UC-NRLF QA Ctc4 B M E5D MT5 > !»■ ^M^fefcrMt-i^S^^fi^^&^^^te^^-^^ •^- IN MEMORIAM I FLORfAN CAJORI IV UMREB ^ mathematical ^ \ Series M Vi TWO ^ ^M Tt ^ lementary Arithmetic or THE Octimal Notation By GEO. H. COOPER PublisHed by TMi: \\'HITAIii:R Ca ray CO. (iNCOnPOnATEo) £L1) 14160(560 125 34)23651(552|i 214 146 . 146 225 214 ...0 111 70 « 21 Division. ^^ (3) 52765-^46 32651-123 46)52765(1103A 46 123)32651(245x^3 246 47 46 605 514 165 162 711 637 52 34 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS. A Unit is a predeterminate quantity of weight, length, capacity, or value. For purposes of calculation, the Unit occupies a posi- tion immediately to the left of a point. Superior Denominations are all those units which ap- pear to the left of the point. Inferior Denominations are all those units which ap- pear to the right of the point. THE POINT. A Point is a sign so placed as to distinguish and to separate Superior Units from Inferior Units for the pur- pose of determining their value. Thus 1.1 means one unit plus one eighth of one unit. THE FRACTION. A Fraction is an undetermined portion of a Unit re- maining after units have been subdivided to the lowest convenient denomination. Example. — Three men wish to apportion 4 dollars among themselves as nearly equal as possible. The cal- culation is carried out by the rule for division; thus, — $ (j; Since 400 is not a multiple of 3, and the 3)4.00 nearest number which is a multiple of 3 is 377, 1 251 there must be a remainder of 1 cent, which must be dealt with in a manner to be subse- quently shown. Reduction. 35 REDUCTION. Reduction is carried out by the use of the point, termed Inspection; thus 400 cents = $4.00. tons lbs. oz. q. pt. in. 32126 oz. = 3.212.6 265 inches Liquid = 2.6.5 yd. ft. in. 265 " Linear=2.6.5 Thus — E. $ c 17464.5.32 American currency. miles yd. ft. in. 174.645.3.2 Linear measure. yd. ft. in. 1746.45.32 Square measure. yd. ft. in. 17.464.532 Cubic measure. tank pk. q. p. i. 17.464.5.3.2 Capacity liquid measure. ton lb. 02.dr.sc.gr. 1.746. Weights. days hr. m. s. Time. Kevolution ° ' " Circle. Table of Weights. 10 Grains make 1 Scruple. 10 Scruples " 1 Drachm. 10 Drachms " 1 Ounce. 10 Ounces " 1 Pound. 1000 Pounds " 1 Ton. Note. — The pound avoirdupois is the unit of weight. 36 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. Table of Measures of Capacity. 10 Minims make 1 Cubic Inch. 10 Cubic Inches " 1 Pint. 10 Pints " 1 Quart. 10 Quarts " 1 Peck. 1000 Pecks " 1 Tank. Table of Linear Measure. 10 Inches make 1 Foot. 10 Feet " 1 Yard. 1000 Yards " 1 Mile. Note. — Tlie present unit, the Inch, is to be retained. iii|iii|iii|in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III III 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 10 ONE- FOOT EULE ( SHOWN IN TWO SECTIONS). Tables of Measures, Money, Etc. 37 Currency. 10 Mills make 1 Cent. 10 Cents " 1 Bit. 10 Bits " 1 Dollar. 10 Dollars " 1 Eagle. Note. — The present Dollar is the unit to be retained. Convenient American Coins. Gold. Eagle=Eight (10) dollars To be minted. Silver. Dollar = Etred (100) cents Present dollar. •• Half-dollar = Four-et (40) cents . " 50 cents. " Quarter-dollar = Two-et (20) cents " 25 cents. " Eighth-dollar = Eight (10) cents .To be minted. Nickel. Four (4) cents " Copper. Two (2) cents " '' One (1) cent Value of Gold Decimal Coin in Octimal Figures. Five ($5) pieces^- Five (5) dollars. Ten ($10) pieces = Et-two (12) dollars. Twenty ($20) pieces = Two-et four (24) dollars. Measures of Time. 100 Seconds make 1 Minute. 100 Minutes '•' 1 Hour. 100 Hours " 1 Day. 40 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. Subdivisions of Circle. 100" (Seconds) make V (Minute). 100' (Minutes) " 1° (Degree). 100° (Degrees) " 1^ (Circle). COMPOUND NUMBERS. Compound Numbers are those numbers which contain both Superior and Inferior units. COMPOUND ADDITION. Rule. — Place the numbers under each other, units under units, eights under eights, etc., so that the points shall be directly under each other. Add as in whole numbers, and place a point in the result immediately under the points in the numbers above. Compound Multiplication. 41 P:xample. — Add together 431.64, 56.200, .0321. Bij the Rule. 431.64 56.200 .0321 510.0721 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. Rule. — Place the less number under the greater, units under units, eights under eights, etc., so that the points shall be directly under each other. If there be fewer figures in the upper number to the right of the point than there are figures in the lower num- ber to the right of the point, add ciphers to the upper number until the numbers of figures are equal. Then subtract as in whole number, placing a point immediately under the point above. Example. — Subtract 31.2652 from 53.21. By the Rule. 53.2100 31.2652 21.7226 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Rule. — Multiply the numbers together as if they were whole numbers, and point off in the product as many places as there are in both the multiplicand and multiplier. If there are not sufficient figures, prefix ciphers. Example. — Find the product of .2X.3; also, 1.4X2.3. By the Rule. .2 1.4 .3 2.3 .06 44 30 3.44 42 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. COMPOUND DIVISION. When the number of inferior places in the dividend exceeds the number of inferior places in the divisor. Rule. — Divide as in whole numbers, and point off in the quotient a number of inferior places equal to the excess of the number of inferior places in the dividend over the number of inferior places in the divisor ; if there are not figures sufficient, prefix ciphers, as in Multiplication. Example 1. — Divide 23.006 by 2.35. .0023006 by 2.35. Bij the Rule. 2.35)23.006(7.6 2.35). 0023006 (.00076 2113 2113 1 656 1656 1 656 1656 When the number of inferior places in the dividend is less than the number of inferior places in the divisor. Rule. — Affix ciphers to the dividend until the number of inferior places in the dividend equals the number of inferior places in the divisor ; the quotient up to this point of the division will be a whole number. If there be a remainder, and the division be carried on further, the figures after this point in the quotient will be inferior units. Example 2. — Divide 2300.6 by .235. Bij the Rule. .235)2300.600(7600. 2113 1656 1656 • ••00 Repetends. ' 43 Rule. — Before dividing, affix ciphers to the dividend to make the number of inferior places in the dividend exceed the number of inferior places in tlie divisor by three. If we divide up to this point, the quotient will contain three inferior places. Example 3. — Divide 2301.2 by .235 to 3 inferior places. .235)2301.200000(7(301.502 2113 1662 1656 •••400 235 1430 1421 •700 472 206 REPETENDS. The sign * applied to a number means that the num- ber is recurring, or a Repeater; thus, .2. Repetends are those numbers which periodically recur in Compound Division and may be extracted to the lowest required denomination by merely affixing them to the quotient; thus, 4-^3 gives the quotient 1.2o; and the quotient may be extended thus, 1.252o2o. 44 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. SECTION 4. RATIO AND PROPORTION. The relation of one number to another in respect of magnitude is called Ratio. The Ratio of one number to another is denoted by placing a colon between them. Thus the ratios of 3 to 14 and 14 to 3 are denoted by 3:14 and 14:3. When two Ratios are equal, they are said to form a Proportion, and the four numbers are called Proportionals. Thus the ratio of 3 to 14 and 6 to 30 are equal. The Ratios being equal, Proportionals exist among the num- bers 3, 6, 14, 30. The existence of Proportion between the numbers 3, 6, 14, 30, is denoted thus: 3:6:: 14:30. If four numbers be proportionals when taken in a cer- tain order, they will also be proportionals when taken in a contrary order; for instance, 3, 6, 14, 30, are propor- tionals, as already shown; and contrariwise, 30:14 :: 6: 3. The two numbers which form a Ratio are called its terms; the former term is called the Antecedent; the lat- ter, the Consequent. Because 3X2=6, and 14X2=30, .'. are those numbers proportional. Again: because the Antecedent of each when multiplied by the Consequent of the other produces a like number, .*. are they proportional. If any three terms of a proportion be given, the re- maining term may always be found. For since in any Proportion, Rule of Three. 45 1st term X 4th term = 2d term X 3d term, .-. 1st term=2dX3d^4th 2d term^lstX4th^3d 3d term = lstX4th-^2d; 4th term=2dX3d^lst. Example 1. — Find the 4th term in the proportion 3, 6, 14. 3:6;: 14.4th term; .'. 4th term=6Xl4-^3 = 30, Ans. RULE OF THREE. The Rule of Three is a method l^y which we are enabled, from three numbers which are given, to find a fourth, which shall bear the same ratio to the third as the second to the first; in other words, it is a rule by which, when the three terms of a proportion are given, we can determine the fourth. Rule. — Find out, of the three quantities which are given, that which is of the same kind as the fourth or required quantity, or that which is distinguished from the other terms by the nature of the question. Place this quantity as the third term of the proportion. Now consider whether, from the nature of the question, the fourth term will be greater or less than the third; if greater, then put the larger of the other two quantities in the second term and the smaller in the first term ; but if less, put the larger in tiie first term and the smaller in the second term. Multiply the second and third terms together, and divide by the first. The quotient will be the answer to the question. 46 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. Example 1. — If oats are worth $24 per ton, how much ton lb. can be bought for $50? Since 1.000 is of the same kind ton lb. as the required term, — viz., tons, — we make 1.000 the third term. Since $50 will buy more tons than $24, we make $50 the second term and $24 the first term: ton lb. $24:$50:: 1.000:4th term. tons lb. 24-^50Xl.000=4th term=2.000. Example 2. — A has a contract to dig a ditch in 2 days. He has 4 men employed, but at present progress it will take 4 days to complete the work. How many men should he have employed to finish the contract on time? days days men 2 : 4 :: 4 : 4th term. 2-^4X4 = 10, the number of men required. PRACTICE. Simple Practice. In this case the given number is expressed in the same denomination as the unit whose value is given; as, for instance, 21 lb. @ $1.20 per lb. Rule. — Multiply the numbers together without reference to their names, and point off the terms of the several denominations in the product. Example. — 43 lb. of sugar @ 7(J5 per lb. The product will be cents; .', 43X7=365 cents, = $3.65^ Interest. 47 Compound Practice. In this case the given number is not wholly expressed in the same denomination as the unit whose value is given; as, for instance, 1 ton 235 lb. @ $63 per ton. Rule. — State the question thus: If one ton cost $G3.00, what win 1,235 lb. cost? Multiply the second and third terms together without reference to their names; thus: — 1235X6300=10250;pj2l. From the right of the product cut off a number of figures which is equal to the number of inferior units in the third term. The remaining figures will be the value required, of the same name as the second term. Thus, $102.50({', Ans. INTEREST. Interest (Int.) is the sum of money paid for the loan or the use of some other sum of money, lent for a certain time at a fixed rate; generally at so much for each $100 for one year. The money lent is called the Principal. The interest on $100 for a year is called The Rate per Cent. The principal + the interest is called the Amount. Interest is divided into Simple and Compound. When interest is reckoned only on the principal or sum lent, it is Simple Interest. 50 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. When the interest at the end of the first period, instead of being paid by the borrower, is retained by him and added as principal to the former principal, interest being calculated on the new principal for the next period, and this interest, again, instead of being paid, is retained and added on to the last principal for a new principal, and so on, it is Compound Interest. Simple Interest. To find the interest on a given sum of money at a given rate per cent for a year. Rule. — Multiply the princiiDal by the rate per cent and divide the product by 100. Example. — Find the simple interest of $240 for one year, at 7 per cent per annum. By the Rule. $240.00x7-100=$21.40. Compound Interest. To find the Compound Interest of a given sum of money at a given rate per cent for any number of years. Rule. — At the end of each year, add the interest for that year to the principal at the beginning of it; this will be the principal for the next year ; proceed in the same way as far as may be required by the question. Add together the interests so arising in the several years, and the result will be the compound interest for the given period. Example. — Find the Compound Interest and Amount of $600 for 3 years, at 6 per cent per annum. Practice. 51 600X6-100=^44 Int. 1st yr. 600 + 44 = 644x6-h100=$47..30 Int. 2d yr. 644 + 47.30=713.30X6^100=$53.0420 Int. 2d yr. 713.30 + 53.0420= Ans. $766.34.20. .-. Compound interest = $53.0420 + $47.30-f .1?44=$166.- 3420. Amount, $600 + $166.3420=1766.342. 52 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. SECTION 5. SQUARE ROOT. The Square of a given number is the product of that number multiplied by itself. Thus 6X6, or 44, is the square of 6, or 44=6^ The Square Root of a given number is a number which, when multiplied by itself, will produce the given num- ber. The Square Root of a number is denoted by placing the sign ;/ before the number. Thus -|/44 denotes the square root of 44, so that y^44=6. The sign ^ placed above the number a little to the right denotes that the number is to be squared; thus, 6^=44. Note. — The squares of all those numbers which are in geometrical progres- sion appear with the order of their indices reversed, and their roots may be extracted by mere inspec- tion. A square figure Avill al- ways contain the square of a number of square units. The square root of a number is one side of a square with area equal to the number. Table 1. Table 2. 1 = 1/1 1 = 1/1 2= 4 • 2- 4 3= 11 • 4 — 26 4= 20 . 16— 106 5- 31 26 = 406 6- 44 • • 40 2606 7- 61 166— 10606 10= 100 266— 40606 Square Root. 53 .*. A square containing 44 square units has a side containing 6 linear units of the same vahie as one side of each of the 44 S(juare units contained in the given square. RULE TO EXTRACT THE SQUARE ROOT OF A GIVEN NUMBER. Rule. — Place a dot over the units' place of the given number ; and thence over every second figure to the left of that place ; and thence over every second figure to the right, when the num- ber contains inferior units, annexing a cipher when the number of inferior places is odd ; thus dividing the number into periods. The number of dots over the superior and inferior units respec- tively will show the superior and inferior places in the root. From Table 1 take the index which is nearest (but less) to the first period, and write its root in the first place in the root. Now consider whether the first period is nearer the index already taken, or nearer the index which comes next in the table. If nearer the index taken, try a number less than four for the second place in the root ; now square the number for trial. If the product is greater than the given number, try a number which is less ; repeat the operation until all the places in the root are filled. FlxAMPLE 1. — Find the Square Root of 1261.04. 32.2 = i/l26i.04 Sy/ll 4|/ 20 Method. — From Table 1 take the Index 11; the next one, 20; apply the root of the 11 to first place; first period is near 11; .*. try 32^, also 33'; the product 1244 is nearest the given number; .*. write 2 in the 1244 1331 root; 32^ is much nearer the given number than 33"; .•. try 322. 32 33 32 33 64 121 116 121 54 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. 322 322 644 644 1166 322X322 = 126104. Square root of 1261.04=32.2. A RECTANGLE. A mixed number of square units will always 126104 be contained in a Parallelogram, one of whose dimensions shall be a root number, as in Table 2. Rule. — To conform the given number to a parallelogram, divide the given number by the selected dimension. The quotient will be a perpendicular. The divisor and the quotient will be the required dimensions. Example 1. — Given one side and the area of a Paral- lelogram, to find the other side, one side to be 20, the area to be 541. By the Rule. 541^20=26.04; .*. one dimension =20; u u = 26.04. o o [ IS ONE EIGHTH ACTUAL DIMENSIONS. CUBE ROOT. The Cube of a given number is the product which arises from multiplying that number by itself, and then mul- tiplying the result again by the same number. Thus 6X6X6, or 330, is the cube of 6; or 330=61 The Cube Root of a given number is a number which, when multiplied into itself, and the result is again mul- tiplied by it, will produce the given number. Thus 6 is the Cube Root of 330; for 6X6=44, and 44X6=330. The Cube Root of a number is denoted by placing the sign f before the number. Thus ]^330 denotes the Cube Root of 330; so that ]f 330=6. Table 1. Table 2. 1-fa 1-1 3/1 2- 10 2- 16 3- 33 4- 100 4- 100 10- iooo 5- 175 20- 16000 6= 330 40= 106006 7- 527 100- 1006006 10- 1000 200- 16006006 56 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. Note. — The Cubes of all those numbers which are in geomet- rical progression oc- cur in ciphers with the index 1. Their roots may be extracted by mere inspection. All the indices will reappear when their roots are bisected continuously. Cube Root is the number of units of measure contained in a line which is one edge of a Cube. The Cube Root of a number can only be found when the given number is the cube of the number of units in the base. RULE FOR EXTRACTING THE CUBE ROOT OF A GIVEN NUMBER. Rule. — Place a dot over the units' place of the given number, and thence over every third figure to the left, and thence over every third figure to the right, when the number contains inferior units, aflixing one or two ciphers when necessary to make the number of inferior places a multiple of three, thus dividing the given numbers into periods. The number of dots over the Avhole number and inferior units, respectively, will show the whole number and inferior places in the root. Place the sign |^' over the given number. Point over the same number of places to the left of the sign the same number of dots that there are periods in the given number, in the form of a divisor. Find among the indices the number which is nearest (but below) the number in the first period, and place the correspond- ing root number in the first place in the divisor. Now consider whether the index just applied is nearer the given number than is the index which is nearest above or greater than the given number. Cube Root. 57 If the index applied is the nearest, add a number which is less than four, now cube the new number, and if the product be less than the given number, writedown the figure in the second place in the root, but if it be greater, trj' a lower number. This opera- tion is to be repeated until all the places in the root are filled. THIS CUT SHOWS ONE EIGHTH OF THE ACTUAL DIMENSIONS. 60 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation, Example. — Extract the Cube Root of 16606.305, 23.5|/16606.305 By the Rule. 2|/10 Zy'66 23 24 235 23 24 -235 71 120 1421 46 50 727 551 620 24 472 23 60111 2073 3100 235 1322 1440 360555 15313 17500 220333 140222 Method. — From Table 1 take the index 10; ap- ply its root to the first place; the index applied is nearer the first period than 33; .'. try 23^, also 24^, then write 3 in the second place. The given number is nearer 24^; .*. try 2351 16606305 RECTANGLE PARALLELOPIPED. A mixed number of cubical units will always be con- tained in a Parallelopiped, two of whose dimensions shall be a root number in Table 2. Rule. — To conform a given number to a Parallelopiped, mul- tiply the selected dimensions together and divide the given num- ber by the product. The quotient will be the third dimension of a Parallelopiped. Example 1. — Conform 6340 to a Parallelopiped. Eectan(jle Parallelopiped, By the Rule. Selected dimensions = 20 each; •. 20X20 = 400 = area of one side; 6340-^400= third dimension = 14.7; .-. one dimension = 20; Second dimension = 20; Third dimension = 14.7. 61 THIS CUT SHOWS ONE EIGHTH OF THE ACTUAL DIMENSIONS. Example 2. — Selected dimensions are: one dimension, 10; one dimension, 40; .-. 10X40=400=area of one side; 6340 -^400= third dimension = 14.7; .'. one dimension = 10; Second dimension =40; Third dimension=14.7. 62 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. DERIVATION OF RADIX. The Radix is suggested by the number of parts into which the Cube may be subdivided, Tvhen all its dimen- sions are bisected. Hence the number of symbols in the Octimal Notation permit the same mechanical treatment as does the Cube or any other regular solid; .'. since the third mechanical subdivision of the Cube results in 10 Cubes, each a counterpart of the original in the ratio of 10 to 1, therefore will the third bisection of the radix re- sult in symbols the counterpart of the original in the ratio of 10 to 1. ELEVATION OF DENOMINATIONS. Whole numbers are raised to the next higher denomina- tion by affixing a cipher; thus, 35X10=350. Whole numbers are reduced to the next lower denomina- tion by introducing a point; thus, 35-^10 = 3.5. .•. let A represent a cube, and a, a cube, then if the weight of A^ :35 lb., a^ :3.5 lb Calculation by Construction. 63 ELEVATION OF CUBES AND THEIR ROOTS. For each time a Root is multiplied by two, raise cube number one denomination by affixing a cipher. For each time a Root is bisected, reduce its cube num- ber one denomination by pointing off one figure from the right of the whole number. CALCULATION BY CONSTRUCTION. A Cube, Sphere, or Parallelopiped may be reduced to convenient limits for calculation by simply bisecting its diameter to the lowest convenient denomination. Rule. — For each time the three dimensions are bisected, write down one cipher, and for the last place apply the index 1, or .r. When the value of the index is found, replace the index by that value. Example. — A cube of bricks is 140.0 feet long at base. How many bricks does it contain? and what is its value at $7.00 per etand bricks? ^-^ By the Rule. 2)140.0 2)60.0 i Number, 12,530,000. Ans. ' 2)30.0 ( Value, 12,530,000X$7.00=$112,550.00. 2)14.0 6.0=6.0 ft. = Index. The Index is found to contain 1253 bricks; therefore to the sum so found affix four ciphers. 64 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. SECTION 6. LONGITUDE AND TIME. The Earth's Circle is subdivided, commencing opposite the meridian of Greenwich. The Dial is subdivided to correspond from midnight. Longitude is therefore always west. Difference in time gives Longitude. Example. — Meridian of Departure =0. The sun passes overhead 40 ^^'- 2V later. What is your Longitude? Ans. 40° (degrees) 21' (minutes). TO DETERMINE AN ANGLE. >\ Example. — Required the Angle A B. Ans. Angle = 12 degrees. Area of Circle in Terms of Square Units. 65 Rule. — At point of intersection raise a perpendicular. Bisect the right angle. The value of the new angle -^10. Should the angle exceed 10, bisect again and continue to the ratio of 1 to 10, repeating the operation if necessary. When the Angle is less than 10, the operation is similar. AREA OF CIRCLE IN TERMS OF SQUARE UNITS. The diameter of a circle is to its circumference as 1 is to 3.1. The square of the diameter of a circle is to its area as 1 is to .62. .'. Multiply the square of the diameter by .6222. Example. — Required the area of a circle whose di- amter is 16.2 inches. By the Rule. 16.2^ = 313.04 X.6222 = 237.421710 inches. 66 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. SECTION 7. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Meter = 47. 2753412 Inches, nearly. .•. A Centimeter is to an Inch as 1:2.43; /. InchesX 2.43 = number of Centimeters. An Inch is to a Centimeter as 1:.311; .'. Cm.X.311 = number of Inches. Note. — This comparison is sufficiently accurate for all prac- tical pm'poses in measurements up to one foot. Example. — Required the value of 6.2 Inches in Centi- meters. m. By the Rule. 6.2X2.43 = 17.723 Centimeters. TRANSFORMATION OF NUMBERS. Decimal numbers may be transformed into Octimal numbers. Rule. — Divide by eight continuously ; the remainders will be the Octimal figures. Example. — 1631 Decimal = 3137 Octimal. By the Rule. 8)1631 8)203(7 . . , Note. — The operation is carried 8)25(3 on in the decimal system. Decimal Fractions. 67 Octimal numbers may be transformed into Decimal numbers. Rule. — Divide by et-two continuously ; the remainders will be the Decimal numbers. Example. — 15356 Octimal=6894 Decimal. By the Rule. 12)15356 12)1261(4 12)104(11=9 6)10=8 DECIMAL FRACTIONS. — TO TRANSFORM INTO IN- FERIOR UNITS. Rule. — Multiply by eight continuously. The figures to the left of the point in each product will be the Octimal Inferior Units required. Example. — .125 = .l. By the Rule. .125 8 1.000 Note. — When all the figures in the i)roduct are below the point, supply a cipher in the units' place. Example. — .0625 = .04. By the Rule. .0625 8 0.5000 8 4.0000 70 Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation. DECIMAL NUMBERS AND OCTIMAL INFERIOR UNITS. Addition. Rule. — Add the octimal inferior units together, carrying eights. Carry the superior units, and add to the decimal num- bers above the point. Continue in the decimal system. Dec. Oct. Dec. Vulgar Fractions. Example. — 29.3 inches=29 + | inches. 29.6 u -29 + 1 a 29.23 u -29 + i a 4- 3 + "6 4' 29.76 u -29 + 1 a 4- ^ + 61^ 118.31 118 + 1 inches + ^x. Multiplication. Dec Oct. Dec. Vul. Frac. 118.31x4 = 118+1 + ^^X4 4 4 473.44 473 + i + e\ List of Educational Publications ...OF... THE WHITAKER & RAY COMPANY San Francisco Complete Descriptive Circular sent on application Net Prices Algebraic Solution of Equations— Andre and Buchanan - - - $0 80 An Aid to the Lady of the Lake, etc.— J. \V. Graham - - . 25 Amusing Geography and Map Drawing— Mrs. L. C. Schutze - - 1 00 Brief History ot California— Hittell and Faulkner - - - . 50 Current History— Harr Wagner 25 Civil Government Simplified— J.J. Duvall 25 Complete Algebra— J. B. Clarke 1 00 Elementary Exercises in Botany— V. Rattan 75 Grammar by the Inductive Method— W. C. 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