I m m\ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class A o TWENTIETH CENTURY TEXT-BOOKS LORD KELVIN (SIR WILLIAM THOMSON) (1824-19GT) William Thomson ranks as one of the two or three greatest physicists of the nineteenth century. He was born in Ireland, but spent nearly his entire life in Glasgow, Scotland, where his father was professor of mathematics. At the early age of seventeen he began to write on mathematical subjects, but his attention was soon turned to the study of physics. In 1846 he became professor of natural philosophy at Glasgow, where he remained fifty-three years. Thomson's early investigations led to the invention of the abso- lute scale of temperature. Important experiments in heat were carried out by him in collaboration with Joule from 1852-1862. Later Thomson became almost universally known by his work as electrician of the Atlantic cables, the first of which was laid in 1858. By the invention of the well-known mirror galvanometer which he used in receiving messages, he increased the rate of trans- mission from two or three to about twenty-five words per minute. This instrument was replaced later by his " siphon recorder," which is still in use. Thomson was instrumental in establishing the practical system of electrical units. He invented the absolute and quadrant electrome- ters for measuring potentials, a sounding device for use on moving ships, and many other practical measuring instruments. His favorite subject, however, was the nature of the ether, which, as he said, claimed his attention daily for over forty years. His writings are included in his Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, Mathemat- ical and Physical Papers, Popular Lectures and Addresses, and Thomson and Tait's An Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. TWENTIETH CENTURY TEXT-BOOKS A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS BY FREDERICK R. GORTON, B.S., M.A., PH.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS, MICHIGAN STATE NORMAL COLLEGE or -HE UNIVERSITY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO 1910 COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. oe. PREFACE PHYSICS is the summary of a part of human experience. Its devel- opment has resulted from the fact that its pursuit has successfully met human needs. Hence it is believed that the presentation of the subject in the secondary school should be the expansion of the every- day life of the pupil into the broader experience and observation of those whose lives have been devoted to the study. Human activity and progress, therefore, should be the teacher's guiding principle, and the bearing of each phenomenon and law on the interests of mankind should be clearly disclosed and emphasized. The author of this book has accordingly endeavored to give great prominence to facts of common observation in the derivation of physical laws, and, further, has attempted to point out plainly the service that has been afforded mankind by a knowledge of nature's laws. No text- book, however, can take the place of the skilled teacher in showing clearly the relation of physical phenomena to human activities, or in the selection of illustrative examples within the range of observation of his pupils. Large portions of the subject-matter of Physics deal with knowl- edge already possessed by a pupil of high-school age, and nothing is of more appealing interest to him than the feeling that this infor- mation is to be made of some value. By recalling phenomena well within the acquaintance of the pupil and supplementing them with demonstrative experiments, the way is easily paved to the deduction and interpretation of general principles. In the presentation of such experiments, the author has described as simple and inexpensive apparatus as he has found to be consistent with satisfactory results. No effort has been spared to give the teacher and pupil every pos- sible assistance. The sections have been plainly set off and given suggestive headings ; references to related material have been inserted where needed; and the numerous sets of exercises have been care- v 209710 yi PREFACE fully graded. In order to bring the problems near the discussions upon which their solutions depend, they have been arranged in more and smaller groups than is usual. The exercises throughout the book have been selected from concrete cases, and the usual problems in pure reductions have been omitted. Illustrative solutions of prob- lems and suggestions have been given wherever difficulties have been found to arise. As an aid to the pupil in reviewing and to the teacher in conducting rapid drill exercises, a summary of the contents of each chapter is presented at its conclusion. The educational value of the portraits and biographical sketches of many of the great men of science is at once apparent. Emphasis upon the parts that these men have played in the development of Physics has been recognized by eminent educators as an important factor in creating an atmosphere of human interest around the sub- ject. These names should become familiar to every student of Physics. On account of the rapid advance at the present time in the practi- cal uses made of physical principles, the author believes that the sections involving new applications will be found of general interest and utility. The book will be found to be free from the more difficult uses of algebraic and geometric principles. The place of first importance has been given to the study of phenomena, and mathematical expres- sions have been introduced as convenient means of designating exact relations which have been previously interpreted. It is mainly in the subject of Physics that the pupil is brought to realize the value of his mathematical studies in the world of concrete quantities. The author believes that the class-room work in the subject should be accompanied by a sufficient number of individual laboratory exer- cises to fix clearly in mind great principles and important phenomena. Further, enough practice with simple drawing instruments should be given to enforce the use of the simplest geometrical relations. In addition to the many subjects whose treatment is demanded by the achievements of recent times, the author has given careful atten- tion to the various topics recommended by the Committee of Second- ary School Teachers to the College Entrance Examination Board. The author desires to acknowledge here the many helpful sugges- tions of those who have read and criticised the proof or manuscript, and PREFACE vii wishes especially to mention Professor E. A. Strong of the Michigan State Normal College ; Mr. Fred R. Nichols of the Richard T. Crane Manual Training High School, Chicago, 111. ; Mr. Frank B. Spaulding of the Boys' High School, Brooklyn ; Mr. Albert B. Kimball, Princi- pal of the High School, Fairhaven, Mass. ; Professor Karl E. Guthe of the University of Michigan; Mr. George A. Chamberlain, Prin- cipal of East Division High School, Milwaukee; and Mr. J. M. Jameson of the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE / INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II MOTION, VELOCITY, AND ACCELERATION 1. Uniform Motions and Velocities 13 2. Uniformly Accelerated Motion 16 3. Simultaneous Motions and Velocities . . .21 Summary ...... 26 CHAPTER III LAWS or MOTION FORCE 1. Discussion of Newton's Laws 28 2. Concurrent Forces 35 3. Moments of Force Parallel Forces .... 39 4. Resolution of Forces 42 5. Curvilinear Motion ........ 44 Summary .......... 48 CHAPTER IV WORK AND ENERGY 1. Definition and Units of Work 51 2. Activity, or Rate of Work 53 3. Potential and Kinetic Energy . . . . .54 4. Transitions of Energy 58 Summary .......... 61 CHAPTER V GRAVITATION 1. Laws of Gravitation and Weight 62 2. Equilibrium and Stability 65 ix X CONTENTS PAGK 3. The Fall of Unsupported Bodies ... . . .69 4. The Pendulum 74 Summary . . . . . . .81 CHAPTER VI MACHINES 1. General Law and Purpose of Machines .... 83 2. The Principle of the Pulley . . . . . .85 3. The Principle of the Lever 88 4. The Principle of the Wheel and Axle . . .93 5. The Inclined Plane, Screw, and Wedge . . . . 96 6. Efficiency of a Machine . - . . . 99 Summary 101 CHAPTER VII MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 1. Forces Due to the Weight of a Liquid . . . .103 2. Force Transmitted by a Liquid . . . . Ill 3. Archimedes' Principle . 119 4. Density of Solids and Liquids . . . . . . 124 5. Molecular Forces in Liquids . . . . . . 130 Summary .......... 135 CHAPTER VIII MECHANICS OF GASES 1. Properties of Gases . . . . . . . 138 2. Pressure of the Air against Surfaces .... 139 3. Expansibility and Compressibility of Gases . . . 147 4. Atmospheric Density and Buoyancy .... 153 5. Applications of Air Pressure ...... 155 Summary . . . . . . . . . . 163 CHAPTER IX SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 1. Origin and Transmission of Sound 165 2. Nature of Sound 169 3. Intensity of Sound 173 4. Reflection of Sound 176 Summary .......... 177 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER X PAGE SOUND: WAVE FREQUENCY AND WAVE FORM 1. Pitch of Tones 179 2. Resonance . . . 185 3. Wave Interference and Beats . . * . . .188 4. The Vibration of Strings 192 5. Quality of Sounds 196 6. Vibrating Air Columns 198 Summary .......... 205 CHAPTER XI HEAT : TEMPERATURE CHANGES AND HEAT MEASUREMENT 1. Temperature and its Measurement ..... 208 2. Expansion of Bodies . .216 3. Calorirnetry, or the Measurement of Heat . . . 225 Summary .......... 229 CHAPTER, XII HEAT : TRANSFERENCE AND TRANSFORMATION OF HEAT ENERGY 1. Change of the Molecular State of Matter . . . 231 2. The Transference of Heat 247 3. Relation between Heat and Work 256 Summary . . . . . . . . . 265 CHAPTER XIII LIGHT : ITS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEASUREMENT 1. Nature and Propagation of Light 268 2. Rectilinear Propagation of Light 270 3. Intensity and Candle Power of Lights .... 274 Summary 277 CHAPTER XIV LIGHT : REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 1. Reflection of Light 278 2. Reflection by Curved Mirrors 284 3. Refraction of Light 292 xii CONTENTS PAGE 4. Lenses and Images 300 5. Optical Instruments 311 Summary 318 CHAPTER XV LIGHT: COLOR AND SPECTRA 1. Dispersion of Light : Color 321 2. Spectra 324 3. Interference of Light . 330 Summary . . . . . . 333 CHAPTER XVI ELECTROSTATICS 1. Electrification and Electrical Charges .... 335 2. Electric Fields and Electrostatic Induction . . . 340 3. Potential Difference and Capacity 346 4. Electrical Generators 352 Summary .......... 356 CHAPTER XVII MAGNETISM 1. Magnets and their Mutual Action . . . I 359 2. Magnetism a Molecular Phenomenon . . . 365 3. Terrestrial Magnetism ....... 368 Summary . . . . . . . . . 372 CHAPTER XVIII VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 1. Production of a Current Voltaic Cells .... 374 2. Effects of Electric Currents . . . . . . 388 Summary .......... 400 CHAPTER XIX ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 1. Electrical Quantities 'and Units ..... 402 2. Electrical Energy and Power ...... 413 3. Computation and Measurement of Resistances . . 417 Summary . . . . . . . . . . 422 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER XX PAGE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 1. Induced Currents of Electricity 425 2. Dynamo-Electric Machinery 432 3. Transformation of Power and Its Applications . . 442 4. The Telegraph and the Telephone 453 Summary 460 CHAPTER XXI RADIATIONS 1. Electro-magnetic waves 462 2. Conduction of Gases ....... 466 3. Radio-activity 468 INDEX , 473 LIST OF PORTRAITS Lord Kelvin (Sir William Thomson) . . . Frontispiece FACING PAGE Sir Isaac Newton 30 Galileo Galilei 70 Hermann von Helmholtz . . . . . . . . 196 Count Rumford (Sir Benjamin Thompson) .... 256 James Prescott Joule 258 Benjamin Franklin 346 Count Alessandro Volta . . . . . . . .352 Hans Christian Oersted ........ 382 Dominique Francois Jean Arago ...... 382 Andre Marie Ampere . . . 406 George Simon Ohm 406 Michael Faraday 426 Joseph Henry 426 James Clerk-Maxwell 432 Heinrich Hertz 464 Sir William Crookes 466 Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen . . . . . . .466 Antoine Henri Becquerel . . . . . . . 470 Madame Curie . ......... 470 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION iX 1. Physics. In the experiences of everyday life we witness a great variety of changes in the things around us. Objects are moved, melted, evaporated, solidified, bent, made^hot or cold, and undergo a change in their condi- tion, place, or shape in a great many other ways. Physics is the science that treats of the properties of different sub- stances and the changes that may take place within or between bodies, and it investigates the conditions under which such changes occur. yin its broadest sense Physics is the science of phenom- ena. Every action of which we become aware through the senses is a phenomenon. We hear the rolling thunder, we see the shining of a live coal, we taste the dissolving sugar, we smell the evaporating oil, and we feel moving air. By considering his own experience the student will be able to recall numerous examples of physical phe- nomena and to state the sense by means of which he per- ceives each of them. >^ The study of physics, however, not only directs our attention to the phenomena to which we are accustomed, but to a multitude of m'ore unusual but not less important ones. It also strives to put these phenomena to experi- mental tests that will enable us to understand the laws connecting actions with their causes. 2. Utility of the Study of Physics. Increasing acquaint- ance with nature and naturaj_Jaw has been the means of 2 ~T" 2 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS elevating man from the life_of limited power and useful- ness of the savage to his condition of present-day enlight- enment. The early discovery of fire was a great step toward civilization. By some crude experimental study it was found later that fire could be produced at will, as by the striking of flint and by rubbing two pieces of dry wood together. Thus the observation of simple natural phe- nomena enabled man to secure heat for cooking his food and warming his habitation, besides aiding him in forming implements to procure food, improve his shelter, and give him protection from enemies. This same observation of natural phenomena has pro- duced every existing artificial device for our protection, convenience, and comfort. The engineer who plans a rail- road, with its bridges, tunnels, and grades, together with the locomotive and its train, makes use at every step of knowledge acquired through the study of Physics. The surveyor ascertains how to cut through the hills and fill the valleys by the use of instruments which involve physi- cal principles. By the discovery and application of physi- cal laws scientists and inventors have produced the tel- escope, telephone, steam engine, electric car, and all the other useful appliances which form so important a part of our everyday life. 3. Matter. There are three general characteristics by which matter is recognized. (1) Matter always occupies space. On this account it is said to possess the property of extension. Many invisi- ble bodies of matter exist. The air in a bottle or tumbler is such a body. We may show, however, by the following experiment that it is as real as any other body: 1. Place a piece of cork upon the surface of water in a vessel, cover it with an inverted tumbler, and force the tumbler deep into the water as in Fig. 1. The air that was in the tumbler still occupies INTRODUCTION 3 nearly all of that space, and the water is not allowed to rise and fill it. (2) All matter is indestructible, in the sense that it has never been discovered that the small- est portion can be annihilated by any process known to man. Causing a body, as a piece of coal, to disappear by burning does not destroy the ma- terial of which it is composed. A portion is carried away in the smoke and gases, and the remainder left be- Fia - i. inverted Tumbler . . , & . ' Nearly Full of Air. hind in the ash produced. In the process of evaporation a drop of water becomes invisible ; but the matter still exists in the atmosphere as a trans- parent vapor. (3) All matter has weight, i.e. is attracted by the earth. In a more general sense it may even be said that every body has an attraction for, or pulls upon, every other body. The term gravitation is used to express this characteristic of matter. The fact that air possesses weight as well as extension may be shown by experiment as follows : 2. Remove the brass fixture from an incandescent lamp bulb, and carefully balance the bulb on a sensitive beam balance. Introduce a short nail into the stem of the bulb, and tap lightly with a hammer until the glass is broken and air admitted. If the bulb is now placed upon the balance, a decided increase in weight will be observed. The weight of air admitted has been added to that of the bulb, which originally contained almost no air. The quantity of matter in a body is called its mass. Dif- j ferent kinds of matter, as gold, water, glass, air, mercury, < salt, hydrogen, etc., are called substances. Substances are recognized by their properties; as, hardness, elasticity, tenacity, fluidity, transparency, etc. 4 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 4. Measurement of Quantities. A little reflection will show the necessity of having systems of measurement for the various quantities that we find in nature, such as length, area, volume, weight, time, etc. The importance of such systems has been recognized by the governments of civilized countries, and the values of the units employed have been fixed by law. Thus the foot, pound, second, etc., are well-established units of quantity, and are in gen- eral use throughout Great Britain and the United States. The English system of measurement, however, is objec- tionable on account of the inconvenient relations between the units and their multiples and divisions. For example, 1 pound = 16 ounces = 7000 grains ; or 1 mile = 320 rods = 5280 feet = 63,360 inches. It is mainly for this reason that many countries have adopted the metric system of measurement, in which the relations are always to be expressed by some power of ten. This system greatly re- duces the effort required in making correct computations. 1 Since in the United States both the English and the metric system are employed, it will be advisable to be- come proficient in the use of each. 5. Measures of Extension. Every body occupies space of three dimensions : length, breadth, and thickness ; but each of these is simply a length, the metric unit of which is the meter. The meter is the distance between two transverse lines ruled on a platinum-iridium bar kept in thje Archives at Sevres, near Paris. 2 On account of the 1 Congress recognized the desirability of introducing the metric system as early as 1866. See Congressional Globe, Appendix, Part 5, p. 422, Chap. CCCI : An act to authorize the use of the metric system of weights and measures. By this act the yard is defined as f ff$ of a meter. 2 The meter was originally intended to be one ten-millionth of the dis- tance from the equator to the north pole. Accurate copies of the meter and other metric units are kept in the U. S. Bureau of Standards at Washington, D.C.. INTRODUCTION 5 changes in the length of the bar with variations of tem- perature, the distance must be taken when the bar is at the temperature of freezing water. The multiples and divisions of the meter are designated by prefixes signify- ing the relations which they bear to the unit. The multi- . pies have the Greek prefixes, deka (ten), hecto (hundred), kilo (thousand), and myria (ten thousand). The divisions have the Latin prefixes, deci (tenth), centi (hundredth), and milli (thousandth). The relations are shown in the following table : METRIC TABLE OF LENGTH 1 A myriameter equals 10,000 meters. A kilometer (km.) equals 1,000 meters. 1 A hectometer equals 100 meters. 1 A dekameter equals 10 meters. A decimeter 1 (dm.) equals 0.1 of a meter. A centimeter (cm.) equals 0.01 of a meter. A millimeter (mm.) equals 0.001 pf a meter. The most important equivalents in the English system are the following : 1 meter (m.) equals 39.37 inches, or 1.094 yards. 2 1 centimeter equals 0.3937 of andnch. 1 kilometer equals 0.6214 of a mile. The metric equivalents most frequently used are : 1 yard equals 91.44 centimeters, or 0.9144 m. 2 1 inch equals 2.540 centimeters. 1 mile equals 1.609 kilometers. The relative sizes of the inch and the centimeter are shown in Fig. 2. Because the meter is too large for general use in Physics, the centimeter has been chosen as the unit. The centimeter and the gram, which is the metric unit of mass, and the second as a time unit, are together the fundamental units 1 Seldom used. 2 To be memorized. A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Fia. 3. Relative Sizes of the Square Inch and Square Centimeter. of the so-called centimeter -gram- second (C. G. S.) system of measurement which is in use throughout the world in scientific work. s 6. Surface Measure. The unit of sur- L- ^ face, or area, in the C. G. S. system is the square centimeter (cm. 2 ). It is the area of a square whose edge is one centimeter in length. One square ~ OT inch is thus obviously equal to (2.540) 2 , or 6.4516 square centi- meters. The relative sizes of these two units are shown in Fig. 3. 7. Cubic Measure. The unit of volume in the C. G. S. system is the cubic centimeter (cm. 3 ). This unit is defined as the vol- ume of a cube whose ^ edge is one centi- meter in length. One cubic inch thus equals (2.540) 3 , or 16.387 cubic centi- meters. The relative o sizes of these units are shown in Fig. 4. FIG. 2. Showing g. Measures of Capacity. The unit of the Relative Sizes ._, ,- 7 .. of the English capacity in the metric system is the liter inch and the Met- (pronounced lee'ter*), which is equal in ric Centimeter. . , . , . .* -, size to a cubic decimeter, or one thousand cubic centimeters. The liter is somewhat larger than the liquid quart and smaller than- the dry quart. More pre- CO B may be represented (0 by any convenient FIG. 18. The Representation of Forces by Means l en p-th but the of Straight Lines. same scale should, of course, be used throughout a given problem. In a similar manner, (2), Fig. 18, shows that two concurring forces, AB and A C, representing respectively 15 dynes east and 8 dynes north, act upon the point A. The scale adopted in this case is 2 millimeters to the dyne. 41. Composition of Forces. When a body is acted upon by two forces at the same time, it is easy to imagine a single force that might be substituted for them and would ha\&e the same effect. This single force is the resultant of the two forces, which are the components. The process of finding the resultant of two or more component forces is catted the composition of forces. Forces are com- pounded in the same manner as motions and velocities (27-31). 42. Forces Acting in a Straight Line. When two forces act upon a body in the same line and in the same direction, it is clear that the resultant is the sum of the two components. For example, if a weight is to be lifted by two men pulling upward on a rope attached to it, and if one man pulls with a force of 50 pounds while the other pulls with a force of 75 pounds, the two forces result in a LAWS OF MOTION FORCE 37 single pull of 125 pounds. Hence the resultant is 125 pounds and is directed upward. When the two forces act in opposite directions along the same line, the resultant is the difference of the two components. Thus, if one man pulls upward on a weight with a force of 75 pounds while the other pulls downward with a force of 50 pounds, the lifting effect is the same as a single force of 75 50, or 25 pounds. The action of the resultant is plainly in the direction of the greater of the two components. A special case of opposite forces is that in which the sum of the components acting in one direction is equal to the sum of those acting along the same straight line in the opposite direction. In this case no motion can result from the joint action of all the forces. In other words, the resultant is zero. The body upon which such forces act is said to be in equilibrium. 43. Forces Acting at an Angle. If AB and AC, (2), Fig. 18, represent forces of unequal magnitudes, it is clear that the resultant will divide the angle between them, but will lie nearer the greater force. The actual magnitude and direction of the resultant are found in the same man- ner as in the case of the resultant of two motions ( 29). The resultant of two concurring forces acting at an angle is represented by the diagonal of a parallelogram constructed on the two lines representing the component forces. This is one of the most important laws of mechanics and is universally known as the Principle of the Parallelogram of Forces. The following experiment will illustrate the truth of this principle: Arrange two dynamometers (see Fig. 6), before the blackboard, as shown in Fig. 19. Let the weight W be great enough to produce a large but measurable tension in each of the oblique cords. Place a rectangular block of wood against each of the cords and trace its direction on the blackboard. Read the dynamometers and record the 38 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS magnitude of each force on the corresponding line. Adopt a conven* ient scale and lay off each force along its line of direction, measuring from O. Using the ob- lique lines as sides, con- struct the parallelogram. Measure the diagonal OR and write its value in force units upon it. A comparison will show that the force represented by OR is equal to W and might, therefore, be sub- stituted for the two components and would produce the same effect. 44. Equilibrant and Resultant. -- The force W is said to hold the component forces in equilib- rium, arid is therefore called the equilibrant (pronounced >n n / \ \ \ \ \ i ,'c c / / \ \ / i ^\ / \ ^-~> (/) (2) (3) FIG. 33. The Overturning of a Brick about Different Edges. stability is possessed by the brick when lying on its largest base ; first, because the base is largest, and second, because the center of gravity is in the lowest possible position. In each case c'a is the vertical distance through which the center of gravity would have to be lifted by the overturn- ing agent. Note the various methods employed to give the proper stability to objects in everyday use, as lamps, clocks, ink- stands, chairs, pitchers, vases, etc. EXERCISES 1. How would you place a cone on a horizontal table in positions representing the three conditions of equilibrium ? 2. Arrange two knives in a piece of wood as shown in Fig. 34 and support the point on the finger. Why is the system in stable equilibrium? Where is the center of gravity of the system ? 3. Why is it difficult to walk on stilts? 4. Explain the difficulty experienced in try- ing to balance an upright rod upon the end of the finger. 5. Why does not the Leaning Tower of Pisa fall? See Fig. 36. 6. Explain the difficulty experienced in trying to balance a meter stick on one end upon a level table. FIG. 34. A System in Stable Equilibrium. GRAVITATION 69 7. The oil can B shown in Fig. 35 is loaded with lead at the bot- tom. Explain how this can will right itself while one of the common form A remains overturned. 8. Which of two bodies hav- A ing equal weights possesses the greater stability, a pyramid or a rectangular box having the same base and height as the pyramid? FIG. 35. Oil Cans. SUGGESTION. The center of gravity of a pyramid is located at one third of the distance from the base to the apex. 9. Calculate the stability in foot-pounds of a 4-pound brick placed in three different positions on a horizontal table. Assume the dimen- sions to be 2 x 4 x 8 in. See example in 72. 3. THE FALL OF UNSUPPORTED BODIES 73. Falling Bodies. Before the time of the Italian mathematician and physicist, Galileo Galilei, 1 little was known concerning the way in which bodies fall when unsupported. It is a well-known fact that if we drop a coin and a piece of paper or a feather at the same instant, the coin will reach the floor first. Galileo rightly inferred that the difference was due to the resistance of- fered by the air. Nevertheless, in order to place on an experimental basis his conclusion that all falling bodies tend to have the same acceleration, he dropped bodies of different kinds from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Fig. 36) in the presence of many learned men of the time. These experiments demonstrated that all bodies tend to fall from a given height in practically equal times. Furthermore, it was readily shown that light materials, as paper, for ex- ample, fall in less time when compressed than when spread 1 See portrait facing p. 70. FIG. 36. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy. 70 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS out. Later, after the invention of the air pump, Galileo's inference was verified by allowing a light and a heavy body to fall in a vacuum. For this purpose the " guinea and feather " tube (Fig. 37) is commonly used. On inverting the tube after the air has been exhausted, we find that the feather falls as rapidly as the coin. But when the air is again admitted, the feather flutters slowly along far behind the rapidly falling coin. 74. Uniform Acceleration of Falling Bodies. Since the attraction existing between a body and the earth is constant, it follows that a body falling freely, i.e. without encoun- tering resistance, will have uniformly accel- erated motion ( 24 and 36). Again, since FIG. 37. Bodies a ^ bodies fall the same distance in a given Fall Alike in time when unimpeded, the acceleration will be the same for all bodies. This acceleration is called the acceleration due to gravity, and is designated by the letter g. 75. The Acceleration Due to Gravity. The acceleration of freely falling bodies varies according to the laws of weight given in 69. Since the distance to the center of the earth decreases as one travels from the equator toward the poles, the acceleration due to gravity becomes greater. In latitude 38 N. g is 980 cm./sec. 2 , and in latitude 50 N. 981 cm./sec. 2 . The value of g also decreases slightly with the elevation above sea-level. (Why ?) In the latitude of New York, 40.73 N., a freely falling body gains in ve- locity at the rate of about 980 centimeters, or 32.16 feet, per second during each second of its motion. When bodies are thrown upward, the acceleration is negative ; i.e. the velocity decreases at the rate of 980 centimeters per second GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642) The first successful experimental investigations relating to falling bodies and the pendulum must be attributed to Galileo. For nearly twenty centuries the science of Mechanics had remained undeveloped. Aristotle had announced that the rate at which a body falls depends upon its weight, but Galileo was the first to disprove it by experi- ment. This he did by dropping light and heavy bodies from the leaning tower of Pisa, Italy, his native town. A one-pound ball and a one-hundred-pound shot, which were allowed to fall at the same time, were observed by a multitude of witnesses to strike the ground together. Hence the rate of fall was shown to be independent of mass. At another time, while observing the swinging of a huge lamp in the cathedral, Galileo was astonished to find that the oscillations were made in equal periods of time no matter what the amplitude. He proceeded to test the correctness of this principle by timing the vibrations with his own pulse. Later in life he applied the pendu- lum in the construction of an astronomical clock. Galileo was the first to construct a thermometer and the first to apply the telescope, which he greatly improved, to astronomical observations. He discovered that the Milky Way consists of innu- merable stars; he first observed the satellites of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, and the moving spots on the sun. Galileo was made professor of mathematics in the University of Pisa in 1589 and filled a similar position at Padua from 1592 until 1610. He died in the year 1642, the year of Newton's birth. GRAVITATION 71 during each second of its upward motion. Hence, a body thrown upward with a velocity of 2940 centimeters per second will continue to rise 3 seconds, when it will stop and return to earth in the next 3 seconds. However, on account of the hindrance of the air, bodies moving with great velocity deviate considerably from the laws govern- ing unimpeded bodies. 76. Laws of Freely Falling Bodies. Since the motion of an unimpeded body while falling is uniformly acceler- ated, the equations of 25 may be applied by simply sub- stituting for a the acceleration due to gravity g. These equations may be written as follows : v = gt, (1) and d = I gt 2 . (2) From equations (l) and (2) other useful formulae may be deduced. From (l) we find that dfor 1 sc = AtB, V= dfor 2 sec=4 x ^ g -" ^ At C, v^2g - - AtD, v=3g 7 x/29 t 2 = Substituting this value for t 2 in equation (2), we obtain Solving equation (3) for v, we have v = V2~gd. (4) 77. Distances and Velocities Represented. The distances passed over and the velocities acquired by a freely falling body are represented graphically in Fig. 38. A vertical line is drawn on which a convenient distance AS is measured off to represent 1 x \g (about 16 feet), the distance the body falls during the first second. The distance AC is FIG. 38. Motion of a Falling Body Represented. 72 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS c' ' made four times the distance AB ; AD, nine times AB ; AE, sixteen times AB, etc., to represent the distances fallen in one, two, three, and four seconds respectively. The heavy arrows are drawn to represent the velocity at the end of each second. The length of the first is g units (representing about 32 feet per second), the second 2#, the third 3#, etc. 78. Bodies Thrown Horizontally. It is a well-known fact that a body projected in any direction except up or down follows a curved path. An interesting case of this kind is the projection of a body horizontally from some elevated position, as A, Fig. 39. The motion of the body will be the resultant of two component mo- tions, the one vertically down- ward due to gravity, and the other in a horizontal direction due to the projectile force. Since there is no horizontal force acting on the body after it leaves the point A, the horizon- tal component of the motion will bi F.o.39.-Mo t ionofaBodyPro- jected Horizontally from the will move (horizontally) over 'omt A. equal distances in equal intervals of time. Let AB' , B 1 C f , C'D', etc., represent these hori- zontal distances for successive seconds. The distances AB, BO, CD, etc., are drawn in the manner described in 77. Under the combined action of its initial horizontal velocity and the force of gravity the body will pass through the point P 1 at the end of the first second, P 2 at the end of the second, P 3 at the end of the third, etc. Thus the body follows the curved path GRAVITATION 73 The path of a stone thrown over a tree, for example, is a case in which the initial motion of the body is not horizontal. The motion may be divided into two parts : first, the rise of the stone to the highest point reached ; and, second, the fall of the body back to the earth. The latter half of the motion is precisely the case described above. The time during which the stone is rising is practically equal to that of its fall. The time required for the return of the stone to the earth is the same as that of a body falling vertically. Likewise the time occupied by the stone in rising is equal to that required by a body thrown vertically upward to attain the same height. The shape of the path taken by the stone depends on its initial speed and the direc- tion in which it is thrown. The study of the motion of projected bodies, as bullets, cannon balls, shells, etc., forms an important part of military and naval instruction. EXERCISES 1. A body falls freely from a certain height and reaches the ground in 5 seconds. What velocity is acquired? From what height must it fall? 2. How long does it take a body to fall 100 ft. ? 200 ft. ? 3. A mass of 50 g. falls for 3 seconds from a state of rest. Calcu- late its kinetic energy. (See 62.) 4. A mass of 50 Ib. falls from an elevation of 20 ft. Calculate its kinetic energy in foot-pounds at the time it reaches the ground. Com- pare the kinetic energy with the potential energy of the body before falling. 5. How far must a body fall in order to acquire a velocity of 500 ft. per second? 6. A book falls from a table 3 ft. in height. Find the velocity of the book when it reaches the floor. 7. A stone is dropped from a train whose velocity is 30 mi. per hour. Show by a diagram the path traced by the stone. (See 78.) 8. Find the kinetic energy of a 10-gram mass after it has fallen from rest a distance of 1960 cm., assuming y to be 980 cm./sec. 2 . 9. The velocity of a body falling freely from rest was 200 ft. per second. From what height did it fall? 10. Compare the velocity of a body after falling 64.32 ft. with that of a train running 30 mi. per hour. 11. A bullet is fired vertically upward from a gun with a velocity 74 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS of 25,000 cm./sec. Disregarding the resistance of the air, how many seconds will the bullet continue to rise? How high will it rise? 12. If the bullet in Exer. 11 encountered no resistance due to the air, how many seconds would pass before it returned to earth ? 13. The weight of a pile-driver is lifted 10 ft. and allowed to fall. With how much greater velocity will it strike if lifted 20 ft. ? With how much greater energy ? 14. A stone thrown over a tree reaches the earth in 3 seconds. What is the height of the tree? 15. A boy fires a rifle ball vertically upwards and hears it fall upon the ground in 20 seconds. How high does it rise? What was its initial velocity? 4. THE PENDULUM 79. The Simple Pendulum. A heavy particle sus- pended from a fixed point by a weightless thread of constant length is an ideal simple pendu- lum. If, however, we suspend a small metal ball A, Fig. 40, by a thin flexible thread or wire from a fixed point 0, it fulfills the ideal conditions almost per- fectly. The distance OA from the point of suspension to the center of the ball is the length of the pendulum. The arc AC, or the angle AOC, which rep re- ef^ &\c sents the displacement of the 9 ball from the position of equi- librium, is the amplitude of vi- FIQ 40. The Simple Pendulum. , 7 ., . . oration. A vibration is one to- and-fro swing, sometimes called a complete or double vibra- tion. A single vibration is the motion of the ball from C to C 1 , or one half of a complete vibration. The period of a single vibration is the time consumed by the pendulum in moving from C to C 1 . GRAVITATION 75 80. Pendular Motion Due to Gravity. When a pen- dulum is in the position of rest, the weight of the ball rep- resented by the line A W, Fig. 41, is balanced by the equal and oppositely directed ten- sion AT in the cord OA. Now let the ball be drawn aside to the position C and released. The weight of the ball, which always acts ver- tically downward and is represented by the line 6 Y P, can be resolved into two components. One of these components is represented by the line CE and serves FIG. 41. -Gravity Causes a Pendulum solely to produce tension in to Vibrate, the cord 00. It is plain that this component has no effect on the motion of the ball. The other component CB acts upon the ball along the tangent to the arc of vibration at the point 0. The effect of this component is to give the ball accelerated motion along the arc. After the ball passes the point A, it is clear that the component along the tangent tends to retard the motion and finally succeeds in stopping the ball at the point <7', after which it returns the ball again to A. If the line CD is drawn perpendicular to OA, the triangles CDO and CBP are similar. Why? We may therefore write the proportion CB : CP : : CD : CO (5) This proportion may also be written as follows : Force CB = displacement CD x weight of ball CP . (6) length CO Since the weight of the ball CP and the length of the pendulum CO remain constant during a vibration, equation (6) shows that the effective force CB is proportional to the displacement CD. Hence 76 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the acceleration of the ball is not the same at all points in the arc CA, but varies directly as the displacement. 81. Transformations of Energy in the Pendulum. A pendulum is first set in motion by displacing the ball, or pendulum bob. This process requires the performance of work which elevates the ball through the height AD, Fig. 41 (measured vertically), and stores potential energy in it. From equation (l), 55, it is clear that the amount of potential energy given the ball is measured by the product of its weight and the height AD. As the ball moves toward A, velocity is acquired, and the potential energy is gradu- ally changed into kinetic. At A the energy is all kinetic. After passing the point A the ball rises to C', while the kinetic energy is transformed back into potential. At O 1 the energy is all potential again. Thus recurrent trans- formations of energy take place, which would occur with- out loss if it were not for the resistance offered by the air as well as by friction at the point of suspension. 82. Laws of the Simple Pendulum. The first three laws of the simple pendu- lum may be deduced from the results obtained from the following experiments : Suspend four balls as shown in Fig. 42. Let A, B, and C be of metal, and D of wood or wax. Make the lengths of A, B, and C as 1:4:9; e.g. 20, 80, and 180 cm. Also let Z> be made precisely of the same length as C. Now if C and D be set swinging through the same amplitude, it will be readily observed that the period of vibration of D is the same as that of C. Again, let C and D be set in vibration through different amplitudes. If neither amplitude is large, it will be seen that the period of one is still the same as that of the other. Finally, let A, B, and C be put in motion successively and the A BCD FIG. 42. Pendu- lums of Differ- ent Lengths and Masses. GRAVITATION 77 single vibrations of each counted for one minute. If the period of vibration of each pendulum be computed from the number of vibra- tions per minute, it will be found that the three periods are as 1 : 2 : 3, i.e. as VI: VI: VQ. The laws governing the vibration of simple pendulums, therefore, may be stated thus : (1) The period of vibration is independent of the material, or mass, of the ball. (2) When the amplitude of vibration is small, the period of vibration is independent of the amplitude; i.e. the vibra- tions are made in equal times. This is called the Law of Isochronism (pronounced i sok'ro nism). If the ampli- tude exceeds 5 or 6, the period of vibration will gradually diminish as the arc becomes smaller. (3) The period of vibration is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum. This is called the Law of Length. This law may be represented thus : ^ : t 2 : : Vl 1 : VI 2 , where ^ and ^ refer to the period and length of one pendulum, and t 2 and Z 2 , to the period and length of the other. If, therefore, any three of the terms are given, the fourth may be computed. Since a pendulum is dependent upon the force of gravity, as shown in 80, its period of vibration is found to depend upon the value of g. Hence : (4) The period of vibration is inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity. 83. The Pendulum Equation. The relation between the period and length of a simple pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity is given by the equation where t is the period of a single vibration, I the length of the pendulum measured in centimeters (or feet), and g 78 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the acceleration due to gravity measured in centimeters per second per second (or feet per second per second). The value of TT is 3.1416, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. This equation is of great assistance (1) in calculating the period of any simple pendulum of known length, (2) in determining the length of a pendulum that vibrates in any given period of time, and (3) in finding the value of g at any place where its magnitude is unknown. (See 87. ) 84. The Seconds Pendulum. A pendulum of which the period of a single vibration is one second is a seconds pendulum. As shown by equation (7), the length of a simple pendulum , when the period t is one second, will depend on the acceleration due to gravity at the place chosen. At all places where tfce value of g is 980 cm. /sec. 2 , the length I of a simple pendulum that beats seconds is 99.3 cm. ; where g is 981 cm. /sec. 2 , I is 99.4 cm. 85. The Compound Pendulum. When the conditions defining the ideal simple pen- dulum ( 79) are not sufficiently fulfilled, the body is called a compound or physical pendulum. For experimental purposes a meter bar may be siispended on a smooth wire nail which pierces it at right angles close to one end. The bar may be hung to . A Com- swing freely between the prongs of a large pound Pendu- tuning fork, as shown in Fig. 43. Let a lum and its . _ & ' . . . . _ ' . . . , Equivalent simple pendulum OA be placed by the side fum Ple Pendu " f tne suspended bar so that their points of suspension lie in the same horizontal plane. Set both pendulums in vibration and adjust the length of the simple one until they vibrate in the same period of GRAVITATION 79 time. It will be observed at once that the simple pendu- lum must be made several inches shorter than the other. Only those points in the compound pendulum very near the point O swing in their natural period ; particles below tend to swing slower, and those above, faster, than the simple pendulum. O is called the center of oscillation of the compound pendulum. In this case the point c is lo- cated two thirds of the length of the bar from the point of suspension. The simple pendulum is thus seen to be a special case of the compound one in which the entire mass is concentrated near the center of oscillation. The compound pendulum in Fig. 43 may be set swinging by being struck a sharp blow at the point 6 y , and the axis will not be disturbed. For this reason O is called the center of percussion. Thus, for example, when a ball is batted, the bat should be so handled that the ball will strike its center of percussion. This will prevent the jarring of the hands and the breaking of the bat. 86. The Compound Pendulum Reversible. If the meter bar shown in Fig. 43 be suspended by piercing it at the center of oscillation and swinging it about this point, the period of vibration will be the same as before. In other words, the point of suspension B and the center of oscillation C are interchangeable. This property of a compound pendulum, which was discovered by the famous Dutch physicist Huyghens (1629-1695), is known as its reversibility. 87. Utility of the Pendulum. The value of the pendu- lum in the measurement of time is due to the isochronism of its vibrations. Although Galileo was the first to ob- serve this property of the pendulum and the first to make a drawing of a pendulum clock, Huyghens was the first to use a pendulum in controlling the motion of the wheels of a timepiece. This he accomplished in 1656. 80 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS The motion of a clock is maintained by lifted weights or by the elasticity of springs. The office of the wheelwork is to move the hands over the dial and to keep the pendulum from being brought to rest by friction. The latter is effected by means of the escapement shown in Fig. 44. The wheel R is turned by mechanism not shown in the figure. When the pendulum swings to the right, motion is communicated to the curved piece MN through the parts A, B, and O ; and M is lifted. The wheel is thus released ; but, on turning, strikes at N. While the pendulum moves to the left, the slight pressure of the cog against N causes A to deliver a minute force to the pendulum. As N" rises, the wheel is again re- leased, but is again detained a,t'M. Thus one cog is allowed to pass for each complete vibration of the pendulum. Every "tick" of the clock is caused by the wheel R being stopped either at M or N. If the wheel is allowed to turn too fast, the clock gains time. This defect is corrected by lowering the bob. If the clock loses time, the bob is raised. The pendulum offers the most precise method for measuring the acceleration of FIQ a gravity. By carefully determining experi- ment and Pen- mentally the period t and the length I of a duiumofadock. p en dulum, the value of g can be easily cal- culated by the help of equation (7), 83. EXERCISES 1. By the help of equation (7), 83, find the period of a pendulum 80 cm. long, when g equals 980 cm. /sec. 2 . 2. Calculate the length of a simple pendulum that beats half seconds (i.e. t equals | sec.) at a place where the acceleration is 981 cm./sec. 2 . 3. The pendulum of a clock has a period of a quarter second. Find its length if g is 980 cm./sec. 2 . 4. How long is a simple pendulum that makes 65 single vibrations per minute? SUGGESTION. First compute the value of t. GRAVITATION 81 5. What is the value of g where a simple pendulum 99.2 cm. long makes 60 single vibrations per minute? 6. An Arctic explorer finds that the length of the seconds pendu- lum at a certain place is 99.6 cm. What is the value of g at this place ? 7. A simple pendulum is to make 45 single vibrations per minute. If g is 980 cm./sec. 2 , what must be its length? 8. It is found at a certain place that a simple pendulum 90 cm. long makes 64 single vibrations per minute. Find the value of g at this place. 9. A pendulum whose bob weighs 100 g. is drawn aside until the distance AD, Fig. 41, is 4 cm. How much energy is stored in the bob ? How much work was done upon it? SUMMARY 1. Newton's Law of Universal G-ravitation states that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the attracting masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass ( 67). 2. The attraction of the earth for other bodies is called the force of gravity. The weight of a body is the measure of this force ( 67). 3. The weight of a body is proportional to its mass ( 68). 4. The weight of a body above the earth's surface is in- versely proportional to the square of its distance from the center of the earth. On account of the spheroidal form of the earth, a body at the equator weighs slightly less than a body of the same mass at some other point on the earth's surface ( 69). 5. The weight of a body is the resultant of the weights of the individual particles that compose it. The point of application of this resultant is the center of gravity of the body ( 70). 6. A body is in equilibrium when a vertical line drawn through its center of gravity passes through a point of 7 82 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS support, or within the area included between the extreme points of support. The three kinds of equilibrium are stable, unstable, and neutral ( 71). 7. The stability of a body is measured by the work that must be performed in order to overturn it ( 72). 8. All freely falling bodies descend from" the same height in equal times. Such bodies have uniformly ac- celerated motion. The acceleration due to gravity is about 980 cm./sec. 2 , or 32.16 ft./sec. 2 ( 73-75). 9. The equations of freely falling bodies are (1) v = gt, (2) d = \gt\ (3) d= ^ and (4) v = V2^d ( 76). 10. When bodies are thrown, the horizontal component of the motion is uniform, while the vertical component is uniformly accelerated ( 78). 11. The swinging of a pendulum is due to the force of gravity ( 80). 12. The period of vibration o^a pendulum is independ- ent of the mass of the bob and\the amplitude of vibra- tion when the arc is small, and is tiirectly proportional to the square root of the length andNinversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity. The equation of the pendulum is t = TT -y^ ( 82). 13. A compound pendulum may be conceived as being made up of simple pendulums of different lengths. The period of vibration depends upon the position of the center of oscillation. The center of oscillation and point of sus- pension are interchangeable. The center of percussion and the center of oscillation coincide ( 85 and 86). CHAPTER VI MACHINES 1. GENERAL LAW AND PURPOSE OF MACHINES 88. Simple Machines. The transference of energy from a body capable of doing work to another upon which the work is to be done is often accomplished more advanta- geously by the use of a simple machine than in any other way. Indeed, it is often impossible for an agent to do the required work without the aid of a machine. For example, a man wishes to load a barrel of lime into a wagon, but finds that he is unable to lift it ; with the aid of an inclined plane of suitable length, however, the barrel is easily rolled into the wagon. In other cases use is made of the pulley, lever, wheel and axle, screw, and wedge, which with the inclined plane form the six simple machines. 89. The Principle of Work. The general law of machines is illustrated by the following experiments : 1. Let a cord be passed over a pulley, as shown in Fig. 45. Let the pull of a dynamometer be used to counteract the weight of the body W. It is obvious in this case that the amount of force F registered on the dynamometer must be equal to the weight W. The experiment will show FIG. 45. The Effort that this is the case. Furthermore, if force F F . Equals the moves downward 1 foot, W will be elevated Moves Througlian through an equal distance. Equal Distance. If, now, we designate the distance through which the acting force (or effort) F moves by the letter d and the 83 84 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS distance the weight Wis lifted by d 1 ', the work put into the machine by the acting agent is F x d, and the work done by the machine is W x d' . It is plain that the experiment shows that - 2. Let the pulley be now attached to the weight W, Fig. 46, and let one end of the cord be fastened to some stationary object at A . If W is made 1000 grams, for example, it will be found that the upward effort registered by the dynamometer will be 500 grams. For any value of W, F will be one half as great. However, when F moves a distance of 1 meter, for example, W is elevated only one half a meter. In this experiment W= 2 F, and d' == \ d. Therefore, we may write as before Fxd = Wxd'. (l) The relation shown by this equation is one of the most important laws of me- Fio. 46. TheEf- chanics and is known as the Principle of One Half of U the Work. The principle may be stated as Weight W, but follows: Moves Twice as Far - The work done by an agent upon a ma- chine is equal to the work accomplished by the machine ; or, the effort F multiplied by the distance through which it ads equals the resistance W that is overcome by the machine mul- tiplied by the distance it is moved. This law may be applied to any machine, no matter how simple or complicated it may be, provided the friction of the moving parts can be disregarded. EXAMPLE. An agent capable of doing work exerts a force of 50 Ib. upon a machine. If a weight of 250 Ib. is lifted 8ft. by the machine, through what distance must the applied force act? SOLUTION. The work done by the machine is 250 x 8, or 2000 foot-pounds. Hence, the force applied by the agent must act through the distance 2000 -4- 50, or 40 ft. MACHINES 85 It is clear from this example that the gain in force is accomplished at the expense of distance, since the effort must move five times as far as the resistance. Its speed also is five times as great. On the other hand, a machine may be made to increase the distance as well as the speed at the expense of force. Such is the case in many practi- cal applications of the simple machines. 90. Mechanical Advantage of a Machine. It is fre- quently desirable to know the multiplication of force that is brought about by the use of a machine ; or, in other words, the ratio of the resistance W to the effort F. This ratio is called the mechanical advantage of the machine. From equation (l) we may write W:F::d:d'. (2) Hence, the mechanical advantage of a machine is the ratio of the distance through which the effort moves to the distance through which the resistance is moved by the machine. For example, the mechanical advantage of the pulley as used in the first experiment of the preceding section is 1, in the second experiment 2, and in the example given on page 84 it is 5. 2. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE PULLEY 91. The Pulley. The pulley consists of a grooved wheel, called a sheave, turning easily in a block that admits of being readily attached to objects. When the block containing the sheave is attached to some stationary object, the pulley is said to be fixed; when the block moves with the resistance, the pulley is movable. A fixed pulley is shown in (1), Fig. 47, and a single movable pulley in (2). Let experiments be made with pulleys arranged as shown in Figs. 47 and 48. In each case ascertain by means of a dynamometer 01 86 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS weights the force required at F to balance a weight applied at W. The effect of friction may largely be avoided by taking the mean of the forces applied at F, first when W is slowly raised and then when it is slowly lowered. When a single fixed pulley is used, W= F. When a single movable FIG. 47. (1) A Fixed Pulley. (2) A Single Movable Pul- ley. (3) A System of One Fixed and One Movable Pulley. pulley is used, the re- sistance is applied to the movable block, as shown in (2), Fig. 47. A study of the figure will show that W is balanced by two equal parallel forces, each of which is equal to F. ReiiceW^ZF. The mechanical advantage is therefore 2. In (3) FIG. 48. (1) One Movable and Two Fixed also the mechanical Pulleys. (2) Two Movable and Two Fixed advantage is 2, and the Pulleys. (3) Two Movable and Three . ? Fixed Pulleys. only gam secured by MACHINES 87 the use of the fixed pulley is one of direction, i.e. the effort may now act downward instead of upward as in (2). In (1), Fig. 48, one end of the rope is attached to the movable block, so that W is supported by three upward parallel forces, each of which is equal to F. Hence W= 3 F. A similar consideration of (2) will show that W= 4 F, and of (3), that W= 5 F. It is obvious from the cases already considered that whenever a continuous cord is used in the pulley system, the mechanical advantage is equal to the number of paral- lel forces acting against the resistance W. If n is the number of the parts of the rope supporting the mova- ble block, then n is the number of these parallel and equal forces of which Wis the sum. Therefore W = nF. (3) 92. Principle of Work and the Pulley System. Equa- tion (3) can be derived by applying the general law of work stated in 89. If there are n portions of the rope supporting the movable pulley, and W is lifted 1 foot, for example, each portion of the cord must be shortened that amount. Consequently the effort F must move n feet. By the principle of work the product of the effort and the distance through which it acts equals the resistance multiplied by the distance through which it is moved ; or, EXERCISES 1. Diagram a set of pulleys by means of which an effort of 100 Ib. can support a load of 500 Ib. 2. What is the mechanical advantage of the system of pulleys shown in Fig. 49 V Find the effort required to balance a weight of 1200 Ib. FIG. 49. A Tackle. 88 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 3. Each of two pulley blocks contains two sheaves. Show by a diagram how to arrange these into a system that will enable an effort of 75 Kg. to move a resistance of 300 Kg. 4. Show by a diagram the best arrangement of two blocks, one containing two sheaves, the other containing one. Ascertain the mechanical advantage. 5. In each case shown in Fig. 48 let the effort be applied to the movable block and the resistance W to the end of the rope in place of F. If the effort F moves 1 ft., how far will W be moved ? State the advantage secured in each instance. NOTE. This plan is frequently employed in the operation of passenger elevators in tall buildings. 6. In a pulley system consisting of a continuous cord attached at one end to a movable block containing one sheave, the rope passes through a fixed block having two sheaves. Find the effort required to support a block of marble weighing a ton. 3. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE LEVER 93. The Lever. Of all the simple machines the lever is the most common. It is of frequent occurrence in the structure of the skeleton of man and animals, as well as in many mechanical appli- ances. In its simplest form the lever is a rigid bar, as AB, Fig. 50, arranged to turn about a fixed point called the fulcrum. The effort is applied at the point J., and the resistance at B. Balance a meter stick upon a long wire nail, piercing it a little above the center, as shown in Fig. 51. By means of a small cord or thread, suspend a weight of 150 grains at B, 15 centimeters from the ful- crum 0. Now place a weight of 50 grams upon the opposite side of the fulcrum and move it along the bar until it just balances FIG. 50. The Lever. so g FIG. 51. The Moment of the Effect F equals the Moment of the Resistance W. MACHINES 89 the weight at B. Call this point A. It will now be found that the distance A is 45 centimeters. From this it is plain that the force F multiplied by the arm AO is equal to the weight W multiplied by the arm BO. The experiment may be extended by using other forces and distances, but in every case it will be found that the product F x AO equals the product W x BO. The product of the applied force F multiplied by its distance AO from the fulcrum is called the moment of that force ( 45). Likewise, the product of the resist- ance W multiplied by its distance BO from the fulcrum is the moment of the resisting force. Thus the fact shown by the experiment may be stated as follows : The moment of the effort is equal to the moment of the resistance. The distances AO and BO are called the arms of the lever. Representing these distances by I and V respec- tively, the law of the lever is represented by the equa- tion F x 1= W x 1'. (4) From this equation it is clear that the mechanical ad- W I vantage ( 90) is represented by the ratio - Hence, a . I lever will support a weight or other resistance times as great as the effort. 94. Classes of Levers. Levers are usually divided into three classes (Fig. 52) depending upon the relative location of the fulcrum, the effort, and the resistance. (1) In levers of the first class the fulcrum is between the effort F and the resistance W\ as in the crowbar, beam balance, scissors, steelyard, pliers, wire cutters, etc. (2) Levers of the second class are distinguished by the fact that the resistance W is between the fulcrum and the effort F-, as in the nutcracker, wheelbarrow, etc. 90 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS (8) Levers of the third class are distinguished by the fact that the effort F is between the fulcrum and the resistance W\ as in the fire tongs, sheep shears, sewing- machine treadle, etc. F \ 1st Class. 2d Class. FIG. 52. Levers of the Three Classes. If the forces acting on the lever are not parallel, it is spoken of as a bent lever. A hammer used in pulling a nail (Fig. 53) is a lever of this kind. Bent levers are frequently found in complicated machines ; as in farming implements, metal- working machin- ery, clocks, etc. In levers of all classes the arms are measured from the fulcrum on lines perpendicular to the lines which rep- resent the direction of the forces. The law stated in the preceding sec- tion holds for all cases. 95. Extension of the Principle of Moments. The relation of the mo- ments of the forces acting on the arms of a lever as ex- pressed in 93 may be extended to cases in which any number of forces act upon the bar, provided they pro- duce equilibrium. The case may be illustrated by experi- ment as follows: mum FIG. 53. The Hammer used as a Bent Lever. MACHINES 91 Let weights be placed on the balanced meter stick used in 93 pre- cisely as shown in Fig. 54. The forces will be found to balance. Since there is no rotation of the lever, it is obvious that the forces tending to pro- < $ n duce a clockwise Q rota- ~T T jfflJT T - T tion are just balanced by /00ff zo g |I ioog $o g those which tend to ro- tate the bar in the coun- ter-clockwise Q direc- FlG> 54 - tion. On computing the moments of the forces, we find on the right-hand side 50 x 40 and 100 x 25. On the left we find 20 x 25 and 100 x 40. Now if the moments acting clockwise be added, their sum will be found equal to the sum of those acting counter-clockwise; or, 50 x 40 + 100 x 25 = 20 x 25 + 100 x 40. This equation illustrates a general law which may be stated thus : An equilibrium of forces results when the sum of the mo- ments which tend to make the lever rotate in one direction equals the sum of the moments which tend to make it rotate in the opposite direction. The mechanical advantage of the lever can also be found by applying the prin- ciple of work set forth in 89. Let the lever shown in FIG. 55. -The Work Done by the Effort F Fi g- 55 turn slightly Equals That Done upon the Weight W. about the f ulcrum until it has the position cd. Drawing the perpendiculars ac and bd, we have from similar triangles ac : bd : : Oc : Od. But, since Oc equals OA and Od equals OB, ac:bd : : AO :BO. jt O ---"""""" T I ' f 92 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Now the work done by the effort F is the product F x 63. The Inclined Plane. MACHINES 97 done is W X h. According to the general principle of Fxl=Wxh. (7) The mechanical advantage is therefore equal to -, i.e. F h the ratio of the length of the plane to its height. 98. The Screw. The screw is sometimes considered to be a modification of the inclined plane. If a right tri- angle, Fig. 64, be cut from paper and wound around a cylindrical rod, as shown, the hypotenuse of the triangle forms a spiral similar to the threads' of a screw. The distance between two consecutive turns of the thread measured parallel to the axis of the rod is the FlG . 64. _ A Screw is a pitch of the screw. Spiral Incline. The equation giving the mechanical advantage of the screw is readily derived by applying the principle of work ( 89) as follows : Let the screw shown in Fig. 65 be turned once around by applying the effort F to the end of arm J., tangent to the circle which it de- scribes. During one revolution the effort acts through the dis- tance 27JT, where r is the length of the arm. The work done is F x 2 TIT. While the screw is making one revolu- FIG. 65. -The Screw. tion, the weight W is obviously lifted through a distance equal to the pitch of the screw, which may be represented by the letter s. The work done by the screw is therefore W x s. Hence 8 98 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS FIG. 66. The Jackscrew. F x 2 IT x r = W x s. (8) The mechanical advantage of the screw is therefore the ratio 2 TTT/S. The screw as a mechanical power owes its importance to the fact that its mechanical advantage can be enor- mously increased simply by making r large and 8 small, as in the jackscrew, Fig. 66, used to lift buildings from their founda- tions. It is extremely useful in the form of bolts, wood screws, vises, clamps, presses, water taps, and in many other cases where a great multiplication of force is desired. 99. The Wedge. The wedge may be con- sidered as two inclined planes placed base to base. It is used for splitting logs (Fig. 67), raising heavy weights small distances, removing the covers from boxes, etc. The importance of the wedge is due to the fact that the energy imparted to it is delivered by the blows of a hammer or heavy mallet. Although the amount of friction to be overcome in driving a wedge is necessarily very large, by its use a man can overcome enormous resistances. Since friction cannot be disregarded, no definite relation between effort and re- sistance can be given. EXERCISES 1. A ball weighing 10 Ib. rests upon an inclined plane. If the height of the plane is 6 in. and the length is 30 in., what effort acting parallel to the plane will be required to hold the ball in equilibrium? 2. On an icy slope of 45, what force is required to haul a sled and load weighing a ton, neglecting friction? 3. The radius of the wheel of a letter press is 12 in.; the pitch of FIG. 67. One Use of the Wedge. MACHINES 99 its screw, \ in. Neglecting friction, what pressure is produced by a"n effort of 50 lb.? 4. Neglecting friction, what constant force must a team of horses exert in hauling a load of coal weighing 3000 lb. up an incline of 30? 5. What is gained by making an inclined plane of a given height longer? What is lost? Illustrate by means of examples. 6. In a machine the effort of 50 lb. descends 20 ft., while a weight is raised 10 in. What is the weight? 7. What is the mechanical advantage of a screw press of which the pitch of the screw is 5 mm. and the diameter of the circle described by the effort 50 cm. ? 8. A smooth railroad track rises 50 ft. to the mile. A car weigh- ing 20 T. would require how much force to keep it from moving down the slope? 6. EFFICIENCY OF A MACHINE 100. Friction and Efficiency. On account of the fact that there is always a resistance due to friction wherever one part of a machine moves over another, some work must be done in moving the parts of the machine itself. The useful work done by a machine is therefore less than the work done upon it; i.e. W X d' is always less than F X d. The ratio of the useful work done by a machine to the work done upon it is the efficiency of the machine. EXAMPLE. In the working of a pulley system an effort of 50 lb. acts through a distance of 20 ft. and lifts a weight of 180 lb. 5 ft. What is the efficiency of the system ? SOLUTION. The work done on the machine is 50 x 20, or 1000 foot-pounds. The work done by the machine is 180 x 5, or 900 foot- pounds. The efficiency is therefore 900 1000, or 0.9. Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage of the total work applied to a machine ; thus in the example above the efficiency is 90 % 101. Sliding and Rolling Friction. Since friction always tends to decrease the efficiency of machinery, advantage is taken of every method that will reduce it to the smallest possible amount. 100 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Let a block of wood or metal and a car of the same weight be drawn up a slight incline and the force measured by a dynamometer. It will be found that the car is more easily moved than the block. Again, place a piece of sheet rubber on the incline under the car. A greater force will be required to produce motion than before. The first experiment shows clearly a great difference between the sliding friction of the block and the rolling friction of wheels on a hard surface. The second experi- ment demonstrates the value of a hard, unyielding road when heavy loads are to be drawn. If, however, the wheels are provided with wide tires, they sink less deeply into the roadbed and meet with less resistance. The un- yielding surfaces of car wheels and the track enable a locomotive to pull enormous loads on account of the small amount of rolling friction. It is plain that in the axle bearings of ordinary vehicles the moving part must slide over the stationary part. The friction thus brought about is greatly re- duced by means of lubricating oil, but is avoided in the construction of bicycles, automobiles, etc., by substituting ball bear- ings, as shown in Fig. 68. In this way the FIG. 68. Ball a . , . J .. Bearings of a moving part S is separated from the station- Bicycle Axle. ar y p ar t A by balls which roll as the wheel turns. Thus rolling friction takes the place of sliding friction. EXERCISES 1. In what way are we dependent upon friction in the process of walking ? Why do we encounter difficulty in walking on smooth ice ? 2. Why is it difficult for a locomotive to start a train on wet rails ? How' is the difficulty overcome? 3. Why do smooth nails hold two pieces of wood together? State other ways in which we take advantage of friction. 4. Calculate the efficiency of a wheel and axle when an effort of 20 Ib. acting through 30 ft. lifts a weight of 80 Ib. 7 ft. MACHINES 101 5. On account of the loss of energy due to friction in a pulley sys- tem, an effort of 70 kg. acting through 30 m. moves a resistance of 340 kg. through 5.5 m. What is the efficiency of the machine? 6. What is the efficiency of a screw if an effort of 5 kg. applied at the end of an arm 1 m. long produces a pressure of 4000 kg., the pitch of the screw being 4 mm. ? 7. The efficiency of an inclined plane is 50 %. If the length of the plane is 20 ft. and its height 4 ft., what effort acting parallel to the plane will be required to move a body weighing 500 Ib. ? SUMMARY 1. The simple machines are the pulley, lever, wheel and axle, incline plane, screw, and wedge. Complicated machinery is made up of simple machines ( 88). 2. The work done by an agent upon a machine is equal to the work accomplished by it. This is known as the Principle of Work. Hence a machine may gain force at the expense of distance (or speed), or it may gain distance (or speed) at the expense of force ( 89). 3. The mechanical advantage of a machine is the ratio of the resistance overcome by it to the effort applied to it ; i.e. TT:^(90). 4. When a continuous cord is used in a system of pul- leys, the equation is W = nF, in which n is the number of parts of the rope supporting the movable block ( 91). 5. When a lever is used, the moment of the effort equals the moment of the resistance, or F x I = W x V ( 93). 6. Levers are classified according to the relative po- sition of fulcrum, effort, and resistance. Lever arms are always measured from the fulcrum on lines perpendicular to the acting forces ( 94). 7. When several forces act at different points on a lever, the sum of the moments tending to produce a clock- wise rotation equals the sum of the moments tending to produce rotation in the opposite direction ( 95). 102 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 8. The equation of the wheel and axle is F x R = W x r ( 96). 9. The equation of the inclined plane is F x I = IT x A (97). 10. The equation of the screw is F x 2 irr = W x ( 98). 11. Friction tends to reduce the work accomplished by a machine. The efficiency of a machine is the ratio of the useful work done by a machine to the work done upon it ( 100). 12. In general the friction of sliding parts of machinery is greater than that of rolling parts. Friction may be re- duced by lubricants, or by substituting rolling friction for sliding friction, as in the case of ball and roller bearings ( 101). CHAPTER VII MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 1. FORCES DUE TO THE WEIGHT OF A LIQUID 102. Pressure of Liquids against Surfaces. When a hollow rubber ball or a piece of light wood is forced under water, the body resists the action of the force submerging it and manifests a strong tendency to return to the surface. The fact that some bodies float on water and other liquids shows also that there exists a force acting against the lower surfaces sufficient to counteract their weight. Let a lamp chimney against the end of which a card has been placed be forced partly under water, as shown in Fig. 69. The card will be pressed firmly against the end of the chimney by a force acting in an upward di- rection, and a large quantity of shot or sand may be poured into the vessel before the card is set free. The person performing the ex- periment will also perceive that a strong upward force acts against the hand. By lowering the chimney to a greater depth, the upward force against the hand will be in- creased and a larger quantity of shot or sand will be required to free the card. FIG. 69. A Liquid Exerts an Upward Pressure 103. Relation between Force and against the Vertical Depth. The manner in which the Tube - force exerted by a liquid against a surface varies with the depth may be experimentally tested by means of a gauge constructed as shown in Fig. 70. A "thistle tube" having a stem about 80 centimeters long is bent at an angle of 90 degrees about 35 centimeters from one end. 103 104 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS A piece of thin sheet rubber is tied tightly over the large end A . If a drop of ink is placed in the tube at JB, its movements along the tube will indicate changes in the force against the rubber surface A. Furthermore, the dis- tance the drop moves when A is submerged in a liquid will be very nearly proportional to the applied force. Let the gauge be clamped in the position shown in the figure, and let a graduated lin- ear scale be attached to the horizontal tube containing the drop of ink. Now let the po- sition of the drop be read upon the scale and a tall vessel of water brought up until the sur- face A is 3 centimeters beneath the free sur- 70. The Upward ^ ace ^ tne hquid. Let the new position of Force against A Varies the drop be read and its displacement com- with the Depth. puted. If, now, the positions of the drop be read after submerging the surface A successively to the depths of 6, 9, and 12 centimeters, the movements of the drop will be found to be proportional to the depths. Therefore, as shown by this experiment, the upward force exerted by a liquid of uniform density against a given surface is directly proportional to the depth of that surface. 104. Direction of Forces at a Given Depth. Common experience shows that liquids press against surfaces that are vertical or oblique as well as horizontal. In every case the force exerted is perpendicular to the surface against which it acts. Thus water will be forced through a hole in the side of a pail near the bottom as well as through one in the horizontal bottom itself. A compari- son of the forces in all directions at a given depth may be made by modi- fying slightly the construction of the gauge shown in Fig. 71 as follows : _ Cut the glass tube about 1 centimeter from the bulb, and insert a piece of rubber all Directions. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 105 tubing about 10 centimeters long. Now, if the bulb is lowered in a large vessel of water, the position of the drop will not change when the rubber surface is turned in different directions, provided the depth of its center is kept constant. This experiment, together with the one described in 103, leads to the following conclusions : (1) The force exerted by a liquid at a given depth is the same in all directions, and (2) The force exerted by a liquid in any direction is directly proportional to the depth. 105. Pressures Due to the Weight of a Liquid. From a study of Fig. 72 it may readily be observed that the forces exerted by liquids against surfaces are due to the weight of the liquid, i.e. to gravity. If a vessel were filled with smooth blocks of wood of .equal size and density, block 2 would suffer a downward force equal to the weight of block 1, and 9 1 5 10 2 6 11 3 7 12 4 8 would in turn exert an equal and opposite FIG. 72. Forces reaction upward against it. Likewise, 3 Due to Gravity, must support the weight of 1 and 2, 4 must support -Z, 2, and 3, etc. In each instance the upward reaction is equal to the downward action. Thus it is clear that at a given surface the upward and downward forces are equal, and also that the force against any horizontal surface is pro- portional to the depth of that surface below the upper surface of the blocks in the vessel* Now liquids, unlike solids, do not tend to keep their form, but must be supported on the sides. Hence, if we imagine the vessel in Fig. 72 to contain a liquid, section 4, for example, will press sidewise against 8 and 12, whose reactions back against 4 preserve equilibrium. If the liquid were without weight, section 4, for instance, would suffer no crushing force due to the weight of the portions 106 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS above it, and consequently would exert no lateral force against the portions surrounding it. 106. Total Pressure on a Given Area. If the experiment described in 102 be repeated, and water substituted for the shot or sand (Fig. 73), it will be found that the card is set free from the end of the chimney at the instant the water on the inside reaches the height of that on the out- side. If the chimney is cylindrical, the downward force FIG. 73. Force against BC is Equal to the Weight of Column ABCD. within the chimney is obviously equal to the weight of the column of water ABCD. If the area of the end of the chimney is a square centimeters, and the depth h centi- meters, the volume of the column of water in the chimney is ah cubic centimeters. Since the density of water is 1 gram per cubic centimeter ( 9), the weight of the column ABCD is ah grains. Hence the force exerted on the card is ah grams. If another liquid is used whose density is d grams per cubic centimeter, the weight of the column, and hence the force, is ahd grams. The following rule may therefore be given: The force exerted by a liquid on any horizontal surface is equal to the weight of a column of the liquid whose base is the area pressed upon, and whose height is the depth of this area below the surface of the liquid, or Force = ahd. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 107 Since the force exerted by a liquid against a surface at a given depth is the same in all directions ( 104), the following rule for computing the force against surfaces that are not horizontal is often employed : The force exerted by a liquid against any immersed surface is equal to the weight of a column of the liquid whose base is the area pressed upon, and whose height is the distance of the center of mass of this area below the surface of the liquid. In the English system the area should be expressed in square feet, the depth in feet, and the density of the liquid in pounds per cubic foot. The density of water may be taken as 62.5 pounds per cubic foot. EXAMPLE. A tank 4 ft. deep and 8 ft. square is filled with water. Find the force exerted against the bottom and one side. SOLUTION. The area of the bottom of the tank is 8 x 8, or 64 sq. ft. Hence the volume of the column whose weight equals the force exerted on the bottom is 4 x 64, or 256 cu. ft. The force against the bottom of the tank is therefore 256 x 62.5 lb., or 16,000 Ib. The area of one side of the tank is 4 x 8, or 32 sq. ft. The depth of the center of mass of the side is 2 ft. Hence the volume of the column of water whose weight equals the force exerted against the side is 2 x 32, or 64 cu. ft. The force exerted by the water upon this side is therefore 64 x 62.5 lb., or 4000 lb. The term pressure should be confined to the meaning of force per unit area* The pressure at a given point is ex- pressed in terms of the force exerted over a unit area at that depth ; for example, 1000 grams per square centi- meter, 15 pounds per square inch, etc. EXERCISES 1. Find the entire force exerted against the bottom of a rectangu- lar vessel 5x8 cm. and filled with water to a depth of 15 cm. 2. Find the pressure per square foot at the bottom of a pond 10 ft. \\\ depth. 3. A cylindrical glass jar 5 cm. in diameter is filled to a depth of 15 cm. with mercury. Find the force against the bottom and the 108 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS pressure per unit area. The density of mercury is 13.6 g. per cubic centimeter. 4. A tank is 4 ft. wide, 8 ft. long, and 3 ft. deep. Compute the force exerted against one end and the bottom when the tank is full of water. 5. At a depth of 10 m. of sea water, what is the pressure in grams per square centimeter? (The density of sea water is 1.026 g. per cubic centimeter.) 6. At a depth of 25 ft. of sea water, what is the pressure per square inch ? SUGGESTION. Find first the force exerted on a surface 1 ft. square at the given depth. 7. A cubic inch of mercury weighs 0.49 Ib. Compute the force exerted against the bottom and one side of a glass tank 4 in. wide, 6 in. long, and 5 in. deep when full of mercury. 8. Find the force exerted against the bottom of a cubical vessel whose volume is 1 liter when the vessel is filled with mercury. 9. What depth of water will produce a pressure of 1 Ib. per square inch? 10. What is the pressure per square centimeter at the bottom of a column of mercury 76 cm. in height? (For the density of mercury see Exer. 3.) 11. To what height would a mercurial column be supported by a pressure of 1000 g. per square centimeter? 12. A gauge connected with the water mains of a city showed a pressure of 65 Ib. per square inch. What was the height of the water in the standpipe above the level of the gauge ? SUGGESTION. Find the depth of water required to produce a pres- sure of 65 Ib. on a surface of 1 sq. in. 13. A diver is working at a depth of 45 ft. How much is the pressure per square inch upon the surface of his body? 14. A rectangular block of wood is placed under water so that its upper face, which is 8 x 10 cm., is 20 cm. below the surface. If the thickness of the block is 4 cm., what is the force exerted by the liquid against each of its faces? 15. How much is the force against a dam 20 ft. long and 10 ft. high when the water rises to its top ? 16. A hole in the bottom of a ship which draws 30 ft. of water is temporarily covered with a piece of canvas. How much is the pres- sure against the canvas from the outside? MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 109 17. The water level is at the top of a dam 30 ft. high. Compute the pressure per square foot at the bottom of the dam. How much is the pressure halfway down ? 18. If the dam in Exer. 17 is 100 ft. long, how much is the total force against its surface ? 107. Pressure in Vessels of Different Shapes. It may be correctly inferred from 106 that the force exerted by a liquid against a given area does not depend on the shape of the vessel containing the liquid used, inasmuch as the computation of this force involves only the area and depth of the surface pressed upon and the density of the liquid. This fact can be demonstrated experimentally as follows : Let a glass funnel be selected the mouth of which is of the same area as the end of the lamp chimney used in 106. Place a card across the mouth of the funnel and submerge it, as shown in Fig. 74. The card will be pressed against the funnel with the same force as it was when the chimney was used, i.e. with a force equal to the weight of a column of water ABCD. If water is now poured into the stem of the funnel at E, the card will become free precisely when the level of the water in the funnel has reached the height of the water in the vessel outside. In this condition the water in the funnel exerts the same force downward against the card as the water on the outside exerts in an upward direction. Hence the downward force is equal to the weight of the column of water ABCD. In other words, the force downward against the card is exactly the same as it was when the cylindri- cal chimney was used. 108. The Hydrostatic Paradox. An apparent contra- diction arises when we apply the laws of liquid pressure to vessels of the forms shown in Fig. 75. Let the vessels have FIG. 75. The Hydrostatic Paradox. bases of equal size and FIG. 74: Equal Down- ward Forces in Ves- sels of Different Shapes. 110 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS be filled to the same depth with water. In each case the force exerted by the water against the bottom is equal to the weight of the liquid column ABOD. Because it is apparently an impossibility for different masses of a liquid to produce the same pressure, this conclusion is often called the hydrostatic paradox. An application of the laws of pressure in liquids to vessel (3), Fig. 75, will show how the total pressure on the bottom BC can be far greater than the weight of liquid contained in the vessel. Although the total pressure on the surface BC is equal to the weight of a column A BCD of the liquid ( 107), there are upward forces against the surfaces e/and gh equal to the weight of the liquid that would be re- quired to fill the spaces Aefa and bghD. Hence the resultant of all the forces is the difference between the downward force on BC and the upward forces on ef and gh. This is obviously the weight of the liquid in the vessel, 109. A Liquid in Communicating Vessels. Let tubes of various shapes and sizes open into a hollow connecting arm, as shown in Fig. 76. Any liquid poured into one of the tubes will come to rest at the same level in all. Although different quan- tities of the liquid are present in the several tubes, yet for the same depth the parts are in equilibrium. The explanation is as follows : Let two vessels containing water be in communication, as shown in Fig. 77. Let A be the area of a cross- section of the connecting tube. The force tend- ing to move the water to the right is A hd, where h is the depth of the center of the area considered, and d the density of the water. The force tending to move the liquid to the left is Ah'd. These two forces will be in equilibrium only when h and Ji' are equal, i.e. when the upper surfaces in the two vessels lie in the same horizontal plane. FIG. 76. Liquid Level in Communicating Vessels. FIG. 77. A Liquid in Equilibrium. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 111 EXERCISES 1. A cone-shaped vase has a base of 100 cm. 2 and is filled with water to a depth of 45 cm. Find the force and pressure per square centimeter acting on the bottom. 2. The water in a reservoir supplying a city is 150 ft. above an opening made in a pipe being laid along a street. Find the pressure in pounds per square inch required to prevent the water from running out. Ans. 65.1 Ib. 3. A glass tube 1 m. long is rilled with mercury (density 13.6 g. per cubic centimeter). Find the pressure against the closed end of the tube in grains per square centimeter when the tube is (1) vertical and (2) inclined at an angle of 45. Ans. 1360 g. per square centimeter. 961.7 g. per square centimeter. 4. A column of water is lifted 25 ft. in a pipe. Calculate the pressure per square inch that it exerts against the bottom of the pipe. 2. FORCE TRANSMITTED BY A LIQUID (1) (2) Fia. 78. The Multiplication of Force by a Liquid. 110. Transmission of Pressure Pascal's Law. Let a vessel of the form shown in (1), Fig. 78, be filled with water to the point a. A pressure will be exerted on every 112 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS square centimeter of area depending on the depth of that area. The force exerted upward against the shaded area AB, assumed to be 100 square centimeters, is 100 h grams, if h is the depth of the water in the tube. This force is entirely independent of the area of the portion of the vessel at a. Let this area be 1 square centimeter. Now, if 1 cubic centimeter of water is poured into the vessel, the depth of the liquid is increased 1 centimeter, and the depth of the surface AB becomes h + 1 centimeters. The force now exerted against AB is 100 (h + 1) grams, i.e. each square centimeter of AB receives an additional force of 1 gram. Hence, the force exerted on a unit area at a is transmitted to every unit area within the vessel. This fact was first published in 1663 by Pascal, a French mathematician. The law may be expressed as follows : Force applied to any area of a confined liquid is trans- mitted undiminished by the liquid to every equal area of the interior of the containing vessel and to every part of the liquid. 111. The Hydraulic Press. In the discussion of Pas- cal's Law given in the preced- ing section, it makes no dif- ference whether the pressure added to the small area a is produced by a gram of water poured into the tube or ex- erted by a small piston fitting the tube, as shown in (2), Fig. 78. The shaded area AB to which the force is trans- mitted by the liquid may be FIG. 79. AIL Hydraulic Press, made the area of a large piston, MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 113 as shown. In this case a force of 1 gram on the small piston will be transmitted to each square centimeter of the large one. Hence 1 gram on the small piston will balance 100 grams placed on the large one. Furthermore, any effort F applied to the small piston will balance a re- sistance 100 times as great as itself. Hence a mechanical advantage ( 90) of 100 is secured. The hydraulic press, a machine employed in factories for exerting great force, is one of the most important applications of Pascal's Law. (See Fig. 79.) The hydraulic press is analyzed in Fig. 80. When the lever L is raised, the small piston P is lifted, and water from the cistern T enters the cylinder B through the valve v. As the small pis- ton is forced down, v closes, and the water in the cylinder B is driven past the valve v' into the chamber below the large piston P'. By Pascal's Law, the force exerted again st the large piston P' is as many times that applied to P as the area of P' is times that of P. In other words, the mechanical advantage is P'/P. By making P very small and P' large, any de- sired mechanical advantage may be secured. Thus hand presses are sometimes used FIG. 80. Sectional Diagram of the Hydraulic Press. that are capable of exerting a force of several hundred tons. 112. Principle of Work and the Hydraulic Press. It may be observed from (2), Fig. 78, that when the effort F moves the small piston a distance of 1 centimeter, the large piston, having to make room for the 1 cubic cen- timeter forced below it, must rise -^o ^ a centimeter. 9 114 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Although the larger force is 100 times as great as the smaller, it acts through only T ^ as great a distance. Hence the work done by the larger piston as it rises is no greater than the work done on the smaller. 113. Artesian or Flowing Wells. The tendency of water to flow from a point of higher level to one of lower level has a wide application in artesian, or flowing, wells. In many localities there are formed so-called artesian basins of great extent in which a stratum of porous ma- terial, as sand or other substance through which water can pkss with comparative ease, lies between strata of clay or rock which are impervious to water. At distant points these layers have been crowded to the surface by geologic processes where the porous layer has been laid bare, thus rendering the entrance of water pos- sible. Hence when borings are made into the earth through the various layers and into the porous stratum, water often rises to the surface when it is lower than the region where the water enters the porous layer. Deep artesian wells exist at St. Louis, Mo. ; Columbus, Ohio ; Pittsburg, Pa. ; and Galveston, Texas. Noted wells are found at Passy, France (1923 feet); Berlin, Germany (4194 feet); Leipzig, Germany (5735 feet). 114. Supplying Cities with Water. Comparatively few cities are so favorably situated that they derive their supply of water from mountain springs. The output of such springs is collected in large artificial reservoirs or lakes from which it is piped to the towns where it is dis- tributed in the usual manner. In such cases the elevation of the reservoir is such as to produce an adequate pressure for all ordinary purposes. The pressure may be estimated at 43.5 pounds per square inch for every 100 feet of elevation. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 115 In towns, however, whose location is less favored by nature, the water from springs or wells must be elevated by means of pumps ( 156) to suitable reservoirs or tanks constructed upon high ground from which it is distrib- uted through pipes to the consumers. In some large cities no reservoir is used, the pumping engines being so adjusted as to supply the water at a given pressure as fast as it is consumed. 115. Water Motors. In cities where water is delivered through pipes under sufficient pressure, its power may be utilized in running sewing ma- chines, polishers, lathes, etc., by employing a rotary, water motor. A common type is shown diagram- matically in Fig. 81. Water is- sues with great velocity from the jet J against cup-shaped fans at- tached to the axle of the motor. These are inclosed in a metal case FIG. 81. Sectional View of a O from which the water flows into Water Motor - the sewer or other drain. The impact of the water against the fans suffices to turn the shaft to which are connected either di- rectly or by belts the machines that it is de- sired to operate. 116. Water Wheels. An elevated body of water, like a lifted weight, is a source of FIG. 82. An Overshot Water Wheel. ,. , T , . potential energy. It is the falling of this water to a lower level that supplies the power for operating innumerable mills, factories, electric 116 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS power plants, etc., found throughout this and other coun- tries. In order to enable water to do the required work, the so-called overshot water wheel has long been employed. A wheel of this kind is shown in Fig. 82. It is plain that the impact and weight of the moving water from above the wheel conspire to turn the wheel, to which is geared or belted the machinery to be operated. Another old but common form of water wheel is the undershot wheel. In this case the wheel is turned by the impact of the current of water against fans at the bottom. The most efficient form of water wheel, however, is the turbine, which is utilized in all modern plants employing water power. Water is conducted from the +*~~ i '""* ^ '" c r ^tt "^ - x '"'^' reservoir above a dam through a closed cylin- drical tube, or flume, F, Fig. 83, to a penstock (shown by the dotted lines) which surrounds the stationary iron case T containing the rotat- ing wheel, or turbine. This case rests upon the floor of the penstock and is submerged in water to a depth equal to the " head," or height, of the water supply. The turbine is attached to the shaft 8 and is set in rotation when the water is ad- mitted. The small shaft P serves to control the size of the openings in the case through which the water gains entrance to the turbine. Figure 84 is a sectional view through the turbine R and the case 8. Water enters as shown by the arrows and strikes the blades of the turbine at the most effective angle for producing rotation. When the water FIG. 83. A Water Turbine. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 117 FIG. 84. Section of a Water Turbine. has expended its energy, it falls from the bottom of the case into the tailrace below the penstock. The efficiency ( 100) of turbines is frequently as high as 85 or 90 per cent. 117. Hydraulic Elevators. Another use made of the energy of water under pressure is in the operation of elevators, or lifts. One form is shown in Fig. 85. When water is admitted to the cylinder O through the control- ling valve F", the piston is forced to the right, thus producing a pull upon the cable (shown by the dotted lines) and caus- ing the car A to ascend. Check- ing the flow of water by means of the rope r stops the car, while turning valve V to the position shown in the figure allows the water to flow from the cylinder and causes the car to descend by its own weight. A study of the figure will show that the car moves four times as fast and four times as far as the piston. In another form the piston is a long vertical cylinder extending from the bot- of the 1 '..> s . . > > '. ii ii ii Mf deep hollow FIG. 85. An Hydraulic Elevator. C vlinder set in the ground. The admission of water under pressure acting against the lower end of the long piston lifts the 118 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS car. The method of controlling such elevators is the same as that shown in Fig. 85. 118. The Hydraulic Ram. The hydraulic ram is a useful device for automatically elevating water in small quantities when an abundant supply of spring water is available which has a fall of only a few feet. Water flows from the source through FIG. 86. The Hydraulic Ram. the pipe P, Fig. 86, and out through the opening at v. As the water increases in speed, the valve at v is lifted, which causes a sudden inter- ruption of the flow in P. Since the momentum of the water cannot be destroyed instantaneously, a portion of the water is driven forcibly past valve v f into the air chamber 0. A slight rebound of the water in the large pipe re- lieves for a moment the pressure against valve v, which falls by its own weight, thus opening again the orifice at that point. A repetition of the process causes more water to enter O until finally the pressure is sufficient to lift a portion of the water to a height of many feet. The com- pressed air in Q acts as an elastic cushion and serves also to keep a steady flow of water in the small pipe. The quantity of water delivered by an hydraulic ram is de- pendent on the height of the source, the elevation to which it is to be lifted, the friction of the pipes, the length of pipe P, and the size of the ram itself. EXERCISES 1. The area of the small piston of an hydraulic press is 2 cm. 8 and that of the large one 80 cm. 2 How much force will 50 Kg. applied to the former produce upon the latter ? 2. The small piston of an hydraulic press is operated by a lever of the second class 4 ft. in length, and the piston rod is attached 12 in. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 119 from the fulcrum. If the diameters of the pistons are 1 in. and 8 in. respectively, how great an effort will produce a force of 2 T. ? 3. If the effort applied to the small piston in Exer. 2 moves through 1 ft., how much will the large piston be raised ? 4. A piston moves in a cylinder that is in communication with a water system whose pressure is 65 Ib. per square inch. If a force of 1 T. is to be developed by the piston, what is the least diameter that it can have? Ans. 6.26 in. 5. Pressure against a piston 20 cm. in diameter is produced by a column of water 30 m. high. Calculate the force against the piston and the work performed when the piston moves 4 m. 6. Give suitable dimensions to the pistons and lever of an hydraulic press in order that an effort of 1 Ib. may produce a force of 3000 Ib. . ARCHIMEDES* PRINCIPLE 119. Buoyancy of Liquids. It is a matter of common observation that bodies apparently become lighter when placed under water. If the hand, for example, be sub- merged in a vessel of water, it becomes evident at once that it is supported almost without muscular effort. Let a one- or two-pound stone be weighed in air and then weighed again while immersed in water. A decrease of several ounces will be observed. When blocks of wood or many other bodies are placed in water, the buoyancy of the water is sufficient to cause them to float. 120. The Principle of Archimedes. 1 On account of the importance of the laws relating to the apparent decrease 1 ARCHIMEDES (287-212 B.C.). The name of Archimedes will be re- membered by students of Physics in connection with the buoyant action of liquids on immersed solids. The story is related that Hiero, King of Syracuse, had ordered a crown of pure gold which, when delivered, al- though it was of the proper weight, was suspected to contain a quantity of silver. Archimedes was asked to investigate. A method of procedure occurred to him while in the public bath as he noticed that his body ex- perienced a greater buoyancy the more completely it was submerged. Recognizing in this effect the key to the solution of the problem, he leaped from the bath and hurried homeward, exclaiming "Eureka! 120 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS in weight that bodies undergo when submerged in a liquid three experiments will be described: 1. Measure the dimensions of a metal cylinder or rectangular metal block, and compute its volume in cubic centimeters. From the volume compute the weight of an equal volume of water. Suspend the metal body from one arm of a balance, and ascertain its weight in air. Weigh the body also when sub- merged in water, and compute the loss of weight. Compare the loss of weight with the weight of an equal volume of water found at first. 2. From one arm of a balance, Fig. 87, suspend a metal cylinder A and the bucket B whose capacity is precisely equal to the volume of FIG. 87. -Verifying Archimedes' the cylinder. Counterbalance these Principle. , , '-'*, by means of sand or weights placed in the opposite scale pan. Submerge A in water, and equilibrium will be destroyed. Fill the bucket with water, and equilibrium will be restored to the system. 3. Place a small glass beaker (or tumbler) on one pan of a balance, and suspend a stone from beneath the same pan. Counterpoise by Eureka!" which means "I have found it!" Experiments showed that equal masses of gold and silver weigh unequal amounts when sub- merged in water. Therefore, when the crown was weighed against an equal mass of pure gold, both being submerged, the fraud was at once detected. Archimedes is regarded as the founder of the science of Mechanics. From his time nearly 2000 years elapsed before any great advance was made. His investigation of levers is noteworthy. He is said to have made this remark, "Give me a fulcrum on which to rest my lever and I will move the earth." Among his countrymen, he was probably best known on account of the numerous instruments of war which he invented. As a mathematician, Archimedes was first to determine the value of IT, and the nrst to compute the area of a circle. He is supposed to have been killed by a Roman soldier while engaged in the investigation of a problem in geometry. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 121 using sand, shot, or weights. Next fill a vessel provided with a spout with water, and allow all the excess to flow out at the spout. Place an empty tumbler under the spout, and lower the counterpoised stone into the water. Completely submerge the stone, and catch all the displaced water, the volume of which will be equal to that of the stone. Pour the displaced water into the beaker on the scale pan, and equilibrium will be restored. From the results obtained by making any one of the experiments just described Archimedes' Principle may be deduced: A body immersed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid that it displaces. 121. Explanation of Archimedes' Principle. The rea- sons for Archimedes' law become clear when the laws of liquid pressure stated in 104 are applied to a submerged body. Let a rectangular block abed be immersed in a liquid, as shown in Fig. 88. The force against the upper surface of the block is the weight of the column of the liquid efad and acts downward. The force exerted by the liquid against the lower surface of the block cb is the weight of a column of the FlG - 88. The Up- T i /.T i mi ward Force Ex- liquid efbc and acts upward. The re- C eeds the Down- sultant of these two forces is obviously ward Force - in an upward direction and equal to the weight of a volume abed of the liquid. The lateral forces exerted by the liquid against any two opposite faces of the block are equal and opposite, and therefore produce no tendency to move the block. Hence the immersed body is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of a volume of the liquid equal to its own volume, i.e. to its displacement. It should tfe ob- served that the depth to which the body is submerged does not affect the final result. 122 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS If the weight of the body submerged in the liquid just equals the weight of the displaced liquid, the body will be in equilibrium and remain where it is placed provided the density of the medium be uniform. If the body weighs more than the amount of liquid displaced, it will sink; if less, it will rise to the surface and float. 122. Floating Bodies. 1. Obtain a square stick of pine about 30 centimeters long and 1 centimeter square. Measure its dimensions carefully, and beginning at one end, lay off cubic centimeters after taking due account of the cross-sectional area. Drill a deep hole in the end of the bar and embed a nail heavy enough to cause the bar to float in an upright position, as shown in (1) Fig. 89. Melt paraffin into the pores of the wood over a flame in order to make it water-proof. Float the bar in water, and read off the number of cubic cen- FIG. 89. Flotation Illustrated. timeters of the portion beneath the liquid surface, i.e. the displacement. Compare the weight of the water displaced with the weight of the bar itself. 2. Counterpoise a glass beaker (or tumbler) on a balance. Prepare a vessel, as shown in (2) Fig. 89, to catch displaced water. Carefully float a piece of well-paraffined wood weighing about 100 grams, and catch the displaced water. Wipe the block of wood dry, and place it on one scale pan of the balance, and pour the displaced water into the beaker placed on the other. The two should balance. If a block of wood is entirely immersed in water, the dis- placed water weighs more than the wood, and therefore the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the block. Hence the block will be forced toward the surface. As a portion of the block rises above the surface of the water, the displacement decreases until the weight of the block and that of the displaced water are equal. This fact will be found to be verified by either of the experiments just described. The law may be expressed as follows: MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 123 A floating body sinks to such a depth in the liquid that the weight of the liquid displaced equals the weight of the body. 123. Measuring Volumes by Archimedes' Principle. Archimedes' principle affords an easy and accurate method for ascertaining the volumes of solid objects of irregular shapes. A body immersed in water evidently displaces a volume of water equal to its own volume, and, according to Archimedes' principle, loses in weight an amount equal to the weight of the displaced volume of water. (See Fig. 90. ) Since 1 cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram, the body immersed contains as many cubic centimeters as the number expressing its loss of weight in grams. For example, a piece of metal that weighs 45.75 grams in air and 40.23 grams when immersed in water displaces the difference, or 5.52 grams of water. The volume of water displaced is therefore 5.52 cubic centimeters. Hence the volume of the immersed body is 5.52 cubic centimeters. When the loss of weight is measured in pounds, the volume expressed in cubic feet is found by dividing that loss by 62.5. Why? 124. The Floating Dry Dock. Among the useful modern inventions depend- ing upon the law of flotation FIG. 90. Weighing a Body in Water to Find its Volume. FIG. 91. The Floating Dry Dock. (J 122) is the floating dry dock, which is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 91. When the several water-tight compartments P, P, P are allowed to fill with water, the dock sinks until the water level is at 124 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS AB. A vessel to be repaired is then floated into the dock, and the water pumped out of the various compartments. As the chambers are emptied the dock rises sufficiently to bring the water level to the line CD. The boat is thus lifted clear of the water. EXERCISES 1. A stone weighing 400 g. under water weighs 480 g. in air. What mass and volume of water does it displace? What is the volume of the stone? 2. What is the volume of a metal cylinder that weighs 30 g. in air and 19 g. when immersed in water? 3. A solid weighs 20 Ib. in air and 12 Ib. when suspended under water. What is the weight of an equal volume of water? What is the volume of the body in cubic inches? 4. A body weighing 50 g. in air weighs 35 g. when immersed in water and 38 g. when immersed in oil. Find the mass and volume of the oil displaced. 5. A block of iron weighing 12 g. and a piece of wood weighing 4 g. are fastened together and weighed in water ; their weight when immersed is 7.5 g. If the iron alone weighs 10.2 g. when immersed in water, what is the volume of the wood? SUGGESTION. From the combined volumes subtract that of the iron. 6. A block of wood is floated in a vessel full of oil. If 200 g. is the weight of the oil displaced, what is the weight of the wood? 7. A boat that weighs 450 Ib. displaces how many cubic feet of water? 8. A ferry-boat weighing 700 tons takes on board a train weigh- ing 550 tons. Express the total displacement in cubic feet. 9. Why does throwing the hands out of water cause the head of a swimmer to be submerged ? 10. An egg will sink in water and float in brine. A solution of salt may be made of such a strength that an egg will remain at any depth. Explain. 11. What is the volume of a man weighing 150 Ib. if he floats with 2^ of his body above water ? 4. DENSITY OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS 125. Density of a Solid. (#) When the solid is more dense than water. The density of a body is defined as its MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 125 mass per unit volume and is found by dividing the number of units of mass by the number of units of volume ( 12). In the C. G. S. system density is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter. For example, the density of mercury is 13.59 grams per cubic centimeter. In ascertaining the density of a solid that sinks in water and does not dissolve, the mass is first found by weighing the body in air, and the volume is then measured by the method described in the preceding section. By definition, mass (in grams) , >. volume (in cm.' 6 ) But, if the number of units of volume is found, as in practice, by ascertaining the apparent loss of weight sus- tained when the solid is submerged in water, we have for the numerical value of the density in the metric system, mass (in grams) . Density (in grams per cm. s ) Density = (2) weight lost in water (in grams) (b) When the solid is less dense than water. When a solid is not dense enough to sink in water, it may be attached to a sinker that ._ is sufficiently heavy to submerge it. Let a sinker S and a light solid A whose mass is M grams be suspended from the arm of a bal- ance, as shown in Fig. 92, so that the sinker alone is submerged. Let the weight of the FIG. 92. Ascertaining the Volume of a i j- 41 -, Solid Less Dense than Water. two bodies thus arranged be W 1 grams. Now let both solids be immersed, and the combined weight be W 2 grams. The difference W l TF 2 126 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS is evidently caused by the buoyant force of the water on the light solid A, and, according to Archimedes' principle, is equal to the weight of the water displaced by this body. This difference is numerically equal to the volume of the body expressed in cubic centimeters. Hence an equation expressing the numerical value of the density of the solid may be written as follows : Density = * ( gram*) (3) w i ~ W 2 ( m grams) 126. Specific Gravity. Occasional use is made of the term specific gravity (abbreviated sp. gr.) to express the heaviness or lightness of a body as compared with the weight of some standard substance. The specific gravity of any solid or liquid is the ratio of the weight of the body to the weight of an equal volume of pure water at 4 0. In the case of gases the standard with which they are compared is either air or hydrogen. Since one cubic centimeter of pure water at 4 C. weighs one gram, it follows that the density of a body in grams per cubic centimeter is numerically equal to its specific gravity. For example, the density of lead is 11.36 grams per cubic centimeter; hence lead is 11.36 times as heavy as an equal volume of water. Therefore, the specific gravity of lead is 11.36. Again, since the specific gravity of lead is 11.36, one cubic foot of lead will weigh 62.5 pounds x 11.36, or 710 pounds. Hence in the English system of measurement the density of lead is 710 pounds per cubic foot. It is to be carefully observed that specific gravity and density are not the same thing ; they are numerically equal only when density is given in C. G. S. units. In the English system, density is entirely different from specific gravity, as the example plainly shows. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 127 The equation of specific gravity is weight of a hody x^^ Specific gravity = - , J . (4) weight of an equal vol. of water 127. Density of Liquids. There are several methods for finding the density of a liquid. Let a solid that is denser than water be weighed in air, then in water, and finally in a liquid whose density is to be found. The loss of weight in water then represents numerically the volume of the submerged solid. The loss of weight in the liquid of unknown density represents the mass of an equal volume of that liquid. Therefore the density of the liquid is found by dividing the latter loss by the former. For example, a solid weighs 80 grams in air, 55 grams in water, and 60 grams in another liquid. The mass of water displaced is 25 grams and that of the other liquid 20 grams. Hence the volume of the liquid of unknown density displaced by the solid is 25 cubic centimeters, and its density 20 -+ 25, or 0.8 gram per cubic centimeter. 128. Hydrometers. The law of floating bodies ( 122) affords a convenient method for finding the density of a liquid. Let the bar of wood used in Experiment 1, 122, be placed in a jar of water and the volume of the sub- merged portion ascertained. Next place the bar in a liquid whose density is to be found, and again find the volume of the part beneath the liquid. If the displacement of water is v 1 cubic centimeters, the weight of the displaced water is v^ grams. If d is the density of the other liquid and v z its displacement, the weight of the liquid displaced is v 2 d grams. According to the law of floating bodies the weight of the liquid displaced in each instance is equal to the weight of the floating bar. Hence the two displace- ments are of equal weight. We may therefore write v 2 d = v x ; whence d = - (5) 128 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS FIG. 93. Hydrometer of Constant Weight. A floating body that is made in a convenient form for measuring the densities of liquids is called an hydrometer. If the weight of the hydrometer remains con- stant as in the case of the wooden bar used in the experiment just described, the instru- ment is called an hydrometer of constant weight. In some instances the densities are indicated upon the bar and may be read off at once by observing the point to which the instrument sinks. Many forms of hydrom- eters are in daily use, the size, shape, and graduations being adapted to the particular commercial purpose that they serve. A com- mon form is shown in Fig. 93. A cylindri- cal glass tube terminates below in a small bulb filled with mercury, which causes the instrument to float in an upright position. The upper por- tion of the tube is made small, and the graduations are upon a paper scale sealed within. Nicholson's Hydrometer. The Nicholson hydrometer shown in Fig. 94 represents the type known as hydrome- ters of constant volume, i.e. of constant displace- ment. This instrument is used in finding the density of a solid body. Let w l grams be the weights required in the upper pan A , to sink the hydrometer to a certain mark placed on the slen- der stem a. After placing the solid of unknown density in the upper pan, the weight required to sink the instrument to the same mark is w 2 grams. Then w l w 2 is the mass of the solid. Let w s be the weights required in the upper pan after the solid has been transferred to the lower pan R. Then w 3 w 2 is the mass of the water displaced and numerically equal to the volume of the solid. Therefore, the numerical value of the density of the solid expressed in metric units is : Constant Volume Hydrometer. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 129 Density = - (6) Wo Wo EXERCISES 1. A piece of lead weighs 56.75 g. in air and 51.73 g. when sus- pended in water. Find the volume and density of the lead. 2. A cylinder of aluminium weighs 28.35 g. in air and 17.85 g. when immersed in water. Calculate the volume and density of the metal. Compute the sp. gr. of aluminium. 3. A piece of glass weighing 45 g. in air weighs 22.5 g. in water and 23.75 g. in oil. Calculate the densities of the glass and the oil. 4. What would be the weight of the glass in Exer. 3 when im- mersed in a liquid whose density is 0.922 g. per cubic centimeter? 5. The density of marble is 2.7 g. per cubic centimeter. What is the weight of a rectangular block 1 m. long, 40 cm. wide, and 15 cm. thick ? Compute the sp. gr. of marble. What is its mass per cu. ft. ? 6. Silver is 10.4 times as heavy as an equal volume of water. What will 20 g. of silver weigh when immersed in water? 7. Ice is 0.9 as heavy as an equal volume of water. If a piece of ice weighing 500 g. floats on water, what is the volume of the sub- merged portion ? What is the volume of the ice? SUGGESTION. Apply the law of floating bodies and ascertain the weight of water displaced. 8. A bar of wood weighing 100 g. floats on water with 0.82 f its volume submerged; when placed in oil, 0.80 of its volume is submerged. Calculate the sp. gr. and density of the oil. 9. A piece of paraffin weighs 69 g. in air and when attached to a sinker and suspended in water, 85.8 g. If the weight of the sinker in water is 95.7 g., what is the volume and density of the paraffin? 10. The weight required to sink a Nicholson hydrometer to the mark on the stem is 45 g. ; when a piece of marble is placed in the upper pan, the weight required is 15.3 g. and with the marble in the submerged pan 26.3 g. Find the density of the marble. 11. Find the density of paraffin from the following data : Weight required to sink Nicholson's hydrometer to mark 56.4 g. Weight to sink hydrometer with paraffin in upper pan 45.6 g. Weight required with paraffin in submerged pan 57.6 g. 12. The density of mercury is 13.59 g. per cubic centimeter. If a cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 lb., what is the weight of a cubic inch of mercury? 10 130 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 5. MOLECULAR FORCES IN LIQUIDS 129. Cohesion and Adhesion. Many of the phenomena of nature lead to the conclusion that bodies are made up of extremely minute particles to which is given the name molecules. The molecules of bodies possess more or less freedom of motion among themselves depending on the nature of the body ; this freedom is greatest in gases and least in solids. It is due to the very perfect freedom of motion among the molecules of a liquid (i.e. to the prop- erty of fluidity) that they are able to transmit pressures in all directions, thus giving rise to the principle stated in (1) 104 and to Pascal's Law discussed in 110. When near together molecules attract one another, thus producing the resistance found when we attempt to break a wire, to remove paint from glass, to tear paper, etc. The name cohesion is given to this attraction when it is between molecules of the same kind, and the term adhesion applies to the attraction when the molecules are of differ- ent kinds. Cohesion serves to bind individual molecules into bodies, or masses, and adhesion to hold together bodies of differ- ent kinds. Two clean surfaces of lead will cohere when pressed firmly together, and the dentist hammers gold leaf into a solid lump to form the filling for a tooth. The blacksmith brings together white-hot pieces of iron and by blows brings their molecules into such close proximity that cohesion takes place. Clean graphite powder is pressed into a solid mass to form the lead of a pencil ; the force of cohesion holds the particles together. The attrac- tion between wood and glue, stone and cement, paint and iron, etc., affords cases illustrating the force of adhesion. 130. Surface Films of Liquids. Although steel is nearly eight times as dense as water, a small sewing MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 131 needle may be caused to " float " on water by placing it carefully upon the surface. If the surface of the liquid is closely examined, it will be observed that the needle rests in a slight depression, as shown |g^ _^ in Fig. 95. In fact, the appearance is as if a thin membrane were stretched ~ FIG. 95. An Ordinary across the surface of the water. steel Needle "Floating" The three following experiments on Water> show an important property of the surface films of liquids : 1. Let a soap bubble be blown on the bowl of a clay pipe or the mouth of a small glass funnel. If the stem is left open a moment, it may be observed that the bubble diminishes in size. A candle flame held near the opening, in the stem will be deflected by the current of air that is forced out by the contracting bubble. 2. Let a loop of thread be tied to one side of a wire frame 4 or 5 centimeters in diameter so that it will hang near the center, as shown in (1), Fig. 96. If now the frame is dipped into a soap solution, a liquid film will form across it with the loop closed, as shown. If, how- ever, the film within the loop of thread be broken by means of a hot wire, the loop instantly opens out into a circle, as shown in (2). 3. Let a mixture be made of alco- *2\ hoi and water of such strength that FIG. 96. An Effect of Surf ace Ten- a drop of olive oil will remain in it sion in a Liquid Film. at any depth. The oil may be in- troduced beneath the surface by means of a small glass tube. It will be found that the globule of oil at once assumes a spherical form. In order to avoid an apparent flattening of the drop of oil, a body with flat sides should be used. These experiments show that the surface film of a liquid tends to contract and become as small as possible. In Experiment 1 the contraction produces a pressure that drives the air from the tube. In Experiment 2 the film 132 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS assumes the least possible area. This is the case when the area within the loop is as large as it can become, i.e. when it is circular. In Experiment 3 the film of oil com- pletely incloses the globule and causes the oil to assume the geometrical form requiring the least superficial area for a given volume. The spherical form fulfills this con- dition. For a similar B reason a soap bubble takes the shape of a sphere. 131. Surface Tension. It will be seen from a study of Fig. 97 that the conditions under which the^surface mole- cules of a liquid exist is very different' from that of the mole- cules lower down. Molecule A at the center of the small circle is attracted equally in all FIG. 97. Molecular Forces near directions by the neighboring the Surface of a Liquid. molecules. This is the force of cohesion and acts across a very small distance represented here by the radius of the circle. Very near the surface the forces acting downward on molecule B are greater than those that act upward, while for molecule O there is no upward attraction whatever. Hence the surface layers of molecules are greatly condensed by this excess of force acting always toward the body of the liquid. In this man- ner is formed a tough, tense surface film whose constitution is different from that in the interior mass. The measure of the tendency of the surface layers of a liquid to contract is called surface tension. 132. Capillary Phenomena. The effects of surface films were first investigated in small glass tubes of hair- like dimensions. Hence the name " capillarity " arises from the Latin word capillus, meaning "hair." Figure 98 represents a series of glass tubes varying from 0.2 mil- limeter to 2 millimeters in diameter. If the tubes are MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 133 moistened and then set upright in a shallow vessel of water, the liquid will rise in the tubes, highest in the smallest tube and least in the largest. It may also be observed that the surface of the liquid turns upward wherever it comes in contact with the glass. Hence the surface within the tube is concave, and a so-called meniscus is formed. If, now, glass tubes of small bore are placed, in mercury (Fig. 99), the -liquid, which in this case does FlG ;. 98 -- Eleva : tion of a Liquid not Wet the glass, will in Capillary be depressed within the tubes. The depression is great- est in the smallest tube and least in the largest. The edges of the film in contact with the glass may be seen to turn downward so that the FIG. 99. Depression of surfaces within the tubes are convex, Mercury in Capillary Tubes. and the meniscus thus formed is 111- ^/_ verted. The following laws of capillary action may be stated : (1) Liquids are elevated in tubes which they wet, but are depressed in tubes which they do not wet. (2) The elevation or depression is inversely proportional to the diameter of the tubes. ^ K D 133. Capillary Ac- tion Explained. If a plate of glass, shown in cross section in (1), Fig. 100, be placed upright in a (1) (Z) FIG. 100. Water Lifted by the Contraction of the Surface Film. 134 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS shallow vessel of water after having been moistened, there will be formed a continuous film ABO lying partly upon the glass and partly upon the water. On account of the tendency of this film to contract, as shown in 131, the corner at B will be rounded and a small portion of the water lifted against the glass. Again, if a moistened tube of glass, (2), Fig. 100, be dipped into water, a film A B CD is formed adhering to the glass and extending across the water in the tube. Ow- ing to the tendency of this film to contract, a force is pro- duced that is sufficient to lift the column of water BEFC in opposition to the force of gravity. When the tube is dipped into mercury, the liquid forms no film adhering to the glass above the surface level. On the other hand, the surface film of mercury (see Fig. 99) continues down- ward along the glass walls of the tube and then upward into the tube at the lower end. The force which is developed by the contraction of this film tends to pull the liquid down within the tube. The depression thus produced is such that the downward force of the con- tracting film is balanced by the upward pressure of the liquid within the tube. 134. Capillary Action in Soils. The principles of capillary action find an important application in the distribution of moisture in the soil. In compact soil water is brought to the surface in much the same manner as it rises in a piece of loaf sugar which is allowed to come in contact with it. As rapidly as evaporation goes on at the surface, the loss is supplied by capillarity from below. In dry weather it is desirable to prevent this surface loss, which is done by " mulching " and loosen- ing the soil by cultivation. In this latter process the grains of soil are broken apart and the interstices thus made too large for effective capillary action to take place. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 135 The moisture then rises to a level a few inches beneath the surface, where it is made use of by growing plants. EXERCISES 1. Why is a drop of dew spherical? Examine a small globule of mercury placed on glass. Ho'w do you account for its form ? 2. By heating a piece of glass until it softens the sharp corners become rounded and smooth. Explain. 3. Tn the manufacture of shot molten lead is poured through a small orifice at the top of a tower. In falling the stream breaks up into drops which solidify before reaching the earth. What gives the spherical form to these masses of lead ? 4. Why does oil flow upward in the wick of a lamp? Will mercury do the same? 5. Grease may be removed from a piece of cloth by covering it with blotting paper and passing a hot flatiron over it. Explain. 6. Place two toothpicks upon water about a centimeter apart. Touch the liquid surface between them with a glass rod moistened with alcohol. From the manner in which the pieces of wood move about, observe which liquid film has the greater tension. 7. Explain how an insect can run on the surface of water without sinking. 8. Explain the action of a towel ; of blotting paper ; of sponges. 9. Why can we not write with ink upon unglazed paper? 10. Why are the footprints made in newly cultivated soil moist while the loose earth is dry? 11. Explain why it is necessary to pack the earth around plants and small trees when they are first set out. Later on we loosen the soil about them. Why? SUMMARY 1. The force exerted by a liquid of uniform density against a given surface is directly proportional to the depth of the surface ( 103). 2. At a given depth the force exerted by a liquid is the same in all directions and acts always in a direction per- pendicular to the surface against which it presses ( 104). 3. The force exerted by a liquid on any horizontal sur- face is equal to the product of the area and, depth of the 136 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS surface and the density of the liquid. The equation is * total pressure = ahd ( 106). 4. When the surface pressed against is not horizontal, the product of the area and the density must be multiplied by the depth of the center of mass of the given sur- face ( 106). 5. The force exerted by a liquid against the bottom of a vessel of given depth is independent of the form of the vessel ( 107). 6. A liquid at rest in communicating vessels remains at the same level in all its parts ( 109). 7. A force applied to any area of a confined liquid is transmitted undiminished by the liquid to every equal area of the interior of the containing vessel and to every part of the vessel. This is known as Pascal's Law ( 110). 8. The mechanical advantage of the hydraulic press is the ratio of the area of the large piston to that of the small one ( 111). 9. A body immersed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid that it displaces. This is known as Archimedes' Principle ( 120). 10. A floating body displaces a mass of the liquid in which it floats, whose weight equals its own ( 122). 11. The volume of a body insoluble in water may be found, according to Archimedes' Principle, by ascertaining the weight of water that it will displace ( 123). 12. Density = maSS ( 125). volume 13. Bodies are assumed to be composed of extremely small particles called molecules. When near together, molecules attract each other. Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same kind ; adhesion is the at- traction between molecules of different kinds ( 129). MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 137 14. The surface of a liquid tends to contract and be- come as small as possible; hence the spherical form as- sumed by soap bubbles, dew drops, globules of mercury, etc (130). 15. Liquids are elevated in tubes which they wet, but are depressed in those which they do not wet. The ele- vation or the depression is inversely proportional to the diameter of the tube ( 132). 16. Moisture rises readily in compact soils, but ceases to rise in those of loose texture. Hence the loss of soil water by evaporation is effectually prevented by "mulch- ing " or by cultivation ( 134). CHAPTER VIII MECHANICS OF GASES 1. PROPERTIES OF GASES 135. Characteristics of Gases. Gases, like liquids, possess the property of fluidity, i.e. they may be deformed by any force however small. But a gas differs from a liquid in that it has no definite size of its own ; it not only fits itself to the shape of the vessel containing it, but always entirely fills it. On account of their common property of fluidity, liquids and gases are classed together as fluids. As a consequence of this property, the laws of pressure relative to liquids stated in 1, 104 and in 110 are equally applicable to gases. Other laws, however, arise in the case of a gas on account of the tendency to adapt its size to the capacity of the containing vessel. 136. Laws Common to Liquids and Gases. (1) The force exerted against any surface is perpendicular to that surface. (2) The force at any point is the same in all directions ( 104). (3) An immersed body is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid or the gas that it displaces ( 120). 137. Weight and Density of Air. We are taught by everyday experience that a gaseous medium which we call air surrounds us on every hand. The bubbles that may be produced by blowing through a tube inserted into water, the process of breathing, the resistance that the air offers to a rapidly moving bicycle or train, the various effects of the wind, and many other phenomena demon- strate to us the presence of this medium. 138 MECHANICS OF GASES 139 It was shown by experiment in 3 that air has weight. The same apparatus may be used in finding the density of air in the following manner: Let the bulb be weighed carefully before and after admitting the air. The increase in weight will give the mass of the air contained in the bulb. The capacity of the bulb is next ascertained by filling it with water and weighing it. Dividing the mass of the air by the capacity of the bulb gives the density of the air. The density of air at the temperature of freezing water and under the average sea-level pressure is 0.001293 gram per cubic centimeter. Hence a liter (1000 cm. 3 ) of air weighs nearly 1..3 grams. A cubic foot of air weighs about an ounce and a quarter ; hence 12 cubic feet weigh nearly a pound. The amount of air in an ordinary schoolroom weighs more than half a ton. Thus we live submerged in an ocean of air which extends many miles above us and exerts a pressure of nearly 15 pounds per square inch. 2. PRESSURE OF THE AIR AGAINST SURFACES 138. Atmospheric Pressure. Since air has weight and fluidity, the atmosphere must exert a force against all surfaces with which it comes in contact. The existence of such a force may be shown by the following experiments : 1. Fill a tumbler with water and invert it in a vessel of water. Lift the inverted tumbler until its opening is horizontal and just submerged, as in Fig. 101. The water re- mains in the tumbler because it is sup- ported by the force exerted by the atmos- phere downward against the free surface of water in the vessel. 2. While the inverted tumbler is in the condition shown in Fig. 101, place a piece of cardboard across its mouth, pressing it close against the rim. Carefully lift the tumbler from the water, and the cardboard will not fall off. The force exerted by Water. 140 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the air against the cardboard in an upward direction is sufficient to support the weight of the water in the tumbler, as in Fig. 102. 3. Tie a piece of sheet rubber over a glass vessel, as shown in Fig. 103. Place the vessel on an air pump and exhaust the air from the space beneath the rubber. The membrane, no longer supported by the air from below, is more and more de- pressed until it FIG. 102. Action of Atmos- pheric Pressure Upward. FIG. 103. Atmospheric Pressure upon a Rubber Membrane. finally bursts under the pressure of the air above. 4. If a glass tube 3 or 4 feet long (or even longer) can be secured, place it nearly vertical with one end in a tumbler of water. Try to elevate the water to the top of the tube by "sucking" on the upper end of it. Now insert the lower end of the tube in mercury and try to elevate it in the same manner. It is so much denser than water, that it can be lifted only a few inches. 139. Limitations of Atmospheric Pressure. The atten- tion, of Galileo was called to the fact that in wells of unusual depth suction pumps ( 155) were unable to lift water more than about 32 feet above the level of the water in the wells. At that time it was supposed that " nature abhorred a vacuum " and that she hastened to fill all such spaces with whatever material happened to be most avail- able. Thus Galileo was led to believe that nature's abhor- rence for a vacuum had its limitations, and he probably suspected that the rise of water in pumps was due to* air pressure on the surface of the water. It remained for his pupil, Torricelli, however, to devise a suitable method for measuring the actual pressure of the atmosphere. He suc- ceeded in doing this in the year 1643. MECHANICS OF GASES 141 FIG. 104. 140. Torricelli's Experiment. This important histori- cal experiment is performed by making use of a strong glass tube about 80 centimeters long which is closed at one end. The tube is first filled with mercury in order to expel the air, after which it is closed by the finger and inverted in a vessel of mercury, Fig. 104, care being taken to prevent the entrance of air. The mercury falls at once and leaves a vacuum of several centimeters at the top of' the tube. The force due to the at- mosphere which is exerted down- ward against the free surface of mercury in the vessel is trans- mitted to the interior of the tube in which it is able to support a column of the liquid usually about 75 centimeters in height. 141. Pascal's Experiment. Pascal reasoned that if the column of mercury in a Torricellian tube were indeed supported by the atmosphere, the column should become shorter at a high altitude. The column was accordingly measured at the top of a high tower in Paris and a small decrease detected. Five years after Torricelli's discovery, the tube was carried to the top of the Puy de Dome, a high mountain in Auvergne, France, where a test showed a decided decrease of about 8 centimeters in the height of the mercurial column. 142. Variations in Atmospheric Pressure. The atmos- pheric pressure at a given place is far from being constant. The variations at any given place amount to about 3 cen- timeters. At sea-level the average height of the mercurial Torricelli's Experi- ment. 142 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS column is about 76 centimeters ; hence this height is taken as the standard of pressure and is called mean sea-level pressure. Any pressure equivalent to a column of mer- cury 76 centimeters high is said to be " one atmosphere.." 143. The Barometer. The mercurial barometer (pro- nounced ba rom'e ter) is merely a mounted Torricellian tube for showing the pressure of the atmos- phere. In order that it may give correct indications, the mercury must be pure, and clean, and the space above the liquid in the tube as free as possible from the presence of air and other gases; i.e. the vac- uum must be as nearly perfect as possible. Atmospheric pres- sure is usually measured in inches or centimeters of mercury. The space above the mercury in the tube is known as the Torricellian vacuum. As the height of the mercurial column changes with the pressure of the air, the surface of the liquid rises and falls in the res- ervoir, or cistern, below. For an accurate reading of the barometer the mercury column must be meas- ured from the surface of the liquid in the reservoir.. In the barome- ter shown in Fig. 105 the reser- voir has a flexible bottom. By FIG. 105. - A standard Mer- turn i nff the screw S the surface curial Barometer. of the mercury in the cistern is brought to the zero point of the scale, whose position is marked by an ivory index B. The height of the mercury MECHANICS OF GASES 143 is then read by observing the position of the upper surface of the liquid in the tube at A. Some mercurial barometers have the form shown in Fig. 106. The height of the mer- cury is found by reading the positions of the two liquid surfaces A. and .Z?, in which case the difference between the two readings gives the length of the mercury column supported by the atmosphere. 144. The Aneroid Barometer. A barometer of the form shown in Fig. 107 is in common use. As the name indicates, the aneroid barometer is "without liquid," and depends for its operation on a circular chamber C made of thin metal with corrugated sides. The air in the chamber is partly re- moved, after which the chamber is hermetically sealed. An increase of atmospheric pressure forces the side of the box inward, but a decrease allows it to spring out. This motion, Chough very s^ght, is transmitted FIG. 107. The Aneroid Barometer. Fxo.106.-A Mercurial Barometer, through the multiplying systems of levers L and A and the small chain B to the axle S which car- ries the index, or movable pointer, /. The scale is graduated to correspond to the readings of a standard FIG ; io8._The Barograph, or Self-registering mercurial barometer. These Barometer. 144 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS instruments are made of convenient size to be used by surveyors and explorers in ascertaining altitudes. It should be said that the words " Rain," " Fair," etc., printed on the dial of an aneroid barometer are merely indications of the general trend of weather changes. The principle of the aneroid is employed in the " barograph," or self-recording .barometer, shown in Fig. 108. This instrument is provided with an index which carries a pen that makes a continuous record of the atmospheric pressure on a revolving cylinder covered with suitable paper. A portion of such a record is shown in Fig. 109. THURSDAY / FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 6 8 16 jf'2 4 6 I JNDAY / p^'2 ji 6 8 1,6yT" J 8 10^JJ_8rbSrt.2_4 6 M 8 1 t OYu2 468 1,0 FIG. 109. Portion of a Record Made by a Barograph. 145. Utility of the Barometer. The barometer is an important laboratory instrument, inasmuch as the atmos- pheric pressure must be known in carrying out many experiments in both Physics and Chemistry. In this respect it ranks in usefulness with the thermometer, balance, etc. From the readings of barometers taken simultaneously at many places of observation and telegraphed to central stations, the direction of atmospheric movements can be predicted. Thus the barometer becomes an aid in fore- casting the weather. Furthermore, a "low" barometer, i.e. decreased pressure, usually accompanies or precedes MECHANICS OF GASES 145 .29.7 stormy weather, while a rising barometer generally de- notes the approach of fair weather. If a weather map be consulted, certain regions will be found marked "High" and others marked "Low." The places at which the pressures are equal are joined by curves called isobars, upon each of which is indicated the barometric reading, Fig. 110. The direction of the wind at each place of observation is indi- cated by an arrow. The general direc- tion of the wind is al- ways from places of "high" toward those of " low " pressure. Another important use of the barometer is made in measuring the difference in alti- tude of two places. This measurement de- pends upon the fact that the atmospheric pressure decreases with the elevation above sea-level. For places not far above the level of the sea the decrease is about 1 millimeter for every 10.8 meters of elevation, or 0.1 inch for every 90 feet of ascent. The decrease in pressure as one climbs a mountain is easily accounted for when it is recalled that it is the air above the level ol a given place that produces the pressure. Descending a mountain or into a mine simply submerges one more deeply in the atmospheric ocean and thus puts above his level more air to be supported. 11 FIG. 110. A Portion of a Weather Map. 146 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 146. Atmospheric Pressure Computed. In order to compute the pressure of the atmosphere in grams per square centimeter, we have only to find the pressure per unit area due to mercury when its depth is equal to the height of the barometric column. Consider a tube whose cross-sectional area is 1 square centimeter and in which the height of mercury is 76 centimeters. The pressure at the bottom of such a tube is the product of the area, height, and density of the mercury, as shown in 106. We have, therefore, 1 x 76 x 13.6, or 1033.6 grams. Hence, if the barometer reading is 76 centimeters, the atmospheric pres- sure is 1033.6 grams per" square centimeter. EXERCISES 1. The column of mercury in a barometer stands at a height of 74.5 cm. What is the height in inches? 2. How high a column of water could be supported by atmos- pheric pressure when the barometer reads 75 cm.? 3. When the barometer reads 74 cm., what is the atmospheric pressure expressed in grams per square centimeter? in dynes per square ceptimeter? 4. If the pressure of the air is 15 Ib. per square inch, calculate the total force exerted upon a person the area of whose body surface is 16 sq. ft. 5. A soap bubble has a diameter of 4 in. Calculate the force exerted by the air against its entire surface when the barometer reads 29 in. A cubic inch of mercury weighs 0.49 Ib. 6. What result would be obtained by performing Torricelli's experiment with a tube twice as long as the one described in 140 ? 7. How would the height of mercury be changed if a tube of larger cross-sectional area were used ? 8. Show why a change in the area of the mercurial surface in the cistern of a barometer has no effect on the height of the column. 9. What result would Torricelli have obtained in his experiment if he had used a tube only 70 cm. long? FIG. 111. 10- Try to suck the water from a bottle (see Fig. Ill) MECHANICS OF GASES 147 FIG. 112. Pneu- matic Inkstand. out of which a glass tube passes through a tightly fitting rubber stopper. Explain the results observed. 11. Inkstands are sometimes made in the form shown in Fig. 112. Explain why the ink in the reservoir can remain at a greater height than that outside. 12. Why is it necessary to make a small vent hole in the upper part of a cask when it is desired to draw off the liquid in a steady stream from a faucet placed near the bottom ? 13. Explain why water will not run in a steady stream from an inverted bottle. 14. The Magdeburg hemispheres shown in Fig. 113 are closely fitting hollow vessels about 4 in. in diameter. By placing the hemispheres together and exhausting the air the pull of two strong boys is scarcely sufficient to separate them. Explain. 15. Assuming the atmospheric pressure to be 15 Ib. per square inch, calculate the force required to separate the hemispheres shown in Fig. 113 when the air within them FIG. 113. Magdeburg Hemispheres. is completely exhausted. 3. EXPANSIBILITY AND COMPRESSIBILITY OF GASES 147. Compressibility of Air and Other Gases. Gases, unlike liquids, are easily reduced in volume by increasing the pressure under which they exist. This is evident from the fact that the quantity of air in the pneumatic tire of a bicycle, for example, may be increased to double or triple the original mass. Again, the air in a pneumatic cushion is compressed into a smaller space when one sits upon it, but it springs back to its original volume when the pressure is relieved. Thus air and other gases mani- fest the property of expansibility as well as compressibility. The popgun and air rifle make use of these properties of air : first the air is compressed in the cylinder of the gun, 148 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS FIG. 114. -II- then as the pellet moves, the force of expansion drives the missile with great acceleration from the barrel. 1. Place a partially inflated balloon under the receiver of an air pump. As soon as the pump is set in action, the swelling of the balloon will indicate the expansive tendency of the air within it. 2. Arrange a bottle as shown in Fig. 114. Blow forcibly into the tube, thus causing some bubbles of air to pass into the bottle above the liquid. Quickly remove the lips from the tube, and water will be driven out by the expanding air within the bottle. 3. Place two bottles under the receiver of an air pump as shown in A and B, Fig. 115. A is tightly lustrating corked and about two thirds full Expansi- o f W ater. B is uncorked and con- bilitv of a Gag J tains air only. When the pump is put into operation, the air pres- sure on the surface of the water in B is reduced, and the consequent expansion of the air in A above the liquid forces the water through the tube into B. If air be now admitted into the receiver, the water will be driven back into A . Why ? The expansibility of gases is explained by assuming that their molecules ( 129) are in rapid motion. As a con- sequence of this motion, innumerable molecules strike against every part of the walls of the containing vessel. Although the mass of a molecule is extremely small, its speed is so enormous (equaling or exceeding that of a cannon ball) that it strikes the side of the vessel with an appreciable force. Thus a continuous storm of such blows results in the production of a steady outward pressure against the walls of the vessel inclosing the gas. 148. Pressure and Elastic Force in Equilibrium. The experiments just described teach us why hollow bodies, MECHANICS OF GASES 149 such as balloons, cardboard boxes, etc., are not crushed by atmospheric pressure. The crushing force exerted against the external surface of a balloon only 10 centimeters in diameter is more than 300 kilograms. This force, how- ever, is counteracted by the expansive force of the gas within it. If the external force is decreased, the gas ex- pands until the forces are again in equilibrium. On the other hand, if the external force is increased, the gas is compressed until the inward and outward forces balance each other. Thus the human body is able to withstand the enormous force exerted by the atmosphere upon it. All the cavities that might otherwise collapse are pre- vented from doing so by the expansive force of the gases which they contain. 149. Law of Expansion and Compression. The rela- tion which exists between the pressure to which a gas is subjected and its volume was discovered by Robert- Boyle (1627-1691) of England, in 1662, and by Mariotte, of France, fourteen years later. In France this relation is usu- ally called " Mariotte's Law," but we speak of it as Boyle's Law. An experiment to illus- trate Boyle's method of dis- covery may be performed as follows : Take a bent glass tubo (1), Fig. 116, of which the shorter arm is hermetically sealed. The long arm, left open at the top, should be about 90 centimeters long. The length FlG of the short arm should be at least 116. Illustrating Boyle's Law. 150 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 10 centimeters. Pour a small quantity of mercury into the tube so that the liquid stands at the same level in both sides. We thus have a quantity of air confined in the space A C under one atmosphere of pressure owing to the transmission of pressure by the mercury. Measure the length of the space AC, and then pour mercury into the tube (see (2), Fig. 116), until the surface of the liquid in the long arm is as far above that in the short arm as the height of mercury in the barometer. If the new volume of air in the short arm be measured, it will be found to be just one half the original volume. The new pressure is due both to the atmospheric pressure on the mercury at B and the column of mercury in the tube. It is, therefore, two atmospheres. This experiment teaches us that by increasing the pres- sure upon a confined gas from one atmosphere to two atmospheres, the volume is caused to be only one half as great. This is only a special instance, however, of a more general law. If p is the pressure of a gas whose volume is v, then under a pressure 2 p the volume of the gas will be | v ; under a pressure & p the volume of the gas will be J v ; under a pressure ^p the volume of the gas will be 2 v ; under a pressure ^p the volume of the gas will be 3 v, etc. Now, since pv = 2p x I ,v = 3p x \v = \p x 2 v = p x 3 v, we are able to state the relation as follows : The product of the pressure and volume of a given mass of gas at a constant temperature is constant. Where P is the pressure of the gas when its volume is FJ and p the pressure when the volume is v, the law may be expressed algelxtfifelly in the forms : PV = pv, or P : p : : v : V. (l) EXAMPLE. The observed volume of a gas is 30 cm. 3 when the barometer reads 74.5 cm. What volume will it occupy under a baro- metric pressure of 76 cm.? MECHANICS OF GASES 151 SOLUTION. According to Boyle's Law the product of the pres- sure and volume under the first condition will be equal to their prod- uct under the second condition. Hence, if x represents the volume required, we have 74.5 x 30 = 76 x x. Solving this equation for x, we obtain x = 29.4 cm. 3 . EXERCISES 1. If the volume of a certain gas is 200 cm. 3 when its pressure is 1000 g. per square centimeter, what volume will it occupy when its pressure has been increased to 1200 g. per square centimeter? 2. The volume of an air bubble at a depth of 1 m. of mercury is 1 cm. 3 What will be its volume when it reaches the surface if the barometer reading is 75 cm. ? SUGGESTION. The first pressure is equal to the sum of the atmos- pheric pressure and that due to the mercury in which it is immersed, or 175 cm., 3. A gas is often confined in a tube, as shown in A y Fig. 117, whose open end is beneath the sur- face of some liquid. How much is the pressure of the gas confined in such a tube in a vessel of mer- cury when the surface in the tube is 25 cm. below the level of the liquid outside, the barometer read- ing 75 crn.? 4. If the volume of the gas under the conditions given in Exer. 3 is 15 cm., what will be its volume if the tube is elevated until the surfaces are at the same level ? 5. In B, Fig. 117, the surface of the mercury in the tube is 25 cm. above that of the mercury on the outside. If the atmospheric pressure is 75 cm., what is the pressure of the confined gas ? 6. Under the conditions given in Exer. 5 the volume of the gas confined in the tube is 50 cm. 3 . What volume will the gas occupy when the surfaces are brought to the same level? 7. The volume of an air bubble 136 cm. under vater is 0.5 cm. 3 . Barometer reading = 75.4 cm. Calculate (1) the pressure to which the bubble is subjected, and (2) the volume it will have as it emerges from the water. FIG. 117. 152 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS SUGGESTION. Reduce the depth of water to its equivalent in terms of mercjiry, and compute the first pressure as in Exer. 2. 8. To what depth would the inverted tumbler shown in Fig. 1 have to be taken in order to become half filled with water if the barometer reading is 75 cm. ? 9. A gas tank whose capacity is 3.5 cu. ft. is filled with illumi- nating gas until the pressure is 225 Ib. per square inch. How many cubic feet of gas at atmospheric pressure will be required in the filling of the tank? (Assume one atmosphere to be 15 Ib. per square inch.) 10. Why is it safer to test an engine boiler by pumping in water rather than air? l ^%^ 150. Changes in Density. Since a change in the volume of a given mass of gas occurs whenever the pressure is changed, it follows that there will also be a change in its density. Forcing the gas into one half its original volumeApBubles the amount in each cubic centimeter ; makhiJMthe volume one third multiplies the mass in each cubic centimeter by three ; and so on. Therefore, doub- ling the pressure of a gas, thus reducing the volume one half, doubles the density ; tripling the pressure multiplies the density by three ; and so on. Hence, we may state these relations as follows : The density of a gas at constant temperature is directly proportional to the pressure. Expressed algebraically, D : d : : P : p, (2) where D is the density of the gas when the pressure is P, and d the density when the pressure is p. EXERCISES 1. Hydrogen, Vhose density is 0.09 g. per liter under one atmos- phere of pressure, is condensed in a steel cylinder until the pressure is 15 atmospheres. Calculate the density of the gas in the cylinder. MECHANICS OF GASES 153 2. Illuminating gas is condensed in a reservoir until its density has increased from 0.75 g. per liter to 4.5 g. per liter. Calculate the pressure in the reservoir. Express the result in atmospheres. 3. If 4 liters of air at ordinary atmospheric pressure are admitted into a vacuum of 10 liters capacity, what will be the pressure and density of the air? (Under one atmosphere the density of air is 1.29 g. per liter.) 4. What is the weight of the quantity of illuminating gas con- densed in a cylindrical tank of 3 cu. ft. capacity until the pressure is 225 Ib. per square inch ? (The density of the gas under one atmos- phere of pressure is 0.75 g. per liter.) 5. If the gas shown in the tubes in Fig. 117, A and B, is air, what is the density of it under the conditions given in Exercises 3 and 5 on page 151 ? 4. ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY AND BUOYANCY 151. Atmospheric Density Changes with Altitude. The air, unlike the water of the ocean, which is practically incompressible, diminishes in density as one^ ascends a mountain or rises in a balloon. As the pressure becomes less, the density of the air decreases proportionally. Thus at the summit of Mont Blanc in Switzerland, an altitude of three miles, the barometer indicates only one half as much atmospheric pressure as at the sea-level. Hence the density of the air at "this altitude is only one half as great. Aeronauts 'have succeeded in ascending to an altitude of about 7 miles, where the pressure is only 18 centimeters, or about a quarter of sea-level pressure. Greater altitudes have been explored by the aid of balloons equipped with self-registering instruments until a height of about 14 miles has been attained. Figure 118 shows the changes in the pressure and density of the atmosphere at various alti- tudes. The numbers at the left indicate altitudes in miles above sea-level, those at the extreme right the densities of the air compared with the density at sea-level, while the 154 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS next column gives the barometric readings in inches. From the figure it may be seen that at an elevation of 15 miles, for example, the density of the air is only one thirtieth of FIG. 118. Showing the Decrease of Atmospheric Pressure with Altitude. its sea-level density, while the barometer would read about one inch of mercury. 152. Buoyancy of Air. On account of the fact that the pressure of the air decreases as the altitude increases, its pressure downward upon the top surface of a box, for example, is less than its upward pressure against the bot- tom. It follows, therefore, as for bodies immersed in water ( 121), that an object is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the air that it displaces. In general, bodies are so heavy in comparison with the amount of air displaced that the consequent loss of weight is not taken into account. A man of average size, for instance, is buoyed up by a force equal to about 4 ounces. If, how MECHANICS OF GASES 155 ; . ever, the air displaced by a body should weigh more than the body itself, it would be lifted by the air just as a piece of wood is lifted when immersed in water. This is the case of a balloon, in wln'ch the weight of the material com- posing the bag, together with the gas used to fill it, ropes, basket, ballast, etc., is less than that of the air which it displaces. In order that this may be so, it is necessary to inflate the balloon with a gas lighter than air, which weighs 1.29 kilograms per cubic meter. Hydrogen gas is sometimes used whose density is 0.09 kilogram per cubic meter, but more frequently the material is common illumi- nating 'gas weighing about 0.75 kilogram per cubic meter. The balloon United States which won the first international race at Paris in 1906 was filled with over 2000 cubic meters of illuminating gas, thus creating a lifting force of more than a ton. EXERCISES 1. A balloon whose capacity is 1000 m. 3 is filled with hydrogen. If the weight of the bag, basket, and ropes is 235 kg., what additional weight can the balloon lift ? SUGGESTION. Find the difference between the weight of the air displaced by the balloon and the entire weight of the balloon and its equipment. 2. What will be the lifting capacity of the balloon in Exer. 1 when filled with illuminating gas? 3. When will a balloon cease to rise ? When will it begin to fall ? 4. A kilogram weight of brass (density 8.3 g. per crn. 3 ) will weigh how much in a vacuum ? SUGGESTION. Add to the weight of the body the weight of the air that it displaces. 5. APPLICATIONS OF AIR PRESSURE 153. The Air Pump. The air pump is used to remove the air or other gases from a closed vessel called a receiver. It was invented about 1650 by Otto von Guericke (1602- 156 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 1686), burgomaster of Magdeburg, Germany. A simple form of the air pump is shown in Fig. 119. O is a cylin- der within which slides the tightly fitting piston P. R is the receiver from which the air is to be exhausted. The receiver is connected with the cylinder by the tube T. 8 and t are valves opening upward. The operation of the pump is as follows : When the piston is pushed down, the valve s permits the air in the cylinder to escape, but closes to prevent its return when the piston is lifted. Raising the piston tends to produce a vacuum in the cylin- der ; but the air in the receiver and connecting tube expands, lifts the valve , and fills the cylinder. Thus each down-and-up stroke of the piston results in the removal of a portion of the air in the receiver. After several strokes of the piston, the air in the receiver becomes rarefied to such an extent that its expansive force is no longer sufficient to lift valve , and no further exhaustion can be produced. Some air pumps are so constructed that the valves are opened and closed automatically ~at the proper moment so that a greater degree of rarefaction can be reached. 154. The Condensing Pump. The condensing pump is used to compress illuminating gases in cylinders for use in lighting vehicles, stereopticons, etc., and further for inflat- ing pneumatic tires, operating drills in mines, air-brakes on railway cars, and for many other purposes. The most common condensing pump is that used for inflating bicycle FIG. 119. Air Pump. MECHANICS OF GASES 157 tires. Figure 120 shows the construction of such a pump. When the piston P is forced down, the air in the cylindei of the pump is driven into an air-tight rubber bag within the tire T. The small valve 8 opens to ad- mit the air into the tire, but closes to prevent its return. On lifting the piston a partial vacuum is produced in the cylinder, and the air from outside FIG. 120. - Inllatlng a Tire r by Means of a Condensing Pump P. finds its way into the cyl- inder past the soft cup-shaped piece of leather attached to the piston. During the downward stroke of the piston, however, this leather is pressed firmly against the sides of the cylinder and thus prevents the" escape of the air. Repeated strokes of the piston add to the mass of air already in the tire, and the process of pumping may be con- tinued until the tire is sufficiently inflated. 155. The Common Lift Pump. The simplest pump for raising water from wells is the common lift pump. This consists of a barrel, or cylinder, (7, Fig. 121, connected with a well or other source of water by a pipe B. The entrance of this pipe into the cylinder is covered by a valve , opening upward. In the cylinder is a closely fitting piston P which FIG. 121. Common Lift , . , Pump. can be raised or lowered by means 158 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS of a rod which is usually connected with a lever for con- venience in operating. The piston contains a valve t, also opening upward. The action of the pump is as follows : When the piston is raised, the pressure of the air in the tube and lower part of the cylinder is diminished. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of the water in the well then forces water into the pipe. As the piston is lowered, valve s closes, and t allows the air in the cylinder to escape, but closes again when the piston begins to ascend. The second stroke again reduces the pressure below the piston, and water is forced still higher in the pipe. At last the water reaches the piston, passes through during the downward stroke, and is lifted toward the spout of the pump when the piston moves upward. It will be seen that the action of the common lift pump is dependent on the pressure of the atmosphere to elevate the water to a point just high enough to come within reach of the piston ; the piston must not be farther above the water in the well than the height of the water column that the air can support. When water is to be lifted from a well more than 33 or 34 feet in depth, the cylinder is placed low enough to enable the piston to move within that distance of the surface of the water. 156. The Force Pump. The force pump is used to deliver water under consid- erable pressure either for spraying purposes or in or- FIG. 122. A Force Pump. der to elevate it to a reser- MECHANICS OF GASES 159 voir placed some distance above the level of the pump. It is made in many different forms. Usually the force pump has no opening or valve in the piston. The water escapes from the cylinder through a side opening A^ Fig. 122, past the valve , thence upward to the spout or reservoir. In other respects the description of the action of the lift pump applies equally well to the force pump. In order to obtain a steady stream of water, a force pump is often provided with an air chamber D. The entrance of the water through t serves to compress the air in the chamber, which by its expansive force maintains the current in pipe E while the piston is moving upward. 157. The Siphon. The siphon is a bent tube with un- equal arms. It is used for removing liquids from tanks or reservoirs that have no outlet, or for P . a6 drawing off the liquid from a vessel without disturbing a sediment lying upon the bottom. Let a glass tube bent in the form shown in Fig. 123 be filled with water, and the ends closed while the tube is inverted and placed in the position shown. On opening the ends water will flow through the tube from the vessel in which the liquid has the higher level. The action of the siphon is explained as follows : the upward pressure at a due to the atmosphere is only partly counterbalanced by the pressure of the FlG ' 123 -~ The Si P hon - liquid column ah. If the atmospheric pressure is p, the resultant force acting toward the right is p db. Again, the upward pressure of the atmosphere at d is opposed by the pressure due to the liquid column cd. Hence the resultant pressure acting toward the left is p cd. 160 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Since the pressure due to the liquid in the long arm exceeds that of the liquid in the short arm, the excess of force in the tube tends to move the water toward the lower vessel. The resultant of all the forces is equal to the difference of pressure due to the liquids in the two arms, i.e. to a column of liquid equal to cd ab. The liquid will therefore continue to flow until this dif- ference is ; or, in other words, until the liquid reaches the same level on the two sides. A second condition necessary to the action of a siphon is that for water the height of the lend f must not be greater than 33 or 34 feet above a, since its elevation to the point / is due to the atmospheric pressure. 158. Work done by Compressed Gases. Since a gas exerts a force against the sides of the vessel containing it, it is obvious that work will be done by the gas if the side of the vessel is made movable and the gas allowed to ex- pand ( 55). Imagine air to be compressed in the cylinder O shown in Fig. 124, in which P represents FIG. 124. An Expanding a movable piston. If the external resistance offered to the piston is not as great as the force exerted by the air inside, work will be done by the expanding gas, and the piston will move. If the pressure remains constant during the process, the, work done will be measured by the product of the force exerted by the air against the piston and the displacement produced. EXAMPLE. A tube leads from a cylinder to a reservoir where air is stored under a pressure of 5000 g. per cm. 2 ; the area of the piston is 50 cm. 2 . Find the work done by the gas when the piston moves 20 cm. SOLUTION. The total force exerted by the gas against the piston is 50 x 5000, or 250,000 g. Hence the work done is 250,000 x 20, or 5,000,000 gram-centimeters. MECHANICS OF GASES 161 Since energy can be transferred from place to place in a compressed gas, air under great pressure is often con- ducted through pipes over long distances from a condens- ing apparatus ( 154) to a point where the energy is to be utilized. In this way a locomotive engineer is able to con- trol a train by means of compressed air conducted from the engine, where it is compressed, to suitable apparatus in connection with the brakes under each car ( 159). In mining operations and stone quarrying, pneumatic ma- chines utilize compressed air for drilling the holes in rocks where explosives used in blasting are to be placed. Many other applications of the power of compressed gases have found a place in modern engineering. 159. The Air Brake. Compressed air is widely used by the railroads of many countries in the operation of the Westing-house air brake, Fig. 125, which works as follows : The locomotive is provided with a condensing pump which keeps the air in a large reservoir at a pres- sure of about 80 pounds per square inch. From this reservoir the com- pressed air is conducted through the train pipe P to an auxiliary reservoir To the R placed under each car. Brake As long as the pressure is maintained in P, air is FlG 125 _ The Westinghouse Air Brake . allowed to enter R and at the same time is prevented from entering the cylinder C by a compli- cated automatic valve F, and the brakes are held "off" by the spring S. If, however, the engineer by moving a lever in the cab, allows the pressure in the pipe P to fall, the passage between R and P is at once closed by the v^lve F, and the compressed air in R is admitted into C. The pressure of the air forces the piston to the left and sets the brakes against the wheels. By admitting air from the reser- voir on the engine into the pipe P, the valve V again establishes a 12 162 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS communication between P and R and allows the air in C to escape. The spring S forces the piston back and releases the brakes. The great advantage of this brake is that in case of any accidental breaking of the train pipe P, the brakes are automatically set. They are often arranged to be operated from any coach in case of emergency. 160. Subaqueous Opera- tions. Important use is made of compressed air in various en- gineering operations performed under water, as laying the foun- dations of bridges, excavating for tunnels, recovering the cargoes from sunken vessels, etc. Figure 126 shows the most important apparatus for subaqueous work, the diving bell, and the sub- marine diver. A condensing pump on board the vessel forces air through a tube into the bell, thus supplying the workman with oxygen and preventing the rise of water in the working chamber. Air is supplied to the workman in diving armor in the same manner. The foul air escapes from the diving suit through a valve above the chest. In many cases the air is supplied from a reservoir carried on the back of the diver. Deep excavations are fre- quently made and foundations built up from bed rock by the aid of the pneumatic caisson (pronounced kas'son). See Fig. 127. The working chamber C BedKock is gradually lowered through soft FlG 127 _ Excavating below the Water soil by removing the earth from Level by the Aid of Compressed Air. FIG. 12G. Apparatus Used for Work under Water. MECHANICS OF GASES 163 within after loading the roof of the chamber with heavy masonry above. When the caisson sinks below water level, air under suitable pressure is forced into C to prevent the influx of water. The ex- cavated earth is removed, and the foundation material introduced through the air lock A. The bucket is lowered into A, after which the opening around the wire cable is closed air-tight. Air is then allowed to flow into A until the pressure there is equal to that in (7. The semicircular doors separating A and C are now thrown open, and the bucket lowered into the caisson. As the caisson is forced more and more below water level, the pressure of the air is correspondingly increased in order to prevent the water and rnud from crowding in. EXERCISES 1. If the pressure against the 8-inch piston of an air brake is 75 Ib. per square inch, how much force drives the piston forward? 2. When a train is broken in two, the cars are brought quickly to rest. Explain. 3. What are the advantages gained by the use of air brakes? 4. A diver sinks 68 ft. below the surface of water. Under how many atmospheres is he working? Explain why his body is not crushed by this force. 5. A caisson is sunk until the bottom is 51 ft. below water level. Under what pressure must the laborers work? 6. Explain how a bucket of earth is removed from a caisson through the air lock. 4 SUMMARY 1. The laws of pressure relative to liquids are equally applicable to gases, except that the pressure is not propor- tional to the depth ( 135 and 136). 2. The density of the air under standard conditions of pressure and temperature (i.e. 76 cm. and C.) is 1.293 g. per liter or about 1.25 oz. per cubic foot ( 137). 3. The pressure of the atmosphere is measured by the barometer. At sea level the average height of the mer- curial column supported by the air is 76 cm. or very nearly 30 in. Expressed in units of force, the average sea-level pressure is 1033.6 g. per square centimeter or 14.7 Ib. per 164 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS square inch. The atmospheric pressure decreases with the altitude, but not proportionally ( 139 to 146). 4. Gases adapt themselves to the form and capacity of the vessels containing them. The expansive force of a gas confined in a receptacle tends to prevent the collapse of the vessel under atmospheric pressure ( 147). 5. The product of the pressure and volume of a given mass of a gas at a constant temperature is constant. This is known as Boyle's Law, or Mariotte's Law ( 149). 6. The density of a gas at a constant temperature is directly proportional to the pressure to which it is subjected (150). 7. A body in air is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the air that it displaces ( 152). 8. The air pump is used in the rarefaction of gases. The condensing pump is used in compressing air and other gases ( 153 and 154). 9. The action of " suction " pumps is dependent upon the pressure of the atmosphere on the water in the well or cistern ( 155 and 156). 10. The siphon is a bent tube .having unequal arms used for conveying a liquid over the side of a reservoir to a lower level than that in the reservoir. Its action is dependent on atmospheric pressure ( 157). 11. Compressed air possesses energy. This energy is used in many important mechanical devices, as the air brake, rock drills, etc. ( 158). CHAPTER IX SOUND : ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 1. ORIGIN AND TRANSMISSION OF SOUND 161. Cause of Sound. Whenever the sensation of sound is traced to its external cause, we find that its source is always something which is in a state of vibration. Sometimes the vibra- tion of the body emitting the sound is sufficiently great to be visible, i.e. to give a certain blurred indistinct- ness to the outline of the body. This is easily perceived when a stretched wire is plucked or a tuning fork is sounded. FIG. 128. Demonstrating the Motion in a Sound- ing Tuning Fork. Let a small pith ball suspended on a thread be allowed to touch a tuning fork that is emitting a sound. (See Fig. 128.) It will be thrown violently away. Touch one of the prongs lightly to the water in a tumbler. A ripple is produced, or perhaps a spray is thrown from the prong. Again, attach a fine wire or bristle to the prong of a tuning fork with a small quantity of sealing wax. Sound the fork, and FIG. 129. The Motion in the Prong of a Fork is Vibratory. draw the bristle across a piece of smoked glass. A wavy line, Fig. 129, results, showing the existence of a back-and-forth motion in the fork. 162. The Nature of a Vibration. The vibration of a pendulum has been studied in 80. * While sounding 165 166 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS bodies vibrate in a manner similar to that of the pendu- lum, they vibrate from a different cause. When a pendu- lum is drawn aside and then set free, a component of the force of gravity moves the pendulum bob back toward its original position at the center of its arc. When, how- ever, we pluck the string of a guitar, for example, or set the prongs of a tuning fork in vibration, the motion is due to the elasticity of the material of which the body is com- posed. The string, on being drawn aside, is stretched slightly. Now, on being released, its tendency to resume its original length causes it to straighten. When we set a tuning fork in vibration, the prongs are bent. Since they are made of elastic steel, they immediately tend to resume their original shape. Hence the prongs move back to their initial positions. Again, the string of the guitar, like the pendulum, is in the state of motion when it reaches its original position. Hence it must continue to move until some resistance checks it. Therefore it swings beyond this position to a point where its velocity is zero, whence it returns in the same manner as before. The phe- nomenon is repeated by the string until, like the pendulum again, its energy is expended in overcoming the resistance of the air and the friction of its own molecules. Clamp a thin strip of wood, as a yard- stick, by one end, Fig. 130, and set it in vibration. As it is being drawn aside, its tendency to move back toward its original FIG. 130. -Thin Strip of P osition is vei T apparent. Let the stick Wood in Vibration. move very slowly back to the original posi- tion, and it will stop there ; but if it is set entirely free, it will continue to move until it is some distance beyond the center. Why ? Attach a weight of 100 or 200 grains near the SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 167 free end of the stick, and it will be found to vibrate much more slowly than before. The force due to the elasticity of the wood cannot bring the increased mass so quickly to the center nor stop it so quickly when the center is, passed on account of the increased inertia. Make a comparison between the vibrating yardstick and the sounding tuning fork. The yardstick does not vibrate with sufficient rapidity to pro- duce sound. 163. Transmission of Sounds to the Ear. Sounds reach the ear through the air as the transmitting medium. Many other substances may, however, be the means of propagation, as the following experiments will show : 1. Let the ear be held against one end of a long bar of wood, and let the shank of a small vibrating tuning fork be brought against the other end. A loud sound will be heard. The scratch of a pin at one end can easily be heard at the other. 2. Place the shank of a tuning fork in a hole bored in a large cork. Set a tumbler full of water upon a resonance box, -and bring the cork in contact with the surface of the water. If the fork is in vibration, the water will transmit the motion to the box, as shown by the in- creased intensity of the tone. Again, as most boys have found experi- mentally, if the ear be held beneath the surface when two stones are struck together under water, a loud sound results even at some dis- tance from the stones. 164. Medium Necessary for Propagation of Sound. That a sounding body cannot be heard without the presence of some transmitting medium may be shown by the aid of the air pump. Let an electric bell be placed upon a thick pad of felt or cotton, suspended by flexible wire springs under the receiver of an air pump, as shown in Fig. 131. Make the connection with a battery, so that the bell can be rung from the outside. Set the bell ringing, and begin to exhaust the air from the re- ceiver. The sounds coming from the bell become FlGt 131 -~~ Bel1 , IT T ,.i Ti Ringing in a less and less distinct until the greatest possible ex- Partial Vac- haustion has been produced. If now the air is slowly uuin. 168 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS admitted into the receiver, the loudness of the sound increases until its full intensity is reached. Although the sound of the bell used in this experiment will never become entirely inaudible, mainly on account of the transmission of sound by the vibration of the sup- porting wires, we are given reason to believe that with com- plete exhaustion and the removal of all other transmitting media, no sound would be heard. 165. Velocity of Sound Transmission. Every one is familiar with the fact that it requires time for sound to travel over a given distance. If we watch a locomotive from a distant point as the engineer blows the whistle, we first observe the jet of steam as it issues from the whistle, and a few seconds later we hear the sound. The interval of time that often elapses between a lightning flash and the peal of thunder is further evidence that the velocity of sound is not exceedingly great. Many investigators during the nineteenth century gave their attention to the accurate determination of the ve- locity of sound. For the most part their experiments consisted in measuring the interval of time between the flash of a gun and its report -heard at some distant sta- tion of observation. The result obtained by Regnault, a French physicist, gives sound a velocity, in air, of 1085 feet per second at the temperature of freezing water. This ve- locity is equivalent to 331 meters per second. At higher temperatures the velocity is somewhat greater, the in- crease being 2 feet, or 0.6 meter, per second for each de- gree centigrade. 166. Velocity of Sound in Various Mediums. The velocity of sound in solids has been the subject of many investigations. The accepted value found for iron is about 5100 meters per second at 20 C, The velocity of sound in wood depends greatly upon the kind of wood. SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 169 The average value, however, is approximately 4000 meters per second. The most exact measurement of the velocity of sound in water was mads in 1827 by Colladon and Sturm in Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Two observers stationed them- selves in boats at opposite sides of the lake. At one of the stations a bell was sounded beneath the water and a gun fired on deck at precisely the same instant. The sound was received by means of a large ear trumpet held under water at the other station. The time intervening between the stroke of the bell and the report transmitted by the water could thus be ascertained and the velocity computed. The results of many observations gave an average of 1400 meters per second as the velocity of sound through water. EXERCISES 1. The flash of a gun is seen 3.5 seconds before the report is heard. If the temperature is 20 C.,-what is the distance between the observer and the gun ? 2. A locomotive whistle was sounded 3 mi. from an observer. If the temperature of the air was 10 D C., how long was the sound in traversing the distance ? 3. The distance between two stations is 12 mi. If the interval of time between the flash and the report of a gun was found by experi- ment to be 56 seconds, what was the speed of the sound ? 4. A bullet was fired at a target 500 in. away, and in 3 seconds was heard by the gunner to strike. The temperature of the air being 20 C., what was the velocity of the bullet? 5. When one end of an iron pipe is struck a blow with a hammer, an observer at the other end hears two sounds, one transmitted by the iron, the other by the air. If the pipe is 1500 in. long, and the tem- perature 25 C., what is the interval of time between the two sounds ? 2. NATURE OF SOUND 167. Sound a Wave Motion. We have seen in 164 that a medium is essential for the transmission of sound 170 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS but thus far no explanation has been given of the manner in which this transmission takes place. Sounds continue to come from an electric bell even though we cover it tightly with a glass jar, but it is very plain that nothing, i.e. no material thing, can pass through the glass. The whole process will become clear, however, if we consider that a sound is transmitted through the air and glass in the form of waves. Hence, the further study of Sound will be a study of waves and wave motion. 168. Two Kinds of Waves. We are all familiar with the waves that move over a surface of water. We have only to observe a small boat as it rises upon the crests and sinks down into the troughs to realize that it is not carried along by the wave. Again, a wave is often seen to pass over a field of grain. While the wave moves rapidly across the field, each spear of grain simply bends with the pressure of the wind and then rises again. The following experiment may be used to show this manner of wave propagation : Let one end of a soft cotton clothesline about 25 feet long be attached to a hook in the wall, while the other end is held in the hand. Give the end of the rope a quick up-and-down motion, and a wave will be seen to run along the rope from one end to the other. In the experiment just described it is clear that the for- ward motion of the waves produced in the rope is at right angles to the direction of the motion of the particles compos- ing the rope, as shown in Fig. 132, On this ac- count such waves are called transverse waves. FIG. 132. Transverse Waves in a Rope. A second kind of wave motion takes place in bodies that are elastic and com- pressible, as in gases, wire springs, etc. We are able to make a study of waves of this kind by letting a coil of SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 171 wire, Fig. 133, represent the medium through which such waves are transmitted : Let us imagine a blow is given the spring at A that quickly compresses a few turns of the spiral near the end. On account of the elasticity and inertia of these parts of A .| the spring, they will move F , 6 ,. . / FIG. 133. Waves Transmitted by a forward slightly and com- Spring. The Individual Turns press those just ahead. Move back and forth while the * . J Waves Progress along the Spring. These in turn will compress the coils still farther along, and thus a pulse, or wave, is carried along the spring from A to R. Again let the end of the spring at A be given a very sudden pull. The turns near the end will be drawn apart for an instant, but the adjacent turns will be drawn toward A, one after another, until the end B receives the impulse. A blow against A is transmitted by the spring to the point B, and a sudden pull at A is likewise transmitted as a pull against the fastening at B. Waves of this kind, in which the motion of the parts of the medium are parallel to the direction of propagation, are called longitudinal waves. 169. Transmission of a Sound Wave. The manner in which a sound is transmitted by the air becomes clear when we compare the process with that which occurs when a wave is transmitted by a spiral spring. Imagine a light spring, (1), Fig. 134, to be attached at one end to one of the prongs of a vibrating tuning fork F and at the opposite end to a diaphragm G-; Each vibration of the fork will alternately compress and separate the spirals of the spring near the end. These pulses will be transmitted by the spring in the manner described in 168, and will cause the diaphragm at Gr to execute as many vibrations per second as the tuning fork, and the 172 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS diaphragm will give out a sound corresponding to that emitted by the fork. Let the air take the place of the spring and the ear E replace the diaphragm. When the prong of the vibrating fork, (2), Fig. 134, moves to the right, a compression (>) of the air is produced in front of it. This compression, or condensation, moves to the right with the velocity of sound, or at about the rate of about 1120 feet per second. When the prong of the vibrating fork moves to the left, the air just at the right is rarefied, and the adjacent por- tions of the air move in to fill this rarefaction (>), which F ' G\ -mmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (2) (3) FIG. 134. Illustrating the Corresponding Parts of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves. travels to the right immediately following the condensa- tion. Condensation and rarefaction thus follow one another as long as the fork continues to vibrate, and the drum of the ear at E receives as many pulses per second as the tuning fork emits. It is therefore caused to vibrate as many times per second as the fork. Between c and r is w, which marks the region where there is neither conden- sation nor rarefaction. The curve in (3), Fig. 134, is drawn to show the parts of a transverse wave which is sometimes used to represent diagrammatically waves of other kinds. The crest AB corresponds to the condensation, or compression, of the longitudinal waves shown in (1) and (2). The trough SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 173, BC corresponds to the rarefaction. The distance db rep- resents the distance that each particle in the wave moves from its original position and is called the amplitude of the wave. A wave includes a complete crest and trough, or a condensation and a rarefaction. The distance between the corresponding points on any two adjacent waves, as AC, BD, etc., is the wave length. 170. Velocity, Wave Length, and Vibration Frequency. Imagine a tuning fork whose rate of vibration, or vibration frequency, is 256 per second. When the fork is set in vi- bration, it sends out 256 complete longitudinal waves dur- ing each second. At the completion of the 256th vibra- tion, the first wave has progressed a distance numerically equal to the velocity of sound, or about 1120 feet. This space, therefore, contains 256 waves, and the length of each wave can be found by dividing 1120 feet by 256. Hence the length of each wave is about 4.4 feet. Letting n be the frequency, v the velocity of sound, and I the wave length, we have V 1 = -, or nl = v. (i\ n 3. INTENSITY OF SOUND 171. Sound Waves Spread in all Directions. If a bell be struck, the sound is heard as readily in one direction as another if no ob- struction intervenes and other conditions are equally favorable. Obviously a wave emitted by the bell FIG. 135. SoundWaves Spread in all Directions spreads out in all directions from it. Figure 135 illustrates this fact. Each condensation has the form of a hollow spherical shell that 174 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS continually enlarges as the wave advances. This is followed by a rarefaction of a similar form. It is plain that the energy imparted by the bell to a single wave is carried from the source by particles of air composing a hollow spherical shell. At a given distance from the bell this shell will have a certain area which at twice the dis- tance will be four times as great, since the area of a sphere is directly as the square of its radius. Thus at twice the distance from the bell the energy will 'be -im- parted to four times as many particles, hence the energy of each will be one fourth as great. At three times the original distance, the energy will be imparted to nine times as many particles, and the energy of each will be one ninth as much. Hence, the intensity of sound is in- versely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. 172. Intensity and Amplitude. The energy imparted to each wave by a sounding body will depend upon the intensity of the vibration of that body, i.e. upon the am- plitude of vibration. An increase in the amplitude of vibration of the sounding body produces a corresponding increase in the amplitude of each wave emitted. Thus each wave is caused to carry away from the sounding body an increased quantity of energy. When the waves fall upon the tympanum of the ear, a corresponding in- crease in its amplitude of vibration is produced. Let one of the prongs of a tuning fork be struck lightly against a soft pad or cork. A tone is emitted that is scarcely audible. Now let the fork be struck more forcibly. On account of the greater am- plitude of vibration the intensity of the tone will be much greater than before. Like the pendulum ( 79 and 80), a sounding body completes its vibrations in equal times, the period of vi- bration being practically independent of the amplitude SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 175. (i.e. isochronous). Therefore when the fork is struck forcibly against the pad, it still performs the same number of vibrations per second as before. 173. Intensity and Density of the Medium. The ex- periment with the bell and air pump ( 164) shows that the intensity of a sound depends upon the density of the medium in which the sound is produced. As the air in the receiver becomes rarer, the intensity of the sound grows less. Support two similar bell jars with the mouths opening downward. Keep one filled with illuminating gas and the other with air. Set an electric bell ringing, and place it first in the jar containing gas, then in the one filled with air. It will be readily observed that the sounds emitted in the rarer medium, the illuminating gas, are less intense than those produced in the jar filled with air. At the top of a high mountain a gun makes only a small report when fired. At high elevations explorers and aeronauts converse with difficulty. The denser the gas, the greater the energy imparted to each wave by the vibrating body. For this reason a sounding body will cease to vibrate sooner in the denser of two media. 174. Intensity and Area. When the area of a sound- ing body is small, as that of a small tuning fork, for example, the condensations and rarefactions produced are not well marked. It is obvious that of two vibrating tuning forks of the same frequency, the smaller will have the effect of cutting through the air without producing more than a slight compression, while the one of larger area will compress a greater volume of air, and thus give out more of its energy to each wave emitted. Set a tuning fork in vibration, and hold the shank against the panel of the door or table. A loud sound will be heard coming from the large area that is set in vibration by the fork. In the construction of many musical instruments use is made of this relation between the intensity of sound and 176 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the area of the sounding body. Thus a piano utilizes two or three wires to produce a given tone when the area of a single wire is not sufficiently great. Again, a sounding board of large area is often placed beneath the strings of instruments to form a large surface of vibration when the strings are excited. 4. REFLECTION OF SOUND 175. Reflection of Sound Waves. It is a fact frequently illustrated in nature that sound waves may be reflected. As long as waves proceeding from a source of sound pass through a homogeneous medium, no reflection takes place ; but when the density of the medium is disturbed, the waves suffer partial or total reflection. Let a watch be placed a few inches in front of a concave re- flector, as shown in Fig. 136. By moving the ear from point to point a place may be found, sometimes several feet from the reflector, where the sound of the watch may FIG. 136. - Sound Reflected by a Con- be distinctly hea rd. cave Surface. . . , The experiment may be varied by setting a similar reflector at a distance of several feet from the first and facing it, as shown in Fig. 137. If the watch is placed slightly nearer the reflector than in the preceding experiment, a point may be found a few inches in front of the second at which the sound is focused. This point, or focus, may be found by using an ear trumpet mipde by attaching a piece of rubber tubing to a glass funnel. When the open funnel is placed at Fl - 137. Sound Undergoes Two Re- the focus of sound, a distinct tick- flections from Concave Surfaces " ing* of the watch will be heard by holding the end of the rubber tubing in the ear. SOUND: ITS NATURE AND PROPAGATION 177 176. Echoes. The familiar phenomenon of echoes is due to the reflection of sound. When one speaks in a room of moderate size, the waves reflected from the walls reach the ear so quickly that they combine with the direct waves and produce an increase of the intensity of the sound. But when the walls are one hundred feet or more from the speaker, he hears a distinct echo of each syllable he utters. Sometimes a reflecting surface is so distant that several seconds may intervene before an echo returns. Between two reflecting surfaces the echoes sent back and forth are often remarkable. It is related that at a point in Oxford County, England, an echo repeats a sound from fifteen to twenty times. Extraordinary echoes are also found to occur between the walls of deep canons. In so-called " whispering galleries " we have illustrated the formation of a sound focus due to curved surfaces. In the crypt of the Pantheon in Paris there is a place where the slight clapping of hands at one point gives rise to sounds of great intensity at another. In the Mormon Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah, a whisper near one end can be distinctly heard at the other, so perfect is the reflection from the ellipsoidal surfaces of the walls. EXERCISES 1. A hunter fires a gun and hears the echo in 5 seconds. How far away is the reflecting surface, the temperature being 20 C.? 2. How far is a person from the wall of a building, if, on speaking a syllable, he hears the echo in 4 seconds, the temperature being 15 C.? 3. A gun is fired, and the echo is returned to the gunner from a cliff 250 ft. away in 4.5 seconds. Calculate the velocity pf ^ound. SUMMARY y 1. Sounds are produced by bodies in a state of rapid vibration ( 161). 13 178 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 2. Sounding bodies vibrate as a consequence 'of the elas- ticity and inertia of the material composing them ( 162). 3. Sounds are transmitted from their sources by solids, liquids, and gases. The air is the propagating medium in most cases ( 163 and 164). 4. The velocity of sound waves in air at the freezing temperature is 1085 ft. (331 in.) per second. The velocity is increased 2 ft. (0.6 m.) per second for each degree centigrade. In wood and iron the velocity of sound is respectively 3 and 4 (approximately) times the velocity in air ( 165 and 166). 5. Sound is a wave motion. Wave motion may be either transverse or longitudinal ( 167 and 168). 6. The energy of a sounding body is transmitted by longitudinal waves. The parts of such waves are called condensations and rarefactions. The corresponding parts of transverse waves are crests and troughs ( 169). 7. The relation between velocity, wave length, and number of vibrations per second is given by the equation v = ln (170). 8. The intensity of a sound depends on the amplitude and area of the sounding body, the density of the medium where the sound is produced, and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from its source ( 171 to 174). 9. Echoes are sounds reflected from walls, woods, hills, cliffs, etc. ( 175 and 176). CHAPTER X SOUND : WAVE FREQUENCY AND WAVE FORM 1. PITCH OF TONES 177. Musical Sounds and Noises. In order that a sound may be pleasing to the ear, it is essential that the vibrations be made in precisely equal intervals of time ; in other words, the vibrations must be isochronous. Any device that produces isochronous pulses emits a musical sound. If the pulses are not isochronous, the result is a noise. Rotate on a whirling table a metal or cardboard disk provided with two or more circular rows of holes, Fig. 138. Let the holes in one row be equidistant, while those in the other rows are placed at irregular intervals. Blow a stream of air through a rubber tube against the row of equidistant holes, and a pleasant musical sound will result. Now direct the stream against another row of holes, and it will be observed that the sound produced is of an unpleasant character. 178. Pitch. Probably the most striking difference in musical sounds is in respect to that which we call . FIG. 138. Musical Sounds pitch, a term applied to the degree of Produced by isochro- highness or lowness of a sound. We nous Pulses in the Air - are accustomed to sounds varying in pitch from the low, rumbling thunder to the shrill, piercing creak of small animals and insects. How this wide difference in sounds is brought about may be shown by the following experiment: 179 180 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Rotate a metal or cardboard disk in which there are several circu- lar rows of holes perforated at regular intervals, but having a different number in each row. See Fig. 139. Keeping the speed of rotation constant, blow a stream of air forcibly against one row and then another. A dis- tinct difference in pitch will be observed. Again, keeping the stream of air directed against one of the rows, change the speed of rotation from very FIG 139 The s ^ ow to verv * as *' ^ e pitch will rise from a low Siren Disk. tone to one that is very shrill. These facts teach that the pitch of a tone depends upon the number of wave pulses per second sent from a sounding body to the ear. The stream of air blown against the disk is alternately transmitted and interrupted by the motion of the holes. The succession of pulses thus produced constitutes the musical tone that is heard. The vibration frequency of the tone emitted may be found by multiply- ing the number of revolutions of the disk per second by the number of holes in the circle. An instrument of the kind used in the experiment is called a siren. 179. Musical Scales Produced by a Siren. The most common series of tones of different pitches is the musical scale. It is possible with the help of a siren designed in a manner similar to the one shown in Fig. 139 to deter- mine the relation of the several tones that comprise the ordinary musical scale. The construction and use of the siren is as follows : On a circular disk of cardboard or metal, about 10 inches in diame- ter, draw eight concentric circles about inch apart. Upon the circles thus drawn, beginning with the smallest, drill the following numbers of equidistant holes : 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, and 48. Mount the disk upon a whirling table and rotate with a uniform speed. Be- ginning with the smallest circle, blow a stream of air against each row of holes in succession. The tones produced will be recognized at once as those belonging to the major scale. Increase the speed of rotation, and again direct the current of air against the several rows SOUND: WAVE FREQUENCY AND WAVE FORM 181 in succession. Although the pitches are higher than before, yet the scale is produced as perfectly as at first. The experiment teaches that the major scale is a series of tones whose vibration frequencies have the same rela- tion as the numbers 24, 27, 80, 32, 36, 40, 45, and 48. To these tones we give the names do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. These tones form the foundation upon which has been built up our musical system. 180. The Major Diatonic Scale. Any series of tones whose vibration frequencies bear the relations given in the preceding section constitute a major diatonic scale. The first tone of such a series is the key tone. The various scales in use are named according to their key tones ; for example, the scale of C, the scale of Gr, e. Dominant Triad 4 : 5 : 6 : : 384 : 480 : 576, G, B, and D'. 183. Sharps and Flats. The introduction of the black keys on the organ or piano keyboard is (1) for the pur- pose of accommodating the instrument to the range of the voice in the case of songs and (2) to give variety to selec- tions designed for instrumental performance. That it. is necessary to insert additional tones becomes apparent at once when we consider the tones that are required to form a major scale beginning upon B v just below middle (?, hav- ing 240 vibrations per second. The keys that are used in the scale of O are all white keys, Fig. 141, and have the frequencies indicated. ^. In the major scale of Eg B the . vibration fre- quencies must be suc- cessively 240, 270, 300, 320, 360, 400, 450, and 480. It will be observed that the only s s s white keys that satisfy FIG. 141. Illustrating the Scale of C on Staff this Scale are fl= 320 and Keyboard. and B = 480 vibrations per second. Since the number 270 lies about midway between the frequencies of and .Z), the black key (7* (read "(7 sharp'") is introduced. Others must be placed between D and E, F and 6r, G- and J., and A and B. These are called respectively D*, JF*, 6r*, and A*. 184 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS These four tones are also called JS^ 6r^, A , and B , and are read E flat," " G flat," etc. 184. Tempered Scales. In the preceding section is shown the necessity for introducing additional tones in order that a piano, for example, may be used to produce the major scale of B. These new vibration numbers, how- ever, will not satisfy scales which begin on other key tones, for every change to another key tone increases the demand for small changes in the vibration numbers of the tones. The difficulty is surmounted by sacrificing the perfect, simple ratios found in 180 to 183 and substi- tuting others that are sufficiently near to satisfy a musical ear. See the table given below. This method of tuning an instrument is called tempering, and the scales derived by the process are called tempered scales. The desired result, which is to permit the execution of musical compo- sitions written in any key, is secured by making the inter- val between any two adjacent tones the same throughout the length of the keyboard. By this process the octave is di- vided into twelve precisely equal intervals called half steps. The imperfection introduced by equal tempera- ment tuning is illustrated by the following table : CDEFGABC Perfect scale of C 256.0 288.0 320.0 341.3 384.0 426.6 480.0 512.0 Tempered scale 256.0 287.3 322.5 341.7 383.6 430.5 483.3 512.0 EXERCISES 1. Taking G as the key tone of a major scale, compute the vibra- tion frequency of each of the tones contained in an octave. 2. The vibration frequency of a tone is 264. Calculate the fre- quencies of its third, fourth, and octave. 3. Calculate the vibration frequency of the tone one octave below middle C. 4. What is the wave length of a tone whose vibration frequency is 256 when the temperature is 15 C. ? (See 165 and 170.) SOUND: WAVE FREQUENCY AND WAVE FORM 185 5. If middle C were given the frequency 260, what would be the frequencies of D, A , and B ? 6. A tone two octaves above middle C has how many vibrations per second ? 7. If the keyboard of a piano extends three and a half octaves in each direction from middle C, calculate the vibration number of the lowest and the highest C on the instrument. 8. Ascertain the interval between the pitches of two tuning forks making 256 and 192 vibrations per second. 9. The tones of three bells form a major chord. One makes 200 vibrations per second, and its pitch lies between the pitches of the others. Calculate the frequency of the bells. 10. A tone is produced by a siren revolving 300 times per minute. What is the name of the tone produced, if the number of holes in the row is 24 ? 2. RESONANCE 185. Sympathetic Vibrations. Vibrations that are pro- duced in one body by another near by which has the same vibration period are called sympathetic vibrations. The following experiments will serve to illustrate the case : 1. Tune two wires of a sonometer, Fig. 150, so that they emit tones of the same pitch when plucked. Place a A-shaped paper rider astride one of the wires and then pluck the other. The rider will be thrown off, and if the wire that was plucked be stopped, a tone will be heard coming from the other. Throw the wires slightly out of unison and repeat the experiment. Only very slight vibrations will be imparted to the second wire. 2. Let two mounted tuning forks having the same pitch be placed near together, as shown in Fig. 142. Set one of the forks in vi- bration by bowing it, or by strik- ing it with a rubber stopper attached to a wooden or glass handle. On checking its vibra- tions a sound will be heard com- FlG . 142. Sympathetic Vibrations ing from the second fork. between Forks in Unison. Students will find it interesting to experiment in a simi- lar manner with a piano. For example, let the key C be depressed so carefully that no tone is produced. The 186 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS damper is thus lifted from the wires of a certain vibration frequency. Now if the tone O be sounded by a voice, the corresponding tone will be heard coming from the instru- ment. These experiments show the facility with which a body is put in vibration by another having the same frequency. The principle may be stated as follows: Sound waves sent out from one vibrating body impart vi- brations to others, provided the vibration frequencies are the same. 186. Sympathetic Vibrations Explained. The phenom- enon of sympathetic vibrations is readily accounted for when we consider that the body first set in vibration sends out periodic impulses through the air or the wood connect- ing the two bodies. The first impulse received by the second body gives it a very small amplitude of vibration. It returns at precisely the instant to receive the second impulse, and the amplitude of the second vibration is caused to be greater than that of the first. The third impulse, in like manner, adds energy to that already trans- mitted to the body. Thus, after the arrival of several impulses the amplitude of vibration of the sec- ond body is great enough for the production of an audible tone. 187. Resonance. A vibrating able Length. FIG. 143. Recn- forcement of a Sound by an Air Column of Suit- timing fork when held in the hand produces a sound that is scarcely audible. Its tone may be aug- mented, however, by placing it above a properly adjusted ir column that is caused to vi- brate sympathetically with it. SOUND: WAVE FREQUENCY AND WAVE FORM 187 Let a vibrating timing fork be held over a tall cylindrical jar, as shown in Fig. 143. By pouring water into the jar while the fork is in this position, a condition will be reached such that an intense sound may be heard proceeding from the jar. Pouring in more water de- stroys the effect. Let the experiment be repeated with a fork of a different pitch. If the pitch is higher, the air column will need to be shortened by pouring in more water ; if lower, the column must be longer. 188. Resonance Explained. Let a and 5, Fig. 144, rep- resent the two extreme positions of the prong of a vibrat- ing tuning fork. Just as the prong begins a ^ a downward swing from a it starts a conden- '"'"lirrs*' satioii downward in the tube. When the prong begins its upward swing from 5, it starts a condensation in the air above it. Now, in order to have a reenforcement of the tone emitted, the condensation started downward in the tube must be reflected by the water and return in time to unite with FIG 144 _ The the condensation produced above the prong Cause of Reso- as it moves upward. Hence the condensa- tion must travel down the tube and back while the prong of the fork moves from a to 6, i.e. during one half a vibra- tion of the fork. In a similar manner the rarefaction started in the tube as the prong leaves 5 must return from the bottom of the tube in time to unite with the rarefaction produced above the prong. 189. Resonance Tubes and Wave Length. "In the ex- planation of the phenomenon of resonance given in the preceding section, it is clear that the waves in the air of the resonance tube travel twice the length of the air space within the tube while the fork is making one half a vibra- tion. The wave therefore goes four times the length of the air column during a complete vibration of the fork. But a wave progressesj^jlyvave length during a complete 'Bjjjk 188 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS vibration of a sounding body. Hence the length of the vibrating air column is one fourth of the length of the air wave produced by the fork. Experiments performed with tubes of different sizes have shown thlH diameter of the tube influences the length of tube ^^^Hld for the best effect. It has been found that the length of the air column must be increased by two fifths of its diameter in order to equal a quarter of a wave length. Tuning forks are often mounted on properly adjusted boxes whose air spaces act as resonators when the forks are sounded, as shown in Fig. 142. 3. WAVE INTERFERENCE AND BEATS 190. Destruction of One Wave by Another. Let us imagine two trains of sound waves, (1) and (2), Fig. 145. Let the waves in the two trains be of- the same length, i.e. pro- duced by sounding 145. -Two Longitudinal Waves in the b()dies Q f th game Condition Necessary for Interference. pitch. If the con- densations in one train at a given instant are at Fig. 208, and striking against a plane mirror MN. The waves are sent back from the mirror as though they emanated from the point A' behind the mirror. Hence, to an eye placed at E the effect is just the same as though A were the light-emitting point. It is obviously more convenient to locate the image of a point by the help of "rays," as in Fig. 207, rather than by the use of waves, as in Fig. 208. How- ever, it should always be remem- bered that a so-called " ray " of light is simply a symbol used to represent the direction taken by a portion of a wave. Thus that part of a Wave of light which starts from A toward B in Fig. 207 follows FIQ Light from A Seem to Come to the Eye from A '' L the course ABO. 287. Image of an Object in a Plane Mirror. -- By applying the law of reflection it is easy to locate the image produced by a plane mirror. Let AB, Fig. FIG. 209. Manner of Locating 209, be an object and MN the an image illustrated. mirror. Let A be an incident ray from A drawn perpendicular to the mirror. The re- flected ray will take the direction OA. (Why ?) Let AD 282 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS be another incident ray from A, whose direction DE, after being reflected, is found by making angle EDF equal angle ADF. The image of A lies at the intersection A 1 of the reflected rays CA and DE produced backward behind the mirror. It is plain from the equality of the triangles ACD and A! CD that AC equals A'C; i.e. the image of a point is as far behind a plane mirror as the point itself is in front. We may now employ this fact in locating the image of the point B at B 1 . 288. Seeing the Image. Imagine an eye to be placed at E, Fig. 209. Light enters the eye from the mirror MNas though it came from A 1 ', although it actually comes from A. Similarly, the eye receives light by other rays as if its origin were at J?', whereas it is really at B. TfrefeT'is nothing behind the mirror that concerns our vision, and the light is not propagated by the medium except in front of the mirror. The image is called a vir- tual image to distinguish it from the real images formed by small apertures ( 279) and in other cases, to be studied later. FIG. 210. A Result of Double Reflection. FIG. 211. Diagram. Illustrating Double Reflection. 289. Double Reflection. If two plane mirrors are placed at right angles to each other, as shown in Figs. 210 and LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 283 211, it is clear that a large portion of the light emanating from a point A will be reflected twice, once at the surface of each mirror. Thus the ray AB is reflected from B to by the vertical mirror OM, and from toward D by the horizontal mirror ON. Likewise, the ray AE takes the course AEFGr, being reflected at E and F. Now FG and CD, and all other rays that have undergone double re- flection, diverge as though they emanated from the point A", which is at one corner of the rectangle A'AA^A! 11 . It is therefore evident that three images may be seen by placing the eye in such a position as to receive light that has suffered two reflections as well as that which has been reflected but once. EXERCISES 1. A pole is inclined at an angle of 45 to the surface of water in a quiet pond. Construct the image of the pole seen in the water. 2. Look at your image in a mirror, and lift your right hand. Which hand of the image appears to be lifted ? Is the image direct or reversed ? 3. Set a candle or a tumbler on a horizontal mirror, and observe the position of the image. 4. What would be the result of covering the mirror OM in Fig. 211 ? How could the formation of image A '" be prevented without interfering with image A ' or A " ? SUGGESTION. Place an opaque screen so that no light can be re- flected twice. Show how this can be done. s 5. A man approaches a plane mirror with a velocity of 3 m. per second. How rapidly is he approaching his image ? 6. Try to read a printed page by looking at its image in a mirror. Write your name backward on a sheet of paper, and then look at the image of the writing in a mirror. What eifect is produced by the mirror in each case ? 7. Find by construction the shortest vertical mirror in which a man 6 ft. tall can see his entire image when standing erect. SUGGESTION. Diagram the case, and then draw lines from the man's eye to the highest and lowest points of the image. Consider the length of the mirror employed between these two limits. 284 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 8. Two lines AB and BC make an angle of 60 with each other. Show how to place a mirror so that A B may represent an incident ray of which BC is the reflected ray. 2. REFLECTION BY CURVED MIRRORS 290. Spherical Mirrors. A spherical mirror is a polished or silvered portion of the surface of a sphere. If the side of the surface toward the center of the sphere is used to re- flect light, see Fig. 212, the mir- \ ror is concave; if th outer surface is used, the mirror is convex. The center of the sjphere O is the center of curvature, and the radius GO of FIG. 21U. Section of a Spherical Mirror. the sphere is the radius of curvature. The line of symmetry XO is called flie principal axis. Let direct sunlight fall upon a concave , they are called conjugate foci (pronounced /o' si). Case II. When the object is between the center and the principal focus. I The conjugate foci of the points A and B are located by a method similar to that used in the preceding case. (See Fig. 220.) The two AT b FIG. 220. A Real Image of AB is Located at ab. cases should be compared, and the constructions actually made. A real, inverted, and magnified image is found at ab. 20 290 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Case HI. When the object is between the principal focus and the mirror. As we undertake here to carry out the method of construction used in the preceding cases, we find that the reflected rays emanating from FIG. 221. - A Virtual Image of AB is Formed at ab. the point A diverge after leaving the mirror. (See Fig. 221.) This fact shows at once that A can have no real focus. The image will be seen only by looking into the mirror. In such cases the reflected rays DC and GF are to be produced until they meet at some point as a behind the mirror. Similarly the image of B is found at 6. Thus a magnified, erect, and virtual image is found at ab. Case IV. When the object is at the center of curvature or at the principal focus. When light from a point at the center of curvature falls upon a concave mirror, it strikes at an angle of 90 with the reflecting sur- face and is, consequently, reflected back along the same path. Hence all such rays will be focused at the center of curvature. But, when light from a point placed at the principal focus is reflected, it follows lines parallel to the principal axis ; e.g. FGA and FHB, Fig. 219. Since such rays never meet, no image of the point F could be produced. 296. A Real Image Viewed Without a Screen. We have already seen ( 294) that a real image of a bright object can be projected by a concave mirror upon a suitable screen. Now if the eye be placed about 10 inches beyond the image and turned toward the mirror, the screen may be removed, LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 291 and the image will be visible. Imagine an eye at JK, Fig. 222. Light waves emanating from A, a point in the object, advance toward the mirror with convex wave fronts, as those of water waves s which are started by a falling pebble. These are here represented by arcs, having their com- inon center at A. But on account of the curva- ture of the mirror MN, 'the waves are reflected with concave fronts having as their common center the point #, which is called the conjugate focus of A. As the waves are not obstructed by a screen, they leave a with convex fronts and enter the eye at E. FIG. 222. The Eye Can Observe a Real Image without a Screen. EXERCISES 1. An object is placed 6 in. in front of a convex mirror whose radius of curvature is 12 in. Find by construction the position of the image. SUGGESTION. Make a drawing, using for blackboard work the di- mensions and distances given, but divide each by 4 for pencil drawings. 2. An object is placed 44 cm. from a concave mirror whose radius of curvature is 50 cm. Find by construction the location of the image. 3. Place a small object slightly above the center of curvature of a concave mirror whose principal axis is horizontal, and find its image by construction. Does this exercise suggest a method for finding the radius of curvature by experiment ? 4. An object 8 in. in height is placed 30 in. in front of a concave mirror whose radius of curvature is 15 in. Find the distance from the mirror to the image. 5. Make an accurate construction of the case described in Exer. 4, and carefully measure the size of the image. Measure also the dis- tances of the object and the image from the center of curvature. Do 292 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS you find any relation between the distances and the sizes of image and object? If so, express it in a single sentence. Can you prove the same relation by similar triangles? 3. REFRACTION OF LIGHT 297. Refraction of Light. Numerous examples of the refraction or bending of the course taken by light come before our attention daily, although we seldom give the phenomenon much thought. A simple case is the apparent bending of a spoon standing in a tumbler of water, or an oar at the point where it enters the water. Again, if a coin be placed in a tumbler of water and viewed obliquely, two coins become visible, a small one seen through the horizontal surface of the water and a magnified one seen through the side of tlie vessel. If, now, a pencil be placed obliquely in the water contained in the tumbler, a bent section may be seen below the upper surface of the liquid, while a magnified portion is visible through the side of the vessel. In every case the illusion is due to the bending of light rays as they pass from one medium into another. No principles of optics are of more value to us than those relat- ing to the phenomenon of refraction, for upon this effect ,//, are based not only our most important optical instruments, including the microscope, tele- scope, and camera, but also the structure of the eye. 298. Refraction II- FIG. 223. - Refraction of Light as it lustr ated. 1. By means Enters Water. of the mirror M, Fig. 223, about one half an inch in width, let a beam of sunlight be re- flected obliquely upon the surface of water in a tank. By scat- tering crayon dust in the air above the water, the course of the LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 293 beam before and after entering the water becomes visible. Another excellent way to make the path of the light easy to trace is to hold apiece of white cardboard or tin partly under water so that it receives the beam of light both above and below the liquid surface. The result, will show that at the surface of the liquid O the beam of light turns toward the perpendicular, or normal, NN' which is drawn at 0. If the obliquity of the incident light is increased, the bending of the beam is made more pronounced. This experiment shows that when light passes obliquely from air into water, it undergoes a refraction or bending toward the perpendicular to the surface at the point where the beam enters the water. 2. Place a plane mirror in the bottom of the tank used in the pre- ceding experiment so as to reflect a beam of light from water into the air, as shown in Fig. 224. The course of the beam MOP may be traced before and after entering the air by employing the means used in the preceding experi- ment. In fact, the path of the light MOP is precisely the reverse of that which the beam would take if it were passing into water along the line PO. ,., , T . FIG. 224. Refraction of It will readily be observed in Light as it Emerges from this experiment that when light Water. passes obliquely from water into air it undergoes refrac- Uon away from the perpendicular to the surface at the point where the beam emerges from the water. The angle MON, Fig. 223, is called the angle of inci- dence, and angle PON' , the angle of refraction. The per- pendicular ON is usually called the normal at the point 0. 299. Cause of Refraction. It has been found by direct experimentation that light waves travel with less speed in water than in air ; in fact, the speed of light in water is almost exactly three fourths of that in air. When a beam of light AB, (1) Fig. 225, strikes at right angles to the surface of water (71), all parts of a given wave front strike 294 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the medium at the same time. Within the water the waves travel with less speed and are shorter. Likewise, if all parts of the wave front emerge at the same time, they resume their original speed without being refracted. But when the waves fall obliquely upon the surface, the case is quite different. See (2), Fig. 225. The parts of a given wave front abed do not enter the medium at the same instant; but a enters first and con- (2) tinues with reduced FIG. 225. Illustrating the Cause s P eed ' while the other of Refraction. parts bed are still in air. Similarly, b enters the medium before c and d, then c be- fore d, and finally d. Thus the portion a travels the dis- tance act,', while d is traveling the larger distance dd' . The result is that the wave is " faced " in a different di- rection, namely aF, having suffered a bending toward the normal to the surface, NN 1 . From this explanation of re- fraction it is clear that the ratio of the distance dd r to the distance aa' is the same as the ratio of the speeds of liylit in the two media. 300. Index of Refraction. It is obvious from Fig. 223 that the amount which the course of light is changed when it enters a medium where its speed is less than it is in air depends upon the relation that the distance aa' bears to the distance dd':, or, in other words, upon the relation between the speeds of light in the two media. Although it is not easy to measure the speed of light in a medium, it is comparatively a simple matter to measure the amount of refraction and from this to compute the relative speed of light. The number which expresses the ratio of the speed LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 295 of light in air to its speed in another medium is called the index of refraction of that medium. Hence speed in air Index of refraction^ = = dd| (l) ' speed in other medium aa' 301. Index of Refraction Measured. By referring to Fig. 225 in which xx' is the normal at the point d 1 ', we observe that angle dad' = angle dd'x, which is the angle of incidence. (Why?) Angle ad' a' = angle x'd't, the angle of refraction. (Why ?) Now the ratio - is de- ad fined in mathematics as the sine of angle dad', and is writ- ten sin dad 1 . Similarly, the ratio is the sine of angle ad ad'a' , and is written sin ad f a f . Hence sindd'x sin dad r ad' dd' aa f ref ractlon ' ad' Therefore the index of refraction of D a substance is equal to the quotient ob- tained by dividing the sine of the angle of incidence by the sine of the angle of refraction. 302. Index of Refraction by Experi- ment. Let a glass cube A BCD, Fig. 226, be placed against a pin P set upright in a hori- zontal board or table. Place the eye at some point as E, and set two other pins F and G in Jine with P as seen through the glass. Draw FlG . 22 6.- Measuring the line AB and remove the cube. Next draw index of Refraction of lines GFo and oP. The line PoG is the Glass. 1 The term " absolute " index is used to refer to the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in a medium. The index of refraction defined above is often called the " relative " index. 296 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS course taken by the light that enters the eye from the pin P. Draw the normal bd at the point o, and then draw the lines ab and cd per- pendicular to the normal after making oa = oc. Now ab H- ao is the sine of angle aob, and cd * co is the sine of angle cod. Hence, by equation (2), and substituting ao for its equal, co, we have ab . , //... ao ab m index of refraction : = J J cd cd Therefore we can readily find the value of the index of refraction by dividing the length ab by the length cd. RELATIVE SPEED OF LIGHT OR ABSOLUTE INDEXES OF REFRACTION FOR SOME COMMON TRANSPARENT SUBSTANCES Air 1.00029 Flint glass . . . . 1.54 to 1.71 Water 1.333 Carbon disulphide . . . 1.64 Crown glass .... 1.51 Diamond 2.47 303. Total Reflection. Since the rays of light which pass from water or glass into air are bent away from the normal, as POA and PO'B, Fig. 227, it is readily observed that Air OsC/jo^tf"^ s wnen t ne angle of incidence below water /// \^^\ the surface is great enough, the refracted ray will follow close to the surface, as ray PO"S. Hence the ray P 0" is the last one that FIG. 227. The Total Reflec- can emerge from the surface. If the angle of incidence 'is still in- creased, the light is reflected wholly beneath the surface, as PO'"C. This phenomenon is called total reflection. 1. Examine the glass cube used in 302 by looking through the face A By Fig. 226, toward face BC, which has the appearance of a mirror. Place the finger upon face BC. It cannot be seen through AB. Transfer the finger to face CD. It can now be seen in face BC by reflected light. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 297 2. Look obliquely upward against the surface of water in a tum- bler. It will be seen to have the appearance of a plane mirror. If the point of a pencil is held in the water, only that part of it is visible that projects below the surface, and this portion can also be seen by reflected light. 3. Reflect a narrow beam of sunlight obliquely upward through the side of a glass tank containing water. (See Fig. 228.) By vary- ing the angle of incidence below the surface until it is greater than 48.5, the totally reflected beam can be traced back into the water. Both the incident and reflected beams may be made vis- ible in the manner described in 298. 4. Hold a test-tube obliquely about 5 centimeters under water, and look vertically downward upon it. The portion of the tube below the liquid surface has the appearance of a mirror. FIG. 228. An Illustration of Total Reflection. These experiments serve to illustrate the fact that when the angle of incidence with which light undertakes to emerge from glass or water exceeds a certain value, the light is totally reflected at the point of incidence back into the medium. The angle of incidence at which the effect changes from refraction to total reflection is called the critical angle. The phenomenon of total re- flection occurs only when light is proceeding in one medium toward another in which the speed is greater. (See Fig. 229.) The critical angle for water is 48. 5; for crown glass, 41; for diamond, 24. FIG. 229. illustrating the 304. Critical Angle Con- Critical Angle. structed. If the index of re- fraction of a medium is known, the critical angle can be found readily from the following construction : 298 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Let the line AB, Fig. 230, be the boundary between air and water, and let the index of refraction be $ . With 0, the point of incidence, as the center draw two concentric cir- cles whose radii have the ratio of 4:3. Since the ray that emerges for the crit- ical angle follows the surface, erect the normal at the point (7, where the sur- face intersects the inner circle. This cuts the larger circle at E. The line EO produced below the surface gives the angle DOF as the critical angle. The proof is as follows : When light of Con- passes from water into air, the index of refraction is ; and for the critical angle of incidence below the surface, the angle of refraction is 90. It is sin DOF 3 4 FIG. 230. Method structing the Critical Angle. to be shown that sin 90 = -.. Now, angles DOF and OEC are equal. and sin 90= 1. (Why ?) Further, sin OEC = = - by construction ( 301), OE 4 Therefore sin DOF sin OEC sin 90 sin 90 305. Total Reflecting Prism. The most important use that is made of the phenomenon of total reflection is accomplished by em- ploying a right-angled prism of glass whose cross section is an isosceles triangle, as shown in Fig. 231. If incident light enters the prism perpendic- ular to either of the faces forming the right angle, it will not suffer refraction and will strike the oblique face at an angle of incidence of 45. Since the critical angle for glass is less than 45, the light will be totally reflected in the direction perpendicular to the third face, from which it will emerge without undergoing refraction. Such prisms are used when it is desired to turn the course of light through an angle of 90 without excessive loss. 306. Path of Light through Plates and Prisms. The effect of a parallel-sided plate of glass upon a ray of light is readily determined by the following experiment : FIG. 231. Turning the Course of Light through 90 hy Total Reflec- tion. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 299 Look obliquely through a glass cube or a parallel-sided tank of water and set four pins, two on each side of the cube or tank, so that they will form apparently a straight line. Remove the refracting ob- ject, and draw the lines connecting the two pins of each pair. If these two lines are produced, it will be found that they are parallel. Hence, when light passes obliquely through a medium with parallel faces, it does not suffer a permanent change in direction. In other words, the refraction toward the normal at the first surface DO, Fig. 232, is can- celed by the refraction from the nor- mal at the second surface AB. As the experiment shows, the ray suf- fers a lateral displacement only. The course taken by a ray of light FlG D m ~ u ^ Suffers no *. Permanent Change in Di- whlCll tails obliquely Upon One of rection in Passing through the faces of a glass prism may be Parallel Surfaces - traced in a manner similar to that just described: Set four pins, two upon each of the opposite sides of a glass prism, Fig. 233, whose angle at A is about 60, so that all four pins lie apparently in a straight line. Draw a line around the prism and remove it. Join the two pins in each pair by a straight line, and produce these lines until they meet the sides of the prism AB and AC &t and 0'. Then 00' is the FIG. 233. - ^fraction of Light by Means P ath of the H S ht throu S h of a Prism. the prisrn. Since the ray which enters the prism is bent toward the normal at and away from the normal at ? where it emerges, it is clear that the effect of the prism is to turn the ray always away from the refracting angle A of the prism. 300 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS EXERCISES 1. What is the speed of light in water, the index of refraction be- ing |? The speed of light in air is 186,000 mi. per sec. 2. Compute the speed of light ill crown glass, assuming that the index of refraction is *. 3. Compare the speed of light in water with that in crown glass. What simple fraction will represent the relative speed? Show how to get this same fraction from the indexes of refraction given in Exer- cises 1 and 2. 4. The answer obtained in Exer. 3 is called the relative index of refraction for light on passing from water into crown glass. In a similar manner find the relative index of refraction for light which passes from flint glass into carbon disulphide, using the indexes given in the table. 5. For a given angle of incidence will light be refracted more in passing from air into crown glass or from water into crown glass? From water into crown glass or from carbon disulphide into flint 6. Construct the critical angle for air and water. On which side of the boundary surface does the critical angle lie ? Does the critical angle lie within the medium where the speed of light is the greater or the less ? 7. Upon which side of the boundary surface separating water and crown glass does the critical angle lie? 8. The angle of incidence at which a ray of light enters a medium from air is 45, and the angle of refraction 38. Find by construction the index of refraction of the medium. SUGGESTION. By the help of a protractor construct accurately a figure. Measure the lines db and cd, as in 302, and compute the index of refraction. 9. Draw the figures, and ascertain the indexes of refraction for the following angles : angle of incidence 30, angle of refraction 22; angle of incidence 50, angle of refraction 31 ; angle of incidence 60, angle of refraction 40. 4. LENSES AND IMAGES 307. Lenses. The student will call to mind many in- struments with which he is acquainted that make use of of lenses, the camera, microscope, spyglass, spectacles, LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 301 opera glass, etc. The value of these instruments can hardly be too highly estimated. The study of lenses and their application is therefore of great interest and utility. A lens is usually made of glass and has either two curved boundary surfaces or one curved and one plane surface. The curved surfaces are usually (not necessarily) spherical, and the lens thus formed is called a spherical lens. The center of the sphere (7, Fig. 234, of which the lens surface is a part, is called the center of curvature, and the radius of the sphere, the radius of curvature. Lenses are of two general classes, convex lenses, which are thicker at the middle than at the edge, and con- caw lenses, which are 'thickest at the edge. Figure 235 shows the three lenses belonging to each of the two gen- eral classes. FIG. 234. A Spherical Lens. !5 FIG. 235. Forms of Lenses. (1. Double Convex 2. Piano-Convex Concave, or Diverg- 3. Concavo-Convex, ing Lenses or a Meniscus (4. Doul 5. Plan 6. Com Double Concave o-Concave Convexo-Concave 308. Effect of a Convex Lens on Light. The most im- portant feature of any lens is not its form, but the manner 302 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS in which it acts upon light. The effect of a lens that is most familiar to all is that employed in the so-called "burning glass," which was in general use for producing fire before the introduction of cheap matches. The following experiment shows this effect : Allow a beam of sunlight to fall upon a large convex lens in a darkened room. If the air be made dusty, the light will be seen to form a cone- shaped figure as A A, Fig. 236. If a piece of tissue paper be placed at the ver- tex of the cone, it is readily ignited. Beyond this point FIG. 236. - Effect of a Convex Lens on the H g ht diver S es Precisely Parallel Rays. as from the principal focus of a concave mirror ( 290). If a convex lens of another form be substituted for the first, the action is practically the same. The vertex of the cone formed by the sunlight trans- mitted by a convex lens is called the principal focus of the lens. The distance from the principal focus to the center of the lens is the focal length, or principal focal distance, of the lens. Since all convex lenses cause rays of sun- light to converge to a point, they are often called converging lenses. (See Fig. 235.) Figure 237 shows the change in form that waves of light undergo while passing through a double convex lens. The plane waves of sunlight, whose direc- tion of motion is represented by arrows drawn in the figure, are retarded by the lens in proportion to the thickness of FIG. 237. Plane Waves are Converged to the Principal Focus F. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 303 the glass through which they pass. As a result of this re- tardation, the emerging light has concave wave fronts whose centers are at F, the principal focus. On leaving F, however, the waves have convex fronts ; or, in other words, the light diverges from the point F. Ordinary glass lenses, whose index of refraction is very nearly |, have a focal length equal to the radius of curva- ture, if they are double-convex and the two surfaces have the same curvature. If one surface is a plane, the focal length is double the radius of curvature. 309. Concave Lenses. The effect of a concave lens on sunlight is very different from that of a convex lens, as the following experiment will show : Let a beam of sunlight fall upon a concave lens mounted in a wide board. By making the air dusty, or holding a piece of cardboard obliquely in the transmitted light, it will be readily observed that the light diverges as it leaves the lens. The part of a plane wave that passes through the center of a concave lens, Fig. 238, is retarded least on account of the fact that the lens is thin at that point, while that passing through near the edge suffers the greatest retarda- tion. The result is that the front of the emerg- ing waves is convex, as though the light had emanated from the point F, which in this case is a virtual focus and located very near the center of curvature. Since the general effect of all concave lenses is to cause rays of sunlight to diverge, they are classed together as diverging lenses. (See Fig. 235.) FIG. 238. Parallel Rays of Light are Scattered by Concave Lenses. 304 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 310. Conjugate Foci. Place a candle flame close to a small hole P in a piece of tin S, Fig. 239. Now set a convex lens about twice its focal length away from the hole P, and place a screen S' on the opposite side of the lens upon which will be produced a sharp FIG. 239. The Conjugate Focus of P is at P'. image of P at P'. Cover up one half the surface of the lens, and the image will remain at P'. Cover the lens almost entirely, and the image will be weakened but not destroyed. It is to be observed that all the light emanating from the point P and passing through the lens is collected at P' . Likewise, any other point beyond the principal focus F has a corresponding point on the opposite side of the lens where its image would appear. Two points so related that the image of one of them, as P, falls at the other, as P' , are called conjugate foci. See also 295. 311. Virtual FOCUS. Let the candle and screen S that were used in the experiment of the preceding section be placed between a convex lens and its principal focus, and the result shown in Fig. 240 will be secured. The rays diverging from the point P will not be brought to a focus by the lens, but the divergence will be greatly reduced. Of 'course no im- age of P can be produced upon a screen; but upon looking through the lens the eye E locates (apparently) the image of P at the point P'. If the screen be removed a virtual image of the caudle ma^ be seen. FIG. 240. The Conjugate Focus of P is Virtual and at Point P'. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 305 In the location of an image the eye is always governed by the divergence of rays which enter it ( 276). The divergence is in this case as if the rays had come from P' FIG. 241. A Concave Lens always Forms a Virtual Focus. instead of P. Since the point P' is only the apparent meeting place of the rays that enter the eye, this point is called the virtual focus of P. If the experiment be repeated with a diverging (concave) lens, as shown in Fig. 241^ the conjugate focus of P is virtual no matter what the position of P may be, because the effect of such a lens is always to scatter the transmitted light. 312. Images Formed by Convex Lenses. Every one who has viewed the pictures projected by a stereopticon or a moving-picture machine has seen the real images that convex lenses are able to produce. In the process of forming images the convex lens presents precisely as FIG. 242. Focusing a Real Image on a Screen by Means of a Convex Lens. 21 306 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS many cases as the concave mirror ( 295). These cases are easily illustrated by experiments. 1. Let a lighted candle C, Fig. 242, be placed at a little more than twice the focal length from a convex lens L. By moving the screen 5 back and forth an image will be found distinctly focused upon it. The distance from the lens to the image should be measured and compared with the focal distance. When the object is situated at more than twice the focal length from a convex lens, the image is at less than twice and more than once the focal length from the lens on the opposite side, is real, inverted, and smaller than the object. 2. Let the candle be placed at less than twice but more than once the focal length from the convex lens. The image may be found by moving the screen away from the lens. The distance to the image should be measured and its position and size noted. When the object is situated at more than once and less than twice the focal length from a convex lens, the image is at more than twice the focal length on the other side, is real, inverted, and larger than the object. 3. Let the candle be placed at less than the focal length from the convex lens. Of course no image can be produced upon the screen since the conjugate foci of all points in the object are virtual. (See 311.) But by allowing some of the transmitted light to enter the eye (i.e. by looking through the lens), an apparent magnified image may be seen behind the lens. When the object is situated at a point between a convex lens and its principal focus, the image is apparently behind the lens, is virtual, erect, and larger than the object. 4. Focus upon a screen the images of objects which are situated at a great distance, clouds, trees, buildings, etc. If, now, the dis- tance from the lens to the images be measured, it will be found prac- tically equal to the focal length of the lens. Repeat the experiment with different lenses. Let the size and position of these images be noted. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 307 When an object is at a great distance from a convex lens, its image is at the focal distance from the lens, is real, inverted, and smaller than the object. It will be observed that this follows from the fact that the rays which come from a given point on the object to the lens are practically parallel to each other like rays of sunlight. This case affords a good method for determin- ing the focal length of a lens. Since rays of light which diverge from the principal focus of a convex lens become parallel to the principal axis after passing through, it follows that there can be no image of a small object placed at the principal focus. 313. Images Formed by Concave Lenses. It is obvious from 311 that a concave lens cannot produce a real image, since it always tends to scatter the light. This fact, however, is of value in the construction of certain optical instruments, as will appear later. Hold a concave lens between the eye and a candle flame. No mat- ter how far the flame is from the lens, the only image produced is a small erect one behind the lens. Hence the image produced "by a, concave lens is always ap- parently on the same side of the lens as the object, is virtual, erect, and smaller than the object. 314. Construction of Images Formed by Lenses. The construction of the images produced by lenses will serve to bring out clearly the nature of the image in each of the cases illustrated by experiment in 312. The different cases of lenses now to be studied will be found to correspond closely to those of curved mirrors which were treated in section 295. In each case the com- plete construction should be accurately made on a scale somewhat larger than that used in the illustrations as here given. 308 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Case I. When the object is placed at more than twice the focal distance from a convex lens. Let ED, Fig. 243, be a convex lens whose centers of curvature are at C and C'. Let AB represent an object so placed that the distance FIG. 243. Method of Locating the Image Produced by a Convex Lens. OI is more than twice the focal length OC. Now if rays A E and BD be drawn parallel to the principal axis ///, the refracted rays will pass through the principal focus jP, which is at C' ( 308). Again, the*-ays that pass through the optical center of the lens O enter the lens and emerge from it at points where the surfaces are parallel and there- fore suffer no permanent change in direction. (See 306.) Let the line AO be produced through the lens until it meets the line EFak a. Thus a is the conjugate focus of A. Similarly b is found to be the conjugate focus of B. Therefore ab is the image of the 'object AB. Case II. When the object is at more than once and less than twice the focal distance from a convex lens. In this case the method of construction is precisely the same as in the preceding one; but on account of the fact that the object has been brought nearer the lens, the divergence of the rays before refrac- FIG. 244. Illustrating the Production of a Real and Magnified Image. tion (which is represented by angle OAE) is greater than before, and hence they are brought to a focus a at a greater distance from the lens. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 309 Figure 244 shows clearly the construction. Does the description given in 312 apply to the image that is found by construction ? It is to be observed that Case I changes to Case II when the object is placed at twice the focal length from the lens. In this instance the image and obje'ct are of equal size and are equidistant from the lens. Case III. When the object is at less than the focal dis- tance from a convex lens. Two rays are drawn from each of the points A and B, Fig. 245, precisely as in the two preceding cases. But since the angle of divergence EA is so large, the lens is not able to cause the rays to converge to a real focus ; i.e. the refracted rays EF and A never meet after leaving the lens. If, however, the refracted rays enter an eye, an apparent image of A will be seen at a, which is the intersection of the FIG. 245. The Production of a Virtual Image by a Convex Lens. refracted rays when produced behind the lens. Since the effect is an illusion, the image is a virtual one. Does the description given in 312 apply to this image? Case IV. When an object is viewed through a concave lens. r~i FIG. 246. Constructing the Image Produced by a Concave Lens. 310 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Rays A and BO, Fig. 246, are drawn as in the preceding cases. But the parallel rays AE and BD are turned away from the principal axis CC' as if their origin were at the center of curvature C 1 ( 309). Thus the angle of divergence EA is increased by the lens to the value EaO. Consequently, when the refracted light is received by an eye, the image which is virtual and erect appears to be behind the lens, but nearer and always smaller than the object. 315. The Lens Equation. The experiments of the preceding sections have shown that the position of an image formed by a lens is determined by the focal length of the lens and the distance from the lens to the object. If p represents the distance from the lens to the object, q the distance from the lens to the image, and f the focal length, then the following relation between these distances will be found to exist : H+ J - ( 3 > f p q Referring to Fig. 243, we observe that the triangles -407 and aOH are similar. Hence = ~ - If the lens be thin and a line be an Un drawn from E to D, it may be assumed to pass through the point 0. EO OF Then the triangles EFO and aHF are similar. Therefore, 77 = 7 an tir Since A I = EO, the first member of these two proportions are equal. Hence, by substituting p for 01, q for OH, and f for OF, we obtain Clearing of fractions, transposing, and dividing by pqf gives UI+i. / P q Equation (3) is useful in determining the focal length of a lens. For example, let the image of an object which is 60 cm. from a lens be focused 40 cm. from the lens. By substituting these values for p and q, we find the value of f, the focal length, to be 24 cm. 316. Relative Size of Object and Image. By referring to Fig. 243 and the above discussion the following propor- tion is found to be true: AI OI LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 311 But aHis the image of AL Therefore, the ratio of the size of the object to the size of the image is equal to the ratio of their respective distances from the lens. This relation may be easily verified by experiment. EXERCISES 1. What kind of mirrors and lenses always produce virtual images ? 2. Under what conditions do convex lenses produce real images? When is the image produced by a convex lens virtual ? 3. If one half of a convex lens be covered with an opaque card, what will be the effect upon the real images produced by it ? Test your answer by experiment. 4. How can you test a spectacle lens to ascertain whether it is convex or concave ? 5. By the help of equation (3) compute the focal length of a lens when the image of a candle flame 120 cm. away is focused at a distance of 60 cm. 6. The focal length of a lens is 50 cm. If an object is situated at a distance of 75 cm. from the lens, how far from the lens will its image be focused ? 7. An object is placed 30 cm. from a lens whose focal length is 45 cm. Locate the image by employing equation (3). SUGGESTION. When the minus sign precedes the result obtained by using the equation, the inference is that the image is virtual. 8. What is the height of a tree 350 ft. away when its image on a screen 10 in. from a convex lens is 2 in. in height? Ans. 70 ft. 5. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS 317. The Simple Magnifier or Reading Glass. It is a common occurrence to see a botanist examining the details of a flower or a jeweler adjusting the minute parts of a watch by the help of a convex lens. Large convex lenses are frequently used as an aid in reading, and are therefore often called reading glasses. In these cases the object to be examined is placed a little nearer the lens than the principal focus, while the image is viewed by placing the 312 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS, eye on the opposite side of the lens, as shown in Fig. 240. The instrument owes its importance to the fact that a magnified image is visible behind the lens, as shown in Fig. 245. 318. The Photographic Camera. Two important prin- ciples are employed in the photographic camera : (1) a convex lens produces a real image of objects placed beyond its principal focus, and (2) light has the property of pro- ducing chemical changes in certain compounds of silver. The camera is a light-proof box, or chamber, Fig. 247, provided at the front with a convex lens L and at the back with a ground-glass screen which can be replaced by a "sensitized" plate or film for receiving the image. The image is first focused on the screen by varying its dis- tance from the lens, after which the sensitive plate is introduced in a light-proof holder. The shutter of the lens is now closed, and the cover of the plate-holder removed. When all is in readi- ness, the lens is uncovered for a sufficient time to enable the transmitted light to produce the desired effect upon the plate. The plate is now covered and taken to a dark room, where a "developing" process brings out a visible and per- manent image. The plate thus treated is called a " neg- ative " because of the reversal of light and shade in the picture upon it, and may be used in the reproduction of any number of positive photographs on prepared paper. 319. The Eye. Although the eye is a very complicated structure, its action depends on one of the simplest cases of refraction that we have studied. The eye is essentially LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 313 a small camera at the front of which the cornea <7, Fig. 248, the aqueous humor A, and the crystalline lens take the place of the convex lens of that instrument. When the eye is directed toward an object, a small, real, and inverted image is produced on the retina, which is an expansion of the optic nerve N and covers the inner surface of the eyeball at the back. This does not mean, FlG - 248 - -Sectional View of the Eye. however, that we see things upside down. The relative position which we ascribe to objects is the result of experience aided by the sense of touch, etc., and the fact that images are inverted on the retina has little effect on the ideas which the impression gives us. It will be observed that the impressions remain the same even when the eye is tilted or inverted. The eye adjusts itself to objects near and far by chang- ing the focal length of the crystalline lens. When a normal eye is completely relaxed, the lens has the proper curvature for focusing light from distant objects (i.e. par- allel rays) upon the retina. When, however, we wish to view an object near at hand, as in reading, small muscles within the eye cause the curvature of the crystalline lens to increase until the image is again focused upon the sen- sitive retina. 320. Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Although a normal eye with complete relaxation focuses parallel rays upon the retina, as in Fig. 249, it should also be able to focus with ease light that comes from an object at a distance of 10 inches or more. The eye is defective when it cannot accomplish the performance of these functions without unnatural effort. 314 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS If the retina is too far from the crystalline lens, parallel rays will not be brought to a focus upon it, but in front of it. This defect is called myopia, or near-sightedness. (.Z) Fig. 250 illustrates this con- dition. It is at once obvious that the crystalline lens produces too great a FIG. 249. A Normal Eye convergence of the light. This can be corrected by using a concave lens of suitable curvature, as shown in (.2) Fig. 250. Hence concave spec- tacles are used to assist myopic eyes. Again, the eyeball may be too short . (2) from front to back, in which case the focus of parallel rays will be behind when Relaxed. (2) FiG.250.-TheMy7picEye the retina > aS sh wn in and its Correction. It is clear in this instance that the crystalline lens does not converge the rays sufficiently for distinct vision. This defect is called hypermetropia, or far-sightedness. In order to correct the fault, a convex lens of suitable FIG. 251. The Hyperme- tropic Eye and Its Cor- Curvature rection. is needed, which assists the crystalline lens to produce an adequate conver- gence of the light, as shown in (2). The most prevalent defect in ^ r, T . ,, , FIG. 252. An Astigmatic Eye the eyes of young people IS that Sees these Lines with Unequal known as astigmatism. Astigma- Distinctness. tism is due to the fact that the crystalline lens is not sym- metrical about its axis. In other words, a vertical section through the lens differs in form from a horizontal section. LIGHT: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION 315 Such an eye sees the lines of Fig. 252 with unequal distinct- ness. This defect is corrected by the use of a lens whose vertical and horizontal sections possess suitable curvatures to make up for the deficiencies in the crystalline lens. 321. The Compound Microscope. The compound micro- scope consists of a convex lens (9, Fig. 253, of short (say -^ in.) focal length, which is called the objective, and a larger con- vex lens E, called the eye- piece. When the object to be viewed, AB, is placed a little beyond the principal focus of 0, a ieal, inverted, and magnified image is pro- duced at ab ( 312). When this real image is viewed through the eye-pie^e, a magnified virtual image is' seen at a'b' . 322. The Astronomical Telescope. The principal part of a modern astronomi- cal telescope is the large convex lens 0, Fig. 254, called the object glass. This is designed to collect a large amount of light in order that the real inverted image ab that is formed may be sufficiently brilliant. This image FIG. 254. The Astronomical Telescope. 316 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS falls close to the eye-piece E whose function is precisely the same as in the compound microscope which is described in the preceding section. The inversion of the image is of little consequence in astronomical telescopes, but for view- ing terrestrial objects this feature would be a defect. 323. The Opera Glass, or Galileo's Telescope. The honor of having invented the original form of the tele- FIG. 255. Illustrating the Principle of tke Opera Glass. scope belongs to Galileo, 1 who constructed the. first instru- ment about 1610. Two Galilean telescopes arranged side by side form an opera glass or a field glass. An object glass Fig> 2 66, so that the slit A is at its principal focus, and set the prism as shown in the figure. Focus a small telescope T on a distant object, and then place it for LIGHT: COLOR AND SPECTRA 329 receiving light from the prism. Place the lamp at F, and ignite the alcohol. If all is properly adjusted, a bright double yellow line will be visible in the telescope. This is the spectrum of incandes- cent sodium vapor. Repeat the experiment by using strontium chloride in another lamp. Red and blue lines should appear. By using calcium chloride, red and green lines become visible. The yellow sodium spectrum will always appear, since sodium exists as an impurity in the lamp wick and in practically all salts. These experiments show that incandescent vapors emit light in which only certain wave lengths are present. The spectra of such bodies are therefore bright-line spectra. Since these spectra are characteristic of the chemical ele- ments, many substances can be identified by the wave lengths of the light which their incandescent vapors emit. The spectra of the chemical elements are as well known as their densities, specific heats, and other physical and chemi- cal properties. Several new elements have been discovered by the observation of bright spectral lines which could not have been produced by any known substances. An incan- descent vapor also affords a convenient means of obtaining light of one wave length or color, i.e. monochromatic light. 339. Solar Elements. Since the spectra of many incan- descent vapors have been examined and compared with the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum, most of these lines have been accounted for just as the existence of incandescent sodium vapor surrounding the sun accounts for the dark sodium line. (See 337.) If the corre- spondence between lines of the solar spectrum, shown in the middle in Fig. 267, and the spectrum of iron vapor, be noted, there can be no doubt as to the existence of iron FIG. 267. Showing the Coincidence of the Bright Lines of the Spectrum of k Iron with Some of the Dark Lines of the Solar Spectrum. 330 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS in the sun. Other solar elements are calcium, hydrogen, sodium, nickel, magnesium, cobalt, silicon, aluminium, titanium, chromium, manganese, carbon, barium, silver, zinc, and many others. It is an interesting fact that the element helium was first discovered in the sun by Sir Norman Lockyer, of England, by means of its dark lines in the solar spectrum. Later, in 1895, Sir William Ramsay discovered an element that gave the same spec- trum, and which was therefore given the same name. Helium is at present a comparatively well-known gas that can be produced in all chemical laboratories. The instrument by which the spectra of celestial and terrestrial objects are produced is called the spectroscope. By combining the spectroscope with the telescope, astrono- mers have succeeded in ascertaining to some extent the composition of many stars and in collecting other informa- tion of great scientific value. EXERCISES 1. What kind of a spectrum should moonlight give ? 2. What kind of a spectrum would you expect to obtain by dis- persing the light from a live coal by means of a prism? 3. The luminosity of an oil or gas flame is due to heated particles of carbon. What should be the nature of the spectrum of a kerosene lamp flame ? 4. What is the position of the sun relative to falling rain and an observer when a rainbow is seen? 5. Why do colored fabrics often appear different when viewed by artificial light? 6. If the waves producing the sensation of red were all absorbed from sunlight, what color would remain? What color would objects that were formerly red appear to have ? 3. INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 340. Color Bands by Interference. We have seen how composite light can be separated into its component colors LIGHT: COLOR AND SPECTRA 331 by means of a prism, but there still remain a great many cases of color formation which are not at all due to dispersion or ab- sorption. Let two strips of plate glass, A and B, Fig. 268, about 1 inch wide and 5 inches long, be separated at one end by a piece of tissue paper C (exaggerated in cut) and the other ends clamped tightly together. (The plate glass covers accompanying sets of small weights may be used.) Produce a yel- low sodium flame by bringing in con- tact with a Bunsen or alcohol flame a FIG. 268. Alternate Dark and Bright Bands Produced by In- terference of Light Waves. piece of asbestos D, wet with a solution of common salt. Now hold the glass strips behind the flame, and observe the images produced. A series of dark and yellow bands will be seen extending transversely across the glass. The explanation of this interesting phe- nomenon depends on the wave theory of light. The flame, as we know, sends out only yellow light (338). This is in part transmitted and in part reflected at each glass surface (282). Let AB and AC, Fig. 269, repre- sent the interior sur- faces of the plates much enlarged, and let the wave line ab represent Interference. Re-enforcement, interference. Re-enforcement FIG. 269. Diagram Showing Points of In- terference and Reinforcement. 332 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the light reflected at the point a on the surface AC. Also let the dotted line a'b represent the waves reflected at a' on the surface AB. These two trains of waves ob- viously interfere and destroy each other just as do two trains of sound waves when they coincide in this manner ( 190). Therefore, since at this place on the glass plates the light waves cancel each other, we see a dark band. But at the point c the case is different. Since the thickness of the air film is here a quarter of a wave length greater than at a, the train of waves reflected from c' coincides with that reflected at c in such a manner as to produce reenforcement. Hence at this point we see the bright yellow band. Similarly the wave trains re- flected at e and e' interfere and cancel, while at g and g 1 we again find reenforcement. Thus the dark and bright bands appear alternately in the plates. 341. Color Bands in Soap Films. The following ex- periment can easily be performed by letting a soap film take the place of the wedge-shaped air film of the preceding experiment. Let a film of soapy water be produced on a wire loop as described in 130. Hold the film behind a yellow sodium flame, and observe the image in the film by reflected light. Many narrow bands of yellow will appear which continue to grow broader and farther apart until the film breaks. When the wire loop is held in a vertical position, the liquid runs slowly down from the top, forming a wedge- shaped film that is thinnest at the upper edge. One por- tion of the yellow incident light is reflected from the front surface, and another portion from the back, after traversing the thickness of the film. Hence the portion reflected from the back passes through the film twice. Now if the two reflected trains interfere, a dark band is LIGHT: COLOR AND SPECTRA 333 produced ; but if they reenforce, a bright band of yellow appears, precisely as described in the preceding section. 342. White Light Decomposed by Interference. The result of the experiment described in 341 leads to the explanation of the beautiful coloration produced when the sunlight falls on soap bubbles, oil films on water, etc. Let sunlight fall upon the plates of glass arranged as in 340. Variegated bands occurring alternately will appear instead of the yellow bands obtained when sodium light is used. On account of the fact that sunlight, or white light, is a composite of different wave lengths, the interference of the reflected waves of red, for example, takes place at a different point from that of the yellow. When the waves of red are canceled by interference, the comple- mentary color, or bluish green, is left. At the point where waves of yellow interfere, its complement, or blue, appears. Thus bands consisting of the complements of all the spectral colors are produced. SUMMARY V. White light is decomposed into the spectral colors by passing through a triangular prism of glass, water, ice, etc. The cause of dispersion lies in the fact that different wave lengths are retarded different amounts, and hence are refracted in differing degree by the prism. Long waves (red) suffer the greatest refraction, while the shorter waves (violet) suffer least ( 327 to 329). 2. The color of an object depends both on the light which falls upon it and that which it reflects to the eye. Various wave lengths are absorbed by all except white bodies ( 330). 3. The color of a transparent body depends on the color of the light which it transmits ( 331). 334 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 4. Complementary colors are those which when added in proper proportions produce white ( 332). 5. The color of pigments used in the manufacture of paints, etc., is due to the absorbing power of the material ( 333). 6. The solar spectrum is the spectrum of sunlight. The rainbow is an example. The pure spectrum is crossed by numerous dark lines produced by the absorption of certain wave lengths by heated gases in the solar atmosphere. These lines reveal the chemical elements in the sun's com- position ( 334 to 339). 7. Interference of light is brought about by the coinci- dence of waves in such a manner as to weaken or cancel each other. The alternate interference and reinforcement of light waves in thin wedge-shaped films gives rise to the colors seen in oil films, soap bubbles, etc. ( 340 to 342). CHAPTER XVI ELECTROSTATICS 1. ELECTRIFICATION AND ELECTRICAL CHARGES 343. An Electric Charge Produced. It is a matter of common observation that a hard rubber comb acquires the power of attracting bits of tissue paper and other very light bodies simply by being drawn through dry hair. The comb may also be put into this condition by being rubbed with silk or flannel. Knowledge of this phenomenon dates from the Greeks of 600 B.C., when it was known that amber would attract light objects after having been rubbed with silk. No advance was made in the science of electricity until the time of Sir William Gilbert of England, about 1600 A.D. At this time Gilbert found that a great many substances, as glass, ebonite, sealing wax, etc., could be given this power of attraction by rubbing with fur, wool, or silk. Test rods of glass, ebonite, sealing wax, etc., for the power of attracting small pieces of dry pith before and after being rubbed with silk, fur, and flannel. See Fig. 270. When a body pos- sesses the property of attracting light objects, as hair, pith balls, and bits of paper, it is said to be electrified. The Fia 27(X ~ Action of an Electrified Glass Rod - change is brought about by a charge of electricity. The process by which a body is electrified is called electrifica- 335 336 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS tion. These terms are all derived from the Greek word electron, meaning amber. 344. Electrical Charges of Two Kinds. Procure two large sticks of sealing wax and a glass rod. Electrify a stick of sealing wax by rub- bing it with a flannel or fur and suspend it in a wire stirrup as shown in Fig. ^ 271. Rub the other stick Jto. 271. - Repulsion between Two Simi- of sealin S wax and brin S it; larly Charged Bodies. near the suspended one. A decided repulsion will be observed. Now rub the glass rod with silk and bring it near the sus- pended wax. Attraction takes place. The experiment shows that the electrified glass and sealing wax cannot be in precisely the same condition, since they act differently toward the suspended body. This difference in the behavior of electrified bodies is said to be due to the kind of charge developed when they are rubbed. Thus glass is said to be charged positively when rubbed with silk ; and sealing wax, negatively when rubbed with flannel or fur. Some specimens of glass are electrified negatively when rubbed with cat's fur or flannel. 345. A Law of Electric Action. The preceding experi- ment shows tluit two sticks of sealing wax repel each other after being charged negatively. In the same man- ner two positively charged glass rods will show a repulsion. But any negative charge will attract a positive charge, just as the glass attracts the suspended sealing wax when both are electrified. Hence, we may infer that electrical charges of a similar kind repel each other, and those that are dissimilar attract. 346. The Electroscope. In order to detect the presence of a charge upon a body, an instrument called the electro- ELECTROSTATICS 337 scope is employed. The gold-leaf electroscope is shown in Fig. 272. This instrument consists of a metal rod which penetrates the rubber stopper of a flask. At the top the rod terminates in a plate or ball, and at the lower end it is provided with two strips of gold foil. Under ordinary con- ditions the leaves hang parallel ; but when an electrical charge is brought near, they diverge and thus show the presence of electrification. 347. Determining the Kind of Charge. FIG. ^72. The The electroscope is frequently used to Gold-leaf Eiec- i. ^ i j F troscope. ascertain the kind of charge on an elec- trified body. The following experiment will show how this can be done. Make a proof plane by sealing a small coin or tin disk to the end of a small glass rod to be' used as a handle. Touch the disk of the proof plane to a positively charged glass rod, and then to the plate of the electroscope. The divergence of the leaves will show that the instrument is charged. Now, if the charged glass rod is carefully brought near the electroscope, the divergence will increase ; but if the negatively charged sealing wax is brought near, the divergence at once decreases. While the electroscope is thus charged, bring up an electrified rod of ebonite or a charged rubber comb, and note whether the divergence increases or decreases. In this case the charge on the ebonite will be found to act like that on the sealing wax and hence produce a decreased divergence of the leaves. In a word, the nature of an unknown charge is deter- mined by observing whether its effect on a charged electro- scope is like that of a positively charged glass rod or the negatively charged sealing wax. 348. Positive and Negative Charges Developed Simultane- OUsly.-Let a flannel cap about 6 Time. inches long be made that will fit closely 23 338 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS over the end of an ebonite rod as in Fig. 273. A represents a silk thread by which the cap may be handled. Now turn the rod in the cap to electrify it and, without removing the cap, hold the rod near the plate of the electroscope. Little or no charge will be detected. Remove the cap by means of the thread A and present it to the elec- troscope. When tested as in 347, the cap will be found to be charged positively. If the rod be now tested, a negative charge will be found. On account of the fact that the rod and cap together produce no effect on the electroscope, we may infer that their charges exactly cancel. The conclusion is, there- fore, that when a certain quantity of one kind of electrifica- tion is produced by rubbing a rod, an equal amount of the opposite kind appears on the object with which it is rubbed. 349. Charging by Contact. By means of a silk thread or silk fiber suspend a small ball of dry elder pith as shown in Fig. 274. Hold near the ball a positively charged glass rod. The ball is at first at- tracted to the rod and then violently repelled. The repulsion shows that the ball by contact with the rod has been charged with a kind of electrification similar to that in the rod. In FIG. 274. Experiment this case the charge is positive. Likewise the with a Suspended ball will be charged negatively by contact with a negatively charged body. The experiment shows clearly that when an insulated body comes in contact with a charged body, it becomes charged with electricity of the same kind as that on the charged body. In this way the proof plane used in 347 carried from the glass rod to the electroscope an electrical charge of the same kind as that on the glass. 350. Conductors and Insulators. Select a number of pieces of wood, metal, glass, ebonite, cardboard, leather, etc. Let one end of a metal rod be supported on the electroscope and the other end on an ebonite rod A, Fig. 275. Bring a charged body R against the end of the rod opposite the electroscope. A sudden divergence of the leaves ELECTROSTATICS 339 shows the transfer of a charge from R to the instrument. Experi- ment with a rod of wood in the same manner. The divergence, if any is produced, takes place more slowly than before if the wood is dry. Glass and ebonite should be found not to transfer any appreciable charge unless their surfaces are moist. Some substances have the power to transfer charges of FIG. 275. Testing the Conductivity electricity, while others do of Rods, not. Metals are shown to be good conductors ; dry wood is a poor conductor, while glass and ebonite are practically non-conductors. Non-conductors are called insulators. Among the best insulators may be mentioned dry air, glass, mica, shellac, silk, rubber, porcelain, paraffin, and oils. Substances of all degrees of conductivity exist, varying from the best conductors down to the best insulators. EXERCISES 1. Place a piece of paper against the wall and stroke it with cat's fur.^Lt will be found to adhere to the wall for several minutes. Explain. 2. Why is it more difficult to brush lint from clothing in cold dry weather than at other times ? 3. Draw a rubber comb through dry hair and test the charge de- veloped on the comb. Now present a positively charged rod to the charged hair and observe whether it is repelled or attracted. Com- pare this experiment with that of 348. 4. After walking on a silk or woolen rug or over a glass floor, one often finds that sparks will jump between the finger and a gas fixture near which it is held. The gas may even be lighted in this manner. Explain. 5. Support a dry pane of glass about 1 in. above a quantity of small pieces of dry pith. Rub the glass with silk and explain the agitation of the pith observed. 6. Balance a meter stick on the smooth bottom of a flask and see if it is affected by a charged glass rod. Are only very light bodies attracted? 340 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 2. ELECTRIC FIELDS AND ELECTROSTATIC INDUCTION 351. Lines of Force. We have already observed that an electrified body has an effect upon another body even when placed at a distance of several inches. Light objects will rise from the table toward a charged glass rod, and the leaves of an electroscope will often show a divergence at a distance of four or five feet from the charge. The space in which an electric charge affects surrounding objects is called the electric field due to that charge. If lines are drawn in an electric field to represent at every point the direction in which a charge, as A, P.O. 276. -Lines of Force Emanating Fi g' 276 ' tends tO . mOV6 from a Charge. a very small, positively charged body B, they are called lines of force. Thus every electric field is assumed to be filled with lines of force. Lines of force extend from positive charges to nega- tive charges, as shown in Fig. 277. In other words, a positive charge always exists at one end of a line of force and a negative one at the other. Therefore, since each line of / force must have two extremi- ties, for every positive charge FIG. 277. The Electric Field be- ,, , , , tween Two Unlike Charges. there must be somewhere a cor- responding negative charge. This fact gives rise to 'the phenomena shown in the following sections. 352. Electrification by Induction. Let a charged glass rod be brought near a gold-leaf electroscope. The leaves begin to diverge ELECTROSTATICS 341 when the rod is at a distance and spread more and more as the rod approaches. On removing the rod the leaves fall together again. The temporary effect produced in the electroscope, due to the presence of a neighboring charge, is the result of electrostatic induction. The leaves of the instrument are obviously affected only while they are in the electrical field around the charged rod, since they collapse as soon as the rod is removed. In this case there is no change in the amount of electrification on the glass rod, and the effect can easily be shown to take place through an inter- vening plate of glass or other insulating material. Hence, in the process of electrostatic induction a transfer of elec- tricity from one body to the other does not take place. 353. Electrical Separation by Induction. The condition of an electroscope which is placed near a charged body, as in the preceding section, is readily understood after the following experiment f Place two metal vessels A and B, Fig. 278, in contact on an elevated block of paraffin, or some other good insulating material. Each ves- sel should be provided with a small pith ball attached to the top by means of a piece of cotton thread. Now bring a positively charged glass rod R near one of the vessels, as B, and, by means of the silk thread C, sepa- rate the vessels before re- moving the rod. When the rod is taken away, the pith balls will show that each FIG. 278. Separation of Positive and Negative Charges. vessel has acquired a charge, but the charge on the rod R has not been diminished. With the help of the proof plane and electroscope test each charge ; that of B will be negative, that of A positive. From this experiment it is clear that whenever an electri- fied body is brought near an unelectrified insulated conductor, 342 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS the opposite kind of electrification is induced on the nearer side and the same kind on the remote side. 354. Charging by Induction. An insulated metallic body may be charged by making use of the separation of positive and negative electricity, as shown in the preceding section. Hold the positively charged glass rod about 6 in. from the plate of the gold-leaf electroscope. The leaves diverge because the positive charge --H -4- ,u " "% ^C- on the r d induces a negative charge in the plate and a positive charge in the leaves, as shown in Fig. 279. While the rod is in this position, touch the electroscope with the finger. f / \ + The leaves collapse. Now remove the FIG. 279. Charged RodjVcting finger and then the rod. The leaves diverge again, thus showing that a charge is left on the instrument. If this charge be tested by bringing a negative charge near the elec- troscope, an increased divergence will show that it is negative. 355. Explanation of the Process. The electrical con- ditions that exist during the process of charging a conduc- tor by induction are represented in Fig. 280. The presence (I) (2) (3) FIG. 280.- Illustrating the Process of Charging by Induction. of the positively charged rod R produces a separation of positive and negative electricity in the conductor A ( 353), just as if an uncharged body possessed equal amounts of these two kinds, as shown in (1). Lines of force extend from the positive on the rod to the induced negative on ELECTROSTATICS 343 the conductor, while other lines extend away from the positive at the remote end to the walls of the room, near-by objects, etc. When the conductor is touched with the finger, as in (2), the repelled or "free" charge, which in this case is positive, is permitted to escape through the body to the earth. The negative or " bound " charge re- mains on the conductor on account of the influence of the charged rod R. On removing first the finger and then the rod, the negative charge distributes itself over the con- ductor, as shown in (3). If R is a negatively charged body, the signs of all the charges will simply be reversed. 356. Distribution of Electric- ity on a Conductor. Insulate a metal vessel A, Fig. 281, by placing it on a dry tumbler B, or a plate of paraffin or beeswax. Charge the ves- sel as highly as possible and then try to take charges from its interior surface to the electroscope by means of a proof plane c. It will be found that no charge can be obtained in this way. Now try to take a charge Fia. 281. No Charge can be Taken from the Interior Sur- face of a Charged Body. from the exterior surface of the vessel. The electroscope will show that this attempt is successful. This experiment shows very conclusively that an elec- trical charge distributes itself over the exterior surface of an insulated conductor. This is just the result that is to be expected if we consider that the various parts of any charge are mutually repellent. On this account they will separate to the greatest extent possible, which is the case when the charge is distributed over the exterior surface of the body charged. 344 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 357. Distribution of a Charge not Uniform. Charge a large insulated egg-shaped conductor, Fig. 282. By means of a proof plane transfer a charge from the large end of the body to the electroscope and observe the divergence of the leaves. Now discharge the electroscope and test the small end of the conductor in a similar manner. A greater divergence of the leaves will be obtained. It thus appears that an electrical charge " IG tricai~Den- distributes itself over a conducting surface sity is Great- in accordance with the shape of the body. Printed End The quantity per square centimeter is of this Con- greatest at the small end. In other words, the electrical density is greatest where the conductor is the most sharply pointed. In fact, if a sharp point be attached to the charged conductor, the density at the point may be so great that the charge will be sponta- neously discharged into the surrounding air. 358. Effect of Points. By the help of sealing wax or shellac attach the center of a sharp needle to a glass handle. Bring a charged glass rod over the electroscope, and, while the rod remains in this position, bring the eye end of the needle against the plate of the electroscope and the point toward the charged rod. Now remove both needle and rod, and the electroscope will be positively charged. Again, hold a charged glass rod near an insulated conductor, as a metal vessel, and then place the eye end of the needle against the opposite side of the conductor. Remove the needle and then the rod and test the conductor for a charge. A negative charge will be found. The results of these experiments depend upon the electri- cal discharge from pointed conductors. On account of the great electrical density at a point, an intense field of force exists in the immediate neighborhood. Air particles are forcibly drawn against the point and charged by con- tact with the same kind of electricity, after which they are violently repelled. Thus a so-called electrical wind is set up which conveys away the charge at a rapid rate. ELECTROSTATICS 3^5 359. Lightning Rods. Positive evidence regarding the identity of lightning and electrical discharges was secured by the classical experiments of Benjamin Franklin 1 in 1752, when he succeeded in drawing an electrical charge from a thunder cloud along the string of a kite. Through his suggestion lightning rods were first used as a protection for buildings against damage by lightning. The principle has been demonstrated in the preceding section. A strongly charged cloud passes over a building, and between the cloud and the building there is set up an intense field of force ( 851). If this field becomes of sufficient intensity, the air, being no longer able to insulate, breaks down as an insulator. The sudden discharge tears the roof of the building, and the intense heat often produces a conflagra- tion. The presence of a pointed conductor, however, lead- ing from above the roof to the earth, permits a gentle and harmless discharge of jelectricity to take place between the cloud and the earth. The effectiveness of lightning rods is often impaired by the use of dull points and poor ground connections. The thunder that accompanies a lightning flash is caused by the impact of the air as it is forced in to fill the partial vacuum which is developed along the line of electrical dis- charge. At a distance from the discharge, the direct report is followed by echoes from the clouds and woods, causing the rumblings so common in most localities. EXERCISES 1. In testing a charge, why is it necessary to work with a charged electroscope ? 2. AVhen a gold-leaf electroscope is charged with negative elec- tricity, for example, why will the approach of a positively charged body produce first a decrease and then an increase of the divergence of the leaves? 1 See portrait facing page 346. 346 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 3. If several insulated metal vessels are placed in a row, but not in contact with each other, what will be the electrical condition of each when a positively charged rod is held near one end of the row? Illus- trate by means of a diagram showing four such vessels. 4. If the vessel at the end of the row near the charged rod is touched with the finger and then both finger and rod are removed, what will be the electrical condition of each vessel ? Illustrate this case by a diagram. 5. Represent by diagrams the fields of force existing under the conditions described in Exer. 3. 6. Represent the fields of force as they exist under the conditions given in Exer. 4 and compare each field with the corresponding one of the preceding exercise. 3. POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE AND CAPACITY 360. Electrical Flow. It has already been observed in 349 that a charge of electricity can be transferred by a conductor from an electrified body to the electroscope. The effects that accompany such a transmission of elec- tricity, as will be seen later, enable it to be employed as one of the most important agents under the control of man. The following experiment will bring out more clearly the conditions under which a transfer of electricity takes place. Provide two similar metal ves- sels A and B, Fig. 283, with pith balls and insulate them on blocks of paraffin. Let each vessel be positively charged, but A more highly than B, as measured by the repulsion of the pith balls. Now connect the vessels by means of a wire attached to a sealing wax handle C. The pith ball on A will fall slightly while that on B will rise. Thus some of the charge on A moves along the wire to B. FIG. 283. Conductor A has a Higher Potential than B. Although both insulated vessels were originally charged with the same kind of electricity, in the language of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) The achievements of Franklin in the field of electricity are no less brilliant than his successes as a statesman and diplomat. His attention was first turned to the study of electrical phenomena by witnessing some experiments which at that time (1746) were re- garded as no less than marvelous. His experiment to prove the electrical nature of lightning has become classic. In order to ascer- tain whether electricity could be obtained from clouds during a storm, Franklin constructed a kite which was provided with a pointed metal rod for " drawing off " the electrical charge, if there should prove to be any. At the approach of a storm, Franklin and his son raised the kite, which was held by a hempen cord. The lower end of the cord was tied to a metal key through which was passed a ribbon of silk to protect the body from severe and dangerous shocks. As soon as the cord became moistened by the rain, electric sparks were readily drawn from the key. In regard to this experiment, Franklin writes: "At the key the Leyden jar may be charged; and, from the electric fire thus obtained, spirits may be kindled and all other electrical experiments performed which are usually done by the help of a rubbed glass globe or tube, and thereby the sameness of the electrical matter with that of lightning completely demonstrated." " Antiquity would have erected altars to this great and powerful genius who, to promote the welfare of mankind, comprehending both the heavens and the earth in the range of his thought, could at once snatch the bolt from the cloud and the scepter from tyrants." MIRABEAU ELECTROSTATICS 347 Physics, A was charged to a higher potential than B. Thus a charge moves from a point of higher to one of lower poten- tial, just as heat flows along a heat conductor from a point of higher to one of lower temperature. 361. Potential Difference. It has just been observed that an electrical charge will flow along a conductor as long as there exists a potential difference. It is precisely this difference of poten- tial that determines whether electricity will flow and the direction it will take. Figure 284 will show to some extent the differences that may exist between electrical charges. AB represents the levei ground, and a, b, - ductor carrying the current. If FIG. 316.- A Magnetic Needle is De- /, * fleeted by an Electric Current, the current be passed in the op- posite direction above the needle, the deflection is opposite to the first. The wire may now be placed below the needle, and the direction of the deflections obtained. If the conductor be placed at the side, or near the end, Of a suspended magnet, deflections are also obtained. This experiment confirms the result previously found in 390, viz. that the region around a wire through which an electric charge is moving has magnetic properties. This experiment was first performed by Oersted, 1 a Danish physicist, in 1819. Oersted's discovery is of great his- torical interest, since it was the first evidence obtained in regard to the magnetic effect of a current of electricity and has led to results of the greatest practical importance, 1 See portrait facing page 382. 382 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS FIG. 317. The Thumb Shows the Direction in Which the N-Pole Moves. By observing the direction in which the N-pole of the magnetic needle is moved in relation to the direction of the electric current, the following rule will be found to apply : Let the fingers of the out- stretched right hand point in the direction of the current flow in the wire and the palm be turned toward the needle; the extended thumb will then show the direction of the deflection of the N-pole of the needle. The rule is of convenience in determining the direction of a current when its effect upon a magnetic needle is known. The manner of applying this rule is made clear by Fig. 317. 401. The Galvanometer. The effect discovered by Oersted is of great service in the galvanometer, an instru- ment used for detecting and measuring electric currents. The following experiment will show how the effect of a current on a magnetic needle can be so increased as to make it possible to discover even very feeble currents. Place a compass needle, below which is a graduated circle, within a single turn of wire as in (1), Fig. 318, and read the deflection on the scale. Now wind the same wire three or four times around the com- pass, always keeping the wire parallel to the original position of the needle, and again read the deflection. The second reading will be much greater than the first. A current that will scarcely move the needle when a single turn of wire is used will be found to produce a marked effect when tested with the coil of several turns. The magnetic forces due to the electric current in all parts of the coil tend to turn the needle in one eter. HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED (1777-1851) Oersted's famous experiment of 1819 on the deflection of a magnet by an electric current was the beginning of the science of electro-magnetism. This experiment dem- onstrated the long-sought connection be- tween electricity and magnetism and served to point out the line of experimentation that has brought the science up to its pres- ent-day development. Oersted was born in Langeland, a por- tion of Denmark, studied at Copenhagen, and afterwards became a professor at the university and polytechnic schools of that city. DOMINIQUE FRANCOIS JEAN ARAGO (1786-1853) The year following Oersted's discovery, Arago, a noted Parisian astronomer and physicist, observed that iron filings cling to a conductor carrying an electric current. A little later it was shown by Sir Humphry Davy of England that the filings arrange themselves in magnetized chains around the conductor. Arago was one of the first advocates of the wave theory of light. The beautiful tints produced when polarized light passes through certain crystals were discovered by him in 1811. Arago planned a method for measuring directly the velocity of light in air and water, but failing eyesight pre- vented carrying out his experiments. He lived, however, to see the work done by Fizeau and Foucault. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 383 particular direction, a fact that becomes clear when the rule given in 400 is applied. Hence by introducing a sufficient number of turns of wire and making the needle extremely light, a very small current will suffice to produce a deflection. 402. Polarization of a Voltaic Cell. i. Connect a simple zinc and copper cell with a voltmeter 1 ( 430) or a high-resistance galvanometer and read the deflection produced. Short-circuit the cell for a short time by means of a wire, thus allowing hydrogen to form in large quantities at the copper plate, remove the wire, and again read the deflection. It will be less than at first. If the liquid is now stirred, the deflection will be increased. Keep the bubbles brushed from the copper plate and see if the current can be kept the same as at first. 2. Substitute a carbon plate for the copper and repeat Experi- ment 1. (A good carbon plate may be taken from a discarded dry cell.) A similar decrease in the current will be observed. While the cell is connected with the instrument, pour into the sulphuric acid a small quantity of sodium (or potassium) dichromate or chromic acid solu- tion. The index of the galvanometer promptly indicates a strong increase of electromotive force. The cell may now be short-circuited as before, but the E. M. F. quickly resumes its original value after the short circuit is removed. These experiments show clearly that the collection of hydrogen on the copper (or carbon) plate of a cell reduces the E. M. F. and, consequently, the current that it sends through the conductor. This effect arises from the fact that a hydrogen-coated plate now takes the place of the copper plate. The diminution of the E. M. F. of a cell by the presence of hydrogen on the copper (or carbon) plate 1 For classroom demonstration purposes it is desirable that a volt- meter be provided having upwards of 50 ohms resistance and reading to about 5 volts. An ammeter having less than an ohm resistance and reading to 3 or 4 amperes will also be found of great service. In case such instruments are not available, a galvanometer of large resistance (50 ohms or more) may be substituted for a voltmeter, and one of small resistance (less than 1 ohm), for an ammeter. 384 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS is called the polarization of the cell. If the bubbles be removed by stirring, the current will remain near its original value. Experiment 2 serves to demonstrate the fact that the effect of the hydrogen can be largely overcome by chemical means, a method of which advantage is taken in many kinds of voltaic cells. In the prevention of polarization by chemical action the dichromate acts as a depolarizer for removing the hydrogen from the carbon plate. This it does by supplying an abundance of oxygen, with which the hydrogen unites chemically to form water. 403. The Dichromate, or Grenet, Cell. In this cell a zinc plate Z, Fig. 319, is usually placed between two plates of carbon which are joined together by metal at the top. The liquid is dilute sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) to which is added dichromate of sodium (or potassium) or chromic acid as a depolarizer. See 402, Exp. 2. The dichromate cell is capable of giving a strong current for a short time and for this reason has been largely used in ex- perimental work. It has, however, been largely replaced by the " dry " cell ( 407) and storage battery on account of their greater convenience. One disadvantage of the dichromate cell is the necessity of with- drawing the zinc from the acid by the rod A when the cell is not in use. 404. The Daniell Cell. The Daniell cell, Fig. 320, consists of a glass jar containing a saturated solution of copper sulphate (blue vitriol, CuSO 4 ) in which stands a large sheet copper plate O. The copper plate encircles a porous cup of unglazed earthenware which contains a FIG. 319. The Grenet, or Dichromate Cell. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY FIG. 320. The Daniell Cell. heavy bar of zinc Z immersed in a dilute solution of zinc sulphate (ZnSO 4 ). The porous cup does not check the flow of electricity, but does prevent the rapid mixing of the two solutions. Dilute sulphuric acid may be used in place of zinc sulphate. In this cell the zinc is continually being dissolved and in the course of time must be renewed. On the other hand, copper (Cu) from the solution of copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ) is deposited slowly upon the copper plate, which in time grows into a massive sheet. In order to maintain c, constant supply of copper ions in the solution, crystals of copper sulphate are added from time to time. Since copper, instead of hydrogen, is deposited on the copper plate, the nature of the plate' is not changed, and, consequently, no polarization takes place. On account of the complete non-polarization of the Daniell cell, it is often used when currents of great con- stancy are required. 405. The Gravity Cell. A dilute solution of zinc sulphate has less density than a saturated solution of copper sulphate; hence, the two will be kept separate by gravity and the former will .float upon the latter. This fact is employed in the so-called gravity cell, Fig. 321, in which a copper plate lies upon the bottom of a jar surrounded by crystals of copper sulphate and a saturated solution of the same substance. Above this solu- tion is one of dilute zinc sulphate which surrounds a massive zinc plate. If a gravity cell be allowed to stand on an open circuit, the liquids slowly mix. In order to prevent this and thus 26 FIG. 321. The Gravity Cell. 386 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS keep the copper sulphate from reaching the zinc plate, the cell must be kept in more or less active operation. While producing a current the copper ions are continually mov- ing away from the zinc, in which respect the action is the same as that of the Daniell cell, of which this cell is a modification. Gravity cells are extensively used in telegraphy and in circuits where constant currents are desired. 406. The Leclanche Cell. The positively charged plate of the Leclanche (pronounced Le dan'shd 1 ) cell, Fig. 322, is a bar of carbon C which is packed in a porous cup together with small pieces of carbon and manganese dioxide. The porous cup is placed in a solution of - ammonium chloride (salammoniac) in which stands a bar of zinc Z to serve as the negative plate of the cell. When the circuit containing a Leclanche FIG. 322. The Le- C Q\\ j s closed, hydrogen is liberated at the clanche' Cell. J carbon ; but, on account of the presence of the manganese dioxide, the hydrogen is slowly oxidized, forming water. In this manner polarization is largely prevented. As a rule, however, the hydrogen is liberated so rapidly that the cell slowly polarizes, but regains its normal condition when allowed to stand for a time on an open circuit. The Leclanche cell has had a very extensive use on account of the fact that it produces currents that are suitable for ringing bells, operating signals, regulating dampers, etc. The cell will remain in good condition for years with very little attention. At the present time it is being rapidly replaced by the more convenient and in- expensive "dry" cell, which is a modified form of the Leclanche. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 387 407. The "Dry " Cell. The Leclanche cell is made in the form of the so-called " dry " cell by embedding the car- bon plate (7, Fig. 323, in a paste A made by mixing zinc oxide, ammonium chloride, plaster of Paris, zinc chlo- ride, and water. The whole mass is contained in a zinc cup Z, which serves as the negative plate of the cell. Evaporation is prevented by hermetically sealing the cup with melted bitumen or asphalt. Many different forms of dry cells are now on the market and are in great demand for operating the sparking devices of gas and gasoline engines, ring- ing bells, etc. A " dry " cell deteriorates rapidly on a closed circuit, and hence should always be connected with a spring key that automatically opens the circuit when the cell is not in use. EXERCISES 1. Explain how the direction of the current in a telegraph wire could be determined by means of a small compass. 2. Is the difference of potential between the plates of a voltaic cell large enough to cause a spark when wires from them are brought near together ? Is it great enough to produce a shock when the plates are simultaneously touched? 3. Would you expect to get an E. M. F. by forming a cell of two copper plates or two zinc plates in dilute sulphuric acid ? Make the experiment, using a sensitive galvanometer. Try the experiment with a polarized copper plate and one that is not polarized and account for the results. 4. Would you expect to derive a current from a zinc and copper cell containing a solution of common salt? Perform the experiment FIG. 323. The "Dry " Cell. 388 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 5. Why is the combination of zinc, copper, and dilute sulphuric acid a suitable one for experiments like those described? 6. Study the description of the Daniell cell and state which solu- tion grows weaker and must ultimately be renewed. What materials, therefore, must be kept on hand for replenishing a system of Daniell or of gravity cells ? 2. EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS 408. The Magnetic Effect. It has already been shown that a current of electricity is capable of magnetizing bars of iron and steel ( 390), and also that a magnetic needle placed near a current is deflected from its normal position. These are only special cases of the more general one illus- trated by the following experiments: 1. Join several new dry cells in series and connect them through a key to a vertical wire passing through a horizontal sheet of card- FIG. 324. Magnetic Field around a Conductor Carrying a Current. FIG. 325. Iron Filings Arranged around a Conductor. board as in Fig. 324. A current of at least 2 amperes is desirable. Sprinkle iron filings on the cardboard and close the key for a short time, meanwhile tapping lightly to jar the filings. The filings will arrange themselves in circular lines (see Fig. 325) around the wire as the center, thus showing the shape of the magnetic field about the conductor. Small pivoted magnets placed near the wire will turn VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 389 until they are tangent to the circles with their N-poles as shown in Fig. 324. 2. Make a helix, or spiral, of insulated copper wire by winding about 30 turns upon a lead pencil. Connect the ends of the wire with a cell and present one end of the helix to the N-pole of a suspended magnet or compass needle, One end will be found to attract the N-pole while the opposite end repels it, and the end that attracts the N-pole will repel the S-pole. Reverse the connections of the cell and repeat the experiment. The end of the helix which formerly attracted a magnetic pole will now repel it. 3. Thread a spiral of cop- per wire through holes in a flat piece of cardboard or wood as shown in Fig. 326. Strew iron filings evenly over the FIG. 326. Magnetic Field Produced by a f , ,1 Current in a Helix, or Solenoid, surface and send the current (about 3 amperes are required) from several new dry cells through the wire. If the apparatus be tapped lightly, the filings will arrange themselves as shown in the figure. It is clear from these experiments that a conductor carrying an electric current is surrounded by a magnetic field. If the conductor is a straight wire, Experiment 1 shows that the lines of force are concentric circles around the conductor as the center. The direction of the lines is given by the direction in which an N-pole is urged when placed in the field. It is clear, therefore, from Fig. 324, that the direction of the lines is that indicated by the arrows. A convenient rule may be stated as follows : G-rasp the conductor with the right hand with the out- stretched thumb in the direction the current is flowing. The fingers encircle the wire in the direction of the lines of force. The shape of the field depends on the form of the con- ductor ; for, when the conductor is a helix, the magnetic field resembles that about a straight bar magnet. (See Fig. 327.) In fact, it is shown in Experiment 2 that the 390 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS helix has the properties of a magnet while a current is flowing through the wire. If the coil could be properly suspended and a current sent through it, the axis would assume the direction taken by a compass needle. Such a helix is also called a solenoid. FIG. 327. Showing the Relation between the Direction of the Current and the Magnetic Lines. 409. Poles of a Helix. Let Experiment 2 of 408 be repeated and the N-pole and the S-pole ascertained. Tracing the current from the positive pole of the cell, it will be found to flow around the N-pole in a direction contrary to the motion of the hands of a clock as one faces the pole and in the reverse direction about the S-pole as shown in Fig. 327. The experimental result leads to the following conven- ient rule : If the helix be grasped with the right hand so that the fingers point in the direction the current is flowing, the ex- tended thumb will point in the direction of the N-pole of the helix. (See Fig. 328.) Another convenient rule is applied by facing the end of the helix ; if the current is flow- ing clockwise, the end of the helix is an S-pole, and, conversely, if counter-clockwise, an N-pole. FIG. 328. Rule for Determining the Poles of a Helix Carrying a Current. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 391 410. The Electro-magnet. Probably none of the effects that can be produced by electric currents are of greater practical value or employed more extensively than the magnetic effect. The scale on which this effect can be produced is limited only by the dimensions of the appa- ratus used and the strength of the current. Wind a helix consisting of about 75 turns of No. 22 insulated copper wire and provide an iron core that can be inserted into, or removed from, the helix as de- sired. Test the magnetic action of the helix without the core by presenting it to a magnetic needle while a current is flow- ing. Now insert the core and note the change. Its effect is more marked than before. Next send the current from a new Fia ' 329. - Magnetization of Iron by , ,. , ,. , ,. . , Means of an Electric Current, dry cell through the helix and dip one end of the core into a box of tacks, Fig. 329. A large quantity of tacks will cling to the core and remain there until the current is interrupted. Although a coreless helix of wire has magnetic proper- ties when a current is flowing through it, its magnetic field is insignificant when compared to that which the same current will produce when an iron core is present, on account of the large permeability of iron ( 381). The introduction of the core adds the lines of force of the magnetized iron to those produced by the current in the helix alone. Any mass of iron around which is a helix for conducting an electric current is called an electro-magnet. The small amount of magnetism retained by the core after the circuit is broken is termed residual magnetism. Electro-magnets are made in many forms and often of extremely large dimensions for holding heavy masses of iron. The horseshoe form shown in Figs. 330 and 331 is 392 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS most frequently used in electrical devices. The wire is so wound as to produce an N-pole at N and an S-pole at S. The bar of iron A which is held by the magnetism of the poles is called the armature. When the armature is against the poles, it will be observed that the lines of force find a i FIG. 330. An Electro-magnet Showing Poles and Armature. FIG. 331. Showing the Path of the Lines of Force in an Electro-magnet. FIG. 332. A Large Electro-magnet Used for Han- dling Masses of Iron in Factories. complete magnetic circuit through iron, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 331. Figure 332 shows a large form of the electro- magnet that is widely used in manu- facturing plants for the purpose of handling heavy masses of iron, as castings, plates, pig iron, etc. The lifting power is con- trolled mainly by the current used. 411. The Electric Bell. An important application of the magnetic effect of an electric current is found in the electric bell. The instru- ment consists of an electro- magnet %, Fig. 333, near the poles of which is an armature of iron attached to a spring. Extending from the armature FIG. 333. The Electric Bell. is a slender rod bearing at its VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 393 extremity the bell hammer H. The armature carries a spring that touches lightly against the screw point at>C. The connections are made as shown in the figure. When the push button P is pressed, the circuit is completed by a metallic contact within the button, and the current from the cell B flows through the electro-magnet coils. This causes the magnet to attract the armature, and the hammer strikes the bell. The movement of the armature, however, breaks the circuit at C and thus interrupts the current. Since the cores of the magnet now lose their magnetism, the armature is thrown back by the spring ; the contact at C is restored, and all the operations are repeated. Hence a steady pressure on the push button causes the hammer to execute a number of rapid strokes against the bell. The direction of the cur- rent is immaterial to the operation of the bell. 412. Mutual Action of Two Parallel Currents. Suspend two light wires about 30 cm. long from two other wires a and b, Fig. 334, which are bent as shown. Let the lower ends of the vertical wires just dip into a mercury cup below. Now send a strong current through the ap- FIG. 334. Illustrating the Mutual Action between Parallel Currents. FIG. 335. Parallel Currents in the Same Direction. paratus (an alternating current of from 4 to 8 amperes suffices), which will flow down one wire and up the other. The two conductors will repel each other. Again, hang both wires on a and make the con- nections as shown in Fig. 335. Both currents will now flow in the same direction and an attraction will be observed. 394 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS The results of the experiments may be stated as follows: Currents flowing in the same direction attract each other, and those flowing in opposite directions repel each other. The FIG. 336. Magnetic Fields around Parallel Conductors : (1) When Currents are Flowing in the Opposite Directions ; (2) When Flowing in the Same Direction. magnetic field around the two wires in each of the two cases is shown in Fig. 336. 413. Heating Effect of Electric Currents. It is a familiar fact that electric currents produce heat. This is at once evident when the hand is placed in contact with the warm bulb of an incandescent lamp. The following experiment shows in another way the transformation of electrical energy into heat. If an electric lighting current is available, construct a device for controlling it by mounting several lamp sockets on a board and join- ing them in parallel (444). Connect each side to a binding post, screw a lamp into each socket, and a safe adjustable resistance is ready for use. Put the device just described in circuit with a piece of fine iron wire joined to one of copper wire of the same diameter. The pieces may be each several inches in length. Screw one lamp at a time into its socket until sufficient current flows to heat the wire. The iron wire will at length glow with heat while the copper wire of the same dimension is still comparatively cool. If a lighting current cannot be used, the experiment may be made by using shorter pieces of wire with several good dry cells joined in series. In this case no controlling resistance is necessary. An experiment that succeeds well with a small current is made by connecting a cell with a fine insulated copper or iron wire that has VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 395 been wound in a coil about the bulb of a thermometer, mercury indicates the heating effect of the current. The rise of The heating effect of a current of electricity is employed in electric cooking devices, in various methods of heating, and in electric lighting. An electrically heated flatiron is shown in Fig. 337. 414. Chemical Effects of Electric Currents. Seal two platinum wires to which are attached platinum FIG. 337. An Electrically Heated Flatiron. strips about 1 cm. wide and 3 cm. long in small bent glass tubes e and /, Fig. 338. Over each of these place an inverted test tube filled with water to which has been added a number of drops of sulphuric acid. Place a small . quantity of mercury in each of the small tubes and connect the strips of platinum in circuit with three or four dry cells joined in series by inserting the con- necting wires into the mercury. Small bubbles of gas will be seen rising from the platinum in each tube and collect- ing at the top. If e is joined to the FIG. 338. Electrolysis of positive pole of the battery, the gas al tand% y !^n C a"r ed bove that strip of platinum will collect only one half as fast as that over the other. When the action has progressed until one of the tubes is filled with gas, remove it carefully and apply a lighted match. A blue flame will be seen caused by the burning of this gas, which is hydrogen. Now remove the other tube and insert a glowing pine stick, which will be observed to burst into a flame because of the oxygen contained in the tube. The platinum strips employed in making electrical con- tact with the liquid in the tubes are called electrodes. While conducting the electric current from one electrode to the other, the water is decomposed into its constituent 396 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS elements, hydrogen and oxygen. This decomposition is characteristic of all liquids, except liquid metals. The process of decomposing a compound substance by means of an electric current is called electrolysis. The substance decomposed is called an electrolyte. The electrode at which the current enters the electrolyte is the anode; the one at which it leaves, the cathode. 415- Theory of Electrolysis. In the light of the theory of solutions stated in 396, the process of electrolysis is easily explained. When a small quantity of sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), for example, is introduced into water, the molecules split up into hydrogen (H) ions and sulphions (SO 4 ), the former bearing positive charges of electric- ity, the latter, negative charges. Now when two platinum electrodes that are connected to the poles of a battery are placed in the liquid, the cathode, which is charged negatively, attracts the positively charged H ions, while the anode, which is positively charged, attracts the negatively charged SO 4 ions. The H ions discharge their positive electricity to the cathode and are then free to collect and rise in bubbles to the surface. The SO 4 ions, on the other hand, discharge their negative electricity to the anode, where they react chemically upon the water (H 2 O), setting free the oxygen (O). Thus each sulphion (SO 4 ) together with the hydrogen (H 2 ) taken from the water forms new molecules of sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) . In this manner the amount of acid present in the solution remains constant, while the quantity of water diminishes as the process of electrolysis advances. 416. Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate. Introduce two plati- num electrodes into a solution of copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ) and place them in circuit with three or four dry cells. After a few seconds the cathode, or negative electrode, will be found to be coated with me- tallic copper, while the anode remains unchanged. If the direction of the current be now reversed, copper will be deposited on the clean plate (now the cathode), while the copper coating on the anode gradu- ally disappears. In the electrolysis of copper sulphate, the ions present are copper (Cu) ions and sulphions (SO 4 ), the former bearing positive charges of electricity and the latter, negative. When platinum electrodes are introduced into the solution, the copper ions are attracted to the cathode, where they discharge their electricity and become free. Thus VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 397 we find copper deposited upon this electrode. At the anode the sul- phions react with water as in the case just described ( 415). How- ever, if the anode is a copper plate, the sulphions (SO 4 ) abstract copper from the plate at the instant they discharge their electricity and form copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ), which dissolves in the liquid. The experiment illustrates the process of electroplating, a method by which one metal is given a coating of another. Thus by electrolytic action corrosive iron may be plated with non-corrosive nickel, or tarnishing brass with pure gold. In the experiment, copper (Cu), which is a constituent of the copper sulphate (CuSO 4 ) in the solution, is always deposited on the cathode, or negative electrode. If the anode is made of platinum, oxygen will be liberated at its surface. If, however, the anode is made of copper, the case is modified ; for, instead of setting oxygen free, copper is removed from the plate and carried into the solution. 417. Electroplating. When we consider the vast num- ber of plated articles in everyday use, we can scarcely overestimate the great commercial value of the electrolytic action of an electric cur- rent. When, for ex- ample, silver is to be plated upon the surface of a spoon, an anode plate of silver is sus- pended in a solution of ., . n T ., FIG. 339. Illustrating the Process of Elec- silver cyanide, while tropiating. the spoon is made the cathode by being connected with the zinc of a battery and completely submerged in the solution. See Fig. 339. The current is allowed to flow until the coating is of the desired thickness. In the nickel-plating pro- 398 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS cess an anode of nickel is used in a solution of nickel nitrate and ammonium nitrate. The article to be plated is always the cathode. When the coating reaches the proper thickness, the final process of polishing gives the surface the desired appearance. 418. Electrotyping. As a rule, books of which a large edition is to be printed are first electrotyped. In this process an impression is made in wax after the type has been set up, so that each letter leaves its imprint in the mold. A thin layer of finely powdered plumbago, or graphite, is brushed over the surface of the wax in order to render it a conductor of electricity. When thus pre- pared, the mold is placed in an electrolytic bath of copper sulphate and joined to the negative pole of a battery or other source of electricity. The anode is simply a copper plate. The current is allowed to flow until the coating of copper upon the wax is somewhat thicker than a sheet of paper. While the copper is being deposited upon the conducting graphite, it penetrates into even the smallest depressions of the mold and thus reproduces in copper the exact form of the type. The coating of copper is then removed from the wax, trimmed, and filled in at the back with molten type metal. The advantage gained by electrotyping is convenience, durability, and perma- nence, and the type from which the impression is taken on the wax may be distributed and used again without delay. 419. Refining Copper. Copper as it comes from ordi- nary smelting works contains many impurities. Such copper is refined electrolytically by casting the crude metal in huge plates which are afterwards used as anodes in large depositing vats. The solution used is copper sulphate, and the cathode is a thin plate of pure copper. When a current of electricity is sent through the solution, VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 399 copper is deposited on the cathode until it grows into a heavy plate. The copper anode is carried into the solu- tion, while its impurities collect at the bottom of the vat. Copper thus refined is called electrolytic copper, and is much used in the manufacture of wire and in the construc- tion of dynamos, motors, etc. 420. The Storage Battery. The principle of the storage cell may be illustrated by making a small cell of two plates of lead about 2x6 inches and a solution of sulphuric acid consisting of one part of acid and about eight parts of water. Attach the plates to a piece of wood and hang them in the solution. Connect the lead plates to two good dry cells joined in series and allow the current to flow for a minute or more. Disconnect the dry cells and run wires from the lead plates to an electric bell. The bell will ring vigorously for a short time and then gradually cease. The power of the cell can be restored by again connecting it with the dry cells. If a galvanometer be introduced in the circuit, it will be found that the discharging current flows in opposition to the current used in charging. If the E. M. F. of the charged plates is measured by a voltmeter, it will be found to be about two volts. The charging current decomposes the water as in 414. Hydrogen is liberated at the cathode plate; but the oxygen produced at the anode changes the surface of the plate from lead (Pb) into lead peroxide (PbO%), which may be recognized by its brownish color. When the plates are connected with the electric bell, a current flows from the peroxide plate through the bell to the other, which is simply lead. The current continues until the thin coating is used up. It should be observed that the storage cell stores energy but not elec- tricity. The work done by the charg- ing current results in the production of the energy of chemical separation in the cell. When the circuit is closed, this amount of potonuiiul energy is transferred to the bell, where it ap- pears as mechanical energy which is 340. A Storage Cell, or Lead Accumulator. 400 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS finally dissipated as sound and heat. A complete storage cell is shown in Fig. 340. EXERCISES 1. What would be the effect produced upon the strength of the poles of a bar magnet if it were placed in a helix in which the direc- tion of the current around the N-pole of the magnet was counter- clockwise ? In which it was clockwise ? 2. A helix is suspended so as to turn freely in a horizontal plane and is placed above a strong bar magnet. If a current be sent through the helix, what will be its direction around that end which stops over the S-pole of the magnet ? 3. Place a compass box upon one of the rails of an electric railway running north and south and see if you can detect the presence and direction of a current. 4. Would you expect a compass needle to point north and south in a moving trolley car ? Why ? 5. Which is most readily magnetized when placed in a helix, iron or steel? Which will retain the greater amount of magnetism? How could you produce a permanent, magnet by the help of a dry cell and a helix ? 6. How could the direction of an electric current be determined by means of an electrolytic cell through which it could be caused to flow ? 7. What change would finally occur in the copper sulphate solu- tion in an electrolytic cell having platinum electrodes if the current were allowed to flow? 8. Would the result in Exer. 7 be at all modified if the anode were copper ? Explain. 9. Electric circuits in buildings are protected against too strong currents by lead wire fuses of the proper size placed in the circuit. If by accident the current becomes strong enough to be unsafe, the wire melts. Explain in full. If possible, inspect the wiring of some building and report on the form in which the fuses are made. SUMMARY 1. An electric current is a continuous discharge, or movement, of electricity ( 390). 2. Electric currents may be produced by chemical action, as in voltaic cells. It may be shown that one of the terminals of such a cell is charged with positive elec- tricity, the other with negative ( 391 and 392). VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY 401 3. The E. M. F. of a cell is the difference of potential between these charges when no current is flowing ( 393). 4. Much of the potential energy of the zinc of a cell is wasted by "local action." This may be largely pre- vented by amalgamation ( 397). 5. A current flowing in a conductor near and parallel to a magnetic needle tends to deflect it from its position. This principle is used in many electrical measuring instru- ments, as galvanometers, etc. ( 400). 6. The E. M. F. is diminished by the accumulation of hydrogen on the copper (or carbon) plate. This effect is known as polarization. ( 402). 7. An electric current is surrounded by a magnetic field. When the conductor carrying the current encircles a bar of iron or steel, the bar becomes a magnet ( 408). 8. The electro-magnet consists of a helix of insulated wire wound upon a core of iron. The principle of the electro-magnet is employed in the electric bell and many other important devices ( 410 and 411). 9. Parallel currents flowing in the same direction attract each other, and those flowing in opposite directions repel ( 412). 10. When an electric current flows through a con- ductor, the conductor is heated. This effect is applied in electric lighting, in heating and cooking devices, etc. ( 413). 11. An electric current decomposes water into hydro- gen and oxygen, hydrogen being liberated at the cathode. When a current flows through a solution of a metallic salt, the compound is decomposed and the metal liberated at (or plated upon) the cathode. This effect of an electric current is known as electrolysis and is used in electro- plating, etc. ( 414 to 420). 27 CHAPTER XIX ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 1. ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS 421. Fundamental Electrical Magnitudes. In every electric circuit there are three fundamental quantities which admit of measurement; viz. current strength, elec- trical resistance, and difference of potential. The first of these, current strength, may be likened to the rate at which water is delivered through a pipe ; electrical resist- ance, to the friction encountered by a liquid current ; and difference of potential, to a difference of level (or pressure) for any two chosen points between which the current is flowing. 422. Current Strength the Ampere. In many of the preceding experiments it has been obvious that the mag- nitude of many of the effects produced depended on a quantity that has been frequently referred to as the "strength of the current." For some effects the current must be strong, for others, weak. The expression refers to the rate at which positive electricity is being discharged from the positive to the negative pole through the circuit. The unit of current strength is the ampere, so called in honor of Ampere, 1 a French physicist. The ampere is that current which will deposit in an electrolytic cell 0.001118 grams of silver or 0.0003287 grams of copper per second. Of the currents used in the experiments described in the preceding sections, the largest were required in 413 and 1 See portrait facing page 406. 402 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 403 amounted to 6 or 7 amperes. As a rule, the current used in most classroom demonstrations is less than 1 ampere in value. In the comparison and measurement of electric currents, different kinds of galvanometers are used. 423. The Tangent and Astatic Galvanometers. The tan- gent galvanometer is a common form found in most laboratories. It consists of a circular coil of wire wound on a frame about 30 cm. in diameter. See (1), Fig. 341. The ends of the coil lead to binding posts on the base. At the center of the coil is placed a compass needle below which is a graduated circle. When in use the coil of the instru- ment is placed north and south and the current sent through the coil. The instrument derives its name from the fact that the current is proportional to the tangent of the angle of deflection. If the current necessary to deflect the needle 45 is known, other currents are easily measured. For the measurement and detection of small currents the astatic gal- vanometer (2), Fig. 341, is sometimes used. Two similar magnets are attached to a ver- tical rod so that their N-poles point in op- posite directions. This system is then suspended so that the lower needle swings within a coil of wire, as shown in Fig. 342. When a current is sent through the coil, all parts of it tend to throw the needles out of FIG. 342. The Arrange- the north-and-south positions. This form of ment of the Magnets in galvanometer may be made extremely sen- an Astatic Galvanometer. sitiye to gmaU currents> 424. The d'Arsonval Galvanometer. Galvanometers of the d'Arsonval type differ from those described in 423 in that the FIG. 341. (7) The Tangent Galvanometer; (2) The Astatic Galvanometer. 404 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS magnet is stationary and the coil of wire movable. As shown in Fig. 343, the instrument consists of a light coil of many turns of fine wire, one end of which is the supension wire AC, while the other end extends below the coil and connects at B. When the instrument is joined in an electric circuit, the current is conducted through the wire of the coil. When no current is flowing, the plane of the coil is held by the suspending wire par- allel to a line joining the .two poles of a permanent magnet N and S. Since a current through the coil de- velops a magnetic field of its own at right angles to that of the magnet, the coil will turn until the magnetic forces are in equilibrium with the torsional resistance of the suspension wire. The deflections are read by the movement of a beam of light reflected from a small mirror M attached to the coil. For small angles of de- flection the current is practically proportional to the angle J hence the instrument may be used in current measurements. The instrument also affords a very sensitive detector of currents and is, on this account, indispensable in a large class of experiments. The principle involved in this galvanometer is employed in many electrical measuring instruments. 425. The Ammeter. An instrument i for measuring the strength of an electric cur- rent is called an ammeter, or amperemeter. In most ammeters the magnetic effect of a cur- rent is employed. The instrument may con- sist simply of a magnetic needle, which shows by the amount of its deflection the number of amperes of current. The best instruments, however, consist of a delicately pivoted coil of wire A, Fig. 344, turning between the poles FIG. 343. The d' Arson val Galvanometer. FIG. 344. Section of au Ammeter. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 405 of a strong permanent magnet N and S and held in position by two hair springs a and &. The principle involved in this class of instru- ments will be recognized at once as that of the d'Arsonval galvanom- eter. When a current is sent through the coil, the magnetic field developed by the current causes the coil to turn, and the pointer p moves over a scale which is graduated to read in am- peres. When the current is interrupted, the coil is restored to its initial posi- tion by the springs which also serve to conduct the current into and out of the FlG - 345. An Ammeter, coil. The complete instrument is shown in Fig. 345. 426. Electrical Resistance. It was observed in 350 that substances differ in respect to the readiness with which they transmit an electrical charge ; thus bodies are classed as good or poor conductors. The opposition that a conductor offers tending to retard the transmission of elec- tricity is called electrical resistance. Hence, with a given source of electricity, as a Daniell cell, the current strength will diminish as the resistance of the circuit is increased, and will rise in value as the resistance is decreased. 427. Laws of Resistance. Construct a frame about 1 meter long and upon it stretch 4 wires terminating in binding posts. Let No. 1 consist of 1 meter of No. 30 (diameter 0.010 inch) German silver wire ; No. 2, of 2 meters of No. 30 German silver wire ; No. 3, of 2 meters of No. 28 (0.013 inch) ; and No. 4, about 20 meters of No. 30 copper wire. Connect wire No. 1 in series with one or two Daniell cells and a low resistance galvanometer, and read the deflection of the needle. Replace No. 1 by No. 2, and the deflection will be found to be less than before, thus indicating a greater resistance for the greater length. When the current is sent through No. 3, which is a larger wire, an increased deflection shows a decreased resistance. Finally, when the current is sent through wire No. 4, the deflection will be even largei 406 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE ^N PHYSICS than for No. 2, which is of the same size and only one tenth as long. Thus copper is shown to be more than 10 times as good a conductor as German silver. The experiment may be extended to other wires of various substances. Accurate measurements verify the following laws : 1. The resistance of a conductor of uniform size and com- position is directly proportional to its length. 2. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross-sectional . area ; or, if circular inform, to the square of its diameter. 3. The resistance of a conductor depends upon the nature of the substance of which it is composed. For example, if the resistance of a copper wire of a certain diameter and length is 1 unit, the resistance of a wire of the same kind and size and twice the length is 2 units. If, now, the diameter be doubled, the resistance is divided by 2 2 , i.e. reduced to 2 units -s- 4, or | a unit. 428. The Unit of Resistance. The unit of resistance is called the ohm in honor of Dr. G. S. Ohm, 1 a German physicist. The ohm is the amount of electrical resistance offered by a column of pure mercury 106.3 cm. in height, of uniform cross section, and having a mass of 14.4521 grams, the temperature being 0<7. The cross-sectional area of such a column is almost exactly one square millimeter. Since such a column of mercury would be inconvenient to handle, coils of wire whose resistances have been carefully measured and recorded are used in practical measure- ments. A piece of No. 22 (0.025 inch) copper wire 60 feet in length has approximately one ohm of resistance. One meter of No. 30 German silver wire has a resistance of about 6.35 ohms. A convenient unit for rough work can easily be made by winding 9 feet and 5 inches of 1 See portrait facing page 406. ANDRE MARIE AMPERE (1775-1836) The fame of Ampere rests mainly on the services he rendered to science in es- tablishing the relation between electricity and magnetism and in developing the sci- ence of electro-dynamics. His chief experi- ments deal with the magnetic action be- tween conductors in which electric currents are flowing. Ampere was also the first to magnetize needles by inserting them in a helix in which a current was flowing. Ampere was born at Lyons, France. During the French Revolution his father was beheaded, an event which for years clouded the spirit of the young scientist. In 1805 he became professor of mathe- matics in the Polytechnic School in Paris, and later professor of physics in the College of France. In 1823 he published his mathe- matical classic on the theory of magnetism. The practical unit of current strength is named in his honor. GEORGE SIMON OHM (1787-1854) Following closely upon the experiments of Ampere on the magnetic action between currents came the researches of Ohm, a German, whose discoveries concerned the strength of an electric current. Ohm's first experiments dealt with the conductivity of wires of different metals. He observed the deflections of a magnetic needle by currents from a given source, but flowing through different conductors. By changes in the E. M. F. in the circuits used, he obtained results which led him pj to the well-known expression C = . R ~r v He then investigated cells joined in paral- lel and series, and published his results in 1826. During the following year he published the theoretic deduction of the law bearing his name. This law is one of the most fruitful of the early electrical discoveries. Ohm was born in Erlangen, where he was educated. His ambi- tion to become a university professor was not realized until 1849, when he was elected to a professorship at Munich. The practical unit of resistance is called the ohm in his honor. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 407 No. 30 copper wire on a spool and connecting its ends to binding posts. 429. Potential Difference the Volt. It was shown in 393 that the difference of potential between the poles of a voltaic cell when no current is flowing is its elec- tromotive force. This quantity is conceived to be the cause of current flow, and is analogous to the difference in level between two bodies of water, to" the difference in pressure of gases compressed in two reservoirs, or to a difference of temperature in the case of heat. The unit of potential difference and, consequently, of E. M. F., is the volt. The volt is that difference of potential between the ends of a wire having a resistance of one ohm which will produce a current of one ampere. The E. M. F. of some of the voltaic cells in ^common use is given in the follow- ing table : E.-M.F. OF CELLS Daniell, 1.1 volts. Dry cells, 1.5 volts. Leclanche, 1.5 volts. Dichromate, 2.0 volts. A Daniell cell would then cause a current of 1.1 am- peres through a wire having a resistance of 1 ohm, pro- vided there were no other resistance in the circuit. It is evident, however, that the resistance of the cell itself must always be considered in any given circuit. 430. The Voltmeter. In order that an instrument may measure the E. M. F. of a cell, it is necessary that no ap- preciable current be permitted to flow. See the definition of E. M. F., 393. In order, therefore, that a galvanom- eter may be adapted to this use, it must contain a large amount of resistance. Instruments of several hundred ohms are made whose deflections are practically propor- \ tional to the E. M. F. of cells to which they may be attached. When such instruments are graduated to read volts they are called voltmeters. Figure 346 shows the 408 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS manner of connecting a voltmeter for determining the E. M. F. of the cell J5, and Fig. 347 shows its connection FIG. 346. Illustrating FIG. 347. The Voltmeter Shows the a Use of the Volt- Fall of Potential through Coil C and meter. the Ammeter Measures the Current Strength. for giving the potential difference between the terminals of a coil of wire placed in the circuit. One well-known form of a voltmeter is shown in Fig. 348. 431. Ohm's Law. Connect a Daniell cell in circuit with a galvanometer or ammeter and a resistance box. Make the resist- ance of the circuit a suitable amount (say 200 ohms, including the galvanometer resistance) and measure the current strength. Replace the Daniell cell by a new dry cell and again ascertain the current. The two currents will be found proportional to the E. M. F. of the cells as stated in the table in 429. Again introduce the Daniell cell and make the resistance of the entire circuit double the first amount. The current strength will be only one half as great. Make the resistance one half as great as at first, and the current will be doubled. The experiment illustrates the law first published by Dr. G. S. Ohm in 1827. This law states that the strength of an electric current is directly proportional to the E. M. F. FIG. 348. The Voltmeter. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 409 furnished by the voltaic cell or combination of cells, and in- versely proportional to the total resistance of the circuit. The ampere, volt, and ohin are so chosen that Ohm's law may be written The law may be applied to any portion of an electric circuit, in which case it becomes current (amperes) = Potential difference (volts) ^ resistance (ohms) For example, the current produced by a Daniell cell (1.10 volts) in a circuit in which the total resistance (including that of the cell) is 44 ohms is 1.1-5-44, or 0.025 ampere. It is clear from equation (l) that if any two of the quantities are given, the third can easily be computed. 432. Internal Resistance. The current that any cell can produce is limited by the resistance which the current encounters in passing through the liquid of the cell. This is called the internal resistance of the circuit. In a fresh dry cell the resistance is a fraction of an ohm, but with age and use it increases to several ohms. That of a Daniell cell varies from about one to three or four ohms. The resistance of cells may be decreased by using larger plates and also by reducing the distance between the plates. It is furthermore depend- ent on the conductivity of the liquid. When more than one cell is connected in a circuit, the entire internal resist- ance depends on the manner in which they are joined together. 410 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 433. Cells Connected in Series. Join each of three Daniell cells successively to a voltmeter, or a galvanometer of high resistance (not less than 50 ohms), and record the deflections produced. They should be about equal. Now connect two of the cells in series, as shown in Fig. 349, and lead wires to the instrument. The de- flection will be twice as great as for one cell, and the addition of the third cell will make the current three times as strong. The de- flections under these conditions are propor- FIG. 349. Two Cells tional to the number of cells, because their Joined in Series. electromotive forces are added together when they are joined in this manner. Cells are in series when the positive pole of the first is joined to the negative pole of the second, the positive pole of the second to the negative pole of the third* and so on. A study of the figure will aid greatly in making the method clear. See also Fig. 311. Although the electromotive forces are added by con- necting cells in series, the resistances of the separate cells also add together and thus tend to reduce the current strength. For example, four similar cells in series will have four times the internal resistance of one cell. Since the strength of the current is obtained by divid- ing the E. M. F. by the total resistance of a circuit, C = i 2 . q 4 . R + r x + r 2 + r 3 + r 4 + etc. ' where E v E^ E y E^ etc. are the electromotive forces of the individual cells, r v r 2 , r 3 , r 4 , etc. are the correspond- ing internal resistances and R is the external resistance of the circuit. If we have, for example, five similar cells, the equation becomes , and for n cells, C = nE , (4) R + nr ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 411 where E is the E. M. F. and r the resistance of a single cell. 434. Cells Connected in Parallel. 1. With the apparatus used in the experiment of the preceding section, record the deflec- tion produced by each cell alone and then con- nect the positive poles of two of them to one termi- nal of the instrument and the two negative poles to the other terminal. The deflection will be the same as that obtained when only one cell is used. If all the cells are joined as shown in Fig. 350, the de- FIG. 350. Four Cells Joined in Parallel, flection of the instrument will not be greatly increased, if at all. 2. Join the cells while connected in parallel to an ammeter or galvanometer of very small "resistance and record the reading. Do the same with the cells connected in series and also with only one cell. It will be found that one cell alone will produce about as much cur- rent as all the cells when joined in series, but a much stronger current will be derived from them when they are in parallel. The experiments show that the parallel arrangement of cells has an advantage over the series connection when the external resistance is small. In fact, when the external resistance is very small, as it is in some cases, the series arrangement of cells produces practically no more current than a single cell. 1 The following example will make ihe matter clear. The current obtained from a single cell whose E. M. F. is 1.5 volts when the internal resistance is 3 ohms and the external resistance 0.2 ohm is, by equation (1), C = L5 , or 0.469 ampere. 0.2 + 3 1 When cells of extremely small internal resistance are used, as new dry cells, the series arrangement is the better under nearly all circum- stances. A poor cell, however, having a large resistance may prove to be more of a hindrance than a help. 412 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Now if ten such cells are connected in series, the current is, by equation (4), C = 10 x 1>5 , or 0.496 ampere, which is only slightly 0.2 + 30 larger than the current obtained from one cell. Experiment 1 shows that the E. M. F. remains un- changed when cells are connected in parallel ; hence, for the ten cells just considered, the E. M. F. is just the same as that of one cell, viz. 1.5 volts. Again, since like plates are joined together, the entire combination of cells is like one cell having plates of ten times the area of those of one cell. Therefore, by 427, the internal resistance is only one tenth as much, i.e. 3 -r- 10, or 0.3 ohm. The equa- tion for the parallel arrangement becomes C = - 1 -, or 3 amperes, which is about six times as much as the series arrangement would produce. Hence for n similar cells joined in parallel, Ohm's law is E.M.F. of one cell E ~~ . resistance of one cell 1 D . r -K- 1 : ~ ~ K- ~\ number of cells n EXERCISES The pupil should represent each of the following cases diagram- matically. 1. In the discussion of the two methods of combining cells, for what kind of circuits is the series arrangement of cells shown to be suitable ? 2. How much current will a dry cell of 2 ohms resistance and 1.43 volts send through a wire of 25 ohms resistance? 3. How much current would three cells similar to the one in Exer. 1 send through the same wire (1) when joined in series and (2) in parallel? Ans. (1) 0.13 ampere ; (2) 0.0557 ampere. 4. What current would 8 Dauiell cells of which the E. M. F. is 1.08 volts and the resistance 3 ohms each send through an ammeter of 0.4 ohm, when joined in series? What would be the current from one cell alone ? ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 413 5. What would be the current produced from the same 8 cells connected in parallel and using the same ammeter ? 6. Which is the better arrangement of 4 Daniell cells (E. M. F. = 1.1 volts and r = 2.5 ohms each) when the external resistance is 6 ohms? 7. Show that a small Daniell cell will give practically as much current as a large one through 1000 ohms of resistance, the resistance of the small one being 30 ohms while that of the large one is 4 ohms. 8. If a galvanometer gives the same deflection when connected with a very small cell as it does when connected with one several times as large but having the same E. M. F., is the resistance of the instrument large or small ? 9. A dry cell whose E. M. F. is 1.5 volts produces a current of 0.2 ampere through an instrument whose resistance is 7 ohms. Find the resistance in the cell. 10. Which will produce the greater effect in an external circuit of 5 ohms, a dry cell whose resistance is 3 ohms or a copper-oxide cell (E. M. F. = 0.8 volt) having a resistance of 0.2 ohm? 11. What current will be derived from a Daniell cell whose resist- ance is 3 ohms and a dry cell with a resistance of 2 ohms when they are joined in series and the external resistance is 2.74 ohms? 12. What would be the value of the current in the preceding exercise if the poles of the Daniell cell were set in opposition to those of the dry cell? Diagram the connections. 13. A circuit contains 4 dry cells (E.M. F. of each = 1.5 volts) joined in series. Three of the cells are known to have a resistance of 0.5 ohm each, and the external resistance is 10 ohms. If the current is 0.15 ampere, what is the resistance offered by the fourth cell ? Would the current be increased or decreased by removing this cell from the circuit? 2. ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND POWER 435. Energy of an Electric Current. We have learned under the study of the effects of electricity ( 411, 413, 414) that the energy of a current may be expended in three ways: (1) it may produce mechanical motion, as in the electric bell ; (2) it may produce chemical separation ; and (3) it may be converted into heat in a conductor. 414 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Let us imagine an electric circuit as shown in Fig. 351. Between the points A and B is a resistance of 4 ohms. If the battery produces a current of 5 amperes, for ex- ample, the potential dif- 4 Ohms, 5 Amperes B ^AAAAAAAA/V-+-V ference between A and B 20 Volte \ will be, by Ohm's law (-431), 4x5, or 20 volts - FIG. 351. -Electrical Energy is Trans- Now the Work done, Or formed into Heat between A and B. energy expended, by the current between A and B depends on three factors, (1) the potential difference, (2) the current strength, and (3) the time, and it is measured by their product. Therefore we have the relation energy = potential difference x current strength x time. If the time is in seconds, the potential difference in volts, and the current strength in amperes, this product gives the energy in terms of a unit called the joule, which is equal to 10,000,000 ergs. Hence volts x amperes x seconds = joules. (6) In the electric circuit shown in Fig. 351 the amount of energy expended in 5 minutes (300 seconds) between the points A and B is, then, by equation (6), 20 x 5 x 300, or 30,000 joules. 436. Power of an Electric Current. Since power refers to the rate at which work is done or energy expended ( 57), it may be found by simply dividing the total energy expended by the time. In an electric circuit, therefore, the power is measured by the product of the potential difference and the current strength ; or, power = volts x amperes. (?) It is plain that power is the number of joules per second expended by the current. A power of one joule per ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 415 second is called a watt, in honor of James Watt (1736- 1819) of Scotland. One horse power is equal to 746 watts. In the example chosen in 435, the power of the current in the circuit between A and B is 20 x 5, or 100 watts ; i.e. if the energy of the current which is expended be- tween the points A and B could be converted into mechani- cal energy, there would be developed ^J horse power. 437. Quantity of Heat Developed by a Current. When no mechanical or chemical work is done by a current of electricity, the energy is used simply in overcoming the resistance of the conductor and is converted into heat. Now one heat unit (a calorie) has been found by experi- ment to be equivalent to 4.2 joules; or, one joule equals - , or 0.24 calorie. If we express the potential difference between two points of a circuit by E and the current strength by (7, the num- ber of joules expended in t seconds is, by equation (6), EOt joules. But by Ohm's law ( 431), O= ^; whence .K E = OR. Now if we substitute this value of E, we obtain for the energy expended C 2 Rt, which represents the amount of electrical energy that is converted into heat in a resist- ance of R ohms when the current is O amperes and the time t seconds. Reducing joules to calories gives Heat = 0.24 C 2 Rt calories. (8) This equation represents Joule's law, which may be stated as follows: The heat developed in a conductor by an electric current is proportional to the square of the current, to the resistance of the conductor, and to the time the current is flowing. 438. Loss of Energy in Transmitting Electricity. The conversion of electrical energy into heat in a conductor 416 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS through which it flows has an important commercial bear- ing on the transmission of electric power over long lines. For example, if the resistance of the wires leading from a distant source of electrical power to a group of lamps is only 2 ohms, the waste of power in transmitting a current of 10 amperes is 10 2 x 2, or 200 watts. Now 10 amperes at 110 volts would operate 20 lamps, each of which con- sumes 55 watts. The total power required would be, therefore, 20 x 55 + 200, or 1300 watts. The loss in transmission is therefore -fy of the total power produced. Now if the number of lamps is increased to 100, the lamp consumption is 5500 watts, while the line loss (since the current is now 50 amperes) is 50 2 x 2, or 5000 watts. Hence, of the 10,500 watts which must be produced at the power station, 5000 watts, or 47.6 per cent, are lost by being converted into heat in the line. The loss of energy in long lines of wire can be reduced by constructing the line of larger wire and thus decreasing the resistance factor, but in many cases this method is im- practicable from a commercial standpoint. However, by using modern devices involving principles that we shall study later, economical transmission of power over long distances is rendered possible. EXERCISES 1. Compute the number of joules transmitted by a current of 10 amperes maintained for 20 minutes at a potential difference of 110 volts. 2. Compute the heat loss per hour in an electric line of 3 ohms resistance when the current is 5 amperes. What is the result if the current is 10 amperes ? 3. If the power required for an incandescent lamp is 60 watts, what is the consumption of 50 lamps measured in terms of the horse power? 4. A piece of platinum wire is heated by a current of 2 amperes, and the potential difference between its ends is 8 volts. Compute the heat developed per minute. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 417 3. COMPUTATION AND MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCES 439. Resistances Computed. It is customary to com- pute the resistance of a wire of given material, length, and size from the known resistance of a wire of that kind which is 1 foot in length and 0.001 inch (called 1 mil) in diameter. The following table gives this value in ohms for some of the common metals. OHMS OF RESISTANCE IN WIRES 1 FOOT LONG AND 0.001 INCH IN DIAMETER Silver 9.5 Platinum 80 Copper 10.2 German silver .... 180 Iron 61.5 Mercury 570 According to the laws of resistance stated in 427, the resistance of a wire can be calculated by simply multiplying the number given in the table by the length of the wire in feet and dividing by the square of the diameter, which must first be reduced to thousandths of an inch. For example, the resistance of a mile of iron wire 0.08 inch in diameter is 61.5 ohms x 5280 -5- 80 2 , or 50.7 ohms. EXERCISES 1. What is the resistance of each of the wires given in the follow- ing table? KIND OF WIRE NUMBER DIAMETER LENGTH Copper 8 0.128 inch 1 mile Copper 22 0.025 inch 500 feet Copper 36 0.005 inch 40 feet Copper 40 0.003 inch 25 feet Iron 9 0.114 inch 1 mile Iron 14 0.064 inch 25 feet Iron 10 0.102 inch 5000 feet German silver 20 0.032 inch 35 feet German silver 30 0.010 inch 10 meters Platinum . . .... 24 0.020 inch 2 feet "28 418 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 2. How long must a No. 36 copper wire be to offer a resistance of one ohm ? 3. Find the diameter of a copper wire that has a resistance of 10 ohms per thousand feet. 4. A No. 22 wire 1000 ft. long offers a resistance of 285 ohms. Of what material mentioned in 439 might the wire be made ? 440. Resistance Boxes. Coils of wire whose resistances have been carefully adjusted and marked are incased in boxes and sold by electrical supply houses. Such a box is shown in Fig. 352. The ends of each coil are sol- dered to brass blocks A, B, C, FIG. 352. A Resistance BOX. 'etc., Fig. 353, between which brass plugs may be inserted. The blocks are mounted on an ebonite or hardwood plate which forms the cover of the box. When the plugs are all in place, no resistance is encountered by an electric current in passing from one block to the next ; but when a plug is withdrawn, the current must pass through the correspond- FIG. 353. Showing ing coil whose resistance is marked on the top of the box. Thus, by removing plugs, any resistance from the smallest up to the sum of all the resistances in the box can be obtained. 441. Resistance Measured by Substitution. Place a coil of wire whose resistance is to be determined in circuit with a Daniell cell and a galvanometer and read the deflection produced by the current. Remove the coil from the circuit and insert a resistance box. With- draw plugs from the box until the deflection of the galvanometer is the same as before. The sum of the resistances corresponding to the plugs that have been removed gives the resistance of the coil. Why ? 442. Resistances Measured by Voltmeter and Ammeter. The coil of wire C, Fig. 347, whose resistance is to be found, is placed in a circuit with the cell B and an ammeter. A voltmeter of high ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 419 resistance is joined to the terminals of the coil C to indicate the potential difference at those points. Since by Ohm's law ( 431) the current through C equals the potential difference in volts divided by the resistance in ohms (Eq. 2, 431), the value of C can be found by dividing the reading of the voltmeter by that of the ammeter. It is essential that the resistance of the voltmeter be so large that practically none of the current FIG. 354. Diagram of Wheatstone's can pass through it. Bridge. 443. The Wheatstone Bridge. When the current from a cell J3, Fig. 354, passes through the point A, it divides into two parts, the portion C flowing through the resistance R ohms, and the portion C' through the resistance R' ohms in the straight uniform wire. AD. Now a sensitive galvanometer G joining points E and F will be deflected unless E and F do not differ in potential. The point F which has the same potential as E is found by moving the contact along the wire AD until no deflection can be observed. Under these conditions the difference of potential between A and E must equal that between A and F. By Ohm's law ( 431), fall of potential -4- resistance = current. Hence fall of potential = current x resistance', whence CR = C'R'. (l) Again, the same current flows through X as through R, since the galvanometer is not deflected ; and the same current flows through R" as though R' for the same reason. Now, since the difference of potential between E and D is the same as that between F and D, we have CX = C'R". (2) Dividing (2) by (1) we have Now the resistances R' and R" are proportional to the lengths of the wire AF and FD ( 427). Therefore, X = R. (3) 420 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSH IN PHYSICS Four resistances combined in this manner constitute Wheatstone's Bridge. It is obvious that if the resistance R and the lengths of the wire AF and FD are known, the value of the unknown resistance X can be calculated. The point F must be found experimentally as described above. 444. Conductors in Series and Parallel. Conductors are said to be joined in series when they are connected in >> i succession as shown in -""W^^-*-^^ Fig. 355. In this con- FIG. 355. -Conductors Joined in Series. dition the entire current passes through each conductor. The combined resistance between A and B is the sum of the resistances of the sev- eral parts. The case is very different when the conductors are joined as shown in Fig. 356. Resistances combined in this manner are said to be connected in parallel. The most important com- bination of this kind is that of two wires thus con- nected. The current from the cell O will obviously divide into tWO parts at FIG. 356. -Conductors Joined point A which reunite at in Parallel. B. When the two resistances are equal, the two parts of the current are, of course, equal. But if the resistances are, for example, 3 and 7 ohms respectively, and the poten- tial difference between A and B common to both branches is 1 volt, the current through the upper branch is J am- pere and that through the lower one ^ ampere. Hence, while the resistances are as 3 is to 7, the currents are as 7 is to 3. The currents from the cell, therefore, in a two- branched circuit are inversely proportional to the correspond- ing resistances. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 421 Again, the total current flowing between A and B is ^ + ijr ampere. If, now, we let R be the combined resistance between A and B, the total current is ampere. R Therefore issl+i, (4) ^ 3x7 V whence R = -, or 2.1 ohms. It is clear from the 3 + 7 example chosen, that the combined resistance offered by the two branches of a divided electric circuit is the product of the two resistances divided by their sum; or, expressed as an equation, R = ?12 439 tions are made with the segments of the commutator 0. If the armature is now rotated between the poles of a magnet, the E. M. F. will at no time be zero at the brushes ; for at every instant some of the conductors are cutting magnetic lines. By setting the brushes at the proper points, a direct and fairly steady current will be transmitted to the external circuit. 457. Field Magnets. The magnetic poles between which the armature of a dynamo rotates receive their ex- citation from coils of wire carrying an electric current. In direct-current machines this current is produced by the dynamo itself. The initial current developed in the armature depends upon the residual magnetism ( 379) of the pole pieces, which serves to induce a small current. This in turn increases the magnetism until the poles finally reach their full strength. In the series-wound 'dynamo, (1), Fig. 376, the entire current is led from the brushes through the few turns of Main Circuit Main Circuit (0 FIG. 376. (1) Series-wound Dynamo. (2) Shunt-wound Dynamo. (3) Compound-wound Dynamo. thick wire of the field magnets, which are joined in series with the external circuit as shown. In the shunt-wound dynamo, (2), Fig. 376, only a portion of the entire current is led through the many turns of rather 440 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS fine wire in the coils of the field magnet, while the main portion is conducted through the external circuit. The field magnet coils thus form a shunt ( 445) to the ex- ternal circuit. In the compound-wound dynamo, (3), Fig. 376, the field magnets are wound with two coils, one being joined in series with the external circuit, and the other connected as a shunt between the brushes. A compound-wound machine adjusts itself to variations in the resistance of the external circuit in such a way as to maintain a con- stant difference of potential between the brushes. 458. The Acyclic, or Unipolar, Generator. It is of in- terest to note that the alternations of the current induced in the armature of a dynamo can be prevented by employ- ing a mechanism of the proper form. Figure 377 shows a sketch of a so-called acyclic, or unipolar, generator, which FIG. 377. Diagram of an Acyclic Generator. consists of two collecting rings R and R 1 joined together by conducting bars 1, 2, 3, etc. These bars are attached at their centers to a revolving shaft Z>, but are insulated from it. Magnets are placed with their poles as shown at JVand S. When the armature is revolved in the direc- ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 441 tion shown by the arrows MM[, conductor 1 cuts through the field of the magnets, and an E. M. F. is induced in it ( 450) in the direction shown by the arrow at (7. Hence a current may be taken from the brush at B ', which rests continually against the collecting ring, through the external circuit X back to the brush B. Since each con- ductor cuts the magnetic lines of force in the same direc- tion, B' is always the positive brush and B the negative, and hence a direct current flows through both the inter- nal and external parts of the circuit. In the commercial form of this type, Fig. 378, the mag- netic field extends completely around the armature and is FIG. 378. An Acyclic Generator. excited by means of a current in the field coils FF which lie in concentric circles around the cylindrical steel core A A. The armature conductors 1, #, #, etc., are attached to the periphery of a steel cylinder from which they are insulated. Unipolar generators are designed to run at a high speed, and a desired E.M.F. is obtained by arranging several 442 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS independent sets of conductors and their corresponding collecting rings in the armature of the machine and join- ing their brushes in series. In this manner the E. M. F.s of the separate sets are added together. The greatest advantages of this form of generator over that of the commutator type are the elimination of commutator diffi- culties and lower cost of construction. EXERCISES 1. In order to show that a current of electricity is produced when a magnet is thrust into a coil of wire, why is it usually necessary to employ a coil of many turns? 2. Account for the enormous difference of potential induced be- tween the terminals of the secondary of an induction coil? 3. Connect one terminal of a spark coil (induction coil) to the outer coating of a Leyden jar and bring the other close to the knob. Put the coil in operation and show that the jar becomes charged. Explain how the charge can "jump" into the jar, but cannot escape. 4. How many revolutions per minute would have to be made by a two-pole alternator to produce 120 alternations of the current per second ? 5. An alternator has 16 poles. How many alternations per second will be produced when the speed is 375 revolutions per minute? 6. What will be the effect upon the E. M. F. of a shunt-wound dynamo of introducing resistance into the field magnet circuit? SUGGESTION. Consider the effect of the added resistance on the current in the field coils and also on the magnetic field. 7. Does this suggest a way in which the E. M. F. of a shunt-wound machine can be regulated ? 3. TRANSFORMATION OF POWER AND ITS APPLICATIONS 459. The Electric Motor. Electrical energy is trans- formed into mechanical by means of electric motors. The direct-current motor does not differ greatly in construction from the dynamo. The principle underlying its action is illustrated by the following experiment. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 443 Suspend a wire on the apparatus described in 412 so that its lower end just dips into mercury. Hold a horseshoe magnet as shown in Fig. 379 and send a /-tfftrx^ current from a new dry cell through the wire. The wire will be found to move at right angles to the lines of force, as shown by the arrow. If the cur- rent is nowre versed, the wire will move in the opposite direction. The experiment shows clearly that a conductor in which a current is flowing tends to move in a direction at right angles to the lines of force of a magnetic field FIG. 379. Movement of a Conductor in in which it is placed. The a M*s* eiic Field - motion may be determined by applying the rule of 450, but by using the left hand instead of the right. Let this principle be applied to Fig. 374. If a current- from some source be sent through the armature from b f to b, the current through the coils will take the direction indi- cated by the arrows, dividing as it leaves b r . According to the principle shown in the experiment, all the conductors from 1 to 5 will be urged in an upward direction, and those from 7 to 11, downward. Since the current employed by the motor flows through the field magnet coils, a powerful magnetic field is produced in which the armature will ro- tate with sufficient power to turn the wheels of factories and propel electric cars, launches, automobiles, etc. 460. The Electric Railway Car. A familiar applica- tion of the electric motor for the generation of mechanical power is found in the electric railway, Fig. 380. A current from the generator at the power house is trans- mitted through the trolley wire, or in some cases through 444 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS a third rail, and by means of a metallic arm A to the motors placed under the floor of the car at M. The axles of the car are so geared to those of the motors that the car is propelled by the rotation of the motor armatures. I Feed Wire \ \ < Trolley Wire JJUUUUL f Dynamo or Track It FIG. 380. Diagram of an Electric Railway System. From the motors the current returns to the power house through the track, the rails being carefully " bonded " together with copper conductors. In circuit with the motors is placed the controller (7, operated by the motor- man. By means of a series of resistance coils connected with the controller, the current can be increased or di- minished and the speed of the car thus regulated. An- other device enables the motorman to reverse the motors. A third accessory serves in applying the air brakes ( 159) to check the speed after the current has been completely interrupted at the controller. 461. The Alternating-current Transformer. Alternat- ing currents owe their extensive application to the fact that the potential difference between two points can be easily reduced from a dangerous one of many thousand volts to one of a safe value for dwelling-house use and for many other purposes. This is accomplished by means of a transformer, which is simply a modified induction coil. The principle involved in the transformer is easily understood from a study of Fig. 381. An iron core R is wound with two independent coils of wire P and 8. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 445 Let an alternating current be sent through the primary coil P, and let the secondary be connected with a group of lamps L. The cur- rent in P magnetizes the iron core in one direction, then demag- netizes and remagnet- FIG. 381. Diagram of a Transformer. izes it again in the opposite direction, while the magnetic lines follow the iron core through the secondary coil 8. As a result of these magnetic changes in the core an alternating current is in- duced in S and flows through the lamps. If there are more turns of wire on the secondary coil S than on the primary coil P, the potential difference at the terminals of S will be greater than at P, because of the larger number of loops of wire in which the magnetic changes occur. In this case the transformer is called a step-up trans- former. If, however, the secondary contains the fewer turns, its potential difference is lower than that of the primary, and the transformer is a step-down trans- former. The ratio of the two potential differences is equal to the ratio of the number of turns of wire in the two coils. For example, a transformer that is to be used to reduce a voltage of 2000 to a lower one of 100 volts would be constructed by winding the primary coil with 20 times as many turns as the secondary. The same transformer would reduce a potential difference of 2200 volts to one of 110 volts. fHmary 'Secondary FIG. 382. A Commercial Trans- former. 446 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 462. Utility of the Transformer. The value of the transforming process is made clear by the study of a specific case. For example, electric power is to be trans- ferred from a power station to a large city over several miles of wire. It is desired that the number of amperes ( in Eq. 8, 437) be small in order to reduce to a mini- mum the loss of energy due to the heating of the con- ducting wires. The alternator used at the power house develops a potential difference of 2000 volts. This cur- rent is led through the primary coil of a " step-up " c FIG. 383. The Transformer System of a Long Distance Power Circuit. transformer A, Fig. 383, where the potential difference is raised to 11,000 volts, while the number of amperes becomes proportionately reduced. At this voltage the current would be about 7 amperes per 100 horse power. Since wires of so great a potential difference are unsafe to lead into houses, the voltage is reduced from 11,000 to 2000 volts, by a "step-down" transformer B where the line enters the city, and again at the houses, from 2000 to 100 volts by the transformer O. Since the power transmitted by^an electric current is the product of the number of volts and amperes (Eq. 7, 436), a current of 10 amperes under a potential difference of 11,000 volts, for example, delivers a power of 110,000 watts, which is about 147.5 horse power. It is plain, therefore, that a large amount of power under a high voltage can be transferred by a small current. The power generated at Niagara Falls is distributed to Buffalo, Syracuse, and other places with potential differences of from 22,000 to 60,000 volts. Again, if the transformer C, Fig. 383, deliver a current of 5 amperes under a potential difference of 100 volts for lighting a building, the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 447 power delivered is 5 x 100, or 500 watts. In the long distance circuit between A and B where the voltage is 11,000, the current would be 500 -4- 11,000, or 0.045 ampere. Hence, to take 5 amperes at 100 volts would increase the current in the long line only 0.045 ampere. The heat losses in long distance power transmission render it impracticable to convey large currents, as shown in 438. But the examples above show that by raising the potential difference to sev- eral thousand volts the current is proportionately reduced; conse- quently a given power can be transferred with far less heat loss, since the heat generated is proportional to the square of the current. It is in this manner that the transformer has solved the problem of long distance transmission of power from places where power is com- paratively cheap to distant manufacturing centers where it would be expensive. The distribution of power over long electric railway lines is accomplished by means of so-called high tension, i.e. high potential, apparatus. The alternating current transformer affords one of the most striking examples of the transformation and trans- ference of energy to be found. The power in one circuit is transferred to another entirely without any mechanical connection between the two. It is necessary only that the magnetic lines set up by the current in the primary coil pass through the secondary. No mechanical motion is concerned in the process. The power loss in a good transformer is usually not more than 3 or 4 per cent. 463. Incandescent Lighting. It is a familiar fact that the heating effect of an electric current is employed in the process of electric lighting. The simplest case to study is the incandescent lamp. See Fig. 384. In this lamp the current is sent through a carbon filament (7, which is heated to incandescence. In order to prevent the carbon from burning, as well FIG. 384. An incan- as to prevent loss of heat by convection, JjJJ| it is inclosed in a highly exhausted glass and Socket. 448 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS bulb. Connections are made with the ends of the filament by means of two short pieces of platinum wire sealed in the glass. One of these leads to the contact A in the center of the base, the other to the brass rim B which holds the lamp in its socket S. Through these the current is transmitted to and from the lamp. On account of its large consumption of power (about 3.5 watts per candle power), many efforts have been made to produce lamps of higher efficiency. At the present time the carbon filament lamp is being rapidly replaced by those provided with metallic filaments of the rather uncommon metals tantalum or tungsten. These metals admit of being drawn out into very thin wires which can be heated white-hot without melting. These thin fila- ments are mounted in glass bulbs in much the same man- ner 'as the carbon filaments. Not only is the light which metallic filament lamps emit whiter than that given off by the carbon filaments, but the efficiency is far greater. In the tungsten lamp the consumption is about 1.25 watts per candle power. Ordinarily the potential difference on a lamp circuit is maintained at 110 or 220 volts. Lamps are adapted to the voltage of the circuit on which they are to be used. A 16-candle-power lamp with a carbon filament requires a current of slightly more than 0.5 ampere when the voltage is 110 and about 0.25 ampere when the voltage is 220. The power necessary is, by equation (?), 436, 110 x 0.5, or 55 watts. The Nernst lamp employs a short rod, or " glower," Fig. 385, com- posed of oxides which are maintained at a high temperature by the passage of a current of electricity. Although the glower is a non- conductor at ordinary temperatures, it becomes a conductor when heated. The glower is mounted close to a heater coil of fine platinum wire through which a current passes when the lamp is turned on. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 449 As soon as the glower becomes sufficiently hot, the heater coils are automatically thrown out of circuit, and the current then flows only through the glower. Since the glower is in- combustible, it can be used without being- inclosed. The efficiency of the Nernst lamp is considerably below 2 watts per candle power. 464. Incandescent Lamp Circuits. Incandescent lamps are connected in parallel between the two main wires FIG. 385. Showing Parts leading into a building. These wires of a Nernst Lamp - are maintained by the dynamo D, Fig. 386, at a potential difference of 110 volts, so that any lamp may be turned 1 | - - ^ on or off without interfer- p O O O O D fy > * n g w ith the others. Each I 1 I I I ^ 16-candle-power lamp re- quires a current of half an ampere and, consequently, has a resistance when hot FIG. 386. Showing the Connection of of 220 ohms. Lamps are Incandescent Lamps in a Circuit. o f ten joined in groups, as shown at A. In this case the switch placed at S controls all the lamps of the group. 465. Cost of Electric Power. Electrical energy is sold at a certain rate per watt-hour. A watt-hour is a volt- ampere-hour ; in other words, an ampere of current flow- ing under a potential difference of one volt for one hour delivers a watt-hour of energy. Hence a 110-volt lamp carrying 0.5 ampere requires 110 x 0.5 x 1, or 55 watt- hours for every hour it is used. In commercial lighting a meter which is designed to register the consumption of energy in kilowatt- hours is placed in the circuit at the point where the wires enter each consumer's house. Thus readings of the meter show the amount of electrical energy for which' the user is charged. 30 450 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS 466. The Electric Arc. The first electric arc was ex hibited in 1809 by the great English scientist, Sir Hum- phry Davy. For this purpose Davy employed over 2000 voltaic cells joined to two pieces of charcoal which were touched and then slightly separated. The same experiment may be easily made on any commercial lighting circuit. Wind bare copper wire, about No. 18, around pieces of electric light carbons. Join these in series with a resistance of about 10 ohms of iron wire to the terminals of a 110-volt lighting circuit. The re- sistance may be made by winding 150 to 200 feet of No. 18 or 19 iron wire on a suitable frame. Touch the tips of the carbons together and at once separate them about a quarter of an inch. An intensely bright light will be produced as the current continues to flow across the gap. By the separation of the carbon rods, a high tempera- ture is produced by the current, which vaporizes some of the carbon, forming a conducting layer from one to the other. The resistance of this mass of vapor may not be more than 3 or 4 ohms. If the current is a direct one, the tem- perature of the positive carbon rises above that of the negative, and from it comes the greater portion of the light. In this case the positive car- bon is consumed about twice as fast as the negative and becomes hollowed out, as in Fig. 387, while the negative remains pointed. When an arc is produced by an alternating current, FIG. 387. The Electric light i s given out equally from the Arc Produced by a Di- J rect Current. two points, and the two rods are con- .sumed at the same rate. 467. Arc Lamps. With the development of the dy- namo, the arc lamp as a means of illumination has come ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 451 FIG. 388. The Hand-feed Electric Lamp. into extensive use. In the so-called hand-feed lamp, Fig. 388, the positions of the carbons are controlled by the screw heads S. They are at first permitted to touch and then are separated. As fast as the rods are consumed, they are slowly fed together by the op- erator. Such lamps are used mainly in projection lanterns ( 324). In the arc lamp of automatic feed, Fig. 389, the mechanism has two duties to perform: (1) to separate the carbons when the current starts, and (2) to feed the carbons together as fast as they are con- sumed, always keeping the FIG. 389. -The Auto- P rO P flr 8 P aC6 be t ween matic Arc Lamp. them. The consumption of the carbon rods in the arc lamp can be largely reduced by inclosing the arc in a globe that is nearly air-tight as shown in Fig. 390. In this form of lamp the carbon burns from 60 to 100 hours. In the lamps just described the light is emitted by the incandescent ends of the carbons. If the carbons, -c, r IG. o9U. 111- however, are cored with a mixture of carbon and closed Elec- metallic salts, a highly luminous vapor is maintained trie Arc by the current between the two terminals. In flaming Lamp. arc lamps the carbons are cored with calcium salts which serve to give the light a bright yellow color. The open arc is operated by a current of from 5 to 10 amperes and 45 to 50 volts, and the candle power in the direction of greatest in- 452 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS tensity is about 1000. The inclosed arc lamp requires a voltage of about 80 and a current of from 5 to 8 amperes. EXERCISES 1. According to Lenz's law, in what direction in a circuit will a current be induced by the sudden interruption of a current in a neigh- boring conductor ? 2. If the experiment of 450 be repeated with a long loop of wire, it will be found that no deflection of the galvanometer will be produced by swinging both parts of the loops together across the earth's lines of force. Explain. By swinging the two parts of the loop in opposite directions, a large deflection is obtained. Why? 3. Would you class the induction coil as a " step-up " or a " step- down" transformer? 4. Explain why the interrupter is an accessory part of the induc- tion coil but not of the transformer. 5. A transformer carries a current of 10 amperes in its primary coil, under a potential difference at its terminals of 2000 volts. If it delivers a current of 194 amperes with a potential difference of 100 volts, how much energy is transformed per hour, how much delivered, and how much wasted? 6. If a building contained 50 110-volt incandescent lamps, what voltage would have to be supplied to operate them if they were all joined in series? Show that this would be impracticable. 7. Show by a diagram the manner of connecting ten 16-candle- power 110-volt incandescent lamps in parallel. What would have to be the voltage and how much current would be required ? SUGGESTION. Consider that in the case of parallel conductors the total^urrent is the sum of that in the separate parts. 8. Why would the alternating-current transformer be entirely in- effective in transforming a continuous current? 9. Compute the monthly cost of operating five 1 6-candle-power in- candescent lamps when current costs 10 ct. per kilowatt-hour, allow- ing an average use of 3 hr. per day and 3 watts per candle power. 10. Compute the monthly cost of current for an open arc lamp re- quiring 8 amperes at 50 volts, allowing 3 hr. per day and 10 ct. per kilowatt-hour. 11. If the potential difference between the trolley of an electric railway and the track is 550 volts, show how it would be possible to ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 453 operate 110- volt incandescent lamps by properly connecting them together. Diagram the system. 12. Show how a workman standing on the top of an electric car can safely handle the trolley wire with bare hands, while one standing on the ground would be severely shocked by coining in contact with any wire forming a connection with the trolley wire. 13. 25 street lamps each operated by a potential difference at its terminals of 45 volts are joined in series. What potential difference must be maintained at the terminals of the dynamo ? What would have to be the current strength? Disregard the line loss. 14. What has been the effect of economical long distance powei transmission upon manufacturing industries, railway development, etc.? 4. THE TELEGRAPH AND THE TELEPHONE 468. The Morse Telegraph. The most extensive use of the magnetic effect of electric currents is made in the telegraph systems in common use. In 1831 Joseph Henry produced audible signals at a distance, but the system generally employed in this country is that designed by Samuel F. B. Morse and first used in 1844. The instru- ments found at each station are the key, sounder, and re- lay. The key, Fig. 391, is merely a convenient device for making and breaking an electric cir- cuit at A by operating the lever L. It is also provided with a switch S, so that the circuit may be left closed when the key is not in use. The sounder, Fig. 392, consists of an elec- tro-magnet M which at- FIG. 392. Telegraph Sounder. FIG. 391. Telegraph Key. 454 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS tracts the iron armature A whenever a current is sent through it, thus causing the heavy brass bar B to be drawn down against (7 with a sharp click. When the cur- rent is interrupted, the armature is no longer attracted, and the bar is lifted against D by an adjustable spring. Transmitted messages are read by ear from the clicks of this instrument. 469. Plan of a Short Telegraph Line. Short lines in which the resistance is small require at each station only the key and sounder, as in Fig. 393. The connection is Sounder Sounder Key , Line Battery TV/H wY* |.|i|i|i|i|i HJL ~~L^ r-*- 1 Slult h Station A Maln Lln0 Station B Earth == Earth Fro. 393. A Short Telegraph Line. usually made by a single wire, the circuit being completed by joining a wire at each end to a metal pipe or to a metal plate buried in the ground. Thus the earth forms a part of the circuit. The battery may be placed anywhere in the line. When the operator at Station A wishes to send a mes- sage to Station B, he opens the switch on his key, which breaks the circuit. The sounder cores are thus demag- netized, and the bars are thrown up by the springs. Now, by means of the key, the operator A can make and break the circuit which will cause both sounders to click off the " dots " and " dashes " composing the message. A dot is produced by a quick stroke of the key which closes the circuit for only an instant ; a dash is a slower stroke which leaves the circuit closed for a slightly longer time. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 455 The operator at B, skilled in the interpretation of the clicks of the sounder, reads and records the message. Since a telegraph circuit is left closed when not in use, a " closed circuit," cell like the Daniell or gravity must be used. The Morse code given below is composed entirely of dots, dashes, and spaces. A small space is left between letters and a slightly longer one between words. THE MORSE TELEGRAPH CODE a - h o-- u b i-- p v c--- j . <1 w d k r x e - 1 s y f m t z - g U __- 470. The Relay and Its Use. In long telegraph lines on which there are many instruments, the resistance is usually so great that the current in the main line is too feeble to op- erate the sounders with sufficient loudness. The difficulty is avoided by the use Of the relay, FIG. S94.- The Telegraph Relay. which is a more sensitive instrument than the sounder. The relay, Fig. 394, consists of an electro-magnet M con- taining several thousand turns of wire (about 150 ohms) which is placed in the main line at each station together with the key. The armature and bar H of the relay are made very light, and all the adjustments of the instru- ment may be made with great precision. The function of the relay is to open and close at K a local circuit which contains merely the sounder and two or three cells. It 456 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS will readily be seen that since there is little resistance to reduce the current, very distinct clicks will be produced on the sounder by the current from this local battery every time the relay automatically closes and opens the local circuit. 471. The Long Distance Telegraph System. The usual arrangement of the parts of a telegraph system is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 395. In sending a message irom FIG. 395. A Long Distance Telegraph System. Detroit to Buffalo, for example, the Detroit operator uses precisely the method described in 469. When the circuit is opened at Detroit, no current flows from the main line battery, and all the relays on the line release their arma- tures and thus open every local circuit. When the De- troit operator presses his key, the main line battery sends a current out over the line, and the electro-magnets of the relays draw the armatures down and thus close the local circuits, causing every sounder to produce a sharp click. Thus the dots and dashes comprising a message may be read by every operator along the line. The relay may also be used to repeat a message to ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION 457 another line instead of transmitting it to a short local circuit. A message from Chicago to New York may be repeated to a Detroit-Buffalo line at Detroit, to a Buffalo- Syracuse line at Buffalo, and finally to a Syracuse-New York line at Syracuse. Since the repeating is performed automatically at each of these stations, no time is lost in the transfer from one line to another. The , relay when used in this manner is called a repeater. 472. The Telephone. The simplest manner in which speech produced at one station can be reproduced by elec- trical means at another is by means of two telephone Line FIG. 396. A Simple Telephone System. " receivers " connected by two wires, or by one wire and the earth. See Fig. 396. The telephone receiver was invented in 1876 almost simultaneously by Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, both Americans. It consists simply of a perma- nent bar magnet M, Fig. 397, surrounded at the end by a Coil of fine insulated copper FIG. 397. Section of a Telephone wire O. An iron disk D is mounted so as to vibrate freely close to the end of the magnet. 458 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS If a person speaks into the receiver, the sound waves set the disk in vibration. Each vibration of the disk changes the number of magnetic lines of force through the coils of wire and thus induces a current whose nature depends entirely upon the loudness, pitch, and quality of the sound. In this manner a pulsating current is sent over the line to a similar instrument at the distant station. When the current generated at the first station flows in such a direction as to strengthen the magnet at the second one, the disk is drawn in; when it flows in the opposite direc- FIG. 398. A Recent Type n on the magnet is weakened and the of Receiver. y , disk released. Thus the vibrations at the first station are reproduced on the instrument at the second. A modern receiver is shown in Fig. 398. 473. The Transmitter. The telephone receiver just described is not sufficiently powerful when used as a trans- mitter, or sender, of speech ; but it is a receiver, or repro- ducer, of sound of extremely great sensibility. For this reason the transmitters in general use are based on an entirely different principle from that of the receiver. The modern form used in long-dis- tance telephony consists of two car- bon buttons c and c', Fig. 399, between which are carbon granules g. The metal disk, or diaphragm, D is attached to the button cause of, 165; intensity of, 173$ interference of, 188; musicafc 179; quality of, 196; reflecti&i of, 176; speed of, 168; wi-ve motion of, 169. Sounder, ilelegraph, 453. Sounding boards, 176. Spark, electric, 352, 356, 430, 463. Specific gravity, 126. Specific heat, 226; measurement of, 227. Spectacles, 313. Spectra, 324; bright-line, 328; conti|ajDUS, 327 ; elements iden- tifiecnSy, 329. Speed, of light, 269; of sound, 168. Stability, 67. Stable equilibrium, 66. Steam engine, 260. Steam turbine, 263. Steelyard, 93. Stereoscope, 317. Storage cell, 399. Strength, current, 402. Strings, laws of, 192, 193. Substance, 3. Suction pump, 157. Sun, as source of energy, 255. Surface tension, 132. Suspension, point of, 79. Sympathetic vibrations, 185. Telegraph, 453; wireless, 464. Telephone, electric, 457; mechan- ical, 201. Telescope, 315; Galileo's, 316. Temperament, 184. Temperature, 208 ; absolute, 222 ; low, 223 ; measurement of, 212 ; scales of, 213. 480 A HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN PHYSICS Tempered scales, 184. Tempering, 184. Thermal capacity, 226. Thermometer, centigrade, 213; comparison of, 214; dial, 218; Fahrenheit, 214; fixed points of, 212; Galileo's air, 215; * graduation of, 213; range of, 215. Thunder, 345. Time, unit of, 11. Toeppler-Holtz electrical ma- chine, 354. Torricelli's experiment, 141. Transformation of energy, 58. Transformer, 445. Transmission, of electricity, 415; of heat, 247; of light, 268; of sound, 167. Transmitter, 458. Transparent bodies, color of, 323. Transverse waves, 170. Tuning fork, 185. Turbine, water, 116; steam, 263. Units, of area, 6; of candle pow- er, 276 ; of capacity, 6 ; of cur- rent, 402; of electricity, 348; of force, 30; of heat, 225; of length, 4; of mass, 7; of po- tential, 407; of power, 53; of resistance, 406; of time, 11; of volume, 6; of work, 52. Vacuum, Torricellian, 142. Vapor, 237; saturated, 238. Vapor pressure, 238. Vaporization, 243; heat of, 249. Vector, 16. Velocity, 14; at any instant, 15; of falling bodies, 71; of light, 269; of sound, 168; average, 15; composition of, 22, 24; representation of, 15. Ventilation, 451. . Vibrating body, 165. Vibration, of pipes, 200; of strings, 192; sympathetic, 185. Vibration numbers, 181, 184. Volt, 407. Volta, 375; sketch and portrait of, facing 352. Voltaic cell, 375. Voltmeter, 407. Water, abnormal expansion of, 220; city supply of, 114; den- sity of, 10J.; greatest density of, 221. Water wheels, 115. Water turbine, 116. Watt, 54, 415. Watt-hour, 449. Wave length, 173; of light, 322; equation of, 173. Waves, electrical, 463; kinds of, 170; longitudinal and trans- verse, 170; sound, 171; trans- mission of, 171. Wedge, 98. Weighing devices, 10. Weight, 263; and mass, 9; law of, 63. Wheatstone's bridge, 419. Wheel and axle, 93; mechanical advantage of, 94. White light, 321. Windlass, 94. Wireless telegraphy, 464. Work, 51; principle of, 83; rate of, 53; units of, 52. X-rays, 467; properties of, 468. Yard, metric equivalent of, 5. Zero potential, 347. (2) ATE * IJAY AND Tn * ~ m UIN 'HE FOURTU OVERDUE $r N THE SEVENTH Sly ===== APR 151 jg4Q RECT> I u i *! '1 !" nw ii i i i 1