M Hrrf i^l i^ '^^UIBRARYac^ -5^^UIBRARYQ^ ^^WE UNIVERJ/^ '^«!/0JllV0JO'^ ^lOSANCElfX;> O ^JIIVJ-JO^' "^XilJONVSOl^ •< %a3AINn3WV^ ^IIIBRARYQ<^ ^^^t•llBf ^jiiVDjo^" '^.i/ojn .^OfCAllF0% .^jOFCALIF0% s - ^ .^WE•UNIVERy/A vj,lOSANCElfx> O %avjiaii-^'^ '^;,OFCA AWEUNIVERS/a CO , , L ' ' ' CD .VlOSANCflfx> o ^^•lIBRARYQc -^tllBRARYO^. '^Aa3AlNfl-3WV^ ^.yOJlWDJO'^ ^^ ^OFCALIFO% .^WE■UNIV£RS■/A, ^ .^> ^lOSANCElfx> O ;lOSANCElfj}> ^nMUBRARYQ^^ <^HIBRARYQ^^ AWEUNIVERJ//, o %a3AINa-3WV^ ^OJITVOJO"^ "^(i/OJIlVDJO^ clOSANCElfX/ o E :^ %il3AINn lUV" ^^WEUNIVERS/4 ^lOSANCElfjv, ^OFCAIIFOI?^ o "^^/smmiw y^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^^AavaaiH^ ^5 "^ii/OJIlVOJO^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^AaviiaiT^^^ "^(^AwaaiiT^ ^WEUNIVERS/A ^WEUNIVER% o o '^Aa3AiNn-3V^ -j^HIBRARYQ^. -5^^UIBRARYQ^ ,^WEUNIVER% ^lOSA.'JCElfj", %3nVDJ0^ '^' Aavaan-^^^ o %il30NVSO^^ v^lOSANCElfj-, o %a3AINIl-3WV ^^^l■LIBRARYQ^ ^llIBRARYd?/c. ^«tf03llV3-30'^ ^^lllBRARYOc ^Aa3AiNn3WV^ ^^m\m-^^ ^OFCALIF0%, ^OFCAUFO/?^ •>&Aaviiaii^^ j^^Advaaii-^'^ AN ATLAS OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. CONSTRUCTED BY WILLIAM HUGHES, AND EDITED BY GEOTvGE LONG. FORIIEKLT PR0yBS80R OP ANCIENT LAN0UA0E8 IN THE UNIVERSITY OF TIROINIi WITH A SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND OTHER ADDITIONS, B V^ THE AMERICAN EDITOR. CONTAINING FIFTY -TWO MAPS AND PLANS ON TWENTY-SIX PLATES. WITH AN INDEX OF PLACES. NEW YORK: SHELDON & CO., No. 677 BROADWAY, UNDEP. CENTRAL HOTEL. Kutered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year IRSI. '^y BLANCHARD & LEl, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsi'vani**. STACK ANNEX G HS AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. In reproducing the present work, various additions have been thouglit desirable. For reasons adduced in his Preface, Mr. Long inserted no boundaries in the m:ips. Impos- sible as it may be, at this distance of time, to determine with al^solute accuracy the limits of contiguous territories, it yet was felt that without some indication of their position, as generally received by classical scholars, the student would frequently feel the want of an assistance to which he had become accustomed; and they have accord- ingly been introduced from standard authorities. The interest attaching to the gradual development of geographical knowledge among the ancients, has seemed to render desirable the introduction of the charts col- lected on Plate 1, showing at a glance the progress of information from the earliest times, and enabling the student to comprehend and appreciate the ideas of the writers of successive periods. Plate 26 has likewise been added, presenting topographical plans, on an enlarged scale, of various places of interest, which may serve to elucidate passages in numerous classical authors. These additions have been selected from leading authorities, such as Kiepert, Forbiger, and Johnston. With the view of rendering the work a convenient text-book for the student, a condensed sketch of Classical Geography has been prefixed, compiled and adapted principally from the recent manual of Professor Pillans, of Edinburgh. In this the object has been, not to present a complete enumeration of places, but merely to furnish (ii) iv AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' NOTICE sucli supplementary infonnatioii us cannot be embodied in the n.aps. No allusion Las been made to Sacred Geograpliyj a subject too extensive and too important to be dis- missed witbin the limits necessarily assigned to the sketch. In revising the Index, the o!)portunity has occasionally been found of marking the quantity of a syllable left un- accented by Mr. Long; and this has been done whenever practicable. In many in- stances, however, places of little note, whose names do not occur among the poets, are necessarily uncertain. Every care has been taken throughout to obtain entire accuracy, in the most careful revision of both maps and text by the gentleman who has made the additions and superintended the press. The publishers trust that their efforts have not been misdi- rected, and that they will be found to have succeeded in producing an Atlas in every way suited to the increasing requirements of the improved classical scholarship of the age. Philadelphia, Augusf, 1856. PREFACE. TuE Mai^js in this Atlas have been constructed by William Hugues from the best authorities ; and they have been engraved under his superintendence. The original drawings and the engraved maps have been revised by George Long. No pains have been spared to make the maps correct ; and though it is impossible to avoid some errors in a work of this kind, it is hoped that there are not many. Such as may be discovered will be corrected. I The distribution of the subject-matter of this ancient Atlas differs from that of other Atlases in several respects. The map of the Roman Provinces is one example of this; and there are several other maps which will not be found in the common Atlases. This Atlas is intended for the use of students both at schools and at college ; and though it does not contain every name, it contains everything that a classical student can want. No attempt has been made* to show the exact boundaries of the political divisions and subdivisions of countries, which cannot be done, in small maps at least, -with sufficient accuracy ; and in many cases it cannot be done at all. A student must learn what these boundaries are, so far as they can be ascertained, either from works on Ancient Geography, or from the instruction of a teacher. The best method of teaching Geography in schools is by oral instruction on the Map, followed by examination. GEORGE LONG. * See American Publishers' Notice. LIST OF PLATES. 1. aEOGRAPIlY ACCORDING TO THE AXCIENTS. The world according to Homer (b. c. 900). The world according to Hecataeus (about b. c. 500). The world according to Herodotus (about b. c. 440). The world according to Eratosthenes and Strabo (from about e. c. 200 to a. d 20) Western Europe according to Strabo. The world according to Ptolemy (about a. d. 160). India ac€('RDIng to Ptolemy. Great Britain according to Ptolemi 2. THE WORLD AS KXOWN TO THE ANCIENTS (with tub bound.vry of the Persian Empire under Cyrus). 3. THE EMPIRE OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, wrrn the adjoining Regions. 4. THE PROVINCES OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, a. d. 119. 5 P> HIT ANN I A. 6. GALLIA. 7. HISPANIA. 8. ITALIA (Northern PartV 9. ITALIA (Soutifern Part). Corsica and Sardinia 10. PLAN OF ROME, n. PART OF ITALY, embr.^cing the Roman Territory, and the adjoining Country, on an euliirgud scale. • 12 SICILIA. 13. SYRACUSAE, on an enlarged scale. The Bay of Naples, and adjacent Part of Carapanla. The two Ports of Brundubium. (vH) r jii LIST OF PLATES. 14. MACEDONIA, TIIRACIA, ILLYRICUM, and the Provinces on the Middle and Lower Danube. 15. GllAECIA, INCLUDING Epirus and Thessalia, wiTii Part of Macedonia. 16. PAPxT of ATTICA, with BOEOTIA, PIIOCIS, LOCRIS, MEGARIS, otc. on an eiilnrged scale. n. PLAN OF ATHENS Athens and its Harbors. 18. PELOPONNESUS, wrni Attica and Part of Boeotia. 19. THE COASTS AND ISLANDS OF THE AEGEAN SEA. 20. ASIA MINOR, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF SYRIA. 21. PALAESTINA, with Part of Syria. Plan of Jerusalem. 22. ASSYRIA, and the adjacent Countries. 23. MAURITANIA, NUMIDIA, AND AFRICA. Continuation of the African Coast, from the Syrtis Minor to Egypt Enlarged Plan of the Carthaginian Territory. 24. ARABIA PETRAEA AND PART OF EGYPT, including the Delta. . 25. GERMANIA MAGNA, with ttie Provinces on the Upper Danube. 26. TOPOGRAPHICAL PLANS. Troja. Thermopylae. Marathon. Plataea, Mantinea. Leuctra. Route of Xenophon and the Ten Thousand GRES&a. Grantcus. Issus. Arbela. Thracian Bospoaug, Alexandria. SKETCH OP CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Ancient Oeoor^-Phy is almost exclusively confined to the countries around the Mediterranean sea, in the period of the power of Greece and of Borne, the shores of that ocean being the scene of the life and actions of classical antiquity. In the course of time, the centre of action moves from the eastern parts of the Mediterranean, or rather the seas ad- joining it in the east, to regions farther west ; and at the same time geographical knowledge follows the arms of victorious legions, radiating in all di- rections from the Mediterranean, as the centre. (Map 2.) In Map 1 will be found a series of charts illus- trating the geographical views entertained at diffe- rent periods, as expressed by prominent authorities. These rude sketches, besides their interest as mani- festing the gradual extension of human knowledge, possess a value to the student when their progressive development is considered in connection with the march of historical events. Thus, with Homer, B. c. 900, the world is a circular plain, around which the river Oceanus flows. He is familiar with Euro- pean and Asiatic Greece, as well as with Aegypt : in the west he places Elysium : on the edge of the plain dwell the Aethiopes and Pygmaei : beyond the Oceanus in the north are the Cimmerii. In Heca- taeus' view of the world, about b. c. 500, the western countries of the Mediterranean have assumed form and proportion, while the eastern boundary of know- ledge has made some progress. Herodotus, the "Father of History," B.C. 440, also added largely to the stock of geographical knowledge, having travelled over a great part of the eastern world. Democritus, B.C. 300, shows an increase of geographical information, chiefly in the 2 easternmost parts, produced by the conquests of Alexander. (See Empire of Alexandei, AIap 3.) Thus far, the history of geography shows an em- pirical aggregation of facts. After this, the scienti- fic or systematic treatment of geography begins, the characteristic feature of which we may find in the use of astronomy for geographical purpose3. Hi2> parchus, of Nice, about b. c. 230, stands first among those who combined geography with astronomy. He determined latitudes and longitudes of places from celestial observation, and was engaged in the mea- surement of the earth and in determining its figure. The first who produced a whole geographical system was Eratosthenes, about b. c. 200. He attempted the measure of the earth's circumference, and introduced into his maps a regular parallel of latitude, the running of which was of course imper- fect, and at variance with the actual positions of places. Sti-aho, a Greek geographer, a. d. 20, endeavored, with but partial success, to collect and to systema- tize the geographical knowledge which flowed in upon the Romans from their military expeditions in so many parts of the then known world. (See Roman Empire, Map 4.) Ptolemy, a. d. 160, corrected old errors, gathered new information, (see his charts of India^and Britain, Map 1,) and gave ancient geogi'aphy that final shape which it retained during the long period of the Em- pire of the Occident and of the Orient, and through the Middle Ages, until Columbus and Yasco de Gama struck out new and wider courses of geographical knowledge ; and mathematics, combined with physical science, taught us the true positions and relations Oi geographical objects. (9) 10 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. B11ITANNIA.-(MAP 5.) Great Britain was known to the ancients under tbe names of Britannia and Albion. The coast of Ccrnwall and the Gasdterides (Scilly Isles) were visited by the Carthaginians. Among all the clas- sical Greek writers, down to Alexander the Great, Aristotle alone makes any allusion to the British Isles. The Romans were indebted for their knowledge of the country to the wars of Caesar and his successors. Julius Caesar made two hostile Incursions into Britain, B. c. 58 and 55 ; but they were short in duration, and confined to the country between the strait of Dover and the Thames. The only locali- ties he particularizes are Taviesis (Thames) and Cantium (Kent). Once, also, he simply enumerates six British tribes, without any data for fixing their boundaries. Strabo, who lived under Augustus and Tiberius, does little more than repeat the vague generalities of Caesar : his brief chapter on Britain concludes, after some inaccurate general descrip- tion, without the mention of a single mountain, river, town, district, or people. He declares that the island is not worth the trouble of conquering. Pytheas, a merchant of the Greek colony of Massi- lia, (Marseilles), visited Britain about the time of Alexander, and gave an account of it, which, though very correct, was little credited by antiquity. The Mountains of Britain are slightly noticed by the ancients. The chief Promontories on the east coast were Ocellum, or Spurn Head, some distance north of the Humber, and Cantium Promontorium, or North Foreland. On the south was Ocrinum, Lizard Point, and Bolerium, or Antivesfaeum, Land's End. Upon the west coast were Herculis Promontorium, or Hartland Point, Ociapilarum, or St. David's Head, Canganorum Promontorium, at the extre- mity of Carnarvonshire, and Novantum, or the Mull of Galloway. The Aestuaries, following the same order, were Tava Aestu., the Tay, Bodotria, or the Firth of Forth, Ahus, or the Humber, Metaris Aestuarium, or the Wash, and Tamissa Aestuarium, the mouth of the Thames. On the south, Tamarus was Plymouth Sound ; and on the west, Sabriana or Sabrina Aes- tuarium, the Bristol Channel, Segeia or Seteia, the mouth of the Dee or the Mersey, Belisama, perhaps the Ribble, Moricambe Aestuarium, Morecambe Bay, Pxina Aestuarium, the Solway Firth, and Clota Aestuarium, thf Clyde. Most of the Rivers have been naned in the aboTe enumeration of the aestuaries. We may, however, add Alaunus, the Tweed, Tisa, the Tees, Antona, the Nen. Of Tribes and Provinces, we find the Cantii in Kent : southwest of them the Regni. West of these were the Belgae, and further west the Damnonii. Further north we find the Trinobantes, in Essex and Middlesex, the Brigantes, in Yorkshire, Durham, Lancaster, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, the Icmi in Norfolk and Suffolk, the Silures and Ordov'ices, in Wales. North of Hadrian's wall, in what is to- day Scotland, were the Otadeni, Gadeni, Selgovae, Novantae, Damnii, and Epidii. Mona is the island of Anglesey : of Towns, we find the name Camalodu- num, Colchester, Verulamium, near St. Albans, Lon- dinium, which is described by Tacitus as a place of great wealth and traffic, though not a Roman colony, and by Ammianus Marcellinus, who wrote 300 yeai's later, as an ancient town, which in later times had received the name of Augusta. Juvenal alludes to Rutupiae, (Richborough or Sandwich,) on the Kentish coast. Of Ireland, we learn nothing from the classics but the name, Hibernia, Juverna, or lerne. Its relative position is incorrectly given. Ptolemy is the first who gives any detailed account of the geography of Britain. He enumerates a va- riety of subdivisions, tribes, and towns, and attempts even a map of the island (See Map L) Britain was divided, under the Byzantine empire, into four provinces, the relative position of which it is difficult to determine. Perhaps we may place them thus : I. Britannia Prima, below the aestuaries of the Severn and the Thames : II. Britannia Secunda, comprising Wales : III. Flavia Caesariensis, ex- tending from the Thames to the Humber on the east, and from the Lower Avon to the Mersey on the west : IV. Maxima Caesariensis, from the Humber and Mersey to the wall of Severus. We will now briefly mention the Roman walls, roads, and camps, in Britain. From Bowness on the Solway Firth, two lines of defence ran eastward, nearly parallel, and close to each other. We can trace them still as they cross the Irthing, and pass by Carlisle, (Luguvallium), Glenwhelt, Rowchester, and Newcastle, terminating on the north side of the Tyne, three and a half miles SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 11 Dclow the town last naued. The distance from one exiremity to the other is seventy-three Roman miles, equivalent to sixty-eight and a half English. Be- tween the two lines of defence was a military way, and the whole three were crossed at right angles by at least one great road, Watling Street, near the modern village of Corbridge. Along the wall there were military forts (castella) and military stations (castra stativa), which are now generally named Chesters, e. g. Hunnum, Haltou Chesters. Between the Firths of Clyde and Forth, a rampart and ditch extended eastward from Douglass, on the Clyde, two miles west of old Kilpatrick, to Carri- den, between Abercorn and Borrowstowness, on the Forth, a distance of thirty-four and three-fourths English miles. Along this line, the first defences were made (a. d. 81) by Agricola, who seems to have erected a praetentura, or chain of forts, between the two seas, at this narrowest part of the island, with a view to secure his conquests against the Caledo- nians, leaving them to the enjoyment of their savage liberty in all the country beyond. Adrian contracted the limits of the empire, and erected about a. d. 120, the new line of defence between the Tyne and Solway ; whilst Lollius TJrbicus, the lieutenant of Antoninus Pius, carried a rampart and ditch from sea to sea, to connect the forts of Agricola, and to complete the defensive works, a. d. 144. Roman Britain, under the later empire, was pene- trated in all directions by military roads. London was a point of intersection for many of them. The most remarkable were Watling Street, which, start- ing from Rutupiae, Richborough, in Kent, ran through Canterbury and, passing by Rochester and London, through St. Alban's, Dunstable, and Wroxeter, to the north, as far as the wall of Agricola. Iknield Way ran across the island from a point near Great Yarmouth (country of Iceni) over the Thames at Streetly to the Fosae Way. The Fosse Way extended from Moridunum, or Seaton, through Corinium, or Cirencester, and Rat?e, to Lindum, or Lincoln, and thence to York. From this, above Corinium, branched off Ryknield Way, passed Derbentia and Little Chester, and joined Fosse Way again below Dauum, Dancaster. The encampments, of which slender remains may still be traced, are numerous ; but the remains are fast disappearing, with the exception of monuments, altars, coins, weapons, which are preserved in various collections. GALLIA.-(MAP 6.) Gallia (Gaul) and the Galli (Gauls) extended farther than France and the French of the present day. The Romans made the distinction of Gallia Cisal- pina and of Gallia Transalpina. The first became, in later times, Upper Italy, (Italia Superior), and we speak of it as a part of Italy. Gallia Trans- alpina comprised, besides the present French ten-i- tory, Rhaetia, (Switzerland,) large tracts of South- western Germany and Belgium. The mountain ranges of Gaul which are lofty enough to deserve the name, are the following: 1. Cevenna, the Cevennes, stretching N.N.E. from the Pyrenees ; 2. An extinct volcanic group in Auvergne, (Arx^erni,) the highest points of which are the Cantal, Mont Dor, and Puy-de Dome; 3 Fosf^/ws, the Voges, running parallel with the Rhine from Bale to Coblentz ; 4. Jura, which formed the boundary between the Helvetii and Sequdni; and, 5. All that portion of the Alpine range which lies to the W. and S. of the Upper Rhine, and sends the waters produced in its summits and slopes either into the Rhine or into the Rhone. Gallia may be regarded as composed of the basins of the Ruone, the Garonne, the Loire, the Seine, the Meuse, and the Rhine. The basins of these rivers account for the whole superficial contents of Gal- lia Transalpina, except the country watered by the ,Sa?n«ra (Somme) and Scaldis (Scheld). "We have then, 1. The basin of Rhodanus, the Rhone. This river, springing from the side of St. Gothard, makes its way between two lofty ranges of the Alps through the Yalais, where it passes the city of the Seduni, now Sitten or Sion, and Octodurus, Martigny. Then, forcing its way through the gorge of St. Maurice, it expands into Lacus Lemanus,^ and, having deposited there the soil of the melted glaciers, it re-appears at the city of Geneva in the form of a majestic river of a deep transparent blue. In pursuing its course westward, it disappears and flows under ground for a quarter of a mile. Meeting at last with the ob- struction of the Cevennes, it turns abruptly to the south. At the angle, it is joined from the north by Arar, the Saone. On this tributary stood Cabillo- num, now Chalons-sur- Saone, and 3Iatisco, now Macon, both towns of the Aedid; and on its feeder, Dubis, (Doubs,) was Vesontio, now Besan^on. At ' Also Leinanuus 12 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHr. the point of junction of the Arar and lihodanus, stood Lugdunum, ^.vhich gave '.ame to the Augustan division of Gaul, Lu(jdunensi&. From Lyons, the Rhone continues its rapid course directly south, pass- ing various towns, among which may be mentioned Acenio, Avignon, at the junction of the Drxientia, the Durance, and ArelCde (Aries). 2. The Basin of Garumna, the Garonne, a river which rises in the Pyrenees, and flows N. W. into the Sinus Cantabricus, the Bay of Biscay. This basin is bounded by the Pyrenees, the Cevennes, the mountains of Auvergne, and by the dos or high ground that extends thence to the sea. Within these limits, it includes the minor basin of Aturis (the Adour). In descending the Garumna, we find Toldsa, Tou- louse ; and farther down, on the left bank of the river, stood BurdujCda, the modern Bordeaux. It was the birthplace of the poet Ausonius. Lower down, the Garonne receives the Dordogne, and widens into an acstuary which is called La Gironde. 3. The Basin of Liger, the Loire. The Loire rises in the Cevennes, flows first northward, then westward, and fiills into the Atlantic after a course of 500 miles. Among the towns on its banks most worthy of mention was Gendbum, which owes its modern name of Orleans to the people Aureliani, whose capital it was. Farther down the Loire were the Turdnes and Andes v. Andegdvi, tribes which give the modern names Tours, Angers, and Anjou. iNear the embouchure of the Loire dwelt the tribe Namnetes, whence the name of the modern city of Nantes. On the Arroux, a tributary of the Loire, Bibracte v. Augustodunum, Autun, capital of the Aedui. 4. The Basin of Sequana, the Seine. This 1 iver rises in the table-land of the Gallic tribe Lin- gones, now called the Plateau de Langres, and, soon after its junction with Matrona, (the Marne), encloses an islet called Lutetia Parisio7'uvi, now in the very centre of the capital of France. Between Paris and the sea is Rouen (Botomugus). Near the source was Alesia, taken by Caesar after a long siege, w^hich he describes minutely in the Vth book of his Com- jnentaries. The comparatively small and very flat Basin of Samara, the Somme, was the seat of the tribe Am- bidni, whose chief place was Samarobr'iva, of which mention occurs in Caesar and Cicero, as well as in Ptolemy ; but the name of the people survives only in that of the modern city Amiens. 5. We next arrive at the Basic of Mosa, (in Dutch, Maas or Maes — in French, Meuse,) on which, as w» descend the river, we come to no place o'l note in ancient times. 6. The Basin of Riienus, the Rhine. This river rises in the central Alps, and is enclosed in its early course between Alpine ranges, until it expands into Lacus Bingantinus v. Venetus, the lake of Constance. Thence it flows westward (forming at SchafThausen the most noted waterfall in Europe, and passing Augusta Rauracorum) till it reaches Basilia (Basel or Bale). Meeting there with an obstruction in the high ground between Jura and the Voges, it turns abruptly to the north. In the subsequent part of its course, it passes successively the walls, 1. of Ilogontulcum, the capital of Germania Superior, now Mainz in German, Mayence in French : 2. of Gonjiuentes, corrupted into the modern Coblentz, at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosa or Mosella (Mosel or Moselle) : and, 3. of Colonia Agripplna, capital of Germania Inferior, now C^ln or Co- logne. In the English Channel, on the N. W. coast of Gaul, over against Britain, are Fortus Bins, whence Caesar first set sail for Britain, and the three islands, now belonging to Great Britain, Riduna, Alderncy, Sarnia, Guernsey, and Caesarea, Jersey : facing the Atlantic is Fortus BrivCdes, the harbor of Brest : at the mouth of the Adour, Lapurdum, Bayonne. On the Southern or Mediterranean coast was A^arfto Martius, Narbonne, which gave name to one of the divisions of Gaul, Narbonensis. Ten leagues east of the Rhone mouth was Massilia, (Marseilles,) said to have been founded at a very remote period by a colony from Fhocaea, a city on the coast of Asia Minor. Telo Ilariius, Toulon, is the great naval station of the French on the Mediterranean, as Brest is on the Atlantic. Off Toulon are the Stoechades Insulae, the Isles d'Hieres, Forum Julii, birthplace of Agricola, now Frejus, Nicaea, the last Gallic city towards Italy, now Nice. ancient divisions and tribes of GAUL. At the time of Caesar's invasion, there was already in Gaul a Frovincia Romana, lying between the Cevennes and the Alps. The rest of Gaul is de- scribed by him as divided into three parts, according as it was inhabited by the Aquitdni in the south, Belgae in the north, and Celtae in the middle. But the truth is, that Gallia Comata (as all beyond the Roman province was then called) was occupied by numerous independent tribes or peoples, generallj SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 13 costile to each other. Some of these have been already named — the Lingvnes and Parisii in the Basin of the Seine, the Aureliani and Namnetes in that of the Loire, and the Sedani in the Valais. A few shall now be added as occurring most frequently in Caesar's narrative of his campaigns in Gaul ; and the locality of each tribe named will be indicated by the river-basin in which they dwelt. The Aedui occupied the territory between the Loire and the Saone : on a tributary of the former was Bihracte, their capital, subsequently called Au- gustoddnum (Autun). The Sequani dwelt in the upper part of the Basin of the Saone, and the whole of that of its feeder Duhis, the Doubs, a river which winds round their chief city Vesonlio (Besanqon). In the Basin of the Seine, south side, lived the tribe Carmdes: near their chief city Autricum, (Char- tres), was the residence of the Arch-druid of Gaul. The AUobrdges dwelt between the Rhone and its left-hand tributary Isura, the Isere. The Treveri or Treviri occupied the space between the Meuse and the Rhine, and the lower Basin of the Moselle. Their chief city was that now called from the name of the tribe, in German, Trier, in French, Treves. Through their country ran the extensire Silva Ar- duenna, the forest of Ardenne. To the west of the Treviri, in the Basin of Sahis, the Sambre, and the upper course of the Scheld, dwelt the Nervii, a gal laut people of German extraction, who fought a great battle against Caesar. HISPANIA.-(MAP 7.) Spain was called Iberia by the Greeks, and by the poets Hesperia, as the farthest land toward the west, with the addition of ultima, to distinguish it from Italy. An elevated ridge of mountain and table-land ex- tends from X. to S., forming the water-shed of the country, and giving origin to all the great rivers, some of which find their way to the Mediterranean, and others to the Atlantic. To this crest or back- bone, as it were, of the peninsula, are attached, on the sias facing the west, ranges of mountains and high ground, running in a S.W. direction and nearly parallel to each other ; and these enclose, on two sides, the basins or tracts of country through which the rivers and their tributaries flow. The main rivers that rise on the western slope of the central ridge and fall into the Atlantic, are four in number : 1. Durius, the Duero, (in Spanish,) Douro, (in Portuguese,) the vast basin of which, bounded by the Cantabrian and Asturian mountains on the north side, and by those of Castille on the south, includes the less considerable valley of Minius, the Miuho ; 2. Tagus, famed for the gold found in its sand ; 3. Anas, the Guadiana ; and, 4. Baetis, the Guadalquivir {%. e. in Arabic, "the great river. ") The main rivers that rise on the eastern slope of tne water-shed and fall into the Mediterranean, are also four, but, excepting the last, of much shorter course ; 1. Tader, the Segura; 2. SucRO, the Xucar: 3. TuRiA, the Guadalaviar ; and, 4. Iberus, the Ebro ; and the basius of these rivers are enclosed in like manner by lateral ranges of hills which start off, like spinal processes, from the side of the central range fronting the east. In tracing the rivers just enumerated, from foun- tain-head to the mouth, we fall in successively with the following towns and localities : 1. On the Durius, near the source, and not far from the modern town of Soria, stood Numanlia, which Florus calls Hispaniae decus. It sustained a fourteen years' siege against the Romans, and was taken at last by Scipio Africanus Minor. At the mouth stood Cale, or Portus Calensis, (Oporto,) whence the kingdom of Portugal derives its name. In the Basin of the Durius were also, on the north side, Asturica Augusta, Astorga, and Legio vii ge- mina, Leon. On the south side of the basin, Sal mantica, Salamanca, and Segovia, famed for au aqueduct said to have been the work of Trajan, and still, with its double tier of arches, in good preser- vation. 2. On the Tagus, ToUtum, Toledo, Norha Cae^ sarea, where was a famous bridge over the river, now Alcantara, Scaldbis, Santarem, Olisipo, now Lis- bon, the capital of Portugal. In the Basin of the Tagus, north side, were Com,' plrdum, Alcala, on the Henares, where Cardinal Ximenes founded a university, and where he pub- lished, in 1515, the famous Polyglot Bible commonly called Biblia Complutensia. 3. On the Anas, half-way down, Iletelllnum, founded by Caecilius Metellus, now Medellin, birth- place of Fernando Cortez, Emcrita Augusta, a set- tlement provided by Augustus for his disbanded 14 SKETCH OF CLASSICAli GEOGRAPHY. veterans, (emeriti,) once the capital of Lusitania, now Merida. 4. Ou the Baetis, near the source, Gastulo, of which IIaiuiil>ars wife Imilce was a native, now Caz- loua; the foiest-land around — the saltus Gastulo- nensis of Livy — is part of 3Ions Marianus, the great table-land now called the Sierra Morena, the scene of the fabulous adventures of Don Quixote. Farther down the river Corduba, (Cordova), birth- place of Lucan and the two Senecas ; Ilalica, birth- place of the Emperor Trajan, and, some think, of Hadrian also and the poet Silius Italicus ; Hisjjulis, Seville. The Basin of the Baetis was occupied in the Mid- dle Ages by the Vandals, and was then called Van- dalitia — a name which appears now in the altered form of Andalusia. 5. Tader, the Segura, (the farthest south of those main rivers which fall into the Mediterranean,) after passing the modern city of Murcia, flows through the Campus Spartarius, a plain so called from its abounding in spartum, (esparto), a reed much used by the ancients for the cordage of ships, and various economical purposes. 6. SucRO, the Xucar, had at its mouth a city of the same name. t. At the embouchure of Turia, (Guadalaviar, ) was Valentia, a lloman colony, now the capital of Valencia. 8. On the Iberus, half-way down, stood Saldiiha, afterwards Caesaraugusta, now Zaragoza. The broad Basin of the Ebro, lying between the Pyrenees and the Central Ridge, is watered, from the heights of both, by numerous tributary streams, the most remarkable of which are, on the north side, the Sicu- ris, on which stood Ilerda, (Lerida,) where Caesar defeated Pompcy's generals, Afranius and Petreius, A. u. c. 704, (b. c. 49,) and on the south side, Salo, (Xalon,) on which stood Jiilbllis, the native town of the poet Martial. After thus following the course of rivers, if we next take the line of coast for our guide, we shall come upon towns which have been indebted for their importance and notoriety, in ancient or modern times, to the convenience of harborage, and their facility of access and resort to commercial and colonizing fo- reigners. In this tour of the coast, starting from Cape Finis- ten'a, the N. "W. angle of the Peninsula, and going south, we find the harbor of Corunna {Portus ^Tagnus). 'Corunna' is thought to be a corruption of Columna, from an ancient tower ninety-tro feet high, still standing, said to have been built by Her- cules. At the S. W. angle of the Peninsula, between the mouth of the Baetis and the Fretuni Herculeum. (Strait of Gibraltar,) stood the very ancient town of Gadir, founded and so named by the Phoenicians. The Romans called it Gades, and considered it as the extreme point of the earth westward, in like manner as the Ganges was reckoned the farthest point east- ward. Gadir is the modern town and harbor of Cadiz. Within the strait is CaJpe, (the Rock of Gibral- tar,) which the poets feigned to be one of the pillara erected by Hercules as his meta laborum, and as the western terminus of the habitable globe. Proceeding along the shore of the Mediterranean, we find, a little inland, Munda, where Caesar de- feated the two sons of Pompey, b. c. 45, (a. u. c, 708). Then comes Nova Carthago, (Cartagena,) the capital of the Carthaginian possessions in Spain, till it was taken by Scipio Africanus Major, a. u. c. 542, B. c. 210. A little north of Valencia was Saguntum, the storming of wliich was Hannibal's first act of aggression in the second Punic war. Out of its ruins was built a modern town, thence called Mur- viedro, i. e. 3Iuri Veleres. Between the mouth of the Ebro and Pyrenees were Tarraco, (Tarragona,) chief city of the Roman province Tarraconensis, and Barclno, (Barcelona,) with its citadel, Mons Jovis, (Monjuich,) said to have been built by Ha- milcar Barcas, father of Hannibal. Off the coast of Valencia is the group of Baleares Insulae, IJaJor and 3Iinor, famed for furnishing corps of slingers to the Roman armies ; and the Pityusae, EhUsus, Iviga, and Ophiusa, Formentera. The capes of the Peninsula are — Promontorium Trileucum, (Ortega!,) the most northern point ; on the W. coast, Nerium, (Finisterra,) Magnum, (Rock of Lisbon,) Barbarium, (Espichel,) Sacrum, (St. Vincent,) Junonis, (Ti'afalgar.) The Peninsula, in the time of the Roman Repub- lic, was divided into Buae Eispaniae, Citerior and Ulterior, by the river Iberus : under Augustus, inio three provinces : 1. Tarraconensis, comprising all the north and north-east parts, from the Durius and Tader to the Pyrenees, in which were the native tribes Gallaeci, AstUres, Gantdbri, Goseldni, Carpe- tani, Lergetes, Celtibiri, etc. ; 2. Baetica, the southern extremity, as far north as the Ayias, in which were the Turdctuni, Bastiili, Turdilli, etc. ; and, 3. Lusitania, the western and central part^ SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 15 betTfecn the Anas, the Durius, and the Atlantic, in which division were the VettOnes and the country called Guneus. Most of the tribes named above are mentioned by Livy. The Phoenicians were the first civilized people who visited Spain, more than 1000 years before Christ : they founded Gadir, Maldca, etc. After- n-ards the inhabitants of Maasilia, in Gaul, built Rhoda, now Rosas, and Emporiae, now Amp arias, in the N. E. corner of the Peninsula, The Cartha- ginians, coming next, built Tarrdco, Barcino, and Nova Carthago, and held possession of a great part of the country till they were expelled by the Romans ; who, after contending for the possession of Spain for a period of 200 years before Christ, remained master*^ of it during the first four centuries of the Christian er? ITALIA.-(MAPS 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13.) Italy was called Resperia by the Greeks, as being we?t of Greece. In poetry, it was sometimes called Oenotria, from an Arcadian prince named Oenotrus, son of Lycaon, who settled in Lucania ; and Auso- nia, from the Ausones, a people of Latium. The epithet Saturnia was applied to it, as the fabled residence of Saturn, after his expulsion from heaven by Jupiter. Its common appellation of Italia was Bupposed, by the natives, to be derived from a prince named Italus ; but this name was confined by the Greeks originally to a small district at the southern extremity of the country, and was gradually extended to the whole territory, which is fenced off from the rest of Europe by the mountain-barrier of the Alps, and surrounded on all other sides by the sea. Italy, when contemplated under its physical aspects, presents itself as composed of two portions, nearly equal in extent, but widely different in natural cha- racter. The one is the peninsula of Italia Propria, surrounded by the waters of the Mediterranean and Adriatic on all sides, except where a straight line drawn over land, and connecting the little streams Macra and Rubicon in lat. 44°, forms the isthmus. The other main portion of Italian soil is the great Basin of Padus, called also by the poets Eriddnus, the Po. Between these two territories, the contrast is striking. In the northern division, throughout its whole length, we find a river flowing in the lowest level between the Alpine and Apennine heights, which are its boundaries. In the southern or peninsular portion, the reverse is the case. The central line of the peninsula is not, as in Northern Italy, the lowest, but the most elevated part ; being, in fact, the crest of the lofty and continuous chain of the Apennines, while the boundary line on both sides is the lowest of all levels, the sea. The one region is penetrated by a single river, swollen by the contributions of innumerable streams from the opposite sides of the basin. The peninsula, on the other hand, has abun- dance of streams, but they are all, even the Tiber, of comparatively short course, having each its own little basin and lateral feeders, and falling directly and independently into the sea. To begin with the northern section. The huge Basin of the Po was, during the republican times, no part of Italy, but known to the Romans as Gallia CiSALPiNA and Liouria. If we trace the Padus from its source in Mons VesUlus (Monte Viso) to its mouth, we shall find, on the river itself, Augusta Taurinorum, taken by Hannibal on his descent from the Alps, now Turin, (Torino,) capital of the king- dom of Sardinia, Placentia, a Roman colony, now Piacenza, and Cremona. On the north side of the Basin of the Po, which, from its position in regard to Rome, was called Gal lia Transpaduna, we find the river joined by nume- rous streams from the Alps, among which the most notable are, 1. the Duria Minor, on which was Segusio, Susa, and 2. Duria Major, on which wero Augusta Praetoria, Aosta, and Eporedia, Ivrea ; 3. the Sess'ites, near which was Vercellae, where Marina defeated the Cimbri; 4. Ticmus, (Tessino,) issuing from Lake Verhdnus, Maggiore, on the banks of which Hannibal first defeated the Romans in a skir- mish of cavalry ; 5. Addua, (the Adda,) issuing from Lake Larius, (Lago di Como), W. of which was Medioldnum, Milan ; and, 6. Mincius, issuing from Lake Bendcus, (Lago di Garda,) and investing 3Ian- tua, a city which Silius Italicus calls musarum do- mus, as being the birthplace of Virgil, though it is believed that the poet was born at Andes, a neigh- boring village. At the southern extremity of Lake Bendcus was the peninsula Sirmio, the residence of the poet Catullus. Athesis, a river which the Ger- mans call Etsch, and the French Adige, may be said to belong to the Basin of the Po, though it falls direct into the Adriatic. On this river are the towns of Tridentum, Trent, and VerOna, birthplace of 16 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Catullus, which retains its ancient name, with a Roman amphitheatre in tolerable preservation. To the north of Verona were the Colles Euganei, famed for wool. Farther along is 3Ieduacus, Bacchiglione, on which is Fatavium, birthplace of Livy, now Padua. The soulh side of the Po basin, as being that nearest to Rome, was called Gallia Gispaddna. It is permeated by numerous streams from the Apen- nines, the most memorable of which are the Trehia, on whose banks the Romans sustained a second and more severe defeat from Hannibal, and Rhenus, Reno, on which was Bononia, Bologna. In an island on this 'little Rhine,' the second triumvirate, Antony, Lepidus, and Augustus, met to portion out among them the Roman world. In the peninsula of Italia Propria, the only rivers of considerable length are the Arnus, Tiberis, Liris, VuUurnus, all falling into the Ilare Inferum V, Tyrrhenum, and the Aufidus and Aturnus, which flow into the Mare Superum v. Adriaticum, v. Ha- dria, the Gulf of Venice. 1. In the Basin of Arnus (Valdarno and Vallom- brosa) were, on the river itself, Florentia, now Flo- rence, capital of Tuscany, and near the mouth, Pisae (Pisa). Three miles N. E. from Florence, Faesulae, where Galileo made his observations, and farther north, Pidoria, where Catiline was defeated and slain. 2. In the Basin of Tiberis, the Tiber, (in Italian, Tevere,) were, 1st, on the river itself, Perusia, near Lacus Trasymenus, (now the Lake of Perugia,) where, for the third time, Hannibal routed the Ro- man army under Flaminius ; Fidinae, beyond 3Ions Sacer, between the Tiber and Anio, Roma, Prin- ceps Urbium, and at the mouth, Ostia, the port of Rome ; 2d, on the right side of the Basin of the Tiber, Clusium, the city of Porsenna, upon the tri- butary Glanis, and on the left side, Tibur (Tivoli) on the Anio (Teverone). At Tibur, Maecenas had a villa, in which Horace (whose Sabine farm lay at no great distance on the Digentia, a feeder of the Anio) was a frequent guest. In the Basin of Liris (Liri at first, and then Ga- rigliano) were, on the left side, Arp'mum, birthplace of Marius and Cicero, the famous Buo Arpincdes, Aqulniim, birthplace of Juvenal : at the mouth, near the marshes where Marius took refuge, Minturnae. On the right side, the Liris was joined by the Fibre- nus. On the banks of the latter, and on the little jsland at the junction which belonged to Cicero, was lield the dialogue De Lejiribus. 4. In the Basin of the VuUurnus, on the left sid* of the river, stood the following towns ; Alllfae, famed for its pottery, Capua, chief city of the Gam- pCini, and the rival of Rome itself (hence called ' altera Roma') till towards the close of the 2d Punic war, when, having sided with Hannibal, it fell with his falling fortunes, Venafrum, famed for its olives, Gales (-turn), for its vines, {Venafranum, sc. oleum, and GaUnum, sc. vinum, signified oil and wine of the first quality). Beneventum, a town of Samniuvi on the Via Appia, stood at the point of junction of Sabcitus and Galor, whose united stream falls into the VuUurnus. On that river itself stood Gasill- num, (on the site of the modern Capua,) which gained credit with the Romans by its long and ob- stinate resistance to Hannibal. Between Beneven- tum and Gapua lay Furcae Gaud'mae, a defile where a Roman army was hemmed in by the Samnites, and forced to pass under the yoke. 5. In the Basin of the Aufidus, not far from the right bank of the river, were Ganusium and Gannae : near the latter was gained the last and greatest of Hannibal's victories, and to Ganusium the remains of the Roman army retreated after the disastrous battle. Higher up the valley, at the foot of Mt. VuUur, was Veniisia, birthplace of Horace, on the debatable land between Apulia and Lucania. Here also, not at Horace's farm, was the Fons Ban- dusiae. 6. In the Basin of the Aternus, on the river itself, was Amiternum, birthplace of Sallust the historian, and Gorfinium, the rallying point of the Leaguo against Rome in the Social War. At some distance south from the bend of the river stood Sulmo, Sul- mona, a town of the Peligni, birthplace of Ovid. To the geographical position of other towns and localities not connected with the six main rivers, a clue will be found if we follow the line of coast, with special reference at the same time to the principal subdivisions or provinces of Italia Antiqua. Theso provinces were either maritime or inland. Of the former class, six bordered on the Mediterranean, viz. : LiGURiA, Etruria, Latium, Campania, Lucania, and the Bruth, and five on the Adriatic, viz. : Apu- lia, including Japygia, Daunia, and Messupia, PiCENUM, Frentani, Umbria, Gallta Gispadana and Transpadclna, the latter including Venetia, Garnia, and Istria. The inland provinces, were Samnium and the highland districts of the Marsi, Peligni, and Sabini. 1. On the coast of Liguria, proceeding eastward SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. n from the small river Varus, which flows from Alpes Maritlmae, we find, at the head of the bay called Sinus Ligustlcus, Genua, a city more famous in history under its modernized name of Genoa. 2. Crossing the Macra, we enter Etruria, and arrive first at the town of Luna and its harbor Por- lus Lunensis (Gulf of Spezzia). Not far off are the quarries of Carrara, which still supply statuary marble to Europe. As we approach the mouth of the Tiber, we come upon the ancient Agylla, subse- quently called Caere, a town rewarded with the honorary freedom of the city, for its fidelity to Rome at the time of the Gallic invasion. 3. On the coast of Latium, the tovms we meet with on crossing the Tiber are, Laurentum, the city of King Latinus, Lavinium, and Antium, the capi- tal of the Volsci. Over the Antiates the Romans gained their first victory at sea, in memory of which they fixed the beaks (rostra) of the ships they had captured in front of the tribune from which the ora- tors harangued the people. Antium was famed in Horace's time for a Temple of Fortune. Eight miles inland was Ardea, the city of the Rutuli and of Turnus, and Gorioli, the taking of which gained for Caius Marcius the title of Coriolanus. Farther along the coast were Palddes Pompt'mae, the Pontine Marshes : beyond is Anxur v. Terrac'ina. Next come the town and promontory of Circeii, the town Amyclae, the town, promontory, and harbor of Cajeta, which took that name, according to Yirgil, from the nurse of Aeneas : near it was Cicero's For- mianum, where he was murdered by order of Mark Antony. Here commences, and is continued into Campania, the district in which the choicest wines of ancient Italy were produced, the Formiani Colles, Mons Massicus, the ager Falernus, Caecu- bus, Calenus, Setlnus. 4. On the coast of Campania were Gumae, which Yirgil makes the first landing-place of Aeneas in Italy, and the abode of the Sibyl who conducted him to the shade of his father Anchises, in the abodes of the dead, Baiae, a favorite watering-place, Puteoli, (Puzzuoli,) and Parthenope, subsequently Neapulis, (Napoli, Naples,) one of the numerous Greek colo- nies planted along the southern shore of the penin- sula, which procured for it the name of Magna Graecia. At a little distance across the bay on which Naples stands, is Vesuvius, a volcano, of which the first eruption upon record took place A. d. 79. At the base- of Vesuvius, and overwhelmed by its eruptions, were the now^ buried cities of Hercula- neum and Pompeii, discovered and partially disin- terred within the last and present centuries. Not far off, inland, was Nola, at the siege of which Han- nibal first received a check. It was at Nola that Augustus died. 5. On the coast of Lucania was Posidonia v. Paestum, famed for its roses and its ruined temples. On that part of the Lucanian coast which is in the Sinus Tarentinus, were Metapontum, the residence for a time of Pythagoras and of Hannibal, Hera- ch'a, the place of assembly for the deputies from the states of Magna Graecia, Syburis, proverbial for the luxury and eflfeminacy of its inhabitants. In the bay, but beyond the limits of Lucania, was To.ren- tum, on the brook Galesus, famed for the fine quality of the wool raised on its banks. 6. In Ager Bruttius, on the Fretum Siculum., (Strait of Messina,) was a rock with a cave under it, supposed to be the residence of the fabled monster Scylla : farther along, in the narrow part of the strait, was the town of Rhegium (Reggio). Near the Lacinian promontory, Croto, where Pythagoras long resided, and taught his doctrines : the birthplace also of the famous wrestler Milo, hence called Cro- toniates. T. On the Adriatic coast of Apulia, after doub- ling prom. Japygium, (C. Leuca), we find Hydras V. Hydruntum, (Otranto), the nearest transit to Greece, but less frequented for that purpose than Brundusium, (see plan on Map 13), which had an excellent harbor, and was the terminus of the Via Appia, the great high road from Rome to Greece. Brundusium and Dyi^rhachium, on the opposite coast, were the Dover and Calais of the ancient world. This part of the Apulian coast Wf^s inha- bited by a people called Caldbri, whose town Rhudiae was the birthplace of the poet Ennius. Next comes the projection of the land occupied by Mt. Gargar'<» and its oak forests ('querceta Gargani'). 8. On the coast of Picenum occurs a smaller pro- jection of the land, which, from the form it takep, was likened to the human elbow, ayxui', and hence the town built on it received the name of Ancon t. Ancdna, 9. On the coast of TJmbria were two to^vns of note, 1. Sena, to which the epithet Gallica was add- ed, as well to denote the fact of its being originally a Gallic settlement, as to distinguish it from Sena Julia, an inland town in Etruria — the former is now Sinigaglia, the latter Sienna; and, 2. Arimmum, (Rimini,) the storming of which was Cuesar's firnt 18 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. overt act of civil war after crossing the Rubicon. Between those Umbrian towns flows the small river Metaurus, where Asdrubal, the brother of Hannibal, was defeated and slain by the consuls Livius and Nero, A. u. c. 546, (b. c. 207.) 10, IL On the coast of Gallia Cisaljnna, south of the Po, stood Ravenna, near which Augustus con- structed a station for his fleet on the Mare Superwn, as he did at 3Iistnum, near Naples, to guard the Mare Inferum. Ravenna is now four miles from the sea ; and it may be observed, generally, that in the lower course of the Po, the Goimata (i. e. cumu- lata, successive deposits of soil in the channels of rivers, in consequence of floods and artificial em- bankments) has already raised the bed of the river thirty feet above the level of the adjoining plain. North of the Po lay the districts called Venetia, (on the shore of which is the modern city of Venice,) Carnia, and Idria, extending to the little stream Arsia, the eastern boundary of Italy. Along this coast, the chief ancient towns were Aquileia, Ter- geste, now Trieste, and Pola. ITALIAN ISLANDS. Off the coast of Etruria lies Ilva v. Aethalia, (Elba,) famed of old for the richness of its iron ores, and not far W. is Corsica. Off the coast of Cam- pania are the islands of Prochyta, (Procida), Ina- rlme, (Ischia) ; and on the opposite side of the bay, Capreae, the retreat of Tiberius ; and on the other Bide of the prom. Minervae, the three rocky islets, S'irenusae. Directly S. of Corsica is Sardinia, called Ichnusa by the Greeks, from its supposed resemblance to the impress of the human foot (xfo?, vestigium). To the S. E. of Sardinia, near the extremity of Italy, lies the group of volcanic islets called 7ns. Aeoliae v. Vulcaniae, (Lipari Islands), of which one only, Strong yle, (Strombjli,) is still active. South of this group lies Sicilia, (Map 12,) called also Sicania, Trinacria v. Triquetra Tellus. The three promontories (rpia azpa, trina cornua, Ov.) at the three corners of the triangular island were, N. E. Pelurus, S. E. Pachynus, and W. Lilyhaeuni. In the strait, Fretum Siculum, which separates Italy from Sicily, the poets describe a whirlpool called Charybdis, opposite to Scylla, on the Italian side. These were the two dangers of ancient navi- gators, between which it v/as thought so difficult to Bteer, that in avoiding the one it was hardly possible not to fall a i)rey to the other. Hence came the proverbial use of the modern line : ' Incidit in Scyl- lam, qui vult vitare Charybdin.' A little to the E. was the town of Zancle, afterwards Messdna, now Messina. We next pass Cat'ma v. Catdna, Catania, which has sufTei'ed much and repeatedly from the lava of Aetna — the burning mountain, equally famed in fable and in history ; and crossing SimaeChus, the river of longest course in the island, we aiTive at Syracusae, (see plan on Map 13,) the renowned metropolis of ancient Sicily. In front of the harbor is the island of Ortygia v. Nasos, and in it the foun- tain Arethusa, of poetical celebrity. On the coast between Pachynus and Lilybaeum was Agrigentum, or in the Greek form, Acrdgas, the second city in ancient Sicily — an early rival of Car« thage, and noted for a Temple of Jupiter, of which some gigantic fragments still remain. The ancient name survives in the modern Girgenti. Between Lilybaeum and Pelorus, on tlie northern shore of the island, the notable localities are, Dre- punum, (Trapani,) Eryx, a town and mountain — the latter surmounted by a Temple of Venus Erycina ; and off the shore Aegdies Insulae, where the Romans gained a naval victory which put an end to the first Punic war. Panormus, now Palermo, the modern capital of Sicily, and S. W. from it Segesia, with its temple almost entire. Before quitting Italy and the Italian islands, it may be well to add a few notes on the Alps, and on some other peculiarities of the country which have not come under our notice in the geographical de- tail, but with which it is proper the classical student should be acquainted. The great range of mountains called the Alps {Alpes) extends nearly 600 miles in the form of a crescent, between 5° and 18° E. Long., and 44° and 41 j° N. Lat., with various indentations and sinuosi- ties, from the Var to the Adriatic, presenting gene- rally an abrupt face towards Italy, and sloping more gradually on the other side. Its diff"erent parts were anciently distinguished by different epithets, most of which are still retained. These were : 1. Alpes Mo- ritimae, the Maritime Alps, extending from the Mediterranean to Mons Vesulus, Monte Viso — the mountain, as we have seen, which gives origin to the Po. 2. Thence to the modern Mt. Cenis were Alpes Cottiae, including Mt. Genevre. This portion of the chain took its name from a Gallic chief who had early made his peace with Augustus, and as.«isted SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 19 him in subduing Itie Alpine tribes whose names are enumerated on the triumphal arch erected at Susa. 3. The Alpes Graiae extended from Mt. Cenis to Mt. Blanc. There is strong ground for believing that the pass of the little St. Bernard, which is iu this portion of the Alps, was that by which Hanni- bal effected his march over the Alps. 4. From Mt. Blanc to St. Gothard {Adidas) were the Alpes Pen- n'lnae v. Summae, the central and highest of the whole range. Then follow eastward Alpes Rhaeti- cae, Carnicae, Juliae, whose respective limits it is not easy to define, till they reach the Sinus Flanati- cus, the gulf of Quarnero. Of this huge mountain chain, Adrda (St. Gothard) may be regarded as the centre or nucleus; for though not the loftiest summit, Mt. Blanc being higher, it occupies, with its surrounding group of mountains, the most elevated ground of the whole range, as plainly appears from the circumstance that the rivers ivhich rise there flow towards every point of the compass. The chief lines of Roman road in Italy were : Via Appia, (regina viarum,) leading at first from Rome to Capua, and continued onwards to Brundu- sium, Ihe great high road to Greece : Via Flaminia, by Ocriculum to Arimlnum: Via Aurelia, along the coast of Etruria to Pisae. ■• continued afterwards to Savona, and at last to Areldfe, Aries : Via Aemi- LIA, first from Ariminum to Bononia, then through Placentia to Mediolanum, Verona, Patavium, and Aquileia: Via Cassia, through Etruria, between the Aurelia and Flaminia : Via Valeria, through the country of the Sabini, Aequi, and Marsi, into that of Peligni: Via Latina, through Tusculum, Anagnia, Vena/rum, and Tednum Sidicini to Ca- silinum, where it joined the Via Appia. Italy so abounds in antiquities, that a few only of the most remarkable can be added here to those already mentioned. At Capua, Casinum, Puteoli, and Verona, are ruins of amphitheatres : that of the last-named was built to accommodate 30,000 specta- tors, and has suffered so little from time as to have been used on several public occasions in modern times. It is 1416 feet in circumference: the Coli- Boum at Rome is 1719. Numberless ancient remains have been uncovered and dug up at Herculaneum and Pompeii, two towns on the Bay of Naples, which were overwhelmed iu an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, A.i). 79, the former by a stream of lava, the latter by t shower of hot ashes. At Paestum, twenty leagues from Naples, are the ruins of three beautiful temples, of the simplest Doric order, and of great antiquity. At Narnia, are the remains of a bridge built by Augustus. On the road from Naples to Puzzuoli is the Cryjjta Neapolitana, Grotto of Pausilippo, a gallery or tunnel through a hill, 2323 feet in length, described by Se- neca, and of unknown antiquity. The most remarkable ancient remains and localitiea are in Rome itself. (Map 10.) To begin with the seven hills, viz. : the Capitoline, Palatine, Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal, and Quirinal. 1. On the Capitol were the temples of Jupiter Feretrius and Jupiter Capitol inas, and the Tabularium, or register-ofi&ce. 2. The Palatine, on which Rome was originally built, (thence called Roma Quadrata, from the form of that hill,) was afterwards almost entirely covered with the palace of Augustus and the Temple of Apollo, with the library attached to it : of all which nothing remains but a few substructions. 3. The Aventine, the seat of the robber Cacus, and long held unlucky from the fate of Remus, contained after- wards the Temple of Diana, built by Servius Tullius, the Temple of Juno, vowed by Camillus at Veil, whence the statue of the goddess was brought, and the Temple of Bona Dea, consecrated by the vestal Claudia : on the east slope of this hill were the Baths of Caracalla, the ruins of which still remain. 4. On the Caelian, called also Querquetulanus, stood the palace of the Laterani family, presented to the Church by Constantine, and now called the church of St. John Lateran: near which stood the statue of Marcus Aurelius, since removed to the Capitol. Here also is the remnant of a noble portico, supposed to be part of the Curia Hostilia. Between the Pa- latine, Esquiline, and Caelian, lies the amphitheatre of Vespasian, called the Coliseum. 5. On the Es quiline, the baths and palace of Titus, among the ruins of which was found the famous statue of Lao- cJon, and the mansion and gardens of Maecenas, on what was once a burying-ground. 6. To the east of the Viminal Hill, which, from the levelling and filling up, it is more diflicult to trace than any of the rest, stood the baths of Diocletian : still farther eastwaid, beyond the Agger of Tarquinius, was the Praetorian Camp. 7. On the Quirinal Hill, now Monte Cavallo, stood the temple of the deified Romulus, Sallust's house and gardens, which extended over the Pincian hill or Collis Hortulorum, the Campus Sceleratus, and baths of Constantine. These seven bills were all on the left bank of the 20 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Tiber : on the right or Etrurian side were the Jani- culum and 3Ions Vaticanus. Between the Quirinal and Capitoline was Trajan's Forum, in the centre of which stands tlie Columna Trajana, representing his Dacian conquests. The Campus Martins was a plain inclosed by a bend of the Tiber, and bounded by the Capitoline and Quirinal hills. It was originally used as a place of exercise and for the meetings of the people, but towards the end of the republic it began to be oc- cupied with buildings, and was enclosed by the Em- peror Aurelian within the walls. Amongst those buildings were, 1. The mausoleum of Augustus, the first distinguished tenant of which was young Mar- cellus, son of Augustus' sister Octavia, and heir of the empire, whose premature death is so pathetically lamented by Virgil : 2. The Antonine pillar : 3. Septa Julia, or Ocilia, inclosures for the people to vote in — rude at first, and wattled with twigs, like s/jeep-hurdles ; afterwards, when the people had no free voice, made of marble : 4. The Temple of Mi- nerva, built by Pompey out of the spoils of thirty years' successful war : 5. The Pantheon, Rotonda, the best preserved of all the ancient temples : 6. Circus Agonalis: 7. Pompey's theatre, whence were visible the Janiculum and 3Ions Vaticanus, on the Tuscan side of the Tiber. The latter hill was added to modern Rome by the popes, and contains the church and dome of St. Peter, and the Vatican library. Other remarkable places in Rome w^ere, 1. Forum Eomanum, the great centre of business, commercial and political, lying between the Capito- line and Palatine hills. Here stood, 1. the temple of Jupiter Stator. of which three pillars still remain- ing are supposed to be part : 2. the Temple of Con- cord, where the Senate usually met : 3. the Temple of Jupiter Tonans, or rather of Saturn, at the foot of the Clivus Cajntolinus : 4. the triumphal arch of Septimius Severus, still pretty entire : near which was the 3Iilliarium Aureum {umbilicus Romae) : and, 5. the Comitium. The Via Sacra led from the Forum towards the Coliseum : 2. Circus Maximus, between the Capitoline and Aventine, for the exhibition of chariot races, and other contests of strength and agility : 3. Veldbrum, the low ground between the Pala- tine and the river : 4. The bridges over the Tiber in Rohio, geven in number : Pons Sublicius, called afterwards, when built of stone, Aemilius ; Fabricius and Cestius leading to and from Insula Tiberina, the island of Aes- culapius ; Palatinus or Senatorius, now Ponte Rotto ; Vaticanus or Triumphalis; these five are more or less destroyed ; Janiculensis, now Ponte di Sisto ; and Aelius, built by Adrian to give access to his magnificent mausoleum, now the bridge and castle of St. Augelo. MACEDONIA, THRACIA, ILLYRICUM, AND THE PRO- VINCES ON THE MIDDLE AND LOWER DANUBE- CM AP 7.) Between Italy and the Danube lay the countries of Rhaetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Illyricum. RuAETiA occupied the Central Alps, together with their northern and southern valleys, from the sources of the Rhone to those of the Dramis (Drave) and Plains (Piave). Rhaetia comprehended, therefore, the Grisons and great part of the Tyrol, besides some Italian valleys. The people seem to have been of Celtic origin. Noricum extended from the Inn to the line of hills which abut upon the Danube above Vienna, called by the Romans lions Cetius, a prolongation of the Alprs Noricae, or Styrian Alps ; and from the Danube to the Carnian Alps and the river Savus iSavt,). It was watered by the luvavus, (Salza,) an affluent of the Inn, and the Murus, which flows into the Drave in Pannonia. Its principal cities were Lauriacum, (Lorch,) a Roman naval station on the Danube, luvavum, (Salzburg,) Noreia, (Neumarch,) near the Mur, and Celeia, (Cilli,) near the Save. This country was famous for its iron, and for the skill of the inhabitants in working it. East of Noricum, lying along the Danube to the mouth of the Save, was Pannonia, first reduced to a Roman province by Tiberius, and subsequently di- vided into Superior or "Western, and Inferior or Eastern Pannonia. It occupied a part of Hungary and Croatia. 3Ions Pannonius (Bakonyer Wald) was the principal mountain range. The Danube, with its tributaries, the Dravus (Drave) and Saviu SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. A (Save), were the most important rivers. We should not omit to mention two great lakes in this country, Peiso Lacus (the Neusiedler See) and Volcea Falus (Lake Balaton) In Pannonia Superior was Vindohona (Vienna) ; but its chief city was Garnuntum, (Altenburg,) near the modern Presburg, but on the right bank of the river. Roman fortresses on the Danube were Arra- bona (Raab) and Acincum (Ofen or Buda). On the opposite side of the river here, lay Contra Acin- cum (Pesth). Siscia stood upon the Save, near the confines of Illyricum ; and lower down, on the same stream, Sirmium, a place of great celebrity and im- portance in the latter ages of the Roman empire. South of Pannonia, bounded on the west by the Adriatic and on the east by Moesia, lay Illyricum, occupied by various tribes. The Dinaric Alps, under the names of 3It. Albanus and Bebii Monies, formed the principal range. The Golapis (Kulpa) and Drinus (Drino), tributaries of the Save and the Naro (Narenta), are the chief rivers. In Dal- matia was Salona, near the modern Spalatro, the birthplace and retreat of Diocletian ; and below it Epidaurus, or old Ragusa. Below Epidaurus are Scodra and Lissus; the former was called Scutari, the latter Alessio. Moesia is bounded on the west by Pannonia and Illyi'icum ; on the south, it was divided from Mace- donia and Thrace by 3It. Scordus and Haemus, the ranges of Gliubotin and the Balkan ; on the east, it reaches to the Euxine ; and on the north, to the Danube — thus occupying the present Servia and Bulgaria. In Moesia Superior the principal river was the Margus (Morava). At the confluence of the Danube and Save was Singidunum, now Bel- grade. Somewhat lower doAvn the river was a ridge of rocks, forming a cataract in the Danube — the spot at which the river was reputed to change its name from Danubius, above, to Ister, below. A little above this spot was the famous stone bridge of Trajan. Below it is Eatiaria, the ancient metropo- lis of Dacia, and the station of a fleet upon the Danube. In the interior is Naissus, (Nissa,) the birthplace of Constantine the Great; and south-east is Sardica, the metropolis of Dacia, and celebrated for a Chris- tian council. East of the river Giabrus was Moe- sia Inferior. North of the Danube was the vast province of Dacia, bounded by this river on one side and by the Carpathian mountains on the other. Its chief city was Sarmizegetusa, now Gradisca, the ancient resi« dence of the Dacian kings. South-east of Illyricum was Macedonia, situated between the countries just enumerated and Greece proper, and participating in the nature of both. Macedonia was bounded on the south by Thessalia, on the east by Thracia, from which it was separated by the river Nestus, on the north by Moesia and Dardania, on the west by the Adriatic ; the Aegean bounded it on the south-east, running up into two great gulfs, the Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus, between which were the peninsulas of Acte, Sithonia, and Palltne. Near the Thessalian frontier and the sea is Mons Pierius, and in the peninsula of Acte, 31ons Athos. The chief rivers were the Haliacmon and Axius, (Vardar,) flowing into the Thermaic gulf; the Stry- mon, into the gulf which bears its name; and the Nestus, which falls into the Aegean. Of cities, we have to mention Pydna, where Per- seus was baffled in his last efi"ort against the Romans, B.C. 168. Farther north, on a lake fifteen miles from the sea,, was Pella, the capital of Macedon, where Philip, the father of Alexander, resided. Pursuing again the line of coast, we come to Thes- salonica, at the head of the Sinus Thermaicus. It was to the Christians of that city that St. Paul ad- dressed his two epistles to the Thessalonians. Near the mouth of the Strymon we find Stageirus or Sta- geira, the birthplace of Aristotle. In the country between the rivers Strymon and Nestus, at some distance from the sea, was the battle-field of Philippi. On crossing the Nestus, we find ourselves in Thracia, a country the coast of which extended from the Nestus along the shores of the Aegean, the Hellespont, the Propontis, the Thracian Bosporus, and the Euxine sea, as far north as Mt. Haemus, which was its northern boundary. Along the seaboard, from the Nestus eastward, we come upon Abdera, the inhabitants of which formed, on account of their alleged stupidity, the laughing stock of antiquity; it was the ^l/thplace of Demo* critus. Farther east, we reach the mouth of Hebrus, con- nected with the myth of Orpheus. Next comes the Thracian peninsula called Cherso- nesus, on the eastern side of which is the strait named Hellespontus. The Hellespont widens into tne sea> lake called Propontis, and at the side of Byzan- tium, it contracts again into that which was callea 22 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. the Thracian Bospurus, (Strait of Constantinople, Map 26,) which, after keeping the two continents narrowly asunder, opens out again into Pontus Eux'inus (the Euxine or Black sea). At the northern extremity of the strait are some rocky islets, known under the name of the Symplegades. (Thracian Bosporus, Map 26.) Among the Greek colonies on the shore of the Euxine, belonging to Thrace, we mention Salmy- dessus and Apollonia. GRAECIA.-(MAPS 15, 16. 17, 18, 19.) The name Graecia was not used by the Greeks themselves. They called themselves, generally, Hel- lenes, and their country Hellas. From this generic name, the Macedonians and Epirotes were jealously excluded ; it was with some hesitation that the Acar- nanians, Aetolians, and Thessalians, were included under it, though among these last lay the original seat of the little tribe of Hellenes, from whom it was actually derived. Homer mentions the Hellenes once only, and then as a specific tribe of Greeks ; when he speaks of the Greeks collectively, he calls them Achaei, (Lat. Acliivi,) Danai, and Argaei, (Lat, Argivi,) names which also belong properly to par- ticular tribes. Taking Greece in its most extended sense, including all the northern semi-Greek countries, we may com- pare it to a triangle, having the mountain chain of Haemus for its base, the coast lines of the Aegean and Ionian seas for its sides, and Cape Taenarum, (Matapan,) the southern extremity of the Pelopon- nesus, for its apex. This triangular space is nearly bisected by the chain of Pindus and its adjuncts, which constitute the water-shed of the whole country, separating the rivers on the eastern side, which flow into the Aegean, from those on the western, which flow into the Ionian sea. PELOPONNESUS — MOREA. — (MAP 18.) The leaf-shaped peninsula so called is almost en- tirely covered with mountainous elevations and the well-watered valleys between them. This is particu- larly the case with the central region, Arcadia, which, on this account, was assigned to the god of shepherds, and is identified in our language with images of pastoral life and rural simplicity. Among the Mountains, the most noted were, 1. Cyllene, reputed by ancients and moderns to be the highest of them all, and fabled to have been the birthplace of Mercury : 2. Lycaeus, and, 3. Mae- nalus, both favorite haunts of Pan : 4. Taygeius, the resort of Spartan maidens, a range of mountains now called, from its five peaks, Pcutedactylon, which runs from N. to S., till it terminates at the bluff promontory of Taenarum, (Matapan,) the southern point of Greece, where Yirgil places one of the approaches to the infernal regions : 5. Stymphcdus, a mountain, town, and lake, where dwelt the vora- cious birds Sty mpJial ides, that fed on human flesh, the destruction of which was one of the twelve labors of Hercules : 6. Erymanthus, the haunt of the boar, to destroy which was another of the prescribed tasks of Hercules. The chief Rivers of Peloponnesus were the two following : 1. Alpheius, by much the largest and longest. On its right bank, not a great way from the embouchure, was the town of Pisa, and near it, the plain of Olympia, where the most famous of the Greek games were celebrated the first month of every fifth year — a period of time which was called an Olympiad, and formed the basis of Greek chrono- logy. Here also was the sacred grove Altis, planted by Hercules, and adorned with the renowned statue of Jupiter by Phidias. The Alpheius, in its course, disappears under ground for a time, which gave rise to the fiction of the river-god making his way under the sea to meet his Arethusa in the Sicilian island Ortygia. The Alpheius is joined, on the right side, by the Helisson, on which was Megalopolis, birth- place of the historian Polybius and of Philopoemen, 'the last of the Greeks ;' and by the Ladon. Among the mountains where Alpheius rises, was Mantineia, (Map 26,) the scene of the second great victory of the Theban Epaminondas over the Lacedaemonians, and of his death : 2. The other river of note was the Eurotas. It rises not far from the Alpheius, on the opposite slope of the water-shed, and flows through a basin bounded on the W. by TUygHus, on the E. by Mts. Parnon and Zarax. On its banks was the city of Sparta V. Lacedaemon, the great rival of Athens, not in arts, but in arms. The other localities in the Peloponnesus worth noting will be best learned in connection with the six little departments — five maritime and one inland SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2'S —into whicli it was divided, viz. : 1. Achaia, bounded on tlie N. by Sinus GoHnthidcus, (Gulf of Lepanto,) and including Gorinthia and Sicyonia; 2. Elis ; 3. Messenia; 4. Laconia; 5. Argolis; and, 6. Ar- cadia. 1. In Achaia, on the Isthmus, was GoHnthus. It bad a port on each side of the Isthmus, Lechaeum OH the Corinthian gulf, and GenchrCae on the Saro- ii:c — hence the epithet bimaris. The Citadel was on t!ie summit of a rock called Acrocorinthus, whence sprang the fountain Pirtne. 2. In .Elis, besides Pisa and Olympia, on the Alpheius, was Pylus, one of three towns of that name which claimed to be the city of Nestor, the sage of the Iliad. 3. In Messexia, in the basin of the stream Pami- sus, was Messene and its citadel Ithome, called by Philip of Macedon one of the 'horns of the Pelo- ponnesus,' Acrocorinthus being the other. 4. On the Laconian coast were the two promon- tories, Taendrum, already mentioned, and Malea, or Malea, a cape dangerous to mariners. 5. In Argolis were Argos v. Argi, a favorite city of Juno, and Mycenae, the city of Agamemnon, Tiryns, the reputed birthplace of Hercules, Lerna and its marsh, the abode of the many-headed Hydra, which it was one of the twelve labors of Hercules to destroy, and Nemea, the haunt of the Nemean lion, the killing of which was another of those labors. 6. In the inland Arcadia, besides the places men- tioned above, was the town Tegea. Gleitor with its fountain, said to render those who drank of it averse to wine. graecia propria. — (map 16.) The isthmus of Corinth connects Peloj^onnesus with Greece proper, the notable localities of which will be best indicated by referring each to the ancient division, as well as to the river, where there is one, on which it v/as situated. These divisions were Attica, Megaris, Boeotia, Phocis, Doris, Locris, Aetglia, and Acarnania. 1. In Attica stood Athenae, with her Acropolis and its Parthenon, and her triple harbor (Peiraeus, Munychia, and PhaUrum) ; Eleusis ; the plain of RiarCdhon, memorable for the defeat of the Persians, B. c, 490, (a. u. c. 263,) (Map. 26) ; Mt. Pentelicus, (Mendeli,) which furnished marble for the building of the Parthenon ; the silver-mines of Laiirium; and the southern promontory Sunium, crowned with the temple of Minerva Sunias, the pillars of which still standing give name to the modern Cape Colonne. 2. In Boeotia the low country was proverbial for its thick atmosphere and the pingue ingenium of its inhabitants ; but the mountains Githaeron and Heli- con, with its fountain Hippocrme, and the hills which enclose the plain, were all of a character so opposite, that, under the general name of Aonia, they were celebrated by the poets as the favorite haunts of the Muses, who were hence called Aonides, Aoniae })uel- lae, and Heliconldes v. Heliconiddes. In Boeotia were the towns of Thebae, the capital, birthplace of Epaminondas and Pindar ; south of it, Plataeae, (Map 26,) where the confederated Greeks defeated the Persians under Mardonius ; and Leuctra, (Map 26,) where Epaminondas gained his first victory over the Lacedaemonians, b. c. 371, (a. u. c. 383). On the narrow strait called Eurlpus, which separates Boeotia from Euboea, was Aulis, where the Grecian fleet destined for Troy was detained by contrary winds, till Agamemnon consented to the required sacrifice of his daughter IphigenTa. 3. Of Phocis, the remarkable features were, 1. The fountain-head and early course of the Gephissus, (major,) whose lower basin formed the northern por- tion of Boeotia : 2. Mt. Parnassus, sacred to Apollo. Between the two peaks wasfons Gastalius, and farther down, on the Pleistus, of which the Cas- talian spring is a feeder, stood the Temple of Apollo, and in it the Tripod of the Pythia, and the Delphic Oracle. 4. Aetglia was famous in early Greek story as the country ravaged by the Caledonian boar, vvhii.'h was slain at last by Meleager. Achelous, the long- est and largest of Grecian rivers, and fabled by the poets to have been the first created, forms the bouu' dary between Aetolia and 5. Acarnania, (Map 15,) a district which liei between AcheliJus and the Ambracian gulf. At the entrance of this gulf, near the promontory Actimn, the naval battle was fought between Augustus and Marc Antony, which secured to the former the un- disputed sovereignty of the Roman world, b. c. 31, 6. Between the Ambracian gulf and the Acroce- raunian promontory lay the extensive region o/ Epirus, famed for its breed both of horses and of watch-dogs, — the latter called Molossian, from J/o- lossis, a district of Epirus, — and still more famous for the most ancient of all the Greek oracles, Dod('f4i 24 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Having now reached the western limits of Greece, we return eastward to the Aegean shore, and find (lying to the N. of Greece proper, and separated from it by Mt. Oeta, which is an offset from the Pindus chain) the country called by the ancients THESSALIA. — (MAP 15.) Physically considered, Thessalia is made up of the basin of the river Peneius. It is a territory containing 4000 square miles of surface, and is sin- gular in being encompassed on all the four sides, even the side facing the sea, by ranges of mountains ; on the west by Pindus; on the north by 3Iontes Gambunii and M. Pierus ; on the south by M. Othrys ; and on the east and north-east by Pelion, Ossa, and Olympus, the three hills by the piling of which, one upon the other, the fabled giants attempted to scale the heavens. To the continuity of this mountain-chain there is but one interruption — a rent in the rocky barrier between Olympus and Ossa, and through it the single main river of Thessaly proper finds its way to the Aegean. This outlet of the Peneius bore the name of Tempe, a valley which in some places is so narrow as barely to allow the river to pass between the opposite cliffs. On one of the tributaries of the Peneius called Apidanus, where it is joined by its feeder Enlpeus, lies the field where the battle of Pharsalus was fought between Caesar and Porapey, b. c. 48, (a. u. c. 105). On the Peneius itself, below the point where the Api- danus falls into it, stood Larissa, which some describe as the city of Achilles ; but that honor belongs rather to another Lay'issa, not within the limits of the great basin, but in that south-eastern portion of Thessaly called Phthiutis, the country of the Dolupes and the 3Iyrmid6nes. Owing to the deep indentations, numerous projec- tions, and great irregularity of the line of coast, the headlands and bays make an important feature of the geography of Greece. Of the former, Taeniirum, Malea, Sunium, and Caphdreus, have been already mentioned ; to which may be added prom. Rhium (south) and Antin-hium (aorth), which nearly block up the entrance of the t^inus Corinthidcus ; Araxus, the north-west point of Peloponnesus ; Chelonates, the farthest west , and AcrUas in Messenia. The bays and gulfs connected with Peloponnesus Were Sinus Corinthidcus, 3Iesseniacus, Laconi- cus, Argolicus, and SaronTcus : in the last of these were the islands of Calauria, where Demosthenes died ; Aegina, once the rival of Athens at sea ; and in front of the harbor of Athens, Saldmis, off tha east end of which the fleet of Xerxes was defeated by the Athenians, b. c. 480. In continental Greece were the Sinus Malidcus, (Zeitoun) ; Pagasaeus, (Volo,) so called f4rora the to\vn Pagdsae; and along the coast of Macedonia, Sinus Thermaicus, (Salo- nichi,) Toronaicus, Singiticus, and Strymonicus. The most noted islands pertaining to Greece are : I. In the Ionian sea — 1. Corcyra, (Corfu,) thought to be the Homeric Scheria, the island of the Phaea- cians, where lived the suitors of Penelope : 2. Ithdca, the home of Ulysses : 3. Zacynthus, (Zante,) a colony from which is said to have peopled and given name to Saguntum : 4. Off the west coast of Peloponne- sus the rocks called Strophddes, (Strivali,) the hannts of the harpies. To the south of the Laconian pro- montory Malea, was Cythera, an island sacred to Venus : still farther south is Creta, with the cities of Gnossus, the capital of King Minos, Gortyna, and Gydonia, all three famed for archery. Of its mountains, Ida was the loftiest, and on Dicte Jupi- ter was said to have been reared, and fed upon honey and the milk of the goat AmalthCa. The sea around the island was called Greticum. II. Of the islands lying to the east of Greece and in the Aegean sea, we shall name first those worthy of mention which are situated to the north of the 38th parallel of latitude. They are, 1. Euhoea, an island stretching 150 miles along the coast of Boeotia and Attica, and approaching so near the continent in the channel called Eurlpus, that a bridge is said to have been at one time thrown across. On this channel was the chief city of the island, Ghalcis, opposite to Aulis in Boeotia. la doubling Gaphdreus, a promontory at the south-east extremity of Euboea, the Grecian fleet on its return from Troy was overtaken by a storm, which partly destroyed and partly dispersed it : 2. Samothrdce, where the Corybantes practised the rites and mysteries of Cybele : 3. Lemnos, an island sacred to Yulcan : 4. Tenedos, an island in sight of Troy : 5. Directly south is Lesbos, birthplace of Alcaeus and Sappho, the two great lyric poets of Greece : 6. Ghios, (Scio,) one of the seven places which contended for the honor of giving birth to Homer. Ghios was also noted for its wines. The numerous islets in the Aegean, in latitudes lower than 38°, are generally classed under two de- nominations, Gyclddes and Sporddes. SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2h I. The Cyclades, a group vvliicli cluster round Delos — that floating island which Neptune fixed with his trident as a resting-place for Latona to give birth to Apollo and his twin-sister Diana. Of this group the most noted, after Delos, were, 1. Paros, famed for its statuary marble, and the birthplace of Phidias, the sculptor who made the noblest use of it : 2. Geos, off the promontory of Sunium, birthplace of the elegiac poet Simouides : 3. South of Delos, Naxos, an island that figures in the history of Bacchus and Ariadne : II. The scattered islets to the east and south-east of the Cyclades were called from that circumstance Sporades. They extended as far E. as Icaria, which took its name, as did the sea around it, from the fabled fate of Icarus, the son of Daedalus, and as far S. E. as Carpathos, (Scarpanto,) which in like manner gave to the waters round it the name of Garpathium Pela- gus. Between Icaria and the continent was Samos, birthplace of Pythagoras, and a favorite island of Juno. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON GREECE. The chain of Pindus, of which we have already spoken as dividing the waters that fall into the Ae- gean from those that fall into the Ionian sea, has numerous lateral branches, which on the east side go off nearly at right angles, like ribs from the spine : such are the mountains of Argolis, of Attica, and those which form the northern and southern bounda- ries of Thessaly ; while on the ivest side these offsets are disposed in ridges nearly parallel to Pindus itself. The lateral branches which are on the east side of Pindus inclose a great number of basins, the most remarkable of which are as follows, beginning from the north : 1. The Basin of the Strymon, including the Mace- donian plain of Serres, distinguished by the fertility of its soil and the abundance of its products, par- ticularly of cotton : 2. The Basin of the Peneius, forming the country of Thessaly. Being nearly circular, and not open- ing wide to the sea, like most other basins, it has every appearance of having once been a great lake, whose waters were at last discharged, either by the sudden disruption, or by the gradual wearing down, of the narrow ravine called the Yale of Tempe : 3. The valley of the Sperchius, inclosed by the mountain ranges of Othiys and Oeta : 4. The Basin of the northern Cephissus, which includes a great part of Doris and Boeotia. The river, arriving at low and spongy ground, spreads out into the lake Copdis, now Topolias, whose waters find their way to the Aegean sea by subterranean passages : 5. The Basin of the Alpheius, in the Peloponnesus, though the course of the river is westward, may be enumerated as a fifth. The Alpheius, rising on the confines of Laconia, collects in its course all the streams produced on the interior summits and sides of the mountain chain that encircles Arcadia. The basins on the west side of Pindus are longer and narrower, and, owing to th-e position of the moun- tain ridges, extend generally in a north-east and south- west direction. In Greece proper are the Basins of the Achelous and Evenus : those farther to the north are less memorable. The Mountains of Greece are almost entirely lime ■ stone, which assumes the shape, in some places, of long, sharp, continuous ridges ; in others, of round craggy summits, with strata highly inclined. It is to this physical conformation of the soil and surface of Greece that she owes many of her natural features and peculiarities — such as, the numerous caverns, fountains, katabothra, or under-ground river coursse, hot springs, stalactitic incrustations, and gaseous ex- halations, which, among a people of lively fancy and abounding with traditionary story, served to nourish, if they did not give birth to, much of the popular superstition and beautiful mythology of the Greeks. The height of the principal mountains has not been accurately ascertained. Orbelus, now Argentaro, is covered with perpetual snow, and must therefore, being in the latitude of 42°, have at least 8000 feet of perpendicular elevation. The range of Pindus is considerably lower, probably from five to six thousand feet at the highest. Mount Athos rises to the height of 4350 English feet. The Rivers of Greece, with the exception of thoso that form the basins enumerated, and some of their tributaries, are of short course, and often little more than winter torrents, (xi'-i^o-^'fOi,) whose channels are dry in summer. Such, for example, is the famed Ilissus at Athens. A distinguishing feature of Graecia Propria and Peloponnesus, and one which had a considerable in- fluence in the first moulding of its political condition, is the frequent occurrence of rich plains, overlooked and commanded by abrupt insulated rocks rising in the middle or at one end of them, and bounded at no great distance by mountains. These plains and 26 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. natural fortresses, presenting facilities for subsist- ence, defence, and retreat, attracted population, and encouraged the forming of small independent com- munities. Such were Thebes, Argos, Messene, and Corinth. Antiquities. — Some curious specimens of the co- lossal architecture called Cyclopean, much more an- cient than the classical times of Greece, still remain at Mycenae, Argos, Tiryns, etc. : it is rude in its form and gigantic in its dimensions, and probably the work of the same people, who have left still more numerous and striking examples of it in Italy. Of the classical age, the remains are principally temples, and the most remarkable of these are in and about Athens. On the Acropolis are still to be found the ruins of the Propylaea, the Parthenon, or Temple of Minerva, that of Victory, the united Temples of Neptune, Erechtheus, and Minerva Polias, built on the spot where the contest between Minerva and Nep- tune was supposed to have taken place, the PandrO' seion, in honor of Pandrosos, daughter of Cecrops On the plain below the Acropolis, the Temple ot Theseus, Theseion; and near it, the comparatively modern arch of Hadrian, and the Temple of Jupi- ter Olympius, Olympieion, b'egun by Pisistratus, and dedicated 100 years after by the Emperor Hadrian. In the city of Athens and its suburbs, (Map 1Y,) the most remarkable points were — the Areopagus, the Pnyx, v/here the assemblies of the people were held, the theatre of Bacchus, the Ceramlcus, including the Agora or Forum, Prytaneum, the Schools, viz., the Lyceum of Aristotle, the Academia of Plato, the portico called Sroa UoixiXri, in Latin, Poecile, where Zeno the Stoic taught, and Cynosarges, fre- quented by Antisthenes and the Cynics. ASIA MINOE.-(MAP 20.) The country which we call Asia Minor was called by the ancients Asia simply, and has now the name of Anatolia. Surrounded on three sides by the sea, it has something of the character of a peninsula. It is bounded on the north by the Pontus Euxinus (Euxine or Black Sea) and the Propontis ; on the west by the Aegean ; and on the south by the Me- diterranean. On the east, it is separated from the main continent of Asia by the river Euphrates and the range of the Taurus. Commencing in the north-east, we find the follow- ing towns and localities of interest : The town Trapezus -untis, a Greek settlement of ^reat antiquity, which, under the modern form of Trebizond, was a place of considerable note during the Eastern Empire ; Cerdsus, whence Lucullus transplanted the tree which bears its name in Latin (cherry) ; The mouth of the river Thermodon, whose basin and town, Theniiscpra, were assigned as the dwelling- place of the fabled race of female warriors called Amazons ; The river Halys, eastern boundary of the Lydian kingdom of Ci'oesus, the crossing of which proved fatal to him in his contest with Cyrus, king of Persia ; Sinope, on a peninsula that juts into the sea, said to have been as old as the Argonautic expedition, at one time capital of the kingdom of Pontus, till taken by Lucullus, and birthplace of Diogenes the Cynic ; Carambis, a promontory opposite to another in the Crimea called Criumetopon, (ram's forehead,) at the distance of 150 miles across the Euxine ; HeracUa, — surnamed Pontica to distinguish it from numerous cities of similar name in the ancient world — chief town of the Mariandyni, and said, like the others, to have been founded by Hercules ; The mouth of the Sangarius v. Sagaris, which rises in Mt. Dindymon ; All these localities are in the provinces of Asia Minor called Pontus, Paphlagonia, and Bithynia. The other maritime provinces of the peninsula are six in number. Of these, three are on the Asiatic shore of the Aegean, viz. : 1. Mysia, including Phry- gia Minor and the Troad (Map 26) ; 2. Lydia v. Maeonia, including Ionia, which was the seaboard of Lydia, and thickly planted with Greek colonies ; and, 3. Caria, including the district of Doris. The other three are on the Mediterranean. 1. Lycia ; 2 Pam- PHYLIA, including Pisidia and Isauria; and, 3. Ci- LiciA. In all these six provinces, there are lo alities with whose names and positions every studen< ougbt to be made familiar. For example : 1. In Mysia, it is sufficient to name TiwjJA or Ilion, situated on an eminence between the Himois i and Scamander. The city was overlooked Wy Mt. I Ida, and itself overlooked the plain of Trov. Here SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 21 also was the river Granlcus, on whose banks Alex- ander the Great gained his first victory over Darius, B. c. 324, (Map 26). 2. Li Lydia flowed the r'lYer Hermus, famed for the gold found in the sand of its channel : near it was the site of Sardis, at the foot of Mt. Tmolus, the capital of Croesus, king of Lydia. A little way S. of the Hermus was Smyrna, on the Meles, one of the cities which contended for being the birthplace of Homer. Among the twelve cities that formed the Ionian league, besides Smyrna, were Teos, birthplace of Anacreon, and Ephesus, birthplace of the weeping philosopher Heraclltus, and of the painter Parrha- sius. It was situated at the mouth of the Caystrus, famed among the poets for its swans. Farther south is Mt. Mycale, off which the Greeks gained a signal victory over the Persians, the same day, it is said, on which Mardonius was defeated at Plataeae. "We next cross the Ilaeander, a river of great length, and so remarkable for its windings as to have furnished an English word descriptive of a similar character in other streams. South of the Maeander, but still to be reckoned an Ionian city, was Miletus, from which went most of the Greek colonies that fringed the border of the Euxine Sea. It was noted also for its wool, and was the birthplace of Thales, the earliest of the Greek philosophers. 3. On the coast of Caria stood Ealicaivrassus, a city memorable as the birthplace of the great histo- rians Herodotus and Dionysius, and for the sepulchral monument of Mausolus, reared by his queen Artemisia. On the opposite side of the bay stood Cnidus, where was a statue of Venus, reckoned the master-work of Praxiteles ; and at the entrance of this bay, mid-way between Halicarnassus and Cnidus, lay the island Cos, birthplace of the famous physician and medical writer Hippocrates, and of Apelles, the most cele- brated of Grecian painters. Cos was noted also for its wines, and for the manufacture of fine cloth. Off the coast of Caria is another island much larger and more noted than Cos, viz., Bhodos, Rhodes, in the capital of which, of the same name, was the brazen statue of the sun, called Colossus, 70 cubits high, which bestrode the entrance of the harbor. 4. Moving eastward, along the Cariau shore, we enter Lycia, and pass under the wooded Cragus, one of the extremities of Mt. Taurus, and a favorite resort of Diana. Having crossed the Xanthus, we arrive at Patdra, the winter residence, according to the poets, of .Apollo, as Delos was his favorite dwelling-place in summer. Farther east, after rounding the Prom. Sacrum, we 'find Mons Chi- maera. 5. In Pamphylia, the only point of interest is the town Phaselis. 6. CiLiciA extends from the eastern limit of Pam- phylia to the Sinus Issicus and Mt. Amanus, and has the mountain chain of Taurus for its northern boundary. The western portion of Cilicia is rough and hilly, and was thence called Tracheia: the eastern, being more level and fertile, was called Pedias. On the coast of the latter, as we approach the river Cydnus, we pass through Soli. We then come to the Cydnus, by ascending which we arrive at Tarsus, the capital of the province, and the birth- place of St. Paul. The last town in Cilicia, situated at the head of the Sinus Issicus, was Issus, (Map 26,) where Alexander gained his second great victory over the Persians, and made prisoners of war the wife, mother, and infant son of Darius. In this neighborhood were also the Pylae Amamcae and Pylae Syriae, narrow passes or gorges in Amdnus, the mountain range which runs north-east from the bay of Issus till it joins Mt. Taurus. Fronting the bay of Issus is Cyprus, the favorite island of Yenus, and hence the numerous epithets applied to the god- dess which are derived from towns and temples therein — such, for example, are CyjJria, Paphia, Idalia, Amathuntia v. -thusia, and Salaminia. The inland provinces of Asia Minor were : 1. Phrygia, in the centre of which was Synndda, noted for its quarries of variegated marble, which was a costly article of ornamental architecture at Rome. In this province, on the confines of Caria, and not far from the sources of Maeander, were also the cities of Laodicea and Colossae, the seats> of early Christian churches, and Celaenae, where mytliologi- cal history places the scene of the flaying of Marsyaa by Apollo : 2. Galatia V. Gallograecia, (both terms alluding to the fact of the invasion and settling there of a body of Gallic emigrants,) comprehended the upper por- tions of the river-basins of Halys and Sangarius, and the cities of Pessinus, Ancjjra, (Angora,) and Gordium. 1. The first of these towns, situated at the foot of Mt. Dindymon, was noted for the worship of Cybele. 2. At Ancyra, a temple was erected to Augustus during his lifetime. 3. Gordium, before the invasion of the Gauls, was the capital of Phry- gia, — ^the city of Gordius, the father of Midas, — and famous for the story of the Gordian knot : 3. In Cappadocia, the point of grealest interest 28 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Is Mt. Argaeus, with 3Iazaca, the capital of the pro- vince, at the foot of it : 4. West of Cappadocia was the province of Ly- CAONiA, with its capital Iconium, the scene of the labors of St. Paul and Barnabas, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles : 5. To the N. E. of Cappadocia lay Armenia minor, in which Poinpey founded a city which he called Nicop^dis, in memory of a decisive victory he gained there in the Mithridatic war. Physical Aspects. — The mountain range called Amnnus forms the S. E. boundary of Asia Minor, separating it from Syria, in like manner as the Eu- phrutes and part of Mt. Taurus separate it on the N. E. from Armenia major. The Asiatic peninsula — of which we have done little more than trace the sea- board of low rich land that skirts the shores of the Euxine, Propontis, Aegean, and Mediterranean seas — exhibits a central belt of elevated land, abutting on mountain ranges, which slope downward to the respective seas that form its northern and southern boundary. The southern chain is so marked and uninterrupted, that it was early designated by a general name. All ancient geographers agree in calling it Taurus ; but some trace it eastward from Cape Trogilium and Mt. BIycale on the Aegean ; while Strabo, whose authority is high in what con- cerns this peninsula, of which he was himself a native, makes it commence from a precipitous and lofty ridge which runs northward from Prom. Sacrum and Mt. Climax in Lycia. Thence making a sweep to the E., and taking, in one part of its course, the name of Antitaurus, it proceeds in a N. E. direction until, as it approaches the Euphrates, it sends off the branch called Amnnus to the south west, and skirts the course of that river, of which it alters the direc- tion. Another branch of Taurus runs more directly E., bounding to the N. the maritime provinces of Pamphylia and Cilicia. The northern chain connected with Antitaurus, and running W. parallel with the Black Sea, is more broken and scattered than Taurus, and has not therefore been distinguished by a general appellation, but it may be traced westward in the successive ranges of Paryadres, Olgassys, the two Olympi and Ida. The central plateau, comprehend- ing the four inland provinces already mentioned, is distinguished by a number of lakes without issue, most of them salt, and of rivulets that never reach the sea — facts which attest the general levelness of the sui'face. That part of Phrygia called anciently Katakecaumene, (i. e. combusta,) abounds in appear- ances of scorching and sterility, which Strabo con- siders as indications of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Antiquities. — Although Asia Minor, especially the coast of the Aegean, was in ancient times the seat of many noble cities, adorned with splendid monu- ments of art, time and barbarism have either entirely destroyed even the ruins, or left them in such shape- less, scattered, and mutilated masses, as to convey but little information. Not only are there no re- mains of the famous Temple of Diana at Ephesus, but the very site of the town is disputed. The exist- ence of former civilization is attested by fragments, curious and interesting indeed, but not singly of im- portance enough to be enumerated in so general an outline as this. PALAESTINA.-(MAP 21.) Palaestina, Phoenicia, and Judaea, were parts of what was, in classical times, called Syria, the tract of land which forms the eastern boundary of the Mediterranean, between Asia Minor and Aegypt. The physical characteristic of this country is an almost continuous range of mountains, stretching from north to south in a direction parallel to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, and nowhere far distant from it. Though it assumes different local appellations, the chain may be called by the general name of Lib'nus, (the Lebanon of Scripture,) and the liighest part of the range is where it diverges into two branches, Zibcinus and Antilibanus. To that point, the Hermon of Holy Writ, and the high ground adjoining, may be traced the sources of the three principal, and indeed only rivers, the Orontes, Leontes, and JordCmes. 1. The Orontes, (see Map 20,) after flowing north- wards during the greater portion of its course, makes a bend to the west, traversing a wide valley between Mons Pierius on the north (the termination of Amanus) and Mons Cassius on the south (the com- mencement of Libiinus). On the left bank, twenty miles from the mouth, stood Antiocheia, long the capital of Syria, and celebrated for the luxury of ita inhabitants. SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 29 2. The Leontes, rising at the point of divergence of Lihdnus and Antilihanus, flows south through a widening basin, enclosed between these two ranges, which, from its physical aspect, was called Goele-Syria. 3. J:>rddn€S, the Jordan, springing from Mt. Her- mon, near Faneas, afterwards Caesarea Fhilippi, flows almost due south, forming in its course succes- sively, 1. the Lake SamochonUis ; 2. the Lake Tibe- rias, known also in the New Testament as ' the Sea of Tiberias,' 'Galilee,' or * Gennesaret, ' on which was situated the city of Tiberias -(now Tabarieh), so named by Herod Antipas in honor of Tiberius Cae- sar ; and, 3. the Lacus AsphaltUes, or Dead Sea, a bituminous lake without issue, in which the Jordan is lost. The banks of this lake are the lowest inha- bited land known, being 1312 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. About half-way between the head of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean, on the brook Kedron, stood Hierosolyma, Jerusalem, (see plan Map 21,) the metropolis of Palestine, northeast of which is Je- richo. To the east of the Jordan, in the valley of the Jabbok, were Gerasa and PhiladelpMa. Proceeding from the north along the coast, and passing Berylus, (Beirut,) — a Roman colony in the reign of Augustus, — we find ourselves, as we ap- proach the mouth of the Leontes, in Si don, and soon after crossing it, in Tyros, both of which cities are in Phoenicia. They were the earliest, most enterprising, and wealthiest of all ancient states. Nearly on the same parallel of latitude as Sidon, but considerably tc the east beyond the chain of Antilibdnus, was Da- mascus. Farther south, on the coast, was the town called Accho in Scripture, afterwards Ptolemais, and the modern St. Jean d'Acre. The last memorable point in Phoenicia is Carme' lus M., soon after passing which we enter Palaes- TiNA, and reach the town and port of Caesarea, so named in honor of Augustus, more anciently Turria Stratonis, the capital of Samaria under the Romans : south-eastward we find Sebaste, the old Samaria; and returning to the coast, we pass successively Joppa and Ascalon, places of note during the Cru- sades. The last point of classical interest near the coast was Gaza, which had a port on the sea. The connection of Palestine with Sacitd History not coming within the scope of the present sketch, no allusion has been made to the innumerable points of interest which it presents in relation to the Scrip- tures — a subject too important to be treated in so limited a space. ASSYRIA. With regard to the vast continent of Asia, which stretches eastward beyond that peninsular portion of it that we have been examining, it was so imperfectly known to the ancients in the brighter periods of their literary history, that but few notices of it are re- quisite. The great basins of the Euphrates and Tigris, embracing part of Armenia and of Media, and the whole of Mesopotamia, Assyria, Susiana, and Babylonia, are important in themselves, and contain points of considerable interest. Both these rivers rise in Armenia, the Euphrates in Abus, and the Tigris in Niphdtes, the two eastern terminations of the range of Taurus and Antitaurus ; and after a course, the Euphrates of 1530 miles, the Tigris of 1000, having run nearly parallel to each other, they unite their waters and fall into the Sinus Per- simis. 1. Armenia major was chiefly composed of the Basin of the Araxes, a river which rises in Anti- taurus, a few miles from one of the sources of the Euphrates, and after joining the Cyrus, which is the northern boundary of Armenia, they flow with united stream into the Mar'e Caspium v. Hyrcdnum. On -(MAP 22.) the left side of the Araxes, and overlooked by Mt. Ararat on the right, was the capital Artaxdta. 2. In Mesopotamia, whose name indicates the nature of a country formed by the alluvial deposits of the two large rivers that enclose it on either side, were Carrhae, memorable for the defeat and death of Crassus, and Nislbis, on the tributary Mygdonius, a frontier city of Imperial Rome. 3. Assyria is the left side of the Basin of the Tigris during the latter part of its course. On the river itself stood Ninus, Nineveh, the metropolis of the Assyrian Empire. The site and vicinity of this ancient city have been the scene of recent excava- tions and discoveries, which promise to throw light upon the early records of our race. A little east- ward were Gaugamela and Arbela, the scene of tho battle with Alexander which sealed the fate of Da- rius and of the Persian monarchy. 4. Babylonia and Chaldaea occupied the lower part of the Basin of the Euphrates down to its junc- tion with the Tigris, and onward to its mouth in the Sinus Persicus. The most noted localities were tho following : on the Euphrates, and bisected by it, so SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. J3ABYL0N, one of the most renowned among the cities of remote antiquity. In the latest joeriod of its an- nals, it was the scene of the death of Alexander the Great. Farther up the river was the plain of Gunaxa, where the younger Cyrus was defeated and slain by his brother Artaxerxes; and whence, in consequence of that defeat, began the retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, described by Xenophon. (Map 26.) The Basin of the Choaspes, a tributary of the Eu- phrates, was the country called Susiana, from its capital SusA, on the river itself. East of Assyria is Media. AFRICA. The northern coast of Africa extends westward about 2000 miles, from the frontiers of Egypt to the Pillars of Hercules, that is, from long. 25° east, to 6° west : bounded on the north by the Mediterranean ; on the south by the deserts of Lil)ya and Sahara, and by the mountain range of Atlas. Mauritania Tin- gitana stretches further to the southwest, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, to where the Atlas M. approaches ihe Atlantic Ocean. As we advance westward from Alexandria, we arrive at Paraetonium, the frontier town of Egypt, two degrees south of which is the most famed of the oases which rise like islands, at rare intervals, out of the ocean of arid sand that stretches across the continent of Africa. In this oasis was the Temple of Jupiter Ammon, which Alexander the Great went to consult. Returning to the coast, we meet with nothing of classical interest except the Catabathmus, or great declivity, which Sallust improperly describes RS the boundary between Egypt and Africa, till we reach Cyrme. In the latter days of Greece, Cyraie was a flourishing colony, where art and philosophy were cultivated ; but at the present day not a vestige of it remains. Farther along, Berenice is mentioned ns a town near which were the Gardens of the Hes- perides; but Yirgil places them in Mauritania. This brings us successively to the shallows and whirl- pools called Syrtes, major and minor. Near the Syrlis minor was the Lake Tritdnis, obscurely con- nected with the mythological history of Minerva, who is often called Tritonia Yirgo. From this point commences a region of great natu- ral fertility, which was long the ' granary' of Rome, and rich in historical recollections. First, we have A*^rica propria, the proper domain of Carthago, (Carchedon,) the great rival of Rome; and twenty- seven miles west, on the Bagrddas, was Utica, where the second Cato, rather than submit to Caesar, put a period to his life, and hence he is distinguished from Cato Major by the epithet Uticencis. In the interior is Zama, where the elder Scipio defeated Hannibal. We then enter Numidia, the country of Jugurtha, and the scene of the first exploits of Metellus Numi- -(MAP 23.) dicus, which prepared the way for Marius to finish the war and carry Jugurtha prisoner to Rome. The last western division of this African coast was Mau* ritania, the kingdom of Bocchus and of Juba ; bounded on the N. by the Mediterranean, on the W. by the Atlantic, and on the S. by the lofty range of Mt. Atlas, which protects it from the encroachments of the ocean of sand that lies beyond. As we ap- proach the Atlantic, we come in sight of Ahjjla (Rock of Ceuta) and Calpe (Rock of Gibraltar), the two Pillars of Hercules, on opposite sides of the Fretum Herouleum. * GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON NORTHERN AFRICA. The two most remarkable features of this country are, the Great Desert, and the mountain range of Atlas. The former, the largest continuity of barren surface in the known world, extends, under different names, from the shores of the Atlantic to the banks of the Nile, interrupted only by a few oases. The mountain range of Atlas, which is the north- ern boundary of the desert called Sahlra or Zaara, stretches from Fezzan to the Atlantic. It rises in successive terraces from the most northern, which does not exceed 580 or 600 yards in height, to the farthest south, which, if it be covered with perpetual snow in lat. 32*^, as some travellers affirm, cannot be less than 11,000 feet high. The lower elevations are calcareous ; and among them was found the Numi- dian or Gaetulian marble, an article of luxury in great request among the Romans. The successive gradations are connected by transverse branches run- ning north and south, among which are plains and valleys, watered by streams without issue, and con- stituting the 'Country of Dates.' Atlas extends eastward from the Atlantic to the Regio Syrtica, forming a bulwark against the moving sands of the southern desert. The streams that descend from the northern side of Atlas water that belt of land, from 60 to 160 milea broad, which was long the granary of the Roman empire, and is now the country of Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco. SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 31 AEGYPTUS.-(MAP 24.) Egypt is tlie nortli-east portion of the great penin- sular continent of Africa, situated between the Tropic of Cancer (23° 30') and 31° 30' N. latitude, and between 30° and 35° E. longitude. There is perhaps no part of the world, out of Italy and Greece, to which allusion is more frequently- made by the poets and orators of antiquity than to I'Jgypt ; but no ancient writer who is not a professed geographer goes much into detail, or mentions more than one or two of its towns and localities. The eiugalar nature of the country, the immemorial exist- ence of the pyramids, the dim traditions of a very remote antiquity, the absence of rain, the mighty cataracts and periodical inundations of the river, and, above all, the unexplored and, as the ancients thought, inexplorable fountain-head of the Nile — all combined to throw a charm of sublimity and interest over the whole. Of the towns so thickly planted on the banks of the Nile, we only mention Memphis, on the left bank of the Nile, with the pyramids in its immediate neigh- borhood. Fifteen miles farther down, the Nile sepa- rated into different channels, by all of which its waters found their way to the sea. Of these channels the ancients enumerated seven : the most noted are the two extreme ones, the Ostium Canopicum W. and Pelusidcum E. These two diverging branches, with the sea-coast line between them, form the sides and base of the triangular space Delta, so called from its resemblance to the capital form of that letter in the Greek alphabet; and by these two channels alone the water of the Nile is now discharged. Twelve miles west from the Canopic embouchure was Alex- andria, so named after Alexander the Great, who founded it on his way back from the Oasis and Tem- ple of Jupiter Ammon — a great city in ancient times, as it is now under the same name. (Map 26.) The annual overflow of the Nile, and the deposit by this of a rich stratum of earthy matter, was the chief cause of the great fertility of Egypt. There were artificial canals, sluices, and a large receptacle called Lake Moeris, for the distribution of the water. Arsinoe was the capital of the richest portion of Egypt, and near it was the celebrated Labyrinth. GERMANIA.-(MAP 25.) Germanta, in the most extended sense of the terra, reached from the Alps to the North and Baltic Seas, and from the Rhine to the Vistula. Viewed physically, this vast parallelogram may be divided into two nearly equal portions — of which the south- ernmost comprises the great valley of the Danube, and the other is watered by the rivers which flow into the northern seas. We have spoken already of the tribes between the Danube and the Alps, and consider here only the other part. Of mountains, we find, besides the Alps, the Jura, Mt. Abnoha, or the Black Forest, the Monies Sudeti, or Riesengebirge, and the Carpates M. From the Jura to the Carpathians, that is, from the Rhine to the sources of the Vistula, this northern range was covered in ancient times by a vast forest, under the general name of the Silva Hercynia, which, according to Caesar, extended sixty days' journey in length. Its breadth was, in some parts, nine days' journey. From its northern flanks Issued the waters of the Moenus (Main) and Nicer rNeckar), which fall into the Rhine — of the Amisia, (Ems,) Visurgis, (Weser,) Viadrus, (Oder,) and Vistula, (Weichsel). The Alhis, (Elbe,) rising in the Sudeti Montes, and receiving the Sala or Saale on the left, divided ancient Germany north of tha Danube into two nearly equal portions, east aud west. The chief political divisions of Germania norll. of the Danube were these : of the tribes adjacent to the Danube, the principal were the Qicadi, the Ma.rco- manni, and the Hermunduri. All these, together with the Suevi, (who formerly lived in the eastern parts of Germany — in later times, in the south-west- ern,) are comprised under the general name of Her- miones. The Istaevones inhabited the western re- gions bordering on the Rhine, and the Ingaevones occupied the low countries from the mouth of that river to the Cimbric Chersonesus. The Lygii seem to have been a considerable people, between the Viadrus and the Vistula. Between the Rhine and the North Sea wc find the Frisii: their country was intersected Vy a canal made by Drusus, which carried a portion ol the waters 32 SKETCH OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. of the Rhine into the Lacus Flevo (now Zuyder Zee). The channel of Drusus is now the Yssel. North-west of the Frisii were the Chauci: beyond the mouth of the Elbe were the Angli, Saxones, and Cimhri — the two first of whom crossed over in a later time into Britain. South of the Chauci were the Angrivarii and Cherusci, who, under Arminius, overthrew Varus and his three legions in the Silva Teutohergiensis, near the sources of the Lippe and Ems. Ascending the Rhine from the coast of the Frisii, we arrive at the Brucleri, on the Yssel, and the Marsi, on the Lippe, The Usipetes and Tenctheri were driven across the Rhine by more powerful neigh- bors. On the Luppia, (Lippe,) the Eura, (Ruhr,) and Sigus, (Sieg,) lived the Sicambri. The 3Iat- tiaci lay between the Sieg and the Moenus, (Main,) and occupied the Mons Taunus. Southward from hence, the district betweeu the Rhine, the Main, and the Upper Danube, was called by the Romans Agri Decumutes, from the tithe which they had to pay to the Romans. In this region we find afterward the Alemanni, which was probably ouly a new league of the old tribes of these regions. Behind the Sicambri, about the sources of the Visurgis, lay the Ckatli, (Hessians,) a tribe of the Hermiones. Passing eastward from the valley of the Uppet Rhine, we come to the Hermunduri : east of them, on the bank of the Danube, were the Narisci, about Ratisbon : north-east of these, the Boii, or Boio- hemi, in Bohemia, whose country was seized by the Ilarcomanni. North-east of them were the Osi, Gothini, and Buri, in Silesia : north-west of w\iom were the Marsigni, and farther to the north-w Acro-corinthus, Akro- Korintho 37.53 22.53 18 Acronius, orVenetusL., Lake o/ Constance.... 47.40 9.20 6 AcROREIA 37.52 40.9 21.38 24.24 1H Acrothouin, Lavra 15 AcTE, Feninsula o/ Mount Athos 40.15 38.56 24.15 20.46 15 Actium, La Fnnta 15 36.59 35.20 ■'0 Adane, or Arabia Felix (Arabiae Emporium), Aden 12.46 45.8 ,1 Adora, (Adoraira),Z>i(ra 31.31 35.4 21 Ad Adrum F. (ad M Anam?) 38.52 6.52 T^ ■ Ad Albulas? «; Toul- m miat 35.7 38.22 1.13 w 36.1 m Ad Ammontem ? 2? Ad Ansam, Strui/ord... 51.58 0.59 5 Ad Aquas, Acqua santa 42.48 13.28 8 Ad Aquas? 40.58 45.36 7.21 w 22.59 7 Ad Aquas 14 Ad Aquas Albulas 41.59 12.44 11 Ad Aras, Carlota 37.40 4.56 W 7 Ad Arnum, Lastra 43.47 11.8 8 .\d Aureos, Montcbello .. 45.27 6.23 8 Ad Careias, n. Osteria 42.3 45.19 41.49 12.17 9.12 12.39 11 Ad I>ecimum s Ad Declmum, n. Morena 11 (33) WAMES. lAT. AdDracones? 35°. 8' Addua F.. Adde 45.40 Ad Duos Pontes, Poiite- vedra 42.24 Adeba 40.43 Adellum, Eldn 38.32 Ad Ensem, Sche/ma(jo.... 37.49 Ad Forniiilos, Vcrloza... 45.53 Ad Gallinas (Saxa Ru- bra), Prima Porta.... 42.1 Ad Graecos, Tojono 43.18 Ad Hereiilcm ? Sassari 40.44 AdHorrea? Naj^oide... 43.32 Adiabkne 36.45 Ad Ladios? Bunialuuka 44.46 Ad Laminas 42.2 Ad Lippos 40.39 Ad Malum? 45.34 Ad Miu-tis, Oidx 45.2 Ad Martis, Muim 42.46 Ad Matrices, ilostar 43.20 Ad Medias, Sdiiiofjf/ia... 44.34 Ad Medias (Carbantia)? Cdliinno 45.6 Ad Medias, Sedilo 40.10 Ad Meilias, Mesa 41.23 Ad Mensiilas, Monte Al- cino 43.5 Ad Merctiri? 35.34 Ad Mereurios? Al-Man- aorioh 33.46 Adinedera (Madaura)? Ai/edrah 35.30 Ad Morum, Velex Uubio 37.35 Ad Nonas, n.LayoMvrto 42.6 Ad Nonum 43.23 Ad Nonum, Annone 44.53 Ad Novas 41.29 Ad Novas, Monte Pid- ciano 43,8 Ad Octavum, liivoli 45.4 Ad Palatium, Ala 45.48 Ad Pictas 41.46 Ad Pirum F., Oeanno... 43.45 Ad Pirum, Adehberg... 45.47 Ad Pontem 36.25 Ad Pontem, /'arurfon, »». Neie^rk 53.3 Ad VorUuw, Empol! 43.43 Ad PubliL-unOf, L' Uopi- tal 45.41 Ad Puiiii-uui, Santa Ma- rindla 42.2 AdPutea? Cuenga 40.4 Ad Quercuin 45.55 Ad Quin tanas, n. Co- lon na 41.52 Adraa (Edrei), Dran.... 32.43 Ad Radices? n. Ka- brova 42.50 *AdramItae, Coaat of J^dramaut 15.0 AflPtnj'ttenus Sinus.... 39.30 Aojamyttium, Adrnmyti 39.35 Adrana F., Eder 51.10 Adrana, or Adrans, St. Oswald 46.10 Advanum, or lladranum, Adcrno 37.38 Adranus F., Aderno 37.45 Alrapsa, or Drapsaca, Iiidemid) 35.43 Ad Regias ? Mo/han, or Afkan 35.15 Adrin, or Hadria, Atri... 42.34 Ad Rubras, Gahiizas Bit- bias 37.42 Ad Rubras? Madroma.. 35.1 AdnmStum, Suaah 35.50 LOSG. MAP, 0°.41'w 23 9.30 8 8.38 w 7 0.40 7 0.51 w 7 12.41 8 10.25 8 11.43 8 6.21 8 7.5 w 7 13.42 8 12.9 11 11.43 8 8.33 9 6.56 6 43.20 22 17.12 14 12.57 11 5.52 w 7 14.17 14 6.49 8 12.33 8 17.53 14 11.9 8 8.25 8 8.55 9 13.6 11 11.30 8 5.58 w 23 7.16 w 8.27 2.19 w 12.10 1.33 8.18 0.49 11.48 7.30 11.1 12.52 13.9 14.13 6.10 w 0.52 w 10.57 6.22 11.51 2.11 w 11.56 12.46 36.13 25.19 14.49 14.49 14.48 69.25 0.5 w 14.1 6.54 -w: 1.45 w 10.35 50.0 3 26.40 19 27.3 19 8.45 25 11 14 WAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP. -Ad Salices, Kara Ker- ma„ 44°.33' 29°.0' 14 Ad Septem Aras, Arron- che» 39.9 7.5 w 7 Ad Septimum Deeimum 41.20 1.0 7 Ad Se.\tum 43.37 0.42 6 Ad Sextum, Filette 43.16 11.14 8 Ad .Silanos, Ci'jhiyno.... 46.9 13.42 8 Ad Silanum, Anylars, n. Estaifjn 44.36 2.46 6 Ad Sorores 39.14 6.7 w 7 Ad Statuas, Xativa S. Felipe 38.59 0.33 w 7 Ad Taum, Taeeburgh.... 62.31 1.14 5 Ad Teglanum, n. Palma 40.51 14.33 13 Ad Tricesimum, Trice- aimn 46.9 13.13 8 Ad Turres 41.57 12.5 11 Ad Turres Albas 41.18 13.1 11 Ad Turres, 2'orre Ole- vola 41.14 1.3.9 11 Ad Turres, Olleria:..... 38.56 0.45 w 7 Ad Turres? 38.53 3.51w 7 Ad Turres, Maida 38.56 16.21 9 Ad Turres 45.11 14.42 14 Ad Turrim, Tourvea 43.24 5.55 6 Aduatuca, Tongrea or Tonjern 50.47 5.27 6 *Aduatuci 50.45 4.30 6 Adulas Mons, Mt. St. Guthard 46.33 8..34 8 Adulicus S., (y.o/ Zifrro'i;a 41.13 1.17 W Agisvmba? 4.05 30.0 Agnavae.. 45.29 22.43 s-Agraei 38.57 21.30 Agri Decumates 48.10 9.0 Acrriane 39.52 36.1 •SAgrianes 42.0 2.3.0 Agrianes F., Ergineh... 41.20 27.0 (34) HAVIES. tAT. Agrigentuui, or Acra- giis, Girijenti..., 37°. 16 Agriniuui ? 38. 48 Agrippias, or Antlie- don? 31.27 Agrippina, or Colonia Agiippinensis, Co- lor/nc 50.56 Agryle(Upperand Low- er) ? B. at foot of HymettHS 37.57 Aguntum, Innichen 46.44 Agylla, aft. jCaere, Cer- vetri 42.1 Agyrium, S. Fillppo d'Arcjiro 37.38 Ai ?..,.'. 31.54 *Aii 10.0 Ajalon, Yalo 31.51 Alaba, or Allava? 37.27 Alabanda, Arab Hisfiar 37.36 Alahastra, or Alabas- tron-polis? 28.21 Alabus F., Lo Cnntaro, or ilolinello 37.15 Alaesa, or Halesa, n. Tusa 37.57 Alaesus, or Halesus, F., Peltlneo 37.55 Alagonia? ^rt/-)iato 36.55 Alalcomenae (Boeotia), SiUinari 38.22 Alalcomenae (in Ith- aca)? 38.22 Alalia, or Aleria, Aleria 42.7 Alalis, Abu Herarah.... 35.50 Alander F 39.20 *Alani 42.0 Aliinton, Lete ♦.. 42.50 Alatrium, or Aletiiuin, Aiatri 41.46 AlAuna,, Kier 56.10 Alauna, Alciume, n. Valognet 49.31 Alaunium 43.53 Alaunus F.? Ahie 55.24 Ahiunus F., Axe 50.43 Alazon F., Alnsan 41.40 Alba, Ahla 37.14 Alba? 42.50 AlbaF., Ter 42.0 Alba Fucentia, or Fu- centis, CuHe di Albe.. 42.4 Alba Helvioruin, Apa, or Alps 44.33 Alba Longa 41.46 Alba Pompeia, ^/6a 44.41 Albana, X'erte/u/ 42.5 •Albani Albania 41.30 AlbaDiae or Caspiae Py- lae. Pass of Berbend 42.0 Albanus F., Saamuur.,.. 41^8 Albanus L., Lago di Albano 41.45 AlbanusM., J/o)i 10.50 Antiura, Porto d'Anzo.. 41.25 11 16.15 14 Antivestaeum, Bule- 30.2 20 rium, or Belerium, 26.45 19 Prom., Land's End... 50.4 5.42 w 20 30.46 24 19 Antona F., A'eii 62.25 0.32 w 23.0 5 24.50 Antron, Fano 3S.58 16 24.55 19 Antunnacum, Ander- 11.43 8 nach 60.26 7.24 6 22.:;8 16 Anurograuimum, Ana- 32.51 20 rajiihpoora 8.18 Anxanum (Apulia), 80.31 2 23.53 16 Torre di Bivoli 41.29 15.56 9 NAMES. LAT. LONS. MAP, Ansanum (Frcntano- rum), Lanciano Vee- chio 42°.14' 14.'=23' Anxia, Ami 40.29 15.54 Anxur, or Tarracina, Terrocina 41.16 13.15 Aornos? 34.25 73.0 Aornos (Bactriana)?.... 36.40 68.35 Aou,'!, or Aeas F., Vo- ynssa 40.37 19.25 Apamea 37.17 37.53 A pa men, for. Pella, Famieh 35.29 i36.24 Apamea Cibotus, Di- neir 38.3 30.13 Apamea Myrtea, J/o«- dania 40.22 28.64 Apameia, Jibbarah 34.2 44.3 ApAMi:;NE 35.30 36.30 Apammari.s 36.16 38.12 Apelaurus M 37.60 22.28 Apenniiius Mons, Apen- nines 44.0 11.0 Aperantia 38.50 21.27 Aperopia I., Bhoko 37.20 23.20 Aperrbae 36.9 29.52 Ape.=as M.. Fouka 37.51 22.45 Apbetae, Trikeri 39.5 23.6 Apbi.lna, Kotroni 38.11 23.54 Apbrodisias (Carta), Geira 37.43 28.45 Apbrodisias (Cilicia),... 36.10 33.41 Apbrodisias (Laconia)? 26.34 22.57 Apbrodisinm(Lat,ium)? 41.35 12.29 Aphrodisium (Cvprus).. 36.24 33.50 Apbroditopolis, Atjieh... 29.27 31.20 Apbytis, Athyto 40.6 23.27 Apiarium 38.42 0.51 W Apicilia, Latisana '.. 45.46 13.0 Apidanns F., Fersaliti.. 39.25 22.10 Apiba, or Apilas, F., R. of Platamona 39.57 22..35. Apis? 31.24 27.2 Ap)s?(Taposiris?)jlro5'» Tower 30.47 29..34 «Apod6ti 38.31 21.60 ApoUinis Lucus, Pol- lone 45.37 7.59 Apotlinis Pr., C.Gobeah, or Farina 37.11 10.14 ApollinopSlis Magna, EdfoH 24.69 32.54 Apollinnpolis Parva 27.0 31.22 Apollo Coryntbus, Tem- ple of 36.51 21.66 Apollonia, PaZeo-Zfosfro, n.Armi/ro 35.23 25.4 Apollonia, aft. Sozopo- lis, Sizrboli 42.26 27.44 Apollonia, .4r«o»(/. 32.18 34.51 ApoWonia, Ifarm Sousa 32.64 21.56 Apollonia, AbvUiont 40.9 28.42 Apollonia, PoUina 37.57 14.8 Apollonia (Assyria)?... 34.22 44.24 Apollonia (Aete) 40.13 24.20 Apollonia (Chalcidice), Polighero 40.24 23.22 Apollonia, Eleutberae, or Eleutherna? 35.19 24.41 Apollonia (Illyria), Pol- Una, or Po'Uona 40.40 19.25 Apollonia (Lydia)? 38.59 27.31 Apollonia Mordiaeum, Olubnrlu 38.6 30.38 Apollonia (Mygdonia), PolUna 40.36 22.30 Apollonia (Siphnos), Kastro 36.58 24.44 Apollonia (Tbracia)?... 41.7 25.6 Apoi.loniatis 34.20 44.30 Apollnniatis L., L. of Abul/iont 40.10 28.35 Apollonis 38.46 27.37 (86) RAKES. LAT. LONG. ApSni fons, or Patavi- nae Aquae, Barjtn (TMbano 45°.22' 11°.46' Apoi^tSna? 27.5 53.2 Apji aria, Tabiin 43.55 26.14 Appii Forum, Foro Appio 41.28 13.1 Appiola? n. Ponte delle Stregke 41.47 12.36 Apros, or Apri, Ainad- jik 40.54 27.11 Aprusa F., yl»sa 44.2 12.38 Ap.-'arus F. (Acampsis?) Jonik Su 41.0 41.46 -Apsilae 43.0 41.10 SApsinthii 40.50 26.30 Ap-us F., Ohe.r vesta 40.50 19.35 Ajita Julia, .4;;« 43.52 5.25 Aptera, Paleokastro 35.27 24.7 «:Apuani? 44.27 10.0 Apulia 41.0 16.0 Apuluin (CoioniaNova), Karhhnrg 46.5 23.35 Aqua Crabra, Marrana 41.53 12.32 Aqua Viva, Majerje 46.21 16.11 Aqua Viva, .icc^Kdi-u'a.. 42.18 12.25 Aquae, Berza-Palanka 44.27 22.30 Aquiia, Baaden 48.1 16.11 Aquae Albulae. 41.59 12.44 Aquae Apnllinares,-Bogr- ui di Stitjliano 42.11 12.1 Aquae Augustae, orTar- bellioae, Dax 43.43 1.2 W Aquae Balissae? 45.33 17.20 Aquae Bilbitanorum, Alhama 41.20 1.54 w Aquae Borbonis, Bour- bonne-les-Bains 47.57 5.45 Aquae Bormonis, Bour- bon I'Arehnnhault.... 46.36 3.2 Aquae Caeretanae, Bag- nidiSapo 42.4 11.59 Aquae Calidae, n. Ghift- lik Khan 37.27 34.46 Aquae Calidae, Hum- main Merigah 36.25 2.22 Aquae Calidae, Ham- mam I'Eiif, n. Tunis.. 36.42 10.18 Aquae Calidae, FiVAy... 46.7 3.25 A ''I Arbula, A'rf/fii Ibn Ma'an 21 ArheU, Arhil 36.12 43.56 22 36 12 43.56 9.25 36.2 22.0 25.7 '6 47.31 34.34 37.35 35.11 ff ''n Arcadia 1" Arcadia, Arkhadi 19 Arcesine 36.47 35.31 25.46 27.6 19 Areesine, Arkasna 19 Archabis, or Xylene, 41.21 38.49 41.16 35.14 '>0 Arcballa, Erkelet 20 Arehandron ? 31.12 30.22 24 Archelais, Ak-serai 38.19 34.5 20 Archelais, El-Aujeh 32.0 35.25 21 36.51 45.6 5.49 w 21.24 7 Arcidava? Werschitz... 14 37.23 41.10 36.58 20.46 2.19 w 27.30 19 7 Arconnesus I., Orak.... 19 Arconnesus I., or Aspis, Hypsili 38.2 26.54 19 Arctus 41. 29.3 '^6 Ardanis, or Ardania Pr., Ras el-Milhr.... 31.53 25.5 23 Ardea, Ardea 41.36 12.. 34 11 Ardelica, Pencliicra 45.27 10.42 8 Ardericca ? Kir Ab 32.23 48.36 22 *Ardiaei 43.50 17.0 14 Ardiscus, or Ordessus F., Arjisch 44.23 26.0 14 Ardobrica, Coruvna 43.23 8.21 w 7 Arduenna Silva, Arden- 50.0 45.46 5.30 6.58 6 Arebrigium, St.Didier.. 8 Arelate, Aries 43.41 4.37 6 Arenacum, Arnhem 51.58 5.55 6 Arenae Mont.es 37.0 6.30 TV 7 Areon F., Conqoon 28.0 62.15 3 Areopoli-s (Ar of Moab, or Rabbath-moab), Rahba 31.22 35.45 21 Aretbon, or Arachthus, F., Arta 39.20 40.39 21.7 23.39 Ti Arethu.^a 15 Arethiisa fons (Ithaca) 38.20 20.44 18 Arethnsa L. ? Nazuk Ghieul 38.56 42.10 09 Arethiisa (Syria), Rus- 35.5 36.38 ''0 Aretias I. (Chalceritis), Kerasunt Ada 40.56 38.2) 20 Areva F., Ucero 41.40 3.4 (V 7 41.30 3.0 If 7 Arsraeus M., Erdjish Dogh 38.32 35.1{ 20 Arganthonius M., Sa- manlu Daqh 40.30 29.2C 20 Argantoniagus, Argen- ton 46.35 37.40 38.55 1.31 29 Og 2l'i5 6 Argeia IS Argeia (Amphilochia) 15 Argennum Pr. ? 0. S. Alessio 37.52 15.20 12 Argennum Pr., or Argi- num, 0. Bianco, or 38.16 26.15 19 Argenomescum? Argo- medo 43.23 3.48 V 7 Argentarius M 37.55 2.50 n 7 Argentarius Mons, M. 42.22 43.30 11.10 6.10 8 Argentcus, Argeus 6 Argentia ? Arqenta 44.37 11.51 8 Argentia, Gnrqonzola... 45.33 9.25 8 Argentiolum, Torueros.. 42.15 C.13 IT 7 Argentoiatum, aft. Stra- i taeburgus, Strasbourg 48.35 7.45 41.47 22.10 AsTicA 41.20 28.10 Astigi, or Astigis, Evija 37.31 5.6 w Astigi \e\.\ia, Alameda.. 37.16 4.43 w f38i VAXES. LAT. Astbra, Ton-e di Astura 41°. 23' Astura F., Coiica 41.30 Astura F., Jilsla 41.46 »Astures 43.0 Asturico, Augusta, As- torga 42.28 Astycus F., Vravnitzn... 41.40 Astypalaea I., Astropa- laea, or Stnmpalia..., 36.35 Astypalaea Pr 37.43 Astyra 40.1 Astyra? 39.36 Atabyris M., Atairo, or Attayard 36.12 Atabyrium, or Itaby- rium (Mt. Tabor), Jchel et-Toor 32.42 •Atacini 43.0 Atagis F., Eisnch 46.47 Atalante I., Talaiita.... 38.39 Atarbechis? 30.21 Atarneus, Dikili Keiii.. 39.4 Ataroth, Atara 32.1 Atax F., Aude 43.14 Atella, S. Maria di Atella 40.58 Aternum, Pescara 42.27 Aternus F., Pescara 42.14 Ateste, Este 45.13 Athamania 39.24 Athanagia? Agramuiit., HAT Atbenae, Athens (Athina) 37.58 Atbenae (Pontus),^iki Buba 41.30 Basiris, Ahnusir 29.54 Busiris (Delta), Abou- sir 30.56 Buthrotum, »i. Biitrinto 40.44 Buthrotus F., Novito... 38.18 Buto? 30.54 Butrium? 44.29 Butua, ludtia 42.14 Butuntutu, i?i7oH^o 41.7 Buxentum, or Pyxus, Policasfro 40.1 Biizaras M 35.30 Bylazora, Vele«a, or Velosgo 41.35 Byllis ? Grudista, or ^Graditza 40. .33 Byrsa 36.52 Bythias 41.5 BvzACiUM 35.30 Byzantium, aft. Con- .stantinopolis, Stnm- boitl, or Constantino- ple 41.1 C. Cabalta 37.0 Cabellio, Cavaillon 43.50 Cabillonum, Chcdons- sur-Suone 46.47 Cabris? 25.25 Caburro, Cavor 44.47 Cabusa ? 30.40 Cabyle, or Calybe ? Kar- nabnt 42.40 Cacbales F 38.35 Cacyparis F., Cassibili.. 36.58 Cacyriisn, Casnaro 37.5 Cadi, Ghediz 39.5 Cadmus M., Baba DiHjh 37.40 •C.-idurei 44.27 *Cadusii 37.10 Cadyanda? 36.43 Caecina F., Cecinn 43.22 Caecinum, Satn'ano 38.43 Caecinus F., Anpinale... 38.44 Caena? Nunte Allegro.. 37.22 Caeiiae? 35.25 Caenepolis, or Taena- ruin, Kiipnriso 36.27 Caenina, Ciano 42.2 Caonopoli.'i, Beneyhdem.. 32.41 Caenys Prom., Punta del Pezzo 38.41 Caopionis Turris, Chi- piona 36.40 Caere, for. Agylla, Cervctri \ 42.1 Caeretfinus, Vaccina..,. 42.2 Caesar's Bridge 50.25 Cae.-ar's AVall 46.10 Ciiesarauirusta, for. Sal- duba, Sarw/onsa 41.46 Caesarea I., jeriey 49.14 Cacsarea, for. lol, Sher- ehell 36.37 Caesarea, for. Mazaca, Knixariyeh 38.43 Caesarea-Philippi, or Pnneas, Banins 33.16 Caesarea, or Tingis, T- yozniiioiio 37.15 Cogamus F 38.28 Cohilius. or Chobus, F., 42.15 Coiflza(Cyiza), Chouhnr 25.16 Colania, Lanark 55.41 «Colchi 40.50 Colchis 42.0 Coliacum Prom Colchicus S Colias Pr., Trixpyrgi.... 37.56 CoUatia, OuUalina 41.46 Collatia? Castel del 'Oxa 41.54 CoUops Magnus, or Cullu, Collo 37.0 CoUops Parvus, or Sul- luou, Tiigodcite. 30.59 Coldliona. Tnihejena.... 36.50 Colonia, Kuhh Hhsar... 40.9 Colonia, or Camulodu- nuni, Colchester 51.53 Colonia Agrippinensis, or Agrippina, Cologne 50.56 Colonia Equestris, or Noviodunum, Nyon... 46.23 Colonia Trajana, Kelln 51.48 Colnniilcs? Kastelia 30.50 Colonis I.? Spezzia Pnln 37.13 Colonos 38.0 Cdi.oi'icNE 39.46 Colophon 38.2 Colossae, r. n. Khoiios... 37.50 Colta? 25.13 Coluhraria, or Opbiiisa I.. Columbretcs 39.54 Colubraria I. (Ophiusa of Strabo), Forinen- tera 38.42 Cohnnba I., or Balearis Major, M'ljorcn 39.30 Columbaria I., Pnhna- joln 42.42 Columbarium Prom., Cnpo Fignri 40.59 Columna, in Cafoun.... 38.11 Colyergia Prom.? 37.24 Comana (Cappadocia)? Al-Rostan 38.6 Comana Pontica, Gu- menek 40.19 Comaria (Town and Prom.), C. Gnmorin... 8.4 Coniarus Portus, Go- maro 39.0 Conibaristum, CombrS... 47.46 Conibreia 40.16 C<)ml)retonium, Burgh.. 52.8 Comidava? n. Ni/amtz.. 47.10 Cominium Ceritum, Cer- refo 41.16 COMMAGBNE 37.45 Compitum Annu'ninum, Oxterindelln Foiitrina 41.45 Cnmplutica? Triiiidade 41.19 Complutum, AlcaUi de Ifeii'uei... 40.27 Comp.sa, Coiiza 40.52 Uomum, or Novum Co- mum, Conw 45.48 LONG. J VAP 36°.15' 20 20.34 15 11.0 2 24.10 19 36.10 20 16.52 y 16.12 9 17.32 9 24.47 19 1.9 w 6 21.54 18 28.20 1!) 41.35 22 60.40 3 3.48 w 5 39.40 2U 42.0 22 1 1 2.'',.42 16 15.25 9 12.42 11 6.34 23 7.36 23 6.6 w 7 38.13 20 0.53 6.57 6.15 8 6.10 6 21.56 IS 2.3.10 18 23.43 16 36.50 20 27.14 19 29.19 20 64.30 3 0.45 1.25 7 3.0 7 10.29 8 9.39 15.40 22.25 9 9 IS 36.56 20 36.44 20 77.37 2 20.42 1.0 w 2.3.9 1.14 26.15 15 6 15 5 24 14.33 38.30 9 20 13.10 6.56 w 11 7 3.25 w 15.19 7 9 NAMES. LAT. Concobar, Kniignwar... 34°.26' Concordia, Concordia, n. Porto Gruaro 45.45 Concordia? n. Weinsen- biirg 49.3 Concordia Julia, or Ncrtobriga, Valera la Vieja 3G.15 Con date, Kindertoii, n. Middle wich 53.12 Condate, Conde 48.57 Condate 45.5 Condfite, Seyssel 45.68 Condate, Moiitereau 48.23 Condate, Cognac 45.41 Condate, Cosne 47.25 Condate, aft. Redones, Jiennes 48.7 Condcreum, Benwell Hill 54.59 Condivicnum, aft. Nam- netes, Ironies 47.13 sCondrusi 50.25 Conerabrica, Coimhra... 40.12 Confluentes, Cohlem 50.21 Congavata, Stanioix 54.55 Congustus, Tuaun Vjuk 38.24 Conistorsis, or Cunis- torgis? Silves 37.15 Conni, Tschalkeni 39.0 Conope, Angelokastro... 38.33 Conope, Hyria, or Ly- siraacliia L., Zygos, or Angelokastro ...... 3S.34 Conopium, Knumjnn 41.29 Conovium, Cuer Rhim, n. Conway 63.13 Consabrum, Consuegra.. 39.29 Consentia, Cosema 39.19 ■•■■"Consorani 42.48 Constantina, for. Cirta, Conslantineh 36.19 Constantinopolis, for. Byzantium, Constan- tinople, or Stamboul.. 41.1 ■i-Contestani 38.30 Conthyle? r. n. Agios Tri'ada 38.5 Contosolia, Gnareuit .... 38.47 Contra Aeincnra (Pes- sium). Pesth 47.30 Contra Pselcis. for. Ta- ciiouipso, Kohhitn 23.11 Contrebia, Cantabria... 42.24 Contributa? 3S.15 Convonae, for. Lugdu- num, iSV. Bertrund de Coinniingos .. 43.0 ■•■■Convenae 43.0 Cop.ae, Topolia 38.29 Copais, or Cephissis L., Topolias 38.25 Cophas? 25.8 Coplien F., Cahoul Hirer 34.35 Copiae, for. Thnrii 39.40 Coprates F., Dizfnl 32.0 Copt.is, Koft 26.0 Cora, Cora 41.38 Coracae 39.17 Coracesium, Alaya 36.33 Ciiraciuni 41.15 Coracodes Portus 40.5 Coralius F 38.23 Coralla Pr., G. Kereli... 41.5 Corassiae I., or Corseae, Fonrni, &c 37.35 Corax F., Kodor 43.0 Corax M., Kisil Dagh.. 38.18 Corax M., Vardhusi 38.40 Gorbia, Rocca Priore... 41.48 COHBIANK 33.0 CorbDlo, Fossa of. 52.10 lONG. MAP, 48°.0' I 22 12.51 7.59 6.29 w 2.20 w 0.59 w 3.32 5.48 2.57 0.19 w 2.57 1.40 w 1.40 w 1.32 w 6.10 8.24 w 7.36 2.54 w 33.28 8.19 w 30.9 21.18 21.23 36.8 3.50 w 3.40 w 16.15 1.20 6.35 28.58 0.40 w 2.3.24 5.37 w 19.6 32.48 2.25 w 6.19 w 0.38 0.30 23.10 23.5 61.45 70.0 16.23 48.32 32.47 12.58 23.11 32.3 29.10 8.25 22.59 39.10 26.30 41.18 27.2 22.10 12.48 48.0 4.25 36.27 38.15 .35.37 37.58 37.35 39.23 17.0 44.10 3.17W 4.46 w 43.0 39.30 35.18 24.19 13.51 3.58 w 1.38 w 1.58 w 23.0 22.30 22.53 12.41 4.0 w 1.0 w 24.19 .30.23 13.28 19.6 2.20 w 34.54 12.6 12.44 8.39 4.31 4S.0 21.56 22.57 21.10 62.2 33.. 52 23.10 9.0 41.6 2.0 w 32.46 0.7 w 12.5 3.16 6.53 7.52 w 23.34 22.32 26.37 23.45 34.10 26.37 23.35 30.21 2.3,36 23.5 26.49 21.40 27.20 27.10 1.26 11.19 13.24 1.20 15.39 KAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP. Corcyra, Corfu 3y°.37' 19°.55' 15 Corc'yra I., Corfu 39.40 19.45 Corcyra Nigra I., Cur- zola 42.56 Corcura, or Demetrias, Kerkook 35.32 Corda, Lynekirk 55.39 Cordfiba,' Cordova 37.53 *Corducni, or Cardu- cbi 37.15 Cordyle, Akcheh Kaleh 41.6 Coreae, Kuriynt 32.8 Coressus, Port St. Ni- cholas 37.39 Corfinium, S. Pelino, n. Pentima 42.7 Coria, Castle Gary 55.58 Coriallum, Gherhonrg... 49.38 Corinium, or Durocor- novium, Cirencester... 51.43 CoRiNTHiA 37.55 Corinthiacus S., G. of Corinth 38.12 Corintluis, Korintho (Corinth) 37.64 C(>ri61i? M. Giove 41.40 "•■■Corisopiti 47.55 *Coritavi 63.5 Coriura 35.20 Cormasa? 37.20 Cormones, Connonso.... 45.57 Cornacum, Vukovar 45.20 *Cornavii 52.50 Cornia.spa 39.55 Cornicularia, ilezzogoro 44.63 Corniciilum, S. Angela.. 42.3 Cornus? Sindia 40.18 Corobilium, Corbeil 48.37 Coromanis 29.32 Corone (Aepea?), Peta- lidhi 36.57 Coroneia 38.22 Coronta, n. Prodhromo 38.36 Coronus M.? Dema- vend 35.52 Coropissus ? 38.15 Corseia, Proskyna 38.36 Corsica, or Cyrnos, L, Corsica 42.0 Corsote, Irzah .34.25 Corstopitum, Corbridge 54.59 Corte, Korti 23.8 Corterate, Coutras ... 46.2 Cortona, Cortona 43.20 Cortoriacura, Cointray.. 50.49 Cortovallum, Gorten 50.53 Coru, or Trileucum Pr., C. Ortegnl 43.46 Coryea I., Grabnsa 35.38 Ciirycian Cave 38.31 Corvciura Prom., C. A'oraka 38.6 Corycus? (Creta) 35.36 Corycu.o (Cilieia), Korg- hos Kalaler Corycus M., Koraka.... Corycus Pr. (or Cima- rus), G. Bnso Corydallus, Hadjirella.. 36.20 Corydallus, r. on JIf. Skiirmanga Coryphaeus M Coryphantis Coryphnsium, or Pvlus, Old Navarino...'.. 36.57 Cos, Stanchio. or Kos... 36,53 Cos I., Stanchio, or Kos 36.50 Co?a, Coz 44.7 Cosa, or Cos,«a, Anse- donia 42.13 Cosas F., Cosa 41.43 *Cosetani 41.20 Cosilynum, m. Padida.. 40.20 (46) RAVKI. LAT. LONG. (o8s», or Cosa (Etru- ria), Anxedonia 42°.13' 11°.19' Cossa (Lucania), Civitd, n. Oassano - 39.46 16.18 *Cossaei 33.30 49.20 Cossio, Bazaa... 44.27 0.12w Cossyra I., Pantella- r!a 36.47 12.0 Cote.s, or Arapelusia Pr., C.Spartel 35.47 5.56 w Cothon 36.51 10.18 Cotilius M., Zakkuka.... 37.28 21.54 Cottiae, Oozzo 45.12 8.36 Cottiara, Cochin 9.58 76.19 Cottiaris F.? St-Kinng 24.0 110.0 Cotyaeum, Kntayah 39.24 30.14 Cotylaeum M., Koly- I'aion 38.26 2.3.50 Cotyora, Ordoii 40.56 37.52 Cragus M. (Cilicia) 36.10 32.30 Cra^us M. (Lycia) 36.23 29.12 Crambu.sa I. (Cilicia) ? Pfxpndou/a 36.7 33.35 Crambusa I. (Lycia), Oarabusa 36.14 30.31 Cranae I., Maratho- ni8i 36.44 22.35 Cranae, Maoris, or He- lene I., Mnkronisi.... 37.41 24.7 Craneia 39.17 21.10 Cranii, Krania, n. Ar- gostoli 38.9 20.30 Cranon, or Crannon, Paha Larissa, n. Hadjilnr 39.29 22.17 Crassum Proin.? Capo di Pecora 39.27 8.21 Crastus? 37.40 13.21 Cratas Mons 37.45 13.15 Crater, or Catupanus S., B. of Naples 40.40 14.10 Crathis F., Ahrata 38.4 22.15 Crathis F., Ctati 39.30 16.14 Crathis M 37.57 22.15 Gratia, aft. Flaviopolis, Keredi 40.43 32.20 Crauni Prom 36.7 33.36 Creniera F., Formello.... Al.b 12.21 Cremna, 6'imeA 37.32 30.48 Cretiiona, Cremona 45.8 10.2 Crenie, Armi/ro 38.54 21.10 Creiiides, aft. Philippi, Fillhi 41.4 24.22 Crepsa? Cherno 44.58 14.24 Creta I., Candin 35.15 25.0 Creticum Mare 36.0 25.0 Cretopolis? 37.13 30.31 Creusa, or Creusis, r. on Port Livndostro... 38.12 23.7 Critnisa, Ciro 39.23 17.5 Crimisa F., Fiiinienica.. 39.26 17.0 Criraisa Prom., Capo dell' Alice 39.23 17.10 Crimlsus F. ? Bellici destro 37.50 13.5 Orissa, .fiTrmo 38.28 22.28 Crissaeus S., B. of Sa- lonn 38.23 22.27 Crithote Prom 38.32 21.1 Criu-Metopon Prom., G. Krio 35.14 23.34 Criu-Metopon Prom., C. Aia 44.25 .3.3.39 Crius F., Vloijokitiko.... 38.5 22.21 Croceae, n. Levelzova... 36.52 22.35 <>ocela? 2J.50 66.57 Crociatonura ? Caren- tan 49.19 1.15W Crocodile Lakes, Birket Temsi-h 30.33 32.8 Croco'lilnpolis, or Ar.eudrobosa? 25.14 C2.S I 3 28.24 23 8.52 8 0.32 7 3.23 -W 5 0.54 w 5 2.53 w 5 2.25 w 7 4.0 w 6 25.14 19 0.25 w 6 35.0 20 23.55 18 9..32 9 0.8 7 11.9 8 0.14 7 5.1 6 35.50 21 25.10 19 29. 26 23.46 19 26.8 19 22.32 18 24.59 19 14.46 9 23.11 18 27.18 19 15 NAMES. LAT. LOT G. MAP. Poobriga 42°. 32' 4°.22' w Peobriga? Miranda. ... 42.44 3.0 w Peobrigiila, Santa Cruz 42.35 3.55 w Deorum Currus? San- garee or Sagres 31..,, 9.35 13.30 W Perbe? BevH 37.19 33.51 Perbentio, Little Ches- ter, n. Berby 52.56 1.27 W Perrhis Prom., C. Bre- pano 39.56 23.57 Perrhis, or Peris,Prom., lias el-Haif 31.9 Pertona, Tortona 44.53 Dcrtosa, Tortosa 40.49 Perventio? Papcaatle... 54.40 Perventio, Stamford Bridge 53.59 Deva, Chester 53.12 Peva F., Beba 43.10 PovaF., Z>fie 54.54 Dia I., Staudia 35.27 Piablintes, Jubleins 48.17 DlACOPBNE 40.30 PlACRIA 38.11 Pifinae Stagnum, Lago Diana 42.8 Dianium, Benia 38.51 Pianium I., Gianuti 42.12 Pianium, or Artemi- sium, Prom., C. St. Martin 38.46 Pibio, Bijon 47.20 Pibon, Bhiban 31.31 Dicaea 40.58 Dicaea.Petra 41.9 Dictamnum, or Dic- tynna? 35.38 Dicte M., Juktas 35.6 Dictynna, or Dictam- num? 35.38 23.46 19 Dictynnaeum,j4(/cro)io«, or Vathy 36.42 Didyma I., Gaidaro 37.25 Didyme I., Sah-na 38.35 Pidymi, Bhidhyma 37.28 Pidyrai, or Branchklae 37.21 Pidymi S., G. of Mira- bel 35.5 25.48 Pidymoteichos, Bimo- tika 41.22 Pigba? Kornah 31.1 Pigentia, Licenza 42 6 Pigentia F., Licenza.... 42.5 Piluntum, or Dallun- tum? 42.49 Dimum, Mouseliou 43.40 Dinaretum Prom., G. Andrea 35.41 Pindymon M., Guneseh Bngh 39.25 Pindymon M., Mnrad Ba.jh 38.58 Dindymus M., Kapu Bagh 40.27 Dine Fdns, Anavolo 37.27 Dinia, Bigne 44.5 Pinogetia. Isaktchi 45.17 Pio-CResarea (Seppho- ris), Sefnrieh 32.46 Piolcos (False Mouth of Nile) 31.30 Piolindum, La Linde.... 44.51 Piomedeae I"., Tremiti Is 42.7 Piomedis Prom 43.30 Pionysiades I°^, Yanis Is, or Bhionyaiadhes.. 35.20 Pionysop51is, or Qruni, Batjik 4.3.25 Pioryctus 38.50 Pio.'i'Hieron 38.1 Pioscurias, aft. Sebas- topolis, Iskuria 42.48 41.17 22 26.30 47.28 12.54 12.54 14 22 11 11 17.46 24.48 14 14 34.36 20 31.45 20 30.0 20 27.51 22.46 6.14 28.24 14 18 6 24 35.17 21 31.22 0.43 24 6 15.29 16.0 9 14 26.11 19 28.11 20.43 27.8 14 15 10 NAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP, Dioscurium, St. Oeor- ghios 37''.49' 22°.40' Pio.'polis (Bithvnia), Akfheh Shehr .'. 41.6 31.9 Piospolis, or Lydda, Lood 31.56 34.55 Piospolis Parva, Haou.. 26.10 32.20 Pipaea 37.33 22.17 Pipo? 38.56 6.39 w Pirce P 38.18 23.18 Piridotis, or Teredon, Jebel Sinam 30.15 47.45 Pirphe, or Pirphys, M., Dhelfi. 38.36 23.52 Pium (Euboea)? 38.50 22.57 Pium (Macedonia), J/a- lathria 40.8 22.29 Pium Pr., C. Stavro 35.26 25.0 Pivitia, Beutz 60.56 7.0 Pivodurum, aft. Mettis, Metz 49.7 6.10 Divona, aft. Cadurci, Cahors 44.27 1.28 Dizahab, Bahnb 28.29 34.31 Doanas F.? Meinam.... 18.0 100.0 »Dobuni 51.50 2.0 w Docea, Tusija 40.57 34.6 Docimeum ? Eski Kara- hissar 38.51 30.50 Dodona? Kastritza 39.44 21.1 Poliche, Bnklista 40.2 22.9 Polichiste I., A'akava... 36.10 29.57 P0L16NIS 40.20 28.0 PoLOPiA 39.6 21.50 PoMANiTis 41.35 34.20 Ponacon, Tateza 38.11 23.5 Ponusa I., Heraklia.... 36.50 25.27 Ponusa M., Koryfl 38.4 22.34 Pophkah? ". 28.56 33.20 Por, or Pora, Tantoura 32.40 34.56 Poras F ... 27.10 53.45 Porias F.? Mekon 18.0 104.0 Ports 36.40 27.30 Ports 38.40 22.25 Poris, or Cerami""cus S., G. of Kos 36.55 27.45 Poriscus? 40.47 26.2 Porium 37.17 21.49 Porticum, Becz 44.17 22.36 Porylaeum, Eski Shehr 39.41 30.38 Pothan, Botdn 32.25 35.17 Dotius Campus 39.32 22.37 Prabescus, i>rrtma 41.9 24.10 Pracannm 37.41 26.20 Praeanum, or Prepa- num, Pr., G. Fanari.. 37.42 26.23 Prangiana 31.0 63.0 Prap-saca, or Adrapsa, Jnderaub .... 35.43 69.25 Dravus F.. B>-ave 46.36 15.0 Drecanum Prom. (Cos), C. Baphne 36.46 26.57 Drepana, or Drcpanum, Trapani 38.3 12.31 Drepane, aft. Heleno- polis 40.41 29.33 Prepanum Pr. ( Achaia), C. Brepano 38.20 21.51 Prepanum Pr. (Creta), C. Drepano 35.28 24.18 Prepanum Pr.(Cyprus), Point Drepano 34.54 32.19 Prepanum, or Praea- num, Pr., C. Fanari.. 37.42 26.23 sPrilae 40.55 39.10 Drilo F.. Brin 42.0 20.5 Drinus F., Drin 44.15 19.20 Drios M.,Mt.Zia 37.2 25.31 Druentia F., Durance... 43.44 5.20 Drusus, Canal of 51.56 6.5 Pruzipara, Karistnn .... 41.17 27.30 Pryiuaea, r. ?i. A'amares 38.42 22.33 Drymus? 38.11 2.3.32 (48) WAMKS. tAT. LONG. MAP, Drymusa I., Tchttstan, or Miikronini 38°.30' 26°.44' *I)ry6pes 39.0 21.50 Dubis, or AMuasdubis ¥., Uoubs 47.0 5.20 »Dulgibini 51.55 9.30 Dulopolis, Bubassus, or Acanthus 36.46 28.11 Dunium, 3faiden Castle, n. Dorchester 50.42 2.28 TV Dunum? Duwnpatrick., 54.20 6.41 w Dunuin S.? 54.30 0.35 w Dura? Door 34.22 43.46 Duranius F., Dordogne 44.50 0.0 Duria F., Dora 45.7 7.10 Duria Major F., Dora Daltea 45.40 7.40 Duriae, Dor»o 45.9 8.58 Durius F., jDouro 41.5 8.20 w Diirnovaria, Dorchester 50.43 2.26 W Durobrivae, Water Neio- ton 52.34 0.22 w Durobrivae, Rochester... 51.23 0.30 Durocasses, Dreux 48.44 1.21 Durocatalaunutn, Chd- lons-snr-Marne 48.53 4.22 Durocobrivae, Maiden Bower, )i. Dunstable.. 51.53 0.33 TV Durocornovium, or Co- rinium, Cirencester... 51.43 1.58 W Durocortorum,aft.Remi, liheims 49.15 4.1 Durolevuin, Judde Hill, n. Ospringe 51.18 0.51 Durolipons, Godman- Chester 52.20 0.10 TV Durolitum, n. Romford 51.35 0.13 Duronia, Civitd Veechia, n.Molise 41.38 14.26 Duronum, Estreiing la Chnnssee 50.4 3.58 Durostorus, or Duros- tolum, Silistria 44.10 27.13 ♦Durotriges 60.50 2.30 w Durovcrnum, Canter- bury 51.17 1.4 Dusae, Dusdsheh 40.46 31.21 Dyme, or Dymae 38.10 21.28 Dyras F., Giiri/o 38.49 22.20 Dyrin, or Atlas Mons, Mt. Atlas 31.20 7.0 w Dyrrachiuin, for. Epi- daninus, Durazzo 41.21 19.29 Dystus, Dhysta 38.20 24.11 E. Ebal, Mount 32.16 35.14 Ebellinum, S. Juan de la Pena 42.26 0.40 w Eblana, Dublin 53.21 6.25 W Eboda, El-Abdeh,orEl- Aujeh 30.52 34.32 Ehoia, .Eiora 38.38 7.39 w Eburacuin, or Ebura- cum, York 52.57 1.5 w Ebrodunum, Embrun... 44..34 6.28 Ehrodunuin, Yverdnn... 46.46 6.39 Ebudae 1"., Hebrides... 57.0 7.30 W Ebura, S. Lucar de Barrnmeda 36.43 6.19 TV 'Ehur\,Evoli 40.36 15.3 'Eh\xrohT\?:,ti,St.Florentin 48.0 3.44 Ehurobritium? Evora... 39.30 8.59 TV »Eburone.s, aft. Tungri 50.50 6.0 Eburovices, Eureux 49.1 1.9 Ebiisus, hizn 38.55 1.27 Ebu'sus I., /I'/za 39.0 1.25 Ecbatana, or Agbatana (Achmetha), Hamn- dan 34.43 48.33 Ecbatana (of Atropa- ten-e)? Takht-i-Sulei- maun 36.28 47.8 % 22 NAMES. 1 Ecdippa (Achzib), Ez- ztb Echedameia Echelldae ? Echetla, Occhiala Echidorus F., Mana, or Galliko Echinades I"., Petala, d'C Echinus (Acarnania)?.. Echinus (Phthiotis),.^^ chino Eclanum, or Aecula- num, Le Grotte, n. Mirabella , Ecnomus M Ecregma? Edessa, or Aegae, Vod- hena Edessa, or Callirhoe (Ur of the Chaldees?), Uifoh Edeta (Liria), ZVrm *Edetani *Edi EnoM Edonis Edrum, Idro Alto Eetioneia Egdavama ? Egesta, or Segesta, n. Segestn Egeta, Gladova Egira, Bauja Eglon, Ajldn Egnatia, Torre S. Igna- zio Egyptian Copper-mines, Sarbotit el-Khadim... Eidomene Eiduuiania F.? Month of Blaclcicater , Eion, r. at 3fouth of Knra-sii Eira? Eira M.? Kutra Eiros M., C. Monze Ekron, Akir Elaea (Aeolis) Elaea(Epirus) Elaea Pr., C. Elea Elaeum ? Liosia Elaeus (Aetolia), Meso- longhi Elaeus (Chaonia)? Ji. Argiro Kastro Elaeus (Thracia) Elaeus S., G. of Sun- darlik Elaeussa I., Alessa Elaeussa I., St. George.. Elah, Valley of, Wadi/ Snmt Elataea, or Elatria? Elateia, Lefta El a tela, H/akrikhori Elath (Aelana), Akaba Elatus M., Mount Skopo Elaver F., Allier Elea, Hyele, or Velja, Cnstellamare della Bruca Elealeh, El-Aal Electra F., Messara Electra F., Vasiliko Elees, or Heles F., Alento, or Venere Elegia, Bidsha Elephantaria, Oschiri... Elephantine I., Jeziret el-Sng Elephas M., Rat Filuk LAT. LONO. MAP 33°.13' 35°.6' 38.21 22.35 23.38 14.33 37.57 37.12 40.45 22.48 38.25 21.0 38.54 21.0 38.53 22.41 41.1 37.6 31.8 30.20 40.57 45.46 37.56 38.37 15.0 13.51 33.0 40.47 22.2 37.10 38.50 39.37 0.39 w 41.0 0.45 TV 35.40 24.0 10.27 23.38 32.53 37.59 12.54 44.36 22.40 42.10 24.0 31.33 34.46 40.54 17.25 29.2 33.27 41.12 22.28 51.46 0.55 40.46 2.3.54 37.32 2.3.7 37.21 21.44 24.48 66.38 31.50 34.50 38.57 27.4 39.14 20.31 35.19 34.6 38.15 23.35 38.22 31.27 40.9 40.3 20.13 26.14 38.53 36.36 38.55 27.0 28.10 26.50 31.42 39.13 38.38 39.45 29.31 .'!4.57 20.39 22.47 22.26 35.1 37.44 45.40 20..57 3.12 40.8 31.48 35.4 37.18 15.8 35.52 24.55 21.52 40.10 39.58 40.43 15.7 41.12 9.6 24.6 12.0 32.55 50.35 15 NAMES. LAT. LONG. JfAP. Eleusa I.. Peninsula n, Ayash.'. 36°.29' 34°.14' Eleusiniacus S., B. of Eleusis 38.1 23.30 Eleusiniuin 37.45 21.53 Eleusis, /.e;)«i»in 38.3 23.33 Eleusis (Thera)? n. C. Exomiti 36.21 25.27 Eleussa I., Arsida 37.42 23.54 Eleutherae, Mijupoli.... 38.9 23.28 Eleutherae, Eleutherna, or Apollonia? 35.19 24.41 Eleutheropolis (Betoga- hrU), Beit .Jibreen 31.36 34.55 Elculherus F., Baghe- ria 38.0 13.25 Eleuthcrus F., AmHt el-Kehir 34.43 36.5 Elini ? Wady Ghurun- * del 29.18 32.58 EuMriiA 40.10 21.40 Elis 38.45 21.30 Elis, Paleopoli 37.53 21.23 ®Elisii, or Helisii 51.30 17.0 Elison F., Alme 51.40 8.44 EUeporusF.? Salubro.. 38.38 16.34 Ellomenus, Klimino 38.41 20.42 Elmantlca (Salman- tica?), Salamanca..., 41.6 5.42 TV Elone, Selos 39.50 21.59 Elusa, Ennze 43.53 0.5 Elusa, El-Khulasah 31.5 34.44 »Elusates 43.45 0.0 Elyma, Grevno 40.11 21.36 Elymais 33.30 48.0 Elyniia, Levidhi 37.41 22.18 Elyrus, Paleokastro, n. Rhodovani 35.17 23.46 Elysium EifATHtA 40.40 22.10 Emerlta Augusta, Me- rida 38.51 6.1 5 TV Emesa, Hants 34.50 36.39 Eraraaus? El-Kubeiheh 31.51 35.8 Emmaus, aft. Nicopolis, Amwas 31.51 35.1 Emmaus (Hammath), Hatnmdm{kot springs), n. Tiberias 32.47 35.35 Emodi Ms., Himalaya.. 29.0 85.0 Emona, or Aemona (aft. Jnlia Augusta), Lay- bach 46.4 14.31 Emporia 33.0 11.0 Emporiae, or Empo- rium, Ampurias 42.9 3.4 EmporicusS.? 34.14 6.50 W Emporium, Castella- ^ mare 38.1 12.52 'KvsiX>\i\nvc., Amp)iglione.. 41.58 12.55 Endidae, Efpia 46.21 11.13 Endor, Endor 32.39 35.24 En-gannim (Ginaea), Jeneen ,32.23 35.20 En-gedi, Ain Jidy 31.29 35.26 Engyum, Gangi 37.45 14.13 Enipeum, or Posidi^um, Prom., Punta di Li- cosa 40.14 14.53 Enipeus F., r. of Litok- horo 40.4 22.33 Enipeus F 39.12 22.28 Enna, or Henna, Castro Giovanni 37.33 14.17 Ennea Hodoi, aft. Am- phipolis, Neokhorio... 40.43 23.51 Enosis (or Plumbaria?) l.,S.Antioco 39.0 8.23 Entella, Rocca d'En- tella 37.46 13.6 Entella F., Lavagna.... 44.25 9.20 EoitDAEA 40.32 21.41 Epacria, Pikermi 38.1 23.56 (49) HAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP, Bpamaiidiiodurum, ( Jf,„„le,(re 47°.27' 6°.47' 61 •Ep:interii 44.10 8.0 8| Epciacuin, Laiichester... 54.50 1.44 \T 5 Epciuin, Sinerna 37.33 21.41 18 Epliesus, r. n. Aiaaa- Inok 37.57 27.23 19 Eiiliialtiuin Proiu. ? C. Akroteri 35.23 27.12 19 Ei.hj-ra I.? Spezzia 37.15 23.8 IS Epiiyrc, Monastery of St. John, n. Porto Fanari 39.16 20.32 15 Eiiidaiiinus, aft. Dyr- rachium, Dnrazzo 41.21 19.29 14 Ei'inAintiA 37.38 23.7 18 Epidauriis, Epiduvro, or PIdluivro 37.38 23.10 18 Ejiidauriis, 'Jiogtisa- Vccrliia 42.35 18.13 14 Epidauriis Liinera, Pa- l,'o Jfouemvfinia 36.44 23.2 18 Epideliiiin Prom., C. h'omili 36.32 23.9 18 *;Epi(lii 56.0 6.30 w 5 Epidium Prom., JHull i,f Cinttiie 55.17 5.46 w 5 Epidotium? 45.0 15.20 14 Epiphania (Ilaiuath), Hamah 35.13 SB-.-^S 20 Epiiius 39.40 20.40 15 Epitalium, ^(/ii^iHtVza.., 37.37 21.30 18 Epuineus M., Monte di Son Nicola 40.44 13.54 13 Eporedia, Ivrca 45.28 7.51 8 Epusuin. Cariijnan 49.38 5.10 6 Equaliona, Coynn 38.35 9.4 W 7 Eijuus Tuticus, S. Eleii- terio 41.17 15.7 9 Erana? Filiatra 37.9 21.35 18 Erasinus F., Kefniari... 37.36 22.42 18 Erbessus, or Herbessus ? Orotte 37.14 13.41 12 Erbessus, or Herbessus? Piintalica 37.8 15.0 12 Erote, or Ercta, M., Monte Pel/et/rino 38.10 13.21 12 Erebantiuin Prom ,Capo ddla Texfa 41.14 9.8 9 Eroch, Iral:, or Ma.... 31.27 45.40 22 Eiesiis, r. H. £/-es«o 39.8 25.56 19 Erotenus F., ^VHo 45.20 11.23 8 Eretria, New (Euboea), A'lW,-/ 38.22 23.49 16 Etretria, Old (Euboea), n.Vnthy 38.22 23.56 10 Eretria (Thessalia), TznnfiU 39.15 22.35 15 Eretum? Rimane 42.7 12.41 11 Erirasteria, Kodja Gu- niiHch Mudnn 39.42 27.35 19 Ergavica, or Ergavia?.. 40.23 2.52 w 7 Ergitium, S. Severo 41.42 15.23 9 Eriboea? 40.9 21.0 15 Eii.>risa I., Alicudi 38.33 14.16 9 Ericusa I., Merlera 39.53 19.32 15 Eridanus F. (or Padus), /'" 45.0 8.45 8 Erigon F., Tjerna 41.0 21.47 14 Erincus (Achaia), Lam- hiria 38.18 21.59 18 Erincus (Doris) .38.42 22.24 16 Erineus F., Finme di Avola, or Miranda... 36.55 15.7 12 Krinon 37.36 25.10 19 liritium, Paleokastro... 39.54 22.3 15 Eliza, Derekcui 37.26 29.28 20 Eliza, Erzingan 39.32 39.56 20 Ermine Street 52.50 0.35 W 5 I)! niicluruio, St. Am- '"■■»'*e 46.59 2.8 6 I]i;iiiuin, C«»^er" 5u/-ek 36.41 Germanicopolis, orGan- gra, Kank-ari ,. 40.35 Genne 39.6 Geronthrae, GlieralcL... 36.59 Gerontia I.? lonra 39.23 Gonha, El-Kotiff. 26.33 *-Gerrhaei 27.30 Gerruin 30.57 Gerunda, (/erowrt 42.1 Geruniuni, Girone 41.45 Gesdae, Sezanne 44.58 Gesoriaeum, aft. Beno- nia, Boulogne 50.44 *Gotae 45.40 GW^con, El-Jeeh 31.51 Gicluhis, or Githis, Jeress 33.30 Gijronus 40.22 Gigomis Pr., Panomi, or Apanomi Point.... 40.22 ..•ilboa, Mount, Jelel Fiikiiit 32.31 Gil^al? 31.50 Gilva? Takumhn't 35.19 Ginnea (En-gannim), Jeneen 32.28 Gindarus, Jindarit 36.23 Gir F Girba I. (Lotophagitis, or Mcninx), Jerbnh... 33.45 Girgiri M., Mountains of Tarlconrnah 32.20 Giscbala. El-J>«h 33.2 Gitanae? Marf/ariti 39.25 Glanoventa, Ellenboro' 54.43 Glaucus F., Lafka 38.12 Gbiiicus F.? dlli-SH 40 30 Glaucus F., /i"/!/" 42.32 Glaucus S.. G. of llakri 36.40 Gleraona, Gemona 46.16 Glevutn, Gloucenter 51.52 Glisas, r. at foot of Mount Siamata 38.22 Glycys Portus, Porto F'lnari 39.14 Glympia, or Glyppia, Kasiro Lt/mhiada 37.11 Gobaeum Pr., Pointe iSt. Matthieu 48.20 Gobannium, Aberga- venny 51.49 Gngana, Congoon 27.48 GOGARENE 41.0 Golan? 32.55 Gomphi, Episkopi 39.26 Gonnus, or Gonni, Ly- hostomo 39.48 Gophna, Jofnu 31.57 GophnItica 32.0 Gorditanum Pr., Capo Falcone 40.59 Gordiuni, aft. Juliopolis 40.4 Gordyaei M., Jehel Judi, Ac 37.40 Gorgon, or Urgo L, Gorgona 43.26 Gorneas, Karlini 40.7 Gortyna 35.5 Gortynius F., River of Dhiinitzana 37.33 Gorty.*, n. Atzikolo 37.32 *Gothini 50.0 *Gothones 54.0 Oraecia 3S.0 Grripcuri.s, Corclhi 42.7 *Graioc5Ii 45.14 LONG. 6°.0' 7.30 36.56 32.51 33.40 27.35 22.43 24.10 50.3 48.30 32.. 34 2.49 14.54 6.45 1.36 28.0 35.11 10.44 22.56 22.55 35.26 35.30 1.29 w 35.20 36.40 11.0 23.25 20.31 22.42 4.46 -w 3.0 w 52.10 4.3.0 35.50 21.43 22.27 35.12 35.15 8.10 31.35 42.0 9.55 8 44.45 22 24.56 19 22.3 IS 22.3 18 18.0 25 18.0 25 22.0 2 1.54 w 7 6.30 6 14.0 23 35.26 21 20.25 lo 3.28 w 5 21.45 IS 41.45 20 43.0 22 29.0 20 13.9 S 2.14W MAP. NAMES. T.AT. Grandimiruin. Muros... 42°.45' Graniacum Pr., Punta CIn-ape 41.36 Gr.Tiiuus F., Kodscha Tchai 40.15 Granis F., Khisht 29.30 Granua F., Graan 48.15 Gratianopolis, orCularo, Grenoble 45.11 Graviscae ? Torre di Carncto 42.11 Grissia, or Gerasus, F., Koros 46.52 Grius M 37.25 «Grudii... 51.18 Gruracntum, h. Sapo- nara 40.7 Gruinnni, Grumo 41.0 Gryneium 38.51 Gudgodah ? Ain el-Ghu- dlnjnu 29.51 »Gugerni 51.40 Guntia, Gunzburg 48.27 GuraeusF. ? Lu'ndye.... 35.0 Gvaro.* I.. Jura 37.37 G.vgaea Palus, Lake of ' Mermereh 38.37 Gymnesiae, or Balea- res I"., Majorca, d'c. 39.30 Gymnias? GumisliKha- neh 40.24 Gvndes F. (Delas, or "Silla)? Diyalah 34.20 Gyrton, Tatari 39.40 Gj'tbium, n. Maratho- nisi 36.46 23 LONG. 9°.2' w 9.22 MAP 7 H. nabitancuni,ff('.si'»(/7(am 55.10 Haetara, Puzoalcon 37.38 Hadifba? 32.11 Hadranura, orAdranum, Adernb 37.38 Hadria, or Atria, Adrin 45.3 Hadria, or Adria, Atri.. 42.34 Hadriani, r. »i. Edranoa 39.52 Hadrianopolis (Bitby- nia)? Viran Slichr... 41.8 Hadrianopolis (E|)irus), Libohhnro 40.1 Hadrianopolis (Thra- cia), Adrianople 41.43 Hadrianuin, Ariano 44.57 Hadrianus, or Tartarus, F., Tartaro 45.5 Hadriatieum (or Supe- rum) Mare, Adriatic Sea 44.0 Haemus M., Balkan.... 42.45 Hafa, Biiddimo 40.35 Ha-hirotbf Heroopolis) ? r. in Vallct/ of the Seven Wells \Seba Biyar) 30.33 Halae 38.39 Halae Ae.xonides, Aliki 37.51 Halae Araphenides, by C. Velani 37.59 Halah, or Cbala? Sar Puli Zohab 34.32 Hales, Heles, or Elees, F., Alento, or Veiiere 40.10 Halesa, or Alaesa, ?j. Tiisa 37.57 Halesus for Alaesus) F., Pettinco 37.55 Halex Y., Alice 37.58 Haliacraon F., Iiidjeh Kara-su 40.24 Haliartus, r. v. Mazi.... 38.21 Halias 37.22 Halicarnassus, Bno- druom 37.2 27.12 51.12 19.0 19 3 25 5.43 6 11.41 9 21.0 27.30 3.30 14 19 6 15.53 16.42 27.3 9 9 19 35.5 6.10 10.20 71.52 24.43 24 6 25 3 19 28.5 19 3.0 7 39.28 20 45.10 22.20 22 15 22.34 2.9 w 3.2 w 35.16 14.49 12.3 14.1 29.1 32.27 20.24 26.32 12.6 11.20 14.0 26.0 9.15 31. .53 24 23.11 16 23.45 16 24.2 16 46.8 22 15.7 9 14.14 12 14.16 12 15.50 9 22.8 15 23.6 10 23.10 18 27.28 19 NAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP Halice, or Ilalieis, r. on Port KUeli, or Bizati 37°.19' 23°. 9' Halit'yae, Salemi 37.49 12.-16 Ilalic.Vrna 38.23 21.31 Hallinus, on 0. Kalli- makiii, or K"iimas.... 37.53 23.43 Hali.^arna (Aeolis) 39.2 27.2 Halisarna(Cos) 36.44 27.0 Iliiliussa 1 37.26 23.33 Ilalmyrae? 30.50 29.25 Halmyris, or Salraoru- dis? 44.50 28.49 Halmyris L., L. of Raselm 44.45 29.0 Halonel., /,)■?««» PWfft 40.28 27.36 Haloniiesus I.? Kheli- dromi 39.12 23.55 Halonnesus I., Tavatea 38.12 26.27 Halos, or Alos, Kefa- losi 39.9 22.47 Halus, or Oryx ? n. Po- dhogora 37.46 22.3 Hiilvattis Tumulus, Bin Tepeh 38.35 28.3 Hnlyc-us F., Plalani 37.25 13.20 Halys F., Kizil-Irmak.. 40.30 34.20 Haniath (Epipbania), Hamah 35.13 36.38 Hamaxia 36.35 31.58 Hamaxitos 39.32 26.6 Hanes, or Tahpanes (Daphne), Tell De- fenneh 30.52 32.3 Hannibalis Portus, Por- timao 37.11 8.27 W Hara? Zarnah 33.54 46.8- Harae ? Erek, or Ya- reka 34.27 38.35 Haran (Carrhae)? Har- ran 36.52 39.2 »Harii, or Arii 51.0 20.30 Harma L., Paralimni, or Moritza 38.26 23.22 Harma (Attica), r. n. Phyle 38.9 23.37 Harma (Boeotia)? 38.22 23.31 Harmfne (or Arme'ne), Ak Liman 42.3 35.5 Harmozeia 27.0 57.10 HarmozTca? Armaaai... 41.49 44.39 Ilarmozon Prom. ? 0. Bombareek, or liaa eUKhore 25.47 57.20 Harpngium 40.20 27.22 Hari.a.=a, ^)7jr,« A'n/eA.. 37.47 38.21 Harpn.=iis F., Arpa Su.. 37.45 28.21 Harpa.-iis F. (Lycus) ? Jorvk Sii 40.26 41.0 ILarpessus ¥.. Arda 41.30 25.30 Harpinna, Mlraka 37.39 21.39 Ilasta, Voltn 44.16 8.43 Ilatera. Kalcrina 40.14 22M Uatra, Al-Uad/,r 35.33 42.49 Hazerotb ? Ain el-IIn- dlicrah 28.51 34.27 Hebron (or Kirjath- arba). El-Khnh'el 31.33 35.9 Hobrus F., Marltza 41.15 26.30 Ilobudes, or Ehudae, I".. Ifebridea 57.0 7.30 « Hecale? 38.12 23.59 Hecatombaeum ? .^8.8 21.27 Heeatompoduni ? 40.15 20.9 Hocatompylos ? Jah Jenn 36.50 56.34 Heratonnesi I"., Mosko, d-c 39.20 26.40 HcdvliuraM 38.33 22.52 H.-dvphon ¥., .Terrahi.. 31.0 49.20 Hekiiia, Khan Kluilda.. 33.45 35.28 Hfletia (or Illiberis), Elne 42.36 2.58 (52) KAMES. LAT. LOXG. Holene, Maoris, or Cra- nae I., Makronisi 37°.41' 24°.7' Helenopolis, for. Dre- pane 40.41 29.33 Heles, Hales, or Elees, F., Alento, or Venere 40.10 15.7 ♦Ileleve tones, or Helve- cones 51.45 20.30 Helice 38.13 22.9 Helice, Ichlhunn 42.19 24.0 Helicon F., OUveri 38.2 15.0 Helicon M., Pahovouni 38.18 22.54 H-'licranum, Z>t/i-i>o.... 39.56 20.13 II liopolis (Baalath), licioJbek 33.57 36.1 II -liopolis (Rameses, or Both-shemesh), Ma- t'trieh 30.8 31.20 ♦Ilelisii, orElisii 51.30 17.0 llelisson F 37.58 22.40 Helisson F., Davia 37.^7 22.13 Helium Ostium, ilonth of J/eitse, or Maas..., 51.57 4.10 Hellana, Agliana 43.55 11.2 Hellespontus, Darda- nelles 40.15 2(5.30 H(;lorus, or Helorum.... 36.51 15.5 Helorus F., Abisso 36.52 15.0 Helos? 36.49 22.46 ♦Helvecones, or Heleve- tones 51.45 20.30 *Helvetii 47.0 7.40 *Helvii 44.38 4.30 Helvillum, or Suillum, SifiiUo 43.20 12.45 Kelvinus F., Salinello... 42.47 13.55 Henna, or Enna, Castro Giovanni 37.33 14.17 Hephaestia (Lemno.s)... 39.54 25.21 llephaestiadae, Arnl-U.. 38.4 23.46 HkptanOmis, Vostani, or Middle Ef/i/pt 29.-0 31.0 Hcraclea (Aeoiis) 39.17 26.42 Heraclea (Athamania).. 39.16 21.10 Heraclea(Cephallenia)? liaL-li 38.10 20.42 Hiraclea fClialcidice)... 40.35 23.19 Heraclea (Ionia). 37.31 27.33 Heraclea (Lucania), Policoro 40.12 16.39 Heraclea-Lyncestis, n. Filiirina. cr Fiorina 40.50 21.27 Heraclea Minoa 37.22 13.16 Heraclea (Pieria), Pla- tamona 39.38 22.36 Heraclea (Pisatis),,Sf/-e/? 37.40 21.34 Heraclea-Pontica, Erekli 41.17 31.29 lleraclea-Sintica, Zer- vokhori 40.54 23.30 Heraclea (Syria) 35.36 35.45 IL.M-aclea (frachinia)... 38.47 22.23 Ileracleius F 38.16 22.52 Heracleopolis Magna, r. n. Anasieh 29.10 31.8 Heracleopolis Parva, or Heracleum ? 30.59 32.2 Heracleotie Mouth (of Nile), liosetta Mouth 31.29 30.27 Heracleum 35.21 25.13 Heracleura, or Hera- cleopolis Parva 30.59 32.2 Heracleum Prom 41.18 36.58 Heraea , 37.36 21.52 Heraei Monies? 37.10 15.35 Her^ium 37.42 22.47 Heraeum Pr., C. Me- Iruif/avi 38.2 22.51 Herbanum, Orvieto 42.44 12.9 Herhessus, or Erbessus? Grotte 37.14 13.41 ^erbessu.'. or Erbessus? ^aularca 37.8 15.0 14.21 5.30 w 20.20 18.45 10.20 MAP. NAMKS. LAT. LONG. Herblta? Citadelln 37°.25' ]4°.29' Herculaneam, n. Rexinn 40.49 Herculeuni, or Gadita- num, Fretum, Strait of Gibraltar 35.57 Herculis Arenae 31.0 Herciilis Castra? Gran 47.48 Herculis Fanum, Mas- sarosa 43.52 Herculis I., or Scom- braria, Escomhrera... 37.34 Herculis I"^, Asinara... 41.5 Herculis Portus 38.41 Herculis Prom., Capo Spartivento 37.56 Herciilis Prom., Hart- ■land Point 51.1 Herciilis Templum? n. C. Roche 36.19 Hercyna Fons 38.26 Hercynia Silva 50.40 Herdonia, Ordona 41.18 Hermaeum Prom., Capo dclla Caccia 40.34 Hermaeum Prom.,Ponit Placo 35.11 Hermaeus S., G. of Si,ij/rna 38.40 Herminius Mons, Sierra d'Estrella 40.10 Hermione, or Hermion, Kastri 37.23 Hermionicus S 37.23 Hermionis 37.26 Hormon, Mount, Jebel- esh-Sheikh 33.23 Hermonassa, Platana... 41.2 Hermopolis,£'«AHioi(He;'(i 27.45 Hermopolis Parva? Rhamanieh 31.6 *Hermundiiri 50.0 Hermus, r. ;i. Khaidari 38.1 Hermus F., Gediz Tchai 38.32 -Hernici 41.50 Herodiura, /"/-ntH/iT Moun- tain 31.40 Heroopoli.' (Hahiroth ?), r. in Valley of the Seven Wel'ls {Seba Biyar) 30.33 Heroopolites S., G. of Siirz 29.0 Heshbon. Hesban 31.46 Hesperides, aft. Bere- nice, Benffhazi 32.7 ■■■•■Hesperii Aetliiopes.... 8.0 Hestiaeotis, or His- TIAEOTIS 39.31 Hesudrus, or Zaradrus, F.. Sutlej. 31.0 Hetriculum, Lattarico... 39.28 HiBERNiA, Ireland 53.0 Hicesia I., Basihizzo ?.. 38.39 Hiera, Therasia, or Vul- cani I., Vulcnno 38.23 Hiera, or Maritima, I., Maretiino 38.0 Hier.T Sycarainos, Wady 3lnharrakuh 23.4 Hieracon 27.16 Hierapolis, Pambouk- Kaleh 37.55 Hierapolis, or Bamb3'ce, Membidj, or Bamboiij 36.32 37.57 Hierapytna, I/ierapetra 35.3 25.44 Hierafus, or Porata, F., Pnith 47.0 Hieratis ? 28.48 Hiericu.'! (Jericbo), n. Er-Riha 31.51 12 Hieromia.x F., y«r»ioiiA-, or Sheriat el-Maud- 12 hour 32.46 35.50 MAP 12 13 0.55 w 7 S.15 9 20.58 15 16.3 9 4.32 w 20 6.8 w 7 22.52 16 15.0 25 15.37 9 8.5 9 23.57 19 26.40 19 8.0 w 7 23.15 IS 23.25 19 23.12 18 35.29 21 39.34 20 30.50 3 30.39 24 11.20 25 2.3.40 16 28.0 20 13.10 11 35.16 31.53 32.50 35.52 20.3 5.0 21.40 76.0 16.8 S.O 1 15.8 14.56 12.1 32.43 31.9 29.10 28.0 51.0 35.28 21 24 21 NAME8. LAT. Hieron 41°.7 Hieron Pr., C. Yoros.... 41.7 Ilierosolvina (Jerusa- lem), 'El-Koods 31.47 Hierum 37.36 Himella F., L'Aia 42.22 Him era 37.58 Himera F., S. Leonardo 37.55 HimeraF., ^a?so 37.10 Hipparis F., Fiume di Camarana 36.54 Hippi Pr., Ras el-Ham- rah, or C. Maverah... 30.58 Hippo Diarrhytus (or Zaritus), Benzert 37.17 Hippo Regius, Bonah... 36.53 Hippo Zaritus (or Diar- rhytus), Benzert 37.17 Hippoi I., Goni 38.27 Hippola, Kipula 36.31 Hipponensis S., G. of Bonah 37.10 Hipponiates, Terinaeus, or Vibonensis S., G. of S. Eiifemiu 38.55 Hipponltis Palus, Lake of Benzert 37.10 Hipponium (aft. Vibo, or Vibo Valentia), Montelcone 38.42 Hipponon? Sheikh Em- barak 28.42 Hippos, Khurbet es- Siimrah 32.46 Hippotae 38.20 Hippurius F., Banas Tchai 38.20 Hippus F., Gall'iga 42.40 Hippus Pr., Point Ali... 30.32 Hira, or Alexandria 32.0 Hirminius F.? Ragusa.. 36.50 *Hirpini 41.7 Hispalis, Sevilla 37.25 HisPANIA, Spain 40.0 HlSPANlA CiTERIOR, Or Takraconensis 42.0 Hi.spANiA Ultekioe, or Baetica 37.0 ITispellum, Spello 43.0 Hi.^tiaea (Oreus), Oreos 38.57 IIiSTiAEOTis, or Hes- tiaeotis 39.31 Hiftonium, Vastod' Am- nion e 42.7 HiSTuiA, or IsTRiA 45.15 "Horaeritae 14.0 HoraoleM 39.50 Ilomole, or Hoiuolium, St. Demetrius 39.52 IIoplias.orlsomantus.F. 38.22 Hor. Mount, Jebel Neby Haroun 30.25 HoREB 28.40 Ilormah, or Zephath ? Nukb es-Sufah 30.59 Horrea Caelia, Herklah 35.59 Horreum Margi, Dcvi- ha/a^o 37.16 13.34 Hyi..n? 30.41 22.29 Hypsirisma I., Kappari 36.56 27.10 llypsus, Stemnitza 37.33 22.5 Hyrcania 36.20 56.0 Ilyrcannin (orCaspium) M., Caxpian Sea 40.0 52.0 Hyria, Conope, or Lysi- inachia, L., Zygns, or Aiigeloh-n^tro 38.34 21.23 Hyria, or Uria, Oria..., 40.29 17.38 llyrmina, Khlemutza, or Kastro ( Oastel Tornese) 37.53 21.9 Hysaees F HVsii.e (Arj,'olis) 37.31 22.35 Hysiae(Boeotia) 38.13 23.22 Hyspriatis 40.20 41.0 Hyssus Portus, Surme- 'neh 40.57 40.5 I. \:u\era,. Zarn 44.6 15.13 lalysiis, Prileo-Rhodoa.. 36.24 28.11 lamho, Yembo 24.5 -38.5 lainniuin Pr., iSV. John's Point 54.14 5.40 w liipis F 38.3 23.26 »tapydes 45.0 15.20 Iapvgia, or Messapia 40.30 17.40 Iapyt;iura, or Salenti- num. Prom., Capo di Lenca 39.48 18.22 layiyguin tria Prom., O. CoHlelhi, 0. Rizzuto, C. della Nave 38.56 17.0 rar.laniKs F 35.27 23.53 [a.*ius, or P.argylieles S., G. of Mind'e.lyah 37.15 27.25 20 19 NAMES. LAT. lassiorum Municipium? Jassy 47°. 5' lasus, or lassus 37.17 latinum, Meaux 48.58 latrippa, Yathrib, or Medina 25.0 latrus F., Jantra 43.12 ■■•■lazyges Metanastae... 47.30 *Iberi Iberia 42.10 IberiaePylae? n.Mncheta, N. of Tiflis 41.50 Ilierus F.,'Ebro 41.18 Ibes, Ibi 38.30 Ibium? 28.15 Ibliodurum, Hannon- ville an Panaage 49.17 Ibora 39.53 learia I., Nikaria 37.35 Icarium Mare 37.12 Icarthon M 38.7 Icauna F., Ynnne 47.50 -Iceni, or Simeni 52.25 Ichana? Jchana, or Seibino 36.45 Ichnae 40.41 Ichnae, Konais 36.10 ■••Ichthyophagi 25.45 ■••■Ichthyophagi Ae- thiope? 8.0 Ichthys Prom., C. Kata- l-olo 37.38 Icidmagus, Yxtiingeaux 45.9 Iconium, Konii/eh 37.53 Icos I., PeflHte'ri 39.10 Icosium, Algiers 36.48 lotis I. (of Diodorus), St. Slichnel'n Moniit... 50.7 Ictumulorum Vicus ?.... 45.46 leulisma, Angonleme.... 45.38 Ida Mons (Greta), Psi- loriti 35.13 Ida Mons (Troas) 40.0 Ide.x F., Idice 44.27 Idimura, Hassan Pasha Palanka 44.16 Idoniene, Paleoktdin... 39.3 Idrias, aft. StratonicEa, Eski-hissar 37.17 Idiibeda Mons, Sierra jl/oncaijo, &c 41.0 InUMAEA 31.0 Idyros, Egder 36.36 lena Aest., Wigton Bay 54.50 lerabriga, or Arabrica, Alenqner 39.2 Ieuxe, or Ivernia Ictae? 37.53 Igilgilis, Jiljcl, or Jijeli 36.50 li,'iliura I., Giglio 42.20 Iguyium, Gnb'bio 43.21 Ila? Jilla Abad 26.46 Ildum, Torre Blanca.... 40.16 Ilei 37.25 *Ilercaones 40.40 Ilerda, Lerida 41.40 »Ilergetes 41.40 Ilici, Elche 38.18 Ilieitanus S 38.0 IlTpa 37.40 Ilipa, Niebla 37.24 Ilipula M., Sierra Ne- vada 37.8 Ilissus F 37.58 Ilium, orTroja(Cestria), Palea Venetia 39.34 Ilinra-noyum, Hlsnarjik 39.57 liliberis, n. Granada.... 37.18 Illiberi.s, aft. HelSna, EIne 42.36 liliberis, or Tichis, F., Tech 42.35 Illiturgis, Andnjar 38.1 LONG. HAP. 27°.24' 14 27.36 19 2.53 6 39.58 3 25.20 14 20.0 14 1 44.0 22 44.45 22 0.0 7 0.35 w 7 30.44 24 5.48 6 35.45 20 26.10 19 26.30 19 23.58 26 3.30 6 1.0 5 15.6 12 22.33 15 39.1 22 60.0 3 10.0 w 2 21.19 18 4.7 6 32.49 20 23.58 19 3.4 23 5.28 w 5 8.4 8 0.10 6 24.50 19 26.45 19 11.30 8 20.55 14 21.7 15 28.11 19 1.40 w 7 35.17 21 30.36 20 4.20 5 8.56 w 7 1.3.7 12 5.45 23 10.58 8 12.34 8 53.57 3 0.14 7 23.19 18 0.10 7 0.30 7 0.30 7 0.39 w 7 0.20 w 7 5.18 w 7 6.30 w 7 4.0 w 7 23.44 16 20.23 15 26.15 19 3.51 w 7 2.58 6 2.50 6 4.3 w 7 NAMES. Il.LTRICUM Ilorci, Lorca Iluro, Alora liuro, JIfataro Iluro, Oleron.. Ilya, or Aethalia I., Elba Iniachara, Cera mi Imaiis M., Beloortagh, Altai, &c Imbarus M., Gurengli Dagh Imbrasus F Irabros, Kastro Iinbros I., Imbro Imus Pyrenaeus,^<.Je(m Pied de Port Inachorinm Inachus F., Banitza Inaclius F., River of Ariadha In Apennino, Matarana Inarime, Aenaria, or Pitheciisa I., Ischia.. Inatus Indenea India extra Gangem, Indo-Chinese Penin- sula , India intra Gangem, Hindoostan Indieus Oeeanus, Indian Ocean *Indigetes Indus F., Indus Indus F. ? Doloman Tchai Industria, Monten •SIngauni Ingena, Avranches Inicerum, Posega In Monte Haenio Insani Montes, Jlonti di Limbara.,., *"Insubres ®Insiibres In.sulartim Puovincia ■•■■■Interaelii Interamna, Teramo Interanina (ad Tiiriin)... Interanina(Umbrorum), Terni Interamniura Interamniura, Villa- roane Interamniura Flavium? Bembibre Intorcatia? Interocrea, Interdoco, or A ntrodoco Interpromium,^. Valen- tino Intilnli. Torre del Sol... lol, aft. Ciies.area, Sher- shell Toleus, Volo lomnium? Marsn Fahm Ion, or los, Kolines Ionia lonopoiis, for. Aboni- teichos, Ineboli los, Nio los I., Nio los, or Ion. Kolines Ipagrum, Baena Ipnoi? Zagora Ipsus Irenopolis, for. Beroea? E^ki Sagra Iria, V'lt/hera Iria F..'Stafora Iria Fbayia, or Pria, El Padron 41°.40' 1S°.0' 37.42 1.54 w MAP. 14 36.53 41. .33 43.11 4.44 w 2.28 0.37 w 42.47 10.15 37.46 14.32 38.0 72.0 36.25 32.50 37.43 26.55 40.14 25.54 40.10 25.50 43.9 1.13 35.19 23.31 37.43 22.37 .38.55 44.16 21.11 9.38 40.44 13.54 35.4 25.20 44.21 16.25 20.0 100.0 25.0 78.0 0.0 70.0 42.15 2.50 31.0 70.54 37.10 45.10 44.0 48.42 45.21 42.44 40.54 45.30 45.35 37.0 43.50 42.41 41.15 42.35 39.40 29.10 7.59 8.5 1.20 w 17.43 25.24 9.12 4.0 9.0 26.0 7.45 1.3.42 13.41 12.41 16.18 42.22 6.30 w 42.36 6.35 w 42.1 5.20 w 42.25 13.6 42.11 14.2 40.31 0.30 36.37 39.24 36.54 37.17 38.0 41.57 36.43 36.43 37.17 37.41 39.29 38.41 2.12 22.57 4.20 22.22 27.0 33.46 25.17 25.20 22.22 4.25 w 23.5 30.52 42.30 25.44 44.59 9.1 45.0 9.2 42.38 8.38 w 7 (54) HAWES. I.AT. LONG. trine I., Yp^il! 37°.26' 23°.0' Iris F., Y'rshU frmnk... 41.0 36.38 Irrhesia I.? Psathoura 39.29 24.10 Is, or Aeopolis, Hit 33.36 42.52 U&ca F., E.ce 60,38 3.27 w Isnnnavatia, or Bena- venta, Burrow Hill, n. Dnventry 52.16 1.8 W Ipara F., here 45.5 5.10 Isara F., Oise 49.30 2.50 •Isarci 45.46 8.45 Isarus F., /sar 48.30 12.0 ^AURiA 37.30 -32.30 Igaurus, Dr Pisaurus, F., Foglia 43.47 12.30 Isca Datnnoniorum, Exeter 50.43 3.32 W Isca (Silurum), Caer- leon 51.37 2.57 w lachAVis, IlcheKter 51.0 2.40 W Iscina, r. at Raa Benja- wnd 30.50 18.10 Isinisca, Aschhach 48.5 11.55 I.sionda 36.57 30.22 l?.\s ¥., Tacholoki 41.54 41.50 Tslum 29.23 31.15 Isium M 21.10 36.30 Ismarus Ismenus F 38.20 23.19 Isoinantus, or Hop- lias, F 38.22 22.54 Issa, Lissa 43.4 16.10 IssTcus S., G. of Scan- deroon 36. -lO 35.50 Issus? 36.56 36.8 Ister (or Danubius) F., Donau, or Danube. ... 44.0 26.20 Isthmus, lathmua of Co- rinth 37.57 23.0 Isthmus (Doris) 36.47 2S.5 Istoiie M.? 39.44 19.50 ISTRIA, or HiSTRIA, litrxa 45.15 14.0 Istron 35.8 25.44 Istropolis, Korgnliuk... 44.25 28.48 l8tros I., FrtZ/ 36.40 27.10 Isurium, Aldborongh..., 54.6 1.22 w Isus? 38.27 23.28 Itabyrium, or Ataby- rium (Mt. Tabor), ■ Jebel et-Toor 32.42 35.25 Italta, Itali/ 43.0 12.0 Italica, San'tiponce 37.29 6.51 w Itanum Pr. ? C. Si. Verpolje.. 45.10 18.25 Leucopetra (or Petra) Pr., Capo deU'Armi... 37.57 15.40 LeucosPortus,-S7',S'Aoowa 25.37 34.40 Leucosia, Lefkosia 35.10 33.23 Leucosia I., Licosa 40.14 14.53 Leuctra 38.16 23.11 Leuctra, Leftro 36.51 22.16 Leuctrum 37.20 22.5 Leusaba? 44.25 17.20 »Levaci 51.7 3.30 «Lexovii 49.14 0.10 Libanus Mons, Jebel Libndn, <&c 34.10 36.0 Libarna, Arquata 44.40 8.52 Libero, Viverone 45.26 8.2 Libia 42.30 3.4 v ■•■■Libicii, or Libui 45.16 8.0 Libisosia, or Libisona, LezHza 39.8 2.43 w Libn.ih? 31.35 35.2 *Libui, or Libicii 45.16 8.0 LiBURNiA 45.0 15.0 Libya Palus ? L. Tchad 14.0 16.0 *Libypboenicis Libyssa 40.46 29.35 Lichades L, Lithada.... 38.48 22.48 Licias F., Lech 48.30 10.54 Lida M 37.7 28.0 Liger, or Ligeris, F., Loire 47.30 LIO LiGTTRiA 44.33 9.0 Ligusticura Mare 43.30 8.0 Liiaca, Paleokastro 38.37 ?2.31 Lilybaeum, Marsala.... 37.49 12.25 Lilybaeum Prom., G. Boeo 37.48. 12.24 Limenia 35.6 32.58 Limia, Ponte da Lima.. 41.45 8.32 w Limia F., Lima 41.46 8.30 w Limnae? Nisi 37.3 22.2 Limnaea, Kortikhi 39.30 21.54 Tjimnnea, »i. Kervnsnra 38.51 21.10 UmMUs, Lamloudeh 32.44 22.14 . Limonum, aft. Pictavi, Poitiers 46.35 0.20 Limyra 36.24 30.14 limdnm, Ardoch 56.27 3.51 w Lindura, Lincoln 53.14 0.32 Lindus, Lindo 36.5 28.7 «Lingo'nes 47.55 5.0 •«Lingo"nes 44.45 11.30 Lipara I. and Town, Ltpari 38.28 14.58 Liparaeae, Aeoliae, or Vulcaniae, V^'^Lipari Mands 38.30 15.0 Lipaxus 40.15 2.3.18 Liquentia F., Livenza... 46.0 12.40 Liria, or Edeta, Liria... 39.37 0.39 w Liris F., Garigliano 41.15 13.45 Lisae 40.19 23.3 Liss.ae, Gabra-khan 42.11 24.5 Lissus, ^?es8io 41.46 19.35 Lissus, Selino Kastelli.. 35.14 23.41 Lissus F 41.0 55.42 Lissus F., Rettore 37.16 14.50 Lista 42.11 1.3.13 Litana Silva 44.33 10.15 (5G) WAMES. LAT. Litanobriga, Pont S. Mfhvencc 49°.1S Liternuin, Pntria 40.66 .Litubiuni (Ritubium ?), Retorhio 44.56 Livias (Beth-haran),Br- Itameh 31.49 liixus, Al-Ava\sh 35.13 Lixus F., Wady al-Khos 35.4 LocanusF.? Locano.... 38.21 Locarieum ? Calatafimi 37.55 Locra F., Talavo 41.46 *Locri Epicnemidii 38.42 Locri Epizepbyrii 38.15 *Lccri Opnntii 38.35 «LocriOzolae 38.30 LocRis 38.40 Logia F., Mouth of R. Lnc/an 54.35 LonJinium, aft. Augusta, London 51.31 Longanus F., F. dell' Aranci 38.5 Longaticum, Lohitsch... 45.55 Longianum, Lngnano... 41.47 Longones, Ozieri 40.35 Loriura, Lorio 41.54 Loryma 36..34 Losa, Bois de Licogaa... 44.25 *Lotophagi Lotojihagltis, or Me- ninx, I. (aft. Girba), Jerhah 33.45 Loucopibia? Wigton.... 54.53 Luca, Lucca 43.51 LUCANIA 40.16 Lucentum, Alicante 38.22 Luceria, Lucera 41.30 Lueretilis M., Monlc Genn'o 42.5 Lucrinus L., Logo Lucrino 40.50 Lucus Angitiae, Lnco... 41.57 Lueus Asturum (Ove- tum?), Oviedo 43.22 Lucus Augusti, Luc-en- Dioh 44.38 Lucus Augusti, Lugo... 43.1 Lucus et Oraculum Fauni, Solfatnm 41.42 Lucus Feroniae, Pietra Santa 43.57 Lucus Feroniae, or Fe- ronia, Felonica 42.16 Lucus Jovis Indigetis... 41.37 Luentinura, Llanioisaf, n. Tregaron 52.11 LuGDUNKNSIS 48.0 Lugdunuui, Leyden 52.9 Lugdunuun, Lynnn 45.46 Lugdunura, aft. Conve- nae, St. Bertrand de Commiiigea 43.0 Luguido, Monti 40.43 Luguvallium, Carlisle... 54.54 Luna, I^iini 44.4 Lunae Portus, Gol/o di Spezzia 44.4 Lunarium Pr., C. Car- voeiro 39.21 Lupiae, Lecce 40.22 Luppia F., Lippe 51.40 Lusi, Si.Jhena 37.59 *Lusitaiii 40.0 LUSITANIA... 39.0 Lussunum, Foldvar 46.49 Lutetia, Paris 48.52 Luteva, or Forum Ne- ronis, Lodive 43.45 LuxiaF., Odiel 37.25 Lycabettus M. (or An- chesmus), Hill of St. Qtorge 37.59 8 LONG. MAP. 2°.31 14.1 9.5 35.. 39 21 6.7 w 23 6.0 w 23 16.20 9 12.50 12 8.55 9 22.45 16 16.15 9 23.5 16 22.15 15 23.0 16 5.56 w 5 0.6 w 5 15.10 12 14.13 8 12.54 11 9.0 9 12.15 11 28.5 19 1.0 w 6 11.0 4.27 w 10.30 16.0 0.27 w 15.20 12.50 14.5 13.29 5.57 w 5.26 7.36 w 6 7 12.32 11 10.14 8 12.31 12.28 11 11 3.59 w 0.0 4.30 4.50 5 4 6 6 0.38 9.18 2.56 w 10.1 6 9 5 8 9.53 9.25 w 18.11 7.0 22.9 8.20 w 8.0 w 18.57 2.20 3.19 6.48 w 23.45 13 17 40.20 45.20 36.10 43.40 41.17 31.30 40.26 41.0 30.24 34.27 NAMES. LAT. LONO. Lycaeus M., Dhiaforti.. 37°.28' 22°.0' Lycaonia 38.0 33.0 Lycastus? 35.11 25.0 LycastusF.,J/ecrf/)-»if/a7i'ssa.. 37.25 33.25 M. Maarsares F. ? Macaras F. (Bagradas), Mejerdah Macareae ? Macedonia Macella Macestus F., Suserlu Tchai Macefa Pr., Raa Mus- aendom 26.22 56.30 Maehaerus? 31.43 35.45 Macistus, Mofkitza • 37.27 21.45 Macomada? 31.15 16.18 Macomada, or Maco- niades, Sidi Mnha- reaa 34.31 10.21 Macoraba, i»/ccca 21.25 40.10 Macra F., Magra 44.15 10.0 Maori Campi 44.37 10.30 Maoris, Cranae, or He- lena, L, Makroniai... 37.41 24.7 Macron Teichos 41.12 28. >S «Macrones 40.46 40.''! Mactorium, Butera 37.11 14.11 Macynia 38.21 21.43 Madaura (Admedera)? At/edrah 35.30 8.27 Madiiin, n. Mukuo' 28.23 34.46 Madrenae, Muderli 40.28 31.27 Madytus, Maitoa 40.11 26.21 Maeander F., 3fendere Su 37.46 28.0 MaenalusM 37.34 22.18 Maenolia, Velcz Malaga 36.47 4.9 W Macnoha P., Fe?ez 37.0 4.20 w Maeonia 38.45 29.20 32.10 44.30 36.22 9.0 37.24 22.5 41.0 22.0 37.57 13.16 39.30 28.4 MAP, 18 20 19 20 14 22 14 20 3 16 18 19 18 22 20 NAMES. Maeonia, Menneh Maeotis Palus, Sea of Azov Maesolia Maesolia, Maaulipatam Maesolus F., Kialna, or Krishna .Magalassus, Scharkiala Miigdala, El-Mejdel Magdolon ■»Magelli Magetobriga? Broye,or Moigte-Broye Magiovintum, Fenny Stratford Magnae, Carvorran Magnae, Kentcheater.,.. Magnana, Tchewislik... Magnesia Magnesia, Manxsa Magnesia (ad Maean- driim), Aiueh Bazar Magnum, Externum, or Atlanticum Mare, Atlantic Ocean Magnum Prom., G. Romania Magnum Prom., C. Roca Magnus Campus, or Aulon (Plain of Jor- dan), El-Ghor Magnus Portus? Bay of Fcrrol Magnus S.? China Sea Magnus S., G. of Guinea Mago, Port Mahon Magulianus F Magydus, n. Laara Mahanaim? Makkedah? Malaca, Malaga Malaca F Malana? Raa Malan... Malanga? Mahahali- poor Malao, Berberuh Malatha, El-Milh Malceoa? Palma Malea Malea Pr., C. JIalea..., Malea Pr. (Lesbos), C. Zeitin Maliacua S., G. of Zei- touni Malts »Malli Malliae? Malliana, Miliana Malloea, r, n. Molog- huata Mallus Maloitas F Malthace I., Somotraki Malva, Mulucha, or Mo- lochath, F., Mulwia.. Mamertium, Oppido.... Mancunium,iJ/a»ic7ie8/(jc«)(t(/en 50.34 "Marcomaimi, for. Boii 49.30 •SMar.li 36.20 iVIare Acgaeum, Aixhi- jielago 38.0 Mare Atlanticuni, or E.\ternuin, Atlantic Ocean 40.0 Mare Azafliuiu, or S. BarHarTcus 0.0 Mare Carpathiuui 36.0 Mare Caspiuin (or Ilyr- canum), Canpiun Sea 42.0 Mare Cretieuin 36.0 Mare Erythraeum, In- dian Ocean 15.0 Mare Germanicum, or Oceanus Geniianicus, German Ocean 55.0 Mare Hadriaticum, or Superum, Adriatic Sea 44.0 Mare Internum, Medi- terranean Sea 35.0 Mare Myrtoum 37.20 Mare Pii,'ruin (0cc3nu3 Septentri(inulis) 66.30 Mare Suevicuui, Baltic Sea 56.0 JSIare Tliraeiuin 40.0 Mare Tyrrhoiuim, or Inferutn 40.0 jMarea, or Palaemaria, El-Ranheat 30 56 Mareotis L 31.10 Maresha (Marissa) 31.35 Margana? Pyrgo 37.40 Margiaxa '38.0 Jlartjidunum, n. Mast Undijeford 52.58 Margus 44.40 Margus F., Moorghauh.. 37.0 Margus F., Morava 44.0 Mariaba, Mareb 15.45 Mariana, A/cubillaa 38.58 *Mariandyni 41.0 Marianae Fossae, J'oe /c9 Martiguea 43.26 Marianuiij ? 41.35 JIarianum, Marano 45.45 Marianus M., Sierra Moreno 38.20 Maride, Mardin 37.20 Maridunum (or Muridu- num), Caermarthen... 51.51 Marinianae 45.46 Marissa (Mareshah) 31.35 Marisus F., Mama 46.4 Maritima, or Hi6ra, I., Maretimo 38.0 Marius, Kato Mart 37.1 Marmara? r. ii. Tchan- deer 36.47 Marmarica 31.30 *Marmaridae ^f 'irmariutn, Marmari... 38.4 Maronea, Marrah 35.41 LONG. MAP. NAMES. LAT. LOaO. MAP. 10°.49' 8 Maronea, Campo Ma- 35.11 21 rann 41°.50 14°.36' 9 66.55 3 Maronea, Mnrona 40.53 25.30 19 32.57 24 Marpessa, Ml. El inn 37.3 25.10 19 36.9 20 Marruliiuui, or Marru- 21.58 IS viuni, S. Benedetto,.., 41.59 1.3..% 11 19 16 42.15 41.54 62.10 14.10 13.30 7.40 9 11 25 27.17 23.57 «Marsi 23.58 16 *Marsigni 51.0 15.30 25 35.58 20 Marsyas F., Tachinar 16 Tchai 37.-36 42.20 28.0 11.50 19 8 22.42 Marta F., Marta 15.35 9 Marthula, Vitzeh 41.16 41,18 20 27.29 14 Martia (Pons Nartiae)? 14.43 9 Monteceda 42.53 7.46 w 7 6.32 6 Martilus S., G. of Ki- 14 :^ 25 3 35.35 2.3.50 19 51.0 Martvropolis, Meiafn- rakin 38.11 40.47 25.30 , 19 Marus F., March, or Jforava 48.30 17.0 25 2 Masada, Sebbeh 31.20 34.25 35.25 41.5 21 22 20.0 w Mascas F Masciacum, Schicaz 47.21 11.44 25 50.0 2 Masclianae, Karanecbea 45.24 22.17 14 27.0 19 *Masaesyli 1 Mases ? St. DImitrias... 37.25 23.9 IS 50.0 2 Masius M., Jebel Tour, 25 19 Jtc 37.34 41.0 22 Massa Veternensis, eo.o 2 Massa 43.2 10.53 8 *Massaesylii 36.0 1.0 23 Massaga? Hushtnagar.. 34.17 71.46 3 5 2 Massat'Stae 43.0 65.0 3 Massicus Mens, Mt. 8 41.10 37.20 13.55 1.30 w 9 7 14.0 Massienus S Massilia, Maraeillea 43.17 5.23 6 20.0 2 Mastaura, Mastavro 37.59 28.22 19 24.0 19 Mastusia Prom., 2 Br/lea 40.3 34.58 40.39 26.11 24.44 16.:J8 19 19 9 5.0 Matalia Matoola, 3fatera 18.0 2 Materuum, Farneae 42.30 11.41 8 25.0 19 Maternum, Madernn.... Mathia (or Temathia) 45.38 10.37 8 14.0 9 M., Lykodhimo 36.55 21.51 IS Matikxe 35.0 47.0 22 30.3 24 Matilica, Malelica 43.15 13.1 8 30.0 24 Matirium Littus, Mati- 34 55 21 18 3 41.43 46.19 35.23 16.5 4.50 25.5 9 6 19 21.27 62.0 Matiuni 5 42.31 42.31 14.11 14.8 8 8 0.58 w Matrlnus F., Piomha,., 21.8 14 Matrona F., Marne 49.0 3.45 6 62.25 3 *Mattiaci 50.15 8.20 25 21.15 14 iMattiaeum? Marburg... 50.49 8.47 25 45.40 3 Mattium? Melz 51.12 9.20 25 3.32 w 7 Matusarum, I'onte do 31 20 6 39.15 7.56 w 7 1 4.57 Mauritania Caesa- 8.48 9 RIE.VSIS 36.0 3.0 23 13.10 8 Maitritania Tingitana 33.0 6.0 w 23 7 32.34 35.10 1 21 5.0 w Ma.xiinianopolis 40.38 22 Ma.xula, Aradia Mazaca, aft. Caesarea, 36.45 10.14 23 4.19 w 5 fTaiaarii/eh 38.43 39.15 20 18.0 14 21 38.33 39.8 22 34.55 Mazara, or Mazaras, F., 22.0 14 Fiume di Mazzara..., 37.45 12.37 12 Mazaras F.? Goorkan... 37.10 65.0 3 12.1 12 Mazarum, Mazzara 37.40 12.32 12 22.51 18 Mearus F., Mero Mec^-berna, Molivo- 43.15 8.13 w 7 30.30 20 . pyrqo 40.17 23.26 15 24.0 23 1 31.43 38.24 35.64 22.34 21 16 Medeon, Dhenfina 24.18 15 Medeon, n. Katiina 38.47 21.10 15 36.43 20 Media 35.40 48.30 22 NAMES. LAT. LC50. MAP. Media Mi.voii, or Atro- PATENE 37°.0' 47°.0' Mediae (or Zagri) Pylae, Tak-i-Glrrah 34.25 46.20 Midiolrmum, Ohateau- Meillant » 46.33 2.12 ^rediolanum, Giieldrea.. 61.30 6.20 Mudiulnnuin, Metjlien... 45.38 4.15 Modiolanum, Milan 45.23 9.12 Mediolaiium, aft. Ebu- roviees, Evreiix 49.1 1.9 ML'diolanura, aft. San- toncs. Saintea 45.45 0.30 W Mcdiolanuni (Britannia, It. II.), Clawdd Goch 52.46 3.6 w Mfdiiilanuni (Britannia, It. X.), Cheaterton.... 53.3 2.13 W *Mfdiomatrici 49.0 7.0 Mfdma? 38.30 15.59 •■■Medoaci 46.56 11.35 Mtduacus Major F., Brenta 45.40 11.42 Meduacus Minor F., Bavchigli.me 45.40 11.34 Meduana F. ? Mayenne 47.50 0.43 W »Medulli 45.0 6.10 »Mcdulli 45.20 1.0 w Medullia, n. Monte Verde 42.3 12.48 Medus F., Shamier, or Palwar 30.45 53.10- Megalaesus 39.53 38.6 Megalopolis 37.25 22.9 M.-gnnitas F 38.13 22.0 Metrara, Me4 Moesia (Loaver) 43.0 24.0 1^ 5.57 AV 7 Moesia (Upper) 43.30 21.0 14 18 Mofctiana' 46.59 17.11 U 23.21 Mogontiacum, Mayence, 18 or Mainz 50.0 8.17 42.0 ♦) 21.43 Mogrus F., Snpssa 42.0 22 Molaria, Bottida 40.24 9.3 iJ 22.34 15 Molochath, Mulucha, or 23.5 15 Malva F., Mulwia 34.0 2.51 w 2a 10 MoLossis 39.45 21.0 li 22.24 Molycreia, or Moly- creium, n. Roumeli... 38.20 21.45 it: 22.11 IS Mouiemphis? 30.56 30.34 24 23.43 19 Mona (of Tacitus), I. 26.11 19 of Anglesey 53.20 Mona I. (of Caesar), 4.25 w i 21 14 15 Me of Man 54.15 4.30 w Monalus F., Fiume di 21 11 15 PoUina 37.55 14.11 ii Monaoeda I. (Mona of 27.22 19 Caesar), Me of Man 54.15 4.30 w t 20 Monate ' 47.11 14.40 9.32 b 30.30 Monilia, Moneqlia 44.14 £ Mons Brisiacus, Neu 21.47 15 Breisach 48.1 7.31 t 6.10 6 Mons Feretrus, .S". Leo.. 43.55 12.21 t 12 38 8 8 Mons Sneer 41.56 12.32 1. 11.56 Mons Seleucus, Mont 3.55 \v 7 21 Saleou 44.29 5.44 11.45 ( 35.17 Mons SilTcis, Monselice 45.14 £ 31.2 20 Mopsucrene, Mezarlnk 22.52 18 Khan 37.8 34.54 2i 22.51 16 Mop.suestia, Missis 36.58 35.38 21 34.20 24 Morbiuni? Templebo- 28.22 20 rongh, n. Rotherham 53.25 Morginnum, 3foiran.... 45.20 1.22 w 6.33 28.0 20 Moricambe Aest., More- 27.18 19 cambe Bay 54.5 3.0 w 25.35 19 MoniMENE 39.40 35.10 2C 25 36 19 «Morini 60.45 2.9 ( Morius F., Biver of 21.44 IS Mera 38.29 22.48 It 30.10 20 Morunda. Mehrnnd 38.27 45.40 ri 30 43 20 Mosa, J/'>i(ry 48.3 5.33 ti Mosa F., Maas, or 26.30 19 Meuse 50.45 5.40 b 0.30 23 Mosa, or Mosella, F., 2.37 6 Moselle. 60.0 7.0 b 10.44 S Mosarna, Passeeuoe 25.16 Moseha Portus, Mus- 63.25 3 14.20 13 8 cat 23.38 58.40 ; 10.10 Maschici Montes, Kat- 11.50 9 schar Dagh, &c 40.40 Moschius F., West Mo- 41.0 20 8 36 w 7 6 rava 43.20 21.0 0.54 w l-i 6.49 Moseonnum, Mixe 43.57 6 Mo.«ella, or Mosa, F., 25.53 19 Moselle 60.0 7.0 b 24.11 19 Mosomagus. Mouzon.... 49.36 Mostene? Mermereh.... 38.41 5.5 27.58 6 19 25.44 19 Mosyllum ? BunderGha- IS 19 sim 11.18 49.17 3S.40 '-' 23.3 *Mosvnoeci 40.50 20 24.41 Mothone, or Methone, 21 46 IS 9 Mothoni 36.49 21.43 12.26 1« 13.45 Motva I., Longa 37.53 12 r Motyca, Modica 36.52 14.45 14.39 ly 5.5 w Motyeanus F., Scicli.... 36.45 12 Mo.xoENE 38.0 43.0 22 8 44w 7 13 40.38 9 14.5 Mugilla? r. >i. Ponte 1.3.30 8 della Streghe 41.46 12.36 11 13.0 8 Muliadas, or Munda, F., 35 10 21 Mondi-go 40.10 8.40 w 7 Mulucha, Molochath, or 37.12 3 Malva, F., Mulwia... 34.0 2.51 w 23 32 30 '>0 Munda, Monda 36.44 4.53 w 1 (59) w 47.17 21.15 23.39 23.39 65.0 16.6 4.0 15.0 15.3 2.52 w 4.19 w 3.4 w 15.30 2.3.21 18.42 17.21 9.40 3.16 w 23.28 69.0 69.0 30.49 9.11 23 42.15 22 16.15 14 1.3.56 8 11.47 8 10..55 8 4.3.15 3 74.54 2 27.10 19 23.32 16 22.46 18 22.48 16 29.8 26 25.24 19 25.25 19 21.51 15 23.0 15 41.0 22 41.0 22 15.5 12 33.61 20 22.5 15 15.14 12 27.49 19 27.16 19 22.23 16 26.63 19 33.42 3 30.3 20 22.48 15 23.55 19 36.8 20 27.0 19 25.4 19 21.22 18 24.0 19 21.22 IS 22.28 18 28.0 20 16.35 9 26.34 19| 27.29 19 NAMES. LAT. LONG. MAP. ^Iunda, or Muliad.is F., Mo»de(]o 40°.10' 8°.40'w Munrlobrisra. Poria/e^re 39.19 7.18 w Mundn, Mnjet 11.6 Municipiuin, Panaaro- ritz 44.34 Muiivchia 37.56 Munychia Portus, Stra- tlotik! 37.56 Mura M 40.30 Miiranum, iftnano 39.47 *Murb5Ki(Turinodigi?) 42.40 IMurgantia, Bnscfice 41.24 Miirsrantiiira, Mnrgo 37.23 Jliirgi?, GuardiaaVieJfis 36.41 Muridunum (or Mari- dunuin), Cuermar- then 51.51 Muridunum, Seaton 50.43 Murius F., jVitr 47.0 Muruiex Rock, Leftari 39.8 Mursa, Exzch 45.34 Mursella, Egi/ed 47.31 Murus, Ln Porta 45.25 Murus, Qnemdn 39.15 Mas.'igura I., Pondaca, or S. Antonio 35.35 Alusicanus, Capital of? Alore 27.38 Musicanus, Kingdom of 27.30 Muson ? Nesle Sheilch Hassan 28.21 Musti, Sidi Ahd-el- Rubhn 36.2 Musus F., Mart 40.10 Mutenum? Wiener Xeu- stadt 47.49 Mutila, MedoHno 44.49 Mntilum, Modigliano... 44.10 Mutina, Modena 44.39 Muza, Moxishid 13.43 Muziris? i)fangalore.... 12.53 Mj'cale M., Samsoun Dngh ,37.40 Mycalessus? 38.25 Mycenae 37.44 Myehus Portus, Zalitza 38.16 Myelaeum 41.9 Myconos 37.27 Myconos I., Mylconi 37.27 Myenus M 38.30 MvGDoNiA 40.45 Mygdonia 37.0 Mygdonius F., Jakjak- jah 36.21 Myla F., MorceUino 37.13 Mylae, Agha-liman 36.17 Mylae, Dhamasi 39.43 Mylae, Milnzzo 38.13 Myliisa, Melasan 37.19 Myndus, Gumishlu Li- man 37.3 Myonia? 38.35 'Myonnesas, Ovreoltastro 38.3 Myos Hormos, Ahoxi Shaar.. 27.25 Myra, Dembie 36.17 Myrae 39.49 Myrclnos 40.54 Myriandrus, Godfrey's Castle 36.34 Myrina 38.49 Myrina ? Kastro 39.52 Myrsinus, or Myrtun- tium? 37.59 Myrtoiini Mare 37.20 Mvrtuntium, or Myrsi- nus? .37.59 Mysaeum, ji. Trikala... 38.0 MvsiA 39.30 Mystia. ifnnasternce 38.31 Mytilene. Mylilini 39.7 Myufi, Derskeui 37.36 LAT. LONG. MAP, N. 7.0 w 7 27.44 19 8.30 w 7 32.66 20 18.30 25 35.22 21 22.5 14 75.0 2 »Xab,ithaei 30°. 20' 35°. 50 Nnbiu.s -F. (or Navia?), Xaria 43.15 Nacrasa. Bakir 38.58 Naebis F., Cavado 41.32 Nagidus 36.7 *Nahanarvali, or Na- harvali 52.25 Nain, Nein 32.39 Naissus, Nissa 43.18 Namadus F., Nerbiidda 22.5 Naranetes, or Portus Namnetum (for. Con- divicnum), Mantes. ... 47.13 *Nannetes, or Namne- tei= 47.25 *Nantuates 46.13 Naparis F., Jalomnitza 44.34 Napata? Jehel Berkel... 18.30 Napetia, Pizzo 38.47 Napoca (Colonia), A7au- senhurg 46.45 Nar F., y^era 42.35 Narbo Martius, Nar- bonne 42.11 Narbgnknsis 44.0 *Naresii 43.20 •■■N'arisci 49.15 Narni.n, Xnnii 42.31 Naro F., Xarenta 43.45 Narona, Opus 43.2 Narthacium 39.11 Naryx? 38.38 *Nasamones 30.0 Nasi. Ji. Bora 37.47 Nasium, Nnix 48.38 Natiolum, Bisceglia 41.15- Natiso F., Katisone 46.0 Natron Lakes 30.20 Naucratis ? 31.0 Naulochus 38.15 Nauloehus, on C. Emi~ veh 42.43 *Naunes 46.25 Nnupactus, Epakto, or Lepnnto 38.24 Naiiplia, Nanplia {or Napoli di Romania) 37.34 Nauportus, Ober Luy- bach 45.59 Naustatbmus 41.34 Nau,«tathmus, Marsa el- Hnlnl 32.56 Nau.stathmus Portus, Porto del Cane 36.67 Nautaea, Kurshee 38.52 Nava F., Nahe 49.40 Naviile, Bivona 38.45 Navalia, Arenzano 44.24 Navia, or Nabius, F., Navia 43.15 Navilubio F.? iValon... 43.25 Naxos, Xajria 37.16 Naxos I.. Naxo.. 37.0 Naxos (Sicilia), n. Capo di Schiso 37.47 Naxuana, JVakshivan... 39.13 Nazareth, En-Nasirah.. 32.43 Nazianzus, Viranshehr.. 38.8 Neae I., Strati 39.30 Neaethus F., iV^efo 39.12 Neandria? Ineh, or Ene- deh 39.47 Neapolis (Apulia), Po- lignano 41.0 Neapolis (Edonis), Ka- val/a .■.. 40.56 Neapolis (Ionia), Seala N^iova Neapolis (or Leptis Magna), Lehdah 32.38 1.-32 w 1.45 w 7.0 27.0 31.50 16.13 2.3.31 12.40 3.0 5.0 17.20 1.3.0 12.32 18.0 17.36 22.26 23 18.0 22.12 6.23 16.31 13.23 30.20 30.40 15.25 27.56 11.0 21.50 22.48 14.20 36.9 22.11 24 37.49 15.9 12 66.10 3 7.35 6 16.10 9 8.40 8 7.0 w 7 «.6 w 7 25.24 19 25.30 19 15.15 12 45.20 22 35.19 21 34.18 20 2.5.0 19 17.0 9 26.22 19 17.13 9 24.25 14 27.18 19 14.13 1 23 NAMKS. LAT. Neapolis (Pallene), Po- li/kromo 40°.l Nea|io!i3 (or Parthe- nope), Xnphs 40.51 Neapolis (Sardinia), ,S'. Maria de Nabni, or iXobnli 39.41 Neapolis (Sychar, or Shechera), Xabloos... 32.15 Neapolis (Zeugitana), Aabal 36.27 Neapolitrinus S., G. of Hammamet 36.10 Nebo, Mount? 31.48 Nebrissa, Nahrissa 36.56 Nebrodes M 37.46 Nechesia, in Wad y Ntik- karee 24.54 Necho's Canal, in Wady Toomilat 30.32 Neda F., Buzi 37.23 Nedon F., liicer of Knlamata 37.3 Neleia, ji. Agria 39.21 Nemausus, Ninmes 43.50 Ncinea 37.48 »Nenietes 49.10 Nemetobriga ? 42.22 Nemetocenna. or Neme- tacum, aft. Atrebates, Arras 50.17 Nemossus, aft. Augus- tonemetum, Clermont 45.47 Nemu.*, or Nemorensis, L., Lugo di Kemi 41.42 Neo-Caesarea (Cabira Diopoli,.). Niksar 40.36 Neon Teiehos 38.39 Neon, aft. Tithorea, Velitza 38..34 Neoptana 26.50 Nepete, Xrpl 42.16 Nephelis Prom 36.9 Neretum, Nardo 40.9 Nericum 38.50 Nbrigos? 60.0 Neris? 37.20 Neritum M., Anoi, or Xcritos 38.25 Nerium Pr., C. Finia- terre 42.53 Ncronia, Codigoro 44.50 Nerfobriga, Jiicla 41.35 Nertobriga, or Concor- dia Julia, Vulera la Vieja 36.15 NerQluni, Jintondo 39.55 «Neru?i 43.46 Nerva F., Nervion 4.'i.]9 *Nervii 50.40 Nesactium,Of«^c/iV(/rtt;o 44.59 Ncssonis L., Karatjair 39.40 Nestane, Lnla 37.34 Ne.=tus 'E.,Kara-8U 41.30 Nesus, Asso 38.23 Netinda\ a ? 44.44 Netum, Koto Vecchio... 36.56 Neve, Xon-a 32.56 Nias F., llio Grande.... 11.40 Nicaea (Bactriana), Be- gram 34.59 Nioaea(I?ithynia),/j)n7.- 40.22 Nicaea (G.allia Transal- pina), Xice 43.42 Nicaea (India)? n. Je- lalponr 32.40 Nicaea (Looris) 38.47 Nica.siia I.? Mukari 37.5 Nicatorius M 36.40 Nicephoriuni. aft. Calli- nicuin, Ba/.-ka 35.56 Nicer F., ^Xeckar 49.27 Nicia F., Enza 44.40 (GO) 1.0\G. V-\P, 23''.32' 15 14.15 13 8.34 9 35.14 21 10.46 23 11.0 23 35.43 21 6.2 w 7 14.0 12 35.0 31.60 24 21.44 18 22.8 18 23.1 15 4.21 6 22.43 18 8.15 6 7.44 w 7 2.46 3.4 12.44 6.29 w 10.2 7.0 6 3.0 w 7 3.50 6 14.2 8 22.39 15 22.28 18 24.15 14 20.33 18 26.20 14 14.59 12 36.1 21 15.0 w 2 69.20 3 29.45 20 37.6 2C 27.6 19 22.41 16 57.0 3 12.18 11 32.25 20 18.4 a 20.40 15 7.0 2 22.38 13 20.40 15 9.15 w 7 12.6 8 1.19 w 7 7.16 73.15 3 22.36 16 25.12 19 43.50 26 39.3 22 9.0 25 10.27 « SAMES. I.AT. Nicium? Mit Salameh.. 30°.2O' Nieoinedia, for. Oibia, /zfi.-iV/ 40.48 : Nicopolis (Aegyptus)... 31.14 Nicoijolis (Epirus), Pa- leo-j>revena 39.0 Nicopolis (Pontus), En- deres 39.57 Nicopoliii 41.6 Nicop51is (Tbracia), iVi- kopoli 41.7 Ni'"'polis ad latrum, .■^iknp 43.20 NioopSlis (ad Istrum), Nihopol 43.45 Nicotera, Nicotera 38.32 Nidum, Neath 51.40 Nigaraa, Ner/apatam.... 10.48 Niger F., Ji. S. Nikolao 37.59 Nisaean Plains 34.0 Nisibis, or Antiochia Mygdonia, Ninibin... 37.1 Nisyros? 35.42 Nisyros I., Ni»ero 36.35 Nithine? 30.49 *Xithi)nes, or Vithones 52.50 *Xitiobriges 44.30 Nivaria, ilojudot 41.27 Nivaria I., Teneriffe 28.15 Nivernum, Nevers 46.58 Noae, Xoarn 37.58 Nnega, Gljon 43.35 Nola, Nola 40.55 Notnentura, MenUina... 42.4 Nona'cris, Solo 38.1 Norba, Coiicerijano 40.57 Norba, Xorma 41.34 Norba Caesarea, Alcan- Uira 39.41 Nnreia? Neumarkt 47.4 NoRicuM 47.30 Notium Prom., Mizen Head 51.26 Nova, Dohra 44.36 Nova Sparsa 35.43 Novae, Gourabeli 43.39 Novana, Novi 42.59 *Novantae 55.15 Novantuna Chersonesus 54.50 Novantum Pr., Mull of Gallown)/ 54.38 Novaria, Novnra 45.27 Novesiuin, Neiisa 51.11 Noviodunuin, Karhtadt 45.30 Novioiiunuin ? Neuvy stir Bnranjon 47.19 Noviodunuui ? Toidtcha 45.10 Noviodunuin, aft. Dia- blintes, Juhleins 48.17 Noviodunuin, aft. Ni- vernum, Neverg 46.58 Noviodunuin, aft. Au- gusta Suessionuni, S'lifsont 49.24 Noviodunum, or Colonia Er|uestri.», Nyon 46.23 Novioniagns ? Holwood Hill, II. Kenton 51.21 Novioinagus, Xciimtif/en 49.53 tOXG. MAP. NAMES. I.AT. tONB. KAP. 30°.51' i 24 i Noviomagus, Xi'mer/ueii 51°. 50' 5°.51' ''I 1 Novioruagus, Xoi/on 49.35 3.0 6 29.58 20 1 Novioregum, Boyaii 45.37 1.1 TV 6i| 29.59 J 24 !| Novius F.. Mth 55.20 3.50 w Ml Novum Comum, or Co- ll 20.44 15 i mum, Como 45.48 9.6 8 20 »Nubae 20.0 27.0 10.42 21 81 38.24 Nuceri.T, Luzz^ira 44.57 29.3 26 Nuceria, Nocera 40.44 14.38 13 14 12.49 13.38 2.26 W 8 7 24.38 Numantia, Gnrrny 41.46 25.33 14 Numicius, or Numicus 14 F., Torto 41.38 12..34 7.0 11 23 24.53 NuMiDiA 36.0 15.58 9 Numi.stro, n. J/«ro 40.46 15.20 9 3.58 w 5 2 2 2 Nura' 40.40 8.18 9.14 9.38 9 9 8 79.54 Nura, Nurri 39.43 7.0 w Nura F., iVuca 44.45 2.56 w' Nura I., or Balearis 5.0 2 Minor, Minorca 40.0 4.0 7 24.0 15 24 Nymbaeura 36:26 23.11 IS 31.10 Nymphaea I.? (Phin- 31.0 3 tonis ?), Caprera 41.13 9.27 9 Nvmphaeum, Medna... 41.47 19.31 14 43.11 22 Nyinphaeum Pr., Capo Santo 40.7 24.22 13.0 15 11 Nymphaeus F., Ninfa.. 41.30 43.11 22 Nymphaeus Portus 40.40 8.6 9 Nymphalum, Niiifi 38.26 27.28 19 42.0 22 Nymphius F., Batman 58.35 3 Sn 38.0 40.50 22 23.21 16 Nysa? Nicefta 34.10 71.47 o 48.0 22 Nysa, Sidlau-hissar 37.53 38.9 19 Nysaeum M 38.23 22.49 16 41.10 22 27.4 19 0. 27.12 19 Oanus F., Frnscolari... 36.50 14.32 12 30.46 24 Oaracta I., Kishm 26.50 56.0 3 13.0 25 Oaxes F., Axiis 35.20 24.41 19 0.30 6 Onxns. or A.xus, Axits... 35.16 24.50 19 4.33 w 7 Oblimum, La Batie 45.38 6.22 S 16.30 w 2 Ooalea 38.22 23.3 16 3.10 6 Oceanus Britannicus, 15.6 12 English Channel 50.0 2.0 w 5 5.44 w 7 Oceanus Cantabrius, 14.32 13 11 5.0 w 15.0 w 2 2 12..39 Oceanus Gaditanus 36.0 22.15 IS 9 4.0 w 2 17.7 Oceanus Germanicus, 13.3 11 or Mare Germanicum, German Ocean 55.0 5.0 2 6.43 w 7 Oceanus Hesperius 14.25 14 (Mare AtlantTcum, 14.0 14 Externum, or Mag- num), Atlantic Ocean 40.0 20.0 w 2 9.50 w 2 Oceanus Hibernicus, 21.57 14 Irish Sea 5.3.40 5.0 w 5 5.53 23 Oceanus Indicus, Indian 25.4 14 8 Ocean 0.0 70.0 2 1336 Oceanus Sarmaticus, or 4.20 w 5 Mare Suevicum, Bal- 5.0 w 5 tic Sea 57.0 Oceanus Septentrionalis 20.0 2 4.51 -w 5 8 (Mare Pifruni) 66.30 5.0 '^ 8.37 Oceanus Vergivius, 6.42 6 Bristol Channel 51.20 5.0 w 20 15.35 14 Ocellodurum, Toro 41.36 Oeellura Pr., Flambo- 5.27 w 7 2.10 6 roni/h Head 54.7 0.4 w 5 28.47 14 Oceluiu? Uxeau, n. Fe- 6 7.2 24.28 S 0.25 w Oche, or Oeha, M., Okhi 38.4 15 Oehus, Nackiloo 26.55 53.31 3 3.10 6 Ochus F.? .39.0 56.0 3 Oehus F.? Kokeha 37.10 70.0 3 Oera Mons 45.50 14.30 14 3.20 6 Oericulum, Otricoli 42.27 OcTinum, or Damno- 12.27 11 6.15 8 niura Prom., The Lizard 49.58 5.11 w 0.3 5 : Octapitarum Prom., St. 6.54 1 David's Head 51.54 5.19 w 5 SAMES. L«T. Octodurus, J/af /fV/ny..-. 46°. 6' Octogesa? La Granja,.. 41.25 Odessus, Varna 43.13 »Odomanti 41.12 *Odrysae 42.0 Odvsseae Portus and Pr., P"- . d'Ulysse.. 36.42 Oe»> ^umari 36.22 Cea? n. Stefani 38.2 Oea, Palea'-Khora 37.44 Oca (Augusta Felix), Trii)oli 32.54 Oeantheia, Galaxidi 38.22 Oeaso, or Olarso, Oyar- zun 43.18 Oechalia (Aetolia)? 38.54 Oechalia (Euboea)? 38.27 Oechalia, aft. Carna- sium 37.16 Oecbardos F Oenauthia, Bamhora.... 43.6 Oeueum ? 41.37 Oetieum ? Magula 38.25 Oeniadae, Trikardho.... 38.25 Oenoanda, Uludscha 36.48 Oenoe? 37.37 Oenoe, Ghyfto Kastro... 38.11 Oenoe, Inoi 38.9 Oenoe, Port Skhino 38.3 Oenoe, Unieh 41.8 Oenoe (Icaria) 37.36 Oenotrides Insiilae ? 40.6 Oenophyta. Inia 38.17 Oenus, Tzitzina 37.10 Oenus, or Aenus, F., Inn 47.30 Oenus F. (Laconia), Kelejina 37.6 Oenussae I., Spalmatori 38.32 Oenussae P*., Sapieiiza and Capri 36.45 Oeroe F 38.13 Oescus, Glava 43.20 Oe.^cus, or Oius, F., Isker 42.55 Oeta M., Kntnvothron... 38.48 Oetylus, Viiylo 36.43 Oeum, r. n. Varibnpi.... 38.9 Oeum Cerameieum ? 37.58 Oglasa I., Monte Christo 42.20 Osviria Oif'yme 40.49 Oius, or Oescus, F., Isker 42.55 Olabus I., Hadisah 34.5 Olarso, or Oeaso, Oyar- ziin 4?.18 Olbasa, Belenglu 37.22 Olbia? 36.52 Olbia, aft. Nicomedia, Izmid 40.48 Olbia, r. V. Nicolaef..... 46.40 Olbia ? St. Vincent de Carqnairanne 43.6 Olbia, Terranova 40.55 Olbianus Portus, Gol/o di Terranova 40.57 Olbius, or Aroanius, F. 37.57 Oleachites S.. Bay of Storah 37.10 Olcinium, Dnlcii/no 41.53 Oleastrum, Coll de Ba- lar/iier 40.59 Olenacum. Old Carlisle 54.49 Olenus, Koto Akhaia... 38.8 Olerus. Castel Messoleri 35.7 Ol!r:is.=vs M., Alkas 'l).u,h 41.6 Olinriis I., Antiparo 37.0 Oliciina. Ilkley 53.55 Oligyrtus, La/ka 37.50 Oli.^ipo (Felicitas Julia^, Lisbon 38.42 jjoyr,. 7°.4' 0.23 27.56 23.40 26.0 15.0 25.29 23.38 23.29 1.3.11 22.23 1.52 w 21.47 24.8 22.2 40.31 20.5 21.56 21.14 29.35 22.35 23.24 23.57 23.2 37.17 26.11 15.6 23..39 22.36 12.0 22.27 26.15 21.45 23.12 24.19 24.0 22.16 22.23 23.46 23.42 10.20 24.18 24.0 42.28 1.52w 30.0 30.45 29.58 32.1 9.29 9.35 22.20 7.0 19.12 0.56 3.10 w 21. .34 25.48 34.0 25.3 1.47 w 22.23 MAP 9.9 w (61) IfAMES. lAT. LOWS. Olives, Mount of, Jebel Toor 31°.47' 35°.15' Olizon 39.7 23.14 Ollius F., Oglin 45.55 10.14 OlineiusF.? Zag«ra.... 38.20 23.4 Olmiae Pr., C. Olmia... 38.4 22.58 Olmoncs? 38.28 23.0 Oloetodariza 40.2 38.49 Oli.phy.xus, Khilandai-i 40.20 24.8 Olpae, Arapi 38.57 21.9 Olpac (Locris) 38.26 22.12 Oltis F., Zo? 44.40 2.30 Oinrus, Xi/h>-l-nstro 38.4 22.38 Olus ? Porto di Spina Louiji Dof/h 38.22 27.22 Olyuipus M. (or Ormi- uium), Aln Dagh 40.20 32.0 Olympus M. (Thessalia), Lacha 40.5 22.21 Olynthus, Agia Maria, or Aio Mamas 40.16 23.21 *Omanitae, Omann 23.30 57.0 Omh\, Koom Ombo 24.28 32.59 Omirras F. (Euphra- tes?), 3[urad Tchai.. 38.50 40.30 Omphaliuui .T 35.13 25.6 Omphaliura? 39.56 20.28 On, or Onion ? (Vieus Judaeorum), Tell el- Yelnid 30.22 31.28 Onceium? 37.41 21.52 Oiichesmus, Santa Qua- ranta 39.53 20.2 Onohestus 38.21 23.9 Onche.'^tusF 39.33 22.31 OneiaM... 37.52 22.56 Oneum? 43.29 16.39 Onisial.? 35.11 26.18 Onoba, i/!(e/6(j 37.15 6.50 w Onobrdas F. (Acesines, OT Amines), Cantara... 37.50 15.10 OnochonusF.? 39.23 22.6 Onthis L., L. of Bok- hnri 38.21 21.35 Onugnathus I., Cervi, or Elafonisi 36.28 22.58 Onuphis? Mit Ghamr... 30.44 31.14 *Ophionenses 38.37 22.0 Ophir? 13.20 45.0 Ophius, Of. 40.59 40.19 Opliiusa, or Colubraria I. (of Strabo), For- mentera 38.42 1.25 Ophiusa, or Colubraria, I., Columbretes 39.54 0.45 Ophius.sa I., A/sia 40.30 27.30 Ophrynium 40.1 26.21 Opinum, Oppido 40.44 15.59 Opis? 34.10 43.52 Opitergium, Oderzo 45.47 12.31 Opizus? 42.2 25.32 Oplonti, Torre dell' Annunciain 40.45 14.27 Opone, Hnfoon 10.26 51. IS Oppulum Novum, El- Kadurah 36.9 2.9 Oppiflum Novum, jVo^/e 43.11 0.16 w Ojitatiana, Sznmosujvar, or Arnienieiistndl 47.1 23.50 Ovnntu^ls.,Mt.Khlomo, >c 33..35 2.3.0 Opus (Elis), n. SIciadha 37.52 21.41 l)pus (Locris), Kardhe- nitta....^ 38.36 23.4 16 NAMES. LAT. Opus Prom 3S°.19 Ora? 34.12 Okbalisknk 40.0 Orbehis M 41.16 Orearles I""., Orkxcy Islands 59.0 Orcas, orTarvedum, Pr., Dtinnet Heod 58.41 Orchoe, Mogeiycr 30.47 Orchomenus (Arcadia), Kalpaln .• 37.44 Orchomenus (Boeotia), r. ji. Skripn 38.29 Oreistus, Alehinm Jaila 39.14 Ordessus, or Ardiscus, F., Arjlsch 44.23 *Ordo vices 52.48 Ordymnus M 39.14 Orestis 40.31 Orestium, Marmaria.... 37.23 *Oretani 38.30 Orethus F., Orelo 38.6 Oretum 3S.50 Oreus (Ilistiaea), Oreos 38.57 Orexis M 37.51 Orgia, Orr/ain/a 42.13 Orgus F.,'0»-co 45.25 Orieum, or Oricus, EriHo 40.22 Orippo, Alcala de Giia- daira 37.16 ■*Oritao 26.0 Oriundus F.. Boyana... 41.50 Oriza? Es-Suhlmeh 34.44 Orminium M. (Olym- pus), Ala Dagh 40.20 Oniene 37.47 Oinithopolis ? Ad/dn... 33.24 Oman da? Arwau 37.14 Oroatis, or Arosis, F., Tab 30.20 Orobiae, Rovies 38.48 «Orobii 45.55 Oiobis, or Orbis. F., Orb A?,M Orolaunum, Avion 49.40 Orontes F., Nahr El- Ahsy 35.50 Orontes M., Elwinid 34.45 Oropus, Oropo 38.17 Orospeda Mons, Sierra A/caroz, d-r 39.0 Orra, or Uria Locrorum, Polozzi 38.8 Onsi?NR 39.20 Ortliopagum, or Thu- rium, M 38.28 Orthosia ? 34.38 Ortona. Ortonn 42.21 Ortopula, S.Marco 44.16 Ortnspana? Caubool 34.28 Ortygia, Siracitna 37.3 Ortvgia I. (or Delos), Belon 37.23 Orviura Prom., 0. Sil- leiro 42.5 Oryx, or Halus, ii. Pod- hogora 37.46 Osa F., Osa 42.32 Osaea? Bocca dello Stagno 39.49 Osea, or Vesca, ffitesca 42.9 Oscela, Domo d'Oxiiolo.. 46.7 Oseelis, Orihiiela 38.8 Oscineium, J/o)(//)j d'Es- cinjot 44.13 «0.-i 49.30 •■■Osismii 48.20 Osmus F., O'lnm. 43.0 Osopum, Osojjo 46.15 OsnoENE 37.20 Oiisa M., KisHovo 39.48 Osset 37.25 Ossonftba, Faro 30.59 22°.32' 72.23 38.25 23.40 3.0 w 3.24 w 46.4 22.19 22.59 16 31.21 20 26.0 14 3.30 w 5 25.57 19 21.20 15 22.14 18 .3.0 w 7 13.20 12 3.40 w 7 23.6 15 22.21 18 1.18 7 7.20 8 19.27 5.45 w 7 65.40 3 19.20 14 38.47 20 32.0 20 22.39 18 35.18 21 32.6 20 49.52 22 23.14 15 9.20 8 3.0 e 5.50 6 36.25 20 48.30 22 23.47 16 2.20 w 16.10 38.0 22.52 36.2 14.24 15.29 60.5 15.15 25.17 8.52 TV 18 15 LAT. LONG. J 41°.42 ' 27°.0' 38.42 13.10 41.43 12.16 43.40 13.2 31.3 32.22 55.25 2.0 w 39.54 8.34 39.50 19.20 39.3 22.42 43.22 5.57 w 48.10 14.2 41.22 31.39 39.0 64.0 37.25 73.45 43.30 6.40 26.35 69.0 28.40 72.0 39.47 21.38 28.33 30.45 23.10 75.48 22.3 18 11.15 8 8.33 9 0.20 w 7 8.17 8 1.0 w 7 0.0 6 19.0 25 3.40 -w 6 24.45 14 13.6 R 39.0 22 22.42 15 5.51 TV 7 7.54 w 7 MAP. NAMES. 16 I Ostadizus, A'/m/sa 3 0,-teod(\« I.? i'stica 20 Ostia, Ostia 14 Ostra, Coriiialdo Ostracine? •■■Otadeni Othoea, Orist/nio Othronus I., Fouo Othrys M., lerako Ovetum, (or Lucus As- turum?) Oriedo Ovilaba, Wch Oxina.s, Kncluih Ohsina Oxus F., Amoo, or Jihon Oxus L., Sir-i-J.-ol -■■"Oxybii Oxycanus, Kingdom of Oxydracae, or Sudracae Oxj'neia? Ox.yryncbus, Buhneneh.. Ozene, Oojein Pacciana Matidiae? r. n. Mama Zeitoun 36.58 6.17 Pachnamunis? 31.27 31.9 Paeli.yni Portus, Porto dl'Palo 36.40 15.6 Paehynus, or Paehy- num Pr., Ca2)o Pas- saro 36.41 15.7 Pactolus F 38.25 28.3 Pai tya, Doglian Arxlan 40.32 26.51 Pactj-as M 37.55 27.28 Padan-Apam, or Aram- Naharaim, Al-Jezi- reh 36.0 41.0 Padinum, lUwdeno 44.42 11.24 Padus, or Eridanus, F., Po 45.0 8.45 Padi-i.sa P., Primuro 44.38 11.45 Patania, ». Karela 37.56 23.50 •sPacmani 50.15 5.0 Pakonia 41.45 22.0 Paeonidae, MenidM 38.6 23.43 »Paepiei 43.30 6.0 w Paestanus (or Posido- niates) S., G. of Sa- lerno 40.20 14.40 Pae.stum, or Posidonia.. 40.23 15.0 Pagae. Psalho 38.6 23.14 Pasala? 25.25 66.20 Pagasae 39.23 22.55 Pagasaeus S., G. of Volo .39.12 2.3.0 Pagrae, Jiar/rns 36.25 36.11 Palaea, «. Apidhia 30.53 22.48 Palaea Paphos, A'onlia 34.42 32.34 Palaemaria, or Marea, E/-Paxhcat 30.56 30.3 Palaerus, or Paliru.s 38.45 20.54 Palaeste 40.11 19.34 Palanta, Bologna 42.32 8.54 Palantia. P((/e>ic»a 42.1 4.27 W Pa]e, Polil-ntn 38.13 20.26 Palfuriana, ViUarodona 41.22 1.20 PalTca? 37.18 14.43 Palimbothra? Pntno.... 25.37 85.15 Palindromus Pmni., C. Bab-el -M-nuhh Palinurus Prom., C'«a Sollom 31.29 Panornius Purtus, Pa- norinio 37.41 panornius Portus, Port Palermo 40.5 Pantagias F., Poreari... 37. 18 Pantanus L., Lugo di Lesina 41.53 Panticapaeuni, Kertsch 45.22 Pantichium, Pandilc... 40.54 Pany.sus F., Pravadi... 4.3.10 PaphlagoniA 41.10 Paphos, Buffo 34.45 Pappa? 37.28 Papua M.? 37.3 ParachoathrasM.,C/io)'rt of El-Burz, or Cas- pian M" 36.0 Paraetacene ? 38.30 *Paraetaccni 33.0 Paraetonium, Ifarsa Labeit 31.21 Paralia 37.50 Paran, Desert of, £1- T:h 30.30 Parapotamii, r. 11. Be- lissi 38.33 ParaFopia, Plain of .38.15 Paravaea 40.26 PardostLa 39.50 LONG. 2°. 39' 12.52 38.14 38.30 37.0 26.5 8.45 21.0 22.0 21.50 31.0 21.52 23.35 21.30 13.25 16.11 20.36 16.31 35.47 35.42 31.50 24.6 13.21 27.17 35.41 16.0 18.0 22.48 13.21 21.49 20.34 24.29 27.18 28.30 25.11 24.4 19.42 15 15.10 12 15.25 9 36.28 3 29.16 20 27..30 14 34.0 20 32.25 20 32.12 20 7.20 23 52.0 3 70.0 3 51.0 3 27.12 23 23.55 18 34.45 24 22.48 16 23,20 16 20.40 15 35.21 20 NAMES. LAT. Pardua, Slano 42°.48' Parembole, Dehod 23.55 Parentium, Paremo 45.14 ■s-Paricanii ? 27.35 Parietina, Mostaza 35.8 Parietini ? 39.24 «Parisii 54.0 *Parisii , 48.42 Parium M 36.50 Pariuni, Kamares 40.25 Parma, Parma 44.48 Parma F., Parma 44.40 Parnassus ? A'o; Hissar 38.52 Parnassus M., Range of Liakhoura 38.34 Parnes M., Nozia 38.11 Parnon M., 3Ialevo, or Kani 37.17 Paropamisus M., Seffeid Koh ■. 34.0 Paropus, Collesanof 37.54 Paroreia 39.45 Paroreia, Paleomiri 37.29 Paroreus 38.30 Paros, Parehhia 37.5 Pares I., Paro 37.5 Partbanum, Parten- kireh ;... 47.29 Partbenicum, n. Parte- nico 38.56 Partbenium, Barton. ... 41.40 Parthenius F., Bartan Tchai 41.30 Parthenius M., Par- theni 37.30 Partbenope (Neapolis), Naples 40.51 Parthia 35.50 ■sParthini 41.45 Paryadres Mons 40.40 Parysatis, Villa <;es of?.. 35.15 Pasargadae? JJch 3Ii- •nair 28.31 Pasira? 25.20 Pasitiijris, or Eulaeus, F., Kuran 31.0 Passaron 39.40 Patura : 36.15 P;itaviuni, Padua 45.24 Patavinae Aquae, or Aponi Fons, Bagni d'Ahano 45.22 Patavissa (Colonia), Thorda 46.33 Patbmetie, see Phatnitic Patmos I., Patino 37.20 Patrae, Patras 38.15 Patrooli I., Gaidharo... 37.39 Pattala? Hyderahad.... 25.23 Patumos (Thoum, or Pithom), r. >i. Ahas- sieh 30.28 Patycus, Paolo 39.22 Pauca, Porto Polo 41.43 Paura, Ptihra 27.58 Pans 37.51 Pausilypus Mons, Sill of Posilipo 40.49 Pax Julia, Beja 38.5 Paxus I., Paxo 39.11 Pedalium Pr., C. Grego 34.57 Pedaliuni Pr., or Arte- misium, C. Suvela 36.35 Pedasus ? Paitschin 37.15 Pedasus? 39.32 Pcdiaios F 35.10 Podieia? 38.37 PEniiiM 38.0 Pednelissus 37.31 Pedona, Borgo S. Dal- mazzo 44.20 Pedum, GaUlcano 41.53 iPegae, Hapsomati 37.22 LONG. MAP 17<'.52' 14 32.52 3 13.35 8 68.0 3 4.27 w 23 2.31 w 7 0.20 w 5 2.15 6 35.40 26 27.4 19 10.21 8 10.19 8 33.34 20 22.30 16 23.43 16 22.37 70.0 3 1.3.55 12 21.17 15 22.10 18 31.0 20 25.10 19 25.12 19 11.8 1.3.4 32.17 32.25 22.32 14.15 57.0 20.30 39.0 43.27 5.1.20 64.40 48.25 20.57 29.22 11.51 11.46 23.45 26.34 21.44 23.57 68.21 .31.35 16.2 8.49 60.30 21.57 14.13 7.41 w 20.10 34.6 28.53 27.54 26.17 33.45 22.41 23.41 31.19 7.31 12.51 22.11 18 NAMES. LAT. LONG. Hk P Pegella? 38°.30' 33°. 10' I 2fl Peiraeum, Perakhora... 3S.2 22.57 Peiraeus 37.56 23.39 PeiraeusPortus,Z'/ir«A:o. or Porto Leone 37.56 23.38 Peiraeus Portus (Corin- thia), Porto Franco... 37.50 23.8 Peirus F., Kamenitza... 38.8 21.37 Peiso L. ? Balaton, or Platten See 46.53 18.0 Pelagonia 41.6 21.30 Pelagonia, Bitoglia, or Monaxlir 40.58 21.15 Pelasgiotis 39.30 22.25 Pelendones 41.50 2.40 w Pelendova, Krajova 44.20 23.44 sPeligni 41.58 14.0 Pelinnaeuni,or Pelinna, Kcrithiki 39.35 21.54 Peliou M., Zaf/om 39.26 23.3 Pella, aft. Ap.\mea, Fa- mieh 35.29 36.24 Pella (Macedonia), yl?a- klisi. or Apostolus 40.44 22.27 Pella (Palaestina), Kefr Beel 32.35 35.44 Pellana 37.10 22.22 Pellene 38.3 22.32 Pelodes Portus, Harbor of Bnirinto 39.44 20.0 Peloponnesus, Morea.. 37.30 22.0 Pelorum, Pelorus, or Pelorias, Pr., Capo di Faro 38.16 15.40 Pelorus F. ? Kzia, or Oliram 41.30 44.30 Peltae? 38.12 29.52 PelusiacMoutb(ofNile), Tineh Month 31.4 32.25 Pelusium (Sin?), Tinch 31.2 32.21 Pelva? 43.52 17.8 Perac? 29.39 31.16 Peneius F., Gastouni.... 37.53 21.20 Peneius F., Selembria... 39.45 22.24 Penni-lucus 46.22 6.55 Pennocrucium, Stretton, n. Penkridge 52.42 2.9 W Pentapolis 32.40 21.0 Pentaschoenoa? 31.1 32.37 Pentele, Ifendeli 38.4 23.54 Pentelicus M., or Bri- lessus, Pentcli, or Mendeli 38.7 2.3.53 •s-Pentri 41.27 14.25 Peparetbos I., Piperi... 39.20 24.19 Pephnu.0NO. pERStS 30°.0' 52°.0' Perta, Ujuk }\»,i(,t 38.21 33.36 Pertusa," Pc'rtiwii 41.57 0.1 w PcTxisia, Perugia 43.7 12.23 Posslnus, Bala Hismr.. 39.20 31.45 Pessiuui (Contra Acin- cuni), Pesth 47.30 19.6 Petaliiie I"'., PeUdies I'. 38.0 24.18 Pctavonium? 42.5 6.30 W Peteon? 38.24 23.21 Petilia, StrongoU 39.17 17.5 Petiliana 37.21 14.0 Petinesca, Bienne 47.8 7.15 Petitarus F 38.52 21.19 Petra (Arabia), r. in Wachi Momn 30.25 35.38 Petra (Colchis), Ziched- shari 41.44 41.43 Petra (lUyricum), on C. Poll 41.25 19.25 \ Petra (Macedonia), Pe- troritKch 41.26 23.15 Petra (Pieria) 40.11 22.16 Petra (Sicilia), JBuon- pietro 37.44 14.6 Petra Magna 31.45 25.6 Petra Parva, Ras el- Toum 32.14 23..38 Petra Pertiisa, Pietra Pertima 42.2 12.30 Petra Pertusa, or Inter- eisa, II Fuilo 4.3.36 12.41 Petrae 45.50 23.4 Petriana, Castlestcads... 54.57 2.45 W Petrina? 37.41 14.1 «Petrocorii 45.0 0.40 Petrocorii, for.Vesunna, Perigueu^ 45.11 0.44 Petromantalum,5f.C/«iV 49.12 1.40 Petuaria ? Brough on Number 53.44 0.33 w Peuce I., J/oM 45.0 29.30 Peueela? Pushkalnvati 34.12 72.16 Peucetia 41.0 16.40 «Peucini 45.15 29.15 *Peucini, or Bastarnae 48.30 21.0 Phaciuin? 39.35 .22.0 Phacusa, Tell Falchous 30.46 31.44 Phacussa I., Z'aro 36.53 25.40 Phaedriades 38.30 22.30 Phaedrias? 37.21 22.4 Phae.Hus 35.3 24.49 Phaestus? AUfttka 39.34 22.10 Phaestiis, Vithari 38.21 22.21 Phalacriuin Prom., Capo Jiiisocohno 38.18 15.31 Phalii'crum Prom., C, Brasti 39.48 19.38 Phalanna, ji. Kavajoli... 39.45 22.20 Phalara ". 38.53 22.30 Phalarus F 38.24 22.58 Phalasarna 35.31 23.34 Phalerura 37.56 23.39 Phalerura Portus, Porto Fanart... 37.56 23.40 Phaloria 39.36 21.38 Phamothis, El-Khreit... 31.2 29.51 Phanae Prom., C. J/o«- tiko 38.9 26.1 Phaijagoria, n. Taman., 45.15 36.45 Phanaroea 40.46 36.30 Phara 38.38 20.37 Pharae 38.5 21.44 Pharae, or Pherae, Ka- Inx'-i.ta 37.2 22.8 Pharaga, Makam 31.8 66.8 Pharan, Feiran 28.42 33.38 Pharan Prom, (or Posi- dium) ? Ras Moham- oned 27.44 54.15 Plinrasp.a, Gaza, or (fazaca, Tnkht-i^Su- feiinuun 80.28 47.8 24 NAWKS. Pharax, Koudinh Pharia, see Pbarus Pharis, Vojio Pharmacussa I., Far- mnko Pharmatenus Pharnacia, Kerasoun..,. Pharos I., Faro, or Lighthouse of Alex- andria Pharsalus, Fersala Pharus, or Pharia, I., Lesina "■'Pharusii Pharygium Prom., O. Puiida Phaselis, Tekrova Phasiane Phasis, Poti Phasis F., Rion Phasis F.(ofXenophon)? Aras Phatisane, Fatsa Phatnitic, or Pathme- tic, Mouth (of Nile), Bamietta JIfoulh Phaura I., Phleva PhazANIA, Fezzan Phazeiiion, Mersiwan... PHAZEJfONiTlS Pheia, Pondiko Kastro Phelleus M., Mavronoro Phelloe, Znkhnli Pheneiis, Fonia Pherae? Pherae, Velentino Pherae, Verria Pherae, or Pharae, Ka- lamata Pherendis? Plraii Phiala L Phieium, Phoeniciura, or Sphingium, M., Faga Phigiilia, or Phigaleia, fi. Pavlitza Phigamus F., Bscherwis Bere Phila? Philadelphia (Rabbath- amraon, or Kabbah), Anividti Philadelphia, Allah- shehr Philae I., Jeziret Anas- el- Wo/'oud Philia Prom., C. Ka- liovjik Philippi, for. Crenides, Filibi Philippopolis, Filippo- poli Philippopolis, Oermaun •■■Philistines Philocalia Philomelium, Ak Shehr Philotera, Old Cos- seir Philyrsis I Phinea, or Phinopolis... Phintias, Alicata, or Licata Phintonis I.? Caprera.. Phliasia Phlius, Pohjfengo Phlya, Knvara Phoeae, Port Skropo- neri Phooaea, Fougcs, ' or Foggia Piiocis Phocusae I"., Moulrou Rocks LAT. LONG. MAP, 30°.45' 18°.20' 23 18 27.1 22.29 37.17 27.7 40.56 38.11 40.56 38.24 31.12 29.55 39.16 22.23 43.10 16.40 16.0 15.0 w 38.20 36.32 40.6 42.8 42.10 40.14 41.3 31.30 37.46 27.0 40.50 40.50 37.39 38.14 38.5 37.54 38.18 39.24 37.11 31.58 38.21 24.1 41.2J5 41.4 42.2 32.34 31.35 41.3 38.23 26.13 40.59 41.10 37.4 41.13 37.50 37.50 37.49 22.41 30.36 42.0 41.38 41.50 43.0 37.27 31.41 23.46 14.0 35.36 35.40 21.19 23.56 22.24 22.19 23.35 22.43 22.32 37.2 22.8 38.21 40.5 33.15 35.50 38.23 23.12 37.24 21.51 41.0 37..30 39.55 22.40 86.0 28.35 32.54 28.28 24.22 24.55 36.54 34.40 39.5 31.36 34.14 38.36 29.4 13.55 9.27 22.37 22.39 23.58 38.29 23.20 38.41 38.30 26.46 22.40 U.25 27.6 NAMES. LAT, LOXG. J Phoeliae, or Phytia, Porta 38='.41' 21°.ll' PnoEsicE 34.0 35.40 Phoeniee (Chaonia), Fiiiiki 39.50 40.12 Phoeniee (Creta), /,ii«)-o 35.12 24.0 Pboenicium, Phiciuni, or Sphingium, M., Faga 38.23 23.12 Phoenicum Oppidum, Mowilah 27.40 35.30 Phoenicus (Cythera), Arlemona 36.13 23.5 Phoenicus (Ionia)? Tchesmeh 38.20 26.20 Phoenicus Portus 36.49 21.49 Phoenicus Portus 36.15 29.26 Phoenicus Portus, Ghatfa Bay 31.8 27.55 Phoenicus Portus, Porto Vindicari 36.58 15.5 Phoenicusa I., Filicuri 38.35 14.30 Phoenix P.? Salmeniko 38.15 21.56 Phoenix M 36.39 28.10 Phoezon 37.36 22.26 Pholegandros I., Poly- kandro 36.38 24.55 Pholoe M 37.45 21.45 Phorbantia, or Bucinna, I., Levanzo 38.3 12.19 Phorbia Pr., Pt. Euro... 37.28 25.28 Phorcys Portus? Afri- kis Bar/ 38.28 20..38 Phoron Portus 37.57 23.;i6 Photinopolis 41.25 26.33 Phra, Furrah 32.23 62.8 Phricius M 38.45 22.26 Phrixa, Paleo Fanaro.. 37.38 21.43 Phrygia 39.0 30.45 Phrygia-Epictetus.... 39.36 30.30 Phrygius, or Hyllus, F. 38.46 27.40 Phtuiotis 39.6 22.35 Phycus 32.56 21.38 Phycus Pr., Ras Sem, or El-Razat 32.56 21.38 Pbvlace (Laconia), krya Vrysi 37.20 22.26 Phylace (Pieria), Ser- via, or Voluatana 40.13 21.58 Phylace (Thessalia), r. V. GMdek 39.13 22.38 Phvle 38.9 23.-39 Phyllus 37.37 22.68 Phyrites F 38.10 27.20 Physcus, Marmarat, or Marmarice 36.52 28.19 Physcus F., Adhem 34.20 44.29 Pliyteum, A'uye/f) 38.36 21.35 Phytia, or Phoeliae, Porta 38.41 21.11 Picentia, Vicenza 40.37 14.54 *Pieentini 40.40 15.0 Pieentinum, Brod 45.9 18.2 PiCENUM 43.0 1.3.35 Piciniana? 37.24 13.35 PictSvi, Poitiers 46.35 0.20 *Pietones, or Pictavi... 46.40 1.0 •« Pieria 36.30 36.0 PiRRiA 40.15 22.20 Pierus M 40.10 22.5 Pietas Julia, for. Pola, Pola 44.52 1.3.50 Pinara 36.30 29.17 Pinarus F., Beli Tchai 36.50 36.10 Pindus M 40.0 21.25 Pineptimi (False Mouth of Nile 81.34 31.10 Pinetus? Piiihel 40.46 7.1 W Pinna, Civitd di Penne 42.25 13.59 Pintia? 41.45 4.20 w Piquentum, Pinguente.. 45.25 13.59 Pirae? n. Bedroni 38.7 21.36 Piresiae, Vlokho 39.30 22.1 (64) NAMES. liAT. LOKG. Pirina? 37°.51' 13°.6I' Pirum, Buhharest 44.28 26.8 Pisa 37.40 21..S9 Pisae, Pisa 43.43 10.23 PiSAEA, or PiSATis 37.43 21.38 Pisaurura, Pesoro 43.55 12.55 Pisavae, Pellisane 43.38 5.10 PisiDiA 37.30 31.0 Pisiuirus, or Isaurus, F., Foc/lia 43.47 12.30 Pisoraca F., Pisnergn... 41.50 4.30 W PistDrium, or Pistoria, Pistoja 43.58 10.56 Pistyros 40.52 24.38 Pitane, Snndarlik 38.56 26.27 Pitch Springs (of Za- cynthus) 37.41 20.50 Pitbeciisa, Aenaria, or Inarime, I., Ischia.... 40.44 13.54 Pithom, Thoura, or Ethain, (Patuinos?) r. n. Ahassieh 30.28 31.35 Pitonius F., Gioveiico... 41.59 13.40 Pitya 40.26 27.10 Pityonnesus I., Angiatri 37.42 23.21 Pityus, Pitznnda 43.10 40.17 Pityus.ae I"«., Iviza and Formeiitera 39.0 1.25 Pityus&a 1 37.26 23.32 Pityussal.,/)f()ia.4(/a«»i', or ProveiiQal 1 36.11 33.48 Placentia, Piacenza 45.3 9.43 Plagiaria? El-Cuman- dante 39.7 6.45 w Planasia I., Pianosa.... 42.33 10.8 Planesia I., P?/(nn 38.10 0.27 w Plataeae, Zb7.-?« 38.12 23.16 Platamodes Prom 37.9 21.34 PlK-tanistus 36.3 32.42 Piatanistus Prom., G. Spathi 36.23 22.57 Platanum 33.41 35.28 Platea I., Bomba 32.23 23.15 Plateia. Plnl-a 36.4 26.26 Plavis F., P/rtwe 46.20 12.22 Pleistus F., Xeropotamo 38.28 22.30 Plemmyrium 37.1 15.17 «Pleraei 43.0 18.15 Plera, Grnvina 40.46 16.24 •j*Plestinia? Penchio A«8e- rolo 41.49 13.44 Pleuron, Castle of Irene 38.25 21.26 Plinii Villa, Plimana.... 45.52 9.10 Plinthlne? 30.54 29.28 Plintliinetes S., Arabs Gitif 31.0 29.20 Plumbaria 1 38.46 0.14 Plmnbaria (or Enosis?) I., .S*. Antinco 39.0 8.23 Plumbinaria,P('»i23<'''a»'a 41.44 13.2 Pluvialia I.? Ferro, or Hierro 27.45 18.0 w Podalia „ 36.47 29.54 Podandus 37.22 34.54 Poecilasium 35.14 23.48 P.ieflle Petra 36.24 34.2 »Poedicfili 41.10 16.30 Poetovio, Pettau 46.25 15.51 Pogla, Fidln 37.16 30.19 Pogon, Port Vidhi 37.31 23.25 P'jiessa 37.35 24.18 Pola, aft. Pietas Julia, f^ola 44.52 13.50 Polaticura Pr., C. Pro- montoire 44.46 13.54 Polemonium, Pulemati.. 41.1 37.30 Poliehne, Reonda 37.15 22.46 Polichne 37.17 21.54 Polifhiie? Sknla 38.22 26.47 Polimartium, Bomnrzo.. 42.30 12.14 Politorium, La Giostra 41.46 12.35 Pollentia, Pullenzn 44.41 7.55 Pollentia, Pollenza .^9.52 3.5 Q MAP, 12 14 IS 8 18 8 6 20 8 7 a 19 19 IS 13 NAMKS. LAT. Pollentia (Picenimi), Mnnte Moline 43°.16' Polyaegos I., Poliuo.... 36.45 Polyanthes F., River of Livizza 40.16 Polybotus, Bulwudun... 38.43 Polyrrbenia 34.27 Polytimetus F., Zeraf- shan 40.0 Pompeii 40.45 Pompeiopolis, or Soli, Mezetli 36.44 Pompeiopolis, Tash Ku- pri 41.28 Pompelo, Pamplona, or Pampehtiia 42.48 Pomptinae Paludes, Pontxv.e Ilfarshes 41.25 Pons Aelii, Newcastle on Tyne 54.58 Pons Aliitae, Slatina.... 44.25 Pons Aufidi, Ponte S. Venere 41.5 Pons Augusti 45.29 Pons Aureoli, Ponti- runlo 45.35 Pons Drusi 46.31 Pons Dubis 46.55 Piins Liquentiae, La 3Iotta 45.46 Pons Milvius, Ponte 3Iolle 41.57 Pons Nartiae (Martia?), 3fonteceda 42.58 Pons Naviae, Navia de Suortia 43.9 Pons Oeni, Wasserbiirg 48.4 Pons Saravi, Snrre- boiirg 48.44 Pons Servilii, ji. Sturga, or Stnigo 41.13 Pons Sociorum ? 46.22 Pons Vetus, Kosia 45.16 Pontes, Poiiche 50.20 Pontes, Staines 51.26 Pontes Tessenii, on River Loisnch 47.43 Pontia I., Ponza 40.54 Pontinus M 37.33 PoNTUS 40.30 Pontus Eu.xinus, Black Sea 44.0 Pontus F., Radovitz 41.26 PONTUS Poi.EMONIACUS 41.0 Populonium 43.0 Populonium Pr., Capo di Canipana 42.57 Porata, or Hierasus, F., Prnfh 47.0 Porcifera F., Polcevera 44.26 Porolissus, Bistritz 47.8 Porphyrion, .^eii yu)i«« 33.37 Porsulae 40.58 Porticen.=es 39.32 Portus Adurni? Aldring- ton 50.50 Portua Argous, Porto Ferrajn 42.48 Portus Augusti, Porto.. 41.46 Portus Brundiilus,i?ro»i- doio 45.10 Portus Classis? 44.22 Portus Cossanus, orHer- culis, Porto d'Frcole 42.12 Portus Delphini, Porto Fino 44.19 Portus Divinus? 35.44 Portus Domitianus, Porto S. Stcfnno 42.26 Portus Dubris, Dover... 51.8 Portus Eilro 45.15 Portus Faleria, Porto FaUse 12.56 LONG. MAP. 13°.22' 24.39 8 19 19.43 31.7 23.41 15 20 19 66.0 14.29 3 13 34.34 20 34.23 20 1.40 w 7 13.5 11 1.36W 24.18 5 14 15.32 22.43 9 14 9.34 11.21 5.9 8 8 6 12.39 8 12.27 11 7.46 -w 7 7.7 w 12.15 7 14 7.4 6 20.40 18.8 24.18 1.51 0.30 w 14 14 14 6 5 11.23 12.58 22.40 39.0 25 9 18 20 35.0 23.0 3S.0 10.30 2 14 4 8 10.30 8 28.0 8.53 24.26 35.26 25.20 9.38 14 S 14 21 19 9 0.12 w 5 10.20 12.15 8 11 12.16 12.17 8 8 11.16 8 9.14 0.55 w 8 23 11.10 1.18 12.9 8 5 8 10.34 8 NAMES. Portus Favonii, Porto Favone Portus Garnae Portus Hereiilis, Labro- nis, or Liburni, Li- vorno {Leghorn) Portus Hereiilis Mo- uoeci, Jfonaco Portus Hereiilis, or Cos- sanus, Porto d'Ercole PortusLemanis,iym/"'^) n. Hythe Portus Luguidonis, Po- da Portus Magnus? Oran.. Portus Magnus, Por- chester Castle Portus Mauricii, Porto 3faurizin Portus Namnetum (Con- divicnuni, aft. Nam- netes), JVantcs Portus Novus ? Rye Harbor Portus P.arthenius Portus Pisanus, Mouth of Arno Portus Rhusibis, Saffee Portus Roniatlnus Portus Sasina, Porto Cesareo Portus Sulcitanus, G. of Palmas Portus Syracusanus, Porto di S. 3Ianza... Portus Telamonis, Tala- nione Portus Tilianus, Porto Tizzano Portus Trajanus, Torre di Troja Portus Veneris, Port Vendre Portus Veneris, Porto Venere Portus Velini Poseidon, Temple of.... Posidi^um (Carpathos), Pigadin, or Posin Posidi^um (Maoedonia) Posidi'^'um (Syria), Bos- sed a Posidi^um (or Enipium) Prom., Punta di Li- cosa Posidi'"um, or Posido- nium. Prom., C. Po- sidhi, or Kassandra.. Posidi'"um Prom., Boz Bnriin Posidi'^um Prom., C. Skala Posidi""um Prom., C. Oatos Posidi^um Prom., C. Helena Posidi'"um Prom., C. Kiz-liman Posidi'"um Prom., G. 3farmarice Posidi'^um Prom., C. 3Iondendri Posidi'^um Prom, (or Pharan ?), Ras 3Io- hammed Posidi'^um Prom., G. Stavros Posidi""um Prom., Tchaush Aghizi Posidonia, or Paestum.. Posidoniates, or Paes- tanus, S., G. of Sa- lerno LAT. LONG. HAr. 41°.47' 9°.23' I 9 41.55 lo.i? ! 9 43.34 10.19 43.43 7.27 42.12 11.16 51.4 1.1 40.38 9.44 35.41 0.40 w 50.51 1.7 w 43.55 8.0 47.13 1.32 w 60.56 39.47 43.42 32.20 45.41 40.13 39.0 41.26 42.32 41.32 42.48 42.31 44.4 40.8 37.55 35.34 40.38 0.47 16.51 10.14 9.14 w 12.50 17.56 8.30 9.14 11.11 8.50 10.18 3.7 9.51 15.6 23.1 27.12 23.45 35.53 35.51 40.14 14.53 39.57 23.21 40.33 28.47 39.45 19.58 37.44 27.6 38.20 26.11 36.4 83.8 36.44 28.21 37.21 27.13 27.44 34.15 39.1 23.4 41.22 31.32 40.23 16.0 40.20 14.40 WVHIES LAT. LONG. Posirlotiiuin, or Posi- (li ■'lira Pr., C.Posidhi, or K,i8iso 37.56 23.35 Pteleuin? 38.30 26.25 Pteleum, Pteleo 39.1 22.57 Ptolemais (Accho), St. Jean d' Acre 32.56 35.5 Ptolemais (Cyrcnaica), Tolmeitn 32.43 20.55 Ptolemais Hermii, El- Memhieh 26.28 31.48 Ptolemais Theron ? Erih hJand 18.8 38.30 Ptoum M., Sfnitzina.... 38.27 2.3.17 Ptyehia I., F?rfo 39.38 19.55 Pueinum, Caxfel Dnino 45.46 13.27 Pulcbrum Prom.? G. Zebceb 37.17 10.1 Pullariae I'^, Brioni, d;c 44.54 1.3.45 Pullopice, Finale 44.11 8.20 Pulora I, Po?»or 26.17 54.38 Pumentum, Oerenzn 39.16 16.49 Pupulum, Villamasar- gia 39.17 8.38 Puteolanus (or Cam- panus) S., Bay of Naples 40.40 14.10 Puteoli, Puzzuoli 40.49 14.7 Pycnus F 35.36 23.58 Pydna, Kitro 40.22 22.33 Pygela 37.54 27.18 Pygmaei Pylae Albaniae, or Cas- \>\a,e, Pass of Derhend ^2.(i 48.16 Pylae Amanicae (of Arrian) 37.0 36.23 Pylae Caspiae, Pass of Gadiik 35.50 62.56 Pylae Caucasiae, Pass 'of Dariel...: 42.44 44.41 Pylae Ciliciae, Golek Boyhaz 37.14 34.50 Pylae(()fMesopotamia)? Aiibar 33.30 42.59 Pyl.ae Persicae? Kaleh 'Se/ced 30.16 51.50 Pylae (Pontus), Kula- bat Boyhaz 40.37 39.36 Pylae Syriae, Pass of Beilan 36.29 36.10 Pylae Svriae-Ciliciae, Sakal Tvtan 36.39 36.11 Pylae Zagri (or Mediae), Tak-i-Girrah 34.25 46.20 Pylus 37.0 21.40 Pylus, or Coryphasium, Paleo Avarin 36.57 21.40 Pylus (Elis), «. Krdugli 37.50 21.33 Pylus (Trypbylia), Bia- kini 37.29 21.41 Pvra M 38.50 22.1 Pyramids (Great) 29.58 31.5 Pyramus F., Jaihdn 37.18 36.0 Pyrantbus, Pyrathi 35.6 25.11 Pyrenaei Ms., Pyrenees 42.40 0.0 Pyrenaeum Prom.,' G. Greuse 42.19 3.20 Pyrgi 37.24 21.42 Pyrgi, Santa Severa 42.1 11.55 Pyrrba (loiiia) 37.30 27.22 MAP, 19 18 15 16 3 19 20 IS 19 2 1 19 16 19 15 21 23 3 3 IP, 16 S 23 31.58 36.0 31.22 35.45 46.10 1.25 w NAMES. I. AT. tONG. MA»-. Pyrrba (Lesbos) 39°.9' 26°.18' 19 Pyrrba Prom., C. An- yhistri 39.19 22.57 Pyrrbasus, n. Kokkina 39.18 22.60 Pyrrbiflius, n. Kavalos 36.39 22.26 Pytbis Prom., Raa el- Hazeit 31.23 27.24 Pytbiuin 40.3 22.14 Pytbo (Delpbi), Kaatri 38.28 22.31 Pyxltes F., Vitzeh Su... 41.10 41.16 Py.\us, or Busentum, Policast.ro 40.1 15.32 Pyxus F., Bncento 40.5 15.31 Pyxus Pr., Capo degl' Infreschi 39.56 15.25 Q. «Quadi 49.0 16.30 Quadrata, Verginmost... 45.21 15.53 Quactis P., Qnieto 45.20 13.40 Qiierquetiila ? Cappan- vcllo 41.56 12.47 Quintiana, Landau 48.40 12.44 Quiza? 35.50 0.28 w R. Rabbab, or Rabbatn- ainmon (Philadel- pbia), Ammdn Kabbath-moab (Areo- polis. or Ar of Moab), liabba Radis, or Ratis, I., /. de Ri Ragandum, Windisch Feistritz Rama, Rame Ramab, Er-Ram. Rambacia? Raineses, or Betb-sbe- mesh (Heliopolis), JIfaiarieh Ramidava? Riinnik Ramotb-gilead, Jelaad Rapbia, Re/ah Rarapia, Fcrreira... Ratae, Leicester Rataneum Ratiaria, or Rhaetiaria, Widin Ratiatuin Rauda, Roa Raudii Campi? *Rauraci Rauranum, Rom Ravenna, Ravenna Rente, Rieti *Rod6nes Redoncs, Rennes Regama? Raa al- Khainia Regeta Regia? Armagh Regia Altera, Limerick Rogiana, Reyna Regillus L., Cornufelle Reginum, Regensbitrg, or Ratisbon Regium Lepidi, Reg- 9^0 *Regni Regnum, Chichester Eegulbiura, Reculver.... Reii, Riez Remesiana, Mousa Pa- sha Palanka *Remi Remi, Rheims Repbidim ? in Wady Sheikh Rerigonium? Stranraer Rerigonius S., Loch Ryan 46.25 44.45 31.51 26.10 30.8 45.17 32.10 31.17 38.6 52.38 43.15 43.57 47.0 41.43 45.27 47.40 46.17 44.25 42.24 48.0 48.7 25.47 41.19 54.21 62.41 38.11 41.50 15.35 6.32 35.15 66.20 31.20 27.9 35.48 34.14 8.0 w 1.8 w 17.5 22.55 1.53 w 3.58 W 9.0 7.20 0.5 12.14 12.53 1.40 w 1.40 w 56.5 13.10 6.39 w 8.38 w 6.2 w 12.43 49.1 12.e 44.42 51.0 50.50 61.23 43.50 10.36 0.0 0.46 w 1,11 6.5 43.12 22.26 49.30 4.0 49.15 4.1 28.41 34.1 54.54 5.1 w 55.0 5.4 ▼ (66) NAMHS. LAT. Resaena, aft. Tlieodo- siopolis,, Rfis el-Aiii.. 3fi°.52' Rcsapha, Resnfnh 35. 3i Resen (Larissa) ? Nim- roud 36.0 Respa, Mnlfetta 41.12 Retina, n. Resina 40.48 »Reudigni 53.20 Revessium, S. Paulien 45.8 Rha F., VoI:,a 60.0 Rha F. ( East' branch of), Kama 56.0 Rhabon F., Sch,/l 44.30 Rhaedestus, orBisanthe, Rodosto 40.59 Rhaetia 47.0 Rliaetiaria, or Ratiaria, Wid{,i 43.57 Rba<;ae, Veramii) 35.37 Rharanus, Orriohastro.. 38.12 Rharnnus Portus, Sto- mio 35.23 Rhaptum Prom.? 2.0s RhaptusF.? 2.0 8 Rhato.stathybius F., Tnff 51.30 Rhaucus 35.15 Rhausium 42.42 Vi\\6ha.s, Rivit Kaleh 41.14 Rhegium, Reggio 38.6 Rheiti 38.1 Kheitrum Portus, G. of Molo 38.23 Rbeitus, »i. Galataku... 37.51 Rhenea I., Rhenea 37.25 Rhenus F., Rhine 49.0 Rhenus F., Reno 44.15 Rhesus F.. Karatli 40.11 Rhezius, Riza 41.4 Rhigodunurn, or Coc- ciiim, Ribchester. 53.49 Rhinocolura, or Rhino- corura? El-Arish 31.6 Rhipaei RntiiM.. 36.50 Rhium Prom., Copo di Feno 41.58 Rhium Prom., Kaatro Moren 38.18 Rhizon, Ri'sano 42.32 Rliizus? 39.40 Rhoda, Roans 42.18 Rhodanus F., Rhone.... 44.20 Rhodius F 40.8 Rhodope M., Despoto Dagh 41.30 Rhodos, Rhodes 36.26 Rhodes I., Rhodes 36.10 Rhoduntia 38.45 Rhodusa I., Linosa 36.46 Rhoeteum 39.59 Rhoet-eum Prom 40. Rhoge I., St. George.... 36.9 Rhossus, Ai-HooB 36.23 Rhossus Mons, Jebel Keserlk 36.20 Rhotanus F., Tavignano 42.13 Rhudiae (lapygia)? 40.29 Rhudiae (Peucetia), ^u- drUt 41.12 Rhygniana 36.5 Rhvndacus F., Mua- I'itt^h 40.18 Rhyphae (or Rhypes)? 38.16 Riciria, Recco 44.23 Riduna I., Alderney 49.43 Rigoniagus, Reinmagen 50.34 Rigoinagus, Rinco 45.3 Riobe, Orhy 48.30 Ripa Alta?'. 46.31 Rintiaei (or Ilyperbo- rei) Monte.s, S. part qf Ural 58.0 LONG. MAP. 40°.l' 22 38.45 20 43.23 22 16.35 9 14.21 13 13.30 25 3.50 6 45.30 2 53.0 2 23.32 14 27.31 14 11.0 25 22.55 14 51.46 3 24.3 16 23.33 19 41.0 2 40.50 2 3.13 w 5 25.4 19 18.0 14 29.15 20 15.40 9 23.36 16 20.42 18 2.3.0 18 25.14 19 8.20 6 11.5 8 27.0 19 40.34 20 2.31 w 5 33.47 24 1 21.50 IS 8.36 21.47 18.46 22.48 3.9 4.40 26.30 24.40 28.16 28.0 22.27 28.29 26.16 26.16 29.24 35.52 36.0 9.20 18.15 16.17 32.56 28.30 22.2 9.9 2.12 w 7.14 8.10 2.58 18.56 60.0 39.0 3 18.15 9 lfi.17 9 14.14 9 15.33 9 13.0 25 10.0 8 7.0 25 2.55 w 23 NAVES. I.AT. LONR. Rithymna. Reliwn 35°.22' 24°. 28' llittiiun, Szxirdnk 45.9 20.20 liitubiura (or Litu- bium?), Retorhio 44.56 9.5 River of Egypt, or Si- hor? M^ady el-Arhh 30.45 33.40 Roboraria, 3/olara 41.47 12.45 Roboretum? 41.11 6.55 w Robrica, Longue 47.21 0.5 W Rodumna, Roanne 46.2 4.4 Rogonis. Gonarra 29.32 50.35 Roma, /?ome 41.54 12.29 Roniatinus F., Lemene.. 4b. bO 12.54 Romechium ? Romechi.. 38.22 16.26 Romula Castra? 45.16 15.33 Romulea, or Sub Ro- ' mula? »i. Andretta... 40.57 15.17 Roscianum, Ronsano.... 39.33 16.41 Rossulum, 3foute Rosi.. 42.14 12.16 Rostrum Nemaviae, Buchloe 48.2 10.45 Rotomagus, Rouen 49.27 1.5 Rubi, Rnvo 41.7 16.28 Rubieo F.? Fiumicino.. 44.11 12.27 Rubra, Porto Nnovo 41.30 9.16 Rubricatus F., Llohre- gat 41.30 1.55 Ruliricatus, or Ubus, F., Seihous 36.27 7.30 Rubrum Mare, or Ara- bicus S., Red Sea 20.0 Rudiae, or Rhudiae (lapygia)? 40.29 Rudiae, or Rhudiae (Peucetia), Andria... 41.12 Ruffrium, 5. Angelo 41.22 Rufrae, Rttvo 40.51 SRugii 64.10 *Rugusci 46.0 Rura F., Ruhr 51.23 Rusadir, iVelilla 35.20 Rusadir Prom., C. Tres Foveas, or Has al- Deir 35.28 2.57 W Rusazus? S!di Bnoud.. 36.52 4.41 Ruseino, Pcrpignan 42.42 2.64 Ruseino, or Tetis, F., Tet 42.44 3.0 Rusellae, Roselle 42.48 11.13 Rusgunia, r. on C. Mntifon 36.48 3.15 Rusic.ada 36.54 7.8 Ruspina? Es-Snhalin... 35.46 10.42 Rusticiana, Gnlisteo 39.59 6.3 w Rusubbicari, Sarah Vel- rab 36.47 3.35 Rusuccurrum ? Sidi Ferej. 36.46 2.51 *Ruteni 44.21 -2.35 Rutuba F., i?oi/a 44.0 7.36 «Rutuli 41..35 12.32 Rutunium, Rnufon 52.43 2.54 w Rutupiae, Richborovgh Castle 51.18 1.19 RyknieldWay 52.20 1.55 w Saba? 16.45 43.20 ■x-Sabaei 15.10 45.0 Sahara? Nartahan 16.38 97.32 Sabaracus S., G. of Martohan 15.0 96.0 ^a.ha.T\a..Ste!n am-Anger 47.13 16.38 Sabate, ^S". J/arcmHO 42.7 12.7 Sabatinca? 47.20 15.1 Sabatlnus L., Logo di Bracciano 42.8 12.12 Sabatus F., Sahato 41.0 14.50 SabatusF.(Bruttiorum), Snvuto 39.8 16.0 »Sabini 42.15 12.45 Sabis F., Sambre 50.15 4.0 Sabium, Sabbio 45.39 10.26 23 NAMES. I.AT. I.ONO. M Pablones, Venloo 51°.23' 6°. 7' Sabrata, Tripoli- Vec- chia 32.48 12.25 Sabrina, or Sabriana, Aest., Mouth of Se- vern 51.30 2.50 w Sabrina F., Severn 52.25 2.20 w Sabus 39.5 38.17 *Sacae 39.0 72.0 Sacamaza, Medina es- Snltan 31.9 17.15 Sacaru.m Regio Sacaskne 39.40 46..30 Sacer F., Arbo 42.6 9.20 Sacer F., t7ra« 39.44 8.40 Sacer Mons 41.56 12.32 «Sachalitae? 18.0 65.0 Sacra I., Isola Sacra... 41.44 12.15 Sacred Bay, B. of Ko- rein, or'Grane 29.25 48.0 Sacd-portus ? Valle Sacco 41.46 13.0 Sacrum Prom 36.22 29.10 Sacrum Prom., C. Khe- lldonia 36.13 30.26 Sacrum Prom., 0. St. Vincent 37.2 9.0 W Sadame? Devlet Aqhaj 42.11 26.59 Saeprus F., Flumeiidosa 39.40 9.20 Saetabis? 39.0 0.42 w Sagalassus, r. n. Aghta- san 37.38 30.38 «-Sagartii? 26.45 64.0 Sagis? n. Miqliaro 44.48 11.59 Sagras F.? Alnro 38.27 16.25 Sagrus F., Sangro 41.54 14.15 Saguntum, Murviedro.. 39.41 0.15 W Sais, Sa el-Hajar 30.57 30.44 Saittae, Stdas Kaleh.... 38.45 i8.45 Sala F., Saale 51.45 11.40 Sala F., Wady Sou Regrcb 34.0 6.40 w Sala, r. of Sheila, n. Rabat 34.4 6.49 w Salaeia, Alcazar do Sal 38.22 8.22 w Salaeia, /'o»i6e/ro 41.23 8.12 w Salamis, Ambelaki 37.57 23.32 Salamis (Cyprus), r. «. Coatanza 35.10 33.55 Salamis I., Knluri, or Salamis 37.55 23.30 Salaminias, Salamiyeh.. 34.47 37.11 Salapia, AVi/;9/ 41.25 16.0 Salapina Palus, Lago Salpi 41.35 16.0 «Salassi 45.40 7.30 Salbacum M., Boz Dagh 37.10 29.0 Salchah, Sulkhad 32.31 36.51 Saldae? 36.53 3.61 Saldiiba, aft. Caesar- augusta, Saragoasa... 41.46 0.54 W Saldiiba, Totverof Bove- das 36.28 5.0 SaldubaF 36.35 5.1 Salebro? 42.52 10.53 Salenae, Chesterfield, n. Sandy '. 52.7 0.17w ■sSalent'ini 40.13 18.0 Salentinum (or lapy- gium) Prom., Capo di Lenea , 39.48 18.22 Salernum, Salerno 40.40 14.46 Sal^aneus 38.28 23.35 Salia F., &/?a 43.24 5.30 W Salice. or Taprobane, I., Ceylon 7.0 81.0 Salientes? Orense 42.22 7.57 w Sallnae 42.30 14.12 Sallnae 31.50 14.23 Salin.ae, Felvincz 46.24 23.46 SalTnae. n. Cecina 43.18 10.31 Salle, Szala Egerazeg... 46.50 16.52 Sallnntum 42.47 18.14 (67) NAMES. LAT. Balmantica (Elman- tlca ?), Salamniica..,, 41°. 6' Salmone, Krehuki 37.40 Balmorudis, or Halmy- ris? 44.50 Saluiydessus, Midiah... 41.40 Salo F., Xa/o>i 41..'50 Salodurum, Soleure 47.13 Sal';N 40.40 Saluna, Sulona 43.32 Salsovia, Jiaba Dagh... 44.55 Salsulae, Sulces 42.50 Silsuin Fluincn 37.20 Salt, Valley of, El-Ghor 31.5 Saltici, Sisante 39.30 Saltus Castulonensis.... 38.40 Salurnum, Sulunio 46.17 ♦Salves 43.30 Baiuara F., Somnie 50.0 SAMAniA 32.10 Sainnria, aft. Sebaste, Scbnstieh 32.18 Siiinarobriva, aft. Am- biani, Ainiena 49.54 Sainhina? Seimarrah... 32.57 Sainbracitanus S., St. Tr./j)ez, or Grimnud D. 43.17 Sambulos M., SuubuJah 34.15 Same, Samos 38.14 Samlcum 37.32 Saminthus? Kntzopodhi 37.41 Samnium 41.30 Samochonitis L. (Waters of Merom), liahr el- Houle 33.5 Banionium Prom., or Sahiione? C. Sldero.. 35.20 Samos 37.42 Samos I., Sumo 37.45 Samos, or Cephallenia, I., Cephalonia 38.15 SamosJita, Snmosat 37.32 Saraothrace, Pahnpoh'.. 40.30 Samothrace I., Samo- tJiraJci 40.26 Sanderva 42.42 Sane 40.6 Sane (UranopSlis?) 40.22 Sangala? 31.0 Sanj^arius F., Siili-aria.. 40.0 Sanina, jifof/han 39.38 Sanisera, Alajor 39.53 Sanora, Sclicmknr 40.43 Santicum, n. Vi/lnch.... 46.38 *Sant6nes, or Santoni.. 45.45 Santones, Sm'ntes c. 45.45 Santonum Portus, La liocheUe 46.10 Santonum Prom 46.16 Sapianae, Fuii/kirchen, or Pecs 46.5 Sapis F., S'lvio 43.54 Sapphe, or Bezabde, Jezireh Ibn Omar.... 37.17 Saragana, Sinkar 36.54 Sar.\mene 41.20 Saranga 26.0 Sarapana, Scharupa)n... 42,6 Sardiea, Sophia 42.37 Sardis, Sart 38.28 Sardo, or Sardinia, Sardinia 40.0 Sarepta (Zarephath), Surdfeud 33.57 Sargarausene 39.23 Sarmatia 54.0 Sarmatia AsiatIca 46.0 Sarmatici Ms 49.0 Barmatlcus Oceanus, or Mare Suevicum, Bal- tic Sen 57.0 larmizegetusa (Col. UIpLi Trajana} 45.30 LONG. MAP. 5°.42' w 7 21.36 18 28.49 14 28.6 14 1.30 w 7 7.32 6 32.0 20 16.28 14 28.40 24 2.55 6 5.5 -w 7 35.30 21 2.14 -w 7 3.0 w 7 11.10 8 5.40 6 2.0 6 35.15 21 35.9 ■21 2.17 fi 47.26 22 6.40 8 46.5 22 20.37 18 21..37 18 22.43 18 14.20 9 35.38 21 26.19 19 26.57 19 26.50 19 20.30 15 38.36 20 25.32 19 25..35 19 18.35 14 23.19 15 23.56 15 74.0 3 30.54 20 49.0 22 4.10 7 46.5 22 13.51 14 0.36 w 6 0.36 w 6 1.9 w 6 1.13 w 6 18.16 14 12.5 8 41.59 22 45.5 22 36.0 20 67.0 3 43.6 22 23.27 14 28.5 19 9.0 9 35.19 21 36.0 20 30.0 2 45.0 2 20.0 14 20.0 2 22.50 14 NAMES. LAT. Sarnade ? 44°.16 Sarnius F., Atrek 37.40 Sarniis F., Sariio 40.44 Saron Campus (Plain of Sbaron)... 32.15 Saronicus S., G. of Egina 37.48 Sarpedon Prom., G. Grcmea 40.35 Sarpedon Prom., Lisaan el-Karpeh 36.14 S.arraoa, Sarche 46.5 Sarruui, Homne, or Onm 45.34 Sarsina, Sarsina 43.57 Sarus F., Seihoon 37.30 Sasima? 38.2 Sa.son I., Sasaena 40.30 Satala 40.6 Saticula, S. Agata dei Goti 41.6 Satnioeis F., Toiizla 39.35 Siitricum, Conca 41.31 Saturium, Saturio 40.21 Saturni Prom., or Scom- braria, C. Paloa 37.38 Saturnia, Satuniia 42.41 Saucnnna, or Arar, F., Saone 46.20 Saunium F.? Saja 43.20 Sauromatae Savatra? 38.11 Savo, Savona 44.18 Savo F., Snvone 41.10 Savus F., Save 45.48 Saxa P.ubra, or Rubrae (Ad Gallinas), Prima Porta 42.1 Saxetanura, or Sex, n. 0. Sacratif. 36.42 *Saxones 53.40 Sa.xula 41.59 Scaidava, Sistova 43.39 Scalabis, or Praesidium Julium, Santarem 39.16 Scaldis F., Schelde, or Eacaut 51.0 Scamandcr F., Bunar- bashi Tchai 39.54 Scamander F. (Sicilia) 37.58 Scamnum, Latiano 40.33 Scauipae, El-baaaav 41.10 Scandiiria Prom., Koum Point 36.55 Scandeia? Kopsali 36.9 Scandile I., Skanlzoura 39.4 Scandinavia, or Scan- DIA? 60.0 Scaptia, Paaserano 41.54 Scarabantia, Oedenhurg 47.42 Scarcopi 39.20 Scardona, Seardona 13.50 Scardona I., Groaaa, or Lnnga 44.0 Scardus M., Sharra- dagh, or Tchardagh.. 42.0 Scarphe, or Eteonus?... 38.14 Scarphei.a 38.47 Scenae Mandrarum 29.46 Scenae (Succoth), r. n. Shihheen 30 16 Scepsis 39.48 Sceti* 30.19 Schinussa I., Skinosa... 36.52 Sehiste 38.27 Schoenus, Kalamaki.... 37.55 Scboenus F. ? Kanavari 38.17 Scboenus Portus, B. of Kalamaki 37.55 Schoenus S., B. of Ldxa 36.44 Sciathis M., Saita 37.51 Sciathos I., Skiaiho 39.10 iScidrus, Sapri 40.1 Scillium, Kazareen 34.57 LONG. MAP. 17''.19' 14 55.0 3 14.30 13 34.56 21 23.30 18 26.7 19 3.3.59 20 10.55 8 0.14 6 12.11 8 35.25 20 34.36 20 19.18 15 40.3 20 14.30 13 26.8 19 12.46 11 17.19 9 0.37 w 7 11.27 8 4.50 6 4.0 w 7 1 33.21 20 8.28 8 \i 9 16.0 14 12.29 3.30 w 10.0 12.56 25.13 8.38 w 4.0 26.14 19 12.50 12 17.43 9 20.2 14 27.19 19 23.0 15 24.6 19 15.0 2 12.47 11 16.36 14 9.33 9 15.55 14 15.1 14 21.0 14 23.34 16 22.40 16 31.19 24 31.22 24 27.17 19 30.15 24 25.31 19 22.34 16 23.1 18 23.13 16 23.1 16 28.7 19 22.17 18 23.28 15 15.49 9 8.47 23 NAMES. Scillus, II. Makryaia Scingomagus? Siyttin... Scione Sciradium SCIRITIS Scironides Petrae Scodra, n. Skniari Seoedises Mons, Kepan Dagh Scollis M., Sandameri.. Sculus Scombraria (or Saturni) Prom., 0. Paloa Scombraria, or Hercii- lis I., Eaeombrera Scomius M., Argentaro Scupelos I., Skupelo Scopiilus Ilhossicus,i?a» el-Khanzir Scotane Scotussa Scotussa, r. n. Snpli Scultenna F., Paiiaro... Scupi, Uakiip, or Skopia Seylax F., Tschoterlek.. Scylla, Rock of. Scyllaeum, Sci/lla Scyllaeum Prom., 0. Spadi Scylleticus S., G. of Sqnillace Scylletium, Scylacium, or Scylacaeum, Sqnil- lace Scyros Scyros I., Skyro Scyras F ScYTHiA (of Herodo- tus) ScvTHiA extra Imaum.. ScYTHiA intra Imaum... ScYTHiA Parva ■••■Scythini Scy thopolis (Bethshan), Byadn Sebaste (Samaria), ^e- bualieh Sebastia, Sivaa Sebastopolis, for. Dios- curias, lakuria Sebastopolis, Kiailjeh... Sebastopolis, Tnrkhal... Sebatum, Saba Sebennytic Mouth (of Nile)". Booiloa Mouth Sebeiinyfus? Semen- houd Sebetbus F., Jladda- lona..j Sebinus L., Lago d'Jaeo Secerrae, S. Celoni Secia, or Gabellus, F., Secchia Securisea, Tcherezelan.. Secusia, or Segusio, Snaa *Seduni Segantiorum (or Setan- tiorum) Portus? Lan- caster B Segedunum, Couaens Honee Segeia (or Seteia), Aest.? Segelocum, Littleharo' .. Scj^essera, Bar-aiir-Aube Scgesta, or Egesta, n. Scgeata Segeste, Seatri Levante Segisamo, Saaamon Segisamunculum, Bal- Inercanes *Segni LONG. MAP. 37°.36' 21°.36' 44.56 6.50 39.57 37.59 37.15 37.58 41.56 39.50 37.58 38.15 36.18 37.50 40.58 39.21 44.29 41.55 40.12 38.14 38.14 50.0 40.0 50.0 44.40 40.20 45.7 46.15 64.0 55.0 23.31 23.26 22.23 2,3.15 19.33 39.45 21.34 23.26 37.38 0.37 w 37.34 0.55 w 42.15 22.40 39.7 23.43 35.45 22.0 23.36 22.32 11.0 21.43 35.0 15.44 15.44 37.28 23.31 38.45 16.50 38.50 16.30 38.53 24.32 3S.50 24.36 36.41 22.30 35.0 90.0 60.0 28.30 40.0 32.33 35.32 32.18 35.9 39.40 37.3 42.48 41.17 37.26 29.5 40.17 36.15 46.47 11.40 31.34 30.58 31.0 31.13 40.52 14.18 45.45 10.6 41.44 2.31 44.30 10.42 43.39 24.39 7.1 7.40 3.0 w 1.30 w 5.3.25 3.10 w 63.20 0.46 48.14 4.42 37.59 12.54 44.17 9.26 42.38 4.12 w 42.32 3.11 w 50.14 S.50 (68) NAMKS. l^Ai. Bogobodium, Sereiij. 47°. 34' Scgobriga, Segorbe 40.24 Begodunum.aft. Ruteni, lihodez 44.21 Segontia, Epiln 41.41 Segontia, Siyuenzn 41.4 *Segontiaci 51.6 Segontium, Ca<;r Seiont (Caernarvon) 53.9 Segora, Segre 47.42 Segosa. Escuiirse 44.10 *Segovellauni 44.50 Begovia, Segovia 41.1 *.Segusiani 45.40 Pegusio, Siisn 45.7 t^egustero, Siaferon 44.12 Peir Mt, Jebel esh- Sherah 30.30 Sejrae, Lopesi 37.52 Sela , 37.6 Sela F., Laiigovardko... 37.6 Selambina. Salohrena... 36.45 Selcmnus F 38.16 Seleucia 33.4 Seleucia? 33.3 Seleucia (Cilicia), Selef- keh 36.23 Seleucia (Pamphylia)... 36.51 Seleucia in Pieria, ji. Siiadeiah 36.6 Seleucia Sidera, Eger- dir 37.54 Seleucis 36.15 Selge, Snrk 37.19 »Selgovae 55.20 Seliniana? Eatrica 41.56 Seusitis 36.20 Selinus, Kosmas 37.5 Selinus, Pileii 37.36 Seiinus. or Tnijanopo- lis, Selinh, .36.16 Selinus F., Madiani 37.36 Selinus F., Vostitzo 38.5 Selinus Portus. Esmnrh 31.29 Sellasia, St. Soranda... 37.7 Sellium, Seijo 39.46 Selymbria 41.5 Seuiirus F., Simmari... 39.0 *Senin6nes 52.10 Sena F., Cesano 43.39 Sena Galliea, Sinigag- lin 43.43 Sena I"., /». de Sein.... 48.4 Sena Julia, Sienna 43.22 *Sen6nes 48.0 *Senones 43.50 Senones, Sena 48.11 Sentiee, Coatroverde 40.51 Seniinum, Sentina 43.26 Senus F., Shannon 53.15 Sepelaci, Caatellon de la Plana 39.59 Sepia M 39.54 Sepias Prom 39.10 Sepinum, Sepino 41.26 Sepouiana, Oniago 45.25 Sepphoris, nft. Diocae- sarea, Sefurith 32.45 Septem Maria 45.0 Sepfem Fratres, Jehel Mouaa 35.54 Septempeda, ^. ^ferertHO 43.15 Si'ptimaiica, Simancaa.. 41.35 Sequana F., Seine 49.0 *Scquani 47.0 Ser«nu.=a 40.27 Serapaeum 41.9 Serapeum (Banl- zeplion ?), r. below Birlct Temaeh 30 24 Serapis I., Maaaera 20.30 Borl)oni.< \incu$, Sabak(tt Btxrduwal 31.5 5°. 45' 6! 2.19 TV 7 2.35 6 1.13 w I 2.41 w 7 1.30 w 6 4.15 w 5 0.52 w 6 1.1 w 6 4.52 6 4.8 w 7 4.30 6 7.1 8 5.55 6 35.35 24 21.55 18 21.35 18 21.38 18 3.39 w 7 21.50 18 44.39 22 35.40 21 33.57 20 31.19 20 35.56 30.57 20 38.15 20 31.10 20 .3..30W 5 8.23 w 7 32.30 20 22.45 18 12.48 12 32.19 20 12.46 12 22.1 18 26.30 23 22.59 18 8.36 w 7 28.16 14 16.37 9 13.0 25 13.0 8 1.3.13 8 4.50 w 6 11.21 8 2.45 6 12.40 8 3.17 6 5.51 w 7 12.50 8 8.0 w 2 0.4 w 7 22.21 IS 2.3.21 15 14.36 9 13.31 8 35.17 21 12.15 8 5.25 w 23 13.12 8 4.50 w 1 1.40 6 5.40 6 36.48 20 29.3 26 32.10 24 58.50 3 33.0 20 24 NAMES. Serlphos, Livathi Seriphos I., Serfo Seriane, Earieh SericA, China Sermanicomagus, St. Luurent de Seria j Serino, 3Iezah>cha Scrmyle, v. Ormylia.... Serota, Yerocze Serpa, Serpa Serrbae, Kara Bamboiij Serus F.? Sang-hoi Servittium ? Sesamus, aft, Amastris, Amaaaerah Sessites F., Sesia Sestinum, Sestino Sestos *Sesuvii Setantiorum (or Segan- tiorum) Portus? Lan- caster B Seteia (or Segeia) Aest.? Sethrum ? Setia, Sezza Setius M., Ceite Seumara? Gartishalak.. Sevo M., Mt. Sevo, n. Goitenbtirg Sex, or .Saxitanum, n. C. Sacratif. Sex Insulae? Hajaroti en-Nekkor, &c Sexantaprista, Birgos... Sextantio, r. n. Caatel- nau (on the Lez) Sbalem, Salim Sheehem, or Sychar (Neapolis), Nabloua.. Shiloh, Si'iloun Shunem, Soldm Shur, Desert of. Shushan (Susa), Soos... Siagul, Kaar ez-Zeit Siazuros, Shahrizoor.... *Sibae Sibariii, Zamocina Siberen.a, .S*. Severino... *"Sibuzates *Sibyllates *Sicambri Sicca Veneria, Kassir Jebir Sicinos I. and Town, Sikino Sicor Portus, Bate de Bourgnetif. Sicoris F., Segre Sieiilum Fretutn, Strait of Measina Sicyon, Vasiliko SiCYONIA Side? Side? Side, Eski Adalia Side, or Sidus, Souaaki Sidena, Boghazahehr.... SiDESE Sidenus F., Puleman Tthai Siderus Pr., C. Adrat- achan *Sidieini Sidolocuin, Saulieu Sidon, Saida SidOne ? Shenaa Sidyina I Siga, Honiiin iSiira F., Teicantz I Sii;euin ! j^igeura Prom iiSignia, Segna LAT. LONfe. rfAP 37°.9' 24°. 31' 19 37.10 24.30 19 35.18 37.48 20 35.0 110.0 2 45.56 0.29 6 41.35 4.3 w 7 40.15 23.34 15 45.52 17.26 14 37.59 7.24 w 7 36.22 38.11 20 31.30 105.0 2 44.57 17.23 14 41.45 32.24 20 45.30 8.2,. 8 43.44 12.16 8 40.13 26.25 19 48.40 0.10 w 6 54.0 53.25 30.55 41.30 43.24 41.51 32.15 32.5 32,37 30.45 32.0 36.26 35.20 31.40 41.26 39.12 43.35 43.15 50.50 36.0 47.0 42.0 38 10 37.58 37.57 36.29 38.13 36.47 37.55 40.14 40.55 3.0 w 3.10 w 32.3 13.5 3.39 44.46 57.41 12.0 36.42 3.30 w 35.16 3.48 -w 43.41 25.44 43.39 3.53 32.16 35.19 35.14 35.16 35.21 34.0 48.25 10.38 45.49 71.30 6.45 w 16.53 1.15 w 0.50 w 7.30 8.28 36.42 25.8 2.5 ^ 1.12 15.36 22.44 22.42 23.9 23.30 31.24 23.4 27.12 37.30 40.55 37.29 36.20 41.14 47.16 33..33 26.33 36.24 35.8 35.8 39.59 40. 44.59 30.35 14.10 4.14 35.22 54.52 29.15 1.51 w 1.51 w 26.12 26.12 14.53 NAMES. LAT. LONG. V Signia, Sfgni 41°.42' 13°.5' Sigrium Pr., C. SIgri... 39.11 25.50 Signs? Siimmah 36.11 6.49 Sihor (or River of l^gypt) ? Wady el- Ariah 30.45 33.40 Sila Silva 38.50 16.20 Silandus, Selendi 38.43 28.59 Silarus F., Sele 40.30 15.0 Silarus F., Silaro 44.25 11.40 Sile 30.46 32.9 Silis F., Sile 45.40 12.15 Silla, or Delas, F., (Gyndes?), jD(>a;«A.. 34.0 44.50 *Silures 52.0 3.10 w Silva Laurentia 41.42 12.25 Silva Teutobergiensis... 51.50 9.0 Silvanectes, Senlia 49.12 2.35 Silvia? Knpria 44.2 17.11 Silvium, Garagnone 40.54 16.10 Siml^rivini Monies 42.0 13.5 ■■■'Sinleni, or Iceni 52.25 1.0 Simois F,, Mendere Tchai 39.55 26.15 Simois F. (Sicilia), Freddo 38.0 12.54 Simyra, Jahmura 34.50 36.0 Sin. Desert of, Wady Mokatteh 28.50 33.24 Sin (Pelusium)? Tineh 31.2 32.21 »Sinae 30.0 115.0 Sinai, Mt., Jehel Monaa, Jeb. Katerin, dec 28.30 34.0 Sinarum S Sinda, Agelan 37.18 29.36 Sinda, Anapa 44.55 37.17 Sindoeanda? Candy 7.18 80.47 Sindomana? Sehwan... 26.20 67.55 Sindus 40.37 22.50 SmeTy&, Sent Beli 39.45 39.19 Singa 37.30 38.15 Singames 42.26 41.32 Singara, ;S'/»_/ar 36.17 41.51 Singas F., Araban tchai 37..38 37 40 Singidunuui, Belgrade.. 44.48 20.37 Singiticus S., G. of Monte Santo 40.10 24.6 Singos 40.11 23.48 Singtilis F., Xenil 37.32 5.0 w Sinna, Za6/m/t 42.14 19.10 Sinnus F., Senio 44.15 11.40 Sinonia I., Zannone 40.58 13.3 Sinope, Sinoub 42.2 35.11 Sintha, Sennnh 35.20 47.20 Sinuessa, 3Inndraf/one., 41.7 13.54 Sinus ad Gradus..' 43.25 4.30 Siphnos I., Sifano 37.0 24.42 Sipia, Visaeiche 47.58 1.20 w Sipontum (or Sipus), Siponto 41.37 15.53 Sipus (or Sipontum), Siponto 41.37 15.53 Sipylus M., Maniaa Dagh, &c. 38.34 27.25 Sirenum I Sireniisae I"., Galli 40.35 14.26 Siricis? Sis 37.26 35.50 Sirio, Cerona 44.38 0.20 v Siris 40.9 16.37 Siris F., Sinno 40.14 L'i.30 Sirraio, ^e)-w)'o)ie 45.29 10.37 Sirmium, Mitrovitz 45.0 19.36 Sisapon, ^/H«i(/e» 38.40 4.48 ■> Sisar, or Usar F.? Ajeby 36.10 4.45 Sisara iPalus, L. of .Jehel lahkel 37.10 9.35 Siscia, Siazek 45.30 16.22 Sitacus F., Sita lihe- gian 28 10 51 30 SiTHO.viA 40.5 23.53 Shi&s, Setif. ... 35.59 5.11 (09) AP 11 19 23 lfA\fES. T,AT. LONG. BitoraSgus, Dunwich.... 52°.ir 1°.36' Sittace 33.17 44.2G SiTTACENE 33.20 44.30 Sivel, or Suel, Cast, de Frangerola 36.33 4.37 W Smenus F., Arna 36.43 22.33 Sminthiuin, or Chryse.. 39.38 26.10 Smyrna, Smyrna 38.26 27.10 Smyrna Antiqua 38.28 27.10 Soastris. Keiiprikeui..., 43.1 27.26 Socoh, Exh-ShuweiL-eh.. 31.25 35.4 SonucENE 39.40 45.30 *S(.s;ai 28.20 69.30 SOGDIANA 40.0 64.0 Solentii I"., Zirone, &c. 43.26 16.10 Soli, Solia 35.9 32.51 Soli, or Pompeiopolis, Mezetl! 36.44 34.34 Solia. or Arae Hesperi, S. Lucnr la Mayor... 37.24 «.2 W Solimariaca, Soidonse... 48.24 5.44 Solimnia I., Pelago 39.20 24.5 S.. Ilium 38.48 20.52 Si.loeis Pr.? 0. Spnrtel 35.47 5.56 w SoloeisPr.? C. Canth,.. 32.35 9.15 w Soloeis, or Solventia, Pr.? a Blanco 20.50 17.8 w Solomaeum ? 44. .''4 0.51 W Solona, Cittd del Sole... 44.13 12.0 Solonium? Snilonaz 45.50 5.28 Solus, or Soluntiura, Cfiatello d{ Solanto... 38.5 13 31 Solvgia, Gnlat'i 37.51 22.59 Solj?ma M., Taktalu 36.40 30.30 Sontia, Sanza 40.13 1.5.24 Sontius F., honzo 46.0 13.40 Sonus F., Sone 24.30 83.0 SoPiiENE 38.30 39.30 Sophon, S'ibandscha.,.. 40.43 30.15 Sora, Sora 41.43 13.38 Sorabile, Mfimojnda 40.13 9.17 Soracte M., Monte S. Oreste 42.17 12.30 Gorbiodunum, Old Sa- rum 61.6 1.48w •Sorji, or Sordones 42.30 2.30 Sorck, Valley of, Wadi/ es-Surar 31.48 34.50 Soroba, Sonmmlc 38.52 35.37 Sossius F., Fiume di Mnrsnln 37.48 12.30 Sostomagus, Cantelnau- . dmy 4.3.20 1.59 Sostra? 42.68 25.11 *S(.tiates 44.6 0.0 Solium, SoK 44.3 0.9 Southern Horn (of JIanno)? Sherhoro' S'.nnd 7.40 12.50 W Soznpolis, for. Apollo- nia, Sizpboli 42.26 27.44 Spnlathrae 39.11 23.14 SparJat St. Bernard 45.53 Suuiraus Pyrenaeus 42.46 Summus Pyrenaeus, Bellegarde 42.30 Summus Pyrenaeus, Roncesvaux 43.1 Suna? Nerola 42 13 Suniura, r, on C. Co- lonna 37.39 Suniura Prom., C. Co- lonnn 37.39 Sunium Prom. (Paros).. 37.18 Superum, or Hadriati- cum, Mare, Adriatic Sea 44.0 Sura 31.50 Sura, Suram 42.2 Sura, Snrieh 35.54 Snrius F., Tvhenisskali 42.21 Surrentum, Sorrento..,, 40.37 Susa (Shushan), Soos... 32.0 Susia? Znzan 34.20 SusiANA, Khiizistan 31.30 Sutrium, Sntri 42.16 Syaffros Prom,, Ras el- Had 22.33 Svbaris 39.41 Sybaris F., Coscile 39.40 Sybota, Murizo, or Mnrto .39.24 Sybota I., Sivota 39.24 Sybritia 35.13 ^ycaminos, Athleet, or Cantel Pelcgrino 32.43 Syce 41.2 Syehar, or Shechem (Neapolis), Nablous... 32.15 Syene, Essouan 24.5 Syia 35.14 Sylleuni, Assarkeui 37.4 Svmaethus. Rcgalbnto.. 37.37 Symaetbus F., Simeto... 37.30 Symbolum 41.0 Syme I., iS'ynii 36.35 Synaus, or Sj'nnaus, Simaid 39.7 (70) LONO. MAP. 0°.30' w 3.20 14.22 6.30 14.0 20.0 2.45 9.7 9.15 12.45 0.11 14.0 15.0 39.53 2.42 w 8.23 9.38 8.33 5.0 24.31 3.15 w 0.18 w 7.36 13.3 13.56 11.15 9.24 7.9 0.33 w 2.50 1.19 «r 12.49 24.2 24.2 25.19 H.O 45.0 43.36 38.48 42.20 14.22 48.25 60.45 48.0 12.12 60.0 16.28 16.20 20.15 20.14 24.36 34.56 28.59 35.14 32.56 23.45 31.2 14.39 14.52 24.24 27.53 29.5 HAMKS. LAT. LONO. HAP, Bynnada, Afioum Kara- hisiar 38«>.45' 30°.38' Byphaeum, Montnho.... 39.25 16.8 Byracellae, iMigalgara.. 40.52 26.51 Byracusae, Siracusa 37.5 15.15 fiYRASTUENE 22.0 71.30 Byrias, or Lepte, Prom., 0. hidjeh 42.7 34.59 Byrnae L. Jimnnes 36.20 26.41 Syros, Syra 37.27 24.57 gyros I., Sjira 37.25 24.55 Byrtis Mnjor, G. of Sidra 32.0 18.0 Syrtis Minor, G. of Kabe-i 34.15 11.0 Sys, or Sytiiai, F 38.0 22.40 T. Taanach, TnnnuJc 32.31 35.14 Tahae, Bowas 37.26 28.50 Tabae? linuuah 11.11 61.5 Tab.ala, Uitvula 38..34 28.57 Tabellaria, Cagfelloccto 42.16 11.38 Taberna Friglda, Fri- gido 43.59 10.9 Tabiene 35.0 51.0 Tabor M. (Atabyriuin, or Itabyriuin), Jebel et-Tuor 32.42 35.25 Tabraca, Tahorknh 36.55 8.45 Tabuda, or TabuUa, F.? Ans 51.0 2.7 Taburnus Mons, Monte Taburno 41.8 14.30 Tacape, A'Af/is, or A'((ies 33.53 10.4 Taeona? 28.54 31.3 Tader F., Segura 38.15 1.40 w Tadinum, 5. Maria Ta- dina, n. Gttaldo 4.3.14 12.48 Tadmor, or Palmyra, Tadnwr 34.18 38.14 Tadiitti, Tattnbt 35.31 6.8 Taenaruiii, or Taena- riuin, Prom., C. Ma- tapan 36.23 22.29 Tacnarum, or Caenepo- lis, Ki/pnrino 36.27 22.27 Taouia Lunga, Fagasah, or Tagneoh 35.19 4.57w Tagaba, Tubukah 31.31 34.4« Tagara, r. of Deoghir, n. Aurnngabnd 20.0 75.13 Tagonius F., Tajuna.... 40.15 3.20 W lagus F., Tiijo {or Tagus) 39.28 8.20 w Tahapanes, Tahpanesi, or Hane.s (Daphne), Tell Defeniieh 30.52 32.3 Taizalum Prom., Kin- iiaird's Heud..^ 57 42 2.0 W Talabriga? Salten 40.43 8.34w Taletum M., St. Elias, or Miikn/no 36.57 22.22 Taliata, Giigeisiu/ik 44.30 22.14 Talmena? Bus Godem.. 25.20 60.10 Tamare? Tamerton 50.25 4.11 w Tamaris F., Tnmhre 42.40 9.0 w Tamarus F., Tainur 50.26 4.12 w Taniarus F., Tamaro... 41.17 14.45 Tamassus 35.9 33.13 Tamesis, or Tamesa, F., Thames 51.30 1.3 W Tamissa Aest., Mouth of Thames 51.30 0.40 Tamnum ? 45.27 0.47 W Tamynae 38.24 24.3 Tamyras, or Damuras, F.. Nahr ed-Damour 33.41 35.30 Tanager F., 7'aiigro, or Negro 40.30 15.30 Tanagra, Grimadha 38.17 23.36 r»aiis F., Don 50.35 50.0 fwoivrus F,, Tanaro 44.50 8.10 NAMES. LAT. LONG. KAP. Tanis (Zoan?), San 30°.59' 31°.48' 24 Tanitic Mouth (of Nile), Out Fnradjeh 31.10 32.20 24 Tamietum, or Tanetum, 10.27 8 Tanus (or Tanaus) F., River of Lukii 37.25 22.37 18 *Ta6ehi 39.50 41.30 22 Taoke, Khor Gassair... 29.13 50.40 3 Tape? Noozerabad 36.50 53.24 3 Taphiae I^'., Telboides I. 38.35 20.50 15 Taphiassus M., Kaki- sca/a 38.25 21.44 32..',0 20.46 18 3 15 Taphis, Tafah 23.37 Taphos I., Megnnisi 38.39 Taphros, or Fossa, Strait of Bonifacio 41.20 9.10 20.23 9 18 Taphus, Tafin 38.13 Taphytis Prom. (Aspis, or Clypea), Ras el- Melhr 36.52 11.9 23 Taposiris (or Apis ?), Arabs Tower 30.47 29.34 24 Taprobane, or Salice I., Ceylon 8.0 81.0 2 «Tapyri 36.20 53.0 3 Tarabenorum Vicus, Vico 42.11 8.47 17.10 9 9 Taras F., Tara 40.35 Taras, or Tarentum, Taranto 40.28 17.14 4.39 9 6 Tarasco, Tarascon 43.48 ■s-Tarbelli 43.30 1.20 w 6 Tarbellicae, or Aquae Aucrustae, Dax 43.43 1.2 w 6 Tarentinus S., G. of Taranto 40.0 17.0 9 Tarentum, or Taras, Taranto 40.28 17.14 16.50 9 9 Targines F., Tacina 39.6 Taricheae, El-Kerak.... 32.44 35.36 21 Tarichiae I'^., Alkuri- yah 35.45 11.0 23 Tarnadae, St. Maurice.. 46.12 7.0 8 Tarnis F., Tarn 43.50 1.40 22.37 6 16 Tarphe 38.44 Tarpodizus? 42.1 26.58 11.46 14 8 Tarquinii, Trachina 42.16 Tarraeiiia, or Ansur, 13.15 1.16 11 7 Tarraeo, Tarragona 41.7 3.0 w 8.39 7 9 Tarras, Tramazza 40.0 Tarrha 35.14 23.52 19 Tarsatiea, Taraatch 45.19 14.27 8 Tarsaticum, «. Fiume... 45.21 14.27 14 Tarsie Prom., Ras Djrd 26.38 54.30 3 Tarsius F., Kara Dere Sii 40.0 27.50 19 Tarsus, Tersoos 36.56 34.58 20 Tartarus, or Hadria- nus, F., Tartaro 45.5 11.20 8 Tartessus (Calpe?), El Rocadillo, n. S. Roqne 36.13 5.23 w 7 Taruenna, Terouenne... 50.39 2.7 6 Tarus F., Taro 44.39 10.0 8 *Tarusat,es 44.0 0.20 w 6 Tarvedum, or Orcas, Prom., Dnnnct Head 58.41 3.24 w 2 Tarvessedum, Madese... 46.26 9.20 8 Tarvisetura, Tarvis 46.29 13.35 14 Tarvisium, Treviso 45.39 12.16 8 Tasacarta ? 30.42 31.52 0.6 ?4 Tasaeeora? Mascara..., 35.25 23 Tasciaea, Thesie, n. Montrichard 47.20 1.19 30.23 6 Tataium 40.32 ■'O Tatta Palus, L. of Kodj Hissar.orToiizGhieul 38.40 33.30 20 *Taulantii 41.0 19..35 8.20 14 Taunus M., Taunus 60.10 25 NAMES. Taurasium ? Taitrasi... TaUrTca, Crimea Tauroentum, Tarente... Tauromenium, Taor- mina Tauriana, Traviano *Taurini Taurunum, Semlin Taurus Mcus, Allah Dagh, Butghar Dagh, &c Taurus M. (Sicilia), Mount Venerella Taurus Prom., Capo S. Croce Taus, or Tava, Aest., Firth of Toy Tava? Tantah Tavae, Tnvi, n. Leon- forte Taviu'm, Bor/hnz Keui... Tavola F., Golo T.ijrila, Afanikyala Taj'getus M Teanura, Teano Teanum Apulum, Civi- tate Teate, Chieti Teate Apulum, Chieuti Tecmon ? *Tectosages Teda.lius F., Zermagna Tegea, Paleo Episkupi.. Tegianum, Diano Teglieium, Vetrena Tegula, Siliqiia Tegyra Teichiussa Teichos, Kaitro Kalo- gria Tekoah, Tekiia Tela? Teleboas F., Kara Su... Telesia, Telese Telethrius M., Ploko.... Tellenae, Toretta Tellonum ? Telmissus, Makri. Telo Martius, Toulon... Telonius F., Turann TAosl., Piskopi,or Tilo Telphusa, n. Vanena..., Temathia M. (or Ma- thia), Lykodhimo Teraenium Temesa, or Tempsa? Torre del Piano del Cnsale Temnus, Menimen Tempe, Valley and Pass, Volley of Lykostomo, or Dereli Temple of Apollo Co- rynthus Temple of Ceres Temple of Jupiter (Aegina) ? Temple of Jupiter Pa- lenius, Campo di Giove Temple of Poseidon Temple of Venus (Cy- prus) Templum Circes Teraplum Feroniae Templum Hereulis? n. C. Roche Templum Jovis Urii Templum Junonis La- ciniae Tempsa, or Temesa? Torre del Piano del Catale...,.i i tAT. LONG. MAP. 40°. 59' 14°.58' 45.0 34.0 43.11 5.41 37.49 15.16 38.22 15.55 45.0 7.45 44.51 20.32 37.0 34.0 37.51 15.14 37.15 15.15 56.27 .3.0 • 30.50 30.59 37.37 40.0 42.30 33.29 36.57 41.15 41.46 42.20 41.50 39.46 39.50 44.10 37.28 40.22 44.7 39.18 38.32 37.25 38.9 31.39 41.57 38.45 41.13 38:52 41.44 44.18 36.36 43.8 42.44 36.25 37.44 36.55 37.35 14.22 34.34 9.10 73.0 22.22 14.3 15.14 14.11 15.10 20.56 32.40 15.50 22.26 15.31 26.59 8.49 22.58 27.26 21.54 35.15 4.50 V 41 40 14.30 23.7 12.28 0.51 w 29.10 6.54 12.56 27.25 21.53 21.51 22.45 39.6 lfi.6 38.36 27.5 39.50 22.35 36.51 21.56 37.35 22.27 37.45 23.32 42.0 14.3 37.55 23.1 34.61 32.22 41.12 13.3 41.17 13.13 36.19 6.8 W 41.7 29.7 39.5 17.11 30.6 16.6 9 NAMES, LAT. *Tenptheri 51°.10 Tenca, K/enia 37.47 Tenedos 39.50 Tenodns L, Tenedos 39.50 Toncric Plain 38.20 Tt'iios, Tin; 37.32 Tenos L, Tiuo 37.35 Tentvra, Denderah 2fi.9 Teos' r. ii. Siqhnjik 38.11 Tephrice, Di'criki 39.21 Tcredon, or Diridotis, Jebel Sinam 30.15 Tergedum? 18.0 Tergeste, Trip.nfe 45.39 Torge.>nchpira, aft. Arsinoe, Taid-ra 32.32 Teudurum, Tudder 51.3 Tcunie.^sus 38.21 Teumessus M 38,18 Teuthea? Upper Ak- haia 38.6 Teutheas F.? 38.5 Teuthis, Dhimitznna 37.36 TRiiTiinANiA 39.10 Teutliraniti, or Thy- incnn, Timleh 41.58 Teuthrone, n. Kotorni.. 36.37 Teutlussa I., Limmona 30.16 Teutobursiuin 45.32 Teutria, Pianota 42.14 Tliasiira? Tnjeilt 36.16 ThMiriinae? 37.51 Thiilainae, Phttzo 36.48 Tliamara (Tainar), Kur- iinb 31.8 Th.'iinnath, El-Burj. 31.54 Thasin'itica 31.55 Thaiiiusi.ia? Mehediah 34.18 Thantia? 32.16 Thapsacus (Tiphsah)? ■ El- Hamnum 35.55 Thapsus, Jinllnh 35.35 Thapsiis, Maijnisi 37.9 Thasos 40.46 Thasos I., Thaso 40.40 Thaumaei, Dhomoko.... 39.8 Tliauiuacia? 39.17 Thaubasium? 30.31 Thebae (Aegyptus), Kurnnk, &c 25.43 Thebae (Boeotia), Thive 38.18 Thebae (Thessalia), r. 71. Ak-Kedjel 39.17 Thebe 39.39 ThechesMona? Tekieh Dngh 40.25 Theganusa I., Vene- ti'ko 36.42 Thelepte, Feriana 34.41 Ihemiscy"ra 41.5 Themiscy^ra, Thermeh:. 41.11 Themisonium ? Tefenit 37.23 Tbenae, Uastel Tcmc- nos 35.13 25.7 LONG. MAP )' 7°.30' 25 22.52 18 26.5 19 26.0 19 23.18 10 25.11 19 25.10 19 32.41 3 26.49 19 .38.15 20 47.45 22 41.0 2 13.47 8 13.40 8 15.0 12 16.7 9 16.0 ) 9 11,6 ^ 8 > 27.20 19 2.24 w 7 30.26 20 8.29 9 13.18 8 3.0 6 21.29 15 23.57 26 20.32 23 5.55 6 2.3.24 10 23.24 10 21. .34 18 21.33 18 22.4 18 27.30 20 33.9 20 22.30 IS 27.45 19 19.0 14 15.45 9 8.20 23 21.42 18 22.19 18 35.6 21 35.1 21 35.0 21 6.39 vr 23 39.22 21 38.54 20 11.3 2.-'. 15.12 13 24.45 19 24.40 19 22.16 15 23.14 15 32.10 24 32.40 3 23.19 16 22.45 15 27.1 19 39.45 20 21.54 18 8.40 23 37.0 20 37.1 20 29.43 20 41.19 40.1 25.29 25.28 23.41 20.46 22.28 2.3.22 25.21 14.56 22.59 35.39 12.44 13.41 13.5 22.45 22.58 21..34 23.30 37.0 22.29 23.9 20.40 22.20 22.0 22.58 21.11 0.48 TV 31.11 22.58 22.5 21.. 58 22.12 31.30 27.11 27.45 37.11 69.0 23.54 27.25 24.3 23.13 22.26 42.40 19 NAMEg, LAT. LONG. MAP, Thenae, In Wadt/ Themj 34°.40' 10°.35' Theodo.«iop51i?, for. Ca- rana, Erzeroum 39.55 Theodo.siopolis, for. Re- saena, Ros el-Ain 36.52 Thera? r, on Mesaa Vonno 36,21 Thera I. (Calliste), San- torin 36.25 Therainbu.s 39.57 Theranda 42,0 Therapne 37.3 Therapne? 38.16 Tbera.sia, Thernsia 36.26 Therasia, Iliera, or Vul- catii I., Vidcano 38.23 Thermae, Lntrnki 37.59 Thermae (Phazemoni- tis), Kawsa 40.58 Thermae Agrippae 41.59 Thermae Himerenses, Termini 37,58 Thermae Selinuntiae, Sciacra 37,28 Thermaicns S., G. of Snloniki 40.15 Therme, aft. Thessalo- nica, Snloniki 40.38 Thermi, or Thermum, VluHo 38.40 Thermodon F..... 38.20 Thermodon F,, Termeh Tehni 40.50 Thermopylae 38.47 Thespiae (or Thespia), Lefka, n. Rimokastro 38.16 TiTESPttOTIA 39.25 TriESSALiA 39.30 TlIESSAMOTIS 39.18 The.=salonica, Sninniki.. 40.38 Theudoria, Thodho- riana 39.22 Theve.ste, Tebesah, or Tipsa 35.19 Thinae Thiar 37.58 Thimonepsi? 29.7 Thisbe, Kako^in 38.15 Thi.«oa, or Theisoa 37.38 Thii=6a, or Theisoa, Lnvdha 37.31 Thius F., Kntn farina... 37.18 Thraui.s? TellMiiit 30.59 Thoantium Prom.? (Carpathos), G. Bo. nandrea 35.51 Thoantium Prom. (Rho- dns), G. St. George.... 36.7 Thoaris F,, Tureh Tehni 41.8 »Thnmani 40.40 Thorae? Thinika 37.47 Thorax M., Gumnach Dagh 37.48 Thorious, Mandri 37.44 Thorna.'s M 37.21 Thornax M 37.8 Thospitis L. (Arsissa, or Arsene) ? L. of Van ..„ 38.40 Thoum, Etham, or Pi- thom (Patumos ?), r, n. Abassieh 30.28 Thracia 41.40 Thraustus 37.50 Thria 38.4 Throni Prom., C. Pila.. 34.56 Thronium •, 38.46 Thronium ? Kriailio.'.... 40.30 Thubactis, Marsa Zoa- raik 32.27 Thubuna, Tubnah 35.10 23 22 22 31.35 24 26.0 14 21.49 18 23.33 16 3.3.53 20 22.41 16 19.30 15 14.51 23 4.49 23 NAMES. LA". LONG. Thule. Shetland Itlands 60°. 30' 1°.20' Thumata? 29.30 41.0 Thuria, )i. Veiaaga 37.6 22.4 Thurii, aft. Copi'ae 39.40 16.23 Thurium, or Orthopa- gum, M 38.28 22.52 Thyamia 37.54 22.41 Thyaniis F., Ga/amaa... 39.33 20.25 Thyainis Pr., Mt. Mav- ronoro 39,34 20.11 Thyamus M., Sparto- vnni 38.47 20.15 Thyatira, Ak-hiaaar 38.53 27.53 Thybarna, Kaaaabn 38.31 27.45 Thymbris F., Pursek Tchai 39.43 30.40 2e Thymbrium, Derekeni.. 38.28 31.29 2; Thymena, or Teuthra- nia, Timteh 41.58 33.9 Thvmnias S., G. of Si/mi 36.38 28.0 Thymoetadae, Kerat- zini 37.58 23.37 »Thyni 41,0 30,0 Thynias I., Kefken Adaaai 41.14 30.16 Thynias Pr., C. Ainada, or Konri 41.53 28.4 14 Thyrea? n. ^«f»-o 37,24 22,45 U Thyrides Prom., Capo Groaao 36.29 22.21 18 Thyrium? 38.52 20.58 la Thyrsus F., Tijrai 39.55 8.35 9 Thysdrus, or Tusdra, El-.Jemm 35.21 10..39 23 Thyssus 40.16 24.10 15 «Tibareni 40.50 38.15 20 Tiberias, Tubariyeh 32.48 35.34 21 Tiberias L. (Sea, of Galilee, or L. of fien- nesaret), Bahr Tuba- riyeh 32.50 35.36 21 Tilieris, or Tibris, F., Tevere, or Tiber 42.12 12.40 11 Tibiscum, or Tibiscus ? Temeawar 45.43 21.20 14 Tibiscus F.? Theiaa 46.0 20.6 14 Tibiscus F. ? rejMc* 45.21 21.0 14 Tibisis F.? ^/f ZoTO 43.38 26.0 14 Tibula, Longo Sardo..^. 41.14 9.11 9 Tibur, Tivoli 41.59 12.49 11 Tiburnia 46.50 13.29 14 Ticarius F., Vnlinco 41.39 9.0 9 Tichis, or Illiberis, F., Teeh 42.35 2.50 6 Tichius 38.44 22.25 26 Ticinura, Pavia 45.11 9.10 8 Ticinus F., Tivino 45.30 8.46 8 Tierna? AH Oraova 44,43 22.26 U Tifata Mons, ilonte 3/adda/oni 41.5 14.20 18 Tifernum, n. Limoaani 41.37 14.39 9 Tifernum Metaurense, S. Angela in Vado... 43.40 12.24 Tifernum Tiberinum, Gittd di Caxtello 43.28 12.15 Tifernus F., Bifemo.... 41.40 1440 Tifernus Mons, Monte Mateae 41.25 14.27 9 Tigauda? 35.58 1.42 23 Tigava Castra 36.10 2.10 23 Tigra, Rnachouk 43.50 28.1 14 Tigrana? 38.27 47,25 22 Tigranocerta? Serf, 38,1 41.36 22 Tigris P., Dijel, or Tiqria 35.0 43.32 22 Tiguiia, Tregoaa 44.16 9.28 8 TiGURiNus Pagub 46.40 7.20 6 Tilavemptus F., Taglia- mento 46.0 12.56 Tilis, Thil le-Chdtel 47,31 5.10 Tiilium, Porto S. Ni- colo 40.44 8,9 (72) NAMES. LAT. Tilphossa Fons 38°.21' Tilphossium 38.22 Tilphossium M., Petra.. 38.21 Tilurus F., Cettiiia 43.34 Timacus F., Timok 43.50 Tiiualinum, Fonta- neira 43.5 Tiniavi Fons and Lacus, Timao 45.48 Timethus F., Naso 38.5 Tiiniseum 45.27 Tiiuogitia, Taoukli- niani. 43.26 Ti MoxlTis 40.40 Tiiia F.? Eden 66.21 T^nconclum, Sancoins... 46.50 T.iiffis, or Caesarea, Tniic/ier 35.47 I'.niaF., Tlmia 42.55 I'iiina F., Tenna 43.14 rinnetio, Tinzen 46.37 riora Matiena, Torono 42.8 ripasa, Teffaad 36.36 ripasa, Tipih 36.16 riphae, or Siphae? r. n. Kh<,»la 38.15 f iphsah (Thapsacus) ? El-K'.iaxmam 35.55 '.Ciri stria, cr Tiristris, Prora., Q. Kaliakra, or Knlagria 43.22 T'jvns, Yiryn* 37.36 Tirzah? 32.20 Tioiantis, cr Tv«ia, F, (Tiniscus?), TXeiHg... 46.40 Tisiiii, Randazto 37.50 Titane... 37.55 TitareBiui F., Xerighi.. 39.43 Titarus M 39.47 Titliorea (Neon), Ve- litza 38.34 Tithronium, Mulki, n. Verznua 38.40 Tiriits F., Kerka 44.0 Ti: heiusM 37.36 Tiliilcia, or Tituacia, (^ctiife 40.7 Tins, Filiyas 41.34 Tics 36.32 Triiolus PI., Kiailja M(,iian Dn.jh 38.20 T()l)ius F., iowy 61.45 Tugisonus F.? Gorzone CitiKtl. 45 Tni.<6bis F., Mouth of Couway 63.18 Toibiacum, Zulpich 60.44 Ti.lctuin, 'I'ledo 39.56 «Tolistobo?ii 39.30 'Vn\\6gTi>Be, Talgato 45.36 TollentinuLn, Tolen- ilnn 4.3.12 TolopboT), J-. n.Kiaeli... 38.22 TolO.sa, Toulouse 43.37 Tolou.s Moiizon 41.49 Toinarus M.? 39.52 Tomerus?.. 25.20 Tonieu.s M 36.59 Tmiii? Karli 44.3 Touiisa 38.29 Tonosa, Tnnwi 39.12 Tophel, Tiifileh 30.57 Topiiim, foppo 46.11 Toronaicus S., G. of Kussandrrt 40.10 lorone, Toion 39.59 Torone, or Toryne, /•n/.,i; 38.8 23.54 Triniu.s F.. Tr'igno 41.50 14.35 *Trin(.baiite;' 51.45 0.40 Trioeala:' i'«/. Carlo.... 37.37 13.15 'triopiuiu Prora., G. h'rio 36.41 TiupnvLiA 37.30 Tripodiscus 38.2 Trii'Oi.is 40.0 Tripolis, Kftxh Yenijeh 38.0 Tripolis, TirehboH 41.0 Tripontium, Lilbovrne, II. Riir/by 52.24 Trisantd'n F., Arun 50.48 Tritaea 3S.27 Tritaea, Knstrifzi 38.2 Tritium, Monaaterio de Rodilln 42.34 Tritium Metallum, Tri- cio 42.25 Triton F 38.23 Triton F.? Wady Aka- reith 34.5 Triton L 32.7 ■••■Triiimpilini 45.40 Trivlcum, Trevico 41.3 Troas 40.0 Trorhu.'! 37.32 »Trocmi 40.0 Trnoa? 2,'i..38 Troezen. n. Dnmnla 37.30 Trok ZE.MA 37.29 Trogilioruin Portus, Scain Green 37.6 Trogiliutn Prom.. C Si. 3lary, or Knnn- pitzn 37.40 Trogltis L., L. of Soghia 37.15 «-Troglod5--tae 20.0 Troicus M 29.53 Troja 39.53 Triija (or Xypete) ? r. II. l^einteiia 37.58 Tronis 38..32 Tropnea? 37.45 Tn.paea, Tropea 38.40 Trnpaea Augusti, Tnr- hlo 43.45 Tropaea Pompeii 42.28 Tro.smi. Mntchin 45.9 Tn.tiliis, Caxtello della Briira 37.17 Triu'Ptus F., Troiito 42.54 «Tiibantos 52.20 Tnbiicci. Abr'j„ie>i 39.27 Tubmlura Majus,.?'»(/A- nu,„ 36.23 Tiibiirbiiin Minn.-, Tii- bnrbo 30.47 Tufca Terebintliiiia. Thaleh 35.31 Tucci, Cnatillejn del Cnmpo 37.28 Tnde, Tin/ 42.3 Tuder, Todi 42.47 Tuerobis F., Teify 52.7 *Tugeni 47.30 Tuoia, Tiiyn 37.51 Tuicis F., Francoli 41.25 »Tiiling4 47.40 Tiillonia, or Tulonium? S'llvatierra 42.50 Tullum, Tniil 48.40 Tunes, Tunis 36.47 «Tungri 50.50 Tuiinoceluin, Bowness... bA.b7 Tnraniana, Boqiietan — 36.46 MAI f?i 5 16 Turba, Tiu/itr 39.50 »Tunlctani 37.10 *TurdiHi 38.0 Turenum, Trani 41.17 (73) 27.2 32.15 37.0 31.25 26.17 23.39 22.44 22.4 15.55 7.25 2.52 28.4 15.10 13.50 6.40 8.11 w 10.10 9.43 8.41 6.10 w 8.35 w 12.26 4.42 w 8.40 3.5 w 1.7 8.10 2.23 w 5.54 10.11 6.0 3.13 w 2.41 w 1.4 w 6.30 w 4.30 w 16.25 SAVFS. LAT. Tnrifl, or Turinm, F., Tiin'a, or Giiadala- vim- 40°.0' Turiiisi^o, Tnnizniia 41.56 Turicen, Zurich 47.22 Tiirissa. Ostiin'z 42.55 *Turm.Mii>ri(Murhogi?) 42.40 Tunnuli, Alcoiicta 39.40 TurniKuiti, Tunrnay 50.37 »Tur6ne.« 47.10 Turoncs Timrs 47.23 Tuniqua? 42.18 Turres. Tchardnh, or Slnnkeni 4.3.8 Turris Ciiesaris, or Au- relianii, Turre Ripag- volf, 41.2 Furris Caesaris ? Tag- znh 35.55 Turris Kuphranti, Bat el-ffu„eij.ih 30.56 Furris Ilannibalis, BurJ S'lleL-tnh 35,26 lurris .Juliana, Torre Pelouii 41.5 Turrit Libissonis, Porto Tnnes 40.50 Turris Stratonis, aft. Cae.«area, Knisariyeh 32.32 Turru? F., Torre 46.0 TuruMuin, Tenipio 40.54 Turuin, Anipfiufi 48.15 Tusca F., Kz-Zahi 36.45 Tuscania. TimcaueUa.... 42.24 Tu<:culanuiu, Tuacolaiio 45.39 Tusculutn 41.48 Tusilra. or Thysdrus, El-Jewm 35.21 Tutatio? Kirchdorf..... 47.54 Tulhoa F 37.40 Tvana. Kiz Hhanr 37.44 TVasitis 37.40 Tylis.'^u.^ 35.20 Tylos, or Tyros, I., Bnh- reiu 26.0 "►Tynipbnei 39.56 Tymphrestus M., Ve- lukhi 38.56 Tyiidarii Scopuli, Ti/ah ' liovko 31.33 TyndSlris, »i. Capo Tin- diiro 38.6 Typhaneae, w. Platinna 37.32 Tyraclnae, Tralna 37.45 Tyras 46.24 Tyras, or Danastri:;, F., DnlcDter 48.0 Tyriaeuin, //./Ann 38.19 Tyros, or Tylos I., Bah- rein 26.0 Tyrrha, Tireh 38.4 Tyurhknia Tyrrhemun (or Infe- ruin) Mare 40.0 Tyrus, Soar {or Tyre)... 33.18 Tvrus (Laconia), n. C. 'Tyro 37.14 Tysia, or Tisianus, F., Theiaa 47.0 U. ♦Ubii (of Caesar) 50.40 •-Uhii (of Tacitus) 51.0 Ubus. or Rubricatus P., SeihoH^ 36.27 Udon F., Koitma 44.46 l.lduba F., ViUahermosa 40.0 Ufons F., Ufeiite 41.27 Uffugum, Faf/iiniio 39.31 Ufrenu.s F., Afrii, 36.20 U-in. or Ur-ia 36.56 [Ilai, Rivi'rof(Euiaeus), Shakpoor 31.40 LONG. MAP. l°.ll'w 7 1.44 w 7 8.32 6 1.20 w 7 4.0 w 7 6.17 w 7 3.24 6 0.30 6 0.42 6 8.31 w 7 22.44 14 17.10 9 6.32 23 lilbS '- 23 11.4 23 17.0 9 8.22 9 34.54 21 13.20 8 9.6 9 12.27 14 9.0 23 11.52 8 10.38 8 12.44 11 10.39 23 14.9 14 21.55 18 34.41 20 34.40 20 25.2 19 50.34 3 21.30 15 21.50 15 26.18 23 15.2 12 21.45 IS 14.35 12 30.17 14 28.40 14 32.11 20 50.34 3 27.42 19 1 14.0 9 35.13 21 22.52 18 2.10 14 7.40 6 6.35 6 7.30 23 45.0 3 0.15 w 7 13.7 11 16.2 9 36.35 20 5.46 w 7 48.40 22 NAMKS. T.AT. Ulcaei Lafu.« ? Rnlnfon, or Flatten See 46°.53' Ulia, CaHtro 37.42 Uliarius, or Olario, I., 0/eron 45.55 Ulla F.. Ulla 42.42 Ulini. St. Eliai, n. lllincze „ 45.9 Ulpianura 46.42 Ulpianura, Ghitistcndil.. 42.14 Ulubrae 41.35 UlyR.so.s, Port of. 37.33 Umbennutn, n. Beau- chaatel 44.50 Uinbranum, Marano.... 44.27 Umbuia 4.3.0 Uinbro F., Omhrone 42.45 «Unelli 49.15 Ur? Kahit Sherkal 35.27 Ur of the Chaldees (Edessa)? Urfah 37.10 UranopSlis (Sane)? 40.22 Urba, Orhe 46.44 Urbate? 44.56 Urbiaca (Urbicua)? 40.50 Urblcus F., Orvigo 42.18 Urbinum Hortense, Ur- hino 43.44 Urbinum Metaurense, Urhnnin 43.40 Urbs F., Orba 44.48 Urbs Salvia, Urhinag- lia 43.12 Urcao, Porcnna 37.53 Urci, Almeria 36.50 Urcinium, Cnstel Vec- ehio, n. Ajatcio 41.56 Urcitar.us S., B. of Al- meria 36.45 Ureium, or Uria, Rodi 41.56 Urgia, or Ugia 36.56 Urgo, or Gorgon, I., Gorgona 43.26 Uria, or Hyria, Oria.... 40.29 Uria, or Orra (LocrS- rum)? Palazzi 38.8 Uria L., L, of Meeo- lotu/hi 38.21 Urianus L., Logo Va- rano 41.53 Urias S.? 41.36 Urium F., Tinto 37.20 Uroconiuin. Wroxeter... 52.40 Ursaria, Orsera 45.9 Ursi Prom., Capo deW Urso 41.11 Urso, Oannn 37.17 Usalis ? r. on L. Ben- zert 37.9 Usar, or Sisar, F. ? Ajehy 36.10 Usellis, UselhtH 39.48 Usilla, Liahila 34.56 *Usipetes 51.20 Usuerbae, Lenif/nan 43.14 Utiea, or Itiice, Bon- shaler 37.9 *Utii? 26.45 Utis F., Montone 44.13 Uttaris 42.51 Utus, Raovitza 43.26 Utus F., Vid 42.50 Uxacona, Oconyate 52.42 Uxama, or Vasama, Oumn 41.30 Uxantis I., Ouesaant, or Uahaiit 48.28 Uxella, Bridgeicitter.,,.. 51.8 U.xellodunum ? Capde- nnc 44.35 Uxellum ? Castle Over.. 55.13 Uxentum, Ugento 39.54 »Uxii 31.45 tOlCO. MAP. 18°.0' 4.32 w 14 7 1.15 w 8.30 w 6 7 19.15 23.18 22.57 12.51 15.7 14 14 1 14 11 12 4.46 10.46 12.40 11.10 1.20 w 43.16 6 8 8 8 6 22 38.50 23.56 6.32 17.50 1.18 w 6.0 w 22 15 6 14 7 7 12.88 8 12.32 8.38 8 8 13.23 4.1 Ow 2.31 w 8 7 7 8.45 9 2.30 w 15.53 6.46 w 7 9 7 9.55 17.38 8 9 16.10 9 21.26 18 15.45 16.0 6.36 w 2.38 w 13.36 9 9 7 5 8 9.24 5.9 w 9 7 9.44 23 4.45 8.51 10.49 7.0 2.45 23 9 23 25 6 10.2 60.0 12.0 7.0 w 24.25 24.30 2.26 w 23 3 8 7 14 14 5 3.5 w 7 5.5 w 3.0 Mf 6 5 2.5 3.13 w 18.10 49.50 6 5 9 22 NAMES. LAT. LONG. MAR. Uxii (City of tbe)? Shikoftehi Suleimaun 32°.2' 50O.C' Uxisama I V. Vaoea? Baja 36.42 9.3 *Vaccaei 42.0 5.10 w Vacua F., Voiiqa 40.42 44.15 8.20 w Vadn Sabata, Vado 8.25 Vada Volaterrann, Vado 43.22 10.27 Vadimonis L., Logo d{ 42.29 35.36 12.19 Vagal? Meratte 1.11 44.23 51.25 7.35 Vagniacae, SouihJJeet.... 0.18 Vagoritum 47.56 0.15 w Vahalis F., Waal 51.50 5.10 44.57 39.29 4.53 Valentia, Valencia 0.22 w Valentinura, or Forum Fulvii, Valenza 45.1 8.37 Valeponga? Alharraein 40.29 1.23 w Valeria, Vnlera la Viela 39.46 40.33 2.12 w Valetium, or Bnletium.. 18.6 Valliita, S. Martin del 42.26 48.37 5.56 w Vallatuni, Pomhach 11.30 Vallis Doraitiana, Po- lour 44.42 28.39 Vallis Esdraelofl, Merj Jbn Amir 32.36 35.20 Valvata, Fvmaaette 43.40 10..S4 Vanduara, Paisley 55.50 4.26 w 49.30 45.58 8.0 Vannia, Cividale 10.18 46.7 44.34 12.48 Vnpincuin, Gnp 6.4 Varadetum, Varayre..., 44.22 1.43 Varae, Bodfari, n. St. Asaph 5.3.14 3.22 w Varninus F., Stella 46.0 13.3 Vardo F., Gordon 44.5 4.6 43.0 54.45 2.40 w Vareda, Plumpton Wall 2.48 w 42.1 42.22 12.55 Varia, or Verela, Varea 2.26 w 43.42 46.31 2.3.57 Varianae, Knltina 16.48 63.45 4.3.56 12.0 Varus F., Var 7.0 *Vasates. or Vocates... 44.30 0.16W 42.40 44.15 38.19 2.0 w 6.4 Vastauna, Vastan 42.59 Vaticanum Prom., Capo 38.37 44.33 15.51 Vatreni Portus ? 12.13 Vatrenus F., Santerno.. 44.15 11.35 Vcctis I., Isle of Wight 50.40 1.20 w 43.50 46.4 64.55 42.2 7.20 1.3.26 Vedra F., Wear 1.25 w 12.23 Velatodiirum, Vellerot 47.14 6.26 Veldidena, Wilden, n. Innsbruck 47.16 11.24 44.45 42.49 9.39 Veleia, or Beleia? 2.50 w 44.36 9.30 Velia, Hyele, or Elea, Cnstellnmare della Bruca 40.8 15.8 Velinus F., Velino 42.26 12.50 36.17 41.41 48.5 2.30 12.50 Vellaunodunum?i?eaii»e 2.25 *Vellavi 45.0 49.20 30.30 4.0 1.30 Velpi M 20.0 Vemania, Wangen 47.40 9.52 Venafrua, Venafro 41.29 14.2 (74) NAMES. LAT. Venedicu3 S., G. of Danzi,j 54°.H0' *Veneti 47.46 Venetia 45.40 Venetus, or Acronius, L., L. of Coiintaiice... 47.40 Veniatia ? Vinhaes 41.53 •Vcnnones , 46.14 Venonae, High Cross... 52.30 ♦ Venostes 46.41 Venta Bel^arum, Win- chesler 51.4 Venta Icenorum, Cais- tor, n. Norwich 52.35 Venta Silurum, Gaer~ xcent... 51.37 Vemisponte? 37.24 Ventium, Vence 43.43 Venus, Temple of (Cy- ^ pras) .34.51 Venusia, Venosa 40.57 «Veragri 46.0 Veratinum, Wurrinyton 53.24 Verhanus L., Lago Mug- y'ore 46.0 VEUBiGENns Pagus 47.10 Vercellae, Borgo Ver- celli 45.21 Vereae, Sohazc-Miho- Incz 45.44 Vereasueca ? 43.27 Verela, or Varia, Varea 42.22 Veretum, or Baris, S. Maria ili Vereto 39.52 Vergae, Ruggiano 39.34 Vergilia, Miircia 38.0 Verisa 40.6 Verlucio ? Sandy Lane, n. Devizes 51.24 Vcrnosol, Vernoz 0.0 *Veroiaandui 49.55 Veroinetuin, n. Wil- loiiyhby 62.49 Verona, Verona 45,26 Verterae, Brough 54.31 Vertinae, Verzine 39.18 Verulae, Veroli 41.43 Verulamium, St. Albans 6]. 45 Vervedrum Pr., Dun- cansby Head... 58.38 Vesca, or Osca, Huesca 42.9 Vescitania ? 42.15 Vesontio, Besangoti 47.14 Ve.speries, Bermeo 43.25 *Vestini 42.20 Vesulus Mons, Monte Visa 44.40 Vesunna, aft. Petroco- rii, Perigiteux 45.11 Vesuvius M., Mount Vesuvius 40.49 Vetera, Xanten 51.39 Vettona, Bettona 4;^.0 *Vettones 40.30 Vetulonii ? 43.5 Vetussalina? Hanselbek 47.21 Vexalla Aest., Bridge- water Bat/ 51.15 Via Aetnilia 44.55 Via Amerina 42.26 Via Appia 41.33 Via Aquilia 40.30 Via Ardeattna 41.42 Via Aurelia 41.53 Via Casperia 42.46 Via Ciininia 42.24 Via Claudia (or Clodia) 42.15 Via Collatina 42.55 Via Cornelia 41.55 Via Cossia 42.20 Via Domitiana 41.0 Via Egnatia 40.36 Via Flamioi* 4.2.5 LONO. map. 19°.0' i 2 2.40 w 6 12.0 8 9.20 6 6.56 w 7 10.0 8 1.18 w 5 10.45 8 1.19 w 5 1.17 2.45 w 4.47 w 7.7 32.22 15.50 7.10 2.35 w 8.43 7.30 8.27 18.20 14 3.53 w 7 2.26 w 7 18.21 9 16.15 9 1.15W 7 36.40 20 2.1 w 5 0.0 6 3.30 6 1.2 w 5 11.1 8 2.19 w 5 16.46 9 13.28 11 0.21 w 5 3.1 w 2 0.20 w 7 0.0 7 6.2 6 2.48 w 7 13.50 9 7.5 8 0.44 6 14.26 13 6.29 6 12.30 8 6.30 w 7 10.41 8 18.59 14 3.5 w 5 10.0 8 12.21 11 12.57 11 15.30 9 12.32 11 12.20 11 12.40 11 12.8 11 12.4 11 12.40 11 12.22 11 12.5 11 13.58 13 2.3.25 15 12.28 11 NAMES. LAT. Via Giiliina 41°.54' Ma Labioana 41.52 Via Latina 41.48 Via Laurentina..., 41.47 Via Noinentana 41.58 Via Ostiensis 41.45 Via Portuensis 41.48 Via Postuniia 4.T.4 Via Praenestina 41.53 Via Salaria 42.10 Via Sevcriana 41.40 Via SuVilaeensis 42.0 A'ia Tilierina 42.4 Via Tiburtlna 42 57 Via Valeria 42.0 Via Veientana 42.0 Via Vitellia 41.52 Viadrus F., Oder 51.20 *Viberi 46.25 Viho, or Vibo Valentia (Hipponiuni), Moute- leone 38.42 Vibonensis,Hipponiates, or Terinaeus S., G. of S. Enfemia 38.55 Vicentia, or Vicetia, Vicenza 45.32 Yieinianum, n. Pristina 42.20 Vicinium, «. Caftaro.... 42.24 Victoria, Dealgin Ross.. 56.21 Victoriae Portus ? San- tander 43.10 Victrix Julia (Celsa), Xelsa 41.26 Vieumniae, Vicn/nuni... 45.2 Vicus Alexandrlnus 41.51 Vieus Aquarius ? Belver 41.47 Vicus Aurelii. Vicarello 42.11 Vicus Cuminarius, Oeana 39.56 Vicus Judaeorum, On, or Onion? Tell el- Yehud 30.22 Vicus Matrini, La Cam- panoccie 42.19 Vicus Mendicolco, Lago Xegro 40.5 Vicus N0VU8, Ostia Nnova 42.16 Vicus Spacorutn, Vigo.. 42.13 Vicus Varianui. So- riano 45.2 Vicus Virginis, Varag- gio 44.21 Vidotara (or Vindo- gara) S 55.30 Vidrus F.? Vecht 52.35 Viducasses, Vieux, n. Caen 49.5 Vienna, Vienne 45.31 Villa Hadriani, Oolle S. Sle/ano 41.56 Villa Horatii, n. Licenza 42.5 Villa Rostrata, Rignano 42.14 Viminacium, Kleisevatz 44.43 Vitniniacum, Beceril.... 42.25 Vinceia, Semendria 44.37 Vindalum, Sorgues 44.1 Vindeleia, Pancorbo 42.40 ViNDELICIA 48.15 Vinderius F. ? Lough Strangfnrd 54.20 YinAWisi Belle Isle 47.20 Vindius M., Vindhya Mts 22.30 Vindobala, Rutehester, or Rud-chester 55.0 Vindebona, Vienna 48.13 Vindogara (or Vido- tara) S 55.30 Vindogladia, Gussage... 50.54 Vindolana, Little Ches- teri 65.0 LONO. 12°.40' 12.40 12.38 12.28 12.36 12.25 12.22 10..S0 12.47 12.45 12.23 13.1 12.32 12.40 12.52 12.26 12.24 16.30 8.0 16.10 16.0 11.34 21.12 18.50 3.57 w ■3.43 w 0.28 w 9.15 12.29 5.26 w 12.10 3.31 w 31.28 24 12.6 11 15.45 9 12.49 11 8.44 w 7 11.16 8 8.33 8 4.45 w 5 6.20 25 0.27 w 6 4.53 6 12.48 11 12.54 n 12.27 11 21.22 14 4.46 w 7 21.1 14 4.52 6 3.10 w 7 11.0 25 5.31 -w 5 3.10 w 6 76.0 2 1.49 w 5 16.17 14 4.45 w 5 2.0 w 5 2.21 w WAP. NAMES. LAT. LONG MAP. i ! 1 ij Vindomis, »i. Whit- ! Ill vhnrch 51°. 15' l°.23 W n Ij Vindoniora, Ehchcster... 54.53 1.50 w 11 ; Vindonissa, Bnigg. 47.30 8.10 11 Vineas? Jenne 41.54 13.9 11 Viniolae 37.58 2.57 w 11 Viniolae, Torre di Vig- 8 nola 41.13 9.3 11 Vinnius Mons (or Vin- 11 dius). Mountains of 11 Axtniias 43.0 6.0 W 11 Vinovia, Binchester 54.41 1.39 w 11 Vipitenuin, Sterzing 46.54 11.25 11 Viracelum, Verrucola... 44.8 10.22 11 Viriballum Pr., Punta 11 (/(■ Gnrgalo 42.22 8.33 11 *Virodunenses 49.10 5.15 25 Virodunum, Verdun 49.10 5.24 Virovesea,- i?citi'e8cn.... 42.33 3.23 w Viroviacum, Werwicl-... 50.47 3.2 Virunum, n. Klagenfurt 46.42 14.22 Virus F 43.11 8.42 w Vi.'tula F., Wcichsel, or Vistula 52.0 21.10 Visurgis F., Weser 52.30 9.10 Vitellia, Vulnwtitone 41.47 12.57 ••■Vithones, or Nithones 52.50 13.0 14 Vitodurum, Wiiiterlhur 47.30 8.42 14 Vitricium, Verres 45.41 7.41 5 Viviscus, Vevay 46.28 6.50 Vobarna, Vobanio 45.39 10.30 7 *Vocates. or Vasates... 44.30 0.15 w s-Vocontii 44.30 5.15 7 Volana F., Fo/ano 44.50 11.50 Volaterrae, Volterra.,.. 43.24 10.51 11 •sVolcae-Areconiici 43.50 4.0 «Volcae-Tectofages 43.20 2.0 11 Volci, Piano di Void... 42.23 11.39 Volenes, Volngnie 45.32 10.51 rjj Vologesias, ifi'/a 32.3 44.41 «Volsci 41.31 13.0 Volsiniensis L., L. di Bolsena 42.35 11.56 Volsinii, Bolsena 42.39 11.58 Voluba? Lostwiihiel 50.24 4.39 w Volubilis? Meqninez.... 33.58 5.32 W Voluce, Valechn 41.36 2.38 w Vomanus F., Vomano... 42.38 14.0 Vorganium, Concar- neauf 47.53 3.54 W Vosalia, Ober Wcsel.... 50.6 7.43 Vosegus (or Vogesus) M., Vosges 48.20 7.0 Vuleani I. (Hiera, or Therasia), Vulcnno... 38.23 14.56 Vulcaniae, Aeoliae, or Liparaeae, 1°^, Li- pari Islands ... 38.30 15.0 Vulceium, Buccino 40.37 15.21 *Vulgientes 44.0 5.30 Vultur Mons, Monte Vulture 40.48 15.40 Volturnum, Castel Vol- turno 41.2 13.56 Vulturnus F., Volturno 41.7 14.10 W. Wall of Agricola and Antoninus, Grimes Dyke 56.0 3.51 W Wall of Hadrian and Severus 55.0 2.30 w Watling Street 52.10 1.0 w Western Horn (of Ranno)? Bissagos B. 11.15 16.0 w White MouDtains(Creta) 35.18 24.0 X. Xanthus, Gunik 36.20 J9.23 Xanthus F., Kodshn Tchai ... . 36.20 29.23 Xenippa? 41.0 65.0 Xerxes, Canal of. 40.£2 26.56 (75) 20 I 3 ! 15 hames. lat. i.ovo. XimEve 40°.20' 34°.15' Xij^ionia, Avgnsta 37.14 15.12 X.>iient Zah 36.10 4.3.40 Znlnilim? 32.48 35.16 Ziioynthus, Znnte 37.47 20.54 Zacvnthiis I., Zante, or Zacyniho 37.45 20.45 Zadracnrta? Snree 36.35 53.10 Zagrri Pvlae, or Mediae Pylaei Tak-i-Ghrnh 34.25 46.20 Zagro.« M 36.15 45.40 ' Zajrvlis, ti. Raa ffa- le'm 31.35 26.3 Zaitha 35.4 40.32 Zaleeus, Alatachnm 41.36 35.36 Zavia Regia, Jama 35.55 9.30 MAP 20 12 24 20 15 17 NAMES. LAT. Zanclo, aft. Messana, Mesxiiin 38°.ll Zara, S^ ;OFCAllF0ff^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^^MEUNIVERS/^ ^lOSANCElfj-^ 5^HIBRARY£>/^ ^HIBRARY6k f»^i i(;t| i^_£| 1,4 University of California Libraiy Los Angeles ^^^^^^:52^^3m:On^^ last date stan^ne. below. FCAIIFO/?^ Phone 310/a t?Aavaaiv^^ ^^Aavaani^ >&Aavaain^ ^WEUNIVERS/A o ^WEUNIVERJ/Zi ^•lOSANCElfj-^ o "^/^ajAINfl-JWV ^lOSANCElfj^ o ^tllBRARYQ^ ^lllBRARY6>/r ^WEUNIVERS/^ ^lOSANCElfj ^•aojiwojo"^ ^•i/OJIWD JO"^ "^JfJllONVSOl^ ^/sa3AiNn3v\ ^OFCAilFOft^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^^WEUfJIVER% ^v^SANCElf. o ■ H tl KBtntLriiri BnOAmt rat^daMtmtSjtOrt 7 ''^'% M .* li ^ M A H I E ATIICA *Nt) PARTo BOEO A \ // A 2i f 2>l ^L ^ r