m '.'> iiili m mm iiiiii m '■■'-m. mm --.H^^'A,. ^-J -J— Hifi^W- ^BB^^aMiaaaMBdHIMiaAi^ AMERICAN AUTHORS 1795-J895 AMERICAN AUTHORS I795-J895 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FIRST AND NOTABLE EDITIONS CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED WITH NOTES By p. K. FOLEY WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WALTER LEON SAWYER BOSTON PRINl'ED FOR SUBSCRIBERS 1897 5^ ^rg'x'i^S'^ ,j; 'A ^ GENERAL ^^1^-^ Five Hundred Copies^ Octavo. No Q3a..a. Copyright 1897 by P. K. Foley OF CERTAIN BOOKS— AND MEN. When the wind was east and a sullen sky lowered upon a sod- den street, seven students slept and dreamed. In his dream each visited a bookshop and from an ignoble resting-place drew a bun- dle of pamphlets. There was an Amherst catalogue in the collec- tion, and there was also a speech by Daniel Webster. An Old Farmer's Almanac neighbored a sermon by the Reverend Shear Jashub Baalam on The Iniquity of Unitarianism and A List of Lighthouses and Fog-Signals in the United States. Next came the Annual Report of the New York Central Railroad for 1882 : and under it were six copies of "Tamerlane, by a Bostonian," which the enraptured dreamer bought for five cents apiece. This is the Tamerlane mythus, read by the light of reason. In the accepted version, the collector — there was but one, and he was awake, — sneered unfeelingly and put the pamphlets back : but any book-hunter who has had experience of Special Providences, (as all have) will find this quite too incredible for fable, even. And since Special Providences are matter of record, and since, moreover, no man can — or durst — name the collector who did this thing, knowledge must revise the tale and science must explain it. Seven collectors dreamed ; the dream was so vivid that it lingered in memory as the apotheosis of a familiar story ; by telepathy the story was transferred to the dreamers' sympathetic acquaintance — say, seven hundred. Each man recalls it, in one or other read- ing, so often as he does or does not overlook a bargain. At the full of the moon and in the midsummer silly season it gets into the newspapers. In all seriousness, it is safe to discredit — on general principles — any narrative which fails to recognize the sweet little cherub that sits up aloft keeping watch for the luck of the collector. Sooner or later, whether the book flaunts in a window or hides in a garret, the man to whom it belongs is irresistibly drawn to it. Such an one would intuitively divine that the inconspicuous vol- ume lettered "II Pesceballo " enshrined the words of Lowell ; that the " Incidental Poems " of Robert Dinsmoor, Rustic Bard, was the medium of Whittier's first appearance in book form ; that the unlovely earthernjar offered at auction in a Maine village (and knocked down, by the way, at ten cents), contained an impossible wm^r. viii OF CERTAIN BOOKS — AND MEN. razor and " Fanshawe." Thanks to this blessed principle, or force, or power, — which perhaps it were impious to seek to define — the book-lover may dabble in odd volumes, even. His personal cherub successfully solicited a Boston man to buy the second vol- ume of Matthew Arnold's " Poems " in the edition of 1869, — an unregarded trifle in a dealer's odds and ends. News of the pur- chase came to a fellow in the gentle art ; and presently the Bos- tonian received from him the first volume in the same edition, which had been picked up at auction in another city. The Phihs- tine will say that this is improbable : and so it is : but it is true : and equally true is the correlative that, as the fly-leaves showed, these two volumes originally belonged to the same man, and met in the hands of another disciple after Heaven knows what wander- ing and mischance ! All this of course suggests the axiom that a prize may offer any- where and at any moment. In the catalogue of a New England public library, "My Summer in a Garden" is classified as "Agri- culture " ; and under the general title, " Medicine," and the sub- title, " Pathology : Diseases," the unconscious humorist who per- petrated the book has listed Defoe's " Journal of the Plague in London." At first glance, the connection between first editions and a certain Connecticut town is not half so apparent as the silken thread of fancy that attaches Mr. Warner to the farming interest. Yet in that Connecticut town a man I love discovered Lowell's own copy of the Birmingham Address, a very treasure-house of corrections and notes in autograph, — and bore it away for twenty- five cents ! I might add that in the same place, on another occa- sion, my friend found " The Rose and the Ring," blushing, as it were, in its original pink boards — blushing, perhaps, for that it occupied a fifteen-cent counter. But such reminiscences are dis- tracting ; and they are useless : for the Connecticut bookseller is dead, and no more bargains linger in an unlikely place to refresh the spirit of the collector who goes that way. I pause here to drop a tear for the bookseller. Peace to his ashes ! He was not wholly of them who sell books as butchers sell mutton, by the pound, the bones with the meat ; but he had been ; and though from the commercial point of view it seems a sad thing that he should die before he learned the value of his stock, there is warning for others in the circumstance that as he became sophisticated his health failed. Doubtless it would be easy to demonstrate that to buy at five cents and sell for twenty- five is the only rule of conduct calculated to preserve a dealer in body and mind. There was notably one man in the circle of my professional acquaintance who prospered by this means. Yet he has fallen. Injudicious patrons have offered him of the fruit of OF CERTAIN BOOKS— AND MEN. ir the tree of knowledge, and he has eaten. His former principle of business now applies to none save drygoods editions — which he sells to the gentlemen who boast that they "buy books for the con- tents." I foresaw the end, when he began to prattle of "firsts." Soon he became curious in bindings. Next he was aware of the extra-illustrator and re-revised his price-list in a commendable endeavor to make the punishment fit the crime ; but now he finds that the collector of book-plates must also be reckoned with : and in the attempt to adjust his tariff to the needs or caprices of five several classes of purchasers, he ages visibly. When under one's very eyes a worthy tradesman undergoes this process of degeneration, one sighs for the days of the Crofts sale, when original quarto editions of Shakespeare's plays fetched from one to eleven shillings apiece ; or one wishes that he might at least have attended the Elliot Woodward auction, in 1S69, and bought " A Year's Life " for twenty-five cents. (Mr. Foote's copy realized thirty- three dollars.) Always it seems that the time has been when black swans and pink pearls were less rare than they are at present, when robins nested in January, and when the book- worm lifted up his voice in song under the poor man's window. Some day, under pressure of this conviction, I think I shall take to the road. Your true Yankee never destroys anything but his neighbor's vices. He will not throw away a book. There are early Poes and Hawthornes, not to speak of Freneaus and Mathers, stuffed in barrels, stored in barn-chambers, in any of the older vil- lages, waiting the advent of the collector who shall be brave enough to set up a peddler's cart. Dares any affirm that that man will not buy a Bay Psalm Book with a tin teapot ? I grant that the hero of such a quest may fall victim to the su- perstition that every printed thing is worthy — a form of dementia to which the collector who rigidly restricts himself to a specialty is perhaps peculiarly Hable. But if he survives he will brmg back — not the spoil of the land alone, but — enthralling memories of natives who carry the aforesaid superstition to its logical ultimate, that a volume long preserved must be very valuable. These fig- ure at stated intervals in the suburban correspondence of almost any newspaper as owners of " a book printed more than three hun- dred years ago," erg-o, worth a deal of money. For my own part, I have great joy of the citizens of Granger\'ille who achieve dis- tinction at so cheap a rate. They are amply fellowed in innocent fatuity : but, while other amiable idiots become enlightened and cease to be diverting, the proud possessor of a worthless black- letter is a well-spring of delight, he and his children's children, to the latest generation. The average man can not rebuke his folly : he has not the documents. The collector will not : for in a state X OF CERTAIN BOOKS — AND MEN. of society where, the more charming the catalogue, the more de- structive is the subsequent bill, an inexpensive pleasure is a thing sedulously to be maintained. It is not impossible (there are degrees in folly !) that from this admission some would draw the inference that a book-lover de- precates his outlay. I hasten therefore to approve that noble say- ing of Erasmus : Statlmque ut pecuttiam accepero, Grcecos prhnufn a7ictores, deinde vestes emam. In this sign we con- quer. " And afterwards some clothes " expresses, I am sure, the feeling of every true collector. One may inadvertently acquire books that are no books, one may be seduced by " bargains " that future experience disavows, and then one may seek a safe place and indulge in the language that Erasmus doubtless employed under similar conditions. But the man who regrets or apologizes for making the right choice between a new coat and a faultless first is no more worthy to be called collector. Indeed I question whether he who does not persistently and joyously buy books he cannot afford is entitled to all the honor attaching to that name. Here one might enlarge upon those pleasures of the chase which are revealed to the impecunious alone. Yet the millionaire is a man and a brother : and I could find it in my heart to wish he might experience the emotions that an auction stirs in 2is. (Ob- serve I do not say we attend auctions : rather forego the richest entertainment earth affords — that provided by the woman-who- wants-to-bid — than openly countenance the damnable heresy that law-reports and medical treatises and volumes of sermons are books !) Figure to yourself the collector, removed from obtru- sive rivalries and the sordid eloquence of the auctioneer, sitting down with his catalogue to choose the lots he must have and the others that he would like to have. Fancy his earnest questionings whether a certain classic may not at this time respond to a mod- est bid ; whether the " nine volumes " so ambiguously described include first editions ; whether in a given instance it will be wiser to say " no limit " or to let the temptation pass and trust a Spec- ial Providence at some future time to be made manifest? Pic- ture the debate between bargains and bankruptcy, the occasional conflicts of conscience and inclination, the dreams of what books may come ! And finally try to do justice to the resolute and happy heroism that mails a list of bids which may obliterate a month's salary ! The man who had a standing order for the Kelmscott Press pubhcations as issued knows naught of these tragic joys. To him who would make trial of a new sensation, all sensations, they are cheap at any price. It will be quite safe, however, to leave the praise of poverty to the rich, those ardent champions of inexpensive virtues. Only let OF CERTAIN BOOKS — AND MEN. xi me confess, before we depart the subject, that discretion fixes a limit to my solicitude for my fellow poor. Since I do not affect omniscience, I decline to decide, even for their benefit, the rival claim of auctioneer and bookseller to the chief place in their re- gard. And though I have known a judicious smile to reduce the price of a book one-half, I shall not advise them how to encoun- ter the enemy — whether in the trustfulness that (may) win for- bearance or in the calm superiority that (may) inspire apologetic awe. Yet surely it is well to warn all and sundry that, while a trick of countenance may sometimes serve one's turn, enduring success in collecting rests upon other foundations, that these are in a measure commercial, and that a book-merchant of whatso- ever class may contribute to establish them. Of course a student of catalogues looks to share the reproach of Magliabecchi, that he was a learned man among booksellers and a bookseller among learned men : but perhaps this is not quite so terrible as it sounds. There are booksellers and booksellers, and again there are learned men and — persons who join their titles to their signatures. If it seemed worth while, it would be interesting to contrast a score of book-hunters with an equal number of gentlemen more or less learned, who condemn their pursuit : but we have the courage of our convictions, and we are already vain enough. Let us pass to consider how we may add to our faith knowledge. And first a word concerning Mr. Foley's experience. When I began to know him, years ago, he was just passing out of the scrapbook stage. At this period one is able to appreciate, willing to collect, almost anything : he cuts up catalogues and toilsomely constructs long lists of books that God permitted to be created and advertised, but never suffers to be sold. It is the young collector's apprenticeship to genuine enthusiasm. If he boggles at the scrapbooks, be sure he will never go further. My friend survived the test. As he gave over the ambition to own a dupli- cate of every book in the Congressional Library, he began to long for intimate knowledge of a few books, say eight or ten thousand. Then he condensed the scrapbooks into a little volume that, whether for additions or corrections, has accompanied him ever since. It has been my happiness to watch its expansion into this volume. Public and society Ubraries, dealers' pricelists and pri- vate collections have, in the course of the process, suggested de- tails, and to the friends who have been most helpful Mr. Foley will make his own acknowledgment. It is my duty to bear testi- mony to the untiring zeal and prodigious patience that have car- ried on a work with which I am proud to be — ever so remotely — associated. The present enterprise aside, I am sure that Mr. Foley would xii OF CERTAIN BOOKS— AND MEN. second me in urging the reader to treasure the suggestion of a home-made, strictly personal, pocket bibliography — a compend of titles, dates, identifying features, and average prices. One may be ever so conversant with authorities, but find at the critical mo- ment that he has forgotten some all-important detail. A portable memorandum will tend then and always to disburden the memory, sustain the purse, and solace the soul. And be it remembered that one's cherub will not strive against willful ignorance and that the Special Providences which may bless the lame seldom accrue to the benefit of the lazy ! Since much of this may seem assured and peremptory, it is time to confess that I have no collection : only a bookcase. I have not even a copy of that " unique " Whittier title, the "Narrative of James Williams," which, once announced, has begun to repeat it- self with distressing frequency, as " unique " titles sometimes do — one happy man in Boston exhuming two copies from his anti- slavery collection. Yet since it is permitted to love the things one does not own and to glorify the deeds one can not imitate, I do not apologize for yielding to the temptation to gossip. If oppor- tunity served I would like to speak of, for instance, the rare books that — like the works of Thomas Taylor, the Platonist, — are found in every catalogue. So I might tell how Mrs. Browning bought for her son first editions of Shelley and Keats, and recommend her example to American mothers who may in like manner enter- tain Robert Brownings unawares. Using the euphemism of the delightful Wilham James, (who wrote, in 1817, of "Military Oc- currences .... between Great Britain and the United States ") I could mention those bibliographies which sagacious book- sellers might catalogue under the heading, " Facetiae." Indeed, one who writes of books finds many matters pregnant with elo- quent discourse : yet since to some I may seem to have yielded our position, I must turn to right myself, and so make end. Yet, on second thought, what to the lover of books matters the world's opinion? If he be true man, the lust of possession has never blinded him to worth or worthlessness ; rarity has not be- come synonymous with value ; things have not usurped the place of qualities. True, he has had his defeats and his successes, like other men, — his little hour of triumph, his days of bitterness and his nights of humihation. Fortune has frowned on him, perhaps. Friends have misinterpreted his kindest purpose. Often he has failed in his duty to himself, in which, if one rightly perceives it, resides the sum of duties. But, God be thanked, there are friends who have patience and who do not misunderstand, voices that rise above the turmoil audibly to console and strengthen ! God be thanked that, though he sin and suffer, he may have fellowship OF CERTAIN BOOKS— AND MEN. xiii with them that aspire, and the transmitted hope that he may win to their heights and, whether here or otherwhere in the material universe, dwell in the spirit in their clear sunlight ! Thus, by these devious ways, we return to our — dreams ? Shall we say the brightest concerns that day when every Horace shall have his Maecenas and every Dibdin, his Spencer? Not so whilst we seriously consider our books, arch-enemies of frivolity and low aims, ^^sop, Saadi, Cervantes, Regnard, have been taken by corsairs, left for dead, sold for slaves, and kfiozv the real- ities of hjiman life. WALTER LEON SAWYER. Boston, March i, 1897. PREFATORY NOTE. The assumed requirements of the collector, and others likely to feel interest in such a compilation as the present — and these requirements constitute the compiler's law — seeming rather to be served by a reliable reference handbook than by an elaborate essay in bibliography, the hnes upon which it has been compiled will be readily apparent. It will also be understood why its- scope is Umited to the authors of the century indicated, 1 795-1895, — the principal creators of American literature : the writings of Jona- than Edwards, the Mathers, and others of ante-revolutionary days, more reasonably demanding classification as " Americana " or " Divinity." The preceding paragraph will explain why authors whose works are almost wholly of a scientific, pohtical or religious character are omitted, and why occasional pamphlets of similar nature are included only when the literary standing of the author demanded reference to every production. The same rule has been applied to works with which the authors represented were editori- ally connected. As an important step towards securing accuracy and fulness of detail the lists prepared of their writings have been submitted to the Hving authors included, for their approval, and any additions which they might suggest. All have courteously and cordially responded, with very few exceptions, — and of these last no writings are likely to exist save such as are duly chronicled on the pub- lishers' bulletins. Contributions to magazines, annuals and other serials are not quoted separately, unless, as in the case of Dr. Holmes, the articles, or many of them, have never been reprinted. Reports of commemorative exercises, celebrations, or similar occasions, con- taining addresses, poems, etc., by eminent authors, and each of itself complete, receive separate mention, as also do notable re- prints which experience proves to be more eagerly sought after than the original issues. The Aldrich numbers of the " Vest Pocket " series, not to mention several less recent reprints, very forcibly confirm this assertion. Whilst it may be urged that the titles of works not wholly the production of the authors to whom they are credited, assume PRE FA TOR r NOTE. xv rather formidable proportions, recent experiences prove the Aldrich collector ready to pay a higher price for " Jubilee Days " than for " Poems, by T. B. A." ; that the Emerson collector de- sires the " Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Chandler Robbins, by Rev. Henry Ware," as eagerly as he does the " Essays " of 1841 ; that the Holmes collector hungers for ''Songs of the Class of 1829," especially the little pamphlet of 1854, as intensely as for "The Harbinger " ; that the Lowell worshipper " hunts " assidu- ously for " Memorial : R. G. S.," and reports of various celebra- tions, and the Whittierite dreams himself the possessor of the Kenoza Lake pamphlet, or " Incidental Poems of the Rustic Bard." Such examples, and they are only a few of many, make it apparent that in extension of lists the collector will more readily condone sins of commission than those of omission. In most cases the titles have been copied from the title page ; where the work was not accessible the most approved authority was followed. The works of many of the authors included, more especially Cooper and Irving, were published simultaneously in New York and London, and sometimes with alteration of date and title ; in such instances it is thought best to quote the Amer- ican issue, as that most esteemed by collectors. Beheving the author best qualified to decide upon the title of his work, alteration or abbreviation of the original is avoided, un- less uniformity and practicability suggested prefixing to the title the designation " edited," or " translated " ; or where such titles as " Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, etc.," made abbreviation seem advisable. In such exceptions the condensation is indicated by " leaders," and the reading retained is such as not to obscure identification of title. In details as to size, date and place of publication, etc., the methods observed in compiling the higher class of modern cata- logues commend themselves as most comprehensive and effective for the collector's purpose, and are accordingly adopted. Where place or date of publication is omitted from title page, such additions appear in brackets, thereby rendering unnecessary the repetition of " n. p.; n. d.," etc. Other additions by the compiler will also appear in brackets, or in the form of notes appended to certain titles. When a work is credited to an author and his (or her) connec- tion therewith is not indicated on the title page, to facilitate iden- tification such work is included in the alphabetically arranged lists of anonymous and pseudonymous titles, even though the author's name should appear in the index or appended to his contribution. With the same view a title is termed anonymous where the title page is so, even if the work be copyrighted by the author, or his xvi PRE FA TOR T NOTE. name, initials or pseudonym appear in connection with the intro- duction, notes, or elsewhere. Any work including two or more authors is credited to the author whose contribution occupies first place in arrangement or importance ; in all cases of collaboration cross-references indicate the authors represented and remove the necessity of crediting such work to each. A few titles which do not appear in their proper arrangement, owing to errors in trans- cription and other causes, are appended at the end of the volume. The points here dwelt upon will, it is hoped, prove explanatory of the lines followed. There remains for the compiler only to ex- press his gratitude to those who have aided him, one of whom, the late beloved Professor Child, of Harvard University, who supplied, and at much personal inconvenience, extensive and important data, has passed beyond the reach of such acknowledgments. Thanks are due, and are hereby tendered, to the several authors and publishers who with unfailing courtesy and kindness answered the demands made upon them, this more especially so in the case of Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., whose connection with so many notable authors greatly enlarged their proportion of the en- quiries ; to Charles F. Libbie, Esq., of Boston, whose valuable bibliographical library was generously placed at the compiler's service ; to Miss Louise Imogen Guiney, of Auburndale, who kindly supplied from her collection the titles of otherwise inaccessible works of Thomas William Parsons, and to Dr. R. M. Bucke, of London, Ontario, to whom is almost wholly due the credit for the list of Walt Whitman's writings. P. K. F. AMERICAN AUTHORS. ABBEY, HENRY. 1842— ' " ' '■ May Dreams. i2mo. New York, 1862. Ralph and other Poems. i6mo. Rondout, N. Y., 1866. Stories in Verse. i6mo. New York, 1869. Ballads of Good Deeds, and other Verse. i6mo. New York, 1872. Ballads of Good Deeds. i6mo. London, 1876. Poems. Square 1 2 mo. New York, 1879. The City of Success and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1884. Poems. Complete Edition. i2mo. Kingston, N.Y., 1885. The Ulster Guard at Gettysburg, . . . July, 1863. ^ Poem read October 4, 1888, at the Dedication of the Monument. 1 2 mo. Rondout, N. Y., 1888. Poems. Third Edition, enlarged. 1 2mo. Kingston, N. Y., 1895. ADAMS, OSCAR FAY. . . . Handbook of English Authors. i6mo. Boston, 1883. Handbook of American Authors. i6mo. Boston, 1884. (Edited.) Through the year with the Poets. 12 volumes, i6mo. Boston '[ I S85-86]. Poet-Laureate Idyls. i6mo. Boston [1886]. (Edited.) Atalanta's Race and other Tales from The Earthly Paradise. i6mo. Boston [188S]. 2 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) Chapters from Jane Austen. i6mo. Boston [1888]. (Edited.) Rhymes, Selections and Phrases. i2mo. Boston [1889]. Dear Old Story-Tellers. Portrait. i2mo. Boston [1889]. (Edited.) The Poets' Year. Oblong 8vo. Bos ton [1890]. (EdJt\5d,); Lyrics ol the Hudson, by H. N. Powers. i6mo. ' • &'6s'l:ow'[i89i]. , The Stcry of Jane Austen's Life. Portrait. i6mo. Chicago, 1 89*1'. The Presumption of Sex : and other Papers. i6mo. Boston, 1892. AKERS, ELIZABETH [CHASE]. 1832— Forest Buds from the Woods of Maine. By Florence Percy. i6mo. Boston, 1856. Poems. 24mo. Boston, 1866. The Silver Bridge and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1886. Queen Catherine's Rose. i6mo. Dublin and London, 1886. Two Saints. A Tribute to the Memory of Henry Bergh. . . (Privately printed.) i2mo. 18S6. [Anonymous.] The Triangular Society : Leaves from the Life of a Portland Family. i2mo. Portland, 1S86. The High-Top Sweeting and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1 89 1. ALBEE, JOHN. 1833— St. Aspenquid of .Agamenticus. An Indian Legend. (Privately- printed.) i2mo. Portsmouth, N. H., 1879. Literary Art : a Conversation between a Poet, a Painter, and a Philosopher. i6mo. New York, 1881. Newcastle; Historic and Picturesque. Illustrations. 12 mo. Boston, 1884. - ,-j., Prose Idyls. 12 mo. Boston, TS^p^ A BIBLlOGRAPIir. 3 ALCOTT, AMOS BRONSON. 1 799-1888. Observations on the Principles and Methods of Infant Instruc- tion. 8vo. Boston, 1830. The Doctrine and Discipline of Human Culture. i2mo. Boston, 1836. The Story without an End. Translated from the German . . . by Sarah Austin ; with a Preface, and Key to the Emblems, by A. B. Alcott. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1836. Conversations with Children on the Gospels. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1836-37. [Anonymous.] Emerson. Portrait. (Privately printed.) Square i6mo. Cambridge, 1865. Tablets. i6mo. Boston, 1868. Concord Days. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Table Talk. Heliotype title. i6mo. Boston, 1877. New Connecticut. An Autobiographical Poem. (Privately printed; 200 copies.) i6mo. Boston, 1881. Sonnets and Canzonets. i6mo. Boston, 1882. *^,*The same. With autograph, and photographic portraits. (50 copies.) i6mo. Boston, 18S2. Ralph Waldo Emerson : an Estimate 01 his Character and Genius ; in Prose and Verse. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1882. New Connecticut : an Autobiographical Poem. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1886. ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY. 1 831-1888. Flower Fables. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1855. *:^*Republished as Little Lulu's Library. Boston, 1SS5. Hospital Sketches. i6mo. Boston, 1863. Moods. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1864. On Picket Duty, and other Tales. i2mo. New York, 1864. The Rose Family. i6mo. Boston, 1864. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Morning Glories and other Tales. 12 mo. New York, 1867. Aunt Kip. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Proverb Stories. Svo. Boston, 1868. Psyche's Art. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Nelly's Hospital. 8vo. [Washington, 1868.] Little Women ; or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Illustrations. 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1868-69. Kitty's Class-Day at Harvard. Square i6mo. Boston, 1868. Concord Sketches. Twelve Photographs froni Drawings. By Mary Alcott, with Text by L. M. Alcott. Small 4to. Boston, t8 7 0» -.,/ #( An Old-fashioned Girl. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1870. Little Men : Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1871. Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. 6 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1871-79. Work. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1873. Eight Cousins ; or, the Aunt-Hill. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1875- Silver Pitchers, and Independence, a Centennial Love-Story. i6mo. Boston, 1876. Rose in Bloom : a Sequel to Eight Cousins. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1876. [Anonymous.] A Modern Mephistopheles. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Under the Lilacs. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston [1878]. Meadow Blossoms. Illustrations. 4to. New York [1879]. Water-Cresses. Illustrations. 4to. New York [1879]. Sparkles for Bright Eyes. Illustrations. 4to. New York [1879]. Jack and Jill. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1880. Spinning-Wheel Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1884. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 5 Jo's Boys, and how they turned out : a Sequel to Little Men. i6mo. Boston, 1886. A Garland for Girls. i6mo. Boston, 1887. Life, Letters and Journals. Edited by Edna D. Cheney. Portraits and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1889. Comic Tragedies : written by Jo and Meg and acted by the Little Women. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1893-. ***See also Thoreau, H. D. ALDEN, WILLIAM LIVINGSTON. 1837 — Domestic Explosives and other Sixth Column Fancies. (From The New York Times.) i2mo. New York, 1877. *^*An unauthorized edition of Domestic Explosives was pub- lished as The Comic Liar, New York, 1S82. Shooting Stars, as observed from the Sixth Column of I'he Times. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1879. The Canoe and the Flying Proa. 32mo. New York, 1878. The Moral Pirates. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1880. Christopher Columbus, the First American Citizen. i6mo. New York, 1881. The Cruise of the Ghost. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1882. ' The Cruise of the Canoe Club. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1883. The Adventures of Jimmy Brown. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1885. A New Robinson Crusoe. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1888. The Loss of the Swansea. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston [1889]. Trying to find Europe. Illustrations. i6mo. London, 1890. A Lost Soul. i2mo. London, 1892. Told by the Colonel. i2mo. New York [1892]. 6 AMERICAN AUTHORS. ALDRICH, ANN REEVE. 1866-1892. The Rose of Flame and other Poems of Love. i6mo. New York, 18S9. The Feet of Love. Portrait and Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. Songs about Life, Love, and Death. i6mo. New York, 1892. ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY. 1836— The Bells. A Collection of Chimes. By T. B. A. lamo. New York, 1855. Daisy's Necklace and what came of it, (A Literary Episode.) i2mo. New York, 1857. The Course of True Love never did run Smooth. i2mo. New York, 1858. The Ballad of Babie Bell and other Poems. 1 2mo. New York, 1859. Pampinea and other Poems. i6mo. New York, 1861. Out of his Head, a Romance. i2mo. New York, 1S62. Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Portrait. 24 mo. New York, 1S63. The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 24mo. Boston, 1865. *^*0f the poems comprising this edition, nine (including Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book), pp. 11-97, are now first collected, also At the Morgue, p. 146, and seven of the eight sonnets, pp. 233-249. The omission of the word " been," which should end third line, first stanza, p. 102, indicates the earlier issues of the edition. Pere Antoine's Date-Palm. (Privately Printed.) Small 4to. Boston, 1 866. Pansie's Wish. Small 4to. Boston, 1867. The Story of a Bad Boy. Illustrations. 12 mo. Boston, 1870. Jubilee Days. An Illustrated Daily Record of the Humorous Features of the World's Peace Jubilee. [16 numbers, June I7-July4, 1872.] 4to. Boston, 1872. *^*Edited, anonymously, by T. B. Aldrich and W. D. Howells, who, with E. P. Whipple, were the principal contributors. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 Marjorie Daw and other People. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Prudence Palfrey. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1874. Cloth of Gold and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1874. Flower and Thorn. Later Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Miss Mehetabel's Son [and Pere Antoine's Date-Palm]. Illustrations. 3 2 mo. Boston, 1877. A Midnight Fantasy, and The Little Violinist. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. ARivermouth Romance. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. The Queen of Sheba. i2mo. Boston, 1S77. Babie Bell. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1878. The Story of a Cat. Translated from the French of Emile de la Be'dolliere. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1879. The Stillwater Tragedy. i2mo. Boston, 1880. The Little Violinist. Reprinted with the Author's Permission and sold at the Fair of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Square i2mo. [Cam- bridge,] 1880. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book, and other Poems. i6rao. Boston, 1 88 1. XXXVI Lyrics and XII Sonnets. i6mo. Boston, 1881. *^*The two preceding volumes consist of selections from Cloth of Gold, and Flower and Thorn. Poems. Illustrated by the Paint and Clay Club. Portrait on steel, and 28 illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1882. *^,*Al60 6 copies printed on Japan paper for presentation by the author. 8vo. Boston, 18S2. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 12 mo. Boston, 1883. Mercedes and Later Lyrics. Small 8 vo. Boston, 1884. Poems. Household Edition [newly revised]. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1885. (With M.O. W. Oliphant.) The Second Son. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1888. 8 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Wyndham Towers. Small 8vo. Boston, 1890. The Sisters' Tragedy, with other Poems, Lyrical and Dramatic. Small 8 vo. Boston, 189 1. An Old Town by the Sea. i6mo. Boston, 1893. Two Bites at a Cherry, with other Tales. i6mo. Boston, 1894. Mercedes. A Tragedy . . . As produced at Palmer's Theatre. i2mo. Boston, 1894. Unguarded Gates and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1895. *^*0f this work 50 copies were issued wholly uncut, with paper labels. i2mo. Boston, 1895. The Story ot a Bad Boy. With New Preface. Illustrations by A. B. Frost. lamo. Boston, 1895. ***See also Bryant, W. C. ; Holmes, O. W. ; Sill, Edward R. ; Stedman, E. C. ALLEN, JAMES LANE ... Flute and Violin, and other Kentucky Tales and Romances. i2mo. New York, 1 89 1. The Blue-Grass Region of Kentucky, and other Kentucky Articles. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1892. John Gray : a Kentucky Tale of the Olden Time. Portrait. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1893. A Kentucky Cardinal. Illustrations. Square i6mo. New York, 1895. ALLSTON, WASHINGTON. 1 779-1843. The Sylphs of the Seasons, with other Poems. 1 2mo. London, 1813. ***Also i6mo. Boston, 1813. [Anonymous.] Monaldi : a Tale. i2mo. Boston, 1841. Lectures on Art and Poems. Edited by R. H. Dana, Jr. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Outlines and Sketches. Engraved by I. and S. W. Cheney. Oblong 4to. Boston, 1850. Life and Letters, by Jared D. Flagg. Full-Page Reproduc- tions of Allston's Paintings. Square 8vo. New York, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 9 APPLETON, THOMAS GOLD. i8i 2-1884. Faded Leaves. [By] T. G. A. Frontispiece. Small 4t.). Boston, 1872. A Sheaf of Papers. By T. G. A. i6mo. Boston, 1874. A Nile Journal. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1876. Syrian Sunshine. Frontispiece. i6mo. Boston, 1877. [Anonymous.] Boston Museum of the Fine Arts. A Com- panion to the Catalogue. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Windfalls. i6mo. Boston, 1878. Chequer Work. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1879. Life and Letters. Prepared by Susan Hale. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1885. ARNOLD, GEORGE. 1 834-1 865. Drift : a Sea-Shore Idyl, and other Poems. [Edited, with a memoir, by William Winter.] Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1866. Poems Grave and Gay. [Edited by William Winter.] i6mo. Boston, 1867. Poems [complete edition] ; edited, with Biographical Sketch, by William Winter. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1871. AUSTIN, JANE GOODWIN. 1831-1894. Fairy Dreams, or Wanderings in Elf- Land. Square i6mo. Boston, i860. [Anonymous.] Dora Darling : the Daughter of the Regiment. Engraved title. i6mo. Boston, 1865. Outpost: a Novel. i6mo. Boston, 1866. Cipher: a Novel. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1869. The Shadow of Moloch Mountain. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 187.0. Moonfolk : a True Account of the Home of the Fairy Tales. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1874. 10 AMERICAN AUTHORS. [Anonymous.] Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. i6mo. Boston, 1880. [Anonymous.] A Nameless Nobleman. i6mo. Boston, 1881. [Anonymous.] The Desmond Hundred. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Nantucket Scraps ; or the Experiences of an Off- Islander, in Season and out of Season. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Standish of Standish : a Story of the Pilgrims. 12 mo. Bos- ton, 1889. Doctor Le Baron and his Daughter : a Story of the Old Col- ony. i2mo. Boston, 1890. Betty Alden. The First-Born Daughter of the Pilgrims. i2mo. Boston, 1891. David Alden's Daughter and other Stories of Colonial Times. i2mo. Boston, 1892. BALLOU, MATURIN MURRAY. 1820— Biography of Rev. Hosea Ballou. i2mo. Boston, 1852. History of Cuba, or Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics. Il- lustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1854. Miralda, or the Justice of Tacoma. A Drama. . . i2mo. New York [1858]. Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain. A Tale of the Revolution. By Lieut. Murray. i6mo. New York [i860]. Treasury of Thought, forming an Encyclopaedia of Quotations from Ancient and Modern Authors. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Pearls of Thought. i6mo. Boston, 1881. (Edited.) Notable Thoughts about Women. A Literary Mosaic. i2mo. Boston, 1882. Due West, or Around the World in Ten Months. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Due South ; or, Cuba, Past and Present. i2mo. Boston, 1885. (Edited.) Edge-Tools of speech. 8vo. Boston, 1886. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 11 Under the Southern Cross. Travels in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Samoa and other Pacific Islands. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Due North, or Glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia. lamo. Boston, 1887. Genius in Sunshine and Shadow. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Footprints of Travel ; or, Journeyings in Many Lands. i2mo. Boston, 1888. The New Eldorado. A Summer Journey to Alaska. i2mo. Boston, 1889. Aztec Land. i2mo. Boston, 1890. Equatorial America. Descriptive of a Visit to St. Thomas, Martinique and the Principal Capitals of South America. i2mo. Boston, 1892. The Story of Malta. i2mo. Boston, 1893. The Pearl of India. 12 mo. Boston, 1894. BANCROFT, GEORGE. 1800-1892. Poems. 1 2 mo. Cambridge, 1823. Prospectus of a School to be established at Round Hill, North- ampton, Mass. By George Bancroft and Joseph Green Cogswell. 8vo. [Cambridge, 1823.] Greek Grammar, by Philip Carl Buttman, abridged [by George Bancroft]. Folded plate. 16 mo. Paris, 1824. {Translated.) Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece, by A. H. L. Heeren. 8vo. Boston, 1824. (Edited.) The Latin Reader, from the Fifth German Edition, by Frederick Jacobs. i6mo. Northampton, 1825. De Vita Excellentium Imperatorum of CorneHus Nepos ; from the 3d Edition of J. H. Bremi. Edited, with English Notes [by George Bancroft] . i2mo. Boston, 1826. An Oration delivered on the Fourth of July, 1826, at North- ampton, Mass. 8vo. Northampton, 1826. 12 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Translated.) A History of the Political Systems of Europe, by A. H. L. Heeren. 2 volumes, 8vo. Northampton, 1829. Review of the Report of the Committee of Ways and Means ; and of the Message of the President of the United States Relative to the United States Bank. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. Histor}^ of the United States. Portraits, maps and illustrations. 10 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1834-75. *^* i., 1834; ii., 1837; iii., 1840; iv., 1S52 ; v., 1S53; vi., 1854; vii., 1858; viii., i860; ix., 1866; x., 1875. *^*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 10 volumes, roval 8vo. 1S61-75. Oration delivered before the Democracy of Springfield and Neighboring Towns, July 4, 1836. 8vo. Springfield, 1836. Address at Hartford, before the Delegates of the Democratic Convention of the Young Men of Connecticut, Feb. 18, 1840. Svo. [Hartford, 1840.] History of the Colonization of the United States. Abridged by the Author. [Not republished.] Maps and plates. 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1841. Monument to the Memory of Andrew Jackson. By B. M. Dusenbury. [Eulogy by George Bancroft, Washington, June 27, 1845, pp. 33-51.] 8vo. Nashua, 1846. The Semi-Centennial Celebration of the New York Historical Society, Nov. 20, 1854. [Oration by George Bancroft, The Necessity, the Reality, and the Promise of the Progress of the Human Race, pp. 5-37, and speech by W. C. Bryant, pp. 69-70.] 8vo. New York, 1854. Miscellanies. 8vo. New York, 1855. The Life of F. W. von Steuben, by Frederick Kapp. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1859. Letter on the Exchange of Prisoners during the American War of Independence. Svo. [New York, 1862.] Oration on the 22d of February, 1862. To which is added Washington's Farewell Address. [Comprising] No. 29, Pulpit and Rostrum. i2mo. New York, April 15th, 1862. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 13 Mr. Bancroft and his Boston Critics. 8vo. [New York, 1862.] The League for the Union. Speeches by George Bancroft and James MilUken. Svo. Philadelphia, 1863. Life of Edward Livingston, by C. H. Hunt. With Introduc- tion by George Bancroft. 8vo. New York, 1864. ***The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 2 portraits on India paper. 410. New York, 1864. Oration .... April 25, 1865, at the Funeral Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. Pulpit and Rostrum, Nos. 34 and 35. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1865. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. Svo. Washington, 1866. *^*The same, with nine additional pages. Large paper. (50 copies.) 4to. Washington, 1866. Life of Philip IL of Spain, by Charles Gayarre. With Introduc- tory Letter by George Bancroft. 8vo. New York, 1866. Joseph Reed : a Historical Essay. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1867. History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1882. History of the United States ; with the Author's Latest Revi- sions. 6 volumes, Svo. New York, 1884-86. A Plea for the Constitution of the United States, wounded in the House of its Guardians. 32mo. New York, 1886. Martin Van Buren to the End of his Public Career. 8vo. New York, 18S9. ***See also Bryant, W. C. ; and Irving, W. BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK. 1862 — [Anonymous.] Roger Camerden, a Strange Story. i6mo. New York, 1888^ V (With S. W. Van Schaik.) The Lorgnette. Illustrations. Square i6mo. New York, 1886. Katherine, a Travesty. (Privately printed.) i6mo. [New York] 1 888. 14 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Mephistopheles : a Profanation. (Privately printed.) i6mo. New York, 1888. (With Frank D. Sherman.) New Waggings of Old Tales. By- Two Wags. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1888. Tiddledy wink Tales. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1891. In Camp with a Tin Soldier. Illustrations. i2mo. NewYork^ 1S92. The Tiddledywinks' Poetry-book. Illustrations. Oblong i2rao. New York, 1892. Coffee and Repartee. Illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1893. Half Hours with Jimmieboy, Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1893. Toppleton's Client; or, a Spirit in Exile. i2mo. London. 1893. Three Weeks in Politics. Illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1894. The Water Ghost. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1894. The Idiot. Illustrations. i6rao. New York, 1895. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. i6mo. New York, 1895. BARLOW, JOEL. 1755-1^82.'' The Prospect of Peace : a Poetical Composition, delivered in Yale College, July 23, 1778. i2mo. New York, 1778. [Anonymous.] An Elegy on the Late Honorable Titus Hos- mer, Esq. ; One of the Counsellors of the State of Connecti- cut. i6mo. Hartford, 1780. [Anonymous.] Poem spoken at the Public Commencement at Yale College, New Haven, Sept. 11, 1781. 8vo. Hartford [1781]. J A Translation of Sundry Psalms, which were omitted in Dr. ™ Watts' Version ; to which is added a Number of Hymns. i2mo. Hartford, 1785. The Vision of Columbus; a Poem in Nine Books. 8vo. Hartford, 1787. An Oration delivered at the North Church in Hartford, at the Meeting of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, July 4, 1787. 4to. Hartford [1787]. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15 The Conspiracy of Kings : a Poem addressed to the Inhabit- ants of Europe, from another Quarter of the World. 8vo. Paris, 1792. *^*The same. 8vo. Newburjport, 1793. Advice to the Privileged Orders in the Several States of Europe, resulting from the Necessity and Propriety of a General Revolution in the Principle of Government. Parts I and 2. 8vo. Paris, 1792-93. *^*The same. London, 1792-93; New York, 1792-94. A Letter to the National Convention, on the Defects in the Constitution of 179 1. To which is added The Conspiracy of Kings: a Poem. 8vo. New York [i793l. The Vision of Columbus \ a Poem in Nine Books. The Fifth Edition, corrected. To which is added The Conspiracy of Kings: a Poem. 8vo. Paris, 1793. A Letter addressed to the People of Piedmont. Translated from the French by the Author. lamo. New York, 1795. " The Hasty Pudding," a Poem in Three Cantos. Written at Chambery in Savoy, January, 1793. 8vo. New York, 1796. Political Writings. A New Edition, corrected. 1 2mo. New York, 1796. [Anonymous.] The Second Warning ; or Strictures on the Speech of John Adams, President of the United States, at the Opening of Congress in November Last. 8vo. Paris, 1798. Letters to his Fellow-Citizens of the United States (i.) on the System of Policy hitherto pursued by their Government, and (ii.) on Certain Political Measures proposed to their Consideration. 8vo. [Paris, 1799.] *^*The same. Svo. London, iSoo; Svo. Philadelphia, 1801. A Second Letter to his Fellow-Citizens of the United States. . . Svo. New York, 1801. Two Letters to the Citizens of the United States, and One to General Washington . ... on our Political and Commercial Relations, icmo. New Haven, 1806. [Anonymous.] Prospectus of a National Institution to be established in the United States. 8vo. Washington. 1806. 16 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Columbiad : a Poem. Portrait and 1 1 plates. 4to. Philadelphia, 1807. Letter to Henry Gregoire in Reply to his Letter on the Colum- biad. 8vo. Washington, 1809. The Columbiad. With Last Corrections of the Author. 4 plates. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1813. The Vision of Columbus. With Explanatory Notes. From a revised Edition of the Author. i6mo. New York, 18 14. Life and Letters, with Extracts from his Works, and hitherto unpublished Poems, by Charles B. Todd. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1886. BARTLETT, JOHN. 1820 — A Collection of Familiar Quotations, with Complete Indices of Authors and Subjects. i2mo. Cambridge, 1855. A New Method of Chess Notation. i2mo. Cambridge, 1857. Famihar Quotations : being an Attempt to trace to their Sources, Passages and Phrases in Common Use. i6mo. Boston, 1868. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Small 8vo. Boston, 1868. The Shakespeare Phrase-Book. Square i2mo. Boston, 1881. Catalogue of Books on Angling, including Icthyology, Pisci- culture, Fisheries and Fishing Laws. Square 8vo. Boston, 1882. [Anonymous.] Choice Thoughts from Shakespeare. 8vo. London, 1886. AjNew and Complete Concordance or Verbal Index to Words, Phrases, and Passages in the Dramatic Works of Shake- speare, with a Supplementary Concordance to the Poems. 4to. New York, 1894. BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL. 1 805-1 886. The Progress of Ethnology : An Account of Recent Archseo- logical. Philological and Geographical Researches in Various parts of the Globe tending to elucidate the Physical History of Man. 8vo. New York, 1847. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 17 Dictionary of Americanisms. A Glossary of Words and Phrases, usually regarded as Peculiar to the United States. 8vo. New York, 1848. *^*The same. Large paper. (10 copies.) Roval 8vo. New York, 1S48. Reminiscences of Albert Gallatin. 8vo. New York, 1849. Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New-Mexico, California and Chihuahua. Map and illustra- tions. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1854. The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relative to the Civil War. . . . (250 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1866. *^*The same. Large paper. (60 copies) Royal 8vo. Bos- ton, 1866. Memoirs of Rhode Island Officers .... during the Great Rebellion. Plate and 34 portraits. 4to. Providence, 1867. ***Mr. Bartlett also compiled a bibliography of Rhode Island fSvo., and roval 8vo., 1864), and edited several works treating on Rhode Island local history. BATES, ARLO. 1850 — [Anonymous.] Patty's Perversities. i6mo. Boston, 1881. F. Seymour Haden and Engraving. (Privately printed.) Square i6mo. Boston, 1882. [Anonymous.] Mr. Jacobs : a Tale of the Drummer, the Re- porter and the Prestidigitateur. 32mo. Boston, 1883. The Pagans. i6mo. New York, 1884. A Wheel of Fire. i2mo. New York, 1885. Berries of the Brier. i6mo. Boston, 1886. (Edited.) Old Salem, by Eleanor Putnam. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1886. *^*The same. Large paper. (20 copies.) Svo. Boston, 1886. Sonnets in Shadow. i6mo. Boston, 1887. A Lad's Love. i6mo. Boston, 1887. (With Eleanor Putnam.) Prince Vance. The Story of a Prince with a Court in his Box. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1888. 18 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Philistines. i2mo. Boston, 1889. Albrecht. i6mo. Boston, 1890. A Book o' Nine Tales. i6mo. Boston, 1891. The Poet and his Self. i6mo. Boston, 1891. Told in the Gate. 12 mo. Boston, 1892, In the Bundle of Time. i6mo. Boston, 1893. Poem : The Torch-Bearers : delivered at the Centennial Cele- bration of the Incorporation of Bowdoin College, June 28, 1894. 8vo. Boston, 1894. BELLAMY, EDWARD. 1850 — Six to One : A Nantucket Idyl. Square i6mo. New York, 1878. Dr. HeidenhofPs Process. i6mo. New York, 1879. Miss Ludington's Sister. A Romance of Immortality. i6mo. Boston, 1884. Looking Backward. 2000-1887. i2mo. Boston, 1888. BENJAMIN, PARK. 1 809-1 864. A Poem on the Meditation of Nature, spoken Sept. 26th, 1832. . . . 8vo. Hartford, 1832. (Edited.) The New World : a Weekly Family Journal of Popular Literature, Science, Art and News. Illustrations. 8 volumes, 4to. New York, 1841-44. Poetry : a Satire, pronounced before the Mercantile Library Association, at its 2 2d Anniversary. 8vo. New York, 1842. Infatuation : a Poem spoken before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, Oct. 9, 1844. 8vo. Boston, 1844, The Book of British Ballads. Edited by S. C. Hall. With Preliminary Remarks to each Ballad, and an Introduction by Park Benjamin. 8vo. New York, 1844. Wayside Flowers : a Collection of Poems. By Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud. [With preface, pp. v.-viii., by Park Benjamin.} Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 185 1. *»*See also Holmes, O. W. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 BENJAMIN, SAMUEL GREENE WHEELER. 1837 — Constantinople, The Isle of Pearls, and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, i860. Ode on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. i2mo. Boston, 1865. The Turk and the Greek, or Creeds, Races, Society and Scenery, in Turkey, Greece, and the Isles of Greece. i2mo. New York, 1867. Tom Roper : a Story of Travel. Illustrations. i6mo. Phila- delphia, 1868. The Choice of Paris. A Romance of the Troad. i2mo. New York, 1870. (Translated, anonymously.) Advice of a Father to a Son, imitated from the Latin of Muretus, by N. Francois. 8vo. Albany, 1871. What is Art? or. Art Theories and Methods concisely stated. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Contemporary Art in Europe. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. New York, 1877. The Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure. Illustrations [by the author and others]. 8vo. New York ^ 1878. The Multitudinous Seas. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1879. Our American Artists. Illustrations. 2 volumes, 4to. Bos- ton [1879-81]. The World's Paradises ; or. Sketches of Life, Scenery, and CHmate in Noted Sanitaria. i6mo. New York, 1880, Art in America. A Critical and Historical Sketch. Illustra- tions. Square 8vo. New York, 1880. Troy : its Legend, History and Literature, with a Sketch of the Topography of the Troad, in the Light of Recent In- vestigations. i6mo. New York, 1880. A Group of Etchers. 20 full-page etchings. (500 copies.) Folio. New York, 1882. 20 A MERICA N A UTHORS. The Cruise of the Alice May, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Adjoining Waters. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1884. Persia and the Persians. Portrait and illustrations [by the author and others]. Square 8vo. Boston, 1887. The Story of Persia. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1887. Sea Spray; or, Facts and Fancies of a Yachtsman. i6mo. New York, 1888. BIRD, ROBERT MONTGOMERY. 1 803-1 854. [Anonymous.] Calavar ; or, the Knight of the Conquest : a Romance of Mexico. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1834. The Infidel ; or, the Fall of Mexico : a Romance. [A sequel to Calavar.] 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1835. [Anonymous.] The Hawks of Hawk Hollow. A Tradition of Pennsylvania. 2 volumes, i2mo, Philadelphia, 1835. [Anonymous.] Sheppard Lee. 2 volumes, i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1836. Nick of the Woods ; or, Jibbenainosay. A Tale of Kentucky. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1837. [Anonymous.] Peter Pilgrim : or, a Rambler's Recollections. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1838. The Adventures of Robin Day. 2 volumes, i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1839. EISHOP, WILLIAM HENRY. 1847 — Detmold. i8mo. Boston, 1879. Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces : a Journey to Mexico, South California, and Arizona. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1S83. The House of a Merchant Prince : a Novel of New York. i2mo. Boston, 1883. Choy Susan and other Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Fish and Men in the Maine Islands. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1885. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 The Golden Justice. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The Brown Stone Boy and other Queer People. i2mo. New York [1888]. [Anonymous.] Sergeant Von, or a Long Chase. i2mo. New York [18S9]. The Yellow Snake : a Story of Treasure. i2mo. New York [1891]. (Translated.) The Faience Violin, by Champfleury [Jules Fleury]. i2mo. New York, 1893. A Pound of Cure. A Story of Monte Carlo. i6mo. New York, 1894. Writing to Rosina. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1894. The Garden of Eden, U. S. A., a very Probable Story. 12 mo. Chicago, 1895. BLOEDE, GERTRUDE (Stuart Sterne). 1845— Poems. 4to. New York, 1874. Angelo. h Poem. i8mo. Boston, 1878. Giorgio and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1881. Beyond the Shadow and other Poems. Square i6mo. Bos- ton, 1888. Piero da Castighone. i8mo. Boston, 1890. The Story of Two Lives. i2mo. New York, 1891. BOKER, GEORGE HENRY. 1823-1890. The Lesson of Life and other Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Calaynos : a Tragedy. Square i2mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Anne Boleyn : a Tragedy. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1850. The Podesta's Daughter and other Poems. i6mo. Phila- delphia, 1852. Plays and Poems. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1856. The Second Louisiana. May 27, 1863. Broadside. 22 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Poems of the War. 121110. Boston, 1864. Our Heroic Themes : a Poem read .... Harvard Uni- versity, July 20th, 1865. i6mo. Boston, 1865. [Anonymous.] Tardy George. '(Privately printed; 60 copies.) 4to. New York, 1865. [Anonymous.] How McClellan took Manassas. (Privately printed; 50 copies.) 4to. New York, 1865. Konigsmark, The Legend of the Hounds and other Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1869. The Book of the Dead. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1882. *^*See also Taylor, Bayard. BOLLES, FRANK. 1 856-1 894. (With E. L. Baylies and E. M. Parker.) A Collection of Im- portant English Statutes, showing the Principal Changes in the Law of Property ; together with some other Enact- ments of Common Reference. 4to. Cambridge, 1880. *:,.*Other editions, two at least, were brought out by Mr. Bolles alone. Harvard University. A Brief Statement of what Harvard University is, how it may be entered, and how its Degrees may be obtained. Svo. Cambridge [1891]. Land of the Lingering Snow. Chronicles of a Stroller in New England from January to June. i6mo. Boston, 1891. At the North of Bearcamp Water. Chronicles of a Stroller in New England from July to December. i6mo. Boston, 1893. Students' Expenses. A Collection of Letters from Undergradu- ates, Graduates and Professional School Students. Describ- ing in Detail their Necessary Expenses at Harvard Uni- versity. With an Introduction. 8vo. Cambridge, 1893. From Blomidon to Smoky, and other Papers. 1 6mo. Bos- ton, 1894. Chocorua's Tenants. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1895. BOYESEN, HJALMAR HJORTH. 184S-1895. Gunnar. A Tale of Norse Life. i8mo. Boston, 1874. A Norseman's Pilgrimage. i2mo. New York, 1875. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 23 Tales from Two Hemispheres. i8mo. Boston, 1876. Falconberg : a Novel. Illustrations, izmo. New York, 187^ Goethe and Schiller. Their Lives and Works ; with a Com- mentary on Faust. i2mo. New York, 1878. Queen Titania. i2mo. New York, 18S1. Ilka on the Hill-Top and other Tales. i2mo. New York, 1881. Idyls of Norway and other Poems. i6mo. New York, 1882, [Anonymous.] A Daughter of the PhiHstines. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1883. The Story of Norway. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1886. The Modern Vikings : Stories of Life and Sport in the North- land. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1887. Vagabond Tales. 12 mo. Boston, 1889. The Light of her Countenance. i2mo. New York, 1889. Against Heavy Odds, and A Fearless Trio. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. The Mammon of Unrighteousness. i2mo. New York, 1891. Essays on German Literature. i2mo. New York, 1892. The Golden Calf. 12 mo. Meadville, 1892. Boyhood in Norway. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. Social Strugglers. i2mo. New York, 1893. A Commentary on the Writings of Henrik Ibsen. i2mo. New York, 1894. Literary and Social Silhouettes. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1894. Norseland Tales. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. Essays on Scandinavian Literature. i2mo. New York, 1895, BRAINARD, JOHN GARDINER CALKINS, i 796-1828. Occasional Pieces of Poetry. i2mo. New York, 1825. 24 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Literary Remains of John G. C. Brainard. With a Sketch of his Life [pp. 7-36]. By John G. VVhittier. i2mo. Hartford [1832]. Poems. A New and Authentic Collection, with an Original Memoir of his Life [by J. G. VVhittier]. Portrait. i6mo. Hartford, 1842. BRIGGS, CHARLES FREDERICK. 1804-1877. Harry Franco : A Tale of the Great Panic. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1837. Bankrupt Stories. By Harry Franco. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1843. Tb? Haunted Merchant. i2mo. New York, 1843. Working a Passage, or Life in a Liner. i2mo. New York, 1844. The Trippings of Tom Pepper : an Autobiography. 8vo. New York, 1844. (With others, anonymously.) Seaweeds from the Shores of Nantucket. i2mo. Boston, 1853. (Edited, with G. P. Putnam, anonymously.) Homes of American Authors ; comprising Anecdotical, Personal and Descriptive Sketches. By Various Writers [W. C. Bryant, G. W. Curtis and others]. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1853. (With Augustus Maverick.) The Story of the Telegraph and the History of the Atlantic Cable. Portrait and illustra- tions. i2mo. New York, 1858. ***See also Poe, Edgar A. BRISTED, CHARLES ASTOR (Carl Benson), i 820-1874. A Letter to the Hon. Horace Mann : being a Reply to Cer- tain Attacks on Stephen Girard, and John Jacob Astor, in a Work entitled Thoughts for a Young Man. i8mo. New York, 1850. The Upper Ten Thousand : Sketches of American Society. By A New Yorker. 12 mo. London, 1852. Five Years in an English University. 2 volumes, lamo. New York, 1852. Pieces of A Broken-Down Critic picked up by Himself. 8vo. New York, 1858. ***The same. 4 volumes, 8vo. Baden-Baden, 1858-59. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 26 The Cowards' Convention. 8vo. New York [1862]. A Few Words of Warning to New Yorkers on tlie Consequence of a Railroad in Fifth Avenue. 8vo. New York, 1863. No Surrender. i2mo. [New York, 1863.] A Letter to Dr. Henry Halford Jones, Editor of The Winter- town Democrat [Josiah G. Holland, of The Springfield Republican], concerning his Habit of giving Advice to Everybody and his Qualifications for the Task. 8vo. New York, 1864. The Interference Theory of Government. i6mo. New York, 1867. Fancy Signatures. 8vo. [New York, 1869.] On the Pronunciation of Languages ; practically considered with Reference to Teaching. 8vo. New York, 1870. Anacreontics. Engraved title. (Privately printed.) Small 4to. New York, 1872. BROOKS, CHARLES TIMOTHY. 1813-1883. A Poem pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge. . . . 8vo. Boston, 1845. Aquidneck : a Poem. . . . with other Commemorative Pieces. i6mo. Providence, 1848. Slovenly Peter. 8vo. New York, 1849. [Anonymous.] The Controversy touching the Old Stone Mill. . . . Newport, R. I. With Remarks, Introductory and Conclusive. i2mo. Newport, 1851. Songs of Field and Flood. i2mo. Boston, 1853. Roman Rhymes : being Winter Work for a Summer Fair. i2mo. Cambridge, 1869. William Ellery Channing : a Centennial Memory. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1880. Poems, Original and Translated : selected and edited by W. P. Andrews. With a Memoir by C. W. Wendte. i2mo. Boston, 1885. *^,*Mr. Brooks also published several translations from the Gerinan (including the works of Richter), for a complete list of which see appendix to the 1S85 edition of Poems, pp. 231- 235 ; see also Howe, Julia Ward. 26 AMERICAN AUTHORS. BROOKS, MARIA. 1 795-1845. Judith, Esther, and other Poems. By A Lover of the Fine Arts. i6mo. Boston, 1820. Zophiel [first canto] and other Poems. i8mo. Boston, 1825. Zophiel; or the Bride of Seven [and other poems]. By Alaria del Occidente. i6mo. London and Boston, 1833. *^*Reprinled, for the benefit of the Polish exiles, i6mo. Bos- ton, 1834. Idomen ; or the Vale of Yumuri. (Privately printed.) i2mo. New York, 1843. *^*A new edition of Mrs. Brooks' poems, edited, with mem- oir, by Mrs. Z. B. Gustafson, and containing poems previously uncollected, was published, i2mo. Boston, 1879. BROUGHAM, JOHN. 1814-1880. A Basket of Chips. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1855. The Bunsby Papers. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1856. Life in New York. i2mo. New York, 1856. Irish Echoes. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1856. Humorous Stories. i2mo. New York, 1857. Poem [The Age of Gold] : delivered before the Theta Delta Chi Society, . . . April 29th, 1857. 8vo. New York, 1857- (Edited, with John Elderkin.) Lotus Leaves. Original Stories, Essays and Poems. [By John Hay, Mark Twain, Brougham and others.] Square 8vo. Boston, 1875. Life, Stories and Poems. Edited [with memoir] by William Winter. Portraits, facsimiles and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1 88 1. *^*Brougham was also the author of numerous plays — thej' numbered one hundred and fourteen in 1S57 — almost all of which appeared in French's American Drama series, A collec- tive edition (edited b}' R. S. Mackenzie) was announced in 1857, but was never completed. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 27 BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN. 1771-1810. Alcuin : a Dialogue on the Rights of Women. i6mo. New York, 1797. [Anonymous.] Wieland ; or, the Transformation. An American Tale. i6mo. New York, i79 '94- Orations and Addresses. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait. 3 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1894. Literary and Social Essays. 12 mo. New York, 1895. ***See also Briggs, C. F. ; Holmes, O. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; Motley, J. L. ; Stedman, E. C; and Winthrop, Theodore. DANA, RICHARD HENRY. 1 787-1879. Oration before the Washington Benevolent Society, at Cam- bridge, July 4, 1814. 8vo. Cambridge, 1814. [Anonymous.] The Idle Man. 6 parts, 8vo. New York, 1821-22. *^,*Five poems by William Cullen Bryant first appeared in this publication. Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1827. A Poem [Thoughts on the Soul] delivered before The Porter Rhetorical Society, Andover. Svo. Boston, 1829. 70 AMERICAN A UTHORS. Poems and Prose Writings. i6mo. Boston, 1833. The Buccaneer and other Poems. i6mo. London, 1S44. Poems and Prose Writings. 2 volumes, small 8vo. New York, 1850. DANA, RICHARD HENRY, JR. 1815-1882. [Anonymous.] Two Years before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea. i8mo. New York, 1840. The Seaman's Friend, containing a Treatise on Practical Sea- manship .... [etc]. Plates. T2mo. New York, 1841. To Cuba and Back: a Vacation Vovage. i2mo. Boston, 1859. Speech at Manchester, N. H., Feb. 19, 1861. 8vo. Boston, 1861. A Tribute to Judge Sprague : Remarks at a Dinner given to the Officers of the Kearsarge. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Enemy's Territory and Alien Enemies. 8vo. Boston, 1864. An Address upon the Life and Services of Edward Everett. (Privately printed ; 50 copies.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1865. Speech at a Meeting .... Faneuil Hall, June 21, 1865, to consider the Subject of Re-Organization of the Rebel States. 8vo. [Boston, 1865.] Two Years before the Mast .... New Edition with Subse- quent Matter by the Author. i2mo. New York, 1869. Oration at Lexington, April 19, 1875. Roval 8vo. Boston, 1875- *+*See also Allston, Washington. DAVIS, RICHARD HANDING. 1864 — Gallegher and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 189 1. Stories for Boys. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1 891- The West from a Car- Window. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. Van Bibber and Others. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. ( A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 71 Our English Cousins. Illustrations. i2nno. New York, 1894. The Rulers of the Mediterranean. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. The Exiles and other Stories. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. The Princess Aline. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1S95. About Paris. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1S95. DAWES, RUFUS. 1 803-1 85 9. The Valley of the Nashaway and other Poems. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1830. Athenia of Damascus. A Tragedy. i2mo. New York, 1839. Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and Miscellaneous Poems. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1839. Nix's Mate : an Historical Romance of America. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1839. De KAY, CHARLES. 1848 — The Bohemian : a Tragedy of Modern Life. i6mo. New York, 1878. Hesperus and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1880. The Vision of Nimrod : an Oriental Romance. i2mo. New York, 1 88 1. The Vision of Esther. A Sequel to The Vision of Nimrod. i2mo. New York, 1882. The Love Poems of Louis Barnaval, edited [and written] by Charles De Kay. i2mo. New York, 1883. Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor. Portrait and illustrations. 4to. New York, 1889. (Translated.) The Family Life of Heinrich Heine. Por- traits. i2mo. New York [1892]. DELAND, MARGARET [WADE CAMPBELL]. 1857 — The Old Garden and other Verses. i2mo. Boston, 1886. 72 AMERICAN AUTHORS. John Ward, Preacher. A Novel. 12 mo. Boston, 1888. Florida Days. Illustrations. Svo. Boston, 1889. Sidney. 12 mo. Boston, 1890. The Story of a Child. i2mo. Boston, 1892. Mr. Tommy Dove and other Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1893. The Old Garden. Illustrations by Walter Crane. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1893. Philip and his Wife. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1894. DERBY, GEORGE HORATIO [John Phoenix]. 1823-1861. Phcenixiana ; or, Sketches and Burlesques. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1855, The Squibob Papers. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1865. DODGE, MARY ABIGAIL [Gail Hamilton]. 1830 -1896. Country Living and Country Thinking. 12 mo. Boston, 1862. Courage ! [Reprinted from The CongregationaUst, January 27, 1862.] 8vo. [New York, 1862.] Gala-Days. i2mo. Boston, 1863. [Anonymous.] A Call to my Countrymen. Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1863. i2mo. New York, 1863. A New Atmosphere. i2mo. Boston, 1864. Stumbling- Blocks. i2mo. Boston, 1864. Skirmishes and Sketches. i2mo. Boston, 1865. Red-Letter Days in Applethorpe. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1866. Summei; Rest. i2mo. Boston, 1866. Wool-Gathering. i2mo. Boston, 1867. Woman's Wrongs : a Counter-irritant. i2mo. Boston, 1868. A Battle of the Books. . . . i2mo. Boston, 1870. A BIBLIOGHAPHY. 73 Woman's Worth and Worthlessness : Complement to " A New Atmosphere." lamo. New York, 1S72. Little Folk Life. lamo. New York, 1872. Child- World. Illustrations. 2 parts, i6mo. Boston, 1872-73. Nursery Nooning. i2mo. New York, 1874. (With Elizabeth Stoddard.) Little Folk Life Series. Illus- trations. 3 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1874. Twelve Miles from a Lemon. i2mo. New York, 1874. Sermons to the Clerg}'. i6mo. Boston, 1876. First Love is Best. i6mo. Boston, 1877. What think ye of Christ? The Testimony of the English Bible. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Our Common School System. i2mo. Boston [1880]. Divine Guidance. Memorial of Allen W. Dodge. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1881. New England Bygones, by Ellen Hobbs Rollins .... With Introduction by Gail Hamilton. Portrait and illus- trations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. The Insuppressible Book. A Controversy between Herbert Spencer and Frederick Harrrison .... with Comments by Gail Hamilton. i2mo. Boston, 1885. A Washington Bible-Class. i2mo. New York, 189 1. English Kings in a Nutshell : an Aid to the Memory. Illus- trations. Square i2mo. New York, 1893. Biography of James G. Blaine. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Norwich, 1895. ♦♦*See also Larcom, Lucy. DODGE, MARY MAPES. 1838 — Irvington Stories. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1864. Hans Brinker ; or, the Silver Skates : a Story of Life in Hol- land. i2mo. New York, 1864. A Few Friends and how they amused Themselves : a Tale in Nine Chapters. T6mo. Philadelphia, 1869. 74 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Rhymes and Jingles. Illustrations. Small 4to. New York^ 1S74. Theophilus and Others. i2mo. New York, 1876. Along the Way. Poems. i2mo. New York, 1879. Donald and Dorothy. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1883. (Edited.) Baby Days: Stories, Rhymes and Pictures for Little Folks. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1883. (Edited.) Baby World. Stories, Rhymes and Pictures. .... Square 8vo. New York, 1884. The Land of Pluck. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. When Life is Young. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. DONNELLY, IGNATIUS. 1S31 — Atlantis: the Antedeluvian World. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1882. Ragnarok : the Age of Fire and Gravel. Illustrations. 1 2mo. New York, 1883. The Great Cryptogram : Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So- Called Shakspere Plays. Portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo. Chicago, 1888. ***Also 2 volumes, Svo. London, iSSS. C?esar's Column. By Edmond Boisgilbert, M. D. i2mo. Chicago, 1890. Doctor Huguet. i2mo. Chicago, 1891. The Golden Bottle : or the Story of Ephraim Benezet of Kansas. i2mo. New York and St. Paul, 1892. The American People's Money. Illustrations. i2mo. Chi- cago, 1895. DRAKE, JOSEPH RODMAN. 1795-1820. (With Fitz-Greene Halleck.) Poems by Croaker, Croaker & Co., and Croaker, Jr., as pubhshed in The Evening Post. i8mo. New York, 1819. The Culprit Fay and other Poems. Portrait and engraved title. 8vo. New York, 1835. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 75 The Culprit Fay. [First separate edition.] Vignettes. 1 2mo. New York, 1859. (With Fitz-Greene Halleck.) The Croakers. First Com- plete Edition [with notes]. Portraits. (150 copies.) Royal 8vo. New York : The Bradford Club, i860. The American Flag. [First separate edition.] Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1861. DUGANNE, AUGUSTINE JOSEPH HICKEY. 1823-1875. Massachusetts. 32mo. Boston, 1843. Home Poems. iSmo. Boston, 1844. The Iron Harp. i8mo. Philadelphia, 1847. The Gospel of Labor : a Poem read before the Mechanics Library Association, Feb. 22, 1849. i6mo. Boston, 1849, Parnassus in Pillory. A Satire by Motley Manners, Esq. i2mo. New York, 1851. The Mission of Intellect : a Poem delivered at Metropolitan Hall, New York, Dec. 20, 1852. i2mo. New York, 1853. Art's True Mission in America. 2 plates. i6mo. New York, 1853- The True Republic : a Poem. 8vo. New York, 1854. Poetical Works. Illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. The War in Europe ; being a Retrospect of Wars and Treaties. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1859. The Tenant- House ; or Embers from Poverty's Hearth-Stone. i2mo. New York, i860. A History of Governments. i2mo. New York, 186 1. Ballads of the War, — Sumter ; — March to the Capital. Il- lustrations. 2 parts, 4to. New York, 1862. The Ring of Destiny ; or the Astrologer's Plot : a Tale of Ancient Days. 4to. Boston, 1863. Utterances. Royal 8vo. New York, 1864. Prison Life in the South. i2mo. New York, 1865. 76 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Camps and Prisons : Twenty Months in the Department of the Gulf. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1865. The Fighting Quakers : a True Story of the War for our Union. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1866. A History of Livingston County, N. Y., . . . by Lockwood Lyon Doty. With Biographical Introduction by A, J. H. Duganne. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. Geneseo, 1876. ***Mr. Duganne was also author of several juvenile publi- cations, and is credited by Allibone with MDCCCXLVTII; or the Year of the People; and The Mysteries of Three Cities. DUNLAP, WILLIAM. 1 766-1 839. Darby's Return. 8vo. New York, 1787. The Father; or, American Shandyism. Written by A Citizen of New York. A Comedy in Five Acts. . . . 8vo. New York, 1789. The Archers ; or. Mountaineers of Switzerland : an Opera in Three Acts. 8vo. New York, 1796. Life of William Gutherie. i2mo. Exeter, N. H., 1796. Tell Truth and shame the Devil. A Comedy. 8vo. New York, 1797. Andre' ; a Tragedy in Five Acts : as performed by the Old American Company, New York, March 30, 1798. 8vo. New York, 1798. Andre' : a Tragedy. ... To which is added the Cow-Chace : a Satirical Poem, by Major Andre : with the Proceedings of the Court-Martial and Authentic Documents concerning him. 8vo. London, 1799. The Virgin of the Sun. 8vo. New York, 1800. Pizarro in Peru. 8vo. New York, 1800. False Shame : a Comedy. i8mo. New York, 1800. [Anonymous.] The Wild-Goose Chace : a Play in Four Acts. With Songs. From the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue. . . . Portrait. i8mo. New York, 1800. Blue Beard: a Dramatic Romance. i8mo. New York, 1802. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 77 Aballino : the Great Bandit. i8mo. New York, 1803. Ribbemont ; or, the Feudal Baron : a Tragedy. i8mo. New York, 1803. [Anonymous.] The Glory of Columbia her Yeomanry. A Play in Five Acts. i2mo. New York, 1803. The Voice of Nature : a Drama in Three Acts. . . . iSmo. New York, 1803. The Wife of Two Husbands, i8mo. New York, 1804. Lord Leicester; a Tragedy .... i8mo. New York, 1804. Fontainville Abbey. A Tragedy. . . . i8mo. New York, 1807. The Father of an Only Child. A Comedy. i8mo. New York, 1807. The Blind Boy. i8mo. New York, 1808. Fraternal Discord. A Drama. Altered from the German. i8mo. New York, 1809. Rinaldo Rinaldini. i8mo. New York, 1810. The Italian Father. i8mo. New York, 18 10. [Anonymous.] The Africans ; or. War, Love, and Duty. A Play. i8mo. Philadelphia, 181 1. Yankee Chronology ; or, Huzza for the Constitution ! A Musical Interlude in One Act. To which are added Patri- otic Songs of the Freedom of the Seas and Yankee Tars. i2mo. New York, 1812. Memoirs of the Life of George Frederick Cooke, Esquire. .... Portrait. 2 volumes, i6mo. New York, 181 3. (With others.) A Record, Literary and Political, of Five Months in the Year 1813. 8vo. New York [1813]. A Narrative of the Events which followed Bonaparte's Cam- paign in Russia, to the Period of his Dethronement. i2mo. Hartford, 18 14. Life of the .... Duke of Wellington, by Francis L. Clarke. With Supplementary Chapters by William Dunlap. Portrait and map. 8vo. New York, 1814. 7S AMERICAN AUTHORS. Peter the Great; or, the Russian's Mother. i8mo. New York, 1814. The Good Neighbor: an Interlude. i8mo. New York, 1814. Lovers' Vows : a Play. i8mo. New York, 18 14. The Life of Charles Brockden Brown ; together with Selec- tions from the Rarest of his printed Works, from his Orig- inal Letters and from his Manuscripts before unpublished. 2 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815. A Trip to Niagara ; or Travellers in America : a Farce. iSmo. New York, 1830. Address to the Students of the National Academy of Design, New York, i8th April, 1831. 8vo. New York, 1831 . A History of the American Theatre. 8vo. New York, 1832., Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada for the Use of Emi- grants. By A Backwoodsman. i8mo. London, 1832. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1834. [Anonymous.] Thirty Years Ago, or, the Memoirs of a Water Drinker. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1836. A History of New York for Schools. Plates. 2 volumes, i8mo. New York, 1837. History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York, and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Con- stitution. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1839-40. EGAN, MAURICE FRANCIS. 1852 — [Anonymous.] That Girl of Mine. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1877. [Anonymous.] That Lover of Mine. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1877. Preludes. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1880. The Theatre and Christian Parents. i2mo. New York, 1885. The Life around us. i2mo. New York, 1885. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 79 A Garden of Roses. i2mo. Boston, 1888. Modern Novels and Novelists. lamo. New York [1888]. Lectures on English Literature. lamo. New York [1889]. A Primer of English Literature. i6mo. New York, 1890. How they worked their Way and other Tales : Stories of Duty. i2mo. New York, 1892. Songs and Sonnets and other Poems. i6mo. Chicago* rS92. The Disappearance of John Longworthy. i2mo. Notre Dame, Ind., 1893. The Vocation of Patrick Desmond. i2mo. Notre Dame, 1893. A Gentleman. i6mo. New York, 1893. A Marriage of Reason. i2mo. Baltimore, 1893. The Flower of the Flock. i2mo. New York, 1894. EGGLESTON, EDWARD. 1837 — Mr. Blake's Walking-Stick. i6mo. Chicago, 1870. The Book of Queer Stories. i2mo. Chicago, 1870. The Sunday-School Manual : a Practical Guide to Sunday- School Work. i8mo. Chicago, 1870. The Hoosier Schoolmaster. Illustrations. i2mo. New YorkJj87 J. The End of the World. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1872. ' i-f The Mysteriyof Metropolisville. Illustrations. i2mo. New York^i873^^ A Schoolmaster's Stories for Boys and Girls. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1874. The Circui«jR.ider : a Tale of the Heroic Age. Illustrations. i2mo. 'New York, 1874. Christ in Literature : being a Treasury of Choice Readings in Prose and Verse. . . . Illustrations. Roval 8vo. New York, 1875. 80 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Christ in Art : the Story of the Words and Acts of Jesus Christ arranged in One Continuous Narrative. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1875. Roxy. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1878. (With Lillie E. Seelye and George Gary Eggleston.) Fa- mous American Indians. Illustrations. 5 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1878-80. The Hoosier Schoolboy. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1883. Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1884. The Graysons. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1888. A History of the United States and its People. For the Use of Schools. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1888. The Household History of the United States and its People. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1889. First Book in American History : with Special Reference to the Lives and Deeds of Great Americans. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1889. (Edited.) The Story of Columbus. By Elizabeth E. Seelye. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. Duffels. i2mo. New York, 1893. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. 1 803-1 882. A Sermon at the Ordination of Hersey Bradford Goodwin, in Concord, Mass., Feb. 17, 1S30, by James Kendall [and Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson]. 8vo. Concord, 1830. A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of Rev. Chandler Rob- bins over the South Congregational Church in Boston, Dec. 4, 1833, by Rev. Henry Ware, Jr. [With hymn by Rev. R. W. Emerson.] 8vo. Boston, 1833. An Historical Discourse delivered before the Citizens of Con- cord, Sept. 12, 1835. . . . 8vo. Concord, 1835. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 81 [Anonymous.] Nature. 12 mo. Boston, 1836. (Edited.) Sartor Resartus, by Thomas Carlyle. i2mo. Boston, 1836. An Oration [The American Scholar] dehvered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society. . . . Cambridge, August 31, 1837. 8vo. Boston, 1837. ♦^'Republished as Man Thinking. i6mo. London, 1844. An Address delivered before the Senior Class in Divinity Col- lege, Cambridge, 15 July, 1838. 8vo. Boston, 1838. An Oration [Literary Ethics], delivered before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838. 8vo. Bos- ton, 183S. (Edited.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, by Thomas Car- lyle. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1838. The Dial : a Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Relig- ion. Edited anonomously by R. W. Emerson, S. Margaret Fuller, and George Ripley. 4 volumes, or 16 numbers [July, 1840-April, 1844, inclusive], 8vo. Boston, 1840-44. *^:*Forlist of Emerson's contributions to The Dial see appen- dix to his biography' by James E. Cabot; lor general list of contributors see G. W. Cooke's article in the Journal of Specu- lative Philosophy, July, 1S85. The Method of Nature. An Oration delivered before the Society of the Adelphi, in Waterville College, in Maine, August II, 1841. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Essays. i2mo. Boston, 184 1. Notice on the Death of E. Ripley. 8vo. Boston, 184 1. Essays, with Preface by Thomas Carlyle. i2mo. London, 1841. (Edited.) Past and Present, by Thomas Carlyle. i2mo. Boston, 1843. Man the Reformer. A Lecture. i2mo. London [1844]. The Young American. A Lecture read before the Mercantile Library Association, in Boston, February 7, 1844. 8vo. London, 1844. Essays. Second Series. i2mo. Boston, 1844. 82 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Orations, Lectures, and Addresses. i6mo. London, 1844. An Address delivered in the Court-House, in Concord, Mass., on ist August, 1S44, on the Anniversary of the Emancipa- tion of the Negroes in the British West Indies. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1844. Our Pastor's Offering. A Compilation from the Writings of the Pastors of the Second Church. For the Ladies' Fair to assist in furnishing the New Church Edifice. [Including three poems, one specially contributed, with letter, by R. W. Emerson.] i6mo. Boston, 1845. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1847. *^*Also i6mo. London, 1847. The Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Edited by R. W. Emerson [who also contributed the editorial address, Dec. 1847], Theodore Parker, and James Eliot Cabot. 3 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1847-50. Nature; Addresses and Lectures. i2mo. Boston, 1849. Representative Men : Seven Lectures. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. [By J. F. Clarke, R. W. Emerson, who contributed the chapters on Concord and Boston, vol. i., pp. 199-351, and W. H. Channing.] 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Boston, 1852. Kossuth in New England .... with his Speeches and the Addresses that were made to him [including address at Concord, by R. W. Emerson, pp. 222-224]. Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1852. English Traits. i2mo. Boston, 1856. Miscellanies ; embracing Nature, Addresses and Lectures. i2mo. Boston, 1856. The John Brown Invasion. An Authentic History of the Harper's Ferry Invasion ; . . . [including Emerson's speech at the Boston meeting in Tremont Temple, Nov. 18, 1859, pp. 103-105]. 8vo. Boston, i860. The Conduct of Life. i2mo. Boston, i860. A BlBLIOGRAl^Hr. .s8 Tributes to Theodore Parker, comprising the Exercises at the Music Hall, . . . June 17, i860 [including tribute by Emerson, pp. 14-19]. With the Proceedings of the New England Anti-Slavery Convention. . . . May 31. . . . i2mo. Boston, i860. The Gulistan, or Rose Garden, by Musle-Huddeen Sheik Saadi of Shiraz. Translated from the Original by F. Glad- wyn. With an Essay on Saadi's Life and Character by James Ross, and a Preface by R. W. Emerson. i2mo. Boston, 1865. The Lincoln Memorial. A Record of the Life, Assassination and Obsequies of the Martyred President. [Including ad- dress by Emerson, pp. 146-150.] Edited by John Gilmary Shea. Portrait. Royal Svo. New York, 1865. Poems [newly revised] • Portrait. 24mo. Boston, 1865. Essays. First and Second Series. 24mo. Boston, 1865. May Day and other Pieces. i2mo. Boston, 1867. Remarks on the Character of George L. Stearns, at Medford, April 14, 1867. 8vo. [Boston, 1867.] Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument in Concord, Mass. [Address by Emerson, pp. 27-52.] Front- ispiece. i2mo. Concord, 1867. Prose Works. New and Revised Edition. Portrait. 2 vol- umes, 121110. Boston, 1870. Society and Solitude. Twelve Chapters. i2mo. Boston, 1870. Plutarch's Morals. Translated by William Watson Goodwin, with Introduction by R. W. Emerson. 5 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1870. Tribute to Walter Scott, on the looth Anniversary of his Birth- day, Aug. 15, 1871. ) Privately printed.) Svo. Boston, 1871. *^*This tribute was originally published, with remarks by O. W. Holmes and others, in Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, vol. xii. Dedication of the New Building for the Free Public Library of Concord, Mass., October i, 1873. [Including address by Emerson, pp. 37-45.] Svo. Boston, 1873. 84 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) Parnassus. [Poems by various authors.] 8vo. Boston, 1875. Letters and Social Aims. lamo. Boston, 1876. Selected Poems [including many not previously collected].. i8mo. Boston, 1876. Works. New and Revised Edition. 9 volumes, i8mo. Bos- ton, 1876. The Fortune of the Republic : a Lecture delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878. i6mo. Boston, 1878. The Hundred Greatest Men. With an Introduction by R. W. Emerson. Portraits. 4to. London, 1879. The Preacher. [Reprinted from The Unitarian Review of January, 1880.] 8vo. Boston, 1880. Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club of Chestntit Street, Boston. Edited by Mrs. J. T. Sargent. Illustra- tions. i2mo. Boston, 1880. *^*Including essays by Emerson (Religion), Holmes (Jona- than Edwards), John Fiske (Language), two poems by Whit- tier, and numerous original letters, verses, remarks, etc., by Emerson, Whittier, Stedman and others. The Centennial of the Social Circle in Concord, March 2\, 1882. [Containing memoir of Rev. Ezra Ripley, D. D., by Emerson, pp. 168-176.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1882. Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson by the Massachusetts Historical Society. [Tributes by Holmes, pp. 13-22, and 39-50 ; also Emerson's addresses on Carlyle, Burns, and Scott, pp. 51-62, now first collected.] Portraits. Square 8vo. Boston, 1882. Boston [a poem]. Read in Faneuil Hall .... Dec. 16, 1873. i2mo. [Boston, 1883.] ***Issued as No. 8 of Old South Leaflets series. Complete Works. Revised with Prefaces by James Eliot Cabot. Portrait. 11 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1883-84. *:^*The same. Large paper. (500 copies.) 11 volumes, 8vo. Cambridge, 1883-S4. *^*Also II volumes, iSmo. Boston, 1883-84. *^*i.. Nature, Addresses and Lectures; ii., iii., Essays; iv., Representative Men ; v., English Traits ; vi., The Conduct o Lite; vii.. Society and Solitude; viii.. Letters and Social Aims : i A BIBLIOGRAPHr. 85 ix., Poems; x., Lectures and Biographical Sketches [now first collected] ; xi., Miscellanies [now first collected]. The two con- cluding volumes contain articles not previously published, and vol. ix. contains poems not included in any previous edition. Poems. Household Edition. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Natural History of Intellect and other Papers. 18 mo. Bos- ton, 1893. *«*The same. With General Index to Emerson's collected works. i2mo. Boston, 1893. •** Also, large paper. (250 copies.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1893. ***See also Bryant, W. C; Channing, W. E. ; Haw- thorne, N. ; Holmes, O. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; Thoreau, H. D. ; and Very, J. ENGLISH, THOMAS DUNN. 1819 — Zephaniah Doolittle. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1838. Walter Woolfe. [3mo. Philadelphia, 1842. 1844; or, the Power of the " S. F.," a Tale developing the Secret Actions of Parties during the Presidential Campaign of 1844. i2mo. New York, 1847. Poems. i2mo. New York, 1855. [Edited, anonymously.] The Book of Rubies : a Collection of the Most Notable Love Poems in the English Language. 8vo. New York, 1866. Ambrose Fecit; or, the Peer and the Painter. i2mo. New York, 1869. American Ballads. 3 2 mo. New York, 1880. The Boy's Book of [American] Battle Lyrics .... with Historical Notes. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1885. Jacob Schuyler's Millions. i2mo. New York, 1886. EVERETT, EDWARD. 1794-1865. American Poets. 8vo. [Cambridge, 18 12.] A Defence of Christianity against the Work of George B. English, A. M., entitled The Grounds of Christianity exam- ined, by comparing the New Testament with the Old. i2mo. Boston, 1814. 86 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Greek Grammar, translated from the German of Philip Butt- man. 8vo. Boston, 1822. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Svo. Boston, 1836. Orations and Speeches from 1826 to 1850. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1850. Orations and Speeches. Complete Edition. 4 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1859. The Mount Vernon Papers. i2mo. New York, i860. Life of George Washington. Portrait. i2mo. New York i860. ***The same. Large paper. Svo. New York, i860. *^*For dates, etc., of Everett's numerous addresses an orations, see 1859 edition. See also Holmes, O. W. FAIRFIELD, SUMNER LINCOLN. 1 803-1 844. The Siege of Constantinople. 8vo. Charleston, 1822. Poems. i8mo. New York, 1S23. Lays of Melpomene. i6mo. Portland, 1824. Mina : a Dramatic Sketch. i2mo. Baltimore, 1825. The Cities of the Plain. A Scripture Poem. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1827. The Heir of the World and Lesser Poems. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1829. Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction ; and other Poems. 8vo. New York, 1830. The Last Night of Pompeii ; a Poem : and Lays and Legends. 8vo. New York, 1832. Poems and Prose Writings. 2 volumes, Svo. Philadelphia^ 1S41. FAWCETT, EDGAR. 1 84 7 — Short Poems for Short People. i2mo. New York, 1S72. Purple and Fine Linen. i2mo. New York, 1873. Ellen Story. A Novel. Svo. New York, 1876. k A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 87 Fantasy and Passion. i6mo. Boston, 1877. A Hopeless Case. i8mo. Boston, 1880. A Gentleman of Leisure. A Novel. i8mo. Boston, 1881. The False Friend. 4to. New York [1881]. An Ambitious Woman. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Tinkling Cymbals : a Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Song and Story. Later Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1884. The Adventures of a Widow. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Rutherford. i2mo. New York, 18S4. [Anonymous.] The Buntling Ball : a Grgeco- American Play. Being a Poetical Satire on New York Society. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1884. [Anonymous.] The New King Arthur : an Opera without Music. Illustrations. Square 12 mo. New York, 1885. Social Silhouettes ; being the Impressions of Mr. Mark Man- hattan. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Romance and Revery. Poems. 12 mo. Boston, 1886. The Confessions of Claud. A Romance. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1886. The House at High Bridge. A Novel. 12 mo. Boston, 1887. Miriam Balestier. A Novel. i2mo. New York [1888]. Divided Lives. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1888. A Man's Will. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 188S. Olivia Delaplaine. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1888. Agnosticism and other Essays. With a Prologue by Robert G. IngersoU. i2mo. New York, 1889. A Demoralizing Marriage. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. A Daughter of Silence. i2mo. New York, 1890. How a Husband forgave. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1890]. 88 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Fabian Dimitry. A Novel. i2mo. Chicago, 1890, The Evil that Men do. i2mo. New York, 1890. Loaded Dice. A Novel. i2mo. New York [1891]. A New York Family. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1891]. Songs of Doubt and Dream. 8vo. New York, 1891. A Romance of Two Brothers. i2mo. New York, 1891. Blooms and Brambles. 12 mo. London, 1S91. An Heir to Millions. A Novel, izmo. Chicago [1892]. Women must weep. A Novel. i2mo. Chicago [1892]. The Adopted Daughter. i2mo. Chicago [1892]. American Push. A Novel. i2mo. Chicago, 1893. A Mild Barbarian. i2mo. New York, 1894. Her Fair Fame. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1894. Outrageous Fortune. i2mo. New York, 1894. *^*Se8 also, Hawthorne, Julian. FAY, THEODORE SEDGWICK. 1807 — Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man. ... By One of the Editors of The New York Mirror. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1832. Views in the City of New-York and its Environs .... by Celebrated Artists .... with Historical, Topographical and Critical Illustrations by T. S. Fay [and others]. 4to. New York, 1832. Crayon Sketches. By An Amateur [W. Cox], Edited by T. S. Fay. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1833. Norman Leslie. A Tale of the Present Time. 2 volumes, i2rno. New York, 1835. [Anonymous.] Sydney Clifton ; or, Vicissitudes in both Hemispheres. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1839. The Countess Ida. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1840. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 83 Hoboken : a Romance of New York. 2 volumes, 1 2 mo. New- York, 1843. Robert Rueful. 8vo. New York, 1844. Ulric ; or, the Voices. i2mo. New York, 1851. Views of Christianity. 8vo. [Berne, 1856.] Great Outlines of Geography. i2mo. [and folio atlas of maps]. New York, 1867. The Three Germanys. Glimpses into their History. Por- traits. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York [1889]. ***See also Paulding, J. K. FIELD, EUGENE. 1850-1S95. The Tribune Primer. 24nio. Denver, 1882. A Model Primer. Illustrations. i6mo. Brooklyn, 1882. Culture's Garland ; being Memoranda of the Gradual Rise of Literature, Art, Music and Society in Chicago and other Western Ganglia. With an Introduction by Julian Haw- thorne. i6mo. Boston, 1887. A Little Book of Western Verse. (Privately printed ; 250 copies.) Small 8vo. Chicago, 1889. A Little Book of Profitable Tales. (Privately printed ; 250 copies.) Small 8vo. Chicago, 1889. A Little Book of Western Verse. i2mo. New York, 1890. A Little Book of Profitable Tales. i2mo. New York, 1890. Echoes from the Sabine Farm, being Certain Horatian Lyrics, now for the First Time discreetly and delectably done into English Verse by Eugene and Roswell M. Field, with Sun- dry Little Picturings by E. H. Garrett. (70 copies.) 8vo. The Orchard, New Rochelle, 1891. ***Also 30 copies printed on Japan paper, each containing an autograph poem. Svo. New Rochelle, 1891. With Trumpet and Drum. i6mo. New York, 1892. *#*Thesame. Large paper. (250 copies.) Small Svo. New York, 1892. ***A few copies were also printed on Japan paper for presen- tation bv the author. 90 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Second Book of Verse. (Privately printed; 300 copies.) Small Svo. Chicago, 1893. *^*Also a few copies on Japan paper for presentation by the author. *^*The same. i2mo. New York, 1893. Echoes from the Sabine Farm .... (500 copies.) Royal 8vo. Chicago, 1893. The Holy Cross and other Tales. i6mo. Cambridge, 1893. *,*The same. Large paper. (100 copies). Small 4to Cambridge, 1893. *^*Also a few copies on Japan paper for presentation by the author. First Editions of American Authors, a Manual for Book- Lovers, compiled by Herbert S. Stone, with an Introduc- tion by Eugene Field. i6mo. Cambridge, 1893. *»*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) Small 4to. Cam- bridge, 1893. Love Songs of Childhood. i6mo. New York, 1894. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Small 8vo. New York, 1894. *^*Also a few copies on Japan paper for presentation by the author. Memoir of Mrs. Ruth C. Gray. (Privately printed.) i2mo. St. Louis, 1894. FIELDS, ANNIE ADAMS (Mrs. James T. Fields). 1834 — Ode recited by Charlotte Cushman, at the Inauguration of the Great Organ in Boston. Nov. 2, 1863. 8vo. [Boston, 1863.] Under the Olive. i8mo. Boston, 1881. [Anonymous.] James T. Fields. Biographical Notes and Per- sonal Sketches, with Unpublished Fragments, and Tributes from Men and Women of Letters [including memorial poems by Whittier and Longfellow]. 8vo. Boston, 188 1. How to help the Poor, i6mo. Boston, 1883. [With others, anonymously.] A Week away from Time. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Whittier : Notes of his Life and of his Friendships. Illus- trations. 32mo. New York, 1893. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 91 A Shelf of Old Books. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1894. The Singing Shepherd and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1895. *+*See also Thaxter, Celia. FIELDS, JAMES THOMAS. 1820- 1881. Anniversary Poem delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, Sept. 13, 1838. 8vo. Boston, 1838. The Post of Honor .... read before the Boston Mercan- tile Library Association .... 8vo. Boston, 1S48. Poems. Square i2mo. Boston, 1849. (Edited, anonymously.) The Boston Book. Being Speci- mens of Metropolitan Literature [including The Yankee Zincali, pp. 240-252, by Whittier, The Morning Visit, pp. 89-92, by Holmes, and contributions, original and selected, by Parsons, Lowell, Longfellow, Hawthorne and others]. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Poems. Illustrations. (Privately printed.) Square i8mo. Cambridge [1854]. [Anonymous.] A Few Verses for a Few Friends. (Privately printed.) i6mo. [Boston, 1858.] Religio Medici, A Letter to a Friend, Christian Morals, Urn- Burial, and other Papers. By Sir Thomas Browne. [With biographical sketch of the author, pp. vii.-xviii., by Fields.] Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1862. *^*Thesame. Large paper. (25 copies.) 8vo. Boston. 1862. Early and Late Papers, hitherto uncollected, by W. M. Thackeray. [Edited, with prefatory note, by Fields.} Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1867. (Edited.) The Mystery of FMwin Drood and some Uncol- lected Pieces, by Charles Dickens. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Yesterdays with Authors. i2mo. Boston, 1872. (With E. P. Whipple, and others.) Variegated Leaves. \ Book of Prose and Verse in Aid of the Children's Hospital. T6mo. Boston, 1S73. 92 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Hawthorne. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1876. Old Acquaintance. Barry Cornwall and some of his Friends. 15 portraits. 32mo. Boston, 1876. In and out of Doors with Charles Dickens. 32mo. Boston, 1876. Underbrush. i8mo. Boston, 1877. A Conversational Pitcher. i6mo. Boston [1877]. (Edited, with E. P. Whipple.) The Family Library ot British Poetry, . . . 1350-1878. Portraits. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1878. Ballads and other Verses. i6mo. Boston, t88i. *^.*See also Fields, Annie A. FISKE, JOHN. 1842— . Tobacco and Alcohol : i., It does pay to smoke ; ii.. The coming Man will drink Wine. i6mo. New York, i868y' Myths and Myth-Makers : Old Tales and Superstitions in- terpreted by Comparative Mythology. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Positive Philosophy. 2 volumes, 8vo. London, 1874. *^*Also 2 volumes. 8vo. Boston, 1875. The Unseen World and Other Essays. i2mo. Boston, 1876. Darwinism and other Essays. i2mo. London and New York, 1879. The Presidents of America, a Series of Original Steel Engrav- ings .... With Biographical Sketches and an Intro- ductory Essay by John Fiske. 4to. Boston, 1879. Excursions of an Evolutionist. i2mo. Boston, 1884. The Destiny of Man Viewed in the Light of his Origin. i2mo. Boston, 1884. American Political Ideas viewed from the Standpoint of Uni- versal History. Three Lectures given at the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain, in May, 1880. i2mo. New York, 1885. k A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 9g Darwinism and other Essays. New ^Edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Tlie Idea of God as affected by Modern Knowledge. i6mo. Boston, 1885. Washington and his Country ; being Irving's Life of Wash- ington abridged for the Use of Schools. With Introduc- tion and Continuation to the End of the Civil War, by John Fiske. i6mo. Boston, 1887. (Edited, with James Grant Wilson.) Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography. Portraits. 6 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1887-89. The Critical Period of American History, 1 783-1 789. i2mo. Boston, 1888. The War of Independence. Map. i2mo. Boston, 1889. The Reconstruction of Europe, by H. Murdock. With Introduction by John Fiske. i2mo. Boston, 1889. A Memorial of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, and Patrick Carr, from the City of Boston. [Address by John Fiske, and poem by John Boyle O'Reilly.] 3 plates. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1889. Civil Government in the United States, considered with some Reference to its Origins. i2mo. Boston, 1890. The American Revolution. Portrait and maps. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1891. The Doctrine of Evolution. i2mo. New York, 189 1. The Discovery of America. With some Account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest. Portrait and illustrations. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1892. ***The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 4 volumes, royal 8vo. Cambridge, 1S92. A Memorial of Christopher Columbus from the City of Bos- ton .... [with oration by John Fiske]. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1893. Edward Livingston Youmans. ... A Sketch of his Life, with Selections from his Writings and Correspondence. Por- traits. 8vo. New York, 1894. 94 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A History of the United States for Schools. Illustrations. i2nio. Boston, 1S94. ***See also Proctor, Edna Dean. FLAGG, WILSON. 1805-1884. Analysis of Female Beauty. 12 mo. Boston, 1834. The Tailor's Shop ; or Crowns of Thorns and Coats of Thistles. Designed to tickle some, and nettle others ; in- tended chiefly for Politicians. i6mo. Boston, 1844. Studies in the Field and Forest. 12 mo. Boston, 1857. Mount Auburn : its Scenes, its Beauties, and its Lessons. Il- lustrations. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1861. The Woods and By-Ways of New England. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1872. The Birds and Seasons of New England. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Halcyon Days. i2mo. Boston, 1881. A Year among the Trees. i2mo. Boston, 188 1. A Year with the Birds. i2mo. Boston, 1881. *^*These three volumes are composed of the text of the 1872 and 1875 titles. FLINT, TIMOTHY. i7'8o-i84o. A Sermon preached May 11, 1808 .... 8vo. Newbury- port, 1808. Recollections of the Last Ten Years, passed .... in the Valley of the Mississippi. 8vo. Boston, 1826. [Anonymous.] Francis Berrian, or the Mexican Patriot. ... 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1826. (Edited.) The Western Monthly Review. [May, 1827- June, 1830.] 3 volumes, 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828-30. A Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or, the Mississippi Valley. 2 volumes, 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828. [Anonymous.] Arthur Clenning. ... 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1828. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 95 George Mason, the Young Backwoodsman ; or Don't give up the Ship. A Story of the Mississippi. i2mo. Boston, 1829. The Shoshonee Valley: a Romance. 2 volumes, i2mo. Cincinnati, 1S30. The Lost Child. i6mo. Boston, 1S30. (Translated.) The Art of being Happy. From the French of Droz. . . . i2mo. Boston, 1832. Indian Wars of the West : combining Biographical Sketches of the Early Pioneers. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1833. Lectures upon Natural History. . . . and Discourses on the Arts. i2mo. Boston, 1833. Biographical Memoir of Daniel Boone, the First Settler of Kentucky. 12 mo. Cincinnati, 1833. *^*Reissued as The First White Man : or, the Life and Ex- ploits of Col. Daniel Boone. Illustrations. i2mo. Cincin- nati, 1849. (Translated.) Celibacy vanquished, or the Old Bachelor Reclaimed. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1834. FOOTE, MARY HALLOCK. 1847— The Led-Horse Claim : a Romance of a Mining Camp. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1883. John Bodewin's Testimony. i2mo. Boston, 1886. The Last Assembly Ball. r2mo. Boston, 1889. The Chosen Valley. i6mo. Boston, 1892. In Exile and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1894. The Cup of Trembling and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1895. FORD, PAUL LEICESTER. . . . (Edited.) The Webster Genealogy. . . . 410. Brooklyn, 1876. Bibliotheca Chaunciana. A List of the Writings of Charles Chauncy. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1884. 96 A M ERICA N A UTHOR S . (Edited.) Lines to Mr. Dodson. . . . by Frances Sargent Osgood. (lo copies.) 4to. Brooklyn, 1885. Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana : a List of Books written by, or re- lating to Alexander Hamilton. (500 copies.) 8vo. New York, 1886. A List of Treasury Reports and Circulars issued by Alexander Hamilton, 1 789-1 795. (50 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 1886. A List of Editions of The Federalist. (50 copies.) 8vo- Brooklyn, 1886. (Edited.) Pamphlets on the Constitution of the L^nited States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-17SS, with Notes and a BibHography. (500 copies.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1888. Some Materials for a BibHography of the Official Publications of the Continental Congress for 1 774-1 789. (250 copies.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1S88. A List of the Federal Convention of 1787. (100 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 1888. Bibliography and Reference List of the History and Litera- ture relative to the Adoption of the Constitution of the L^nited States. (250 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 1888. Check List of American Magazines printed in the iSth Century. (250 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 1SS9. Check List of Bibliographies, Catalogues, Reference Lists and Lists of Authorities of American Books and Subjects. (500 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 1889. Franklin Bibliography. A List of Books written by or re- lating to Benjamin Franklin. (500 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 18S9. List of Some Briefs in Appeal Cases relating to America tried before the Land Commissioners of Appeal, 173S-1758. (250 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 18S9. Who was the Mother of Franklin's Son ? An Historical Conundrum, hitherto given up. now partly answered. (100 copies.) Svo. Brooklyn, 18 89. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 97 The Best Laid Plans. [A play, printed as manuscript for private use.] (50 copies.) 4to. [Brooklyn] 1889. ***The same, Second Edition. (100 copies.) Small 410. [Brooklyn] 1889. The Origin, Purpose, and Result of the Harrisburg Conven- tion of 1788. A Study in Popular Government. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1890. {Edited.) The Sayings of Poor Richard, etc. Originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanac, 1 733-1 758. Portrait. 1 6 mo. New York, 1890. (Edited.) The Writings of Christopher Columbus. i2mo. New York, 1892. (Edited.) A Summary View. By Thomas Jefferson. (100 copies.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1892. (Edited.) Essays on the Constitution of the United States published during its Discussion by the People, 1 787-1 788. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1892. (With others.) Memorial Volume of the Washington Cen- tennial. 4to. New York, 1893. Some Notes towards an Essay on the Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature, 1606-1789. [25 copies printed as manuscript for suggestion and revision.] Small 4to. [Brooklyn] 1893. (With others.) James Lorimer Graham, Jr. January 17 th^ 1894. The Century Association : New York, 1894. Josiah Tucker and his Writings. Royal 8yo. Chicago [1894]. (Edited.) Notes on Virginia. By Thomas Jefferson. (100 copies.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1894. The Hon. Peter Stirling and what People thought of him. i2mo. New York, 1894. (Edited.) Writings of John Dickinson. 3 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1895. *jit*For historical vritings see Reports of American Histor- ical Association, for 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892. 98 AMERICAN AUTHORS. FREDERIC^, HAROLD. 1856 — Seth's Brother's Wife : a Study of Life in the Greater New York. i2mo. New York, 1887. The Lawton Girl. i2mo. New York, 1890. In the Valley. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, i8go. The Young Emperor, William II. Portraits. i3mo. New York, 1892, The New Exodus, a Study of Israel in Russia. Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1892. The Return of the O'Mahony. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1892]. The Copperhead. i2mo. New York, 1893. Marsena, and other Stories of the Wartime. i2mo. New York, 1894. *^,*Mr. Frederic's works, except Marsena, appeared sim- ' ultaneously in London and New York; a French translation of The Young Emperor was also published in Paris, 1894. FRENCH, ALICE (Octave Thanet). 1850 — Knitters in the Sun. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Expiation. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. Otto the Knight and other Trans-Mississippi Stories. 12m Boston, 1 89 1. We all. i2mo. New York, 189 1. Stories of a Western Town. Illustrations, i2mo. New York, 1893. An Adventure in Photography. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1893. FRENEAU, PHILIP. 1752-1832. [Anonymous.] A Poem on the Rising Glory of America : being an Exercise delivered at the Public Commencement at Nassau-Hall, September 25, 1771. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1772. A Voyage to Boston : a Poem. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1775. A BIBLIOGIiAPHT. 99 [Anonymous.] The British Prison-Ship : a Poem in Four Cantoes. ... To which is added a Poem on the Death of Captain N. Biddle, who was blown up with the Yar- mouth near Barbadoes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1 781. [Anonymous.] New Travels through North America : in a Series of Letters ; exhibiting the History of the Victorious Campaign of the Allied Armies under General Washington and the Count de Rochambeau, in 1781. Interspersed with Political and Philosophical Observations upon the Genius, Temper, and Customs of the Americans. Also Narrations of the Capture of General Burgoyne and Lord Cornvvallis. . . . Translated from the Original of the Abbe' Robin. 8vo. Boston, 1784. Poems. Written Chiefly during the Late War. i2mo. Phil- adelphia, 1786. A Journey from Philadelphia to New York, by Way of Bur- lington and South-Amboy. By Robert Slender, Stocking Weaver. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1787. Miscellaneous Works, containing Essays and Additional Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1788. [Anonymous.] The Village Merchant : a Poem. To which is added. The Country Printer. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1794. Poems written between the Years 1768 & 1794. A New Edition, revised and corrected by the Author ; including a Considerable Number of Pieces never before published. 8vo. Monmouth, N. J., 1795. The Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq., a Cousin of Peter's, and Candidate for the Post of Poet Laureate to the C [ongress of the]. U [nited]. S [tates]. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1796. ***Quoted by Sabin as attributed to Freneau. (Edited.) The Time-Piece and Literary Companion. 3 volumes [148 numbers], 8vo. New York, 1797-98. *^*No. I was published March 13, 1797; No. 14S, August 25, 1798. Letters on Various Interesting and Important Subjects, many of which have appeared in The Aurora. Corrected and much enlarged. By Robert Slender, O. S. U. 8vo. Phil- adelphia, 1799. 100 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Poems written and published during the American Revolu- tionary War, and now republished from the Original Man- uscripts, interspersed with Translations from the Ancients, and other Pieces not heretofore in Print. 2 plates. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1809. *^*Designated on tide-page, third edition. A Laughable Poem ; or, Robert Blender's Journey from Phil- adelphia to New York, by Way of Burlington and South Amboy. i2mo. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1809. A Collection of Poems on American Affairs, and a Variety of other Subjects, chiefly Moral and Political ; written between the Year 1797 and the Present Time. 2 volumes, i6mo. New York, 1815. FULLER, HENRY BLAKE. 1857 — The Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani, together with Frequent Ref- erences to the Prorege of Arcopia. By Stanton Page. 1 2 mo. Boston [1890]. The Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo. New York, 1892. The Chatelaine of La Trinite. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1892. The Cliff- Dwellers : a Novel. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1893. With the Procession: a Novel. i2mo. New York, 1895. FULLER (OSSOLI), S. MARGARET. 1810-1850. Conversations with Goethe in the Last Years of his Life, trans- lated from the German of Eckermann. i2mo. Boston, 1839. [Anonymous.] Giinderode. [A translation from the Ger- man, of the correspondence between the Canoness Giin- derode and Bettine Brentano.] i2mo. Boston, 1842. Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 12 mo. Boston, 1844. *^.*Some copies were issued with engravings. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. 12 mo. New York, 1845- Papers on Literature and Art. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1846. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 101 Woman in the Nineteenth Century and Kindred Papers relat- ing to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Woman. Edited by Arthur B. Fuller, with an Introduction by Horace Greeley. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1855. At Home and Abroad, or Things and Thoughts in America and Europe [in 4 parts, of which only part i, Summer on the Lakes, was previously published]. Edited by Arthur B. Fuller. [With biographical notices by bayard Taylor and Horace Greeley, and memorial po.ciiis i)y, W. S. Xan- dor. G. P. R. James and others.] 12100. Boston, 18^6 Life Without and Life Within ; or. Reviews, Narratives, Essays, and Poems [now first collected]. Edited by Arthur B. Fuller. i2mo. Boston, i860. *:K*See also Emerson, R. W. GARLAND, HAMLIN. 1861 — Under the Wheel : a Play in Six Scenes. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Boston, 1890. Main-Travelled Roads : Six Mississippi Valley Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1 89 1. A Member of the Third House, izmo. Chicago, 1S92. Jason Edwards. An Average Man. i2mo. Boston, 1892. A Little Norsk : 01' Pap's Flaxen. i6mo. New York, 1892. A Spoil of Office. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1892. Prairie Folks. i2mo. Chicago, 1893. Main-Travelled Roads. Revised Edition, with Introduction by W. D. Howells. Frontispiece. i6mo. Cambridge, 1893. *#*TMe same. Large paper, (no copies.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1893. Prairie Songs: Verses. i6mo. Cambridge, 1893. *»*The same. Large paper, (no copies.) Svo. Cambridge, 1893. Crumbling Idols : Twelve Essays on Art. i6mo. Chicago, 1894. 102 AMERICAN AUTHORS. GIBSON, WILLIAM HAMILTON. 1850-1896. The Complete American Trapper ; or the Tricks of Trapping and Trap-making ; containing also an extended Chapter on Life in the Woods. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1876. ***Republished as Camp Life in the Woods. i2mo. New York, j88i. 'PAis>;dra', Ds.ys ; or Memories of a New England Year. Illus- trations. , 4to. New York, 1881. ,''',' '.'m^fviyV 'ahd Byways; or, Saunterings in New England. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1883. Happy Hunting-Grounds : a Tribute to the Woods and Fields. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1887. (Edited.) The Master of the Gunnery: a Memorial of Frederick William Gunn, by his Pupils. Portrait and illus- trations. 4 to. New York, 1888. Strolls by Starlight and Sunshine. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. New York, 1891. Sharp Eyes : a Rambler's Calendar of Fifty-Two Weeks among Insects, Birds and Flowers. 8vo. New York, 1892. Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms, and how to distin- guish them : a Selection of Thirty Native Food Varieties easily recognizable by their marked Individualities, with Simple Rules for the Identification of Poisonous Species. 87 illustrations, of which 30 are colored, by the author. 8vo. New York. 1895. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON. 1844 — The New Day : a Poem in Songs and Sonnets. Decorations. Square 16 mo. New York, 1875. The Poet and his Master and other Poems. Decorations. i6mo. New York, 1878. Lyrics and other Poems. Decorations. i6mo. New York, Poems. In Three Parts : i.. The New Day ; ii., The Celes- tial Passion ; iii.. Lyrics. Decorations. 3 volumes, i6mo. New York [1887]. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 103 Two Worlds and other Poems. Decorations. i6mo. New York, 1 89 1. The Great Remembrance and other Poems. Decorations. i6mo. New York, 1893. Five Books of Song. [Including The New Day, The Celestial Passion, Lyrics, Two Worlds, The Great Remembrance.] Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. GOODRICH, SAMUEL GRISWOLD (Peter Parley). 1793- 1860. The Outcast -and other Poems. Illustrations. lamo. Bos- ton, 1836. Sow well, and reap well ; or Household Education. i2mo. Boston, 1838. Five Letters to my Neighbor Smith. i2mo. Boston, 1839. Sketches from a Student's Window. i2mo. Boston, 1841. Ireland and the Irish. i2mo. Boston, 1842. Poems. [Complete edition.] Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 185 1. Recollections of a Lifetime ; or Men and Things I have seen. Portrait and illustrations. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1856. *:^*Mr. Goodrich, in his "Recollections," claimed to "stand before the public as the author and editor of about one hundred and seventy volumes," of which a list is given in the work referred to. Of these here given he is sole author; in the com- pilation of the others he " had the aid " of many of the best names in American literature, but their contributions were in most cases published anonymously. GOULD, HANNAH FLAGG. 1 789-1865. Poems. i8mo. Boston, 1832. Poems. Vol. 2. i8mo. Boston, 1835. Poems. [Revised, with additions.] 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1839. Poems. Vol. 3. i6mo. Boston, 1841. The Golden Vase ; a Gift for the Young. i6mo. Boston, 1843. 104 AMERICAN AUTHORS. 9 Gathered Leaves; or Miscellaneous Papers. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1846. New Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1850. Esther: a Scripture Narrative. i6mo. New York, 1850. The Diosma. A Perennial. i6mo. Boston, 1851. The Youth's Coronal. i6mo. New York, 185 1. The Mother's Dream, and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1853- Hymns and other Pieces for Children. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1854. GRANT, ROBERT. 1852 — Verses from The Harvard Advocate [by Robert Grant, G. E. Woodberry and others]. i2mo. New York, 1876. The Little Tin-Gods-on-Wheels ; or Society in our Modern Athens. [Also, Oxygen : a Mount Desert Pastoral.] Illus- trations. Square i6mo. Cambridge, 1879. The Confessions of a Frivolous Girl. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1880. [Anonymous.] Rollo's Journey to Cambridge. [By Robert Grant and John T. Wheelwright.] Illustrations. Small 4to. Boston, 1880. [Anonymous.] The Lambs. A Tragedy. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1883. Yankee Doodle. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa So- ciety of Harvard University, June 28, 1883. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1883. The King's Men ; a Tale of To-Morrow. By Robert Grant, John Boyle O'Reilly, J. S. of Dale, and J. T. Wheelwright. i2mo. New York, 1884. An Average Man. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1884. The Oldest School in America. An Oration by Phillips Brooks and a Poem by Robert Grant at the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Latin School, April 23, 1885. i2mo. Boston, 1885. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 105 The Knave of Hearts. A Fairy Story. i2mo. Boston, 1886. Face to Face. i2mo. New York, 1886. A Romantic Young Lady. i2mo. Boston, 1886. Jack Hall ; or the School-Days of an American Boy. Illus- trations. i2mo. Boston, 1888. Jack in the Bush ; or, a Summer on a Salmon River. Illus- trations. i2mo. Boston, 1888. Mrs. Harold Stagg. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1891]. The Carletons. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1891]. The Reflections of a Married Man. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. The Opinions of a Philosopher. Illustrations. lamo. New York, 1893. The Bachelor's Christmas and other Stories. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1895. The Art of Living. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1895. GRIS'vVOLD, RUFUS WILMOT. 18 15-185 7. [Anonymous.] Poems. i2mo. New York, 1841. Sermons. i2mo. New York, 1841. (Edited.) The Biographical Annual ; consisting of Memoirs of Eminent Persons recently deceased. Portraits. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. New York, 1841-42. The Poets and Poetry of America, with an Historical Intro- duction. Frontispiece. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. (Edited.) Gems from American Poets. 32™©. New York, 1842. Gems from the American Fenriale Poets, with Brief Biograph- ical Notices. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. Readings in American Poetry. i2mo. New York, 1843. The Cypress Wreath : a Book of Consolation for those who mourn. 32mo. Boston, 1844. 106 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) The Prose Works of John Milton [first American edition]. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1845. The Poets and Poetry of England in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Svo. New York, 1845. Curiosities of Literature, by Isaac D 'Israeli. With Supple- ment, — Curiosities of American Literature, by R. W. Gris- wold. Portrait. Svo. New York, 1846. The Prose and Prose ^Vriters of America, with a Survey of the History, Conditions, and Prospects of American Liter- ature. Portraits. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Washington and the Generals of the American Revolution. Portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1847. ♦^♦Suppressed, owing to legal proceedings threatened by J. T. Headley, who had published some time previous his work bearing the same title. (With Horace B. Wallace.) Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire. Portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, The Female Poets of America. Portrait. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1848. The Republican Court ; or American Society in the Days of Washington. Portraits. Royal Svo. New York, 1855. The Cyclopaedia of American Literature, by E. A. Duycinck and G. L. Duycinck. A Review. Svo. New York, 1856. Statement of the Relations of Rufus W. Griswold with Char- lotte Myers (called Charlotte Griswold), EUzabeth F. EUet, Ann S. Stephens. Samuel J. Waring, Hamilton R. Searles, and Charles D. Lewis, with Particular Reference to their late Unsuccessful Attempt to have set aside the Decree granted in 1852, by the Court of Common Pleas of Phila- delphia County, in the Case of Griswold vs. Griswold. Svo. Philadelphia, 1856. *^*Mr. Griswold also edited editions of the writings of John Sterling, 1S42 ; James Montgomery, 1845; Mrs. Norton, 1846; W. M. Praed, 1852 ; and others, besides compiling or editing several annuals and gift-books. *5if*See also Poe, E. A. ; and Smith, Elizabeth O. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 107 GUINEY, LOUISE IMOGEN. 1861 — Songs at the Start. i6mo. Boston, 1884. Goose-Quill Papers. 16 mo. Boston, 1885. The White Sail and other Poems. i6mo. Boston [1S87]. Brownies and Bogles. Illustrations. 12 mo. Boston [1888]. Monsieur Henri. A Footnote to French History. Portrait and map. i6mo. New York, 1892. *^*Also 37 copies bound in Chollet plaid, each signed by the author. A Roadside Harp. A Book of Verse. i2mo. Boston, 1893. A Little English Gallery. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1894. Robert Louis Stevenson. A Study by A [lice] B[rown], with a Prelude and Postlude by L. I. G[uiney]. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Boston, 1895. f y^£ Thrcc i Sonnets written at Oxford. (Privately printed.) Square i6mo. [Boston] 1895. Lovers' Saint Ruth's and Three other Tales. lamo. Boston, 1895. *^*The same. China paper. (30 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1S95. *^*See also Parsons, T. W. ; and Spofford, Harriet P. HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. 1795-1867. [Anonymous.] Fanny. 8vo. New York, 1819. Fannv : a Poem [revised, with additions] . 8vo. New York, 1821. [Anonymous.] Alnwick Castle, with other Poems. 8vo. New York, 1827. Alnwick Castle, with other Poems [including some now first pubhshed]. 8vo. New York, 1836. Fanny, with other Poems. Engraved title. i2mo. New York, 1839. Selections from the British Poets. 2 volumes, i8mo. New York, 1840. I 108 AMERICA N A UTHORS. Alnwick Castle. . . . [with further additions] . i2mo. New- York, 1845. Poetical Works, now First Collected. 7 engravings, including portrait of the author. 8vo. New York, 1847. Young America : a Poem. i2mo. New York, 1865. Fanny : a Poem. With Notes. Portrait. Royal 8vo. New York, 1866. *^*Seventy-five copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews, of which five are printed throughout on India paper and two on paper of various colors. Lines to the Recorder. Royal 8vo. New York, 1866. *^*Uniform in style and number of issue with Fanny. Poetical Writings. With Extracts from those of Joseph Rod- man Drake. Edited by James Grant Wilson. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1869. *^*The same, with additional portraits and illustrations. Large paper. (150 copies.) Royal 8vo. New York, 1869. Life and Letters. Edited by James Grant Wilson. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1869. *5^*The same, with additional portraits and illustrations. Large paper. (100 copies.) Royal Svo. New York, 1869. ***See also Drake, J. R., and Paulding, J. K. HALPINE, CHARLES GRAHAME. 1829-186S. Lyrics, by the Letter H. i2mo. New York, 1854. The Life and Adventures, Songs, Services, and Speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1864. Baked Meats of the Funeral : Essays, Poems, Speeches, His- tories, and Banquets. . . . Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1866. Poetical Works, with a Biographical Sketch and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Robert B. Roosevelt. Portrait. i2rao. New York, 1869. The Patriot Brothers ; or, the Willows of the Golden Vale. i2mo. Dublin, 1870. Mountcashel's Brigade ; or, the Defence of Cremona. i2mo. Dublin, 1870. A BTBLIOGRAPHT. 109 HARDY, ARTHUR SHERBURNE. 1847 — Francesca of Rimini. By A. S. H. r2mo. Philadelphia, 1878. Imaginary Quantities : their Geometrical Interpretation. Translated from the French. 24mo. New York, 1881. Elements of Quaternions. Plates. 8vo. Boston, 188 1. But yet a Woman. i2mo. Boston, 1883. The Wind of Destiny. lamo. Boston, 1886. Passe Rose. i2mo. Boston, 1889. Elements of Analytic Geometry. 8vo. Boston, 1889. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1890. Life and Letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. Portraits. i2mo. Boston, 1891. HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER. 1848 — Uncle Remus : his Songs and his Sayings ; the Folk- Lore of the Old Plantation. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1881. Nights with Uncle Remus : Myths and Legends of the Planta- tion. Illustrations. 12 mo. Boston, 1883. Mingo and other Sketches in Black and White. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1884. Free Joe and other Georgian Sketches. i2mo. New York, 1887. Daddy Jake the Runaway, and other Stories told after Dark. Illustrations. Small 4to. New York [1889]. (Edited.) Life of Henry W. Grady, including his Writings and Speeches. A Memorial Volume compiled by Mr. Grady's Co- Workers on The Constitution [Joel C. Harris, Henry Watterson, and others]. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. New York [1890]. Balaam and his Master, and other Sketches and Stories. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1891. 110 AMERICAN A UTHORS. On the Plantation. A Story of a Georgia Boy's Adventures during the War. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. (Translated.) Evening Tales, by Frederic Ortoli. i2mo. New York, 1893. Uncle Remus and his Friends. Old Plantation Stories, Songs, and Ballads, with Sketches of Negro Character. Illustra- tions. i2mo. Boston, 1893. Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country : what the Children saw there. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1894. Mr. Rabbit at Home : a Sequel to Mr. Thimblefinger- Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1895. HARRISON, CONSTANCE CARY. 1845— [Anonymous.] Golden- Rod : an Idyl of Mount Desert. 32mo. New York, 1880. The Story of Helen Troy. i6mo. New York, 1881. Woman's Handiwork in Modern Homes. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1881. The Old-Fashioned Fairy-Book. Illustrations. Square 16 mo. London, 1884. Folk and Fairy Tales. Illustrations. i2mo. London, 1885. Bric-a-Brac Stories. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1885. Bar Harbor Days. A Tale of Mount Desert. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1887. (Translated.) Short Comedies for Amateur Players. i6mo. New York, 1889. Flower de Hundred. The Story of a Virginia Plantation. i2mo. New York, 1890. [Anonymous.] The Anglomaniacs. A Story of New York. i2mo. New York [1S90]. Ahce in Wonderland. 8vo. New York, 1890. A Daughter of the South and Shorter Stories. i2mo. New York [1892]. An Edelweiss of the Sierras and other Tales. i2mo. New York, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. HI Belhaven Tales, Crow's Nest, Una and King David. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York, 1892. Sweet Bells out of Tune. Illustrations. r2mo. New York, 1893. A Bachelor Maid. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. (Edited.) Short Stories. i2mo. New York, 1894. An Errant Wooing, Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1895. A Virginia Cousin [and Bar Harbor Tales]. i2mo. Boston, 1895. HARRISON, GABRIEL .... The Stratford Bust of William Shakespeare, and a Critical Enquiry into its Authenticity and Artistic Merits. 3 photographic views, by the author, from the bust at Strat- ford. (75 copies.) 4to. Brooklyn, 1864. The Life and Writings of John Howard Payne. Portraits. (250 copies.) Royal 8vo. Brooklyn, 1875. *^*The same. Large paper. (15 copies.) 4to. Brooklyn, 1875- The Scarlet Letter : a Romantic Drama in Four Acts. Dram- atized from Nathaniel Hawthorne's Masterly Romance. Portrait of the author and photographic plate (Hester Prynne). (100 copies.) 8vo. Brooklyn, 1876. A History of the Progress of the Drama, Music, and the Fine Arts in the City of Brooklyn. Portraits and illustrations. (100 copies.) 4to. Brooklyn, 1884. John Howard Payne : Dramatist, Poet, Actor, and Author of " Home, Sweet Home." Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. \*The same. Large paper. (25 copies.) 410. Philadel- phia, 1885. Edwin Forrest, the Actor and the Man, Critical and Reminis- cent. II photogravure portraits by the author. (200 copies.) Royal 8vo. Brooklyn, 1889. HARTE, FRANCIS BRET. 1839 — (Edited, anonymously.) Outcroppings : being Selections of California Verse. Square i6mo. San Francisco, 1866. 112 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Lost Galleon and other Tales. i2mo. San Francisco, 1867. Condensed Novels and other Papers. With Comic Illustra- tions by Frank Bellew. 12 mo. New York, 1867. The Luck of Roaring Camp and other Sketches. i2mo. Boston, 1870. ^ Plain Language from Truthful James. [A series of nine orig- inal sketches, by Hull, with engraved text.] 8vo. West- ern News Co. [Chicago, 1870.] > Fac-Simile of the Original Manuscript of The Heathen Chinee as written for The Overland Monthly, together with the Corrected Letter Press as published in the Issue of September, 1870. Portrait, 8vo. San Francisco [187 1]. *#*Also twelve copies printed for presentation by the author. 4to. San Francisco [1871]. - '^The Heathen Chinee. Illustrations by Sol Eytinge, Jr. i2mo. Boston, 1871. The Pliocene Skull. Sketches by E. M. Schaffer, M.D. Dec. 8, 1870. Square 8vo. [Washington, 1871.] *^*The second issue of The Pliocene Skull contains extract from the proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences, July 16, 1866; also additional design on wrapper, neither of which appeared in first issue. Square Svo. [Wash- ington, 1871.] tmmm. Condensed Novels. Illustrations by S. Eytinge, Jr. i2mo. Boston, 1 871. *»*The "other papers" of the New York edition of 1867 are omitted in this issue. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1871. East and West Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1871. That Heathen Chinee and other Poems, mostly Humorous. Illustrations, and music of The Heathen Chinee. i2mo. London [1871!. J^ / Stories of the Sierras. i2mo. Dooto(n ,^872] •—The Luck of Roaring Camp and other Sketches. Illustra- tions. 4to. Boston, 1872. Poetical Works. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1872. f^^illU^U., (^ and entirely able to give information where it was really important to do so. This homily is brought forth by the fact that the auction sea- son just closed in both England and America has been remarkable in many ways, notably because of the character of the books sold and also the high prices some of them realized. Now that Mr. Slater has decided to issue his volume according to season and not according to calendar, one may review the bookselling season on both sides of the water at the same time. Two large private sales have been con- summated which must ever be handed down in the annals of bookselling as of the highest importance. One, gigantic in its importance ind the other far-reaching in its dispersion. I refer to the purchase by Mr. Morgan of his ^reat collection of Incunabula, MS., etc., and he other the purchase en bloc, by Mr. Rich- nond, of the Lefferts collection. In the case )f the latter, some books were sold at auction n London and New York, but a large majority n value, if not in bulk, changed hands by pri- '^ate means, before the ordinary public had its 'hance. Notwithstanding these two sales, amounting in value to over $1,000,000, the auction season just closed was a notable one. We quote a few of the record prices to show the upward ten- dency : Caxton's " Royal Book," £3,225 ; Shake- speare (the second folio), £690; Shakespeare (the third folio), £75.5 : Shakespeare's " Poems," 1645 (Mr. :\rcKee's copy), £1,250: Milton's " Lycidas,"' £199 ; De Foe's " Robinson Crusoe," £245; Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield," 2 vols., £134, and many others. Taken at ran- dom the following important items were sold during the year : A' Kempis's " Imitation of Christ," Augsburg, 1471, printed by Zanier; Dante's " Divine Comedy," Florence, 1481 (with Botticelli's designs): Homer, "Works," Flor- ence, 1488 (printed by Demetrius Cretensis) ; Lydgate's translation of the " Fall of Princes," printed by Pynson, London, 1494 ; Les Fevre's " Recuyvles of Troye," London, 1503 ; Alexan- der's " Recreations with the Muses." London, 1637 : Chapman's " Homer," London, 1598 ; Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book, London, 1578 ; Florio's "Montaigne," London, 1603: Shake- speare's " Rape of Lucrece," London, 1624 ; Walton's " Complete Angler," London, 1653 ; Herrick's " Plesperides '' (original sheep), Lon- don, 1646; Bunyan's "Holy War," London^ 1683: "Kilmarnock," Burns, 1786; Gray's "Elegy," London, 1751; Swift's "Gulliver's Travels,"' London, 1736-1727; Watts's "Di- vine Songs,'' London. 1715; Mrs. Browning's " Battle of Marathon," London, 1820 ; " Son- nets from the Portuguese," Reading, 1820 ; Keats's " Lamia," London, 1830 ; Lamb's " King and Queen of Hearts,'' 1806 (previously unknown) : " Elia," London, 1833-1833 (boards,^ uncut) ; Scott's " Waverley " (original boards) ; Eliot's "Indian Bible," London, 1661-1663; Budd's " Good Order," printed by Bradford in Philadelphia, 1685 ; Colden's " Five Indian Nations," New York, 1737; Franklin's "Cato Major,"' Philadelphia, printed by Franklin, 1744; Thomas's "New Jersey,'' for 1698 and many others. These books picked out at random, running- in price from $185 to $11,000, indicate the tendency in collecting, and although many of the items are high priced, they were not always so ; it therefore behooves the collector of to-day to have the prophet's vision, so he may become the opulent owner of to-morrow. Ernest D vessel North. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 113 Proceedings at the 3rd Annual Re-Union of the Society of the Army of the Potomac in Boston, May 12th, 1S71. [Poem, The Old Major Explains, by Bret .Harte, p. 22.] 8vo. New York, 1S72. Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands and other Sketches. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1S73. M'liss : an Idyl of Red Mountain. Svo. New York, 1873. Complete \Vorks in Prose and Poetry, with an Introductory Essay by J. M. Bellew. Portrait. Small Svo. London [1873]. An Episode of Fiddletown and otht-r Sketches. Svo. Lon- don, 1S73. Echoes of the Foot- Hills. i6mo. Boston, 1875. Tales of the Argonauts and other Sketches. i6mo. Bos- / ton, 1875. Gabriel Conroy. Illustrations. Svo. Hartford, 1S76. ¥^ Two Men of Sandy Bar. A Drama. iSmo. Boston, 1876. '""'^ Thankful Blossom : a Romance of the Jerseys, 1779. Illus- trations. iSmo. Boston, 1877. The Story of a Mine. iSmo. Boston, 1S78. West Point Jic Jacs. A Collection of Military Verse, to- gether with the Special Poem, Cadet Grey, by Bret Harte. Illustrations. Oblong i6mo. New York, 1878. The Hoodlum Band and other Stories. 4to. London, 1878. Drift from Two Shores. i8mo. Boston, 187S. An Heiress of Red Dog and other Tales. i6mo. London, 1879. The Twins of Table Mountain and other Stories. iSmo. Boston, 1879. Jeff Briggs's Love Story and other Sketches. i6mo. Lon- don, 1880. Complete Works. Collected and revised by the Author. 5 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1882. 114 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Flip, and Found at Blazing Star. iSmo. Boston, 1SS2. Flip and other Stories, izmo. London, 1882. *^*This edition contains "A Gentleman of La Porte," not included in the Boston issue. Poetical Works [newly revised by the author]. Household Edition. Portrait. i2ino. Boston, 1883. In the Carquinez Woods. iSmo. Boston, 1884. On the Frontier. iSmo. Boston, 1884. Maruja. i8mo. Boston, 1885. By Shore and Sedge. i8mo. Boston, 1885. Snow-Bound at' Eagle's. iSmo. Boston, 1S85. The Queen of the Pirate Isle. Illustrations in colors by Kate Greenaway. Square Svo. London [1886]. *^*The imported copies bear Boston imprint and are dated 1887. A Millionaire of Rough and Ready, and Devil's Ford. iSmo. I Boston, 1887. Devil's Ford. A Novel. i2nio. London, 1887. The Crusade of the Excelsior. Illustrations. i6mo. Bos ton, 1887, The Argonauts of North Liberty. i8mo. Boston, 1888. A Phyllis of the Sierras, and Drift from Redwood Camp. i8mo. Boston, 1888. Cressy. i6mo. Boston, 1889. The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and other Tales. i6mo. Boston, 1889. A Waif of the Plains. i8mo. Boston, 1890. A Ward of the Golden Gate. i6mo. Boston, 1890. A Sappho of Green Springs and other Stories. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1 89 1. Colonel Starbottle's Client and other People. i6mo. Boston, 1S92. A First Family of Tasajera. i6mo. Boston, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 116 Susy: a Story of the Plains. i6nio. Boston, 1S93. Sally Dows and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1893. A Prote'ge'e of Jack Hamlin's and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1894. The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1S94. (With Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling and others.) My First Book. Portraits and illustrations. Square 8vo. London, 1894. Clarence. i6mo. Boston, 1895. — In a Hollow of the Hills. i6mo. Boston, 1895. y^ ***See also James, Henry. HAWTHORNE, JULIAN, i S46 — Bressant. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1873. Idolatry: a Romance. i2mo. Boston, 1874. Saxon Studies. i2mo. Boston, 1876. Garth. A Novel. Svo. New York, 1877. Mrs. Gainsborough's Diamonds. i6mo. New York, 1877. Sebastian Strome. 3 volumes, i2mo. London, 1879. *^,*Also, Svo. New York, 1S80. The Laughing Mill and Other Stories. i2mo. London, 1879. Archibald Malmaison. i2mo. London, 1879. Ellice Quentin and other Stories. 2 volumes, i2mo. Lon- don, 1880. Yellow Cap and other Fairy Stories. i2mo. London, 1880. Prince Saroni's Wife and other Stories. 2 volumes, i2mo. London, 1882. Dust: a Novel. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1883. Beatrix Randolph. A Novel. 3 volumes, i2mo. London, 1883. •»*Also, limo. Boston, 18S4. lie. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Fortune's Fool. lamo. Boston, 1883. Prince Saroni's Wife, and The Pearl Shell Necklace. i2mo. New York, 1884. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. A Biography. Portraits and illustrations. Large paper. (350 copies.) 2 vol- umes, Svo. Cambridge, 1884. *^*The same. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1SS5. Love — or, a Name. A Story. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Miss Cadogna : a Romance. i2mo. London, 1885. Noble Blood. i2mo. New York, 1885. John Parmelee's Curse. i6mo. New York [1886]. The Trial of Gideon. i2mo. New York, 1886. Confessions and Criticisms. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1887. A Tragic Mystery. i2mo. New York, 1887. An American Penman. i2mo. New York, 1887. The Great Bank Robbery. 12 mo. New York, 1887. Another's Crime. i2mo. New York, 1888. Section 588 ; or, the Fatal Letter. i2mo. New York, 1888. *^,*The preceding five volumes are edited from the diary of Police Inspector Byrnes, of New York. A Dream and a Forgetting. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Professor's Sister. i2mo. New York, 1888. *,„*Published in London as The Spirit of the Camera. Sinfire [with Douglas Duane, by Edgar Fawcett]. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1888. Constance. i2mo. New York, 1889. Kildhurm's Oak. i2mo. New York [1890]. PauHne. 12 mo. New York [1890]. (With Leonard Bacon.) American Literature. An Elementary Text-Book. Portraits. i2mo. Boston, 1891. The Story of Oregon. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 117 Six Cent Sam's. Illustrations. i2mo. St. Paul, 1893. Humors of the Fair. Illustrations. i2mo. Chicago, 1893. *»*See also Field, Eugene; and Hawthorne, N. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. 1804-1864. [Anonymous.] Fanshawe, a Tale. 12 mo. Boston, 1828. The American Magazine of Useful Knowledge. Vol. II. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1836. ***The six concluding numbers of this volume, March- August, inclusive, 1S36, were edited, anonjmouslj, by Haw- thorne, who, with his sister, wrote or revised almost the entire contents. His contributions to this magazine have never been reprinted. [Anonymous.] Peter Parley's Universal History, on the Basis of Geography. For the Use of Families. Maps and illustrations. 2 volumes, square 12 mo. Boston, 1837. Twice-Told Tales. i2mo. Boston, 1837. The Gentle Boy: A Thrice-Told Tale. With an Original Illustration. 4to. Boston, 1839. The Sister Years : being the Carrier's Address to the Patrons of The Salem Gazette, ist January, 1839. Svo. Salem, 1839. Grandfather's Chair : a History for Youth. iSmo. Boston, 1841. *^*Reissued, with revisions and additions. Frontispiece. iSmo. Boston, 1842. Famous Old People : being the Second P'poch of Grand- father's Chair. i8mo. Boston, 1841. Liberty Tree : with the Last Words of Grandfather's Chair. i8mo. Boston, 1841. ***The same. Second Edition [with revisions]. Frontis- piece. iSmo. Boston, 1842. Famous Old People. Second Edition [with revisions]. Frontispiece. i8mo. Boston, 1842. Twice-Told Tales. [Vol. ii., now first published ; second issue ot vol. i.] 2 volumes, i6mo, Boston, 1842. Biographical Stories for Children. i8mo. Boston, 1842. lis AMERICAN AUTHORS. Historical Tales for Youth. 2 volumes, i8mo. Boston, 1842. *^*i., Grandfather's Chair, and Famous Old People; ii., Liberty Tree and Biographical Stories for Children. Samuel Johnson. The Sunday School Society's Gift. iSmo. Boston, 1842. The Celestial Railroad. 32mo. Boston, 1843. [Anonymous.] A Visit to the Celestial City. Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday- School Union. 4 illustrations. i6mo. Philadelphia [1843]. (Edited.) Journal of an African Cruiser. i2mo. New York, 1845. *^*The edition consisted of two thousand copies, of which five hundred were sent to England and appeared with the pub- lishers' London imprint. Mosses from an Old Manse. 2 parts, i2mo. New York, 1846. The Celestial Railroad. 32mo. Lowell, 1847. Esthetic Papers, edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody. [Includ- ing Main Street, by Hawthorne, pp. 145-174; also War, an unpublished lecture, by Emerson, and Resistance to Civil Government, by Thoreau.] 8vo. Boston, 1849. The Scarlet Letter ; a Romance. i2mo. Boston, 1850. *^*In the first issue the word " re-duplicate " occurs on page 21, line 20, for which the word " repudiate " was substituted in the second issue (although, in his preface to the latter, the author asserts its publication " without the change of a word") ; the word " resuscitate " appears in subsequent issues. The Scarlet Letter. [Second issue, with additional preface, and alteration of text.] i2mo. Boston, 1850. The House of the Seven Gables, a Romance. i2mo. Boston, 1 85 1. Twice-Told Tales. A New Edition [revised, with preface, pp. 5-12, now first published]. 2 volumes, i2mo. Bos- ton, 1 85 1. True Stories from History and Biography. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1S51. *,^*The same [second issue, with revisions and additions]. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, iS";!. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 119 The Memorial : written by Friends of the Late Mrs. [Frances S.] Osgood, [including Hawthorne, who specially con- tributed The Snow Image, pp. 41-58, Simms, Stoddard, Bayard Taylor, Willis, Boker and others,] and edited by Mary Hewitt. Portrait and illustrations. Svo. New York, 185 1. The Snow-Image and other Tales. i2mo. London, 185 1. The Snow Image and other Twice-Told Tales. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1 85 2. The Blithedale Romance. i2mo. Boston, 1852. *^*Also issued in 2 volumes, Svo. London, 1S52. A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1852. Life of Franklin Pierce. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1852. Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys : being a Second Won- der-Book. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1S53. Mosses from an Old Manse. Carefully revised by the Author [with an additional sketch, Feathertop]. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Boston, 1854. [Anonymous.] A Rill from the Town Pump. [With re- marks by Telba.] i6mo. London, 1857. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespere Unfolded. By Delia Bacon. With a Preface [pp. vii.-xi.] by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Svo. London, 1857. ***The imported copies bear the date here given, but with Boston imprint. The Weal-Reaf: a Record of the Essex Institute Fair. [Containing letter and original contribution by Hawthorne.] Small 4to. Salem, i860. The Marble Faun ; or the Romance of Monte Beni. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Boston, i860. ***The same. Second issue, with additional "conclusion" pp. 284-28S. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1S60. ***Issued in London as Transformation .... 3 volumes, small Svo. i860. Our Old Home : a Series of Sketches. i2mo. Boston, 1863. The Snow Image : a Childish Miracle. Colored illustrations. [First separate edition.] Square i2mo. New York, 1864. T20 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Pansie : a Fragment. i2mo. London [1864] . Twice-Told Tales. A New Edition [including The Sn'ow Image]. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1865. Passages from the American Xote-Books. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1868. Passages from the English Xote-Books. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1870. Passages from the French and Italian Xote-Books. 2 vol- umes, 8vo. London, 1871. *^*The same. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1S72. Septimius Felton ; or, the Elixir of Life. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Memoir of Xathaniel Hawthorne [by H. A. Page] with Sto- ries now First Published. i2mo. London, 1872. The Dolliver Romance and other Pieces. i2mo. Boston, 1876. Fanshawe and other Pieces [now first collected]. i2mo. Boston, 1876. *^*The two preceding volumes were also issued uniform with the Little Classic edition of Hawthorne's works, iSmo. 1876. Legends of New England. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. Legends of the Province House. Frontispiece. 32mo. Bos- ton, 1877. Tales of the White Hills. 32mo. Boston, 1877. A Virtuoso's Collection, and other Tales. Frontispiece. 32mo. Boston, 1S77. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret, a Romance. Edited, with Pre- face and Xotes, by Juhan Hawthorne. i2mo. Boston, 1883. Sketches and Studies. i8mo. Boston [1883]. Tales, Sketches and other Papers. With a Biographical Sketch by George Parsons Lathrop. Portrait and facsim- iles. i2mo. Boston, 1883. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 121 Complete Works. With Introductions and Bibliographical Notes by George Parsons Lathrop. Portraits and illustra- tions. 13 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1883. *,*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 13 volumes, royal 8vo. Cambridge, 1883. Delia Bacon. By Theodore Bacon. 8vo. London, 1888. *^*Contains twenty letters, mostly relative to the Bacon- Shakespeare theory, by Hawthorne, now first published. *^f*Twentv-seven original contributions by Hawthorne ap- peared, anonymously, in The Token (Boston'';, for 1830, 183 1, 1S32, 1S33, 1835, 1S36, 1S37 and 1838; The New England Mag- azine, for 1834 and 1835, contained seventeen; The Democratic Review (New York), for 1838, 1839, 1840, 1843, 1S44, 1845 ^"^ 1846 contained twenty-five, among others. Papers of an Old Dartmouth Prisoner, never reprinted ; and The Atlantic Monthly for i860, 1S62, 1S63, 1S65 and 1868, several, including the posthumous fragments of Septimius Felton and The Dolli- ver Romance. Besides the annual and the magazines here named, he contributed to The Knickerbocker, 1837 ; American Monthly, 1838; The Pioneer, 1843; Dollar Magazine, 185 1 ; In- ternational Magazine, 1852 ; and Harper's Monthly' Magazine, 1857- HAY, JOHN. 1838 — Pike County Ballads, and other Pieces. i2mo. Boston, 1871. Jim Bludsoe of the Prairie Belle, and Little Breeches. Illus- trations. i2mo. Boston, 1871. Little Breeches : a Pike County View of Special Providence. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 187 1. Little Breeches and other Pieces : Humourous, Descriptive and Pathetic. i2mo. London, 1S71. Castilian Days. i2mo. Boston, 1871. Amasa Stone. Born April 27, 1818. Died May 11, 1883. (Privately printed; 95 copies.) 8vo. New York, 1883. Memorial of Dr. Charles Hay. (Privately printed.) 8vo. New York, 1885. The Enchanted Shirt. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Chi- cago [1889]. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1890. 122 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (With John G. Nicolay.) Abraham Lincoln : a History. Portraits and ilUistrations. lo volumes, 8vo. New York, 1890. (Edited, with J. G. Nicolay.) The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln. Comprising his Speeches, State Papers, and Miscellaneous Writings. Portraits and facsimiles. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1894. HAYNE, PAUL HAMILTON. 1831-1886. Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1855. Sonnets and other Poems. i2mo. Charleston, 1857. Avolio : a Legend of the Island of Cos. With Poems Lyri- cal, Miscellaneous and Dramatic. i6mo. Boston, i860. Legends and Lyrics. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1872. The Mountain of the Lovers ; with Poems of Nature and Tra- dition. 1 2 mo. New York, 1875. W. Gilmore Simms. A Poem delivered at the Charleston Academy of Music, on 13th Dec, 1877, as Prologue to the Dramatic Entertainment in Aid of the Simms Memorial Fund. 8vo. [Charleston, 1877.] Poems. Complete, with Biographical Sketch. Portrait and illustrations. Square 8vo. Boston, 1882. *«.*See also Timrod, Henry. HEARN, LAFCADIO. 1850 — (Translated.) One of Cleopatra's Nights, and other Fantas- tic Romances, by Theophile Gautier. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1882. Strange Leaves from Strange Literature. Stories recon- structed from the Anvari — Soheili, Baital — Pachisi, Ma- habharata, Gulistan, Talmud .... i6mo. Boston, 1884. (Translated.) Gombo Zhebes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs ; selected from Six Creole Dialects, with Notes .... Square 8vo. New York, 1885. Some Chinese Ghosts. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Chita : a Memory of Last Island. 12 mo. New York, 1889. Youma. i2mo. New York, 1890. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 123 (Translated.) The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (Member of the Institute), by Anatole France. 8vo. New York, 1890. GHmpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1894. Out of the East ; Reveries and Studies in New Japan. i2mo. Boston, 1895. HIBBARD, GEORGE A. 1858 — Iduna and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1 89 1. The Governor and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1892. Nowadays and other Stories. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1893. HIGGINSON, THOMAS WENTWORTH. 1823 — Man shall not live by Bread Alone ; a Thanksgiving Sermon . 8vo. Newburyport, 1848. The Tongue : Two Practical Sermons. 8vo. Newburyport, 1850. The Birthday in Fairyland: a Story for Children. i8mo. Boston, 1850. Address to the Voters of the Third Congressional District of Massachusetts. 8vo. Lowell, 1850. Merchants : a Sunday Evening Lecture. 8vo. Newbury- port, 1 85 1. Things New and Old : an Installation Sermon .... 8vo. Worcester, 1852. Elegy without Fiction. Sermon, Oct. 31, 1852. Suggested by the Deaths of Webster and Rantoul. Broadside. Worcester, 1852. Thalatta : a Book for the Seaside. [Edited, anonymously, by Higginson and Samuel Longfellow.] i2mo. Boston, 1853- The Unitarian Autumnal Convention, a Sermon. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1853. 124 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Woman and her Wishes : an Essay. Inscribed to the Massa- chusetts Constitutional Convention. Svo. Boston, 1853. Ma^achusetts in Mourning. A Sermon. . . . Worcester, June 4, 1S54. Svo. Boston, 1854. A Ride through Kansas. 8vo. [Boston] 1S56. Does Slavery Christianize the Negro ? i2mo. New York [1857]. The New Revolution : a Speech before the Anti-Slavery Society. . . . New York, May 12, 1857. Svo. Boston, 1857- Out-Door Papers. 12 mo. Boston, 1863. (Translated.) The Works of Epictetus. Consisting of his Discourses, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. Svo. Bos- ton, 1865. *:^*Also 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1S90. (Edited.) Harvard Memorial Biographies. 2 volumes, Svo. Cambridge, 1865. ***The same, revised. 2 volumes, i2mo. Cambridge, 1867. Memoir of Dr. Thaddeus William Harris. Svo. Boston, 1869. *i*Reprinled from Harris's Entomological Correspondence. Malbone : an Oldport Romance. lamo. Boston, 1869. Ought Women to learn the Alphabet? .... i2mo. Bos- ton, 1869. Army Life in a Black Regiment. i2mo. Boston, 1870. Atlantic Essays. i2mo. Boston, 1 87 1. The Sympathy of Religions. Royal Svo. Boston, 187 1. Oldport Days. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Young Folks' History of the United States. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1875. * ^*Gxz.diW2.\\y enlarged in subsequent editions. Brief Biographies of European Public Men. 4 volumes, square i6mo. Boston, 1875-77. History of Education in Rhode Island [prepared for the State of Rhode Island], Svo. Providence, 1876. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 125 Young Folks' Book of American Explorers. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1877. Short Studies of American Authors. i2mo. Boston, 1880. Common Sense about Women. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Wendell Phillips. Reprinted from The Nation. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1884. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1884. A Larger History of the United States. ... to the Close of President Jackson's Administration. Maps and illustra- trations. Square 8vo. New York, 1886. The Monarch of Dreams. 24mo. Boston, 1887. Hints on Writing and Speech-Making. 24mo. Boston, 1887. Women and Men. i6mo. New York, 1888. Travellers and Outlaws : Episodes in American History. i2mo. Boston, 18S9. The Afternoon Landscape. Poems and Translations. i2mo. New York, 1889. In a Fair Country. Essays from Out- Door Papers. 54 illus- trations. Oblong 8vo. Boston [1890]. Life of Francis Higginson, First Minister in Massachusetts Bay Colony .... 12 mo. New York [189 1]. (Edited, with Ella H. Bigelow.) American Sonnets. 24mo. Boston, 1 89 1. Concerning all of us. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1892. The New World and the New Book .... With Kindred Essays. 12 mo. Boston, 1892. (With Mary Thacher Higginson.) Such as they are. Poems. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1893. (With Edward Channing.) English History for American Readers. Maps and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1893. 126 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) Massachusetts in the Civil War. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1895. ***See also Holmes, O. W. HILLHOUSE, JAMES ABRAHAM. 17S9-1841. The Education of a Poet. An Oration delivered at Yale University. 8vo. New Haven, 181 1. [Anonymous.] Percy's Masque, a Drama, in Five Acts. From the London Edition. i6mo. New York, 1820. *^*No London edition is believed to have been published. The Judgment : a Vision. Pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Yale University. 8vo. New York, 1821. Oration at New Haven, Aug. 19, 1834, in Commemoration of the Life and Services of General Lafayette. 8vo. New Haven, 1834. Hadad. A Dramatic Poem. 8vo. New York, 18^. t^'^ Sachem's Wood. A Short Poem. Svo. New Haven, 1838. Dramas, Discourses, and other Pieces. 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1839. HIRST, HENRY BECK. 1813-1874. The Coming of the Mammoth, The Funeral of Time and other Pieces. i2mo. Boston, 1845. Endymion. A Tale of Greece. i2mo. Boston, 1848. The Penance of Roland : a Romance of the Peine Forte et Dure and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1849. HOFFMAN, CHARLES FENNO. 1806-1884. A Winter in the West. By A New Yorker. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1835. (Edited, anonymously.) The New York Book of Poetry [containing original poems by Washington Irving and others]. 8vo. New York, 1837. (Edited.) The American Monthly Magazine. 8vo. New York, 1838. Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. 2 volumes, i2mo. London, 1839. k A BIBLIOGRAPUr. 127 Greyslaer : a Romance of the Mohawk. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1840. The Vigil of Faith and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1842. Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie, with Sketches of American Life. 2 volumes, lamo. New York, 1843. Proceedings of the New York Historical Society, 1843. [Containing The People of New York, by Hoffman.] 8 vo. New York, 1843. The Echo : or. Borrowed Notes for Home Circulation. Royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. Report of the Committee of the New York Historical Society, on a National Name, March 31, 1845. [Signed, David Dudley Field, Henry R. Schoolcraft and Charles F. Hoff- man.] 8vo. [New York, 1845.] Lays of the Hudson. Illustrations. 3 2 mo. New York, 1846. Love's Calendar, Lays of the Hudson, and other Poems. 3 2 mo. New York, 1S47. (Edited.) The Literary World. A Gazette for Authors, Readers, and Publishers. 2 volumes, 4to. New York, 1847. The Pioneers of New York ; a Discourse before the St. Nich- olas Society. 8vo. New York, 1848. Poems [including several now first published]. Collected and edited by E. F. Hoffman. Portrait. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1873. HOLLAND, JOSIAH GILBERT. 1819-1881. (Edited.) Cut-Flowers : a Collection of Poems. By Mrs. D. Ellen Goodman Shepard. Portrait. i2mo. Spring- field, 1854. History of Western Massachusetts. Map. 2 volumes, i2mo. Springfield, 1855. Address at the Dedication of the New City Hall, Springfield, Mass., Jan. i, 1856. 8vo. Springfield, 1856. The Bay- Path. i2mo. New York, 1857. 128 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Poems. i2mo. New York, 1858. Letters to Young People, Married and Single. i2mo. New York, 1858. Bitter Sweet. A Poem. 12 mo. New York, 1859. Gold-Foil, hammered from Popular Proverbs. i2mo. New York, 1859. Miss Gilbert's Career. An American Story. i2mo. New York, i860. Lessons in Life : a Series of Familiar Essays. i2mo. New York, 186/.' Letters -to the Joneses. i2mo. New York, 1863. The Laboring Man's Sabbath. To Benjamin Franklin Jones, Mechanic, concerning his Habit of staying away from Church. i6mo. Springfield, 1863. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln .... April 19, 1865. 8vo. Springfield, 1865. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Springfield, 1865. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. A Series of Popular Lec- tures. i2mo. New York, 1866. Kathrina : her Life and mine, in a Poem. i2mo. New York, 1867. (Edited.) Christ and the Twelve Scenes in the Life of our Saviour and his Apostles. Illustrations. 8vo. Spring- field, 1867. The Marble Prophecy and other Poems. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1872. Arthur Bonnicastle : an American Novel. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1873. Garnered Sheaves. i2mo. New York, 1873. (Edited.) Illustrated Library of Favorite Song. Square 8vo. New York, 1873. The Mistress of the Manse. i2mo. New York, 1874. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 12!> The Story of Sevenoaks. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1875. Nicholas Minturn. Study in a Story. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1876. Every-Day Topics. A Book of Briefs. i2mo. New York, 1876. Complete Poetical Writings. i2mo. New York, 1879. ***The same. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. New York, iSSo. Works. Newly revised. 9 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1881-82. Every-Day Topics. Second Series. i2mo. New York, 1882. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. 1809-1894. Harvard Register. [Containing Holmes' first published poems.] 12 numbers, 8vo. Cambridge, 1827-28. The Collegian. In Six Parts. [February-July, inclusive, 1830.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1830. *^*Published by the undergraduates of 1830 and 1831, and edited by a club consisting of two members of the class of 1S30 (one of whom was John Osborne Sargent), and three mem- bers of the class of 1831. The six numbers contain twenty- four poems by Holmes, only a few of which were retained iu the 1836 and subsequent editions of Poems; and contain also the first printed composition of John Lothrop Motley. The Amateur. A Journal of Literature and the Fine Arts. [June 15, 1830-June 4, 1831, inclusive.] 22 parts, 4to. Boston, 1S30-31. ***This publication contained seventeen poems, at least, by Holmes, of which only eight were included in the collective editions of his poems. The paintings of the Athenaeum Gal- lery formed the subjects of several of Holmes' early poems, which may explain why the publication entitled "Poetical Illus- trations of the Athenaeum Gallery of Paintings" (8vo., Boston, 1827), has been frequently ascribed to him. The real author of the volume was William G. Crosby. [Anonymous,] The Harbinger : a May-Gift. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1833. *^*In three parts : part i., by Park Benjamin; ii., pp. 31-60, by Holmes, and iii., by John Osborne Sargent. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1836. 130 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Boylston Prize Dissertations for 1836, by Oliver W. Holmes, M.D. [pp. 189-288], Robert W. Haxall, M.D., and Luther V. Bell, M.D. 8vo. Boston, 1836. *^*Issued as Library of Practical Medicine, vol. vii. Boylston Prize Dissertations for the Years 1836 and 1837. 8vo. Boston, 1838. Principles of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Marshall Hall, M.D. . . . First American Edition. Re- vised and much enlarged by Jacob Bigelow, M.D., .... and Oliver W. Holmes, M.D .... 8vo. Boston, 1839. The Allston Exhibition. [North American Review, April, 1840, pp. 358-381.] 8vo. Boston, 1840. Homoeopathy and its Kindred Delusions ; Two Lectures be- fore the Boston Society of Useful Knowledge. i2mo. Boston, 1842. Report of the Dinner to Charles Dickens, in Boston, Febru- ary I, 1842. [Including song sung on the occasion by Holmes, and speeches by Dickens, Bancroft and others.] i6mo. Boston, 1842. [Review of] Elliotson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Dec. 13, 1843, PP- 369-376.] 8vo. Boston, 1843. The Position and Prospects of the Medical Student : an Ad- dress delivered before the Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University, January 12, 1S44. 8vo. Boston, 1844. The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever. Read before the Boston Society for Medical Improvement, and pubhshed at the Request of the Society, from The New England Quar- terly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 8vo. [Boston, 1844-] The Berkshire Jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22 and 23, 1844. [Poem and speech by Holmes, pp. 161- 163.] Illustrations. 8vo. Albany, 1845. History of the Old Township of Dunstable : including Nashua .... [etc.]. By Charles J. Fox. [Containing poem, pp. 51-54, recited by Holmes at the Pilgrims' Din- ner at Plymouth, N. H., Dec. 22, 1845.] Illustrations. i2mo. Nashua, 1846. /I BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1:5 1 Urania : a Rhymed Lesson. Pronounced before the Mercan- tile Library Association, October 14, 1846. 8vo. Boston, 1S46. Poems [including eight now first collected]. i6mo. Lon- don, 1846. Some Account of the Letheon, or who was the Discoverer? [Containing Holmes' letter suggesting Anaesthesia as a name for the new discovery.] 8vo. Boston, 1S47. An Introductory Lecture delivered at the Massachusetts Med- ical College, November 3, 1847. 8vo. Boston, 1847. (With others.) Report of the Committee on Medical Liter- ature, of the American Medical Society. 8vo. [Philadel- phia, 1849.] ***Reprinted from Transactions of the Society, vol. i., pp. 249-2S8, Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. Poems. New and Enlarged Edition. [Containing prefatory note " from a letter to the publishers," and nine poems, m- cluding Urania, now first collected.] Vignettes. i2mo. Boston, 1849. Poems. New and Enlarged Edition. [Containing prefatory note " to the publishers," and five additional poems, pp. 182-195.] Vignettes. i2mo. Boston, 1849. *^*The prefatory note of first issue of Poems, 1849,15 not dated, and is entirely distinct from that of the second, which is dated Januai-j 13th, 1849. I" the contents of the latter, the poems, Cambridge Churchyard, and Old Ironsides, forming a portion of Poetry : a Metrical Essay, are for the first time indexed separately. The first issue consists of pp. \\-\-212 ; the second, of pp. vi-|--S6. Astrrea : the Balance of Illusions. A Poem delivered be- fore the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, August 14, 1850. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Poem (with address by Rev. Henry Neill) delivered at the Dedication of Pittsfield (Rural) Cemetery, September 9th, 1850. Map and plate. Svo. Pittsfield, 1850. *^*The poem was also issued separately, Svo. [Boston, 1S50.] The Benefactors of the Medical School of Harvard Univer- sity ; an Introductory Lecture at the Massachusetts Medi- cal College, Nov. 7, 1850. With a Biographical Sketch of the Late Dr. George Parkman. 8vo. Boston, 1850. 1 32 A MERICA N A UTHORS. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. II. [Containing Holmes' article, On the Use of Direct Light in Microscopic Researches, pp. 326-332.] 8vo. Boston, 1852. Poetical Works. Illustrations. First English Edition. 24mo. London, 1852. *^*In this edition the poem, To an English Friend, is pub- lished for the first time; and two poems, The Ploughman, and Pittsfield Cemetery, are now first collected; with these excep- tions, and the prefatory memoir, the text of second issue of Poems, 1849, is copied. Microscopic Preparation. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, May 25, 1853, ;pp. 337-340.] 8vo. Boston, 1853- Songs of the Class of 1829. (Printed for the Use of the Class only.) lamo. Boston, 1854. *^*Five songs, of which three are by O. W. H[olmes], and two by S. F. S[mith]. God Bless our Yankee Girls. Written by O. W. Holmes, composed .... by T. Comer. 4to, Boston [1854]. The Late Dr. Elisha Bartlett. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Aug. 16, 1855, pp. 49-52.] 8vo. Boston, 1855. Dr. Jackson's Letters to a Young Physician. A Review. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Oct. 4, 1855, pp. 197-206.] 8vo, Boston, 1855. Puerperal Fever as a Private Pestilence. [Reprinted, with additions, from The New England Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 1843.] 8vo. Boston, 1855. Oration delivered before the New England Society, in the ; City of New York, at their Semi-Centennial Anniversary, December 22, 1855. 8vo. [New York, 1855.] *^*Also published in the Society's report of the Celebration, New York, 1856; and, with address by John Pierpont, 8vo. New York, 1856. The 74th Anniversary of the Birth- Day of Daniel Webster, celebrated at the Revere House, Boston, January 18, 1856. [Poem, by Holmes, pp. 49-51.] 8vo. Boston, 1856. Mechanism of Vital Actions. [North American Review, July, 1857, pp. 39-77.] 8vo. Boston, 1857. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 133 New Stand for the Compound Microscope. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Dec. lo, 1857, pp. 373-680.] 8vo. Boston, 1857. Valedictory Address delivered to the Medical Graduates of Harvard University, at the Annual Commencement, March 10, 1858. (Reprinted from Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.) 8vo. Boston, 1858. [Anonymous.] The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Every Man his own Boswell. Engraved false title, and illustra- tions. i2mo. Boston, 1858. *:^*The engraved false title was omitted from a large portion of the edition, and from all later issues. *^*The same. Large paper. 8vo. Boston, 1859. The Professor at the Breakfast-Table ; with the Story of Iris. i2mo. Boston, i860. Memorial of the Commemoration by the Church of the Disci- ples, on the Fiftieth Birth-Day of their Pastor, James Free- man Clarke, April 4, i860. [Poem by Holmes, pp. 19-20, also poem by Julia Ward Howe, pp. 14-15.] Portrait. i2mo. Boston, i860. Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science. An Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, at the Annual Meeting, May 30, i860. 8vo. Boston, 1S60. Addresses at the Inauguration of Cornelius C. Felton, LL.D., as President of Harvard College, July 19, i860. [Address, pp. 1 21-124, ^i^d remarks, p. 132, by Holmes.] 8vo. Cambridge, i860. Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science . With other Addresses and Essays. i2mo. Boston, 1861. Elsie Veimer : a Romance of Destiny. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1 86 1. The Address of Mr. Everett, and the Poem of Dr. O. W, Holmes, at the Dinner given to H. I. H. Monseigneur the Prince Napoleon, September 25th, 1861. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1861. Border Lines of Knowledge in some Branches of Medical Science. An Introductory Lecture, delivered before the Medical Class of Harvard University, Nov. 6th, 1861. i2mo. Boston, 1862. 134 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Songs in many Keys. i2mo. Boston, 1862. Poems [newly revised]. Portrait. 24mo. Boston, 1862. Medical Directions written for Governor Winthrop, by Ed- mund Stafford, of London, in 1643. With Notes by O. W. Holmes. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society. 8vo. Boston, 1862. Oration delivered before the City Authorities of Boston, July 4, 1S63. (12 copies printedJfor the. author.) 4to. Bos- ton 1863. *^*The same. Svo. Boston, 1863. *;(;* Also reprinted for gratuitous distribution. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1863. Soundings from the Atlantic. Vignettes. i2mo. Boston, 1864. Humorous Poems. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1865. Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society, to the Memory of Edward Everett, January 30, 1865. [Poem by Holmes, pp. 65-67 ; and letter from Whittier, pp. 87-90.] Portrait. Royal Svo. Boston, 1865. *^*Reprinted in A Memorial of Edward Everett from the City of Boston. 2 portraits. Roj-al 8vo. Boston, 1865. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 4to. Boston, 1865. A Memorial of x\braham Lincoln. . . . [Poem by Holmes, pp. 84-85.] Royal 8vo. Boston, 1865. *^*The same. Large paper. 4to. Boston, 1865. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for May, 1865. [Containing remarks on Dante, pp. 277-278, by Holmes.] 8vo. [Boston, 1865.] The Flower of Liberty. [Poems specially contributed by Holmes, Whittier, Curtis, Bryant, Aldrich, Bayard Taylor, Longfellow, Parsons, Emerson, and others.] Edited and illustrated [with 50 engravings of patriotic emblems] by Julia A. M. Furbish. Square 8vo. Boston, 1866. Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Mem- ory of George Livermore [containing tribute by Holmes, pp. 17-19]. Svo. Boston, 1866. The Guardian Angel. i2mo. Boston, 1867. A BIBLIOGRAPHV. 135 Teaching from the Chair and at the Bedside. An Introductory Lecture delivered before the Medical Class of Harvard University, November 6, 1867. Svo. Boston, 1867. (Edited, with 1). G. Mitchell.) The Atlantic Almanac [for] 1 868. Illustrations. 4to. Boston [1867]. Poems and Songs of the Class of 1S29 [including 20 poems by Holmes]. Third Edition. Printed for the Use of the Class only. 8vo. Boston, 1868. *^*Earnest efforts, during the past five years, have resulted in failure to discover any information relative to the "second edition " which would seem indicated by the preceding title. . No such edition was known to surviving members of the class or their relatives (Dr. Holmes' copy was one of the 186S issue); and considering that the volume was intended for members of the class, only, some purpose, humorous or otherwise, ma^' have suggested the " third edition " inscription. Lectures delivered in a Course before the Lowell Institute in Boston, by Members of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, on Subjects relating to the Early Histor)' of Massa- chusetts. [Including The Medical Profession in Massa- chusetts, pp. 257-301, read by Holmes, Jan. 29, 1869.] Royal 8vo. Boston, 1869. Review of The Dental Cosmos. [Boston Medical and Sur- gical Journal, March 11, 1869, pp. 99-102.] Royal Svo. Boston, 1869. Ofificial Monthly Bulletin of the .... Celebration of Peace, and Musical Festival .... Boston, June 15-19, 1869. [Poem by Holmes, p. 4.] Illustrations. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1869. Address delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander von Humboldt .... by Louis Agassiz. With an Account of the Evening Reception. [Including poem written for the occasion, by Holmes, address by Emerson, poem by Julia Ward Howe, and letter by Whit- tier.] Svo. Boston, 1869. Celebration of the iiith Anniversary of Robert Burns' Natal Day, at Delmonico's Hotel, New York, January 25th, 1870. [Tributes by Holmes, pp. lo-ii ; Bryant, pp. 12- 14; and Sage, pp. 18-20.] Svo. New York, 1870. 136 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Rip Van Winkle, M. D. An After- Dinner Prescription taken by the Massachusetts Medical Society .... May 25th, 1870. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, June 9, 1870, pp. 444-446.] Royal 8vo. Boston, 1870. Harvard College. [Programme of] Services on the Laying of the Corner Stone of Memorial Hall, October 6, 187c [with Hymn by Holmes, pp. 3-4]. Square i2mo. [Cam- bridge, 1870.] Mechanism in Thought and Morals. An Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, June 29, 1870. With Notes and Afterthoughts. i2mo. Boston, 1 87 1. Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the Bellevue Hospital, March 2, 1871. [New York Medical Journal, April, 187 1, pp. 420-440.] 8vo. New York, 1871. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May- August, 1871. [Containing tributes to Sir Walter Scott, by Holmes, Emerson, and Bryant.] 8vo. [Boston, 1871.] Tribute to Walter Scott on the looth Anniversary of his Birthday, August 15, 1871. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Boston, 1872. The Poet at the Breakfast- Table. His Talks with his Fellow- Boarders. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1872. The Claims of Dentistry. An Address delivered at the Com- mencement Exercises of the Dental Department in Har- vard University, February 14, 1S72. [Reprinted from Bos- ton Medical and Surgical journal, Feb. 29, 1872.] 8vo. Boston, 1872. Centennial of the Boston Pier, or the Long Wharf Corpora- tion. 1873. [Remarks and poem, by Holmes, pp. iS- 20.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1873. Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, Dec. 16, 1873: being the looth Anniver- sary of the Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor. [Bal- lad of the Boston Tea Party, by Holmes, pp. 56-58.] Svo. Boston, 1874. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 137 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society from January to June, 1874. [Containing remarks on Scahger- ana, by Holmes, pp. 315-317.] 8vo. [Boston, 1874.] Prof. Jeffries Wyman. A Memorial Outline. [Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly for November, 1874.] Svo. [Boston, 1874.] ***Reprinted also in Proceedings of the Massachusetts His- torical Society for April, 1875. Songs of many Seasons. 1862-1874. i2mo. Boston, 1875. The Physiology of Versification. Harmonies of Organic and Animal Life. [Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Jan. 7, 1875, pp. 6-9.] Svo. Boston, 1875. Memorial. Bunker Hill, [Containing Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle : as she saw it from the Belfry, pp. 1-4, specially written for the Memorial, by Holmes.] Il- lustrations. Royal Svo. Boston, 1875. Fair Play. [A collection of charades in aid of a fair at Wal- tham, October, 1875.] i6mo. Waltham [1875]. Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle : as she saw it from the Belfry. (6 copies privately printed for the author.) 4to. [Cambridge, 1876.] His Royal Highness Prince Oscar at the National Celebra- tion of the Centennial Anniversary of American Inde- pendence .... July 4, 1876 [with ode by Holmes], Portraits. (Privately printed.) Svo. Boston, 1876. Poetical Works. Household Edition. [Including addi- tional poems to 1877, together with additional poems, to 1877, of the class of 1S29.] i2mo. Boston, 1877. *:4;*The same, with portrait and illustrations. Svo. Boston, 1878. An Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Boston Microscopical Society. [Reprinted from Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, May 24, 1877.] Svo. Cambridge, 1S77. A Family Record. Woodstock, Conn., July 4, 1S77. 4to. [Cambridge, 1877.] *^*Only a few copies printed for the author. The Story of Iris. [First separate edition.] 32mo. Bos- ton, 1877. 138 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Favorite Poems. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. Visions : a Study of False Sight. By Edward Clarke, M.D. With an Introduction and Memorial Sketch by O. W. Holmes. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1878. Proceedings of the Harvard Club of New York City, at their 1 2th Annual Dinner .... Feby. 21st, 1878. [Containing two sonnets and letter, by Holmes, pp. 16-17, and ad- dress by D. G. Mitchell, pp. 17-21.] 8vo. New York, 1878. *^*Printed copies of the sonnets were presented to the guests on this occasion. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for No- vember and December, 1878. [Containing Memoir, by Holmes, of the Hon. John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., pp. 404-473.] 8vo. [Boston, 1878.] *^*The memoir, as here given, is an abridgment (so as to bring it within suitable limits for publication in the Proceedings) of the memoir about to be published at the time by Houghton, Osgood & Co. John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1878. 8vo. Boston, 1879. John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. [Unabridged, and con- taining memorial poems by Bryant and Story.] Por- trait. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1879. *^*The same. Memorial Edition. Small 4to. Boston, 1879. *^*Also i2mo. London, 1878. The School-Boy. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1879. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Janu- ary to April, 1879. [Containing Holmes' tributes to George S. Hillard and Jacob Bigelow, pp. 38-44.] 8vo. Boston, 1879. • Nautilus. [A privately printed issue of The Chambered Nautilus, with a translation into Latin, signed E. S. D.] i2mo. [Cambridge, 1879.] The Iron Gate and other Poems. Portrait, izmo. Bos- ton, 1880. Seventieth Birthday of James Freeman Clarke. Memorial of the Celebration by the Church of the Disciples, Monday, April 5th, 1880. [Poem by Holmes, pp. 11-12.] Por- trait. 8vo. Boston, 1880. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 130 Exercises in celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Settle- ment of Cambridge, September 28,1880. [Remarks and poem by Holmes, pp. 32-35 ; remarks by Longfellow, pp. 29-30 ; oration by T. W. Higginson, pp. 44-65 ; and let- ter from J. R. Lowell, p. 127.] Portraits and illustrations. Royal Svo. Cambridge, 1881. Benjamin Peirce. A Memorial Collection by Moses King. [Containing memorial poem by Holmes, pp. 63-64, and verses by T. W. Parsons, pp. 3, 6, and 37.] Portrait. Square i2mo. Cambridge, iSSi. The Poets' Tribute to Garfield .... Poems written for The Boston Daily Globe [by Holmes, Joaquin Miller, John Boyle O'Reilly and others] and many Selections. With Biography and Portrait. Svo. Cambridge, 1881. Dedication of the New Building and Hall of the Boston Med- ical Library Association .... December 3, 1878. . . . Address of the President, Dr. O. W. Holmes [pp. 1-2 1, reprinted from Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Dec, 12, 1878]. . . . Small 4to. Cambridge, 1881. Songs and Poems of the Class of 1829. Part 2. 1868-1881. [Consisting of twenty-six poems, of which seventeen are by Holmes.] 8vo. [Boston, 1S81.] *^*The pagination is continued from the issue of 1868. Poem written by Dr. . . . Holmes for the Centennial Anni- versary Dinner of the Massachusetts Medical Society, June 8. 1 88 1, and read by him on that Occasion. [Boston Med- ical and Surgical Journal. June 23, 1881, pp. 577-580.] 4to. Boston, 1 88 1. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society from January to June, 1S82. [Containing tributes, by Holmes, at January meeting, to R. H. Dana, pp. 197-199; at April meeting, to H. W. Longfellow, pp. 269-275 ; and at May meeting, to R. W. Emerson, pp. 303-310.] Svo. [Boston, 1SS2.] Medical Highways and By-Ways. A Lecture delivered before the Medical Department of Harvard University, May 10, 1 88 2. [Reprinted from Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, June i, 1882.] i2mo. Cambridge, 1S82. Farewell Address at Harvard Medical School, Nov. 28, 1S82. Svo. Boston, 1882. 140 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. 185 7- 1 88 1. 12 mo, Boston, 1883. Medical Essays. 1842-1882. i2mo, Boston, 1883. The New Century and the New Building of the Harvard Medical School. 1 783-1883. Addresses and Exercises at the looth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Medical School of Harvard University, Oct. 17, 1883. [Address by Holmes, pp. 3-35 ; also Appendix, Endowment of the Harvard Medical School, pp. 51-55.] Illustrations. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Portrait, izmo. Boston, 1885. A Mortal Antipathy. First Opening of the New Portfoho. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1885. Illustrated Poems. Portrait and 70 illustrations. 4to. Bos- ton, 1885. Services at the Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Origin of the First Church in Cambridge, February 7-14, 1886. [Poem and remarks by Holmes, pp. 22 and 120.] Svo. Cambridge, 1886. Speeches at the First Dinner of the PhiUips Academy Alumni Association, Parker House, Boston, March 24, 1886. [Including speech and poem by Holmes, pp. 21-26.] 8vo. Boston, 1886. The Last Leaf. [Printed in facsimile of manuscript, with history of the poem and notes by the author.] Illustra- tions. 4to. Cambridge, 1886. 1686-1886. [Programme of] Commemorative Services, King's Chapel, Boston, upon the Completion of 200 Years, Wednesday, December 15, 1886 [including hymn by Holmes]. Facsimile and vignettes. Small 4to. [Bos- ton, 1886.] The Commemoration by King's Chapel, Boston, of the Com- pletion of 200 Years since its Foundation. [Poem by Holmes, pp. 131-134.] Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1S87. Our Hundred Days in Europe. i2mo. Boston, 1887. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Small 4to. London, 1888. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 141 Before the Curfew and other Poems, chiefly Occasional. i6mo. Boston, 1888. *^*Of this work 250 copies were issued wholly uncut, with paper labels. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for June, 1888. [Containing Holmes' tribute to James Free- man Clarke, pp. 144-147.] 8vo. [Boston, 1888.] The Latest Poems of the Class of 1829. Part 3. 1882- 1889. [Consisting of thirteen poems, of which eight are by Holmes.] 8vo. [Boston, 1889.] *»*The pagination, pp. 199-232, is continued from part 2, 1S81. Proceedings on the Occasion of laying the Corner-Stone of the New Library Building of the City of Boston. Novem- ber 28, 1888. [Poem by Holmes, pp. 19-20.] Illustra- tions. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1889. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for June, 1889. [Containing Memoir of William Amory, pp. 414-417, by Holmes.] 8vo. [Boston, 1889.] Typical Elms of Massachusetts. Introductory Chapter by O. W. Holmes. Descriptive Text by Lorin L. Dame. Plates [58] by Henry Brooks. 4to. Boston, 1890. Over the Tea-Cups. Vignette. i2mo. Boston, 189 1. Complete Collected Writings [newly revised]. Portraits and illustrations. 13 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1891. *,*Thesame. Large paper. (275 copies.) 13 volumes, 8vo. Cambridge, 1891. The One-Hoss Shay and Companion Poems. With Preface [now first pubhshed] by the Author. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1892. Dorothy Q., together with A Ballad of the Boston Tea-Party and Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle. [With original preface by the author.] Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1893. ***The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) Svo. Boston, 1893. Horatian Echoes. Translations of the Odes of Horace, by John Osborne Sargent, with Introduction by O. W. Holmes. 12 mo. Boston, 1893. 142 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Complete Poetical Works [including many poems now first collected]. Cambridge Edition. Portrait and vignette. 8vo. Boston [1S95]. ^*^Manj of Dr. Holmes' contributions to medical literature have never been reprinted, which will explain why so much more space is given to separate titles of his magazine articles than to those of other authors included in this publication. Besides the articles contributed to the Boston Medical and Sur- gical Journal which are named in this list, the numbers of that iournal for May 17, 1S55, August 2, and September 5, 1867, June 17, 1S75, September 28, 1876, June 16, and 23, iSSi, February 23, 1882, and February 7, 1SS9, contain letters, son- nets, and papers of lesser importance. A list of his numerous contributions to The Atlantic Monthly is rendered unnecessary by the index volume. The New England Magazine, 1S31-1835, published several of his early writings, including the first por- tion of The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. With few excep- tions the magazines named contain all his contributions to periodica,! literature. ***See also Bryant, W. C. : Emersox, R. W. ; Howe, Julia Ward; Longfellow, H. W. ; Lowell. J. R. ; Warner, 'CD.; Whittier, J. G. ; and Winsor, Justin. HOSMER, WILLIAM HENRY CL:\XER. 1S14-1877. The Fall of Tecumseh : a Drama. i2mo. .\von, 1S30. Themes of Song : a Poem. i2mo. Rochester, 1834. The Pioneers of Western New York, a Poem at Geneva, N. Y., .... August I, 1S38. i2mo. Geneva [1838]. Yonnondio ; or, Warriors of the Genessee : a Tale of the Sev- enteenth Century. i2mo. New York, 1S44. An Address by Henry R. Schoolcraft and a Poem by W. H. C. Hosmer before the Xew Confederation of the Iroquois. 8vo. New York, 1846. The Months. i2mo. Boston, 1847. Poetical Works. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1854. Later Lays and Lyrics. i2mo. Rochester, N. Y., 1873. HOWARD, BLANCHE WILLIS. 1847 — [Anonymous.] One Summer. Illustrations. iSmo. Bos- ton, 1875. One Year Abroad. iSmo. Boston, 1877. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 143 Aunt Serena. i6mo. Boston, 1881. Guenn. A Wave on the Breton Coast. Illustrations. i2ino. Boston, 1883. Aulnay Tower. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Tony the Maid. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1 88 7. The Open Door. i2mo. Boston, 1889. A Battle and a Boy. i2mo. New York [1892]. (With William Sharp.) A Fellowe and his Wife. i2nio. Boston, 1892. No Heroes. A Story for Boys. Illustrations. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1S93. HOWE, JULIA WARD. 1819 — [Anonymous.] Passion Flowers. i2mo. Boston, 1854. Words for the Hour. i2mo. Boston, 1857. The World's Own. i2mo. Boston, 1857. Leonore ; or, the World's Own ; a Tragedy. 8vo. New York, 1857. Hippolytus. A Tragedy. i2mo. New York, 1858. A Trip to Cuba. i2mo. Boston, i860. (Edited.) The Boatswain's Whistle. [Containing original contributions by Holmes, Whittier, Emerson and others.] Published at the National Sailors' Fair, November 10-19, 1864. 10 numbers, 410. Boston, 1864. Later Lyrics. i2mo. Boston, 1866. From the Oak to the Olive : a Plain Record of a Pleasant Journey. i2mo. Boston, 1868. (Edited.) Sex in Education. A Reply to E.H.Clarke's " Sex in Education." i2mo. Boston, 1874. Memoir of Samuel Gridley Howe. With other Memorial Tributes [by Holmes, Bryant and others]. Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1876, 144 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Golden Eagle; or, the Privateer of 1776. A National Drama. i2mo. New Yojk, 1876. Modern Society. 12 mo. Boston, 188 1. Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli). i2mo, Boston, 1883. Is Polite Society Polite ? and other Essays. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1895. *^*See also Holmes, O. W., and Warner, C. D. HO WELLS, WILLIAM DEAN. 1837 — (With John James Piatt.) Poems of Two Friends. i2mo. Columbus, i860. Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Ham- lin. Portraits. i2mo. Columbus, i860. *^*Life of Lincoln, bj Howells, pp. to-94; Memorabilia of the Chicago Convention, pp. 97-1 11 ; Speeches of Lincoln, pp. 115-304; Life and Speeches of Hamlin, bj J. L. Hajes, pp. 305-406. The Poets and Poetry of the West. With Biographical and Critical Notices by William T. Coggeshall [and others]. 8vo. Columbus, i860. *^*This volume contains six poems \iy Howells, together with four biographical notices, those of Mary R. Whitteslej, Gordon A. Stewart, Helen L. Bostwick, and John H. A. Bone. Venetian Life. i2mo. New York, 1866. Italian Journeys. i2mo. New York, 1867. No Love Lost : a Romance of Travel. Illustrations. Square i6mo. New York, 1869. Suburban. Sketches. i2mo. New York, 1871. *:^*The same, revised and enlarged. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Their Wedding Journey. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1872. *:,,*The same, with additional chapter, Niagara Revisited, i2mo. Boston, 1887. A Chance Acquaintance. i8mo. Boston, 1873. Poems. i8mo. Boston, 1873. *^*The poem, Naming the Bird, pp. 163-169, is omitted from the Poems of 1886. A Foregone Conclusion. i2mo. Boston, 1875. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 145 The Cambridge of 1776: . . . . with .... the Diary of Dorothy Dudley [containing an introductory sonnet by Howelis]. Edited for the Ladies' Centennial Committee by A[rthur] G[ilman]. Illustrations. 8vo. Cambridge, 1876. Sketch of the Life and Character of Rutherford B. Hayes [pp. vi.-(-i95]. Also [by another author] A Biographical Sketch of William A. Wheeler. 2 portraits. i6mo. New York, 1876. A Day's Pleasure. Illustrations. 33mo. Boston, 1876. The Parlor Car. Farce. 32mo. Boston, 1876. Out of the Question. A Comedy. i8mo. Boston, 1877. A Counterfeit Presentment. Comedy. i8mo. Boston, 1877. (Edited, with introductory essays.) Choice Autobiographies. 8 volumes, i8mo. Boston, 1877. *^*i., ii.. Margravine of Baireuth ; iii , Lord Herbert of Cher- bury and Thomas Elwood; iv., Vittoria Alfieri ; v., Carlo Gol- doni; vi., Edward Gibbon; vii., viii., Francois Marmontel. The Lady of the Aroostook. i2mo. Boston, 1879. The Undiscovered Country. i2mo. Boston, 1880. A Fearful Responsibihty and other Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1881. Dr. Breen's Practice. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1881. Buying a Horse. 3 2 mo. Boston, 1881. A Modern Instance. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1882. The Sleeping Car. A Farce. 32mo. Boston, 1883. A Woman's Reason. i2mo. Boston, 1883. A Little Girl [Mildred Howelis] among the Old Masters. With Introduction and Comment by V\', D. Howelis. 54 illustrations. Oblong i6mo. Boston, 1884. Niagara Revisited, 12 Years after their W'edding Journey, by the Hoosac Tunnel Route. Colored illustrations. Small 4to. Chicago [1884]. ***Reprinted, with alteration of text, from The Atlantic Monthl}', 1883; but, owing to threatened litigation, not circu- lated, the entire issue being, with the exception of a few copies, destroyed. 146 A MERICA N A UTHORS. The Register. Farce. i8mo. Boston. 18S4. Three Villages. i8mo. Boston, 1SS4. 'he Rise of Silas Lapham. i2mo. Boston, 1SS5. The Elevator. Farce. iSmo. Boston, 1885. Indian Summer. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Tuscan Cities. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1886. The Garroters. Farce. i2mo. Boston, 1886. Poems [including four now lirst collected]. 12 mo. Bos- ton, 1886. George Fuller : his Life and Works. A Memorial Volume. [Containing biographical sketch by Howells, and contribu- tions by Stillman, Whittier and others.] Portrait and plates, India paper proofs. (300 copies.) 4to. Boston, 1886. Modern Italian Poets : Essays and Versions. Portraits. i2mo. New York, 1887. The Minister's Charge ; or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. i2mo. Boston, 1887. (Edited, with Thomas S. Perry.) Library of Universal Ad- venture by Sea and Land. Including Original Narratives and Authentic Stories of Personal Prowess and Peril .... from the vear 79, A. D., to 1888. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1888. April Hopes. i2mo. New York, 1888. A Sea-Change ; or, Love's Stowaway. A Lyricated Farce. .... i8mo. Boston, 1888. Annie Kilburn. i2mo. New York, 1889. . The Mouse-Trap and other Farces. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1889. The Sleeping-Car and other Farces. i2mo. Boston, 1890. A Hazard of New Fortunes. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1890. *^*Also issued (without illustrations), 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1890. — - /K^ ^>U<^i^^-r Cc^'-^ A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 147 The Shadow of a Dream. 12 mo. New York, 1890. ' The House by the Medlar-Tree. Translated by Mar) A. Craig. Introduction by W. D. Howells. i6mo. New York, 1890. A Boy's Town. Described for " Harper's Young People." -^ Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. Pastels in Prose. From the French. Translated by Stuart Merrill, with Introduction by W. D. Howells. Illustra- tions. i6mo. New York, 1890. Criticism and Fiction. Portrait. i6mo. New \'ork, 1S91. (Edited, with introduction.) Poems, by George Pellew. 8vo. Boston [1892]. Venetian Life. [A new edition.] Illustrations. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1892. *^*Tlie same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 2 vohimes, 8vo. Cambridge, 1892. An Imperative Duty. i2mo. New York, 1892. The Albany Depot. Illustrations. 32010. New York, 1892. A Letter of Introduction. Farce. Illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1892. A Little Swiss Sojourn. Illustrations. 33mo. New York, 1892. The Quality of Mercy. i2mo. New York,, 1892) - /S?/ The World of Chance. i2mo. New York, 1893. — — ~ The Coast of Bohemia. i2mo. New York, 1893. (With S. L. Clemens and others.) The Niagara Book. II- « lustrations. i2mo. Buffalo, 1893. Christmas Every Day and other Stories told for Children. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1893. Evening Dress. Farce. 32mo. New York, 1893. My Year in a Log Cabin. Illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1893. The Unexpected Guests. Farce. 32mo. New York, 1893 A 148 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A Likely Story. Farce. 321110. New York, 1894. Five o'clock Tea. Farce. Illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1894. — -"^ A Traveller from Altruria. Romance. i2mo. New York, 1894. Their Wedding Journey. Holiday Edition. Illustrations. Small 8vo. Boston, 1895. ♦^*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1895. Recollections of Life in Ohio, 1813-1840. By William Cooper Howells. With Introduction by W. D. Howells. Portrait. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1895. My Literary Passions. i2mo. New York, 1895. I Stops of Various Quills. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New A*"*^ ** i *^*The same. Edition de Luxe, printed in sepia. (50 M copies.) Square Svo. New York, 1895. V^- fti'*^ *+*See also Aldrich, T. B. ; Garland, Hamlin; James, Henry; Longfellow, H. W. ; Lowell, J. R.; Stoddard, C. W. ; Thoreau, H. D. HUTTON, LAWRENCE. 1843 — Plays and Players. 8vo. New York, 1875. *^*Thesame. Large paper. (25 copies.) 4to. New York, 1875- Literary Landmarks of London. i2mo. Boston and Lon- don, 1877. (With Clara Erskine Clement.) Artists of the Nineteenth Century and their Works. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1879. (Edited.) American Actor Series. Portraits and illustra- tions. 6 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1881-82. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 6 volumes, 4to. Boston, 18S1-82. Memories of Fifty Years, by Lester Wallack. With an Intro- duction by Lawrence Hutton. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1887. *:,.*The same. Large paper. (500 copies.) Svo. New York, 1887. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 149 (Collected and annotated.) Opening Addresses written for and delivered at the First Performances in many American Theatres, from Boston to San Francisco, 1752-1880. Illustrations. (175 copies.) 8vo. New York: The Dunlap Society, 1887. Occasional Addresses, 1 773-1890. (185 copies.) 8vo. New York : The Dunlap Society, 1890. Curiosities of the American Stage. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. New York and London, 1891. . (Edited.) Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie Collins. Portraits and facsimiles. i6mo. New York, 1892. Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. Illustrations. i2mo. New York and London, 1892. From the Books of Lawrence Hutton. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1892. Edwin Booth, Portrait and illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1893. Portraits in Plaster. From the Collection of Lawrence Hut- ton. Illustrations. 8vo. New York and London, 1894. Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem. Illustrations. i2mo. New York and London, 1895. Other Times and other Seasons. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1895. ***See also Matthews, Brander. IRELAND, JOSEPH NORTON. 1817— Fifty Years of a Play-Goer's journal ; or Annals of the New York Stage. 1798-1848." By H. N. D. ^ parts, i2mo. New York [i860]. *^ Records of the New York Stage from 1750 to i860. Por- traits. (200 copies.) 2 volumes, royal 8vo. New York, 1866. ***The same. Large paper. (60 copies, 2 of same on Whatman paper.) 4to. New York, 1866. Some Account of the Ireland Family, originally of Long Island, N. Y., 1644-1880. 8vo. Bridgeport, t88o. 150 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Mrs. Duff. Portraits and illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1882. *^*Tlie same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 410. Boston, 1882. Thomas Abthorpe Cooper. A Memoir of his Professional Life. Portrait. (195 copies.) 8vo. New York : The Dunlap Society, 1888. Charlotte Cushman, a Lecture by Lawrence Barrett [with letter from J.N. Ireland]. Portrait. 8vo. New York : The Dunlap Society, 1889. IRVING, WASHINGTON. 17S3-1859. A Voyage to the P^astern Part of Terra Firma, or the Spanish Main in South- America, during the Years 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804. By F. Depons. . . . Translated by An American Gentleman. 3 volumes, Svo. New York, 1806. (With J. K. Paulding and William Irving.) Salmagundi; or the Whim-Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaffe, Esq., and Others. 2 volumes, or 20 numbers [January, 1807-January, 1808], i2mo. New York, 1807-1808. A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. ... By Diedrich Knick- erbocker. Folded view of New Amsterdam. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1809. The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. Including Several Poems from the Original Manuscript, never before pub- lished in this Country. To which is prefixed a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by A Gentleman of New- York. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Albany [etc.], 1810. *^*" Published bj Edward Earle, Philadelphia. Also by D. Mallory & Co., Boston; P. H. Nicklin & Co., Baltimore; Ly- man, Hall & Co., Portland; and Swift and Chipman, Middle- buiy, Vt. Fry and Kammerer, Printers, 1810. " So reads the imprint on the original board covers of the copy from which this title is transcribed; the corresponding inscription on title page reads, "Printed for D. W. Farrand & Green, Albany. Also for E. Earle, Philadelphia," etc. ; on the title page of the Boston Public Library copy this is changed to " Printed for P. H. Nicklin & Co., Baltimore, also for D. W. Farrand and Green, Albany," etc., and it seems safe to assume that on the title pages of copies assigned to any of the booksellers named their business place would take precedence — the original covers retaining the Philadelphia imprint as here indicated. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 151 (Edited, anonymously.) The Analectic Magazine, containing Selections from Foreign Reviews and Magazines of such Articles as are Most Valuable, Curious, or Entertaining. Portraits and illustrations. 6 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813-15. ***The first number, Januarv, 1S13, was issued with the title "Select Reviews, and Spirit'of Foreign Magazines. New Series:" the note, " To Readers," on last page of wrapper, conveying the editor's apologies for his inability to attend to the editorial work of that number, his remonstrance against unwelcome compliments, extravagant panegyrics, etc., and the announcement that the title of next number "will probably vary from that hitherto adopted." The publication contained, in addition to the selections, several original poems, sketches, reviews, and biographies, by Irving, Paulding and others. Com- mencing with vol. vii., the title was changed to The Analectic Magazine and Naval Chronicle. Biography of James Lawrence, late Captain in the Navy of the United States ; together with a Collection of Papers relative to the Action between the Chesapeake and Shan- non, and the Death of Captain Lawrence. Portrait. i8mo. New Brunswick, 18 13. ***The biographical sketch by Irving, pp. 9-60, is reprinted from The Analectic Magazine for August, 1813. The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. Comprising Sev- eral Pieces not contained in any Former Edition. To which is prefixed a Revised and Improved Biographical Sketch of the Author [pp. 1-24], by .A Gentleman of New- York. 24mo. [Philadelphia, 1815.] ***The engraved false title bears the imprint of the pub- lisher, Edward Earle, which is omitted on title page. The false title makes no reference to revision of the biographical sketch, which is considerably altered from that of the 1810 edition; nor to the " several pieces " referred to on title page, and which may have been absorbed by Caroline, pp. 204-209, the only poem here added to those of the previous collection. The biographical sketch, in its revised form, was first published in The Analectic Magazine for March, 1S15. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 7 parts, 8vo. New York, 1819-20. ***Arranged for two volumes; the pagination of parts i., ii., iii., >c., forming vol. i., occurs in regular volume sequence; whilst the separate pagination of each part is retained in parts v., vi.. vii., or second volume. Bracebridge Hall ; or, the Humourists. .A Medley, by Geof- frey Crayon, Gent. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1822. *^*After 1S20, Irving's works were published simultaneously in New York and London. 152 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent. By The Author of The Sketch-Book, with a Biographical Notice. 8vo. New York, 1824. Tales of a Traveller. 4 parts, 8vo. New York, 1824. History of the Life and Times of Christopher Columbus. Map. 3 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1828. *:i,*The same. Abridged bv the author. i2mo. New York, 1829. A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. By Fray Antonio Agapida. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1829. (Edited.) Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, with an Account ol his Life and Writings. Portrait. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1S30. ***Published in Paris some time previous to publication in Philadelphia. Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. The Alhambra : a Series of Tales and Sketches of the Moors and Spaniards. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1832. Poems, by William Cullen Bryant, an American. Edited [with introductory dedication, 4 pp., to Samuel Rogers,] by Washington Irving. i2mo. London, 1832. Works [now first collected] . Portrait. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1834. The Crayon Miscellany. 3 volumes, i6mo. Philadelphia, 1835- *^*i., A Tour on the Prairies; ii.. Abbotstord and New- stead Abbey; iii., Legends of the Conquest of Spain. Astoria ; or, Incidents of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. 2 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. The Rocky Mountains : or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adven- tures in the Far West. Digested from the Journal of Captain B . L. E. Bonneville .... 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1837. The Life of OHver Goldsmith, with Selections from his Writ- ings. Portrait. 2 volume.*, i8mo. New York, 1840. ♦^♦The biography occupies pp. 9-186 of first volume. Works. Portrait. 2 volumes, royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 153 Biography and Poetical Remains of the Late Margaret Miller Davidson. 12010. Philadelphia, 1841. The Poetry and History of Wyoming : containing Campbell's Gertrude, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author by W. Irving ; and the History of Wyoming .... by William L.Stone. Illustrations, lamo. New York, 184 1. A Book of the Hudson. Collected from the Various Works of Diedrich Knickerbocker. Edited by Geoffrey Crayon. Vignette title. i8mo. New York, 1849. Oliver Goldsmith : a Biography. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1849. Mahomet and his Successors. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1849-50. Wolfert's Roost, and other Papers now First Collected. Fron- tispiece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1855. The Life of Washington. Portraits and illustrations. 5 vol- umes, 8vo. New York, 1855-59. ***i., 1855; ii., iii., 1856; iv., 1857; v., 1S59. *^*The same. Large paper, (no copies.) 5 volumes, 410. New York, 1855-59. Irvingiana. [A memorial volume, including tributes by Longfellow and Bancroft, together with an unpublished letter by Irving.] Square 8vo. New York, 1S60. Life and Letters. Edited by Pierre W.. Irving. Portraits. 4 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1862-64. *^*i., ii.. 1862; iii., 1863; iv., 1S64. *^*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 4 volumes, 410. New York, 1862-64. Spanish Papers and other Miscellanies hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected. Edited by Pierre j\L Irving. Portrait and frontispiece. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1866. *;^*The same. Large paper, (no copies.) 2 volumes, 410. New York, 1866. *^*The tollowing titles have also been attributed to Irving, but without any satisfactory proof that he was, directly or re- motely, connected with their publication : The Literary Picture Gallery, etc., to the Visitors of Ballston Spa. 1808. Fragment of a Journal of a Sentimental Philosopher. 8vo. New York, 1809. 154 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A Word in Season touching the Present Misunderstanding in the Episcopal Church. Bj A Layman. 8vo. New York, 1811. Brief Remarks on "The Wife." 8vo. New York, 1819. *+*See also Bryant, W. C.; Hoffman, C. F. ; and Lowell, JR. JACKSON, HELEN MARIA HUNT. (H. H.) 1831-1885. Bathmendi : a Persian Tale. Translated for the Children from the French .... i2mo. Boston, 1867. Nathan the Wise, a Dramatic Poem by G. E. Lessing. Trans- lated by Ellen Frothingham. Preceded by a Brief Account of the Poet and his Works [by H. H., pp. v.-xxiii.], and followed by an Essay on the Poem by Kuno Fischer. i6mo. New York, 1868. Verses. i6mo. Boston, 1870. Bits of Travel. i8mo. Boston, 1872. Bits of Talk about Home Matters. i8mo. Boston, 1873. The Story of Boon. Square i6mo. Boston, 1874. [Anonymous.] Mercy Philbrick's Choice. i6mo. Boston, 1876. Bits of Talk in Verse and Prose for Young Folks. i8mo. Boston, 1876. [Anonymous.] Hetty's Strange History. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Bits of Travel at Home. i8mo. Boston, 1878. Nelly's Silver Mine. i6mo. Boston, 1878. Letters from a Cat. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1879. Mammy Tittleback and her Family. A True Story of Seven- teen Cats. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1881. A Century of Dishonor : a Sketch of the United States Gov- ernment's Dealings with some of the Indian Tribes. i2mo. ■ New York, 1881. The Training of Children. i6rao. New York, 1882. 1 A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 155 (With Abbott Kinney.) Report on the Condition and Needs of the Mission Indians of California. Svo. Washington, 18S3. Raniona. A Story. 121110. P>oston, 1884. The Hunter Cats of Connorloa. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1884. Zeph. A Posthumous Story. i3mo. Boston, 1885. Glimpses of Three Coasts. i2mo. Boston, 1S86. Sonnets and Lyrics. 24mo. Boston, 1886. Between Whiles. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The Procession of Flowers in Colorado. Illustrations in colors. (100 copies.) 4to. Boston, 18S7. Poems. Complete. Portrait and illustrations. 121110. Bos- ton, 1892. *^*The same. Edition de Luxe. (250 copies.; Svo. Bos- ton, 1892. JAMES, HENRY. 1843 — Balloon Post. [Consisting of original contributions by Henry James, W. D. Howells, Bret Harte and others.] Published at the French Fair [in aid of the destitute people of France], April 1 1 -1 7, 1 87 1. 6 numbers, 4to. Boston, 1871. Transatlantic Sketches. i2mo. Boston, 1875. A Passionate Pilgrim and other Tales. 121110. Boston, 1875. Roderick Hudson. 12 mo. Boston, 1876. The .American. i2mo. Boston, 1877. Watch and Ward. iSmo. New York, 1878. French Poets and Novelists. i2mo. New York, 1878. Daisy Miller. A Study. 32mo. New York, 1878. The Europeans. A Sketch. 2 volumes, i2mo. London, 1878. *^*Also, one volume, i2mo. Boston, 1879. An International Episode. 321110. New York, 1879. 156 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Madonna of the Future and other Tales. 2 volumes^ i2mo. London, 1879. Hawthorne. i2mo. London, 1879. *:^*Also, i2mo. New York, iSSo. A Bundle of Letters. (Reprinted from the Parisian.) Square 1 2 mo. Boston [1880]. Confidence. i2mo. Boston, 1880. The Diary of a Man of Fifty [and A Bundle of Letters]. 32mo. New York, 1880. Washington Square. Illustrations. i2mo. New York,. 1880. The Portrait of a Lady. i2mo. Boston, 1882. Daisy Miller. A Comedy in Three Acts. i6mo. Boston^ 1883. The Siege of London ; The Pension Beaurepas ; and The Point of View. i2mo. Boston, 1883. Portraits of Places. i2mo. London, 1883. *^*Also, i2mo. Boston, 18S4. Tales of Three Cities. i2mo. Boston, 1884. A Little Tour in France. i2mo. Boston, 1885. The Art of Fiction [with companion essay, bearing the same title, by Walter Besant] . i2mo. Boston, 1S85. Stories Revived. First and Second Series. 2 volumes^ i2mo. London, 1885. The Author of Beltraffio [and other stories]. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1885. The Bostonians : a Novel. i2mo. New York, i886. The Princess Cassamassima : a Novel. i2mo. New York, 1886. Partial Portraits. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Aspern Papers and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Reverberator : a Novel. i2mo. New York, i§88. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 157 A London Life [and other stories]. 12 mo. New York, 1889. The Tragic Muse. 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1890. The Odd Number. Thirteen Tales by Guy de Maupassant. Translatetl by Jonathan Sturges. Introduction by H. James. i6mo. New York, 1890. {Translated.) Port Tarascon. The Last Adventures of the Illustrious Tartarin. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1891. The Lesson of the Master [and other stories]. i2mo. New York, 1892. Daisy Miller, and An International Episode. Illustrations. Small 8vo. New York, 1892. *^*The same. Edition de Luxe. (250 copies.) Svo. New- York, 1892. The Real Thing and other Tales. i2mo. New York, 1893. Picture and Text. Portrait and illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1893. The Private Life [and other stories]. i6mo. New York, 1893. Essays in London and Elsewhere. i2mo. New York, 1893. Theatricals. 2 volumes, i6mo. -^ New York, 1S94. The Wheel of Time* i6mo. New York, 1894- %2) Terminations. i2mo. New York, 1895. [Anonymous.] " The Quest of the Holy Grail." The First Portion of a Series of Paintings to be done for the Decora- tion of the Public Library of Boston, U. S. A. By Edwin A. Abbey. 8vo. [London] 1895. *^*After the death ot Henry James, Sr., in 1882, Mr. James omitted the "Jr.," which previously had been appended to his name on the title pages of his published works. JANVIER, THOMAS ALLIBONE. 1849 — Color Studies. i2mo. New York, 1885. The Mexican Guide. i6mo. New York, 1886 \et seq^^. The Aztec Treasure House. A Romance of Contemporane- ous Antiquity. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. 1 58 A MERICA N A UTHORS. Stories of Old New Spain. Illustrations. T^mo. New York, 1 89 1. 'ITie Uncle of an Angel and other Stories. Illustrations. i2mo. New Vol k, 1S91. Color Studies and a Mexican Campaign. i2mo. New York, 1 89 1. An Embassy to Provence. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1893. The Women's Conquest. i6mo. New York. 1893. In Old New York. Maps and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1S94. JEWETT, SARAH ORNE. 1849 — Deephaven. i8mo. Boston, 1S77. Play Days. iSmo. Boston, 1878. Old Friends and Ne>v. i8mo. Boston, 1S79. Country By-Ways. i8mo. Boston, 1881. The Mate of the Daylight and Friends Ashore. iSmo. Bos- ton, 1883. A Country Doctor. i6mo. Boston, 1884. A Marsh Island. A Novel. i6mo. Boston, 1885. A White Heron and other Stories. i8mo. Boston, 1886. The Story of the Normans told chiefly in Relation to their Conquest of England. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1887. The King of Folly Island and other People. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1888. Betty Leicester. i8mo. Boston, 1890. Tales of New England. i6mo. Boston, 1890. Strangers and Wayfarers. i6mo. Boston, 1890. A Native of Winby and other Tales. i6mo. Boston, 1893. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 159 Deephaven. Holiday Edition. Illustrations. Small 8vo. Boston, 1894. *^*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1894. Betty Leicester's English Christmas. (Privately printed.) i2mo. Baltimore, 1894. The Life of Nancy. i2mo. Boston, 1S95. JOHNSON, ROSSITER. 1840 — (Edited.) Little Classics. 18 volumes, i8mo. Boston, 1874-80. (Edited.) Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Morris, with Biographical Sketches. Illustrations. 3 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1876. (Edited.) Famous Single and Fugitive Poems. i2mo. New York, 1S77. (Edited.) Play-Day Poems. i6mo. New York, 187S. Phaeton Rogers : a Novel of Boy Life. Illustrations. i2rao. New York, 1881. A History of the War of 181 2- 1 5 between the United States and Great Britain. i2mo. New York, 1882. A History of the French War, ending in the Conquest of Canada. 12 mo. New York, 1882. (Edited, with Charles A. Dana.) Fifty Perfect Poems. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1882. Idler and Poet. (Poems.) i2mo. Boston, 1883. A History of the War of Secession, 1861-1865. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1892. The End of a Rainbow : an American Story. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. (Edited, with John D Champlm and George Cary Eggles- ton.) Liber Scriptorum : the First Book of the Authors Club. 4to. New York, 1893. Three Decades. (Privately printed.) i2mo. New York, 1895. 160 AMERICAN AUTHORS. JOHNSTON, RICHARD MALCOLM. 1822 — Georgia Sketches. By An Old Man. i6i"no. Augusta, Ga., 1864. Dukesborough Tales. By Philemon Perch. Square i2mo. Baltimore, 1871. (With William Hand Browne.) A Historical Sketch of English Literature. i2mo. New York, 1872. (With W. H. Browne.) Life of Alexander H. Stephens. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Old Mark Langston. A Tale of Duke's Creek. i6mo. New York, 1884. Two Gray Tourists. i2mo. Baltimore, 1885. Mr. Absalom BiUingslea and other Georgia Folk. Illustra- tions. i6mo. New York, 1888. Ogeechee Cross-Firings. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1889. The Widow Guthrie. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1890. The Primes and their Neighbors. Ten Tales of Middle Georgia. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 189 1. Studies, Literary and Social. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Indianapo- lis, 1891-92. Dukesborough Tales. Chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. i2mo. New York, 1892. Mr. Billy Downs and his Likes. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1892. Mr. Fortner's Marital Claims and other Stories. i6mo. New York, 1892. Little Ike Templin and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1894. JONES, JAMES ATHEARN. 1790-1853. [Anonymous.] Tales of an Indian Camp. Illustrations by W. H. Brooke. 3 volumes, small 8vo. London, 1820. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Kil A Letter to an English Gentleman, on the Libels and Calum- nies on America by English Writers and Reviewers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. Traditions of the North American Indians : being a Second and Revised Edition of Tales of an Indian Camp. 3 vol- umes, small Svo. London, 1830. Haverhill ; or, Memoirs of an Officer in the Army of Wolfe. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1831. *^*Also, 3 volumes, small Svo. London, 1831. A Biographical Account of the Late Ichabod Norton, Esq., of Edgartown, Mass. (Printed for private distribution.) 8vo. Boston, 1848. JONES, JOHN B. 1810-1866. Thoughts on the Literary Prospects of America. 8vo. Bal- timore, 1839. Wild Western Scenes ; a Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, Forty Years ago ; wherein the Conduct of Daniel Boone, the Great American Pioneer, is particu- larly described. By A Squatter. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1S45. The Spanglers and Tinglers ; or, the Rival Belles. A Tale unveiling some of the Mysteries of Society and Politics as they exist at the Present Time in the United States. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1852. Adventures of Col. Gracchus Vanderbomb, of Sloughcreek, in Pursuit of the Presidency : also the Exploits of Mr. Nu- merius Plutarch Kipps, his Private Secretary. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1852. The Monarchist. An Historical Novel, embracing Real Characters and Romantic Adventures. i2mo. Philadel- phia, 1853. Life and Adventures of a Country Merchant : a Narrative of his Exploits at Home, during his Travels, and in the Cities. Designed to amuse and instruct. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1854. The Winkles ; or, the Merry Monomaniacs. An American Picture with Portraits of the Natives. i2mo. New York, 1855. 1()2 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The War- Path. A Narrative of Adventures in the Wilderness. .... i2mo. Philadelphia, 1S56. Wild Southern Scenes. A Tale of Disunion ! and Border War! i2mo. Philadelphia [1859]. Wild Western Scenes ; or, the White Spirit of the Wilderness. Being a Narrative of Adventures embracing the same Characters portrayed in the Original Wild W^estern Scenes. i2mo. Richmond, 1863. The Rival Belles; or, Life in Washington. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1864. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States' Capi- tal, 1861-1865. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1866. JUDAH, SAMUEL B. H. The Mountain Torrent. A Melo-Drama. i8mo. New York, 1820. Odofriede, the Outcast; a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. New York, 1822. The Rose of Arragon. i6mo. New York, 1822. [Anonymous.] Gotham and the Gothamites, a Medley. i8mo. New York, 1823. *^*A satire on New York society, which resulted in the im- prisonment of the author, who was also the publisher, and the suppression of the work. [Anonymous.] A Tale of Lexington : a National Comedy, founded on the Opening of the Revolution. i8mo. New York, 1S23. The Buccaneers ; a Romance of our own Country in its An- cient Days ; illustrated with Divers Marvellous Histories, and Antique and Facetious Episodes ; gathered from the Most Authentic Chronicles of the Settlement of the Niew Nederlandts .... [by] Terentius Phlogobombos. . . . 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston and New York, 1827. *^*Suppressed, owing to the libelous passage in the intro- duction. Sabin discovered some copies of the work from which the offensive passage was omitted. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 163 JUDD, SYLVESTER. 1 813-1853. Margaret. A Tale of the Real and Ideal, Blight and Bloom ; including Sketches of a Place not before described, called Mons Christi. i2mo. Boston, 1845. [Anonymous.] Richard Edney and the Governor's Family. A Rus-Urban Tale. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Philo : an Evangeliad. 12 mo. Boston, 1850. The Church; in a Series of Discourses. i2mo. Boston, 1854. *^* For separate titles and dates of the author's pubh'shed ser- mons and discourses, consult the last-named work. KENNEDY, JOHN PENDLETON. 1 795-1870. (With Peter Hoffman.) The Red Book. 2 volumes, 8vo. Baltimore, 1818-19. [Anonymous.] Swallow Barn, or, a Spjourn in the Old Do- minion. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1832. Horse-Shoe Robinson : a Tale of the Tory Ascendancy. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1835. [Anonymous.] Rob of the Bowl : a Legend of St. Inigoes. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1838. Quodlibet : containing some Annals thereof, with an Authen- tic Account of the Origin and Growth of the Borough, and the Sayings and Doings of Sundry of the Townspeople. .... Edited by Solomon Second Thoughts, School- master. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1840. *^,*A satire on the methods which resulted in the election of William Henry Harrison to the presidencj'. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, Attorney-Generalof the United States. Portrait and facsimile. 2 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Swallow Barn. Revised Edition, with 20 illustrations by Strother. i2mo. New York, 1852. The Blackwater Chronicle : a Narrative of an Expedition into the Land of Canaan, in Randolph County, Virginia, in 1 85 1. By The Clerke of Oxenforde. Illustrations by Strother. i2mo. New York, 1853. 1 64 A MERICA N A UTHORS. Narrative of an Expedition of Five Americans into a Land of Wild Animals. Illustrations by Watts Phillips. i6mo. London, 1854. Works [first collected edition]. 3 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1854. (Edited, with Alexander Bliss.) Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors. [Selections in facsimile of the authors' manuscript.] Illustrations. 4to. Baltimore, 1864. Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion. i6mo. New York, 1865. Works [including biography by H. T. Tuckerman] . 10 vol- umes, i2mo. New York, 1870-72. At Home and Abroad ; a Series of Essays : with a Journal in Europe in 1867-8. i2mo. New York, 1872. *^*Also numerous lectures, essays and addresses, for sepa- rate titles of whioh see Works. KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT. 1779-1843. Oration in the Capitol of the United States, on the Fourth of July, 1 83 1. 8vo. Washington, 1831. The Power of Literature and its Connexion with Religion. An Oration, dehvered at Bristol College, July 23, 1834, before the Philologian Society. 8vo. Bristol, 1834. Poems. With an Introductory Letter by Chief Justice Taney. i6mo. New York, 1857. The Star Spangled Banner. Illustrations by Darley. 4to. New York [1861]. KIRKLAND, JOSEPH. 1830-1894. Zur)' : the Meanest Man in Spring County. A Novel ot Western Life. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The McVeys. (An Episode.) i6mo. Boston, 1888. The Captain of Company K. i2mo. Chicago, 189 1. (With Caroline Kirkland.) The Story of Chicago. Illustra- tions. 2 volumes, 8vo. Chicago, 1892-94. The Chicago oMassacre of 1812. Illustrations. i2mo. Chi- cago, 1893. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 165 LAIGHTON, ALBERT. 1829-1887. Poems. i6mo. Boston and Portsmouth, 1859. (Edited, with Aurin M. Payson.) The Poets of Portsmouth. Small Svo. Boston and Portsmouth, 1865. Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1878. *;^*Onlj a few of the poems published in 1859 are retained in this edition. I, ANIER, SIDNEY. 1842-1881. Tiger-Lilies. A Novel. i6mo. New York, 1867. The Centennial Celebration of Columbia. A Cantata for the Inaugural Ceremonies at Philadelphia, May 10, 1876. Music by Dudley Buck. Royal 8vo. New York [1876]. Florida : its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken. . . . Illustrations. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1876. Poems. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1877. Sketch of the Life of J. F. D. Lanier. Printed for the Use of his Family only. [With genealogical appendix, pp. 75-87, by Sidney Lanier.] Portrait. 8vo. [New York, 1877.] (With others.) Some Highways and Byways of American Travel. Illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. *^*The articles on St. Augustine in April, and Ocklaroaha in May, were contributed by Lanier. (Edited.) The Boys' Froissart. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1878. (Edited.) The Boys' King Arthur. Illustrations. Svo. New York, 1880. The Science of English Verse. i2mo. New York, 1880. (Edited.) The Boys' Mabinogion. Illustrations. Svo. New York, 1 88 1. (Edited.) The Boys' Percy. Illustrations. Svo. New York, 1882. The English Novel and the Principle of its Development. i2mo. New York. 1883. 1G(5 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Poems. Edited by his Wife. With a Biographical Sketch by WiUiam Hayes Ward. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1884. LANIGAN, GEORGE THOMAS. 1 845-1 886. (Edited.) National Ballads of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1S65. Fables by G. Washington /Esop. Taken " Anywhere, Any- where, out of The World." Illustrations. Small 4to. New York, 1878. The World's Almanac for 1879. Illustrations. Small 4to. New York [1878]. LARCOM, LUCY. 1 826-1 893. Ships in the Mist and other Stories. i8mo. Boston, 1859. The Sunbeam and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, i860. Similitudes. i6mo. Boston, 18^. ^j'^^ Leila among the Mountains. i6mo. Boston, 186 1. Our Young Folks. A Magazine for Boys and Girls. Illus- trations. 6 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1865-70. *^*Vols. i., ii., iii., were edited by Lucy Larcom, J. T. Trow- bridge, and Gail Hamilton: vols, iv., v., vi., by Lucy Larcom and J. T. Trowbridge. (Edited.) Breathings of the Better Life. Square i6mo. Boston, 1866. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1869. Childhood Songs. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1875. An Idyl of VVork. i6mo. Boston, 1875. (Edited.) Roadside Poems for Summer Travellers. Square i6mo. Boston, 1876. (Edited.) Hill-Side and Sea-Side in Poetry. Square i6mo. Boston, 1877. Landscape in American Poetry. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. New York [1879]. Wild Roses of Cape Ann and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1881. A BIBLIOGRAPIir. 167 Poetical Works. Portrait. i2mo. Boston. 1885. (Edited.) Beckonings for every Day: a Calendar of Thought. i6mo. Boston, 1886. A New England Girlhood ; Outlines from Memory. i6mo. Boston, 1889. Easter Gleams. i6mo. Boston, 1890. As it is in Heaven. i6mo. Boston, 1891. At the Beautiful Gate and other Songs of Faith. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1892. The Unseen Friend. i6mo. Boston, 1892. Life, Letters, and Diary of Lucy Larcom, by Daniel D. Addi- son. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1894. *;^*Miss Larcom's earliest printed compositions appeared in the pages of The Lowell Offering, to which she and her sister were regular contributors. The numbers of this publication for October and December, 1S40, and January and February, 1841, Nos. 1-4, were issued in quarto form, with the title "The Lowell Offering: a Repository of Original Articles on Various Subjects, written by Operatives;" the number for April, 1841, issued as Vol. i, No. i, appeared as "The Lowell Offering; a Repository of Original Articles, written exclusively by B'emales employed in the Mills" — and in octavo form, as did all subse- quent issues, the sub-title undergoing occasional slight altera- tions. Vol. I consisted of the numbers for April to December, inclusive, 1841 ; vol. 2, January to September, inclusive, 1842; vol. 3, October, 1842, to September, 1843, inclusive; vol.4, November, 1S43, to October, 1844, inclusive; and vol. 5, Janu- ary to December, inclusive, 1S45. At this date the publication was discontinued, but was resumed, April, 1S48, as "The New England Offering : written by Females who are or have been Factory Operatives. Harriet Farley, Editor." The numbers for April to December, inclusive, 1848, appeared as "new series, Nos. 1-9;" the number for January, 1849, ^® "Vol. i. No. I," whilst some of the subsequent numbers, including the last issued, March, 1S50, appeared with the imprint, vols, vi., vii., viii., indicating the publication as a continuation of The Lowell Offering. Two short-lived Lowell rivals of The Offer- ing, and now of almost equal scarcity, were The Operatives' Magazine, published in 1842, and The Ladies' Pearl, 1841-43. Whittier contributed original poems to the latter publication. LATHROP, GEORGE PARSONS. 185 1— Rose and Roof-Tree. Frontispiece. i6mo. Boston, 1875. 168 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A Study of Hawthorne [in which is included Hawthorne's Diary, reprinted from The Portland Transcript] . Vignette. i8mo. Boston, 1876. [Anonymous.] Afterglow. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Somebody Else. i6mo. Boston, 1878. [Edited, anonymously.] A Masque of Poets. [Original poems, by fifty living authors, specially written for this collection.] i6mo. Boston, 1878. Presidential Pills : being a Vade-Mecum of Matters con- cerning Generals Hanfield and Garcock. Illustrations. i8mo. Boston, 1880. An Echo of Passion. i2mo. Boston, 1882. In the Distance. A Novel. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Spanish Vistas. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1883. History of the Union League of Philadelphia from its Origin and Foundation to 1882. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. Newport. i6mo. New York, 1884. True, and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1884. Representative Poems of Living Poets, American and Eng- lish. Selected by the Poets themselves, with an Introduc- tion [pp. vii.-xxvi.] by G. P. Lathrop. Illustrations. 8vo. New York [1886]. Behind Time. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1886]. Gettysburg, a Battle Ode. 8vo. New York, 1888. Two Sides of a Story. i2mo. New York [1889]. Would you kill him ? A Novel. i2nio. New York, 1889. (With W. H. Rideing.) The Letter of Credit. Square i6mo. New York, 1890. Dreams and Days. Poems. i2mo. New York, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 169 (With Rose Hawthorne Lathrop.) A Story of Courage : Annals of the Georgetown Convent of the Visitation. Il- lustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1894. *^*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) Svo. Boston, 1894. *^*See also Hawthorne, N. L.^ZARUS, EMMA. 1849- 188 7. Poems and Translations, written between the Ages of Four- teen and Seventeen. i2mo. New York, 1867. Admetus and other Poems. 8vo. New York, 1871. Alide : an Episode of Goethe's Life, i6mo. Philadelphia, 1874. The Spagnoletto : a Play. (Privately printed.) 8vo. [New York] 1876. (Translated.) Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine. To which is prefixed a Biographical Sketch of Heine [by the translator] . 1 2 mo. New York, 1 88 1 . Songs of a Semite ; The Dance to Death, and other Poems. Svo. New York, 1882. Poems. With Biographical Sketch [by Josephine Lazarus] . Portrait. 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1889. LEGGETT, WILLIAM. 1802-1840. Poems, i2mo. Edwardsville, 1822. *^*Privately printed, and bound, by the author. Leisure Hours at Sea; being a Few Miscellaneous Poems. By A Midshipman of the United States Navy. i2mo. New York, 1825. (Edited.) The Critic ; a Weekly Journal of Literature, Fine Arts, and the Drama. Royal 8vo. New York, 1828- 29. Tales and Sketches. By A Country Schoolmaster. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1829. (Edited.) The Plain Dealer. 4to. New York, 1829, Naval Stories, i6mo. New York, 1834. 170 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Political Writings. Selected and arranged by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1840. *»*William Cullen Bryant, by whom the work was copy- righted, was assistant editor. *,*See also Bryant, W. C, and Paulding, J. K. LELAND, CHARLES GODFREY. 1824— Meister Karl's Sketch-Book. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1855. The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1856. (Translated.) Heine's Pictures of Travel. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1856. *5U*Commenced, in numbers, London and Philadelphia, 1855. Sunshine and Thought. i2mo. New York, 1863. Centralization, or, "State Rights." 8vo. New York, 1863. [Anonymous.] Ye Book of Copperheads. Illustrations. Oblong 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. Life of Abraham Lincoln. i2mo. London, 1863. Legends of the Birds. Illustrations. Small 4to. Philadel- phia, 1864. (Translated.) Letters to a Lady, by Wilhelm von Hum- boldt. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1864. (Translated.) Heine's Book of Songs. i6mo. Philadel- phia, 1864. (Translated.) Memoirs of' a Good-for-Nothing. Vignettes. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1866. The Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division, or 3,000 Miles in a Railway Car. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. Hans Breitman's Party and other Ballads. 8vo. Philadel- phia [1868]. Hans Breitman about Town and other Ballads. 8vo. Phila- delphia [1869]. Hans Breitman and his Philosopede. Illustrations, izmo. New York, 1869. Hans Breitman in Politics. A Humorous Poem. Frontis- piece. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 171 Hans Breitman's Christmas, with Other Ballads. lanio. Lon- don, 1S69. Hans Breitman in Church. With other Ballads. i8mo. Lon- don, 1870. *^*Also 8vo. Philadelphia [1870]. Hans Breitman as an Uhlan. Vignette. iSmo. l>ondon, 1871. Hans Breitman as a Uhlan and other New Ballads. 8vo. Philadelphia [1871]. Hans Breitman in Europe. Svo. Philadelphia [187 1]. Hans Breitman's Ballads. [First collected edition.] 2 vol- umes, 8vo. Philadelphia [1871]. The Music-Lesson of Confucius, and other Poems. i8rao. Boston, 1872. (Translated.) Gaudeamus ! Humorous Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1872. The Egyptian Sketch-Book. i2mo. New York, 1873. The English Gypsies and their Language. i2mo. New York, 1873. Fusang ; or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. i6mo. London, 1875. (With E. H. Palmer and Janet Tuckey.) English Gypsy Songs. In Romany. With Metrical English Translations. i6mo. London, 1875. johnnykin and the Goblins. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1876. Pidgin- English Sing-Song ; or. Songs and Stories in the China-English Dialect. With a Vocabulary. i2mo. Lon- don and Philadelphia, 1876. Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States. i2mo. New York, 1879. The Gypsies. i2mo. Boston, 1882. The Algonquin Legends of New England ; or. Myths and Folk-Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy and Penobscot Tribes. Svo. Boston, 1884. 172 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Breitman Ballads. A New Edition. Small 8vo. Lon- don, 1889. *:^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Square 8vo. London, 1889- (With Albert Barrdre.) A Dictionary of Slang Jargon and Cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian Slang, Tinkers' Jargon and other Irregular Phraseology. 2 volumes, small 4to. London, 1889-90. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling, illustrated by Numerous Incantations, Specimens of Medical Magic, Anecdotes and Tales. Illustrations by the author. Square 8vo. London, 1891. Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition. Illustra- tions by the author. Square 8vo. London, 1892. *»*The same. Edition de Luxe. (100 copies, each num- bered and signed, and containing an additional original draw- ing, by the author.) 4to. London, 1892. The Hundred Riddles of the Fairy Bellaria. Illustrations. Square i6mo. London, 1892. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Small 4to. Lon- ; don, 1892. (Edited.) The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwith. .... Illustrations. i2mo. London, 1892. (Translated.) The Family Life of Heinrich Heine, illus- trated by 122 Unpublished Letters, edited by Baron von Embden. Portraits. i2mo. London, 1893. Voodoo Tales, by Mary Alicia Owen. With Introduction by C. G. Leland. 8vo. New York, 1893. Memoirs. Portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo. London, 1893. Songs of the Sea and Lays of the Land. Square i2mo. London, 1895. Legends of Florence, collected from the People and re-told. i2mo. London, 1895. Hans Breitman in Germany: Tyrol. i6mo. London, 1895. *^*A complete edition of the works of Heinrich Heine, trans- lated and edited, with copious notes and introductions, by Mr. Leland, was announced in 1891, but for some cause only a t&\ volumes seem to have been published. Mr. Leland has als< edited several art handbooks and educational publications. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. ■ 173 I KWIS, ALONZO. 1794-1861. Poems. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1823. The History of Lynn, Mass., 1629-1829. 4 plates. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Poems. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1831. Forest Flowers and Sea Shells. 12 mo. Boston, 1831. The Picture of Nahant. i2mo. Lynn, 1845. Love, Forest Flowers, and Sea Shells. 32mo. Boston, 1845. A Guide through Nahant, with an Account of the First Inhab- itants. 8vo. Lynn, 1851. LEWIS, ESTELLE ANNA BLANCHE. 1824-1880. Records of the Heart : Lyrical and Narrative Poems. i2mo. New York, 1844. The Child of the Sea and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1848. Myths of the Minstrel. i2mo. New York, 1852. Records of the Heart. [Complete poetical works.] Illus- trations. 8vo. New York, 1857. Helemah ; or, the Fall of Montezuma : a Tragedy. i2mo. New York, 1864. Sappho, a Tragedy. By Stella. Frontispiece. 8vo. Lon- don, 1868. The King's Stratagem ; or, the Pearl of Poland : a Tragedy. i2mo. London, 1869. LOCKE, DAVID ROSS (Petroleum V. Nasbv) . 1833-1888. The Nasby Papers : Letters and Sermons containing Views on the Topics of the Day. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1864. Divers Views, Opinions, and Prophecies. Illustrations. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1866. Swingin' round the Cirkle. Ideas of Men, Politics, and Things. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1867. 174 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Ekkoes from Kentucky, Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1868. Struggles, Social, Political, and Financial. i2mo. Boston, 1873- The Moral History of America's Life-Struggle. Svo. Bos- ton, 1874. The Morals of Abou Ben Adhem : Eastern Fruit on Western Dishes. i2mo. Boston, 1875. Inflation at the Cross Roads. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1875. A Paper City. i2mo. Boston, 1S79. Hannah Jane. Illustrations. Square Svo. Boston, 1881. Nasby in Exile ; or Six Months of Travel. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1882. The Demagogue, A Political Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1891. LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. 1807-1882. The United States Literary Gazette. 3 volumes. Boston, 1825-26. *^*Manj of Longfellow's early poems first appeared in this publication; of these fourteen were retained in Miscellaneous Poems selected from The United States Literary Gazette (for which see Bryant, W. C), but all except five were omitted from subsequent collections ot his poems. The first volume of The Gazette was issued in quarto form, the second and third in octavo. In October, 1S26, W. C. Bryant assumed editorial charge of the publication, the title of which was altered to The United States Review and Literary Gazette ; two volumes were issued bearing this title. (Edited, with preface.) Novelas Espanolas. El Serrano de Las Alpuj arras ; y el Cudaro Misterioso. [By George W. Montgomery.] i2mo. Brunswick, 1830. Elements of French Grammar, by M. L' Homond. Trans- lated, with Preface and Notes, by An Instructor. i2mo. Brunswick, 1830. (Edited, with preface.) Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. i2mo. Portland, 1830. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 175 French Exercises, selected chiefly from Wanostrocht, by An Instructer. i2mo. Brunswick, 1830. *^,*On the title page, the word " Instructor " is spelled as here given. [Anonymous.] Le Ministre de Wakefield. Traduction Nouvelle, pr^c^dee d'un Essai sur la Vie et les Ecrits d'Olivier Goldsmith, par M. Hennequin, Editeur de L'Esprit de L' Encyclopedic, et I'un des Collaborateurs de la Biog- raphic Universelle. D'Apres I'Edition de Paris. i2mo. Boston, 1 83 1. Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. Second Edition [con- taining 8 additional pieces]. i2mo. Boston, 1832. *.»*The two preceding titles were issued as Cours de Langue Francaise. Syllabus de la Grammaire Itallienne. i2mo. Boston, 1832. Saggi de Novellieri Italiani. D'ogni Secolo : Tratti da piu Celebri Scrittori, con Brevi Notizie interno alia Vita di Ciascheduno. i2mo. Boston, 1832. Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique. Translated from the Spanish, with an Introductory Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain [and nine sonnets, of which only seven were retained in subsequent issues]. i6mo. Boston, 1833. [Anonymous.] Outre Mer, a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. Nos. I and 2 [all published in serial form]. 2 numbers, 8vo. Boston, 1S33-34. Outre-Mer. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1835. Outre-Mer : or, a Pilgrimage to the Old World. By An Amer- ican. 2 volumes, 8vo. London, 1835. Hyperion. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1839. Voices of the Night. i6mo. Cambridge, 1839. *5it*The same; third edition. Large paper. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1840. *^*Also issued in pamphlet form, Svo. Boston, 1S45. The Bowdoin Poets [including four poems by Longfellow]. Edited by E. P. Weston. Frontispiece. i2mo. Bruns- wick, 1840. Ballads and other Poems. i6mo. Cambridge, 1842. *#*The same; third edition. Large paper. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1S42. 176 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Poems on Slavery. i6nio. Cambridge, 1842. *^*The same; third edition. Large paper. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1843. The Spanish Student. A Play in Three Acts. i6mo. Cam- bridge, 1843. *^*The same: third edition. Large paper. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1S43. Hyperion. Second Edition [revised]. 12 mo. Cambridge, 1845. (Edited, with proem.) The Waif: a Collection of Poems. i6mo. Cambridge, 1845. The Poets and Poetry of Europe. Edited, with Introductions and Biographical Notices. Portrait [of Schiller]. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. ***0f this work the earlier copies were printed, under the editor's supervision, by Metcalf and Company, Cambridge; the later, and more numerous, copies were printed by T. K. and P. G. Collins, Philadelphia. Poems [including nineteen now first published]. Illustra- tions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1845. Poems. Complete in One Volume [containing poems not included in Philadelphia edition] . Svo. New York, 1846. *^*Reissued with additions, including Evangeline. Svo. New York, 1S49. The Belfry of Bruges and other Poems. i6mo. Cambridge, 1846. *^*The illuminated wrapper is dated 1845 ! the title page, 1S46. *;^*The same; fourth edition. Large paper. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1S46. Outre-lNIer. Second Edition [revised]. i2mo. Boston, 1846. (Edited, with proem.) The Estray ; a Collection of Poems. 1 6 mo. Boston, 1847. Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. i6mo. Boston, 1847. *^*The same. Large paper. Svo. Boston, 1S48. Kavanagh, a Tale. i2mo. Boston, 1849. The Seaside and the Fireside. i2mo. Boston, 1850. ***The same. Large paper. Svo. Boston, 1S50. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 177 Poems. A New Edition [including The Seaside and the Fireside]. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1850. Tlie Golden Legend. 12 mo. Boston, 185 1. The Song of Hiawatha. i2mo. Boston, 1 85 5. *^*The same. Large paper. Svo. Boston, 1S56. Prose Works [including Driftwood, a series of essays now first collected]. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1857- Poems. Complete Edition. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1 85 7. The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems. 12 mo. Boston, 1858. Report of the Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, December, 1859, on the Occa- sion of the Death of Washington Irving. [Containing tril)utes by Longfellow, Holmes, and others.] 8vo. Boston, i860. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Vignette title. i2mo. Boston, 1863. Household Poems. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1865. Poetical and Prose Works. Revised Edition. Portrait. 7 volumes, 12 mo. Boston, 1866. *+*The same. Large paper. (loo copies.) 7 volumes, small Svo. Bostor\, 1866. *,^*In the 1S66 edition two essays, Dante, and The Divina Commedia (vol. i., pp. 419-449.1857 edition), are omitted; the essay on Ancient French Romances is now first published in book form, vol. iii., pp. 191-240. Poetical Works [newly revised], i8mo. Boston, 1867. Flower-de-Luce. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1867. Noel. [The original French text by Longfellow, with trans- lation into English by John E. Norcross. Privately printed ; 50 copies.] Square i2mo. Philadelphia, 1867. ***Longfellow's English version of the poem appears in Flower-de-Luce. 178 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Translated.) The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. 3 volumes, royal 8vo. Boston, 1867. *^*h. special issue of '.hree copies was printed on India paper, at a cost of $1,000, for three gentlemen of Chicago. The New England Tragedies. i2mo. Boston, 1868. The Building of the Ship. [First separate edition.] Illus- trations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1870. The Divine Tragedy. 12 mo. Boston, 1S71. *^*Also, large type edition, Svo. Boston, 1871. Fair for our Dumb Animals, Boston, December, 187 1. "Justice Table " (Mrs. William Appleton's). The Alarm- Bell of Atri. Printed by permission from The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1870. 8vo. [Boston, 1871.] The Poets and Poetry of Europe. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Three Books of Song. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Excelsior. Illustrations. 12 mo. Excelsior Life Insurance Company: New York, 1872. Christus : a Mystery. [Comprising The Divine Tragedy, The Golden Legend, and The New England Tragedies, with connecting interludes.] 3 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1872. ***Also issued, with illustrations, square i6mo. Boston, 1873; and library edition, large type, Svo. Boston, 1873. Aftermath. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1873. The Hanging of the Crane. Illustrations. i2mG. Boston, *:^*The same, with additional illustrations. Svo. Boston, 1875- The Masque of Pandora and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1875- (Edited.) Poems of Places. 31 volumes, i8mo. Boston, 1876-79. *^*i.-iv., England and Wales; v., Ireland; vi.-viii., Scot- land, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden; ix., x., France and Savoy; xi.-xiii., Italy; xiv., xv., Spain, Portugal, Bel- gium and Holland; xvi., Switzerland and Austria; xvii., xviii., Germany; xix., Greece and Turkej' ; xx., Russia; xxi.-xxiii.,^ Asia; xxiv., Africa; xxv.-xxx., America (North, South and British) ; xxxi., Oceanica. A BIBLJOGRAPHT. 17» Laurel Leaves. Original Poems, Stories, and Essays by H. W. Longfellow, J. G. Whittier, O. W. Holmes, W. C. Bry- ant, J. R. Lowell .... [and others]. Illustrations. Square 8vo. Boston, 1876, Poems of the Old South [church]. By H. W. Longfellow, O. W. Holmes, J. G. Whittier, Julia Ward Howe .... [and others]. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1877. The Skeleton in Armor. [First separate edition.] Illustra- tions. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Favorite Poems. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. The Courtship of Miles Standish. [First separate edition.] Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. Excelsior. [First separate published edition.] Illustrations.,, Square i2mo. Boston,' 1878. K^ramos and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1878. Early Poems [including four not reprinted elsewhere]. Edited by R. H. Shepherd. i6mo. London, 1878. From my Arm-Chair. To the Children of Cambridge who presented to me .... this Chair made from the Wood of the Village Blacksmith's Chestnut Tree. [A privately printed four-page leaflet, dated Feb. 27, 1879.] i2mo. [Cambridge, 1879.] Ultima Thule. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1880. Complete Poetical and Prose Works, with Later Poems. With a Biographical Sketch by Octavius B. Frothingham. Portraits and illustrations. 3 volumes, or 45 parts, 4to. Boston [1880-83]. "The City and the Sea," with other Cambridge Contributions [by Child, Howells, Higginson and others] in Aid of the Hospital Fund. Square i2mo. Cambridge, 1881. In the Harbor; Ultima Thule. Part 2. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Selections from the Poems of H. W. Longfellow. Published by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. i6mo. Boston, 1882. 180 AMERICAN AUTHORS. "There was a Little Girl." [First separate edition.] Illus- trations. Oblong i6mo. New York, 1883. Michael Angelo. A Dramatic Poem. Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 18S4. *:^*An edition was also issued in London, dated 1SS3. Fourth Annual Report of the Dante Society. May 19, 1885. With an Appendix, containing Additional Notes to The Divine Comedy [pp. 15-31] by H. W. Longfellow. 8vo. Cambridge, 1885. Writings, with Biographical Notes. Portraits. 1 1 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1886. *^*The same. Large paper. (500 copies.) 11 volumes, royal 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. Life, with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Portraits and illustrations. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1886. *:^*The same. Large paper. (300 copies.) 2 volumes, royal Svo. Cambridge, 1SS6. Final Memorials [containing journals and correspondence, 1866-1882, with many letters of an earlier date, and biblio- graphy, pp. 431-435]. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1887. *^*For a list of Longfellow's contributions to The North American Review and The Atlantic Monthly, see indices to these journals ; he was also a frequent contributor to Graham's Magazine, Putnam's Magazine,The Liberty Bell, and other an- nual and monthly publications. *=j,*See also Bryant, W. C; Fields, Annie; Holmes, O. W. • Irving, W. ; Lowell, J. R. LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL. 1819-1891. Harvardiana. Vol. IV. Svo. Cambridge, 1838. *^*Of the one hundred and sixteen articles comprising the contents of this volume, sixty-seven were contributed by its editors, J. R. Lowell, Nathan Hale, Jr., Charles W. Scates, Rufus King, and G. W. Lippitt. Lowell's prose contributions have never been republished. [Anonymous.] Class Poem. Svo. [Cambridge] 1838. A Year's Life. 12 mo. Boston, 1S41. The Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion. Edited by Nathan Hale, Jr. Portraits and illustrations. 2 volumes, or 12 parts [January-December, 1842], royal Svo. Boston, 1842. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. ISl *^*Besides the literary notices Lowell contributed to The Mis- cellany eight poems; also The Old English Dramatists, which appeared in the numbers for April, Maj and August, and the anonymously published sketch. The First Client, with Inciden- tal Good Precepts for Incipient Attorneys. The latter sketch has never been reprinted, nor have the literary notices contrib- uted to this publication. In December, 1842, Henry T. Tuck- erman assumed editorial charge of The Miscellany, but the is- sues for January and February, 1843, terminated his connection with the publication, — and its existence. The Pioneer. A Literary and Critical Magazine. J. R. Lowell and R. Carter, Editors and Proprietors. Illustra- tions. 3 numbers [January, February, March, 1843], royal 8vo. Boston, 1S43. *^*Lowell contributed to The Pioneer the introduction and book notices, three poems, an essay on song writing, and a paper on the plays of Thomas Middleton ; of these only the poems were subsequently reprinted. Among the other con- tributors were Parsons, Poe, Hawthorne, Story and Whittier. Poems. i2mo. Cambridge, 1844. *^*The same. Large paper. Svo. Cambridge. 1844. Conversations on some of the Old Poets. i2mo. Cam- bridge, 1845. Liberty Chimes [by J. R. Lowell, Mrs. S. H. Whitman and others]. i6mo. Providence, 1845. On the Capture of Certain Fugitive Slaves. i6mo. [Bos- ton] 1845. The Young American's Magazine of Self-Improvement. Edited by Geo. VV. Light. Vol. I. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1847. *^*On completion of this volume, to which Lowell contrib- uted three poems, the publication was discontinued. Poems. Second Series. i2mo. Cambridge, 1848. Melibcctis-Hipponax. The Biglow Papers, edited with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Copious Index, by Ho- mer Wilbur, M.A. 12 mo. Cambridge, 1848. The Vision of Sir Launfal. i2mo. Cambridge, 1848. ***Also published, with illustrations, square i6mo. Boston, 1867. [Anonymous.] A Fable for Critics. i2mo. New York, 1848. ***The same. [Second edition, revised ; with additional pre- liminary (rhymed) note, 6 pp.] i2mo. New York, 1848. 182 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Celebration of the Introduction of the Water of Cochituate Lake into the City of Boston. October 25, 1848. [Ode, by Lowell, pp. 21-22.] 8vo. Boston [1848]. Poems. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1849, Selections from the Writings and Speeches of William Lloyd Garrison. [With prefatory poems by Lowell and Whit- tier.] i2mo. Boston, 1852. Poetical Works of John Keats. With a Life [by Lowell]. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1854. The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. [With a bio- graphical introduction, vol. i., pp. ix. -xl., by Lowell.] 7 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1854. (Edited.) The Poems of Maria Lowell. Portrait. (Pri- vately printed; 50 copies.) Square i2mo. Cambridge, 1855- The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a memoir by J. R. Lowell [Vol. i., pp. 13- 31]. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1857. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1858. Poetry of the Bells, collected by S. Batchelder, Jr. [God- minster Chimes, pp. 57-60, specially contributed by Low- ell.] Vignette title. 12 mo. Riverside Press : printed in Aid of the Cambridge Chime. [Cambridge] 1858. The Biglow Papers. With Additional Notes and Enlarged Glossary. Frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. i2mo. Lon- don, 1859. The Victoria Regia : a Volume of Original Contributions in Poetry and Prose [including The Fatal Curiosity, pp. 83-84, by Lowell]. Edited by Adelaide Anne Proctor. 8vo. London, 1861. [Anonymous.] Mason and Slidell : a Yankee Idyl. [Re- printed from The Atlantic Monthly, February, 1862.] 8vo. [Boston, 1862.] [Anonymous.] II Pesceballo. Opera Seria in Un Atto. [The words by F. J. Child, the English text by Lowell.] i6mo. [Cambridge, 1862.] A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 183 Fireside Travels. i2mo. Boston, 1864. The President's Policy. [Reprinted from The North Amer- ican Review.] 8vo. [Boston, 1864.] ***The same. Svo. Philadelphia, 1864. Spirit of the Fair [in aid of the United States Sanitary Com- mission]. 17 numbers, 4to. New York, April, 1864. *^*Containing sketches by Cooper and Irving, now first pub- lished, and original contributions by Lowell, Bancroft, Bryant, Curtis, Taylor, Stedman, Stoddard, Parsons, and others. Memorial: R[obert] G[ould] S[haw]. [Including original poems by Lowell, Emerson, and others.] Portrait. (Pri- vately printed.) Square i2mo. Cambridge, 1864. Ode recited at the Commemoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. (Privately printed; 50 copies.) Royal 8 vo. Cambridge, 1865. The Biglow Papers. Second Series. i2mo. Boston, 1867. Under the Willows and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1869. Poetical Works. Complete Edition. i6mo. Boston, 1869. The Atlantic Almanac [for] 1870. [Containing A Good Word for Winter, pp. 39-45, by Lowell, and Bo-Peep: a Pas- toral, by Howells.] Illustrations. 4to. Boston [1869]. Among my Books. i2mo. Boston, 1870. The Cathedral. Vignettes. i6mo. Boston, 1870. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, from June to September, 1870. [Including tribute by Lowell to John P. Kennedy, pp. 365-367.] 8vo. [Boston, 1870.] My Study Windows. 12 mo. Boston, 1871. Poetical Works [newly revised]. Household Edition. Por- trait. i2mo. Boston, 1873. The Courtin', [First separate edition.] Illustrations. Small 4to. Boston, 1874. 184 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Cambridge in the Centennial. Proceedings, July 3, 1S75, ^" Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Washington's taking Command of the Continental Army, on Cambridge Common. [Poem, pp. 27-38, by Lowell, also response, p. 87 ; and response and poem by Holmes, pp. 88-91.] Illustrations. 8vo. Cambridge, 1875. Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of Concord Fight, April 19, 1875. [Ode by Lowell, pp. 82-88; address by Emerson, pp. 79-81 ; and oration by Curtis, pp. 89-119.] Illustrations. Royal 8vo. Concord, 1876. Among my Books. Second Series. i2mo. Boston, 1S76. Three Memorial Poems. Square i6mo. Boston, 1877. My Garden Acquaintance, and A Go.od Word for Winter. [First separate edition.] 32mo. Boston, [877. A Moosehead Journal. [First separate edition.] Illustra- tions. 32mo. Boston, 1S77. Favorite Poems. Illustrations. 32mo. Boston, 1877. Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Edmund Quincy [including tribute by Lowell, pp. 9-1 1] and John Lothrop Motley [including tribute by Holmes, pp. 16-23]. 8vo. Boston, 1877. *^*Also printed in Proceedings, March to December, 1S77, with Holmes' tribute to George T. Davis. 8vo. [Boston, 1877] The Rose. [First separate edition.] Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1878. (Edited, with others.) Diary of Samuel Sew^all. 1674- 1729. Portrait. 3 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1878-82. ***Coliections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Fifth Series. Vols, v., vi., vii. True Manliness. From the Writings of Thomas Hughes. With Introduction by J. R. Lowell. i2mo. Boston [1880]. Death of President Garfield. Meeting of Americans in Lon- don, at Exeter Hall, 24 September, 1881. [Address by , Lowell, pp. 1 1-2 1.] Portrait. Square 8vo. London, I V A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 185 On Democracy : an Address delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on the 6th of October, 1884. 8vo. Bir- mingham [1884], *^*Also a few copies, printed in large type, for the author's use, square 8vo. [London, 1S84.J Celebration of the 350th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Concord, September 12, 1S85. [Addresses by Lowell, pp. 65-69, and George W. Curtis, pp. 90-94.] 8vo. Concord, 1S85. Under the Old Elm and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 18S5. Proceedings at the Dedication of the New Library Building, Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 22, 1885. [Address by Lowell, pp. 16-30.] Plate. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. Fifth Annual Report of the Dante Society .... Appen- dix L Dante: [by] James Russell Lowell. [Reprinted from Appleton's Cyclopcedia, 1859.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. A Record of the Commemoration, November 5 th to 8th, 1886, on 250th Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College. [Edited by Justin Winsor.] Royal 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1887. *:^*Oration, pp. 194-236, and speech, 300-302, by Lowell; poem, pp. 237-249, and speech, 302-303, by Holmes; and speech, pp. 309-312, by Curtis. Democracy and other Addresses. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, from October, 1886, to January, 1887, [Including Lowell's tribute to Charles F. Adams, pp. 149-152.] Svo. [Boston, 1887]. Political Essays. i2mo. Boston, 1888. The English Poets : Lessing, Rousseau : Essays, with an Apology for a Preface. i6mo. London, 1888. Gately's World's Progress. . . . Edited by Charles E. Beale. With Introduction by J. R. Lowell. Illustrations. 4to. Boston [1888]. *^*This work was originally published in 1SS6, but Lowell's introduction was not obtained until 18SS, and bears copyright of that date, whilst the verso of titlepage bears copyright date, 1886. 186 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Heartsease and Rue. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1888. ***Of this work 250 copies were issued wholly uncut, with paper labels. The Independent in Politics. An Address delivered before the Reform Club of New York, April 13, 1888. 8vo. New York, 1888. The Complete Angler and The Contemplative Man's Recrea- tion, of Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With Introduc- tion by J. R. Lowell. Illustrations. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1889. *:i.*The same. Large paper. (500 copies.) 2 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1889. Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England, with an Introduction by J. R. Lowell. Portrait. (328 copies.) r6mo. New York : The Grolier Club, 1890. Writings. [Newly revised, and including essays and other articles now first collected.] Portraits. 10 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1890. *^*The same. Large paper. (300 copies.) 10 volumes, royal Svo. Cambridge, 1890. The Old English Dramatists. Portrait, 12 mo. Boston, 1892. *»*The same. Large paper. '^300 copies.) Royal Svo. Cambridge, 1892. Latest Literary Essays. [Edited by Charles Eliot Norton.] Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1892. *^*The same. Large paper. (300 copies.) Royal Svo. Cambridge, 1892. American Ideas for English Readers. With Introduction by Henry Stone. Portrait. i6mo. Boston [1892]. Letters. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1894. Poems of John Donne, from the Text of the Edition of 1633. Revised by J. R. Lowell. With the Various Readings .... and Notes by Charles Eliot Norton. (380 copies.) 2 volumes, i2mo. New York : The Grolier Club, 1895. A BIBLIOGRAPIir. 1S7 Last Poems [edited by Charles Eliot Norton]. Portrait, izmo. Boston, 1895. *^*For a list of Lowell's numerous contributions to The North American Review, and The Atlantic Monthly, including the years during which he was editorially connected with these journals, see the index to each. To the anti-slavery annual, The Liberty Bell, for 1S42, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848. 1849, ^"'^ 1850, he contributed eleven poems; and also was a frequent contributor to Graham's Magazine, Putnam's Maga- zine, Sartain's Magazine, The Southern Literary Messenger, The Democratic Review, and other periodicals, as well as to The National Anti-Slavery Standard, of which he was, in 184S, associate editor. *^<*See also Bryant, VV. C. ; Holmes, O. W. ; Longfellow, H. W. ; Mitchell, D. G.: Poe, E. A.; Quincy, Edmund; and Whittier, J. G. LOWELL, PERCIVAL. 1855 — Chosdn ; the Land of the Morning Calm. A Sketch of Korea. Illustrations and maps. 8vo. Boston, i'886. The Soul of the Far East. i2mo. Boston, 1888. Noto : an Unexplored Corner of Japan. i2mo. Boston, 1891. The Eve of the French Revolution, izmo. Boston, 1892. Occult Japan; or, the Way of the Gods. Plates. i2mo. Boston, 1895. Mars. Illustrations. 8vo, Boston, 1895. LOWELL, ROBERT [TRAILL SPENCE]. 1816 — [Anonymous.] The New Priest in Conception Bay. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Boston, 1858. *,^*The same. Revised edition, with new preface, i2mo. Boston, 1889. Fresh Hearts that failed Three Thousand Years ago, and other Things. i2mo. Boston, i860. Poems. A New Edition, with New Poems. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1864. Antony Brade. i2mo. Boston, 1874. A Story or Two from an Old Dutch Town. i2mo. Boston, 1878. 188 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Burgoyne's Last March. Poem for the Celebration of the Hundredth Year of Bemis's Heights (Saratoga), Sept. 19, 1877. i6mo. [Newark, N. J.] 1878. LUDLOW, FITZ-HUGH. 1836-18 70. [Anonymous.] The Hasheesh Eater : being Passages from the Life of a Pythagorean. T2mo. New York, 1857. Biographical Sketch of John Nelson Pattison. 8vo. [New York, 1863.] Little Brother and other Genre Pictures. lamo. Boston, 1867. The Opium Habit. i2mo. New York, 1868. The Heart of the Continent. A Record of Travel across the Plains and in Oregon, with an Examination of the Mormon Principle. Illustrations. Svo. New York, 1870. LUNT, GEORGE. 1 803-1 885. Leisure Hours. A Series of Occasional Poems. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1826. The Grave of Byron, with other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1826. Oration delivered in Newburyport, July 4, 1833, ^^o- New- buryport, 1833. Poems. i2mo. New York, 1839. Culture : a Poem before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, October 3, 1843. izmo. Boston, 1843. The Age of Gold and other Poems. 12 mo. Boston, 1843. An Address delivered before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Sept. 26, 1844. 8vo. Boston, 1844. An Address before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, May 15, 1845. Svo. Boston, 1845. [^\nonymous.] The Dove and the Eagle. 1 2mo. Boston, 1851. Lyric Poems, Sonnets and Miscellanies. i2mo. Boston, 1854. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. . 189 Eastford ; or, Household Sketches. By Wesley Brooke. i2mo. Boston, 1855. Julia. A Poem. By Wesley Brooke. i2mo. Boston,i855. Three Eras of New England Life and other Addresses, with Papers Critical and Biographical. i2mo. Boston, 1857. Patriotism a Moral Duty. Lecture before the Democratic Union Association, March 21, 1858. 8vo. Boston, 1858. [Anonymous.] Radicalism in Religion, Philosophy, and Social Life ; Four Papers from The Boston Courier for 1858. i6mo. Boston, 1858. [Anonymous.] Report of the Proceedings of Professed Spiritual Agents and Mediums in the Presence of Profes- sors Peirce, Agassiz .... [and others]. 8vo. Boston, 1859. [Anonymous.] The Union. i6mo. Boston, i860. Washington and our own Times. A Lecture in Aid of the Public Library, Nevvburyport, Feb. 22, 1861. 12 mo. Boston, 1 86 1. [Anonymous.] Requiem. Dedicated to the Memory of the Slain in Batde. Illuminated text. (Privately printed.) Square 12 mo. [Boston, 1862.] The Origin of the Late War : traced from the Beginning of the Constitution to the Revolt of the Southern States. i2mo. New York, 1866. Old New England Traits. i2mo. New York, 1873. A Familiar Epistle to the Hon. Thomas F, Bayard. i6mo. Boston, 1875. Miscellaneous Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1884. MacLELLAN, ISAAC. 1806— The Fall of the Indian, with other Poems. 24mo. Boston, 1830. The Year, with other Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Journal of a Residence in Scotland and a Tour through Eng- land, France [etc.]. Compiled from the MSS. of H. B. MacLellan. i2mo. Boston, 1834. 190 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Mount Auburn and Other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1S43. Fishing in American Waters. By Genio C. Scott. [Containing numerous verses and poetical chapter headings by Mac- Lellan.] Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1869. *»*The same. New edition [with additional chapters]. 8vo, New York, 1875. Poems of the Rod and Gun ; or, Sports by Flood and Field. T Edited, with a Memoir of the .\uthor, by Will Wildwood [Frederick E. Pond]. Plate. i2mo. New York, 1886. *;„*See also Mellen, Grenville. « MATHEWS, CORNELIUS. 181 7-1889. The Motley Book : by the Late Ben Smith. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1838. ' [Anonymous.] Behemoth : a Legend of the Mound-Build- ers. i2mo. New York, 1839. (Edited, with E. A. Duycinck.) Arcturus : a Journal of Books and Opinion. [Dec, 1840-May, 1842.] 3 volumes,) 8vo. New York, 1841-42. The Career of Puffer Hopkins. Illustrations. 8vo. Ne\ York, 1842. A Speech on International Copyright delivered at the Dinner j to Charles Dickens, at New York, February 19, 1S42. 8vo. New York, 1842. Appeal on Behalf of International Copyright. 8vo. New- York, 1842. Poems on Man in his Various Aspects under the AmericaaJ Republic. i2mo. London, 1842. ***Also, 1 2 mo. New York, 1843. Various Writings .... 8vo. New York, 1843. *^*The title page date is misprinted "mdccclxiii." Big Abel and the Little Manhattan. i2mo. New York, 1845. Poems on Man. [Newly revised, with additions.] 32mo. New York, 1846. Moneypenny, or the" Heart of the World. 8vo. New York, 1850. I I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 191 [Anonymous.] Chanticleer : a Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family. i2mo. New York, 1850. ♦^♦Reprinted, with illustrations bj Darley. i2mo. New York [1856]. Witchcraft. i6mo. London, 1852. A Pen-and-ink Panorama of New York City. i8mo. New York, 1853. [Anonymous.] The Indian Fairy-Book. From the Origi- nal Legends. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1856. The Indian Fair}'- Book. Compiled from the Manuscripts of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. i2mo. New York, 1869. The Enchanted Moccassins and other Legends of the Amer- ican Indians. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1877. MATTHEWS, [JAMES] BRANDER. 1852— Songs of '71. [Columbia College] Class-Day Songs. 8vo. New York, 187 1. *^*Of the fifteen songs, five are bj J. B. Matthews. (Edited.) Comedies for Amateur Acting. i6mo. New York, 1879. The Theatres of Paris. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1880. French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century. i2mo. New York, 1 88 1. *»*The same, enlarged edition. i2mo. New York, 1S91. (Edited.) Poems of American Patriotism. i2mo. New York, 1882. The Rhymester ; or, the Rules of Rhyme. By Tom Hood. Edited, with Additions, by Arthur Penn. i6mo. New- York, 1882. The Home Library. By Arthur Penn. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1883. (With H. C. Bunner.) In Partnership. Studies in Story- Telling. 32mo. New York, 1884. Sheridan's Comedies. The Rivals, and The School for Scan- dal. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes to each Play, and a Biographical Sketch of Sheridan, by Brander Matthews. Illustrations. Small 4to. London, 1884. *#*Also, Boston, 18S5. I 192 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Last Meeting. i2mo. New York, 1885. A Secret of the Sea [and other stories]. i2mo. New York, 1886. (Edited, with Laurence Hutton.) Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and the United States, from the Days of Gar- rick to the Present Time. 5 volumes, i2mo. New York [1886]. (Edited.) Ballads of Books. i2mo. New York, 18S7. *:^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 8vo. New York, 1S87. (Edited, with introduction.) Andre. A Tragedy in Five Acts, by VVilliam Dunlap. (175 copies.) 8vo. New York: The Dunlap Society, 1887. Biennial Reports of the Treasurer [T. J. McKee] and the Secretary [Brander Matthews] of the Dunlap Society. (500 copies.) 8vo. New York : The Dunlap Society, 1888. Pen and Ink. Papers of More or Less Importance. i2mo. New York, 1888. *:^*The same, with etched portrait. Large paper. (no copies.) Svo. New York, 1888. Cheap Books and Good Books. i2mo. New York, 1888. A Family Tree and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1889. American Authors and British Pirates. i2mo. New York, 1889. With my Friends. Tales told in Partnership. With an In- troductory Essay. 12 mo. New York, 1891. (Edited, with introduction.) Bunker Hill. A Tragedy, by John Burk. Portrait. (500 copies.) Svo. New York : The Dunlap Society, 1891. Ten Tales by Francois Coppee. Translated by Walter Learned. With .... an Introduction by Brander Matthews. i6mo. New York, 1891. (Edited.) Dramatic Essays of Charles Lamb. Portrait. ^ i6mo. New York [1891], In the Vestibule Limited. A Story. 3 2 mo. New York, 1892. A BIBLIOGRAPIir. 193 Tom Paulding. i2mo. New \ork, 1S92. Americanisms and Briticisms, with other Essays on other Isms. Portrait. i6mo. New \'ork, 1892. (With G. H. Jessop.) A Tale of Twenty- Five Hours, i6mo. New York, 1892. The Story of a Story, and other Stories. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1893. The Decision of the Court. Portrait and illustrations. 32mo. New York, 1S93. This Picture and that. A Comedy. Illustrations. 3 2 mo. New York, 1894. Studies of the Stage. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1894. Parisian Points of View. By Ludovic Hale'vy. Translated by E. V. B. Matthews. Introduction by Brander Matthews. 16 mo. New York, 1894. The Royal Marine. An Idyl of Narragansett Pier. Illustra- tions. iSmo. New York, 1894. Vignettes of Manhattan. i2mo. New York, 1894. Bookbindings : Old and New : Notes of a Book-Lover. With an Account of the GroHer Club. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1895. ***The same. Large paper. (loo copies.) Svo. New York, 1S95. (Edited.) Tales of a Traveller, by Washington Irving. 8vo. New York, 1895. His Father's Son. i2mo. New York, 1S95. *^*See also Norton, C. E. MAYO, WILLIAM STARBUCK. 1812— Flood and Field ; or, Tales of Battle on Sea and Land. 1 2 mo. Philadelphia, 1844. Kaloolah ; or, Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri. An Autobi- ography of Jonathan Romer. Frontispiece and vignette title. 1 2 mo. New York, 1849. The Berber; or, the Mountaineer of the Atlas. i2mo. New York, 1850. I 194 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Illustrations of Natural Philosophy, in Six Large Plates. Edited [with descriptive text] by W. S. Mayo. i2mo. New York, 1850. Romance-Dust from the Historic Placer. i2mo. New York, 1 85 1. Never Again. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1873. MELLEN, GRENVILLE. 17 99-1 841. Ode for the Celebration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill, at the Laying of the Monumental Stone, June 17, 1825. 8vo. Boston, 1825. Address before the Citizens of North Yarmouth, July 4, 1825, 8vo. Portland, 1825. The Rest of the Nations. [A poem.] Pronounced before the Peace Society of Maine .... May 10, 1826. 8vo. Portland, 1826. [Anonymous.] Our Chronicle of '26. A Satirical Poem., 8vo.- Boston, 1827. 1 The Light of Letters : an Anniversary Poem, before the Athenian Society of Bowdoin College. 8vo. Portland, 1828. Sad Tales and Glad Tales. By Reginald Reverie. i2mo. , Boston, 1828. The Age of Print : a Poem delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge, 26 August, 1830. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1830. The Martyr's Triumph, Buried Valley ; and other Poems, i2mo. Boston, 1833. Lafayette Music. Consisting of a Dirge, Requiem and Ode, as performed at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Sept. 6, 1834. Poe- try by Grenville Mellen and Isaac MacLellan, Jr. Music by Lowell Mason and Isaac MacLellan, Jr. 4to. [Boston^ 1834.] The Passions : a Poem pronounced Dec. 28, 1835, the Anni- versary of the Birth of Spurzheim. 8vo. Boston, 1836. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. li»r> A Book of the United States : exhibiting its Geography, Di- visions, Constitution, and Government. Illustrations. 8vo. Hartford, 1837. Poem at Amherst College .... Aug. 27, 1839. ^^o. Am- herst, 1839. *^*See also Bryant, W. C. MELVILLE, HERMAN. 1S19-1891. Typee : a Peep at Polynesian Life, during a Four Months' Residence in a Valley of the Marquesas. Map. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1846. Typee .... Revised Edition, with a Sequel [The Story of Toby, pp. 291-307]. Map. i2mo. New York, 1847. Omoo ; a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas. i2mo. New York, 1847. Mardi : and a Voyage thither. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1849. Redburn ; his First Voyage ; being the Sailor- Boy Confessions and Reminiscences of the Son-of-a-Gentleman in the Mer- chant Service. i2mo. New York, 1849. White-Jacket; or the World in a Man-of-War. i2mo. New York, 1850. Moby-Dick; or, the Whale. i2mo. New York, 1851. Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. i2mo. New York, 1852. Israel Potter : his Fifty Years of Exile. i2mo. New York, 1855- Th e Piazza Tales. i2mo. New York, 1856. The Confidence Man : his Masquerade. i2mo. New York, 1857. Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. i2mo. New York, 1866. Clarel : a Poem, and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. New York, 1876. John Marr and other Sailors. (Privately printed; 25 copies.) New York, 1888. \ 190 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Timoleon. (Privately printed; 25 copies.) New York, 1891. *^*See also Bryant, W. C. MILES, GEORGE HENRY. 1824-1871.^ ' A Discourse in Commemoration of the Landing of the Pil- i grims of Maryland, pronounced .... May 10, 1847. 8vo. Emmittsburg, 1847. : Oration at Mt. St. Mary's College. . . . 8vo. Baltimore, : 1850. \ Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. ; i2mo. Boston, 1850. *^*This drama obtained the prize of $1,000 offered by Edwin Forrest, for the best play by an American author. Mary's Birthday ; or, the Cynic. A Comedy. i2mo. Bos- ton [1857]. Senor Valiente. A Comedy in Five Acts. 8vo. Baltimore, 1859. Christine: a Troubadour's Song, and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1866. Abou Hassan, the Wag; or the Sleeper Awakened. i2mo. Baltimore, 1868. A Review of Hamlet. [Reprinted from The Southern Re- view.] 8vo. Baltimore [1870]. The Truce of God : a Tale of the Eleventh Century. i8mo. Baltimore, 187 1. *:^*Mr. Miles was also author of the dramas, De Soto, Crom- well, The Seven Sisters, and others, and was one of the con- tributors to Brownson's Review. MILLER, CINCINNATUS HEINE (Joaquin Miller) . 1841— Joaquin et al. i8mo. Portland, Oregon, 1869. *^*A11 subsequent works of the author bear his assumed name — Joaquin Miller. Songs of the Sierras. i2mo. Boston, 187 1. Songs of the Sunlands. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Unwritten History ; or. Life among the Modocs. Illustra- tions. 8vo. Hartford, 1873. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. VM The Ship in the Desert. i2mo. Boston, 1S75. First FaraiHes of the Sierras. i2mo. Chicago, 1876. The One Fair Woman. 3 volumes, i2mo. London, 1876. ***The same. Three Volumes in One, i2mo. New York, 1876. Mae Madden. By Mary Murdock Mason. With an Intro- ductory Poem [pp. 3-10], by Joaquin Miller. i8mo. Chi- cago, 1876. The Baroness of New York. i2mo. New York, 1877. The Danites in the Sierras, and other Choice Selections. Edited by A. V. D. Honeyman. 12 mo. New York, 1877. Songs of Italy. i2mo. Boston, 1878. Shadows of Shasta. i2rao. Chicago, 188 1. Paquita, the Indian Heroine. A True Story, Wild and Sad. Illustrations. 8vo. Hartford, 1881. Poetical Works [revised]. Household Edition. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1882. Memorie and Rime. i2mo. New York, 1884. The Destruction of Gotham. i2mo. New York, 1886. Songs of the Mexican Seas. i2mo. Boston, 1887. (With others.) Tennyson's Fairies and other Stories. Illus- trations. i2mo. Boston [1889]. My own Story. Portrait and illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1890. Songs of the Sierras [and Sunlands]. Revised Edition. Por- trait. i2mo. Chicago, 1892. Songs of Summer Lands. Portrait. i2mo. Chicago, 1892. The Building of the City Beautiful. A Poetic Romance. i6mo. Cambridge, 1893. ***The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) Svo. Cambridge, 1893. ***See also Holmes, O.W. 198 AMERICAN AUTHORS. MITCHELL, DONALD GRANT (Ik Marvel). 1822 — Valedictory Oration [The Dignity of Learning] before the Senior Class of 1841. 8vo. New Haven, 1841. Fresh Gleanings ; or, a New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. i2mo. New York, 1847. The Battle Summer : being Transcripts from Personal Obser- vation in Paris, during the Year 1848. Frontispiece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1850. The Lorgnette ; or. Studies of the Town. By An Opera Goer. 24 semi-monthly parts, i2mo. New York, 1850. ***The same. Second Edition [the first in book form]. Illus- trations by Darley. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York [1S50]. Reveries of a Bachelor : or, a Book of the Heart. Frontis- piece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1850. A Bachelor's Reveries : in Three Parts. (12 copies.) 8vo. Wormsloe, 1850. Dream Life : a Fable of the Seasons. Frontispiece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1851. Fresh Gleanings [with a new preface]. i2mo. New York, 1851. The Lorgnette .... Fourth Edition [with preface, now first published]. Illustrations. 2 volumes, lamo. New York, 1851. Reveries of a Bachelor. Numerous illustrations by Darley. [First illustrated edition.] Square 8 vo. New York, 1852. Fudge Doings : being Tony Fudge's Record of the Same. In Forty Chapters. Frontispieces. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1855. Report of the Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary of the Brotherhood of Alpha Delta Phi in New York, 24th and 25th June, 1857. [Oration by Mitchell, pp. 14-37.] Issued by the Fraternity. 8vo. New York, 1858. Address before the Connecticut Agricultural Society, at Bridge- port, Oct. 15, 1857. 8vo. Hartford, 1858. My Farm of Edgewood : a Country Book. i2mo. New York, 1863. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19!) Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. i2mo. New York, 1864. Wet Days at Edgewood ; with Old Farmers, Old Gardeners, and Old Pastorals, izmo. New York, 1S65. Doctor Johns : being a Narrative of Certain Events in the Life of an Orthodox Minister of Connecticut. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1866. Rural Studies, with Hints for Country Places. i2mo. New York, 1867. ***Republished as Out of Town Places. i2mo. New York, 1SS4. (Edited.) The Atlantic Almanac [for] 1869. [Containing My Garden Acquaintance, pp. 32-37, by Lowell; Talk Concerning the Human Body and its Management, pp. 47- 58, by Holmes, and contributions by the editor, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and others.] Illustrations. 4to. Boston [1868]. Pictures of Edgewood, being Photographic Views with Text and Illustrative Diagrams [by D. G. Mitchell]. (300 copies.) 4to. New York, 1869. An Address delivered before the American Dairymen's Asso- ciation, at Utica, N. Y., Jan. 11, 187 1. On some of the Relations of Science to Farm Practice. 8vo. Utica, 1871. A Freehold Villa for Nothing ; or, how I became my own Landlord without Capital. [With appendix by D. Smith.] Illustrations. i6mo. London [1873]. Address : Fences and Division of Farm Lands, before Con- necticut Board of Agriculture, at VVinsted, Dec. 17, 1875. 8vo. Hartford, 1876. Address before Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, at Worces- ter, Nov. 15, 1876. 8vo. Boston, 1877. About Old Story Tellers : of how and when they lived, and what Stories they told. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1878. A Report to the Commissioners on Lay-Out of East-Rock Park. 8vo. New Haven, 1882, Address before the Alpha Delta Phi Society, at the Academy of Music, N. Y. 8vo. New York, 1883. 200 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) Daniel Tyler. A Memorial Volume, containing his Autobiography and War Record, some Account of his Later Years, with Various Reminiscences and the Tributes of.Friends. (Privately printed ; 200 copies.) 4to. New- Haven, 1883. The Woodbridge Record, being an Account of the Descend- ants of the Rev. John Woodbridge, of Newbury, Mass. Compiled from the Papers left by the Late Louis Mitchell, Esq. [By D. G. Mitchell.] (Privately printed ; 200 copies.) 4to. New Haven, 18S3. Washington Irving. Commemoration of looth Anniversary of his Birth by the Washington Irving Association at Tarry-on-Hudson. . . . April 3, 1883. [Address by Mitch- ell, pp. 37-48 ; and by Charles Dudley Warner, pp. 48-52.] Portraits. Square 8vo. New York, 1884. Bound Together: a Sheaf of Papers. i2mo. New York^ Reveries of a Bachelor. [Newly revised, with additional preface.] Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1884. *^*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 8vo. New York. 1884. *,*Uniform editions of Dream Life were issued simultane- ously; and limited editions of each (200 copies) were reissued in 1889. Readings from Macaulay. Italy. With an Introduction by D. G. Mitchell. i6mo. Boston, 1887. Works. [Revised edition.] 8 volumes, i2mo. New York^ English Lands, Letters, and Kings. From Celt to Tudor. i2mo. New York, 1889. English Lands, Letters, and Kings. From Elizabeth to Anne. i2mo. New York, 1890. (With others.) Homes in City and Country. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1893. English Lands, Letters, and Kings. Queen Anne and the Georges. i2mo. New York, 1895. *^*See also Holmes, O. W. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 201 MITCHELL, SILAS WEIR. 1829 — [Anonymous.] The Wonderful Story of Fuz-Buz, the Fly, and Mother Grabem, the Spider. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Philadelphia, 1867. Hephzibah Guiness ; Thee and you ; and A Draft on the Bank of Spain. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1880. The Hill of Stones and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1883. In War Time. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Roland Blake. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1886. A Masque and other Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Prince Little Boy and other Tales of Fairy- Land. Illustra- tions. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1888. Far in the Forest : a Story. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1889. The Cup of Youth and other Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1889. A Psalm of Death and other Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1 890. Francis Drake. A Tragedy of the Sea. 8vo. Boston, 1892. The Mother and other Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1892. Characteristics. i2mo. New York, 1892. When all the Woods are Green. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1894. Mr. Kris Kringle. A Christmas Tale. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1894. A Madeira Party. Frontispiece, 24mo. New York, 1895. Philip Vernon. A Tale in Prose and Verse. i2mo. New York, 1895. *^*Dr. Mitchell is also author and editor of several medical addresses and publications. MORFORD, HENRY. 1823-1881. Music of the^Spheres. i2mo. Granville, Middleton, N. J., 1840. The Rest of Don Juan. Inscribed to the Shade of Byron. 8v'o. New York, 1846. 202 AMERICA N A UTHORS. Rhymes of Twenty Years. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1859. Sprees and Splashes, or Droll Recollections of Town and Country. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1863. The Great Rebellion : Grand National Allegory and Tab- leaux. i6mo. Chicago, 1863. Shoulder Straps, A Novel of New York and the Army, in 1862. Illustrations. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1863. The Days of Shoddy. A Novel of the Great Rebellion of 1S61. i2mo. Philadelphia [1863]. The Coward. A Novel of Society and the Field in 1861. i2mo. Philadelphia [1864] . Utterly Wrecked. 8vo. New York, 1866. Paris in '67 ; or the Great Exposition. i2mo. New York, 1867. Over Sea ; or England, France, and Scotland, as seen by a Live American. i2mo. New York, 1867. Turned from the Door. 8vo. New York, 1869. Only a Commoner. 3 volumes, i2mo. London, 1871. John Jasper's Secret. Illustrations. i2mo. Philadelphia [1871]. Rhymes of an Editor. Including Almost. Portrait and illustrations. r2mo. London, 1873. Short-Trip Guide to Europe. Map. i2mo. New York [1875]. The Spur of Monmouth, or Washington in Arms. By An Ex- Pension Agent. Portrait. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1876. MORRIS, GEORGE POPE. 1802-1864. (Edited, with S. Wood worth.) The New York Mirror and Ladies' Literary Gazette [Aug. 2, 1823-Dec. 31, 1842]. Plates. 20 volumes, 4to. New York, 1823-42. ThelDeserted Bride and other Poems. 8vo. New York, 1838. A DlBLIOGRAPHr. 203 The Little Frenchman and his Water Lots, with other Sketches of the Times. Illustrations. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1839. (Edited.) American Melodies containing a Single Selection from the Productions of 200 Writers. i6mo. New York, 1841. *»*Reprinted as The Gift-Book of American Melodies. Philadelphia, 1854. The Maid of Saxony [an opera]. Square lamo. New York, 1842. The Whip- Poor- Will. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York [1843]. The Deserted Bride and other Poems [including The Maid of Saxony, and The Whip-Poor- Will]. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1843. (Edited, with N. P. Willis.) The New Mirror. A Weekly devoted to Literature, Art, Drama, etc. [April 8, 1843- Sept. 28, 1844.] 3 volumes, royal 8vo. New York, 1843- 44. Songs and Ballads. Royal 8 vo. New York, 1844. (Edited, with N. P. Willis.) The Prose and Poetry of Europe and America. 8vo. New York, 1845. The Deserted Bride and other Productions. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1853. Poems. With a Memoir of the Author. Portrait. 24mo. New York, 1860. ***See also, Bryant, W. C. ; Nack.Jamks; and Paulding, J. K. MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP. 1814-1877. Morton's Hope ; or, the Memoirs of a Provincial. By An American. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1839. [Anonymous.] Morton of Morton's Hope. An Autobiog- raphy. 3 volumes, i2mo. London, 1839. ***A reissue of the New York edition, with extensive revis- ions and alterations. [Anonymous.] Merry Mount ; a Romance of the Massa- chusetts Colony. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Boston, 1849. l»04 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. Portraits 3 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1S56. Letters of J. L. Motley and Joseph Holt [on the Govern- ment's position relative to the rebellious States]. i2mo. New York, 1861. The Causes of the American Civil War. A Letter to The London Times. 8vo. New York, 186 1. *#*Also published in London, Svo. 1S61 ; and in The Pulpit and the Rostrum, New York, 1861. History of the United Netherlands : from the Death of Will- iam the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce — 1609. With a Full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. Portraits. 4 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1861-68. Four Questions for the People, at the Presidential Election.. Address. . . . Oct. 20, 1868. Svo. Boston, 1868. Historic Progress and American Democracy : an Address .... Dec. 16, 1868. 8vo. New York, 1869. The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, with a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War. Illustrations. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1874. Democracy, the Climax of Political Progress. An Historical Essay. 8vo. Glasgow [1875]. Peter the Great. 32mo. New York, 1877. Correspondence. . . . Edited by George William Curtis. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1889. *:>*See also Holmes, O. W. MOULTON, ELLEN LOUISE CHANDLER. 1835 — The Waverley Garland, a Present for all Seasons. Edited by " Ellen Louise." Portrait and illustration. 4to. Boston, 1853. This, that, and the other. By Ellen Louise Chandler. Vignette title. i2mo. Boston, 1854. Juno Clifford. A Tale. By A Lady. Frontispiece and vig- nette title. i2mo. New York, 1856. My Third Book. A Collection of Tales. i2mo. New York, 1859. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 205 Bedtime Stories. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1873. More Bedtime Stories. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Bos- ton, 1S74. (With Elizabeth S. Phelps and others.) Some Women's Hearts. i6mo. Boston, 1874. Poems. By L. C. M. i8mo. Boston, 1878. New Bedtime Stories. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Bos- ton, 1880. Random Rambles. i8mo. Boston, 1881. Firelight Stories. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1883. Ourselves and our Neighbors. i6mo. Boston, 1887. (Edited.) Garden Secrets. Poems by Philip Bourke Mar- ston. Portrait. i6mo. London, 1887. Miss Eyre from Boston, and others. i6mo. Boston, 1889. In the Garden of Dreams : Lyrics and Sonnets. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1S90. Stories told at Twilight. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1890. (Edited.) A Last Harvest. By Philip Bourke Marston. i6mo. London, 1891. *^*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 8vo. London, 1891. Swallow Flights. New Edition of Poems published in 1877 [1878], with Ten Additional Poems. T2mo. Boston, , 1892. (Edited.) Collected Poems of PhiHp Bourke Marston. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1892. In the Garden of Dreams. Illustrations. r6mo. Boston, 1894. Arthur O'Shaughnessy : his Life and his Work. With Selec- tions from his Poems. Portrait. i6mo. Cambridge, 1894. *,^*The same. Large paper. (60 copies.) Svo. Cambridge, 1894. 206 AMERICAN AUTHORS. MULLANY, PATRICK FRANCIS (Brother Azarias). 1S47- 1893. An Essay contributing to a Philosophy of Literature. By B. A. M. r2mo. Philadelphia, iS 77. Psychological Aspects of Education. 8vo. New York. 1877. The Development of English Thought : the Old Enghsh Period. i2mo. New York, 1879. On Thinking. Address delivered before the Students of Rock Hill College, 1 88 1. 8vo. New York, 188 1. Culture of the Spiritual Sense. 8vo. New York, ^884. Aristotle and the Christian Church. An Essay. i2mo. Lon- don, 1888. Books and Reading. i2mo. New York, 1S90. Mary, Queen of May. i2mo. Notre Dame, Ind., 1891. Phases of Thought and Criticism. i2mo. Boston, 1892. *,*Brother Azarias also contributed essays and papers to The International Review, The American Catholic Quarterly Review, The American Ecclesiastical Review and other period- icals. MURFREE; MARY NOAILLES (Charles Egbert Craddock). 1850 — In the Tennessee Mountains. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Where the Battle was fought. i2mo. Boston, 1884. Down the Ravine. Illustrations. lamo. Boston, 1885. The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1885. In the Clouds. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The Story of Keedon Bluffs, izmo. Boston, 1888. The Despot of Broomsedge Cove. i2mo. Boston, 1889. In the Stranger People's Country. Illustrations. 1 2mo. New York, 1 89 1. His Vanished Star. i2mo. Boston, 1894. A BIBLIOGRAPUr. 207 The Phantoms of the Foot-Bridge and other Stories. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York, 1895. The Mystery of Witch- Face Mountain, and other Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1895. MYERS, PETER HAMILTON. 1813-1878. Ensenore. A Poem. 8vo. New York, 1840. [Anonymous.] The First of the Knickerbockers. A Story of 1673. i2mo. New York, 1848. The Young Patroon, or Christmas in 1690. A Tale of New- York. i2mo. New York, 1849. The King of the Hurons. i2mo. New York, 1850. The Miser's Heir, or the Young Millionaire. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1854. The Prisoner of the Border ; a Tale of 1838. i2mo. New York, 1857. NACK, JAMES. 1 809-1 879. The Legend of the Rocks and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1827. Ode on the Proclamation of President Jackson. With a Memoir of the Author. Svo. New York, 1833. Earl Rupert, and other Tales and Poems. With a Memoir by P. M. Wetmore. i2mo. New York, 1839. The Immortal; a Dramatic Romance, and other Poems. With a Memoir by George P. Morris. i2mo. New York, 1850. Romance of the Ring and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1850. Poems. With Introduction by George P. Morris. 12 mo. New York, 1852. NEAL, JOHN. 1 793-1876. Battle of Niagara, a Poem without Notes ; and Goldau, or, the Maniac Harper. By Jehu O'Cataract. i8mo. Bal- timore, 181S. *^*The same. Second Edition [with additions]. iSmo. Bal- timore, 1S19. 208 AMERICAN AUTHORS. [Anonymous.] Logan, a Family History, 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1822. [Anonymous.] Seventy-Six. 2 volumes, i2mo. Baltimore, i8zi. Randolph: a Novel. 2 volumes, i2mo. [New York] 1823. Errata; or, the Works of Will Adams. A Tale. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1823. [Anonymous.] Brother Jonathan ; or, the New Englanders. 3 volumes, i2mo. Edinburgh, 1825. Rachel Dyer : a North American Story. i2mo. Portland, 1828. (Edited.) The Yankee. A Literary Paper. Portland and Boston, 1828-29. *^*Of this publication numbers 1-52, inclusive, forming vol. i., and vol. ii., numbers 1-26, inclusive, January 2, 1828, to June 25, 1S29, were issued in quarto form ; the subsequent numbers, July-December, inclusive, 1829, in octavo. The num- ber for October 15, 1828, appeared with Boston imprint, as did all subsequent numbers. One of the principal contributors to this journal was John G. Whittier, many of whose early compo- sitions first appeared in its pages. Address delivered before the Portland Association for the Promoting of Temperance, Feb. nth, 1829. 8vo. Portland, 1829. Authorship, a Tale. By A New Englander Over-Sea. 1 2mo. Boston, 1830. Our Country. An Address before the Alumni of Waterville C'oUege, July 29, 1830. 8vo. Portland, 1830. Principles of Legislature : from the MS. of Jeremy Bentham. By M. Dupont. Translated from the Second Corrected and Enlarged Edition ; with Notes and a Biographical No- tice of Jeremy Bentham and M. Dupont by John Neal. Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1830. The Down Easters. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1831. Banks and Banking. A Letter to the Bank Directors of Portland. i8mo. Portland, 1837. Oration delivered at Portland July 4, 1838. 8vo. Portland, A BIBLIOGRAPHV. 209 Man. A Discourse, before the United Brothers' Society ot Brown University, Sept. 4, 1838. 8vo. Providence, 1838. From the American Press to the American People. In Be- half of John Bratish Eliovitch. 8vo. Portland, 1840. One Word More ; intended for the Reasoning and Thought- ful among Unbelievers. i2mo. Portland and Boston, 1854. True Womanhood. i2mo. Boston, 1859. The White- Faced Pacer ; or, before and after the Battle. i6mo. New York, 1864. The Moose-Hunter ; or, Life in the Maine Woods. i6mo. New York [1864]. Account of the Great Conflagration in Portland, July 4th and 5th, 1866, and a New Business Guide. 8vo. Portland, 1866. Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life. An Autobiography. i2mo. Boston, 1869. Great Mysteries and Little Plagues. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1870. Little Moccasin; or, Along the Madawaska. A Story of Life in the Lumber Region. Frontispiece. i6mo. London [1870]. Portland Illustrated. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Port- land, 1874. NEAL, JOSEPH CLAY. 1807-1847. Charcoal Sketches ; or, Scenes in a Metropolis. Illustrations by D. C. Johnston. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1838. Peter Ploddy and other Oddities. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1844. Charcoal Sketches. Second Series. Illustrations by Darley. 8vo. New York, 1848. The Misfortunes of Peter Faber and other Sketches. Illus- trations by Darley. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1854. NEWELL, ROBERT HENRY (Orpheus C. Kerr). 1836— The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. 3 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1862-65. 210 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Palace Beautiful and other Poems. 1 2mo. New York, 1865. The Martyr- President : a Poem. i2mo. New York, 1865. Avery Glibun ; or between Two Fires : a Romance. 8vo. New York, 1867. Smoked Glass. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, i868. The Cloven Foot ; an [American] Adaptation of " The Mys- tery of Edwin Drood " .... i2mo. New York, 1870. Versatilities. i6mo. Boston, 187 1. The Walking Doll ; or the Asters and Disasters of Society. i2mo. New York, 1872. Studies in Stanzas. i6mo. New York, 1882. There was once a Man. i2mo. New York, 1884. NOAH, MORDECAI MANUEL. 1 785-1 851. The Fortress of Sorrento : a Petit Historical Drama. i6mo.' New York, 180S. Shakspeare Illustrated : or, the Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakspeare are founded. Collected and translated from the Originals, by Mrs. Lenox. With Critical Remarks and Biographical Sketches of the Writers, by M. M. Noah. 2 volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. Correspondence and Documents relative to the Attempt to negociate for the Release of the American Captives at Al- giers. 8vo. Washington, 18 16. Discourse at the Consecration of the Synagogue in New- York, .... 17th of April, 1818. 8vo. New York, 1818. She would be a Soldier, or the Plains of Chippewa. An His- torical Drama in Three Acts. 24mo. New York, 18 19. Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, in the Years 1813-15. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1819. [Anonymous.] The Wandering Boys : or, the Castle of Olival. A Melo Drama, In Two Acts. 24mo. Boston, 1821. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 211 The Grecian k^^^^-^ ^ ., ^^ n r ^.i York, 1822. ' °^' *^^ ^^^^ of Athens. r6mo. New Marion : or, the Hero of Lah.v. ^ founded on Events of the Rev'b'lLS^ • ^ i^rama .... New York, 1822. ''^y ^^ar. i6mo. An Address dehvered .... on the Opening 01 . chanic Institution .... 8vo. New York, 1822. ^^e- A Statement of Facts relative to the Conduct of Henry Eck- ford, Esq., as connected with The National Advocate. 8vo. New York, 1824. Discourse on the Evidences of the American Indians being the Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. 8vo. New York, 1837. .... The Book of Jasher ; referred to in Joshua and Sec- ond Samuel. Faithfully translated from the Original He- brew into English. [Edited, with preface, pp. iii.-vii., by M. M. Noah.] 8vo. New York, 1840. Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews. With a Map of the Land of Israel. 8vo. New York, 1845. Gleanings of a gathered Harvest. i2mo. New York, 1 845 . A Letter addressed to the Southern Delegates of the Balti- more Democratic Convention, on the Claims of the "Bam- Burners " to be admitted to Seats in that Convention. 8vo. New York, 1848. The Jews, Judea, and Christianity. A Discourse on the Res- toration of the Jews. i2mo. London, 1849. NORTON, CHARLES ELIOT. 1827— [Anonymous.] Considerations on some Recent Social Theo- ries. i6mo. Boston, 1853. The New Life, of Dante : an Essay, with Translations. (100 copies.) Square i2mo. Cambridge, 1859. Notes of Travel and Study in Italy. i2mo. Boston, i860. A Review of a Translation into Italian [by Giovanni Tam- burini] of the Commentary by Benvenuto da Imola on the Divina Commedia. (50 copies.) Small 4to. Cam- bridge, 1 86 1. 212 AMERICAN AUTHORS. , , ^ J r- „ • -Boston, 1 86 1. The Soldier of the Good Cause. 2^*-- ^ . , TT ' vviough. With a Memoir Tpp. The Poems of Arthur IJj-jQ^ 24mo. Boston, 1862. xi.-xxxvi.] by • ^.) The New Life of Dante Alighieri. Royal (Tran^i' Boston, ^g^^^ William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job reproduced in Heliotype, with Descriptive Letter-Press and Sketch of Blake's Life and Works. 4to. Boston, 1875. A Catalogue of the Plates of Turner's Liber Studiorum. 4to. Boston, 1875. Philosophical Discussions, by Chauncey Wright. With Bio- graphical Sketch of the Author by C E. Norton. 8vo. New York, 1877. List of the Principal Books relating to the Life and Work of Michael Angelo. With Notes. 8vo. Cambridge, 1879. Historical Study of Church-Building in the Middle Ages : Venice, Siena, Florence. 8vo. New York, 1880. *^*The same. Large paper. Royal 8vo. New York, 1880. [Edward C. Cabot's] Letter to the President of the Arch- aeological Institute [C.E.Norton]. And his Reply, con- cerning the Work at Assos and the Contribution of the Boston Society of Architects towards the Cost of printing the Report of the Assos Expedition. 8vo. Boston, 1884. (Edited.) Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle. 2 portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo. London, 1886. (Edited.) Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle. 2 maps. 2 volumes, 8vo. London, 1887. (Edited.) Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle. 1 2 mo. London, 1887. (Edited.) Letters of Thomas Carlyle. 1826-1836. Fron- tispiece and facsimile. 2 volumes, i2mo. London, 1888. (Translated.) The Divine Comedy, and The New Life of Dante Alighieri. 4 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1891-92. *^*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) i2mo. Boston, 1891-93. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 213 (Edited.) Scott's Complete Poetical Works. Illustrations. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1894. (With Brander Matthews, and others.) Four American Universities. [Harvard, by Norton, pp. 1-43.] Illustra- tions. Square 8vo. New York, 1895. (Edited.) The Heart of Oak Books. 6 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1895. ***See also Curtis, G. W. ; Emerson, R. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; and Parsons, T. W. O'CONNOR, WILLIAM DOUGLAS. 1 833-1 889. [Anonymous.] Harrington: a Story of True Love. i2mo. Boston, i860. The Good Gray Poet : a Vindication [of Walt Whitman]. 8vo. New York, 1866. The Ghost. Illustrations. Square i6mo. New York, 1867. The United States Life-Saving Service. Reprint from Apple- ton's Annual Cyclopoedia of the Year 1878. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1884. *;^*The original pagination is retained in the reprint. Hamlet's Note Book. i2mo. Boston, 1886. Three Tales. The Ghost, The Brazen Android, The Carpen- ter. [With a preface, pp. iii.-vii., by Walt Whitman.] i2mo. Boston, 1892. O'REILLY, JOHN BOYLE. 1844-1890. Songs from the Southern Seas, and other Poems. lanio. Boston, 1873. Songs, Legends and Ballads. i2mo. Boston, 1878. Moondyne. A Story from the Under World. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1879. The Statues in the Block and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1881. America. [A poem.] Read at the Reunion of the Army of the Potomac, at Detroit, June 14, 1882. 4to. [Boston, 1882.] 214 AMERICAN AUTHORS. In Bohemia. i2mo. Boston, 1886. The Irish Question : its Commercial and Industrial Aspects. Address before the Beacon Society of Boston, Feb. 28, 1886. 8vo. [Boston, 1886.] The Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport. Illustrations, ismo. Boston, 1888. The Proceedings at the Celebration by the Pilgrim Society at Plymouth, August ist, 1889, of the Completion of the National Monument to the Pilgrims. [Containing poem for the occasion, by O'Reilly.] Illustrations. 8vo. Ply- mouth, 1889. Life of John Boyle O'Reilly, by James Jeffrey Roche. To- gether with his Complete Poems and Speeches, edited by Mrs. J. B. O'Reilly. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. New York [1891]. *^*See also Fiske, John; Grant, Robert ; and Holmes, O. W. OSBORN, LAUGHTON. 1809-1878. [Anonymous.] Sixty Years of the Life of Jeremy Levis. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 183 1. [Anonymous.] TheConfessionsof a Poet. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1835. The Vision of Rubeta, an Epic Story of the Island of Man- hattan. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1838. The Critique of The Vision of Rubeta. A Dramatic Sketch in One Act. By Autodicus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. *^*A brochure evidently intended to stimulate the sale of the work criticised. Arthur Carryl. A Novel. . . . Odes .... Epigrams. Par- odies and Minor Pieces. 8vo. New York, 1841. The Silver Head and the Double Heart. i2mo. New York, 1867. Calvary — Virginia. Tragedies. i2mo. New York, 1867. Alice ; or, the Painter's Story. 12 mo. New York, 1867. Dramatic Works. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1868. Bianca Capello. A Tragedy. i2mo. New York, 1868. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 215 The School of Critics : a Comedy. 121110. New York, 1868. Montanini : a Tragedy. 121110. New York, 1868. Travels by Sea and Land. By Alethitheras. 121110. New York, 1868. The Magnetizer. The Prodigal. Comedies in Prose. 8vo. New York, 1869. Ugo da Este ; Uberto ; The Cid of Seville. Tragedies. i2mo. New York, 1869. The Last Mandeville .... [and other] Tragedies. i2mo. New York, 1870. Meleagros ; The New Calvary. Tragedies. 1 2nio. New York, 1871. Mariamne. 12 mo. New York, 1873. OSGOOD, FRANCES SARGENT. 1812-1850. A Wreath of Wild Flowers from New England. i2mo. London, 1838. The Casket of Fate. 48mo. Boston, 1840. The Poetry of Flowers, and Flowers of Poetry. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1841. Interpretation of Flora. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1 84 1. The Rose. i8mo. Providence, 1842. The Snow-Drop. 181110. Providence, 1842. Poems. Frontispiece and engraved title page. i2mo. New York, 1846. The Floral Offering. Illustrations. 4to. Philadelphia, 1849. A Letter about the Lions : addressed to Mabel in the Country. 8vo. New York, 1849. Poems. Complete Edition. Illustrations. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1850. *^,*See also Ford, P. L. PAGE, THOMAS NELSON. 1853— In Ole Virginia; or, Marse Chan and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1887. 216 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Two Little Confederates. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1888. (With A. C. Gordon.) Befo' de War : Echoes in Negro Dialect. i2mo. New York, 1888. On Newfound River. 12 mo. New York, 1891. Among the Camps : Young People's Stories of the War. Il- lustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1891. Elsket and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 189 1. The Old South : Essays Social and Political. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1892. Marse Chan. A Tale of Old Virginia. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1S92. Meh Lady. A Story of the War. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1893. Works. Library Edition. Portrait. 4 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1893. Pastime Stories. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1894. Polly. A Christmas Recollection. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1894. The Burial of the Guns. i2mo. New York, 1894. Unc' Edinburg : a Plantation Echo. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1895. PALMER, JOHN WILLIAMSON. 1825 — The Golden Dragon ; or, up and down the Irrawaddy : being Passages of Adventure in the Burman Empire. By An American. 12 mo. New York, 1856. The Queen's Heart J a Comedy. i2mo. Boston, 1858. The New and the Old ; or CaUfornia and India in Romantic Aspects. i2mo. New York, 1859. (Translated.) Love. From the French of Michelet. i2mo. New York, i860. (Translated.) Woman. From the French of Michelet. i2mo. New York, i860. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 217 (Edited.) Folk-Songs : a Book of Poems made for the Pop- ular Heart. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. New York, i860. (Translated.) The Moral History of Woman. From the French of Legouvd. 12 mo. New York, i860. (Edited.) The Poetry of Comphment and Courtship. i6mo. Boston, 1868. *^,*Also issued with engravings. Square i2mo. Boston, 186S. Beauties and Curiosities of Engraving. Illustrations. Folio. Boston [1879]. (Edited.) Home Life in the Bible. By Henrietta Lee Palmer. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1881. After his Kind. By John Coventry. i2mo. New York, 1886. PARKMAN, FRANCIS. 1823-1893. The California and Oregon Trail ; being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. i2mo. New York, 1849. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Maps. 8vo. Boston, 1851. *^*The same. Large paper. (75 copies.) Rojal Svo. Bos- ton, 1866. Vassall Morton. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1856. France and England in North America : a Series of Histori- cal Narratives : — I. The Pioneers of France in the New World. Portrait and maps. 8vo. Boston, 1865. II. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Cen- tury. Map. 8vo. Boston, 1867. III. The Discovery of the Great West. Map. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1869. *^,*Reprinted as La Salle, or the Discovery of the Great West. Svo. Boston, 1S79. IV. The Old Regime in Canada. Map. 8vo. Boston, 1874. 218 AMERICAN AUTHORS. V. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Map. 8vo. Boston, 1877. VI. A Half-Century of Conflict. Maps. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1892. VII. Montcalm and Wolfe. Portraits and maps. 2 vol- umes, 8vo. Boston, 1884. *^*A large paper edition, 75 copies, of each part was pub- lished on the dates indicated. I The Book of Roses. Square i2mo. Boston, 1866. Historical Account of Boquet's Expedition against the In- dians in 1764. With Preface by Francis Parkman. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1868. *^:*The same. Large paper. Royal Svo. Cincinnati, 1868. Some of the Reasons against Woman Suffrage. Printed at the Request of an Association of Women. 8vo. [Bos- ton, 1884.] Historical Hand-Book of the Northern Tour. Lakes George and Champlain ; Niagara ; Montreal ; Quebec. Illustra- tions and maps. Svo. Boston, 1885. Braddock's Defeat. i2mo. New York, 1890. Champlain and his Associates. i2mo. New York, 1890. Our Common Schools. 8vo. [Boston, 1890.] The Oregon Trail .... With New Introduction by the Author. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1893. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, October and November, 1893. [Containing autobiography of Francis Parkman, pp. 350-360, and memorial poem, by Holmes, pp. 360-361.] 8vo. [Boston, 1893.] *^*See also Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. PARSONS, THOMAS WILLIAM. 1819-1892. [Anonymous.] The First Ten Cantos of the Inferno of Dante Alighieri, newly translated into English Verse. Por- trait. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Boston, 1843. Twenty- Fourth of October, 1852. [Poem on the death of Daniel Webster.] 4to. [Boston, 1852.] Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1854. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 219 Seventeen Cantos of the Inferno of Dante Alighieri. (Pri- vately printed.) Small 4to. Boston, 1865. The Rosary. (Privately printed ; 80 copies.) Small 4to. Cambridge, 1865. The Magnolia. (Privately printed.) 4to. Boston, 1866. The First Canticle : Inferno, of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Small 4to. Boston, 1867. *^*Also issued with portrait and 75 illustrations. Small 4to. Boston, 1867. The Old House at Sudbury. (Privately printed.) i2mo. Cambridge, 1870. The Shadow of the Obelisk and other Poems. Square 12 mo. London, 1872. The Willey House and Sonnets. Illustrations. (Privately printed.) i2mo. Cambridge, 1875. The Birthday of Michael Angelo. (Privately printed.) Square i8mo. London, 1875. The Ante-Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri. (Privately printed.y* 8vo. Cambridge, 1875. A Memorial of the American Patriots who fell at the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. With an Account of the Dedication of the Memorial Tablets on Winthrop Square, Charlestown, June 17, 1889 and an Appendix containing Illustrative Papers. [Ode by Parsons, pp. 20-23.] Illustrations. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1889. Circum Praecordia : the Collects of the Holy Catholic Church as they are set forth by the Church of England in her Book of Common Prayer, for every Sunday in the Year. Together with a Few Poems. i6mo. Boston [1892]. Poems. [Edited by Charles Eliot Norton.] i2mo. Bos- ton, 1893. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. With a Preface by Charles Eliot Norton, and a Memorial Sketch by Louise Imogen Guiney. i2mo. Boston, 1893. ***See also Holmes, O. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; and Whittier, J. G. 220 AMERICAN AUTHORS. PARTON, JAMES. 1822-1891. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of The New York Tribune. Portraits and illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1855. The Humorous Poetry of the English Language from Chaucer to Saxe, with Notes Explanatory and Biographical. 8vo. New York, 1856. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. ... 2 portraits. 8vo. New York, 1858. Lifeof Andrew Jackson. Portraits. 3 volumes, i2mo. New York, i860. *=^*The same. Large paper. 3 volumes, roval 8vo. New York, i860. General Butler in New Orleans : History of the Administra- tion of the Department of the Gulf in 1862. . . . Por- traits and plan. i2mo. New York, 1863. The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. 4 portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1864. ***The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) 2 volumes, rojal Svo. New York, 1864. Life of John Jacob Astor. To which is appended a Copy of his Last Will. i2mo. New York, 1865. How New York City is governed. i2mo. Boston, 1866. Life of Aaron Burr. New and Enlarged Edition. Portrait. 2 volumes, Svo. New York, 1866. (Edited.) Manual for the Instruction of Rings Railroad and Political : with a History of the Grand Chicago and North- Western Ring. 24mo. New York, 1866. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Portrait. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1867. Smoking and Drinking. (Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly.) i6mo. Boston, 1868. The People's Book of Biography ; or Short Lives of Most Interesting Persons of all Ages and Countries. 12 por- traits. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. (Edited.) Eminent Women of the Age : being Narratives of the Lives and Deeds of the Most Prominent Women of the Present Generation. 14 plates. Svo. Hartford, 1869. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 221 The Danish Islands : are we bound in Honor to pay for them ? 8vo. Boston, 1869. George W. Childs. A Biographical Sketch. i2mo. Phila- delphia, 1870. (Edited.) Sketches of Men of Progress [by the editor, Bay- ard Taylor and others]. Portraits. [50 parts, or i vol- ume.] 4to. New York, 1870-71. Topics of the Times. i2mo. Boston, 187 1. Triumphs of Enterprise, Ingenuity and Public Spirit. 8vo. Hartford, 187 1. ***Reprinted, with illustrations, 8vo. New York, 1S74. (Edited.) The Words of Washington. i6mo. Boston, 1872. Fanny Fern : a Memorial Volume. Her Select Writings and Memoir. i2mo. New York, 1873. Taxation of Church Property. i2mo. Boston [1873]. Life of Thomas Jefferson. . . . Portrait. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Caricature and other Comic Art in all Times and many Lands. 203 illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1877. (Edited.) Le Parnasse Francaise. A Book of French Poetry from 1550 to the Present Time. i2mo. Boston, 1877. ***Also issued (with portrait), 8vo. Boston, 1877. Lives of Illustrious Men : the People's Book of Biography. .... 8vo. New York, 1881. Fran9ois Marie Arouet (Voltaire). Portraits and illustrations. 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1881. Noted Women of Europe and America. Portraits. 8vo. Hartford, 1883. Captains of Industry ; or Men of Business who did Something besides making Money. 4 portraits. i2mo. Boston, 1884. (Edited.) Some Noted Princes, Authors and Statesmen ot our Times. By James Parton, J. T. Fields, E. P. Whipple, Louise Chandler Moulton and others. Portraits and illus- trations. 8vo. Norwich, 1885. 222 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Daughters of Genius. Illustrations. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1886. Captains of Industry. Second Series. i2mo. Boston, 189 1. PAULDING, JAMES KIRKE. 17 79-1 860. The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan. By Hector Bull-Us. i8mo. New York, 181 2. [Anonymous.] The Lay of the Scottish Fiddle : a Tale of Havre de Grace. Supposed to be written by W — S Esq. i8mo. New York, 18 13. *^*Al60, iSmo. London, 1814. of 1 Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby, a Poem in Six Cantos. By An Amateur of Fashion. To which are added Notes by our Most Popular Characters. i8mo. New York, 1813. [Anonymous.] The United States and England : being a Reply to the Criticism [by Robert Southey] on Inchiquin's Letters, contained in The Quarterly Review for January, 1814. 8vo. New York, 1815. [Anonymous.] Letters from Virginia. Translated from the French. lamo. Baltimore, 1816. [Anonymous.] Letters from the South, written during an Excursion in the Summer of 181 6. 2 volumes, i6mo. New York, 18 17. The Backwoodsman. A Poem. i6mo. Philadelphia, 18 18. Salmagundi. Second Series. [May 30, 1819-August 19, 1820.] i2mo. New York, 1819-20. A Sketch of Old England, by A New-England Man. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. New York, 1822. [Anonymous.] Koningsmarke, the Long Finne ; a Story of the New World. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1823. John Bull in America; or, the New Munchausen. i2mo. New York, 1825. The Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham. i2mo. New York, 1826. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 223 New Mirror for Travellers and Guide to the Springs. By An Amateur. i2mo. New York, 1828. Tales of the Good Woman by A Doubting Gentleman. i2mo. New York, 1829. Chronicles of the City of Gotham, from the Papers of a Retired Councilman. 8vo. New York, 1830. The Dutchman's Fireside. A Tale. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1 83 1. The Lion of the West : a Comedy. i2mo. New York, 1S31. Westward Ho ! A Tale. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1832. The Atlantic Club-Book : being Sketches in Prose and Verse [compiled by G. P. Morris, from The New York Mirror,] by Various Authors. [Paulding, Halleck, Bryant, Leggett, Fay, Morris, Simms, Willis, Woodworth and others.] 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1834. A Life of Washington. 4 plates. 2 volumes, i8mo. New York, 1835. Letters from the South. By A Northern Man. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1835. ***A new revision of the 1S17 edition, with many alterations and additions. [Anonymous.] The Book of Saint Nicholas. Translated from the Original Dutch of Dominie Nicholas Aegidius Oudenarde. i2mo. New York, 1836. Slavery in the United States. i8mo. New York, 1836. [Anonymous.] A Christmas Gift from Fairy Land. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York [1838]. The Old Continental ; or, the Price of Liberty. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1846. (With William I. Paulding.) American Comedies. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1847. *:^*Ofthe four comedies, three are by J. K. Paulding. The Puritan and his Daughter. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1849. 224 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Literary Life [including unpublished letters and hitherto un- collected sketches]. Compiled by VV. L Paulding. Por- trait. i2mo. New York, 1867. *^*See also Bryant, W. C. ; and Irving, W. PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD. 1 791-1852. (Edited.) The Thespian Mirror. [December 28, 1805- March 22, 1806.] 22 numbers, 8vo. New York, 1805- 1806. Lovers' Vows. i8mo. Baltimore, 1809. Juvenile Poems, principally written between the Age of Thirteen and Seventeen. i8mo. Baltimore, 1813. Lispings of the Muse : a Selection from Juvenile Poems, chiefly written at, and before, the Age of Sixteen. (Pri- vately printed.) 8vo. London, 1 815. Accusation ; or, the Family of D'Anglade : a Melo Drama in Three Acts, from the French with Alterations. i8mo. Boston, 18 18. Brutus ; or, the Fall of Tarquin. An Historical Tragedy in Five Acts. i8mo. London [1818]. *^*Also, 8vo. London, 1819; and i6mo. New York, 1819. Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, a Drama in Three Acts .... i8mo. New York, 1821. AdeUne, the Victim of Seduction, a Melo Drama in Three Acts. . . . i8mo. New York, 1822. Clari ; or, the Maid of Milan. An Opera in Three Acts [containing the lyric "Home, Sweet Home"]. i8mo. New York, 1823. AU Pacha; or, the Signet- Ring. A Melo- Drama in Two Acts. i8mo. New York, 1823. The Two Galley Slaves : a Melo Drama in Two Acts. Frontispiece. i8mo. London [1823]. Richelieu : a Domestic Tragedy, founded on Fact. (As adapted for performance at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London ; before it was altered by order of the Lord Chamberlain, and produced under a new name.) Now First printed from the Author's Manuscript. i8mo. New York, 1826. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 225 'Twas I, or the Truth a Lie. A Farce in Two Acts. i8mo. New York, 1828. Charles the Second ; or, the Merry Monarch. A Comedy. iSmo. Philadelphia, 1829. Prospectus of a New Periodical [Jam Jehan Nima, a Weekly Periodical. . . . ]. 8vo. [New York, 1833.] PERCIVAL, JAMES GATES. 1795-1856. (Translated.) Physiological and Chemical Researches on the Use of Prussic Acid. ... by F. Magendie. i2mo. New Haven, 1820. Poems [including Prometheus, part I]. i8mo. New Haven, 182 1. Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Con- necticut, Sept. 10, 1822, on some of the Moral and Poeti- cal Truths derivable from the Study of History. 8vo. New Haven, 1822. Prometheus, Part H, and other Poems. i8mo. New Haven, 1822. Clio. Part I. i2mo. Charleston, S. C, 1822. Clio. Part H. iSmo. New Haven, 1822. Poems. 8vo. New York, 1S23. Poem [The Mind] delivered before the Connecticut Phi Beta Kappa Society, September 13th, 1825. 8vo. New Haven, 1825. *^*Reprinted, 8vo. Boston, 1826. Geographical View of the World, by Rev, J. Goldsmith. Re- vised by J. G. Percival. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1826. (Edited.) Elegant Extracts in Prose and Verse. Portraits. 6 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1826. Clio. Part HI. i8mo. New York, 1827. (Edited.) Malte Brun's System of Universal Geography. Plates and maps. 3 volumes, 4to. Boston, 1834. 226 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut. Map. 8vo. New Haven, 1842. The Dream of a Day and other Poems. i2mo. New Haven, 1843. Poems. i8mo. New Haven, 1851. Report on the Kensington Lead Mines, Berhn, Conn. 8vo. New Haven, 1853. (With W. H. Stevens.) Geological Reports on the Middle- town Silver Lead Mines. 8vo. New York, 1853. Report on the Iron of Dodge and Washington Counties, Wisconsin. Plate. 8vo. Milwaukee, 1855. Poems. With Biographical Sketch [by L. W. Fitch]. Por- trait. 2 volumes, 24mo. Boston, 1859. Life and Letters, Edited by Julius H. Ward. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1866. PHELPS [WARD], ELIZABETH STUART. 1844 — The Gates Ajar. i2mo. Boston, 1868. Men, Women and Ghosts. i2mo. Boston, 1869. Hedged in. A Novel. i2mo. Boston, 1870. The Silent Partner. i2mo. Boston, 1871. What to wear? i2mo. Boston, 1873. Poetic Studies. Square i6mo. Boston, 1875. The Story of Avis. i2mo. Boston, 1877. My Cousin and I. i2mo. Boston, 1879. An Old Maid's Paradise. i6mo. Boston, 1879. Sealed Orders and other Stories. i6mo. Boston, 1879. Friends: a Duet. i6mo. Boston, 188 1. Doctor Zay. .A. Novel. i6mo. Boston, 1882. Beyond the Gates. i6mo. Boston, 1883. Songs of the Silent World and other Poems. Portrait. i6mO' Boston, 18S5. A BIBLIOGRAPIir. 227 The Gates Between. i6mo. Boston, 1887. The Madonna of the Tubs. Illustrations. lamo. Boston, 1887. Jack the Fisherman. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1887. Burglars in Paradise. i6ino. Boston, 1S87. The Struggle for Immortality. i6mo. Boston, 18S9. .\ Lost Winter. Illustrations. Oblong 8vo. Boston, 1889. (With H. D. Ward.) The Master of the Magicians. .A Novel. i6mo. Boston, 1890. (With H. D. Ward.) Come Forth, k Novel. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1 89 1. Austin Phelps. A Memoir. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1891. Fourteen to One. i6mo. Boston, 1891.. Donald Marcy. i6mo. Boston, 1893. A Singular Life. i6mo. Boston, 1S95. *^,*Also the Trotty Series, and other juvenile and Siindav- school works. See also Moulton, Louise Chandler. PIATT, JOHN JAMES. 1835— (With Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt.) The Nests at Washington and • other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1864. Poems in Sunshine and Iwilight. i6mo. Cincinnati, 1S66. Western Windows and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1869. Landmarks and other Poems. 12 mo. Boston, 1871. (Edited.) Poems of George Denison Prentice. Portr.iit. izmo. Cincinnati, 1876. The Lost Farm and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1877. May Festival, 1878. Ode for the Opening of the Cincinnati Music Hall. T2mo. Cincinnati, 1878. Poems of House and Home. i2mo. Boston, 1879. i 228 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Pencilled Fly-Leaves. Square i6mo. Chicago, 1880. Idyls and Lyrics of the Ohio Valley. i6mo. Cincinnati, 1881. (Edited.) The Union of American Poetry and Art. A Col- lection of Poems by American Poets. Illustrations. 4to. Cincinnati, 1882. (With Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt.) The Children out of Doors. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1884. At the Holy Well : a Handful of New Verses, i 2 mo. Cin- cinnati, 1887. A Dream of Church Window.^. Poems of House and Home. i2mo. Boston, 1888. A Return to Paradise and other Fly-Leaf Essays in Town and Country. 12 mo. London, 1891. Little New-World Idyls and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo. London, 1893. *^*See also Howells, W. D. PIATT, SARAH MORGAN BRYAN. 1835— [Anonymous.] A Woman's Poems. i2mo. Boston, 187 1, A Voyage to the Fortunate Islands and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1874. That New World, and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1877. Poems in Company with Children. Small 4to. Boston, 1877. Dramatic Persons and Moods, with other New Poems, i2mo. Boston, 1880. An Irish Garland. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1884. ***Also Boston, 1S85. In Primrose Time : a New Irish Garland. i2mo. London and Boston, 1886. Child's World Ballads. i2mo. London, 1 88 7. The Little Emigrants. i6mo. Chicago, 1887. The Witch in the Glass and other Poems. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1889. A BIBLIOGRAPHV. 229 Irish Wild Flowers. i6mo. New York, 1891. An Enchanted Castle and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1893. Poems. Portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1894. ***See also Piatt, J. J. PICKERING, HENRY. 1781-1831. [Anonymous.] The Ruins of Poestum : and other Compo- sitions in Verse. Small 4to. Salem, 1822. Athens and other Poems. 8vo. Salem, 1824. Poems. By An American. (Privately printed ; 25 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1830. [Anonymous.] The Buckwheat Cake. A Poem. Frontis- piece. (Privately printed.) 8vo. Boston, 1831. PIERPONT, JOHN. 1 785-1866. The Portrait : a Poem delivered before the Washington Benev- olent Society of Newburyport, October 27, 1812. 8vo. Boston, 181 2. Airs of Palestine. 8vo. Baltimore, 1S16. (Edited.) Sabbath Recreations ; or Select Poetry of a Relig- ious Kind, Chiefly taken from the Works of Modern Poets with Original Pieces never before published. By Miss Emily Taylor. First American Edition [containing many poems by the editor, W. C. Bryant, N. P. Willis, J. G. Whittier, and others]. i6mo. Boston, ^8*9. ^ / Airs of Palestine and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1840. Cold Water Melodies and Washingtonian Songster. i8mo. Boston, 1842. Anti-Slavery Poems. i8mo. Boston, 1843. Lays for the Sabbath. A Collection of Religious Poetry. i2mo. Boston, 1850. The Pilgrims of Plymouth : a Poem delivered before the New England Society, in New York, Dec. 22, 1855. ^^o- -^^o^" ton, 1856. *^*Besides the titles here given Mr. Pierpont published num- erous sermons, temperance addresses and educational works. ***See also Holmes, O. W. 230 A MERICA N A UTHORS. PIKE, ALBERT. 1S09-1S91. Prose Sketches and Poems written in the Western Country. i2mo. Boston, I S34. (Edited.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Arkansas. 5 volumes, 8vo. Little Rock, 1840-45. The Arkansas Form-Book. 8vo. Little Rock, 1845. Nugae. (Privately printed; 150 copies.) i2mo. Philadel- phia, 1854. Kansas State Rights. Appeal to the Democracy of the South. Svo. Washington, 1857. (With others.) The Life- Wake of the Fine Arkansas Gentle- man who died before his Time. 8vo. Washington, 1859. *^*Only a few copies printed, as souvenirs of a reception given to Albert Pike, following a premature announcement of his death, which appeared in the daily press. Several stanzas written on the event, together with a speech, by Mr. Pike, are here given. State or Province ? Bond or Free ? Addressed particularly to the people of Arkansas. Svo. [Washington] 1869. PINKNEY, EDWARD COATE. 1 802-1 828. [Anonymous.] Rodolph. Svo. Baltimore, 1823. Poems. iSmo. Baltimore, 1825. Poems. [Second edition, from a copy revised and corrected by the author.] iSmo. Baltimore, 1S38. ***Reprinted, with introduction by N. P. Willis, and bio- graphical sketch by William Leggett, royal Svo. New York, 1844. POE, EDGAR ALLAN. 1809-1849. Tamerlane and other Poems. By A Bostonian. 16 mo. Bos- ton, 1S27. *^*Of this work only three copies are known, one of which is in the library of the British Museum, London, and one was sold bj"^ Messrs. Libbie and Co., Boston, in April, 1892, for $1,850. A reprint of the British Museum copy, then con- sidered unique, was published in London, 1SS4, 100 copies, i6mo. Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems. Svo. Baltimore, 1829. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 231 Poems. Second Edition [including many poems now first published].! ^i6mo. New York, 1831. Southern Literary Messenger [August, 1835-January, 1837, inclusive]. 3 volumes, Svo. Richmond, 1835-37. *^*Poe was associate editor of the eighteen numbers in- dicated of the Messenger, and contributed the literary notices, together with several poems and sketches. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket. . . . i2mo. New York, 1838. The Conchologist's First Book : a System of Testaceous Mala- cology, arranged expressly for the Use of Schools. ... 12 colored plates, illustrating 215 shells. i2mo. Philadel- phia, 1839. *^*The same. Second Edition [with new preface and several corrections and additions]. 12 i!>ulurud plates. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1840. *„j*Also reprinted, anonymously, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1845. (Edited, with William E. Burton.) The Gentleman's Maga- zine [July, 1839-June, 1840, inclusive]. Illustrations. 2 volumes, royal Svo. Philadelphia, 1839-40. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. (750 copies.) 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1840. *^*In a few of the first copies issued, page 213 of vol. ii. is misprinted " 231." (Edited.) Graham's Magazine [April, iS4i-March, 1842, inclusive]. Portraits and illustrations. 2 volumes, Svo. Philadelphia, 1841-42. The Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe. No. i. [All pub- lished.] The Murders in the Rue Morgue, and The Man that was used up. Svo. Philadelphia, 1843. *#*Only two copies known, one of which, with a collection of newspaper and magazine clippings, was in 1894 catalogued at $250. The Raven and other Poems. i2mo. New York, 1845. *^*Also, i2mo. London, 1846. Tales. 12 mo. New York, 1845. (Edited, with Charles F. Briggs and Henry C. Watson.) The Broadway Journal. 2 volumes, 4to. New York, 1845. Mesmerism: In Articulo Mortis. Svo. London, 1846. 232 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Eureka: a Prose Poem. (500 copies.) i2mo. New York, 1848. Works ; with Notices of his Life and Genius. By N. P, WilHs, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. Portrait. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1850. The Literati : some Honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits, with Occasional Words of Personality. Together with Marginalia, Suggestions and Essays. With a Sketch of the Author by R. W. Griswold. i2mo. New- York, 1850. Tales of Mystery, Imagination and Humour ; and Poems. 26 illustrations [by the editor, Henry Vizetelly], i6mo. London, 1852. Works. Vol. IV. Arthur Gordon Pym &c. [Tales of humor and miscellanies.] i2mo. New York, 1856. Works. Newly collected and edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introductions, and Notes, by Edmund Clarence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry. Portraits and illustra- tions. 10 volumes, i2mo. Chicago, 1894-95. ***The same, with additional illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. Large paper. (250 copies.) 10 volumes, 8vo. Chicago, 1S94-95. *,*In this edition the works are, for the first time, revised after the author's final manuscript corrections, with exhaustive bibliographical notices, by Mr. Woodberry, of the several tales, reviews, sketches, and poems, and variorum readings of the latter. These make it unnecessary to give here a detailed list, with dates of publication, of Poe's contributions to the Southern Literary Messenger, The Gentleman's Magazine, Graham's Magazine, Broadway Journal, Godey's Lady's Book, and the numerous periodicals and annuals with which his connection was less permanent. Vol. x. contains, pp. 267-281, a biblio- graphy, also by Mr. Woodberry, of the various collective editions of Poe's writings. PRESCOrr, WILLIAM HICKLING. 1 796-1859. [Anonymous.] The Club-Room. [Edited, with three origi- nal contributions, by W. H. Prescott.] 4 numbers [February, March, April, July, 1820], 8vo. Boston, 1820. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, 5 portraits. 3 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1838. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 233 History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican CiviHzation, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. 3 portraits, 2 maps and facsimile. 3 volumes, Svo. New York, 1843. Life in Mexico, by Madame C[alderon] de la B[arca]. With Preface by W. H. Prescott. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1843. *^*Also, Svo. London, 1843. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Portrait. Svo. New York, 1845. History of the Conquest of Peru ; with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 portraits and facsimile. ^ Q^ volumes, 8vo. New York, 1847. A Memoir of Hon. John Pickering, LL.D. Svo. Boston, 1848. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 6 portraits. 3 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1855-58. *** i., ii., 1855; iii., 1858. Memoir of the Honorable Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the National Portrait Gallery. Portrait and folded pedigree. (Privately printed.) Svo. Philadelphia, 1S56. ***Also,4to. [Boston] 1S56. (Robertson's) History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth, with Supplement embracing the Life of Charles after his Abdication, by W. H. Prescott. Portrait. 3 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1857. ***See also Bryant, W. C. PRIME, WILLL'VM COWPER. 1825 — The Osvl Creek Letters and other Correspondence. By VV. i2mo. New York, 1S48. [Anonymous.] The Old House by the River. 1 2mo. New York, 1S53. Later Years. i2mo. New York, 1854. Boat- Life in Egypt and Nubia, izmo. New York, 1857. Tent-Life in the Holy Land. i2mo. New York, 1857. Coins, Medals, and Seals, Ancient and Modern. Illustrations. Square Svo. New York, 1S61. 234 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Gautier's Romance of the Mummy. With Introduction by VV. C. Prime. i2mo. New York, 1863. Mother Dear, Jerusalem : the Old Hymn, its Origin and Genealogy. 12 mo. New York, 1865. Passio Christi : the Little Passion of Albert Durer. 37 illus- trations. (500 copies.) Small 4to. New York, i868. 1 go a- Fishing. Small 8vo. New York, 1873. *4.*Also, i2mo. London, 1873. Holy Cross ; a History of the Invention, Preservation, and disappearance of the Wood known as the True Cross. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1877. Pottery and Porcelain of all Times and Nations, with Tables of Factory and Artists' Marks for Collectors. 8vo. New York, 1878. The China Hunters' Club. By The Youngest Member. With Introduction by W. C. Prime. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1878. McLellan's Own Story. [Edited, with biographical sketch, pp. 1-24, by Prime.] Portraits. 8vo. New York, 1887. Along New England Roads. i2mo. New York, 1892. Among the Northern Hills. i2mo. New York, 1895. PROCTOR, EDNA DEAN. 1838 — Life Thoughts gathered from the Extemporaneous Discourses of Henry Ward Beecher. Edited by One of his Congrega- tion. i2mo. Boston, 1858. Poems. i8mo. New York, 1866. A Russian Journey. 12 mo. Boston, 1872. The Song of the Ancient People. With Preface and Notes by John Fiske. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1893. PUTNAM, MARY LOWELL. 1810 — (Translated.) The Bondmaid. By Frederika Bremer. i6mo. Boston, 1844. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 235 [Anonymous.] Record of an Obscure Man. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1 86 1. *^*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 410. Boston, 1S61. [Anonymous.] Tragedy of Errors. [A dramatic poem illustrating the slavery system in America.] i6mo. Bos- ton, 1862. *^*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 4C0. Boston, 1862. [Anonymous.] Tragedy of Success. i6mo. Boston, 1862. *4.*The same. Large paper, (^o copies.) 410. Boston, 1S62. [Anonymous.] [Memorial of William] Lowell Putnam. Por- trait. (Privately printed.) 4to. Cambridge, 1863. [Anonymous.] Fifteen Days. An Extract from Edward Colvil's Journal. i6mo. Boston, 1866. Gudpin of Nantes : a French Republican. By M. L. P. 24mo. Dayton, O., 1874. QUINCY, EDMUND. 1808-1877. Introductory Lecture before the Adelphic Union, November 19, 1838. 8vo. Boston, 1839. .\n Examination of the Charges of Mr. John Scoble & Mr. Lewis Tappan against the American Anti-Slavery Society. 8vo. Dublin, 1852. • [Anonymous.] Wensley : a Story without a Moral. i6mo. Boston, 1854. [Anonymous.] Where will it end? A View of Slavery in the United States .... [Reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly.] 8vo. Providence, 1863. Life of Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts. Portraits. i2mo. Boston, 1867. Notice of Horace Binney, from the Report of the Council of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, May, 1876. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Wensley and other Stories. Edited by his Son, Edmund Quincy [with memorial poem, Bankside, pp. v.-vii., by J.R.Lowell]. i2mo. Boston, 1885. 236 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Haunted Adjutant and other Stories. . . . i2mo. Bos- ton, 1885. *^*Manj of the shorter stories included in the two latter titles were originally published in The Liberty Bell, an anti-slavery annual to which Mr. Quincy was one of the principal con- tributors. QUINCY, JOSIAH PHILLIPS. 1829— [Anonymous.] Lyteria : a Dramatic Poem. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1854. (Edited, anonymously.) Manuscript Corrections from a Copy of the Fourth FoHo of Shakespeare's Plays. 8vo. Boston^ 1854. Tax- Exemption no Excuse for Spoliation : Considerations in Opposition to the Petition .... to permit the Sale of the Old South Church. 8vo. Boston, 1874. The Protection of Majorities ; or, Considerations relating to Electoral Reform. With other Papers. i6mo. Boston^ 1875- Alexandre Vattemare ; his Service in Connection with the Boston City Library. 8vo. Cambridge [1883 J. Double Taxation in Massachusetts. i2mo. Boston, 1889. READ, THOMAS BUCHANAN. 1822-1872. Paul Redding : a Tale of the Brandywine. i2mo. Boston, 1845. Poems. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1847. (Edited.) The Female Poets of America, with Portraits, Biographical Notices and Specimens of their^Wri tings. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. Lays and Ballads. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1849. Poems. Illustrations bv Kenny Meadows. Svo. London, 1852. The Onward Age ; an Anniversary Poem. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1852. Poems. A New and Enlarged Edition. i2mo. Philadel- phia, 1853. *^*Reprinted, with illustrations, Svo. Philadelphia, 1854. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 237 The New Pastoral. Portrait. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1855. The House by the Sea. A Poem. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1855- Sylvia, or the Last Shepherd. An Eclogue. And other Poems, izmo. Philadelphia, 1857. Rural Poems. i2mo. London, 1857. Poems. New and Enlarged Edition. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, i860. The Wagoner of the AUeghanies. A Poem of the Days of Seventy-Six. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1862. A Summer Story. Sheridan's Ride and other Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1865. Poetical Works. [Newly revised, with additions.] 3 vol- umes, 1 2 mo. Philadelphia, 1866. Good Samaritans. A Poem. Square i2mo. Cincinnati, 1867. Sheridan's Ride. (Privately printed.) 4to. New York, 1867. Poetical Works. Complete Edition. Portrait and illustra- tions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882. ***See also Taylor, Bayard. REPPLIER, AGNES. 1855— Books and Men. i6mo. Boston, 1888. Points of View. i6mo. Boston, 1892. (Edited.) A Book of Famous Verse. i6mo. Boston, 1892. Essays in Miniature. i6mo. New York, 1892. Essays in Idleness. i6mo. Boston, 1893. In the Dozy Hours and other Papers. i6mo. Boston, 1S94. RICE, GEORGE EDWARD. 1822-1861. [Anonymous.] Ephemera [a collection of poems by George E. Rice and John H. Wainwright]. 12 mo. Bos- ton, 1852. 238 AMERICAN AUTHORS. An Old Play in a New Garb : Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. In Three Acts. 5 plates. i2mo. Boston, 1852. Myrtilla : a Fairy Extravaganza in One Act. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1854. Blondel : a Historic Fancy. In Two Acts. i 2mo. Bos- ton, 1S54. Nugamenta; a Book of Verses. i6mo. Boston, i860. RIDEING, WILLIAM HENRY. 1853— [Anonymous.] Scenery of the Pacific Railways, and Colo- rado. Map and illustrations. 8vo. New York [1878]. A-Saddle in the Wild West. i6mo. New Vork, 1879. A Floating City of the Atlantic. i8mo. New York, 1879. (Edited.) The Alpenstock : a Book about the Alps and Alpine Adventure. i6mo. New York, 1880. Stray Moments with Thackeray : his Humor, Satire, etc. i6mo. New York, 1880. Boys in the Mountains and on the Plains. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1882. Boys Coastwise. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1883. Young Folks' History of London. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1884. A Little Upstart. A Novel. i6rno. Boston, 1885. Thackeray's London : his Haunts and the Scenes of his Novels. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1885. *:^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Small 4to. Boston, 1885. The Boyhood of Living Authors. Illustrations. i2mo. New York [1887]. In the Land of Lorna Doone, and other Pleasurable Excur- sions in England. i6mo. New York [1895]. *^,*See also Lathrop, G. P. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 239 RILEY, JAMES VVHITCOMB. 1852— The Old Swimmin'-Hole and 'Leven more Poems, by Benj. F. Johnson, of Boone. i6mo. Indianapolis, 1883. The Boss Girl, a Christmas Story, and other Sketches. i2nio. Indianapolis, 1886. Character Sketches and Poems. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1887. Afterwhiles. izmo. Indianapolis, 1888. Old- Fashioned Roses : Verses and Sonnets. i6mo. Lon- don, 1888. ***The imported copies bear the importers' imprint, with al- tered date, Indianapolis, 1889. (With Edgar W. Nye.) Nye and Riley's Railway Guide. Illustrations. i2mo. Chicago, 188^.— ''£^, *^*Reissued as Fun, Wit and Humor. i2mo. Chicago, 1889. Pipes o' Pan : at Zekesbury. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1889. Rhymes of Childhood. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1890. The Flying Islands of the Night. 12 mo. Indianapolis, 1891. Neighborly Poems. i2mo. Indianapolis, 189 1. . Sketches in Prose and Occasional Verses. i2mo. Indian- apolis, 1 89 1. An Old Sweetheart of Mine. Illustrations. 4to. Indian- ' apolis, 1 89 1. (With Edgar W. Nye.) Poems and Yarns. i2mo. Chi- cago [1892]. Green Fields and Running Brooks. i2nio. IndianapoHs, 1893. Poems here at Home. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1893. Armazindy. Frontispiece. i2rao. Indianapolis, 1894. RITCHIE, ANNA CORA MOWATT. 1819-1870. Pelayo, or the Cavern of Covadonga : a Romance in Five Cantos, by Isabel. i2mo. New York, 1S36. 240 AMERICAN A UTHORS. Reviewers Reviewed ; a Satire. i2mo. New York, 1837. Gulzara, the Persian Slave. i2mo. New York, 1840. The Fortune-Hunter : a Novel. By Helen Berkeley. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1842. Memoirs of Madame d'Arblay. Compiled from her Diaries and Letters by Mrs. Helen Berkeley. 2 volumes, i6mo. [New York] 1844. Fashion ; or Life in New York : a Comedy in Five Acts. i2mo. New York, 1845. Evelyn ; or a Heart unmasked. A Tale of Domestic Life. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1845. Armand ; or the Peer and the Peasant. A Play in Five Acts. i2mo. New York, 1848. Autobiography of an Actress ; or Eight Years on the Stage. Portrait. 12 mo. Boston, 1854. Mimic Life ; or before and behind the Curtain. Frontis- piece. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1855. Plays. i2mo. Boston, 1855. Twin Roses : a Narrative. i2mo. Boston, 1857. Fairy Fingers : a Novel. i2mo. New York, 1865. The Mute Singer. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1867. The Clergyman's Wife and other Sketches. i2mo. New York, 1867. Italian Life and Legends. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1870. RIVES, AMELIE. 1863— A Brother to Dragons and other Old-Time Tales. i2mo. New York, 1888. Virginia of Virginia. A Story. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Quick or the Dead. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Herod and Mariamne. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 241 The Witness of the Sun. Portrait. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1889. According to St. John. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo. New York [1891]. Barbara Daring. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1892. Athelwold. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1893. Tanis, the Sang-Digger. i2mo. New York, 1893. ROBINSON, ROWLAND E. 1833— [Anonymous.] Forest and Stream Fables. i2mo. New York, 1886. Uncle Lisha's Shop. Life in a Corner of Yankeeland. i2mo. New York, 1887. Sam Lovel's Camp : Uncle Lisha's Friends under Bark and Canvas. i2mo. New York, 1889. Vermont: a Study of Independence. i2mo. Boston, 1892. Danvis Folks. i2mo. Boston, 1894. ROCHE, JAMES JEFFREY. 1847— The Mahogany Tree, by W. M. Thackeray. AVith Introduc- tion by J. J. Roche. Portrait and illustrations. 4to. Bos- ton, 1887. Songs and Satires. 12 mo. Boston, 1887. The Story of the Filibusters ; and [edited] the Life of Col. David Crockett. Illustrations, izmo. New York, 1891. Ballads of Blue Water and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1895. =^**See also Carpenter, H. B.; and O'Reilly, J. I!. ROE, EDWARD PAYSON. 1838-1888. Barriers Burned away. 12 mo. New York, 1872. Play and Profit in my Garden. i2mo. New York, 1873. What can she do? i2mo. New York, 1873. Gentle Woman Roused. A Story of the Temperance Move- ment in the West. i6mo. New York, 1874. 242 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Opening of a Chestnut Burr. i2mo. New York, 1874. From Jest to Earnest. i2mo. New York, 1875. A Manual on the Culture of Small Fruits. 8vo. Newburgh, N. Y., 1876. Near to Nature's Heart. i2mo. New Y'ork, 1876. A Knight of the Nineteenth Century. i2mo. New York, 1877. A Face Illumined. i2mo. New York^ 1878. A Day of Fate. i2mo. New York, iSSo. Success with Small Fruits. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1880. Without a Home. i2mo. New York, 1881. His Sombre Rivals. i2mo. New York, 1883. An Unexpected Result and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1883. ; A Young Girl's Wooing. i2mo. New York, 1884. Nature's Serial Story. Illustrations. Square Svo. New York, 1S85. Driven back to Eden. i2mo. New York, 1885. An Original Belle. lamo. New York, 1885. He Fell in Love with his Wife. i2mo. New York, 1886. . The Earth Trembled. i2mo. New York, 1887. A Hornet's Nest. i2mo. New York, 1887. Found, yet Lost. i2mo. New York, 1887. Miss Lou. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Home Acre. i2mo. New York, 1S89. ROOSEVELT, ROBERT BARNEWELL. 1829 — Game Fish of the Northern States of America and the British Provinces. By Bamewell. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1862. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 243 Superior Fishing ; or, the Striped Bass, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1865. The Game-Birds of the Coasts and Lakes of the Northern States of America. i2mo. New York, 1 866. Florida and the Game Water-Birds of the Atlantic Coast and the Lakes of the United States. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1868. Five Acres too Much : a Truthful Elucidation of the Attrac- tions of the Country. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1869. Progressive Petticoats ; or. Dressed to Death. i2mo. New York, 1871. (With Seth Greene.) Fish Hatching and Fish Catching. i2mo. Rochester, 1879. Love and Luck : the Story of a Summer's Loitering in the Great South Bay. i6mo. New York, 1886. *^*Seealso Halpine, C. G. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. 1858 — The Naval War of 1S12 ; or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain. Diagrams. 8vo. New York, 1882. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman : Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains. Illustrations. (500 copies.) 4to. New York, 1885. *^*Also issued Svo. New York, 1SS5. Thomas Hart Benton. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The Wilderness Hunter. An Account of the Big Game of the United States and its Chase with Horse, Hound and Rifle. Illustrations. (200 copies.) 4to. New York, 1887. *»*Reissued 8vo. New York, 1893. Gouverheur Morris. 12 mo. Boston, 1888. Essays on Practical Politics. i2mo. New York, 1888. 244 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Winning of the ^^'est. Maps. 8vo. New York, 1S89— *^*Vols. i., ii., From the AUeghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1783. 1S89; vol. iii., The Founding of the Trans-Alle- ghany Commonweahhs, 1784-1790. 1S94; other volumes to follow. American Big-Game Hunting. The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club. Plates. 8vo. New York, 1893. Report to the United States Civil Service Commission upon a Visit to Certain Indian Reservations, and Indian Schools in South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1893. Claws and Antlers of the Rocky Mountains. Photographic Reproductions of the Wild Game, from Life, with an Intro- duction. 35 plates. 4to. Denver, 1894. RYAN, ABRAM JOSEPH. 1 839-1 886. Poems. Portrait. Svo. Mobile, 1S79. The Conquered Banner and other Poems. iSmo. Mobile, 1880. Poems. Portrait and illustrations. Square i2mo. Baltimore, 1880. A Crown for our Queen. i2mo. Baltimore, 1882. SALTUS, EDGAR EVERTSON. 1 85 8 — Balzac. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1884. The Philosophy of Disenchantment. i2mo. Boston, 1885. The Anatomy of Negation. i2mo. New York, 1886. After- Dinner Stories, by H. de Balzac, done into English by Myndart Verelst. With an Introduction by Edgar Saltus. i6mo. New York, 1886. Mr. Incoul's Misadventure. i2rao. New York, 1887. Tales before Supper. From The'ophile Gautier and Prosper Merimde. Told in English by Myndart Verelst, and Delayed with a Proem by Edgar Saltus. i6mo. New York, 1887. A BIBLIOdRAPIir. 246 The Truth about Tristrem Varick. A Novel, i 2mo. New York [1888]. Eden: an iLpisode. i2mo. New York [1888], A Transaction in Hearts. i2mo. New York [1888]. The Pace that Kills. A Chronicle. 8vo. New York [1889]. The Transient Guest. 8vo. New York [1889]. Love and Lore. Portrait. i6mo. New York [1890]. Mary Magdalen : a Chronicle. i2mo. New York [1891]. The Story without a Name. Translated and introduced by Edgar Saltus. i2mo. New York, 189 1. I Imperial Purple. i2mo. Chicago, 1892. The Facts in the Case of H. Hyrtl, Esq. i2mo. New York, 1892. Madam Sapphira. A Fifth Avenue Story. 1 2 mo . New York [1893]. Enthralled. A Story of International Life setting forth the Curious Circumstances in the Case of Lord Cloden and Oswald Quain. i2mo. New York, 1894. • When Dreams come True : a Story of Emotional Life. i2mo. New York, 1895. SALTUS, FRANCIS SALTUS. 1 849-1 8S9. Honey and Gall. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1873. Shadows and Ideals. Poems. Portrait. Small 4to. Buffalo, 1890. The Witch of En-Dor, and other Poems. Portrait. Small 4to. Buffalo, 1 89 1. Dreams after Sunset. Poems. Portrait. Small 4to. Buf- falo, 1892. Flasks and Flagons. Pastels and Profiles. Vistas and Land- scapes. Portrait. Small 4to. Buffalo, 1892. The Bayadere and other Sonnets. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1894. 240 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Fact and Fancy : Humorous Poems, by Cupid Jones. Por- trait. 8vo. New York, 1895. SANDS, ROBERT CHARLES. 1799-1832. Address before the Columbian Society, of Columbia Col- lege, on the Death of J. S. Watkins. i2mo. New York, 1817. [Anonymous.] The Bridal of Vaumond. i8mo. New York, 181 7. Yamoyden, a Tale of the Wars of King Philip : in Six Can- tos. By the Late James W. Eastburn and his Friend [R. C. Sands]. Frontispiece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1820. Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones. 8vo. New York, 1830. Writings, in Prose and Verse. With a Memoir of the Author [by G. C. Verplanck]. Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1834. ***See also Bryant, W. C. SARGENT, EPES. 181 2-1880. The Bride of Genoa : a Play in Five Acts. i2mo. Boston, 1836. Velasco ; a Tragedy in Five Acts. i2mo. Boston, 1837. *^*Onlj a few copies, for the theatre, were printed ; repub- lished, i2mo. New York, 1S39. Wealth and Worth ; or which makes the Man ? A Tale. i8mo. New York, 1840. What's to be done? or the Will and the Way. i8mo. New York, 1 84 1. [Anonymous.] American Adventure, by Land and Sea ; be- ing Remarkable Instances of Enterprise and Fortitude among Americans. 2 volumes, i8mo. New York, 1841. The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay. 8vo. New York, 1842. (Edited.) Sargent's New Monthly Magazine of Literature, Fashion and the Fine Arts. 8vo. New York, 1843. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 247 The Light of the Light-House. 4to. New York, 1844. Fleetwood ; or, the Stain of Birth. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1845. Songs of the Sea, with other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1847. The Mariner's Library. i2mo. Boston, 1847. (Edited.) Selections in Poetry for Exercises at School and Home. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1852. The Priestess : a Tragedy in Five Acts. (Privately printed ; 20 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1854. The Critic Criticized : a Reply to a Review of Webster's System, in The Democratic Review for March, 1856. 8vo. Springfield, 1856. (Edited.) Arctic Adventures by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Date to the Last Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1858, Original Dialogues. i2mo. Boston, 1861. Peculiar. A Tale of the Great Transition. i2mo. New York, 1864. (Edited.) The Emerald. A Collection of Tales, Poems and Essays, gleaned chiefly from the Fugitive Literature of the Nineteenth Century. i2mo. Boston, 1866. (Edited.) The Sapphire. A Collection of Tales, Poems and Essays .... i2mo. Boston, 1867. [Anonymous.] Planchette ; or, the Despair of Science. Being a Full Account of Modern Spiritualism. lamo. Boston, 1869. The Woman who dared. i2mo. Boston, 1870. The Arctic Regions by Sea and Land. 1 2mo. Philadelphia, 1873. The Proof Palpable of Immortality : being an Account of the Materialization Phenomena of Modem Spiritualism. 8vo. Boston, 1876. 248 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Materialism's Last Assault. Does Matter do it all ? A Re- ply to Prof. Tyndall's Latest Attack on Spiritualism. i2mo. Boston, 1876. (Edited.) Cyclopoedia of British and American Poetry. Royal 8vo. New York, 1881. *^*Mr. Sargent also edited several educational publications and editions of the British poets. SARGENT, LUCIUS MANLIUS. 1786-1S67. Symposius Coelius yEnigmata : banc Novam Editionem juxta Lectiones Optimas diligenter congestem. i2mo. Boston, 1807. The Culex of Virgil ; with a Translation into English Verse. 8vo. Boston, 1807. The New Milk Cheese ; or the Comi-Heroic Thunderbolt, a Semi-Globular Publication without Beginning and without End. By Van Tromp. 2 numbers, 8vo. Boston [April 16 ; May 2], 1807. Herbert and Ellen. Billowy Water. The Plunderer's Grave. The Tear-Drop. The Billow. 8vo. Boston, 1812. ***The same. Large paper. (11 copies.) Rojal 8vo. Boston, 1812. [Anonymous.] Mv Mother's Gold Ring. i2mo. Boston, Temperance Tales. 6 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1838-39. Review of Dr. Sprague's Sermon on the Danger of being Over- Wise. i6mo. Boston, 1842. Letter to Rev. Dr. Marsh. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Dealings with the Dead. By A Sexton of the Old School. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1856. Notices of The Historv of Boston, by Sigma. 8vo. Boston, 1857- The Blackstone Family, being Sketches Biographical and Genealogical of William Blackstone and his Descendants. 8vo. Norwich, Conn., 1857. Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter ; originally written for The Boston Evening Transcript, by Sigma. i6mo. Boston, 1857. A BIBLIOGRAPlir. 240 The Ballad of the Abolition Blunder-buss. [Signed, Sigma.] Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1861. *^*Mr. Sargent published also several temperance addresses and tracts. SAXE, JOHN GODFREY. 1816-1887. Progress: a Satirical Poem. 8vo. New York, 1846. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1850. The Money- King and other Poems. Portrait. i2mo. Bos- ton, i860. Poems. [Newly revised, with additions.] Portrait. 24mo. Boston, 1 86 1. The Fly-ing Dutchman ; or, the Wrath ofHerr Vonstoppel- noze. 16 illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1862. Clever Stories of Many Nations rendered in Rhyme. Illus- trations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1865. The Masquerade and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1866. Poems. Complete Edition. Portrait. T2mo. Boston, 1868. Fables and Legends of Many Countries. Rendered in Rhyme. i2mo. Boston, 1872. The Proud Miss Macbride. A Legend of Gotham. Illus- trations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1874. Leisure-Day Rhymes. i2mo. Boston, 1875. SCOLLARD, CLINTON, i860— Pictures in Song. i6mo. New York, 1884. With Reed and Lyre. i6mo. Boston, 1886. Old and New World Lyrics. i6mo. New York, 1888. Giovio and Giulia, a Metrical Romance. (Privately printed ; 250 copies.) Square i8mo. [New York] 1892. Songs of Sunrise Lands. i6mo. Boston, 1892. Under Summer Skies. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1892. On Sunny Shores. Illustrations. T2mo. New York, 1893. 250 A M ERICA N A UTHORS. Hills of Song. i6mo. Boston, 1895. ♦^,*The same. Large paper. (50 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1895. SCOVILLE, JOSEPH A. 1815-1864. Adventures of Clarence Bolton ; or Life in New York. Svo. New York, 1853. Plan for Central Park. By Manhattan. 8vo. [New York, 1858.] What shall be done with the Confiscated Negroes ? .... A Letter to Hon. Abraham Lincoln .... and other Pat- riots. By Manhattan. Svo. [New York, i860.] The Old Merchants of New York City. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. 5 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1862-66. Vigor. A Novel. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. i2mo. New York, 1864. *^*Suppressed, to escape legal consequences of the personali- ties of which the work largely consists, and which were consid- ered too glaring for publication in Old Merchants of New York City. Marion: a Novel, by Manhattan. 3 volumes, i2mo. Lon- don, 1864. SCUDDER, HORACE ELISHA. 1838— [Anonymous.] Seven Little People and their Friends. i2mo. New York, 1862. Dream Children. Illustrations. i6mo. Cambridge, 1864. Life and Letters of David Coitt Scudder. Portrait. r2mo. New York, 1864. The Game of Croquet ; its Appointments and Laws ; with Descriptive Illustrations. By R. Fellow. i2mo. New York, 1865. Stories from my Attic. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1869. The Bodley Books. Illustrations. 8 volumes, square 8vo. New York and Boston, 1875-85. The Dwellers in Five-Sisters' Court. i2mo. New York, 1876. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 251 (Edited.) Recollections of Samuel Breck, with Passages from his Note-Books. Philadelphia, 1877. (Edited.) American Poems. Illustrations. lamo. Bos-. ton, 1879. (Edited.) American Prose. i2mo. Boston, 1880. Stories and Romances. 12 mo. Boston, 18S0. Boston Town. The Story of Boston told to Children. Il- lustrations. Square Svo. Boston, 1881. (Edited.) The Children's Book. Illustrations. Square 8vo. Boston, 1S81. Noah Webster. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1 882. (Edited.) American Commonwealths. Maps and illustra- tions. 13 volumes, 12 mo. Boston, 1883-92. ***Other volumes to follow. A Histor}' of the United States .... i2mo, Philadel- phia [1884]. (Edited.) The Book of Fables, chiefly from .f^sop. Illus- trations. i2mo. Boston, 1885. Men and Letters. Essays in Characterization and Criticism. i2mo. Boston, 1887. The Book of Folk-Stories re-written. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1887. George Washington : an Historical Biography. Illustra- tions. i2mo. Boston, 1889. Literature in School, umo. Boston, 1S89. Address at the Dedication of Mark Hopkins Memorial Hall. i2mo. [Boston, 1890.] Childhood in Literature and Art, with some Observations on Literature for Children. -A Study. i2mo. Boston, 1894. *^*Mr. Scudder edited the Cambridge Edition of Browning. Longfellow, Whittier and Holmes; see also Stoddard, R. H. and Taylor, Bayard. 252 AMERICAN AUTHORS. SEWALL, JONATHAN MITCHEL. 1 749-1808. [Anonymous.] Verses occasioned by reading the Answer of the President of the United States to the House of Repre- sentatives requesting Certain Papers relative to the Treaty with Great Britain. 24mo. Boston, 1797. A Versification of President Washington's Excellent Farewell Address to the Citizens of the United States. By A Gen- tleman of Portsmouth. Small 4to. Portsmouth, 1798. Eulogy on the Late General Washington ; pronounced in Portsmouth, N. H., 31 December, 1799. Small 4to. Portsmouth [1800]. Miscellaneous Poems, with Several Specimens from the Author's Version of the Poems of Ossian. 24mo. Ports- mouth, tSoi. SHAW, HENRY WHEELER (Josh Billings). 1818-1885. Josh Billings : his Sayings. With Comic Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1866. Josh Billings on Ice ; and other Things. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1868. Josh Billings' Farmers' AUminax [published annually]. Il- lustrations. i2mo. New York, 1870-80. Everybody's Friend, or Josh Billings' Encyclopedia and Proverbial Philosophy of Wit and Humor. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Hartford, 1874. Josh Billings' Trump Kards : Blue Glass Philosophy. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York, 1877. Old Probabilities. [Reprinted from the Farmers' AUminax, 1870-80.] Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1880. Josh Billings' Spice-Box crammed with Droll Yarns. Illus- trations. 4to. New York, 1881. SHELTON, FREDERICK WILLIAM. 1814-1881. The Trollopiad ; or Travelling Gentlemen in America. A Satire, by Nil Admirari, Esq. irmo. New York, 1837. Salander and the Dragon ; a Romance. i8mo. New York, 1851. A BIPLIOGRAPHV. 258 The Rector of St. Bardolph's; or, Superannuated. Frontis- piece. 1 2 mo. New York, 1853. Up the River. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1853. Chrystalline ; or, the Heiress of Fall-Down Castle. i2mo. New York, 1854. Peeps from a Belfry: or, the Parish Sketch Book. t2mo. New York, 1855. SHERMAN, FRANK DEMPSTER, i860— Madrigals and Catches. i6mo. New York, 1887. Lyrics for a Lute. i6m(>. Boston, 1890. Little- Folk Lyrics. i6mo. Boston, 1892. ***See also Bangs, J. K. SHILLABER, BENJAMIN PENH ALLOW (Mrs. Partincton). 1814-1890. Rhymes with Reason and without. Portrait. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1853. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington and others of the Family. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1854. A very Brief and Comprehensive Life of Ben. Franklin, Printer, done into Quaint Verse, by One of the Types. Sept. 17, 1856. Broadside. [Boston, 1856.] Knitting Work : a Web of many Textures wrought by Ruth Partington. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1859. Partingtonian Patchwork. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1873- Lines in Pleasant Places : Rhythmics of Many Moods and Quantities, Wise and Otherwise. i2mo. Boston, 1874. Ike and his Friends. i2mo. Boston, 1879. Cruises with Captain Bob on Sea and Land. 12 mo. Bos- ton, 1880. The Doublerunner Club. i2mo. Boston, 1881. Wide-Swath, embracing Lines in Pleasant Places and other Rhymes, Wise and Otherwise. Portrait. i2mo. Cam- bridge, 1882. 2r)4 AMERICAN AUTHORS. (Edited.) Memorial of Incidents and Ceremonials attend- ing the Session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., at Boston, Mass., September, i8S6. i6mo. Boston, 1887. Mrs. Shillaber's Cook-Book. With Introduction by Mrs. Partington. i2mo. New York, 1887. SIGOURNEY, LYDIA HUNTLEY. 1 791-1865. Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse. By Lydia Huntley. i2mo. Hartford, 1815. Biography and Writings of Anne Maria Hyde. i2mo. Hart- ford, 1 81 6. [Anonymous.] Traits of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. 1 2 mo. Cambridge, 1822. [Anonymous.] Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years since. i2mo. Hartford, 1824. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1827. Letters to Young Ladies. By A Lady. iSmo. Hartford, 1833. The Farmer and Soldier. A Tale .... [signed L. H. S.]. i8mo. Hartford, 1833. Memoir of Phebe Hammond.^ i6mo. Hartford, 1833. Sketches and Tales. Frontispiece. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1834. Select Poems. Illustrations. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1834. Poems [newly revised]. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1834. Tales and Essays for Children. Square iSmo. Hartford, 1835- Poems for Children. 32010. Hartford, 1836. Zinzendorf and other Poems. 12 mo. i>f ow 'V dB i4-.| iS i j^, History of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 1 6mo. Hartford, 1836. Olive Buds. Square i6mo. Hartford, 1836. History of the Condition of Women. i2mo. Boston, 1837. Letters to Mothers. i2mo. Hartford, 1838. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 256 Pocahontas and other Poems. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1 84 1. Poems, Religious and Elegiac. i6mo. London, 1841. Poems [newly revised]. Frontispiece. 32mo. Philadelphia, 1842. Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1842. Scenes in my Native Land. i2mo. Boston, 1845. Poetry for Seamen . i6mo. Boston, 1845. The Voice of Flowers. i6mo. Hartford, 1846. The Lovely Sisters. i6mo. Hartford, 1846. Myrtis with other Etchings and Sketchings. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1846. The Weeping Willow. 32mo. Hartford, 1847. Water Drops. i6mo. New York, 1848. Songs of the Heart and other Poems. 32mo. London, 1848. Poems. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Whisper to a Bride. i8mo. Hartford [1850]. Poetical Works. Edited by F. W. N. Bayley. i6mo. Lon- don, 1850. Poems for the Sea. i2nio. Hartford, 1850, Letters to my Pupils : with Narratives and Biographical Sketches. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York, 1850. Examples of Life and Death. i2mo. New York, 1851. Olive Leaves. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1 85 2. Voices of Home. i2mo. Hartford, 1852. The Faded Hope. i6mo. New York, 1852. *^,*A biography of the author's son, with selections from his writings. Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Newell Cook. i2mo. New York, 1853- 256 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Past Meridian. 121110. New York, 1854. The Western Home and other Poems. Portrait. i2nio. Philadelphia, 1854. Sayings of the Little Ones. i2mo. Hartford, 1854. Examples from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. i6mo. New York, 1857. Lucy Howard's Journal. i2mo. New York, 1858. The Daily Counsellor. 8vo. Hartford, 1858. Gleanings. lanio. Hartford, i860. The Man of Uz, and other Poems. i2mo. Hartford, 1862. Selections from Various Sources. i2mo. Worcester, 1863. [Anonymous.] The Transplanted Daisy. Memoir of Frances Racilha Hackley. (Privately printed.) 4to. New York, 1865. Letters of Life. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1866. *^*In addition to the works included in this list, Mrs. Sigour- ney edited numerous juvenile and religious publications, and was author of others, and of some rhymed leaflets printed for special occasions. SILL, EDWARD ROWLAND. 1841-1887. Poem [by Edward R. Sill] and Valedictory Oration [by Sextus Shearer, Jr.], pronounced before the Senior Class in Yale College, Presentation Day, June 19, 1861. 8vo. New Haven, 1861. The Hermitage and other Poems. i6mo. New York, 1868. Mozart : a Biographical Romance, from the German of Her- bert Rau. i2mo. New York, 1868. The Clocks of Gnoster-Town ; or, Truth by Majority. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, July 21, 1869. 8vo. New Haven, 1869. Shall we have Free High Schools? 8vo. San Francisco, i88i. Venus of Milo and other Poems. (Privately printed.) Berkeley, California, 1883. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 251 Poems [including many now first collected]. i6mo. Boston, 1888. The Hermitage and Later Poems. [With memorial poem by T. B. Aldrich.] i6mo. Boston, 1889. SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE. 1806-18 70. A Monody on General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. i6mo. Charleston, 1825. Lyrical and other Poems. i2mo. Charleston, 1827. Early Lays. i2mo. Charleston, 1827. The Vision of Cortes, Cain, and other Poems. i8mo. Charleston, 1829. The Tri-Color ; or, the Three Days of Blood in Paris. With some other Pieces. 8vo. Charleston, 1830. [Anonymous.] Atalantis. A Story of the Sea : in Three Parts. 8vo. New York, 1832. [Anonymous.] Martin Faber : the Story of a Criminal. i6mo. New York, 1833. The Book of my Lady. A Melange. By A Bachelor Knight. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1833. The Remains of Maynard Davis Richardson, with a Memoir of his Life. By His Friend. i2mo. Charleston, 1833. Guy Rivers: a Tale of Georgia. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1834. The Yemassee : a Romance of South Carolina. 2 volumes, 1 2 mo. New York, 1835. The Partizan : a Tale of the Revolution. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1835. Mellicharape. A Legend of the Santee. 2 volumes, i2mu. New York, 1836. Martin Faber, the Story of a Criminal; and other Tales [now first collected]. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York 1837- Richard Hurdis ; or, the Avenger of Blood. A Tale of Alabama. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 183S. 2B8 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Pelayo : a Story of the Goth. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1838. Slavery in America. Being a Brief of Miss Martineau on that Subject. By A South Carolinian. 8vo. Richmond, 1S38. The Morals of Slavery ; being a Brief Review of the Writings of Miss Martineau and other Persons, on the Subject of Negro Slavery as it now exists in the United States. i2mo. Charleston, 1838. *»*Originally published in Southern Literary Messenger. 1837; reprinted in The Pro-Slavery Argument as maintained by the Most Distinguished Authors of the South, pp. 175-285, i2mo. Charleston, 1852. Carl Werner, an Imaginative Story, with other Tales of Im- agination. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1838. Southern Passages and Pictures. i2mo. New York, 1839. The Damsel of Darien. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1839. The History of South Carolina, from its First European Dis- covery to its Erection into a Republic ; with a Supplemen- tary Chronicle of Events to the Present Time. i2mo. Charleston, 1840. *:^*The same. Large paper. 8vo. Charleston, 1840. *:i,*Reprinted, with additions, 1S42, and i860. [Anonymous.] Border Beagles : a Tale of Mississippi. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1840. The Kinsmen : or, the Black Riders of the Congaree. A Tale. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1841. *^*Reprinted as The Scout, i2mo. New York, 1854. Confession ; or, the Blind Heart. A Domestic Story. 2 volumes, 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1841. Beauchampe, or the Kentucky Tragedy. A Tale of Passion. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1842. The Social Principle : the True Source of National Perma- nence. An Oration before the Erosophic Society of the University of Alabama, at its Twelfth Anniversary, Dec. 13, 1842. 8vo. Tuscaloosa, 1843. Donna Florida: a Tale. (Privately printed.) i6mo. Charleston, 1843. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 'ihSi The Geography of South Carolina ; being a Companion to the History of that State .... Map. i2mo. Charleston, 1843- The Prima Donna : a Passage from City Life. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1844. The Life of Francis Marion. Frontispiece and vignette title. i2mo. New York, 1844. The Sources pf American Independence. Oration at Aikin, S. C, July 4, 1844. 8vo. Aikin, 1844. Castle Dismal ; or, the Bachelor's Christmas. A Domestic Legend. i2mo. New York, 1844. (Edited.) The Southern and Western Monthly Magazine and Review. [January-December, inclusive, 1845.] 2 volumes, 8vo. Charleston, 1845. (Edited, anonymously.) The Charleston Book: a Miscellany in Prose and Verse. i2mo. Charleston, 1845. Grouped Thoughts and Scattered Fancies. A Collection of Sonnets. Square i6mo. Richmond, 1S45. Helen Halsey : or the Swamp State of Conelachita. A Tale of the Borders. i2mo. New York, 1845. Count Julian ; or, the Last Days of the Goth. A Historical Romance [forming sequel to Pelayo]. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845. The Wigwam and the Cabin. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1845. Views and Reviews in American Literature, History and Fic- tion. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1845. Areytos ; or. Songs of the South. i2mo. Charleston, 1846. The Life of Captain John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. 13 plates. i2mo. New York [1846]. Self Development. An Oration delivered before the Literary Societies of Oglethorpe University, Ga., Nov. to, 1847. 8vo. Milledgeville, 1847. The Life of Chevalier Bayard ; the Good Knight sans Peur et sans Reproche. Illustrations. 1 2mo. New York, 1847- 260 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Atalantis ; a Story of the Sea. [Also The Eye and the Wing ; Poems (37) chiefly Imaginative, pp. 73-144.] i2mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Charleston and her Satirists : a Scribblement. By A City The Eye and the Wing : Poems chiefly Imaginative, The Cassique of Accabee, etc. 8vo. New York, 1848. Lays of the Palmetto : a Tribute to the South Carolina Regi- ment in the War vi^ith Mexico. i6mo. Charleston, 1848. A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakespeare : com- prising the Seven Dramas which have been ascribed to his Pen but which are not included with his Writings in Modern Editions. Edited, with Notes, and an Introduc- tion to each Play, by W. G. Simms. 8vo. New York, 1848. Sabbath Lyrics ; or Songs from Scripture. A Christmas Gift of Love. 8vo. Charleston, 1849. Father Abbot ; or, the Home Tourist : a Medley. i8mo. Charleston, 1849. The Cassique of Accabee. A Tale of Ashley River. With other Pieces. Square i6mo. New York, 1849. The Life of Nathanael Greene, Major-General in the Army of the Revolution. Portrait and 12 plates. i2mo. New York, 1849. The City of the Silent; a Poem. Delivered at the Conse-j oration of Magnolia Cemetery, Nov. 19, 1850. 8vo.j Charleston, 1850. The Lily and the Totem; or, the Huguenots in Florida. A^ series of Sketches, Picturesque and Historical of the Colo- nies of Coligni in North America. i2mo. New York^ 1850. Flirtation at the Moultrie House, etc. 8vo. Charleston^ 1850. [Anonymous.] Katherine Walton; or, the Rebel of Dor- chester. An Historic Romance of the Revolution ir Carolina. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. A BlBLlOLUiAPlir. 261 Norman Maurice ; or, the Man of the People. An American Drama. In Five Acts. Royal Svo. Richmond, 1851. The Golden Christmas ; a Chronicle of St. John's Berkeley- Compiled from the Notes of a Briefless Barrister. i2mo. Charleston, 1S52. As Good as a Comedy, or the Tennesseean's Story. By An Editor. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1852. Michael Bonham : or, the Fall of Bexar. A Tale of Texas. In Five Parts. By A Southron. Svo. Richmond, 1852. The Sword and the Distaff, or Fair, Fat, and Forty. i2mo. Charleston, 1852. *^*Republislied as Woodcraft, New York, 1854. Marie de Berniere : a Tale of the Crescent City .... i2mo. Philadelphia, 1853. Vasconselos : a Romance of the New World. By Frank Cooper. i2mo. New York, 1853. Egeria ; or. Voices of Thought and Counsel for the Woods and Wayside. Frontispiece and vignette title. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1853. Poems, Descriptive, Dramatic, Legendary and Contempla- tive. Portrait. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York and Charleston, 1853. South Carolina in the Revolutionary War : being a Reply to Certain Misrepresentations and Mistakes of Recent Writers in Relation to the Course and Conduct of this State. By A Southron. i2mo. Charleston, 1853. Southward Ho ! A Spell of Sunshine. 1 2mo. New York, 1854. The Forayers ; or, the Raid of the Dog-Days. i2mo. New York, 1855. Inauguration of tlie Spartanburg Female College, August 22nd, 1855 ; with the Address on that Occasion by W. G. Simms. 12 mo. Spartanburg, 1855. The Power of Cotton. 8vo. New York, 1856. ***Ascribed to Simms, but without absolute certainty. 202 AMERICAN AUTHORS. C:harlemont ; or, the Pride of the Village. A Tale of Ken- tucky. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1856. Eutaw ; a Sequel to The Forayers. A Tale of the Revolution. i2mo. New York, 1856. The Cassique of Kiawah. A Colonial Romance. Frontis- piece. i2mo. New York, 1859. Areytos, or Songs and Ballads of the South. With other Poems [including Lays of the Palmetto, etc.]. i2mo. New York and Charleston, i860. [Anonymous.] Sack and Destruction of the City of Colum- bia, S. C. To which is added a List of the Property destroyed. 8vo. Columbia, 1865. *=^*Printed on Confederate bond paper, at the press of The Daily Phenix. Army Correspondence of Col. John Laurens, in 1777-78, now First printed from Original Letters addressed to his Father, Henry Laurens. With a Memoir by W. G. Simms. 8vo. New York : The Bradford Club, 1867. A Succinct Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Colonel John Laurens, Aid-de-Camp to General Washing- ton, and Special Envoy to the French Court during the War of the American Revolution. Together with a Series of Letters written by him relating to that Eventful Epoch and addressed to his Father, Henry Laurens, President of Congress. 8vo. Williamstadt, 1867. (Edited.) War Poetry of the South. i2mo. New York, 1867. The Quaker Partizans. A Story of the Revolution. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York, 1869. The Swamp Robbers. i8mo. New York, 1870. The Sense of the Beautiful : an Address .... at Charles- ton, S. C, May 3, 1870. 8vo. Charleston, 1870. ***A uniform edition of Simms' writings, revised by the author, with new prefaces, dedications, etc., and illustrations by Darley, was published as Revolutionary and Border Roman- ces of the South, and Poems, in 20 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1853-59. ***See also Bryant, W. C; and Paulding, J. K. I I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 263 SMITH, ELIZABETH OAKES. 1806—1893. Riches without Wings. i2mo. Boston, 1838. The Sinless Child. i2mo. New \ork, 1841. The Western Captive, or Times of Tecumseh. Royal 8vo. New York, 1842. Swaying Reed, an Indian Legend. i2mo. New York, 1842. The Sinless Child and other Poems. Edited by John Keese. i2mo. New York, 1843. Poetical Writings [with preface by R. W. Griswold]. 32mo. New York, 1845. The Moss Cup. Frontispiece. 32mo. Boston, 1845. The True Child. 32mo. Boston, 1845. The Dandelion. Frontispiece. 32mo. Boston, 1846. Stories for Children. i2mo. Boston, 1847. The Salamander. A Legend for Christmas. Illustrations by Darley. 8vo. New York, 1848. The Lover's Gift. 32mo. Hartford, 1848. Woman and her Needs. i2mo. New York, 1851. Hints on Dress and Beauty. 12 mo. New York, 1852. Shadow Land. i2mo. New York, 1852. Old New York: or. Democracy in 1689. A Tragedy. i2mo. New York, 1853. Bertha and Lily ; or, the Parsonage of Beach Glen. 12 mo. New York, 1854. The Newsboy. i2mo. New York, 1855. Hugo. 1 2 mo. New York, 1856. Mary and Hugo. i2mo. New York, 1856. The Sagamore of Saco. Frontispiece. i2mo. New York [1858]. Bald Eagle ; or, the Last of the Ramapaughs. 12 mo. Lon- don, 1867. 264 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Footprints of Time; or, Daily Oracles. i2mo. New York, 1870. Sister Electa, or Life Sleeping and Waking. i2mo. New York, 1 87 1. My Autobiography. i2mo. New York, 187 1. SMITH, FRANCIS HOPKINSON. 1838— (With Edward Strahan.) A Book of the Tile Club. 114 illustrations. Folio. Boston, 1886. Old Lines in New Black and White. Twelve Illustrations of Lines from the Poems of Holmes, Lowell and Whittier. Folio. Boston, 1S86. ***The same. Large paper. Japan proofs. (100 copies.) Imperial folio. Boston, 1886. Well- Worn Roads of Spain, Holland and Italy ; travelled by a Painter in Search of the Picturesque. Illustrations by the author. Folio. Boston, 1887. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Illustrations by the author. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1889. Col. Carter of Cartersville. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1891. A Day at Laguerre's and other Days. i2mo. Boston, 1892. *#*The same. Large paper. (2';o copies.) Svo. Boston, 1892. American Illustrators. Illustrations. (1,000 copies.) Folio. New York, 1892. (With W. H. Gibson and others.) Some Artists at the Fair.' Illustrations. Svo. New Y'ork, 1893. Venice of To-day. Illustrations by the author. Folio. New] York, 1895. *^:*The same. Edition De Luxe. Japan proofs. Imperial folio. New York, 1S95. *^*Other editions, two at least, were published simultane- ously with those indicated. A Gentleman Vagabond and some Others. i6mo. Boston, • 189.S. *^:*The same. Large paper. (250 copies.) 8vo. Boston, 1895. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 266 SMITH, RICHARD PENN. 1799-1854. The Eighth of January. A Drama. i6i"no. Philadelphia,i829. The Deformed ; or, Woman's Trial, a Play. i6mo. Phila- delphia, 1830. The Disowned ; or the Prodigals. A Play. i6mo. Phila- delphia, 1830. [Anonymous.] The Forsaken. A Novel. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1831. The Actress of Padua and other Tales. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Life of David Crockett. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Miscellaneous Works, collected by his Son, Horace W. Smith. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. SMITH, SEBA. 1 792-1868. The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing, of Downing- ville. Way Down East in the State of Maine. Written by Himself. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1833. Letters of J. Downing, Major, to his Old Friend, Mr. Dwight, of The New York Daily Advertiser. Illustrations. 1 2 mo. New York, 1834. Powhatan; a Metrical Historical Romance. i2mo. New York, 1 84 1. (Edited.) Dew-Drops of the Nineteenth Century. Plates. 1 2 mo. New York, 1846. New Elements of Geometry. 8vo. New York, 1850. My Thirty Years out of the Senate. By Major Jack Down- ing. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1859. SNELLING, WILLIAM JOSEPH. 1804- 1848. Tales of Travel West of the Mississippi. By Solomon Bell. Illustrations. 24mo. Boston, 1830. [Anonymous.] Tales of the North West ; or Sketches of Indian Life and Character. i6mo. Boston, 1830. 266 AMERICAN AUTHORS. A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. By A Free Man. i6mo. Boston, 183 1. The Polar Regions of the Western Continent Explored. With Adventures .... of Parry, Franklin, Lyon. 8vo. Boston, 1 83 1. [Anonymous.] Truth ; a New Year's Gift for Scribblers. i6mo. Boston, 1831. Truth, a Gift for Scribblers. Second Edition with Additions and Emendations [consisting of prologue, additional pre- face, and names of those pilloried, which were indicated by initials only in first edition]. i6mo. Boston, 1832. Expose of the Vice of Gambling as it lately existed in Massa- chusetts. i2mo. Boston, 1833. Six Months in a House of Correction. i8mo. Boston, 1835. Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massa- chusetts, relative to the Marshpee Tribe ; or the Pre- tended Riot explained. By William Apes. 12 mo. Bos- ton, 1835. *^* Ascribed to Snelling by Drake. See No. 347, Drake catalogue. SPOFFORD, HARRIET ELIZABETH PRESCOTT. 1835— [Anonymous.] Sir Rohan's Ghost. A Romance. i2mo. Boston, i860. The Amber Gods, and other Stories. 12 mo. Boston, 1863. Azarian : an Episode. i2mo. Boston, 1864. New England Legends. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1871. The Thief in the Night. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Art Decoration applied to Furniture. Illustrations. Small 4to. New York, 1878. The Servant- Girl Question. i8mo. Boston, 1881. Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston,i882. Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1882. The Marquis of Carrabas. i6mo. Boston, 1882. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 267 Ballads About Authors. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston [1887]. ***The same. Edition de Luxe. 4to. Boston [1887]. A Lost Jewel. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1891. House and Hearth. i6mo. New York, 1891. Rumor. By Elizabeth Sheppard. With Memoir of the Author by Harriet P. Spofford. i2mo. Chicago, 1892. A Scarlet Poppy and other Stories. i6mo. New York, 1894. (With Louise I. Guiney and Alice Brown.) Three Heroines of New England History. Their True Stories herein set forth. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1894. *^*The same. Large paper. (100 copies.) Svo. Boston, 1894. SPRAGUE, CHARLES. 1791-1875. The Prize Ode .... recited at the Representation of the Shakespeare j Jubilee, Boston, February 13, 1824. 8vo. [Boston, 1824.] Prize Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1824. An Oration delivered Fourth of July, 1825. Svo. Boston, 1825. Curiosity : a Poem, delivered at Cambridge, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, August 27, 1829. Svo. Boston, 1S29. An Ode : pronounced before the Inhabitants of Boston, Sept. 17th, 1830, at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of the City. Svo. Boston, 1830. Writings, now first collected. Svo. New York, 1S41. Poetical and Prose AVritings. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1850. Poetical and Prose Writings. With Biographical Sketch [by Charles J. Sprague]. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1S76. STEDMAN, EDMUND CLARENCE. 1S33— Poems, Lyrical and Idyllic. i2mo. New York, i860. The Prince's Ball. A Brochure. From Vanity Fair. Illus- trations. 1 2 mo. New York, i860. The Battle of Bull Run. i2mo. New York, 1861. 2(i8 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Alice of Monmouth, an Idyl of the Great War, with other Poems. 1 2 mo. New York, 1864. [Anonymous.] A Reconstruction Letter. (Privately printed ; 100 copies.) 8vo. New York, 1866. The Blameless Prince, and other Poems. Vignette. i2mo. Boston, 1869. Rip Van Winkle and his Wonderful Nap. Illustrations by S. Eytinge. 4to. Boston, 1870. Proceedings at the Fourth Annual Re-Union of the Society of the Army of the Potomac .... May 7, 1872. [Poem, Gettysburg, by Stedman, pp. 23-26.] 8vo. New York, 1873. Poetical Works. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Cameos. Selected from the Works of Walter Savage Landor. By E. C. Stedman and T. B. Aldrich. With an Introduc- tion. Square i6mo. Boston, 1874. Victorian Poets. i2mo. Boston, 1876. Octavius Brooks Frothingham and the New Faith. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1876. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Portrait. 3 2 mo. Boston, 1 87 7. Favorite Poems. Illustrations. 3 2 mo. Boston, 1877. Hawthorne and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1877. Bryant Memorial Meeting of the Century Club, Nov. 12 th, 1878. [Poem, The Death of Bryant, by Stedman, pp. 69- 74 ; also poems by R. H. Stoddard, Bayard Taylor and others.] Portrait. ' 8vo. New York [1878]. Proceedings at a Reception in Honor of the Rev. O. B. Frothingham .... April 22, 1879 .... [Addresses by Stedman, G. W. Curtis and others.] Small 4to. New York, 1879. Lyrics and Idyls, with other Poems. i2mo. London, 1879. The Lovers of Provence, Aucassin and Nicolette .... Translated into English Prose and Verse by A. R. Mac- donough [with introduction by Stedman]. Small 4to. New York [1880]. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 269 Vignettes in Rhyme, and other V^erses, by Austin Dobson. [With introduction by Stedman.] ramo. New York, 1880. Edgar Allan Poe. Vignette portrait. i6mo. Boston, 188 1. Complete Pocket-Guide to Europe. 24mo. Boston, 1882, New York, 1887. *^*Re-edited annually. The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe. With Comment by Ed- mund Clarence Stedman. Illustrations by Dor^. Folio. New York, 1S84. Poetical Works. Household Edition. Portrait. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1884. Songs and Ballads. Illustrations. (100 copies.) Square i2mo. New York : The Book Fellows' Club, 1884. Poets of America. Small 8vo. Boston, 1885. *^*The same. Large paper, portraits on India paper. ('5^ copies.) 2 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1885. Victorian Poets. Revised and Extended by a Supplemen- tary Chapter, to the Fiftieth Year of the Period under Re- view. Small 8vo. Boston, 1887. *:^*The same. Large paper, portraits on Japan paper. (250 copies.) 2 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1887. The Star Bearer. [A Christmas poem.] Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 1888. (Edited, with Ellen Mackay Hutchinson.) A Library of American Literature, from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Portraits. 11 volumes, royal Svo. New York, 1888-90. The Lord's Prayer Illustrated. The Poem translated from the Old German by Edmund Clarence Stedman. Svo. New York [1890]. The Nature and Elements of Poetry. Frontispiece. i2mo. Boston, 1 89 2. *^*Also, 75 copies, wholly uncut, paper labels, small Svo. Boston, 1892. 270 AMERICAN AUTHOliS. A Victorian Antholotjy, Selections illustrating the Editor's Critical Review of British Poetry in the Reign of Victoria. Portrait and vignette. Small Svo. Boston, 1895. *:^*The same. Large paper. 2 portraits and vignette. (250 copies.) 2 volumes, Svo. Boston, 1895. *^*See also Burroughs, John; Lowell, J. R., and Poe, Edgar Allan. STILLMAN, WILLIAM JAMES. 1828— (Edited, with John Durand.) The Crayon. [Containing original contributions by Lowell, Aldrich and others.] 8 volumes, 4to. New York, 1 85 5-61. The Acropolis of Athens illustrated picturesquely and archi- tecturally in Photography. (Privately printed ; 100 copies.) Folio. London, 1870. The Cretan Insurrection of 1866, '67, '68. i2mo. London, 1874. The Amateur's Photographic Guide Book. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1874. Poetic Localities of Cambridge. Illustrated with Heliotypes from Nature. 4to. Boston, 1876. Herzegovina and the Late Uprising : the Causes of the Lat- ter and the Remedy. i2mo. London, 1877. On the Track of Ulysses : together with an Expedition in Quest of the So-Called Venus of Milo. Two Studies of Archseology made during a Cruise among the Greek Islands. Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 188S. Old Italian Masters. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1892. *^*The same. Edition de Luxe. (iS copies.) Japan paper proofs, signed bj artist and printer. Imperial folio. New York, 1892. *^*See also Howells, W. D. STIMSON, FREDERICK JESUP (J. S., of Dale). 1853 — [Anonymou^.] RoUo's Journey to Cambridge. [By F. J. Stimson and John T. Wheelwright.] Illustrations. Small 4to. Boston, 1880. *:^*Whilst the earlier pages were being printed, this title was mistakenly credited to Robert Grant, and so inserted, although at the time it was, as now, included in the list prepared of Mr. Stimson's writings. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 271 Glossary of Technical Terms, Phrases and Maxims of the Common Law. i2mo. Boston, 1881. Giierndale : an Old Story. i2mo. New York, 1882. The Crime of Henry Vane : a Story with a Moral. i6mo. New York, 1884. The Sentimental Calendar. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1886. American Statute Law : an Analytical and Compared Digest of the Constitutions and Civil Public Statutes of all the States and Territories, relating to Persons and Property, in Force January i, 1886. 4to. Boston, 1886. *^*The same. Vol. II. 8vo. Boston, 1892. The Residuary Legatee ; or the Posthumous Jest of the Late John Austin. i2mo. New York, 18S8. First Harvests : an Episode in the Life of Mrs. Levison Govver. A Satire without a Moral. i2mo. New York, 1888. In Three Zones. i2rao. New York, 1893. Labor in its Relations to Law. i6mo. New York, 1895. ***See also Grant, Robert. STOCKTON, FRANCIS RICHARD. 1834—' Ting-a-Ling. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1870. (With M. E. Stockton.) Roundabout Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1872. (With M. E. Stockton.) The Home : where it should be and what to put in it. i2mo. New York, 1872. What might have been expected. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1874. Tales out of School. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1875. Rudder Grange. Illustrations. i2rao. New York, 1879. A Jolly Fellowship. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1880. The Floating Prince and other Fairy Tales. 8vo. New York, 1 88 1. 272 A MERICA N A UTHORS. The Lady, or the Tiger? and other Stories. lamo. New York, 1884. The Story of Viteau. i2mo. New York, 1884. The Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. i2mo. New York [1886]. The Christmas Wreck and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1886. The Late Mrs. NulL i2mo. New York, 1886. The Bee-Man of Orm and other Fanciful Tales. i2mo. New York, 1887. The Hundredth Man. i2mo. New York, 1887. Amos Kilbright : his Adscititious Experiences ; with other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1888. The Dusantes. [Sequel to The Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine.] i2mo. New York [1888]. Personally Conducted. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1889. The Great War Syndicate. i2mo. New York [1889]. The Stories of the Three Burglars. i2mo. New York [1889]. Ardis Claverden. i2mo. New York [1890]. The Merry Chanter. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1890. The Rudder Grangers Abroad and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1891. The Squirrel Inn. Illustrations. 12 mo. New York, 1891. The House of Martha. i2mo. Boston, 189 1. The Clocks of Rondaine, and other Stories. Illustrations. Square 8vo. New York, 1892. The Watchmaker's Wife and other Stories. i2mo. New York, 1893. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 273 Pomona's Travels. A Series of Letters to the Mistress ol Rudder Grange from her Former Handmaiden. Illustra- tions. i2mo. New York, 1894. The Adventures of Captain Horn. i2mo. New York, 1895. A Chosen Few. Portrait. i6mo. New York, 1895. STODDARD, CHARLES WARREN. 1843 — Poems. Illustrations. 8vo. San Francisco, 1S67. South Sea Idyls. iSmo. Boston, 1873. Summer Cruising in the South Sea. Illustrations. i6mo. London, 1874. Mashallah ! A Flight into Egypt. i6mo. New York, 1880. A Trip to Hawaii. Illustrations. i2mo. [San Francisco, 1885.] The Lepers of Molokai. 16 mo. Notre Dame, Ind., 1885. [Anonymous.] A Troubled Heart and how it was com- forted at Last. i6mo. Notre Dame, 1885. South Sea Idyls. With Introductory Letter by W. D. Hovvells. i2mo. Boston, 1892. *+*T\vo Idyls are here given for the first time, and one of those included in 1S73 edition is omitted. Hawaiian Life; or, Lazy Letters from Low Latitudes. 12 mo. Chicago, 1894. STODDARD, ELIZABETH DREW. 1823 — The Morgesons. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1862. Two Men. i2mo. New York, 1865. Temple House. i2mo. New York, 1868. Lally Dinks' Doings. Square i6mo. Boston, 1874. (Edited, with Mary Abigail Dodge.) Little Folk Life Series. Illustrations. 3 volumes, square i6mo. Boston, 1874. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1895. ***See also Dodge, Mary A. ; and Stoddard, R . H. 274 AMERICAN AUTHORS. STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY. 1825— Footprints. (Privately printed.) i2mo. New York, 1849, Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1852. Adventures in Fairy- Land. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1853- Town and Country and the Voices in the Shell. Illustrations. Square i2mo. New York, 1857. Songs of Summer. i2mo. Boston, 1857. [Anonymous.] Life, Travels and Books of A. Von Hum- boldt. With an Introduction by Bayard Taylor. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1859. (Edited.) The Loves and Heroines of the Poets. 12 por- traits. 4to. New York, 1861. (Edited.) Essays by George Brimley. izmo. New York, 1861. (Edited.) General Lyon's Political Essays and Life. i2mo. New York, 1861. (Edited.) J. G. Vassar's Twenty-One Years round the World. 8vo. New York, 1862. The King's Bell. i2mo. New York, 1863. The Story of Little Red-Riding-Hood ; told in Verse. Illus- trations. 4to. New York, 1864. The Children in the Wood ; told in Verse. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1865. Abraham Lincoln : an Horatian Ode. 4to. New York [1865]. (Edited.) Golden Leaves from the Late English Poets. i2mo. New York, 1865. (Edited.) Under Green Leaves : a Book of Rural Poems. Illustrations. i6mo. New York, 1865. (Edited.) Melodies and Madrigals ; mostly from the Old English Poets. Illuminated title. Square i6mo. New York, 1866. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 275 Putnam the Brave. Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 1869. (Edited, with Elizabeth Stoddard.) Remember : a Keep- sake. Illustrations. Small 8vo. New York [1869]. The Book of the East and other Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1871. (Edited.) The Bric-a-Brac Series. [Personal reminiscen- ces of famous poets, novelists, humorists, actors, musicians, etc.] 10 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1874-76. (Edited.) The Sans Souci Series. A Library of Anecdote Biographies. Portraits and illustrations. 5 volumes,! 2mo. New York, 1876. *+*The volume entitled Men and Manners a Hundred Years Ago, was edited by H. E. Scudder. • A Century After : Picturesque Glimpses of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Illustrations. 15 parts [of which parts 4- 15, inclusive, were edited by Stoddard], 4to. Philadelphia, 1876. (Edited.) Letters addressed by Elizabeth Barrett Browning to R. H. Home. Portrait. Square i6mo. New York, 1877- Ninth Annual Re-Union of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, at Springfield, Mass. [Poem, by Stoddard, pp. 12-18.] 8vo. New York, 1878. Prose and Verse, Humorous and Satirical, of Thomas Moore, with Suppressed Passages, from the Memoirs of Lord By- ron, chiefly. [With preface by Stoddard.] Frontispiece. 8vo. New York, 1878. William Cullen Bryant. 32mo. New York, 1879. Nathaniel Hawthorne. A Memoir. Square i6mo. New York, 1879. Poems. Complete Edition. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1880. (Edited, with memoir, pp. i-clxxviii.) Select Works of Ed- gar Poe ; Prose and Verse. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1 880. 276 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Queens of England of the House of Hanover, by Dr. Doran. With Preface by R. H. Stoddard. 2 volumes, small 8vo. New York, 1880. (Edited.) Life and Works of Washington Irving. Portrait. Royal 8vo. New York, 1880. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A Medley in Prose and Verse. Portrait. Square 8vo. New York, 1882. (Edited, with W. J. Linton.) English Verse. 5 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1883. Life of Washington Irving. i6mo. New York, 1886. The Lion's Cub with other Verse. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1890. • *^*The same. (100 copies.) i6mo. London, 1891. Under the Evening Lamp. i2mo. New York, 1892. Life, Letters and Friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes, First Lord Houghton, by T. Wemyss Reid. With Intro- duction by R. H. Stoddard. Portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York [1893]. *^*See also Bryant, W. C. ; Burroughs, John; Lowell, J. R. ; Stedman, E. C. ; and Whittier, J. G. STORY, WILLIAM WETMORE. 1819-1895. Report of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit. 3 volumes, 8vo. Boston, 1842-47. Address delivered before the Harvard Musical Association. 8vo. Boston, 1842. Nature and Art : a Poem delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University; August 29, 1844, 8vo. Boston, 1844. Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1844. Treatise on the Law of Sales of Personal Property . . Royal 8vo. Boston, 1S47. Poems. i2mo. Boston, 1847. (Edited.) Life and Letters of Joseph Story. Portrait, volumes, 8 vo. Boston, 185 1. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 277 Poems [revised, with many now first published]. i2mo. Boston, 1S56. Poem delivered at the Dedication of Crawford's Statue of Beethoven at the Boston Music Hall, March i, 1856, Svo. Boston, 1856. The American Question. 8vo. London, 1862. Roba di Roma; or Walks and Talks about Rome. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. London, 1862. Proportions of the Human Figure, according to a New Canon for Practical Uses. Illustrations. Royal 8vo. London, 1866. Graffiti d' Italia. lamo. Edinburgh and New York, 1868. A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem. First Century. i6mo. Bos- ton [1870]. Rome. By Francis Wey. With an Introduction by W. W. Story. Illustrations. 4to. London, 1872. Nero: an Historical Play. i6mo. Edinburgh, 1875. Stephania, a Tragedy in Five Acts, — with a Prologue. ( Pri- vately printed.) i6mo. Edinburgh [1875]. Castle St. Angelo and The Evil Eye. Being Additional Chap- ters to Roba di Roma. Illustrations. 12 mo. London, 1877. Ode on the Anniversary of Fifth Half-Century of the Land- ing of John Endicott at Salem, Mass. Portrait. Small 4to. Salem, 1878. Vallambrosa. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1881. He and She: a Poet's Portfolio. iSmo. Boston, 1883. Poems. 2 volumes, i6mo. Edinburgh, 1885. ***Also, 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1886. Fiammetta : a Summer Idyl. i6mo. Boston, 1886. Conversations in a Studio, 2 volumes, i6mo. Boston, 1890. Excursions in Art and Letters. i6mo. Boston, 1891. A Poet's Portfolio. Later Readings. i8mo. Boston, 1894. *^*See also Holmes, O. W. ; and Norton, C. E. 278 AMERICAN AUTHORS. STOWE, HARRIET BEECHER. 1812-1896. The Mayflower, or, Sketches of Scenes and Characters among the Descendants of the Pilgrims. i8mo. New York, 1843. Works of Charlotte Elizabeth (Tonna). With an Introduc- tion by Harriet B. Stowe. Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo. New York, 1847. Uncle Tom's Cabin, or. Life among the Lowly. Illustrations. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1852. The Two Altars ; or, Two Pictures in one. i2mo. [New York, 1852.] Uncle Sam's Emancipation ; Earthly Care a Heavenly Disci- pline, and other Sketches. With a Sketch of Mrs. Stowe's Family. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1853. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, presenting the Original Facts and Documents upon which the Story is founded. To- - gether with Corroborative Statements verifying the Truth ot the Work. 8vo. Boston, 1853. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Illustrations. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1854. The Mayflower and Miscellaneous Writings. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1855. The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, with Sketches of other Distinguished Colored Persons .... by William C. Nell. With an Introduction by H. B. Stowe. i2mo. Boston, 1855. First Geography for Children. Illustrations and maps. Square i2mo. Boston, 1855. Dred ; a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1856. *^<*Reissued as Nina Gordon, Boston, 1866., Earthly Care, a Heavenly Discipline. [First separate edit- ion.] 48n'io. Boston and Cleveland, 1856. Father Henson's Story of his own Life. With an Introduction by Mrs. Stowe. Portrait. i2mo. Boston, 1858. I A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 279 Our Charley and what to do with him. i2mo. Boston, 1858. The Minister's Wooing. i2mo. New York, 1859. Helen Ruthven Waterston. [A privately printed collection of memorial tributes by Mrs. Stowe, W. C. Bryant and others.] 8vo. Boston, i860. The Pearl of Orr's Island; a Story of the Coast of Maine. i2mo. Boston, 1862. Agnes of Sorrento. i2mo. Boston, 1862. Reply to the Address of Thousands of Women of Great Britain and Ireland to their Sisters of the United States. i6mo. London, 1863. The Ravages of a Carpet. i6mo. Boston, 1864. House and Home Papers. By Christopher Crowfield. i2mo. Boston, 1864. Stories about our Boys. 12 mo. Edinburgh and London, 1865. Little Foxes. By Christopher Crowfield. i2mo. Boston, 1866. Religious Poems. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1867. Queer Little People. Illustrations. Square i6mo. Boston, 1867. Daisy's First Winter and other Stories. i2mo. Boston, 1867. The Chimney Comer. By Christopher Crowfield. i2mo. Boston, 1868. Men of our Times, or leading Patriots of the Day. Portraits. Svo. Hartford, 1868. Oldtown Folks. i2mo. Boston, 1869. (With Catherine E. Beecher.) The American Woman's Home, or, Principles of Domestic Science. Illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1869. 280 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Lady Byron vindicated. A History of the Byron Controversy from its Beginning in 1816 to the Present Time. 12 mo. Boston, 1870. Little Pussy Willow. Illustrations. Square i2mo. Boston, 1870. Pink and White Tyranny. A Society Novel. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1871. Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories. Illustrations. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1 87 1. My Wife and I; or, Harry Henderson's History. i2mo. New York, 1871. (With others.) Six of One, by Half a Dozen of the Other. 1 2 mo. Boston, 1S72. Lives and Deeds of our Self-Made Men. 19 portraits. 8vo. Hartford, 1872. Palmetto Leaves. Illustrations. i2mo. Boston, 1873. Woman in Sacred History : a Series of Sketches drawn from Scriptural, Historical, and Legendary Sources. Portraits. 4to. New York, 1873. *^*Reissued as Bible Heroines, New York, 1S76. Betty's Bright Idea and other Tales. i2mo. New York, 1875. We and our Neighbors ; or, the Records of an Unfashionable Street. 8vo. New York, 1875. Deacon Pitkin's Farm, and Christ's Christmas Presents. i6mo. London, 1875. Footsteps of the Master. i2mo. New York, 1876. Captain Kidd's Money and other Stories. i2mo. London, 1876. The Ghost in the Mill and other Stories. i2mo. London, 1876. Poganuc People : their Loves and Lives. 12 mo. New York, 1S78. A Dog's Mission, or a Story of the Old Avery House, and other Stories. Square 12 mo. New York, 1881. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 281 Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, compiled from her Journals and Letters By Charles E. Stowe. Portraits and illustra- tions. 8vo. Boston, 1889. *:»*A11 enquiries relative to An Elementary Geography, said to have been published by Mrs. Stowe, in 1833, have proved fruitless, so that more definite data cannot be given. STREET, ALFRED BILLINGS. 1811-1881. Nature : a Poem pronounced at the Annual Commencement of Geneva College. 8vo. Geneva [N. Y.], 1840. The Burning of Schenectady and other Poems. i2mo. Albany, 1842. Drawings and Tintings. Royal 8vo. New York, 1844. Poems. Complete Edition. Frontispiece and vignette title. 8vo. New York, 1845. Fugitive Poems. 8vo. New York, 1846. Frontenac ; or, the Atotarho of the Iroquois. A Metrical Romance. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1849. Our State : a Poem delivered before the Literary Societies of the N. Y. University, on the 26th of June, 1849. 8vo. New York, 1849. A Poem delivered at the Anniversary of the Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute, Sept. 30, 1852. 8vo. Albany, 1852. Science : a Poem. 8vo. Albany, 1856. The Pilgrim Spirit. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Yale College, July 30, 1857. 8vo. New Haven, 1857. The Council of Revision of the State of New York, its History .... [etc.] 8vo. Albany, 1859. Woods and Waters ; or, the Saranac and Racket. Illustra- tions. i2mo. New York, i860. Frontenac. A Poem of the Iroquois. 4to. Albany, i860. ***The same. (300 copies.) 410. Albany, 1S66. A Digest of Taxation in the United States. 8vo. Albany, 1864. 282 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Forest Pictures in the Adirondacks, by John A. Hows ; with [i6] Original Poems by A. B. Street. Small 4to. New York, 1864. Poems. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1867. The Indian Pass. 12 mo. New York, 1869. Lake and Mountain ; or, Autumn in the Adirondacks. Illus- trations. i2mo. New York, 1870. Eagle Pine ; or Sketches of a New York Frontier Village. i2mo. New York, 1871. SULLIVAN, THOMAS RUSSELL. 1849 — Roses of Shadow. i2mo. New York, 1885. Day and Night Stories. i2mo. New York, 189 1. Day and Night Stories. Second Series. i2mo. New York, 1893. Tom Sylvester. A Novel. i2mo. New York, 1893. TABB, JOHN BANISTER. 1845 — Poems. (Privately printed.) Square i8mo. [Baltimore, 1883.] An Octave to Mary. [Poems.] Frontispiece. Oblong i6mo. Baltimore, 1893. Poems. (500 copies.) Square i8mo. Boston, 1894. *^*Also 50 copies on hand-made paper, and 5 on China paper. TAPPAN, WILLIAM BRIGHAM. 1 794-1849. New England and other Poems. i8mo. Philadelphia, 1819. Songs of Judah and other Melodies. i8mo. Philadelphia, 1820. Lyrics. 12 mo. Philadelphia, 1822. Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1822. Lyric Poems. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1826. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 283 Poem [Missions] read before the Porter Rhetorical Society, Andover. 8vo. Boston, 1836. The Poet's Tribute. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1840. Poems and Lyrics. i6mo. Boston, 1842. The Daughter of the Isles and other Poems. Vignette. 24mo. Boston, 1844. Poetry of the Heart. i2mo. Worcester, 1845. Sacred and Miscellaneous Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1846. Poetry of Life. Portrait. i6mo. Boston, 1848. The Sunday School and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1848. Late and Early Poems. 24mo. Worcester, 1849. The Memento. 24mo. Boston, 1849. TAYLOR, [JAMES] BAYARD. 1825-1878. Ximena ; or the Battle of the Sierra Morena, and other Poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1844. Views a-Foot ; or, Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. With a Preface by N. P. Willis. 2 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1846. ***The same. Second edition, with an additional chapter, and an introduction by Thomas B. Read. i2mo. New York, 1848. Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and other Poems. Portrait. 1 2mo. New York, 1849. El Dorado ; or. Adventures in the Path of Empire. Plates. 2 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1S50. *,^*Also issued, without plates, i volume, i2mo. New York, 1850. The American Legend. A Poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 18, 1850. Published by Request. 8vo. Boston, 1850. (Edited, with George Ripley.) .\ Hand-Book of Literature and the Fine Arts. 12 mo. New York, 1851. A Book of Romances, Lyrics and Songs. i2mo. Boston, 1852. 284 AMERICAN A UTHORS. Poems and Ballads. Portrait. i2mo. New York, 1854. A Journey to Central Africa. Life and Landscape from Egypt to the Negro Kingdoms of the White Hills. Illus- trations. 1 2 mo. New York, 1854. A Visit to India, China and Japan, in the Year 1853. Plates. i2mo. New York, 1855. The Lands of the Saracen ; or. Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1855. Poems of the Orient. 12 mo. Boston, 1855. Poems of Home and Travel. i2mo. Boston, 1855. A Visit to El Medina and Mecca. By Richard F. Burton. With Introduction by Bayard Taylor. Illustrations, izmo. New York, 1856. Northern Travel : Summer and Winter Pictures : Sweden, Norway, Lapland. i2mo. New York, 1858. Travels in Greece and Russia : with an Excursion to Crete. i2mo. New York, 1859. At Home and Abroad : a Sketch-Book of Life, Scenery and Men. 1 2 mo. New York, 1859. At Home and Abroad. Second Series. i2mo. New York, 1862. The Poet's Journal. i2mo. Boston, 1863. Hannah Thurston. A Story of American Life. i2mo. New York, 1863. John Godfrey's Fortunes; related by Himself. i2mo. New York, 1864. Poems. Portrait. 24mo. Boston, 1865. The Story of Kennett. i2mo. New York, 1866. The Picture of St. John. i2mo. Boston, 1866. Colorado: a Summer Idyl. i2mo. New York, 1867. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. 285 (Edited.) Frithiof's Saga. Translated from the Swedish of Esaias Tegner, by W. L. Blackley. i6mo. New York, 1867. By-Ways of Europe. i2mo. New York, 1869. Joseph and his Friend. A Story of Pennsylvania. i2mo. New York, 1870. ■ The Ballad of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrations by Ey tinge. 4to. Boston, 1870. (Translated.) Faust: a Tragedy, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 2 volumes, royal 8vo. Boston, 1870-71. The Masque of the Gods. i2mo. Boston, 1872. Beauty and the Beast. 12 mo. New York, 1872. (Edited.) Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration and Adventure. Illustrations. 8 volumes, 12 mo. New York, 1872-74. *^*Japan in our Day; Wild Men and Wild Beasts; Travels in Arabia; Travels in South Africa; Wonders of the Yellow- stone; The Lake Regions of Central Africa; Central Asia; Siam, the Land of the White Elephant, as it was and is. Lars: a Pastoral of Norway. i2mo. Boston, 1873. A School History of Germany to 1 87 1. Illustrations. i2mo. New York, 1874. Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874. i6mo. New York, 1874. The Prophet. A Tragedy. i2mo. Boston, 1874. Home Pastorals, Ballads and Lyrics. 12 mo. Boston, 1875. The Echo Club and other Literary Diversions, i8mo. Bos- ton, 1876. Boys of other Countries. Stories for American Boys. Illus- trations. Square 12 mo. New York, 1876. The National Ode. July 4, 1876. [Facsimile of manuscript.] 4to. [Boston, 1876.] The National Ode. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1877. 286 AMERICAN AUTHORS. Fitz-Greene Halleck Memorial .... Edited by E. A. Duy- cinck. [With addresses by Bayard Taylor and William Allen Butler.] Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1877. Prince Deukalion. Square 8vo. Boston, 1878. (Edited.) Picturesque Europe. A Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Natural Features and the Picturesque and Historical Places of Great Britain and the Continent. Il- lustrations. 3 volumes, or 60 parts, 4to. New York [1878-80]. Studies in German Literature. With an Introduction by George H. Boker. i2mo. New York, 1879. Poetical Works. Household Edition. i2mo. Boston, 1880. Critical Essays and Literary Notes. i2mo. New York, r88o. Dramatic Works. Edited, with Notes, by Marie Hansen- Taylor. i2mo. Boston, 1880. Home Ballads. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1882. Life and Letters. Edited by Marie Hansen-Taylor and H. E. Scudder. Portrait and illustrations. 2 volumes, i2mo. Boston, 1884. Melodies of Verse. i8mo. Boston, 1884. Who was she? i8mo. Boston, 1884. *^*See also Bryant, W. C. ; Holmes, O. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; Stedman, E. C. ; Stoddard, R. H.: and Whitman, W. THAXTER, CELIA. 1835-1894. Poems. i8mo. New York, 1872. Among the Isles of Shoals. i8mo. Boston, 1873. Poems. New and Enlarged Edition. i8mo. Boston, 18 74. Drift-Weed. i8mo. Boston, 1879. Poems for Children. Illustrations. 4to. Boston, 1884. The Cruise of the Mystery and other Poems. i6mo. Bos- ton, 1886. ■ Idyls and Pastorals. Illustrations. Square 8vo. Boston, [1886]. *,^*The same. Large paper. 4to. Boston \\i A BIBLIOGRAPHT. 287 The Yule Log. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1889. An Island Garden. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1894. Letters. Edited by her Friends A[nnie] F[ields] and R. L. Portraits. 12 mo. Boston, 1895. Stories and Poems for Children. Frontispiece. i2mo. Bos- ton, 1895. THOMAS, EDITH MATILDA. 1854— A New Year's Masque and other Poems. i6mo. Boston, 1885. The Round Year. i6mo. Boston, 1886. Lyrics and Sonnets. i6mo. Boston, 1887. Children of the Seasons Series. Illustrations. 4 volumes, i2mo. New York, 1888. Babes of the Year. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1888. Babes of the Nations. Illustrations. 4to. New York, 1889. Heaven and Earth. Illustrations. Oblong i6mo. New York, 1889. The Inverted Torch. i6mo. Boston, 1890. Fair Shadow Land. i6mo. Boston, 1893. In Sunshine Land. Illustrations. i6mo. Boston, 1895. In the Young World. 16 mo. Boston, 1895. THOMAS, FREDERICK WILLIAM. 1 808-1 866. The Emigrant ; or Reflections when descending the Ohio : a Poem. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1833. Clinton Bradshaw ; or the Adventures of a Lawyer. 2 vol- umes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1835. [Anonymous.] East and West. A Novel. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Howard Pinckney. A Novel. 2 volumes, i2mo. Philadel- phia, 1840. 288 AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Beechen Tree. A Tale told in Rhyme. i2mo. New York, 1844. Clinton Bradshaw. A New Edition, corrected and revised by the Author. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1847. Sketches of Character and Tales founded on Fact. i2mo. Louisville, 1849. John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Character including William Wirt, with Tales of Real Life. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1853. THOMPSON, DANIEL PIERCE. 1 795-1868. (Edited.) The Laws of Vermont, 1824-34 inclusive, be- ing a Continuation of Slade's Compilation. 8vo. Mont- peher, 1835. Adventures of Timothy Peacock, Esquire, or Freemasonry practically Illustrated. Comprising a Practical History of Masonry, exhibited in a Series of Amusing Adventures of ' a Masonic Quixot. By A Member of the Vermont Bar. , Illustrations. 12 mo. Middlebury, Vt, 1835. May Martin, or, the Money-Diggers, a Green Mountain Tale. 1 2 mo. Burlington, Vt., 1835. The Green Mountain Boys. A Historical Tale of the Early Settlement of Vermont. 2 volumes, i2mo. Montpelier, Vt., 18^. '' A Discourse delivered before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, .... June 3, 1861. By S. K. Lo- throp. [With hymn for the occasion, pp. 59-60, by Holmes.] Svo. Boston, 1S61. The Harvard Book. A Series of Historical, Biographical and Descriptive Sketches. By Various Authors. Collected by F. O. Vaille and H. A. Clark. Illustrations. 2 volumes, royal 4to. Boston, 1878. ***The Medical School, vol. i.. pp. 239-251 ; and The Holmes Estate, vol. ii.,pp. 424-426, by O. W. Holmes; Class Day, vol. ii., pp. 157-172, bj J. R. Lowell, and contributions by T. W. Higginson, C. E. Norton, C. P. Cranch and others. Addresses at the Complimentary Dinner to Dr. Benjamin Apthorp Gould. Hotel Vendome, Boston, May 6, 1885. [Including poem for the occasion by Holmes, pp. 22-24.] Svo. Lynn, 1885. Response to the Toast, " The President of the United States " together with the Response of the Gue-;t of the Evening, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, at the Banquet to his Honour by the Liverpool Philomathic Society, August 20th, 1886. Etched wrapper. (Privately printed.) Square i2mo. Liverpool, England, September i, 1886. The Story of the Memorial Fountain to Shakspeare at Strat- ford-upon-Avon. . . . Also Accounts of ... . [other] Gifts of Geo. W. Childs. Edited by L. Clarke Davis. Por- trait and plate. (Privately printed.) 12 mo. Cambridge, 1890. *^*Poem, written for dedication of the fountain, by Holmes, pp. 41-44, and letter, p. 22; letter of J. R. Lowell, pp. 35-38; and letters of J. G. Whittier, pp. 38, 209. LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. Noel. i6mo. Cambridge, 1864, ***The original French text, of which not more than twenty- five copies were privately printed; theauthor's English version of the poem appears in Flower-de-Luce, 1867. The Hanging of the Crane. Square i6mo. Boston, 1874. *»*A privately printed issue, of not more than fifty copies, for presentation by the author. QUINCY, JOSIAH PHILLIPS. The Peckster Professorship, kxv Episode in the History of Psychological Research. 12 mo. Boston, 1888. INITIALS AND PSEUDONYMS. A., T. B. Aldrich, T. B. A., T. G. Appleton, T. G. ^SOp, G. Washington. Lani- gan, G. T. Agapida, Fray Antonio. Irv- ing, W. Alethiteras. Osbom, L. Amateur, An. Pauldmg, J K. Amateur of Fashion, An. Pauld- ing, J. K. American, An. Calvert, G. H. American, An. Child, L. M. American, An. Cooper, J. F. American, An. Longfellow, H. W. American, An. Motley, J. L. American, An, Palmer, J. W. American, An. Pickering, H. American, An. Tuckerman, H.T. American Gentleman, An. Irv- ing, w. Apes, William. Snelling, W. J. Autodycns. Osborn, L. Azarias, Brother. Mullany , P. F. B., C. T. Brooks, C. T. Bachelor Knight, A. Simms, W. G. BackAvoodsnian, A. Dunlap, William. Barnwell. Roosevelt, R. B. Barrett, Walter. Scoville, J. A. Bell, Solomon. Snelling, W. J. Benson, Carl. Bristed, C. A. Berkeley, Helen. Ritchie, A. C. M. Billings, Josh. Shaw, H. W. Boisgilbert, Edmund. Donnelly, Ignatius. Bonneville, Capt. B. L. E. Irv- ing, w. Boston Bard, The. Coffin, R. S. Bostonian, A. Poe, E. A. Brooke, Wesley. Lunt, G. Broken-Down Critic, A. Bris- ted, C. A. Bull-US, Hector. Paulding, J. K. Chandler, Ellen Louise. Moul- ton, L. C. Citizen of New York, A. Dun- lap, W. City Bachelor, A. Simms, W. G. Gierke of Oxenforde, The. Ken- nedy, J. P. Cooper, Frank. Simms, W. G. Country Schoolmaster, A. Leg- gett, W. Coventry, John. Palmer, J. W. Crayon, Geoffrey. Irving, W. Croaker, Croaker & Co. Drake, J. R. Crowfield, Christopher. Stowe, H. B. D., H. N. Ireland, J. N. l>oesticks, Gt. K. Philander. Thompson, M. M. Doubting' Gentleman, A. Pauld- ing, J. K. Downing, Major Jack. Smith, Seba. Editor, An. Simms, W. G. Effingham, C. Cooke, J. E. "Ellen Louise." Moulton, L. C. Ex-Pension Agent, An. Morford, Henry. j Fellow, R. Scudder, H. E. FlaCCUS. Ward, T. Franco, Harry. Briggs, C F. Free Man, A. Snelling, W. J. O., \j. I. Guiney, L. I. Gentleman of' New York, A. Irvin-', W. 838 INITIALS AND PSEUDONYMS. Gentleman of Portsmouth, A. Sewall, J. M. Gringo, Harry. Wise, H. A. H., The Letter. Halpine, C. G. H., A. S. Hardy, A. S. H. H. Jackson, H. H. Hamilton, Gail. Dodge, M. A. Hartwell, Mary. Catherwood, M. H. Haywarde, Richard. Cozzens, F. S. His [M. D. Richardson's] Friend. Simms, W. G. Huntley, Lydia. Sigourney, L. H. Instructor, An. Longfellow, H. W. Isabel. Ritchie, A. C. M. Johnson, Benj. F. Riley, J. "vV. Jones, Cupid. Saltus, F. S. J. S., of Dale. Stimson, F. J. Kerr, Orpheus C. Newell, R. H. Knickerbocker, Diedrich. Irv- ing, w. L.ady, A. Cooper, S. F. Liady, A. Moulton, L. C. liady of Massachusetts, A. Child, L. M. Lafoy, J. B. D. Woodworth, S. Lang'Stafte, Launcelot. Irving, Washington. IjCarned Gorilla, A. White, R. G. liOver of the Fine Arts, A. Brooks, M. Ijynn Bard, The. Lewis, A. M., B. A. Mullany, P. F. M., Li. C. Moulton, L. C. Manhattan. Scoville, J. A. Manners, Motley. Duganne, A. J. H. March, Anne. Woolson, C. F. Marvel, Ik, Mitchell, D. G. Member of the Vermont Bar, A. Thompson, D. P. Midshipman of the United States Navy, A. Leggett, W. Miller, Joaquin. Miller, C. H. Murray, Lieut. Ballou, M. M. Nasby, Petroleum V. Locke, D.R. Native of Virginia, A. Conway, M. D. New Englander Over - Sea, A. Neal, J. New-fingland Man, A. Paulding, J.K. New Yorker, A. Bristed, C. A. New Yorker, A. Hoffman, C. F. Nil Admirari, Esq. Shelton, F. W. Northern Man, a. Paulding, J.K. 0*Cataract, Jehu. Neal, J. Occidente, Maria del. Brooks, Maria. Old Man, An. Johnston, R. M. One of her [Fanchette's] Admir- ers. Cooke, J. E. One of his [H. W. Beecher's] Congregation. Proctor, E. D. One of the Editors of The N. Y. Mirror. Fay, T. S. One of the Types. Shillaber, B.P. Opera Goer, An. Mitchell, DG. O'Reilly, Private Miles. Halpine, C. G. Oudenarde, Dominie Nicholas ^gidus. Paulding, J. K. P., M. Li. Putnam, M.L. Page, Stanton. Fuller, H. B. Partington, Mrs. Shillaber, B. P. Penn, Arthur. Matthews, J. B. Perch, Philemon. Johnston, R.M. Percy, Florence. Akers, E, C. Phlogobombos, Terentius. Ju- dah, S. B. H. Phoenix, John. Derby, G. H. Pindai*, Jonathan. Freneau, P. Reverie, Reginald. Mellen, G. S., L. H. Sigourney, L. H. SecondthoughtS, Solomon. Kennedy, J. P. Several American Authors. Bry- ant, W. C. Sexton of the Old School, A. Sargent, L. M. Sigma. Sargent, L. M. Slender, Robert. Freneau, P. Smith, Ben. Mathews, C. South Carolinian, A. Simms, W. G. Southern Lady, A. Warfield,. C. A. Southron, A. Simms, W. G. Squatter, A. Jones, J. B. Stella. Lewis, E. S. Sterne, Stuart. Bloede, G- T., G. Ticknor, G. INITIALS A.\D PSEUDONTMS. 339 Terry, Rose. Cooke, R. T. Thanet, Octave. French, A. TitComb, Timothy. Holland, J. G. Travelling' Bachelor, A. Cooper, J-F. Twain, Mark. Clemens, S. L. Two Friends. Howells, W. D. Two in one House. Piatt, J. J. Two Wags. Bangs, J. K. Uncle Remus. Harris, J. C. Van Tromp. Sargent, L. M. Various Contributors. Bryant, W. C. Virginian, A. Carruthers, W. A. Virginian, A. Cooke, J. E. Volunteer in the U. S. Service, A. Brownell, H. H. W. Prime, W. C Ward, Artemus. Browne, C F. Western Man, A. Thorpe, T. B. Wetherell, Elizabeth. Warner, Susan. Wilbur, Homer. Lowell. J. R. Youth of Thirteen, A. Bryant, W. C [ ANONYMS. Adams, J. Q^ Letters to his Constituents. . . . Boston, 1837. J. G. Whittier. Adams, J. Q; The Jubilee of the Constitution. New York, 1S39. W. C. Bryant. Address to. . . . Congress. ... on Restriction on Foreign Trade. .... Philadelphia, 1809. C. B. Brown. Address to the Government on the Cession of Louisiana, 1803. C. B. Brown. Advice of a Father to his Son. Albany, 1871. S. G. W. Benjamin. Africans, The. Philadelphia, iSii. W. Dunlap. Afterg"low. Boston, 1877. G. P. Lathrop. Agrassiz, Louis. Address on A. von Humboldt. Boston, 1869. O. W. Holmes. Alnwick Castle. . . . New York, 1827. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Alpha Delta Chi. Proceedings. . . . 25th Anniversary. . . . New- York, 1858. D. G. Mitchell. Amateur, The. Boston, 1830-31. O.W.Holmes. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs, vols, viii., ix. Cambridge, 1862-64. F. G. Child. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings, vol. ii. Cambridge, 1852. O. W. Holmes. American Adventures by Land and Sea. New York, 1841. E. Sar- gent. American Anecdotes. Boston, 1830. J. G. Whittier. American Anti-Slavery Society. Proceedings. . . . Dec, 1S63. New York, 1864. J. G. Whittier. American Authors, Homes of. New York, 1853. C. F. Briggs. American Free Soil Almanac, for 1849. Boston. J. G. Whittier. American Landscape, The. New York, 1830. W. C. Bryant. American Magazine of Useful Instruction, vol. ii. Boston, 1S36. N. Hawthorne. American Medical Society. Report .... on Medical Literature. Philadelphia, 1848. O. W. Holmes. American Monthly Magazine. New York, 1S3S. C. F. Hoffman. American Travel, Some Highways and Byways of. Philadelphia, 1878. S. Lanier. Analectic Magazine, The. Philadelphia, 1813-15. W. Irving. AnglomaniacS, The. New York. C. C. Harrison. Arthur Clenning. Philadelphia, 1828. T. Flint. Arthur Mervyn. Philadelphia, 1799. C.B.Brown. AtalantiS. New York, 1833. W. G. Simms. Atlantic Almanac. Boston, 1870. J. R. Lowell. ANONTMS. 341 Atlantic Club-Book, The. New York, 1834. J. K. Paulding. Atlantic Magazine, The. New York, 1S24. W.C.Bryant. Attucks, Crispus. Memorial. Boston, 1889. J. Fiske. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The. Boston, 1S58, O. W. Holmes. Autograph Leaves of our Country's Authors. Baltimore, 1S64 J. P. Kennedy. Bacon, Delia. London, 1SS8. N. Hawthorne. Ballad of the Abolition Blunder-buss, The. Boston, 1861. L. M. Sargent, Balloon Post. Boston, 1871. H.James. Bartlett, W. F. Memoir by F. W. Palfrey. Boston, 187S. J. G. Whittier. Batchelder, S. Poetry of the Bells. Cambridge, 1858. J. R. Lowell. Behemoth. New York, 1S39. C.Mathews. Berkshire Jubilee, The. . . . Albany, 1845. O- W. Holmes. Book ofjasher. The. New York, 1840. M. M. Noah. Book of Rubies, The. New York, 1866. T. D. English. Border Beagles. Philadelphia, 1840. W. G. Simms. Boston Athenaeum and Public Library, Union of. 1853. G. Ticknor. Boston Book, The. Boston, 1836. H. T. Tuckerman. Boston Book, The. Boston, 1850. J. T. Fields. Boston Miscellany of Literature and Fashion, The. Boston, 1842. J. R. Lowell. Boston Museum of the Fine Arts. A Companion to the Catalogue. Boston, 1877. T. G. Appleton. Boston Pier, The. Centennial. Boston, 1873. O. W. Holmes. Bouse, Sir Lyon. The Adventures of. Ntw York, 1867. R. G. White. Bridal of Vaumond, The. New York, 1817. R. C. Sands. Bridgewater, Mass. 200th Anniversary. Boston, 1856. W. C. Bryant. British Prison-Ship, The. Philadelphia, 1781. P. Freneau. Bronze Group Commemorating Emancipation. Boston, 1879. J. G. Whittier. Brother Jonathan. Edinburgh, 1825. John Neal. Brow^n,John. Invasion .... Boston, i860. R. W. Emerson. Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio Medici .... Boston, 1862. J. T. Fields. Browning, Robert. Memorial. Cambridge. C. P. Cranch. Bryant Memorial Meeting. New York. E. C. Stedman. Buckwheat Cake, The. Boston, 1831. H. Pickering. Bunker Hill. Centennial Anniversary. Boston, 1875. J. Winsor. Bunker Hill. Memorial. Boston, 1875. O.W.Holmes. Bunker Hill. Memorial of the American Patriots who fell at the Battle, June 17, 1775 .... Boston, 1889. T. W. Parsons. Buntling Ball, The. New York, 1884. E. Fawcett. Burns, Robert. Celebration of looth Anniversary. Boston, 18^9. J. G. Whittier. Burns, Robert. Celebration of looth Anniversary. New York, 1859. J- G. Whittier. Burns, Robert. Celebration of iioth Anniversary. Jersey City, 1869. W. C. Bryant. 1 342 ANONYMS. Burns, Robert. Celebration of i nth Anniversary. New York, 1S70. O. W. Holmes. Calavar. Philadelphia, 1834. R. M. Bird. I'all to my Countrymen, A. New York, 1863. M. A. Dodge. Cambridge m the Centennial. Cambridge, 1S75. J- '"^- Lowell. Caiiibriflg"e of 1776, The. Cambridge, 1876. W. D. Howells. Caiubridg'e. 350th Anniversary .... Cambridge, 1881. O. W. Holmes. Cambridge. 250th Anniversary of First Church. Cambridge, 1886. O. W. Holmes. Cai'lyle, Thomas. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1S38. R. W. Emerson. Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. Boston, 1843. R- W. Emer- son. Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. Boston, 1836. R. W. Emer- son. Celebration of the Introduction of the Water of Cochituate Lake, .... Oct. 25, 1848. Boston. J. R. Lowell. Chanticleer. New York, 1S50. C. Mathews. Charleston Book, The. Charleston, 1845. W. G. Simms. Child of Bristowe, The. Cambridge. 18S6. F. J. Child. Chimes of Freedom and Union. Boston, 1861. J. G. Whittier. Choice Thoughts from Shakespeare. London, 18S6. J. Bartlett. Christmas Gift from Fairyland, A. New York. J. K. Paulding. Chronicles of Cooperstown, The. Cooperstown, 1S38. J. F. Cooper. City and the Sea, The. Cambridge, 1881. H. W. Longfellow. Clark, Geo. H. The Liberty Minstrel. New York, 1844. J. G. Whittier. Clarke, James Freeman. Commemoration of 50th Birthday. Bos- ton, i860. O. W. Holmes. Clarke. James Freeman. Commemoration of 70th Birthday. Bos- ton, 1880. O. W. Holmes. Class of 1829. Songs and Poems. Boston, 1854, 1868, i8Si, 18S9. O. W. Holmes. Class Poem. 1838. J. R. Lowell. Club-Room, The. Boston, 1820. W. H. Prescott. Cogrg'^sh^'ll* W. T. The Poets and Poetry of the West. Columbus, i860. W. D. Howells. Collegian, The. Cambridge, 1830. O W. Holmes. Collins, John. The Anti-Slavery Picknick. Boston, 1S40. J. G. Whittier. Columbus, Christopher. Memorial. Boston, 189;^. J. Fiske. Concord. Celebration .... 350th Anniversary. Concord, 1885. J. R. Lowell. Concord Fight. Centennial Celebration. . . . Concord, 1876. J. R. Lowell. Concord.. Free Public Library. Dedication. . . . Concord, 1873. R. W. Emerson. Concord. Social Circle. Centennial .... Cambridge, 188.:. R. W. Emerson. Concord. Soldiers' Monument. Dedication .... Concord, 1867. R. W. Emerson. Confessions of a Poet, The. Philadelphia, 1S35. L. Osborn. ANONTMS. 343 Connecticut, Sketch of. Hartford, 1824. L. H. Sigourney. Considerations on some Recent Social Theories. Boston, 1853. C. E. Norton. Controversy touching the Old Stone Mill. Newport, 1S51. C. T. Brooks. Cooper, J. F. Memorial. New York, 1852. W.C.Bryant. Copperheads, Ye Book of . Philadelphia, 1863. C. G. Leland. Crayon, The. New York, 1855-61. W. J. Stillman. Danien'S Ghost. Boston, 18S1. E. L. Bjnner. Oailgfllter of the Philistines, A. Boston, 1883. H. H. Bojesen. Desmond Hundred, The. Boston, 1S82. J. G. Austin. JDial, The. Boston, 1840-44. R. \V. Emerson. Dickens, Charles. Mystery of Edwin Drood .... Boston, 1S70. J. T. Fields. Dickens, Charles. Report of the Dinner to. Boston, 1842. O. W. Holmes. Dinsmoor, Robert. Incidental Poems. . . . Haverhill, 1828. J. G. Whittier. Dobson, Austin. Vignettes in Rhyme. New York, 1880. E. C. Stedman. Dora Darling. Boston, 1865. J. G. Austin. J>ove and the Eagle, The. Boston, 1851. G- Lunt. Dusenbliry, B. M. Monument to .... Andrew Jackson. Nashua, 1846. G. Bancroft. Duycinck, E. A. Fitz-Greene Halleck Memorial. New York, 187 1. B. Taylor. East and West. Philadelphia, 1S36. F. W. Thomas. jSlegry on the Late Titus Hnsmer, An. Hartford, 1780. J. Barlow. Emerson. Cambridge, 1865. A. B. Alcott. Ephemera. Boston, 1852. G.E. Rice. Kstray, The. Boston, 1847. H. W. Longfellow. Fable for Critics, A. New York, 1848. J. R. Lowell. Fair Play. Waltham. O. W. Holmes. Fanny. New York, 1819. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Fanshawe. Boston, 1828. N. Hawthorne. Farmer and Soldier, The. Hartford, 1833. L. H. Sigourney. FeltOU, Cornelius C. Addresses at Inauguration .... Cambridge, i860. O. W. Holmes. Few Verses for a Few Friends, A. J. T. Fields. Fields, James T. Boston, 1881. A. Fields. Fifteen Days. Boston, 1866. M. L. Putnam. First of the Knickerbockers, The. New York, 1848. P. H Mvers. First Ten Cantos of the Inferno, The. Boston, 1843. T. VV. Parsons. Forest and Stream Fables. (New York, 18S6. 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