GIFT OF C. G» De Gar mo .^z^cMy Q.UEEN or PRUSSIA NAPOLEON IN GERMANY LOUISA OF PRUSSIA AND HER TIMES Qln ^istoriral Notjel BY L MUHLBACH AUTHOI OF JOSEPH 11. AND HIS COURT, FREDERICK THE GREAT AND HIS FAMILY, BERLIN AND SANS-SOUCI, HENRY VIII. AND HIS COURT, ETC. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY F, JORDAN NEW YORK A. L. FOWLE, Publisher 1905 COPYRIOHT. 1807, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. COJSTTEKTS. r I V. \ \\ CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. V. VI. \ni. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. X^^II. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII XXIV. XXV. CAMPO FORMIO. PAGE Dreadful Tidings, .1 Minister von Tlaugut, 5 Tlie Interview . 11 Tlie Two Ministers 19 The House in the Gumpendorfer Suburb, . . 27 Joseph Haydn, 33 General Bonaparte, 40 The Treaty of Campo Formio 48 THE YOUNG QUEEN OF PRUSSIA. Queen Louisa, , 56 The King's Recollections 67 The Young King, 74 Fi-ederick Gentz, 79 The Interview with the Minister of Finance, . . 86 The Memorial to Frederick William III, , . . .94 The Wedding, 101 Marianne Meier, 109 Love and Politics, 118 FRANCE AND GERMANY. Citoyenne Josephine Bonaparte 129 Bonaparte and Josephine, 137 The Reception of the Ambassadors, , . . . t46 France and Austria, . 153 The Banner cf Glory, 159 Minister Thugut, , .169 The Festival of the Volunteers, 178 The Riot 187 IV CONTENTS. LAST DAYS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. CHAPTKR PAGE XXVI. Victoria de Poutet 197 XXVII. Rastadt, 210 XXVIIL The Justification. 218 XXIX. The Assassination, 228 XXX Jean Debiy, 235 XXXI The Coalition, 240 XXXII. Tlie Friend of Peace, 246 XXXIII. The Legitimate Wife 254 XXXIV. The Eighteenth of Brumaire 263 THE PEACE OF LUNEVILLE. XXXV. Johannes Miiller, 270 XXXVI. Thugut's Fall, 279 XXXVII. Fanny von Arnstein, 286 XXXVIII. The Rivals, 297 XXXIX. The Legacy, ....... 311 XL. The First Consul, 321 XLI. Two German Savants, . .... 333 THE THIRD COALITION. XLII. The Emperor Napoleon, 345 XLJII. Napoleon and the German Princes, . . . 356 XLIV. Queen Louisa's Piano Lesson 362 XLV. The Conference, 369 XLVI. The Oath at the Grave of Frederick the Great, . 378 THE FALL OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE. XLVII. Evil Tidings, . . , 387 XLVIII. Before the Battle, 394 XLIX " Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser ! " . . . .400 L. Patriotism, 404 LL Judith, 416 LII. Naj) loon and the Prussian Minister, . . . 425 LIIL Judith and Holofirues 432 LTV The Fall of the German Empire, ... 446 CX)NTENTS. THE BATTLE OF JENA. CHAPTER PAGE LV. A German Bookseller and Martyr, . . . . 458 LVI. The Arrest, 46(5 LVII. A Wife's Love, 470 LVIII. The Women of Braunau, ...... 477 LIX. The Last Hour, 485 LX. Prussia's Declaration of War, 490 LXI. A Bad Omen, 501 LXH. Before tlie Battle, 507 LXIIL The German Philosopher, 513 ILLUSTRATIONS. TACINO PAGE Portrait of Louisa, Queen of Prussia .... Frontispiece Napoleon and Count Cobenzl 62 Thugut's Interview with Victoria de Poutet 202 The Death of Prince Lichtenstein 310 The FaU of the Statue of Bellona 606 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA AND HER TIMES. CAMPO FORMIO. CHAPTER I. DREADFUL TIDINGS. The population of Vienna was paralyzed with terror ; a heavy gloom weighed down all minds, and the strength of the stoutest hearts seemed broken. Couriers had arrived to-day from the camp of the army, and brought the dreadful tidings of an over- whelming defeat of the Austrian forces. Bonaparte, the young general of the French Republic, who, in the course of one year (1796), had won as many battles and as much glory as many a great and illustrious warrior during the whole course of an eventful life — Bonaparte had crossed the Italian Alps with the serried col- umns of his army, and the most trusted military leaders of Austria were fleeing before him in dismay. The hero of Lodi and Areola had won new victories, and these victories constantly diminished tlie distance between his army and the menaced capital of Austria. Archduke Charles had been defeated by Massena, and driven back to Villach ; Bernadotte had reached Laybach ; the citadels of Goritz, Triest, and Laybach had surrendered ; Klagenfurth, after a most desperate struggle, had been forced to open its gates to the conquerors ; Loudon, with his brave troops, had been dispersed in the Tyrol ; Botzen had opened its gates to General Joubert, who, after a brief sojourn, left that city in order to join Bonaparte, who, in his victorious career, was advancing resistlessly toward Vienna. Such were tidings which the couriers had brought, and these tidings were well calculated to produce a panic in the Austrian capital. Wliile the court and the nobility were concealing their grief and their sorrows in the interior of their palaces, the populace 2 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. rushed into the streets, anxiously inquiring for later intelligence, and still hopeful that God in His mercy might perhaps send down some ray of light that would dispel this gloom of anguish and despair. But a pall covered Vienna, and everybody looked sad and de- jected. Suddenly some new movement of terror seemed to pervade the crowd that had gathered on the Kohlmarkt* As if a storm were raising up the waves of this black sea of human figures, the dense mass commenced to undulate to and fro, and a wail of distress arose, growing louder and louder, until it finally broke out into the terrible cry : " The emperor has deserted us ! the em- peror and the empress have fled from Vienna ! " While the masses were bewailing this new misfortune with the manifestations of despair, while they assembled in small groups to comment vociferously on this last and most dreadful event of the day, all of a sudden Hungarian hussars galloped up and com- manded the people, in the most peremptory manner, to stand aside and to open a passage for the wagons which were about to enter the market from one of the adjoining streets. The people, intimidated by the flashing swords and harsh words of the soldiers, fell back and gazed with an expression of anxious suspense upon the strange procession which now made its appearance. This procession consisted of twelve wagons, apparently not des- tined to receive living men, but the remains of the dead. The broad and heavy wheels were not surmounted bj' ordinary carriage- l)oxes, but by immenso iron trunks, large enough to enclose a coffin or a corpse ; and those trunks were covered with heavy blankets, the four corners of which contained the imperial crown of Austria in beautiful embroidery. Every one of these strange wagons was drawn by six horses, mounted by jockeys in the imperial lively, while the hussars of the emperor's Hungarian bodj'^guard rode in serried ranks on both sides. The horses drew these mysterious wagons slowly and lieavily through the streets ; the wheels rolled with a dull, tlumdering noise over the uneven pavement ; and this noise resounded in tlie ears and hearts of the pale and terrified si^ectators like the premonitory .signs of some new thunderstorm. What was concealed in these mysterious wagons? What was taken away from Vienna in so careful a manner and guarded so c-losely? Everybody was asking these questions, but only in the f|ci>th of his own heart, for nobody dared to interrupt the pninful Mud anxious silence by a loud word or an inquisitive plirase. * Cabbage-Market. DREADFUL TIDINGS. d Every one seemed to be fascinated by the fox-bidding glances of the hussars, and stunned by the dull rumbling of the wheels. But, when finally the last wagon had disappeared in the next street, when the last horseman of the hussar escort had left the place, the eyes of the anxious spectators turned once more toward the speakers who had previously addressed them, and told them of the misfortunes of Austria, and of the brilliant victories of the \ ijuthf ul French General Bonaparte. "What do those wagons contain? " shouted the crowd. "We want to know it, and we must know it ! " " If you must know it, why did you not ask the soldiers them- selves? " shouted a sneering voice in the crowd. "Yes, yes," said another voice, "w^hy did you not approach the wagons and knock at the trunks? — may be the devil would have jumped out and shown you his pretty face ! " The people paid no attention to these sneering remarks. The painful uncertainty, tlie anxious excitement continued unabated, ajid everybody made surmises concerning the contents of the wagons. " The trunks contain perhaps the coffins of the imperial ancestors, which have been removed from the Kapuzinergruft, in order to save them frofti the French," said an honest tailor to his neighbor, and this romantic idea rolled immediately, like an avalanche, through the vast crowd. "They are removing the remains of the old emperors from Vi- enna! " wailed the crowd. "Even the tombs are no longer safe ! They are saving the corpses of the emperors, but they are forsak- ing us — the living ! They abandon us to the tender mercies of the enemy ! All who have not got the money to escape are lost ! The French will come and kill vis all ! " " We will not permit it ! '" shouted a stentorian voice. " We want to keep the remains of Maria Theresa and of the great Emperor Joseph here in Vienna. As long as they lived they loved tlie people of the capital, and they will protect us in death. Come, brethren, come ; let vis follow the wagons — let us stop them and take the bodies back to the Kapuzinergruft. " * " Yes, let us follow the wagons and stop them, " yelled the crowd, which now, when it covild no longer see the flashing and threaten- ing weapons of the soldiers, felt exceedingly brave. Suddenly, however, these furious shouts and yells were inter- rupted by a powerful voice which ordered the people to desist, and they beheld a tall man who, with cat-like agility, climbed upon the iron lamp-post in the centre of the square. *■ Vaults of the Capuchins. 4 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "Stop, stop!" roared this man, extending his arms over the ci-owd as if, a new Moses, he wanted to allay the fury of the sea and cause it to stand still. The crowd instantly obeyed this tremendous voice, and all these indignant, anxious, and terrified faces now turned toward the speaker who stood above them on top of the lamp- post. "Don't make fools of yourselves," said he — "don't give these Hungarians — who would be only too glad to quench their present rage in German blood — a chance to break your bones. Have you any arms to compel them to show you the wagons and their con- tents? And even if you were armed, the soldiers would overpower you, for most of you would run away as soon as a fight broke out, and the balance of you would be taken to the calaboose. I will do you the favor, however, to tell you all about those wagons. Do you want to know it? " " Yes, yes, we do ! " shouted the crowd, emphatically. " Be quiet over there ! — Stop your noise ! — Do not cry so loud ! — Hush ! — Let us hear what is in the wagons. — Silence, silence ! " Profound silence ensued — everybody held his breath and listened. "Well, then, listen to me. These wagons do not contain the remains of the former emperors, but the gold and the jewels of the present emperor. It is the state treasure which those hussars are escorting from Vienna to Presburg, because the government deems it no longer safe here. Just think of what we have come to now- a-days ! Our imperial family, and even the state treasure, must flee from Vienna ! And whose fault is it that we have to sufl^er all this? Who has brought these French down upon us? Who is in- undating all Austria with war and its calamities? Shall I tell you who is doing it? " " Yes, tell us, tell us ! " shouted the crowd. " Woe unto him who has plunged Austria into war and distress, and caused the flight of the emperor and the removal of the treasure from Vienna ! " The speaker waited until the angiy waves of the people's wrath had subsided again, and then said in the clear, ringing tones of his powerful voice: "It is the fault of our prime minister. Baron von Thugut. He don't want us to make peace with the French. He would rather ruin us all than to make peace with the French Republic." " But we don't want to be ruined ! " shouted the crowd — " we don't want t() be led to the shambles like sheep. No, no ; we want peace —peace with France. Prime Minister Tlmgut shall give us peace with France ! " " You had better go and inform the proud minister himself of MINISTER VON THUGUT. 5 what you want," said the speaker witli a sneer. "First compel him to do what the emperor and even our brave Archduke Charles wanted to be done — compel the omnipotent minister to make peace. " "We will go and ask him to give us peace," said several voices in the crowd. " Yes, yes, we will do that ! " shouted others. " Come, come ; let us all go to the minister's house and ask him to give us back the emperor and the state treasure, and to make peace with Bona- parte. " The speaker now descended hurriedly from the lamp-post. His tall, herculean figure, however, towered above the crowd even after his feet had touched the pavement. "Come," said he to the bystanders in a loud and decided tone, "I will take you to the minister's house, for I know where he lives, and we will shout and raise such a storm there until the proud gentleman condescends to comply with our wishes. " He led the way rapidly, and the crowd, alwaj^s easily guided and pliable, followed its improvised leader with loud acclamations. Only one idea, only one wish, animated all these men : they wanted peace with France, lest Bonaparte might come to Vienna and lay their beautiful capital in ashes in the same manner in which he had treated so many Italian cities. Their leader walked proudly at the head of the irregular proces- sion, and as the crowd continued to shout and yell, "Peace with France!" he muttered, "I think I have accomplished a good deal to-day. The archduke will be satisfied with what I have done, and we may compel the minister after all to make peace with France. " CHAPTER II. MINISTER VON THUGUT. The prime minister. Baron von Thugut, was in his cabinet, in eager consultation with the new police minister. Count von Saurau, who had given him an account of the safe removal of the imperial state treasure which, like the emperor and the empress, had set out for Hungary. " All right ! all right ! " said Thugut, with a sinister chuckle. "In Hungary both will be safe enough, for I think I have intimi- dated the Hungarians so much tliat they will remain very quiet and very humble." " Your excellency refers to the conspiracy which we discovered 6 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. there two years ago, " said Count Saurau, smiling, " and which the accursed traitors expiated on the gallows ! " " De mortuis nil nisi bene ! " exclaimed Thugut. " We are under many obligations to these excellent traitors, for they have enabled us to render the Hungarians submissive, just as the traitors who conspired here at Vienna two years ago enabled us to do the same thing to the population of the capital. A conspiracy discovered by the authorities is always a good thing, because it furnishes us with an opportunity to make an example, to tell the nation through the bloody heads of the conspirators : 'Thus, thus, all will be treated who dare to plot against the government and against their masters ! ' The Viennese have grown very humble and obedient since the day they saw Hebenstreit, the commander of the garrison, on the scaf- fold, and Baron Riedel, the tutor of the imperial children, at the piUory. And the Hungarians, too, have learned to boAv their heads ever since the five noble conspirators were beheaded on the Gene- raliviese, in front of the citadel of Ofen. Believe me, count, that day has contributed more to the submissiveness of Hungaiy than all the favors and privileges which the Emperors of Austria have bestowed upon the Magyars. Nations are always frivolous and im- pudent children : he who tries to educate them tenderly is sure to spoil them ; but raise them in fear and trembling, and they will become quiet and obedient men. And for that reason, I tell you once more, don't call those men, now that they are dead, accursed traitors, for they have been very useful to us ; they have been the insti'ument with which we have chastised the M-hole overbearing people of Austria and Hungary, and those were blessed days for us when we mowed down the high-born traitors bf both countries. The sword of our justice performed a noble work on that day, for it struck down a savant and a poet, a count and a distinguished pre- late. Oh, what a pity that there was no prince among them !" "Well, a prince might have been found likewise," said Count Saurau, "and perliaps he may get into our meshes on some other occasion. Your excellency is an adroit hunter. " "And you are an excellent pointer for me. You scent such things on the sj^ot, " Count Thugut exclaimed, and broke out into a loud burst of laughter. Count Saurau laughed also, and took good care not to betray how cruelly tlie joke had wounded his aristocratic pride. The Austrian aristocracy was accustomed to such insults at the hands of the iM>worful and proud prime minister, and everybody knew that Thugut, the son of a poor shi]) builder, in the midst of liis greatness, liked to recall his modest descent, and to humble the nobility through the agency of the ship-builder's son. MINISTER VON THUGUT. 7 "Your excellency will permit me to render myself at once worthy of the praise you have kindly bestowed upon me, " said the police minister, after a short pause. " I believe we have discovered an- other conspiracy here. True, it is only an embryo as yet, but it may grow into something if we give it the necessary time." "What is it, Saurau?" said Thugut, joyfully — "tell me at once what it is ! A conspiracy — a good, sound conspiracy ? " "Yes, a most malignant and important conspiracy! A conspir- acy against your excellency's life ! " "Bah! — is that all?" said Thugut carelessly, and with evident disappointment. "I was in hojies that by this time you would hand over to me some high-born aristocrats who had held secret intercom-se with that execrable French Republic. It would have been a splendid example for all those hare-brained fools who are so fond of repeating the three talismanic words of the republican regicides, and who are crazy with delight when talking of liberie, egalite, fraternite. I would have liked to chastise a few of these madmen, in order to put a stop to the prevailing republican enthu- siasm. But instead of that, you talk to n:ie of a conspiracj- only . aimed at myself ! " " Only at yourself ! " repeated the count, with great indignation. •'As if it were not the most dreadful calamitj* for Austria if she should be deprived of your services. You know that we are stand- ing on the verge of a pi-ecipice ; in the interior, the liberal and seditious desires which the senseless reforms of the Emperor Joseph have stirred up, are still prevalent, and the i^eople only submit with reluctance and with spiteful feelings to the reforms which your excellency has inaugurated with a view to the best interests of Austria. Abroad, on the other hand, the blood-stained French Re- public incites the malecontents to imitate its own infamies ; they would like to see the victorious banners of General Bonaparte here in order to have his assistance in establishing a republican govern- ment in Austria." " It is true, " said Thugut, " the Austrian empire, at the present time, is exposed to great dangei's from within and without ; the reins must be held very firmly in order to conduct the ship of state safely through the breakers, and I believe I am the man to do it. You see, count, I do not undeiTate my own importance. I know only too well that Austria needs me. Still, the plots and conspira- cies that are merely directed against myself, make me laugh. For let me tell you, my dear little count, I really fancy that my person has nothing to fear either from daggers, or from pistols, or from poisoned cups. Do you believe in a Providence, count? Ah ! — you look sui-prised, and wonder how such a question could fall from 2 ^ LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. infidel lips like mine. Yes, yes, I am an infidel, and I honestly confess that the heaven of Mohammed, where you are smoking your chibouk, seated on cushions of clouds, while houris, radiant with beauty, are tickling the soles of your feet with rosy fingers, appears to me by far more desirable than the Christian heaven where you are to stand in eternal idleness before the throne of God Al- mighty, singing hymns, and praising His greatness. Ah ! during the happy days of my sojourn at Constantinople, I have had a slight ftretaste of the heaven of Mohammed; and again, in the tedious days of Maria Theresa, I have had a foretaste of the heaven of Christianity !" "And which Providence did your excellency refer to?" asked Saurau. " I pray your excellency to tell me, because jour faith is to be the model of mine. " " I believe in a Providence that never does any thing in vain, and never creates great men in order to let them be crushed, like flies, by miserable monkeys. That is the reason why I am not afraid of any conspiracy against myself. Providence has created me to be useful to Austi'ia, and to be her bulwark against the surg- ing waves of the revolution, and against the victorious legions of General Bonaparte. I am an instrument of Providence, and there- fore it will protect me as long as it needs me. But if, some day, it should need me no longer, if it intended then that I should fall, all my precautions would be fruitless, and all your spies, my dear count, would be unable to stay the hand of the assassin. " " You want me to understand, tlien, that no steps whatever are to be taken against the criminals conspiring against your excel- lency's life?" "By no means, count— indeed, that would be an exaggeration of fatalism. I rely greatly on your sagacity and on the vigilance of your servants, count. Let them watch the stupid populace — see to it that faux freres always attend the meetings of my enemies, and whenever they inform you of conspiracies against myself, why, the nialefactors shall be spirited away without any superfluous noise. Thank God, we have fortresses and state prisons, with walls too thick for shrieks or groans to penetrate, :ind tliat no one is able to break tlu-ough. The pul^lic sliould learn as little as possible of the fate of tliese criminals. Tlie public punishment of an assassin .vho failed to strike me, only instigates ten others to try if they cannot hit me better. But the noiseless disappearance of a culprit fills their cow- ardly souls with horror and dismay, and the ten men shrink back from tlie intended deed, merely because they do not know in what manner tlieir eleventh accomplice lias expiated his crime. The dis- a[)pearauce of prisoners, the oubliettes, are just what is needed. MINISTER VON THUGUT. 9 You must quietly remove your enemies and adversaries — it must seem as if some hidden abyss had ingulfed them : everybody, then, will think this abyss might open one day before his own feet, and he grows cautious, uneasy, and timid. Solelj' by the wisdom of secret punishments, and thi'ough the terror inspired by its mj'steri- ous tribunals, Venice has been able to prolong her existence for so many centuries. Because the spies of the Three were believed to be ubiquitous — and because everybody was afraid of the two lions on the Piazzetta, the Venetians obej^ed these invisible rulers whom they did not know, and whose avenging hand was constantly hang- ing over them." " Now, however, it seems that a visible hand, a hand of iron, is going to strike away the invisible hands of the Three, " said Count Saurau, quickly. " Bonaparte seems to desire to force Venice, too, into the pale of his Italian republics. The city is full of French emissaries, who, by means of the most eloquent and insidious ap- peals, try to bring about a rising of the Venetians against their rulers, in order — but hark !" said the count, suddenly interrupting himself. "What is that? Don't you hear the clamor in the street, right under our windoAv?" He paused, and, like the minister, turned his eyes and ears toward the window. A confused noise, loud shouts and yells, re- sounded below. The two ministers, without u'ctering a word, arose from their arm-chairs and hurried to one of the windows, which looked upon the wide street extending from the Kohlmarkf to the minister's palace. A vast mass of heads, broad shoidders, and uj^ilifted arms, was visible there, and the angry roar of the excited populace was approaching ah-eady the immediate neighboi"hood of the palace. "It seems, indeed, as if these honorable representatives of the people, intended to pay me a visit," said Thugut, with great com- posure. "Just listen how the fellows are roaring my name, as if it were the refrain of some rollicking beer-song !" "Why, it is a regular riot!" exclaimed the police minister, angrily. " Your excellency will permit me to withdraw — " He left the window hastily, and took his hat, but Thugut's vig- orous hand kept him back. "Where are j'ou going, count?" said he, smiling. " To the governor of Vienna, " said Saurau. " I want to ask him why he permits this nonsense, and order him to disperse the rabble in the most summary manner ! ' " Pray, stay liere, " said Thugut, quietly. " The governor of Vi- enna is a man of great sagacity, who knows perfect!}' well how we hay© to treat the people. Why, it would be an unparalleled tyranny 10 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. if the ix)or people were not even allowed to give the prime minister their good advice, and tell him what they think of the state of affairs. Just give tliem this permission, and they will believe they have performed a most heroic deed, and it will seem to them as if they could boast of great liberty. Ti-ue political wisdom, my dear little count, commands us to give the people a semblance of libertj^ ; we thereby succeed in dazzling their eyes so well that they do not perceive that they have no real liberty whatever. " The clamor and noise in the street below had increased in fury. The people, whose dense masses now entirely obstructed the street, impetuously moved up to the jwrtal of the ministerial palace, the front door of which had been locked and barred already by the cau- tious porter. Vigorous fists hammered violently against the door, and as an accompaniment to this terrible music of their leaders, the people howled and yelled their furious refrain : " We want to see the minister ! He shall give us peace ! peace ! peace 1" " Ah ! I know what it means !" exclaimed Count Sam-au, gnash- ing his teeth. "Your enemies have instigated these scoundrels. The party that would like to overthrow you and me, that wants to make i^eace with France at any price, and to keep Belgium united with Austria — this party has hired the villains below to get up a riot. They want to compel your excellency either to resign or to comply with the wishes of the people, and make peace with the French Republic. " Thugut laughed. " Compel me ! " said he, laconically. At that moment the mob yelled louder than ever, and the shout — "Peace ! we want peace !" shook the windows. Simultaneously the furious blows against the front door redou- bled in violence. "Assuredly, I cannot stand this any longer !" exclaimed the police minister, perfectly beside himself. " I ought not to listen quietly to this outi-age. " "No," said Thugut, very quietly, "we won't listen to it any longer. This is my breakfast- hour, and I invite you to be my guest. Come, let us go to the dining-room." He took the count's arm, and proceeded with him to the adjoin- ing room. Breakfast for eight persons was served in this room, for Baron Tliugut was in the habit of keeping every day open table for seven uninvited guests, and his intimate acquaintances, as well as hiH special favorites, never failed to call on the minister at least once a week during his well-known breakfast and dinner hours. To-day, however, the minister's rapid and inquisitive glances did not discover a single guest. Nobody was in the room except the eight footmen who stood behind the chairs. Well aware of their THE INTERVIEW 11 master's stern and indomitable spirit, they occupied their usual places, but their faces were very pale, and their eyes turned with an expression of extreme anxiety toward the windows which, just then, trembled again under the heavy, thundering blows levelled at the front door. "Cowards!" muttered Thugut, while walking to his chair at the upper end of the table and beckoning Count Saurau to take a seat at his side. At this moment, however, the door was hastily opened, and the steward, pale and with distorted features, rushed into the room. CHAPTER III. THE INTERVIEW. " Excuse me, your excellency, " said he, " but this time they are assuredly in earnest. The people are storming the front door — the hinges are beginning to give way, and in fifteen minutes, at the latest, the scoundrels will have forced an enti'ance !" "You had no business to close the door," said the minister. "Who ordered you to do so? Who ordered you to barricade the house, as if it were a fortress — as if we had a bad conscience and were afraid of the people ?" The steward looked aghast, and did not know what to reply. "Go down-stairs at once, " continued the minister; "order the poi-ter to open the door, and admit everj'body. Show the people up-stairs ; and you rascals who are standing there with pale faces and trembling knees, open the two folding-doors so that they can get in without hurting each other. Now do what I have told you. " The steward bowed with a sigh expressive of the agony he felt, and hurriedly left the room. The footmen, meanwhile, hastened to open the folding-doors of the dining-room, as well as those of the antechamber. The two gentlemen at the table obtaining thereby a full view of the landing of the large staircase, directly in front of the open door of the first room. "And now, Germain, " said Thugut to the footman behind his chair, "now let us have our breakfast. Be wise, my dear count, and follow my example ; take some of this sherbet. It cools the blood, and, at the same time, is quite invigorating. Drink, dear count, drink ! Ah ! just see, my cook has prepared for us to-day a genuine Turkish meal, for there is a turkey boiled with rice and paprica. The chief cook of the grand vizier himself fiu'nished me 12 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. the receipt for this exquisite dish, and I may venture to assert that you might look for it everywhere in Vienna without finding it so well prepared as at my table. " Heavy footsteps and confused voices were now heard on the stair- case. " They are coming — they really dare to enter here !" said Count Saurau, trembling with anger. "Pardon me, your excellency; I admire your heroic equanimity, but I am unable to imitate it. It is an utter impossibility for me to sit here calmly and passively, vv'hile a gang of criminals is bold enough to break into your house !" " I beg your pardon, count ; these people did not break into my house, but I voluntarily opened the door to admit them, " said Baron Thugut, coolly. " And as far as your official position is concerned, I pray you to forget it for lialf an hour, and remember only that I have the honor of seeing you — a rare guest — at my table. Let me beg you to take some of that fowl ; it is really delicious !" Count Saurau, heaving a loud sigh, took a piece of the fowl which Germain presented to him, and laid it on the silver plate that stood before him. But just as he was going to taste the first morsel, he hesitated, and looked steadily through the open doors. Several heads with shaggy hair and flashing eyes emerged above the railing of the staircase ; many others followed — now the entire figures be- came visible, and in the next moment, from twenty to thirty wild- looking men reached the landing, behind whom, on the staircase, a dense mass of other heads rose to the surface. But the loud shouts, the fierce swearing and yelling, had ceased ; the awe with wliich the intruders were filled by the aristocratic appearance of every thing they beheld, had hushed their voices, and even the intrepid orator, who previously, on the KohhnarM, had excited the people to commit acts of violence, and brought them to the minister's house — even he stood now hesitating and undecided, at the door of the dining-room, casting glances full of savage liatred and rage into the interior. Thugut took apparently no notice whatever of what was going on ; his breakfast entirely absorbed him, and he devoted his whole attention to a large piece of the turkey, which he seemed to relish greatly. Count Saurau merely feigned to eat, and looked steadfastly at his plate, as he did not want the rioters to read in his eyes the furious wrath that filled his breast. The men of tlie people did not seem to feel quite at ease on be- holding tliis stranf;;e and unexpected scene, which all of a sudden conim('nc<;(l to cool their zeal and lieroism, like a wet blanket. They had triumphantly penetrated into the palace, shouting vociferously, THE INTERVIEW. 13 and quite sure that the minister would appear before them trembling and begging for mercy ; and now, to their utter amazement, they beheld him sitting very calmly at the breakfast- table ! There was something greatly embarrassing for the poor men in this position. They .suddenly grew quite sober, and even intimi- dated, and many of those who had ascended the staircase so boister- ously and triumphantly, now deemed it prudent to withdraw as quietly as possible. The number of the heads that had appeared above the balusters was constantly decreasing, and only about twenty of the most resolute and intrepid remained at the door of the ante- room. At length, the speaker who had addressed them on the Kohlmarkt, conscious of his pledges and of the reward promised to him, over- came his momentary bashfulness and stepped boldly into the ante- room, where the others, encouraged by his example, followed him at once. Baron Thugut now raised his eyes with an air of great indiffer- ence from his plate and glanced at the men who with noisy steps approached through the anteroom. Then turning to the footman behind him, he said, in a loud voice : ''Germain, go and ask these gentlemen if they want to see me? Ask them likewise whom you will have the honor to announce to your master?" The men, overhearing these words, grew still more confused when the servant in his gorgeous livery stepped up to them, and, with a most condescending smile, informed tliem of the errand his master had given to him. But now it was out of the question to withdraw, as there was nothing left to them but to arm themselves with whatever pluck and boldness they had at their command in order to carry out the role they had undertaken to play in the most becoming manner. "Yes," said the speaker of the KoJdmarkt, loudly and resolutely, "we want to see the minister; and as for our names, I am Mr. Wenzel, of the tailors' guild; my neighbor here is Mr. Kahlbaum, also a tailor ; and others may mention their own names, so that this polite gentleman may answer them to his excellency." But none of the other men complied with this request ; on the contrary, all looked timidly aside, a inisgiving dawning in their minds that such a loud announcement of their names might not be altogether without danger for them. Germain did not wait for the final conclusion, but hastily returned to his master, in order to inform him of what he had heard. "Mr. Wenzel, of the tailors' guild, Mr. Tailor Kahlbaum, and the other gentlemen, whatever their names may be, are welcome, " 14 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. said the minister, aloud, but without interrupting his meal for a. single moment. The men thereupon advanced to the door of the dining-room. But here a proud and imperious glance from the minister caused them suddenly to halt. '' I believe you have breakfasted already ?" asked Thugut. "Yes, we have breakfasted already, " replied Mr. Wenzel, in a surly voice. "Well, unluckily,* I have not, and so I request you to let me finish my breakfast first," said Thugut, attacking once more the wing of the turkey on his plate. A long pause ensued. The men stood in the most painfid embar- rassment at the door, where the minister's stem glance had arrested them, and a most unpleasant apprehension of what might be the result of this scene began to take hold of their minds. Flashing sword-blades and muskets aimed at their breasts would not have frightened them so much as the aspect of the calm, proud, and for- bidding figui'e of the minister, and the utter indifference, the feel- ing of perfect security with which he took his breakfast in full view of a seditious mob filled the rioters with serious apprehensions for the safetj' of their own persons. " I am sure a good many soldiers and policemen are hidden about the palace, " thought Mr. Wenzel, " and that is the reason why he permitted us to enter, and why he is now so calm and unconcerned ; for as soon as we get into the dining-room, those fine-looking foot- men will lock the door behind, and the soldiers will rush out of that other door and arrest us. " These pleasant reflections were interi-upted by another terrible glance from the minister, which caused poor Mr. Wenzel to tremble violently. "Now, gentlemen, if you please, come in; I have finished my breakfast," said Thugut, with perfect coolness. " I am quite ready and anxious to hear what you wish to say to me. So, come in, come in !" The men who stood behind Mr. Wenzel moved forward, but the tall, herculean figure of the member of the tailors' guild resisted them and compelled them to stand still. "No, I beg your excellency's pardon," said Mr. Wenzel, fully determined not to cross the fatal threshold of the dining-room, "it would not become poor men like us to enter your excellency's din- ing-room. Our place is in the anteroom— there we will wait until your excellency will condescend to listen to us." Tills lnmil)Ie language, this tremulous voice, that did not tally at all with the air of a lion-bp-irted and outspoken popular leader. THE INTERVIEW. 15 which Mr. Wenzel had assumed in the street, struck terror and con- sternation into the souls of the men who had so rashly followed him into the palace. The minister rose ; his broad-shouldered figure loomed up proudly, a sarcastic smile played on his angular and well-marked features ; his shaggy white eyebrows convulsively contracted up to this mo- ment — the only outward symptom of anger which Thugut, even under the most provoking circumstances, ever exhibited — relaxed and became calm and serene again, as he approached the men with slow and measured steps. " Well, tell me now what you have come for? What can I do for you?" asked Thugut, in the full consciousness of his power. "We want to implore your excellency to give us peace. The poor people — " "Peace with whom?" calmly asked the minister. " Peace with France, your excellency — peace with General Bona- parte, who is said to be a magician, bewitching everybody, and capable of conquering all countries by a glance, by a motion of his hands, whenever he wishes to do so. If we do not make peace, he will conquer Austria too, come to Vienna, and proclaim himself emperor ; whereupon he will dismiss our own wise and good minis- ters, and give us French masters. But we would like to keep our emperor and our excellent ministers, who take care of us so pater- nally. And that is the only reason why we have come here — just to implore your excellency to have mercy with the poor people and make peace, so that the emperor may return to Vienna, and bring his state ti'easury back to the capital. Yes, men, that is all we wanted, is it not? We just wanted to pray your excellency to give us peace !" "Yes, your excellency," shouted the men, "have mercy with us, and give us peace !" "Well, for angels of peace, you have penetrated rather rudely into my house," said the minister, sternly. "You got up a riot in order to obtain peace. " " It was merely our anxiety that made us so hasty and impetuous, " said Mr. Wenzel, deprecatingly. "We ask your excellency's pardon if we have frightened you." "Frightened me !" echoed Thugut, in a tone of unmeasured con- tempt. "As if you were the men to frighten me! I knew that you would come, and I knew, too, who had bribed you to do it. Yes, yes, I know they have paid you well, Mr. Wenzel, to get up a riot — they have given jbu shining ducats for leading a mob into my house. But will their ducats be able to get you out of it again?" 16 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Mr. Wenzel turned very pale ; he uttered a shriek and staggered back a few paces. "Your excellency knew — " he said. *' Yes, I knew, " continued Thugut, sternly, " that men who have no regard for the honor and dignity of their country— men who are stupid enough to believe that it would be better to submit volun- tarily to the dominion of the French Republic, instead of resisting the demands of the regicides manfully and unyieldingly— that these men have hired you to open your big mouth, and howl about things which you do not understand, and which do not concern you at all. " At this moment, shrieks of terror and loud supplications, min- gled with violent and threatening voices, and words of military command were heard outside. The men turned anxiously around, and beheld with dismay that the staircase, which only a few minutes ago was crowded with people, was now entirely deserted. Suddenly, however, two men appeared on the landing, who were little calculated to allay the apprehensions of the rioters, for they wore the uniform of that dreaded and inexorable police who, under Thugut's administration, had inaugurated a perfect reign of terror in Vienna. The two officers approached the door of the anteroom, where they were met by Germain, the footman, who conversed with them in a whisper. Germain then hastened back to the door of the dining- room and walked in, scarcely deigning to cast a contemptuous glance on the dismayed rioters. "Well, what is it?" asked Thugut. "Your excellency, the chief of police sends word that his men are posted at all the doors of the palace, and will prevent anybody from getting out. He has cleared the streets, besides, and dispersed the rioters. The chief of police, who is in the hall below, where he is engaged in taking down the names of the criminals who are yet in the house, asks for your excellency's further orders." "Ah, he does not suspect that his own chief, the minister of police is present," said Thugut, turning with a smile to Count Saurau, who, being condemned to witness this scene in the capacity of an idle and passive spectator, had Avithdrawn into a bay-window, where he had quietly listened to the whole proceedings. " My dear count, will you permit the chief of police to come here and report to yourself?" asked Thugut. "I jnay you to give liim this permission," replied the count, ap' proachiiig his cf)ll('ague. (jerrnaiii hastened back to the policouieu in the anteroom. "And what are we—?" asked Mr. Wenzel, timidly. THE INTERVIEW. 17 " You will wait !" thundered the minister. "Withdraw into yon- der corner ! may be the chief of poli(-e will not see you there." They withdrew tremblingly into one of the corners of tlie ante- room, and did not even dare to whisper to each other, but the glances they exchanged betrayed the anguish of their hearts. The two ministei's, meanwhile, had likewise gone into the ante- room, and, while waiting for the arrival of the chief of police, con- versed in a whisper. In the course of a few minutes, the broad-shouldered and erect figure of the chief of the Viennese police appeared in the official uniform so well known to the people of the capital, who, for good reasons, were in the utmost dread of the terrible functionary. When the rioters beheld him, they turned even paler than before ; now they thought that every thing was lost, and gave way to the most gloomy forebodings. Count Saurau beckoned the chief to enter ; the latter had a paper in his right hand. " Your report, " said the count, rather harshly. " How was it possi- ble that this riot could occur? Was nobody there to disperse the seditious scoundrels before they made the attack on his excellency's palace V" The chief of police was silent, and only glanced anxiously at Baron Thugut. The latter smiled, and turned to the count : "I beg you, my dear count, don't be angry with our worthy chief of police. I am satisfied he has done his whole duty." " The whole house is surrounded, " hastily added the chief. " No- body can get out, and I have taken down the names of all the criminals. " " Except these here, " said Thugut, pointing at Mr. Wenzel and his unfortunate companions, who vainly tried to hide themselves in their corner. "But that is unnecessarj', inasmuch as they have given us their names already, and informed us of their wishes. Then, sir, the whole honoi'able meeting of the people is caught in my house as in a mouse-trap?" " Yes, we have got them all, " said the chief. " Now, I would like to know of his excellency, the minister of police, what is to be done with them. " "I beg you, my dear count," said Thugut, tiu-ning to Count Saurau, "let me have my way in this matter, and treat these men in a spirit of hospitality. I have opened them the doors of my palace and admitted them into my presence, and it would be ungenerous not to let them depart again. Do not read the list of the names which the chief holds in his hand, but permit him to give it to me, and order him to withdraw his men from my house, and let the 18 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. prisoners retire without molestation, and with all the honors of war. " "Your will shall be done, of course, your excellency, " said the count, bowing respectfully. " Deliver your list to the prime minis- ter, and go down-stairs to carry out the wishes of his excellency. " The chief delivered the list of the captured rioters, and left the room, after saluting the two dignitaries in the most respectful manner. "And we — ? may we go likewise, your excellency?" asked Mr. Wenzel, timidly. " Yes, you may go, " said Thugut. " But only on one condition. ]\Ir. Wenzel, you must first recite to me the song which the honora- ble people were howling when you came here. " "Ah, your excellency, I only know a single verse by heart !" "Well, then, let us have that verse. Out with it ! I tell you, you will not leave this room until you have recited it. Never fear, however ; for whatever it may be, I pledge you my word that no harm shall befall you. " " Very well, " said Mr. W^enzel, desperately. " I believe the verse reads as follows : " ' Triumph 1 triumph I es siegt die gute Sache 1 Die Tiirkenkaechte flieh'n 1 Laut tOnt der Donner der gerechten Sache, Nach Wien und nach Berlin. ' " * " Indeed, it is a very fine song, " said Thugut, " and can you tell me who has taught you this song? " " No, your excellency, I could not do it. Nobody knows it be- sides. It was printed on a small handbill, and circulated all over the city. A copy was thrown into every house, and the working- men, when setting out early one morning, found it in the streets." "And did you not assist in circulating this excellent song, my dear Mr. Wenzel?" " I ? God and the Holy Virgin forbid ! " exclaimed Mr. Wenzel, in dismay. " I have merely sung it, like all the rest of us, and sung it to the tune which I heard from the others. " ' "Well, well, you did right, for the melody is really pleasing. Such songs generally have the peculiarity that not a single word of them is trae ; people call that poetry. Now, you may go, my poeti- * "Triumph ! triumph 1 the good cause conquers Tlie despots' minions flee! The thunders of the just cause • Reach Vienna and Berlin 1" This hymn was universally sung at that time (1797) in all the German States, not merely by the popular classes, but likewise iu the exclusive circles of tho aristocracy. It is found iu a good many memoirs of that period. THE TWO MINISTERS. 19 cal Ml*. Wenzel, and you others, whom the people sent with this pacific mission to me. Tell your constituents that I will this time comply mercifully with their wishes, and give them peace, that is, I will let them go, and not send them to the calaboose, as they have abundantly deserved. But if you try this game again, and get up another riot, and sing that fine song once more, you may rest assured that you will be taken to jail and taught there a most unpleasant lesson. Begone now !" He turned his back on the trembling citizens, and took no notice of the respectful bows \vith which they took leave of him, where- upon they retired with soft but hasty steps, like mice escaping from the presence of the dreaded lion. " And now, my dear count, as we have finished our breakfast, let us return to my cabinet, for I believe we have to settle some addi- tional matters. " CHAPTER IV. THE TWO MINISTERS. Baron Thugut took the' count's arm and led him back to his cabinet. " I read a question in your eyes, " he said, smiling ; " may I know what it is?" " Why, yes, your excellency, " replied Count Saurau. "Let me ask you, then, wdiat all this means? Why did you ex- cuse the chief of police, w4io evidently had not done his duty and been guilty of a lack of vigilance? And why did you let these ras- cals go, instead of having them whipped to death?" "You were away from Vienna, count? You were absent from the capital beca se you accompanied their majesties on their trip to Presburg, and have returned only an hour ago. Am I right?" " Perfectly right, your excellency. " " Then you could not be aware of what has happened meanwhile here in Vienna, and the chief of police could not have informed you of the particulars. Well, then, he came to me and told me that an in- surrection liad been planned against the two emperors — (I believe you know that the people does us the honor of calling us the two emperors of Vienna) , and tliat the faction hostile to us was going to make an attempt to overthro^v u.s. A great deal of money Irad been distributed among the populace. Prince Carl von Schwarzenburg himself had dropped some indiscreet remarks. In short, the faction which hates me because I do not deem seditious Belgium a priceless jewel of the crown of Austria, and do not advise the emperor to keep 20 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. that remote province at any price — the faction which detests both of us because we do not join its enthusiastic hj mns in honor of the French Republic and the republican General Bonaparte — this fac- tion has hired the miserable rabble to represent the people, to break my windows, and frighten me sufficiently to make me ready and willing to adopt its insane policy. The chief of police came to see me yesterday. He gave me an account of the whole affair, and de- clared himself fully prepared to protect my palace, and to nip the riot in the bud. I begged him not to do any thing of the kind, but to look on passively and attentively, and only come to my palace after the mob had entered it. I was very anxious for once to find out something definite about the strength, courage, and importance of the opposing faction. It is always desirable to know one's ad- versaries, and to learn as accurately as possible what they are capa- ble of. Besides, it was a splendid opportuuitj' for the police to discover the sneaking demagogues and ringleaders of the mob, and to take down their names for the purpose of punishing them by and by, as we Europeans unfortunately cannot imitate the example of that blessed Queen of Egypt, who took a thousand conspii'ators by the tails, and, holding them in her left hand, cut off their thousand seditious heads with one stroke of the sword in her right hand. Unfortunately, we have to act by far more cautiously. " " But why did you dismiss all the rioters this time without giving them into custody ?" asked the count, moodil3^ " Why, we have them all hj the tails, anj'how, " laughed Thugut, "for have not we got the list of the names here? Ah, my dear little count, perhaps you thought I would have gone in my generosity so far as to tear this list, throw the pieces away, and avert my head, like the pious bishop who found a murderer under his bed, permitted him to escape, and averted his head in order not to see the fugitive's face and may be recognize him on some future occasion? I like to know the faces of my enemies, and to find out their names, and, depend upon it, I shall never, never forget the names I read on this list." " But for the time being, these scoundrels, having escaped with impunity, will go home in triumph, and repeat the same game as soon as another occasion offers. " " Ah, I see you do not know the people at all ! Believe me, we could not have frightened them worse than by letting them go. They are perfectly conscious of their guilt. The very idea of not having received any punishment at our hands fills them with misgivings, nnd they treml)le every moment in the exi^ectation that they will liave to suffer yet few their crime. Remorse and fear are tormenting them, and they are the best instruments to rule a people with. My THE TWO MINISTERS. 21 God, what should be done with a nation consisting of none but pure and virtuous menV It would be perfectly unassailable, while its vices and foibles are the very things by which we control it. There- fore, do not blame the people on account of its vices. I love it for the sake of them, for it is through them that I succeed in subjecting it to my will. The idea of acting upon men by appealing to their virtues, is simply preposterous. You must rely on their faults and crimes, and, owing to the latter, all these fellows whom we dis- missed to-day without i^unishment have become our property. The discharged and unpunished criminal is a sbirro — the police has only to hand him a dagger, and tell him, 'Strike there!' and he will strike." "Your excellency believes, then, that even the ringleaders should not be punished?" "By no means. Of course some of them should be chastised, in order to increase the terror of the others. But for God's sake, no public trials — no public penalties ! Wenzel should be secretly arrested and disposed of. Let him disappear — he and the other ringleaders who were bold enough to come up here. Let us immure them in some strong, thick- walled prison, and while the other rioters are vainly tormenting their heavy skulls by trying to guess what has become of their leaders, we shall render the latter so pliable and tame by all kinds of tortures and threats of capital punishment, that when we finally set them free again, they will actually believe they are in our debt, and in their gratitude become willing tools in our hands to be vised as we may deem best. " " By the eternal, j'ou are a great statesman, a sagacious ruler !" exclaimed Count Saurau, with the gushing enthusiasm of sincere admiration. "Men grow wise by listening to you, and happy and powerful by obeying you ! I am entirely devoted to you — full of affection and veneration — and do not want to be any thing but your attentive and grateful pupil. " "Be my friend," said Thugut. "Let us pursue our career hand in hand — let us always keep our common goal in view, and shrink back from no step in order to reach it. " " Tell me what I am to do. I shall follow you as readily as the blind man follows his guide. " "Well, if you desire it, my friend, we will consider a little how we have to steer the ship of state during the next months in order to get her safely through the breakers that are threatening her on all sides. During the few days of your absence from the capital, various events have occurred, materially altering the general state of affairs. When you departed, I advised the emperor uot to make peace with France under any circumstances. We counted at tliat 22 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA time on the regiments of grenadiers whom we had sent to the seat of war, and who, under the command of Arcliduke Charles, were to defend the defiles of Neumarkt against the advancing columns of the French army. We knew, besides, that the French troops were worn out, exhausted, and anxious for peace, or that General Bona- parte would not have addressed that letter to the Archduke Charles, in which he requested the latter to induce the Emperor of Austria to conclude peace with France. In accordance with our advice, the archduke had to give Bonaparte an evasive answer, informing him that, in case of further negotiations, he would have to send to Vienna for fresh instructions. " " But, your excellency, you were firmly determined not to make peace with France !" " So I was, and even now I have not changed my mind ; but we are frequently compelled to disguise our real intentions, and events have occurred, which, for the present, render peace desirable. You need not be frightened, my dear count — I merely say, for the present. In my heart I shall never make peace with France, and mj^ pur- pose remains as fixed as ever — to revenge Austria one day for the humiliations we have suffered at her hands. Never forget that, my friend ; and now listen to me. Late dispatches have arrived. Mas- sena, after a bloody struggle with our troops, has taken Friesach, and advanced on the next day to attack the fresh regiments of our grenadiers in the gorges of Neumarkt. Archduke Charles had placed himself at the head of these regiments, firing the courage of the soldiers by his own heroic example. But he was confronted bj the united French forces from Italy and Germany, and in the even- ing of that disastrous day the archduke and his grenadiers were compelled to evacuate Neumarkt, which was occvipied by the victo- rious French. The archduke now asked the French general for a cessation of hostilities during twenty-four hours in order to gain time, for lie was in hopes that this respite would enable him to bring up the corps of General von Kerpen, and then, with his united forces, drive the enemy back again. But this little General Bona- parte seems to possess a great deal of sagacity, for he rejected the request, and sent a detached column against Von Kerpen 's corps, which separated the latter still farther from our main army. Bona- parte himself advanced with his forces as far as Fudenberg and Leoben. In order to save Vienna, there was but one course left to the archduke : he had to make proposals of peace. " " Did he really do so?" asked Count Saurau, breathlessly. "He did. He sent two of our friends— Count ]\Ieerveldt, and the Man}uis do Gallo — to Bonaparte's hendciuarters at Leoben, for the purpose of opening negotiations with him." THE TWO MINISTERS 23 "Did your excellency authorize the archduke to do so?" asked the count. "No, I did not, and I might disavow it now if it suited me, but it does not — it would not promote our interests — and I know but one policy, the policy of interest. We should always adopt those measures which afford us a reasonable prospect of gain, and discard those which may involve us in loss. Power alone is infallible, eter- nal, and divine, and power has now decided in favor of France. Wherefore we must yield, and don the garb of peace until we secure once more sufficient power to renew hostilities. We must make peace ! Our aim, however, should be to render this peace as advan- tageous to Austria as possible — " " You mean at the expense of France ?" " Bah ! — at the expense of Germany, my dear little count. Ger- many is to compensate us for the losses which peace may inflict. If we lose any territory in Italj^ why, we shall make it up in Germany, that is all. " "But in that case, there will be another terrible hue and ciy about the infringement of the rights of the hoh^ German empire, " said Count Saurau, smiling ; " Prussia will have a new opportunity of playing the defender of the German fatherland. " "My dear count, never mind the bombastic nonsense in which Prussia is going to indulge — we shall take good care that nothing comes of it. Prussia has no longer a Frederick the Great at her head, but the fat Frederick William the Second — " '•'"But his life," said the covmt, interrupting him, "I know for certain, will last but a few days, at best for a few weeks ; for his disease, dropsy of the chest, you know, does not even respect kings. " "And when Prussia has lost her present fat king, she will have another, Frederick William — a young man twenty-seven years of age, voild tout! He is just as old as General Bonaparte, and was born in the same year as this general whose glory already fills the whole, world ; but of the young heir of the Prussian throne the Avorld has heard nothing as yet, except that he has a most beautiful wife. He is not dangerous, therefore, and I hope and believe that Austria never will lack the power to humiliate and check this Prussian king- dom — this revolutionary element in the heart of the German empire. The danger, however, that threatens us now, does not come from Prussia, but from Fi-ance, and especially from this General Bona- parte, who, by his glory and his wonderful battles, excites the wildest enthusiasm for the cause of the revolution, and delights the stupid masses so much that they hail him as a new messiah of liberty. Liberty, detestable word ! that, like the fatal bite of the tarantula, 3 24 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. renders men furious, and causes them to rave about in frantic dances until death strikes tliem down." " This word is the talismanic charm with which Bonaparte has conquered all Italy, and transformed the Italians into insurgents and rebels against their legitimate sovereigns, " said Count Saurau, mournfully. "All Italy? Not yet, my friend. A portion of it still stands firm. The lion of St. Mark has not yet fallen. " " But he will fall. His feet are tottering already. " " Well, then, we must try to make him fall in a manner which will entitle us to a portion of the spoils. And now, my dear little count, we have reached the point which claims our immediate attention. The preliminaries of the peace have been concluded at Leoben, and until peace itself is established, we should pursue such a policy that the peace, instead of involving Austria in serious losses, will give her a chance to increase her strength and enlarge her territory. We must keep our eyes on Bavaria — for Bavaria will and must be ours as soon as a favorable opportunity offers. If France should object and refuse to let us seize our prey, why, we will be sure to revive the old quarrel about Belgium, which will render her willing and tame enough." " But what shall we do if Prussia should support the objections of France? Shall we satisfy her, too, by giving her a piece of Germany ?" " On the contrary, we shall try to take as much as possible frovi her ; we shall try to humiliate and isolate her, in order to deprive her of the power of injuring us. We shall endeavor so to arrange the peace we are going to conclude with France as to benefit Aus- tria, and injure Prussia as much as we can. In the north, we shall increase our territory by the acquisition of Bavaria ; in the south, by the annexation of Venice." " By the annexation of Venice !" ejaculated Count Saurau, greatly astonished at what he had heard. " But did you not just tell me that Venice still stood firm?" "We must bring about her fall, my dear count ; that is our great task just now ; for, I repeat, Venice is to compensate us on our southern frontier for our losses elsewhere. Of course, we ought to receive; some substantial ('([uivalent for ceding Belgium to France, and if it cannot be Bavaria, then let it be Venice." " Nevertheless, I do not comprehend — " " My dear count, if my schemes were so easily fathomed, they could not be very profound. Everybody may guess the game I am playing now; but the cards I have got in my hand must remain a tiecret until 1 have played them out, or I would run the risk of losing THE TWO MINISTERS. 25 every thing. But this time I will let you peep into my cards, and you shall help me win the game. Venice is the stake we are play- ing for, my dear count, and we want to annex her to Austria. How is that to be brought about ?" "I confess, your excellency, that my limited understanding is unable to answer that question, and that I cannot conceive how a sovereign and independent state is to become an Austrian province in the absence of any claims to its territory, except by an act of open violence." " Not exactly, my dear count. Suppose we set a mouse- trap for Venice, and catch her, like a mouse, in it? Listen to me! We must encourage Venice to determine upon open resistance against the victor of Lodi, and make war upon France. " " Ah, your excellency, I am afraid the timid signoria will not be bold enough for that, after hearing of our late defeats, and of the new victories of the French. " "Precisely. It is of the highest importance, therefore, that the signoria should hear nothing of it, but believe exactly the reverse, viz., that our troops are victorious; and this task, my friend, de- volves upon you. Pray dispatch, at once, some reliable agents to Venice, and to other parts of the Venetian territory. Inform the signoria that the French have been defeated in the Tyrol and in Styria, and was now in the most precarious position. Through some other confidential messenger send word to Count Adam Neip- perg, who, with some of our regiments occui^ies the southern Tyrol in close proximity to the Venetian frontier, that Venetia is ready to rise and needs his assistance, and order him to advance as far as Verona. The Venetians will look upon this advance as a confirma- tion of the news of our victories. The wise little mice will only smell the bait, and, in their joy, not see the trap we have set for them. They will rush into it, and we shall catch them. For a rising in Venice will be called nowadays a rebellion against France, and France will hasten to punish so terrible a crime. The Venetian Republic will be destroyed by the French Republic, and then we shall ask France to cede us Venice as a compensation for the loss of Belgium. " " By the Eternal ! it is a splendid — a grand scheme !" exclaimed Count Saurau — "a scheme worthy of being planned by some great statesman. In this manner we shall conquer a new province with- out firing a gvm, or spilling a drop of blood. " "No. Some blood will be shed," said Thugut, quietly. "But it will not be Austrian blood— it will be the blood of the Venetian in- surgents whom we instigate to rise in arms. This bloodshed will glue them firmly to us, for no cement is more tenacious than blood. 26 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. And now, my dear count, as you know and approve of mj- plans, I l^ray you to carry them out as rapidly as possible. Dispatch your agents without delay to Venice and to the Tj'rol. We have no time to lose, for the preliminaries of Leoben only extend to the eighteenth of April, and until then Venice must have become a ripe fruit, which, in the absence of hands to pluck it, will spontaneously fall to the ground. " " In the course of an hour, your excellency, I shall have executed your orders, and my most skilful spies and agents will be on their road. " "Whom are you going to send to the Venetian signoria? " " The best confidential agent I have — Anthony Schulmeister. " "Oh, I know him ; he has often served me, and is very adroit, indeed. But do not forget to i)ay him well in order to be sure of his fidelity, for fortunately he has a failing which renders it easy for us to control him. He is exceedingly covetous, and has a pretty wife who spends a great deal of money. Pay him well, therefore, and he will do us good service. And now, farewell, my dear count. I believe we understand each other perfectly, and know what we have to do. " , " I have found out once more that the Austi-ian ship of state is in the hands of a man who knows how to steer and guide her, as no other ruler does, " said Count Savirau, who rose and took his hat. "I have inherited this talent, perhaps, my dear count. My father, the ship -builder, taught me all about the management of ships. Addio, caro amico mio." They cordially shook hands, and Count Saurau, with a face radi- ant with admiration and affection, withdrew from the cabinet of the prime minister. A smile still plaj'ed on his features when the footman in the anteroom assisted him in putting on his cloak, whereupon he rapidly descended the magnificent marble staircase which an hour ago had been desecrated by the broad and clumsy feet of the populace. But when the door of his carriage had closed behind him, and no piying eyes, no listening ears were watching him any longer, his smile disappeared as if bj- magic, and savage imprecations burst from his lips. "Intolerable arrogance ! Revolting insolence !" said he, angrily. "He thinks he can play the despot, and treat all of us — even myself —worse than slaves. He dares to call me 'his little count!' His little count ! Ah, I shall prove to this ship-builder's son one day that little Count Saurau is, after all, a greater man than our overbearing aud conceited prime minister. But patience, patience ! My day will come. And on that day I shaJl hurl little Thugut from his fininent position I" THE HOUSE IN THE GUMPENDORFER SUBURB 'Z1 CHAPTER V. THE HOUSE IN THE GUMPENDORFER SUBURB. Vienna was really terribly frightened by the near approach of the French army, and the conviction of their dangei'ous position had excited ihe people so fearfully that the Viennese, generally noted for their peaceful and submissive disposition, had committed an open riot — for the sole purpose, however, of compelling the all- powerful prime minister to make peace with France. Archduke Charles had been defeated — the emperor had fled to Hungary. None of all these disastrous tidings had disturbed the inmates of a small house on the outskirts of the Gumpendorfer suburb, in close proximity to the Mariahilf line. This little house was a perfect image of peace and tranquillity. It stood in the centre of a small garden which showed the first tender blossoms of returning sj^ring on its neatly arranged beds. Dense shrubbery covered the white walls of the hovise with evergreen verdure. Curtains as white and dazzling as fresh snow, and, between them, flower-pots filled with luxuriant plants, might be seen behind the glittering window-panes. Although there was nothing very peculiar about the house, which had but two stories, yet nobody passed by without looking up to tln' ■windows with a reverential and inquisitive air, and he who onlj- thouglit he could discover behind the panes the fugitive shadow of a human l)eing, made at once a deep and respectful bow, and a proud and happy smile overspread his features. And still, we repeat, there was nothing very peculiar about the house. Its outside was plain and modest, and the inside was equally so. The most profound silence iirevailed in the small hall, the floor of which had been sprinkled with fresh white sand. A large spotted cat — a truly beautiful animal — lay not far from the front door on a soft, white cushion, and played gracefulh'- and gently with the ball of white yarn that had just fallen from the woman sitting at the window while she was eagerlj" engaged in knitting. This woman, in her plain and unassuming dress, seemed to be a servant of the house, but at all events a servant in whom entire confidence was reposed, as was indicated by the large bunch of keys, such as the lady of the house or a trusted housekeeper will cany, which hung at her side. An expression of serene calmness rendered her vener- able features quite attractive, and a graceful smile played on her thin and bloodless lips as she now dropped her knitting ujion her lap, and, with her body bent forward, commenced watching the merry play of the cat on the cushion. Suddenly the silence was 28 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. interrupted by a loud and shrill scream, and a very strange-sound- ing voice uttered a few incoherent words in English. At the same time a door was opened hastily, and another woman appeared — just as old, just as kind-looking, and with as mild and serene features as the one we have just described. Her more refined appearance, however, her handsome dress, her beautiful cap, her well-powdered toupet, and the massive gold chain encircling her neck, indicated that she .was no servant, but the lady of the house. However, peculiarly pleasant relations seemed to prevail between the mistress and the servant, for the appearance of the lady did not cause the latter to interrupt her merry play with the cat ; and the mistress, on her part, evidently did not consider it sti'ange or disre- spectful, but quietly approached her servant. " Catharine, " she said, "just listen how that abominable bird, Paperl, screams again to-day. I am sure the noise will disturb the doctor, who is at work already. " " Yes, Paperl is an intolerable nuisance, " sighed Catharine. " I cannot comprehend why the Kapellmeister — I was going to say the doctor — likes the bird so well, and why he has brought it along from England. Yes, if Paperl could sing, in that case it would not be strange if the Ka — , I mean the doctor, had grown fond of the bird. But no, Paperl merely jabbers a few broken words which no good Christian is able to understand. " "He who speaks English can understand it well enough, Catha- rine, " said the lady, " for the bird talks English, and in that respect Paperl knows more than either of us. " " But Paperl cannot talk German, and I think that our language, especially our dear Viennese dialect, sounds by far better than that horrid English. I don't know why the doctor likes the abominable noise, and why he suffers the bird to disturb his quiet by these out- rageous screams. " "I know it well enough, Catharine," said the doctor's wife, with a gentle smile. "The parrot reminds my husband of his voy- age to England, and of all the glory and honor that were showered ujx)n him there." " Well, as far as that is concerned, I should think it was entirely unnecessary for my master to make a trip to England, " exclaimed Catharine. "He has not returned a more famous man than he was already when he went away. The English were unable to add to his glory, for he was already the most celebrated man in the whole world when he went there, and if that had not been the case, they would not have invited him to come and perform his beautiful music before tliem, for then they would not have known that he is ^uch a splendid musician." THE HOUSE IN THE GUMPENDORFER SUBURB. 39 " But they were delighted to see him, Catharine, and I tell you they have perfectly overwhelmed him with honors. Every day they gave him festivals, and even the king and queen urged him frequently to take up his abode in England. The queen promised him splendid apartments in Windsor Castle, and a large salarj-, and in return my husband was to do nothing but to perform every day for an hour or so before her majesty, or sing with her. Nevertlie- less, he had the courage to refuse the brilliant offers of the king and queen, and do you know, Catharine, why he rejected them?" Catharine knew it well enough ; she had frequentl}^ heard the story from her mistress during the two years since the doctor had returned from England, but she was aware that the lady liked to repeat it, and she liked it very much, too, to hear people talk about her beloved master's fame and glory, having faithfully served him already for more than twenty years. Hence she said, with a kind- hearted smile : "No, indeed, I dont know it, and I cannot comprehend why the doctor said no to the king and queen of England. " •'He did so for my sake, Catharine!" said the lady, and an ex- pression of joyful pride shed a lustre of beauty and tenderness over her kind old face. " Yes, I tell you, it was solely for my sake that my husband came home again. 'Remain with us!' said the king to him. ' You shall have every thing the queen has ofifered you. You shall live at Windsor, and sing once a day with the queen. Of you, my dear doctor, I shall not be jealous, for you are an excel- lent and honest German gentleman. ' And when the king had told him that, my husband bowed respectfully, and replied : 'Your maj- esty, it is my highest pride to maintain this reputation. But jvijt because I am an honest German, I must tell you that I cannot stay here — I cannot leave my country and my wife forever 1' " ' Oh, as far as that is concerned, ' exclaimed the king, ' we shall send for your wife. She shall live with you at Windsor. ' But my husband laughed and said: 'She will never come, your iijajest3\ She would not cross the Danube in a skitf, much less make a trip beyond the sea. And, therefore, there is nothing left to me but to return myself to my little wife. ' And he did so, and left the king, and the queen, and all the noble lords and ladies, and came back to Vienna, and to his little wife. Say, Catharine, was not that well done of him?" "Of course it was," said Catliarine ; "the fact was, our good doctor loved his wife better than the (jueeu, and all the high born people who treated liim so well in England. And, besides, he knew that people hereabouts treat him with as much deference as over there, and that if he only desired it, he could bold daily intercourse 30 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. with the emperor, the princes, and the highest dignitaries in the country. But he does not care for it. The fact is, our master is by- far too modest ; he is always so quiet and unassuming, that nobody, unless they knew him, would believe for a single moment that he is so far-famed a man ; and then he dresses so plainly, while he might deck himself with all the diamond rings and breast-pins, the splen- did watches and chains, which the various sovereigns have given to him. But all these fine things he keeps shut up in his desk, and constantly wears the same old silver watch which he has had already God knows how long ! " " Why, Catharine, that was the wedding-present I gave him, " said the good wife, proudly ; "and just for that reason my husband wears it all the time, although he has watches by far more beautiful and valuable. At the time I gave him that watch, both of us were veiy poor. He was a young music -teacher, and I was a hair- di-esser's daughter. He lived in a small room in my father's house, and as he often could not pay the rent, he gave me every day a lesson on the piano. But in those lessons, I did not only learn music — I learned to love him, too. He asked me to become his wife, and on our wedding-day, I gave him the silver watch, and that is just the reason why he wears it all the time, although he has by far better ones. His wife's present is more precious to him than what kings and emperors have given to him. " " But he might wear at least a nice gold chain to it, " said Catha- rine. "Why, I am sure he has no less than a dozen of them. But he never wears one of them, not even the other day when the Prin- cess Esterhazy called for him with her carriage to drive with him to the emperor. The doctor wore on that occasion only a plain blue ribbon, on which his own name was embroidered in silver. " " Well, there is a story to that ribbon, " said the mistress, thought- fully. "My husband brought it likewise from Loudon, and he got it there on one of his proudest days. I did not know the story my- self, for you are aware my husband is always so modest, and never talks about his great triumplis in London, and I woidd not have learned any thing about the ribbon if he liad not worn it the other day when he accomimnied the princess to the emperor. Ah, Catha- rine, it is a very beautiful and touching story ! " Catharine did not know this story at all ; hence she asked her mistress with more than usual animation to tell her all about the ribbon. The doctor's wife assented readily. She sat down on a chair at Catharine's side, and looked with a pleasant smile at the cat who had come up to her, and, purring comfortably, lay down on the hem of her dress. THE HOUSE IN THE GUMPENDORFER SUBURB. 31 "Yes," said she, "the story of that ribbon is quite touching, and I do not know really. Catharine, but I will have to shed a few tears while telling it. It was in London, when my husband had just returned from Oxford, where the imiversity had conferred upon him the title of Doctor of — " "Yes, yes, I know," grumbled Catharine, "that is the reason why we now have to call him doctor, which does not sound near as imposing and distinguished as our master's former title of Kapell- meister. " "But then it is a very high honor to obtain the title of doctor of music in England, Catharine. The great composer Handel lived thirty years in England without receiving it, and my husband had not been there but a few months when they conferred the title upon him. Well, then, on the day after his return from Oxford, he was invited to the house of a gentleman of high rank and great wealth, who gave him a brilliant party. A large number of ladies and gen- tlemen were present, and when my husband appeared among them they rose and bowed as respectfully as though he were a king. When the doctor had returned the compliment, he perceived that every lady in the room wore in her hair a ribbon of blue silk, on which his name had been embroidered in silver. His host woi'e the same name in silver beads on his coat-facings, so that he looked precisely as if he were my husband's servant, and dressed in his livery. Oh, it was a splendid festival which Mr. Shaw — that was the gentleman's name — gave him on that day. At length Mr. Shaw asked the doctor to give him a souvenir, whereupon he presented him with a snuff-box he had purchased in the course of the day for a few shillings ; and when my husband requested the lady of the house, whom he pronounces the most beautiful woman on earth, to give him likewise a souvenir ; Mrs. Shaw thereupon took the ribbon from her head and handed it to him ; and my husband pressed it to his lips, and assured her he would always wear that ribbon on the most solemn occasions. You see, Catharine, he keeps his pi'omise religiously, for he wore the ribbon the other day when he was called to the imperial palace. But my story is not finished j'et. Your master called a few da3's after that party on Mr. Shaw, when the latter showed him the snuff-box he had received fi'ora my husband. It was enclosed in a handsome silver case, a beautiful lyre was engraved on the lid, with an inscription stating that my great and illustrious husband had given him the box.* How do you like my story, Catharine? " "Oh, it is beautiful." said the old servant, thoughtfully ; "only, what you said about that beautiful jMrs. Shaw did not exactly please * The inscription was: "Ex dono celeberrimi Josephi Haydn," 32 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. me. I am sure the doctor got the parrot also from her, and for that reason likes the bird so well, although it screeches so horribly, and doubtless disturbs him often in his studies." "Yes, he got the bird from Mrs. Shaw," replied her mistress, with a smile. "She taught Paperl to whistle three airs from my husband's finest quartets, singing and whistling the music to the bird every day during three or four weeks for several hours, until Paperl could imitate them ; and when my husband took leave of her, she gave him the parrot." " But the bird never whistles the tunes any more. I have only heard Paperl do it once, and that was on the day after the doctor's return from England. " " I know the reason why. The bird hears here every day so much music, and so many new melodies which the doctor plays on his piano, that its head has grown quite confused, and poor Paperl has forgotten its tunes. " "It has not forgotten its English words, though," murmured Catharine. " What may be the meaning of these words which the bird is screaming all the time?" "That beautiful Mrs. Shaw taught Paperl to pronounce them, Catharine. I do not know their precise meaning, but they com- mence as follows : 'Forget me not, forget me not — ' Good Heaven ! the bird has commenced screaming again. I am sure it has not had any sugar to-day. Where is Conrad ? He ought to attend to the bird." "He has gone down town. The doctor has given him several errands. " "Good Heaven ! the screams are almost intolerable. Go, Catha- rine, and give poor Paperl a piece of sugar. " "I dare not, madame ; it always snaps at me with its abominable beak, and if the chain did not prevent it from attacking me, it would scratch out my eyes. " "I am afraid of it, too," said the lady, anxiously ; "nevertheless we cannot permit the bird to go on in this manner. Just listen to it — it is yelling as though it were going to be roasted. It will disturb my husband, and you know the doctor is composing a new piece. Come, Catharine, we must quiet the bird. I will give him the sugar. " "And I shall take my knitting-needles along, and if it should try to bite, I will hit it on the beak. Let us go now, madame." And the two women walked boldly across the anteroom, toward the door of the small parlor, in order to commence the campaign against the parrot. Tiie cat followed them gravely and solemnly, and with an air as though it had tnken the liveliest interest in the conversation, and thought it might greatly assist them in pacifying the screaming bircj. JOSEPH HAYDN. 33 CHAPTER VI. JOSEPH HAYDN. While the parrot's screams had rendered the mistress and her maid so uneasy, the most profound stillness and quiet reigned in the upper rooms of the little house. Not a sound interrupted the silence of this small, elegantly -furnished sitting-room. Even the sun ap- jmrently dai-ed only to send a few stealthy beams through the win- dows, and the wind seemed to hold its breath in order not to shake the panes of the small chamber adjoining, venerated by all the inmates of the house as a sacred temple of art. In this small chamber, in this temple of art, a gentleman, appar- ently engaged in reading, was seated at a table covered with papers and music-books, close to an open piano. He was no longer young ; on the contrary, beholding only the thin white hair hanging down on his expansive and wrinkled forehead, and his stooping form, it became evident that he was an old man, nearly seventy j-ears of age. But as soon as he raised his eyes from the paper, as soon as he turned them toward heaven with an air of blissful enthusiasm, tlie fire of eternal youth and radiant joyousness burst forth from those ej'es ; and whatever the white hair, the wrinkled forehead, the furrowed cheeks and the stooping form might tell of the long years of his life, those eyes were full of youthful ardor and strength — only the body of this white haired man was old; in his soul he had remained young — a youth of fervid imagination, procreative power, and nervous activity. Tliis venerable man with the soul, the heart, and the eyes of a youth, was Joseph Haydn, the great composer, whose glory, even at that time, filled the whole woi'ld, although he had not yet written his greatest masterpieces — the " Creation" and the " Seasons. " He was working to-day at the " Creation. " * The poem, which liad been sent to him from England, and which his worthy friend Von Swieten had translated into German, lay before him. He had sead it again and again, and gradually it seemed as if the words .vere transformed into music ; gradually he heard whispering — low at first, then louder, and more sublime and majestic — the jubilant choirs of heaven and earth, that were to resound in his "Creation." As yet he had not written a single note ; he had only read the poem, and composed in reading, and inwardly weighed and tried the sublime melodies which, when reduced to time and measure, and combined into an harmonious whole, were to form the new im- * Hadyn commenced the "Creation " in 1797, and finished it in April, 1798. 34 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. mortal work of his genius. While thus reading and composing, the aged musician was transformed more and more into a youth, and the glowing enthusiasm which burst forth from his eyes became ever}- moment more radiant, surrounding his massive forehead with a halo of inspiration, and shedding the purple lustre of ecstatic joy upon his furrowed cheeks. "Yes, yes, it will do. I shall succeed !" he exclaimed suddenly, in a loud and full voice. "God will give me the strength to com- plete this work ; but it must be commenced with Him — strength and inspiration come from Him alone !" And Joseph Haydn, perhaps not quite conscious of what he was doing, knelt down and with folded hands, and beaming eyes lifted up to heaven, he prayed : " O, Lord God, give me Thy blessing and Thy strength, that I may gloriously and successfully carry out this work, which praiseth Thee and Thy creation. Breathe Thy Holy Spirit into the words which Thou speakest in ray work. Speak through me to Thy ci'eatures, and let my music be Thy language !" He paused, but remaining on his knees, continued to look up to heaven. Then he rose slowly, and like a seer or a somnambulist, with eyes opened but seeing nothing, he went to his piano without knowing what he was doing. He sat down on the stool, and did not know it ; his hands touched the kej^s and drew magnificent chords from them, and he did not hear them. He only heard the thousands of seraphic voices which in his breast chanted sublime anthems ; he only heard the praise of his own winged soul which, in divine ecstasy, soared far into the realm of eternal harmonies. Louder and louder rolled the music he drew from the keys ; now it burst forth into a tremendous jubilee, then again it died away in melancholy complaints and gentle whispers, and again it broke out into a swelling, thundering anthem. At length Haydn concluded with a sonorous and brilliant passage, and then with youthful agility jumped up from his seat. "That was the prelude," he said, aloud, "and now we will go to work. " He hastilj' threw the white and comfortable dressing-gown from his shoulders and rapidly walked toward the looking-glass which hung over the bureau. Every thing was ready for his toilet, the footman having carefully arranged the whole. He put the cravat with lace trimmings around his neck and arranged the tie before the looking-glass in tlie most artistic manner ; then he slipped into the long waistcoat of silver-lined velvet, and finally put on the long- tailed brown coat with bright metal buttons. He was just going to put the heavy silver watr-h, which his wife had given him on their wedding-day, into his vest-pocket, wli(>n his eye fell upon the blue JOSEPH HAYDN. 35 ribbon embroidered with silver, which, ever since his visit to the imperial palace, had lain on the bm-eau. "1 Mall wear it on this holiday of mine," said Haydn, with great warmth, " for I think the day on which a new work is begim is a holiday, and we ought to wear our choicest ornaments to celebrate it. " He attached the ribbon to his watch, threw it over his neck, and slipped the watch into his vest-pocket. " If that beautiful Mrs. Shaw could see me now, " he whispered, almost inaudibly, "how her magnificent eyes would sparkle, and what a heavenly smile would animate her angelic features ! Yes, ye», I will remember her smile — it shall find an echo in the jubilant accords of my Creation. But let us begin — let us begin !" He rapidly walked toward his desk, but stopped suddenly. "Hold on !" said he ; " I really forgot the most important thing — my ring. While looking at the precious ribbon of my beautiful English friend, I did not think of the ring of my great king — and still it is the talisman without which I cannot work at all." Returning once more to the bureau, he opened a small case and took from it a ring which he put on his finger. He contemplated the large and brilliant diamonds of the ring with undisguised admiration. "Yes," he exclaimed — "yes, thou art my talisman, and when I look at thee, it seems to me as if I saw the eyes of the great king beaming down upon me, and pouring courage and enthusiasm into my heart. That is the reason, too, why I cannot work unless I have the ring on my finger. * But now I am ready and adorned like a bridegi'oom who is going to his young bride. Yes, yes, it is just so with me. I am going to mj'- bride — to St. Cecilia !" When he now returned to his desk, his features assumed a grave and solemn expression. He sat down once more at the piano and played an anthem, then he resumed his seat at the desk, took a sheet of music-paper and commenced Avriting. He wielded his pen with the utmost rapidity, and covered page after page with the queer little dots and dashes which we call notes. And Haydn's eyes flashed and his cheeks glowed, and a heavenly smile played on his lips while he was writing. But all of a suddeli his pen stopped, and a slight cloud settled on his brow. Some pas- sage, may be a modulation, had displeased him, in what he had just composed, for he glanced over the last few lines and shook his head. He looked down sadly and dropped the pen. * Haydn had dedicated six quartets to Frederick the Great, who acknowledged the compliment by sending him a valuable diamond riuR. Haydn wore this ring whenever he composed a new work, and it seemed to him as though inspiration failed him unless he wore the ring. He stated this on many occasions. 36 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " Help me, O Lord God — help me !" he exclaimed, and hastily seized the rosary which always lay on his desk. " Help me !" he muttered once moi'e, and, while hurriedly pacing the room, he slipped the beads of the rosary through his fingers and whispered an Ave Maria. His praj'er seemed to have the desired effect, for the cloud disap- peared from his forehead, and his eyes beamed again with the fervor of inspiration. He resumed his seat and wrote on with renewed energy. A holy peace now settled on his serene features, and reigned around him in the silent little cabinet. But all at once this peaceful stillness was interrupted by a loud noise resounding from below. Vociferous lamentations were heard, and heavy footsteps ascended the staircase. Haydn, however, did not hear any thing — his genius was soaring far away in the realm of inspiration, and divine harmonies still enchanted his ears. But now the door of the small parlor was opened violently, and his wife, with a face deadly pale and depicting the liveliest anxiety, rushed into the room. Catharine and Conrad, the aged footman, appeared behind her, while the cat slipped in with her mistress, and the parrot ejaculated the most frantic and piercing screams. Haydn started in dismay from his seat and stared at his wife without being able to utter a single word. It was something un- heard of for him to be disturbed by his wife during his working hours, hence he very naturally concluded that something unusual, something really terrible must have occurred, and the frightened looks of his wife, the pale faces of his servants, plainlj' told him that he was not mistaken. '■Oh, husband — poor, dear husband !" wailed his wife, "pack up your papers, the time for working and composing is past. Conrad has brought the most dreadful tidings from the city. We are all lost ! — Vienna is lost ! Oh, dear, dear ! it is awful, and I tell you I am almost frightened out of my senses !" And the old lady, trembling like an aspen-leaf, threw herself into an arm-chair. "What in Heaven's name is the matter?" asked Haydn — "what is it that has frightened you thus? Conrad, tell me what is the news ?" "Oh, my dear master," wailed Conrad, approaching the doctor with folded hands and shaking knees, "it is all up with us ! Aus- tria is lost — Vienna is Icjst — and consequently we are lost, too ! Late dispatches have arrived from tlie army. Ah ! what do I say? — army? We have no longer an army — our forces are entirely dispersed — Arch- duke Charles has lost another battle — old Wurmser has been driven back— and General Bonaparte is advancing upon Vienna. " JOSEPH HAYDN. 37 "These are sad tidings, indeed," said Haydn, shrugging his shoulders, "still they are no reason why we should despair. If the archduke has lost a battle — why, all generals have lost battles — '' "Bonaparte never lost one," replied Conrad, with a profound sigh, " he wins every battle, and devours all countries he wants to conquer. " "We must pack up our things, Joseph," said Mrs. Haydn — "we must burj' our money, our plate, and especially your jewels and trin- kets, so that those French robbers and cannibals will not find them. Come, husband, let us go to work quickly, before they come and take every thing from us. " ■'Hush, wife, hush!" said Haydn, mildly, and a gentle smile overspi-ead his features. " Never fear about our few trifles, and do not think that the French just want to come to Vienna for what few gold snuff-boxes and rings I have got. If they were anxious for gold and jewels, coming as they do as enemies, they might simply open the imperial treasury and take there all thej" want. " " Yes, but they would not find any thing, " said Conrad. " The treasury is empty, doctor, entirely empty. Every thing is gone ; there is not a single crown, not a single precious stone left in the treasury. " "Well, and where is the whole treasure then, you fool?" asked Haydn, with a smile. " They have taken it to Presburg, master. I saw the wagons my- self — soldiers rode in front of them, soldiers behind them. All streets, all places were crowded with people, and a riot broke out, and oh ! such lamentations, such wails ! — and finally the people became des- perate, and roared and yelled that the government should make peace, and prevent the French from coming to Vienna and bombarding the city ; and in their desperation they grew quite bold and brave, and thousands of them marched to the house of Minister Thugut, whom they call the real emperor of Vienna, and tried to compel him to make peace. " " Sad, sad tidings, indeed !" sighed Haydn, shaking his head. "Worse than I thought. Tlie people riotous and rebellious — the army defeated — and the enemy marching upon Vienna. But don't despair — courage, courage, children ; let us put our trust in God and our excellent emperor. Those two will never forsake us — they will guard and protect Vienna, and never suffer a single stone to be taken from its walls. " "Ah, husband, don't count any longer upon the emperor," said his wife. " For that is the worst part of the news, and shows that every thing is lost : the emperor has left Vienna. " "What!" exclaimed Haydn, and his face grew flushed with B8 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA anger. "Wliat, they dare to slander the emperor so infamously as that ! They dare to assert that the emperor has forsaken his Vien- nese when they are in danger? No, no, the emperor is an honest man and a faithful prince ; he will share good and evil days alike with his people. A good shejiherd does not leave his flock, a good prince does not leave his people. " " But the emperor has forsaken us, " said Conrad ; " it is but too true, master. All Vienna knows it, and all Vienna mourns over it. The emperor is gone, and so are the empress and the imperial chil- dren. All are gone and off for Presburg. " "Gone ! the emperor gone !" muttered Haydn, mournfully, and a deadly paleness suddenly covered his cheeks. " Oh, poor Austi'ia ! poor people ! Thy emperor has forsaken thee — he has fled from thee !" He sadly inclined his head, and profound sighs escaped from his breast. "Do you see now, husband, that I was right?" asked his wife. -' Is it not true that it is high time for us to think of om- property, and to pack up and bury our valuables?" "No!" exclaimed Haydn, raising his head again; "this is no time to think of ourselves, and of taking care of our miserable prop- erty. The emperor has left — that means, the emperor is in danger : and therefore, as his faithful subjects, we should pray for him, and all our thoughts and wishes should only be devoted to his welfare. In the hour of danger we should not be faint-hearted, and bow our heads, but lift them up to God, and hope and trust in Him ! Whj- do the people of Vienna lament and desjiair? They should sing and pray, so that the Lord God above may hear their voices — they should sing and pray, and I will teach them how !" And with proud steps Haydn went to the piano, and his hands began to play gently, at first, a simple and choral-like air ; but soon the melody grew stronger and more impressive. Haydn's face be- came radiant ; instinctively opening his lips, he sang in an enthusi- astic and ringing voice words which he had never known before — words which, with the melody, had spontaneously gushed from his soul. What his lij)s sang was a prayer, and, at the same time, a hymn of victory — full of innocent and child-like piety : "Gott erlialte Franz den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz, Lange lebe Franz der Kaiser In desGliiclces hellem Glanzl Ihm erbliilien Lorbeerreiser, Wo er geht, znin F.hriMikranz 1 Gott erhalte Franz (l<'n Kaiser, Uns(3i-n giiton Kaiser l<'ranz I " * ♦The celebrated Austrian hymn, "God save tiie Emperor Francis." JOSEPH HAYDM 39 Profound silence prevailed while Haydn was singing, and when he concluded with a firm and ringing accord and turned around, he saw that his wife, overcome with emotion, with folded hands and eyes lifted up to heaven, had sunk down on her knees, and that old Catharine and Conrad were kneeling behind her, Avhile the cat stood between them listening to the music as it were, and even the parrot below seemed to listen to the new hymn, for its screams had ceased. A smile of delight played on Haydn's lips and rendered his face again young and beautiful. "Now, sing with me, all three of you," he said. " Sing loudly and firmly, that God may hear us. I will commence again at the beginning, and you shall accompany me. " He touched the keys vigorously, and sang once more, '' God save the Emperor Francis !" and carried away by the melody so simple and yet so beautiful, the two women and the old footman sang with him the tender and artless words. " And now, " said Haydn, eagerly, " now, I will write down the melody on the spot, and then you shall run with it to Councillor von Swieten. He must add a few verses to it. And then we will have it copied as often as possible — w^e will circulate it in the streets, and sing it in all public places, and if the French really should come to Vienna, the whole people shall receive them with the jubilant hymn, 'God save the Emperor Francis !' And God will hear our song, and He will be touched by our love, and He will lead him back to us, our good Emperor Francis. " He sat down at his desk, and in youthful haste wrote down the music. "So," he said then, "take it, Conrad, take it to Herr von Swieten ; tell him it is my imperial hymn. Oh, I believe it will be useful to the emperor, and therefore I swear that I will play it every day as long as I live. My first prayer always shall be for the em- peror.* And now run, Conrad, and ask Herr von Swieten to finish the poem quicklj^ and you, women, leave me. I feel the ideas burning in my head, and the melodies gushing from my heart. The hymn has inspired me with genuine enthusiasm ; and now, with God and my emperor, I will commence my Creation! But you, jou must not despair — and whenever you feel dejected, sing my imperial * Haydn kept his word, and from that time played the hymn every day. It was even the last piece of music he performed before his death. On the 26th of May, 1809, he played the hymn three times in succession. From the piano he had to be carried to his bed, which he never left again. When Iffland paid him a visit in 1807, Haydn played the hymn for him. He then remained a few moments be- fore the instrument — placed his hands on it, and said, in the tone of a venerable patriarch: "I play this hymn every morning, and in times of adversity have often derived consolation and courage from it. I cannot help it— I must play it at least once a day. I feel greatly at ease whenever I do so, and even a good while af ter- ward."— "Iffland's Theatrical Almanac for 1855," p. 181. 4 40 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. liyrnn, and pour consolation and courage into your hearts — into the hearts of all Austrians who will sing it. For not only for you, but for Austria, I have sung my hymn, and it shall belong to the whole Austrian people !" CHAPTER VII. GENERAL BONAPARTE. At length peace was to be concluded. For several weeks had the three Austrian plenipotentiaries been at Udine ; the Austrian court having sent with Count Meerveldt and Count Louis Cobenzl the Marquis de Gallo, who, although Neapolitan ambassador at Vienna, and therefore, not in the imperial service, acted as their adviser. General Bonaparte was at Passeriano : he alone had been author- ized by the great French Republic to conclude peace with Austria, or to renew the war, just as he saw fit. The eyes of I'rance and Germany, nay of all Europe, were riveted upon this small point on the border of Germany and Italj", for there the immediate future of Europe was to be decided ; there the dice were to fall which were to bring peace or war to the world. Austria wanted peace ; it was a necessity for her, because she did not feel strong enough for war, and vi^as afraid of the dangers and losses of continued defeats. But she did not want peace, coute qui coute; she wanted to derive substantial advantages from it — she intended to aggrandize herself at the expense of Italjs at the ex- pense of Prussia — and, if need be, at the expense of Germany. But what did France want, or rather, what did General Bona- parte want? None but himself knew. None could read his thoughts in his marble countenance. None could decipher his fviture actions from his laconic utterances. None could tell what Bonaparte in- tended to do, and what aim his ambition had in view. The negotiations with Austria had been going on for months. For several weeks the Austrian plenipotentiaries and General Bona- parte had had daily interviews of many hoin-s' duration, which alternately took place at Udine and at Passeriano, but the work of pacification would not come to a satisfactory conclusion. Austria demanded too much, and France would not yield enough. These conferences had frecjuently assumed a very stormy character, and often, during the debates, Bonaparte's voice had resounded in thun- dering tones, and flashes of anger had burst forth from his eyes. But the Austrian plenipotentiari(»s had not been struck by them. The Ha.slieH from the great chieftain's eyes had recoiled powerlessly from their imjM'rturbable smile. When liis voice thundered at GENERAL BONAPARTE. 41 them, they had lowered their heads only to raise them slowly again as soon as the general was silent. To-day, on the thirteenth of October, another interview was to take place, at the hotel of Count Cobenzl, and perhaps that was the reason why General Bonaparte had risen at an unusually early hour in the morning. He had just finislied his toilet ; the four valets who had assisted him had just concluded their task. As usual, Bo- naparte had suffered them to dress and wash him like a child.* With a silent gesture he now ordered the servants to withdraw, and called out, •" Bourrienne !" The door was opened at once, and a tall young man, in the citi- zen's dress of that period, stepped in. Bonaparte, greeting his youthful secretary with a slight nod of his head, pointed with his hand at the desk. Bourrienne walked noiselessly to the desk, sat down, took a pen and some blank paj^er, and waited for what the general would have to dictate. But Bonaparte was silent. With his hands folded on his back, he commenced rapidly walking up and down. Bovirrienne, holding the pen in his hand and momentarily ready to write, enjoyed this pause, this absorbed pondering of the general, with genuine delight ; for it afforded him leisure to contemplate Bonaparte, to study his whole appearance, and to engrave every feature, every gesture of the conqueror of Italy upon his mind. Bourrienne was an old friend of Bonaparte ; they had been to- gether at the military academy ; they had met afterward at Paris — and poor young Lieutenant Bonaparte had often been glad enough to accept a dinner at the hands of his wealthier friend. Only a few years had elapsed since that time, and now Lieutenant Bonaparte had become already an illustrious general ; while Bour- rienne, whom the Terrorists had proscribed, tliankfully accepted the protection of his old comrade, and now filled the position of private secretary under him. He had been with him in this capacity only two daj's — for two days he had seen Bonaparte every hour, and yet he contemplated with ever new surprise this wonderful countenance, in which he vainly tried to recognize the features of the friend of his youth. True, the same outlines and contours were still there, but the whole face was an entirely different one. No traces of the carelessness, of the harmless hilarity of former days, were left in these features. His complexion was pale almost to sickliness ; his figure, which did not rise above the middle height, was slender and bony. Upon look- *"M6moiresde Constant, premier valet de chambre de rEmpereur Kapol^on," vol. i,, p. 180, 42 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. ing at him, you seemed at first to behold a yovmg man entirely de- void of strength, and hopelessly doomed to an early death. But the longer you examined him, the more his features seemed to breathe vitality and spirit, and the firmer grew the conviction that this was an exceptional being — a rare and strange phenomenon. Once accus- tomed to his apparent pale and sickly homeliness, the beholder soon saw it transformed into a fascinating beauty such as we admire on the antique Roman cameos and old imperial coins. His classical and regular profile seemed to be modelled after these antique coins ; his forehead, framed in on both sides with fine chestnut hair, was high and statuesque. His eyes were blue, but brimful of the most wonderful expression and sparkling with fire, a faithful mirror of his fiery soul, now exceedingly mild and gentle, and then again stern and even harsh. His mouth was classically beautiful — the finely-shaped lips, narrow and slightly compressed, especially when in anger ; when he laughed, he displayed two rows of teeth, not faultlessly fine, but of pearly white. Every lineament, every single feature of his face was as regular as if modelled by a sculptor ; nevertheless there was something ugly and repulsive in the whole, and in order to be able to admire it, it was necessary first to get accustomed to this most extraordinary being. Only the feet and the small white hands were so surpassingly beautiful that they enlisted at once the liveliest admiration, and this was perhaps the reason why General Bonaj^arte, who otherwise observed the greatest simplicity in his toilet, had adorned his hands Avith several splendid diamond rings. "' Bourrienne was still absorbed in contemplating the friend of his youth, when the latter suddenly stood still before him and looked at him with a pleasant smile. "Why do you stare at me in this manner, Bourrienne?" he asked in his abrupt and hasty tone. "General, I only contemjilate the laurels which your glorious victories have woven around your brow, since I saw you the last time, " said Bourrienne. " Ah, and you find me a little changed since you saw me the last time," replied Bonaparte, quickly. "It is true, the years of our separation have ijroduced a great many changes, and I was glad that you had the good taste to perceive this, and upon meeting me under tlie present circumstances, to observe a becoming and delicate re- serve. I am under obi igatio7is to you for it, and from to-day you shall be chief of my cabinet, my first private secretary." f Bourrienne rose to thank the young general by bowing respect- * M6moirea de Constant, vol. i., p. 53. t M6moires de Monsieur do Boui'rienne, vol. i. , p. 33. GENERAL BONAPARTE. 43 fnlly, but Bonaparte took qo further notice of him, and walked again rapidly up and down. The smile had already vanished from his face, which had resumed its immovable and impenetrable ex- pression. Bourrienne quietly sat down again and waited ; but now ho dared no longer look at Bonaparte, the general having noticed it before. After a lengthy pause, Bonaparte stood still close to the desk. "Have you read the dispatches which the Directory sent me yes- terday through their spy, M. Botot?" asked the general, abruptly. "I have, general !" " They are unreasonable fools, " exclaimed Bonaparte, angrily, "they want to direct our war from their comfortable sofas in the Luxembourg, and believe their ink-stained hands could hold the general's baton as well as the pen. They want to dictate to us a new war from Paris, without knowing whether we are able to bear it or not. They ask us to conclude peace with Austria without ceding Venice to her as compensation for Belgium. Yes, Talleyrand is senseless enough to ask me to revolutionize the whole of Italy once more, so that the Italians may expel their princes, and that liberty may prevail throughout the entire peninsula. In order to give them liberty, they want me to carry first war and revolution into their midst. These big-mouthed and ignorant Parisians do not know that Italy will not belong to us in reality until after the restoration of peace, and that the Directory, even at the first dawn of peace, will rule her from the mountains of Switzerland to the capes of Calabria. Tlien, and only then, the Directory will be able to alter the variou.^ governments of Italj', and for this very reason we have to attach Austria to our cause by a treaty of peace. As soon as she has signed it, she will no longer molest us : first, because she is our ally ; and principally because she will apprehend that we might take back from her what we generously gave, in order to win her over to our side. The war part}' at Vienna, however, will not submit without hoping for some counter-revolution — a dream which the emigres and the diplomacy of Pillnitz still cherishes with the utmost tenacity.* And these unreasonable gentlemen of the Directory want war and revolution, and thej- dare to accuse me of selfish motives. Ah, 1 am yearning for repose, for retirement — I feel exhausted and dis- gusted, and shall for the third time send in my resignation, which the Directory twice refused to accept." He had said all this in a subdued and rapid voice, apparently only talking to himself — the only man worthy of learning the most secret thoughts of his soul — and still with proud disdain toward him * Bonaparte's own words. See "Mfeioires d'un Homme d'fitat," vol. iv. , p. 578. 44 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. who could overhear every word he said. He felt as though he were alone, and he only spoke and consulted with himself, notwithstand- ing the secretary's presence. Another long pause ensued, Bonaparte pacing the room once more with rapid steps. Violent and impassioned feelings seemed to agi- tate his breast ; for his eyes became more lustrous, his cheeks were suffused with an almost imperceptible blush, and he breathed heavily ; as if oppressed by the closeness of the room, and in want of fresh air, for he stepped up to the window and opened it vio- lently. An expression of amazement escaped from his lips, for the land- scape, which yesterday was clad in the gorgeous hues of autumn, now offered an entirely different aspect. Hoar-frost, dense and glittering, covered the trees and the verdure of the meadows ; and the Noric Alps, which crowned the horizon with a majestic wreath, had adorned themselves during the night with sparkling robes of snow and brilliant diadems of ice. Bonaparte looked at the unexpected spectacle long and thought- fully. "What a country !" He then whispered, "Snow and ice in the first part of October ! Very well ! we must make peace ! " * He closed the window and returned to the desk. " Give me the army register, " he said to Bourrienne, and took a seat at his side. Bourrienne laid the books and papers in succession before him, and Bonaparte read and examined them with close attention. " Yes, " lie then said, after a long pause, " it is true, I have an army of nearly eight}' thousand men ; I have to feed and pay them, but, on the battle-field, I could not count on more than sixty thou- sand men. I should win the battle, but lose again twenty thousand men in killed, wounded, and prisoners. How, then, sliould I be able to resist the united Austrian forces, which would hasten to the assistance of Vienna? It would take the armies on the Rhine more than a month to come up in supporting distance, and in the course of two weeks the snow will have blocked up all I'oads and niountain- jjasses. I am determined, therefore, to make peace. Venice must l)a}^ for the war, and the frontier of the Rliine. The Directory and tlie learned lawyers may say what they please, f Write, Bourrienne, I will now dictate my reply." Bourrienne took liis i)en ; Bonaparte arose from his seat, and fold- ing liis arms on liis breast, lie resumed his promenade aci'oss the room, dictating slowly and clearlj\ so that every word dropped from his lijjs like a pearl, until gradually the course of liis speech grew • Bonaparte's own words. Bourrienne, vol. i., p. 313. t BijUttpurte'8 own words. —"M6uioi res d'un llouime d'fitat," vol. iv. ,p. 556. GENERAL BONAPARTE. 45 more rapid and rolled along in an unbroken, fiery, and brilliant torrent. "We shall sign the treaty of peace to-day," he dictated, in his imperious tone, "or break off the negotiations altogether. Peace will be advantageous to us — war with Austria will injure us ; but war with England opens an extensive, highly important and brill- iant field of action to our arms. " And now he explained to the Directory the advantages of a treaty of peace with Austria, and of a war with England, with logical acuteness and precision. His words were no less pointed and sharp than the edge of his sword, and as brief, stern, and cold as the utterances of a Cato. He then paused for a moment, not in order to collect his thoughts, but only to give his secretary a few seconds' rest, and to get a breathing- spell for himself. " Let us go on now, " he said, after a short interval, and dictated in an enthusiastic voice, and with flaming eyes : "If I have been mistaken in my calculations, my heart is pure, and my intentions are well meaning. I have not listened to the promptings of glory, of vanity and ambition ; I have only regarded the welfare of the country and government. If they should not approve of my actions and views, nothing is left to me but to step back into the crowd, put on the wooden shoes of Cincinnatus, and give an example of respect for the government, and of aversion to militaiy rule, which has destroyed so many republics, and annihilated so many states. " * "Are you through?" asked Bonaparte, drawing a long breath. "Yes, general, lam." "Then take another sheet, my friend. We are going to write now to the sly fox who generally perceives every hole where he may slip in, and who has such an excellent nose that he scents every danger and every advantage from afar. But this time he has lost the trail and is entirely mistaken. I will, therefore, show him the way. 'To Citizen Talleyrand, Minister of Foreign Affairs.' Did you write the address?" "Yes, general." "Well, goon." And without stopping a single time, and even without hesitating, Bonaparte dictated the following letter : "In three or four hours, citizen minister, eveiy thing will be decided — peace or war. I confess that I shall do eveiy thing to make peace, in consequence of the advanced season and the slim prospect of achieving important successes. " You know very little about the nations of the peninsula ; they ♦ Bonaparte'.s own words,— "M6moires d'un Homme d'fitat," vol. iv., p. 558, 46 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. do not deserve that forty thousand French soldiers should be killed for their sake. I see from your letter that you always argue from unfounded premises. You fancy that liberty would make a great impression upon a lazy, superstitious, cowardly, and degraded people. "You ask me to do miracles, and I cannot perform them. Ever since I came to Italy, the nation's desire for liberty and equality was not my ally, or at best it was but a very feeble one. Wliate^ er is merely good to be mentioned in proclamations and printed speeches is worth n'o more than a novel. " Hoping that the negotiations Avill have a favorable issue, J do not enter upon further details to enlighten you about many matters which apparently have been misunderstood. Only by prudence, sagacity, and determination we are able to realize gi-eat objects and surmount all obstacles ; otherwise all our efforts will prove unavail- ing. Frequently there is but a single step from victory to ruin. In highly critical times, I have always noticed that a mere nothing decided the most important events. "It is characteristic of our nation to be too rash and fiery in prosperity. If we adopt a sagacious policy, which is nothing but the result of the calculation of combination and chances as a base for our operations, we shall long remain the greatest nation and most powerful state in Europe — nay, more, we shall hold the balance of power, we shall make it incline wherever we desire, and if it were the will of Providence, it would be no impossibility to achieve in the course of a few years those great results which a glowing and excited imagination perhaps foresees, but w^hich only a man of ex- traordinary coolness, perseverance, and prudence is able to accom- plish if — " * Bonaparte paused suddenly as if he had been about to betray a profovmd secret, and stopped exactly when it was not yet too late to keep it buried within his own breast. " It is enough, " he then said, " erase the last word and close the letter. What makes you look at me so strangely, Bourrienne?" "I beg your pardon, general, I had a vision. It seemed to me as if an oriflamme were burning on your head, and I believe if all nations and all men could behold you as I saw you just now, they would believe once more in the fables of pagan mythology, and feel satis- fied that Jove the Thunderer had deigned to descend once more into our human world. " Bonaparte smiled, and this smile lighted up his face, previously so stern and rigid. " You are a flatterer and a courtier, " he said, playfully pinching * "M^moirep fl'iin Homme cri5tat," vol. iv. , p. 581. GENERAL BONAPARTE. 47 Bourrienne's ear so violently that the latter was scarcely able to conceal a shriek of pain under a smile. " Yes, indeed, you are a regular courtier, and the republic has done well to banish you, for flattery is something very aristocratic, and injurious to our stiff republican dignity. And what an idea, to compare me to Jove appearing on earth ! Don't you know, then, you learned scholar and flatterer, that Jove, whenever he descended from Olympus, was in pursuit of a very worldly and entirely ungodly adventure? It would onlj' remain for you to inform my Josephine that I was about to transform myself into an ox for the sake of some beautiful Europa, or drop down in the shape of a golden rain to gain the love of a Danaa " " General, the sagacious and spirited Josephine would believe the former to be impossible, for even if you should succeed in perform- ing all the miracles of the world, you could never transform yourself into an ox. " " What ! you compared me a minute ago with Jove, and now you doubt already whether I could accomplish what Jove has done I"' exclaimed Bonaparte, laughing. "Ah, flatterer, you see I have caught you in your owti meshes. But would my Josephine believe, then, that I could transform myself into a golden rain for the pur- pose of winning a Danae, you arrant rogue?" " Yes, general, but she always would take good care to be that Danae herself. " " Yes, indeed, you are right, " replied Bonaparte, laughing even louder than before. " Josephine likes golden rains, and should they be ever so violent, she would not complain; for if they should im- merse her up to the neck, in the course of a few hours she would have got rid of the whole valuable flood. " " Your wife is as liberal and generous as a princess, and that is the reason why she s^sends so much money. She scatters her chari- ties with liberal hands. " "Yes, Josephine has a noble and magnanimous heart, " exclaimed Napoleon, and his large blue eyes assumed a mild and tender expres- sion. " She is a woman just as I like women — so gentle and good, so childlike and playful, so tender and affectionate, so passionate and odd ! And at the same tijne so dignified and refined in her manners. Ah, j^ou ought to have seen her at Milan receiving the princes and noblesse in her drawing-room. I assure you, my friend, the wife of little General Bonaparte looked and bore herself precisely like a queen holding a levee, and she was treated and honored as though she were one. Ah, you ought to have seen it !" "I did see it, general. I was at Milan before coming here." "Ah. yes, that is true. I had forgotten it. You lucky fellow, 48 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. you saw my wife more recently than I did myself. Josephine is beautiful, is she not? No young girl can boast of more freshness, more grace, innocence, and lovelineos. Whenever I am with her, I feel as contented, as happy and tranquil as a man who, on a very warm day, is reposing in the shade of a splendid myrtle-tree, and whenever I am far from her — " Bonaparte paused, and a slight blush stole over his face. The young lover of twenty-eight had triumphed for a moment over the stern, calculating general, and the general was ashamed of it. "This is no time to think of such things," he said, almost indig- nantly. "Seal the letters now, and dispatch a messenger to Paris. Ah, Paris ! Would to God I were again there in my little house in the Rue Chantereine, alone and happy with Josephine ! But in order to get there, I must first make peace here — peace with Austria, with the Emperor of Germany. Ah, I am afraid Germany will not be much elated by this treaty of peace which her emperor is going to conclude, and by which she may lose some of her most splendid fortresses on the Rhine. " "And the Republic of Venice, general?" " The Republic of Venice is about to disappear, " exclaimed Bona- parte, frowning. "Venice has rendered herself unworthy of the name of a republic — she is about to disappear. " "General, the delegates of the republic were all day yesterday in your anteroom, vainly waiting for an audience. " "They will have to wait to-day likewise until I return from the conference which is to decide about war or peace. In either case, woe unto the Venetians ! Tell them, Bourrienne, to wait until I return. And now, my carriage. I cannot let the Austrian pleni- potentiaries wait any longer for my ultimatum. " CHAPTER VIII. THE TREATY OF CAMPO FORMIO. The Austrian plenipotentiaries were at the large Alberga of Udine, waiting for General Bonaparte. Every thing was prepared for his reception ; the table was set, and the cooks were only looking for the arrival of tlie French chieftain in order to serve up the mag- nificent dejeuner with which to-day's conference was to begin. Count Louis Cobenzl and the Marquis de Gallo were in the dining- room, standing at the window and looking at the scenery. "It is cold to-day," said Count Cobenzl, after a pause in the con- versation. " For my part, I like cold weather, for it reminds me of THE TREATY OF CAMPO FORMIO. 49 the most memorable years of my life— of my sojourn at the court of the Russian Semiramis. But you, marquis, are probably reminded l>y this frosty weather even more sensibly of your beautiful Naples and the glowing sun of the south. The chilly air must make you homesick. " "That disease is imknown to me, count," said the marquis. "I am at home wherever I can serve my king and my country." "But to-day, my dear marquis, you have to serve a foreign prince. " "Austria is the native covmtry of my noble Queen Caroline," said the marquis, gravely, "and the empress is my king's daughter. The Austrian court, therefore, may command my whole power and ability." " I am afraid that we are going to have hard work to-day, mar- quis, " remarked Count Cobenzl, gloomily. "This French general is really a sans-culotte of the worst kind. He is entirely devoid of noblesse, bon ton, and refinement." "My dear count, for my part I take this Bonaparte to be a very long-headed man, and I am sure we must be greatly on our guard to be able to wrest a few concessions from him. " "Do you really believe that, marquisV" asked the count, with an incredulous smile. "You did not see, then, how his marble face lighted up when I handed him the other day that autograph letter from his majesty the emperor? You did not see how he blushed with pleasure while reading it? Oh, I noticed it, and, at that moment, I said to myself : 'This republican bear is not insensible to the favors and affability of the great. ' Flattery is a dish which he likes to eat ; we will, therefore, feed him with it, and he will be ours, and do whatever we may want without even noticing it. The great Empress Catharine used to saj' : ' Bears are best tamed by sweetmeats, and republicans by titles and decorations. ' Just see, marquis, how I am going to honor him ! I let him drink his choco- late to-day from my most precious relic — from this cup here, which the great empress gave to me, and which you see contains the czarina's porti-ait. Ah, it was at the last festival at the Ermitage that she handed me the cup with chocolate, and, in order to give it its real value, she touched the rim of the cup with her own sublime lips, sipped of the chocolate, and then permitted me to drink where she had drimk. This cup, therefore, is one of my most cherished reminiscences of St. Petersburg, and little General Bonaparte may be very proud to be permitted to drink from Catharine's cup. Yes, yes, we will give sweetmeats to the bear, but afterward he must dance just as we please. We will not yield, but he must yield to us. Our demands ought to be as exorbitant as possible !" 50 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " By straining a cord too much, you generally break it, " said the Italian, thoughtfully. "General Bonaparte, I am afraid, will not consent to any thing derogatory to the honor and dignity of France. Besides, there is another bad feature about him— he is incorruptible, and even the titles and decorations of the Empress Catharine would not have tamed this republican. Let us proceed cautiously and prudently, count. Let us demand much, but yield in time, and be content with something less in order not to lose every thing. " " Austria can only consent to a peace which extends her bounda- ries, and enlarges her territory, " exclaimed Cobenzl, hastily. " You are right, certainly," replied the Marquis deGallo, slowly; " but Austria cannot intend to aggrandize herself at the expense of France. What is that so-called Germany good for? Let Austria take from her whatever she wants — a piece of Bavaria, a piece of Prussia — I would not care if she even gave to France a piece of Ger- many, for instance the frontier of the Rhine. In the name of Heaven, I should think that the so-called German empire is decayed enough to permit us to break off a few of its pieces. " " You are very unmerciful toward the poor German empire, " said Count Cobenzl, with a smile, "for you are no German, and owing to that, it seems you are much better qualified to act as Austrian plenipotentiary in this matter. Nevertheless it is odd and funny enough that in these negotiations in which the welfare of Germany is principally at stake, the Emperor of Germany should be repre- sented by an Italian, and the French Republic by a Corsican !" " You omit yourself, my dear count, " said the marquis, politely. " Y^ou are the real representative of the German emperor, and I per- ceive that the emperor could not have intrusted the interests of Germany to better hands. But as you have permitted me to act a? your adviser, I would beg you to remember that the welfare of Austria should precede the welfare of Gei-many. And— but listen ! a carriage is approaching. " " It is General Bonaparte, " said Count Cobenzl, hastening to the window. "Just see the splendid carriage in which he is coming. Six horses— -four footmen on the box, and a whole squadron of lancers escorting him ! Arid you believe this republican to be in- sensible to flattery? Ah, ha ! we will give sweetmeats to the bear ! Let us go and receive him." He took the arm of the marquis, and both hastened to receive the general, whose carriage had just stopped at the door. The Austrian plenipotentiaries met Bonaparte in the middle of the staircase and escorted him to the dining-room, where the dejeuner \\ lis Avaiting for him. THE TREATY OF CAMPO FORMIO. 51 But Bonaparte declined the dejeuner, in spite of the repeated and most pressing requests of Count Cobenzl. " At least take a cup of chocolate to warm yourself, " urged the count. " Drink it out of this cup, general, and if it were only in order to increase its value in my eyes. The Emi^ress Catharine gave it to me, and drank from it ; and if you now use this cup likewise, I might boast of possessing a cup from wliich the greatest man and the greatest woman of this century have drunk !' "I shall not drink, count!" replied Bonaparte, bluntly. "I will have nothing in common with this imperial Messalina, who, by her dissolute life, equally disgraced the dignity of the crown and of womanhood. You see I am a strong-headed republican, who only understands to talk of business. Let us, therefore, attend to that at once. " Without waiting for an invitation, he sat down on the divan close to the breakfast -table, and, with a rajsid gesture, motioned the two gentlemen to take seats at his side. " I informed you of my ultimatum the day before j'esterdaj', " said Bonaparte, coldly ; "have you taken it into consideration, and are you going to accept it?" This blunt and hasty question, so directly at the point, discon- certed the two diplomatists. " We will weigh and consider with you what can be done, " said Count Cobenzl, timidly. "France asks too much and offers too little. Austria is ready to cede Belgium to France, and give up Lombardy, but in return she demands the whole territory of Venice, Mantua included. " "Mantua must remain with the new Cisalpine Republic!" ex- claimed Bonajjarte, vehemently. " That is one of the stipulations of my ultimatum, and you seem to have forgotten it, count. And you say nothing about the frontier of the Rhine, and of the fortress of Mentz, both of which I have claimed for Fi-ance. " " But, general, the Rhine does not belong to Austria, and Mentz is garrisoned by German troops. We cannot give away what does not belong to us. " "Do not I give Venice to you?" exclaimed Bonaparte — "Venice, which, even at the present hour, is a sovereign state, and whose delegates are at my headquarters, waiting for mj^ reply ! The Em- peror of Germany has certainly the right to give away a German fortress if he choose. " " Well, Austria is not indisposed to cede the frontier of the Rhine to France," remarked the Marquis de Gallo. "Austria is quite willing and ready to form a close alliance with France, in order to resist the ambitious schemes of Prussia. " 52 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " If Austria should acquire new territory in consequence of an understanding with France, she must be sure that no such right of aggrandizement should be granted to Prussia, " said Coimt Cobenzl, hastily. " France and Austria might pledge themselves in a secret treaty not to permit any further aggrandizement of Prussia, but to give back to her simply her former possessions on the Rhine, " said De Gallo. "No digressions, if you please!" exclaimed Bonaparte, impa- tiently. " Let us speak of my ultimatum. In the name of France, I have offered you peace, provided the territories on the left bank of the Rhine with their stipulated boundaries, including Mentz, be ceded to France, and provided, further, that the Adige form the boundary-line between Austria and the Cisalpine Republic, Mantua to belong to the latter. You cede Belgium to France, but, in return, wegiveyou the continental possessions of Venice; only Corfuand the Ionian Islands are to fall to the share of France, and the Adige is to form the frontier of Venetian Austria. " "I told you already, general," said Count Cobenzl, with his most winning smile, "we cannot accept the last condition. We must have Mantua, likewise ; in return, we give you Mentz ; and not the Adige, but the Adda, must be our frontier. " "Ah! I see — new difficulties, new subterfuges !" exclaimed Bona- parte, and his eyes darted a flash of anger at the diplomatist. This angry glance, however, was parried by the polite smile of the count. "I took the liberty of informing you likewise of our ultimatum, general," he said, gently, "and I am sorry to be com- pelled to declare that I shall have to leave this place unless our terms be acceded to. But in that case, I shall hold you responsible for the blood of the thousands which may be shed in consequence. " Bonaparte jumped up, with flaming eyes, and lips quivering with rage. "You dare to threaten me!" he shouted, angrily. "You resort to subterfuge after subterfuge. Then you are determined to have ■war? Very well, you shall have it." He extended his arm hastily and seized the precious cup which the Empress Catharine had given to Count Cobenzl. and, with an impetuous motion, hurled it to the ground, where it broke to pieces with a ioud crash. "See there !" he shouted in a tlumdering voice. "Your Austrian monarchy shall bo shattered like this cup within less than three months. I promise you that." Witliout deigning to cast another glance upon the two gentlemen, be hurried with rapid steps to the door, and left the room. NAPOLEON AND COUNT COBENZL. THE TREATY OF CAMPO FORMIO. 53 Pale with anger and dismay, Count Cobenzl stared at the debris of the precious cup, which so long had been the pride and joy of his heart. ■' He is leaving, " muttered the Marquis de Gallo. " Shall we let him go, count?" "How is that bear to be kept here?" asked the count, sighing, and shrugging his shoulders. At this moment Bonaparte's powerful voice was heard in the anteroom, calling out : "An orderly — quick !" "He calls out of the window," whispered the marquis. "Let us hear what he has got to saJ^ " The two plenipotentiaries slipped on tiptoe to the window, cau- tiously peeping from behind the curtains. They saw a French lancer galloping up below, and stopping and salutin; under the window of the adjoining room. Again they heard Bonaparte's thundering voice. "Ride over to the headquarters of Archduke Charles, " shouted Bonaparte. " Tell him on my behalf that the armistice is at an end, and that hostili- ties will recommence from the present hour. That is all. Depart !" Then they heard him close the window with a crash, and walk with loud steps through the anteroom. The two plenipotentiaries looked at each other in dismay. "Count," whispered the marquis, "listen ! he leaves and has threat- ened to shatter Austria. He is the man to fulfil his threat. My God, must we suffer him to depart in anger? Have you been au- thorized to do that?" " Will you try to command the storm to stand still?" asked Count Cobenzl. "Yes, I will try, for we must not break off the negotiations in this way and recommence hostilities. We must conciliate this ter- rible warrior !" He rushed out of the room, and hastened through the anteroom and down -stairs to the front door. Bonaparte had already entered his carriage ; his escort had formed in line, the driver had seized the reins and whip in order to give the impatient horses the signal to start. At this moment, the pale and humble face of the Marquis de Gallo appeared at the carriage door. Bonaparte did not seem to see him. Leaning back into the cushions, he gloomily looked up to heaven. "General," said the marquis, imploringly, "I beseech you not to depart !" " Marquis, " replied Bonaparte, shioigging his shoulders, " it does 54 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. not become me to rema in peaceably among my enemies. War has been declared, for you have not accepted my ultimatum. " " But, general, I take the liberty to inform you that the Austriar plenipotentiaries have resolved to accept your ultimatum." Bonaparte's marble countenance did not betray the slightest emotion of surprise and joy ; his large eyes only cast a piercing glance upon the marquis. "You accept it without subterfuge or reserve?" he asked, slowly. "Yes, general, precisely as you have stated it. We are ready to sign the treaty of peace, and accept the ultimatum. Just be kind enough to alight once more, and continue the conference with us. " " No, sir, " said Bonaparte, " nalla vestigia retrorsam ! Being already in my carriage, I shall not return to you. Besides, the del- egates of the Venetian Republic are waiting for me at Passeriano, and I believe it is time for me to inform them too of my ultimatum. At the end of three hours, I ask you, marquis, and Count Cobenzl to proceed to my headquarters at Passeriano. There we will take the various stipulations of the treaty into consideration, and agree upon the public and secret articles. " " But you forget, general, that your orderly is already on the way to the Austrian headquarters in order to announce the reopening of hostilities. " "That is true, "said Napoleon, quietly. "Here, two orderlies. Follow the first orderl}% and command him to return. You see, marquis, I believe in the sincerity of your assurances. In three hours, then, I shall expect you at Passeriano for the purpose of set- tling the details of the treaty. We shall sign it, however, on neutral ground. Do you see that tall building on the horizon ?" "Yes, general, it is the decayed old castle of Campo Formio." "Well, in that castle, the treaty shall be signed. In tliree hours, then. Until then, farewell. " He nodded carelessly to the marquis, who, as humble as a vassal, at the feet of the throne, stood at the carriage door, constantly bow- ing deeply, and waving his plumed hat. " Forward !" sJiouted Bonaparte, and the carriage, followed by a brilliant suite, rolled away. Bonaparte, carelessly leaning into the corner, muttered, with a stealthy smile : " It was a eonj) de thedtre, and it had evidently great success. They had to accept peace at my hands as a favor. Ah, if they had guessed how much I needed it myself ! But these men are obtuse ; they cannot see any thing. Tliey have no aim ; they only live from minute to minute, and whenever they find a precipice on their route, they stumble over it, and are lost beyond redemption. My God, liow scarce real men are' Tlieve are eighteen millions in Italy, and I have scarcely found tw r THE TREATY OF CAMPO FORMIO. 55 mea among them. I want to save these two men, but the rest may fulfil their destiny. The Republic of Venice shall disappear from the earth — this cruel and bloodthirstj" government shall be annihi- lated. We shall throw it as a prey to hungry Austria ; but when the latter has devoured her, and stretched herself in the lazy languor of digestion, then it will be time for us to stir up Austria. Until then, peace with Austria — peace !" Three hours later the treaty between Austria and France was signed at the old castle of Campo Formio. France, by this treaty, acquired Belgium, the left bank of the Rhine, and the fortress of Mentz. Austria acquired the Venetian territory. But to these acquisitions, which were published, secret articles were added. In these secret articles, France promised, in case Prussia should de- mand an enlargement of her dominions, like Austria, not to con- sent to it. The Emperor of Austria, on his part, pledged himself to withdraw his troops, even before the conclusion of the treaty with the German empire, to be agreed upon at Rastadt, from all the fortresses on the Rhine — in other words, to surrender the German empii-e entirely to its French neighbors. Austria had enlarged her territory, but, for this aggrandizement, Germany was to pay with her blood, and finally with her life. Austria had made peace with France at Campo Formio, and it was stipulated in the treaty that the German empire likewise should conclude peace with France. For this purpose, a congress was to meet at Rastadt ; all German princes were to send their ambassadors to that fortress, in order to settle, jointly, with three representatives of tlie P'reuch Republic, the fate of the empire. THE YOUI^G QUEEi:^ OF PRUSSIA. CHAPTER IX. QUEEN LOUISA. The most noble Countess von Voss, mistress of ceremonies at the court of Prussia, was pacing the anteroom of Queen Louisa in the most excited manner. She wore the regular court dress — a long black robe and a large cap of black crape. In her white hands, half covered with black silk gloves, she held a gorgeous fan, which she now impatiently opened and closed, and then again slowly moved up and down like a musical leader's baton. If anybody had been present to observe her, the noble mistress of ceremonies would not have permitted hei-self such open manifesta- tions of her impatience. Fortunately, however, she was quite alone, and under these circumstances even a mistress of ceremonies at the royal court might feel at liberty to violate the rules of that etiquette which on all other occasions was the noble lady's most sacred gospel. Etiquette, however, was just now the motive of her intense ex- citement, and in its interest she was going to fight a battle on that very spot in Queen Louisa's anteroom. "Now or never!" she murmured. "What I was at liberty to overlook as long as Frederick William and Louisa were merely ' their royal highnesses, the crown prince and crown princess, ' I cannot permit any longer now that they have ascended the royal throne. Hence I am determined to speak to the yoimg king on this first day of his reign* in as emphatic and sincere a manner as is required by a faithful discharge of my responsible duties. " Just at that moment the large folding doors were opened, and a tall and slender young man in a dashing uniform entered the room. It was young King Fi-ederick William HI., on his return fi-om the interior palace-yard where he had received the oath of allegiance at tlie hands of the generals of the monarchy. The noble and youthful countenance of this king of twenty-seven years was grave and stern, but from liis large blue eyes the kindness and gentleness of his excellent heart was beaming, and his ♦ November 17, 1797. QUEEN LOUISA. 67 handsome and good-natured features breathed a wonderful spirit of serenity and sympathy. He crossed the room witli rapid and noiseless steps, and, politeh bowing to the mistress of ceremonies, approached the opposite door. But the mistress of ceremonies, evidently anxious to prevent him from opening that door, placed herself in front of it and gravely said to him : " Your majesty, it is impossible. I cannot permit etiquette t be violated in this manner, and I must beg your majesty to inforn. me most graciously of what you are going to do in these rooms?" "Well," said the king, with a pleasant smile, "I am going to dc to-day what I am in the habit of doing every day at this hour — I am going to pay a visit to my wife." "To your wife!" exclaimed the mistress of ceremonies, in dis may. " But, your majesty, a king has no wife I " " Ah ! in that case a king would be a very wretched being, " said the king, smiling, "and, for my part, I would sooner give up my crown than my beloved wife." •'Good Heaven, your majesty, you may certainly have a wife, but let me implore you not to apply that vulgar name to her majesty in the presence of other people. It is contrary to etiquette and in- jurious to the respect due to royalty. " "My dear countess," said the young king, gravely, "I believe, on the contrary, that it will only increase the respect which people will feel for us, if her majesty remains a woman in the noblest and truest meaning of the word, and my wife — I beg your pardon, I was going to say the queen — is such a woman. And now, my dear countess, permit me to go to her. " " No, " exclaimed the mistress of ceremonies, resolutely. " Your majesty must first condescend to listen to me. For an hour already I have been waiting here for your majesty's arrival, and you must now graciously permit me to speak to you as frankly and sincerely as is required by my duty and official position." '• Well, I will listen to j'ou, my dear countess, " said the king, with an inaudible sigh. "Your majesty," said the mistress of ceremonies, "I consider it my duty to beseech j'our majesty on tliis memorable day to confer upon me the power of enforcing the privileges of my office with more severity and firmness. " "And to submit mj'self to your sceptre. That is what you want me to do, I suppose, dear countess?" asked the king, smiling. "Sire, at all events it is impossible to keep up the dignity and majesty of royalty if the king and queen themselves openly defy the laws of etiquette. " 68 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "Ah!" exclaimed the king, sharply, "not a word against the queen, if you please, my dear mistress of ceremonies! You may accuse me just as much as you please, but pray let me hear no more complaints about my Louisa ! Well, then, tell me now what new derelictions I have been guilty of. " "Sire," said the countess, who did not fail to notice the almost imperceptible smile playing on the king's lips — "sire, I perceive that your majesty is laughing at me ; nevertheless, I deem it incum- bent on me to raise my warning voice. Etiquette is something sublime and holy — it is the sacred wall separating the sovereign from his people. If that ill-starred queen, Marie Antoinette, had not torn down this wall, she v/oiild probably have met with a less lamentable end." " Ah ! countess, you really go too far ; you even threaten me with the guillotine," exclaimed the king, good-naturedly. "Indeed, lam afraid I must have committed a great crime against etiquette. Tell me, therefore, where you wish to see a change, and I pledge you my word I shall grant your request if it be in my power to do so. " " Sire, " begged the mistress of ceremonies, in a low and impres- sive voice, " let me implore j'ou to be in your j)alace less of a father and husband, and more of a king, at least in the presence of others. It frequently occurs that your majesty, before other people, addresses the queen quite unceremoniously with 'thou, 'nay, your majesty even in speaking of her majesty to strangers or servants, often briefly calls the queen ' my wife. ' Sire, all that might be overlooked in the modest family circle and house of a crown prince, but it can- not be excused in the palace of a king. " "Then." asked the king, smiling, "this house of mine has been transformed into a palace since yesterday?" " Assuredly, sire, you do not mean to say that you will remain in this humble house after your accession to the throne?" exclaimed the mistress of ceremonies, in dismay. " Now tell me sincerely, my dear countess, cannot we remain in this house ?" " I assure your majesty it is altogether out of the question. How would it be possible to keej) up the court of a king and queen in so email a house with becoming dignity? The queen's household has to bt; largely increased ; hereafter we must have four ladies of honor, four ladies of the bedchamber, and other servants in the same pro- portion. According to the rules of etiquette, Sire, you must like- wise enlarge your own household. A king must have two adjutant- generals, four chamberlains, four gentlemen of the bedchamber, and—" "Hold on," exclaimed the king, smiling, " wv/ household fortu- QUEEN LOUISA. 59 nately does not belong to the department of the mistress of ceremo- nies, and therefore we need not alhide to it. As to your other propositions and wishes, I shall take them into consideration, for I hope you are through now. " " No, your majestj', I am not. I have to mention a good many other things, and I must do so to-day — my duty requires it, "said the mistress of ceremonies, in a dignified manner. The king cast a wistful glance toward the door. "Well, if your duty requires it, you may proceed, " he said, w^tii a loud sigh. " I must beseech your majesty to assist me in the discharge of my onerous duties. If the king and queen themselves will submit to the rigorous and just requirements of etiquette, I shall be able to compel the whole court likewise strictly to adhere to those salutary rules. Nowadaj'S, however, a spirit of imiovation and disinclination to observe the old-established ceremonies and customs, which deeply affiicts me, and which I cannot but deem highly pernicious, is gain- ing ground everywhere. It has even now infected the ladies and gentlemen of the comt. And having often heard j-our majest}-, in conversation with her majesty the queen, contrary to etiquette, use the vulgar German language instead of the French tongue, which is the language of the courts throughout Germany, they believe they have a perfect right to speak German whenever they please. Yes, it has become a regular custom among them to salute each other at breakfast with a German ' Guten morgen ! ' * That is an innovation which should not be permitted to anybody, witiiout first obtaining the consent of her majesty's mistress of ceremonies and yovir maj- esty's master of ceremonies. " "I beg yom- pardon," said the king, gravely, "as to this point, I altogether differ from you. No etiquette should forbid German gentlemen or German ladies to converse in their mother tongue, and it is unnatm-al and mere affectation to issue such orders. In order to become fully conscious of their national dignity, they should especially value and love tlieir own language, and no longer deign to use in its place the tongue of a people who have shed the blood of their king and queen, and whose dejilorable example now causes all thrones to tremble. Would to God that the custom of using the German language would become more and more prevalent at my court, fm* it behooves Germans to feel and think and speak like Germans ; and that will also be the most reliable bulwark against the bloody waves of the Fi-ench Republic, in case it should desire to invade Germany. N£)w j-ou know my views, my dear mistress of ceremonies, and if yovu- book of ceremonies prescribes that all court ♦ Vide Ludwig Haiisser's 'History of Germany," vol. ii. 60 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. officers should converse in French, I request you to expunge that article and to insert in its place the following: 'Prussia, hcing a German state, of course everybody is at liberty to speak German. ' This will also be the rule at court, except in the presence of persons not familiar with the German language. Pray don't forget that, my dear countess, and now, being so implacable a guardian of that door, and of the laws of etiquette, I request you to go to her majesty the queen, and ask her if I may have the honor of waiting upon her majesty. I should like to present my respects to her majesty ; and I trust she will graciously grant my request. " * The mistress of ceremonies bowed deeply, her face radiant with joy, and then rapidly entered the adjoining room. The king looked after her for a moment, with a peculiar smile. " She has to pass through six large rooms before reaching Louisa's boudoir," he murmured : "this door, however, directly leads to her through the small hall and the other anteroom. That is the shortest road to her, and I shall take it. " Without hesitating any longer, the king hastily opened the small side door, slipped through the silent hall and across the small ante- room, and knocked at the large and heavily-curtained door. A sweet female voice exclaimed, " Come in ! " and the king imme- diately opened the door. A lady in deep mourning came to meet him, extending her hands toward him. ''Oh, my heart told me that it was you, my dearest!" she ex- claimed, and her glorious blue eyes gazed upon him with an inde- scribable expression of impassioned tenderness. The king looked at her with a dreamy smile, quite absorbed in her aspect. And indeed it was a charming and beautiful sight pre- sented by this young queen of twenty years. Her blue eyes were beaming in the full fire of youth, enthusiasm, and happiness ; a sweet smile was always playing on her finely- formed mouth, with the ripe cherry lips. On both sides of her slightly-blushing cheeks her splendid auburn hair was flowing down in waving ringlets ; her noble and pure forehead arose above a nose of classical regularity, and her figure, so proud and yet so charming, so luxuriant and yet so chaste, full of true royal dignity and win- ning womanly grace, was in complete harmony with her lovely and youthful features. •'Well?" asked the queen, smiling. "Not a word of welcome from you, my beloved husband ?" " I only say to you, God bless you on your new path, and may ♦ The king's own words.— Vide " CharackTziige und Historische Fragmente aus dem Leben des Konigs von Pruessen, li^iedrich Wilhelm III. Gesammelt unU herausgegeben von R. Fr. Eylert, Bishop, u.s. w. Tli. il.. p. SI. QUEEN LOUISA. 61 He preserve you to me as long as I live !" replied the king, deeply moved, and embracing his queen with gushing tenderness. She encircled his neck with her soft, white arms, and leaned her head with a happy smile upon his shoulder. Thus they reposed in each other's arms, silent in their unutterable delight, solemnly moved in the profound consciousness of their eternal and imperish able love. Suddenly they were interrupted in their blissful dream by a low cry, and when they quickly turned around in a somewhat startled manner, they beheld the Countess von Voss, mistress of ceremonies, standing in the open door, and gloomily gazing upon them. The king could not help laughing. "Do you see now, my dear countess?" he said. "My wife and I see each other without any previous interruption as often as we want to do so, and that is precisely as it ought to be in a Christian family. But you are a charming mistress of ceremonies, and here- after we will call you Dame cV Etiquette.* Moreover, I will comply with your wishes as much as 1 can." He kindly nodded to her, and the mistress of ceremonies, well aware of the meaning of this nod, withdrew with a sigh, closing the door as she went out. The queen looked up to lier husband with a smile. "Was it again some quarrel about etiquette?" she asked. "Yes, and a quaxTelof the worst kind," replied the king, quickly. " The mistress of ceremonies demands that I should always be an- nounced to you before entering your room, Louisa. " "Oh, you are always announced here," slie exclaimed, tenderly ; "my heart always indicates your approach — and that herald is alto- gether sufficient, and it pleases me much better than the stern coun- tenance of our worthy mistress of ceremonies. " " It is the herald of my happiness, " said the king, fervently, laying his arm upon his wife's shoulder, and gently drawing her to his heart. "Do you know what I am thinking of just now?" asked the queen, after a short pause. "I believe the mistress of ceremonies will get up a large number of new rules, and lecture me considerably about the duties of a queen in regard to the laws of etiquette. " "I believe you are right," said the king, smiling. "But I don't believe she is right!" exclaimed the queen, and, closely nestling in her husband's arms, she added: "Tell me, my lord and king, inasmuch as this is the first time that you come to me as a king, have I not the right to ask a few favors of j'ou, and to pray you to grant my requests?" * The king's own words.— Vide Eylert, part ii., p. 9.3. 62 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " Yes, you have that right, my cliarming queen, " said the king, merrily ; "and I pledge you my word that your wishes shall be ful- filled, whatever they may be. " "Well, then," said the queen, joyfully, "there are four wishes that I should like you to grant. Come, sit down here by ray side, on this small sofa, put your arm around my waist, and, that I may feel that I am resting under your protection, let me lean my head upon your shoulder, like the ivy supporting itself on the trunk of the sti'ong oak. And now listen to my wishes. In the first place, I want you to allow me to be a wife and mother in my own house, without any restraint whatever, and to fulfil my sacred duties as such without fear and without regard to etiquette. Do you grant this wish?" "Most cordially and joyfully, in spite of all mistresses of ceremo- nies !" replied the king. The queen nodded gently and smiled. " Secondly, " she continued, "I beg you, my beloved husband, on your own part, not to permit etiquette to do violence to your feelings toward me, and always to call me, even in the presence of others, youi* 'wife,' and not 'her majesty the queen. ' Will you grant that, too, my dearest friend?" The king bent over her and kissed her beautiful hair. " Louisa, " he whispered, " you know how to read my heart, and, generous as you always are, you pray me to grant what is only my own dearest wish. Yes, Louisa, we v,nll always call each other by those most honorable of our titles, ' husband and wife. ' And now, your third wish, my dear wife?" "Ah, I have some fears about this third wish of mine," sighed the queen, looking up to her husband with a sweet smile. "lam afraid you cannot gi-ant it, and the mistress of ceremonies, perhaps, was right when she told me etiquette would prevent you from com- plying with it. " "Ah, the worthy mistress of ceremonies has lectured you also to- day already?" asked the king, laughing. The queen nodded. "She has communicated to me several im- portant sections from the 'book of ceremonies, '" she sighed. "But all that shall not deter me from mentioning my third wish to you. I ask you, my Frederick, to request the king to permit my husband to live as plainly and modestly as heretofore. Let the king give his state festivals in the large royal palace of his ancestors — let him receive in those vast and gorgeous halls the homage of his subjects, and the visits of foreign princes, and let the queen assist him on such occasions. But those duties of royalty once attended to, may wo not be permitted, like all others, to go home, and in the midst of our dear little family circle repose after the fatiguing pomp and QUEEN LOUISA. 6$ splendor of the festivities? Let us not give up our beloved home for the large royal palace ! Do not ask me to leave a house in which I have passed the happiest and finest days of my life. See, here in these dear old rooms of mine, every thing reminds me of you, and whenever I am walking through them, the whole secret history of our love and happiness stands again before my eyes. Here, in this room, we saw each other for the first time after my arrival in Berlin, alone and without witnesses. Here you imprinted the first kiss upon your wife's lips, and, like a heavenly smile, it penetrated deep into my soul, and it has remained in my heart like a little guardian angel of our love. Since that day, even in the fullest tide of happi- ness, I always feel so devout and grateful to God ; and whenever you kiss me, the little angel in my heart is praying for you, and when- ever I am praying, he ki.sses you." "Oh, Louisa, you are my angel — my guardian angel !" exclaimed the king, enthusiastically. The queen apparently did not notice this interruption — she was entirely absorbed in her recollections. "On this sofa here," she said, " we were often seated in fervent embrace like to-day and when every thing aroimd us was silent, our hearts spoke only the louder to each other, and often have I heard here from your lips the most sublime and sacred revelations of your noble, pure, and manly soul. In my adjoining cabinet, you were once standing at the window, gloomy and downcast ; a cloud was covering your brow, and I knew you had heard again sorrowful tidings in your father's palace. But no complaint ever dropped from your lips, for you always were a good and dutiful son, and even to me you never alluded to your father's failings. I knew what you were sufi'ering, but I knew also that at that hour I had the power to dispel all the clouds from your brov>^, and to make your eyes radiant with joy and happiness. Softly approaching you, I laid my arm around your neck, and my head on your breast, and thereupon I whispered three words which only God and my husband's ears were to hear. And you heard them, and 3-ou uttered a loud cry of joy, and before I knew how it happened, I saw you on your knees before me, kissing my feet and the hem of my garment, and applying a name to me that sounded like heavenly music, and made my heart overflow with ecstasy and sufi'used my cheeks with a deep blush. And I don't know again how it happened, but I felt that I was kneeling by your side, and we were lifting up our folded hands to heaven, thanking God for the great bliss He had vouchsafed to us, and praying Him to bless our child, unknown to us as yet, but already so dearly beloved. Oh, and last, my own Frederick, do yoii remember that other hour in my bedroom? You were sitting at my bedside, with folded bands, 64 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. praying, and yet, during your prayer, gazing upon me, while I was writhing with pain, and j^et so supremely happy in my agony, for I knew that Nature at that hour was about to consecrate me for my most exalted and sacred vocation, and that God would bless our love with a visible pledge of our happiness. The momentous hour was at hand— a film covered my eyes, and I could only see the Holy Vir- gin surrounded by angels, on Guido Reni's splendid painting, oppo- site my bed. Sviddenly a dazzling flash seemed to penetrate the darkness surrounding me, and through the silence of the room there resounded a voice that I had never heard before — the voice of my child. And at the sound of that voice I saw the angels descending from the painting and approaching my bedside in order to kiss me, and the Mother of God bent over me with a heavenly smile, exclaim- ing : 'Blessed is the wife who is a mother !' My consciousness left me — I believe my ineffable happiness made me faint. " " Yes, you fainted, beloved wife, " said the king, gently nodding to her ; " but the swoon had not dispelled the smile from your lips, nor the expression of raptiu'ous joy from j'our features. You lay there as if overwhelmed with joy and fascinated by your ecstatic bliss. Knowing that you were inexpressibh" happy, I felt no fear whatever — " "Well, I awoke soon again," added the queen, joyfully. "I had no time to spare for a long swoon, for a question was burning in my heart. I turned my eyes toward you — you were standing in the middle of the room, holding the babe that, in its new little lace dress, had just been laid into your arms. My heart now commenced beating in my breast like a hammer. I looked at you, but mj' lips were not strong enough to utter the question. However, you imder- stood me well enough, and drawing close to my bedside, and kneel- ing down and laying the babe into my arms, you said, in a voice which I shall never forget, 'Louisa, give your blessing to your son !' Ah, at that moment it seemed as if my ecstasy would rend my breast. I had to utter a loud scream, or I should have died from joy. 'A son !' I cried, 'Iliave given birth to a son !' And I drew my arms around you and the babe, and we wept tears — oh, such tears — " She paused, overwhelmed with emotion, and burst into tears. "Ah!" she whispered, deprecatingly, "I am very foolish — you will laugh at me." But the king did not laugh, for his eyes also were moist; only he Avas ashamed of his tears and kept them back in his eyes. A pause ensued, and the queen laid her head upijn the shoidder of hei' husband, who had drawn his arm iiround her waist. All at once she raised her head, and fixing her large and radiant eyes upon the deei)ly-moved face of the king, she asked : QUEEN LOUISA. 65 "My Frederick, can we leave a house in which I bore you a son and crown prince? Will we give up our most sacred recollections for the sake of a large and gorgeous royal palace?" "No, we will not," said the king, pressing his wife closer to his heart. "No, we will remain in this house of ours — we will not leave it. Our happiness has grown and prospered here, and here it shaU bloom and bear fruit. Your wish shall be fulfilled ; we will continue living here as man and wife, and if the king and queen have to give festivals and to receive numerous guests, then they will go over to the palace to comply with their royal duties, but in the evening they will return to their happy home. " "Oh, my friend, my beloved friend, how shall I thank you?" exclaimed the queen, encircling his neck with her arms, and im- printing a glowing kiss upon his lips. " But now, dear wife, let me know your fourth wish, " said the king, holding her in his arms. " I hope your last wish is a real one, and not merely calculated to render me happy, but one that also con- cerns yourself ?" "Oh, my fourth wish only concerns myself," said the queen, with an arch smile. "I can confide it to you, to you alone, and you must promise to keep it secret, and not to say a word about it to the mistress of ceremonies." "I promise it most readily, dear Louisa." "Well," said the queen, placing her husband's hand upon her heart, and gently stroking it with her fingers. "I believe during the coming winter we shall often have to be king and queen. Fes- tivals will be given to us, and we shall have to give others in return ; the country will do homage to the new sovereign, and the nobility will solemnly take the oath of allegiance to him. Hence there will be a great deal of royal pomp, but very little enjoyment for us dur- ing the winter. Well, I will not complain, but endeavor, to the best of my ability, to do honor to my exalted position by your side. In I'eturn, however, my beloved lord and friend — in return, next summer, when the roses are blooming, you must give me a day — a day that is to belong exclusively to myself ; and on that day we will forget the cares of royalty, and only remember that we are a pair of happy young lovers. Of course, we shall not spend that day in Berlin, nor in Parez either ; but like two merry birds, we will fly far, far away to my home in Mecklenburg, to the paradise of my early years — to the castle of Hohenzieritz ; and no one shall know any thing about it. Without being previously announced, we will arrive there, and in the solitude of the old house and garden we will perform a charming little idyl. On that day you only belong to me, and to nobod}' else. On that day I am your wife and sweetheart and 66 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. nothing else, and I shall provide amusement and food for you. Yes, dearest Frederick, I shaU prepare your meals all alone, and set the table and carve for you. Oh, dear, dear friend ; give me such a day, such an idyl of happiness !" " I give it to you and to myself, most joyfully ; and let me con- fess, Louisa, I wish the winter were over already, and the morning of that beautifiU day were dawning. " "Thanks — thousand thanks!" exclaimed the queen, enthusiasti- cally. "Let the stiff and ceremonious days come now, and the sneaking, fawning courtiers and the incense of flattery. Tluough all the mist I shall constantly inhale the sweet fragrance of the roses of the future, and on the stiff gala- days I shall think of the idyl of that day that will dawn next summer and compensate me for all the annoyances and fatigues of court life. " The king placed his right hand on her head, as if to bless her, and with his left lifted up her face that was reposing on his breast. " And you really think, you charming, happy angel, that I do not understand you?" he asked, in a low voice. "Do you think I do not feel and know that you want to offer me this consolation and to comfort me by the hope of such a blissful day for the intervening time of care, fatigue, and restlessness? Oh, my dear Louisa, you need no such consolation, for God has intended j^ou for a queen, and e^en the burdens and cares of your position will only surround you like enchanting genii. You know at all times how to find the right word and the riglit deed, and the Graces have showered upon you the most winning charms to fascinate all hearts, in v.hatever you may be doing. On the other hand, I am awkward and ill at ease. I know it only too well ; my unhappy childhood, grief and cares of all kinds, have rendered my heart reserved and bashful. Perhaps I am not always lacking right ideas, but I fail only too often to tind the right word for what I think and feel. Plereafter, my dear Louisa, frequent occasions will arise when you will have to speak for both of us. By means of your irresistible smile and genial con- versation you will have to win the hearts of people, while I shall be content if I can only win their heads." "Shall I be able to win their hearts?" asked the queen, musingly. "Oh, assist me, my dearest friend. Tell me what I have to do in order to be beloved by my people. " " Remain what you are, Louisa, " said the king, gravely—" always remain as charming, graceful, and pure as I beheld you on the most glorious two days of my life, and as my inward eye always will be- hold you. Oh, I also have some charming recollections, and although I cannot narrate them in words as fascinating and glowing as yours, yet they are engraved no loss vividly on my mind, and, THE KING'S RECOLLECTIONS. 67 like beautiful genii, accompany me everywhere. Only before others they are bashful and reticent like myself. " " Let me hear them, Fi-ederick, " begged the queen, tenderly lean- ing her beautiful head on her husband's shoulder. "Let us devote another hour to the recollections of the past. " " Yes, let another hour be devoted to the memories of past times, " exclaimed the king, " for can there be any thing more attractive for me than to think of you and of that glorious hour when I saw you iirst? Shall I tell you all about it, Louisa?" "Oh, do so, my beloved friend. Your words will sound to me like some beautiful piece of music that one likes better and under- stands better the more it is heard. Speak, then, Frederick, speak. " CHAPTER X. THE KING'S RECOLLECTIONS. "Well," said the king, "whenever I look back into the past, every thing seems to me covered with a gray mist, through wliich only two stars and. two lights are twinkling. The stars are your eyes, and the lights are the two days I alluded to before — the day on which I saw you for the first time, and the day on which you arrived in Berlin. Oh, Louisa, never shall I forget that first day ! I call it the first day, because it was the first day of my real life. It was at Frankfort-on-the-Main, during the campaign on the Rhine. My father, the king, accompanied by myself, returned the visit that the Duke of Mecklenburg, your excellent father, had paid on the previ- ous day. We met in a small and unjiretending villa, situated in the midst of a large garden. The two sovereigns conversed long and seriously, and I was listening to them in silence. This silence was, perhaps, disagreeable to my father the king. "'What do you think, your highness?' he suddenly asked your father. ' While we are talking about the military operations, will we not permit the young gentleman there to wait upon the ladies? As soon as we are through, I shall ask you. to grant me the same privilege. ' " Tlie duke readily assented, and calling the footman waiting in the anteroom, he ordered him to go with me to the ladies and to announce my visit to them. Being in the neighborhood of the seat of war, you know, little attention was paid to ceremonies. I followed the footman, who told me the ladies were in the garden, whither he conducted me. We walked through a long avenue and a number of side-paths. The footman, going before me, looked around in every 68 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. direction without being able to discover the whereabouts of the ladies. Finally, at a bend in the avenue, we beheld a bower in the distance, and something white fluttering in it. "'Ah, there is Princess Louisa, ' said the footman, turning to me, and he then rapidly walked toward her. I followed him slowly and listlessly, and when he came back and told me Princess Louisa was ready to receive me, I was perhaps yet twenty yards from the rose- bower. I saw there a young lady rising from her seat, and accele- rated my steps. Suddenly my heart commenced pulsating as it never had done before, and it seemed to me as if a door were burst- ing open in my heart and making it free, and as if a thousand voices in my soul were singing and shouting, 'There she is ! There is the lady of your heart ! ' The closer I approached, the slower grew my steps, and I saw you standing in the entrance of the bower in a w^hite dress, loosely covering your noble and charming figure, a gentle smile playing on your pure, sweet face, golden ringlets flow- ing down both sides of your rosy cheeks, and your head vi^reathed with the full and fragrant roses which seemed to bend down upon you from the bower in order to kiss and adorn you, j'our round white arms only half covered with clear lace sleeves, and a full- blown rose in your right hand which you had raised to your waist. And seeing you thus before me, I believed I had been removed from earth, and it seemed to me I beheld an angel of innocence and beauty, through whose voice Heaven wished to greet me.* At last I stood close before you, and in my fascination I entirely forgot to salute you. I only looked at you. I only heard those jubilant voices in my heart, singing, 'There is your wife — the wife you will love now and forever!' It was no maudling sentimentality, but a clear and well-defined consciousness which, like an inspiration, suddenly moistened my eyes with tears of joy. f Oh, Louisa, why am I no painter to perpetuate that sublime moment in a beautiful and glori- ous picture? But what I cannot do, shall be tried by others. A true artist shall render and eternize that moment for me, ^ so that one day when we are gone, our son may look up to the painting and say: 'Such was my mother when my father first saw her. He be- lieved he beheld an angel, and he was not mistaken, for she was the guardian angel of his whole life. '" "Oh ! you make me blush — you make me too happj^, too happy !' exclaimed the queen, closing her husband's lips with a burning kiss. ♦Goethe saw the young princess at the same time, and speaks of her "divine beauty. " t The king's own words, vide Bishop Eylert's work, vol. ii., p. 22. t This painting was afterward executed, and may now be seen at the royal pal- ace of Berlin. The whole account of the first meeting of the two lovers is based upon the communication the king made himself to Bishop Eylert THE KING'S RECOLLECTIONS. 69 "Don't praise me too much, lest I should become proud and over- bearing. " The king gently shook his head. "Only the stupid, the guilty, and the base are proud and overbearing," he said. "But, whoever lias seen jou, Louisa, on the day of your first arrival in Berlin, will never forget your sweet image in its radiance of grace, modesty, and loveliness. -It was on a Sunday, a splendid clear day in winter, the day before Christmas, which was to become the greatest holiday of my life. A vast crowd had gathered in front of the Arsenal Unter den Linden. Every one was anxious to see you. At the entrance of the Linden, not far from the Opera-Place, a splendid ti-iumphal arch had been erected, and here a committee of the citizens and a num- ber of little girls were to welcome you to Berlin. In accordance with the rules of court etiquette, I was to await your arrival at the palace. But my eagerness to see you would not suffer me to remain there. Closely muffled in my military cloak, my cap drawn down over my face, in order not to be recognized by anybody, I had gone out among the crowd and, assisted by a trusty servant, obtained a place behind one of the pillars of the triumphal arch. Suddenly tremendous cheers burst forth from a hundred thousand throats, thousands of arms were waving white handkerchiefs from the win- dows and roofs of the houses, the bells were rung, the cannon com- menced thundering, for you had just crossed the Brandenburger Gate. Alighting from your carriage, you walked up the Linden with your suite, the wildest enthusiasm greeting every step you made, and finally you entered the triumphal arch, not suspecting how near I was to you, and how fervently my heart was yearning for you. A number of little girls in white, with myrtle -branches in their hands, met you there ; and one of them, bearing a myrtle- wreath on an embroidered cushion, presented it to you and recited a simple and touching poem. Oh, I see even now, how j'our eyes were glowing, how a profound emotion lighted up your features, and how, overpowered by your feelings, you bent down to the little girl, clasped her in your arms and kissed her eyes and lips. But behind you there stood the mistress of ceremonies. Countess von Voss, pale with indignation, and trembling with horror at this un- paralleled occurrence. She hastily tried to draw you back, and in her amazement she cried almost aloud, 'Good Heaven! how could your royal highness do that just now? It was contrary to good- breeding and etiquette!' Those were harsh and inconsiderate words, but in your happy mood you did not feel hurt, but qviietly and cheerfully turned around to her and asked innocently and hon- estly : 'What! cannot I do so any more'?'* Oh, Louisa, at that * Eylert, vol. ii., p. 79, 70 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. moment, and in consequence of your charming question, my eyes grew moist, and I could hardly refrain from rushing out of the crowd and pressing you to my heart, and kissing your eyes and lips as innocently and chastely as you had kissed those of the little girl. "See," said the king, drawing a deep breath, and pausing for a minute, " those are the two great days of my life, and as you ask me now, what you ought to do in order to Avin the love of your peo- ple, I reply to you once more : Remain what you ai'e, so that these beautiful pictures of you, which are engraved upon my heart, may always resemble you, and you will be sure to win all hearts. Oh, my Louisa, your task is an easy one, you only have to be true to yourself, you only have to follow your faithful companions the Graces, and success will never fail you. My task, however, is diffi- cult, and I shall have to struggle not only with the evil designs, the malice, and stupidity of others, but with my own inexperience, my want of knowledge, and a certain irresolution, resulting, however, merely from a correct appreciation of what I am lacking. " The queen with a rapid gesture placed her hand upon the king's shoulder. "You must be more self-reliant, for jou may safely trust your- self, "she said, gravely. "Who could be satisfied with himself, if you were to despair? What sovereign could have the courage to grasp the sceptre, if your hands should shrink back from it? — your hands, as free from guilt and firm and strong as those of a true man should be ! I know nothing about politics, and shall never dare to meddle with public affairs and to advise you in regard to them ; but I know and feel that you will always be guided by what you believe to be the best interests of your people, and that you never will devi- ate from that course. The spirit of the Great Frederick is looking upon you ; he will guide and bless you !" The king seemed greatly surprised by these words. " Do you divine my thoughts, Louisa?" he asked. " Do you know my soul has been with him all the morning — that I thus conversed with him and repeated to myself every thing he said to me one aay in a great and solemn hour. Oh, it was indeed a sacred hour, and never have I spoken of it to anybody, for every word would have looked to me like a desecration. But you, my noble wife, you can only consecrate and sanctify the advice I received in that momerh tons hour ; and as I am telling you to-day about my most glorious reminiscences, you shall hear also what Frederick the Great once Baid to me. " The queen nodded approvingly, raising her head from his shoulder and folding her hands on her lap as if she were going to pray. The king paused for a moment, and seemed to reflect. THE KING'S RECOLLECTIONS. 71 "In 1785," he then said, "on a fine, warm summer day, I met the king in the garden at Sans-Souci. I was a youth oi fifteen years at that time, strolling carelessly tlirougli the shrubbery and humming a song, when I suddenly beheld the king, who was seated on the bench under the large beech-tree, at no great distance from the Japanese palace. He was alone ; two greyhounds were lying at his feet, in his hands he held his old cane, and his head reposed gently on the trunk of the beech-tree. A last beam of the setting sun was playing on his face, and rendered his glorious eyes even more radiant. I stood before him in reverential awe, and he gazed upon me with a kindly smile. Then he commenced examining me about my studies, and finally he drew a volume of La Fontaine's 'Fables' from his pocket, opened the book and asked me to translate the fable on the page he showed me. I did so — but when he after- ward was going to praise me for the skill with which I had rendered it, I told him it was but yesterday that I had translated the same fable under the supei-vision of my teacher. A gentle smile imme- diately lighted up his face, and tenderly patting my cheeks, he said to me, in his sonorous, soft voice : ' That is riglit, my dear Fritz, always be honest and upright. Never try to seem what you are not — always be more than what you seem ! ' I never forgot that exhor- tation, and I have always abhorred falsehood and hypocrisy. " The queen gently laid her hand upon his heart. "Your eye is honest, " she said, " and so is your heart. My Frederick is too proud and brave to utter a lie. And what did you say to your gi'eat ancestor?" " I ? He spoke to me — I stood before him and listened. He ad- monished me to be industrious, never to believe that I had learned enough ; never to stand still, but always to struggle on. After that he arose and, conversing with me all the tirge, slowly walked down the avenue leading to the garden gate. All at once he paused, and leaning upon his cane, his piercing eyes looked at me so long and searchingly, that his glance deeply entered into my heart. ' Well, Fritz, ' he said, ' try to become a good man, a good man par excel- lence. Great things are in store for you. I am at the end of my career, and my task is about accomplished. I am afraid that things will go pell-mell when I an^ dead. A portentous fermentation is ^oing on everywhere, and the sovereigns, especially the King of France, instead of calming it and extirpating the causes that have produced it, unfortunately are deluded enough to fan the flame. The masses below commence moving already, and when the explo- sion finally takes place, the devil will be to pay. I am afraid your own position one day will be a most difficult one. Arm yourself, therefore, for the strife ! — be firm ! — think of me ! "Watch over our 6 72 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. honor and our glory ! Beware of injustice, but do not permit any one to treat you unjustly !' He paused again, and slowly walked on. While deeply moved and conscious of the importance of the interview, I inwardly repeated every word he had said, in order to remember them as long as I lived. We had now reached the obelisk, near the gate of Sans-Souci. The king here gave me his left hand, and with his uplifted right hand he pointed at the obelisk. ' Look at it, ' he said, loudly and solemnly ; 'the obelisk is tall and slender, and yet it stands firm amid the most furious storms. It says to you : Ma force est via droiture. The culmination, the highest point over- looks and crowns the whole ; it does not support it, however, but is supported by the whole mass underlying it, especially by the invisi- ble foundation, deeply imbedded in the earth. This supporting foundation is the people in its unity. Always be on the side of the people, so that they will love and trust you, as they alone can render you strong and happy. ' He cast another searching glance upon me, and gave me his hand. When I bent over it in order to kiss it, he imprinted a kiss on my forehead. 'Don't forget this hour, ' he said kindly, nodding to me. He turned around, and accompanied by his greyhounds, slowly walked up the avenue again.* I never for- got that hour, and shall remember it as long as I live. " "And the spirit of the great Frederick will be with you and remain with you, " said the queen, deeply moved. "Would to God it were so!" sighed the king. "I know that 1 am weak and inexperienced ; I stand in need of wise and experi- enced advisers ; I — " A rap at the door interrupted the king, and on his exclaiming. " Come in !" the door was opened and the court marshal appeared on the threshold. "I humbly beg your ^lajesty's pardon for venturing to disturb you," he said, bowing reverentially ; "but I must request your maj- esty to decide a most important domestic matter — a matter that brooks no delay." "Well, what is it?" said the king, rising and walking over to the marshal. "Your majesty, it is about the bill of fare for the royal table, and T beseech your majesty to read and ap^ove the following paper I liave drawn up in regard to it." With an obsecpiious bow, he presented a paper to the king, who read it slowly and attentively. "What!" he suddenly asked, shai'ply, "two courses more than formerly V" * The king'u own account to Bishop Eylert, iu the latter's work, vol. i., p. 456. THE KING'S RECOLLECTIONS. 73 "Your majesty," replied the marshal, humbly, " it is for the table of a ki7ig !" " And j''ou believe that my stomach has grown larger since I am a king?" asked J'rederick William. "No, sir, the meals shall re- main the same as heretofore,* unless," he said, politely turning to the queen, "unless yoii desire a change, my dear?" The queen archly shook her head. "No," she said, with r charming smile; "neither has my stomach grown larger sinct yesterday. " "There will be no change, then, "said the king, dismissing the marshal. " Just see, " he sa id to the queen, when the courtier had disap- peared, " what efforts they make in order to bring about a change in our simple and unassuming waj's of living ; they flatter us wherever they can, and even tiy to do so by means of our meals. " " As for ourselves, however, dearest, we will remember the words of your great imcle, " said the queen, "and when they overwhelm us on all sides with their vain and ridiculous demands, we will lemain firm and true to ourselves. " "Yes, Louisa," said the king, gravely, "and whatever our new life may have in store for us, we will remain the same as before. " Another rap at the door was heard, and a royal footman entered. "Lieutenant-Colonel von Kockeritz, your majesty, requests an audience. " "Ah, yes, it is time," said the king, looking at the clock on the mantel-piece. "I sent him word to call on me at this hour. Fare- well Louisa, I must not let him wait." He bov/ed to his wife, whose hand he tenderly pressed to his lips, and turned to the door. The footman who had meantime stood at the door as straight as an arrow, waiting for the king's reply, now hastened to open both folding -doors. "What !" asked the king, with a deprecating smile, "have I sud- denly grown so much stouter that I can no longer pass out through one door?" f The queen's eyes followed her husband's tall and commanding figure with a proud smile, and then raising her beautiful, radiant eyes with an indescribable expression to heaven, she whispered "Oh, what a man ! my husband !" t *Vide Eylert, vol. i., p. 18. tlbid., p. 19. t"0, welch einMannl meia Mann 1"— Eylert, vol. ii., p. 157. 74 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. CHAPTER XI. THE YOUNG KING. The king rapidly walked through the rooms and across the hall, separating his own apartments from those of the queen. He iiad scarcely entered his cabinet, when he opened the door of the ante- I'oom, and exclaimed : " Pray, come in, my dear Kockeritz. " A corpulent little gentleman, about fifty years of age, with a kind, good-natm"ed face, small, vivacious ejes, denoting an excel- lent heart, but little ability, and large, broad lips, which never perhaps had uttered profound tiaiths, but assiu-edly many pleasant jests, immediately appeared on the threshold. Wliile he was bowing respectfully, the king extended his hand to him. "You have received my letter, my friend?" he asked. " Yes, yom- majesty. I received it yesterday, and I have been studying it all night." "And what are you going to reply to me?" asked the king, quickly. " Are yo» ready to accept the position I have tendered to you? Will you become my conscientious and impartial adviser — my true and devoted friend?" "Your majesty," said the lievitenant-colonel, sighing, "I am afraid your majesty has too good an opinion of my abilities. When I read your trulj' sviblime letter, my heart shuddered, and I said to myself, 'The king is mistaken about you. To fill the position he is offering to jou, he needs a man of the highest ability and wisdom. The king has confounded your heart with your head. ' Yes, your majesty, my heart is in the right place ; it is brave, bold, and faith- ful, but my head lacks wisdom and knowledge. I am not a learned man, your majesty. " "But you are a man of good common-sense and excellent judg- ment, and that is worth more to me than profound learning, " ex- claimed the king. "I have observed you for years, and these ex- tended observations have confirmed my conviction more and more that I was possessing in you a man who would be able one day to render me the most important services by his straightforwardness, his unerring judgment, his firm character, and well-tried honesty. I have a perfect right to trust you implicitly. I am a young man, as yet too ignorant of the world to pely exclusively upon myself, and not to fear lest dishonest nu'ii, in spite of the most earnest precau- tions, should deceive me. Hence every well-meant advice must be exceedingly welcome to me, and such advice I can expect at your THE YOUNG KING. 76 hands. I pray you, sir, remain my friend, do not change your bear- ing toward me, become my adviser.* Kockeritz, will you reject my request?" "No," exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz ; "if that is all j^our maj- esty asks of me, I can promise it and fulfil my promise. Your majesty shall always find me to be a faithful, devoted, and honest servant. " " I ask more than that, " said the king, gently. " Not only a faith ful servant, but a devoted friend — a friend who will call my atten- tion to my short-comings and errors. Assist me with your knowl- edge of men and human nature. For nobody is more liable to make mistakes in judging of men than a prince, and it cannot be other- wise. To a prince no one shows himself in his true character. Every one tries to fathom the weaknesses and inclinations of rulers — and then assumes such a mask as seems best calculated to accom- plish his purposes. Hence, I expect you to look around quietly, without betraying your intentions, for honest and sagacious men, and to find out what positions thej are able to fill in the most cred- itable manner. " f " I shall take pains, your majesty, to discover such men, " said Herr von Kockeritz, gravely. " It seems to me, however, sire, that fortunately you have got many able and excellent men close at hand, and for that reason need not look very far for other assistants. " "To whom do you allude?" exclaimed the king, sharply, and with a slight frown. Herr von Kockeritz cast a rapid glance upon the king's counte- nance and seemed to have read his thoughts upon his clouded brow. "Your majesty," he said, gravely and slowly, "I do not mean to say any thing against WoUner, the minister, and his two counsel- lors, Hermes and Hiller, nor against Lieutenant- General von Bisch- ofswerder. " The frown had already disappeared from the king's brow. Step- ping up to his desk, he seized a piece of paper there, which he handed to his friend. "Just read that paper, and tell me what to do about it. " "Ah, Lieutenant-General von Bischofswerder has sent in his resignation !" exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz, when he had read the paper. " Well, I must confess that the general has a very fine nose, and that he acted most prudently. " "You believe, then, I would have dismissed liim anyhow?" " Yes, I believe so, your majesty. " * Vide " A letter to Lieutenant-Colonel von Kockeritz, by Frederick William III." -tibid. 76 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "And you are right, Kockeritz. This gloomy. and bigoted man has done a great deal of mischief in Prussia, and the genius of our country had veiled his head and fled before tlie spirits which Biscii- ofswerder had called up. Oh, my friend, we have passed through a gloomy, disastrous period, and seen many evil spirits here, and been tormented by them. But not another word about it ! It does not behoove me to judge the past, for it does not belong to me Only the future is mine ; and God grant when it has, in turn, be- come the past, that it may not judge me ! Lieutenant-General von Bischcfswerder was the friend and confidant of my lamented father, the king, and in that capacity I must and will honor him. I shall accept his resignation, but grant him an ample pension." "That resolution is highly honorable to your majesty's heart, " exclaimed Hen- von Kockeritz, feelingly. '"As to Minister Wollner, " said the king, frowning, "in respect- ful remembrance of my lamented father's partialitj* for him, I shall not at once dismiss him, but leave it to himself to send in his resig- nation. Let him see if he will be able to reconcile himself to the new era, for a new era, I hope, is to dawn for Prussia — an era of toleration, enlightenment and true piety, that does not seek satis- faction in mere lip-service and church-going, but in good and pious deeds. Religion is not an offspring of the church, but the reverse is true ; the church is an offspring of religion, and the church there- fore, ought to be subordinate to religion, and never try to place itself above it. Henceforth there shall be no more compulsion in matters of faith, and all fanatical persecutions sliall cease. I honor religion mj'self ; I devoutly follow its blessed precepts, and under no circumstances would I be the ruler of a people devoid of religion. But I know that religion always must remain a matter of the heart and of personal conviction, and if it is to promote virtue and right- eousness, it must not, by a mere methodical constraint, be degraded to an empty and thoughtless ritualism. Hereafter Lutheran princi- ples shall be strictly adliered to in religious affairs, for they are entirely in harmony with the spirit and Founder of our religion. No compulsory laws are necessary to maintain tiue religion in the country and to increase its salutary influence upon the happiness and morality of all classes of the people.* These, I am afraid, are principles which Minister Wollner cannot adopt; and if he is an honest man, he will consequently send in his resignation. If he should not do so in the course of a few weeks, of course I shall dis- miss him. You see, Kockeritz, I am speaking to you frankly and unreservedly, as if you were a true friend of mine, and I am treat- ing you already as my adviser. Now tell me who are the men of * Vide "Menael's Twenty Years of Prussian History," p. 534. THE YOUNG KING. 77 whom you wished to speak, aud wiioiii you believe to be able and reliable. " The face of Herr von Kockeritz assumed an embarrassed and anxious air, but the king was waiting for an answer, and therefore he could not withhold it any longer. " Well, your majesty, " he said, somewhat hesitatingly, " I alluded to the minister of foreign affairs, Herr von Haugwitz, whom I believe to be an honest man, while I am equally satisfied that his first assistant, Lombard, is a man of excellent business qualifica- tions and great ability. " The king nodded his assent. "I am entirely of your opinion," he said ; " Minister von Haugwitz is not only an honest man, but an able-minded and skilful diplomatist, and an experienced statesman. I stand in need of his experience and knowledge, and as I moreover believe him to be a good patriot, he may remain at the head of his department. " A gleam of joy burst from the eyes of Herr von Kockeritz, but he quickly lowered them, in order not to betray his feelings. "As to Lombard, " said the king, "you are likewise right ; he is an excellent and most able man, though a little tinctured with Jacobinism. His French blood infects him with all sorts of demo- cratic notions. I wish he would get rid of them, and I shall assist him in doing so, in case he should prove to be the man I take him for. His position is too exalted and important that I should not deem it desirable to see him occupy a place in society in accordance with the old established rules. I want him to apply for letters of nobility. I shall grant the application at once. Please, tell him so. " Herr von Kockeritz bowed silently. " Is there anybody else whom you wish to recommend to me?" asked the king with an inquiring glance. " Your majestj^ " said Kockeritz, " I do not know of anybody else. But I am sui'e your majesty will always find the right man for the right place. Even in my case, I trust, your majesty has done so, for if it is of importance for you to have a faithful and devoted servant close to your person, who values nothing in the world so greatly, who loves nothing so fervently, and adores nothing so much as his young king, then I am the right man, and in this regard I do not acknowledge any superior. And further, if it be of importance that your majesty should at all times hear the truth, then I am the right man again, for I hate falsehood, and how should I, therefore, ever be false toward your majesty, inasmuch as I love your majesty?" "I believe j'ou, I believe you," exclaimed the king, taking the lieutenant-colonel by the hand. " You love me and are an honest man ; I shall, therefore, always hear the truth from you. But you 78 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Bhall inform yourself also of the state of public opinion concerning myself and my government, weigh the judgmont passed on me and my counsellors, and if you believe it to be correct, then discuss it with men whom you know to be impartial and aljle to speak uuder- standingly of the matter. Having thus a.scertain«.'d public opinion and familiarized yourself with every thing, I expect you to lay the matter before me and tell me your opinion firmly and unreservedly. I shall never question your good intentions, but always endeavor to profit by your advice. And I shall now directly give you a trial. What do you think of the congress which met a few weeks ago at Rastadt, and at which the German empire is to negotiate a treaty of peace with France?" "Your majesty, I believe it will be good for all of us to live at peace with France, " exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz, earnestly. " If Prussia should quarrel w ith France, it would only afford Austi-ia an opportunity to cany out its long-standing designs upon Bavaria, while Prussia would be occupied elsewhere ; and in order not to be hindered by Prussia in doing so, Austria, who now has iust con- cluded so favorable a treaty of peace with France at Campo Fonnio, would become the ally of France and tlms strengthen her old hostility toward Prussia. A war between Austria and Prussia would be the unavoidable consequence ; the whole of Germany would dissolve itself into parties favorable or hostile to us, and this state of affairs would give France an opportunity and a pretext to carry out her own predatory designs against Germany ; and, while we would be fighting battles j^erhaps in Silesia and Bavaria, to seize the left bank of the Rhine. " " I am entirely of your opinion, " exclaimed the king. " I am very glad to find my views in complete harmony with yours. " It is true Lieutenant- Colonel von Kockeritz was well aware of this, for all he had said just now was nothing but a repetition of what the king, while yet a crown prince, had often told him in their confidential conversations. But of this he took good care not to remind the king, and merely bowed with a grateful smile. " Yes, " added the king, " like you, I believe prudence and sovmd policy command vis to remain at peace with France, and to foi'm a closer alliance witli this power. That is the only Avay for us to pre- vent Austria from realizing her schemes of aggrandizement. Aus- tria, not France, is dangerous to us ; the latter is our natural ally, and the former our natural adversary. Every step forward made by Austria in Germany, forces Prussia a step backward. Let Aus- tria enlarge her territory in the south, toward Italy, but never shall I permit her to extend her northern and western frontiers farther into Germany. The peace of Campo Formio has given Venice to FREDERICK GENTZ. 79 the Austrians but they never shall acquire Bavaria. It is Prussia's special task to iuduce France not to permit it, and, precisely for that reason, we must force a closer alliance with France. That, ray dear Kockeritz, is my view of the political course that we should pursue in future. Peace abroad and peace at home ! No violent commo- tions and convulsions, no rash innovations and changes. New in- stitutions should gradually and by their own inherent foi-ce grow from the existing ones, for only in that case we may be sure that they really have taken root. I shall not head the world in the capacity of a creative and original reformer, but I shall always take pains to adopt such reforms as have proven valuable, and gradually to transform and improve such institutions as at present may be defective and objectionable. And in all these endeavors, my dear Kockeritz, you shall be my adviser and assistant. Will you prom- ise me yom- aid?" He looked earnestly' and anxiously at the lieutenant-colonel and gave him his hand. " I promise it to your majesty, " exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz, gravely, and grasping the king's hand. "Well," said the king, "with this solemn pledge you may enter upon your official position, and I am satisfied that my choice has been a judicious one. . Remain what you are, sir, an upright, hon- est man ! As far as I am concerned, you may always be sure of my heart-felt gratitude ; on the other hand, however, you should remem- ber that you not only oblige me personally, but that I request you, as it were, in the name of the state, to labor for the latter. At some future time you will gain the sweet conviction and satisfaction that you have done not a little for the welfare of the commonwealth and thereby earned the thankfulness of every well-meaning patriot. I am sure there cannot be a sweeter reward for a man of true honor and ambition like yourself." * CHAPTER XII. FREDERICK GENTZ. It was yet early in the morning ; the blinds of all the windows in the Taubenstrasse were as yet firmly closed, and only in a single house an active, bustling life prevailed. At its door there stood a heavy travelling-coach which a footman was busily engaged in loading with a large number of trunks, boxes, and packages. In the roou.s of the first story people were very active ; industrious hands were assiduously occupied with packing up things generally ,• * Vide the king's letter to Lieutenant-Colonel von K6ckeritz, 80 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. straw was wrapped around the furniture, and then covered with linen bags. The looking-glasses and paintings were taken from the walls and laid into wooden boxes, the curtains were removed from the windows, and every thing indicated that the inmates of the house were not only about to set out on a journey, but entirely to give up their former mode of living. Such was really the case, and while the servants filled the ante- rooms and the halls with the noise of their preparations, those for whom all this bustle and activity took place were in their parlor, in a grave and gloomy mood. There were two of them — a lady, scarcely twenty-four years of age, and a gentleman, about twelve years older. She was a delicate and lovely woman, with a pale, sad face, while he was a vigorous, stout man with full, round features, and large vivacious eyes which at present tried to look grave and afflicted without being able to do so ; she wore a travelling-dress, while his was an elegant morning costume. Both of them had been silent for awhile, standing at the window, or rather at different windows, and witnessing the removal of the trunks and packages to the travelling-coach. Finally, the lady, with a deep sigh, turned from the window and approached the gen- tleman who had likewise stepped back into the room. " I believe the trunks are all in the carriage, and I can set out now, Frederick, " she said, in a low and tremulous voice. He nodded, and extended his hand toward her. " And you are not angry with me, Julia?" he asked. She did not take his hand, but only looked up to him with eyes full of eloqvient grief. " I am not angry, " she said. " I pray to God that He may forgive you. " " And will you forgive me, too, Julia? For I know I have sinned grievously against you. I have made you shed many tears — I have rendered you wretched and miserable for two years, and these two years will cast a gray shadow over your whole future. When you first entered this room, you were an innocent young girl with rosy cheeks and radiant eyes, and now, as you leave it forever, you are a poor, pale woman with a broken heart and dimmed ej'es. " '' A divorced wife, that is all," she whispered, almost inaudibly. "I came here with a heart overflowing with happiness— I leave you now with a lieart full of wretchedness. I came here with the joy- ous resolution and fixed purpose to render you a happy husband, and I leave you now with the painful consciousness that I have not be- etowed ujjon you tliat happiness which T sought so earnestly to obtain lor myself. Ah, it is very sad and bitter to be under the necessity of accepting this as the only result of two long years I" FREDERICK GENTZ. 81 "Yes, it is very sad," he said, sighing. "But after all, it is no fault of ours. There was a dissonance in our married life from the start, and for that reason there never could be any genuine harmony between us. This dissonance — well, at the present hour I may con- fess it to you, too — this dissonance simply was the fact that I never ioved you !" A convulsive twitching contracted the pale lips of the poor lady. "You were a great hypocrite, then," she whispered, "for your words, yovir solenm vows never made me suspect it. " "Yes, I was a hypocrite, a wretch, a coward!" he exclaimed, impetuously. "They overwhelmed me with exhortations, supplica- tions, and representations. They knew so well to flatter me witli the idea that the beautiful, wealthy, and much-courted heiress, Julia Gilly, had fallen in love with me, the poor, unknown Frederick Gentz, the humble military counsellor. Tliey knew so well to de- pict to me the triumph I would obtain by marrying you, to the great chagrin of all your other suitors. Flattery intoxicates me, and a success, a triumph over others, fills me with the wildest de- light. My father spoke of my debts, my creditors threatened me with suits and imprisonment — " " And thus, " she interrupted him — " thus j^ou sacrificed me to your vanity and to yovir debts — you falsely vowed a love to me which you never felt, and accepted my hand. My father paid your debts, jou solemnly promised to all of us not to incur any new ones, but j'ou utterly broke your pledges. Instead of squandering hundreds as heretofore, you henceforth lavished thousands, until my whole ma- ternal pi'operty was gone — until my father, in a towering passion, turned his back upon us and swore never to see us again. The creditors, the debts, the embarrassments, reappeared, and as I had no money left with which to extricate you from your difficulties, you thought you owed me no further respect and were not under the necessity of remembering that I was your wife. You had a number of love-affairs, as I knew very well, but was silent. Love-letters arrived for you, not from one woman with whom you had fallen in love, but from God knows how manJ^ I was aware of it and was silent. And when you were finally shameless enough to let the whole city witness your passion for an actress — when all Berlin spoke contemptuously of this flame of j^ours and of the follies you committed in consequence — then I could be silent no longer, and my honor and dignity commanded me to apply for a divorce." " And every one must acknowledge that you were perfectly right. As a friend I could not have given you myself an}' other advice, for I shall not and cannot alter my nature. I am unable to accustom myself to a quiet and happy family life— domestic felicit} is repul- 82 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA Bive to me, and a feeling of restraint makes me rear and plimge like the noble charger feeling his bit and bridle for the first time. I can bear no chains, Julia, not even those of an excellent and affectionate wife such as you have been to me. " " You can bear no chains, " she said, bitterly, " and yet you are always in chains — in the chains of your debts, your love-affairs, and your frivolity. Oh, listen to me — heed my words for once. They are as solemn as though they were uttered on a death-bed, for we shall never see each other again. Fancy a mother were speaking to you — a mother tenderly loving you. For I confess to you that I still love you, Gentz — my heart cannot yet break loose from you, and even now that I have to abandon you, I feel that I shall forever remain tenderly attached to you. Oh, true love is ever hopeful, and that was the reason why I remained in your house, although my father had applied for a divorce. I was always in hopes that your heart would return to me — oli, I did not suspect that you had never loved me ! — and thus I hoped in vain, and must go now, for our divorce will be proclaimed to-day, and honor forbids me to re- main here any longer. But now that I am going, listen once more to the warning voice of a friend. Frederick Gentz, turn back ! Pursue no longer the slippery path of frivolity and voluptuousness. Break loose from the meshes of pleasures and sensuality. God has given you a noble mind, a powerful intellect — make good use of your surpassing abilities. Become as great and illustrious as Providence has intended you if you but be true to yourself. See, I believe in you, and although you only seem to live for pleasure and enjoyment, I know you are destined to accomplish great things, provided you strive to do so. Oil, let me beseech you to change your course, and to emerge from this whirlpool of dissipation and profligacy. Close your ears to the alluring songs of the sirens, and listen to the sublime voices resounding in your breast and calling you to the path of glory and honor. Follow them, Frederick Gentz — be a man, do not drift any longer aimlessly in an open boat, but step on a proud and glori- ous ship, grasp the helm and steer it out upon the ocean. You are the man to pilot the ship, and the ocean will obey you, and you will get into port loaded with riches, glory, and honor. Only make an effort. Remember my words, and now, Frederick Gentz, in order to live happily, never remember me !" She turned round and hastily left the room. He stood immovable for several minutes, dreamily gazing after her, while her words were still resounding in his ears like an inspired prophecy. Bui when he heard the carriage roll away on the street, he started, passed liis hand across luB quivering face and whispered: "I have deeply wronged her ; may God forgive me !" FREDERICK GENTZ. 83 Suddenly, however, he drew himself up to his full height, and a gleam of intense joy burst forth from his ej^es. " I am free !" he exclaimed, loudly and in a tone of exultation. "Yes, lam free! My life and the world belong to me again. All women are mine again, Cupid and all the gods of love will boldly flit toward me, for tliey need not conceal themselves any longer from the face of a hus- band strolling on forbidden grounds, nor from the spying ej^es of a jealous wife. Life is mine again, and I will enjoy it ; yes I enjoy it. I will enjoy it like fragrant wine pressed to our lips in a golden goblet, sparkling with diamonds. Ah, how they are hammering aiid battering in the anteroom ! Every stroke of theirs is a note of the glorious song of my liberty. The furniture of my household is gone ; the pictures and looking-glasses are all gone — gone. The past and every thing reminding me thereof shall disappear from these rooms. I will have new furniture — furniture of gold and velvet, large Venetian mirrors, and splendid paintings. Oh, my rooms shall look as glorious and magnificent as those of a prince, and all Berlin shall speak of the splendor and luxury of Frederick Gentz. And to whom shall I be indebted for it? Not to my wife's dower, but to myself — to myself alone, to my talents, to my genius ! Oh, in regard to this at least, poor Julia shall not have been mistaken. I sliall gain fame, and glory, and honors ; my name shall become a household word throughout all Euroj^e ; it shall reecho in every cabi- net ; every minister shall have recourse to me, and — hark ! What's that?" he suddenly interrupted himself. "I really believe they are quarrelling in the anteroom." Indeed, a violent altercation M-as heard outside. Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a vigorous, broad-shouldered man, with a flushed and angry face, appeared on the threshold. "Well," he exclaimed, with a bitter sneer, turning to the foot- man who stood behind him, "was I not right when I told you that Mr. Counsellor Gentz was at home? You would not anuovmce me, because your master had ordered you not to admit any visitors of my class. But I want to be admitted. I will not permit myself to be shown out of the anteroom like a fool, while the counsellor here is snugly sitting on his sofa laughing at me. " " You see, my dear Mr. Werner, I am neither sitting on ray sofa nor laughing at j^ou, " said Gentz, slowly approaching his angry visitor. " And now let me ask you what you want of me. " "What I want of you?" replied the stranger, with a sneer. " Sir, you know very well what I want of you. I want my money ! I want the five hundred dollars you have been owing me for the last twelve months. I trusted yovir word and your name ; I furnished you my best wines — my choicest champagne and the most exquisite 84 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. delicacies for your dinner parties. You have treated your friends that was all right enough, but it should have been done at your ex- pense, and not at mine. For that reason I am here, and you tnust pay me. For the hundredth and last time, I demand my money !" " And if I now^ tell you for the hundredth, but not the last time, that I have not got any money ?" "Then I shall go to the war department and attach your salary. " " Ah, my dear friend, there you would be altogether too late, " exclaimed Gentz, laughing. "My honorable landlord has out- stripped you as far as that is concerned ; he has attached my salarj' for a whole year, and I believe it is even insufficient to cover what I owe him. " "But in the d — I's name, sir, you must find some other means of satisfying my claim, for I tell you I shall not have this room with- out getting my money. " "My dear Mr. Werner, pray do not shout so dreadfully," said Gentz, anxiously ; " my ears are very sensitive, and such shouting terrifies me as much as a thunderstorm. I am quite willing to pay you, only point out to me a way to do it !" "Borrow money of other i^eople and then pay me !" " My dear sir, that is a way I have exhausted long ago. There is no one willing to advance me money either on interest or on my word of honor. " "But how in the d — I's name are you going to pay me then, sir?'' " That is exactly what I don't know yet, but after a while I shall know, and that time will come very soon. For I tell you, sir, these days of humiliations and debts will soon cease for me. I shall occupj' an exalted and brilliant postion ; the young king will give it to me, and—" "Fiddlesticks!" exclaimed Werner, interrupting him; "do not feed me with such empty hopes after I have fed you with delicacies and quenched your thirst with my champagne." " My dear sir, I have not partaken all alone of your good cheer ; my friends have helped me, and now you ask me alone to pay the whole bill. That is contrary to natural law and to political economy. " "Ml". Counsellor, are you mocking me with your political econ- omy? What do yoii know about economy?" "Ah, I am quite familiar with it, and my book on English finances has brought me fame and honor. " " It would have been better for you, Mr. Counsellor, if j-ou had attended to your own finances. All Berlin knows in what condition they are." " Nevertheless, there were always excellent men putting a noble trust iu me, and believing that I would repay the moiiey I borrowed FREDERICK GENTZ. 85 ot them. You are one of those excellent men, Mr. Werner, and I shall never forget it. Have a little patience, and I will pay you principal and interest. " " I cannot wait, Mr. Counsellor. I am in the greatest embarrass- ment myself ; I have to redeem large notes in the course of a few days, and unless I can do so I am lost, my whole family is ruined, and my reputation gone ; then I must declare myself insolvent, and sutler people to call me an impostor and villain, who incurs debts without knowing wherewith to pay them. Sir, I shall never suffer this, and therefore I must have my money, and I will not leave this room until you have paid my claim in full. " " In that case, my dear sir, I am afraid you will have to remain here and suffer the same distressing fate as Lot's unfortunate wife — " " Sir, pray be serious, for my business here is of a very serious character. Five hundred dollars is no trifle ; a man may squander them in a few daj^s, but they may cause him also to commit suicide. Pay me, sir, pay me ; I want my money !" "For God' s sake, do not shovit in this manner. I told you once already that I cannot stand it. I know very well that five hundred dollars is a serious matter, and that you must have your money. I will make an effort, nay, I will do my utmost to get it for you ; but you must be quiet. I pledge you my word that I will exert myself to the best of my power in order to obtain that amount for you, but in return you must promise me to go home quietly and peaceably, and to wait there until I bring you the money. " " What are you going to do? How are you going to get the money ? You told me just now you were unable to borrow any thing. " " But somebody may give me those miserable five hundred dollars, and it seems to me that would do just as well. " " Oh, you are laughing at me. " " By no means, sir. Just be still and let me write a letter. I will afterward show you the address, and thei-eby let 3^ou know from whom I am expecting assistance. " -^ He walked rapidly to his desk, penned a few lines, and placed the paper in a lai-ge envelope, which he sealed and directed. "Read the address," he said, showing the letter to Mr. W^erner. " To his excellency the minister of the treasury. Count von Schu lenburg-Kehnert, general of artillery," read Wei'ner, with a hesi- tating tongue, and casting astonished and inquisitive glances upon Gentz. "And this is the distinguished gentleman to whom you apply for the money, Mr. Counsellor'?" "Yes, my friend ; and you must confess that a minister of finance is the best man to apply to for money. I have written to his excel- lency that I stand in urgent ne^id of five hundred dollars to-day, and 86 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA I request him to extricate me from my embarrassment. I ask him to appoint an hour during the forenoon when I may call upon him and get the money. " "And you really believe that he will give you the money?" "My dear sir, I am perfectly sure of it, and in order to satisfy you likewise, I will make a proposition. Accompany my footman to the minister s house, carry the letter to him yourself, and hear his reply. You may then repeat this reply to my footman, go home in good spirits, and wait there until I bring you the money." "And if you should fail to come?" asked Werner. "Then that last remedy you alluded to, suicide, always remains to you. Now go, my dear sir. John ! John !" Tlie footman opened the door with a rapidity indicating that his ears probably had not been very far froni the keyhole. "John," said Gentz, "accompany this gentleman to the house of Minister Schulenburg-Kehnert, and wait at the door for the reply he will repeat to you. And now, Mr. Werner, good -by ; you see I have done all I can, and I hope you Avill remember that in future, and not make so much noise for the sake of a few miserable dollars. Good gracious, if I did not owe any one more than you, my creditors might thank their stars — " "Poor creditors!" sighed Mr. Werner, saluting Gentz, and left the room with the footman, holding the letter like a trophy in his hand CHAPTER XIII. THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. " Well, I am really anxious to know whether the minister will give me the money," murmured Gentz ; "his reply will indicate to me, if the letter to the king I intrusted yesterday to Menken, has made a favorable impression, and if I may hope at length for pro- motion and other favors. My God, I am pining away in my present miserable and subordinate position ! I am able to accomplish greater things. I am worth more than all these generals, ministers, and ambassadors, who are so proud and overbearing, and dare to look down upon me as though I were their inferior. Ah ! I shall not stoop so low as to knuckle to them and flatter them. I don't want to be lifted up by them, but I will bo their equal. I feel that I am the peer of the foremost and highest of all these so-called statesmen. I do not need them, but they need me. Ah, my God ! somebody knocks at the door again, and John is not at home. Good Heaven, if it should be another of those noisy, impertinent creditors ! I am THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. 8? indebted to Julia for all these vexations. Because her things are being sent away, every door in the house is open, and every one can easily penetrate into my room. Yes, yes, I am coming. I am ah'eady opening the door. " He hastened to the door and unlocked it. This time, however, no creditor was waiting outside, but a royal footman, who respect- fully bowed to the military counsellor. "His royal highness Prince Louis Ferdinand," he said, "requests Mr. Counsellor Gentz to dine with him to-morrow." Gentz nodded haughtily. "I shall come," he said briefly, and then looked inipiiringly at his own footman who had just entered the other room. "Well, John, what did the minister reply?" "His excellency requests Mr. Counsellor Gentz to call on him in the course of an hour. " "All right I" said Gentz, and an expression of heart-felt satisfac- tion overspread his features. He closed the door, and stepped back into his study, and, folding his hands on his back, commenced pacing the room. "He is going to receive me in the course of an hour," he mur- mured. "I may conclude, therefore that the king was pleased with my letter, and that I am at last to enter upon a new career. Ah, now my head is light, and my heart is free ; now I will go to work. " He sat down at his desk and commenced writing rapidly. His features assumed a grave expression, and proud and sublime thoughts beamed on his expansive forehead. He was so absorbed in his task that he entirely forgot the audi- ence the minister had granted to him, and his footman had to come in and remind him that the hoiu* for calling upon his excellency was at hand. " Ah ! to be interrupted in my work for such a miserable trifle, " said Gentz, indignantly laying down his pen and rising. "Well, then, if it must be, give me my dress-coat, John, and I will go to his excellency. " A quarter of an hour later Counsellor Frederick Gentz entered the anteroom of Count Schulenburg-Kehnert, minister of finance. "Announce my aciTival to his excellency," he said to the footmau in waiting, with a condescending nod, and then quickly followed him to the door of the minister's study. "Permit me to announce you to his excellency, " said the foot- man, and slipped behind the portiere. He returned in a few minutes. "His excellency requests Mr. Gentz to wait a little while. His excellency has to attend to a few dispatches yet, but will very soon be ready to admit Mr. Gentz. " 88 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " Very well, I shall wait, " said Gentz, with a slight frown, and he approached the splendidly bound books which were piled up in gilt cases on the walls of the room. The most magnificent and precious works of ancient and modern literature, the rarest editions, the most superb illustrated books were united in this library, and Gentz noticed it with ill-concealed wrath. "These men can have all these treasures, nay, they have got them, and value them so little as to keep them in their anterooms, " he murmured, in a surly tone, forgetting altogether that the foot- man was present and could overhear every word he said. He had really heard his remark, and replied to it, approaching Gentz : " I beg your pardon, Mr. Counsellor, his excellency does not un- dervalue these treasures, but appreciates them highly, and is always glad enough when the bookbinder delivers new volumes in gorgeous bindings. For this very reason his excellency has ordered the library to be placed in this anteroom, so that it also may gladden tlie liearts of other people, and those gentlemen who have to wait here may have something wherewith to while away their time." " They are permitted, then, to take the books down and read them ?" asked Gentz. The footman looked somewhat embarrassed. "I believe," he said, timidly, " that would not be altogether agreeable to his excel- lency, for you see, Mr. Counsellor, all of these beautiful books are gilt-edged, and gilt edges suffer greatly if the books are read. You cannot even open the books without injuring them slightly." " And the gilt edges on this row of the books before me are as good as new, and perfectly uninjured, " said Gentz, gravely. "Well, that is easily explained. They have not been disturbed since the bookbinder brought them here, " exclaimed the footman, solemnly. " No one would dare to handle them. " " Does not his excellency read these books?" "God forbid! His excellency likes books, but he has not got time to read much. But whenever his excellency passes through this anteroom, he pauses before his bookcases, and looks at them, and, with his own hands, frequently wipes off the dust from the gilt edges of tlie books. " " Indeed, that is a most honorable occupation for a minister of finance," said Gentz, emphatically. "It is always a great consola- tion to know that a minister of finance wipes off the dust from the gold. I should be very happy if his excellency should consent to do that also for me as often as possible. But does it not seem to you, my dear fellow, that it takes liis excellency a good while to finish those dispatclies? It is nearly lialf an hour since I have been wait- ing here." THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. 89 "I am sure his excellency will soon ring the bell." "Ring the bell?" asked Gentz, uneasily, "for whom?" "Why, for myself, in order to notify me to admit you, Mr. Counsellor. " "Ah, for you?" asked Gentz, drawing a deep breath, and turn- ing once more to the books in order to while away the time by read- ing at least the titles, as he was not permitted to take do^vn and open one of the magnificent volumes. Time passed on in this manner, and Gentz was walking up and down near the bookcases, studying the titles, and waiting. The footman had withdrawn into the most remote window, and was waiting likewise. Suddenly the large clock commenced striking solemnly and slowly, and announced to Gentz that he had been a whole hour in his excellency's anteroom. And his excellency had not yet rung the bell. At this moment Gentz turned toward the footman with a gesture of indignation and impatience. " I am satisfied that his excellency has entirely forgotten that I am waiting here in the anteroom," he said, angrily. "The dis- patches must be quite lengthy, for I have been here now for an hour already. Hence I must beg you to inform the minister that I cannot wait any longer, for I am quite busy too, and have to return to my study. Please say that to his excellency. " "But can I dare to disturb his excellency?" asked the footman, anxiously. " He has not rung the bell, sir. " "Well, you must be kind enough to disturb him and tell him I must leave unless he can admit me at once, " exclaimed Gentz, ener- getically. " Go, sir, go !" The footman sighed deeply. "Well, I will do so at your risk, Mr. Counsellor, " he said, in a low voice, stepping behind the por- tiere. He soon returned, a malicious smile playing on his lips. " His excellency regrets that you cannot wait any longer, Mr. Counsellor, " he said. "His excellency being so busy that he cannot be disturbed, he requests you to call again to-morrow at the same hour. " "So his excellency dismisses me after detaining me here in the anteroom for more than an hour?" asked Gentz, incredulously. "His excellency is overwhelmed with unexpected business," said the footman, with a shrug of his shoulders. "His excellency there- fore requests you, Mr. Counsellor, to call again to-morrow." Gentz cast upon the footman a glance which would have shivered him like a thunderbolt if he had not been a man of stone. But being a man of stone, the thunderbolt harmlessly glanced ofiE fronj 90 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. him. With a peculiar smile, he assisted the enraged counsellor in putting on his cloak, handed him his hat with a polite bow, and then hastened to the door in order to open it to him. At this moment the minister in his study rang the bell loudly and violently. The footman quickly opened the door leading to the hall, and, with a j)olite gesture, invited Gentz to step out. The latter, however, did not stir. He had hastily placed his hat on his head and was now putting on his gloves with as grave an air as if they were gauntlets with which he was going to arm himself for the pur- Ijose of stepping out into the arena. The minister's bell resounded even louder and more violently than before. "I beg your pardon, Mr. Counsellor," the footman exclaimed, impatiently, "his excellency is calling me. Be kind enough to close the door when you leave. I must go to his excellency. " He hurriedly crossed the room and hastened into the minister's study. Gentz now put on his gloves and approached the door. He bent one more glance full of anger upon the anteroom, and finally fixed his eyes upon the glittering books in the cases on the wall. An expression of malicious joy suddenly overspread his features. He drew back from the door, and hurriedly crossing the room, he ap- proached the books. Without any hesitation whatever, he took down one of the largest and most richly ornamented volumes, con- cealed the book under his cloak, hastened back to the door, and left the house of the minister of finance with a haughty and defiant air. Without nodding or greeting any one, he hastened through the streets back to his own house. At the door of the latter there stood two huge furniture- wagons, half filled with the sofas, arm-chairs, tables, and looking-glasses which heretofore had adorned his rooms, and which he was now going to lose with his wife. ''' J servants had not finished removing the furniture, and he had to pause in the hall in order to let them pass with the large silken sofa which had been the chief ornament of his own parlor. This greatly increased his anger ; with furious gestures he rapidly ascended the staircase and went to his rooms. Every door was open — the apartments which he crossed with ringing steps, were empty and deserted, and finally he reached the door of his study, where his footman had posted himself like a faithful sentinel. Gentz silently beckoned him to open it, and entered. But when the servant was going to follow him, he silently but imperiously kept him back, and slammed tlie door in liis face. Now at last he was alone ; now no one could see and watcli him any longer ; now he could utter the ciy of rage that was filling his THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. 91 breast and almost depriving him of the power of speech ; and after uttering this cry, he could appease his wratli still in some other way. He threw his cloak and hat upon a chair, seized the splendidly bound and richly gilt volume from the minister's library with both hands and hurled it upon the floor. "Lie there, toy of a proud minister!" he exclaimed fin-iously. " I will treat you as I would like to treat him. I will abuse j'ou as I would like to abuse him. There ! take this ! and this ! and that !" And he stamped with his heels upon the magnificent work, clinching his fists and swearing fearfully.* A loud and merrj^ laugh was heard behind liim, and upon turning round he beheld in the door one of his friends, who was looking at him with a radiant face. "Herr von Gualtieri, you laugh, and I am furious, " exclaimed Gentz, stamping again upon the costly volume. "But why, for God's sake, are you furious?" asked Herr von Gualtieri. " Why do you perpetrate such vandalism upon that mag- nificent voiume under your feet?" "Why? AVell, I will tell you. I M'as to-day at the house of Count Schulenburg-Kehnert ; he had sent me word to call on him at ten o'clock, and when I was there, he made me stand for an hour in his anteroom like his gorgeous, gilt-edged books, which his foot- man told me he never opens because he is afraid of injuring theii- gilt edges. " "And did he admit you after you had been in the anteroom for an hour?" "No. When I had been there for an hour, he sent me word through his footman that he was too busy to receive me, and thav I had better call again to-morrow. Bah ! He wanted to treat me like those books of his, which he never opens ; he did not want to open me either — me, a man who has got more mind, more knowledge, and information than all his books together. He made me wait in his anteroom for a whole hour, and then dismissed me !" " And you allowed yourself to be dismissed ?" "Yes, sir, I did; but I took one of his splendid gilt-edged vol- umes along, in order to stamp on it and maltreat it, as I would like to maltreat him. Thus ! and thus ! To crush it under my heels. It does me good. It relieves me. At this moment this is the only revenge I can take against the miserable feHow." f HeiT von Gualtieri laughed uproariouslj' . " Ah ! that is an entirely novel jus gentium," ho exclaimed; "an exceedingly funny * Vide " Gallerie von Bildnissen aus Rahel's Unigang," edited bj^ Varnhageu vou Ense, vol ii., p 168 tGeutz's own words.— Vide "Raherts Umgang," vol ii., y. 108. 9^ LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. jus gentium. My friend, let me embrace you ; you are a glorious fellow !" With open arms he approached Gentz and pressed him tenderly, laughing all the while, to his heart. Gentz was unable to withstand this kindness and this laughter, and suddenly forgetting his anger, he boisterously joined his friend's mirth. " You like my revenge ?" he asked. " Ah ! it is admirable ; it is the revenge of a genuine Corsican !" said Gualtieri, gravely. "Of a Corsican?" asked Gentz, shrinking back. "That is an ugly comparison, sir. I do not want to have any thing in common with that Corsican, General Bonaparte. I tell you I am afraid that man will some day prove a terrible scourge for us. " "And I adore him !" exclaimed Gualtieri. "He is the resusci- tated Alexander of Macedon, the conqueror of the world, the master of the world. He alone has stemmed the tide of revolution in France. To him alone the Fi-ench are indebted for the restoration of order and tranquillity in their country. The thirteenth of Ven- demiaire is as heroic a deed, as great a victory, as the battles of • Lodi and Arcole. " " That may be, " said Gentz, morosely. " I am no soldier, and do not like battles and warfare. And what do we Germans care for the Corsican? Have we not got enough to do at home? Germany, how- -ever, is so happy and contented that, like the Pharisee, she may look upon republican France and exclaim : ' I thank thee, my God, that I am not like this man. ' " "You are right," replied Gualtieri. "We also stand in need of a revolution. In Germany, too, a guillotine must be erected — heads must fall, and death must hold its bloody harvest. " " Hush, my friend, hush !" said Gentz, drawing back in dismay. "Did you merely come to me for the purpose of speaking of such dreadful matters, while you are well aware that I don't like to hear anybody allude to bloodshed, murders, and similar horrors?" •' I merely wanted to try you a little in order to see whether you are still the same dear old childLsh coward, " exclaimed Gualtieri, laughing. " The same great child with the strong, manly soul, and the gentle, weak, and easily moved child's heart. Now, let me know (juickly what you wanted of the minister of finance, and I shall reward you then by telling you some good news. Well, then, what did you want of Sehulenburg?" •' I had asked him to lend me live hundred dollars, and to appoint an hour when I might call for tlie money. He named ten o'clock, and I went to his house, merely to leave it an hour after in a tower- THE INTERVIEW WITH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. 03 Ing passion and with empty hands. Oh, it is infamous, it is dread- ful ! It is—" At that moment the door opened, and the footman entered. "From his excellency, General von Schulenburg-Kehuert, " he said, delivering to Gentz a small sealed package and a letter. "The servant who brought it has left, as he said no reply was required. " Gentz beckoned liis servant to wilhdraw, and he then hastily opened the package. "Twelve fifty-dollar bills !" he exclaimed, triumphantly. "One hundred dollars more than I had asked for! That is very kind, indeed. " " May be he does not give it to you, but merely lends it to you,'* said Gualtieri, smiling. "Lend it tome!" exclaimed Gentz, scornfully. "People don't lend any money to me, because they know that I am unable to pay it back ; people reward me, sir ; they show their gratitude toward me in a substantial manner, but they are not so mean as to lend me what I ask for. " "Does the minister tell you so in his letter?" asked Gualtieri, dryly. "Ah ! that is true. I have not yet read the letter," said Gentz, breaking the seal. While he w-as reading it, a slight blush suffused his cheeks, and an expression of shame overspread his features. "Here, read it," he murmured, handing the letter to his friend. Gualtieri took it and read as follows : "My Dear Counsellor, — You wished to see me, and I begged you to call at ten o'clock, although I was overwhelmed with busi- ness and hardly had any time to spare. Precisely at ten o'clock I was ready to receive you, for in all matters of business I am a very punctual man. However, after vainly waiting for you for half an hour, I resimied mj work. I had to examine some very complicated accounts, and could not allow myself to be interrupted after once taking them up. Hence I had to ask you to wait, and when, after waiting for half an hour, like myself, you grew impatient and would not stay any longer, I sent you word to call again to-morrow. Now, that I have concluded my pressing business, however, I hasten to comply with your request. You asked me for five hundred dol- lars ; here they are. Knowing, however, how precious your time is, and that you had to wait for half an hour through my fault, I take the liberty of adding one liundred dollars for the time you have lost to-day. Farewell, sir, and let me conclude with expressing the hope that you will soon again delight the world and myself with on« of your excellent works. " 94 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. CHAPTER XIV. THE MEMORIAL TO FREDERICK WILLIAM HI. " I BEUEVE, " said Gualtieri, returning the letter to Gentz, " I be- lieve the minister wanted to teach you a lesson. He made you wait in order to teach you the necessity of being punctual." " And I shall not forget the lesson. " "You will be punctual hereafter?" "On the contrary. This time I was half an hour behind time, and he paid me one hundred dollars for it. Hereafter I shall be an hour too late ; he will make me wait an hour and pay me two hun- dred dollars for it. I believe that is sound arithmetic. Don't look at me so scornfully, Gualtieri ; this state of affairs will not last for any length of time ; there will be a time at no distant period when no minister will dare to make me wait in his anteroom, nor to pay me such petty, miserable sums. The ministers then will wait in mj anteroom, and will be only too happy if I accept the thousands which they will offer to me. I have formed the fixed resolution to obtain a brilliant position and to coin wealth out of my mind. " " And I am sure you will succeed in accomplishing your purpose, " said Gualtieri. "Yes, I am satisfied a brilliant future is in store for you. You are a genius such as Germany has not seen heretofore, for you are a political genius, and you may just as well confess that Germany greatly lacks politicians who are able to wield their pen like a pointed two-edged sword, to strike fatal blows in all direc- tions and obtain victories. Germany has already fixed her eyes upon you, and even in England your name is held in great esteem since you published your excellent translation of Burke's work on the French Revolution. The political pamphlets j'ou have issued since that time, and the excellent political magazine you have estab- lished, have met with the warmest approval, and the public hopes and expects that you will render great and important services to the country. Go on in this manner, mj' friend ; boldly pui'sue the path you have entered, and it will become for you a path of gloiy, honor, and wealth." Gentz looked at him almost angrily. "I hope," he said, "you will not believe me to be an avaricious and covetous man. I value money merely because it is an instru- ment wherewith to procure enjoyment, and because, Mathout it, we are the slaves of misery, privations, and distress. Money renders UH free, and now that people would like to set up freedom as the religion of all nations, every one ought to try to make as much THE MEMORIAL TO FREDERICK WILLIAM III. 95 money as ijossible, that aloue rendering him really free. The ac- cursed French Revolution, which has dragged all principles, all laws and old established institutions under the guillotine, was under the necessity of leaving one power unharmed — the power of money. The aristocracy, the clergy, nay, even royalty had to bleed under the guillotine, but money never lost its power, its influence, and its importance. Money speaks a universal language, and the sans- cidoite and Hottentot understand it as well as the king, the minister, and the most beautiful woman. Monej'^ never needs an interpreter ; it speaks for itself. See, my friend, that is the reason why I love money and try to make as mvich as possible, not in order to amass it, but because with it I can buy the world, love, honor, enjoyment, and happiness. But not being one of those Avho find money in their cradles, I must endeavor to acquire it and avail myself of the capital God has given me in mj' brains. And that I shall and will do, sir, but I pledge j'ou my word, never in a base and unworthy manner. I shall probably make people pay veiy large sums of money for my services, but never shall I sell myself ; all the millions of the woi'ld could not induce me to write against my principles, but all the mill- ions of the woi'ld I shall demand, when they ask me to write for my principles! See, my friend, that is my programme, and you maj' be sure that I shall live up to it. I am an aristocrat by nature and conviction ; hence I hate the French Revolution which intended to overthrow eveiy aristocracy, not only that of pedigree, but also that of the mind, and therefoi'e I have sworn to oppose it as an. in- defatigable and indomitable champion, and to strike it as many blows with my pen and tongue as I can. Hence I shall never join the hymns of praise which the Germans, always too complaisant, are now singing to the little Corsican, General Bonaparte. What- ever you may say about his heroism and genius, I believe him to be an enemy of Germany, and am, therefore, on my guard. " "So you do not admire his victories, the incomparable plans of his battles, which he conceives with the coolness of a wise and ex- perienced chieftain, and carries out with the bravery and intrepiditj^ of a hero of antiquity?" " I admire all that, but at the same time it makes me shudder when I think that it might some day come into the head of this man who conquers every thing, to invade and conquer Germanj^ also. I believe, indeed, he would succeed in subjugating her, for I am afraid we have no man of equal ability on our side who could take the field against him. Ah, my friend, why does not one of our German princes resemble this French general, this hero of twenty- seven years? Just think of it, he is no older than our young king: both were bprn in the same year, " 96 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "You must not count his years," exclaimed Gualtieri, "count his great days, his great battles. The enthusiasm of all Europe hails his coming, for he tights at the head of his legions for the boons of manliood — for freedom, honor, and justice. No wonder, therefore, that he is victorious everywhere ; the enslaved nations everywhere are in hopes that he will break their fetters and give them liberty. " "He is a scourge God has sent to the German princes so that they may grow wiser and better. He wishes to compel them to respect the claims of their subjects to freedom and independence, that being the only way for them to erect a bulwark against this usurper who fights his battles not only with the sword, but also with ideas. Oh, I wish our German sovereigns would comprehend all this, and that all those who have a tongue to speak, would shout it into their ears and arouse them from their proud security and infatuation." " Well, have not you a tongue to speak, and yet you are silent?" asked Gualtieri, smiling. " No, I have not been silent, " exclaimed Gentz, enthusiastically. "I have done my duty as a man and citizen, and told the whole truth to the king. " "That means — " " That means that I have written to the king, not with the fawn- ing slavishuess of a subject, but as a man who has seen much, re- flected much, and experienced much, and who speaks to a younger man, called upon to act an important part, and holding the happiness of millions of men in his hands. It would be a crime against God and humanity, if we knew the truth and should not tell it to such a man. Because I believe I know the truth, I have spoken to the king, not in a letter which he may read to-day and throw to-morrow into his paper-basket, but in a printed memorial, which I shall circulate in thousands of copies as soon as I have heard that it is in the hands of the king. " " And you believe the king will accept this printed memorial of yours?" " My friend. Counsellor Menken, has undertaken to deliver it to the king." "In that case he will accept it, for he thinks very highly of Menken. But what did you tell the king in this memorial?" " I gave him sound advice about government affairs. " "Advice ! my friend, kings do not like to listen to advice, espe- cially when it is given to them spontaneously. Did you confine yourself to general suggestions? You see I am very anxious to learn more about your bold enterprise. Just read the memorial to me, friend Gentz I" THE MEMORIAL TO FREDERICK WILLIAM III. 97 " Ah, that would be a gigantic task for you to hear it, and for myself to read it, the memorial being quite lengthy. I ask the king therein in impressive and fervent words — oh, I wept myself when I penned them — to make his people happy and prosperous. I directed his attention to the various branches of our administration ; first, to military affairs — " "And you advise him to make war?" asked Gualtieri, hastily. " No, I advise him always to be armed and prepared, but to main- tain peace as long as it is compatible with his honor. Next I allude to the condition of our judicial and financial affairs. I beseech him to abstain from interference with the administration of justice, to insist upon a constant equilibrium being maintained between the expenses and revenues of the state, so as not to overburden his sub- jects with taxes, and not to curtail the development of commerce and industry by vexatious monopolies. Finallj', I ask him to de- vote some attention to intellectual affairs and to the press. " "Oh, I expected tliat, " said Gualtieri, smiling, "and I should not be surprised at all if you had been bold enough to ask the timid and diffident young king to grant freedom of the press to his people. " "Yes, that is what I ask him to do," said Gentz, enthusiastically. " You want me to read the whole memorial to you. Let me read at least what I have said about the freedom of the press. Will you listen to itV" "Oh, I am most anxious to hear it," said Gualtieri, sitting down on the sofa. Gentz took several sheets of paper from his desk, sat down oppo- site his friend and commenced reading in a loud and enthusiastic voice : "Of all things repugnant to fetters, none can bear them as little as human thought. The oppression weighing down the latter is not merely injurious because it impedes what is good, but also because it promotes what is bad. Compulsion in matters of faith may be passed over in silence. It belongs to those antiquated evils on which now that there is greater danger of an utter prostration of religious ideas than of their fanatical abuse, only narrow-minded babblers are declaiming. Not so, however, with regard to freedom of the press. Misled by unfounded apprehensions, arising from the events of the times, even sagacious men might favor a system which, viewed in its true light, is more injurious to the interests of the government than it ever can be to the rights of the citizens, even in its most deplorable abuses. "What, even aside from all other considerations, peremptorily and absolutely condemns any law muzzling the press, is the impor- tant fact that it is impossible to enforce it. Unless there be a regular 98 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. iuquisition watching over the execution of such a law, it is now-a- days utterly impossibl'e to carry it out. The facilities for bringing ideas before tlie public are so great, as to render any measure destined to curtail this publicity a mere matter of derision. But if these laws prove ineffectual they may yet exasperate the people, and that is i)recisely their naost dangerous feature ; they exasperate without deterring. They instigate those against whom they are directed to offer a resistance which frequently not only remains suc- cessful, but moreover becomes glorious and honorable. The most wretched productions, whose real value would not secure a life of two hours, obtain general circulation because it seems to have re- quired some degree of courage to write them. The most insignifi- cant scribblers will be looked upon as men of mind, and the most venal writers suddenly become 'martyrs of truth.' A thousand noxious insects, whom a sunbeam of truth and real sagacity would have dispersed, favored by the darkness created for them with de- plorable short-sightedness, insinuate themselves into the unarmed minds of the jjeoijle, and instil their poison to the last drop, as though it were a forbidden delicacy of the most exquisite character. The only antidote, the productions of better writers, loses its strength because the uninformed only too easily mistake the advocates of salutary restrictions for the defenders of such as are manifestly un- just and oppressive. " Let freedom of the press, therefore, be the immovable principle of your government, not as though the state or mankind, in this age so prolific in books, were interested in the publication of a thousand works more or less, but because yovir majesty is too great to main- tain an unsuccessful, and therefore disastrous struggle, with pettj' adversaries. Every one should be held responsible, strictly respon- sible for unlawful acts and writings assuming such a character, but mere opinion should meet with no other advex'sary than its opposite, and if it be erroneous, with the truth. Never will such a system prove dangerous to a well-regulated state, and never has it injured such a one. Where it apparently became pernicious, destruction had preceded itah'eady, and mortification and putrefaction had set in. " * "Well?" asked Gentz, with glowing cheeks and flashing eyes, when he had ceased reading, "what do you think of my exposition of the freedom of the press? Is it not clear, convincing, and un- answerable? Will not the king see that my words contain the truth, and licnce follow them?" Gualtieri looked at his friend with an air of compassionate ten- derness. •Memorial respectfully presented to his majesty Frederick William III,, onhia accesaiou to the throne, November 16, 1797, by Frederick Gentz. THE MEMORIAL TO FREDERICK WILLIAM III. 99 " Oh, you are a full-grown child, " he said ; " you still believe iu the possibility of realizing Utopian dreams, and your faith is so honest, so manly ! You want to force a scourge upon a timid young king, who most ardently desires to maintain peace, and to remain unnoticed, and tell him, 'With this scourge drive out the evil spirits and expel flie lies, so as to cause daylight to dawn, and darkness to disappear !' — as though that daylight woidd not be svu-e to lay bare all the injuries and ulcers of which our own poor Prussia is suffering, and for which she greatly needs darkness and silence. " "What! you think the king will take no notice of my demands?" "I believe, " said Gualtieri, shrugging his shoulders, "that you are a highly-gifted visionary, and that the king is a tolerably intel- ligent and tolerably sober j'oung gentleman, who, whenever he wants to skate, does not allow himself to be dazzled and enticed by the smooth and glittering surface, but first repeatedly examines the ice in order to find out whether it is firm enough to bear him. And now good-by, my poor friend. I came here to congratulate you for having regained your libertj', and for belonging again to the noble and only happy order of bachelors ; but instead of hearing you rejoice, I find in you a philanthropic fanatic, and an enthusiastic advocate of a free press. " " But that does not prevent you from wishing me joy at my return to a bachelor's life," exclaimed Gentz, laugiiing. "Yes, my friend, I am free ; life is mine again, and now let the flames of pleasure close again over my head — let enjoyment surround me again in fierj'- torrents, I shall exultingly plunge into the whirlpool and feel as happy %s a god ! We must celebrate the day of my regeneration in a becoming manner ; we must celebrate it with foaming champagne, pdUs defoie gras, and oysters ; and if we want to devote a last tear to the memory of my wife, why, we shall drink a glass of Lacrymxe Christi in her honor. You nuist come and see me to-night, Gual- tieri. I shall invite a few other friends, and if you will afford us a rare pleasure, you will read to us some of La Fontaine's Fables, which no one understands to recite so well as you. " " I shall do so, " said Gualtieri, extending his hand to Gentz. " I shall read to you one of La Fontaine's Fables, the first two lines of which eloquently express the whole history of your past. " " Let me hear those two lines. " Gualtieri covered his head, and standing in the door he had opened, he said with a deep pathos and in a profoundly melancholy voice : "Deux coqs vivaient en paix; une poule siu'vint. Et voila la guerre allum6e "— and nodding a last adieu, he disappeared. 100 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Gentz laughed. "Indeed, lie is right," he exclaimed; "that is the end of wedded life. But, thank God, mine is over, and, I swear by all my hopes, never will I be such a fool as to mairy again ! I shall remain a bachelor as long as I live ; for he who belongs to no woman owns all women. It is time, however, to think of to-niglit's banquet. But in order to give a banquet, I must first procure new furniture for my rooms, and this time I won't have any but beauti- ful and costly furniture. And how shall I get it? Ah, parbleu, I forgot the six hundred dollars I received from the minister. I shall buy furniture for that sum. No, that would be very foolish, inas much as I greatly need it for other purposes. The furniture dealers, I have no doubt, will willingly trust me, for I never yet purchased any thing of them. Unfortunately, I cannot say so much in regard to him who is to furnish me the wines and delicacies for the supper, and I have only one hundred dollars in my pocket. The other five himdred dollars I must send to that bloodsucker, that heartless cred- itor Werner. But must I do so? Ah ! really, I believe it would be rank folly. The fellow would think he had frightened me, and as soon as I should owe him another bill, he would again besiege my door, and raise a fresh disturbance here. No ; I will show him that I am not afraid of him, and that his impudent conduct deserves pun- ishment. Oh, John ! John !" The door was opened immediately, and the footman entered. '• John, " said Gentz, gravely, " go at once to Mr. Werner. Tell him some friends are coming to see me to-night. I therefore want him to send me this evening twenty-four bottles of champagne, three large j^ates de foie girts, two hundred oysters, and whatever is necessary for a supper. If he should fill my order promptly and carefully, he can send me to-morrow a receipt for two hundred dol- lars, and I will pay him the money. But if a single oyster should be bad, if a single bottle of champagne should prove of poor quality, or if he should dare to decline furnishing me with the supper, he will not get a single groschen. Go and tell him that, and be back as soon as possible. " "Meantime, I will write a few invitations," said Gentz, as soon as he was alone. "But I shall invite none but unmarried men. In the first place, the Austrian minister. Prince von Eeuss. This gen- tleman contents himself with one mistress, and as he fortunateh' does not suspect that the beautiful Marianne Meier is at the same time my mistress, he is a great friend vf mine. Yes, if he knew that — ah!" he interrupted himself, laugliing, "that would be another illustration of La Fontaine's fal)l(' of the two cocks and the hen- Well, I will now write the invitations, " THE WEDDING. 101 He had just finished the last note when the door opened, and John entered, perfectly out of breath. "Well, did you see Mr. Werner?" asked Gentz, folding the last note. "Yes, sir. Mr. Werner sends word that he will furnish the sup- per promptly and satisfactorily, and will deliver here to-night twenty -four bottles of his best champagne, three lai ge ]xttes defoie gras, two himdred oysters, etc. , but only on one condition. " "What! the fellow actually dares to impose conditions?" ex- claimed Gentz, indignantly. "What is it he asks?" " He asks you, sir, when he has delivered every thing you have ordered, and before going to supper, to be kind enough to step out for a moment into the anteroom, where Mr. Werner will wait for you in order to receive there his two hundred dollars. I am to notify Jiim if you accept this condition, and if so, he will furnish the supper. " "Ah, that is driving me to the wall, " exclaimed Gentz, laughing. "Well, go back, to the shrewd fellow and tell him that I accept his conditions. He is to await me in the anteroom, and as he would, of course, make a tremendous noise in case I should disappoint him, he may be sure that I shall come. So go to him, John. " "As for mj^self, " said Gentz, putting on his cloak, "I shall go and purchase several thousand dollars' worth of furniture ; my rooms shall hereafter be as gorgeous as those of a prince. By the by, I believe I have been too generous. If I liad offered Werner one hundred dollars, he would have contented himself with that sum. " CHAPTER XV. THE WEDDING. At the house of the wealthy banker Itzig a rare festival took place to-day, a festival which all Berlin had been talking of for the last few days, and which had formed the topic of conversation, no less among the people on the sti'eets, than among the aristocratic classes in their palatial inansions. To-day the wedding of three of his beautiful young daughters was to take place, and the rich, osten- tatious, and generous gentleman had left nothing undone in order to celebrate this gala-day in as brilliant and imposing a manner as possible. All the manufacturers of Berlin liad been employed for months to get up the trousseaux of his daughters, for he had de- clared that they should wear exclusively the productions of German 102 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. fndusny, and that not a single piece of their new household goods should be of French manufacture. Hence, all the gorgeous brocades, velvets, and laces for their dresses and furniture had been woven in Berlin manufactories ; the most magnificent linen had been ordered from Silesia, and a host of milliners and seamstresses had got up every thing required for the wardrobe of the young ladies, in the most skilful and artistic manner. Even the plate and costly jewelry had been manufactured by Berlin jew^ellers, and the rich and e:j«- quisitely painted china had been purchased at the royal Porzellan- fabrik. These three trousseaux, so beautiful and expensive, had been, as it M^ere, a triumph of home art and home industry, and for this reason they excited general attention. Herr Itzig had finally, though very reluctantly, yielded to the urgent entreaties of his friends and admitted the public to the rooms and halls of his house in which the trousseaux of his daughters were displayed. However, in order not to lay himself open to the charge of boastful ostenta - tion, he had tried to impart a useful and charitable character to this exhibition. He had fixed a tablet over the entrance to those rooms, bearing the inscription of "Exhibition of Productions ol Home Industry ; " in addition, eveiy visitor had to buy a ticket of admission for a few groschen, the proceeds to be distributed among the poor. Every one hastened to the banker's house in order to admire the "productions of home industry. " Even the queen had come witli one of her ladies of honor to inspect the gorgeous display, and while admiring the magnificence of the silks and velvets and the artistic setting of the diamonds, she had exclaimed joyfully : "How glad I am to see that German}^ is really able to do entirely without France, and to satisfy all her wants from her own resources !" The queen had uttered these words perhaps on the spur of the moment, but the public imparted to them a peculiar meaning and tendency ; and the newspapers, the organs of public opinion, never tired of praising the royal words, and of admonishing the inhabi- tants of Berlin to visit the patriotic exhibition at the banker's house. Curiosity, moreover, stimulated the zeal of the ladies, wliile politi- cal feeling caused the male i^art of the population to appear at the exhibition. But when it became known that the French embassy had taken vunbrage at the zeal manifested by the people of Berlin, and that the French minister had even dared at the royal table to complain loudly and bitterly of the words uttered by the queen in Herr Itzig' s house, the indignation became general, and the visits to the exhibition assumed tlie cliaracter of a national demonstration against tlie overtearing French. Hosts of spectators now hastened to Herr Itzig's, and gay, mischievous young men took THE WEDDING 103 pleasure in stationing themselves in groups in the street on which the French minister was living, right in front of the house, in order to converse loudly in the French language about the rare attractions of the banker's exhibition, and to praise the noble patriot who dis- dained to buy abroad what he could get at home just as well, if not better. The success of his exhibition, however, far exceeded the wishes of the banker, and he was glad when the days during which the ex- hibition was to continue were at an end, so that he could exclude the inquisitive visitors from his house. But to-day the house was to be opened to the invited guests, for to-day, as we stated before, Herr Itzig was going to celebrate simul- taneously the wedding of three of his beautiful daughters, and the whole place was astir with preparations for a becoming observance of the gala-daj^. While the footmen and other sei'vants, under the direction of skilful artists, were engaged in gorgeously decorating the parlors and halls ; wliile a hundred busy hands in the kitchen and cellar were preparing a sumptuous repast ; while Herr Itzig and wife were giving the last directions for the details of the festival, the three brides were chatting confidentially in their own room. All of them were quite young yet, the eldest sister having scarcely com- pleted her twenty-first year. They were very beautiful, and theirs was the striking and energetic beauty jieculiar to tlie women of the Orient — that beauty of flaming black ej'es, glossy black hair, a glowing olive complexion, and slender but well-developed forms. They wore a full bridal costume ; their bare, beautifully roiuided arms and necks were gorgeously adorned with diamonds and other precious stones ; their tall and vigorous fignres were clad in white silk dresses, trimmed with superb laces. He who would have seen them thus in the full charm of beauty, grace, and youth, in their magnificent costumes, and with delicate myrtle-crowns on their heads, would have believed he beheld three favorite daughters of Fate, who had never known care and grief, and upon whose heads happiness had poured down an uninterrupted sunshine. Perhaps it was so ; perhaps it was only the beautiful myi-tle- crowns that cast a shadow over the faces of the three brides, and not their secret thoughts — their silent wishes. They had eagerly conversed for a while, but now, however, they paused and seemed deeply absorbed. Finally, one of them slowly raised her glowing black eyes and cast a piercing glance upon her sisters. They felt the magic influence of this glance, and raised their eyes at the same time. "Why do you look at us so intently, Fanny?" they asked. 104 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "I want to see if I can read truth on your brow," said Fanny, "or if the diamonds and the myrtle-crowns conceal every thing. Girls, suppose we take off for a moment the shining but lying masks with which we adorn ourselves in the eyes of the world, and show to each other our true and natural character? We have always lied to each other. We said mutually to each other: 'I am happy. I am not jealous of you, for I am just as liappy as you. ' Suppose we now open our lips really and tell the truth abovit our hearts ? Would not it be novel and original? Would it not be an excellent way of whiling away these few minutes until our betrothed come and lead us to the altar? See, this is the last time that we shall be thus together — the last time that we bear the name of our father ; let us, therefore, for once tell each other our true sentiments. Shall we do so?" " Yes, " exclaimed the two sisters. " But about what do you want us to tell you the truth ?" " About our hearts, " replied Fannj-, gravely. " Esther, you are the eldest of us three. You must commence. Tell us, therefore, if you love your betrothed, Herr Ephraim?" Esther looked at her in amazement. " If I love him ?" she asked. "Good Heaven ! how should I happen to love him? I scarcely know him. Father selected him for me ; it is a brilliant match ; I shall remain in Berlin ; I shall give splendid parties and by my magnifi- cent style of living greatly annoy those ladies of the so-called haute volee, who have sometimes dared to tura up their noses at the 'Jewesses.' Whether I shall, be able to love Ephraim, I do not know ; but we shall live in brilliant style, and as we shall give magnificent dinner-parties, we shall never lack guests from the most refined classes of society. Such are the prospects of my future, and although I cannot say that I am content with them, yet I know that others will deem my position a most enviable one, and that is at least something. " "The first confession!" said Fanny, smiling. "Now it is your turn, Lydia. Tell us, therefore, do you love Baron von Eskeles, your future husband?" Lydia looked at her silently and sadly. "Do not ask me," she said, "for you and Esther know very well that I do not love him. I once had a splendid dream. I beheld myself an adored wife by the side of a young man whom I loved and who loved me passionately, lie was an artist, and when he was sitting at his easel, he felt that he was rich and happy, even without money, for he had his genius and his art. When I was looking at liis paintings, and at the hand- some and inspired artist himself, it seemed to me there was but one roud to happiness on earth : to belong to that man, to love him, to THE WEDDING. 105 serve him, and, if it must be, to suffer and starve with him. It was a dream, and father aroused me from it by telling me that I was to marry Baron von Eskeles, that he had already made an agreement with the baron's father, and that the wedding would take place in two weeks. " "Poor Lydia !" murmured the sisters. A pause ensued. "Well, "asked Esther, "and you, Fanny? You examine us and say nothing about yourself. What about j'our heart, my child ? Do you love your betrothed. Baron von Arnstein, the partner of Eskeles, your future brother-in-law? You are silent? Have you nothing to say to us?" " I have to say to you that we are all to be pitied and very unhappy, " said Fanny, passionately. "Yes, to be pitied and very unhappy, notwithstanding our wealth, our diamonds, and our brilliant future ! We have been sold like goods ; no one has cared about the hearts which these goods happen to have, but every one merely took into consideration how much profit he would derive from them. Oh, my sisters, we rich Jewesses are treated just in the same manner as the poor princesses ; we are sold to the highest bidder. And we have not got the necessary firmness, energj% and independence to emancipate ourselves from this degrading traffic in flesh and blood. We bow our heads and obey, and, in the place of love and happi- ness, we fill our heai'ts with pride and ostentation, and yet we are starving and pining away in the midst of our riches." "Yes, " sighed Lydia, " and we dare not even complain ! Doomed to eternal falsehood, we must feign a happiness we do not experi- ence, and a love we do not feel. " "I shall not do so!" exclaimed Fanny, proudl^^ "It is enough for me to submit to compulsion, and to bow my head ; but never shall I stoop so low as to lie. " " What ! you are going to tell your husband that you do not love him?" asked the sisters. "I shall not say that to my liusband, but to my betrothed as soon as he makes his appearance. " " But suppose he does not want to marry a girl who does not love him?" "Then he is the one who breaks off the match, not I, and father cannot blame me for it. But do you not hear footsteps in the hall? It is my betrothed. I begged him to be here a quarter of an hour previous to the commencement of the ceremony, because I desired to speak to him about a very serious matter. He is coming. Now pray go to the parlor, and wait for me there. I shall rejoin you, perhaps alone, and in that case I shall be free ; perhaps, however, Arnstein will accompany me, and in that eventuality he will have 106 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. accepted the future as I am going to offer it to him. Farewell, sisters ; may God protect us all. " " May God protect you ! " said Lydia, tenderly embracing her sis- ter. "You have a courageous and strong soul, and I wish mine were like yours. " " Would that save you, Lydia?" asked Fanny, sharjily. " Courage and energy are of no avail in our case ; in spite of our resistance^ we should have to submit and to suffer. He is coming. " She pushed her sisters gently toward the parlor door, and then went to meet her betrothed, who had just entered. "Mr. Arnstein, " said Fanny, giving him her hand, "I thank you for complying so promptly with my request. " " A business man is always prompt, " said the young baron, with a polite bow. " Ah, and you treat this interview with me likewise as a business affair?" "Yes, but as a business affair of the rarest and most exquisite character. A conference with a charming young lady is worth more than a conference with the wealthiest business friend, even if the interview with the latter should yield a profit of one hundred per cent." " Ah, I believe you want to flatter me, " said Fanny, closely scan- ning the small and slender figure and the pale face of the baron. He bowed with a gentle smile, but did not raise his eyes toward her. Fanny could not help perceiving that his brow was slightly clouded. " Baron, " she said, " I have begged you to come and see me, be- cause I do not want to go to the altar with a lie on my soul. I will not deceive God and yourself, and therefore I now tell you, frankly and sincerely, I do not love you, baron ; only my father's will gives my hand to you !" There was no perceptible change in the yoimg baron's face. He seemed neither surprised nor offended. " Do you love another man V" he asked quietly. "No, I love no one !" exclaimed Fanny. "Ah, then, you are fortunate indeed," he said, gloomily. "It is by far easier to marry witli a cold heart, than to do so with a broken one ; for tlie cold heart may grow warm, but the broken one never." Fanny's eyes were fixed steadfastly on his features. "Mr. Arnstein," she exclaimed, impetuously, "you do not love me either !" He forced himself to smile. "Who could see you— you, the proud, glorious beauty— without falling in love with you?" he ex- claimed, emphatically. THE WEDDING. lO: "Pray, no empty flatteries," said Fanny, impatiently. "Oh, tell me the truth ! I am sure you do not love me I" " I saw j^ou too late, " he said, mournfully ; " if I had known you sooner, I should have loved you passionately. " "But now I am too late — and have you already loved another?" she asked, hastily. "Yes, I love another, " he said, gravely and solemnly. "As you ask me, I ought to tell you the truth. I love another. " "Nevertheless, you want to marry me?" she exclaimed, angrily. "And you?" he asked, gently. "Do you love me?" "But I told you already my heart is free. I love no one, while you — why don't you marry her whoiii you love?" " Because I cannot marry her. " "Why cannot you marry her?" " Because my father is opposed to it. He is the chief of our house and family. He commands, and we obey. He is opposed to it because the young lady whom I love is poor. She would not in- crease the capital of our firm." " Oh, eternally, eternally that cold mammon, that idol to whom our hearts are sacrificed so ruthlessly !" exclaimed Fanny, indig- nantly. "For money we sell our youth, our happiness, and our love. " "I have not sold my love. I have sacrificed it," said Baron Arnstein, gravely ; " I have sacrificed it to the interests of our firm. But in seeing you so charming and sublime in your loveliness and glowing indignation, I am fully satisfied already that I am no longer to be j^itied, for I shall have the most beautiful and geuei'ous wife in all Vienna. " " Tlien you really want to marry me ? You will not break off the match, although your heart belongs to another woman, and although you know that I do not love you?" "My beautiful betrothed, let us not deceive each other," he said, smiling ; " it is not a marriage, but a partnership we are going to conclude in obedience to the wishes of our fathers. In agreeing upon this partnership only our fortunes, but not our heaits, were thought of. The houses of Itzig, Arnstein, and Eskeles will flourish more than ever ; whether the individuals belonging to these houses will wither is of no importance. Let us therefore submit to our fate, my dear, for we cannot escape from it. Would it be condu- cive to your happiness if I should break off the match ? Your father would probably select another husband for you, perhaps in Poland or in Russia, and you would be buried with all the treasures of your beauty and accomplishments in some obscure corner of the worli!. while I shall take you to Vienna, to the great theatre of the world 108 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. — upon a stage where you will at least not lack triumphs and hom- age. And I? Why should I be such a stupid fool as to give you up — you who bring to me much more than I deserve — your beauty, your accomplishments, and your generous heart ? Ah, I shall be the target of general envy, for there is no lady in Vienna worthy of being compared with you. As I cannot possess her whom I love, I may thank God that my father has selected you for me. You alone are to be pitied, Fanny, for I cannot offer you any compensation for the sacrifices you are about to make in my favor. I am unworthy of you ; you are my superior in beauty, intellect, and education. I am a business man, that is all. But in return I have at least some- thing to give — wealth, splendor, and a name that has a good sound, even at the imperial court. Let me, then, advise you as a friend to accept my hand — it is the hand of a friend who, during his whole life, will honestly strive to compensate you for not being able to give his love to you and to secure your happiness. " He feelingly extended his hand to her, and the young lady slowly laid hers upon it. "Be it so!" she said, solemnly; "I accept your hand and am ready to follow yovi. We shall not be a pair of happy lovers, but two good and sincere friends." ■' That is all I ask, " said Arnstien, gently. " Never shall I molest you with pretensions and demands that might offend your delicacy and be repugnant to your heart ; never shall I ask more of you than what I hope I shall be able to deserve — your esteem and your confi- dence. Never shall I entertain the infatuated pretensions of a hus- band demanding from his wife an affection and fidelity he is him- self unable to offer her. In the eyes of the world we shall be man and wife ; but in the interior of your house jon will find liberty and independence. There you will be able to gratify all your whims and wishes ; there every one will bow to you and obey you. First of all, I shall do so myself. You shall be the pride, the glorj- and joy of my house, and secure to it a brilliant position in society. We shall live in princely style, and you shall rule as a queen in my iiouse. Will that satisfy you? Do you accept my proposition?" "Yes, I accept it," exclaimed Fanny, with radiant eyes, "and I assure you no other house in Vienna shall equal ours. We will make it a centre of the best society, and in the midst of this circle wliicli is to embrace the most eminent representatives of beauty, intellect, and distinction, we will forget that we are united without liappiness and without love." " But there will be a day when your heart will love, " said Arn- stein. "Swear to me that you will not curse me on that day because I shall then stand between you and your love. Swear to me tliat MARIANNE MEIER. 109 you will always regard me as your friend, that you will have con- fidence in me, and tell me when that unhappy and yet so happy hour will strike, when your heart begins to speak. " "I swear it to you !" said Fanny, gravely. "We will always be sincere toward each other. Thus we shall always be able to avert wretchedness, although it may not be in our power to secure happi- ness. And now, my friend, come, give me your arm and accom- pany me to the parlor where they are already waiting for us. Now, I shall no longer weep and mourn over this day, for it has given to me a friend, a brother !" She took his arm and went with him to the parlor. A gentle smile was playing on her lips when the door was opened and they entered. With an air of quiet content she looked at her sisters, who were standing by the side of their betrothed, and had been waiting for her with trembling impatience. " There is no hope left, " murmured Lydia ; " she accepts her fate, too, and submits. " " She follows my example, " thought Esther ; " she consoles her- self with her wealth and brilliant position in society. Indeed, there is no better consolation than that. " At that moment the door opened, and the rabbi in his black robe, a skull-cap on his head, appeared on the threshold, followed by the precentor and sexton. Solemn silence ensued, and all heads were lowered in prayer while the rabbi was crossing the room in order to salute the parents of the brides. CHAPTER XVI. MARIANNE MEIER. At that moment of silent devotion, no one took any notice of a lady who crossed the threshold a few seconds after the rabbi had entered. She was a tall, superb ci'eature of wonderful beauty. Her black hair, her glowing eyes, her finely-curved nose, the whole shape of her face imparted to her some resemblance to Fanny Itzig, the banker's beautiful daughter, and indicated that she belonged likewise to the people who, scattei-ed over the whole world, have with unshaken fidelity and constancy preserved everywhere their type and habits. And yet, upon examining the charming stranger somewhat more closely, it became evident that she bore no resem- blance either to Fanny or to her sisters. Hers was a strange and peculiar style of beauty, irresistibly attractive and chilling at the same time — a tall, queenly figure, wrapped in a purple velvet dress, 110 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. fastened under her bosom by a golden sash. Her shoulders, dazzling white, and of a truly classical shape, were bare ; her short ermine mantilla had slipped from them and liuug gracefully on her beauti- ful, Avell- rounded arms, on which magnificent diamond bracelets were glittering. Her black hair fell down in long, luxuriant ring- lets on both sides of her transparent, pale cheeks, and was fastened in a knot by means of several large diamond pins. A diamond of the most precious brilliants crowned her high and thoughtful fore- head. She looked as proud and glorious as a queen, and there was some- thing haughty, imperious, and cold in the glance with which she now slowly and searchingly surveyed the large room. " Tell me, " whispered Baron Arnsteiu, bending over Fanny Itzig, "who is the beautiful lady now standing near the door?" "Oh !" exclaimed Fanny, joyfully, "she has come after all. "We scarcely dared to hope for her arrival. It is Marianne Meier. " "What! Marianne Meier?" asked Baron Arntsein. "The cele- brated beauty whom Goethe has loved — for whom the Swedish am- bassador at Berlin, Baron Bernstein, has entertained so glowing a passion, and suffered so much — and who is now the mistress of the Austrian minister, the Prince von Reuss?" "Hush, for Heaven's sake, hush!" whispered Fauny. "She is coming towai'd us. " And Fanny went to meet the beautiful lady. Marianne gently inclined her head and kissed Fanny with the dignified bearing of a qvieen. "I have come to congratulate you and your sisters," she said, in a sonorous, magnificent alto voice. "I wanted to see how beautiful you looked, and whether your betrothed was worthy of possessing you or not. " Fauny turned round to beckon Baron Arnstein to join them, but he had just left with the rabbi and the other officers of the synagogue. The ladies were now alone, for the ceremony was about to begin. And now the women entered, whose duty it was to raise loud lamen- tations and weep over the fate of the brides who were about to leave the parental roof and to follow their husbands. They spread costlj^ carpets at the feet of tlie brides, M'ho were sitting on arm-chairs among the assembled ladies, and strewing flowers on these carpets, they muttered, sobbing and weepnig, ancient Hebrew hymns. The jnother stood behind them with trembling lips, and, raising her tearful eyes toward heaven. Tlie door was opened, and the sexton in a longrobe, his white beard flowing down on his breast, appeared, c-arrying in his hand a white cushion with three splendid lace veils. He was followed bv Mr. If zi;;:. the fothor of the three brides. Tak- MARIANNE MEIER. Ill ing the veils from the cushion, aud muttering praj^ers all the wliiU , he laid them on the heads of his daugliters so that their faces and bodies seemed to be surrounded by a tliin and airy mist. And the mourning- women sobbed, and two tears rolled over the pale cheeks of the deeply- moved mother. The two men withdrew silently, and the ladies were alone again. But now, in the distance, the heart-stirring sounds of a choir of sweet, sonorous children's voices were heard. How charming did these voices reecho through the room ! They seemed to call the brides, and, as if fascinated by the inspiring melody, they slowly rose from their seats. Their mother approached the eldest sister and offered her hand to her. Two of the eldest ladies took the hands of the younger sisters. The other ladies and the mourning- women formed in pairs behind them, and then the procession com- menced moving in the direction of the inviting notes of the anthem. Thus they crossed the rooms — nearer and nearer came the music — and finally, on passing through the last door, the ladies stepped into a long hall, beautifully decorated with flowers and covered with a glass roof through which appeared the deep, transparent azure of the wintrj^ sky. In the centre of this hall there arose a purple canopy with golden tassels. The rabbi, praying and with uplifted hands, was standing under it with the three bridegrooms. The choir of the singers, hidden behind flowers and orange-trees, grew louder and louder, and to this jubilant music the ladies conducted the brides to the canopj^, and the ceremony commenced. "When it was concluded, when the veils were removed from the heads of the brides so that they could now look freely into the world, the whole party returned to the parlor, and brides and bridegrooms received the congratulations of their friends. Fanny and Marianne Meier were chatting in a bay-window at some distance from the rest of the company. They were standing there, arm in arm — Fanny in her white bridal costume, like a radi- ant lily, and Marianne in her purple dress, resembling the peerless queen of flowers. "You are going to leave Berlin to-day with your husband?" asked Marianne. "We leave in an hour," said Fanny, sighing. Marianne had heard this sigh. " Do you love your husband?" she asked, hastily. " I have seen him only twice, " whispered Fanny. A sarcastic smile played on Marianne's lips. "Then they have simply sold you to him like a slave-girl to a wealthy planter," she said. " It was a mere bargain and zale, and still you boast of it, and pass your disgusting trade in Iiunian hearts for virtue, and believe 112 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. you have a right to look pi-oudly and contemptuously down upon those who refuse to be sold like goods, and who prefer to give away their love to being desecrated without love." " I do not boast of having married without love, " said Fanny, gently. "Oh, I should willingly give up wealth and splendor— I should be quite ready to live in poverty and obscurity with a man whom I loved. " " But first the old rabbi would have to consecrate your union with such a man, I suppose? — otherwise you would not follow him, not- withstanding your love?" asked Marianne. "Yes, Marianne, that would be indispensable," said Fanny, gravely, firmly fixing her large ej'es upon her friend. "No woman should defy the moral laws of the world, or if she does, she will always suffer for it. If I loved and could not possess the man of my choice, if I could not belong to him as his wedded wife, I should give him up. The grief would kill me, perhaps, but I should die with the consolation of having remained faithful to virtue — " "And of having proved false to love!" exclaimed Marianne, scornfully. " Phrases ! Nothing but phrases learned by heart, my child, but the world boasts of such phrases, and calls such senti- ments moral ! Oh, hush ! hush ! I know what you are going to say, and how you wish to admonish me. I heard very well how contemptuously your husband called me the mistress of the Prince von Reuss. Don't excuse him, and don't deny it, for I have heard it. I might reply to it what Madame de Balbi said the other day upon being upbraided with being the mistress of the Royal Prince d' Artois : ' Le sang dcs princes ne souille pas ! ' But I do not want to excuse myself ; on the contrary, all of you shall some day apologize to me. For I tell you, Fanny, I am pursuing my own path and have a peculiar aim steadfastly in view. Oh, it is a great, a glori- ous aim. I want to see the whole world at my feet ; all those ridicu- lous prejudices of birth, rank, and virtue shall bow to the Jewess, and the Jewess shall become the peer of the most distinguished rep- resentatives of society. See, Fanny, that is my plan and my aim, and it is yours too ; we are onlj' pursuing it in different waj's — ymi, by the side of a man whose wife you are, and to whom you have pledged at the altar love and fidelity without feeling them ; 7, by the side of a man whose friend I am — to whom, it is true, I have not pledged at the altar love and fidelity, but whom I shall faitli- fully love because I have given my heart to him. Let God decide whose is the true morality. The world is on your side and con- demns me, but some day I sliall liurl back into its teeth all its co)i- tempt and scorn, and I shall coinju'l it to bow most humbly to me." "And whosoever sees j'ou in your proud, radiant beauty, must MARIANNE MEIER. 113 feel that you will succeed in accomplishing what you are going to undertake, " said Fanny, bending an admiring glance on the glorious creature by her side. Marianne nodded gratefully. " Let us pursue our aim, " she said, " for it is one and the same. Both of us have a mission to fulfil, Fanny ; we have to avenge the Jewess upon the pride of the Chris- tian women ; we have to prove to them that we are their equals in every respect, that we are perhaps better, more accomplished, and ; talented than all of those haughty Christian women. How often did they neglect and insult us in society ! How often did they offensively try to eclipse us ! How often did they vex us by their scorn and insolent bearing ! We will pay it all back to them ; we will scourge them with the scourges with which they have scourged us, and compel them to bow to us !" " They shall at least consider and treat us as their equals, " said Fanny, gravely. "I am not longing for revenge, but I want to hold my place in society, and to prove to them that I am just as well-bred and aristocratic a lady, and have an equal, nay, a better right to call myself a representative of true nobility ; for ours is a more ancient nobility than that of all these Christian aristocrats, and we can count our ancestors farther back into the most remote ages than they — our fathers, the proud Levites, having been high-priests in Solomon's temple, and the people having treated them as noblemen even at that time. We will remind the Christian ladies of this whenever they talk to us about their own ancestors, who, at best, only date back to the middle ages or to Charlemagne. " '• That is right. I like to hear you talk in this strain, " exclaimed Marianne, joyfully. " I see you will represent us in Vienna in a noble and proud manner, and be an honor to the Jews of Berlin. Oh, I am so glad, Fanny, and I shall always love you for it. And do not forget me either. If it pleases God, I shall some day come to Vienna, and play there a brilliant part. However, we shall never be rivals, but always friends. Will you promise it?" "I promise it," said Fanny, giving her soft white hand to her friend. Marianne pressed it warmly. " I accept yom- promise and shall remind j'ou of it some day, " she said. "But now farewell, Fanny, for I see your young husband yonder, who would like to speak to you, and yet does not come to us for fear of coming in contact with the mistress of the Prince von Reuss. God bless and protect his virtue, that stands in such nervous fear of being infected! Farewell; don't forget our oath, and re- member me. " She tenderly embraced her friend and imprinted a glowing kiss upon her forehead, and then quickly turning around, walked across 114 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. the room. All eyes followed the tall, proud lady with admiring glances, and some whispered, " How beautiful she is ! How proud, how glorious !" She took no notice, however ; she had so often re- ceived tlie homage of these whispers, that they could no longer gladden her heart. Without saluting any one, her head proudly erect, she crossed the room, drawing her ermine mantilla closely around her shoulders, and deeming every thing aroimd her unworthy of notice. In the anteroom a footman in gorgeous livery was waiting for her. He hastened down-stairs before her, opened the street door, and i-ushed out in order to find his mistress's carriage among the vast number of coaches encumbering both sides of the street, and then bring it to the door. Marianne stood waiting in the door, stared at by the inquisitive eyes of the large crowd that had gathered in front of the house to see the guests of the wealthy banker Itzig upon their departiu-e from the wedding. Marianne paid no attention whatever to these bystanders. Her large black eyes swept over all those faces before her with an air of utter indifference ; she took no interest in any one of them, and their impertinent glances made apparently no impression upon her. But the crowd took umbrage at her queenly indifference, "Just see," the bystanders whispered here and there, "just see the proud Jewess ! How she stares at us, as if we were nothing but thin air I What splendid diamonds she has got I Wonder if she is indebted for them to her father's usvuy?" On hearing this question, that was uttered by an old woman in rags, the whole crowd laughed uproariously. Marianne even then took no notice. She only thought that her carriage was a good while coming up, and the supposed slowness of her footman was the sole cause of the frown which now commenced clouding her brow. When the crowd ceased laughing, a woman, a Jewess, in a dirty and ragged dress, stepped fortli and placed herself close to Marianne. "You think she is indebted to her father for those diamonds.'" she yelled. " No, I know better, and can tell you all about it. Her father was a good friend of mine, and frequently traded with me when he was still a poor, peddling Jew. He afterward made a great deal of money, while I grew very poor ; but he never bought her those diamonds. Just listen to me, and I will tell you what sort of a woman she is who now looks down on us with such a haughty air. Slie is the Jewess Marianne Meier, the mistress of the old Prince von Keuss !" "Ah, a mistress!" shouted the crowd, sneeringly. "And she is looking at ub as though she were a queen. She wears diamonds in MARIANNE MEIER. 115 her hair, and wants to liide her shamu by dressing in purple velvet. She—" At that moment the carriage rolled up to the door ; the footman obsequiously opened the coach door and hastened to push back the crowd in order to enable Marianne to walk over the carpet spread out rn tlie sidewalk to her carriage. "We won't be driven back !" roared the crowd ; "we want to see tlie beautiful mistress — we want to see her close by." And laughing, shouting, and jeering, the bystanders crowded closely around Marianne. She walked past them, proud and erect, and did not seem to hear the insulting remarks that were being levelled at her. Only her cheeks had turned even paler than before, and lier lips were quivering a little. Now she had reached her carriage and entered. The footman closed the door, but the mob still crowded around the carriage, and looked through the glass windows, shouting, " Look at her ! look at her ! What a splendid mistress she is ! Hurrah for her ! Loug live the mistress !" The coachman whipped the horses, and the carriage commenced moving, but it could make but little headway, the jeering crowd rolling along with it like a huge black wave, and trying to keep it back at every step. Marianne sat px'oudly erect in her carriage, staring at the mob with flaming and disdainful eyes. Not a tear moistened her eyes : not a word, not a cry issued from her firmh'-compressed lips. Evei; when her carriage, turning around the corner, gained at last a free field and sped away with thundering noise, there was no eliangf whatever in her attitude, or in the expression of her countenance. She soon reached the embassy buildings. The carriage stopped in front of the vestibule, and the footman opened the coach door. Marianne alighted and walked slowly and proudly to the .staircase. The footman hastened after her, and when she had just reached the first landing-place he stood behind her and whispered : "I beg your pardon, madame ; I was really entirely iuuoeeut. Your carriage being the last to arrive, it had to take the hindmost place ; tliat was the reason why it took us so long to get it to the door. I beg your pardon, madame. " Marianne only turned to him for a moment, bending a single contemptuous glance upon him, and then, without uttering a word, continued ascending the staircase. The footman paused and looked after the proud lady, whispering with a sigh — " She will discharge me — she never forgives !" Marianne had now reached the upper story, and walked down 116 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. the corridor as slowly aud as proudly as ever. Her valet stood at the door, receiving her v^'ith a profound bovp^, while opening the folding door. She crossed gravely and silently the long suite of rooms now opening before her, and finally entered her dressing- room. Her two lady's maids were waiting for her here in order to assist her in putting on a more comfortable dress. When they approached their mistress, she made an imperious, repelling gesture. "Begone!" she said, "begone!" That was all she said, but it sounded like a scream of rage and pain, and the lady's maids hastened to obey, or rather to escape. When the door had closed behind them, Marianne rushed toward it and locked it, and drew the heavy curtain over it. Now she was alone — now nobody could see her, nobody could hear her. With a wild cry she raised her beautiful arms, tore the splendid diadem of brilliants from her hair, and hurled it upon the floor. She then with trembling hands loosened the golden sash from her tapering waist, and the diamond pins from her hair, and threw all these precious trinkets disdainfully upon the floor. And now with her small feet, with her embi"oidered silken shoes, she furiously stamped on them with flaming eyes, and in her paroxysm of anger slightly opening her lips, so as to show her two rows of peerless teeth which she held firmly pressed together. Her fine hair, no longer fastened by the diamond pins, had fallen down, and was now floating around her form like a black veil, and closely covered her jiurple dress. Thus she looked like a goddess of vengeance, so beautiful, so proud, so glorious and terrible — her small hands raised toward heaven, and her feet crushing the jewelrj'. "Insulted, scorned!" she murmured. "The meanest woman on the street believes she has a right to despise me — me, the celebrated Marianne Meier — me, at whose feet counts and princes have sighed in vain ! And who am I, then, that they should dare to despise meV" She asked this question with a defiant, burning glance toward heaven, but all at once she commenced trembling, and hung her head humbly and mournfully. " I am a disgraced woman, " she whispered. " Diamonds and vel- vet do not hide my shame. I am the prince's mistress. That's all ! " But it shall be so no longer !" she exclaimed, suddenly. " I will put a stop to it. I 7niist put a stop to it ! This hour has decided my destiny and broken my stubbornness. I thought I could defy the world in 7ny way. I believed I could laugh at its prejudices ; but the world is stronger than I, and therefore I have to submit, and shall hereafter defy it in its own way. And I shall do so most assuredly. I shall do so on the spot " MARIANNE MEIER. 117 Without reflecting auy further, she left her chamber and hastened once more through the rooms. Her hair now was waving wildly around her shoulders, and her purple dress, no longer held together by the golden sash, was floating loosely around her form. She took no notice whatever of her dishabille; only one idea, only one purpose filled her heart. In breathless haste she hurried on, and now quickly opened a last door, through which she entered a room furnished in the most sumptuous and comfortable manner. At her appearance, so sudden, and evidently unexpected, the elderly gentleman, who had reposed on the silken sofa, arose and turned around with a gesture of displeasure. On recognizing Marianne, however, a smile overspread his fea- tures, and he went to meet her with a pleasant greeting. "Back already, dearest?" he said, extending his hand toward her. " Yes, your highness — I am back already, " she said drily and coldly. The gentleman upon whose features the traces of a life of dissi pation were plainly visible, fixed his eyes with an anxious air upon the beavitiful lady. He only now noticed her angry mien and the strange dishabille in which she appeared before him. "Good Heaven, Marianne !" he asked, sharply, "what is the cause of your agitation, of your coldness toward me? What has happened to you ?" "What has happened to me? The most infamous insults have been heaped upon my head !" she exclaimed with quivering lips, an angry blush suffusing her cheeks. " For a quarter of an hour, nay, for an eternity, I was the tai-get of the jeers, the contempt, and the scorn of the rabble that publicly abused me in the most disgraceful manner !" "Tell me," exclaimed the old gentleman, "what has occurred, and whose fault it was !" " Whose fault it was?" she asked, bending a piercing glance upon him. " Yours, my prince ; you alone are to blame for my terrible disgrace and humiliation. For your sake the rabble has reviled me, called me your mistress, and laughed at my diamonds ; calling them the reward of my shame ! Oh, how many insults, how many mor- tifications have I not already suffered for your sake— with how many bloody tears have I not cursed this love which attaches me to you, and which I was nevertheless unable to tear from my heart, for it is stronger than myself. But now the cup of bitterness is full to overflowing. My pride caimot bear so much contumely and scorn. Farewell, my prince, my beloved ! I nmst leave you. I caimot stay 118 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. with you any longer. Shame would kill me. Farewell ! Hereafter, no one shall dare to call me a mistress. " With a last glowing farewell, she turned to the door, but the prince kept her back. " Marianne, " he asked, tenderly, " do you not know that I love you, and that I cannot live without you?" She looked at him with a fascinating smile. "And I?" she asked, "far from you, shall die of a broken heart ; with you, I shall die of shame. I prefer the former. Farewell ! No one shall ever dare again to call me by that name. " And her hand touched already the door-knob. The prince encircled her waist with his arms and drew her back. "I sliall not let you go," he said, ardently. "You are mine, and shall remain so ! Oh, why are you so proud and so cold? Why will you not sacrifice your faith to our love? Why do you insist upon remaining a Jewess?" "Your highness," she said, leaning her head on his shoulder, "why do you want me to become a Christian?" "Why?" he exclaimed. "Because my religion and the laws of mj' country prevent me from marrying a Jewess." "And if I should sacrifice to you the last that has remained to me?" she whispered — "my conscience and my religion." " Marianne, " he exclaimed, solemnly, " I repeat to you what I have told you so often already : 'Become a Christian in order to be- come my wife. ' " She encircled his neck impetuously' with her arms and clung to him with a passionate outburst of tenderness. "I will become a Christian !" she whispered. CHAPTER XVII. LOVE AND POLITICS, " At last ! at last !" exclaimed Gentz, in a tone of fervid tender- ness, approaching Marianne, who went to meet him with a winning- smile. " Do you know, dearest, that you have driven me to despair for a whole week? Not a word, not a message from you ! When- ever I came to see you, I was turned away. Always the same terri- ble reply, ' Madame is not at home, ' while I felt your nearness iu every nerve and vein of mine, and while my throbbing heart was under the magic influence of j'oiu- presence. And then to be turned away ! No reply whatever to mj'" letters, to my ardent prayers tt) see you only for a (juarter of an horn." "Oh, you ungrateful man !" sliesaid, smiling, "did I not send for you to-day? Did I not give you this rendezvous quite voluntarily?'" LOVE AND POLITICS. liy " You knew very well that I should have died if your heart had not softened at last. Oh, heavenly Marianne, what follies despair made me commit already ! In order to forget you, I plunged into all sorts of pleasures, I commenced new works, I entered upon fresh love-affairs. But it was all in vain. . Amidst those pleasures I was sad ; during my working hours my mind was wandering, and in order to impart a semblance of truth and tenderness to my protesta- tions of love, I had to close my eyes and imagine you were the lady whom I was addressing. " " And then j^ou were successful ?" asked Marianne, smiling. " Yes, then I was successful, " he said, gravely ; " but my new lady-love, the beloved of my distraction and despair, did not suspect that I only embraced her so tenderly because I kissed in her the be- loved of my heart and of my enthusiasm. " "And who was the lady whom you call the beloved of your dis- traction and despair?" asked Marianne. "Ah, Marianne, you ask me to betray a woman?'" " No, no ; I am glad to perceive that you are a discreet cavalier. You shall betray no woman. I will tell you her name. The be- loved of your distraction and despair was the most beautiful and charming lady in Berlin— it was the actress Christel Enghaus. Let me compliment you, my friend, on having triumphed with that belle over all those sentimental, lovesick princes, counts, and barons. Indeed, you have improved your week of 'distraction and despair" in the most admirable manner." "Still, Marianne, I repeat to you, she was merely my sweetheai"t for the time being, and I merely plunged into this adventiu-e iu order to forget you. " "Then you love me really?" asked Marianne. " Marianne, I adore you ! You know it. Oh, now I may tell j'ou so. Heretofore you repelled me and would not listen to my protestations of love because I was a married man. Now, how- ever, I have got rid of my ignominious fetters, Marianne ; now I am no longer a married man. I am free, and all the women in the world are at liberty to love me. I am as free as a bird iu tise air !" "And like a bird you want to flit from one heai't to another?'" "No, most beautiful, most glorious Marianne ; your heart shall be the cage in which I shall imprison myself. " "Beware, my friend. What would you say if there was no door in this cage through which you might escape?" "Oh, if it had a door, I should curse it." " Then you love me so boundlessly as to be ready to sacrifice to me the liberty you have scarcely regained ?" 9 120 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. " Can you doubt it, Marianne ?" asked Gentz, tenderly pressing her beautiful hands to his lips. "Are you in earnest, my friend?" she said, smiling. "So you offer your hand to me? You want to marry me?" Gentz started back, and looked at her with a surprised and frightened air. Marianne laughed merrily. •'Ah !" she said, "your face is the most wonderful illustration of Goethe's poem. You know it, don't you?" And she recited with ludicrous pathos the following two lines : "'Heirathen, Kind, ist wunderlieh Wort, Hor' ich's, mocht' ich gleich wieder fort.' " Good Heaven, what a profound knowledge of human nature our great Goethe has got, and how proud I am to be allowed to call him a friend of mine — Heirathen, Kind, ist trunderlich Wort." " Marianne, j-ou are cruel and unjust, you — " "And you know the next two lines of the poem?" she interrupted hina. "The maiden replied to him : " ' Heirathen wir eben, Das Ubrige wird sich geben. ' " "You mock me," exclaimed Gentz, smiling, "and yet you know the maiden's assurance would not prove true in our case, and that there is something rendering such a happiness, the prospect of call- ing you my wife, an utter impossibility. Unfortunately, you are no Christian, Marianne. Hence I cannot marry you. " * "And if I were a Christian?" she asked in a sweet, enchanting voice. He fixed his eyes with a searching glance upon her smiling, charming face. "What!" he asked, in evident embarrassment. "If you were a Christian? What do you mean, Marianne?" "I mean, Frederick, that I have given the highest proof of my love to the man who loves me so ardently, constantly-, and faithfully. For his sake I have become a Christian. Yesterday I was baptized. Now, my friend, I ask you once more, I ask you as a Christian woman: Gentz, will you many me? Answer me honestly and frankly, my friend ! Remember that it is ' the beloved of your heart and of your enthusiasm, ' as you called me yourself a few moments ago, who now stands before you and asks for a reply. Remember that this moment will be decisive for our future — speedily, nay, immediately decisive. For you see I have removed all obstacles. * Marriages between Christians and Jews were prohibited In the German states at that period. LOVE AND POLITICS. 121 I have become a Christian, and I tell you I am ready to become your wife in the course of the present hour. Once more, then, Gentz. will you marry me?" He had risen and paced the room in great excitement. MarianiK^ followed him with a lurking glance and a scornful smile, but whni he now stepped back to her, she quickly assumed her serious air. "Marianne," he said, firmly, "you want to know the truth, an;' I love you too tenderly to conceal it from you. I will not, must not cannot marry you. I inll not, because I am imable to bear one; more the fetters of wedded life. I must not, because I should maki you imhappy and wretched. I cannot, while, doing so, I should a( i perfidiously toward a friend of mine, for joxi know veiy well thai the Prince von Reuss is my intimate friend." "And 7am his mistress. Yovi wished to intimate that to me b\ your last words, I suppose V" "I wished to intimate that he loves you boundlessly, and he is a fjenerous, magnanimous man, whose heart would break if any one should take you from him. " "For the last time, then : you will not marry me?" " Marianne, I love you too tenderly — I cannot marry you !" Marianne burst into a fit of laughter. "A strange reason for re- jecting my hand, indeed !" she said. "It is so original that in itself it might almost induce me to forgive your refusal. And yet I liad counted so firmly and surely upon your love and consent that I had made already the necessary arrangements in order that our wedding- might take place to-day. Just look at me, Gentz. Do you not see that I wear a bridal- dress?" "Your beauty is always a splendid bridal-dress for j-ou, Marianne. " "Well said! But do you not see a myrtle -wreath, my bridal- wreath, on the table there? Honi soit qui mal y pense! The priest is already waiting for the bride and bridegroom in the small chapel, the candles on the altar are lighted, every thing is ready for the cere- mony. Well, we must not make the priest wait any longer. So you decline being the bridegroom at the ceremony? Well, attend it, then, as a witness. Will you do so? Will you assist me as a faith ful friend, sign my marriage- contract, and keep my secret?" " I am ready to give you any proof of my love and friendship, " said Gentz, gravely. "Well, I counted on you," exclaimed Marianne, smiling, "and, to tell you the truth. I counted ou your refusal to marry me. Come, give me your arm. I will show you the same chapel which tlio Prince von Reuss has caused to bo fitted up here in the building of the Austrian embassy. The servants Avill see nothing strange iu our 122 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. goiug there, and I hope, moreover, that we shall meet with no one on our way thither. At the chapel we shall i^rhaps find Prince Henry— that will be a mere accident, which will no one. Come, assist me in putting on this long black mantilla which will entirely conceal my Avhite silk dress. The myrtle-wreath I shall take under my arm so that no one Avill see it. And now, come !" "Yes, let us go," said Gentz, offering his arm to her. "I see very well that there is a mystification in store for me, but I shall follow you wherever you will take me, to the devil or — " "Or to church," she said, smiling. "But hush now, so that no one may hear us. " They walked silently tlu'ough the rooms, then down a Ions.,' con-i- dor, and after descending a narrow secret staircase, they entered a small apartment where three gentlemen were waiting for them. One of them was a Catholic priest in his vestments, the second the Prince von Reuss, Henry XIII. , and the third the first attache of the Austrian embassy. The prince aiDproached Marianne, and after taking her hand he saluted Gentz in the cordial manner. "Every thing is ready," he said ; "come, Mariamae, let me place tlie wreath on your head. " Marianne took off her mantilla, and, Jianding the myrtle-wreath to the prince, she bowed her head, and almost knelt down before him. He took the wreath and fastened it in her hair, whei-eupon he beckoned the attache to hand to him the large casket standing on the table. This casket contained a small princes coronet of exqui- site workmanship and sparkling with the most precious diamonds. The prince fastened this coronet over Marianne's wreath, and the diamonds glistened now like stars over the delicate myrtle -leaves. "Arise, Marianne," he then said, loudly. "I have fastened the coronet of your new dignity in your hair ; let us now go to the altar. " Mai ianne arose. A strange radiance of ti'iuraphant joy beamed in her face ; a deep flush suffused her cheeks, generally so pale and transparent ; a blissful smile played on her lips. With a proud and sublime glance at Gentz, who was staring at her, speechless and amazed, she took the prince's arm. The priest led the way, and from the small room they now entered the (rhapel of the embassy. On the altar, over which one of Van Dyck's splendid paintings was hanging, large wax-tapers were burning in costly silver chandeliers. On the carpet in front of the altar two small pHe-diens for IMarianne and the prince were placed, and two arm-chairs for tlie witnesses stood behind them. Opposite the altar, on the other side of the chapel, a sort of choir or balcony Willi an organ had been fitted up. LOVE AND POLITICS. 123 But no one was there to play on that organ. All the other chairs and benches were vacant ; the ceremony was to be performed secretly and quietly. Gentz saw and observed every thing as though it were a vision, he could not yet make up his mind that it was a reality ; he was confused and almost dismayed, and did not know whether it was owing to his surprise at what was going on, or to his vexation at being so badly duped by Marianne. He believed he was dreaming when he saw Marianne and the prince kneeling on the prie-dieus, Marianne Meier, the Jewess, at the right hand of tlie high-born nobleman, at the place of honor, only to be occupied by legitimate brides of equal rank ; and when he heard the priest, who stood in front of the altar, pronounce solemn words of exhortation and bene- diction, and finally ask the kneeling bride and bridegroom to vow eternal love and fidelity to each other. Both uttered the solemn "Yes" at the same time, the prince quietly and gravely, Marianne hastily and in a joyful voice. The priest thereupon gave them the benediction, and the ceremony was over. The whole party then I'eturned to the anteroom serving as a sacristy. They silently re- ceived the congratulations of the priest and the witnesses. The attache then took a paper from his memorandum -book ; it contained the minutes of the ceremony, which he had drawn up already in advance. Marianne and the prince signed it ; the witnesses and tlie priest did the same, the latter adding the church seal to his signa- ture. It was now a perfectly valid certificate of their legitimate marriage, which the prince handed to Marianne, and for which she thanked him with a tender smile. "You are now my legitimate wife, " said the Prince von Reuss, gravely ; " I wish to give you this proof of my love and esteem, and I return my thanks to these gentlemen for having witnessed tlie cer- emony ; you might some day stand in need of their testimony. For the time being, however, I have cogent reasons for keeping our marriage secret, and you have promised not to divulge it." " And I renew my promise at this sacred place and in the pres- ence of the priest and our witnesses, my dear husband," said Mari- anne. " No one shall hear from me a word or even an intimation of what has occurred here. Before the world I shall be obediently and patiently nothing but your mistress until you deem it jirudent to acknowledge that I am your wife." "I shall do so at no distant day," said the prince. "And you, gentlemen, will you promise also, will you jiledge me j-our word of honor that you will faithfully keep our secret?" "AVe promise it upon our honor !" exclaimed the two gentlemen. The prince bowed his thanks. " Let us now leave the chapel sep- 124 . LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. arately, just as we have come, " he said ; " if we should withdraw together, it would excite the attention and curiosity of the servants, some of whom might meet us in the hall. Come, baron, you will accompany me." He took the attache's arm, and left the small sacristiy with him. "And you will accompany me, " said Marianne, kindly nodding to Gentz. "And I shall stay here for the purpose of praying for the bride and bridegroom," muttered the priest, returning to the altar. Marianne now hastily took the coronet and myrtle-wreath from her hair and concealed both under the black mantilla which Gentz gallantly laid around her shoulders. They silently reascended the narrow staircase and returned through the corridor to Marianne's rooms. Upon reaching her bou- doir, Marianne doffed her mantilla with an indescribable air of tri- umphant joy, and laid the coronet and myrtle-wreath on the table. " Well, " slie asked in her sonorous, impressive voice, "what do you say now, my tender Gentz?" He had taken his hat, and replied with a deep bow : "I have to say that I bow to your sagacity and talents. That was a master- stroke of yours, dearest. " "Was it not?" she asked, triumphantly. "The Jewess, hitherto despised and ostracized by society, has suddenly become a legiti. mate princess ; she has now the power to avenge all sneers, all de- rision, all contempt she has had to undergo. Oh, how sweet this revenge will be — how I shall humble all those haughty ladies who dared to despise me, and who will be obliged henceforth to yield the place of honor to me !" "And will you revenge yourself upon me too, Marianne?" asked Gentz, humbly — "upon me who dared reject your hand? But no, you must always be grateful to me for that refusal of mine. Just imagine I had compelled you to stick to your offer : instead of being a princess, you would now be the unhappy wife of the poor military counsellor, Frederick Gentz. " Marianne laughed. " You are right, " she said, " I am grateful to you for it. But, my friend, you nuist not and shall not remain tlie poor military counsellor Gentz." "God knows that that is not my intention either," exclaimed Gentz, laughing. "God has placed a capital in my head, and you may be sure that I shall know liow to invest it at a good rate of interest." "But here you will obtain no such interest," said Marianne, eagerly, "let us sjieak sensibly about that matter. We have paid our tribute to love and friendship; let us now talk abt)ut politics LOVE AND POLITICS. 125 I am authorized — and she who addresess you now is no longer Mari- anne Meier, but the wife of the Austrian ambassndor — I am authoi- ized to make an important offer to you. Come, my i riend, sit down in the arm-chair here, and let us hold a diplomatic conference. " "Yes, let us do so," said Gentz, smiling, and taking the seat she had indicated to him. "Friend Gentz, what are your hopes for the future?" "A ponderous question, but I shall try to answer it as briefly as possible. I am in hopes of earning fame, honor, rank, influence, and a brilliant position by my talents. " "And you believe you can obtain all that here in Prussia?" "I hope so," said Gentz, hesitatingly. " You have addressed a memorial to the young king ; you have urged him to give to his subjects prosperity, happiness, honor, and freedom of the press. How long is it since you sent that memorial to him?" " Four weeks to-day. " " Four weeks, and they have not yet rewarded you for your glori- ous memorial, although the whole Prussian nation hailed it with the most rapturous applause? They have not yet thought of ap- pointing you to a position worthy of 3^ our talents ? You have not yet been invited to court?" "Yes, I was invited to court. The queen wished to become acquainted with me. Gualtieri presented me to her, and her maj- esty said very many kind and flattering things to me." * " Words, empty words, my friend ! Their actions are more elo- quent. The king has not sent for you, the king has not thanked you. The king does not want your advice, and as if to show to yourself, and to ail those w^ho have received your letter so euthurti- astically, that he intends to pursue his own path and not to listen to such advice, the king, within the last few days, has addressed a decree to the criminal court, peremptorily ordering the prosecuting attorneys to proceed rigorously against the publishers of writings not submitted to or rejected by the censors."! " That cannot be true — that is impossible !" exclaimed Gentz, starting up. "I pardon your impetuosity in consideration of your just indig- nation," said Marianne, smiling. "That I told you the truth, how- ever, you will see in to-morrow's Gazette, which will contain tlie royal decree I alluded to. Oh, you know very well the Austrian ambassador has good fi-iends everj-where, who furnish him the latest news, and keep him informed of all such things. You need *Varnhagen, "Gallerie von Bildnissen," etc., vol. ii. tF. Foerster, " Modern History of Prussia," vol. i., p. 498. 126 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. not hope, therefore, that the young king will make any use of your talents or grant you any favors. Your splendid memorial has oflfeuded him instead of winning him ; he thought it was altogether too bold. Frederick William the Third is not partial to bold, eccen- tric acts ; he instinctively shrinks back from all violent reforms. The present King of Prussia will not meddle with the great affairs of the world ; the King of Prussia wishes to remain neutral amidst the struggle of contending parties. Instead of thinking of war and politics, he devotes his principal attention to the church service and examination of tJie applicants for holy orders, and yet he is not even courageous enough formally to abolish WoUner's bigoted edict, and thus to make at least one decisive step forward. Believe me, lukewarmness and timidity Avill characterize every act of his ad- ministration. So you had better go to Austria. " "And what shall I do in Austria?" asked Gentz, thoughtfully. "What shall you do there?" exclaimed Marianne, j)assionately. "You shall serve the fatherland — you shall serve Germany, for Ger- many is in Austria just as well as in Prussia. Oh, believe me, my friend, only in Austria will you find men strong and bold enough to brave the intolerable despotism of the French. And the leading men there will welcome you most cordially ; an appropriate sphere will be allotted to your genius, and the position to which you will be appointed will amply satisfy the aspirations of your ambition. I am officially authorized to make this offer to you, for Austria is well aware that, in the future, she stands in need of men of first- class ability, and she therefore desires to secure your services, which she will reward in a princely manner. Come, ray friend, I shall set out to-day with the prince on a journey to Austi'ia. Accompany us — become one of ours !" "Ours ! Are j^ou, then, no longer a daughter of Prussia?" "I have become a thorough and enthusiastic Austrian, for I wor- ship energy and determination, and these qualities I find only in Austria, in the distinguished man who is holding the helm of her ship of state, Baron Thugut. Come with us ; Thugut is anxious to have you about his person ; accompany us to him. " "And what are you going to do in Vienna?" asked Gentz, eva- sively. "Is it a mere pleasure-trip?" " If another man should put that question to me, I should reply in the affirmative, but to you I am going to prove by my entire sincerity that I really believe you to be a devoted friend of mine. No, it is no pleasure- trip. I accompany the prince to Vienna be- cause he wants to get there instructions from Baron Thugut and learn what is to be done at Rastadt. " " Ah, at Rastadt— at the peace congress, " exclaimed Gentz " Thf' LOVE AND POLITICS. 127 emperor has requested the states of the empire to send plenipoten- tiaries to Rastadt to negotiate there with France a just and equitable peace. Prussia has already sent there her i)lenipotentiaries, Count Goertz and Baron Dohm. Oh, I should liave liked to accompany them and participate in performing the glorious task to be accom- plished there. Tliat congress at Rastadt is the last hope of Germany ; if it should fail, all prospects of a regeneration of the empire are gone. That congress will at last give to the nation all it needs : an efficient organization of the empire, a well-regulated administi-ation of justice, protection of German manufacttires against British arro- gance, and last, but not least, freedom of the press, for which the Germans have been j^earning for so many years. " Marianne burst into a loud fit of laughter. " Oh, you enthusiastic visionary !" she said, " but let us speak softly, for even the walls must not hear what I am now going to tell you. " She bent over the table, drawing nearer to Gentz, and fixing her large, flaming eyes upon him, she asked in a whsiper, " I suppose you love Germany? You would not like to see her devoured by France as Italy was devoured by her? You would not like either to see her go to decay and crumble to pieces from inherent weakness?"' "Oh, I love Germany!" said Gentz, enthusiastically. "All my wishes, all my hopes belong to her. Would to God I could say some day, all my talents, my energy, my perseverance are devoted to my fatherland — to Germany !" " Well, if you really desire to be useful to Germany, " whispered Marianne, "hasten to Rastadt. If Germany is to be saved at all, it must be done at once. You know the stipulations of the treaty of Campo Fomiio, I suppose?" " I only know what every one knows about them. " " But you do not know the secret article. I will tell you all about it. Listen to me. The secret article accepted by the emperor reads as follows : ' The emperor pledges himself to withdraw his troops from Mentz, Ehrenbreitstein, Mannheim, Konigstein, and from the German empire in general, twenty days after the ratification of the peace, which has to take place in the com-se of two months. '" * '■ But he thereby delivers the empire to the tender mercies of tho enemy, " exclaimed Gentz, in dismay. " Oh, that cannot be I No German could grant and sign such terms without sinking into the earth from shame. Tliat would be contraiy to every impulse of patriotism — " " Nevertlieless, that article has been signed and will be carried out to the letter. Make haste, therefore, Germany is calling you ; assist her, you have got the sti'ength. Oh, give it to her ! Become *Schlosser"s "History uf the Eighteenth Century," vol, v.. p. 4.3. 128 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. an Austrian just as Brutus became a servant of the kings ; become an Austrian in order to save Germany !" "Ah, you want to entice me, Delilah !" exclaimed Gentz. "You want to show me a beautiful goal in order to make me walk the tortuous paths which may lead thither ! No, Delilah, it is in vain ! I shall stay here ; I shall not go to Austria, for Austi'ia is the state that is going to betray Germany. Pi-ussia may be able to save l^er ; she stands perhaps in need of my arm, my pen, and m.y tongue for that purpose. I am a German, but first of all I am a Prussian, and every good patriot ought first to sei've his immediate country, and wait imtil she calls him. I still hope that the king will prove the right man for his responsible position ; I still expect that he will succeed in rendering Prussia great and Germany free. I must, therefore, remain a Prussian as yet and be ready to serve my country. " " Poor enthusiast ! You will regret some day having lost your time by indulging in visionary hopes." "Well, I will promise, whenever that day comes, whenever Prussia declares that she does not want my services, then I will come to you — then you shall enlist me for Austria, and perhaps I may then still be able to do something for Germany. But until then, leave me Jiere. I swear to j'ou, not a word of what you have just told me here shall be betrayed by my lips ; but I cannot serve him who has betrayed Germany." " Y"ou cannot bo induced, then, to accept my ofifer? You want to stay here ? Y'ou refuse to accompany me to Vienna, to Rastadt, in order to save what may yet be saved for Germany ?" "If I had an army under m3' command," exclaimed Gentz, with flaming eyes, " if I were the King of Prussia, then I should assuredly go to Rastadt, but I should go thither for the purpose of dispersing ail those hypocrites, cowards, and scribblers who call themselves statesmen, and of driving those French republicans who put on such disgusting airs, and try to make us believe they had a perfect right to meddle with the domestic affairs of Germany — beyond the Rhine ! I should go thither for the pvirpose of garrisoning the for- tresses of the Rhine — which the Emperor of Germany is going to surrender to the tender mercies of the enemy — with my troops, and of ?nificeiit harness were a gift from the Emperor of Austria, wiio had presented them to Bouai)arte after the peace of Campo Formic. Bonaparte had rejected all other offers. "—Bourrienne, vol. i., p. 389. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 137 CHAPTER XIX. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. Bonaparte liad scacrely deigned to glance at the French am has - sadors and their ladies, who had received him at the foot of the staircase. All his thoughts centred in Josephine. And bowing slightly to the ladies and gentlemen, he had impetuously rushed up- stairs and opened tlie door, satisfied that she would be there and receive him with open arms. When he did not see her, he passed on, pale, with a gloomy face, and resembling an angry lion. Thus he now rushed into the fx'ont room where lie found Jose- phine. Without saluting her, and merely fixing his flashing eyes upon her, he asked in a subdued, angry voice : " Madame, you do not even deem it worth the trouble to salute me ! You do not come to meet me !" " But, Bonaparte, you have given me no time for it, " said Jose- phine, with a charming smile. "While I thought you were just about to alight from your carriage, you burst already into this room like a thunder-bolt from heaven." "Oh, and that has dazzled your eyes so much that you are even unable to salute me?" he asked angrily. "And you, Bonaparte?" she asked, tenderly. " You do not open your arms to me ! You do not welcome me ! Instead of pressing me to your heart, you scold me ! Oh, come, my friend, let us not pass this first hour in so unpleasant a manner ! We have not seen each other for almost two months, and — " "Ah, madame, then jou know that at least, " exclaimed Bona- parte ; " then 30U have not entirely forgotten that j^ou took leave of me two mouths ago, and that you swore to me at that time eternal love and lidelitj', and promised most sacredly to write to me every day. You have not kept j'our oaths and pledges, madame 1" " But, my friend, I have written to you whenever I was told that a courier would set out for your headquarters." " You ought to have sent every day a courier of your own for the purpose of transmitting your letters to me, " exclaimed Bonaparte, wildly stamping his foot, so that the jars and vials on the table rattled violently, while Zephj-r jinnped down from his arm-chair and commenced snarling. Josephine looked anxiously at him and tried to calm him by her gestures. Bonaparte continued: "Letters I But those scraps I received from time to time were not even letters, Official bulletins of your health they were, and as cold as ice. Madame, how could you write 138 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. such letters to me, and moreover only every fourth day? If you really loved me, j^on would have written every day. But you do not love me any longer ; 1 know it. Your love was but a passing whim. You feel now how ridiculous it would be for you to love a poor man who is nothing but a soldier, and who has to offer nothing to you but a little glory and his love. But I shall banish this love from my heart, should I have to tear my heart with my own teeth. " * " Bonaparte, " exclaimed Josephine, half tenderly, half anxiously, " what have I done that you should be angry with me ? Why do you accuse me of indifference, while you know very well that I love you?" "Ah, it is a very cold love, at all events," he said, sarcastically. " It is ti-ue, I am only your husband, and it is not in accordance with aristocratic manners to love one's husband ; that is mean, vulgar, republican ! But I am a republican, and I do not want any wife with the manners and habits of the ancien regime. I am your hus- band, but woe to him who seeks to become my wife's lover ! I Avould not even need my sword in order to kill him. My eyes alone would crush him ! f And I shall know how to find him ; and if he should escape to the most remote regions, my arm is a far-reaching one, and I will extend it over the whole world in order to grasp him." "But whom do you allude to?" asked Josephine, in dismay. " Whom ?" he exclaimed in a thundering voice. " Ah, madame, you believe I do not know what has occurred ? You believe I see and hear nothing when I am no longer with you? Let me compli- ment you, madame ! The handsome aide-de-camp of Leclerc is a conquest which the ladies of Milan must have been jealous of ; and Botot, the spy, whom Barras sent after me, passes even at Paris for an Adonis. What do you mean by your familiarities with these two men, madame? You received Adjutant Charles at eleven o'clock in the morning, while you never leave your bed before one o'clock. Oh, that handsome young fellow wanted to tell you how he was yearning for his home in Paris, and Avhat his mother and bister had M-ritten to him, I suppose? For that reason so convenient an hour had to be chosen ? For that reason he came at eleven o'clock while 3"0U w^ere in bed yet. His ardor was so intense, and if he had been compelled to wait until one o'clock, impatience would have burned his soul to ashes !" % " He wanted to set out for Paris precisely at twelve o'clock. That ♦Bonaparte's own words. —Vitl*; "Lottres & Josephine. M6moires d'une Con- U'lnporaino," vol. i., p. 'XA. t Bonaparte \s own words. — Ibid. X Bonaparte's own words.— Vide "M6moires d'un Contemporalne," vol. il. , p. 38(1 BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 139 vras the only reason why I received him so early, my friend, '" said Josephine, gently. "Oh, then, you do not deny that you have actualij^ received liim?" shouted Bonaparte, and his face turned livid. With flaming eyes and uplifted hand, he stepped up close to Josephine. " Madame, " he exclaimed, in a thundering voice, "then you dare to acknowl- edge that Charles is your lover?" Before Josephine had time to reply to him Zephyr, who saw him threaten his mistress, furiouslj^ pounced upon Bonaparte, barking and howling, showing his teeth, and quite ready to lacerate whom he supposed to be Josephine's enemy. "Ah, this accursed dog is here, too, to torment me !" exclaimed Bonaparte, and raising his foot, he stamped with crushing force on the body of the little dog. A single piercing yell was heard ; then the blood gushed from Zephj'r's mouth, and the poor beast lay writhing convulsively on the floor. -' "Bonaparte, you have killed my dog,"' exclaimed Josephine, re- ])i'oachfully, and bent over the dying animal. " Yes, " he said, with an air of savage joy, "I have killed your dog, and in the same manner I shaU crush every living being that dares to step between you and myself !" Josephine had taken no notice of his words. She had knelt down by the side of the dog, and tenderly patted his head and writhing limbs till they ceased moving. " Zejihyr is dead, " she said rising. " Poor little fellow, he died because he loved me. Pardon me, general, if I weep for him. But Lephyr was a cherished souvenir from a friend who died only a short while ago. General Hoche had given the dog to me. " "Hoche?" asked Bonaparte, in some confusion. " Yes, Lazarus Hoche, who died a few weeks ago. A few days before his death he sent the dog to me while at Milan — Lazarus Hoche who, you know it very well, loved me, and whose hand I rejected because I loved you," said Josephine, with a noble dignity and calmness, which made a deeper impression upon Bonaparte than the most poignant rebuke would have done. "And now, general," she proceeded, "I will replj- to your re- proaches. I do not say that I shall jusHfy myself, because I thereby would acknowledge the justice of your charges, but I will merely answer them. I told you already why I admitted Charles at so early an hour. He was about to set out for Paris, and I wished to inti'ust to him important and secret letters and other commissions. " "Why did not you send them bj' a special courier?" asked Bona- parte, but in a much gentler voice than before. * Vide "Rheinischer-Antiquai'.," vol. ii., p. 574. 140 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. '•Because it would have been dangerous to send my letters to Botot by a courier, " said Josephine, calmly. "To BototV Then you admit your familiarities with Botot, too? People did uot deceive me, then, when they told me that you re- ceived this spy Botot, whom Barras had sent after me, in order to ^vatch me, every morning in your boudoir — that you always sent your maid away as soon as he came, and that your interviews with him frequently lasted for hours?" " That is quite true ; I do not deny it, " said Josephine, proudly. Bonaparte uttered an oath, and was about to rush at her. But she receded a step, and pointing at the dead dog with a rapid ges- ture, she said : " General, take care ! There is no other dog here for you to kill, and I am onlj^ a weak, defenceless woman ; it would assuredly not behoove the victor of Arcole to attack me !" Bonaparte di'opped his arm, and, evidently ashamed of himself, stepped back several paces. " Then you do not deny your intimate intercourse with Botot and Charles?" " I do not deny that both of them love me, that I know it, and that I have taken advantage of their love. Listen to me, general : I liave taken advantage of their love. That is mean and abominable ; it is playing in an execrable manner with the most exalted feelings of others, I know it very well, but I did so for your sake, general — I did so in your interest." "In my interest?" asked Bonaparte, in surprise. "Yes, in your interest, " she said. "Now I can tell and confess every thing to you. But as long as Charles and Botot were present, I could not do so, for if you had ceased being jealous — if, warned by myself, you had treated these two men kindly instead of showing your jealous distrust of them by a hostile and surly demeanor, they might have suspected my game and divined my intrigue, and I would have been unable to avail myself any longer of their services. " "But, for God's sake, tell me what did you need their services for?" " Ah, sir, I perceive that you know better how to wield the sword than unravel intrigues," said Josephine, with a charming smile. " Well, I made use of my two lovers in order to draw their secrets from them. And secrets they had, general, for you know Botot is the most intimate and influential friend of Barras, and Madame Tallien adores Charles, the handsome aide-de-camp. She has no secrets that he i.s not fully aware of, and she does whatever he wants her to do ; and again, whatever she wants to be done, her husband will do — lier husband, that excellent Tallien, who with Barras is one of the five directors of our republic. " BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 141 " Oh, women, women ! " muttered Bonaparte. Josephine continued : "In this manner, general, I learned every scheme and almost every idea of the Directory ; in this manner, through my devoted friends, Botot and Charles, I have succeeded in averting many a foul blow from yoiu* own head. For you were men- aced, general, and you are menaced still. And what is menacing you ? That is your glory and your greatness — it is tlie jealousy of the five kings of France, who, under the name of directors, are now reign- ing at the Luxemburg. The Quintumvirate beheld your gi'owing power and glory with terror and wrath, and all endeavors of theirs only aimed at lessening your influence. A favorite way of theirs for carrying out their designs against you was tlie circulation of false news concerning you. Botot told me that Barras had even hired editors to write against you, and to question your integrity. These editors now published letters purporting to come from Verona, and announcing that Bonaparte was about to proclaim himself dictator. Then, again, they stated in some letter from the frontier, or from a foreign country, that the whole of Lombardy was again on the eve of an insurrection ; that the Italians detested the tyranny imposed upon them by the conqueror, and that they were anxious to recall their former sovereigns. " "Ah, the miserable villains !" exclaimed Bonaparte, gnashing his teeth, "I—" " Hush, general ! listen to my whole reply to your reproaches, " said Josephine, with imperious calmness. " At some other time these hirelings of the press announced in a letter from Turin that an extensive conspiracy was about to break out at Paris ; that the Direc- tory was to be overthrown by this conspiracy, and that a dictator- ship, at the head of which Bonaparte would be, was to take place. They further circulated the news all over the departments, that the ringleaders of the jjlot had been arrested and sent to the military commissions for trial ; but that the conqueror of Italy had deemed it prudent to avoid arrest by running awaj*. " * " That is a truly infernal web of lies and infamies!" ejaculated Bonaparte, furiously. " But I shall justify myself, I will go to Paris and hurl the calumnies of these miserable Directors back into their teeth !" " General, there is no necessity for you to descend into the arena in order to defend yourself," said Josephine, smiling. "Your actions speak for yovi, and your friends are watching over you. Whenever such an article appeared in the newspapers, Botot for- warded it to me ; whenever the Directory sprang a new mine, Botot sent me word of it. And tnen I enlisted the assistance of my friend * Le Normand, Memoires, vol. i., p. 267. 142 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Charles, and he had to refute those articles through a journalist w^o was in my pay, and to foil the mine by means of a counter- mine." " Oh, Josephine, how can I thank you for what you have done forme!" exclaimed Bonaparte, enthusiastically. "How—" "I am not through yet, general," she interrupted him, coldly. " Those refutations and the true accounts of your glorious deeds found an enthusiastic echo throughout the wliole of France, and everj' one was anxious to see you in the full splendor of your glory, and to do homage to you at Paris. But the jealous Directory calculated in advance how dangerous the splendor of your glory would be to the statesmen of the Republic, and how greatly your return would eclipse the five kings. For that reason they resolved to keep you away from Paris ; for that reason exclusively they appointed you first plenipotentiary at the congress about to be opened at Rastadt, and intrusted the task to you to exert yourself here for the conclu- sion of peace. They wanted to chain the lion and make him feel that he has got a master whom he must oljey. " •'But the lion will break the chain, and he will not obey," ex- claimed Bonaparte, angrily. "I shall leave Rastadt on this very day and hasten to Pai'is. " "Wait a few days, general," .said Josephine, smiling. "It will be unnecessary for you to take violent steps, my friends Botot and Charles having worked with me for you. Botot alone not being sufficiently powerful, inasmuch as he could influence none but Barras, I sent Charles to his assistance in order to act upon j\Iadame Tallien. And the stratagem was successful. Take this letter which I received only yesterday through a special messenger from Botot — you know Botot "s handwriting, I suppose?" "Yes, I know it." " Well, then, satisfy yourself that he has really written it, " said Josephine, drawing a sheet of paper from her memorandum -book and handing it to Bonaparte. He glanced at it without touching the paper. "Yes, it is Botot's handwriting, " he murmured. " Read it, general, " said Josephine. "I do not want to read it; I believe all you tell me!" he ex- claimed, impetuously. "I shall read it to you," she said, "for the contents will interest you. List(>n tlierefore : 'Adored Citoyeuue Josephine. — We have reached the goal— we have compiered ! The Directory have at length listened to wise remonstrances. They have perceived that they stand in need of a stnjug and powerful arm to support them, and of a pillar to lean against. They will recall Bonaparte in order that ho mav become their nul .'inn Tn .n few daj's a courier will BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE, l4'd reach Bonaparte at Rastadt and recall him to Paris. — Botot. ' That is all there is in the letter, General ; it contains nothing about love, but only speaks of j^ou. " " I see that I am the happiest of mortals, " exclaimed Bonaparte, joyfully ; " for I shall return to Paris, and my beautiful, noble, and adored Josephine will accompany me. " " No, general, " she said, solemnly, " I shall return to Italy ; I shall bury myself in some convent in order to weep there over the short dream of my happiness, and to pray for you. Now I have told you every thing I had to say to you. I have replied to your reproaches. You see that I have meanly profited by the love of these poor men, that I have made a disgraceful use of the most sacred feeling in order to promote your interests. I did so secretly, for I told you already, general, j'our valorous hand knows better how to wield the sword than to carry on intrigues. A strong grasp of this hand might have easily destroyed the whole artificial web of my plans, and for this reason I was silent. But I counted on your con- fidence, on your esteem. I perceive now, however, that I do not possess them, and this separates us forever. Unreserved confidence is not only the nourishment that imparts life to friendship, but without it love also pines away and dies.* Farewell, then, general ; I forgive your distrust, but I cannot expose myself any longer to your anger. Farewell I" She bowed and turned to the door. But Bonaparte followed her, and keeping her back with both hands, he said, in a voice trembling with emotion : " Where are you going, Josephine?" " I told you already, " she sighed, painfully ; " I am going to a convent to weep and pray for you. " "That means that you want to kill me!" he exclaimed, with flaming eyes. "For you know I cannot live without yovi. If I had to lose you, your love, your charming person, I would lose eveiy thing rendering life pleasant and desirable for me. Josephine, you arc to me a world that is incomprehensible to me, and every da,y I love 3'ou more passionately. Even when I do not see you, my love for you is constantly growing ; for absence only destroys small pas- cions ; it increases great passions, f My heart never felt any of the former. It proudly refused to fall in love, l>ut you liave filled it with a boundless passion, M'ith an intoxication that seems to be almost degrading. You were always the predominant idea of my soul ; j'our whims even were sacred laws for me. To see you is my highest bliss ; you are beautiful and enchanting ; your gentle, angelic soul is depicted in your features. Oh, I adore you just as * Josephine's own words.— Vide LeNormand, vol. i., p. 248. + Bonaparte's words,— Vide "Jl^moires d'une Contemporaine."' vol. ii., d. 363. 144 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. you are ; if you had been younger, I should have loved you less in- tensely. Every thing you do seems virtuous to me ; every thing you like seems honorable to me. Glory is only valuable to me in- asmuch as it is agreeable to you and flatters your vanity. Your portrait always rests on my heart, and whenever I am far from you, not an hour passes without my looking at it and covering it with kisses. * The glass broke the other day when I pressed it too vio- lently against my breast. My despair knew no bounds, for love is superstitious, and every thing seems ominous to it. I took it for an announcement of your death, and my eyes knew no sleep, my heart knew no rest,, till the courier whom I immediately dispatched to you, had brought me the news that you wei-e well, and that no ac- cident had befallen you. t See, woman, woman, such is my love! Will you now tell me again that you wish to leave me?" "I must, general," she said, firmly. "Love cannot be lasting without esteem, and you do not esteem me. Your suspicion has dishonored me, and a dishonored and insulted woman cannot be your wife any longer. Farewell !" She wanted to disengage herself from his hands, but he held her only the more firmly. " Josephine, " he said, in a hollow voice, " listen to me, do not drive me to despair, for it would kill me to lose you. No duty, no title would attach me any longer to earth. Men are so contemptible, life is so wretched — you alone extinguish the ignominy of mankind in my eyes. | Without you there is no hope, no happiness. I love you boundlessly. " "No, general, you despise me ; j'ou do not love me !" "No, no!" he shouted, wildly stami^ing his foot. "If you go on in this manner, I shall drop dead at your feet. Do not torment me so dreadfully. Remember what I have often told you : Nature has given to me a strong, decided soul, but it has made you of gauze and lace. You say I do not love. Hear it, then, for the last time. Since you have been away from me, I have not passed a single day without loving you, not a single night without mentally pressing you to my heart. I have not taken a single cup of tea without cursing the glory and ambition separating me from the soul of my life.§ Amidst my absorbing occupations — at the head of my troops, on the march and in the field — my heavenly Josephine ever was foremost in my heart. She occupied my mind ; she absorbed my thoughts. If I left you with the impetuosity of the Rhone, I only did so in order to return the sooner to your side. If I ran from my * Vide " Correspondance ia6dite avec Josfipliine," Lettre v. t " M6nioires sur Napolfion, par Constant," vol. i., p. 809. t " Correspondance in^dite avec Josfiphine," p. 37.5. S " Correspondanfe,"'' etc., p. 552. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 145 bed at night and continued working, I did so for the purpose of accelerating the moment of our reun ion. The most beautiful women surrounded me, smiled upon me, gave me hopes of their favor, and tried to please me, but none of them resembled you ; none had the gentle and melodious features so deei^l^y imprinted on my heart. I only saw you, only thought of yon, and that rendered all of them intolerable to me. I left the most beautiful women in order to throw myself on my couch and sigh, ' When will my adored wife be again with me?' * And if I just now gave way to an ebullition of anger, I only did so because I love you so boundlessly as to be jealous of every glance, of every smile. Forgive me, therefore, Josephine, forgive me for the sake of my infinite love ! Tell me that you will think no more of it, and that you will forget and forgive every thing. " He looked at her anxiously and inquiringly, but Josephine did not reply to his glances. She averted her eyes and remained silent. " Josephine, " he exclaimed, perfectly beside himself, " make an end of it. Just touch my forehead ; it is covered with cold perspira- tion, and my heart is trembling as it never trembled in battle. Make an end of it ; I am utterly exhausted. Oh, Josephine, my dear Josephine, open your arms to me." "Well, come then, you dear, cruel husband," she said, bursting into tears and extending her arms to him. Bonaparte uttered a joyful cry, pressed her to his heart, and covered her with kisses. " Now I am sure you have forgiven every thing, " he said, encir- cling her all the time with his arms. "You forgive my madness, my abominable jealousy?" "I forgive every thing, Bonaparte, if you will promise not to be jealous again," she said, with a charming smile. "I promise never to be jealous again, but to think, whenever you give a rendezvous to another man, that you only do so for my sake, and for the purpose of conspiring for me. Ah, my excellent wife, you have worked bravely for me, and henceforth I know that I can intrust to your keeping my glory and my honor with implicit con- fidence. Yea, even the helm of the state I would fearlessly intrust to your hands. Pray, therefore, Josephine, pray that your husband may reach the pinnacle of distinction, for in that case I should give you a seat in my coiincil of state and make you mistress of every thing except one point — " f "And what is that?" asked Josephine, eagerly. "The only thing I should not intrust to you, Josephine," he said, laughing, "would be the keys of my treasury ; you never would get * Ibid., p. 349. t Le Normaud, vol. i. , p. 341. 146 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. them, my beautiful prodigal little wife of gauze, lac©, diamonds, and pearls !" * "Ah, then you would deprive me of the right to distribute chari- ties in your name ?" she asked, sadly. " Is not that the most precious and sublime duty of the wife of a great man, to conquer Heaven for him by charities while he is conquering earth by his deeds? And 3'ou would take from me the means for doing so? Yours is a wild and passionate nature, and I shall often have to heal the wounds that you have inflicted in your outbursts of anger. Happy for me if I should always be able to heal them, and if your anger should be less fatal to men than to my poor little dog, who merely wanted to de- fend me against j^our violence." "Poor little dog !" said Bonaparte, casting a glance of confusion upon Zephyr. " I greatly regret the occurrence, particularly as the dog was a gift from Hoche. But no lamentations of mine being able to recall Zephyr to life, Josephine, I will immortalize him at all events. He shall not find an unknown grave, like many a hero ; no, we will erect to this valiant and inti-epid defender of the charm- ing fortress Josephine, a monument which shall relate his exploits to the most remote posterity. Have Zephyr packed up in a box ; couriers and convoys of troops will set out to-daj' for Milan. They shall take the corpse along, and I will issue orders that a monument be erected to your Zephyr in the garden of our villa. \ But now, Josephine, I must leave you ; life, with its stern realities, is calling me. I must go and receive the Austrian ambassadors. " CHAPTER XX. THE RECEPTION OP THE AMBASSADORS. A MOTLEY crowd of gentlemen in uniforms and glittering gala- dresses had filled the anterooms of the French embassy ever since the arrival of General Bonaparte and Josephine. All these high- born representatives of German sovereigns and states hastened to do homage to the French lady and to commend themselves to the be- nevolence and favor of the victorious general of the republic. But the doors of the general and of his wife were as difficult to open as those of the Frencli ambassadors, Bonnier, Jean Debry, and Roberjot. General Bonaparte had received the Austrian ambassadors, and *Ibitl., vol. i.,p. 242. t Bonaparte kept his word. The Httle viclim of his jealousy, Zephyr, the dosr, was buried in the gardens of Mondeza, near Milau, and a marble monument was erected on his grave.— Le Normand, vol. i., p. 408. THE RECEPTION OF THE AMBASSADORS. 147 returned tlieir visit. But uobody else had been admitted to him during the first day. The ambassadors, therefore, flocked the more eagerly on this second day after his arrival to the anterooms of the French ambassadors, for every one wanted to be the first to win for his sovereign and for his state the good-will of the French conqueror. Every one wished to obtain advantages, to avert mischief, and to beg for favors. Happy were they already who had only succeeded in penetrating into the anterooms of the FrencJi embassy, for a good deal of money had to be spent in order to open those doors. In front of them stood the footmen of the ambassadors with grave, stern countenances, re- fusing to admit any but those who had been previously recommended to them, or who kue^v now how to gain their favor by substantial i-ewards.* And when they finall}-, by means of such persuasive gifts, had succeeded in crossing the threshold of the anteroom, they found there the clerks and secretaries of the French gentlemen, and tlie^e men again barred the door of the cabinet occupied by the am- bassadors themselves. Those clerks and secretaries had to be bribed likewise hj solicitations, flatteries, and money ; only, instead of satisfj'ing them with silver, as in the case of the doorkeepers, they had to give them heavj' gold pieces. Having finally overcome all these obstacles — having now pene- tx'ated into the presence of tlie French diplomatists — the ambassadors of the German powers met with a haughty reserve instead of the kindness they had hoped for, and with sarcastic sneers in lieu of a warm reception. It was in vain for Germany thus to humble her- self and to crouch in the dust. France was too well aware of her victories and superiority, and the servility of the German aristocracy only excited contempt and scorn, which the French gentlemen did not refrain from hurling into the faces of the humble solicitors. The greater the abjectuess of the latter, the more overbearing the haughty demeanor of the former, and both gained the firm convic- tion that France held the happiness and quiet of Germany in her hands, and that France alone had the power to secure to the German princes the possession of their states, to enlarge their dominions, or to deprive them thereof, just as she pleased, and without paying any deference to the wishes of the Germans themselves. To-day, however, all these distinguished men — the counts and barons of the empire, the bishops and other ecclesiastical dignitaries * The employes of the French embassy, from the first secretarj- down to the low- est footman and cook, received liandsonie gifts at the hands of the German delegates. for every one was anxious to secure tlie good-will of the French representatives; and in obedience to the oldti'iclv of diplomatists, they tried to gain the favor of the masters by means of that of their servants. The latt«r made a rery handsome thing out of It.— Vide Hattsser, vol. ii., p. 163. 148 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. — had not appeai-ed for the purpose of conquering the favor of the three French stars — to-day a new constellation had arisen on the sky of Rastadt, and they wanted to stare at it — they wanted to admire Bonaparte and Josephine. But Bonaparte took hardly any notice of the crowd assembled in the anteroom. His hands folded on his back, he was pacing his room, and listening with rapt attention to the accounts the three French ambassadors were giving him concerning the policy they had pursued up to the present time. "We have done every thing in our power to spread republican notions hereabouts, " said Jean Debry, at the conclusion of his lengthy remarks. "We have sent agents to all of these small German states for the purpose of enlightening the people about their dignity, their rights, and the disgrace of submitting to miserable princes, instead of being free and great under the wholesome influence of republican institutions. " "We have, moreover, even here, excellent spies among the am- bassadors, " said Roberjot, "and through them we have skilfully fanned the flames of that discord which seems to be the bane of Ger- many. It is true, they hold secret meetings every day in order to agree on a harmonious line of policy, but discord, jealousy, and covetoixsness always accompany them to those meetings, and they are therefore never able to agree about any thing. Besides, these German noblemen are very talkative, hence we find out all their secrets, and it is an easy task for us to foil every scheme of theirs. Every one of them is anxious to enlarge his possessions ; we there- fore give them hopes of acquiring new territory at the expense of their neighbors, and thereby greatly increase the discord and confu- sion prevailing among them. We fill the ambassadors of the sec- ondary princes, and especially those of the ecclesiastical sovereigns, with distrust against the more powerful German states, and inti- mate to them that the latter are trying to aggrandize themselves at their expense, and that they have asked the consent of France to do BO. We inform the first-class governments of the desire of the smaller princes to enlarge their dominions, and caution them against placing implicit trust in their representations. Thus we sow the seeds of discord among tliese princely hirelings, and endeavor to undermine the thrones of Germany." "Germany must throw off all her princes like ripe ulcers," ex- claimed Bonnier, scornfully. "These numerous thrones bej'ond the Rhine are dangerous and fatal to our sublime and indivisible Fnmch Kepublic — bad examples spoiling good manners. Every thi'one must disapjiear fnjm the face of the earth, and freedom and equality must shine throughout the whole world like the sun. " THE RECEPTION OF THE AMBASSADORS. 149 "You are right," said Bonapai-te, gravely. "It is our duty to disseminate our principles among these Germans, who are living in slavery as yet, and to assist the poor serfs in obtaining their liberty. Germany must become a confederate republic, and discord is the best sword wherewith to attack these princely hirelings. But what does the Swedish ambassador — whose name I noticed on the list of applicants for interviews with myself — here among the representa- tives of the German princes?" " He pretends to participate in the congress of peace because Sweden warranted the execution of the treaty of Westphalia, " ex- claimed Jean Debrj-, shrugging his shoulders. " Bah ! that is a most ridiculous pretext, " said Bonnier, gloomily. "This M. Fersen is a royalist. The political part played by this diplomatist at the coiirt of Louis Capet, and afterwai-d continued by him, is only too well known. He now tries to dazzle us by his kind- ness merely for the purpose of laying a trap for the French Republic. " " Ah, we shall show to the gentleman that the Republic has got an open eye and a firm hand, and that it discovers and tears all such meshes and traps, " said Bonaparte, impetuously. " But we have done business enough for to-day, and I will go and receive the am- bassadors who have been waiting here for a long while in the ante- room." He saluted the three gentlemen with a familiar nod, and then repaired to the reception-room, the doors of which were opened at last to admit the German ambassadors. It was a brilliant crowd now entering in a solemn procession through the opened folding- doors. The ambassadors of every Ger- man sovereign were in attendance ; onlj' the rppresentatives of Austria and Prussia, whom Bonaparte had received already in a special audience, were absent. This German peace delegation, which now entered the room to do homage to the French general, was a very large one. There were first the ambassadors of Bavaria and Saxony, of Baden and Wurtem- berg, of Hanover and Mecklenburg ; then followed the host of the small princes and noblemen, by whose side the ecclesiastical dignita- ries, the representatives of the electors and bishops, were walking in. * Bonaparte stood proudly erect in the middle of the room, his gloomy glances inspecting the gentlemen, who now commenced stationing themselves on both sides of the apartment. A master of * The whole German peace delegation consisted of seventy-nine persons, and all these seventy-nine distinguished men, the ambassadors of emperor, kings, and princes, tried to gain the favof of the ambassadors of France; and tlie three gentle- men, representing the great Republic, seemed more powerful and influential than all the representatives of Germany. 150 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. ceremonies, who had been previously selected for the meetings of the peace congi-ess, now walked solemnly through the ranks and announced in a ringing voice the name, rank, and position of every ambassador. " His excellency Coimt Fersen, " he shouted just now, in a solemn manner, "ambassador of his majesty the King of Sweden and Duke of Pomerania. " Count Fersen had not yet finished his ceremonious obeisance, when Bonaparte rapidly approached him. "Just tell me, sir," he exclaimed, bluntly ; "what is the name of the minister whom Sweden has now in Paris?" Coimt Fersen looked in evident surprise and confusion at the pale face of the general, whose flaming eyes were fixed upon him with an angry expression. " I do not know, " he faltered, " I am not quite sure — " " Ah, sir, you know only too well that Sweden has not yet given a successor to M. de Haill, " Bonaparte interrupted him violently, "and that the only ambassador whom she was willing to send had to be rejected by the Directory. You were this ambassador whom the Directory would not tolerate in Paris. Friendly ties have united France and Sweden for a long series of years, and I believe Sweden ought to appreciate and recognize their importance at the present time more than ever. How, then, is the conduct of the court of Stockholm to be explained, that tries to make it its special business to send everywhere, either to Paris or wherever the plenipotentiaries of France may be seen, ministers and ambassadors who must be peculiarly distasteful to everj^ citizen of France?" " That is certainly not the intention of my court, " exclaimed Count Fersen, hastily. " That may be, " said Bonaparte, proudly, " but I should like to know if the King of Sweden would remain indifferent in case a French ambassador should tiy to instigate an insurrection of the jjeoi^le of Stockholm against him ! The French Republic cannot permit men, whose connection with the old court of France is a matter of notoriety, to appear in ofllcial capacities, and thus to irri- tate and humble the republican ambassadors, the representatives of the first nation on earth, who, before consulting her policy, knows how to maintain her dignity." "I shall immediately set out for Stockholm in order to communi- cate these views of the conqueror of Italy to my court," said Count Fersen, pale witli shame and mortification. "Do so, set out at once," exclaimed Bonaparte, impetuously, "and tell your master, unless he should conclude to pursue a different policy, I will send him some day a skilful diplomatic Gascon who THE RECEPTION OF THE AMBASSADORS. 151 knows how to simplify tlie machine and make it go less rapidly. King Gustavus will perhaps find out, when it is too late, and at his own expense, that the reins of government must be fii-mly held in one hand, and the other skilfully wield the sword, while it is yet time. Go, sir, and inform your king of what I have told you !" Count Ferseu made no reply ; he merel}' bowed hastily and silently, and, beckoning his attaches who were standing behind him, he left the room with his suite. ■•■ Bonaparte's flashing eyes followed him until he had disappeared, and then the general turned once more to the ambassadors. " I could not suffer a traitor and enemy in our assembly, " he said, in a loud and firm voice. " We are here in order to make peace, while he was secretly anxious for a renewal of war, and was bent upon sowing the evil seeds of discord among us. Let us all endeavor to make peace, gentlemen, to the best of our power. Do not compel me to enter the lists against you, too, for the struggle could not be doubtful between a nation that has just conquered her liberty, and princes who tried to deprive her of it again. If you reject to-daj^ the pacific overtures I shall make to you, I shall impose other condi- tions to-morrow ; but woe unto him among jou, who should refuse my mediation ; for in that case I should overthrow the whole frame- work of a false jwlicy, and the thrones standing on a weak founda- tion would soon break down. I speak to you with the frankness of a soldier and the noble pride of a victoriovis general ; I caution you because I liave the welfare of the nations at heart, who more than ever need the blessings of peace. It is now for you to say whether we shall have war or peace, and it will solely depend upon your sub- missiveness whether France will be able to conclude an honorable peace with her German neighbors, or whether you will compel us to take up arms once more. But in that case woe unto you, for we should retaliate in the most terrible manner on those who would dare to oppose us ! "f He paused and rapidly glanced at the assembled gentlemen. They stood before him with grave and gloomy faces, but none of them were courageous enough to make a dignified reply to the proud and humiliating words of the French general. The ambassadors of Germany received the severe lecture of the representative of France with silent submissiveness. An imperceptible smile played on Bonaparte's lips. He saluted the gentlemen with a slight nod and rapidly returned to his own rooms. * This whole scene actually took place, and contains only such words as i-eall y were exchanged between Bonaparte and Fersen.— Vide "Memoires d'uu Homme d'fitat," »ol. v., p. 64. Le Norraand, Mfimoires, vol. i., p. 3G3. I Bonaparte's own words.— Vide Le Normand, vol. i., p. 964. 11 ~ -. 152 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. CHAPTER XXI. FRANCE AND AUSTRIA. Bonaparte had scarcely reached his room and just closed the door, when the opposite door opened, and the entering footman announced, " His excellency Count Louis Cobenzl. " Bonaparte waved his hand and went to meet the count in the anteroom, where he welcomed him with the utmost kindness and courtesy. The two gentlemen thereupon reentered the room hand in hand, a pleasant smile playing on their lips, while both were assuring each other of their kind intentions, but at the same time secretly enter- taining the ardent desire and purpose to divine their mutual thoughts, but to conceal their own schemes. The general, with great politeness, offered the seat of honor on the sofa to the count, and sat down in an arm-chair in front of him. A small round table with writing-materials and paper stood between them, forming as it were the frontier between Austria and France. "So the ardent desires of Austria are fulfilled now," said Count Cobenzl, with a sweet smile. " France will no longer oppose us ; she will be our friend and ally. " "France will welcome this new friend and ally of hers," ex- claimed Bonai^arte, feelingly, "provided Austria's intentions are loyal. Ah, my dear count, no protestations now ! In politics words prove nothing, deeds every thing. Let Austria, then, prove by her deeds that she really desires to keep up a good imderstanding with France, and that she has given up forever her hostile attitude toward the republic. " " But has not Austria given proof of her intentions toward France already?" asked the count, in surprise. " Has not his majesty the emperor declared his willingness to resume diplomatic relations with France, and thereby formally and before the whole world to recognize the French Republic?" "Sir," exclaimed Bonaparte, "the French Republic does not humbly solicit to be recognized. She compels hostile states to rec- ognize Iht, for, like the sun, she sheds her light over tlie whole globe, and she would pierce the eyes of such as would feign not to see her, rendering them blind for all time to come ! * Austria beheld this radiant sun of the republic at Lodi, at Rivoli, Arcole, and Mantua ; whence, then, would she derive courage enough to refuse ♦ lionajiartc's own words. Vide Constant, vol. i., p. ;i84. FRANCE AND AUSTRIA. 153 recognizing France? But instead of words, prove to us by your actions that your friendship is honest and sincere. " " We are ready to do so, " said Count Cobenzl, politely. " Austria is I'eady to give a public and brilliant proof of her devotion to the great general whose glory is now filling the whole world with aston- ishment and admiration. His majesty the emperor, in the letter which I had the honor of delivering to you some time ago, told you already in eloquent words how greatly he admired the conqueror of Italy, and how gladly his majesty, if it were in his power, would grant you such favors as would be agreeable to you. But at that time you rejected all such offers, general, and nothing could induce you to accept of what we wished to present to you. It seemed not to have value enough to — " " Rather say, count, it was all too valuable not to be looked upon as a bribe," exclaimed Bonaparte. "I was negotiating with j^ou, sword in hand, and it would not have been becoming of me to lay the sword aside in order to fill my hands with your presents." "But now, general, now that we have laid the sword aside, that we have made peace, that we have exchanged the ratifications of the treaty — now that you tender your hand to Austria in friendship and peace, you might permit his majesty the Emperor of Austria to deposit something in your friendly hand, that might prove to j-ou how sincerely my august master the emperor is devoted to j^ou. " "And what does the emperor desire to deposit in my hand?" asked Bonaparte, with a quiet smile. Count Cobenzl hesitated a little before making a reply. "Gen- eral, " he then said, " when I see you thus before me in your marble beauty, I am involuntarily reminded of the heroes of Rome and Greece, who have immortalized the glory of their countries, but whom the admiration of posterity had to compensate for the ingrati- tude of their contemporaries. General, republics never were grate- ful to their great men, and only too often have they stigmatized their most glorious deeds ; for the republics deprecated the greatness of their heroes, because he who distinguished himself, therebj' annulled the equalitj' and fraternity of all the citizens. Pericles was banished from Athens, and Julius Caesar was assassinated ! General, will modern republics be more grateful than those of an- tiquity ? For my part, I dare say, it is rather doubtful, and the French being descendants of the Romans, I am afraid they will not prove any more grateful than the latter. The emperor, my august master, shares my fears, and as he loves and venerates you, he would like to exalt you so high as to prevent the hands of the political factions from reaching up to j'ou. His majesty therefore proposes to create a principality for you in Germany, and to make you the 154 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. sovereign niler of two hundred thousand people, appointing you at the same time a prince of the German empire, and giving you a seat and vote at the imperial diet. * General, do you accept my emperor s offer?" "To become the emperor's vassal?" asked Bonaparte, with an imperceptible smile. " A small prince of the German empire who on solemn occasions might be deemed worthy to i)resent the wash-basin M the emperor, or to be his train-bearer, while every king and elector would outrank me. No, my dear count, I do not accept the offer. I sincerely thank the emperor for the interest he takes in my welfare, but I must accept no gifts or favors not coming directlj' from the French nation, and I shall always be satisfied with the in- come bestowed upon me by the latter, "f "You reject the emperor's offer?" asked Cobenzl, mournfully — " you disdain wearing a crown ?" "If the crown should crush the few laurels Avith which my vic- tories have adorned me, yes ; in that case I should prefer to decline the croM-n in favor of my laurels. And, my dear count, if I had been so anxious for a crown, I might have picked up one of those crowns that fell down at my feet in Italy. But I preferred to crush them under my heels, just as St. George crushed the dragon ; and the gold of the crushed crowns, as it behooved a good and dutiful son, I laid down on the altar of the great French Republic. So you see I am not longing for crowns. If I might folloM-- my own incli- nations, I should return to the silence and obscurity of my former life, and I should lay my sword aside in order to live only as a peaceable citizen. " "Oh, general, if you should do so," exclaimed Cobenzl, "there would soon be men to pick up j^our sword in order to fight with it against the Republic and to recall the Bourbons to the throne of the lilies." A rapid flash from Bonaparte's eyes struck the count's face and met his sharp, searching glance. "Count Cobenzl," he said, quietly and coldly, "the lilies of France have dropped from tlieir stems, and, being drowned in the blood of the guillotine, they coxild not be made to bloom again. He would be a poor, short-sighted gardener who would try to draw flowers from seeds dead and devoid of germs. And believe me, we are no such poor, short-sighted gardeners in France. You alluded just now to the ingratitude of republics, and you apprehended lest I might likewise suffer thereby. Let me assure you, however, that even my country's ingratitude would be dearer to me than the grati- ♦ Historical.— Vide " il6iuoires d'liii noiniiie d'iStat," vol. v., p. 07. tBonaparte'B own reply.— Vide " M^moircs d"un Ilomme d'fitat," vol. v., p. 67. FRANCE AND AUSTRIA. loo tude of a foreign power, and that the crown of thorne, which France may press upon my head, would seem to me more honorable than the coronet \\'ith \vlu<.;h an enemy of France might adorn my brow. And now, count, a truce to such trifling matters! Let us speak about business affairs. We have signed the ratifications of peace, which are to be laid before the congress ; it only remains for us to sign the secret articles whicli shall be known by none but France aiKl Austria. The main point is the evacuation of Mentz by j'our troops, so that our army may ocupy the fortress. " " I am afraid, general, this very jjoint will be a stumbling-block for the members of the congress. They will raise a terrible hue and cry as soon as they learn that we have surrendered Mentz. " "Let these gentlemen say what they please," said Bonaparte, contemptuously; " we have called them hither that they may talk, and while they ai'e talking, we sliall act !'' " They will say that Austria has sacrificed the welfare and great- ness of Germany to her own private interests," exclaimed Count Cobenzl, anxious!}'. " Fools are they who care for what people will say !" replied Bonaparte, shrugging his shoulders. " A prudent man will pursue his path directly toward his aim, and the hum of babblers never disturbs him. Hear, then, my last words : in case the Austrian troops do not leave Mentz within one week, and surrender the for tress to the French forces, the French army will remain in Venice, and I would sooner send the latter city to the bottom of the sea than to let Austria have a single stone of hers. Mentz must be ours, or 1 tear the treaty, and hostilities will recommence !" And Bonaparte, with a furious gesture, seized the papers lying on the table and was about to tear them, when Count Cobenzl sud- denly jumped up and grasped his hands. "General," he said, imploringly, "what are j-ou going to do?" "What am I going to do?" exclaimed Bonaparte, in a thundering voice, "I am going to tear a treaty of peace, which you merely wanted to sign with words, but not with deeds ! Oh, that was the nice little trick of your diplomacy, then ! With your prince's coro- net 3'ou wanted to dazzle my eyes — with the two hundred thousand subjects you offered me just now, you wanted me to corrupt my soul, and induce me to barter away the honor and greatness of France for the miserable people of a petty German prince ! No, sir. I shall not sell my honor at so low a price. I stand here in the name of the French Republic and ask you, the representative of Austria, to fulfil what we have agreed upon at Campo Formio. Mentz iiniiil be ours even before our ti-oops leave Venice. If you refuse that, it is a plain infringement of the treaty, and hostilities will be resumed. 156 LOUISA OP PRUSSIA. Now, sir, come to a decision. I am only a soldier, and but a poor diplomatist, for with my sword and with my word I always directly strike at my aim. In short, then, count, will you withdraw your troops from Mentz and from the other fortresses on the Rhine, and surrender Men tz to our army ? Yes, or no?" "Yes, yes," exclaimed Count Cobenzl, with a sigh, "we will fulfil your wishes — we will withdraw our troops from Mentz and surrender the fortress to the Prench. " "When will the surrender take place? As speedily as possible, if you please. " " On the ninth of December, general. " " Very well, on the ninth of December. The matter is settled, then." " But let there be no solemn ceremonies at the surrender, " said the count, imploringly. " Let our troops withdraw quietly— let your forces occupy the place in the same manner, so that when the dele- gates of the German empire, assembled in congress in this city, and to whom the Emperor of Germany has solemnlj^ guaranteed the entire integrity and inviolability of the empire, hear the news of the transaction, the latter may be already an accomplished fact, to which every one must submit. " "Be it so, if that be Austria's desire," said Bonaparte, smiling. " And now we will consider the other secret articles. The Austrian troops retire from the German empire up to the line of the Inn and Lech, occupying hereafter only Austrian territory. " "Yes, general ; in return for all these concessions on our part, the French troops will evacuate on the thirtieth of December the for- tresses and territory of Venice, which has been ceded to Austria by the treaty of Campo Formio, and retire behind the line of demarca- tion. " " Granted ! At the same time the troops of the republic seize the tete-de-pont at Mannheim either by intimidating the isolated garri- son, or by making a sudden dash at the position,* and during the continuation of the negotiations here at Rastadt, the French forces leave the left bank of the Rhine and occupy the right bank from Basle to Mentz. " " Granted, " sighed Count Cobenzl. " Austria yields the fi-ontier of the Rhine to France— tliat is, by the simultaneous retreat of her own forces she surrenders to the republic the most important points ♦ " Mfimoires d'un Homme crfitat." Tlie Frencli took the tete-de-pont at Mann- heim by assault, on tlie 2r>tb of .laniiary, 1708, the garrison refusing to evacuate it. Mi'Htz surrendered without firing a gun, and during the night of the 28th of Decem- ))(T, 1707, theFn'nch entered this great fortress, which was thereupon annexed to the Frencli Keijublic. FRANCE AND AUSTRIA. 157 of the German empire, including Ehreubreitstein. The congress of the states of the German empire will deliberate, therefore, imder the direct influence produced by the immediate neighborhood of a I'rench army. " " In case the delegates of Germany do not like the looks of the French soldiers, the}' may turn their eyes to tlie other side, where the Austrian army is encamped on the Danube and on the Lech," exclaimed Bonaparte. "Thus the delegates will be surrounded by r wo armies. This fact may interfere a little with the freedom of speech during the session of congress, but it will be advantageous, too, inasmuch as it will induce the delegates to accelerate their labors somewhat, and to finish their task sooner than they would have done under different circumstances. " " It is true, right in the face of these two armies at least the small German princes will not dare to oppose the German emperor in ceding the entire left bank of the Rhine to France. But it is only just and equitable for us to indemnify them for their losses. In one of our secret articles, therefore, we should acknowledge the obliga- tion of promising compensations to the princes and electors — " '"Yes, let us promise compensations to them, "said Bonaparte, with a tinge of sarcasm. "As to the possessions of Prussia on the lelt bank of the Rhine, France declares her readiness to give theni back to the King of Prussia. " " But both powers agree not to allow the King of Prussia to ac- (juire any new territory," exclaimed Count Cobenzl, hastily. "Yes, that was our agreement at Campo Formio, " said Bona- parte. "Austria's incease of territory, besides Venice, will consist of Salzburg and a piece of Upper Bavaria. In case she should make further conquests in the adjoining states, France may claim a further aggrandizement on the right bank of the Rhine." * "Yes, that was the last secret article of the preliminaries of Campo Formio," said Cobenzl, sighing. "Then we have remained entirely faithful to our agreement," said Bonaparte. "We have not made any alterations whatever in the programme which we agreed upon and deposed in writing at the castle of Campo Formio. It only remains for us to-day to sign these secret articles. " He took the pen and hastily signed the two documents spread out on the table. Count Cobenzl signed them also ; but his hand was trembling a little while he was writing, and his face was clouded and gloomy. Perhaps he could not help feeling that Austria just now was signing the misery and disgrace of Germany in order to purchase thereby ♦Schlosser's "History of the Eighteenth Century," vol. v., p. 43. 158 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. some provinces, and tliat AusLiia eulaig<_d Jier territory at the ex- pense of the empin; wliose emperor was her own ruler — Francis II. Their business being finished, the two plenipotentiaries rose, and Count Cobenzl withdrew. Bonaparte accompanied him again to the door of the anteroom, and then returned to his cabinet. A proud, triumphant smile was now playing on his pale, narrow lips, and his eyes were beaming and flashing in an almost sinister inanner. Stepping back to the table, he fixed his eyes upon the document with the two signatures. "The left bank of the Rhine is ours !" he said, heavily laying his hand ujion the paper. " But the right bank ?" He shook his head, and folding his arms upon his back, he com- menced pacing the room, absorbed in profound reflections. His features had now resvimed their marble tranquillity ; it was again the apparation of Julius Ca3sar that was walking up and down there with inaudible steps, and the old thoughts of Julius Caesar, those thoughts for which he had to suffer death, seemed to revive again in Bonaparte's iniud, for at one time he whispered, "A crown for nie I A crown in Germany. It would be too small for me ! If my hand is to grasp a crown, it must — " He paused and gazed fixedly at the wall as if he saw the future there, that arose before him in a strange phantasmagoria. After a long pause, he started and seemed to awake from a dream. "I believe I will read the letter once more, which I i-eceived yes- terday by mail, " he murmured, in an almost inaudible tone. " It is a wonderful letter, and I really would like to know who wrote it." He drew a folded paper from his bosom and opened it. Stepping into a bay window, he perused the letter with slow, deliberate glances. The bright dayliglit illuminated his profile and rendei'ed its antique beauty even more conspicuous. Profound silence sur- rounded him, and nothing was heard but his soft and slow respira- tion and the rustling of tlie jjaper. When he had finislied it, lie commenced perusing it again, but this time he seemed to be anxious to hear what he was reading. He read it, however, in a very low and subdued voice, and amidst the silence surrounding him the words that fell from the lips of the resurrected Ctesar sounded like tlie weird whispers of spirits. " You have to choose now between so great an alternative, " he read, "that however bold your character may be, you must be un- certain as to the determination you have to come to, if you ai'e to • hoose between respect and hatred, between glory or disgrace, be- tween exrilted power or an abject insignificance, that would lead THE BANNER OF GLORY. 15f' you to the scjifiold, und, tinally, between the immortality of a great man, or that of a piinislyod j)artisan." "Ah!" exclaimed Bonaparte, and his voice was now loud and firm. "Ah! I shall never liesitate between such alternatives. I should bear disgrace, abject iusignillcance, and an utter lack of power? And my hand should not he withered — it should be able yet to grasp a sword and pierce my breast with it?" He lowered his e3-es again and continued reading : "You have to choose between three parts : the first is to return quietly to France and to live there as a plain and unassumnig citizen ; the second, tf) return to France at the head of an armj' and there to become the leader of a party ; the third, to establish a great empire in Italy and proclaim yourself king of the peninsula. I advise you to do so, and to grasp the Italian crown with a firm hand." * " He is a fool, " said Bonaparte, " who believes a man might make himself king of Italy and maintain himself on the throne, unless he previously has seized the sovereign jjower in France, f But no one must hear these thoughts ! I Avill go to Josephine !" He hastily folded the paper and concealed it again in his bosom. Then stepping to the looking-glass, he closely scanned his face in order to see whether or not it might betray his thoughts ; and when he had found it to be as pale and impassive as ever, he turned round and left the room. CHAPTER XXII, THE BANNER OF GLORY. Four days had elapsed since Bonaparte's arrival at Rastadt, and the congress had profited by them in order to give the most brilliant festivals to the French general and his beautiful wife. All those ambassadors, counts, barons, bishops, and diplomatists seemed to have assembled at Rastadt for the sole puri^ose of giving banquets, tea-parties, and balls ; no one thought of attending to business, and all more serious ideas seemed to have been utterly banished, while every one spoke of the gorgeous decorations of the ball-rooms and of the magnificence of the state dinners, where the most enthusiastic toasts were drunk in honor of the victorious French general ; and the people seemed most anxious entirely to forget poor, suffering, and patient Germany. * Sabatier de Castres, living at that time in exile at Hamburg, had written this anonymous letter to Bonapatte. t "MSmoiresfl'tin TTiimmo s in such a manner that no winds shall blow it away ! Oh, footmen ! come in, roll up the banner again, and put it back into the case !" The footmen hastened to obey, and took the banner away. Bona- parte turned again to his wife with a smile. " I promised you a few presents, " he said. '' As yet I have given you only the medals. The best gift I have kept back. Marmont sent me the statue of the Holy Virgin whicli he removed from Loretto. " "Then you have not fulfilled my urgent prayers!" said Jose- phine, i-eproach fully. "Even the property of tlie Church and of the Holy Father at Rome have not been safe from the hands of the con- querors !" " Tliat is the law of war, " said Bonaparte. " Woe to the which war touches on its bloody path ! But you may reassure your- self, Josephine. I have only taken from the Holy Father these superfluous things which he may easily spare. I only took his plate, his jewelry, and diamonds, thus reducing him to the simplicity of the apostles ; and I am sure the good old man jvill thank me for it. I have, moreover, only striven to promote the welfare of his soul by doing so, and the Roman martyrologist some day will add his name to the list of saints, t The jewels and the gold I sent to Paris, to- gether with the statue of the Madonna of Loretto, but I retained a few relics for you, Josephine. See here the most precious one of them all !" He handed her a small paper, carefully folded tip. Josephine * This wonderful banner was hung up in the hall of the Directory while the mem- bers of the latter were occupying the Luxejnburg. It afterward accompanied tlie three consuls to the Tuileries, and was presei'ved there in the large reception-room. It is now in tlie " Dome des Invalides " in the chapel containing the emperor's sar- cophagus. t Homer. JLe Normand, vol. i., p. 243. !■-' 168 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. hastily opened it and asked, in surprise — "A piece of black woollen cloth! And that is a relic?" "And a most precious one at that! It is Loretto's most priceless treasure. It is a piece of the gown of the Virgin Mary, in which she was mourning for the Saviour.* Preserve this relic care- fully, dear Josephine, and may it protect you from danger and grief !" Josephine folded up the piece of cloth, and opening a large locket hanging on her neck on a heavy gold chain, she laid the cloth into it, and then closed the locket again. "That shall be the sanctuary of my relic," she said. "I shall keep it till I die." " Why do you speak of dying?" he exclaimed, almost indignantly. "What have we to do with grim-death? We, to whom life has to fulfil and ofifer so much ! We shall return to Paris, and, if it please God, a great future is awaiting us there !" "If it please God, a happy future!" said Josephine, fervently. " Oh, Bonaparte, how gladly I shall reenter our dear little house in the Rue Chantereine, where we passed the first happy days of our love !" " No, Josephine, " he exclaimed, impetuously, " that little house will not be a fitting abode for the conqueror of Italy. I am no longer the poor general who had nothing but his sword. I return rich in glory, and not poor as far as money is concerned. I might have easily appropriated the spoils amounting to many millions ; but I disdained the money of spoliation and bribery, and what little money I have got now, was acquired in an honest and chivalrous manner, f It is sufficient, however, to secure a brilliant existence to us. I shall not be satisfied until I live with you in a house corre- sponding with the splendor of my name. I need a palace, and shall have it decorated with all the stands of colors I have taken in Italy. To you alone, Josephine, to you I intrust the care of designating to me a palace worthy of being offered to me by the nation I have im- mortalized, and worthy also of a wife whose beauty and grace could only beautify it. % Come, Josephine — come to Paris ! Let us select such a palace !" *Ibid., vol. i., p. 24.5. + Bonaparte at St. Helena said to Las Casas that he had brought only three hun- dred thousand francs from Italy. Uourrieune asserts, however, Bonaparte had brought home no less than three million francs. He adds, however, that this sum was not the fruit of peculation and corruption, Bonaparte having been an incorrupt- ible administrator. But he had discovered the mines of Yorda, and he had an inter- est in the meat contracts for the army. He wanted to be independent, and knew V)ett<'r than any one else that he could not be independent without money. He said to Bourrienue in regard to it, "I am n^ Cai)U<^hiu ! "— M6moires de Bourrienns, vol. ii., p. 47. ^Le Normaud, vol. i., p. ^5. MINISTER THUGUT. 16'j CHAPTER XXIII. MINISTER THUGUT. The prime minister, Baron Thugut, was in his study. It was yet early in the morning, and the minister had just entered his room in order to begin his political task. On the large green table at which Thugut had just sat down, there lay the dispatclies and letters delivered by the couriers who had arrived during the night and early in the morning. There were, besides, unfolded documents and de- crees, waiting for the minister's signature, in order to become valid laws. But the minister took no notice whatever of these papei's, but first seized the newspapers and other periodicals, which he com- menced reading with great eagerness. While he was perusing them, his stern features assumed a still harsher mien, and a gloomy clovid settled on his brow. Suddeulj' he uttered a wild oath and violently hurling the paper, in which he had been reading, to the floor, he jumped up from his chair. "Such impudence is altogether intolerable !" he shouted, angrilj". "It is high time for me to teach these newspaper scribblers another lesson, and they shall have it ! I — " Just then, the door of the anteroom opened, and a footman entered. He informed his master that the police minister, Count Saurau, wished to see him. Baron Thugut ordered him to be admitted at once, and went to meet him as soon as he heard him come in. "You anticipate my wishes, my dear count," he said. "I was just going to send for you. " " Your excellency knows that I am always ready to obey your calls, " replied Count Saurau, politely. " I acknowledge your superi- ority and submit to you as though j^ou were my lord and master; notwithstanding our position in society and in the state service, which is almost an equal one, I willingly permit you to treat me as your disciple and inferior. " •'And I believe that is the wisest course yoii can pursue, my dear little count," said Thugut, laughing sarcasticalh'. "It has been good for you to do so, I should think, and so it has been for the whole Austrian ship of state, that has been intrusted to my guidance. Yes, sir, the son of the ship-builder Thunichtgut has shown to you and your fellow-members of the ancient aristocracy that talents and ability are no exclusive privileges of jour class, and that a common ship-builder's son may become prime minister, and that a low born Thunichtgut may be transformed into a Baron von Thugut. The 170 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. groat Empress Maria Theresa has performed this miracle, and bap tized me, and I believe Austria never found fault with her for doing so. The ship-builder's son has piloted the ship of state tolerably skilfully through the breakers up to the present time, and he shall do so in future too, in spite of all counts and aristocrats. You see, I do not try to conceal my humble descent ; nay, I boast of it, and it is therefore quite unnecessary for you to remind me of what I never want to forget !" " I see that some late occurrence must luive excited your excel- lency's just anger," exclaimed Count Saurau. " And being police minister, you doubtless know all about that occun-ence, " said Thugut, sarcastically. Count Saurau shrugged his shoulders. "I confess I am unable to divine — " " Then you have not read the papers this morning V asked Thugut, scornfully. "'You have no idea of the infamous attack which an aristocratic newspaper scribbler has dared to make upon me, nay, upon the emperor himself?" " I confess that I do not understand what your excellency means, " said Count Saurau, anxiously. "Well, then, listen to me !" exclaimed Thugut, seigiing the paper again. " Listen to what I am going to read to you : ' At a time when the whole Austrian people are longing for peace, when our august Empress Theresia and our dearly beloved Archduke Charles .share these sentiments of the people and give expression to thorn at the feet of the throne and in opposition to those who would deluge our cherished Austria with the miseries and dangers of war — at such a time we fondly look back into the great history of our country and lemember what has been accomplished by great and gifted members of our imperial house in former periods for the welfare and trau- (piillity of Austria; we remember, for instance, that Aueti-ia in Hil!), like to-day, was threatened by enemies and on the eve of a tei-rible Avar, not because the honor and welfare of Austria rendered .such a war necessary, but because the ambitious and arrogant minis- ter. Cardinal Clesel, was obstinately opposed to peace, and utterly im- miudful of the wishes of the people. Ho alone, he, tlie all-powerful minister, was in favor of war; he overwhelmed the weak Emperor ^Mathias with his demands ; and when the latter, owing to the anxiety he liad to vm not believe that either the Empress Theresa or the Archduke Charks will act in a hostile manner toward you. " "And if they should do so, I would not tolerate it," exclaimed ♦Vide Honnayer, " Lebeosbilder aus dem Befreiungskriege," vol. i., p. 321. 172 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Thugut. " My adversaries, whosoever they may be, had better beware of my elephant foot not stamping them into the ground. I hate that boastful, revolutionary France, and to remain at peace with her is equivalent to drawing toward us the ideas of the revolution and of a general convulsion. Short-sighted people will not believe it, and they are my enemies because I am a true friend of Austria. But being a true friend of Austria, I must combat all those who dare oppose and impede me, for in my person they oppose and impede Austria. First of all things, it is necessary for me to get rid of those newspaper editors and scribblers ; they are arrogant, insolent fellows who imagine they know every thing and are able to criticise every thing, and who feel called upon to give their opinion about all things and on all occasions because they know how to wield a goose- quill. The best thing we could do would be to suppress all newspa- pers and periodicals. Shaping the course of politics ourselves, we do not need any newspapers, which after all are nothing but rumi- nating oxen of what we have eaten and digested already ; the people do not understand any thing about it, nor is it necessary that they should. The people have to work, to obey, to pay taxes, and, if necessary, to give up their lives for their sovereign ; they need not know any thing further about politics, and if they do, it is generally detrimental to their obedience. Let us drive away, then, that noxious crowd of newspaper vtriters and pamphleteers who dare en- lighten the people by their political trash. Ah, I will teach Count Erlach that it is a little dangerous to become a newspaper editor and to serve up entremets of historical reminiscences to the people of Vienna ! I will cram them down his own throat in sucli a manner as to deprive him — " " Count Erlach is the author of the article your excellency read to me just now?" asked Count Saurau, in great terror. "There, his name is affixed to it in large letters, " replied Thugut, contemptuously ; " he has not even taken pains to conceal it. We have to return thanks to him for his sincerity, and I hope you will take the trouble of expressing our gratitude to him. " "What does your excellency want me to do?" asked the police minister, anxiously. "I believe it would not be prudent for us to make much ado about it. " "Of course not," said Thugut, laughing. "Do I like to make much ado about any thing, which would only give rise to scandal and idle gossip? Just reflect a while, my dear little count. What did we do, for instance, with the Neapolitan Count Montalban, who became a thfjrn in our .side, and endeavored to gain power over the emperor? Did we accuse liim of high treason? Did we prefer any charges against him at all? We merely caused him to disappear, MINISTER THUGUT. 173 and no one knew what had become of the interesting and handsome count. People spoke for three or four days about his mysterious disappearance, and then forgot all about it.* My dear sir, there is nothing like oubliettes and secret prisons. I have often already preached that to you, and you always forget it. Violence ! Who will be such a fool as to betray his little secrets by acts of open vio- lence? We happen to stand on the great stage of life, and, like every other stage, there are trap-doors in the floor, through whicli those will disappear who have performed their parts. Let us, there- fore, cause Count Erlach, the political writer, to vanish by means of such a trap- door. " " I implore your excellency to show indulgence for once, " said Count Saurau, urgently. "Count Erlach is an intimate friend of Archduke Charles, and even the Empress Theresia is attached to him. " " The greater the necessity for me to get rid of him, and to return my thanks in this manner for the blows they want to deal me by means of their historical reminiscences. This Count Erlach is a very disgusting fellow, at all events ; he would like to play the in- corruptible Roman and to shine by his virtue. There is nothing more tedious and intolerable than a virtuous man who cannot be got at anywhere. Count Erlach has now given us a chance to get hold of him ; let us improve it. " "He has very influential connections, very powerful protectors, your excellency. If he should disappear, they will raise a terrible outcry about it, and make it their special business to seek him, and if they should not find him they will say we had killed him because your excellency was afraid of him." "I was afraid of him !" exclaimed Thugut, laughing. "As if I ever had been afraid of any one. Even an earthquake would not be able to frighten me, and, like Fabricius, I should only look around qiiite slowly for the hidden elephant of Pyrrhus. No, I know no fear, but I want others to feel fear, and for this reason Count Erlach must be disposed of. " " Very well, let us get rid of him, " replied Count Saurau, " but in a simple manner and before the eyes of the whole public. Believe me for once, your excellency, I know the ground on which we are standing ; I know it to be undermined and ready to explode anil blow us up. Count Erlach 's disappearance would be the burning match that might bring about the explosion. Let us be cautious, therefore. Let us remove him beyond the frontier, and threaten him with capital punishment in case he ever should dare to reenter Austria, but let us permit him now to leave the country without auj- injury whatever." * Lebensbilder, vol. i., p. 321. 174 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "Well, be it so. I will let you have your own way, my dear anxious friend. Hare Eriach arrested to-day ; let two police com- missioners transport him beyond the frontier, and threaten him with capital punishment, or with my revenge— which will be the same to him — in case he should return. Let the scribblers and newspapers learn, too, why Coixnt Eriach was e.xiled. The prudent men among them will be warned by his fate, and hereafter hold their tongues ; the stupid and audacious fellows, however, will raise an outcry about the occurrence, and thus give us a chance to get hold of them likewise. The matter is settled, then ; the aristocratic news- paper writer will be transported from the country, and that is the end of it.* But I shall seek further satisfaction for these articles in tlie newspapers. Oh, the new Empress Theresia and the archduke shall find out that I am no Clesel or Lobkowitz to be got rid of bj' means of an intrigue. I shall tiy to obtain in the course of to-day an order from the emperor, removing the archduke from the command of the army and causing him to retire into private life. He wants peace and repose in so urgent a manner ; let him sleej) and dream, then, while we are up and doing. I need a resolute and coura- geous general at the head of the army, a man who hates the French, and not one who is friendlj^ to them. But as for the empress — " ■' Your excellency, " interrupted Count Saurau, with a m3'sterious air, ■' I called upon you to-day for the purpose of speaking to 3''ou about the empress, and of cautioning you against — " "Cautioning me?" exclaimed Thugut, with proud disdain. " Wliat is the matter, then?" "You know assuredly that the Empress Theresia has fully recov- ered from her confinement, and that she has held levees for a whole week already." "As if I had not been the first to obtain an audience and to kiss hei* liand I" exclaimed Thugiit, shrugging his shoulders. " The empress, " continued Saurau, " has received the ambassadors also ; she even had two interviews already with the minister of the French R<'public, General Bernadotte. " Thugut suddenly became quite attentive, and fixed his small, piercing eyes upon the police minister with an expression of intense suspense. "Two interviews?" ho asked. "And you know what they con- ferred about in these two interviews?" " I slundd be a very poor police minister, and my secret agents ■^ Count Krlach was really transported beyond the Austrian frontier by two poliuu ■ •i.minissioiK.'i-s. Only alter ThuKufs overthrow in 1801 was he allowed to return to .Ml Inn .■It). I Vieople of Vienna to-morrow a day of entire liberty." "But if quarrels and riots should ensue?" " My dear count, you know very well tha t no quarrels take place if our police do not interfere ; the jjeople love each other and agree perfectly well if we leave them alone and without anj' supervision. They will be to-morrow too full of patriotisju not to be joyful and harmonious. Once more, therefore, no supervision, no restraints ! Let the police belong to the people ; let all your employes and agents put on civilian's clothes and mix with the people, not to watch over them, but to share and diiect their patriotism. " "Ah, to direct it!" exclaimed Count Saurau, with the air of a man who just commences guessing a riddle. "But suppose this pa- triotism in its triumphal march should meet with a stumbling-block or rather with a banner — ?" "Tlien let it quietly go ahead ; genuine patriotism is strong and courageous, and will surmount any obstacle standing in its way. The only question is to inspire it with com'ageand constantly to fan its enthusiasm. That will be the only task of the police to-morrow. '" "And they will fulfil that task with the utmost cheerfulness. I shall to-morrow — " "As far as you are concerned," said Thugut, interrupting him, "' it seems to ine you will be unfortunately prevented from pai'tici- pating in the patriotic festival to-morrow. You look exceedingly pale and exhausted, jny dear coiuit, and if I may take the liberty of giving you a friendly advice, please go to bod and send for yourjjhysician." "You ;ire right, excellency, " rt^plied Count Saurau, smiling, "I really feel sick and exhausted. It will be best for me, thei-efore, to keep my l)wl for a few days, and my well-meaning physician will donl)fcloss give stringent orders not to admit anybody to me and to permit no one to see me on business." THE FESTIVAL OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 183 "As soon as your physician has given such orders," said Thugut, "send me word and request me to attend temporarily to the duties of your department as long as you are sick. " "In half an hour you sluill receive a letter to that effect. I go in order to send for a ])hysician. " "One word more, my dear count. What has become of that demagogue, the traitor Wenzel, who headed the riot last year? I then recommended him to your special care." " And I let him have it, your excellency. I believe he has entii'ely lost his fancy for insurrectionary movements ; and politics, I trust, are very indifferent to him." " I should regret if it were so, " said Thugut, smiling. " I supjiose you have got him here in Vienna?" "Of course; he occupies a splendid half -dark dungeon in o;ir penitentiary. " "Picking oakum?" " No ; I hear he has often asked for it as a favor. But I had given stringent orders to leave him all alone and without any occupation whatever. That is the best way to silence and punish such political criminals and demagogues." " I would like to see this man Wenzel. We shall, perhaps, set him at liberty again," said Thugut. "Will you order him to be brought here quietly, and without any unnecessary eckdf "I shall send him to you, and that shall be my last official busi- ness before being taken sick. " " Be it so, my dear count. Go to bed at once ; it is high time. " They smilingly shook hands, and looked at each other long and significantly. "It will be a splendid patriotic festival to-moiTow, " said Thugut. "Avery patriotic festival, and the inauguration of the banner particularly will be a glorious affair !" exclaimed Count Saurau. " What a pity that my sickness should prevent me from attending it !" He saluted the prime minister once more and withdrew. When the door had closed behind him the smile disappeared from Thugut's features, and a gloomy cloud settled on his brow. Folding his arms on his back, and absorbed in deep thought, he commenced slowly pacing the room. "The interview with the empress must be pre- vented at all events," he muttered, after a long pause, "even if all diplomatic relations with France have to be broken off for that pur- pose. Besides, I must have those papers which he wanted to deliver to the empress ; my repose, my safety depends upon it. Oh, I know very well what sort of papers they are with which they are threaten- ing me. Tliey are tlie letters I had written in cipher to Bin-ton, the English emissary, whom the French Directory a mouth ago caused 13 184 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. to be arrested as a spy and demagogue at Paris, and whose papers were seized at the same time. Those letters, of course, would en- danger my position, for there is a receipt among them for a hundred thousand guineas paid to me. What a fool I was to write that receipt ! I must get it again, and I am determined to have it !" A few hours later, an emaciated, pale man was conducted into the room of Prime Minister Baron Thugut. The minister received him with a friendly nod, and looked with a smiling countenance at this sick, downcast, and suffering man, whom he had seen only a year ago so bold and courageous at the head of the misguided rioters. " You have greatly changed, Mr. Wenzel, " he said, kindly. "Tlie prison air seems not to agree with you. " Wenzel made no reply, but dropped his head with a profound sigh on his breast. "Ah, ah, Mr. Wenzel, " said Thugut, smiling, "it seems your eloquence is gone, too. " ." I have formerly spoken too much ; hence I am now so taciturn, " muttered the pale man. •'Everything has its time, speaking as well as silence, " said Thugut. " It is true speaking has rendered you very wretched ; it has made you guilty of high treason. Do you know how long you will have to remain in prison?" "I believe for fifteen years, " said Wenzel, with a shudder. "Fifteen years! that is half a lifetime. But it does not change such demagogues and politicians as you, sir. As soon as you are released you recommence j'our seditious work, and you try to make a martyr's crown of 3'our well-merited punishment. Traitors like you are always incorrigible, and unless they are gagged for life they always cry out anew and stir up insurrection and disorder. " Wenzel fixed his haggard eyes with a sorrowful expression upon the minister. " I shall never stir up insurrections again, nor raise my voice in "public as I used to do," he said, gloomily. "I have been cured of it forever, but it was a most sorrowful cure." "And it will last a good while yet, Mr. Wenzel." "Yes, it will last dreadfully long," sighed the wretched man. "Are you married? Have you got any children?" "Yes, I have a wife and two little girls — two little angels. Ah, If I could only see them once more in my life !" " Wait yet for fourteen yeai's ; you can see them then if they be still alive, and care about having j^ou back. " "I shall not live fourteen years, " murmured the pale, downcast man. THE FESTIVAL OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 185 "Well, listen to me, Mr.Wenzel. What would you do if I should set you at liberty?" "At liberty?" asked the man, almost in terror. "At liberty !" he shouted then, loudly and jubilantly. "Yes, sir, at liberty! But you must do something in order to deserve it. Will you do so?" "I will do every thing, every thing I am ordered to do, if I am to be set at liberty, if I am allowed to see my wife and my little girls again !" shouted Wenzel, trembling with delight. " Suppose I should order you again to become a popular orator and to stir up a nice little riot?" The gleam of joy disappeared again from Wenzel' s eyes, and he looked almost reproachfully at the minister. "You want to mock me," he said, mournfully. "No, my man, I am in good earnest. You shall be a popular orator and leader all day to-morrow. Are you ready for it?" " No, I have nothing to do with such matters now. I am a good and obedient subject, and only ask to be allowed to live peaceably and quietly. " Thugut burst into a loud laugh. "Ah, you take me for a tempt- er, Mr. Wenzel," he said ; "but I am in earnest; and if you will get up for me a splendid riot to-morrow, I will set you at liberty and nd one shall interfere with you as long as you render yourself worth 3- of my indulgence by obedience and an exemplary life. Tell me, therefore, do you want to be released and serve me ?" Wenzel looked inquiringly and with intense suspense at the cold, hard features of the minister, and then, when he had satisfied him- self that he had really been in earnest, he rushed forward and kneel- ing down before Thugut, he shouted, " I will serve you like a slave, like a dog ! only set me at liberty, only give me back to my childi'en and my — " A flood of tears burst from his eyes and choked his voice. "All right, sir, I believe you," said Thugut, gravely. "Now rise and listen to what I have to say to you. You will be rel( ;: • • ' ■> night. Then go and see your old friends and tell them yon " made a journey, and the French had arrested you on the roud and kept you imprisoned until you were released in consequence of the measures the Austrian government had taken in your favor. If you dare to utter a single word about your imprisonment here, j'ou are lost, for I hear and learn every thing, and have my spies everywhere, whom I shall instruct to watch you closely. " "I shall assuredly do whatever you want, " exclaimed Wenzel, trembling. " You shall complain to your friends about the harsb and cruel 186 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. treatment you had to suflfer at the hands of the French. You ."shall speak as a good patriot ought to speak. " "Yes, I shall speak like a good patriot," said Wenzel, ardently. " To-morrow you will be with all your friends on the sti'eet in order to attend the festival of the volunteers, and to look at the pro- cession. Do you know where the French ambassador lives?" "Yes, on the Kohlmai^M." "You shall do your best to draw the people thither. The French ambassador will display the banner of the French Republic on his balcony to-morrow. Can the peoj^le of Vienna tolerate that?" " No, the people of Vienna cannot tolerate that !" shouted Wenzel. "You will repeat that to every one — you will exasperate the peo- ple against the banner and against the ambassador — you and the crowd will demand loudly and impetuously that the banner be removed." "But suppose the ambassador should refuse to remove it?" " Then you will forcibly enter the house and remove the banner yourselves. " "But if they shut the doors?" "Then you will break them open, just as you did here a year ago. And besides, are there no windows — are there no stones, by meana of which you may open the windows so nicely?" "You give us permission to do all that?" "I order you to do all that. Now listen to your special commis- sion. A few of my agents will always accompany you. As soon as you are in the ambassador's house, repair at once to his excellency's study. Pick up all the papers you will find there, and bring them to me. As soon as I see you enter my room with these papers, you will be free forever !" "I shall bring you the papers, " exclaimed Wenzel, with a radiant face. " But listen. Betray to a living soul bvit one single word of what I have said to you, and not only yourself, but your wife and your children will also be lost ! My arm is strong enough to catch all of you, and my ear is large enough to hear every thing." " I shall be as silent as the grave, " protested Wenzel, eagerly. " I shall only raise my voice in order to speak to the people about our beloved and wise Minister Thugut, and about the miserable, over- bearing French, who dare to hang out publicly the banner of their bloody republic here in our imperial city, in our magnificent Vienna !" "That is the riglit tall., my man ! Now go and refieet about every thing I liave tcld yoii, an-l lo-inorrow morning call on me again ; I Khali then give you further iiiHtructions. Now go — go to your wife, and keep the wh"''' malfHr secret." THE RIOT. ' 187 "Hurrah ! long live our noble prime minister !" shouted Wenzel, jubilantly. "Hurrah, hurrah, I am free!" And he reeled away like a drunken man. Thugut looked after him with a smile of profound contempt. "That is the best way to educate the people, " he said. "Truly, if we could only send every Austrian for one year to the penitentiary, we would have none but good and obedient subjects !" CHAPTER XXV. THE EIOT. The streets of Vienna were densely crowded on the following day. Every house was beautifully decorated with fresh verdure and festoons of flowers ; business was entirely suspended, and the people in their holidaj^ dresses were moving through the streets, Jubilant, singing patriotic hymns, and waiting in joyous impatience for the moment when the procession of the volunteers would leave the city hall in order to rejDair to the Burg, where they were to cheer the emperor. Then they would march through the city, and finally conclude the festival with a banquet and ball, to be held in a public hall that had been handsomely decorated for the occasion. Not only the people, however, but also the educated and aristo- cratic classes of Vienna wanted to participate in the patriotic festi- val. In the open windows there were seen high-born ladies, beauti- fully dressed, and holding splendid bouquets in their hands, which were to be showered down upon the procession of the volunteers ; an endless number of the most splendid carriages, surrounded by dense crowds of pedestrians, were slowly moving through the streets, and in these carriages there were seated the ladies and gentlemen of the aristocracy and of the wealthiest financial circles ; they witnessed the popular enthusiasm with smiles of satisfaction and delight. Only the carriages of the ministei's were missing in this gorgeous procession, and it was reported eve ly where that two of these gentle- men. Prime Minister Baron von Thugut and Police Minister Count Saurau, had been taken sick, and were confined to their beds, while the other ministers were with the emperor at Laxenburg. Baron Thugut' s prediction had been verified, therefore; the po- lice minister had really been taken so sick that he had to keep his bed, and that he had requested Baron Thugut by letter to take charge of his department for a few days. But the prime minister himself had suddenly become quite un- well, and was unable to leave Win room ! Hence he had not accom 188 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. panied the other ministers to Laxenburg in order to dine at the emperor's table. Nay — an unheard-of occurrence — he had taken his meals all alone in his stud3^ His footman had received stringent orders to admit no one, and to reply to every applicant for an inter- view with him, "His excellency was confined to his bed by a raging fever, and all business matters had to be deferred until to-morrow. " The minister's condition, however, was not near as bad as that. It was true he had the fever, but it was merely the fever of expecta- tion, impatience, and long suspense. The whole day had passed, and not a single dissonance had distiu-bed the pure joy of the cele- bration ; not a single violent scene had interrupted the patriotic jubilee. The crowds on the streets and public places constantly in- creased in numbers, but peace and hilarity reigned everywhere, and the people were singing and lavighing everywhere. This was the reason why the minister's blood was so feverish, why he could find no rest, and why his cold heart for once pulsated so rapidly. He was pacing his study with long steps, murmuring now and then some incoherent words, and then uneasily stepijing to the window in order to survey the street cautiously from behind the curtain, and to observe the surging crowd below. Just then the large clock on the marble mantelpiece commenced striking. Thugut hastily turned toward it. "Six o'clock, and nothing yet," he murmured. "I shall put that fellow Wenzel into a subterranean dungeon for life, and dismiss every agent of mine, if nothing — " He jiaused and listened. It had seemed to him as though he had heard a soft rap at the hidden door leading to the seei-et staircase. Yes, it was no mistake ; somebody was rapping at it, and seemed to be in great haste. " At last I" exclaimed Thugut, drawing a deep breath, and he approaclied with hurried steps the large painting, covering the whole wall and reaching down to the floor. He quickly touched one of the artificial roses on the gilt frame. The painting turned round, and the door became visible behind it in the wall. The rapping was now plainly heard. Thugut pushed the bolt back and unlocked the door. His confidential secretary, Hiibschle, immediately rushed in with a glowing face and in breathless haste. "Your excellency," he gasped — "your excellency, the fun has just commenced ! They are now pursuing the deer like a pack of infiiriatcfl blood-hounds. Oh, oil ! they will chase him thoroughlj^ I should tliink !" Tliii;^;ul cMsl ;i glance of gloomy indignation on the versatile little man uitli 111!' bloated fact-. " Yuu have been drinking again, llubsclile, " lie said ; "and I liave ordered you to remain sober to-day I" THE RIOT. 189 "Your excellency, I am quite sober," protested HiJbschle. "I assure you I have not drunk any more than what was required by my thirst." "Ah, yes; your thirst always requires large quantities," ex- claimed Thugut, laughing. "But speak now rapidly, briefly, and plainl}'. No circumlocution, no tirades ! Tell me the naked truth. What fun has just commenced?" "The inauguration of the banner, your excellency." "Then Bernadotte has hung out his banner, after all?" " Yes, he has done so. We were just going down the street — quite a jolly crowd it was, by the by. Master Wenzel, a splendid fellow, had just loudly intoned the hymn of 'God save the Emperor Francis, ' and all the thousands and thousands of voices were joining the choir, as if thej^ intended to serenade the French ambassador, when, suddenly, a balcony door opened, and General Bernadotte, in full uniform came out. He was attended by his whole suite ; and several footmen brought out an immense banner, which they at- tached to the balcony. We had paused right in the middle of our beautiful hymn, and the people were looking up to the balconj', from which the gentlemen had disappeared again, with glances full of surprise and curiosity. But the banner remained there! Sud- denly a violent gust touched tlie banner, which, up to this time, had loosely hung down, and unfolded it entirely. Now we saw the French tri -color proudly floating over our German heads, and on it we read, in large letters of gold — Liberie! Egalite! Fraternite ! " * "What impudence!" muttered Thugut. "You are right, that was the word," exclaimed Hiibschle. "'What impudence!' roared Master Wenzel; and the whole crowd immediately repeated, 'What impudence! Down with the foreign banner! We are not so stupid as the people of Milan, Venice, and Rome ; we do not jubilantly hail the French color ; on the contrary, this banner makes us angry. Down with it ! It is an insult ottered to the emperor, that a foreign flag with such an abominable iui^crip- tion is floating here. Down with the banner !" " "Very good, very good, indeed," said Thugut, smiling. "This man Wenzel is really a practical fellow. Go on, sir." "The crowd constantly assumed larger proportions, and the shouts of 'Down with the banner!' became every moment more impetuous and threatening. Suddenly a small detacliment of sol- diers emerged from the adjoining street. The officer in command kindly urged the people to disperse. But it was in vain ; the tumult was constantly on the increase. The crowd commenced * "M^rnoirep d'un Hoimne ri fitat," vol. v.. p. 494. 190 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. tearing up the pavement and throwing stones at the windows and at the banner. " "And the soldiers?" "They quietly stood aside. But — somebody is rapping at the opposite door ! Shall I open it, your excellency?" " One moment ! I first want to turn back the painting. So I Now open the door, Hiibschle !" The private secretary hastened with tottering steps to the door and unlocked it. Thixgut's second jirivate secretary entered. He held a sealed letter in his band. "Well, Heinle, what's the matter?" asked Thugut, quietly. "Your excellency, the French ambassador. General Bernadotte, has sent this letter to your excellency. " "And what did you reply to the messenger?" " That your excellency had a raging fever ; that the doctor had forbidden us to disturb you, but that I would deliver it to the min- ister as soon as he felt a little better." " That was right. Now go back to your post and guard the door well in order that no one may penetrate into my room. And you, Hiibschle, hasten back to the Kohlniorld and see what is going on there, and what is occurring at the French embassy. But do not drink any more liquor ! As soon as this affair is over, I shall give you three days' leave of absence, when you may drink as much as you please. Go, now, and return soon to tell me all about it. " " And now, " said Thugut, when he was alone, " I will see what the French ambassador has M^-itten to me. " He opened the letter, and, as if the mere perusal with the eyes were not sufficient for him, he read in a half-loud voice as follow^s : " The ambassador of the French Republic informs Baron Thugut that at the moment he is penning these lines, a fanatical crowd has been so impudent as to commit a riot in front of his dwelling. The mo- tives that have produced this violent scene cannot be doubtful, in- asmuch as several stones already were thrown at the windows of the house occupied by the ambassador. Profoundly offended at so much impudence, he requests Baron Thugut immediately to order an in- vestigation, so that the instigators of the riot may l)e punished, and that their pun i.shment may teacli the others a much-needed lesson. Tho ambassador of the French Republic has no doubt that his recla- mations will meet with the attention which they ought to excite, and tliat the police, moreover, will be vigilant enough to prevent similar scenes, which could not be renewed without producing the most .serious consequences, the ambassador being firmly determined to repel with the utmost energy oven the slightest insults, and ac- cordingly muclj more so, such scandalous attacks. Baron Thugut is THE RIOT. 191 further informed that he has reason to complain of the conduct of several agents of the police. Some of them were requested to dis- perse the rioters, but, instead of fulfilling the ambassador's orders, they remained cold and idle spectators of the revolting scene."* " What overbearing and insulting language this fellow dares to use!" exclaimed Tlnigut, when he had fini.shed the letter. "One might almost believe he was our lord and master here, and — ah, somebody raps again at the door ! Perhaps Hiibschlo is back already. " He quickly touched the frame of the painting again, and the door opened. It was really Hiibschle, who entered as hastily as be- fore. "Your excellency, I have just reascended the staircase as rapidly as though I were a cat," he gasped. "At the street door I learned some fresh news from one of our lueu, and I returned at once to tell you all about it. " "Quick, you idle gossip, uo unnecessary preface !" "Your excellency, things are assuming formidable proportions. The riot is constantly on the increase, and grows every minute more threatening. Count Dietrichstein, and Count Fersen, the director of the police, have repaired to General Bernadotte and implored him to reniove the banner. " "The soft-hearted fools !" muttered Thugut. "But their prayers were fruitless. They preferred them repeat- edly^, and always were refused. They even went so far as to assure the ambassador, in case he should yield to their request and give them time to calm the people and induce them to leave the place, that the Austrian government would assuredly give him whatever satisfaction he should demand. But General Bernadotte persisted in his refusal — and replied peremptorily, 'No, the banner remains !' " " Proceed, proceed !" exclaimed Thugut, impatiently. "That is all I know, but I shall hasten to collect further news, and then return to your excellency. " Hiibschle disappeared through the secret door, and Thugut re- placed the painting before it. " The banner remains !" he exclaimed, laughing scornfully. "We will see how long it will remain ! Ah, Heinle is rapping again at the other door. What is it, Heinle?" " Another dispatch from the French ambassador, " said Heinle, merely pushing his arm with the letter through the door. " And you have made the same reply ?" "The same reply." " Good ! Return to your post. " The arm disappeared again. Thugut opened the second dispatch, * "M^moires d"un Homme d'fitat," vol. v., p. 495. 192 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. and read as before in a half -loud voice: "The ambassador of the French Republic informs Baron Tliugut that the fury of the mob is constantly on the increase ; already all the window-panes of the dwelling have been shattered by the stones the rioters are incessantly throw iug at them ; he informs you that the crowd at the present moment numbers no less than three or four thousand men, and that the soldiers whose assistance was invoked, so far from protecting the house of the Fi-ench embassy, remain impassive spectators of the doings and fviry of the rabble, their inactivity encouraging the latter instead of deterring them. The ambassador cannot but be- lieve that this scandalous scene is not merely tolerated, but fostered by the authorities, for nothing whatever is done to put a stop to it. He sees with as much regret as pain that the dignity of the French people is being violated bj' the insults heaped on the ambassador, who vainly implored the populace to disperse and go home. At the moment the ambassador is writing these lines, the rage of the crowd is strained to such a pitch that the doors have been broken opeJi by means of stones, while the soldiers were quietly looking on. The furious rabble tore the French colors from the balcony with hooks and long poles. The ambassador, who cannot remain any longer in a country where the most sacred laws are disregarded and solemn treaties trampled under foot, therefore asks Baron Thugut to send him his passports in order that he may repair to France with all the attaches of the embassy, unless Baron Thugut should announce at once that the Austrian government has taken no part whatever in the insults heaped upon the French Republic ; that it disavows them, on the contrary, in the most formal manner, and that it orders the ringleaders and their accomplices to be arrested and piinished in the most summary manner. On this condition alone, and if the Austrian government agrees to restore the French banner and to cause it to be displayed on the balcony of the French embassy by a staff-officer, the ambassador consents to remain in Vienna. Let Baron Thugut remember that these are precious moments, and that he owes the ambassador an immediate and categorical reply to his inquiries." * "Well, I believe the good people of Vienna will take it upon themselves to make a categorical reply to General Bernadotte, and to silence the overbearing babbler, no matter how it is done, " ex- claimed Thugut, laughing scornfully. "I am really anxious to know how this affair is going to end, and how my brave rioters will chastise the ambassador for his insolence. What, another rap al- ready? Why, you are a genuine ^jo.s^i7/o?i cV amour! Do you bring me another letter?" ♦ "M6moire.s crun Hoinin<^ rPfitat," vol. v., p. 501. THE RIOT. 193 "A third dispatcli from General Bemadotte," exclaimed Heinle, outside, pushing his arm with the dispatch again through the door. Thugut took it and rapidly opened it. "It seems matters are growing more pressing," he said, smilingly. "Let us read it!" And he read with an air of great satisfaction : " The ambassador of the Freucli Republic informs Baron Thugut that the riotous proceedings have lasted five hours already ; that no agent of the police has come to his assistance; that the furious rioters have taken possession of a portion of the house and are de- stroying everj' thing they can lay their hands on. " " Aha, my friend Wenzel is looking for the papers in the rooms of the French embassy !" exclaimed Thugut, triumphantly. He then read on. " The ambassador, tlie secretaries of legation, the French citizens and officers who are with him, were compelled to retire to a room where they are waiting further developments with the undaunted courage characteristic of the republicans. The ambassador repeats his demand that the necessary passports be sent for him and for all the French who desire to accompany him. The transmission of these passports is the more urgent, as the rioters, who were about to rush into the room where the French were awaiting them, only shrank back when some servants of the French embassy discharged the fire-arms with which they had been provided." " Ah, a regular battle, then, has taken place !" shouted Thugut, in great glee. "A siege in grand style! Wonder why Hiibschle has not come back yet? But stop ! I hear him already. He raps ! 1 am coming, sir ! I am opening the door already !" And Thugut hastened to touch the frame of the painting and to open tlie door. It was true, Hiibschle, the private secretary, was there, but he did not come alone. Wenzel, soiled with blood, his clothes torn and in the wildest disorder, entered with him, supporting himself on Hiibschle 's arm. " Ah, you bring me there a wounded boar !" said Thugut, morosely. , "A boar wlio splendidly goaded on the hounds and performed the most astonishing exploits," said Hiibschle, enthusiastically. "He received a gunshot wound in the right arm and fainted. I carried him with the assistance of a few friends to a well, and we poured water on him until he recovered his senses and was able again to participate in the general jubilee." "Then it was a jubilee? Mr. Wenzel, tell me all about it. " "It was a very fine afi'air, " said Wenzel, gasping. "We had penetrated into the house and were working to the best of our power in the magnificent rooms. The furniture, the looking-glasses, the 194 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. chandeliers, the carriages in the courtyard, every thing was de- stroyed, while we Avere singing and shouting, 'Long live the em- peror ! God save the Emperor Francis !'" ■'What a splendid Marseillaise that dear, kind-hearted Haydn has composed for us in that hymn, " said Tl:ugut, in a low voice, gleefully rubbing his hands. " And the banner? What has become of the banner?" "The banner we had previously torn to pieces, and with the shreds we had gone to the Schottenplatz and publicly burned tliem there amidst the jubilant shouts of the people. " "Very good. And what else was done in the embassy building?" "We rushed from room to room. Nothing withstood our fur\', and finally we arrived at the room in wliich the ambassador and his suite had barricaded themselves as in a fortress. It was the ambas- sador's study," said Wenzel, slowly and significantly — "the cabinet in which he kept his papers." Thugut nodded gently, and said nothing but "Proceed !" " I rushed toward the door and encouraged the others to follow me. We succeeded in bursting the door open. At the same mo- ment the besieged fired at us. Three of us dropped wounded ; the others ran away. " " Yes, the miserable rascals always run away as soon as they smell gunpowder," said Thugut, indignantly. "And you, Mr. Wenzel?" "I was wounded and had fainted. My comrades carried me out of the house. " "And tlie papers?" asked Tbugut. "You did not take them?" " Your excellency, General Bernadotte and the whole retinue of the embassy were in the room in wliich the ambassador keeps his papers. I would have penetrated into it with my friends if the bullet had not shattered my arm and stretched me down senseless. " " Yes, indeed, you became entirely senseless, " said Thugut, barshlj^ "for you even forgot that I only promised to release you provided you should bring the papers of the French ambassador. " " Your excellency, " shouted Wenzel, in dismay, "I — " "Silence!" commanded Thugut, in a stern tone; "who has allowed you to speak without being asked?" At this uiommit another hasty ra]) at the door was heard, and Heinle's arm appeared again in the door. "Another dispatcli from the ambassador?" asked Thugut. "No, your excelliMuy, a dispatch from liis ma jesty the emperor. " Tliugut liastily seized the small sealed note ami opened it. It contained nothing hut the follovvijig words : "The ambassador has receiveu u ;5alutary lesson, and his banner THE RIOT. 195 has been destroyed. Let us stop the riot now, and avoid extreme measures. Several regiments must be called out to restore order. " The minister slowly folded the paper and put it into his pocket. He then rang the bell so violently and loudly, that Heinle and the other servants rushed immediately into the room. "Open every door — call every footman!" commanded Thugut. "Admit every one who wants to see me. Two mounted messengers shall hold themselves in readiness to forward dispatches. Every one may learn that, in spite of my sickness, I have risen from my couch in order to reestablish tranquillity in the capital." He stepped to his desk and rapidly wrote a few words, whereupon he handed the paper to Germain, his valet de chambre. "Here, Germain, hasten with this note to Count Fersen, the di- rector of police, and take this fellow along. Two footmen may accompany you. You will deliver him to the director of the police and tell him that he is one of the rioters whom my agents have arrested. Request the director to have him placed in a safe prison and to admit none to him but the officers of the criminal court. He is a very dangerous criminal ; this is the second time that he has been arrested as a rioter. Well, ~vvhat is the matter with the fellow? He reels like a drunken man ! He has jDrobably drunk too much brandy for the purpose of stimulating his courage. " " Pardon me, your excellency, " said Hiibschle, " the man has fainted. " "Then carry him away, and take him in a carriage to the direc- tor of the police, " said Thugut, indifferently, and he looked on coldly and unfeelingly, while the footman hastily seized the pale, unconscious man and dragged him away. He returned to his desk and rapidly wrote a few words on a sheet of large, gilt-edged paper, which he then enclosed in an en- velope, sealed, and directed. "A dispatch to the emperor!" he said, handing it to Heinle. " Let a mounted messenger take it immediately to his majesty. " This dispatch contained the reply to the emperor's laconic note, and it was almost more laconic than the latter, for it contained only the following words : "Sire, within an hour order will be reestablished." "Now, Hiibschle, sit down," said Thugut, all the others having left the room by his orders. " Collect your five senses, and write what I am going to dictate to j'ou. " Hiibschle sat already at the desk, and waited, pen in hand. Baron Thugut, folding his hands behind his back, slowly paced the room and dictated : " The minister of foreign affairs has heard with regret of the 196 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. riotous proceedings referred to in the notes which the ambassador of the French Republic has addressed to him this evening. The minister will report the whole affair to his imperial majesty, and entertains no doubt that the emperor will be very indignant at the occurrence. The ambassador may rest assured that nothing will be left undone in order to ferret out the perpetrators of this outrage, and to punish them with the whole severity of the laws, and with the sincere desire which the Austrian government has alwaj's enter- tained to maintain the friendship so happily established between the two countries. " * "Well, why do you dare to laugh, Hlibschle?" asked Thugut, when he took the pen in order to sign the note. "Your excellency, I am laughing at the many fine words in which this dispatch says : 'Mr. Ambassador, ask for your passports ; you may depart. '" Thugut smiled. "When you are drunk, Hiibschle, you are ex- ceedingly shrewd, and for that reason, I pardon your impertinence. Your rubicund nose has scented the matter correctly. The ambas- sador has demanded his passports already. But go now. Take this dispatch to the second courier and tell him to carry it immediately to the French embassy. As for yourself, you must hasten to the commander of Vienna, and take this paper to him. You may say to him, 'The gates are to be closed in order to prevent the populace of the suburbs from reaching the city. The Preiss regiment shall occupy the house of the ambassador and the adjoining streets, and fire at whosoever offers resistance or wants to raise a disturbance. ' Vienna must be perfectly quiet in the course of an hour. Begone !" Hiibschle rushed out, and Thugut remained alone. He slowly and deliberately sat down in an arm-chair, and pondered serenely over the events of the night. " It is true I have not wholly accomplished my purpose, " he mut- tered, " but M. Bernadotte will try no longer to injure me. He shall have his passports to-morrow morning." *The French ambassador really left Vienna in consequence of this riot. The emperor vainly tried to pacify him. Bernadotte persisted in his demands. He wanted the Austrian Government to restore the banner and to have it displayed on his balcony by a staff officer. In reply to these repeated demands, Thuprut sent him his passports, and the legation left Vienna.— Vide Haust^r, "German History," voL 11., p. 180. "M6moires d'un Homme d'fitat," toI. v. LAST DAYS OF THE EIGHTEEIsTTP OENTUEY. CHAPTER XXVI. VICTORIA DE POUTET. Nearly a year had elapsed since the departure of the French am- bassador from Vienna, but the rupture of the peace with France, so ardently desired by Minister Thugut, had not yet taken place. A strong party in the emperor's cabinet had declared against Thugut, and this time obtained a victory over the minister who had been believed to be all-powerful. This party was headed by the empress and Archdvike Charles. Thugut, therefore, was compelled to sup- press his wrath, and defer his revenge to some later time. But although the dark clouds of the political thunderstorm had been removed for the time being, they were constantly threatening, like a gloomy spectre on the horizon, casting sinister shadows on every day and on every hour. The merry people of Vienna, owing to the incessant duration of these gloomy shadows, had become very grave, and loudly and softly denounced Minister Thugut as the author and instigator of all the evils that were menacing Austria. In fact. Baron Thugut was still the all-powerful minister ; and as the emperor loved and feared him, the whole court, the whole capital, and the whole empii'e bowed to him. But while bowing, every one hated him ; while obeying, every one cursed him. Thugut knew it and laughed at it. What did he care for the love and hatred of men? Let them curse him, if they only obeyed him. And they obeyed him. The machine of state willingly followed the pressure of his hand, and he conducted the helm with a vigorous arm. He directed from his cabinet the destinies of Austria ; he skilfully and ingeniously wove there the nets with which, according to his purposes, he wanted to suiTound friend or foe. To-day, too, lie had worked in liis calunet until evening, and he bad ojoly just uuw dismissed his two private secretaries, Heinle aad 198 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Hiibschle. This was the hour at which Thugut was in the habit of repairing either to the emperor or to his gardens in the Wahringer Street. His valet de chambre, therefore, awaited him in the dress- ing-room, and his carriage was in readiness below in tlie court-yard. To-day, however, the minister apparently wished to deviate from his custom, and instead of going to the dressing-room, he violently rang the bell. "Germain," he said^ to the entering I'cilet de chambre, "no uni- form to-day, no gala-dress, but my Turkish garments. Light up the Turkish cabinet, kindle amber in the lamj^s, and place flowers in the vases. In the course of an liour supper for two persons in the Turkish cabinet. Arrange every thing in a becoming manner." Germain bowed silently and withdrew, in order soon to return with the ordered Turkish costume. Thugut silently suffered him- self to be clad in the costly Turkish dressing-gown, and in the golden slippers, the wonderful Cashmere shawl to be wrapped around his waist, and the Turkish fez to be placed on his head. Germain then brought a Turkish pipe with a splendidly carved amber tip, and handed it to the minister. "Now open the door," said Thugut, laconically. Germain touched the frame of the large painting on the wall, and Thugut stepped through the small door into the hall. With rapid steps he hastened down the hall, and soon stood at its end in front of the narrow wall on which a painting of the Virgin, illuminated by a perpetually burning lamp, was hanging. Thugut again touched an artificial rose on the frame, the painting turned around, and a door became visible behind it. Tlie minister opened this door, and, crossing the threshold, care- fully closed it again. He now was in his Turkish cabinet ; all these beautiful gold bro- cades on the low sofas, these costly hangings covering the walls, these precious carpets on the floor and on the tables, these silver lamfjs of strange forms, hanging down from the ceiling, and filled with amber, all tliese richly gilt vessels arranged along the walls, were delightful reminiscences to Thugut — reminiscences of the hap- piest jtcriod of his life, for he had brought all these things from Constniitinople, wliere he had lived for ten years as Austrian am- bassador. Tluigut, therefore, never entered this cabinet without a pleasant smile ligliting up his hard features, and he only went thither when he wislied to permit himself an liour of happiness amidst tlie perplexing occupations and cares of his official position. On this occasion, too, as soon as he had cros.sed the threshold, his face liad ;iHsnin('(I a mild and gcuMc expression, and (lie bmsh, re- pulsive Stamp iuid disappeared from liis features. He walked across VICTORIA DE POUTET. 199 the room with a sinile, aud quickly touched a golden knob, fixed in the opposite wall. After a few minutes he repeated this four times. He then raised his eyes to a small silver bell hanging above him in the most remote corner of the wall, and looked at it stead- fastly. While he was doing so, a small side door had opened, and Germain, in the rich costume of a servant of the harem, had entered. Thugut had not once looked round toward him ; he had not once glanced at the silver vases with the most splendid flowers, which Germain had placed on the marble tables ; his nose was apparently indifferent to the sweet perfumes of the amber which Germain had kindled in the silver lamps, and w^hich was filling the room with fragrant bluish clouds. He only looked at the small bell, and seemed to expect a signal from it in breathless suspense. But Ger- main had long since finished the decoration of the room and with- drawTi again, and yet the bell was silent. A cloud passed over Thugut's brow, aud the smile disappeared from his lips. "She was not there, perliaps, and consequently did not hear my signal, " he murmm-ed. " I will ring the bell once more. " He stretched out his hand toward the golden knob in the wall, wdien suddenly a clear, pure sound was heard. It was the small bell that had been rung. Thugut's countenance lighted up in the sunshine of happiness, and he looked up to the bell again in silent suspense. For a few minutes it hung motionless again, but then it resounded quickly three times in succession. "In thirty minutes she will be here, " whispered Thugut, with a happy smile. "Let us await her, then." He approached the small table on which he had laid his pipe, and near which Germain had placed a small silver vessel with burning amber. With the bearing and calmness of a genuine Turk he lighted his pipe and then sat down on the low square sofa. Cross- ing his legs, supporting his right elbow on the cushions of gold lirocade, in a half -reclining attitude, Thugut now abandoned him- self to his dreams and to the sweet enjoyment of smoking. He was soon surrounded by a blue cloud from which his black eyes were glistening and glancing up to the large clock on the mantelpiece. On seeing now that the thirty minutes had elapsed, Thugut rose with youthful v iavcity, and laid his pipe aside. He then approached the large and strangely formed arm-chair, standing immediately under the silver bell. When he had vigorously pushed back the arm-chair, a small door became visible behind it. Thugut opened it and placed himself by it in a listening position. Suddenly it seemed to him as though he heard a slight noise in the distance. It came nearer, and now there appeared in the aper- ture of the door a lady of wonderful loveliness and surpassing 14 200 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA beauty. The eye could behold nothing more charming than this head with its light-brown ringlets, surrounding the face as if by a ring of glory, and contrasting so strangely with the large black eyes, which were sparkling in the fire of youth and passion. Her enchanting lips were of the deepest red, and a delicate blush, like the beautiful tint of the large purple shell, mantled the cheeks. Her uose, of the purest Roman style, was slightly curved, and her 3::pansive forehead imparted a noble and serious air to the charming youthful face. The beholder saw in these eyes, ardor and passion ; on this forehead, thought and energetic resolutions ; and on this swelling mouth, archness, overflowing spirits, and wit. And the figure of this lovely woman was in full harmony with her ravishing head. She was petite, delicate, and ethereal, like a sylph, and yet her form was well developed and beautiful ; if she had been some- what taller, she might have been compared with Juno. She remained standing in the door, and with her flaming eyes glanced over the room ; then she fixed them on Thugut, and burst into a loud and merry laugh. " Ah, ah, that is the song of my bulbul, the ringing voice of my oriental nightingale," exclaimed Thugut, drawing the laughing lady with gentle force into the room and pushing the arm-chair again before the closed door. "Now tell me, my bulbul. why do you laugh?" "Must I not laugh?" she exclaimed, in a clear and sonorous voice. " Is not this a surprise as if it were a scene frona the Arabian Nights? You told me six months ago you were going to have a pas- sage made, by which one might go unseen from my rooms in the Burg to your apartments in the chancery of state. I had no doubt of the truth of what you told me, for fortunately the chanceiy of state is close to the Burg, and there are enough secret staircases and doors here as well as there. I was, therefore, by no means surprised when one day, in the silence of tlie night, I heard soft hammering at the wall of my bedroom, and suddenly beheld a hole in the wall, which, in the course of a few hours, had been transformed into a door with an arm-chair before it, just like that one there ; in the next night, a locksmith made his appearance and hung up a small silver bell in my room, concealing it beliiud a lamp ; and yesterday you whispered to me : ' Await the signal to-morrow ! I have to talk to you about important affairs. ' 1 therefore waited with all the impatience of curiosity ; at last the bell resounded six times ; I answered tlie signal and hastened througli the narrow halls and ascended the never -suspected small staircase, perfectly satisfied that I was going to a diplomatic conference. And what do I find? A little Turkish paradise, and in it a pacha—" VICTORIA DE POUTET. 201 "Who was yearning only for his charming hov.ri in order to be entirely in paradise, " said Thugut, interrupting her. " Every thing has its time, my Victoria, state affairs as well as happiness. " "The question only is, my cold-hearted friend, whether you pre- fer state affairs or happiness, " she replied, smilingly threatening him with her finger. "Happiness, if you bring it to me, Victoria!" he exclaimed, pressing the beautiful woman impetuously against his bosom. She leaned her head on his shoulder and looked up to him with an air of arch enthusiasm. "Are you happy now?" she asked, in a low voice. He only replied by means of glowing kisses and whispered words of intense passion into her ear. She did not resist him ; she listened with smiling satisfaction to his whispers, and a deeper blush mantled her cheeks. " Ah, I like to hear j'ou talk thus, she said, when Thugut paused ; "' it delights me to sip the honey of oriental poetry from the lips of my wild bear. Even the Belvederian Apollo is not as beautiful as you in your genial and wondrous ugliness when you are talking about love. " Thugut laughed. "Then you think I am very ugly, Victoria?" he asked. " Yes, so ugly that your ugliness in my eyes is transformed into the most inconceivable beauty, " she said, passing her rosy fingers across his dark and bronzed face. " Sometimes, my friend, when I see you in the imperial halls, with your strange smile and your grave bearing, I believe it is the god of darkness himself whom I behold there, and who has descended upon earth in order to catch in person a few human souls that he is very anxious to have in his power. Ah, I would not have you an iota more handsome, nor a single year younger. I like your demoniacal ugliness ; and the in- fernal ardor, hidden under the snow of your hair, truly delights me. To be beloved by young men with the fickle straw -fire of pas- sion is a very common thing ; but when an old man loves as intensely as a youth, when he always illuminates the beloved with the glory of a fire that he has snatched from hell, ah ! that is something en- chanting and divine ! Love me, therefore, in your own way, my beautiful, ugly prince of darkness !" " I love you in my own way, my charming angel, whom nobody believes to be a demon, " said Thugut, laughing. " I feel precisely Jike you, my beautiful Victoria ; I love you twice as ardently, be- cause I penetrated your true nature ; because, when you are smiling upon others, I alone perceive the Berpeut, while others only behold the roses, and becaug© I alone know this angelic figure to conceal tJi« 202 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. soul of a demon. Thus we love each other because we belong to each other, Victoria ; you call me the prince of darkness, and you are assuredly the crown- princess of hell. After my death you will occupy my throne. " "Then it is in hell just as in Austria?" asked Victoria. "The women are not excluded from the tlirone. " "Well, sometimes it really seems to me as though it were in Austria as it ought to be in hell, and as though the small devils of stupidity, folly, and ignorance, had chosen Austria for their par- ticular play-ground." "Let us exjjel them, then, my friend," exclaimed Victoria; "I should think that we were powerful enough to accomplish that." " Will you assist me in expelling them ?" asked Thugut, quickly. "How can you ask me?" she said, reproachfully. "So you have forgotten every thing? Our whole past is buried under the dust of your ministerial documents?" "No, I have forgotten nothing!" exclaimed Thugut, almost en- thusiastically. " I remember every thing. Oh, how often, Victoria, do I see you in my dreams, just as I saw you for the first time ! Do you yet remember when it was?" "It was in the camp in front of Giurgewo. " "Yes, in the camp in front of Giurgewo, at the time that the Turks surprised ovir trenches. * All of our officers completely lost their senses; the general-in-chief, Prince Coburg, rode off in the most cowardly manner ; and Count Thun had been killed, while General Anfsess was dangerouslj'^ wounded. Oh, it was a teiTible day ; terror and dismay spread through the whole camp. A wild panic seized the soldiers, they fled in all directions ; every one was shouting, howling, and trembling for his own miserable existence. I had jvist gone to headquarters, and I may say that I was the only one who did not tremble, for nature has not imparted fear to me. I witnessed the growing confusion with dismay, when I suddenly be- held a woman, an angel, who appeared with dishevelled hair, and eyes flashing with anger, addressing the soldiers and admonishing tliem in glowing words to do their duty. No, what she said were no words, it was a torrent of entliusiasm, bursting from her lips like heavenly flames. And the soldiers listened in amazement ; the stragglers rallied round their colors, the cowards were ashamed, and the trembling and downcast took lieart again when they heard the ringing, bold words of the beautiful woman. Reason obtained its sway ; they were able once more to hear and consider what we said to them, and thanks to yon and to myself, the ignominious rout was transformed into nn orderly and quiet retreat. Both of us * In 1790. THUUUT'S INTERVIEW WITH VICTORIA DE POUTET. VICTORIA DE POUTET. 203 saved every thing that was yet to be saved. Ah, it is a funny thing that all the soldiers in the large camp had lost their wits, and that only a civilian and a woman kept theirs.* On that day, in my en- thusiasm, I vowed eternal friendship to you. " " We vowed it to each other !" exclaimed Victoria. " And we have kept ovir vows. I sent you to Vienna with a rec ommendation to my friend. Count Colloredo, and he honored my recommendation. He introduced you to the court ; he related your heroic deed to the emperor, and the whole court did homage to the intrepid heroine of Giurgewo. Your bold husband, the handsome captain of hussars, Charles de Poutet, having been killed in Belgium at the assault upon Aldenhoven, I came to you and renewed my vow of eternal fidelity and friendship. Did I keep mj^ word?" "You did. Thanks to you and to Colloredo. I have become the friend of the empress, and the aja of her first-born daughter, the Archduchess Maria Louisa. But, on obtaining this position, I re- newed to you, too, mj- vow of eternal friendship and eternal fidelity. Did I not also keep my word?" " You did. Thanks to you and to Colloredo, I have become prime minister and ruler of Austria !" "And now, my friend, a question. Did you invent this Turkish cabinet, the secret staircases and halls, and the mysterious language of the bells, for the sole purpose of relating to me here the history of our past feelings toward each other?" "No, Victoria, in order to build here the edifice of our future. Here, in this secret cabinet, we will lay the foundation of it, and draw up the plans. Victoria, I stand in need of your assistance—- will you refuse it to me?" "Stretch out your hand with the sceptre, my god of darkness, command, and I shall obey !" said Victoria, gliding down on the sofa, crossing her arms on her breast, and looking up to Thugut with languishing eyes. He sat down by her side, and laid his hand over her eyes. " Do not look at me so charmingly as to make my blood rush like fire through my veins," he said. "Let us first speak of business affairs, and then we will forget every thing in draughts of fiery sherbet. So listen to me, Victoria, be a little less of the enchanting angel now, and a little more of the malicious demon. " " Is there a minister to overthrow, a powefrul man to be trampled under foot?" asked Victoria, her black eyes flashing like dagger- points. " Have we got an enemy whom we want to lead across the Ponte dei Sospiri to an eternal prison? Speak quit-kly, my friend ; I am waiting for the music* of your words." *Vide " Kaiser Franz unci Metternich : Eiu Fragment," p. 33. 204 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. "There are two enemies for you to fathom," said Tliugut, slowly. *' To fathom! Is that all? A little spying, nothing further?" "But some bloodshed might attend that spying." " I like blood, it has such a beautiful purple color, " said Victoria, laughing. " Who are the two enemies I am to fathom ?" " France and Prussia !" " Oh, you are joking. " " No, I am in sober earnest. France and Prussia are the two ene- mies whose innermost thoughts you are to fathom. " " But Fi'ance and Prussia are not here in Vienna. " " No, not here in Vienna, but they are at the fortress of Rastadt. " "I do not understand you, my friend." " Listen to me, and you will understand me. You know that I hate France, and that I abhor the peace we were compelled to con- clude with her. France is a hydra, whose head we must cut off, or by whom we must allow ourselves to be devoured. I am in favor of cutting off her head. " "So am I!" exclaimed Victoria, laughing. "Have you got a sword sharp enough to cut off the hydra's head? Then give it to me — I will behead her. " "The hydra believes she has a sword with which she might kill me. Listen to me. I was once in my life foolish enough to sign a paper which might prove dangerous to me in case it should be sub- mitted to the emperor. This paper is in the hands of France. " " France has got a large hand. Which of her fingers holds the paper?" "A year ago, the paper was in Bernadotte's hands, and he had already applied for an interview with the empress, in order to de- liver to her the paper, which she had promised to hand to the em- peror. I learned it in time, and sent out a few friends to bring the papers out of his own rooms. " " Ah, I understand. It was on the day of the festival of the vol- imteers, and of the inauguration of the French banner. " "Yes, it was on that day. The coup was not entirely successful ; we gave Bernadotte a good lesson — we comiDelled him to leave Vienna, but he took these papers along. " "And where is Bernadotte?" "At Rastadt, wliere he attends the sessions of the congress as the military plenipotentiary of France." "I shall go there, too, as your plenipotentiary, my friend!" ex- claimed Victoria, smiling. "But, in order to obtain the papers, we shall not make an assault upon liis house ; we shall only assail his heart, and that I shall open a breach there large enough to let the dangerous papers pass through it, T hope my skill will warrant — " VICTORIA DE POUTET. 206 "Your skill and your beauty," said Thugut, interrupting her. "But I believe my beautiful Victoria will not have to assail Berna- dotte, but another man. Bernadotte took warning from that scene in his house ; he understands very well that the possession of those papers is dangerous, and he has, therefore, transferred the danger to other shoulders. He has intrusted another man with the papers. " "Whom? If it be a man of flesh and blood name him, and I shall make the assault upon him," said Victoria. "It is doubtless one of the three ambassadors of the French Re- public, and I have reason to believe that it is the haughtj- and im- pudent Bonnier. It was he at least who spoke to Count Cobenzl about certain papers that might become dangerous to me, and who inquired stealthily if Cobenzl would feel inclined to deliver them to the emperor. " "Let me depart, my friend ; I must have the papers," said Vic- toria, rising. "Ah, how beautiful you are in your impetuosity!" exclaimed Thugut, smiling ; " but we are not through yet with our conference, dear Victoria. For the sole purpose of obtaining those miserable papers, I should not beg my angel to unfold his demon's wings ana to assist me. If my interests alone were at stake, I should allow fate to take its course, and leave every thing to its decision. But the interests of Austria are equally at stake ; and I do not say this in the sense in which my great predecessor. Prince Kaunitz, used to say: 'He who attacks me, attacks Austria, for Austria cannot exist without me. She would fall down if my strong hand did not hold her. ' No, I know very well that no man is indispensable ; that we are only machines in the hands of fate, and that, as soon as one of these machines is worn out and unnecessarj', fate casts it aside and substitutes a new one. But the state is something more exalted and important than a mere individual ; in order to defend it, we must collect oiu" whole energy, our whole ability, and it is a matter of in- difference if, by doing so, we endanger some human lives and shed some blood. There is an abundance of human lives in the world, and the blood that has been shed is restored in the course of a few hours. Victoria, you shall not merely assist me ; you shall aid the state too, and make an effort for its welfare. " "Only he who dares wins !" exclaimed Victoria, with a fascinat- ing smile. "Tell uie what I am to do, my friend." " To be fascinating, to avail yourself of the power of your charms, that is all. To tame a bear, in order to draw his secrets from him. " "In what forest shall I find this bear?" "At Rastadt, and his name is Roberjot, or Bonnier, or Debry, 206 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. foi- aught I know. Try all three of them. One of them at least will have a heart capable of falling in love, and eyes to admire your beauty. Chain that man to your triumphal car, fathom him, try to become his confidante, and sift his secrets. " "For a special purpose, or only in general?" "For a special purj^ose. I have reason to believe that Fi'ance is deceiving us, and that, while seeking an alliance with us, and a.s Buring us every day of her friendship, she is secretly plotting against us. " "Plotting with whom?" "With Prussia, Austria's mortal enemy. France has promised us not to grant any further aggrandizement to Prussia. I am satis- fied that she has secretly made similar promises to Prussia in rela- tion to us, and that she is trying as eagerly, and by means of as many assin-ances, to obtain the alliance of Prussia, as that of Austria. It is, however, of the highest importaiice for us to know what France may have promised to Prussia, and how far the negotiations between the two powers have gone. To fathom this, either by amicable or violent means, by shrewdness or by compulsion, by bribery or by threats, will be your task, my heavenly demon." " It is a beautiful task, because it is a difficult one, " said Victoria, proudly. " It is a matter of life and death, this duel I am to fight with one of those French bears. " " But my beautiful Victoria shall not lack seconds to furnish her weapons, and to do every thing she wants them to do. " " Who are my seconds?" " Count Lehrbach and Colonel Barbaczy. " "Ah, Barbaczy, whose acquaintance Ave made at Giurgewo?" "The same. A bold, intrepid man, who is not afraid of any- body — neither of God nor of the devil. " "Lehrbach and Barbaczy, your two bloodhounds, " said Victoria, musingly. "If they are to be my seconds, I am afraid the duel will not merely remain a spiritual one, and not merelj^ hearts will be wounded. I am afraid real blood will be shed, and there will be carnal wounds. " " I must have the papers !" exclaimed Thugut, " either by means of cunning or by measures of open violence, do you understand? And as to the wounds and blood, I wish with all my heart to give these impudent republican fellows who are putting on such airs at Rastadt, as though they were masters of Germany, a sound and bloody lesson, and thus give France an unmistakable proof of our opinion." "(lood, my dear Satan, I sliall assist you in performing this little iuffirnal comedy. Two weighty questions, however, remain VICTORIA DE POUTET. 207 to bo asked. On what jirotr-xt shall I ask my imperial mistress to grant me leave of absence?" "Have you not got a sister, who is married to a rich country gentleman, in the grand-duchy of Baden, and who informed you yesterday that she had been suddenly taken dangerously ill?" "I have a sister !" exclaimed Victoria, laughing. "I who never knew a paternal roof, or family — I who dropped upon earth like a ripe peach-blossom, and ^vould have been crushed tliere, if my handsome and generous Charles de Poutet had not accidentally passed by while the wind was driving me along, and if he chival- rously had not picked me up and jilaced me in his button-hole. I never knew my family — I was an orphan since mj^ earliest child- hood. No, my friend, I have no sister." "Oh, try to recollect, Victoria; it is j'our sister who has called you to her death-bed, and for whose sake the empress will give you leave of absence. " "Ah, vraiment, I recollect now! Of course, I nnist go and see my sister. The good, dear sister — how she will long to see me again in order to recover from her sickness! Oh, I must repair to m, sister — nothing must detain me here. The kind-hearted empress will not refuse me leave of absence, for I have to fulfil a sacred duty. Family ties are more sacred than any other. " " Ah, you are really a most affectionate sister ; the empress will readily grant you leave of absence, and you will set out to-morrow evening. I shall provide fresh horses for you at every station, and I shall send you to-morrow morning a comfortable travelling-coach. Your first question, then, is answered. Now for the second." "Yes, my friend, I will briefly state my second question. After accomplishing my task, after chivalrously fighting my duel, and conquering the papers, what will be my reward ?" " Your reward will be the only one I dare offer to a beautiful , young widow," said Thugut, with a diabolical smile. "A husband who will bestow upon you a distinguished name, who will strengthen your position at court, and who will one day bequeath to you a princely inheritance." "What !" exclaimed Victoria, joyfully, "you will marry me, my friend?" "I?" asked Thugut, ahnost in terror. "Who spoke of me? Am I able to offer you wealth and a distinguished name? My fortune would be too insignificant for your pin-money, and although the ship-builder's son has acquired quite a distinguished name, he lacks the dust of ten dead ancestors. I am my own ancestor, and my pedigree contains but my own name. No, Victoria, I have something better in store for you. I shall make you the wife of •208 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. the minister, Count CoUoredo. He is a member of the old aristoc- racy, and his wife will outrank at court all the ladies of the minis- ters and of the lower nobility. He is, moreover, very wealthy, and a favorite of the emperor. I shall give him to understand that he loves you ardently, and that he would pine aw^y if yoii should re- ject him. The dear count does not like to hear people talk about pining away and dying, and he will consider himself saved if you accept him and allow him to grow joung again in your arms. To induce him to marry you, and to direct liim correctly, let me alone for that. On the day on which you bring me the papers, even if they should be somewhat blood stained, on that day I shall have the honor to lead you to the altar, and greet you by the name of Countess Colloredo. " "The scheme is good and feasible," said Victoria, musingly, "and yet I do not like it altogether. To be frank with you, my friend, if you really believe that I ought to marry again, why will not you marry me V What shall I do with the childish, conceited, and proud Count Colloredo, who is already seventy years of age? Why cannot I have my god of darkness ? Thugut, I ask you, why do not you want to marry me?" "Jhugut replied to the flaming glance of the charming lady by a loud laugh. "I marry you? Ah, my heavenly demon! that would be very imprudent, for in that case I should have to require j'ou to lead a devout and chaste life, and to keep my name unsullied. " "Ah, you insult me," exclaimed Victoria, feelingly. "You want to insinuate that I am unworthy of being yoiu- wife. " "You are worthy of being much more, dearest, for you ai*e a demon of love ; but my wife ought only to be a matron of chastity." "Oh, how tiresome !" sighed Victoria. "Yes, how tiresome!" repeated Thugut. "And our own heav- enly liaison, the last romantic dream of my life, would it not also be broken off if you were to become my wife? Why would we then stand in need of secrecy — of hidden staircases and doors, and of this Turkish cabinet? — inasmuch as I should have the right to enter your rooms before the eyes of the whole world. Besides, we would be unable to be useful to each other. My wife, of course, would have to side with me and defend me everywhere, while, in case you aro married to another man, you are at liberty to act for me and to favor me. I coidd not promote the interests of my wife at court ; I could not speak of lier in terms of jjraise to tlie empress, and rec- ommend tliat fresh honors and distinctions be conferred upon her. My wife, (Jicrcfore, would reninin tlie n/a of tlie little Archduchess Maria Louisa, whiln my influence will be able to secure to the VICTORIA DE POUTET. 209 Countess Victoria Colloredo the position of a first lady of honor of the duchess." "First lady of honor!" exclaimed Victoria, joyfully, and with glowing cheeks. "You are right, my friend, it is better for me to ni'irry Count Colloredo. Colloredo has great power over the em- peror ; I have great power over the empress, and shall have the same power over Colloredo. But I am again under your control, and thus you will rule us all, and rule Austria, for I shall always remain your faithfvd servant and friend. " "Women's oaths are as fitful as the wind, they are as fleeting as the clouds. " said Thugut, shrugging his shoulders. "Bvit I believe you, Victoria, for you are no woman like other women. If I were ever to discover that you had deceived me, I should take a terrible revenge !" " What sort of revenge, my friend ?" asked Victoria, embracing him smilingl}^ and tenderly. "I know but one punishment for a faithless woman," said Thu- gut, "and if I envy any thing, mj^ friend, Sultan Mustapha, is able to do it, it is his power of publicly inflicting this punishment. A faithless woman is drowned in a sack, that is all. Slie is placed in a sack — gagged, of course, so as to be unable to scream — and in the dead of night she is rowed out into the sea, which silently opens its waves in order to receive the silent victim. I have witnessed this romantic spectacle three times in Constantinople, and it always filled me with delight. It is so noiseless, so simple, and yet so sig- nificant ! It is true we have no sea here, but we have the Danube, and there is room in it for many faithless women. Beware, tliere- fore, Victoria ! But now a truce to business and politics. Now, jny demon, unfold your angel wings, and let me pass an hour with you in paradise. Will you do me the honor. Countess Colloredo in spe, to take supper with me here?" "Here?" said Victoria, looking ai'ound wonderingly. "Where is the supper-table?" "You will see it directly." Thugut stooped and vigorously pressed a golden knob, fixed in the floor, close to the sofa. Immediately a creaking and rattling noise was heard ; the floor opened, and a large aperture became visi- ble. After a few minutes a table, covered with the most luxurious dishes and sparkling wines, and glittering with silver and crystal, slowly and majestically arose. "Splendid!" shouted Victoria, dancing like a fairy around the magic table — "splendid! The prince of darkness commands, hell opens, and by the fire, over which the souls of the wicked are roast- ing, the most savory dishes have been prepared for Satan ! But fii'st 210 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. swear to me, my friend, that this pheasant is filled with truffles, and not with human souls. " "My dear Victoria," replied Thugut, laughing, "human souls have only too often the same fate as truffles — hogs discover them ! Come, I drink this glass of sherbet to the health of the Countess Col- loredo in spe ! " CHAPTER XXVII, The congress of Rastadt had been in session for nearly two years. For nearly two years the German ambassadors had been quarrelling with France about the ancient boundaries of the empire, and had been quarrelling among each other about a few strips of land, a few privileges which one state demanded, while another would not grant. It was a sorrowful and humiliating spectacle this congress of Rastadt presented to the world, and all Germany was looking on with feelings of pain and shame, while France pointed at it with scornful laughter, and exclaimed : "It is not France that destroys and dissolves Germany, but Ger- many is annihilating herself. She is dissolving away, owing to her own weakness, and the dissensions of her rulers will kill her !" Yes, indeed, Germany bore the germ of death and dissolution in her sick, lacerated breast, and the first symptoms of putrefaction already made their appearance. These first symptoms were the envy, jealousy, and hatred the rulers of Germany felt toward each other, and the malicious joy with which one saw another die, without pitying his torments, and only mindful of the fact that he would be the dying state's heir. The first section of Germany which succumbed under these cir- cumstances, embraced the bishoprics and ecclesiastical states. They exliibited most of all the corruption and putrefaction of German aff'airs. Hence, such German states as expected to be benefited by their dissolution, voted for .secularization, while sucli as were threat- ened with losses voted against it. A new apple of discord had been thrown into the German empire ; the last spark of German unity was gone, and two hostile parties, bitterly menacing each other, were formed. Austria loudly raised her voice against the secularization of the ecclesiastical possessions, because she could derive no benefit from it; wli lie Prussia declared in favor of secularization, because she l)elieved she would be ;il)h' to ;iggr;indize her territory in conse- quence ; and the secoiulary iniiucs ilcaiaiided the dissolution of the RASTADT. 211 bishoprics even more urgently than Prussia, because they knew that a portion of those dominions would fall to their own share. Covetousness caused the German princes to overlook all other interests, and to act contrary to all correct principles; covetous- ness caused them first to shake the decaying ancient German em- jjire; covetousness caused them to destj'oy the old political organ- ization of the country, and German hands were the first to tear down the edifice of the imperial constitution. The German ambassadors at Eastadt forgot, therefore, the original object of their mission; they had come thither to secure the continued existence of the German empire, and to protect Germany from the encroachments of France, and now they were threatening the German empire themselves. They had come thither to establish the boundaries of Germany, and now they were attacking the boundaries of the single sections and states of the empire themselves. No wonder that France sought to profit by these dissensions of the Germans among each other; no wonder that she thought she might seize a piece of Germanj^ too, seeing, as she did, that the (ierman states were quarrelling among themselves about the division of the spoils. France, therefore, advanced her troops farther on the right bank of the Rhine, and claimed the fortresses of Kehl, Ehrenbreitstein, and Castel. This fresh and uni^aralleled exaction silenced the domestic quarrels among the Germans for a moment, and all voices united to protest loudly and solemnly against the new demand of the French Republic. But the French replied to the solemn protests of the German ambassadors at Eastadt by cold sneers and violent threats. Ehr- enbreitstein not being surrendered to them after the first sum- mons, they blockaded the fortress, levied contributions on the right bank of the Ehine, and declared the possessions of the no- bility to be forfeited to the French Republic.* The German am- bassadors at Eastadt complaining of these oppressive proceedings, the French declared, " the magnanimity of the French had ex- ceeded all expectations. They were able to take every thing, and they had contented themselves with very little." The congress had met at Eastadt in order to conclude peace, but so far the negotiations had produced nothing butexasperation and a strong probabilitj^ of ultimate w-ar. The arrogance and scornful bearing of France became every day more intolerable, and the de- sire of Austria became proportionately more evident to punish France for her insolence, and to take revenge for the numerous and galling insults she had heaped upon Germany. Prussia hesi- * Vide Hausser's " Historj' of Germany,''' vol. ii., p. 201 212 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. tated to join Austria, and to declare in favor of open hostilities against France; she deemed such a war injurious to her particu- lar interests, and desired to maintain peace; the secondary Ger- man states, however, allov^ed themselves to be intimidated by the threats of France to devour all of them, and they were quite will- ing to expose Germany to further humiliations, provided that their own petty existence should not be endangered. The work of pacification, therefore, made no progress whatever, but only became a disgrace to Germany, and the congress of Eastadt was nothing but a symptom of the disease of which German}^ was soon to perish. Germany seemed destined to die, like an aged and decrepit man. of her own weakness and exhaustion. This weakness was every day on the increase. In January, 1799, Ehrenbreitstein succumbed, and the French occupied the fortress. Still the peace commissioners remained in session at Rastadt, and continued their negotiations with the French, who just now had again perfidiously violated the treaties, and appropriated German possessions. If the German ambassadors, perhaps, were lost to all sense of honor and of their disgraceful position, the representatives of France were fully conscious of their dignity. They treated the ambassadors of Germany in the most scornful manner ; they dared haughtily and arrogantly to meddle wnth the domestic afi'airs of Germany ; they constantly trumped up new claims in the most overbearing attitude, and in their habitual imperious tone, and the representatives of the German empire scarcely dared to refuse their exactions even in the most timid manner. Only one of the three French ambassadors, for the last few weeks, had been less supercilious than his colleagues ; he had participated less than formerly in the affairs of the German congress, and while Roberjot and Jean Debry were raising their arrogaat and haughty voices in every sessiou of congress. Bonnier kept aloof. He even held no further intercourse with his own countrymen ; and his tall and imposing figure, with the proud and gloomy countenance, was seen no longer every night as heretofore in the drawing-rooms of the wives of Roberjot and Debry. He kept aloof from society as he kept aloof from the congress, and the French ladies smilingly whis- pered to each other that something strange, something unheard of, had happened to the austere republican. To the man who hereto- fore had proudly resisted the blandishments of beautiful women, they said he had fallen in love with that wondrously lovely and strange lady who had been at Rastadt for the last few weeks, but who was living in surh Heclusion that the pul)]ic had only occasion- ftUy got a BJght of her. No one knew who this strange lady was, RASTADT. ai3 and what she wanted at Rastadt ; she had paid visits to no one, and left her card nowhere. She had arrived only attended by a footman and a lady's maid ; but in advance, a brilliant suite of rooms and a box at the theatre had been retained for her. In this box every night the beautiful strange lady was seen closely veiled, and the gloomy pale face of Bonnier had been repeatedly beheld by her side. Victoria de Poutet, therefore, had accomplished her purpose ; yhe had tamed one of the French bears, and surrounded him with the magic nets of her beauty. She was the mysterious strange lady whose appearance had created so great a sensation in the drawing- rooms of Rastadt for the last few weeks ; she was the lady whom Bonnier was following as tiiiough he were her shadow. She had come to him as a refugee, as a persecuted woman, with tears in her eyes. She had told him a tragic story of Thugut's tyranny and wanton lust. Because she had refused to submit to the voluptuous desires of the Austrian minister, he had sworn to ruin her, and his love had turned into furious hatred. She further stated the minister had threatened her with the confiscation of her property, with imprisonment, death, and disgrace, and she had only succeeded by her courage and cunning in saving herself and in escaping from Austria. Now she came to Bonnier to invoke the protection and assistance of generous France, and to flee from the rude violence of a German minister to the chivalrous a?gis of the I'rench Republic. How beautiful she was in her tears, with the mournful smile on i)er swelling lips ! But how mvicli more beautiful when a deep blush mantled her cheeks, and when her large dark eyes were sparkling in the glow of revenge and anger ! For Victoria de Poutet did not only want protection — she also sought revenge — revenge on that tyrant Thugut, who had dared to threaten her innocence and virtue, and to assail her honor and hap- piness. She was not only persecuted — she was also insulted, and she wished to chastise the Austrian minister for these insults. Bon- nier was to lend her his assistance for this purpose. He was to pro- cure means for her to overthrow Thugut. How eloquently and enthusiastically did she speak to Bonnier about her misfortunes, her angei", and her thirst of revenge! How much truthfulness there was depicted in her face — what a demoniacal ardor in her eyes ; how much energy in her whole bearing, so in- dicative of bold determination and of an indomitable spirit ! Bonnier gazed at her in wondering delight, in timid awe. He who had hated women because they were so weak, so peevish, and insignificant, now saw before him a woman with the energy of a hatred such as he had scareelv known himself, with the enthusiasm of 2U LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. a revengefulness that shrank back from no dangers and no obstacles. Under this delicate, ethereal female form there was concealed the spirit and firm will of a man ; bold thoughts were written on her forehead, and an enchanting smile was playing on her full lips. While Bonnier was listening to the dithj'rambics of her hatred and revenge, love glided into his own heart ; she had fascinated him by her revengeful hymns as others fascinate by their love-songs. Victoria was conscious of her triumph ; her eagle eye had watched every motion, every step of this innocent lamb she was going to strangle ; she had seen him fall into the glittering nets she had spread out for him ; slie knew that he v.-as a captive in her meshes without being aware of it himself. Her bearing now underwent a change ; she was no longer merely a woman thirsting for revenge, but also a tender, loving woman ; she was no longer merely filled with hatred, but she also seemed susceptible of gentler emotions ; she lowered her eyes before Bon- nier 's ardent glances and blushed. To his timid and faltering pro- testations of love she replied by subdued sighs, and bj^ a dreamy smile ; and when Bonnier at length dared to approach her with a bold confession of his passion — wlien he was on his knees before her, all aglow with l ^'Ud. THE JUSTIFICATION. 227 "Well, my fripnd, all I ask is this : send to morrow six of your bravest and wildest hussars to my house, and order tliem faithfully to carry out what Count Lehrbach and I shall tell them. " "The hussars shall halt at your door to-morrow morning at nine o'clouk, " said Barbaczy, resolutely. "And I will admit them!" exclaimed Victoria, smiling. "You will be here, Count Lehrbach, I suppose?" " I shall be here in order to listen +^ the wise lessons which the goddess Victoria will teach the sons o Mars," replied Lehrbach, fixing his small, squinting eyes witl an admiring air on Victoria's beautiful face. "You wiT need no other means but your smiles and your beauty in order to inspir thost brave soldiers with the most dauntless heroism. Who would not be willing to shed a little French blood, if your lips should promise him a reward?" "And what reward are you going to promise to the soldier?" asked Barbaczy, turning to Madame de Poutet. "What are you going to ask them to do?" "Only to seize all the papers of the ambassadors," said Victoria. "And to examine their bodies if any papers should be concealed there, " added Count Lehrbach, laughing. "And their reward shall be that the hussars will be allowed to look for some other spoils, " said Victoria. " Highway robbery and murder, then, " sighed Barbaczy, " and per- petrated by soldiers of my regiment ! H igh way robbery and murder ! " "Fie, what ugly words those are! and who thinks of murder?" exclaimed Victoria. "Did we Germans die, then, of the numerous kicks and blows which the French have given us for the last few years? We will only return those kicks and blows, and the French will assuredly not be so thin-skinned as to die of them on the spot." "Do as you please," sighed Barbaczy. "Count Lehrbach has the right to issue orders to myself and to my troops, and I owe you the fulfilment of my oath. My hussars will occupy the city to-mori'ow, and I shall order the French ambassadors to depart forthwith. What is to be done after their departure you may settle with the hus- sars I shall send to you. I shall take no notice of it. " "And that is a very wise resolution of j'ours, colonel," said Lehr- bach. " ' To know too much gives us the headache, ' says our gracious emperor, whenever he returns the dispatches to Baron Thugut with- out having read them. Send us, then, your hussars to-morrow, and whatever may happen, colonel, we shall not betray each other. " "No, we shall not betray each other !" repeated Victoria and Bar- baczy, with uplifted hands. "To-morrow, then!" said Victoria, "Now, good-night, gentle- men 1" 228 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. CHAPTER XXIX'. THE ASSASSINATION. Early on the next day a strange and exciting report pervaded the city of Rastadt. Austrian regiments were encamped all round the city, and Sczekler hussars held all the gates. This was the re- port which filled with astonishment and terror all those who were not initiated into the secrets of the political situation, and who were not familiar with the condition of the negotiations between France and Germany. For, by surrounding the city with troops, in spite of the presence of the French ambassadors, Austria openly violated the treaty stipulating that, until the congress had adjourned sine die, neither German nor French troops should approach the city within a circuit of three German miles. It was reported, too — what the ambassadors as yet remaining in Rastadt had carefully concealed up to this time— that the imperial ambassador. Count Metternich, had quietly left the city several days before, and that the peace commissioners of the empire had the day previous suspended their official functions. Congress had then dissolved ; the peace commissioners of France and Germany had been in session for two years without accomplish- ing their task, and the situation looked as ominous and warlike as ever. Every one resolved to depart ; every trunk was being packed, every carriage drawn forth from its shed. The French actors and ballet-dancers had fled from Rastadt several weeks before at the first rude blast of the approaching storm, like rats leaving a sinking ship. The sounds of joy and mirth had died away, and everywhere only grave and gloomy words were heard, only sorrowful and down- cast faces met. Every one, as we stated above, was preparing to set out, and the French ambassadors, too, M-ere going to leave Rastadt to-day, the twenty-eighth of April. Their carriages were ready for them early in the morning in the courtyard of the castle, when, all at once, some footmen of the embassy, with pale, frightened faces, rushed into the castle and reported that Austrian hussars were posted at the gates and refused to allow any one to leave or enter the city. Even the commander of Rastadt, an officer of the Duke of Baden, had not been permitted by tlie hussars to lide out of the gate. He had been compelled to return to his headquarters.* * Historical.— Vidfi "Gelieim? Oeschichte der Rastatter Friedensverhaiidluugen in Verbindung tnit den Staatehandelii diesw Zeit. ' ' Von einem Schweizer, part vi. THE ASSASSINATION. 229 " But we will not allow them to prevent us from leaving Rastadt, " said Roberjot, resolutely. "'They will not dare to interfere with the departure of the representatives of the French Republic !" "The republic would take bloody revenge for such an outrage, and these Germans are afraid of the anger of the republic !" ex- claimed Jean Debry, haughtily. Bonnier violently shook his black mane, and a gloomy cloud settled on his brow. "Barbaczy's hussars are encamped in front of the gates, and Vic- toria de Poutet last night had another interview with Lehrbach and Barbaczy, " he said. "If, like both of you, I had a wife and chil- dren with me, I should not dare to depart without further guaran- ties. " At this moment the door opened, and a footman handed Roberjot a letter that had just arrived from the Prussian ambassador, Count Goertz. Roberjot opened the letter and glanced over it. " The guaranties you referred to, Bonnier, will soon be here," he said, smiling. "It seems the German ambassadors are sharing your apprehensions. They have drawn up a joint letter to Colonel Barbaczy, requiring him to give them a written pledge that there would be no interfer- ence with the free departure of the French ambassadors, and that the safety of the latter would not be endangered. Count Goertz, therefore, requests us not to set out until a written reply has been made to the letter of the ambassadors. Shall we delay our departure until then?" "We will," said Bonnier ; "j'ou will not derogate from your re- publican dignity by consulting the safety of your wives and chil- dren. I may say that, inasmuch as I have to take care of no one but myself, and as I know that no care would be of any avail in my case. " " Wliat do you mean, my friend?" asked Jean Debry. "I mean that I shall die to-day," said Bonnier, solemnly. Roberjot tui'ned pale. " Hush, " he whisiDered ; "let us say noth- ing about this matter to the women. Mj- wife had a bad dream last night ; she saw me weltering in my gore and covered with wounds, and she asserts that her dreams are always fulfilled. " " Roberjot, Bonnier, and Debry, may God have mercy on your poor souls !" muttered Bonnier, in a low voice. " I do not believe in dreams I" said Jean Debry, with a loud, forced laugh, "and besides, my wife has had no bad dream what- ever, and not been warned by fate. Come, let us go to our ladies who are already clad in their travelling-dresses. Let us tell them that we shall, perhaps, be compelled to wait a few hours. " 230 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. But several hours elapsed, and the messenger the German ambas- sadors had sent to Colonel Barbaczy's headquarters did not return. Nearly all of the German ambassadors made their appearance at the castle in order to express to the representatives of the French rej)ub- lic their astonishment and profound indignation at this disrespectful delay, and to implore them not to set out until the message had arrived. The French ambassadors themselves were undecided and gloomy ; their ladies were pacing the rooms with sad faces and tearful eyes. Every one was in the most painful and anxious state of mind. The whole day passed in this manner, and night set in when finally the messenger whom the ambassadors had sent to Colonel BarbaczJ^ returned to Rastadt. But he did not bring the expected written reply of the colonel. In its place, an Austrian officer of hussars made his appearance ; he rejiaired to the Prussian Count Goertz, at whose house the other ambassadors were assembled, and brought him a verbal reply from Count Barbaczy. The colonel ex- cused himself for not sending a written answer, stating that a pi'ess- ure of business prevented him from so doing. He at the same time assured the coimt and the ambassadors that the French ministers could safeh' depart, and that he would give them twenty-four hours for this purpose.* The officer brought, however, an autograph letter from Barbaczj' to the French ministers, and he repaired to the castle in order to deliver it to them. This letter from Barbaczy contained the following lines : " Ministers : You will understand that no French citizens can be tolerated within the positions occupied by the Austrian forces. You will not be sui'prised, therefore, that I am obliged to request you, ministers, to leave Rastadt within twenty-four hours. " Barbaczy, Colonel. " "Oeriishach, Ajjril 2S, 1799. "f "Well, what are we to do?" asked Roberjot, when the officer had I left them. "We will set out," said Jean Debry, impetuously. "Yes, we will set out," exclaimed his beautiful young wife, en- circling him with her arms. "The air here, it seems to me, smells of Ijlood and murder ; and every minute's delay redoubles our danger. " "Poor wife, did they infect you, too, already with their evil forebodings and dreams?" said Jean Debry, tenderly pressing his ♦Vide Dohm, nach seluein AVoIleii mnl llarnl.-lii, von Uronaii, p. GOO. •f Dohm preserved a copy ol' this letter.— Ibid. THE ASSASSINATION. 231 wife to his heart. "God forbid that they should endanger a single hair of your dear, beautiful head ! I am not afraid for myself, but for the sake of my wife and of my two little daughters. For you and for our friends here I would like to choose the best and most prudent course. " " Let us set out, " said Madame Rober jot ; " the terrible dream last night was intended to give us warning. Death threatens us if we remain here any longer. Oh, my husband, I love nothing on earth but you alone ; you are my love and my happiness ! I would die of a bi'oken heart if I should lose you ! But no, no, not lose ! We live and die together. lie who kills you must also take my life !" "They shall not kill us, my beloved, " said Roberjot, feelinglj' ; " life, I trust, has many joys yet in store for us, and we will retm-n to our country in order to seek them there. Bonnier, you alone are silent. Do not you believe also that we ought to set out to-night?" Bonnier started up from his gloomy reverie. "Let us set out," he said, "we must boldly confront the terrors from which we can- not escape. Let us set out. " " Be it so !" shouted Roberjot and Jean Debrj'. " The republic will protect her faithful sons !" "And may God protect us in His infinite mercy," exclaimed Madame Roberjot, falling on her knees. And Jean Debry's wife knelt down l)y her side, drawing her little girls down with her. "Let us pray, my children, for jour father, for ourselves, and for our friends," she said, folding the children's hands. While the women were praying, the men issued their last orders to the servants and to the postilions. At length everj' thing was in readiness, and if they really wished to set out, it had to be done at once. Roberjot and Jean Debry approached softly and with deep emo- tion their wives, who were kneeling and praying still, and raised tliem tenderly. "Now be strong and courageous — be wives worthy of your hus- bands, " they whispered. " Dr}' your tears and come ! The carriages are waiting for us. Come, come, France is waiting for us !" "Or the grave I" muttered Bonnier, who accompanied the others to the court-yai'd where the carriages were standing. The ambassadors with their wives and attendants had finally taken seats in the carriages. Roberjot and liis wife occupied the first carriage; Bonnier, the second; Jean Debry with his wife and daughters, the tliird ; in the fourth, fifth, and sixth were the secre- taries of legation, the clerks and servants of the ambassadors, 16 232 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. The last coach-door was closed ; a profound momentary silence succeeded the noise and turmoil tliat had prevailed up to this time. Then the loud, ringing voice of Roberjot asked from the first car- riage, "All ready?" "All ready !" was the reply from the other carriages. "Then let us start," shouted Roberjot, and his carriage immedi- ately commenced moving. The other five carriages followed slowly and heavily. The night was chilly and dark. The sky was covered with heavy clouds. Not the faintest trace of the moon, not a star was visible. In order that they might not lose their way, and see the bridge across the Rhine, a man, bearing a torch, had to precede the car- riages. But the -gale moved the flame so violently that it now seemed near going out, and then again flared up and cast a glare over the long procession of the carriages. Then every thing once more became dark and gloomy and ominously still. The torch-bearer, preceding the foremost carriage, vigorously marched ahead on the road. All at once it seemed to him as though black figures were emerging from both sides of the highway and softly flitting past him. But assuredly he must have been mis- taken ; it could not have been any thing but the shadows of the trees standing on both sides of the road. No, now he saw it again, quite plainly. The shadows were horsemen, softly riding along on both sides of the highway. He raised his torch and looked at the horsemen. There was quite a cavalcade of them. Now they crossed the ditch and took position across the road, thus preventing the carriages from passing on. The torch-bearer stood still and turned around in ordei' to shout to the postilions to halt. But only an inarticulated, shrill cry escaped from his throat, for at the same moment two of the horse- men galloped up and struck at him with their flashing swords. He parried the strokes with his torch, his only weapon, so that one of the swords did not hit him at all, while the other only slightly touched his shoulder. "What is the matter?" shouted Roberjot, in an angry voice, from the first carriage. The horsemen seized the arms of the torch-bearer and dragged him toward the carriage. "Light !" they shouted to him, and quite a squad of merry horsemen was now coming up behind them. When they dashed past the torch, the frightened torch-bearer was able to see their wild, bearded f;ices, tlu'ir (lasliiiig eyes, and the silver lace on their uiiiroriiis. The torch bctrayc*! thcsn r{' llu- iii^.'lit, and caused the Sczeklei" huflsars of Barbaczy's regiimiiL to be recognized. THE ASSASSINATION. 233 They now surrounded the first carriage, shouting furiously, and shattering the windows with their sabres. " Minister Roberjot ! Are you Minister Eoberjot?" asked a dozen wild, howling voices. Roberjot's grave and threatening face, illuminated by the glare of the torch, appeared immediately in the aperture of the window. "Yes, I am Roberjot," he said, loudly; "I am the ambassador of France, and here is the passport furnished me by the ambassador of the Elector of Mentz. " He exhibited the paper, but the hussars took no notice of it ; four vigorous arms dragged Roberjot from the carriage, and before he had time to stretch out his hand toward his pistols, the sabres of the hussars fell down upon his head and shoulders. A terrible yell was heard, but it was not Roberjot who had uttered it ; it was his wife, who appeared with pale and distorted features in the coach door, hastening to her beloved husband, to save him or to die with him. But two stout arms kept her back — the arms of the valet de chambre who, perceiving that his master was hopelessly lost, wanted to protect at least his mistress from the murderous sabres of the hussars. " Let me go, let me go ; I will die with him !" she cried ; but the faithful servant would not loosen his hold, and, unable to reach her husband, she had to witness his assassination by the hussars, who cut him with their sabres until he lay weltering in his gore. "He is dead !" shrieked his wife, and her wail aroused Roberjot once more from his stupor. He opened his eyes and looked once more at his wife. "Sanves! sauvez!" he shouted, in a voice full of anguish. "Oh!—" "What! not dead yet?" roared the hussars, and they struck hiui again. Now he was dying. That loud, awful death-rattle was his last life-struggle. The valet de chambre in order to prevent her from hearing that awful sound, with his hands closed the ears of his mis- tress, who, petrified with horror, was looking at her dying husband. But she did not hear it; she had fainted in the servant's arms. At this moment a heavj' hand was laid on his shoulder, and the wild, bearded face of a hussar stared at him. "Footman?" asked the hussar, in his broken Hungarian dialect. "Yes, footman!" said the valet de chambre, in broken German. The hussar smilingly patted his shoulder, and, with his other hand, pulled the watch from his vest-pocket, kindly saying to him, "Foot- man, stay here. No harm will befall him !" He tliien bent forward, 234 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. and with a quick grasp, tore the watch and chain from the neck of Eoberjot's fainting wife. His task was now accomplished, and he galloped to the second carriage, to which the other hussars had just dragged the torch- bearer, and which they had completely surrounded. "Bonnier, alight!" howled the hussars, furiously — "Bonnier, alight !" "Here I am !" said Bonnier, opening the coach door ; "here — " They did not give him time to finish the sentence. They dragged him from the carriage, and struck him numerous blows amidst loud laughter and yells. Bonnier did not defend himself ; he did not parry a single one of their strokes ; without uttering a cry or a groan, he sank to the ground. His dying lips only whispered a single word. That word was, "Victoria !" The six hussars who crowded around him now stopped in their murderous w^ork. They saw that Bonnier was dead — really dead — and that their task was accomplished. Now commenced the appro- priation f)f the spoils, the reward that had been promised to them. Tour of them rushed toward tlie carriage in order to search it and to take out all papers, valuables, and trunks ; the two others searched and undressed the warm corpse of Bonnier with practised hands. Then the six hussars rushed after their comrades toward the third carriage — toward Jean Debry. But the others had already out- stripped them. They had dragged Debry, his wife, and his daugh- ters from the carriage; they were ro1)liing and searching the lady and the children, and cutting Jean Debry with their sabres. He dropped to tlie ground ; his respiration ceased, and a convul- sire shudder passed through the bloody figure, and then it lay cold and motionless in the road. "Dead! dead!" shouted the hussars, triumphantly. "The three men are killed ; now for the spoils! The carriages are ours, with every thing in them ! Come, let us search the fourth carriage. We will kill no more ; we will only seize the spoils !" And all were shouting and exulting, " Ho for the spoils ! for the spoils ! Every tiling is ours !" And the wild crowd rushed forward, and Jean Debry lay motionless, a bleeding corpse by the side of the carriage. Profound darkness enveloped the scene of horror and carnage. The torch had gone out ; no human eye beheld the corpses with their gaping wounds. The ladies had been taken into the carriages by their servants ; the hussars were engaged in plundering the tliree remaining carri.'iges, tlie inmates of wliich, however, forewarned in time by the shrieks and groans that had reached them from the JEAN DEBRY. 235 scene of Roberjot's assassination, had loft and fled across the marshy- meadows to the wall of the castle garden. Climbing over it and hastening through the garden, they reached the city and spread everywhere the terrible tidings of the assassination of the ambassa- dors. CHAPTER XXX. JEAN DEBRY. As soon as the report of the dreadful occurrence had been circu- lated, a dense crowd gathered in the streets of Rastadt, and for the first time for two years the ambassadors of all the German powers wei"e animated by one and the same idea, and acting in concord and harmonj'. They repaired in a solemn procession to the Ettlinger gate, headed by Count Goertz and Baron Dohm ; the others followed in pairs, Count Lehrbach, the Austrian ambassador, being tlie only one who had not joined the procession. But the guard at the gate refused to let them pass, and when they had finally succeeded, after long and tedious negotiations, in being permitted to leave the city, they were met outside of the gate by the Austrian Captain Burkhard and his hussars. Count Goertz went to meet him with intrepid courage. " Did you hear that an infamous murder has been perpetrated on the French ambassadors not far from the city ?" "I have heard of it," said the captain, shrugging his shoulders. " And what steps have you taken in order to save the unfortunate victims, if possible?" " I have sent an officer and two hussars for the purpose of ascer- taining the particulars. " "That is not sufficient, sir!" exclaimed Count Goertz. "You must do moi"e than that ; you must strain everj' nerve on this occa- sion, for this is not an ordinary murder, but your honor, sir, is at stake, as well as the honor of your monarch and the honor of the German nation !" "The honor of the German nation is at stake," shouted the am- bassadors, unanimously^ " Our honor has been sullied by the assas- sination !" But the captain remained cold and indifferent. "It is a deplor- able misunderstanding, " he said. " It is ti-ue, the patrols were going the rounds at nigiit, and such things may occur at this time. The French ministers should not have set out by night. The crime has 23 G LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. been committed, and who is to blame for it? It was not done by anj^body's order." * " Who would deem it possible that such an outrage should have been committed by order of any commanding officer?" exclaimed Count Goertz, indignantly. "Ah, yes, an outrage indeed!" said Burkhard, shrugging his shoulders. "A few ambassadors have been killed. A few of our generals, too, were killed during the last few years, "f Count Goertz turned to the other ambassadors with an air of pro- found indignation. " You see, " he said, " we need not hope for much assistance here ; let us seek it elsewhei-e. Let some of vis repair in person to Colonel Barbaczy's headquarters at Gernsbach, while the rest of us will go to the spot where the murders were committed. If the captain here declines giving us an escort for that purpose, we shall repair thither without one ; and if we should lose our lives by so doing, Germany will know how to avenge us !" " I will give you an escort, " said Burkhard, somewhat abashed by the energetic bearing of the count. While the ambassadors were negotiating with the captain at the Ettlinger gate, the hussars were incessantly engaged in plundering the six carriages. After finishing the first three carriages, they ordered tlie ladies and servants to reenter them and to await quietly and silently what further would be done in relation to them. No one dared to offer any resistance — no one was strong enough to op- pose them. Dismay had perfectly paralyzed and stupefied all of them. Madame Debry lay in her carriage with open, tearless eyes, and neither the lamentations nor the kisses of her daughters were able to arouse her from her stupor. Madame Roberjot was wring- ing her hands, and amidst iieart-rending sobs she was wailing all the time, " They have hacked him to pieces before my eyes !" | No one paid any attention to the corpses lying with their gaping wounds in the adjoining ditch. Night alone covered them with its black pall ; night alone saw that Jean Debry all at once commenced stirring slightly, that he opened his eyes and raised his head in order 1o find out what was going on around him. With the courage of despair he had been playing the role of a motionless corpse as long as the hussars were in his neighborhood ; and now that he no longer heard any noise in his vicinity, it was time for him to think of saving liinisolf. He remained in a sitting position in the ditch and listened. * The literal reply of Cftptain Burkhard. — Firie "Report of the German Am- bassatloiH conceruiuK the AusassitiiiLion of the French Ministers near Rastadt." t Ibid. X "I In Void huche devant mas yeux ! "— Lodiacus, vol. iii., p. 195. JEAN DEBRY. 237 His head was so heavy tiiat he liad not sufficient strength to hold il erect, it dropped again upon liis breast; from a burning, painful wound the blood was running over his face into his nioutli, and it was the only cooling draught for his parched lips. He wanted to raise his arm in order to close this wound and to stanch the blood, but the arm fell down by his side, heavy and lame, and he then felt that it was likewise severely injured. And yet, bleeding and hacked as he was, he was alive, and it was time for him to think of preserving his life. For over yonder, in the carriage, there resounded the wail of his children, and the lamentations of his servants. His wife's voice, however, he did not hear. Was she not there? Had she also been assassinated? He dared not inquire for her at tliis moment. He had to save himself, and he was determined to do it. He arose slowly, and heedless of the pain it caused him. Every thing around him remained silent. No one had seen him rise ; night with its black pall protected him. It protected him now as he walked a few steps toward the forest, closely adjoining the high- way. At length he reached the forest, and the shades of darkness and of the woods covered the tall, black form that now disappeared in the thicket. But his enemies might be lurking for him in this thicket. Every step forward might involve him in fresh dangers. Exhausted and in despair, Jean Debry supported his tottering body against a tree, the sturdy trunk of which he encircled with his arms. This tree was now his only protector, the only friend on whom he covild rely. To this tree alone he determined to intrust his life. Heedless of his wounded arm and the racking pains of his other injuries, Jean Debry climbed the knotty trunk ; seizing a large branch, he raised himself from bough to bough. A few birds, aroused from their slumbers, arose from the foliage and flitted away. Jean Debry followed them with his eyes, and whispered, "You will not betray me !" On the highest bough, in the densest foliage, he sat down, gasp- ing with exhaustion, and groaning with pain. In his utter prostra- tion after the extraordinary effort he had just made, he leaned his head against the trunk of the tree, the dense branches of which closely enveloped him, and gave a roof to his head and a resting- place to his feet. "Here I am safe — here no one will look for me !" he muttered, and he fell asleep, prostrated by his sufferings and loss of blood. Night with its dark mantle covered him up and fanned his feverish brow with its cooling air ; the foliage of the tree laid itself soft and fresh around his binning cheeks, and delightful 238 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. dreams descended from heaven to comfort this poor, tormented hu- man soul. After several hours of invigorating sleep, Jean Debry was awakened, not, however, by the rude hands of men, but heaven itself aroused him by the torrents of a heavy shower. Oh, how refreshing were these cold drops for his parched lips ! How gently did this soft and tepid water wash the blood and dust from his wounds ! How delightfully did it bathe his poor benumbed limbs ! He felt greatly invigorated, and courageously determined to make further efforts for the preservation of his life. He slowly glided down from the tree and stood once more on the ground. The shower was constantly on the increase, and the rain became now, at daj^break, Jean Debry 's protector. When men forsake their poor, tormented fellow- beings. Nature takes pity on them and en- circles them witli her saving and protecting maternal arms. The rain protected Jean Debrj' ; it washed the dust and blood from his garments, and made him resemble tlie other men who had gathered in a large crowd on the road, not far from where he emerged from the forest. All of them were looking with pale faces and expressions of unbounded horror at some objects lying in their midst. What was it that rendered this crowd, generally so noisy and turbulent, to-day so silent and grave? Jean Debry penetrated further into their midst, and he discovered now with a shudder what riveted the attention of the vast gathering on the road. He beheld the bloody and mutilated corj^ses of his two friends — the dead bodies of Roberjot and Bonnier. Jean Debry closely compressed his lips in order to keep back the cry that forced itself from his breast ; w^ith the whole energy of his will lie suppressed the tears that started from his ej^es, and he turned away in order to return to Rastadt. The rain protected Jean Debry. The rain had driven the soldiers at the gate into the guardroom, and the sentinel into the sentry- box. No one took any notice of this wet and dripping man when he entered the gate. He quietly walked up the street, directly toward the house in- habited by Count Goertz, the Prussian ambassador. He entered the house with firm steps, and hastened into the anteroom which, as he formerly used to do, he wanted to cross in order to walk to the count's room without sending in his name. But the footmcTi kept liim back ; tliey refused to admit this pale man with the lacerated face and tattered clothes to their master's private room. JEAN DEBRY. 239 "Don't you know me any longer, my friends?" he asked, sadly. "Am I so disfigured that no one of you is able to recognize Jean Debry?" The footmen now recognized his voice, and the valet de chambre hastened to open the door of the count's study, and to shout, in a loud voice, "His excellency, the French ambassador Debry !" Count Goertz uttered a joyful cry, and hastily rose from the sofa on which, exhausted by the efforts of the terrible night, he had sought a little rest. Jean Debry entered the room. He made a truly lamentable ap- pearance as he approached the count, and fixed his dimmed, blood- shot eyes upon him with an expression of unutterable anguish. "Are my wife and children safe?" he asked, breathlessly. "Yes, they are safe !" exclaimed the count. And Jean Debry, the austere republican, the scoffing infidel, Jean Debry fell upon his knees ! Lifting up his arms toward heaven, his eyes filled with tears, he exclaimed: "Divine Providence, if I have hitherto refused to acknowledge thy benefits, oh, forgive me !" * "And punish those who have perpetrated this horirble crime !" added Count Goertz, folding his hands, and uttering a fervent prayer. "O God, reveal the authors of this misdeed; let us find those who have committed this outrage, lest it may remain a bloody stigma on the fame of our country ! Have mercy on poor German}-, on whose brow this mark of infamy is now burning, and who will be obliged to pour out rivers of her best blood in order to atone for this crime, and to clear her siillied honor ! Have mercy on all of us, and give us courage to brave the storms which this horrible event will assuredly call down ! Have mercy, O God ; punish only the assassins, but not our native land !" This prayer of Count Goertz was not fulfilled. The real instiga- tors of the murder were never detected and punished, although the Austrian court, in a public manifesto to the German nation, prom- ised a searching investigation of the whole affair, and a rigorous chastisement of the assassins. But the investigation was but a very superficial proceeding, and its results were never published. The Sczekler hussars publicly sold, on the following day, the watches, snuff-boxes, and valuables they had stolen from the French ambas- sadors. Some of them even acknowledged openly that they had perpetrated the murder, at the instigation of their officers. But nobody thought of arresting them, or calling them to account for their crime. It is true, after a while some of them were imprisoned and tried. But the proceedings instituted against them were never * He exclaimed: "Divine Providence, si j'ai meconmi tes bienfaits jusqiiHci, pardonne! "— Lodiacus, iii., p. 195, 240 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. published, although the Austrian court had expressly promised to lay the minutes of the commission trying the prisoners, and the results of the whole investigation, before the pubilc. In reality, however, the Austrian authorities tried to hush up the whole affair, so that the world might forget it. And it was forgotten, and re- mained unpunished. In diplomatic circles, however, the real insti- gators of the outrage were well known. "It was," says the author of the " Memoirs of a German Statesman" (Count Schlitz), "it wars a man who, owing to his exalted position, played a very prominent part at Rastadt ; not a very noble one, however. He was actuated by vindictiveness, and he was determined to seize the most secre'; papers of the ambassadors at any price. The general archives, how- ever, had been forwarded to Strasburg several days before. He had found willing tools in the brutal hussars. These wretches believed that what a man of high standing asked them to do was agreeable to the will of their imperial master. Baseness is easily able to mis lead stupidity, and soldiers thus became the assassins of unarmed men, who stood under the sacred protection of international law. " The excitement and indignation produced by this horrible crime were general throughout Europe, and every one recognized in it the bloody seeds of a time of horrors and untold evils ; every one was satisfied that France would take bloody revenge for the assassination of her ambassadors. In fact, as soon as the tidings from Rastadt penetrated beyond the Rhine, there arose throughout the whole of France a terrible cry of rage and revenge. The intelligence reached Mentz in the evening, when the theatre was densely crowded. The commander ordered the news to be read from the stage, and the furious public shouted, " Vengeance ! vengeance ! et la niort aux AUemands ! " * In Paris, solemn obsequies were performed for the murdered am- bassadors. The seats which Bonnier and Roberjot had formerly occupied in the hall of the Corps Legislatif were covered with their bloody garments. "When the roll was called and their names were read, the president rose and replied solemnly: "Assassinated at Rastadt !" Tlie clerks then exclaimed : " May their blood be brought home to the authors of their murder !" CHAPTER XXXI. THE COALITION. Count Haugwitz, the Prussian minister of foreign affairs, had just returned from a journey he had made with the young king to Westphalia. In his dusty travelling-costume, and notwithstanding ♦ " Vengeance I vengeance 1 unU death to tlie Germans I " THE (COALITION. ^41 his exhaustion after the fatigues of the trip, as soon as he had entered his study, he had hastily written two letters, and then handed them to his footman, ordering him to forward them at once to their ad- dress, to the ambassadors of Prussia and England. Only then he had thrown himself on his bed, but issued strict orders to awaken him as soon as the two ambassadors had entered the house. Scarcely an hour had elapsed when the footman awakened the count, informing liim that the two ambassadors had just arrived at the same time, and were waiting for him in the small reception- room. The minister hastily rose from his couch, and without devoting a single glance to his toilet and to his somewhat dishevelled wig, he crossed his study and entered the reception-room, where Lord Grenville and Count Panin were waiting for him. "Gentlemen," said the count after a hm-ried bow, "be kind enough to look at my toilet, and then I hope you will excuse me for daring to request you to call upon me, instead of coming to you as I ought to have done. But you see I have not even doffed my trav- elling habit, and it would not have behooved me to call on you in such a costume ; but the intelligence I desire to communicate is of such importance that I wished to lose no time in order to lay it be- fore you, and hence I took the liberty of inviting you to see me." "As far as I am concerned, I willingly accepted your invitation, " said Lord Grenville, deliberately, "for in times like these we can well afford to disregard the requirements of etiquette. " "That I was no less eager to follow j'our call," said Count Panin, with a courteous smile, "you have seen from the fact that I arrived at the same time vi'ith the distinguished ambassador of Great Brit- ain. But now, gentlemen, a truce to compliments ; let us come to the point directly, and without any further circumlocution. For the six months that I have been here at Berlin, in order to negotiate with Prussia about the coalition question, I have been so incessantly put off with empty phrases, that I am heartily tired of that diet and long for more substantial food. " "Your longing will be gratified to-day. Count Panin, " said Count Haugwitz, with a proud smile, inviting the gentlemen, by a polite gesture, to take seats on the sofa, while he sat down in an arm-chair opposite them. "Yes, you will find to-day a good and nourishing diet, and I hope you will be content with the cook who has prepared it for you. I maj^ say that I am that cook, and believe me, gentle- men, the task of preparing that food for yovi has not been a very easy one." "You have induced the King of Prassia at length to join the coalition, and to enter into an alliance with Russia, England, and 242 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. Austria against the French Republic?" asked Count Pamin, joy- fully. " You have told his majesty that England is ready to pay large subsidies as soon as Prussia leads her army into the field against France?" asked Lord Grenville. "Gentlemen," said Count Haugwitz, in a slightly sarcastic tone, "I feel greatly flattered by your impetuous inquiries, for they prove to me how highlj^ you value an alliance with Prussia. Permit me, however, to communicate to you quietly and composedly the whole course of negotiations. You know that I had the honor of accom- panying my royal master on his trip to our Westphalian possessions, where his majesty was going to review an army of sixty thousand men." " It would have been better to send these sixty thousand men directly into the field, instead of losing time by useless parades, " muttered Count Panin. The minister seemed not to have heard the words, and continued : "His majesty established his headquarters at Peterhagen, and there we were informed that Archduke Charles of Austria was holding the Rhine against Bernadotte and Jourdan, and that the imperial army, under the command of Kray, in Italy, had been victoriovis, too ; it is true, however, the Russian auxiliary army, under Field-Marshal Suwarrow, had greatlj' facilitated Kray's suc- cessful operations. This intelligence did not fail to make a power- ful impression upon my j'oung king, and I confess upon myself too. Hitherto, you know, I had always opposed to a war against France, and I had deemed it most expedient for Prussia to avoid hostilities against the republic. But the brilliant achievements of Russia and Austria in Italy, and the victories of Archduke Charles on the Rhine, seem to prove at length that the lucky star of France is paling, and that it would be advantageous for Prussia openly to join the adver- saries of the republic in their attack. " "Avery bold and magnanimous resolution," said Count Panin, with a sarcastic smile. "A resolution influenced somewhat by the British subsidies I have promised to Prussia, I suppose?" asked Lord Grenville. "Let me finish my statement, gentlemen," said Count Haugwitz, courteously. " Tlie king, undecided as to the course he ought to pursue, assembled at Paterhagen a council of war, our great com- mander, Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, of course, having been in- vited to be present. His majesty rp(|uested us to state lionestly and sincfirely whether we were; in favor of war or ])eace witli France. The duke of Brunswick was, of course, the first speaker wlio replied to the king ; lie voted for wui-. lie gave his reasons in a liery and THE COALITION. 243 energetic speech, and demonstrated to the king tlwt at a time when England was about to send an army to Holland, an advance into Holland by our own army would be highly successful. For my part, I unconditionally assented to the duke's opinion, and Baron Kockeritz declaring for it likewise, the king did not hesitate any longer, but took a great and bold resolution. He ordered the Duke of Brunswick to draw up a memorial, stating m extenso why Prussia ought to participate in the war against France, and to send in at the same time a detailed plan of the campaign. He instrvicted me to return forthwith to Berlin, and while he would continue his journey to Wesel, to hasten to the capital for the purpose of inform- ing you, gentlemen, that the king will join the coalition, and of settling with you the particulars — " At this moment the door of the reception-room was hastily opened, and the first secretary of the minister made his appearance. " Pardon me, your excellency, for disturbing you, " he said, handing a sealed letter to the count, "but a courier has just arrived from the king's headquarters with an autograph letter from his majesty. He had orders to deliver this letter immediately to your excellency, because it contained intelligence of the highest impor- tance. " " Tell the courier that the orders of his majesty have been carried out," said Count Haugwitz ; "and you, gentlemen, I am sure you will permit me to open this letter from my king in j'our presence. It may contain some important particulars in relation to our new alliance. " The two gentlemen assured him of their consent, and Count Haugwitz opened the letter. When he commenced reading it, his face was as unruffled as ever, but his features gradually assumed a graver expression, and the smile disappeared from his lips. The two ambassadors, who were closely watching the count's coimtenance, could not fail to notice this rapid change in his features, and their faces now assumed likewise a gloomier air. Count Haugwitz, however, seemed unable to master the contents of the royal letter ; he constantly read it anew, as though he were seeking in its words for a hidden and mysterious meaning. He was so absorbed in the perusal of the letter that he had apparently become entirely oblivious of the presence of the two gentlemen, until a slight coughing of the English ambassador aroused him from his musing. "Pardon me, gentlemen," he said, hastily, and in evident embar- rassment ; "this letter contains some intelligence which greatly astonishes me." " I hope it will not interfere with the accession of Prussia to the 244 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. coalition?" said Panin, fixing his eyes upon the countenance of the minister. " Not at all, " said Count Haugwitz, quickly and smilingly. "The extraordinary news is this: his majesty the king will reach Berlin within this hour, and orders me to repair to him at once." "The king returns to Berlin !" exclaimed Count Panin. "And did not your excellency tell us just now^ that the king had set out for Wesel?" asked Lord Grenville, with his usual stoical equanimity. "I informed you, gentlemen, of what occurred two weeks ago," said Count Haugwitz, shrugging his shoulders. "What! Two weeks ago? Nevertheless, your excellency has just arrived at Berlin, and are wearing yet your travelling-habit?" "That is very true. I left Minden two weeks ago, but the im- passable condition of the roads compelled me to travel with snail- like slowness. My carriage every day stuck in an ocean of mire, so that I had to send for men from the adjoining villages in order to set it going again. The axle-tree broke twice, and I was obliged to remain several days in the most forsaken little country towns until I succeeded in getting my carriage repaired." "The king seems to have found better roads," said Count Panin, with a lurking glance. "The journey to Wesel has been a very rapid one, at all events. " " The king, it seems, has given up that journey and concluded on the road to return to the capital, " said Count Haugwitz, in an embarrassed manner. " It would be very deplorable if the king should as rapidly change his mind in relation to his other resolutions !" exclaimed Lord Grenville. " Your excellency does not fear, then, lest this sudden return of the king should have any connection with our plans?" asked Panin. "The king has authorized you to negotiate with the English am- bassador. Sir Thomas Grenville, and with myself, the representative of the Emperor Paul, of Russia, about forming an alliance for the purpose of driving the rapacious, revolutionary, and bloodthirsty French Republic beyond the Rhine, and restoring tranquillity to menaced Europe?" "It is true the king gave me such authority two weeks ago," said Count Haugwitz, uneasily, "and I doubt not for a single mo- ment that his majesty is now adhering to this opinion. But you comprehend, gentlemen, that I must now hasten to wait on the returning king, in order to receive further instructions from him." "That means, Count Haugwitz, that you have invited us to call THE COALITION. 5i45 on you iu order to tell us that we may go again?" asked Panin, frowning. " I am in despair, gentlemen, at this unfortunate coincidence, " said Count Haugwitz, anxiously. "It is, however, impossible for me now to enter into further explanations. I must repair immedi- ately to the palace, and I humbly beg your pardon for this unex- pected interruption of our conference. " "I accept your apology as sincerely as it was offered, and have the honor to bid you farewell, " said Panin, bowing and turning toward the door. Count Haugwitz hastened to accompany him. Wlien he arrived at the door, and was about to leave the room, Count Panin turned around once more. "Count Haugwitz," he said, in a blunt voice, "be kind enough to call the attention of the king to the fact that my imperial master, who is very fond of resolute men and measures, prefers an open and resolute enemy to a neutral and irresolute friend. He who wants to be no one's enemy and everybody's friend, will soon find out that he has no friends whatever, and that no one thanks him for not committing himself in any direction. It is better after all to have a neighbor with whom we are living in open enmity, than one on whose assistance we are never able to depend, and who, whenever we are at war with a third power, contents himself with doing nothing at all and assisting no one. Be kind enough to say that to his majestj". " He bowed haughtil}^ and entered the anteroom with a sullen face. Count Haugwitz turned around and met the stern, cold glance of the English ambassador, who was also approaching the door with slow and measured steps. "Count Haugwitz," said Lord Grenville, quietljs "I have tha honor to tell you that, in case the King of Prussia will not now, distinctly and unmistakably, declare his intention of joining the coalition between Russia, Austria, and England, we shall use the subsidies we had promised to pay to Prussia for an army of twenty- five thousand men, in some other way. Besides, I beg you to remind his majesty of the words of his great ancestor, the Elector Frederick William. That brave and great sovereign said: 'I have learned already what it means to be neutral. One may have ob- tained the best terms, and, in spite of them, will be badly treated. Hence I have sworn never to be neutral again, and it would hurt my conscience to act in a different manner. ' * I have the honor, count, to bid you farewell. " ♦ Hausser's " Historj- of Germany," vol. ii., p. 881, 246 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. And Lord Grenville passed the count with a stiff bow, and dis- appeared in the door of the anteroom. Count Haugwitz lieaved a profound sigh, and wiped ofif the perspiration pearling in large drops on his brow. He then took the king's letter from his side-pocket and perused it once more. "It is the king's handwriting," he said, shaking his head, "and it is also his peculiar laconic style. " And, as if to satisfy himself by hearing the contents of the letter, he read aloud : "Do not enter into any negotiations with the ambassadors of Russia and Great Britain. We will hold another council of war. I am on my way to Berlin. Within an hour after receipt of these lines, I shall expect to see you in my cabinet. Yours, affection- ately, "Frederick William." "Yes, yes, the king has written that, "said Haugwitz, folding the letter ; " I must hastily dress, therefore, and repair to the palace. I am anxious to know whence this new wind is blowing, and who has succeeded in persuading the king to change his mind. Should my old friend, Kockeritz, after all, be favorable to France? It would have been better for him to inform me confidentially, and we might have easily agreed ; for I am by no means hostile to France, and I am quite ready to vote for peace, if there be a chance to maintain it. Or should the j'oung king reahy have come to this conclusion without being influenced by anybody? Why, that would be a dangerous innovation ! We should take quick and decisive steps against it. Well, we will see ! I will go and dress." CHAPTER XXXII. THE FRIEND OF PEACE. The king, with his wonted punctuality, had reached Berlin pre- cisely at the specified time, and when Count Haugwitz arrived at the palace he was immediately conducted to the king, who was waiting for him in his cabinet. Count Haugwitz exchanged a rapid glance with Baron Kockeritz, who was standing in a baj^ window, and then approached the king, who was pacing the room witli slow steps and a gloomy air. He nodded to the minister, and silently continued his promenade across th(; room for some time after liis arrival. He then stepped to liis desk, which was covered with ])apers and documents, and sit- ting down on a |)lain cane chair in front of it, he invited the gentle- men to take seats by his side. THE FRIEND OF PEACE. U1 "The courier reached you in time, I suppose?" he said, turning to Count Haugwitz. " Your majesty, your royal letter reached me while holding a conference with the ambassadors of Russia and Great Britain, and just when I was about to inform them of your majesty's resolution to join the coalition." "You had not done so, then?" asked the king, hastily. "It was your first conference, then?" "Y>s, your majesty, it was our first conference. I invited the ambassadors immediately after my return to call on me." "It took you, then, two weeks to travel from Minden to Berlin !" " Yes, j'our majesty, two weeks. " "And j'et these gentlemen are in favor of an advance of the army!" exclaimed the king, vehemently. "Yes, if all of my sol- diers were encamped directly on the frontier of Holland and had their base of supplies there ! But in order to send a sufficient army to Holland, I should have to withdraw a portion of my soldiers from the provinces of Silesia and Prussia. They would have to march across Westphalia, across the same Westphalia where it took you with your carriage two weeks to travel from Minden to Berlin. And my soldiers have no other carriages but their feet. They would stick in that dieadful mire by hundreds and thousands ; they would perish there of hunger, and that march would cost me more men than a great, decisive battle. I had given you my word that I would join the coalition, Count Haugwitz; I had even authorized you to negotiate with the anibassadors of Russia and Great Britain, but on the road to Wesel I was obliged to change my mind. Ask Baron Kockeritz wliat we had to suffer on the first day of our jour- ney, and how far we had got after twelve hours' travelling. " "Yes, indeed, it was a terrible trip, " said General von Kockeritz, heaving a sigh. "In spite of the precautions of the coachman, his majesty's carriage was upset five times in a single day, and finally it stuck so firmly in the mud that we had to send for assistance to the neighboring villages in order to set it going once more. We were twelve hours on the road, and made only three German iniles during that time. " "And we had to stop over night in a miserable village, where we scarcely found a bed to rest our bruised and worn-out limbs, " said the king, indignantly. "And I should expose my army to such fatigues and sufferings ! I should, heedless of all consideration of humanity, and solely in obedience to political expediency, suft'er them to perish in those endless marshes, that would destroy the artillery and the horses of tlie cavalry. And all that for what pur- pose? In order to drag Prussia violently into a war which might 17 248 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. be avoided by prudence and by a sagacious reserve ; in order to hasten to the assistance of other powers not even threatened by France, and only in return to draw upon ourselves her wrath and enmity !" "But at the same time the sympathies of all Europe," said Gen- eral von Kockeritz, eagerly. " Your majesty has permitted me to speak my mind at all times openly and honestly, and I must there- fore persist in what I previously said to you. Now or never is the time for Prussia to give up her neutrality, and to assume a decided attitude. France has placed herself in antagonism with all law and order, and with all treaties consecrated by centuries of faithful observance; she is threatening all monarchies and dynasties, and is trying to win over the nations to her republican ideas. And at the head of this French Republic there is a young general, whose glory is filling the whole world, who has attached victory to his colors, and who intoxicates the nations by his republican phrases of liberty and fraternity, so that, in their mad jo}% they overturn thrones, expel their sovereigns, and awake them from their ecstasy under the republican yoke of France. Your majesty, I believe it to be the duty of every prince to preserve his people from such errors, and, jointly with his people, to raise a bulwark against the evil de- signs of France. Austria and Russia have already begun this holy task ; their heroic armies have driven back on all sides the hosts of the overbearing French, who have been compelled to abandon their conquests in Italy and Switzerland. If your majesty should join England, occupy Holland, restore that country to its legitimate sovereign, and menace the northern frontier of France, while Aus- tria is menacing her southern frontier, the arrogance of the republic would be tamed, the overflowing torrent would be forced back into its natural bed, and Europe would have at last peace and tran- quillity." "First of all, every one ought to think of himself," said the king, sharply. " Prussia has hitherto enjoj'ed peace and tranquil- lity, and I believe it to be my principal task to preserve these bless- ings to my country. I am no ruler hankering after glory and honors ; I do not want to make any conquests, nor to acquire any new territory, but I will content myself with the humble renown of having fullilled n)y duties as a ruler to the best of my abilitj', and according to the dictates of my conviction, as the father and friend of my people. Hence I liave not dared to identify my name with that of my great ancestor, Frederick the Second, and call my- self Krederi(rk the Third, for a name imposes obligations, and I ku(jw very well that I am no hero and genius, like Frederick the Great. I assumed, therefore, the name of Frederick William, as THE FRIEND OF PEACE. 349 the successor of my peaceable father, Frederick William the Second. It is true, Frederick William the Second has waged a war against France, but precisely that war has satisfied me that a war with France may involve Prussia in the greatest dangers and calamities. I participated in the campaign of 1793, gentlemen, and I must honestly confess that I feel little inclination to resume a war which, at best, will only produce sacrifices for us, and no reward whatever. " "There is a reward, however, j^our majesty," said Count Haug- witz, solemnly. "It is the preservation of the thrones, and of monarchical principles. We cannot fail to perceive that the thrones are being menaced, and those republics of America, France, and Italy are teaching the nations very dangerous lessons — the lessons of self-government and popular sovereignty. That insatiable Gen- eral Bonaparte has attached these two words to his colors, and if the princes do not combat him with united strength, and trj' to take those colors from him, he will soon carry them into the midst of all nations, who will rapturously hail him, and desire to follow the example of France. " "I have no fears for myself," said the king, calmly; "but even if I should be so unfortunate as to be obliged to doubt the love and fidelity of my people, the thought of my pei'sonal safety and of the fate of my dynasty ought not to exert a decisive influence upon my resolutions concerning the welfare of my country. I told you be- fore, I want to be the father of my country ; a good father ahvaj'S thinks first of the welfare of his children, and tries to promote it ; only when he has succeeded in doing so he thinks of himself. " "A good father ought to strive, first of all, to preserve himself to his children," exclaimed Count Haugwitz. "An orphan people is as unfortunate as are orphan children. Your people need you, sire ; they need a wise and gentle hand to direct them." "And yet you want to put the sword in my hand, and that I should lead my people to war and carnage," said the king. " In order to make peace bloom forth from war and carnage, " said Count Haugwitz, gravely. " The bloody monster of war is stalking now through the whole world, and, as it cannot be avoided, it is better to attack it, and to confront it in a bold manner. Russia, Austria, and England are ready to do so, and they stretch out their hands toward you. Refuse to grasp them, and, for the doubtful and dangerous friendship of France, you will have gained three powerful enemies." "And if I grasp their hands I shall not advance the interests of Prussia bj^ shedding the blood of my people, but only those of Aus- tria and Russia, " replied the king. "If France should be greatly 250 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. weakened, or even entirely annihilated, serious dangers would arise for Prussia, for Austria and Russia would unite in that case, for the purpose of menacing our own security. They would easily and quickly find compensations for themselves, and Austria especially would i)rofit by the losses of France ; for she would recover the Netherlands, which Prussia is to conquer now by the blood of her soldiers, and acquire, perhaps, even Bavaria. But what compensa- tion would fall to the share of Prussia? Or do you believe, perhaps, Austria, from a feeling of gratitude toward us, would cede to Prus- sia a portion of her former hereditary possessions in the Nether- lands? No, no — no war with France ! Let Russia and Austria fight alone ; they are strong enough for it. I say all this after mature deliberation, and this is not only my opinion, but also that of dis- tinguished and experienced generals. General von Tempelhof, too, is of my opinion, and confirmed it in a memorial which I asked him to draw up for me. " " Yovir majesty requested the Duke of Brimswick, also, to write a memorial on the intended coalition against France, " said General von Kockeritz, hastily. " On our arrival I received this memorial and read it, according to your majesty's orders. The duke persists in the opinion that it is necessary for the honor, glory, and safety of Prussia to join the coalition, and to oppose France in a deter- mined manner. Your majesty, I must confess that I share the view maintained by the duke. " "So do I !" exclaimed Count Haugwitz, "and so do all your sub- jects. Sire, your whole people ardently desire to chastise this arrogant France, and to sweep these hosts of Jacobins from the soil of Germany. Oh, my king and lord, only make a trial, only raise your voice and call upon the people to rally around your standards, and to wage war against France ! You will see them rally enthusi- astically around the Prussian eagles and fervently bless their cour- ageous king. And when yuu bfgin this struggle, sire^ you and your army will have a formidable, an invincible all.y. Tliat ally is public opinion, sire ! Public opinion requires tliis war, and public opinion is no longer something dumb and creeping in tlie dark, but something that has a voice, and that raises it in ringing, thundering notes in the newspaper and magazine. One of these voices spoke a few weeks ago in the Political Journal, as follows : 'Can our monarch abandon the German empire? Can he look on quietly while France is making preparations for attacking Prussia as soon as her turn sliall come? It is only necessary for us to tliink of Hilly, Switzerland, and TTolland in order to appreciate the friend shij) of Fran(!e. ' * Tliis voice has reeclioed throughout Prussia, and ♦ " J'olitJeiil JolJJ^aaJ," iJerlin, ]79y. THE FRIEND OF PEACE. 251 every one is looking up to the throne of your majesty anxiously and hopefully ; every one is satisfied that you will draw the sword for the honor and rights of Germany. Sire, at this moment I am noth- ing but the voice of your people, and therefore I implore j'our majesty to take a bold and manful resolution. Draw the sword for Prussia's honor and Germany's safety." "I implore your majesty likewise to do so," exclaimed General von Kockeritz. " I dare to imploi'e your majesty, in the name of your people. Oh, sire, take a bold and manly resolution ! Draw the sword for Prussia's honor and Germany's safety." The king had risen and i)aced the room with violent steps. His features, usually so quiet and gentle, were not uneasy and agitated ; a gloomy cloud covered his brow, and a painful expression ti'embled on his lips. He seemed to carrj' on a violent and desperate inward struggle, and his breath issued painfully and gaspingly from his breast. Finally, after a long pause, he approached the two gentle- men who had risen and were looking at him with evident anxiety. "I am unable to refute all these reasons," said the king, sighing, " but an inward voice tells me that I ought not to break my word, and commence hostilities. If the welfare of the state requires it, however, I shall join the coalition, but only on condition that the Austrians attack Mentz in force, take the fortress by assault, and thereby cover the left flank of my base of o]3erations.* And now we will close our consultation for to-day. Go, Count Haugwitz, and resume your negotiations with the ambassadors of Russia and Great Britain. As for you, General von Kockeritz, I beg you to bring nie the memorial of the Duke of Brunswick, and then you may return to your house and take some rest, of which j^ou doubtless stand greatly in need after the fatigues you have undergone. " He greeted the gentlemen with a liasty nod and turned iiis back to them, without paying any attention to the deep and reverential bows with which the minister and the general withdrew toward the door. When the two gentlemen had reached the anteroom, they satis- fied themselves by a rapid glance that they were alone, and that no- body was able to hear them. "He was quite angry," whispered General von Kockeritz; "he only yielded with the utmost reluctance ; and, believe me, my friend, the king will never forgive us this victory we have obtained over him ; it may pi'oduce the worst results and endanger our whole position. " "It is true," said Count Haugwitz, sighing, "the king dismissed * The king's own words.— Vide " Memoireu zur Qescliichte des Preuss. Staats." By Col. Massenbach. Vol. iii., p. 88. 252 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. us in a more abrupt and harsh manner than ever before. It would have been better for us to yield, and let the king have his own way. Who knows but he is right, and an alliance with France, perhaps, would be more advantageous than this coalition with Austria and Russia? It startles me somewhat that Austria should be so anxious to obtain the accession of Prussia to tlie coalition, for Austria cer- tainly would feel no inclination to propose any alliance that might prove profitable to Prussia. It may be best for Prussia, after all, to side with France. " " But public opinion would execrate such an alliance, " said Gen- eral von Kockeritz, sighing. " Public opinion — " "My dear friend, " interrupted Count Haugwitz, angrily, "public opinion is like the wind, changing its direction every day. Success alone influences and decides public opinion, and if France should vanquish the three powers, the same public opinion which now urges us to join the coalition would condemn us. Public opinion should not induce us to endanger our position and our power over the king for its sake. And I tell you, I am uneasy about this matter. The king was greatly irritated ; he seemed angry with us, because he felt that he is not entirely free and independent, and that he has granted us some power over his decisions." " We should yield even now, " said General von Kockeritz, anx- iously. "We should confess to the king that his reasons have con- vinced us, tliat we liave been mistaken — " "So that he would feel with twofold force that not his own free vxull, but our altered opinion, decided his action?" asked the minis- ter. " No, we must give the king a chance to decide the whole question by his own untrammelled authority, and to prove that he alone is the ruler of Prussia's destinies. You can give him the best opportunity for so doing, for you have a pretext to return to hi in at once. Did not the king order you to bring him the memorial of tlie Duke of Brunswick?" "Good Heaven ! that is true ; the king is waiting for the memo- rial !" exclaimed the general, in terror. " In my anxiety, I even forgot his orders." "Hasten, my friend, to bring it at once to him," said Count Haugwitz, "and with your leave I shall take a little rest in the room wliicli the king has been kind enough to assign to j'^ou here in the |)ala({'. He will perhaps countermand the instructions he has just given nu'. " A few minutes al'tcrward (Scncral von Kockeritz, with tlie me- morial in liis liands, reentered tiie labinet of tlie king, who was Htiil slowly pacing the room, without noticing the arrival of his adviser. THE FRIEND OF PEACE. 253 " Your majesty, " said the general, timidl}-, "here is the memorial of Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick." "Just lay it on my desk there, " said the king, continuing his promenade. General von Kockeritz stepped to the desk and placed the me- morial on it. Just at that moment the king had arrived at the desk too, and paused in front of the general. He fixed a long and mournful glance upon him and slowly shook his head. " You have deserted me also, " said the king, sighing. " You may be right, gentlemen. I have yielded to your more profound sagacity for the time being, but an inward voice tells me that it is wrong to break the peace because France at the present time is being threatened on all sides, and because her armies have been defeated." "Your majf~~*^^y alone has to decide the whole question," .said Kockeritz, solei.. Jy. "Your conviction is our law, and we submit in dutiful obedience to your majesty's more profound sagacity. It is for you to command, and for us to obey." A sudden gleam beamed in the eyes of the king, and a deeper blush mantled his cheeks. The general saw it, and comprehended it very well. " Moreover, " he added, with downcast eyes and with an air of confusion, "moreover, I have to make a confession to your majesty in my own name and in that of Count Haugwitz. While trying to win j^our majesty by our arguments for the war and for the coali- tion, it has happened to us that we were converted by the arguments your majesty adduced against the war and against the coalition, and that j'our majesty convinced us of the fallacy of our opinion. It is, perhaps, very humiliating to admit that our conviction has veered around so suddenly, but your majesty's convincing elo- quence — " "No, not my poor eloquence, but the truth has convinced you, " exclaimed the king, joyfully, "and I thank you for having the truly manly and noble courage to admit that you were mistaken and liave changed your mind. I am grateful to Count Haugwitz, too, and I shall never forget this generous and highly honorable confession of yours. It is a new proof for me that you are faithful and reliable friends and servants of mine, men who are not ashamed of acknowl- edging an error, and who care more for the welfare of the state than for carrying their own point. I therefore withdraw my previous instructions. I shall not join the coalition. Hasten to Haugwitz, my friend. Tell him to go forthwith to the Russian ambassador and inform him that my army will not assist the forces of the coali- tion, and that I shall take no part whatever in the war against France. Haugwitz is to say the same to the English ambassador, 254 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. and to inform him that I shall not claim the subsidy of six million dollars, which England otfered to pay me for my auxiliary army. Six million dollars! I believe General Tempelhof was right when he said the siege of a second-rate fortress would cost a million dol- lars, and in Holland we should have to take more than ten fortresses from the stubborn and intrepid French. This would cost us more than ten million dollars, and, moreover, we should have to use up the powder and ammunition destined for our own defence. Those six million dollars that England would pay me would not cover our outlay ; I should be obliged to add four million dollars more, and to shed the blood of my brave and excellent soldiers without obtain- ing, perhaps, even the slightest advantage for Prussia. Hasten, general, to communicate my fixed and irrevocable resolution to Count Haugwitz. Prussia remains neutral, and takes no part whatever in the war against France !" " I hasten to carry out your majesty's orders, " exclaimed General von Kockeritz, walking toward the door, "and I know that Count Haugwitz will submit to the royal decision with the same joyful humility and obedience as myself." The king's eyes followed him with aa expression of genuine emotion. " He is a faithful and honest friend, " he said, " and that is, in- deed, a rare boon for a king. Ah, I have succeeded, then, in averting this bloody thunder-cloud, once more from Prussia, and I shall pre- serve the blessings of peace to my people. And now, I believe, I may claim some credit for the manner in which I have managed this delicate affair, and repose a little from the cares of government. I will go to Louisa — her sight and the smiles of my children will reward me for having done my duty as a king. " CHAPTER XXXIII, THE LEGITIMATE WIFE. The Prince von Reuss, Henry XIV., Austrian ambassador at Berlin, had died an hour ago. A painful disease had confined him to his bed for weeks, and Marianne Meier had nursed him during this time with the greatest love and devotion. She liad never left his bedside, and no one except herself, the physicians, and a few f-crvajits had been permitted to enter the sick-room. The brothers ;iinl iii'|)lic\\s of the prince, who had come to Berlin in order to see 1h of tlie Lord, I feel especially called upon to return my most licai t-felt thanks, in this public manner, to my wife, Princess Marianne, nee Meier, for the constancy, love, and devotion which she has sliowii to me during our whole married life, and for the surpassing patience and self abnegation witli whicii she nurticd me .luring my last sickness, i THE LEGITIMATE WIFE. 359 deem myself especiallj- obliged to make this acknowledgment, in- asmuch as my wife, in hei" true love for me, has suffered many un- deserved aspersions and insults, because, in accordance with my wishes, she kept our marriage secret, and in consequence had to bear the sneers of evil-disposed persons, and the insults of malicious enemies. But she is my lawful wife before God and man, and she is fully entitled to assume the name of a Princess Dowager von Reuss. I hereby expressly authorize her to do so, and, by removing the secret that has been observed during my life in relation to our marriage, I authorize my wife to assume the title and rank due to her, and hereby command my brother, as well as his sons and the other members of my family, to pay to the Princess Dowager von Reuss, nee Meier, the respect and deference due to her as the widow of the late head of the familj-, and to which she is justly entitled by her virtue, her blameless conduct, her resiwctability, beauty, and amiability. The Princess Dowager von Reuss is further author- ized to let her servants wear the livery and color of my house, to display the coat-of-arms of the princes von Reuss on her carriages, and to enjoy the full privileges of her rank. If my brother Henry, the heir of my titles, should have any doubts as to her rights in this regard, the officer reading my will is requested to ask him whether or not he desires to obtain further evidence in relation to the legiti- macy of my marriage. " "Does your highness require any further evidence?" asked the oflScer, interrupting the reading of the will. "Ido, " said the prince, who had listened to the reading of the will with a pale and gloomy mien. "Here is that evidence," said the priest, beckoning the sexton, who stood on the threshold of the door. The latter approached the priest, and handed him a large volume bound in black morocco. " It is the church reigster, in which I have entered all the mar- riages, christenings, and funeral masses performed in tlie rliapel of the Austrian embassy," said the priest. "On this page you find the minutes of the marriage of the Prince von Reuss, Henry XIV. , and i\Iiss Marianne Meier. The ceremony took place two years ago. I have baptized the princess myself, and thereby received her into the pale of the holy Catholic Church, and I have likewise performed the rite of marriage on the occasion referred to. I hereby certify that the princess is the lawful wife of the late prince, as is testified by the minutes entered on the church register. The marriage was per- formed in the chapel, and in tlie presence of witnesses, who have signed the minutes, like rnvself. " "I witnessed the marriage, " said Baron Werdern, "and so did 260 LOUISA OF PRUSSIA. the military counsellor Gentz, who, if your highness should desire further testimony, will be ready to corroborate our statements. " " No, " said the prince, gloomily, " I require no further testimony. I am fully satisfied of the truth of your statements, and will now pay my respects to my sister-in-law, the Princess Dowager von Reuss, nee Meier. " He bowed, with a sarcastic smile, which, for a moment, caused the blood to rush to Marianne's pale cheeks, and then carelessly leaned back into his arm-chair. "Be kind enough to proceed," he said, turning to the officer. The latter took up the will again and read its several sections and clauses. The prince bequeathed his palace, with every thing in it, to his wife Marianne, and likewise his carriages, his horses, and the family diamonds he had inherited from his mother. The remainder of his considerable property he left to his brother, asking him to agree with the Princess Marianne on a pension corresponding with her rank and position in societ5^ Then followed some legacies and pensions for the old servants of his household, a few gifts to the poor, and last the appropriation of a sum for which a mass was to be read on every anniversary of his death, for the peace of his soul. The ceremony was over. The officers of the law and the members of the embassy had left the death-room, and on a sign from Mari- anne the servants had also withdrawn. The prince had exchanged a few words in a low voice with his two lawyers, whereupon they likewise had left the room. No one except the brother and the wife of the deceased remained now in this gloomy room, illuminated by the flickering tapers. Marianne, however, seemed to take no notice of the presence of her brother-in- law ; she had approached the coi-pse again, and gazed at it with the most profound emotion. "I thank you, Henry," she said, loudly and solemnly. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart ; you have given back to me my honor ; you have revenged me upon your haughty relatives, and upon the sneering world 1" " Do not thank him, respected sister-in-law, for he has left you poor, " said the prince, approaching her, and contemplating her with a freezing smile. "My brother has made you a princess, it is true, but he has not given you the means to live as a princess. He has bequeathed to you this palace, with its costly furniture ; he has be- queathed to you his carriages and diamonds ; but a palace and furniture are no estates, and in order to keep carriages one has to fc('