BERKELf Y LIBRARY owvERSHY or CAUfO«WIA . fntm TMl 0*TOMIT«IC LiailARY Of MONROE JEROME HIRSCH A' V3 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OE CALIEORNIA GIVEN WITH LOVE TO THE OPTOMETRY LIBRARY BY MONROE I. HIRSCH, O.D., Ph.D. CLASSIFICATON OF THE Motor Anomalies of the Eye BASED UPON PHYSIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES TOGETHER WITH THEIR SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT ALEXANDER DUANE, M.D. ASSISTANT SURGEON OPHTHALMIC AND AURAL INSTITUTE, NEW YOFK Nbw York WILLIAM R. JENKINS CO. PUBLISHERS 851-853 Sixth Avenue 1910 (a OPTOMETRY PREFACE, The following brochure respresents the result of some ten years' labor and- study expended upon the subject of muscular anomalies. Whatever merit it may have is due to the fact that it stands for original investigation in a field still full of difficulties and obscurities. The author's clinical experience has convinced him that the classifica- tions propounded furnishes an adequate working basis for the diagnosis of these conditions. And his experience as a teacher at the Ophthalmic and Aural Institue has led him to believe that the principles here laid down, and the means and methods of examination here recommended, have been found by others also to be both intelligible and practicable. Many of these principles and methods have been enunciated in lectures given to successive classes of practitioners, and have been demonstrated in their prac- tical application upon patients before the same gentlemen ; the auhor's constant attempt being to present clearly and in a way suited to general comprehension the rules for the diagnosis and management of the muscular anomalies. That this attempt was not unsuccessful he has had some reason to believe from the assurances of those that he has taught; and it is, therefore, with th- hope that the result of his work may be useful to others as well that he now offers it to the public. Alexander Duane, M. D. 4ii East Thirtieth tit.. New I'orh. April 'jy, 1S97. EBBATUM. Page 23, line 11: For •'•-!2," read -'L^'/:." Reprinted from Annals of Ophthalmology and Otology, October, A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE MOTOR ANOMA- LIES OF THE EYE, BASED UPON PHYSIO- LOGICAL PRINCIPLES. THE PRIZE ESSAY OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE COLLEGE OF I'llY- SICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK, FOR 1S96. By Alexander Duane, M. D., NEW YORK. ILLUSTRATED. Introduction. — Sketch of previous classiflcatious. — Development of the idea of an etiological^ as opposed to a simple anatomical classiti- cation. I. Nature of the problems that have to be solved in under- taking a physiological classitication. II. The Movements of the Normal Eye. — Actions of the indi- vidual muscles. — Movements of eacii eye individually and the mus- cles by which they are performed. — Amount of these movements. — Field of tixatiou. — Author's experiments. — Power of the individual muscles. — Coordinated movements of the two eyes. — Table of asso- ciated parallel movements and the muscles producing them. — Asso- ciated antagonists. — Field of binocular single vision and of binocular fixation. — Author's experiments. — Movements of convergence. — Power of convergence. — Convergence near-point. — Prism-conver- gence. — Movements of divergence. — Nature of divergence action. — Movements of sursumvergence. — Rotation movements. — Ap- pendix. — Diagrammatic representation of the movements of the eye. III. The Tests Employed and Their Significance.— Object of the tests. — Tests for l)inocular distant fixation. — Inspection. — Fixation and diplopia tests. — Equilibrium tests — Screen test. — Parallax test. — Tests for associated parallel movements. — Tests for convergence. — Tests for divergence. — Tests for sursumvergence. — Way in which the tests are applied in practice. INTRODUCTION. The nomenclature and classification of the muscular anomalies of the eye have been passing through the same stages that have been noted in the evolution of the nosology of other parts of the body. In the progress of our knowledge in regard to any given 2 XKW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOK ANOMALIES. set of ailments, the first classification has always been based upon that which first strikes the eye of the observer, namely, the out- ward appearances and symptoms. Thus, many cases of renal dis- ease were first classified as drbpsy, and dropsy formerly figured among physicians, as it does still among the laity, as a substantive disease, and to be treated as such. But, as medical science pro- gressed, and the underlying causes of disease were more and more brought to light, it became evident that dropsy is a symp- tom only and to be treated as a symptom, and that the principles of a rational pathology require us to search for the causes of the dropsy and to institute treatment addressed to the removal of these causes rather than to the direct relief oi the dropsy itself. In this way a pathological classification is gradually substituted for one that is purely symptomatic, and a scientific, casual treat- ment for one that is empirical, or based solely on the. appearances presented. This conception of disease as a symptom of a pathological pro- cess, and the consequent conviction that our therapeusis must be based ultimately upon an etiological foundation, could not have developed, or at all events, could not have become anything more than a plausible theory, barren of practical application, were it not constantly fortified by a steady increase in the number and precision of our means of diagnosis. In this way only can we make those fine discriminations between symptoms that enable us to form accurate inferences as to the diverse origin of phenom- ena which, to a cursory observation, seem identical. For exam- ple, our knowledge of the symptomatic nature of dropsy and of the necessity of treating it from an etiological standpoint, how- ever true it might be, would be a theory only, unprovable and practically inapplicable, were it not for the refijied means we now possess for examining the chest and abdomen and for analyzing the urine. These diagnostic means have enabled us to convert theory into fact, and to redeem our treatment from the charge of empiricism. A similar process of evolution has taken place in regard to the motor anomalies of the eye. These were formerly (and to a great extent still are) classified simply according to the appear- ances presented, i. e., as inward, outward, upward, or downward deviations. And. to recur to our former illustration, just as dropsy usc 57 ■■Sg 1.2-2 Muscle action 1^2 s? ^^ Lateral a sional eff. creasing a I II * "3.2 >> limited to > ii llll Pi o « Lateral; effects ingto Z( ; is it II External Outer half of ' Out No ac- No ac- Rectus. field of fixation} tion tion Internal Inner half of In No ac- No ac- Rectus. field of fixation tion tion Superior Upper half of In in Adduct- Abduct- Up Abduct - Ad- Rectus. field of fixation ed. ed. ed. ducted Inferior Lower half of In Out Adduct- Abduct- Down Abduct- Ad- Rectus. field of fixation cd. ed. ed. ducted Superior Lower half of Out In Ab.liut- .\(ld.K-l- Down Ail.luct- Ab- oblique field of fixation id. cd. td. ducted Inferior Upper half of Out Out Abduct- Adduct- Up Adduct- Ab- Oblique field of fixation ed ed. ed. ducted NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. < It will be seen from the foregoing table that, under ordinary conditions the only two muscles which precisely counteract one another's action, or which are, in the language of physiology, direct antagonists, are the external and internal recti. The superior and inferior recti, for example, are only partially antagouistic, for. while respectively elevatiug and depressing tlie eye, so as to be directly opposed to each other in this regard, and while 'tlieir action in rotating the vertical meridian of the cornea is also precisely opposite, they both adduet the eye. Hence, when acting together they will reinforce the internal rectus, and this action will be most strongly pronounced Avhen the eye is already markedly adducted, i. e., under conditions in which the internal rectus is Avorking at some mechanical disadvantage. The like is true O'f the combined action of the two obliques, which neutralize each other as far as rotation of the vertical meridian and as far as elevation and depression are concerned, but work 'together in pro- ducing abduction and hence assist the extei-nal rectus, especially Avheu the eye is already strongly abducted. On the other hand, when the eye is strongly adducted, the lateral action of the two obliques falls away, and these two muscles act siimply to elevate and depress the eye respectively. In this position, therefore, they do neutralize each other perfectly, and are direct antagonists. The saime is true of the superior and inferior recti when the eye is ab- ducted. For further remarks upon this subject, see the appendix to this chapter. Almost every movement that the eye can make requires the combined action of at least two of the ocular muscles. Thus to lift the eye straight upwards, we must use both the superior rectus and the inferior oblique. The superior rectus, acting by itself, would carry the eye inward as well as upward, and would rotate the vertical meridian of the cornea inward. So, too, the inferior oblique, acting by itself, would tend to abduct the eye and rotate the vertical meridian outward. Neither, therefore, alone will carry the eye straight upward, but the two acting together, will neutralize each other as far as their lateral working and their effect upon the vertical meridian are con- cerned, and consequently the eye rises vertically, without swerving to the right or left, and without any deflection of its vertical meridian. It is probable that the external and internal recti assist in main- taining the strict verticality of this movement, their simultaneous contraction steadying the eye and preventing it from swerving. In this case, therefore, at least two, and probably four muscles, are concerned in the movement. Similarly, depression of the eye is always accomplished by the conjoint action of the inferior rectus and the superior oblique, which neutralize each other to a greater or less extent, as far as their lateral working and their effect upon the vertical meridian are concerned, but which assist each other in carrying the eye downward. Here. too. probably the external and internal recti come into play as steadying and supporting factors. Even in so simple a movement as that of abduction, which might be performed by a single muscle, it is probable that at least two 8 XK\V CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOU ANOMALIES. (i. e.. both obliques), or even four other niuseles (i. e., all except the internus), take part either in reinforcing the action, or in steady- ing the eye and rendering the movement uniform. 8e<^ Appendix. The nioveiiiciits of the individual ocular muscles are, as is well known, presided over by more or less discrete nuclei scattered along the walls of the third ventricle, aqueduct of Sylvius, and fourth ventricle; but the precise method in w^hich these are ar- ranged and inter-connected has not yet been sufficiently deter- mined. The Movements Possible to the Eye through the co-ordi- nated action of its six muscles comprise rotations in every con- ceivable plane, the eye being capable of moving from the primary position directly to any secondary position, and from the latter again to any other secondary position, and in so doing may take either a direct or a sinuous course.* The typical direct move- ments from the primary position, together with the muscles con- cerned in the production of these movements, are shown in the following table : *This may be proved by making two fine dots upon a card, so close together that unless very accurately fixed (i. e., if seen ever so slig"htly in diffusion circles), they will blend into one. and then mov- ing the card slowly in all directions before the eye. the head re- maining fixed. However the card is moved, the two dots will re- main distinct, thus showing that the eye follows them in all their movements. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. o S P. a (Abduc- tiou) (Adduc- tion.) Move Eye Laterally* Syner- gists. Superior Oblique Inferior Oblique Oppo- nents. Superior Rectus. Inferior Rectus. Move Eye Vertically* Rotate Upper End of Verti- cal Meridan of Cornea* No action. No action, Out 1 Action I increas I ing the! y further Out 1 the eye I i.s ab- J ducted. Down] 1 Action I equal I and op- posite; j-decreas [Up] ing the more [Out] the eye I ■ is ab- ducted. [In] [In] "I Actions I slight ! [UpJ I and de- ! creas- Hng the I more I the eye [Down I is ab- J ducted. ] Actions 1 equal I and op- I posite; 1 increas [ing the I more I the eye I is ab- J ducted. Ilnternal ! I Rectus Syner- gists.] Superior Rectus Inferior I Rectus Oppo- nents. In Action increas- ing thel • more I the eye is ad- ducted. [In] 1 Actions I equal and I oppo- ' site; increas ing the I the eve I is ab- J ducted. 1 Actions equal and [In] I oppo- I site; f decreas I ing the I more [Out] i the eye 1 is ab- j ducted. No action. Superior j [Out] 1 Action Oblique I slight ! I and di- minish- Inferior j fO"t] Oblique! "I Action* [Up] I equal [In] I and op- f posite; f decreas ;Down] I ing as [Out[ ' the eye Action equal [In] and op- posite; increas ing as the eye is ad- ducted, 1 [Up] mg as the eye [Out] is ad- I ducted. ' I 1 Actions equal I and op- I posite;! 'ncreas ducted. Actions equal and op- posite: dimin- ishing as eye is ad- ducted. Resultant Effect Upon Eye. Eye carried out mainly by action of ex- ternal rectus assisted by the two obliques ; the effect of the latter be- ing the greater the more the eye is abduct- ed. The op- posing (ad- ducting) ac- tion of the su- perior and iu- ferior recti also dimin- ishes as the eye is abduct- ed. The eye is steadied and its verti cal meridian kept vertical by the traction exerted by the superior and inferior recti and the two obliques. Eye carried in mainly by in- ternal rectus, assisted by the superior and inferior recti: the effect of the latter being greater, the more the aye is adducted. The opposing (abducting)ac- tion of the two obliques dim- inishes as the eve is adduc- ted. The eye is steadied and its vertical me- ridian kept vertical by the counterpois- ing action of the two obli- ques and the superior and inferior recti. * Movements that are completely neutralized by the action of opposi muscles are placed in brackets. 10 NEW CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOH ANOMALIES. •r «~ Vi 'C O fi o Sb^ Up (SuTsum- duction) Muscles Con- cerned. Move Eye Laterally Rotate Upper d »» » Move Eye ,End of Vertical pS^^J^\^°' Vertically Meridian of ^,uli}^^ Cornea | the Eye Superior [In] 1 Move- Up. Rectus ments ■ Inferior > equal ! Oblique [Out] I and op- Up. J posite.i Syner- I gists. External [Out] , Rectus [In] Diagon- ally Up and Out. Internal Rectus Superior [In] Rectus slight and dim- inishing as eye is abducted. Actions No action equal and oppo- No action site^ ! Action [In] 1 Actions I equal [andop- [Out[ J posite. No action Up, Action [In] ; Action, marked and in- slight and dim- creasiug as eye inishing as eye' bducted. is abducted. Inferior Oblique Out; Action Up; Action Out : Action increasing as slight and de- marked and in- eye is abduc- creasing as eye creasing as eye ted- is abducted. is abducted. | Diagon- ally Up and In. Superior I In: Action Up; Actionl In: Action Rectus increases as slight and de- increases as jeye is carried creasing as eye eye is carried linward. is adducted; finally U. Inferior [Out]; Action Up; Action [Out] Action Oblique slight and de- marked and slight and de- creasing as eye increasing as'creasing as eye is carried in. eye is carried is carried in. in. I Internal In. Rectus. Eye carried straight up: vertical meri- dian remains vertical. The counterpois- ing actiou of the internal and external recti serves to steady eye and keep it in the vertical line- Eye carried up mainly by superior rec- tus, the elevat- ing action of this muscle in- creasing and that of the in- ferior oblique diminishing as the eye is Jib- ducted. Eye carried out mainly by ex- ternal rectus, ' assisted by in- ferior oblique, especially when abduc- tion is marked. Vertical meri- dian rotated out. Eye carried up mainly by the in- ferior obliciue, the elevating action of this muscle in- creasing and that of the superior rec- tus decreasing as the eye is adduc- ted. Eye carried i» by the internal rectus, assisted, especially when adduction is mar- ked, by the super- ior rectus, Vertical meridian rotated Down ! Inferior ] [In] "1 Actions Rectus 1 equal Superior [Out] land op- Down. [Out] 1 Action The eye carried (Deor- [equal straight down, ver- sumduc- Down. [In] landop-tical meridian re- tionj Oblique. J posite. Si/ner- gists J posite. maining vertical. External and in- ternal recti by their counter- External [Out] ) Actions No action. No action. traction serve to Rectus. 1 equal [steady eye and Internal [In] | andop- No action. No action. keep it in the ver- Rectus. 1 J posite. tical line. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOH ANOMALIES. 11 Muscles Con- cerned. Move Eye Laterally. Move Eye Vertically. Rotate Upper End of Verti- cal Meridi- an of Cor- nea. Resultant Effect Upon Eye. Diagon- ally Down and Out Superior. Oblique External Rectus. [Inj ; Action slight and dim- inishing as eye is abducted. Out; Action increasing as eye is abduc- ted. Down; Ac- [Out]; Ac- tion marked ition slight and and increasing diminishing as as eye is ab- eye is abduc- ducted. ted. Down: Ac- In; Action tion slight and increasing as diminishing as eye is abduc- eye is abduc- ted. ten. No action No action. The eye carried doirn mainly by inferior rectus, the depressing ac- tion of this muscle increasing and that of the super- ior oblique fle- creasing as the eye is abducted. Eye carried out mainly by external rectus. assisted especially in ex- treme abduction, by the superior oblique. Vertical meridian rotated Diagon- ally Down and In. Superior I [Out;] Action Oblique, slight and dim- inishing es eye is adducted. Rectus increasing as eye is adduc- ted. Internal In. Rectus. Down; Ac-| I In;] Action tion marked] slight and dim- and increasing, inishing as eye as eye is car- is adducted ried inward Down; Action Out; Action light and dim-iincreasing as inishing as eyejeye is adduc- is adducted. ted. The eye carried doivii mainly by the superior obli- que, the depress- ing action of this muscle increasing and that of the in- ferior rectus dim- inishing as the eye is adducted. Eye carried in mainly by the internal rectus, assisted especially in ex- treme adduction by the inferior rectus; vertical meridian rotated out. The amount that the eye can move in each one of the direc- tions specified maybe determined experimentally by placing the subject experimented upon with his eyes in the primary position and directed at an object whose recognition implies accurate fix- ation, (e. g.) a fine double dot on a card, and then moving the object in the given direction, requiring the patient at the same time to follow it with his eyes, but not with his head. The moment when he ceases to follow it will be evidenced objec- tively by the perceptible wavering of the eye, which hitherto had steadily followed the object, and subjectively by the fact that the object itself becomes confused and no longer recog- nizable. Then the arc through which the eye has rotated in passing from the primary to the terminal position may be measured either roughly with the eye, or accurately by some form of perimeter.* *This may also be accomplished by Stevens' tropometer or some similar instrument which measures the rotation of the eye by meas- uring the arc traversed by the corneal reflex. 12 XKW CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOR ANOMALIES. By ascertaining the limits of movement in all directions, we de- fine the boundaries of the field of fixation \. e., of the entire space through which the visual line can be carried without moving the head. The measurement of the field of fixation in any given case re- quires that the patient under examination shall, in each excur- sion that he makes with his eyes, put forth the maximum efifort of which he is capable. This he will frequently fail to do, thereby making the field appear incomplete. It is only by making sev- eral examinations and taking the maximum of all the measure- ments, that we arrive at a perfectly reliable result, i. e., one which shows the full extent of excursion of which the eye is capable. The discrepancies thus obtained in repeated examinations are well shown in cases 1, 5, and 6, of the following table, which is constructed from observations of my own, made upon normal eyes with the perimeter, and using the fine double dot as a test- object. RIGHT RYES* Case. rp Up & Out Up & In Out In Down Down & Out Down & In 1 1st exam. 40 35 40 35 40 70 33 J5 .. 2d exam. 38 45 40 48 48 42 55 50 2 40 50 40 45 60 60 3 50 45 55 55 45 60 65 55 4 Right eye not examined. 5 1st exam. 40 4S (50) 60 (50) 62 65 (50) " 2d exam. 40 4S (55) 50 (55) (62) 50 (60) "3rd exam. (30) 42 (42) 50 (45) 60 65 (60) 6 1st exam. 32 45 32 52 52 65 50 " 2d exam. 38 50 7 32 35 35 55 52 72 65 (62) 8 44 55 55 60 60 62 70 (65) 9 50 50 60 52 (60) 80 (70) 60 10 40 40 42 50 42 45 50 40 11 1st exam. 47 50 50 40 63 63 67 55 12 Right eye not examined I. 13 45 55 (55) 50 60 55 52 (53) 14 1st exam. 52 60 55 52 50 62 60 55 .. 2d exam. 40 50 (45) 65 (50) 65 SO (50) 15 (50) 45 52 48 56 62 58 (60) 16 1st exam. 52 50 55 48 56 60 60 (50) 17 1st exam. 40 38 50 40 (45) 68 (65) (50) .. 2d exam. 47 52 52 48 (4S) 60 (40) 60 18 60 70 62 75 60 65 73 60 •Figures enclo.sed in parentheses mean that at this point the test object disappear- ed from view behind some projecting part of tlic face, but at tlic time of disappear- ance was still within the field of fixation. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 13 LEFT EYES. Case rp I •p & Out Up& I n Out In Down Down & Out Down & 1 1st exam. .^^l 40 45 35 45 70 60 50 .. 2d exam. 42 40 55 48 60 70 50 60 2 40 50 40 60 50 60 3 35 40 45 55 50 65 75 4 40 38 46 48 40 35 38 32 5 1st exam. 40 52 42 53 [48] 65 70 [50] .. 2d exam. 43 50 [44] 52 48 [68] 62 [48] i. 3rd exam 42 50 40 48 [50] 65 60 [50] 6 Left eye : not examined. 7 35 42 45 55 52 70 65 60 S Left eye not examined. 9 55 60 60 58 60 72 75 [40] 10 Left eye not examined. 11 1st exam. 50 45 55 47 60 65 68 60 12 50 60 50 50 [60] 70 62 [40] 13 [40] 55 50 50 [50] 60 75 14 1st exam. 46 60 55 55 45 72 72 60 .. 2d exam. 15 48 50 50 56 55 65 60 [60] 16 Is exam. 48 55 52 55 52 60 55 • 52 17 1st exam. 40 42 [50] 40 62 70 60 [52] IS 2d exam. 44 50 50 48 [50] 62 62 [40] • 58 71 71 72 62 72 76 68 The average of the observations above tabulated gives ratlier a larger field of fixation than has been obtained by other experi- menters. Thus, Landolt's figures, vs^hile showing a close agreement for excursions in the upper field, are appreciably less for movements downward (about 50° in looking down, 38° in looking down and out, and 47° in looking down and in). On the other hand, the ex- periments of Schuurmann and Uonders give the range of downward excursion as 57°, which is somewhat less than those that were found by me, but the upward excursion as only 34°. This latter figure certainly seems too small, in view of the fact that in but one of my cases was the range as low as this, and that in nearly all the others it fluctuated between 40° and 50°.* From the range of excursion of the eye in various directions, we can form a tolerably close estimate of the amotitit of xvork that each muscle does in moving the eye. For example, when the eye is abducted 30°-35°, its movement up- wards is effected solely by the superior rectus, and, moreover, the latter is then at its maximum as an elevator. Hence, to determine the maximum elevating power of this muscle, we have only to measure the range of excursion upwards that the eye can make when abducted to this extent. Similarly, the range of excursion downwards, when the eye is abducted 30°, measures the maximum depressing power of the inferior rectus. Making use of the results *Certainly the value of 20° found for the range of upward excur- sion by Hering (cited in Gi^aefe-Saemisch) seems excessively small. It is not unlikely that here there was a pathological condition present, such as an insufficiency of one or both elevators — a phe- nomenon not infi-equent. 14 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOK ANOMALIES. already talnilated,* we fiud for the maxinnim elevating power of the supevinr rectus a value of 'S0°, and for the ?h«.'J?h«?» depressing poioer of the inferior rectus, a nit-an value of 3r)'^-40'^. The maximum elevating power of the inferior oblique and the maximum depressing power of the superior oblique, are not so readily determined, as the eye can hardly be so far abducted as to enable these muscles to work to the greatest advantage, and at The same time do away altogether with the vertical action of the superior and inferior recti. It would appear, however, that the maxinuim vertical effect exerted by the oblinues, does not differ materially from that exerted by the straight muscles; only the effect of the latter in the positions ordinarily assumed by the eye is rather more pronounced. The maximum rotating effect of the superior rectus upon the ver- tical meridian (torsion-effect, swivel-movement) will be ascertained by determining the amount of deflection of the vertical meridian Avheu the eye is directed far up and in. In this situation the ver- tical meridian is not acted upon by the other muscles capable of Fig. 1. rotating it, so that the total rotation it undergoes must l)e ascril)ed to the action of the superior rectus. So, too, the rotating power of the inferior oblique, the supei-ior oblique, and the inferior rectus is measured by the amount of tilting of the vertical meridian when the eye is directed up and out, down and out, and down and in. respectively. The adducting effect of the superior and inferior recti and the abducting effect of the obliques are not determinable directly in the normal eye, since these actions ;ilw;iys occur as reinforcements of the adducting and abducting actions of tlie interual and external recti. •■This can be accomplished by a simple calculation, based upon the principles of spluM-ical trigonometry. 'J'luis if AB represents the patli of tlie visual line in passing from the primary position obhipiely up and out, BC (or a) will l)e tlie elevation and AC (or b) tlie outward excursion or aliduction of the eye. Then Sin. a ::= Sin. A. Sin. c and Sin. b = cot A. tan. a. Here c = the range of excursion up and out as given by our table {— about 45'^), a = ;{0, and b = 3G^. XKW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOK AXOMAI-IES. 15 For the same reason, the total adduction or abduction that the eye is capal)le of is not a precise measure of the maximum poicer of the erternal and internal recti, since the hitter are to a certain extent, assisted in their action by the vertical muscles, and partic- ularly so when the eye is already carried pretty far out or in. It is probable, however, from observations in'cases of paralysis, that the lateral action of the vertical muscles does not amount to more tliau 4" or 5° at most, so that the abducting poirer of the e.'-ternns may be stated as 40*-"-45o, and the adducting power of theinternus as about 50". Passing now to the third group of fttnctions under considera- tion, namely the character and relations of the movements p er- formed by the two eyes when working together we arc struck by the fact that, with unimportant exceptions,''' these movements are limited to those subserving binocular fixation. Thus, in order to produce the binocular fixation of distant ob- jects, the visual lines must be parallel. In harmony with this fact, we find that there is a whole series of movements — associ- ated parallel inovements — in which the visual line of one eye is kept strictly parallel with that of the other; and, moreover, the vertical meridians of the two cornae also remain parallel, no mat ter how the eye is directed. A second class of movements — iiiovcmeiits of convergence — adapt the eyes for the binocular fixation of near objects. A third sort of movement is that of divergence in the horizon- tal plane, causing the eyes to pass from the consideration of a near object to that of one more i emote. In doing this, this movement, like the preceding, svtbserves binocular fixation; but it may to a certain limited extent, also antagonize the latter by carr}-ing the eyes still further, i. e., from a position of parallelism to one of actual divergence. Another kind of movement, of very limited extent, is that of divergence in a vertical plane^ produced by the elevation of one visual line and the depression of the other. This move- ment, called sursumvergence (or deorsumvergence) is denoted as right or left, according as the right or left visual line is higher (or lower). *The exceptions are very clearly described by Helmholtz (Phys. Optik, 2d Ed., pp. 631, et seq.) He seems to me, however, to have laid too much stress upon the ability of the eye to make exceptional movements of this sort; the fact being that such movements ar.- extremely limited and, beyond a certain point, cannot be increased by practice. It seems, therefore, that in spite of his statement to the contrary, there is some anatomical basis for the inability of the eye to make unaccustomed movements and tliat it is not simply a question of training. 16 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. A fifth class of iiioveinents comprise those in which the vertical niv)-idia7is of the two cornccc are so rotated as to be no longer parallel. Such a rotation occurs normally in positions of marked convergence, the vertical meridians then diverging at their up- per extremities, and the amount of divergence increasing as the eyes are elevated (Meissner, Le Conte). But, apart from this physiological torsion-movement, a divergent or convergent ro- tation of the vertical meridians may be produced in the normal eye and demonstrated by suitable apparatus (Helmholtz). The Associated Parallel Movements of the two eves with the muscles concerned in their production are shown in the follow- ing tables: NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 17 Both I Eyes Movetoi R. Eye Muscles con- cerned Move eyes laterally* Move eyes vertically* meridians ' " ofcorneae. 1 Right j External Internal To R. ! No action No action R eye carried Rectus Rectus toRby the ex- (Dex- ternal rectus 1 assisted by the sion.) Synergists [ToL a&. obliques: L eye carried to R by intern- Superior Inferior 1 To R, ac- Down actions al rectus assist- Oblique Rectus ' tion in- 1 equal O ed by the supe- creasing andop- rior and infer- Inferior Superior the more i posite S3 ior recti. The Oblique Rectus J eyes are [Up [•ToR ^-c other muscles carried J C £. act to steady 1 UoR the eyes and keep them in Opponents. the horizontal plane. Vertical Superior Inferior! ■ [To L] ac- [UpJ Actions [ToLlgS meridiansboth Rectus Oblique i tion sli't equal S"? remain verti- I & dimin- and op- '■2 '^ cal. Inferior Superior ishing as posite Rectus Oblique J 1 eyes are 1 carried [Down n [Tor ^-I i I to R. n p Left Internal External ToL- No action. No action R. eye carried Rectus Rectus ' to L. by the in- (Sinis- ternal rectus, 1 assisted by the sion.) Synergists. \ ToL action ~1 ac- ] g ^ 1 superior and c.-.' inferior recti: Superior Inferior increas [ U p 1 tions [ To L 1 o § ' L. eye carried Rectus Oblique es the more .equal ^§ » : to R. by theex- and go ternal rectus, [Down oppo-;[ToR ^-c assi.sted by the J site. ! h^' obliques. The 1 t other muscles Inferior Superior Rectus Oblique eyes are car- ried to T.. act to steady 1 the eyes and Opponents. [To R] "1 ac- keep them in 1 » » 1 the horizontal Superior Inferior Oblique Rectus B^ [Down tionsi[ToL §.» plane Vertical equall o o meridians re- f and 1 § S i maiii vertical Inferior Superior |Up] oppo-[ToR o^ Oblique Rectus J site. J || 1 [ToL]|§ i ;[ToLl S^L ,u Up 1 Superior Inferior Up acr.lBoth eyes car- Rectus Oblique o g I ried vertically [Sur- 1 t) S up by combiu- suni- 1.1 ■grt ied action of su- ver- ii.c perior rectus sion.] 1 Inferior Superior Oblique Rectus [ToR]i''£ Up [ToR g^£,l and inferior oblique. Exter- nal and inter- Si/nergists. >» i ual recti act to steady eye and External Internal Rectus Rectus [ToR] No action No action keep it in verti- cal plane. Ver- tical meridians 1 Internal External " remain verti- Rectus Rectus [To L] ^•g ... *Portions enclosed ized. brackets indicate movements which are completely neutral 18 XEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. Both Muscles coucerued Eyes Move R Eye • L Eye and to R. and to L. Move eyes t-ertically Rotate up- per ends of vertical meridians of corneae Resultant effects up- on eyes Superior Inferior Rectus Oblique Inferior Superior Obliciuc Rectus Syiierglsti. External Internal Rectus Rectus [To L.] Up. Action Action marked and slight and increasing as decreasing eyes are ear- as eyes are ried to R. carried to R I To R. Up. Action Actions slight and de marked & creasing as increasing | eyes are ear- as eyes are iried to R. carried to R [To I J Ac- tion slight and de- creasing as eyes are carried to R To R. Action marked & increasing as eyes are carried to R No action. R. eye carried up by superior rectus; L. by in- ferior oblique. R. eye carried to R. by exter- nal rectus as- sisted (espec- iallyin extreme abduction ) by inferior obli- que: L. eye car- ried to R by in- ternal rectus assisted by su- perior rectus. Both vertical meridians tilt- ed to R. Inferior Superior Oblique Rectus Superior Inferior Rectus Oblique Sinierffiutt^ [ToR] Ac- Up. Action jtion slight marked and in- & decreas- creasing as ling as eyes eyes are car- are carried ried to R to L. I I To L. Up. Action I Action I slight and de- marked & creasing as increasing eyes are ear- as eyes are | ried to L. carried toL [To Rl Ac- tion slight & decreas- ing as eyes are carried to I,. ! To L Ac- tion mark- ed and in- creasing as eyes are carried to Internal External To L. Rectus Rectus R. eye carried up mainly by inferior ob- lique, I, eye by superior rec- tus: R eye car- ried to L by in- ternal rectus assisted by superior rec- tus. L eye car- ried to L by ex- ternal rectus assisted by in- ferior oblique. Vertical meri- dians both ro- tated to L Down (Deor- sum ver- sion) Inferior Superior Rectus Oblique Superior Inferior Oblique Rectus Si/nerfflsts. External Internal Rectus Rectus Internal External Rectus Rectus [ToR [ToRl 9?", [ToLhS [Tol [To R I R?^ Both eyes car- o a! ried vertically I 2 S ! down by com- bined action of inferior rectus and superior oblique. Ex- ternal and internal recti act to steady I eyes and keep hen ■ ertical plane. Vertical mer- idians remain vertical. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 19 Both Elyes Move Muscles concerned R Eye L Eye Move eycf laterally Down and to R. Inferior Superior Rectus Oblique Superior Oblique [To L.] Ac tiou slight & decreas Inferior To R. Ac- Rectus tions marked & increasing Move eyes vertically Rotate up- per ends of vertical meridians of cornese Si/nergists. External Internal Rectus Rectus Down. Action marked and in- creasing as eyes are car- ried to R Down. Actions slight and de- creasing as eyes are ear- as eyes are ried to R. carried to [To R.] Action slight and decreasing as eyes are turned to R. ToL. Action marked and in- creasing as eyes are carried to R. No action. Resultant effects up- on eyes R. eye carried down mainly by inferior rectus, R. eye by superior ob- lique, R. eye carried to R by external rec- tus assisted by superior ob- lique, L- by internal rectus assisted by inferior rectus. Both vertical meridians ro- tated to L. Down and to Superior Inferior Oblique Rectus Inferior Superior Rectus Oblique Synergists. Internal External Rectus Rectus [To R.] Ac- tion slight and de- 1 creasing as jeyes are carried to L. ;To L. a Jtion marked and in- Down. Ac- tion malted and increasing as eyes are carried to L. [ToL.] Ac- tion slight and de- creasing as eyes are carried to L. creasing as ried to L. eyes are i carried to ,L. I Down. Action To R slight and de creasing as eyes are To L. No action. Ac- tion marked and in- creasing as eyes are carried to L. No action. R. eye carried down mainly by superior oblique, L. by inferior rectus. R. eye carried' internal rectus assisted by inferior rectus; L. eye carried to L. by exter- nal rectus as- sisted b}' supe- rior oblique. Both vertical meridians ro- tated to R. An inspection of the tables just given will show that in all parallel movements of the eyes each muscle acting upon the right eye is associated with a muscle which acts upon the left eye in a precisely similar manner, and to a precisely equal extent. Such a pair of muscles, one in each eye, are termed associated antagonists (A Graefe). Thus the superior rectus of one eye and the inferior oblique of the other are associated antag-onists. since in all positions that the two eyes may assume, these muscles move their respective eyes to the same extent and in the same direction, so that if they acted alone they would always keep both visual lines and both vertical meri- dians parallel. The associated antagonists and their action may be summarized as follows: 20 NKW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. ASSOCIATED ANTAGONISTS. Muscle. R. eye. Moves eye laterally to Moves eye 1 Vertically i Vertical action in- creasing & Rotates up- latent ac- per end of tiondimin- vertical ishing as meridian eyes are cornea | turned to ASSOCIATED ANTAGONIST. L eye External Rectus R No action 1 No action ! Internal Rectus Internal Rectus L No action No action External Rectus Superior Rectus L ; Up h R Inferior Oblique Inferior Rectus L Down R R Superior Oblique Superior Oblique R Down L I. Inferior Rectus Inferior Oblique R 1 - R L Superior Rectus The determination of the ra??/fe of excursiojt in associated ■parallel movements comprises the solution of two distinct prob- lems, namely, the determination of the field of binocular single vision and the determination of the field of binocular fixation. We delimit the Jield of binocular fixation by ascertaining for each direction of the gaze the point at which either one of the eyes fails to follow an object moving before the two. This can be done very conveniently with the double dot used for testing the monocular field of fixation, since the moment when either eye fails to follow the dots or when either eye fails to keep up with the other in following them, is rendered evident by a blurring of the image causing the two dots to run into one. Heriug:, who used a different method (with after-images), found the binocular field to be of quite small extent, being considerably smaller than the portion common to the tAvo monocular lields. It seems likely, however, that his tests in this case, as in the ease of the monocular Held, were made upon a not altogether normal sub- ject. My own researches, altliough few, to be sure, were made upon quite normal individuals. They gave the following results:* MOVEMENTS OF BOTH EYP^S. Down and Down and risht. left. TT„ Up and Up and tj:„v,. Up- right. left. K'^^^- Left. Down. Case I.... .. 38 fi'i 4.5 58 52 Case 11... .. 50 r)2 53 06 n'.t The delimitation of the field of binocular single vision is ef- fected by noting in any particular direction Of the gaze the point at which one eye can no longer keep pace with the other, as evidenced by the development of an insuperable diplopia. The field defined by joining all such points is not necessarily coin- cident with the field of binocular fixation, since it is quite conceiv- able that the two eyes folloAving a moving object might fail to fix lOxaminatidu made for near ]><)ints. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 21 it, but might yet both lag behind to au equal extent, so that the two images, although not formed upon the macula;, would still be formed upon corresponding points. In this case, binocular single vision would still be present, although binocular fixation would no longer exist. A point upon which some stress has been laid is that this method of delimiting the held of fixation gives uncertain results, since, as is alleged, many people fail to recognize diplopia in eccentric posi- tions of the gaze. It is claimed, in other words, that the normal field of binocular single vision is quite small, and that diplopia occurs normally in looking far up, far to the right, etc., but that its existence is not suspected, because the subject under examination either fails to notice or actually suppresses one image. My own experiments, however, lead me to negative this idea completely. If we employ a candle for our test-object, and place a red glass before oue eye of the individual examined, the presence of binocular single vision will be shown by the fact that the candle-flame appears pinkish or, more commonly yellow with a reddish border. Manifest diplopia will be shown by the presence of two flames, one red and the other yellow, and dip- lopia with the snppression of either image by the presence of one flame, either pure red or pure yellow. The differences presented are marked and readily appreciated by an intelligent patient when once they have been pointed out to him. Testing in this way a large number of people with apparently normal eyes, I have uniformly found that the field of binocular single vision extends not less than 40° in atzy given direction and usually extends up to 50° or more. Indeed, most persons still get true binocular single vision, even when the eyes are carried to the extreme limit of their excursion, the field of bin- ocular single vision being larger than either monocular field of fixation taken separately. This is but another instance of the law that the movements of the eyes, however extensive or however limited in themselves, are always under normal con- ditions modified in such a way as to best subserve binocular fixation and binocular single vision. Thus, as the experiments just adduced seem to show, it appears that, no matter what the maximum range of excursion of each eye separately is, the ex- cursion of both together, effected by the co-ordinating action of the association-centres, is such that one eye keeps pace with the other, going neither faster nor slower, and that each stops moving when the other does. Hence, however far the object looked at may be carried in any given direction, no diplopia occurs, or, if it does, it is transient and superable.* *These statements presuppose (1) that the visual lines are not far from parallel, i. e., the test-object should not be less than :: feet from the eyes: and (2) the person examined should endeavor all the time to follow the o^bject. i. e., must not look beyond it. In the latter case, of course, the test-object will seem to him double. Such diplopia is. however, usually at once superable by voluntary effort. 22 NEW CLASSIFICATION' OF MOTOK ANOMALIES, Each of the main associated parallel movements turning (dextroversion, or the turning of both eyes to the right, sinistroversion, or the turning of both eyes to the left, sur- sumversion, or parallel movement up, and deorsumversion, or parallel movement down) is apparently fresided over by a dis- tinct nucleus (association centre). The precise location of these centres has not been satisfactorily determined, but the evidence of their existence from pathology is very strong, lesions in which dextroversion and sinistroversion alone are afifected being not in- frequent, and isolated involvement of sursumversion also hav- ing been recorded. These facts will be referred to later on. Movements of convergence may be regarded as associated parallel movements to which a simultaneous contraction of both interni has been superadded. Thus in looking at a near object situated up and to the right there is a movement of sur- sumversion and dextroversion combined with a contraction of both interni, which neutralizes in part the right-hand move- ment of the right eye, and reinforces the right-hand movement of the left eye. This double contraction of tlie interni is presided over by a special centre (convergence centre)^ distinct from the association centres for parallel movements. Convergence, when marked, modifies somewhat the effect of the other muscles that are acting with tlie interni. Thus when the gaze is directed at a near object in the median line, the superior rectus of one eye and tlie inferior oblique of the other no longer act as associated antagonists, the fonner serving mainly to adduct, and the latter to elevate the eye. In this case, in fact, the superior and inferior obliques in each eye neutralize each other completely, and the two superior and two inferior recti act as synergists to the two interni, all adducting the eye. Again, when the gaze is directed at a. very near object, situated upward and to the right, the right superior rectus, since the right eye is not pointed as far to tlie right as the left one is, will not be working as an elevator at quite the same mechanical advantage as does the left inferior oblique. Theoretically, therefore, the right eye will lag somewhat below thf left. Practically, I have not observed this to occur, although it does seem to me that the field of binocular single vision is smaller for convergent than for parallel movements. The tnaximtini power of convergence is obviously represented either by the angle formed by the two visual lines when both eyes are turned in to their utmost extent, or by the distance from the eyes of the nearest possible point upon which they can be converged. This point is called the fusion near-point, or. better the near-point of convergence (Pc.) Bonders in a boy of lo found the maxinuim angle of convergence to be 70*^, which, NEW CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOlt ANOMALIES. 23 with an interocular distar.ce of 00 mm., would signify a near- point of convergence situated 52 mm. from the centre of rotation of. either eye and 42 mm. in front of the hne joining the centres of both eyes , or about 1^" from the cornea and ^" in front of the bridge of the nose. Some can converge to even a greater extent. Prof. Le Conte, for example, who had acquired ex- traordinary facility in the use of his eyes, had a convergence- angle of nearly 90=*. Schuurmann, on the contrary, found a maximum convergence-angle of only 43°, which would corre- spond to a convergence near-point situated about 25" from the corneie and 22" in front of the bridge of the nose ; and v. Graefe gives to the convergence-angle a value of 00° corresponding to a distance of 2" from the eye, and 1^-'' from the bridge of the nose. My own experience leads me to regard Schuurmann's figures as expressing most nearly the results found in the general average of cases, the convergence near-point in the majority of normal persons that I have examined being situated at about 1" in front of the nose. A distance of \\"-\L" may, in fact, be regarded as the normal for adults. Children often have a greater power of convergence, and in them the distance may not ex- ceed V . A distance of less than 1" denotes excessive, and one of over 2^'' deficient convergence-power. Another method of determining the power of convergence is by ascertaming the- sfreno-//i of prism, which can be overcome by the eyes when placed before the latter with its base out or towards the temple. This method is analogous to that employed by Donders for de- termining the positive portion of the range of accommodation. TIi3 strength of prism overcome, in fact, represents the amount of residual convergence* that the subject under examination can ex- ercise when his eyes are adjusted for the distance of the test-ob- ject employed, just as the strength of the concave glass that he can overcome represents tlie amount of his residual accommodaiion under the same conditions. The amount of this residual conver- gence naturally varies with the distance of the test-object, decreas- ing as the latter is brought nearer. It also varies considerably for the same distance in different individuals, until the latter have by training learned to do what at the outset is quite difficult for them, namely, to look at a distant object and at the same time direct their eyes as if it were much nearer than it really is. When this art has been learned, it will be found that. Normal subjects will for test-objects at a, distance of twenty feet overcome prisms of 00°-70° refracting angle (equivalent to a convergence of 40°-.50°), so that the maximum convergence produced in this way equals that produced in the natural fashion, i. e., by looking at a very near object. ♦Often improperly called the adduction. Cor responding amount accommodation for Actual amount of con- of vcrgence produced by Accommodation ex- a natural convei-gence overcoHiingtliepi risiu. erted. of the same degree. 4.3" 0.25 1.25 6.5^ 0.50 2.00 11.00^ 1.50 3.25 15.5'^ 2.50 4.50 19.3° 5.00 5.50 24 XEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. Convergence thus produced by prisms is at first associated with an accoiiinwdative effort similar to, but less than that ac- companying a natural convergence of the same degree. Thus two cases that I examined showed the following amount of ac- commodation : Ctiise 1 Case 2 . By continual practice, however, the patient may learn to relax the accommodation while maintaining the convergence, and in this way prisms of 20° or 30°, base out, may be overcome without the accommodation being used at all. I have met with an extreme in- stance of this sort in which the patient could, without making any accommodative effort whatever, overcome prisms representing a convergeuce-angle of nearly 40°. Divergence, or the simultaneous lateral separation of the visual lines, is a process which ordinarily subserves binocular fixation, being used when the eyes fix in succession objects more and more remote. The process may, however, be performed to excess, so that the visual lines diverge from the object of fixa- tion, as when the homonymous diplopia caused by a prism placed base in before the eye is overcome, or, on the other hand, an involuntary or voluntary crossed diplopia is produced by turning the eyes outward. Divergence of the sort last mentioned, i. e., that giving rise to a crossed diplopia, varies greatly in amount, and, although re- garded as normal by those experimenters who have acquired a peculiar facility in producing it, is probably to be classed among the abnormalities. At all events, there are not many in whom the phenomenon is habitual, or who can produce it at will, and when present, it is generally associated with lack of muscular balance, and other evidences of a pathological state. On the other hand, a divergence produced in the act of over- coming a prism placed, base in, before the eyes, is an entirely normal phenomenon of very definite character. Its maximum amount naturally varies with the distance of the object of fixa- tion, increasing as the latter approaches the eye. The strength, in fact, of the prism, base in, that the eyes can overcome when regarding an object at any given distance, represents the amount by which the eyes, when converged upon the object and accom- morlatod for tlic latter, can diverge; jxist as the strength of the NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 20 convex glass that can be overcome in looking at the object rep- resents the negative portion of the range of accommodation for the same distance. For distance, i. e.. when the visual lines are parallel, the divergence* amounts quite regularly to from 3° to 5° (= divergence produced in overcoming a prism of 6° to 10°) ; and variations above or below these limits must be regarded as distinctly pathological. As to the true nature ofdivergt^nce, i. e. ; whether it consists in an active muscular contraction as in the case of convergence, or whether it is simply a relaxation of the interni, allowing the eyes to return to a position of rest, there has been much difference of opinion. Those who adopt the hitter view assume that the natural position of the eyes, i. e., that in which all the muscles are fully relaxed, is one of slight divergence, parallelism itself requiring" a certain tonic and constant contraction of the interni for its maintenance (Hansen Grut). Some liave even thought that the position of complete re- laxation is that in which each visual axis coincides with the axis of the orbit — a state of things implying a divergence of 25°-30° (l.e Conte). Those who thus think, however, appear to be misled in reg'arding as natural a condition which is abnormal, not to say patho- logical. Schweigger lias argued strenuously against Hansen Grut's theory and especially to his application of it as explaining the nature of divergent squint, and Sehueller also has adduced a variety of arguments, which, however, are not very convincing, to prove that the function of divergence is an active process. For my own part, I believe that in the majority of cases the poisition of perfect physiological rest is not one of divergence and that, consequently, the lateral separation of the visual lines must be regarded as, in part at least, an active process due to simultaneous contraction of the externi. One argument in favor of this is that many people, when we test their divergence with prisms, experience a marked sense of strain analogous to that felt in overcoming prisms by con- verg'ing the eyes. The latter is certainly an active process, and the former, therefore, in these cases at least, would seem to be one also. Patients, to be save, who can diverge at will so as to produce crossed diplopia, often assure us that they do so by "relaxing" tlie eyes; but several o'bservations have convinced me that this relaxa- tion is really a muscular contraction. f Perhaps the strongest argument in favor of the idea that diver- gence is a passive and not an active process is that, in the great majority of cases at least, the diverging power, as measured h>i the ability to overcome prisms, base in, can not be increased at all beyond the initial amotmt, shown by the subject experimented upon If. for exatnii>le. in our first ti'ial of a patient, at the maximum prism. base in, that he can overcome is one of 8°, we s'hall generally find ♦Usually but improperly called the abduction. fA similar instance in which an undoubted muscular contraction was described by the patient as a "relaxation" was one that I met with, in which an homonymous diplopia of 15° (prism) was produced at will. Here, of course, a condition of convergence was present, which could only have been brought about by an active contraction of the interni. 2G NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOH ANOMALIES. that we can not get him beyoud this ixjiut by aiiy amouut of sub- sequent traiuiuy. If divergence were a process of active muscuku- contraction it would seem as if it ouglit to be su8ceptil)le of being increased by exercise. But whatever the nature of divergence, whether active or pas- sive, it is certainly a distinct function of the eyes, and probably regulated by a distinct nervous mechanism. The evidence af- f(^rdcd by patliology, at all events, point very stronglv in this direction. Separation of the visual lines in a vertical plane (sursumduc- tlon, or, inore properly, sursumvergence) is a movement which all normal eyes can perform. It is, however, very limited in amount, not normally exceeding 1° or 1|° {= the divergence produced by a prism of 2° or 3°). It is evidently an active pro- cess associated with a sense of considerable strain, and appears susceptible of being increased by exercise, particularly in those that have a natural or acquired vertical deviation (hyperphoria). The power of producing convergence or divergence of the vertical meridiaas of the two eyes, the visual lines remaining parallel, is a subject about which very little is known. Even the experiments of Helmholtz, which seem to prove its existence, have been called into question by some, althotigh probably with- out sufficient reason. Appendix. The analysis of the complicated problems involved in the study of the mnvenients of the eyes may be facilitated by re- ference to the diagram (Fig. 2), which represents the field of fixation of a normal eye having a rather extensive power of motion. PROJECTION OF THE FIELD OF FIXATION AND OF THE FIELD OF ACTION OF EACH OF THE OCULAR MUSCLES. C, projection of extremity of line of sight (point of fixation), when eye is in primary position; D, E, O, projection of same when eye IS abducted 18°. 30°, and 50°, respectively; B, A, P, projection when eye is adducted 20°, 50°, and G0°, respectively. The distance CO represents the maximum degree of excursion of the eye outward Most of this movement is effective by the e.rtenml m7»s, but a cerlain portion especially towards the outer eud of the excursion is accomplished by the united action of the two obliques (see ivfra). The distance CT represents the niaxinuiiii range of excursion of the eye inward This inward movement is effected mainly bv the i»(ernal rectus, assisted especially towards the eud of the excursion by the superior and inferior recti (see infra). The black lines AA,, 15B,, C(\. 1)D,. EEi, repre.sent the amount and direction of the movement produced by the superior rectus when the eye is respectively addncled r>0^' (A); adducted 20« (H); j,, the primary position (O) ; abducted ]S-' (D); and abducted M0« (K) The red lines AAt, BH,,. CC,,. 1)1).,, EE,,. represent the amount and di- rection of the nioveiiient eflfected by the inferior oblii/ue. and the (lotted lines AA,j, BB.i, CCa, DDg, EE3, tJie moveiuent effected by the in- NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMAI.ItS. 27 ferior oblique and the superior rectus acting together. Similarly, the black lines AA4, IJB4, ('C4, 1)1)4, KK4 represent the lines of action of the inferior rectus; AA5. BB5, CC5, DDs, EEs, those of the superior oblique; and AAe, BBg, CCe, DDq, EEe, those of the two latter muscles combined. The heavy black lines AiBiCiDiKi and A4B4C4D4E4 represent the limits of the Jiekls of action of the superior and the inferior recti; and the heavy red lines, A2B2C2D.2E..; and AftB^CsDsEs the limits of the tields of action of the inferior and the superior obliques. The heavy dotted line AePAaBs C3, etc., represents the limit of ihQ field of fixation. It will be seen from the diagram how the vertical (elevating and depressing) action of the superior and inferior recti increases, and how the vertical action of the obliques decreases progressively as the eye is carried from a position of marked adduction (A) to one of moderate abduction (E). It will also be apparent how the lateral action of each of these muscles diminishes as its vertical action in- creases; so that the adductive power of the superior and inferior recti shows a progressive diminution, and the abduetive power of the two obliques a progressive increase as the eye passes from A to E. That is, at A (i. e., when the eye is adducted 50°) the superior ;ind inferior recti have no vertical action at all, but simply adduct the eye through a comparatively large extent, while the two oWiques liave no lateral action at all, but simply elevate and depress the eye. At E, on the other hand (when the eye is abducted 30°), the two recti no longer act as adductors at all, but simply elevate and de- press the eye; and the two obliques no longer exert any vertical effect, but combine to carry the eye outwards, their abduetive action, in fact, being here at its maximum. At A the superior rectus and the inferior oblique acting together to their full extent will cariT the eye up and noticeably inwards to A3) ; since here the adductive action of the rectus is at its max- imum and besides is not balanced by any opposing abduetive action on the part of the oblique. Similarly at E the two muscles acting together will carry the eye upwards and noticeably otttwards. In In- tel-mediate positions, as at B and D, the lateral action of one muscle will partially counteract that of the other, so that the net lateral effect will be less. E. g., at B the adductive action of the superior rectus is less than it was at A and moreover is now opposed by a moderate abduetive action on the part of the inferior oblique, so that the net adductive effect is but slight. The eye, therefore, here is carried up by the inferior oblique, assisted somewhat by the superior rectus, and is also carried slightly inwards (to B3). At D, on the contrary, it is carried upwards mainly by the superior rectus, assisted somewhat by the inferior oblique, and is also carried slightly outwards (to D3), by the preponderating lateral (abduetive) action of the latter muscle. At C (the primary position) the adduc- tive action of the superior rectus apparently balances the abduetive action of the inferior oblique, and hence the etfeot of the two ele- vators acting together will be to carry the eye straight upwards. In a similar way the inferior rectus and the superior oblique acting to- gether will carry the eye down and in (AAe, BBe) , down and out (DDg, EEk) , or straight down (CCe), according as the eye is already adducted, ab- ducted, or in the primary position. The superior or inferior rectus actina together with Just sufficient force to neutralize each other's vertical action, will combime to ad- duct the eye, the adducent effect being forcible at A ''=AAi4-AA4 or AA7), and diminishing graduallv to E where it is zero. At E. there- fore, i. e.. when the eve is abducted ."^O", the inferior and superior 28 NEW CLASSIFICATION OV MOTOK ANOMALIES. recti aetiugr together will pi-oduce no movemeut aud beiice in this position are dii-ect antagonists. Similarly the superior and inferior oblirjnes acting together neu- tralizes each others' vertical action, but combine to abduct the eye. The abducent effect is greatest at E (= EE2+EEo=KE8j, aud dimin- ishes progressively to A, where it is zero. In tlie latter position, there- fore, i. e., when the eye is abducted 50°, the two obliques, acting simply to elevate and depress the eye respectively, are direct antagonists. The four muscles, superior atid inferior recti and superior and in- ferior oblii/nes acting together with ihe force required to neutralize each other's vertical action, will produce a lateral efltect varying with the amount by which the eye is already abducteil or adductcd. Thus if the eye is already adducted 50° (to A), a position in which the obliques exert no lateral action at all, the total effect of tlu' four muscles will be to carry the eye quite a little distance further inward (to At). If the eye is adducted only 'M^ (B), the resultant action of the four muscles will be the difference between the adduc- tive action of the two recti (BB7), and the less marked abducent action of the two obliques (UBs); i. e., the eye will be adducted slightly (to IJy). At C (the primary povsition), the abducent action of the obliques balances the adducent action of the superior aud in- ferior recti, so that the contraction of the four muscles will causi- the eye to remain stationary. At D, on the contrary, the abductive effect will preponderate somewhat, and the eye. already abducted 18", will be carried still further moderately outward< (to \h). At E. i. e., when the eye is abducted 30°, the abducent effect is stiil more pronounced (= EEs). It is thus apparent that if all four muscles act together they will, if the eye is being adducted or abducted, tend to carry it still further in the direction in which it is goinq. They will, therefore, reinforce the external rectus in abducting and the internal rectus in adductiui: the eye, aud tlie amount of the reinforcement will increase in propor- tion as the eye is already abducted or adducted. So that the in- ternal rectus, for example, when it begins to contract (i. e.. is just leaving the primary position at C) will receive little or no aid from the contraction of the other four muscles, but. as it continues to act. (e. g. at B). will be more and more assisted by them, and finally when it reaches the limit of its contraction (at A) and is consequently working at a great mechanical disadvantage, will be strongly rein- forced. In like manner the external rectus will, as its own etticiency diminishes with the increasing abduction of the eye, be assisted more and more by the simultaneous contraction of the other mus- cles. And it is altogether probable that it is in this way that the outward and inward excursion movements of the eye are rendered regular and uniform.* *It may be noted that the action c*f the superior and inferior recti in compensating for an increasdng feeblenes.s of the internal rectus is shown in another way also. The internal rectus, as Weiss has ])oiu(('d out (.\rch. f. Augenheilk; Vol. xxix). acts very much mori' feebly when llic divergence of the orbits is great, i. e.. when the orbits :ire sli:illi>w and the eyes far apart. Rut it is under just these condi- tions that tlie sujierior iiud inferior recti act to most advautjige as ad- ductors, .-^iiice. the gre:iter the divergeiic(> of the orbits, the greater Ihe angle wliich the line of action of tliese two nmscies nutkes witii tlie aiitero-i>osterior axis of tlu> eye. and tlie greater tMUsequently is tlie l;iier;il effecl which tliev ar(> able to (>xi'rt. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 29 Our diagram may also be used to illustrate the action of the as- sociated antayonists. If alongside of Fig. 3, which represents the Held of axatiuu of the right eye, we place one representing the field of fixation of the left eye (which may be done by turning Fig. 3 end for end, so that O is on tlie left and P on the right of the figure), we shall see how the field of action (A2B.2C2D2E2), of tlie in- ferior oblique of the right eye agrees in all respects with the field of action of the superior rectus of the left eye. So also of the other associated antagonists (R. superior rectus and L. inferior oblique; R. inferior rectus and L. superior oblique; R. superior oblique and L. inferior rectus). Another point elucidated by the diagram is the amount and kind of torsion movement (rotation of vertical meridian of the cornea) produced by the various muscles. That is the Hue BBi represents the fact that when the eye is adducted to B the superior rectus will not only carry the eye itself upwards and inwards (to Bi), but will also rotate the vertical meridian of the cornea so that the latter will have the inclination BBi, i. e., will be inclined inwards. In a similar way, the inferior oblique in the same situation will not only carry the eye upwards and outwards (to B2), but will also rotate the vertical meridian of the cornea outwards, so that it will have the direction BB2. And the combined action of the two muscles will be to give the vertical meridian the inclination BB^, i. e., one of slight rotation inwards. So also BBe represents the inclination of tlie vertical meridian of the cornea (viz., with the upper end rotated inwards), when the eye is carried do'wnwards from a position of adduction (B). Again, the fact that CC3 is strictly vertical shows that when the eye is in the primary position it is not only carried straight upw-ards by the combined action of the two elevators, but its vertical meridian also remains vertical during the ascent. It will also be observed that the combined action of the superior and inferior recti or of the superior and inferior obliques, or of all four muscles together will be not only to keep the eye in the hori- zontal plane (in the line OP), but also to keep its vertical meridian from rotating either to the right or to the left, as the eye is carried outwards or inwards.* In fact, all the various applications of the laws of Bonders and Listing may be deduced from the study of thisi diagram. Finally the diagram shows the limitation of the field of fixation and the kind and amount of diplopia present in paralysis of any one of the ocular muscles. Suppose, for example, that the superior rectus is paralyzed. Then the field of fixation while normal below, will, since the inferior oblique is the only elevator left, he repre- sented above not by A3B3C3D3E3, but by A2B2C2D2E>. In other words, when the attempt is made to elevate the eye as far as possible, it will stand at A2, instead of A3, at B2, instead of B3, etc. Since its fellow eye has a normal field of fixation and hence under the same conditions rises to A3, B3, etc., the difference in position of the two eyes and conse- quently also the amount and kind of diplopia produced will be repre- sented by the difference between A2 and A3, Bo and B3, etc. The diagram thus gives us a graphic representation of the fact that in paralysis of the *E. g., at C the inward rotation of the vertical meridian produced by the superior rectus will be represented by the angle C3CC2; this inward rotation will be neutralized by the equal outward rotation CeCC^, produced by the inferior rectus: and hence the combined effect of these two muscles will be to keep the vertical meridian from rotating either one way or the other. 30 \i;\V CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOR ANOMALIES. superior rectus the vertical diplopia increases rapidly when the eye is carried upwards and outwards, wliile the lateral (crossed) diplopia in- creases as the eyes are carried upwards and inwards. The diagram may also be utilized to map out the field of fixa- tion in cases of combined paralyseK. Thus the Held of fixation iu a case of paralysis of both the superior rectus and the superior obliciue would be represented by AoB.)02D.jE2K4l)4C4B4A4; and in a combined paralysis of the superior and inferior rectus by AoBjCaDoE-iD.'iCsBsAs. III. THE TESTS EMPLOYED AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, The object of the various tests that we make use of is to deter- mine the following data : (1). The precision and steadiness with which binocular fixa- tion is effected (Static Tests). (2). The ability of the eyes to move in various directions while still maintaining binocular fixation (Dynamic Association- tests). (3). The ability of the eyes voluntarily to deviate from the po- sition of binocular fixation (Dynamic Disassociation-tests). These tests may be performed both for distance (with the vis- ual lines parallel) and for near (with the visual lines converged). The chief tests for binocular fixation are : (1). Inspection with both eyes uncovered. This gives us an approximate idea as to whether both eyes are directed at the same object, a non-fixing eye appearing to deviate in, out, up. or down, according to circumstances. In making' this test we must be careful not to be misled by the presence of a large angle alpha, which may simulate a deviation where none exists. Any error on this score will be prevented by compar- ing the findings with those of the screen test; for a deviation, great enough to be noticeable upon simple inspection, will eertaiuly give evidence of its presence by a distinct movement of the eyes when the cover is shifted from one eye to the other. (2) Fixation and Diplopia Tests. A patient with normal eyes and perfect l)inocular fixation, will see distinctly with either eye alone, or with both together, and will also see single. If either eye or both fail to fix the object looked at, that object will appear blurred (Fixation-test), and if one eye fixes and tlie other docs not, the patient will in general see double ( Diplopia- test), the image of the fixing eye being clear and that of the other more or less shadowy and indistinct. The kind of diplopi:> present indicates the nature of the deviation. Thus an /toniony- inous diplopia (i. e., one in which the image formed by the right eye is on the right side, and that formed by the left e\e imi NEW CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOR ANOMALIES. :n the left side) signifies abnormal converg-ence of the visual lines; a crossed or hetcronyvious diplopia (in which the image of the right eye is on the left side and vice versa) signifies lateral di- vergence ; and vertica/ diplopia (in which one image is higher than the other) signifies vertical separation of the visual lines, so that one is higher than the other. The last-named variety may be further differentiated into right diplopia, in which the image formed by the right eye is below (indicating the condi- tion in which the right visual line is the higher), and left diplo- pia^ in which the contrary conditions prevail. The amount of diplopia is precisely proportional to the amount of deviation. It may be measured either by estimating the linear distance between the two images, the distance of the object looked at being also known,* or by determining the strength of the prism which appropriately placed, will correct the diplopia.f In order to differentiate the double images it is convenient to use a light as a test-object, and have a red glass placed before one of the eyes. By thus giving the two images a different colort we enable the patient the better to distinguish between the two and recognize the fact that diplopia exists; and, moreover, since the red flame must belong to the eye covered with the red glass, we can determine from the patient's statements as to the relative place of the red and white images, whether we are dealing with homonymous or crossed (lateral) or with right or left (vertical) diplopia. (3) Equilibrium Test. This is simply a variety of the diplo- pia test. It consists of two steps. In the first an artificial ho- monymous diplopia is produced by means of a prism of 12° or more, placed 'base in, before the eyes. If the two images thus produced are on a level, the visual lines themselves are on a level. If, however, the right-hand image should be lower, there is really a natural right diplopia present in addition to the artificial ho- monymous diplopia, i. e., the right visual line is higher, or, to use Stevens' nomenclature, there is right hyperphoria. The amount *A linear distance of 1" between the images is equivalent to a deviation of li/o° in the visual lines when the test-object is 1 metre distant and to i/i° when the latter is 20 feet distant. tA prism rarely measures the full amount of the diplopia, a-s a prism which slightly undereorrects the latter nevertheles)S brings the double images so close together that the residual correction can be and is effected by the eyes themselves. JA similar difference in character may be imparted to the images by placing a Maddox rod or a Stevens' sphere before one eye; but the red glass is simpler and, in comparison with the Maddox rod at least, is less confusing to the patient and less apt to give am- biguous results. 32 NEW CLASSIFICATION OK .MOTOI{ ANOMALIES. of this latter may be measured by the degree of prism, which, placed base down before the right eye, will rectify the diplopia, i. e., will bring the images on a level. In the next step of the test, a strong prism is placed base down before the right eye, produc- ing a marked vertical (left) diplopia. If both eyes are properly adjusted for the object of fixation, the two images will be in a ver- tical line. If, however, the upper image is to the right of the lower, there is really, besides the artificial vertical displacement, a natural homonymous diplopia, or, to use Stevens' expression, there is an esopJioria. Similarly, if the upper image is to the left of the lower, there is really a crossed diplopia or cxophoria. In either case the amount of the esophoria or exophoria may be measured by the strength of the prism which, placed base out or base in will rectify the diplopia, i. e., will bring the two images into a vertical line. In Stevens' phoTometer, which is the best instrument for this pur- pose, the measurement of the deviation is effected, not by placing additional prisms before the eyes, but \>j revolving the prism that lias been used to produce the initial latea'al or vertical diplopia until the images are truly horizontal or vertical. The amount of rota- tion is read off on an arc graduated so as to indicate directly the amoimt of hyperphoria, esophoria, or exophoria present* One defect of the equilibrium test is that patients often try in- voluntarily to bring the two images into line and thus appear 'to have no deviation of the visual lines, although one actually exists. On the other hand, the involuntai-y movements set up in the attempt made to compare two similar images placed at a distance from each other may cause a deviation to be simulated where none is present. I have seen this occur not infrequently— sometimes to a very marked degree. The equilibrium test being thus apt to set up a certain amount of muscular tension and hence disturb the tnie relation of the visual lii-es, is in actual practice best performed after the tests next to be described in which the eyes are under more normal conditions. (4) Screen Test. This depends upon the fact that the ten- dency to binocular fixation is so strong that it still persists, even when one eye no longer sees the object of fixation. If, therefore, a card be placed before the left eye, and the gaze be directed at a distant object, the left eye will, in case there is no disturbance of innervation causing it to deviate, look straight at the object, just as if the latter were still visible. If now the card is shifted from the left eye to the right, the former being already properly directed, will not have to change position in order to fix the ob- ♦The same thing may readily be done with the ordinary trial- frame, if we use in it a 12° prism and recollect that with this each rotation of 5° from the horizontal represents 1° of hyperphoria, and each rotation of 5° from the vertical 1° of esophoria or ex- ophoria. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 33 ject, and will hence remain stationary. If, however, the left eye when screened, deviates in any way, e. g. outward, it will, when the screen is transferred to the right eye, have to turn inward, or to the right, in order to fax the object, and the amount of its ex- cursion inward (movement of redress) will be precisely equal to the amount of its previous deviation. At the same time that the left eye turns inward, or to the right, in order to perform fixation, the right eye, which is now covered by the card and which, ac- cording to the law of associated parallel movements, receives an impulse to move to the right equal to that communicated to the left eye, will move outward. Whether it moves outward to the same extent that the left eye moves in or not, depends upon the relative ability of the muscles of the two eyes to respond to the stimulus imparted to them. If, for instance, the left interuus is weak (paretic) a very strong impulse will be required in order to make the muscle contract enough to cause the eye to move in to the proper extent. According to the law of association, an equally powerful impulse will be communi- cated at the same time to the right externus; and, if the latter is normally strong, it will respond much more efficiently to this im- pulse than did the weak internus of the other eye, and will, con- sequently, carry the right eye out much further than the left eye was caiTied in. It may be stated as a general rule (to which, however, there are not a few exceptions) that in concomitant deviations the deflec- tion behind the screen, and hence also the movement of redress that the eye makes when the screen is removed, are equal for. the two eyes, and that in non-concomitant deviations they are unequal, being greater in the eye which has the more powerfully acting muscles. The screen test may also be used to ascertain ivhich oj th two eyes habitually fixes. In doing this the screen instead of being shifted from one eye to the other is simply removed from the eye before which it is placed, leaving both eyes uncovered. Each eye under these circumstances will deviate when the screen is in front of it, and the other eye will fix. If now the eye that is behind the screen is the one that in binocular vision is regularly employed for fixation, it will move into the position of fixation as soon as the screen is taken away, and the other eye will deviate. If, however, the eye that is behind the screen does not ordinaTily perform fixation, it will not move when unscreened, and the other eye will continue to fix, i. e., will remain steady in its place. That lis, the fact that the eyes perform a movement" of redress when the right is unscreened and both are left open indicates that the right eye haibitually fixes. If no move- ment takes place, when the right eye is unscreened, the latter can not be the eye that habitually fixes; and if no movement takes place when the right eye and the left alternately are unscreened, there must be an alternating deviation, i. e., one in which either eye in- differently is used to fix with. 3 34 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. The amount of deviation behind the screen, or of the move- ment of redress made by the eye from which the screen has been removed, may be roughly estimated by marks made upon the Hds or may be more accurately determined with the perimeter or by some of the various strabometric methods which have been well described by Maddox ( A rchivcs of Op/it/i., XXL , 1 , 1892). An angular deviation of l°-2° is generally sufficient to produce a noticeable deviation behind the screen. Finally, it must be n >ied that the sci-een test is valueless U7iless the patient can be got to Jix with the uncovered eye. Hence, the test is of no service in those who, owing to a deviation of long standing, have lost the power of fixation; and it may likewise prove nugatory in children who fail to keep their gaze directed at the object that they are told to look at. (5) Parallax Test. When the screen test is employed, the patient, if his eye deviates behind the screen, will in general no- tice a movement of the object whenever the screen is shifted. This movement is called the parallax^ and, if the test-object is so placed as not to be projected upon any surface back of it (e. g., if it is a spot upon a blank wall), furnishes a valuable indication of the amount and character of the deviation. The perception of this movement is really nothing but the perception of a diplopia, which differs from ordinary diplopia in the fact that the t^vo im- ages are seen in succession^ instead of at the same ti/ne, and, as they occupy different places, give the impression of a single im- age which has moved from one place to another. Thus, if there is convergence (esophoria), the right eye, when unscreened, and before it has had a chance to assume the position of fixation, sees the object a little further to the right than the left eye saw it, i. e., the object appears to have moved from left to right (homony- mous parallax). If, on the other hand, there is divergence (ex- ophoria), the right eye will when unscreened see the object a little further to the left than the left eye did when it was fixing, i. e., the object appears to have moved from \\^\iio\G.ii( crossed parallax). So, too, right hyperphoria is indicated by the fact that the object appears to move down when the right eye is un- covered (right parallax), while in left hyperphoria the object seems to move up (left parallax). These various movements are noticeable even when the deviation is verv slight; a hvpcrplioria of 0.1", for example, being made ajipreciable bv a distinct up and down movement of the object. The amount of the parallax may be measured by the strength of the prism which, placed before the eyes, will neutralize the NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMAMKS. 35 movement. Homonymous parallax will be neutralized by a prism base out, a vertical parallax by a prism with the base up or down, etc. The fact of neutralization or reversal is generally in- dicated by the patient with great precision. Tests for the Associated Parallel Movements. The ability of the eyes to perform associated parallel movement^, i. e., the range through which they can move in any direction and still car'ry on binocular fixation, is tested in the same v^ ay as the abil- ity to maintain binocular fixation while in the primary position. All the tests just described are applicable. Thus inspection en- ables us to say whether the movement of the eyes in, out, up, or down, is too slight or too excessive; also the point where one eye ceases to keep up with the other, this being shown by the fact that the former visibly lags behind or wavers in its course. In: this way we may map out the monocular ox bi)iocular field of fix- ation, as may also be done more accurately by the fixation test (with the double dot, as already described). So, too, by the diplopia test we m-A}^ out ihe field of binocular single vision, and thus also determine whether the eyes follow each other to a nor- mal extent or not. With the same object in view we apply the screen, parallax, and equilibrium tests to ascertain if there is any visible deflection, parallactic movement, or heterophoria within the limits of the normal field of fixation, and, if so, where they begin, and in what direction they increase. By these various means we determine whether the n?ovenicnis in any given direction are excessive or restricted. In this re- gard, inspection and the diplopia and screen tests are practically the most applicable. The mapping out of the field of fixation is laborious and, for the reasons already given, the results obtained are very uncertain, unless a series of examinations upon the same patient happen to be quite concordant. On the other hand, the diplopia test is readily applicable, and in my experience gives much more constant and reliable results.. Diplopia may, to be sure, occur normally, as a transient phenom- enon (physiolrgical diplopia) in most people when the gaze is carried far towards the periphery of the field of fixation ; but such diplopia, as already stated, is inconstant and superable by voluntary effort. A diplopia occurring under all circumstances as soon as the gaze has been carried from 35° to 40° from the primary position, in any given direction, indicates an abnormal weakness. This again may be temporar}-, and a diplopia of this sort occurring about equallv far in all tlirections from the periphery (concentric contraction of the field of single vision) 36 NKW CLASSIKICATION uF MO I OK ANOMALIES. indicates a temporary enfeeblenient of all the ocular muscles such as may happen in neurasthenia and form one of the evi- dences of a general depression of the muscular forces. On the other hand, a diplopia, insuperable by voluntary efifort and con- stantly occurring as soon as the gaze is carried 30° or less in any given direction from the primary position, indicates a true weakness or paresis, of some one of the ocular muscles (paretic diplopia). The differential diagnosis of this condition, based upon the character of the diplopia, will be touched upon later. Tests for Convergence. The tests for binocular fixation in convergence are the same as those for distance, namely, inspec- tion, the fixation and diplopia tests, the screen and parallax tests, and the equilibrium test. All of these, in fact, are habitually ap- plied with the test-object held at the ordinary reading distance, as well as at a distance of 20 feet. The test-object itself for the examination at near points should, as Randall has well said, be something requiring accurate fixation (e. g. a pen-point or fine dot, mstead of the finger which is habitually used). In determin- ing the parallax, some device such as a dot on a large card, which does not allow the test-object to be projected upon any surface beyond it, should be employed. It must be borne in mind that, while orthophoria— absence of deviation — is the ideal state for distance, a slight amount of di- vergence is physiological for near. Thus, in testing at 12", we expect to find with the phorometer an exophoria of 3° to 0°, and with the screen a crossed parallax of the same, or a somewhat less amount; and orthophoria at this range is actually to be re- gf'.rded witi' suspicion, as probably indicating an undue tendency to convergence. This fact does not militate against the exist- ence in these cases of true binocular fixation for reading, or other occupations requiring precise adjustments. The tests for the associated movements in conveigence, like- wise are made in the same way as for the associated movements at a distance. In making the diplopia test at near it is best, if using the candle, to hold the latter not less than 30'' from the eyes, so as to reduce as much as possible the effects of projection. If it is desired to determine the field of binocular single vision for closer ranges, the effects of projection may be obviated by using for a test-object a dot on a large card, the latter being tilted sc; as ahvays to be perpendicular to the patitnt's line of sight. A further important fact to determine in testing movements of convergence is the convergence near-point (Pc). This is ascer- tained by rnrrying a fine object nearer and nearer to the eyes, un- JEW CLASSIFICATION OK MOTOR ANOMALIES. 37 til tlio latter can no longer be converged upon it, or until it ap- pears double. The distance of the object from the root of the nc5-e may then be measured. Notice at the same time should be taken as to which eye is the first to deviate when the limit'of convergence is reached. The same test should be repeated from either side, the object of fixation being first placed at some point A to the right of the middle line and then carried directly towards the left eye L. The latter obviously will not have to change its position of rdduction, but the right eye, R, in order to follow the object, must swing inwards through a considerable arc, A C P. If, on repeating the test with the left eye, one of the two is found Fig. 3. to sag off from the test-object much sooner than the other eye does, the former must have a relatively weak adducting power. Not only the distance of the convergence near-point, but also the ability of the eyes to maintaiii convergence at this distance, should be noted. Lastly, the C'liwergence must be tested by determining the maximum strength of prism placed base out before the eyes, which the latter can overcome when looking at a distant object. Usually, if the patient can at the outset overcome a prism of 20° refracting angle, with ease, w-e assume that he could readily learn to do two or three times as much if sufificiently exercised, and we consider his prism-convergence as normal. Exceptionally, es- pfcially in cases of convergence-insufficiency, w^e find that the 38 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. prism-convergence even after repeated trials cannot be got above 10° or 12° (prism), and that even this amount is hard for the palient to do and still harder to maintain. As the exercise of the prism-convergence not infrequently be- gets a condition of convergence-spasm, it is generally best to de- fer testing the convergence in this way until after the divergence has been determined. 1 1 is well in testing the convergence by means of adducting prism to ascertain hoxv in7ich accommodation the patient is as- sociating with it. This can be done by using the test-types for the object of fixation and finding what concave glass is required to give the patient full sight. It will generally be found that by re- peated practice with an object of this sort, the strength of the concave glass can be gradually diminished — i. e., the patient gradually acquires the ability, when looking at a distant object, to converge without using his accommodation. A case in which extreme facility in this respect was acquired has already been spoken of. It is often important therapeutically to efifcct a dis- association of this sort between accommodation and convergence, especially in cases of convergence-insufficiency. Tests for Divergence. The diverging power is determined by the amount of jjrism placed, base in, before the eyes, which the latter can overcome when looking at a distant object. The strength of prism thus overcome varies in normal cases from G° to 8° (refracting angle). A divergence of less than 5° (prism) means insuflficiency, and one of over 9*^ an excess of diverging action. Tests for Sursumvergence. The sursumvergence, l e., the amount by which the eyes can diverge in a vertical plane, is de- ternnned by the strength of prism placed base up or down before the eyes, which the latter can overcome when looking at a dis- tant object. The right snrsumvcrgejice (in which the prisms are so adjusted as to cause the right visual line to be the higher of the two) and the left sursumvergence should both be ascertained. It is usually best to leave some interval of time between the two tests, as after making the efifort required to produce right sur- sumvergence (or left deorsumvergence) it is difficult at once to perform the contrary action. A difference of 1° or more between the right anil Ictt sursum- vergence or, in any case, a sursumvergence exceeding *1° (prism), indicates the probable existence of a hyperphoria. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOll ANOMALIES. 39 Way in which the Tests are applied in Practice. In prac- tice I have found it best to apply the tests in the following order: (1) Inspection, I note the apparent relations of the eyes in the primary position and also for associated parallel and con- vergent movements, using for the purpose some rather fine test- object such as a pen-point which the patient is made to follow with the eyes as it is carried in different directions. Any very obvi- ous deflection, e. g., a marked concomitant strabismus or a par- alytic squint, can be made out at once by this means alone. (2) Screen and Parallax Tests. These are made simultan- eously. First, a test-object 20 feet off is taken, and then one at the ordinary reading distance. If inspection has revealed any marked deviation or one which increases notably in any given direction of the gaze, the screen test also is applied in different portions of the field of fixation in order to corroborate these find- ings. (3) Equilibrium Test both for distance and near with the phorometer or with prisms in the trial-frame. (4) Test for Divergettce by means of prisms placed base in before the eyes (Abducticn-test of most authors). (5) Determination of the Convergence Near-point both in the median line (test for bilateral convergence) and also, as has been previously explained in the course of this brochure, in lateral positions of the gaze (test of eccentric convergence). (6) Test for Convergence by prisms placed base out before the eyes (Adduction-test of most authors). (7) Diplopia Test with candle at 40" or more, and some- times also with card and dot at XT'. In order to make this test available for diagnosis we must Have some ready method of re- cording which shall indicate, not only the character of the diplo- pia, but also its approximate amount, the point at which it be- gins to appear, and the way in which it increases or decreases in different directions of the gaze.* These comprise all the tests really necessary, and all these can in most cases be readily performed within ten minutes. If further tests are thought requisite, the Sursumvergence Test (8) *A sample of the scheme which I have adopted for my entries is as follows: Eu 20", Er 25^^— DL; Eu 25^, Er 30«-DL 2", DX 2", which would mean that when the eyes were carried 25°, to the right and 20° up from the primary position vertical diplopia appeared: the image of the left eye being lower (left diplopia): and that when the eyes were carried 30° to the right and 25° up the image of the left eye was 2° below and 2° to the right of that found by the right eye (i. e., there was a left and crossed diplopia of 2° each). 40 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. and the mapping out of the Field of Fixation (9), may be under- taken. If they are, they should be left to the last, as they gener- ally cause considerable strain of the eyes, and hence, if performed early, are apt to derange the normal relations of the eyes, and thus interfere with any tests that may be made afterwards. If the patient is ametropic or presbyopic, the various tests enu- merated should be made both with and without the correcting glasses, in order to ascertain the effect of the latter upon the mus- cular condition ; and other factors that might modify the latter, e. g., the existence of atropine mydriasis, should also be noted. (To be continued.) Reprinted from Annals op Ophthalmology, January, 1897. A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE MOTOR ANOMA- LIES OF THE EYE, BASED UPON PHYSIO- LOGICAL PRINCIPLES. the prize essay of the alumni association of the college of physicians and surgeons, new york, for 1896. By Alexander Duane, M. D., NEW YORK. Part 2. Pathology. IV.. Classification of Ocular Deviations. Nature of functions that may be affected.— Nature of lesions affecting these functions. — Hypokinesis, Hyperkinesis, Parakinesis.— Variation in degree of the lesions. Superable and insuperable deviations (Hetero- phoria and Squint) .—Classification propounded.— Comitant and non-comitant deviations.— General diagnostic laws based upon the presence or absence of comitancy.— Transformation of non- comitant into comitant deviations. V. Anomaliesoftlie Individual Muscles. Muscular under-action and over-action. Three main varieties.— Structural muscular de- viations. Structural (Muscular) squint (Sclineller's cases). Structural heterophoria.— Insertional squint and heterophoria.— Innervational deviations. Muscular Paresis. Muscular Spasm; varieties and cases.— Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis of the different Varieties of Muscular Over-action and Under-action. Identity in the symptoms presented by the three varieties. Con- genital deviations. Course of acquired deviations. Diagnosis between under-action and over-action. Slight weakness and over- action (explaining cases of heterophoria and particularly hyperphoria). Diagnosis by the double images. Principles and diagnostic tables. Deductions from the tables. Treatment of muscular over-action and under-action.— Tremor of individual ocular muscles; Unilateral nvstagmus. VI. Anomalies of Associated Parallel Movements. Hypokm- sis. Paresis and insufficiency of associated parallel movements. Spasm of associated i.arallel movements. Peculiar case of spasm observed by the autliov.— Parakinesis of assocuited movements (Nystagmus). Theory of nystagmus. VII. Anomalies of Convergence. Hypokinesis. Paralysis of con- vergence.— Convergence-insufficiency. Signs. Nature and etiol- 42 XEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. ogy. Varieties of non-accommodative convergence-insufficiency. Accommodative convergence-insufficiency; varieties. Course. Complications. Symptoms. Treatment. — Hyperkinesis. Spasm of convergence. Convei'gence-excess. Signs. Etiology. Va- rieties of non-accommodative and of accommodative converg- ence-excess. Course. Complications. Symptoms. Treatment. VIII. Anomalies of Divergence. Hypokinesis. — Divergence-insuf- ticieucv. Signs. Etiology. Idiopathic and secondary diverg- ence-insiifticiency. Differentiation of the two forms. Course. Symptoms. Treatment. — Hyperkinesis. Divergence-excess. Signs. p]liology. Primary and secondary divergence-excess. DiftVrciitiatioii of the two. Course. Symptoms. Treatment. IX. Anomalies of Sursumvergence. Hypokinesis. Sumsurverg- encc-ins\ifficit'iicy. — Hyperkinesis. Sursumvergence-excess. Sursunivergencc-liyperphoria and vertical strabismus. Peculiar cases; anatr()i)ia and catatropia. X. Anomalies of Rotation Movements. XI. Recapitulation. Nature of Outward, Inward and Vertical Deviations (Exoiihoria. Plsophoria and Hyperphoria). Varieties of each and their dilferentiation. IV. THE CLASSIFICATION OF OCULAR DEVIATIONS. We have seen in Section II. of this brochure that as physiologists we have to consider not only the movements of the individual muscles and the relative power of the latter, but also, and more particularly, the associated move- ments of the eyes produced by the coordinated actions of these muscles. It seems obvious that the same principles which we apply to the physiology of the ocular movements should also be applied to their pathology, and that in classi- fying motor disorders of the eye we should concern our- selves not simpj}! icith the disorderi< and weaknesses of the Duisrhs as such, hut also with the affections of all the various QHOvements of which either e//e alone or both et/es together are susceptible. Reasoning in this way, we shall ask if we do not in actual practice meet with pathological conditions which may be classified into the following groups, corre- sponding to the physiological groups which we have al- ready studied? (1) Disorders of individual muscles. (2) Disorders of associated parallel movements. (3) Disorders of convergence. (4) Disorders of divergence. {5j Disorders of sursumvergence. (6) Disorders of the rotation (or swivel) movements. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 43 I think that we have a sufficient number of clinical facts to enable us to give an affirmative answer to this query. For example, we meet with quite a number of cases in which the power of convergence is weak — a state that we might attribute (as indeed it often is attributed) to an in- trinsic weakness of the interni, were it not for the fact that the working of the latter in associated parallel movements is quite normal. Here then, evidently, it is the function of convergence that is at fault and not the action of the in- terni per se. Similarly we find excessive divergence action which can not be attributed to weakness of the interni, since the latter act normally both in convergence and in lateral movements, nor yet to excessive strength of the ex- terni as such, since the latter in associated parallel move- ments do not carry the eye too far outward. In this case, therefore, it is the function of divergence, and not the power of the interni, or externi, that is at fault. Both this condition and the preceding one exhibit the common symp- tom of divergence in fixation and would hence ordinarily be classed together as examples of exophoria; but in classi- fying them thus we should be naming not the disease but the symptom. The symptom, moreover, while the most ob- vious, is not necessarily the most important feature of the condition in question ; and in our therapeusis we aim not so much to abrogate the exophoria per se, as to remove the state (defective convergence, excessive divergence) caus- ing the exophoria. Similar instances might be given of other varieties of motor disorders in which also the function involved is an ocular movement and not an ocular inuftcle. The considera- tion of these, however, will be deferred until later when they can be discussed more in detail ; those given above being regarded as sufficient for purposes of illustration. If, then, any one of the ocular motor functions may be involved independently of the rest, we must next inquire what may be the nature of the lesion affecting it. In ans- wer to this it may be said that any motor function may be deranged in either one of three ways. (1) It may be performed inadequately or not at all — de- ficiency of moyement ( II//2>ol-i)ie.sis). 44 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. (2) It may be performed excessively — excessive move- ment ( JIi/perK'inesis). (3) It may be performed irregularly or in successive phases of excess and inadequacy — irregular movement ( Parakinesis). To the question whether disorders having these various characters are actually encountered in connection with the ocular movements, clinical facts once more enable us to give an affirmative answer. It must, however, be under- stood that these conditions, namely hypokinesis, hyper- kinesis and parakinesis, may be present in very varying degrees. Thus weakness (hypokinesis) may vary all the way from a slight and transient enfeeblement to a complete paralysis; and, similarly, excessive action (hyperkinesis) may range from a moderate degree of over-action to an intense and permanent spasm. It thus happens that there are some deviations so slight as to be habitually corrected by the supplementary ^ffort that the patient is able to ex- ert ( Supe fable deviation, Latent st)'ahis')nus,IIeteropJioria ); while there are other deviations so great that the patient can overcome them with difficulty if at all, and which are hence more or less constantly present ( Insuperable devia- tion. Manifest squint, Ileterotropia ). These latter again are divided according to the constancy of their occurrence into Interniitte]it, when present at intervals, Periodic, when recurring regularly under certain conditions {e. g. in con- vergence), and (Jonsta)it. It should be borne in mind, however, that these distinctions all represent differences simply of degree and not of kind. The foregoing considerations, confirmed and modified by the results of the examination of quite a large amount of clinical material, have led me to propound the following classification of the motor anomalies of the eye. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MOTOR ANOMALIKS OF TIIK EYE. OCULAR DEVIATIONS IN (JENERAL DUE To L Anomalie.s of Iiulividual IMusclcs oi- of tlicir Nfivc-iiucU'i. {a) Jhider-actioti. The iiiusclf works iiiclliciciitly. L Hecause tiic niusrit' itsi'If is ill-di'volopi'd or atropliii-d (Struc- tural S(|uint), or because its attachnieuts are unfavorable for cfTcctive action ( Iiiscrtioual Scuiiiit). NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 45 2. Because of iinpairinent of the nerve or nerve-iiueleus supply- ing the niusele (Paretic Sy the deA'elopment of a spasm of the direct antagonist or of a pair of antagonistic muscles in the eye ai¥ected. Thus in a paralysis of the right externus, wliich produces a deviation confined to the right- half of the field of fixation, is usually followed after a time by a spastic contraction of the right internus, which produces a deviation of the same character in the left half of the field of fixation. Thus the affected eye gets' to squint inward, not only when looking to the right, but also when looking to the left, and the deviaticm, from being markedly non-comitant, be- comes comitant or nearly so. A similar occurrence is regularly ob- served in paralysis of the other nuisdes. A similar tendency to replace non-comitant by comitant deviations appears to prevail, although possil)ly 1<> a less extent, in divergence and convergence anomalies. Thus a convergence-insufficiency, exist- ing at first without any complication, is very apt later on to become associated with a divergence-excess, so that a sensibly constant devia- tion outward(exoi»horia)is present both for far and near.where origin- ally it was i)resent for lu-ar only. So also a convergence-excess may lead to a divergence-insufiiciency, so that the I'sophoria which at first was marked only for lu/ar now becomes etjually pronounced for dis- tance. Tliis compensatory process, by which comitancy is evolved NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 49 idenees of fatty or filn-ous transformation nor of myositis. The diagnostic features of a muscular squint, according to Schneller, are (1) The deviation is not relieved by atropinization and correction of the refraction (distinction from accommoda- tive convergence-excess and convergence-insufficiency). (2) The field of fixation (/. e. the range of excursion of the eyes) is abnormally large in one direction and abnor- mally limited in the opposite. If the sum of the inward excursions of the two eyes exceeds the sum of the outward excursions by 30'\ a convergent strabismus is produced ; while a preponderance of outward excursions over inward excursions of 12' is sufficient to cause a divergent squint (Schneller). *Scc article by tlK- autliur 1)11 •■ I'aialysis of tlic SiiiHii.>r Kutu-^ aiul Us HcnriiiK upon tilt Theory of Mustular Iiisufricicncy " (Archives ol t)i)lit!ialiiiolu),'y. vol. xxiii.. No. 1,18M.) tSchnellcr fotiud the normal ratio between the breadth of the externu.s-tendoii and the internu.s-tendoii to be 102:100. His measiircnients were made so as to include more uf the .-scleral attachments than in those made by other observers who have found the ratio to be SS ( Volkiiiaiiu) ami S<( ( [•"uclis) NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 51 This latter statement involves a fallacy, strictly speaking?, if the range of excursion is, as is usually the case, determined by making the eyes follow a test-object situated within a foot or so of the eye. For in this case when the eyes are directed to the right, the amount of excursion outward of the right eye = the absolute amount by which the externus can turn it outward (abduction) less the amount by which it is turned inward in order to converge upon the object (con- vergence). The latter (convergence) movement will be exce^ssive either if the right iiitei'nus acts too forcibly in response to an ordi- nary impulse of convergence (muscular excess) or if, the muscle being normal, the impulse itself is excessive (convergence-excess). In either case the net movement outward will be limited, even when the actual amount of abduction produced by the externus is normal. If, then, the case were one of simple convergence-excess the limita- tion of outward movement would be the same for both ej'es, (. e., the same whether the gaze is directed to the right or to the left; but if it were one of muscular squint, i. e. of actual insufficiency of the externi (or preponderance of the interni) the limitation might be either unilateral or bilateral. In the latter event the diagnosis of a muscular anomalj', as distinguished from a pure anomaly of convergence, would be substantiated if the limita- tion of abduction were found to be the same for all distances, far as well as near. Degrees of weakness or of over-development, too slight to produce actual squint, probably form an important ele- ment in the causation of many cases of heterophoria (".s'/r^^r- fura/ heteropJioria. ) Insertional squint or heterophoria, /. e. that sort of mus- cular under-action or over-action due to variations in the origin and insertion of the tendons, is difficult to distin- guish from the structural deviations due to under or over- development of the muscular fibre itself. The structural deviations, however, are frequently congenital, while inser- tional squint is generally acquired. For example, a very important class of cases coming under the latter category are those in which the insertion of a tendon has been dis- placed by a tenotomij or an advanremenf . Here by the op- eration an insertional anomaly is produced; and the weak- ness or over-action resulting from this artificial anomaly is precisely similar in symptoms and objective signs to weak- ness or over-action due to natural causes (paresis or spasm, for example).* *Of the exactness of this similarity I have been able to convince myself by re- peated examinations upon cases in which extensive operations had been made either upon the lateral or vertical muscles. 52 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. Another class of cases in which there is an acquired in- sertional anomaly are those in which a direrr/enf sfrahis- mus /ia.s (Jrveloj^ed as a rcsti/f of tlie (jradual dit-erffence of the ovhits taking place during the period of growth in child- hood and youth. This divergence, by altering the angle of insertion of the tendons and the amount of tendon in contact with the eye -ball, increases very greatly the power of the externus and diminishes that of the internus, and in itself is quite sufficient to account for the development of the strabismus (see L. Weiss, Arch. f. Augenh. xxix. and Arch, of Oph. xxv. No. 3, 1896) . The anomaly in this case is of great importance in that it exaggerates and renders uncertain the effect of a tenotomy of the interni when made upon children. Admitting Weiss' s explanation of it, the obvious deduction would be that tenotomy of the interni should be avoided in children with convergent squint who have the orbits and eyes set very close together, since in these divergence of the orbits is likely to take place subse- quently resulting in a preponderance of the externi, which will by itself suffice to correct the convergence. Other kinds of insertional anomalies exist, some so slight as to produce only a moderate degree of heteropliona, in- stead of a squint. They often develop when a non-comi- tant deviation has lasted for some time, and help to trans- form the latter into a deviation of the comitant variety. Muscular paresis and spasms (Innervational Deviations). The subject of the paralyses of the eye muscles has been so thoroughly worked out and so ably presented by the two Graefes and Mauthner, that there is but little to add to their statement. The few points to which it seems necessary to call attention will be touched upon in the remarks on diagnosis. Spasm of the individual ocular muscles may occur (1) As an cridviicc ,'-ht eye l)ecause he sees Itetter with it. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 53 Then when he looks at some object situated on his right he has to exert an excessive amount of force to turn his tixing eye out suffi- ciently. The same amount of force is, by the law of association, also transmitted to the left internus, and the latter, not being paretic, Avill respond with normal vigor to the excessive stimulus, so as to carry the left eye nnich further to the right than its fellow, and hence quite to the right of the object of fixation. In this case, as the right eye follows the object, and the left eye by an apparently excessive action shoots past it, we might regard the condition as one of veritable spasm of the left internus ; whereas the real state of the case is that the latter muscle is normal and contracts excessively only because the stimulation that it receives is excessive. These cases are therefore correctly denominated as cases of false or apparent spasm. (2) In the case of a paralysis of an ocular musle, a spas- tic contraction of one or more of the other inuscks in the same ei/e takes place, by virtue of which, as has been al- ready stated, the deviation becomes more or less concomi- tant and generalized throughout the whole field of fixation. This contraction finally results in a permanent shortening (contracture) of the muscles affected, but before this stage has been reached, a temporary and varying spasm may be set up in the antagonists of the paralyzed muscle, so as to carry the deviation and the diplopia far outside of the field of action of the latter. This was clearly shown in the fol- lowing case which came under my care : Paralysis of Inferior Rectus. Varying Spasm of Superior Rectus of same eye. H., male, aged 29. Vertigo, blurring of sight, and diplopia for past two years. No history of syphilis. Presents all the evidences (by inspection, screen, and diplopia tests) of a well-marked paresis of the R. inferior rectus. Vertical diplopia (with image of right eye below = DR) increasing to 6° to 7° (=14" prism) as the eyes are carried down and to the right; diminishing to zero when the gaze was directed down and to the left. Moderate crossed diplopia everywhere; increasing when eyes are directed down and to left. Vertical diplopia of the same character as that found in the lower field prevailed, although to a less extent in the upper field; most marked in looking up and to the right (Eu & r, DR increasing) . This diplopia in the upper field varying much, and partially superable by voluntary effort. Here there was evidently a spasm (variable in amount) of the right elevators, and particularly of the right superior rectus (shown by the fact of the vertical diplopia increasing upward and to the rifjhf). The vertical diplopia in the upper part of the field might, it is true, have been due to a paresis of the elevators of the left eye; but the 54 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. variable character of the diplopia and the fact that it was siiperable by voluntary effort negative this supposition. (3) Spasm (usually slight) of one or more of the ocular muscles may occur as the result of h-riiotlri^ hsloiis at the base of tJie hrain, particularly meningitis. (4) Slight transient spasm may occur in chorea. (5) Convulsive tonic spasm may occur in epilepsi/ and Itifs- fen'a, although in these diseases it is not generally the individual muscles that are affected, but the associated movements of the eyes (particularly the parallel move- ments and movements of convergence). Gowers, however (Diseases of the Nervous System), calls attention to a sort of convulsive seizure that maybe styled epileptoid, in which there are suddenly developing tonic and clonic spasms of one or more ocular muscles, associated with more or less obtunding of the consciousness. (6) Finally we may have cases of non-pa roxiismal and chronic spai^ni of some one ocular nmsclv, which causes the eye to make an excessive movement as soon as it is turned so that the affected muscle can act upon it. Thus cases have been described in which a spasm of the external rec- tus caused the eye to shoot far outward as soon as the eye was turned past the middle line. Mauthner (Augenmus- kelliihmungen) casts doubt on all such cases, regarding them as probably instances of secondary deviation of a sound eye due to the fact that the other eye is paretic but still performs fixation, so that an excessive impulse is transmitted to both eyes. That is, he would class all such cases under the category of false or apparent spasm (Group 1 mentioned above) . But this statement is certainly too sweeping, since cases of chronic spasm, although doubtless rare, do occur, as witness the following that I observed: Paralysis of L. Externus; Spasm of L. Inferior Oblique. Ber- tha S., a{?ed 8. Deviation of eyes noticed since birth. Used to h<»kl head to right and does so still wlien looking intently at anything. L. eye eannot move out beyond median line. Wlien eyes are car- ried horizontally to the right, L. eye siiddenlif Jiies itpward and he- cowes buried beneath the upper fid. In associated movements in lower field, L. eye moves normally with the \i. Behind screen L. eye de- viates high up and somewliat in. Deviation of either eye behind .screen about efjual. No double images attainabU'. V. H. -"'4,1: witli +1.00 D. •-•»/:.«. L. 2'7,„. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. oa Here the sudden and excessive upward movement of tlie left eye when directed inward could only have been effected by a spasmodic contraction of the inferior oblique; the superior rectus acting but slightly as an elevator when the eye is adducted. A similar case in which with paralysis of the R. externus and R. superior rectus there was spasm of the R. superior oblique is the following: Emma D., aged 15. Strabismus since scarlatina eleven years \)e- fore. Occasional vertigo; no diplopia. Movements of L. eye nor- mal. R. eye cannot move at all to right, nor upward and to right ; movement upward almost normal when eyes are carried to left (re- tention of power of inferior oblique) ; movement downward excess- ive, especially when eyes are directed to left (excessive action of superior oblique) ; when attempt is made to move eyes straight to left, R. eye shoots obliquely down and to the left (spasmodic action of superior oblique). In addition to these cases in which spasm was associated with paralysis, I have seen others in which a deviation limited to one portion of the field of fixation was present, which deviation was always marked but yet varied so irnirh ill amount from one time of observation to another as to necessitate the assumption of its being spasmodic rather than paralytic in origin. Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis of the Different Varieties of Muscular Over=action and Under=action. No attempt will be made here to go at all fully into the symp- toms produced by insufficiency or over-action of the indi- vidual muscles. This has already been done in various excellent treatises. I will simply give the following facts to which, as I conceive, too little attention has been paid. 1. In the deviations considered in the foregoing para- graphs the abnormality, as has been pointed out, may affect either the muscle itself, its tendon, or the nerve and nerve-nucleus supplying it; /. e. the muscle may act above or under the normal either because it is itself too much or too little developed (Structural Deviation) ; or because the direction and insertion of its tendons are not what they should be (Insertional Deviation) ; or because the muscle is in a state of paralysis or spasm (Innervational — Paretic or Spastic — Deviation) . Now it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that tJiese three varieties, however dissiuillar 56 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES, hi (>ri(jiii, shoir ill Ijii'ir si/mjifonis inid ohjiriirc siifiis no real point of iUfftn^nct^. Thus weakness of the external rectus, whether arising from feeble and arrested develop- ment of the muscular fibre, or from mal -position of the tendon (natural or produced by a tenotomy), or from lesion of the sixth nerve, gives rise to the same symptoms and offers the same appearances to objective examination. The characters of the paretic and spastic deviations, to be sure, are generally more definite and more striking than are those of the other anomalies mentioned, but this is simply owing to the fact that such cases are -usually seen early, before any compensatory changes have taken place and while the diplopia, false projection, vertigo, and other symptoms are therefore still marked. Precisely the same effect will be produced in a patient with binocular single vision if one of the tendons is completely divided. And in cases of long standing— particularly in congenital cases — it is impossible to say with certainty from the symptoms alone without reference to the history whether faulty innervation, faulty insertion, or faulty structure lies at the basis of the anomaly. 2. Couiieniial (Ji^viafioiis present several peculiarities. In the first place they cause little or no trouble for the ob- vious reason that the patient from his infancy has learned to adjust himself to the anomalous condition present. Again, it is remarkable that, even after the condition has existed for years, there is no constant suppression of the diplopia such as occurs in comitant squint, and further- more, there is no tendency, as in the case of other non- comitant deviations, to a transformation into a comitant deviation by the development of a contracture of the an- tagonists. The reason probably is that as the patient has never known any different condition from that which he was born with, and as this condition consequently is the natural one for him, he experiences no inconvenience from its continuance, so that no involuntary tendency is set up toward its rectification. The result is' that these congenital deviations, which may be due cither to paresis or to a struc- tural defect, afford, as far as objective signs go, the most typical picture of uncomplicated muscular paralysis that we can have. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 57 3, Aciie in which a partial oculomotor paralysis with second- ary contracture of the externus had resulted in a nearly coniitant strabismus divergens. In proportion as the deviation becomes transformed from a non-oomitant to a comitant one, the symptoms grow less disturbing; for, as already stated, it is always the case that, other things being equal, a comitant deviation will give less trouble than will one that is non -comitant. 4. The ilia(iii(>sis Intween ocer-adiou and Hnn is often difficult. Theoretically, over-action (spasm) is asso- ciated with excessive movement, and under-action (pare- sis) with very deficient movement in some one direction. But, unless the paralysis is nearly total or the spasm is great, it is not always easy to say whether it is the muscle of one eye that is under-acting or whether it is the asso- ciated antagonist of the other eye that is over-acting; and when secondary changes have taken place, transforming the deviation into a comitant one, the diagnosis is often impossible. Before this has occurred the differentiation may be made from the following considerations. OVKR-ACTIOX. I INDKK-ACTIUN. Points in Common. One eye moves faster and further than the other \vhen both are carried in some one particular direction: and this discrepancy be- tween the position of the eyes and also the diplopia, false projec- tion, and vertigo become more and more pronounced, the further the eyes are carried in tliat direction. The primary i)ositi(.n for both eyes is nearly the sanu-. The absolute excursion of the faster moving eye in the given direction is greater than normal; that of the other eye is normal. The total excursion of the fast- er moving eye in the given direc- tion and in its opposite is greater than normal: /. <., the field <)f fixation is excessively large in one of its diameters. Fixation is usually perfornu'd l)y the slower moving eye. The amount of deviation may show gr«'at and sudden changes fr()m time to time. The al)solute I'xcursion of the faster moving eye is n()nnal in all directions: that of the other eye is subnormal. The total excursion of the fast- er moving I'ye is normal, that of the other eve is subnormal; /. c, the field of fi.xation of the latter is contracted in one of its diame- ters. Fixation usually performed by the faster moving eyi'. The amount of deviation re- mains constant or changes slowly aiul pi'ogressiveiy. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 59 5. While the diagnosis of a marked underaction of one of the ocular muscles usually presents no difficulty, there is quite a large number of cases in which the condition is not so obvious, the weakness of the nuiseles beiiiy eoinpavatively sjiqhf.* In these cases diplopia does not occur until the eyes are removed some distance (10" to 20°) from the pri- mary position. As soon as it does appear, however, it develops in a perfectly typical fashion, showing marked increase in some one special direction and diminishing elsewhere to zero. Most cases of this sort of anomaly, that I have observed, have been those in which there was a pretty pronounced weakness (perhaps of congenital origin or, rather, due to non-development) of the superior rectus ; less frequently the inferior rectus seemed involved. The nature and course of these cases have not been thor- oughly investigated, but it is noticeable that they are frequently associated with a convergence -insufficiency which shows a tendency to go over into a divergence - excess, resulting, in sone instances at least, in a regular divergent squint. The chief symptoms (which, however, are, very likely, attributable to the convergence-insuffi- ciency) are conjunctival irritation, asthenopia (often very marked), headache, and diplopia. In many cases the symptoms are insignificant and this fact ' coupled with the absence of diplopia in the primary position is probably the reason why these cases have been left uninvestigated. Quite a number of cases of hyperphoria doubtless belong to this category. Another variety of muscular weakness, transitory in its character, is that already referred to as associated with neurastJienia. Here we may find diplopia all round the periphery of the field of fixation, i. e. within 35° of the primary position (Concentric contraction of the field of binocular single vision). This condition would appear to have little significance except as a diagnostic sign of the condition with which it is associated. It is not unlikely that slight degrees of muscular sjjasm are at the bottom of some of the cases of heterophoria that we meet with; e. > = increasing; << = de- creasing. Diplopia = Paresis of OR = Spasm of Er. DII >> greatly. R. E'i;ternal Rectus L. Internal Rectus Er. DX L. Internal Rectus R. External Rectus El. DII L. External Rectus R. Internal Rectus El. DX R. Internal Rectus L. External Rectus Eu. &r. DL " R. Superior Rectus L Inferior Oblique Eu. &r. DR ■' L. Inferior Oblique R. Superior Rectus Eu. &1. DR " L. Superior Rectus R. Inferior Oblique Eu. &1. DL " R. Inferior Oblique L. Superior Rectus Ed. &r. DR " R. Inferior Rectus L- Superior Oblique Ed. & r. DL " L. Superior Oblique R. Inferior Rectus Ed. &1 DR " R. Superior Oblique L. Inferior Rectus Ed. &1. DL '• L. Inferior Rectus R. Superior Oblique The above table is sufficient for all ordinary working purposes, but or the sake of coi-ppleteness I grve also the more extensive one subjoined, which I have devised to show how the character of the diplopia may be modified by circumstances. 62 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. TABLE OF DIPLOPIA. A. HOMOXYMOrs DIPLOPIA VARYIN(t WITH DIFKKKKNT DIRKCTIONS OF THE UAZK. /. Vtiridtion f/reat = Paresis of Externus (Sjkisiii of Internns.) CHARACTER OF DIPLOPIA INDICATES PARESIS OF OR SPASM OF DII >> in Er, << in El. DII » in El. << in Er. R. External Rectus L. External Rectus L. Internal Rectus R. Internal Rectus II. Variation slifjht = Paresis of Oblique (Spasm of Sii])erior or In ft rior Bectus) or a couiitant esojthoria <(ssociate > in Vr I K"- iKu. & r.] I R. Superior Rectui uii <"r- 111 r,r. i Particularly marked in I R. Superior Obliqi I Ed. [Ed. & r.l i R. Inferior Rectus f Particularly marked it . , „, J Eu. [Eu. & l.J "' • I Particularly marked ir Ed. [Ed. &1.J f L. Inferior Oblique "I L. Superior Rectus J L. Superior Oblique 1 L. Inferior Rectus L. Superior Rectus L- Inferior Oblique L. Inferior Rectus I,. Superior Oblique R. Superior Rectus R. Inferior Oblique R. Inferior Rectus R. Superior Oblique B. CROSSED DIPLOPIA VARYINU IN DIFFERKXT DIRECTIONS OF THE (iAZE. I. Variation great = Paresis of Internns (S/iasni of IJ.rternas.) CHARACTER OF DIPLOPIA DX>> in Er., << \r\ El. D>> in l-:i.. << in Er. = PARESIS OF OR SPASM OF L. Internal Rectus R. External Rectus R. Internal Rectus I,. External Rectus //. Vari> n Er. ', Eu. lEu. & r.) I L. Superior Obliciue I K. Superior kectusi << in El. 1 Particularly marked in \ I,. Inferior Rectus I K. Superior Oblique I Ed. Ed. it r.l ( I,. Superior (>bli(|i:e K. Inferior Rectus ( Particularly marked in ( R. Superior Rectus L- Inferior Oblique n.\ >> in I-;i. J V.u [Eu. &1.1 1 K. Inferior Oblique U. Superior Rectus <'1inEr. 1 Particularly marked in f R. Ir ferior Rectus I.. Superior t)blique I E<1. [I'M. & l.j I K. Superior Obli(|Ue I,. Inferior Rectus NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 63 C. VERTICAL PTPLOPIA VARYING IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS OF THE GAZE (= PARESIS OR SPASM OP ELEVATOR OR DEPRESSOR.) 1. Diplopia ^^ in Eii. (Paresis or Spasm of Elerator.) CHARACTER OF DIPLOPIA 1DR. most marked in Eu. & r. I regularly associ- ated with DII >> iu DR. most marked in Eu. & 1. [regularly associ- I ated with DX > > in I Eu. & r.] I PARESIS OF OK SPASM OK I,. Inferior Oblique R. Superior Rectus 1 L. Superior Rectus R. Inferior Oblique f DL most marked in Eu. I R. Superior Rectus L, Inferior Oblique 1 & r. [regularly associ" I ated with DX > ,^, , .... 1 Ru. &1.] Y>h, K- K- in hA\. -^ jjj^ j^Qg^ marked in Eu. I & 1. [regularly associ- I ated with DII > > in I Eu. &r.] R. Inferior Oblique L. Superior Rectus II. Diplopia U^ in Ed. (= Paresis or Spasm of Depressor). !DR most marked in Ed. I R. Inferior Rectus ^I.. Superior Oblique & r. [regularly associ-] ated with DX >> in 1 DR most marked in Ed.j R. Superior Oblique L. Inferior Rectus 1 & 1. regularly associat-' ' ed with DII >> in Ed.i I &r.] 1 [ DL most marked in Ed. L. Superior Oblique R. Inferior Rectus 1 -& r. [regularly associ-' I ated with DII > > in DI, > > in Ed | p^ niost marked in Ed.' L. Inferior Rectus R. Superior Oblique I & 1. regular associated I with DX>>inEd. & r. From the foregoing table the following facts are appar- ent: (1) All Jiomonyinous diplopia, whether laiye or .'xisting a NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 67 new and very troublesome patliolof^ical eoiidition, namely, a limita- tion of the movements of the right eye in the lower tield also. In other words, to the paresis already present another paresis has been added l)y oi)eration, and the patient suffei's from the eoml)ined effects of l)oth. That the «^ffeet of both pareses actually eo-exist can readily be demonstrated by an examination of the double images. It will be found that the diplopia in the upper field has not been materially re- duced by the operation, while a diplopia which did not exist l)efore has been introduced into the lower field and gives rise to nnich dis- turbance. In this case advancement of the weak elevator in the af- fected eye or tenotomy of the elevator in the other eye would be the proper operation. Parakineses. Tremor of Individual Ocular Muscles (Uni= lateral or Non=symmetrical Nystagmus). The tremulous movement (alternating spasm) that we denote by the name of nystagmus, although usually affecting equally the asso- ciated muscles in the two eyes, and therefore dependent in all probability upon a lesion of the association-centers, may be confined to the muscles of one eye or be of a different character in one eye from that in the other. Hence, while ordinarily constituting a perversion of the associated parallel movements of the eyes, in these cases it must be regarded as a perversion of the movements of the individual muscles. These cases, are, to be sure, quite rare. Graefe (Graefe-Saemisch) reports four cases of uni-^ lateral vertical nystagmus (two observed by himself) , and adds that, while he has seen cases of slight rotary nystag- mus confined to one eye, he has never met with one of uni- lateral horizontal nystagmus. Frost, however (Trans. Ophth. Soc. of United Kingdom, xiv. 245), reports a case of acquired nystagmus in which the oscillations were hori- zontal in one eye and vertical and rotary in the other. VI. ANOMALIES OF ASSOCIATED PARALLEL MOVEMENTS. Hypokineses. Paresis and Insufficiency of Associated Parallel flovements. rarali/si.s of the lafemJ associated iiioccinrnts of the eyes is not infrequent in destructive cer- ebral disease, particularly apoplexy, the site of the lesion in paralysis of dextroversion being in the left, and in par- 68 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. alysis of sinistroversion in the right half of the brain. In pure cases of this sort the power of convergence is re- tained, showing- that the internal rectus, although incapaci- tated as far as consentaneous action with the opposite externus is concerned, is not disabled from performing work in conjunction with its fellow internus. This shows that in these cases we are not dealing with a conjoined paralysis of one externus and one internus, but with an inhibition of one particular hioreiiioii of the two eyes. Parabisix of sursmiivermon (without any involvement of the lateral movements) and para/ >/.s/,^ of .sursta/iverKt'oii a)i(( deorsumi'ersion (of/efher have been observed (Gowers; Sauvineau, Trans, of VIII. Ophth. Congress, Edinburgh, 1894) . Except as diagnostic signs of the condition causing them these associated deviations are of little clinical importance. Whether there are slighter grades of these disorders, not dependent upon severe structural disease and possibly productive of more symptoms on their own account, has not, as far as I know, been positively demonstrated. Certain cases, however, described by Savag-e (Oph. Record. Jan., 1896) under the name of Asthenic vertical orthophoria in which the combined up-and-down movements of botli eyes (sursum version and deorsum version) were performed insuffi- ciently and with difficulty wouUl seem to belong' in tliis cate- gory; and possibly the explanation of the conditions called by Stevens Anatropia and Catatropia nuiy l)e had by assuming a weakness of deorsumversion in the former case and of sursumversion in the latter, so that in either instance both visual lines are- off tlie proper level (see Section IX). Hyperkinesis. Spasm of Associated Parallel riovements. Spasm of the associated lateral movements producing deviation of both eyes to the right (Spastic dextroversion) or to the left (Spastic sinistroversion) is not infrequently observed as the result of irritative lesions of the brain. Deviation to the right is produced by disease of the left side of the brain and vice vrrsa. Spasm of associated movements (particularly, combined vertical and lateral spasm, producing oblique deflections of both visual lines) also occurs as a transient and par- oxysmal manifestation in epilepsy and hysteria. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 69 Tlie fuvious case described by Frost (Trans. Ophtli. Soc. United Kingdom), in which there was spastic deviation of both eyes down and to the right, but in which there Avas no actual impairment of the movements of either eye by itself, was apparently hysterical in character. The following peculiar case of a/fernafing spasm of asso- rlafed parallel movements was apparently choreiform in character and would seem to form a sort of connecting link between cases of tonic spasm, such as those just men- tioned, and true nystagmus. Ghoreiform Spasm of Associated Oblique Movements. Simon N., aged 13 years, came under my care Nov. 1*2. 1S92. Chorea two years ago. Anemic. Now shows every few minutes, especially when watched, sudden darting movements of both eyes upward and to the right and back again. The return movement takes place in two phases, the eyes shooting down and to the left somewhat beyond the primary position, and then by a sharp jerky motion coming up again to the latter. If the gaze is directed to the left, both eyes dart upward and to the left and then back again. In either case, whether moving up and to the right or up and to the left, the direction of the movement is at an angle of 4.5° with the horizontal, and the eyes are carried up until the pupils are three- quarters buried beneath the upper lids. Slight choreiform twitchings of the face accompany the movements. Orthophoria. No diplopia. Associated movements, although slug- gish, perfectly normal. V. R. 'Vi.-. L- 'Vto. Under liomatropine. R. + 1.00 D. '■/,,: L. + 1.50 D. Cyl. Ax. 85° T. '"7:>o. Three weeks treatment with arsenic and hydrochloric ac-id effected no improvement. On Jan. 15, 18U3, R. + 0. 75 D. Sph., L. + 1.50 I). Cyl. Ax. 85° T. given. Patient then passed from observation and has not been seen since. Except for the long interval l)etween the separate spasmodic movements, the appearances presented in this case differ in no re- spect from those observed in nystagmus. Its development, however, in a patient with fair sight and normal muscles, and the past history and present evidences of chorea led me to regard it not as a true nystagmus. If nystagnnis at all, it was a very rare form of the affection. Parakineses. Tremor of Associated Parallel Movements (Nystagmus). Nystagmus, as ordinarily met with, con- sists of an equal and parallel movement of the two eyes, both executing a series of rapid oscillations in the same direction and at the same time. These oscillations, which vary in frequency from 30 to 150 a minute, occur in two 70 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. phases, a rapid darting movement first taking place in a certain direction and this being followed by a movement of return to and beyond the original position of the eyes. The latter or second phase, although slower than the first, is evidently an active movement and not a mere relaxation of the muscles that have just been spasmodically con- tracted. The direction of the movement is usually from side to side ( Jforizonfal iii/sfagnius), sometimes rotary, both vertical meridians revolving in the same direction (Rotary nysfar/)ni(t< ), and very rarely vertical ( Vertical ni/star/mus). Not infrequently combinations of two, or even of all three forms are observed (Mixed iit/sfaj/nitis). Movements of this character point to a pathological con- dition of the association-centres, causing the discharge of alternate and excessive stimuH from the latter instead of the simultaneous and equal stimuli of moderate intensity, which enable the normal eye to remain steady in the posi- tion of fixation. The eyes ordinarily, when looking at an object strai^lit aliead of them, are kept in place by simultaneous contraction of the opposing- muscles; i. e. they move neither to the right nor to the left, bec:iuse they receive equal and simultaneous impulses from the cen- tre for right-handed movements (dextroversion) and that for left- handed movements (sinistroversion). If, however, these impulses, instead of being simultaneous, are al- ternate, so that the eyes first receive an impulse from the centre for dextroversion a)ul then one from the centre for sinistroversion, and if these impulses allcniate rapidly, we sliall have the picture of hori- zontal nystagmus. A similar want of simultaneity in the dischai'ge of impulses from the centres for sursumversionand (kM)rsumversion will produce a rer- timl nystagmus. And a rotari/ nystagnnis will result from tiu' tlis- charge'of alternate instead of simultani'ous stinudi from the centres* which produce rotatiM the images together. These features constituti- a marked difference from those obtaining in normal eyes which, though they may have difficulty in learning to overcome prism-- l>:is( out will do so with ease and with rapidly increasing facility after a few trials NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 73 when the convergence near-point is reached, one eye be screened and then th6 object of fixation is carried still closer to the nose, the uncovered eye will, although with difficulty, turn in still further, in order to follow the object, while the eye behind the screen will diverge by an equal amount (preservation of associated adduction, failure of convergence -adduction. — Graefe). Graefe's test indicates that the eouvei-gence is relatively weak — weak, that is, as compared with the absolute power of the eye to move inward (associated adduction) . But whether this indicates an absolute weakness of convergence or not depends upon whether we regard the associated adduction (ability of the eye to move inward while its neighbor moves outward) as always normally less than the convergence adduction (ability of the eye to move inward while its neighbor is also moving inward). Graefe proceeds upon the assump- tion that this is the case; but in many persons, whom I examined and who had apparently normal eyes, the associated adduction seemed the greater of the two. In such the fact that they responded to Graefe's test would not necessarily indicate the existence of any- thing abnormal, As to its nature, convergence-insufficiency may be either accommodative or non-accommodative. Non accommoda= tive insufficiency may be due (A) to direct weakness of the interni, e. rj. that obtaining after a complete tenotomy of the latter, especially when the operation has been done upon faulty principles, as to relieve a divergence -insuffi- ciency not associated with excess of convergence. This post-operative weakness, which may give rise to a very troublesome asthenopia lasting for several months, is, to be sure, not really an example of convergence-insufficiency, being really a traumatic paresis of the interni, but in its symptoms and course it so much resembles the former as to be most conveniently considered in connection with it. Convergence -insufficiency again occurs (B) .secoiidrfrili/ to a direryeuce-excesK — this being an example of that com- pensatory action, already alluded to, by virtue of which a deviation, which is at first marked for one distance only, tends to become generalized so as to become apparent for all distances alike. In these cases there is at first a marked exophoria for distance accompanied by excessive diverging power (10 or over), but with only moderate exophoria for near, good converging power, and no recession of the near 74 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. point of convergence. Later, the exophcria for near in- creases markedly (without there being necessarily any in- crease in the exophoria for distance), the convergence near-point recedes, and the converging power gets to be performed with more and more difficulty. From some few observations that I have made I think it likely that this sort of extension of exophoria may occur chiefly in young persons as a result of the processes of growth, which, as is well known, favor the development of a divergence of the visual lines and which may abrogate a convergent strabis- mus or convert a case of parallelism of the visual axes into one of divergent squint. If this explanation is correct these cases are instances of a gradually developing bilateral insufficiency of the interni, rather than a real insufficiency of convergence. A similar explanation — viz., the gradual production of an anatomical divergence by developmental processes taking place during the period of growth — may perhaps account for the genesis of some of the cases of convergence- insufficiency not complicated with a divergence-excess. Another variety (C) of non-accommodative convergence- insufficiency appears to be directly dependent upon an iitsitfiriencii of an elevator or depreeKor muscle, and partic- ularly of the superior rectus. This connection, in view of the assistance that these vertically acting muscles give in effecting adduction, seems not unnatural and, at all events, appears to be quite frequent. Thus in 21 successive cases occurring in my practice 6 exhibited marked insufficiency, or actual paresis of the vertical muscles, and in another series of 27 that I examined 5 at least were thus affected. In three or four other cases there was more or less weak- ness of the superior and inferior recti of both eyes, caus- ing a concentric limitation of the field of single vision. This weakness, from its varying character, could not be regarded as due to paresis, but was (D) simply one of the evidences of the general lack of inuscular poicer and niKsca- lar co-ordination that these patients presented. Such cases, therefore, appear to occur especially in neurasthenia. In the latter condition, at any rate, and in allied conditions of general enfeeblement, convergence-insufficiency is of NEW CLASSIFICATION OP MOTOR ANOMALIES. 75 frequent occurrence and often occasions a troublesome and intractable asthenopia which disappears only when the causal affection has been removed. Accommodative convergence=insufficiency consists in the development of a marked divergence for near points due to non-use of the accommodation. Accommo- dation being usually associated with convergence, any condition which prevents the discharge of accommodative impulses will likewise tend to inhibit the convergence. Theoretically this inhibition should occur in all cases, but practically it occurs in a minority only. These cases may be classified as follows : (a) Patients with tiHcorrecfed mi/opia , in whom there is but little necessity for using the accommodation at all. (b) In Jniperinetropef:-, who having all along accustomed themselves to using their accommodation without employ- ing a corresponding convergence acquire thereby a rel- ative insufficiency of the latter function, which comes to light as soon as their hypermetropia is corrected. Thus a mail with a hypermetropia of 2 D. has been accustomed when looking at an object 13" off to use an accommodation of 5 D.; but when his hypermetropia is corrected by glasses, he suddenlj- finds that at this distance he has to iise only 3 D. of accommodation, an amount with which he has been wont to associate a much smaller degree of convergence. Not being able at first to accustom himself to these new conditions, /. c. not l^eing able at once to converge to a point at 13" witliout using 5 D., his visual lines diverge. This di- vergence often gives rise to considerable trouble (persistence of asthenopia, etc.) and constitutes one of the chief reasons why con- vex glasses are not tolerated by many hypernietropes. For a similar reason convergence -insufficiency may de- velop (C) in in-e.sht/opes who first put on convex glasses for near. The marked increase in a convergence-insufficiency gen- erally produced by (D) the continuous use of 2^nK»is, base in, is also probably in part due to accommodative inaction; the use of such glasses by favoring divergence tending to relax the accommodation still more and hence to superinduce a still further failure of the convergence. The rouvKeoi a convergence-insufficiency varies greatly. Many cases, particularly those dependent upon general muscular and nervous weakness remain about the same 76 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. for a long time and then improve as the causal condition improves. Such cases may also show recurrences, when for any reason there is a new deterioration of the vital forces. Cases also of accommodative convergence-insuffi- ciency due to a readjustment of the optical conditions under which the patient has been working (application of convex glasses for hypermetropia and presbyopia) usually get well, the patient accustoming himself after a while to his new refractive state. This is, however, by no means always the case, and, if a tendency to convergence -insufficiency al- ready exists, it may become aggravated and be made per- manent by the use of glasses— indeed, the development of an actual strabismus divergens m^y be thus superinduced, particularly when the glass chosen for a hypermetropic child has been somewhat in excess of the true hyper- metropia. Convergence -insufficiency due to tenotomy also gener- ally tends to disappear, although this again cannot be taken as the invariable rule. Other cases of convergence-insufficiency, and partic- ularly those occurring in young persons and dependent upon an insufficiency of the elevators and depressors, tend to increase. This seems to take place by the development of a divergence -excess in accordance with the law of compensation already several times referred to, by which a non-comitant deviation tends to become comitant. The course of such cases, if unchecked, is first increase of the exophoria for near, second development of exophoria for distance also, with increased diverging power (Di- vergence excess), next the appearance of an actual diver- gent strabismus for near with considerable exophoria for distance (Periodic squint), and finally divergent strabis- mus for both distance and near (Constant squint) . This ten- dency to a constantly increasing divergence may be favored by the injudicious use of convex glasses and particularly by the use of prisms base in, which almost always tend to make the exophoria greater and greater.* *I observed one marked case of this sort, occiirrinsr in a Kirl of nine, who at first had 3"^ of exophoria for distance and over 6° for near, but wlio after iisinjr prisms for a year had for distance exophoria of .S" with abduction of lO'^-lJ" and spontaneous crossed dii)lopia. aiul for near exophoria of 15°. rrism-couverEeiice (adduction) 0^. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 77 As has been seen, convergence-insufficiency may be compHrafed with an insufficiency of one of the vertical muscles, the latter affection, indeed, in these cases prob- ably being the cause of the former. In other cases, a di- vergence-excess is present which ie sometimes the cause, but more often the effect, of the convergence-insuf- ficiency. The latter may also, particularly in those whose muscular system generally is weak, be complicated with a divergence-insufficiency.* Slight cases of this sort, in which the insufficiency of divergence is not great enough to produce esophoria for distance constitute the asthenic exophoria of Savage. The si/mjjfom.sot convergence-insufficiency are astheno- pia, either simple, or associated with headache and pain in the eyes, conjunctival irritation, and spontaneous diplopia, producing blurring of vision for near work. Asthenopia is a pretty constant symptom, being met with in all the va- rieties, although in my experience more apt to occur in the non -accommodative than in the accommodative form. It is often very marked and may incapacitate the patient from doing near work. The symptoms are by no means necessarily in direct re- lation with the amount of the deviation, being, in fact, more pronounced in deviation of medium degree than in those which have assumed the proportions of a regular squint. It is for this reason, probably, that the use of concave glasses in myopes affected with convergence-insufficiency sometimes causes distress; since these glasses tend to increase the impulse to converg- ence and thus rediiee a large deviation, which is insuperable and gives no trouble, to a smaller one which can be overcome by effort and hence gives more annoyance. On the other hand, Avhen the de- viation is very small to begin with, the symptoms may be aggravated by the use of convex glasses and of prisms base in, which tend to make it larger and therefore more troublesome. The treatment of convergence-insufficiency must aim first at removing the cause of the trouble. Hence in neu- By exercise of the convergence with prisms the exophoria for distance was reduced to 0°-3°, that for near to 5°-6°, the prisni-converRence was raised to 40°-50°, and there was no more spontaneous diplopia. This improvement was maintained up to the time that the patient was last seen (7 months after the treatment had been discon- tinued). *I liave notes of a case of this sort in a myope of 8-10 D., in whom there was an esophoria of 14-20° (i. e. a real convergent squint) for distance, with diverging power of 2-3°, and exophoria of 8° for near. 78 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. rasthenia general strengthening measures (out-of-door exercise, tonics) are indicated and are for the most part successful. Accommodative convergence - insufficiency requires the careful correction of the refraction in myopia, while in hypermetropia frequently an under-correction will be indicated. Indeed, it is a safe general rule to fully cor- rect myopia and to under-correct hypermetropia whenever much exophoria exists; and in presbyopia under the same conditions to give a weaker convex glass than would other- wise seem indicated. The immediate causal indication requires trahuiKj oftha convergence, which can, in general, be effected by system- atic exercise with prisms base out. This often gives strik- ingly good results, but in some cases fails altogether. The wearing of prisnix base in should be resorted to only as a temporary expedient, on account of their tendency to produce increase of the trouble; and these prisms should be discontinued at once as soon as signs of such an in- crease begin to manifest themselves. Finally, if an ojwration is decided upon, advancement of the interni, coupled, in case a divergence-excess is pres- ent, with a tenotomy of the externi, should be made. Te- notomy of the externi alone seldom gives any lasting re- sult. Hyperklneses. 5pasm and Excess of Convergence. Marked tonic spasm of convergence, so that both eyes are turned strongly inward, has been observed in hysteria. Minor degrees of over-action of convergence (Converg- ence=excess) are of frequent occurrence. They may be either accommodative or non-accommodative in character. lYie ijhysical siffnx oi a convergence- excess not compli- cated with a divergence-insufficiency are as follows: For distance. Orthophoria or moderate esophoria ( 1 -3 ) by all tests (phorometer, screen and parallax). Associ- ated lateral movements normal. Diverging power normal or but slightly subnormal (S^'-S^). Prism-convergence (adduction) normal in amount, rapidly acquired, and easy to produce and maintain. Exercise of convergence not infrequently causing the development of temporary homo- NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 79 nymous diplopia. Homonymous diplopia sometimes also producible by will and apparently without effort. For near. Esophoria by all tests, often exceeding that for distance.* Convergence near-point li"-l" or less. Non=accommodative convergence=excess may be either (a) idiopathic or may (b) be secondary to a condition of divergence-insufficiency. The former appears to be rare, although I have met with two or three cases. The second- ary variety, on the other hand, appears to be quite com- mon, and develops according to the compensatory law by which deviations in general, tend to become equalized for distance and near. In this case, of course, there will be marked esophoria for distance and the diverging power (abduction) will be much reduced. Non-accommodative convergence-excess probably com- prises most of the cases described by Savage under the name of sthenic esophoria. Accommodative convergence = excess (Accommodative esophoria, Accommodative convergent squint, Pseudo- eso- phoria) is very frequent. It occurs under the following conditions : (a) Uncorrected Jiyperhtefropia. The effect of this in producing inward deviation of all degrees from a slight eso- phoria to a marked strabismus is too well known to require further comment here. (b) In iiii/ojjes who for the first time use a concave glass for near points. Such patients will add to the natural amount of convergence for the point they are looking at (which convergence they have hitherto been accustomed to make without using any accommodation) the extra conver- gence imposed in sympathy with the accommodative effort that they now make for the first time. (c) In presbt/opes (particularly, hyperopic presbyopes) at the beginning of the presbyopic period. These patients have to exert a very strong effort in order to stimulate their flagging accommodation to the point necessary for distinct *Unless, however, the patient really fixes upon the test object, the esophoria for near may vary greatly and even be replaced temporarily by exophoria. This is par- ticularly apt to be the case in accommodative convergrence-excess, where the amount of hypermetropia may ce such as to prevent the patient from seeing the object dis- tinctly. 80 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. vision, and in sympathy with this excessive call made upon the accommodation an excessive effort of convergence is simultaneously made. (d) Af< the rei^nlt of thf instillntioti of a ynydriatic. The increase of a convergent squint by the instillation of atro- pine was observed by Long and Barrett (Ophth. Hosp. Re- ports, xii. 1888-1889), who found that it occurred in 11 cases out of 38 in whom this mydriatic was employed. These cases, however, had been under the influence of the atropine for several days. In cases which are but recently under the influence of the mydriatic an increased tendency to convergence due to the latter appears to be even more frequent. Under these circumstances esophoria may de- velop where orthophoria existed before, and a pre-existing esophoria of moderate amount may develop into a well- marked convergent squint. The t'orrect explanation of this phenomenon was first g'iven by Savaj^e, althougli I myself came independently to the same conclu- sion. The converg'ence here is evidently due to the excessive effort which the patient makes to see distinctly under the unusual condi- tions presented by mydriasis. Not bein^ aware that he cannot accom- modate, he makes a violent effort to do so, and in making this effort sends out a correspondingly strong impulse for convergence. The cili- ary muscle does not respond, but the interni do; and, as the impulse was excessive, they I'espond by producing an excessive convergence. The condition, in fact, is quite analogous to the excessive secondary deviation of the sound eye when its fellow attempts to perform fixa- tion by means of a paralyzed nniscle. As under the mydriatic the sight is more blurred for near than for distance, this fruitless effort to see distinctly by attempting to put into motion a paralyzed accommodation will be more excessive, and hence too the esophoria will be more pronounced, for near points. For distance, the eso- phoria will generally be greater in proportion to the degree of hypermetropia and the consequent blurring of sight, and will often disappear altogether as soon as the refraction is corrected. These facts are shown in the following cases: EsopHoKiA. Lakhk ixcrkask undkr mydriatic. Miss K., aged 20. Refraction (under homatropine) -f- 0.2.') sph. O -f O.'iO cyl. ax. V, each. When not under mydriatic shows esophoria '-^1° for both distance and near (with and without correction of refraction): di- verging power, (»' I'lider liomatropine, witli<»ut correction of refrac- tion. (■s()i)lioriM for distance over S". for near over 1.")"^. diverging NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 81 power 8°. I'lidcr lioniatropinc, witli conrctioii of rt'fraotion, t-so- phoria for distance ;")', for near over 1')". 2. J. B., male, aged 15. Hypernietropia (lioniatropine) O.-OU 1). Before homatropine, esophoria 3° for distance, ()' for near. Under lioniatropine, (witli and without correction of refraction), 2'/-.'° for distance, 7° for near. Diverging power 4°. 3. Kath. S., aged 32. Hypernietropia 2.2;il) (under homatropine). Before homatropine, esophoria 2°-^° for distance, 1° for near; di- verging power 5°. Under homatropine, without correction of refrac- tion, 12''-20° for distance, 12° for near (i. e. has an actual convergent squint). Under homatropine and with correction of refraction, eso- phoria '/j° for distance; little, if any for near. The course in case of convergence-excess is very vari- able. The accommodative variety, in particular, often decreases or disappears spontaneously either as a result of developmental changes, favoring the genesis of a diver- gence, or in consequence of the decrease of the hyperme- tropia, or because the patient gives up the accommodative effort and with it the effort to converge. Its usually speedy and total disappearance in cases coming under cate- gories B, C, and D above given, is to be ascribed to the last mentioned cause. In other cases, particularly in the very young who are beginning to tax their accommodation more and more with school work, the deviation increases ; the regular course being, first, increase of the esophoria for near, then increase of the esophoria for distance with reduction of the diverging power (Development of divergence-insuffici- ency), next the development of an absolute squint for near points where accommodative effort is most required (Periodic squint) , and lastly strabismus convergens marked for both distant and near (Constant squint). A squint when thus fully developed usually remains permanently, but may disappear in latter life through the agencies mentioned in the preceding paragraph. As already noted, convergence -excess may be coinjili- cated with divergence-insufficiency, the latter condition being either the cause or the effect of the former. It is also frequently complicated with some form of vertical de- viation, producing hyperphoria in addition to the esopho- ria. It seems, in fact, not unlikely that these vertical de- 82 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. viations play an important part in the genesis of the excessive tendency to convergence. The si/iNp/oh/s of convergence -excess are asthenopia, headache, and spontaneous homonymous diplopia, with sometimes more marked reflex disturbances. These symp- toms, however, are much less pronounced and constant than in cases either of convergence-insufficiency or diver- gence-insufficiency, and when present are usually due to the attendant hypermetropia or, at least, disappear when the latter is corrected. The treafiiienf of convergence-excess is largely causal, consisting particularly in the correction of the refraction. In doing this we shall do well to follow the rule that when there is marked esophoria and, particularly, when there is more esophoria for near than for distance, we must fully correct any hypermetropia and, on the other hand, under- correct any myopia, that may be present. The result of treatment, both as regards the removal of the deviation and the relief of the symptoms are very good. Even in well-marked convergent squint a cure is effected much oftener than is generally supposed, the only requisites being that the refractive treatment should be kept up long enough (a year at least)"* Long and Barrett (1. c.) analyzing the results in 102 cases, found that a complete cure was effected in 37, while out of 61 cases under 10 years of age 27 (or 44 per cent.) were cured. In addition to correcting the refraction we may try to break up the excessive tendency to convergence by aool- ishing the accommodation altogether for a time. This we effect by keeping the eyes under afropine for a number of days or even several weeks. This may also, if Long and Barrett's figures hold good generally, be used as a means of prognosis, for these authors found that of 5 cases which were improved by atropine all were subsequently improved by glasses, while of 6, in whom the deviation was not affected by the atropine, only 3, and of 4, in whom the atropine made the convergence worse, only 1 received any relief from the correction of their refraction. *This, becomes the coiiliinioiis relaxation of the interiii thus pioiliKid allows the weakened extenii to act to Ri eater ad v:inta);e aiul finally to regain tlieir tone (UonK and Harretl). NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 83 Exercise of the divergence with jtris/ns is of no service in this condition, and the wearing of prisms base out is to be deprecated as tending to perpetuate and increase the deviation instead of curing it. If these means fail and an opera f ion is thought advioable on account of the deformity or the symptoms, tenotomy of the interni may be done, combined, in case a divergence- insufficiency is present, with an advancement of the ex- terni. VIII. ANOMALIES OF DIVERGENCE. Hypokinesis. Divergence=Insufficiency. Weakness of the diverging power (Divergence-Insufficiency)is charac- terized by the following signs : F'or Distance. — Esophoria of varying amount (usually 2''-8'^), by all tests (phorometer, screen, and parallax). Associated lateral movements normal. Diverging power very much reduced, the reduction being often proportion- ate to the degree of the esophoria ( e. g., with an esophoria of 3" or 4°, the diverging power is about 4", and with an esophoria of 5° or 6°, the diverging power is only 2°) . In the typical cases of this anomaly, however, the diverging power is disproportionately low, being, for example, only 2° or 3°, when the esophoria is 1° or 2"', and being, perhaps, only 3° or 4° when there is orthophoria or actual exophoria for distance. Exercise of divergence with prisms, base in, is sometimes associated with a sense of decided muscular strain. Prism-convergence (adduction) normal, or often some- what deficient. Exercise of the convergence often gives rise to a temporary homonymous diplopia, and the latter may also in some cases (particularly when the diverging power is much reduced) occur spontaneously, or be evoked by simply placing a red glass before one eye. For year. — Signs, unless the condition is associated with a convergence-insufficiency, or with a convergence- excess, fairly normal ( /. e., slight esophoria or exophoria, 84 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. and convergence near-point at about the proper distance). In its orii/in divergence- insufficiency is either idiopathic or secondary to a convergence-excess. Uncomplicated ii>ut iitth" tondoncy to change, the amount of NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 85 esophoria and of divergence-weakness often remaining the same for years. This variety frequently becomes compli- cated with a condition of convergence-excess, which, how- 3ver, also remains of moderate degree. On the other hand, a divergence-insufficiency, which is secondary to a con- vergence-excess, is often progressive, the advance contin- uing in many cases until a moderate deviation is converted into a marked and constant strabismus convergens. The si/)i/j)/oins of a divergence-insufficiency are often very troublesome. Asthenopia as a result of near work is not so much complained of, unless there is a simultaneous convergence-insufficiency, but headache and other more remote reflex pains, a sense of constriction in the head, stomach disturbance, general inertness and lassitude, and even interference with the general nutrition are often met with. Spontaneous diplopia may also occur, being, nat- urally, more marked for distance than for near. One peculiarity in the symptoms is that headache and pro- nounced asthenopic sensations (feeling of strain and tiring in the eyes) , together with a sense of confusion and dullness in the head, are especially apt to be produced by looking long and intently at distant objects, particularly when moving or when brightly illuminated. Such symp- toms are hence often occasioned by watching a theatrical performance, a ball-match, a procession, or a moving throng of people. (Panorama-asthenopia, or panorama- headache of Bennett.)* The freafment of divergence-insufficiency presents many difficulties, the condition being intractable and the result uncertain. Direct exercise of the divergence with prisms, base in, has not, in my experience, been of the least avail. Exer- cise by the performance of systematic lateral movements of the eyes seems unphysiological, inasmuch as it is the externi that are thus practiced, and not the function of di- vergence per !<(^, and, moreover, in these movements the interni are practiced along with the externi. Some, how- ever, seem to have obtained good results by this method. The constant wearing of prisms, base out, is in most *Annals of Ophthalmology, January, 1897. 86 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. cases a dangerous expedient, as tending to cause disuse and a consequent further enfeeblement of the abducting power. If an operation is resorted to, it should, in the idiopathic cases at all events, be an advancement of the externi rather than a tenotomy of the interni. The latter opera- tion by itself is almost always nugatory, the condition tending, after a temporary period of improvement, to re- turn to its original state. Moreover, the tenotomy, if thorough enough to be efficacious, is liable to substitute for the unpleasant asthenopia for distance an almost equally annoying asthenopia for near. In the secondary cases, however, or wherever a marked convergence-excess is present, tenotomy of the interni may be performed; but even then it is preferably combined with advancement of the externi. Hyperkinesis. Divergence=Excess. Over-action of di- vergence (iJirt'nitiKu^-E.i'crss) is marked by the following signs : For dhtance. Exophoria, usually marked (from 4 up- ward) with noticeable deviation out behind the screen. Associated lateral movements normal. Diverging power excessive (over 9"), the excess over the normal amount of 6" or 8^ being often roughly proportioned to the degree of the exophoria, but sometimes being disproportionately larger. Prism-convergence (adduction) in uncomplicated cases normal, although possibly performed with difficulty at first. Crossed diplopia for distance often occurring spontaneously, or producible at will. For vcar. Conditions, unless a convergence-insuf- ficiency also exists, fairly normal (/. (\, exophoria less, or, at all events, not much greater, than for distance, and near point of convergence about in its normal situation). A divergence-excess may either be primary in or/'oiu or be secondary to a convergence-insufficiency. /'riiiiffrt/ divergence-excess occurs not infrequently as an uncomplicated affection, but still more often is asso- ciated with a vertical deviation (which may really stand in genetic relation with it), .)i' with n consecutive convcrg- NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 87 ence-insufficiency, It may also be associated with a convergence-excess. I have observed several instances of this latter combination, in which, with exophoria for distance and a high diverging power, there was also excessive power of convergence, and either actual esophoria for near, or at least an exophoria slight in amount, and much less than that for distance. The development of a st^roiidarn divergence-excess from a convergence-insufficiency has already been traced (see Section VIII). These cases, like the simple ones of con- vergence-insufficiency which represent only a less ad- vanced stage of the same process, often show complicating insufficiency of the vertical muscles. Indeed, as before re- marked, this last-named condition would seem to consti- tute the real cause of the divergence which takes place, first for near and then for distance. The differential points between a primary divergence - excess with a secondary convergence -insufficiency and a primary, convergence-insufficiency with consecutive di- vergence-excess are as follows: PRIMARY mVERGENCE - EXCESS I PRIMARY CONVERGENCE-INSUFFI- WITHSE:!0NDARY CONVERGENCE- | CIENCY WITH SECONDARY Dl- INSUFPICIENCY. | VERGENCE-EXCESS. Exophoria about equal for dis- Exophoria for near much great- tance aud near. er than for distance. Converging power and prism- Convergnig power greatly at- convergence not excessively af- fected. fected. Recession of convergence near- Recession ot convergence near- point moderate. point marked. Condition shows little tendency Often markedly progressive, to progress. As above stated, cases of primary divergence-excess show but little tendency to progress. I have had one such case under observation for over nine years, in which the divergence, although large, has shown but moderate fluctuations — indeed, may be said to have remained prac- tically unchanged— during the whole time. Cases, on the other hand, of secondary divergence-excess are often prog- gressive, a moderate degree of exophoria developing gradually into a marked divergent squint. The si/ijipfoii/s presented by a case of divergence -excess are frequently slight. The most troublesome are those due 88 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. to an associated convergence-insufficiency, and, if this is absent, the patient may complain of nothing except possi- bly of a spontaneously occurring crossed diplopia for dis- tance, or of the deformity occasioned by the noticeable de- viation of the eyes. Headache and asthenopia may, how- ever, also occur. The firaftneiif of a divergence-excess will be addressed mainly to the correction of the refraction and to the relief of an associated convergence-insufficiency. If an opera- tion is performed, tenotomy of the externi may be done; but it will often have to be supplemented by systematic exercise of the convergence and even by advancement of the interni. IX. ANOMALIES OF SURSUMVERGENCE. Hypokinesis. Sursumvergence=lnsufficiency. It is not certain whether sursumvergence, /. c, the separation of the visual lines in a vertical plane, is ever performed by the eyes in the execution of normal movements. It seems, however, likely that some such action may be serviceable incidentally in the act of elevating or depressing the eyes. If so, great impairment of the sursumvergence would con- stitute a serious deficiency. As far as I have seen, how- ever, limitation of sursumvergence appears to have no special injurious effect. Those who regard the amount of sursumvergence as a measure of the strength of the elevators and depressors (which it surely is not) lay more stress than I have done on the limitation of this function, and recommend system- atic exercise of the latter by means of prisms, base up or down, in cases where it is subnormal. I have had some experience with these methods, but not enough to enable me to speak with assurance as to their value. My results, such as they were, have not led me to expect much from training of this sort. Hyperkinesis. Sursumvergence-Excess. Excessive power of sursumvergence is observed in many patients affected NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 89 with hyperphoria and particularly in myopes who have an artificial hyperphoria from wearing ill-fitting concave glasses. The latter, as they shift in various positions, produce prismatic effects changing in degree and in direc- tion, and hence requiring a variable effort to overcome the diplopia to which they would naturally give rise. This constant exercise gives rise often to a considerable in- crease in the power of sursumvergence, the latter some- times attaining 10° or more. A true su rsK Nifergenre-excess, i. e., a state of habitual divergence of the visual lines in a vertical plane, due to excess of sursumvergence action, constitutes one of the varieties of hyperphoria, and probably accounts for some of the cases of strabismus sursumvergens and strabismus deorsumvergens. These cases must not be confounded with a similar vertical deviation due to paresis or insuf- ficiency of some of the individual muscles. The differen- tial diagnosis between the two will be established by mak- ing the screen and diplopia tests in different portions of the field of fixation, when, if there is an insufficiency of any individual muscle, a deviation or a diplopia, showing a characteristic increase in some one direction of the gaze, will be found to exist (see Section VI). In sursumvergence-excess either the right or the left visual line may be habitually higher than the other ( r'Kjltt and left Jiyperphoria ), or each alternately may be higher (alternating liuperphoria). If the deviation is considera- ble and not habitually overcome, the condition is known as a vertical squint (ht/pertropia ), which again is called right or left hypertropia, according as the right or the left visual line is above. Vertical squint is also classified into strabisinus sursumvergens when the lower eye is the one that habitually fixes, and strahisiitus deorstiinvergens when the upper is the fixing and the lower the non-fixing eye. Regularly, in such cases, the deflection follows the law of associated movements. That is, if the right eye devi- ates up behind the screen when the left eye is fixing, the latter will, when the screen is shifted so as to cover it, move down in company with the right, which now, being 90 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. uncovered, is descending in order to get into the position of fixation. In certain remarkable cases, however, the deviafion of both eyes is up ( aiKitropia ), or of both eyes is down (catatropia ) behind the screen. That is, if the right eye deviates up behind the screen when the left is fixing, the latter, as soon as the screen is shifted and the right eye moves down to get into the fixing position, will move up. In this case the visual lines, instead of remaining at a con- stant angle, as in the case before cited, will approximate until they become parallel, and will then diverge in the op- posite direction. Stevens (Ainiales (VornUstiqi(e, CXIII., 3, April, 1895,) was the first to carefully study these cases and call them by the names above given. ^ His view of them is that they are due to the fact that initial elevation or initial depres- sion of both visual lines ( i. e., an excessive sursumversion or deorsumversion) is, in these anomalous cases, the nat- ural state, to. which each eye tends to return when not used for vision. But the condition may also, and perhaps more plausibly, be ascribed to a spasm of sursumvergence, or rather of the action opposed to sursumvergence (that, namely, by which the visual lines, when vertically di- verged, are brought together again). X. ANOMALIES OF ROTATION-MOVEMENTS. Anomalous conditions, in which divergence or converg- ence of the vertical meridians of the two corneae (other than the physiological divergence which occurs when the visual lines are converged) have been described by Savage. His views, however, although urged with much plausibility, are still far from being demonstrated. It seems likely that these conditions, if they exist at all. are rare and of com- paratively little significance. •SclnveiKfrer, to hv sure (Arrh. f. A Hgenlicilk., XXIV., :i-4, 1894), nuMitioiis sucli a case, l)Ut witlmiit atrfini)tin.roportionate to the amount of an exophoria or esophoria when it equals 7 -f the exophoria or 7 — the esophoria (for distance). A. OUTWARD OR DIVERGENT DEVIATIONS. — (EXOPHORIA, DIVERGENT SQUINT.) I. Deviation and its evidences (exophoria, crossed di- plopia) noticeably greater in some directions of the gaze than in others. Pc abnormally remote. Pc (R) greater or less than Pc and still more so than Pc (L). Excursion of one eye and its field of fixation abnormally increased or re- duced in some one direction, both for distance and near. Under=Action of an Adductor or Over=Action of an Abduc= tor riuscle. Note— The diagnosis as to whether it is uuder-action or over- action that is present may be made from the points detailed under the head of diagnosis (4) in Section V. ; and the sped He diagnosis of the muscle affected maybe made from the tables of diplopia in same section ((i). As there stated, a crossed diplopia (or an exophoria) which increases as the eyes are carried to the right indicates weakness of some muscle of the left eye or over-action of some muscle of the right eye; and any exophoria which changes markedly in degree as the e>es are shifted can be due only to under-action f)f an interims or over-action of an externus. II. Deviation and its evidences (exophoria, crossed di- 94 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. plopia) sensibly the same in all directions of the gaze. Pc (R) equals Pc (L). Excursion of both eyes and their fields of fixation normal (at least for distance). (II.) Deviation or exophoria sliprht for distaiici-. Marked for near l)y all tests. Pc abnormally remote, ronvergenee-adtliu-tion less than associated adduction (Graefe's test— see Section VI.). Prism-diverg:ence not specially Ki'<"at (usually 8-10'^. or may be subnormal). Prism-converuvnce subnormal and effected with ditficulty. Convergence-lnsufficency. Note. — The diagnosis between an iicconiinoddtire and a nou-nc- commodative convergence-insufficiency will be made by refer- ence to the etiology (see Section VI.) and by observing the effect of glasses. The latter, if suitably adjusted, usually relieve a trouble of purely accommodative origin. (h.) Exophoria marked for distance; less for near (relations for near may be nearly normal) . Pc normal, or nearly so. Prism- divergence large (in typical cases disproportionately so: /. e., it is greater than 7° -f the exophoria for distance). Prism- convergence often normal and effected with facility. Diverg- ence-Excess. (c.) Exophoria marked for both distance and near. Pc abnor- mally remote. Convergence-adduction less than associated adduction (Graefe's test— see Section VI.). Prism-divergence large, but not disproportionately so, compared with the amount of exophoria. Prism-convergence usually reduced — often greatly. Divergence-Excess with Convergence-Insuffi- ciency. Note.— The determination as to whether the divergence-excess is secondary to the convergence-insufficiency, or is primary, may be nuule by the differential diagnosis given in Section VII. This condition is not always easy to diagnosticate from a comitant deviation produced by under-action of one or both interni, combined with over-action (due to compensatory contraction) of the ejiterni. Moreover, it is not improbal)le that a long-continued divergence-excess may give rise not only to an insufficiency of ccmvergence, but to a weakness of the interni j>cr se, due to their protracted inaction and to the unfavorable conditions under which they work. (d.) Exophoria marked for distance. For near, slight exophoria. orthophoria, or esophoria. Pc normal or excessively near. Convergence-adduction greater than associated adduction. Prism-divergence large, sonu'times dispropin-tionately so. Prism-convergence normal and readily ctt'ected. Divergence- Excess with Convergence-Excess. XoTE.— Tliesecases are sometitiics difficult to diagnosticatt' fn.m NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 95 those of anatomical pivpoiuli'i-auce of Itoth externi (struct- ural deviation), combined with a convergence-excess. The convergence-excess in these cases, being often accommoda- tive, will frequently disappear upon the use of the proper glasses. (e.) Convergence-Insufficency with Divergence-Insufficiency. (See Inward Deviations, B. II., d.) III. Mixed conditions, in which the deviation increases more or less in certain directions of the gaze, but in which the phenomena noted under II. are likewise present (combination of over-action or under-action of muscles with a divergence-excess or a convergence-insufficiency) ; and conditions in which, by the weakness of some muscles and the over-action of others, a comitant exophoria or divergent squint has been established, are not readily ana- lyzed into their constituent factors. B. INWARD OR CONVERGENT DEVIATIONS — (eSOPHORIA, CON- VERGENT squint) . I. Deviation and its evidences (esophoria, homonymous diplopia) , noticeably greater in some directions of the gaze than in others. Pc abnormally near. Pc(R) greater or less than Pc and still more so than Pc(L). Excursion of one eye and its field of fixation abnormally increased or reduced in some one direction, both for distance and near. Under=Action of an Abductor or Over=Action of an Adduct- or Muscle. Note. — For the specific differentiation see Section V., remarks on diagnosis, (4) and (G). As there stated, a homonymous diplopia (or an esophoria) which increases as the eyes are carried to the right, indicates weakness of some muscle of the right eye or over-action of some muscle of the left eye ; and an esophoria which changes markedly in degree as the eyes are shifted can be due only to under-action of an ex- ternus or over-action of an internus. II. Deviation and its evidences (esophoria, homonymous diplopia) sensibly the same in all directions of the gaze. Pc(R) equals Pc(L). Excursions of both eyes and their fields of fixation normal (at least for distance). (a.) Esophoria marked for distance: slight or replaced by ex- ophoria for near. Pc normal. Convergence-adduction equal 96 NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. ti> oi- iiKnc ()!• less tliaii tlic associated adduction. l*rism-di- \('ry-ciic(' low (may l)c disitroportioiiatcly so. /. v.. is less than 7 — the esoi)horia for distain-e). l'i'isiii-coiiver»i-encc iioniial, or often suhiiornial. Divergence-Insufficiency. (h.) E.soplioria slifrht for distance : more for near. Pc exces- .sively near (less than 1 inch). Converjarence-adduction may be greater than associated-adduction. I'rism-diverg:ence ncn-mal, or Init slijriitly sul)nornial (never disproportionately low). Prism-con verufence normal. Convergence-Excess. Note. — The diagfiiosis between an incDiiniKKtattn- and ;i non-ac- cuiinnodntire convergence-excess will be made by refei'ence to the etiology (see Section VI.) and by observing the eltect of the long-continued use of glasses (or of atropine), which in most cases will relieve a difiieulty of purely accom- modative origin. (c.) Esophoria marked for distance and near. Pc excessively near. Convergence-adduction e(juals oris greater than asso- ciated adduction. Prism-convergence low in proportion to degree of esoi)horia for distance, or disproportionately low. Prism-convi-rgence normal. Divergence-Insufficiency and Convergence-Excess. NoTK. — The determination as to whether the divergence-insuf- ticiency is secondary to the convei-gence-excess,or is primary, maybcmade from the dift'erential diagnosis in Section VII. {(I.) Esophoria marked for distance; exophoria (of mon- than 4 or 5°) for near, noticeable by all tests. Pc abnormally remote. Convergence-adduction less than associated adduction. Prism- convergence low. Prism-convergenci' sul)normal ami hainl to tram. Divergence-Insufficiency with Convergence-Insuf- ficiency. (e.) ( 'on rnycnce- J-'Jjvess irith J)i rcn/cii cc- K.rccss . (See Outward Deviation, A. II., d). IIL Mixed conditions, analogous to those given under Outward Deviations III. exist, but are hard to analyze. C. VERTICAL DEVIATIONS — (HYPERPHORIA, STRABISMUS SUR- SUMVERGENS AND DEORSUMVERGENS.) I. Hyperphoria or its evidences (vertical diplojiia) in- creasing in some one direction of the gaze. ((I.) Hyp«'ii.h(.ria increasing as the i-ycs arc carrictl upward. Over-Action or Under-Action of an Elevator IMuscle. (h.) llyi»eri»horia increasing as the eyes are carried downward. Over-Action or Under-Action of a Depressor Muscle. NEW CLASSIFICATION OF MOTOR ANOMALIES. 97 NoTK.— F'or tlic spccilic diafiiiosis of the imisclc anVctcd see Section V., remarks on diagnosis (4 and 0). II. Hyperphoria the same in all parts of the field (com- itant hyperphoria, comitant vertical strabismus). (a.) Due proI)a))ly in most eases to under-action of an elevator or depressor, with over-action of on*' or more antafj-onislic mnscle. Mixed Cases. (b.) Sometimes to equal \ertieal diver>;enee of the visual lines (see Section VIII). Sursumvergence-Excess. CONCLUSION. One who proposes a new classification must be pre- pared to defend his position by showing that it subserves some useful purpose. That this is the case with the one propounded in the preceding pages seems to me proved by the following reasons : 1. The classification is based upon physiological facts instead of mere external appearances. 2. Its divisions correspond to natural groups, distinct in nature and symptoms, and frequently requiring widely different methods of treatment. 3. The groups so made are readily distinguishable in practice by the signs they afford. 4. We can by means of the scheme here presented ana- lyze the frequently occurring mixed forms, and from our knowledge of the nature and tendency of the component lesions determine to which of the latter our treatment shall be addressed. INDEX. Abducting power of the obliques and external rectus, auionnt of. It, 15. Alxluction (in proper sense of term, licnolini; the power possessed by each eye of moving outward), 9. Abduction (in its ordinary sense of mut- ual divergence of the visual lines). See Divergence and Prism- Dioerf/eiice. Accommodation always brought into play when convergence is exercised by prisms, Jl: this shoi-.ld be taken into account in making muscular tests, .'^S. Acct)mmodative convergence-excess, 79. .-Accommodative converg e n c e - i n s u ffi- cieucy, 73. .Adductiug power of the superior, infe- rior, and internal recti, amount of, 14, 15. Adduction (in proper sense of term, denoting the power possessed by each eye of moving inward), 9; varieties (convergence - adduction, associated adduction), 93. Adduction (in its usual sense of mutual convergence of the two visual lines). Sec Concergence and Pritmconcer- genre. .•\natropia, 6S, 9U. Antagonists, associated, 19, 2U, 29. Antagonists, direct, 7. Associated adduction, 93. Associated antagonists, 19, 20, 29. Associated convergent movements, tests for, 36. , , , As.sociated parallel movements, table of, 1719; extent of, 20; centers for, 22; tests for, 35; anomalies of, 67. Association centers. 22. Asthenic exophoria. 77. Asthenic vertical orthophoria. 6s. B. Binocular fixation, field of, 2u; tests for, .3U, 35. Binocular single vision, field of, 2C; tests of, .35. c. Catalropia, 6K, 90. . Choreiform spasm of associated obliciue movements, 69. Clissification of ocular deviations, upon what based, 42, 43; author's pro- posed scheme, 44; previ.iiis scl;< lues, 1. Comitant and non-coiin(;int (l.Mations, ^6etseci.; laws govtrnmi; tion of, 4H; character ..1 -rm ii nu)ve- ments in, .33. Comitant hyperphoria. 60.9/ . Compensation of deviations, law ot, 4h, Concomitant. See Comitant. Congenital deviations, characters ol bh. Constant squint, 44. Convergence, exercise ol by prisms, -J; exercise of, produces sjjasm of accom- modation, 24, 3S; maximum i>ower of, 22 ; test for, .36. Convergence-adduction, 93. Convergence-anomalies, 71. Convergence-e.vcess. 7S; differential di- agnosis of, 96; with secondary diver- gence-insufficiency, diagnosis of, S4, 96. Convergence-insufficiency, 72; charac- ters, 72; non-accommodative, 73; ac- commodative, 75; course. 75; compli- cations, 77. ocialed movement.' See rpNMMil iU\ iiitiuns. varieties of. classed anonlini.; I. .etiology. 89, 92; varieties of, liow differentiated. 96. V. Vertical deviations, varieties of. classed according to etiology, .89, 92: varieties of. how differentiated, %. Vertical diplopia, 31. w. Work done by the different mu.scle.s in moving the eye. l.v RETURN OPTOMETRY LIBRARY TO-^^ 490 Minor Hall 642-1020 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 lj_rjifiL ^^_f^ 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS RENEWALS MAY BE REQUESTED BY PHONE DUE AS STAMPED BELOW *^^^— W;. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD 23, 2.5m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES ■ CDaSE71filb