p 227 K5 1922 MAIN f.o^tic CIPHER alp; THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET OF One Hundred and Twenty Letters WITH A New Arithmetic System BY JOHN M. KtUH 4 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. M. KLUH, 2842 State Street 1922 Copyrighted by John M. Kluh 1922 Ks PREFACE.' J '^J In introducing the Etymologic Cipher Alpha- bet to the public, the author would briefly observe that he was, from practical linguistical knowledge led to develope this Alphabet on etymologic principles, as an attempt to supply an educational want which had too long existed in linguistical works, — that of a uniform Book Alphabet for all languages from which the natives and foreigners might learn the sounds of their vernacular language, and of the human voice as recorded by letters. In teaching the phonetic elements of any language, the only rational and successful method of conveying a proper knowlege of it to the learner, is through the medium of the sounds of the langu- age which he already in some measure is acquaint- ed with; and pursuant to this principle, our con- sonant and vowel examples are mostly given in idential German, English and French etymologic key words. As our Alphabet embrases the most common sounds of all languages, the learner must .4 "7 c^ Q •"; -7 of needs train histonpue and ear to utter and iist- inguish peculiarities of pronounciation which ap- pear diflScult at first but a little practice makes these familar to the speaker. As the Roman Alphabet of twenty-six letters is wanting of about one hundred sound characters to represent the sound mutation of modern langu- aoes. this deficiency necessitated the deyisinP' of new letters and the making of new types suitable to the needs of modern writing- and printing. The author has aimed to keep each new character simple and distinct from each other, so that they w\\\ com- pare favorably with any of the old alphabets. The additional new letters enable us to form millions of one, two and three syllabic new words and mean- ings. It is hoped that this alphabet will receive the proper appreciation, and that with slight im- provements it may be introduced in the various institutes of learnino- for the benefit of all the people. THE AUTHOR. Chicago, in January 1922. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET. The Alphabet, that is, the cipher, sound or word house, forms the elements of written speech. Etymology traces out the original word, its sound mutations and letter changes. The etymo- logic cipher alphabet has for its aim the preserva- tion of the root words, the preservation of their sound mutations and the preservation of letter orthography. The letters in all languages represent either vowels, consonants or diphthongs. Vowels are such letters that can be sounded alone as syllables. Consonants are such letters which cannot be ut- tered without a vowel. Diphthongs are two vow^- els or consonants that form one syllable. The alphabet is an inheritance from our father Noah, when the whole earth was oneness of w^isdom and unity of speech. This oneness of wisdom and unity and speech still exists in the alphabet and word identity over the whole earth. The words of the diverse alphabets are still identical with each other, except some slight sound mutations. There are twenty-two letters in the ancient Semitic alphabet, nearly every one of them is subject to TKF ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET two or more sound mutations found in modern European and Oriental words. Moreover, the common alphabets have not nearly symbols enough for the numerous sounds of modern languages. The German and French languages distinguish onlv '^^0 simple consonants, the English 22, the Romanic nations have even less consonants in com- mon use. It is evident that these alphabets are not sufficiently extensive to represent the sounds of the Asiatic languages, among which the Arabic distinguishes and represents 28 consonants, the Turkish 33, the Sanskrit 34, the Hindustani 35. or, including the aspirates, even 47, and the Tai or Siamese alphabet distinguishes and represents 44 consonants. In order to learn the sounds or first elements of any language or of word and song phonetics, we must have uniform symbols to represent them. But since the orthographies of European languages written with Roman or Gothic letters vary con- siderable in the pronounciation of the same letter, as for example c stands for k, z, q, tz, tsh, th, gh; j stands for y. x, zh, dsh; g stands for g, j, dj, dsch. sh stands for ch, sc, sch; ch stands for j, x, kh, tch, ch. v; b stands for b, bh. v, w. wh, p, ph, f, etc. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET i These deficiencies and inconsistencies of the old alphabet must be met with by new letters and methods. Our modern numbers are slight modi- fications of the ancient first nine Semitic letters. On this account we have adopted them to stand for their original consonant value. Each of these letters may be inverted, and thus represent a sound mutation of the same letter. I'his principle is con- tinued with every succeeding consonant letter adopted for our alphabet that can be used in this twofold manner. By this method we are enabled to represent with thirty characters sixty consonant varieties in common use. In the Semitic and other ancient languages, there are five or six primary vowel symbols, nearly every one of these vowels is the ground vowel of two or more modern sound mutations. But as our alphabet distinguishes only the five or six primary vowels, we have to add new vowel characters to indicate the new sounds and sound modification. Every primary vowel sound and its mutation may be sounded short and long. The simple vowel letter represents the short or unaccented sound, the circumflex accent above a vowel letter denotes the long or accented sound of that letter. The se condary sound mutation or umlaut is indicated by inverting the vowel letter from which it is derived. In this manner, we are enabled to distinguish by 8 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHEE ALPHABET definite characters the most common primary and secondary vowel sounds and consonants found in diverse modern languages and dialects, so that the teacher and learner is enabled to study and explain by this alphabet the sounds of the human voice that should be known by all. It will be necessary to understand the genius of etymologic sound mutations, that certain letters of the ancient Japhetic and Semitic alphabets have several uses and are differently pronounced, so as to give to the words formed oral distinction and meaning. Thus for instance J? ayin is used as y in yard, as g in garden, as h in hortus, as w in war, as wh in whine, as v in van, von, as gh in ghost, as f in enough f, as n in seven, as ng in song, as gn, kn in knosp, as r, rg in sw^ear. In the middle of words it is also pronounced as, a, au, o, e, y, ow, ae, oe, ai, etc. It will be observed that this singular letter is indeed a sound servant letter in its ancient application as well as to its position in any root word. These and similar examples of letter and sound changes will enable the reader to under- stand the cause of various modes of writing, pro- nouncing and spelling of the same words in differ- ent modern lano-uag-es and dialect. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET The Consonant Sounds. 1 1/ «, h. The cipher i stands for the aliph-hamza, the first Semitic consonant and number. It marks a slight outbreathing movement of the vocal organs before the utterance of the vowel, which the Greeks represent in writing by the spiritus lenis, the English and French by the silent h, as in the words: Latin, hora; English, hour; French, heure; Hebrew, lor; Latin, hiob; Arabic, lotel; E., hotel. 31 /^ « 1, V, w, hv, wh. The cipher -/ inverted ^, represents the aliph- vaw sound mutation, a soft aspirated v, w, hv, and wh, as in the words: Latin, vallus: English, wall; Heb., lith; E., with; H., led; E., wet; H., laser; Ger., waser. 16 ^y, h. The letter i stands for the ayin hamza, the spiritus asper sound of Semitic Greek words. It is a gutteral aspirate formed in the lower part of the throat, comraonlv written with h, as in homo, heli, hyder, heute, hortus, honey, hum, harn. 10 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 46 ^ V, J' The letter ^ inverted ^, marks the ayin yod sound mutation. It is deeper and harder sounded than j, as in Semitic words: yarn, yawn, yelp, yellow, yearn, yester. 2 3 2, b, p. The cipher 2 stands for the soft sound of b, the second Semitic consonant and number, as in the words: beth, booth, babel, beg, berit. 32 ^ 2, bh, bv. The cipher 3 inverted ^, marks the sound mutation of b into bh, bv, ph, pf aspirates, as in the words bond, Ger. pfand; Sansk. bhone; G'r. phone; Sansk. bhoto; Gr. photo. 17 />S, p. The lower case letter p slightly modified represents the hard p sound, the seventeenth Sem- itic consonant and number, sounded like p in pepper, papa, pen. 47 4 5), P'h, pf- The letter p inverted (f, stands for- the aspirat- ed sound of p, p'h, as in loop'hole; Beng. p'heather featherj p'halai, p'halguna, E. pound; Ger. pfund; Heb. perd; Ger. pferd; E. path; Ger. pfad. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 11 The cipher 3 or Irish letter ^-g, represents the third seruitic consonant and number, as in the words: goal, gable, cathol, camel, gover. 33 t \ g, ge, gi, dge. The cipher ^ inverted ^, marks the sound mutation of g into gi, ge, dge and dsh, as in geo, gem, gin, algebra, 18 % p, q, c, g, gg, k, ck. The Armenian letter ^, a slightly modified q, stands for the hard guttural g or q sound formed in the throat by the pressure of the root of the tongue against the throat, as in the Semitic words dagger, tilge; Sansk. qater; Fr. quatre; Eng. quarter. 48 i\ p, dsh, Osh. The letter ^ inverted ^, marks the sound mut- ation of q into tzhlj, dshh, as in the Amharic word qalama* E. calm; H. qathan ; Hind, qathana. 4 rf 1, d, dh, t, th, ds, dz, z. The letter d corresponds with the fourth Sem- itic consonant and number, as in the words deal, did, lid, yield, dress, deed. 34 J> "T, dh, th, ds, dz, d, t, z. The letter d inverted p, marks the aspirate 12 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET sound ©f d, dh, as in the English words this, thine; Sansk. dhej. dhale, dheal, dhome. 19 t n, th. The small letter t corresponds with t in the words little, tattle, letter, hat, fat, trifle. 49 ^ n, th. The letter t inverted ^, represents the aspirate sound of t, th, as in the words they, thine, with, things. 5 5 n, h, g, k, c, ch. The cipher 6 slightly modified, stands for the fifth Semitic consonant and number, sounded as h in the words habel, have, hat, hush. hand. 35 g n, g, h, k, ch. The letter 5 inverted q, marks the sound mut- ation of h into a soft breathed g, as in the hiphel forms of the Hebrew verb in German words, thus: gekommen, gegangen, gesagt, gethan. H. hebe; G. gebe, gabe; E. give, gift. 20 fi n, h, hh, gh, chh. The character Id represents the Semitic gut- tural hh sound, much akin to h in haul, only the aspiration is stronger and formed deeper in the throat, as in the oriental words ham, helm; Ger. hehlen; Bengal, chhelen. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 13 50 ^ n, gh, ch. The letter id inverted ^, indicates the sound mutation of hh into the aspirate gutteral ch, gh, as in the German English words: tochter, daughter; dachte, thought; teich, dough. 6 6^, s'h, sch, sg, sk. The cipher 6 represents the ancient sixth Semitic consonant and number. Its sound is that of s'h, sch, sg, sk, pronounced by bringing the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, as in Pus'h- to, sgum, schaum, skum, skull, shell. 36 9 tt^, gz, ks, chs, hs. The cipher 6 inverted p, stands for the sound mutation of x, chs, as in six, sechs, L. rixa; Chin- ese hs in hsu. 21 i tt^, s, sh. The script letter d marks the s sound as in the words sir, sarah, season, susan, dress. 51 ^f, sh, sch. The letter j inverted ^, indicates the sound mutation of s into sch, sh in the words shall, dash, she; Ger. scheide, schelm, schoen, schier, 27 7,T z, s- The cipher 7 represents the seventh Semitic 14 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET consonant and number, sounded like the soft hissed /, s in the words zone, zeal, fizz, prosa, these, buzz. 37 L T, zh, z, s. The cipher /y inverted L, marks the soft aspir- ate sound of z, s, zh, as in azure, pleasure; Pers. zhazh, zhala, zhinda, dizham. 2 3^ 1 T, dz, ds. The letter ^ stands for the z or dz, ds sound, as in the German word ziiber, Syr. zaber; Bengal zaber; Ital. zona, zero, rozzo, mezzo, 52 i T, dz'h, zh. The letter j inverted ^, represents the aspirate sound of dz'h, dzh, as in the Hindu words dz'hala, dz'hok, dz'hilasdila-tory. 8 i 3, bh. The character ^ stands for the soft aspirated bh, V, f, as in the words live, self, selves, calf, calves, love, folk, Volk, Vater, father. 38 fZ, The letter ^ inverted ^, stands for the sound mutation of bh, w, wh, hv, as in white, weiss, hvitt. 23 / C), ph, f. The character y{ represents the sound mutation THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 15 of p into ph or f, as in the words fowl, fattacb, fittig, farre, fall, forth. 53 / S, fh, phh. The letter f inverted f, marks the sound mut- ation of the aspirsted fh, as in the Gaelic words fhasan, fhill, fhuaimrag. 9 ^ rO, b, t, tt, th. The Hindu cipher % stands for the ninth Sem- itic consonant and number. It is sounded by bringing the tip of the tongue backward and up- ward nearly to the palate or dome of the mouth, as t, b in the Bengal words, talk, tank, tipper, toll. 39 % ID, bh, d' th. The letter % inverted ^, represents the aspirate sound of % as in the words penthouse, thick, Syr. thaler, dollar, loth; Ger. lothen. 24 ^ :;, tz, ts. The German letter ^ corresponds with the Semitic ts sound, uttered by applying the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, as in the German words ^unge, 30II; E. switser, wits. 54 i )£, tz'h, gsh, tssh. The letter ^ inverted €, marks the aspirate sound of jsh, tssh, found in many languages. 16 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 10 / ^ j, J- The letter ^ corresponds with the Semitic aliph-jod sound mutation, as in the H. Lat. words: jom, jad, jar; Ger. Eng. year, jura, jona, jasher, yield. 40 / •», j, dzh, dsh. The letter J, inverted /, marks the sound mut- ation of aliph-jod, sounded like dzh, as in the Eng. words: joke, jingle, jump, jam, junk, job. 25 t V, g' gh' «• The character (^ represents the ayin gh or ghain sound, a soft aspirated gh, corresponding to the English gh in loghouse, ghost, logos- Ger. garn, gestern, gelb; Lat. cum. 55 0- V, ^' ^' ^^' ^^• The letter t inverted ^j, stands for the ayin waw sound mutation, as in the words: whine, wharf, war, wehr, van, von. 11 k 3, k, ck. The small script letter k corresponds with the k sound in keep, kid, speak, keen. 41 y D, ch, tch. The letter k inverted ^^ marks the sound mut- ation of k into ch, tch, as in the words chart, cherub, chew, chest, church, watch. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 17 26 // D, ^- kh, ch. The Coptic letter chei represents the hard guttural kh, ch sound, as in the Scotch-German word loch I Ger. dach, wache, sache, buch, ach. 56 ^ 3, chh, ch. The letter ff inverted i^, stands for the sound mutation of kh into the aspirated ch-h sound, which may be expressed by the English chh in the word whichhorse, chheat, chhink, chhints. 12 ^ ^ 1. The script letter € corresponds with the 1 sound in bull, lilly, lally, life, long. 42 ; h, Ih, gli, 11. The letter € inverted ^, marks the sound mut- ation of 1 into Ih. In the articulation of this sound the middle of the tongue is more raised than in that of 1. 27 r \ ^y ^^^ The lower case letter ^ a slightly modified r re- presents the sound of r as in the words ray, ram, more, rush, rule. 57 ^ V, ^^' g^' ^^• The letter /• inverted dj stands for the guttural sound of gr or j^ r, as in the word groom, bride- groom, L. homo; E. gum; Fr. razzia, grazzia; Ar. gazah. 18 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 13 li D, m, The character fi corresponds with the m sound in the words mamma, mien, mine, meet. 43 p^ mm, mb. The letter /{inverted fi, marks the sound mut- ation of mm, mb, as in the H, num; E. numb; G. kamm; E. comb; G. nummer; E. number; E. lamb, G. lamm, kammer; E. chamber; G. stumm; E. dumb. 44 ^D, mm, mp. The character ^ represents the hard labial mm, mp sound, as in the words G. Schwamm; E. swamp; G.schlamm; E. slump; Ar.lammo; L. lumen; E. G. lamp. 58 ^ D, mp, mpf. The letter d^ inverted ^, stands for the sound mutation of mp into mpf , as in the words E. shame; G. schimpf; E. sump; G. sumpf; E. trump; G. trumpf; E. rump; G. rumpf. 14 f} i, n. The small letter fj slightly modified corres- ponds with the n as sounded in now, noon, name, then, lent, hand. 29 U j;, nh, n. The letter 7] inverted U, represents the nasal dome sound of n, produced by pressing the tongue THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 19 against the back of the upper teeth while n is sounded as in Beng. nas; E. nose; Beng. nad; G. neid. 59 7} j;, ng. The cliaracter 7^ marks the small sound of ng as in the words lingua, langue, language, song, sing, sang. 48 fc, gn, kn. The letter 7} inverted (c, represents the sound mutation of gn, kn, as in the words H. gnosb, knosp, gnudo, regner, dignus. deign. 15 (f □, fe, z, c.', 5. The Gothic letter ^, stands for the Semitic s/ sound as in Fr. cipher; Ger. ziffer, seraph, simile, case, soiled, zeit. 45 b D, szh, (,-, sh. The letter q, inverted b, marks the sound mut- ation of q into szh, as in Sansk. Kaszha; Russ, chasha; Fr. fa(;on; E. fashion. 30 lu^ n, St. The character ^ represents the sound mutation of s or t into st. Thus, H. sub; Ger. stube; Ar. taude; Ger. staude; Ar. tab; E. stave; Ger. stab; Fr. fete; Ger. fest. 20 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 60 j D ^ r\, sht, shch. The letter ^ inverted ^, stands for the sound mutation of st into sht, as in the German words stube-shtube, stall-shtall, steuer-shteuer. •<•► Semitic Word Examples. XS^S ia€4d jT'i ^^t 2xf ^d:i ^dilel \ p2i 11 /^a/. iiT 7^ ^£ rff SIDH ^a^a ^£ai 31tD ^2 pjr /i^T/^ nJD ^er)^ X^dl life le2e n^DD fi2i%ef D^!tJ ?;fl^^£ THE ETY.AIOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 21 The Vowel Sounds. The ground vowels, their derivations and diphthongs are best exampliHed by the vocal syllab- ary of the Etymologic Alphabet. These vowels are devided into seven or rather eight orders, and com- bined with each other, produce sixty-four different vocal modifications to which any primary vocal sound combination or derivation of any language or dialect may be refered to for identification. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 m {Sta ne ^u ^a n^ ^i i^c ^ aa aa as au aa ax at aa ^ aa ad as au aa ax ai ao n £a sa ££ eu sa ex ei ec 1 ua ua us uu ua ux ui uc 1 aa aa as au aa ax ai ao n xa xa xs xu xa xx xi xo > ia ia is iu ia ix ii io j; oa oa os ou oa ox oi oo {< a, a base, ri. short, as a in Ital. matto, Fr. chatte. fi, short, as a in ask, grass, gasp, staff, farther, d, long, as a in father, arm, palm; It. mano. Change of a a into p p. p, short, as a in plaid, bade. P, long, as a in fate, ale, chamber, pray. 22 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET jSI a, a base. rt, short, as a in Ger. Mann; Fr. matelas. a, long, as a in Ger. mahnen. Fahne. Change of a d into ii-t) p. V, short, as ii in Ger. Manner, Kulter. Wiilder. p, long, as a in Ger. Viiter, wahlen, Fiiden. i^l a. a base. T a, short, as a in what, wander, want. a, short, as a in German Jewish schavvass. a. long, as a in all, call, tall, talk, swarm. a, long, as a in Ger. mal, schwab (dialect). Change of a a into v y. p short, oe a in Danish and Norse, p^ long, as oe in Danish, Norse; and Swed. oede, V, lono- as ea in earth, earn, learn. n a a base. a short, as a in man, fat. flag, catch, marry. a, short, as e in Ger. berg, werg, ^werg (dialect). a, long, as a in bath, shall, have. Change of a a into v. TB K, short, as e a in men, any and many. E, short, as e in Fr. pere, mere, frere, leche. ^, long, as a in care, fare, mare, pare. n £ £, base. £, short, as e in get, met, fetch, pet, red, wet. £, short, as in Ger. elle. Kelle, Gabe, fest (hard). THE ETYMOTOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 28 £, long, as e in they, eight, Fr. de, ^te, ep^e. E, long, as e in Ger. rede, seele, Klee, see. Change of £ £ into 3 3. Russ 3. 3, short, as e in Russ. ethic, epos, era, epoch. 3, short, as e in ent, rent, lent, hell, well. J, long^ as e in Ger. lehre, hehr, ehre, wehr. 1 W, M base. U, short, as u in pull, push, bull, put, full. u, short, as in Ger. Mutter, Fluss, Busch. Kuss. W, long, as u in crude, truth, rude, rural. li. long, as u in Ger. gut, bluth, stuhl, schule. Change of u U into ii, n n. n, short, as ii in Ger. Miitter, Fliisse, Biische, Kitsse. n, short, as u in Fr. but, sur. w, long, as ii in Ger. Giiter, Bliite, Stfihle, Schiller. n, long, a u in Fr. sur, fumes. ^G), a base. (C, short, as o in roll, toll, whole, sword, none. CO, short, as o in Ger. Gott, Volk, fromra, zoll. 6?, long, as o in note, mode, sole, more, borne. (5, long, as o in Ger. sohn, noth, hoch. wohl. (5, long, as o in Fr. cone. Chancfe a a into o, © [D. ^, short, as o in Ger. Gotter, V()lker, frommer, ZtUle. iV, short, as o in Sw. r)ppna, ofver, ofre. 24 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET ^, long, as '6 in Ger. Sohne, Nothen, hoher, wohler. ip, long, as eu in Fr. peu, deux, seul, feu. '^ e e base. e, short, as in Fr. mes, des, ses, ces, les. e, short, as e in rest, bestj Ger, B^est, nest. €,, long, as e in Fr, tete, bete, fete; Gr. ketos. Sf long, as ed in bear, wear, pear, tear. Change e € into ^ ^. ^, short, as in fern, kern, merry; Fr. me, de, le. ^, short, as i in virgin, irksome, dirt. ^, long, as ea in dearth, •» 1 I base. {, short, as i in pit, fish, bill, fin, live. (, short, as i in Ger. bin, milch, fisch, ich. i, long, as i in Fr. cime, abime, agit. ij long, as i in machine, marine, police. Change of i i into } j. I, short, as i in wild, sight, kind, idea. f, long, as I in mile, fine, wine, file. j, long, as ei in Ger, meile, wein, fein, feile. M^ a d base. , short, as eu in Fr. heure. ^, long, as au in Ger. hauser, mause. Ik'use. THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 25 S 1 il ^ base. rt, short, as oi in Ital. noi, voi; E. bolster. d, long, as oi, oy in moist, boil, join, void, boy. Change a d oi oy into v p- t?, short, as y in Boh. hory. p, long, as y in Boh. tchesky; Russ. my, ty, vy, X^ X i base. *, short, as r) in Greek ^to. <, long, as 7] in Greek or a in made, Isaaq. Change oi % i into ic t, k, short, as ie in Russ. dieti. p, long, as eu in feudal. ^ ^ 2 base. i, short, as i in Turk ill; E. ill. ^, long, as i in Turk, ilev, elev-ation. Change of ^ ^ into 2 ^. ^, short, as e in Turk, ind-end. L. aegre. ^, long, as ai in ailment, aether, aetas; Ger. eid ^ r r base. /♦, short, as ou in poultry, ow in fowl. /*, long, ou, ow in howl, owl. bow. Change ^ /^ ou ow into 4^ ^. 4. short as. ^. long, as eu in Ger. heulen, eule, beugen. 2(5 THE ETYMOLOGIC CJPHEK ALFHABET y C (7 base. O sliort as o in odd for not hot. f f } y } 6 long" as o in oatli form stork. a lonp- as o in Fr. vote cor. Change of C into o O. O short as u in but up cunning urge, does. a short as o or oe in Danish and Norse. O loner as eu oeu in Fr. beurre coeur oeuf. O longf as oe in Swedish cede. The ancient nasalization of vowels have mostly been turned into n in modern pronounciation, but where they still exist, nasalization may be indicat- ed by an inverted apostrophe placed after the vowel, as is the case with polish nasal vowels; thus ^ Q i^ u^ o^ y^. THB ETyMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 27 A New Arithmetic System. The letters of this Alphabet may be used for both Arithmetic and Algebra. Algebra is usually defined as generalized Arithmetic. In arithmetic e^verj number or consonant represents a definite value. In algebra the vowels of the alphabet may be used to represent numbers. A letter can represent any number whatever, provided its value does not (change during a particular range of operation. One of the most ancient methods of comput ation is the sixty-unite. It is of ante-diluvian ori gin. We still use it in the computation of time by counting sixty seconds to one minute, and sixty minutes to one hour. The Hindu, Chinese and other ancient nations still compute time by periods of sixty days, and by cycles of sixty years. The letters of ancient alphabets are also used for numerals. We likewise use the consonants of our alphabet as numerals in nearly the same Sem- itic order and analogy, by counting from one to sixty, instead from one to ten. Tlie tens, or rather the sixties are expressed bv sixty times sixty — 28 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 3600. The hundredths or rather sixty times 3600 equal to 216000. The thousands or rather sixty times 216000 equal to 13960000. The consonants serve as numerals, and the vowel added to each consonant P'ives the name of the consonant, and the name of the number. In the table given below, the first set of rows presents the numerals from one to sixty in common ciphers, the second row gives the corresponding numeral with our consonant letters, and in the third row the consonant and vowel constitute the name and number of each letter. The second set of rows presents the corres- ponding numbers from 61 to 120. x\nd the third set of rows gives the first number of the sixty sixties from one to 3600. Each number of this set consists of two syllables. In the fourth set of rows is given the corres- ponding first numbers of each unite of 8600 up to 216000. Each number of this unite consists of three syllables. From 216000 on, each number is to be expressed by four syllables, in the same manner as in the preceeding numbers up if* 13960000. No . 1 Same, 1 1 la 2 2 2i 3 ? ^a 4 d da 5 6 5e 6 6 6u 7 7 ja 8 i ia 9 ?l M 10 i /^ 11 k ka 12 I €o 13 1i da 14 rj r]i 15 (f qa 16 ^ Ma 17 P P^ 18 // Uu 19 t ta 20 ^ Ida, 21 d Set 22 ^ ^^ 23 f fa 24 ^ ?^ 25 t ta 26 h Hi 27 r ra 28 h ba 29 V W 30 I tu 31 I l.a 32 T V^ THK ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 29 No. Name. No. 61 21 2i1a I i 1 1 62 ^2 2i2i 61 21 3601 2i1 63 2^ 2i^a 121 ^1 7201 ^11 64 M 2ida 181 d1 10801 dil 65 26 2i6e 241 61 14401 611 66 2() 2i6ii 301 61 18001 6-/^ 67 ^7 2irjai 361 7^ 21601 71/ -/ 68 2i 2iia 421 i^/ 25201 ill 69 c2^ 2i^<)/ 481 %1 28801 ^-/-Z 70 2j 2t>> 541 /^ 32401 j11 71 2^ 2t^a 601 hi 36001 fei/^ 72 2^ 2i€c 661 ^^ 39601 /1/1/ 73 2fi 2ifla 721 //^ 43201 dll 74 27; at7;i 781 Tjl 46801 v/V'/ 75 2q 2iqa 841 ^^ 50401 q11 76 2^ 2t^a 901 M 54001 ^^1/ 77 ^/> 2ipe 961 /?-/ 57601 /^^^ 78 2ii 2i^u 1021 /^^ 61201 U11 79 2^ 2tto 1081 t1 64801 ^^^ 80 2id 2ii)3i 1141 M 68401 Ml 81 2:^ at:fw 1201 d1 72001 .^VV 82 % 2i^^ 1261 3PV 75601 ^V^ 83 2) 2ifQ 1321 ^1/ 79201 f11 84 % 2t^(7 1381 }1 82801 ^^V 85 2t 2iXa 1441 t^/ 86401 111 86 2// ati^i 1501 HI 90001 J^V-/ 87 2;- 2ira 1561 r^ 93601 r^^ 88 2"^ 2i2ra 1621 '^^^ 97201 'l^ll 89 % 2i^£ 1681 ^1 100801 ^^-/i/ 90 21 2iiu 1741 ^/ 104401 111 91 2/^ 2i/ffi 1801 1.1 108001 A'^'^ 92 % 2i^2i 1861 2^-/ 112601 e^V"/ 30 THE ETYMOLOGIC CIPHER ALPHABET 33 i tei 93 2i 2ita 1921 i1 116201 ill 34 V px 94 2j) 2ipz 1981 pi 119801 p11 35 g ga 95 5g 2iga 2041 ^^ 122401 ^-/^ 36 9 90 96 29 2igc 2101 9^ 126001 9-/^ 37 L La 97 2i^ 2iLd 2161 iOi/ 129601 i^VV 38 f fi 98 % 2ifi 2221 ]?^ 133201 2?-/^ 39 % %a 99 % 2i%a 2281 g^ 136801 ^V7 40 / fa 100 2/ 2ifa 2341 /^ 140401 /^^ 41 ^ ye 101 % 2i'ye 2401 '^^ 144001 *^V7 42 g- gu 102 2; 2igu 2461 ^7 147601 ^V-/ 43 // //ffl 103 2;/ 2ipa 2521 //^ 151201 /^V7 44 U U2i 104 2// 2Hi^ 2581 /^^ 154801 ^77 45 b bet 105 5f> 2ibet 2641 M 158401 :^77 46 ^ ^^ 106 ^7 2i-^x 2701 7^ 162001 7^7 47 4 4a 107 2(/ 2i4a 2761 ^7 165601 ^7-/ 48 il ijc 108 5^ 2ii}0 2821 ^/ 169201 ^V/ 49 ^ ^a 109 % 2i^a 2881 ^1/ 172801 ^-/-Z 50 ^ ^t 110 % 2iefi 2941 ^7 176401 ^//V 51 f fa 111 % 2ifa 3001 ^7 180001 ^^V 52 ^ ia 112 2^ 3i^a 3061 ^i 183601 ^-/V 53 / f£ 113 2^^ St/f 3121 fi 187201 /V7 54 i iu 114 2^ 2t^(^ 3181 i1 190801 ^77 55 7 7© 115 57 2/9(1) 3241 7I 194401 7^^ 56 ^ ^a 116 5// at7/a 3301 //^ 198001 //^^ 57 ./ det 117 2i 2ii(^ 3361 J^i 201601 ./V^/ 58 vZ ^x 118 % 2t^^ 3421 ^i 205201 v^V-/ 59 iJ: da 119 5^ 2t^^ 3481 M 208801 /5;Y7 60 / io 120 2^ ai|^ 3541 li 216000 ^^^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FEB 1 2 2003 U. 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