UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES x-v SUGGESTIONS RECEIVED BY THE agricultural & horticultural OF INDIA FOR EXTENDING THE CULTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, WITH A VIEW TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL RESOURCES OF INDIA. c o M r 1 1. r. D H Y HENRY IIARPUR SPRY, M.D., F.R.S., P.G.S. Secretary Agricultural ami Horticultural Society of India. in iu,isi!i:i> iiv ArnioiiiTv ov COVEIINMUNT CALCUTTA ; 15 I S H P ' S COIL E (1 E P R E S S. MDttCXLI. INTRODUCTION. IN the course of the year 1838 it occurred 55 to the Right Honorable the Governor General JJ to address the home authorities on the subject g of the advantage likely to accrue to the British Indian Empire by undertaking, at the expence of the state, experiments on an extensive scale for naturalizing in India useful and desirable plants indigenous to other countries. The Honorable the Court of Directors of the East India Company in its reply, under date the 13th of February 1839, expressed its full concurrence in the suggestion, and intima- ted that a resolution had been passed, gradually to furnish means for carrying the recommenda- JSsion into effect. v IV A copy of the despatch containing the senti- ments of the Court, the Right Honorable the Governor General in Council was pleased to have forwarded to the Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society of India. On its receipt the Society voluntarily came forward with an offer to aid, as far as in it laid the power, the purposes of the Government in an enterprise so much in accordance with its own usages and wishes, and for this purpose a Committee from among the members of the Society was formed for the purpose of suggest- ing such plants and trees as might be desirable for introduction into India, or that could be supplied to other countries. In order to carry out these intentions the Committee addressed a great number of per- sons, and invited assistance in the form of suggestions from all quarters. This was the second time the Society had put forth circulars inviting information from among the body of the English community in India ; for in the year 1837 a list of queries, to the number of thirty-four having reference to the general agricultural features and capabilities of the various provinces under the Bengal and Agra Governments was distributed over the country. On the second occasion, however, the disse- mination of the circular was extended to the Madras and Bombay Presidencies. The Committee after a time had the grati- fication of receiving some valuable returns, es- pecially at the hands of the Bombay Govern- ment, and the announcement of the circum- stance was made to the Society in a final report, which was submitted at the General Meeting; in o July 1840. The recommendations which the Committee brought up were approved of by the Society, VI and it was resolved, in consequence of the subse- quent receipt from the Supreme Government of a copy of a despatch from the Honorable Court of Directors, dated July 24, 1839, in which it is said " we purpose from time to time to print and publish such information as may come before us calculated either to extend the know- ledge of the productions of India, to increase their amount, improve their quality, or give stimulus to the demand for them ; and we de- sire that you will cause similar measures to be taken for effecting the same objects throughout India," to transmit the Report to Government with the several communications which had been received in reply to both the circulars, in order that the Government might see the real nature of the documents which the Society had chosen to recommend to favourable considera- tion, and if it thought proper, incur the expense of preparation and publication by the Society. The Right Honorable the Governor General in Council was pleased in reply to express his Vll " thanks to the Society for the communi- cation of the papers, which though they em- braced a less wide range than might be desired, were deemed most valuable, and in some in- stances did very great credit to their writers, from the well directed zeal and spirit of obser- vation which they displayed." His Lordship in Council therefore intimated that he " readily sanctioned the expense which would be necessary for the publication of such portions of them as the Society might deem useful." Under these auspices the papers now given to the public make their appearance. As a first attempt to bring together a few of the many wants of India, it is thought that they may not prove uninteresting, although it must be avowed that the results are extremely im- perfect. Nevertheless the information received is, in many respects, valuable, and it is hoped that the publicity now given to them may Vlll lead to further and yet more important re- searches. Of the objects which suggest themselves, after their perusal, as worthy of being well worked out, the interchange of plants be- tween Bombay and Calcutta the growth, price, and manufacture of the Sanseviera the pre- servation and stocking of fodder for the dry season, and particularly the application of the refuse leaves of the sugar cane to this purpose, may be mentioned as appearing to invite no- tice, and to this the attention of the Society will be early directed. THE COMPILER. Pa ye. Introduction, ... ... ... i to ix Letter from Dr. Browne, Private Secretary to the Honorable Governor of Bombay, to Dr. Spry, Secre- tary of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, ... ... ... ... ... 1 Letter from Mr. Nimmo, at Bombay, to Dr. Browne,... 2 Letter from Ditto, to Dr. Spry, ... ... ... ... 7 Letter from Dr. Gibson, Superintendent of Botanic Garden at Dapooree, to Dr. Spry, ... ... 30 Letter from Dr. Burn at Kaira, to Dr. Browne, ... 38 Letter from Dr. Gibson, Superintendent of Botanic Garden at Dapooree, to Dr. Browne, ... ... 5G Letter from Dr. Elliott in Khandcish, to Dr. Browne, 177 Letter from Mr. Henry Cope, late Secretary of the Meerut Horticultural Society, to Dr. Spry, ... ... G9 Letter from late A. Ronald, Esq. Planter at Dunbaree, in Goruckpore District, to late John Bell, Esq. former Secretary of the Agricultural and Horticultural So- ciety of India, ... ... ... ... ... ... 84 Letter from R. Montgomery, Esq., Magistrate at Azim- ghur, to John Bell, Esq., ...... ... 92 Central Jnfcia. Letter from Major Ouseley, Political Officer in charge of Hoshungabad District, to John Bell, Esq., ... 102 Letter from R. H. Mathews, Esq. Indigo Planter, at Dearie via Shergotty, to John Bell, Esq., ... ... 113 Letter from Mr. Dearman, late Deputy Collector at Dacca, to Dr. Spry, ... ...... 127 Letter from Mr. Robert Ince, late Secretary to the Barrisaul Agricultural and Horticultural Branch So- ciety, to Dr. Spry, ... ... ... ... ... 137 Letter from Andrew Mills, Esq. Commissioner at Cut- tack, to Dr. Spry, ... 145 Letter from H. Walters, Esq. Commissioner of Revenue, to John Bell, Esq., ......... ... 149 Letter from Mr. Williamson, Missionary at Beerbhoom, loO Jntria Bushby, Mr. letter of, ...... . . . ] GO Iloyle, Professor, letter of to Mr. Melville, on the intro- duction into India of useful and ornamental Plants and Seeds of Europe and North America, ... 101 SUGGESTIONS FOR EXTENDING THE Sl0efttl aim (Ornamental Uoum> of Jtttita, IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND COMMER- CIAL RESOURCES OF THE COUNTRY. From DR. BROWNE, Private Secretary to the Honorable the Governor of Bombay , to DR. SPRY, Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. MY DEAR SIR, Bombay, Government House, llth March, 1840. The accompanying are replies to some of your queries submitted in your circular of the 25th Octo- ber last. If, imperfect as they are, they be of any use, Sir James Carnac will be happy. Yours in much haste, very faithfully, R. BROWNE, M. D. P. s. B 2 USEFUL BOTANY OF INDIA. From MR. NIMMO, to DR. BROWNE, Private Secretary to the Honorable the Governor of Bombay, dated 23rd of December, 1839. I have now the pleasure to acknowledge the re- ceipt of your note, dated 25th ultimo, and of its enclosure, on a subject to which I fear I shall not be able to do justice, though I have long felt an in- tense interest in it ; but as I believe the Agri. and Horticultural Society of India is in good earnest, and as the subject has now attracted the attention of the higher authorities in England, I hope some- thing may be accomplished towards ensuring the great and ultimate object contemplated by the Ho- norable the Court of Directors, especially if sup- ported by the recommendation of our present illus- trious Governor. I beg to send the accompanying list of such useful trees and plants as I consider appropriate to our soil and climate, with a few exceptions experimentally, and as these lists must speak for themselves, I have but a few remarks to submit, which I shall do in my own plain and simple way, the subject requiring no laboured report, and being one that must be tried before we can confidently pronounce on any success DIFFICULTY OF SELECTION. attending it, for it is difficult, in many instances with regard to " Exotics," to affirm a priori, what may thrive in our neighbourhood, since a great many from New Holland, are known to resist our temperature, and prosper in spite of isothermal doctrines. Generally speaking, all the vegetable productions of the equatorial zone, (tropics), not growing above the altitude of 5000 feet, may be expected to succeed here, and of this description chiefly are those comprised in the lists. Having these materials in our possession, it would not be difficult to elaborate them ; that is, to pre- serve, propagate, and convert them to use to the best possible advantage, so as to make them produce the most valuable exports, articles of home consumption and manufacture, and thus give a new life to the industry and commerce of this country ; and though little is known of some of them, both medicinal and those used in the arts, yet a most ample field is presented to us in India to unfold the extent of their power and utility. To ensure success, I beg to submit the necessity of making the introduction of useful plants here the subject of an experiment, to be conducted on a magnificent scale, equal to the vast importance of SUITABLE LOCALITIES. the result to be expected, else ages must roll on, before any benefit could possibly be reaped. Suitable localities might no doubt be found for a nursery, and for plantations of the most useful pro- ductions of other countries in the territories under this Presidency, and I beg to point out particularly for this purpose, the neglected Island of Salsette, the tract along the Ghauts between Dhurrumpore and the Taptee, as being well adapted for the cul- tivation of timber trees; the valley of Candeish for fruit trees, exotic ; the banks of the Nerbuddah, the Vindhyan range, and the country between Ahmedabad and Ahmednuggur, northward for tim- bers, fruit trees, and medicinal plants, from the temperate parts of the globe. It is scarcely ne- cessary for me to observe, that the choice of the site of the present Botanic Garden in the Deccan is by no means eligible, as even the very grass seems to be reluctant to grow on the arid plains of the Ghauts. In a report from the Superintendent at the Bo- tanic establishment at Dapooree, which has casually fallen into my hands, I observe, he has declared himself incompetent to give an opinion on the mo- mentous question of forming Teak and other tim- INDIAN TIMBERS. her plantations. I regret the circumstance the more, as having had a tendency perhaps to induce the Government to abandon all attempts of the kind ; and though he particularly recommends the exten- sion of a common tree 'here, the Babool, termed by him " a most valuable one and our natural timber," yet there are others of equally spontaneous growth, and far superior qualities, namely the Chuckrassia tabularis, a new species lately discovered in the Concan,* and the Cedrela Toona, all which would seem to have remained hitherto unknown (singular enough) ; added to the Chloroxylon Swietenia, Ca- lophyllum Inophyllum, and Shorea robusta, which might be made the object of extensive cultivation in our vicinity ; while the expediency of forming a teak plantation in the S. Concan merits the at- tention of the Government where the combined effects of heat and moisture are more calculated to develope the gigantic dimensions of that prince of our timber forests. I regret we have nothing to give in return for what we may expect from Bengal, except the Caly- saccion longifolium, used as a dye-stuff so poor is * This tree was discovered by Mr. Nimmo himself on the Toongcr Hills, Dec. 1838. It is now called C. Nimmonii by Dr. Wight. II. H. S. (> PROGRESS MADE IN THE PURSUIT. the nature of our vegetation here ; but should there be any other in a list published recently for the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Western India a copy of which should be forwarded to Calcutta we shall be happy to furnish them.* If the principle of reciprocity be strictly adhered to, we may perhaps not be able to calculate upon re- ceiving any very splendid supply from that quarter. In the ornamental department, 1 have included all such plants and trees as may add to the picturesque beauties of our landscape scenery. In concluding, I may mention, that I feel gratifi- ed at the idea of having in some degree anticipated the Court's wish, by introducing a few useful exotics here, and flatter myself that I shall soon be able to add a great many more to the number; but my efforts as a private individual must at all times be feeble and limited. Had I possessed the means, I should not have hesitated a day in fitting out an expedition expressly for the purpose of enriching * Two copies of this valuable publication have been received from the Bombay Society. I understand from Dr. Wallich, that he has sent a copious list of desiderata, extracted from this work to the Society and others, and has had several very interesting communications of seeds, with the promise of many more, as well as of supplies of living plants. II. II. S. GOOD TO BE EXPECTED. < this part of India with the useful and noble vege- table productions of other parts of the world, for the benefit of the countless poor ; for nothing could make one more happy than to look back, after a long run, on a life spent in doing good to our fellow-creatures. Extract of letter from Mr. NIMMO, at Bombay, to Dr. SPRY, Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated Colaba, December 18, 1810. I had much pleasure in receiving yours of the 25th ultimo, and feel very happy that Lord Auck- land and the Agricultural Society of India have duly appreciated our humble efforts to point out a few of the " agenda," towards improving that most fruitful source of our wealth in India, namely, the vegetable kingdom. It is gratifying at the same time to see the interest taken on your side of India in this matter, so that nothing but good can come of it. I could wish, most cordially wish, we here had possessed but half of your public spirit and spiritedness. TIMBER AND GUM TREES. I am happy you have such able and indefatigable coadjutors as Drs. Wallich, Falconer, O'Shaughnessy, and Wight. Timber Gums, $c. used in the Arts. African Teak (genus unknown,) Adelia castani- carpa, Anona palustris, Anda braziliensis, Amyris ambrosiana, Araucaria excelsa,Urceola elastica, Aralia umbellifera, Augia sinensis, Acacia Verek, vera, ni- lotica, and Seyal, Amyris Kataff and Kafal and Com- miphora, Aquilaria Agallochum, Acacia juliflora and arborea, Aloexylon Agallochum, Acacia senegalensis, Alseodaphne grandis, Amyris hexandra, Acacia tortuosa and Zamang, Amerimnum Ebenus, Amyris guianensis and Agallocha, Andersonia Panchmoun, Aquilaria secundaria, Aloexylon Loureirii, Acacia cochliocarpa, Aromadendron elegans, Amasonia ar- borea, Amyris altissima. Altingia excelsa, 200 feet high, or Lignum Papuanum. Bursera gummifera, Bucida Buceros, Broussonetia papyrifera, Bursera paniculata and acuminata, Big- TIMBER AND GUM TREES. nonia Chica, ipe tabacco and ipeuna, Broussonetia tinctoria, Berrya Amonilla, Baphia nitida, Balsami- fluas of Java, Barba de Tigre of Humboldt. Caesalpinia coriaria, braziliensis, crista and echi- nata, Camellia oleifera, Caoutchouc tree of Africa, (see Tuckey's Congo, p. 444,) Calamus Draco, Ceroxylon Andicola, Combretum Giiyaca, Cala- dium seguinum, Cynanchum albiflorum, Conda- minea tinctoria, Calambac wood, Carana and chi- bou gum trees, Cynanchum ovalifolium, Cana- rium microcarpum, Caryocar amygdaliferum, tree 240 feet high, Carapa guianensis, Coul- teria tinctoria, Crudya aromatica, Cremanium tinctorium, Ceesalpinia oleosperma, Calophyllum bintangor and angustifolium, Calamus rudentum, and verus, Amyris balsamifera, Croton thurifer, Cupressus resinifera, Cavanille sia mocondo, eight feet in diameter, Croton laccifcr, Calamander wood of Ceylon, Cratoxylon Hornschuchii, Cordia Ger- ascanthus, Cedrus Deodara, 30 feet in girth. Cedrela odorata, Cinnamomum Tamala, albiflorum, eucalyp- toides, nitidum and Kiamis, Corypha tcctorum and cerifera. Dammara australis. Dacrydium taxifolium, Dal- bergia Sissoo, Drymis chilensis, Duvaua depcndcns 10 TIMBER AND GUM TREES. and dentata, Diospyros, black wood of Amboyna and Mauritius, Dipterocarpus turbinatus, costatus, incanus, and alatus, Dalbergia latifolia, and emar- ginata, Dalbergia monetaria, Dammara selanica, Dipterocarpus trinervis, 200 feet high, Dapiche gum tree, Dipterix ordorata. Elaeodendron Argan, Erythrina monosperma, Ela?- cocca vernicia, ElaBococcus verrucosus, Euonymus tingens, Engelhardtia Roxburghiana, Erythrina sublobata, Elaphrium excelsum, Echinocarpus Si- gun, 120 feet high. Ferula assafcetida, Fagus obliqua, Flindersia aus- tralis, Fraxinus excelsior. Gomortega nitida, Galipea resinosa, Gordonia in- tegrifolia, Gamboge tree. Hopea decandra superior to teak wood, Heisteria coccinia, Hevea guianensis, Hibiscus arboreus and strictus, Humirium balsamiferum, Hedwigia balsa- mifera, Hopea scaphula, Heudelotia Africana or Se- negal olibanum. Icicaracouchini, heptaphylla, Icicariba and Carana, Icica Tacamahaca, Jatropha elastica, Juniperus elata, Icica heterophylla, guanensis, and altissima, Jaca- randa rose-woods. Khaya Senegalensis. TIMBER AND GUM TREES. J 1 Litsea sebifera, Luhea paniculata, Laurus Ben- zoin, Liquidambar sty raciflua, Laurus Parthenoxylon and lingue, Laurelia aromatica, Lobelia Caoutchouc, Lastia guidonea. Lucuma Caimito and mammosa, var. Bully tree. Morus cucullata* and tinctoria, Myrica cerifera, Malva crispa, Microlaena spectabilis, Myrica ethio- pica, Marignia obtusifolia, Mastixia pentandra, Melanorrhcea usitata, Mimosa elata, Millingtonia simplicifolia, Mimosa rose- woods of Brazil, Mela- noxylon Brauna, Maba ebenoxylon, Marsdenia tinctoria, Maranta dichotoma, Moronabea coccinea, Magnolia excelsa? Macrocnemum tinctorium, Myro- dendron amplexicaule. Nerium coccineum, Nicterisition lanceolatum. Oxleya xanthoxyla, Omphalocarpum procerum, Ocotea cymbarum. Pinus dammara or .Dammara alba of Rumphius, Pinus Lambertiana and Douglassii, Prinsepia utilis, Pistacia Terebinthus and atalantica, Pterocarpus dalbergioides, Phormititn tenax, Pterocarpus erina- cea, Physocalymna floribunda, rose-wood, Pinus sylvestris, Pterocarpus gummifer, Pistacia oleoso, Poivrea alternifolia, Phaleria robusta, Paraguatan * For feeding; silk-\vorms. 12 TIMBER AND GUM TREES. wood tree of Guiana, Pinus longifolia, Deodara and Santalinus, Pistacia lentiscus, Parivoa grandiflora, Psidium montanum 100 feet high, Platanus occi- dentalis 16 feet in diameter, Pine trees of Ava. Quercus robur ? semicarpifolia, lancefolia, muri- cata, glomerata, depressa, tinctoria and Suber. Rhus vernicifera, aromatica, vernix, caustica, co- pallina, and coriarea, Rhus molle and glabrum, Ro- binia pseudo-acacia, Rottlera tetracocca. Swietenia Mahogoni, Siphonia elastica, Sterculia Tragacantha, Stagmaria verniciflua, Schinus Molle, Senacia undulata, Stalagmites cambogioides, Shorea robusta, Laurus, volatile oil of Guiana and Oronoko, Symplocos racemosa, Shorea Tumbugaia and Talura, Siphonia brasiliensis, Swartzia myrtifolia, Swartzia tomentosa, Strigilia oblonga, Swietenia senegalensis and chickrassia, and trilocularis, Sideroxylon niti- dum and mastichodendron, Sickingia erythroxylon. Terminalia vernix and latifolia, Tacamahac gum tree. Tectona Hamiltoniana, Terminalia citrina, Tetranthera nitida, and sebifera, Thuja articulata, Terminalia alata, and argentea. Urceola elastica, Ule tree or Castilla elastica, Uncaria gambir, Urtica tenacissima, Unona aroma- tica. TIMBER AND GUM TREES. 13 Virola sebifera, Vateria Indica, Vatica laccifera, Vahea gummifera. Curucay resin tree of Humboldt, 130 feet high. The yellow, red, and iron wood, and Ebony of Bowdich. The Olamboo, or Caoutchouc tree of Bowdich. The Odjoo, or torch-wood tree of Bowdich. Araucaria Brasiliensis. The Acassie indigo plant, and the Neoondoo tree of Bowdich. The wild Ce- dar and Mahogany, the Coloquintida, or bitter apple tree, the Cotamma tree, bearing aromatic and fra- grant pods, the tree producing an odoriferous resin resembling Camphor or Benjamin, the Gum sanda- rach tree, the red and yellow dye woods, and the Erasma tree of Dupuis. The balsam and B'dellium tree, the Cedar and Match trees of Salt. The yellow dye wood waver of Pearce. The Ganvar, the AVanzatra gum, the Soap-nut trees, the Zanen, or red dye wood, and the ink trees of Pearce. Panax chrysophyllum 100 feet high. Guarea grandifolia. Dhanasaree wood. Larix Cedar of Lebanon. Mora excelsa, 20 feet girth. Juniperus Barbadensis and Bermudiana. Santalum Freycinetianum, Penmema canescens. 14 TIMBER AND GUM TREES. Petrocarya excelsa. The Coggar wood of Col. Todd. Wormia excelsa, Pinus resinosa. Dacrydium excelsum. Acacia Melanoxylon. Taxodium of Douglas, 300 feet high. Eucalyptus resinifera. Me- trosideros robusta. Phyllocladus trichomanoides. Myrsine Rapanea. Prunus salicifolia. Vitex lit- oralis. Podocarpus totarra. Icica Carana and Ma- ni and cuspidata, Myrtus longifolia 100 feet. Javicou, white Varnish tree of Humboldt. Lauras nitida, Kiamis, and Javitensis. The Curvana, or white Caoutchouc tree of Humboldt. Bagassa guia- nensis, Hedera umbellifera. Bignonia tulipifera and gigantea. Pterocarpus santalinus. Cordia macrophylla. Re- sina Carneola of Rumphius, Ebenus alba, Metro- sideros moluccana, Dabanus, Sicchius, Lignum Leve, Decadia aluminosa, Lignum momentaneum and moschatum, Panax pinnatum, Arbor nigra ebenum, Metrosideros amboinensis, Canarium Zephyrinum, silvestre, alterum, odoriferum and hirsuta, Damara nigra, celebica and ligitima, Nanarium minimum or oleosum, Canarium decumana, Lacca lignum, Caju Gora Aruani. Melaleuca leucadendron, Ocotea lineata and Javitensis. Anacardium occidentale. Sebastiao de FODDER GRASSES AND FRUITS. 15 Aruda, Coracaodo Negro, Jacaranda-tun, an excel- lent kind of mahogany, Masaranduva, Cabiuna, Perova, Parauna, jequetiva Cedro, mentioned by Spix. Hopea Wightiana, Pterocarpus Wallichii, Vateria Roxburghians, Vatica laccifera. Fodder Grasses, c. Panicum Jumentorum,* Spectabile and other fod- der grasses of Brazil, Grevvia didyma, Poterium spi- nosum, Paspalum stoloniferum and corymbosum, Bubroma Guazuma, Vilfa dulcis, Trifolium alexan- drinum, &c. The chiguire, horse grass of Oroonoko. Spondias tuberosa and Zizyphus Joazeiro of Brazil. Fruits, Aromalics, and alible Roots or Alimentary Plants. Agathophyllum aromaticum, Araucaria Dombeyi and imbricata, Achras mammosa, sapota, and zapo- tilla, Amomum angustifolium, Arcca olcracca, Ano- na palustris, sylvatica, senegaleniss, Sufu, Cherimolia, * This is the Guinea grass, which is very extensively cultivated throughout Hen gal. II. II. S. 16 FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. Aralia umbellifera, Amomum granaparadisii, Aniso- phylleia laurina, Acioa guianensis, Acacia esculenta, Aciotis discolor, Alibertia edulis, Amomum aroma- ticum, maximum, and Cardamomum, Artocarpus hirsuta, Chaplasha, and echinata, Alfonsia oleifera, Arum violaceum, Arracacha esculenta, Annesorrhiza capensis, Alpinia Cardamomum, Acer saccharinum, Argania Siderexylon, Ambellania acida, Aleurites ambinux, Alstromeria salsilla, Akar morai, and other Malayan fruits. Bertholletia excelsa, Brosimum Alicastrum, Bla- kea trinernia, Berberis aristata and nepalensis, Bas- sia Parkii and butyracea, Brosssea coccinea, Bary- osma Tongo, or Dipterix odorata. Cinnamomum aromaticum, Codarium acutifolium, Chrysophyllum Cainito, Canna edulis, Comocladia in- tegrifolia, Coccoloba uvifera, Chenopodium Quinoa, Cocos aculeata, Cecropia peltata, Carica cauliflora, Chrysobalanus Icaco, Couroupita guianensis, Crocus sativus, Calyptranthus aromatica, Chrysobalanus lu- teus, Conohoria Lobolobo, Cream fruit of Sierra Leone, Convolvulus edulis, Cocos butyracea, Chry- sobalanus ellipticus, Carpodinus dulcis, Chrysophyl- lum macrophyllum, and obovatum, Cocos flexuosa, Camellia drupifera and oleifera, Celastrus edulis, FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. 17 Catingha aromatica and moschata, Canarium com- mune and album, Caryocar nuciferum, Crudia aroma- tica, Caryocar amygdaliferum, arid butyrosum, Cor- dyla africana. Campomanesia lineatifolia, Cnestis monadelpha, Chrysophyllum acuminatum, Castanea indica, Cin- namomum nitidum, Cara root of Brazil, Cryptocarya Eanelilla, Corypha dulcis, Castanospermum australe, Cerasus occidentalis, Calyptranthes antiseptica, Capparis spinosa, Chrysophyllum microcarpum and Michino, and Macaucou, Couma guianensis, Chil- goza of Cabul, Chiga an Inga. Durio zibethinus, Dolichos bulbosus and tubero- sus, Detarium senegalensis, Diospyrus Kaki, Dios- corea globosa, atropurpurea, and fasciculata, Dios- pyrus Mabola, Drymis granaensis, var montana. Ela>agnus dulcis, Elans guineensis, Eulophia vera, Euterpe edulis, Eugenia Michelii, lineata, and gre- gii, Eugenia Pimenta, purpurea, cerasoides, and macrocarpa, EUuocarpus serratus, Erythroxylon Coca, Eugenia pseudo-psidium, Erioglossum edule, Elais melanococca, Eriobotrya japonica, Eupliorbia bal- samifera. Flacourtia ramontchi, jangomas, and inermis, Fragaria grandi rl ora . 18 FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. Geoffroya superba, Genipa americana, and me- riana, Gouania domingensis, Grias cauliflora, Gla- phyria nitida, Gnetum Gnemon, Galactodendron utile, Garcinia mangostana, Kydia, cornea and pe- dunculata, Guazuma ulmifolia, Galipea aromatica, Gomphia Japotapita, Gymnema lactiferum. Hymensea Courbaril, Hippocratea comosa, Hedy- carpus malayanus, Habzelia aromatica, Hovenia dulcis. Illicium anisatum, Inga fosculifera, and biglobosa, Ilex paraguensis, Inga sapida, Feuillei and vera, Jossinia mespiloides, and buxifolia, Inocarpus edulis, Inga dulcis, Jopoticabeiras of Brazil, Inga chiga of Humboldt. Khaya Senegalensis. Laurus cupularis, and Pucheri, Lecythis ollaria and zabucajo, Lansium domesticum, Laurus Quixos, cinnamomoides, dulcis, and calitlaban, Loreya arbo- rescens, Ludia spinosa, Lardizabala biternata, Lu- cuma Caimito superior to mammosa, Lucuma Bon- plandii, Laurus Persea. Maranta arundinacea and nobilis, Melicocca bi- juga, Malpighia glabra, and saccharina, Myrtus Pimenta and acris, Mammea Americana and Afri- cana, Maclura aurantiaca, Myristicu moschata, offici- FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. 19 nalis, and otoba, Mimosa fagifolia, Malaguetta pepper, Monodora myristica, Myrtus cauliflora, and pedunculata, Myrica acris, Musanga nuts of the Gold Coast, Micadenia, or butter tree of Soudan, Mauritia vinifera, Makkah-nyeye of Timbey near Delagoabay, Micrococcos palm, Myrcia pimentoides, and subcordata, Melodinus monogynus, Mespilus. japonica, Mimusops Kaki, Milnea edulis, Mangifera oppositifolia, Mespilus Mexicana, Metroxylon vini- ferum, Mimusops dissecta, and imbricaria, Montabea Acosta?, Mauritia flexuosa, Myrica sapida. Noronhia emra-ginata, Nutmeg and Cinnamon, Brazilian mentioned by Burchell. Oxalis crenata,Ocymum tuberosum, Ocotea Pichu- rim, Oncus esculentus. Parinarium excelsum, montanum, and macrophyl- lum, Psidium aromaticum, polycarpum, Cattleia- num, Primus occidentalis, Pentadesma butyracea, Parinarium campestrc, Parkia africana and uni- globosa, Paullinia subrotunda. Podocarpus neriifo- lia, Poa abyssinica, Paropsia edulis, Pavia indica, Persiea saligna, Pachylobus edulis, Paullinia Cupa- na, Pierardia dulcis and sapida, Piper anisatuin, Phaseolus tuberosus, Prosopis liorrida, dulcis, and Siliquastrum, Psidium guinecnse, Pentacrypta atro- 20 FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. purpurea, Prosopis spicigera, Phoenix dactylifera, Psidium sapidissimum, Prosopis juliflora, Pinus Gingko, Peach palm of Humboldt. Quadria heterophylla. Raputia aromatica. Rhamnus inebrians. Sarcocephalus esculentus, Spondias lutea, Mombin, purpurea, Myrobalanus, and dulcis, Sagus vinifera, Sterculia acuminata and chicha, Schmidelia edulis, Sapindus esculentus, Sechium edule, Sagus lasvis, Safu of Africa, Scilla esculenta, Scytalia Rambutan, Sandoricum indicum, Scopolia aculeata, Sagus Rum- phii. Saguerus Rumphii, Styloceras Kunthianum, Seje palm, Sphserocarya edulis. Trophis americana, Tonsella pyriformis, Tropaso- lum tuberosum, Theophrasta Jussiaii, Triticum durum, TabernEemontana, utilis, or Milk tree of Demerara, Theobroma Cacao, Telfairia pedata, Taxus nucifera. Uvaria tripetaloides and aromatica, Unona asthio- pica, Uvaria grandiflora, Unona undulata. Vanilla aromatica, Voandezia subterranea, Virola sebifera. Witheringia montana, Willughbeia edulis, marta- banica. Xylopia sericea, Xanthochymus dulcis. FRUITS AROMATIC AND EDIBLE PLANTS. 21 Zanthoxylon piperitum, and aromaticum, Zizy- phus Lotus, Zalacca Rumphii, Xanthophyllum aro- maticum. Otaheite gooseberry, Christophine, Jamaica Plum, Java Plum, Mountain Pear, Sugar Apple, For- bidden Fruit, Mountain Cabbage, Pois-doux tree. The Botanical names are not known to me. The Pitanga, the Grumjama, the Cambuca of Brazil, Cereus Jamaracu. The Booroomma or En- toondo, resembling Cardamom in taste, and the Odi- ca, or African Chocolate tree of Bowdich. The Butter tree of Ashantee, the Kolla nut, the Inchee- ma, the Encruma and oxyglycus of Bowdich. Dra- cena terminalis. Tringo of Pearce, Cocos oleracea. The Manguaba of Brazil, Ficus Brassica, the Naras fruit of South Africa, the Oyty fruit of Brazil, the Cumapana root of Humboldt, Gono- lobus hispidus, Salix Humboldtiana, Oxalis tu- berosa, Ilex Paraguayensis, Alphanes Praga, Gregia aromatica, Thea oleosa, Psidium phylliroides, Ma- dia Sativa, Alliaria and Arbor Sebi of Rumphius. Inga bubalina, Acacia graveolens, Pangium, Cor- tex acris, Boa massy, Funis dentarius, Folium aci- dum minus, Saragan, Pomum Dnuconum, Condon- dum malaccense, Atunus, Vidoricum, Mangostanu 22 MEDICINAL. Celebica, Lignum vinosum, Malum aruanum, Tin- gulong, Blimbingum silvestre, Cortex oninius or sindoc of Rumphius, Cortex igneus. Medicinal. Abuta rufescens and candicans, Aristolochia ser- pentaria, fragrantissima, and odoratissima, Anchietea salutaris, Asclepias asthmatica, Andira inermis, Aro- madendron elegans, Anda Braziliensis, Aristolochia ringens, and macroura, and anguicida, Altingia ex- celsa.* Bonplandia trifoliata, Borreira ferruginea and Poaya, Berberis lycium, Bryonia epigcea, Brucea sumatrana, and antidysenterica, Balsamodendron opopalsamum, Bursera acuminata, Brayera anthel- mintica, Gum Bassorah tree, Bignonia antisyphili- tica, Byrsonima Moureila, Bubon Galbanum. Colchicum autumnale, Convolvulus Scammonia and Jalapa, Cassia porturegalis, Copaifera officinalis, Canella alba, Croton elateria of Vera Cruz, Costus arabicus, Cratasva gynandra, Cocculus platyphyllus, * Annals of Botany, vol. ii. p. 1325. MEDICINAL. 23 cinerescens, and suberosus, Cissampelos ovalifolia, and Cerasus Capollim, Cassia marylandica, Copaifera ebracteata, multijuga, Croton Cascarilla, chloranthus officinalis, Coutaria speciosa. Cephffilis Ipecacuanha, Cornus florida, Coutoubea alba, Condaminea corymbosa, Cinchona lanceolata, lancifolia, oblongifolia, and cordifolia, Cassia occi- dentalis and falcata, Chimaphila maculata, Chlococca racemosa, Cocculus Fibruarea, and cripus, Cedrela febrifuga, Cinchona condaminea, Copaifera Langs- dorrlii, and coriacea, Chiococca anguifuga, Ceanothus azureus, Conoria cuspa, Cinchona pubescens, scrobi- culata and magnifolia, and Condaminea, Casearia lingua, Curatella Copaiba, Cissampelos Pareira and glaberrima, Callicocca Ipecacuanha, Casca de Laran- geira de Terra of Brazil, Cedrela Rosmarinus, Croton gratissiinum, Cinchona ferruginea and Remijiana, Crotons (officinal) of Brazil, Cassine Gongonha, Cus- paria febrifuga, Cinchona glandulifera. Dorstcnia Contrayerva and braziliensis, Davilla rugosa and elliptica, Drymis granatensis, Dryobala- nops or Shorea camphorifera, Dorema ammoniacurn, Drymis Winterii, Digitalis purpurea. Exostemma caribu^iun. Euphorbia Ipecacuanlia, Evodia febrifuga. Eucalyptus resinifera, Elaphrium 24 MEDICINAL. Jacquinianum, Echites antidysenterica, Esenbeckia febrifuga. Feuillea cordifolia, Fraxinus rotundifolia, Fraxi- nus Ornus. Guaiacum officinale and sanctum, Guarea Aubletii and trichilioides, Galipea officinalis or Angustura bark, Gillenia trifoliata, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Genios- toma febrifugum, Gomphrena officinalis. Hypecoum pendulum, Hasmatoxylon campechi- anum, Humulus Lupulus, Humirium floribundum, Hortia Braziliana, Hyoscyamus niger. Ipomoea Jalapa, lonidium ipecacuanha, Poaya and Itubu, Isertia coccinia, lonidium Marcucii, Inga salutaris, Ilex vomitoria, lonidium calceolarium. Krameria triandra. Laurus globosa and caustica, Linum catherticum, Lisianthus pendulus, Laurus Sassafras and glandu- lifera, Laurus Camphorifera, and the Laurus of Oronoco and Guiana, mentioned by Burchell, Lirio- dendron tulipifera. Melambo bark, Mikania guaco, Menispermum palmatum, Mimosa fagifolia, Manettia cordifolia, Mikania opifera and officinalis, Monnina polys- tachya, Myrospermum peruiferum, and toluiferum, Melaleuca cajaputi, Menispermum fenestratum, ver- MEDICINAL. 25 rucosum, and hirsutum, Myrrh tree, Myristica offi- cinalis, Myrtus caryophyllata, Momordica elaterium. Ocymum febrifugum, Ocotea Pichurim, Piper- umbellatum, Panax quinquefolium, Pterocarpus erinaceus, and Draco, Pedilanthus tithymaloides- Phytolacca decandra, Polygonum hispidum, Piper Cubeba, Plumeria obtusifolia, Portlandia hexandra, Psychotria emetica, Polygala Poaya, Plumbago scandens, Potalia amara, Psychotria calicocca, Pali- courea officinalis, Pa;deria fcetida, Potalia resini- fera, Petiveria tetrandra, Polygala Timoutou, Pi- crophloeus Javanensis, Quassia amara, Simarouba and excelsa. Rondeletia febrifuga, Richardsonia rosea, brasi- liana and scaber, Raiz preta of Brazil, Remijia ferruginea, Rheum palmatum, Rhus Metopium, and typhina. Spigelia anthelmia, Styrax officinalis, Sida lanceo- lata, Simaruba versicolor, Strychnos pseudo-quina, Solanum pseudo-quina, Soulamea amara, Scilla maritima, Styrax Benzoin, Strychnos Ignatii, Smi- lax officinalis, syphilitica, medica, cumanensis, china, and macalucha, Shorea camphorifrra, Smilax lan- ceofolia, Solanum paniculatum. E *2G MEDICINAL. Ticorea febrifuga, Tachia Guianensis, Thalictrum majus, Tephrosia Senna, Trichosanthes cordata. Uvaria febrifuga, Viola Ipecacuanha, Vandellia diffusa, Unona aromatica, and xylopioides. Xanthoxylum caribaeum, hiemale, and Clava Herculis, Xylopia sericea. Paullinia africana, Momordica operculata, Bril- lantaisia owariensis, The Neoondoo tree of Bow- dich, the Cusho, Shenna, Turnback, Indukduk, and Abbachugo roots of Pearce, Amyris Gileaden- sis. Brachysanthes and Pseudostemma febrifugal of Brazil, Croton sanguifluum, Poly podium cras- sifolium, Laurus regia, Eucalyptus piperita, Ama- paima, or Caska preciosa. Picrorrhiza Kurrooa, Chenopodium ambrosoides. Icica indica and Goo- gul or Bdellium tree, the true Sarsa root of Oro- noko, &c. Swietenia febrifuga Lasiostoma Curare, Cerbera Tanghin, Antiaris toxicaria, Lycopodium catharticum, lonidium parviflorum, Hiarry root of Demerara, a narcotic, Strychnos Tieute. Croton tiglium. Echites siphilitica, Lactaria salutaris of Rumphius, Arbor Toxicaria, or Upas, Malaparius. Lanius, of Rumphius, Paullinia sorbilis. ORNAMENTAL. 27 Ornamental. Anthocleista macrophylla, Alfonsia amygdalina, Attalia amygdalina, Atropa arborescens, Afzelia Africana, Agave lurida, Aristolochia cordiflora, and labiosa, Achania Malaviscus, Anda Braziliensis, An- giopteris evecta, Acrostichum furcatum, Augustea lanceolata, Amaioua saccifera, Acrocomia sclerocar- pa, Araucaria excelsa and imbricata, Acrostichum aureum, Alsodea physiphora, Aromatic grasses of Brazil, Aristolochia grandiflora, Astrocarya vulgare, Alpinia magnifica and malaccensis, Amaryllis princi- pis, aulica, psittacina, solan draflora, and reticulata, Anneslea fragrans, Acacia niopo, Amherstia nobilis, Amyris Commiphora, nana, &c. Andersonia rohitu- ka, Andira excelsa, Acacia Giraffe, Amaryllis vittata. Acacia esculenta, Amyris toxifera, ambrosiaca, and anisata, Agathis anthes Javanica, 120 feet high, Apocynum formosissimum, Aroinadendron elegans, Apeiba echinata, &c. Amyris data. Banisteria fulgens, Bromclia lucida, Bignonia pro- cera, BrunsfeLsia violacea, Betula Bhojpatra, Bougian- villea braziliensis, Bignonia chrysantha, and venusta, and Telfairia 1 , Bilbergia purpurca, and 15arclaya. 28 ORNAMENTAL. Bauhinia porrecta, Bignonia leucoxylon, Brownea coccinea, .rosea, and racemosa, Boottia cordata, Bentinckia Condapanna, Blackburnia monadelpha, Bauhinia racemosa, Brya ebenus, Broussonetia papy- rifera, Bignonia echinata, Bombax ceiba. Canna iridiflora, Cobea scandens, Cordia sebe- stana, Coutaria speciosa, Cedrela odorata, Combre- tum grandiflorum, Cassia moschata, Caladium arbo- rescens. Cleome arborea, rosea, speciosissima and gigantea, Crataeva Tapia and fragrans, Cuphea mul- tiflora, Cactus moniliferus, and melocactus, Capparis odoratissima, Crescentia Cujete, Carolinea princeps, and insignis, Chorisia speciosa, Cochlospermum in- signis, Cyathea medullaris, Cecropia peltata, conch o- carpus macrophyllus, Cereus serpentinus and acker- mannii, Cerasus sphaerocarpa, Caladium fragrantis- simum. Colvillese racemosa, Camellia chinensis, Casearia ramiflora, Couroupita guianensis, Crinum Brousso- netii, and erythrophyllum, Calla aromatica, Calan- the veratrifolia, Crinum plicatum, Conanthera bi- folia, Cactus cochinilifer, Cyrtopodium punctatum, Clianthus puniceus, Caesalpiniabijuga, Citharexylum caudatum, Cocos fusiformis, Carolinea alba, Cappa- ris Breynia, Chorisia insignis, Columbia serratifolia, ORNAMENTAL. 29 Cassalpinia pluviosa, Caryophyllus antisepticus, Cac- tus peruvianus, Cucubrita moschata. Cremanium theezans, Curcuma Roscoeana, Cas- tanea malayana and martabanica, Corypha elata and Taliera, Cerbera fruticosa, Calla aromatica, Chaul- moogra odorata, Calyptrion all the species, Croton suavis, Convolvulus superbus, Calochortus macrocar- pus, Crinum giganteum and Yuccoides, Cassia caryo- phyllata, Carapa guineesis, Campomanesia lineatifo- lia, Cocos aculeata, Cheirostemon platanoides, 15 feet in diameter at trunk, Columbia javanica, Clusia rosea, and alba, Chrysopia fasciculata, Caryocar amygdali- ferum, 240 feet high, Cavanillesia mocondo, 8 feet in diameter, Cyathea speciosa, and excelsa, Chiga, Inga. Diospyros obtusifolia, Dichorisandra thyrsiflora, Dioscorea Braziliensis, Dolichos roseus, Dalea citrio- dora, Duhamelia chrysantha, Delechampia brazili- ensis, Datura ceratocaulon, Doryanthes excelsa, Do- dona?a salicifolia, Dalrymplea pomifera, Dalecham- pia fimbriata, Dracaena Draco. Epicharis altissima, 140 feet high, Erythrochiton braziliensis, Engelhardtia Wallichiana, Erythrina speciosa, crista galli, and picta, Eugenia guyanensis, Eucalyptus albens, Erythrophleum guincensis, Em- bothrium speciosissimum, Euphorbia punicea, Eu- 30 ORNAMENTAL. patorium Dalea, Entada Gigalobium,* Eugenia tri- flora, inocarpa and balsamica, Evosmia caripensis, Eugenia lancefolia, Elseocarpus ganitrus, and tu- berculatus, Erythrina monosperma, Eugenia Miche- lii, and lineata, Eryngium aromaticum, Erythroxy- lon areolatum, Erisma floribundum, Esenbeckia altissima, 120 feet, Elseocarpus macrophyllus, Evodia hortensis, Eriolithis mirabilis. Ferdinandusia speciosa, Fredericia speciosa, Fur- croea gigantea, and tuberosa, Ficus sycamorus, Fran- ciscea Hopeana, Flindersea amboinensis, Fagraea fragrans, Ficus macrophylla, Fritillaria barbata, Fuchsia arborea, Ficus gigantea, nymphagfolia. Geoffroya superba, Gustavia pterocarpa, Guatteria ouregou, Guarea trichilioides, Gaura fruticosa, Go- nolobus diadematus, Gesnera bulbosa, Geoffroya Inermis, Galinsogea trilobata, Guettarda coccinea, Geonoma palm, Geoffroya racemosa and violacea, Geonoma pinnatifrons, Gronovia scan dens, Gonolo- bus hispidus, Goethia semperflorens, Glaphyra niti- da, Ginoria Americana, Gardenia campanulata, Gonohoria lobolobo, Gloxinia speciosa, Gaultheria odorata, Gynerium sacharoides. * This powerful Climber is a native of every part of continental In- dia. H. H. S. ORNAMENTAL. Heliconia psittacorum, and bihai, Haemanthus multiflorus, Heliocarpus Americana, Hedera aroma- tica and umbellata, Heteropteris chrysophylla, Hu- mea elata, Hernandiea ovifera, Hedyosmum hirsu- tum, Hopea odorata, Hura crepitans. Inga biglobosa, Jacaranda ovalifolia, Jubnca spec- tabilis, Ipomcea Krusensternii, Jatropha integerrima, Isinene Calathina, Ipomcca glandulifera, Inga mel- lifera, Jackia ornata, Intsia Amboinensis, Jackia excelsa. Kielmeyera speciosa, Kunthia montana. Lobelia splendens and fulgens, Lantana pseudo- thea, Lecythis ollaria, Limnocharis Humboldtii, Lodoicea Sechellarum, Lafoensia speciosa, and acu- minata, Liriodendron grandiflora, Lilium tigrinum, Lachnostoma tigrinum, Lacepedia insignis, Lantana violacea, Latania rubra. IManicaria saccifera, ISIarica northiana, INIirabilis longirlora, JMyrica Mcxicana, INIauritia fiexuosa, Mayna Braziliensis, Melastoma tomentosa, Myrtus splendens, IMaccaubu palm, Myrrhinium atropur- pureum, Mauritia aculeata, and vinifera, Mctrosi- deros vera, Maranta Zebrina, Monte/Aima specio- sissima, Marcgravia umbellata, Mimosa ceratonia, Melastoma aromatica, Myrtus ugni, Myrianthus 32 ORNAMENTAL. arborea, Myrica subcordata, Millingtonia simplicifo- lia, Mangifera macrocarpa, Mucuna urens, Manglie- tia glauca, Magnolia Coco, Moronobea coccinea, Ma- prounea braziliensis. Noraritea guianensis, Nauclea undulata, macro- phylla, and purpurea, Nepenthes distillatoria. Ormosia dasycarpa, and coccinea, Oxyanthus speciosus, Omphale.a triandra, Oreodoxa regia, Oe- nocarpus Batana, Ornithogalum corymbosum, and arabicum, Opuntia braziliensis, Ottonia anisatum, Ochroma Lagopus, Oreocallis grandiflora, Ompha- locarpum procerum. Podocarpus macrophylla, Plumeria tricolor, Port- landia grandiflora, Pergularia sanguinolenta, Pancra- tium Amancaes, and pediale, Picramnia Antidesma, Petrea volubilis, Passiflora Murucuja, Parivoa gran- diflora, Piscidia Erythrina, Phaseolus multiflorus, Panax aromatica, Parkia Africana, Paullinia Cururu, Pothos digitata, Piper umbellatum, Palicourea spe- ciosa, Pistacia oleosa, Petunia viloacea, Prunus occidentalis, Passiflora kermesina and racemosa, Pontederia azurea, Piper anisatum and inebrians, and methysticum, Philagonia procera, Poinciana regia, Peristeria pendula, Poinsettia pulcherrima, Pancratium caribaeum, Psidium aromaticum, Po- ORNAMENTAL. 33 soqueria longiflora, Phytocrene gigantea, Pancra- tium amboinense, Papyrus odorata, Petiveria alliacea, Prosopis pallida, Pachyloma coriaceum, Platanus orientalis, Panax Anisum. Robinia violacea, Russelia multiflora, Rondeletia loniceroides, Rhododendron arboreum, hispidum, and lepidotum, Rhexia Princeps, and grandiflora, Randia Bowiana, Rhodochiton volubilis, Rhodo- dendron puniceum, Roydsia suaveolens, Rhino- carpus excelsa, 140 feet high, Rejoua aurantiaca. Scoparia dulcis, Solandra grandiflora, Sanseviera guineensis, Schinus Molle, Schotia speciosa, Securi- daca volubilis, Sagus vinifera, Sterculia Chicka Spha^rosacme spectabilis, Stifta chrysantha, Solcna grandiflora, Spiloma roseum, Scilla esculenta, Sanse- viera longiflora, Spiranthera odoratissima, Swartzia grandiflora, and myrtifolia, Sterculia alata, Sciuris aromatica, Styrax tinifolia, Singana guainensis, Spa- thodea gigantea. Trichilia odorata, and moschata, Tillandsia usnc- oides, Tropaeolum majus, and tuberosum, Tetracera potatorum, Treveriana coccinea, Tacsonia adulterina, Theophrasta longifolia, Trichopteris excelsa, Tetra- cera jamaicensis, Thespesia grandiflora, Terminal ia proccra, and citrina. Teloj)ea speciosissima, Tibou- 34 ORNAMENTAL. china aspera, Trixis neriifolia, Tovomita fructipen- dula, Tripinnaria africana, fruit size of a man's head, Tanaacium Jaroba. Uncaria guianensis, and insignis, Gambir and acida, Unona latifolia. Vismia guianensis, Violarias of Brazil, shrubby genera, Vitis caribaea, Victoria regalis. Wittelsbachia insignis, Wrightia caryotoides. Xylopia glabra, frutescens, and sericea, Xantho- phyllum virens, Xylophylla latifolia, Xylocarpus granatum. Yucca superba. Zanthoxylon alatum, piperitum, and emargi- natum, Zamang mimosa of Humboldt. The Tulip tree of Bowdich, the Kolquall of Salt, the Amaryllis of Salt, the Berberrer Fishpoison tree, and the Lion poison tree, called Merquotsar, of Pearce, the Darro tree of Abyssinia. The Cactus of the Gallipagos Islands, 50 feet high, Holboellia lati- folia, Trewia nudiflora, Bignonia orbiculata, Aubleta tiburba, Tabernamontana macrocapa, Cornidia in- tegerrima, Echites coccinea, Pentaloba zeylanica, Triplarisamericana, Nepenthes RafHesiana, Talauma braziliana, Rhododendron javanicum, Euryale ferox, Agave americana, Humboldtia laurifolia. ORNAMENTAL. 35 Wallichia spectabilis, Wightia gigantea, Gus- tavia augusta, Chilocarpus suaveolens, Eucalyptus alba, Melaleuca viridiflora, Laurus chloroxylon, Leptospermum amboinensis, Sarcolobus globosus, The Vadgaior Cucurito palm. Impatiens Walkeri, Ailanthus moluccana, Panax pinnatum, Fructus musculiformis, Funis murcena- rum latifolius, Manga foetida, Lansium montanum, Olus album, Folium acidum majus, Pulassarius, Lig- num clavarum, Arbor versicolor, Corallaria latifolia. Aralia umbraculifera, LTvaria odorata, Unona ligu- laris,Cananga sylvestris, Arbor Violaria,Lingoum and Lr. saxatile, Gelala, Lactaria salutaris, Pauw, Alyxia stellata, Arbor nussalavica, Cajti Galedupa, Pharma- cum Sagueri, Catti marus, Restiaria alba, Hernandia ovigera, Folium intinctus, Ailanthus moluccana, Ich- thyochtones montana and Folium urens, of Humph. Strophanthus hispida, Plumeria pudica, the Jagua palms of Humboldt, Lanpujum Rumphii, Trichosanthes heteroclita, Myrtus braziliensis, Astro- caryum vulgare, Silk palm of Humboldt, Pata- gonian Tamarind of Dupuis, Stadmannia Siclo- roxylon, Eugenia Plinii, Gagnebina tamariscina, Inga spuria, Combretum laxum, Buttress tree, Bra- sil. Napoleona imperialis. 36 DR. GIBSON ON NEW MEDICAL PRODUCTS. From DR. GIBSON, Superintendent of the Botanic Garden at Dapooree, to DR. SPRY, Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated 1 3th February, 184-1. I have now the pleasure to return the proof sheets of my own remarks and those of Dr. Burn. As Dr. B. is in Europe, Dr. Browne sent two proofs to me for correction. Since the date of my remarks, the overland communication has enabled me to do a good deal in the way of extending the variety of products. I have now many Pines (Firs) of different sorts potted ; one, now three years old, in our ground grows slowly ; but it is healthy. The medical stores are now supplied with Extract Hyoscyami made at this garden, and from January next I am to have the contract for Senna leaves. The kind pro- duced is from Tinnivelly seed, and it has been, on trials made at Bombay, pronounced equal to the best Arabian Senna. We have in this district this year about 100 acres of Mauritius Sugar Cane, grown chiefly to supply the demands of the Sugar manufactory close by, and partly grown on private account. From MAi;iUTIl. T K SUGAR CANES HEMLOCK ELATEItl I'M . .'>7 what I see now, I feel convinced that government rather retarded than advanced the introduction of this Cane, by allowing it to be grown rent-free. The ryots, naturally suspicious, deemed the exemp- tion to arise from secret views on the part of govern- ment as to the future taxation ; and in this idea they were the more confirmed, by having the plants given gratis. Now that they have to pay tax, and also for plants when wanted, there are not a few purchasers. I am sorry to say that the wheat altogether failed.* In fact water had got into the canisters on their way round. The Dacca Cotton seed which I received from you I chiefly sent to Mr. Elphinstone, Collector of Rutenagherry. I saw it growing in his plantations in November last ; but few seeds only had come up. I have reserved some to sow with the first of the rains, and shall let you know the result. I have now the Conium f maculatum growing * Dr. Gibson here alludes to a supply of English wheat, which was sent to him for trial by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. II. II. S. t Seeds or plants of this and the Momordica Klatcrium would be very welcome to the Society, as well as to the 11. ('. I>ot. (Jarden at Calcutta. II. II. S. 38 SPANISH BROOM PERUVIAN MASTICH TREE OLIVE. here ; also two plants of Momordica Elaterium, the latter from Mediterranean seed; also Spartium, Schinus Mulli, and some other exotics. The Olive plants appear to grow well at this elevation, which is about 1900 above the sea. It remains to be seen whether the fruit, in case it be produced, will be of any value. ( Continued. ) from DR. BURN at Kaira, in Guzerat, to DR. BROWNE, Private Secretary to the Honorable the Governor of Bombay, dated 12th December, 1839. I have much pleasure in replying to your letter of the 25th November, and shall willingly afford all the aid I can for your reply to the queries of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Ben- gal. It is little that I can do in the way of giving you any thing new ; I would incline rather to notice things that are well known, but which can be o IMPROVED ; and others, which though known to exist, are as yet turned to no use. AGRICULTURE OK GUJERAT. 39 The arrangement or classification pointed out by the Society, appears to me complex, and I cannot at present collect my ideas accordingly ; but I will en- deavour to follow it as closely as possible. To ex- plain, I have a very great deal to do at present, this being the season when agricultural pursuits can be best examined practically, and as I am about to take advantage of furlough in February, I wish to wind up as it were all the little affairs connected with the experiments on silk culture, cotton, &c. which I have been engaged on during the last three years. Of esculent grains, Gujerat produces a large variety. Some grow in a wild and natural state, others, according to circumstances which proceed from different sources, require a greater or a less degree of care under cultivation. Naturally, the climate and soil are admirably suited for the pro- duction of esculent grains, for the simple process of covering in the seed by the bamboo drill, in use from time immemorial, is all that is requisite to obtain a tolerable crop. In some parts to the north of this I am informed that the soil is never ploughed, and yet it yields annually crops of wheat ; the seed being sown by the drill, and then a large bunch of thorns drawn 40 IMPOVERISHING CAUSES. over the field to smooth it. But were the Ryots able to plough and manure their lands properly, the produce, generally speaking, of every field might be double, and thus one-half the land now cultivated might be employed for other produce. What can be expected from wooden ploughs and starved bullocks, the drivers of which know well that whatever exertion they may bestow, benefits them not, further than that any how they obtain a bellyful. All surplus goes to the Sircar;* or the Polemical Priesthood the Brahmins the scourge of India, find means by working on their credulity to deprive them of every rupee which they happen to save ! ! Rice and bajri, are consumed by the higher or richer classes, together with four or five kinds of pulse. Of inferior grains a great number exist, but none appear of value as articles of food. The codra is remarkable as causing all the symptoms of diseases induced by some of the most powerful narcotic poisons ; this only happens I believe when the grain has been kept for seven or eight years, and I may remark, the mustard emetic in such cases has the most beneficial effect, * Government. OATS UYE BARLEY. 41 Several kinds of grass seeds are collected by the low caste natives during the monsoon in large quan- tity, and with great ingenuity, by means of a basket swept along over the tops of the grass ; a single man in one day will collect as much as he can carry home at evening. These grasses grow wild in the " beers," or wherever the ground is uncultivated, and spring up in July with the first fall of rain ; they are ripe in less than two months, and then thousands feed upon them who could, at that period, find no other means of subsistence. Of these " Sawa," a kind of millet, and " Numar," wild rice, are the chief. Oats and rye are the only cereal grains not cultivated here, and I suppose the temperature of the atmosphere seldom descends low enough to ad- mit of attention to them. Frost seldom happens in Gujerat. Barley is one of the cheapest grains to be found in the Bazars; the people have a prejudice against its use; they say a man loses strength by feeding on it ; and they object to give it to their horses and cattle : all my experience goes to prove that the pre- judice is unfounded. I have fed my horses on it, and I have seen it used by many of the poor faini- 42 MEDICAL PLANTS. lies about Kaira, without producing any but the best effects. Great variety of food is well known to be essen- tial to the health of a people using little of animal produce; so in Gujerat we find great attention is paid to the culture of leguminous esculents, but they are also known to contain a large portion of matter analogous to animal substances, and there- fore to the hard-working labourer, they become an essential article of food ; milk and ghee are general- ly beyond his reach, unless in small quantity. These leguminous field plants are the same as are found in other parts of India. The prices of these grains would afford a fairer proof of the productiveness of any season in Gujerat than any others, but that of milk and ghee would afford the best average state of the markets. Medical Plants. Of these there are a large number ; to notice those used by the natives would be useless, though many of them are, I believe, very useful. We have here MEDICAL PLANTS. 4,'J some of the most valuable to be found in our own Materia Medica, of which the government cannot fail to know, but until they are thought worth col- lecting, of what value can it be to add to the list ? Colocynth, of two kinds, abounds here the true Cucumis Colocynthis and C. Pseudo colocynthis. I have made extract from the former, quite equal to that obtained from the Levant apple. In those severe cases of Fever, common in Gujerat, where the torpid state of the peristaltic motion of the bowels is difficult to overcome or to rouse, I have found this extract very useful. Senna, the two kinds used in medicine Cassia lanceolata and obovata I have elsewhere described as existing in Gujerat. I find they may be culti- vated with the greatest facility ; my gardeners are now picking the leaves from about four beegas, sown about the middle of August. The seed was drilled into the ground, and the only attention required by the plant, is loosening the ground, and weeding two or three times when it is young. The art practised for preserving the purgative pro- perty in the leaves I was not aware of, till by acci- dent I found on inquiry that some that I had sent to Bombay had been pronounced by Dr. McLennan to 44 MEDICAL PLANTS. be no better than chopped hay. The time of gather- ing in this instance was the sole cause of fault. I mention this to show, that in all cases of experi- ment, both the favourable and adverse circumstan- ces should always be impartially stated. Had this fact not come to my knowledge, I might possibly to this day have gone on blundering. I feel convinced, however, that there are still some little points in its cultivation which I am not yet acquainted with sufficiently, and which add to the strength of the leaf; my senna is remarkably mild, and not so strong as the Tennivelly or Egyptian ; still the bota- nical characters of the plant I believe are identical. Glycyrrhiza glabra ?* Momordica Elateriumf Aloe spicata ? Dolichos pruriens, &c. &c. grow in considerable abundance ; the roots and seeds of the Nymphcea Lotus ; the fruit of the Trapa bispinosa ; the roots of the Scirpus palus- trisj are used by the natives as articles of luxury * Drs. Gibson and Wallich suspect that there must be a mistake here, f Dr. Gibson states that active LufFas are found. J Dr. Wallich supposes some other plant of the family of Cyperadeic is meant than Scirpus palustris. FODDER, ETC. 4~) in the fruit way. Gardens are not common in Gujerat ; any fruit, save the common plantains, the guava, and the sweet limes, is seldom obtainable ; the vine flourishes with difficulty ; mangoes abound, but are seldom good ; the fruit of several wild plants is eaten, as the Ziziphus jujuba, Feronia Elephan- tum, Eugenia Jambos, yEgle Marmelos, Mimusops hexandra, &c. &c. Carrots, radishes, bengins, (Egg plant), onions, and a great variety of green herbs, chopped up with ghee, salt, and red pepper are eaten under the name of ophagee ; they have no turnip, and very few sweet potatoes, or yams ; nor do they ever use the love apples, (Tomatas.) A great variety of cucurbitaceous plants are cultivated, and their fruit is always in great demand. Boota, or Indian corn, is grown by the gardener castes, but it is only used when green, the production of flour from this grain would be too expensive, as it requires the best soil, and a quantity of manure. Fodder, $c. The natural grasses afford abundance of excellent fodder ; no care is taken in their cultivation save to 46 FODDER, ETC. cut them down with the sickle when ripe, and to tie them into small bundles of a couple of hand- fuls each. The natives name at least a dozen, and ascribe qualities to each as they consider them more or less nourishing, &c. Huryallee, (Panicum?) is one of the most valuable when cut green, or made into hay. In an ordinary season as much hay may be had for two and a half rupees, as will feed a horse for a month. But even at this cheap rate it is too expensive for the Ryots, who feed their cattle on the sweet stalks of the two common millets joari and bajri ; still I believe they are better suited than grass, particularly the joari, as fodder for oxen. There can be little doubt that it is more nou- rishing ; on it the cattle of the Ryot live, and work too, and in nine cases out of ten, never receive any grain; the straw of a great variety of pulse is given occasionally to whet the appetite, and when very hard worked, they receive a little bajri itself and mutt, or mug, or gowar.* Cattle are very fond of these three pulse grains, and the strength and * The Dolichos fabaeformis (now Cyamopsis psoraleoides) see Jones' Mahratta Dictionary, and Graham's and Nimmo's Catalogue of Plants of Western India. II. II. S. FODDER, ETC. 47 plumpness they attain when fed on them is no less remarkable ; a little salt is daily given along with them, and is essentially necessary to the health of oxen, whatever may be nature of the food given them. Hence the poor Ryot feels heavily the tax upon this article. Until an improved system of agriculture shall be found necessary by the Govern- ment, I think the present wants of the people are amply supplied as regards fodder.* Guinea grass, lucern, and Egyptian clover, all grow very well here ; but would not repay the Ryot for the labour and expense of culture, so long as other fodder is so cheap. * A gentleman who has resided many years in Guzerat, in a high official situation, and who has had an opportunity of seeing a proof of this part of Dr. Burns' communication while passing through the press, informs me, that he does not agree with Dr. Burns in thinking, that the wants of the people are supplied as far as regards Fodder. He says, " Had he (Dr. Burns) been in Goojraut in 1833-4, when a drought was followed by locusts, he would have written differently. That province is alllictcd by drought about every eight years, and there such crops as Guinea Grass and Lucerne would be invaluable. Every cultivator in Kaira, where Dr. Burns, I think, is stationed, has a well ; but the cattle die ofT so quickly for icant of fodder in such a season, that they can hardly get enough to work their wells." II. II. S. 48 MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL ARTICLES, ETC. Manufacturing and Commercial Articles, Oils, $c. $c. Staples of Commerce, Trees, fyc. This head contains so much, I have not time to enter on any thing except a very few things, and I shall keep my eye to staples, or what ought to be such. Tobacco is the chief exportable produce of this zilla ; from Nerriad large quantities are annually sent to Upper India, via Malwa. The experiment of curing for the Europe market, has never been at- tempted ; but by a practical hand, I think it might be rendered a useful article. Safflower, from the flowers of the Carthamus tinc- torius, is prepared for colouring the turbans of the people, and as the plant grows most luxuriantly, it might be rendered a valuable article of export to Europe. Senna might be cultivated to supply both India and Britain, at as cheap a rate as from any other place. Colocynth of this the same may be said as of Senna ; it is to be had wild from the jungle in cart loads. Cantharides ditto, ditto, and several other medical products. GUM ARABIC TREE ITS MANIFOLD USES. 49 Gum Arabic, from the Babul, Acacia arabica. This tree may well be considered as one of the most valuable, I believe ; and in the numerous uses to which its various parts are applicable, second only to the Cocos nucifera; without it what would our Ryots do to supply themselves with Agricultural implements ? Of this wood all the cart wheels in Gujerat are constructed, and put together without a single iron nail, and yet they endure for five or six years ; common salt is the substitute for nails. By an ingenious process the wheel when finished is salted, and by the deliquescent property of the salt rendered proof against the dry atmosphere of the hot season. The bark of the Babul is the most useful of all for curing leather; without it leather bags and ropes, used by the Ryots, and called the coop, could not be cured. The leaves and young branches form valuable food for goats and sheep ; the pods arc collected and sold at a high price as nourishing food for milch buffaloes; the wood forms the best char- coal and fire- wood. This tree ought certainly to be protected, and the government could not do better than order a plan- tation of it to be attached to every village in the country. The expence would be little, and it would ii 50 BABUL TREE HOW BEST PROPAGATED. repay in a thousand different ways ; the saving manures for the fields by preventing the burning of cow-dung, as is now the case, and which a good supply of fire- wood might prevent, should of itself render the subject worth the consideration of govern- ment. But I must stop ; enough has been said on the Babul, only let me add a most important point, which is to know how to render the seed capable of germinating; there are two ways ; first and best, collect that which has been vomited by goats or sheep; it may be had in a large quantity in the places where they lodge at night, during the season the seed ripens ; second, boil the seed for two or three minutes in water. Treated in this way the seed rapidly grows to a large tree ; it thrives in Gujerat even better than in the Dekun. It is not to this species, Lalla Rookh alludes, when he says " Our rocks are rough ; but smiling there, " The Acacia waves her yellow hair, lonely and " SWEET ; nor loved the less, for flowering in a wilderness." Sugar cane is not very extensively cultivated. The Mauritius kind was introduced here, and last year there were, I believe, upwards of a hundred MULBERRY AND COTTON CULTIVATION. 51 beegas cultivated in the Zillah, but this year the whole cultivation is said to be less than three bee- gas ! ! The famous order of the Court reimposing the begoti, is the cause of this. Remark all sudden changes are bad ! Silk. The culture of the mulberry, and the in- troduction of the art of rearing silk worms through Gujerat, I offered to government to undertake about three years since, and so far as I have gone, success has been ample, and most encouraging. But the allowances granted (Rs. 76 : 8 : 0) are so small, that the scale on which my experiment has been con- ducted has been very limited. The thing, however, has taken root, and tree after tree is being planted by the Ryots, so that some fifty years hence, Guje- rat may be able to export silk. Very little cotton is produced in this Zilla, and none of it is grown as an annual, but as a perennial, although the species is the same as that cultivated at Baroach. The difference in the nature of the two soils is the cause of this. Our soil is well adapted to the black seed cottons ; and from experiments con- ducted here during three years, I find that by proper management, a very superior cotton may be produced, under proper training; neither will 52 OILS OF GUJERAT. there be diminution in the size of pods, nor shorten- ing of the staple ; indeed I am inclined to think that cotton very little inferior to Egyptian might be pro- duced through the greater part of this Zilla. In my garden there are some plants of Egyptian cotton, loaded with pods nearly ripe ; it requires irrigation, however, and would therefore cost more to rear it than the kind above alluded to. But then why should not the old water-courses for irrigation from the rivers Mhye and Sambarmutti be opened up? Let the government do this work handsomely, and on a proper scale, and success is certain to follow. The resemblance in the soil and climate of Egypt and Gujerat are not the only striking features that would lead one to believe that the plants of the one country would grow well in the other, and vice versa; the vegetation is in many points identical, and in some instances what does not thrive in Egypt, does not succeed in Gujerat ! Oil of various kinds, but chiefly that of the Se- samum Orientale is produced ; it is eaten and used for burning. Castor oil also is produced in large quantity for burning, and used largely by calico printers. Neem tree seeds afford a very clear bitter oil used for burning. VEGETABLE FIBRES TREES REQUIRED IN GUJERAT. 53 Bassia latifolia, the seeds are collected for the oil. Carthamis Tinctorius, seeds yield oil, &c. &c. Hemp, both Crotalaria juncea and Hibiscus canna- binus, are cultivated as cordage plants only. I know of no Tanning substances in use here but the bark of the Babul, also that of the Cassia auriculata, and the milky juice of the Asclepias gigantea ; the milk is collected early in the morning by breaking the leaves, and allowing it to drop into an old buffalo horn. We want in Gujerat The Olive, Olea europa?a. Mulberry trees of every variety. Date Palm of Egypt. Senna seed, Alexandrian. Coffee trees, or plants, not seeds. Balsam tree of Arabia. Trees yielding Myrrh and Frankincense. Arundo Bambos, different varieties, to culti- vate for the use of the Silk-worm esta- blishment; they are very expensive here. To get government to introduce the culture of the Bctle nut, and leaf, the Paun, north of the Mhye. Baroda supplies the whole country up as far as beyond Deesa. and the revenue realized must be 54 USEFUL TREES AND SHRUBS REQUIRED. very large. The pungent leaf of the Piper Betle is a highly valuable condiment for the natives. Indian rubber tree, Ficus elastica. Arrowroot plants. Allspice tree. Quassia tree. Palm oil tree, Elasis guineensis. Gum Copal, &c. &c. &c. Cassava plants have been introduced by me, brought from Bombay, and the plant grows admirably. Convolvulus Scammonia wanted. Egyptian wheat Carob tree, a native of Syria, the seeds.* There is nothing Gujerat can give to other parts of India or to England, but to Egypt we could give * The introduction of the Carob tree (Ceratonia Siliqua) at the Government Garden at Saharunpore, has been very successful. The Superintendent in his report to Government for the past year, 1840, (see Proceedings of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, for May 1841,) states, that several hundred plants have been raised, and will be distributed eventually along the dry and sandy tracts of the North-western Provinces, where they will constitute a valuable boon to the inhabitants, and shew the estimation in which it is held. He further mentions, that the pods sell in the bazar at ten rupees a seer, or five rupees a pound. H. II. S. GRASSES, PULSES, ETC. 55 various useful seeds and plants, as the neem tree, the mowra tree, the kerui tree, all of which pro- duce the most valuable timber, and the seeds yield oil : also various grasses, pulses, &c. I fear I have but imperfectly performed the work you required. The more I write, the more I find I have to write. However, any specific question you may require can be answered any time, and no one can be found more willing than I am to aid in the good work. . r )6 GRAINS IN GUJERAT. From Dr. GIBSON, Superintendent Botanic Garden at Da- pooree, to Dr. BROWNE, Private Secretary to the Ho- norable the Governor of Bombay, dated 19 th Feb. 1840. Food^-comprising Esculent Grains of all kinds Medical Plants, Fruits, and Roots. Of the grains most commonly in use, several varieties of the finer kinds of rice might be advan- tageously naturalized in some of the Tropical Co- lonies of Great Britain such as the Kumode and Ambi-mohr varieties. Of dry esculent grains 1st. Wheat Of this there are four varieties redu- cible to three species. The first of these, the Bukhshee wheat, is a grain of a superior quality to most of the common wheats of Europe. 2nd. The Daood Khanee is (as its name imports) probably a Persian or Tartarian wheat, naturalized by the Musulmans. 3rd. We have also a beardless wheat similar to the English. I shall be happy to forward specimens of all these for trial in England ; and I would in return, gladly GRAINS IN CULTIVATION IN GUJERAT. O/ receive a few pounds of Polish wheat. Of the lat- ter a specimen was sent me, and the cultivators of an extensive wheat district were most anxious to procure a supply of it for seed. From the appearance of the grain, they calculated that it would be likely to produce a return half greater than that of the common field wheat. The speci- men unfortunately did not vegetate. A small parcel sent by the Overland route, would be more likely to succeed. The Talavera wheat, I succeeded in raising from Havanna seed. It seemed a poor and red grain as compared to the best wheats of this country. The Bajri (Holcus spicatus) common in these provinces, being a productive and rather hardy grain, well fitted for the food of man and of animals, could probably be easily naturalized in Australia. The Toor, or Cytisus Cajan, if not already culti- vated in Southern Europe, would succeed well there, as also in Australia. In the West Indies, it has long been pretty extensively cultivated. As to the introduction of any of the Cereal or Legumi- nous grains from Europe to India, I think that little can be done. i 58 OAT CULTIVATION ESCULENT GRAINS. The Oat grows well in some parts of the Bombay presidency, as above the Ghauts, and yields a very productive crop; but the grain is comparatively husky and worthless, and in my humble opinion very inferior as a food for horses to the grain of this country.* As to the possibility of acclimatizing any of our Indian oil plants in England, I am not san- guine. Their success in some of our West India Colonies would be more certain ; but in the latter, the quantity of land which could at present be devoted to their culture is so small as to render their introduction hardly an object. The number of esculent grains in India, fitted for the food of man and of beast is so large, and their quality generally so excellent, that we ought rather to look to the extension of the means of our cultivation, than to seek to increase the number of grains. The number and variety of the melon, cucumber, and gourd tribe, adapted for the food of man, is very large ; and besides these there are many kinds * In some districts of Bengal it is cultivated rather extensively, and is rapidly increasing to meet the demand of the Calcutta market. II. II. S. POTATOE PLANT AND TAPIOCA IN INDIA. o of tuberous roots, as the arum, the sweet potatoc, &c. which are within the means of the poorest people. The Potatoe (Solanum tuberosum) may be consi- dered as naturalized, and is in many situations produced of an excellent quality. The Tapioca plant has been lately introduced, and in situations near the Coast, gives, by all ac- counts, a very large return.* Its success in the Deckan is more doubtful. The size which the root attains in twelve months does not appear such as to render it probable, that in the Deckan it can compete with the potatoe or sweet potatoe. The result of the trials of tapioca made in Gujerat, I have not yet learned. Should the climate suit the plants, the returns will probably be even larger than is the case in the Concan. As to the medicinal plants which might be intro- duced from Europe or America into India, the number is considerable, and some of the desiderata are of great value. * Both tapioca and arrowroot have, within the last two years, been very extensively grown at Alliporc, one of the suburbs of Calcutta, for manufacturing purposes. As much as thirty tons of the latter was pre- pared during the present year (1811), and of first rate quality. 11. U.S. GO MEDICINAL PLANTS REQUIRED FOR INDIA. I may enumerate the Peruvian bark tree, Gum guiacum tree,* Quassia tree, Logwood tree, Tropical America and the West Indies. Copaiva balsam tree, Tolu balsam tree, Sarsaparilla, Ipecacuanha Plant, and the Jalap Convolvulus. The acquisition of all or of any of these would be most desirable. That there exist, between Cape Comorin and the Himalya, localities suited to many, if not to all, of them, is hardly to be doubted. Probably the mountain valleys and jungles in Malabar, Wynaad, or Coorg, assimilate in climate to many of the countries where they at present grow, and it would be of the utmost importance that they should be conveyed direct from their native soil to the situations intended for them in India. * We have in the Calcutta Botanic Garden the Guajac, Quassia, Sarsaparilla, and Manettia cordifolia, (one of the Ipecacuanha plants) ; all of which may be expected to become naturalized in those parts of India more suited to them than Lower Bengal. The Logwood ia very extensively cultivated as an ornamental shrub. H. H. S. MEDICINAL PLANTS THAT CAN BE SUPPLIED. 61 From the Mediterranean countries, the following might with advantage be imported : 1st. Black Hellebore plant, Bazar Syn. " Kalee Kootkie." The Bazar Hellebore comes I believe from Persia ; it is seldom found sufficiently fresh to allow of its being depended on as an active medicinal agent. 2nd. The Scammony convolvulus. 3rd. Liquorice root plant, and few others of lesser note. The number of medicinal plants which could be supplied by us from this quarter of India, for natu- ralization in the West Indies, and some other of the Colonies of England, is not large. Some of the Polygonums. Solanums, Crotons, Cannabis sativa, Vernonia anthelmintica, Xanthochymus, JEgle Marmelos, Anacardium orientale,* Calotropis gigantea, Sapindus emarginata, Zyziphus Jujuba, Sic in MS. Query occidental. II. H. S. 62 GARDEN FRUITS GROWN. seem to me to comprise most of those peculiar to this part of India, and which might be worth the trouble of naturalization in a foreign colony. Of fruit trees capable of being naturalized in India, the number already introduced from the West Indies, Tropical America, and other countries, is considerable. Amateur Horticulturists have led the way in this branch, and in their hands it may probably most safely be left. Several of the better sorts of China fruits are, I believe, now grown in Bombay, as the Litchi, &c. The gardens at Parell and at Dapoorie can boast of the Blighia sapida of New Zealand, now pro- ducing fruit (at least at Dapoorie) annually. The Achras Sapota flourishes well at Dapoorie. The Avocado pear has been introduced into Bombay from the West Indies, and also into the Deckan by the late Major Ford. One tree exists at Dapoorie. The apple, plum, pear, and quince have been naturalized to a degree probably as great as the nature of the climate will admit of. The first of these attains some size in the higher level of Ahmednuggur, but is not such as to be worthy of a rank with either English or tropical fruits. FODDER GRASSES FOR INDIA. 63 The pear and plum do not, to the best of my knowledge, ever ripen. The apricot blossoms abundantly at the level of Poonah, but does not produce fruit. Fodder and food for Cattle and Animals grasses, seeds, fruits, roots, and leaves also Ornamental plants. The trials made of the grasses and fodder plants of Europe, have generally not had an encouraging result. Italian Rye grass I have raised from seed ; but it remains comparatively sickly and stunted. The Maltese Trefoil, a Legume celebrated in southern Europe for its productiveness and its adaptation to the food of cattle, gives in the Deckan no promise of a return. Lucerne has been success- fully acclimated, and is now largely cultivated by natives chiefly for sale to the European community. Its use also is spreading among the cultivators for their own cattle. Guinea grass ; of this the introduction is more recent. It yields a slower return than Lucerne, 64 INDIGENOUS FODDERS. but is probably better adapted for cattle, being of a nature less heating. It cannot, however, be grown, as is the case in the West Indies, without the aid of water, nor is the return yielded so great as some of the other articles at present in use, as forage for cattle, under the name of ' Kuddol' ; these are first Indian corn and Juwari (Holcus Sorghum) raised after January, and raised solely to feed cattle on. These afford a very succulent and nutritive forage. 2nd. The tops and green leaves of the sugar cane. These when obtainable in plenty are (probably with justice) reckoned superior to all other articles of green food for cattle. 3rd. Various Leguminous plants grown for the sake of the straw. 4th. The leaves and tender branches of the Acacia Arabica, or Baubul. These are especially sought after for the grazing of sheep. 5th. Leaves and branches of the Erythrina indica, and other varieties. 6th. Do. The Pee-pul,* especially for camels. As regards ornamental trees and shrubs, the number of these introduced at various times by * Ficus relisiosa. II. II. S. ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, ETC. G5 amateurs and practical horticulturists is consider- able, and I believe I may with safety say, yearly increasing. For introduction of many ornamental, as well as useful trees and plants, the community is deeply indebted to the late Colonel Hough, to Mr. Nimmo of Bombay, and to others. Of ornamental plants introduced of late years, I may name the Brugman- sia arborea, Cassia sumatrana, Maurandia, Quis- qualis, and many others. The undersigned has succeeded in raising the American Black Locust tree (Robinia Pseudacacia) from seed. The Cocoa tree has been tried in the Deckan ; but the aridity of the climate is found to be fatal to it. In the "dank" or damp jungles un- der the ghats, it may possibly succeed better, and as it can be planted in half-cleared land with advan- tage, may, along with the Coffee plant, hereafter be- come an article of some importance to the cottager dwelling under the ghats. 66 VEGETABLE OIL AND OIL SEEDS SUGAR. Manufacturing and Commercial Articles Oils, Gums, Dyes, %c. With reference to the manufactures of this part of the country, it is difficult to describe the extensive and silent desolation which the extinction of many petty branches of industry has given rise to. This has arisen chiefly from the import of Europe manufac- tured goods, and, secondly, from the decreased con- sumption caused by change in political relations. It seems to me hopeless to suppose, that any increase of raw exports, which the country may be capable of furnishing, can at all compensate for the destruc- tion of the branches of industry before named. At the same time, there are many articles which India may supply in the raw state, with great advantage at least to a portion of the population. Of these, the vegetable oil and oil seeds hold a prominent part ; but this branch of commerce is as yet quite in its infancy. The second is Linseed. The third is Sugar. As regards the Deckan, I have (from actual trials made,) no doubt but that the arti- cle can be manufactured and sold at a very remu- VEGETABLE EXTRACTS. (>7 nerating rate for the supply of the European sol- diers, &c. By them it is eagerly sought after, and the better qualities are in like manner preferred by European families at Poonah, to the Bazar article. That sugar could bear the expense of inland trans- port to Bombay, and hereafter of freight to, and duties in, England, seems more doubtful, and must in a great measure depend on the rate at which the cane itself can be purchased from the grower ; but the profit from the sale of sugar to consumers within the province is certain. Of the various gums produced within the limits of the Presidency, I may mention that of the Gardenia gummifera, (Decamali), as likely, when better known, to engage a large share of interest, particularly for use in the more sultry climates of some of our colonies. Its effects in preventing the access of flies to festering wounds and running sores are remarkable. The extract procured from the bark of the Butea, that of the Buchaiiania latifolia, the Syzygium Jambolana, &c. arc likely to be of consequence to the tanners, and could be produced here in large quantities. The same powerfully astringent extract is produced from the bark of the Acacia arabica. 68 LINSEED CULTIVATION. Of all, or of most, of these extracts, the undersigned has had the honour to submit specimens to the Asi- atic Society's Committee, and he presumes, that they are now under report ; whether the species of Smilax indigenous here (S. ovalifolia) possesses the proper- ties of the genuine Sarsaparilla of commerce, the undersigned has not yet had an opportunity of ascertaining by trials on an extended scale. Should this be the case, the medical stores at the Presidency can be supplied with the drug at one- eighth of the present cost. In regard to Linseed (above-mentioned), the un- dersigned has omitted to state in the proper place that he this season contracted for the growth of Linseed to the extent of thirteen acres. The un- toward nature of the season for the Rubbee crops, caused by failure of the latter rain, renders it pro- bable that this year the trial may not be very suc- cessful. The experience of another season may lead to a better result. ALEX. GIBSON, Superintendent Botanic Garden. Dapoorie, 6th Feb. 1840. SUGGESTIONS FROM MEERUT. CO Northern From MR. HENRY COPE, late Secretary of the Horticultural Society at Meerut, to DR. SPRY, Secretary of the Agri- cultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated otith September, 1839. MY DEAR SIR, As the introduction of plants from England, and vice versfi, has been made the subject of inquiry in your Society by a Special Committee, and you have solicited suggestions from members, I have taken the liberty of sending a copy of a letter addressed by me some years since to the Secretary of the Horticultural Society of London, which though hastily written, may contain a hint or two the Committee might find useful in their present researches. As it stands, if the copy affords but a single item of novelty in hints, I shall be happy in having contributed even that little to the labours of the Society, which are progressing steadily and usefully in their career. I have only found leisure to add two or three notes, which may interest. HENRY COPE. 70 STATEMENT SENT TO ENGLAND. SIR, I have the honour by direction of the Committee of the Horticultural Society of Meerut, to address you in the confident hope that numerous as your operations may be, and distant as is our relative posi- tion on the face of the globe, you will, as the official organ of an Institution, which may with strict pro- priety be termed the parent of all Horticultural Societies, be enabled to devote occasionally a few moments of your leisure in the year to the con- cerns and wants of one of its offspring, if I may be allowed to use the term. In order to enable you to judge, as far as the general outline of the geographical history of vegetable products will admit of your doing so, permit me to mention, as it is scarcely reasonable to suppose that you can be acquainted with the exact nature of our locality, that our station is situated between the 29th and 30th degrees of northern latitude, on an extent of plain bounded east and west by the rivers Ganges and Jumna, called the Doab, and reaching about 130 miles northward to the foot of the Sewallick hills, a portion of the great Himalayan chain, which may in fine weather be distinctly seen from Meerut. CAPABILITIES OF NORTHERN INDIA. J\ Should you be acquainted with Dr. Royle's account of the climate enjoyed by the Sahamnporc Botanical Garden, which is but one degree to the north of us, you will have a pretty exact notion of that which we have here ; and when I mention that in the Saharunpore garden, are found not only the Laurus Camphora, and Melaleuca Leucadendron, but many other tropical plants ; beside plants from very high regions of the Himalayan range, and that the Caryophyllus aromaticus* flourishes in the gardens of the Taj at Agra, about 1 30 miles south of Meerut, you will at once see the capabilities of our situation, and the extent of improvements which might, with a little care and industry, be ef- fected in the Agricultural and Horticultural pur- suits, both of the Europeans who are beginning to reside here with a view to permanent settlements, and of the native cultivators of the lands, whose means of subsistence depend exclusively on their crops, and who arc no further advanced in their notions of agriculture than their forefathers were for hundreds of years before them, with the exception of a very small portion residing in the immediate * Is not the Allspice or Pimento meant .' II. II. s. 72 THE SOIL OF UPPER INDIA. vicinity of military cantonments, who have found it to be much to their interest to cultivate a few ultra-Indian vegetables, &c., to supply the demand of the European occupiers of stations. The soil is in general rich, when not exhausted by repeated crops, but the dearth of firewood driving the natives to the use of the dung of their cattle as fuel, is an immense detriment in depriving the soil of the manure it actually stands in need of to restore its vigour. The consequence is, that the crops are very stunted, and the European seeds deteriorate excessively after a few years, if committed to the hands of the native. This naturally leads to the consideration of the great necessity of forest trees being planted in vast numbers throughout the country. The mangoe tree is the only one for hun- dreds of miles that may be said to be planted in any quantity, and the fruit is so much esteemed, that it is seldom that the trees are cut down for use until they have done bearing, when they are, for the most part, rotten to the core.* There are many trees that * The plantations on the banks of the Doab Canal, for a distance of about 150 miles, form an exception to this rule ; attributable to the in- defatigable exertions for the improvement by Capt. Cautley, Superin- tendent of that noble and most useful undertaking. It may not be amiss TREE PLANTATIONS. 73 might, if extensively planted, be both an ornament to the country, and of infinite utility as timber ; and first the Mimosa serissa, Dalbergia sissoo, Shorea robusta, &c. are all fast growing, handsome, and most useful trees ; but from an apparent apathy to every thing (mangoe excepted) which does not bring them in an immediate return for their pecu- niary outlay, or personal trouble, the natives seem to have made no attempts to plant these or other simi- lar trees. It would also be highly desirable if we could in- troduce and raise some of the valuable trees grow- ing on the continent of central America, the West Indies, and other parts of the globe, assimilating in to allude to the very great probability of the speedy commencement of the Great Ganges Canal, which it is proposed to draw from that river at a mile or two below Hurdwar, and to earry more or less, through the centre of the Doab, to the vicinity of Kanouj, where the borrowed treasures will be restored to the parent stream. The Honorable the Lieut. Governor in a late visit to Suharanpoor, ex- amined I believe the details of this great undertaking, and a proposal to raise funds by means of a Joint Stock Company, should the Go- vernment not be able to supply the necessary sums, (estimated at, I believe, from 10 to 50 lakhs), was spoken of. I ought to add, that it is intended to make the Canal one of navigation as well as irrigation, by which means a double source of revenue will be insured. II. (.'. Fcbr nary 1 S 11 . L 74 WANT OF TREES. climate with ours. I have but little doubt that the Logwood and Mahogany would succeed well, espe- cially as the Swietenia febrifuga is indigenous. Would you therefore kindly try and procure for us seeds of all such trees ?* The nature of estates, mostly in the hands of the Zumeendars, who possess not only great extent of land, but also a considerable influence over the ryots who rent their land, would seem to be peculiarly favourable to the introduction not only of a system- atic and constant plan of planting to a large extent, but also of introducing, though certainly only by degrees, such improvements in agriculture as it might be deemed necessary to recommend to them. The deterioration and scantiness naturally conse- quent on the great want of manure in the soil, leads * NOTE. The vast importance of attending to the above suggestion of Mr. Cope, as far as the Sugar districts are concerned, has been of late forcibly brought to the notice of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India and the public by the pen of Mr. Tucker, Collector at Azimghur. This gentleman has offered a gold medal for the purpose of promoting tree cultivations. The Society has brought the subject to the notice of Government, and papers and information have, m consequence, been called for, which are calculated to lead to most beneficial results. Vide Proceedings of the Society for November 1840, and for April and May 1811. II. II. S. WHEAT THE STAPLE PRODUCE. 75 us to the consideration, in the second place, of the means we might adopt to improve the nature of the crops, and to endeavour, as far as our observation of their present means would admit of, to find for the cultivators some trifling substitute for the manure generally employed. There is not a doubt that by introducing better varieties of seed than are at present procurable for the sowing of the lands, a vast improvement would take place ; and that by re- commending, to a further extent than is now prac- tised, the plan of frequently changing the crops on the same ground, much might be done. The staple produce of this part of India is decid- edly wheat in its different shapes, and the climate seems well suited for its cultivation. It would therefore be very desirable to procure several varie- ties of this vastly extended grain from different parts of the globe; and as from your situation in, we might say, the metropolis of the world, you have every opportunity of procuring, and selecting any thing that may bear on your own and our pursuits, we shall be really thankful if you would be so good as to endeavour to forward to us, so as to reach us here by August of next year, samples of all the farinace- ous grains procurable in London, including Barley, 76 RUDENESS OF IMPLEMENTS. Oats, Rice, &c.* We believe that Mr. Anderson of the Chelsea Garden, and Mr. Sinclair, has paid great attention to the culture of them. The other crops cultivated, generally being raised from indigenous plants, will admit of being rendered more produc- tive by better methods of cultivation, and a decided improvement in the nature of the soil by the addi- tion of the manure it stands so much in need of. A great desideratum in the agriculture of this country is an improvement in the implements at present in use amongst the natives, which are of the most simple and antique construction. There will be, no doubt, a very great difficulty in introducing any thing of the kind, especially on the score of ex- pense ; but however averse the Hindoos may be to part with more money than they can help, still they * I regret much to say, that these suggestions met with but little attention on the part of the Horticultural Society of London. Although the Horticultural Society of Meerut offered to defray all ex- penccs, they only received from the Secretary in London some seeds, chiefly flowers, not one of which vegetated, and a box which on being opened was found to contain a quantity of sand, in which five va- rieties of potatoes had been packed. It is indeed a pleasure to compare this apparent apathy with the zeal and activity which follow out in the Calcutta Society the most distant hint of useful description, and to know that this zeal in the good cause will bring its own reward. H. C. CONSIGNMENTS ASKED FOR. would not entirely close their eyes to the chances, and if used, the certainty, of saving both labour and time by adopting better implements for their staple occupation. To enable us to effect this, we shall esteem it an especial favour, if you could make a small selection of models of Agricultural, and at the same time Horti- cultural implements for transmission to us. We would, with your permission, suggest that they should be such only as are likely to suit the soil, which though in some few places clayey and hard, is for the most part of a light sandy nature. You will also be pleased to bear in mind, that bullocks of rather a small breed are in general use here. We would further suggest your only selecting such im- plements as are likely to cost the least in making. Models in wood, capable of being taken to pieces, would be preferable to metal ones. With regard to ultra-Indian plants of a culinary description, which may be said to be strictly within the sphere of a Horticultural Society, the potatoc stands foremost as regards not only its utility, but also the extent to which its cultivation has been brought to in India. But as far as our observa- tion goes, there is but one variety produced in & VARIETIES OF POTATOE REQUIRED. the country. Whether it has been found on trial that this is the only variety that will answer, or whether the original importers, finding that it speedily spread, took no trouble respecting the in- troduction of other varieties, we cannot say ; but it is very certain that no other variety is found at pre- sent. We are specially anxious to procure for tri- al a few of the numerous varieties so celebrated in England and Ireland, and shall thank you, as no doubt there are means by which they can be effec- tually protected from injury during the voyage, to select some of the best kinds for us, and despatch them so as to be in India before the season for planting them the next year, which commences here about the latter end of September, or begin- ning of October. We ought previously to have mentioned, that great exertions are making to improve the Cotton, Tobacco, and Sugar of India; any better sorts of seeds of these plants, or any information respecting their cultivation, will be most acceptable to us. The desire of improving Hemp, which is here used only as furnishing an intoxicating drug, and of Flax cul- tivated for the expressed oil of the seed, by intro- ducing better kinds of seeds, induce us to place VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. 7$ them on our list of desiderata. The next plants which have attracted considerable attention from the readiness with which they seem to be acclimated during the cold season, are those of the natural order Crucifera3, amongst which the Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Mustard are prominent. But still there are many more, that might be introduced with advantage. In fact, every thing that might in any way be like- ly to be useful as an article of trade, or a link in the almost interminable chain of culinary vegetable pro- ducts, cannot but prove interesting to us. Our de- sire is to improve what is already before us, and introduce what can be made useful. At the present moment the natives have, with the exception of those in the neighbourhood of can- tonments, been but very slightly made acquainted with the great benefit they would derive, as far as their sustenance is concerned, by an increase in the sources whence they might derive the same ; and depend almost entirely on wheat and chunna, (Ciccr Arietinum) for their food. If that crop should fail, they must either starve as has been the case in many instances, or drag on their existence in a miserable state, till the time arrives for reaping another crop ; whereas, if they were extensively 80 IMPROVEMENT OF STAPLE PRODUCTIONS. acquainted, and provided with the means of raising other crops at different seasons of the year, their situation would be materially altered, and rendered more comfortable, I was going to say, but more endurable ; as I really believe the Hindoos especi- ally have very scanty notions of comfort, at all events to accord with our own on the subject. If we have the improvement of the staple pro- ductions of the country at large at heart as our principal object, I will not attempt to deny that there is at the same time a latent selfishness, if it may be so called, which leads us to wish ardently for the introduction of such of the flower-bearing plants of our native land, as are likely to thrive with us. In a word, we wish to improve our collections of ornamental plants of every description ; and although we cannot hope, with any chance of success, to infuse any extensive taste for the cultivation of flowers amongst any but the highest class of natives, and even then with difficulty, as those female mem- bers of families who in England may with truth be said to be in many instances the patronesses and almost exclusive votaries of floriculture, do not take any interest in the matter here, still we shall be FRUIT-BEARING TREES IN INDIA. 81 glad of as extensive a collection of ornamental gar- den seeds as can be conveniently procured for us. The addition of the seeds of such plants as have been introduced into England from America, will also be very thankfully received. I have in my hurry overlooked a very material point in our prospects, viz. the consideration of fruit-bearing trees. It is certainly true, that India produces very many kinds of, and those very excel- lent, fruits ; but as variety and improvement is the grand desideratum in every department which may be said to come within our sphere, we wish, after paying the attention the subject most undoubtedly requires to the cultivation of the indigenous fruits by means of grafting, &c. and the introduction of fruits from our neighbours of Kabul, Kashmeer, Persia, and the Indian Archipelago, further to en- deavour to raise some of those fruits so deservedly admired for their excellent flavour in Europe. The progress made with the apple and the pear has been very trifling ; the cherry is scarcely known ; the almonds and the apricot are all in their in- fancy ; the chesnut, which I am sure would thrive here, I have never heard of ; the many bearing shrubs that abound in Europe, have scarcely been M 82 SUCCESS AT INTRODUCTION OF FOREIGN FRUIT TREES. tried.* The filbert and hazel are unknown except in the Hills, and the vine is in a very languishing condition for want of improvements.! There are also a few seeds of the UmbelliferaB which we ima- gine would do well here, especially the carraway, fennel, &c. I trust, you will be so good as to view this com- munication as affording you a considerable field for * Since this was written, I have been informed by Major Corbet, dated Lohoghat, Kumaon, llth June, 1841, that in his garden at Havilbagh, he was very successful in grafting from imported apples trees on the crab of the Hills ; and from a few good trees a regular supply of grafted plants might be depended on from that Province, consisting of apples, cherries, and plums. When Major Corbet left Havilbagh, he had about fifty apple trees in bearing (some of the fruit of which was sent to Dr. Wallich) also pears, which latter however were not good, and a great variety of plums. t It may not be an uninteresting fact to mention to the Horticul- tural Society of India, that a pensioner of the name of Haylett, residing in Meerut, presented me on last Christmas-day, with a ripe bunch of grapes of good size, and very tolerable flavour, off a young vine, which I have recommended him to take care of, with a view to ascertain whether the circumstance was accidental or will be permanent. H. C. February, 1841. Grapes are produced in great abundance, and of good quality, at Hazareebagh, and Saugor territories, and generally throughout the Nizam's country, where sun-dried raisins can be made in great perfec- tion. H. H. S. BENEFITS TO BE EXPECTED. 83 the further diffusion of the benefits which have already been conferred on Society by the Horti- cultural Society of London. The only return we can make you for the ser- vices we hope to receive at your hands, is a proffer of procuring for you a collection of Hill seeds from our gigantic neighbours of Hymalya, which we think would, in many instances, prove acceptable addenda to your gardens in England. We are afraid, however, that the extensive labours of Dr. Wallich and Dr. Royle, have left us but little to do. We shall be very thankful by your having the goodness to communicate this letter to the Secre- tary of the Royal Asiatic Society, with the view of obtaining, as he will no doubt be happy to give it, his assistance in procuring the various articles we stand in need of, and we shall especially wish it to be submitted to the Right Honourable Sir A. Johnstone, V. P. of that Institution, than whom we know no one more capable of directing us as to the general objects we ought to fix our general attention on. 84 THE SOIL OF THE GORUCKPORE DISTRICT. Northern EnUta. (continued.) From the late A. RONALD, ESQ. Planter at Dunbaree, on the eastern side of the Goruckpore District, to JOHN BELL, ESQ. former Secretary of the Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society of India, dated June 8, 1837. SIR, Having received a circular from the Society, of date 31st inst. last, I now beg to lay before you replies to the thirty -four questions therein contained, to the best of my ability. Before proceeding in this, I have here to state that the district in which I am situated, is the eastern side of Goruckpore, running along the banks of the great Gunduk, which bounds it to the north, and running about eight miles to the south-east, where it joins the Chup- rah district. 1st. The soil in general is of a loamy nature, and rather binding, with occasionally here and there some of a sandy kind. It is, however, reten- tive of moisture during the warmer months ; but very apt to harden, or be crusted, by any showers of rain. The climate is salubrious, and partaking of a medium, being neither very moist, nor very dry. CLIMATE AND FODDER GRASSES. 85 2nd. The land is possessed by both great and small proprietors ; but in general by the former, who tend more to prevent the improvement of the country than the latter. Having so much in their power, they act as little despots over the Asamese, or cultivators, who are oppressed by the proprietor's servants on all hands ; and as he seldom inquires about particulars, or sees his property, the means of redress are out of their power. 3d. The land is generally occupied by small farms. 4th. The land is employed both in pasture and husbandry. 5th. The grasses are indigenous : viz. Doob, Raree, and Dabee. The Guinea grass has never yet been tried, and in consequence I cannot say to what extent it might be cultivated with advan- tage. 1 The Clover I have tried, having procured some seed, the produce of the eastern side of the Gunduk ; but it is very small in leaf, and by no means strong or healthy. 6th. The stock of cattle is of a small kind. I do not think that the breed could be improved, but 1 Since this was written, seed in abundance has been supplied by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, and I believe the Guinea grass is now well established in the (Joruckporc district. H. II. S. 86 STOCK, AND PRODUCTIONS. new breeds might be tried. Few however could be induced to pay attention to it. 7th and 8th. There are no particular crops set apart for irrigation, nor is irrigation at all used. 9th. Dhan, Kodah, Jangoon, Sawah, Murrooah, Juneirah, Barley, Wheat, Gram, Peas, Dhall, Mus- tard, and Linseed, are the crops. 10th. Juneirah after Rice or the others, accord- ing as they may choose, but in general only this is the rotation crop. llth. Indigo has not yet been cultivated ; but I have now taken some hundred beegahs for next sowing. Cotton is cultivated, but not much, and that too of a very inferior kind. I applied for some cotton seed when in Calcutta, but there was then none in store. Some American Tobacco seed then obtained did not vegetate, although tried at three different times. Sugar-cane is cultivated to about an eighth part of the cultivated lands. 12th. The soil is almost the same as before men- tioned. 13th. Neither the foreign cotton seed, nor the Otaheite cane, have yet been introduced. 2 2 Otaheite cane now flourishes abundantly in some parts of the district. H. II . S. IMPLEMENTS OF HUSBANDRY. 8J 14th. Fallowing is never practised. 15th. Very little manure is used, except for Opi- um and Sugar-cane lands ; and I fear, much could not be expected. 16th Oxen only are used in the husbandry of the district. Mules would not answer, as the natives have a prejudice against them, being akin to a don- key. 17th. The implements used are those in general use ; and either originals or models could be procur- ed, if required. 18th. Barley sown in November is cut in April ; the same applies to wheat, gram, peas, mustard, linseed. Dhall is sown in May and cut in April. Rice two crops, one sown in March and cut in Sep- tember, and the second sown in April, and cut in November. Kodah, Jangoon, Sawah, Murrooah, and Juneirah, sown in June and cut in September. 19th. About one-fifth of the district in general is in waste. There is a great deal of wood, which accounts for it. 20th. Wages are paid in kind. Ploughmen and weeders are employed only from sunrise till noon, and get 1^ seers (3 Ibs.) Bz. weight of grain for their labour, and a little food for the day, and are 88 WAGES DRAINING ROADS. always paid at this rate, whatever be the current price of grain. Labourers at the Kodalee, (spade,) sunrise to noon, get 2 seers (4 Ibs.) of grain, Bz. weight, and for extra working are paid over and above. 21st. Very little attention is paid to draining lands, and those used are common channels dug round a field, about two feet wide, and one to two feet deep. 22d. No attention whatever is paid to embank- ments. 23d. The country is rather extensively wooded, and in general contains mangoes, mahooah, and jack. 24th. The roads, if such they can be called, are infamous, and disgraceful to the highest degree, and are the most insuperable bar to improvement of any sort.* Since I have been here, a period of three years, * The assertions contained in this paragraph, attracted the particular notice of the Right Honorable the Governor General, at whose instiga tion an inquiry into its correctness was set on foot, attended with th< following result : No. 1499. To G. A. BUSHBY, ESQ. Secretary Government of India. Rev. Depart. General Department, Fort William. SIR, I am directed by the Honorable the Lieutenant Governor, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, No. 565, dated the 22nd July CAUSES FOR WANT OF CROSS ROADS. 89 I have not seen a single labourer employed on them, although Government charges one per cent, on the last, regarding the bad state of the roads in Goruckpore, and in reply, to forward for the information of the Right Honorable the Governor General of India in Council, the accompanying copy of a letter from the Secretary, Sudder Board of Revenue, No. 408, dated the 2nd instant, commending the exertions of Mr. Reade, in the improvement of the roads in his District. This account is fully borne out by every Report on the subject, which has reached his Honor, and there is the best reason to believe, that the allegation of Mr. Ronald is peculiarly destitute of foundation. 2nd. His Honor trusts, that endeavours will be used to give publicity to the refutation of the reflection which has been cast on Mr. Reade. 3rd. It may be generally observed, that such accusations are more likely to be made at Goruckpore than elsewhere. Numerous grants of lands have been there made to European capitalists, and many conflicting interests have thus been created. Each grantee is of course desirous to have a good road made to his location, and it is advan- tageous to have this well done, and at the public expcnce. When, however, we reflect that these grants arc often situated in the remote parts of the District, distant from the great lines of commercial intercourse, it is evident that many such wishes must remain ungra- tificd. Ill will and discontent may thus be causelessly excited, whilst the avenues for giving expression to these feelings, are numerous and obvious ; the fear, if any thing, is, that funds, which ought to be primarily devoted to the improvement of great lines of intercourse, should be unduly perverted to the promotion of individual interests. I have the honor to be, Src. (Signed) J. TUOMASON, AURA, tic 'I'lnd Oct. 18-10. -SVc///. to Gout. A 7 . W. Province''. N 90 ROADS OF THE GORUCKPOIIE DISTRICT. Malgoozaree collections, for the express purpose of keeping them in repair. Much commerce is prevent- (Copy.) No. 408. To J. THOMASON, ESQ. Secretary to the Honorable the Lieutenant Governor, N. W. Provinces, Agra, Revenue. SIR, In continuation of my letter, No. 362, dated the 4th ultimo, the Sudder Board of Revenue, North Western Provinces, direct me to forward for submission to the Honorable the Lieutenant Governor, the enclosed correspondence respecting the appropriation of the road fund in Zillah Goruckpore. 2nd. The Board observe, that Mr. Reade, the Collector, has been indefatigable in his endeavours to improve the communications of his District, and has excited in the people a degree of interest in the matter, and received from them a degree of co-operation in respect of uniting on Committees to superintend the construction of roads, and direct and control the expenditure of the fund, such as the Board have seen no where else. A great deal has been effected in a short time, for the commercial interests of the District, and the roads arc really, where the Board have had an opportunity of seeing them, so good, that a person may travel by night and sleep in his carriage in comfort, an experiment that few would be willing to make on any other roads with which the Board are acquainted. 3rd. Mr. Ronald's reclamation, the Board observe, appears to have rather had reference to his own particular accommodation, than that of the public. I have, &c. (Signed) H. M. ELLIOT, Secretary. SUDDER BOARD OF REV. N. W. Prov. Allahabad, 2d October, 1840. (True Copy,) (Signed,) J. THOMASON, Secretary to the Govt. N. W. Prov. CARRIAGE AND COMMERCE. 91 ed in consequence, where manual labour must be resorted to. The carriage of grain, &c. is also great- ly kept under by it. 25th. No streams intersect the district. 26th. AVater is the mode of transport in use where it can be had. Land carriage, as before stated, is impracticable from want of roads. 27th and 28th. As to the question as to what extent have manufactures or commerce been carried on, and if a manufacturing district, what proportion of the population has 'been thrown out of work by the cheaper imported European cottons, I may re- mark, that little or none is yet carried on ; but I should think the introduction of them advantageous from what I have seen elsewhere. 29th. There are no Societies in the district insti- tuted for the improvement of agriculture. 30th. The natives have no turn for improvement. 31st. The obstacles to it are the high rent of land, and the grinding oppression of the Native offi- cers of the Revenue. Though I am not a member of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society, I shall be happy to do all I have in my power to for- ward the interests of the Society. If favoured with small supplies of sugar-cane, cotton, Guinea grass, 92 PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURES OF AZIMGIIUR. and clover seed, I would give them a trial, and communicate the result. (Signed) ALEXANDER RONALD. JlOttfjmt XllHia. (continued. ) From R. MONTGOMERY, ESQ., Magistrate at Azimghur, to JOHN BELL, ESQ. former Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated September 27, 1837. SIR, I have much pleasure in forwarding a map of this district, and answers drawn out by Mr. Tucker and myself from the official records of this district, to the queries circulated by the members of the Agricul- tural Society. The recent detailed professional sur- vey for the purpose of settlement, has afforded us the means of giving accurate returns of the total area cultivated, culturablc, and barren waste land, PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURES OF AZIMGIIUR. whilst the settlement now concluded, has enabled us to fill up the other columns, relating to the revenue of the district. The estimate of the quantity of cloth, silk, and tussur manufactured, has been obtain- ed from returns of looms at work. The Opium is the average of the actual produce for the last three years, and the Indigo is pretty nearly the truth. The land under sugar cultivation was, as I before said, chiefly taken from an actual measurement of the quantity in each village. The population return has been estimated at three souls to each male adult, a nearly similar result may be obtained from the census of houses, allowing six individuals to each house ; but I am inclined to think, that the census here given is above the mark. * # * The tabular statement and map appeared in the sixth volume of the Transactions of the Agricul- tural and Horticultural Society of India. The for- mer has been again incorporated with the present papers, in order to make the information complete. a s: I | 4,06,100 12.18.3CP sjjnpy a(Bj^ jo jaquin^ i^lsifesf Ifcssss 5 ^s^**a"*-"8'stf- rf 8 sasnoji jo joquinjij 1 o3ipuj pus uinidQ a -oSipui jo -spw OOS'I S -uinido jo -spw 669'! 3,18,772 J square miles. -nuuc jnssnx jo saoaij jo jaquinjj lilSSS SI pf 3 ff XHBIUI -UB mojg ^ig jo saaatj jo jaquinfj 2 o i Illillillli21 to 1 1 to a SS}-3SjS*5SS"' sawy u; SUED 3ns ui putrj pHPIHIiPII 1 9 1$; 76,682 quare mile, on a ajDy jad uotjBAinno japun jCj -[Bn^DB puB-j uo juaiussassy a^BjaAy -CT - *" 2 uauissassy a3BJ3Ay ^oSn*a*r**o"2 S B o ^. -,0000000000-100 s XuBdmoQ ui qBiuiunf juauioiaAOj) 'l4,72,S08-2 each villag eort ^ saaoy ui Baiy n^ox ss^llllslillls S 1 i 1 ^ o> ID vj tD't'f vj -f^ ^i" co o" rT O n~ -v 00 ^ ^ ei ^ ^ ^ 1 g S pq lfSllisillsll I $ Jissfftf^^tfrfaf-'tf^ | 3* flSlalSlSSHSSSS S 53 * S I eiT 3 c S S-3 | I I ' a- I.I'Sl |l CATTLE AXD AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION'S. 95 The common, small country Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, admit much room for improvement ; no person in the district appears disposed to pay attention to improving the breed. Irrigation is very extensive throughout the whole district both from tanks and wells. The average depth at which water is found, varies from 27 to 45 feet. The soil being firm and good, is well adapted for Cutcha wells, of which there are not less than five or six in each village. Ruhur is the only crop which is never irrigated in the Purgunahs ; nearest the river the water is close to the surface, and irrigation is performed by means of a vessel attached to the long arm of a lever. In the other Pergunahs the common Mote (leather bag) is used, drawn either by men or bul- locks. The water from tanks is thrown up in baskets, swung by a couple of men; but Persian wheels, or other machinery, are quite unknown. The crops commonly cultivated, are Sugar-cane, Wheat, Barley, Ruhur, Rice, Indigo, Opium, Tobac- co, Gram, Peas, Maize, besides the usual Budowy crops of Murowah, Sclah Rodoo, Tangoon, S 15 j" 5 #_ "t3 " Q ^ oT O ^ " ^ 3 o> e-i uo ^ H oT (3 * c G.'g -3 J i.* -5 i o M '*" ~ ii , ~a Oi 5 a jj 5 ^~ '"* oT ^ := .a 1 ^ oo" si's"! o> ^ D 81 PH * 2 3 -^ .S C 1 ** '.O S 1 ^ ^ ** * *s 1^ w fe 03 ^ ft, r, 'O S "c *-! o *"i 3 C o 1J 'O 55 a OH o (0 u rt ^ 3 2-3 f2 ^ ^f* >o ~?. ^ r* 1 'O CJ M * ^ , [ c- ^ *4* g"^ *-' _2 | >3 ;- a n a o 2 -5 o o | e s 1 1 o j|2 100 MANUFACTURING POPULATION. The state of commerce will be evident from the statement here given. As must always be the case, it has given a great stimulus to Agriculture, especi- ally of late, from the greatly increased demand for Sugar-cane. The district contains a large manufacturing population, and they have been obliged to resort partially to Agriculture as a means of subsistence, without entirely deserting their former avocations. A Society has lately been established. The natives have not the slightest turn for im- provement. It remains to be seen, what effects the Society now established may have in rousing them from their apathy, and inducing them to exert themselves for their own benefit.* Poverty, ignorance, and apathy of the inhabitants, and the retired situation of the district, remote from any of the great lines of communication, are the obstacles to improvement. * Under the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Tucker, the late Collector of the district, this Society has grown up to some consideration, and several medals, and many prizes, have been awarded at the Annual Prize-show, for sugar-cane and vegetable cultivation. As many as seven silver medals were forwarded by the Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society of India last year (1840.) H. H. S. BRANCH SOCIETY. 101 The Branch Society contains all the residents, who are all interested in the improvement of the district. No native landlord will be induced to join this Society, although there are many who will be glad to derive benefit from its produce. (Signed) R. MONTGOMERY, Secretary, 10*2 HOSHUNGABAD VALLEY OF NURBUDDA. Central Nurbudda Valley. From Major OUSELY, Political Officer in charge of the Hoshungabad district, to JOHN BELL, ESQ. former Secre- tary of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated May 14, 1839. SIR, In reply to your letter of 31st March last, for- warded to me by the Officiating Commissioner Saugor and Nerbudda territories, and copy of one to the Secretary to Government, Mr. Prinsep, 3rd February, with 34 questions, I have the honor to state, that I fear the station of Hoshungabad would hardly admit of the formation of a branch Society, there being too small a number of residents. I have at a very great expense succeeded in making a very good garden, but I should certainly never have attempted it, had it not been for the pleasure it afforded. I will circulate your letter, and endea- vour to promote your object to the utmost. I beg to append answers to the queries above alluded to. 2nd. On the Mahadeo Hills at Puchmurry, about 5000 feet in height, I think there is every probabi- lity of success in an experimental farm ; enjoying TREES OF THE VALLEY. 103 as it does a fine, equal, cool climate, and having good soil, with little streams flowing in every direc- tion throughout the year. In fact, many of the fruits and flowers of the plains, Mangoes, Limes, Chumgars, Cuchenar, &c. grow there indigenously in profusion ; and also a great variety of the most beautiful flowers that are found in places of the same height; the distance,E. S. E. from Hoshun- gabad, is about from 50 to 60 miles. Another place is at Baitool ; where the heat is very mode- rate, compared to what it is at Hoshungabad, but certainly nothing to equal Fuchmurry in coolness, and advantages of water. (Signed) j. \y. OUSELV, Major, Principal Assistant to the, Commissioner. 1st. At Hoshungabad. The soil is black, rich al- luvial, having a depth of 30 or 40 feet, and generally the same from the Gunjal to Jhansyghaut, on the Nerbudda near Jubbulpore. The climate is not very cold in the winter season ; I have in 15 or 16 years here, only twice witnessed the effects of severe frost. From April until the rains set in, about 120th June, it is very hot. Hot winds blow from S A. M. until 9 r. M., but the nights are cool and 104 THE CHIEF CULTIVATION^ pleasant. The season of the rains is cold, (seldom that close disagreeable feel of Bengal,) breaking up about 20th or 25th September. 2nd and 3rd. The leases of land are in few in- stances to a large amount. The highest number from 35, or 40,000, down to 100 or less ; but there are not above six or eight large Malgoozars, (revenue farmers). The villages are separately let, in general to single tenants, who do as they please in letting out fields to the Ryots : there are no proprietory farmers, or zemindars, all are lease-holders now, for twenty years from 1836. 4th and 5th. The cultivation is chiefly in wheat and gram. A good deal of cotton is grown towards Nursingpore. Poor lands are used for pasture, and also the hilly tracts south : no Guinea grass or Clover has been tried. Lucern grows well here, and also the common, " Gooneree," " Kaeel," " Moo- cheil," " Doobh," " Puruwaie," " Sookul or Lum- pa," " Kans," and " Burro." The four first are adapted to grazing, and the four last for chaffering. Kaeel and Moocheil are the best for cattle, and fetch the higher prices as hay. Gooneree, when fresh, is very good, not so dry. Doobh for horses. I can hardly fancy finer grass than the Kaeel and Moocheil. BREEDS OF HORNED CATTLE. 105 6th. The cattle of the valley are chiefly the Malwa breed, white straight-set horns, large ears, high hump, very powerful limbs. The bullocks are chiefly, from their larger size, used in hackeries ; but are rather slow. The hill cattle are beautiful ; spotted red or black on white ground, or the reverse, or mot- tled ; wild, high spirit, and great strength, used chiefly in plough, rather smaller than the Malwa breed. The cows give little milk, those of the Mal- wa breed give a great deal. I cannot imagine any cattle prettier than those. I have procured a number of English, Malwa, Hurriana and Sandee, some from the Nagpore side, and Luckno-down ; but none equal these in beauty and strength.* Buffaloes are very plentiful, the best about Barha, half way from Hoshungabad to Gurruwarra; but generally small. I sent to Captain Jenkins, Com- missioner in Assam, and Major White, Political Agent at Bishnatli, to request their assistance to get some of the fine breed from them, and they were obliging enough to assist me in purchasing them twice ; but from their savage wildness, they never * Major Ouselcy, who now (18-11) resides at Dorumla, as the Political Agent of the Right Honorable the Governor General for the South- western Frontier, lias still a large farm yard of cattle of various breeds. 11. II. S. r IOC CROPS OF THE VALLEY. reached me. I shall however send men again this rains, as I think great improvements might be made by mixing the breed. I have some hundred head of cattle, cows and buffaloes, now in an experimen- tal farm, and I think that there is every chance of their improving in this fine grazing country. 7th and 8th. Little irrigation is employed, the only fields watered, are sugar-cane, and Malies, or Kachee's land, (vegetable growers). The soil cracks too much to admit of the water running ; you may force a bamboo or two tied together, down some of the cracks from 15 to 20 feet and more ; they are fully a span wide. 9th. Wheat crops are sown in October and No- vember, and cut in March and April. Gram, which is sown with wheat, is cut in February or March. Rice is sown in June and July, cut in October and Novem- ber; and with rice are sown Cotton, Kadoo, Koot- kee, the pulses Oorud and Moong, Jowar,* Bujra,f Tillee}: of one kind, &c. along with wheat, gram, sugar-cane, Ulsee or Teesa,$ Mussoor, and Tewra. Aal is sown in June and July, and dug the third * Andropogon Sorghum. t Panicum (Penicillaria) spicatum. I (Sesatrium?) Sinum Usitatissimum. H. H. S. VARIOUS DYES COTTON SUGAR-CANE. 10J year.* Koosm sown in October and November, flowers in January and February; it is very abun- dant. Huldee, (turmeric) Yams, &c. in abundance. 10th. No alternation of cropping in the Nur- budda valley. I have endeavoured to introduce it, but with no effect. llth and 12th. There are only three or four vil- lages in which Indigo is grown, and that in very little quantity ; it appears not to be understood. Cotton is grown largely, and is very fine in poorish lands, light soil. Sugar-cane a great deal ; there are several kinds, black, red, green, white and variegated. The black, red, and variegated are large and long; the green and white are thin and short. But Captain Sleeman, some years since, supplied me with some of the cane that he introduced, which grows beautifully, and is gradually supplanting the other kinds. The Goor made from this Otaheitian * Aal or Haul (Moriiula citrifoliu) and Koosm, (Carthamus tiuctorius) arc two dye plants. The former is cultivated extensively through Southern Bundlekund and the Ncrbudda, and is the root whence the red colouring matter for dyeing the common country cloths of Central India is obtained. For particulars of the mode of culture, the manufac- ture of this dye, and the expcncc, see Spry's Modern India, vol. i. Appendix. The (lowers of the Koosm furnish a bright rose-colour of an evanescent quality. II. II. S. 108 MODE OF FALLOWING. cane is said to be finer and better for making sugar, than that of any of the other sorts. I have this year sent a supply of cane to Mr. Wilkinson, at Sehore, and the Officer commanding at Asseergurh. Boor- hanpore sugar-cane grows in the richest soil. 13th. The cotton seed sent by Mr. Bell to Cap- tain Sleeman, grew pretty well ; but the gardener, I regret to say, destroyed the seed. The Otaheitian cane promises to supersede all others. I sent some Amrowty cotton seed, and wheat of a peculiarly fine kind, (Jululia,)* to Captain Jenkins of Assam ; but I know not how it succeeded. 14th. Fallowing is practised thus when the land is worn out and exhausted, the Patels (owners) let it fall out of cultivation for three up to twelve years, and use it as grazing ground ; the richer the soil, the longer the period it requires to recover ; poor soil requires but a year's fallow, and will last but two or three ; rich land last thirty or forty years. 15th. No manure is used ; but in sugar-cane fields * Some Hoshungabad Wheat, (Jululia,) which was presented to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, by Capt. Ouseley, through Dr. Wallich, and reported on by a Committee, was pronounced superior to any that the members had ever before seen in India. It weighed full sixty pounds to the bushel. H. II. S. IMPLEMENTS TIMES OF SOWING. K I have all along endeavoured to induce the people to manure their fields ; but they laugh at the idea. 16th. Both oxen and buffaloes are used in the husbandry of this valley, the latter only by the poorer people. I think oxen better than mules. 17th. The plough is the simple one used through- out India, the carts are made with solid teak wheels, bound with heavy iron tyres and with iron boxes. The wheels cost from 40 to 80 rupees a pair, and last for three or four generations, descending to the heirs ; they are considered of vast importance in a family. The bukiia, or barrow, a flat iron about two feet long by three inches deep, set into a block of wood, is I believe, used also in most parts of India. I could send models with ease, or the things them- selves. 18th. I have already mentioned sowing time for Khurreef (autumn harvest) crops ; June and July, and cutting in October and November. Kubbee crops (spring harvest) sowed in October and November, cut in February and March. 19th. In the Baitool division of the district, from the Baitool cantonments north for fifty miles, the country is a jungly waste, hilly and bad soil general- ly, but of course, some good. The climate prevents 110 WAGES OF LABOUR EMBANKMENTS. the people from the plains going to reside there. I had pukha wells made at each stage on the road between Hoshungabad and Baitool, and now the Nujeebs (police guards) are as healthy as elsewhere, whereas for some thirteen or fourteen years, they died off dreadfully. Indeed I do not think so much is to be attributed to malaria or miasma, as to the bad stagnant water, drunk in these jungles, formerly was. 20th. Wages Masons get three, four and five annas a day; carpenters and blacksmiths the same; grammies (thatchers) two and a half annas ; coolies two annas; boys one anna commencing work at sun-rise, and leaving off at sun-set, all the year round, having one hour in the middle of the day for dinner. 21st. No draining is used, or required. 22nd. Embankments for rivers are needless, the banks being so very high : but in the eastern Pur- gunahs (subdivisions) of Nursingpore and Chind- warrah, the fields are banked up all round about three feet high, and six, eight, or ten feet thick ; this keeps in the water during the rains, and in Oc- tober it is cut and let out for sowing wheat crops. 23rd. The country is beautifully wooded. Teak, Rohinnee,* Taaj, Sissoo,f Mowah,| Gumrasgee, * Soymida Febrifuga. t Dalbcrgia Sissoo. + Bassia latifolia. H. II. S. TIMBER TREES STREAMS. 1 I 1 Salii,* Ebony,f Dhamun, Neem, Tamarind, Mango, Jamin, Behra,J Kawah, &c. in vast profusion. The Teak and Mowah grow very large. Ebony very fine. || 24th. The roads are hardly passable along the valley of the Nerbuddah, in the rains, towards Bai- tool and Nagpore. Soil more light and more passable ; but there are no made roads in the district in any direction. 25th. There are many hundred little streams which run into the Nurbudda from the south. 26th.- Water carriage from Nursingpore down to Hindia, used for corn and salt, along the Nurbudda ; but not so much as it should be. 27th. We have in no way improved the manufac- tures here since we got the country ; the commerce may have improved ; and as the population has in- creased, the agriculture is more extended ; but as primitive as heretofore. * Boswellia thurifcra ? t Diospyros cbcnum. I Azadiracta Indica. Tcrminalia Belrica ? || The bastard Ebony tree of Central India, and also many other of the forest trees which abound there yield large quantities of rich and valuable gums. The writer of this note collected as many as fifteen varieties, when a resident in that part of the country. 11. II. S. 112 WANT OF ENTERPRISE AMONG THE PEOPLE. 28th. This is not a manufacturing district ; but one of agriculture merely. 29th. There are no Societies for the object of extending or improving. 30th and 31st. The people of the district do not evince greater enterprise or turn for improvement than those of other districts, the only way to excite such a turn would be in practically shewing the benefit of the improvements alluded to. They comprehend no theoretic systems, and have as much objection as the government to be the first to lay out money that has even a chance of being sunk ; a little in example would do more than any thing else. Indeed by shewing them my garden, with the grafted fruits, &c. procured from Madras, Calcutta, &c. I have induced many to make very nice gar- dens, supplying a few trees, &c. and procure cattle for breeding from other parts of the country. There are no obstacles, but that one before alluded to. 32nd. I shall be very happy to supply the map wanted as soon as I have finished the settlement of the Baitool part of the district, which will be within a month. I have not sufficient leisure now. 33rd and 34th. I know of no one, who has any turn for the objects of the Society ; but will send BEI1AR PROVINCE. 113 your letter to Colonel Wallington, commanding at Hoshungabad to ascertain. There are no other European inhabitants ; but I know three or four influential Natives who seem desirous of improving their estates. Dewan Patel of Raipoor ; the Raja of Sobapore ; Indurjeet Chowdery of Amgang ; Munsook Chowdery of Rohsulpore, &c., all would be glad to promote what they see are really improve- ments, and these are the people to look to, to spread our methods of improving, rather than entirely depending on European exertion. (Signed) x w. OUSELEY, Major, Principal Assistant to the Commissioner. Central {ntota. (continued.) BEIIAR. From R. II. MATHEWS, ESQ. Indigo Planter, to JOHN BELL, ESQ. former Secretary Agricultural and Horticultural So- ciety of India, dated Dearie via Shcrgotty, March 26, 1837. SIR, I beg leave to enclose replies to the queries of the 8th February last, for the information of the Q 114 NATURE OF SOIL. Society, which I hope will be satisfactory as regards the Shahabad district. (Signed) R. JJ. MATHEWS. Q. 1st. The nature of the soil, and climate of the district ? A. Various ; consisting generally of a light, sandy soil, mixed with clay ; particularly along the Ganges and Soane ; the interior mostly of a dark, blackish, hard, clay (Kuroyle) in lowest grounds, and sandy in the higher ; climate the same as South Behar. Q. 2nd. The manner in which the land is pos- sessed ; by great or small proprietors ? A. All along the Ganges and part of the Soane is possessed by two large proprietors ; one the Rajah of Doomrong ; the other a branch of the same family, Baboo Coowr Singh, with some few independent Zumeendars. To the south, generally by proprietors, subdivided into numerous shares. Q. 3rd. The manner in which the land is occu- pied ; whether by great or small farms ? LAND HOW EMPLOYED. 115 A. Occupied generally by ryots of villages, to the extent of ten, twenty or fifty bigahs, according to their means, whether under the Zumeendars or Thukadars. Q. 4>th. The manner in which the land is em- ployed ; whether in pasture, in husbandry, or both ? A. Generally in husbandry ; cattle fed on chaff or rice straw ; but under the Rotas Hills a good deal of pasture and jungle, the latter fast giving way to cultivation : myself having cleared away about 30,000 bigahs, since I established these Indigo works. Q. 5th. If in pasture, what grasses are culti- vated ? Has the Guinea grass been tried ; and if so, to what extent do you think it could be advan- tageously introduced ? Has the clover been tried, and with what success ? A. The grasses are spontaneous, not cultivated. 1 have tried the Guinea grass, which thrives very well ; clover has not been tried, never having got seed. The fiorin also thrives well. Q. 6th. What species of stock is kept ? Whether the breeds can be improved : or whether new breeds 116 BREED OF CATTLE. ought to be tried ? Is there any individual in your district, who would be disposed to pay attention to improving the breed of cattle ? A. Plough cattle, few cows, and a larger stock of buffaloes and sheep. From the strong antipathy of the natives to any thing new, but principally to the want of means, no improvement has yet been made, nor could any be made with the stock in hand ; but no doubt by _the mixture of a new breed, say the English bull, or Hurriana, an improvement must follow. I know not of any native who has the means or inclination to undertake such ; but I am myself well disposed to do all I can for the improve- ment of the country generally. Q. 7th. Whether any of the land is watered ; and whether any considerable extent of ground is capable of that improvement ? A. Every village possesses one or more reservoirs or embankments, (ahurs,) for the collection of water, generally for the watering of the rice crops; and wherever water is to be had, wells are dug for the watering of wheat and barley, sugar-cane, and opium crops, &c. THE VARIOUS CROPS. 117 Q. 8th. For what particular crops is land in your district irrigated ; and what is the mode of irriga- tion ? A. For those mentioned in paragraph 7 ; irrigat- ed by means of bullocks and levers for the wells. Q. Qth. If the land is employed in husbandry, what crops are cultivated ? A. The crops cultivated are Sawanh, Murrooah, Taungoon,Mukya (Indian corn), Sarah (Rice), Sahtee (Rice), Codye, Till (White Sesamum), Bord Oudya, Copass Rotah, Sun, Indigo, Coorthee, Mothie, Oord, Till (Black Sesamum), Junarah, Bujurah, Cheena, Rice, Codo, Gram, Peas, Musoor, Karow, Barley, Wheat, Kasaree, Urhur, Linseed, Toree, Surso (Mustard), Jaitooah, Cotton, Oats, Jeerah (Carra- way), Dhunniah (Coriander), Mungrylah, Ujwyne (a sort of Carraway), Chunsoor, Mattee, Opium, Burra (Safflower), Putwa, Sugar-cane. Q. 10//. What is the rotation of crops ? A. All crops sown in June and July, and reaped in October, are resown with other grain, excepting Sun (hemp) lands. 118 PECULIARITIES OF SOIL. Q. llth. Is Indigo cultivated, and to what ex- tent ? Is cotton cultivated, and to what extent ? Is sugar-cane cultivated, and to what extent ? A. Indigo is extensively cultivated from 25,000 to 30,000 bigahs yearly. Cotton extensively, but of common kind. And sugar more or less in every village, and on the increase. Q. I%tk. What are the peculiarities of the soils occupied by these articles ? A. For indigo mixed soil and sloping grounds ; for cotton flat and clay soils ; and for sugar-cane strong mixed soil. Q. IStk. Have the varieties of foreign cotton been tried, and with what success ? Has the Ota- heite cane been introduced, to what extent, and with what success ? A. Foreign cottons have only been tried by planters, and to a very limited extent. South Sea Island promises well ; but all other seeds have not vegetated. Otaheite cane has not yet been intro- duced, but I have sown ten bigahs of the country cane, by way of experiment, and have been pro- MODE OF TREATING LANDS. 1 19 mised a supply of Otaheite cane in November or December next, from the Jubbulpoor farm. Q. I4,th. Is fallowing practised ; or is the same land applied to the same purpose, from year to year? A. No lands lie fallow, except those for sugar- cane. The same lands are applied to the same purpose from year to year; but a rotation of crops is introduced as mentioned in paragraph 10. Q. \5th. Is manure used, and of what kind? Could the system of manuring be extended, and could the natives be induced to pen their cattle, instead of using the manure as fuel ? A. No manure is used by natives, except for sugar-cane, and that generally the sweepings of villages, and the dung of sheep. I am not aware that the system of manuring could be extended amongst the natives ; nor do I think that the natives could be induced to pen their cattle, or of not using manure as fuel, as each would be attended with more cost than the generality of them can afford. 120 IMPLEMENTS AND CROPS. Q. 16th. Are oxen or buffaloes commonly used; would mules not be preferable for draught ? A. Oxen generally. A few buffaloes occasionally for ploughs and hackery s (carts.) Mules though preferable for draught, would never answer for the carts in use; nor would they be well taken care of by the natives, as they pay little or no attention even to the cattle they have. Q. Ylih. What are the usual sorts of ploughs, carts, and other implements of husbandry ? Could originals or models be procured for this Society, without much inconvenience ? A. The ploughs, carts, and other implements of husbandry, are the same as those used in Behar, Ghazeepoor, Benares, &c. &c. In the cities no doubt models could be easily made and furnished. Q. 18^. What is the usual seed time and har- vest, for the different crops ? A. Different crops. Sown in Ripe in Sawanh, June, Oct. & November. Murrooab, ditto, ditto. Taungoon, ditto, October. Makya, (Indian corn,) ditto, September. Sarah, (rice,) June and July, October. ARTICLES OF CULTURE. 121 Different crops. Sahtce, (rice,) Codye, Till, (White Sesamum,) Oord budya, Copass rotah, Sun, Indigo, Coorthee, Mothie, Oord, Till, (Black Sesamum,) Junarah, Bujurah, Clieenah, Rice, Codo, Gram, Peas, Musoor, Karo\v, Barley, Wheat, Kasarcc, Urhur, Linseed, Torec, Surso, (Mustard,) Sown in June and July, June, ditto, July, June and July, June. June, July, Aug. & Sept. August, ditto, ditto, August, July, ditto, Nov. Dec. Jany. Feby. & March, June & July, July & August, Oct. & Nov. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, June & July, Oct. & Nov. ditto, ditto, Copass jaitooah, (Cotton) ditto, Oats, ditto, .locrah. ditto. Ripe in October. ditto. ditto. ditto. Octr. & Nov. October. October. Dec. & Jan. ditto. ditto. Dec. & Jan. ditto. ditto. ripe in 2 months. Dec. & Jan. ditto. March & April. March. ditto. ditto. March April. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto, February. ditto. April & May. ditto. ditto. K 122 WAGES OF LABOUR. crops. Sown in Ripe in Dhunniali, Oct. & Nov. April & May. Mungryla, ditto, ditto. Ujwyne, ditto, ditto. Chunsoor, ditto, ditto. Matee, ditto, ditto. Opium, ditto, ditto. Burra, (Safflower,) ditto, ditto. Putwa, August, February & March. Sugar-cane, Jan. & Feb. ditto. Q. 19tk. What is the extent of waste lands, and the improvement of which they are most capable ? A. The extent of waste lands only arises from the want of population, and may be said to be circumscribed to the foot of the Rotas Hills. Q. 20M. What is the rate of wages and price of labour ? And what are the hours at which labour commences and ceases at different seasons ? A. Ploughmen 2 rupees 8 annas (5s. 6d. sterling) per month ; Dhangurs (hill coolies) 2/8 ; coolies 4 or 5 pice (Zd. to 2|c?. sterling) per day ; women 3 to 2 J pice ; boys 2j, 2, and 1 J pice ; blacksmiths 4 to 5 rupees a month ; (8 to 9 shillings;) carpenters ditto ; hackery drivers 2/8 ; mistrees (carpenters) 7 to 10 rupees, (14s. to I/, sterling). The hours of labour EMBANKMENTS - TREES. commence at sunrise and end at sunset one or one and a half hours cessation from labour being allowed in the middle of the day. Q. %lst. Is any attention paid to draining lands, and what sort of drains are used ? A. No draining, to any extent. Q. 22r/. Is any attention paid to embankments? A. If by embankments is meant such as keep out the encroachments of rivers, there are none; but every attention is paid to the embankments (ahurs) for the supply of water, for the rice crops. Q. 23>Y/. Is the country well wooded, and what sort of timber is chiefly grown ? A. In some parts well, in others but indifferent- ly ; the timber grown, consists of Mangoes, Mowah, Jamoon, Kuthur, (jack) Seeso, Babool, Upog, Tar, Goolur, Kujoor, (dates) Necm, Imlee, (tamarind) Seeris, Samur, (cotton) Bamboos, Kurrum ; in the jungles grow Khurhur, Sakho, Sanun, Panun, Ru- hoa, Taind, (ebony) Doodhia, Dhamin, Sale, Cehyr, Kurasun, Chundun, Rukut Chundun, Taj, Sidli. Asun. and Bamboos. 124 ROADS - CARRIAGE. Q. 24/z. What is the state of the roads ? A. The roads are very indifferent, and most of them always impassable for carriages, notwithstand- ing the district pays one per cent, as its assessment for their support, and these are only smoothed once in the year. Q. 25th. Is the district intersected by streams ? A. The district is bounded by the Carumnasa, the Ganges, and the Soane. The interior streams, or nullahs, have water only during the rains. Q. 26^. Is land, or water carriage resorted to, for the conveyance of produce ? A. Generally land carriage, except on the banks of the G an ires. Q. VXth. To what extent have manufactures or commerce been carried on in the district, and have they had good or bad effects on its manufacture ? A. There is little commerce or manufacture in the district, saving that of Indigo, which has been of the greatest advantage, inasmuch as zumeendars and ryots are enabled to get funds from the plan- ters upon more advantageous terms than they INDIGO AND PAPER FACTORIES. 125 could from the native bankers ; whilst lacs and lacs of rupees are disseminated to the working poor, and this may be said generally of all Indigo districts ; and on a reference to the Collector's records, fewer villages, so situated, will be found to have been put up for sale, than those otherwise situated. Not one has been sold in this immediate neighbourhood since the works were established. Q. 28^. If a manufacturing district, what pro- portion of the population has been thrown out of work, by the cheaper imported European Cottons ; and have they taken to any other employment ? A. The only manufactures are Indigo and Paper, and the introduction of English Cotton can have had no deteriorating effect. Q. 29th. Are there any other societies instituted in the district for the improvement of agriculture ? A. None. Q. 30///. Do the natives seem to have a turn for improvement ; or how could such a spirit be best excited ? A. None; but as there arc now so many different 12(5 STATE OF THE DISTRICT. kinds of grain and oil seeds exported from India, the demand itself will produce an improvement. Q. 3lst. Are there any obstacles to improvements ; and in what manner can they best be remedied ? A. None. Q. 3%nd. Is there any individual who could fa- vour the Society with a rough map of your district, subdividing the lands by colours, in reference to the portions cultivated by particular crops ; say blue for indigo, brown for sugar, yellow for rice, green for pasture, white for waste lands, and so on ? A. I am not aware of any individual who could favour the Society with a rough map of the district, subdividing the lands by colours, as no two crops are consecutively sown in the same lands, except rice ; but the annual extent of each crop can be as- certained from the Collector's office. Q. 33rd. What are the names and address of those who are the most active, or the most skilful improvers in the district ; and who are the most likely to be the most useful correspondents of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India ? EUROPEAN PLANTERS. 1 2/ A. Mr. J. P. Marcus, Nansagur ; Mr. G. Ley- burn, of Nonore ; Mr. Gibbon, of Shahpoor, and the humble services of myself. Q. 34th. Could any number of influential native landlords, or farmers, be induced to join a Branch Society in your district, and to promote its objects by personal exertions ? A. I fear not. The Rajah of Doomrong and the Baboos may subscribe their names to the thing ; but would take no personal interest in it. R. H. MATHEWS. DEARIE SHAHABAD, '2")th March, 1837. . (continued.) DACCA. From MR. DEARMAN, laic Deputy Collector at Dacca, to DR. SPRY, Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society of India, dated November ( ,)t/i, 18oi). MY DEAR SIR, In forwarding the accompanying Statement, rela- tive to the culture of the agricultural crops of the 128 STATEMENTS AND REMARKS ON DACCA. Dacca district, together with some remarks thereon, it is with the conviction that it conveys but very limited information regarding them, and in some instances, may perhaps, to a trifling extent, be incorrect. The statement and remarks will not however be altogether valueless, should they prove a means of stimulating others, residing in the Moffussil, to follow out a plan more comprehensive and detailed. I forward, to you also, at the same time, a similar statement to that above alluded to, in Bengallee, which may be of service, and save trouble to those who have not a good knowledge of the language ; but are nevertheless willing to promote the objects of the Society ; as by it, they may point out to any intelligent native who can read, the kind of information desired. It has been my intention to collect and arrange some information in a tabular form, regarding the indigenous vegetables of the district, as also of its fruits, which if you think likely to be of any service, I will forward when completed. I will send you some seeds from a tree, which resemble chesnuts. One of these seeds, after taking off the shell, being stuck on the point of a penknife STATEMENTS AND REMARKS ON DACCA. 129 and lighted at a candle flame, will burn without the least odour for four or five minutes, giving a light equal to two or three candles. From the flower of the tree, I am told, is distilled a delightful scent. Your Society have, I hear, offered a sum of rupees for the best treatise on Indian Agriculture.* To write an Agricultural history of the crops within the limits of this Presidency, would be a gigantic undertaking, and scarcely within the power of any individual's leisure and personal knowledge to accomplish. Each district has fre- quently crops more peculiarly its own, whilst the process of culture and time of sowing in any two Zillahs, may differ considerably, even for the same description of crop ; but were the MofFussil Mem- bers of your Society, or any others so inclined, they might each furnish an article on the culture of one or two kinds of produce grown in their respec- tive districts. In this way the object could be easily and speedily obtained ; every Zillah thus possessing a separate record of its own, the whole might form an Encyelopoedia of the Bengal presi- dency's Agriculture. (signed) T. A. DKAUMAX. * Prizes arc no longer offered by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India for treatises on Indian Agriculture. II. II. S. S 130 FARMING IN THE DACCA DISTRICT. ' e m -o 'o'S *" h 0. o "* 6" a..5 a 5 ^ ^ ^ S"* 3 H if ill BJ -^ C S| o o 1 S .***) 4> =-> E 2 73 a Si! a fcl B O W Q * 1 3 ** A ^s Z Hw" 1 ^^ ""^ s S 2 55:2 13 1 1 " n ee So S"| J * 0^0 *^s w, cS W CO W ) S -s S- toe. ly Ig o .2 ^ rSj yT J3 5 5=^' C jf ^ , ^ 3 g fc Qi to S3 OJ i O O m CO s s.g . S3 -5 o -171 2 en H | 1 o 5 tf o" " 3 B >> O PS d "" SIS * cs e. /* a ^ > ^ 13 S ? X ^a J3J3 C > to 3 2 .S a s ha tf o-J Z H*: S (!) g S s o 3 3 3 S >-._ O 1(3 o ** = T3 C p e S ~ ^i'z CS ' i r~. ^ 5 >1 fill ci -S 1 Q ^ " r^ "3 ^ "3 JJ 3 2 O- to o o" o" CJ e ^? cfl CO ^3 ^ - ^J jj 33 "2 C~ " 5 3 "" S C 3 Q 3 ^ J b fio, S ts" T3 C g-^ H Ss o ^ T._3 +* || t* 3 c"e ''*'o g, ^, *3 S " It. III o c - a ai :t: 'c p 3 o - . is 11 "3 S 'o y J^ ij ti O - "S c-a Ill ^ c g rt o *-* 'C ij - fcJ3 O ^" Q 3 ^ *C ^ ^2|S C ^ S |> fflpt o gx J 1 - fj 1- -M 3 S >,^-3 ^f-s rt 2 s 3 Z. ? iiiiiliiiii.s|f! 2 ls*fe.3 ls| . 5 o S -5 * g, \f*W liJll ^< 2-2 u i S ^ E |5 H-Q S S w g3^5 S e C5.2 5| C3 m 1 g ^1? g 'C O $ _o QO s, 3 CO FARMING IN THE DACCA DISTRICT. 131 o e o o o o o o 3 b *jl o % ij T3 c 3 a C - iL 3 C r . a -? a 5^ n Is G o 2 o C o so C ^ -o 3 ~ 5; g a H o o O O o 23 22 o o 3 C J; E * M O * O f * o Tf CO O CO cc o "^ "-. S CN CO CO *> 21 =1 C-i "o ' 3.5 b - 5j ^ '~ t *- 1 5 ~" a &~z &u S IS o 1 'o >.a . o" ="- |s 2 r o" 6" - | !J ^ o s 73 15 33 3 ^ 2 5 5 g "^ a a'S, ?S I s Isg * o s "ir Z l r 2 o" I- tT a ~ a in yj in in J) in s * * S .-3 - - 50 Q - , g> o tc j- is i o 73 1 c | id ^ * "~*5 to bo ^ ^ C3 .S ** =; II o Q 'S tc 3"5 T) rs s G 5)3 1 S2 ^3 Q a ^ -3 b S^ a "3 <5 3 S S"S a j- cl O "o-a, T) a V a '" - c a c. O c ^ = o o a c 2 O ? .2 l|f Q X ^ 1 5 5 3 "2 ti a 1~: " .i! '"" Sc.SJ ^ ty c ^ | ci. 't fj C S J_j = .SP 'C"- ~ o o T^ H r; t- -^ 9 *_> c" c o" ia ^ els C '.X o'o a ~t So s, s t^- c S w tj S ~ C-jf r* rt 9s c _^ 2 ft "*~ ^.'^ & 3) 3 "^ /* ^ ,j -~ y ~* ^ S 1 - a 3 G 3 ?3 -, * i> ** C 5 S s ? - a; ? a ~ Su^ C =2 r"c ^5-= | ;.~ -S > a * s t _a ^ B Z r S 2 C '5 -2 I =1 C ^"c n-g ? Cu = = ^2 Q g < i c (5 2 5 S , S S so "^ j<^ 5 S.t; B IS ** 3 " ~ X fe 2 CM _ 3 a * a Q v _ Q'^ _ _r "3 a e . a Ci 2 fs - s I Q > u^ fc. 3 ~ | III c >. 1 _,. _3 8 3 O rt o K> S^ 1 K o " o/o 1 & u; s g Ui ^ A -/3 132 FARMING IN THE DACCA DISTRICT. h C I fa o M O a" 7^ S 3 s o oi C . f*J If 3 a 3 a Ii ^ 1 o a. v 22 6 g- 2 2 o" Qf t> ^* o W w *J 00 O s * o 2. m s to Q s - *&& a| a s s 1 ii |l ^-^^^ fi - . * 5 ^-0 3| "a Ii ! "S>*'T; - " '~ cS ^? *eS a - -fl 3 S Q 3 -< ?5 K S "^ 3 03 2 "^ S 52 <^ "C" J3 ii ffi w a PS o! 2 S ^S S S |es in w o ^ o S O "S 1 5? t-l h ^ o O *l^' tn C rt 1 2 1 00 V a 3 * a. 0} d 1 o" Q? S *K -2 3 ,Q Q gi 'S 05 R K Ploughing and also broadcast, Ploughing, 2 5 The land to have a good top dressing with earth taken from bot- toms of tanks, jeels &c. well ploughed, planted in rows one cubit apart, and the plants half that distance. o S Highly manured with decayed vegetable mat- ter, plant out in Pouse (December) andMaugh (January) in rows, one cubit apart, allowing the same space be- tween each plant, i i < l-s, 3 || fill ** "3 *" .2 "S 1 c sis & % c S ^_- a -a ! '^'a, o s 3 S 3 I &, ~"a 36 . 3 _ be a es *- I 1 i ~a _o 3 3 -a lx ^ o- 2 * bo - 3 41 C Q* S 2 "11 '^I'S 5 Q I'sl % ' _ * | 13 c O ia c 5 c -^ * **"*><2 c . ^* 3 z 2 a ..- -- >.u ,g e t3 a ^ .^ "3 2 c ^oa It to 3 QJ bo f B T) TS e |||.S 1 7 I *. If df 2 a hfl"" o" I|1J|S I i- * b 1 Q ,0 (5 _rt 5.i ^"^ i = c S "s" ". 2* o Z * bo i 2 'S fe C ^ g - ^ 3 e 5 -3 " ^'-i a> **< o o ^!? 5j ^3 &;<; SS ^ll 11 Ill c Ijps-g^fe -pP _," ^ af-i o" < llifi 5 M ^Is S < 3 J, s S.U .j. .2 " a~ r-^ t~l i y. rt OH C "2 ~ ^ '* pj 5 5 "i S 2 "** o i. S C a 2s 53 Q cng 2 r x OS o _ x, H ^ "5 C C 2 *^ o " o 1 b N cT 01 o N --a o 4?| is c o CO Jill to O | FH ja H .&0 5 3 'S ex c RICE AND SESAMUM CROPS OF DACCA. 133 Remarks on No. 1. There are numerous varieties of the Ouse and Aumon rice, the former is sometimes sown alone, but the latter very seldom ; when sown together, as is most frequently the case, the propor- tion of seed is three parts Ouse to one part Aumon. The produce is, however, different to what might be expected, the former yielding only four or five maunds, and the latter six or seven ditto. The Ouse continues on the field four to five months ; the Aumon eight or nine ; and very soon covers the space, by vigorous tillings, which was previously occupied by the Ouse.* Remarks on No. 4. This crop is often sown with Aumon. I have been told by natives, that the white Teel, (Sesamum,) is occasionally grown in this district. I have never yet met with it, and imagined it was only produced in the Upper Provinces, where it is used as an article of food ; chickny and cakes made of this seed, well flavoured with assafoe- tida, is considered by the natives quite a bonne bouclie. * Of all the kinds of rice, the Aumon is the most rapid in its growth. Dr. Taylor (Topography of Dacca) mentions, that it frequently shoots up to the extent of twelve inches in twenty-four hours, and attains, in the course of some seasons, a height of fourteen feet. H. H. S. T 134 PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF SUGAR-CANE. The white Teel being of much more value as an article of commerce, it would, I think, be worth trying in this district. The difference of freight alone between this part of Bengal and the Upper Provinces to Calcutta, would give a hand- some profit, and without costing the cultivator more than he at present lays out in the growth of an inferior kind. Remarks on No. 6. The quantity of Sugar ob- tained from a bega* of the Dacca cane, (7 maunds, or 560 Ibs.) appears to me small ; the plants are how- ever very poor, although the adjoining districts of Fureedpore and Mymunsing produce, I believe, the finest within a circuit of many miles. The two kinds most esteemed in the above districts, are the Kajlees and Dhol Sindooree ; the former of a black or very deep purple colour, the latter a pink. There is a patch of these kinds in the Dacca garden, and they appear to have the advantage over the Otaheite and Munnipore, in not throwing out shoots, from the joints, whilst growing. * There are two, if not three, begahs in use in the Dacca district, viz. one of 100 cubits square, equal to 2 roods, 2 perches and 179J feet ; the second, as laid down by Mr. Dearman, in this paper and is 80 x 80 cubits ; the third is 100x80 cubits. H. H. S. FIELD PEA RAPE AND MUSTARD SEED GIN'GER. 135 Remarks on No. 11. This is the same as our field pea in England, indigenous no doubt ; but far inferior to the European kind. On churs (alluvion) sufficiently dry for sowing on the 1st November, after ordinary inundations, and on which there has been an alluvial deposit, with but little sand, I think a profitable cultivation might be made of the kinds used for splitting, or such as are quoted in the English price current as " Boilers ;" a slight plough- ing and broadcast, or even chetowing,(?) would I think answer and if successful, a superior article of food would be obtained for the natives, or for exportation to Calcutta, where they would probably find a good market for supplying the shipping. Remarks on No. 13, 14, and 15. Where these crops succeed best, with a little more care and atten- tion, our English mustard seed might answer equal- ly well, and to a limited extent prove a valuable article of export. Rape seed might also be tried. Remarks on No. 19- There is but little ginger grown in this district. Rungpore is the favoured locale, I believe. What most materially contributes towards giving the West India ginger a higher value over that of the East, arises from the different preparation it undergoes. In this country, the 136 THE PULSE CROPS OF DACCA. roots when taken up are put into boiling lime water, which probably destroys much of the fragrant pun- gency, as well as the vegetative power. In the West Indies, the roots are washed in cold water, the rind carefully scraped off, they are then dried on mats in the sun. The West India mode of preparation might be worth trying. With regard to the following mentioned crops ; 1. safflower; 2. paunleaf; 3. wheat; 4. barley; 5. gram; 6. kally jeerah, (Nigella Indica or Sativa.) The first is grown extensively,* the second not to any great extent, at least in the Dacca district ; the remaining four very partially, they are however all cultivated more largely in the adjoining districts of Fureed- pore and Mymunsing. I have not as yet made many inquiries about them. * The annual average quantity of Safflower, according to Dr. Taylor, exported from the district of Dacca for eight years past, has amounted to about 4,000 maunds, or about 149 tons. The total quantity that passed the Calcutta Custom House in 1824-25, (the greatest year of exportation ever known,) was 8,448 maunds, or about 316 tons. H. H. S. THE GRAINS IX BARRISAUL. 137 * (continued. ) From MR. ROBERT INCE, late Secretary to the Barrisaul Agricultural and Horticultural Society, to DR. SPRY, Secretary Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated Barrisaul, 18th February, 1840. SIR, Absence from the station on public duty, to- gether with the wish to gain every information in my power on the subject of your letter of the 29th October last, has been the cause of my not having replied to it ere this. I now do so with considerable diffidence, and must therefore trust to your indul- gence. Food, comprising Grains of all kinds Medical Plants, Fruits, and Roots. Grains. Rice, Dhaul of various kinds, consist- ing of Kissauree,* Moong,f Mussoorec,! Bhoot,jj Mauskullye|| and Urrur.^[ * Lathyrus Sativus. I I'hascolus trilobus. \ Ciccr lens. Ciccr arietiimm. II Phaseolus nulialus. 1" Cytisus cajan. H. II. S. 138 VEGETABLES ROOTS AND FRUITS. Vegetables. Brinjahls, Turryes, Ramturryes, red and various other Saugs, Radishes, Seem of various kinds, Jingahs, Kurralahs, Pulwul, Chillies, Pump- kins, and Cucumbers. Roots. Kutchoo, Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Ginger, Turmeric, Onions, Garlic, and Arrow-root. Fruits. Mangoes very inferior, and never to be had without insects in them; Jacks, Cocoanuts, Limes and Lemons, from the small juicy Kagzee to the large Lemon nearly the size of a Citron ; Shaddock, Tamarind, Chulta, Kumrunga, Jaum, Kow, Lutkun, Gauva, Hurfurrowree, Aumrah, Au- tah phull, similar to the Custard Apple, and sold in Calcutta under the name of " Bull's heart" I believe ; Aumluckee, an acid fruit ; when dried, I believe it is sold in Calcutta under the name of Reetah, Jullpye or Olive, Melons, water and musk, but very small and inferior. There is also the small kind of long musk Melon, called Phoot, common throughout the country. OILS TREES AND FODDERS. 139 Manufacturing and Commercial Articles, such as Oils, Gums, Dyes, and Barks, or any other known or unknown staples of commerce, such as Oak, Fir, Teak Tree, fyc. Oils. Cocoanut, Mustard, Teel, and Castor Oil. Trees. Soondry, Pussoor, Singarali, Byne, Kul- see, Keurah, Kunkra and Ihien. Fodder and Food for cattle and domestic animals, comprising Grasses, Seeds, Fruits, Roots, and Leaves, also any orna- mental Shrubs and Flowers. The only food the cattle have in this district, is the stubble after the different grains are cut. I am not aware of any grasses, ornamental shrubs, or flowers peculiar to this district, Grains. Rice is the principal staple of this dis- trict ; it is of various kinds. Of JDhauls, the Kas- sauree and Mauskullye are the most common. Vegetables. The most cultivated are the Radish, Chilli, Cucumber, and Pumpkin. I have this year 140 GINGER ONIONS ARROW-ROOT. distributed some Guinea grass and Turnip seed, but it required some persuasion to induce this people to take it. Roots. The Kutchoo is most generally cultivat- ed ; the Yam requires but little attention, and is to be had at most hauths, (markets) when in season ; the Turmeric is good, and requires no improvement; the Ginger is small, and might be improved in appearance ; but whether it would be actually so in the opinion of the natives, is a question, as I believe the larger kind is not so pungent ; in that case it would not be preferred, as from the poverty of their food, they require stronger stimulants. A short time ago, I offered some of the long Nepaul Chilli, but it was objected to, from not being so hot as the common kind ; the same objection exists regarding the large Patna Onions. The year be- fore last I distributed some of the Tenessarim Yams, which still exist, and are I hope likely to increase. The Arrow-root is very common, growing in al- most every jungle,* and Mr. Golding mentions, that * Query not a true root ? Dr. Taylor, in his Topography of Dacca, speaks of the bulbous root of the Egyptian, or Nymphsea lotus, yielding a fecula or starch, which the native medical practitioners of the district which adjoins Barrisaul, use as a substitute for arrow-root. II. H. S. FRUITS SUGAR-CANES MUSTARD. 141 he has seen it prepared, and that it is very little in- ferior to the West India, and he thinks, if cul- tivated, would be equal to it. Fruits. I believe those I have enumerated are common throughout the Lower Provinces, perhaps under different names, with the exception of the Jullpye, or Olive,* which I have never before met with ; it is common throughout these lower districts, and grows to a considerable size. I have cultivated a few young plants, which I will take the first opportunity of forwarding to the Society ; it ap- pears a hardy plant, and requires but little care. Sugar-cane. This is cultivated to a considerable extent, and may be considered one of the staples of the district ; but the smaller appears to be preferred to the larger kind sent by the Society last season, for although more juicy, it is not supposed to con- tain so much saccharine matter.f Mustard Is cultivated, but limited, and is very inferior to that of the other parts of Bengal ; the Teel is also much smaller. Cotton. This is cultivated to some extent, but * Not the true Olive, but Elacocarpus serrata. H. II. S. t Where this occurs it is the fault of the people in not thrashing the Canes sufficiently. II . II. S. U 142 COTTON RICE WANT OF EUROPEAN SETTLERS. not sufficient for the demand ; it is the small annual plant, common throughout Bengal. I offered the different kinds sent by the Society, but they were refused, the land being required for rice, which they consider the more profitable cultivation ; they assign a further reason for refusing, that the Cotton offer- ed to them not being an annual, would occupy the ground from which they now obtain various pro- ductions during the year ; and Rice being the princi- pal staple of the district, it is of course more thought of; nor is it to be wondered at when the natural indolence of the native is considered, and the trifling labour required for its cultivation ; for in this district it may almost be said to be a spontaneous production. I fear but little improvement can be expected from the introduction of any new cultiva- tion, without more European settlers. The Zemin- dar is but seldom a resident on his estate, and even when he is, he thinks only of how he can best manage to get the most out of his ryots, and so long as he gets enough, he is contented with the old system. The fruits are generally so inferior, it is a ques- tion whether they would be worth the trouble and expense of transport, even admitting the certainty THE BEETLE-NUT TREES. 143 of success. The Beetle-nut might be turned to advantage if it would live in England ; it requires care and shelter for the first three years, after which it is a hardy tree ; it bears the fifth year, and no doubt its fruit might be turned to better advantage, than being a mere accompaniment to Pawn, which is the only use made of it by the natives, and for tooth powder by the Europeans ; the husk is an excellent TAN, and is frequently made use of by the Ckumars (curriers) for prepar- ing their leather. Trees. The Soondry takes the lead, it grows to an immense height and girth in the jungles about the Hurringattah, and other large rivers. The timbers brought to the different marts, seldom exceed 14 and 15 feet in length, and from 3 to 6 feet in circumference ; they are used principally for boat-building, as it is liable to warp and crack when exposed ; it makes the best charcoal, and is pre- ferred as fire-wood. The Pussoor is a dark, heavy wood, and beautiful for furniture ; small trees are generally brought in for house posts, as it is consi- dered to last so much longer than any other wood ; it is not liable to rot, and withstands the attacks of white ants, but the posts are generally very crooked. 144 THE SINGARAH TREE. The Singarah (Nyctanthes arbor tristis), I have not yet been able to obtain of any size ; but the appearance of the tree and the wood, is very like Mahogany. The other trees are used merely for fire-wood and posts, and seldom grow to any considerable size. Should I hereafter meet with any information worth communicating to the Society, I will again do myself the pleasure of addressing you. (Signed) ROBERT INCE, Secretary, Barrisaul Agricultural and Horticultural Society. DISTRICT OF POORKK. 14. r ) ORISSA AND BENGAL. From ANDREW MILLS, ESQ. Commissioner at Cuttack, to DR. SPRY, Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society of India , dated February 26, 1840. DEAR SIR, I am sorry to say, that I can give you little information respecting the trees, &c. of this dis- trict. I know little of the climate and soil best adapted to either European or Indian trees, to venture an opinion on the subject. As far as I have seen, there are no other trees here that are not common to other parts of India ; but the fol- lowing are considered worthy of extension by Dr. Cumberland of Pooree, who is more conversant than I am with these matters, the particulars con- cerning which, were kindly supplied to me by that gentleman. kk Calophyllum inopliyllum, called by the natives Pitlang, or Punang, flourishes luxuriantly on poor sandy soils, in fact where scarcely any thing else will grow. It is a very beautiful, and at the same time an useful tree. The oil which is procured from the ber- ries is used for burning, and likewise for medicinal 146 CASHEW-NUT TREE. purposes. The wood is soft, and only used for firing. Whether this tree would grow beyond the influence of the sea-breeze, I know not, but it is worthy of experiment; and I believe you have them in the neighbourhood of Cuttack, which is a considerable distance from the sea, but scarcely beyond the influence of its breezes. There is a large plantation of Pulang trees at Satparrah ; they were planted by Mr. Wilkinson on account of Government on some waste lands in that neighbourhood, and will, in a few years more, yield a very handsome return on the original outlay. " Anacardium occidentale, (cashew-nut,) called by the natives NonJcar Ambo. Like the Pulang this tree delights in a poor sandy soil, and is found growing wild. I have been informed, that in some parts of the Madras territories, where the trees abound, many lives have been saved in times of famine, by the people subsisting on the cashew-nut. Query, might not the convicts be usefully employed in ex- tending the cultivation of these trees on waste land ? The plants would require no care when they had once taken root, save a fence to protect them from cattle, while young. The cultivation of the cashew-nut is never likely to be effected by the VEGETABLE FIBRE FOR ROPE-MAKING. 147 ryots, as the returns would be far too small to afford a remunerating price for their time and la- bour. The wood of the cashew-nut tree is only used for firing. An oil is produced from the inner shell of the nut. " Sanseviera zeylanica, called by the natives Moor- gain, grows wild in various parts of the district, chiefly in hedges. It is perhaps worthy of being extensively cultivated for the sake of the extreme- ly strong fibres or flax, afforded by the leaves. With the exception of the Ootralee, it is perhaps the strongest vegetable fibre known ; almost every soil seems to suit it. Mr. Bond of Balasore, can give you further information about the Moorgabi, as it was he who first brought to my notice the flax pro- cured from that plant; it has however been long known to the natives. The hill people manufacture their bow-strings of these fibres ; fishing lines are also made of them. Mr. Bond of Balasore, has ma- nufactured good rope from this flax, and brought the subject to the notice of the Marine Board.* * On inquiry I find that experiments have been made at the Govern- ment yards of a most satisfactory nature ; but the expense of col- lecting the fibre in quantities, appears to be the chief difficulty in brinsmiir it into extensive use. II. II. S. 148 THE ASCLEPIAS, AND OTHER TREES. " There is a species of Asclepias, called by the natives Ootralee, and Bydunka, which grows in the hedges of this district. The bark of the young shoots yields a very fine, and exceedingly strong silky fibre, similar, I imagine, to that described by Rox- burgh as the production of Asclepias Tenacissima. The Ootralee is the strongest vegetable fibre I have ever met with. It might be worth while to culti- vate the plant for the sake of its fibre. " Dillenia speciosa, called by the natives Chalta, is occasionally found growing wild on indifferent soils. It is a very beautiful tree, and the fruit is eaten by the natives. The wood is hard and tough, but I cannot find that the native carpenters make any use of it." (Signed) A. MILLS. THE DISTRICT OF UEERBHOOM. t (continued.) BEERBHOOM. From H. WALTERS, ESQ., Commissioner, to JOHN BELL, ESQ. late Secretary to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, dated Calcutta, 8th May, 1887, giving cover to information drawn up by the Rev. MR. WILLIAM- SON, Missionary, on the district of Beerbhoom. I have the pleasure to forward answers to the queries circulated by the Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society, drawn up by the Rev. Mr. William- son of Beerbhoom. A letter from Dr. Furnell, Officiating Secretary to the Beerbhoom Branch Society, states as follows : " The Coffee plants obtained from Dr. Wallich arrived safe, and are thriving well. " Guinea grass is growing in Mr. D'Oyly's garden luxuriantly, and he intends increasing the quantity, and distributing it to all applicants. The Georgia and Sea Island Cotton seed has vegetated, and appears to be doing extremely well. Some of the plants have large flowers. About a biggah of garden has been sown with the Cotton seed ; and a quantity has been distributed." H. WALTERS. 150 THE SOIL OF BEKKKIIOOM. From the Rev. MR. WILLIAMSON, Missionary, Beerbhoom. Replies to various queries proposed by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society, chiefly communicated by native farmers. 1st. The district of Beerbhoom is higher, and less level, than the more southern plains of Bengal, and that portion of the Zillah which extends to the north-west, is mountainous and woody. As spon- taneous vegetation in a great measure ceases from the termination to the commencement of the rains, the soil, and perhaps the atmosphere too, must I conceive be more dry than in other places, where this does not take place, at least to the same extent. Hot winds also generally prevail more or less during the months of April and May ; the extremes of heat and cold seem to be greater here than in Calcutta ; the usual range of temperature during the cold and hot seasons, being from about fifty to hundred degrees of Farenheit in the shade. The natives inform me that there are six varieties of soil in Beerbhoom First, what they call Bella, or sandy soil. Second, that denominated Metial, or LAND TENURES, AND SYSTEM OF FARMING. 151 clay soil. Third, Kankoria, or gravelly soil. Fourth, Poloo, or muddy soil, chiefly found on the banks of rivers. Fifth, Barthoo, existing where mud-walled villages or houses have formerly stood. And, lastly, Etial, or more adhesive clay than the Metial above- mentioned. The last four varieties exist in much smaller proportions than the two first. The Belia variety is the most abundant. 2nd. The great land proprietors of this district are not numerous ; the same may be said of very small proprietors ;. most of the Zemindars here belonging to the middle class, or those who may possess from ten to twenty villages. 3rd. The farmers in this part of the country seldom occupy more than 100 biggahs of ground, which may require about seven or eight ploughs. A much greater number, however, cultivate only one-half that quantity. But the most numerous class of farmers is composed of those, who cultivate from ten to sixteen biggahs only, which they endeavour to manage with only one plough. 4th. The south-east portion of this district is principally occupied in husbandry ; but the lands to the north and west being jungly and mountainous, are chiefly employed in pasture. 152 STOCK IRRIGATION CROPS. 5th. No particular grasses are cultivated in Beerbhoom ; neither the guinea grass nor clover has yet been tried. 6th. The principal article of stock is cows ; next to them, in some parts, buffaloes ; then goats, sheep, pigs, &c. A few ducks and geese are also reared by some, and many fowls, particularly in the jungles. I have no doubt that the breeds that are in use might be improved, and that new breeds ought to be tried, though I am not at present aware of any individual who would be disposed to pay particular attention to the breed of cattle. 7th. Nearly one-half of the lands in cultivation are watered from tanks and rivers, chiefly from the former ; some of those not watered are capable of this improvement, and would be much more produc- tive were good tanks dug in their vicinity. The chief objection to this improvement is, the want of funds. 8th. Rice, Cotton, Sugar-cane, Kochoo, Begoon, Radishes, Wheat, &c. are all irrigated when requir- ed. Several methods of irrigation are used in this district ; but the one most commonly practised, is that of raising the water of tanks by means of an instrument called a doonee. It is, I believe, gene- SYSTEM OF IRRIGATION. 153 rally constructed from the trunk of a mango tree, is about nine cubits long, and in shape somewhat resembles a canoe. One end is lowered and raised alternately by two men ; to assist them in raising again the end which has been lowered into the water, a rope is attached to it and to the end of a beam, which is elevated and balanced on a forked stake ; to the further end of this beam a quantity of earth is suspended, and by weighing it down, raises the end to which the extremity of the doonee is at- tached. Another three-cornered instrument, made of split bamboos, is also used for elevating the water of tanks. It is alternately let down and raised full of water by means of ropes attached to it, and held by two men on each side of the gutter ; and by having troughs elevated one above another, water may be raised to any height required. Some- times, particularly from rivers, where the bank is high, water is elevated at once to a considerable height, by means of an instrument called a tera. This is an earthen vessel, tied to a bamboo or pole, which is attached to one end of a beam, consi- derably elevated, to the further end of which a weight of stones or earth is suspended ; several men (about four or five) are required to work this ma- 154 CROPS INDIGO, COTTON, SUGAR-CANE, ETC. chine The quantity of water raised at each elevation of these different instruments, may be from about one maund to a maund and a half. 9th. Rice is the chief production. Sugar-cane, Cotton, Wheat, Teel, (Sesamum,) Kalai, a species of Dolichos, Indigo, &c. are also cultivated in smaller quantities. 10th. In some very good lands, Wheat, &c. is sown after the Rice crop has been reaped. But in general only one crop is raised during the year from the same lands. Rice is sown on the same grounds from year to year, but Sugar-cane, Cotton, and Teel, &c. are changed. llth. Indigo, Cotton, Sugar-cane, &c. are all cultivated in this district. A small farmer culti- vating twelve biggahs of ground, would probably allot only one biggah to each of the above articles. 12th. For Indigo, poloo and bastoo soils are preferred. For Cotton, nietiel ; and for Sugar-cane, bastoo, belia, &c. 13th. No kinds of foreign Cotton have as yet been tried, nor has the Otaheite cane been introduced. 14th. Except for Teel (Sesamum) and (a species of Dolichos) Kalai, which are sown on high lands, fallowing is not practised here. CATTLE IMPLEMENTS OF HUSBANDRY. 155 15th. Manuring is uniformly practised ; cow- dung and tank mud are generally used, chiefly the former. Some people pen their cattle. 16th. Oxen and buffaloes are both used, chiefly oxen. The natives know nothing of mules, and would probably feel a prejudice against them, as they do against the employment of asses. 17th. As the various implements of husbandry used in Beerbhoom, hardly differ in any respect from those used in the other districts of Bengal, a particular description of them would appear unne- cessary. If required, cither originals or models might be procured without much inconvenience or expense, the whole, even of the best description, not amounting to more than ten rupees. 18th. Rice is sown from the middle of May to the end of June. It is transplanted from the 1st of July to the 15th of August; and with the excep- tion of Ouse, which ripens early, is reaped from the middle of November till the middle of December. The Sugar-cane is planted in May. The harvest lasts from the 15th February to the 15th March. Cotton is sown from about the 1st till the middle of October ; the harvest continues from about the 1st of Mav till the 12th of June. Wheat. Barley. 150 HUSBANDRY WAGES OF LABOUR. Mustard, and Kolai, are sown from the 12th Octo- ber till the 12th of November ; they are reaped in all March. 18th. Taking the whole of Beerbhoom, nearly two-thirds may be reckoned waste lands, and about the third cultivated. The waste lands lie chiefly to the north-west; the improvement of which they seem most susceptible, is cultivation where water can be obtained. 20th. Four pice a day, and food amounting to about two pice more, is the usual rate of wages in this district ; labour generally commences about sun-rise, and continues till about ten o'clock, when, after ceasing for refreshment one hour or a little more, it re-commences, and is continued till three in the afternoon, at which period about one hour and a half is allowed for dinner ; after which the labour is again resumed till sun-set. During the hot months, when the day is long, the periods allotted for food and relaxation are somewhat exceeded. 21st. Draining is hardly practised in Beerbhoom ; only small drains are used in some few places, for Sugar-cane, Kuchoo, &c. during the rains. 22nd. There are embankments on the edges of the Ojoy and Mourak rivers, in various places ; but PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE DISTRICT. 157 T am not aware of there being any on the sides of any of the smaller streams. 23rd. The north-west portion of Beerbhoom being jungly, and but very partially cultivated, is abundantly supplied with fire-wood and timber of various kinds. The kinds chiefly used, and which grow spontaneously are, Sal, Murgha, Sutsar, Abloos, &c., those principally cultivated are. Mango,- Tal, Babla, Suruoh, Orgoan, &c. 24th. With the exception of the roads leading from Soory to Moorshedabad and Burdwan, most of the roads in this district are nearly impassable to all except oxen and foot passengers. 25th and 26th. The Ojoy river, which separates Beerbhoom from Bancoorah and Burdwan, is a con- siderable stream. Also the Mourak, which passes through Beerbhoom. The district is also intersected by several smaller streams. Neither the Ojoy nor Mourake rivers are navigable, except for a few days occasionally, during the rains, so that water-car- riage is hardly resorted to for the conveyance of produce. 27th and 28th. This district has never btvn re- markable either for its manufactures or its commerce. Both however have been, and nre still, carried on to v 158 IMPORTS CAUSES OF POVERTY. a considerable degree, though to a less extent than formerly. The chief articles of produce and manu- facture in this district are, Rice, Sugar, Indigo, Silk, Tussur, Cotton piece goods, and Iron, &c. A consi- derable proportion of these are exported. The prin- cipal articles imported are, Salt, Spices, Tobacco, Cotton, Potatoes, &c. Some of the exports have no doubt had a beneficial effect on agriculture. This district being more an agricultural than a commer- cial or manufacturing district, the proportion of people who have been thrown out of work by the cheaper imported European cottons, though consi- derable, is not so great as in some other districts. 29th. Besides the Branch Society lately insti- tuted here by Mr. Walters, there are no other in- stitutions. 30th. The natives of this country, it is well known, have no great turn for improvement. Such a spirit, I conceive, would be best excited, by con- vincing them of the advantages. 31st. The religion, ignorance, and general po- verty of the natives are, I should think, among the chief obstacles to improvement, and if such be the case, these obstacles will no doubt be best removed by endeavouring to teach them, and if possible, to CONCLUSION. 159 render their condition more happy by beneficial laws. 32nd. I am not aware of any individual who could favour the Society with an agricultural map. 33rd. Besides the civilians at this station, there are only two Europeans resident in this district. 34th. Some have already joined the Branch So- ciety lately instituted here, and several others will no doubt be induced to do so bye and by. 160 From G. A. BUSHBY, ESQ. Secretary to Government of In- dia, to H. H. SPRY, ESQ. M. D., Secretary to the Agri- cultural and Horticultural Society of India. Genl. Dept. SIR, With reference to the letter No. 653, from this Department, dated the 22d May 1839, I am di- rected to forward to you a printed copy of the list of Plants alluded to in Dr. Royle's letter of the 31st December 1838,* received from the Honorable the Court of Directors. (Signed) G. A. BUSHBY, Secretary to the Government of India. COUNCIL CHAMBER, ) The 23d June, 1841. / * Dr. Royle's letter in full, as well as one by Dr. Lindley, forming enclosures to a Dispatch from the Honorable the Court of Directors, will be found in the 7th volume of the Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. H. H. S. TRANSMISSION OF SEEDS TO AND FROM INDIA. 101 From Professor ROYLE, M. D., F. R. S., to JAMES COSMO MELVILLE, ESQ. Secretary at the India House, con- taining observations on the introduction into India of the useful and ornamental Plants and Seeds of Europe, and some of the Plants of North America. The advantages being undoubted, and the Transmission of seeds to ami prospects of success great, the Court of Directors from lmlia ' of the East-India Company determined on not allowing the opportunity, offered by the speedy Communication with India, to escape, of sending to that country the materials for growing there the plants suited to its varied soils and climate, and such as are likely to conduce to the improve- ment of the country, and the benefit of the peo- ple ; obtaining also from its mountains such as are suited to the climate of Great Britain. The subject was brought under the notice of the Court of Directors by a despatch from the Go- vernor-general, dated Simla, 16th August 1838, intimating that his Lordship had addressed an order to the officers in charge of such districts in the North-western provinces as are either within, or which border on, the Himalayan range, in- 162 ADVANTAGES TO BE EXPECTED. structing them to collect in the autumn, suitable seeds, bulbs, and roots, for transmission overland to England. The Governor-General, adverting to the facili- ties afforded by the steam communication, and referring to the interest known to be taken by the Court in increasing the vegetable riches of the two countries, expresses a hope, that such useful seeds and plants may be sent out to India, Advantages of as mav gradually be naturalized in that country, the Transmis- .. , , , . , . sion of the and recommends inquiry being made in this country .Seeds of Use- for a d v i ce on the su bject. On the importance of the object contemplated by Lord Auckland, and sanctioned by the Court of Directors, it is scarcely necessary to offer any remarks. So large a share of the wealth of every country is composed of its vegetable productions, and those productions in such a variety of ways minister to supply the wants of man, that to in- crease their number or improve their quality, can- not fail to be regarded as a benefaction to the country thus enriched. Indebted as man is to the vegetable kingdom for food, shelter, and clothing, for the means of restoring health, and assuaging pains, the propriety of Govern- INTRODUCTION OF FOREIGN PLANTS INTO INDIA. 163 ments promoting the introduction of valuable plants into the countries over which they rule can scarcely be questioned. In India, particularly, the duty of acting upon these views is enjoined by peculiar reasons. The productive powers of the soil will give every advan- tage to the attempt of those disposed to call them forth, and the people being accustomed so generally to a vegetable diet, renders it important to secure to them, as large a supply and as great a variety of such diet as possible. The occurrence of those severe visitations of Providence, by which the hap- piness of the people is for the time destroyed, and even the preservation of existence rendered almost impossible, calls imperatively for the adoption of any measures, such as the introduction of plants less dependent on rain, which might tend to avert such calamities, or alleviate their effects. The commer- cial position of India requires a large amount of exchangeable productions, and these must be raised from the soil, for it is to agriculture that India must look for the means of engaging in commerce. Carried to its legitimate extent, the plan for the (;rpat oxt<>iit to which the enrichment of India by such vegetable productions omanumay be carried. as are adapted to the country would be a most extensive one ; for, as is observed by Dr. Lindley. 164 HON. COURT ENGAGE TO SEND PLANTS TO INDIA. " from the great extent of the British possessions in India, and the infinite modifications and combina- tions of soil and climate to be found within them, there can be no doubt whatever that almost every production of every climate, except the Arctic, may be so completely naturalized, that where they are of any importance as objects of cultivation, they may be brought to all the perfection of which they are susceptible in other countries." to e bemier- ed ^ nas accor dingly been recommended that the gradual introduction, from every part of the world, into India, of every variety of tree and plant adapt- ed to its climate, should be an object steadily kept in view. Also, that such measures should immedi- ately be taken as may be necessary to secure a supply of seeds for future seasons in such quantities as seem desirable, with reference to the means that may exist for their cultivation. Despatchofthe I n the Proceedings of the Agricultural and Hor- Courtof Direc- ject n ticultural Society of India, of the 12th of June 1839, we find that the Governor-General had for- warded to the Society the despatch of the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India, of the 13th of February 1839, together with the letters which had been written by Dr. Lindley, and the THE TRANSMISSION OF SEEDS TO INDIA. 165 writer of these remarks, in reference to this subject. Despatch res- pectin<; the 1'ransmission The Court say: " We are sensible of the importance O f seeds of the subject to which, in the letter under reply, you have directed our attention, and we have resolved on gradually furnishing you with the means of carrying on extensively experiments for naturaliz- ing in India useful and desirable plants, indigenous in other countries." " We have forwarded some va- to India ; rieties of seeds, &c., highly important either as affording articles of food, or possessing medical virtues, and they will deserve all the attention that can be afforded them." " We shall continue at the proper seasons to send supplies of other varieties, and it is our wish that the greatest care should be bestowed, with a view to their naturalization, for the benefit of the country." " With regard to the collection of seeds for trans- from India. mission to this country, we are of opinion, that the expediency of bearing in mind the nature of the climate to which they are to be exposed should be impressed upon those to whom the task is to be committed." The Society, after the reading of the despatch ^-solution ,,f the A-rrirul- and its enclosures, determined, in furtherance of S7Jd!a. clety so " useful and philanthropic an object, that in 166 RESOLUTION OF AGRI. HORT. SOC. OF INDIA. Resolution of reference to the communication now read from the Agricultu- india. ociety f the Honorable the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and with the view of aiding as far as possible, the intentions therein expressed, and the labours of those scientific gentlemen at home, who have so kindly interested themselves in the subject a Committee be formed for the purpose of suggesting such plants and trees as may be thought desirable for introduction into India, and those that can be furnished in return, and that the Committee be instructed to obtain communications from the Branch Societies and other available sources through- out India." The measures which were adopted here in conse- quence of the resolution of the Court it is unneces- sary to particularize, as more fitting occasions may Times when occur for entering into the necessary details. Keep- seeds should 1 ing in view the necessity of obtaining the seeds of plants of different countries suitable to the different parts of India, the principle exhibited in the tables appended may serve as a guide. To obtain complete success will require only perseverance, and a system- atic arrangement of the means adapted to the ends in view. The roots and seeds requiring tropical culture should be in India by the middle of June ; SEEDS HOW BEST TO BK SENT OTT. 107 that is, at the beginning of the rainy season. Those intended for cultivation in the plains during the cold weather, should arrive in October and Novem- ber, while such as are to be sown in the Himalayas need not be there before March, or even April. The seeds obtained from various sources may be sent in separate parcels as intended for warm or for cool climates, as for Bombay, Madras, Cal- cutta, and Saharunpore, or for the Hills of Maha- bhaleshwur, Neilgherries, Darjeeling, Mussooree, and Simla. Wherever practicable, the Botanic Gar- Measures a,i- visable for dens or their nurseries seem the most suitable situa- tions for the first cultivation of the various seeds or plants which may be introduced, but the Gardens of the several Horticultural Societies at the Presi- dencies might be equally advantageous wherever they are desirous of joining in the experiment. Whenever a plant has become established, or its seed has ripened in one garden, these should be distributed to the others which have been enume- rated, or to the several branch Horticultural Socie- ties which have been established, or to individuals who are inclined to pay the requisite attention to such pursuits. The several gardens in different parts of India ought also to interchange their several 1 2 A 10H SEEDS HOW BEST RAISED. products, even their indigenous and long-established cultures, more freely and systematically than has hitherto been the case. Gardeners and Farmers in Europe seldom continue to cultivate from the seed constantly ripened in their own grounds, but inter- change with, or purchase from others, what these again are ready to do with theirs. The seeds of a great variety of plants have been sent by the monthly mail at different times to the several Botanic Gardens which have been enu- merated, and latterly to the Agricultural Socie- and Bombay, ties of Calcutta and Bombay. Of the measures adopted, an instance may suffice in the extract of the following letter from Monsieur A. De Can- dolle, of Geneva, who is following the course of the distinguished Botanist, his father. Seeds sent to India, Letter from M. A. De Can- dolle. " Mon cher Monsieur, " Je viens d'adresser a Mr. Bentham une caisse qui contient differens objets pour vous. Ce sont d'abord des graines, d'especes cultivees dans notre jardin, et de plantes cultivees en grand dans ce pays. Je ne suis pas parvenu encore a me procurer les Cereales cultivees dans les plus hautes parties de la Suisse, mais j'ai pense que les vari6tes usitees dans nos plaines reussiraient peut etre mieux dans 1'Inde que les semences venues d'Angleterre. On estime en agriculture qu'il faut croiser les semences, c'est-a-dire semer dans un pays des bles venant d'un autre, afin qu'ils aient des qualites differentes de celles que le clu pays a ASSORTMENTS FOR INDIA. 169 pu donner. C'est dans cette idee que je vous ai envoye des cereales et des legumes communs de ce pays. D'ailleurs nos legumes du continent sont preferables a ceux de 1'Angleterre, et leurs graines sont plus mures. Une autre fois je pourrai probablement vous donner des especes alpines et c6reales des hautes regions." With regard to the time and state of the arrival A , rr ^ al , of the Seeds of the seeds in India, Dr. Wallich, expressing his grateful thanks to the Court of Directors, wrote on the 24th August 1839, that the noble packet of seeds dispatched on the llth of May had arrived there on the 12th July. The seeds having been immediately sown, several had already vegetated ; of these, the highly interesting Sea Island Cotton germinated in four days. Of the moderate supply of the latter, he had furnished small quantities to a number of practical men, as Capt. Jenkins and Dr. Wight. He particularly requests that assort- ments of seeds may be continued to be sent, especi- ally those from South America and the West In- dies, as they succeed, in general, remarkably well, and that on his part he would do his utmost to reciprocate, by endeavouring to obtain the sort of temperate zone seeds that are so much desired in England. Dr. Falconer, to whom the first supplies had 170 SEEDS COLLECTED IN INDIA. edB ^ een sen t> complains of the packing not having been in India. /v> i i -/r i sufficient to keep out the wet, as some Mahogany seeds and others had arrived in a damp and rotten state. India rubber cloth having been adopted for the packing of all the subsequent despatches, he writes, " Your August and September despatches have arrived in excellent order. The double India rubber mode of packing is admirable it could not be better." The seeds he describes as excellent of their kind, and the supply of vegetable seeds as exceedingly valuable. He requests a fresh supply, so as to reach him in February for sowing in the hills, also as many flower seeds as possible, both for sowing in the hills and plains. seeds from r f ne se eds collected in India, as is evident from India. the diversified nature of the country, will require very different kinds of climate. The kinds most valued here are such as are suited to the climate of the country, and therefore can only be obtained in the mountains, at such elevations as the region of Oaks. Those first sent, having been collected by the zeal of several officers, were more promiscuous in nature than is esteemed by the generality of hor- ticulturists. But the later collections have been excellent in selection, and packed so perfectly well, SEEDS SENT TO ENGLAND. \~\ as to arrive here in as fresh a state as possible. This Js is evident from the following documents of the vegetation of seeds which hardly ever vegetated here before. Speaking generally, it may be said that it is desirable to send a selection rather than a great va- riety of seeds. At first, from being collected in different localities, and by different individuals, many duplicate parcels were sent. It seems advis- able, therefore, that seeds collected for transmission to this country should be forwarded to the Superin- tendents of the Botanic Gardens in the different presidencies, who should, with as little delay as possible, inspect, select, and if possible, name such as it was deemed necessary to send, and to separate the few from the plains and vallies requiring a hot climate from those suited to the open culture of this country. The kinds of seed most valued here are those of ornamental or useful flowering plants and shrubs, or such as are likely to be useful as timber trees, or otherwise. By this means, though the bulk and number of the packages would be curtailed, their value would remain undi- minished. The seeds received have been distributed to public 1/2 REPORT ON SEEDS SENT TO ENGLAND. Se Sntry and on the continent. gardens, and to distinguished individuals, both in -r ^ Great Britain and on the Continent, keeping in view the interchange of seeds. The majority of those to whom seeds have been sent have expressed their intention of sending others in return, and many have already done so. I may instance Count s Woronzow and M. A. De Candolle, as having al- ready done so from the Continent. The opinions of Dr. Lindley and Messrs. Loddiges are subjoined, as shewing the success attending the new mode of transmission with seeds, received chiefly from Dr. Falconer. " Horticultural Society of London, " August 24, 1840. " My dear Sir, " I have great pleasure in informing you that the result of the seeds, for which we have so repeatedly been indebted to the liberality of the Honorable Court of Directors, has been most satisfac- tory. A very considerable number of fruit trees, shrubs, and handsome herbaceous plants have already been secured to the country. Among the former are the Deodar in abundance, as well as other Himalayan Coniferse and Betula Bhojpattra, which would alone render the exer- tions of the Company in the introduction of new plants of national importance, especially since the large quantity of such things which is imported renders it practicable at once to disperse them through the country. " Should you desire to have a detailed return of the plants of all kinds that have been raised in the Society's Garden, it shall be pro- vided without loss of time. " Professor Iloyle." Yours faithfully, " JOHN LINDLEY." REPORT ON SEEDS SENT TO ENGLAND. 1 ~3 " Hackney, June 23, 1840. " Dear Sir, " We are happy to be able to inform you, that the seeds of Pinus Deodara which you were kind enough to send us, have grown perfectly well, scarcely one failing. Also Pinus Webbiana, excelsa, and Khutrow. The advantages of getting seeds overland are most decid- ed ; we have had great quantities of Deodara sent by sea from time to time, and hardly ever got one to grow, whereas these quite sur- passed all our expectations. " We remain, dear Sir, yours very truly, " To Dr. Royle." " C. LODDIGES & SONS." 174 LIST OF PLANTS, SUITED FOr INTRODUCTION INTO DIFFERENT PARTS OF INDIA. Annuals* fit for Cultivation in the Plains of India during the cold Weather, and in the Himalayas during the Summer Months. Europe Corn Grasses Vegetables Sweet Herbs Most Annuals of English Flower Gardens Wheat and Egyptian Wheat Barley Bere Bigg Oats Rye Buckwheat Mustard, Black and White Rape, Colza Flax Tobacco, Virginia Havanna Tobacco, Persian Latakia Peas, Beans Vetches, Tares Edible Lupin Clover, Red and White Lucern Alexandrine Clover Turnips, Carrote Beet-root Mangel Wurzel Skirret, Parsnip Carraway, Fennel Dill, Parsley Aniseed Hemlock, Foxglove Belladonna, &c. * The Annuals suited to the rainy season of every part of the plains, and even of some of the mountains of India, are already very numerous ; consisting both of commercial articles, and of such as are fitted for food. Among the former we have Indigo, Cotton, Sugar Cane, and Tobacco, even with Rice, Maize, Sorghum, several species of Phaseolus and Dolichos, Paspa- lum, Panicum, Arum, Sesamum, Sun, and Sunnee, and many others. During this season Senna, &c. may be cultivated. Many introductions may be made from the West Indies and South America of new plants, or of varieties of the best kinds of those already cultivated in India 1'HRENNIALS SUITED FOR NORTHERN INDIA. Perennials suited to the drier and more Northern party of India.* Liriodendron tulipifera Capparis spinosa Acacia vera Verek Scyal Olive tree Carob tree Manna Ash Laurel Sweet Bay Mastich tree Chian Turpentine Pistachio Nut tree Myrrh tree Sassafras tree Sumach tree- Astragalus yielding Traga- canth Cistus yielding Labdanum Styrax officinalis Scammony Cork tree Oak Ilex Kermes Dyer's Barbary Quercus tinctoria Quercus ./Egilops Quercus Ballota Cactus opuntia Tuna coccinellifer Morus alba multicaulis) Savine Juniper New Zealand Flax Poterium spinosum Liquorice plant Aloe soccotrina Barbadensis Euphorbia j)lant Assafoetida Galbanum " In his letter to the Secretary at the India House, copy of which, under date the ,'Ust December lUSH, was forwarded to (lie Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India hy order of the Supreme Government, Dr. Royle states that he would add to this list "the common Spanish chesnut, which seems well suited to Northern India and the Himalayas, and would yield an additional article of food to the inhabitants of the .Mountains, who are sometimes forced to subsist upon acorns and bitter horse chesnuts." 11. H. S. t 1 am happy to add, that a plantation of this valuable mulberry is thriving luxuriantly at tin- Nursery of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. II. H. S 2 15 176 PERENNIALS ADAPTED FOR THE HIMALAYAS. Ammoniacum Sagapenum Artemisia Abrotanum Santonica Phoenix dactylifera Diosmse sp. Eucalypti Heaths Proteas Mesembryanthemum s Pelargoniums Perennials suited to the Summer, and able to withstand the cold of the Himalayan Winter. Almond, Peach Apricot, Nectarine Plum, Cherry Apple, Pear, Quince Spanish Chesnut Filberts, Hazlenut Gooseberry, Currants Raspberry* Rhubarb, all the kinds Gentian, Jalap Seneka Juniper, Savine Bilberries, Cranberries Costus of the Ancients Saffron Europe and North American Timber Trees Sugar-Maple, Hickories, and Black Walnuts Oaks and Pines Beech, Ash Lime tree American Magnolias Tulip tree Drimys Winteri Rhododendrons, Azaleas Kalmias, Heaths Strawberry tree Rhamnus infectoria saxatilis, &c. Lavender, Rosemary * Some red Raspberry trees in a garden belonging to a private English gentleman in Calcutta produced ripe full sized fruit last year 1840. H. H. S. TROPICAL PERENNIALS SUITED TO PLAINS OF INDIA. 1 77 Tropical Perennials suited to the Plains, and some to the Mountains of the Southern parts of India. Coffee,* Cacao Pimento, Papaya Nutmeg, Cloves Cinnamon, Camphor Cocculus palmatus (Columba plant) Telfairia volubilis Pterocarpus erinaceus (African Kino) Elaeis guineensis (Oil Palm) Bixa orellana (Annotto) Persea gratissima Maranta arundinacea Canna coccinea Copaifera, yielding Balsam of Copaiba Balsams of Peru and Tolu trees Krameria triandra Coutarea speciosa Arcnga saccharifera (Gomuto) Cabbage Palm Ceroxylon andicola Vanilla and Tropical Orchidcio Passion Flowers Fuchsias Ilex paraguay ensis Raphis vinifera Sterculia acuminata Sarcocephalus esculentus Anona senegalensis Chrysobalanus Icaco Logwood, Mahogany Nicaragua Wood Quassia, Simaruba Cinchonas, all the species Cepha?lis Ipecacuanha Psychotria emetica herbacea Smilax officinalis medica, c. Guaiacum tree Cusparia tree Cascarilla plant Croton Tiglium I lymcnsra Courbaril Stillingia sebifera (Tallow tree) ElapococcH vernu'osa (Oil live) vernieia (Varnish tree) * Colfee has liren found to thrive ri'in.irkably well Calcutta, also at Chittagong ami Syllict. Tlu- jiroducc has boon pronoumvi! hy pood jiuls'i'< a< I'xci'rdin^ly pood. Si'c Ttaiuac tions of Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, vu] ii. Article .'9. II H. S. TROPICAL PERENNIALS SUITED TO PLAINS OF INDIA. Agave, species of Jacaranda ovalifolia (Rose wood) Sanseviera guineensis Hevea guianensis Baccharis genistelloides Schinus molle Dipterix odorata (Tonquin Bean) Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil Nut Caesalpinia braziliensis, &c. (Bra- tree) zil wood) The foregoing lists are published as memoranda, nearly, as origin- ally prepared. They might easily be rendered more copious, by an examination of the notices of the useful plants of different countries, but these are scattered, like the accounts of those of India, in a variety of publications, some Botanical, others Medical. A few are found in the lists of the Commerce of different countries, and others are men- tioned by Travellers, of whom, however, but few are copious and exact in the relations, like Humboldt, or Spix and Martius. The names, to be fully useful to practical men, ought to be accompanied with a short account of the nature and uses of the different plants, their peculiar habits and culture, and the parts of India to which they appear best suited. This, it is evident, would require much time, in fact, constitute a work of itself. By referring to the Index, most of them will be found in the " Illustrations of Himalayan Botany," and generally with notices respecting the parts of India to which they are suited. DR. ELLIOTT WESTERN INDIA. ia. (continued.} From Dr. ELLIOTT at Dhoolla in Khandeish, to Dr. BROWNE, Private Secretary to the Honorable the Governor of Bom- bay, dated 20th January, 1840. Agreeably to your request, I have the honour to forward a list of some of the plants growing in my garden, and also of such as in my opinion, are worthy of extension in this country, and of such as I consi- der suitable for introduction into this part of the country. It can hardly be expected, nor do I consider it necessary, to enumerate every plant that I have in cultivation ; but I trust that from those given, some idea may be formed of the capability of the soil and climate of Khandeish, as far as vegetation is con- cerned. In classifying them, I have adhered to the form pointed out by the Committee of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Calcutta, and have ar- ranged them under three divisions. Should the So- ciety desire it, I shall be happy to furnish them here- after with a more perfect and detailed account of 180 DIVISIONS OF ARRANGEMENT. the state of Agriculture and Horticulture in Khan- deish. Division I. Food comprising esculent grains of all kinds, me- dical plants, fruits, and roots. Division II. Fodder and food for cattle and domestic animals, comprising grasses, seeds, fruits, roots, and leaves, also any ornamental shrubs and flowers. Division III. Manufacturing and commercial articles, such as oils, gums, dyes, and barks, or any other known or unknown staples of commerce, such as oaks, firs, teak trees, &c. &c. Which I have, for convenience, again divided each into three subdivisions ; viz. Subdivision 1st. Comprising plants, &c. at present growing in Dhoolia. Subdivision 2nd. Those worthy of extension in this part of the country. LIST OK PLANTS GROWING IN K1IANDEISH. 181 Subdivision Xrd. Those supposed to be suitable for introduction into this neighbourhood. And here I would beg leave to request, that should opportunity offer, I may be supplied with seeds or plants of such species of the 3rd subdivi- sions as I have underlined, which I am anxious to introduce into this province. I have to apologize for the imperfect manner in which I have drawn up the list, and for the delay that has occurred in its preparation. Acaciu arabica. Catechu. Acorus calamus. Allhun sativum. I'orrum. Amygdalus coramunis. Anethum Faeniculum. graveolens. Artemisia Absinthium. Capsicum annuum. DIVISION I. SUBDIVISION 1ST. Medicinal Plants. Cassia yKgyptiaca. - Fistula. Citrus aurantium. Cochlearia Armoracia. Coriandrum sativum. Curcuma lou^a. Datura Stramonium. Daucus C'arota. Ficus Carica. LIST OF PLANTS GROWING IN KHANDEISH. Hyoscyamus niger. Laurus Cinnamomum. Lavandula Spica. Linum usitatissimum. Malva sylvestris. Mentha sativa. piperita. Moms nigra. Myristica moschata. Nicotiana Tabacum. Origanum vulgare. Oxalis acetosella. Papaver somniferum. Rhoeas. Punica Granatum. Piper nigrum. Ricinus communis. Rosmarinus officinalis. Ruta graveolens. Stizolabium vel Mucuna pruriens. Vegetable Roots, Artichoke. Jerusalem. Cauliflower. Celery. Clary. Cress, garden. - water. Asparagus. Basil. Bean, garden or Windsor (does not thrive, nor bear well.) Cucumber. Bean, kidney. Dolichos catjang. Madras (Phaseolus lunatus lablab. var.) Beet. Borecole. Broccoli. Cabbage. Capsicum. Cardoon. Carrot. Endive. Fennel. Garlic. Hibiscus Sabdariffa. Horse-radish (Cochlearia Amora- cia.) Jatropha Manihot. Leek. LIST OF PLANTS GROWING IX KHAXDEISH. 183 Lettuce, Potatoe. Marjoram. Radish. Mint. Sage Mustard. Salsify. Nasturtium. Savory. Onion. Scarzoneira. Parsley. Spinage. Parsnip. Succory. Pea, Thyme. Melon. Turnip. Peppermint. Vegetable Marrow. Pompion. fruits, &(. Amygdalus communis (Almond) Ceratonia siliqua (St. John's bread) persica (Peach) Citrus Aurantium. flat or China do. Var. 1 Cintra. Annona muricata (sour-sop.) 2 Konwla. - reticulata, (netted cus- 3 Sweet China. tard apple.) - 4 Mosambique. Annona squamosa (sweet-sop.) ij Cape. Artocarpus integrifolia (.lack 6 Maltese, or bloody fruit.) fruited. Averrhaea carrambola. - Decumana (Shaddock.) Bilimbi. Limonum (Lemon.) Bromelia ananas (pine) docs not Limctta (Lime.) tiirive here. Sweet Lime. C'arica Papaya. Coccos nucifera. 2 c 184 PLANTS WORTHY OF EXTENSION IN KHANDEISH. Dimocarpus Litchi. Engenia Jambos or aquaca (rose apple), Eriobotria japonica (loquat.) Ficus carica. Fragaria vesca. Grewia asiatica. Mangifera indica (mazagon man- go-) Morus alba, four varieties. mgra. Musa paradisiaca, four varieties. Phoenix dactylifera. Physalis peruviana. Prunus armeniaca (Persian Apri- cot.) Psidium pomiferum (red guava.) pyriferum (white guava.) Punica Granatum (red and white pomegranate.) Punica nana (dwarf do.) Pyrus malus. Vitis vinifera, five varieties. Zizyphus Jujuba, Bengal variety. Allium. Cassia segyptiaca. Cochleara armoracia. Hyoscyamus niger. Laurus cinnamomum. Mentha piperita. SUBDIVISION 2ND. Medicinal Plants. Morus nigra. Myristica moschata. Nicotiana tabacum, Persian va- riety. Piper nigrum. Vegetables, Roots, %c. Jerusalem Artichoke : this might be extended with the greatest advantage, as it is very productive, will grow in any loose soil in the rainy season, and will require very little, if any water from the well. Jatropha Manihot. This thrives well in any loose soil, and Tapio- ca might easily be made from it. PLANTS SUITED FOR INTRODUCTION INTO KHANDEISH. 185 Amygclalus communis. Fruits. Morus nigra. Aloe socotrina. Alpinia Cardamomum . Anthemis nobilis. Car urn Carui. Cocculus palmatus. Conium maculatum. Convolvulus Jalapa. Scammonia. Copaifcra Langsdorfii . Croton Eleuteria vcl Cascarilla. Tiglium . Cucumis colocynthis. Cuminum Cyminum. I'lugen in earyophyllata . Clycyrrliiza gift lira. Justicia panieulata (Great) STBDIVISION 3RD. Medicinal Plants. Laitrus Cassia. Laurus Cinnamomum. Sassafras. Myristica moschata. Olea europoca. Pimp in ell a A n isu m . Piper Cubcba. longum. nigrum. Pruiius domestica. Pterocarpits santalinus. Pyrus Cydonia. Rheum palmatum. Sambucus niyra. Stalagmitis Cambogioides . Thea viridis. Vegetables, X-r. Arrow-root, maraiita arundina- Shallot (Alliuin Ascalonicum.) c-ea. Sea-kale (Crainbc maritima.) C'hivcs (allium sc'h.Tnoprasum.) Skirret (Slum sisarum.) Rocambole (Allium Seorodopra- sum.) 186 MANUFACTING, COMMERCIAL, PLANTS IN KHANDEISH. Fruits, &c. Apple, English. MangosteenfGarciniaMangostana.) Apricot. Peach, English. Bread Fruit (Artocarpus incisa.J Pear. Cherry. Quince. Juglans regia, Walnut. Raspberry. Long -yen (Dimocarpus longan.J Sago Palm (Sagus rumphu.) DIVISION II. SUBDIVISION 1ST. Food for Cattle. Clover and Lucerne grow well, but as they require frequent weed- ing and manuring, as well as artificial irrigation, cultivators cannot gain any profit by growing them, unless it be in the neighbourhood of large cantonments, where European gentlemen will purchase them for their horses. Agrostis linearis, known by the natives as Doorwa in Mahratta. Agave americana. Aloe, several species. Agyreia cuneata. Ailantus excelsa. Bauhinia, several species. Bignonia chelonoides. stans. Ornamental Trees, &;c. Bignonia undulata. Borassus flabelliformis. Canna indica. lutea. Butea frondosa. Caprifolium japonicum. Caryota urcus. COMMERCIAL PLANTS REQUIRED IN KHANDEISH. 187 Cassia grandis, and other species . Jasminum officinale . Casuarina species. Zambac-flore pleno. Cerbera thevetia, Jatropha multifida. Chrysanthemum, several species. Ipomsea braziliensis. Clematis, two species. Justicia variegata, three varieties. Clerodendrum fragrans. Betonica. Croton variegatum, 3 varieties. Lagerstrsemia indica. Cactus grandiflorus. regina. hexagonus. Lantana, several varieties. Opuntia. Michelia Champaca. inermis. Myrtus communis. other varieties. Narcissus tazetta. Pereskia. Nercium odorum, several var. truncatus. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. Cupressus sempevirens, both var. (Enothera nocturna. Dahlia flore pleno. tetraptera. Datura fastuosa. Pandanus odoratissimus. Dianthus caryophyllus. Passiflora foetida. Gartnera racemosa. laurifolia. Geranium, ten species. minima. Hibiscus Abelmoschus. other species. mutabilis. Pergnlaria minor. plueniceus. Plumbago capcnsis. populneus. i'uropaa. rosa sinensis. rosea. Hoya carnosa. zeylanica. Jasminum auriculatum. Punica Granatum-flore pleno. fruticans. Quisqualis indica. grandiflorum. Khinanthus crista-galli. 188 COMMERCIAL PLANTS REQUIRED IN KHANDEI8H. Rose, climbing. Sirium myrtifolium. Edward. Tabernaemontana coronaria. glandulifera. Thumbergia alata. indica. grandiflora. maidens' -blush. Thuya orientalis (arbor vitae.) microphylla. Valeriana rubra. Persian. Valeriana Lamberti ? rubiginosa, sweet-briar. Several English annuals, and exo- Stachytarpheta mutabilis. tic bulbous plants. SUBDIVISION 2ND. Fodder for Cattle. Agrostis linearis, this can be cultivated at a very trifling expense, may be grown in almost any soil, even without artificial irrigation ; but if watered, will produce three or more crops of grass, which when dried, forms as good hay as can be desired ; it requires little or no weeding, as it overpowers all other grasses. Ornamental Trees, 8fC. Bignonia undulata. Thuya orientalis. Cactus Opunita, for feeding the Cochineal Insect. SUBDIVISION 3RD. Aquilegia vulgaris. Cupprcssus thyoides. Camellia japonica. Ericas, different species. Crocus, different species. Hydrangea hortensis. COMMERCIAL PLANTS REQUIRED IN' KIIAXDEISH. 189 Jonesla pinnata or asoka. Magnolia conspicua. Peconia, different species. Pinus longifolia. Primula, different species. Qucrcus Ilex. Rhododendron (Neilgherry.J Rosa museosa (Moss. Rosa.) Syringa chinensis. vulgaris. Any English annuals. DIVISION III. SUBDIVISION' 1ST. Acacia arabica. Areca Catechu. Artocarpus integrifolia (Jack- wood.) Bambusa arandinacca. Hibiscus populneus, from the seed vessels of this, I am told Gam- boge can be procured. Indigofera tinctoria. Melia Azadirachta (Timl)er.) Dalbergia latifolia (Blackwood.) Tectona grandis. Gardenia gummifera. Dikliama- Wrightia tinctoria vel Nerium tinc- lec\ torum (du.) SUBDIVISION '2\I). Acacia arabica. Artocaqnis integrifolia. Dalbergia latifolia. Gardinia irummifera. Indigofera tinctoria. Melia A/.adiraehta. Tectona irramlis. 190 COMMERCIAL PLANTS REQUIRED IN KHANDEISH. SUBDIVISION 3RD. Calamus rudentum (rattan cane.) Carypha talicra. Coccus cacti. Quercus Robur. Carypha mubraculifera. Suber. THE END. n tr e x. Pa K c. Pago. A al dye, 1 06 Aguilaria secundaria, 8 Abbachugo root, '26 Agyreia cuneata, . 180 Abuta rut'eseens and candicans, 22 Aiianthus excelsa, . 186 Acacia eseulenta, 16- % 27 moluccana, . 35 arabica, .. 49-64-67-181 Akar morai, . 16 arborca, 8 Aleurites ambinux, 16 catechu, . . 181 Alfonsia oleifera, . !6 cochliocarpa, 8 amygdalina, . 27 giraffe, '27 Alibertia edulis, . 16 graveolens, 21 Alliaria, . . . '21 juliflora, .. 8 Allium sativum, . . 181-184 melanoxylon, 14 porrum, . . . 181 nilotica and seyal, 8-175 Allspice tree, 54 ninpo, .. .. '27 Almonds in India, Sl-1/ 6-181-183 senegalensis, 8 Aloe spicata, . 44 tortuosa and zamang, . . 8 Barbadensis, . 1 75 vera, 8-175 soccotrina, . . . . 175-18-1 verek, 8-175 Aloexylon agallochum, 8 Acassic indigo plant, 13 Loureirii, 8 Acer saccharintini, l(i Alphanes pragra, '21 Achania Malaviscus, '27 Alpuiia cardamomum, . . 16-185 Achrus mammosa, 15 magnifica, . 27 sapota, 15-62 malaccensis, 27 zapotilla, 15 Alseodaphnc grandis, 8 Acioa guianensis, Ifi Alsodea physiphora, '27 Acorns calamus, 181 AlstriJincria salsilla, . 16 Acroconiia sclerocarpa, '27 Altingia excelsa, . 8-'22 Acrostichum turcatum, "2" Alyxia stellaUi, 35 aiireuin, 27 Amaioua saccifera, '27 Aciotis discolor, . . 16 Amapaima, '26 Adelia castonicarpa, 8 Amaryllis principis, '27 ./Kgle marmelos, .15-(H aulica, '27 At'/.elia at'ricana, . . 2.1 elata, 27 Agathis antbes Javanica, '27 of Salt, 3 Agathophyllum aromaticum, 15 psittacina, '27 Agave inri 1) 192 INDEX. A iiu null in aromatic um, granaparadisii, maximum and car- damomum, Page. 16 16 16 Amygdalus communis, 81-176-181-183 Persica, Amyris ambrosiana, altissima, anisata, .. balsamifera, commiphora, elata, gileadensis, guianensis and agal- locha, hexandra, kafal, katafF, nana, toxifera, Anacardium occidentale, Anchietea salutaris, Anda braziliensis, Andersonia panchmoun, rohituka, Andira inermis, excelsa, . . Andropogon sorghum, Anethum laeniculum, graveolens, Angiopteris evecta, Amsophylleia lauriua, Armatto, . . Anneslea fragrans, Annesorrhiza capensis, Annuals, list of, fit for dia, Anona palustris, . . cherimolia, muricata, reticulata, senegalensis, squamosa, sufu, sylvatica, Anthemis nobilis, Anthocleista macrophylla, Antiaris toxicaria, Apeiba echinata, Apocynum formosissimum, Apples in India, Apricot in India, Aquilegia vulgaris 176-183 8-27 8 27 9 8-27 27 26 Aralia umbellit'era, umbraculifera, Araucaria excelsa, imbricata, Araucaria brasiliensis, Dombeyi, Arbor nigra ebenum, nussalavica, sebi, 27 27 14-61-146 22 .. 8-22-27 8 27 22 27 106 181 184 27 16 177 27 16 In- 174 8-15 15 183 183 .. 15-177 183 15 15 184 27 26 27 27 81-82-176-185 64-81-176-185-154 187 8-16 35 8-27 15-27 13 15 14 35 21 Page. Arbor toxicaria, . . 26 versicolor, . . 35 violaria, . . 35 Areca oleracea, .. 15 Arenga saccharifera, .. 177 Argania siderexylon, .. 16 Aristolochia anguicida, . . 22 cordiflora, . . 27 fragrantissima, . . 22 grandiflora, . . 27 labissa, . . 27 macroura, . . 22 odoratissirna, . . 22 ringens, . . 22 serpentaria, . . 22 Aromadendron elegans, .. 8-22-27 Aromatic grasses of Brazil, . . 27 Arracacha esculenta, .. 16 Arrow root, . . 54-59-14U Artemisia abrotanum, .. 176 absinthium, .. 181 santonica, .. 176 Artocarpus chaplasha, .. 16 echinata, .. 16 hirsuta, . . 16 integrifolia, .. 183 Arum violaceum, .. 16 Arundo bambos, . . 53 Asclepias asthmatica, . . 22 gigantea, . . 53 tenacissima, .. 148 Ash tree, .. .. 176 Assafcetida, .. .. 175 Astragalus, .. .. J75 Astrocaryum vulgare, . . 27-35 Atropa arborescens, .. 27 Attalia amygdalina, . . 27 Atunus, .. .. 21 Averrhaea bilimbi, .. 183 carrauibola, . . 183 Avocado pear, .. .. 02 Aubleta tiburba, .. 34 Auckland, Right Honourable Earl of, address of, to the Home Authorities, Introd. remarks on, .. .. 7-162 Augia sinensis, .. .. 8 Augustea lanceolata, .. 27 Azadiracta Indica, .. Ill Azimghur, resources of the dis- trict of, .. .. 91-101 I',. Babool, its great use, . . 50-64 tree, . . . . 5-4'J Baccharis genistelloides, .. 178 Bagassa guianensis, .. 14 Bajri, .. .. 57 Balsam tree of Arabia, .. 53-177 INDEX. Balsamilluae, . . Balsamodendron opopalsamum, Banisteria fulgens, Bapbia nitida, Barha de tigre, Barley in India, .. Baryosma Tongo, Bassia 1'arkii and butyracea, latifolia, Bassorah gum tree, Bauhinea porrecta, .. racemosa, B'dellium tree, Beech tree, Beerbhoom, district of, Behar, province of described, Behra tree, Bentinckia Condapanna, Berberis aristata and nepalcn- sis, lycium, Berberrer fish-poison tree, Berrya amonilla, Bertiiolletia excelsa, Betel nut, Betula bhojpatra, Bignonia chica, ntisyphilitica, chelonoides, chrysantha, echinata, gigantea, leucoxylon, orbiculata, .. procera, stans, telfairiae, tulipifera, venusta, u IK 1 11 1 at a, Bilbergia Barclaya, purpurca, Bilberries, Bixa orcllana, Blark locust tree, Blackburnia monadclpha, Blakca trincrnia, Bliglna gapida, liluiiliingnin silvestre, Bo.i massy, Bombax ceiba, Bonplandia tritoliata, .. Booroomma, Boottiacordata, .. Borassus flabclliformis, Borreiral'erruginea and 1'oaya, Boswellia thunt'era, Bougianvillca braziliensis, Brachysanthes, Brnycra anthelmintica, Brillantaisia owanonsis, Bromelia ananas, Page. I 'a (,'<. I C.ipc, Mr. letter of, .. (>'. JOG IXDEX. Page. Coracaoda negro, .. 15 Corallaria latitblia, . . 35 Cordia gerascanthus, . . 9 macrophylla, .. 14 sebestana, .. .. 28 Cordyla Africana, .. 17 Coriandrum sativum, .. 181 Cork tree, .. .. 175 Coraidia integerrima, .. 34 Cornis florida, . . . . 23 Cortex acris, . . . . 21 igneus, . . 22 oninius or sindoc of Rumphius, . . 22 Corypha tectorum, . . 9 cerifera, . . 9 dulcis, .. .. 17 elata, .. .. 29 Taliera, . . 29 Costus arabicus, .. .. 22-176 Cotamma tree, .. .. 13 Cotton in Kairah, .. 51 Nerbudda, .. 108 foreign, in India, 37-51-78-86- 96-108-118-130-142-149 9 17 .. 16-28 23-28-177 177 176 22 28 Coulteria tinctoria, Couma gnianensis, Couroupita guianensis, Coutaria speciosa, Coutoubea alba, .. Cranberries, Crataeva gynandra, Tapia and fragrans, 1 T - 1 I Cratoxylon Hornschuchii, .. 9 Cremanium tinctorium, .. 9 theezans, . . 29 Crescentia cujete, .. 28 Crestis monadelpha, 17 Crinum Broussonetii, . . 28 erythrophyllum, . . 28 giganteum, . . 29 plicatum, 28 i uccoides, . . 29 Crocus sativus, .. .. 16-187 Crops, agricultural, in India, 39-57-68- 75-79-86-95-97-104-117- 120-130-136-137-154-174 Crotalarea juncea, .. 53-132 Croton, .. .. 61-186 cascarilla, . . 23 clateria of Vera Cruz, 22-184 gratissimum, . . 23 laccifer, . . . . 9 sanguifluum, . . 26 suavis, . . . . '29 thurifer, .. .. 9 tiglium, .. 26-177-184 Cruciferec in India, .. 79 Crudya aromatica, .. 9-17 Cryptocarya Eanelilla, .... 17 Cucubrita moschata, .... 29 Cumapana root of Humboldt, '21 Page. Cuminum cyminum, .... 184 Cuphea multiflora, .... 28 Cupressus resinifera, .... 9 sempevirens, .... 187 thyoides, .... J87 Curatella copaiba, .... 23 Curcuma Roscoeana, .... 29 longa, .... Ill Currant tree in India, .... 176 Curvana, or white caoutchouc tree of Humboldt, .... 14 Curucay resin tree of Hum- boldt, .. .... 1.3 Cusho, .. .. 26 Cusparia febrifuga, .... 23 Cusparia tree, .. .... 177 Cyathea medullaris, .... 28 speciosa, .... 29 excelsa, .... 29 Cynanchum albiflorum, .... 9 ovalifolium, .... 9 Cyrtopodium punctatum, .... 28 Cytisus cajan, .. .... 57-137 D. Dacca, statements on, .... 128 Dabanus, .. .... 14 Dacrydium taxifolium, .... 9 excelsum, .... 14 Dahlia, .. 186 Dalbergia sissoo, .... 9-73 latitblia, emargina- ta, and monatoria, 10 Dalea citriodora, .... 29 Dalrymplea pomifera, .... 29 Dammara Australis, .... 9 selanica, 10 alba, 11 nigra, .... 14 celebica, .... 14 ligitima, .... 14 Dapiche gum tree, .... 10 Dapooree Garden, report by the Superintendent of, .... 4 Darro tree of Abyssinia 34 Date palm, .... 53 Datura ceratocaulon, .... 29 stramonium, .... 1 ^1 fastuosa, .... 186 Davilla rugosa, and cllip- tica, .. .. .... 23 Daucus carota, .. 1H1 De Candolle, A. Mons. letter of, on the dispatch of corn seeds to India, .... 168 Dearman, Mr. letter of, 1'27 Decamali, .... 66 Delechampia braziliensis, .... 29 fimbriata, .... 'J'J INDEX. 197 Detarium senagalensis, .... Dhacl motor, . . .... kasharee, .. .... moossooree, .... Dhanasaree wood, .... Dhoneah seed, .. .... Dianthus caryophyllus, Diehorisandra thyrsiftora, .... Digitalis purpurea, .... Dillenia speciosa, .... Dimocarpua litchi, .... Dioscorea braziliensis, .... Diosmae, .. .... Diospyros of Ainboyna and Mauritius, .... ebenum, .... obtusitblia, .... kaki, globosa, alro- putpureu, fascicu- lata, and mabola, Dipterix odorata, 10 Dipterocarpus turbinatus, cos- tatus, incanus, andalatus, .. trinervis, .... Directors, Court of, Dispatch from, on the importauce of sending seeds to India Doab Canal, plantations on bank of, .... Dodoneea salicifolia, .... Dolichos bulbosus and tubero- sus, .... rosens, .... pruriens, .... I'aboiforinis, .... catjang and lablab, .. Dorema ammoniacum Dorstenia contrayerva, .... braziliensis, .... excelsa, .... Dracena termiualis, .... Draco, .. .... Driinys Winteri, . . .... Dryuns rhilensis, .... granatensis, .... Dryobalanopscamphorifera, .. Duhamelia cbrysautha, .... Durio zibethinus, .... Duvaua dependens, .... dentata, .... E. Ebcnus alba, Ebony of Bowdich, Echinocarpiis Sigun, Echites untidy seuterica, siphiliticu, Echiti-s coccinca, Page. Page. 17 131 Egyptian wheat, .... Elueagnus dulcis, .... 54 17 131 Elx'ocarpus serratus, .... 17-141 131 Elajococca verrucosa, .... 10-177 13 vernicia, .... 10-177 130 Elajocarpus ganitrus, .... 186 tuberculatus 30 '29 23 148 macrophyllus, .... Eloeodendron Argan, .... Elais melanococca, .... 30 10 17 184 guineensis, .... 17-54 '29 Elaphrium excelsum, .... 10 176 Jacquinianum, .... '23 Elliott, Dr. letter of, 181 10 Embotlirium speciosissimum, '29 111 Encruma, .... '21 '29 Engelhard tia Roxburghiana, 10 Wallichiana, .... '29 Entada Gigalobium, .... 30 17 Entoondo, .... '21 16-178 Epicharis altissima, .... '29 Erasma tree of Dupuis, .... E L ' 13 nca;, .. .... 188 10 10 Eriobotrya japonica, .... Eriobotria japonica, .... 17 184 Erioglossum cdule, .... 17 Eriolitlus mirabilis, .... 30 165 Erisma Horibundum, .... 30 Eryngium aromaticum, .... 30 72 Erythnna monosperma, .... 10-36 '29 sublobata, .... 10 speciosa, .... '29 17 crista galliand picta, '29 '29 Indica, .... 6 I 44 Erythrocbiton braziliensis, .. '29 46 Erythrophleum guineensis, .. '29 18'2 Erythroxylou coca. .... 17 '23 areolatum, .... 30 '23 Esenbeckia febrit'uga, .... '24 '23 altissima, .... 30 '29 Evodia febrit'uga, .... '23 21 hortensis, .... 30 29 Evosmia caripcnsis, .... 30 '23-176 Eucalyptus resiiulera, .... '23-176 9 piperita, .... '26 17 -'23 albous .... 35-'29 '23 Eugenia Micbelii, .... 17-30 '29 lineata and gregii, . . 17 17 Jambos, .... 45-1S3 9 pimcnta, purpurea, ce- 10 rasoides, and macro- carpa, .... 17 caryophvll.ita 184 pseudo-psidium, .... 17 gnyanensis, .... '29 tntlora, .... 30 11-111 inocarpa, .... 30 13-111 baUamira, .... 30 10 lancefoliii, .... ;io '24 1'linii, .... 3,-, '26 Enlopbia vera, .... 17 31 Euoiumus tingcns, .... 1(J 198 IXDEX. Page. Eupatorium Dalca, .... Euphorbia balsamifera 17 plant, .... 175 Ipecacuanha, .... 23 punicea, .... 29 Euryale ferox, .... 34 Euterpe adulis, .... 17 Exostemma cariboo um, .... 23 Exotics for India, .... 3 F. Fagraea fragrans, .... 30 Fagus obliqua, .... 10 Falconer, Dr. 8 Fallowing, how conducted in India, 39-72-87-95-96-108-119 Ferdinandusia speciosa, .... 30 Feronia Elephantum, .... 45 Ferula assafcetida, .... 10 Feuillea cordifolia, ... 24 Ficus brassica, .... 21 sycamorus, .... 30 nymphaefolia, .... 30 macrophylla, .... 30 gigantea, .... 30 elastica, .... 54 carica, .... 181 Filbert tree in India, 82-176 Flacourtia ramontchi 17 jangomas and iner- mis, 17 Flax, cultivation of in India, . . 78-106 Flindersia Austral is, .... 10 Amboinensis, .... 30 Fodders in India, .... 45-63 Folium acidum minus, .... 21 acidum majus, .... 35 intinctus, .... 35 urens, .... 35 Forbidden Fruit, 21 Forest trees, planting^ of, ... 72 Gold medal offered for, 74 Fragaria granditt ora, .... 17 vesca, .... 184 Franciscea Hopeana, .... 30 Fraxinus excelsior, .... 10 rotundifolia, .... 24 ornus, .... 24 Frederica speciosa, .... 30 Fritillaria, .. .... 30 Fructus musculiformis, .... 35 Fruit trees capable of being naturalized in India, .... 62 Fuchsia arborea, .... 30-177 Funis dentarius, .... 21 muraenarum latifolius, 35 Furcroea gigantea, .... 30 tuberosa, .... 30 Furnell, Dr. letter of, 1J9 G. Gaertnera racemosa, .... 187 Gagnebina tamariscina, .... 30 Galactodendron utile 18 Galbanum, .. .... 175 Galinsogea trilobata, .... 30 Galipea resinosa, .... 10 officinalis, .... 22 aroinatica, .... 18 Ganvar, .. .... 13 Garcinia mangostana, Kydia, cornea and pedunculata, .... 18-184 Gardenia campanulata, .... 30 gummifera, .... 66 Gaultheria odorata, .... 30 Gaura fructicosa, .... 30 Gelala, 35 Geniostoma febrifugum 24 Genipaamericanaandmeriana, 18 Gentian plants, .... 176 Geoffroya superba, .... 18-30 inermis, .... 30 racemosa, .... 30 violacea, .... 30 Geonoma palm, . 30 pinuatrifons, . 30 Geraniums, . . .... 187 Gesnera bulbosa, .... 30 Gibson, Dr. letter of, .... 36-56 Gillenia trifoliata, .... 24 Ginoria Americana, .... 30 Glaphyria nitida, .... 18-30 Gloxinia speciosa, .... 30 Glycyrrhiza glabra, 24-44- 1 75- 1 84 Gnetum Gnemon, .... 18 Goethia semperflorens, .... 30 Gomortega nitida, .... 10 Gomphia Japotapita, .... 18 Gomphrena officinalis, .... 24 Gomuto, .. .... 177 Gonohoria lobolobo, .... 30 Gonolobus hispidus, .... 21-30 diadematus, .... 30 Googul tree, .... 26 Gooseberry tree in India, .... 176 Gordonia mtegrifolia, .... 10 Goruckpore, district of, .... 84 agricultural re- sources, .... 85-92 Gouania domingensis, .... 18 Grasses of India, 45-63-85-115 Gregia aromatica, ... 21 Grewia didyma, .... 15 asiatica, .... 184 Grias cauliflora, .... 18 Gronovia scandens, .... 30 Grurajama, .... 21 Guaiacum officinale and sanc- tum, .... 24-60 tree, .... 177 Guarea grand [flora, .... 13 INDEX. 199 Guarea aubletii and trichili- oides, Guattcria ouregou, Guava, white and red, Guazuma ulmifolia, Gucttarda coccinea, Guinea grass, . . 63-85 Gum sandarach, Gustavia pterocarpa, angusta, Guzerat, esculents and grains of, its agriculture, fruits of, medical plants of, . . vegetables of, fodder of, famines in, manufacturing com- mercial articles of, tobacco of, Gymnema lactiferum, Gynerium sacharoides, H. Habzelia aromatica, Haemanthus multiflorus, Huematoxyloii campechianuin, Hazel nut in India, Heaths, Iledcra umbellifera, aromatica, umbellata, Hedwigia balsamifera, Hedyasmum hirsutum, Hedycarpus malayanus, Heisteria coccinia, Heliconia nsittacorum, bihai, Hcliocarpus Americana, Hellebore, black, Hemp, cultivation of in India, Herea guianensLs, Hernandia ovifera, Heternpteris chrysophylla, .. Heudclotia Africana, Hiarry root of Uemi'rara, Hibiscus arboreus, strictus cannabinus, sabdarift'a, abehnoschus, mutabilis, phuMiiceus, populneus, rosa sinensis, Hickories, Hippncratea comosa, Holboellia latifolia, Holcus spicatus. Page. 1'iipo. Hulcus sorghum, . . 64 '24-3U Hopea decandra, .. 10 30 scaphula, .. Id 184 Wighteana, .. 15 18 odorata, . . . . 31 30 Hortia Braziliana, .. 24 115-14'J Hoshungabad District describ- 13 ed, .. 102 30 Hovenia dulcis, .. 18 35 Iloya carnosa, .. 187 Huldee, .. 107 39-58 Humboldtia laurifolia, .. 34 40 Humea elata .. 31 45 Humirium balsamiferum, .. ID 42 floribundum, . . 24 45 Humulus Lupulus, . . 24 45 Hura crepitans, .. 31 4'J Huryallee, .. 46 Hydrangea hortensis, .. 188 48 Hymenaea Courbaril, .. 18-177 48, Hyoscyamus niger, .. 24-36-181 18 Hypecoum pendulum, . . 24 30 I. 18 Ichthyochtones montana, 35 31 Icica Acouchini, 10 24 82-176 heptaphylla, icicariba, . 10 Id 176 carana, . 10-11 14 tacamahaca, 10 31 hetorophylla, 10 31 guanensis, 10 10 altissima, 13 31 mani, 14 18 cuspidata, 14 Id indica, .. . '26 31 Ilex paragucnsis, 18-21-177 31 vomitoria, 21 31 Illiciuiu anisatum, 18 6! Impatiens Walkeri, 35 f)3 Ince, Mr. Kobt. letter of, 137 78 Inclieema, 21 10-178 Indigo in India, 8G-1U7-1 18-124 31-35 Indukduk, 26 31 Inga fceculifera and biglobosa 18-31 10 sapida, 18 26 feuilU-i, 18 Id vera, 18 10 dulci6 miliaceuin, . . 130 Paiigiuni, .. .. 21 Papaver somniferum, .. 182 14ha:as, .. .. 1*2 Papyrus odorata, .. .. 33 I'araguatan, .. .. 11 Piirauna, . . . . 15 Purinarium excclsum, .. 19 montuiitim and ma- crophyllum, .. 19 catnpestre, . . 19 Parivoa grandiflora, .. 12-32 Parkia Africana & uniglobosa, 19-32 Page . Paropsia edulis, .. .. 19 Paspalum stoloniferum and co- rymbosum, .. .. 15 Passiflora foetida, . . .. 187 lauriflora & minima, 187 murucuja, .. 32 kermesina, . . 32 racemosa, . . 32 Passionflowers, .. .. 177 Patagonian tamarind of Du- puis, .... .. 35 Paullinia subrotunda, .. 19 cupana, .. .. 19 Africana, . . 26 sorbolis, . . 26 cururu, . . 32 Pauw, . . 35 Pavia indica, .. .. 19 Peach in India, .. .. 176-185 Pears in India, .. 81-176-185 Pedilanthus tithymaloides, '25 Pelargonium, .. .. 176 Penicillaria spicatum, .. 106 Pentacrypta atropurpurea, .. 19 Pentadesma butyracea, .. 19 Pentaloba zeylanica, .. 34 Pergularia sanguinolenta, . . 32 minor, .. 187 Peristeria pendula, . . 32 Peronema canescens, .. 13 Perova, .. .. 15 Persea gratissima, .. 177 Persica saligna, . . . . 19 Peruvian bark tree, -. 60 Petiveria tetrandra, . . '25 alliacea, . . 33 Petrea volubilis, . . 32 Petrocarya excelsa, .. 14 Petunia viloacea, . . 32 Phaleria robusta, . . II Pharmacum sagueri, . . . . 35 Phaseolus tuberosus, . . .. 19 multiilorus,.. .. 32 radiatus, .. .. 131-137 trilobus,.. .. 137 Philagonia procera,. . .. 32 PhaMiix dactylii'era, 20-53-175-181 Phurmium tenax, 11-175 Phyllocladus trichomanoidcs, 14 Physalis Peruviana, 184 Physocalymna floribunda, . . II I'hytncreno giganti-a, . . .. 3.3 Phytolacca decandra, . . 22 Picrainnia antidesma, .. 35 Picrophaios Javanensis, .. 25 Picrorrhiza kurrooa, . . 26 Pierardia dulcis and sapida, .. 19 Pimpinclla anisum, .. 18(> Pine trees of Ava, .. 12 Pines potted at Daporie, . . 36 Pinus dammara, . . . . II longifoli-i, .. .. 1'2- 1 ^ 204 INDEX. Pinus deodora, .. .. 12 Santalinus, .. 12 resinosa, . . 14 Gingko, . . 20 Lambertiana, Douglassii, sylvestris, .. 11 Piper anisatum, . . 19-32 umbellatum, . . 25-32 cubeba, .. 25-185 inebrians, . . 32 methysticum, . . 32 nigrum, .. .. 182-185 longum, .. .. 185 Piscidia erythrina, . . 32 Pistachio nut tree, .. 175 Pistacia terebinthus, . . 1 i atalantica, .. 11 oleosa, .. 11-32 lentiscus, . . 12 Pisum sativum, . . . . 131 Pitanga, .. .. 21 Plantanus occidentalis, .. 12 orientalis, . . 33 Plantations and nurseries un- der the Bombay presidency, sites for, . . . . 4 Plants, list of already growing at Dhoolia in Kandeish, 181 perennial, suited to Nor- thern India, list of, .. 175 for introduction into Western India, ..9-68-184 suited to the climate of the Hymalayas, . . 176 suited to the plains and Mountains of Southern India, .. .. 177 advantages to be derived by the introduction of, into India, .. 163 Plumbago scandens, . . 25 capensis, Europaa, rosea, .. 187 zeylanica, .. 187 Plumeria obtusif'olia, .. 25 tricolor, pudica, . . 35 Plums in India, .. .. 82-176 Poa abyssinica, . . 19 Podocarpus totarra, . . 14 neriif'olia, .. 19 macrophylla, Poinciana regia, . . 32 Poinsettia pulcherrima, Pois-doux tree, .. .. 21 Poivrea alternifolia, . . 11 Polygala poaya, . . . . 25 timoutou, . . . . 25 Polygonum, .. .. 61 hispidum, . . 25 Polypodium crassifolium ..... Pomegranate, .... Pomum drae'conum, .... Pontederia azurea, .... Portlandia hexandra, .... grandiflora, .... Posoqueria longiflora, .... Potalia amara, .... resinifera, .... Potatoe in India, .... Poterium spinosum, ... Pothos digitata, ---- Primula, ____ Prinsepia utilis, .... Prosopis horrida, .... dulcis and siliquas- trum, ---- spicigera .... juliflora, ---- pallida, .... Proteas, ---- Prunus Armeniaca, . . . domestica, ---- salicifolia, .... occidentalis, .... Pseudostemma, .... Psidium montanum, .... aromaticum, .... polycarpum, .... Cattleianum, .... guineense, .... sapidissimum, .... phylliroides, .... pomiferum, . . . pyriferum, .... Psychotria emetica, .... calicocca, .... herbacea, ..:. Pterocarpus dalbergioides, .. ermacea, gummifera, santalinus, Wallichii, Draco, Pulang tree, Pulassarius, Punica granatuin, nana, Pyrus malus, cydonia, Q. Quadria heterophylla, Quassia amara, Samarouba, excelsa, Quercus tinctoria, vEgilops, Ballota, Ilex, 182-187- Page. 26 184 21 32 25 32 32 25 25 59-77 15-175 32 189 11 19 19 20 20 33 176 184 185 14 19-32 26 12 19-32 19 19 20 21 184 184 25-177 25 177 11 -25-177 11 14-185 15 25 145 35 185-184 184 184 185 ( 20 ....25-60-177 25 25-54 175 175 175 189 INDEX. 205 Pago. (jucrcus robur, .... 1-2-190 Rosi scmicarpifolia, .... 12 lancefolia, .... 12 Rose muricata, .... 12 Rosi glomerata, .... 1'2 Rott (lepressa, .... 12 Roy tinctoria, .... 1'2 Roy Suber, .... 1'2-1'JO Rus! Quince tree in India, 1 70-185 liuti (juisqualis, .... 65 Indiea, .... 187 K. Saffl Saifi Raiz preta of Bra/.il, .... Kandia Bowiana, .... '25 Safu 33 Sag; Rapliis vinifera, 1 77 Sag; Kaputia arouaatica, .... 20 Sag i Raspberry tree, 176-185 Sagi liejoua aurantiaca, .... 33 liemijia ferruginea, .... 25 Kesina carneola of Kumphius, Kestiaria alba, 11 Sali: 35 Salt. Rhamnus infectoria, .... 176 n;i saxatilis, 176 Sam inebrians, .... '20 Sam Hhctiin palmatum, 25- 176-185 Sans llhexia 1'rinceps, .... 33 grand inora, 33 Rhinantnus crista galli, .... 187 Sanl Rhinocarpus excelsa. . 33 Sapi Khodochiton volubilis, .... 3:-! Rhododendron arboreum 33-189 Sara hispidum 33 Sarc lepidotum, .... 33 Sarc punicoum, 33 Sars javanicum, .... 31 Sars Rhubarb plants in India, ..25-176-185 Sass Rlius vernieifera, .... 1'2 Savi arotnaticu, .... 12 Scai vernix, .... 12 Schi canstica, 12 Sch copallina, .... 1-2 Schi coriarea, .... 1-2 Scil moll.-, 12 glabrum, .... 12 Scir ait'topium, 25 Scii; typlnna, .... '25 Sco Rice, crops of, .... j; Sco| Richardsonia ros.M, .... 25 Seb: brasiliana, .... 25 Seel .scalier, .... 25 Seci Ricintis coinmunis, .... 1N'2 See. Roads, nature of, in India, .. NS fn correspondence regard - Sej, in},', 89-lUO- 111-121 Sen Roliinia pseudo-acacia 12-65 Sen violaeea, .... 33 Sen Rohinnec tree, .... 111) Sen Ronald, Mr. letter of, 8-1 Rondclctia febrifnga, .... 25 Sos; louiceroidos, .... 33 Slia trees, . nary, . Rosmarinus olficinalis, Rottlera tetracocca, . Roydsia suaveolens, Royle, Professor, letter of, Russellia multiflora, . Ruta graveoleus, . Page. 183 187-188 176-182 176-182 12 3-3 161 33 182 Safu of Africa, Sagapenum, . Sago palm, Saguerus Rumpbii, . Sagus vinifera, . la; vis, . Rumphii, Salix Huniboldtiana, Salt, common, a substitute nails, .. . Sambucus uigra, Sandoricum indicum, eviera guineensis, Tongiiiora, zeylanica, Santalum Freycinetianuui, Sapindus emarginata, esculentus, Sarcocephalns esculentus, . Sarcolobus globosns, . Sarsa root of Oronoko, Sarsaparilla tree, . Sassafras tree, . Savine, Scaminony convolvulus, Scliinus Molle, Schmidelia edulis, Scholia speciosa, Scilla csculenta, maritima, Scirpus palustris, Sciuris aromatica, Scoparia dnlcis, Scopulia aculeata, Sebastiao de Arnda, Seehium edule, Securidaca volubilis, traiiMiiission of, to from India, je paliu, Senacia nndulata, <>1 olibaiium, Seni'ka plant, Senna grown at Uapoorie, , at Kaira, Sesanium orientale. ; tree. -18-136 176 2U 176 186 20 20-33 20 20 21 49 185 '20 33-17S 33 217 13 61 20 21 '20-177 35 26 60-68 175 ... 175-176 .... 61-175 12-33-38- 17S '20 33 ... 20-33 25 44 33 33 20 11 20 33 and ... 161-173 20 12 10 176 36 ....43-18-53 52-I06-I3U 183 206 INDEX. Page. Page. Shenna, . . .... '26 Stizolobium pruriens 182 Shorea robusta, .... 5-12-73 Strawberry tree, .... 176 Laurus, 12 Strigilia oblonga, .... 12 camphorifera, .... 25 Strychnos pseudo-quina, .... 25 tumbugaia, .... 12 Ignatii, .... 25 taluni, .... 12 Tieute, ... 26 Sicchius, .. .... 14 Styloceras kunthianum, .... 20 Sickingia erythroxylon 12 Sida lanceolate, .... 25 Styrax officinalis, ... 25-175 Benzoin, ... 25 Sideroxylon nitidum, .... 12 tinifolia, ... 33 mastichodendron, 12 Sugar, ... 66 Silk palm of Humboldt, .... 35 apple, ... 21 Silk, culture of, .... 51 cane, .. ... 36-176 Simaruba versicolor, .... 177 maple, ... 176 Singana guainensis, .... 33 Siphonia orasiliensis, .... 12 Sugar-cane Otaheite in Wes- tern India, ....36-50-66 elastica, .... 12 Northern India, . . 78 Sirium myrtifolium, .... 187 in Goruckpore, . . 86-93 Sissoo tree, . . .... in Azimghur, .... 96 Snai lax officinalis, .... 25-177 in Nerbudda val- syphilitica, .... 25 ley, 108 medica, .... 25-177 Behar, .... 118 cumanensis, .... 25 Dacca, .... 134 china, .... '25 Sumach tree, .. .... 175 macalucha, .... 25 Sun pat, .. .... 132 lanceofolia, .... 25 Swartzia myrtifolia, .... 12-33 ovalifolia, .... 68 tomentosa, .... 12 Soap-nut trees, .... 13 grandiflora, ... 33 Society, Azimghur agricultu- Sweet bay, .. ... 175 ral, .. .... 100 Swietenia Mahogoni, ... 12 Soils of India,51-72-77-84-103-114-118- senegalensis, . . 12 150 chickrassia./ ... 12 Solandra grand iflora, .... trilocularis; ... 12 Solanum tuberosum, .... 59 febrifuga, . .. 26-74 pseudo-quina, ..... 25 Syetalia Rambutan, ... 20 paniculatuvn, .... 25 Symplocos racemosa, ... 12 Solena grandiflora, Syringa chinensis, . .. 188 Soondry trees, .... 143 vulgaris, ... 188 Soulamea amara, .... 25 Syzygium jambolana, ... 67 Soymida febrifuga, .... 1 10 Spartium, .... T. Spathodea gigantea, .... 33 Sphwrocarya edulis, .... 20 Taberna^montana macrocapa, 34 Sphoerosacme spectabilis, .... 33 utilis, 20 Spigelia anthelmia, .... 25 coronaria, .. 187 Spiloma roseum, .... 32 Spiranthera odoratissima, .... 33 Tacamahac gum tree, .... 12 Tachia guianensis, .... 26 Spondias tuberosa, .... 15 Tacsonia adulterina, .... 33 lutea, .... 20 Talauma braziliana, .... 34 mombin, .... 20 Tanaecium jaroba, .... 34 purpurea, .... 20 Tapioca, . . .... myrobalanus, .... 20 Tarplaris Americana, .... 34 dulcis, . 20 Taxodium of Douglas, .... 14 Stachytarpheta mutabilis, .... 1 87 Taxus nucifera, .... 20 Stadmannia sidoroxylon, .... 35 Teak and other plantations, 5 Stagmaria verniciflua, .... 12 African, .... 8 Stalagmitis Cambogioides, .. 12-185 Tectona Hamiltoniana, .... 12 Sterculia Tragacantha, .... 12 Teel seed, 52-106-130 acuminatate chicha,20-33-177 Telfaira volubilis, .... 177 alata .... pedata. .... Stifta chrysantha, .... 33 Stillingia sebifera, .... 177 Telopea speciosissima, .... Tenures,landedhowheld,85-104-114-]50 INDEX. '207 Tephrosia senna, Terininalia vernix, ... latifolia, citrina, alata, argentea, procera, belrica, Tetracera potatorum, jamaicensis, ... Tetranthera nitida, sebifera, Thalictrum raajus, ... Thea oleosa, viridis, . . Theobroma cacao, Theophrasta j ussiaei, longifolia, ... Thespcsia grandiflora, Thuja articulata, . . . Thunbergia alata, . . . grandiflora, . . . Thuya oriantalis, Tibouchina aspera, Ticorea febrifuga, Tillandsia usneoides, Tingulon, ... Tobacco, Tolu Balsam tree, ... Tonquin bean, .... Tonsella pyriformis, To or. Torch-wood tree of Bowdich, Tovomita fructipendula, . . . Trapa bispinosa, Trapaeolum maj us, tuberosum, Treveriana coccinca, Trewia nudittora, . . . Trichilia odorata, moschata, Trichopteris excclsa, Trichosauthcs heteroclita, ... cordata, ... Trifolium Alexaiidriiium, ... Tringo of 1'carce, Tripmnaria africana, Triticum durum, ... Trixis noriifolia, TropoDolum tuberosum, Trophis Americana, . . . Tulip tree, .... . . . of Bowdich, Turnback, ... Turmeric, .... . . . U. Ulc tree, Umbelliferac, Uucaria gaiubir, insignia, Page. Page. . 26 Uncaria guianensis, .... 34 ,. 12 acida, .... 31 , 12 Unona aromatica, .... 12-26 12-33 jEthiopica & undulata, 20 12 xylopioides, .... 26 12 latifolia, .... 34 . 33 ligularis, .... 35 . 111 Upas tree, . . .... 26 ,. 33 Urceola elastica, .... 8-12 h t 33 Urtica tenacissima, .... 12 12 Useful plants into India, the 12 introduction of on a large 26 scale, . . .... 3 ,. 21 Uvaria tripetaloides, .... 20 185 aromatica, .... ^o B 20 grandiflora, .... 20 . 20 febrifuga, .... 26 33 odorata, .... 35 . 33 12 188 V. 188 188 33 Vadgaior Cucurito palm, .... Vahea gummifera, .... 35 13 26 Valcriaua rubra, .... 188 33 Lamberti ? .... 188 22 Vandnllia diffusa, .... 26 48 Vanilla aromatica, .... 20 60 plant, .... 20-177 .'l 0-1 6- 178 Valeria Koxburghians, .... 15 20 Vatica Indica, .... 13 57 laccifera, .... 13-15 13 Vernonia anthelmintica, .... fll ,. 34 Victoria regalis, .... 34 ( , 44 Vidoricum, .... 21 33 Vilfa dulcis, . 15 33 Vines India, .... 8'2 ,. 33 Viola Ipecacuanha, .... 26 34 Violaria: of Brazil, .... 34 , , 33 Virola sebifera, .... 13-20 33 Vismia guianensis, .... 34 33 Vitex litoralis, .... 15 , . 35 Vitis caribxa, .... 34 ,. 26 vinifera, .... 184 . 13 Voandezia subterranea, .... 20 ^ 31 m 34 W. 9 20 . 33 Wages of labour how paid in , 20 India, 40-71-87-'J7-100-122-156 21 Wallich, Dr. .. 8 , 176 Wallichia spectabilis, 35 31 Walnuts, black, 176-186 26 Walters, Mr. letter of, 14'J , 107 Wauzatra gum, .... 13 Wheat of Western India 56 Bukhshce, .... 56 daood khance, .... 56 12 Talavera, .... 57 . 8'2 of Northern India, .... 75 9 12-31 Jululia, .... 108 31 Wight, Dr. 8 '2 1 208 INDEX. Williams, liev. Mr. letter ol Willughbeia edulis, martabanica Witheringia montana, Wittelsbachia insignis, Wormia excelsa, Wrightia caryotoides, gigantea, X. Xanthochymus dulcis, Xanthophylluin aromaticum virens, Xanthoxylum caribeeum, *. hiemale, clava Herculi Xylocarpus granatum, Xylophylla latifolia, Xylopia sericea, Page. Page. of 149 20 Xylopia glabra, f'rutescens, . . 34 34 20 2(J Y. 34 14 Yams, 107 34 Yucca superba, 34 35 Z. in . 2U-61 21 Zamang mimosa, Zanen or red dye wood, . . Zanthoxylon piperitum a 34 13 . . 31 aromaticum, 21 26 alatum, 34 li 26 26 emarginatum, Zizyphus Joazeiro, 34 15 33 lotus, 21 34 jujuba, 45-61-184 20-26 Zolacca Rumphii, 21 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JAN 1 1 1952 VIAY 9 1952 OCT 1 6 1952: rm L-0 1-1, '41(1122) OF CATJPOBftX* AT LOS AI^GELfiS LIBRARY A 001 121 737 9 S279 A27s