moisture. 40. When necessary, cut-out devices must be covered 'with some fire-proof and water-repelling material. 41. All cut-outs must be double-pole. 42. The plug or other device for enclosing or supporting the fusible strip or wire should be incombustible and moisture-proof, and so constructed that an arc can not be maintained across its terminals by the fusing of its metals. 43. ~No lead or composition strips carrying more than ten amperes before melting shall be used, unless provided with contact surfaces of some harder metal having perfect electrical connection with the fusible part of the strip. 44. All switches must have a firm and secured contact that will make and break readily, and that will not stick between "full on" and "off," nor get out of repair easily in other ways. The points of contact must not be allowed to scrape or rub the entire surface of an insulating material between the contact strips an air space must intervene. The carrying capacity of the different parts must be sufficient to prevent heating. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 97 45. Where points varying widely in potential are brought near each other by means of cut-outs, or switches, hard rubber, lava or other approved material must be used in the construction of the cut-outs and switches. 46. Switches should be double-pole, and they must be when the circuits "which they operate are connected to fixtures attached to gas-pipes. 47. On any combination fixture, no group of lamps requiring a current of seven amperes or over shall be ultimately dependent on one cut-out. FIXTURE WORK. 48. In all cases where wires are concealed within, or attached to fixtures, the latter must be insulated from the gas-pipe by some device approved by this Exchange. An exception to this rule will sometimes be made in the case of a wall gas-bracket wired for one or two lights. 49. When holes are drilled in fixtures, all burs or fins must be removed from the edge of the holes before the conductors are drawn through. 50. When wired outside, the conductors used must be so secured as not to be cut or abraded by the pressure of the fastenings or motion of the fixture. 51. All wire used for fixture work must have an insulation that is durable, and not easily abraded, and must not in any case be smaller than No. 18 " B. & S." or No. 20 " B. W. G." 52. Each fixture must be tested for possible " contact" between wire and fixture, and for " short circuit," before current is turned on. 53. The tendency to condensation within the pipes or fixtures should be guarded against by sealing the upper end. 54. No combination fixture with less than one-fourth inch clear space between the inside pipe and the outside casing will be approved. PENDANTS AND SOCKETS. 55. No portion of the lamp-socket exposed to contact with outside objects will be allowed to come into electrical connection with either of the conducting wires. 98 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 56. Cord pendants must be protected by hard rubber bushing, or something equally good, where they enter the socket. 57. The use of paraffined insulation for pendants will not be approved. 58. Key sockets must not be used with wire pendants, unless the wire be composed of strands, i. e., flexible. 59. When exposed to the weather, or used in wet rooms, care must be taken to keep moisture from the inside of sockets. 60. The weight of every socket and lamp suspended by a cord must be borne by a ceiling block, rosette, or cleat, and by a knot under the bushing in the socket, in order to take all strain from the joints and binding-screws. 61. Flexible cord must not be used except for pendants, wiring of fixtures, portable lamps, and "mill work." 62. The two conductors of flexible cord must not have an insulation composed of an inflammable water-proof compound between them, but should be separated by a fibre insulation, or the like. If a water-proof insulation be necessary, it must be placed outside the two conductors, and must in all cases be covered with a non-inflammable outside coating, to prevent cord from carrying fire. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. 63. They must be located in dry places, not exposed to flyings of combustible material, and must be insulated upon dry wood, filled to prevent absorption of moisture. They must be kept thoroughly clean and dry. They must be self -regulating, or a competent person must be in attendance near the machine whenever it be in operation. In wiring for motive power, the same precautions should be taken as with a current of the same volume and potential for lighting. The motor (and resistance box) should be protected by a cut-out and controlled by a switch. SECONDARY GENERATORS OR CONVERTERS. 64. Converters must not be placed inside of any building. They may be placed on the outer walls when in plain sight and easy of access, but must be thoroughly insulated from them. If placed on wooden walls, or the PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 99 woodwork of stone or brick buildings, the insulation must be fire-proof. When an underground service be used, the converter may be put in any convenient place that is dry and does not open into the interior of the building ; this location must have the approval of the inspector before the current is turned on. 65. The converter should be enclosed in a metallic or non-combustible case. 66. If for any reason it become necessary that the primary wires leading to and from the converter should enter a building, they must be kept apart a distance of not less than twelve inches, and the same distance from all other conducting bodies. The insulation of the wire must be of the very best. 67. Safety fuses must be placed at the junction of all feeders and mains, and at the junction of mains and branches where necessary, also in both the primary and secondary wires of the converter, in such manner as not to be affected by the heating of the coils. Secondary wires, after leaving the converter, will be subject to rules already given for services, inside wiring, etc. 68. Any provision for grounding the secondary circuit by means of "film cut-out" or other approved automatic device, will be approved. A. permanent ground will not be approved. MISCELLANEOUS. 69. Companies or individuals furnishing electricity from central stations must enter into an agreement with this Exchange, binding themselves to maintain at all times in their stations some approved device to indicate any escape to earth, which may tend to develop leakage to water or gas pipes, or other earth connections within buildings. This approved means of testing shall also apply to separate or isolated plants, where special conditions of moisture exist, or in buildings subject to mechanical changes of piping, etc. 70. The signing of these Rules and Requirements shall constitute and be considered an agreement on the part of the signer that such approved device or tell-tale shall at all times be employed on their circuits. 71. The wiring in any building must test free from " grounds " before the current be turned on. This test may be made with a magneto that will 100 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. ring through a resistance of 10,000 ohms, where currents of less than 200 volts potential are used. 72. All incandescent work should be inspected before being concealed, and notice should be given this Exchange as soon as work be commenced. 73. The New England Insurance Exchange reserves the right at any time to add to, change or modify these Rules, and to enforce such modifications, changes, etc., as it shall deem necessary for safety; and it will use all reasonable efforts to promptly notify all Electric Light Companies of any change. 74. Any additional loading of wires, either in a building as a whole, or in any department thereof, without the previous approval of the Exchange, or the inspector, shall be deemed a sufficient cause for the suspension of permits until such approval be secured. (See Form F, Inspector's Certificate.') NOTES. A certificate for all new work or changes in old work (Form C for Arc. Form F for incandescent) should be signed by the party installing or controlling any apparatus. The certificate should be filed with the Secretary of the Local Board of Fire Underwriters having jurisdiction, if there be such, otherwise with the Secretary of the New England Insurance Exchange, Boston. This certificate is relied upon as a guarantee until the work can be inspected. Permits for the use of the light or power may be granted as soon as the certificate be duly filed. Concealed work should be inspected before being covered up, and, as a rule, incandescent work generally should be inspected before current be turned on. The above Rules and Requirements are jointly adopted by the New England Insurance Exchange, " Associated Factory Mutuals," and Boston Fire Underwriters' Union, and are applicable^ to all Electric Lighting and Power work in New England, exclusive of buildings in the State of New Hampshire not insured by the " Associated Factory Mutuals." [Also adopted by the New York State Board.] NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. AMENDED STANDARD FOR ELECTRIC EQUIPMENTS, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 27, 1889. CONDUCTORS. CAPACITY OF WIRES. 1. The conducting wires must be of copper and must have a weight per running foot at least equal to that of the wire (or parallel group of wires) constituting the main circuit of the magnetic regulator of the electric lamps (arc lamps), or of the armature of the machine employed, whichever of these be greatest. JOINTS OR SPLICES. 2. All joints on wires must be so made as to secure perfect and durable contacts, which shall always maintain a degree of conductivity at the joint, at least equal to that of the wire generally. 3. The joint must be so made as in the ordinary "telegraph splice" that it be mechanically secure against motion or displacement, and must then be further electrically connected by solder so applied as to leave no corrosive or otherwise injurious substance on the connection. After joining and soldering, the joint must be covered with insulating material in such a way as to make the insulation of the joint as good as that of the rest of the line. 4. A joint made by the process of electric welding would be the (101) 102 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. equivalent of one made as indicated above, but no joint depending upon solder for its mechanical integrity, either wholly or in part, will be allowed. WIRES EXTERIOR TO BUILDINGS. 5. Outside wires must be covered with at least two coatings, one of insulating material impervious to water, next to the wire, and the other of some substance fitted to resist abrasion or like mechanical injury, and must be firmly secured to substantial approved insulators, adequately supported. All "tie wires" or those used to secure the conductors to the "insulators" must be themselves covered with water-proof insulating and mechanically resistant material similar to that used on the conductors themselves. 6. Overhead conducting wires must be supported on poles as far as possible, so that they can be easily reached for inspection, and when this cannot be done, and special permit be granted allowing them to be carried over attached to buildings, they must be supported at least seven feet above the general level of the roof and at least one foot above the ridge of " pitch roofs." 7. Where wires approach buildings to enter them they should be so located as not to be readily reached by the occupants of such buildings, and in the case of arc light systems must maintain a minimum distance of ten inches and for incandescent systems of six inches except where the wires are carried in conduits. 8. When these exterior electric light wires are near other conductors of any kind capable of carrying off a part of the current if contact should be made, dead insulated guard-irons must be placed so as to prevent any such contact in case of accident affecting the wires or their supports. 9. Like precautions must be taken where acute angles occur in the line wires. 10. Overhead wires from the main circuit or pole lines in the street to the insulators attached to the buildings which they enter, must not be less than ten inches apart for arc wires or six inches for incandescent wires carrying- currents of 250 volts E. M. F. as a maximum. They must be securely and rigidly supported on "insulators' 1 of glass, porcelain or other approved material. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING, 103 WIRES ENTERING BUILDINGS. 11. Whenever electric light wires enter buildings through their exterior walls the wires must be firmly supported and incased in tubes of non-conducting material not liable to absorb moisture (e. g. porcelain or glass) and so placed as to prevent the entrance of rain water along the wires (e. g. the tubes must slope upward as they pass inward through the wall). 12. Both the ingoing and return wires should enter the building at the same location, and pass through an approved manual " cut-out box" or switch, which must be placed where it will be easy of access to firemen and the police. HIGH POTENTIAL WIRES WITHIN BUILDINGS. 13. In the interior of buildings wires for arc lights, besides being covered with an insulating covering, such as has already been described, must be in all cases securely attached and supported by insulators which shall keep them out of contact with any wall, partition, ceiling or floor, so as to secure an air space of at least one-quarter inch between the wire and any adjacent wall, partition or floor, and whenever the wires cross or come near to any other wires, pipes or other conductors, the wires must all be rigidly secured and separated from each other or any other conductors by means of some rigid non-conducting material. 14. Arc wires of opposite polarities (i. e. the incoming and outgoing wires from each lamp or of each circuit) must be kept at a distance not less than eight inches from each other except within the structure of lamps or on switch-boards, cut-out boxes or the like, where a nearer approach is necessary. 15. In exceptional cases, however, where the wires are so rigidly secured and insulated that contact or connection between them is quite impossible, they may be allowed to approach nearer, (e. g. If each wire or conductor be covered with a thick and undisplaceable insulation, which in turn is covered by a leaden sheath or pipe and then two or more such pipes are inclosed in an iron pipe in such manner that injury to. the lead-covered cables be impossible, this would be an allowable substitute for the eight inches of absolute separation called for in the general rule.) 104 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 16. Whenever wires are carried through walls, partitions or floors within a building, they must be surrounded by a special rigid insulating tube or casing impervious to water, and must be so attached and supported as to be secure from abrasion or other mechanical injury. NOTE. Rubber tubing will not meet the above requirements as an insulation. ARC LAMPS. 17. The exterior frames and other exposed parts of arc lamps must be securely insulated from the electric circuit, and all such lamps must have glass globes surrounding the light and inclosed below, so as to prevent the fall of ignited particles. Where inflammable materials are placed below such lamps the globe must be surrounded by a wire netting capable of keeping the parts of the globe in place if it be fractured in use. NOTE. Broken globes must be replaced as soon as practicable by new ones. 18. In show windows and other places where inflammable materials are displayed and in factories or wood-working establishments where "flyings' 1 may be present in the air, each lamp must be provided with " spark arresters." 19. Each lamp must be provided with a hand-switch and also with an automatic switch which shall shunt the current round the carbons before the arc between them reaches a dangerous length. LOW POTENTIAL SYSTEMS. . DIRECT SYSTEMS. 20. Iii direct incandescent systems, the rules as to the capacity, location and arrangement of conductors are substantially the same as has been already stated, with the following exceptions : 21. In case the difference of potential at the positive and negative posts of the dynamo or dynamos developing the current is not more than 250 volts the positive and negative wires in aerial lines and elsewhere which would otherwise be required to maintain a minimum distance of ten inches, may be brought to within six inches of each other. Also underground conductors may be inclosed both in the same tube, and if rigidly and securely supported, and surrounded by and imbedded in a solid insulating substance, may lie within one-quarter inch of each other. 22. "When underground-service conductors enter a building care must be taken that they be at once separated to the required distance (see below) and are adequately and permanently insulated from each other and from the pipe in which they were inclosed, if they were inclosed in a metallic pipe or conduit. 23. They must also be adequately protected from mechanical injury, and must be so located that a cut-out can be safely and conveniently located close to the end of the service pipe or conduit by which they are brought in. LOW POTENTIAL WIRES WITHIN BUILDINGS. 24. In the distribution of the conductors through buildings " concealed work," such as the placing of wires under floors or within partitions, walls or ceilings should be avoided as much as possible. (105) 106 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 25. In perfectly and securely dry localities an approved insulated wire without water-proof covering may be used, provided the wires are not concealed and are supported by cleats or insulators. 26. Wherever the wires are to be in any way covered up they must be coated with an approved water-proof insulation. 27. In all cases of concealed work the company proposing to introduce the same will be required to furnish the Board with a detailed diagram of the work, showing the kind and size of wire used at the different branches, with particulars as to the insulation and in what materials embedded, location of cut-outs, switches, etc. The diagram to be signed and sworn to by an officer of the company and filed with the Board for reference. 28. If wires be embedded in the plaster of walls, ceilings or partitions, they must be separated not less than ten inches from each other, in addition to being insulated as above described. 29. In buildings in course of construction, terminal wires must be so arranged as to be secure from injury by the plasterers. 30. Wires insulated as above may be covered by or embedded in mouldings in dry locations, but in breweries, paper-mills, dye-houses, and other like places where they are exposed to moisture, they must be carried out of contact with the walls, ceilings and the like on approved " insulators." SECONDARY SYSTEMS. 31. In these systems where alternating currents of high electro-motive force are used on the main lines, and secondary currents of low electro-motive force are developed in local "converters" or "transformers," it is important that the entire primary circuit and the transformers should be excluded from any insured building, and be confined to the aerial line (the transformers being attached to the poles or the exterior of the buildings) or to underground conduits, if such be used, or placed in fire-proof vaults or exterior buildings. 32. In those cases, however, where it may not be possible to exclude the transformers and entire primary from the building, the following precautions must be strictly observed. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 107 33. The transformer must be constructed with or inclosed in a fire-proof or incombustible case, and located at a point as nearly as possible to that at which the primary wires enter the building. Between these points the conductors must be heavily insulated with a coating of approved water-proof material, and, in addition, must be so covered in and protected that mechanical injury to them, or contact with them, shall be practically impossible. 34. These primary conductors, if within a building, must also be furnished with a double-pole switch, or separate switches on the ingoing and return wires and also with automatic double-pole cut-out where they enter the building or where they leave the main line, on the pole or in the conduit. The switches above referred to should, if possible, be inclosed in secure and fire-proof boxes outside the building. 35. In the case of isolated plants using the secondary system, the transformers must be placed as near to the dynamos as possible, and all primary wires must be protected in the same manner as is indicated in the second paragraph above. INSULATION". 36. Where there ia a possible exposure to water, the first or second coating must be impervious to the fluid. 37. For incandescent lamp fixtures and electroliers, exceptions may be made to the foregoing rule in which the wires can be placed nearer than the prescribed distance to each other, or to other conductors, provided the fixture is fully insulated at the base from house and ground piping, and further provided that a double-pole safety catch is placed at the base of each fixture, or at the nearest branch connection, as may be required by the Inspector of the Board. 38. In all cases when combination (gas and electric) fixtures are used, extra precaution must be used to secure complete and continuous insulation from the gas piping. 108 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. INSULATION IN GENERAL. 39. It is to be understood as a general or universal rule that all machines, lamps, wires and other parts of electric systems, are to be so constructed, mounted and secured as to insure complete and continuous insulation ; with such exceptions only as are hereinbefore stated, and that in no case shall ground circuits be employed, or any part of the system be allowed to come in contact with the earth through gas or water pipes or the like. AUTOMATIC SHUNT. 40. Wherever a current of such high electro-motive force be employed that if concentrated on one lamp or motor of the series it would produce an arc capable of destroying or fusing parts of such lamp, an automatic switch must be introduced in each lamp or motor by which it will be thrown out of circuit before the arc approaches any such dangerous extent. 41. Means by which those in charge of the dynamo electric machines will be warned of any excessive flow of current, or means whereby the same will be automatically checked, must in all cases be provided. FUSIBLE OR OTHER AUTOMATIC CUT-OUTS FOR LOW POTENTIAL CIRCUITS. 42. Wherever a connection is made between a larger and smaller conductor at the entrance to or within a building, some approved automatic device must be introduced into the circuit of the smaller conductor at or close to its junction, by which it shall be interrupted whenever the current passing is in excess of its safe carrying capacity. 43. The safe carrying capacity of a wire is the current which it will convey without becoming painfully warm when grasped for a minute in the closed hand. CUT-OUT BOXES OR SWITCHES. 44. All cut-out boxes or switches which shift, transmit, or break a current must be mounted on incombustible bases, and so arranged as to close PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 109 one circuit before they open another, and operate in such a manner that no arc can be formed between the contact surfaces when thrown " on " or "off." It must be so far positive in its action that it can not stop between its extreme positions. It must indicate on inspection whether current is "on" or off." This rule applies to isolated plants as well as to those connected with central stations. MOTORS. 45. The rules and regulations under the head of capacity of wires, insulation, automatic cut-outs, and switches shall be observed, where electric motors are used, and in addition the motor frames must be properly insulated, and so mounted as to be free from grounds, and each motor shall be provided with an approved switch to prevent an excessive flow of current. STORAGE BATTERIES. 46. When the current for lights or power is taken from storage batteries, the same general regulations are to be observed. MEANING OF TECHNICAL TERMS, ETC. 47. HIGH POTENTIAL CIRCUITS OR WIRES. This term includes all wires arranged with the view of carrying currents of more than 250 volts difference of potential between any two parts of the system, even if such current be used to run incandescent lamps. 48. Low POTENTIAL CURRENTS OR WIRES are such as do not carry currents of more than 250 volts. 49. Companies furnishing electricity from central stations must enter into an agreement with the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, binding themselves to test their lines for ground connections at least onee every day (and preferably three times per day), and to report the result of such tests to the Board weekly. 50. The rules and regulations of the Board of Electrical Control and all existing regulations of the local authorities in reference to stringing of wires must be strictly observed. HOW THE ELECTRIC CURRENT IS PRODUCED. Elsewhere we give some details in regard to how the electric current is produced, but perhaps not in a manner that may be readily comprehended by all. The trouble in describing the operation is in obtaining a level of common understanding, which is very hard to do when there is no common ground to stand on ;-for electricity, in the strict form of comparison, can hardly be likened to any other form of energy. The Electrician several months ago made an ingenious attempt to so simplify and explain the theory of the generation of a current of electricity by mechanical means that it might be understood by any one, no matter how unskilled he was. It is much easier to understand electricity, says the paper in question, when we assume it to be a fluid, than in any other way ; and as the fluid theory answers every purpose, we will assume it to be such, and the machinery for producing the current, merely as a pump for pumping or forcing electricity through the wires and carbons, as water may be forced through a pipe or valve. A pump for forcing water through a pipe consists of a cylinder or barrel, inside of which there is a movable air-tight partition that separates the inside of the cylinder into two parts ; this is called a piston. This piston is connected with a rod which extends outside of the cylinder, and enables the piston to move from the outside. If this piston is moved it draws water in at one end of the cylinder and forces it out at the other; and when valves are properly arranged and pipes attached, the pump is complete. When all the valves, pipes, and chambers are completely filled with water, if the suction and discharge pipes are connected together, and the pump operated, it will pump or force the same water over and over again around a (110) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. Ill complete circuit. If a valve is placed in a pipe and partially closed j it will be found that much more power is required to work the pump. Where does all this power go? It is expended in friction in passing the partly closed valve ; this may be called resistance. Now suppose that a force equal to lifting all the water in the pump and pipes seven hundred and seventy -two feet high were exerted, the friction would heat the water just one degree. If this pumping were continued with sufficient force for an hour or more, the water would boil^ and could be converted into steam ; in fact, all the force exerted on the pump would be converted into heat, which would be confined to the pump and its connections. In this manner mechanical energy is said to be converted into heat. Now suppose that we take this same pump and so arrange the valves that we allow steam to enter one end of the cylinder and at the same time allow a free escape at the other end, what is the result? The piston will be moved by the steam until it reaches the extreme end of the cylinder. Now, if we allow the steam to enter the other end, it will push the piston in the other direction to the opposite extremity, and when we have so connected this reciprocating motion, through the agency of a connecting rod and crank to a shaft, that the shaft will be turned by the motion of the piston and make an attachment that will open and close the valves at the proper time, we have constructed a complete steam engine, and this is said to be a machine for converting heat into force, power or dynamic energy. The steam in passing through the engine is cooled down and condensed just in proportion to the work done. It is therefore shown that a mechanical force applied or exerted in moving a piston in a cylinder can be made to circulate a current of fluid through pipes, and that the fluid is heated just in proportion to the work or force exerted. Conversely, a current or a fluid in a pipe may be made to move a piston, and this piston made to give off force or power and the fluid cooled just in proportion to the work or power developed. So with electricity. If a strong magnet is moved inside a coil of insulated wire it produces a current of electricity in the wire composing such coils, very much in the same manner that the moving of a piston in a pump 112 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. cylinder produces a current of water in the pipes, which may be regarded as an extension of the cylinder. It is also found that it requires power to move a magnet inside of a coil of wire, and that this power bears a certain relation to the current of electricity produced, and also that if there is placed a resistance in the wire to correspond to the valve in the water pipes, that this resistance becomes heated, also that the heat represents the same amount of force that the heat in the water did. This is called a machine for converting dynamic energy into electrical energy. If, now, we connect the wires of the above coil with a battery and allow a current of electricity to pass through the wire, the magnet will be drawn into the coil with considerable force, but only while the current is passing, and it will also be found that the work done by this pulling of the magnet has weakened the flow of electricity in the coil just in proportion to the work done. When this magnet is properly connected to a rotating shaft by the agency of a connecting rod and crank, and is provided with a suitable attachment that will let on and shut off the flow of electricity at the proper time, we have an electrical engine, and this is said to be a machine for converting electrical energy into dynamic energy. It is, therefore, shown that the moving of a magnet in an insulated coil produces a current of electricity in such coil, that force is required to move the magnet, and that this force or power is converted into a relative amount of electrical current or energy ; conversely, that a current of electricity may be made to move a magnet and develop power, and the power so developed represents a certain and definite amount of electrical energy. It is not, however, necessary to move a magnet in a coil of wire to produce a current of electricity. The coil may be moved on the magnet, or the magnetism may be moved in the magnet, or the polarity of the magnet may be changed from north to south and vice versa. Indeed, any disturbance, movement, strengthening, weakening or change whatsoever in the magnet produces a current in the wire about it, the strength of which depends upon the degree and rapidity of such change or motion. When a piece of soft iron is brought near a strong magnet it, too, becomes a magnet. If, for instance, a common nail has its point brought near the north pole of a magnet, the head of the nail will at once become a north pole and its point a south pole. If the position of the nail is reversed, the PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 113 magnetism will remain the same as relates to the magnet, but not to the nail. The nail may be said to have turned round on its magnetism. If, now, this nail should have a small shaft passed through perpendicular to its axis, and mounted so as to be revolved with rapidity while in this position, the magnetism in the nail would change at each turn, the end nearest the magnet always being a south pole. This is called a change in polarity. If on this nail a fine coil of insulated wire be placed, and the outside and inside ends connected together, a strong pulsation of electricity will take place in the wire of the coil at each half-turn. When the ends of the wire are separated and brought down to the shaft, so that the current may be taken off through a commutator to a stationary conductor, we have a complete magneto -electric machine, which has only to be enlarged to produce an electric light. The effect would be very much heightened, however, if the nail were bent in the form of a ring with a shaft secured into it, like the shaft in a wheelbarrow wheel, and the coil divided up into twenty or more sections, each section ending in an independent copper strip in the commutator. Another improvement would result from revolving it between two magnets of opposite polarity, or between the opposite poles of a horse-shoe magnet. The chance for enlargement on this basis will be obvious. Machines embodying this principle have been carried to a great degree of perfection. "While the machine is not in motion, we may consider all the w r ires in or about it to be full of electricity, as a pump and its pipes may be full of water. When starting on the first turn of the armature a slight current is produced by the induction from the residuary magnetism. The current of electricity may be said to draw or suck in through the bottom brush into the armature, where it divides into two equal currents, one passing up on one side while the other passes up on the opposite side and against the motion. The impelling or pushing forward of the current all takes place in the armature, the two currents induced in the armature unite on the top side and escape through the commutator to the top brush ; from here it passes through one of the electro-magnets, and from thence to the lamp, where the friction or resistance offered to it in passing the space filled only with gaseous matter between the two carbons is so great that an enormous degree of heat is produced. With 114 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. a current of water, the heat would be taken along with the water j but with electricity it is left at the point of friction, and communicating with the carbon points, heats them to a degree unknown to any other agency ; the heated points of the carbons are the source of the light. After passing through the lamp, the current is taken back to the machine, where it goes through the wire of the other electro-magnet and to the bottom brush, this completing the circuit. These machines require power to drive them just in proportion to the electricity produced, and are called dynamo-magneto-electro machines, as they convert dynamic energy into electrical energy by the agency of magnets. It is a very common error to confound the current of electricity produced by a magneto machine with that produced by the common friction or plate machine. The plate machine produces a current of electricity of very great tension, but there is very little of it. It may be compared to a discharge of water from a pipe the size of the finest hair, but under a pressure of many millions of pounds per square inch ; while the current produced by a magneto machine may be compared to the discharge of water from a pipe ten feet in diameter and under a very low pressure. A current of electricity, like a current of water, has both quantity and pressure ; only the pressure of electricity is called tension, while the rest is electro-motive force when in action. American, Electrical Directory, 1SS5. HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY AND THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. The name "electricity" is derived from elektron, the Greek name for amber. The ancients were well acquainted with the fact that certain bodies, when rubbed, acquire the power of attracting light particles of matter. Thales, of Miletus, the founder of the Ionic philosophy, and one of the seven wise men of Greece, who flourished some six hundred years before the Christian era, developed this attractive property in amber by friction, and concluded that the substance was animated by an unknown spirit or element. Theophrastus, some time later, observed the same attractive property in a crystal termed the lyncurium, now supposed to be tourmaline. Pliny and other naturalists refer to the attractive power of amber as something well known, but say nothing to lead us to suppose that the knowledge of electrical phenomena went beyond the discoveries of the old philosophers. The first attempt towards a generalization of electrical phenomena was made near the close of the sixteenth century, by Dr. William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth, of England, in a treatise on the magnet. The earlier electricians, in the prosecution of their researches, used simple glass tubes, or rods of sulphur, which were held in the hand and excited by friction with silk or flannel. The first idea of a machine originated with the celebrated Otto von Guericke, of Madgeburg, Germany, who mounted a globe of brimstone on an axis and caused it to revolve rapidly against the palm of the hand. This was in 1660. He was the first to notice a peculiar light, or rather a phosphorescent glow, as one of the effects of this friction. For the globe of brimstone, Dr. Hawksbee, of England, afterwards substituted a globe of glass ; and Professor Winkler, of Leipsic, rendered the instrument much (115) 116 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. more useful and convenient by affixing a cushion of soft leather stuffed with horse-hair, so that, by the pressure of a spring, it might rub against the revolving globe. Later on, a hollow cylinder or a plate of glass came into general use for lecture room experiment in electricity. The peculiar glow seen by Von Guericke was some years afterwards (in 1680) more closely observed and described by an Englishman, Dr. Wall, who obtained electricity by rubbing a stick of amber with a woolen cloth. While grasping the amber strongly during friction, he heard a number of little " cracklings," as he quaintly called them, which were accompanied by flashes of light. This light and these discharges, says the doctor, " resemble thunder and lightning." Boyle, Newton and others, accumulated many new facts, but these were not of a nature to lead to the discovery of general principles. The electric spark, it appears, was first noticed by Dr. Wall. In the early part of the eighteenth century, Dr. Ilawksbee made many electrical experiments, and besides ascertaining that glass w r as a substance which could be readily electrified by friction, found that some other bodies, especially metals, treated in the same manner, manifested no electrical power whatever. In 1728, Mr. Stephen Grey, a pensioner at the Charter House, England, performed a number of experiments which led to the discovery of electrical conduction, and to the classification of bodies into conductors and non-conductors. The conclusions arrived at by Grey were firmly established by the brilliant researches of Du Fay, a French philosopher, to whom we are indebted for the discovery that there are two opposite states of electrical excitation, in which forces are developed attractive to each other. In 1745 and 1716 numerous attempts were made to confine electricity in glass vessels containing water or mercury (here we may see the first idea of the storage battery) ; and, almost simultaneously, Yon Kleist, in Germany, and Cunaeus, in Holland, became acquainted with the disagreeable effects of the electric shock. Muschenbrock, of Leyden, repeated the experiments of Cunaeus, and published a wonderful report of the effects of the shock received from the apparatus which is still known as the Leyden jar. The discoveries of Franklin followed soon after and greatly advanced the science of electricity. By a series of beautiful experiments with a common kite this celebrated PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 117 philosopher ascertained, what had been before conjectured, that lightning was an electrical phenomenon. Cavendish, of England, afterwards entered with great zeal into the field of electrical research and thoroughly investigated the conditions of bodies charged with electricity. About the year 1789, Galvani, of Bologne, Italy, discovered that the mere contact of metals with the muscles and nerves of a frog recently killed produced convulsive motions; and by repeating Galvani' s experiments, the celebrated Alexander Yolta, a professor of natural philosophy in the University of Pavia, Italy, was led to the discovery of the apparatus now known as the "Voltaic pile, a discovery which gave rise to a new branch of electrical science which is termed galvanism, or more correctly, voltaic electricity. It was in March of the year 1780 that Prof. Yolta announced to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society of Great Britain, the construction of his first pile. That date may well be said to be the most memorable in the annals of science, for it marks the beginning of an era of unparalleled activity, discovery and invention. Humphrey Davy, then a young man of twenty-two years, was just beginning to attract public notice. In February, 1801, he obtained the appointment of assistant lecturer in the recently founded Royal Institution. His first thoughts were naturally for his favorite subject, and he eagerly applied the new source of power to the investigation of the properties of the elements. In the course of his experiments he made some important discoveries, one being the obtaining from caustic potash, by powerful battery current, the metal potassium, and a few days later he reduced, by a similar process, sodium from its hydrate soda. In 1808, through the liberality of a few members of the Royal Institution, Davy was enabled to construct a new battery consisting of 2,000 cells (the batteries previously in the Institution combined being only 500 cells), arranged in two hundred porcelain troughs, one of which may still be seen at the Royal Institution. The fluid was a mixture of sixty parts of water with one of nitric and of sulphuric acid. The plates were zinc and copper, square in form and thirty-two inches in surface. Such was the battery from which the first flashes of the electric light were obtained. It is not difficult to believe that the effects were "brilliant and 118 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. impressive." Sir Humphrey Davy himself has left a brief description of his celebrated experiment, which was made before the members of the Royal Institution in 1810. "When pieces of charcoal," says he, "about an inch long- and one-sixth of an inch in diameter were brought near each other (within the thirtieth or fortieth of an inch), a bright spark was produced, and more than half the volume of the charcoal became ignited to whiteness ; and, by withdrawing the points from each other, a constant discharge took place through the heated air in a space equal at least to four inches, producing- a most brilliant ascending arch of light, broad and conical in form in the middle." The carbons used by Davy were pencils of common charcoal. As such they must have wasted away rapidly, and, no regulating apparatus having been devised for adjusting the distance between them, the light must necessarily have been of short duration. In fact, it remained for thirty-four years a brilliant but sterile laboratory experiment. It was not until 1844 that Leon Foucault replaced the soft friable charcoal by the hard, compact carbon found in gas retorts, and availing himself of the newly invented and powerful battery of Prof. Bunsen, succeeded in producing a steady, continuous light. It was publicly exhibited in Paris by M. Deleuil, and now its fitness was recognized by illuminating public works, squares, theatres, and lighthouses. Foucault found it serviceable even for photographic purposes. Its general introduction was, however, retarded by the inconveniences attending the manipulation of powerful galvanic batteries,. such as the labor of charging and discharging, the weakening of the current, and the evolution of deleterious gases ; indeed, it may be questioned whether (says Mr. M. F. O'Reilly, from whose graphic account of the discovery of " The Voltaic Arc," forming the third of the papers in the first section of Vol. I of Dredge's excellent work on "Electric Illumination," the foregoing facts of this sketch commencing with Yolta's discovery, are taken), without the development of Faraday's grand discovery of magneto induction, it would ever have become a grand commercial success. The first really practical application of electric light was made in 1846. An electric sun shone in the opera of " The Prophet" in Paris. Towards the close of 1847, Mr. "W. E. Staite gave a public exhibition of the electric light PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 119 at Sunderland, England, this being the first public exhibition of the kind given in that country. During four years Mr. Staite exhibited his light in various cities of England. In 1852 the Dock Commissioners of Liverpool built a high tower for the purpose of placing an electric light upon it, but Mr. Staite died in that year and his idea seemed to have died with him. Two Frenchmen Lacassagne and Thiers took out a patent for a new regulator in 1855. In this system the carbon rested on a column of mercury, which lifted it by a special mechanism as combustion progressed. They lighted the Quai des Celestins at Lyons, in June, 1855, and the papers of the period were very enthusiastic in their descriptions of the peculiar effects of the dazzling light. The great difficulty experienced at this time consisted in the means for producing electricity. In point of fact, the reason why inventors of the early period were baffled, despite their ingenuity, was because they had no cheap and practical mode of generating the current necessary for the production of light, and were obliged to obtain their power from batteries. "Yet even in this direction," says Mr. James Dredge in his preface to " Electric Illuminations," "something had been effected. A great deal of very suggestive work was done in view of utilizing battery currents to generate motive power ; whereas, the very machines constructed for this purpose would have converted mechanical energy into electricity. Thus Elias, in 1844, did not dream of generating currents, but only of utilizing them, although the motor he devised might have been available for the former far more useful purpose. Pacinotti, again, devised his celebrated machine rather as a motor than as a generator of electricity. "It is a fact, however, that the idea of converting mechanical into electrical energy occupied the minds of inventors at quite an early date ; thus, King and Poole, in 1846, Dujardin in 1847, Henley in 1849, and many others, realized the possibility of generating useful currents by making coils revolve in close proximity to permanent magnets. Most of these inventions were imitations, more or less close, of Pixii and his followers, Clarke, Saxton, Page and Stohrer, and it was not until 1854 that we find any record of an entirely new departure. In that year Soren Hjorth patented a generator in 120 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. which the principle of augmenting the power of electric currents by the reaction of electro-magnets upon each other is described so clearly that it is evident the inventor appreciated the value of the dynamic principle, and thus anticipated by about thirteen years the practically simultaneous discoveries of Varley, AVheatstone and Siemens." "With this brilliant exception, and that of another inventor, who in 1858 also proposed "to employ the electro-magnet in obtaining induced electricity which supplies wholly or partially the electricity necessary for polarizing the electric magnets, which electricity would otherwise be required to be obtained from batteries and other known sources," inventors confined themselves for the next ten years to the perfection of magneto-electric machines. It will be seen from the necessarily brief accounts here given that most of the early attempts, however ingenious, at mechanical productions of electric currents, proved unpractical ; some few bearing the stamp of genius are clearly anticipatory of later and successful developments ; others, again, dating from this early period, have steadily developed into the practical types of to-day. But, with few exceptions, the interest attaching to the inventions and propositions prior to 1870 is mainly historical. With that date, however, the problem of producing electrical currents by mechanical means enters a new phase, and with the first patent of Gramme this branch of science commences a fresh epoch. The honor of devising a practical generator, yielding absolutely continuous currents, belongs, without doubt, to M. Zenobie Theophile Gramme, of Paris. His first patent was taken out in 1870; and his first machine was submitted to the Academy of Science in July, 1871, when it elicited warm commendations from the members of that learned body. Adopting the sof.t iron ring of Paciriotti, he wrapped around it consecutive lengths of insulated wire, thus forming a number of short distinct coils. The ends of these were brought out and formed into one circuit, by joining with metallic sectors, which were themselves connected with the novel commuting arrangements of the machine. Gramme afterwards made several improvements on his original machine, but it would be impossible to give their details in this sketch in a way to be generally understood. PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 121 Suffice it to say, that from this new departure of Gramme has directly sprung our present methods of producing electricity at a cost, even now, below the price for which the same quantity of light from gas can be furnished the public. Thus we see that while machines furnished with permanent steel magnets succeeded chemical batteries for the production of electric light, these in their turn were succeeded by machines (now generally known as dynamos) , containing electro-magnets of soft iron, which have been found to be capable of holding twenty times as much magnetism as permanent magnets. The accumulation of electricity by means of a dynamo machine is based upon two principles : First. That when a wire is moved across a magnet through a space surrounding the magnet, and known as " the field of force," the power exerted against the attraction of the magnet is converted into electricity. Second. When an electric current is passed through insulated wires, coiled around a piece of iron, the iron is magnetized. In treating of the subsequent discoveries of Siemens and Wheatstone, Prof. Tyndall, in a discourse delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, January 17th, 1879, said: " On the 4th of February, 1867, a paper was received by the Royal Society from Mr. William Siemens, bearing the title, ' On the Conversion of Dynamic into Electrical Force without the use of Permanent Magnetism.' On the 14th of February, a paper from Sir Charles Wheatstone was received, bearing the title, i On the Augmentation of the Power of a Magnet by the Reaction Thereon of Currents Induced by the Magnet Itself.' Both papers, which dealt with the same discovery and which were illustrated by experiments, were read upon the same night, viz., the 14th of February. The whole field of science hardly furnishes a more beautiful example of the interaction of natural forces than that set forth in these two papers. You can hardly find a bit of iron you can hardly pick up an old horse-shoe, for example that does not possess a trace of permanent magnetism; and from such small beginnings Siemens and Wheatstone have taught us to rise by a series of interactions between magnet and armature to a magnetic intensity previously unapproached . Conceive the Siemens armature placed between the poles of a suitable electro-magnet. Suppose the latter to 122 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. possess at starting the faintest trace of magnetism ; when the armature rotates currents of infinitesimal strength are generated in its coil. Let the ends of the coil be connected with the wire surrounding the electro-magnet. The infinitesimal current generated in the armature will then circulate round the magnet augmenting its intensity by an infinitesimal amount. The strengthened magnet instantly reacts upon the coil which feeds it, producing a current of greater strength. This current again passes around the magnet, which immediately brings its enhanced power to bear upon the coil. By this play of mutual give and take between magnet and armature the strength of the former is raised in a very brief interval from almost nothing to complete magnetic saturation. Such a magnet and armature are able to produce currents of extraordinary power ; and if an electric lamp be introduced into the common circuit of magnet and armature, we can readily obtain a most powerful light. By this discovery, then, we are enabled to avoid the trouble and expense involved in the employment of permanent magnets ; we are also enabled to drop the exciting magneto-electric machine, and the duplication of electric magnets. By it, in short, the electric generator is so far simplified and reduced in cost as to enable electricity to enter the lists as the rival of our present means of illumination." Since the discoveries of Siemens and Wheatstone there have been many improvements made in dynamo -electric generators, and the number of different inventions made is very large. In Europe the number is far greater than here. In America the best know are the Brush, Edison, Excelsior, Fuller, Heisler, Jenney, Maxim, Sperry, Thomson-Houston, Van Depoele and Weston. In the line of conductors for arc lamps great progress has been made. It is not more than eight or nine years since the separation of generator and light was made to any extent, 150 to 200 yards being the maximum. But gradually the divisibility of the electric light in separating the lamps fed from the same generator, resulted in the necessary consequence of extending the radius of operations of one installation, and consequently the length of the conductors became more and more extended. This led to a search for the best and most available material for conductors and silver was found to PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING 123 be the best. Its cost, however, precluded its use, and copper the next metal in conductibility was selected. The size of the copper wires or conductors is varied according 1 to the kind of electric light supplied through them. The conductors for the incandescent system must be comparatively large, for the volume of electricity is greater in it than in the arc system. The arc lights, which require a more intense current, do not need so large conductors, though some require or use larger wires than others. These arc light wires are carefully covered with an insulating material to prevent the current from being deflected from its intended course. There are various substances used in coating or insulating conductors, among them being gutta-percha, rubber, asphaltum, etc. Perhaps it may not be out of place here to state that the first fundamental law of electric currents is that discovered by Dr. G. S. Ohm, and known as Ohm's law. It sums up the two causes which affect the strength of an electric current in the following statement: The strength of a current is directly proportional to the electro-motive force that tends to drive the current through the wires of the circuit and it is inversely proportioned to the resistance which the whole circuit offers to the passage of the current. The law may be illustrated in this way: Suppose either a dynamo- electric generator or a battery of voltaic cells be employed to send a current through a long line of wire and a series of lamps which offer a certain considerable resistance to the flow ; to keep this flow going in spite of the resistance requires a continued steady pressure, as it were, behind. The name of ' l electro-motive force ' ' is given to this particular power of the generator or battery, by virtue of which it tends to urge electricity through the circuit. If, through the same circuit, it is desired to send a current of double strength, then twice as great an electro-motive force must be applied, and we must do this either by driving our generator at double speed or by using a larger and more powerful generator; or, in the case of a battery, doubling the number of cells. The standard by which electro-motive force is measured is called "one volt;" it corresponds in practice very nearly to the electro- motive force of a single Daniells cell. The dynamo-electric generators in 124 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. use for electric lights urge the currents forward with electro-motive forces that vary from fifty volts to two hundred volts, according to their construction, etc. Within certain limits the electro-motive force for a machine of given construction is proportional to the speed at which it is driven. The standard hy which electric resistance is measured is, as we have seen, denominated "one Ohm," which is approximately as great a resistance as that offered by about one hundred yards of ordinary telegraph wire. The arc or flame electric lamp may offer, according to circumstances, from one to ten times. The resistance of incandescent lamps, such as those of Swan and Edison, ranges from thirty-five ohms in the former to one hundred and thirty ohms in the latter. The unit or standard in which currents of different strength are expressed is the "ampere." An electro-motive force of one volt, when applied to drive electricity through a circuit whose resistance is one ohm, produces therein a current whose strength is one ampere. For producing an arc light the current must not be less than about two amperes, and may be as great as fifty or more amperes. The current in incandescent lamps is usually a little more than one ampere in strength. Ohm's law may be expressed exactly as follows : the strength of the current in amperes is found by dividing the number of volts of electro-motive force by the number of ohms of resistance in the circuit. Before electric conductors were perfected the arc lamp was the subject of invention and improvement. The first arc lamp was patented by Thomas Wright, of England, in 1845. In this the electrodes were made in form of discs rotated by clock-work, with the slow continuous motion. In 1847 Mr. W. E. Staite brought out a lamp in which the length of the arc was regulated by mechanical devices. He employed carbon rods as his electrodes, and arranged them vertically one over the other, making the feeding of them dependent on the current traversing the circuit. From this time up to March, 187G, when Jablochkoff secured his patent for his electric candle, there were a great number of arc lamps invented in England, France, Germany, Russia and the United States for which patents were obtained. The discovery of M. Jablochkoff involved the suppression of all the PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 125 mechanism then usually employed in ordinary electric lamps. The so-called candle consisted of two carbons fixed parallel to each other, a slight distance apart, and separated by an insulating material which was consumed at the same rate as the carbons themselves. An even consumption of the carbons was secured by alternating the direction of the flow of the current from the generator by reversing its motion. This form of lamp was afterwards improved, but it has not found equal favor with some others. In a dynamo machine the magnets, when at rest, are but very feebly magnetized ; but when the armature is revolved it generates an electric current which passes through the wires around the magnets, increasing their strength and enabling them to produce a stronger current in the armature ; and this in turn adds to the strength of the magnets, the armature and the magnets reacting on each other, until the limit of the capacity of the magnet is reached, after several hundred revolutions of the armature. When the motion of the armature is stopped the magnets lose nearly all their magnetism, as soft iron will not retain magnetism like steel. Electricity for lighting might be furnished by galvanic batteries, but the cost would amount to twenty-five or thirty times as much as when generated by a dynamo. It may be further explained that an electric current, flowing in a circuit of wire, may be regarded as a magnetic whirl in the space surrounding the wire. If, then, by moving the coil of wire past a magnet we set up magnetic whirls in the space surrounding the coil, we set up electric currents in the wires themselves. Dynamo-electric generators are machines for moving coils of wire past poles of magnets, there being special arrangements, first, to procure the setting up of very powerful magnetic whirls around the coils of wire, and, therefore, of very strong electric currents in the wires themselves ; and secondly, to turn all these currents into one direction, so as to flow in one steady stream through the circuit. Now, in regard to the relation of electric currents to the work they can do, and to the energy expended in their production, it is laid down as a fundamental principle that to do work of any kind, whether mechanical or electrical, requires the expenditure of an equivalent amount of energy. Just 126 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. as a steam engine cannot work without using fuel, or a laborer without food, so an electric current cannot go on flowing, nor an electric light keep on shedding its beams, without a supply of energy from somewhere or other. Thus, although magnets are used in order to generate currents of electricity in rotating coils of wire, a magnet is not in itself a source of power. It will not do work for us until we have done an equal amount of work on it. "We must pull its keeper away from it before it can pull the keeper back to do work. Then it yields us in its kind. It transmutes our energy into another form of force that can produce either light, power, or heat, according as we desire to utilize it. It is just the same with other forces. An iron weight, for example, is not in itself a source of power. It will not do work for us it will not even drive a clock until we do some work on it. In generating electric currents from electro-magnets in the manner explained, as practiced by all the electric light companies of the day, we (our steam engines) have to supply the necessary energy. We spend this energy in moving something in opposition to a resisting force. This something happens to be a coil of wire, or a combination of such coils. The force in this case happens to be a magnetic force, and the result of the motion happens to be (by the particular arrangements of the coils and magnets) the setting up of magnetic whirls around the wire, or what we otherwise call an electric current in the wire. But it is we (or our engines) that do the work. There are two methods of converting electricity into light. The arc light is chiefly due to the glowing of the tips of the carbons, caused by the high temperature produced by the current overcoming the resistance offered by the space between the carbon poles, whereby the energy of the electricity is converted into heat. The carbons are slowly volatilized and partially burned. The intensely heated vapor adds to the illumination ; but the combustion of the burning carbon interferes with the light. The incandescent light is produced by the current overcoming the resistance offered by a filament of carbon and raising it to a temperature sufficient to render it luminous. The immediate destruction of the carbon of the incandescent system is prevented by regulating the quantity of the current and inclosing the carbon in a glass bulb, and exhausting the air, so that it can not burn. Both the arc and incandescent PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 127 lights are due to the glowing of intensely heated carbon. In the arc light the incandescence is, in a measure, destructive to the carbon ; but with thoroughly homogeneous material in the carbons, and an accurate and sensitive mechanical system of feeding, this waste can be so regulated and anticipated that no aberrations in the illumination in the arc can occur. In the arc light, where the carbon is heated to destruction, the total quantity of light for a given expenditure of electricity is about nine times what it is in an incandescent light working at a commercial rate. Sir William Armstrong has found that six horse-powers would supply thirty-seven incandescent lights, giving altogether the illumination of nine hundred and twenty-five candles, while the same power applied to arc lights would give more than six thousand candles. In the arc light the terminals of the carbons are different, the lower carbon consuming to a sharp point, while the upper one is blunt and the end concave. The light emitted from these ends is not alike; the upper carbon having the most heated surface, about nine-tenths of the light is thrown downward below a horizontal plane. This gives the arc light advantages as an illuminant of large halls, parks, streets, factories, etc., where it can be suspended overhead, to manifest advantage in the distribution of the light which can all be utilized. The power of arc lights as generally estimated, is that of the strongest rays which are thrown down at an angle of forty-five degrees, which is about twice the brilliancy of the average light. The temperature of the upper carbon, according to experiments made in France, in 1879, in an electric light, is estimated at six thousand degrees Fahrenheit, and the lower one at four thousand five hundred degrees, but this estimate refers only to the special light experimented with, which used small carbons ; and the general result to-day, in the opinion of electricians is probably greater than the one given above. Dr. "W. H. Preece estimates the temperature of the lower or negative carbon to be about 5,702 degrees Fahrenheit, while the upper or positive carbon has a temperature of 7,052 degrees, the arc itself being 8,672 degrees Fahrenheit. This high temperature also furnishes much more light rays from a given amount of heat than a lower temperature would give. Dr. Charles "W. Siemens, in an address delivered before the British Association, in York, 128 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. England, two years ago, stated " that in a gas burner only one per cent of the calorific energy of combustion produced light, while in the incandescent light it was three and seven-tenths per cent, and in the arc light it amounted to thirty-three per cent." This will give an idea of the relative economy of the three systems. The incandescent light exceeds gas by nearly four to one, while the arc light exceeds gas by thirty times, and the incandescent light by eight times, besides giving a white, clearer and purer light than either gas or electric incandescence. Indeed, the pure white of the electric light, compared with the dim yellow of gas, the ability to distinguish colors, the absence of heat and injurious effect to clothing, pictures, etc., the cleanliness and purity of the air in halls and factories under its use, all tend to make it the most desirable of the artificial illuminants. American Electrical Directory, 1885. THE INCANDESCENT SYSTEM. In Dredge's work on "Electric Illumination" Mr. Conrad "W. Cooke gives the history of the various systems of incandescent lighting. Regarding the Swan system and, incidentally, the Edison, we outline the most salient features. The first published notice of the Swan incandescent lamp, according to Mr. Cooke, appeared in the issue of the Photographic Journal for June, 1880, but Mr. Swan had publicly exhibited a carbon filament lamp, which had given excellent results, twelve months before the above named date at the conclusion of a lecture he delivered in Newcastle, Sir William Armstrong having presided at this meeting. It is, therefore, an historical fact that the Swan carbon filament incandescent lamp had been brought to a practical form and was publicly exhibited in the autumn of 1879. As an actual fact of much interest, Mr. Swan had been laboring at this work of incandescent lighting for many years, one of the earliest forms he adopted in those comparatively remote days having been a horse-shoe of carbonized paper placed beneath a glass bell which was more or less exhausted of air. The small arch of carbonized paper was about an inch high and half an inch across, the lower ends were clamped to small blocks of carbon and the bell was exhausted as far as possible of air. When an electric current of sufficient strength was passed through this carbon strip it was, owing to its high resistance, brought rapidly to a state of incandescence, but, naturally, such a device had but a very short duration in service. The filament became hotter on the inner than on the outer edge and under this unequal influence began to curl over, rapidly bending more and more until the crown of filament would touch the base of the lamp and break up. This, however, was in the (129) 130 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. early days of Mr. Swan's experiments, which he appears to have abandoned for a considerable time, resuming them, however, with great ardor since 1877. Early in 1879 he realized the fact that, to obtain a durability of carbon filament, it was necessary to maintain it at as high or a higher temperature during the process of exhausting the air from the glass bulb than it would have subsequently to sustain in actual work. It was just about this time that Mr. Edison was conducting a remarkable series of parallel experiments with platinum and its alloys, and the results he obtained of the changed physical properties of metal wire, raised to incandescence in vacuo, corresponded strictly to those obtained by Mr. Swan with carbon filaments treated in a similar way. It was on the 19th of June, 1879, that Mr. Edison took out his patent in Great Britain for the application of this principle he had discovered, for the manufacture of incandescent electric lamps, with prepared platinum or alloyed platinum luminous loops ; but he, like inventors twenty years before him, abandoned metallic, and availed himself of vegetable filaments. Mr. Swan, on the other hand worked with the latter from the beginning, and the evolution of his system from the first imperfect and rapidly failing horseshoe of carbonized paper, to his permanent metal-like filament of carbonized thread, is an interesting one to follow. In this connection it may be advisable to point out, in the clearest possible manner, the great radical distinction between the Edison lamp and the Swan lamp of the most recent type. Edison insists upon using a "structural carbon," because he says that such carbons alone possess the qualities of the highest possible resistance in a very small bulk, and are capable of resisting the disintegrating effects of intense heat, and the absence of atmospheric pressure. He further says, that by structural carbon he means "a carbon wherein the natural structure, cellular or otherwise, or the original material is preserved unaltered, that is, not modified by any treatment which tends to fill up the cells or porse with unstructural carbon, or to increase its density, or alter its resistance." To obtain such carbons, therefore, Mr. Edison is obliged to resort to raw material, such as natural fibre, and now exclusively to bamboo strips, which are subjected to a series of beautiful processes. Mr. Swan's object, on the other hand, is to obtain a material suitable for the carbon filament which PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 131 shall be as far as possible devoid of structure ; he could not, therefore, make use of any vegetable fibre in its natural state. Paper he quickly found was unsuitable, even when prepared by his special process, and he ultimately adopted cotton thread, which is susceptible to the parchmentizing operation that had enabled him to obtain such promising results with paper prepared in the same manner. Steeping cotton in a solution of sulphuric acid and water until the tissue is destroyed, produces, when properly washed and dried, a horny, homogeneous filament of very considerable strength. To increase the density and uniformity of the filament thus obtained, it is passed between compressing rollers and flattened, so that a somewhat increased area of incandescent surface is thus obtained. From the great practical success attending both the Edison and the Swan systems, it is evident that a " structural" carbon is no more absolutely necessary than is a structureless one ; but this is one of the leading points of difference in the two systems. Mr. Swan made other improvements in his carbons, such as making horse-shoes for his lamps out of cardboard, soaked in dilute sulphuric acid, and washed and dried ; and also by carbonizing vegetable parchments, upon which he took out patents. He also made great improvements in the glass bulbs used by him. The Maxim is another of the incandescent lamps, which has points of excellence worthy of notice. In this form of lamp, Mr. Maxim made use of a strip of carbonized paper, which is rendered durable by covering its surface with a hard deposit of carbon. This is effected by heating the filament to incandescence within a closed chamber filled with the vapor of gasoline. The degree of incandescence of a filament varying with the resistance to the current, it follows that the thinner and more imperfect parts of the paper strips become more highly heated than the remainder, and the deposit of carbon on those parts is more active. In this way it is intended to obtain a perfectly homogeneous filament, which shall be durable and at the same time one in which the light shall be uniform. The Maxim lamp appears to fulfill both these requirements to a high degree. The Lane-Fox lamp is another which may be of interest to note, as it is the one which Mr. Edison claims is an infringement upon his. It is the invention of Mr. St. George Lane-Fox, an Englishman, and in its present 132 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. shape represents the latest form of the lamp first described, and patented by him in 1878, which, like the Edison lamp of that date, was intended for metallic incandescence. The filament employed in the improved Lane-Fox lamp is made from grass fibre, preferably that known as French whisk or bass broom, and used in making certain kinds of carpet brushes. The fibre is iirst cleaned by boiling in a strong solution of caustic soda or potash, and the outer skin scraped off. The soda or potash is then boiled out of it, and a number of fibres are stretched round a mold or shape of plumbago, .and are then baked in a plumbago crucible at a white heat. After being baked in this manner, the fibres are furthur carbonized by depositing' carbon upon them from a rich hydrocarbon gas, such as benzole. Instead of employing the electric current in this operation, Mr. Lane-Fox carbonizes his filaments by raising the benzole receptacle to a white heat in a furnace. His light, like the others, is produced in an exhausted glass bulb. The Bernstein incandescent lamp was a lamp of low resistance. Its carbon was hollow and presented a large surface for incandescence, hence its property of giving light with a current of very low tension. But it was very frail, and liable at the slightest jar to break, and was not, under the most favorable conditions, of long life. The company controlling this invention after a time adopted the ordinary carbon loop and an approach to the higher resistance of ordinary incandescent lamps was made. The Brnsh-Swan incandescent lamp is only an imitation of the English Swan lamp, already mentioned. The Crookes incandescent lamp is another variety, which, however, is not known in this country, being in use principally in England. Mr. Crookes, the inventor, may be called the father of the high vacuum in the glass globes used in the incandescent systems, for without his experiments and investigations in this direction, both Edison and the other inventors of incandescent lamps would have found their road to success a far more difficult one than it has been. Crookes lamps are quite largely used in England. For his filaments lie uses a homogeneous structureless cellulose, which he has made or invented. This is produced from cotton dissolved in ammonium cuperate, the material being afterwards deposited in sheets of any thickness desired. The substance PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 133 is a new and very interesting- product, presenting the appearance of an almost transparent horn-like sheet. This material, after being dried, is cut into threads of uniform cross sections. These are cut to the desired length, and molded into the form of the filaments that may be desired and then carbonized at a high temperature, giving a filament thoroughly homogeneous and of uniform conducting power, not subject to warping or twisting under the action of heat because of the absolute uniformity of substance and absence of fibrous structure, which Edison, as we have shown, at first regarded as a necessary condition of structure for the carbon filament. The Stanley and Thompson lamp is the joint invention of William Stanley, Jr., of Englewood, N". J., and Edward P. Thompson, M. E., of ~New York, and it is now manufactured under rights owned by the Union Switch and Signal Company, of Pittsburgh, Pa. The principal part of the invention consists in such a chemical treatment of animal substances that they may be used as the carbonizable material from which the carbon filaments are manufactured, in a dense flexible and elastic condition. It is well known that all forms of animal matter, such as catgut, skin, silk, hoofs of animals, etc., becomes disintegrated into a fine powder during the process of destructive distillation. This is due to the presence of a large quantity of water and nitrogen, which, under the influence of heat, causes a rupture of the natural structure of the material. It is found, however, that by soaking these materials in a solution of soluble carbon compound, such as sugar, starch, etc., in dilute sulphuric acid, for several weeks, the chemical nature of the substance becomes radically different. This mixture of chemicals is not washed away, but the prepared filaments are simply dried and put into the furnace after being wound upon suitable forming blocks. During the heating of the filaments the chemicals slowly continue their action, so that the structure is not only not destroyed, but, also, the pores are filled with all the carbon from the carbon compound which is put into solution in the dilute sulphuric acid. Another important part of the invention is that of being able to carbonize a large number of carbon filaments in a very small space. The prepared filament is wound helically upon a block whose cross-sectional shape is that which it is desired the carbon filament shall be. 134 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. The two ends are held temporarily by wax and then a ligature, such as ordinary string 1 or cord is wound helically at right angles to the winding of the filament and the ends are tied. This ligature serves to hold the filament upon the block permanently and yet allows the latter to shrink. The shrinkage is allowed to take place also by severing the filament along one end of the forming block. The Stanley and Thompson lamp was among the four standard lamps exhibited at the International Electrical Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1884, and this description is a brief of a valuable paper on the " Chemistry of the Carbon Filament," by Edward P. Thompson, M. E., read at the Philadelphia meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. American Electrical Directory, (1885). What are known as secondary currents of electricity were observed at the very beginning of the present century, and almost immediately succeeding the invention of the electric battery by Volta. One of the earliest methods of measuring a current of electricity was by plunging conductors, connected with the terminals of a voltaic battery, into a vessel containing slightly acidulated water, and collecting the gases evolved, whose volume was an indication of the quantity of electricity given off by the battery. Gautherot, a French scientist, discovered as early as 1801, that if the terminals used in the water were of platinum or silver, after the battery had been removed these terminals possessed the property of giving off, from themselves, a feeble current of short duration, if connection were made between the two sides. In 1803, Hitter, of Jena, observed the same phenomenon with the terminals of gold wire, and constructed the first secondary battery by piling a series of golden plates one on top of the other, separated by bits of woolen cloth, wetted in salt water. Inactive itself, this battery, after having been submitted to the action of a voltaic battery whose elements were greater in number than its own, was capable of giving off, during a few seconds, a current in the opposite direction to that of the voltaic battery ; this current received the name of * ' secondary current." After the announcement of the discovery the phenomena were investigated and explained correctly by such scientists as Yblta, Marianmi and Becquerel, who demonstrated that this current came from the formation of acid and basic deposits on the metallic discs, caused by the decomposition of the primary current of the salt with which the bits of cloth were soaked. It (135) 136 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. remained, however, for the distinguished Frenchman, Gaston Plante, to fully investigate and make clear the principles governing the phenomena. He commenced his researches in 1855 and investigated with zeal and patience until 1879, when he published the result of his work. He made secondary batteries in many forms and of many metals, and finally concluded that lead was the best material. He took of the sheet lead of commerce two sheets of equal size, each having a tail piece in one corner. Laying one sheet on a table he placed the second over it, with its tail at the opposite end to that of the first sheet, separating the two sheets by strips of hard rubber, so they would not touch. Then he rolled them up into a scroll. This was then placed in a glass vessel, the tail pieces pulled through the cover and the vessel filled with water, slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid, so as to make it a better conductor. When the current from a battery of two or three Bunsen cells was connected with these tail pieces, the water in the battery was decomposed, oxygen going to the positive anode and hydrogen to the negative cathode. As commercial lead has a slight coating of oxide of lead on its surface, this oxide on the anode was made a peroxide by the addition of oxygen, and the oxide coating on the cathode was reduced to metallic lead in fine granular form by the action of hydrogen. By charging his battery, first in one direction, and then, after discharging it, charging it again in the opposite direction, and repeating this for a considerable time, it was found the coatings on the plate grew thicker and thicker, until a point was reached beyond which no additional storage strength could be gained, when the plates were "formed." These plates were capable of holding considerable charges. M. Plante never took out a patent. M. Faure, another Frenchman, conceived the idea of painting the lead plates with a paste made of red oxide of lead, covering them with felt to keep the paste in place, and in that condition putting them in the acidulated water, just as Plante did. He can thus spread on more of a coating than would be formed on the plates by a life-time of charging and recharging. Hence his battery (which he has patented in Europe and America) is proportionately stronger than Plante' s, and has been put to practical use. It is thus evident that the Faure battery is nothing more than the old Plante battery, the claim of its patentee resting solely upon the method of preparing PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 137 the plates to be charged. Now, we recognize the fact that there is a field for the incandescent as well as for the arc electric light, a field of usefulness broad enough for all, and that possibly the storage batteries may also find a use in the future. Indeed, the progress already made in that direction has been, all things considered, really quite wonderful. But there is still something lacking in it that makes it halt short of success. The truth is, that no matter how desirable the end in view would be for the world at large, the best system of storage that we know of has not got beyond the experimental stage, and even at this stage it is threatened with the complications of law suits. These latter would be against its general adoption, even if it were the perfect, economical system which is claimed for it, for people are not generally prone to purchase law suits if they know it. Besides, it appears from the most careful experiments made, that the loss of electrical energy in the storage and delivery of the current by these secondary batteries range from forty to fifty per cent, which of itself alone would seem to constitute a fatal objection to their use. Mr. "Woodbury says: " The so-called 'storage' of electricity is a subject which is the object of much interest. Electricity alone, of all forms of energy, is used from hand to mouth so that the dynamo must be equal to the greatest demand upon the system at any one instant. All form of electric lights require uniformity in the speed of the dynamo, and the incandescent lights are especially sensitive to variations in the speed, so that it is frequently advisable to have a separate engine solely on that account. Such uniform speed would not be essential for the dynamo used in charging secondary batteries. In a storage battery the electricity is not accumulated in any manner, as is sometimes assumed, but a certain chemical action is produced by passing an electric current through the battery, and later on a counter-chemical action produces electricity, when the battery is discharged. The Faure storage battery consists of sheets of lead, coated with red-lead and covered with sheets of felt. The whole is inclosed in a box, and covered with dilute sulphuric acid. On passing an electric current through the battery, the red-lead on the negative side loses its oxygen, which combines with the red-lead on the positive side, the result being that one coating of red-lead is reduced to pure lead, and the other side changed to peroxide of lead. When the battery is put in use the theory 138 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. is that this atom of oxygen leaves the peroxide of lead on one side, and rejoins the spongy lead on the other side, producing the secondary current; but difficulty has been experienced from losses due to various kinds of local action in the battery, such as the deposition in the sulphate of lead, and the injury to the sheets of felt ; so that the electricity regained has not been as much as is desired. There are several forms of secondary batteries, all of which are similar in principle ; and one free from the faults due to local action would be a great boon to all users of incandescent lamps, for then the apparatus would be permanent, and its efficiency such as would insure commercial success." Such tests of the Faure battery as we have seen reported seem to indicate that a higher efficiency than fifty per cent can not be safely relied upon in practice. That is, only about one half the current expended in charging the battery can be recovered in useful work, and even this efficiency would probably be considered impaired unless the battery were used within a comparatively short time after charging it. Aside from the loss of current, the expense of the battery appears to be quite a serious item. Taking, for instance, the plant at the theatre des Yarietes at Paris, it is stated that two hundred and sixty-five Swan lamps are used and are supplied by about a hundred Faure batteries. The total weight of the batteries it is stated to be fourteen tons, ten tons of which are active material. No doubt in certain exceptional cases such batteries will prove extremely useful, but for general use in a system of distribution from central stations, we think the advantages have been largely overestimated. It is true that the conductors for distributing the current may be considerably reduced in size, but the cost of constructing and maintaining the secondary batteries would, in a large measure, make up for this advantage, if not entirely counterbalance it. The advantages claimed by way of reducing the capacity of engines and dynamos has also been considerably overrated. Experience seems to show that no machinery can be relied on for constant use, working anything like twenty-four hours a day. Considerable time must be allowed for making necessary repairs and overhauling machinery, and very reputable mechanical engineers have expressed the opinion that no practical advantage could be gained by running engines and machines more than twelve hours PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING, 139 per day, as the increased wear and tear and the liability of accident would counterbalance the saving in the cost of the plant. It is obvious, also, that the introduction of the storage battery largely increases the complication of the system. sTo doubt there would be considerable demand for a really efficient secondary battery for use in places where expense is not a controlling consideration, but we by no means share the sanguine views of those who believe that such a battery would effect a revolution in present methods of lighting. It is a fact, nevertheless, that in certain situations and under peculiar conditions the storage system may answer an end that no other form of electricity or electric conversion can as well do. This would be where power was cheap or running to waste, perhaps, though in such a case it might, perhaps, be more economical to build a higher dam, store up the water and convert its force directly into electricity for use as needed. The great objections to the storage system are the great cost of the batteries, the necessity of employing experts to operate them, which is expensive, and the very considerable loss of the primary current in discharging them, and the consequently diminished delivery of the current. Thus there is a great loss both in charging, conversion and in discharging. Another difficulty is that an overcharge of these batteries may destroy them, and. call for a renewal of the plates, which would of course be attended with considerable expense. They have to be very delicately and very skillfully handled or they will soon get out of order. On the whole, therefore, it would seem as if the promise of the storage battery is no nearer fulfillment than it was five years ago. American Electrical Directory, 1885. THE ECONOMY OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. A few years ago there were very grave doubts in the minds of the majority of people concerning the possibility of really economical lighting by electricity ; it was even said that while the quality and quantity of electric light would leave little to be desired, it could not be produced at a price to compete on favorable terms with gas. At this time such a statement would be immediately recognized as fallacious, for there are very many places where electric energy is sold at a price that puts gas quite in the background as an economical illuminant. A 16 candle power electric incandescent light is the equivalent of a five foot gas jet consuming the average quality of gas. In other words, we can in making a comparison between these two artificial lights reckon 200 electric lamp hours as the equivalent of 1,000 feet of gas. Consequently at the prevailing central station rate of one cent per lamp hour electric lighting costs an amount equivalent to $2 a thousand feet for gas, while it possesses the great advantage of giving out relatively little heat and burning no oxygen out of the air. At the generally prevailing price for gas the two illuminants are so nearly on an equal footing that small accidents of situation are enough to control the question of relative economy. But it is not my purpose to discuss the somewhat worn question of electricity vs. gas, but to call attention to what can be done in the way of domestic lighting by electricity, even when it has to compete with kerosene lamps. It may appear somewhat absurd to take the position that kerosene may in many cases cost as much as, or more than, electric lighting at the usual rates ; nevertheless such is the fact. Of course where one is content with a comparatively small amount of light not at all equivalent to what would be secured by electricity or gas, (140) PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 141 the oil lamp owns no competitor, but if the problem in hand is to light a residence in a thoroughly satisfactory manner the conditions are very much changed. I shall take a concrete case drawn from my own observation, by way of illustration. The field of operations was a 10-room modern house in a suburban town, occupied by half a dozen adults. The lighting throughout was by kerosene lamps, 13 being in regular use, part of them having duplex burners, the other the simple flat wick. During a period covering the latter part of November and the first half of December 52 gallons of oil were consumed in 24 days. The price of oil being 13 cents per gallon, the daily cost of illumination was a small fraction over 32 cents. It may be added that the oil barrel had a lock faucet, so that unwarranted use of oil was prevented. To render the comparison with electric lighting more easy, we may reduce this figure to monthly consumption, and obtain $9.70 as the monthly lighting bill. Not all of the 13 lamps were lighted on every night, but they may be counted as being in regular use. Now what could be done under similar conditions with the incandescent lamp? On a liberal estimate, wiring the house for 15 lights would have given an illumination at least equivalent to that obtained by oil. It then appears that incandescent lamps at 64 cents per month would have been actually as cheap as oil, with the additional great advantages of no care, no danger of fire and no pollution of the air. It may be replied, however, that the month taken as the basis of estimate was probably the one requiring the most light, so that there would be a saving in oil during other parts of the year so great as to render the fixed charge for electricity anything but economical. This, of course, is in a measure true, but the number of incandescent lamps was deliberately taken larger than was necessary, to allow of fixed lamps in places where oil lamps are occasionally carried; and, further, 64 cents per month is not a specially low rate for incandescent lamps in domestic service. In selling by contract the prices, of course, vary enormously from place to place. A few figures may, however, be of interest, particularly as they relate to small plants such as might be found in towns of very moderate size. In one small city the charge for domestic lighting is 60 cents per lamp per month, the number of lights connected being less than 1,000, on the direct current system, coal being the fuel used at the 142 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. station. Another direct current plant, having only 500 lights and burning coal obtained at a low rate on account of favorable situation, charges only 20 cents per month for domestic service, provided at least six lights are wired. Still another, situation in a location where coal is about as expensive as in New York City, and furnishing 700 lights, charges for regular use 80 cents per month, and for occasional lamps 50 cents per month. As the class includes all lamps in sleeping apartments, and other rooms not constantly inhabited, the average price would fall to something like 60 cents per month. At contract price, however, low water mark is probably touched in a certain water power plant where the charges for lamps in regular use averaged 30 cents a month, and for those in occasional use, such as mentioned above, are furnished at 12 x /2 cents per month. Where any considerable number of lamps are used, as in large suburban towns, they can be furnished at a good profit at 50 cents a month for domestic service ; this, however, does not apply to commercial lighting or other cases where lamps are to be used regularly. But for the service we are discussing the price is such as very many companies would be only too glad to get. So much for light supplied by contract. It is tolerably evident from what I have previously said that the difference in cost between oil and electricity for equal service may be merely nominal and not infrequently in favor of electricity. Where incandescent lamps are supplied by meter the case is even more favorable. Assuming the standard central station charge of one cent per lamp hour the house above mentioned could unquestionably have been lighted as cheaply by electricity as by oil, for 32 lamp hours per night would t>e quite adequate for the service required; and here the comparison would be a fair one throughout the year as only the electricity used is paid for- Unless in unfavorable situations one cent per lamp hour is a profitable selling price for incandescent lights, and this fact is attested by its being the charge made very frequently by city central stations, and even by small companies doing precisely the kind of work of which we are speaking. As a final contribution to the economy of this particular case we are considering it should be mentioned that the price for gas in the town spoken of was $2.85 PRACTICAL DYNAMO BUILDING. 143 per thousand feet, which makes it distinctly more expensive than electric lighting at the rate last named. It is far from my purpose to contend that everywhere and under all circumstances electricity is the cheapest illuminant, but I hope that I have successfully shown that in many cases it could replace not only gas but oil lamps without increasing, and even in some places diminishing the cost of illumination. Of course the weak point of the oil lamp, so far as economy is concerned, is the necessity for keeping it burning' when the electric light or even gas would be extinguished. A lamp is not lighted without inconvenience, and therefore in rooms which will be occasionally visited during an evening oil is being constantly consumed where gas gets or incandescent lamps would be turned off. If one wishes to go to the trouble of extinguishing and relighting these lamps a considerable saving might be effected ; but for residences where plenty of light is desired and convenience somewhat consulted, the consumption of oil rises to an amount that gives gas and electricity an excellent chance for competition. To sum up, where incandescent lamps can be obtained at one cent per lamp hour, or an equivalent contract price, they will compete on favorable terms not only with gas, but with oil, supposing equal illumination in each case. Aside from this the greater cleanliness and convenience of the incandescent lamps should commend it even where it is slightly at a disadvantage. It is a great pity that more suburban towns do not take advantage of electricity for house to house lighting, particularly since at the price mentioned an electric light plant is in most situations a very good investment. This statement should not be understood as applying to localities where coal is very high, or where from an isolated situation or local circumstances the cost of operation rises to an amount considerably above the general average. Dr. Louis Bell in Electrical World. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON 11.1 JAN 1 5 1999 U. C. BERKELEY 12,000(11/95) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY