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For the Use of Students. By Robert Buown, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.G.S. Crown Svo, with numerous Illustrations. 12s. Gd. ANCIENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. Edited by the Rev. W. Lucas Collins, M. A. Complete in 28 Volumes. Crown Svo. Each price 2s. 6d. FOREIGN CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. Edited by Mrs Oliphant. Eleven Volumes are now published. Each price 2s. 6d. PHILOSOPHICAL CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. Edited bv Professor Knioht, LL.D., St xVndrews. In crown Svo volumes, price 33. Gd. With Portraits. Vol.1. Descartes. By Professor Mahatfy. II. Butler. By Rev. Canon Collins. [Really. 45 George Street, Edinburgh; and 37 Paternoster Row, London. ETYMOLOGICAL AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INCLUDING A VERY COPIOUS SELECTION OF SCIENTIFIC TEEMS FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES AND AS A BOOK OF GENERAL REFERENCE BY THE EEV. JAMES |STORMONTH JTHOR OF ' SCHOOL ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY AND WORD-BOOK ' 'THE HANDY SCHOOL DICTIONARY,' ETC. THE TRONUNCIATION CAREFULLY REVISED BY THE REV. P. H. PHELP M.A. CANTAli. SIXTH EDITION, KE VISED WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLXXXI The Eight of Ilvirvdvction is reserved PEE FACE. This work, the result of the labours of many years, is designed to supply a full and com- l)lete pronouncing, etymological, and explan- atory Dictionary of the English Language, containing an unusual number of scientific, technical, and other terms, in a handy form for general reference, and at such a price as will put it within the reach of persons of the most moderate means. Many new and im- portant features will be found in the work. The Dictionary Words.— These are printed in a bold, black type, and in si-iigle letters, that being the form in which words are usually presented to the reader. Capital letters begin such words only as proper names, and others which are always so printed. This distinc- tion will be of considerable use to the learner. English phrases, familiar colloquialisms, and slang and other terms useful for reference by the general reader, have been freely inserted and defined. The addition of participial ter- minations will be found a useful feature. The Grouping of Words.— The Dictionary words are grouped under a leading word, from which they may be presumed naturally to fall or be formed, or simply follow in alphabetical order. Only, however, are they so grouped when they are derived from the same leading root, and when their alphabetical order may not be materially disturbed. When words occur in a group out of their alphabetical order, they will also be found in their place with a simple reference to the heading under Avhich they are grouped. Care has been taken , not to group to such an extent as to create difh- ' culty in consulting the work, but the alphabet- ical order of words in respect of their terminal letters is in no case attended to in the group- ing. The plan of grouping will be found to have important advantages. The words the most nearly related are immediately presented to the eye in a bold, black type, and not scat- tered over several pages, merely because their terminal letters are different. The Pronunciation.— The Dictionary words, for pronunciation, are respelt i)honetically with italic letters, and divided into syllables by dots instead of hyphens, and accented. The pronunciation has been carefully revised, in conformity with the best modern usage, by the Rev. P. H. Phelp, M.A. Cantab., to whom the Author has also to acknowledge his great obligations for very valuable assistance he has afforded in other departments of the work. Tlio scheme of phonotypes or sound-symbols is fully detailed in a Table at the beginning of the work, and again briefly repeated, for the con- venience of reference, at the bottom of each two consecutive pages. The leading word of each group is uniformly respelt and marked in full ; but the succeeding ones, especially when the seat of the accent is the same, have, generally, only the terminal parts re- spelt, the full respelling of the leading word being sufficient to indicate the first part. The Etymology of Words.— For the roots, or the su]iposed roots, enclosed within brack- ets, the works of the best and most recent authorities have been carefully consulted. In the words given as derived from the non-clas- 135 PREFACE. sical languages — that is, not from the Latin and Greek — Wedgwood, Latham, and Max MUller have been generally followed. When a Latin or Greek noun is given as a mot-word, the genitive case is frequently added in order to exhibit the literal elements more promi- nently to the learner. For the same reason, in Latin verbs, the supine in nm is often pre- ferred to the infinitive in re. It must not be supposed that all the root-^cords given within the brackets indicate really the ultimate sources of the English words. In a very large class of Knglish words they really are so, as in scien- tific terms, and words directly derived from the Latin or Greek, or in the case of that large class which are merely imitative of natural sounds or natural appearances. The root-words are meant to show— (1) the probable origin of the English words; (2) their primary meanings; or, (3) their equivalents in other languages. The root-ioords may be considered as a core for a group of related English words. Apart from this their chief use in an educational point of view, their meanings will be found highly use- ful in enabling the general reader to ascer- lain, in most cases, without difficulty, the i)ri- mary significations ofthe English words. When no meaning is attached to a root-ivord, it is to be considered as an analogue— that is, it has the same sense as the leading Dictionary word. In regard to a numerous class of Eng- lish words usually considered as derived from the literary Latin, or from the Latin through the French, Italian, or Spanish, the best au- thorities now teach precisely the opposite. Such words are really derived from some one of that large class of related European lan- guages called the Romance, including the French, Italian, and Spanish; or from a source common not only to them, but also to English and literary Latin. Literary or classical Latin had its origin in the unwritten lan- guages and dialects of Italy. When the former ceased to be a living tongue, the latter still survived. In the same way, the jiresent substratum of literary English has not si^rung from the Anglo-Saxon of Wcs- sex only, but from it and the languages and dialects, however derived, spoken in every l)art of Great Britain. While these facts must be distinctly borne in mind by the student, it is convenient to retain the fiction of derivation from or through the literary Latin in regard to the classes of words re- ferred to. In this view, the exact equiva- lents of Engli.sh words in Italian, French, or Spanish, will be found highly useful and sig- nificant. It will be observed in numerous instances that successive entries occur of words spelt precisely in the same way, and that they are so entered because they are derived from dif- ferent roots, and have, of course, different sig- nifications. This fact of itself will afford a striking example of the advantage of having related words grouped under their common root-toords, instead of the usual plan of Eng- lish Dictionaries of having the most contra- dictory senses placed under the same word which itself, in two, three, or more of these senses, has quite a different origin, though si)elt in the same way. The Meanings. ~ Tlie meanings of the words are those usually given, but they have been simplified as much as possible: In the way of definition there will be found, however, a vast quantity of entirely new matter. The separate entries made, in works of the same kind, to indicate distinctions in the significa- tions of verbs, when used transitively and in- transitively, have been abandoned, as confus- ing to tlie learner, and as practically useless ; at the same time, however, the distinctions tliemselves have generally been retained. No attempt has been made to render the defini- tions exhaustive ; yet in these the work is very full. Very frequently words in a group ending in nes, ble, and bly, especially the last, are not followed by definitions. When so found, the meanings are easily formed : Thus, distinctness, state of being distinct ; distinctly, in a distinct manner ; bleakness, state of being bleak; bleakly, in a bleak manner ; improvable, that may be improved ; improvably, in an improvable manner ; im- provableness, state of being improvable : Thus, ble, meaning "that may be;" bly, manner ; and uess, state of being. The Appendices.— They are— a note in re- gard to prefixes being placed first— (1) A full list of postfixes in alphabetical order, having their origin indicated, and followed by exam- l)]cs of their use ; (2) A list of common abbre- viations, with their meanings, and their full uncoutracted forms, when not English, within brackets ; (3,i A very full list of Latin, French, and other phrases, the name of the language, and their signification in English. Concluding Remarks. — Such is a brief outline of the nature and contents of the jircsent work. In a work necessitating s" great an amount of research, and the elabora- tion of so great a mass of matter from such PREFACE. a variety of sources during the unremitting labour of many years, there cannot but occur matter and arrangement that may call for adverse criticism, or at least call forth differ- ence of opinion. Where, too, there is such a variety of type, symbols, and marks employed, and so many elaborate details, errors may oc- cur. It is believed, however, that these will be found but few iii number, and of little im- portance. Besides the Rev. Mr Phelp, already referred to, highly-qualified gentlemen were engaged on the revision of the proof-sheets as they were passing through the press. The Author begs to acknowledge his obligations to those gentlemen for their important services. Dr Page. Professor of Geology in the Durham University of Physical Science, Newcastle, and author of well-known works on Geology and Physical Geography, specially attended to the correctness of the numerous scientific terms introduced into the work. To give a list of authorities used in compil- ing the present work would serve no good end. Suffice it to say that numerous works have been diligently consulted and compared, including the best and most recent authoii- 1 ties. While the Author's field of review has been a very extensive one, and while he has of necessity trodden a path common to autliors j of works of the same kind, it is hoped that no I undue use of materials from other works has i been made. The most laborious care has been employed, and considerable expense in- j curred, in securing accuracy. The Author ' trusts that this work will secure public appro- bation, and fulfil, in the opinion of those best I able to judge, the objects for which it is chiefly i designed. Edinburgh, October 1871. NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In this Edition a considerable number of important corrections have been introduced into the body of the work. A Supplement and a List of Proper Names have also been added. The Supplement contains about 450 additional words— chiefly such new scientific and other words as are now becoming current in our popular literature. Several emendations referring to the body of the work, and new ex- planatory matter, have also been inserted in the Supplement. The List of Proper Names coiLsists of (1) Scripture proper names taken afresh from the authorised version, (2) all the proper names found in the Apocrypha, (3) common classical names, and (4) common historical and other names — all respelt for pronunciation according to the method em- ployed in the Dictionary. In placing the ac- cent, the authority of Smart and Dr Smith has been followed— chiefly the latter. In re- spelling the proper names, and employing the sound-symbols used in the Dictionary, a dis- tinctness and precision have been given to the pronunciation of them never before attempted. Dr Page and the Rev. Mr Phelp have care- fully read over the Supplement. Mr Phelp, and two other gentlemen well known in the literary world, kindly took the trouble care- fully to go over the List of Proper Names, and adapt their pronunciation to English usage. It will be observed, however, that though the pronunciation according to English idiom and usage has been preferred, the strictly classical has been sufficiently often indicated. It is hoped that, with these improvements and ad- ditions, this work will not only maintain the high position which it has already attained, but find increasing favour with the general public. EoiNBURGH, September 1874. XOTE TO THE FIFTH EDITION The sale of three large impressions of the i ' Ktyinological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language,' in the course of ;ibout four years, is sure evidence that the public have appreciated the present work; and that neither the Author nor the Pub- lishers were mistaken in their opinion that tliere was a jilace and a use for such a book in our current literature. The Dictionary has now found its way to every part of the world where the English language is spoken or taught; and is extensively used in Univer-. sities. Colleges, and in the Higher Class Schools. And not only this, but in every sense it has proved a highly popular work, admir- ably adapted for reference in the Household, the Counting-room, and the Club. Its -use- fulness has been the more appreciated, in that the work contains not only a very ex- tensive selection of scientific and commercial terms, but also the class of words found every day in the newspapers and other periodicals. A very important feature is, that the defi- nitions of the words are given, not in mere synonyms as in most other works of the class, but in simple and extended meanings. Numerous notes and remarks have been in- troduced for explanation and illustration, giving thus a cyclopedia character to tlie work ; while it is of a handy portable size for daily reference, and of a very moderate price, if the mass of its contents be taken into account. In the Fifth Edition, a considerable num- ber of corrections have been made in the body of the Dictionarj'; and the former Supple- ment has been replaced by another contain- ing about four times more words and matter — the supplementary words now luimbering in all over 1500. During the past few years, many new scientific and other terms have taken their place in our current literature, and obsolete words have been revived. These have been carefully noted and introduced into the present Supplement. Useful Law, Slang, and Provincial names have also been inserted. Such words as agnostic, amortissement, urles, atavism, avizandum, hlock-system, iogey-engine, camerUngo, chauvinism, clerical error, clientele, coccyx, contango, coxswain, creche, and curia, taken at random from the first jiages, will suf- ficiently indicate the importance of the exten- sive new Supplement added to the Fifth Edi- tion. Finality in a Dictionary is impossible. Language is constantly undergoing changes ; and a Dictionary, to maintain its value, must faithfully record such mutations. It is accord- ingly the duty of a Lexicographer to note these changes, and where they are likely to be useful, and retain their place in the lan- guage even for a time, to introduce them, for the information of others, into his work. Such has been carefully, and it is hoped successfully, done in the present Edition, and at no little expenditure of labour and money. The Author has full confidence that the general public, and the heads of schools and colleges, -will continue to show their ap- preciation of the present work, especially in its improved form ; and that its already ex- tensive circulation will be greatly increased. He has again to acknowledge the deep obliga- tions under which lie lies to many literary and other gentlemen who so ungrudgingly gave him their advice and assistance in the preparation of the Supplement. These ser- vices it would be invidious to particularise. J. S. Eliiniuuoh, 31s< Jamiary 1879. CONTENTS. PREFACE, SCHEME OF PHONOTYPES OR SOUND -SYMBOLS FOR THE PRONUNCI ATION OF WORDS, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREYIATIOXS USED IN THE WORK, THE DICTIONARY, SUPPLEMENT OF ADDITIONAL WORDS, PAGE iii ix X 1 742 APPENDICES. LIST OF POSTFIXES, LIST OF COMMON ABBREYIATIONS, WORDS AND PHRASES FROM THE LATIN, FRENCH, ETC., . LIST OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES, AND OTHER NAMES, 767 770 773 779 SCHEME OF PHONOTYPES OR SOUND-SYMBOLS PRONUNCIATION OF WORDS. Note.—( ■ ) is the mark dividing words respelt plionetically into syllables ; ( '), the accent indicating on which syllable or syllables the accent or stress of the voice is to be placed. The marks ( ") and ( ") above the vowels are to be understood as having relation to the character of the sound alone, not to the prolongation, or the reverse, of the sound— that is determined in ordinary cases by the accent- uation of the word. The mark { ~ ) above the symbols atb, ow, ob, and dy, designates these as diph- thongal sounds. Sound-symbols Renre-^enHnn the fJovridt at Words respelt with employed in eTemvmedintheWord^ Sound-symbols and Marks Respelling. exempiijiea in me words. j^ Fronunciation. d mate, fate, fail, aye, there mat./at./al, a, thar. 6 mat, fat mdf, fat. a far, calm, father .far, Mm,fdm.'ir. aw fall, laud, law .fowl, lawd, law. 6 mete, meat, feet, free met, met, fet,fre. 5 met, bed mSt, bid. e her, stir, heard, cur her, stir, herd, ker. i pine, ply, height pin, pll. hit. i pin, nymph, ability .pin, nlmf, d-hWl-tt. 6 note, toll, soul not, tol, sol. 6 not, plot not, plot. d move, smooth m6v, smdth. ow noun, bough, cow ndwn, bow, kow. oy boy, boil boy, bdyl. <5o woman, foot wobm'&n, foot. a pure, due, few pur, du,fu. « bud, come, tough bud, kiiin, tuf. ch chair, match char, mdch. g game, gone, gun gdm, gon, gun. } judge, gem, gin juj, jem, fin. k king, cat, cot, cut king, kdt, kot, kut. * sit, scene, cell, city, cypress sit, sen, sSl, slt'f, si'prSs. sh. shun, ambition shiin, dm-blsh'un. th thing, breath thing, breth. *'^ there, breathe thdr, breth. * zeal, maze, muse zei, m&z, muz. 2^ azure, vision d'zhobr, vlzh'an. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. a. or adj. ...adjective ad adverb agri agriculture alg algebra anat anatomy anc ancient arch architecture archreol archaeology arith arithmetic astrol astrology astron astronomy bot botany cliem chemistry chron chronologj' com common com commerce comp comparative conch conchology couj conjunction contr contraction dim diminutive dyn dynamics E east E. I East Indies eccles ecclesiastical affairs Eng. hist. . .English history engin engineering eutom entomology- etym etj-mologj Fahr Fahrenheit far farriery fem femmine fort fortification gen gender ; genitive Alb Albanian Amer American or America Ar Arabic AS Anglo-Saxon Bav Bavarian Beng Bengalee Bohem Bohemian Bret Breton Celt Celtic Chald Chaldee Chin Chinese Dan Danish but Dutch Eng English Esthon Esthonian 1'" French Fin Finnish Flem Flemish Fri.s Frisian Gael Gaelic Geno Genoese (!er German Goth Gothic Gr Groek Gris Grisous geog geography geol geology geom geometry gram grammar her heraldiy hist history hort horticulture imp imperfect participle impera imperative infin infinitive instr instrument int interjection interrog. ...interrogative pronoun lit literature masc masculine math mathematics mech mechanics med medicine meta metaphysics mil military affairs min mineralogj' mod modern myth mythology N north n noun nat. hist.. . .natural historj' jjg^y f navigation or naval af- <■ fairs neut neuter nom nominative obj objective opt optics omith ornithology paint painting Heb Hebrew Hind Hindustani Hung Hungarian loel Icelandic Ind India or Indies Ir Irish It Italian L Latin Lang Languedoc Lap Lapland Lim. Limousin Lith Lithuanian Mai Malayan Manx language of Isle of Man rLiitin of the middle mid. L. . . •^ j^ggg ^j. jj^jg Latin Milan Milanese Norm Norman Norm. F. . . .Norman French N. Fris North Frisian old Eng. ...old English old F old French old Fris.... old Frisian old H. Ger. .old High German Purs Persian palaeon paleontology path pathology pers person pert pertaining phil philosophy Phren phrenology Phys physiology or physical plu plural poss possessive PP perfect participle pref. prefix prep preposition pres present pron pronoun prov pro\Tncial pt past tense rel relative pronoun rhet rhetoric E. N royal nav-y R.Cath. Ch. Roman Catholic Church S south Scrip Scripture sculp sculpture sing singular superl superlative surg surgery surv surveying theol theology trig trigonometry U. S United States v verb W west W.I West Indies 200I zoology Piedm Piedraontese Pol Polish Port Portuguese Prov Provencal prov. Eng. .provincial English Rom Roman Russ Russian Sam Samaritan Sans Sanscrit Scand Scandinavian Scot Scotland or Scotch Serv Servian Sic Sicilian Slav Slavonic Sp Spanish Sw Swedish Swab S wabian Syr Syriac Teut Teutonic Turk Turkish Venet Venetian W Welsh Wal ^^'alachlan Wall Walloon Wcstph Wcstphalian ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND EEFEEENCE BOOK. A, a, the first letter of the alphabet in most lan- guages ; an adjective of number, signifying one ; the indefinite article— used before adjectives or nouns that begin with a consonant or with the sound of a consonant; an Anglo-Saxon prefix signifying at, to, in, or on; a Greek prefix, also its form an, signifying V'ithout, not; a Latin prefix, with its forms ab and abs, signifying/ro??i or away. A 1, a 07ie, a mark to denote a ship of the first class as to newness and being seawortliy. Aaronic, a. d-ron'lk; also Aaxonical, a. a-ron'l-kai, of or pert, to Aaron or his priesthood. ab, ab, a Latin prefix; also a and abs, signifying from or away. A.B., first letters of Artium Baccalaureus—dr'shl- iim, of arts; hak'-kCi-law'-ri-us, bachelor — meaning Bachelor of Arts, an academic title. aback, ad. a-hakf (AS. on-baec), on the back ; back- wards, as used by sailors ; by surprise ; unexpectedly. abacus, n. ab'-A-kus (L., from Gr. abakos, a board for calculations), a counting frame ; in a?-c/j., the crown- ing table of a column. Abaddon, n. u-bdd'don (Heb. abad, to be lost or destroyed), the destroying angel of the bottomless pit. abaft, ad., prep, d-baff (AS. ceftan, after, behind), a seaman's term ; at or towards the stem or hinder part of a ship ; behind. abandon, v. d-bun'-dun (F. abandonner, to desert), to give up; to des-^^rt; to forsake entirely: aban'doning, imp.: aban'doned, pp. : adj., wholly forsaken; given up; extremely profligate or corrupt: aban'donment, n. a giving up wholly; a total desertion: aban'doner, n. the pei-son who gives up. abase, v. d-bas' (F. abaisxer, to lower— from L. ad; basis, the foot or base), to bring low ; to degrade ; to cast do\vn : aba'sing, imp.: abased, pp. d-bdst': abase'ment, n. tlie act of humbling or bringing low. abash, v. d-bush' (old F. esbahir, to set agape, to confound), to confuse with guilt; to make ashamed: abash'ing, imp. : abashed, pp. d-bdsht', confounded ; put to silence : abash'ment, n. confusion from shame. abate, v. d-baf (F. abattre, to beat down: It. abbat- ere, to overthrow), to lessen ; to lower in price ; to grow less ; to subside : aba'ting, imp. : abated, pp. : abat- able, a. d-ba'td-bl, that can be lessened or abated: abate'ment, n. a reduction; a lessening; the sum abated : aba'ter, n. the person or thing that abates. abatis, n. db'd-tls or db-d-te', also spelt ab'attis (F. abattre, to beat down), piles of trees or their larger branches, with sharpened points outward, laid down for the protection of troops. abattoir, u. ab-dt-wdi-' (F.), a public slaughter- house. ABEL abb, n. db (AS.), the yarn of a weaver's warp. abba, n. db'-bd (Chaldee), a father; a name given in the East to church digioitaries- hence baba, papa, pope : abbacy, n. db'bd-sl, the dignity or rights and privileges of an abbot: abbatial, a. d-bd'sM-dl ; also abbatical, d-bat'l-kdl, of an abbey: ablie, n. db'-bi, a father ; a title of courtesy or honour given to persons in many Catholic countries who have given themselves to the study of divinity: abbess, n. db'-bSs, aladyplaced over a nunnery. Among persons living secluded from the world in religious houses, the males are called monks, and the females 7iu7is. The residence of a monk is called a monastei-y, and that of a nun a nnn- nery. abbey, n. db'bi, plu. abbeys, db'-biz, a monas- tery ; a residence of persons secluded from the world, either male or female; abbot, n. db'biit, the superior or chief person over an abbey or monastery : abljot- ship, n. the office of an abbot. Abbeville flints, db'vel, rude flint implements, in the form of spear-heads, &c., found in great abund- ance in the post-tertiary sands and gravels of the river Somme, near Abbeville, in France. abbreviate, v. db-bre'vl-dt (L. ab: brevis, short), to shorten ; to reduce to a smaller size ; to abridge : abbreviating, imp. : abbre'via'ted, pp. : abbrevia- tion, n. db-bre'-vl-d'-shnn, the act of shortening ; a part of a word used for the whole : abbre'via'tor, n. one who: abbreviatory, a. -tor'-l, shortening: abbrevia- ture, n. ■vid-tur', an abbreviation. abdicate, v. db'di-kat (L. ab; dico, I proclaim or make known), to give up a right ; to renounce an office of power: ab'dica'ting, imp. : ab'dica'ted, pp. : abdi- cation, n. db-dl-kd'^hiin, the act of giving up ; a sur- rendering: abdicant, n. -kdnt, also ab'dica'tor, -kd- for, one who : abdicative, a. ab'-dl-kd'tlv, causing or imphnng abdication. abdomen, n. db-do'men (L., from nhrlo, I conceal), the lower part of the belly: abdominal, a. db-dOni'-l- ndl, belonging to the lower belly: abdominous, a. db-ddm'1-m'ts, having a large belly: abdominales, n. plu. ab-dom'l-nd'-lez, in zool., the soft-finned fishes which have their ventral fins placed on the abdomen, behind the pectorals. abduce, v. dbdus'; also abduct, v. dbduk-f (L. ab: duco, I lead), to lead or draw from ; to separate: abdu'cing, imp. : abduced, pp. db-diist' : abduc'- ting, imp.: abduc'ted, pp.: abduc'tor, n. one who ; in anat., a muscle that draws a limb or a part outwards : abduction, n. db-diik'shvn, in med., a drawing away from ; a carrjing away by fraud or open violence : ab- ducent, a. ab-du'-s6nt, separating; drawing back. abed, ad. d-hed' (AS.), on or in bed. abele, n. d-be'-U (Pol. biulo, white), the white poplar- tree. mate, mat,fCir, laXv; mete, mSt, Mr; pine, pin; note, not, m6ve; coio, boy, foot; pure, bud: chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ABER ABSE aberration, n. ab'er-ra'shiin (L. ah; erro, I wander), a wandering Irom the right way, as from truth ; moral perversity; mental weakness; an apparent motion of the fixed stars: aberrauit, a. ab-errant, ditferiiitr widely ; aber'ring, a. wandering: aberrance, n. dbei- rdns; also aberrancy, n. ab er'ran-nl, a wanderinf; from the right way. abet, V. ab6f (AS.: old F. abetter, to incite; aboutn, to set dogs on), to aid ; to incite ; to encourage, chiefly in a bad sense: abet'ting, imp.: abet'ted, pp.: abet'tor, n. one who abets or encourages, usually in a bad sense : abetment, u. abeyance, n. d-b(l'(Jns (F. abnyer, to gape at, to pant after), state of being held back for a time ; state of expectancy ; temporary suppression. abhor, v. abh6)-' (L. ab ; horreo, I shake or look ter- rible), to hate very much ; to despise ; to detest : ab- hor'ring, imp. : abhorred, pp. ah-h6rd': abhorrence, II. ab-hor'-rins, very great hatred: abhor rer, ii. tin: person who abhors : abhorrent, a. (Vi-hor'rrnt, liiiting; detesting; odious; repugnant to: abhor'rently, ad. -II. Abib, n. a'Mb (Heb. ah, swelling, protuberant), the first month of the Jewish year; also called Nisan. abide, v. a-lld' (AS. abiclan: Goth, beidan, to ex- pect), to remain; to continue; to rest; to be firm: abi'ding, imp. : abode, d-bod', pp. : abider, n. &■ bl'der. one who: abi'dingly, ad. -ll. abietites, n. plu. a-bl'e-tl'tez, or -tits (L. abies, the fir-tree), a genus of fossil fir cones, whicli are often found in great perfection in the Wealden and lower green-sand: abietic, a. ab-l-et'lk, pert, to the fir-tree. ability, n. a-bU'-l-ti (L. habilitas, fitness or apti- tude—from habeo, I have: F. habiller, to dress), power to do. whether with the body or mind — opposed to capacity, power to receive ; aptitude ; skill ; legal right to do — in this sense the opposite is disability : abilities, plu. u-bVM-tlz, mental endowments. abject, a. ab'jekt (L. abjectus, do\NTicast— from ab; jactus, thrown or (;ast), cast down; worthless; mean; without hope: ab'jectly, arl. -li: abjection, n. ah- jik'shun; also abject'ness, n.; and abject 'edness, a mean or low state ; meanness of spirit. abjure, v. ab-jdr' (h. ab; juro, I swear), to deny or renounce upon oath ; to renounce with solemnity : abjured, pp. abjdrd': abju'ring," imp.: abjura- tion, n. ab'jiib-ra'ehfin, renouncing ni)on oath: ab- ju'ror, n. one wlio denies upon oath : abju'rator'y, a. -I, containing abjuration. ablactation, n. db'ldk-ta'shun (L. ab; Incto, I suckle), the weaning of a child from the breast; a method of ingraft.ing, now called inarching. ablative, n. db'M-tlv (L. ab; latus, carried), name of a case in Latin nouns, in which the actions of carrying away or taking from are signified: ablation, db-ld- shiin, a taking away. able, a. d'bl (see under ability), having sufficient power to do; qualified; skilful; fitted for: ably, ad. a'bll: ableness, n. a'-bl-nis: a1)le-bodied, -id, hav- ing a sound strong body; able to work. ablution, n. db-ld'-shiiniX'- ab: luo, I wash), a wash- ing, cleansing, or purification l>y water: abluent, a. db'l6-6nt, cleansing by liquids: n. an attenuant or purifier. abnegate, v. db'-nS-gdt (L. ab; nego, I deny), to deny; to renounce: ab'nega'ting, imp. : ab'nega'ted, ])p. : ab'negation, n. -shiin, a denial; self-denial: ab'- nega'tor, n. one who denies. abnormal, a. db-norhndl ; also abnor'mous, n. ■vii'is (L. ab: norma, a rule), irregular; anji-hing out of the usual or natural couree ; without rule or order : abnormity, n. dft-ndr^mr-^J, irregularity; deformity. aboard, ad. d-bO)-d' (AS. a, on ; Icel. bord, the side of a ship), on or in a sliip or Ijoat. abode, n. rt-ftod' (see abide), a habitation; stay or continuance ; pp. of abide. abolish, v. dbdl'Uh (L. ahnJesco, I decay or wear away— from ab; alesco, I grow up: F. (ihnUr), to jnit an end to, to make void ; to annul ; to destroy: abol- ishing, imp.: abol'ished, pp. -Isht: abol'isher, n. the person that puts an end to: abolishable, n. (J •^'/^;^v/i f).?;?, that maybe put an end to (irdi'strcviMl : abolishment, n. db6l'Uh-7nint ; also abolition, n. db'riH'^hun. tlie act of putting an end to or desliny- ing; emancipation: ab olitl'onist, n. a person wlio favours fhi- i)utting an end to an>-thing, as slavery: abolitionism, n. db'-OllMi'-Hn-lzm, the tenets of the abolitionists. abomaaus, a. d-bOmd'zns (L. ab; omasum, tripe). the fourth stomach of ruminating animals ; the part of the paunch nearest the intestines. abominate, v. dbom'hndt (L. abominor, I wish away, I detest — from ab ; omen, a portent), to hate ex- cessively; to abhor; to detest: abom'ina'ting, imp. : abom'ina'ted, pji. : abominable, a. abom'-lnd-bl, very hateful ; detestable : abominably, ad. -ll : abom'- inableness, n. state of being very hateful : abomina- tion, n. d-bOm'-i-na'-slmn, an object of extreme haired or detestation ; evil doctrines or practices. aboriginal, a. db'-O-rij'-l-ndl (L. ab; origo, gen. ori- ginis, a beginning or origin), first ; primitive : n. an original inhabitant of a country: aborigines, n. db- 0-rlj'l-nez, the first or primitive inhabitants of a country; the original stock, flora or fauna, of a geo- graphical area. abortion, n. d-bor'slmn (L. alortio, a miscarriage— from orior, I arise), anyttiing that does not come to maturity; an untimely birtli; failure; a coming to nought: abor'tive, a. -tic, not come to maturity: abortively, ad. -/{.• abor'tiveness, n. abound, v. a-bdivnd' (L. abundo, I overflow— from ab; unda, a wave), to have or possess in great quan- tity : abounding, imp. : abound'ed, pp. : abundance, n. d-bun'dans, great store; overflowing quantity: abun'dant, a. plentiful ; fully sufficient : abun'dantly, ad. -U. about, prep, d-bcnvf (AS. abutan — frdm ymb, around; utari, outward), encircling; near to; con- cerning: ad. nearly; here and there. above, ad. a-biiv' (AS. abiifan— from a, on, be, by; w/a, high: Dut. boven), overhead; in a higher i)Osi- tion: prep, higher in place, rank, power, or excel- lence; in excess: above-board, openly: above all, in preference to all other things : above cited or above mentioned, taken notice of in the preceding part of a bonk : above-ground, alive ; not buried. abracadabra, n. db'-rd-kd-ddb'-rd, an Assyrian deity; a word used in incantations, or as a charm. abrade, v. d-brud' (L. ab: rado, I scrape), to rub or scrape off; to waste by Iriction: abra'ding, imp.: abra'ded, pp.: abrasion, n. db-rd'zhnn, the operation of wearing away by rubbing or friction ; a suiioi-fii'ial injuiy from friction. Abrahamic, a. a'brd-hdm'lk, of Abraham or his age. abranchiata, n. plu. d-brdiuf-kid'td (Gr. a, with- out ; branchia, the gills of a fish), applied to animals which have no apparent external organs of respira- tion, as the leech, earthworm, &c.: abran'chiate, a. abreast, ad. d-bn'sf(Aii. a, and breale with a particular stress or force of voice: accenting, imp. : accent'ed, pp.: accen'tuat'ing, imp. : accen'tuat'ed, pp. : accen- tuation, n. dk-sin'-tu-d'shxin, the placing accents on syllables ; the act of pronouncing words and syl- lables properly: accen'tor, n. in music, one who leads : accentual, a. &ksen'tu-dl, relating to accent. accept, V. dk-s6pt' (L. acceptum, to receive — from ad: captus, taken), to take what is offered; to agree or consent to ; to acknowledge or promise to pay : ac- cept'ing, imp. : accept'ed, pp. : accepter or accept'- or, n., one who accepts: accept 'able, a. dksipi'dbl. coiv, b- tion, the meaning or sense in which a word or expres- sion is generally undei'stood. accea's, n. ak-sis' or dk'ges (L. access^is, a coming to), admission to ; approach, or means of approacli : accessible, a. ak-ses'Sl-bl, easy of approach; affable: accessibly, ad. -l-bU: acces'sibil'ity, n. -bU'l4l: ac- cession, n. ak-scsh'ihi (L. ad; ce.ssio, a yielding or giving up), an increase; an addition; an arriving at; tliat which is adtied : accessional, a. dk-sdsh'iln-cll, additional : accessorial, a. itk'-sCs-so'rl-al, relating to an accessary: accessary, a. ak'ses-sar'l; also spelt -sory, -sor'-l, aiding in doing something, or privy to it: additional: n. anything additional; one who aids or gives countenance to a crime: ac'cessar'ily, ad. -l-li: ac'cessar'iness, ii acclaccatura, n. ak'-shS-ak'-a-td'-nl (It. acciaccata), in »Hi«iC, a grace-note. accident, n. dk'-sl-dint (L. accidens, gen. accidentis, slipping, happening to), something talcing place im- expectedly ; an event not foreseen ; a quality not es- sential: accidental, a. dk'-sl-dent'-al, liappenin^ by chance ; casual : n. anything non-essential : ac'cident- ally, ad. -U: ac'cidentalness, n. : accidence, n. ak'- sl-dens, a book containing the definitions and rules of grammar as they fall from or succeed each other. acipenseridae, n. plu. as-lp-en-sir'4-de (L. acij^en- ser, the sturgeon), the sturgeon family— a limited group of ganoid fishes ; the existing species are chielly of large size. accipitres, n. plu. dk-slp'-l-trez (L. accipiter, a hawli— from accipio, I seize), in orm^/i., a term applied to tlie rapacious birds, as eagles, falcons, hawlcs, &c.: accipitrine, a. dk-slp'-l-trin, hawk-like ; rapacious. acclaim, V. dk-klam' (L. ad; clamo, I cry out), to apiilaud: n. a sliout of joy: acclaiming, imp.: ac- claimed, pp. -kiamd': acclamation, n. dk'kld-md- shun, applause expressed by the voice, or by a noise ■with tlie hands or feet: acclamatory, a. dk-kldm'a- tor'-l, expressing joy or applause. acclimate, v. dk-kll'mat ; also acclimatise, v. akkll'md-flzf (L. cui; and climate, which see: F. accliviater), to accustom the body to live in a foreign country in a state of health; to inure a plant or animal to a climate not natural to it: accli'mating, imp.: acclimated, pp. dk-kll'nid-ted : acclimation, n. uk'kll-miVshiiii: acclimature, n. dk-kli'nuhtitr': acclimatising, imp. dk-kll'-vid-tu'-lnii •■ acclima- tised, pp. dk-kll'nuUlzd' : acclimatisation, n. dk. kll'uvt-tl-za'-sMin. acclivity, n. dk-klU'l-ti (L. aa ; clivus, a slope), a slope; rising ground; the face of a hill in going up: declivity, the face of a hill in coming down : acclivous, a. dk-kh'-vus, rising as a hill. accolade, n. dk'-6-ldd' (L. ad; collum, the neck), a word formerly used to designate the ceremony of con- ferring knightliood by a gentle blow of a sword on the neck or shoulder. accommodate, v. dkkdm'md-dilt (L. ad; co??, to- gether; modus, amea.sun', a limit), tn make suitable for; to adapt to; to supply ; to hrlp; to hud : accom'- moda'ting, imp.: accommodated, pp.: accommoda- tion, n. dk-kOm'mO-da'slii'i.n, snitaMe convenience; what is furnished to supjily a want: accom'moda- tlve, a. -dd'-tlv. furnishiii'^ aci-omiiindation; obliging: accom'modate'ness, n.: accom'moda'tor, n. one wlio. accompany, v. dk-kwa'-pd-ni (F. uccompagner— from cumpaijnie, company), to attend or escort ; to go with as a companion ; to be an associate : accom'pany- ing, imp.: accompanied, pp. rt/v/inHi:;;a;(((^- accom- vnxder, n. dk-kiim'2>&-')it-''r: accompaniment, n. ak- kiiin'pdnlmSnt, somtithing tluit attin.ls nr is added by way of ornament or improvenicnt: accompanist, n. dk-kiim'-pd7i-lst, in music, tlic person who accom- panies. accomplice, n. ak-k6m'-plls (L. ad; con; plirn, I fold: F. complire), a cojnpanion in doing something •wrong; a cnnfederate, usually in an ill sense. accomplish, v. dk-k6i/i';,ll<>i (I,, ad.- nnnplcn, I fill completely), to eniiil'l'te; tuliiiisll entirely; to bring to pass: accomplishing, iiM]>.: accomplished, pp. -plUht: adj. rich in aequired (jualities and manners; elegant; refiued: nccompUshment, n. the finishing mdte, miXt,/Cir, law; mite, vi6l, ACCU entirely; attainment; fulfilment; completion; polite manners or education; accom'plisher, n. one ■who: accomplishable, a,, ak-kom'plish-d-bl: accomplish- ments, n. plu. polite acquirements. accompt', old spellinij of account, which see. accord, v. dk-kawrd'^ (h. ad; cor, gen. cordis, the heart), to make to agree or correspond; to grant or give ; to be suitable : n. agreement; consent; harmony : accord'ing, imp. : adj. agreeing; granting; suitable: according to, prep, phrase: accorded, pp.: accord'er, n. one wiio : accordance, n. dk-kOrd-ans, agreement with a pers(ju: accord'ant, a. agreealile to; eorres- pondingto: accordantly, ad. -U; accordingly, ad. -rt.- accordion, n. dk-kOr'di-on, a keyed wind instrument. accost, V. dk-kosf (F. accoster, to join side to side, to come up to), to speak first to ; to address or saints : accosting, imp.: accost'ed, pp.: accostable, a. dk- kOst'd-bl, easy of access. accoucheur, n. dk'kOb-sMr' {F. — from L. ad: F. couche, a bed), a surgeon who attends women in child- birth : accouchement, n. ak-koosh'-mong, lying in child-birth : accoucheuse, n. dk'-kdb-sliez', a midwife, account, n. dk-kownt' (h. ud; con, together; ijafo, I think— this word used to be written accompit), a sum stated on a slate or paper ; a narrative or statement ; regard ; explanation a statement of prices, expenses, &c.: V. to judge; to esteem; to value; to give rea- sons; to explain; to be liable: account'ing, imp.: account'ed, pp.: accountable, a. dA:A.-ij7('«^rt-W, liable to answer for one's conduct: account'abil'ity, n. -rt- bll'l-tl, being liable to answer for one's conduct : ac- count'ably, ad. -bll: account'ableness, n.: account- ant, n. one skilled in accounts ; a clerk : account'ant- ship, n. the office of an accomitaut: accountancy, u. dk-ko~ivnt'un-sl. accoutre, v. dk-kd'-ter {F. accoutrer, to dress or equip), to dress or equip for military sei-vice: accou- tring, imp. ak-kO'trXng : accoutred, pp. dk-kO'-tird: accoutrements, n. plu. ak-k6't&r-ments, militaiy dress or equipments. accredit, v. dk-krSd'lf (L. ad; credo, I believe or trust in), to give trust to ; to procure honour or credit for: accrediting, imp.: accredited, pp. dkkred'-ltid: adj. authorised to appear as one possessing the confi- dence of another, or as a public character. accretion, n. dk-kre'shun {L. ad; crcsco, I grow, or cretuin, to grow), increase by external addition of new- matter: accretive, a. dk-kre'tlv, giowngby external additions : accrescence, n. dk-kres'-ens. accrue, v. dk-krff (L. ad; cresco, I grow), to arise from ; to proceed ; to come to ; to be added as increase or profit: accru'ing, imp.: accrued, pp. ak-krOd': accru'ment, n. accumbent, a. dk-kiivi'bSnf {L. accvmbo, I lay my- self dowTi upon— from ad; cubo, I lie dov,-n), leaning upon ; reclining at meals : accumlsency, n. -si. accumulate, v. dk-ku'-muddt (L. ad.; nnnulus, a heap), to heap or pile up ; to collect or gather to- gether; to increase greatly: adj. heaped; collected: accu'mula'ting, imp.: accu'mula'ted, pp.: accu'mula'- tion, n. •la'-shun, the act of heaping up or collecting together; the things accumulated: accu'mula'tive, a. taken as a whole or in the mass : accu'mulatively, ad. -Id'tlvdl: accu'mula'tor, n. one whogathci-s or amasses. accuracy, n. ak'k-n-ra-sX (L. ad; rura, care), cor- rectness; exai'tness: accuxateness, n. (J/,;:/;(i-rt2.''7!^>«. freedom froni error or mistake : accurate, a. ak'kii- rat, very exact ; free ftom error or mistake : ac'cnra- te'ly, ad. -II. accurse, v. dk-k^rs' (L. ad: AS. rorsian, to execrate by the sign of the cross), to devote to destruction ; to call down evil or misery upon : accursed, pp. rtfc- kt-rsf : adj. dk-ker's6d, doomed ; wicked ; execrable. accuse, v. dk-kiizf (L. aa-uso. I bhune— from ad; rniisd, a cause), to charge with a crime or fault; to blame: accu'sing, imp. : accused, i>p. akkuzd': ac- cusation, n. ak-kihtasliini. bein- declared guilty of aeriiiie or fault; the cliaru'e brouu'ht a-ainst any one: accu'ser, n. one who blames or ehar;,'es some one witli a fault or crime: accusable, a. dhl. charge- abb^ with a crime : accusatory, a. d!.-ki'/'zd-tur-t, tliat blames; tending to ae.use : accusative, a. dk- ki'i'za-liv. the name for the i-ase in Latin which is called in Knglish the objective; censuring: accu'- sative'ly. ad. -tii'll. accustom, v. dkkiis'tilm (L. ad: F. coutuvie, cus- tom, habit), to make familiar with by habit or use; to inure to: accustoming, imp.; accna'tomed, pp. fur; pine, pin; nOtc, nUt, mOve; ACE 'tiimd: adj. frequent ; usual: accus'tomar'y, a. -dr'l, usual ; customary : accuB'tomar'ily, ad. -l-H. ace, n. as{L. as, a unit or pound: F. as: It. asso, a single point of cards or dice), a unit ; a trifle ; a mark on a card. aceous, a'shus (L.), a postfix signifjing resemblance to, or partaking of the qualities of a substance — as car- bonaceoMs, partaking oi the qualities or appearance of carbon. aceldama, n. a-sel'-dd-ina or -kcl- (Ch. akel, a field; dama, blood), a field of blood. acephala, n. d-sc/'d-hl (Gr. a. without; kephale, the head), applied to those molluscs that have no dis- tinct head— as the oyster, the scallop, &c. : aceph- alous, a. a-sef'-d-lu3, headless. acerb, a. il-serb' (L. acerbics, unripe, sour), sour ; bitter: acerbity, n. d-serb'l-il; also acerbitude, n. a-serb-l-tud, sourness with bitterness; sharpness of temper and manners. aceric, a. d-ser'-lk (L. acer, a maple-tree), of the maple-tree— as aceric acid, an acid found in its juice. acerose, a. ds'er-oz; also acerous, as'-cr-us (L. acus, ■ a needle, or chaff; acer, sharp), in bot., linear and sharp-pointed, applied to the leaves of the fir tribe ; chaffy. acerval, a. d-ser'vdl (L. acervus, a heap), In heaps : AceTnr&te,v.d-ser'-vdt, to heap up: acer'vating, imp.; acervation, n. ds'-er-vd'shun, act of heaping up. acescent, a. d-ses'ent (L. acesco, I become sour), slightly sour; tending to acidity: acescence, n. a-ses'-ens ; or acescency, d-ses'ensi. acetabulifera, n. ds'e-tdb'u-lif-er-d (L. acetabu- lum, a sucker, a vinegar-cruet ; fero, I bear or carrj'), those cuttle-fishes whose arms or tentacles are fur- nished with rows of little cups or suckers : ac'etab'- lUum, n. -n-lum, in zool., applied to such organs as the cuplike sucking-discs on the arms of the cuttle- fish; in anut., the socket of the hip-joint: plu. ac- etab'ula. acetarious, a. &s'-e-td'rl-us (L. acetuin, vinegar), applied to plants used as salads: acetar'y, n. ds'-6- tdr'l, the acid pulp of certain fruits : acetate, n. ds- v-tat; also acetite, n. ds'-e-tlt, a salt of acetic acid: ac'eta'ted, a. combined with vinegar : acetic, a. d-sSt'lk, of vinegar; soui-: acet'ic acid, the pure acid of vinegar. acetify, v. ds&t'l-fi (L. acetwn; facio, I make), to convert or change into acetic acid or vinegar : acet'- ify'ing, imp.: acet'ified, pp. -fid: acet'ifi'er, -Ji'-tr, that which : acetiflcation, n. d-s6t'l-fl-kd'shun : ac- etone, n. ds'e-ton, pjTo-acetic spirit: acetose, as'-e- toz; also acetous, a. d-se'tils, sour; sharp: acetos- ity, n. ds'e-tos'Ul. ache, n. uk (Gr. acTios, grief, pain either in body or mind : Ger. ach, alas, applied to grief), a continued pain in a moderate degree ; also ach'ing, n. : v. to be in continued bodily pain; to suffer grief: ach'ing, imp. : ached, pp. dkd. achieve, v. d-chev' (F. achever, to perfect, to complete— from d, to, chef, head: L. ad; caput, the head), to finish or complete successfully ; to carry on progiessively to an end : achieving, imn. : achieved, pp. d-chevd' .- achieve ment, n. an escutcheon ; some- thing done by continued e.xertion : achiever, n. one who : achiev'able, a. d-chev'd-bl : achiev'ance, n ■dns, performance. achmite, n. dk'mlt (Gr. akme, a sharp point or edge), one of the hornblende family, found in long greenish-black crystals, terminating in sharp points. achroite, n. dk'-ro-lt (Gr. a, without; chroa, col- our), applied to the coloui-less varieties of tourma- line. achor, n. a'kor (Gr. achor, a soreness of the head), a species of scald-head with soft and scaly eruptions. achromatic, a. dk'ro-mat'lk (Gr. a, wthout; chro- ma, colour), free from colour ; object-glasses not pro- ducing colours, when rays of light pass through them, jvre termed achromatic lenses: achromatism, n. rt- krom'd-tizm; also achrom'atic'ity, n. -tis'-l-tl, state of being achromatic. acicular, a. d-slk'-il-ldr (L. aciis, a needle ; acicula, a little needle), fonned like a needle, applied to min- eral crystals which occur in slender needle-like prisms fr prickles: acic'ularly, ad. -Idr'-ll : aciculite, n. Cislk'-u-Ut, needle-ore ; an ore of bismuth found Im- bedded in quartz in long, thin, steel-grey crj'stals: aciform, a. ds'-l-fawrm (L. acits; forma, shape), needle- shaped. acid, n. ds'ld (L. acidus, sharp to the taste— from ACQU acus, a needle), something which causes sourness to the taste : adj. sour ; sharji ; biting to the taste : acid- ity, n. d-sid'l-tl; also acidness, n. ds'-ld-nes, the quality of being sour: acidiferous, a. ds'ld-lf'er-us {L. acidus, sour ; fero, I bear), containing acid : acid- ify, V. d-sld'-l-fi (L. acidus ; facio, I make), to make a body sour ; to change into an acid : acidifying imp. : acidified, pp. -fid -. acidification, n. d-sld-l- fl-kd'shun, the act or process of chano-in" into an acid : acidifi'er, n. d-sld'l-fl'er, that which changes into an acid: acidifiable, a. d-sld'if-i'-d-bl,tha.t may be converted into an acid : acidimeter, n. ds'-ldlm- e-ter (L. acidus: Gr. mefron, a measure), an instru- ment used in testing the strength of acids. acidulate, v. d-sld'u-ldt (L. acidulus, a little sour), to make slightly sour; to make moderately acid- acid ula'ting, imp. : acid'ula'ted, pp. : acid'uiotis, a slightly sour: acidulae, n. plu. a-sld'u-le, mineral springs rich in carbonic acid. acidaspis, n. ds'ldds'pls {Gr. akis, a, spear-point; asjiis, a buckler), certain fossil crustaceans, so called from the central lobe of the head-plate projecting over the body in the form of a pointed stomacher. acinaceous, a. ds'l-nd'shils (L. aciims, a stone or seed in a berry), full of kernels : acenose, a. ds'e-nOz, applied to mineral textures and surfaces which have a granulated appearance like the raspberry. acinaciform, a. ds'in-ds'-l-fawrm (L. acinaces, a straight sword or sabre), in bot., shaped like a Turkish sword or scimitar. acknowledge, v. dk-nol'Sj (L. ad, to; and know- ledge), to own ; to confess ; to admit to be true ; to assent to : acknowledging, imp. : acknowledged, pp. dk-noVcJd : acknowledgment, n. dk-nol'-ej-ment, tlie owning to be true ; confession ; the expression of thanks for a benefit received ; a receipt : acknowl'- edger, n. one who. acme, n. dk'-we (Gr. akme, the point), the highest point ; the top ; matuiity or perfection ; the height or crisis of a disease. acne, n. dk'-ne (Gr. contr. from ak-mai, pimples on the face), a small hard pimple, cliiefly affecting the forehead. acolyte, n. dk'o-lU (Gr. akoloutheo, I follow as a servant), in the Bom. Cath. Ch., one whose duty it is to prepare the elements for the offices, to light the church, (fee, and to attend on the officiating priest. aconite, n. dk'O-nlt (L. aconitum: Gr. akoniton), the herb wolf's-bane, or monk's-hood; a deadly poison extracted from it: aconitine, n. d-kon'l-tln, the alka- loid of aconite. acorn, n. d'kaYcrn (AS. cecern: Icel. akam: Dut. aker), the fruit of the oak-tree, formerly used as human food. acorus, n. dk'OrHs (L., from Gr. akoron), the sweet flag, or sweet rush. acotyledon, n. d'kd-fUe'-dd7i {Gr. a, without; kotit- ledon, a seed-lobe), in bot., a plant whose embrj'os or germs have no seed-lobes: acotyledonons, a. u'ko- iU-e'do-nils, having no seed-lobes. acoustics, n. plu. d-ko^w'stiks (Gr. akoustos, that may be heard), the science that treats of the cause, nature, and phenomena of sounds ; remedies for deaf- ness: acou'stic, a. -stlk; also acou'stical, a. -sti-kdl, relating to hearing or sound. acquaint, v. dk-kicdnf (old F. accointer, to make known), to inform ; to give notice of; to make familiar with: acquaint'ing, imp.: acquainted, pp. : acquain- tance, n. dk-kivdnt'dns, acquaint'anceship, n. state of being acquainted ; knowledge of, either intimate or but a little. acquiesce, v. dk-kivt-gs' {L. ad; qiiiesco, I am quiet), to agree in; to rest satisfied with ; to a,ssent quietly: acquies'cing, imp. : acquiesced, pp. dk-kwi-gst' : ac'quies'cence, n. -cs'ens, agreement in ; satisfaction with; also ac'quies'cency, u. -en-sL- ac'quies'cent, a. -ent, easy; submitting. a.cquiie,v. dk-krvlr' {L. ad; quccro, I seek), to gain possession of something as one's own, as money or knowledge; to earn or attain: acqui'rlng, imp.: ac- quired, pp. dkkvnrd': adj. gained; not natural: ac- quire'ment, n. something gained by study— as gram- mar, arithmetic, &c.: acqui'rable, a. -d-bl. acquisition, n. dk'kirl-zish'iin (L. ad; quccsitits. souglit), something gained, as property; attainment in knowledge; a good name: acquisitive, a. dk-kivlz'i- tlv. desiring possession: acquisitively, ad. -tiv'H' acquisitiveness, n. dk-kwls-l-tiv-nes, in phrtn., the desire of the mind to gain or possess. cow, boy, foot; pare, biid; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ACQU 6 acquit, v. ak-kwlf (F. acquitter, to set free, to clear —from L. ad: quietum, to keep quiet), to clear Iroia blame or guilt; to discharge: acquit'ting, imp.: ac- quitted, pp. : acqult'tal, n. a setting free ; the being fiiiind not guilty: acqult'tance, n. -tans, a release from a debt ; the writing or receipt to show this. acre, n. d'ki-r (AS. acer: Ger. acker, a field of culti- vated land), a portion of land containing 4810 square yards: acreage, n. d'kcr-aj, the number of acres in a piece of land : acred, a. d'-kerd, possessing acres or laud. acrid, a. dk'rld (L. acer, gen. acris, sharp), hot and hitter; of asharp or l)iting taste; pungent; corrosive: ac'rldness, u., or acridity, n. akrhV-i-ti, sharpness; bitterness: acrimonious, a. ak'-ii-mo-ni-ds (L. ncri- inonia, sourness), sliarp; srvcrc; sarcastic — apjilit'd to manner of speaking': acrimoniousness, n. : ac'ri- mo'nlously, ad. -a ; acrimony, n. dk-ri-mOn-l, sliarp- ness or bitterness in speaking: acritude, n. dk'-rl- tud, bitterness. acrita, n. dk'rX-td (Gr. akritos, indistinct), a divi- sion of the animal kingdom, comprising the lowest classes of radiata, characterised by an indistinct or molecular condition of the nervous system. acroamatic, a. dk'rodmdt'lk; also ac'roamat'ical, a. -l-kdl (Gr. akroania, a hearing), pert, to the more obscure or deeper parts of learning ; abstruse. acrobat, n. dk'ro-bdt {Gr. akros, liigh; baino, I go). a rope-dancer ; a vaulter ; a tumbler. acrocepbalic, a. dk-rd-sH-fdl'-lk (Gr. akros, high; kcphale, the head), high-headed, or pyramidal-headed — applied to the high-skulled tribes of the human family. acrodont, n. dk'ro-dont (Gr. akros, high; odous, gen. odontos, a tooth), a term applied to certain fossil saurians from the manner in which their teeth were li.>ced: acrodus, ii. ak'-ro-dus, certain fossil fi.sh-teeth, characterised by their enamel being covered with fine grooves, known by the name of fossil leeclies. acrogen, n. dk'rO-jen (Gr. akros, high; gennao, I proiluie), in bot., applied to plants which increase by growth at the summit or growing point : acrogenous, a. o-kr6j'-6-nds, increasing by growth at the summit or growing points— as the tree ferns. acrognathus, n. dk'rdg-na'thus (Gr. akros, high, pointed ; gnathos, the jaw-bone), a genus of fossil fishes from the lower chalk, characterised by their deep jaws. acronyc, a. d-kron'ik; also acron'ycal, -l-kal (Gr. akros, Iiigh, extreme; nux, gen. nuktos, night), in «s- tron., a term applied to the stars when they either aiipear above or sink below the horizon at the time oi sunset: acron'ycal'ly, ad. -11. acropolis, u. d-krop'O-lls (Gr. akros, high; polis, a city), the highest part or citadel of a city. acrosaurus, n. dk'-ro-saw'-rus (Gr. akros, high; sauros, a lizard), an extraordinary fossil reptile found ill South Africa. acrospire, n. ak'rO-sjnr (Gr. akros ; speira, a spiral line), the shoot or sprout at the end of a germinating seed: ac'rospired, a. -spird. across, prep., ad. d-krOs' (AS. a, at, on : Icel. kross, a cross), from side to side ; laid over something so as to cross it. acrostic, n. d-krds'-tlk (Gr. akros, high, extreme; stichos, a row or line), a short poem of which the first letters of the lines or verses form a word — generally a proper name: adj. pert, to: acros'tically, ad. -^r.. act, n. dkt (L. actus, done), a deed; a doing; power exerted ; an exploit ; a decree or law : v. to do ; to exert power; to perform: acting, imp.: act'ed, pp.: action, 11. (Ifc^A'/iMn, thestateofartin^orinnviii^:; loiviM-xi-rtcd by one body on another; a<|ir(l; aliattli-: actionable, a. dk'-shun-d-bl, something in word or deed tliat may be carried to a court of law: ac'tionab'ly, ad. -II: ac- tlonary, n. dk'shnn-dr'l : ac'tionlst, n. one who: ac tive, a. rtfc!ttice : actuallse, v. ak'til-d-Hz'. to rcilisi!; to make aitual : actualis'ing, imp. : actualised, pp. ak'tiializd': actuate, v. (<:tl-&E/:i-«, the being fitted or suited for: adap- tation, n. ad'-dp-td'shun. the act of making suitable ; fitness: adapt'edness, n. add, V. dd (L. ud: do, I give), to put together; to join; to unite: adding, iini>.: a.died, p]i. dd'-did : ad- dible, a. dd'dl-bl; also additive, a. dd'dltiv. tliat may be added: ad'dibillty, n. : addition, n. dd-dlsh'ini, an increase; uniting two or more laimlji'rs into one sum; something put to: additional, a. ad-dhh'un-dl, soinctliiiigmore: additionally, aii. -Ii. addendum, ii. dd-dcu'iiriin, plu. adden'da, -dd (L.), ail appendix; soiiii.'tliiiiL,' addfd. adder, n. dd'-d'r (.\S. (rttr: low Ger. add''r : W. ncidr: Goth, imdrs), a iioisonoiis serpent; a viper: adder-fly or adder-bolt, ii. dragon-fly. addict, V. dd-iUkt' (L. ad: dirtu.s, said, named), to give one's self lip to, as to a custom or habit— usually ill an ill sense : addicting, imp.: addict'ed, pp.: addict'- edness: addiction, u. dd-dikshCin. addition, Ac., see under add. addle, v. dd'dl (AS. av court to, as a lover: address'ing, imp.: addressed,' pp. dd-dresf: address', u. a spcak- mdle, mdt.fCir, luTv; mete, mit, Mr; pine, pu .- note, n6t, mOve; ADDu : ill" to; direction on a letter; skill; manner or mode of^behaviour : plu. addresses, ad-drHs'-ez, courtsliip paid to a woman : addres'ser, n. one who. adduce, v. dddus' (L. ad; duco, I lead or lirinp), tootfer; to bring lorward ; to cite; to name: addu'- cing, imp.: adduced, pp. dd-dust': addu'cer, n. one who : addu'cible, a. -si-bl : adduction, n. dd-duk'shua .- adducent, a. dd-du-sent, bringin>,' forward or toge- ther: adductive, a. ad-dilk'tlv (L. ad; ductus, led), that adduces: adduc'tively, ad. -tiv-ll: adductor, u. in anat., a muscle that contracts parts. adenology, n. dd'e-nol'o-ji (Gr. adeii, a gland ; logos, discourse), m anat., the doctrine of the glands ; their nature and their uses : adenose, a. dd^e-woz; alsoade- nous, dd-6-nus, gland-lilce: adenography, n. ad'-in- Og'-rdfl (Gr. aden; grapho, I write), a treatise on the glands. adept, n. d-dSpt' (L. adeptus, got, obtained), one fully skilled in anything: adj. skilful. adequate, a. ad'e-kwdt (L. ad; cequatus, made equal or like), fully suflicient for ; equal to : adequately, ad.-«: adequacy, n. ad^e-feu'd^sl, the being equal to; sufficiency for a particular end : adequate ness, ri. adfected, a. ad-jekt-cd (L. ad; /actus, done), in alg., consisting of different powers of the unknown quantity ; also affect'ed. adhere, v. dd-her' (L ad; Imreo, I stick), to stick to; to cleave to; to hold to an opinion: adhering, imp.: adhered, pp. dd-herd': adherence, n. ad-he- Tins, steady or fixed attachment to; adhe'rency, n. -rin-si, the act of sticking or adhering to : adhesion, n. ad-he'zhun, applied to matter— tha act of sticking to ; a union of parts of any body by means of cement, glue, growth, &c. ; steady attachment: adhesive, a. dd-ha- siv, gluey; sticlcy: adhe'sively, ad. -ll: adhesive- ness, n. : adhe'rent or adhe rer, n. one who adheres to; a follower: adhe'rently, ad. -II. adhibit, V. ad-hlb'-lt\h. udhibitum, to add to,— from ad; habeo, I have or hold), to put to ; to use or apply : adhibiting, imp.: adhibited, pp.: adhibition, u. ad'-hi-blsh'-un, application; use. adiantites, n. plu. dd'l-dn'-tlts or -tl'tez (Gr. adi- antos, unmoistened), a genus of fossU ferns found in the coal-measures, so called from their resemblance to the existing adiantam or maiden-hair. adieu, n., ad., interj. d-dii' (F. a, to; Dieu, God), a farewell ; an e.\pression of regard or kind wishes. adipocere,n. ad'l-po-ser' (L. adeps, fat; cera, wax), a light, waxy, or fatty substance, of a whitish-grey colour, into which animal flesh is changed when buried in moist earth ; often found in burial-grounds— hence called "grave-wax"— in peat-bog, &c.: adipocerous, a. ad'-l-pos'er-iis, pert, to; adipocerite, n. dd'l-pos' er-lt, the fatty or waxy matter found in certain peat- mosses : adipocere mineral, a fatty waxy substance found in certain coal-formations. adipose, a. dd'-l-pos; also ad ipous, a. dd'-l-piis (L. adiposus, fattv— from adeps, fat), full of fat ; fatty. adit, n. dd'-it (L. aditus, an approach or entrance), an under-ground gallery or tunnel into a mine for carrying off water or for extracting the ore. adjacent, a. dd-jd'sent (L. ad;jaceo, I lie), lying near ; bordering upon : adja'cently, ad. -II ; adjacen- cy, n. dd-jd'sen-sl. adject, V. dd-jekf (h. ad; jactus, cast), to add or put to: adject'ing, imp.: adjected, pp. dd-.y'^fcf'gi/ .- adjec- tion, n. ad-jek'shiin: adjectitious, a. dd'-jek-ttsh'us, added to or on: adjective, n. dd'Jck-tlv.&wiMd put to a noun to modify its meaning: adj. qualifying; depending on another: adjectival, dd'Jek-ti'-vdl, a. pert, to: ad'jectively, eid.-tiv'll. adjoin, v. dd-jdyn' (L. ad;pmgo, I join), to lie next to ; to lie close to : adjoin'ing, imp. : adjoined, pp. dd-joimd'. adjourn, v. dd-jem' (L. ad: F. jour, a day), to put off from one day to another; to delay: adjoum'ing, imp.: adjourned, pp. dd-jurnd' : adjoum'ment, n. putting off to another day ; the time or interval during which the business is suspended. adjudge, v. dd-jiif (L. ad; judico, I judge: F. ad- juijer), to determine; to decide; to award sentence: adjudg'ing, imp.: adjudged, pp. dd-jujd' : adjudg- ment, n. adjudicate, v. dd-j6'dl-kdt (L. adjudico, I give sentence in behalf of— from judico, I judge), to pro- nounce judgment upon ; to try or determine as a court : adjudicating, imp. : adju'dica'ted, pp. : ad- judication, n. ad-j6'dt-kd'-shil7i, the pronouncing judgment upon ; the decision or award of a court. ADON adjunct, n. dd'jiinkt (L. ad; junctus, joined) some- thing added to another, generally to modify or quali- fy: adj. assisting: adjunctly, ad. -U: adjunction, ad-junk'-shun: adjunctive, a. -tlv, joining; tending to join : n. that which is joined : adjunc'tively, ad. -ll. adjure, v. dd-j6r' (L. udjuro, I swear solemnly— from ad; juro, I swear), to charge solemnly; to bind on oath: adju'ring, imp.: adjured, pp. dd-j6rd' : ad- juration, n. ad'joo-rd'-shun, the act of solemidy charging on oath ; a solenm charge on oath : adju'rer, n. one who. adjust, V. dd-jUstf (L. ad; Justus, just or proper), to fit to ; to make to correspond ; to put in order ; to settle: adjust'ing, imp.: adjust'ed, pp.: adjustment, n. ad-jfisvment, the act of settling; a settlement: ad- just ive, a. -U. adjutant, n. dd'-jdb-tdnt (L. ad; jutum, to help), in a regiment, one who assists the major, and next in ranlc to him : adjutancy, u. dd'jdb-tdn'sf, the office of the adjutant: adjutor, n. dd,;(57(5r, any one who assists: adjutrix, n. dd-j6'trlks, a woman-helper : ad'juvant, a. helping: n. an assistant; in nied., a remedy. admeasurement, n. dd-mizh'-oor-ment (L. ud; and metior, I measm-e), adjustment of proportions ; art or practice of measuring according to rule. administer, v. dd-imn'-ls-ter (L. ad : ministro, I serve or assist), to direct the application of laws, as a king or judge ; to manage ; to add to ; to bring aid or supplies to: administering, imp. dd-tnin'ls-trlng : adminis- tered, pp. dd-mln'-ls-terd: administration, n. ad'- min-ls-trd'-shiin, the act of carrying into effect ; direc- tion ; the government of a country : administrable, a. ad-mln'-ls-trd-bl : administerial, a. -ste'-rl-dl, mini- sterial: ad'ministe'rially, ad. -ll: administrative, a. dd'-min-is-stra'tlv, able to carry into effect : ad'mlni- stra'tor, n. the man who carries into etfect ; one wlio directs: administratrix, n. dd'-mtn-ls-strd'friks, the woman who carries into effect or directs : ad'mini- stra'torship, n. admiral, n. dd'-ml-rdl (F. amiral .- Arab, emir or amir, a noble or chief in command), the commander of a fleet or navy; a flag officer: admiralty, n. dd- mi-rdl'tl, the supreme court in naval affairs; tho building in which the court sits. admire, v. dd-mlr' (L. ad; miror, I wonder), to look upon with pleasure; to regard with wonder or sur- prise ; to love or esteem greatly : admi'ring, imp. : admired, pp. dd-mlrd': admirable, a. dd'ml-rd-bl, worthy of esteem or praise ; that may excite wonder or esteem: admirably, ad. dd'ml-rd-bll: admiringly, dd-ml'ring-li, in a manner to e.xcite wonder; with esteem; with admiration: ad'mirableness, n. : ad- mirability, n. dd'mi-rd-bli-i-tl: admiration, n. dd- ml-rd'shun, wonder mingled with pleasure or slight surprise : admirer, n. dd-ml'rer, one who admires. admit, v. ddmif (L. ad; mitto, I send), to pennit to enter; to receive as true; to allow: admit'ting, imp.: admit'ted, pp. : admit'table, a. -bl; admit'ter. n. one who; admittance, n. ad-mit'tdns, permission to enter: admission, n. dd-mish'-un (L. missus, sent), entrance; power or permission to enter: admissible, a. ad-mls'-si-bl, that may be allowed or admitted: admis'Sibly, ad. -bll: ad'missibility, n. -bll'-l-tl, the qualitv of being admissible. admix, v. dd-7viks' {L. ad; mixtum, to mingle), to mingle with something else : admix'ing, imp. : ad- mixed, pp. -mlkst: admixture, n. ad-miks'tur, a substance formed by mingling one substance with another; also admixtion, n. ad-mikst'-shan. admonish, v. dd-mon'-lsh (L. ad; moneo, I warn; monitus, warned), to warn; to reprove gently; to ad- vise : admonishing, imp. : admonished, pp. dd-mOn'- isht: admonlsher, n. ; or admonltor, one whoadmon- islies: admonition, n. ddhnonish'-tui, gentle reproof; caution: admonitive, a. ud-mon'-ltlc ; admonitory, dd-mon'-X-tor'-l. that conveys caution or warning : ad- monltively, ad. -tiv'-li. adnascent, a. dd-nd^'-ent (L. ad; nascens, grovsing), growing to or upon; also adnate, a. ad-ndf (L. ad; natus, born), grown to. ado, n. a-do' (AS. a, and do), fuss ; bustle ; difficulty. adolescence, n. dd'o-l6s-Sns ; adolescency, dd'o- Us'en-sl (L. adolesco, I increase or grow), in a growin;^ state ; youth up to manhood : adolescent, a. dd'-6-Ut>'- ent, growing; pertaining to youth. Adonic, a. d-don'lk (from Ado'nis— in anc. myth., a youth, the favourite of Venus, the goddess of love), pert, to a certain kind of verse : n. a poetical versa consisting of a dactyl and a spondee or trochee. cole, boy, foot: piu-e, biid; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ADOP AERI adopt, V. d-dopt' (L. ad; opfo, I wish, I choose), to take or receive as one's own what is not naturally so— as a person, a thing, an opinion ; to choose : adopting, imp.: adopt'ed, pp.: adoption, n. u-ddp'shun, the taking as one's own th.at which is not so naturally: adop'tive, a. -tlv, that adopts: adopt' er, n. one who: adopt'edly, ad. -11. adore, v. ddOr' (L. ad; oro, I pray to, entreat), to pay divine honour to ; to worship solemnly ; to regard with esteem; to love highly : ado'ring, im'p. : adored, pp. (t-dOrd': ador'er, n. one wlio: adorable, a. rt- dO'rcl-bl, worthy of worship; that ought to be loved or respected: ado'rably, ad. -hll: ado'rableness, n. : adoringly, ad. ad ness, n. readiness; dexterity. adiy,a. d-dri'{AS. a; dr/*;, dry), thirsty : ad. athirst. adstriction, n. dd-strlk'shrm{h. ad; strictus, drsivni together), a binding fast ; constipation. adularia, n. dd'uld'rl-d (Gr. adularos, sweetly fair— from {h)adiis, sweet; laros, pleasant), a trans- parent variety of potash felspar. adnlation, n. dd'-u-ld'shUn (L. adulatio, fawning like a dog), mean flattery; praise in excess : adulator, n. dd'uld'tor, one who : adulatory, a. dd'u-ia-tor'-l, containing excessive praise. adult, n. ddidt (L. adaltus, grown), a person gro\vn to maturity; from fifteen years of age upwards: adj. mature ; grown up: adulfness, n. adulterate, v. d-dill'ler-dt (L. adidtero, I corrupt), to corrupt ; to make impure by a base mixture : adul'- tera ting, imp. : adul terated, pp. : adulteration, n. d-dru'ter-d'shiin, tiie being corrujited or debased an article not pure and genuine: adul'tera'tor, n. one ■who ; also adulterant, n. : adul'terate'ly, ad. -ll .- adul terate'ness, n.: adulterer, n. d-dill'ter-er, a man guilty of adultery; an idolater: adulteress, n. wo- man guilty of adultery: adulterous, a. d-dill'-ter-iis, guilty of adultery; unclean: adul terous'ly, ad. -ll: adultery, n. d-dul'-ter-l, violation of the marriage- bed; idolatry: adulterine, a. d-dul'-ter-ln, resulting from adultery ; spurious : n. a child born from adulter- ous intercourse. adumbrate, v. dd-um'hrdt (L. ad; umbra, a sha- dow), to give a faint shadow or sketch; to describe: adumTjrating, imp. : adum'brated,pp. : adumbrant, a. giving a faint shadow: adumbration, n. dd'um- hrd'shuii, the act of making a shadow or faint resem- blance. aduncoas, a. d-dilng'-kus (L. aduncus, hooked), in iot., crooked ; bent in the form of a hook. 'advance, v. dd-vdns' (F. avancer, to advance), to move or bring forward; to raise to a higher rank; to propose ; to pay beforehand ; to be promoted : n. a moving or bringing forward; promotion; a rise in v;ilue or price ; a giving beforehand ; a proposal : advan'oing, imp.: advanced, pp. dd-vdnst' : ad- van'cer, n. -ser, one who: advancement, n. the act t'f moving forward ; a step in rank or promotion : ad- vancive, a. dd-vdti'slv, tending to advance: ad- vanced'-guard, n. the detachment of troops which precedes the main body of an army or division. advantage, n. dd-vdn'tdj (F. avantage, profit— from F. avant: It. ava7iti, before), superiority in any state. condition, or circumstance; gain; interest: "advan- taged, pp. d(Zwl?i;is,rounu<: to aeeiileiitallv; ii^t forming' an ess.-otiMl jart : adventual, a. (iosite to — from ad ; versus, turned), opposed to ; unfortunate ; calami- tous : ad'versely, ad. -ll: ad'verseness, n.: adversity, n. ddver'sl-tl, ill fortune ; continued calamity : ad- versary, n. dd'vcr-sdr'l, an enemy ; one opposed to : adversative, a. dd-ver'sd-tlv, that which m.arks a dilTerence or opposition. advert, v. dd-vert' (L. ad. ; veiio, I turn), to refer to ; to turn the attention to : adver'tent, a. attentive ; heedful: adverting, imp.: advert'ed, pp.: advert- ently, ad. -ll: advertence, n. dd-vir'-tdns; also ad- ver'tency, n. -ten-'^i. advertise, v. dd'ver-tis' (F. advertir, for avertir, to inform: L. ad; verto, I turn), to give notice; to infonn: advertising, imp. : ad'vertised^, pp. -titd': advertise- ment, n. dd-ver'-tiz-miint, a public notice in a newspap- er : advertiser, n. dd'-ver-ti'zer, one who ; a newspaper. advice, n. dd-vl^ (L. ad; visa, I go to see: old F. advis : It. visa), a speaking to as to conduct ; counsel ; intelligence : advise, v. dd-vlz', to speak to as to conduct ; to give counsel to ; to inform ; to consult : advi'sing, imp. : advised, pp. dd-vlzd': adj. cautious; prudent; counselled : advi'sedly, ad. -ll, thougiitfully ; with careful deliberation: advi'sedness, n. : advi'ser, n. one who counsels : advisory, a. dd-vl'z6r- 1, containing advice : advisable, a. dd-vl'-zd-U, that may properly be done ; prudent ; open to advice : advi'sable'ness, n. : advi'sably, ad. -bll. advocate, n. dd'vO-kdt (L. advordtus, one who pleads— from ad ; voco, I call), one who pleads the cause of another in a court of law ; one who defends : v. to plead the cause of another : ad'voca'ting, imp. : ad'- voca'ted, pp. : advocacy, n. dd'-vo-kd'sl, the act of pleading for or defending another in a court of law : ad'vocate'ship, n. the oflice of an advocate : advoca- tion, n. dd'-vd-kd'shiln, a pleading for: advowson, n. dd-vdiv'sim (L. advocatio, a protector or defender), right of perpetual presentation to a benefice: ad- vower or advowee, n. dd-volv'e. one who. adynamic, a. dd'-t-ndm'-ik (Gr. a, without; dtina- mis, power), without strength. adytum, n. d-dl'tmn (L. ; Gr. aduton), the most sacred place in ancient heathen temples. adze or adz, n. ddz (AS. adesa), an edge tool for re- ducing the surface of wood ; a kind of axe. se, e: many words fomierly beginning wth m are now spelt with e. Wien the word in a- is not found, turn to e. sechmodus, n. ek'mO-diis (Gr. aichme, the point of a spear ; odous, a tooth), a genus of fossil ganoid fishes having small sharp-pointed teeth. sedile, n. e'dll (L., from a:des, a house), an anc. Ro- man magistrate, who h.ad the care of public buildings. aegis, n. e'jls (Gr. aigi^, goat-skin, or a shield cover- ed with it ; L.|, a shield ; the shield of Minerva. .ffineid, n. e-nS-ld, the great epic poem by the anc. Roman, Virgil, of which yEneas, i-ne'd.'^, is the hero. .Solian, a. e-6'll-dn{L. ^ohis, the god of the winds), pert, to .(Eolus or the wind; belonging to the wind: JEohc, a. eol'ik, of ^olia. aeon, n. c'on (Gr. aioti, an age), a lengthened period ; in the ancient Eastern philosophy ocon.f were supposed emanations from the one self-originated Being, among which were zoe, life; logos, word; iiionogenfs, only-begotten; plcroma, fulness. aepiomls, n. e'-pl-or'-nXs (Gr. aijnis, immense; amis, a bird), an extinct bird of Madagascar of gigantic dimensions, at least double the size of the ostrich. aerate, v. dUr-dt (Gr. or L. aer, air— see eyrie), to combine with air ; to mix with carbonic acid : aerat'- ing, imp. : aerated, pp. d'ird'ted, mixed with car- bonic acid: aeration, n. d'^d'shiln,, the opemtion or iiroi-ess of mixing with carbonic acid: aerial, a. di'riiil. lielongingtothe air; high; lofty. aerie, n. C'ri (L. no-, air), the nest of an eagle or hawk. aerify, v. drlfl (L. aer, air; /acio, 1 make), to mate, mdt,/dr, la7v; mSte, miit, Iter; pine, pin; nOte, nOt, viCve; AERO turn into air; to combine with air: aer'ify'ing, imp : k^ed x>V. ^r'-i-/ld : aerification, n. ar-i-fi-ka- fftOn the changing solid or liquid bodies intoair or gas ; the act of combining with air aeriform, nature or form of air ; not solid. aeroUte, n. dr'o-llt (Gr. aer, air ; lithos, a stone), playing, when broken, a semi-metallic, ash-grey col- our • also aerolith, n. dr'0-M?ft. ,. . aero ogy,n. ar-dl'.o.jHGr.aer, air; logos, discourse), the science that treats of the air, its nature and uses : aeromancy, n. ar'-6-man'-sl (Gr. aer; manteia, divi- mtion), divination by means of the '^ir and wim Is aerologist, n. ar-ol'-o-jlst, one who studies the natuie and effects of the air or atmosphere : aerological, a. "SSr; ^^l^^-ter (Gr. aer, air ;m.^ron, a measure), an instrument for ascertaining the weight of the atmosphere or of gases. . aeronaut, n. &r'-6-rmwt (Gr. «€»% air; nautes, a sail- or-from naiis, a ship), one who sails or floats in the ?^s!^i^^?;i^X=a^^^£uUc^r^-K"tni^- netSS"n'plu"arC../«s (Gr. a^r^pUvion,^ plant), plants which live exclusively m the Mi-hy- drophiites, those living mider water. aerostatic, a. dr'-d-stdt'ik (Gr. aer; sfatos, a stand- in^ still), suspending in air: aer'ostat ics, n. plu. -ihs; alio aerostation, n ar'-o-sta'-shun; and aeronautics, aerial navigation. . .„ aeruginous, a. e-rdj-l-nils (L. mrxigo, gm mruginis rust of copper-from cEris,' copper), pert, to the nist of ^lSn,"n."^iS (L. csculus, the horse-chest- nut), an alkaline principle discovered m the horse- chestnut; also spelt e.scwime. aesthetics, n. plu. ez-thef-lks (Gr. aisthesis the act of perceiving), the science which treats of the beautiful in nature, in the fine arts, and i" Ijterature ; the philosophy of taste: sesthetic, a. cz-thet-ik ;!i\^o aesthet'ical, a. -i-kal, pert, to the perception of the ^^ffitMops, n. e'thl-ops (Gr. aitho, I burn ; ops, the eye or countenance), applied to certain chenucal com- pounds from their black appearance. aestivation, n.— see estivation. „„,-^+„ aetites, n. plu. e-tl'tez (Gr. aetos, an eagle), a variety of nodular ironstone ; eagle-stone. ^-^f .,„^<. afar.ad. d-fdr' (AS.), at.to, or from a great distance. affable, a. d/'fd-U (L. affabilis, accessible, court- eous) frank in speech; easy of access; of easy man- ners in conversation: affably, ad. -hll: affability, n. df'fa-hU'l-tl, the being easy of access to others ; kind manner in conversation. affair, n. df-fdr' (F. affaire, business— from L. ad; facere, to make), a matter of any kind ; busmess ; plu. transactions in general. ^ . ^ , „ affect, V. df-fekV (L. affectum, to influence— from ad ■ factum, to do), to act upon or influence in any way ; to make a show of; to move or touch— as the passions : affect'ing, imp.: affected, pp. df-fekt-ed: &aj. as- sumed; not natural: afiect'edly, ad. -?X; affec ter or alfec'tor, n., one who : affectation, n. df'/ek-ta-sJmn, the assiuning or pretending to what is not real or na- tural- affect edness, n., the quality of being affected: affect'ingly, ad. -ll: affection, n. df-fSk'shun, love for; attachment to; kindly feeUng towards: affec- tionate, a. dffik'shun-dt, warmly attached to; fond; having great love: affectionate ness, n. : affection- ately, ad. -II: affectively, ad. df-fik'tiv-li. affettuoso, ad. (i/-/^<:tot/-o:2o (It.), Ill WM6-., tenderly. affiance, v. af-Jl-dns (L. ad; fido, I trust; fides, faith), to promise in marriage; to betroth or pledge fivith: affi'ancing, imp : affianced, pp. df-fi-unst: affi'ancer, n. -ser. ^ , , ii, affidavit, n. df-fidd'vlt (old law L., he made oath, —from ad; fides, faith), a declaration upon oath ; gen- erally, a declaration as to the truth of a written state- ment made on oath before a justice of the peace, which is afterwards signed by him. . affiliate, v. CiJ-fU'-l-dt (L. ad; filius, a son;^?ia, a daushter), to adopt; to receive as a son or daughter; to unite as one ; to receive as an assoriate or member ; to assign a child to a father: affil'ia'ting, imp. : affil'ia'ted, pp. : affil'ia'tion, n. -shun, the act of unit- "■" or adopting. , . dffln'Ul (L. affmis, bordenng on or AFTE related to-from ad; finis, an end), relation; agree- ment; relationship by marriage; m chem., the com- bining power of bodies. atann, v. df-firm' (L. ad; firmo, I make firm), to assert with confidence ; to maintain confidently as true; to declare solemnly: affirming, imp. : affirmed, pp. df-fermd': affirm'able, a. -d-hl, that may be stated or altirmed as true: affirm'ably, ad. -hU-. afi5rm ant, n.; also affirm'er.n. one who: affirmation, ii. (V./er-7?ia- shun, the act of asserting as true; a fi,,lciui. declara- tion: affirm'ative, a. -d-tiv, that declares or asserts: n. a word that says?/es: negative, the opposite ot aj- rtrwoiive, a word that says ?io. „ v,i.. affix, n. df-Jiks (L. ad;fixus, fastened), a syllable or letter put to the end of a word : affix, v. uf-Jiks , to join to; to unite; to flxor fastf -* * " " " "" '- join: al u. df-flks'tur, that whicl .. tu- > afflatus, n. dffid'-tus (L. ad; flatus, a breathing), a breath; a breathing into by divine power; mspira- tion: affla'tion.n. -s/iHTi, a breathing upon. afflict, v. df-fllkf (L. ad;fiictus, a striking), to dis- tress in some way; to give pain to, either m body or mind- aflicfing, imp.: afflicted, pp. df-flikt-cd: fl- n. one who: affliction, n. df-filk'-shun, dis- at the end ; to sub- in: a'ffix'ing, imp.: affixed, pp. df-flkst': affixture, rt/-.rtir.s:s^'t.„A^■„ tress either of body or mind ; gnet ; pain : afflic tedly, ad. -U: afflict'ingly, ad. -li: afflictive, a. affilk-tlv, giving pain ; painful : afflic'tively, ad. -tlv-li. " afflSence, n c}/yfo6.en^ (L. ad; fluo, I flow), wealth; abundance of worldly riches ; also affluency, n. dffioo- en'sl; affluent, a. wealfhy; rich m woridly goods :n. applied to any stream that flows directly into another, ^ux, n. dffiuks (L. ad: fiuxum, to flow), a flowing to ; that which flows to ; alsoaffluxion, n. df fink-shun. afford. V. df-ford' (F. afforer, to f t ^ price on a thing-from L. ad; forum, a market), to yield or produce; to be able to bear expenses; to giant: afford'ing, imp.: afforded, pp. i> i. * ^ ?« afforest, V. af-fior-e.-^t (L. ud: and /oresf). to turn in- to forest : afforesta'tion, n. -s/iiXn. affray, n. df-frd' (F. effrayer, to scare, to dismay), a brawl or petty fight; a disturbance; fonnerly used as ^Tffright, V. af-fr-it' (AS. affrightan) to temfy by sudden fear: n. sudden dread; great fear: afiright- ing, imp. : affright'ed, PP- „ , , ^ „,7 affront, v. df-frunf (F. affronter— from. L. ad; frons gen. frontis, the front, the forehead), to give cause of offence to; to insult slightly: n anything done to offend; an outrage; open insult: a»ont ing, imp. : affront ed, pp. : affront'ingly, ad. ■ll:_ af- frontive, a. df-frun'-tiv, tending to alTront; abusive. affron'tively, ad. -tlv-ll. ,. . ^ affuse, v. dffuz' (L. ad; fusus, Poured) to sprinkle as with a liquid ; to pour upon : affu sing, imp.: afiused, pp. dffutd': affusion, n. af-ju- zhun. the act of pouring upon. . afield, ad. d-feld' (AS. a :ind field), to or m the field. afloat, ad. dfiof (AS. a andfioat), on the water. afoot, ad. d-foot' (AS. a »i\d foot), on foot. afore ad. d-for^ (AS. a and fore), prior or superior to ; sooner : aforeTiand, ad. in time gone by ; ^"ell P™" ^nded: afore'mentioned, mentioned before: afore- named, named before: aforesaid, spoken of before, afore'time, in time past. afraid, a. d./ra/(AS. pp. of affray, which see), filled with fear; terrified. „„„=„ . afresh, ad. dfrish' (AS. a, fersc, pure, sweet), again , """IfirlcanTS^^J/frt-Mn.- also Afric, a. df-rlk, pert, to Africa: n. a native of Africa. aft, a. or ad. dft (AS., from after, which see), a term used by seamen to mean the stern of a ship, or to point to what lies in the direction of the ftern; behind ^ after, a. df-ter (Goth, afar, behmd: AS. ay' or cc/- ter, aftenvards, again: Icel. aftan. behind) later in time-as, it is an a/^er thought : prep behind; later- as he went home after dinner: conj. when-as you will come to me after he ha.s seen you : af ter-act , an act following: after-ages, succeedmg times; posteri- tv- after all, when all has been said, weighed, or done- after-crop, a second crop in the same year: after-damp, the choke damp or carbonic acid occur- ring in coal-mines after an explosion of firo-damp: af t^r-euard, in a ship, the seamen stationed on the noon to attend to the after-sails : after-hours, hours following business : after-life, the later or future life : aftermath, df'tir-mdfh (after; and math, a corrup- tion of mow), a second crop of grass in the same affnity, . , . cow;, boy, foot; pure, lud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal AFTE season: aftermost, hindmost; nearest the stern of a ship: afternoon, arter-ndn', the part of the day after 12 o'ckxjk: af terpains, n. plu. -panz, those fol- lowing child-birth: after-piece, a piece perlormed aft-er a play: after-sails, the sails on the mizen-niast and stays : af ter-state, the future life : after-thought, reflections after an act ; later thouglits. afterward or afterwards, ad. af-ter-ivdrdz (AS. after; and weard, direction), later iil time. Aga, n. a'ga, in Turkey, a military commander or chief officer. again, ad. d-gin' (kSi. ongean or agen, opposite: Sw. gm: Bret, gin, opposite, again), once more; a second time: against, prep. d-(/t'/k.r, in opposition to. agalmatolite, n. ag'ai-mdf-O-lU (Gr. agabna, an im;ige; lithos, a stone), a variety of clay-slate altered by heat, usually brought from China carved into gro- tesque figures and chimney ornaments. agamoos, a. dg'amils {Gt. a, without; gamos, mar- riage), in bot., applied to plants without visible organs of fructification. agape, ad. a-gdp' (AS. a, and gape), gaping as with wonder. agaric, n. dg-Ar'lk (Gr. agarikon, a certain fungus). a genus of fungi : adj. pert, to fungi : agaric miner- al, a soft variety of carbonate of lime, found in clefts of rocks, resembling a fungus in texture and colour. agate, n. dg'at (from the river Achates in Sicily, or the Phenician word nakadt, spotted), a variegated var- iety of chalcedony quartz, the colours being arranged iu clouds, spots, or bands ; a tool used by gold-wire drawers and gDders: agatine, a. dg'd-tln, of agate: agatised, a. dg'-d-tlzd, marked like an agate; con- verted into agate. agave, n. dg'dv (Gr. agauos, admirable), the Ameri- can aloe, from the juice of which the alcoholic liquor pulque is prepared. age, n. e of one mind; to live in peace; to l)e like; to settle: agreeing, imp.: agreed', pp.: agreeable, a. d-qre-a'id. jUeasing; suitable to: agreeably, a4. -bli: agree ableness, n. -hl-nHs. the quality that makes a thing gratefid to the t;iste. or pleasing to the mind; resemblance: agreement, n. a bargain ; a renewal of friendship. agriculture, n. dg-rlkiiVtur (L. ager, a field ; cultura, till;ige), tilling or working the ground to make it fruitful; husbandry: agrlcul'tural, a. -tn- rdl. pertaining to the till.age of the ground: agrlcul'- turist, n. one engaged in fanning: ag'ricul'tural'ly, ad. -H. agrimony, n. ag'rl-mdn'l (L. agrimonia\, a medi- cinal plant. aground, ad. d-grdiinid' (AS. a, and ground), on the ground: among spanien, stranded ; run ashore. ague, V. a'-gH (L. aaitus, sharp: F. aigti, sharp. keen), to cause to shiver: n. intermittent fever, attend- ed with cold fits and shivering: agoing, imp. d^^ii- mate, mat, far, law; mete, met, hCr; pine, pin; note, nOt, viCve; AGUI ■ 11 ing: agued, pp. agud: aguish, a. somewhat cold ^'%^i!n"d-gwXl'-ia (F. aiguille, a needle), an obe- lisk or the spire of a church-tower. ah int. d, an exclamatory word denotmg surprise, pity .'dislike, &c. : aha, int. a-}uV. expresshi? triumph, surprise, or contempt : ahoy, int. d-hoy , attend ye— a ""'ahead^ad. clhSd' (AS. a. and head), in advance; further forward than another. ahiui, ad. d-hi-W (AS. a. and liidl). the condition of a vessel with her sails furled and hehu lashed a-lee. aid n dd (F. aider, to help— from L. adjutare, to iissist), help ; relief; assistance : v. to help ; to support ; to relieve: aiding, imp.: aid'ed, pp.: aider, n. one who: aidless, Zdd'-les: aidant, a. dd'dnt, helping: aidance,n. wd^d^is, help; assistance. ., , . „^^ aid -de -camp, n. ad'-di-kong, plu. aids' - de - camp (F. aid^, an assistant; du camp, of the camp), tn an army, an officer whose duty it is to receive and convey the orders of a general. ^ ,,,,„. tt„\ aigret, n. d'gret; also egret, n. e'grit (F. aigrette), the little white heron; in hot., the feathery do%vn of the thistle. aigre, n. d'-ger — see eagre. aigtiiUe, n. d-giveV (F. needle), applied to the sharp serrated peaks of lofty mountains ; an instr. for pierc- ing holes for the lodgment of powder when blasting: aigulet, n. d'giUet, or aiglet, ug'ldt, a point or tag on "a.E^'v. dl (AS. eglian, to pain; egle. troublesome: Goth. agio, affliction), to be sick; to trouble; to be in pain: ailing, imp.: adj. unwell; fiUl of sickness: ailed, pp. aid: ailment, n. sickness; trouble; sUght aim v a?)i(oldF.csr«er, to estimate— from L.(Bstimo, I value), to throw at an object ; to direct a weapon to ; to endeavour; to purpose or design: n. the object or point intended to be struck; purpose; intention: aiming, imp. : aimed, pp. dmd: aim'er, n. one who : aimless, a. dm'les. . , ^, air n ur(F.,fromGr. or L.aer. air), the atmosphere; a "-as'- a light breeze ; a tmie or melody ; look or mien ; affected manner: V. to diy; to expose to the air: alx - ing, imp.: aired, pp. drd: airy, a. dr-l, high m air; light like air; trifling; vain: airily, ad. ar-iji: au-- ing n. a ride or walk in the open air: airless, a. wantino- fresh air: airiness, n. dr'l-ii6s, the state of being opened freely to the air; lightness of manner; gaiety air-tight, so close and compact as to prevent the passage of air : air-bed, a large air-tight bag ftlled ■with air for the repose of aiUng persons : air-ceUs, cavities in vegetable and animal structures filled with air • air-gim, a musket or gun in which compressed air, instead of powder, is made the propelling agent : air- hole an opening to admit air: air-pipe, a pipe for the escape or supply of air: air-plants, plants rooted on others, and suspended, as it were, in the air: a^- pump a macliine for exhausting or pumping out the air from vessels : air-shaft, a passage made into mines for the admission of air: air-vessels or air-sacs, spiral ducts in plants containing air, analogous to lungs in aisie, n. ll (L. ala, a wing; F. aisle or aile, a wing). wine of a house ; the side passages of a church— the middle passage is called the nave: aisled, a. lid, hav- ing aisles. . . , ,, „ ait, at (a contr. of eyot, from eye, an island), a small flat island in a river. , , ^ „ . Aix-beds, dks, the flanks or sides of a deep valley in which the town of Aix. in France, is situated, com- posed of a thick fresh-water tertiary formation, being a perfect storehouse of fossil fishes, plants, and insects. ajar, ad. d-jdr' (AS. ceorran, to turn: Swiss, achar, ajar), a little opened. , , . , ake, n. dk, another spelling of ache, which see. akimbo, a. d-klm'-bo (AS. a, at : It. sghembo, crooked, athwart: Gr. skumbos, crooked), arched; crooked; akin, a. d-Kln' (AS. a; and cyn, family), related to by blood; having the same properties. al (L.), a prefix, being another form of ad, signify- ing to; in At. al signifies the. alabandine.n. dl'd-ban'din{L. nlabandicus). a stone mentioned by Pliny, and so called from Alabanda, where it was cut and polished. It is a sulphuret of manganese, and usually occurs in massive granular rystals of an iron-black colour and semi-metallic lus- ALCO alabaster, n. ai'd-bds'tir (Gr. alabasfro7i). a kind of soft semi-transparent marble : adj. pert. to. alack, int. a-^ct/c' (corrupted from alas), an exclama- tion expressive of sorrow: alack-a-day, an exclama- tion to express regret or sorrow. alacrity, n. d-ldk'-ri-tl (L. alacritax, hvelmcss, ardour: F. alacrite), cheerfulness; gaiety; a smart willingness or readiness. a-la-mode, ad. d'ld-mOd' (F. after the fashion), ac- cording to the fashion. . , . , ^ ,,. ,„ alarm, v. d-larm' (F. alarmer, to fnghten : It. all arme, to arms— from L. ad; arma, anus), to give a si"-n to warn of approaching danger ; to surprise; to arouse to danger: n. an outcry to announce danger ; sudden surprise; terror: alarm'ing, imp : alarmed, pp. d-lurmd': alarm'ingly, ad. -li: alarmist, n. addnn'-lst, one prone to terrify with danger: alarum, n d-ld7ve to her shipwrecked husband, threw herself into the sea, and was changed into the bird king-fisher : Gr. hulkuoiie), a general term applied to the spongiform fossils so common in the chalk- fonnation. alder, n. Cil-dAr (AS. air: Ger. elUr: Sw. al: L. alnus), a tree resembling the hazel: al'dem, a. made of alder. alderman, n. &Vd6r-m.an, plu. al'dermen (AS. eald, old; ealder, an elder, a chief), a senior or superior; a civic dignitary next in rank to the mayor: al'der- man'ic, a. -f7i,"in the manner of an alderman : al'der- manly, a. -II. ale, n. al (AS. eale: Icel. 61: Lith. alus— from. Gael. ol, to drink), beer; a drink made from malt: ale- berry, n. dl'b&r-rl, a beverage made by boiling ale with spice, sugar, and sops of bread: ale-cost, an herb : ale-hoof, ground i\T : alegar, n. dl'e-gdr (ale, and F. aigre, sour), sour ale. a-Iee, ad. d-le' (AS. fileo, shelter), a term used to denote the position of a ship's helm when put in a direction opposite to that from which the wind blows. alembic, n. dlem'blk (Ar. al, the; anbiq, a chemi- cal vessel in the shape of a gourd: Sp. alamMqiie), a gourd-like vessel with a lid, for chemical purposes. alength, ad. d-length' (a and length), stretched to the full extent. alert, a. d-lert' (V. alerte, diligent: It. a Verta, on one's guard), watchful; on one's guard; sprightly; nimble: alertness, n. watchfulness; nimbleness. alethiology, n. a-lc'-thi-ol'-d-jl (Gr. alethes, true; lo- gos, word, doctrine), doctrine or principle of truth. alethopteris, n. dl'e-thop'tSr-ls (Gr. akthos, trnly; pteris, fern), a genus of fossil ferns abounding in the lower coal-formations. Alexandrine, a. dl'-Sgz-an'drln (city of Alexandria, N. Africa), noting a verse of twelve syllables : Al'exan'- drian, a. -drl-dn, pert. to. alezipharmic, a. d-leks'-l-fdr'mlk (Gr. alexo, I keep off; pharmakon, poison), having the effect of expel- ling poison or infection by sweat: n. the medicine that expels poison: alexiteric, a. d-leks'l-ter'lk (Gr. alexo ; deleterion, poison), resisting poison: n. the medicine which does so. algae, n. dl'je (L. alqa, sea-weed), sea or aquatic plants: algous, a. dl'gus, pert, to sea-weed: algoid, a. ai'-grtyd (L. alga: Gr. eidos, a form), like sea-weed. algebra, n. dl'-jihrd (Ar. al, gabr, the putting to- gether of broken things : Sp. and It. algebra), arith- metic by signs— commonly the letters of the alphabet — the first letters, a, b, c, d, &c., represent known quantities, and the last letters, w, x, y, z, unknown quantities : algebraic, a. dl-jd-brd'ik ; also alge- bra'ical, -Ikdl, jiertiining to algebra,: al'gebra'ical- ly, ad. -II: algebra'ist, n. one who is skilled in algebra. Algerine, a. dl'jd-rln, of or belonging to Algiers: n. an inhabitant. algor, n. dl'gdr (L. from alrjen. I feel cold), the sense of coldness experienced at the onset of fever : algid, a. dl'jld, chilled with cold ; become cold. alguazil, n. dl'gdzeV (Sp.), an inferior officer of justice in Spain. alias, con.j. d'H-d.'!, (L. alius, another), otherwise : n. a second writ of execution when the first has failed. alibi, n. dl'-l-b% (L.), a law term, being elsewhere; being with another person in another place. alien, n. dl'-yin (L. alienus, of another rountr%'), a foreigner; a stranger; one born in or belonging to another country: adj. foreign; strange: alienage, 11. dl-iidn-dj, state of being an alien: alienate, v. dl'i/f;n-df, to transfer nnvthinL' to aiiolhcr: to mis- apply; to withdraw love or affection fmm: aliena'- tmg, imp. : al'iena'ted, pp. : alienable, a. ul'i/fn- d-hl, that may be tr.msferred or withdrawn: alien- ability, n. dl'yfnihbil'i.tl. the r)Ping able to be transferred : alienation, n. dl'uin-d'shun, the trans- fer of anything to another: alienator, n. dl'yvn-d'tOr, one who transfers anything: alienee, n. dl'-yin-C, one to whom a thing is transferred. aliferous, a. dllf-er-us (L. ala. a wing; Jero, I carry), having wings: aliform, dVl-fawrni (L. ala; jonna, shape), wing-shaped. alight, v. d-lir (X^. alihtan, to light on anything, especially on the giound), to get or come down; to settle on, as birds : alight'ing, imp. : alight'ed, pp. alignement, n. d-lln'-mint (F. a row, a level — from F. ligiie, a line : L. linea, a line), in viil., the position of a body of men in a straight line ; a supposed line to preserve a fleet, or part of one, in its just direction. alike, a. ad. d-llk' (AS. — see like), the same in appearance; not different; in the same manner or degree. aliment, v. dl'-l-mint (L. alimentum, food), to maintain : n. food ; nourishment ; support : aliment- ing, imp. : al'iment'ed, pp. : alimen'tal, a. supply- ing food that can nourish : al'imen'tally, ad. -U : ali- mentary, a. dl'l-men'-tdrl, having the property of nourishing : al'imen'tariness, n. : al'imenta'tlon, n. -td'shiin. the power of affording nourishment; the state of being nourished: alimony, n. dl'l-mon-l, the sum allowed for the support of a wife who is separated from her husband: al'imen'tiveness, n. in phren., the organ which gives a desire for food and drink. aliped, n. al't-ped (L. ala, awing; pes, gen. pedis, a foot), an animal, such as the bat, whose, feet, con- nected by a membrane, serve as wings. aliquant, a. dl'l-kwdnt (L. aliquantum, a little), that does not divide exactly. aliquot, a. dl'i-ku'dt (L. some— from alius, another; quot, how many), that measures or divides exactly; an aliquot piart of a number is a part contained in it exactly— thus 3 is an aliquot part of 6, y, 12. alive, a. d-llv' (AS. a: Goth, liban, to live), endued with life; not dead; sprightly; active; easily im- pressed. alizarine, n. d-llz'd-rln (alizari, anc. name for the plaiit madder), a colouring principle in madder. alkahest, n. dl'kd-fiest—see alcahest. alkali, n. dl'kdll, plu. alkalies, dl'kdUz (Ar. al- qali, the salt of ashes), a substance, such as soda or potash, which neutralises the action of an acid, and changes vegetable blues into green, yellows into brown: alkaline, a. dl'-kdlln, having the properties of an alkali ; the alkaline earths are li7ne, magnesia, baryta, and strontia: alTtalinlty, n. -l-tl: alkalisa- tion, n. dl'kdl-l-zd';''hmi, the making a body to have the properties of an alkali: alkalisable, a. dl'-kd-llz- d-bl: alkalescent, a. dl'kd-les'-&nt, tending to be, or slightly alkaline: alkalescence, n. dl'-kd-Us'-ins ; also alliales'cency, n. -si: alkalify, v. dl-kdVl/l. to convert into an alkali ; to become alkaline: alkal'ify- ing, imp. : alkalifled, pp. dl-kdl'lfid : al-kaliA'able, a. -fi'-d-bl: alkaligenous, a. dl'-kd-Uj'-6-nus [alkali; Gr. gennao, I generate), producing alkali : alkalime- ter, n. d.l-kdl-lm'e-ter (alkali ; Gr. 7)i«ril: all-fours, a game at cards; moving on the legs and arms: all-gracious, perfectly gracious: all-hail, a pliris(> of salutation expressive of .1, wish for health: all-heal, name of a jilant: all- just, perfectly just: all-merciful, of perft>et mercy; all-hallow, n. all -saints" -day. 1st November: all- hallow-tide, n. the time near to 1st November: all- saints' -dav, 1st day of November, also named all- liallow: all • souls' - day, "Jd of Novemlver: all-spice, n. Jamaica pepper or pimento, the fruit of a tree. mdte, mdt,/dr, laTv; viCte, mdt, ?idr; pine, pin; nOtc, not, viCve; ALLA 13 ALMS Allah, n. dl'ld (Ar.), the Arabic name for God. allantoic, a. ai'dn-to'lk (Gr. alias, a sausage ; eidos, form), name of an acid found in the liquor of the Lil- ian fois— a. membrane enveloping the foetus. aUay, v. dl-ia' (old E. allegge; AS. alecfjan, to lay- down: old F. alleger; It. alle.ugiare ,- L. alleviare, to lighten, to mitigate), to set at rest; to make quiet; to make less in pain or grief: allay'ing, Imp. : allay- ed, pp. a-ldd' : allayment, n. dl-lu'ment, state of rest after disturbance : allay'er, u. one who or that which. allege, V. ai-lSf{F. alleguer, to produce reasons: L. ad, to ; lego, 1 send, I intrust to), to plead as an excuse ; to affirm; to declare: alleg'ing, imp.: alleged, pp. al-lijd': allegeable, a. d-lej'd-U, capable of being alleged: alleg'er, n. one who: allegation, n. dl'-le- gd'shun, something offered as a plea or an excuse; an affirmation ; an assertion. allegiance, n. dl-Wjdns (L. ad, to; mid. L. litgan- Ha, the duty of a subject to his lord— from Utus, a man owing services to his lord— see liege), the tie or duty that binds any one to obedience to the govern- ment and laws imder which he lives ; an oath, called the oath of allegiaiice. allegory, n. dl'l6-g6r'-l (Gr. alios, another, differ- ent; agoreuo, I harangue), figurative speech; lan- guage that has another meaning than the literal one ; the Jews compared to a vine in the 80th Psalm is an allegory; allegorise, v. dl'le-go-rlz', to form into an allegory; to use figurative speech: al'legori'sing, imp. : al'legorised', -rizd', pp. : allegoric, a. dl'-le-gor- ik; also al'legor'ical, a. -i-kdl, figurative ; in the man- ner of an allegory : allegor'ically, ad. -ll : al'legor'- icalness, n. : al'legorist', n. one who. allegro, ad. dl-le'gro (It. : F. leger, light, nimble), in music, a term denoting merrily ; cheerfidly : n. a brisk movement: allegretto, ad. dl'le-gret'tO, a move- ment not so quick as allegro. alleluiah, n. dl'le-lo'yd—see halleluiah. alleviate, v. dl-le'vl-at (L. alleviare, to mitigate —from ad; levis, light— see allay), to make light ; to make easier ; to lessen, as pain, sorrow : alle'via'ting, imp. : alle'via'ted, pp. : alle'via'tion, n. -shiin, the a<;t of lessening or making more endurable : alle'vi- ative, a. -d'tlv, that lessens or palliates. alley, n. dl'll (F. allee, a passage— from aller, to go), a narrow walk or passage ; a close. alliaceous, a. dl'lt-d'shOs (L. alliuvi, garlic,), pert, to the garlic or onion tribe, as alliaceous odour. alliance, n. dl-ll'-dns (F. : L. ad; ligo, I bind), imion formed by marriage; a treaty or union between nations; a union for any purpose : allied, 'ril: alter- able, a. aXvl'ter-d-bl, capable of iMin- .iMujred ; that may be varied : al terably, nd. -hli. • alterahleness, n. (iXvl'tird-blnis ; also alterability, n. a7rl't(':r- d-bWl-fl, the being able to be changed: alteration, )i.iTc?;^:r-(i:s;ui IF. alun; Gr. gennao, I produce), an ore of alumina, known as hair-salt or feather-alutn —is a frequent eflBorescence on the walls of quarries or mines. alveary, n. dl'vedr'l (L. alvearium, a beehive— from alvus, tlie belly), in anat, the hollow of the external ear: alveolar, a. dl-ve'-o-ldr; also alve'olary, a. -i«r:i, containing sockets: alveolate, a. -Idt, divided into cells or pits : alveole, n. dl've-Ol, the socket of a tooth : alveolus, n. dl-re'd-liis (L. a small hollow or cavity), in 7iaf. Jii'it., a little trough or hollow channel : alveo- lites, n. ])lii. orat«': amalgamating, inii>. : amalgamated, pp.: amalgamation, n. d-indind-md'.-lnhi, a mixing to- gether dilTcrent bodies; a union of two or more bodies inti> one, «>■ of railirai/ i(miji(niii\<. amanuensis, n. dmdi>'uiii'-sis (L. — from ab, and matins, the li;in(l), one who writes down the words of another; a writer to iiict;ition. amaranth, n. dm'Ordnth ; also am'aran'thua (I,. amuruntus: Gr. amarantos, unfading), a (lower in- mate, mat, fur, laXr; mite, mit, h&r; pine, pin; nOte, nOt, tnCve; AMAR 15 AMIA <'lined to a purple colour; in poetry, a flower which never fades: amaranthine, a. -thin, pert. to. amaryllis, n. am'-d-ril'lls (name of a country pirl in Virgil), a family of plants esteemed for their beauty; the lily-asphodel. ama88, v. d-niOs' (F. amas.'^er, to heap up : L. mnssa, a mass), to gather into a heap ; to collect many things together: amassing, imp.: amassed, pp. a-mast : amassment, n. amasthenic, a. am'-as-thUn'-lk (Gr. ania, together; t'Oienos, force), uniting the chemical rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens. amateur, n. dm'a-ter' (F. ; L. amator, a lover), one who loves and cultivates any art or science, but does not follow the one preferred as a profession. amativeness, n. lan'a-tlvhi^s (L. amo, I love ; a»nrt- fus, loved), a propensity to love; in phren., the name of an organ of the brain, the supposed seat of the sexual passion : amatory, a. (imUl-tdr'l, relating to love; causing love: a.ma,toria.l, a. dm'dto'rial : am- ato'rially, ad. -dl-H. amaurosis, n. dm'aw-ro'sls (Gr. from amauros, obscure), decay or loss of sight without visible defect in the eye. amaze, v. d-maz' (It. smagare : Sp. desmayer, to discourage : Norm. F. s'esmaier, to be sad), to strike with astonishment or fear: ama'zing, imp.: adj. very wonderful ; exciting fear, surprise, or wonder : amazed, pp. d-mazd' -. amaze'ment, n. astonishment; sudden fear: ama'zingly, ad. -li: amazedness, n. d-md'-zed-n&s. Amazon, .n. dm'd-zon (Gr. a, without ; mazos, a breast), a race of female warriors ; a river in S. -America: amazonian, a. dm'a-z6'-nl-dn, pert, to; of bold, masculine manners: am'azon-stone, a bluish- green ornamental variety of felspar from the river Amazon. amb or ambi, amh or am'hl (L. or Gr.), a prefix signifying both, about. ambages, n. dni-ba'jez (L.— from ambi, around ; ago, I go), a circuit of words ; a circumlocution. ambassador, n. dm-hds'sd-dor (F. ambassodeur : mid. L.ambascia: It. anibasciata: old H.Ger. am bahf, a minister: Goth, andbahts, a servant), a person sent by a sovereign to represent him in a foreign countiy : ambas'sadress, n. -dres, a woman who: ambassa- dorial, a. -d-do'rl-dl, pert. to. amber, n. dm'ber (F. ambre: It. ambra: Sp. ambar: Arab, anbar or anbarum), a fossil gum or gum-resin, with a tinge of yellow, and serai-transparent, found chiefly on the shores of the Baltic Sea : adj. made of amber: amber-seed, musk-seed: am'ber-pine, the tree producing amber. ambergris, n. dm'ber-gres' (F. ambre; and r/ri'?, grey— grey amber), an ash-coloured waxy substance lound floating on the seas frequented by sperm whales, supposed to be an internal secretion from these ani- mals—used as a fragrant drug. ambidexter, n. dm'bi-deks'-ter (L. ambo, both; dex- ter, the right hand), one who uses both hands alike; a double dealer : amlsidex'trous, a. -tru.f, able to use either hand ; double dealing ; deceitful : am'bidex'- trous'ly, ad. -trm'll. ambient, a. dm'bi-Snt (L. ambiens, going about), surrounding on all sides. ambiguity, n. am-bliju'-htl (L. ambiguus, doubt- ful—from ambi, around, and ago, I go : F. ambigu .- It. (imbiguo), uncertainty as to meaning ; doubtfulness • state of doubt: ambiguous, a. dm-blg'-u-vs, doubtful; haviftg more meanings than one : ambig'uous'Iy, ad. -ifE: ambig'uous'ness, n. -us'nes. ambilogy, n. dm-bil'o-jl (L. ambo, both: Gr. lonos, discourse), ambiguous discourse: ambiloquy, n. -o-X-wi, (L. ambo; loqtii, to speak), ambiguity of expression. ambition, n. um-bish'fm (L. ambitio, seeking eagerly for a favour— from ambi, around, and ire, to go ; F.), the desire of power, fame, excellence, or superiority: ambit'ionless, a. : ambitious, a. dm-blsh'us, aspiring; • iesirous of fame or superiority ; eager to attain some- rhmg : ambitiously, ad. -li. amble, v. am'-bl (F. ambler: L. ambtdo. I walk), to move at an easy pace, as a horse: n. the pace of a horse between a walk and a trot ; a canter : amTjling, "tip-: a'- count: ame'nably, ad. -bit: amenability, n. -i-tl, liability to answer. amend, v. d-mend' (F. amender: L. a, from, and menda, an error), to correct ; to make or grow better ; to improve: amending, imp. : amended, pp.: amend- able, a. d-viend'd-bl : amend'ator'y, a. -I, corrective: amend'ment, n. a change for tlie better; improve- ment : amends, n. a-m^ndz', satisfaction ; a recom- pense. amende, n. dmongd' (F. a fine or penalty), repara- tion : amende-honorable, a-mongd'-on'o-ra'-bl, a full apology for insult or injurj'. amenity, n. d-men'l-tl (L. amcenitas, delightfnl- ness : F. amenite), pleasantness ; that which delights the eye. amentia, n. a-men'shl-d (L.— from Gr. a, witl)out ; and L. mens, gen. mentis, the mind), imbecility of mind; idiotism. amentum, n. d-men'tiim; also ament, n. dm'Snt (L. a leathern thong), a catkin or imperfect flower hanging somewhat like a rope or cat's tail: amenta- ceous, dm'en-td'shus, producing catkins. amerce, v. d-mcrs' (F. a. at; merci, mercy— contr. from L. misericordia, mercy), to cause to pay a sum of money by way of punishment : amer'cing, imp. : amerced, pp. d-merst' : amercement, n. d-viers'mcnf, money paid bywayof punishment or fine at the mercy of the court: amercer, n. -ser, one who: amerceable, a. d-77iers'd-bl. American, a. d-mcr'K-kdn, of or from America : Americanism, -izm, an American peculiarity of speech. amethyst, n. dm'f-thlst (Gr. amefhustos, without intoxication), a prec'ious stone of various colours— generally of a purple or violet-blue colour, like wine mixed with water: amethystine, a. dm'c-thts'Hn, having the violet-blue tinge peculiar to the amethyst ; pert, to : amethystoline, am'ethls'16-lln, a name applied to the volatile fluid found in the minute cavities of the amethyst. amiable, a. a'ml-a-bl, (L. amabilis, lovelv: F. aimable), worthy or deserving of love or affection ; cdic, boy.foot; pilre, hud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. AMIA 16 AMUS pleasing: amiability, n. a'ml-a-bll'l-tl, sweetness of disposition: amiable ness, n. loveliness; agieeable- ness : amiably, ad. -bll. amianth, u. Anil-anth; also amianthus, n. dm- ian'-thus (Gr. a, without; miaino, I soil or pollute), that variety of asbestos wliich is found In delicate and regular silky fibns: am ian'thiform, (tir. a, miaino; L. forma, a shape): am ian'thoid, -thoyd (Gr. a, miaino ; eidos, form), having the fonn or likeness of amianthus. amicable, a. flm'l-k(t-hl (L. amicu'i, a friend), friendly; peaceable; disjiosed to friendly intercourse : amicably, ad. -fj^ J; amicableness, n. tlm'l-kd-bl-nes. amice, n. dmUs (L. amictus, an outer garment), an oblong piece of linen, resembling an embroidered collar, tied about tlie neck of a Kom. Cath. priest. amid or amidst, prep, d-mld' or d-mldst' (AS. a, on : Icel. 7nidr, the middle), among ; in the middle. amide, n. am'id; or am'mide, n. -mid (Gr. ammi, a plant; amnion, starcli), a peculiar chemical sub- stance entering into a large number of compounds : amidine, n. dm'ldin, a substance resulting from the action of hot water on starch: amidogen, n. d-mld'O- j6n, a peculiar chemical substance: ammonide, n. dm'6n-id, an amide. amiss, a. d-mls' (AS. on; misse, in error: Dut. wit-JsyH, to fail), wrong; faulty; out of order: ad. in a faulty manner. amity, n. dm'l-ti (L. amo, I love: F. amitie), friend- ship ; harmony. ammonia, n. dm-mo'ni-d {Amnion, Egyptian god Jupiter ; also, place where first found), a transparent pungent gas ; a substance used in medicine and the arts, from which hartshorn is made; the volatile al- kali: ammoniac, a. dm-viohil-dk, pert, to: n. a gum brought from Persia, and used in medicine as an ex- pectorant: ammoniacal, a. dm'mo-nl'-d-kdl, pert, to ammonia; pungent: ammonium, a. -nl-um, the sup- posed metallic base of ammonia: sal ammoniac, in chem., the salt usually called muriate of ammonia. ammonite, n. dm'mon-lt, a varied family of fossil chambered shells, coiled in a plane spiral, so called from a resemblance to the horns of the statue of the ancient Egyptian god Jupiter- Ammon : ammonitidse, n. plu. dni'-mon-Wl-de, the family of fossil sheUs of which the ammonite is the type. ammunition, n. dm'mu-nlsh'un (L. ad; munio, I fortify) military stores— as powder, ball, shells, &c. amnesty, n. dm'nSs-tl (Gr. and L. amnestia, forget- fulness of the past), a general pardon of past offences by a government; an act of oblivion. amnion, n. dm'nlon; also am'nios (Gr., from amnos, a lamb — so called from its softness to the touch), in annt., the inner membrane covering the f(Btus ; in hot., the covering of the embryo of the seed: am- niotic, a. dm'nl-6t'-lk, pert. to. among, d-milng'; also amongst, d-miingst', prep. (AS. amamj or onmang), mingled or conjoined with. amorous, a. dm'-6-rils (L. amor, love: F. mnonreux), fond; loving; inclined to love: am'orously, ad. -II: am'orous'ness, n. fondness; being inclined to love. amorphous, a. d-ni6r'/fis (Gr. a, without; morphe, form), having no regular structure or definite fomi : amorphozoa, d-mor'fO-zo'-d, (Gr. a, without ; mor- phe, form ; zoon, an animal), the lowest class of the animal kingdom, such as sponges, that have no regular symmetrical structure. amortise, v. d-rnor'tU (Norm. F. amortizer: Sp. amortizar, to render inalienable — from L. ad, at ; mors, '^n\. viortix, death), to transfix lands to mortmain: amortised, pp. -tlzd: amortisation, n. -tlz-d'-shiin. amount, v. d-nvnont' (L. nd: F. monfer, to ascend — from L. vions, a mountain), to risi^ up to in the whole; to reach or e.Kt(!nd to : n. sum total : the whole ; the result: amounting, imp.: amounted, pp. amour, n. d ludr' (F., from L. amor, love), a love affair or intrigue. ampelite, n. dm'pHl-lt (Gr. ampelox, a vine), a name applied to alum-slate; an earth used by the ancients to kill insicts oil vines. amphl, oin'fi (Or.), a prefix, signifying on both sides, about, two; used to imply doulit; sometimes cliangi-d into ambl. amphibia, n. amfib'-l-d; also, amphibians, -i-.^nz (Or. aiuj/hi: hios, life), animals that can live ether iu water or on land— as the seal, walrus, fro^r, Ae. : am- phib'lan or amphibial, a. port, to: amphibious, i. drnflb'-iua, ■.Mr to live on land or in water: amphib- iooily, ud. -U: amphibiousness, n. dm/tbU-iis'-jiex. amphibichnites, n. plu. dm'fl-blk'nlts (Gr. amphi- bid, animals that can live on land or under water; ichnon, a footstep), in (;eoi., a generic term applied to those footprints of extinct reptiles that seem to have been impressed by their feet as they passed over the soft yielding beach to and from the water. amphibole, n. dm-fib'-O-le; also amphibolite, dm- flb'o-lU (Gr. amijhibolos, ambiguous or equivocal), a name applied by F. geoL, to hornblende and horn- blende rock, from the difficulty of distinguishing them from augite. amphibrach, n. dm'-fl-brdkf (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; brachus, short), in poetry, a foot of three syl- lables—a short, a long, and a short, w - « ; in Eng. poet., used as the last foot of a line. amphid, a. dm'/ld (Gr. amphi, both ; eidoa, a form), consisting of acid and a base. amphicyon, n. dm-Jlk'l-6n (Gr. amphi, implying doubt ; kuon, a dog), a fossil carnivorous quadruped. amphigens, n. dw-Zf-jenz (Gr. amphi; genos, birth), plants that increase in size by their growth on all sides, like the lichens. amphisarca, n. dm'fl-sdr'-kd (Gr. amphi, on both sides; sar^-, gen. sarkos, flesh), in bot., a particular kind of fruit with a hard exterior, and pulp roimd the seeds, as in the Baobab. amphlsbaena, n. dm'fis-be'nd (Gr. amphisbaina — from amphi; baino, I go), a kind of serpent, supposed, from the tliickness of the tail, to have two heads, and to be able in consequence to move forwards with either. amphiscii, n. plu. dm-flsh'-l-l, (Gr. amphi, on both sides; skia, a shadow); also amphiscians, dm-Jlsh- i-dnz, persons living between the tropics, whose sha- dows fall both ways— that is, northward one half of the year, and southward during the other. amphitheatre, n. dm'fithe'-d-ter (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; theatron, a place for seeing, a theatre), a large circular building, where plays and games were publicly exhibited, with seats gradually rising one behind the other; ground rising on more than one side from a level : am'phitheat'ncal, a. -thc-dt'-rl-kdl, pertaining to an amphitheatre. amphitropal, a. dm-flt'ro-pdl (Gr. amphi, around ; tropeo, I turn), in bot., applied to an embryo so much curved that both ends are brought close together and turned towards the hilimi. amphora, n. dm'fo-rd (L.— from Gr. am]}hi, on both sides ; phorein, to bear), an anc. two-handed earthen vessel for holding wine, oil, &c. ample, a. dm'pl (L. ainplus, large), large; wide; extended; spacious: am'ply, ad. -pll: ampleness, n. dm'2)l-n6s, largeness ; sutttciency iu space : ampliat- ive, a. dm'pltat'lv, adding to that which is already known or received; synthetic: amplify, v. dm'pUjl (L. amplus; facio, I make), to increase; to enlarge; to describe in many words : am'pliiying, imp. ; am- plified, pp. -/id .- amplification, n. dm'pU-fl-ka'shnu, the act of enlarging; enlargement; a description iu many words : am'pUfl'er, n. one who : amplitude, n. dm'pll-tud, largeness or extent of anything ; abun- dance. amplezlcaul, a. dm-jMks'l-kawl (L. amplecfor, I embrace; caidis, the stem), in &o<., embracing the stem over a large part of its circumference, as the base of a leaf. ampulla, n. dmpfd'ld (L.), among the ancients a flask or bottle swelling out in the middle; in bot., a. hollow leaf: ampuUaceous, a. dm'poo-la'shiU, in but., swollen out in the middle like a bottle. amputate, v. dm'jm-tdt (L. amputatits, cut off, — from am, round about; jnito, I prune), to cut off au arm or a leg; to prune: am'puta'ting, imi'.: am'pu- ta'ted, pp. : am'puta'tion, n. -xhnn, the act of cutting off a leg, or a jiart of a body ; the act of pruning. amuck, ad. a-nmkf (Malay, amok), wildly; madly; without discrimination, after the manner of a Malay. amulet, n. dm'u-Ut (L. amule.tum, a charm: Ar. hamnlat, anything worn, as a sword-belt — from hnmala, to carry), something worn, generally around the neck, in the" belief that it will ward off disease or evil: am'ulet'ic, a. -ik, pert. to. amurcous, a. dinur'ki'is (L. «m«rfa — from Gr. nmarge. tlie refuse of expressed olives), full of lees or scum: am'urcos'ity, n. -kns-htl. amuse, v. dnun' (F. a)in(.fr, to detain, to divert, —from Gr. a, witbo\it; iinno, I munnur or mutter to express displeasure), to till thi' mind with thoughts which engage without distracting it; to entertain agreeably : amu'sing, imp. : adj. pleasing : also mat':, tndt,/^\r, law; mete, mSt, her; pine, 2>'i'i: uOte, not, mOve; AMYG 17 amu'sive, a. entertaining: amused, pp. d-miizd' : ajiu'ser, n. one who: amusement, n. that wliich diverts ; that which entertains pleasantly : amu'sing- ly, ad. -li : amu'sively, ad. -ivll. amygdaloid, n. d-mig'dd-ldyd (Gr. amugdalo7i, an almond; eidos, appearance), applied to certain igneous roclcs containing small almond-shaped cavities filled with agate, jasper, and other minerals, having the appearance of almonds in a cake : amyg'dalold'al, a. pert, to: amygdalate, a. d-viig'-dal-at, made of al- monds: n. milJc of almonds: amygdalic, a. dm'-lg- dal'-ik, pert, to: amyg'dallne, i\.-dd-lin, a crystalline substance obtained Irom almonds: adj. pert, to; also amyg'dalin'ic, a. -Un'ik. amyline, n. am'i-lln (L. amylum : Gr. amnion, starch), the insoluble part of starch : amylic, a. a-niW- ik, of or from starch : amylaceous, a. dm'-i-ld'shus, of starch; starchy. an, d7i (AS. an: Dut. en), noting a single individ- ual, but less emphatic than one; the indefinite article, put before nouns or adjs. in the sing, beginning with a vowel or the sound of a vowel— as, an egg, an hon- ourable man. ana, dn'd; also sometimes contr. an (Gr. ana), a prefix, signifying up, through, among, back, again; in composition, similar to ; according to : as a postfix, signifying a collection of memorable sayings or loose thoughts— as Johnsouiana.- in med., prescriptions de- noting a repetition, or, of each. anabaptist, n. dnkl-hctp'-tlst (Gr. ana; haptizo,lA\'p under water), one who rejects infant baptism: an'- abap'tists, a religious sect : an'abaptis'tic, a. -tik: an'- abap'tism, n. -tizm, the doctrine of the anabaptists. anacamptics, n. plu. dn'd-kdni'tlks (Gr. ana, back ; kampto, I bend), the doctrine of reflected light or sound : an'acamp'tic, a. pert. to. anacardium, n. dn'-d-kdr'-dl-um (Gr. ana, similar to ; kardia, the heart), the name of a genus of ornamental trees, one of which yields the cashew or marking nut. anacatbartic, a. dn'd-kd-thdr'tlk (Gr. ana, upward ; katharsis, purging), exciting discharges from the mouth and nose : n. a medicine which does so ; oppo- site of catbartic. anacharis, n. dn-dk'd-ris, a troublesome plant, re- markable for the rapidity with which it has recently naturalised itself in the canals and rivers of England. anachronism, n. dn-dk'rO-nlzm' (Gr. ana, back; chronos, time), an error in point of time; a mistake in telling when an event happened : anacb'ronis'tic, a. -tlk, erroneous in date. anaclastics, n. plu. dn'd-kMs'tiks (Gr. ana, back ; klasis, a breaking), that part of optics which treats of tlie refraction of light— now called dioptrics: an'aclas'- tic, a. -tlk, pert. to. anaconda, n. dn'd-kon'dd, the largest of serpents ; a species of boa belonging exclusively to the Amer. continent. anacreontic, a. dn-dk'rS-6n'tik, after the manner of the Greek poet Anacreon; joyous. anadem, n. dn'd-d6m (L. anadema^-from Gr. ana, up ; deiri, to bind), a garland or fillet. anadiplosis, n. dn-d-di-plo'sls (Gr. ana, again ; di- pious, double), in poet, and rhei., a repetition of the last word or words in a line or clause in the beginning of the next. anadromous, a. dn-dd'ro-mus (Gr. a7ia, up ; dromos, a running, a race), in zool., applied to those fish, as the salmon and sturgeon, which periodicaUy visit fresh- ■water lakes and rivers. anagls^ph, n. dn'd-glif (Gr. ana, up ; glupho, I en- grave), an engraved or sculptured ornament in relief: an aglypb'ic, a. -ik, pert, to : an'aglyp'tic, a. -tik, pert, to the arts of chasing, engraving, sculpture, &c. anagogical, a. dn-d-goj'i-kdl (Gr. a7ia, up; agoge, a leading), religiously exalting ; spiritual : aa'agog"!- cal'ly, ad. -K. anagram, n. dn-d-grdm (Gr. ana, back; gramma, a letter), a new word formed from the letters of another word; a transposition of letters : an'agrammat'ic, -ik; also -ical, a. -i-kdl, pert, to: -ical'ly, ad. -II: an'a- gram'matise, v. -tiz, to make anagrams : -tia'ing, imp. : -tised', pp. -tizd': -tist, n. one who. anagraph, n. dn'd-grdf (Gr. ana, up; grapho, I write), a commentary. anal, a. d'nal (L. a7ius, the excretory orifice), pert, to, or situated near, the anus. analcime, n. dn'dl-slm (Gr. a, without; alkimos, strong), a zeolitic mineral found abundantly in trap- peau rocks, so called from its feebly electric properties. caiv, ioy,/obt; pure, twd; chair. ANAT analects, n. plu. dn'd-lSkts (L. analecta, a slave who gatliered up the crumbs left at meal-time: Gr. ana, up ; legein, to gather), collected fragments of authors ; analectic, a. dn'-d-Uk'tlk, selecting; collected. analemma, n. dn'-d-Um'-md (L.— from Gr. ana, up ; lambano, 1 take), in geom., a projection of a sphere ou the plane of the meridian. analepsis, n. dn'-d-Up'-sis (Gr. a recovery), in med., recovery; convalescence: an'alep'tic, a. tlk, restora- tive : n. a medicine which gives strength. analogy, n. d-ndl'6-jl (Gr. ana, similar to; logos, ratio, proportion), resemblance between one thing and another in some points ; similarity or likeness between things in their properties or qualities : analogous, a. d-7idl'-0--tliing de- voted, especially to evil— from a7ia, up ; tithemi, I put or place), a curse ; a separation for destruction : an- athematise, V. d-7idth'6-md-tlz', to pronounce a curse against ; to excommunicate : anatbemati'sing, imp. : anathematised', pp. -tizd': anath'emati'ser, n. one wlio : anath'ematisa'tion, n. -tl-zd'shiin. anatomy, n. d-7idt'0-mi (Gr. ana, up ; tome, a cut- ting), the art of separating the different parts of a plant or of an animal ; the art of dissection : in dramatic la7i- guage, a thin, meagre person ; a skeleton : anatomise, V. a-ndt'-Omiz', to separate the parts of an animal body: anatomising, imp.: anatomised', pp. -jiujU': ga7ne,jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ANAT 18 AXHE anat'omlst, n. one wlio is skilled in dissecting bodies : cjiatomical, a. (In'-d-tom'l-kM, pert, to anat. : an atom - ically, sui.-ll: anatomisation, n. a-7iat'd-»U-za'-shini. anatropal, a. a-ndt'ro-pal ; also anatropous, a. cin- (U'rOpwi (Gr. ana, up or over; trcpo, I turn), in bot., an inverted ovule, the hilum and micropyle being neeir each other, and the chalaza at the opposite end. ancestor, n. an's6s-ter (L. antecessor, he that goes before— from a7i and female florets on the same footstalk: androg'ynal'ly, ad. -II. android, n. dn'drmjd (lir. aner, a man ; ridos. fdrm), an automaton in human fonn : androides, plu. dn-droY- (Uz. anecdote, n. dn'ik-dOt (Gr. anekdnton. not giving out— from a, without; cA-. out; d/iton, f^ven). origin- ally, secret histurj'— nojc, a short story; a matter in- teresting in a man's life (ir coiuluct : anecdotal, a. dn- ikdO'-tal; also an'ecdot'ical, a. -i-kdl, jicrt t". anemone, n. duein'-O-nii, also spelt anem'ony (Gr., from ancmos wind), the wind-flower: anern'onine, a. -nln, a substance obtained from the anemone: anem- oscope, n. (Gr. anenios, wind ; skopeo, I view), an in- strument to show the course of the wind : anemom- eter, n. dn'6-m6m'6-ter (Gr. awvws; metron, a, mea.- siire), an instrument for determining the course, the force, and velocity of winds: an'emom'etry, n. -trl: sea-anem'one, see actinia. anent, prep, d-nenf (AS. ongean, opposite: Sw. on gent, on opposite), regarding ; concerning ; respecting. aneroid, n. dn'er-oyd (Gr. a, without ; 7ieros, wet, moist; eidos, form), the air barometer, consisting of a small metallic box nearly exhausted of air, and easily acted upon by the external pressure of the atmosphere. aneurism, n. dn'-u-rlzm (Gr. ana, throughout ; eurus, broad), the disease of an artery when it ex- pands and sometimes bursts, permittmg the blofid to spread about in the surromiding tissues: an'enris - mal, a. pert. to. anew, ad. a-nu' (on new), again ; newly. anfractuose, a. dn.-frdk'iuoz (L. anfractus, a turning or bending round), wa\'y or sinuous, as the anthers of gourds and cucumbers ; full of turnings or windings. angel, n. dn'jel (Gr. anggelos, a messenger: L. angelus), a heavenly being: angelic, a. dn-jel'-ik; also angelical, a. -l-kdl, partaking of the nature of angels : angelically, ad. -II: angelicity, n. dn'jel-is'l-tl: an- gelica, n. dn-jel'lkd, the name of a plant: an'ge- lol'ogy, n. -lol'-dji (Gr. anggelos, a messenger; logos, discom-se), the doctrine of angelic beings. anger, n. dng'ger (L. angor, sorrow: Icel. angr, pain), rage ; displeasure : v. to provoke ; to enrage : an'gering, imp.: angered, pp. dng'gad: angry, a. dng'gri, displeased; provoked; raging: angerly, aJ. dng'ger-ll; also angrily, dng'gri-ll. angina, n. dn-Jl'-nd (L. ango, I choke or strangle), an inflammation or tumour in the throat, impeding respiration: angina- pectoris, -pek'-to-ris (L. ango; pectoris, of the breast), a dreadful disease, in wliich a most excruciating pain in the breast is felt, with a sense of strangulation. angiography, n. dn'-jl-og'-rd-fl (Gr. angcion, a ves- sel ; graphe, a description), a description of the vessels in the human body. angiosperms, n. plu. dn'ji-O-spirmz (Gr. angcion. a vessel ; spernia, seed), plants which have their seeds encased or enclosed in a seed-vessel : an'giosper'mons, a. -sper'-mus, having seeds contained in a seed-vessel. angle, n. dng'gl {L. angidus, a corner: Gr. angku- los, bent : AS. angel, a fish-hook), any comer, small or large ; the point or comer where two lines meet ; a hook to fish with : v. to fish for anjlihing : an'gling, imp. : angled, pp. dng'gld: an'gler, n. one who fishes : angular, a. dng'gn-ldr, sharp; pointed; having an- gles or corners: an'gularly, ad. -li: angularity, n. dng'-gu-ldr'-i-tl, the quality of having corners or an- gles : angle-iron, n. a rolled bar of iron of an angular shape for fomiing the edges of bridges, safes, &c., or the corners of boilers, &c. Angles, n. plu. dng'glz (L. angli), a German tribe on the Elbe, of the race" of the Suevi, who afterwards passed over with the Saxons into Britain and gave their name to that country: Angle-land, dng'gl-ldnd, England : Anglo, tJng^firW, prefixed to a proper name — as Saxon, Norman, &c., denotes partly English : Anglo- Saxon, -sdks'dn, partly English and partly Saxon, or derived through both. Anglican, a. dng'gll-kdn (AS. Angles, the English: L. angli), English ; pertaining to England : n. a mem- ber of the Church of England : anglice, n. ad. dng'gll- se, in the English language or manner : anglicism, n. dng'gll-slzm, a way of speaking or writing peculiar to the English langiiage ; an English idiom : anglicise, v. dng'gll-slz, to render any fomi of expression in an- other language into the English idiom : an glici'sing, imp. : anglicised, pp. dng'gll-sUd'. anguilliform, a. dn-ou-\i'\-fau-nn (L. anguilla, an eel ; forma, shape), fonned like an eel or serpent : anguineal, a. dngwin'-ldl, of or like a snake. anguish, n. dwj'gwish (L. ayignis. a snake, referring to tlu' writhiTig or twisting of the animal body when in pain : F. migoi.fse: Gr. atigos. a fuiii'ral urn), intense pain (if body 'or mind; excessive ^'riof: v. to infliit anguisli : an gulshing, imp. : anguished, pp. -gwlsht. angular— sec under angle. anhelation, n. (l«:/i(';(t:.s7ii(?i (L. nnhflo, I breathe will) diiliculty— from Gr. ana, up: L. halo, I breathe), state of being out of breath ; a panting. mate, mat, far, laTv; niCte, mit, Mr; pine, pin; nOte, nOt, niOve; ANHY 19 ANOP anbydrons, a. dnla'drus {Gr. an, without; Jiudor, water), not having any water ; dry ; applied to miner- iils and gases not having Avater as an ingredient: anhydrite, n. dn-hl'drlt, a transparent sulphate of lime found in a crystalline form without the usual ingredient of water. anil, n. dn'-ll (F. ; Arab, annil), the indigo plant. anile, a. dn'U (L. aiiilis — from amis, an old wo- Dian), pert, to an old woman ; aged ; imbecile : anil- ity, n. dn-tl'l-tl, dotage. animadvert, V. dn'l-mad-vert' (L. animus, the mind, or anima, the soul or principle of life ; ad, to ; verto, I turn), to turn the mind to ; to consider ; to remark upon : animadverting, imp. : an'imadvert'ed, pp. : an imadvert'er, n. on(s who: animadversion, n. ■ ver'shun, severe reproof; censure. animal, n. dn'lmdl (L. animal, a living creature), a bodypossessedoflife, sensation, and power of motion; adj. pertaining to a living creature; gross; opposite of spiritual: animalise, v. dn'-l-mdl-lzf, to give ani- mal life to : an'imali'sing, imp. : an'imalised', pp. ■lizd' : animalisation, n. dn'l-mal'-l-zd'shun, the act of endowing with life : animalism', n. -izm', sensual indulgence; mere life without intellectual activity: an'imal'ity, n. -l-ti, state of animal existence. animalcule, n. d7i'l-mdl'kul (L. animalculum), a creature very small or very minute, generally invis- ible to the naked eye: plu. an'imal'cula, also an'i- marcnles, -krdz: an imal'cular, a. ; also an'imal'cu- line, a. -U71, pert. to. animate, v. dn'-i-mdt (L. anima, the animal life), to give life to ; to enliven ; to invigorate ; to inspirit : adj. alive: an'ima'ting, imp.: animated, ^p. : adj. lively ; vigorous : an'ima'tor, n. one who : animation, n. dn'l-md'-shun, the state of being animated ; pos- sessing life or spirit : an'ima'tingly, ad. -li : anima- tive, a. dn'l-md'tlv, capable of giving life. anime, n. dn'lm-S (Sp.), a white resinous drug brought from America. animosity, n. dn'l-mos'l-tl (F.: L. animus, mind; OS us, hating— from odi, I hate), violent hatred ; a high degree of enmity: animus, n. dn'l-mus, the feeling that prompts; purpose; temper. anion, n. dn'l-iin (Gr. ana, up ; ienai, to go), an elec- tro-negative body. anise, n. dn'ls (L. anisum : Gr. anizon), an annual plant whose seeds have an aromatic smell, and pleas- ant warm taste: anise-seed or aniseed, dn'-i-sed, the seed of the plant : anisette, dn'l-zet', aniseed cor- dial. anisostemonous, a. dn'l-sds-tem'd-nus (Gr. anisos, unequal ; steman, L. stamen, a thread, a fibre), in hot., stamens not equal in number to the iloral envelopes, nor a multiple of them. anker, n. dng'-Mr, a Dutch liquid measure. ankle, n. dng'-kl (AS. ancleow: Ger. enkel, an ankle : Gr, angkule, a loop, the bending of the leg), the joint that connects the foot with the leg : anklet, n. dng- km, an ornament for the ankle : aukled, a. dng'kld, having or pert, to ankles. anna, n. dnhid, in the East Indies, a coin, value annals, n. dn'ndlz (L. annus, a year), a brief narra- tive of events divided into periods, each period con- sisting of one year: an'nalist, n. a writer of annals: annats, n. plu. dn'ndts, a year's income of a spiritual living; in Eng., applied to the augmentation of poor livings; in Scot, a half-year's stipend paid to the heirs of a deceased clergyman. anneal, v. dn-neV (AS. an, on : It. niello, a kind of black enamel on gold or silver : F. neller, to enamel), to temper ; to heat glass or metal, and then to cool slowly, in order to render less brittle: annealing, imp.: annealed, pp. dn-neld' : anneal'ing furnace, a furnace for annealing. annelida, n. dn-nil'l-dd; also an'nelids (L. aivnel- lus. a little ring : Gr. eidos, fonn), those creatures that have their bodies formed of a gi-eat number of small rings, as the earth-worm. annex, v. dn-niks' (L. ad, to; nexus, tied), to unite; to join to the end ; to affix : annexing, imp. : annexed, pp. dn-nekst': annexible, a. dn-neks'l-U, that may be annexed : annexation, n. dn'-niksd'shun, the act of uniting or joining to ; addition of something : an- nexe, n. dn-neks', a wing to a building, or an out- building communicating with the main one. annihilate, v. dn-nl'-hhldt (L. ad: nihil, nothing), to reduce to nothing ; to destroy a body utterly, or the peculiar properties of a body : anni'hila'ting, imp. : anniliila ted, pp. : anni hila'tor, n, that which : an- niliila tion, n. -Id-la'-shun, the act of reducing to no- thing ; a total destruction. anniversary, n. d7i'-nl-ver'sdr-l (L. annus, a year ; versus, turned), the day on which an event is annually celebrated ; the yearly return of any event: adj. at a stated time ; returning with the year. annotate, v. dn'no-tat (L. annoto, I set doAvn in writing— from ad, to or at ; nota, a mark), to make written remarks on a book : an'nota'ting, imp. : an'- nota'ted, pp.: an'nota'tion, n. -ta'shnn, a written remark on some passage of a book ; a note ; generally used in the plu. an'nota'tions : annotatory, a. dn- nO'td-tor'l, containing annotations: annotator, n. dn'no-ta'tOr, one who writes notes on a book. annotto, n. dn-not'o; also amot'to, which see. annotmce, v. dn-mtions' (F. annoncer: It. annun- ziare, to declare— from L. ad, to ; nuncio, I tell), to tell to; to declare; to publish: announ'cing, imp : an- nounced, pp. -noivnsf : announcement, n. dn- nolvns'mSnt, a declaration ; the act of giving notice ; publication: announcer, n. dn-nmvn'ser, one who. annoy, v. dn-noy' (It. annoiare, F. ennuyer, to an- noy or vex— from L. ad; noceo, I hurt or injure: Sp. enoyo, anger, offence), to vex ; to tease or molest ; to harass: annoyance, n. dr!.-7ioi/'(i;is,- something that teases ; a matter that harasses or molests : annoy' er, n. one who : annojr^ing, imp. : annoyed', pp. -noyd'. annual, a. dn'-mldl (L. annus, a year: F. annuel: It. annuale], yearly; that returns every year: n. a flower or plant that grows and dies within a year ; a book published every year: an'nual'ly, ad. -II: an- nuity, n. dn-ni'M-tl, a fixed sum of money paid every year: annuitant, n. dn-nu'-i-tdnt, one who receives a sum of money every year for maintenance. annul, V. dnmd' (h. ad, to; nullus, none, no: F. annuler), to make of no effect ; to make void ; to abo- lish: annulling, imp.: annulled', pp. dn-nuld' : an- nul'ment, n. the act of making void. annular, a. dn'-nuddr ; also annulary, a. dn'nu- Idr'-l (L. (tnnidus, a ring), having the foim of a ring: an'nular'ly, ad. -11: an'nula'ted, a. furnished with rings : an'nulose', a. -lozf, composed of many rings : an'nulet, n. a little ring : annularia, n. dn'ml-ld'rl-d, a genus of fossil herbaceous plants, having whorls on the same plane with their stems, supposed to have been aquatic: annulosa, n. dn'nu-lo'-sd, a term applied to the articulata, in allusion to their ringed bodies. annunciate, v. dn-nun'sMdt (L. ad, to; nuncio, I teU), to declare; to bring tidings: annim'cia'ting, imp.: annun'cia'ted, pp.: annunciator, n. one who: annun'cia'tion, n. -shl-d'-shiin, the act of announcing. anode, n. dn'od (Gr. ana, up ; (h)odos, a way), the positive pole; the way by which electricity enters substances through which it can pass. anodon, n. dn'O-don; also an'odon'ta (Gr. an, with- out ; odoxis, gen. odontos, a tooth), the river-mussel. anodyne, n. dn'O-dln (Gr. ayi, without; oditne, pain), any medicine that relieves pain: adj. soothing. anoint, v. d-noynt' (Norm. F. enoindre, to anoint — from L. in, in, and imgo, I anoint), to rub or smear with oil; to consecrate : anoint'er, n. one who : anoint- ed, pp.: n. the Messiah: adj. consecrated: anointing, imp.: n. the act of smearing with oil: adj. rubbing with oil: anointment, n. the act of anointing. anomaly, n. d-nom'-d-ll (Gr. anomalos, rough, un- even—from an, not ; (h)omalos, like to, or similar), irregularity; a departure from the common rule: anomalous, a. -liis, irregular; anomalous ly, ad. -U: anomalistic, a. d-ndm'd-lis'tfk, irregular; departing from common or established rules : also, anom'alls'- tical, a. -ti-kdl. a.nomopteri8, n. dn'o-mdp'ter-ls (Gr. anowos, with- out rule ; pteris, fern), fossil ferns, ditTering from all recent ones, having the leaves very large and deeply pinnate. anomoura or anomura, n. dn'O-md'rd (Gr. n«o- mos, irregular, without nile ; oura, a tail), a family of crustaceans characterised by their irregular taUs, as the hermit-crab ; an'omou'ral, a. pert. to. anon, ad. d-ndn'(\S. on an, in one), soon; quickly. anonymous, a. d-non'l-mus (L. anonymus, without a name— from Gr. a, without; onoma, a name: F. anonymc), having no name; without the name of the author or writer: anon'3rmous'ly, ad. -U. anoplotheriimi, n. dn'-oplO-thi'-H-um (Gr. a, with- o>it; (h)oj)lon, a weapon; therion, a wild beast), a genus of fossil quadrupeds destitute of any organs of defence, as tusks, claws, or horns. c&«), lo~j,/vot; pure, hiid; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ANOR 2 uiorthite, n. d-nor'thit (Gr. a, without; 07-thos, uprif'ht). one of the felspar family whose cleavages aro \?ithout right angles. another, a. a-Hutfi'er{one and other), not the same; one more. anoora, n. a-n6'rd (Gr. a, without; oura, a tail), a class of reptiles without tails, as the frog, toad, &c. : anourous, a. -rns, destitute of a tail. anserine, a. dn'-ser-ln (L. aiistr, a goose), of the goose tribe ; uneven. answer, v. aii'str (AS. andsivariaii—tTom and, ag:iinst, and sicerian: Goth, svaran, to swear Icel. nvara. to answer), to reply; to be accountable for; to suit: n. sonietliing saiil in reply to a question: answering, imp.: answered, pp. dn-serd: an'swerer, n. one who: answerable, a. an'-ser-a-bl, what may be replied to; accountable; suitable: an'swerably, ad. -Hi: an'swerableness, n.: answerless, a. that cannot be answered. ant, diit; or anti, dn-il {Gr.), a prefix meaning against, opposite. ant, n. dnt (AS. cemef), a smnll insect ; an emmet— of which it is a contracted form : ant'-hill, a nest of ants : ant-eater, a quadruped, having a long snout or muzzle and long tongue, which feeds upon ants. antacid, n. d7it-dsHd (Gr. anti, against: L. acidus, acid), any substance, as potash, soda, imignesia, lime, Ac, which coiuiteracts acidity or neutralises it. antagonist, n. dn-tdg'-o-nist (Gr. anti, against ; agon- istes, a combatant), one who contends with another; an opponent ; an enemy: antag'oniam.n. -7ilz)n, active opposition : antagonise, v. dn-tdg'o-nlz', to act in opposition; to strive against: antag'onis'ing, imp.: antagonised, pp. -nlzd: antagonistic, a. dn-tdg'o- nls'tfk, striving against : antag onis'tical'ly, ad. -nis' Ukdl'i: antag onis'tic forces, two powers in nature, the one comiteracting the other, as fire and water. antalgic, a. dnt-dV-jlk (Gr. anti, against; algos, pain), applied to that which can assuage pain. antarctic, a. dnt-drk'tlk (Gr. a7iti, opposite ; arJdos, the constellation of the Bear), opposite to the northern or arctic pole ; a circle about 23^ deg. from the S. pole. ante, dii'td (L.), a prefix meaning before, either in time or place. antecede, v. dn'tS-sSd' (L. ante, before ; cedo, I go), to go before in time: an'tece'ding, imp.: an'tece'ded, pp. : an'tece'dent, n. -se'-d6nt, that which goes before in time or place : adj. going before in time or place : antecedently, ad. -U. an'tece'dence, n. -dens; or an tece'dency, n. -si .• an'teces'sor, n. (L. ante ; cessus, gone), one who lived or possessed before another. ante-chamber, n. dn't6-cham'ber ; also ante-room, n. (L. ante, before, and chamber), aroom to be passed through to a principal room. antecians, n. plu. dn-te'sM-dnz ; also antoeci, n. plu. d7i-te'sl (Gr. anti, against ; oikeo, I dwell), those who live in the same latitude and longitude, but on different sides of the equator. antedate, v. dn'te-dat (L. ante: datum, to give), to date before the true time : an'teda'ting, imp. : an'- teda'ted, pp. antediluvian, a. d7i'tSdl-l6'vl-dn ; also antedilu- vial, a. -vl-al (L. ante; diluvium, a deluge), existing or happening before the flood of Noah: n. one who lived before the flood. antelope, n. dn'te-lOp (Gr. antholops— from aiitlms, beauty ; ops, the eye), a beautiful creature, partly like a deer and partly like a goat. antelucan, a. dn't6-l6'ka7i{L. ante ; lux, gen. lucis, liglit). before daylight. antemeridian, a. dn'te-mdrld'-ldn, (L. ante; meri- dins, mid-day), before noon or twelve o'clock: post- meridian, after twelve o'clock. antemundane, a. dn'ti-mun'dan (L. ante; mundus, X\\>- world), before the creation of the world. antennae, n. plu. da-tS7i'7ie (L. antenna, a sail-yard), th>- feelers or horns of insects, Crustacea, &c.: anten'- nal, a. pert. to. antenuptial, a. dn'td-tnlp'shai (L. ante; nuptia:, marriage), tieing before nuptials or marriage. antepa3chal,a. dn'tS-pds'kal (L. U7ile and paschal), pert, to the time befure Kaster. antepast n. dn'te-2>dst (L. ante; pastiis, fed), a fore- taste. antepenult, n. an'tlipinxUt' (L. ai\fe, before; peiie, almost; uUhiiiis, last), in a 7cord, the last syllable but two: antepenultimate, a. ■2Jin-ul'tl-mdt, pert to tlie last syllable but two. anterior, a. an-tC'rl-er (L.), before In time or place mate, mat,fdr, laTv; mite, mCt, Mr; pXne.iAn; nOte, nOt, jnCve: ANTI previous; in front: anteriorly, ad. -Zl. anteriority, n. -l-tl, priority. anthelion, n. dnt-he'llOn (Gr. a7}ti, over against; (li)etios, the sun), a bright spot opposite to the sun: anthelia, plu. anthelmintic, a. d7i'thSlmln'tlk (Gr. a7iti, against; elmins, a tape-worm), destructive to intestinal worms : n. the medicine. anthem, n. d7i'thSm (Gr. anti, opposite ; {h)umnos, a hymn: AS. a7ite/en: F. a7itienne), a sacred song, or a portion of Scripture set to music. anther, n. dn'ther (Gr. a7itherus, flowery, blooming), in bot, the head part of the stamen of a flower, con- taining the pollen or fertilising dust: antheral, a. pert, to: antheriferoos, a. dn-tlwr-i/'-er-iis (Gr. a»j- tlieros : L. J'eru, I bear), bearing anthers or flowers. anthesis, u. dn-the-als (Gr. a7itlie3is, bloom— from anthos, a flower), in bot., the opening or bursting of the flower. anthocarpous, a. a7i'th6-kdr'piis (Gr. a7Uhos, a flower ; kaipos, fruit), fonned, as a certain class of fruits, from a number of blossoms united into one body, anthodium, n. dn-tho'di-wn (Gr. anthos, a flower ; duo, I put on), the capitulum or head of flowers of composite plants. antholites, n. plu. dn'tho-llts; or antholithes, n. plu. dn'thO-ll'thcz (Gr. a7ithos, a flower; lithos, a stone), a general term for the fossil impressions of flowers, such as occur in the shales of the coal-measures, anthology, n. dn-thdl'-o-ji (Gr. anthos; logos, dis- course), a discourse on flowei-s ; a collection or selec- tion of flowers of literature : an'tholog'ical, a. pert. to. anthophore, n. dn'-tho-for (Gr. anthos, a flower; phero, I carry), in bot., a stalk supporting the inner floral envelopes and separating them from the calyx, anthophylite, u. dn'tho-/U-7t (Gr. anthos; phul- lon, a leaf), a variety of hornblende of a grey or clove- brown colour, so named from the resemblance of its coloiu- to that of the anthophyllwn or clove. anthracite, n. d7i'thrd-slt' (Gr. a7ithrakis, a burn- ing coal), a hard shining coal that bums without smoke or flame: anthraconite, n. d7i-thrdJc'6-n'it, a term applied to those varieties of marble wliich have a coal-black lustre when polished: an'thracit'ic, a. -slt'lk, pert. to. anthracosanms, n. dn'thrd-ko-saw'rus {Gr. anthrax, coal ; sauros, a lizard), a large fossil saurian occuiTing in the coal-measures of Britain. anthracotherium, n. -ko-the'ri-iim (Gr. anthrax; therion, a wild beast), a fossil thick-skinned animal of the hippopotamus kind, found among the lignites or wood-coals of Liguria. anthrakerpeton, n. -ker'pi-ton (Gr. anthrax; eipe- ton, a reptile), a genus of fossil reptiles of a primi- tive air-breathing type. anthropography, n. dn'-thi-O-jwg'-rd-fl (Gr. anthro- jMn, a man ; graphe, a writing), tliat branch of physi- cal geography which treats of the distribution of the human species: anthropoid, a. dn'thrO-pmid' (Gr. — ; eidos, a form), applied to those species of the mon- kev which most nearly approach the human form: anthropolite, n. d7ithr6p-6lit (Gr. — ; litho.t. a stone), a petrifaction of the human body : anthro- pology, n. dn'thro-pol'd-jl (Gr. — ; logos, discoui-se), the natural historj' of the human species : an'thropo- log'ical, a. -loj'l-kdl, pert, to: anthropopathy, n. dn'-thro-iwp'd-thi (Gr. — ; pathos, aflfection or feeling), human aft'ections or passions as pert, to the Supreme Being : an'thropopath'ical, a. anthropomorphite, n. dn'thrdpO-inor'/U (Gr. an- thropos, man; 7norphe, form, sliape), one wlio attri- butes a human form to the Deity: -mor'phism, n. the doctrine : -mor'phous, a. pert, to that which re- semliles a human form. anthropophagi, n. plu. dn'thr6-p6f-d-jl (Gr. a7itfiro- j)os, a man ; p}i:igi'>n. to cat), cannibals ; men that eat human flesli : an'thropoph'agou?, a. -]>o/-d-g>is, feed- ing on luiman flisli : anthropophagy, u. -pof-djl, bin- jiraiticr of .-atin- liiiiiiaii llcsli. anti, un'tKV^T.). a prrfix, witli its fonn ant, signifies against or opposite; in ])la( e of. antibilious, a. dn'ti-bil'-i-ns. (Gr. atiti, against, and bili'ius), good for tlie cure ol' bilious comnlainta.- antic, a. dn'-tik (L. antv/inui, old), odd; fanciful: n. odd appearance; a buffoon: antlcly, ad. -H. antichrist, n. d7i'tlkr}st (Gr. a/iti, against, and Cliri^f), a false Christ; an antagonist of Ciirist: anti- Christian, a. -krlst'hdn, opi>osing the Christian reli- gion, or opposite to it. ANTI 21 APET anticipate, v. dn-ils'l-pat (L. ante, before; capio, I take), to be beforehand ; to take first possession ; to take before the proper time; to foretaste: an-- tic'ipa'ting, imp. : antic ipa'ted, pp. : anticipation, 11. -p&'shun, the act of anticipating; prevention: an- tic ipa'tor, n. one who: antic'ipa'tive,a. -pd'My; also antic ipa'tory, a. -pu't6r-l, takmg beforehand. anticlinal, a. an-tl-kll'-nill (Gr. anti, against ; klino, I bend), in t/eoZ., applied to strata which dip in opposite directions m a roof -like form ; opposite of synclinal. anticous, a. dn'-tl-kus (L. anticus, in front), in bot., placed in front of a flower, as the lip of oruliids. antidote, u. cln'tl-dot (Gr. antidotos, a remedy— from anti, against ; didonai to give), a medicine to counteract tlie bad effects of poison; a remedy for any evil: antidotal, a. an'tl-do-tdl ; also an'tidot'ical, a -i-Ml, expelling the effects of poison : an'tido'tally, ad. -tal-l: an'tidot'ical'ly, ad. -U. antimony, n. dn'-tl-mo7i-l (L. antimonirim: F. an- timoine), a metallic substance, much used as an al- loy: antimonial, a. an'-ti-mo'nl-al, pert, to antimony, or containing it: n. the medicine: an'timo'niate, n. -ni-dt, a salt of antimonic acid: an'timo'niat'ed, a. dt'ed, made of antimony or mixed with it : an ti- mon'ic, a. -ik; also an'timo'nious, a. -ni-us, of anti- mony ; applied to the acids of antimony : antimonite, n. d7i'ti-m6nW, a salt of antimonious acid. antinomian, n. dn'-ti-no'-mi-dn (Gr. anti, against ; nomas, law), one who denies that the moral law is binding on Christians, and affirms that faith alone is necessary to salvation: adj. relating to: an'tino'mian- ism', n. -izm', the tenets of: antinomy, n. dn-tln'-6in-l, the opposition of one law or rule to another law or rule. antipathy, n. dn-tlp'd-tM (Gr. anti, against ; pathos, feeling), a feeling of hatred ; natural aversion. antiphlogistic, a. dn'tl-flo-jls'tlk (Gr. anti; jMogizo, I consume or bum up), applied to medical treatment intended to subdue inflammation : n. a medicine that checks intiammation. antiphony, also antiphone, n. dn-tlf-o-nH (Gr. anti, opposite ; phone, sound), the alternate singing of two choirs: antiphonal, a. dn-tlf-O-ndl, pert, to: n. a book of antiphons or anthems: antiphon, n. dn'-tl-fon, the chant of alternate singing in choirs. antiphrasis, n. dn-tlf'ra-sis (Gr. anti, opposite ; phrasis, a form of speech), the use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning ; irony : an'tiphras'- tical, a. -tl-kdl: an'tiphras'tically, ad. -kdl't. antipodes, n. plu. an-tlp'-O-dez (Gr. anti, opposite ; podes, feet), those who live on the opposite side of the globe, and whose feet are directly opposite to those of the speaker: antipode, n. dn'4l-p6d, one who lives on the opposite side of the globe : antipodal, a. having the feet directly opposite. antiquarian, n. dn-tl-kvja'rl-dn, or antiquary, n. dn'ti-kwd-rl (L. antiquarius, studious of antiquity— from antiquus, old), a person who studies the history of ancient things: adj. pert, to antiquity: an'ti- qua'rianism, n. : antiquate, v. d7i'tl-kivdt, to put out of use; to make old: antiqua'ting.imp.: an'tiqua'ted, pp.: adj. grown old; old-fashioned: an'tiqua'tedly, ad. -li: an'tiqua'tedness, n. : antique, a. an-tok' (F. atitique), old ; ancient : n. a remnant of antiquity ; a relic: antiquely, ad. -li: antiqueneas, n. dn-tek-n6s, ancientness ; the appearance of being old : antiq\iity, n. dn-tlk'wl-tl, former ages; times long since past; antiquities, plu. dti-tlk'ivi-tlz, relics of olden times. anti - Sabbatarian, n. dn'tl-sdb'bd-td'ri-an (Gr. anti, and Sabbathl, one opposed to the observance of the Sabbath: adj. pert. to. antiscians, n. plu. dn-tlsh'l-anz ; also antis'cii, dn4ish'l-l {L. antiscii — fromGr. anti; skia, a shadow), the inhabitants of the earth living on opposite sides of the equator, whose shadows at noon fall in contraiy directions. antiscorbntic, a. dn'tlskdr-bu'tlk{Gr. anti, against, and scorbutic), good against the scurvy. antiscripturai, a. dn'tl-skrip'-tu-rdl (Gr. anti and scriptural), not in accordance with the Scriptures, or in opposition to them. antiseptic, n. dn'-tl-s&p'tXk, (Gr. anti, against ; sep- tos, putrid), a substance that prevents putrefaction : adj. opposing putrefaction. anti-slavery, n. d7i' -tl-sla'-ver-l (Gr. anti, against, and slavery), hostility to slavery. antispasmodic, a. dn'-tl-spds-mod'lk (Gr. anti, against ; spasmos, a convulsion or spasm), applied to medicines that have power to allay spasmodic pains. antistrophe, n. dntls'trO-fl (Gr. nyifi; strophe, a turning), the stanza of a chorus or ode succeeding the strophe. antithesis, n. dn-tUh'-S-sXs, (Gr. a^iti, against; thesis, a placing), opposition or contrast in words or senti- ments: antithetic, a. dn'ti-thet'ik ; or an'tithet'ical, a. -l-kdl, being in contrast ; containing opposition of words or sentiments : an'tithet'lcal'ly, ad. -ll. antitropal, a. dn-tlt'-rO-pdl ; also antit'ropoufl, a. -piis (Gr. anti, against ; trei>o, 1 turn), in bot., at the extremity most remote from the hilum, as the embryo — or inverted with respect to the seed, as the radicle. antit3rpe, n. dn'ti-tip (Gr. anti, against ; tupos, a pattern), the reality, of which the resemblance or pattern is called the type— thus, the paschal lamb is called the type, and Christ the antitype: antitypical, a. d7i'tl-tlp'-l-kal, that which explains the type: an'ti- tsrp'ically, ad. 41. antler, n. dnt'ler (F. andouiller), a branch of a stag's horn : antlered, a. dnt'-lerd, furnished with antlers. antre, n. dn-ter (L. antrum, a cave), in poetry, a cavern ; a den. antoeci, dwL'I;s (L.)— phi. apexes, a'p6ks-es, or api- ces, aj)'l-sei— the top point or siuiiinit of anything: apical, a. ilp'l-kai, relating to tlie top ; apiculus, n. a-jilk'ii-ltls, in bot., a short but sharp point in whiih a leaf or other organ terminates, but not very stilf : aplculate, a. a-plk'u-lat, suddenly terminated by a distinct point. apharesis or apheresis, n. a-fc'-rS-sls (Gr. apo, from ; {h)'iireo, I take or sfize), the taking away a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word. apbanite, n. dfdn-lf (Gr. uplumes, obscure, not apparent— from a, not; phaino, I bring to light), a compact sort of trap-rock, consisting of hornblende, quartz, and felspar so intimately combined that they cannot be individually distinguished: aphanistic, a. vf-aii-t<'lll-, i)ert. to; indistinct. aphelion, n. d-fe'll-On, phi. aphelia, Ci-fe'-ll-d, (Gr. apii, from ; {h)elios, the sun), the position of a planet in the heavens when farthest from the sun — when nearest to the sun, the position is called its peri- helion. aphis, n. rt'/ls, plu. aphides, df-ldez (L.), the vine-fretter or plant-louse. aphlogistic, a. df-l6-jU'-tlk (Gr. a, without; phlo- gizo, I ))urn up), flameless. aphony, n. df-o-nl; also aphonia, d-fd'ni-A (Gr. a, without; phone, voice), a loss of voice; dumbness. aphorism, n. af-o-rlzm (Gr. aphorismos, a detini- tion; apo, from; o>-i'20, I mark bounds or limits), a short sentence expressing some important truth ; a maxim: aphoristic, a. df-o-ris'fik ; also aph- oris'tical, a. -tlkal, expressing some truth in a short sentence: aph'oris'tical'ly, ad. -11: aph'orist, 11. one who. aphrite, n. df'rlt (Gr. aijhros, froth or foam), a scaly variety of calcareous spar, having a shining pearly lustre and a greasy feel. aphrodisiac, a. df'-ro-dlz'i-dk (Gr. aphrodisios, pert, to Venus), that which excites to sexual intercourse. aphthae, n. d/'the (Gr. ap>hthai, ulcers in the mouth), small white ulcers on thte tongue, gums, palate, &c. : aphthous, a. df-thils, pertaining to thrush or ulcer- ous atfV'.tions of the mouth. aphthong, n. df'-thong (Gr. a, without ; phthong- gos, a sound), a silent letter or letters. aphyllous, a. df-fll'-lCis or df, (Gr. a, without; iihul- lon, a leaf), in bot., destitute of leaves. apiary, n. d'-pl-dr'-i (L. apis, a bee), a stand or shed for bees ; place where bees are kept : a'piar'ist, u. one who rears bees. ap'ical, apices, apic'ulate, &c.— see apex. apiece, ad. a-p(is'(Xii. a and piece), to each, as a sep- arate share. apiocrinite, n. dj/'iok'-rin-lt (Gr. apian, a pear; krinon, a lily), a sub-genus of fossil radiata, like the star-fish or sea-urchin, distinguished by their pear- shaped receptacle. a'pish, &c.— see ape. aplanatic, a. dp'-pldn-dt'-lik (Gr. a, without ; planno, I wander), ajiplied to a telescope which entirely cor- rects the aberration of the rays of light. aplomb, n. dp'jMm (F. aplomb, perpendicular line), settling down into its fit place as naturally as if liy simple gravitation. apnoea, n. dp-ni'd (Gr. a, without; pnro, I breathe), loss of breath ; suffocation. apo, dp'6, a Greek prefix signifying away, from. apocalypse, n. a-2>6k'-d-llps (F. : L. apocalypsis : Gr. opokalupsis, an uncovering; ajm, from; kalupfo, I cdver or conceal), a revelation; a vision; the last book of the New Testament: apocaljrptlc, a. d-jiok- d-llp'tlk; also apoc'aljrp'tical, a. -tikal, i)ertainiiig to revelation: apoc'alyp'tical'ly, ail. -ki\V-Vi. apocarpous, a. (i;;;. from; koj^fo, I cut). omission of the last hotter or syllable ot a wonl : apocopated, a. shortened by cutting off the last Ictt'T or syllable. Apocrypha, n. n-p6k'rl-fd (Gr. apn, from ; kntpto, I hidf;), soiii.' disputed books, rci-cived a.s parts of iuspircil Scripture, l)y Catholics and others, but generally rejiftnl t,y Protestants: apocryphal, a. d-pOk'ri/ill. doubtful; uncertain: apoc ryphal'ly, ad. -II: apoc ryphal'ness, n. apodal, a. aj/-Oi(oiis, gen. podos, a foot), destitute of feet or ventral fins^applied to such fishes as the eel, sword-fish, wolf-fish, &c. apodixis, n. ap'O-diks'ls (L. : Gr. apodeixis, a set- ting forth— from apo; deiknumi, I show), full demon- stration : apodictic, a. dp'-o-dik'-tik ; also, ap'odic'- tical, a. -tl-kdl, evident beyond contradiction ; clearly proving: ap'odic'tical'ly, ad. -II. apodosis, n. d-2)6d'-6-sis (L.: Gr. a2J0, from; didomi, I give), in gram., the consequent clause in a condi- tional sentence, expressing the result— the clause expressing the condition being called the 2irotasis. apogee, n. a2>'<''Jc (Gr. apo, from; ge, the earth), the point in the moon's orbit, or that of a planet, most remote from the earth : apogean, a. A2^'-0-je'-dn, pert. to. ApoUyon, n. d-2ml'idn (Gr. aj)onuo, 1 destroy), a name used in the Kevelation of St John to designate the destroying angel of the bottomless pit. apology, 11. dqjol'-O-jl (L. and Gr. apologia; a2W, from ; logos, speech), an excuse ; a defence : apol- ogetic, a. a-pol'O-jat'-ik ; also apol'oget'ical, a. -;'<>/•!■ kdl, excusing ; defending by words : aporogefical'ly, ad. -II : apologetics, n. plu. d-2)0l'-6-j6t'-lks, that branch of theology which defends the Scriptures, and sets forth the evidence of their Divine authority: apologist, n. u^M'o-jist ; also apol'ogi'ser, n. -jl'-zer, one who makes an apolog>', or. writes iu defence of another : apologise, v. d-2)6l'6-jlz', to make an excuse for; to speak in defence of: apol- ogising, imp.: apologised', pp. -jizd': apologue, n. d2J'6-l6g, a story; a moral fable. apophysis, n. d-2)6f-t-sls (Gr. apo, from; phuo, I grow), in anat., a process or protuberance on the surface of a bone, generally at the ends : in bot., any irregular swelling on the surface ; a tubercle at the base of the seed-vessel of certain mosses. apophthegm or apothegm, n. a^>:6-«/u'»i— see ap- othegm. apoplexy, n. d2V-6-2Mk-sl (Gr. apoplexia, stupor; a2)0, from ; 2}lesso, I strike), a disease or an affection of the brain that causes stupor; a fit in wliich all sensation and power of movement are suspended: apoplectic, a. d2y-0-plek'-tik, or ap'oplec tical, -tl-kdl, pert, to the disease of apoplexy. apostasy, n.; also apostacy, n. dqws'-td-sl (L. and Gr. apostasia, a standing off from ; a^x), from ; stasis, a placing, a standing), a departure from a former profession or beUef : apostate, n. d-pos'-tat, one who forsakes his former principles or party: adj. false; traitorous : ap'ostat'ical, a. -tdt'i-kdl -. apostatise, \. dpos'td-tiTf , to forsake a former profession or belief : apos'tati'sing, imp. : apostatised', pp. -tizd'. a posteriori, a. d'-pos-tc'-rl-Or'-l (L. jwsterior, after). arguments drawn from consequences or facts— see a priori. apostle, n. d-2)ds'sl (Gr. apo, away; sfello, I send), a person sent to jierform important business ; one of the immediate followers of Christ : apos'tleship, ii. the office or dignity of an apostle : apostolic, a. d2y-6s- tol'lk; also ap'ostol'ical, a. -i-kdl, relating to the apostles or to the oflice of an apostle : ap'ostorically, ad. -II: ap'ostol'ical'ness, n. : apostolate, n. d-p6s'tu- lat, a mission; the dignity or office of an apostle: apostolic fathers, the early Christian writers, gene- rally of the first century : apostolic see, a title apphed to the government of the pope of Rome in reference to his claim of being the successor of St Peter. apostrophe, n. d-p6s'-tr6-/e (Gr. apo, away ; strepho, I turn), a figure of speech ; a digressive address ; a mark ( ' ) put in a word to show the omission of a letter or lettei-s, or merely a.s the sign of the posses- sive case in nouns : apostroph'ic, a. dp'o-.'ftrof-ik, jiert. to an apostrophe: ap'ostroph'ically, ad. -/! : apostrophise, v. d-iios'lrd-jlz', to make a short de- tached aildn'ss to, in speaking: to omit a letter or letters in a wont : apos trophi'sing, imp. : apos'tro- phised', pp. -J'izd'. apothecary, n. d-j^dth'd-kdr-l (L. a2Wtheca, a store- house: Gr. (ipotheke; a2M, from: theke, a box or chest), one who prepares and sells drugs as medi- cines : apothecium, n. di^'^-thf'i^hfilm, in bot., a clus- ter or case of spore-cells in lichens, frequently cup- sliai.ed. apothegm, u. dtt'u-thl'm (Gr. o;)o, from; }ihfhcgmn. a word), a senteiitious saying; a iiithy instructive remark: apothegmatic, a. dp'O-lhcg-mdt'lk ; also ap othegmat'ical, a. -i-kiU, alter the manner of an apoth.'gm : ap otheg'matist, n. one who utters short maxims, or a maker of them. 7n(Xte, mat, far, Ui^; mCte, mit, Mr; pXncpla; nOt<:, n6t, v.iOv. APOT 23 APPR apotheosis, n. ap'dthe'6-s'ls (L. ami Gr. ; apo. from ; thMS, God), in ancient times, the cereiaony of placin;,' some illustrious man among their gods. apotome, n. a-pot'o-mc (Ur. apo, from ; tenino, I cut or lop), in math., the difference between two incom- mensurable quantities. appal or appall, v. ap-paTvl' (F. palir, to grow pale: L. ad, BX; palleo, I become pale), to lose the vital powers through sudden terror; to fill with dismay: appal ling, imp. : appalled, pp. -pawld' : appal'- ment, n. : appal'lingly, ad. -U. appanage, n. ap'-jidn-dj (L. ad, to; imnis, food : I'. apanage), lauds set aside for the maintenance of younger sons of a prince. apparatus, n. dp'-pd-ra'-tus (L. ad, to or for ; para- tum, to prepare), a set of instruments or tools to be used for a particular purpose. apparel, n. dp-pdr'-el (F. appareil, outfit : Sp. aparejar, to fit, to suit : L. ad, lor ; 2}uro, I prepare), clothing ; dress : v. to dress ; to clothe ; to adorn : appareUing, imp. ap-pdr'el-lng : apparelled, pp. Oppdr'-eld. „ appeal, v. dp-pel' (L. appello, I accuse : F. apipeler, to call), to apply for justice; to refer a disputed matter to another, as to a higher judge or court, or to a superior: n. the removing of a cause from a lower to a higher court ; a reference to another ; an address to the judgment or feelings of an audience ; an application for justice : appealing, imp. : appeal- ed, pp. ap-peld' : appealable, a. dp-i)el'-d-hl, that may or can be appealed : appellant, n. dp-pcl'-ldnt, the person who appeals : appealer, n. one who : ap- pellate, a. dp-i)el'-lat ; also appel'lator'y, a. -tdr-l, relating to appeals : appellation, u. up-pel-lashun, a name ; the word by which a thing is known : appel'- lative, a. -tlv, pert, to a common name : n. a common name as distinguished from a proper name : appel'- lative'ly, ad. -Hv'U: appellee, n. dp'pel-le', the de- fendant in an appeal ; one tried for a crime at the instance of another: appellor, n. dp-pel'lor, one who appeals. appear, v. dp-per' (L. ad, to ; pareo, I am seen, I appear : F. apparoir), to be visible ; to come in sight : appealing, imp. : appeared, pp. dp-perd' : appear- ance, n. ap-per'-dns, a coming in sight ; the thing seen ; the look of a person or thing ; pretence ; show : appear'er, n. the person that appears : apparent, a. ap-pd'rent, that may be easily seen ; obvious ; plain ; ill science, not real— as aj>parent motion : appa'rent- ly, ad. -U: apparition, n. dp'pd-rlsh'un, a ghost; a spectre ; a visible spirit : apparitor, n. a2}-pdr'4- tor, the attending officer of an ecclesiastical court ; a summoner. appease, v. dp-pOz' (L. ad ,- jxix, gen. pads, peace : F. apaiser, to appease), to quiet ; to pacify : appeas'ing, imp. : appeased, pp. dp-pezd' : appea'ser, n. one who: appease'ment, n. : appeasable, a. dp-2)e'zd-bl, that may be appeased: appea'sable'ness, n. : ap- pea'sive, a. -Iv, quieting : appea'sively, ad. -U. append, v. ap-pend' (L. ad, to; pendeo, I hang), to attach or hang to ; to add to : append'ing, imp. : append'ed, pp. : appendage, n. dp-pen'ddj ; also ap- pen'dant, n. something added to : appen'dant, a. be- longing to; attached: appendicle, n. dp-pen'-dl-kl, a small appendage : appendix, n. dp-p&n'-dlks (L.) — plu. appendixes, -dlks-ez, or appendices, -di-sez— some- thing appended or added, as at the end of a book ; a supplement. appertain, V. dp'pertdn' (L. ad, to; 2)er, through; teneu, 1 hold : F. upimrtenir), to belong to ; to relate to: ap'pertain'ing, imp.: ap'pertained', pp. -tand' : appertain'ment, n. : appertenance, n. dp-per'te- ndns, that which relates to another thing: apper'- tinent, a. belonging : n. that which belongs. appetent, a. dp'pe-tent (L. ad, to ; peto, I seek, I de- sire), desiring; very desirous: ap'petence, n. -tins, or ap'peten'cy, n. -tin'sl, desire; appetite; the pro- pensity in living creatures to select and feed upon such substances as are suited for their nourishment : appetible, a. ap'2)e-ti-U, ple;ising; engaging; desir- able : appetibility, n. dp'p6-tl-ur-Ul : appetite, n. iip'pe-tit, the natural desire or craving tor food or drink ; a strong desire for anything that affords plea- sure: a.'ppetitive, a.. dp'pS-ii'tlv, desiring gratification. applaud, V. dp-plawd' (L. ad, for ; plaudo, I make a noise by clapping the hands : F. a2iplaudir), to praise Jyy clapping the hands or by some loud noise; to express approbation of; to commend: applaud'ing, imp. : applauded, pp. : applaud'er, n. one who : ap- CoTc, boll, /Jut ; pf'-rc, hud; chair. plause, n. a2>j)la'icz' (L. ad; plausum, to clap the hands), the act of praising ; approbation by shouts or clapping of hands, or in some other noisy way : applausive, a. dp-plaXo'-zlv, that contains applause. apple, n. dp'-2d (AS. aepl: W. a2)al: Icel. epli: Dan. dhlr), a well-known fruit : apple of the eye, tne pupil : apple of discord, a subject of contention and envy : apples of Sodom, fruit fair to the eye, but dissolv- ing into dust and ashes when plucked. applicate, n. dp'2)li-kdt (L. ad, to; jAico, I fold), ia geoni.., a straight line drawn across a curve so as to be bisected by the diameter ; the ordinate. apply, V. dp-pll' (L. ad, to ; j^Hco, I fold), to lay on ; to put one thing to another; to use or employ for a par- ticular purpose ; to fix the mind with attention ; to make application ; to suit : apply'ing, imp. : appUed, pp. dp-plld': appli'er, n. one who: appliable, a. dp- 2ill'-d-bl, thaX may be applied: appli'ably, ad. -!;«.• ap- pliance, n. dp-pll'-dns, the act of applying; the thiii^' applied: applicable, a. dp'-pU-kd-U, fit to be applied; suitable: ap'pUcabil'ity, n. -kd-UV-l-tl: ap'plicable- ness, n. : ap'plicably, ad. -bll: applicant, n. ci;/;;^- kdnt, one who applies; a petitioner: applicancy, n. dp'-2M-kdn-si, the state of being applicable: ap'phca- tion, n. -kd'-shvLn, the act of applying; close study; great attention to, as to business; entreaty; employ- ment of means: ap'plicative,a. -A;d-My: applicatory, a. -ka'-tor-l: n. that which applies. appoggiatura, n. d2>p6j-d-t6-rd (It.), in music, a grace-note. appoint, V. dp-pm/nf (F. ap2)ointer, to give wages : L. ud, to ; 2nmctuvi, a point), to fix upon ; to settle ; to ordain ; to furnish : appoint'ing, imp. : appoint'ed, pp. : appoin'ter, n. one who : appoin'table, a. -td-hl, that may be appointed : appoint ment, n. state of being ap- pointed ; being named for an office ; a situation or of- fice ; established order : plu. the accoutrements of an officer: appointee, n. dp-poyn'-te, one appointed. apportion, v. dp-p6r-shiin (L. ad, to ; portio, a part), to give a share to ; to divide ; to assign : appor'tioning, imp.: appor'tioned, pp. -shund: appor'tionment, n. a dividing into shares or portions: appor'tioner, n. one who. apposite, a. 6p'-2^6-z'lt (L. ad; positus, placed or put), fit; suitable; well adapted to; in bot., when similar parts are similarly placed: ap'positely, ad. -zit'-li: ap posite'ness, n. fitness ; suitableness : apposition, n. ap'-p6-zlsh-un, the act of adding to; in gram., two nouns following each other in the same case, the latter explanatorj- of the former, or modifying it in some way. appraise, v. dp-prdz! (F. apprecier, to value— from L. ad, to ; pretium, aprice). to fix the value of an article for the purpose of sale : apprais'ing, imp. : appraised, pp. -prdzd': apprais'er, n. one who: appraisement, n. dp-prdz'-ment, a valuation put on an article. appreciate, v. appre'-shi-at (L. ad ; j^retium, a price : F. a2)2)recier), to set a proper value on ; to esteem right- ly: appre'cia'ting, imp. : appre'cia'ted, pp.: appreci- able, a. dp-pre'shl-d-bl, that may be properly valued ; capable of being estimated: appre'ciably, ad. -bJi.- ap- preciation, n. up-pre'shl-d'-shun, the setting a value on ; a just estimate of. apprehend, v. dp'-pri-hUnd' (L. ad, to ; prehendo, I take or seize), to take hold of; to seize ; to understand ; to think on with fear : ap'prehen'ding, imp. : ap'pre- hen'ded, pp. : ap'prehen'der, n. one who: ap'prehen^- sible, a. -si-bl, that may be apprehended: ap'prehen'- sion, n. -hin'-shun, the act of taking or seizing ; the being able to imderstand; suspicion; fear: ap'pre- hen'sive, a. -sXv, fearful; in expectation of ey\\: ap'- prehen'sively, ad. -siv-l .- ap'prehen'siveness, n. apprentice, n. dp-prin'-lls (F. a2)i^rentis, abeginner— from apprendre, to Icam : L. ad, to ; prehendo, I take), a young person learning a trade or profession : v. to put under a master to learn a trade or profession : ap- pren'ticing, imp.: apprenticed, pp. -tint: appren'- ticeship, n. the sen'ice or condition of an apprentice, apprise, v. dp-2)rlz' (F. a;);jn's, learned, instructed), to inform; to give notice of: appri'sing, imp.: ap- prised, pp. -2>rtzd'. approach, v. up-prOch' (F. approcher, to draw near from L. ad, to; props, near), to draw near; to come up to: n. a coming or drawng near; apath or avenue; plu. approach'es, -Cz, siege-works ; means of access : approach'ing, imp. : approached, pp. dp-}>rocM: ap- proach'er, one who : approach 'able, a. -d-bl, that may be reached ; accessible: approach'ment, n. : approach'- less, a. that cannot be come near to or approached. approbation, n. &c.— see approve. game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. APPR 24 ARBO appropriate, v. dp-prO'prh(l(> (L. ad, to ; proprius, private, one's o-vvn). to set apart for a particular use ; to claim or use as by right ; to apply to one's own use : adj. limited or set apart to a particular person or use; fit; suiUble: appropriating, imp.: appro pria'ted, pp.: appro'priate ness, n. peculiar fitness; suitable- ness ; appro priate'ly, ad. 41 .- appro pria'tion, n. -ihi'in, the act of setting apart for a particular use or purpose : appro'pria'tor, n. one who : appro priable, a. -d-bl: appro pria'tlve, a. -prl-d'tlv, that appropriates. approve, v. apprOv' (L. ad, to; probo, I prove or test ; probtis, good : F. approuver), to be pleased with ; to like ; to commend : appro'vlng, imp. : approved', I'p. : appro'vingly, ad. 41: appro 'ver, n. an accuser: approvement, n. : approbation, n. dp-pro-ba'shun. the act of approving; commendation; expression of approval or satisfaction with: approbative, a. d}/- probd'tlv ; also approbatory, a. dp'pro-bd'tor-l, containing or implying appr(jbation: ap'proba'tively, ad. -U; ap'proba tiveness, n. in phren., the love of approbation : approvable, a. dp-pr6'vd-bl, that merits approval : appro'vableness, n. : approval, n. up- irrd'vdl, approbation. approximate, v. dp-prdks'l-7iiat (L. ad, to; proxi- mug, next), to come near; to approach; to cause to approach : adj. nearest to or next : approx'ima'ting, imp.: approxima'ted, pp.: approximation, n. -shiln, a near approach; an advancing near: approx'imate'- ly, ad. 41: approx'ima'tive, a. 4lv, that approaches closely. appulse, n. dp-pills' (L. ad, at; pulsum, to push, to strike), the act of striking against; in astron., near approach of two heavenly bodies to one another: also appul'sion, n. -shun: appul'sive, a. stiiking against: appul'siveiy, ad. -slv-ll. appurtenance, n. dp-piir'-tS-ndns (L. ad, to; per- tiiKo, I pertain or belong: F. a^ypartenance), that which belongs to something else ; an adjunct; an ap- pendage: appur'tenant, a. joined to, or belonging to. apricot, u. d'-prl-k6t (F. abricot: L. pra^cociOr— from prcE, before ; coquo, I ripen), a fruit of the plum kind. April, n. d'prU (L. aprilis—iTOTo. aperio, I open: F. avTil: Sp. abril: It. aprile), the fourth month of the year. a priori, a. d'-prl-or'-l (L. a, from; prior, former), the correlative of a posteriori, the one implying the cause, the other the effect. Tlie argument a priori is a mode of reasoning by which we proceed from the antecedent cause to the consequent effect, or from an- ticipation rather than from experience: mathemati- cal proofs are examples of a priori reasoning. The argimient a posteriori is the opposite, and reasons from the effect to the cause, from the individual ca.se to the law, or generally from experience, and not from anticipation. apron, n. d'-prdn (old F. naperon, a large cloth— from nappe, table-cloth), a made-up piece of cloth or leather worn in front : a covering, as of lead or zinc : aproned, a. d'-prond, wearing an apron. apTQ-poa, ad. dp'ro-pO' {F.),totha pm-pose; season- ably. apgia, n. dp'sls, or apse, dps, plu. apsides, dp'-sl- dez (Gr. {h)apsis, a junction, an arch), the two points in the orbits of planets in which they are at the great- est and at the least distance from the sun or the earth : apse, in a church, the rounded end of a basilica at the back of the altar ; the arched roof of a room. apt, a,, dpt {L. aptus : F. apte, f\t), ready; quick; fit; suitable: aptly, ad. 41: apVness, n. readiness or quickness in learning; fitness: aptitude, n. djy-ti-tiid, a disposition for; readiness; docility. apteral, a. dp'-ter-dl (Gr. a, without ; pteron, a wing), without wings: apteryz, n. dp'-ter-lks, a rare bird, peculiar to New Zealand, having only short rudiments of wings, and without a tail, a little larger tli.in a §uinea-ibwl: apterous, a. (l/>:^^.«s, wingless ; bi'i„ng- ing to the class of Insects called the aptera, ap'ltr-a, or wingless insects. aptote, n. dp-tot (Gr. a, without; ptotos, that can, or 18 wont to fall), .an indeclinable noun. apus, n. d'-pus (Gr. a, without; pous, a foot), a bird 80 called because it did not use its feet ; a martinet ; in astron.. a constelLation near the S. pole. apyrexy, n. d'-pir'ek'-sl (Gr. a; puresso, I have a fever— from pur, fire), the intermission of a fever: apyrous, a. d'pl-rus, fire-proof; incombustible; that sustains a strong heat witliout alteration: apyretic. a. d'pir-H'ik, without fever. apyrenuB, n. d'pire-nus (Gr. a, without; pnren. a seed), in hot., fruit which produces no seeds, as cul- tivated varieties of the orange, pine-apple, &c. aqua, n. d'kwd (L. aqua, water), a word now much used as pait of a compound: a'qna vitae, -vl'-te (L. vita, life), water of life; brandy or other spirit: a'quafortis, -for'-tls {L. J'ortis, strong), strong water; a powerful acid, now named nitric acid : aqua marina, -md-re'-nd (L. mare, the sea), sea-water; applied to the beryl from its colour: a'qua regla, r(?yi-fZ (L. r&r, gen. regis, a king), royal water; a mixture of nitric and muriatic acids ; a dissolvent of gold, the king of the metals; now called nitro-muriatic ackl: aquatic, a. a-kwdt'-tk, li-vang in the water, or much on it, as some fowls: aquarium, n. d-kv:d'-H-um, a glass case con- taining water. Ac. , for plants and creatures that live in water: aquarius, n. d-ktvd'-rl-us (L. a water-carrier), a sign of the zodiac : aqua tinta, d'kwd tln'-td (L. aciun: It. tinta, a tint or dye— from L. tingo, I stain), a variety of engraving,imitating drawings madewith Indian ink. aqueduct, n. uk'-we-dukt (L. aqua, water; diKtus, led), a course or channel made for conveying water either under or above ground: aqueous, a. d'-kwe-us, watery; pert, to or arising from water: a'queous'- ness, n. aquiline, a. dk'-ivl-lin or 4in (L. aquila, an eagle), hooked or curved like the beak of an eagle. Arab, n. dr'-db, also Arabian, n. d-rd'-lihdn, a na- tive of Arabia: Arabic, a. dr'-d-bik, also Arabian, a. d-rd'-bldn, pertaining to Arabia or to the language of its people : Ai-'abic, n. the language : Arabiat, n. dr' d-blst, one versed in Arabic: Arabesque, a. dr'-dbSsk (F.), in the manner of the Arabian architecture: n. an ornament inarch., consisting of imaginary foliage, stalks, plants, &c. ; the Arabic language: Ar'abism, n. -blzm, an Arabic idiom : Araby, n. dr'-d-hl, poetic for Arabia: Ar'abs, n. plu., the wandering tribes of Arabia and Northern Africa; now applied to the des- titute cliildren wandering in the streets of towns. arable, a. dr'-d-bl (L. arabilis— from aro, 1 plough: Gr. aroo: ¥.), land that can be ploughed or cultivated. arachnoid, a. d-rdk'-ndyd (Gr. arachne, a spider; eidos, form), in anat., a semi-transparent fine mem- brane spread over the brain and pia-mater, like a spider's web; in bat., composed of soft do'vvny fibres. Aralo- Caspian, a. d-rd'-lO-kds'-pl-dn or d'-rdl-o-, a term applied to the extensive basin or depressetl area occupied by the Aral and Caspian seas and surround- ing districts of country; in gcol., applied to the lime- stone and associated sandy beds of brackish -water origin which have been traced over much more than the area indicated. Aramaic, a. dr'-d-md'-Vk (from Aram, a son of Shem), a name applied to the Syro-Chaldean language : Ar'- ame'an or Aramsean, dr'-d-me'-dn, pert, to the Syri- ans and Chaldeans or their language. araneous, a. d-rd'-ne-us (L. aranea, a spider or cob- web), resembling a cobweb. araucarites, n. plu. d-raw'-kdr-lts, a term employed to designate the fossil wood whose structure is iden- tical with that of the living a'rauca'rise, -kd'-rl-e— trees, natives of the southern hemisphere. arbalist, n. dr'bd-llst (L. arcu-s, a bow; baiista, an engine for throwing stones or darts), a cross-bow: ar- balister, n. dr'-bd-lls'-t^, a cross-bow-man. arbiter, n. dr'bl-ter (L. an umpire or judge : Fin. ar2M, a lot or symbol), one appointed to settle a m.at- ter in dispute between two or more persons: arbit- rament, n. dr-bU'-rd-mint, decision; determination: arbitrable, a. ar'-bl-trd-bl, determinable: arbitral, a. dr'-bl-trdl, of arbitration : arbitrary, a. dr'-bltrdr'-l, despotic ; tyrannical ; guided by will onlv : arT)itrar'- ily, ad. -l-ll: arTjitrar'iness, n. : arbitrate, v. dr'bl- trdf, to hearand decide in a disputed matter; to deter- mine: ar'bitra'ting, imp. : arT)itra'ted, pp. : arbitra- tion, n. dr'bl-trd'-shiin, the hearing and deiiding of a disputed matter by one or more persons : arbitrator, n. dr'bl-trd'-tdr. a person cliosen to decide a dispute: arbitress, n. dr-bi-trfs, or arbltratrix, n. dr-bl-trd' trlks, a woman who decides. arbour or arbor, n. dr-h.y (L. arbor, a tree: old E. herbere {hir'-beer), a garden), a seat shaded with trees; a bower; an axis or spindle (spelt or^/i^/) : arbo- rator, a. dr'bO-rd'-fOr, one. who grows trees: arbored, a. dr'-btrd, furnished with an arbour: arborous, a. dr'bd-nls, or arboreous, a. ('ir-h,y->-i'.us, resembling or belonging to u tn.-: arborescent, a. dr'-bd-res'-int (L. arhoresco, I grow to a tnr), resembling a tree; be- coming woody: ar bores cence, n. -Cns, also arbori- sation, n. -l-id'-shan, the resemblance of a tree in mate, mdt,Sdr, laTv; mete, met, tier; pine, pin; note, nOt, mCve; ARBU 25 AREO minerals ; groups of crystals in the form of a tree : arboret, n. a small tree; a shubbery: arboretum, n. dr'bd-re'tum (L.), a place for cultivating rare trees and shrubs: arboriculture, n. dr'-bor-l-kul'tur (L. arbor, a tree; cultus, cultivated), the art of planting and managing trees and shrubs: ar'boricul'tural, a. pert, to: ar'boricul'turist, n. -kul'-tu-rlst, one who: ar'- borviiie, -vln (L. vinea, a vine), a sort of bind-weed : ar'borist, n. one who studies trees. arbuBcle, n. dr'-bi'is-sl (L. arbuscula, a small tree), a dwarf tree ; a small shrub with the appearance of a tree, as many heaths: arbuscular, a. ar-bus'ku-lur, shrub-like. arbute, n. &r'but (L. arbuttis), the strawberry tree: arbutean, a. dr-bii'tl-an, pert. to. arc, n. ark (L. arcus, a bow), a part of a circle or curved line: arcade, n. dr-kad' (F., from L. arcus), a series of arches ; a roadway under a continued series of arches ; a covered street : arcad'ed, a. furnished with an arcade. , , „ area, n. dr'kd (L. a chest or box), the ark shell ; a £:enus of equivalve shells found in almost every part of'the world, thick and strongly-ribbed. Arcadian, a. dr-kd'dl-dn, pert, to Arcadia, in the Peloponnesus ; much used in poetry, rui-al or pastoral. arcanum, n. dr-kd'num, plu. arca'na (L. arcaims, secret, concealed), things secret, as if locked ftp ; ar- canite, n. dr'-kd-nlt, a mineral, a colourless or white sulphate of potash, occurring mostly in crusts in lavas. arch, n. arch (L. arcus, a bow), the circular part of any building ; the hollow or concave part of a bridge or gateway : v. to cover with an arch ; to form an arch: arching, imp.: arched, pp. drcht: court of arches, n. drch'-iz, a very anc. court belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury for deciding ecclesias- tical matters, so called from the Church of St Mary le Bote, or " de arcubus:" arch' way, a way or passage imder an arch. arch, a. drch, (Ger. arg, crafty : Dut. erg, wicked : Dan. arrig, ill-natured: Icel. argr, lazy, cowardly: AS. earg, bad), waggish; mirthful: arch'ly, ad. -II, shrewdly; roguishly: archness, n. sly humour; wag- gishness. arch, a. drch or drk (Gr. archos, chief: Ger. erz, eminence, good or bad), chief of the first class : arch- angel, n. ark-dn'jel, an angel of the highest order: archbishop, n. drch'bish'op, a metropolitan having jurisdiction over the bishops of his province : archi- episcopal, a. dr'k'U-pls'kd-pdl, pert, to: archi-epis- copacy,n. dr'-kl-6-pls-k6-pd-sl : archbish'opric, n. -j^Jfc, the office: archdeacon, n.(5rc7i-de'A,-ci7i, one who assists the bishop in the government of his diocese : archdea- conship, u. , or archdeaconry, n. drch-de'kon-rl .- archi- diaconal, a. dr'-kl-dl-dk'o-mil, pert, to an archdeacon: arch-en'emy, n. the evil one; the devil: archduke, n. drch-duk', a title of some foreign princes: arch- duchess, n. diich-Ss, his wife, sister, or daughter. archaeocidaris, n. dr'ke-0-sid'dr4s (Gr. archaios, ancient : L. cidaris, a turban), the sea-egg ; a genus of fossU sea-urchins characterised by their small hexag- onal plates and long spines. archaeology, n. dr'ke-dl'6-jl, also archalology, n. dr'-kd-oVd-jl (Gr. archaios, ancient; logos, discoiu^e), the science that treats of ancient things or antiqui- ties ; knowledge about ancient art, particularly of the middle ages : ar'chseorogist, n. one skilled in ancient things and learning: archasological, dr'ke-6-l6j'l- kal, a. pert, to : ar'chaeolog'ically, ad. -II : archaism, n. dr'kd-lzm, an ancient expression, or one not now used: archaic, a. dr-kd'lk, also archa'ical, a. -i-kdl, ancient ; peculiar to remote antiquity ; obsolete. archsoniscus, n. dr'ke-6-nls'kus (Gr. archaios; L. oniscus, a wood-louse), a genus of fossil isopods or equal-foot crustaceans. archaeopteryx, n. dr'ki-dp'ter-iks (Gr. archaios; pterux, a wing), a unique specimen of fossil bird re- mains—now in the British Museum. archangel, n. drk-dn'-jel (Gr. archos, chief: L. atigehts, a messenger), an angel of the highest order: archangelic, a. -jel'lk, pert. to. Note.— Most of the other words beginning with arch are to be looked for under the simple words ; arch always meaning chief, of the first class— as archbishop, the chief bishop. archegosaurus, n. dr'ke-go-saw'rus (Gr. archegos, founder, or arche, beginning ; saurus, a lizard), a fos- sil reptile of the carboniferous era. archer, n. drch'er (L. arcus, a bow), one who uses or is skilled in the use of the boW : archery, n. drch' ir-l, the art of using the bow. archetype, n. dr'kUlp [Gr. arche, 'begiririme; tupos, form), the original or iiiddel from which copies are made ; a pattern : archetjrpal, a. dr'kl-tl'pdl, original, archil, n. drch'-il (F. vrcheil: Sp. orchilla—irom Sp. roca, a rock), a ricli purple colour obtained from a lichen foimd growing on the rocks of the Canary and other islands. Archimedean, a. dr'kl-me-dS'dn, pert, to Archi- medes, a great mathematician of ancient times : Ar- chimedean screw, a machine for raising water; now applied to propel vessels through water— see screw. Archipelago, n. dr'kl-pel'd-go (Gr. archos, chief; pelagos, sea : It. arcipelago), the .^gean Sea ; any sea closely interspersed with islands— now frequently ap- plied simply to a cluster of islands : archipelagic, a. dr-klpei-dj'ik, pert, to an archipelago. architect, n. dr'ki-tekt' (Gr. archos, chief; tckfon, a workman), one who designs and plans buildings; a former or maker: architective, a. dr'kl-t&k'ilv, used in, or proper for, building : ar'chitecton'ic, a. -tik-tOn' ik, that has the power or skill to build : ar'chitecton- ics, n. -ffcs, the science of architecture: architectural, a. dr'-kl-tik'-ta-rdl, pert, to the art of designing buildings : architecture, n. dr'kl-tek'tur, the art of planning and constructing houses or ships; the appearance of them when built or framed. architrave, n. dr'-kl-trdv (Gr. archos, chief: It. frave, a beam of timber— from L. trabs), in arch., that part of the entablature which rests immediately upon the capital. archives, n. plu. dr'klvz {¥., from Gr. archeion, the public hall, or archaios, ancient), a collection of records or documents ; the place where such are kept : archival, a. dr-kl'vdl, of or containing archives : ar- chivist, n. dr-ki'vlst, a keeper of records. archon, n. dr'kon (Gr. a prince), a chief magistrate among the ancient Athenians. arctic, a. drk'tik (Gr. arktos, a bear, a cluster of stars in the north heavens called the Bear), per- taining to the north; northern: arctic regions, the lands siu-rounding the north pole: arctic circle, an imaginary line passing round the north pole at a distance of 23i° from it : arctic current, an ocean- current which originates in the N. polar regions, and flows southwards to the equator : arctic sea, the sea lying around the N. pole. Arctums, n. drk-tu'rus (Gr. arktos, a bear; oura, a tail), a fixed star of the first magnitude, near the tail of the Great Bear. arcuation, n. dr'ku-d'shiin (L. arciis, a bow), the act of bending ; crookedness: arcuate, a. dr'ku-dt, bent in the form of a bow. ardency, n. dr'den-sl (L. ardens, burning), warmth of passion; zeal; eagerness: ar'dent, a. eager; zeal- ous: ar'dently, ad. -ll: ardour, n. dr'der, warmth; fervency ; affection : ardent spirits, distilled spirits. arduous, a. dr'diVfis (L. arduus, steep, inacces- sible), of difficult attainment; attended with great labour: arduously, ad. -us'll: arduousness, n. ur- eld- ils'nes. are, v. dr (Sw. vara: Dan. vaere, to be, to exist), part of the verb be. are, n. dr, a French measure of 119-60 sq. yards. area, n. d'rl-d (L.), any enclosed or open space; an open space iu front of or around a sunk flat of a building. areca, n. d-re'kd, the betel-nut, from the areca palm, arefaction, n. dr'-e-fdk'shtin (L. areo, 1 am dry; facio, I make), the state of growing dry ; the act of dr>'ing : arify, v. dr'l-fl, to dry. arena, n. d-re'nd (L. arena, sand), an open space for a public exhibition: arenaceous, a. dr'6-nd'-shiis, composed of grains or particles of sand ; having the properties of sand. arenicolites, n. plu. dr'-i^-nlk-d-llts (L. arena, sand; colo, I inhabit : Gr. lithos, a stone), a term used to de- signate those circular holes or markings which appear on the upper surface of many sandstones, having ap- parently been worm-burrows. arenilitic, a. d-ren'l-lWlk (L. arena: Gr. lifhos, a stone), of or like sandstone: arenose, a. dr'e-iwz, or arenous, a. dr'c-nds, sandy. areola, n. dre'-6-ld (L. : F. areole), the coloured circle round the nipple or a pustule: areolar, a. a-re'6-ldr, of or like an areola: areolate, a. drc'6-ldt, marked by areolations: are'ola'tion, n. -shi'tn, any small space distinctly bounded by something diflerent in colour, texture, &c. areometer, n. dr'-e-om'S-ter {Gr. araios.THTC, thin: coiu, boy, foot; pare, Md; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. AREO 26 ARMI metron, a measure), an instrument for measuring tlie specific i^ravity ol' liquids: ar'eometry, u. -trl: ar- eomet'rical, a. -rl-kal, pert. to. Areopagus, n. ar'-e-oji'dgus (L. : Gr. Ares, Mars; pagos, a hill), in ancient times a famous court of jus- tii'e at Athens, so called from its being held on Mars' hill: areopagite, n. ar'-e-Op'-d-jU, a member of the Areopagus. Argand, a. dr'gand, applied to a lamp- wick or form of burner invented l)y M. Argand. argean, a. dr-je'dn (from Argo, the ship which carried Jason and his companions to Colchis in quest of the golden fleece), pert, to tlie Argo or the ark. argent, n. ur'jent (L. arijentum, silver; argenteus, of the lustre of silver), the white colour in coats of arms: adj. silvery; britrlit: argentine, a. dr'j&n-tln', like silver: n. a min«-ral: argental, a. ur-jen'tal, also argentic, a. dr-jCn'tllc, of or like silver: ar- gentan, n. dr'jfii-tan', German silver: argentation, n. dr'jin-ta'sliaii, an overlaying with silver: argen- tiferous, a. dr'J6n-ti/'er-us (L. argentum; fero, I produce), containing silver: argentite, n. dr'jen-tlf sulphuret of silver, the most important and richest ore of silver, of a blackish lead-grey colour. argil, n. dr'jU (L. argilla, white clay: F. argile), pure clay; potters clay: argillaceous, a. dr'-jll-la- shiis, consisting of clay or argil; clayey: ar'gillif'er- OU3, a. -Uf'-er-us (L. argilla, clay; fero, I jaroduce), producing clay, or abounding in clay: argillite, u. dr'jU-ltf, a term applied to clay-slate. Argive, n. dr'-glv (Argos, in Greece), a Greek. argonaut, n. dr'-gO-nawt' {Argo, and Gr. 7iaus, a ship— see argean), one who sailed in the ship Argo: argosy, n. dr'-go-sl, a merchant ship riclily laden; a large merchant .ship. argue, v. dr'-gtl (L. arguo, I show, I declare : F. ar- guer: It. arguire), to debate or discuss ; to reason; to dispute : ar'guing, imp. : argued, pp. dr'gfid: ar'guer, n. one who argues: argument, u. dr'gu-mSnt, a rea- son alleged or otfered; a discussion: argumentable, a. dr'gu-mdn'id-bl, that may be argued: ar'gumen- ta'tion, n. -fd'shun, reasoning; the act of reasoning : ar'gumen'tative, a. -til-tlv, consisting of argument: ar'gumen'tatively, ad. -flv-ll: ar'gumen'tativeness, n. : argiunentum ad hominem, n. dr'gil-niSn'tiim -ii'ii. imh to tlie country of Armenia; an iiiliabitaiit : armenium, u. (j/')/;('-«!-?u», Arineiiian stone, a supposed blue carbonate of copper combined with lime, armiger, n. dr'-ml-jir {L. arma, anus; gcro, I carry). viate, mat,fdr, laTv; viCte, mit, hir; pine, p\n; note, nOt, mCve; ARMI 27 ARTE In har., esquire; one with a right to armorial bear- ings : armlgeroua, a. ar-imj-er-ns, bearing arms. armilla, ft. ar-mtl'ld (L. armilla, an ornament for the arm, a hoop), in mech., an iron ring, hoop, or brace; in atuit., the circular ligament of the hand: annil- lary, a. dr'mU-klr'l, consisting of rings or circles; applied to an artificial sphere composed of a number of circles or movable rings : ax'mil, n. a kind of sun-dial. Arminian, n. dr-min'l-mi (from Amiinius), one who holds the doctrines of Amiinius: adj. pertaining to the doctrines of Arminius: Annin'lanism,n.-i-«?i-t3?)i, the peculiar doctrines of Arminius. armipotence, n. dr-mfp'-6-tens (L. arma, weapons of war; potens, powerful), power in anus: armip'o- tent, a. powerful in arms. Annoric, a. dr-mor'tk, also Armor'ican, a. -l-kdn, relating to Armorica or Brittany, in France. amatto or amotto, n. ai-7uit'td or dr-not'to, a vegetable substance of an orange-red colour, used in dyeing. arnica, n. dr'nl-kd (Gr. arnion, a little lamb— from ars, a lamb,— from the resemblance of the leaf to the soft coat of a lamb), leopard's bane— the expressed juice of the root is used in medicine. amott or amut, n. drhmt (AS. eorthnot), contr. for earth-nut— commonly found in hilly grass-pastures, its presence in the earth being indicated by a tuft of white flowers on a slender stem. aroma, n. drd'ma (Gr. : F. arome), the fragrant principle in plants; an agreeable odour or smell: aromatic, a. di-'o-mdt'lk, also ar'omat ical, a. -l-kdl, spicy; fragrant: ar'omat'ically, ad. -II: aromatics, n. plu. dr'o-7nat'iks, spices or perfumes: aromatise, v. d-rohnd-tlz', to render fragrant ; to perfume : aro'ma- ti'sing, imp.: aro'matised', pp. -tizd' : aromatisation, n. d-ro'md-a-za'shun, the act of rendering aromatic: aromatiser, n. d-ro'md-tl'zer, one who. arose, v. d-roz—see arise. around, prep, d-rdivnd' (a and round), about; on all sides : ad. in a circle ; on everj' side. arouse, v. d-rawid (a and rouse, a secondary form of raise), to stir up ; to excite ; to stir from rest to acti\ity : arous'ing, imp. : aroused, pp. a-rolvzd'. arpeggio, n. dr-pied'-j6 (It.), in music, notes of a chord sti-uck in quick succession, so as to imitate the soimd of a harp ; a harp accompaniment. arquebuse, n. dr'-ke-boo!^ (¥.: It. archibuso: Dut. hcEck-busse, a gun fired from a rest), an old-fashioned hand-gun: arquebusier, n. dr'ke-bob-zer', a soldier armed with an arquebuse: arquebusade, n. dr'kS- bdb-zdd', originally a shot-wound from an arquel^use, now applied to a distilled water used for the cure of wounds or bruises. arquerite, n. dr'ke-rlf, a native silver amalgam, occurring in crystals and arborescent crusts in the mines of Arqueros, near Coquimbo, in Chili. arrack, n. dr'rdk, (At. araq, sweat, juice), spiritu- ous liquor distilled in the East Indies, from rice, cocoa-nut, &c. Arragonite, n. dr-rdg'6-mt, one of the calc-spar family— from Arragon, in Spain. arraign, v. ar-rdn' (old F. arraigner—fvovD. L. ad rationes stare, to plead), to set as a prisoner at the bar of a court of justice; to cliarge with faults; to accuse publicly : arraigning, imp. : arraigned, pp. dr-rand': arraign'er, n. one who: arraignment, n. dr-rdn'm6nt, the act of setting a prisoner before a court. arrange, v. dr-rdnf (F. arranger, to set in order), to put into proper order; to adjust; to dispose: ar- rang'ing, imp.: arranged, pp. dr-rdnjd': aiTan'ger, n. one who: arrangement, n. dr-rdnj'-mSnt, putting into proper order ; settlement ; a classification. arrant, a. dr'rdnt (L. errans, wandering : Ger. arg, bad: AS. earg, evil: see arch, sly), notorious; habit and repute ; impudent ; infamous : ar'rantly, ad. -ll. arras, n. dr'-rds (name of a towTi in France where first made), tapestry ; hangings for rooms woven with figures. array, v. drrd' (old F. arroyer, to set in order : It. arredare, to get ready: Icel. reida, to lay out), to pre- pare or dispose ; to put in order ; to dress ; to envelop : n. men drawn up for battle; dress: arrasr'ing, imp.: arrayed, pp. dr-rdd': arrajr'er, n. one who. arrears, n. dr-rerz^ (F. arriere, away, behind : L. ad, to ; retro, backward), a sum of money past due ; what remains unpaid. arrest, v. dr-rdsf (L. ad; resto, I stop: F. arrester: It. arrestare), to stop ; to hinder ; to restrain ; to seize by authority: n. hindrance; restraint; seizure by authority: arresting, imp.: arrested, pp. dr-rest-M : aiTest'er, n., also arrest'or, n. one wlio: arrest'ment. n. an order by a judge to hinder or detain: ar'resta'- tion, n. -td'shun. arris, n. drHs (old F. areste), in joinenj and masott- ry, the line or edge of meeting of two surfaces. arrive, v. dr-riv' (F. arriver, to reach: It. arrivare: L. ad; ripam, to come on shore), to come to ; to reach a place ; to gain by effort : arri'ving, ini)). : arrived, pp. dr-rlvd' : arri'val, n. reaching a place from a dis- tance ; the act of coming to. arrogate, v. dr'rOgat (L. ad; rogo, I ask), to as- sume more than isproper ; to prefer a claim in a spirit of pride ; to claim undue power : ar'roga'ting, imp. : ar'roga'ted, pp. : ar'rogance, n. -gdns, also ar'rogan- cy, n. -gdn'-sl, or arrogation, n. dr'-ro-gd'shUn, the act or quality of taking too much upon one's self; con- ceitedness ; presumption : ar'rogant, a. -gdnt, assum- ing too much importance ; presuming and overbear- ing: ar'rogant'ly, ad. -li: arrogative, a. dr'roga'tlv. claiming unduly. arrondissement, n. dr-rong'-dez-mong' (F.), in France, a district or division of territory for the ex- ercise of a particular jurisdiction. arrow, n. dr'-ro (AS. areiue: W. aro, a weapon: Icel. or, an arrow : Sw. hurra, to hurl), a pointed and barbed weapon of war shot from a bow, not now used as such in Europe ; a long rod pointed sharply, and barbed: arrowy, a. dr'-ro-l, of or like an arrow: ar- row-headed, a. ar'ro-Zied^cri, a name applied to wedge- like alphabetic figures, very ancient ; also called cunei- form: ar'row-root', n. a farina or flour, prepared from the root of a family of West Indian plants, so called from the Indians having employed the bruised root in the cui-e of wounds made by poisoned arrows. arsenal, n. dr'-se-ndl (old F. arsenac: It. arsenate : L. arx navalis, a naval citadel : Arab, darsanah, a place of work), a place where weapons of war, and warlike equipments, are manufactured and stored up ; a ma- gazine for military stores of all kinds. arsenic, n. dr's6-nik (L. arsenicum : Gr. arsenikon), a metal ; a poisonous mineral substance, in the form of a white or steel-grey powder ; also called arsen'- iousac'id, -i-iis: adj. pert, to : arsenic, a. dr-s6n'-ik, or arsenical, a. ur-sen'l-kdl, containing arsenic : arseni- cate, V. dr-sen'-i-kdt, to combine with arsenic: ar- sen'ica'ting, imp. : arsen'ica'ted, pp. : arseniate, n. dr-sen'-l-dt, a salt of arsenic acid : arsenite, n. dr'se-nW, a salt of arsenious acid. arsis, n. dr'-sts (Gr. arsis, the rise of the voice in a syllable— from airo, I raise), in poetry, the accented syllable of a foot, or that on which the stress of the voice is put, the other part of the foot being called arson, n. ur'son (L. arsum, to bum), the crime of wilfully setting on fire a dwelling-house or other building. art, v. art (see are), the 2d sing, of the pres. tense of am. art, n. art (L. ars, gen. arfis, an art), anj-thing done by human skill— the opposite of nature; knowledge applied to the uses of everyday life— the opposite of science ; a trade ; skill ; cunning : art and part, a share in contrivance and execution : artful, a. drt'-fool, cuiming ; crafty: art'fully, ad.-ii; artless, :\. unskilful ; natural ; simple : artlessly, ad. -II : art lessness, n. : art'fulness, n. skill; cunning: artifice, n. dr'-tl-fts (L. ars;facio, I make), a trick; an ingenious contriv- ance, in a good or bad sense: artificer, n. dr-tlf'l- ser, a workman; a contriver: artificial, dr'ti-flsh'al, made by art ; not produced by nature : ar'tiflci'ally, ad. -ll: ar'tifici'alness, n.: artificiality, n. dr'tf- ftsh'l-dl'i-tl, appearance or result of art: art' union, -Un'-yiin, a subscription lottery of paintings, engrav- ings, &c. : artisan, n. dr'ti-zdn, a workman ; a me- chanic: fine arts, fin'drts, those productions of human skill and genius more immediately address- ed to the sentiments of taste, or to the imagination —such as painting, sculpture, engra^^ng, music, &c. artemisia, n. dr't^-mlz'l-d (Artemis, one of the names of Diana, who presided over women in child- bed), motlier-herb, a genus of plants including the mugwort, wonnwood, &c. artery, n. dr'ter-l (L. and Gr. arteries— tTom Gr. aer, air ; fereo, I presei-ve, because believed by the an- cients to circulate air), one of the vessels that convey the blood from the heart to all parts of the body : ar- terial, a. dr-tc'-rl-dl, of or contained in arteries: ar- coiu, boy, foot; piXre, bUd; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ARTE 28 ASHT terialise, v. dr-te'rl-dlllz', to render the Wood from the veins similar to that contained in the arteries: arte'riali'sing, imp.: arte'rialised', pp. -lizd' : arte- rialisation, n. drte'rl-ai'lza'ahtln, the process of mailing into arterial blood: arteriotomy, n. drte'ri- Ot'-Omi (Gr. tome, a cutting; and artery), opening an artery to let blood. artesian, a. dr-te'zhl-dn. applied to a borincr or perforation made in the earth, in order to obtain a constant flow of water— so called fmrn Artois, in France (the anc. Artesium), where first used. arthritic, a. dr-thrlt'lk, also arthritlcal, a. rtr- IhrWhkdl (Gr. arfhron, a joint), pert, to the joints or to the gout: arthritis, n. dr-tJiri'tla, inflammation of the joints; the gout: arthrodia, n. dr-thrO'dld (Gr. arthroo, I fasten by joints), a joint in which the head of one bone is received into the socket of an- other ; a ball-and-socket joint. artichoke, n. dr'tl-chok (F. artichaut: It. artici- occo), a well-known garden vegetable. artful, artifice, &c.— see art. article, n. ur'-ti-kl (L. arficulus, a joint: F. article: It. articolo), a clause or item; a particular thing; a contribution in a periodical; in gram., a word put be- fore a noun to point it out and limit its application : V. to bind bv conditions; to stipulate: articled, pp. dr'tl-kld: articulate, v. dr-tlk-u-lat, to pronounce words distinctly : adj. distinct; jointed: articulate- ly, ad. -II: artic'ulate'ness, n.: articulation, n. dr-tlk- u-la'shun, distinct pronunciation; a joint: artic'ula' ting,imp.: artic'ula'tedjpp.: articular,a. dr-tlk- il-lar, belonging to the joints: artic'ular'ly, ad. -Zl: articles of war, the mUitary code of laws for the government of soldiers and the punishment of their crimes : artic- ulata, n. dr-tVc'-tl-ld'-td, one of the great divisions of the animal kingdom, designating those creatures -which are encircled by jointed rings, as worms, lobsters, &c. artillery, n. dr-tU'-ler-l (F. artillerie, ordnance— from mid. L. artificium, implement vnth. which anything is done), weapons of war ; cannon ; great guns, .tc. : artillery-man, the man who assists to manage a can- non : artillerist, n. one skilled in gunnery. ar'tisan, n.— see art. artist, n. dr'-tlst (L. ars, gen. art is, an art), one who exercises any art or craft, particularly that of a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a photographer, or suchlike : artiste, n. dr-test' (F. an artist— from L.), a profes- sional singer, dancer, athlete, or suchlike : artistic, a. drtls'tik, also artis'tical, a. -kAl, of an artist ; accord- ing to a high degree of art: artis'tical'ly, ad. -II. artocarpus, n. dr'-to-kdr'-pus (Gr. artos, bread ; kar- j)os, fruit), the bread-fruit tree of the S. Sea Islands. arum, n. a'-riim (L. : Gr. aron, supposed to be anc. Egj-ptian word), the wake-robin found in many British woods— a plant esteemed for its medicinal qualities. Arundelian, a. dr'-un-deV-l-dn (from the Earl of Arundel), a name applied to certain ancient marbles, arundinaceous, a. d-run'-dl-nd'-shus (L. arundo, a reed), resembling or having the structure of reeds : arundineous, a. ar'-un-dln'l-us, abounding wth reeds. aruspice, n. d-nls'-pls (L. aruspex or haruspex, a soothsayer), in anc. Rome, a diviner by the inspection of the entrails of beasts: aruspicy, n. d-rHs'-pl-sl, the art of foretelling events by the inspection of the en- trails of beasts slain in sacrifice. as, conj. prep, or ad. dz (contr. of AS. eallswa, all so : Ger. ate), signifying agreement in manner in gen- eral ; likeness of manner ; for example ; equally. as, n. ds (L.), the anc. Roman pound, consisting of twelve parts or ounces. asafoetida, n. a^'-d-fit'-l-dd (L. ai^a, a gum ; /aj^iriits, fetid : Ar. a.sd, healing), a gum-resin, having a highly olfensive odour, obtained from an Indian tree— much used in medicine. asarabacca, n. (is'-dr-a-Mk'-kd (L. asarum. Mild spikenard ; bacca, a berry), a plant whose leaves have a bitter acrid taste, and veiy nauseous- used in medi- cated snuffs: asarine, n. ds'-dr-la, a substance ob- tained friim asnruiii. asbestos, n. ds-b<>s'-tdr3 and the floor. ashore, ad. dshOi^ (AS. a, on, .and shore), on shore; on the land. „ ,. Aahtoreth. n. dsh'-to-nVh (Phen. the wife of Baal), a goddess of the ancient Sidonians and Philistines, identified with Venus of the Romans. mate, mat, far, l.Cu,'; mete, mCl, Mr; pine, pin; nOte, n6t, mOve; ASIA 29 ASSE a'zla-an. also Asiatic, a. a'zhl-at'lk. of or pert, to Asia: Asiaticism, n. a'zhl-at'-l-slzin, imi- tation of Oriental maiiuers. aside, ad. d-sld' (AS. a, on, and side), to one side; apart from tlie rest; at a little distance from tlie straight line. asinine, ds'l-nlii—see under ass. ask, V. ask (AS. acsiaii: Icel. aeskia: Ger. heischen, to inquire, to demand), to beg ; to solicit ; to seek from ; to question; to inquire: ask'ing, imp.: asked, pp. askt: as'ker, n. one who. askance, ad. ds-kc'ms' (It. schiancio, athwart, across ; scansare, to turn aside: Dut. schuin, aslant), side- ways ; looking towards one corner of the eye : askant, ad. ds-kiliit', obliquely ; on one side. askew, ad. asku' (Gr. skaios: L. sccevus, on the left hand : Ger. schicf, oblique), awry ; obliquely ; aside. aslant, ad. d-sldnf (AS. a, on, and slant), on one side. asleep, ad. d-slep' (AS. a, on, and sleep), in a state of sleep ; at rest. aslope, ad. a-slOp' (AS. a, on, and slope), in a slop- ing manner. Asmonean, a. ds'mo-ne'dn, also written Asmo- nxan, pert, to the Asmoneans, a family that reigaed over the Jews l'J6 j'ears. asomatons, a. a-som'd-tus (Gr. a, without; soma, gen. somatos, a body), without a material body. asp, n. dsp, also aspic, n. ds'plk (L. aspis, a veno- mous serpent), a small serpent whose bite is fatal. asparagus, n. Os-pdr'-d-giis (L., from Gr. aspara- gos), a well-known plant, the young shoots of wliich are used at table: asparaginous, a. ds'-pdr-dj'-l-nus, eaten like asparagus : asparagine, n. ds-pdr'a-jin, a crystalline substance obtained from asparagus: as- par'agus stone, a translucent mineral of a greenish- yellow colour, sometimes passing into a wine colour : aspar'tic acid, an acid obtained from asparagine. aspect, n. ds'pSkt (L. ad; specto, I look), look; ap- pearance ; position or situation ; view. aspen, n. ds'pen, also asp (AS. a;spe: Icel. aspi), a tree of the poplar kind whose leaves quiver or shake at tlie slightest breath of air: adj. pert, to an aspen. asperate, v. ds'per-at (L. asper, rough), to make rough or uneven : as'pera'ting, imp. : as'pera'ted, pp.: asperation, n. ds'-per-a'-shun: asperifolious, a. «s-' per-l-fo'4t-us (L. asper; folium, a leaf), having leaves rough to the touch : asperity, n. us-per-i-H, roughness of surface ; the quality that grates on the ear ; sour- ness; harshness. aspergill, n. ds'per-jll, or aspergillus, n. ds'per- jU'lUs (L. aspergo, I scatter or throw), in the H. Cath. Ch., a short staff surmounted by a brush for sprinkling holy water: as'pergil'lifor'mis, a. -jll'-li- fdr'mls (L. aspergo; forma, shape), in but, applied to little tufts of hair which assume the form of a brush. aspermous, a. d-sper'miis (Gr. a, without ; sperma, seed), in hot., without seed. asperse, v. ds-spers' (L. aspersus, besprinkled), to cover all over with evil reports ; to slander : aspers'- ing, imp.: aspersed, pp. ds-j^erst', slandered: as- per'ser, n. one who: aspersion, n. ds-per'-shiin, a sprinkling, as with dust or water ; the act of spreading foul or slanderous reports : aspersory, a. ds-per'sor-l, defamatory. asphalt or asphaltmn, n. ds-fdlf or OsfaVtUm'.iL.: Gr. asphaltos, bitumen), a blackish substance found in various parts of the world ; melted and mixed with gravel, it is used for making floors and pavements : asphaltic, a. dsfdl'-tik, pert, to asphalt. asphodel, n. ds'fOd&KGT. asphodelos, a plant sacred to Proserpine), the day-lily, called also the king's spear asphyxy, n. dsfik'sl, also asphyxia, n. dsflk'sl-d (Gr. a, without; sphiucis, the pulse), the temporary ceasing of the motion of the heart and arteries as in drowning or suffocation ; swooning: asphyxiated, a. dsflk'sl-a'-tSd, suffocated as by hanging or dro\vning or by an accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood aspidiaria, n. ds'-pld-l-a-rl-d (Gr. aspis, gen. aspi- dos, a shield), a genus of fossil stems found in the coal-measures, so called from the shape of the leaf- scaurs : aspidium, n. ds-ptd'i-um, a genus of ferns aspidorhynchus, n. ds'pl-dd-rin-kOs (Gr. aspis; rhunchos, a beak), a genus of fossU fishes charac- tensed by the tapering or beak-like prolongation of their upper jaws, armed with numerous sharp- pointe^ conical teeth. aspldura, n. ds'pl-d6'ra (Gr. aspis. a shield ; owra, a tail), a genus of fossil star-fishes having a buckler ar- rangeuieut of the ossicles that protect the arms. aspire, v. ds-plr {L.aspiro, I breathe or blow toward-i —from ad, and spiro, I breathe : F. aspirer), to desire with eagerness ; to pant after; to aim at something that can be obtained with diiticulty: aspi'ring, imp. : adj. ambitious: aspired, pp. dspird' -. aspi'rer, n. one who: aspi'ringly, ad. -li: aspirant, n. ds-pi- rdnt, one who seeks with eagerness: aspirate, v ds}pl-rdt, to pronounce with a lull breath : n. a letter with a mark to show it must be pronounced with a full breath: adj. pronounced with a breathing- as'- pira'ting, imp.: aspirated, pp. ds'pl-rd'tid : as- piration, n. ds'pl-ra-shun, the act of pronouncing a letter with a full breath ; an ardent wish or desire to attain : aspiratory, a. ds-pl'ra-tor't, pert, to breathing. asportation, n. ds'por-td'shiin (L. ab, from; purto, I carry), act of carrying or conveying away. asquint, ad. d-skwlnt' (Dut. schuinte, a slope, obli- quity), towards one side ; obliquely. ass, n. as (L. asi7ius, an ass: Ger. esel: Pol. osiol), a well-known beast of burden, dull and slow, but patient and hardy; a dull, stupid person: asinine, a. ds-i- nln, pertaining to an ass; like an ass. assagay or assagai, n. ds'-dga (Sp. azagava, a spear or half -pike), a dart or javelin used by the Caffres, &c. assail, v. ds-sdl' (F. assaillir, to assault— from L. ad, to ; salio, I leap), to leap or fall upon by violence ; to attack with aviewto overcome or injure, as in words or writing : assailing, imp. : assailed, pp. ds-sdld' .- assailable, a. ds-sdl'd-bl, that may be attacked : assail- ant, n. ds-sal'dnt, one who assails or attacks: adj. assaulting ; attacking. assassin, n. ds-sds'-sln (Ar. hashishin. herb-eaters, viz., of the resin or extract of hemp), one who kills or attempts to kill by sm-prise or by secret attack ; one of a famous Eastern sect of professional murderere. called Assassins, stimulated thereto by the use of ex- tract of hemp: assassinate, v. as-sds'sl-nat, to kill, or to attempt to kill, by surprise; to murder by a secret attack: assas'sina'ting, imp. : assas'sina'ted, pp. -a'4(id: assassination, n. ds-sds'si-na'shUn, the act of murdering by secret violence or by surprise : assas'- sinator, n. -si-nd'4dr, a murderer by surprise. assault, n. ds-sawlt' (L. saltus, a leaping— see assail), a violent attack, with the intention of injuiing ; a hos- tile attack : v. to fall upon with violence, as in words or writing: assaulting, imp.: assaulted, pp. dSs-sarcZ);; ed: assaul'ter, n. one who: assaultable, a. ds-sawlt- d-bl. assay, v. ds-sd' (F. essayer, to try : low L. exagivm : Gr. exagion, a weighing), to try or prove, as metals ; to attempt ; to endeavour : n. examination ; trial, as of the purity of silver or gold : assay'ing, imp. : as- sayed, pp. ds-sdd' : assay'er, n. one who. assemble, v. ds-sem'bl (F. assembler, to gather: AS. samod, together: L. ad; siynul, together), to gather a number of persons or tilings together; to meet together : assem'bling, imp. : assembled, pp. ds-scm'bld: assem'bler, n. one who: assemblage, n. ds-sem'-bldj, a mass of persons ; a collection of par- ticulars: assembly, n. ds-sCm'-bli, a number of per- sons met in the same place for a common object ; a congregation; a convocation: Gen'eral Assem'bly, the highest ecclesiastical court in Scotland. assent, v. ds-sent' (L. assentior, I assent— from ad, to ; sentio, I think), to admit as true ; to jield ; to agree : n. act of admitting or agreeing to ; consent : assent'ing, imp. : assent'ed, pp. : assent'ingly, ad. -li. assert, v. ds-sert' (L. assertum, to bind or fasten to one's self), to affirm positively ; to maintain : as- sert'ing, imp. : asserted, pp. : assertion, n. ds-sir'- shun, the act of asserting ; an afflrniation : assertive, a. as-ser'flv, that affirms positively : asser'tively, ad. •II: assert'or, one who. assess, v. ds-ses' (L. assessuvi, to sit down— from ad, to ; sessum, to sit or remain, to set), to set or fix a tax to be paid ; to value : asses'sing, imp. : assessed, pp. ds-sest': asses'sable, a. -d-bl, that mayor ought to be assessed: assei'sably, ad. -bit: assess'ment, n. thi .amount of a tax laid on a property : asses'sor, n on*? who: assessorial, a. ds'sesso'rl-dl, also assession- ary, a. ds-sesh'on-dr'l, pertaining to an assessor. •ssets, n. plu. ds'-sSts (L. ad, for; satis, enough: F. assez, enough : Ger. satt, satisfied), funds or property available for pajTiient of debts, &c. asseverate, v. ds-sev'-er-dt (L. assevero, I state earnestly), to declare positively ; to afl;irm solemnlv • assev'era'tlng, imp. : assev'era'ted, pp. : assevera- tion, n. ds-sev'-ir-d'shiin, a positive declaration; a solemn affirmation or assertion CQiv, boy, f Sot; pUre, biid; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. ASSI 30 ASTR assident, a. ds'-sl-dSnt (L. assidens, sitting liy or near— from ad, to ; sedeo, 1 sit), associating with or sit- ting by others — applied to symptoms or signs of a disease. . assiduous, a. (Is-sld'ii-us (L. a.'^sidutis, sitting close- ly), very attentive; careful; dilipent: assid'uoxis ly, ad. -II: assiduousness, n. : assiduity, n. iW-!,ldtV i-tl, close application; great diligence. assign, v. as-sln' (L. ud, to ; signo, I mark out : F. assigner), to point out ; to allot to ; to transfer : n. a person to wliom property is transferred : assigning, imp.: assigned, pp. ds-slnd' : assigner, ii. ds-^ln'-ir: assignor, n. Os'sl-nor', one wliu : assignable, a. a^^-sin'-a-bl, that may be transferred; that can be allotted or specified: assignation, n. ds-aiy-naiihaii, a making over to; an appointment to meet, as of lovers: assignee, n. d^'sl-ne', a pei-son appointed to dosomethin;,'; one to whom an a.ssignment is mai,-dl, pert. to. assoilzie, v. ds-soyl'-e {old F. ahsoiller— from. L. ub, from; solco, I loose), in Scots law, to free one accused from a charge ; to find a criminal not guilty ; to set at liberty : assoil'zieing, imp. -Ing .- assoil'zied, pp. -ed. assonant, a. ds'-sonant (L. cul, to ; sonans, sound- ing), resembling in sound: assonance, n. Os'-so-ndns. assort, V. ds-sort' (L. ad, to; sors, gen. sortis, a lot), to arrange into sorts or classes ; to agree or suit : assorting, imp. : assorted, pp. : assor'ter, n. one who : assort'ment, n. the act of separating into lots or arranging into classes ; a number of things of the same kind. assuage, v. (L. ad, to; strictum, to bind), tlie a-tof binding close or contracting: astric- tive, a. dstrlk-tlv, binding; also astrictory, a. dstr}k-tdr-l. astride, ad. dstrUV {a and stride), with the Ifgs apart. astrlnge, v. dxtrlnj' (L. ad. to ; striugo, I bind fa.st), to bind together; to contnict by pressing together; astrin ging, imp.: astringed, pp. -s^j l»y'ti'.»astrin- ASTR 31 gent, Ti. ds-trln'j&it, that which contracts or draws together muscular fibre; the principle in bark that tans hides for leather: adj. binding: astrin'gency n. -jeii-si: astrin gently, ad. -ll. ' astrography, n. ds-trdg'ra-jfl (Gr. aster or astron, a star ; yrupho, I describe), a description of the stars. astrolabe, n. as'tro-ldb (Gr. astron, a star; labein, to take), an instrument formerly used to take alti- tudes of the sun and stars, now superseded by Had- ley's quadrant. astrology, n. Os-trol'o-jl (Gr. astron, a star; logos, discourse), a science that pretends to foretell events by observing the stars : astrol'oger, n. the person wlio pretends to foretell events by the stars : astrological a. As'tro-ldflkdl, pert, to : as'trolog'ical'ly, ad. -l-kal'-l: astrologlse, V. Os-trol'-o-jlz, to practise astro- logy : astrol'ogl sing, imp. : astrol'ogised', pp. -jizd'. astronomy, n. ds-tron'-oml (Gr. astron; nomas, a law), the science that treats of the motions, magni- tudes, and everything connected with the heavenly bodies: astronomer, n. ds-trOn'omer, one given to the study of the heavenly bodies: astronomic, a. ds'trO-nom'ik, also as'tronom'ical, a. -nom'i-kai, pert, to: as'tronom'ical ly, ad. -ll: astronomise, v! us-tr6n'o-mlz, to as.sume the habits and study of an a.stronomer: astron 'omi'sing, imp. : astron'omised'. pp. -mlzd'. astro-theology, n. Os'-trO-the-dVojl (Gr. astron, and theology), natural theology founded on the observa- tion of the celestial bodies. astute, a. ds-tut' (L. astxitiis, crafty: It. astvio), sagacious ; sharp ; discerning ; crafty : astute 'ness. n • astute'ly, ad. -li. asunder, atl. a-sun'der (AS. a, on. andsM?icfer), apart ; separately ; in a divided state. asylum, n. a-si'liim (L.— from Gr. a, not; sulao, I rob: It. asilo: F. asile), a place of refuge; a sanctu- ary ; a place out of which he that has fled to it may not be taken. •' asymmetrical, a. as'lm-mit'rl-lcai (Gr. a, without; suinmetria, synunetry), not agreeing; inharmonious. asymtote, n. ds'lm-tot (Gr. asumptotos, not fall- ing together— from a, not ; sun, together ; ptotos, apt to tall), a line which, though approaching nearer and nearer to a curve, can never reach it : adj. approach- ing but never meeting. asyndeton, n. a-sm-dg-tdn (Gr. a, not; sundetos, bound together), a figure in rhet. which keeps the parts of speech together without the use of coniunc- tions. •• ATTA f t^I? ' ^- *''i/iMC'-^^'' ''^-anting drink; thirsty. ,fhi^l**',.^,.^l'',^'' I^^."- atWetes, ath'-le-tez; or athletae, dfk-le-t6 (Gr. athletes, a wrestler), a wrest- itrin°Jlf who contends in public games in trials of strength: athletic, a. dth-lct'-ik, v^rt. to trials of strength; strong; robust; vigorous: athlet'ical'lv ad. -kdl'.i: a.thletiam,n. dth'lS^izm' *"'""«'' *<^ 'V' athwart, prep. a-thwaTvrt' {AH. a, on, and thwart), f^^°ffn'/''f".',f"*", *° '''^^'^ **• .'^'"""g *•«""'«'. across the line of the ship s course ; in a manner to cross or atilt, a..c\v Zcalaniicrs and certain South S<»a isl.anders in making liatdiets, fit-.: axlnite, n. dk- sltiit, a mineral, one of llie g:irnet family— so called from the axe-like fomi of its crystals. mate, mdt,/dr, laXv; mete, wit, Mr: pine, ptii: nCte, nut, mCve; AXIA axial, a.— see axis. axil, n. dk'sU (L. ajciUa, the nrm-pit: Dut. o.rel: Scot, ozttr), the arm-pit ; in hot., the Tipper angle formed by the attachment of a leaf or branch to its support : axillar, a. dk'-slklr, or ax'illar'y, a. pert. to the arm-pit ; arising from the axil in plants. axiom, n. ak'-sl-um (Gr. axiotna, an established principle : F. axiorne), a self-evident truth ; an estab- lished principle in an art or science : axiomatic, a. iXk'-si-o-mdt-lk, also ax'iomat'ical, a. -Ikai: ax'io- mat'ical ly, ad. -kahl. axis, n. ak'sls (L. axis: Gr. axon, a pole or axle- tree : Sans, aksha, a wheel), the line, real or supposed, lound which anything revolves : axial, a. of or relat- ing to an axis : axle, n. ak'-sl, called also axle-tree, the wooden or iron bar round the ends of which wheels can turn; in hot., the central portion of the young plant whence the plumule and radicle are given off; the central organ-bearing buds : axled, a. ak'-sld, fur- nished with axils. axotomous, a. dk-s6t'6-mus (Gr. axon, an axis; temno, I cut) applied to minerals that can be cleaved in one particular direction. axunge, n. dk'-siinj , also axtmgea, dk-sun'-jld (L. axis, an axle-tree ; unguo, I smear), the hardest and firmest part of the fat of animals ; hog's lard. ay, ad. d'l, or as pron. I (AS. gea: Ger. ja, yea, yes), yea; yes; certainly; indeed; more than that: int. noting a complaint: ayes, n. plu. d'lz, used in the House of Commons when counting the votes— those voting in favoui- of a motion are called the ayes, those voting against it are called the noes, nOz: ay, ay, yes, j'es. 35 BACK aye, ad. a (AS. am: L. avuin, an age: Gr. aiei, al- ways), always; over; to (jteniity. Aymestry limestone, amis-trl-, according to Murchison, the middle member of the Ludlow group of Silurian strator-from Aymestry, Hereford, where it IS well exposed. Ayrstone, n. ar'stOn, a soft variety of whetstone found on the Water of Ayr— called also snake-stone, Iroin its mottled appearance. azimuth, n. dz'l-miith (Ar. assamt, a way or path). In astron., the angular distance of a celestial object irom the north or south point of the horizon (accord- ing as it is the north or south pole which is elevated) when the object is referred to the horizon by a verti- cal circle: azimuthal, a. dz'hmuth'dl, pert, to: azi- muth compass, an instrument adapted for observing bearings, consisting of a magnetic bar or needle mov- ing freely in a horizontal plane on a vertical pivot. azoic, a. d-zo'-lk (Gr. a, without ; zoe, life), wthout life ; wholly destitute of life : azote, n. dz'-6t, nitrogen gas, the breathing of which causes death: azotic, a. d-z6t'-lk, pert, to: azotised, a. dz'O-tlzd, containing nitrogen or azote. azure, n. d'-zhoor (F. azur: It. azurro blue— from Pers. lazzi)-), the blue colour of the sky: adj. of a sky-blue colour : azured, a. a'zhoiyrd, being of an azure colour : azure-stone, so named from its colour ; a familiar name for the lapis lazuli : azurite, n. dz'-u- rlt, blue carbonate of copper; a prismatic azure spar. azygous, a. dz'-i-gus (Gr. a, without ; zugon, a yoke), in anat, without a fellow or corresponding part. azymous, a. dz'l-miis (Gr. a, without ; zmne, leaven), uufermented or unleavened— applied to sea-biscuit. B.A.,bachelorof arts— see A.B. : B.C., initial letters of "Before Christ": B.D., bachelor of divinity: B.L., bachelor of laws : B, name of a musical sound. Baal, n. bd'dl (Ar. tJie idol: Heb. lord), a, high object of worship among the anc. Chaldeans and Syrians, supposed to represent the sun : Ba'alim, plu. -im. babble, v. Mb'bl (F. hahiller, to prattle : Dut. hal- tel, babbling ; babbelen, to chatter), to talk idly ; to utter words imperfectly as children ; to tell secrets : n. senseless talk : bab'bler, n. an idle talker : bab'bling, imp. : n. foolish talk: babbled, pp. bdb'bld. babe, n. bdb, also baby, n. ba'bl (W. baban: F. poupee: It. bambino, a babe : V>vit.poppe, a bunch of flax, a doll), a young child of either sex: babish, a. ha'blsh, childish; also To&tyish., a., bd'bl-lsh : ba'bish- ly, ad. -II; also, babyishly, ad. bd'bl-ish'll: ba'bish- ness, n. : ba'byhood, n. : babjdsm, n. ba'bl-tzm. babel, n. ba-bSl (Heb.), confusion like that of the Tower of Babel, where the confusion of languages took place : ba'bel-quartz, a variety of rock-crj'stal. babingtonite, n. bdb'-lng-ton-it' (after Dr Babing- ton), a mineral of the hornblende family, occurring in small black attached crystals. baboon, n. bd-b6n' (Dut. baviaan: old E. baber- lipped, from its large lips: F. babouin, a monkey— from babines, the large lips of a beast), a monkey of the largest kind. Babylonian, a. bdb'l-U'nl-dn, Bab'yio'nish, a., or Babylonic, a. bab'Uon'lk, of or relating to Babylon; mixed or confused. baccate, a. bak'kdt (L. bncca, a berry), resembling berries: baccated, a. bdk'kdted, having many ber- ries: bacciferous, a. bdk-sif'er-Os (L. bacca; fero, I produce), producing berries : baccivorous, a. bdk-slv' or-iis (L. bacca; voro, I devour), berry-eating. bacchanal, n. bdk'-kd-ndl, also bacchanalian, n. bnk'-kd-nd'-tt-an (L. and Gr. Baccliiis, the heathen god placed over drinking and feasting), one who indulges to excess in intoxicating drinks ; one engaged in noisv .and drunken revels : adj. riotous; pertaining to revea- ling and drinking: bac'chanals, n. plu. -ndlz, also bac'chanalia, n. plu. -nd'll-d, drunken feasts; feasts in honour of Bacchus : bacchic, a. bdk'kik, jovial ; drunken: bacchantes, n. plu. bdkkdn'tSz, the per- .sons who took part in the festivals of Bacchus. bachelor, n. bdch'-g-ler (old F. bachelier, a lad: W. bachgen, a boy: low L. bacccdaureus), an unmar- ried man of any age; one who has taken the first de- gree in arts in a college or university; a knight: bach'elorsbip, n. : bachelorism, n. Pol. opak, the wrong way : the back, n. bdk (Icel. hak: .^ ^ .. Fin. paha, bad), the upper part in animals, and hmderpart in man; the rear; the part out of sight; a miner's term for joints ; that part of a mineral lode nearest the surface: adj. that is situated behind; pre- vious : V. to mount ; to support ; to put or move back : ad. to the place from whence one came ; to a former state or condition; behind; not advancing again- back'ing, imp. : backed, bdkt, pp. : backer, n. bdk'er. one who supports another in a contest : backs and cutters, applied to a jointed structure— the backs nin- ning in lines less or more parallel to the strike of the strata, the cutters crossing these, generally at right angles: backs, n. plu., among leather -dealers, the leather selected from the thickest and stoutest ox- hides : backing of the wind, when the wind appears to shift against the sun's course, being a sign of more wind or bad weather. back, n. bak, also bac, n. bdk (Bret, bac, a boat : Dut. back, a trough : Dan. bakke, a tray), a brewer's vat or large open tub for containing beer; a ferry-boat: backet, n. bdk'et (from back, in the sense of a wide open vessel ; F. baquet, a tub or pail), in a kitchen, a wooden or iron vessel for carrying coal or ash. backbite, v. bdk'blt (see back), to slander ; to speak ill of a person behind his back : back'biting, imp. : n. the act of slandering the absent : back'bitten, pp. bak'blt-ten: backbiter, n. -bl-ter, one who. backbone, n. bdk'bon (see back), the bone of the back ; the vertebral column ; the watershed of a dis- trict. backdoor, n. Mk'dor (see back), a back or private pa,ssage ; an indirect way. backgammon, n. hdk-gdm'-mdn (Dan. bakke, a tray; gammen, a game), a game played with a box and dice, background, n. bdk'grdtvnd (see back), ground in the rear or behind ; parts dimly seen ; in a picture, the part behind and subordinate to the principal figures : backroom, n. bdk'r&in, a room in the back part of the house: backside, n. bdk'sul, the hinder part; the rear : backpiece, n. bdk'pes, piece of armour which covers the back : backsettler, n. bdk-set'ler, one set- tled in the outlying districts of a new country : back'- handed, a. (hack and hand), with the hand turned backward ; indirect : back'ing-up, in cricket and other games, the act of stopping the ball and driving it back. backshish or backsheesh, n. bdk'-shfsh (Pers. bakhshish, to give), in the East, a present or gratuity of money. backslide, v. bak:slld (see back), to faU off; to turn coTy, boy, foot; pure, bM; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. BACK 86 BALD away from gradually : backsliding, imp. : backslider, n. bak-sll'iUr, one who falls from religion and the practice of virtue. backstairs, n. plu. bak'stdrz (see back), the stairs in the back part of a house ; a private or indirect way : back'stair, a. indirect ; private ; undue : backsword, n. bak'sord. a sword having a back and one sharp eilge : backstaS, n. bdk-staf, an instrument for taking altitudes. backward, a. bftk'werd (hark and 7rard), un^^^lling; slow ; dull : ad. , also backwards, back ; in time past ; towards the back: backwaxdly, ad. -ll: back'wai-d- ness, n. backwoods, n. plu. bak'-wcrodz [back and irnods), the unsettleii parts of a new countr>' : backwoodsman, n. bak'woodi-inun, one who inhabits tlie lar-olf woods in America. bacon, n. ba'kn (old Dut. backe, apig; old F. baco?}), swine's flesh salted and dried. Baconian, a. bako'nian, of or pert, to Bacon or his philosophy. bactris, n. bdk'trls (Gr. bakfron, a cane, from the smaller stems being formed into walking-sticks), a tine species of palms ; one of the species producing a fruit of the size of a cherry. baculite, n. bak'u-llt (L. bacidum, a staff), a fossil shell of the chalk epoch, straight, many chambered, and conical— prevails in the clialk of Normandy. baculometry, u. bak'u-l6m'-e-trl (L. bacidum, a staff: Gr. metron, a measure), the art of measuring accessible or Inaccessible distances or lines by the help of staves or rods. bad, a. bdd (Ger. bose: Dut. boos: Pers. bud, bad), ill; evil; hurtful; opposite of good: badly, ad. -ll, iidt wen : bad'ness, n. bade, v. bad, past of bid, which see. badge, n. baj (Ger. batz, a dab, a coarse patdi ; hafzi>n, to patch), a mark or sign of distinction: badge'less, a. badger, n. bdj'er (F. bladier, a corn-dealer— in al- lusion to some of the habits of the animal), an animal tli;it burrows in the ground: v. to pester; to tease: badgering, imp. : badgered, pp. bdj'C-rd. badigeon, n. bdd'-hzhun (F.), a preparation of saw- dust, slaked lime, powdered stone, and alum, for col- oviring the walls of houses; a mixture of plaster and tVf^estone ust'd l)y sculptors in repairing defects in their work ; a kiiid of cement used by joiners, &c. badinage, n. bdd'l-ndzh' (F. a joke), banter; play- ful talk. badias, a. bdd'l-us (L.), in bot., chestnut-coloured; bro^vn. baffle, V. bdf',fl (Norm. F., bfffler, to deceive or mock: F. bafauer, to ridicule or disgrace: Sp. hefar: It. beffarf, to jeer), to escane detection; to elude; to confound; to defeat: baffling, imp. bdf -fling: baf- fled, pp. bdffld: baffler, n. one who. bag, n. bug, (Gael. &a?fir, a leather bag or wallet: Ger. hrxlfi, the skin of an animal), a sack ; a poucli ; a purse : V. to put into a sack; to puff up or out: bagging, imp.: n. bdif-glng, the cloth or coarse materials for making bags; the act of putting into bags: bagged, pp. bdgd: bag'man, n. a person employed to solicit orders for a manufacturer. bagasse, n. hd-gds' (F.), the sugar-cane after it has bet^ii pn-sspd, us.mI for fuel in the sugar manufactories —in thn Aiitilli-s called bagauz, n. bd-gawz'. bagatelle, n. bdg'-a-trV (V., also F. bngue, a trifle— from L. hiitra, a berry), a trifle ; a thing of no import- ance ; name of a game. baggage, n. bdg'gOj (F. bagage, luggage— from old F. hii()ues, goods: AS. beag. a ring of silver or gold as a tv)"- (if value : I('<'1. hnvqr), all the articles necessary for an anuv; liigL,';iu'i>; things rcipiired for a journey. bagging," n. '»fr/:.7r'"/— see bag. bagnio, n. han'-yi) (It. bnijno, a bath- from L. h(d- tn 'iin), a ttatli ; a prison; a i)ad house. bagpipes, ii. hdn'/nps (bag unApipe), a musical wind- instruni'-iit : bag'piper, n. one who plays the bagpipes, baguette, n. fia-iiff (F. a rod or wand), in arch., a Hniall round moulding less than an astragal. baikallte, n. ha'-k(M-it, a dingy, green crystalline v.irietvofth'- mineral augite fotmd at the mouth of one ofthe rivc-rs that fall into T.nke Bnikal, Siberia. baikerite, n. hri'lc ,-11. a clioi(d;ite-bn)wn-col(>ur('d mineral wax, found near I-'ike Itaikiil, Siberia. bail, V. bdl («U\ v. hail/iT, to deliver: F. Iiail, a elving over, a granting: It. b(dia, power — from L. bajulus, a bearer, generally with authority), to set free ; to liberate on the security of another ; to lave out or free from water : n. surety for another : bailing, imp. : bailed, pp. bald: bailable, a. bal'-abl, that may be bailed : bail'bond, n. a written security given for the appearance of a prisoner to take his trial: bail'- ment, n. delivery of goods in trust: bailee, n. bale, he to whom goods are delivered in trust or on bail. bailey, n. tal'-l (law L. ballium), an area of gi-omid within the walls of a fortress— applied to a jn-ison, as Old Bailey: bailie, n., or balllie, bai'l (F. buillir, an ambassador), Scotch name for an alderman or magis- trate of a burgh. bailiff, n. bdTlf(Y. baiUi—sQe bail), an officer of jus- tice; an agent or steward over land; bailiwick, n. hal'l-wlk (F. and AS. uut), the limits of a bailiffs authority or jurisdiction. Baily's Beads, in astron., an appearance as of a string of beads round the sun in an eclipse. Bairam, n. bl'rdm, a festival among the Turks, celeijrated for three days immediately after the fcist of Ramazan. bait, n. bat (AS. batan, to bait a hook : Icel. belt .- Sw. bete, pasture, grazing : Sw. beta, food), any substance- put on a hook to entice fish to swallow it;, anything to allure or entice ; refreshment taken on a journey ; V. to allure by food; to give Ibod or drink to a beast on a journey; to refresh with food on a journey: baiting, imp.: baited, pp. bdt'ed. bait, V. bat (AS. befan. to kindle a fii-e by blowing it up : old F. abetter, to incite), to provoke and harass with the help of others ; to attack with violence, as with dogs: bait'ing, imp. : baited, pp. baize, n. bdz (F. baye: Dut. baey: probably Baiae, where first made), a coarse woollen .stutf. bake, v. bak, (Icel. baka, to warm: Ger. bahen,t'n foment : Dut. backern, to wai-m one's self), to harden by fire or the heat of the sun ; to dress food in an oven or by fire: ba'king, imp. : n. the quantity baked at one time: baked, pp. bakt, or baken, pp. ba'-kim: baiter, n. one who.se employment is to bake : ba'kery, n. ha '■ kir-l, the place where bread is baked; also bake- house. balsenidse, n. plu. bdle'nl-de (Gr. phalaina, or L. balcena, a whale), the whale family ; the fossil remains of great whales: balxnodon, n. ba-lc-nOdov (L. baUe- 11a, a whale: odous, gen. odontos, a tooth), sub-fossil teeth of whales, not exactly referable to any known species. balance, n. bdl'-ans (F. : It. bilancia: Sp. balanza — fromL. bis, double ; lanx, gen. lands, adish), apalrof scales ; part of a watch ; equality of weights, power, or force ; the difference between the debtor and creditor side of an account ; overplus ; a sign of the zodiac ; the sum due on an account : v. to make equal ; to settle : to regulate and adjust: to have equal weiglit, power, or influence; to hesitate : bal'ancing, imp. : balanced, pp. bat'-anst: bal'ancer, n. one who. balanite, n. bdt'a-nlt (L. balanus, an acorn: (ts-. bahinos), a name applied to fossil shells of the b:vv- na'djits, naked, bare: Dati. hrildet. unfledged: (!r. halins. sp.M kled with white hair; Sji. prbulo, hairless), wanting h:iir; destitute of natural covering; naki'd; inele;,'ant ; in Imt., with.out beard or awn; having a white ninrk on the face: baldly, ad. -ll: baldness, n.: bald-faced, having a whfte mark on the face, as a stag: bald-coot, a black- binl with a conspicuous excrescence of white skin above its be;,k. baldachin, n. hai'-dd-kfn (It. baldncrhino: Sp. balda- (liiiiiii, a canopy), in arch., a structure within a build- ing in the form of a canopy supported by columns, placed over portals, thrones, altars, beds, h3diiicKn.bawl^drlk{Ice\. belli: L. ftaWews. a belt), a girdle or richly ornamented belt ; a shoulder-belt. bale. n. bdl{F. bcdle: Swed. bal: It. ba«a, a pack of goods : Dut. bcud, a bag), a bundle or package ot goods. bale. V. bal, (Swed. balja: Dan. balle: Dut. baidien, to empty out water with a pail), to free from water by laving it out, as in a boat : ba'ling, imp. : n, of freeing from water, as a boat : baled, pp. bdla. balefiil, a. baV-fool (AS. bealo, torment: Icel bol, -alamity), mischievous ; destructive ; sorrowful : bale - fully, ad. -n.- bale'fulness.n. ^ , „. Baiearic, a. bai'-e-dr'-lk (L. baleares: from Gr. ballem, to throw— the inhabitants being good slingers), of or relating to Majorca and Minorca, islands in the Medi- terranean Sea. , , . balister or ballister, n. bdl'ts-tei-see baluster. balistes, n. ba-lis'4ez (Gr. ballo or baleso, I strike, as with a dart), an extensive genus of lishes ; the tile- nsh, so called from its rough, jagged, and dart-like hn- ^^balk, V. bdXck (Icel. fta^^r, a division between stalls: Sw. balka, to partition off; balk, a hewn beam), to disappoint; to frustrate; to refuse: n. a ndge ot iiiiploughed land; a beam; sudden disappointment: balk'ing, imp.: balked, pp. bawfet .• the baJis a place situated among the rafters, as a hay -loft : balK - er, 11. one who signals to the fishermen the coui-se of the herring-shoals. baU, n. bawl{Y. balle: It. palla: Sp. bala: lu.pila), a round body; a globe; a ballet; a child's toy: v. to form into a ball : balling, imp. : baUed, pp. bawld: ball-cock, a hollow metal globe attached to the end of a lever to regulate the supply of water in a cistern, by floating- on the surface of the water: ball and socket, an instnunent or joint of brass with a perpetual screw, movable in any direction, very useful in scientiiic in- struments, &c.: ball-cartridge, a cartridge having, a bullet besides powder. . ball, n. bawl (It. ballare, to shake or jog: old F. baler, to move or stir: mid. L. ballare, to move back- wards and foi-wards: Gr. ballo, I leap or bound), an entertainment of dancing. ballad, n. bdl'iad (F. ballade, a song: It. ballata, a song sung in dancing), a simple popular song : bal- ladry, n. bal'-iad-rl, the subject or style of ballads: ballad-singer, one who sings ballads on the streets. ballast, n. bdl'last (AS. bat, a boat ; hlaest, load : Dan bag-lest, the back load or worthless load), any heavy substance placed at the bottom of a ship or boat to steady it ; the load of sand, stones, &c., which a ship carries when there is no cargo; the gravel, broken stones, &c., placed on the permanent way of a railway, immediately under the sleepers and rails, m order to steady them : v. to steady ; to load with bal- last: bal'lasting, imp.: ballasted, pp. ,. , , ballet, n. bdl'la (F. : It. ballo, a dance), a kind of dance ; a scena acted in dancing in a theatre, and associated with music. ^ ^ „ ■, ^.-u > ballista, n. bdl-lls'-M (L.— from Gr. hallo, I throw), a militai-y engine used by the ancients for throwing balloon, n. bdl-lon' (F. ballon, a football: It. bal- lone- sen ball), any round hollow body; a spherical body filled with light gas, so as to rise and float in the air- baUoon'ing, n. the art of ascending in balloons: baroon ist.n. one who : air'-balloon, one raised into the fttiiiosphere by being filled with a gas lighter than air : fire-baUoon, one filled and raised by rarefied or heated air by placing fire under its mouth. ballon, n. bdl'lon (F.— see ball), a round globe on the to]) of a pillar; a round short-necked vessel used as rei«iver in distillation. , ,, ^ ballot, n. bdl'lot (F. ballotte, a little ball— from 7>nlle, a ball), a little ball used in voting; a ticket or written vote : v. to choose or vote by ballot : bai lot- ing, imp. : balloted, pp. bdl'lot-ed. balm, n. bum (F. bawme- from Gr. balsamon : L. balsamum, balsam), a fragrant plant; a valuable ointment that soothes and heals ; that which soothes, mitigates, or heals: v. to anoint with balm; to .soothe: balm'ing, imp.: balmed, pp. bdmd: balmy, a bam'l, like balm; mild; soothing: balm'ily, ad. l-n- balm'iness, n. : balsam, n. bawl'sdm, a soothing ointment of an oily nature; a semi-fluid resin: bCd-sdm'-lk, or balsamical, a. -l-kdl. like balsam; soft; unctuous; mitigating: balsam - ical'ly, ad. -11: bal'samiferous, a. -if-ir-us (L. — ; fero, I produce): balm of Gilead, or balsam of "Mecca, common nanus for tht; resinous juice ol' tli<; balsam-tree of Syria, reckoned vi-ry precious : balsam of sulphur, an ointment incparcd fmm sulphur and oil of turpentine : balsam of Saturn, an ointment'prc- pared from sugar of lead and oil of tuiiiiintine, &c. : balsam'icB, n. plu. -Iks, in med., applied to several preparations for external use. Baltic, a. bawl'-tlk (old Sw. bctlt, as two of its en- trances are still called: L. baltenn, a belt), from the Baltic or its shores, or relating to them. baluster, n. bdl'ui-ter (F. balustre : It. balaustro : Sp. barauste — irom bara or vai-a, a rod), a little pillar ; a small column or pilaster ; (-orruptly spelt banni!ija, a blow; imitative of the sound of a blow), to treat or handle roughly; to shut with a loud noise, as a door: n. a heavy blow; the thump or sound of a Sei.'pp" M^^^'""" ^^^^ ^'""^ -■ ^^S'^' ""P- ■■ anttfefn InSnYJJra™'' "°™ °^ '''' ^™^ >,.^t?^®' °^^.?"5^ also spelt bang (Sans, bhannga, nemp: h. and bp. ba/iywe). the prepared leaf of Indian hemp, used as a stimulant in the East. Baniaii, a ban'yan (from the Bannians in India, who abstain from animal food), among sea 7nen, applied to those days on which they receive no butcher's Sste ^ ii^dian fig-tree; a Hindoo of the trading banlah, v. ban'lsh (F. bannir, to banish : mid. L mnmre, to proclaim, to denounce— see ban and ban- ttlt). to condemn to exile ; to compel to leave a countrv ■ to send as a prisoner to another country: ban'ishinff. imp. : banished, pp. ban'-Wit: banishment, n. the state of being sent out of a country ad a criminal ; a orhing away. ' banister, n. bdn'-ls-ter, corrupted from baluster, which see. ' bank, n. bangk (F. banc: Ger. bank, a bench, a bank • It. baYo, a bench, a merchant's place of business), a mound or ridge of earth ; any steep ascent ; a heap of anything ; a place where a collection of money is kept • the margin of a river or the sea: v. to raise up a mound of earth or a dyke to enclose; to deposit money in a bank: banking, imp.: adj. pert, to a bank : banked, m. bangkt: bank'er, n. one who deals m money: bank mg, n. the business or employment of a hank : adj. of or relating to the business of Ijank- Ing: bank able, a. -dbl, receivable at a bank: bank'- note an engi-aved form or bill, properly signed and attested issu.'d by a bank, and bearing a promise to ?n,n°'hflnwi'-l't"f°''* ^- ^"7^^' * ^^^tain Specified bank ^^'°^'^*°'=^' ^^^es in the trading capital of a T.i!*^^^P*'- ^- **"^^''''«2" (It. banco, a merchant's place of business: L. ruptus. broken: It. bancarotta), any one who becomes unable to pay his just debts adj. declared to be in debt beyond the power of pay^ ?r!^'ff' ^- t" disable one from paying the claims of his hat^^^'i^t^ bank'ruptmg, imp.: bankrupted, pp.: h^?^?t^^'^ H'^'Jk'rupt'sl, the state of being a bankrupt ; failure in trade. banjaer, n. bdn'nAr (F. banniere: It. bandiera- from bamla. a strip of cloth: Goth, bandva, a^sZfl. square flag; a flag or ensign: bannered, a. 6dn&; li^^l? i**'^"Ti ban'nerTess. a. withodt a baimer 5!^+*^**,' "•• ^'i'^'r'-^. a little banner: knight ban'- neret, a knight of a higher order privileged to raise nl^'^it^""' ']' *\' '^'^^'^ = ban'nerol, n.^a litt?e flag! fl,P F^lT'r"- Pl"v^«« ^^'i'l^. a religious sect among the East Indians who believe in the transmigration ol' souls, and consequently abstain from the i^e of the flesh of annuals. bannock, n. bdn:ndk (Scot.), a cake made of oat- meal or peasemeal. banns, n. bdJiz (see ban), public notice of an in- tended marriage given in a church. nrt^l'^**iV°J>**'!:^»""'^<^-f'"°"^ ^^mue. a bench or table : It. banchetto, diminutive of banco, a bench or table), a feast ; a rich entertainment ; anjthing de- lightful : V. to feast ; to treat with a fe;i.st : ban'queter n one who : banqueting, imp. : banqueted pp banquette, n. bdng-kiC (F.-from banc, a bank), in fort a raised way or font-bank, from three to four Jeet wide, rminmg along the inside of a parapet. bantam n. han'htm. a small l)reed of fowls with 'i^V^i^:^::^^''''^ ^'^'^^"^ '^'^''-■- ^^- banter, v. han-tir (unknown, but probably ori"-in- at.-d ;« a slang word: F. hadiner, to Joke), to j7jlc,. w-ith Ml words and in good-humour; to rally: n wit a^j.^g^« '■'^P«^;s;j of another: ban'tering, imp.: ban'- bantling, n. bant-llng (from the bands in which the 8 BARB baobab, n. bd'obdb', caUed also A'danso'nia a large tree, a native of Africa. baptism, n. bdp'.tizm (L. and Gr. baptisma — from ti,; r^";^ "^'P '," '^'^^^^)' the initiatory sacrament of ^nrini'i7^*'''"TK^^°": ^^^ '^'PP*"^ ^uiong water, or spnnkhng with w-ater: baptismal, a. bOp-m-mai. pert, to baptism: baptis'maUy, ad. -U: bap'tist, n °r'!hn H* ""^^'^'"MS sect which opposes infant baptism j ntJ^^^'t^^f^'- baptise, V. hap-ti^. to adndnister WH'.Lnf ^''^''^'"i. bapti'ser, n. one who baptises : ?P^ ',^^^'^^//':f ?/• '^''^* "'=^>' '^« baptised: baptis- teiT,, n bdp-tis-tfr-l.ei place for baptising: baptutic. a. bciptis-ttk. ^hp baptis'tical, a. -ti-ldl, pert to baptism: baptis'tical'ly, ad. -H . p «i.. w bar, n. 6dr(F barre: It. barra, a bolt.: Celt. bar. the top, a branch : AS. beorgan, to shut in, to shelter). «mnii A.*^ }^ P'*"*^® or rod of any solid substance of small diameter ; an enclosed place at an inn or a court ; a division in music, or the line that makes the divi> sion ; a sandbank at the entrance to a river; the body of lawyers that plead; any hindrance; a stop: v to wvfJ t^.^'^^ten: to hinder; to shut out; to restrain: A^J ^^^•v'^fv ^^"■®*' PP- ^'"''^ ■ ''arry, a. bdr'-rl. in Afr.. apphed to an escutcheon having bars or equal dnnsions across from side to side: bar'Iess a • bar'- wise, a. -luiz: bar'shot, n. doubled shot joined bv abar Pnt^„ "■ 'If troying masts and rigging in a naval engagement : bar'-iron, a long thick rod of malleable iron prepared from pig-iron for the use of blacksmiths : bar maid a woman who attends at the bar of a tavern hr/r.l}f''l'"^^\ °- ,^rt'-'r«-^ad' (SP. barricada: Gael. barrack, branches, brushwood: F. barrer, to stop the way) an obstruction hastily tiirown up; an impedi- ment; a defence: v. to fasten; to fortify; to secure: barncadmg, imp.: bar'rlca'ded, pp. : bar'rica der S;,°^*^''r°=?^T*^'"' "• ^^^r'rl-er (F. barriere), a boun- dary; a Imiit; defence; line of separation : barrister, n. bar-ris-ter, one who pleads in defence of any person near the bar in a court of law ; an advocate. barb, n. barb (F. barfte-from L. bnrba. a beard), a ^o^1'n '".*^''*'^ ''■/"'^^ resembles it; a horse from Bar- bary (Dut. »aard. a horse) ; the sharp shoulders of an arrow-head or of a hook to prevent its being easily dra^vn back again; the trappings of a horse- v *o funiish with barbs: bar'ber, n. (F. barbier), one who beardld;\'^Vd.'^'''^^' ^P" = ''^^«*^' ^P" ^-^'^. Barbadoes, a, bdr-ba'doz. of or from Barbadoes. one of the West India islands : Barbadoes tar a mi- neral tar of commerce found in several of the West India islands. barbarian, n. bar-bd:rtan (Gr. barbaros: L. bar- barus, rude— a word imitative of the confused sound ot voices conveying no meaning, by repeating the syllables &ar, bar: F. barboter, to mumblerto mutter; baragomn gibberish, jargon), a rude savage man | an uncivilised man; a foreigner: adj. belou^in" to a savage; uncivilised: barbaric, a. bdr-bar-il; peit to semicmlised or uncivilised nations: barbarism n bdr-bdr-l^. an impropriety of speech ; an uncivilised state; rudeness of manners: barbarity n bdrbdr'U U. extrenie rudeness; cruelty, like a savage; inhu- mamtv: barbarise, v. bur'-bd-rlz. U mak^ barbar- ous: bar ban sing, imp.: barbarised', pp. -rtzd'- barbarous, a. ^^fiKw-rfc, uncivilised; sav.-ige; ignor- ant; cruel: barbarously, ad. -a. ba^^a^o^s-ness u barbate, a bnr'-bdt. or barbated, a. bdr'-bd'tsii (hbarbatus. hsixmg a beard), in bot.. bearded: bar- bule, n. bar-bill, a very minute barb or beard. barbecue, n. bdr'bl-ku (F. barbe-a-guew trorw snout to tail), in the West Indies, a term used tor dn°s. ing a hog whole by splitting it to the backbone and laying it upon a gridiron ahov a fiiv, wliidi also sur- rounds it: V. to roast or dn-ss n ho- wlioie, or any other animal, in some way: bar'becu ing, im'n • bar- becued, pp. bdr'bl-kad. *' ^" ^^ barbel, n. bdr-bCl (Dut. barbeel—trom L. barba a bi-ard), a c.'rtain river-fish having on its upper jaw lour bcanl-like appendages or wattles. barberry, n. Inh-bir-rl (Sp. berberis), a wild bush, or Its fruit — see berbery. barbet, n. har-bct (F.-from harbe, a beard), a species or dog having long coarse hair; a bird of wann di- nijaes almost covered with bristles and verj- stupid : a kind of wonii that feeds on the aiihides barbette, n. bdrbet (F.: It. barbttta, a tuft of hnir on tlie p;isterii-joiiit of a horse), an earthen teiTa<-e in- side a parapet, raised to such a height as to admit of mate, mat. far. hCio; mete, mit, lUr; pine. pXn; note. nOt. mCve; hild w;w wrapncd). a young cliild; au infant banyan— see banian. BARB ^'^J^loZ^'f^tZml^rtXcan: F. and It baXacaml Spbarbacana), a watch-tower; au out- ^^^TX^^^^^'l-^^^orca, a covering tiie front, back, and flanks: bp. barda) thin broad slices of bacon with which capons, pullets. &u. "'■^^"e'TVaflArb^c.- gI'^W: Icel, ber, bare: KH^bagr clear) naked; without covering; plain; siiuDle poor : V to make naked ; to strip or uncover : '"bare&e. T^i ra^fwr,. a curious infusorial deposit occurrin- n certain thermal waters tirst diboovcred ?n the hot sDrines of Bareges, in the Pyrenees. %arga^, n bir^pk (old F. fx^W^^ner to haggle: It barattk. strife-from the ^yllablesbar bar-see barbarian), an agreement; a cl^eapened commodity . V to make a contract or a^jepn^ent ; to sell on s^ecu vition- bareaining. mp. bdr'-gen-lng : bargamea, pp. ^^■iginTh^A. n. bar^gen-c'. he who accepts a ^^blrge. n. IdrJ (Dut. barsie: old F. barge a boat: the ashes of sea-weed growing on the coast ot boot '^'^M^^ii^n (Gr. ^-- heavy), the metal- nS^V"^.^t;f£^.e^.~ rbU: icel. ba... the th?oat): the pecAliar noise or^^y^^'^'^.^.'^f^^^^', make the noise of a dog: barking, imp., oariiea , ^'^bkrrnkr^^eT^^t^r. (F. bar.ue. lowL. .area) a small ship ; a ship that carries three masts, without '" KeVs^^ilf n. bdr'.kerz, a -achine moved by «.e centrifugal force of water, invented by Dr Barker bread andVs, a plant), a well-known grain much used fnrmakincr malt -barley-corn. n. a grain ot barley , the S part' o an incl hi length-said to be the origin !si-i^tsi^^fS?rSaJ«^^^^^^^^ theSsof oTwl^e. or beer), yeast ; jeaven t orbread ; the scum or slimy substance from beer, barmy, a. '%'S nf^n(Mt"lrn-iron. bcre, barley ; ern, a plac^'Dut. bmn. a heap: Dan. baarm, a load), a -b^^tsrj°^t^r«^^^^^^ iXnfs of ships, and on Uanks or stones under water ; 51 sort of goose: bar'nacles. n.plu. -fcte (prov. FJer- nianes, spectacles-from borm, blind), irons put on the noses of horses to make them stand quiet barolite, n. bar'-o-llt (Gr. barus. heavy; Mhos, a BARY stone), a carbonate of baryta-also caUed Witheritc. '■^Smeen*: M.rdm=6..V (Gr ^-os, weight ; me- ,:„ barque, n. bdrA^see bark, a small ship. harraci n bar'rdk (Sp. barraca. a cabin or hut . GaeT 6armc/i. brushwood F. baraqve), a house for soldiers commonly used in the plu., being originally a collection of huts clad or covered with boughs: bar'rack-master, the officer who supermtends sol- '^baiS'onS: bdr'.rd-kdn (from barrack), in Africa, a fort "castle ; an enclosure where slaves are quartered. hflTT-aB II 5dr:ras (F.). a substance consisting of resKd o i that exudes from the wounds in fir-trees. bMTator n. bdr'-rd-tor (old F. bareter, to deceive: IceSK a contest-see Baxter), an encouragero iiwduits- fraud in a shipmaster: barratry, n. bdi- X a sound beating to witli a stick: n. a punisbiuint in use among many I'^istern nations ))y which the otTendcr is beaten on thi' soles of the leet : has tina ding, imp.: bastin- a ded, p]). bastion, n. bdst'yon (Sp. and F. : It. bastiour—froux F. batir, for baitir, to build), a mass of earth built ;is mdte, mdt,/iir, luTv; mete, met, hCr; pine, pin; note, ndt, mdve; BAT 41 BAZA a wall and faced with sods or bricks, standing out lioiii a fortitied work to protect its wiills : bastioned, a. bast'yond, furnished with bastions. bat, n. bat (It. battere: F. baitre, to beat: Hung. lot, a stick : Gael, bat, a staff), a heavy stick ; a piece of wood broader at one end than at the other; the management of a bat at play; cotton in sheets for ciuilting; a piece of brick: v. to play with a bat at cricket: bat'ting, imp. : batted, pp. bdt'tdd: bats- man, n. biltshndu, iu cricket, the man who holds the bat. bat, n. bnt {bak, as the common name of an animal : Scot, bak, baki or bakie-bird: Sw. nattbaka, the night- back : L. blatta, a night-moth), name of a small animal like a mouse, but with wings without feathers, which only comes abroad at night : bat'tish, a. like a bat : bat'fowling, a method of catching birds at night. batardeau, n. bat'dr-do' (F.), iu mil.,a, strong wall of masonry built across a ditch to sustain the pressure of the water, containing a sluice-gate, armed at the top with iron pikes, and rendered impassable by a tower with a conical top, raised in the middle. Batavian, a. bd-ta'vi-an, Dutch. batch, n. bdch(AS. bacan: Dut. baksel, an ovenful— from bakken, to bake), a quantity of bread baked at o!ie time ; an assortment of things of the same kind. bate, V. bat (F. abattre, to break down : Sp. batir, to lose courage, to lessen), to lessen anything; to retrench ; to take away : ba'ting, imp. : ba'ted, pp. bath, n. bath (AS. baeth: Icel. bada: Ger. badeti, to bathe : Icel. baka, to heat), a place to bathe in ; that in which the body or a part of it is bathed ; in chem., hot water, hot sand, &c., used as a source of heat or for modifying it ; a Heb. measure : bathe, v. bdiA, to wash the body or a part of it with water, &c. ; to lie in a bath : bathing, ba'thlng, imp. : bathed, pp. liilihd: bather, n. one who: dry-bath, one made of liot sand, ashes, &c.: air-bath exposure of the body to the refreshing influence of the air; also one among )wt air, as in a Turkish bath : plunge-bath, a bath in which the whole body is immersed: douche -bath, dCsh'-, in which a stream of water is made to fall tiom above on the body : shower-bath, in which the water is poured upon the body in the form of a shower : •medicated -baths, med'-i-kd'ted-batlis, in which the water is impregnated with medical preparations: tath-metal, a mixed metal called prince's metal : tath-stone, n. bdth'ston, oolitic freestone extensively (quarried for building purposes near Bath, very soft, tut becoming hard on exposure to the atmosphere: bath-brick, n. -brik, a well-known kind of stone used for cleaning and polishing metal utensils. Bath, n. bath, a high order of British knighthood. bathos, n. bd'thos, (Gr. buthus, deep ; bathos, depth), a ludicrous descent from the elevated to the mean in speaking or writing ; the profound, ironically, in con- tradistinction to the sublime. bathymetrical, a. bdth'l-met'-rt-kai (Or. bathus, «leep; rnetron, a measure), applied to the distribution of plants and animals along the sea -bottom which tJiey inhabit. batlet, n. bdt'-m (see bat), a flat piece of wood for beating linen in the washing. batman, n. bmo'-nidn (Ger. bauer, a peasant, a countrj-man: old E. bawn, a fortified enclosure for Ciittle), a person appointed to every company of a regiment to take charge of the cooking utensils, &c., usually an officer's servant: bat-horse, baw-, the pack hero, I bear: Sans, bhri), to carry; to support ; to suffer ; to produce ; to bring forth : bore, pt. bOr, or bare, bar: born, pp. born, brought forth : borne, pp. bOrn, carrii-d : bearer, n. har';'r. one that caiTies or brings forth; a messenger: bear'- Ing, imp. carrying; iirnducing: n. behaviour; ges- ture ; the situation of oin; object witti respect to another; tfie /((/((/-.s-, called charges, on an •scut- cheon: bearable, a. lifirUxhl. that can be endured: bearably, ad. -hU : bear with, to endure: bear up, not U> faint or fail: bear off, to restrain; among seanw.n, to remove to a distaiiee: bear down, to overthrow or crusli bv fore.: bear out, to main- tiiin and support to the end : bear through, to conduct or manage : bear a hand, among seamen, to make haste; to be quick: bear away, in navi., to change the course of a ship and make her run before the wind. bear, n. bar (.A.S. bera: Ger. bcir: Icel. bioni: L. /era, a wild beast), a wild animal covered with rou^h stiaggy hair; name of two consteUations— the " Ursa Major ' and the " Ursa Minor" ; a name applied to a speculative jobber on the stock exchange ; any brutal or Ill-behaved person: bearish, a. bar'ish, rude; vio- lent m conduct : bear-baiting, the sport or divei-siou of causing dogs to fight witli a bear, fonnerly common in this country: bear's-grease, the fat or tallow of a bear, e.xtensively used as a pomatum : bear-garden a place whejc bears are kept for sport : bear-berry, bear-bmd, bear's-breech, bear's-ear, bear's-foot, bear's-wort, popular names of plants:, bear-fly, an insect. ' beard, n. berd (Ger. bart : Russ. boroda: W. barj:h. barba, a beard: Icel. bard, a lip or border), hair that grows on the lips and chin of a man ; tlie awn of corn; the gills of oysters and other shell-fisli : V. to set at defiance; to oppose openly: bearding, imp. berd'-lng: bearded, pp. berd'id : beardless, a. without a beard ; young : beard'Iessness, u : beard - grass, a plant. beast, n. best (Gael, biast: Dut. beest: L. bestia, a beast : Gael, beo, living), any four-footed animal ; a person rude, coarse, and filthy: beast'ly, a. -il, like a beast: beast'liness, n. -Ihn&s, great coarseness: best- ial, a. best-y-dl, pert, to a beast, or having the qualities of one : beast-like, a. resembling a beast : bestiality, u. best'y-al'-l-ii, the quality of beasts : best'ial'ly, ad. -ll. beat, V. bet (AS. beatau: It. battere: F. battre, to beat or strike), to knock ; to strike ; to strike often ; to crush or mi.x by blows ; to overcome in a fight, in battle, or in strife ; to throb like the pulse : a. a stroke ; a throb ; the rise or faU of the hand or foot to mark the time m music : beating, imp. : beaten, pp. beth} : beat er, n. one who ; a cmshing instniment : to beat about, to search diligently for : to beat down, to lower the price : to beat off, to drive back : to beat time, to regulate time by the measured motion of tlie hand or foot : to beat out, to extend by hammering : to beat the gen'eral, to give notice to soldiers to march : to beat the tat'too', to give notice to soldiers to retire to quarters : to beat to arms, to summon soldiers to get ready their arms and prepare for battle : to beat a parley, to give a signal to an enemy for a conference : to beat up, to attack suddenly, as an enemy's quar- ters : to beat up for, to go diligently about in order to procure: police 'man's beat, district to be walked over and watched by a policeman : beat'er up, one who searches for and starts game for a sportsman. beatify, v. be-at-lfi (L. beatus, happy; facio, I make), to make happy ; to bless with complete enjov- ment in heaven : beat'ify'ing, imp. : beat'ifled, pp. ■fid : beatific, a. be'atif-ik, also beatifical, a. ■l-kal, that has the power to make haopy: be'atif'- ically, ad. -ll: beat'ifica'tion, -A-(i:s/»Mn. in the Church of Rome, the pronouncing of a deceased Derson to be blessed: beatitude, n. beat'-ltud, happiness of the higliest kind ; the blessedness pronounced by oar Lord on the virtues. beatricea, n. be'-d-trV$e-n, a remarkable fossil oc- curring in the middle Silurians of Canada. beau, n. bo (F. beau, good, lair : L. htlltut, gay, hand- some), a gay man that attends nuuli to dress; in Jam iliar language, a man who i)a vs attention to a lady ; a lover : plu. beaux, bOz : beauish, a, bO'Uh, like a beau; foppish: beau-esprit, n. bo'es-prS' (F.), a man of wit : beau-ideal, n. bo'ldc'al (F. beau ; ideal, ima- ginary), an imaginary standard of absolute perfec- tion; a model of excellence in the mind or fancy: beau-monde, n. bO-mOngd' (F. beau; monde, the world), polite people ; the fashionable world. beauty, n. bu'-tl (F. beaute, beauty: It. bello: L. beUu.f, pretty, handsome), the appearance and proper- ties in any poi-son or thing that plea-se and delight the eye ; those qualities in a thing that delight the mind or any of the senses ; a lovelv and pleasing per- .son: beauteous, a. hrt^nr/.s. pleasing; lovelv: beau'- teously. ad. -U: beau'teousness, n. : beautiful, a. ha-H-fni,l, lovely; fair; elejiant : beautifully ad -ll- beautify, v. biVtl-fl. to make beautiful; to adorn: beautifying, imp.: beautified, pp. bu'tl/id: beau'- tlfier, n. one who adonis. beaver, n. he'-vt^r (AS. beor'-r: Ger. bibrr: F. hievre — fnjiii I. jibrr), an amphibious animal valued lor its fur; a hat or cap made of the fur. vid!e, mat, far, law; mCte. mSf, Mr; pine, pin; note, nOt, move; BEAV 43 BEG hP^ve^ n he'ver (old F. iavidre-trom baver, to slmiOtiie movable part of a helmet ^vhich covered the flee, and was raised or let dowu to enable the "Ser.t°wSSn. a vegetable alkaU found in the bebeerena, beh-e-rl'7ia, or greeuheart tiee ot ^Sc^r^e-^M/e:.. (It.-from .^-cco^ tiPik- tiro a fi"). a fig-peckor, a bird ot pabsaj,o it^ became, V. 6g-Mm'— see become. tv,ja -.n,,ap because, conj. bi-kaw:^ (be and cause), for this cause that ; ou this account that. T,„^„„ tr. r,n(\\ beck, n. bek (AS. beac.en, a sign : Icel. bakna, to nod . a nod of the head meant to invite attention ; an K n g^ lish weight of 1(5 lb. or a measure of 2 f \1^^- ; ^L^^^^^C^ a sign with the head; to call by a uod. oeciiuis, "^ife Jk!*mS(rs; So: Ger. back: Icel. beckr). a little neckyt."n.Ti^=^<. among seamen, a pie- of r^^^^^ placed to confine another rope or a spar ; a small cirUe or hoop of rope used as a handle. „„;„„+« beck^on, V. befc^Ti (from becfc), to ^f ce f sign to another by noddmg or by a motion ot the hand or finger : beckoning, imp. b6k-ning : becKoneo, pp. ''tecioud, V. be-kloiod' (be and cloud), to obscure; to dim: becloud'ing, imp. : beclouded, pp. become, V. be-kum' (AS. becuman, to atta n to to befall: Ger. be^rommm. to get ; ''f «^»^V to^Kace- pass from one state to another; to beht , to sit giace_ fully: becom'ing, imp. : a":'th" ./VT to soil the bedraggle, v. bd-drag'-gl [hr and dnwjl''). .^o f '1 the clXsbvsufferingthemiu)valk,u^'tomichthedirt. bedrag'gling, imp. : bedrag gled, pp. -pri'i. bee n bl(AB: 6eo: tier, biene: Gael. bmc^). ail insect that makes honey and wax; an industr.oua and careful person: beehive, b6'-hlv, a case or box m which domestic bees build their honeyconibs and store tlieir honey: bee-flower, a plant whose flowers repre- sent Sufar figures of bees and flie.s: bee-garden^ au enclosure where bees are reared :bee-lme, the most direct line from one Place to another : bee-master one hies: bee-eat'er, a bird that feeds on bees. beech n becA (Ger. buche: Icel. beyke: h. fagus), n vfr-^e forest-tree having a smooth bark, producing niKr nuts : beech-mast, the nuts of the beech-tree : beech-oil, an oU obtained from beech-nuts : beechen. a. bcch'en, made of beech. , the sideboard or Dunev: ucci-v»v/"»», .-"- cdiv, boy, foot; pure, bud; chair h^^^^w^^l^^P^^'y-tic^Ka^;^ form of chalcedony deposited on lossils, as sponges, '^'beKrteild. n. beld (AS. bpld), a place of shelter ; alowthatcliedhouse; protection. Beelzebub, n. be-el'-ze-bub (Gr.-from Heb. baal, lord, zebub, a fly), in Scrip, the prince of devils beek, bmoT bin (AS. heo7iK PP- ""^ V ;?.r/" beer Tnopr n bfr (AS. beor: Ger. bter: t.biertf, peer, drink-' L " biberV; to drink), an intoxicating liquor is extensively manulactured in Fiance . beet rave, a "t et^^tf^ (AS. bitel, the biter), a .;ne.al nanie of Insects havingahoniywing-cover: beetle-headed dull • stuDid • beetle-stone, a name given to nodules SontoZ &c%hich.w-hen split up bea^^^^^^ resemblance to the body and Imbsot a beetle beetle, n. bet'-l (AS. bytel, a mallet-from bat, which see) a heavy wooden hammer or mallet. ,.„ ,,„__ :B?o];a^«fprt4^:M^-- ^^S:v.S^&.^.wn,ught).to suit; to ^'^efooi y'b?m''(A^be- p'^AidU^io lead astray ; to defude bef{omg.'imp. : befooled, pp. befUd'. riToTiii "^i^s^r^^ ^'(^'^ onwards :"coT^fKr onward in time: beforehand, Z MMand, sooner in time; previously ; at first: beforVtime. ad. -tim, formerly; of old time. befriend V. be-frind' (be and friend) to assist; to f ivm^f^o aid in a difficulty: befriend'ing, imp. : be- 'tef V '^^^'-ifr/nSfts when alms were uniformly given in kind the bag was a universal charactenstio of the beggar), to ask earnestly; to beseech; to en- treat; to solicit charity; to take for granted; to as- sume- beg'ging, imp.: begged, pp. bigd: beggar, u. game, jog, shun, thing, tfhere, zeal. BEGE heg'geriSw. begaera, to ask: Gael, baigean, alittle bag) one much reduced in circumstan.'cs ; one who assumes what he does not prove; one who is poor and asks (.liarity: v. to reduce to pov<'itv: beggaring, imp • beggared, pp. hfg'gcrd: beggarly, a. -^Mne.an; poor! ad. meanly: beg'garllness, n. -/t/ics poverty; mean- iiess: beggary, n. big-ger-i, a state of great poverty: Deg gannan, n. a man who is a beggar. beget, V. bi-git' (AS. begettun, to obtain), to gene- vatf; to produce; to cause to exist: beget'ting, imp. : begot, pt.: begotten, pp. b6-g6t'n: begetter, n. one who. begin, v. bS-gln' (.AS. beginnan), to commence ; to enter upon something new; to take tlie first step: beginning, imp.: n. first cause; origin; first state; the rudiments: began, pt. he-.,. ,|,,ty it was fo cut the thread of life— in allusion to lts,le;i,Ilveire,'ts). belle, u.M (K. beauty), a young lady mu'-h admired.' beUes-lettrea, ii. plu. UHdft'dr (F.}, polite Iltoitttme ir; 2>int;pin; nOte, not, mOve; BELL 45 BENZ in all its branches, particularly poetrj-, the rules of eloquence hfl.V'r'-o-fon {from Bellerophon, _a . Bellerophon "• t«, 't L'^^fn extensive genus of K.ssU "BeUerophon n ^e.«;.«-yo«v--^^— ^^^^ I;';S:i"Self.^jSlgTf single chamber, like '''bimJToleTbll'H-W^' (L. Mlicosus. very ^varlike. fire, or for supplying «ie pvpes ot an or«an ^^ ^^^ part of a thing Avhithsweubuui, protuber- ,.!;Sr^^lnatio%^;''a'rnf ofeination in which coucernT Ger. f'«?'^/«'.^o arrive at^Li,e,<»^^^^^^ reach or extend to) to be tlie property ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^. ii;:JlV tSs^^^hi^h%''^rnno ^1%. fs .Uties or "BKb^^'n. ba:oo.c/«"•«■/ f_.pos^ssedot a ''beSht V. 6e.«r {be and «'^7'i0. .to overtake Jf Sness : benighting imp. : benight cdp^ ai^l^ie'diSosl;^oA; g-^ions: ben^'n^n^ ^b. ;:S?o^^=«^^^^SJ%'^^^'''-^'- ^e- °^f ento?n't-«=i5«n (old F. Unoison. benediction). ^^a^iS m'^S^-rn, common nan^ofthegmu =^-'^^?^SS^^^lor stS'c^ ?^'Saf"^3^i|- towards ^T"*'''^ Mr,f(aer bin<^e reed or bent grass), the :l^¥^lS^^S>"-^'tr^l it toge^er. ""i^„^!Sw%'^^"-!^1'vS. heucr.vnv: Ger.heneh. r"«;?S^nS^^:'bi^K.t!?f:^^ ,, n?„1ne n ben^ -in. a compound obtained from oil of vXr'nmonds in brilliai.t prismatic co^ $rS'V")£ thesubs^i«e^fro\u whi-h anything « ■:;:::^:z:.^:^^^^ c.«.-, ..-.io. ... mn, .... ... BENZ 46 BETO made), an assumed compound forming the radical of oil of bitter almonds, benzoic acid, &c. benzoin, n. b6n-z6'ln or Mn-zoyn' (said to be from At. benzoab), called also by a vulgar corruption benjamin; a fragrant resin obtained from a large tree of Sumatra: benzoic, a. b6n-z6'-ik, applied to an acid obtained from the gum benzoin, commonly called bew- jaminjloivers. bequeath, v. bSktceth' (AS. becicocthan— from he, and cwcct/uin, to say), to give or leave by ■vvill ; to hand down to posterity : bequeathing, imp. : be- queathed, pp. bH-kweihd' : bequest, n. be-kwent', sometliing left by will ; a legacy. berberine, n. bir'-ber-ln (L. berberis, the berberry— from Ar. berberi, wild), an alkaline substance in the fonn of needle-like crystals of a beautiful bright yel- low, obtained from the root of tlie berljerry shrub. here, n. ber (AS. bere), a variety of barley; bigg or barley-bigg. bereave, v. bdrev' (AS. bereafian, to deprive of), to take from; to deprive of; to render destitute: be- reav'ing, imp. : bereft, bH-rift, or bereaved, pp. be-rcvd' : bereav'er, n. one who: bereavement, ii. b':rai'mi>it, a heavy loss, particularly of friends, by death. berengellite, n. bSr-Sng'-gSl-lt (from St Eerengela, in Peru, S. Amer., where found abundantly ; Gr. lithos, a stone), one of the mineral resins, of a dark-brown colour witli a green tinge, having a disagreeable odour and bitter taste. berg, n. berg (Sw. berg, a mountain), a hill, gene- rally of ice ; a contr. of iceberg, wliicb see : berg-mahl or -mehl, berg-mdl' (Sw. mountain -meal), a recent infusorial earth of a whitish colour and mealy grain, also chUpA fossil farina, of common occurrence in bog and ancient lake deposits. bergamot, n. ber'gd-mdt (F. and Sp. hergamofe), a kind of pear or citron highly esteemed; a perfume obtained from its rind ; tapestry of a coarse kind, first in;ide at Bergamo, in Italy. bergmaster, n. berg'mds-ter (AS., Ger., or Sw. herg, a mountain or mine; and nutster), the chief officer or judge among the Derbyshire miners: bergmote, n. berg'mOt (AS. berg; gemote, an assembly), a court or assembly for deciding all causes and disputes among the Derbyshire miners. Berlin, n. ber-lln' or ber'lln, a kind of carriage first made in Berlin ; fine worsted for fancy-work. berm, n. berm (F. berme: Ger. berine) in fort., a path or STpOAie of ground from 3 to 5 feet in width left between the exterior slope of the parapet and the ditch. bemacle, n. bh-'nd-kl—s^fi barnacle. berry, n. ber'rl, plu. berries, ber'rlz (AS. berie: Icel. ber: Ger. beere: L. bacca), any small juicy fruit: berried, a. bdr'rld, funiished with berries. berth, n. berth (Icel. bj/rdi : Dan. byrde, a burden ; a supposed corruption of breadth), the position of a sliip at anchor; a space or room in a ship; a place to sleep m : to give a wide berth, to leave considerable room for. beryl, n. bir'll {L.beriillus: Pers. bidur, acrystal).a precious stone of a deep rich gi-een colour : berylline, a. b6r'U-ln, like the beryl ; a lapidary's term for the less brilliant and colourless varieties of the emerald. beryx, n. bdr'lks, a fossil fish belonging to the perch family, known to the quarrymen by the name of John Dories. berzeline, n. bSr'zel-fn (after P.erzelius, a Swedish chemist), a mineral ; selenite of copper, occurring in thin dendritic crusts of a silver-wlute colour and me- tallic lustre: berzelite, n. bSr'zel-lt, a name applied to s(!veral minerals. beseech, v. bS-sSch' {oM Ens:, beseke : AS. he, and arain. to seek), to ask for earnestly; to I'litri'nt; To implore: beseech'ing, imp.: besought', pp. and jit. besaXct': beseech'er, n. one who: beseechingly, ad. -/;. beseem, v. bi-sim' (old Sw. surma: Ger. i/rzie- vien: Dut. betmmen, to be fitting, to bi'conic), to lie- come; to befit; to be decent for: beseem'ing, imp.: beseemed, jip. hf-semd': beseem'ingly, ad. -U. beset, V. ^r-scf (AS. hrsrttini), to siirrciunil; to en- rlosc; til press on all sides; to perplex: beset'tlng, imp.: adj. lialiitnallv attendint;: beset', pt. pii. beside, iirep. he-s'rd' {he an.l side; \>y the side), nl the side, of a person or 11lin^'; over and above: be- sides, jireii. h,}-.^Ulz', over and above: ad. or conj. more than that; moreover: beside himself, out of his WitM. besiege, v. bH-sej' (AS. be: F. siege, to besiege), to surround any place with soldiers, as a city or town, in order to take possession of it by force; to beset: be- sieging, imp.: adj. employed in a siege; surrounding with armed forces: besieged, pp. bi-scjd': besieger, n. one who. besmear, v. bS-smSr' {be and smear), to cover all over; to soil -with dirt : besmear'ing, imp.: besmear- ed, pp. bi-smerd'. besom n. be'ziim (AS. besem—trom besmas, rods: Ger. besen), a large brush of birch or hair for sweeping ; a broom : v. to sweep : besoming, imp.: besomea, pp. be'zumd. besot, bS-sot' (AS. be: Ger. sait, full: F. sot, dull, gross), to stupefy; to make dull or senseless: besot'- ting, imp.: besotted, pp.: besot'tedly, ad. -ll: besot- tedness, n. stupidity; infatuation : besot'tingly, ad. -ll. besought— see beseech. bespangle, v. be-spang'gl (AS. be: Gael, spang, any- thing sparkling : Dut. spang, a spangle), to adorn with spangles; to cover ^vith glittering ol.'jects: bespan'- gling, imp.: bespangled, pp. bH-spang-gld. bespatter, v. bi-spdt'ter (Dut. besjjaiten. to splash), to sprinkle with water or mud. bespat'tering, imp.: bespat'tered, pp. -terd. bespeak, v. bS-spek' {be and S2)eak), to speak for beforehand ; to engage for a future time ; to forebode ; to show: bespeak'er, n. one wlio; bespeaking, imp.: bespoke, pt. bi-spok': bespoken, pp. b6-sp0-k6n. bespread, v. bi-si)red' {.MA. be: Dut. itpreeden: Dan. sprede, to spread or scatter), to spread over; to cover over: bespread'ing, imp.: bespread', pp. besprinkle, v. be-spring'-kl (AS. be: Dut. sprenkekn, to sprinkle), to scatter over: besprin'kling, imp.: be- spnn kled, pp. -kid. best, a. best (AS. besfa: Dut. best: Icel. bestr), superl. of good; good in the highest degree: ad. in the high- est degree ; beyond all others : n. the utmost ; the highest endeavour, as to do one's best : the best, the highest perfection: do the best, use the utmost power : make the best, improve or do to the utmost. bestial, a. best'yal (L. besfia, a bea.st), like a bea.st ; beastly; brutal; filthy: bestiality, n. be.^t-i/al'-l-ti, the quality of a beast ; an unnatural crime : best'iaJly, ad. -ll. bestir, v. bS-ster' (AS. be and stir], to rouse into vigorous action: bestir'ring, imp.: bestirred, pp. be-sterd'. bestow, v. bS-sfo' (AS. be, and stou; a place), to give; to confer; to apply; to impart: bestow'ing, imp.: bestowed, pp. bi-stod': bestowal, n. the act of bestowing: bestow'ment, n. the act of giving or conferring : bestow'er, n. one who. bestrew, v. be-strd' {be and strciv), to scatter or sprinkle over— see strew. bestride, v. hc-strld' {he and .<:fride). to stand with the legs open; to extend the lej^s across: bestri'ding, imp. : bestrid, be-strid', or bestrod, bc-strod', pt. : be- stridden, pp. he-str'td'n. bestud, V. bS-stiid'{he and stud), to adorn vrith studs or shining points: bestnd'ding, imp.: bestud', pp. bet, n. bat (AS. bad: Goth. radi. a pledge), a wager: that which is pledged on a contest : v. to lay a wager : bet'ting, imp. : bet'ted, pp. : betting, a. in the habit of making bets : n. the prtiposing or laying of a wager : bet'tor, n. one who bets. beta, n. be'ta (Gr.), second letter of the Greek alpha- bet ; systematic name for an order of plants (Celt, bett, red, in allusion to the red colour of the roots) of which the beet-root is the tj-pe. betake, v. be-tak' (.A.S. betcrean), to take one's self to; to liave recourse to; to apjily: betak'ing, imp.: betook, pt. he-tiTuk' : betaken, pp. hi-ta'-kn. betel, n. hct'-l (F. betel: Sp. hetle : Siius. patra], a so;t of pepper-plant, the fruit of the .■Vreea Catechu; a I'onipounil whose jirineipal ingredients are the fruit of the Areea Catechu, the leaf of the betel pepper, a little chunam, and lime— in universal use for chew- ing in all central and tropical Asia, affording the same sort of enjoyment as chewing tobacco in other countries. bethink, v. U.-thhik' {be and think), to bring or call to mind by reflection: bethinking, imp,: bethought, jip. hi-:thh: bade, pt. bad: bidden or bid, pp. bid'n: bid- ding, iiiiji. bid'dlng: n. an invitation; an order: bid der, u. (L. bis, twice ;/ero, I carry), bearing fruit twn-e a-year. biffin, n. Itif'j'ln (supposed corruption of beefin, from its resemblance to raw beef), an apple so called, dried in an oven and flattened for keeping. bifid, a. bi'fid (L. bis, twice ; ,fidi. I cleft or split), cleft in two ; opening with a cleft, but not deeply di- vided: alsobifidate, a. btf-l-dat. bifold, a. bl'fold (L. bis smA/oM), double; of two kinds : bi'form, a. -fawrni (L. forma, shape), having two forms. bifurcated, a. bl-fir'kafi'd, or bifur'cous, a. -kfis (L. bi^, twice; f area, a fork), forked; separated into two heads or branches: bi'furca'tion, n. -kd'-shiin. a dividing into two, as the division of the trunk of ves- sels, or .if tlie stem of a plant. big, a. h((/ (original spelling ?)?<.7: Icel. bolr/a, a swell- ing : Dan. hia;, belly), large ; great in size or bulk ; full of pride; distended; ready to burst: big'ly, ad. -li: big'nesE, n. big, V. big, or bigg (Dan. bug), winter barley. bigamv, n. blg'a-ml (L. bis, twice; Gr. gamen. I marry), the crime of marrying a second wife or hus- band while a first is still alive : big'amist, n. -mist, one who has two wives or husbands at one time. biggin, n. bh/gfn (F. beguine, an order of nuns who do not take vows), a cap of a certain shape worn by the brt;uins ; a child's lap ; a small wooden vessel. bight, n. bit (Icel. bugt, a bend or curve : AS. biigav : (!er. biegen, to bend), a sudden bend inwards of the sea into'the land ; a small bay ; the double part or coil of a rope. bigot, n. blg'ot (It. biaotto, a bigot: bizzoro, a hypo- crite—from bigio, grey — applied to cerlain secular aspirants to superior holiness of life in tliirteenth cen- tuiy), one who is obstiniitely and blindly att.'ichcd to a particv.lnr religious belief, to a party, or to an opin- ion; abliiHl zc.ildt: big'oted, a. unreasonably attached to : blg'otedly, iid.: bigotry, n. big'6t-rl, blind zeal in favour of soiiieihiii^'. bijou, n. hrzliu (1'.— plu. hijo^i.r). a Jewel, a trinket : bijouterie, u. hf-zlidl'rl. jewelltTy; the making or d.-.iling ill trinkets or jewellery. bijugate, ii. bVjiTo-gat (I,, his. twice ; juffwn, a yoke), Jn bo'., having two p:iirs of leaflets on a pinnate leaf. bilabiate, a. bt-ia'bl-at (L. bis, twic-e ; labium, a lip), in bot., having the mouth of any tubular organ divided into two principal portions, termed lips. bilateral, a. bl-ldt'er-ai (L. bis, twice; latus, a side), in bot., airanged on or towards opposite sides: bilat- eral symmetry, that construction in veitebrate ani- mals where the organs of the body are arranged mora or less distinctly in pairs. bilberry, n. bll'ber-rl (AS. bleo, blue : Dan. blaa-baer. lilue berry), name of a small wild fruit of a dark-blue colour, called in Scotland blaeberry ; whortle-berry. bilboes, n. plu. bil'bOz [Bilboa; h. boice, a shackle: Dut. boeye), among mariners, a sort of stocks or wood- en shackles for the feet, used for offendei-s. bile, n. bil (L. bilis, bile: F. bile), a thick, yellow, bitter liquor separated in the liver, and collected in the gall-bladder; gall ; ill humour: bilious, a. bU'yv..s. having excess of bile: biliousness, n. : bil'iary, a. ■yer-i, of or relating to bile: bile-duct, n. a vessel or canal to convey bile. bile, n. bli (AS. byl, a blotch), more frequently boil —a soft tumour upon the flesli. bilge, n. bllj (Gael, bulg, a belly: Icel. bidki. a luunp: Dan. bulk, a lump— a different spelling of bulge), the swelled out or bellied part of a cask ; the breadth of a ship's bottom on which she rests when aground: also called bilage, bd'oj: v. to have ;i fracture in a ship's bottom: to spring a leak: bilge- water, n. water lying on a ship's bottom or bilge: bilged, pp. blljd : bil'ging, imp. : bilge-pump, the pump employed to diuw off the bilge-water. bilingsgate, n. bll'-ingz-gat (the great fish-market in London), rough or foiil language, such as is spoken at Bilingsgate. bilingiial, a. bi-lrng'giral (L. bis. twice; lingua, a tongue), in two languages : bilin'guous, a. -g^vui, speaking two languages. biliteral, a. bUlt'-ir-al (L. bis, twice •,litera, a letter), of t>\'0 letters. bilk, V. bilk (Sw. bnlka. to partition off— another spelling of balk), to defraud ; to cheat ; to leave in the lurch : bilk'ing, imp. : bilked, np. bilkt. bill, n. bll (AS. 6(7; Ger. bcii, an axe: Dut. bille, a stone-mason's pick), an instrument for hewing ; :in anc. military weapon ; a hooked instrument for cutting hedges, pinning, &c. ; the beak of a fowl or bird : billed, a. blld, furnished with a bill. biU, n. bll (mid. L. bidla, a seal: Dut. biljet, a note), an account for goods; a printed advertisement; in law, a declaration in writing of some fault or wrong ; a written promise to pay money in a certain time; a form or draft of a proposed law before parliament ; a written list of particulars in law, in commerce, or in other social usages : bill of exchange, a wTitten order on a person in a distant place requesting him to pay money to another — the person who draws the hill is called the drau-er, the person requested to pay the money tlie dratvce. the person to whom the money is payable is called the payee .- bill of fare, in a hotel, a list of articles ready for food : bill of entry, in rom., a written account of goods entered at tlie cMi.stom-house : bill of lading, a written aecnunt of gootls shipped by a person on lioard an ontw:n-d-boiuid vessel, and signed by the master or cuptain : bill of health, a certificate of the health of a sliijis crew: bill of mortality, an official return of deatlis in any pl.ace: bill of rights, a summary or list of the rights and privileges claimed by a people: bill of sale, a written inventory or list given by the seller of personal property to the pur- chaser: bill of exceptions, a written statement of errors in law tendered to the presiding judge before a verdict is given : bill in chancery, a written state- nieutputinor filed in the Court of Chancery: true bill, an attested written st.atement by a grand juiy of sutlii lent evidence against a prisoner to warrant a trial- bill chamber, iii Scot., p. jiarticular department oftlie Court of Session for dealing witli certain witten (loeuineTits: bill of suspension, iu S'-ot.. a written ajiplication or ajipeal from a lower to a lii:.'her court. to iiievcnt execution of a s.'iiteiice in a criminal trial; bill of divorce, in the .hiri.
  • cl?e : V. to quarter soldiers : billeting, imp. : billeted, ^billet, n. Ml'-iet (F. billot, a stick or log of wood cut for firewood), a small log of wood for firewood. billet-doux, n. bU'hi-dd' (F. billet, a letter; doux, sweet), a short love-letter. _ _ „ billiards, n. plu. Wl'yardz (F. Ullard— from. F. bille; L. pilum, a ball), a game played on a long table cov- ered with cloth, with ivory balls and a cue or mace: billiard, a. pert. to. „. ^ billion, n. bll'-yun {L. bis, twice, and tmlhon), a million of millions. billow, n. Ml'-lo (Dan. bolge; Sw. bolja; Dut. holghe, a wave of the sea), a veiy large wave or surge of the sea : v. to swell or rise into large waves ; to surge : bil lowing, imp. : billowed, pp. -lod : billowy, a. -lo-i, full of billows ; swelling into gi-eat waves. bilobate, a. bido'-bat (L. bis, twice; Gr. lobos, the ear-lap or lower part of the ear), having two lobes. bilocular, a. bl-ldk-H-ldr (L. bis, twice; loculus, a little place), in bot., containing two cavities or cells. bimanous, a. bi-ma'nus (L. bis, twice ; manus, the hand), having two hands ; two-handed : bimana, n. -ma'-na, the order of mammalia of which man is the sole representative— the apes and monkeys being quadrumanous, or four-handed. bimensal, a. bi-min'sM (L. bis; mensis, a month), occuiTing once in two months. bin, n. bin (AS. bin, a manger, a hutch; Sw. bi7ige, a heap), a wooden box or chest used for holding com or flour, &c.; a compartment in a wine-ceUar. bin (L. bini, two by two), a prefix meaning double; by twos ; of two ; another fonn of bis, twice. binary, a. bt'ner-l (L. bini, two by two: F. binaire), consisting of two, or two parts: dual; in astron., ap- plied to double stars; in ckem., applied to compoimds consisting of two elements: n. constitution of two: binate, a. bi'nat, gi-owing in pairs ; double. bind, v. bmd (AS. or Goth, bindan, to bind or tie : Icel. binda, to bind or knot— see bunch), to tie toge- ther ; to fasten ; to confine or restrain ; to oblige by a promise, an oath, or an agreement ; to form or sew on a border ; to render costive or hard : bind'ing, imp. : n. the cover of a book, &c.: adj. obligatory: bound, pt. and pp. bmvnd: bind'er, n. a person or thing that binds: bindery, n. bind'er-l, a binder's workshop. bind, n. bind, or bine, bm (Ger. bund, a bunch, a truss), a miner's term for tough, argUlaceous, or clayey shales. bind, n.'bhid (Icel. binda, to bind: Lith. pinnu, to wreathe, to plait : L. vinea, a vine), the windinr; or climbing stem of a climbing plant,- thus, hop-bine, the shoots of hops: woodbine, the honeysuckle: bindwood or binwood, in Scot., the I^t: bindweed, a >vild plant ^^^th twining stems ; a convolvulus. bing, n. blng (Sw. binge, a heap: Icel. bunga, to swell— same as" bin), a heap ; a miner's term for a heap of ore or other mineral of a certain size. binnacle or binacle, n. bln'a-kl (formerly written bittacle,n. blt'd-kl: F. habitacle), a turret-shaped box placed on board a ship near the helm in which the compass is kept. binocle, n. bln'6-kl (L. binus, double; ocnlus, an eye), a telescope fitted with two tubes for both eyes : binocular, a. bl-nok'u-ldr, having two eyes ; employ- ing both eyes at once — as binocular vision. binomial, n. bl-no'ml-dl (L. bis, t^vice; nomen, a name), in alg., a quantity consisting of two terms con- nected by the sign plus (-f), or minus (- ): adj. pert, to : binominous, a. bi-nom'i-nns ; binomial system, in zool., the system according to which every animal receives two names, the one indicating the gemis to which it belongs, the other being its own specific name — as canis familiaris, the domestic dog. binous, a. bi'-nOs (L. bini, two by two), double ; in a pnir, as leaves. binoxalate, n. bln-dks'dl-at (L. bis, twice ; Gr. oxa- lis, a kind of sorrel— from Gr. oxus, acid), a combina- tion of oxalic acid with a base in which the former is in excess: binozlde, n. -oks'ld (L. bis, twice, and oxygen), the second degree of oxidation of a metal orother substance. biography, n. bi-dg'rd-fl (Gr. bios, life; grapho, I write), tlie written history of the life and character of a particular person : bi'ograph'ic, a. -o-grCtf-lk, also bi'ograph'ical, a. -Kkai, pert, to the written life of any one: bi'ograph'ically, ad. -i-fefii^i: biographer, 11. bi-''ig'rd-fSr, a writer of lives. biology, n. bl-dl'O-jHGr. bios, life ; logos, a discourse). BISM the science which investigates the phenomena of life, whether vegetable or animal : biologic, a. bl'O-lOj'-lk. also bi'olog^ical, a. -6 lOj'lkdl, relating to the science of life : biol'ogist, n. -ol'-O-jUt, one who treats of the phenomena of life. biparous, a. bip'dr-vs (L. bis, twice ; pario, I bring forth), having two at a birth: bip'artite, a. -tit(h. biit, twice ; partitus, divided), divided into two parts, as a leaf; having two corresponding parts: bip'artition, n. -tlsh'-un, the act of dividing or making into two corresponding parts : bip'artile, a. -til, that may bo divided into two parts. biped, n. bl'-pidil.. bis, twice ; pes, afoot— gen. pedis), an animal having two feet : bipedal, a. hii>-e-dal or bl-pe'ddl, having two feet. bipennate, a. M-j)^n'»i(J^andbipen'nated, a. (L. bis, twice ; penna, a feather), having two wings or wing- like organs. bipetalous, a. blpet'd-liis (L. bis, twice ; Gi. petalon, a leaf), having two flower-leaves or petals. biplicate, a. blp'll-kat (L. bis, twice ; plico, I fold), in bot., doubly folded in a transverse manner, as in the section of some cotyledons or seed-lobes. bipinnate, a. bl-pin'-ndt (L. bis, twice; pinna or penna, a feather), in bot., having the leaflets on the secondary petioles of a doubly compound leaf ar- ranged in a pinnate manner. biquadrate,n. bi-/cM(5d'm<(L. bis, twice; qtiadrafus, squared), the fourth power of a number, or the square of the square : bi'quadrat'ic, n. or a. -idt'ik, relating to the fourth power. birch, n. berch (AS. birce : Sw. bjork), name of a tree ; a bundle of twigs used as a rod of correction : birch or birch'en, a. -en, made of birch. bird, n. berd (AS. brid, the young of birds: Ger. bmt, a brood of young), a feathered animal ; a chick- en ; a young fowl: v. to catch birds: bird-bolt, a small arrow: bird's-eye, seen at a glance ; seen from a great height, as by a bird ; a plant ; a variety of cut tobacco : bird-cage, an enclosure of wire or wicker work for the confinement of birds : bird-catcher, one whose employment it is to snare birds : bird-like, resembling a bird: bird-lime,any glutinous or sticky substance spread upon twigs for catching birds : bird- limed, spread to ensnare : bird-willed, flighty; incap- able of sustained attention: bird's-eye limestone, a member of the lower Silurian of N. Amer., so named from the dark circular markings studding many por- tions of its mass : bird-tongues, a familiar term for fossil shark's teeth : bird's-eye maple, curled maple, a species of wood used in cabinet-work. birostrate, a. bl-ros^/rat (L. bis, twice; rostrum, a beak), having two beaks. birr, v. ber (Scot.), to make a whirring rattling noise: bir'ring, imp. : birred, pp. berd: birl, birling, birled, berld, are used in the same sense. birth, n. berth (AS. beorth; Sw. bord, a birth— from AS. beran, to bring forth), the act of coming into life; being bom; descent; family; condition in which one is bom ; origin ; beginning ; the thing produced : birthplace, n. place where born : birthright, a right or privilege which any one is entitled to by birth: birthday, n. the day on which a person is born ; the anniversary of it. biscuit, n. bts'klt (F. biscuit— from L. bis, t\vice, and F. cuit, done or baked— from L. coctus, cooked or dressed), bread baked hard for keeping; articles of pottery before they are glazed and ornamented. bisect, V. bl-sSktf (L. bis, twice ; sectus, cut), to cut or di\'ide into two equal parts : bisec'ting, imp. : bi- aec'ted, pp. : bisec'tion, n. -sek'shun, the act of cutting into two equal parts : biseg'ment, n. the exact half of a line. biserial, a. bl-se'rl-dl (L. bis, twice; serifs, an order or row), arranged in a double series or two coui-ses. biserrate, a. bl-s6r'-rat (L. bis, twice; seiTU, a saw), being doubly marked or notched like the teeth of a saw, as in certain leaves. bisexual, a. bl-seks'-u-dl (L. bis, tmce ; sexus, male or female), of both sexes ; hei-maphrodite. bishop, n. blsh'op (AS. bisreop: I., episcopns ; Gr. episco])os, an overseer), a clergyman of high rank who has the oversight of the clergy within a district called a diocese : bish'opric, n. -rlk, a diocese ; the office and jurisdiction of a bishop. bisk, n. bisk (F. bisqtie, rich soup), soup made by boiling together several sorts of flesh. bismuth, n. bfz'muth (Ger. wisrnnith — from visz, white, and muth, lively: F. bismuth), a hard brit- cdU\ boy, foot; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. BISO 50 BLAC tie reddish -white metal, used in making' pewtor, printers' types, &c., non-malleable, but easily fusible : bismuthine, a. -In, sulphuret of bismuth of a greyish- tin colour: bismuthlte, n. -it, orbis'mutite, -7>iu-ttt, a yellowish-grey ore of bismuth, or of a white or dull mountain-green : bis'muthal, a. -ell, and bis'muthic, a. -ik, of or from bismuth : bismuth-blende, -blend, a mixture of silicate of iron and bismuth with phos- phate of alumina. bison, n. bl'zon (L. or Gr.), a kijid of wild ox, with short black rounded horns, and a large fleshy hunch on the shoulders. bissextile, n. bls-s6ks'tU (L. Mssextilis— from bis, and sextits, sixth), every fourth year— so called by the anc. Romans, because in that year the sixth day of the calends of March (Feb. 24) was reckoned twice ; leap year: adj. pert, to leap year. bistort, n. bistort (L. bis, twice ; tortus, twisted), a plant so called from the twisted or contorted appear- ance of its root ; snakeweed. bistoury, n. bls'tddr-l{F. bistouri, an incision-knife —from Pistoria, now Pistoja, in Tuscany, once cele- brated for their manufacture), a small knife or scalpel for surgical purposes. bistre, n. bis'ter (F. prepared soot), a brown paint made from wood-soot. bisulcous, a. bl-siU'kus (L. bis, twice ; sulcus, a fur- row), cloven-footed, as swine or oxen. bisulphate, n. blsHl'/at (L. bis, twice; sulphur, sulphur), a sulphate containing two equivalents of sulphuric acid to one of the base. bit, n. bit (AS. bitol: Icel. bitill), the iron mouth- piece of a bridle; a small piece of anything; a tool : V. to put the bit in a horse's mouth; to restrain: bitting, imp. : bit'ted.pp. bitch, n. blch (AS. bicce: Icel. biJckia, alittle dog, a bitch : Ger. bet:x, a bitch), the female of the dog -kind ; opprobrious term. bite, V. bit (Goth, beitan: Icel. bita), to tear; to pierce; to break or crush with the teeth; to pinch with cold ; to reproach by stinging words ; to pain or wound: n. the seizure of anything by the teeth; wound made by the teeth; a morsel; a mouthful: biting, imp. hVtlng: adj. severe; sharp; sarcastic: bit, pt. bit: bitten, pp. blt'n: adj. in bot., applied to a leaf, root, or corolla terminating? abruptly, as if bitten off short: biter, n. bl'ter: bi'tingly, ad. -U. bitemate, a. bl-ter'ndt (L. bis, twice; terni, three by three), in bot., applied to compound leaves which form three leaflets on each secondary petiole or leaf- stalk. bittacle, n. bXt'td'kl—see binnacle. bitter, a. blt'ter (Icel. beitr ; Goth, baitrs; Ger. bitter, biting, stinging), sharp ; biting to the taste ; severe ; reproachful ; painful to the feelings or mind ; distressing: n. a plant: bit'temess, n. sharpness: bit'terly, ad. -li: bitters, n. plu. blt'terz, a liquor, generally spirits, in which bitter herbs or roots have been steeped : bit'terish.a. slightly bitter: bit'terish- ness, n. : bitter-spar. n. the largely crystalline and easily-cleavable kinds of dolomite or magnesian lime- stone : bitter-sweet, woody nightshade : bitterwort, the plant gentian: bittern, n. 6«:are or o.-it witli bitumen : bltu'minl- Bing, imp. : bitu'minised, pp. -ni~d .- bituminisa tion, n. -nlziX'shun. the natural proc rss nf Ijiiiil,' c(inverti(i into bituminous matt'T: bituminous, a. -iia-niis, full of or containing bitumen. bivalve, n. bl-vdlv (L. bis, twice; valvm, folding doors), a shell consisting of two parts which shut and open, as the mussel or oyster ; m bot., a seed case or vessel of like kind: adj., also bival vular, -vuiar, and bivarvous, -vus, having two shells, as the oyster or mussel. bivouac, n. bW-oo-dk (F. : Ger. bei-wache, an addi- tional watch: Sp. vivac, to\>Ti-guard), the encamp- ment of an army for the night in the open air : v. to take rest or refreshment in the open air, as an army on march, or travellers on a journey : biv'ouack ing, imp.: biv'ouacked, pp. -akt. bizarre, a. bl-z&r' [F.) odd; fantastical: bizar'ro, -zur'-ro (It.), in miLsic, strange and fantastical, as ap- plied to the style of movement. blab, v. biab(I>a.n. blabbre, to babble : Ger. plappern, to speak confusedly or thoughtlessly: Gael, blabaran, a stammerer: Dut. labben, to tell tales), to t.attle; to tell tales ; to tell secrets in a thoughtless manner : n. a tell-tale; one who reveals things which ought not to be told: blab'ber, n. -ber, a tell-tale: blabljlng, imp. : blabbed, pp. -bldbd. black, a. hiak (Ger. bleich, and Dut. bleek, pale, or bleak, which seems to be the original meaning of black: Icel. blackr, bluish-grey or pale), the opposite of white ; dark ; cloudy ; dismal ; sullen ; very wicked : a. name of the darkest of colours ; a negro : v. to make black ; to dirty or soil : blacking, imp. : n. a substance used in polishing boots and sTioes ; that which makes black : blacked, pp. bUlkt : black'ish, a. a little black : blackly, ad. -ll : black'ness, n. : black-act, a law which makes it felony to appear armed with the face blackened : black-amber, n. the name given by Prussian amber-diggers to jet : black-art, magic or conjuration : black-ball, v. in a society, to reject a pro- posed member by putting Mark balls'in the voting or ballot box : -balling, imp. : -balled, pp. : black-band, a Scotch miner's term for the ironstones of tlie coal- measures which contain coaly matter sufficient for calcining the ore without the addition of coal : black- berry, the fruit of the bramble : blackbird, a species of siuging-bird : black-board, a board painted black, used in schools for teaching purposes : black-book, an old book said to have been composed in 1175, containing a description of the Court of Exchequer, its officers, privileges, &c. ; a book compiled under the authority of Henry VIII. in regard to monasteries; a book treating on necromancy : blackcap, a bird, so called from its black crown; an apple roasted till black: black- cattle, a general term for bulls, oxen, and cows : black-chalk, a soft black or bluish-black clay or shale found in subordinate layers in several forma- tions, also called Italian chalk, German chalk, &c. : black-cock, the heath-cock or black grouse: black* friar, one of an order of monks, also called Domini- cans: black-flux, n. a mixture of carbonate of pot- ash and charcoal, used in chemical operations: black-hole, a place of confinement for soldiers : black- jack, a miner's term for sulphuret of zinc or blende : black-lead, a familiar name for graphite, from its resemblance to the metal lead, called also plumbago, used in making lead pencils: black-legs, a dis- ease among calves and slieep: black-leg, a common gambler; a cheat: black-letter, n. the old English alphabetic character: black-mail, a tax in money or kind paid in olden times to robbers for protection ; any tax unjustly or unfairly exacted: black-pndding, a pudding made of blood thickened with meal : black- sheep, n. an outcast; a person ill-behaved and of low habits : black-strakes, a range of planks immediately above the wales in a ship's side covered with tar and lamp-black : black-thorn, a tree very branchy, armed with strong sharp spines, and bearing small round black fruit like plums or cherries — also called the sloe: black-vomit, one of the fatal s>'mptoms of yellow fever: black-wad, an earthy ore of manganese, usu- ally called wad, wliich see: blackamoor, n. biak'd- ynOr, a negro; a black maji : black-browed, a. applied to a person with black eyebrows ; gloomy ; threaten- ing ; dismal. blacken, v. bldk'71 (from black), to make black; to soil; to defame: blackening, inij). bldk-nliuj: black- ened, pp. -did: black ener, n. one wlio. blackguard, n. lilih/(jd)-(l (a name originally given in derision to the lowest chuss of menials or hangors- on about a court or great household), a mean low fel- low; one who uses foul language; any dirty useless man or boy; a scoundrel: v. to defame; to employ foul or abusive language in speaking of any one: mate, mat./dr, laTv; viite, m6t, her; plTie.pUi; note, nOt, mCve; BLAC 51 black'gnarding, imp. : blackguarded, pp. : Wack'- guardism, n. Um, the conduct or language of a black- ^blatk-rod, n. lldk'rod, a^high ofRcer of the queen's household, and of the order of the garter, so called from the black staff which he carries as a badge of articles froni iron. . , .i, , bladder, n. Uad'd&r (AS. lladre : Icel. Undra, a bubble, a blister: Ger. Natter, a pustule), a thm sack or has in animals for containing particular fluids, such as the urine and the mil : blad'dered, a. -acrd, sweUed like a bladder: blad'dery, a. -der-l like a bladder. blade, n. Uad (Icel. blad, leaf of a tree, blade of a sword • Ger. Uatt ; Dut. Uad, a leaf, a plate), the long leaf or spire of grass, or of a like plant; the cutting part of a knife ; the broad part of an oar; the part ot a tool that is broad or thin; a brisk, gay, bold fellow: V. to furnish with a blade: bla'ding, imp. : bla ded, DP • adj. applied to crystals composed of long and narrow plates, like the blade of a knife ; laminated : blade -bone, the upper flat bone of the shoulder: blades, n. plu. blildz, the principal rafters or breaks blaiii,'n. Ndn (AS. Uegen; Dut. or Dan. Negne; Icel. blina, a boil or pimple), a sore ; a blister. blame, v. Nam (F. Ndmer, to blame: Norm. F. Nasiner ; L. Nasphemare, to revile, to defame : Gr. Nasphemein, to speak impiously: It biasimare, to blame), to find fault with; to censure: n. censure; crime ; expression of disapprobation ; reproach : bla - ming, imp. : blamed, pp. Ndmd : blamewor'thy, a. : blamewor'tMiiess, n. : blameful, a. -fool: blame - fully a-A.-fooM: blame'fulness, n. : bla'mer, n. one who- blamable, a. bia'-ma-U, deserving of censure; faulty; culpable: bla'mably, ad. -Ul: bla'mableness, n -bl-n&s- blameless, a. bZdr/i^.'ds, without fault; inno- cent ; free from blame ; guiltless : blamelessly, ad. U: blamelessness, n. blanch, v. Ndnsh (F. Nanchir, to whiten— from tilanc, white : Dan. blank, shining, polished), to make white ; to take out the colour : blanch'ing, imp. : adj whitening: n. the operation of brightening pieces of silver or of making white like silver other metals ; the operation of whitening vegetables by covering them from the light: blanched, pp. Ndnsht: blanch - er, n. one who. blancmange, n. N5ng-mdngzh', or blancman ger, ii. -zhd (F. white food or jelly), a confected white jellj'. bland, a. Ndiid (L. blandus, gentle: Dan. lind, soft). mild; soft; gentle: blandly, ad. -It: bland'ness, n.: blandation, n. Ndn-dd'sMn, gross flattery: blandilo- Quence, n. bldn-dtl'O-kwdns (L. loquor, I speak), fair, mild, flattering speech : blandish, v. bldn'dtsh, to ca- ress; to soothe; to soften: blan'disher, n. one who: blan'disMng, imp. : blan' dished, pp. -dlsht : blan'- dishment, n., and blandishing, n. soft words tending to win the heart ; caresses. ,.,... blank, a. bldngk{F. 6?a«c, white: Dan. blank, shining: Ger. blinken, to shine), denoting an unwritten ticket, or one not obtaining a prize ; empty ; void ; confused ; confounded ; in verse, without rhyme : n. a void ; any empty space; paper unwritten on or without marks; a ticket without value: v. to make void or empty; to confuse ; to efface or rub off: blank'ing, imp. : blanked, pp. Ndngkt: blankly, ad. -II: blank'ness, n.: point- blank, the shot of a gun levelled horizontally, the shot proceeding in a straight line without curving: blank verse, verse without, or void of rhyme. blanket n. bldngk'et{F. Nanchet—fromblanc,-white), a woollen cover for a bed: V. to toss in or cover with a blanket: blank'eting, imp.: n. cloth for blankets: blank'eted, pp. , ,,, ^ ,,. ^ blare, n. bldr (Dut. Uaeren, to bubble, to blister: Gael, blore, a loud noise), a roar; a bellowing noise: V. to bellow; to roar: bla'ring, imp.: blared, pp. blarney, n. bldr'-nl (from a legend connected wth Blarney Castle, Ireland), smooth deceitful talk ; flat- tering words meant neither to be honest nor true. blaspheme, v. blds-fcm' (see blame), to speak of God with irreverence ; to speak in Impious terms of any of God's names and attributes ; to curse or swear : blas- phe'ming, imp. : blasphemed', pp. -femd': blasphe'mer, ji one wlio : blas'phemous, a. -fc-mus, impious ; con- taining blasphemy: blas'phemously, ad. -us'll: blaa'- phemy, n. -i, irreverence in speaking of God ; profane language. BLEN blast, n. Ndst (AS. blmsen, to blow; llcest, a blast), a violent rush of wind ; the sound of a wind-instru- ment; any destru(;tive influence: an explosion of gunpowder ; the air introduced into a furnace : V. to cause to wither; to blight; to affect with a sudden calamity ; to destroy ; to confound ; to split rocks by gunpowder: blast'ing, imp.: n. the act of separating stones or rocks from their beds by blowing them up with gunpowder : blaat'ed, pp.: blast-pipe, the waste- steam pipe in locomotive engines, of prime importance in causing a greater draught in the fire-tubes and through the fire-grate: blast-furnace, a furnace for smelting iron ore, «&c., whose heat is vastly increased by air, generally heated, being forced into it by ma- chinery—the air so introduced is called the blast. blastema, n. Nds-te'md (Gr. blastano, I germinate), in surg., a subtransparent glairy matter, containing a multitude of minute corpuscles forming the basis of part of an animal, as the blastema of bone ; in bot., the whole of the embryo after the cotyledons have been abstracted : blaste'mal, a.-mrti, pert, to ; rudimentary. blastoderm, n. Nds'46-derm (Gr. Nastos, a bud; derma, a skin), the germinal disc or spot which forms on the egg in the early stage of incubation. blatant, a. bld'tdnt (Dut. Naet, a boaster: GaeL blore, a loud noise : L. blatero, I talk idly or prate), bellowing as a beast : blatter, v. bldt'ter, to make a senseless noise ; to prate. blaze, n. Ndz (AS. blase or blcese, a torch or lamp: Icel. blossi, a flame : Dan. Ntis, a torch), the strong flame of any burning body; the full light of day. blaze, n. Ndz (Dut. blesse, a white streak on the forehead: Ger. blasse: Dan. Mis), the white mark on the face of an animal ; a white mark on a tree when a part of the bark is stript off. , , , , blaze, V. Ndz (AS. bla:san; Dut. Naesen, to blow), to blow abroad ; to spread news ; to publish : bla'zing, imp. : blazed, pp. bldzd: bla'zingly, ad. -II. blazon, v. bld-zn (AS. Na:se, a flame, splendour: F. blason, a coat of arms), to portray armorial bearings in their proper colours; to deck; to embellish; to adorn ; to make known far and wide : n. show ; pomp- ous display: bla'zoning, imp.: blazoned, pp. Nd-znd: bla'zonment, n.: bla'zoner, n. one wlio: blazonry, n. bld'zn-rl, that branch of heraldry which descnbes or explains coats of arms in proper terms ; the art of delineating the figures and devices of a coat of arms in their proper coloui'S or metals. bleach, v. NSch (AS. 5/cEca?i— from Ncbc, pale : Dut. blaken—see black), to make white ; to take out colour ; to grow white in any way : bleach'ing, imp. : n. the art of making anything white, especiaUy cloth : bleached, pp. Necht: bleach'er, n. one who : bleach'ery, n. -er-l, a place for bleaching: bleaehing-powder, a salt of lime— the chloride. , ^ ^ bleak, a. blek (AS. Nwc, black: Ger. bleich; Dut. Neek, pale), cold ; open ; exposed ; cheerless ; solitary : bleak'ish, a. cheerless and open in a certain degree : bleak'y, a. -l: bleakly, ad. -H: bleakness, n. blear, a. bier (Dan. Stare, a blister : low Ger. Narren, to cry or weep— hence, blair-ogc, a red watery eye), sore, watery, and tender in the eye : v. to make sore and tender: blear'ing, imp. : bleared, pp. b?erd .• blear ed- ness, n. state of one whose eyes are blear : blear-eyed, having sore eyes: blear'ness, n. soreness of the eyes. bleat, n. blet (an imitative word: Ger. bloken, to bleat as a sheep), the cry of a sheep: v. to cry as a. sheep: bleat'ing, imp.: bleat'ed, pp.: blatant, a. making a noise like a calf or sheep. bleed, v. Ned (AS. bledan—s,ee blood), to lose blood by any means ; to draw blood ; to run sap from a tree : bleeding, imp.: n. a flow of blood; operation of let- ting blood; hcemorrhage: adj. flowing with blood or juice : bled, pp. Ned: bleed'er, n. one who. blemish, n. biem'-lsh (old F. Nesmir, to soil or spot, to make livid with blows— from blesme, pale, wan: Icel. blami, the livid colour of a bniise), any defect ; any mark or scar that lessens the beauty and propor- tion ; deformity ; imperfection in character : v. to im- pair or injure; to tarnish: blemishing, imp.: blem'- ished, pp. -fcVif : blemlshable, a. -d&2; blemlshless, a.: blemisher, n. onewho. blench, v. bUnsh (same as blink, and probably flinch), to shrink ; to start back ; to give way. blend, v. bUnd (AS. blendan : Dut. blanssen, to dab- ble in water: Icel. blanda, to mix), to mingle together so as not to be able to separate ; to confound : blend'- ing, imp.; n. in painti7ig, so laying on different tints as to render it impossible to tell where one colour cow, boy, foot; piire, liid; chair, gam£,jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. BLEX bsgina and another ends : blend 'ed, pp. : blend er, one who. blende, n. blSnd (Ger. llenden, to dazzle), a term applied to several minerals having a peculiar lustre or glimmer, variously coloured, as liornblende, zino- blende, &c., now generally restricted to the sulphide of zinc ; the blackjack or mock ore of English minei-s : blendous, a. h'in'dm, relating to blende. blennorrhoea, n. bUn'dr-re'a (Gr. Henna, mucus; rheo, I flow), an excessive flow or secretion from mu- cous glands in any situation. blenny, n. hUn'nl (Gr. Menna, mucus, slime), name of a ftsh of several species, so called from the mucous matter covering the body. bless, v. Uis (AS. hletsian, to bless— from Uithe, merry, joyful : Bohem. blaze, Imppily), to make happy ; to prosper ; to praise ; to give thanks to ; to glorify or praise for benefits received : bles'sing, imp. : n. a wish of happiness to another ; gift; benefit or advantage; divine favour : blessed or blest, pp. bUst -. blessed, a. blis'sSd, happy and prosperous ; enjoying spiritual happiness: blessedly, ad. -ll: blessedness, n.: bles- ser, 11. one who. blew, V. bl&see blow. blight, n. bllt (AS. bkec, pale: low Ger. blekken, to shine : old H. Ger. Uich-fiur, blight-fire or lightning— from the idea of being blasted with lightning), a disease common to plants, by which they are withered either wholly or partially ; anjiihing nipping or blasting : v. to retard growth or prevent fertility; to blast; to fnpstrate : bllgbt'ing, imp. : bligbt'ed, pp. : blight'- ingly, ad. -ll. blind, a. blind (AS. blind: Goth, blinds : Icel. blindr — connected with blink), deprived of sight ; wanting discernment; heedless; inconsiderate; morally de- praved : V. to deprive of sight ; to darken ; to deceive : n. something that darkens or obscures ; a cover or screen : blind ing, imp.: blinded, pp.: blindly, ad. ll: blind'ness, n. want of sight ; intellectual darkness : blind'fold, a. having the eyes covered: v. to hinder from seeing : blindfold'ing, imp. : blindfolded, pp. : blindman's-buff (Ger. blinzel-maus), a play or game, in whi(;h one having his eyes covered tries to catch any other of the players : blindman's-ball, a common fun- gus : blind coal, a miner's term for those coals which, deficient in bitumen, burn away without flame: blinds, bllndz, in mil., a. temporary defence in pres- .■nce of an enemy made of branches interwoven: blind side, a familiar term for a weakness or foible : blind-worm, a small reptile covered with scales, and having a forked tongue, but harmless— called also slow-worm. blink, n. bllngk (AS. blican, to dazzle: Ger. blicken, to shine, or blinken, to twinkle), a wink ; a glance; a look ; a moment : v. to wink ; to twinkle with the eye; to see dimly or obscurely ; to evade : blink'ing, imp. : blinked, pp. bllngkt: blinkers, n. plu. blingk'erz, coverings for the eyes of a horse to keep it from seeing on either side : to blink the question, to shut one's eyes to it; to make one's self wilfully blind to it: blink y, a. lia>)lrt to wink by overstraining the eyes : snow or ice blink, the peculiar reflection from snow or ice in arctic regions. bliss, n. blXs (AS. blis, joy— see bless), happiness in a very high degree ; felicity ; toys of heaven : bliss'ful, a. -fool, full of bliss: bliss'fully, ad. -ll: bliss fulness, V..: bliss'less, a. blister, n. blU'ter (AS. blmsan, to blow: L. pustula, a bubble, a pimple: Dut. bluiisfer), a thin white swelling on the skin, generally filled with waten' fluid; the scales on iron or steel : v. to raise blisters"; to rise in blisters: blis'tering, imp. : blis'tered, pp. -t'-nh blis'tery, a. -ter-r. full of blisters. blite, n. blU (Gr. bliton: L. blitum), a kind of amaranth; a genus of plants called strawliorry blite, from the appearance of the fruit which succeeds the flower. bUthe. a. bllfh (AS. blithe, mcrn-, joyful: Goth. hleit?is,mUd: Dut. W;;/f?«, cheerful), gay: iiniry : joy- ous ; spriglitly : also in same sensi' blithe'ful, a. -Iw/, and bUthe'some, a. sum, mirtliful: blithely, :u\. -'J. blithe'ness, u. : blithe'someness, n. : blithe - ■omely, ad. ■si'iin-lt. bloat, V. hlot (Icel. himifr, soft: Dan. blod ; Sw. 1j:of, snit). to swi'll ; to puff uji ; to make vain; to grow turgid: bloating, iniji. : bloated, i)i): bloat'ed- ness, 11.: bloater, n. sukiII lisii partiaUy dried, generally m'lh-d to l,;,ir-,urrd hi-rrings. block, n. Ohk (K. btor, u log or mass: Gael, bloc. 52 BLOS round : Dut. blok : Ger. block), a heavy piece of timber or stone ; any mass of matter ; the lump of wood on which persons were beheaded ; any hindrance or ob- struction ; the piece of wood in which the wheels of a pulley run ; a row of houses : v. to shut up ; to stop ; to obstruct : block'ing, imp. : blocked, pp. blOkt : block- head, n. blOk'-hed, a stupid fellow; a dolt: blockish, a. dull; stupid: block'ishly, ad. -li: block'ishness, n. : blocklike, a. : block-tin, n. pure tin in stamped bars or blocks: adj. noting a vessel made of double or triple plates of tinned iron : blockliouse, u. a kind of fort chiefly constructed of hewn timber. blockade, n. blokkad' (It, bloccare, to block up : Sp. bloquear, to blockade— from block), the surrounding or shutting up any place with a sufficient number of soldiers or ships, in order to prevent any intercoui-se with its inhabitants : v. to shut up a town or a fortress with an army or with ships, to compel it to surrender: blocka'ding, imp. : blocka'ded, pp. : to raise a block- ade, to force or drive away the troops or ships from their positions. blonde, n. blond (F. blond, light yellow, flaxen: Pol. bladij, pale), a fair woman, opposed to brunette; a kind of sUk lace: blond, a. fair; having a fair com- plexion. blood, n. bMd (AS. blod: Dut. bloed: Ger. blut). the fluid which circulates through the veins and arteries of animals, essential to life; kindred; honourable birth or extraction : v. to stain -with blood ; to give a taste of blood, or to provoke the desire for it; to heat or exasperate : blood'ing, imp. : blood'ed, pp. : blood'- stained, a. stained with blood; guDty of murder: bloodthirsty, a. cruel: blood'shot, a. red; inflamed: bloodshed, n. waste of life: blood'shedder, n. one who: blood'shedding, n. act of shedding blood: blood'sucker, n. any animal that sucks blood, as a leech; a ci-uel man: blood-bought, a. purchased by shedding blood : blood-guUtiness, n. crime of shedding blood : blood-horse, one of a full or high breed : blood- vessel, a vein or artery: bloodstone, a variety of chalcedony of a dark green colour, sprinkled with deep red spots— also called ?teliotrope: bloodhot, of the same heat as blood: blood-hound, a hound for track- ing human beings by scent ; a hunter after human blood : blood-money, money obtained as the reward for supporting a capital charge: bloody-flux, the disease called dysento-y, in which the discharges from the bowels have a mixture of blood: blood- spavin, a distemper in horses, consisting of a soft swelling growing through the hoof, and usuallv full of blood : bloody-sweat, a sweat accompanied' witli a discharge of blood ; a disease called the sweating sickness : flesh and blood, human nature ; mortal man: cold blood, free from excitement or passion: cold-blooded, a. cool and calculating, used in a bad sense ; not having warm blood : hot blood, in a state of excitement and blind fury : hot-blooded, a. verj- impulsive; fiery: prince of the blood, one of royal descent : bloodless, a. -lis, wthcut blood ; lifeless ; inactive: bloodlessly, ad. -It: bloody, a. -I, stained with blood; cruel; murderous: blood'ily, ad. -i-llz blood iness, n. : bloodletter, one who lets blood : bloodletting, n. act of one who lets blood. bloom, n. blOm (Icel. blomi; Dut. bloeme : Ger. blume, a flower— see blow), blossom; the flower of any plant ; the beginning of youth or inanhood ; life ; vigour; beauty; bright or blue colour on fruit, as on the peach or grape ; a clouded appearance which varnish sometimes assumes upon the surface of a pic- ture ; a whitish waxy secretion produced on tlie sur- face of some leaves and fruits : v. to yield blossoms ; to flower; to be in a state of vigour; to have the freshness and beauty of early life: bloom'ing, imp.: adj., healthful; fresh-coloured : bloomed, \\\\ hldmu : bloom'ingly, ad. -It: bloom ingness, n. : bloomy, a. -l full of bloom. bloom, n. bl6in (AS. bloma, a mass, a lump), tlie rough mass of iron from the puddling Ciirnace after undergoing the first lianniiering: bloom ery or -ary, n. -(r-l, the furnace in wliiili cist is converted into malleable iron : bloom ing. n. the process of convert- ing cast into malleable iron. blossom, n. hlus'situi (AS. blosm ; Dan. bhtsse, to blaze: Dut. liloscn,, a blos.som), the flower of any plant, esiiecially when it jtreeedes fruit: v. to put forth lilossoius liel'orc th.' fruit bruins to irrow : blos'- soming, iinii. : n. the (lowering ot'iilants: blos'somed, I)p. ■siinid: bios somy,a. -siun-i, full of blc'isoms : bios'- somless, a. viate, mat,/Ar, Me; victe, mit, her; 2^^ne,pXn; note, nUt, mOva BLOT BOAT blot, V. Hot (Dan. plet, a stain : Fris. Nat, bare : Scot. Uad, a lump of anything soft), to spot or stain witli ink or any other colouring matter; to destroy; to efface ; to defame : n. a spot or stain ; a blemish : blot'ting, inip.: blot'ted, pp.: blot'ter, n. one who, or that which : blotting-paper, a soft unsized paper, used for drying freslily-wiitten paper by imbibing a portion of the ink: blot'ty, a. blot'tl, full of blots. blotch, n. block (Ger. plotz, a blow or the sound of it— see blot), a scab or eruption on the skin : v. to blacken or spot : blotch'ing, imp. : blotched, pp. Uocht: adj. irregularly disposed in broad patches: blotch'y, a. -l, full of blotches. blote, V. U6t (Sw. biota, to soak, to steep— see bloat), to dry by smoke as ftsh : blo'ting, imp. : blo'ted, pp. : blo'ter, n. a smoked or dried herring, now usually spelt bloater. blouse, n. blolvs {¥.), a loose overcoat made of a light material ; a smock-frock. blow, n. bio (Gr. plege, a stroke : L. plaga, a blow : Goth, bliggivan; Dut. blowen, to strike), a stroke; first act of hostility ; a sudden calamity. blow, V. bio (AS. blaivan, to blow or breathe : Ger. blahen, to puff up), to move as air ; to pant or puff ; to throw or drive a current of air into or upon ; to warm by the breath ; to deposit eggs as flies : blow'- ing, imp. : blew, pt. U6 : blown, pp. blon .- blow'er, n. one who: blowy, a. blo'l, windy: blow-pipe, u. -pip, a tube through which a current of air is driven on a flame to obtain an increased heat: blow-off- pipe, in a steam-eiigine, the pipe fixed to the bottom of a boiler for discharging the sediment : blow'ers, n. plu. -erz, in coal-mining, the puffs or jets of car- buretted hydrogen given off by fissm-es in the coal : blow-ball, the downy head of the dandelion: blow- fly, the carrion-fly : to blow over, to pass away : to blowup, to drive up into the air by gunpowder ; to raise or swell with the breatli : to blow out, to extin- guish by the wind or by the breath: blowing-house, the blast-furnace in which tin-ore is fused : blown upon, made stale or disreputable— applied to persons. blow, V. bio (AS. blowian, to bloom: Ger. bluhen, to bloom or blossom), to come into flower ; to show flower : blowing, imp. : blown, pp. blon. blowze, n. bldivz (AS. blysa, a torch : Dut. blose, the redness of the cheeks), a girl whose face looks red by nmning much in the open air; a ruddy fat-faced wo- man : blowzy, a. hldiv'zi, fat and ruddy. blubber, n. blub'ber (an imitative word, noting the noise made by a mixture of air and water spluttering, as the luater blubbers up, in the sense of froth), the coating of fat of a whale or seal ; the sea-nettle, jelly- fish, or medusa : v. to shed tears and slaver ; to weep in a noisy manner : blub'bering, imp. : adj. slavering and childish weeping : blub'bered, pp. -bird : blub'- berer, n. one who. bludgeon, n. bhldj'im (Goth, blyggivan, to strike : Gr. plego, I strike : a probable corruption of blood, as being able to cause bloodshed), a short heavj' stick. blue, n. bio (AS. bleo: old H. Ger. blaiv. F. ble^i,: mid. L. blaviis), one of the primary colours ; azure : adj. resembling blue ; dejected : v. to make blue : bluing, imp.: blued, pp. blod: blue'ness, n. : blu- ish, a. tinged with blue: blu'ishly, ad. -II: blu'ish- ness, n : blue-pUl, n. a pill containing mercury : blue- stocking, n. (a literary club chiefly of ladies, so called from the leading member, a gentleman, always ap- pearing in blue stockings), a woman devoted to litera- ture: blue-stone, n. also called blue-vitriol, sulphate of copper, used as a caustic ; blue-shone, an Australian miner's tenn for the basaltic lava through which tliey liave sometimes to dig in search of gold : blue- John, a miner's term for fluor or Derbyshire spar : blue-bon- net (also in Scot, a cap woven of thick blue worsted yarn), blue-bell, blue-bottle (also a large fly), names of plants : blue-book, a book containing a government official return or report, so called from its blue cover .- blue-breast, a bird : blue-cap, a small bird ; a fish : blue-devils, or the blues, bldz, colloquial name for certain appearances presented to the diseased brain after a drinking debauch ; lowness of spirits : blue- light, a signal-rocket ; blue-peter, a small flag used as a signal for sailing : pnissian-blue, a colour or dye. blun, n. bliif (Dut. blaf, plain, level, not sloping but rising straight up), a high steep bank generally fac- ing the sea or a river; an abrupt manner: adj. abruptly rising as a shore; big; vainglorious; swag- fering ; blustering : bluffly, ad. -11 : bluff'ness, n. : luf'fy, a. J'l, having bold projecting points of land : bluff-headed, not pointed ; obtuse— applied to a ship that has her stem too straight up : blnff-bowed, ap- plied to a vessel having broad and flat bows. blunder, n. blilu'der (Dan. pludder, earth and water mixed together— hence confusion, trouble), a gross mistake ; a stupid error : v. to mistake giossly; to err stupidly ; to act without reflection : blun'der- ing, imp.: adj. stupid; floundering: blun'dered, jjp. -derd: Dlun'derer, n. one who: blunder-bead, n. ■hcd, a stupid fellow : blun'derlngly, ad. -U. blun'derbuss, n. -bus (Dut. ilonder-bus—from bus a firearm : Ger. donner-buchse, thunder-gun), a short, wide-mouthed, very noisy hand-gun. blunt, a. bliint (Sw. blott, naked, bare: Swiss bluntsch, the sound of a round heavy body falling into the water plump : Ger. plump, rough, heavy, dull), not sharp ; having a thick ecfge ; plain ; uncer<>nion- ious ; wanting in manners : v. to take away tlie sliarp- ness of an edge ; to weaken any appetite or passion ; to impair any power or affection of the mind : blunt'- ing, imp. : blunted, pp. : bluntly, ad. -li .- blunt- ness, n. blur, n. blur (Bav. plerren, a blotch on the skin : Dut. blaar, a blister), a spot ; a stain : v. to sully or stain ; to blemish : blur'ring, imp.: blurred, pp. blard. blurt, V. blert (Scot, blirt, a burst— as a blirt of greeting, i.e., a burst of weeping: Dut. blader, a bladder), to throw at random ; to utter words hastily and unadvisedly : blurt'ing, imp. : blurt'ed, pp. blush, n. bli'L-h {AS. blysa; Icel. blys, a torch: Dan. blusse, to blaze : Dut. blosem, a blossom), a glow of red on the cheeks or face excited by a sense of modesty, shame, or indignation : v. to redden on the cheeks or face ; to carry a blooming colour : blush'ing, imj).: adj. showing a blush : blushed, pp. bliisht : blushingly, ad. -II: blush'ful, a. -fo'ol: blush'fully, ad. -U: blush'- less, a. bluster, n. UHs'ter (from blast: Bav. Hasten, to snuff, to be out of temper), noise ; tiunxilt ; inegu- lar noise from idle boasting and vainglorious talk; swagger ; fitful gusts of wind : v. to be loud and noisy in talking ; to puff ; to bully ; to swagger : blustering, imp. noisy; boastful; windy: blus'tered, pp. ■tira: blusterer, n. one who : blus'teringly, ad. -ll. boa, n. bo'a (It. boa or bora, any filthy mud, a venomous serpent that lives in mud : L. boa, from bos a cow, because supposed to suck cows), a general name for the largest kind of serpents ; a fur cravat for the neck : boa-constrictor, n. -k6n-strlk'46r, the great boa, a native of Africa, India, &c. boar, n. bor (AS. bar: Dut. beer), the male swine; fem., sow : boarish, a. like a boar. board, n. bord (AS. bord; Dut. herd; Ger. brett,2u board or plank), a slab, or flat piece of wood sawn from a log ; a table ; food or diet ; a council, or meet- ing of managers convened for business ; the deck of a ship : boards, bordz, planks ; the covers of a book ; the line over which a ship nms between tack and tack : board, v. to cover with flat pieces of wood ; to enter a ship by force ; to furnish with food and lodging for a price: board'ing, imp.: boarded, pp. a.: pasteboard, layers of paper pasted togetlier to make a board : board'er, n. one furnished witli food at a price; one who boards a ship in action : board'able, a. -d-bl, that may be boarded: to fall over-board, to fall over a ship's side : the weather-board, the side of aship which is to windward : boarding-house, a house in which per- sons are provided with lodging and food for a price : board-wages, money given to servants when they pro- vide food for themselves : boarding-pike, a sword-like weapon used by sailors in boarding an enemy's ship : to make short boards, to tack frequently : starboard, right-hand side : boarding-school, a school where the pupils are lodged, educated, and provided with food for a price. boast, V. bOst (Ger. piausten, to swell the cheeks: Fris. jwesten, to blow), to speak in high praise of self; to speak in exulting language of another ; to brag ; to vaunt: n. a brag; self-praise or commendation ; occa- sion of exultation; exaggerated or ostentatious ex- pression; boast ing, imp. : adj. ostentatious in words; glorying; vaunting: n. tlie act of boasting: boast'ed, pp.: boast'ingly, ad. -U: boast'er, n. one w1k> : boaat'ful, a. -fuol, given to boasting: boast'foUy, ad. -II: boast fulness, n. : boasting, n. the paring of stones by stone-cutters with the broad chisel; among carvers, the rough cutting round the ornaments, to reduce the whole to their proper contour or outlines. boat,n. b6t(Aii. but: Dut. boot: lce\.batr:F. battaa). colv, Wii.fwt; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, seed. BOB 54 BOMB a small open vessel : v. to sail in a boat : boat' ing, imp.: XL sailing or rowing in a boat: boated, pp.: boat-hook, n. a long pole hooked with iron to pull or push a boat: boat-ahaped, a. in appearance like a boat : boatfly, an insect, so called from swimming in water on its back: boatswain, u. bo'sn (AS. bat- stcan), a ship's officer who has charge of the boats, sails, &c., and calls the crew to duty. bob, n. b6b ( Gael, babag, a tassel), any small thing playing loosely at the end of a string ; a knot of wonns on a string used in fishing for eels ; a blow : v. to play loosely against an>-thing ; to mock ; to dangle ; to fish with a bob : bob^ing, imp. : bobbed, pp. bobd : bobbin, n. bob'bln (F. bobine, a pin for silk), a round pin with a head on which silk or tliread is wound ; a little knob hanging by a piece of thread : bobbinet, n. b6b'bl-n6i^ , a kind of lace wrought in machines : bob- stay, n. bob'sta, a rope used to confine the bowsprit to the stem: bobtail, n. bob'fdl, a tail cut short; the rabble, in contempt — as rag-fag and hob-tail: bob'tailed, a. having the tail cut short : bob wig, n. a short wig. bode, V. bod {AS. bodian, to deliver a message; hod, a message), to foretell; to foreshadow; to portend; to be ominous: boding, imp.: bo'ded, pp.: bo'ding or bode ment, n. an omen ; a portent ; a foreshadow- ing: bodeful, a. ominous. bodice, n, bdd'-ls (formerly bodies — irom. fitting closely to the body), stays ; a quUted waistcoat worn by females. bodkin, n. bdd'kin (Bohem. hod, a prick or stitch ; bodak, a prickle or point : probably body and kin, a little body), an instrument for boring holes in cloth, or for tying up and dressing the hair ; a large blunt needle for diawing thread or tape through hemmed spaces. body, H. bod^i (AS. bodig; Gael, bodhag, a body: Ger. bottich, a cask), the frame of an animal ; a mass of living or dead matter ; an individual or single per- son, as no body: a substance, as opposed to spirit; a collection of individuals ; quality of a material: v. to produce in some form: bod led, a. -td; bod'ily, ad. -is-ri: adj. containing a body; having a material foi-m: bod'ileas, a. : body politic, a state in its national or political capacity ; body-guard, a select body of troops who attend on a sovereign for his protection. bog, n. bdg {It. bogach, a bog or marsh : Gael, hog, soft), a deep soft marsh ; a tract of land, consisting of decayed vegetable matter, rendered soft by water: bog-earth, a soil consisting mainly of decomposed vegetable matter : bog-butter, a name given to fntty masses occasionally found in peat-mosses : bog-iron- ore, a stratum or deposit of iron ore found in the bottoms of many bogs and peat-mosses : bog-wood, the tnmks and larger branches of trees dug up from peat-bogs : bogtrotter, one who lives among bogs— formerly applied to the Scotch border troopers or robbers, now sometimes applied to a certain class of Irishmen : bog-rush, a bird the size of a ^vren, inhabit- ing the boprs of Swudcm : bog-spavin, a tumour in the inside of the hough of a horse : boggy, a. bog'gl, full of bogs. boggle, V. bdci'gl (imitative of a stammer or stutter, and represented by the syllables gag or gag, bag or bog: Bret, gagouln ; Port, gaguejar, to stutter: F. bagouler, to gabble), to doubt ; to hesitate ; to waver ; to make difficulties over a matter : boggling, imp. : boggled, pp. bdg'gld : boggier, n. one who : bog'glish, a. doubtful. bogle or boggle, n. hO'gl (from ho or hno. the cry made by a person with his face covered by liis hands to frighten children: W. biv : It. bau), a bugbear; something that terrifies. bogy, n. b6'gf (W. bwg, something to frighten : Slav, bog, a god), a nursery name for an evil spirit; some goblin in particular : bug applies to goblins in general. bohea, n. bO-hS' (from Bouy or Booy, a mountain in China), a common black tea. boiar, n. boy'er, moreusually spelt boyar. a Russian nobleman; a person of rank; a soldier: boiarln, n. bm/'irin, a gentleman. boil, V. bvyl (Icel. bulla, to bubble up; holn, a bubble: F. bouillir, to boil: Dut. hoi, swnlling: Ger. beule, a tumour, a boil: L. bulla, a bubble), to swell ; to hoave ; to bubble as water by heat ; to bo agitated or move3/ci71!/s, silken: Gr. bom- hur, th"^ silk-worm), a twilled cloth of silk, or silk anil cotton. bombast, n. bitm'bdst (It. hambagia, cotton: Gr. hui)ihu.r, raw silk: Ger. baumhn^t—iroin baum, tree, and bust, bark), a soft loose stuff used to swell outgai-- nients ; an inflated swelling style in speaking or writing: bombas'tic, a. -bas'tik, high-sounding; big and puffing without much meaning: bombastically, mate, mat./dr, la^; mite, mil, her; 2>ine,pin; note, n6t, mdve; BONA 65 BOOT ad -kai'l: bombic, a. "bdm'Mk, relating to the silk- worm : bombyc'enoiis, a. -hls'-l-nus, silken ; of or like the silk-worm. .,, . bona-fide, a. M'nd-fl'-de (L. with good faith), with- out fraud or deception ; real. bonasus, n. bd-7uls'-us (L. boTUtsus), an animal of the ox kind, having a mane like a horse, found in Central Europe ; the bison or aurochs. bonbon, u. bong'-bon^ (F.), a sweetmeat; a sugar- plum. bond, n. bond (AS. bindan, to bind: Ger. band, a string : old Dut. bond, a tie), anything that binds, as a rope, a chain, &c. ; union ; an obligation ; a vow or promise ; a written agreement ; a government store for goods on which the duty remains unpaid : v. to place in government storehouses ; to secure ; to give bond for : bonding, imp. : bonded, pp. : adj. applied to goods left in bond-stores : bonds, plu. bondz, chains ; imprisonment; in carp., all the timbers disposed in the wall of a house : bond-stores, -storz, n. plu., places where goods are stored on which the duty has not been paid: bond, a. in a state of servitude or slavery; bound— as bondman, bondmaid, bond-servant, bond- aervice, bond-slave: bondage, n. bdn'duj, slavery; imprisonment : bondsman, u. bOiulz'-mdn, a slave ; a surety. bone, n. 66n (AS. ban; Ger. bein, the bone of the leg: Dut. been; W. bon, a stem or base, the legs being the stems or supports of the body), the firm hard sub- stance that composes the framework or skeleton of ver- tebrate animals ; any part of the skeleton : adj. made of bone : v. to stiffen with whalebone ; to take out bones: bon'ing,imp.,sometimesspeltboneing: boned, "bond, pp.: boneless, a. -Us, without bones : bon'y, a. -I, full of bones ; stout ; strong ; consisting of bone ; hard and brittle : bone-black, n. charred bones : bone-brown or ivory-brown, bone and ivory roasted till they be- come of a brown colour throughout: bone-dust, ground bones: bone -earth, the earthy or mineral part of bones, consisting chiefly of phosphate of lime : Done-ache, pain in the bones: bone-bed, thin strata or layers found in several places in the earth's crust, so called from their containing innumerable frag- ments of fossil bones, scales, teeth, coprolites, &c. : bone-breccia, an admixture of fragments of limestone and bones cemented together into a hard rock by a reddish calcareous concretion : bone-lace, flaxen lace : bone - spavin, a hard swelling on the inside of the hock of a horse's leg: body and bones, altogether ; wholly: bone-setter, one who is skilled in the setting of broken bones : bone -setting, n. the restoration of a broken bone to its proper place. bonfire, n. bon'-flr (Dan. baun, a beacon, and^re), a large fire made in the open air as a sign of rejoicing, or lor display. bonito, n. b6-nX'-t6 (Sp.), a species of tunny-fish, cele- brated on accoimt of its pursuit of the flying-fish. bon-mot, n. bdng'mO (F. bon, good ; mot, a word), a jest ; a witty saying or reply. bonnet, n. bon'-nSt (F. bonnet: Gael, boineid, a head- dress : Ir. boinead, a cap— from beann, the top ; eide, dress), a covering for the head worn by women ; in Scot., a rovmd worsted cap, of a dark -blue colour, formerly much worn by men : bon'neted, a. wearing a bonnet ; in navi., an additional piece of canvass made to lace on to the foot of a sail in order to make more way in calm weather: bonnette, bon'nSt (F.), in fort., a small work with two faces, having only a parapet with two rows of palisades : bon'net-a-pre'tre,-. : branded, pii. : brand'-iron or branding-iron, n. an iron mould to tirand with ; brand- new— see bran: brandling, n. !>rinid'-liiig, a red wonn \ised bv anglers ; a fish : branlin, u. brdn'-lln, a fish of tlie saiiMon kind. brandish, v. brOn'tDsh (F. brandir, to m.ake a thing shake by the force it is cast with : Manx, braiis, dash : mate, mdt./dr, luTv; mite, mit.hir; plne.pXn; nOte, 7iCt, move; BRAN 59 BREA old F. bransler. to shake) to move "P and dmra ; to shake as a spear or stick; to wave or flourish: bran - dl^to^ imp.: brandished, pp. bra7i-disht: bran - "^tk^y.Ttan'-dl (formerly \randy.wine : G^. ■branntwein, burnt -wine: Uut. hrandwm), sp nt Sled from wine; any strong s;pirit from other sub- stances : bran'died, a. -did. strengthened with brandy. brangle, n. brdng'gl (F. branler, to shake: It. 6mn*afa French brawl), a squabble; a wrangle; con- fusion: V. to wrangle: bran'gling, imp.: brangled, ^^brf^. n. brdngk (L. brance., a Gallic name for a certain bread-corn), buclovheat. branny, a. &>-d»i'nl— see bran. _ braah. n. brdsh (from brush: Sp. broza, chips: Gael brots, splinters : F. brosse, bushy ground), a nam;, iTmany parts of England applied to a mass of broken and angular fragments derived fr^^ the sub- jacent rocks; broken fragments ; refuse ; Roughs of irees ; a rush or eruption :water-braah-see water brasier, n. brd'zl-er (F. braise, embers-see brazu wood), pan for holding burning coals ; one who ^v orks in brass-better spelt brazier: brasil, n. bra-zll,^ ^Es!n. bras (AS. braes, from beingused in solder- in- Icel. bras, solder: It. bro;ue, burning coals; b°onzo, brass), a compound of copper aiid zmc of a yellow colour; impudence: bras'8es,n. plu. -se? slabs or plates of brass on tombstones or monuments having engraved or raised figures on them, much used in the middle ages : bras'sing, a. coatmg with brass : bras sy , T-si made of brass ; like brass : bras'siness, a: -sl-nis : brass-band, an instrumental band. ,. ,,, », ^* o b^t, n. brat (AS. brat, a cloak, a clout: W. brat, a, rag: Gael. bm<, a mantle), a name given in reproach ^''brattke, n. brdt'-tls (Ger. brett; Dut. berd. a plank or board: Scot, brettys. a fortification: ". berfesca, a kind of rampart), a fence or wall of boards ma coal- mine, or ro\md dangerous machinery; also spelt ^'Ste!'n'^6mK.n:« (m honour of M. Braun of Gotha). an abundant ore of manganese. bravado, n. brd-va'-do (Sp. bravado-see brave), a boa^t or brag ; a menacing display meant to fnghteii. brave, a. brdv (F. brave, brave, gay : It. bravaie;J. braver, to swagger, to affront: Sp. bravo bullymg- see brag), boldl daring ; courageous; gaUant : brave - ly, ad ! • bravery, n. bra'ver-i, courage; heroism; fearlessness of danger : brave, n. a man daring bej^ond discretion ; an Indian warrior : v. to defy ; to challenge , to encounter with courage: bra'ving, imp.: braved, '^^brS'^'int. brd'-v6 (It.. Sp.) weU done: n. an as- sassin ; a murderer for hire. bravura, n. brd-v6'-ra (Sp. courage, brag), a song difficult to sing: adj. difficult; biiUiant. brawl, n. brSwl {V.braiUer. to cry often : Dan. bralle, to talk liiuch and high: Gael, braodhlach, noise, dis- cord) a noisy quarrel ; uproar : v. to quarrel noisily ; to mkke an uproar: brawl'ing,imp.: adj. noisy; quar- relsome: brawl'ingly. ad. -ll: brawled, pp. brawld: ^^li^&^'. n. brar7n (*It. brano. a piece of flesh violently pulled away from the whole: old H. Ger. brato; Fris. braede a lump of flesh: old F. braion, muscular parts of the body), the flesh of a boar prepared in a particu- lar manner ; the muscular part of the body ; the arm : brawn'v. a. -I, or brawned, a. branmd, muscular ; hard; bulky: brawn'er. n. a boar killed and dressed for the table: bravm'iness.n. , „^ braxy, n. brdk'sl. a disease among sheep— also called dysentery or gaU-scour; the mutton of animals so ^ bray. n. brd (F. braire. to cry like an ass : Gr. bradio, to crash, to roar: Icel. brak. crash, noise : Dan. brage to crash), the cry of an ass ; any similar loud hai-sh sound : v. to make a loud harsh noise like an ass: braying, imp.: brayed, pp. brad: brayer, n. °°bray,°v. brd (Sp. bregar, to work up paste or dough : F broyer; Bret, broea. to bray in a mortar: W.breuan. a'mill), to rub or grind down in a mortar; to pound; to grind small: bray'ing, imp. : brayed, pp. brad. braze, v. brdz (F. braser, to solder: AS. brms, brass, from being used in solder : Icel. bras, solder— <»pe brass), to solder with brass: brazing, imp.: brazed, pp. brazd: brazen, a. brd'zen, made of brass ; impudent ; shameless : bra'zenly, ad. -K • bra zenness, n • bra'zeA-faced, a. remarkably impudent : brazen- L:en- brazier, n., also brasier, bra^zltr. a worker in brass ; a pan for holding burning coals. brazU-wood, n. brd-zel'-, (Port, braza, glowing em- bers : old E. brasil, of abright red : Sw, bra^a, to blaze), a heavy wood of a red coloiir, used in dying red, i.n- Dorted from Brazil: brazilian, a. bra-zll-l-an. of or from Brazil- brazUetto, u. hrd-zihUf-tO, an inferior Wild of brazil-wood: brazU-nut. fruit of a palm of Brazil. JVo^e.- The modern name of part of b. Anaer.. Brazil, is derived from furnishing the brazil-wood breMli,n. brech (AS. brice; F. bredie, a bre.ach or opening in a wall), a gap or opening; the act of break- ing, or state of being broken ; the breaking of a law or the non-fulfilment of an agreement; a neglect of dutj. v. to make an opening or gap in anything: breach- ing, imp.: breached, pp. ^'r'^^^t :\iTBt^c:h.-\6ii,z.. bread^ n. bred (Icel. brand; Ger. brot; AQ.breod bread). Ibod in general ; loaves ; cakes or biscuits pre- pared from flour of any kind of grain; sustenance: bread less, a. without bread: bread-frmt. the frmt of a tree whose pulp resembles bread when baked : bread-stuff, com, meal, or flour for bread. ,,^^ . breadth, n. brMth (Dan. bred, an edge or border : ^^ Md, edge-see broad), a "o^n formed froni the adj. broad : extent of surface m the shortest diieetion , width : breadth'less, a. having no breadth. break, n. brdk (Goth, brikan; Ger. brechen ; L. /ran- aore to break : AS. brecan. to break, to overcome), an openiJi-; a rent; a tear; a pause or interruption; a sfop: v. to separate or divide by force ; to rend ; o crush ; to weaken or impair ; to tame or tram ; to in- iLrup\;tolessentheforceof;todissolyeor^^^^^^^ terrupt; to lessen tiie lorce ui , '-""'"^"'•'i"' ""•;-" ■' to exDlain or open a matter to any one ; to decline in lealtCTreSg, imp. : broke, pt.brofc:b^^^^^^^^ bro'kn ■ break' er, n. brdk'er, one who, or that which, a wave broken 'into foam by.dashing on a rocky shore; something placed in a river for breaking the force of floating ice, or for breaking it up . breaK aee n -a?- a breaking; an allowance for articles df strayed 'in%he carrilge : ^^akmg ^-^ ^^^^f: in. taming or training horses: breaking, n. bank- mptcy • b?eak-neck, a. -nek, steep ; dangerous :break- ■^&n-waw'ter, 'a moimd or wall built in the sea or at the mouth of a harbour, to break the force of the waves and protect the flipping : to break ground in mU.. to commence a siege by opening tienches. to break down, to fail or causae to fail: a break- down, a failure; an accident: to break the heart to injure much or to destroy with grief : to breaJt up, to dissolve ; to put a sudden end to : a break-up, a failure ; a dissolution : to break upon the wheel, to punish a criminal capitally by stretchmg bis body upon a wheel and breaking his bones: to break forth, to burst out; to exclaim: to break from, to go away with some vehemence: to breaJt in, to enter unexpectedly: to break into, to enter by force: to Seal loose, to free from restraint ; to escape into freedom : to break off, to desist suddeiJy ; to abandon to break out, to discover itself m sudden effects , to arise or spring up : to break through, to force a pas- sage- to break upon, to discover itself suddenly: break of day, da^\^ ; the Ught preceding the appear- ance of the sun above the horizon. ,, fi^„f ^o^i breakfast, n. brek-fdst (break and /««/)• first nieal in the day, or the food so taken : v. to take the fin,t meal: break'fasting. n. the act of taking breakfast bream, n. brem (F. breme: Dut. braessem). abroad- shaped fresh-water fish of the carp family = v. among seamen, to bum off the sea-weed, ooze &c from a ship's bottom : breaming, imp. : breamed VV-orcma breast, n. brest (AS. breost : Goth, brnsts :l)at borsf. the breast), the fore part of the human body be- tween the neck and the belly ; in quadrupeds, the part between the fore feet ; the heart ; the conscience e affections- in minhig. the face of coal-workmgs ; the Sen partTtion that divides a shaft from bottom to top into two compartments: v. to meet in front: breast'ing, imp. : breasted, rp. : breast-deep or brIast-Mgh, up to the breast: Weast-hooks, among seamen, pieces'^ of compass or knee timber placed withinside a ship to keep the bows together: breart- kiees timbers pla.'ed in the forward part of a vessel across the stem to unite the bows on ea^h side : breast- plate, n. armour for the breast : breast-rail, the upper rail of the balcony on the quarter-deck : breast-work, in fort a mass of earth hastily thrown up for defence 1 as higii as the breast ; in nav., a set of framing termi- cow, bo-y,fm; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. BREA 60 BRIG nating the quarter-deck and poop at the foremost and after end of the forecastle ; a parapet not hif,'h enough to require a banquette : breast-bone, the bone at the breast; the sternum: breast-pin, an ornamental pin used to fasten a necktie or any similar covering over the breast. breath, n. brSth (AS. brcEth, an odour, scent), air drawn into the lungs of animals and driven out from the same— in man and the more highly organised ani- mals thrOTigh the mouth and nostrils ; respiration ; a single drawing in and driving out of air; a gentle breeze of air; life; pause; time to breathe; an in- stant : breathe, v. breth, to draw in and give out air ; to live; to rest; to speak softly to; to express, as words: breathing, imp.: n. respiration; utterance; an anient desire or longing after; secret prayer; accent: adj. living; vital: breathed, pp. brcthd: breather, n. one who; breathful, a. hrWi'-fuul: breathless, a. out of breath; breathlessly, ad. -li: breathlessness, n. state of being out of breath : breathing -place, n. breth'-lng-, a pause; breathing- time, n. pause ; relaxation. breccia, n. brdk'shl-a (It. a crumb or fragment) in \u. hrith-rrn, iiiciiibcrs ofllic s;uae socirty or prorfssioii : brotherless, a. : broth erllke, .a. : brotherhood, n. an association; a fiiitcrnitv : broth'erly, a. -?!, kiml; afl'ectionate; pert, to: broth erliness, n. : brother- german or germain, n. ■ji'r'inan (I,, iin-nnnnis. come of the same stock), a full brother: brother-uterine, n. -ii'tfjrln 11.. ti/i nis. thr. woijib), a liroMicr by the same mother oTilv: brother-in-law, n., brothers-in-law, pin. a sister's huslini'l ; i\u: brother of a husband or wife. brougham, u. hrO'-am (,ift(frLord Brougham), a light four-wheeled close carriage. brought, V. brawt, pt. pp. of bring, which see. brow, n. broio (k^. braew ; Russ. brov, brow: Dut. brauice, an eyelid, margin : Icel. bra, eyelid), the ridgo over the eye ; the forehead ; the edge or brink of a steep place, as of a river or hill : eyebrow, n. I'brdiv, the hair over the eye: to knit the brows, to frown; to scowl : browbeat, v. brolv'bet, to daunt or depress by haughty and stern looks ; to bully into submission by arrogant and impudent language : brow'beating, imp. n. : browbeaten, pp. -bel'n. brown, a. brulcn (Ger. braun ; Icel. and F. brun ; It. bruno, perhaps the colour of things burnt^-from Goth. brinnan, to burn), of a dark or dusky colour, inclining to redness: v. to make duskv or dark: browning, imp. : browned, pp. brownd : brown'ish, a. somewhat brown : brown'ne88,n.: brown-co8d,n. lignite: brown - study, n. gloomy or dull thoughtfulness or reverie : browning, n. liquid burnt sugar used for colouring gravy, &c.; the act or operation of giving a brown colour to. browse, v. broioz (F. browsfer, to nibble off the sprigs and buds; broust, a sprig: Sp. broza, brushwood), to eat the tender leaves and branches of trees and shrubs, as cattle or sheep : n. the tender branches of trees or shrubs : browsing, imp. : browsed, pp. browzd. brucine, n. br6s'-ln (after Bruce, the traveller), ar vegetable alkaloid extracted from an African plant. brucite, n. br6s'-lt (after Dr Bruce of JS'ew York), a mineral, a native hydrate of magnesia. bruin, n. bro'in (Dan. bruin; Icel. brun, brown), a name for a bear. bruise, n. br6z (F. briser, to break: old F. bruiser; Gael, brisd, to break), an injury on tiie flesh by its being crushed with a heavy or blunt substance ; a contusion : V. to crush or hurt by pressure ; to pound or reduce to coarse powder, as minerals or grain : bruis'ing, imp. : bruised, pp. brOzd: bruiser, n. brOz'er, he who, or that which ; a prize-fighter. biTxit, n. br(')'lt fF. : It. bruito, a muttering), a report ; fame : v. to report ; to noise abroad : bruiting, imp. : bruited, pp. noised or rumoured abroad. brumal, a. brS'mal (F.— from L. bruma, winter), of or relating to winter. brunette, n. brob-nCf (F.— from brun, b^o^vn, dusky), a woman with a dark or brownish consplexion ; oppo- site of bl07ide. brunt, n. brUnt (Serv. bronza, a cattle-bell, which the leading beast of the herd bore on its neck : Gris. brunza, the first train of baggage-animals), the first shock of an onset ; the greatest fury of the battle ; the force of a blow. brush, n. brush (Ger. and Sw. borste, a bristle, a brash: F. brosse, a bush, a head-brush: It. brusca, heath for brushes : Icel. briiskr, a tnft of grass), an article made of hair, bristle, &c., set in wood, for clean- ing, as dust from clothes, or for painting ; a skirmish ; a slight encounter; the tail of a fox : v. to rub or swe<>p as with a brush ; to touch or strike lightly : brush'ing, imp.: brushed, pp. briisht: brush'er, n. one who: brush'wood, n. a lot of sniall trees or bushes growing closely together ; a coppice or thicket : brush'y, a. -f, rough ; shaggy : bnish'iness, n. shagginess : biiish- wheels, wheels without teeth, which move others by friction. brusque, a. brobsk (F. : It. bno'co, harsh), rude ; rough or blunt in manners : brusque ness. n. a blunt rough manner : brusquerie, n. bruosk'ri, bluntness. brute, n. br6t (L. bruttut ; It. bruto, stupid, irrational : F. brut, raw, rough), a beast; any animal except man ; a savage unfeeling man or woman: adj. irrational; rough; uncivilised: bni'tal, a. -tal, pert, to a brute; cruel; unfeeling: brutally, ad. -11: brutality, n. -tai'l-il, inhumanity; savageness: bru'talise, v. -liz, to make brutal or iiilmman; to Viecome like a beast: bru'talising, imp.: bru talised, pp. -Hzd: bru'tify, v. ■ti-/l, to reduce to the state of a bnite : brutif/ing, imp. : bru'tified, pp. -/id : adj. reduced to the condi- tion of a bnite: brutish, a. -thh. like a brute or beast; feroiious: bru tishly, ad. -ll: bru'tishnesB, n. bryony, n. lir\'o->il, also bryonia, n. briO'nlil (I.. hryania : Gr. hruon—Uitu\ Iinia, I abound, from its abundance : F. bryonr), plants of different genera — the roots are powerfully acrid : bryonine, n. brVdnin.a yellowish -brown bitter substance obtained from the root. bryozoa, n. brV-O-z/'i'd (Gr. bnton, moss ; zoon, an ani- mall, the minute mollusea which live united in masse."} in a branched and moss-like manner: bryozo'on, a. pert. to. vkUc, mUt./dr, laTu; mite, met, Mr; pine, 2^ln; nOtc, nOt, mCvei BUBA 63 BULG bubalus, n. M'bd-liis (L. a buffalo), in geol., the remains of the musk-buffalo. babble, n. btlb'bl (an imitative word;Dut. bobhel: It. bubbola, a bubble : Bohem. bublati, to murmur : Scot, bub, a blast of wind), a round film or skin of water full of air; anything empty; a false show; something not real : v. to rise up in air-bells, as on the top of a liquid ; to run with a gentle gurgling noise ; to cheat : bubbling, imp. bub'bllng: adj. nmning with agurgling sound: bubTjled, pp. -biti; bubTjly, a. -bll, consisting of bubbles : bublsler, n. one who cheats. bubo, n. bu'-bo, plu. buboes, bu'boz {Gr. bonbon, the groin: F. bubon), a swelling of the lymphatic glands, especially those of the groin and annpit : bubonocele, n. bubOn'osel (Gr. kele, a tumour), a rupture in wliich the intestines break down into the groin. buccal, a. biUc'kdl (L. bucca, the cheek), belonging to the cheek. buccaneers, n. plu. buk'-a-nerz' (from the Carib lan- g\ia§e,—barbacoa, a kind of grate on which the flesh of their prisoners was cooked ; boiccan, the place of such a feast : F. boucaner, to cook and smoke flesh at the same time), persons who, in the W. I. and S. Amer., hunted wild animals for their skins, and rudely pre- served much of the flesh by drying it after the Indian fashion, called bucaning ; pirates or sea-robbers, who in former times principally attacked the Spanish settlements in Amer. : buccaneering, n. -ner'lng, the practice or profession of a buccaneer. bucentaur, n. bu-sin'tawr (Gr. bous, an ox ; kentau- ros, a centaur), in wii/fA., amonster, half-man, half-ox: (It. bncentoro), the state-barge of Venice used in the ceremony of espousing the Adriatic. buccinator, n. buk'-sln-a'-tor (L. buccina, a kind of tnunpet), a muscle forming a large part of the cheek — so called from being used in blowing wind-instru- ments : buc'cinal, a. -al, trumpet-like. buck, n. buk (AS. bucca; W. bwch; F. &0!., a fierce and power- ful enemy: bul'lish, -Ish, bull-headed, bull-like, a. pert, to a bull; dogged and self-willed: bull-baiting, n. the rendering bulls furious by setting dogs to attack them: bull-dog, n. a large- headed, .strong- jawed, variety of dog : bull-fight, n. an amusement among the Spanish jand Portuguese, consisting of an exhibition of men fighting with wild bulls : bull-fly, n. a gadfly: bullock, h. bwl'dk (AS. buUuca), a cast- rated bull or ox fed for slaughter : bull-calf, a male calf ; a young stupid fellow. bull, n. bobl (It. bolla, a seal: L. Mdla, a boss or ornament), a name at first applied to the seal attached to an edict of the Pope, but now applied to the edict itself; a blunder; in the Stock Exchange, those who try to raise tlie price of stocks are called bulls, and those who try to lower their price, bears: bull's-eye, n. boblz-l, among seamen, a piece of wood shaped like a ring ; a dark distant cloud, ruddy in the centre, fore- telling a storm ; the centre mark on a target for shoot- ing at ; a small round window or opening. bullate, a. bul'lat (L. bulla, a bubble), in bot., gar- nished with studs like bubbles or blisters. bullet, n. bubl'lSt{F. boulet— from L. bulla, abubble), a round or oblong ball of metal, used for loading pis- tols, guns, or rifles. bulletin, n. bool'lS-fen (F. a packet : It. bidleffhio— from bulla, an edict of the Pope), an official report or notice ; a public announcement. bull-finch, n. bool'-flnsh (coiTuption of bud-fmch, as causing destruction among buds), a song-bird. bullion, n. bSbl'yun (F. billon, base coin: Sp. vel- Ion, an alloy of silver and copper : mod. Gr. bonllono, I seal or stamp: formerly the mint where the pre- cious metals were alloyed and made into money), gold or silver of the standard fineness, in any form not money — generally in small bars called ingots; gold and silver in the mass ; foreign or uncm-rent coin. bully, n. bcTol'-ll (Dut. bulde.ren, to bluster: Ger. poltern, to make a noise : Sw. buller, noise), a quarrel- some cowardly fellow; one who blusters and threatens : V. to insult with noise ; to overawe by threats : bully- ing, imp. -Wing: bullied, pp. -lid: bul'lirag, v. -rdg, to insult in a bullying manner. bulrush, n. bobl-riish (bull, meaning large, and rjj.sA), a large strong kind of rush. bulge, n. bula (Port, bolsa, a purse), in India, a bag or purse in which to carry or measure valuables— as diamonds. bulwark, n. bfibVwerk (Dut. holwerck, a fortified wall : F. boulevart, the r.amparts of a town, a broad street at Paris (boulevard) surrounding what was once tliecity: It. baluarte), a, rampsurt; a fortification ; any means of defence or protection, originally made of the boles or trunks of trees ; the railboards of a ship : v. to fortify with a rampart ; to protect. bum, V. huyn (Dut. bommen, to beat a drum: L. hiimbus; Gr. hnmbos, a humming, buzzing noisi;), to ni;iko a wliirriiig noise: bumble-lsee, n. bnm'bl — or humble-bee, hum'-bl—a, large bee, so called from the noise it makes— contracted into bwnbec bumastos, n. bob-mas'tds (Gr., an immense bunch of grapes), in f7eoi., a gentis of Silurian trilobitcs— so called from tlieir oblong-oval or grape-like form, and known to rollcctors ;us the Barr trilohite. bumbailiff, n. bnm-bdl'l/ifrom the notion of a bum- ming orduiining noise), colloquially, an under-baililf ; one (rnijiloved to dim or arrest for debt. bumboat, n. huin'hot (Dut. bum-boot, a very wide fishlng-boat: Fris. bom. ground, afloor: Dut. boom, a beam), a 1)oat employed in conveying provisions, &c., to outlying vessels. bump, n. biimp (W. pwmpio, to thump, to bang ; pu'vip, a round ma.ss : F. pompette, a pimple on the skin), a swelling ; a thump : v. to make a noise ; t;) strike against ; to thump : bump ing, imp. : bumped, pp. bumpt: bumper, n. bum'-p&r, a cup or glass swelled or filled to the brim. bumpkin, n. bum'kln (Ger. bnmn; Dut. boom, a Vieam, a log), an awkward country fellow; a rustic: bumpTdnly, ad. -ll. bun or bunn, n. biin (F. bigne, a knob rising after a knock ; bignef, a little round loaf: It. bwjno, a boil or blain : Gael, bonnach ; Scot, bannock, a little cake), a sweet cake. bunch, n. bilnsh (Icel. banga, to beat ; bunki, a heap : Dan. bundt; Sw. bunt, a bunch), a lump or knot ; a cluster ; a protuberance ; a number of things grow- ing together or tied together ; a miner's term for an irregular lump of ore : v. to swell out in roundness ; to form or tie in a lot or bunch: bunch'ing, imp.: bunched, pp. biinsht: bunchy, a. hunsh'l, growing iii bunches ; having tufts : bimcn'ineas, n. bundle, n. biin'dl (AS. byndel; Dut. bondel, some- thing bound up: Dan. btiJidt; Sw. bunt, a bundle), a number of things put together and tied : v. to tie up together : bundlbig, imp. : bundled, pp. bun'-dld : bundle-pillar, a column or pier with others of small dimensions attached to it. bimg, n. biXng (old Ger. bunge, a drum : Dut. and F. bonde, a bung : W. bumg, a bung-hole), a 'large round cork or wooilen stopper for the hole in a cask : v, to stop up the opening in a cask with a bung : bung'ing, imp.: bunged, pp. bfmgd: bung-hole, n. the hole in a cask by which it is fiUed or emptied. bungalow, n. bung'gd-lo (native name, bangla), in India, a country-house of one floor or flat only. bungle, n. biing'-gl (Icel. bbngun, a rudepertormance : Dan. banke; Icel. banga, to strike, as nailing on a patch), anything ill done; a botch; an affair mis- managed: V. to do anything clumsily; to mismanage an affair; to botch: bun'gling, imp.: adj. awlovardly done: bungled, pp. bung'gld: bun'glingly, ad. -ll: bun'gler, n. -gl&r, one who. bunion, n. bun'-yun (from bun, which see), a horny excrescence on a toe. bunker, n. bung'-kcr (Sw. bunke, a wooden vessel: Icel. bunki, a heap), a large wooden box for containing coals ; a bin : bunk, n. bungk, a large wooden case serving for a seat during the day, and for a bed at night. bimkum, n. bung'kihn (from Buncombe, Ivorth Ca- rolina, U.S.), speech-making for mere show. bunt, n. bunt (Dan. bundt; Sw. bunt, a bunch, a bundle), the belly or protuberance or bagging part of a sail: bunt-lines, n. pin. ropes on the bottoms ot sails to draw them upwards: bunting, n. biin'tUig, a thin woollen cloth used for flags, and variously col- oured. bunting, n. bfiii'flng {Ger. 5M7?f. varieg.ated),anam3 for different kinds of birds, as yellow bunting, corn- bunting, snoio-bunting : bunter, n. -ter, in geol., the upper new red sandstone. buoy, n. bay (Dut. boei; F. boit/e; Sp. boya; Fris. boye, a lump or cluster), an empty cask, or a small sti-ucture of wood, made for floating on the water, to point out shallows or rocks, Ac. : life-buoys, articles kept in ships to be thrown into the water when any person falls overboard to keep him afloat ; a float : v. to keep afloat; to bear up; to support; to sustain ; to place buoys; to float: buoy'ing, imp.: buoyed, pp. /joT/rf: buoyancy, n. ?)oT/;rt?i-sf, the quality of floating on water or in air ; lightness : buoy'ant, a. floating ; light; that cannot sink; buoy'antly, ad. -ll: buoy'- buprestis, n. bU-pr?.tal ; the guttural pro- nunciation of the letter r: buiT Stone, certain silicious rocks u.sed as millstones. burbot, n. bir'boi (F. bnrholf—trom barbe, beard), a fish like an eel, but thicker and shorter— called also felpo7it. burden, n. 6<'r'dH— sometimes written bur'then (AS. byrthen: Ger. biirde—tiom beran, to bear), somethiiui vHlte, 7n((t,/dr, laTv; vxlte, viHf, h<^; pTJie, 2^^"; nOte, nUt, mOve; BURD 65 rarricil; a load; something sricvoiw or opprcsisivc; the prevailing sontinu'iit in a song; tlie clionis; a ship's capacity for carrying: v. to lay on a load; to oppress: bur'deniiig, imp. -d»-uuj: bur'dened, pp. -dnd : bur'dener, n. one who : bur densome, a. -iln-.fvjn, grievous to be borne ; fatiguing ; oppressive : bur'den- somely, ad. 41: bur'densomeness, n. burdock, n. ber'-dok, or bur-weed, n. (see bur), a wild plant with a rough prickly head, having heart-shaped leaves and purple blossoms. , . ^ , bureau, n. bu-rO'(F. a writing-table: It. mcio, aarlc: Pol. bury, dark-grey : old F. bure, reddish-brown— the kind of cloth which covered the table), a table or chest of drawers with conveniences for writing and keeping papers ; an otlice of an ambassador, state secretary, &c., for business: bureauc'racy,n.-r-oA;:rdS-sl(F. bureau, and Gr. krateo, I govern), the system by which the public service of a country is carried on in departments, each one under the control of a head ; government by or under the influence of officials : bu'reaucrat'ic, a. -ro-krdt'lk, relating to or having the form of a bureaucracy ; also bu'reaucrat'ical : bu'reaucrat'- ica^y, ad. 41: bureauc'ratist, u. -rOk'-ra4ist, an advo- cate for or supporter of. ^ ^ , burette, n. bob-ret' (F. a ciniet, a vase), a graduated glass tube with stop -cock for delivering measured quantities of liquids. burg, burgh, n. berg— in Scot., ber'-ii; also borough. hur'-O, which see (AS. burg)— i\ie same words ditter- ently spelt; at first a fortified town, now a city or town that sends, or unites in sending, a member to Parliament; a town with certain privileges: royal burgh, a town holding a charter from the crown : burgh of barony, one erected by a feudal lord or su- perior. burgage, n. ber'adj (old F. burgeois : mid. L. burgen- sis), a tenure by which property is held in cities and towns : burgess, n. -jes, a citizen or freeman of a town : burgess-ship, n: burgher, n. bdrg'cr, the freeman or inhabitant of a burgh ; one of a religious sect in Scot- land: burgh'ership, n. : burgeois, n. hor'-zhwd (F.), a burgess : burgeois, n. bSbr-joys', AsmA\\ printing-type ; also spelt bourgeois: burg-mote, n. burg-mot. In AS. times, a borough court. burglar, n. berg'-ler (Norm. F. bourglaire— from low L. burgi4atro, the robber of a dwelling), one who breaks into a house at night to steal ; a housebreaker : burgla'rious, a. 4a'ri-us, pert, to a theft by house- breaking: burgla'riously, ad. -K; burglary, n. ler-l, the breaking into a house by night to steal. burgomaster, n. ber'-go-mus-ter, or burgh'master {burg and master), one employed in the government- of a city ; chief magistrate in one of the large towns in Holland, &c. burgout, n. ber'-gobt (W. burym, yeast ; gatul, gruel), thick gruel used by seamen. Burgundy, n. ber'-g&n-dA, a fine French wine from Burgundy : burgundy pitch, a resin collected from the spruce fir. burial, n. ber'-i-al—%ee under bury, burin, n. bu'rin (F. burin; It. borino, a sharp chisel for cutting stone with— probably from Fin. purra, to bite), an engraver's tool made of steel : bu rinist, n. an engraver. burk, V. berk (name of an Irishman notorious for the crime), to murder by sulTocation ; to smother : burk'- ing, imp. : burked, pp. biirkt. burl, V. berl (Dut. borrel, a bubble: Sp. borla, a tuft), to pick knots and loose threads from cloth when fulling it : burl'er, n. one who : burling, imp. : burled, pp. burld: burl'ing-iron, n. an instrument like large tweezers used in burling cloth. burlesque, n. ber-Usk' (F.: It. burlare, to make a jest of: Gael, burt, mockery), the turning any matter into ridicule; the representation of a subject in mock gravity with the view of exciting laughter: adj. tend- ing to raise laughter ; droll ; comic : v. to turn a sub- ject into ridicule ; to treat a trifling matter with mock gravity to excite laughter : burlesqu'ing, imp. : bur- lesqued, pp. 4eskf: burlesqu'er, n. 4Ssk'-cr, one who : burlet'ta, n. 4et'-ta (It.), a comic opera; a musical farce. burly, a. bSr'-U (Ir. borram, to grow big and prosper- ous: Gael, borr, a swelling), big and fresh-looking; stout and iolly; big and blustering : burliness, a. 4i-nds, the 'being big and blustering : hurly-burly, n. confusion; uproar. bum, n. bern (Goth. 6rrn?ifrn; Dut. brcvnen; AS. by man, to burn), an injury to the flesh by the action BUSH of firo : V. to injure by fire ; to reduce to ashes by tho action of fire; to harden by fire; to scorcli, as tlio clothes ; to be on fire ; to shine ; to rage with violence or passion ; to feel excess of heat iu the body : bum'- ing, imp.: adj. very hot; scorching; powerful: n. the act of reducing to ashi>s; a tire; the vehemence or raging of passion: burned orbumt, ]it. and iij). bernd, bernt: burn'er, n. the sm.-ill jnoviiblc |i;ut of a lamp or gas lustre, &c., next tlir llaiiif : burning-glass, n. a convex lens of glass for collecting the rays of the sun so as to produce heat : burning-mirror, n. a concave surface, usually of polished metal, for the same purpose. burn, n. bern (Goth, brunna; Icel. brunnr ; Ger. born, a well, a spring: Gael, burn, water), a brook; a small running stream. burnish, v. ber'-nlsh (F. brunir, to polish : Sw. brynn, to sharpen ; brynstcn, a whetstone), to polish by fric- tion ; to make smooth and bright by rubbing ; to be- come bright by friction : n. lustre ; brightness : bur'- nishing, imp. : bur'nished, pp. -nlsht, polished: bur'- nisher, n. the person or tool that burnishes. bumoose, n. ber'-nos or -n6z (Ar. burnus, a kind of high-crov.'ned cap: Sp. albornoz, a Moorish cloak), an upper garment with a hood worn by the Moors and Arabs, burnt, pt. and pp. of bum, which see. burnt-ear, n. bernt'-er, a disease in corn in which the whole ear appears black. burnt-offering, n. bernt-of-fer-lng, something burnt on an altar, as an offering for sin, called also buriit- sacrifice. burr, n. her, the lobe of the ear; a roughness in sounding the letter r — (see bur). burrock, n. der'rofc (AS. burg, hill, and ock, diminu- tive termination), a small dam in a river for catching fish. burrow, n. ber'ro (AS. beorgan, to protect, to shel- ter : Dut berghen, to hide, to cover), an underground hole or excavation, where small animals such as the rabbit live: v. to make holes underground and live in them ; to live in a concealed place : bur rowing, imp. : bur rowed, pp. -rod. burse, n. bers (F. boxirse, a purse, an exchange : low L. bursa), a public building where merchants and money-dealers meet on business; an exchange: bur- sar.n. fier'ser, the treasurer of a college ormonastery ; a student in a Scotch university to whom a sum of money is paid out of a fund set aside for that purpose ; an exhibitioner : bur'sarship, n. the position or office of a bursar: bur'sary.n. -i, the treasury of a college or monasterj' ; the sum allowed to a bursar ; an exhibi- tion. burst, n. berst (Ger. bersten ; AS. berstan ; S w. brista ; F. briser, to break), a sudden breakage ; an explosion ; a violent outbreak : v. to break open forcibly or with sudden violence; to break away from; to come upon unexpectedly ; to break forth, or into, with violence ; to rend by force : bursting, imp. : bur&t, pp. : burst'er, n. one who. burthen, n. ber'-thn: bur'thensome, a. : bur'then- someness, n. — see burden. burton, n. ber'-tn, in a ship, a small tackle of two single blocks, said to be named from the inventor. bury, v. ber'-i (AS. birgan; Dut. berghen, to hide, to stow away : Ger. bergen, to conceal), to put or place anything in the earth ; to lay a dead body in the grave ; to inter ; to hide or conceal ; to overwhelm : burled, pp. -Id: bur'jring, imp. n. -l-lng, the act of placing the dead in the earth : burying-place, burial- place, n. a graveyard; a cemetery: burial, n. -l-Ol (AS. byripels, a sepvilchre), the act of laying a dead body in the earth, in a tomb, in a vault, or among water, as at sea. bush, n. b(rosh (Icel. buskr, a tuft of hair ; buski, a bimch of twigs : F. bousche, a tuft, a wisp : Dut. bos, a bunch), a shrub or small tree ; a collection of shrubs of various kinds; a tract of uncultivated country covered with trees and shrubs of natural growth; a fox's tail: bush-beater, n. bct'-er, one who beats amongst the cover to rouse game : bush- flghting, n. -fit'-lng, irregular warfare in a woody country : bush'et, n. -et, a copse; a wood : bush'man, n. one who lives in the back settlements of a new counti-y ; bushy, a. bfwsh'-l, full of bushes ; thick like the branches of a bush: bush'iness, n.: bushranger, a robber, especially an escaped criminal, roaming about the woods and outlying parts of a new country, bush, n. b(Tosh (Dut. basse; Ger. biichse; Dan. bosse, a box), a round open piece of metal put into sheaves of cmv, boy, foot; pure, bid; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. BUSI e6 BY blocks to prevent them wearing ; a oirdet of metal rut into anything to lessen friction : v. to line any liole or orilice with metal : bushing, imp. : bushed, pp. h'Tosht, lined with metal : bushel, n. -il. a, measure for dry goods, containing 8 gall, or 4 pks. ; a large quantity. business, busied— see busy. busk, n. l)w'rd: butch'ery, u. -ir-l. t,'ri',it slaugliter; murder with great barliarity: butcherly, ad. -U: butch'erliness, n. : butcher-meat, n. the flesh of animals slaughtered for tlie table: butcher's-broom, n. tlie plant knee- holly, the branches of which are used by butchers for brooms. butler, n. but'-Ur (F. boideiUier—irnm bonidlle, a bottle ; ratlier from butt, a barrel : Sp. boteria, the .store of barrels), a servant in wealthy families wlio has the charge of the plate, liquors, &c. : but'lerage, n. -Uyr-aj, a duty on wine : but'lershlp, n. the otiice of butler, butment— see abutment. butt, v. hut (I)uf,. bntlcn, to thrust: It. botto, a blow), to strike with tlie, iKMd like a goat or a ram: n. a pusli or thrust ^nveu liy an animal witli its liead : but'tlng, imp.: but'ted, )>p. : to come full butt against, to come nimn suiiroverb: by-gone, n. a jiiist iiiciilcnt or event : let by-gones be by-gones, let the past be loigotten: to stand by, to stand aside: to stand by one, to stand at liis side ; to assist: to pass by, to pass at the side of: by-and-by or by-and-bye, ;id. soon ; shortly : by-the-by, ad. by mate, mat, far, Mv; mete, mit, her; pine, j^ln; nOle, 7idt, mGve; BYRE 67 CADG the waj'; introductory to some things not in the dlr'3(.'t course of conversation. byre, n. 6lr (old F. boaverie, a st.oll for oxen: F. loeuf; L. bos, an ox), in Scot., a house for cows. byssus, n. hls'-sus (L.— from Gr. hussos, fine flax), in conch., the fine silky filaments by which the mussel and other bivalves attach themselves to the rocks and sea-bottom; in bot., the silky tufts of mould or fungus -growth springing from damp and decaying substances: bya'solite, n. -d-nt (Gr. buasos; liihos, a stone), a term applied to fine fibrous varieties of ami- anthus, tremolite, &c.: bys sine, a. -sin, of or like silk : byssa'ceous, a. -sd'shiis, in bot., composed of deli- cate filaments resembling cotton or wool : bys'soid, a. ■smjd (Gr. eidos, form), in bot., very slender, like a cobweb. Byzantine, a. blz-dn'tln, relating to Byzantium : byzantine, n. blz'a7i-tin, a large gold coin. c, contr. for L. centum, a hundred. . caaba, n. ka'd-ba (Ar. ka'hah, a square building), a black sacred stone in the temple at Mecca, said to have been given by an angel to Abraham ; the temple itself. cab, n. kdb (Heb. gahab, to hollow), in Eastern coun- tries, a measure for dry goods. cab, n. kdb (contraction for cahriolet), a one-horse coach: cab'man, n.: cab'stand, n. cabal, n. kdbdl' (F. cabale, a club, a party: Heb. gabbdldh, tradition, mysterious doctrine), a few men united secretly for some party purpose ; a junto : v. to design secretly; to intrigue: cabal'ling, imp.: ca- balled, pp. -bdld': cabal'ler, n. one who. Note.— In its modern sense of "political intrigue or plotting," cabal was first used in 1671, when, by " a whimsical coincidence," it was found to be formed by the initial letters of the names of the members of the Cabinet- Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauder- dale. „ ,. cabala, n. kdb'd-ld, or caTjal, sometimes ca'balism, n. (see above), a secret science orknowledge which the Jewish rabbins alleged they possessed, and by which they professed to be able to explain all Scripture diffi- culties : cab'alist, n. -list, one skilled in the secrets of the cabala : cab'alis'tic, a. -tik, or cab'alis'tical, a. -tl-kdl, having a secret meaning: cabalis'tical'ly, ad. -li. caballine, a. kdb'dl-lln (L. caballus, an inferior riding or pack hoi-se: Gr. kaballes: It. cavallo: F. cheval), pert, to a horse : n. a coarse variety of aloes used as a medicine for horses. cabaret, n. kab'd-rd {¥.), a house where liquors are retailed; a tavern. cabbage, n. kdb'bdj {F. caboche; It. capo; old Sp. cnbo, a head), a v/ell-known vegetable ; v. (F. cabas ; Dut. kabas; Sp. cabacho, a frail or rush basket), to retain part of an article ; to pilfer : n. any part of a thing retained unjustly: cab'baging, imp. : cablaaged, pp. -bujd : cabTjage-tree, n. a species of palm-tree, bearing a substance which is eaten like cabbage. cabbllng, n. kCib'-Ung, the breaking up of puddled iron into small pieces, which are reheated and then wrought into bar-iron. cabin, n. kdb'-ln (F. cnbane; It. capanna, a shed or hovel : W. caban, a booth or hut), a small room or en- closure ; a shed ; a small apartment in a ship : v. to live or confine in a cabin: cab'ining, imp.: cabined, pp. -tnd : cabin-boy, n. a boy who waits on the passen- gers and officers of a ship : cab'inet, n. -net, a small private room or closet ; the secret council of a sover- eign ; the executive government of a country, so called because originally held in a small room or cabinet ; a piece of furniture containing boxes and drawers : adj. pert, to : cabinet-council, n. a confidential meet- ing of a sovereign's advisers : cabinet-maker, a man who makes articles of household furniture. cable, n. kd'bl (F. cable; Sp. cabre— from old F. cliaable; mid. L. cabuhis, an engine of war: Icel. kadal, a rope: Ar. habl, a rope), a rope or clinin of various degrees of thickness, used in ships : a cabie's- length, 720 feet : cabled, a. kd'bld, fastened witli a .strong rope-: caTjlet, -blet, a small cal)le: cable- mouldings, in arch., wi-eathed mouldings resembling the twisted strands of a rope. caboched, a. kd-boshf (F. caboche, head: L. capvt, head), in her., having the head of a beast with a full- faced view, and nothing of the neck seen. cabocle, n. kdh'6-kl, in Brazil, a compact brick-red mineral, ^resembling jasper. caboose, n. kd-b6s' {Dut. kabuis; Dan. kabys; Sw. kabysa, a cook's room in a ship), the kitchen or cook- ing-place of a ship, called a galley in a ship of war. cabriolet, n. kdb'rlo-ia' (F.— from cabriole, a goat- leap, a caper), a one-horse coach with a hood and a cover for the legs. cacao, n. kd-kd'6 (Mexican, cacauail), the chocolate tree : cocoa, n. ko'-ko, a substance prepared from ibe cacao nibs or nuts. cachalong, n. kdsh'd-long (found on the banks of the river Cach, in Bucharia, whence the name), a milk or blue white variety of opal. cachalot, n. kdsh'd-lot (F. : Dut. kazilot : Sw. kaselot), the sperm or spermaceti whale. cache, n. kdsh (F. a lurking-hole), a secret store or deposit of supplies, as of food. cachectic, a. kd-kik'tlk, also cachec'tical, a. -fhkai (Gr. kakos, bad ; {h)exis, habit), pert, to a viti.ited or deranged state of the body called cachexia, -kek'sl-d; also cachex'y, n. -si. cachinnation, n. kdk'ln-na'shun (L. cachinnare, to laugh aloud), loud or immoderate laughter : cachin- natory, a. kd-kin'nd-tor'i, laughing immoderately. cacique, n. Ad-sefc' (Sp.), a petty king, particularly of anc. Mexico. cack, n. kdk (Dan. kakke ; Dut. kakken ; Ger. kacken ; L. cacure, to go to stool), to go to stool ; to ease the body by stool : cack'ing, imp. : cacked, pp. kdkt. cackle, v. kdk'-kl (an imitative word: Sw. kakla; F. caqueter, to chatter: Dut. kaeckeleii; Turk, kakulla, to cackle), to make a noise like a hen or other domestic fowl ; to make a silly noise : n. the noise of a fowl, as a hen ; idle talk : cackling, imp.: n. the noise of a hen or goose : cackled, pp. kCik'kl : cackler, n. -Mr, one who. caccethes, n. kdk'd-e'thez (Gr. kakos, bad ; ethos, custom, habit), bad custom or habit, generally applied to scribblers: cacography, n. kdkog'rd-fi {Gr. grupho, I write), bad spelling: cacology, n. kakol'o-jl (Gr. logos, a word), bad grammar or speaking: cacoph- ony, n. kd-ko/'o-nl (Gr. phone, a voice), disagreeabltj or harsh sound of words ; discord : cacoph'onous, a. -6-m'is, and cac'ophon'ic, a. -6-/6n'lk, harsh-sounding. cactus, n. kdk'-tiis (L. a prickly plant), a tribe of tropical plants with fleshy prickly stems and leaves ; a genus of flowering plants ; the Indian fig tribe. cad, n. kdd (a contr. of cadger, which see), an om- nibus-guard ; an errand-boy ; a person employed under another in job-work. cadaverous, a. kdddv'er-iis (L. cadaver, a dead body), pale; wan; ghastly: cadav'erously, ad. -li: cadav'erousness, n. caddis, n. kdd'dls, or caddis-worm (corruption of cod-bait: Ger. koder, bait), a grub found in a case of broken shells, gravel, &c., a favourite bait with anglers. caddis, n. kdd'dls (Scot, caddis, lint for dressing a wound: Gael, corfo^, cotton : F. cariis, asortof serge), a kind of worsted lace or ribbon. caddy, n. kad'dl (Chin, catty, the weight of the small packets in which tea is made up), a small box for tea. cade, n. kdd (L. cadus, a bottle), a barrel ; a cask. cadence, n. kd'cUns (L. cadens, a falling : It. ca- denza: F. cadence), a fall; a decline; the modulation of the tones of the voice in reading; tone; sound; the manner of ending a piece of music : v. to regulate by musical measure : ca'denced, pp. -ddnst : cadenza, n. kd-den'zd (It.), modulation of the voice in singing. cadet, n. kd-dif (F. cadet, the younger son of a family: Sp. cabdillo, lord, master: Icel. cad, a new- born offspring), a young man in a military school ; a youth appointed to the army, but not yet holding a commission ; a younger son : cadetship, n. cadger, n. kdj'er (cadge, the round frame of wood on which the hawks were carried: W. c6d, a bag or pouch), one who brings butter, eggs, and poultry to the market ; a huxter. colv, boy, foot; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. CADI CALE cadi, n. ka'dl, a Turkish magistrate or judge. cadmean, a. kdcl-me'dn, relating to Cadmus, who is said to have introduced into Greece the sixteen simple letters of the alphabet, heuce called Cadmean Iclti-rs. -carbonate of lead, found at the Leadhills in Scotland. calefacient, a. kdl'-hfd'sh\:'nt (L. calfo, I am w.iriii ; fiu-io, I make), wanning; giving heat: n. a substance which excites heat at the jiart where ap- ]ilied: cal'efac'tion, n. -fak'-shiln, the operation of making warm ; state of being warm : cal'efy, v. -fl, Mr; pine, pin; note, not, mOvc; CALE 69 CAMA to become hot; to be heated: cal'efying, imp.: cal'- cfied, pp. -fid. calendax, n. Icdl'en-cUriL. calendarium, an account- book : It. calendario, — from L. calenda, the first day of the Konian month — from caln, I proclaim), an almanac ; a register of the days, weeks, and months in the year, &c. : v. to register : calendaring, imp. : cal'endared, pp. -dCrd: calends, n. plu. kdi-indz.fivat day of each month among the Komans : calen'drical, a. -dri-kal, pert. to. calender, n. kCil'-in-der(Y. calandre: L. cylindrus; Gr. kxdiiulros, a cylinder), a press, consisting of heated rollers, between which cloths are passed to finish them off : v. to press between heated rollers : cal'en- dering, imp.: cal'endered, pp. -dCrd: calendrer, n. ■drer, one who calenders cloths. calendula, n. kdUn'-da-ia (L. calendce, the first day of the Roman month), a genus of plants including the common marigold; a substance obtained from the marigold, used in medicine. calenture, n. kCd'iin-tur (Sp. calentar, to heat), a violent fever, chiefly affecting sailors in hot climates. calescence, n. kd-les'sens {L. caleo, I am warm), a growing warm. calf, n. kdf; calves, plu. kdvz (AS. cealf: Ger. kcdb : Dan. kalv), the young of the cow kind ; a stupid or cowardly person : calve, v. kuv, to bring forth a calf, as a cow: calv'ing, imp.: calved, pp. kdvd: calf'- ish, a. -Ish, stupid : calf -skin, the skin of a calf dressed or made into leather. calf of the leg (Gael, calpa: Icel. kalfi— the primary meaning being a lump), the thick fleshy part of the leg behind. calibre or caliber, n. kdl'l-ber (Sp. calibre, bore, diameter, quality— from Ar. kalib, form, mould : F. calibre: It. calibro), the diameter of a body ; the bore of a gun ; capacity of the mind ; the extent of mental or intellectual qualities possessed by any one : cal'- ibered, pp. a. -i-berd, measured with compasses called callipers. calico, n. kdl'l-Tco (horn Calicut in E. Indies : F. cali- cot), unprinted cotton cloth: calico-printing, n. the art of dyeing cotton cloth, or covering cotton cloth with figures of various colours : calico-printer, n. one who. calid, a. kai'id (L. calidus, warm), hot ; burning ; ardent: calidity, n. kdlUl'l-H. caligraphy or calligraphy, n. kd-Ug'-ra-fl (Gr. kalos, beautiful, fair; grapho, I write), elegant or beautiful writing : calig'raphist, n. one who writes beautifully : caligraphic, a. kai'-l-grCif-ik, pert. to. calipash, n. kdl'-i-pdsh (F . carapace; Sp. galapago, fresh-water tortoise), the part of a turtle beron.ging to the upper shell : cal'ipee, n. -i-pe, the part belonging to the under shell. calipers, n. plu. kdl'-l-perz, also spelt callipers (from calibre), a kind of compasses for measuring the di- ameters of round bodies. caliph, n. kd'-lU (Ar. khalif, a successor : Sp. calif a), , the title assumed by the successors of Mahomet ; cal- iphate, n. -l-fat, the ottice or government of the caliph. calisthenics, n. plu. kdl'is-then'lks (Gir. kalos, beau- tiful; sthenos, strength), the art of promoting the health of the body by exercise : cal'isthen'ic, a. pert. to. calk, V. kdwk (L. calcare, to press or stuff : F. cauque, a piece of lint placed in the orifice of a wound : Gael. calc, to ram, to drive), to close the seams between a ship's planking with oakum to prevent them admit- ting water ; to point or rough the shoe of a horse to prevent its slipping on ice: calking, imp.: calked, pp. kawkt: calk'ef, n. one who: calkins, n. plu. kawk'lns, the prominent parts of a horse's shoes shar- pened to prevent its slipping on the ice. call, V. kawl (L. ccUo, I call : Icel. kalla : Dan. kalde), to name ; to invite to come ; to summon ; to warn ; to exhort ; to visit : n. a summons or invitation ; a com- mand; a short visit: calling, imp.: n. business; em- ployment: called, pp. kav-ld: caller, n. one who: to call down, to invite or bring down : to call back, to bring again ; to revoke : to call for, to claim or re- quire : to call to mind, to remember : to call out, to speak aloud; to summon to service; to call in, to withdraw from circulation ; to collect: to call forth, to bring out : to call off, to bring away ; to divert : to call up, to bring before ; to bring to recollection : to call over, to read aloud the several items or par- ticulars of anything : to call on, to pay a visit to ; to pray to or worship : to call at, to visit a place. callipers, n. plu.— see calipers. callous, a. kdl'lus (L. callus, hard thick skin : Fin, kallo, the scalp or skull), hard ; hardened in mind ; unfeeling: callously, ad. -li: callousness, n.: callos- ity, n. -Ibs'-l-ti, a horny hardness on the skin : callose, a. -loz, in bot., having hard spots or callosities. callow, a. kai'do (L. calvus, bare: AS. calo; Dut. kael, bald), naked; destitute of feathers, as a bird. calm, a. kdm (F. calme; It. Sp. calnia, absence of wind, quiet), still; quiet; tranquil; undisturbed: n. stillness ; quiet ; repose ; freedom from agitation or motion: v. to still; to quiet; to free from agitition; to pacify; to tranquillise : calming, imp.: calmed, pp. kdmd: calm'er, n. one who: calmly, ad. -U: calmness, n. calomel, n. kdl'd-mil (Gr. kalos, beautiful ; melas, black), a preparation of merciuy much used in medi- cine ; an ore of mercury. caloric, n. kd-lor'lk (L. calor, heat: F. caloriqiie: It. calore), the cause or matter which produces heat: cal'oriflc, a. -y'-lk {L. /acio, I make), causing heat: calorlfica'tion, n. -l-kd'shun: calorifere, n. kdlor' l-j'er (F. — from L. calor, heat; /erre, to bring), an app;iratus for conveying and distributing heat, par- ticidarly in conservatories : cal'orim'eter, n. -irn'e-ter (L. calor, heat; Gr. metron, a measure), an apparatus for measuring the heat contained in bodies. calotte, n. kd-lof {¥.), a cap worn on the top of the head as an ecclesiastical ornament in France. calotype, n. kdl'o-tlp (Gr. kalos, beautiful ; iupos, a type or stamp), photographic process. caloyer, n. kd-loij'er (mod. Gr. kalogeros, a monk— from Gr. kalos, good; geron, an old man), a Greek monk. caltrop or calthrop, n. kdl'trop (AS. collrcEiipe, a species of thistle), an iron instrument with four spikes, placed in ditches or breaches as an obstacle to the advance of troops ; a plant whose fruit is armed wth spines. calumba, n. ku-hlm'bd (kalumb, the name given to it in Mozambique), the root of a plant used as a tonic : cal'umbine, -bin, the bitter extract of calumba root. calumet, n. kal'oo-met (F.— from L. calamus, a reed), a pipe smoked by the American Indians when they make peace or a treaty— hence a symbol of peace. calumniate, v. kd-liim'nl-dt (L. culumnia, a mali- cious slander: F. calomnie), to accuse falsely and maliciously ; to slander ; to spread evil reports of any one maliciously : calum'nia'ting, imp. : calum'nia'ted, pp. : calum'nia'tor, n. one who : calum'nia'tion, n. -d^s/iMTi .- calumnious, a. -nVus, slanderous ; injurious to character : calum'niously, ad. -11 -. calumniatory, a. -tor'-l, slanderous: calumny, n. kdl'-um-nl, slander; false accusation ; the making and spreading of reports injurious to character. Calvary, n. kdl'vd-rl (L. calvaria, the skull of a man or beast : F. calvaire. Calvary), the place where Christ was crucified ; a small chapel in a Rom. Cath. country wherein are represented the scenes of Christ's passion and crucifixion. calve, V. kdv—see calf. Calvinism, n. kcil'vln-lzm, the doctrines of Calvin, the Swiss Protestant reformer: Cal'vinist, n. one who holds these : Cal'vinis'tic, a. -Is'ttk, also Cal'vinis'- tical, a. -H-kdl. calx, n. kdlks, plu. calxes, kdlk'sds, or calces, kdl- sez (L. calx, limestone), lime or chalk; the ashes or residuum left after burning a metal or mineral. calymene, n. kdl'l-me-ne (Gr. kalemenai, to call by name), in geol., a genus of trilobites having deeply- trilobed shields, called also " Dudley locusts." calyptra, n. kd-lip'tra (Gr. kaluptra, a covering for the head ofawnman), in bot., little hoods covering the inflorescence of mosses : calyp'trate, a. -trdt, having a caljTJtra. calyx, n. kd'llks, plu. calyxes, kd-llk-sSs, or calyces, kdl'l-ses (L.— from Gr. kalux, the cup of a flower), in bot., the envelope or outer covering of a flower: cal- ycine, a. kdl'i-sin, or calycinal, a. kd-lis'l-ndl, of or relating to a calyx; of the nature or appearance of a, calyx : calycle, n. kdl'-l-kl, also calyculus, n. kd-llk' u-lus, a row of leaflets at the base of the calyx on the outside: calycled, a. kdl'l-kld. also calyculate, a. kd-lik'-u-lat, having the appearance as if possessing a double calyx. cam, n. kdm (W. cam, crooked, bent), in mech., a, projecting part of a wheel or other moving piece, in- tended to produce an alternate or variable motion. camaieu, n. kd-md'yu (F.) a stone engraved in relief; a painting in a single colour. cerd (L. camelus, a camel, a:id pardalis, the female panther), a wild animal Arith a long slender neck and spotted skin ; a giraffe. cameo, n. kdin'eo {It. cammeo: F. ca??i«ie!t— said to be from Pers. camahen, loadstone, as having been first employed for signets), a stone on which figures are engraved in relief; shells are now commonly used as a substitute for gems. camera, n. kdm'-6r-d (L. camera; Gr. kamara, an arched roof, a chamber: It. camera), a chamber or compartment for exhibiting, by means of reflection, any external thing: camera-lucida, -l6'-sl-dd (L. a light chamber), an instrument for so reflecting distant landscapes on paper, &c., as to allow them to be sketched: camera-obscura, -ob-sku'-rd (L. dark cham- ber), a darkened cliamber or box, in which, by means of lenses, external objects, in their natural colours, are exhibited on any white flat surface wthin it : cam'- erated, a. -a'-tid, divided into chambers, as certain shells ; arched. Cameronian, n. kdm'6r6'nl-dn, a follower of Rich- ard Cameron, in Scotland, who refused to accept the indulgence granted by Charles II. to the Presbyterian clergy. camiflade, n. kdm'-l-sdd (Y.—irom. F. chemise; Sp. camisa, a shirt), an attack made by soldiers in the dark— so called from their putting their shirts over their dress to distinguish each other hv. camlet, n. kdm'let (F. camelot), a cloth first made of camel's or goat's hair, now of wool or goat's hair, with silk : camleted, a. wav>' like camlet ; veined. cammock, n. kdni'mOk (AS. cammoc), the plant rest- harrow— so called from the length and toughness of Its roots, by wliich the harrow is arrested. camomile, n. kdm'O-mll (Gr. chanuti -melon, earth- apple, so called from the smell of its flower), a plant whose flowers have a fragrant smell and a bitter aro- matic taste, much used in medicine— spelt also cham- omUe. camp, n. kdmp (L. campus, a plain : It. campo), the ground occupied by an army at rest : v. to rest an army in the open country (see encamp) : camping, imp.: camped, pp. kdmpt : camp-follower, n. one who follows an army without serving. campaign, n. kdinqnln' (F. campnnne ; It. rnm- pagna, the plain open field), an extensive tract of country not hilly ; the time an army is engaged either In marching, fighting, or in camp: v. ti> serve in a cam|)aign : campaigning, imp. : campaigned', pp. -pdnd : campaign'er, n. one who. campanology, n. kilm'pdn6l'-6-jl (low L. campnna, a bell; (;r. /»/'<-, a discourse), the art of ringing bells, or a tr-Mtise on tlie art. campanula, n. kdm-pdn'H.-ld (low L. campanula, a little bell) a genus of plants bearing bell-shai>ed flowers ; the bell-llower : campan ulate, a. -u-ldt, in bot., b.-ll-sliaiicl. as the harebell. campestral, a. kdin/^e.i'-trdl (L. campestris, pert, to a b'Vi'l field), nlatiiig to fields or growing in them. camphine, n. or camphene, kam'/ln (a contr. of camphogen), rectified oil of turpentine. camphor, n. M»!'/or (F. ramphre: Ar. kafuv. Mai. kaj)hur: Sp. ca7)/or), a whitish substance of an aro- matic bitter taste and fragrant sntell, much used in medicine : cam'phorate, v. -dt, to saturate or tincture with camphor: adj. pert, to camphor: cam'phora'- ting.imp. : cam'phora'ted, pp. : adj. impregnated with camphor: camphor-tree, n. the tree producing cam- phor: camphogen, n. kdm'fojen or -fin (new L. cam- phora, tainphor, and Gr. gi7i€in, to bring forth), the jiroduct of the distillation of camphor with drj' phos- phoric aiid: cam phoraceous, a. -a'shiis, of or like camphor : camphoric, a. -for'lk, of or from camphor. campulitropous, a. kam'-iJU-W'r6-piis{GT. kamjmlos, curved; tre]/o, I turn), in bot., ha\'ing the o^Tile and its integuments so bent that the apex is brought near the hilum, the hiliun and chalaze being together— ahso cam pulit ropal. camwood, n. cdm'ivobd, a red dyewood, principallv obtained from the -vicinity of Sierra Leone, where it is called kambi, whence the name. can, n. kdn (Icel. kanna, a large drinking-vessel : AV. cannu, to contain: AS. can7ie), a cup or other vessel made of metal : can'akin, a little can. can, V. kdn (AS. cunnan: Icel. kwina) can denotes power when joined to another verb, as, I can eat — that is, I have the power to eat : could, pt. kood. Canadian, a. kd-nu'dian, of or from Canada: n. a native or inhabitant of. canaille, n. ka-nW (F. ), the lowest people ; the rabble. canal, n. kd-ndl' (L. canalis, a pipe for water— from canna, a pipe or reed: It. canale), a water-course na^^gable for boats or ships; an artificial river; in anat., a duct or tube in the body for the passage of fluids: canaliculate, a. kdn'd-Uk'-uldt, in bot., chan- nelled ; having a longitudinal groove or furrow. canary, n. kdna'rl, a wine from the Canary Islands ; a fine song-bird of yellowish plumage. cancel, v. kdn'sei (L. cancellare, to make like lattice- work : F. canceller, to erase), to deface writing by cross- ing it ; to annul ; to destroy : can'celling, imp. : can'- celled, pp. -seld: can'cella'ted, a. -lu'ted (L. cancflli, a grating of bars, lattice-work), marked with cross lines; cancellate, a. -sei'ldt, in bot., lattice-like ; consisting of a network of veins : can'cella'tion, n. -Id'shiin. cancer, n. kdn'ser{L. cancer, a crab, an eating sore : AS. caacre: It. cancro: F. chancre), a spreading sore on the body or in some internal part, very painful and verj- fatal ; a crab ; one of the signs of the zodiac : can'- cerate, v. -at, to grow into a earner: can'cera'ting, imp.: can'cera'ted, pp.: can'cera'tion, n. -ra'shun: cancerous, a. -ser-iXs, like a cancer: can'cerously, ad. -li: can'cerousness, n.: cancriform, a. kdng'krhfawrm (L. forma, shape), cancerous ; having the fonn of a cancer or crab : can'crine, a. -krin, having the quali- ties of a crab : can'croid, a. -krcnid (Gr. eidos, form), pert, to a crab ; like cancer : tropic of cancer, that parallel in the northern hemisphere whose latitude is equal to the sun's greatest declination, about 23" 28'. candelabnim, n. kdn'-de-ld'-hrnm ; can'delabra, plu. -bra (L.— from candela.a candle: It. candelabi'O: F. candelabre), a large ornamental candlestick with branches. candid, a. kdnkUd (L. cavdidus, white; It. can- dido : F. candide), open; sincere; frank; fair; frep from malice: candidly, ad. -ll: candour, n. -(//?•, openness ; sincerity ; frankness ; freedom from any intention to deceive: candidness, n. : can'didate, n. -dl-ddt (persons in Kome seeking ofticos having woni white gownis), a person who seeks for a vacant otbce; one who ofi"ers himself as afitpei-sontoflll an appoint- ment : can'didature, n. -ddtur, the jiosition of a c^m- didate for an oflice; a canvass: czmdidateship, n. state of being a candidate. candied, kdn'did—^ti' candy. candle, n. kd/i'dl (AS. diiidfl ; L. candcta, a candle —from candiO. I shine), a round body made of tallow or any fatty matter, with a wick in the centre, used to give light ; a light or lumiiiar)': ruEh-candles, the pith of rushes dipped in tallow : candlestick, n. the stand or stick for a candle: Candlemas, -dl-md.-;. a quarterly term, 2d Feb. ; a feast in the Ch. of Eng. and in the R. Cath. Ch. in honour of the purification of the Virgin Mar>— on which occasion, in the R. Cath. Ch., many candles are iised, and those intend- ed for use in the churches for the whole year are blcsse.l. candock, n. kdn'ddk (probably from can and dock), a j)lant that grows in rivers. candour, n. kdnkUr (L. candor, a dazzling white- viate, mat, far, law; mete, mil, Mr; pXne, pin; nOte, n6t, m6ve; CANE 71 CAOU noss: It. candore), fairness; frankness; openness; sincerity. candy, n. Mn'dl (Turk, cand, sugar), crystallisorl sugar; sugar compounded with anything else: v. to boil or dress in stigar; to cover or incnist with sugar; to form sugar into crj'stals: can'dying, imp.: n. the act of forming into crystals, as sugar : candied, pp. kdn'did. cane, n. kan (L. canna, a reed or cane: It. cannrt: F. canne), a long, strong reed; a walking-stick: v. to beat or flog with a cane: ca'ning, imp.: n. a flogging •with a cane: caned, pp. kand: cany, a. ku'nl, pert. to ; abounding in canes. canescent, a. ka-n6s'-&nt (L. cunescetis, becoming white), in hot., hoary; approaching to white. canine, a. kd-nln' (L. cmiis, a dog : It. cane), of or pert, to a dog ; having the qualities of a dog : canine madness, the madness of a dog; hydrophobia: canine teeth, two sharp-pointed teeth in each Jaw, one on each side— often simply temied canines, ku-nlns'. canister, n. kdn'ts-ter (L. canistnim, a basket woven from reeds : It. canestro), a box or case for tea, coffee, &c.; in mil., a tin canister having a wooden bottom, packed with balls, and shot from a cannon— called also case-shot. canker, n. Mmg'ker (L. cancer; F. chancre, an eating sore— see cancer), a disease in trees whicli causes the bark to rot and fall off; a con-oding ulcer: v. to eat; to corrode ; to consume, as a cancer does the body ; to grow corrupt; to waste away by degrees: can'kering, imp.: can'kered, pp. -kerd: can'kerish, a,: canker- like, a. : canker-bit, a. bitten by an animal with ulcerous teeth: canker-fly, n. a fly that lives on fruit : canker-worm, n. a worm very destructive to plants and the leaves and fruit of trees : can'kerous, a. -lis, corroding like a canker. cannel-coal, n. kCm'-nel-kol (a coiTuption of candle- coal, from its giving out much flame: Norm, kynnel, a torch), a hard, black, inflammable coal, known to the Scotch miners as parro^-coa^ — chiefly used for the manufacture of gas. caimibal, n. kcln'ni-bcil (from the Caribs or Cari- hales, the original inhabitants of W. India Islands), a savage that eats human flesh ; an anthropophagite : can'nibally, ad. -li: can'nibalism, n. -Izm. cannon, n. kdn'-non (F. canon, a gun : It. cannoiie, a cannon— from canna, a reed, a tube), a great gun : cannon-ball, n. ball for shooting from a cannon : can'- nonade, n. -ad (F.— from canon), the act of throwing balls from cannons : v. to attack with camions ; to batter with balls or shot: can'nona'ding, imp.: can'- nona'ded, pp. : can'noneer or can'nonier, n. -er', tlie man who manages cannon. cannot, v. and ad. kan'not {can and not), to be un- able. canny, a. kdn'ni (Scot.: Icel. kenna, to perceive liy sense), gentle; cautious and obliging; harmless; safe: not canny, dangerous ; not safe. canoe, n. ka-n6' (of Indian origin: Sp. canoa; Ger. kahn, a boat), a boat made by hollowing and shaping the trunk of a tree ; a boat made of skin, or the bark of trees. canon, n. kdn'on (Gr. kanon, a measuring or mark- ing pole, a ruler : L. canon, a rule ; canonicus, regu- lar), in Church affairs, a rule or law in discipline or doctrine; a rule in general; a catalogue of saints; the Holy Scriptures, called thesacrcdmwon; arepeat- ing piece of music ; every last step in an equa- tion ; a dignitarj' of the church : bone in the lore leg of a horse : in print., a large size of type : canon law, the laws that regulate church government: can'oness, n. a woman who enjoys an income attached to a church, but who has no duty to perform ; canonic, ka-non'-ik, also canon'ical, a. -i-kdl, according to the rules or laws of the church: canonical Scriptures, the books of Scripture admitted to be of divine origin ; also canonical epistles : canon'ically, ad. -li : canon'- icals, n. plu. -ikdls, the full dress of a clergyman while ofliciating in chiu-ch : csfnon'icate, n. the office of a canon : can'onist, n. a man versed in ecclesiastical law: can'onis'tic, a. pert, to; can'onic'ity, n. -ls'4-tl, agreement with the canon of Scripture, or comprehen- sion within it : canonise, v. kdn'on-lz', in the M. Cath. C/t.,todeclareaman or woman asaint.and to inscribe liis or her name in the catalogue, called a canon : can'- oni'sing, imp.: can'onised, pp. -izd: can'onisa'tion, n. -za'.^linv. the act of declaring any person a saint: can'onship, n. the benefice filled by a canon; also can'onry, u. -ri. canon, n. kdn'ydn (Sp.), in Western America, a deep gorge or ravine between high and steep banks. canopy, n. kdn'-o-jA (Gr. konopeion, a bed with gauze curtains to keep off flies— from konops, a gnat : L. cunopcum: F. canapi), a covering over a throne or a bed; a covering over the head; in arch., an orna- mental projection over a door, a window, &c. : v. to cover with a canopy : can'opying, imp. -pl-lng • can'o- pied, pp. -pid. canorous, a. kd-n6'rus (L. canorvs, melodious— from cano, I sing), musical; tuneful: cano'rously, ad. -li: cano'rousness, n. cant, V. kdnt (Gael, cainnf, speech, language; can, to sing, to name : L. canto, I sing), to speak in a whin- ing tone of voice : n. whining affected speech ; hypo- critical jargon ; slang: canting, imp.: adj. spi'uking in a whining tone of voice: n. the talk of a would- be religious person : cant'ed, pp. : cant'ingly, ad. -li. cant, V. kdnt (Ger. kanten, to put a thing upon its edge, to tilt: Dan. ka7it; Sp. canto, edge, angle), to pitch forward ; to place upon the edge, as a cask ; to jerk; to throw; among carpen., to cut off an angle from a square piece of timber : n. an inclination from a horizontal line ; a thrust ; a push : cant'ing, imp. ; adj. turning up on edge ; giving a sudden thrust. can't, kdnt, contracted for cannot. Cantab, kdn'tdb, or Cantabridgian, n. -tabrlj'l-dn, a member or scholar of Cambridge university. Cantabrian, a. kdn-ta'-brl-an, pert, to Cantabria, on the Bay of Biscay, in Spain. cantankerous, a. kdn-tdng'ker-iis, in familiar lan- guage, cross-grained ; ill-conditioned in temper : can- tan'kerousness, n. crossness ; ill-humour ; petulance. cantata, n. cdn-ta'td (It.— from L. canto, I sing), a poem set to music. canteen, n. kdn-ten' (It. cantina, a wine-cellar), a tin vessel for caiTj'ing a liquid ; the store and tavern at- tached to a barracks. ' canter, n. kdn'ter (a contr. of Canterbury gallop), a moderate gallop : v. to run, as a horse in an easy gal- lop : can'tering, imp. : can'tered, pp. -terd. canterbury, n. kiln'ter-ber'-l (from a city in England), a stand or receptacle for music, &c. : canterbury- bells, a species of campanula. cantharis, n. kdn'thdr-is; canthar'ides, n. pin. -idez (Gr. kantharis, a kind of beetle), the Spanish fly, used in making blistering plasters : canthar'idine, n. -i-din, the blistering principle in Spanish flies. canthus, n. kCm'thUs (L. canthus; Gr. kanthos, the iron ring aroimd a wheel), the angle or comer of tiie eye. canticle, n. kdn'tl-kl (L. canto, I sing), a song : plu. the Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs. canto, n kcin'td (It. canto, a song: L. cantus, sing- ing), a part or division of a poem ; in music, the leading part; a song: cantillate, v. kdn'tU-lat, to chant; to recite musically : can'tilla'ting, imp. : can'tilla'ted, pp.: can'tilla'tion, n. -la'shUn, chanting; reading or reciting with musical cadence. canton, n. kdn'-tOn (F. : It. cantone—iTora canto, a corner), a division of a country: v. to divide into dis- tri('ts or cantons; to allot quarters to troops: can- toning, imp. : can'toned, pp. -toyid: can'tonal. a. peit. to or divided into cantons : cantonment, n. the part of a town or village assigned to a body of troops ; separate quarters for soldiers. Note.—Th'i verb can- ton and the words derived from it are now more usually, and always among militarj' men, pronounced with the accent on the second syllable, fhus— canton' , cunto'ning, canton'ment, &c. canvas, n. knn'-vds (F. canevas, canvas: L. cannabis; It. cannevo. hemp), a coarse cloth made of flax or hemp, used for tents, sails, painting on, &c. ; in a ship, the sails are called the canvas: adj. made of canvas: can'vass, v. (a metaphorical meaning taken from sifting a substance through canvas), to discuss ; to examine into ; to solicit votes or interest ; to make interest in favour of: n. a close inspection into; dis- cussion; debate; a seeking; a solicitation: can'vas- sing, imp. : can'vassed, jip. -idst : can'vasser, n. one who. cany, a. kd'-nl (see cane), full of canes ; consisting of canes. canzonet, n. kdn'z6n-et' (It. camona, a song: L. cnverc, to sing), a little or short song in one, two, or three parts. caoutchouc, n. kofi'-chobk (a native Indian word), indiarubher ; the dried juice of various tropic;-! plants, used in the manufacture of waterproof cloths, coTy, boy, /out; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, s?iU7i, thing, there, zeal. CAP overshoes, flexible tubes, &c. : caout'chine, n. -chin, or caoufchoucine, n. -chOb-sln, a volatile liijuid dis- tilled from india-rubber. cap, n. kdp (AS. cacppe, a cap : Sp. capa ; It. capj)a ; F. chaiye, a cover : Gr. skepo, I cover), a cover for the head ; a cover in Keneral ; the top or highest part ; a mark of some office or dignity : v. to cover the top end or orifice ; to uncover as a mark of reverence or civility ; to render complete ; to invest with official dis- tinction ; to admit to professional honours by the act of capping : cap'ping, imp. : capped, pji. cdfjl : cap-a- pie, ad. -(!•;;«' (F.), from head to font; all over, as armed cap-a-pie: cap-of -maintenance, a cap carried before the kinsis of Kiitrlaud at their coronation: to set one's cap at, to t;ike measures to gain the attec- tions of a man : cap ful, a small quantity, used by sailors when .sjn-ikin.^,' of the wind. capable, a. ka-pn-bl (F. capable— irom. L. capio, I take), able to contain or receive ; having the requisite mental, moral, or physical ability ; "qualified for : ca'pableness, n. -hl-nis, the quality of being capable : ca'pabil'ity, n. -hiVl-tl. the quiUityof being able or qualified for: capacious, a. A'iy((i'67uls, roomy; large; That will liold t.,]iki' a piii-h.'ad ; liavin-a rounded RuniiMit, MS some iiairs : Capltan-Pacha, n. -tihi- ;»r!..v/er,tli,-, liieiadniiral of the Turkish tleet: capita- tion-tax, n. a t:ix imposeil on each )icrsonal]ove a cer- tain age: capitation-grant, n. a sum of nioiiev iiaid annually for e.nh, 1,11,1 attending an elementary school l>y the Conmiiiie,' of Council on Kducation, on the ful- Idnient o| c-i-tain !/?» —from rnjisa, a bo.x. a chest), red or Cayenne iieiijier, from CayiMini' in French (;ui;)na : capsicine, n. -.-In, the activ,' jirineii'le in tlie eaj.sules ol Cavenn.' ju'iiper. capsize, v. koji-sn' (]iiol,;il,ly ,-,,y,, top, head ; and .vr/?/ ). to ujiset; to overturn: capsizing, imp.: cap- sized', iii>. -sud'. capstan, n. kdp'stdn (F. rabestan: old Sp. cabra, an einrine for throwing stones: It. ciijira. an engine to raise, ir(ln;nii'e), in a ship, a movable upright block of liiulier round whiih a rojjc or chain is made to coil when raising an :inclior or otlur lieavv wi'ight. capsule, n. ktl/'-siU (L. raj.siiln. a little chest: F. ca/isidr). in ^o^,tlles,•e,l.v.■ss.•lo^a plant; in\ containing charcoal ; coaly: carlaonate, n. -?»}/, a com- j.ound formed by the union of carbonic acid with a tiase, &c.: carbona'ted, a. combined or saturated with carbon : carboniferous, a. -nif-er-ils (L. fero, I carry), I^roducing carbon or coal : car'bonise', v. -niz', to change into carbon: carlaoni'sing, imp.: carTjonised', pp. -nlzcV: car1)onlsa'tion, n. ■zu'slnln, the act or process of carbonising: carbonic acid, an acid com- posed of one part of carbon and two of oxygen : car- cow, boy, foot; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. bolic acid, kdr-b6Vlk, a colourless oily liquid obtained fniiu c(ial-tar: carbolene, n. kdr'bo-len, a, non-volntilc hydro-carbon, may be used for increasing the illumi- iiaiing power of coal-gas. carboy, n. kdr'-bojj (mod. Gr. caraboyia, copperas or gieen vitriol ; Turk, karaboya, black dye : Sic. carabba, a bottle with a big belly and narrow neck), a large globular bottle generally covered with basket-work. carbuncle, n. kdr'-bung-kl (L. carbunculus, a little coal— from carbo, coal), a red fiery round blotch on the skin ; an inflammatory boil ; a precious stone of a deep-red colour: car bunded, a. -kid, set with car- buncles ; spotted with red fiery sores : carbun'cular, a. -ku-ldr, perl, to or resembling a carbuncle; red; inflamed. carburet, n. kdr'bu-rSt (F. carbwre— from L. carbo, a coal), carbon in combination with some other sub- stance, the result not being an acid: v. to combine some other substance with carbon: carburet ting, imp. : car bui'et'ted, a, combined with carbon : car - buret ter, n. that which : car'buration, -rd'shuu, the act of: carburetted hydrogen gas, a compound of carbon and hydrogen, as common coal-gas. carcanet, n. kdr'-ku-net (F. curcun),a, chain or col- lar of jewels. carcass, n. kdr'kds{F. carquasse,a,dea& body: mod. Gr. karkasi, a quiver, a carcass : It. carcunso, the hard core of fruits), the dead body of an animal ; applied to the living body in contempt; the framework or principal parts of a thing unfinished, as a house: car'- casse, n. -kds, an iron case filled with combustibles to be thrown into a besieged town from a mortar. carcerule, n. kdr'ser-ul (L. career, a jail), in bot., a dry, indehiscent, many-celled fruit, with few seeds in each cell, the cells cohering round a common style placed in the axis. carcharodon, n. kdr-kdr'o-don (Gr. karcharodon, having rough or jagged teeth— from karcharos, sharp- pointed, and odontes, teeth), m geol., ngenus of sharks whose fossil teeth, &c., are often of gieat size. carcharopsis, n. kdr'-kdr-op'-sis (Gr. karcharos, sharp-pointed; opsis, appearance), in geol., a genus of carboniferous shark-like fishes. carcinoma, n. kdr'-sl-no'-md (Gr. karkinos, a crab, cancer), cancer in general; ulcerative stage of can- cer: car'cinom'atous, a. -nom'-d-tus, pert, to cancer in general. card, n. kdrd (F. carte: L. c/iarfa, paper : It. carta), a piece of pasteboard usually written or printed on for social or business purposes; oblong pieces of pasteboard on which figures are printed, used in games : card-table, n. : card-maker, n., one who. card, n. kdrd (It. cardo,.a thistle : Gael, card, to card wool: Ger. scharren, to scrape: L. carduus, a thistle, a teasel— from carere, to comb wool), an in- str. for combing out wool or flax: v. to comb out wool, flax, or hemp ; to sep:irate the finer from tlie coarser fibres : carding, inip. : carded, pp. : card- er, n. one who. cardamom, n. knr'dd-m6m(F. cardamome: L. car- damomum), an Indian spice plant, whose seeds are used in nud. cardiac, kdr'-dl-dk, also cardi'acal, a. -dl'd-kdl (Gr. kardia, the heart or the upper orifice of the stomach), pert, to the heait ; invigorating the heart by stimu- lants: car'diac, n. a medicine that excites action in the heart, and animates the spirits : car'dial'gia, n. -dt-dl'gia (Gr. algos, pain), pain in the stomach ; heart- burn : carditis, n. kdr-dl'-tls, inflanunatiou of the heart. cardinal, a. kar'di-ndl (L. cardinalis, pert, to a hinge— from cardo, a hinge : It. cardinale ; F. car- dinal, principal), that on which other things turn : chief ; principal ; fundamental : n. a dignitary of the R. Cath. Ch. next in rank to the Pojie : cardinalate, krir'dl-nd-laf. also car'dinalship, n. tlie office or rank of a cardinal : cardinal points of the compass, the four principal points— north, south, east, and west. cardium, n. kur'dlum (Gr. kardia. the heart), the coi kle, so named in allusion to its heart-like form, care, n. kdr (AS. cearian, to take heed : Goth, kara, care: L. cams, dear), thoughtful attention; uneasi- ness of mind ; concern ; regard ; charge : v. to be anxious or uneasy in mind; to heed or regard: ca'ring, imp.: cared, pp. Adrri; careful, a. Avtr^/ooZ, full of con- cern ; attentive to; watchful; cautious: careless, a. without concern or thought ; regardless ; inattentive : carefully, ad. -ll: carefulness, n. : carelessly, ad. ■U : care lessness, n. : careworn, a. crushed with CARE 74 CARR care ; fatigued with anxiety : to take care, also have a care, be careful ; take heed. careen, v. k^-ren' (F. carener, to refit : L. carina, the bottom of a ship : It. carena, bottom of a ship : Dut. kreiigen, to sail on one side), to lay a ship on one side in order to repair the other ; a ship to incline to one side while sailing: careen'ing, imp.: n. the act of heaving down aship on one side: careened', pp. -rend' : careenage, n. karen'aj, place for careening a ship ; expense of careening. career, n. kd-rer' (F. carriere ; It. carriera, a race, a highway: L. currus, a two-wheeled cart), course of action ; progress in life ; procedure ; a race or run- ning; speed in motion: v. to run or move rapidly: careering, imp. : careered', pp. -rerd'. careful, a.— see care. caress, v. ka-i-is' (F. rare.sse; It. carezza, an endear- ment : \V. caru, to love), to treat with fond affection ; to embrace with affection and love, as a parent a child; to fondle: n. an act of endearment ; an expres- sion of affection : cares'sing, imp. : caressed', pp. -r6st' : caressingly, ad. -U. caret, n. ka'rit (L. card, it wants or is wanting), a mark thus (a) to show in written compositions that something has been omitted in a line. cargo, n. kar'go (Sp. cargo, the load of a ship : It. caricare; Sp. cargar; F. charger, to load), the whole goods conveyed in a sliip : supercargo, n. (L. super, over), the person who has the charge of the cargo on board a ship. caricature, n. kdr'l-kd-tilr' (It. caricatura, an over- loailed representation of anything — from carricare, to load), a fip^ui'e or description of a person or thing in which defects are greatly exaggei-ated in order to make ridiculous : v. to sketch or describe in order to turn into ridicule ; to represent as very ugly : car'ica- turing, imp.: car'icatured', pp. -turd' : caricatu'rist, n. -ta'-rlst, one who. caries, n. ka'rl-eziL. caries, rottenness: It. and F. ear/e), the mortification of a bone in tlie living body; decay or rottenness of a bone: ca'rious, a. -us, de- cayed or rotten: ca'rios'ity, n. -6s'-i-tl, rottenness of a bone. carinate, a. kdr't-nat, or car'ina'ted, a. -na'fed (L. carina, a keel), in bot., keel-shaped, as the two lower petals of a papilionaceous flower: car'inal, a. -l-nni, applied to aistivation when tlie carina embraces the other parts of the flower. cariole, n. kdr'l-ol (F.), a small open carriage ; a covered cart. carl or carle, n. kdrl (AS. ceorl; Icel. karl, a man), a rude, rough man. carlings, n. plu. k&r'llngz (F. carlingue), in a ship, short pieces of timber ranging fore and aft from one deck-beam to another, used to sustain and fortify the smaller beams of the ship. Carlovingian, a. kar'-lovln'jl-Cin (¥.), pert, to or de- scended from Charlemagne. cxrman, n.— see car. Carmelite, n. kdr'm4-llt, a monk of the order of our Lady of Mount Carmel. carminative, n. kdr-mln'd-tlv (It. carminare, to card wool, to make gross humours fine and thin by medi- cines), a medicine used to expel wind or to cure flatu- lence: adj. expelling wind from; warming. carmine, n. kdr'-mln (F. carmin: It. carminio), a powder of a beautiful red or crimson colour bordering on purple; the colouring matter of cochineal: car- min'ic, a. -mln'ik, pert. to. carnage, n. kdr'ndj (F. carnage,— from L. caro, flesh —gen. carnis), great destruction of life by violence— literally, heaps of flesh, as in slaughter-houses ; liavoc ; massacre : car'nal, a. -ndl, fleshly; sensual ; opposed to spiritual, as carnal plea6-for (Gr. phero, I carry), in hot., a stalk bearing the pistil, ana raising it above the whorl of the stamens, as in the caper. carpenter, n. kdr'pen-ter (L. carpentariiis, pert, to a chariot, a wheehvright: F. charpentier, a car- penter: Gael, carbh, a plank), a man who works in timber ; a buUder or framer in wood, as in houses and ships; a joiner; awTight: car'pentry, n. -^rf, the art of framing and joining timber in the construc- tion of buUdings. carpet, n. kdr'pet {midL. carpeta, plucked wool, any quilted fabric— from L. carpere, to pluck: F. charpie, lint : It. carpetfa, a kind of petticoat), the woven or felted stuff made of wool, used to cover rooms, stairs, &c. : V. to cover with a carpet : car'peting, imp. : n. carpets in general; stuff for mnking carpets: car'- peted, pp. : to be on the carpet, or to be on the tapis (F. tapis, a larint). means that a matter is under consideration: carpet-knight, a soldier who has never known the liardsliips of actual service: car- pet-bag, a travelling-bag made of the same materials as carpets. carpolites, n. plu. kdr'pO-llts, also car'polithes, -lltJiz (Gr. karjoos, fruit; lithos. a stone), in geol., a general temi for fossil fruits. Carrara marble, kdrdr'-d, a pure white marble from Massa Carrara in Italy. carriage, n. kCtr'lj(o\d. Eng. earache ; It. carroccio; F, carrosse, a conveyance with springs — from I,, carrus, a cart), the act of carrying or convejing ; the thing tliat carries; any vehicle with springs; a coach; be- haviour or conduct ; the charge or cost of conveyance of goods. carrier, n. kdr'-rX-^r—see carry. carrion, n. kdr-rion (It. carogna ; F. charogne— fromL. caro, flesh), flesh unfit for human food:' adj. relating to: carrion-crow, the species of crow com- mon in England which feeds on Ciirrion, insects, &c. carronade, n. kdr'rdndd (from Carron in Scot., wliere first made), a short cannon formerly used in the navy. carrot, n. kCtr'rdt (F. cnrotte : It. cm-ota), a long esculent root of a reddish colour: carroty, a. kair- roll, like a carrot in colour. carry, v. kdr'rl (F. charrier, to convey in a car: Wal. carare, to convey in a cart : L. C(irriu<:, a oar), to bear; to convey; to effect or accomplish; to lead or draw; to produce; to transact or conduct; in 9m7., to ol)tain possession of a milit^iry positiiui by force: car' rying, imp. : car'ried, pi>. -rli?.- carrier, n. -ri''r, one who: to carry away, in imrn! l,iiii}ii,i,j,\ to l)reak a spar; to pai-t a rope: to carryoff, tokill ; tobeavaway : to carry on, to jiromote ; to lielp forward: to carry out, fully to accomplish; to put into execution: to h&r; pine, pUt; nOte, ?i6t, vi6ve; CARS 75 CASQ cany through, to succeed by perseverance: carrier- pigeoxi, a variuty of the pigeon employed for carrying letters. car.^e, n. Mrs (W. cms, a bog), in Scotland, low, fertile, alluvial land near a river, or the valley through •which a river flows. cart, n. kdrt (AS. krat; It. carretto; F. charrette— from L. carrus, a two-wheeled cart), a carriage for the <;onveyance of goods, &c. : v. to carry away in a cart : cart'ing, imp. : cart'ed, pp. : car'ter, n. one who drives a cart: cartage, n. kdr'taj, conveyance in a cart ; cost of goods so conveyed : cart-horse, ii. a strong horse fordrawingacart: cart-load, n.as much as can be carried in a cart : cart-wright, n. one who constructs carts. carte, n. kdrt (F.), a card ; a bill of fare at a hotel. carte -blanche, n. k&rt-Udngsh (F. carte, paper; hlcmche, white), a paper signed but not filled up; iniconditional power to do some business for another : carte-de-visite, n. kdrt'dS-ve-zet' (F.— literally, a card of visit), a small photograjjliic likeness gummed on a card — so called from its original use as a visiting card : plu. cartes-de-visite. cartel, n. kdr'tel (It. cartella, pasteboard), a written agreement between states at war for an exchange of prisoners: cartel-ship, n. a ship employed in convey- ing exchanged prisoners, or the messenger to obtain an exchange. Cartesian, a. kdr-te'-zhl-dn, pert, to the doctrines of the French philosopher Descartes : n. a person who believes in the philosophy of Descartes. Carthaginian, a. kdr'-thd-jin'-l-dn, pert, to anc. Car- thage : n. a native of. carthamus, n. kdr'-thd-mus (L.— from Gr. kathairo, I purge, I purify), the wild or bastard saffron ; safflower : car'thamine, n. -mln, a colouring matter obtained from the safflower. Carthusian, n. kdr-fhd'zJncin, one of an order of monks, named from Chartreux in France: adj. pert, to. cartilage, n. kdr'fil-uj (F.— from L. cartilago, gris- tle), gristle; a whitish elastic substance, softer than bone, and harder than ligament: car'tilag'inous, a. -tl-laj-l-nus, having gristle instead of bones. cartoon, n. kdr-t6n' (It. cartone, pasteboard — from carta, paper: h. chart a), a sketch made on paper, &c., as a design to be executed in tapestry, in mosaics, or on glass ; a design on paper to be transferred from the paper on to the fresh plaster of a wall, and painted in fresco. cartouch, n. kdr-t6sh' (F. cartouche: It. cartoccio, a paper case), a cartridge-box; a small wooden case filled with rifle-balls or small cannon-balls for being discharged from a gun; in arch., an ornament re- presenting a scroll of paper. cartridge, n. kdr'trlj (a corruption of cartouche.- L. charta, paper), a small bag or case made of paper, pasteboard, wool, &c., for containing powder and balls, used for loading rifles or cannon— containing powder alone they are called blank-cartridges— with ball, they are called ball-cartridges: cartridge-box, n. the small leather case in which the soldier holds his cartridges : cartridge-paper, n. a thick sort of paper. cartulary, n. kdr'-tu-ler'%(V. cartulaire : low L. car- tularium), a register book; one who keeps records, &c. caruncle, n. kdr'ilng-kl (L. car^mcula., a little piece of flesh— from caro, flesh), a small fleshy excrescence, diseased or natural, as the comb of a cock; in bot., a fleshy or thickened appendage of the seed : carun'- cular, a. -ku-ler, pert, to or liaving the form of a caruncle : carun'cula'ted, a. having a fleshy excres- cence. carve, v. kdrv (AS. ceorfan; Dut. kervan, to cut or carve : Ger. kerben, to notch), to cut into pieces, as meat; to cut into forms or shapes; to en£;rave or sculpture : carv'ing, imp.: n. the act of cutting ; the art of cutting figures in wood,"&c. ; sculpture: carved, pp. kdrvd: carver, n. one who: carving-knife, n. a knife for cutting and slicing meat at table : to carve out, to cut or take out from some large thing ; to lay out by design. carvel, n. kdr'-vHl (another form of caravel), a small ship ; Jelly-fish. caryatides, n. plu. kdr't-dt't-clSz, in arcli., female figures used to support entablatures— so called from the women of Carya in Arcadia: car'yat'ic, a. -ik, l)evt. to. caryocaris, n. kdr'-l-ok'd-rXs (Gr. karuon, a nut, and karis, a shrimp), in (/eol., a small crustacean, liaving a long, pod-shaped, bivalved canipace. caryophyllia, n. kdr'l-o-fll'lld (Gr. kariiophullon, a clove), literally "clove-shaped;" in geol., a s(H:ti(iii of lamellated flower-like corals: car'yophylla'ceous, ;i. -Id'shus, in bot., having corollas of live petals with long claws, as in the pink : caryoph'ylline, n. -d/'ll-lln, a crystalline substance extracted from cloves. caryopsis, n. kdr'l-dp'sXs (Gr. karuon, a nut, a ker- nel ; 02:)si8, sight, form), in bot., a dry, one-seeded, in- dehiscent fruit, incorporated with a thin pericarp, forming a single grain— as in wheat, barley, rs (see caster), small wheels on the l.-s of tables, sofas, &c. Castor and Pollux, kOs-idr, pdl'liiks (mj-thical names), an electrical phenomenon, seen as a flame on the mast-head at sea, sometimes double, and then called C. and P. ; names of stars. castoroides, n. kds'tOr-o'y'dez (Gr. castor, beaver; eidus, like), in geoL, a large fossil rodent aUied to the beaver. castor-oil, n. kds'-tor-dyl (said to be a corruption of castus-oil. the sacred oil), the oil of the Palma Christi (palm of Christ), a plant of the W. I., used in medicine, castrametation, n. kds'-trdmcta'-shun (L. castra, a camp ; laeto, I measure), the art or practice of en- camping. castrate, v. kds'tr&t (L. and It. casirare, to deprive of generative power), to emasculate ; to geld : casTrat- ing, imp. : cas'trated, pp. : castra'tion, n. ■tru'-sUun, the act of emasculating. castrel, n. kus'tra (F. crecerelle), a kind of hawk resembling the sparrow-hawk ; same as kestreL casual, a. kdz'u-ai (F. casuel — from L. cas%is, a fall), happening without design ; coming to pass with- out being expected or foreseen; accidental: cas'ually, ad. -II: casualty, n. -al-tl, an injury or hurt to the body by accident ; death or other misfortune by acci- dent : cas'uistry, n. -u-ls-trl, the science or system of rules that undertakes to decide in matters of con- science as to what is lawful or unlawful ; the art of quibbling ; the art of drawing fine distinctions : cas'- nist, n. -1st, one who resolves doubts of conscience in matters of duty: cas'uis'tic, a.-istik: cas'uis'tical, a. -tlkai, pert, to casuistry : cas'uis'tlcally, ad. -ll. cat, n. kdt (Ger. katze-. Gael, cat: Icel. koUr), a well-known domestic animal : cat-gut, n. strings for musical instruments made of the entrails of animals : cat's-paw, a term of contempt, applied to a person who is made the tool of another ; a dupe ; a pntf of wind : cat'kin, a kind of flower, long and slender, resembling a cat's tail, as in the hazel, the birch, &c. : cat-like, a. stealthily, like a cat : cafs-eye, a variety of chalt;e- donic quartz : cat-block, in a ship, tackle used to raise the anchor : cat-call, a small sqiiealing instr. : cat's- foot, cat-mint, &c., plants : cat'ling, the down or moss growing about walnut-trees ; in surg.,a. kind of knife, cata, kdt'a (Gr.), prefix, signifying down; against; opposition or contrariety ; completeness ; intensity. catacauBtics, n. plu. kat'd-kaws'tlks (Gr. kata, against; katistikos, burning), in opt, the cun-es formed by the reflection of the rays of light : cat'- acaus'tic, n. a particular curve formed by reflection : adj. pert. to. catachresis, n. k&t'd-kre'sis (L. and Gr. misuse), in rhet., an abuse of a trope or of words ; the use of a word in a sense different from its own : cat'achres'tic, a. -krds'tlk, or ca'tachres'ticaJ, a. -tl-kdl, forced ; far- fetched : cat'achres'tically, ad. -ll. cataclysm, n. kdt'-akllzm (Gr. kataklusmos, inunda- tion—from kata, down, amd kluzein, to wash), any ^'io- lent inundation that sweeps over a counti-j': cat'- aclys'mal, a. -kllz'mdl, pert, to an immdation or to its destructive effects. catacomb, n. kdt'd-kOm (Gr. kata, under, down; kumbos, a hollow or recess), burial-places in caves or hollow recesses under ground ; divisions or niches in a cellar for storing liquors ; certain old quarries near Rome, in Egypt, Paris, &c., used as burial-{ilaces. catacoustics, n. plu. kdt'a-kmos'tlks (Gr. kata, against, and acoustics), the doctrine of reflected sounds or echoes. catalectic, a. kat'd-lik'-tlk (Gr. kafalektikns, incom- plete), ending suddenly, as a verse wanting a syllable. catalepsy, n. kCit'-d-lcp'sl (Gr. kata, down ; lepsis, a taking or seizing), a disease in which motion and sen- sation are suddenly suspended ; a trance: cat'alep'tic, a. -tlk, pert. to. catalogue, n. kdt'dldg (Gr. kata, do^vn; logos, a word), a list of names in regular order: v. to make a list of: cat alogiiing, imp. : catalogued, pp. -logd. catalysis, n. kdtal'-l-sis (Gr. kuttdu^sis—iroxn kata, down ; luo, I loosen), in chevi., a term used to designate certain phenomena, in which changes in the composi- tion of substances are effected bv the action tif one body on another by contjut: catalytic, a, kdt'dllt'tk, relalii];: to catalysis. catamaran, n. /.dt'-dmihrdn' {rathnmaran, floating trees— nat ivc name), a kind of raft used by the natives of the K. I. catamenia, n. kdt'd-mf'nhd (Gr. katameiiios, month- ly—from kata, down; men, month), the monthly courses of females : cat' ame'nial, ,a. -mt'n lOl. pert. to. catamount, n. kdt'd-rno'mtt, also -mountain (cut. mate mat.fCir, laXv; mite, mit, Mr; pine, pin; nOte, nOt, mCve; CATA 77 CAUD and mount or mountain), the wild mountain-cat ; the N. Amer. tiger. t,m'^ nfif'-n-hls {Gt. kata, under; ?}"P'fpeT:i) in bot^ having the petals held to- ^ cataphract n. .^^'^"^f.uniour; a horseman in ^c2?n1ieraVrLfcK^aS:a. -/ra..... cov- p^'aS^-oAld) a poultic^^ ?^gXtL-from Gr. .-a^a. l*;^»%"ariXt -^^^Ue. used anciently from Gr. ^■«/«-,f„74^7er „ver steep'^rocks; a disease ?^fhfeye ^ wMchThe V^ion beetles impaired or destroyed. ca/arr/iMS-from Gr. kata, catarrh, n AW (^-/f^"^; j^gad causing a run- down ; rhto, I now), a com m ^^ ^^ niiigatthenose &c catarrnai a^^ to^a^irap/^. an seize suddenly ; to ^ay "" „" „(jiji or a disease by take or receive by exposuie as a cou^ o ^^^^^ infection; to ensnare ; to overtake n. >^^^ ^^^^^^^. seizes or holds; the act^f^efn which those singing tage taken; a song "i Parxs, m various in- catch up the strain OM after the other^ ^^^^ tervals : catching. ^^IJ: •^^^"^'catch'er, n. one who: tious: caught, PV- Pf; .(^f '„ \vortliless a book pub- catch-penny. ii-«,?'"fi^"'^'\°vithout value: catch- ""catchpoll, n. kack^pol (catch anip^l the head: ^ 'f ^4'>;>ffl'S^ o%'c"S, n. Me'^:i^P (of E. I. orl^nra'^sa'i-cS:^;.^^!^^^^^^^^ ,,e act of catechise, v. '^•n*-^-^^^^,^^- cU^^^^ elements stuiming by imid sound ms^^^^^^^^ of a science— from A,ata,uo« II ^ receivmg struct or examine by asl«"" ."^f ^^'asking questions : answers ; to interrogate ;t^tr> ^^y aswn i j^,_ cat'eclii'sing imp : cat^h^ed,^ TO^ ^^^^ ^^^ ftfc. or catechistical, a. n/t«t. cat'echu'- cat'echet ical. a = cat echet i^^y^^a^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ?^Ki;fiS^rin'^^^^^^^ prepared for baptism ^^^^.^.t obtained catechu, n. kat-ejhoo a ai^ u ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^j. Srd"th^"arts-1at'echu'ic?a. -Ik, of or from tion-froiu kata, afamst , a^om p ^^ ^^^^ sembly), in^^^^^'t^f^Srwhfch anything whatever among a certain number oiwm^uj cat'egor ical, is referable; a class ; an order of M .^^^^^^ ^^^._ also cat'egor'emat^caJ a -t-Aai mat ica .y _lsocat'egoremat icaJ.a -i-w«.^ ^ ^„ con. catenate, y. '^^ :«;^"? *!'• ^Tin" cat'ena'ting. imp. : nect. as a series of ^'^^^l^,^^^^[,^^na'shun, regular cat'ena'ted, PPv- c^r,fvrnf a chain: cat'enar'y, a. connection, as the 1\»¥„°* f *;nam. _^^.; suspension. ifit'-en-1p'6r-a, or catenipores, ""'cater, v. A(j:(^r (Norm. F. aca', hot.wann— oraprobaMe corruption of cordial), a wann drink ( oiitainin-,' wine or other liquors given to women at i hilclliiitli : v. to prepare caudle; to treat tenderly: caudling, imp.: caudled, pp. knTo'dld: caudle-cup, thc3 drink given to •women at childbirth; the glass of wine, p.-shiind: cau'tionary, a. -crl, containing warning ; given as a pledge: cau- tioner, n. in Scot., one boimd for another : cau'tionry, n. -rl, in Scot., suretiship ; the obligation of sureti- sliip : cau'tious, a. ■shu<', very careful in conduct ; wary; watihful; discreet: cau'tiously, ad. -11: cau'- tiousness. n. cavalcade, n. kilv'dl-kad (F.— see cavalry), a proces- sion ofiiiTsons on horseback. cavalry, n. kiiv'-M-rl (It. cavalln ; F. rheval; L. cnh- allHs; Cr. kahnllcs; old Eng. caple, a horse), horse-sol- dii'rs : cav'aller', n. -aiir' (It. cavaliere: F. chevalier), a horsem.m ; an armed horseman; a knight; a gay soldier; in viil.. an elevation of earth situated with- in a work overlooking the surroimding parts: adj. Rpriglitly; gay; l)rave; generous; haughty: cav'a- liers', n. plu. -ICrz', in Eng. hist., the partisans of mate, mdt,jar, luXv; mete, mif, 78 CELE Charles I. : cavalier'ly, ad. -li, arrogantly ; disdain- fully : caValier'ness, n. cavatina, n. kav'd-td'-nd (It.), in music, an air of one movement, frequently preceded by a recitative. cavazion, n. kd-va'-zhun (It. cavazione, excavation), in arch., an excavation for the foundation of a build- ing or for cellarage. cave, n. kdv (L. cavus, hollow: Fin. koppa, any- thing hollowed or vaulted), a hollow place under earth or rocks, as at the side of a hill ; a den ; a cavern : V. to hollow or scoop out ; to dwell in a cave ; (followed by in), to fall in, as earth in digging a pit: caving, imp.: caved, pp. kdvd: cavity, n. Mo^l-^, ahollowin anything : cave-earth, the reddish calcareous earth accumulated in anc. caverns. caveat, n. kd'vl-at (L. let him beware), in a court of laio, an intimation to stop proceedings; a caution; a warning : ca'vea'tor, n. one who. cavern, n. kdv'irn (L. cavus, hoUow), a large hollow place below the earth or rocks ; a cavern is larger than a cave: cav'emed, a. -trnd, or cav'emous, a. -trn-us, full of caverns : cavem'ulou8, a. kd-vern'u-lii;s, full of little caves or hollows. cavetto, n. kdvet'to (It.— from cavo, hollow), in arch., a hollow mouldin;^ used principally in cornices. caviare, n. kdv-l-dr (F. caviar: mod. Gr. kabiari), a prepared article of food consisting of the salted roes of several kinds of large fish, chiefly of the sturgeon. cavil, V. kdv'U (L. cavillar, I taunt— from caws, hollow : old F. caviller, to wrangle), to raise frivolous objections; to find fault unreasonably ; to wrangle; to carp at : n. a false or frivolous objection : cavilling, imp. : cav'illed, pp. -lid: caviller, n. one who : cav'- illingly, ad. -11: cav'illous, a. -ll-iis, captious : cav'il- lously, ad. -ir. cavity, n.— see cave. caw, V. kaw (from tlie sound), to cry like a crow or rook : caw'ing, imp. : cawed, pp. kaTvd. cawk, n. kawk, (prov. Eng. cauk), a familiar term for heavy spar or native sulphate of barj-tes : cawk'y. a. -I. like cawk or pert, to it. cayenne, n. ka-ydn' or kdbi', a very strong pun- gent pepper of a red colour that comes from Cay- enne: adj. pert. to. cayman, n. kd'-mdn (a negro name), the Amer. alligator ; also spelt caiman. cazique, n. kd-zek' (native or Amer. name), a W. I. or Amer. chief; also spelt casiqne. cease, v. ses (F. cesser, to cease: L. cessinyi, to go from, to yield : It. cessare to dismiss), to leave off; to stop doing ; to fail ; to be at an end : ceas'lng, imp. : ceased, pp. sest: ceaseless, a. without a stop or pause; incessant; endless: ceaselessly, ad. -11: cessation, n. scs-sa'shun, a stop ; a pause ; a leaving off. cedar, n. se'-der(l,. cedrus: Gr. kedros), a large ever- green tree : ce'dared, a. -dird: cedar-like, a: ce'drine, a. -drln, pert, to the cedar. cede, V. sed (L. cedere, to go, to give up : F. caler : It. cedere), to give up; to yield; to relinquish or sm-- render to : ce'ding, imp. : ce'ded, pp. : cession, n. sesh'iin (L. cessiim, to give up), the act of yielding up or granting: cessible, a. sSs'l-bl, liable to give way: ces'sibil'ity, n. -bU'-l-tl. quality of giving way. cedilla, n. se-dll'-ld (Sp. cedilla: F.cedille), a mark put under the letter c (thus,*?) to show that it must be sounded like an s. ceil, v. sel (It. cielo; F. del, heaven, sky; then ap- plied to a canopy, the inner roof of a room ; after- wards confounded with seal, in the sense of io close), to cover the inner roof of a building with an3'thing, as with plaster or wood : celling, imp. : n. the roof of a room : ceiled, pp. seld. celandine, n. sei'dndm (Gr. chelidonion; L. cheli- donia—Unin Gr. chclidon. the swallow), a genus of plants of the ranunculus family ; a plant called swal- low-wort. celebrate, v. si^l'S-bnlt {L. celebi-atiis, celebrated: It. ciMn-atn), to praise or extol ; to render famous ; to keep holy ; to honour by marks of joy or by ceremon- ies : cel'ebra'ting, iniii. : celebra ted, pi>. : adj. fam- ous; rt'iiowncd: celebra'tor, n. one ^^ll(): cel'ebrant, n. one who performs a i-.li-idus ;i(t in a church pub- licly; the officiating Kcinan Caflidlic priest: cel'e- bra'tion, n. ■hid'shini. the performance of solemn rites ; the liistinguishing by marks of joy or respect ; praise; renown: celebrity, n. seieb'rl-tl, fame; renown ; disfiiictiim or notoriety. celerity, n. scier'ltl (L. celeritas, swiftness— ftom Mr; pine, pfn; nOte, nOt, m6ve: CELE 79 CEPH celrr, s-wift: F. celerite: It. celcrita, quicknesi?), speed in anything, as actions, words, tlioughts, or of bodies on or near the eartli -—velocity is more frequently applied to objects remote or inappreciable, as the planets, sound, light. &c. ;— swiftness. celery, n. scl'-er-l (F. celeri), a kitchen vegetable. celestial, a. sS-lest'-yal (L. ccelum, heaven ; aekstis, heavenly: It. celeste: F. celeste), heavenly; of or pert, to heaven : n. an inhabitant of heaven : celes - tially, ad. -U: celes'tialise.v. -ydl-lz, to make tit lor heaven: celest'iali'sing.imp.: celest'ialised', pp. -llzd': celestine, n. si-les'-tin, a mineral, sulphate of stron- tian, so named in allusion to its sky-blue colour. Celestins, n. plu. s6l'6s-tlnz, a religious order in the R. Cath. Ch. who eat no flesh unless when sick, and last often— named after Pope Celestin. celiac, a.— see coeliac. . , . , v celibacy, n. sel'i-ba-sl(L.ccclebs, unmarried, single), a single life ; an unmarried condition : celibate, n. sel'l-bat, the state of being unmarried ; one who. ceU, n. sei (L. cella, a hiding-place: F. cellier: It. cella), a small confined room ; an apartment in a pri- son ; a small cavity ; a private room in a nunnery or monastery : cella, n. s6l'-ia, the body or principal part of a temple : cellar, n. -ler, a room or place under a house used for storing coals. Arc. : cellarage, n. -aj, the capacity of a cellar ; charge for cellar-room : eel - laret, n. -St, an ornamental case for bottles : cellar- ist, n. : cellarman, n. one who has charge of the cel- lar : cellular, a. sel'il-ldr, consisting of small cavi- ties or hollows : cellula'ted, a. -la'ted, formed with cells : cellule, n. s6l'ul, a little cell : cellular tissue, in bot., an aggregation of minute membranous vesi- cles filled with fluid: cellif'erous, a. -U/'er-iis (L. fero, I carry, I bear), producing cells : cellulif erous, a. -u-lir-er-us (L. cellula, a little cell, and /ero, I bear), producing little cells : cellulose, n. -Zoz, a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and o.xygen, forming the tunda- niental material or cell-structure of plants : adj. con- Celt, n. skt (L. celtee ; Gr. Jceltai, the Celts : W. eel- Had, an inhabitant of the wood or covert— from L. celo, I conceal), one who speaks the Celtic language ; one of the great parent stock of Southern and West- ern Europe; a stone or bronze cutting instrument found in ancient barrows or tumuli : Celtic, a. sel'tlk, pert, to a Celt ; the language of the Celts : Cel'ticism, n. -ti-sizm, a custom of the Celts, or an idiom of their language : also pronounced keit and kil'tik. cement, n. sH-mint' (L. cccvie7itum, quarried stone : F. cement, cement), the substance that unites two bodies together, or the parts of a broken thing ; bond of union ; mortar : v. to unite by a glutinous substance ; to unite firmly and closely; to cohere: cement'ing, imp.: cement'ed, pp.: cemen'ter, n. one who: cemen- tation, n. sem'en-ta'slmn, the act of cementing ; the process by which iron is converted into steel : ce- mentatory, se-mUn'ta-tor'-l, also cementitious, a. sem'en-tlsh'-us, having the quality of cementing. cemetery, n. s6m'e-ter -liGr. koimeterion, a sleeping- place : L. ccemeterium), a place for the burial of the dead. cenobite, n. se'nO-blt (Gr. koinos, common; bios, life), one of a religious order who lives in a convent or monastery with others, and not alone, like an o?icftoref or hermit: cenobitic, sen'6-bU'lk, and cen'obitlcal, a. -l-kdl, living in community as a monk. cenotaph., n. sen'o-taf (Gr. kenos, empty ; taphos, a tomb: F. cenotaphe), a monument in honour of one who is buried elsewhere. cense, v. sens (F. encenser, to perfume: contr. from incense), to perfume with burning odoriferous siib- stances : cen'ser, n. -ser, a vase or pan in which in- cense is burned : cen'sing, imp. : censed, pp. s&nst. censor, n. sen'sor (L. censor, a Roman magistrate), an officer in anc. Rome who imposed taxes and jiunished immorality ; in some countries, a person who inspects all MSS. before they are permitted to be printed or published ; one given to fault-finding : censo'rious, -so'rlMS, also censo'rial, a. -ri-dl, given to hlame or to condemn ; severe in making remarks on the conduct or writings of others : censo'riously, ad. -II: censo'riousness, n. disposition to find fault: cen'- sorship, n. the office or dignity of a censor. censure, n. sen'shoor (L. cevsura, severe judgment : It. censura : F. censure), the act of blaming or finding fault ; reproof : v. to find fault with ; to blame ; to condemn as wrong : cen suring, imp. ; cen'sured, pp. ■shobrU: cen'surer, n. one who : cen'surable, a. -d-bl, worthy of blame : cen'surably, ad. -bll : cen'surable- ness, n. census, n. sSn'sus (L. census, a registering and ra- ting of citizens: It. se7iso: F. seris), an authoritative enumeration of the inhabitants of a state or country: cen'sual, a. -shoo-dl, of or relating to a census. cent, a. s6nt (L. centiim, a hundred, of which cent is an abbreviation: It. cento: F. cent), a hundred: per cent, a certain rate for each hundred of any thing; in the U.S. of Amer., a copper coin, in value the hundredth part of a dollar, being a little more than a halfpenny sterling : per-centage, n. -taj. so much for each hundred : centenary, n. s6n-t6n-tr-l. the num- ber of a hundred : cen'tena'rian, n. a person a hun- dred years old : centen'nial, a. -tin'-nl-dl (L. annus, a year), pert, to a hundred years: centesimal, a. ■tes'-l-mdl (L. centesimus), the hundredth: centesl- mally, ad. -/;: .- cen'tipede or cen'tiped, n. ti-pCd (L. ijes, a foot— gen. pedis), an insect with many feet, re- puted 100: cent per cent, aiW for each £100, as profit or interest. , ^ centaur, n. sSn'taTvr (L. ceniaurus ; Gr. kentauros, aherdsman who fought on horseback— from Gr. kenteo, I spur ; tanros, a bull), a fabulous being said to have been half man and half horse ; in astron.,a. constella- tion, part of a bright group in the southern hemisphere. centering, n. sen'ter-lng (see centre), the temporaiy frame on which an arch is built. centigrade, n. sen'tl-grad (L. centum, a hundred ; gracilis, a step), a thermometer divided, between the freezing and boiling points of water, into 100 parts or degrees. . , ,, centime, n. sen-tern' (F.— fromL. centum, a hundred), the hundredth part of a franc. centimetre, n. s6n-tim'e-ter. or sin'-ti-ma-tr (F.— from L. centum, a hundred ; Gr. ?7ie<»-o?i, a measure), a French measure of length, equal to -394 in., or about 2-5ths in. English. centre, n. sSn'-ter (Gr. kentron, anything with a sharp point : L. centrum, the middle point), the mid- dle point or place : v. to place on the middle point ; to collect to one point ; to settle exclusively on one ob- ject ; to rest on : cen'tring, -trlng, or cen'tering, -fer- ing, imp. : cen'tred or cen'tered, pp. -ierd .- cen'tral, a. -trdl, placed at or near the middle : cen trally, ad. -II : cen'trafise, v. -Iz, to draw or bring to a centre : cen'- trali'sing, imp. : cen'tralised, pp. -llzd : cen'tralisa'- tion, n. -za'-shun : cen'tralism, n. -Izm, the combination of several parts into one whole : centrallty, n. -i-ti, state of being central : centre-bit, n. -ter-blt, an instru- ment withaprojectingconicalpoint, nearly in the mid- dle, for boring circular holes : centre of gravity, that point of a hody which, being supported, the whole body will remain at rest, even though acted upon by gravity : centre of motion, the point in a body which remains at rest, while all the other parts move round it : cen'trical, -tri-kdl. and centric, a. -trlk, placed in or near the centre or middle : cen'trically, ad. -ll ; cen'tricalness, n. centrifugal, a. sen-tr1f'-u-gdl (L. centrum, the centre, and/«r/iO, I flee), tending to fly or go off from the cen- tre ; in bot., applied to that kind of inflorescence in plants in which the central flower opens first: cen- tripetal, a. -irip'etdl (L. peto, I seek, I move to a place), tending to the centre ; having a desire to move to the centre ; in 6o«., applied to that kind of inflores- cence in plants in which the flowers expand from be- low upwards : centrifugal force, the force by which bodies, when set in motion round a centre, have a tendency to fly off at a tangent from the circle round which they move : centripetal force, the force which drives or impels a body towards some point as a centre ; the force or gravity by which bodies tend to a point or centre. , , ^ centuple, n. s6n'tu-pl (L. centum, a hundred, and pUco, Hold: F. ceniiqile), a hundred fold: v. to mul- tiply a hundred fold : centup'Ucate, v. -tu-pUkat, to make a hundred-fold: centu'pUca'ting,imp.: centup'- lica'ted, pp. . , , centurion, n. sin-tn'-rX-on (L. centurio—ivom. centum, a hundred), among the anc. Romans, the captain of 100 men : century, n. sgn'tu-rf, a period of a hundred years : centu'rial, a. -rldl, pert, to a century. cephalaspis, n. si/'d Ids'pls (Gr. kephale, the head ; aspis, a shield), in geoL, a fossil fish, so called from having the bones of the head united into a single shield-like case. cephalic, a. se-fdl'lk (Gr. kephale, the head), pert, to the head : n. a medicine for headache : cephalalgia. colo, bo~y,fubt; pure, bud; chair, game, jog, shun, thing, there, zeal. CEPH 80 CHAF n. sSfd-Ml'jld, orceph'alal'gy, n. -jl (Gr. algos. pain), pain in the bead ; headache : ceph'alal glc, a. -jlk, pert. to. cephalopods. n. plu. s?fdl-Opddz (Gr. kephale, the head ; pons, the foot— geu. podos), the highest chiss of mollusca— so called from the principal organs of loco- motion being arranged round the head, as in the cuttle- fish. ceramic, a. se-rdm'lk (Gr. keramos, potter's clay, earthenware), pert, to pottery-, or the art. ceramidium, n. s6r'a-mld'l-um (Gr. keramidoo, I cover with tiles ; keramion. a jar), in bot., an ovate con- ceptacle having a terminal opening, and with a tuft of spores arising from the base, as in algaj. cerate, n. se'-rat (L. cera, wax: It. ccro: F. cire), a thi'.'k ointment containing wax : cera'ted, a. covered with wax : cere, v. ser, to cover with wax : n. the naked skin covering the base of the bill in some birds : ce'- ring, imp. spreading over with melted wax : cared, pp. sSrd: cere-cloth, n. -kloth, a cloth covered with melted wax, orwith some gummy matter: cere'ment, n. -ment, acloth dipped in melted wax in which dead bodies are ■wrapped : cerasine, n. sSr'd-nUi, a variety of gum : cereoos, a. sc'-rl- us, and cera cious, a. -ra'shiis, of or like wax ; wax'-n : ceru'men, n. -rd'men, the wax of the ear : ceru menous, a. -ns, relating to or containing cerumen : ceruse, n. -rus (L. cermsa, white lead— from cera, wax), a kind of paint like v>-ax ; white lead : ce'rine, n. -rla, the part of bees' wax soluble in boiling alcohol. ceratiocaris, n. se-rdsh'l-ok'd-rls (Gr. keration, a pod; knris, a shrimp), in gioL, a fossil crustacean having a pod- like carapace and a shrimp-like body. ceratites, n. plu. s6r'-d-iUs (Gr. keras, a hom), in geol.,a genus of ammonitidae peimliar to the triassic strata: ceratodu3,n. se-rdt'odtls {Gr. odojts, a tooth). fossU fish-teeth ociiurring between the trias and lias formations : ceratose, a. ser'd-toz, homy ; having the texture and consistence of horn : ceratium, n. sc-rd'shl-um, in bot., a long one-celled pericarp with two valves, containing many seeds. cereal, a. se'rl-dl (L. cerealis, pert, to Ceres or grain — from Ceres, goddess of agriculture : It. and F. ctre.'i'e), pert, to all kinds of gi-ain used for food : n. one of the grain kind : cerea'lia, n. plu. -rl-d'H-a, or cereals, se'ri-dlz, the different grains used for food. csrebellam. n. sir'Sbel'liim {L. : It. cerebello: F.cer- Vi'lle), the hinder or lower part of the brain : cer'ebel'- lar, a. -Kr, ;icrt. to the cerebellum : cer'ebral, a. -brdl, jiert. to the bniin : cer'ebrum, n. -brfun (L.), the brain uroper ; tlie front or larger brain : cerebic, a. se-reb- Ik, of or from the brain: cerebriform, a. -rl-fdwrm (L. cerebrum, nnd forma, shape), shaped like the brain: cerebritia, n. ser'd-brl'tls, inflammation of the brain: cer'ebroid, a. -brdyd (L. cerebrum, the brain ; Gr. eidos, shape), like or analogous to brain : cerebro-spinal, a. -brO-spl'ndl (L. spina, the spine), belonging to the brain and spinal cord. ceremony, n. sHr'-i-mon-l (L. cocremnnia, pomp or state in religious rites : F. cdremonie), outward forms or rites in religion ; formal rules or regulations ; cer- tain kinds of social intercourse ; state etiquette : cer'emo'nial, a. -mo'nl-dl. according to established ionns or rites, as of the Jewish religion ; ritual : n. outward form ; a system of rites or rules established by authority : ceremonially, ad. •It: cer'emo'nioiis, a. -■lis, full of I'l-ri'iiioiiy ; formal; exact and precise: cer'emo'niously, ad.' -'f .- cer'emo niousness, n. the practice of too much coremony or fonnalitv. cerithinm, n. se-rlth-l-um (Gr. keration, a small horn), in zool., a gasteropod, with an elongated, many- whorlcd, turreted shell. cerium, n. se'rl-ihn (from the planet Cores), one of V.ii' nri'T metals found in the mimral cerite, .■'dr'if. cernuous, a. ■"Jr'nu-u-i{L. ccnum--. liendin.: or stoop- in.' v.ith tlie head to the ground), in bet., pendulous; nodding. cerography, n. sHrog'-rd-fl (L. cern, wax; Gr. graj'hr, a writing), the flirt of engraving on a waxed copper plate. ceroon, n. sfi.rAn' (Sp. .vro??- from sera, a large basket), a liale or pnckase in skins or hides. ceroplastic, n. xt':rri-j,l(i^'-tlk{L.cera, wax; Or. pins. S'-in. to form), the art of modelling in wax: adj. mo leiied in wax. cerosine, n. .vrr'-Osln (L. rem, wax), a waxy sub- stan<-e found on the surface of the sugar-cane. certain, a. .'«':r'tdn (F. — from I,, ci'rtus, sure: It. certo), not doubtful ; sure ; that cannot be denied ; un- failing; fixed or regular: certainly, ad. -U: cer'- tainty, n. -tf, a real state ; exemption from doubt or failure : cer'tes, ad. -tdz, assuredly ; in truth. certify, v. sir'-H-j'l (L. certus, sure, and/wto, I make : F. certijier), to testify to in writing ; to declare or in- form positively : cer'tifying, imp. : certified, pp. -fid: adj. testified to in writing ; assured : cer tifler, n. one who; certificate, n. -tif-i-kat, a declaraiion iu writing to testify something; a testimonial ol rliarartei-; v.to give a status or position to by a written declaration, as to a parishioner by a clergyman, or to a teacher by the Committee of Privy Council on Education: cer- tif ica'ting, imp. : certif ica'ted, pp. : adj. declared in writing to have a certain status : certif ica'tion, n. ■kd'shun, the act of certifying: certitude, n. -il-tud. certiiinty ; freedom from doubt. certiorari, n. ser'shiOrd'rJ (low L. ceriiorare, to certify— from L. certior, more certain), a writ issncd from a superior court to an inferior one, to remove a cause depending in it. cendean, a. se-ro'll-dn (L. cccruleuo, dark blue), blue ; sky -coloured : cerulific, a. ter'6-llf-ik, producing a blue or sky colour : cer'uline, n. -lin, a preparation ot indigo. ceruse, n. an ore of lead— see under cerate. cerussite, n. se-riis-sit (L. cent^sa. white lead: F. ceruse), a common ore of lead found in beds or veins with galena. cervical, a. ser'-vi-kdl, (L. cervix, the neck — gen. cervicis : It. cervice), pert, to the neck. cervine, a. ser'vln (L. cervus, a deer), pert, to a stag or deer : cer vinous, a. -vl-nus, dark, tawny, or deep yellow with much grey. cervix, n. sir'vlks (L. the neck), the back part of the neck ; any part of an organ reseml)ling a neck. cesarian, a. se-zd'ri-dn, in surg., the operation of taking a child from the womb by cutting— said to be that by which Cwsar was bom. cespitose, a. ses'-pl-toz (L. cespes, a turf), turfy; in bot., having a turf-like root. cess, n. s6s (from assess: L. coisus, the rating of Roman citizens according to their property), a pennan- ent land-tax in Scotland : v. to rate : ces'sing, imp. : cessed, pp. sest. cessation, n. ses-sd'shun (L. cessatio, an idling : F. ce^.'^rtfion-see cease), a ceasing; a stopping; a rest; a pause. cession, n. S(>x'.<:hxm (L. cessio. a gi^^ng iip- from cessum, to yield, to give way : F. cession), the act of giving way; a surrender of property, rights, or territory to. another : ces'sionar'y, a. -er-i, having surrendered effects; yielding. cesspool, n. scs'pool (AS. srsse, a settle, a seat, and pool), a receptacle for liquid filth; a collection of offensive stagnant water. cestoid, a. ses'tcnid(GT.kesfos,a,gird\c; eidos.fovm), like a girdle— applied to intestinal worms with long flat bodies, as the tape-worm. cestracionts, n. plu. s6s-trd'sMonfs (Gr. f.rstra. a kind of fish, a pike), the oldest sub-family of sharks, mostly fossil. cestus, n. s,'s'tiis (L.— from Gr. kesfn:!, a girdle em- broidered), the Venus or marriage girdle ; among the ancients, a kind of boxing-glove loaded with some metal. cestira, n. sf-zfi'rd (see cssura), in prosody, the division of a foot or measure between two words for the sake of securing an accent on a certain syllable. cetaceous, a. se-td'shus (Gr. kefos ; L. cetus, a whale : It. crtn). p,rt. to tlie whale kind: ceta'cea, n. -shJ-d, also cetaceans, n. -shl-dnz, animals of the whale kind . cetine, n. m -V;?). the solid crystalline ma.ss of sperma- ceti : cetiosaurua, n. se'sht-OsaTc'rfis (Or. sanros, a lizard), in we?., a genus of marine saurians : cetology, n. ."ctdl'O-.il (Gr. logos, discourse), the natural history of cetaceous animals, cetotolites, ii. i>lu. sC-tfif'-6lUs (Gr. kefos, a whale; of a. the ears ; litlios, a stone), the fossil ear-bones of whales. chabasite, n. kdb'd-zV (Gr. chabos, narrow, cnm- pressi'd), a crj-stal of a wliite colour, one of the zeolite family. chad, n. shdd. a kind of fi*;h— see shad. chafe, V. r/i*?/ (F. >'chr.u{r,r. to heat, to warm: L. rnh/nrrre. to nial^e liot), to warm with nibbing; to lieat; toperfiniv: n. ))i'at liy friction : cha'fing. imp. : chafed, pp. rlioft : cha'fer, n. or chafing-dish, a por- tal)le gnite for coals: chafery, n. -fCr-U a forge in iron-works. mdlc, mat,fCir, latu; mete, mUt.Tiir; plne,2>ln; nOie, n6t, mOvc; CHAF 81 „>„ffl rr W«lf(Bav.fcnMcften. to breathe, to puff: It. ,^^f/nV"nstr{fthl^^tetL^'^^ H^ cock-chafer. ferne ':^^^^^ to chalk out. to lay out ; to plan ; tO aescrioe . reu ch^. a natural clay containmg carbonal^e of mm brown-chalk, a familiar name for umber biacK chXa v^ety of drawing-slate: French-chalk, a varif'tv of steatite or soapstone. ^v,„iip„crA_ ehaUenge. n. chal'-lenj (F. rhalanger. to challeiige- tromUcalumniare. to institute an action at la^%). a colv, hoy. foot; pure, lud; chair CHAN call or summons to fight in single co^^^^^^^ the Mter of a trumpet inviting an enemy t^ a parley ^ chamber n.cAam.her{F.c» ^^^^_ ^^ camera; tf. ^a«iam. ^ vaim political or apartment in a house a^J^*'^^^o7rr.merc6.- a hol- commercial body, as a cAamoer 07 ^^ contains the the practice of a barrister %\no o"«= ^°^v «f»^ T, rlirim'-fer fF. fJc/iancrer, to slope or imp.: cliam'fered,pp.-/trrt. camo^no), a ,^^iT^^St^\ fsoT'leather originally made from its skin- ^ „,^j (Qr. cTiflwai, on thf gTouSVd.^r«? an apple), a plant so called ''^T.™rv'c/« (ow'f!- champayer. to feed, to champ. ^. ^m *«Q^'^cife,^_fi.om /.-minjnt, a jaw), Ke ^h ^edl^^n^of^tl. t^th^^s^to W "'champagne, n. sha^.van'(YX- kind of sparkling ;l;n"hip. n. Btate on^dngf c^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^. ^^ chance, n. c''»^ beforehand; in lanwm- fnTenliShomTcidrKlf-defence. or on a sudden •l^'l^^Li r. r^,7»;v«(old F. cTiance?.- L.ranrd/^,la^■ tice^s^v"^^i.hth.^chancelwas enclosed), that part ^'"b^So^n^cl^nl^^l^^F.^S^^^^^^^ game. jog. shun, thing, there, zeal. F CHAN 82 CHAR versity ; a la\vyer attaiiicd to an ecclesiastical court : chancellorship, n.: chan'cery, n. -serrl, the high emit of equity in Kiiglaud and Ireland presided ovi r by the Lord Chancellor; in Scut., a court for registration of charters, patents of dignity, A:c. chancre, n. shdny'-kir (F. ), a venereal ulcer : chan- crous, a. shang'krus, ulcerous. chandelier, n. slidn-iicler' (F. a dealer in randlos), a lKai;;iiig branched lamp : chandler, n. chaiid'-Ur (Gcr. handler, a dealer in small-wares), a malcer of candles, or dealer in them; a dealer or shopkeeper: chandlery, n. -I, goods sold by a chandler. change, n. chdnj (F. changer ; It. cambiare, to ex- change : Icel. kaupa, to deal), an alteration or varia- tion on anything ; a passing from one state or form to anotlier ; vicissitude ; variety ; small money : change, contracted for exchange, a place where per- sons meet for the transaction of business : v. to al- t<'r; to make dillerent; to sliift; to put one thing in the place of another ; to give one kind of money for another; to imdergo variati give directions to, as a judge to a jury, or a bi>li.ii> to liis clergy ; to till with the elec- trical fluid: charging, ini]!. : charged, pp. chdrjd: char'ger, n. the luisou who charges; ;i war-horse; a large dish : chargeable, a. rhnrj'a-hl. tb:it may be laid ujM.n or charged to; li:il,le to be charue.l: charge'- ably, ad. -hll: charge'ableness, 11. : charge less. a. charge d'affaires, n. shdrzhd'-ddfjdr' (F. chaige or mdte, mat, Jut, latv; mite, mit, hir; pine, pin; nOte, nOt, mCve; CHAR 83 CHEC care of matters), one who transacts diplomatic busi- ness at foreign courts, in the absence of an ambas- sador. chaiily, ad.: chariness, n.— see chary. chariot, n. char'l-ot (F. chariot— from char, a car : L. carrus; It. carro, a two-wlieelcd cart), a liglit kind of coach with a front seat only; a war-coach; a