ill lit! lUiiiniiUiiiiniH!;! 3 o 7 \,x>^'~' 4 c^C^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOG OF OFFICERS, GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES OF SMITH COLLEGE Northampton, Mass. 1875-1910 ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION OF SMITH COLLEGE 1911 CONTENTS PAOB Preface 3 Abbreviations 5 Trustees 7 Officers of instruction and ad- ministration 7 Alumnae association officers. ... 20 Class secretaries 21 Alumnae association branches and local clubs 21 Alumnae association amended constitution 22 Plan for nomination of alumnae trustees 25 Plan for the alumnae council ... 26 Academic graduates 28 1879, 1880 28 1881 29 1882 30 1883 32 1884 34 1886 '.'A<\ — \ : 36: 1886 ►.:-..... s.V ^8:' 1887 ....,.,...,-....40 1888 A\ .;. •*..*. :', :. •. '. ..; • 1 42 1889 '..*..'.. '45' PAOB 1890 47 1891 60 1892 53 1893 57 1894 62 1895 68 1896 75 1897 81 1898 89 1899 95 1900 103 1901 112 1902 123 1903 131 1904 140 1905 149 1906 155 1907 162 1908 171 ; : 1909 179 : ',.1910 187 Music and art graduates and ' /npngraduates 196 index 281 PREFACE IN 1905 the first biographical catalog was issued by the Alumnae association, to supplant for that year the Annual register, which has been issued since 1890 and contains an alphabetic list of graduates of the college with dates and addresses, together with an incomplete list of former nongraduate students who are associate members of the Alumnae association. According to a vote of the association the biographical catalog is to be issued quinquennially, and the current edition of 1910 includes the contents of the former catalog and in addition the graduates and nongfaduates of the classes from 1906 to 1910. As before, a complete list of all former students, both graduates and nongraduates, has been attempted, with as much personal data as might be of general interest and historical value, together with a list of all trustees, teachers and other officers. A list of the Alumnae association officers since its organization in 1881, the class secretaries, the branch associations and local clubs, the constitution of the Alumnae association, and the plans for nomination of alumnae trustees and alumnae council will be found in the contents of this issue. A separate leaflet sent to mem- bers only contains current information regarding the Alumnae association. In May, blanks were sent to all former living students and every clue followed that might lead to their discovery. By the first of July about 2,000 had not returned the blanks, and a postal request was sent to each one which reduced ver}?- considerably the number of those from whom no direct information was received. In these cases the items recorded were obtained from other sources, such as the Alumnae quarterly, class secretaries, class books and even newspaper items, and are indicated by f after the address. When no information has been received to supplement the items of the former catalog the entry is followed by %. When no infor- mation was obtained of a student after she left college the place from which she entered is given. There have been 7,025 students at Smith college. Of these 4,547 received the degrees of B.A, B.L. or B.S. and are eligible to membership in the Alumnae association. Of the 2,478 who have 243000 4 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION not received academic degrees those who completed a course of not less than one year in the academic department or who are gradu- ates of the schools of music or of art may be admitted to associate membership by vote of the executive committee. Names have been divided into two groups : 1. Alumnae arranged by classes, each student being entered under the year in which she received her degree ; 2. Students who have not received academic degrees, arranged in alphabetic order, the period of time in college being given. Names are given in the form used while in college with later or other forms in brackets. Permanent addresses have been given wherever possible. The precedent of the college catalog has been followed in the omission of the word Mass. from the addresses. All other states are given, except in the case of New York City, which is written simply New York. At the end of each class is given the number in the class and the number dead. In smaller type are the additional degrees, a statement of study pursued after leaving Smith, occupations other than study, fol- lowed by personal items of marriage and children. Membership in societies is included when the societies are educational in the technical sense or professional and cover a national or international field. The index includes all names which appear in the catalog except those of children. The bibliographical items have been added to the list in the hands of Miss Nina E. Browne. It is hoped that this list may be issued later as a separate publication. The committee regrets that owing to the large number of stu- dents it was found impracticable to publish all the items given on the blanks, but they will be kept on file at the general secretary's office in Northampton for future reference. In order that the records for the next issue of the catalog may be as accurate as possible, all corrections, additions or omis- sions should be reported to Miss Florence Homer Snow, general secretary, 184 Elm Street, Northampton. Caroline Hungerford Mills 82 Caroline Williams Brewster 96 Helen Bruce Story 00 Florence Homer Snow 04 ABBREVIATIONS Names of life members are in heavy type; nonmembers are shown by superior n after surname; others in class lists are annual members. In alphabetic list a before names indicates associate members. o associate member Alum- nae assn A.B.C.F.M. , Amer. board of com- missioners for foreign missions A.C.A. Association of collegiate alumnae acad. academy agric. agriculture A.L.A. American Hbrary asso- ciation alum. alumna, — ae Amer. American archaeol. archaeological assoc. associate assn association asst assistant astron. astronomy av. avenue b. bom bibliog. bibliographical biol. biology bldg building B.L.S. bachelor of library sci- ence blvd boulevard cent. century ch. child, children chem. chemistry, chemical col. college com. committee comp. composition d. died dau. daughter dept department D.O. doctor of osteopathy educ. education, — al Eng. English ent. entered exec. executive exp. express (co) fed. federation fr. from geog. geographical geol. geology grad. graduate hist. history, — ical inst. institute jr junior lab. laboratory lang. language Kb. library Hbn librarian lit. literature m. married mat, med. materia medica math. mathematics, — al mech. mechanical med. medical, medicine mem. member miss'y missionary mo. month, — s mod. modern n not member of Alumnae assn nat. national N.E. New England N.H.S. natural history society N.E.A. National educational assn philol. philology, — ^ical philos. philosophy, — ic, — al physiol. physiology pi. place prep. preparatory pres. president prin. principal prof. professor psych. psychology,— ic, — al pub. pubHc rep. representative SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION S.CA.C.W. Smith college associa- W.B.F.M. Woman's board of for- tion for Christian eign missions work yr year, — s sch. school Y.M.C.A. Young men's Christian sec. secretary- association sem. seminary Y.W.C.A. Young women's Chris- tian association soc. society St. street N. North supt superintendent S. E. South East used with names of streets tech. technology W. West theol. theological * dead trus. trustee t Information obtained at univ. university second hand U.S.N.Y. University of the State t No information received of New York since last issue TRUSTEES Hon. Charles H. Allen ll.d. 02— Osmyn Baker 71-72 Ruth Bowles Baldwin b.a. 06 — See also under class 87 and Ofl&cers of in- struction William H. Baldwin jr m.a. 98-05 Rev. Phillips Brooks d.d. 73-78 Rev. Marion Le Roy Burton ph.d. D.D. 10 — See also under Officers of instruction Hon. Charles N. Clark m.a. 94— John B. Clark ph.d. ll.d. 98 — See also under Officers of instruction Elizabeth Lawrence Clarke ma. 94-00 See also under class 83 Kate Morris Cone ph.d. 89-94 See also under class 79 Anna L. Dawes 89-96 Honorary member of Alumnae association Mary Duguid Dey b.a. 96-02 See also under class 84 Hon. James B. Dill ll.d. 06-10 Charles E. Forbes ll.d. 71 Laura D. Gill m.a. d.c.l. 08 — See also under class 81 Rev. Arthur L. Gillett d.d. 00 — Hon. Edward B. Gillett 71-99 Rev. John M. Greene d.d. 71 — Charlotte C. Gulliver m.a. 95-01 See also under class 83 Justina Robinson Hill m.a. 00-06 See also under class 80 Hon. George W. Hubbard 71-88 Rev. William R. Huntington d.d. 78-91 Rt. Rev. William Lawrence d.d. 95-02 Hon. Samuel W. McCall ll.d. 04 — Helen Shute Moulton b.a. 02-05 See also under class 87 and Officers of in- struction Hon. Birdsey G. Northrop ll.d. 71-98 Alice Peloubet Norton m.a. 05-08 See also under class 82 Lucia Clapp Noyes m.a. 07 — See also under class 81 Rev. Edwards A. Park d.d. 71-00 Rev. Andrew P. Peabody d.d. ll.d. 73-81 Julius H. Seelye d.d. ll.d. 71-96 Rev. L. Clark Seelye d.d. ll.d. 73-10 See also under Officers of instruction Hon. Samuel T. Spaulding 71-78 Helen Rand Thayer b.a. 01-07 See also under class 84 Charlotte Cheever Tucker b.a. 89-95 See also under class 81 WiUiam S. Tyler d.d. ll.d. 71-98 Rt. Rev. Alexander H. Vinton d.d. 02— Rodney Wallace 78-03 Hon. William B. Washburn ll.d. 71-87 Hon. Joseph White ll.d. 71-91 A. Lyman Williston m.a. 77 — Rev. Robert M. Woods m.a. 77-09 TREASURERS Hon. George W. Hubbard 71-88 Hon. Charles N. Clark m.a. 88 — OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION compiled from official circulars, giving highest title recorded, sub- jects TAUGHT and TIME OP SERVICE Rev. Marion Le Roy Burton ph.d. d.d. president, 10 — Rev. L. Clark Seelye d.d. ll.d. president, 73-10, president emeritus 10 — Ellen W. Abbott, in charge Washburn house 81-82 Herbert Vaughan Abbott b.a. associate professor, English language and lit- erature 05 — Mrs Rose G. Abbott, in charge Dewey house 05-10 Lilian Emily Abell b.m. assistant, music 05-07 8 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Adela W. Adams, instructor, gymnastics 90-91 Herbert Baxter Adams m.a. ph.d. professor, history 78-81 Bessie Ely Amerman b.a. assistant registrar Ag-D 06 See also under class 06 ►Agnes Maria Armstrong b.a. assistant librarian 09 — See also under class 00 Victoria Charlotte Bagier, assistant, French 06-07 Caroline Isabel Baker b.l. m.a. instructor, English language and literature 02 — See also under class 93 Elizabeth Bishop Ballard b.a. assistant registrar 08-09 See also under class 07 Louise Barber b.l. assistant, astronomy 02-03 See also under class 99 Amy Louise Barbour b.a. ph.d. instructor, Greek 01 — See also under class 91 Luliona May Barker m.a. fellow, physics 07-08 See also under class 06 Charlotte C. Bamum b.a. astronomy 89-90 Lucy Lord Barrangon b.a. reader, history of art 08 — See also under class 00 Mrs Anna M. Barrows, in charge Wesley house 00-01 Anne Ide Barrows b.l. m.a. instructor, zoology 99-04 See also under class 97 Bertha J. Bartelmann, instructor, German 93-97 John Spencer Bassett ph.d. professor, history 06 — Emma Bates b.m. associate professor, music 04 — See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Mary Louise Bates, painting and drawing 84-88 Mary A. Bemis, assistant, gymnastics 97-99 Augusta Bender, German 91-92 Suzan Rose Benedict m.a. instructor, mathematics 06 — See also under class 95 Mary Lathrop Benton b.a. professor, Latin 97 — Elizabeth Berenson, assistant, gymnastics 99-06 Senda Berenson, director of physical training 92 — Amy AUemand Bernardy d.l. associate professor, Italian 02-09 Margarete Bernkopf , instructor, German 98-09 Mrs Elizabeth J. Berry, in charge Tyler house 98-09 Harriet Williams Bigelow b.a. ph.d. associate professor, astronomy 96 — See also under class 93 Hannah Louisa Billings b.a. assistant, physics 06 — See also imder class 05 Mabel Bishop m.a. fellow, zoology 07-09 See also under class 08 Armanella Jane Black, assistant, French 07-08 Frederick Blair, music 05-07 Sue Avis Blake m.a. assistant, physics 00-02, 03-04 Grace Eliza Blanchard m.a. fellow, history 08-09 See also under class 98 Laura Adella Bliss m.a. a. cm. associate professor, music 04 — Benjamin C. Blodgett, mus.d. director of Music school 78-0^ • Fanny Borden b.a. b.l.s. associate librarian 03-06 Louise Both-Hendricksen, French 80-87 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 9 Caroline Brown Bourland b.a. ph.d. associate professor, French and Spanish 02— See also under class 93 Marjorie Bouve, assistant, gymnastics 06-07 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Ruth Standish Bowles b.a, assistant, English 88-89 See also under class 87 and Trustees Harriet Ann Boyd m.a. instructor, Greek 00-06 See also under class 92 Stella Stevens Bradford b.a. m.d. assistant, English literature 96-98, examin- ing physician 06-09 See also under class 93 Margaret Bradshaw ph.d. instructor, English language and literature 02 — John Everett Brady ph.d. professor, Latin 88 — Laura C. Brant m.a. assistant, physics 09 — Mary J. Brewster b.s. m.d. college physician, professor, physiology and anat- omy 96-06 Bertha Phelps Brooks b.a. assistant registrar Ja-Je 07 See also under class 05 Edith Imogene Brown b.a. assistant, astronomy 03-04 See also under class 00 Grace Adelle Bruce b.a. assistant, chemistry 91-94 See also under class 91 Alice H. Bruere b.s. assistant, physics 00-01 Frances Crosby Buffington b.l, instructor, Spanish Ja-Je 08 See also under class 01 • Edith May Burrage b.a. assistant librarian 08 — See also under class 99 Mrs Helen Merwin Burrell, in charge Tyler house Ap 10 — . Alice Dacre Butterfield m.a. fellow, chemistry 05-06 See also under class 03 Mary E. Byrd ph.d. professor, astronomy 87-06 Mary Augusta Camp m.d. associate physician 97-06 Salone di Campello d.l. Italian 01-02 Rodericka Canfield b.l. resident nurse 06-09, in charge Tenney house 06-08 in charge Infirmary 08-09 See also under class 03 Edward J. Canning, head gardener' 94 — Bessie T. Capen, chemistry 77-80 Herbert DeWitt Carrington ph.d. instructor, German 08 — Earnest Cary ph.d. instructor, Latin 08-10 Julia Harwood Cavemo m.a. professor, Greek !,93 — See also under class 87 Fanny Chamberlayne, elocution 80-81 J. Wells Champney, professor, drawing and painting 77-80 Jean Emily Chandler b.a. assistant registrar 09 — See also under class 08 Louisa Sewall Cheever m.a. associate professor, English language and lit- erature 00 — See also under class 90 Grace D. Chester b.s. instructor, botany 90-96 Agnes Chamberlin Childs m.a. assistant, physics 04-06 See also under class 01 Alice Louise Childs b.l. assistant registrar 01-07 See also under class 96 10 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Emma Chinard, instructor, French 08-09 Helen Ashhurst Choate m.a. fellow, botany 08-09, assistant, botany 09 — See also under class 04 Bertha Elfreda Christiansen b.a. assistant registrar 09 — See also under class 07 Alfred Vance Churchill m.a. professor, art 05 — Rev. John W. Churchill m.a. lecturer, elocution 77-80 Agnes Grace Clancy b.a. reader, psychology 09 — See also under class 08 Grace Lucretia Clapp m.a. fellow, botany 06-07 See also under class 05 Annetta Isabel Clark b.a. assistant registrar 07-09, president's secretary 09 — See also under class 04 John B. Clark m.a. ph.d. ll.d. professor, history and political science 81-93 See also under Trustees Josephine Adelaide Clark b.a. librarian 07 — See also under class SO Laura Sophronia Clark m.a. instructor, chemistry 07 — Mrs Mary Morris Clark, in charge Washburn house 04-07 William H. Clark, assistant professor, music 77-78 John M. Clarke m.a. professor, geology and mineralogy 81-83, lecturer 84-85 Josiah W. Clarke, Latin and Greek 75-77 Rachael Chadsey Clarke m.a. assistant, English 81-83 See also under class 81 Samuel Fessenden Clarke ph.d. lecturer, botany and physiography 81 Harriet Redfield Cobb m.a. associate professor, mathematics 95 — See also under class 89 Louis Adolphe Coerne, associate professor, music 03-04 Agnes Cointat, assistant, French 97-99 Harriet C. Colburn, gymnastics 89-90 Juha N. CoUes m.a. assistant, physics 97-00 See also under class 00 Ellen Parmelee Cook b.s. associate professor, chemistry 90 — See also under class 93 Mary Merrow Cook, assistant, German 08 — William L. Cowles m.a. Latin 89-94 S. Louise Coy, mathematics 76-78 Regina K. Crandall b.a. assistant, history 96-99 See also under class 90 Mrs Mary S. Craven, in charge Hatfield house 95-99 James W. Crook ph.d. professor, sociology and economics 02-03 Edward P. Crowell m.a. d.d. lecturer, Latin literature 78-81, 88-89 John F. Crowell litt.d. economics and sociology 95-97 Mary Beach Curtis b.a. instructor, elocution 09 — See also under class 01 Mary C. Curtis, in charge Dickinson house 00-01 Eleanor Philbrook Cushing m.a. professor, mathematics 81 — See also under class 79 Jane Delia Cushing b.a. assistant, English and rhetoric 90-94 See also under class 89 Anna Alice Cutler m.a. ph.d. professor, philosophy 93 — See also under class 85 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 11 M. Elizabeth J. Czarnomska m.a. professor, English literature 88-04 See also under class 04 Esther Ellen Dale, instructor, music 09 — Gertrude Damon, instructor, music 08-10 Mary B. Damon b.a. m.d. college physician, physiology 93-94 Mrs Fanny A. Dart, in charge Hubbard house 79-84 Clara Willoughby Davidson m.a. fellow, Biblical literature 07-08 See also under class 05 Thomas Davidson lecturer, Greek sculpture 86-87 Emma Jane Dean b.a. assistant, English 87-88 See also under class 85 Bernice Walker Dearborn m.a. fellow, English 06-07 See also under class 06 Louise Delpit, associate professor, French 08 — Alfred Pearce Dennis ph.d. associate professor, history 98-07 Mrs Isabel E. Devereux, in charge Lawrence house 99—06 Amy Eliot Dickerman b.a. assistant, English 05-06 See also under class 00 Rev. Samuel W. Dike ll.d. sociology 92-93 Grace Boorman Dowling ph.b. assistant, English 99-02 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Delphine Duval, French 87-01, in charge Tenney house 95-06 Nora Gertrude Dyar b.l. assistant, elocution 99-04 See also under class 97 Mary Eastman b.a. registrar 01 — See also under class 86 Ella Elizabeth Eaton m.a. assistant, physics and chemistry 81-90 See also under class 80 Isabel Eaton b.l. m.a. assistant, English 89-90 See also under class 88 Ernst Otto Eckelmann b.l. instructor, German 03-05 Sophia Hennion Eckerson m.a. fellow, botany 05-06, assistant botany 06-09 See also under class 05 Clara Morse Eisenbrey, instructor, gymnastics 06 — Mrs Ella Louise Elder, in charge Infirmary 09-10 Ethel Elliott b.a. assistant, elocution 04-07 Mary Ellis, rhetoric 83-84 Charles Franklin Emerick ph.d. professor, economics and sociology 99 — Benjamin K. Emerson m.a. ph.d. professor, geology 78 — Charlotte Frelinghuysen Emerson b.s. assistant, geology 01-03 See also under class 95 William C. Esty m.a. professor, astronomy 78-81 Herbert E. Everett ph.d. lecturer, history of art 00-05 Anne Magill Fauntleroy, in charge Baldwin house 08-10 Bessie Fearey, assistant, gymnastics 01-06 Samuel A. Fiske m.a. m.d. lecturer, physiology and hygiene 77-82 Ellen Mary Fitz b.a. assistant, music 06-08 Mary Fosdick, in charge Washburn house 78-80 Mary Louise Foster b.a. instructor, chemistry 08 — See also under class 91 Martha E. French, mathematics 79-81 12 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Mary Adeline Frost m.a. assistant, German 93-97 See also under class 90 Louise Stetson Fuller m.a. fellow, history 06-07, reader, history 07 — See also under class 04 Mary Breese Fuller m.a. instructor, history 00 — See also under class 94 William Francis Ganong ph.d. professor, botany 94 — Harry Norman Gardiner m.a. professor, philosophy 84 — Henrietta Gardiner m.a. instructor, English language and literature 04-05 Charles E. Garman m.a. professor, psychology 84-85, lecturer, ethics and philosophy 85-86, 91-92 Mrs Jeannette S. Garrison, in charge Hatfield house 99 — Rev. John F. Genung ph.d. professor, EngHsh literature 87-88 Eloise Gerry m.a. fellow, botany 09-10 Mrs S. D. Gilbert, in charge Morris house 92-94 Florence Gilman m.d. college physician 09 — Else Glokke, assistant, German 06-08 William H. Goodyear m.a. architecture, sculpture and painting 92-93 Mary Etta Gorham b.a. registrar 90-95 See also under class 79 Florence Alden Gragg ph.d. instructor, Latin 09 — Rev. Elihu Grant d.b. ph.d. associate professor, Biblical literature 07 — William Dodge Gray ph.d. instructor, history and archaeology 07 — Rev. Edwin A. Grosvenor m.a. history 92-94 Walter David Depue Hadzsits ph.d. associate professor, Latin 04-10 Sarah Hook Hamilton, instructor, music 06 — Elizabeth Deering Hanscom ph.d. professor, EngHsh language and literature 94— Flora E. Harpham m.a. assistant, astronomy 93-96 Julia Gertrude Harrington b.a. assistant, Latin 05-09 See also under class 04 Mary Ann Hastings, mathematics 75-76 Annah Putnam Hazen b.l. m.s. assistant, zoology 00-03 See also under class 95 Charles Downer Hazen ph.d. professor, history 94 — Klara Hechtenberg, assistant, German and French 96-99 Edward Bancroft Hedges, music 09 — Aida Agnes Heine m.a. fellow, geology 03-05, instructor, geology 05 — See also tinder class 03 Heloise E. Hersey b.a. Anglo Saxon, English language and literature 78-84 Fanny C. Hesse, in charge Hatfield house 82-93 John C. Hildt ph.d, instructor, history 06 — Emma Pauline Hirth b.a. secretary to Faculty committee on recommenda- tions 08-09 See also under class 05 Sophie Knowlton Hiss b.a. b.l.s. assistant librarian 07-08 See also under class 04 Jessie A. Holmes b.s. assistant, physics 01-04 Rebecca Wilder Holmes, associate professor, music 03 — Frederick R. Honey, lecturer, perspective 84-03 Jennie K. Hoover, Latin 85-86 Mrs Rose McK. Hotchkiss, in charge Washburn house 96-04 Jeanne Houssais, assistant, French 01-02 Elsie B. Howe m.d. college physician, physiology and anatomy 94-96 Mrs Mary K. Howes, in charge Washburn house 07 — Grace A. Hubbard ma. associate professor English language and literature 92-05 See also under class 87 Evelyn W. Hugh an, secretary to president 92-93 Sarah W. Humphrey, history 77-78 Agnes Hunt b.a. ph.d. instructor, history 06 — See also under class 97 Lucy D. Hunt, gymnastics 77-82 Mary Frelinghuysen Hurlburt m.a. assistant, physics 04-07 Louise Hyde ph.b. m.a. fellow, English 09-10 See also under class 10 James H. Hyslop m.a. professor, psychology 85-86 Paule Imbrecq, instructor, French 09 — Florence Jackson b.s. m.a. assistant, chemistry 94-97 See also under class 93 Mary Lois James m.a. fellow, zoology 05-06, assistant zoology 06-07 See also under class 04 Anna Spalding Jenkins b.a. assistant, Latin 95-97 See also under class 90 Jessie Marie Jepson b.a. assistant, elocution 07-08 Lucia Belle Johnson b.a. secretary to Faculty committee on recommenda tions 09 — See also under class 06 Lulu Broadbent Joslin m.a. assistant, physics 07-09 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Mary Augusta Jordan l.h.d. professor, English language and literature 84 — See also under class 10 Climena Lyman Judd b.a. assistant registrar 04 — See also under class 97 Marie F. Kapp m.a. professor, German 80 — See also under class 04 Mrs Caroline L. Kasson, in charge Stoddard house 94-99, Wesley house 99-00 Elsie Herndon Keams b.a. assistant, elocution 08-09 See also xmder class 06 Annie Prindle Kellogg b.a. secretary 93-09 See also under class 88 Sara Delano Kellogg b.a. librarian 93-96 See also under class 81 Harry Welton Kidder b.a. music 08-09 Eleanor Rosannah Kimball m.a. assistant, zoology 05-06 Everett Kimball ph.d. associate professor, history 04 — Franklin King, superintendent of buildings 92 — Frederick A. King m.a. instructor, English literature 98-99 Elizabeth Kemper Adams pb.d. associate professor, philosophy and education 05- William Francis Ganong ph.d. professor, botany 94 — Harry Norman Gardiner m.a. professor, philosophy 84 — Henrietta Gardiner m.a. instructor, English language and literature 04-05 Charles E. Garman m.a. professor, psychology 84-85, lecturer, ethics and philosophy 85-86, 91-92 Mrs Jeannette S. Garrison, in charge Hatfield house 99 — Rev. John F. Genung ph.d. professor, EngHsh literature 87-88 Eloise Gerry m.a. fellow, botany 09—10 Mrs S. D. Gilbert, in charge Morris house 92-94 Florence Gilman m.d. college physician 09 — Else Glokke, assistant, German 06-08 William H. Goodyear m.a. architecture, sculpture and painting 92-93 Mary Etta Gorham b.a. registrar 90-95 See also under class 79 Florence Alden Gragg ph.d. instructor, Latin 09 — Rev. Elihu Grant d.b. ph.d. associate professor, Biblical literature 07 — William Dodge Gray ph.d. instructor, history and archaeology 07 — Rev. Edwin A. Grosvenor m.a. history 92-94 Walter David Depue Hadzsits ph.d. associate professor, Latin 04-10 Sarah Hook Hamilton, instructor, music 06 — Elizabeth Deering Hanscom ph.d. professor, English language and literature 94— Flora E. Harpham m.a. assistant, astronomy 93-96 Julia Gertrude Harrington b.a. assistant, Latin 05-09 See also under class 04 Mary Ann Hastings, mathematics 75-76 Annah Putnam Hazen b.l. m.s. assistant, zoology 00-03 See also under class 95 Charles Downer Hazen ph.d. professor, history 94 — Klara Hechtenberg, assistant, German and French 96-99 Edward Bancroft Hedges, music 09 — Aida Agnes Heine m.a. fellow, geology 03-05, instructor, geology 05 — See also under class 03 Heloise E. Hersey b.a. Anglo Saxon, English language and literature 78-84 Fanny C. Hesse, in charge Hatfield house 82-93 John C. Hildt ph.d. instructor, history 06 — Emma Pauline Hirth b.a. secretary to Faculty committee on recommenda- tions 08-09 See also under class 05 Sophie Knowlton Hiss b.a. b.l.s. assistant librarian 07-08 See also under class 04 Jessie A. Holmes b.s. assistant, physics 01-04 Rebecca Wilder Holmes, associate professor, music 03 — Frederick R. Honey, lecturer, perspective 84-03 Jennie K. Hoover, Latin 85-86 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 13 Mrs Elizabeth J. Hopkins, in charge Dewey house 75-90 Mary Murray Hopkins b.a. instructor, astronomy 06 — See also under class 99 Ruth Hoppin, biology and botany 81-84 Goldie Printis Horton m.a. fellow, mathematics 09-10 See also under class 10 Mrs Rose McK. Hotchkiss, in charge Washburn house 96-04 Jeanne Houssais, assistant, French 01-02 Elsie B. Howe m.d. college physician, physiology and anatomy 94-96 Mrs Mary K. Howes, in charge Washburn house 07 — Grace A. Hubbard m.a. associate professor English language and literature 92-05 See also under class 87 Evelyn W. Hughan, secretary to president 92-93 Sarah W. Humphrey, history 77-78 Agnes Hunt b.a. ph.d. instructor, history 06 — See also under class 97 Lucy D. Hunt, gymnastics 77-82 Mary Frelinghuysen Hurlburt m.a. assistant, physics 04-07 Louise Hyde ph.b. m.a. fellow, English 09-10 See also vmder class 10 James H. Hyslop m.a. professor, psychology 85-86 Paule Imbrecq, instructor, French 09 — Florence Jackson b.s. m.a. assistant, chemistry 94-97 See also under class 93 Mary Lois James m.a. fellow, zoology 05-06, assistant zoology 06-07 See also under class 04 Anna Spalding Jenkins b.a. assistant, Latin 95-97 See also under class 90 Jessie Marie Jepson b.a. assistant, elocution 07-08 Lucia Belle Johnson b.a. secretary to Faculty committee on recommenda tions 09 — See also under 06 Lulu Broadbent Joslin m.a. assistant, physics 07-09 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Mary Augusta Jordan l.h.d. professor, EngKsh language and literature 84 — See also under class 10 Climena Lyman Judd b.a. assistant registrar 04 — See also under class 97 Marie F. Kapp m.a. professor, German 80 — See also under class 04 Mrs Caroline L. Kasson, in charge Stoddard house 94-99, Wesley house 99-00 Elsie Herndon Keams b.a. assistant, elocution 08-09 See also under class 06 Annie Prindle Kellogg b.a. secretary 93-09 See also under class 88 Sara Delano Kellogg b.a. librarian 93-96 See also under class 81 , Harry Welton Kidder b.a. music 08-09 Eleanor Rosannah Kimball m.a. assistant, zoology 05-06 Everett Kimball ph.d. associate professor, history 04 — Franklin King, superintendent of buildings 92 — Frederick A. King m.a. instructor, English literature 98-99 14 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Mary Fake Knox b.a. registrar and secretary 96-01 See also under class 85 Alice Kuhn, assistant, French 02-03 Helen Belden Kuhn b.l. m.a. reader, history 00-07 See also under class 97 James Lalor, professor, music 78-80 Mrs Anna B. Lathrop, in charge Stoddard house 85-94 Clara Welles Lathrop, instructor, art 06-07 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Susanne Lathrop, assistant, drawing and painting 98-99 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Katharine Alberta W. Layton ph.d. instructor, German 09 — Jennette Lee b.a. professor, English language and literature 01 — See also under class 86. Perry Jennette B. (Airs Gerald Stanley Lee) Otto Eduard Lessing ph.d. instructor, German 02-03 Elizabeth Dike Lewis b.l. m.a. assistant, rhetoric 98-99 See also under class 95 Helen Louise Lewis, assistant, gymnastics 07 — Margaret Lewis m.a. assistant, zoology 94-95 See also under class 93 Mary Delia Lewis m.a. instructor, EngHsh language and literature 06-08, 09 — See also under class 94 Arthur Livingston ph.d. instructor, Italian 08-09 Emily PauUne Locke b.l. m.a. assistant, botany 03-05 See also under class 00 Susan A. Longwell, English and Saxon literature 84-87 Eleanor Louisa Lord m.a. ph.d. instructor, history 90-94 See also under class 87 Eliza H. Lord, mathematics 78-79 AHce H. Luce ph.d. assistant, rhetoric 96-97 Clara Julia Lynch b.a. reader, zoology 09-10 See also under class 03 Florence M. Lyon b.a. assistant, botany 99-01 Louise Whiting Lyon b.a. librarian 96 — See also under class 92 Mrs Emily T. Mabon, in charge Wallace house 07-10 Mrs Lizzie Putnam McCandlish, in charge Hubbard house 09 — Mrs Grace E. Mcllvene, in charge Infirmary 98-05, in charge Sunnyside 05 — Theresa Booth Maley, assistant, gymnastics 09 — Winifred A. Manatt b.a. assistant, German 99-00 Elizabeth Ellen Mann b.a. head cataloger 07 — See also under class 95 Harriet Goodrich Martin b.a. reader, EngHsh Hterature 01-03 See also under class 99 Elizabeth Spaulding Mason b.a. associate professor, chemistry 96 — See also under class 87 Grace Whiting Mason b.a. reader, English literature 03-04 See also under class 02 Richard H. Mather m.a. d.d. lecturer, German literature and art 78-79, 81-82, 84-86 Lina H. Mauldre, French 92-94 Lola Maverick b.a. assistant, mathematics 01-02 See also under class 97 Ernst Heinrich Mensel ph.d. professor, Germanic languages and literatures 1 — OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 15 Anna Elizabeth Miller ph.b. instructor, German 99 — Marie Murkland m.a. fellow, philosophy 07-08 See also under class 06 Mrs Abby R. Neill, in charge Morris house 05-08 Rev. H. Humphrey Neill, professor, English literature 87-90 Anna Grace Newell m.a. instructor, zoology 04-05, 07 — See also under class 00 John H. Niemeyer m.a. professor, drawing and painting 81-86 Marion Agnes Niles m.a. fellow, music 08-10 See also under class 07 Emily Norcross m.a. associate professor, Latin 89-04 Pearl Adeline Norris, assistant, gymnastics 07-09 Mary Isabel Northway b.a. assistant, physics 02-03 Mrs Mary A. Ogden, in charge Dickinson house 04 — Florence Farnham Olmsted, instructor, music 07 — Robert E. S Olmsted b.a. professor, music 07 — Mrs Anna M. O'Neill, in charge Dickinson house 94-04 Gertrude Orvis, assistant, French 03-07 Louisa Ostrom, in charge Washburn house 83-87 Florence Eva Paine b.a. demonstrator, astronomy 09 — See also under class 09 Annie S. Peck m.a. Latin 86-87 Frederick B. Peck b.a. assistant, geology 93-94 Ludella L. Peck m.a. professor, elocution 82 — See also under class 04 Jennie May Peers m.a. fellow, music 05-06, instructor, music 07 — See also under class 05 Adeline Pelissier, instructor, French 95 — Mary Ruth Perkins b.a. president's secretary 08-09 See also under class 00 Ethel Perrin, gymnastics 04-05 Cornelia Tyler Perry, in charge Clarke house 08 — Ralph Barton Perry ph.d. instructor, philosophy 00-02 Moses Stuart Phelps m.a. ph.d. professor, philosophy 78-83 Arthur Henry Pierce ph.d. professor, psychology 00 — John H. Pillsbury m.a. professor, biology 84-92 Frances Bell Pinkerton, in charge Wesley and Haven houses 01 — Margaret Rebecca Piper b.l. m.a. fellow, English 09-10 See also under class 01 AHce Portere-Baur b.a. instructor, French 07 — Harry H. Powers m.a. economics and sociology 93-95 Grace Tyler Pratt b.a. assistant, English language and literature 09-Ja 10 See also under class 92 14 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Mary Fake Knox b.a, registrar and secretary 96-01 See also under class 85 Carl Frederick Augustus Lange ph.d. associate professor, German 05 — Katharine Alberta W. Layton ph.d. instructor, German 09 — Jennette Lee b.a. professor, English language and literature 01 — See also under class 86. Perry Jennette B. (Airs Gerald Stanley Lee) Otto Eduard Lessing ph.d. instructor, German 02-03 Elizabeth Dike Lewis b.l. m.a. assistant, rhetoric 98-99 See also under class 95 Helen Louise Lewis, assistant, gymnastics 07 — Margaret Lewis m.a. assistant, zoology 94-95 See also under class 93 Mary Delia Lewis m.a. instructor, English language and literature 06-08, 09 — See also under class 94 Arthur Livingston ph.d. instructor, Italian 08-09 Emily Pauline Locke b.l. m.a. assistant, botany 03-05 See also under class 00 Susan A. Longwell, English and Saxon literature 84-87 Eleanor Louisa Lord m.a. ph.d. instructor, history 90-94 See also under class 87 Eliza H. Lord, mathematics 78-79 Alice H. Luce ph.d. assistant, rhetoric 96-97 Clara Tulia Lynch b.a. reader, zoology 09-10 See also under class 03 Florence M. Lyon b.a. assistant, botany 99-01 Louise Whiting Lyon b.a. librarian 96 — See also under class 92 Mrs Emily T. Mabon, in charge Wallace house 07-10 Mrs Lizzie Putnam McCandlish, in charge Hubbard house 09 — Mrs Grace E. Mcllvene, in charge Infirmary 98-05, in charge Sunnyside 05 — Theresa Booth Maley, assistant, gymnastics 09 — Winifred A. Manatt b.a. assistant, German 99-00 Elizabeth Ellen Mann b.a. head cataloger 07 — See also under class 95 Harriet Goodrich Martin b.a. reader, English literature 01-03 See also under class 99 Elizabeth Spaulding Mason b.a. associate professor, chemistry 96 — See also under class 87 Grace Whiting Mason b.a. reader, English literature 03-04 See also under class 02 Richard H. Mather m.a. d.d. lecturer, German literature and art 78-79, 81-82, 84-86 Lina H. Mauldre, French 92-94 Lola Maverick b.a. assistant, mathematics 01-02 See also under class 97 Ernst Heinrich Mensel ph.d. professor, Germanic languages and literatures 01 — OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 15 Anna EKzabeth Miller ph.b. instructor, German 99 — Etta Laura Miller b.l. m.a. assistant, English literature 94-97 See also under class 92 Silas Reed Mills, associate professor, music 99-07 Ina Annette Milroy ph.d. assistant, physics 06-08 Caroline Tilden Mitchell b.l. m.a. instructor, history 02-04 See also under class 97 Wilson Townsend Moog, instructor, music 08 — Henry L. Moore ph.d. professor, economics and sociology 97-02 Georgianna A. Morrill ph.d. instructor, English 99-01 Marie Murkland m.a. fellow, philosophy 07-08 See also under class 06 Mrs Abby R. Neill, in charge Morris house 05-08 Rev. H. Humphrey Neill, professor, English literature 87-90 Anna Grace Newell m.a. instructor, zoology 04-05, 07 — See also under class 00 John H. Niemeyer m.a. professor, drawing and painting 81-86 Marion Agnes Niles m.a. fellow, music 08-10 See also under class 07 Emily Norcross m.a. associate professor, Latin 89-04 Pearl Adeline Norris, assistant, gymnastics 07-09 Mary Isabel Northway b.a. assistant, physics 02-03 Mrs Mary A. Ogden, in charge Dickinson house 04 — Florence Farnham Olmsted, instructor, music 07 — Robert E. S. Olmsted b.a. professor, music 07 — Mrs Anna M. O'Neill, in charge Dickinson house 94-04 Gertrude Orvis, assistant, French 03-07 Louisa Ostrom, in charge Washburn house 83-87 Florence Eva Paine b.a. demonstrator, astronomy 09 — See also under class 09 Annie S. Peck m.a. Latin 86-87 Frederick B. Peck b.a. assistant, geology 93-94 Ludella L. Peck m.a. professor, elocution 82 — See also under class 04 Jennie May Peers m.a. fellow, music 05-06, instructor, music 07 — See also under class 05 Adeline Pelissier, instructor, French 95 — Mary Ruth Perkins b.a. president's secretary 08-09 See also under class 00 Ethel Perrin, gymnastics 04-05 Cornelia Tyler Perry, in charge Clarke house 08 — Ralph Barton Perry ph.d. instructor, philosophy 00-02 Moses Stuart Phelps m.a. ph.d. professor, philosophy 78-83 Arthur Henry Pierce ph.d. professor, psychology 00 — John H. Pillsbury m.a. professor, biology 84-92 Frances Bell Pinkerton, in charge Wesley and Haven houses 01 — Margaret Rebecca Piper b.l. m.a. fellow, English 09-10 See also under class 01 Alice Portere-Baur b.a. instructor, French 07 — Harry H. Powers m.a. economics and sociology 93-95 Grace Tyler Pratt b.a. assistant, English language and literature 09-Ja 10 See also under class 92 16 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Waldo Selden Pratt m.a. mus.d. lecturer, history and science of music 97-08 Grace Alma Preston m.d. college physician, anatomy and physiology 87-93 See also under class 82 Kate E. Prince, music 77-78 Alvara Proctor b.a. demonstrator, physics 08-09 See also iinder class 07 Ethel Dench Puffer b.a. instructor, mathematics 92-95 See also under class 91 Louise Radzinski, French 87-92 Susan Miller Rambo b.a. assistant, mathematics Ja 08 — See also under class 05 Grace Potter Reynolds m.a. assistant, chemistry 05-06 See also under class 04 Mrs Caroline Wilding Rhein, in charge Morris house 08 — Mrs Eliza B. Rice, in charge Albright house 00 — Eliza O'B. Rice, instructor, German 97-01 Mrs E. B. Richards, in charge Hatfield house 77-82 Marian Edwards Richards m.a. fellow, philosophy 01-02 See also under class 99 Mary Lilias Richardson m.a. instructor, Latin 04 — See also under class 94 Chalfant Robinson ph.d. associate professor, history 04-06 Clara J. Robinson, in charge Dewey house 97-98 Mrs Esther T. Robinson, in charge Chapin house 03 — Mrs Eva E. Robinson, in charge Washburn house 87-96 Grace V. Robinson, secretary 90-91 Mrs Sarah A. K. Robinson, in charge Wallace house 89-07 Mary Josephine Rogers b.a. demonstrator, zoology 06-08 See also under class 05 Margaret Rooke, instructor, Italian 09 — Elihu Root m.a. ph.d. professor, physics 77-78 Pauline Root m.d. college physician, in charge Tenney house 06-09 Mrs Harriet W. Rosseter, in charge Dewey house 90-05 Louise W. Rosseter, instructor, gymnastics 97 — Frances Rousmaniere ph.d. instructor, philosophy 08-10 Olive Rumsey b.l. m.a. instructor, English language and literature 01-07 See also under class 93 Florence Rena Sabin b.s. m.d. assistant, zoology 95-96 See also under class 93 Myra Melissa Sampson ph.b. demonstrator, zoology 09 — Kate A. Sanborn, English literature 80-83 Frank K. Sanders ph.d. Biblical literature 92-93 Gertrude C. Schmidt b.l. assistant, German 01-02 Emma Maria Scholl ph.d. instructor, German 06-10 Mary Augusta Scott ph.d. professor, English language and literature 97 — Mrs Sara L. Scudder, in charge Hatfield house 93-95 Susan Russell Seaver b.a. fellow, physics 05-06 See also under class 01 Harriet Chapin Seelye b.a. registrar and secretary 95-96, assistant, German 97-98 See also under class 88 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 17 Helen Winifred Shute b.a. assistant, German 87-93 See also under class 87 and Trustees Mary Appleton Shute b.a. assistant, Greek 88-93 See also under class 87 St George Leakin Sioussat ph.d. instructor, history 99-04 Henry Dike Sleeper f.a.g.o. professor, music 03 — Bertha Wolcott Slocomb b.m. instructor, music 07 — See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates. Wolcott Bertha Maria (Mrs Charles Slocomb) Charles Sprague Smith m.a. lecturer, modern literature 87-88, Spanish litera- ture 92-93 Edward R. Smith m.a. art 80-81 Frances Curtis Smith b.a. assistant, French 99-00 See also under class 96 Frances Grace Smith m.a. ph.d. instructor, botany 00-03, 05 — See also under class 93 Grace Angeline Smith b.s. assistant, botany 96-99 See also under class 94 William G. Smith m.a. ph.d. psychology, ethics 95-00 E. Hershey Sneath ph.d. ethics 92-93 JuHa Warner Snow ph.d. associate professor, botany 01 — Edith Louise Spencer m.a. fellow, botany 07-08 See also under class 02 Pauline Sperry m.a. fellow, music and mathematics 07-08, assistant, mathe- matics 08 — See also under class 06 Louis C. Stanton, music 78-79 E. Harriet Stanwood, Latin 78-79 John Tappan Stoddard m.a. ph.d. professor, physics 78-80, chemistry 80 — Jessie Mae Stokely m.a. fellow, history 08-10 See also under class 09 Charlotte Sackett Stone b.l. assistant, rhetoric 94-95 See also under class 93 Edwin Bruce Story f.c.m. associate professor, music 79-09 Helen Bruce Story m.a. reader. Biblical literature 01 — See also under class 00 Beulah Strong, instructor, art 07 — Caroline Louise Sumner b.a. instructor, Latin 07-08 See also under class 90 Sarah Taber, assistant, chemistry 80-81 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Mrs Mary G. Tallant, in charge Morris house 94-05 Albert Taylor, music 07-08 Maud Taylor m.d. assistant examining physician"09 — Mary E. Tenny, French and history 79-80 Mrs Emily Hitchcock Terry, in charge Hubbard house 84-09 Harriet Wadsworth Terry b.l. assistant, EngHsh 99-02 See also imder class 96 Elizabeth Harrington Tetlow b.a. instructor, English language and literature 02— Mary Vining Thayer b.a. assistant, physics 91-92 See also under class 90 David P. Todd m.a. professor, astronomy 81-87 Valentine Tournier, assistant, French 94-97 18 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION D wight W. Try on m.a. director, art school 86 — Frances Maria Tyler b.a. assistant, English 91-94 See also under class 84 Frederick W. Tyler, instructor, Latin 87-88 Henry M. Tyler m.a. d.d. professor, Greek 77 — John M. Tyler m.a. professor, biology 79-81 Alexander T. Van Laer, art 05-06 Mrs Grace C. Van Vleck, in charge Lawrence house 06 — Jennie Thomas Vennilye b.s. assistant, astronomy 01-02 See also under class 97 Sophie Vernet-Wanston, instructor, French 07-08 George Clifford Vieh, professor, music 09 — Berthe Vincens m.a. professor, French 00 — See also under class 10 Margaret Hamilton Wagenhals m.a. fellow, English 06-07 See also under class 03 Gertrude Annie Walker b.a. m.d. gymnastics 86-89 See also under class 85 Louise B. Wallace b.a. assistant, zoology 96-99 Madeleine Wallin ph.m. assistant, history 94-96 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Lucy Hunt Warner b.a. demonstrator, astronomy 06-07 See also under class 99 Frank Allan Waterman ph.d. professor, physics 97 — Grace Blair Watkinson m.a. ph.d. assistant, zoology 08-09 See also under class 02 Essie Josephine Watson m.a. assistant, English and Anglo Saxon 83-87 See also under class 82 Grace Watson, instructor, gymnastics 91-92 Mary Eunice Wead b.a. reference librarian 06 — See also under class 02 George N. Webber d.d. professor, philosophy 83-84, lecturer, ethics 84-91 Mary Crowell Welles b.a. ph.d. instructor, Greek 99-01 See also imder class 83 Ella F. Wellman, elocution 81-82 Georgia Laura White ph.d. associate professor, economics 03 — Maria Whitney, French and German 77-80 Helen Isabel Whiton m.a. ph.d. assistant, Enghsh literature 98-02 See also under class 94 Isabel Caldwell Wight b.l. assistant librarian 06-09 See also under class 03 Inez Whipple Wilder ph.b. m.a. instructor, zoology 02 — See also under class 04. Whipple Inez L. (Mrs Harris H. Wilder) Harris Hawthorne Wilder ph.d. professor, zoology 92 — Clara Belle Williams b.a. assistant, elocution 08 — Harriet J. Williams, Latin 79-85 Helen Isabelle WilHams, instructor, French 97 — James M. Williams b.a. b.d. instructor, economics 02-03 Mary Ella Williams, instructor, music 09 — Mary Rogers Williams, instructor, drawing and painting 88-06 Caleb T. Winchester d.l.h. lecturer, Shakspere's plays 92-93 Charlotte Augusta Wolcott b.a. assistant registrar 02-04 See also under class 86 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 19 Irving Francis Wood m.a. b.d. ph.d. professor, Biblical literature 93 — Lucia E. Wood b.a. assistant, rhetoric 95-98 Ruth Goulding Wood ph.d. associate professor, mathematics 02 — See also vinder class 98 Georgiana Smith Woodbury b.a. in charge Tyler house 09-10 See also under class 85 Mrs Louise Webster Woodruff, in charge Lawrence house 92-99, Haven house 99-01 Mary Caroline Woodruff, assistant registrar 93-02 See also under Music and art graduates and nongraduates Katharine Shepherd Woodward b.a. instructor, English language and litera- ture 06 — See also under class 85 Elizabeth A. Wright, assistant, gymnastics 92-97 Mrs Jeanette I. Wright, in charge Washburn house 80-81 Mary V. Young ph.d. instructor, French and Italian 99-01 20 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS SINCE ITS ORGANIZATION IN 1881 Eleanor P. Gushing 81-83 Charlotte B. Cheever 83-85 Amelia L. Owen 85-87 Charlotte C. GulHver 87-91 Mary E. Duguid 91-95 Presidents Elizabeth B. Cheever 95-99 Lucia Clapp Noyes 99-03 Kate Morris Cone 03-05 Martha Wilson 05-09 Elizabeth Lawrence Clarke 09- Amelia L. Owen 81-83 J. Justina Robinson 81-84 Kate E. Morris 83-85 Mary S. Locke 84-86 Margarette M. Osgood 85-87 Mary L. Mason 86-88 Clara French 87-89 Grace A. Preston 88-90 Elizabeth C. Lawrence 89-91 Elizabeth B. Cheever 90-92 Louise A. Husted 91-93 Alice Gale Jones 92-94 Helen Holmes 93-95 CaroHne S. Austin 94-96 Grace A. Bruce 95-97 Grace A. Hubbard 96-98 Vicepresidents Ruth Bowles Baldwin 97-99 Charlotte S. Stone 98-99 Mary B. Whiton 99-00 Gertrude Gane 99-00 Ellen Holt 00-02 Mary Frost Sawyer 00-03 Anna Gilmour de Forest 02-04 Eleanor E. Cutler 03-05 Cornelia R. Trowbridge 04-06 Mary F. Knox 05-07 ♦Charlotte Wilkinson Bragdon 06- Dec. 07 Sara Duryea Hazen Ja-Je 08 Florence Lord King 07-09 Caroline Hungerford Mills 08-10 Anne W. Safford 09- Ruth B. Johnson 10- Secretaries Mary S. Loclce 81-84 Mary B. Daniels 84-88 Helen C. Rand 88-92 Netta Wetherbee Higbee 92-94 Julia H. Cavemo 94-96 Abbie W. Covel 96-00 Eleanor H. Nichols 00-01 Margaret Kennard (Mrs Woodworth) 01-06 Ellen T. Emerson 06-10 Elizabeth F. Whitney 10- Treasurers S. Alice Brown 81-05 Mary H. A. Mather elected 85 but did not serve Abbie W. Covel 05-07 Ethel Hale Freeman 07- i* Deceased ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS 21 Charlotte Cheever Tucker 89-95 Kate Morris Cone 89-94 Anna L. Dawes 89-96 Elizabeth Lawrence Clarke 94-00 Charlotte C. Gulliver 95-01 Mary Duguid Dey 96-02 Justina Robinson Hill 00-06 Alumnae Trustees Helen Rand Thayer 01-07 Helen Shute Moulton 02-05 Alice Peloubet Norton 05-08 Ruth Bowles Baldwin 06- Lucia Clapp Noyes 07- Laura Drake Gill 08- CLASS SECRETARIES 1879 Mrs Kate Morris Cone 1880 Mrs Netta Wetherbee Higbee 1881 Mrs Anna Hoyt Washburn 1882 Miss Mary Gulliver 1883 Miss Charlotte Chester Gulliver 1884 Miss Caroline Belle Sergeant 1885 Miss Ruth Baker Franklin 1886 Miss Mary Adele Allen 1887 Mrs Celeste Hough Drury 1888 Miss Florence Kate Bailey 1889 Miss Lucy EUis Allen 1890 Miss Mary V. Thayer 1891 Miss Catherine Augusta Dole 1892 Mrs Katherine Haven Upton 1893 Mrs Harriet Holden Oldham 1894 Miss Edith Alice Harkness 1895 Miss Bessey Borden 1896 Mrs Eleanor Bush Woods 1897 Miss Lucy Stoddard 1898 Miss EHsabeth Bates Thacher 1899 Mrs Edith Kelly Davis 1900 Miss Amy EHot Dickerman 1901 Mrs Elizabeth McGrew Kim- ball 1902 Miss Mary Pardee Allison 1903 Miss Grace Pierpont Fuller 1904 Miss Muriel Sturgis Haynes 1905 Miss Marie Lois Donohoe 1906 Miss Fannie Furman 1907 Miss Virginia Jeffrey Smith 1908 Mrs Helen Hills Hills 1909 Miss Eunice Denison Reming- ton 1910 Miss Dorothy Waterman Branches of the Alumnae association exist in the following cities and dis- tricts (the list is given in the order of organization) : Boston, Mass. Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, 111. Cincinnati, O. Western Massachusetts St Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. New York City St Louis, Mo. Worcester, Mass. Rhode Island Syracuse, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Hartford, Ct. Colorado Fitchburg, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y. Southern California The following places maintain local clubs: Cleveland, O. Indianapolis, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Gloucester, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. The clubs of Washington, D. C. and Franklin County, Mass. have been disbanded. 22 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION AMENDED CONSTITUTION Article 1 Name and Object This society shall be called the Alumnae Association of Smith College. Its objects shall be to further the well-being of the col- lege and its graduates by increasing the interest of members in the college and in each other. Article 2 Members § 1 The association shall have three classes of members, viz: active, associate and honorary. § 2 Any graduate of the college may become an active member by signing the constitution. § 3 Any person who has completed satisfactorily a course of not less than one year in the academic department of the college, or who is a graduate of the schools of music or of art, may be ad- mitted to associate membership, by vote of the executive com- mittee, after the class with which she entered shall have been graduated. The privileges and obligations of active and associate members shall be the same, except that associate members shall not vote nor be eligible to office. § 4 Any person having a collegiate course of four years (at least two years of it at Smith College) may become an honorary member of the society at the unanimous request of her class and by a three-fourths vote of the association. Any person taking a higher degree than b.a. at the college may be made an honorary member of the society. Honorary members shall be entitled to attend the social and open meetings of the association. Article 3 Officers The officers of the society shall be a president, two vicepresi- dents (first and second in the order of their election), a secretary, and a treasurer. These officers shall constitute an executive com- mittee. The president of each class shall be ex officio the vice- president of the association, but not a member of the executive committee. AMENDED CONSTITUTION 23 Article 4 Duties of Officers The duties of the president, vicepresident, and secretary shall be those commonly appertaining to these offices. The treasurer shall receive the funds of the association, and disburse them at the discretion of four of the executive committee. The annual report shall be examined by an auditor appointed by the executive com- mittee. The executive committee shall look to the general interests of the society. Article 5 Executive Committee The executive committee shall have charge of all arrangements of meetings, and shall have power to fill any vacancies arising among its officers for the remainder of the term. Article 6 Elections and Terms The officers shall be chosen by ballot at the regular annual meeting of the association, and they shall serve two years. For election of them, a three-fourths vote of members present shall be necessary. The treasurer shall hold office for five years. (By amendment.) Article 7 Meetings The regular annual meeting shall be held during commencement week. In addition to this, special meetings may be called at any time by the executive committee, and shall be so called at the re- quest in writing of ten members. (See by-law 3.) Article 8 Amendments This constitution may be amended at any time provided notice of the proposed amendment with a printed ballot be sent to each member of the association with the call for the annual meeting issued at least a month previous thereto, and two- thirds of all the returns received by the secretary before the date of the annual meeting favor the amendment. (By amendment June, 1910.) BY-LAWS 1 Every member of the association shall pay $1 annually to defray contingent expenses. Any alumna may become a life mem- ber of the association by a single payment of $30. 24 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION The annual fee shall become due on June 15 of each year, and the membership of each alumna shall date from June 15 of the year in which she shall sign the constitution. The annual fee of $1 may be remitted sub silentio by the presi- dent and treasurer when they deem it advisable. 2 After the first election no one shall be eligible for the office of president who has not been a member of the association at least three years. (By amendment June, 1909.) 3 Notice of each meeting shall be sent to each member by the secretary, in writing, at least two weeks before the time ap- pointed for the meeting. The minutes of each annual meeting, embodying the substance of all reports, shall be printed with the annual register, and sent to each member of the association as early in the year as possible. (By amendment June, 1909.) 4 Committees for various purposes not defined in the preceding articles or by-laws may be appointed at the discretion of the as- sociation. Such committees shall have at their disposal the money raised for their respective purposes. 5 No graduate shall be entitled to vote in this association until one year after her graduation. 6 Any local Smith College club analogous in object to the gen- eral association may be registered as a branch of the Alumnae association by complying with the following requirements: (1) A club shall have at least twenty-five (25) members who are no longer undergraduate students of the college. (2) Graduate members of each club who are members of the general association shall elect from their number three who shall serve as trustee electors in accordance with the provisions outlined in the plan for nomination of alumnae trustees, as published in the annual register. Only graduate members who are members of the general association shall vote in the nomination of candidates for alumnae trustee and in all other matters pertaining directly to the Alumnae association. In all other matters, including the election of and service as alumnae councillor, the privileges and obligations of graduates and of nongraduates may be the same. (By amend- ment June, 1910.) AMENDED CONSTITUTION 25 (3) Officers, electors and councillors of all local associations for the ensuing year shall be elected after May first and their names must be in the hands of the secretary of the Alumnae association before November -first. (4) Branch associations shall make their own by-laws govern- ing all points except those hereby specified. (By amendment June, 1909.) PLAN FOR NOMINATION OF ALUMNAE TRUSTEES Adopted June 19, 1900 1 Each branch or local association shall choose, at each annual meeting, or a special meeting called for the purpose, one elector to serve for three years; except that, at the first election, three must be chosen to serve for three years, two years, and one year respec- tively, in accordance with the number of their votes. (By amend- ment June, 1910.) 2 The duties of the electors shall be: (a) To present at a meeting of their branch or local association, which meeting must be held not later than December 30, the names of not more than five nor less than three candidates for each vacancy in the number of the alumnae trustees, {b) To forward to the secretary of the Alumnae association, before January 1, the names of two candidates in the order of their choice, (c) To forward to the secretary of the Alumnae association at the same time a statement of the year of graduation from Smith of each candidate, degrees received by her, positions of trust or responsibility held, the branch or branches proposing her and such other facts as may, in the judgment of the committee, be useful to the voters. 3 Graduates of Smith College of not less than ten years' standing are eligible as trustees, with the exception of members of the col- lege faculty. 4 Only voting members of the association, whose annual dues are paid or have been remitted by the president and treasurer, are entitled to vote for a nominee. 5 The officers of the Alumnae association, consisting of the president, two vicepresidents, the secretary, and the treasurer shall constitute a nominating committee, whose duty it shall be, on or before December 1 of each year, to ask from each of the 26 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION branches and local alumnae associations, through its electors, the names of two candidates in the order of their choice ; and on or before March 1 of the same year, to select from the list thus obtained and to present to the members qualified to vote, the names of not more than five nor less than three candidates for each vacancy in the number of the alumnae trustees. With these names there shall be sent a statement of each candidate's qualifications for office. The candidate or, in the event of there being more than one vacancy to be filled, the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be announced as the choice of the alumnae at the annual meeting of the association, and presented for election to the board of trustees at their June session. In the case of a tie, only the two names receiving the same number of votes shall be sent back to the electors for the final ballot. 6 A majority of the nominating committee or a committee of at least three appointed by said committee, whose chairman must be a member of the nominating committee, shall act as polling committee to count the ballots. (By amendment June, 1906.) 7 All other business pertaining to the nomination of alumnae trustees, not herein specified, shall be conducted by the nominating committee here designated. The candidates nominated by the Alumnae association and elected by the board of trustees hold their positions as representa- tives of the association on the board for a period of three years. PLAN FOR THE ALUMNAE COUNCIL Adopted June 19, 1906 1 The alumnae trustees during their term of office and for a period of the three years at the close of their term, the officers of the Alumnae association, one delegate from each registered local association or club having a membership of at least twenty-five and an additional delegate from each association or club having a mem- bership of more than one hundred, shall constitute an Alumnae council. 2 A committee of five from said council, consisting of the presi- dent and secretary of the Alumnae association (the latter to serve PLAN FOR THE ALUMNAE COUNCIL 27 as secretary to the council), one alumna trustee, chosen by the three alumnae trustees, and two other members of the council, chosen by the president of the Alumnae association, shall meet at the college in January each year to confer with the president, the faculty and the undergraduates in regard to efficient lines of service open to the Alumnae association, — a report of the conference to be sent to each member of said council within two months of the meeting. (By amendment June, 1908.) 3 The said Alumnae council shall meet in Northampton within a week before commencement to act on the report of the above committee and prepare recommendations to be submitted to the Alumnae association at its annual meeting. 4 The Alumnae association shall bear the entire expense of the January conference, and the expenses of the ex-trustees for the June conference; the expenses of other members of the council shall be met by them individually or by their local associations. 28 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1879-80 CATALOG OF ACADEMIC GRADUATES 1879 Adkins"' Mary b.a. (Mrs Edward Miles Brown) Milford Del.t m. 25 Ap 82 Bonney^ Mary Herrick b.a. (Mrs Frederic Eustace Smith) 1410 Adams st. Saginaw W.S. Mich. teacher 79-80; m. 20 Jl 80; ch. Clinton Alexander b. 6 Jl 81, Leigh Williard b. 8 My 86 d. 19 N 86, Sidney Bonney b. 23 O 93 Gushing Eleanor Philbrook b.a. 76 Elm st, Northampton M.A. 82; teacher Bath Me. high sch. 79-80, Miss Bangs' sch. New Haven Ct. 80-81, (math.) Smith 81-83, head (math, dept) 83 — ; pres. Smith alum, assn 81-83 Gorham Mary Etta b.a. (Mrs James Freeman Bush) Greenfield teacher 8 yr; registrar Smith 90-95, sec. Wellesley 95-97; m. 2 Je 97 Gulliver Julia Henrietta b.a. Rockford college Rockford 111. Ph.D. 88, OflBcier d'Academie 09; head (philos. dept) Rockford col. 90-02; pres. Rockford col. 02 — ; mem. Amer. philos. assn. Religious educ. assn ♦Leonard Henrietta b.a. d. 21 Ap 92 Morris Kate Eugenia b.a. (Mrs Charles Morris Cone) Hartford Vt. Ph.D. 82 ; student (medieval hist.) Harvard annex 79-82; on exec. com. Smith gym- nasium fund 88; alum. trus. 89-94; vice- pres. alum, assn 83-85, pres. 03-05; m. 16 F 84; ch. Margaret Morris b. 6 D 89 d. 4 Ja 90, Morris Huntington b. 1 D 90 (Dartmouth 13), Alice Weston b. 12 D 92 (Smith 13) ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. hist. see. Osborne AUce Cook b.a. (Mrs Frank Sumner Atwood) 10 Monroe st. Salem teacher Peabody Mass. high sch. 83-84; m. 8 84; mem. A.C.A. Palmer Anna Louise b.a. (Mrs Alex- ander Williams) Cohasset m. 28 My 85 (husband d. 08); ch. Louisa Folsom b. 87 (Radcliffe 09), Alexander b. 89, Anna Elizabeth and Robert Pearce b. 94 (Robert Pearce d. 07) Warner Harriet Blanche b.a. (Mrs Charles Skeele Palmer) 23 Park pi. Newtonville student (German hist.) Leipzig 92-93; teacher (classics) Holyoke high sch. 82-86; m. 30 S 86; ch. Helen Warner b. 2 S 87, Leigh Warner b. 1 Ag 90, Winifred Warner b. 18 My 96 Whiton Mary Bartlett b.a. Riverdale av. and W. 252d st. New York teacher Newark N. J. high sch. 81-83, Packer collegiate inst. Brooklyn 83-90; assoc. prin. Nat. cathedral sch. 00-06; prin. Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's sch. New York 90-00, 06—; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 99-00; mem. A.C.A. Total 11-*1 1880 Clark Josephine Adelaide b.a. 6 West st. Northampton student N. Y. state lib. sch. 88-89 ; teacher Greenfield Mass. and Rutland Vt. 80-88; lib. asst Gray herbarium, Harvard 90-91, botanical bibliographer and asst libn U. S. dept of agric. 91-00, chief libn 01-07; libn Smith 07 — ; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A. DevoU Ida Eugenia b.a. (Mrs Charles Austin French) 47 Winter st. Boston m. 16 S 85 Eaton Ella Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Adam Capen Gill) Cornell Heights Ithaca N. Y. M.A. 83; student (chem, physics) Smith 81-83; teacher Prospect Hill sch. Green- field Mass. 80-81, asst (chem, physics) Smith 81-90; m. 2 O 96 Locke Mary Stoughton b.a. Westwood M.A. 92, M.A. 92 (hist.) RadclifFe; teacher Boston sch. 80-82, New Bedford Mass. 82-83, Boston Latin sch, 83-85, Baltimore Md. 85-90, private sch. Boston 93 — ; sec. Smith alum, assn 81-84, vicepres. 84-86; mem. Amer. hist, soc, Robinson Jennie Justina b.a. (Mrs Robert Thomas Hill) Plymouth Inn Northampton M.A, 87; student (hist, economics) Cornell 84-85; teacher 80-84; vicepres. Smith aliun. assn 81-84; alum. trus. 00-06; mem. Washington D. C. board of educ ; m. 28 D 87; ch. Justina Hamilton b. 1 O 93. Seymour May b,a. Lake Placid club Essex co. N. Y. student Columbia col. sch. of lib. economy 87, 88-89 ; teacher St Louis Mo. 81-82, Engle- wood N. J. 82-86; classifier and cataloger Osterhout free lib. Wilkesbarre Pa. 87-88, cataloger Colvunbia col. lib. 88-89, classifier N. Y. state lib. 89-91, education libn N. Y. state lib. 91-06; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A. Tate Emma b.a. (Mrs James Monroe Hastings) Owego, Tioga co. N.Y. teacher Newton N. J. 80-81, Medway Mass. 81-82, New Salem 82-84, Owego 84-90; m. 3 S 90; ch. Helen Lucile b. 16 D 91 d. 12 Mr 09, Mary b. 2 Ja 93 d. 15 S 93, Rebecca b. 18 Ap 98 d. 8 My 98, Constance b. 14 Mr 96, Marjory b. 21 Jl 00, Barbara b. 11 Ja 03 1880-81] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 29 Tuxbury Helen b.a. 1808 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 83; student (science) Mass. inst. of tech. 80-81, (political economy) Univ. of Pa. 87, (botany) Harvard summer sch. 98 ; teacher Prospect Hill sch. Greenfield Mass. 81-87, Chestnut Hill Philadelphia 87-88, Mrs Shaw's sch. Boston 88-89, Philadelphia 89-94, prin. Raymond acad. Camden N. J. 94-98, teacher Miss Hay ward's sch. Phila- delphia 98-99, Miss Hill's sch. for girls 99 — ; mem. A.C.A, Wetherbee Netta EHzabeth b.a. (Mrs Edwin Wilbur Higbee) 6 West St. Northampton teacher Winchester Mass. high sch. 82-84, prin, Maplewood inst. Pittsfield 84-85, assoc. prin. private sch. Rutland Vt. 85-86 ; sec. Smith alum, assn 92-94; m. 11 My 86 ch. Earl Van Vliet b. 1 Ag 93 Total 9 1881 Barnard Mary Amelia b.a. (Mrs Frederick Hayward Daniell) 60 View St. Franklin N. H. m. 20 Je 89 ; ch. William Barnard b. 1 Ap 90, Marguerite b. 27 Ap 92 (Smith 14) Brown Sarah Alice b.a. 66 Marlborough st. Boston student (physics) Mass. inst. of tech. 81-82, 85-86; private tutor 81-82; teacher Miss Rideout's sch. Brookline 82-83, teacher and student in Europe 83-85; visiting teacher (science) private sch. Boston and Brookline 85-87 ; prin. classical sch. for girls 87— ; treas. Smith alum, assn 81-05; mem. A.C.A, N.E.A, Amer. hist. soc. Bryant Martha Jane b.a. (Mrs James Hussey Gary) Florence teacher 81-83; stenographer 85-95; tutor 99-04; supervisor Hill inst. Florence 04-08; m. 8 O 83; ch. Alice (Mrs James Andrew Newlands) b. 16 Ag 84 (B.A. 06 Smith); mem. Esperanto assn of N. Amer. Cheever Charlotte Barrell b.a. (Mrs William Jewett Tucker) Occom ridge Hanover N. H. pres. Smith alum, assn 83-85; alum. trus. 89-95; m. 23 Je 87; ch. Elizabeth Wash- burn b. 4 Je 89 (Smith 12); stepch. Alice Lester (Mrs Frank Haigh Dixon) (B.A. 95 Smith), Margaret (Mrs Nelson Pierce Brown) (Smith 97-00) ; mem. A.C.A. Clapp Lucia Maria b.s. (Mrs William Noyes) 11 St John St. Jamaica Plain M.A. 93 Brown; student (chem, zoology) Brown univ. 91-93; teacher 82-94; pres. Smith alum, assn 99-03, alum. trus. 07 — ; m. 4 S 94; ch. William 3d b. 16 D 96, George Clapp b. 25 N 98 ; mem. A.C. A. Clarke Rachael Chadsey b.a. 566 15th St. Des Moines la. M.A. 83; student (Eng, philos.) Smith 81-83; asst (Eng.) Smith 81-83, teacher Mrs Shaw's sch. Boston 83-84, prin. Miss Clarke's sch. Des Moines 86 — Dibble Mary Frances b.a. (Mrs Everett Smith) 1533 18th av. Seattle Wash. teacher 81-88; m. 3 Jl 88; ch. Harold Vin- cent b. 19 Mr 90 (B.A. 12 Yale), Everett b. 11 S 92, Irving Dibble b. 30 Ja 97; mem. A.C.A. Dunton Harriette Mandana b.a. (Mrs Edward Dana) 26 Madison st. Rutland Vt. m. 19 O 81 ; ch. Marion b. 12 Jl 82 (B.A. 04 Smith), Constance b. 17 Ja 94 Ensign Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Fred- erick Ward Catlin) 285 Henry st. Brooklyn Heights Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 84; student (Anglo Saxon) Columbia 83-84, (lit.) Paris 84-85, (art) Julien's acadt^rnie Paris, Mimich, Rome 85-93, (lit.) Jena 91; writer 95—; m. 23 O 82; ch. Randolph b. 6 D 87 (B.A. 08 Princeton, LL.B. 10 N. Y. univ. law sch.) Gill Laura [Drake] b.a. 264 Boylston st. Boston M.A. 85, D.C.L. 07 Univ. of the South; student Smith 81-89, Leipzig 90-92, Lucerne 92, Sorbonne Paris 92-93; teacher (math.) Capen sch. Northampton 81-89, 93-98: director Red Cross nurses 98, director of Cuban orphan soc. Havana Cuba 99-01, dean Barnard col. 01-08; volunteer educ. work Washington D. C. 08-10, trus. Clarke sch. for deaf Northampton 93 — , N. Y. infirmary for women and children 03 — , Smith alum. trus. 08 — ; organizer appoint- ment bureau Boston 10 — ; mem. A.C.A, N. E.A. *Gray Emma Cutting Bent b.a. d. 2 S 89 Guyer Carrie [Caroline] Clarkson b.a. 155 W. 97th St. New York student (Eng, Latin) Columbia 02-06; teacher private sch. Philadelphia 81-92, prin. Washington D. C. 92-98, private teacher 98-05; libn 98-05; teacher N. Y. high sch. 05 — ; supt Christian Herald children's fresh air home Nyack N. Y. summer of 07, head girls house Tribune fresh air home Ardsley N. Y. summer of 09 Haven Laura Belle b.a. (Mrs Alfred Coester) 1081 Park pi. Brook- lyn N. Y.t teacher ; m. 7 Jl 98 ♦Heard Sarah Webster b.a. d. 30 S 96 Wayland Hoyt Anna Marilla b.a. (Mrs George Hamlin Washburn) 377 Marlborough st. Boston teacher private sch. New Haven Ct. 81-83, Auburn N. Y. 83-84, Rochester N. Y. 84-86, New Haven Ct. 86-87; m. 22 S 87; ch. Anna Loraineb.7 Ag 88 (B.A. 10 Smith), George Edward b. 27 F 91, Arthur Hoyt b. 18 Mr 93, Alfred Hamlin b. 14 Mr 95, Frances Washburn b. 29 Jl 99 d. 9 Mr 00; mem. A.C.A. 30 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1881-82 Huntington Eliza Prentiss b.a. 37 Winchester road Newton asat Harvard lib. 82-97, Fogg art museiun Harvard Ja 06—; mem. A.C.A. Kellogg Sarah Delano b.a. 11 Arnold av. Northampton teacher 82-90; libn Smith 93-96; asst libn Clarke lib. 98— *Lathe Mary Agnes b.a. M.A. 94 Chicago univ; d. 20 D 01 Boston ♦Lewis Frances Wright b.a. preceptress R. I. state normal sch. 81-89, teacher Government Indian sch. 89-90, pre- ceptress Little Falls N. Y. acad. 90-91, teacher Los Angeles Cal. high sch. 92, pre- ceptress Redlands Cal. high sch. 92-96; d. S 08 Long Beach Cal. Miner Affa Sophia b.a. (Mrs Charles Augustus Tuttle) 606 W. Wabash av. Crawfords- ville Ind. teacher Ware Mass. high sch. 82-86; m. 6 Ja 91 ; ch. Miner Worthington b. 31 Mr 93 (Wabash col. 13), EUzabeth Mary Affa b. 11 D98 Owen Amelia Lucy b.a. (Mrs James Sullivan) 167 McDonough st. BrooklynJ teacher 81-01 ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 81-83, pres. 85-87; m. 3 Jl 01; ch. Martha b. 7 O 05 Pearson Helen Sleeper b.a. 17 Elliott av. Bryn Mawr Pa. M.A. 83; student (math.) Bryn Mawr 91-98; teacher prep. sch. 82-91, (math.) Miss Baldwin's sch. Bryn Mawr 92-06, Miss Wright's sch. Bryn Mawr 06-10 Pratt Harriet Maria b.a. (Mrs F. P. Barton) North Sudbury J Proctor Mary Adaline b.a. 38 Peabody pi. Franklin N. H. private tutor 82-95; sec. Franklin board of educ. 92-06, trus. Proctor acad. Andover N. H. 09— ♦Saunderson Laura Maria b.a. (Mrs F. B. Hines) M.A. 85; d. 27 F 94 Metropolis 111. Taylor Isabella Gibson b.a. 55 Wolcott St. Le Roy N. Y. teacher St Catharine's Hall Augusta Me. 82-85, private sch. Boston 89-04 Willmer Amy b.a. (Mrs Charles Knight Rogers) Craneton, Bickley Kent England teacher Montclair N. J. high sch. 81-82, Miss Seymour's sch. 83-84; m. 24 S 89; ch. Lesley Knight b. 12 S 90, Langdon WUlmer b. 24 N 91, Agnes Wheeler b. 28 Ja 94, Eric Malcolm b. 15 Ag 02 Total 27-*5 1882 Alden^ Mary EUzabeth b.a. 103 Montague st. Brooklyn N. Y.t M.A. 85; student (Greek, Eng.) Smith 82-83 Allen Annie Elizabeth b.a. 263 Harvard st. Cambridge student (sanitary chem.) Mass. inst. of tech. 93-94; teacher (math.) Miss Hersey's sch. Boston 83-84, (sanitary science) by corre- spondence 87-97; mem. A.C.A. ♦Ayres Edith Jane b.a. (Mrs Myron W. Howe) m. 12 Ag 96; d. F 99 Hadley Blanchard Grace b.a. Concord N. H. libn Concord pub. lib. 95 — ; mem. A.L.A. Brooks Esther Clara Herrick b.a. 25 Brimmer st. BostonJ M.D. 86 Univ. of Mich. Brown Fanny Chamberlain b.a. (Mrs William George Langworthy Taylor) 435 N. 25th st. Lincoln Neb. M.A. 85; student (hist, political economy) Oxford 89-90, Chicago univ. 92-94, honor- ary fellow (political science) Chicago univ. 93-94; teacher Winchester 111. high sch. 82-83, Lindenwood col. St Charles Mo. 83-84, Harmon sem. Berkeley Cal. 84-85, St Louis Mo. high sch. 85-89, 90-92, teacher and lecturer Univ. of Neb. 97-99, 02-07; m. 94; ch. Edward Isaac b. 1 F 99; mem. A.C.A. Browne Nina Eliza b.a. 44 Pinckney st. Boston M.A. 85, B.L.S. 91 Univ. of State of N. Y; student (lit.) Smith 82-83, Columbia lib. sch. 87-89 ; teacher 84-87, lib. asst Colum- bia lib. 88-89. N. Y. state lib. 89-92, libn Library bureau 93-96, sec. A.L.A. publish- ing board 96-09 ; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A. Clark Sophia Cook b.a. 52 Crescent st. Northampton M.A. 86: student Smith 97-98; teacher Carroll 111. 83-85, (German) Bumham sch. 86— ♦Daniels'* Mary Bryant b.a. vicepres. Smith alum, assn 84-88 ; miss'y under A.B.C.F.M. 89-09; d. 8 Jl 09 Osaka Japan ♦Eastman** Maria Rebecca b.a. d. 88 ♦Gardner Ada Grant b.a. (Mrs Jo- seph Flanders Fielden) teacher 82-86; m. 4 My 86; ch. Paul b. 7 F 87, Margaret b. 8 Ap 88, Laura b. 14 Ja 90, Andrew Gardner b. 28 O 91, Clarence Barnard b. 22 Ag 94, Ruth Elizabeth b. 30 O 97, Robert Duncan b. 10 N 02; d. 21 Mr 08 Goodwin" Clara Kenrick b.a. Franklin N. H.f teacher Nichols acad. Dudley Mass, Wash- ington D. C. high sch. Greene Grace Miller b.a. (Mrs Ste- phen Cutter Clark) 49 S. Euclid av. Pasadena Cal. M.A. 85; student (Greek) Smith 84-85; teacher (Greek, Latin) classical sch. for boys Pasadena 89-10; m. 22 Ag 85; ch. Grace Eveleth b. 8 D 86, Julia Adeline b. 7 Mr 89 (Smith 06-08), Stephen Cutter jr b. 6 Ac 92 ; mem. A.C. A. 1882] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 31 GruUiver Mary b.a. 150 Elm St. Northampton M.A. 89; grad. Museum of fine arts sch. Boston 85; student Museum of fine arts 86-87; teacher Burnham sch. 88-98; artist Paris and Holland 98-03, New York and Northampton 03 — Hammond** Mary Grace b.a. (Mrs Charles Henry Northrop) 279 Lincoln road Brooklyn N. Y. office asst 82-87 ; m. 28 D 87 (husband d. 26 My 08) ; oh. Mary Grace b. 17 O 88 d. 13 F 92, Eleanore Hammond b. 19 D 89 (B.A. 09 Smith), William Nelson b. 6 D 96 Hungerford Caroline Marsh b.a, • (Mrs Silas Reed Mills) Room 1030, 294 Washington st. Boston M.A. 84; student (Eng, philos.) Smith 82- 83; teacher (Eng, Amer. lit.) Capen sch. Ja 08 — ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 08-10; m. 8 D 85 ; ch. Frances Hungerford b. 20 D 86 (B.A. 09 Smith), Charlotte Hungerford b. 3 Ag 91 Jackson Annie Brown b.a. 6 Quincy st. North Adams M.A. 85; student Columbia col. lib. sch. 87-88; pres. board of trus. North Adams pub, lib. 96 — ; mem. A.L.A. King Fanny b.a. 4824 Lake av. Chicago 111. M.A. 86; student John Marshall law sch. 02-03; private teacher 85-98, Calumet high sch. Chicago 99-02, Englewood high sen. 02-10 Larrison" Eleanor Rose b.a. 148 Chestnut st. Rochester N. Y.f M.A. 88 Cornell; student (Eng. lit.) Cornell 86-87; teacher (Eng.) La,sell sem. Auburn- dale Mass. 82-86, Buffalo N. Y. sem. 87-88, Chicago high sch. 88-07 Luck Emma Josephine b.a, (Mrs George Lord) Winchester Tenn.J M.D. 88 Woman's med. col. of Philadelphia; m, 86; ch. Marv Ellen b. 87 d. 88, Grace b. 93 d. 94, Marjorie b. 95 McClellan Katherine Elizabeth b.a. 44 State st. Northampton prin. private sch. 82-83, instructor (Latin, Eng.) Miss Moses' sch. New York 83-84, private tutor 84-90; photographer 92 — McKee [Stitt]"' Isabel Dinwiddie b.a. (Mrs William Henry Hidden jr) 3 Potter park Cambridge student (Latin) Cornell 86; teacher (French, German) Staunton Va. 90-93, (French, German, Latin) Adelphi acad. Brooklyn N. Y. 96-98, Miss Drumm's sch. New Vork 99; m. 20 My 99 ♦McKeown Ella Maranda b.a. (Mrs John A. Wright) ch, Adeline Ford b. 30 Ja 94, John Aubrey b, 7 S 95; d, 8 S 95 Milligan** Josephine Ewing b.a. Jacksonville 111. M.A. 85, M.D. 89 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirmary; teacher Illinois sch. for deaf 4 yr; practising physician; mem. Amer. med. assn Peabody Susan Perkins b.a. Machias Me. student (hist, Eng.) Cornell 93-94; teacher Vinton la. 83-91, St Cloud Minn, normal sch. 91-93, Brooklyn N. Y. high sch. 94 — Pellett^ Sarah Frances b.a. Chicago university Chicago 111. M.A. Cornell 91; student (Latin, Greek) Cornell 90-91 ; teacher La Porte Ind, 82-84, (hist, Greek) Elmira col. 84-90, 91-92, reader (Latin) Chicago univ. 92-94, 02 — , Binghamton N. Y. 94-02, instructor (Latin) Univ. high sch. 03 — ; mem, Amer. philol. assn Peloubet Mary Alice b.a. (Mrs Lewis Mills Norton) Chicago university Chicago 111. M.A. 97; student Boston normal sch. of household arts 95-96, Mass. inst. of tech, 95-97, Chicago univ. 04; teacher Brookline Mass. 96-00, Chicago inst. 00-01, asst prof, (home economics) Sch. of educ. Chicago tmiv. 01-04, asst prof, (household adminis- tration) Chicago univ. 04 — .director Chau- tauqua sch. of domestic science 99 — ; m. 6 Je 83 (husband d. 26 Ap 93) ; ch. Margaret b. 18 Je 84 (B.A. 06 Smith), John Foote b. 23 Je 85 (B.S. 06 Mass. inst. of tech.), Grace Peloubet b. 13 F 87 (B.A. 07 Chicago univ.), Louise Chabrier b. 17 O 88 (Ph.B. 09 Chicago univ.), Lewis Mills b. 20 Jl 92; mem. A.C.A, Amer. chem. soc, N.E.A. *Pettibone Mary Cordelia b.a. (Mrs James Barber) d. 30 Jl 86 *Preston Grace Alma b.a. M.A. 89, M.D. 86 Boston univ. sch. of med, M.D. 90 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirm- ary; physician and teacher (anatomy, physiol.) Smith 87-94; vicepres. alum, assn 88-90 ; d. 20 Mr 96 Pasadena Cal. *Riggs"^ Maria Louise b.a. d. 23 Je 97 Smith Theodate Louise b.a. Clark university Worcester M.A. 84, Ph.D. 96 Yale; student (psych, Eng, German) Smith 83-84, 86, Yale 93-95, Harvard summer sch. 94, Clark univ. 95-96, Roman catholic univ. 96-97, Cornell F-Je 00 ; teacher Gardiner Me. high sch. 82-Ja 84, Brooklyn Heights sem. 84-86, Mt Vernon sem.Washington D. C. 86-93, 96-98. research asst to Pres. Hall, Clark univ. 02-09; in charge lib. dept and research work chil- dren's inst. Clark univ. 09 — ; mem. A.C.A, N.E.A, Amer. psych, assn *Snell Harriet Margaret b.a. M.A. 84; student (psych, philos.) Zarich 85-86; d. 16 Ag 07 Soule Haidee Hobart b.a. (MrS Henry Edmund Bothfeld) 101 Tremont st. Boston m. 18 Je 85; ch. Haidee b. 13 Ap 86,*Theo- dore b. 23 My 88, Helen b. 29 S 93, Henry Soule b. 16 F 95 32 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1882-83 Tucker Abbie [Abby] Elizabeth b.a. 84 Elm St. Northampton M.A. 97; student (astron, math.) Smith 94-97; teacher (Greek) Burnham sch. 82-83, Lewiston Pa. acad. 83-84, asst Smith col. observatory 93-03, computer 03-06; mem. British astron. soc. Vinton Maria Mitchell b.a. 15 Halsted pi. East Orange N. J. M.A. 86, M.D. 86 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirmary; student Cornell 82-83, European med. study Dresden and Vienna 96; interne post-graduate hospital New York 86-87; instructor physical diagnosis Woman's med. col. N. Y. infirmary 87-89; dispensary physician 87-93 ; med. inspector New York health dept 98-10; med. ex- aminer New York Tribune fresh air fund 92-08, St Vincent de Paul fresh air fund soc. 98-10, lecturer New York dept of educ. 00-04; mem. Amer. med. assn Watson Essie [Esther] Josephine b.a. 1 1 Union st. Greenfield M.A. 83 Cornell; student (EngO Cornell 82-83, (North European lang.) Gottingen 87-89, (French) Tours France summer of 95; asst (Eng.) Smith 83-87; prof, (lang.) R. I. state col. 92 — ; mem. A.C.A. Wright EHzabeth Boleyn [BuUen] B.A. (Mrs Azel Farnsworth Hatch) 75 West St. Northampton teacher 84-04; in charge White Lodge Northampton 07-10; m. 26 Je 94 (husband d. 28 N 06); oh. Azel Farnsworth jr b. 8 Jl 96, stepch. Alice Venilia (Mrs James A. Nelson) (Smith 00-04), Helen (Mrs J. F. Cheney) (Smith 01-02) Total 37-*9 1883 Aldrich Annette Rowland b.a. Freeport Me. class of 82; teacher Freeport high sch. 82-83, West End inst. New Haven Ct. 83-86; libn Bartol lib. Freeport 03— Anthony Mary Stuart b.a. 1455 Beacon st. Brookline student (Latin) Harvard simimer sch. 98; teacher (classics) Dover N. H. high sch. 85-86, Bradford acad. 86-01, Miss Porter's sch. Farmington Ct. 02-03, Quincy mansion sch. Wollaston Mass. 05-10 Brooks Frona Marie b.a. (Mrs Mor- gan Brooks) Urbana 111. M.A. 93; student (Eng, French, philos, economics) Harvard annex 84-86; m. 24 Ap 88; ch. Henry Morgan b. 2 S 89 (student at Harvard), Charles Franklin b. 2 My 91 (student at Harvard), Frances b. 7 N 93, Frederick Augustus b. 1 My 95, Roger b. 22 D 96, Edith b. 11 Ja 99, Frona Mar- guerite b. 18 Ja 01, Dorothy Prescott b. 11 D05; mem. A.C.A. Bush Sally b.a. Salem Ore. Clark Mary Annie b.a. (Mrs Emlyn Valentine Mitchell) 14 Charter Oak pi. Hartford Ct.J m. 25 O 83 ; ch. Jean b. 28 Ap 86, Ruth b. 13 S 88, Edwin Valentine b. 24 Ap 90, Blanche b. 6 N 91 Converse Clara Adra b.a. Soshinjo Gakko, Kamagawa, Yokohama Cit)^ Japan teacher (Greek, Latin, rnetoric) Vermont acad. 84-90, prin. Soshinjo Gakko, Yoko- hama 90 — Daniels Susan Elizabeth b.a. Grafton Vt. student Munich conservatory of music 86-88; teacher New York 90-91 Dickinson" Evelina [Eveline] b.a. State hospital Morristown Pa. M.A. 91 Stanford, M.D. 07 Woman's med. col. of Pa; teacher St Louis 83-86, Mills col. 87-89, Stanford 90-91, 98-Q3; physician 07-10 Eames Ella Florence b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Everett Wood jr) 309 Elm St. Northampton m. 8 S 85; ch. Henry Eames b. 11 Mr 94, George Wight b. 16 Ja 00 d. 28 My 01 Fine Jean Gurney b.a. (Mrs Charles Barzillai Spahr) 38 Stockton st. Princeton N. J. teacher Clinton Ky. col. 83-85, Brearley sch. New York 85-89; head College settle- ment New York 89-92 ; m. 5 Jl 92 (hus- band d. 30 Ag 04) ; ch. Margaret b. 10 Ap 93 (Smith 14), Elizabeth Fine b. 17 Ag 94, Mary Burchard b. 31 Ag 96, Jean Gurney b. 12 N 99, Helen Thayer b. 31 Ag 02 Forman Evelyn Jean b.a. (Mrs Alex- ander E. (jlerihew) 2305 Park av. Minneapolis Minn. m. 9 N 86; ch. Catharine Forman b. S 86 (Smith 06-08) Gifford Alice EHza b.a. Palmyra N. Y. student (lit, lang.) Berlin, Zurich 92-93; preceptress high sch. Newark N. J. 84-89, Watkins N. Y. high sch. 89-90; teacher Orange N. J. high sch. 90-91; preceptress Genesee Wesleyan sem. Lima N. Y. 91-92; teacher (German) Platteville Wis. state normal sch. 93-00 Gilmore" Evelyn Langdon b.a. 2 Vine st. Gardiner Me. teacher Gardiner private sch. 84-85, Har- court pi. sem. Gambler O. 93-96; cataloger Me. state lib. 96-97, Gardiner Me, Bradford Mass, Lewiston Me. 98-06, libn Lewiston pub. lib. 06 — ; mem. A.C.A. Gleason^ Clara Belle b.a. 59 Washington st. Hudson teacher Hudson high sch. 83-93, 06-10; prin. Belvedere Hall sch. Hudson 94-06 Gulliver Charlotte Chester b.a. Norwich Town Ct.f teacher Norwich free acad. 85, 88-01, 02—. Miss Porter's sch. Farmington Ct. 01-02; pres. Smith alum, assn 87-91; alum. trus. 95-01; mem. A.C.A. Haire« Anna Roberta b.a. 21 Lake Shore drive Chicago 111. teacher Eau Claire Wis, Duluth Minn, Chicago 111. 1883] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 33 Hall^ Mira Hinsdale b.a. Pittsfield teacher Ware Mass. 93-98, prin. private sch. Pittsfield 98— Harris Henrietta Clark [Clarke] b.a. (Mrs William Allen Harris) 1104 Worthington st. Springfield m. 10 O 83; ch. Henrietta Corson b. 6 Mr 85 (B.A. 09 Smith), William Allen jr b.9 Je 86 (B.S. 10 Yale), Chesley Gardner b. 23 Je 89 (Yale 12), Hart Lester b. 9 N 91 (Smith 13), Daniel Lester 2d b. 16 Je 94, Ambia b. 23 Jl 98, Harriet Octavia b. 26 My 02 Harrison" Florence Marguerite b.a. (Mrs Frank Bridge Forman) 3450 Irving av. S. Minneapolis Minn.t m. 4 Ja 88 (husband d. 10 Jl 05) Hilliard Caroline Elizabeth b.a. Northboro student (science) Teachers col. 90-92, (bot- any) Barnard 04-05; teacher Westboro Mass. 83-84, Harvard 84-85, Teachers col. 86-88, Brearley sch. and Miss Spence's sch. for giris New York 88-08 Hine Edith Caroline b.a. 61 Dwight St. Dedham lib. worker 84-88, cataloger Boston pub. lib. 84-86 Lawrence EHzabeth Crocker b.a. (Mrs Samuel Fessenden Clarke) Willi amst own M.A. 89; student (botany, govt, hist.) Radcliffe 83-84, 85-88, (botany) Boston 80C. of natural hist. 87, Boston normal sch. of gymnastics diploma 91; chairman Smith gymnasium fund com. 87-92, vicepres. alum, assn 89-91, pres. 09 — , alum. trus. 94-00. chairman alum. $100,000 fund com. 01-02, rep. of Smith in the Assn for main- taining the Amer. women's table at the zoological station at Naples 00 — ; m. 5 Ap 92; ch. Elizabeth Lawrence b. 3 S 93; mem. A.C.A, sec. treas. 01 — Leach Edith b.a. 710 Crescent st. Brockton teacher 83-87 Machado" Salom^ Amelia b.a. (Mrs Minton Warren) 105 Irving st. Cambridge m. 29 D 85 ; ch. Minton Machado b. 7 Ag 88 (B.A. 10 Harvard), Francisca Machado b. 3 Ap 91 Marsh Carrie Amelia b.a. 19 Main st. Amherst teacher Bridgeport Ct. 84-85, Greenfield Mass. 85-88, New York 88-89, Palmer Mass. 92-94, Eng. high sch. Somerville 94-09, Amherst high sch. 09-10 Mather Mary H. Askew b.a. 1212 Gilpin av. Wilmington Del. mem. A.C.A. Miller Alice Mason b.a. (Mrs Russell Whitman) 1334 Asbury av. Evanston 111. teacher Miss Rice's sch. for girls Chicago 90-92; m. 3 Ap 93; ch. Helen b. 28 Ap 94, Sarah b. 12 My 96, Anna Winslow b. 4 F 98 d. 11 F 98, Winslow b. 23 Ja 99, Russell b. 2 Ag 00 d. 11 Ag 00, John Russell b. 1 DOl Morse^ Anna Louisa b.a. 32 Franklin st. Hempstead N. Y. teacher Osgood Margarette Manton b.a. (Mrs Albert Wellman Hitchcock) 5 Barton sq. Salem private tutor 83-84, 86-91 ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 85-87; m. 17 D 91 (husband d. 9 Ap 07) ; ch. Harriet b. 18 S 92, Katha- rine b. 6 Je 95, Margaret Fiske b. 17 Ap 98 Palmer Clara Frances b.a. 292 Chicopee st. Chicopee teacher Mrs Quincy Shaw's sch. Boston 83-85, Chicopee Falls high sch. 85-86, Englewood N. J. inst. 86-89, Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 90-91, Chicopee high sch. 91 — ; trus. Chicopee lib. 04 — Parker" JuUa Frances b.a. (Mrs Edward Heywood Sawin) 101 Vernon st. Gardner teacher Berwick acad. South Berwick Me. 83-84, Springfield Mass. high sch. 84-88; m. 22 F 90; ch. Edward Putnam b. 14 S 96 Payne"' Ella b.a. (Mrs Arthur George Hamlin) De Land Fla.J teacher 84-85 ; m. 18 O 83 ; ch. Royal Payne b. 26 Ag 84 (Stetson univ. 06), Lillian b. 24 D 85 (Stetson univ. 08), Ethel b. 4 N 87 Arthur G. b 19 Jl 89 d. 25 Ja 94 Poore Harriet Paul b.a. 9 Durham st. Bostont teacher Dover N. H. 87-91, Newton Mass. high sch. 91-05 Smith Lucy Hannah b.a. 83 Sumner st. Newton Centerf teacher (Greek) Burnham sch. 83-84 Snow Florence b.a. (Mrs Edgar Solo- mon Shumway) 472 E. 18th St. Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 88 ; teacher Worcester high sch. 83-90 ; m. 18 Je 90; ch. Waldo b. 8 My 91 (Am- herst 11), Lowell b. 22 F 94 (Amherst 14), Conrad b. 25 Ap 95. Eric b. 26 Ja 97, Bayard b. 18 Ja 98 d. 20 Ja 98 ; mem. A.C.A. Story" Frances Rebecca b.a. (Mrs Frank Asbury Hutchins) 16 Cuyler st. Palmyra N. Y. preceptress in sch. 83-85; m. 19 Ag 85 (hus- band d. 10 Ap 08) ; ch. Hazel Story b. 9 D 87 d. 26 Je 03, Ruth Evelyn b. 25 S 89 (Syracuse 11), Margaret Ida b. 24 O 93, Mosher Story b. 24 Ja 96, Francis Irving b. 16 Ja 99, Frank Asbury b. 8 F 01 34 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1883-84 Tilden Laura Bugbee b.a. 86 West St. Keene N. H. prin. private sch. Keene 83-06, private teacher 06 — Tilton Annie Eugenia b.a. 45 Highland st. Cambridge student (botany) Radcliffe 90-91 Waldron Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Alfred Hathaway Jones) 88 Sumner st. MaldenJ teacher 84-85; m. 25 D 85; ch. Hazen Worcester b. 11 My 87, Dana Weeman b. 22 My 89 Ward'* Alice b.a. (Mrs Bailey) Amherst D.N.C. 09 Col. of nature cure; student (anatomy, physiol, chem, natixral dietetics) Col. of nature cure Chicago; author and lecturer 84-06; asst editor Nature cure magazine 09; inventor and manufacturer 10 Welles Mary Crowell b.a. Newington Ct. Ph.D. 04 Yale; student Leipzig and Athens 92-93, (classical philol.) Yale 98-99, 01-02, Columbia 02-03, Harvard 04; teacher (classics) high sch. Danielson Ct. 84-85, New Britain 86-89. Washington D. C. 89-92, asst prof. (Greek) Woman's col. Balti- more Md. 93-98, instructor (Greek) Smith 99-01, Hartford high sch. 04-07, sec. Con- sumers' league of Ct. 07 — ; mem. Amer. philol. assn, Amer. archaeol. inst. White Mary Avery b.a. 319 Tappan st. Brookline M.A. 88; student Smith Ap-Je 88; teacher private classes (Eng. lit.) 87-95; in business Brookline, Sunshine laundry 98 — Willard Abby Gregory b.a. Colchester Ct. teacher Colchester 87-88, 89-96 ; mem. A.C. A. Willard Charlotte Richards b.a. Amer. school for girls Marsovan Turkey in AsiaJ teacher Lasell sem. 83-85, Clinton col. Clin- ton Ky. 85-86, Cambridge Mass. 86-87, Carleton col. Northfield Minn. 87-95, Mar- sovan 95-99, 01 — Williams"^ Cora May b.a. Newark N. Y.% Wolcott Clara Gertrude b.a. 30 E. Haverhill st. LawrenceJ Woodward Ida Minette b.a. (Mrs ' Elmer Clark Tracy) 27 E. 126th St. New York teacher 83-88; m. 19 F 89 Woodward Minnie Louise b.a. (Mrs Charles Houston Haskell) 22 Lincoln av. Norwich Ct. teacher 84-95; m. 6 S 99 Yale Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Godfrey Ryder) 321 Pleasant st. Maiden trus. Maiden hospital 95 — , Home for aged persons 05—; m. 9 N 86 Total 49 1884 Allis Annie Amelia b.a. (Mrs Henry Mace Pavne) Southold. Long Island N. Y. student (chem.) Harvard summer sch. 96; asst Medway Mass. high sch. 84-85, prof. (Greek, Latin, German) Woman's col. Frederick Md. 85-86, (Greek, Latin, math.) Irving col. Mechanicsburg Pa. 88-92, (German) Glenwood inst. Matawan N. J. 92-93, prin. Southold acad. 94-95, prof, (ancient lang.) Home inst. Tarrytown on Hudson N. Y. 95-96, (German, math.) Allen town Pa. col. for women 96-97, vice prin. Stewartstown Pa. collegiate inst. 99-02 ; m. 17 Ag 97; ch. Helen Mace b. 16 Ag 01 Allis Fannie Augusta b.a. Wilbraham student Harvard simamer sch. 94, Hartford sch. of religious pedagogy 03-04; teacher Frederic City Md. female sem. 85-86, Lehi City Utah acad. 88-89, prof. (mod. lang, lit.) Lebanon Valley Pa. col. 95-97, Temple Grove sem. Saratoga Springs N.Y. 97-98 Austin Jennie Maude b.a. 50 Renner av. Newark N. T. teacher Rye N. Y. 84-85, Buffalo N. Y. 85- 98, private sch. New York 00-06, Green- wich Ct. 06-10 Barton" Mary Louisa b.a. 1270 S. El Molino av. Pasadena Cal. teacher (piano) Attleboro Mass. 84-86, 87-96, Wells col. Aurora N. Y. 86-87, West- field N. J. 96-01 Brooks Anne Smith b.a. 145 Clifton St. Maiden teacher (Latin) Maiden high sch. 89-10 Clark" Clara May b.a. 149 Elm St. Northampton student (geol, biol.) Smith 85-86,(geol.) Harvard summer sen. 89, Mass. inst. of tech. 89-90, Hartford theol. sem. 98-99, Library summer sch. 06 ; substitute teacher Northampton and Hadley 84, 87, private teacher Northampton 88-89, 90-93; lib. asst Forbes lib. 95-98 ; settlement worker Christodora house New York 99-01, church mission worker 01-04; libn Bible teachers training sch. 04-10 Clark Ella Cleveland b.a. 400 S. Los Robles av. Pasadena Cal. student (French) Amherst summer sch. 87, 88. 91; teacher 87-89, tutor Smith 89-91. 93-00, 01-02, substitute teacher fall of 92 Marlborough sch. Los Angeles Cal; mem. A.C.A. Cloiigh" Marion Belmont b.a. (Mrs W. C. Burdett) 67 Orchard st. Leominsterf ch. Ruth Evelyn (B.A. 09 Smith) Connely" Bertha Lillian b.a. Wynnefield Philadelphia Pa. M.D. 97 Woman's med. col. of Pa; student Zurich univ. 92-93; practising physician Denver Col. 99-01, conductor med. clinics Woman's med col. hospital Philadelphia 04 1884] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 35 Cox Martha Lyman b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Sohier Bryant) Cohasset m. 1 S 87 ; ch. Mary Cleveland b. 20 Je 88, Elizabeth Sohier b. 13 Ag 90, Alice tie Ver- mandois b. 15 My 92, Julia Cox b. 25 Je 93, Gladys b. 16 D 94, William Sohier jr b. 8 D96 Crowell« Mary Savage b.a. (Mrs Lyman Bowers Frieze jr) 76 Clinton av. New Brighton, Staten Island N. Y. m. 1 Je 86; ch. Savage Crowell b. 7 F 91, Lyman b. and d. 17 D 92, Lyman Bowers 3d b. 23 Mr 94, Mary Hartstene b. 1 S 98, Edward Beach Crowell b. 14 Mr 04, Betsy Slade b. 16 Je 06 Delano^ Sally Haskell b.a. 401 W. 118th St. New York J teacher Winchester Mass. 85-94, Philadel- phia 94-97, Wadleigh high sch. New York 97-04 Duguid Mary Evelyn b.a. (Mrs Donald Dey) 201 De Witt road Syracuse N. Y. pres. Smith alum, assn 91-95, alum. trus. 96-02, delegate fr. Smith to 450th anniver- sary of Glasgow univ. 01 ; m. 18 Ja 94; ch. Harriet Duguid b. 30 O 94; mem. A.C.A. Dunn Kate Clark b.a. (Mrs William Spalding) 403 Marshall st. Syracuse N. Y. m. 13 D 87; mem. A.C.A. Fisk Nina Perry b.a. (Mrs Francis Ulshaeffer Paris) 124 E. 72d St. New York m. 7 Je 92 ; ch. Irving b. 29 Ap 93, Harriet Bininger b. 14 S 94, Nina Perry b. 24 Mr 98, Margaret Gracie b. 27 S 00 * French Clara b.a. M.A. 88 Cornell; vicepres. Smith alum. assn 87-89 ; d. O 88 Gladden Alice b.a. 631 E. Town st. Columbus O. teacher (Latin, math.) Smead sch. Toledo O. 84-85, (hist, Eng.) Columbus high sch. 86-99, Columbus univ. sch. 99-03, co-prin. Columbus sch. for girls 04-10 Heywood Lucy Florence b.a. (Mrs John H olden) 98 Neptune av. New Rochelle N. Y. student (pedagogy) Teachers col. 91-92; teacher Sandwich Mass. high sch. 88-89; m. 22 N 92; ch. Heywood b. 24 D 93, Arthur Ballou b. 16 O 97 d. 30 D 97, Con- stance b. 5 D 99 Hillman" Harriet Louisa b.a. 89 Bridge st. Northampton^ teacher Delaware Water Gap Pa. 84-85, Spencer Mass. 85-91, Beverly 92-98 Jameson Katharine Strong b.a. (Mrs Edward Miller Greene) 45 Chestnut st. Boston teacher Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 84-85, Bradford Pa. high sch. 85-86, Rye N. Y. sem. 86-91; m. 15 O 91; ch. Katha- rine Elizabeth b. 1 F 94, Helen b. 5 Ja 00 Kelsey Louise Hoyt b.a. 128 W. 11th St. New York M.A. 87; student (math.) Smith 87, (peda- gogy) Columbia 99-00; teacher New York 84-10 King** Mary Emma b.a. (Mrs Julius Garst) 29 Oread st. Worcester m. 85 Mason Mary Lyman b.a. The Normandie Columbus O. M.A. 92 Cornell (Greek and comparative philol.); tutor Boston, teacher Mrs Sewall's sch. for girls Indianapolis 86, Boston private sch. 88-89, Colimibus O. central high sch. 92-01, 02-10; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 86-88 Mead Lydia Abigail b.a. 30 W. 55th St. New YorkJ student (physics) Harvard summer sch. 02 ; teacher Claremont N. H. 84-87, Caldwell col. Danville Kv. 93-94, Buffalo N. Y. 94-99, South Kingston R. I. 00-02, Providence 02-04, Brantwood hall, South Orange N. J. 04-05 Mehan Alida Mary b.a. (Mrs William Fessenden) 5 Warner st. Dorchester teacher Sandwich Mass. high sch. 84-88; supervisor of sch. Thomaston Me. 89-91; m, 25 O 92; ch. Frances Alida b. 17 Ja 95. Anna Parker b. 8 Ap 96, Florence Ethelda b. 10 S 98 Merriam Bessie [Betsey] Greene b.a. 937 Park pi. Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 92 Cornell; student (hist.) Cornell 91-92; teacher Providence R. I. high sch. 84-91, Brooklyn girls high sch. 93-10 Morse Jennie Cora b.a. (Mrs Edgar Burr Smith) 44 Green st. Brattleboro Vt. private tutor; m. 27 Je 95; ch. Janette Leonora b. 28 Ja 97, Edgar Burr b. 14 Ap 00 Paddock" Ida Imogene b.a. (Mrs C. M. Rice) 1515 E. 2d St. Duluth Minn.J Quirk" Anna Maria b.a. (Mrs Dennis Short) 1046 Bergen st. Brooklyn N. Y.f Rand Helen Chadwick b.a. (Mrs Lucius Harrison Thayer) 664 State st. Portsmouth N. H. student (Eng. hist.) Newnham col. Cam- bridge 86-87; settlement worker; sec. Smith alum, assn 88-92; alum. trus. 01-07; m. 29 Je 92; ch. Dorothy Goldthwait b. 28 Ag 93, Lucius Ellsworth b. 19 Je 96, Sherman Rand b. 28 S 04; mem. A.C.A, Amer. acad. of political science Richardson Carrie Lavinia b.a. 165 W. Main St. Ilion N. Y. M.A. 86; student (biol, physics) Smith 84-85; teacher Elmira N. V. free acad. 86-88; treas. board of trus. Ilion pub. lib. 92-95; mem. A.C.A. 36 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1884-85 Richardson Jennie May b.a. 155 W. Main st. Ilion N. Y. M.D. 92 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirm- ary; student Woman's med. col. 89-92, interne hospital 92-93; teacher Ilion 84-86, South Norwalk Ct. 86-88; practising physi- cian New York 92-00 ♦Rogers** Mary Grace b.a. (Mrs C. P. Frey) d. 20 Ja 10 Newark N. J. Rose** Marion Elizabeth b.a, 49 Chatham st. Worcester teacher Worcester Eng. high sch. 92 — Scudder Vida Button b.a. 250 Newbury st. Boston M.A. 88: student (Eng. lit.) Oxford 84-85, (French lit.) Univ. of Paris 92-93, instructor and assoc. prof. (Eng. lit.) Wellesley 88 — Sergeant Caroline Belle b.a. 4 Hawthorn road Brookline teacher 85-99; mem. A.C.A. Sheldon Helen Mary b.a. Fort Ann, Washington co. N. Y. M.A. 92 Cornell; student (music) N. E. conservatory Boston 85-86, (Eng. lit, lang.) Cornell 91-92; teacher (Eng.) Lasell sem. Auburndale Mass. 86-88, Norfolk Va. col. 88-91, private sch. Providence R. I. 92-95, head (Eng. dept) Lake View high sch. Chicago 97-10 Skilton Ida Galpin b.a. (Mrs Robert Harrison Cornish) 38 St Luke's pi. Montclair N. J. teacher Norfolk Cft. classical sch. 84-86, Wallingford high sch. 86-88; m. 16 Ag 88; ch. Margaret Beach b. 4 S 89 (student Mt Holyoke), Ruth Harrison b. 7 N 91, Robert Sanford b. 9 My 94 Stevens Mary Louisa b.a. 26 Dexter st. Maiden teacher Maiden high sch. 89 — Tiemann Elsie Claire b.a. East Putnam av. Greenwich Ct. business stenographer IH yr, private aec. 11^ yr Trafton** Mary Adelaide b.a. 40 June st. Fall RiverJ teacher Fall River high sch. Tyler Frances Maria b.a. 440 E. 57th St. New York teacher Lake Erie sem. Painesville O, Elizabeth N. J, Newark N. J, asst (Eng.) Smith 91-94; worker Philadelphia col. settlement 94-95, Manhattan working girls soc. New York 01-10 Whitten Helen Frances b.a. 283 Beach "t. Holyoke teacher West Winsted Ct. 85-87 Total 43-*2 1885 Aldrich Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Edgar Judson Rich) Winchester teacher Durfee high sch. Fall River Mass. 86-88 ; m. 23 N 93 ; mem. A.C.A. Brewster" Katharine Grant b.a. Box 418 Derby Ct.J Browning Sarah Perry b.a. 29 Otis St. Norwich Ct. student (art) Adelphi acad. Brooklyn 85-86, Norwich free acad. 90-92; resident director Roxbury house settlement, Roxbury Mass. 00-06; Christian science practitioner 07 — Calkins Mary Whiton b.a. 22 Bellevue st. Newton M.A. 87, Litt.D. 09 Coliunbia; student Harvard annex 86-87, 90-91, Harvard grad. sch. 90-91, 93-95, passed Ph.D. exam. 95, (Greek) Leipzig 86-87, (psych, philos.) Berlin and Oxford 02 ; tutor and instruc- tor (Greek) Wellesley 87-90, instructor (psychol, philos.) 91-94, assoc. prof. 94-97, prof. 97 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. psychol. assn, Amer. philos. assn Capen Annie [Anne] b.a. 51 Highland av. Haverhill student (lit, French) Cornell 86-87; tutor, asst editor, newspaper correspondent Cheever Elizabeth Bancroft b.a. (Mrs Leonard Wheeler) 12 Chestnut st. Worcester vicepres. Smith alimi. assn 90-92, pres. 95-99; m. 23 N 97; ch. Bancroft Cheever b. 6 Je 99, Leonard jr b. 20 Jl 01, Eunice b. 25 S 03, Nathaniel b. 20 Je 06 *Clark Annie Louise b.a. d. 27 O 90 Northampton Clough Nathalie Duley b.a. 16 Church st. Gloucester teacher Miss Low's sch. Stamford Ct. 89-94, Gloucester high sch. 08 — Crocker Augusta Percival b.a. (Mrs James Varnum Turner) Hyannis teacher 85-90; m. 30 D 90 (husband d. 6 N98) Crouse« Martha Parsons b.a. (Mrs Thomas Parsons) 215 Alexander st. Rochester N. Y. m. (1) 15 S 87 (Dr Robert W. Greene d. 28 O 92), (2) 4 My 95 (Dr Thomas Parsons) ; ch. Martha Kingsley b. 1 O 96 d. 18 Ja 97, Thomas Crouse b. 22 O 97 Cutler Anna Alice b.a. Smith college Northampton M.A. 89, Ph.D. 96 Yale; student (philos.) Yale 89-90, 93-96, Yale scholarship 93-95; teacher New Haven private sch. 85-87, tutor 89-92, head (philos. dept) Rockford col. 92-93, instructor (logic) Smith 93-95, (Eng.) 97-99, (philos.) 99-02, assoc. prof, (philos.) 02-05, prof. 05—; mem. A.C.A, Amer. philos. assn 1885] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 37 Dean Emma Jane b.a. (Mrs Walter Dean Hutchins) Needham asst (Eng.) Smith 87-88; teacher private sch, Boston 98-03, private teacher 03 — ; m. 9 Ap 89; ch. Harold Dean b, 6 Ap 94, Phihp Messer b. 2 F 96 Fletcher" Mabel b.a. Exeter N. H. Franklin Ruth Barker b.a. 78 Spring St. Newport R. I. M.A. 86 Cornell; student (Greek, Latin, classical archaeol.) Cornell 85-86, Chicago univ. summers of 98, 99, Brown univ. 02-03 ; instructor (Greek, ancient hist.) Rogers high sch. Newport 89 — ; mem. A.C.A. Gould" Jennie Etta b.a. (Mrs George Hopkins) 459 Merrimac st. Oakland Cal.J teacher 85-89; m. 19 D 89; ch. Albert Gould b. 18 N 90. George Harold b. 10 S 97 Greene" Anna Edith b.a. (Mrs Charles A. Steams) 116 Clay St. Pawtucket R. I. m. 22 O 89 ♦Greenough" Jeanie Grace b.a. (Mrs Lyndon S. Crawford) m. 13 O 86; d. 5 F 88 Brusa Turkey Haines" Mabel b.a. (Mrs John Bliss Martin) 59 Dexter st. Maiden m. 1 Je 86 Hallock Nellie Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Alfred Tennyson Livingston) Jamestown N. Y. m. 2lJe 99; ch. Clara EUzabeth b. 5 My 00 Hamilton Caroline Frances b.a. Aintab Turkey M.D. 88 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirm- ary for women and children ; student N. Y, med. sch. 10 ; asst physician N. Y. infant asylum 88-89, resident physician 90-91, instructor Woman's med. col. 88-92, dispensing physician 89-92, mem. med. staff Aintab hospital 92 — Hardy Mary Chapman b.a. 23 Maple st. Arlington student (economics) Radcliffe 98-99, (hist, of art, pedagogy) Berlin univ. O 02-F 03; teacher Washington D. C. 85-86, Arlington 86-87, Clinton Ky. col. 88-90, Dedham Mass. 90-91, Cambridge Latin sch. 91 — ; mem. A.C.A. Hay" Isabel Bancroft b.a. 47 Deering st. Portland Me. J M.A. 89; teacher Portland Me. 89-98 ♦Hayward Grace b.a. d. 23 F 91 ♦Hobart Bessie Jewett b.a. d. S85 Hungerford" Charlotte Elizabeth B.A. (Mrs WilUam H. Zantzinger) 215 W. 106th St. New York m. 3 Ap 99; ch. John Sheaff b. 19 S 01, William Hungerford b. 13 D 03 d. 10 O 04 Johnson Mary Augusta b.l. (Mrs Charles Louis Olds) Marco Fla. class of 84; M.A. 88, M.D. 92 Woman's med. col. of Pa, H.M. 94 Philadelphia post-grad, sch. of homoeopathies; student (biol, physiol.) Newnham col. Cambridge 86-87, Bryn Mawr 87, 88-89, (med.) Woman's med. col. of Pa. 89-92, (homoeopathic philos. and mat. med.) Phila. post-grad, sch. of homoeopathies 92-94; teacher (natural hist.) Hampton Va. 85-86; resi- dent physician Phila. col. settlement 92-94, med. practitioner 92-99 ; instructor (homoe- opathic philos.) and asst in dispensary Phila. post-grad. sch. of homoeopathies 94-95; m. 28 My 94; ch. Orida b. 18 Ag 96. Saloma b. 12 F 99, Rosalie b. 8 O 01 ; mem. A.C.A. Knox Mary Fake b.a. (Mrs Morris Lyon Buchwalter) 3315 Reading road Cincinnati O. student Gottingen 86-88; teacher New York 88-96; registrar Smith 96-01, Barnard col. 01-04, prin. Knox sch. for girls Lake- wood N. J. 04-09; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 05-07; m. 22 Jl 09; stepch. Margaret Louise Buchwalter (Mrs Harry B. Martin) (B.L. 03 Smith) ; mem. A.C.A. ♦Lawrence Marion b.a. d. 5 S 99 McCloud Lucy Carter b.a. 186 South St. Northampton student Sprague correspondence sch. of law 00-05; teacher Glen wood sem. West Brattleboro Vt. 85-86, substitute teacher Smith acad. Hatfield summer of 95; clerk Registry of deeds Northampton 95-05, asst registrar of deeds 05 — , admitted to bar 05 McFarland" Clara Mandana b.a. (Mrs John Howard Hobbs) 3 Summit pi. Utica N. Y. m. 10 Ja 86 ; ch. Harold Wade b. 9 Ja 87 (B.A. 09 Amherst), Helen Louise b. 23 N 03 Mead Anna Leocadie b.a. (Mrs George Barstow Lee) Box 889 Douglas Ariz. m. 15 Ap 89; ch. Charles Shepard b. 14 My 92, Stephen Mead b. 14 N 95 Natt Josephine Agnes b.a. 4004 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. teacher Plainfield N. J. 85-88, Boston 88-89. Agnes Irwin sch. Philadelphia 90 — Nye" Caroline Huckins b.a. c/o Perrier Merced & cie 59 rue de Provence Paris Francef O'Brion Virgie Inez b.a. (Mrs Edwin Augustus Merrill) 3124 5th av. S. Minneapolis Minn. teacher 85-87; m. 25 Je 95; ch. Lewis Edwin b. 22 F 97 Parsons Amie [Amelia] Olmstead b.a. (Mrs E. Hayward Ferry) 26 W. 56th St. New York m. 14 F 89; ch. Harriet b. 8 My 91 38 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1885-86 Ray Anna Chapin b.a. Tremont, West Haven Ct. M.A. 88; novelist and writer of juvenile fiction 89 — ; mem. A.C.A. Spring Jennie Sweetser b.a. 1 1 Cleveland st. Cambridge teacher Wellesley high sch. 85-86, Cam- bridge Latin sch. 86-My 10 Stetson" Clara b.a. (Mrs Allen Gates Clark) North Amherst teacher Scranton Pa. 85-88, Walton N. Y. 88-89 ; m. 3 Jl 89 ; ch. Katharine b. 23 Jl 90, Doris b. 14 S 91 (Smith 13), Franklin b. 30 Je 93, Margaret Twitchell b. 30 O 95, Clara Louise b. 6 My 98 Tait Flora Chapman b.a. (Mrs Oliver Austin Phelps) 2536 14th St. N. W. Washington D. C. m. 23 S 03 Talcott" Elizabeth Hannah [Hannah Elizabeth] b.a, Elmwood Ct. student (Eng, lit, hist.) Oxford 94-95, (Latin) Chicago imiv. 01-02, (pedagogy) Teachers col. 99; teacher secondary sen. 86-94, prin. private sch. 96-98, instructor (Latin) Wadleigh high sch. New York 01-09 ♦Taylor" Lucy Burgess b.a. (Mrs Preston F. McNair) m. 3 S 90; d. 11 Ap 91 Walker" Gertrude Annie b.a. 1524 Locust St. Philadelphia Pa. M.D. 92 Woman's med. col. of Pa; interne N. E. hospital for women 92-93; teacher (gymnastics) Smith 86-89, clinical prof, (ophthalmology) Woman's med. col. of Pa. 97-05 ; practising specialist (ophthalmology) 93 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. med. assn, Amer. acad. of med. *Whitcomb" Carrie May b.a. d. 5 Jl 93 Woodbury Georgiana Smith b.a. 21 Washington st, Gloucester student (Eng.) Radcliffe, teacher; in charge Tyler house 09-Ap 10 Woodward Kate [Katharine] Shep- herd b.a. Damariscotta Me. teacher (Eng.) Brooklyn Heights sem. ■ (Eng. lit.) Mt Holyoke 89-90, teacher (Eng.) New York 90-92, 85-89, lecturer (Eng, pnn. Brooklyn Heights sem. 92-03, asst prin. Highcliffe hall Park Hill N. Y. 03-06 ; mstructor (Eng.) Smith 06 — ; mem. A.C.A. Total 46-* 7 1886 Allen Mary Adele b.a. 206 Pine st. Holyoke student (Greek, archaeol.) Yale 96-03; teacher Holyoke high sch. 86-91, (Greek) Minneapolis Minn. 91-92, New Haven Ct. high sch. 92-05, head (hist, dept) Holyoke high sch. 05-09, head (classical dept) 09 — ; mem. A.C.A. Anderson** Jessie McMillan b.a. (Mrs Robert Savage Chase) River road West Newbury teacher The Cedars sch. Washington D. C. 86-90, Holman-Dickerman sch. Chicago 90-92, Miss Pratt's sch. Chicago 92-93, Mrs Ball's sch. St Louis Mo. 97-99; m. 15 S 97; ch. Elizabeth Le Baron b. 14 Ap 03, Charles Chaimcey and Josephine Lever- ett b. 4 My 08 d. 6 My 08 Baker Mary Chamberlain b.a. (Mrs Edgar Alexander Fisher) 25 Elm St. Worcester teacher St Mary's sch. Concord N. H. 86-F 93; m 14 F 93; mem. A.C.A. Bradburv" Alice Emerson b.a. (Mrs Frank Dunham Lewis) Riverside Cal. teacher private sch. Bridgeton N. J. 86-87, Washington D. C. high sch. 87-94; m. 13 S 94; ch. John Clark b. 22 N 95, Howard Bradbury b. 18 Ap 00, Robert Emerson b. 14 Ag 01; mem. A.C.A. Bradbury" Marion b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam B. Hovey) 29 Lancaster st. Cambridge teacher Cambridge Latin sch. 87-91; m. 1 D 91; ch. Leon Bradbury b. 31 Ag 92, Grace b. 12 N 93, Edith b. 2 Jl 01 Bradley Emma Louise b.a. 485 Westford st. Lowell student (French, Eng, German) Amherst summer sch. 94, Alliance frangaise, Paris summer of 96, 09, Alliance franfaise, St Malo France summer of 09 ; teacher Lowell high sch. 89-10; mem. Mod. lang. assn, Alliance frangaise Carter Mary Abigail b.l. (Mrs George Martin Duncan) 299 Edwards st. New Haven Ct. student (German, French) Europe 86-88; teacher Ilion N. Y. high sch. 88-89; m. 29 Ag 89 *Chase Bertha Antoinette b.a. (Mrs E. G. Lancaster) M.A. 88; d. 17 S 99 Colorado Springs Col. Conant Jennie Frances b.a. 26 Prospect st. Melrose M.A. 96 Radcliffe; student (botany, zool- ogy) Radcliffe 90-96 ; tutor 89 — , instructor Teachers sch. of science Boston 01 — Corns Sarah Ann b.a. 102 Prospect st. Massillon O. Davis Ellen Rich b.l. (Mrs Walter Childs Wood) 1276 Pacific st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 8 D 92; ch. Eleanor Childs b. 12 Ja 96 Dole Sarah Elizabeth [Sara L.] b.a. 2008 La Salle av. Los Angeles Cal. student (hist.) Univ. of Cal. summer sch. 04, 08 ; teacher Southern Cal. high sch ; mem. Amer. hist. sec. 1886] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 39 Duncan** Margaretta b.a. (Mrs Garret H. Demarest) Fair Lawn, Bergen co, N. J. m. 16 My 89 Eastman Bessie [Elizabeth] b.a. AshfieldJ student (Eng.) Yale 93-94 1 teacher Rock- ford col. 86-98, prin. Michigan sem. Kala- mazoo Mich. 98-00, New York private sch, 01-02, dean Wilson col. Chambersburg Pa. 02-03, dean Pa. col. for women, Pittsburg Pa. 03-05 Eastman Mary b.a. Smith college Northampton attended lectures Univ. of Leipzig 92-93; teacher Washington D. C. high sch. 86-91, instructor (Eng. lit.) Wellesley 94-96, registrar Smith 01 — Freeland** Elizabeth King b.a. (Mrs Frank Irving Curtis) 310 E. Harrison st. Seattle Wash. m. 29 My 88; ch. Florence Freeland b. 16 Ap 89 (B.A. 10 Smith), Ralph Irving b. 14 N 90 (Washington state col. 13), Elizabeth Long b. 1 O 92, Burton Freeland b. 2 N 95, Frank Lewis b. 18 Jl 00, William Long b. 26 Ag 08; mem. A.C.A. Fuller Jessie Ginevra b.a. (Mrs James Cameron Duncan) 168 Walnut st. CHnton teacher 86-88; m. 10 Ap 88; ch. Robert Fuller b. 26 N 89, James Cameron jr b. 14 Jl 93 ♦Gaylord Edith Edwards b.a. M.A. 89; d. 23 D 95 Easthampton Gooding Edith b.a. 12 College st. Brockport N. Y. teacher Batavia N. Y. 87-88, New Britain Ct. state normal sch. 88-89, prin. classical sch. Canandaigua N. Y. 92-03, prin. Brock- port classical sch. Goodnow*^ Anna Marion b.a. Wellesley J teacher private sch. Northampton Mass, Wilmington Del. Goodwin" Frances Cullis b.a. 50 Maple st. Aubumdalet M.A. 94 Radcliffe ♦Gould Grace Evelyn b.a. (Mrs J. F. Almquist) m. 86 ; d. 92 Haggett Kate Estelle b.a. (Mrs Arthur Forbush Warren) SpencerJ teacher 87-89; m. 30 O 89; ch. Helena Clark b. 27 F 92 Hemenway Sarah Gross b.a. (Mrs Louis Bell) 32 Sylvan av. West Newton teacher Buffalo N. Y. sem. 89-91; m. 2 D 93 ; ch. Louis Hemenway b. 17 S 94 Hill»» Harriet [Hattie] Bell b.a. (Mrs Luther Forrester Elliott) 23 Franklin st. Watertown m. 23 Jl 89 ; ch. Esther Jaquith b. 23' Ag 94, Luther Hill b. 24 D 95, Fannie Eleanor b. 14 Ag 97 Howes Abigail [Abby] Christina b.a. 68 Charles st. Dorchester student (Eng.) Oxford 91-93; teacher Woonsocket R. I. 86-89, East Boston 89-91, Girls Latin sch. Boston Hulbert« Ella Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Edgar Blaisdell Wylie) South Dennis M.A. 03 Chicago univ; student (New testament Greek, Hebrew) Chicago univ. 01-03; dean of women Wheaton col. 86-88, prin. (woman's dept) Bible inst. Chicago 88-89, prin. Bible training sch. Northfield Mass. 89-91, prof. (Biblical lit.) Whitman col. Walla Walla Wash. 04-10; m. 91 (husband d. 01) ; ch. Margaret b. 92, adopted ch. Samuel b. 94, adopted 98 Htirlburt" Katherine Maria b.a. Wethersfield Ct. student New Britain Ct. state normal sch. 86-87, (physiol. psych.) Clark univ. 92-93, (philos. of educ, sociology, ethics) Colum- bia 04-05; teacher (math.) New Britain Ct. state normal sch. 86-87, (Latin, astron.) New Haven Ct. 87-89, prin. pedagogical dept Indiana imiv. 89-91, Holyoke city training sch. for teachers 91-96, Buffalo city training sch. for teachers 96-02, head worker Alta social settlement Cleveland O. 02-03, prin. New York pub. sch. recreation center No. 141 05— Kyle Helen Sherwood b.a. (Mrs Henry Russell Piatt) 1104 Dempster st. Evanston 111. teacher private sch. Burlington Vt. 86-87, Spring Valley Minn. pub. grammar sch. 88, private sch. Clifton Springs N. Y. 88-90, private sch. Shelbyville Ky. 90-95; m. 27 Ag 95; ch. Theodora b. 17 S 96. Henry Russell b. 22 N 97, William Nichols b. 18 D 01 d. 5 N 09, Sherwood Kellogg b. 29 Ag03 Parsons" Harriet [Hattie] Louisa B.A. (Mrs George Herbert Wells) 815 Broad st. Augusta Ga.J m. 10 Ag 87; ch. Louise b. 25 S 89, Hattie Marguerite b. 3 S 91, George Bertram b. 23 Ja 02 Peirce Leona May b.a. 247 Union st. SpringfieldJ M.A. 93, Ph.D. 99 Yale; student Cornell 89-90, Cambridge Eng. 91-92, Cornell 93-94. Clark imiv. 94-98, Yale 98-99; teacher Springfield collegiate inst. 86-89, Mt Her- mon sch. 89-90; mem. Springfield sch. board 05-08 Perkins^ Sarah Huntington b.a. 3095 Telegraph av. Berkeley Cal. 40 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1886-87 Perry" Jennette Barbour b.a. (Mrs Gerald Stanley Lee) 88 High St. Northampton instructor (math.) Wheaton acad. Boston 86-87, (Eng, philos.) Grant collegiate inst. Chicago 87-90, (Eng.) Vassar 90-93, prof. (Eng.) Western Reserve univ, col. for women 93-96, instructor (Eng.) Smith 01-04, prof. 04 — ; m. Je 96; ch. Geraldine b. Ap 97 Ray Bertha Cornwall b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Aveiy Harriman) 72 Edgehill road New Haven Ct. student (Eng.) Oxford 92-93; m. 31 Ag 97 Risley" Harriet Eliza b.a. (Mrs Henry Lewis Foote) 18 Devereux st. Marblehead student (German) Germany 89-90; teacher Holyoke high sch. 87, 87-88, Clinton Ky. col. 89; m. 91 Rosebrooks Mary Edith b.a. (Mrs Delmer Runkle) 96 Classic st. Hoosick Falls N. Y. m. 18 O 98 Ruble" Zulema Alice b.a. Graham hall Minneapolis Minn. M.A. 97 Coates col. Terre Haute Ind; teacher (Greek, Latin) private sch. Cleve- land O. 87-92, Cincinnati O. 92-93, Coates col. 93-96, Stanley hall Minneapolis 96-98, Grinnell la. acad. 98, prin. Graham hall 1900 — ; mem. A.C.A. Russell Annie Maria b.a. (Mrs Charles Francis Marble) 4 Marble st. Worcester M.A. 95 ; teacher Worcester high sch. 87-90, lecturer (lit.) before clubs and private classes; m. 18 N 90; adopted ch. Paul Francis b. 11 D 06; mem. A.C.A. Seelye Henrietta Hurd b.a. 1463 Maple av. Evanston 111. student art sch. 91-93, grad. art 93; teacher Pleasant Site Ala. 87, tutor 88-90, tutor and companion 90-91 Slade Abby Maria Bennett b.a. 68 Barnes st. Providence R. I. teacher Scranton Pa. 86-87, Providence Eng. high sch. 87 — Smith Florence b.a. (Mrs Charles Sumner Hoyt) 28 Fulton St. Auburn N. Y. teacher 86-87; m. 16 Je 87 (husband d. 28 Ja 03); ch. Ruth b. 30 Jl 90 d. 17 Ag 91, Winifred b. 5 F 93, Stephen Charles b. 18 Ja 96, Eleanor b. 28 Mr 00 Spaulding^ Nellie [Helen] Bailey b.a. 1440 Clarkson av. Denver Col. J student (French) Paris 00, La ChStre s. 1. Loir 95, Maison f ranf aise 97 ; teacher Glou- cester 92-96, Denver 98-05 Stebbins** Mary Granger b.l. (Mrs Charles Brewster Atwater) 250 Sumner av. Springfield m. 19 Ja 92; ch. Sylvia b. 2 N 94 (Eng.) Yale 93-94; ua Mo. 87-93, WeUea- Tuckerman Florence Sophia b.a. 19 Lincoln av. Youngstown O. student (psych.) Cornell, fellow Amer. sch. for classical studies, Athens 93-94, student Yale summer sch. 05; teacher New Lyme O. 86-93, Raym sch. Youngstown O. 94-96, 97-04, Pittsburg Pa. 96-97; mem. A.C.A, Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Waite Alice Vinton b.a. Wellesley college Wellesley M.A. 94; student (F ' " • teacher (Eng.) St Loius ley 96— White^ Harriet May b.a. (Mrs Her- bert A. Blake) 87 Grove st. Providence R. I.J M.A. 94 Brown; teacher Providence high sch. 86-97 ; m. 95 ; adopted ch. Christine Wolcott^ Charlotte Augusta b.a. (Mrs Charles Francis Bates) 1401 Frankhn st. Denver Col. asst registrar Smith 02-03; m. 5 Ja 04; ch. Roger b. 28 D 04 Wright Lucy Fitts b.a. (Mrs Dana Pearson) 10 Henshaw av. Northampton m. 29 Je 87 ; ch. Dorothy b. 2 Je 88 (Smith 11), Elizabeth b. 1 Ap 91, Dana Edmund b. 15 S 98, Chauncey Wright b. 23 My 04 Total 48-*3 1887 Bodman Rosa Maria b.a. Maple lodge Rutland private teacher 87-88, teacher Miss Brack- ett's sch. for girls New York 88-89, Misses Ely's sch. Brooklyn 89-92, prin. private sch. for girls Brookljoi 92-03 ; matron and proprietress sanatorium Rut- land 09-10 Bowles Ruth Standish b.a. (Mrs William Henry Baldwin jr) 144 E. 65th St. New York asst (Eng.) Smith 88-89; vicepres. alum, assn 97-99; alum. trus. 06 — ;: m. 30 O 89 (husband d. Ja 05); ch. Ruth Standish b. 8 Ag 90 (Smith 12), William H. b. 17 S 91, Mary Chaffee b. 19 F 96 d. 22 Mr 97 Brown Mabel b.a. 1533 Chalkstone av. Providence R. I. teacher Providence 87, Chicago 88-90, Paw- tucket R. I. 91, Burlington Vt. 92, Cumber- land R. I. 93-97, R. I. normal sch. 97-00; lib. worker R. I. normal sch. 97-00; reporter 00-02; private sec. 07-10 Carter Jessie b.a. (Mrs Alden Perley White) 3 Federal court Salem teacher 88-95; m. 96; ch. Carter b. 98, Barbara b. 99, Nancy Perley b. 00, Emily Alden b. 07 1887] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 41 Caverno Julia Harwood b.a. 8 West St. Northampton M.A. 90; teacher Grant collegiate inat. Chicago 87-93, instructor and assoc. prof. (Greek) Smith 93-05, prof, 05 — ; sec. alum, assn 94-96: mem. A.C.A, Amer. archaeol. inst, Amer. philol. assn Clark Hannah Belle b.a. (Mrs Am- brose Vincent Powell) 6227 Washington av. Chicago 111. Ph.D. 97 Chicago univ; student (sociology, sanitary science) Chicago univ. 93-Ja 97; asst Dearborn sem. 87-93, 94-99, assoc. prof, (sociology) and dean of women Univ. of W. Va. 99-02, dean of women Knox col. 02-03, asst (economics, sociology) Mt Hol- yoke 04-05, special lecturer (sanitary science) Wellesley 05; m. S 05; mem. A.C.A, Amer. sociological soc. Crew Caroline Ladd b.a. 903 Tatnall st. Wilmington Del. student (Eng.) Leipzig and Zurich 92-93; teacher Baird col. Clinton Mo. 87-89, Wil- mington Friends' sch. 89-92, 93-10 Day Carrie Elizabeth b.a. 280 Newbury st. Boston { Day Harriet Greene b.a. (Mrs Charles R. Hansel) 71 Elm St. Hartford Ct. m. (1) 17 O 88 (Henry Eurotas Hastings d. 96) (2) 17 F 98 (Charles R. Hansel) ; oh. Robert Day Hastings, Henry P. Hastings, R. Cleveland Hastings, Lawrence Hunger- ford Hansel, Harriet Day Hansel Fay Lillian Watkins b.a. 881 Hampshire st. Holyoke M.A. 94; student (mod. philos.) Smith 93-94; teacher (Eng.) Miss Mackie's private sch. Newburgh on Hudson N. Y. 87-91, head (Eng. dept) and first asst prin. Hol- yoke high sch, 91-10; mem. N.E.A. Foskett Mary Page b.a. (Mrs George Copeland Boswell) 642 Broad st. Meriden Ct. teacher Ct. state normal sch. 87-89; m, 3 My 92 (husband d. 10 Mr 10) ; ch. Eliza- beth Phelps b. 13 D 94 Gale Alice b.l. (Mrs David Percy Jones) 2005 3d av. S. Minneapolis Minn. vicepres. Smith alum, assn 92-94; m. 13 My 90 ; ch. David Gale b. 5 My 91, Anna b. 10 D 93, Helen Holmes b. 14 S 96 Gamwell Helen Lincoln b.a. (Mrs William S. Ely) 237 East av. Rochester N. Y.J m. Jl 94 Giles Anne Harper b.a. 2237 Michigan av. Chicago 111. J class of 82 Gill Bessie Faunce b.a. 26 Prospect st. Northampton Btudent (astron.) Smith 87-88; teacher and assoc. prin. Miss Capen's sch. Hager" Mary Earle b.a. Monticello Minn, teacher 87-Ag 96, bookkeeper 96-10 Holmes Helen b.a. Kingston J vicepres. Smith alum, assn 93-95 Hough Celeste Frances b.a, (Mrs Samuel Dwight Drury) 66 Paradise road Northampton m. 8 N 87 ; ch. Marian b. 6 D 90 (Smith 13), Elliot Dwight b. 17 Jl 93, Alden Monteith b. 18 Ja 95, Irene b. 30 O 96, Winthrop Stuart b. 17 N 02 ♦Hubbard"^ Alice J. b.a. Hubbard Grace Amanda b.a. Barnard college New York M.A. 93 Cornell; student (Eng, philos.) Cornell 91-92, Sorbonne Paris 98-99, (Eng.) Columbia 04-06; teacher and assoc. prof. (Eng.) Smith 92-05, Barnard 05-10; vice- pres. Smith alum, assn 96-98; mem. A.C.A, Mod. lang. assn Hubbell^ Clara Marvin b.a. 416 W. 118th St. New York J student (Eng.) Yale 98-01; teacher Am- herst Mass. 89-90, Lake Charles La. 91-97, private sch. New York 03-05, Ogontz sch. 05 James Grace Fairchild b.a. (Mrs W. C. Adams) Glen Cove, Long Island N. Y.f James Grace Fidelia b.a. (Mrs John Westfield Gillette) Hudson N. Y, m. 31 O 88; ch. Helen Field b. 19 D 89 (class baby), John Westfield jr b. 26 Ag 92 Leavens"^ Sarah Hall b.a. 138 Laurel Hill av. Norwich Ct. teacher Norwich free acad. Lord Eleanor Louisa b.a. 46 Auburn st. Maiden M.A. 90, Ph.D. 98 Bryn Mawr; student (hist, economics) Bryn Mawr 89-90, 95-96, (hist.) Cambridge Eng. 94-95, fellow Bryn Mawr 89-90, 95-96, European fellow Woman's educ. assn of Boston 94-95; teacher Maiden Mass. 87-89, instructor (hist.) Smith 90-94, assoc. prof. Woman's col. Baltimore Md. 96-03, prof. 03 — ; mem. joint faculty (teachers courses) Johns Hopkins and Goucher col. 09-10; mem. A.C.A, Amer. hist, assn, Amer. acad. of political and social science Luce" Maud Lilian b.a. (Mrs Charles Colman Hunt) 49 South C St. Tacoma Wash. teacher Rochester Minn, high sch. Ja 89-90; m. 30 Ap 94; ch. Louise Luce b. 14 Ag 96, Frances Clarke b. 18 N 06; mem. A.C.A. Mason Elizabeth Spaulding b.a. 53 Crescent st. Northampton student (chem.) Mass. inst. of tech. 89-90, 91-93; teacher Hingham Mass. 88, Yonkers N. Y. 90-91, private asst of Mrs R. H. Richards Mass. inst. of tech. 93-96, instruc- tor (chem.) Smith 96 — ; mem. A.C.A. 42 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1887-88 Parker** Emma Harriet b.s. 63 Harvard st. NewtonvilleJ student (physics, chem.) Bryn Mawr 92-95, fellow (cnem.) 93-94; teacher (science) Newburyport Mass. 87-92, instructor (chem.) Wellesley 95-97, teacher (science) New Bedford 97-00, (chem.) Newton high sch. 00-05 Pinkerton"^ Elizabeth Downing b.a. (Mrs John Stump Webster) Belcamp, Harford co. Md. student Johns Hopkins training sch. for nurses; asst supt hospital North Adams Mass, Holyoke; m. 2 Jl 03; ch. Ann Stimip b. 19 N 05, John Pinkerton b. 14 My 08 Reed Clara Melinda b.a. 64 Court St. Westfield teacher Westfield high sch. 89-90; mem. A.C.A. Shaw** Adele Marie b.a. c/o Mr Albert J. Shaw 11 Pine St. New York teacher Bishopthorpe Foimtain Hill, Beth- lehem Pa. 87-88, tutor 88-89, teacher Miss Reynolds' sch. New York 89-93. Dr Sachs' sch. New York 93-94, Brooklyn girls high sch. 94-00, 01-03; on staff of World's Work 03-04 Shute Helen Winifred b.a. (Mrs War- ren Joseph Moulton) 25 4th St. Bangor Me. fellow (Teutonic phflol.) Brjoi Mawr 93-94; student 94-95 (German, philol, psj^ch, old and middle Eng.) Gottingen 95-98, instruc- tor (German) Smith 87-93; alum. trus. 02-05; m. 21 Je 00 Shute Mae [Mary] Appleton b.a. (Mrs Charles Snow Thayer) 64 Gillett St. Hartford Ct. B.M. 88; student (Greek) Yale 93-95, (Greek archaeol.) Gottingen 96-98; student (archaeol.) Amer. sch. of classical studies, Athens 02-03, instructor (Greek) Smith 88-93; m. 28 D 04; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Upham^ Emma [Emily] Clark b.a. c/o Col. Charles L. Upham MeridenCt.J M.D. 95 Woman's med. col. of Pa; student (med.) Zurich 98-99, Vienna 99-00 Van Kirk Annie [Anne] Dravo b.a. Mt Sinai hospital 1 E. 100th st. New Yorkf student (nursing) Presbyterian hospital. Sch. for nurses New York; professional nurse Walker Emma Elizabeth b.a. 165 Madison av. New York M.D. 98 Johns Hopkins med. sch ; student Johns Hopkins med. sch. 94-98; teacher 87-94, clinical asst Hospital for ruptured and crippled 98 — ; physician and lecturer; mem. Amer. med. assn, Amer. soc. sanitary and moral prophylaxis, Amer. assn for advancement of science Walton Mary Alice b.a. Wellesley college Wellesley Ph.D. 92 Cornell; student (Greek, Latin lit, archaeol.) Cornell 90-92, (compara- tive philol. and archaeol.) Leipzig 92-93, (archaeol.) Amer. sch. of clas.sical studies, Athens 95-96, Radcliffe 98-00, Amer. sch. of classical studies, Rome 03-04, McGraw fellow (Greek) Cornell 91-92, A.C.A. Euro- pean fellow 92-93; teacher (classics) Mrs Thorpe's sch. for girls Worcester Mass. 88-90, Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 93-95, instructor and assoc. prof. (Latin, archaeol.) Wellesley 96 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. archaeol. inst, Amer. philol. soc. Williams"' Clara Louise b.s. 60 Lorraine st. Hartford Ct. student (biol.) Smith 88-89; teacher (draw- ing) Hartford high sch. 95-97, supervisor of drawing Hartford pub. grammar sch. 89-10 Williams Florence Adelaide b.a. 19 Arch St. Providence R. L student (Bible) Chicago univ; teacher Providence Eng. high sch. 87-10 WoodhuU Marianna b.a. c/o Com Exchange bank, 113th St. and Broadway New York student under prof, at Oxford and Trinity col. Dublin 92-;93, Columbia 98-06 ; teacher (lit, art criticism) Morristown N. J. sem. 87-89, Mt Vernon sem. Washington D. C. 90-92, Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 93—; mem. A.C.A. Woodruff"^ Martha Charlieana b.a, 79 West St. Northampton teacher Woodstock Ct. 87-88, Southbridge Mass. 88-89, Denver Col. 90-91; stenog- rapher and bookkeeper Denver 93-94 Total 41-*1 1888 Austin Caroline Sprague b.a. Merriam park St Paul Minn, teacher St Paul high sch. 88 — ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 94-96; mem. A.C.A Bailey Kate Florence b.a. Claremont N. H. student (Eng.) Harvard siunmer sch. 94, (Eng. hist.) Radcliffe 99-00; teacher Stevens high sch. Claremont 89-91, 92-94, 96-99, 00-03, Somerville Mass. high sch. 94-95 Barton Minnie [Minerva] May b.a. (Mrs Thomas Heermans Foote) 1270 S. El Molino av. Pasadena Cal. m. 14 Je 93 Benson^ Sarah Louise b.a. 6 Oak St. Brattleboro Vt.f Blaisdell Daisy Luana b.a. 198 Grove st. Chicopee FallsJ M.A. 94; student Charlotten Schule and Victoria Lyceum, Berlin 92-93, Berlin univ. 99-00 ; teacher Pulaski N. Y. 89-90, Spring- field Mass. 91-92, 94-96, Oberlin col. 98-99, Univ. of 111. 00-06 1888] ACADEMIC GKADUATES^ 43 Boardman** Hamette Holland b.a. (Mrs Myron Hubbard Hunt) 200 N. Grand av. Pasadena Cal. m. 30 My 93; ch. William Montague b. 24 My 94 d. 3 F 95, Charles Boardman b. 4 D 96, Harriet b. 27 Jl 98, Myron Hubbard jr b. 13 F 00, Robert Nichols b. 19 My 06 Brown Adelaide b.a. 16th av. and Lake st. San Fran- cisco Cal. M.D. 92 Cooper med. col. San Francisco* interne N. E. hospital Boston 92-93, clinical student Germany 93-94, (surgery) Johns Hopkins 98 ; physician San Francisco 94 — , obstetrician Alexander maternity hospital 99 — : mem. Amer. assn of med. health commissioners, Amer. med. acad. of med. assn, Amer. Burrington"^ Grace Alice b.a. AdamsvilleJ Carter Anna Louise b.a. (Mrs Walter Booth Adams) Syrian protestant college Beiriit Syria m. 15 Ag 95; ch. Edwin Carter b. 30 Ag 96, Frederic Henry b. 23 S 02 Chamberlain Jennie b.a. (Mrs Henry Hallock Hosford) Crete Neb. asst prin. Rock Rapids la. high sch. 88-89, teacher Minneapolis North side high sch. 89, St Paul branch high sch. 90-92, instructor (Greek, Latin) Doane col. Crete 95-96, (piano) sch. of music 00-03, (Eng. lit.) 08, house supervisor Univ. of Neb. Home economics hall Ja 09-My 10; m. 25 Ag 92; ch. Caroline Austin b. 6 Jl 93, Herbert Chamberlain b. 3 N 94, Donald Mason b. 21 D 96, Hallock Clifton b. 4 N 99 ; mem. A.C. A. Chase Mabelle b.a. The Prescott, Everett teacher Columbia inst. Tenn. 89-91, Everett high sch. 92 — ; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Church Cornelia Chapell b.a. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg Pasadena Cal. C.S.B. 02 Mass. metaphys. col; student (med.) Johns Hopkins med. sch. 93-96, Mass. metaphys. col. Boston 02; worker New York col. settlement 89-90; teacher Classical private sch. for girls Pasadena 90-93; Christian science practitioner 96 — Churchyard Grace b.l. (Mrs Seward Adams Simons) 1107 Buena Vista st. South Pasa- dena Cal. m. 5 S 88; ch. Seward Churchyard b. 25 O 89 (Harvard 11) De Vol Mary Frances b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Craig Wilcox) 629 N. Dubuque st. Iowa City la. teacher Glens Falls N. Y. acad. 88-89, Hornell N. Y. high sch. 89-93, Omaha Neb. high sch. 93-95 ; m. 1 Jl 95 ; ch. Eloise De Vol b. 24 Ap 96 d. 28 Je 99, Albert Craig b. 14 O 98 Doty [Helen] Harriet Parkes b.a. (Mrs Walter Wray) Santa Ana Cal. m. 24 Je 07 Du Bois Lilian b.l. (Mrs Harry Kreider Wheeler) Baldwin Park, Los Angeles co. Cal. student (vocal music) ; visiting governess ; professional concert and choir singer New York 91-97; m. 21 Jl 09 Dwight"^ Marion McGregor b.l. c/o Brown Shipley & co. 123 Pall Mall S. W. London Eng. teacher (hist.) GUman sch. Cambridge Mass. 93-00 Eaton Isabel b.l. 33 Central park W. New York M.A. 98 Colmnbia; student (sociology, economics, educ.) Columbia 97-98; Col. settlements assn Dutton fellow 93-94, 96-97; teacher Mt Vernon sem. Washing- ton D. C. 88-89, asst (Eng.) Smith 89-90, New York pub. sch. 98-03; settlement worker 03-10; sec. Soc. for ethical culture New York 03— Edwards" Anna Williams b.a. (Mrs George Edwin Coleman) 21 Aspinwall road Dorchester Center teacher Erie Pa. S-D 88, Ipswich Mass. D 88-90, Hyde Park 90-96, Brockton Ja 96-98; private teacher Dorchester 99-08; m. 28 Je 98; ch. Catherine Edwards b. 11 Ap 00, Dorothea Edwards b. 6 Ja 02, Priscilla Edwards b. 18 S 03 d. 23 Ap 04 Everett Martha Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Charles Elliott St John) 32 S. 21st St. Philadelphia Pa. m. 26 Je 88; ch. Everett b. 27 Mr 89, (B.A. 10 Harvard), Harold b. 25 Jl 92 (Harvard 14), Lyman b. 8 My 99 d. 26 F 00, Prescott Keyes b. 8 My 99 d. 24 F 00; mem. A.C.A. Gardner" Anna Warren b.a. 22 Wolcott road Lynn teacher North Wales Pa. 89-90, Cornwall Ct. 90-91, Falmouth Mass. 92-10 *Guild Lora Elsine b.a. d. 23 Je 95 Roxbury Hardy"^ Fannie Pearson b.a. (Mrs Jacob Andre asen Eckstorm) 173 Wilson st. Brewer Me. supt of sch. B:ewer Me. 89-91 ; reader of scientific mss. in office of D. C. Heath & co. Boston 91-92; m. 24 O 93 (husband d. 23 D 99) ; ch. Katherine Hardy b. 9 S 94 d. 21 My 02, Paul Frederick b. 18 My 96 Hawker [Haake]"^ Annah Dora b.a. 48 Laurel st. AtholJ 44 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1888 Husted" Louise Akerly b.a. (Mrs Eugene Church) 1320 N. Yakima av. Tacoma Wash. M.D. 93 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. in- firmary; student Woman's med. col. 90-93, interne N. E. hospital Roxbury Mass. My 94-Ja 95, house surgeon Ja-My 95, house physician New York infant asylum Jl 95- Ja 96, New York board of health mercantile inspector 96-F 98, visitor New York juvenile asylum My 98-0 01 ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 91-93; m. 24 O 01; ch. Anna Edsall b. 11 F 03, Louise Husted b. 3 Ag 04, Mar- garet b. 9 Je 07; mem. A.C.A. Jameson Caroline Cogswell b.a. 45 Chestnut st. Boston teacher (math.) Bradford Mass. acad. 88-02, Ogontz Pa. sch. 02-10 Kellogg Annie Prindle b.a. 142 S. Cedar av. Oberlin O. sec. Smith 93-08, Oberlin conservatory of music 09 — Kelly Jane Downes b.a. (Mrs Wal- lace Clement Sabine) 481 Beacon st. BostonJ M.D. 94 Northwestern univ. Woman's med. sch; student Johns Hopkins med. sch. 94-95; teacher 89-90; practising physician 95 — ; m. 22 Ag 00; ch. Janet b. 23 O 03 Kennedy" Leila Mantha b.a. (Mrs Martin J. Hutchens) Clarendon Hills 111. preceptress Waterville N. Y. acad. 88-89; m. 31 D 97; ch. Helena Fuller b. 23 S 02, John Kennedy b. 9 Ag 05 Leonard Florence b.a. 4243 Walnut st. Philadelphia Pa. J student (music) Berlin 91-92; teacher (music) Philadelphia 88-99 Lincoln Helen Stoddard b.a. (Mrs Arthur Fairbanks Stone) Hyllcrest St Johnsbury Vt. m. 1 Ja 90; ch. Edith Lincoln b. 9 O 91, Harold Fairbanks b. 29 Je 94 d. 17 Ag 95, Robert Lincoln b. 10 Je 96, Eleanor Fair- banks b. 25 Mr 04, Laura Helen b. 13 My 10 ♦Lord Mary Caroline b.a. d. 15 O 99 Cleveland O. Lyman"^ Frances Pease (Mrs Oren Clark Burt) EasthamptonJ m. 29 Ag 88 ; ch. Olive Christine b. 5 S 89, Margaret Allen b. 1 O 90, Dorothy Lyman b. 2 O 92, Catherine b. 27 F 94, EUzabeth Grant b. 7 Je 97, Constance Curtis b. 10 Ag 00, Oren Clark b. O 01, Stanley Lyman b. 30 S 03, Frances b. 14 Mr 05 Nichols May Louise b.a. Miss Porter's school Farmington Ct. M.A. 98; fellow Amer. sch. of classical studies, Athens 97-98, Hoppin memorial fellow Amer. sch. Athens 98-99; teacher (classics) Concord Mass. high sch. 91-97, (Greek, Greek archaeol.) Vassar 99-01, (Greek, hist, of art) Miss Porter's sch. Farmington 01 — ; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Packard^ Grace Sophronia b.a. (Mrs Charles Erwin Andelfinger) 645 Marcy av. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher 90-96; m. 25 Ja 97 Parker Lizzie Southgate b.a. (Mrs Lee Sullivan McCoUester) 655 John R st. Detroit Mich, m. 1 My 89; ch. Parker b. 5 S 90 (Tufts 11), Catharine b. 4 Jl 93 (Smith 14), Donald Lee b. 29 Jl 96 d. US 96; mem. A.C.A. Plack Martha Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs G. E. Fisher) 15 Windermere av. Landsdowne Pa.t ch. Constance b. 10 Ag 91, Isabel Mardorf b. 22 Jl 93 d. 3 Je 94, Rachel Clark b. 17 Ap 95, Douglas Alan b. 9 Ap 97, Louis Plack b. 2 Je 00 Rayner Mary B aimer b.a. (Mrs William Chase Holbrook) Waban teacher Norfolk Va. high sch. 88-89, Chico- pee Mass. high sch. 90-99 ; m. 26 Je 06 Robinson" Alice b.a. (Mrs Daniel W. MacMillan) Whitings N. J.J Seelye Harriet Chapin b.a. (Mrs Rush Rhees) 440 University av. Rochester N. Y. sec. Smith 90-91, registrar 9.5-96, asst (German) 97-98; m. 6 Jl 99; ch. Morgan John b. 15 Je 00, Henrietta Seelye b. 1 F 04, Rush jr b. 19 Mr 05 Shevelson" Rachel b.a. (Mrs Joseph Griswold Deane) 200 W. 79th St. New YorkJ teacher 88-91 ; m. 5 Jl 94 Skilton" Alice Thomas b.a. Pennsylvania college for women, Pittsburg Pa. M.A. 06; student (German) Berlin 92-94, Chicago univ. 96-97, Harvard summer sch. 98, Jena 00, Gottingen 00; teacher Salem N. J. 88-90, Asheville N. C. 90-91, Cornwall Ct. 91-92, Berlin 92-94, Boston 94-95, Painesville O. 95-96, instructor Pa. col. for women 97 — ; mem. A.C.A. Sykes Alice May b.a. (Mrs Frank Sherman Meara) 400 West End av. New Yorkf m. 9 D 97; ch. Storrs d. 7 F 01, Adelaide b. 1 Mr 03 ♦Thompson Mary Frances b.a. class of 82; d. 26 S 89 *Twitchell Susie Helen b.a. d. 21 S 95 Keene N. H. Ventres Adelaide Brainerd b.a. 424 W. 119th St. New York student (Latin) Columbia 04-05, 07-08, summer sch. 05-07; teacher Seven Gables, Bridgeton N. J. 88-93, Wilson col. 93-04. Eastern district high sch. 08-09, Normal col. 09-10; mem. A.C.A. Wentworth Ellen Lang b.a. 2 Lincoln st. Exeter N. H. 1888-89] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 45 ♦Wilcoxen Jennie Sarah b.l. Ph.B. 99 N. Y. state normal col; d. 6 D 03 Seneca Falls N. Y. Total 48-*5 1889 Abbot Ella Caroline b.a. (Mrs Arthur Silas Wilder) Sterling Junction prin. Brewer Me. high sch. 89-91, substitute (chem.) Mt Holyoke 91, prin. Peterboro N. H. high sch. 91-95, asst (Eng, mod. lang.) Sanborn sem. Kingston N. H. 95-96, prin. Sterling Mass. high sch. 96-98; m. 9 Ag 98 ; ch. Florence Caroline b. 3 Ag 99, Katharine Abbot b. 9 Ag 01, Frank Harris b. 26 Ap 03, Edwin Arthur b. 13 Mr 06, Anna Hale b. 14 Ja 09 Allen Lucy Ellis b.a. 35 Webster st. West Newton teacher Allen Bros, private sch. 90-00; lecturer (art, hist.) 00-04; prin. the Misses Allen sch. 04 — ; mem. A.C.A. Atwater Elsie Welling b.a. 232 Jefferson av. Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 96 Univ. City of New York; student Univ. City of New York 94-96 Blinn"^ Harriet Louise b.a. 17 Westminster st. Pittsfield teacher Coxsackie N. Y. high sch. 89-90, Pittsfield high sch. 90-10 Blodgett Grace Allen b.a. (Mrs Ralph Holland Seelye) 73 Chestnut st. Springfield M.A. 94; m. 14 N 95; ch. Barbara b. 97, Rebecca b. 00, Samuel Clark b. 03 Bond" Mary Dyer b.a. (Mrs Wilbur Edward Barnard) 48 Vernon st. West Medford m. 2 S 89 Buell" Gertrude Frances b.a. (Mrs Hiram Edmund Decker) 2107 Alabama st. Indianapolis Ind.t teacher 89-97; m. 6 O 97 Buswell Alice Maude [Maud] b.a. (Mrs Harvey Parker Towle) 453 Marlboro st. Boston m. 14 D 98; ch. Charles Buswell b. 17 N 00 d. 20 N 00, Elizabeth b. 10 S 02, Caroline b. 15 Mr 06 Carr Agnes b.a. 21 Bullard st. Dorchester teacher Englewood N. J. 89-98, Boston 99-00, (Latin) Morris high sch. New York Cobb Harriet Redfield b.a. 2 Denniston pi. Northampton M.A. 91; student Smith 90-91; teacher Burritt sch. Baton Rouge La. 89-90, Bartholomew Eng. and classical sch. Cin- cinnati O. 91-95; asst, instructor, assoc. prof, (math.) Smith 95 — Colgan"' Mary Ella b.a. The Delano Indianapolis Ind.f student (French) Sorbonne Paris 90-91; teacher Indianapolis classical sch. 94-05 CuUinan" Catherine b.a. (Mrs J. E. Sullivan) 455 State st. Bridgeport Ct.f Cushing Jane Delia b.a. Dobbs Ferry N. Y. tutor W. L. Cushing's sch. Dobbs Ferry 89-90, 94-99, asst (Eng.) Smith 90-94, teacher (Latin, Greek) Miss Master's sch. Dobbs Ferry 99-00, 04-06, asst prin. 06 — , teacher Miss Beard's sch. Orange N. J. 00-04 ♦Deane"^ Harriet Robinson b.a. Doane Caroline Ida b.a. (Mrs Robert Frank Miner) R. F. D. Wallingford Ct. M.A. 03 (chem, physics) Brown; teacher Sanderson acad. Ashfield Mass. 89-92, North Attleboro high sch. 93-98, prin. Shrewsbury high sch. 99-02, Lewis high sch. Southington Ct. 03-05, Wallingford high sch. 05-06; m. 18 O 06; ch. Robert Tyler b. 12 Je 08 Fletcher Mabel b.a. Mt Sinai hospital 5th av. and 100th St. New Yorkt registered nurse New York Gale Anna b.l. (Mrs Clarkson Lind- ley) 1920 Stevens av. Minneapolis Minn, teacher Minneapolis 93-95; m. 11 D 95; ch. Ella b. 3 O 96, Alice Gale b. 30 Ag 98, Charlotte b. 24 Jl 00, Alfred Damon b. 20 Ja 04 Gaylord Mary Foster b.a. (Mrs William Henry Frick) 559 West End av. New York teacher Mrs Cornegys and Miss Bell's sch. Philadelphia 89-91, St Mary's hall Bur- lington N. J. 92-97, prin. private sch. for girls New York sch. 01- -01, teacher St Agatha ; m. 16 Je 06; mem. A.C.A. Gere Mary Elizabeth b.a. 75 High st. Northampton student (domestic science) Pratt inst. 96-97; director (domestic dept) "The Western" Oxford O. 93-95, Lake Erie col. Painesville 98-00; teacher (household science) North- field sem. 00-03 Gilmour Anna Catharine b.a. (Mrs Henry Pelouze de Forest) 150 W. 47th St. New York vicepres. Smith alum., assn 02-04; m. 6 D 91 Goodwin Maria [May] Amelia b.a. (Mrs PhiHp William Avirett) 949 Park pi. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher high sch. Old Town Me. 91, Batavia N. Y. 91-92, Dunkirk 93-94, Portsmouth N. H. 98-00, Asbury Park N. J. 00-04, Flushing N. Y. 04-07, (German) Brooklyn 07—; m. 22 My 94 (husband d. 31 Jl 02); ch. William Goodwin b. 5 F 95 46 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1889 \ Gray" Nellie b.a. (Mrs Walter Har- ris Young) Southington Ct.J student (chem.) Smith 90-91; teacher Northampton high sch. 89-93; m. 27 Je 93; ch. Harold Eugene b. 6 Je 95, Edward Sheldon b. 25 .la 97 Hazen Emily b.a. 236 Auburn st. Aubumdale teacher Newton Mass. high sch. 94-04, private tutor 06 — Hinds^ Ellen Maria b.a. 103 Governor st. Providence R. I. general sec. Y. W. C. A. Providence 94-01 ; cataloger foreign med. worka Cambridge Mass. pub. lib. 02-04; geneial sec. Y. W. C. A. HaverhUl 04-08 Hopkins Martha Austin b.l. 80 Winthrop road Brookline mem. A.C.A. Johnson Alice Robbins b.a. (Mrs William Abbott Clark) 94 Crescent st. NorthamptonJ student (lang.) Germany 91-92; teacher Brookfield Mass. 92-93, Denver Col. 93-96; m. 30 S 97 ; ch. Alan Robbins b. 16 F 00, Marion Johnson b. 24 Mr 03 Lovejoy^ Margaret Waldo b.a. (Mrs Robert Green Walker Butters) 83 Main st. Haverhill teacher Haverhill high sch. 92-03; m. 23 S03 Loveland'* Helen Isabella b.a. Morningside college Sioux City la. t student England 02-03; preceptress Upper Iowa vmiv. Fayette la; teacher Morning- side col. Mason Mary Arlina b.a. 830 Lake st. Newark N. J. asst sec. Smith alum, assn 01-07; mem. A.C.A. Moore" Julia Harrison b.l. c/o H. H. Hanna 1522 N. Penn st. Indianapolis Ind.J Newland" Sarah Luella b.a. (Mrs William Joseph Rushmore) Ware asst Ware high sch. 89-93; m. 5 Jl 94; ch. Muriel Morris b. 16 My 95 (class baby) Paine Elizabeth Elmore b.s. (Mrs Francis Leseure Palmer) Faribault Minn. student (pedagogy) Oshkosh Wis. normal sch. 90-91; teacher Milwaukee col. 91-93; m. 1 O 95; ch. Georgiana Paine b. 20 Ja 00; Theodore Paine b. 19 N 06 Peirce Eliza Metcalf b.a. 507 Broadway Providence R. I. M.A. 99 Brown; student (Eng, philos.) Brown 95-99 ; teacher Bishop Hopkins hall Burlington Vt. Ja 90-93, Palmer Mass. high sch. Ja 94-95, Providence high sch. 95-10; mem. A.C.A. Reed'* Theodora Williams b.a. (Mrs James William Drysdale) 28 Chestnut st. WestfieldJ grad. art 90; m. 27 Je 92 (husband d. 10 Ap 03); ch. Donald b. 10 O 93, Roderick Reed b. 18 S 95, Alexander b. 17 Ja 99, James William b. 23 Mr 01 Rich^ Ruby Lucy b.a. Fairhaven| Scribner Ella b.a. (Mrs Sheldon Hopkins) Wilson park, Tarrytown N. Y. m. 9 My 96; ch. Stephen b. 20 Jl 00, James Scribner b. 8 O 03 Seaver'* Florence White b.a. (Mrs George Albert Slocomb) 769 Main st. Worcester asst North Easton Mass. high sch. 90-93; m. 10 Jl 95 Sebring Emma Goodeve b.a. 559 West End av. New York M.A. 94 Columbia, diploma 94 Teachers col; student Europe 90-91, (psych, hist, of educ, general method) Teachers col. 92-94, (psych, philos.) Columbia 93-94; fellow (sociology, educ.) Columbia 97-98; teacher girls sch. 91-92, instructor 94-96, assoc. prof, (psych, hist, of educ.) Teachers col. 94-97, prin. St Agatha sch. New York 98 — Seelye Anna Hawley b.a. (Mrs Ben- jamin Kendall Emerson) Amherst m. 4 S 01 ; ch. Elizabeth James b. 1 Mr 03; sicpch. Charlotte Frelinghuysen (Mrs A. W. Hitchcock) (B.S. 95 Smith), Malleville Wheelock (B.A. 08 Smith) Taylor^ AHce Stanley b.a. (Mrs Philip W. Ayres) Franconia N. H.J m. 8 Ag 99 ; ch. Ruth b. Ja 02 Thayer Mary Sprague b.a. 1 E. Silver st. Westfield teacher (Eng.) "The Elms" Springfield Mass. 92-94 Tilton Mary Susan b.a. Laconia N. H. Trow" Mary Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Frank Ellsworth Spaulding) 95 Highland av. Newtonvifle student Germany 91-92; teacher Morgan sch. Clinton Ct. 89-91, Cortland N. Y. normal sch. 92-95; m. 17 O 95; ch. Francis Trow b. 23 N 96, William Ellsworth b. 5 F 98, Mary b. 16 Ap 99, Catherine b. 21 Ag04 White Grace Grosvenor b.a. 319 Tappan st. Brookline student (botany) Harvard summer sch. 93 ; teacher (Latin, botany) Northfield sem. 89-94; proprietor Sunshine laundry Brook- line 98 — ; mem. A.C.A. Whitfield" Inez Harrington b.l. 16 John St. IlionN. Y.J teacher New York 91-00 Total 45-*l 1890] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 47 1890 Allen Adaline White b.a. (Mrs Frank Forest Davidson) Aubumdale teacher Baltimore Md. 90-92, Bridgeport Ct. 92-93, Lasell sem. Auburndale 93-Ja 96; mem. Newton sch. board 07 — ; m. 6 O 97; ch. Frank Forest jr b. 21 O 99, Allen b. 4 Ag 01, stepch. Mary Richmond b. 20 D 85 (B.A. 08 Smith), Louise Allen b. 19 Je 88, Myrtis Forest b. 17 D 91; mem. A.C.A. Barton Alice b.l. (Mrs Edward Law- yer Burchard) Freeport 111. m. 3 O 93; ch Marion Barton b. 8 Jl 95 Booth Minnie Day b.a. 172 Beacon st. Hartford Ct. teacher Elmira N. Y. 91-92, private sch, Hartford 92— Bowen Fanny Corey b.a. 187 Rock St. Fall River Brayton Nancy Jarrette Bowers b.a. (Mrs James Madison Morton jr) 130 Underwood st. Fall River student (classics) Girton col. Cambridge 90-91; m. 10 Je 96: ch. James Madison 3d b. 10 Je 97 d. 14 My 08, Brayton b. 24 O 98, Sarah b. 29 S 02, Hugh b. 10 S 06 Brown Clara May b.l. (Mrs Frederick Anthony Killmer) 287 Glen st. Glens Falls N. Y. m. 2 Je 94; ch. Margaret Maria b. 6 Je 97 Bufkin Mary Lee b.l. (Mrs Wilmot R. Jones) Forest av. Ben Avon Pa. student (Eng. lit.) Chicago univ. 95; teacher (Eng, Latin) Aurora 111. high sch. 90-91, (Eng, hist.) Lyons Township high sch. La Grange 91-93, 94-95, prof. (Eng. lit.) Milwaukee-Downer col. 95-00; m. 9 O 00; ch. Wilmot Rufus jr b. 5 My 02; mem. A.C.A, N.E.A. Bumham" Jessica [Jessie] Emma b.l. (Mrs John Frankhn Downing) 520 E. Armour blvd Kansas City Mo. m. 30 Mr 98; ch. Jean Burnham b. 12 Je 00, Jessie b. 14 Ap 05; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Carpenter Mary Frances b.l. 21 E. Wilson st. Madison Wis. student (Hebrew) Univ. of Wis. 95-97, honorary fellow (Hebrew) 98; libn Superior Wis. normal sch. 98-03, reviser lib. sch. Madison 07 — ; mem. A.L.A. Cate Carrie Quincy b.a. 18 Holten st. Dan vers teacher (Latin, Eng, German) St Mary's sch. Concord N. H. 92, 94-96, head (French and German dept) Danvers high sch. 06-10; mem. Mod. lang. assn Cheever Louisa Sewall b.a. Chapin house Smith college Northampton M.A. 97 Columbia; student (Latin) Colum- bia 94-95, 95-96, (German) Gottingen 98, Oxford 07 ; teacher Brearley sch. New York 92-95, instructor (Eng.) Smith 00-06, 07-09, assoc. prof. 09 — ; mem. Mod. lang. assn Crandall Regina Katherine b.a. ^ Low bldgs Bryn Mawr Pa.| Ph.D. 02 Chicago univ; student Chicago univ. 93-96, 99-00, fellow (hist.) 94-96; teacher Morristown N. J. 90-92, Chicago 111. 92-94, asst (hist.) Smith 90-99, instructor (hist.) Wellesley 00-01, reader (Eng.) Bryn Mawr 03 — Cravath EUzabeth Northway b.a. (Mrs Herbert. Adolphus Miller) Olivet college OH vet Mich. M.A. 01 Vanderbilt univ; student (Ger- man, Latin, Eng.) Vanderbilt univ. 99-01; teacher (French, Eng, hist.) Decatur 111. high sch. 93-96, Duluth Minn, high sch. 96-98; m. 22 Ag 03; adopted ch. Gustova b. 25 Ja 09 Crew Winona Bell b.a. (Mrs William F. Wickersham) Westtown Pa. teacher private sch. Salem N. J. 90-92, Friends' select sch. Philadelphia 92-06; m. 26 Je 06 ; ch. Wilfred H. b. 4 F 08 Day Harriet Burr b.a. (Mrs Charles SterHng Wyckoff) 155 Lincoln road Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Priscilla Braislin sch. Bordentown N. J. 90-93, Miss Mittelberger's sch. Cleve- land O. 93-95, Meriden Ct. high sch. 95-97 ; m. 15 Mr 97; ch. Charles Sterling jr b. 8 My 06 Dodge CaroHne Louise b.a. 244 5th av. Council Bluffs la.f LL.B 96 N. Y. univ. law sch; student Boston univ. law sch. 92-93, N. Y. imiv. law sch. 95-98; practising lawyer 96 — Elmer Edith b.l. (Mrs Albert Nor- ton Wood) c/o Navy dept Washington D. C. writer; m. 24 Je 93; ch, Horace Elmer b. 22 O 94 d. 18 Jl 98, Charles Thurston Elmer b. 14 S 96, Horace Nixon Ehner b. 6 F 01; mem. Amer. soc. for psychical research Farley^ Sarah Matilda b.a. 342 W. 67th St. Chicago 111. teacher Rockford 111. high sch. 90-95, La Grange high sch. 95-07, Englewood high sch. Chicago 07 — Foley" Margaret Baker b.l. Hartford pub. library Hartford Ct.t student Europe 90-92, N. Y. state lib. sch. 0.5-07; teacher New York 93-01 48 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1890 Folsom"^ Helen Christian b.a. (Mrs Edgar Warren Swift) 231 Belmont st. WollastonJ teacher 90-00; m. 30 Je 97; ch. Virginia Louise b. 20 Ja 01 Forrest Virginia b.a. (Mrs Victor Nathan Lucia) 43 Dryad's Green Northampton teacher (Latin, Greek) Mrs Cady's sch. New Haven Ct. 90-96; sec. Capen sch. Northampton 96 — ; m. 17 Je 96 ♦Frost Mary Adeline b.a. M.A. 95; instructor (German) Smith 93-97; d. 16 Mr 99 Palatka Fla. Hard wick Rose Standish b.a. 45 Elm St. Northampton M.A. 09; student (physics, chem.) Mass. inst. of tech. 91-92, (physics) Harvard sum- mer sch. 91, (chem.) S8, (hist, teaching of math.) 04, (philos, math.) Smith 05-06; teacher Groton Mass. high sch. 90-91, private sch. Boston 91-95, Cambridge Latin sch. 95-10, Burnham sch. 10 — ; mem. A.C.A. Hoblitt" Margaret Smith b.a. 1016 A av. E. Cedar Rapids la.f Holt Ellen b.l. Lake Forest 111. student Bible teachers training sch. New York fall 04, pres. Y. W. C. A. house settle- ment Chicago 99-02, vicepres. 02-10; vice- pres. Smith alum, assn 00-02; mem. A.C.A. Homans Susan Manning b.l. (Mrs Henry VoUmer) Huntington N. Y. teacher Evanston 111. pub. sch. 90-92, Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 92-06; far- mer 07—; m. 24 N 96 (husband d. F 99) Huffman" Mary Lucy b.a. (Mrs Thomas Davis Healy) 923 First av. S. Fort Dodge la. B.S. and B.A. 89 and M.A. 92 Parsons col. Fairfield la; teacher (Eng, Latin) Fort Dodge high sch. 91-97, prin. 97-98; m. 16 Je 98 (husband d. 15 Ja 09); ch. Hiatt Huffman b. 16 Jl 01, Elizabeth b. 4 N 02, Thomas Davis jr b. 27 Ap 04 James"^ Gertrude b.l. (Mrs Warren Eveleth Derby) Chestnut st. Englewood N. J. m. 3 Ap 94; ch. Eveleth (dau.) b. 20 Mr 95, Gertrude Fairchild b. 13 O 96, Dorothea b. 23 Mr 00 Jameson"- Lilian b.a. 28 Eliot St. Jamaica Plain *Janes Mary Olmstead b.a. (Mrs P. E. Seabrook) d. 28 S 96 Priceora Ga. Jenkins Anna Spalding b.a. Girls high school Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 97; student Amer. sch. of classical studies, Rome 97-98; teacher (French, German) Univ. of Northwest Morningside la. 90-92, (Latin) Sioux City la. high sch. 92-95, asst (Latin) Smith 95-97, teacher (Latin) Brooklyn girls high sch. 98 — Kellogg"^ Flora Arvilla b.a. (Mrs William Russell Jones) 805 18th St. Harrisburg Pa. m. 23 My 94 Kelsey" Florence b.a. (Mrs Samuel Pingree French) West Lebanon N. H. student Germany 90-91; teacher (lang.) Montpelier Vt. high sch. 92-95, preceptress Oahu col. Honolulu H. I. 95-00; m. 12 Ap 00; ch. Harold Campbell b. 31 Mr 01, Helen Elizabeth b. 26 My 02, Dorothea Foster b. 13 Ap 05 Lathrop Anna Bartow b.l. (Mrs Carleton Greene) 117 Vose av. South Orange N. J. student Buffalo N. Y. sch. of pedagogy; teacher 91-01 ; m. 27 Je 01 Lyman Rose Clarissa b.a. 197 Main st. Easthampton student (Latin, French) Sorbonne, College de France, Paris 96-97, (French) Columbia 02-03, 08-09; teacher North Wales Pa. acad. 90-91, Hopkins acad. Hadley Mass. 91-93, Northampton high sch. 93-96, tutor (French) Smith 98-99, teacher Morris high sch. New York 99-08, Capen sch. North- ampton 09-10 Perry Jennie May b a. (Mrs Charles Henry Earle) 940 Grattan st. Los Angeles Cal.f teacher 90-92; m. 13 O 92; ch. Marsden Perry b. 8 Jl 99 Phelps Minna Belle b.a. 21 Mitchell st. Norwich N. Y. student (Greek) Univ. City of New York 05-09, (Latin) 09-10; teacher Elmira N. Y. free acad. 91-04, East Orange N. J. high sch. 04 — ; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Phillips Maud b.a. (Mrs Oswald Speir) 2731 Dwight way Berkeley Cal.f student (domestic science) Pratt inst. 90-91, Teachers col. 03-04; m. 6 91; ch. Oswald b. 13 Jl 92, Maud Phillips b. 20 Ag 93, God- frey de Burras b. 20 Mr 00, Mary Cranford b. 15 Ag09 Port^ Mary Alice b.a. 7 Banbury road Oxford England student (Greek, Latin, educ.) Columbia 99-00, (Greek, Latin) Europe 03-04; prin. Mattoon 111. high sch. 90-92. teacher (clas- sics) and asst prin. All Saints' sch. Sioux Falls S. Da. 92-96, 10—, head mistress Lakeville Ct. sch. 97-99, prin. Wright sem. Tacoma Wash. 00-03, preceptress Irving col. Mechanicsburg Pa. 05-06, State normal sch. Bloomsbury Pa. 07-10 Presbrey Florence Natalie b.a. 5 Harrison st. Taunton bookkeeper, typewriter Rand Jessie Sophia b.a. (Mrsfjoel Ernest Goldthwait) Brush hill road Hyde Park m. 16 My 94; ch. Joel Addison b. 2 Jl 95, Margaret Rand b. 24 Ag 99, Vincent Bow- ditch b. 3 Jl 02 1890] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 49 Robinson Mary Clement b.l. 44 Thatcher st. Bangor Me. governess Bermuda 90-92; teacher (Eng, Latin) Bangor high sch. 92 — Rogers Miriam Nancy Shelton b.a. (Mrs Charles Albert Perkins) 338 W. 56th St. New York M.A. 92 Cornell; student (Greek, compara- tive philol.) Columbia 90-91, Yale 93-94, Berlin univ. 94-95. Heidelberg vmiv. 95-96, Munich vmiv. 96-97 ; m. 27 N 03 ; ch, Albert Rogers b. 27 Ag 04 Royce Sarah Grace b.a. Wadleigh high school, 114th st. and 7th av. New York M.A. 02 Columbia; student (Greek) Cornell summer 95, (Greek, Latin, archaeol, educ.) Columbia 01-07; teacher high sch. Middle- town N. Y. 90-92. Danville Ky. 93-94, Bing- hamton N. Y. 94-01, Wadleigh high sch. New York 02—; mem. A.C.A. * Scripture Helen Richards b.a. teacher Brooklyn 91-96; d. 30 Ag 06 Seabury Maria Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Edward Buckingham Guthrie) 562 W. Ferry st. Buffalo N. Y. teacher Halifax N. S. ladies col. 90-92, Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 93-98, St Margaret's sch. Buffalo N. Y. 99, 03; m. 5 Ag 03 ; ch. Edward Hosmer b. 21Je 04, Anne b. 11 S 07 d. 15 F 09; mem. A.C.A. Seelye^ Finette Scott b.l. 400 W. 115th St. New York student Univ. City of New York women's law class 98-99, (anatomy, physiol.) Women's homoeopathic med. col. 99-00, (physics, chem, biol.) Barnard 00- Ja 01 Sherrill Elizabeth Middleton b.a. (Mrs Charles Foster Kent) 406 Humphrey st. New Haven Ct. J m. 9 Jl 95 ; ch. Samuel Sherrill b. 19 Ag 97, Wilham Beckwith b. 29 Ja 04 Sherrill Ruth Dakin b.a. CUfton Springs N. Y. Pd.B. 92 N. Y. state normal col; teacher Warren O. 92-95; clerical worker State nor- mal col. Albany 95-96 ; critic teacher State normal col. 96-97; head teacher Froebel sch. Providence R. I. 97-98, teacher Irvington N. Y. 98-99, instructor Grange pi. sch. Can- andaigua N. Y. 99-03, head teacher 03-06, instructor (science) Miss Porter's sch. Farmington Ct. 07 — ♦Smith Bertha Blanche b.a. (Mrs Alfred Mason Amadon) m. 12 O 99; d. 21 My 01 Dorchester Sprague"^ Leonora Woodruff b.l. Burnt Hills N. Y. teacher private sch. Logansport Ind. 90-93, Amsterdam N. Y. 93-96, Misses Hebb's sch. Wilmington Del. 96-10 Strickland** Frances Bradley b.a. Lexington J Sumner Caroline Louise b.a. Elmhurst school R. F. D. 6 Con- nersville Ind. student (archaeol, topography, epigraphy) Amer. sch. of classical studies, Rome 08-09 ; teacher (Greek, Eng.) Titusville Pa. high sch. 90-95, tutor and substitute (Latin) Smith 97-04, instructor 07-08, (Greek, Latin, hist.) Miss Wheeler's sch. Providence R. J. 04-07, co-prin. Elmhurst sch. 09—; meih. A.C.A. Taylor^ Mabel Miranda b.a. 215 Norfolk st. Roxburyf student Amherst summer sch; teacher Montpelier Vt. 90-92, Brockton Mass. 92-93, Farmmgton N. H. 93-96, Salem Mass. 96, Lynn 97-00, Dorchester high sch. 00-05, Bishop's sch. San Diego Cal. 09 — Thayer Mary Vining b.a. Holbrook fellow (physics) Smith 90-91; asst (physics) 91-92, teacher (science) Gilman sch. Cam- bridge Mass. 92-95 Thomson Lucy Doolittle b.a. Belchertown B.S. 96 Mass. inst. of tech; teacher private sch. Newark N. J. 91-92; architectural draftsman Springfield Mass, Boston, Provi- dence R. I, New York 96 — *Tombs^ Nettie Adelle b.a. ♦Walston Louise b.l. (Mrs Percival Chubb) student Art students league 90-91; m. 23 S 91 ; ch. Dorothy Bronwyn b. 7 Ag 92, Robert Walston b. 13 My 94, Mavis b. 22 Ja 97, Howard b. 23 F 99 d. 13 Ag 99; d. 21 Ja 05 Summit N. J. Wiggin Pauline Gertrude b.l. (Mrs William Jackson Leonard) 36 University driveway Morgan- town W. Va. M.A. 95 Radcliffe, B.L.S. 02 N. Y. state lib. sch; student (Eng.) Radcliffe 94-95, N. Y. state lib. sch. 00-02; instructor (Eng.) Vassar 95-97, Wellesley 97-99; lib. asst in charge hist, division N. Y. state lib. 01-02, libn Univ. of W. Va. 02-07; m. 5 S 06; ch. William Wiggin b. 30 Ap 08 ; mem. A.C.A. Willard Mary Frances b.a. 1526 Fargo av. Chicago 111. student (Latin, Eng.) Chicago univ. 95-98; teacher (Eng, Latin) Chicago West division high sch. 90-95, head (Eng. dept) Marshall high sch. 95-00, prin. Tennyson grammar sch. 00-08, Burley grammar sch, Burley evening sch. 08 — ; mem. A.C.A. Wonson Alice Manton b.a. (Mrs George Dana Sanders) 50 Pleasant st. Waterville Me. m. 8 Mr 05 Woodruff" Agnes Lloyd b.a. (Mrs Frederic Blake Holder) 89 State st. Boston m. 17 Je 91; ch. Edith W. b. 26 Je 92, Agnes W. b. 3 Ja 95 60 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1890-91 Wyckoff Anna Statesir b.a. 95 Clinton av. Jamaica N. Y. teacher (music) New York 94-10 Total 63-*6 1891 Abbot Florence Hale b.l. Newton Nervine, 1660 Wash- ington St. West Newton M.D. 97 Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirm- ary; student Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirmary 93-97; teacher Pembroke N. H. acad. 91-92, governess Bermuda Islands 92-93 5 resident physician Woman's hospital of Philadelphia 97-98, asst physician Med- field Mass. insane hospital 98-03, Taunton insane hospital 03-08, Worcester state hospi- tal 08-10, Newton Nervine West Newton 10 — ; mem. Amer. med. assn, Amer. med. psych, soc, A.C.A. Aikens" Mary Lydia b.s. (Mrs C. V. Davis) Bryngolan, Claremont, Cape Colony South Africaf Allen Grace Weston b.l. (Mrs Fred- erick Steams HoUis) 90 Erie av. Newton Highlands governess White Plains N. Y. 92-95, teacher high sch. Norwalk Ct. 95-98, New Haven 98-00, Newton Mass. 00-01- m. 7 Ag 01 ; oh. Frederick Allen b. 22 D 02, Eleanor Weston b. 3 Ap 05, Walter b. 30 J108 Ames Grace Edith b.l. Women's univ, club, Madison av. and 29th st. New York teacher and tutor New York 91 — ; mem. A.C.A. Baird Mary Ellen b.a. (Mrs Robert Williams) 298 Bryant st. Buffalo N. Y. ch. Henry Baird b. 23 F 94, Laura Frances b. 12 N 96 Barbour Amy Louise b.a. Lawrence house Northampton Ph.D. 02 Yale; scholar (classics) Yale, 96-97, 99-00, fellow 00-01 ; instructor EUza- beth col. [\Iarietta col.J Marietta O. 91-96, teacher (Latin) Hartford Ct. high sch. 97-98, Beacon sch. 98-99, instructor (Greek) Smith 01 — ; mem. Amer. philol. assn, Amer. archaeol. inst. ♦Barrett Laura Stoughton b.l. d. 16 D 93 Rutland Vt. Billings Anna Hunt b.l. State normal school, San Diego Cal.f Ph.D. 98 Yale; student (Eng. lit.) Yale 95- 98; teacher Univ. of S. Cal. 92-94, River- side Cal. 94-95, Redlands 98-99, Long Beach 02-03, State normal sch. San Diego 04 — Bogue" Stella Margaret b.a. (Mrs Andrew Thomson Campbell) 271 Midland av. Montclair N. J. LL.B. 98 N. Y. univ; m. 98 (husband d. 24 Ja 08) ; ch. Avis b. 7 My 99, Catharine b. 16 N 01 Booth** Mary Martyn b.a. New Britain Ct.f Bowman Blanche Wetherell b.a. (Mrs Edward Goodrich Watkins) 141 Chestnut st. Gardner teacher Norfolk Va. col. 91-92, Rockford col. 92-96, Bristol Ct. 96-97, Chelsea Mass. 97-99; m. 12 S 99; ch. Helen Bowman b. 2 Ag 00, Paul and Paulina b. 4 N 01 d. 4 N 01, 7 N 01, Jessica Goodrich b. 14 Mr 03, Curtis Gardner b. 14 Ap 06 *Brown« Emma Elizabeth b.a. M.A. 95 Brown ; teacher R. I. normal sch. 91-04, Brooklyn training sch. 04 Brown^ Harriet Langdon b.l. (Mrs Herbert Henry Darling) 22 Keiffer st. BrookHne m. 5 S 94; ch. Blake b. 14 O 95, Adelaide Brown b. 17 N 98 d. 30 D 06, Henry Herbert jr b. 16 My 00 Brown Mary Belle b.l. (Mrs John Slosson Harding) 150 S. FrankUn st. Wilkesbarre Pa. m. 25 Ja 99; ch. Elizabeth Wheeler b. 26 Je 00, John Slosson jr b. 27 Ja 05 Bruce Grace Adelle b.a. 128 W. nth St. New York student (chem.) Smith 91-94, (pedagogy) Colimibia 02-03, (math.^ Cornell summer of 03; asst (chem.) Smith 91-94, teacher (math.) Chelsea Mass. high sch. 94-97, Wad- leigh high sch. New York 97-98, head (math, dept) 98 — ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 95-97; mem. N.E.A, ♦Cadwallader Edith Warner b.s. (Mrs Thomas Reid Crowder) M.D. 00 Woman's med. col. of Pa; student Woman's med. col. of Pa. 96-00, Vienna univ. 02-03; teacher Titusville Pa. 94-96, asst resident physician Woman's hospital Philadelphia 00-02, prof. Woman's med. col. Chapman" Carita Atwill b.a. (Mrs Robert MacDougall) Aqueduct av. University Heights New York student Radclifife 91-92, Berlin univ. 95-96; teacher 93-98; m. 23 Je 98; ch. Marjorie b. 24 Je 99, Robert Gordon b. 6 Jl 00, Con- stance b. 21 O 08 Churchyard Mary b.l. 169 Mariner st. Buffalo N. Y. Clark" Edith Ethelyn b.a. (Mrs Charles Robert SHgh) 31 S. Prospect st. Grand Rapids Mich, m. 1 F 05; ch. Charles Robert jr b. 8 Ja 06, Gertrude Ethelyn b. 2 Ap 10 Clute" AHce b.l. (Mrs William Gros- venor Ely jr) Avon road Schenectady N. Y.J m. Je 97; ch. William Grosvenor 3d b. 23 My 98, Lloyd Clute b. 22 Ap 00, Robert Grosvenor b. 17 My 04 1891] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 51 Comins Ellen [Nellie] Maria b.a. (Mrs Hobart Karl Whitaker) 130 Federal st. Salem teacher Amherst Mass. high sch. 91-94, Chelsea 94-96 ; m. 24 D 96 ; ch. Karl Comins b. 24 Ag 03 d. 10 S 03; Ellis Hobart b. 2 D09 De Normandie"^ Sara Yardley b.a. Dan vers t Dole Catherine Augusta b.a. Lebanon N. H. teacher Lebanon high sch. 97 — Dwight^ Bertha Woolsey b.l. (Mrs Charies Buckingham Cole) 371 Upper Mountain av. Upper Montcfair N. J. student (French) Sorbonne, Paris 93-94; teacher Miss Nurse's sch. Cincinnati O. 91-92; m. 30 Je 96; ch. Lois Dwight b. 17 O 02, Charles Woolsey b. 8 F 06 Fairbanks" Lucy b.l. (Mrs James Church Alvord) Hopedale student Bible inst. Chicago 93-94; home miss'y worker Waterford Vt. 94-96, Boston city miss'y soc; m. 8 Je 98; ch. Henry Fairbanks b. 99 d. 15 Ap 99 Foster Mary Louise b.a. 42 Kensington av. Northampton student (chem, biol.) Mass. inst. of tech. 91-93, (bacteriology) Colimibia col. of physicians and surgeons 07-08; teacher (chem.) Boston pub. sch. 91-96, asst re- search lab. (physiol, chem.) New York 99-01, 04-07, on scientific staff of chem. works Maywood N. J. 01-04, prof, (chem.) Woman's med. col. New York 04-05, in- structor (biochem.) Smith 08 — Franklin" Charlotte Graves b.s. 68 Warrenton st. Boston Fuller Susy [Susan] Gertrude b.a. (Mrs John Joseph Albright) 730 W. Ferry st. Buffalo N. Y.f tutor Buffalo 91-95; m. 97; ch. John Joseph b. 97, Elizabeth b. 98, Fuller b. 00, Nancy b. 05, Susie b. 08 ; mem. A.C. A. Garland Olive Rosamond b.a. 277 Broadway New YorkJ LL.B. 92 N. Y. univ. law sch ; attorney and coimsellor at law New York Granger" Edith b.a. (Mrs William Hawkes) Fulton, Sonoma co.Cal. with A. C. McClurg & co. Chicago 93-05; m. 26 My 07 Greene Helen French b.a. 31 Pearl st. Boston B.A. 96 Radcliffe, M.A. 01 Smith; student (hist, economics) Radcliffe 95-96, (philos.) Columbia Ja-Je 06; head worker Hartley house settlement New York 97-05, social sec. Manhattan trade sch. for girls New York 06-07 ; in limch room business Boston D07— Gulliver Eunice Henrietta b.l. Norwich Town Ct. private teacher 94-02, teacher Norwich free acad. 02 — ; mem. A.C. A. Hastings" Medora [Dora Loomis] b.a. Southwickf Hewitt" Helen Witter b.a. Willi amstown Hill Ellen Elizabeth b.l. Yonkers N. Y.J Hinkley Marion b.l. 711 N. Madison st. Rome N. Y. student Woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirm- ary 96-97 ; teacher Hudson N. Y. high sch. 92, Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 92 Keyes Bertha Anna b.a. 169 Mariner st. Buffalo N. Y. tutor Buffalo 92-00, teacher Franklin sch. Buffalo 00-10; mem. A.C. A. Lamprey" Eva Blanche b.a. The Castle, Tarrjrtown N. Y. teacher Willard hall Danvers Mass. 91-96, Prospect hill sch. Greenfield 96-01, Hudson River inst. Claverack N. Y. 01-02, prin. Derby acad. Hingham Mass. 02-03, Howard sem. West Bridgewater 03-06, The Castle Tarrytown 07 — Lang^ Mary Susan b.a. (Mrs George Morris S trout) 327 E. 18th St. Flatbush N. Y. teacher Athol Mass. high sch. 91-93; m. 20 Jl 93; ch. Alan Lang b. 3 Mr 95, Richard Lee b. 14 Mr 98 Lauriat Susette [Susanne] Foster b.l. (Mrs Alfred Church Lane) 1775 Massachusetts av. Cam- bridge m. 15 Ap 96; ch. Lauriat b. 14 N 98, Frederic Chapin b. 23 N 00, Harriet Page b. 2 Jl 04 ♦Lord Helen Augusta b.a. M.D. 96 Woman's med. col. of Pa; d. 28 Mr 00 ♦Mead Katherine Lois b.l. d. 5 F 06 New York Meigs Katharine Hedges b.a. Eastern district high school Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 02 Columbia; student (educ.) Teachers col. 00-01, (biol.) Columbia 01-02 ; teacher (botany) Long Branch N. J. high sch. 03, Indiana normal sch. 04-05, Wash- ington sem. 06-07, Eastern district high sch. Brooklyn 08 — ; mem. Amer. assn for advancement of science Ordway"' Fanny Blanche b.a. (Mrs Arthur Coquelin Kastler) 3125 Chestnut st. New Orleans La. m. 13 D 97 ; ch. Arthur Ordway b. 14 Ja 99, Ruth Ordway b. 18 Ja 00, Elizabeth Ord- way b. 9 S 03. John Ordway b. 16 D 04, Ordway b. 30 Ja 09 52 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1891 Osgood Alice Florella b.a. (Mrs Staf- ford Fox Thomas) 2824 Linden court Chicago 111. teacher Lake View high sch. Chicago 94-07 ; m. 2 S 09 ♦Paul" Florence Helen b.a. (Mrs Homer Blaikie Grant) teacher 91-04; m. 9 Ag 04; d. 06 Peck Carolyn b.a. (Mrs Henry Brad- ford Boardman) Lowell road Schenectady N. Y. m. 24 Ap 95; ch. Ronald Peck b. 18 Jl 99, William Edward b. 31 O 05, Mary Davia b. 12 S 09 d. S 09 Peirce« Helen b.a. (Mrs Charles Esselstyn) 357 Allen st. Hudson N. Y. m. 23 N 93 Perkins" Isabel Effie b.l. 511 W. 122d St. New York editor School physiology journal 94-96, head (editorial dept) Silver, Burdett & co. 97 — Phillips" Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Elihu Russell Houghton) The Comstock school, 31 W. 46th St. New Yorkf student (pedagogy) Teachers col. 96-99; m. 6 O 91 ; ch. Lyman Phillips b. 7 My 93, Augustus Sherrill b. 15 Ja 98, Russell Lee Roux b. 22 F 02 Piatt Eloise Clara b.l. (Mrs Edward Grenville Benedict) 301 W. 91st St. New York m. 15 Ap 03; son b. and d. 06, son b. and d. 10 Pratt Lucy Adelaide b.a. (Mrs Charles Lancaster Short) 47 Sever st. Worcester student (child study) Worcester state nor- mal sch. 92-93; m. 9 Ja 96; ch. Lyman Pratt b. 5 Ag 97, Mary Gardiner Howard b. 6 F 00, Charles Lyman b. 23 Je 01 Puffer Ethel Dench b.a. (Mrs Ben- jamin Alfred Howes) 617 W. 113th St. New Yorkf Ph.D. 02 Radchffe; student Berlin univ. 95-96, Freiburg univ. 96-97. Rad cliff e 97-98. fellow A.C.A. 97-98; teacher Keene N. H. 91-92, asst and instructor (math.) Smith 92-95, teacher Boston 97-04, asst (psych.) Radcliffe 98-08, instructor (philos.) Welles- ley 00-08, instructor (psych.) Simmons col. 04-08; m. J108 Rand Grace b.a. (Mrs Benjamin Eldridge Page) 845 Buena av. Chicago 111. teacher private sch. Kansas City 91-92, (math.) Chicago high sch. 92-93, head (math, dept) Lake View high sch. 93-07; m. 25 Je 01 ; ch. Robert Rand b. 15 My 09 Raymond Mary Elizabeth b.s. Goodrich house 368 St Clair st. Cleveland O.J B.A. 95 Radcliffe, M.A. 96 Smith; student Radcliffe 94-95, Berlin univ. 97-98; teacher Portland Me. 91-93, Hathaway-Brown sch. Cleveland 98-06 Rice Helen Rebecca b.a. (Mrs Fredrick Dale Barker) 29 N. Perry st. Dayton O. m. 3 Je 96 ; ch. Marshall Luther b. 28 Ap 97, Elsie b. 23 Jl 98, Ruth b. 21 O 99 d. 11 S 00, Vernon Judson b. 1 D 01, Fredrick Agnew b. 12 Ag 04 Robinson Annie Florence b.a. (Mrs Herbert Walter Wright) 111 Florida st. Springfield m. 4 O 92 ; ch. Helen Daphne b. 4 N 93 Rogerson Frances Rice b.l. (Mrs Francis Cochrane) Hudson N. Y.J m. 30 O 02; ch. Cornelia Rogerson b. 6 Ag03 Rounds" Katharine Elizabeth b.s. Plymouth N. H.f Sabin Mary Sophia b.a. East side high school Denver Col. M. A. 07 Denver univ; teacher East side high sch. 91 — Sawin" Laura Etta b.a. (Mrs Charles Edward Tilley) 8 Elton St. Providence R. I. B.M. 92; teacher (music) Robbins sch. Norfolk Ct. 92-95; m. 10 Jl 95; ch. Laurence Edward b. 2 Ja 99, Winthrop Sawin b. 7 Jl 02; mem. A.C.A. Severens" Mabel b.l. (Mrs James Bird Balch) 405 Stuart st. Kalamazoo Mich.f m. 7 S 97 Sherman Ellen Burns b.l. 110 Mill St. Springfield tutor and writer New York, Worcester Mass. and Boston Sherwood Alice Holman b.a. Mill hill Southport Ct. grad. Ct. training sch. for nurses New Haven Ct. 96; nurse 97-01 Simmons" Adeline Gertrude b.a. 319 Marlboro st. Boston teacher high sch. Milford Mass. 91-93, Chelsea 93-05, Dorchester 05-08, Boston girls Latin sch. 08 — Skinner Lillian Marchant b.a. Westfield N. Y. M.A. 08 Univ. of Pa; student (economics) London tmiv. 00-01, fellow (sociology) Univ. of Pa. 07-08 ; resident College settle- ment New York 93-94; teacher Minneapolis Minn. 94-95, Oxford N. Y. acad. 95-97, (hist.) Bryn Mawr prep. sch. Baltimore Md. 98-00, in charge of work of Octavia Hill assn in Phila. (management of tenement houses) 01-05, resident Col. settlement Phila. 01-05; special agent U. S. congres- sional immigration commission 08-09 Smith May Manning b.a. 83 Sumner st. Newton Center teacher St Catherine's hall Augusta Me. 91-93, private teacher 93-94, Oxford O. col. 94, Miss Mackie's sch. Newburgh N. Y. 94-95, Boston girls high sch. 95 — ; mem. A.C.A. 1891-92] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 53 Sterne Alice Louie [Lillianne Mary Agnes Elsberg] b.a. (Mrs John Milton Gittemian) 116 C St. N. E. Washington D. C. M.A. 96 Columbia, LL.B. 10 Washington col. of law; grad. scholar Yale divinity sch. 97-98, student (Eng.) British Museum 93-95, (pedagogics) Col. of preceptors London 93-95, (sociology, economics, pedagogics) Columbia 95-97, Washington col. of law 06-10; prof. (Anglo Saxon, Eng. lit.) Woman's col. London; magazine writer and lecturer ; chairman Volunteer com. on free lectures appointed by board of educ. of District of Columbia 04 — ; m. 14 Ap 98; mem. A.C.A. Stetson Jennie b.a. (Mrs Everett Anthony Bowen) Lakeville m. 2 Jl 95 ; oh. Maurice Stetson b. 9 Je 96, Richard Greene b. 5 Ap 00, Virginia b. 31 Ag 02, Jeanette b. 12 Ag 04, Carolyn b. 4 My 08 Taylor Caro Gushing b.l. (Mrs Or- ville H. Martin) 40th and McGee sts. Kansas City Mo.t Trowbridge Cornelia Rogers b.a. c/o James R. Trowbridge 389 5th av. New York M.A. 09 Columbia; student (classics, archaeol.) Amer. sch. of classical studies, Rome 02-03, Columbia 05-09; teacher Withington sch. Evanston 111. 91-93, Kirk- land sch. Chicago 93-02, asst prin. Detroit sem. 03-05, Briarcliff Manor N. Y. 05-07, New York normal col. 09 — ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 04-06 Wallace Janet Monroe b.a. 2420 Harney st. Omaha Neb. teacher (Eng, Latin) Omaha high sch. 95-00, (geog, hist, of commerce and eco- nomics) 00-10; mem. Nat. geog. soc, Amer. economics assn Weston Grace b.a. 276 Franklin st. Newton teacher Wakefield Mass. 92-93, Somerville 94; trus. Amer. col. for girls Constantinople 97— Wheeler Lucia Anna b.a. State asylum, Wernersville Pa. M.D. 98 Woman's med. col. of Pa; interne Woman's hospital of Philadelphia 98-99; teacher Friends' sch. Providence R. I. 92-94, Friends' select sch. Philadelphia 94-96; private practising physician 99-06, asst physician state asylum Wernersville 06 — Wilcox" Carra Emma b.l. 5 Walton st. Dorchester student Paris 00, Harvard summer sch. 03; teacher high sch. Osleawa Ont. 94-96, Provincetown Mass. 96-99, 00-02, Lee 02-03, Cohoes N. Y. 03-06, West Orange N. J. 06-10 Wilder Matilda Sewell b.a. (Mrs Maro Spalding Brooks) 51 Gorham av. Brookline teacher Canton Mass. high sch. 91-95; m. 2 Jl 95; ch. Ruth Wilder b. 7 Jl 99, Rosa- mond Spalding b. 14 My 04 d. 12 My 06 Williams Elizabeth Sprague b.s. 95 Rivington st. New York M.A. 96 Columbia; student (sociology, hist, economics) Columbia 95-96, (sociol- ogy) Barnard 98-99; fellow (sociology) Barnard 96-97 ; head worker Col. settlement New York 98— Wilson Mary Elizabeth b.l. 2538 Channing way Berkeley Cal. M.L. 96 Univ. of Cal;] student (Eng.) Univ. of Cal. 94-95 ; teacher (Eng.) Miss Murison's sch. San Francisco 95-96, Miss Head's sch. Berkeley 07-09, prin. 09-10; mem. A.C.A. Wood Mabel b.l. (Mrs Frederick Trevor Hill) Irvington N. Y. student (music) Barnard 99-00; m. 22 O 95; ch. Edward Trevor b. 1 Ja 01 Total 79-*6 1892 Adams Helena Belle b.a. (Mrs Fred- erick James Eugene Woodbridge) Montrose N. Y.f m. 25 Je 95 ; ch. Frederick James b. 18 My 00, John Arven b. 19 N 03 Arnold Abby Noyes b.a. 325 Adams st. North Abingtonf M.A. 98 Radcliffe; student (Latin, Greek, Eng, pedagogy) Radcliffe 96-98; teacher Attleboro Mass. high sch. 92-95, Abington high sch. 95-96, Boston girls high sch. 98 — Austin Martha b.s. (Mrs Isaac King Phelps) 1410 M St. N. W. Washington D. C. B.s. 92, M.A. 10, Ph.D. 98 Yale; stu- dent (chem.) Yale 96-00; scholar 97-98, fellow 98-99; teacher (science) 92-96, 01-04; at R. I. experiment station 00-01; research worker (chem.) 04 — ; chemist Bureau of standards Washington 08 — ; m. 27Je04; mem. A.C.A. Ayres** Winifred b.a. (Mrs Theodore Sherwood Hope) 352 W. 117th St. New YorkJ M.A. 95 (philos.); student Woman's law class of N. Y. imiv. 92-93 ; m. 3 Je 97 ; ch. Winifred Louise b. 13 Je 02, Theodore Sher- wood b. 7 O 03 Barker^ Florence Marion b.a. (Mrs William Otis Came) 623 Georgia av. Bristol Tenn. m. 28 Ap 97 ; ch. Mary b. 5 S 06 Barton" Anna Eliza b.l. 499 Stephenson st. Freeport 111. student Chicago xmiv, Univ. of Wis. 54 SBHTH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1892 Bingham Mary Homer b.a. 1125 W. 21st St. Los Angeles Cal. settlement worker 94 — ; asst probation officer juvenile court Los Angeles co. 10 — Boyd" Harriet Ann b.a. (Mrs C. H. Hawes) Univ. of Wis. Madison Wis.f M.A. 01; student Amer. sch. of classical studies. Athens 96-99, fellow 98-99, fellow Agnes Hoppin memorial Bryn Mawr 99-00; teacher (classics) Henderson N. C. 92-93, Wilmington Del. 93-96, instructor (Greek archaeol.) Smith 00-06; excavator at Kar- ousi Crete My-Je 00, director excavations for Amer. exploration soc. Gourmia Crete, seasons of 01, 03, 04 Bridges Eliza Wadsworth [McMe- chan] B.A. 906 Tremont bldg Boston LL.B. 00 Boston univ; student Boston univ. law sch. 97-00; teacher Bernardston Mass. 93-94; admitted to Mass. bar S 00, lawyer South Framingham and Boston 00 — Brown Edith Baker b.a. 60 Pinckney st. BostonJ student (Eng. composition) Radcliffe 92-93 Brown" Sarah Elizabeth b.l. 720 W. Quartz st. Butte Mon.J teacher Lake Geneva Wis. 92-00, Butte high sch. 00-05 Burritt" Marion Tilden b.l. Lawrence park Bronxville N. Y.J student (Eng, comparative lit.) Columbia 02-04 Charles'* Pauline Margaret b.l. 448 Elm St. Chicago 111. J Clark Edith Lucia b.a. (Mrs William Clement Maynard) 4112 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 94; student (zoology) Smith 92-94; teacher (science) Philadelphia 94-99, 08 — ; m. 11 O 99 (husband d. 23 My 07); ch. Donald Clement b. 6 N 00 d. 10 N 00, Harold Bright b. 18 O 02, Dorothy Hope b. 26 Je 05 d. 5 D 08 CooUdge Cora Helen b.l. 26 Holt St. Fitchburg student (German) Gottingen summer of 96, (Eng.) Chicago univ. summer of 97; teacher high sch. Athol Mass. 93-95, Fitch- burg 95-98, Hartford Ct. 98-00; lecturer 00-04; preceptress Gushing acad. Ashburn- ham Mass. 04-06; dean Pa. col. for women Pittsburg 06 — ; mem. A.C.A. Crehore** Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Frederick Bedell) Cornell heights Ithaca N. Y.f m. 1 Jl 96; ch. (dau.) b. 13 O 97 Curtis"^ Elnora Whitman b.a. Bigelow hill Worcester M.A. 08 and Ph.D. 10 Clark univ. Cushman** Ruth Oilman b.l. (Mrs William Gardner Anthony) 103 S. Angell st. Providence R. I. m. ] 7 F 96 ; ch. Emily Cushman b. and d. 7 Aa 97, Alice b. 6 S 99, Henry Cushman b. 7 Mr 04 Cutler Eleanor Evelyn b.a. (Mrs Leonard Mayhew Daggett) 60 Wall St. New Haven Ct. student (Greek) Yale 92-95, (Eng.) 96-98; teacher New Haven 92-05; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 03-05 ; m. 1 7 F 06 ; mem. A.C.A. Cutler Jane Ruth b.a. 70 Pearl st. Somerville student (physics) Harvard summer sch. 94, (chem, biol.) Mass. inst. of tech. 95-96; teacher (science) Claremont N. H. 93-94, Winchester Mass. 94-95 DeLand Helen Parce b.l. Fairport N. Y. teacher Stetson univ. DeLand Fla. 94-96, Medina N. Y. high sch. 96-99, in business 99— Dennen" Grace Atherton b.a. Hoover and Adams sts. Los Angeles Cal. J M.A. 95 ♦Drew Marion b.a. student Newnham col. Cambridge 92-93; d. 1 Ag 03 Marlboro N. H. Fisher Elizabeth Campbell b.l. (Mrs Howard Clay) Old Godley lane, Godley, HaHfax England student (art) Boston art museiun 92-93, Cowles art sch. 94-95, New York sch. of art 05-08; portrait and landscape painter; m. 20 Ap 09; ch. Howard Fisher b. 6 My 10 Folsom Martha Thayer b.a. (Mrs Lucius Elliot Marple) 1106 First av. W. Seattle Wash, teacher private sch. Baltimore Md. 93-99, Boston 00-02; tutor Vt. 02-04; m. 16 Ag 04; ch. Warren Hilliard b. 17 My 05, Elliot Folsom b. 12 F 08, Catharine b. 14 My 09; mem. A.C.A. Francis Vida Hunt b.l. Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia Pa.t director gymnasivun Friends' sch. Phila- delphia 93-96; civic and philanthropic worker 95-05 Gilbert Clara Culver b.a. 1243 N. State st. Chicago 111. Goodrich Anna [Annie] Mason b.a. Hampton inst. Hampton Va. teacher Southbridge Mass. nigh sch. 92-95, Paterson N. J. high sch. 95-00, Hampton inst. 00 — Goodwin Sarah Storer b.l. Concord teacher Gilman sch. Cambridge Mass. 92-94, 95-98, head of sch. 98-01, prin. girls sch. Milton Mass. acad. 01 — ; mem. N.E.A. 1892] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 55 Haven Katherine Lillian b.a. (Mrs Irving Hawkes Upton) 20 Park View st. Grove hall, Boston teacher Portsmouth N. H. high sch. 92-93; m. 27 D 93; ch. Elizabeth Haven b. 12 D 97 Hawks" Emma Beatrice b.a. 941 S St. N. W. Washington D. C. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 93- Ap 94; asst Forbes lib. Northampton 94-95, cataloger U. S. dept of agric. 95-07, asst lib. Jl 07—; mem. A.L.A. Hedrick" Ellen [A.] b.a. Yale univ. library, New Haven Ct. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 02-F 03; com- puter U. S. nautical almanac office 93-98, cataloger U. S. geol. survey lib. Washington D. C, libn Yale lib. Henshaw Mary Dana b.a. 23 High St. Brattleboro Vt. teacher Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. 92-97, Brattleboro high sch. 98-04, 06-10, Green- field Mass. high sch. 04-06 Hungerford" Katherine b.a. (Mrs John Frederick Herman) 609 S. Story st. Boone la. J m. 4 N 96; ch. Dorothea Hungerford b. 8 Ja 98, Edward Hungerford b. 31 Je 00, Frederick John b. 8 Ag 03 Jacobs** Harriet Ethel b.l. Stephens college Columbia Mo. J Johnson'^ Helen Augusta b.a. 28 Union st. Auburn Me. J Jordan Mary Adela b.a. 33 Plymouth st. Montclair N. T. teacher private sch. Old Point Comfort Va. 94-96, Providence R. I. 96-02, Boston 02-08, prin. Kimberley sch. Montclair 09 — ; mem. A.C.A. Keeler Katherine b.l. 15 Seminary av. Auburn N. Y.f M.A. 04; student (Eng. lit.) Oxford 01-02; assoc. prof. (Eng.) Wells col. Kerruish Miriam Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Charles Willard Stage) 3304 Carnegie av. Cleveland O. M.D. 95 Wooster; student Wooster med. dept 92-95; physician 95-03; interne Cleveland general hospital 95-96 ; asst prof. Wooster med. der)t 96-02; visiting physi- cian Cleveland city hospital 00-02; m. 27 Ag 03; ch. Charles Willard jr b. 19 Je 04, William Sheldon b. 14 Ap 06, Edward Whitney b. 27 Mr 08; mem. A.C.A. *Kilbon Amelia Jeannette b.a. d. 4 Mr 97 Lee Kimball Martha Smith b.a. Union st. and South road Ports- mouth N. H. director Greffort chib vacation sch. 09, 10; I. A.C.A. Langworthy Jessie Qessica] Linnell B.A. Greenwich, Washington co. N. Y. teacher Perkins inst. Soutli Boston 92 — Lathrop Emily Blackwell b.a. (Mrs Raymond Calldns) 25 Storer st. Portland Me. student Biiffalo N. Y. sch. of pedagogy 96-98; teacher De Lancy sch. for girls Geneva N. Y. 92-93, St Margaret's sch. Buffalo 93-95, Franklin sch. 97-99; volim- teer social worker 01-10; m. 14 S 99 Learoyd Elizabeth [Abbott] b.l. (Mrs Addison Alvord Ewing) 116 W. Washington av. Madison Wis. teacher 92-96; m. 1 S 96 Lyon Louise Whiting b.a. 27 Crescent st. Northampton libn Smith 96 — ; mem. A.C.A. MacDougaJl Margaret b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam Watts Carr) Roanoke Va.J m. 16 F 97; ch. Eva Sabine b. 21 N 97, George Watson and Alice Robertson b. 3 O 99, Dougald MacDougall b. 1 Ap 01 Mansfield Christine Tillson b.l. (Mrs Henry Cole) 24 Court St. Dedham student (hist.) Radcliffe 96-97; teacher Belmont Mass. high sch. 93-97, Dedham high sch. 98-02; m. 21 O 03; ch. Catherine b. 24 S 04, Preston Mansfield b. 26 F 08 May Florence Emeline b.a. (Mrs William Foster Rice) 178 School St. Roxbury teacher Buffalo N. Y. sem. 92-95, Fitchburg Mass. high sch. 95-99; m. 8 Ag 99; ch. William Foster jr b. 30 N 00, Winthrop Huntington b. 12 O 03 ; mem. A.C.A. Merrick Mary Frances b.a. 26 Prospect st. Northampton student (French) 93-95, Sorbonne col. of France, Paris 97-98 ; in charge private sch. South Britain Ct. 92-93, teacher (French) Miss Burbank's sch. Hartford 95-96, (French, German) Mt Holyoke 96- 97, (French) Capen sch. Northampton 98 — Miller Etta Laura b.l. 627 Franklin st. Napa Cal. M.A. 97; student (philos, Eng. lit.) Smith 94-95, 96-97, (philol.) Stanford univ. 97-99, (Ital. renaissance, German Kunst Lieder) Munich univ. 04-05; teacher (Eng. lit.) Napa col. 92-93, asst prin. Napa pub. sch. 93-94, asst (Eng. lit.) Smith 94-97, head (Eng. dept) Denver univ. 99-10; mem. A.C.A. Mitchell Eliza Lamb b.a. FrankUn Pa. Morse" Anna Lomse b.a. Millbury B. L. S. 97 N. Y. state lib. sch; student N. Y. state lib. sch. 95- Ja 96, 96-98; asst 97-00, libn Reuben McMillan free lib. Yoimgstown O. 02 — ; mem. A.L.A. 56 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1892 Morse Blanche Leonard b.a. 22 Dale av. Gloucester student Amy M. Sacker sch. of decorative design 04-06; interior decorator Boston 07 — ; asst Sacker sch. 06-07, asst (design) Simmons col. 07-09, instructor (design) and lecturer (interior decoration) 09 — Morse** Elizabeth Warner b.a. (Mrs Hermon Martin Freeman) 54 S. Valley road Orange N. J.t m. 29 Je 98; ch. Eleanor Morse b. 9 F 03 Nichols Rosa Aurelia b.a. (Mrs Charles Lincoln Reed) 35 Riverview road Brighton teacher private sch. Salem N. J. 92-93, asst Hudson Mass. high sch. 94-96, Hoboken N. J. high sch. 96-97; m. 29 D 97; ch. Constance Tyler b. 2 N 98, Emily b. 31 D 00, Lucy Adelaide b. 31 Ja 05 ; mem. A.C. A. Nixon Mary Stites b.l. 20 Corso Regina Elena, Florence Italy art editor Chicago Inter Ocean 96-98 ; prin. Florentine sch. for girls 02 — ♦Parsons Martha Celina b.a. student Cambridge Mass. training sch. 92- 93; proofreader Houghton, Mifflin & co. 93-95, clerk census bureau Washington 00-02; d. 25 O 05 Percy Blanche Rebekah b.s. (Mrs Victor Maxon Allen) Petersburg N. Y. m. 3 O 94; ch. Percival Maxon b. 24 Jl 95, Mary Emma b. 21 Ap 00 Pratt Elsie Fay b.a. (Mrs Edwin Oakes Jordan) c/o Chicago uni- versity Chicago 111. student (philol, anatomy) Chicago univ..94- 95; m. 16 Je 93; ch. Henry Donaldson b. 5 Je 97, Edwin Oakes jr b. 2 N 02, Lucia Elizabeth b. 16 N 06 Pratt"- Grace Tyler b.a. Latin high school Somerville M.A. 01 Brown; teacher Shelbyville Ky. 92-94, high sch. WelUngton 94-96, Whitman Mass. 96-97, Pawtucket R. I. 97-01, Somer- ville 01, asst (Eng.) Smith 09-Ja 10 Rankin Mary Poland b.l. (Mrs G. Philip Wardner) 25 Carruth st. Ashmont Boston m. 11 O 94; ch. Isabel b. 20 Ag 95, Eliza- beth b. 16 Jl 97, Philip b. 23 Ap 02, Lois b. 26 O 07 Richards^ Martha Billings b.a. Ferguson Mo. teacher Unionville Ct. 92-96, Hartford 98-02, St Louis Mo. 02 — Rogers Maria Adams b.l. 177 State st. Portland Me.f Rosenkrans Lillian Margaret b.a. Washington seminary Washing- ton Pa. teacher private sch. Belvidere N. J. 92-93, state normal sch. East Stroudsburg Pa. 93-95, tutor Newton N. J. 95-97, prin. Eng. and classical sch. Newton 97-08, Wash- ington sem. 08 — Rowley Helen Antoinette b.a. Mt Ida school Newton teacher North Brookfield Mass. high sch. 92-95, Walton-Wellesley sch. Philadelphia 95-97; tutor 97-98; teacher St . Timothy's Catonsville Md. 98-03, Wahiut lane sch. Germantown Pa. 03-04, acting prin. Miss Leslie Newgall's sch. New York 04-06, Misses Rayson's sch. 06-08, prin. Mt Ida sch. 08 — Saflford Anne Williston b.l. 41 Remsen st. Brooklyn N. Y. tutor 92-95; teacher Bodman private sch. Brooklyn 95-05, Brearley annex New York 05-08, Miss Spence's sch. 09 — ; vice- pres. Smith alum, assn 09 — *Searle" Edith Lucelia b.a. d. 23 F 95 Seaver Etta Anne b.a. Scituate teacher North Easton Mass. 93-97, Somer- ville 98-03; private tutor Shepard Lillian Estella b.a. (Mrs Herbert O. Bowers) Manchester Ct. m. 12 My 97; ch. Sherwood Griswold b. 2 Je 99, Raymond Ridgway b. 24 Ag 03 Shipman^ Carolyn Josephine b.l. (Mrs Whipple) Madison av. and 29th st. New York B.A. 95 RadcliflFe, M.A. 96 Smith; student (cosmology, metaphys, psych.) Radcliflfe 94-95; teacher (Eng.) 92-94, 96-99; editor Bibliographer 02-03; bibliographer and literary worker 99 — ; m. 24 O 05 (Frank Bristol Whipple) Smith Bertha Linton b.l. (Mrs Frederick Edward Stone) Wilmington Del. m. 1 Je 96 ; ch. George b. 2 Mr 97, Linton b. 9 Mr 99, Roger b. 28 Ap 03 Steele Caroline Lounsbury b.l. 1808 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. teacher Miss Emerson's sch. Boston 93-95, (Eng.) Miss Hills' sch. for girls Philadel- phia 95 — Stoddard"^ May Baldwin b.l. (Mrs George Dallas Yeomans) "The Marigolds" Cedarhurst, Long Island N. Y. student (lit.) Radcliffe 1 yr, Berlin; m. 2 O 95; ch. Isabel Stevenson b. 1 96. Bruce Baldwin b. 25 Jl 98 d. 31 Mr 99, May Baldwin Stoddard b. 13 Je 02, Annis Southworth b. 5 Mr 04 Swift" Eliza Robinson b.a. (Mrs Arthur Lambert Chute) 350 Marlborough st. Boston m. 26 S 99; ch. Richard b. 14 O 00, Mary b. 3 O 03, OUver b. S 07 1892-93] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 57 Taylor Anna May b.a. 4 Summer st. Easthampton Ereceptresa Schoharie acad. 93-94, asst igh sch. Clyde N. Y. 96-00, Springville N. Y. 01-03, Butler Ind. 03-04, Ansonia Ct. 04-05, Mamaroneck N. Y. 05-06. prin. 06-10 Tew Susan Dinsmore b.a. Newcomb college New Orleans La. Ph.D. 95 Yale; student (Greek, Latin, San- scrit) Yale 92-95; teacher Stanton col. Natchez Miss. 97-99, Versailles Ky. 99-00, Gambier O. 00-02, prof. (Greek) H. Sophie Newcomb memorial col. New Orleans 02 — Tryon Emma Celine b.l. 36 Hammersley av. Poughkeepsie N. Y. teacher Batavia N. Y. high sch. 92-Ja 99, asst primary sch. Mr-Je 99, 99-Mr 01; nurse and companion 03 — Tyler Lena Louise b.l. (Mrs Corne- lius Thurston Chase) Central congregational church Lynn m. 10 Je 03; ch. Cornelius Thurston b. 20 Ap 04, Elizabeth Waity b. 10 Je 06, Carolyn Louise b. 3 Ap 09 Underwood" Elizabeth Scofield b.a. Stamford Ct.J Walbridge" Wilhelmina von Colson B.L. (Mrs Wilder Stoddard Buf- fum) "Fairfields," Newfane N. Y. m. 24 Je 97 ; ch. Margaret Van Vryling b. 29 My 98, Anne Walbridge b. 3 Jl 99, Charles Walbridge b. 14 D 00, Sampson Wilder b. 21 N 02, Mary Tower b. 18 Ap 07 Webster Laura Angeline b.a. Grace settlement 417 E. 13th st. New York student N. Y. training sch. for deaconesses 01-02; deaconess Grace church New York 02— Weidman" Hannah Belle b.a. (Mrs Sidney Morrow Hamilton) 1022 Mellon st. Pittsburg Pa. teacher (Latin) Pittsburg central high sch. 94-01 ; m. 1 Ja 01 ; ch. Gladys May b. 25 D 01, James Bruce b. 2 My 04, Sidney jr b. 13 S 05 Wheeler** Blanche Emily b.l. (Mrs Emile Francis Williams) 12 Reservoir st. Cambridge student Amer. sch. for classical studies Rome 99; teacher Miss Wheeler's sch. Providence R. I. 92-04; m. 7 Je 04; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Wild" Laura Huldah b.a. Lake Erie college Painesville O. B.D. 96 Hartford theol. sem; sec. Y. W. C. A. Lincoln Neb. 96-97, nat. sec. 97-00, sec. Toledo O. 00-01 ; licensed 97, ordained 01 minister Congregational church, pastor Congregational church Lincoln Neb. 01- 05; prof, (biblical lit. J Doane col. Crete Neb. 05-10, teacher at large Univ. of Neb, prof. Lake Erie col. Painesville 10 — Williams" Helen Rachel b.a. Canton teacher Canton high sch. 95-10 Wolcott Helen Libby b.a. Wethersfield Ct. teacher Hartford 92 — ; mem. A.C.A. Total 86-*4 1893 Adams" Ella Maria b.a. (Mrs Lellan Judson Tuck) 35 Lyon st. Pawtucket R. I. teacher Pawtucket high sch. 93-00; m. 24 Ap 00; ch. Ruth Bishop b. 26 F 03, Mar- jorie b. 30 My 07 Adams Martha Rumery b.a. (Mrs Frederick Haile Stebbins) 204 N. Main st. Springfield teacher Westbrook sem. 93-94, Springfield high sch. 94-02; m. 12 N 02 Alvord" Alice Whitney b.a. 21 Northampton st. Easthampton teacher Bethel Vt. 95-96, 97-99, White River Junction 96-97, (Eng.) Easthampton high sch. 01-10 Ayer" Frances May b.l. (Mrs Harry Herbert Tebbetts) c/o War dept Washington D. C. teacher 95-00; m. 14 Ag 00; ch. Dorothy b. 15 O 06 Baker Caroline Isabel b.l. 194 Salisbury st, Worcester M.A. 02 Radcliffe; student (Eng.) Radcliffe; teacher Franklin acad. Malone N. Y, Worcester classical high sch, instructor (Eng.) Smith 02— Barrows" Harriet Louise b.a. 7 Pearl st. pi. Springfield f teacher Worcester 93-96 ; substitute Spring- field ♦Barry" Florence Stuart b.a. student (Eng, economics) Northwestern univ ; teacher Milwaukee col. 93-94, Evan- Bton 111. 94-00, New Trier township high Bch. 111. 02-05; d. N 07 Bigelow Harriet Williams b.a. Smith college observatory North- ampton Ph.D. 04 Univ. of Mich; student (astron, physics) Univ. of Mich; teacher Canan- daigua N. Y. 94-96, asst (astron.) Smith 96-01, instructor 04-06, assoc. prof. 06 — ; mem. Amer. astron. and astrophysical soc, Amer. assn for advancemient of science *Blackstone" Martha Blackwell b.l. teacher Springfield Mass. pub. sch. 04- 10; d. 31 Mr 10 Springfield 58 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1893 Bourland^ Caroline Brown b.a. 1301 Knoxville av. Peoria 111. Ph.D. 02 Bryn Mawr; student (Spanish, French, Old French, Italian) Bryn Mawr 98-00, 01-02, fellow (romance lang.) 98-99, Mary E. Garret European fellow 00-01; teacher Pueblo Col. 93-94, Oak Park 111. 95-96, Peoria 96-97, instructor and assoc. prof. (French, Spanish) Smith 02 — ; mem. Amer. hispanic soc. Bradbury Ellen Brooks b.a. (Mrs Russell Brittingham) 123 Washington st. East Orange N.J. student (Latin) Harvard summer sch. 97, (Eng, educ. methods) Columbia 98-99; teacher Norfolk Va. 93-97, Westfield N. J. 97-98, Mary Brigham inst. Paterson 98-01; m. 18 Je 02 ; ch. Russell b. 29 D 04, Emily Bradbury b. 28 Ap 08 Bradford Stella Stevens b.a. 11 Plymouth st. Montclair N. J. M.D. 02 Cornell; student (sociology) Univ. of New York 93-94, (lit.) Gottingen 95, (med.) Col. of N. Y. infirmary for women and children 98-99, Cornell 99-02; teacher Montclair N. J. 93-94, EUzabeth 95-96, asst (Eng. lit.) Smith 96-98, examining physi- cian 06-09; interne Worcester memorial hospital 02-03, clinical asst Gouverneur dispensary New York 03-06, school inspec- tor 04-06, 09-10, physician Mountainside hospital 04-10, Ramapo Hills sanatorium 09-10; mem. Amer. medical assn ♦Buckingham** Grace Hammersley B.L. (Mrs John Charles Campbell) m. 10 S 95; ch. Stuart Wallace b. 4 My 97 d. 14 Je 97; d. 20 Mr 05 Demorest Ga. ♦Burgess" Mary Ellen b.l. (Mrs Louis A. Goodenough) teacher 93-01; m. My 01 (husband d. Ag 04) ; ch. Louis Burgess b. 7 Ja 03; d. 24 Ja 03 Busbey** Winifred Grace b.l. (Mrs John Mills Mayhew) 1521 D St. Lincoln Neb. teacher (Eng. lit.) 95-97; m. 6 Je 99; ch. Alice Dorothy b. 26 D 00 d. 7 Ja 01, Wini- fred Busbey b. 1 N 02, Ruth Harvey and Katharine MUls b. 19 D 08 Campbell Jenny [Jennie] Isabel b.a. Durham road Wallingford Ct. student (classics, pedagogy) Yale 00; teacher Orange high sch. 93-94, Wallingford high sch. 94-00 ♦Carson Ethel Daggett b.l. d. 26 S 93 Carter Edith Hovey b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Sumner Babcock) 24 Henry av. Pittsfield teacher North Wales Pa. acad. 93-94, (Latin, French) Willimantic Ct. high sch. 95-98; m. 14 Je 99 (husband d. 13 Jl 02); ch. Sumner Hovey b. 15 My 02 Clark Abigail Williams b.a. 1200 Commonwealth av. Allston teacher Chappaqua N. Y. 1 yr, sec. to Rev. Edward Everett Hale 99-09 Cook Anna Emeline b.l. (Mrs Arthur Louis Rice) 514 Central av. Wilmette 111. m. 29 Je 93; ch. Kingsley Louis b. 24 Ag 98, Elizabeth B. b. 23 Ja 05 Cook Ellen Parmelee b.s. Albright house Northampton M.A. 06 Columbia; student (chem.) Berlin univ. 96-97, Columbia 05-06; teacher pri- vate sch. Brooklyn 89-90, asst and instruc- tor (chem.) Smith 90-06, assoc. prof. 06 — ; mem. A.C.A. Cook"- Mary Augusta b.a. Hadley teacher Southampton Mass. 93-94, North Wales Pa. 94-95, Castleton Vt. 95-96, Fitch- burg Mass. 96-97, Hadley acad. 00 — CorHss** Florence Haskell b.s. (Mrs Thomas William Lamont) Englewood N. J. M.A. 98 Columbia; student (philos.) Colum- bia; m. 31 O 95; ch. Thomas 2d b. 30 Ja 99, Corliss b. 28 Mr 02, Austin b. 25 F 05, Eleanor Allen b. 10 Darling^ Frances b.a. (Mrs Edward Niles) Hope church Holland Mich, teacher 94-98; m. 27 S 00; ch. Henry Dar- ling b. 18 N 01 Davis Ina Forest b.a. (Mrs Stephen Hunt Burgoyne) Great Neck, Long Island N. Y. m. 26 O 09 Dorr^ Cora Louise b.l. (Mrs Frank Hay den Miller) 417 W. 120th St. New York J tutor 97-00; m. 18 Je 01; ch. Marjorie b. 13 Jl 02, Harold Dorr b. 3 O 04 Dow" Marion Durant b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam Colby Eaton) 714 Congress st. Portland Me. m. 16 My 96; ch. Annette Hammond b. 13 Mr 98 DuBois Mary Susan b.a. Randolph Vt. teacher high sch. Randolph 94-F 00, 02-08, prin. Richmond 00-01, asst Burlington 01-02 Dwight JuHa Strong Lyman b.a. c/o Brown Shipley & co. 123 Pall Mall S. W. London England grad. art 93, grad. Museum of fine arts sch. Boston 04; student Art students league New York 94-95, in Europe 06-10; teacher Providence R. I. 93-94 Eaton" Mary Field b.a. (Mrs Erdman B. Foth) 119 Midland av. Montclair N. J. m. 13 S 93; ch. EUzabeth b. 10 S 00, Frederick Eaton b. 16 Jl 02, Charles Eaton b. 7 Mr 07 1893] ACADEMIC GRADUATES Estes Jean Louisa b.l. (Mrs Marr) 986 Plymouth av. Fall River student (dramatic art, elocution, physical culture^ Emerson sch. Boston 93-94; asst prin. Slade grammar sch. Fall River 94-95, teacher Durfee high sch. 95-97, (elocution, physical culture) Y. W. C. A. Honolulu H. I. 01 ; m. (Walter Erwin Marr) 22 Ja 98; ch. Harold Estes b. 27 O 98, Walter Ling b. 27 Je 02 d. 1 Je 05, Carolyn b. 15 D 03 Fay Mary Caroline b.l. (Mrs Judson Leonard Merrick) 225 Walnut st. Holyoke m. 6 My 03; ch. Joseph Leonard b. 29 Ja 04, Florence Fay b. 25 O 09 Field** Elizabeth Peck b.l. (Mrs Jud- son Leon Field) Oak Park 111. m. 24 S 98 Field Grace Bowers b.a. (Mrs George Edward Spottiswoode) 197 Berkeley av. Orange N. J. m. 20 Je 00; ch. George 2d b. 5 O 01, Eleanor b. 10 S 06, Harriet Field b, 6 Ap 08 Flagg Gertrude Eusebia b.a. 48 Green st. Northampton M.A. 01 ; teacher Canton O. 95-96, Hadley Mass. 96-97, Brattleboro Vt. 97-98 ; official tutor (math.) Smith Gaylord Joanna Lanman b.a. c/o W. S. Gaylord, 15 Waldron av. Summit N. J. teacher private sch. Prospect Hill sch. Newark N. J. 07— Goodrich Mary Ida b.a. 8 Ridge road Concord N. H. student Europe 02-04, Berlin and Paris 08-09; teacher (Greek) high sch. Bellows Falls Vt. 93-96, (Greek, French, Latin) Littleton N. H. 96-99, (French, German) New Haven Ct. 05-08 ♦Grant** Jessie [Janet] Clara b.l. (Mrs William Adams Mackenzie) m. 3 O 00; d. 24 Je 02 Greene Mary Seymour b.l. (Mrs Charles Grin Patch) c/o Security Trust co. Detroit Mich, m. 25 Je 96 ; ch. Charles Orin jr b. 22 Ag 97 ; mem. A.C.A. Hagar Mary Lyon b.l. 337 College st. Burlington Vt. private teacher Newburg N, Y. 94-95, tutor Biu-lington Hall Ruth Bartlett b.l. Guilford Ct. asst prin. Chester Vt. high sch. 94-95, Erivate sch. Fairfield Ct. 95-96, Newtown igh sch. 97-98, Staples high sch. Westport 98— Hamilton Mary Emma b.l. 240 W. Highland av. Redlands Cal. teaeher Neensh Wis. high soh. 93-95 Hartwell" Maude [Maud] Appleton B.L. High school Dorchester student (Eng.) Radcliffe 00-01, Alliance fran?aise Paris and Univ. of Grenoble France summer of 04; teacher Brookline Mass. high sch. 93-D 03, Dorchester high sch. D 03— Harwood** Mary Emma b.a. 22 Washington st. Rutland Vt. student (Latin) Columbia 02-03, summers of 08-09; teacher Rutland Vt. high sch. 93-00, private sch. in middle west 00-02, head (Latin dept) Girls Latin sch. 03 — Holden Harriet Eleanor b.s. (Mrs John Elliott Oldham) 16 Livermore road Wellesley Hills m. 5 D 94; ch. Margaret Anna b. 2 My 96 (class baby) ; mem. A,C.A. Howe Jennie b.a. (Mrs William Erety Shoemaker) Bridgeton N. J. m. 7 Je 99 ; ch, Jane Howe b. 2 Mr 03, Esther Stone b. 23 My 05, William Howe b. 19 S 06, Horace Brewster b. 15 F 08 Hudson" Harriet Louise b.a. c/o C. M. Clark publishing co. 211 Tre- mont St. Boston journalist 93-05 Jackson Florence b.s. 1808 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 02; student (chem.) Barnard 97-99, (municipal govt) Univ. of Pa. 09-10; teacher private sch. Baltimore Md. 93-94, asst (chem.) Smith 94-97, teacher (math.) Newark N. J. high sch. 97-99, instructor (chem.) Wellesley 99-08, assoc. prin. Miss Hill's sch. Philadelphia 08 — ; mem. Amer. chem. soc, Amer. assn for advancement of science Jacobs Etta Luella b.a. 3 Brown av. St Albans Vt.f teacher Jeffrey Florence b.l. (Mrs William Wilson Carlile) Walnut Ford, Reynoldsburg O. m. 2 Je 96 ; ch. Eleanor Jeffrey b. Jl 97 d. 98, Dorothea b. O 00, Janet Jeffrey b. 09 Johnson Anna Louise b.s. 104 Marengo park Springfield diploma 98 Spnngfield kindergarten normal training sch; kindergartner Springfield 98-06 Kelly** Susan Maria b.a. Bradford teacher high sch. Hyannis Mass. 93-Ja 94, Salem Ja-Je 94, Attleboro 94-97; private tutor Haverhill 97-09; prin. Classical day sch. for girls Haverhill 09 — Knox Susan Varick b.l. 58 Bayard st. New Brunswick N.J. 60 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1893 Lamson Marion Helena b.a. (Mrs Robert Earie Matthews) Hemet Cal. teacher Dedham Mass. 93-94; tutor Boston 94^01, Colorado Springs Col. 01-02, Prescott Ariz. 02-04; writer, newspaper correspond- ent; m. 3 S 06 (husband d. 28 Ap 08); ch. Robert Marion b. 13 F 08 d. 14 F 08 Landon Grace b.l. (Mrs Walter Josiah Rickey) 1005 W. Washington st. South Bend Ind. m. 27 Je 01; ch. Elizabeth Lawrence b. 26 Ap 03, Emily Pierce b. 11 Ap 05, George Warren b. 6 Je 07, Jane Flint b. 1 S 09 Landon Mary b.l. 736 Union st. Schenectady N. Y. Lane Grace b.a, (Mrs Otis L. Beards- ley) 619 La Salle av. Chicago Ill.t teacher Chicago Leggett" Blanche Chipman b.a. Erasmus hall, Flatbush, Brook- lyn N. Y. student (French, French hist.) Western Reserve univ. 04, (Spanish, French, pho- netics) Chicago univ; teacher Miss Mittle- berger's sch. Cleveland O. 94, Cleveland South high sch. 94-07, Erasmus hall high sch. Brooklyn 07 — Lewis" Margaret b.a. (Mrs Winfield Scott Nickerson) 517 Essex av. S. E. Minneapolis Minn.t M.A. 96 Radcliffe; asst (zoology) Smith 94-95 ; practising physician ; m. 3 S 97 Libby" Blanche Edith b.l. (Mrs Alfred Lucius Chase) 147 Weston st. Waltham student (music) 93-95; m. 24 Je 97; ch. Beth b. 16 D 01 Lyman Virginia Dummer b.s. 67 Dwight pi. Englewood N. J. teacher Englewood 6 yr McConway Anne b.a. (Mrs Allen Wilson McEldowney) 408 Maple av. Edgewood Park Pa. m. 17 S 94; ch. Alison b. 7 N 96, dau. b. 30 O 00 d. 1 N 00, William McConway b. 5 Jl 02, Jane b. 28 F 07; mem. A.C.A. May" Margarita Britton b.l. 1540 Leavenworth st. San Fran- cisco Cal.f M.L. 95 Univ. of Cal. Mills Harriet Chidsey b.a. (Mrs Rob- ert Charles Cooley) 344 St James av. Springfield teacher private sch, Montclair N. J. 93-94, New York 94-96; m. 28 Ja 97; ch. Charles Byron b. 24 My 01, Rebecca Mooers b. 10 O03 Morris Anne [Annie] Louise b.a. (Mrs Roland Eugene Stevens) Hartford Vt. m. 7 N 00; ch. Robert Morris b. 14 S 04, Philip Roland b. 1 Mr 09 Murkland" Charlotte Marie b.a. 55 Walnut st. New Bedford student (psych, pedagogy) Harrington nor- mal and training sch. 94-95, (Eng.) Rad- cliffe 04-05 ; teacher New Bedford pub. sch. 95-98, (Eng.) and supervisor practice sch. for State normal sch. Lowell 98-10 Norris Charlotte b.a. 225 Walnut st. Holyoke teacher Andover Mass. 95-98, Holyoke 98-04 Parker Grace Bursley b.a. (Mrs John Crocker Makepeace) High st. Wareham teacher Sudbury Mass. high sch. Mr 94-98, prin. 98-Ap 99: m. 12 Jl 99; ch. Maurice Bursley b. 29 D 06 ♦Phelps Martha Emma b.a. d. 28 F 04 Poole" Harriet [Hallie] Schoedde b.a. Lafayette high school Buffalo N. Y. M.A. 97 Cornell; student (math.) Cornell 95-97; teacher Buffalo central high sch. 93-95, Nichols sch. 01-03, Lafayette high sch. 03 — ; computer U. S. coast and geodetic survey Ag 02 Port Irma Genette b.a. (Mrs Robert Francis Cheney) St Mark's vicarage Southboro student (Eng. lit, Anglo-Saxon) Wellesley 96-97; teacher (Latin, math.) Sayre inst. Lexington Ky. 93-94, (math.) Reading Mass. high sch. 94-95, (Eng.) Natick high sch. 95-97, (Latin, Greek) Jamaica normal and training sch. 97-01 ; m. 25 S 01 Pratt Laura Melancia b.l. (Mrs S. Bartow Strang) 4335 Clay st. Denver Col. teacher (Eng, German) Pueblo Col. high sch. 94-99 ; m. 8 Je 99 ; ch. Stephen Bartow b. 19 Ja 01, Herbert Lee Pratt b. 31 Mr 03, Francis Luqueer b. 26 D 04 d. 16 S 06, Arthur Luqueer b. 9 Ja 07, Elizabeth b. 16 D08 Procter Adeline Winthrop b.a. 84 Prospect st. Gloucester Putnam Helen Langley b.l. (Mrs James Kingsley Blake) 58 Huntington st. New Haven Ct. in charge (Eng. dept) New Haven state normal sch. 93-97; m. 6 N 97; ch. Eunice Putnam b. 19 Ap 04, EUzabeth Kingsley b. 9 Je 06 ; mem. A.C.A. Randall" Bertha Thatcher b.l. Carnegie library Pittsburg Pa. B.L.S. 03 Univ. of 111; student (library science) Univ. of 111. 01-03; instructor Univ. of 111. lib. sch. 03-04, asst cataloger Carnegie lib. Pittsburg 04 — ; mem. A.L.A. 1893] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 61 Richardson" Edith Maria b.a. MiUis teacher (Greek, Latin) high sch. Milford Mass. 93-97, (Greek, hist.) Leominster 97-01, (Latin) Haverhill 01— Richardson" Mary Lincoln b.l. (Mrs John Reid) 183 Main st. Franklin music 93-96 ; m. 14 F 00 ; ch. Lincoln b. 30 D04 Rumsey Olive b.l. Westfield, Chau- tauqua CO. N. Y. M.A. 96; student (Eng.) Yale 95-96; instructor (Eng.) Rockford col. 87-89, 91-95, 96-99, Wellesley 99-01, Smith 01-05 Sabin Florence Rena b.s. Johns Hop- kins medical school Baltimore Md. M.D. 00 Johns Hopkins; student (med.) Johns Hopkins 96-00, fellow (anatomy) Baltimore assn for advancement of univ. educ. for women, Johns Hopkins 01-02; teacher Denver Col. 93-95, asst (zoology) Smith 95-96; interne Johns Hopkins 00-01; asst instructor and assoc. (anatomy) Johns Hopkins 02-05, assoc. prof. 05 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. assn of anatomists, Amer. assn for advancement of science Sanford" Adelaide Benton b.l. (Mrs Ashley Kingsley Hardy) Hanover N. H. instructor (German) Boardman high sch. New Haven Ct. 94-00; m. 24 Je 02 *Sanford" Mabel Warren b.l. (Mrs Malcolm Niell MacLaren) journalist 93-03; m. 7 O 03; d. 16 S 04 Scovill Florence May b.l. 464 E. 19th St. Brooklyn N. Y.f student (Eng.) Yale 93-94; teacher Mont- pelier Vt. 94-96, Westfield N. J. 96-97, Brooklyn 98-04 Shepard"^ Bertha Maria b.l. 25 Norfolk st. Hartford Ct. foreign student 04 — ; teacher (mod. lang.) high sch. Auburn Neb. 93-94, Trinidad Col. 94-95, Norfolk Mass. 01-02, Brooklyn Ct, Southbridge Mass. Shepard Clara Alida b.a. 46 Prospect st. East Orange N. J. teacher (Greek, Latin) Park classical sch. New York 93-94, Golden hill sem. Bridge- port Ct. 94-95, East Orange N. J. 95-97, Barrington high sch. Newark 97 — *Sherrill« CeciUa Adelaide b.a. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 96-98; asst Utica N. Y. pub. lib. 93-97, Worcester Mass. free pub. lib. 98-99; d. 2 F 03 New Hartford N. Y. *Shoemaker Mary Erety b.l. philanthropic worker, state sec. Christian Endeavor soc. 1 yr; d. 22 F 02 Bridgeton N.J. Short Mabel Amanda b.a. 3 Warland st. Cambridge student (chem.) Harvard summer sch. 94, (art) Boston 99-02, (music) 07-10; teacher Oak Park 111. 94-95, Brattleboro Vt. 95-98, Cambridge high sch. 04 — Smith" Bertha Chester b.a. (Mrs James Hiram Fassett) Nashua N. H. teacher Nyack N. Y. acad. 93-95, Nashua high sch. 95-97; m. 23 Je 97; ch. James Adams b. 3 Je 04 Smith** Florence Virginia b.l. (Mrs Wilhelm Griepenkerl) Tiburon, Marin co. Cal. m. 07; ch. Edward Clarence S. b. 08 Smith Frances Grace b.a. 20 Marengo park Springfield M.A. 99, Ph.D. 06 Chicago univ; student Westfield normal sch. 94-95, (botany, zoology) Smith 97-99, Woods Hole stun- mer sch. 99, 03. (botany) Chicago univ. 03-05 ; teacher (classics) Warren Mass. high sch. 95-97, asst (botany) Smith 00-03. instructor 05 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. assn for advancement of science, Nat. geog. soc. Soule Elizabeth [Bessie] Nye b.l. 82 Walnut park Newton Sparks Mary Estella b.l. 2173 Bedford av. Brooklyn N. Y. student (hist, of lit.) Leipzig univ. 98-99; teacher Holyoke Mass. 94-97, Rome N. Y. 00-03, Brooklyn 03— Stevens Grace Mildred b.a. (Mrs John Leslie Wright) 1734 Beacon st. Waban substitute teacher Concord Mass. high sch. Ap-Je 94, teacher Wakefield high sch. 94-98; m. 30 Ag 98; ch. Wynna b. 9 N 99 Stone Charlotte Sackett b.l. (Mrs William Dugald MacDougall) 815 James st. Syracuse N. Y.| asst (rhetoric) Smith 94-95; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 98-99; m. 22 D 98; ch. Charlotte Stone b. 12 Ja 01, Zilla b. 27 Jl 02 Stone Myra Josephine b.a. 27 Waverley av. Newton private tutor (French, German) Boston and vicinity Strong Julia Worthington b.a. 50 Washington av. Northampton student (hist.) Chicago univ. Ja-Je 04; teacher high sch. Greenport Long Island 93-94, Hubbardston Mass. 94-95, Athol 95-Ja 04, Mansfield O. 04-05, Springfield Mass. central high sch. 05-06, technical high sch. 06-10 Strong Maud Evelyn b.a. 52 North st. Northampton teacher (Latin, math.) Monson Mass. acad. 93-96, (math.) Worcester Eng. high sch 97-98, tutor Northampton 98 — Taft« Edith Lockwood b.l. (Mrs. Egisto Fabbei Chauncey) Mt Kisco N. Y.t deaconess Church of Epiphany New York 97-99, St George's church 99-03; m. 20 Ap04 62 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1893-94 Tapley" Elizabeth Pierce b.l. 12 Nelson st. Dover N. H.f teacher 94-96 Taylor Julia Randell b.a. (Mrs Charles Allen Linsley) NorthfieldJ m. 94; ch. Catherine Taylor b. 99 Tewksbury" Mary Weston b.a. (Mrs James Dickson) Randolph Vt. Thompson Bertha Mary b.l. (Mrs Guy Manning Kerr) Arkansas Valley Smelter, Amer. Smelting & Refining co. Lead- ville Col. m. 5 Ap 99 ; ch. John Jay Hicks b. 18 Je 02 Thompson** Frances Ellis b.a. 94 Hawley st. Northampton student (French) Paris 02-03, summer of 08; teacher high sch. Saginaw Mich. 95-00, Scranton Pa. 00-01, Northampton 03-06, Springfield 07-09 Twining Edith de Gueldry b.a. (Mrs Frederic William Stevens) 45 Madison av. Morristown N. J. teacher Morristown 1 yr; m. 9 S 03; ch. Barbara L. b. 11 Ja 06, Alice de Gueldry b. 21 My 08 ♦Twitchell Gertrude Marble b.l. d. 3 Ja 04 Colorado Springs Col. Vanderbeek Mary Courtland b.a. (Mrs J. Edward Giles) 156 5th av. New York M.A. 02 Univ. of Mich; student (Latin, Roman political antiquities, pedagogy) Univ. of Mich. 01-02; teacher Englewood N. J. 93-98; m. 18 Je 03; ch. Marian Bunton b. 9 Ag 09 Ward Grace b.a, 243 Foster st. Lowell teacher Lowell high sch. 95-Ap 10 Waring Mary Kimberley b.a. 68 Lloyd road Montclair N. J. teacher Montclair high sch. 94-99, Miss Wheeler's sch. Providence R. I. 01-06, prin. private sch. for girls Montclair 06-10 Watterson Roberta Franc b.l. (Mrs Emil Diebitsch) Nutley N. J. Ph.M. 95 New York univ; student (Eng. lit.) New York univ. 94-95; libn South Orange N. J. 97-04, branch libn Brooklyn pub. lib. 04-06; m. 21 Ap 06; ch. John Norton b. 20 N 09 d. 21 N 09 Weeks Imogene b.l. 95 S. Mountain av. Montclair N.J. student (pedagogy) Teachers col. 93-94; teacher (Eng, Latin) Montclair high sch. 94-97, 98-04, acting viceprin. 04-05, teacher (Latin) Milton Mass. acad. 07-10 Wheeler Frances b.a. (Mrs James Thompson) 6 Forest av. Worcester teacher Worcester classical high sch. 94-03 ; m. 23 Jl 03; ch. James jr b. 11 My 06, Helen b. 17 Je 07 Whitman Helen Hobart b.l. (Mrs Kenzie Wallace Walker) c/o Capt. K. W. Walker, Pay- master, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. m. 17 O 95; ch. Augustine Whitman b. 4 Ag 96 d. 21 Ag 99, Dorothy Whitman b. 27 OOO Whitman** Mabel b.l. Sunset av. Amherst teacher Chicago pub. sch. 93-97, 99-01, Madison inst. Richmond Ky. 97-My 99, Girton sch. Winnetka 111. 01-02, assoc. prin. 03-07 Williams" Bessie Hastings b.a. (Mrs Archibald Heber Lewis) 7706 Piatt av. Cleveland O. student (biol.) Mass. inst. tech. 94, Leipzig univ. 95 ; substitute teacher and tutor New York and Brooklyn 93-94, teacher (science) Miss Sheldon's sch. Providence R. I. 94-95, Prof. Button's training class Brook- line Mass. 98, Brqokline high sch. 98, head (science dept) Miss Mittleberger's sch.lfor girls Cleveland 99-01; m. 29 Ag 01; ch. Percy Williams b. 16 F 03, Frances Kiloh b. 30 Ap 06, Gilbert Hastings b. 10 Mr 08 Williston Agnes Louise b.l. Pomfret Center Ct. governess Bayou Sara La. 93-94, teacher (German) Elmhurst 111. 94-95, Beloit Wis. high sch. 95; tutor Williston" Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Herbert Spencer BuUard) 21 Marshall st. Hartford Ct. m. 14 F 06; mem. A.C.A. Woollen" Maria b.a. (Mrs Harlow Hyde) 181 Claremont av. New Yorkf student (Eng. lit.) Stanford 93-94, (hist.) Columbia 03-04 ; teacher Indianapolis 94-03; Wyatt" Mabel Preston b.l. (Mrs I Harry Benjamin Jepson) 245 East Rock road New Haven Ct. m. 1 Ag 95 ; mem. A.C.A. Total 118-*11 1894 Allen Sarah Theodosia b.a. (Mrs Philip Reynolds Leavenworth) Normal school Castleton Vt. asst Castleton normal sch. 94-95, matron 97 — ; teacher Adams Mass. high sch. 95-96, Fitchburg high sch. 96-97 ; m. 6 O 97 1894] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 63 Andrews Katharine Hannah b.s. (Mrs John Jay Healy) 503 Barry av. Chicago 111. student (pedagogy) Chicago univ. 97-98; teacher 94-00; m. 21 Je 00; ch. Lois Andrews b. 14 Jl 01, Allan b. 17 Mr 03, Helen Lambert b. 19 Jl 04, Winston b. 11 N 07; mem. A.C.A. Atwood Alice Chapman b.l. (Mrs George Chandler Coit) 19 Hillside av. Winchester student (hist, Eng.) Radcliffe 94-96; m. 7 Je 99; mem. A.C.A. Balch Mary Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Allen Winchester Jackson) 202 Brattle st. Cambridge student (kindergarten) New Britain Ct. state normal sch. 95; m. 26 Mr 00; ch. Harriet b. 22 S 03, Edmund b. 2 Jl 06 Bancroft Frances Marsh b.l. (Mrs William Joseph Long) Noroton hill Stamford Ct. teacher Mrs Stearns' private sch. for girls Amherst Mass. fall 94, Abbot acad. Andover 95-00; m. 5 S 00; ch. Lois Bancroft b. 15 D 01, Frances Kittredge b. 12 My 05, Brian Bancroft b. 17 Mr 07 Bawden Sarah Elizabeth [Elisabeth] B.L. Creed av. Queens, Long Island N. Y. student (science of educ, Eng.) Columbia summer of 00 ; private tutor 94-96 ; teacher Bayonne N. J. high sch. 96-05, (Eng, music) Manual training high sch. Brook- lyn 05— Bealin" Nella Ellery b.a. c/o Mrs O. S. Gaither 4455 Cham- plain av. Chicago IlLf Brown Inez b.l. 135 East terrace Chattanooga Tenn.J Brown Ophelia Sanger b.l. Tyngsboro teacher Nashua N. H. Mr 96-97, Proctor acad. Andover N. H. 97-98 Browne** Frances Eliza b.a. Erasmus hall high school Brook- lyn N. Y.t teacher (French) Drury acad. North Adams Browne"' Helen Swale b.a. Geneva 111. student (decorative design) Chicago art inst. 99-00 Burrington Venila Spaulding b.l. (Mrs George William Colson) 95 Geneva av. Grove Hall Dorchester student (Eng, French, Latin) Framingham Mass. normal sch. 01-02, scholar College settlements assn ; teacher and settlement worker 03; sec. Intermunicipal assn for household research Boston 05-07; asst manager Eastern teachers agency Boston 07-08; m. 18 Je 08; mem. A.C.A. Chandler Frances Woods b.l. Box 198 EnfieldJ Chapman Elizabeth Kimball b.a. Bethel Me. asst (prep, dept) Tabor la. col. 94-95, Fargo N. D. col. 95-96, asst prin. high sch. Henderson Me. 96-98, prin. Pekin 111. 98-01, St Peter Minn. 01-03, Jamestown N. D. 03-04, preceptress Phillips acad. New Rockford 04 — ; mem. N.E.A. Chapman Marguerite Elisabeth b.a. 1461 W. 25th St. Cleveland O. private teacher 95-99, Hathaway-Brown sch. Cleveland 99-09 Clark Mary Barnard b.a. (Mrs Charles Henry Putnam) E. 603 Nora av. Spokane Wash. student Univ. of Minn; m. 18 Je 01; ch. Martha Clark b. 5 O 03, Henry b. 6 Jl 05 Colclazer Helen Mary b.l. Hinsdale IlLf Covel Abbie Walker b.a. 617 Commonwealth av. Boston sec. Smith alum, assn 96-00, treas. 05-07; mem. A.C.A. Coyle Susan Edmond b.a. 1326 19th St. Washington D. C. student (structural botany, Amer. lit.) Yale 96, (hist, Eng.) Bryn Mawr 02-03; teacher (Eng, Latin) St Mary's inst. Dallas Tex. 96-97, (science) Westfield N. J. high sch. Ja-Je 98, (Latin, Eng, hist.) Portland Ore. acad. 98-02, 03-04, (Eng, hist.) Friends' sch. Baltimore Md. 05-06, (hist.) Miss Madeira's sch. Washington D. C. 06— *Cranston Augustine Louise b.a. d. 25 My 97 Newport Del. Davis"' Mary Isabella b.l. (Mrs Stanley Carleton) 231 N. Kenilworth av. Oak Park 111. m. 11 Je 95; ch. Gilbert Davis b. 23 N 01 Devin Ethel Wyatt b.a. 172 Central av. Dover N. H. teacher Wheaton sem. Norton Mass. 96-98, St Mary's sch. Concord N. H. 98-10 Dickerman Elizabeth Street b.a. 140 Cottage st. New Haven Ct. Ph.D. 96 Yale; student (math.) Yale 94-99; teacher (math.) New Haven 97-02, Greenwich acad. 02-03, substitute head (math, dept) Western Reserve univ. Col. for women 06-07, teacher (math.) Ingleside sch. New Milford Ct. 07-10; mem. A.C.A, Amer. assn for advancement of science Dunbar" Olivia Howard b.l. 53 Washington sq. S. New York writer of fiction, editor and writer for news- papers and magazines Dustin Anne Rogers b.a. (Mrs New- ton Samuel Bacon) 1688 Massachusetts av. Cam- bridge m. 6 N 02; ch. Margaret b. 11 My 04, Roger Dustin b. 9 Je 07 64 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1894 Eastman Mary Bentley b.a. (Mrs Harry Weston Whittemore) Tufts college asst Berlin N. H. high sch. 94-96, Millbury Mass, high sch. 96-00; m. 11 Jl 00; ch. Rodney Eastman b. 20 S 04 Etheridge Fanny Sarah b.l. (Mrs John MacGregor Grant) 65 Broadway New York student (psych.)' Chicago xmiv. 96, (lib. science) 98-00; m. 13 D 00; ch. James Henry Etheridge b. 17 Je 02, Clinton Fur- bish b. 10 My 04 ♦Evans** Laura Livingston b.a. (Mrs Henry Francis Jordan) teacher 96-03; m. 2 S 03; d. Jl 06 Fairbanks'* Charlotte b.a. St Johnsbury Vt. Ph.D. 96 Yale, M.T>. 02 Woman's med. col. of Pa; fellow (chem.) Bryn Mawr 96-97; instructor (chem.) Wellesley 97-99; physi- cian Philadelphia Pa. 02-08, St Johnsbury 08-10 French Marian Leslie b.a. (Mrs Her- bert James Chambers) 111 Archer av. Mt Vernon N. Y.J m. 22 F 00; ch. Adelaide French b. 9 Mr 01 Frost Mary Pepperell b.a. (Mrs James Cowan Sawyer) 210 S. Main st. Andover teacher Wheaton sem. Norton Mass. 95-96 ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 00-03; m. 10 Je 97; ch. George Frost b. 25 Je 02, Charles Henry 2d b. 20 O 06 Fuller Mary Breese b.a. Smith college Northampton M.A. 99; student (hist.) Oxford Eng. 97-98; newspaper worker Springfield Republican summer of 94, 95, Congregationaliat sum- mer of 99; teacher Drury col, fall of 94, Erivate sch. Kansas City Mo. 95-97, St -ouis 97-99, Boston 99, instructor (hiat.) Smith 00 — ; mem. Amer. hist, assn Gale Marion b.l. 68 S. 11th St. Minneapolis Minn, teacher Minneapolis high sch. Gane Gertrude b.s. 114 E. Walton pi. Chicago 111. B.Mus. 06 Columbia sch. of music Chicago; student (music) Berlin 00-01, Chicago 04- 07 ; teacher (science) Kirkland sch. Chicago 95-00, director (music dept) Girton sen. Winnetka 111. 06 — ; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 99-00; mem. A.C.A. Graves" Katherine Olive b.l. (Mrs L. White Busbey) 2336 Massachusetts av. Washing- ton D. C.t m. 10 Je 96; ch. Leroy White b. 97, Horace Carleton b. 99 Greenough Clara Mary b.a. 173^ Federal st. Greenfield M.D. 99 Northwestern imiv; student med. Northwestern imiv. 95-99; ph3raician; med. inspector Greenfield sen. 08-10. Leyden 09-10 Hammond Juliet b.l. 724 Union av. Litchfield 111. student (geol, philos, municipal govt) Univ. of la. 97-98, New York svunmer sch. of philanthropy 04, Chicago univ. spring and summer of 10; agent in training S. W. district of Federated charities Baltimore Md. Ja-Je 04, D 04-My 05, agent My 05-09; mem. A.C.A. Harkness Edith Alice b.l. 1923 Orrington av. Evanston 111, Hartwell Mary Ann b.l. 941 S St. N. W. Washington D. C. asst Forbes lib. Northampton 94-96, cata- loger-in-charge office supt of documents Washington 96 — ; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A, Nat. geog. 80C. Herrick" Ada Elizabeth b.a. 17 Jackson st. Springfield Hubbard Alice Clark b.l. Women's university club Madi- son av. and 29th st. New York B.S. 10 Teachers ^col; student (fine arts) Teachers col. 05-07, 09-10; asst head worker col, settlement Philadelphia 00-01, New York 01-05; teacher (art) Washing- ton D. C. 07-09; mem. A.C.A. Humphrey Mary King b.l. (Mrs Burton A. Adams) 41 Irvington st. Springfield miss'y worker Bible soc. Chicago 95-96; teacher (science) Talledega Ala. col. 96-01 ; m. 31 D 01 ; ch. Margaret Humphrey b. 27 O 04, Dorothy Wright b. 16 Mr 06 Johnson Eleanor Hope b.a. 37 Madison av. New York settlement worker Hull house 97, Hartley house 99; school visitor Farmington Ct. 01-04; chairman local sch. board 8th district New York 08 — ; mem. Amer. economic assn Johnstone Mary Margaret Sewall b.a. 1703 Jackson blvd Chicago 111. M.D. 99 Northwestern univ; cUnical asst Rush med. sch. 07 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. med. assn, Amer. med. editors assn Jones" Ellen Permelia b.a. (Mrs Henry Clay Sanders jr) Claremont N. H. teacher 94-00; district sec. Boston asso- ciated charities 01-04; m. 7 My 04; ch. Elizabeth b. 6 Ag 05 Kimball" Martha Hayward b.l. Littleton teacher Littleton grammar sch. 94-96, Ware 7th grade 95-98, prin. 96-98, (lit, hist.) high sch. 98-04; newspaper corres- pondent 1894] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 65 King Florence Maud b.a. 17 Kensington av. Northampton student (science, Greek) Smith 95-96; teacher Science Hill Shelbvville Ky. 94-95, Hinsdale N. H. high sch. 96-05, substitute teacher Hawley grammar sch. Northamp- ton 06-07. tutor and substitute teacher pub. sch. 07-10 Lamb Lucy Inez b.l. 6 Arlington av. Holyoke teacher Cumberland high sch. Valley Falls R. I. 95-98, Easthampton Mass. high sch. 99-10; mem. A.C.A. Lambert" Helen Bordman b.l. (Mrs C. W. Gallup) 68 Cherry st. North Adams J Lane Grace Grover b.l. (Mrs John Hastings Quint) Brunswick Me. teacher Yarmouth Me. 95-96, Falmouth Mass. 96-03; m. 29 S 03; ch. Elizabeth Sargent b. 23 O 04 Leach Alice Lydia b.a. (Mrs Edwin Cumberland Sharp) 176 Macon st. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Brearley Annex New York 96-00; m. 11 D 02; ch. Kenneth Alexander b. 17 Ag 04, Donald Leach b. 7 Ja 06 Learned Agnes Wakefield b.a. (Mrs Percy Millard Dawson) 12 Arlington st. Cambridge student Marme biol. lab. Woods Hole 96, (nursing) Mass. general hospital Boston 97-99; teacher private sch. St Louis 94-97, Phillips sch. 99-00; m. 8 Ap 01; ch. Emily b. 18 Jl 02, Helen b. 13 My 04, Margaret b. 1 O 06, Ruth b. 1 S 09; mem. A.C.A. Leigh ton Emma Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Harry Arthur Miller) Bald wins ville student Ingalls memorial lib. Rindge N. H. 95-96; libn 95-04; teacher Rindge pub. sch. 94-03 ; m. 03 ; ch. Eunice Leighton b. 9 F 06 d. 19 Jl 06, Maurice Arthur b. 26 N08 Lewis Mary Delia b.a. Smith college Northampton M.A. 09 Univ. of Mich; student Dresden 98-99, (rhetoric) Univ. of Mich. 08-09; teacher Stamford Ct. 94-98, Dresden 98-99, (Eng.) Kemper hall Kenosha Wis. 99-04, head (Eng. dept) Pa. col. for women Pittsburg 04-08, mstructor (Eng.) Smith 06-08, 09—, asst (rhetoric) Univ. of Mich. 08-09 *Lips Minerva Ella b.l. d. 8 Ja 96 Springfield Lockwood Jeanne Julia b.a. (Mrs Amos Burt Thompson) 1962 E. 84th st. Cleveland O. m. 6 Ap 98; ch. Lockwood b. 4 Jl 01, Ruth Lockwood b. 5 Jl 05 Lyall" Bertha b.l. The Lancashire, 353 W. 86th st. New York Lynch Caroline [Carrie] Vinia b.a. 217 Norfolk st. Dorchester Center Boston M.A. 08 Olumbia; student (Eng, peda- gogy) Radcliffe 96-97, (Greek, Latin, archaeol.) 07-09, (archaeol.) Amer. sch. of classical studies Rome 04-05, (Greek, Latin, archaeol.) Columbia 06-07; asst (Greek, Latin) West Upton Mass. high sch, 97-98, demonstrator (art, cla.ssical archaeol.) Bryn Mawr 09-10; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Lynch" Katharine Gertrude b.a. 605 Academy av. Providence R. Lt M.A. 99 Brown McMahan Una b.a. (Mrs Frank Edgerton Harkness) 6016 Stony Island av. Chicago 111. student (Greek, archaeol.) Chicago univ. 95-99, 01-02, 05-07, (Egyptian) Bryn Mawr 08-09; demonstrator (hist, of art, classical archaeol.) Bryn Mawr 07-08, demonstrator and reader 08-09; m. 19 O 09; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Mansfield Elizabeth Langley b.l. 13386 Euclid av. Cleveland O. trus. Y. W. C. A. Cleveland 7 yr Mason Martha b.a. Waltham new church school Waltham student (Eng, pedagogy) Radcliffe 95-97; teacher Brooklme Mass. 95-97, Paterson N. J. 97-99, New Church sch. Waltham 99 — ; mem. A.C.A. Merriman** Mabel Lilian b.s. Northfield M.A. 01 Radcliffe; student (biol.) Chicago univ. 96-97, Marine biol. lab. Woods Hole summer of 99, (botany) Radcliffe 01-02; teacher Pasadena Cal. 94-95, asst Echo Mt observatory Pasadena 95-96 , teacher Elgin 111. high sch. 97-98, Dorchester Mass. high sch. 02-05, New York normal high sch. 06-09, instructor New York normal col. 10— Moon Elizabeth Laetitia b.a. (Mrs Henry S. Conard) Grinnell la. M.A. 97, Ph.D. 99 Chicago univ; student (comparative religions) Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris 96-97, (comp. religion, sociology) Chicago univ. 98-99; teacher Westtown Pa. boarding sch. 95-96, non-resident reader (comp. religion) Chi- cago univ. 02-10; m. 13 Ap 00; ch. Eliza- beth Moon b. 2 My 03, Caroline b. 06 d, Rebecca b. 09 Moore** Mabel Reynolds b a. (Mrs Eliot White) 138 E. 94th St. New York teacher (math.) Springfield Mass. high sch. 95-96; m. 6 Ap 04; ch. Maiu-ice Brewster b. 16 Je 05, Shirley Prence (dau.) b. 28 Ap08 66 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1894 Noyes Bertha Lizette b.l. (Mrs Oscar Lundgren Stevens) 70 Elm St. Andoverf student Radcliffe 00 ; teacher Ashbumham Mass. 1 yr; m. 1 O 04 Oakes Julia Anna b.l. (Mrs Here- ward Burbridge) Woodstock Vt. teacher 95-98; m. 14 D 98; ch. Edwin Oakes b. 6 Jl 01 Odell^ Lillian Atherton b.a. Greenland N. H. teacher Presque Isle Me. high sch. 95-96, Morgan sch. Portsmouth N. H. 97-98, private teacher Portsmouth 98-05; libn Greenland pub. lib. 09-10 Paul Anne Marie b.l. La Crosse Wis. Peck Teresina b.l. (Mrs Wilfrid Asa Rowell) 743 College st. Beloit Wis. student (Latm) Yale 95; teacher private sch. New Haven Ct. 95-97, private teacher (hist, of art, Italian) New Haven, Bridge- port 95-98, 99-06; m. 5 Je 07; ch. Teresina b. 13 Ja 09; mem. A.C.A. Perkins Helen b.a. 72 Westland av. Boston student (zoology, German) Radcliffe 95-97 ; asst to foreign sec. of Amer. Baptist foreign mission soc. 91-96; mem. A.C.A. Pickering Minnie Maud b.a. 23 Ormond st. Mattapan student (Greek) Smith 94-95; teacher (Greek, Latin) Moulton col. Toronto Can. 97-01, New York 01-02, Allen sch. West Newton Mass. 03-07, private sch. Boston 06— Pierce** Harriet Edith b.l. 243 Adelaide av. Providence R. I. M.A. 04 Brown; student (German, hist, of art) Brown 99-04; head (German dept) Providence high sch. 94^05 Piatt" Ada Susan b.l. (Mrs James Dewey Benedict) 86 Williams st. Burlington Vt. m. 14 F 01 ; ch. Stuart b. 18 D 05, Martha Buckham b. 16 Ap 07 Piatt Clara Boardman b.l. (Mrs Israel Arthur Herrick) 3654 Blaisdell av. Minneapolis Minn.f curator N. H. S. Worcester Mass. 94-95; teacher Nyack N. Y. 95-96, private teacher Dresden Germany 96-98; m. 4 Jl 99; ch. Helen Piatt b. 26 Ja 02 Pratt Sarah [Marie] b.a. 2168 S. Salina st. Syracuse N. Y. M.A. 09 Columbia; student (Eng.) Colum- bia 04; teacher high sch. Bingham ton N. Y. 94-96, Watertown 96-98. asst prin. Schenectady 98-06, head (Eng. dept) Springfield Mass. 06 — ; mem. Mod. lang. assn Prouty Mabel Lucretia b.l. (Mrs Arthur Mills Johnson) Corcoran Manor Mt Vernon N. Y. m. 11 Je 95 Rice Lillian Ballance b.l. (Mrs Wil- son Chase) c/o War dept Washington D. C. teacher Tempe Ariz, territorial normal sch; m. (1) 2 S 96 (Daniel Rufus Brigham d. 19 F 02), (2)20 Agio (Wilson Chase); ch. Daniel Morgan Brigham b. 8 My 99, Caroline Rice Brigham b. 1 Mr 01 Richardson" Belle b.a. (Mrs Cam- eron Johnson) 210 N. Plum St. Richmond Va. settlement worker Chicago 94-97, miss'y Kobe Japan 98-05, mission worker Va. 06 — ; m. 31 D 97 Richardson Marv Lilias b.a. 234 Third st. Troy N. Y. M.A. 03 Radcliffe; student (Latin, Greek) Radcliffe 02-03; teacher Keble sch. Syracuse N. Y. 95-99, 01-02, St Mary's, Garden City N. Y. 00-01, Brockport N. Y. state normal sch. 03-04, asst (Latin) Smith 04-06, instructor 06 — ; mem. A.C.A. Ripley"^ Winifred Helen b.a. (Mrs F. M. DeForest) Houston vschool Spokane Wash.f Robbins" Alice Emily b.l. 26 Jones st. New York student (economics) London sch. of econom- ics 01-02; teacher Malone N. Y. acad. 94-96, Plattsburg N. Y. state normal sch. 96-98 ; social worker Warren Goddard house New York 98-01, head worker Lawrence house Baltimore Md. 02-08, investigator of settlements Russell Sage foundation 08-10 Ruger Harriet Marsh b.a. (Mrs Francis James Longdon) South blvd DeLand Fla. state miss'y Christian woman's board of missions Fla. 08 — ; m. 6 My 02; stepch. Francis Morton b. 7 Ag 92 Rugg Harriet Alice b.s. 84 Grove av. Leominster student Fitchburg state normal sch. 97-98 ; asst Leominster high sch. 96-97, teacher (math, science) Howard sem. West Bridge- water 98-03, Marlboro high sch. 03 — ; mem. Amer. geog. soc. Sanford Stella DeLand b.a. (Mrs Charles David Brown) 95 Westminster road Rochester N. Y. student Chicago kindergarten inst. 95, St Andrew's kindergarten training sch. Roches- ter N. Y. 96-97; kindergartner Akron O, Detroit Mich. 97-02; m. 15 F 02; ch. Mar- garet Sanford b. 22 Ja 03, Katharine San- ford b. 18 S 05, Priscilla Sanford b. 15 Je 09 ; mem. A.C.A. Say ward Mary Edith b.a. 49 Chatham st. Worcester student Bridgewater Mass. normal sch. 94-95, (mycology, entomology) Cornell 05- 06; teacher Worcester Eng. high sch. 95-10 1894] ACADEMIC GRADUATES «7 Schermerhorn Rena b.l. (Mrs Arthur Bacon Breese) 310 James st. Syracuse N. Y.f m. 2 Je 03; ch. Romenia Schermerhorn b. 5S04 Scott Mary Stuart b.l. 1212 Locust St. Dubuque la. Searl" Mabel Darrow b.l. (Mrs William Ward Damon) Pelham Manor N. Y. m. 11 Je 96; ch. Mabel Marie b. 25 Mr 98, Muriel Ford b. 2 Je 01 Seelye Mabel b.a. (Mrs James Wil- son Bixler) 27 Broad st. New London Ct. m. 7 S 98; ch. Elizabeth Seelye b. 29 O 99, James Wilson b. 6 O 02 Smiths Abigail May b.a. 127 Chestnut st. Holyokef Smith Alice Abigail b.l. (Mrs Arthur D wight Dana) 135 Argyle road Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Miss Mittleberger's sch. for girls Cleveland O. 94-97; m.9Je97; ch. William Dale b. 14 Mr 99, Arthur Dwight jr b. 10 Ag 02 Smith" Grace b.l. (Mrs Warren Austin Adams) Dartmouth college Hanover N. H.t teacher 95-96 ; m. 2 S 96 ; ch. Austin Lock- wood b. 27 Ag 97, Henry b. 15 Je 04 Smith Grace Angeline b.s. (Mrs Matt Bushnell Jones) 111 Parker st. Newton Center student (botany) Yale 94-95; teacher (science) St Mary's col. Dallas Tex. 95-96, asst (botany) Smith 96-99; m. 12 S 99; ch. Walter Leland b. 11 Je 02, Catharine Bushnell b. 22 N 03, Matt Bushnell jr b. 30 N 06 Swett Edith Josephine b.a. 577 Westfield av. Westfield N. J. teacher Lewiston Me. 95-96, Lancaster Mass. 96-03, 04-05, Westfield 06— Thompson" Caroline [Carrie] Lee Hualani b.a. (Mrs David Morri- son) Casilla 933 Valparaiso Chili S. A. J professor (Eng.) Liceo de Ninas Valparaiso 95-96; m. 20 Ap 97; ch. Frank Stewart b. 11 Mr04d. 4N04 Wakelin Elizabeth Newell b.l. (Mrs Wilbur Marshall Urban) 71 Vernon st. Hartford Ct. student (millinery, cooking) Drexel inst. Philadelphia 95-96; m. 27 Jl 96; ch. Lis- beth Marshall b. 16 D 97, Isabel Wakelin b. 1 N 03 Walton Mabel Lilian b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam H. Wanamaker) The Rittenhouse Philadelphia Pa. t M.A. 02 Univ. of Pa; teacher 94-05; m. 6 J105 Warburton"^ Cora Isabel b.l. (Mrs Theodore Frederic Hussa) 68 Eppirt St. East Orange N. J. teacher (Eng, Latin) Bergen sch. for girls Jersey City 94-95, 95-96, (Eng, hist.) Wellesley sch. Philadelphia 96-97, head (Eng. dept) Miss Dana's sch. for girls Morristown N. J. 97-01; m. 26 Je 01; ch. Richard Warren b. 3 D 02 d. 8 Mr 03, Althea b. 8 F 04 d. 12 Je 09, Theodore Frederick jr b. 30 Jl 09 Ware'* Katharine b.l. (Mrs George Milton Smith) c/o Geo. Q. Hill co. A and Summer sts. Boston teacher Hartford Ct. 94-95; housekeeper in private family Brookline Mass. 95-96; office worker for editor New England Maga- zine Boston 96-97; housekeeper Denison house col. settlement 97-98; northern sec. for Atlanta univ. 04-06, executive sec. N. Y. pub. educ. assn 06-07, social worker Boston pub. sch. 07-09; m. 15 Je 98; ch. Alice Holdship b. 27 Mr 99, Edmund Ware b. 10 D 00, George Milton b. 10 Mr 02 Watters Bertha Alice b.a. (Mrs John Lee Tildsley) 1 Windsor terrace Yonkers N. Y. student (hist, of philos.) Univ. of Halle Germany 96-97, (German lit.) Berlin imiv. 97-98; m. 24 Je 96; ch. Jane b. 24 Ap 97 (class baby), John Lee jr b. 2 Ja 99, Mar- garet b. 27 D 01, Kathleen b. 19 Jl 04 Wenham Grace Putnam b.l. (Mrs Wilbur Saunders Crowell) Forest Cliff drive Lakewood O. M.A. 96 Western Reserve univ; student (Eng, German, philos.) Western Reserve univ. 95-96; asst (Eng.) 95-96; private tutor 94-95; teacher (Eng. lit, rhetoric, hist.) Miss Mittleberger's sch. Cleveland O. 96-01 ; m. 11 F 02 ; ch. Jean b. 15 D 07 Wheeler EHzabeth Anna b.l. (Mrs Frank Allen Hubbard) 157 High St. Taunton student Bridgewater Mass. normal sch. 94-95; teacher Taunton high sch. 95-96; m. 30 Je 96; ch. Eloise Barrett b. 29 D 97, Jennie Elizabeth b. 23 Ja 99, Helen Wheeler b. 24 N 01, Edward Reed b. 7 F 05, Allen b. 31 Ja 08 d. 6 F 08, Leonard b. 19 Ja 10 Whiten Helen Isabel b.a. 65 W. 127th St. New York M.A. 97 and Ph.D. 98 Columbia- stu- student and scholar (mod. lang.) Columbia 95-98; tutor and teacher Brearley annex New York 94-96; asst (Eng. lit.) Smith 98-02, teacher Mrs Scoville's sch. for girls New York 04-10 Wilder** Bertha Frances b.l. 26Exchangepl.PortChesterN.Y.t ♦Wilkinson Charlotte Coffyn b.l. (Mrs Claude Bragdon) M.A. 97; fellow (economics) Smith 95-96; teacher 94-95; asst head worker Hartley house settlement New York 97-98; sec. and pub. lecturer Nat. league of working women's clubs 98-01; vicepres. Smith alum, assn 06-Ja 08; m. 3 N04; d. Ja 08 68 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION [1894-95 Willard Eliza [Elisa] May b.a. Carnegie library Pittsburg Pa. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 94-95 ; reference Ubn Carnegie lib. Pittsburg 95 — ; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A. Williams" Sarah Holbrook b.a. Walnut St. Brooklinel Wood Alice Dewey b.l. Fort Plain NY. teacher Oxford N. Y. acad. 94-96, Allegheny Pa. 98; asst sec. N. E. conservatory of music Boston 04-06; manager Railway educ. assn Syracuse N. Y. 08, Boston 09 Woolson Lillian b.a. (Mrs Harrv Hay ward) Newark Del. student Europe 00; teacher 94-97; m. 7 8 97; ch. Mary Frances b. 11 Je 05 Wyman Helen Lydia b.a. 49 Roxbury st. Keene N. H. teacher (Greek, Latin) Keene high sch. 04-10 Total lll-*4 1895 Aldrich Amey Owen b.l. 142 E. 33d St. New York M.A. 98 Brown; student (Eng, pedagogy) Brown 96-98; teacher (Eng.) Providence R. I. high sch. 95-02 Allen Anna [Annie] Kittredge b.l. (Mrs Seaver Burton Buck) Berkshire school Sheffield m. 6 S 00; ch. Caroline b. 12 F 06 Allen Anna [Anne] Mabel b.l. (Mrs Fred Lincoln Ward) 116 Florida st. Springfield m. 20 Je 05; stepch. Marjone Willard b. 16 Ag 90, MUdred Johnson b. 23 Mr 94 Allen Bertha b.l. (Mrs George Wood Logan) c/o Navy dept Washington D. C. student (Eng.) Radcliffe 95-96; teacher and lecturer Lowell Mass. 96-98; m. 25 O 00 Allen** Bertha Bolivia b.a. (Mrs Jonathan Hiller Holmes) Mattapoisett teacher Drury col. Springfield Mo. 95-97, Hosmer hall St Loub 97-02, Misses Gra- ham's sch. New York 02-03, 04-07, Dana hall Wellesley Mass. 03-04; m. 6 Jl 07 Ayres Marjorie b.l. (Mrs Albert Starr Best) 1936 Orrington av. Evanston 111. m. 18 Ap 96; ch. Marshall Ayres b. 26 N 01, Albert Leonard b. 6 O 03, Marjorie Starr . A.C.A, Soc. for psychical b. 5 Ap 08; research Bannon Charlotte b.l. Portsmouth O.f teacher (Latin) Portsmouth high sch. 96-02 Bardeen Bertha Foote b.a. 1109 E. Genesee st. Syracuse N.Y. Bsst manager School bulletin teachers agency Syracuse 95 — Beard Emma Burlew b.l. Fayetteville N. Y. student (domestic science) Pratt inst. 00-02; resident worker College settlement New York 00-03; mem. A.C.A. Beecher Mabel Louise b.a. 226 Lawrence st. New Haven Ct. student New Haven free pub. lib. 97-98; oataloger and children's libn 98-01; mem. A.C.A. Benedict Susan [Suzan] Rose b.s 80 E. Seminary st. Norwalk O- M.A. 06 Columbia; student (math.) Coliun- bia 05-06; teacher (mathO Norwalk high sch. 95-05, asst (math.) Smith 06-07, in- structor 07 — Bennett^ Bertha Lee b.l. (Mrs Denison) 83 Washington pi. New York J student Buffalo univ. 95-96 ; teacher 95-97 ; m. 25 N 96 (Lindsay Denison) ♦Bigelow Laura Gertrude b.l. d. 31 D 97 Utica N. Y. Borden Bessey b.l. 618 Rock St. Fall River Bourland Elsie Parsons b.l. (Mrs William Tabor Abbott) 152 Monroe st. Chicago 111. student France and Germany 99-01; teacher (French, German) Oak Park III. 96- 97, Peoria 97-99, 01-04; m. 28 Je 05 Bowers Mary Alice b.l. (Mrs Robert William Hall) 152 S. Linden st. Bethlehem Pa. M.A. 98 Radcliffe, Ph.D. 09 Univ. of Pa; student (zoology, botany) Radcliffe 96-98, Smith 98-99, (histology) Mass. inst. of tech. 00-01, (zoology, physiol.) Univ. of Pa. 05-07; Bennett fellow Univ. of Pa. 06-07; demonstrator (zoology, botany) Smith 98- 99, instructor (zoology) Wellesley 99-08; m. 4 Ag 08 Braley" Caroline [Carolvn] b.l. 4 Pearl st. St Johnsbury Vt.J Bray Josephine Compton b.a. 98 Professors' row Tufts college student Cowles art sch. and Museum of fine arts Boston 95-96, (German) Berlin 96-97, (fine arts) Tufts 05-06, (Eng, music, art) London vmiv. 06-07, (Italian) Florence 07- 08, (parchment illuminating) 08; teacher (Eng, German) Quincy mansion sch. for girls Wollaston Mass. 97-05, (Latin) Windermere Eng. 07; private tutor 05-06, 09-10; mem. Advisory board for women Tufts Bryant Caroline Amelia b.l. Hotel Sterling Cincinnati O. Cahee Gertrude Marie b.a. (Mrs Merritt D arrow Chittenden) 306 Main st. Burlington Vt.f m. 14 Ag 01; ch. Elizabeth Florence b. 4 N02 1895] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 69 Carpenter** Eloise Cameron b.a. (Mrs Robert Wickham) Schuylerville Saratoga co. N. Y.f Chase Edith b.l. (Mrs William Alonzo Newton) West Northfieldf adopted 1 Ap 03 Barbara Raymond Chase b. 20 Ap 02 ♦Churchill Lillian b.l. d. 31 Ja 00 Waterbury Ct. Clark Mary Webster b.a. (Mrs Charles William Jackson) 808 Walker av. Greensboro N. C. cataloger Amherst col. lib. 97-98, Harvard lib. 98-02, McGill univ. lib. Montreal 02-03, Lib. of Congress Washington 03-06; m. 20 S 06; ch. Ruth Webster b. 2 Jl 08 Cond6"' Bertha b.a. 541 Lexington av. New Yorkf Conro** Ruth Dexter b.a. (Mrs Wendell Phillips Elkins) North wood Centre N. H. teacher Bath N. H. 96-98, Peterboro spring of 98; m. 6 Je 99; ch. Enoch b. and d. 31 O 01, Kimball Conro b. 24 Ja 03, Hervey Bertrand b. 13 Ag 05 Crowell Jennie Caroline b.a. 21 Amity st. Amherst teacher (Latm) Mrs. Stearns' sch. for girls Amherst 95-96, private tutor (Latin, Ger- man) 99-09 Cummings Mabel Homer b.a. 16 Kennard road Brookline teacher Chestnut hill sch. Brookline 95-01, 02-08, prin. (prep, dept) Volkmann sch. Boston 08-09, assoc. prin. Classical sch. for girls 09-10; mem. A.C.A, Nat. geog. soo. Curtis Frances Florida b.a. (Mrs Fred Ober Fish) 13 Fenwick road Winchester tutor Sheffield Pa. 97-98; teacher Skow- hegan Me. high sch. 98-99 ; m. 4 O 99 : ch. Maxwell b. 16 Ja 01, Frederick b. 20 Jl 03 Davis Mary Emily b.a. (Mrs Erving Yale WooUey) 157 Eugenie st. Chicago 111. teacher Pawtucket R. I. high sch. F-Je 97 ; m. 12 O 97; ch. Paul b. 16 Mr 02, Mary Emily b. 8 My 06 Denham** Mary Harriet b.a. (Mrs Robert L. Lovelace) 11 Blaine av. Worcester asst Upton Mass. high sch. 95-96, Ware high sch. 96-D 98; m. 16 F 99; ch. Marion Denham b. 1 S 04 Dixon** Margaret Elizabeth b.l. 653 Dwight st. Holyokef Dustin Nette [Nita Ford] b.l. Brushton N. Y. teacher (£ng, German) Franklin acad. Malone N. Y. 96-D 99, Batavia N. Y. state sch. for blind N 02— Dutton Martha Sweet b.l. 61 Hancock st. Aubumdale Eaton" Mary Emma b.a. Wilton Me. asst Johnston normal sch. 95-96, North Attleboro Mass. high sch. 96-02, Wilton acad. 02-10 Eggleston Isabella b.a. (Mrs Walter Allen Fitch) 203 Lefferts av. Richmond Hill N. Y. Emerson Charlotte Frelinghuysen B.s. (Mrs Albert White Hitch- cock) Verona N. J. student N. Y. sch. of applied design for women 96-97; asst (geol.) Smith 01-03; m. 7 Jl 03 Estabrook** Millicent Barrett b.a. 8 Lagrange st. Worcester Fairbank Rose b.a. (Mrs Lester Hayes Beals) Wai. Satara district, Indiat M.D. 00 Johns Hopkins sch. of med; medi- cal miss'y 00 — ; m. 27 S 05 Field Bertha Frances b.s. 21 Highland av. Greenfield student (botany) Smith 96-98. 99-00; teacher (math.*) Capen sch. Northampton 95— Fifield Ethel Frances b.a. (Mrs Law- rence Ralston Brooks) 18 S. Broadway Yonkers N. Y. B.S. 00 Mass. inst. of tech; student (archi- tecture) Mass. inst. of tech. 96-00; teacher Salem Mass. pub. sch. 95-96; lecturer (house building and furnishing) Sch. of housekeeping Boston 00-02, women's clubs 00-04; m. 31 Ag 04; ch. Shirley (dau.) b. 7 Jl 06, Caroline Robinson b. 11 N 07; mem. A.C.A, Amer. home economics assn Finney Clara Belle b.l. (Mrs William Burgett Carver) 151 Front st. Binghamton N. Y. teacher (math.) Binghamton high sch. 96- 07; m. 4 F 08; mem. A.C.A. Fisk** Elizabeth Samantha b.a- 9 Waldo St. Holyoke B.M. 97; student (music) Smith 95-97; pri- vate tutor Woodstock Vt, Homellsvill* N. Y, Philadelphia Pa. 97-09 Fowler Jessie Agnes b.s. Saundersville teacher Oxford Mass. 95-97, Abington 97-04, Durango Mex. 04-05, Ala. 05-06, Walling- ford Ct. 06-10 Fuller Caroline Macomber b.l. c/o John Crosby esq. Security bank bldg Minneapolis Minn.f Fulton Blanche Dorothea [Dorothy] b.a. 1066 Baymiller st. Cincinnati O. xnem. A.C.A. 70 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1895 Gardner Anna Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Henry Clay Van Note) Atlantic Highlands N. J. student (Latin, Roman archaeol.) Colum- bia O OO-Mr 01 ; teacher Red Bank N. J. 96-97, Atlantic Highlands 97-00; m. 18 N 02; ch. William Henry b. 9 Mr 06 Garrison Katherine McKim b.a. (Mrs Charles Dyer Norton) 1925 F St. Washington D. C. m. 23 O 97 ; ch. Garrison b. 9 O 00, Lucia Garrison b. 4 Ja 01, Charles McKim b. 6 Ja07 Giflord Maud Lena b.a. 75 Blossom st. Fitchburg student (Latin) Harvard summer sch. 99, (voice training) 03,^ (Roman hist, archaeol, math.) Chicago univ. summer of 01. teacher West Bridgewater Mass. 96-98, Fitchburg high sch. 98— Goodrich Helen Louise b.a. (Mrs Harry De Witt De Groat) 39 N. Pine av. Albany N. Y. teacher West Nyack N. Y. 95-96, Miss Graves' sch. Paterson N. J. 96-97, Granger pi. sch. Canandaigua N. Y. 97-99; m. 27 Je 99: ch. Helen Stiles b. 2 D 00, Mary Adelaide b. 21 O 05, De Witt Goodrich b. 14 Mr 09 Goodwin Maria Bangs b.a. 141 Clifton St. Maiden student Chandler shorthand sch. Boston 03 ; teacher high sch. Gilmanton Iron Works N. H. 95-Ja 96, White River Junction Vt. Ja-Je 96, Needham Mass. Ja 97-01, North Adams (business dept) 01 — Gunn»» Pearl Adair b.a. (Mrs Ben- jamin Severance Winchester) 93 Bowdoin st. Newton High- lands teacher Whitman col. Walla Walla Wash. 95-97, Puget Sound acad. Snohombh Wash. 98-99; m. 31 Ag 97; ch. Margaret b. 29 Jl 98, Katharine b. 16 Jl 00, Pauline b. 3 Mr 04, AUce b. 26 Jl 07 Hamilton" Caroline Elvira b.a. Chestnut hill Greenfield teacher Arms acad. Shelburne Falls Mass. 95-01, Greenfield high sch. 01-10 Hamilton" Helen May b.a. Greenwich N. Y.J student N. Y. state normal col. 96 ; teacher Norwich N. Y. 97-99, New York 00-01, 03-04 Harrington" Anna Louise b.a. (Mrs Nathan Williams Green) 8 N. Ashland st. Worcester teacher Bellows Falls Vt. high sch. 95-98, (Eng.) Worcester high sch. 98-01; m. 16 . Mr 01 ; ch. Thomas Dudley b. 18 Mr 02, John Harrington b. 30 Ap 06 Hawkes Edith May b.l. 46 Forest park av. Springfield private tutor 95-97; sec. Springfield high ich. 97— Hazen Annah Putnam b.l. 68 Washington sq. New York M.S. 97 Dartmouth; student (biol.) Dart- mouth 95-96, Bryn Mawr 97-99, Woods Hole Mass; fellow (V)iol.) Bryn Mawr 98- 99; teacher (science) Quincy 111. 96-97, Plymouth N. H. state normal sch. 99-00, asst. (zoology) Smith 00-03, (biol.) Wad- leigh high sch. New York 03-09, Eastern district high sch. 09 — Heald Lucy Daisy b.a. 15 Wendell st. Cambridge M.A. 98 Columbia; teacher Bellows Falls Vt. high sch, Springfield Mass. high sch, Brookline granimar sch, Mt Holyoke, Cambridge evening sch. Hinckley Mercy Adeline b.a. 38 Warren av. Wobum teacher (mod. hist, Eng. lit, Greek, Greek hist.) Wobum high sch. 98-05 Hinckley Rose b.a. 54 Prospect st. Northampton^ student Smith 95-02 H olden Eleanor Gilbert b.a. (Mrs Joseph Ingelfinger) Hohestr. 38 Dresden Germany f m. D 07 Howes Alice Derfla b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam French Collins) 107 Park st. East Orange N. J. Pd.B. 96 N. Y. state normal col; student N. Y. state normal col. 95-96; teacher (Eng.) Utica N. Y. free acad. 96-Ap 00; literary editor Utica Observer F 02 — , edi- tor home page Newark Evening News Mr 08 — ; m. 22 My 00; ch. William Howes b. 27 Ap 08 Humphrey Martha King b.a. Rowland hall Salt Lake City Utah teacher (math.) Salt Lake City 95 — Hunt Sara b.a. (Mrs Albert Lucien Clough) 181 Walnut st. Manchester N. H. teacher (Eng, math, German) Manchester high sch. 95-04; m. 28 F 05; ch. Elizabeth Louise b. 12 D 06, Mary Hunt b. 24 Mr 08 Hurd Mabel b.l. (Mrs Allan Herbert Willett) Glenshaw, Allegheny co. Pa. Ph.D. 02 Columbia; student (sociology, political economy, hist.) Columbia 96-01; teacher (hist, Eng.) Cortland N. Y. state normal sch. 95-96, (Eng, sociology) Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 00-01; lec- turer (sociology) Brooklyn inst. of arts and sciences 99-01, Woman's municipal league. New York 99-01; m. 21 D 01; ch. Hurd Curtiss b. 1 Ja 03, Edward Francis b. 1 Jl 04, Merrill Hosmer b. 27 N 05 Hurlbut Elizabeth Judson b.a. 1554 Dearborn av. Chicago 111. teacher Chicago 95-02 1895] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 71 Hyde Margaret Ellen b.a. 364 St Paul's av. Tompkinsville N. Y. student (pedagogy) Cortland N. Y. state normal sch. 97-98; teacher Rockville Ct. high sch. 95-97, Goshen N. Y. high sch. 98-99, pub. sch. Morristown N. J. 99-03, New York 03— ♦lies Constance Hurford b.l. d. 15 Mr 03 Clifton Springs N. Y. Inman" Edith Loraine b.l. 7 Pak St. Worcester Jackson Mary Craig-Essie b.a. 4 Elmwood terrace Swampscott substitute teacher Salem and Swampscott Sch. and private tutor 95-00, teacher private sch. 00-05 Kendall Lydia Williams b.a. (Mrs Foster) Willi amsyille Vt. student (institution management) Amer. sch. of home economics Chicago 09; teacher (Greek, Latin) Lasell sem. Norfolk Va. 95, teacher and tutor Boston 97-98, tutor Bristol R, I. 04-05; housekeeper Stamford Ct. 06, Elizabeth Peabody house Boston 07-08 ; sec. Edinburgh Scotland 06- 07, Burlington Vt. 09, Allston Mass. 09-10; m. 1 Je 99 (Frederick A. Foster) ; ch. Ken- dall Wilson b. 31 Mr 00 Kinsley Maud b.a. (Mrs Edwin Leigh Findley) 7108 Hough av. Cleveland O. teacher Wilford sch. Baltimore Md. 95-97, Lawrence N. Y. sch. 97-99, De Lancey sch. for girls Geneva N. Y. fall of 99, Chestnut Hill Mass. sch. 01-02; m. 20 Ag 02; ch. Winthrop Leigh b. 18 My 06 d. 25 D 09 Kinsman Rebecca Nichols b.l. (Mrs Frederick C. Munroe) 6 Carpenter st. Salem student (Eng.) Radcliffe 95-96; teacher Erivate sch. Portsmouth N. H. 97-98, Salem igh sch. 98-00, Miss Winsor's private sch. Boston 00-05; m. 11 Jl 05; ch. Mary Kins- man b. 11 Ap07 Kitchel Anna Sheldon b.a. (Mrs John Archibald Bole) 39 Elmhurst av. Elnihurst Long Island N. Y. student (German lit.) Victoria Lyceum, Berlin 97-98, (educ.) Cornell summer of 00; asst (German) Athol Mass. high sch. 95-97, Eastern district high sch. Brooklyn 99-05; m. 6 Jl 05; ch. John Archibald jr b. 06, James Renwick b. 07, Albert Cleaver b. 08 Lambert Helen Margaret b.l. 283 Pawtucket st. Lowell teacher (physics) Rogers hall Lowell 96-97, (chem.) high sch. 97-10; mem. N.E.A. LaMonte Helen Dean b.l. Westover Middlebury Ct.f teacher Grand Rapids Mich. 95-96, St Margaret's sch. Waterbury Ct. 96-05 Lang Edna Frances b.a. (Mrs Arthur Ernest Hale) Bradford Vt. asst Lisbon N. H. high sch. 92-93. Hard- wick Mass. high sch. 95-99; m. 28 Je 99; ch. Robert Lang b. 13 Ja 02, Henry Hol- brook b. 7 F 03, Lawrence Southard b. 2 Ap 08 Lathrop" Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Morris Golden jr) 99 Park st. East Orange N. J. teacher (Latin, hist.) Norwich N. Y. high sch. 96-99, Christ church sch. South Ambov N. J. 99-00, New York high sch. 00-04; m. O 04 Lennon** Alice Louise b.l. Brockport N. Y. student (biol.) Cornell 00-01; teacher (science) Brockport state normal sch. 96-04, educ. director Harlem Y. W. C. A. New York 04-10 Lewis Elizabeth Dike b.l. (Mrs Clive Day) 44 Highland st. New Haven Ct. M.A. 98; student (French lit, hist.) Sor- bonne, Paris 95-96, (hist.) Columbia 01-02 ; asst (Eng.) Smith 98-99, teacher (French hist.) Brearley sch. New York 01-02; lec- turer (mod. European political hist.) PoHti- cal science club New York 03; m. 30 Je 04; ch. Margaret b. 5 O 05, Sibyl b. 14 Mr 08 d. 18 Mr 08, Ellen b. 5 S 09; mem. A.C.A. Lewis Katherine b.a. (Mrs Lyman Richard Bradley) 436 Asylum st. Hartford Ct. student (Latin, Eng. lit.) Cornell 96-97; teacher 95-96; m. 1 D 97; ch. Lyman Richard jr b. 20 O 98, William Lewis b. 25 Mr 07, Margaret Elizabeth b. 20 Ap 09 Lewis Mary Pratt b.l. Collinsville Ct. teacher private sch. Cornwall Ct. 96, Beacon sch. Hartford 96-05, Collinsville high sch. 05-10 Long Margaret b.a. 1434 Glenarm st. Denver Col. M.D. 03 Johns Hopkins; exteme N. Y. infirmary for women and children 03-04, physician Loomis** Medora Eva b.a. (Mrs Patrick A. Ray) 3603 Broadway New Yorkf student (French lit.) New York univ. 99-00, Les Mivounier NeuiUy sur Seine prfes Paris 95-96; teacher (French) Waltham Mass. 96-97, East Orange N. J. 97-00, Hartford Ct. 00-01, New York 01-05; m. 19 Jl 05 Lord Florence b.l. (Mrs Landreth Hezekiah King) 323 W. 90th St. New York vicepres. Smith alum, assn 07-09; m. 9 N 99; ch. Helen b. 22 F 03, Ruth Rodney b. 19 D 06; mem. A.C.A. 72 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCHATION [1895 Lowell Annette Marion b.a. (Mrs Ashley Horace Thorndike) c/o (Columbia univ. New York m. 21 Je 99; ch. Marian Lowell b. 1 Je 01, Edward Lowell b. 31 My 04 d. 10 Je 04, Eleanor b. 9 Ja 06 d. 19 Ja 07, Ashley b. 16 Jl 09 McKinney Ida Ethelyn b.l. 190 N. Perry st. TitusvillelPa. Madison Augusta'^Morris b.s. (Mrs William Franklin Keim) 25 Roseville av. Newark N. J. M.D. 99 Women's med. col. of N. Y. in- finnary; student 95-99; interne N. E. hos- pital for women and children Boston 99-00, physician Newark N. J. 00 — ; m. 25 N 03; ch. Dorothy Madbon b. 6 O 04, Mary Evelyn b. 19 Ag 06, William Franklin jr b. 5 Mr 10 Mann Elizabeth Ellen b.a. 12 Prospect st. Florence? student Teachers col. 95-96, Columbia lib. 99-00; teacher high sch. Plainfield N. J. 97, Lakewood 97-98, Rutherford 98-99; cataloger Columbia lib. 00-05, reference libn 05-07, head cataloger Smith 07 — mem. A.L.A Mann Kristine b.a. 251 W. 100th St. New York M.A. 01 Univ. of Mich; student Harvard summer sch. 98, Berlin imiv. 99, (philos, Eng.) Univ. of Mich. 00-01, Columbia 05-06, (med.) Cornell 09-10; asst editor 96-98, teacher (science) Dearborn-Morgan sch. Orange N. J. 98-99, (Eng.) Willard sch. Berlin 99-00, asst Univ. of Mich. 00-01, instructor Vassar 01-05, Brearley sch. New York 07-09 Mark Pauline b.l. Herkimer N. Y.t Marsh Sara Brayton b.a. (Mrs John Mustard) 164 W. Harter st. Germantown Pa. student (German, political econ.) Berlin 95-97; settlement worker New York 97-99; m. 27 S 00; ch. John BraytonSb.,14 Myi08 Martin Alice Lorinde b.a. St Louis av. Clayton Mo. , teacher Miss Low's sch. Stamford Ct. 95-96, Mary inst. St Louis 96-07, private teacher (physical culture, dancing) Melcher Mary Merwin b.l. Library of Congress Washington D. C. student Pratt inst. lib. sch. 96-97 ; cataloger N. Y. soc. lib. 97-00, Lib. of Congress 00—; ' mem. A.L.A. Melius** Pauline Charlotte b.a. 162 Fort Pleasant av. Springfield teacher (classics, math.) high sch. East Bridgewater Mass. 95-96, Abmgton 96-01, Springfield 01-02, Pahuer 06-10; private tutor 02-06 Moore Anna Lewis b.a. Framingham M.A. 00 Columbia; student (hist.) C!olimi- bia 99-00; teacher (hist.) private sch. Great Barrington Mass. 95-97, Framingham high sch. 97-04, State normal sch. 04-10; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Mott Edith Stewart b.l. (Mrs Her- bert E. Davis) 21 Hillcrest road Glen Ridge N. J. m. 9 Ja 00 ; ch. Dorothy b. 23 O 00, Stewart Mott b. 22 F 05 Nichols Eleanor Hunnewell b.l. (Mrs Henry Orlando Marcy jr) 140 Sargent st. Newton sec. Smith afiun. assn 00-N 01 ; m. 15 My 09 Ormsbee Caroline WyckofiF b.l. Brandon Vt. student (German, art) Dresden 96, (music) Boston 01, 02, Dr Weir Mitchell's sch. of massage, Orthopaedic hospital Philadelphia 05, (nursing) Mary Fletcher hospital Burl- ington Vt. 08, Amer. sch. of home science Chicago 10; private teacher (German) 98 O'Toole" Sarah Lauretta b.l. ClintonJ Paine Mabel Antoinette b.a. 316 Fairview av. Chicopee cert. 01 (Latin) Harvard summer sch; asst (French, Greek, Latin) West Spring- field Mass. high sch. 95-99, Chicopee hign sch. 99-05 Paret Anna Elizabeth b.s. (Mrs Bradley Moore Davis) c/o Mr William G. Paret 364 Church lane Germantown Pa. teacher Miss Hills' sch. for girls Philadel- phia 95-04, 05-08 ; m. 22 S 08 ; mem. A.C.A. Parsons Clara Burt b.a. College pi. Williamstown Parsons" Susan Morse b.a. 79 Mt Pleasant av. Gloucester teacher high sch. Gloucester 95-96, Marble- head 96-97, Peabody 97-99, Framingham 99-04, Watertown 04-10 Paun»> Isabella Frances b.a. (Mrs Harland Holmes Ryder) Rock m. 19 Ag 96 ; ch. Wilson Coombs b. 24 O 02, Margaret Holmes b. 1 Je 07 Peck»» Theona Clare [Claire] b.a. (Mrs William Johnson Harris) 118 Elm St. Montclair N. J. grad. (art) 96; student (art) Smith 95-97, Art students league New York 97-98; teacher (art) Capen sch. 98-03; illustrator: m. 24 S 03 Pratt Elsie Seelye b.l. 1434 Glenarm st. Denver Col. M.D. 04 Univ. of Mich; student Univ. of Mich. 99-00, 01-04; teacher Pueblo Col. high sch. 95-99, Kalamazoo Mich, high sch. 00-01 ; interne N. E. hospital Boston 04-05, asst (histology, embryology) Denver and Gross col. of med. 09-10; phvsician 06 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. med. assn 1895] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 73 Prentice** Adelle Emarette b.a. (Mrs Harry Northup Dean) Dalton Pa. m. 30 D 96 ; ch. Prentice Northup b. 28 N 97, George Edgar b. 17 N 00 Preston Adelaide Belle b.l. Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. teacher Morgan sch. Portsmouth N. H. 95-96, Hillman col. Clinton Miss. 96-99. Leache Wood sem. Norfolk Va. 00-05, St Katharine's sch. Davenport la. 05-09, Ivy hall Bridgeton 09 — Puffer Laura Dana b.a. (Mrs Ray- mond Beveridge Morgan) 41 B St. N. W. Washington D. C. M.A. 99 Radcliffe; student (math, music) Radcliffe 98-00, 04-05, (math.) Univ. of Neb. 02-03, RadcUffe alum, scholar 99-00, Univ. of Neb. teaching fellow 02-03 ; teacher Brookline Mass. pub. sch. 95-96, North- ampton high sch. Ap 97-98, Miss Barstow'a sch. Kansas City Mo. 00-02, instructor (math.) Univ. of Neb. 03-07; m. 4 Ap 08 Raynolds** Kate Saxton b.a. (Mrs Dudley Stuart Dean) Cohasset m. 12 D 01 ; ch. Joshua Raynolds b. 2 Je 05, Daniel Evans b. 18 S 06, Barbara b. 7 Mr 09 Reed Dorothy Mabel b.l. (Mrs Charles Elwood Mendenhall) 23 Mendota court Madison Wis.f M.D. 00 Johns Hopkins; student (chem, physics) Mass. inst. of tech. 95-96, fellow (pathology) Johns Hopkins 01-02 ; resident house physician Johns Hopkins 00-01, house physician N. J. infirmary for women and children 02, resident physician Babies' hos- pital New York 03-05; m. 14 F 06 Richards Alice Maud b.l. Gardiner Me. asst teacher Gardiner high sch. 97 — , teacher Camp Merryweather, North Bel- grade summers 00 — Richards Jean Marie b.l. Winchell hall Syracuse university Syracuse N. Y.f student Syracuse univ. 95-97 ; teacher Syra- cuse univ. 95-03, professor (Eng.) 03-05 Royer» AUou Whitfield b.a. (Mrs William Thompson) 1221 Lincoln av. Denver Col. m. 1 N 99; ch. Henry Royer b. 6 S 04 Schleier Emma Gertrude b.l. Briarcliff Manor N. Y. student (Eng.) Columbia 97-98, N. Y. univ. 97-98 (one term), music student; teacher Englewood N. J. 96-97 Shaver Ella Schuyler b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Bowler Phelps) 1030 Madison av. Albany N. Y. teacher Middleburg N. Y. high sch. 95-97; m. 8 Ap 01 ; ch. Eleanor Blanche b. and d. 19 F 02, Alice Louise and William Bowler jr b. 31 Ag 05, Charles Henry b. 12 N 07 Simonds Gertrude Estelle b.l. 42 North av. Haverhill teacher Haverhill high sch. 07-10 Smith Cora Amelia b.a. 947 W. 8th St. Erie Pa. student (zoology, chem.) Chicago univ. 97- 98; teacher Springfield Mass. high sch. 95-97, Erie high sch. 98 — ; mem. Amer. nature study soc. Smith" Edna Cuyler b.s. (Mrs Hugh J. O'Brien) 710 German Insurance bldg Roch- ester N. Y.t m. 15 Jl 03; ch. John Cuyler b. 24 J104 Smith Iva Valeria b.a. (Mrs Joseph Henry Fairbrook) 1859 Chatauqua blvd university park Portland Ore. teacher Marblehead Mass. high sch. My-Je 96, Millbury high sch. 96-98, private teacher (piano) Worcester 99-Mr 08; m. 2 My 08: ch. Warren Seelye b. 19 D 09 Smith** Nellie Gertrude b.a. 664 Worthington st. Springfield teacher Hazardville Ct, Springfield, South Hadley, Thompsonville Ct. Smyth** Mary Winslow b.l. New Haven Ct.J M.A. 05; student (Eng.) Yale 03-06 Spalter" Florence May b.l. Keene N. H.J teacher (Eng.) Keene high sch. 95-05 Spann Anna Hester b.a. 952 N. Delaware st. Indianapolis Ind. Sprague« Ina Mabel b.a. (Mrs Freder- ick John Nelson) 414 Millbury av. Worcester teacher Webster Mass. high sch. 95-98, Worcester Eng. high sch. 98-99; m. 14 D "" ' lussellg* " " ~' - . „ b. 1 27D06 I ; ch. Russell Sprague b. 26 My 01, Gladys Sprague b. 12 P 03, Forrest Sprague b. Stone Mary Chandler b.l. 9 Catherine st. Worcester teacher Tazewell Va. 95-Ja 96, Templeton Mass. Ap 98-99, New York Mr-S 00, Shrewsbury Mass. 01-07, Ponce Porto Rico 09-10 Swett Carolyn Patten b.l. 345 W. 70th St. New York student (cryptogamic botany) Lowell teachers course Mass. inst. of tech, 00-01, (French) Radcliffe; teacher (biol.) Medford Mass. high sch. 95-Mr 03, Bryant high ech. New York Mr 03— Taintor Amey Talbot b.l. (Mrs Charles Eli Bronson) 4050 Aspen st. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 96 Columbia; student (Latin, hist, philol.) Columbia; private teacher; m. 23 N 98; ch. Katharine Taintor b. 11 O 99, Margaret Talbot b. 5 Je 01, Charles Atwater b. 21 S 05, Talbot de Peyster b. 23 O 09 ♦Thorp" Mary Kenniston b.l. (Mrs Frederick H. Law) m. 30 Je 96; ch. John Thorp b. 23 Ag 98; d. 23 N 07 Brooklyn N. Y. 74 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1895 Tower" Ruth Nichols b.a. 158 Pleasant^st. South Weymouth student Amherst lib. sch. summer of 03; teacher Weymouth high sch. 95-97 ; mana- ger advertising dept Stetson shoe co. Wey- mouth 99-01; libn Fogg lib. South Wey- mouth 00 — ; mem. A.L.A. Tucker Alice Lester b.a. (Mrs Frank Haigh Dixon) Hanover N. H. teacher Hampton inst. Va. 96-98; m. 17 Ap 00; ch. William Tucker b. 20 Ja 03, Caro- line Moorhouse b. 9 Ag 09 Tucker Helen Augusta b.a. Avon M.A. 07 Columbia; student (hist, sociol- ogy, social econonay) Columbia U5-07, New York sch. of philanthropy 05-06, fellow 06-07; teacher Hampton mst. Va. 96-99, Cambridge Mass. 99, Brooklyn 00-02, Wilkesbarre Pa. 03-04; investigator U. S. bureau of labor 07-09 Tyler Amelia Whiting b.a. 44 Prospect st. Northampton student (lib. science) Clark univ. lib. 09-10 Van Name Theodora b.a. 121 High St. New Haven Ct. ♦Vanderhoof Hattie [Harriet] Luella B.L. (Mrs Ernest Eldred Floyd) M.A. 97; student Smith 95-97; tutor (hist.) Smith 95-04, (German) 95-99, instructor private sch. Boston 99-01; m. 24 Ja 00; d. 17 O 09 Ward Frances Hibbard b.l. (Mrs Henry Ewing Hale) 770 West End av. New York teacher Univ. sch. for girls Chicago 97-98; m. 13 S 00; ch. Mary Folsom b. 18 Mr 02, Henry Ewing 3d b. 12 O 06, Anna Williams b. 3 Mr 09 Warner Bessie Sarah b.a. 38 Congdon st. Providence R. I. M.A. 03 Brown; student (educ, psych, Eng, Latin) Brown 96-97, 00-01, 02-03; teacher Providence classical high sch. 96-98, (Latin) Hope st. high sch. 98 — ; mem. A.C.A. Warren Ruth Annette b.a. 234 Longmeadow st. Springfield M.A. 00 Columbia; student (Latin, Greek, archaeol.) Columbia 98-00; teacher West Bridgewater Mass. 96-97, 98-99, Finch sch. New York 01-03, Nat. cathedral sch. Wash- ington D. C. 03-06, St Margaret's sch. Buffalo N. Y. 06-09 Washburn Emily b.a. (Mrs Alvin Warren Bancroft) 23 Elm St. Gardner teacher Gardner high sch. 96-01 ; m. 21 Ag 00; ch. Raymond Washburn b. 13 O 01, Pilchard b. 22 O 05 Webber Charlotte b.a. (Mrs Clinton Edward Bell) 13 Avon pi. Springfield teacher (Eng.J Rye N. Y. sem. 96-99; m. 14 F 00; ch. Lucie McMillan b. 7 D 01 Wells Marguerite Milton b.l. 230 Oak Grove st. Minneapolis Minn. Wheeler Alice Mann b.l. (Mrs Amos Peck Hawley) 10 Ridgewood pi. Springfield m. 11 N 02 Whittington Amy b.l. (Mrs George Mahon Eggleston) c/o Coleman & Whittington 31 State St. Boston m. 3 N 96 Wilder Constance Perley b.a. 53 Fairmont av. Newton M.A. 01 Radcliffe; student (philos.) Rad- cliffe 96-97, 00-01; mem. A.C.A. Wilkin Josephine Dunlap b.a. Fayetteville N. Y. student (math.) New York univ. 97, Har- vard summer sch. 02; teacher Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 95-96, (math.) Jamaica high sch. New York 96 — Williams Mary Louise b.l. 1216 Hinman av. Evanston 111. student (hist.) Northwestern univ. 03-04; teacher (math.) high sch. Evanston 95-96, 97-98, Hudson Wis. 98-01, Winona Minn. Ja. 01-02, instructor (hist.) Northwestern acad. Evanston 03-04, Eau Claire Wis. high sch. 05— Williston Constance Bigelow b.l. 15 Berkeley st. Cambridge student (Latin) Radcliffe 96-97; teacher (science, math.) Townsend Mass. high sch. 95-96, Berkeley sch. Cambridge Mr 96-05, prin. 05 — ; mem. A.C.A. Wilson Martha b.l. 1450 Dearborn av. Chicago 111. mem. A.C.A. Witham Rose Adelaide b.a. 15 Westport av. Kansas City Mo. student (Eng.) Radcliffe 96-98, Brown 01- 02; teacher (Eng.) Fitchburg Mass. high sch. 95-96, Somerville Latin sch. 96-01, Providence R. I. classical sch. 01-05; asst editor Educ. dept Houghton Mifflin & co. Boston 05-07; assoc. prin. Miss Barstow's sch. Kansas City 07 — Wolcott" Grace Comins b.a. (Mrs Francis Wright Duryea) 38 W. 11th St. New York m. 27 Je 95; ch. Wright b. 14 F 96, Wolcott b. 3 Jl 97 d. 24 My 00 Woodberry Laura Goodwin b.s. 28 Bartlett st. Beverly teacher Boston 97-00; worker in office of associated charities Boston 00-03, registrar 03— Wright Martha Leola b.a. 144 South St. Northampton asst Ware Mass. high sch. 95-00, (hist.) Northampton high sch. 02 — 1895-96] ACADEMIC GBADUATBS 75 ♦Wuichet" Frances b.l. (Mrs Milton H. Mathews) instructor (science) Dayton high sch. 95-07 ; m- 26 Je 07 ; (L 16 N 07 Dayton O. Total lo4-*G 1896 Abbott Helen Louise b.a. 258 Main st. Kasthampton teacher Douglass sem. Waterford Me. 96-97, tutor (French) Smith 97-Mr 98. teacher high sch. Montague Mass. Mr 98-03, Barre Vt. S-N 03, Rye N. Y. N 03-05, Burnham sch. Northampton 05 — Adams Isabel Fay b.a. (Mrs Frank Stanton Deland) 31 Lakeville pi. Jamaica Plain m. 27 Ap 04; ch. Eleanor Cochran b. 12 F 06, Rachel Kenilworth b. 20 O 09 Bacon Mabel Ginevra b.a. (Mrs Philip Franklin Ripley) 7 Abbott St. Andover student (music) Smith 96-98; teacher Smith acad. Hatfield Mass. 96-99, Abbott acad. Andover 99-03; m. 28 O 03; ch. Susan Bacon b. 31 My 09 Baker Marian Towne b.a. (Mrs Walter Lloyd) 1 Walden pi. Montclair N. J.J student Columbia 01-02 ; m. 23 O 02 ; ch. Herbert Marshall 2d b. 26 My 04 Ballou Catherine [Katharine] Wal- lace b.a. 21 Pleasant st. Clinton student (Eng, chem, pedagogy) Radcliffe 96-97; teacher (Eng, Greek) Clint(m high sch. 00 — Barlow Alpha Winifred b.s. 89 Bristol st. New Haven Ct. student (Biblical lit.) Yale 07-08, 09—; teacher (Eng.) Williams memorial inst. New London Ct. 96-98, 00-02, (botany) Norwich free acad. Ap-Je 00, New Haven high sch. 02-04; mem. A.C.A. Bartlett^ Isabella Hunter b.l. (Mrs George Tracy Bunker) 108 Waiola av. La Grange 111. teacher (Eng.) 99-02; m. 17 D 02; ch. George Tracy jr b. 7 My 04, Isabella Blanche b. 26 Je 08 Bartlett^ Lucy Pierce b.a. (Mrs William Lorison Walsh) Brookfield student Clark univ. summer sch. 99; asst North Brookfield high sch. 97-01, asst prin. and special teacher (Eng. hist.) Chestnut st. grammar sch. Snringfield Mass. 02-06; m. 14 F 07; ch. Daniel Higgins b. and d. 10 Ap 08, Warren Bartlett b. 21 D 09 Bates Clara Whitmore b.l. (Mrs Howard Clarke) 17 Ridgeview av. White Plains N. Y. m. 10 F 98; ch. Muriel Whitmore b. 5 Ja 00, twins d. in infancy, Norman Rhoades b. 1 D 03 Betts Emily Julia b.l. (Mrs Horace Arthur Loomis) 1263 Pacific st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 3 F 04 (husband d. 30 Je 08) Bigelow Lucy May b.a. Amherst teacher Mrs Stearns' sch. for girls Amherst 96-00 Blackinton Alice Anna b.l. 69 High St. North Attleboro *Blair** Alice Amelia b.l. (Mrs Morris Bradley Butler) d. D09 Boone Charlotte Keach b.l. (Mrs Louis Palmer Slade) 122 Grape st. Chicopee asst prin. Borden sch. Fall River Mass. 96-00; m. 2 Ap 01 ; ch. Virginia b. 13 F 03, Benjamin b. 11 Ap 05, John Milton b. 17 xMy 07 Branch Caroline Ferre b.a. (Mrs Edward PhiHp Massonneau) 48 Meadow st. Florence teacher (Eng.) New York 96-98; managing housekeeper Dickinson hospital Northamp- ton 05-07 ; m. 27 S 98 (husband d. 13 O 04) ; ch. Carol Branch b. 9 Ja 03 Brewster Caroline Williams b.a. 18 Sotith St. Northampton student (science) Columbia 05-07; teacher Louisville Ky. 96-97, Las Vegas N. M. 97- 00, Allegheny Pa. 00-02; computer (astron. dept) Columbia 02-05; teacher MacDuflSe sch. Springfield 07 — Burnham Clara Avery b.l. 2117 Independence blvd Kansas City Mo. director Y. W. C. A. Kansas City 07—, vicepres. 07-09; mem. A.C.A. Burns Janet Mary b.l. 442 Summit av. St Paul Minn. student Chicago kindergarten col. 97-00; kindergartner private sch. St Paul 02-07, teacher (music) 05-10; mem. A.C.A. Bush Eleanor Howard b.l. (Mrs Robert Archey Woods) 16 Bond St. Boston student (economics) Radclifife, (economics, hist,) Columbia; district sec. Associated chanties Boston 97-01, settlement worker South End house 02—; m. 18 S 02 Butler Frances Isabel b.l. c/o W. S. James, 60 Glenwood av. East Orange N. J. substitute teacher Brooklyn N. Y. girls high sch. 97-98 Calef Mabel Stanley b.a. (Mrs Charles Rollin Allen jr) Box 252 Barre Vt. student (French) Franco-English guild Paris 99-00; teacher Millis Mass. 97-98, Providence R. I. classical high sch. 00-02; m. 9 N 04; ch. Stanley Calef b. 28 S 05, Lucy Emma b. 11 Jl 07; mem. A.C.A. 76 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1896 Campbell Sarah Ethel b.a. 277 High St. Orange N. J. teacher private sch, Ja 97-99, 06-07, tutor 00-06, 07-10 Carpenter Mary Maude b.l. (Mrs William Dudley Murphy jr) 1299 Hillcrest av. Pasadena Cal. m. 25 Ap 00; ch, Judson Carpenter b. 28 J104 Casler Lotta Alice b.a. 246 W. Main st. Little Falls N. Y. student (Latin) Johns Hopkins 10 (^ yr); teacher (Latin, Greek) Little Falls high sen. 96-09 Chase Marion Abbott b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam Henry Howard) 243 Summer st. Maiden m. 27 O 97; ch. Frances Perley b. 11 My 03, Katharine Loring b. 9 D 08 Childs Alice Louise b.l. 9 Westland st. Worcester teacher Templeton Mass. high sch. 96-Mr 98; asst regbtrar Smith 01-S 07; mem. A.C.A. Clark Flora Clapp b.a. (Mrs George Wesley Winchester) 717 Walk hill st. Mattapan Boston teacher Maiden Mass. Ja 98-Je 99; m. 28 S 99 ; ch. Barbara b. 27 Je 00 Clark" Genevra Fuller b.a. Thorndike teacher (Latin) Willard hall Danvers Mass. 96-99, Palmer high sch. 99-01, 04— Coe Margaret Alice b.l. ■^.^,, Durham N. H.J Collin Grace Lathrop b.l. 2880 Broadway New Yorkf M.A. 99 Columbia Cook Eva Lendell b.a. (Mrs Mal- colm Day Rudd) Lakeville Ct. teacher Adams Mass. high sch. Ap 97-0 99, Lakeville O 99-03; m. 26 Ag 03; ch. Richard Malcolm b. 23 Mr 05, Roswell Hopkins b. 6 O 06, Alexander HoUey b. 30 Mr 09 Crane** Laura Vernon b.l. (Mrs Thomas Foljambe Burgess) Scarsdale Westchester co. N. Y. teacher private sch. St Louis Mo. 98-99; m. 7 Je 00 ; ch. Alexander Crane b. 10 Je 03, Thomas Foljambe jr b. 17 N 06 ' Curr" Anna Murray Yule b.l. (Mrs Roland Beavan Woodward) 46 Vick park, av. B Rochester N. Y. m. 25 Ag 03; ch. Roland Beavan jr b. 24 Js 05, Anne Murray b. 3 Ag 06, John Randolph b. 26 N 09 Curtis Carlene Mabelle b.l. (Mrs John Ellsworth Blunt jr) 1570 Ashland av. Evanston 111. m. 4 Je 98; ch. Curtis Ellsworth b. 3 F 99, John Ellsworth 3d b. 14 S 00, Carleton b. 27 Ag 05, Carlene Lucretia b. 14 My 07 Curtiss Maude Somers b.l. 407 Perry av. Peoria 111. student (Eng. comp.) Chicago univ. 99-00 Cutter EUzabeth Reeve b.l. (Mrs Dwight Whitney Morrow) Englewood N. J. student (French, lit.) Sorbonne, Paris 99- 00; teacher Miss Mittleberger's sch. Cleve- land O. 01-03; m. 16 Je 03; ch. Elisabeth Reeve b. 17 Mr 04, Anne Spencer b. 22 Je 06, Dwight Whitney jr b. 28 N 08 Daniels Lucy Adaline b.l. (Mrs Levi Stevens Doane) 906 Grove st. Jacksonville 111. teacher (French) Jacksonville female acad. 97-98; m. 20 Je 01; ch. Lucy Caroline b. 5 My 06 Day Alice Henrietta b.a. 20 Summit st. Batavia N. Y.J LL.B. 01 Buffalo univ; attorney at law 01-05 Day** Anna Barnes b.l. (Mrs Per Lee Hunt) 141 E. Main st. Massillon O. m. 27 S 00; ch. Katherine Day b. 21 S 01, Helen Zerbe b. 8 D 05, Anne Barnes b. 26 S08 Dike Alice Norton b.l. 113 Hancock st. Auburndale student (physics) Harvard summer sch. 96, Mass. inst. of tech. 00-01, (domestic science) Sch. of housekeeping 00-01, Simmons col. 01-02; teacher Exeter N. H. 96-00, Sch. of housekeeping Boston 01-02, (household economics) Simmons col. 02 — Duckworth Ellen Burrows b.a. (Mrs Edward Warren Trull) 736 Andover road Lowell teacher (Eng.) Lowell high sch. 97-98; m. 29 D 98; ch. Ellenor Thorndike b. 6 Je 07 Dugan Edith May b.a. Montague student (French) Beirut Syria; teacher high sch. Brimfield Mass. 96-98, South Man- chester Ct. 98-00, Waltham Mass. 01-02, Salem 02-07, Chicopee 07— Durand Mabel Edna b.l. (Mrs Frank Woodworth Pine) 911 High St. Pottstown Pa. m. Jl 01 ; ch. James Cone b. 18 My 04, Calin Durand b. 27 D 05, Harriet b. 15 Ja 09 Duryea Sara Sefton b.l. (Mrs Charles Downer Hazen) 164 Elm St. Northampton vicepres. Smith alum, assn JarJe 08; m. 26 Je 01 : ch. Frances Duryea b. 4 N 02 d. 5 N 02 1896] ACADEMIC OBADXIATES 77 Dustin Litz b.l. (Mrs Aloney Lyman Rust) Brushton N. Y. teacher (Latin) Franklin acad. Malone N. Y. Ja 98-02; m. 19 O 04; ch. Phyllis b. 3 Jl 06, Gordon Aloney b. 27 Ap 08 Eaton Emma Florence b.a. 328 Main st. WakefieldJ Ellis" Mary Elizabeth b.a. 30 Dow St. Portland Me. private teacher 99-07, 09-10, teacher private sch. 07, high sch. 08 Estabrook** Jane Dodge b.l. (Mrs Arthur Woolsey Ewell) 90 Park av. Worcester Fassett" Anne Morrill b.l. c/o Capt. Fassett, War dept Washington D. C. teacher Nahant Mass. 96-97, private sch. Chicago 97-02^ Hamlin sch. San Francisco Cal. 03-05, private teacher Japan 06-07 Foote Isabella South worth b.l. (Mrs Walter Samuel Pinkham) 111 Warren av. WoUaston teacher Simsbury Ct. 96-97, Brookline Mass. 97-98, Woodward inst. Quincy 98-00; m. 16 Jl 00; ch. Marjorie b. 6 O 02, Alden Stone b. 1 S 03, Doris b. 13 Ag 04 Foote Susan Emily b.l. (Mrs Gros- venor Hyde Backus) Beech road and Palisade av. Englewood N. J.f M.A. 04; student (economics, sociology, pedagogy) Columbia; college settlement worker; m. 30 Je 04 Fowler Jeannette Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Clarence James Geer) 5663 Colombo st. Pittsburg Pa. teacher (Eng, German) Wayne Pa. high sch. 97-98; m. 19 O 98; ch. Janet Fowler b. 25 Mr 05 Gay Florence Webster b.a. 35 School St. Andover student (hist.) Harvard summer sch. 01; teacher Abbot acad. Andover Mass. 99-01, tutor 97— Gay" Laura Shepard b.s. Seneca Falls N. Y. teacher (math.) Athol Mass. 96-97, Medina N. Y. high sch. 99-02, Jamaica N. Y. state normal sch. 02-06, high sch. 06 — Giles** Mabel b.l. Chapman st. San Jos6 Cal.f Gilman Julia Ellen b.l. (Mrs Walter Haven Clark) 38 Willard st. Hartford Ct. m. 26 Je 02; ch. Eleanor Mary b. 6 Mr 04 Goodman Mary Alm6e b.l. 834 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. Hale Martha Davis b.s. (Mrs William Wright Harts) Linda Vista Nashville Tenn. student (Greek, Egyptian archaeol, medi- eval hist.) Chicago imiv. 96-98; m. 27 O 98; ch. Mary Hale b. 8 D 99, Clement Bates EUery b. 31 Jl 04, WUliam Wright jr b. 22 Ap 06 Hall Frances Shedd b.l. (Mrs Samuel Sparhawk) 160 Bank st. Burlington Vt. m. 19 Jl 98; ch. Samuel jr b. 4 Je 99, George Hall b. 19 My 01, Margaret b. 28 Mr 03, Norman Fiske b. 10 My 07 Hammond" Claire Forbes b.a. (Mrs Herbert Wilbur Rand) 8 Avon pi. Cambridge teacher (science, Eng.) Detroit sem. 96-00; m. 27 D 00; ch. Henry Forbes b. 13 Je 02, Dorothy Garrison b. 7 F 04, Wilbur Brown- ing b. 15 D 04 d. Mr 05 Hardy** Mary Rust b.s. (Mrs Henry H. Folsom) 103 Central st. Somerville teacher (math.) Dover N. H. high sch. 96-98; m. 7 S 98 Hastings Alice Irene b.a. 1 Wachusett st. Worcester private tutor Hawes Mary Corintha b.l. 229 Winter st. Fall River Hazen" Mabel Gibson b.a. Shirley student Bridgewater Mass. normal sch. 96-97; teacher (Latin, Greek) Newport N. H. high sch. 97-01, (Latin) Coshocton O. 01-05, Lee Mass. 06-10 Herrick Bertha Frances b.a. (Mrs Frederick Merwin Lloyd) Peekskill N. Y. m. 6 Je 01 (husband d. 13 My 05) Hills Eva Louise b.a. (Mrs Lucius Root Eastman jr) 359 Upper Mountain av. Upper Montclair N. J. M.A. 00 Radcliffe; student (philos, hist.) Radcliffe 98-00; tutor Brooklyn N. Y. 96-F 98, Boston 01-Ja 02, teacher Riverside sch. New York 00-01; m. 14 Je 05; ch. Margaret Hills b. 30 Mr 07, John Hills b. 30 Ja 10; mem. A.C.A. Hoisington Nancy Lyman b.l. Moores Pa. student Framingham Mass. normal sch. 96- 97; teacher McLean sem. Simsbury Ct. 97-01 Howe Edith Helen b.l. (Mrs Charles Watton Sawbridge) 9 Hampstead Hill gardens, Hampstead, London N. W. Eng.t m. 16 Jl 03 Humphrey Harriette Zephine b.l. Dor " writer 78 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1896 Hutchings Alice Marie b.l. 1519 N. Bouvier st. Philadel- phia Pa. M.A. 99 Cornell; student (Latin, mod. European hist.) Cornell 98-99; teacher (Latin) Detroit Mich. 96-98, Dansville N. Y. 99-00, Philadelphia girls high sch. 00— Irons^ Helen Hathaway [Hatheway] B.L. Assonet student (lit.) Radcliffe 00-01 ; teacher high sch. Weymouth Mass. 96-99, Newton 03-05, Fall lliver 07-10 Jackson Marietta Annie [Anne] b.a. 20 Thames st. New London Ct. teacher (German, Greek) Williams memorial inst. New London 96 — Jenkins Caroline Augusta b.a. c/o Dr W. E. Blaine Mattapoisettt teacher 96-04, Staten Island acad. New Brighton N. Y. 04-05 Jones Frances Eaton b.a. 345 W. 70th St. New York teacher (Eng.) Fitchbiirg Mass. high sch. 97-98, Medford Mass. high sch. 98-01, (Latin, Greek) Detroit Mich. sem. 01-03, (Eng.) Bryant high sch. New York 06 — Keller Maria Louise b.l. (Mrs Charles Arthur Horton) Belfast Me. m. 14 Ja 04; ch. Arthur Trowbridge b. 1 D 04, Holten Wood b. 29 Mr 06 Keyes Maria Augusta b.a. (Mrs Walter Mooers) 9 Jason st. Arlington m. 29 O 96 Kimball" Florence Blanche b.a. (Mrs Joseph Warren Phelan) 60 Brooks st. West Medfordf student Boston normal sch. 96-97 ; teacher 97-01; m. 11 Ag 00; ch. John Kimball b. 19 My 02 King Elizabeth b.l. c/o King & Dexter co. Portland Me. Landers** Mabel Edward b.l. (Mrs John Mason Ross) Prescott Ariz, student (Eng, pedagogy) Univ. of Cal. 98- 99; m. 27 F 04; ch, Hugh Landers b. 14 S 06, Lydia Goodwin b. 26 Ap 08 Learned Harriet Palmer b.l. (Mrs Albert Ernst Taussig) 3519 Washington av. St Louis Mo. teacher private sch. St Louis 97-98, 00-01, 02-03, Omaha Neb. 99-00; m. 15 Je 03; ch. Joseph Bondi b. 3 O 04, Barrett Learned b. 30 My 06, Lucelia Wakefield b. 7 S 08, Mary Cvmo b. 12 N 09; mem. A.C.A. Leeds Edith May b.a. (Mrs Arthur Hurd Bannon) Portsmouth O. m. 4 D 03 ; ch. Katharine b. 3 Ap 05 Lillibridge Grace Rie b.a. (Mrs Waterman Spaulding Chapman Russell) 79 Monmouth st. Springfield diploma 01 Alliance franfaise; student Alliance frangaise, Paris Jl-Ag 01, Sorbonne et College de France 01-02; teacher (Latin, French, German) Rockville Ct. high sch. 96-98, (Latin, French) Springfield central high sch. 98-01, (French) 02-08; research worker (science) Iceland summer of 09, 10 ; m. 7 Jl 08; mem. Allismce franjaise Lloyd Anna Mary b.l. (Mrs William Brewster Hunt) Chai Kyung Korea m. 20 S 06; ch. Lloyd b. 11 Ag 07, Mar- garet Elizabeth b. 23 Je 09 Lord Eliza Nelson b.a. (Mrs Charles Arthur Jaquith) Gates academy Neligh Neb. teacher high sch. Paterson N. J. 96-99, East Woodstock Ct. 99-02, South Windsor 02-08, preceptress and teacher (Eng, normal training) Gates acad. 08 — ; m. 3 J199 Lyman Ethel b.a. 42 High St. GreenfieldJ Lyman Grace Greenleaf b.a. 18 Hamilton terrace New York M.A. 99; student (botany, zoology) Smith 96-97, Woods Hole Mass. summer of 97; teacher Holyoke 98-99, Morris high sch. New York 99-04, Barnard sch. for giiis 04-07, Training sch. for teachers 07-10 McCalmont Constance Plumer b.l. (Mrs Herbert Sydney Humphrey) Kalamazoo Mich. J m. 21 Ap 97; ch. dau. b. 15 F 98, Margaret McCalmont b. 20 Mr 00 McDonald" Clara Bird b.l. 217 W. Armour blvd Kansas City Mo. mem. A.C.A. McDuffee Alice Louise b.l. 1012 W. Main st. Kalamazoo Mich. M.A. 98 Kalamazoo; student (hist, lit.) Kalamazoo col. Empire dramatic sch. New York 07-08 ; dramatic reader McLeod Maude EHzabeth b.l. (Mrs Jonas Hastings Brooks) Bovnton av. St Johnsbury Vt. si McLeod b. 27 F 7J€ ch. Samuel FIG Manson Margaret b.a. (Mrs Harry CHfford Holcomb) 31 Dwight St. New Haven Ct. m. 14 D 98 (husband d. 17 D 06); ch. Esther b. 25 S 00 d. 27 My 01, Sherman b. 22 Ag 02 1896] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 79 Marsh" Genevieve Lottie b.a. Technical high school Washington D. C. M.A. 04 Univ. of Neb; student (Anglo Saxon) Harvard summer sch. 98, scholar (Amer. hist.) Univ. of Neb. 02-04; teacher (Eng, hist.) Thornton acad. Saco Me. 96-02, (Eng, music) and chairman (Eng. dept) Lincoln Neb. high sch. 03-09, (Eng.) Mont- clair N. J. 09, (Eng, hist.) Technical high sch. Washington 10 — Marshall" Elisabeth Adamson b.a. (Mrs Clifton Howard Dwinnell) 67 Berkeley st. West Newtonf m. 2 Je 02; ch. Sabina Adamson b. 11 Ag 03, Clifton Howard b. 11 S 05, Marshall b. 27 S 07 Mathison Clara Clifford Sherman b.a. (Mrs Arthur Jesse Skinner) The St James Springfield student (French) Paris and Switzerland 98: m. 29 My 00 Minor Harriet May b.a. Deposit, Broome co. N. Y. teacher Susquehanna Pa. 96-97, Redbank N. J. high sch. 97-02, Naugatuck Ct. high sch. 04-10 Mitchell" Charlotte Johnson b.l. (Mrs Frank Joseph Daniel) 614 University av. Syracuse N. Y. teacher Syracuse high sch. 97-03; m. 27 Je 03; ch. Cuthbert Francis b. 27 Ag 05, Maude Mitchell b. 26 Ja 09 Mitchell" Mary Belle b.l. (Mrs Ralph Putnam) 426 Main st. Winchester m. 22 O 04; ch. Robert Mitchell b. 20 Ap 07, Henry Mitchell b. 7 Ap 09 Morey Charlotte Frances b.l. 119 2d St. Troy N. Y. Myrick Hannah Glidden b.a. 26 Sumner st. Dorchester M.D. 00 Johns Hopkins; student (med.) Johns Hopkins 96-00 ; interne N. E. hospi- tal for women and children 00-01, attending physician N. E. hospital, physician Dor- chester 04 — ; mem. A.C.A. Nealley" Caroline Belle b.a. (Mrs Harry Miller) 152 E. 92d St. New Yorkf O'Donnell" Sarah Catherine b.l. 4004 Prairie av. Chicago IlLJ O'Neill Helen McFarlan b.l. 3029 Queen lane Germantown Pa. student (zoology) Gottingen Jl-Ag 96, Frei- burg 96-F 98, Naples Mr-Ap 98; teacher (Gernian) Montclair high sch. 98-05, Phila- delphia 05 — Paine Lucy Theodora [Theodora Lucy] B.A. Troy Pa. student (art) Smith 91-92, 96-97, N. Y. training sch. for deaconesses 00-02 ; deacon- ess Christ church (episcopal) Cincinnati 02- 05, miss'y Soochow China 05 — Paine" Mary Louise b.a (Mrs John Harold Gould) Wareham teacher North Wales Pa. 98, Van Norman inst. New York 00, private sch. Portland Me. 03; m. 27 S 04 Parrish Mary Matilda b.a. Naples N. Y. teacher Naples N. Y. high sch. 96-97, Free- hold N. J. high sch. 99-00, private sch. Gor- ham N. Y. 08-09 Perry Josephine b.l. (Mrs Elias Hull Porter) 166 Vernon st. Worcester m. 6 Je 07; ch. Robert Day b. 17 O 08. Bertha b. 16 F 10 Pierce" Alice Reeve b.a. 243 Adelaide av. Providence R. I. M.A. 01 Brown; student CEng, French, German) Brown 00-01; teacher Fall River Mass. 96-97, Providence 97-99, Taunton Mass. 01-02, Greenfield 02-03, Mansfield 03- 04, Braintree 04-06, Springfield 06-08, Passaic N. J. 08 — Poland" Mary Reed b.l. (Mrs Robert Cushman) 40 Griggs road Brookline m. 18 Je 01 ; ch. Josephine Poland b. 9 Je 02, Robert jr b. 1 S 05 Pope Georgia Washington b.l. (Mrs Henry B. Sawyer) 26 Edgehill road Brookhne student (fine arts) Berlin univ. 96-97, (hist.) Sorbonne, Paris 97-98, (music) Europe; m. 28 Ap 06; ch. Henry B. jr b. 16 Ap 07, Avery b. 24 N 09 Post Mary Helen b.l. 50 S. 6th St. San Jos6 Cal. student (Latin) Stanford 96-99, (Eng.) 99- 00; teacher (Latin, Eng.) Washburn sch. San Jos^ 96-02, high sch. 02-08, head (Eng. dept) 08—; mem. A.C.A. Powell Amy Elmira b.a. (Mrs Charles H. J. Bliss) 862 Gramercy pi. Los Angeles Cal. teacher 89-96; m. 31 D 96 Read Elizabeth Fisher b.l. Swarthmore college Swarthmore Pa. M.A. 99 Columbia; student (Eng, German) Columbia 98-99, 00-01, University scholar (Eng. lang, and lit.) Univ. of Pa. 09-10; teacher Swarthmore col. 08 — Reed" Mabel Florence b.l. 469 Highland av. Maiden student N. Y. state lib. sch. 96-97 ; cataloger Y. M. C. A. lib. New York 98-00, Mechanics' lib. 00-02; stenographer electrical testing lab ; indexer Stone & Webster Boston 06 — Richardson" Carrie Anna b.a. (Mrs Herman Babson) Lafayette Ind. m. 17 Je 97 80 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1896 Roberts Ila Belle b.a. (Mrs Adolph Benedict Schneider) 1794 Crawford road Cleveland O. student (music) Boston 96-00; teacher vocal music and choir singer Springfield Mass, Brooklyn N. Y. 98-06; m. 12 D 06 Rockwell" Edith Antoinette b.l. 281 Crown st. New Haven Ct. student (Eng.) Yale 99-01; teacher Sioux Falls S. D. 96-97, Wallingford Ct. 00-01, New York high sch. 06-10 ♦Rodman** Marv Mitchell b.l. d. 19 N 99 Waterbury Ct. Rogers Abby Mary b.l. (Mrs Alpheus John Goddard) Globe av. Freeport 111. m. 10 Je 97; ch. Katherine b. 16 O 00, John b. 19 Je 02 Rose Alice Louisa [Louise] b.a. 615 W. 144th St, New York asst Forbes lib. 98-Ag 03, New York pub. lib. Mr 04-05, branch libn Queensborough lib. Nelson branch 05-Ag 06, libn Dept of educ, bureau of pub. lectures Ag 06-F 08, indexer Pub. service com. F 08-Mr 09, libn Inst, of musical art circulating lib. Mr 09 — ; mem. A.L.A. Russel^ Elizabeth b.l. 222 Park st. Jacksonville lU.t Sessions" Catherine Drummond b.l. UxbridgeJ teacher Gowanda N. Y. 96-97, Phillipsburg N. J. 98-02, Uxbridge 02-04 Shaw" Elizabeth Emma b.a. 1471 Beacon st. Brookline Ch.B. 04 Boston univ. sch. of med, M.D. 05; student (med.) Vienna univ. hospital 05-06; Miner fellow (bid.) Tufts 96-97; teacher Franklin Mass. high sch. 98. Miss Armstrong's sch. Cincinnati O. 99-01, in- structor (obstetrics) Boston univ. med. sch. 09 — ; general med. practitioner Brookline 07 — , mem. maternity dept staff Mass. homoeopathic hospital Boston 08 — Sibley Jennie Clare b.a. 520 N. Franklin av. Austin, Chicago 111. teacher high sch. Lexington 111. 96-98, River Forest 98-99, Austin. Chicago 99-10 Smith Amelia Dominique b.l. (Mrs Charles A. Ruggles) 730 W. Broadway Butte Mon.f Smith Florence Van Duzer b.a. 20 Hawthorn road Brookline student (lit.) Radcliffe 96-97 ; teacher Volk- mann private sch. Boston 01-06, Miss McClintock's sch. for girls 08-09, Miss Win- sor's sch. for girls 09-10; tutor 06-08 Smith Frances Curtis b.a. Wallingford Ct.t teacher New Haven 96-97, (French) Mt Holyoke 97-99, Smith 99-00 Smith** Katherine Henrietta b.l. 612 Bryson st. Youngstown O. teacher (Latin) Rayen high sch. Yovmgs- town 08-10 Smith Mary Louise b.l. Auburn hotel Mt Auburn, Cin- cinnati O.f student (Eng.) Harvard summer sch. 01; teacher Middletown N. Y. 96-97, South Ber- wick Me. 97-01, Marion Mass. 01-05 Snow Caroline [Carolyn] Louise b.l. (Mrs Irving Seaward Merrell) 524 W. Onondaga st. Syracuse N. Y. m. 4 Ja 99; ch. Seward Snow b. 7 N 99, Mary Antoinette b. 16 S 01, Harriet Powers b. 1 F06; mem. AC. A. Stewart Florence b.l. (Mrs Charles A. Anderson) 64 S. Arlington av. East Orange N.J. m. 19 Ap 00; ch. Charles Stewart b. 2 Mr 01 d. 10 S 01, Alan Stewart b. 5 N 02, Carolyn b. 23 F 06 d. 8 F 08, Margaret b. 3 Ag 07 Stone Elisabeth Wolcott b.l. 40 Allen pi. Hartford Ct. teacher (biol.) Hartford high sch. 96-10 Storrs Mary Ballou b.a. (Mrs Adolph Ernest Ivershoff ) Waret teacher Ware high sch. 98-00; m. 26 Ap 10 Teasdale** Harriet Bramwell b.a. (Mrs Charles Ramsdell Lingley) 15 E. Wheelock st. Hanover N. H. teacher West Tisbury Mass. 96-97, West- boro 98-99, Barre high sch. 99-05, Scranton Pa. 05-07; m. 29 Ag 07^ Terry Harriet Wads worth b.l. 1 Temple court Knoxville Tenn. student (Greek, hist, German) Univ. of Tenn. 97-98, 04-05, (Anglo Saxon, Gothic) Smith 98-99; teacher Miss Croaier's sch. Knoxville 96-98, reader (Eng.) Smith 99-00, asst Smith 00-02, teacher (Eng.) Courtland sch. Bridgeport Ct. 02-03; etlitor Summer sch. of South press bureau Knoxville 03; clerk U. S. pension office Knoxville 07 — Thatcher Anna Susannah b.l. 36 N. Arlington av. East Orange N.J. teacher private sch. Aurora 111. 96-98, instructor (French) Mt Holyoke 99-01, head (German dept) East Orange high sch. 01— Thomas'* Marian Maria b.l. 677 Washington st. Brookline teacher Brookline 99 — Thomdike" Carolyn Augusta b.l. 112 Newbury st. Bostonf 1896-97] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 81 Ullrich Lena b.l. (Mrs Spencer Ewing) 1119 E. Monroe st. Bloomington III teacher (algebra, physical geog.) Decatur 111. high sch; m. 27 D 01; ch. Spencer ir b. 15 N 04 d. 29 N 04 Van Hovenberg Katherine b.s. (Mrs Harold Winthrop Brown) 38 Silver st. Dover N. H. teacher (math.) Eau Claire Wis. high sch. 96-99; m. 15 Je 99 Walker Edith Francis b.l. 15 Chestnut st. New Bedford Warren Ethel Louise b.a. (Mrs Marcus Allen Coolidge) 164 Blossom st. Fitchburg asst (biol.) Wells col. 96-98; m. 1 O 98; ch. Louise b. 28 My 01, Judith b. 18 Ja 04, Helen b. 7 F 06 Washburn Sophia Clarke b.s. (Mrs Frank Elliot Bateman) 163 Highland av. Somerville m. 10 Mr 97; ch. Lois K. b. 25 Ap 98, Leon W. b. 25 F 00, Sylvia b. 5 Je 02 Watters" Theodora [Dorothy] b.a. 435 W. 123d St. New York student N. Y. normal sch. of physical educ. 02-04 ; teacher Washington Irving high sch. New York Webb Miriam Worrell b.l. 1407 Rodney St. Wilmington Del. tutor 96-10 Wheeler Edith Helen b.a. (Mrs Edward Pearson Ripley) Weston M.A. 02 Radcliflfe; student (zoology, educ.) Radcliffe 01-02; teacher high sch. Weston 96-98, Brockton Ja 99-01, Lynn 02-03 ; libn Arnold arboretum Jamaica Plain 03-D 04, cataloger Harvard lib. D 04- Jl 09; m. 4 Ag 09; mem. A.C.A, N.E.A. Wheeler" Mary Abbie b.a. (Mrs John Edmonds Spencer) Harper av. Drexel Hill, Dela- ware CO. Pa. teacher Northbridge Mass. grammar sch. 96-98, asst preceptress Friends' sch. Provi- dence R. I. 98-00, preceptress 00-05; m. 30 Ag 05; ch. Edmonds Wheeler b. 27 J106 Williams Kate Mallory b.l. (Mrs Henry Perkins Moseley) South Pasadena Cal. m. 30 Je 03 Wing Caroline Roberta b.a. 412 State st. Bangor Me. Young Annie Horton b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Rogers Copeland) Guild road Dedham teacher Bellows sch. Portland Me. 96-98, Bellows sch. Boston 98-99; m. 10 O 99; ch. Elizabeth Abbot b. 6 Ap 08 Total 149-*2 1897 Arnold Julia Isabel b.l. 115 Park st. Braintree student (pedagogy) Brookline Mass. train- ing class 00, Simmons col. sch. for social workers 08; social extension agent Wom- en's educ. and industrial union Boston 05 — , registrar 06-07, asst director appointment bureau 08 — ; mem. A.C.A. Atwater Helen Woodard b.l. Middletown Ct. editorial expert nutrition investigations U. S. dept of agric. office of experiment stations Middletown and Washington D. C. 05-10 ; mem. Amer. assn of home economics Baldwin Belle Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Jay Robert McCoU) 9 Gladstone av. Detroit Mich.f teacher Olivet col. 98-99; m. 3 Ja 00; ch. Jennette Baldwin b. 26 Je 04 Baldwin Rachel b.l. 501 N. 6th St. Burlington la. student (lib. science) Pratt inst. Brooklyn N. Y. 07-08; asst children's room Tomp- kins sq. branch New York pub. lib. Ag 08, Jl-S 09 Barnard Lois Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Thomas McElderry Vickers) 212 Wayne st. Syracuse N. Y. m. 19 N 01; mem. A.C.A. Barrows Anne Ide b.l. (Mrs Walter Clark Seelye) 66 William st. Worcester M.A. 00; student (zoology) Brown 97, Marine biol. lab. Woods Hole 98, Munich univ. 02, Stazione zoologica Naples 03, scholar of Assn for maintaining Amer. women's table. Zoological station, Naples Ja-Je 03; teacher (geog.) Miss Bowen's sch. Providence R. I. fall of 97, substitute asst (zoology) Smith F-Je 98, asst 99-02, in- structor 02- Ap 04, asst physiol. lab. Boston univ. med. sch. 98-99 ; trustee Bancroft sch. Worcester; m. 14 Je 04; ch. Arthur b. 27 Ap 05, Edwin Barrows b. 22 F 07, Harriet Armington b. 28 My 08; mem. AC. A. Barrows Mary Eleanor b.a. (Mrs Frank Irwin) 78 Alexander st. Princeton N. J. student (Eng.) Chicago univ. 98, (philos.) Oberlin col. 00-01, (Eng.) Yale 04-05; teacher Dearborn sem. Chicago 97-99, instructor (Eng.) Oberlin col. 01-05; m. 20 N 05; ch. Eleanor b. 22 Ag 06, Mary b. and d. 29 Ag 07, John Henry b. 7 Jl 09, Charlotte Martin b. 15 Jl 10 Bissell Mary Eleanor b.l. 95 Ann st. Hartford Ct. mem. A.C.A. Blaikie LilHas Stone b.l. (Mrs Her- bert Lloyd Thomas) The Donaldson. Harrisburg Pa. teacher (math, Latin) Miss Brown's sch. New York 97-98, The Institute Columbia Tenn. 98-00, Harrisburg high sch. 00-10; m. 25 Je 10 82 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1897 Blair^ Abbie [Abigail] Florence b.l. (Mrs Llewelyn Owen) 138 High St. Peoria 111. teacher (Latin) Peoria high sch. 97-99, 00-05; m. 31 O 05; ch. Richard Blair b. 10 Je 07 d. 16 Je 07, David Blair b. 27 Jl 08 *Blake« Edith b.a. d. 4 Ag 03 Long Lake N, Y. Blake« Lucy Edith b.a. 650 Grove st. Newton Lower Falls student (Greek, German) Harvard summer sch. 00, (French) 06, 09, (French, Eng.) Smith 03; teacher Sandwich Mass. 97-98, Jlonroe 98-00, prin. high sch. Bolton 00-02, Shirley 02-03, asst Chatham 03-04, Woods- ville N. H. 04-06, (mod. lang.) Sanborn sem, Kingston 06 — Bogue" Bertha b.l. (Mrs James Ewing Bennett) 5333 Lexington av. Chicago 111. m. 8 Ap 03 Bolster** May Morrill b.l. (Mrs Richard Sears Twitchell) 231 Rawson road Brookline student (domestic science) Sch. of house- keeping Boston 01-02; Mass. inst. of tech, Sorbonne, Paris 03-04; teacher Upton Mass. 98-99 ; asst supt food dept Women's educ. and industrial union Boston Ag 02-F 03; m. 4 O 10 Boss Helen b.l. (Mrs Frederic Rus- sell Cummings) 17 N. State st. Concord N. H. m. 7 Je 05 (husband d. 8 Ag 08); ch. Carolyn b. 17 Ag 06 Bradford Cornelia b.l. (Mrs J. Allyn Oakley) 105 Orange road Montclair N. J. sec. 98-00; lecturer and student New York with settlement work Jersey City; m. 30 Je 10 Branch" Anna Hempstead b.a. Hempstead house New London Ct. student Amer. acad. of dramatic art; writer; director New London playgrounds 09-10 Breckenridge Grace Edith b.l. (Mrs Joseph Baker Fisk jr) 853 Virginia st. Toledo O. m. 12 S 06; ch. Clarissa Breckenridge b. 26O08 Brooks" Grace Leonard b.a. (Mrs Frank Boltin Heathman) 1022 Grand av. Dayton O.J teacher 98-99; m. 14 N 99; ch. George Wambaugh 2d b. 30 N 00, Brooks b. 21 F 04 Brown Helen b.l. 140 Washington st. Hartford Ct. student (music, art) Brown" Ruth Gray b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Herbert Page) Station A, R. F. D. 5 Columbus O m. 14 Je 98; ch. Robert Guthrie b. 7 Jl 01, Gilman Gray b. 12 Ag 04, Dorothy b. 27 Ap 09; mem. A.C.A. Browne Grace Ethelwyn b.l. (Mrs Clyde Washburn Broomell) Broomellcroft, Sharon Heights student N. E. conservatory of music Boston 02-04, grad. 04; teacher (hist, Eng.) Wal- tham Mass. church sch. 98-99; choir direc- tor and church soloist D 02-D 03, 06 — ; asst editor New church league journal 02- 08, 09-10; m. 21 Mr 05; ch. Myron Henry b. 27 F 06 Bushee Florence Fannie b.a. (Mrs Jean George Theobald) 250 County st. Attleboro mem. Attleboro sch. board 03-10; m. 5 D 00; ch. Norman Charles b. 14 Jl 09 Bushee Mary Elmer b.a. (Mrs James Hope Arthur) 24 Medway st. Providence R. I.f m. 29 N 99 Carhart Anna Georgine b.a. 211 W. 56th St. New York student (French) Geneva Switzerland univ. 00-01 ; parish visitor Broadway Tabernacle church 05 — Casler Anna Delia b.l. Little Falls N. Y. teacher (Eng, civics, hist.) Little Falls high sch. 98-01, prin. Normal and collegiate inst. Asheville N. C. 01-05; gen. sec. Y. W. C. A. Washington D. C. 05, executive sec. terri- torial com. Y. W. C. A. for Va, N. C. and S. C, Charlotte N. C. 06— Caverno Dorothea Ruth b.a. 8 West St. Northampton teacher (Eng, German) Fort Dodge la. high sch. G7-98, Burnham sch. Northamp- tion 99 — ; mem. A.C.A. Clarke^ Florence Rolston b.l. Ironton 0.| Cloyd"^ Genevieve b.a. Normal college New York student Columbia 09 — ; teacher (Eng.) Boonton N. J. pub. sch. 97-99, (Latin, Greek) Blair acad. Blairstown 99-07, (Latin) Normal col. high sch. dept*07 — « Coe*Margaret Elmer b.a. 42 W. 52d St. New J York t M.A. 02 Columbia] Cole" Julia Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Daniel J. Fleming) Lahore-India student (theol, philos.) Chicago univ. 00; sec. C. E. soc. for foreign missions Chicago 98-00, state sec. Y. W. C. A. 111. 01-04; m. 9 Ag 04; ch. Elizabeth Cole b. 06, Edward McClung b. 31 My 09 1897] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 83 Comstock Ada Louise b.l. Moorhead Minn. M.A. 99 Columbia; student (educ, Eng.) Moorhead state normal sch. 97-98, Colximbia 98-99, Sorbonne, Paris 03-04, 3 mo; asst Univ. of Minn. 99-01, instructor 01-03, asst prof. 04-09, prof. 09-10, dean of women 07-08; mem. A.C.A. Conklin Viola Percy b.a. 265 Henry st. New York asat agent New York Charity organization soc. 05-07, sec. and treas. Henry st. settle- ment 07 — ; mem. A.C.A. Covel Ina Frances b.l. 279 Walnut st. Fall River mem. A.C.A. Cox« Margaret Griswold b.a. (Mrs Frederick Amaziah Wright) 144 Westminster road Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Harlem inst. New York primary grade Ja-Je 98; m. 17 Ag 98; ch. Walter Boardman b. 3 Jl 99, Helen Morton b. 4 O 04, Margaret Fredericka b. 30 D 09 Crane Katharine Priest b.l. Mt SterHng 111. M.A. 07 Columbia; student Bible teachers training sch. New York 03-05, (hist, semit- ics) Columbia 04-07, (hist. French) 09; student sec. Y. W. C. A. New York and N. E. sch. and col. 99-03; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Cutler Harriet Isabelle b.l. (Mrs Everett Nexsen Blanke) 68 Sound View drive Greenwich Ct. m. 15 D 97; ch. Donald Cutler b. 11 O 98, Waldron Everett b. 11 O 03, Barbara b. .30 Ja 09 Cutler Martha Hill b.a. 34 Gramercy park New York student (art) New York sch. of applied de- sign 97-01, fellow 01; painter of plates for Yerkes 16th century rug book 00-04, editor interior decoration Harper's bazar 04 — , writer on interior decoration; interior decorator Darling Ida May b.l. (Mrs Bernard L. Engelke) 5906 S. Park av. Chicago 111. teacher (Eng.) Wendell Phillips high sch. Chicago 97-05; m. 16 S 05; ch. Elizabeth b. 3F09; mem. A.C.A. Day Florence b.a. (Mrs Joseph Ross Stevenson) 1316 Park av. Baltimore Md. m. 16 My 99; ch. William Edwards b. 25 O 00, Donald Day and Theodore Dwight b. 2 O03 Dodge Ellen b.l. (Mrs Edgar Hunter Scott) 104 S. 34th St. Omaha Neb. m. 4 Je 02 ; ch. Eleanor b. 7 Je 04, Margaret b. 5 My 07, Hunter Lockwood b. 20 N 08; mem. A.C.A. Doolittle" Clara Sterling b.l. (Mrs Harry Robert Parsons) Fort Sumner N. M. student (pedagogy, Eng.) Chicago univ. 97-98; teacher (Eng.) Wendell Phillips high sch. Chicago 111. 97-01; m. 11 My 01; ch. William Sterling b. 26 N 01, Clarissa Matteson b. 13 Jl 03, Critchell b. 9 Jl 08 Drake** Frances Hobbs b.a. (Mrs Edward Armington Sammis) 60 Grove st. Stamford Ct. student (Eng. lit.) Yale 04-05, (genetic psych.) 05-06; teacher East Billerica Mass. pub. sch. 97-98, preceptress Power's inst. Bernardston 98-99, asst high sch. Holbrook 99-01, Rochester N. H. 01-02, New Britain Ct. 02-N 03. Stamford N 03-08; m. 12 Ag 08; ch. Charles Freeman b. 28 Jl 09 Dunton Edith Kellogg b.a. 15 Washington st. Rutland Vt. student (Eng.) Smith 99-Ap 00; teacher (Eng.) Rutland 97-99, Burlington la. 00-01, Oak Park 111. 01-03; in office of Dial Chicago 111. 07— Dustan Grace Nichols b.a. (Mrs Joseph Scott Rawson) 6842 Paschall av. West Philadel- phia Pa. teacher 97-99; m. 26 Mr 01; ch. David b. 28 O 04, Richard Dustan b. 15 Ja 06 Dustin Florence b.a. (Mrs Allen Stanley Burnham) 1 Beauport av. Gloucester m. 4 O 05; ch. Lucille b. 25 Ag 07, Grace Dustin b. 21 Je09 Dyar Nora Gertrude b.l. (Mrs Floris Wilhelm Riihle von Lilienstern ter Meulen) 36 Bennington st. Newton student Curry school of expression Boston 97-98, Nat. acad. of dramatic art 02-03; teacher Boston 98, asst (elocution) Smith 99-02, instructor 02-04; m. 17 Ap 09 ♦Emerson"' Emilie Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs George R. Montgomery) sonb. 25 Ap03; d. 1 My 03 Fallows Alice Katharine b.a. c/o Edward H. Fallows, 30 Church st. New York writer Farrington" Mabel Idell b.s. Mondovi Wis. J student Univ. of Wis. 99-00 ; teacher Mon- dovi 98-99, Prescott 00-03, prin. Arlington Minn. 03-04, Hixton Wis. 04^05 Fisher Alice Evelyn b.a. 46 Lincoln st. Hyde Parkf teacher Pittsfield Mass. 97-99, Rumford Falls Me. 99-02, Dover N. H. high sch. 02-04 Flershem Albertine Whitney b.s. (Mrs Joseph Loring Valentine) 2824 Sheridan road Chicago 111. m. 29 Ap 05 ; ch. John Wadsworth b. 6 Ag 06 84 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1897 Footed Ethelwyn b.a. (Mrs James Stark Bennett) 646 St John av. Pasadena Cal. M.A. 00 Northwestern univ; student (zoology) Northwestern univ. 98-00, (physi- ology) Univ. of Cal. summer sch. 01, 03-04; teacher (science) Ferry hall Lake Forest III. Ja 99-00, instructor (biol.) Pomona col. Claremont Cal. 01-03; m. 8 O 07; ch. Louise b. 19 O 08, Carolyn b. 30 Mr 10 Forbes** Lillian Albertina Gordon B.A. (Mrs Charles Albert Loring Wright) 28 McKnight st. Springfield teacher 97-99; m. 24 Ap 00 Foster Jennie Groendyke b.l. 332 W. 72d St. New York Fuller Mae Rawson b.a. (Mrs John McCoUum Curran) Winnetka 111. m. 11 S 01; ch. Frances Fuller b. 21 Je 02, Katherine McCoUum b. 8 Ag 04, Rita b. 7 Mr 06, John Davidson b. 30 Jl 08; mem. A.C.A. Galacar^ Laura Josephine b.l. 100 School St. Springfield student (domestic science) Teachers col. 04 Gates Alice Lincoln b.l. (Mrs G. Tracy Hubbard) 151 High St. Middletown Ct. teacher (French, German) Middletown high sch. 97-99; m. 11 O 99; ch. Elizabeth Portia b. 21 F 01, Gaston Tryon b. 18 F 03 Gemmel'* Marion b.l. 228 Linwood av. Buffalo N. Y. teacher (botany, zoology) Masten park high sch. Buffalo 97-01, 02— Gilbert Lucia Fessenden b.l. Malone N. Y.J M.A. 00 Columbia; student Columbia and Teachers col. 99-00 ; teacher South Orange N. J. 00-03, Potsdam N. Y. state normal sch. 03-04 Gold Harriet Margaretta b.a. (Mrs Herbert Julius Armstrong) 11337 Crescent av. Morgan Park 111. private teacher 98-00; m. 15 O 01; ch. Allan Herbert b. 7 S 02, Margaret Constance b. 28 Jl 04, Robert Mason b. 27 Ja 08 Goodhind Cora Mabel b.a. Unionville Ct. Goodrich Julia Irene b.a. Station for Experimental Evolu- tion, Cold Spring Harbor Long Island N. Y. teacher Brattleboro Vt. 99-00, prin. Higga- num Ct. pub. sch. 01-03, private teacher Bement 111. 03-04, master's asst Brvn Mawr Pa. 04-05; business sec. Station for experimental evolution Carnegie inst. 06 — : mem. Amer. assn for advancement ot science Goodwin Alice Phelps b.l. (Mrs J. Walter Schirmer) Box 130 Needham student Berlin univ. 98-99; grad. Mass. homoeopathic hospital training sch. for nurses Boston Mr 03, post-grad, course Boston floating hospital summer of 04; head nurse Med. mission Boston 06, 07 supt of nurses Boston floating hospital 07t 08; m. 24 S 08 Greenwood Grace b.a. (Mrs Cleve- land Watrous) 53 Beech st. East Orange N. J. student Sch. of exptession Boston 99-00; m. 1 Ja 01 ; ch. Cicely b. 13 N 04, Jeannette b. 12 Ja 08 Hale Franc b.l. (Mrs Ernest de Wolfe Wales) 1224 N. Pennsylvania st. Indianapolis Ind. m. 21 Je 99; ch. Jeannette b. 4 Ap 02, Elizabeth b. 7 Ja 04 Hallock Harriet Prentice b.a. (Mrs Thomas Waterman Moore) 540 11th St. Huntington W. Va. m. 28 Je 99; ch. Joseph Hallock b. 7 Jl 02, Thomas Waterman jr b. 20 D 06, Harriet b. 18 S 08 d. 3 Je 09; mem. AC. A, N.E.A. Hallock Josephine b.l. 540 11th St. Huntington W. Va. student (hist, lit.) KOnigliche technische Hochschule Hannover Germany N 07-Mr 08; mem. A.C.A. Hammerslough Elsa Sachs ba. (Mrs Milton Charles Herrmann) 60 W. 49th St. New Yorkf m. 12 My 04 Hammerslough Gertrude Eleanor b.l. (Mrs Jerome Alexander) 235 W. 102d St. New York tutor and settlement worker Hartley house and Recreation rooms New York 98-03 : m. 7 Ap 03; ch. Eleanor Gertrude b. 1 Jl 04, Dorothy Sylvia b. 12 D 07 Harris** Gertrude Bertha b.l. 244 Main st. Homell N. Y.f Harris** Mabel Austin b.a. (Mrs Stanwood Merton Rose) Machias Me.f student (music) Chicago 98-99, N. E. con- servatory Boston 03 ; teacher (music, Eng.) Houlton Me. 99-03, supt (music) pub. sch. and vocaJ teacher Houlton 03-05; m. 28 Je 06; ch. Alison b. 15 S 08, Herbert Harris b. 28 S 09 Hersom Mabel Lord b.l. (Mrs Rufus Horton Jones) 106 Pine st. Portland Me. teacher (German, Eng.) Brewster free acad. Wolfeboro N. H. 00-01; m. 23 Je 06 (hus- band d. 20 Ag 07); ch. Rufus Horton b. 23 Jl 07 1897] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 85 Hewitt Mary Cornwall b.a. (Mrs Sydney Knox Mitchell) 877 Elm St. New Haven Ct: Ph.D. 01 Yale; student (hist.). Yale 97-01; teacher Lake Erie col. Painesville O. 06-09 ; m. 1 S 09 Hickey" Lucy Agnes b.a. Holyoke reporter, society editor, city editor Holyoke Evening Telegram, business manager 10 — Hill Ruth B.L. (Mrs John BuUard Arnold) 615 Oakwood blvd Chicago 111. student (Eng.) Chicago univ. 97-98; teacher (hist.) University sch. for girb Chicago F 03-04; m. 26 S 05 Hobbs Elizabeth Kittredge b.a. North Berwick Me. Holmes" Abby Bradley b.a. 436 Washington av. Brooklyn N. Y. student (Eng, math.) Cornell summer of 01; asst prin. Canton Pa. high sch. 98-01, asst (Eng.) Brooklyn girls high sch. 02-10, teacher Brooklyn evening high sch. 01-05, general asst 05-09, teacher New York evening high sch. 09-10 Holton" Susan May b.l. 311 N. 33d St. Philadelphia Pa.f teacher Philadelphia 98-02, (Eng.) Cincin- nati O. 02-04 Hough" Jean Winifred b.a. Lebanon N. H. teacher Rockland Me. 98-00, Rutland Vt. 00-03, St Johnsbury Vt. acad. 03-10 Hough" Mary Elizabeth b.a. Lebanon N. H. student Alliance frangaise Paris and Berlin 99-00, (German) Univ. of Pa. 02-03; teacher (French, German) Colby acad. New London N. H. 97-99, Overbrook sch. Phila- delphia Pa. 02-04, (French) New Britain Ct. high sch. 05-08, asst prin. Williams memorial inst. New London Ct. 08-10 Hunt Agnes b.a. Manchester N. H. Ph.D. 00 Yale; student (hist.) Yale 97-00; instructor (hist.) Col. for women Western Reserve univ. 00-03, Wells col. 03-04, assoc. prof. 04-05, instructor Smith 07 — ; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Hunt Lucy Olcott b.l. 185 Beacon st. Hartford Ct. teacher Hartford pub. evening sch. 00-02, Steams sch. 02-04, tutor 02-05, private teacher 08 — Huntington Ruth b.l. 206 Broadway Norwich Ct. student (manual training) Teachers col. 02-04' teacher (manual training) Kama- hamaha sch. Honolulu H. I. 04-07, Oahu col. 07-08 Hurtt" Ella Mae b.s. Holmes road Pittsfield student Berlin vmiv. 03-05 ; teacher Pough- keepsie N. Y. 97-F 98, Miss Hall's sch. Pittsfield 98-03. 05-10 Jeffrey Agnes b.a. (Mrs Frederick Shedd) 1440 E. Broad st. Columbus O. m. 23 N 98; ch. Marion b. 27 F 00, Joseph Jeffrey b. 11 My 03, Elizabeth b. 20 O 04; mem. A.C.A. Jenkins" Ruth Dutilh b.l. (Mrs Robert Moore Jenkins) Scottswood road Riverside 111. student (French, German) Chicago univ. 00-01 ; m. 24 Mr 08 Johnson Florence Merriam b.l. 129 E. 17th St. New York district nurse New York 02-03, Montclair 04-05, resident nurse New York hospital 05-08, in charge Cornell univ. med. dis- pensary New York 09 — Johnson Mary Hooker b.l. 420 W. 116th St. New York student (Eng, pedagogy) Wesley an 97-98, Yale 99-00, N, Y. univ. 02-03; teacher (Eng.) Middletown Ct. high sch. 97-00, Utica N. Y. free acad. 00-02, Washington Irving high sch. New York 02 — Jones Marcia Esterbrook b.l. (Mrs John Bellamy Taylor) 7 Adams road Schenectady N. Y. m. 10 Je 03; ch. Jerome Jones b. 11 Ap 04, George Wales b. 19 Jl 06 d. 6 Ap 08, Telford b. 24 F 08 Jones Marian Hastings b.l. 722 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. student (pedagogy^ N. Y. imiv. 98-99; teacher girls boarding sch. Ossining on Hudson N. Y. 98-00, private sch. Hartford 00-02, lady prin. 02-04; miss'y New York 04-09, pastor Staffordville Ct. cong^rega- tional church 10 — Judd Climena Lyman b.a. 238 Northampton st. Holyoke clerk insurance office 97-Ja 04, asst registrar Smith Ja 04— Judd Jessie Axtell b.a. Bellows Falls Vt. teacher, asst prin. Bellows Falls high sch. 97— Keeney EHzabeth b.l. (Mrs Lewis Edward Gordon) 948 Asylum av. Hartford Ct.t m. 5 Je 00; ch. George Keeney b. 23 Ag 01, Elizabeth b. 24 Ag 03 Keith Florence Elizabeth b.a. 24 Beaver st. Worcester student Clark col. summer course; teacher Brookfield Mass. high sch. 97-98, (Eng.) Worcester high sch. 98 — SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1897 Kelley Grace Marten b.l. (Mrs Henry Allen Tenney) 363 River av. Patchogue Long Island N. Y. teacher (Eng, elocution) St Gabriel's sch. Peekskill N. Y. 97-98, Plainfield N. J. sem. 99-00, Mrs Hartman's sch. for girls New York 00-02, teacher in charge Miss Eaton and Miss Wilson's sch. New York 02-06; m. 29 S 06; ch. Martena b. 2 My 08, Eileen b. 8 O 10 Kennedy" Grace b.l. (Mrs Henry Phelps Corwith) 717 Seminary st. Rockford 111. m. 20 Je 07 Kent" Cora May b.a. (Mrs Wallace Cameron jr) 101 Willard av. Bloomfield N. J. teacher South Deerfield Mass. 97-98, Tarry- town N. Y. high sch. N 99-F 01, Chestnut St. grammar sch. Springfield Mass. Mr 01- 05; m. 24 Jl 05; ch. William Wallace 2d b. 22 O 07, James Kent b. 3 N 09 Kimball" Grace Clarke b.l. (Mrs Lyman William Griswold) 17 Crescent st. Greenfield m. 8 Je 99; ch. Emily Kimball b. 9 My 00, Grace Pynchon and Theophilus b. 8 Je 03 Kirkland Bertha Louise b.l. (Mrs Wilson Sheldon Dakin) 10 Pomeroy terrace Northampton student Sauveur summer sch. of lang. Am- herst Mass. 98, (French) Alliance franf aise, Paris summer of 01; teacher (French) Leicester acad. 98-99, Manchester high sch. 99-00, New Britain Ct. high sch. 00-02, supervisor (French) Springfield pub. sch. 03-04, teacher Dumaguete P. I. secondary sch. 04; m. 9 Je 04; ch. Louise Parsons b. 11 D 05, Irene Sheldon b. 2 Mr 09 Knapp Florence b.l. (Mrs John Hanna Yocum) 16 Hawthorne av. East Orange N.J. m. 11 Ap 00; ch. Margaret b. 29 O 03 EInapp Genevieve b.l. (Mrs Guthrie McConnell) Cynwyd Montgomery co. Pa. student (design) St Louis Mo. sch. of fine arts 01-03; m. 10 Je 05; ch. Frances Shackelford b. 12 My 06, Andrew Ellicott b. 2 Ap 09 d. 3 Ap 09 Knowlton" Ada Carrie [Caroline] B.L. (Mrs Oswald Chew) Radnor Pa. teacher (music) 02-08 ; m. 3 Je 08 Kuhn" Helen Belden b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam Newberry Palmer) The Arborway, Forest Hills M.A. 06; reader (hist.) Smith 00-07; m. 31 Jl 09; ch. Stephen Billings 2d b. 8 Jl 10 Lahm Katherine Hamilton b.l. (Mrs Frank Parker) 43 Williams st. Burlington Vt. student (sociology, political economy) Chi- cago imiv. 97-Mr 98; m. 20 N 06; ch. Katherine Lahm b. 23 O 08 Lang« Bertha Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Alfred Martin Gieseler) Alexandria Minn, teacher (Eng, German) Mass. 97-00, Men. 00-02, Minn. 02-04; m. 14 Je 04; ch. Eleanor Lang b. 21 Ag 09 Leighton Grace Barry b.a. 21 Parker st. Melrose bookkeeper Melrose nat. bank 03 — Locke tt"^ Jessie Walston b.l. 23 rue Le Verrier Paris France student (French) Sorbonne, Paris 08-10; teacher (Eng.) Decatur 111. high sch. 97-01, Spokane Wash, high sch. 02-05 Lootz Emma b.a. (Mrs William Gage Erving) 922 Farragut sq. Washington D. C. M.D. 02 Johns Hopkins; student (physics, chem.) Mass. inst. of tech. 97-98; physician Boston 02-04, Washington 04 — ; m. 19 S 03; ch. Selma b. S 06, Henry W. b. Ag 09; mem. A.C.A. Lord Alice Tullis b.l. (Mrs Edgerton Parsons) 863 Park av. New York m. 23 Ap 02 ; ch. Alice Edgerton b. 24 O 07 Lormore Ellen Frances b.l, (Mrs Le Roy Partridge Guion) 1819 N. Cascade av. Colorado Springs Col. m. 12 Ap 98; ch. Adelaide Lormore b. 25 Ag 00; mem. A.C.A. Low Florence b.a. (Mrs Harlan Page Kelsey) 1 Pickering st. Salem m. 25 N 02; ch. Harlan Low b. 1 N 03, Seth Low b. 30 Mr 06, Katherine b. 12 S 09 Lyman Laura Agnes b.a. (Mrs Austin Rice) 16 Wave av. Wakefield m. 19 Jl 99 Lyon Grace Taylor b.a. 68 Church st. Chicopee Falls teacher Chicopee high sch. 97-02 Mc Williams Anna Louisa b.l. Odell 111. J Maltby Edith Frances b.a. 112 Elm St. Northampton Mathews Grace Elisabeth b.l. (Mrs Herbert Shaw Philbrick) 509 Rollins st. Columbia Mo. student (hist.) Chicago univ. Ja-Je 98; dean of women Colby col. 99-02; teacher Wal- tham Mass. 03- Ap 04; m. 23 Je 04; ch. Benjamin Mathews b. 24 N 05, Shailer Mathews b. 11 My 08; mem. A.C.A. 1897] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 87 Maverick Lola b.a. (Mrs William Bross Lloyd) Winnetka 111. asst (math.) Smith 01-02; m. 1 N 02; ch. Jessie Bross b. 14 F 04, Mary Maverick b. 9 Je 06, William Bross jr b. 12 S 08 Maynard Alice Adelaide b.l. (Mrs Charles Madeira) Stony Creek Ct. m. 29 N 06 ; mem. A.C.A. Melluish« Edith Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs David Davis) 100 5 E. Jefferson st. Bloomington 111. m. 28 S 99; ch. George Perrin b. 12 S 00, David b. 29 Je 06 Merrill Mary Perley b.l. (Mrs Charles Stedman Macfarland) 37 Bay view av. South Norwalk Ct. student (hist, Latin) Bridgewater normal sch. 98-99, (German) Germany 00-01; teacher Fisk univ. Nashville Tenn. 99-00, 01-02, tutor; m. 9 Mr 04; ch, Charles Sted- man jr b. 7 F 05, Lucia Merrill b. 1 Ja 08, James Merrill b. 8 O 09 Mills Elizabeth Tiffany b.a. 184 Gibbs st. Newton Center student Wheelock kindergarten training sch. 08-09; teacher Denison house 97-98, other missions, Wheelock sch. 09-10 Mitchell Carrie [CaroHne] Tilden b.l. (Mrs George Wood Bacon) 23 W. 67th St. New York M.A. 99 Columbia; student (hist, educ.) Columbia 98-99; teacher St Cloud Minn, high sch. 97-98, Mt Vernon N. Y. high sch. 99-01, Erasmus hall high sch. Brooklyn 01-02, instructor (hist.) Smith 02-04; m. 1 Je 04; ch. Elizabeth Mitchell b. 30 Mr 05; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Montague Edith Florence b.a. (Mrs Henry Wellington White) 177 Sisson av. Hartford Ct. teacher private sch. for girls Quebec Can. 97-98, Rockville Ct. high sch. 98-00, Hartford pub. high sch. 00-02; m. 15 O 02; ch. Montague b. 27 N 03 Montague Lucy Wales b.l. 504 Walnut st. Chattanooga Tenn. Morris Harriet b.a. 223 Mercantile pi. Los Angeles Cal. student Amer. acad. of dramatic art New York 98-99, (drama, playwriting) Univ. of Cal. 01-02; proprietor Copper kettle tea room Los Angeles 08 — Morse" Stella May b.l. (Mrs George Edward Hamilton) Santa Clara Cal. m. 7 Je 05 ; ch. Edward Morse b. 7 Ag 06, Robert Henry b. 12 D 08 Noble" Edith Moulton b.l. 190 Clifford st. Providence R. I. J Otis" Frances Louise b.l. c/o W. A. Otis, Winnetka 111. Page Grace Maria b.a. (Mrs Moody- bell Stephen Bennett) 295 Laurel st. Manchester N. H. teacher Manchester high sch. Ja 99-02, 07-08, tutor 02—; m. 24 S 02; ch. Frances Augusta b. 23 Jl 03 Parent" Ora Winnifred b.l. BondsvilleJ teacher Orleans Mass. 98-99, Hardwick 99- 02, Hudson 02-04, Framingham 04-05 Patch Harriet Eliza b.l. (Mrs George Whittemore Woodbury) East Gloucester M.A. 07 Columbia; student (comparative lit, German) Columbia 04-07; teacher Gloucester high sch. 98-99; m. 29 Je 08 Peloubet" Harriet Louise b.l. 132 Woodland road Auburndale student hand bookbinding Boston Perkins Anna Katherine b.a. (Mrs Robert Cushman Clark) 17 Green st. Brattleboro Vt. student (Eng.) Hyannis summer sch. 98, Harvard summer sch. 05; teacher East Walpole Mass. 98-99, Norwood 99-01, Charlemont high sch. 01-02, Brattleboro Vt. acad. 02-04, high sch. 04-08; m. 23 Ap09 Phillips Clara Hunt b.l. (Mrs How- ard Lewis Rogers) 35 AUerton st. Brookline m. 22 Ja 07; ch. Caroline Cranford b. 18 O 07, Dorothy b. 2 N 08, Thomas Nickerson b. 18 Mr 10 Piper Florence Emily b.l. (Mrs Moses Anthony Winch) East Temple ton student Westfield normal sch. 98; teacher Ashburnham Mass, Colebrook N. H, Orono Me. 98-02; m. 6 My 08 Porter Emma Ernestine b.l. 137 Langley road Newton Center student (German hist, lit.)*Berlin univ. N 00-Mr 01 ; private teacher(German, French) ; mem. A.C.A. Rand Margaret b.a. Lasell seminary Auburndale student (psych.) Harvard summer sch. 05; teacher Newton Mass. high sch. 02-03, Lasell sem. 04 — Redfern Elisabeth Goodwin b.l (Mrs Daniel Clement Dennett) 7 Washington st. Winchester student (biol.) Mass. inst. tech. 99, (philos.) Radcliffe 02-03, (chem.) Simmons col. 04-05; teacher (zoology, botany, Latin) Amer. col. for girls Constantinople 99-02 ; m. 15 D 06 ; ch. Daniel Clement jr b. 16 Ja 10 88 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1897 Rice'* Josephine Bell b.a, (Mrs Charles Worthington Tingley) c/o Continental oil co. Pueblo Col. m. 6 Je 00; ch. Mary Elizabeth b. 8 O 02 ♦Richards Irma Louise b.l. (Mrs Rodney A. Knapp) teacher North Attleboro high soh: d. 12 Je09 Ripley Frances Payson b.l. (Mrs Nelson Wolcott Willard) Riverside 111. m. 20 Je 05; ch. Allan Harding b. 6 Ja 07, Mary Frances b. 28 Ja 09 d. 26 A& 10 Rockwell Mary Watkinson b.l. (Mrs Edward Smith Cole) 133 Bellevue av. Upper Mont- clair N. J. student (romance lang.) Chicago univ. 00- 01; teacher and dean of women R. I. col. Kingston 97-00; m. 26 Je 01; ch. John Rockwell b. 16 My 02, Elizabeth Shaw b. 9 F 05 d. N 05. Edward Shaw b. 7 Ja 08 Rogers" Louise b.l. 194 Clinton st. Brooklyn N. Y.f Russell Lucia b.l. 6 George st. Greenfield Sewall Josephine Devereux b.l. (Mrs Benjamin Kendall Emer- son jr) 56 William st. Worcester occasional resident Christodora house New York 99-04; m. 1 O 03; ch. Sewall b. 13 O 04, Kendall b. 1 Mr 07 Seymour" Frances Barrows b.a. (Mrs Hiram Richard Hulse) 101 Lawrence st. New York m. 20 Mr 03; ch. Mary b. 3 Mr 04, Frederick Seymour b. 11 F 06 Shepard Mary Ellen b.l. (Mrs Clar- ence Edward Clough) 19 Shaw St. Lebanon N. H. m. 21 S 97; ch. Dorothy b. 2 S 98, Shepard Bancroft b. 6 D 01. Nathaniel Paul b. 30 S 06. Barbara May b. 11 Mr 10 Simons" Harriet Winter b.a. (Mrs Solon Goodridge Gray) 901 Fairmount av. St Paul Minn, m. 7 Ag 99; ch. Dorothy b. 13 Ap 04, Solon Goodridge jr^b. 22 Ag 09 Sligh»* Edith Conover b.a. (Mrs Milton Cheney Miller) 376 Kane pi. Milwaukee Wis. m. 26 N 04 Smith Louise Kirkhuff b.a. 1266 Amsterdam av. New York M.A. 08 Columbia; student (Latin, Greek) Columbia 06-08; teacher Susquehanna Pa. 98-00, Dansville N. Y. 00-06, New York normal ool. 08-10 Smith" Mary Alice b.a. La Crosse public library La Crosse Wis. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 00-02; asst libn Worcester Mass. pub. lib. 97-00, N. Y. state lib. My 01-Ag 03, Carnegie free lib. Duquesne Pa. Ag 03-Jl 04. La Crosse pub. lib. Ag 04 — ; mem. A.L.A. Smith Mary Bartlett b.a. 22 Abbott road Wellesley Hills student (biol.) Smithsonian inst. Washing- ton D. C. 4 mo. in 97-98, Framingham Mass. normal sch. 99-00, (institutional manage- ment) Simmons col. Boston 04-05; teacher (Eng, geometry) private sch. Media Pa. 98-99, North Andover Mass. high sch. 00-02, Prospect Hill sch. Greenfield 02-03; statis- tician (commercial, financial, industrial conditions in U. S.) with firm of Roger W. Babson Wellesley Hills 07— Stoddard Lucy b.a. 22 W. 68th St. New York M.A. 02 N. Y. univ; student (Eng, Egypt- ology) N. Y. univ. 97-98, 01-02, 03-04, (astron.) Smith 02-03 Strong Bertha Fairfax b.a. Andover mem. A.C.A. Sturtevanf* Julia Bemis b.a. (Mrs Charles Wolcott Merriam) 31 High St. Greenfield m. 5 S 00; ch. Warren Sturtevant b. 11 3 01, Charles Wolcott jr b. 22 Ja 03, Julia Elizabeth b. 29 Ag 05 Tallant Alice Weld b.a. 1807 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. M.D. 02 Johns Hopkins; student (physics) Mass. inst. of tech. 97-98, (med.) Johns Hop- kins 98-02, (pathology) Harvard summer sch. 00; teacher Miss Brown's sch. Boston 97-98; interne N. E. hospital 02-03, asst (dispensary) physician 04-05, med. exami- ner for gymnasium Bates col. 03-05, prof, (obstetrics) and obstetrician-in-chief Wo- man's med. col. of Pa. 05 — , physician Girls house of refuge Philadelphia 06 — ; mem. Amer. med. assn, Amer. acad. of med. Taylor Edith b.l. 9412 Lamont av. Cleveland O.f Thayer Bertha Burton b.a. (Mrs Eugene William Lyman) Bangor theological seminary Bangor Me. student (German hist, and lit, hist, of art) Halle-Wittenberg xmiv. Germany 99-00; m. 1 Je 99 Titsworth Susan Sayre b.a. c/o G. V. D. Titsworth, 100 Wil- liam St. New Yorkt M.A. 03 Columbia; student (hist, Eng. lit.) Colimibia 01-03; teacher Milwaukee Wis. 98-01 1897-98] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 89 Townsend Therina b.l. (Mrs Everett Larkin Barnard) Rochelle park New Rochelle N. Y. m. 1 Je 01; ch. Lucy b. 8 Mr 03, Louise Townsend b. 6 My 05 Tredick Helen Folsom b.a. 36 Alpine st. Maiden Bachelor's diploma 10 Teachers col; stu- dent (biol.) Chicago univ. 01-02, (educ, botany) Teachers col. 09 — ; teacher (sci- ence) Franklin N. H. 99-00, Univ. sch. for girls Chicago 00-02, Robinson sem. Exeter ' N. H. 02-09, asst (biol.) Brooklyn girls high sch. 10 — ; mem. A.C.A, Amer. nature study soc. Vermilye Jennie Thomas b.s. Lydecker st. Englewocxi N. J. asst (astron.) Smith 01-02 Voorhees Elizabeth Anna b.a. (Mrs E. Arthur Robinson) 20 Fern st. Aubumdale m. 28 O 03 Ward** Florence b.s. (Mrs J. Con- verse Blagden) Greenfieldf m. 04 Ward Mary Kingsbury b.a. (Mrs Morton Dexter Dunning) Doshisha, Kyoto Japan teacher (math.) Taunton Mass. high sch. S-D 97; m. 26 Jl 99; ch. Ward Westbrook b. 14 My 01 d. 29 N 02, Dorothy Wood- worth b. 4 F 04, Allan Lombard b. 5 Jl 05, Harriet Westbrook and Marv Kingsbury b. 10 O 06, Albert Ward and Alice b. 5 O 08 Ware Mary Lillian (Mrs John Wat- rous Knight) 1031 Michigan av. Evanston 111. m. My 99; ch. John Richard Watroiis b. 11 Mr 00, Edward Ware b. 20 D 01, Eliza- beth Louise b. 07 d. 08, Margaret Mather b. 08 Warner Ethel Susie b.a. (Mrs Charles Merton Phinney) Huntington m. 30 Ag 05 Wells Mary Byrd b.a. 139 E. 7th St. Plainfield N. J. private tutor 97-03; teacher (hist.) Hart- ridge sch. Plainfield 03-10 White Charlotte Florence b.l. (Mrs John Gardner Talcott) Talcottville Ct. m. 7 Je 05 ; ch. John Gardner jr b. 26 F 08 Whiting Florence May b.l. (Mrs Chester Metcalf Grover) 580 Huron av. Cambridge student (Eng.) Columbia summer sch. 01; teacher Lyndon hall sch. Poughkeepsie N. Y. 98-02, Springfield Mass. central high sch. 02-05; m. 2 Ag 05; ch. Richard Whit- ing b. 14 Ja 07, Beatrice b. 23 O 09 Whiting Grace b.a. (Mrs David Eaton Mitchell) 6211 Kentucky av. Pittsburg Pa. student Berlin univ. 98-99, (music) Florence and Paris 1 yr; m. 2 D 03; ch. George Whiting b. 17 Ag 06, David Eaton jr b. 20 Jl 09 Wiard Grace Louise b.l. (Mrs Archer Everett Young) Oxford O. B.M. 98; student (music) Smith 97-98; teacher (piano) New Britain Ct. 98-03; m. 1 S 03; ch. Everett b. 8 O 05, Mary Louise b. 4 Jl 08, James Russell b. 21 F 10 Wilkinson Katharine May b.l. 129 E. 76th St. New York private tutor New York 97-99; teacher Goodyear-Burlingame sch. Syracuse N. Y. 99-04, Miss Chapin's sch. New York 04 — Williams Edith Cadwallader b.a. Western Springs 111. student (domestic economy) Sears inat. Chicago 09-10 Wilson Pearl Adelaide b.l. (Mrs Garrett Chatfield Pier) Belle Haven, Greenwich Ct. m. 25 Je 02; ch. Garrett Wilson b. 23 Ja 04 d. 4 My 09, Eleanor Adelaide b. 11 S 06, Beatrice b. 23 D 07 Winship Charlotte Elizabeth b.l. 227 Mountain av. Maiden Woodruff" Anna Beardsley b.l. 15 Fort St. Auburn N. Y. Woodward Helen Clifton b.l. 2015 Wyoming av. Washington D. C. Worden Bertha Anna b.l. 30 Abbott St. Hoosick Falls N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Hoosick Falls high sch. 00 — Total 180-*3 1898 Ahem" Katharine Cecilia b.a. 192 Farmington av. Hartford Ct.J M.A. 99 Univ. of N. C. Anderson Florence Judd b.l. (Mrs Fred Macdonald Gilbert) 239 New York av. Brooklyn N. Y. student sec. Amer. com. Y. W. C. A. Ja-Ap 99, general sec. Schenectady N. Y. 99-My 00; m, 21 SOI *Arnold" Ethel Hall b.a. (Mrs Harold Bartlett Fobes) m. 5 Je 01 ; ch. Arnold Dwight; d. 12 F 02 Portland Me. Banks Mary Fletcher b.a. (Mrs Herbert Marples) Ridgefield Ct. teacher Brooklyn N. Y. 98-00; m. 26 Ap 00; ch. Eleanor b. 12 Jl 01. Alan b. 27 D 02, Robert b. 27 My 05, Herbert Fletcher b. 4 Mr 08 90 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1898 Barnard Ruth Colbum b.a. (Mrs Alexander Bowler) 57 Cedar st. Worcester m. 5 O 05; ch. Ruth Colbuni b. 4 S 07 Baumgarten Alma b.a. 4310a Maryland av. St Lotiis Mo. mem. A.C.A. Bingham" Jennie Belle b.a. (Mrs Fred Forest Dowlin) 140 Pleasant st. North Adams m. 14 S 98 (husband d. 10 Ap 10) ; ch. Fred Forest jr b. 13 Je 99, Merle Bingham b. 7 N 01 d. 5 Ja 02, Glyndore Marshall (son) b. 31 Jl 03, Winfred Masoon (son) b. 22 Ja 08 Blanchard Grace Eliza b.a. 482 Main st. Fitchburg M. A. 09 ; student Harvard summer sch. 01 ; fellow (hist.) Smith 08-09; teacher Fitch- burg high sch. 98-08, New Rochelle N. Y. high sch. 09-10 Breckenridge Maud b.l. 2022 E. 69th st. Cleveland O. student (music, French) New York and Paris ♦Bridges Frances Antoinette b.a. (Mrs George H. Atkinson) teacher Philadelphia 98-99; state student sec. Y. W. C. A. southern states 00-02, student sec. Amer. com. federated with world's student Christian federation 03-05; d. 9 Je 06 Briggs Belle Florence b.a. (Mrs Elmer Gerrish Bridgham) Lenox teacher Owego N. Y. high sch. 98-03; m. 25 D 02; ch. Willard Plympton b. 23 My 07, Janet Louise b. 9 O 09 Brooks Annie Mabel b.a. 443 School St. Athol M.A. 02 Columbia; student (educ, Sanskrit) Columbia; teacher (Latin) Woodstock Ct. acad. 98-00, Horace Mann sch. New York 02-03, Kent pi. sch. Summit N. J. 03 — Brooks" Mabel Frances b.a. 14 Stebbins st. Springfield student (Eng.) Columbia summer sch. 07, 08, 09; teacher high sch. CoUinsville Ct. 98-01, Thomaston 01-06, Gardner Mass. 06— Brown Cellissa b.l. (Mrs Joseph Arnold Norcross) 421 St Ronan st. New Haven Ct. m. 27 My 02 ; ch. Arnold Brown b. 07 Brown Mattie Ireson b.l. (Mrs Charles Louis Fincke) 166 Clinton st. Brooklyn N. Y, m. 25 Ap 01 (husband d. 19 Mr 06); ch. Charles Louis b. 5 Mr 02, Margaret Epes b. 12 Ap 04 Budlong Jessie Valentine b.l. 189 Governor st. Providence R I. student (lit.) Brown 09; mem. A.C.A. Burch Cara Van Cott b.l. 640 Madison av. New York Byles*» Emma Axtell b.a. (Mrs Allan Cowperthwait) Hydewood park Plainfield N. J. m. 17 Ja 03; ch. Marian Axtell b. 27 Mr 05, Eleanor Hunter b. 24 Je 10 Champion" Florence Augusta b.l. (Mrs Rodney Wiley Roundy) 249 Wethersfield av. Hartford Ct. teacher Boxwood boarding sch. Old Lyme Ct. 99-01, pub. sch. 01-03; m. 22 Je 04; ch. Paul Ruthven b. 21 Ap 05, Rodney Wiley jr b. 5 S 08 Chapin Clara Maria b.a. (Mrs Henry Arthur Phelps) Clinchport, Scott co. Va.t m. 28 D 99; ch. Henry Arthur b. 6 Ap 04 Chapman** Marion Elise b.a. (Mrs George Jacobus) 92 Gates av. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher (math.) Hanover Mass. high sch. fall of 99; m. 20 Je 01; ch. Katharine Louise b. 23 Jl 02, Margaret Atherton b. 13 Ap 05 Chase Nellie Gertrude b.l. 16 Prescott st. Newtonville M.A. 05 Cornell; student (Eng, hist.) Cor- nell 04-05; sec. Wheaton sem. Norton Mass. 01-02: teacher Natick grammar sch. 02-03, East Bridgewater grammar and high sch. 03-04. (Eng.) Wheaton sem. 05-09, in- structor (Eng.) Wells col. Aurora N. Y. 09 — *Clapp Esther Fanny b.a. d. 30 Mr 00 Florence Clarke Alice b.a. Easthampton student (physics, botany) Smith 01-03; teacher Chevy Chase sch. 99-00, Albany acad. for girls 03-08, Wilkesbarre inst. Clark Edith Lyman b.a. (Mrs David Scott Low) Easthampton m. 20 S 06 Clark" Josephine Maud b.l. (Mrs Cari Edwin Ward) 64 Chestnut st. Waltham teacher Waltham pub. sch; cataloger; m. 7 04 Clark Mary lola b.l. (Mrs Albert James Brown) Northbridge teacher Whitinsville Mass. 98-00, Gardner 00-01; m. 14 Ag 01; ch. Audrey Hancock b. 6 F 03, Katherine lola b. 21 My 05 *Coburn Grace Eleanor b.l. (Mrs Burton C. Mossman) teacher 98-99; d. 29 My 09 Collins Rejoyce Ballance b.l. (Mrs Charles Maclay Booth) 510 Alameda st. Vallejo Cal. student (U. S. hist.) Bradley poly tech. inst. Peoria 111. fall of 98; teacher Peoria 111. pub. sch. 99-00, San Antonio Tex. acad. for boys 00-01, Girls collegiate inst. Los Angeles Cal. 03-04; m. 4 Ap 10 1898] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 91 *Comey Effie Marion b.l. (Mrs Daniel Edgar Manson) m. 18 O 99; ch. Marion b. 4 Ap 01, John T. 2db. 18 My 04; d. N 07 Comstock Frances Eloise b.l. (Mrs Copeland Morton) 10 E. Preston st, Baltimore Md. m. 06; ch. Copeland jr b. 7 Mr 10 Cornell^ Helen Gray b.l. (Mrs How- ard Dean French) Hyde Park hotel Chicago 111. m. 3 O 01 ; ch. Paul Cornell b. 27 Ap 04 Cowperthwait Agnes Shepard b.l. (Mrs Herbert Lincoln Houghton) 26 Hancock st. Lexington^ student (nursing) Boston homoeopathic hos- pital F 01-Jl 02; m. 30 Ag 02; ch. Herbert Lincoln b. 23 Ag 03 Coyle Georgianna Dunn b.l. (Mrs Louis Harrison Hall) Box 135 New Canaan Ct.f student (pedagogy) Columbia 99-00; teacher 98-05 ; m. 7 S 05 Craighead Ethel b.l. c/o Martin Dennis, 29 James st. Newark N. J.f M.A. 02 Columbia; teacher Hampton Va. inst. Dailey"^ Frances Douglass b.l. (Mrs Ernest Phelps Johnson) 2514 S. 10th St. Omaha Neb. teacher Council Bluffs la. high sch. 98-06 ; m. 25 Je 06; mem. A.C.A. Daskam Josephine Dodge b.a. (Mrs Selden Bacon) Beech Hill, Pleasantville station N. Y. author; m. 25 Jl 03; ch. Anne b. 28 S 04, Deborah b. 11 D 06, Selden 2d b. 10 S 09 ♦Dickinson Ethel May b.l. (Mrs Edward William Beattie jr) student (French) Radclifife; m. 1 Ja 00; ch. Edward William 3d b. 6 N 09; d. 10 Dillon"^ Mae [May] Lucile b.a. (Mrs Lemuel Ray Carter) 5041 McPherson av. St Louis Mo. teacher Mary inst. St Louis 00-03; m. 21 O 03; ch. Elizabeth McMillan b. 27 Jl 04, Mary Dillon and Margaret I;Ouise b. 20 N 06 Drake" Stella Dorothy b.l. 37 Fairfield st. Boston student (lit, hist.) Chicago univ; teacher (Eng. lit, hist.) Suffield Ct. acad. 04-06, Dedham Mass. high sch. 07-08, substitute teacher high sch. near Boston Dresser" Angle Mary b.a. (Mrs John Silas Cole jr) 107 E. Euclid av. Detroit Mich. teacher Pittsfield Mass, Huntington, Brain- tree, Norwalk Ct. S 98-D 03; m. 1 Je 04; ch. Kenneth Winston b. 20 Ap 06 Duncan** Alice Boorum b.s. (Mrs MacGregor Jenkins) Farm st. Dover m. 2 Je 04 Duncan" Ruth Harland b.s. (Mrs John Duff) 7 Greenough av. Jamaica Plain student (music) ; m. 4 Ja 08 Esterbrook Edith Marsh b.a. Brattleboro Vt. student Bryant & Stratton business col. 00-Mr 01; sec. for A. P. Kidder Mr-JeOl, Estey Organ co. D 01-Mr 02, sec. and libn (biol. dept) Mass. inst. of tech. O 02 — Fairchild Nellie Rebecca b.l. 175 Governor st. Providence R. I. in business Providence 02-10 ; mem. A.C. A. Farwell Catherine Arvilla b.a. (Mrs Edgar Rhuel Hyde) 47 Main st. Middletown Ct. asst Turners Falls Mass. high sch. 98-01 ; m. 6 My 02 ; ch. Caroline Farwell b. 17 F 03. Alice Putnam b. 20 N 04 d. 23 Ap 06, Helen Elizabeth b. 21 F 10 Fast Louise [Louisa] Kimball b.a. 115 N. Sandusky st. Tiffin O. student (French, Geraian) Heidelberg univ. 98-99; libn Tiffin pub. lib. 99-10; mem. A.C.A, A.L.A. Finch Delia Maria b.l. 200 Main st. Easthampton student (French, German, lit.) Geneva univ. 02-03, Jena summer sch. 09; teacher Ash- land Mass. high sch. 99-00, tutor Dedham 01-02, teacher Stamford Ct. high sch. 03 — Fisher^ Emma Catharine b.s. Walpole teacher Sterling Mass. Trumbull Ct. 00-01, Auburn Mass. 02-03, West Granville 03-04, Westport N. H. 04-07, Winchester 07-10 ♦Foster^ Leila Lincoln b.l. d. 13 My 04 Spartanburg S. C. Fowler Mary Pickering b.a. 35 Burroughs st. Jamaica PlainJ Franklin Laura Isabella Porteus b.a. Kirkwood Mo. student St Louis Mo. sch. of fine arts 98-03 French Marion Ellen b.l. (Mrs Francis Nelson Hawley) 122 Cambridge st. Winchester teacher private sch. Winchester 98-99; m. 8 S 03; ch. Ferdinand French and Rus- sell b. 28 Mr 07 ♦Gibson Alice Edith b.a. student (zoology, educ.) Radcliffe 98-00, (botany, zoology) Marine biol. lab. 97, 00-01,03; teacher (biol.) Braintree Mass. 02- Mr 03, Medford Mr 03-05; d. 7 My 05 Gould Nelle Julia b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Cross Vivash) Bayonne N. J. M.A. 01 Columbia; student (pedagogy, Latin, Eng.) (Columbia 00-01; teacher North Wales Pa. 98-00, Lake Mohegan N. Y. 01-02 ; m. 17 O 07 ; ch. Eileen b. 13 N 08 92 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1898 Gower Ethel Margaret b.a. 559 Orange st. New Haven Ct. M.A. 01 Univ. of Minn; student (Greek, philos, Eng.) Univ. of Minn. 00-01 ; teacher (Eng.) Howard eem. West Bridgewater Mass. Ap 02-03, private sch. New Haven 05-06; mem. A.C.A. Graham" Bertha Ellen b.a. 199 Elm St. West Haven Ct.t Gnimbine Agnes Emeline b.a. (Mrs Albert Jay Nock) 144 E. Walnut st. Titusville Pa. m. 25 Ap 00; ch. Samuel Albert b. 17 F 01, Francis Jay b. 13 My 05 Hall« Anne Hibbard b.a. (Mrs Paul Putnam Gaylord) 14182 Euclid av. East Cleveland O. teacher (Latin, German) and asst prin. Rockville Ct. high sch. 98-01 ; m. 6 Jl 01 ; ch. Warner Russel b. 19 Mv 03, Gregory Hall b. 19 Je 05, Marjory b. 16 Ja 09 Hammond" Elisabeth Penn b.a. (Mrs Winthrop Fillebrown) Plympton m. 16 O 01 ; ch. Thomas b. 27 O 02, Sarah Abbey b. 10 Mr 05, Elizabeth W. b. 22 Ag 06, Helen b. 27 My 08. WUliam P. b. 8 S 09 Hams" Helen Sophia b.l. (Mrs Chester F. Williams) 12 Claflin st. Milford m. 18 Ap 06 Harrison Louise b.l. 4256 Maryland av. St Louis Mo. Harter Cornelia Sherman b.l. (Mrs William Dexter Stiger) Hewlett, Long Island N. Y. m. 26 N 04 Hazen Louise Coleman b.a. 68 Washington sq. New York student (astron, physics) Univ. of Pa. 00-01 (math, physics) Dartmouth summer sch. 02. (math.) Univ. of Tex. 02-03; teacher Wilder Vt. 98-00, Tillotson col. Austin Tex. 01-03, Castleton Vt. state nor- mal sch. 03-04, New York high sch. 06 — Heidrich Bertha Estelle b.l. (Mrs William Smith Miles) 125 Crescent av. Peoria 111. m. 7 Je 04; ch. William Smith jr b. 27 F 10 Higgins Louise Marie b.l. (Mrs Harry Russell Tarbox) 1178 Dean st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 6 Jl 04; ch. Elizabeth Lemont b. 8 Jl 05, Margaret Morse b. 3 My 07 Holmes Leila Strobridge b.l. (Mrs Dudley Landon Vaill) Winsted (station A) Ct. m. 28 Je 00; ch. Mary b. 21 O 02, Charles Beecher b. 1 Jl 04, Theodore b. 19 S 05, Dudley Landon jr b. 22 Ja 07, Holmes b. 20 Ag 09 d. 30 O 09 Hoy^ Mary Elizabeth b.l. Chicago Ill.t ♦Hyde" Jessie Litchfield b.l. teacher East Machias Me. 98-00, Palmer Mass. 01- 04; d. 25 S 05 Southbridge ♦Jackson Alice b.s. teacher New York and Brooklyn 98-99; sec. Girls club Greenfield Mass. 99-01, resident Christodora house New York 01-02, general sec. S.C.A.C.W. 02-04, organizer clubs for factory girls Ludlow Mass. 04-05; d. 13 D 06 Jackson Maud AUiott b.s. (Mrs Charles Wesley Hulst) Englewood N. J. teacher Dwight sch. Englewood; m. 30 Je 04 Johnson" Elizabeth b.a. 145 Highland av. Somerville teacher Northboro Mass. 99-00, Nashua N. H, Winchester, Foxboro Mass, Hope- dale grammar sch. JoUey** Josephine Fisk b.a. (Mrs Clinton Burr Goodrich) Guantdnamo Cuba teacher Newark N. J. grade and high sch. 98-04; m. 29 Je 04; ch. Irene Burr b. 23 Ag 09 Joslin Mary Reed b.l. 46 Burroughs st. Jamaica Plain student (educ.) Radcliffe 98-99; private tutor 99-03; stenographer Boston Ja 05 — , Research dept Women's educ. and indus- trial union Ja 07-Ag 08, with A. P. Schmidt, music publisher, Ag 08 — ; mem. A.C.A. Kendrick" Mary Pearson b.a. 981 Madison av. New Yorkf Kennard Margaret b.l. (Mrs Arthur Vernon Woodworth) 30 Chestnut st. Boston sec. Smith alum, assn 01-06; m. 14 O 03: ch. Kennard b. 5 Ap 05, Alfred Skinner 2d b. 10 Ag 07; mem. A.C.A. Kimball Edith Amanda b.l. (Mrs Robert Burrill Metcalf) 10 Wild wood St. Winchester m. 5 Ja 99; ch. Robert Kimball b. 21 N 99 Kimball Myrtle Lydia b.l. (Mrs Allan Hoyt Wilde) 58 Mountain av. Maiden m. 23 My 00; ch. Nelson Kimball b. 9 Ap 01, Elisabeth Hoyt b. 23 Ag 03, Alfred Allan b. 29 Ja 06 Knight Sarah Winifred b.l. (Mrs Lewis Henry Thornton) 421 N. Main st. Wellsville'N. Y. m. 7 O 03; ch. James b. 12 Ag 04 Knowlton^ Mabel b. l. (Mrs Robert Henderson Strong) 407 Clay st. Portland Ore. student (music) Chicago 00-04; teacher and student Mrs Gulick's sch. Biarritz winter of 00; teacher (music) Rockford col. 04-05; m. 1 F 10 1898] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 93 Large Mabel Bailey B. A. (Mrs Henry Titus Tones) Whitehouse N. J. m. 18 S 02 Lathrop" Mary Helen b.a. (Mrs Ben Barrere Nelson) The Ridgeway, Avondale Cin- cinnati O. student Cincinnati normal sch. 98-F 99; teacher Miller private sch. Cincinnati 4 yr, Univ. private sch. 3 yr; m. 2 F 07; ch. Lathrop Barrere b. 25 D 08 Lewis Helen Tumor b.l, (Mrs George Bennett Wilson) 1002 Main st. Racine Wis. m. 6 Ap 08 Lillie Florence b.l. (Mrs Frank Elisha Wheeler) 162 Fort Pleasant av. Springfield editor for Webster's dictionary, Merriam co. Sprinfrfield O 98-00. F-Ag 02, Ja-Jl 03; teacher (En«.) Ware high sch. S-D 01, (hist.) Springfield high sch. 03-06; m. 31 Ag07 Lovejoy^ Deborah Eliza b.a. 23 Garden st. Cambridge teacher Wilson acad. Angelica N. Y. 98-01, North Brookfield Mass. high sch. 01-02, Lincoln memorial imiv. Cumberland Gap Tenn. 02-05, Atlanta Ga. univ. 05-06, (Latin) Dilworth hall Pittsburg Pa. 06-10 MacAlister" Julia Clyde b.l. 4031 Walnut st. Philadelphia Pa. student (domestic science) Drexel inst. Philadelphia 98-99, 00 McFadden Elizabeth Apthorp b.l. 7 Ware st. Cambridge student (dramatic technique) Radcliffe 08-09; cataloger Cincinnati pub. lib. 01-05; mem. A.C.A. Mack" Isabella b.a. (Mrs Charles E. Patton) Ko Chow, vii* Canton Chinaf M.D. 03 Woman's med. col. of Pa; student Woman's med. col. of Pa. 99-03; resident physician Woman's hospital Philadelphia 03-04 Mackay Susan Haslett b.l. 289 Tappan st. Brookline cataloger Boston puh lib. 99-08 ;J private sec. Boston 08— McWilliams Mary b.a. (Mrs John Porter Marsh y B.A. 5546 Woodlawn av. Chicago 111. m. 16 D 02; ch. John McWilliams b. 3 F 04, Lafayette McWilliams b. 26 D 06 Martin Agnes Eulalie b.a. (Mrs Jerome Zerbe Bayliss) Box 46 Bessemer, Gogebic co. Mich, m. 21 Ja 03; ch. Jerome Zerbe Martin b. 20Ag07 Martin Cora Minerva b.a. 35 Arlington st. Chicopee Falls teacher Randolph Vt. high sen. 00; asst postmaster Chicopee Falls 01 — Mason Edna Harbour b.l. li-iSuffield Ct. Melius^ Lilla Marion b.l."''' (Mrs Maurice Woodbum Dickey) 6 Hartwell st. Roxbury newspaper correspondent and editor with Springfield Union; m. 20D07; ch. Robert Melius b. 29 O 09 Merrill"^ Florence b.a. 212 W. Arrellago st. Santa Bar- bara Cal.f student (household economics) Simmons col; teacher Northern state normal and industrial sch. Aberdeen S. D. 03-05 Milne Ruth Parsons b.a. 5 Elk St. Albany N. Y. Montgomery Esther Wells b.l. (Mrs Matthew Finlay Carrott) 1617 Hampshire st. Quincy 111. m. 10 N 03; ch. Montgomery Browning b. 21 Jl 04, James Worthington b. 19 Jl 07 Morris Julia Catharine b.s. (Mrs Nellis Barnes Foster) 69 E. 54th St. New York student (chem, Eng.) Yale 00; teacher Utica N. Y. 99-01, Newton N. J. 02, em- ployed by Century pub. co. 03-04; m. 26 O 04 Morrow Carol b.a. (Mrs Lyndon Rutan Connett) Port Washington Long Island N. Y. student N. Y. univ. sch. of pedagogy 98-99; teacher (primary work) Mis* Beard's sch. Orange N. J. 00-03; m. 12 O 03; ch. Margaret b. 10 Jl 04, Sophia b. 22D05 Motter Ellen Inslee b.l. 303 N. 8th St. St Joseph Mo. teacher (hist.) St Joseph high sch. 00 — MuUally Elizabeth Keith b.a. Burnham school Northampton • teacher (Latin, Greek) Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. 98-00, Vail-Deane sch. Elizabeth 00-04, Burnham sch. 04— Nute^ Mabel Lavinia b.a. The Ramblers, Monsey N. Y. student Boston xmiv. med. sch. 98-99 O'Malley Alice Josephine b.a. 269 Calle Bambang Manila P. I.f teacher Lawrence Mass. high sch. 98-01; Worcester high sch. 01-05 Osgood** Frances May b.a. (Mrs Edward Steinhauer Baumann) Hubbard Woods 111. student (Eng. lit.) Radcliffe 98-99, (aes- thetics, pedagogy) Berlin univ. 02-03; m. 2 S 07; ch. Edward Osgood and James Osgood b. 2 Je 08 94 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1898 Padgham Estella Elizabeth b.l. 65 Ames av. Rutherford N. J. student (theol.) Meadville theol. sem. 99— 01; unitarian minister Perry la. 01-N 04, Rutherford N. J. D 04— Parker Frances Adeline b.a. (Mrs Frederick George Farquhar) Billerica m. 9 O 02 Paul Eleanor Frances b.a. Sherborn teacher Rogers hall Lowell Mass. 98-02 Peck" Julia Esther b.a. (Mrs Fred- erick Anthony Strong) North Woodbury Ct. asst prin. Mitchell high sch. North Wood- bury 99, 00; m. D 03; ch. Frank Peck b. 8 04 Pickett Julia b.a, 911 Park av. New Yorkf instructor (Eng.) Columbus O. 98-01, Lake Forest univ. Lake Forest 111. 02-05 Pickett Mary b.a. Cheshire Ct. student (French) Paris 03-04, summer of 08; head (French dept) Mills col. Cal. 98-02, instructor (botany) 98-00, (French) Ferry hall Lake Forest 111. 04 — Potter" Mary Lamb b.a. (Mrs Joseph Ayres Elder) 68 Williams st. New London Ct. asst New London pub. lib. 99-02 ; m. 25 D 02 ; ch. Thomas Potter b, 21Ja 05, Freeman b. 5 Ag 06 Read Marion Pugh b.l. 646 West End av. New York student (German, Eng.) Columbia 00-01 ♦Reed" Florence Munroe b.l. (Mrs Albert Newell Cryan) teacher 98-03; m. 19 My 04; d. Ja 08 Rice" Mabel Agnes b.a. 118 Bradford st. Pittsfield teacher (science) Pittsfield high sch. Richmond Gertrude Caroline b.l. (Mrs William Daniel Turck) 10323 Kempton av. Cleveland O. teacher Adams Mass. training sch. 98-99, asst prin. Liberty st. sch. 99-F 00, teacher Washington Irving high sch. Tarrytown N. Y. F 00-04; m. 12 Je 05 Ricker AHce Belle b.a. (Mrs John Everett Keach) Forest service Missoula Mon. teacher Westbrook sem. Portland Me. 98-00, Windham high sch. Willimantic Ct. 00-07; m. 28 D 07; ch. John Ricker b. 24Je09; mem. A.C.A. Rose Helen Cromwell b.l. 74 Bridge st. Northampton student (German, Eng.) RadcHffe 98-99 Schlesinger Clara b.l. (Mrs Oscar Johnson Friedman) 186 Michigan av. Chicago 111. m. 12 Ag 02; ch. William Jacob b. 5 O 03, Katherine Becker b. 22 Mr 07 Seism" Josephine b.a. 425 Quincy av. Scranton Pa. teacher Misses Hickok's sch. Morristown N. J. 99-00, Miss Baird's sch. Norwalk Ct. 02-03, Park sch. Rutherford N. J. Scott Vera Charlotte b.l. (Mrs James Stewart Cushman) 26 E. 95th St. New York m. 15 O 01 ; mem. A.C.A. Seelye Henrietta Sheldon b.a. Round hill Northampton grad. art 98 Shepard" Frances Emelyn [Emeline] B.A. (Mrs Merrill Furbush Childs) 99 Davis st. Greenfield teacher Deerfield acad. 98-99, Wrentham 99-00; m. 18Je01 Smith Lucy Cornelia b.l. (Mrs Edwin Burgin) 139 Chesnut st. Holyoke m. 10 Jl 00 (husband d. 30 Ja 06); ch. Lucy May b. 30 N 02, Edwina b. 26 Mr 06 Streeter Stella Georgiana b.l. Cummington M.A. 03 Columbia; student (educ, biol.) Teachers col. 02-03, (zoology) Barnard 02-03, (protozoology) Columbia 07-08; teacher (science) high sch. Kempstead N. Y. 99-02, (biol.) Trenton N. J. 04-07, Jersey City 07-10; mem. Amer. assn for advancement of science Swan Ysabel b.l. Round hill Northampton Tarbell" Leona Estelle b.l. (Mrs Benjamin Carroll Crangle) 1964 Penn av. S. Minneapolis Minn, student (kindergarten) Sch. of pedagogy Chicago summer of 00; asst kindergarten director Winona Minn. pub. sch. 00-05, director 05-06, instructor (intermediate dept) Lady Jane Grey sch. Binghamton N. Y. 06-07; m. 11 N 08 Tarbox Elizabeth Dearborn b.l. (Mrs John Wheeler Lumbard) 76 Waller av. White Plains N. Y. m. 21 Jl 03 ; ch. Elizabeth Wheeler b. 13 My 06, Katherine Russell b. 5 My 08 Thacher Elisabeth Bates b.a. 69 Alleghany st. Roxbury mem. A.C.A. Todd AHce Adele b.l. 82 Munroe st. Somerville M.A. 10 Boston univ; student (Eng. lit.) Radclifife 99-00, Boston univ. 07-10; teacher Somerville 98-99, high sch. Ded- ham 01-04, Springvale Me. 04-05, Quincy Mass. 05 — ; mem. A.C.A. Tucker Ruth Estabrook b.a. (Mrs Anson Ely Morse) 223 4th St. Marietta O. m. 21 Je 05; ch. Richard Ely b. 26 Jl 09 1898-99] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 95 Twining" Alice Kinsley b.a. (Mrs Eliot Watrous) 3 Huntington st. New Haven Ct.f m. 4 My 04 Wadleigh"^ Edna Blanche b.a. East Berkshire Vt. student (chem.) Harvard summer sch. 99, (physics) Johns Hopkins uiiiv. 03; teacher (Latin, Greek) Knickerbocker hall Indian- apolis Ind. 99-00, (math, science) Hannah More acad. Reisterstown Md. 00-08 Waldo Cora b.l. (Mrs Pierce Butler) 2224 Milan st. New Orleans La. student (hist, Eng.) Univ. of Tex. 00-01; teacher private sch. Philadelphia 98-00, instructor (Eng.) Univ. of Tex. 00-02; m. 25 Je 02 ; ch. Virginia Waldo b. 19 O 03, Pierce jr b. 16 N 05, Mary Frances Harrison b. 3 F 09 Wheeler Lucia Mae B.s. (Mrs Joseph A. Hall) 2513 Auburn av. Cincinnati O. m. 1 Ja 01 ; mem. A.C.A. Wheeler" Lucy May b.a. (Mrs James Franklin Brown jr) North Stonington Ct. m. 29 N 99; ch. Dorothy Wheeler b. 23 N 00, Elizabeth Stanton b. 24 S 02, James Franklin 3d b. 15 D 06, Sarah Ann b. 9 My 09 White" Charlotte Helen b.l. (Mrs George Walton Roberts) San Juan P. R. teacher New Rochelle N. Y. 98-00, San Juan 00-02 ; m. 5 O 02 ; ch. George White b. 10 D 03 d. 8 Ag 04, James White b. 4 Mr 05, Helen May b. 13 My 07 White" Ruth Dickinson b.a. (Mrs Arthur Hulbert Benton) 119 Maple av. Troy N. Y. m. 27 S 98 WiUiams" Harriet Atwood b.a. (Mrs Charles Anthony De Rose) 11 School St. Northampton teacher Commercial col. Northampton 99—; m. 23 JI 04; ch. Louise b. 18 Air 06, Charles Nathan b. 1 1 S 07 Wing Adeline Flint b.l. 412 State st. Bangor Me. Winsor Harriet Bartlett b.l. 175 Forest Park av. Springfield Ptudent (lib. economy) Snringfield lib. F-N 00; lib. asst City lib. assn Si )ringfield 00-07 Wood Ruth Goulding b.l. Crescent st. Northampton Ph.D. 01 Yale; student (math.) Yale 98- 01, fellow 99-01, Gottingen univ. 08-09; instructor (math.) Mt Holyoke 01-02, Smith 02-09, assoc. prof. 09—; mem. Amer. math. soc. Woodberry Ethel Morton b.a. 56 Parsons st. West Newton student (hist.) Harvard summer sch. 03; tutor and substitute teacher; hi inventory work Woodman Esther b.a. 808 S. Main st. Geneva N. Y. student (Shakspere) Radcliffe 98-99 Wright Christina Cameron b.l. 20 Linden st. Fitchburg teacher Hitchcock free acad. Brimfield Mass. 98-03, Washington D. C. central high sch. 03— Total 144-*11 1899 Abbot"^ Helen Munro b.l. 1210 Maple av. Zanesville O. student (hist, Eng. lit.) Univ. of Pa. 09-10; teacher St Mary's sch. Garden City N. Y. 04-F08 Adams"^ Mary Dean b.l. 50 Chelmsford st. Lowellf student Berlin univ. 01-03; teacher Bristo sch. 03-04; worker Travelers aid soc. New York l}/i yr; investigator Inter- municipal research com, N. Y. state com. of immigration, Sch. luncheon com. Adler^ Carolyn b.a. (Mrs Alvin Henry Lauer) 554 Hale av. Avondale Cincinnati O. m. 2 Je 04; ch. Henry Adler b. 8 Ag 05, Esther b. 23 Ja 07, Robert Alvin b. 3 My 10 Aitkin Isobel Graham b.l. (Mrs Holland Thompson) 102 Waverley pi. New York student (music) Northampton 99-00, New York 01-03; tutor New York 03-05; m. 19 Ag 05 ; ch. Laurence b. 14 Ag 08 Allen Abby Louise b.a. (Mrs John Nicholson Eaton) 35 Lenox st. West Newton m. 17 Je 03 ; ch. Janet Nicholson b. 6?Ag 04, Alice Allen b. 14 Jl 07 Ames Blanche b .l. (Mrs Oakes Ames) "Borderland" North Easton grad. art 99; m. 15 My 00; ch. Pauline'b. 21 O 01, Oliver b. 22 My 03, Amyas b. 15 Je 06, Evelyn b. 8 Ja 10 Andrew Helen Merrell b.l. (Mrs Isaac Patch) East Gloucester m. 27D01: ch. Helen Andrew b. 10 D 03, Marian b 15 Ap 09 Austin"^ Clara Mellona b.a. (Mrs Guy Monroe Winslow) 145 Woodland road Auburndale instructor (Eng.) Lasell sem.*Auburndale 00-03; m. 10 Je 03; ch. Richard Austin b. 20 S 08, Marjorie b. 17 N 09 Ballou Marie Louise b.l, 16 Harris av. Woonsocket R. LJ student Sch. of housekeeping Boston 1 yr Barber" CarroUe b.l. (Mrs Lincoln Clark) 646 S. Madison av. Pasadena Calf general sec. S.C.A.C.W. 01-02; m. 27 Ag 00; ch. Lincoln b. 16 O 07 96 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1899 Barber Louise b.l. 519 Oakland av. Pasadena CaL asst (astron.) Smith 02-03 Barkwill** Margaret Childs b.a. (Mrs Samuel Karl Johns) 10082 Republic court Cleveland O. m. 20 O 03: ch. Samuel Charles b. 20 Ap 06 Barlow Lola Delphine b.s. (Mrs Joseph Augustus Derby) 120 Huntington st. New Haven Ct. m. 3 O 00; ch. John Barlow b. 13 Jl 02, Rachel b. 7 Je 05 Bates" Edith Wright b.l. (Mrs Arthur Martin Clapp) The Kenson, 10 Chestnut st. Springfield m. 25 O 05 Bates" Ellen Coalter b.l. 3522 Washington av. St Louis Mo.t Ph.M. 05 Chicago univ. Beane" Elizabeth Silsbee b.a. Grafton private teacher Newburyport Mass. 99-04 Beane" Nellie Bailey [Bayley] b.a. Attica N. Y. class of 98 Bedell" Elizabeth Caroline b.l. 20 N. Mountain av. Montclair N.J. student (music) 99-00, (cooking) Teachers col. 01-02 Bell Caroline Stowell b.a. (Mrs David Foster) 45 Oriole st. West Roxbury m. 9 O 01 ; ch. Mary Paddock b. 8 O 02, Rachel b. 10 My 04, Caroline Stowell b. 7 DOS Bell Mary White b.l. 65 Bartlet st. Andover Benham" Cora May b.l. (Mrs James Mitchell Neff) 100 State St. Chicago Ill.t m. 24 N 02 Bixby Alice Martin b.l. 45 Summer st. SalemJ Bixby Mabel Symonds b.l. (Mrs WiUiam Everett Hoyt) 17 Roslyn st. Salem m. 21 Je 10 Blair Margene b.a. 34 Floral av. Binghamton N. Y. student (pedagogy) N. Y. state normal col. 99-00; teacher Germantown N. Y. 01-02, 5th grade Hudson 02-04, (Eng.) Lestershire high sch. 04 — ; mem. A.C.A. Bliss Harriet Chalmers b.l. 404 W. 115th St. New York clerk Century co. 99; reader Century maga- zine 02— Booth" Myra Budlong b.l. 36 School St. Pawtucket R. I. teacher Lonsdale R. I. grammar sch. 99-01. Garden st. grammar sch. Pawtucket 01-05, high sch. 05 — Boynton" Carolyn Adelia b.l. 33 Beacon st. Florence teacher Allen normal sch. Thomasville Ga. 99-00, (Eng, hist.) Bedford Pa. high sch. 01-04, Albany Ore. col. 04-05, The Dalles Ore. high sch. 05-08, Nashua N. H. high sch. F 09-10 Brackett Georgianna May b.l. (Mrs Frank Campbell King) Leavenworth Kan. m. 16 Ap 02 ; ch. Edward Brackett b. 27 Mr 03 d. 18 Jl 03, Rachel Hadley b. 27 Ap 04, Kate Loraine b. 30 Mr 07 Burrage Edith May b.a. 34 Harrison av. Northampton student Simmons col. lib. sch. 03-04; apprentice Ivancaster Mass. lib. O 02-S 03, lib. organizer Bolton pub. lib. Jl 04- Ja 05, Wellesley pub. lib. Ag 05-O 06, Harvard med. sch. Ja-S 07, asst libn Clark univ. lib. 07-O 08, Smith O 08—; mem. A.L.A. Buzzell Edith Virginia b.a. (Mrs Harry Frank Cameron) Central Village student North Adams Mass. normal sch. spring of 02 ; teacher Amherst high sch. 99, Lee Me. normal sch. 00, (Eng.) St Hilda's industrial sch. Morristown N. J. 01, prin. Charlemont Mass. grammar sch. 02, Byfield grammar sch. 03-04, teacher (Eng.) Cebu, Cebii, Philippine Islands 04 — ; m. 18 F 05; ch. Anne b. 11 Ja 06, Virginia b. 14 S 07 Capelle Mabel b.a. (Mrs Edward Betts Brisley) 215 Poplar av. Wayne Pa. m. 9 F 04 (husband d. 8 Ja 08) ; ch. Louise Post b. 6 S 05, Margaret Capelle b. 3 Jl 08 Carpenter" Winifred Gillett b.a. 140 Millville av. Naugatuck Ct. teacher, prin. Amer. sch. Ponce P. R. 99- 02, (hist.) State st. grammar sch. Spring- field Mass. 02-05, Penn charter sch. Phila- delphia 05-08, New Rochelle N. Y. high sch. 08— Chamberlain [Chamberlin] Louise b.l. (Mrs Charles Jackson War- ren) 18 Broadway New York m. 23 S 02 ; ch. Charles Jackson jr b. 12 N 05. Edward Chamberlin b. 26 D 07 Chamberlin" Mary Louise b.l. (Mrs Arthur James Folsom) Forest Grove Ore.f M.A. 08 Marietta col; teacher (German, Eng, hist.) Marietta col. 00-02; m. 11 O 02; ch. Joseph Chamberlin b. 13 F 04, Mary Juliette b. 07 1899] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 97 Chapin Grace Porter b.l. 150 Meeting st. Providence R. I. I. A.C.A. ♦Chase Allace Corbett b.l. d. 5 Je 00 Randolph Vt. Cheney Emily Grace b.l. South Manchester Ct. Childs Mary Chaffin b.l. 48 Richardson st. Newton student (music) 99 — Chittenden Edith Russell b.a. 83 Trumbull st. New Haven Ct. teacher (German) St Mary col. Raleigh N. C. 04-05 Choate Miriam Foster b.a. 18 Pierrepont st. Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 02 Columbia; student (political science) Columbia 00-02); teacher (hist.) Greenwich Ct. acad. 03-09, Brooklyn heights sem. 09 — Churchill Gertrude Holbrook b.l. (Mrs William Alonzo Whitney) 91 Orchard st. Methuen asst botanical lab. Smith 98-99; teacher (science) New Britain Ct. 99-00, in charge (primary dept) Fauntleroy hall sch. Rox- bury Mass. F-Je 00, instructor (nature study) Newton Center vacation sch. Jl-Ag 00; substitute libn Boston pub. lib. O 00-S 01, libn and sec. Evening inst. of Y. M. C. A. 01-D 08, sec. D 08-D 09; m. 22 D 09 Clark Helen May b.l. (Mrs William F: B. Leavitt) Essex Fells N. J. teacher North Brookfield Mass. 99-00, Middlebury Vt. 01; settlement worker Brooklyn N. Y. 01-02; companion and sec; m. 6 Ag 07 Clough'* Etta Louise b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Hatch Merritt) 413 Cumberland st. Lebanon Pa.f m. 1 My 01 ; ch. William Hatch jr b. 5 Mr 03 d. 7 My 04 Cobum Harriet b.l. 275 Andover st. Lowell teacher (hist, Eng.) Rogers hall sch. Lowell Ja 00-07 Coe Miriam Storrs b.s. 42 W. 52d St. New York student (physics) Barnard 99-00, (zoology) Columbia.02-03, 04^06 Cook" Elizabeth Christine b.a. 83 Pomeroy terrace Northampton M.A. 02 Columbia; student (Eng, educ.) Columbia 01-02, 08-10; head (Eng. dept) Asbury Park N. ,J. high sch. 03-08, asst (Eng.) Barnard 09-10; mem. N.E.A. Crandon" Laura Bishop b.a. 366 Commonwealth av. Boston teacher Chelsea high sch. 99-02, Springfield high sch. Cranston Bertha b.a. (Mrs Edward Mendinhall Philips) 19th and Monroe sts. Wilming- ton Del. m. 1 D 99; ch. Augustine Louise b. 15 O 00, Bertha Cranston b. 27 Ag 02, Edward Men- dinhall b. 22 F 04, Ethel Warner b. 4 Ag 06, John Cranston b. 4 F 10 Craven" Gertrude b.l. Roxbury Ct.f teacher Orange N. J. 99-01, Yonkers 01-03 Darling" Ethel Maria b.a. Thompson ville Ct. R.N. 04 Presbyterian hospital; student training sch. for nurses Presbyterian hos- pital New York 01-04; private nurse New York 04— Demond Helen Keyes b.l. (Mrs Albert Robinson) 11 Warren st. Peabody tutor (French, algebra) 99-01; m. 25 S 01 Dering" Charlotte Ray b.a. (Mrs Ernest Streetor Barkwill) 8912 Cedar av. Cleveland O. m. 8 Je 03; ch. Charles Bering b. 9 Ag 06 Dodge" Anna Marion b.a. Bndgewater Vt.f teacher West Woodstock Vt. district sch. 99-00, high sch. Proctor 00-01, Alexandria Bay N. Y. 01-04, preceptress 06-08, teacher North Tonawanda 05-06, Crook- ston Minn. 08-09, Mansfield Ore. 09 — Dow Florence Estelle b.l. (Mrs Dana Estes) 23 Englewood av. Brookline m. 1 N 00; ch. Elizabeth McLellan b. 20 Mr 06, Dana jr b. 6 Mr 10 Drury Miriam b.l. 17 Fairview st. Newton student Miss Wheelock's kindergarten training sch. Boston 99-01 Duggan" Mary Elizabeth b.a. 17 Lorraine st. Hartford Ct. teacher New Britain Ct. 00-02, Hartford 02-08 Eastman Emma b.l. (Mrs Edward Rawson Godfrey) 172 Kenduskeag av. Bangor Me. m. 22 F 05; ch. Mary Elizabeth b. 14 N 05, Edward Rawson jr b. 19 N 07 Eastman" Fanny Mears b.a. North Amherst teacher Chaseville sch. Dudley Mass. 99-00, Millbury high sch. 00-02. "Franklin sch. Medford 02— Eaton Clarace Goldner b.l. (Mrs Thomas FrankHn Gait) 5030 Kensington av. St Louis Mo. student (Eng.) Radcliffe 00-F 02; m. 1 Ja 03; ch. Clarace Eaton b. 19 S 03, JVances Franklin b. 15 O 06, Thomas Franklin b. 29 Jl 08 98 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1899 Ellis Edith Almira b.l. (Mrs Her- bert Eugene Getchel) 51 Prospect st. Woonsocket R. I. m. 7 Je 05; ch. Martha b. 25 Ap 06, Joan b. 25D07 Fairbank Mary Darling b.a. Hatfield teacher Mrs Piatt's sch. Utica N. Y. 99-00, Pratt inst. high sch. Brooklyn 00-01, Bergen sch. for girls Jersey City N. J. 01- 03; miss'y under W. U. M. S. of New York, Jhansi U. P. India Fort^" Eva Sophie b.a. 37 Maynard st. Springfield M.A. 08 Radcliffe; student Geneva univ. Switzerland, Alliance fran^aise Paris sum- mer of 02, (French, German, hist, lit.) Radcliffe 07-08; official tutor (French) Smith 99-02; teacher (French, German) Hackettstown N. J. 02-03; head (French dept) Nat. park sem. Forest Glen Md. 03- 07, instructor (col. dept) N. Y. normal col. 08 — ; mem. Alliance f ranfaise Frame Virginia Woodson b.l. (Mrs J. William Church) Richmond Va. student (Eng. extension course) Univ. of Cal. 01, (Eng.) Columbia 05, (illustration) New York art league; teacher (Eng, hist.) Belmont Cal. 02-04; tator New York; writer for magazines, on staff of Theatre Magazine; m. 14 O 08; ch. Elizabeth Courtenay b. 10 F 10; mem. Amer. drama- tists soc. Fraser" Annie Elizabeth b.l. 1426 N. Pennsylvania st. In- dianapolis Ind. Ganong" Susan Brittain b.s. Netherwood, Rothesay N. B. Can. teacher Halifax ladies col. 99-03, prin. Netherwood sch. for girls Rothesay 03 — Oilman Ethel Sears b.a. 9 Baldwin st. Newton Goldsmith Gertrude Brown b.a. 12 Lincoln st. Manchester student (psj'^ch, pedagogy, biol, lit.) Salem Mass. state normal sch. 99-00; teacher Salem state normal sch. Mr 00 — Goldthwait Eleanor Rand b.l. Marblehead Goodnow Mary Edith b.l. (Mrs Roland Rogers Cutler) 1140 Pleasant st. Bridgewater m. 24 Je 08; ch. Isadore Goodnow b. 21 Ap 09 Goodwin Sarah Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Austin Nichols Botsford) Newtown Ct. M.A. 01 Brown; student (Greek, Latin, German) Brown 99-01; teacher high sch. Newtown, Braraford, Danbury, Peace Dale R. I. 03-10; m. 19 Ap 10 Goodyear"^ Anna Lyman b.l. North Haven Ct. teacher and prin. North Haven grammar sch. 01-02, teacher Booth prep. sch. New Haven 03-05; private tutor (Latin, French, German) Greenman Mary b.a. (Mrs Edward Strong Worcester) 122 Union st. Norwich Ct. student Marine biol. lab. Woods Hole Mass. summer of 99; m. 12 O 09; mem. A.C.A. Gunderson Lily Elnora b.l. c/o Joseph H. Wallace & co. 5 Beekman st. New York student (educ.) Clark univ. 00-01, (com- mercial course) Drexel inst. Philadelphia S-D 05, (industrial engineering) New York univ. 07-08, (German, Spanish) Stern sch. sch. 99-02, Holyoke high sch. 02-06; fjrivate sec. and general office manager or J. H. Wallace & co. industrial engineers 06— Hall Edith Hayward b.a. Woodstock Ct.t Ph.D. 07 Bryn Mawr; student (Greek) Bryn Mawr 00-03 ; Mary E. Garrett fellow 01-02, Agnes Hoppin scholar (archaeol.) Amer. sch. of classical studies Athens 03- 05; teacher Woodstock acad. 99-00, Miss Shipley's sch. Brvn Mawr Pa. 00-04, in- structor Mt Holyoke 08-10 Hall Ehzabeth Newcomb b.l. (Mrs Judson Scott Todd) 45 W. 50th St. New York m. 14 My 08; ch. Judson Scott jr Hall" Flora Belle b.a. (Mrs Lewis Eugene Graves) 64 Grove st. NorthamjDton teacher Lincoln sch. New Britain Ct. 99-02 ; m. 11 Je 02; ch. Margaret Webler b. 19 Mr 03 Harris^ Bertha Marie b.l. (Mrs Ross Carleton Cornish) 5030 Schuvler st. Germantown Pa. teacher (hist, Eng.) Racine Wis. high sch. 02-04; m. 21 J104 Harter Amanda Moore b.l. (Mrs James Underbill Fogle) 982 N. Cleveland av. Canton O. m. 17 Ap 01; ch. Elizabeth b. 6 Jl 02, James Underbill jr b. 30 S 05, WUliam Lewis b. 6 Ap 08 Hasbrouck Gertrude Marie b.a. 117 State St. Bristol R. I. student (vocal music) Providence R, I. 01-02, 03-04, (hist, of art) 03-04, (house- hold economics) Amer. sch. of household economics Chicago 04-05 ; mem. A.C.A. Hastings Bertha Almenia b.a. Palmer substitute and private teacher 99-05, teacher (Latin) Piedmont col. Demorest la. 05 — , preceptress 06-08 1899] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 99 Hastings'^ Ethel Deane b.a. (Mrs James Lewis Todd) 265 Chicopee st. Chicopee m. 25 Je 02 ; ch. Norman Hastings b. 7 Mr 10 Hayes" Hope Beatrice b.l. (Mrs Howard Harland Chase) R. F. D. 3 Nashua N. H. teacher Pittsfield Mass. 00-01, Newton Center 01-03, Pelham N. H. pub. sch. 03-05; m. 24D06 M Hazard** Grace Walcott b.l. (Mrs Roscoe Piatt Conkling) Catskill N. Y. student (physical geog.) Harvard summer sch. 99, (music, lang.) Heidelberg univ. 02-03, Paris 03-04; tutor South Wood- stock Ct. 99-01; teacher (Eng. Latin, Greek) Graham sch. New York 01-02; writer; m. 18 S 05; ch. Elsa b. 2 F 09 ♦Heath" Lucie Florena b.l. d. 3 S 00 St Paul Minn. Hill Alice Wilbur b.l. (Mrs Fred- erick A. W. Drinkwater) The Woodlands, Llangollen North Wales m. 24 Je 07 Hills Caroline Cheney b.l. (Mrs John Weston Allen) 28 Lakewood road Newton High- lands! m. 12 Je 01 ; ch. Helen §pencer b. 8 Ap 02 Grace Weston b. 5 N 05 Hills Jane Reed b.l. (Mrs Guy Erastus Beardsley) 153 Oxford st. Hartford Ct. student (pub. finance) Wesleyan univ. 99- 00; m. 2 D 03; ch. John Hills b. 27 O 04, Guy Erastus jr b. 12 O 06, Roxanne b. 18 My 10 Hitchcock Florence Weller b.a. (Mrs John M. James) 192 Beech st. Holyokef m. 9 O 01 ; ch. Elizabeth Adele b. 8 Mr 09 Hoag:Mary Stirling b.a. (Mrs Nel- son Kingsland Moody) c/o Prairie oil and gas co. Independence Kan. m. 22 N 06 Hollinger Georgie Anna b.l. 3532 Central st. Kansas City Mo.f teacher Kansas City grammar sch. Homer Ruth Louise b.l. (Mrs George Franklin Allen) Munro park and Lake shore Toronto Can. m. 20 S 00; ch. Louise Hart b. 8 My 07, Ruth b. 10 Ja 09 Hopkins Mary Murray b.a. 350 Washington av. Brooklyn N. Y. student (physics) Columbia summer sch. 07, (chem.) 09; teacher (math, Latin) Miss Richey's private sch. Bay Ridge N. Y. 99-03, (math.) Adelphi acad. spring of 04, (music, cooking) Sch. settlement Brooklyn 02-06, asst (astron.) Smith 06-08, instruc- tor 08 — ; mem. British astron. assn, Amer. astron. and astrophysical soc. Huntington" Ruth Marian b.s. (Mrs Max Brodel) 707 N. CarroUton av. Baltimore Md. fellow (zoology) Smith 99-00 ;_ teacher (med. illustration) Johns Hopkins univ. O 00-D 02; m. 31 D 02; ch. Elizabeth Huntington b. 9 O 03, Ruth Warner b. 23 Ap 05 d. 1 Je 08, Carl Huntington b. 7 Je08 Isola Margherita b.l. (Mrs Charles Gilman Hyde) 2579 Buena Vista way Berkeley Cal. student (biol.) Radcliffe 99-00; m. 21 My 01 ; ch. Margherita b. 24 Ag 02, Helen b. 24 D 05, Katharine Dickey b. 15 Mr 10 James"^ Ethel b.a. (Mrs Edward Albert Quin) 226 Gates av. Brooklyn N. Y. grad. art; student (art) Pratt inst. Brook- lyn 01 ; m. 6 D 04; son and dau. d. at birth Judson"^ Mary Eunice b.a. 13 High St. Thomaston Ct.t teacher East Orange N. J. 02-05 Keith Roberta McGee b.l. (Mrs John Dawson Howe) 3619 Walnut st. Kansas City Mo.f m. 23 Ja 07 Keller^ Helen Rex b.l. 235 Forest Hills st. Jamaica Plainf student N. Y. state lib. sch. 99-01; asst Boston pub. lib. 01-02, cataloger la. state lib. Des Moines la. 02-05, asst. Rosenberg lib. Galveston Tex. 05, Utica pub. lib. 05- Jl 06, asst libn and instructor Drexel inst. lib. sch. Philadelphia 07-09, cataloger Columbia lib. 09 — Kelly Edith Amanda b.a. (Mrs Frank Parker Davis) 1235 Judson av. Evanston 111. student (geol, mineralogy) Radcliffe 00-01 ; m. 28 O 03; ch. Frank Parker jr b. 14 Ap 05, Amanda Bernice b. 5 N 06 Kennard Mary b.a. (Mrs George Cranch Scott) Framingham m. 1 Je 05; ch. Henry Bruce b. and d. 9 F 06, Mary Adams b. 2 S 08 Ketchum Florence b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam Rogers Westerfield) 480 Park st. Upper Montclair N.J. m. 15 O 01; ch. Elizabeth b. 20 Ag 02, Jean b. 22 F 05 100 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1899 Keyes" Mary Willard b.l. The Ark, Jaffrey N. H. teacher Miss Markham's sch. Cambridge Mass. 99-00, Spuyten Duyvil 01-02, Miss Hoover's sch. Paterson N. J. 02-05, Abbot hiU sch. Wilton N. H. 07-09, Mrs von Mach's sch. Boston 09-10 Kimball Alice b.l. 16 Montague st. Providence R. I. mem. A.C.A. King Marjorie b.l. (Mrs William Stewart Oilman) 1721 Pearl st. Sioux City la. m. 6 Je 00; ch. Florence King b, 7 My 01, Daniel Trimble b. 9 Mr 04, Henry King b. 27 My 07 Klock Eunice Pearl b.a. (Mrs Frederick Uhlmann Dunning) 165 Main st. Oneida N. Y. m. 7 Ag 07; ch. Alma Louise b. 16 My 08 Knox** Alice Adelaide b.a. Upper Montclair N. J. M.A. 06 Columbia; student (botany) Columbia 03-06; tutor Northampton Mass. 00-01, New York 02-03; teacher Morris- town N. J. 01-02, asst (botany) Barnard 03-05, Bronx Garden 05-06. (botany dept) Carnegie inst. Washington D. C. 06-07. private sch. Lakewood N. J. 07-09, head private sch. Upper Montclair 09 — ; mem. Amer. assn for advancement of science Kotzschmar" Dorothea b.l. (Mrs Arthur Wilhelm Heinrich Sachsse) 370 W. 118th St. New York M.A. 09 Columbia: student (German hist, and lit.) Berlin imiv. summers 00, 02, 04, Columbia 07-09; teacher (German) Port- land Me. high sch. 01-06, New York normal col. high sch. 07-09, head (German dept) 09—; m. 2S06 Lane** Harriet Belle b.l. (Mrs Ralph Bemis Oibbs) c/o Library bureau, 316 Broad- way New York m. 1 D 07 Lang" Isoline Louise b.l. Graham hall Minneapolis Minn.t teacher Wayne Pa. 00-03, Pittsbxu-g 03-05, Graham hall sch. 07 — Leonard" Lois Angie b.l. Cheshire student (French) Nancy France My-S 01, (German) Hannover Germany 05-07; teacher Windsor Ct. high sch. 99-00, Miss Barbour's sch. Hartford 00-01, special teacher (French) New Bedford Mass. pub. sch. 01-05 Lincoln" Alice Velma b l. 43 Pleasant st. Brunswick Me. organist Lincoln Kate Leland b.s. (Mrs Robert Brastow Porter) 4 Day st. North Easton teacher Beverly Mass. high sch. 99-00, Wakefield high sch. 01-02, Miss Winsor's 8ch. for girls Boston 02-03, Bellow's sch. 03-05; m. 1 Je 05 Lindquist" Lilly b.a. 606 Cookman av. Asbury Park N.J.t teacher Ypsilanti Mich, high sch. 4 yr, Canada 3 yr, Calumet Mich. 1 yr. Lyman Mary Alice b.l. (Mrs Nathaniel Lewis Goodrich) University library Austin Tex. B.L.S. 05 N. Y. state lib. sch; student N. Y. state lib. sch. 99-01; asst traveling lib. division 01-08; m. 30 Jl 08 Lynch" Alice Allen b.a. (Mrs George PauU Alexander) 362 W. 3d St. Mansfield O m. 26 D 07; ch. Ruth Paull b. 12 Ja 09 McAuley Millie Gordon b.l. Windsor Locks Ct. teacher primary grades Warehouse Point Ct. 02-04, (U. S. hist.) New Britain gram- mar sch. 04^ — McClintock" Alice b.l. (Mrs Charles Andrew Graham) 925 Logan av. Denver Col. m. 6 D 04; ch. Elizabeth b. 2 .Ta 06, Charles Andrew jr b. 10 .Ja 08; mem. A.C.A. Makepeace" Helen Eva b.a. (Mrs Ralph Stayner Lillie) Biological hall, Univ. of Pa. Philadelphia Pa.f teacher Norwalk Ct. 00-01, Miss Keller's sch. New York 01-04; m. 2 Je 06; ch. Frank Rattray 2d b. 08 Marcy Annie Maude b.a. (Mrs Charles Melvis Crooks) Saundersville m. 25 S 01; ch. Elizabeth Foster b. 11 Jl 02, Grosvenor Marcy b. 2 Mr 04 Martin Harriet Goodrich b.a. 9 W. Silver st. Westfield teacher (Eng.) Spencer Mass. high sch. 99-01, reader (Eng. lit.) Smith 01-03, asst (Eng.) Monmouth 111. col. 03-04, teacher Portsmouth N. H. high sch. 06-07, Highland Park 111. high sch. 07-10 ♦May Margaret Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Andrew Henshaw Ward) m. 3 Jl 99; ch. Margaret Henshaw b. 11 Ag 00. Faith b. 21 N 02, Elizabeth Walcott b. 18Ag04; d.07 Merchant Helen Bumham b.a. 34 Pleasant st. Gloucester Merrill" Bertha Alice b.l. 39 Abbott st. Lawrencet Merrill Ella Patten b.l. 35 S. Oxford st. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Plymouth N. H. state normal sch. 99-02, Farmington Me. state normal sch. 02-04, (science) Brooklyn training sch. for teachers 04 — 1899] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 101 Mitchell Nellie Louise b.l. 722 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. teacher private sch. New Bedford Mass. 99-00 ; tutor St Paul Minn. 00-01 ; teacher Colby acad. New London N. H. 01-02, sec. Hartford state board of educ. 02 — Mohr** Marie [Mary] Angeline b.l. (Mrs Henry Cornwall Hays) Bonner Springs Kan. m. 14 Je 06; ch. Helen Mohr b. 27 My 07, Eleanor Sarah b. 29 Mr 10 Montgomery" Georgina Gardiner b.l. 4 Ferguson pi. Holyoke M.A. Columbia (romance lang and lit.); teacher (French) Washington Irving high sch. for girls New York Moore" Alice Gertrude b.l. (Mrs Richard Winslow Nutter) 162 NewbuiT st. Brockton teacher (Eng, French, German) Lewis high sch. Southington Ct. 99-02, Brockton high sch. 02-04; m. 4 Ja 05; ch. Richard Winslow jr b. 11 Ap 06, Albert Moore b. 5D09 Mossman" Grace Ethel b.l. (Mrs Walter Fairbanks Sawyer) 67 Prichard st. Fitchburg m. 27 Je 00 ; ch. Walter Fairbanks jr b. 23 D 02, Helen Mossman b. 22 N 07 Moulton" Susy Pressey b.a. 10 Mall St. Salemt teacher (French, German) Powder Point sch. for boys Duxbury Mass. 09-10 Mynter Agnes b.a. 566 Delaware av. Buffalo N. Y. student (piano) Copenhagen Denmark Ja 02-F 0.3; teacher (music) Ap 03 — ; translator Danish and Swedish songs Nelson" Mary Blanchard b.a. West Actonf teacher West Acton 99-01, Littleton 01-07, Somerville spring of 08 — Palmer" Leila Madge b.a. 48 Irving pi. Brooklyn N. Y. fellow (Latin, Greek, psych, pedagogy^ Columbia 00-01; teacher (Latin, Greek) Packer inst. Brooklyn 01 — Parry Frances Camp b.a. 900 Lincoln av. N. S. Pittsburg Pa. teacher (Eng.) Hollidaysburg Pa. sem. 99-00, 01-02, Pittsburg high sch. 02-06, Alle- gheny prep. sch. 08-10; worker for annual exhibition (fine arts dept) Carnegie inst. 06-07; mem. A.C.A. Patton Helen Hepburn b.l. (Mrs Lucius Hart Beers) 120 E. 39th St. New York m. 28 Ap 03; ch. Henry Newell b. 13 Ag 05 Perkins Alice Choate b.a. (Mrs Osborne Leach) 417 Maple st. Danvers teacher Waynflete sch. Portland Me. Ja 00-01, tutor and substitute teacher Salem Mass. high sch. 01-Ap 02; agent in training Associated charities Boston Ja-S 03; m. 11 N 03; ch. Harriet Peabody b. 1 D 04, Anthony Osborne b. 13 Ap 06, Lawrence Roberts b. 21 Jl 07 Phelps Ruth Shepard b.l. 2323 Park av. Minneapolis Minn. M.A. 10 Columbia; student (Eng.) Univ. of Minn. 99-01, (romance lang. and lit.) C!olumbia 08-10; writer; mem. A.C.A. Porter Annah Goldthwait b.l. 155 Ocean st. LynnJ teacher Lynn Pulsifer Mary Oilman b.l. 150 Babcock st. Brookline student (French) Sorbonne, Paris 99-00, (constitutional hist, of Eng, Chaucer) Univ. col, of London autumn of 00; teacher Commonwealth av. sch. Boston 03 — ; mem. A.C.A. Putnam Margaret Ross b.l. (Mrs William Dixon Lilly) 1307 Bolton st. Baltimore Md. student Woods Hole Mass. biol. lab. sum- mer of 99 ; teacher Brooklyn and Baltimore 99-06; m. 4 S 06; |ch. Katherine Wethered b. 14 Jl 08 Putney" Edith Nichols b.a. 335 E. 17th St. Brooklyn N. Y.f Putney Ellen Clement b.a. (Mrs Walter O. Lane) 55 Cliff St. Burlington Vt. teacher Murdock high sch. Winchendon 00-01, private sch. Burlmgton 01-03; m. 8 Je 03 ; ch. Mary Phillips b. 4 Ap 04 Rand Edith Edwina b.a. 700 West End av. New York M.A. 02 Columbia; student (botany, zoology, nature study) Teachers col. 01-02 fellow (zoology, botany) Smith 99-00 (zoology) Woods Hole Mass. summer of 00, (botany) summer of 01; teacher St Agatha's sch. New York 00-01; Horace Mann high sch. New York 02-07; editor ^ (ed uc. dept) D. Appleton co. Ja 09-10 jwdii Ray Elizabeth Chesson b.a. 249 Walnut st. Holyoke grad. 01 Drexel inst. lib. sch; student (Eng. and Araer. lit.) Smith 99-00, Drexel inst. lib. sch. Philadelphia 00-01: asst Forbes lib. Northampton 99-00, Holyoke pub. lib. 02— Read Carolyn Howe b.a. The Knickerbocker, 255 W. 97th St. New York instructor (Latin, hist.) Albany N. Y. acad. for girls 01-05, mem. board of adminis- tration Nat. park sem. Forest Glen Md. 05-06, instructor (Latin, hist.) Columbia sch. Rochester N. Y. 06-08, (Latin, Greek) Miss Knox's sch. Briarcliff Manor 08-10, Charlton sch. New York 10 — Reeves^ Bertha Butler b.a. 25 N. Pearl st. Bridgeton N. J. grad. art 99; student N. Y. state lib. son. 06-07; teacher Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. 01-02, (Eng.) Harcourt pi. sem. Gambler O. 02-06 ; cataloger Colgate univ. lib. Hamil- ton N. Y. 07— Rice" Frances Electa b.a. Berlin teacher (math, science) Hanover Mass. high sch. Ja-Je 00. Stafford Springs Ct. high sch. 00-04, Science hill sch. Shelby- ville Ky. 04-05, Hudson Mass. high sch. 06 — 102 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1899 Richards'* Marian Edwards b.a. 227 Edwards st. New Haven Ct. M.A. 03; student (psych.) Yale fall of 99; fellow (philos.) Smith 01-02; teacher Miss Johnstone's private sch. New Haven 04-07 Ridenour Ethel Baker b.l. 1416 E. 8th St. Kansas City Mo. Ripley"^ Nettie Melville b.a. (Mrs John T. HoUis) Hinghamf m. 3 O 06 Roberts Janet Waring b.l. (Mrs Alexander Everett Hunt jr) 1 W. 89th St. New York m. 14 Ap 09; ch. Janet b. 28 F 10 Ross Adeline Rebecca b.l. 18 S. Main st. Rutland Vt. grad. 07 Church training and deaconess house Philadelphia; student (lib. work) Rutland free lib. 02, Episcopal hospital Philadelphia summers 06, 07; teacher Rutland 99-01; asst libn Rutland free lib. 08-09; miss'y (imder Episcopal church board of missions) to Shoshone Indians, Wind River reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyo. F 10— Russell^ Alice Symmes b.l. (Mrs Alfred Hitchcock Hildreth) 12 Chestnut st. Winchester m. 6 Je 05; ch. Richard Russell b, 21 Mr 09 Santee" Eloise Bentley b.a. 65 Main st. Homell N. Y.f student Berlin 02-03; teacher (German) high sch. Homell 3 yr, Plainfield N. J. 1 yr, Brooklyn 4 yr Sargeant Ida Frances b.l. (Mrs John George Meidenbauer) 2222 Main st. Buffalo N. Y. m. 4 Je 02 Shepherd Ella Bradley b.a. 17 Conant av. Gloucester Silsbee" Margaret Burnet b.s. (Mrs Frank E. Wade) 313 Highland av. Syracuse N. Y. teacher (math, science) Kirkland sch. Chicago 99-02, Kennedy sch. 02-03, Mac- Duffie sch. Springfield Mass. 03-Mr 04; m. 4 Je 04; ch. Anna Silsbee b. 2 O 07, William b. 13 O 08 Sinclair Lucy Evelyn b.l. (Mrs George Almon Kingsley) 1925 Irving av. S. Minneapolis Minn, m. 27 Je 06 Slocum" Caroline Fonda b.l. Ill N. Front st. Milton Pa. Smith** Mary Alice b.a. (Mrs Robert Gurdon Livermore) Brookfield teacher North Brookfield and Asbury Park N. J. 99-00, Brookfield high sch. 00-02; m. 2 S 02 ; ch. John Winthrop b. 7 D 03 Smith Rita Creighton b.a. Thomaston Me. student (Eng. hist.) Oxford Eng. Ja-Jef02 Somers"' Marion Strong b.l. (Mrs Arthur Chamberlin Wise) Hingham m. 9 O 02 South worth Mary b.a. (Mrs Herbert Frith Williams) Monroeville, Huron co. O. teacher Norwich N. Y. high sch. 99-01, Harcourt pi. sem. Gambier O. 01-03; m. 25 Je 03; ch. Albert Frith b. 27 F 06 Spencer Ella Briggs b.l. 654 Dwight st. Holyoke student Germany summer of 10; settle- ment worker Brooklyn 99-00; teacher (Eng, German) Drurj' high sch. North Adams Mass. 01-10 Springer"^ Ada b.l. 105 E. 15th St. New York student New York sch. of applied design for women 00-02 Stanton Emily Irish b.a. (Mrs Oliver Sheppard Picher) 210 Sergeant av. Joplin Mo. m. 12 N 03; ch. Oliver Stanton b. 16 Ja 05, Charlotte Emily b. 29 My 09 Steele Elizabeth Sumner b.l. (Mrs William Frederick Koelker) 1710 Cherry st. Toledo O. M.A. 08 Univ. of Wis; student (Eng. lit.) Wesleyan univ. 00-01, Univ. of Wis. 07-08; m. 19 Je 09 Stetson^ Jane Witter b.l. (Mrs David Webster Beaman) 8 Anthony st. New Bedford teacher (Eng. lit.) Mattapoisett Mass. grammar and high sch. 99-01, (lit, French) New Bedford evening high sch. 99-00; m. 25 Je 02; ch. Edmund Stetson b. and d. 10 D 07, Ellen b. and d. 9 Je 09 Stockton" Harriet Sarah b.l. (Mrs Maulsby Kimball) 103 Linwood av. Buffalo N. Y. m. 18 S 01 ; ch. Charles Stockton b. 17 Ag 02, Maulsby b. 20 My 04, Emily Nelson b. 2 F 09 Strickland Ruth Louise b.l. 282 State st. Carthage N. Y. substitute sec. Home culture clubs North- ampton 02-03, asst sec. S-D 03 Tiemann Edith Winifred b.a. 67 Midwood st. Brooklyn N. Y. Tobey Grace Baxter b.a. (Mrs Raymond Lynn Winchell) 6513 Lexington av. Chicago 111. m. 9 Ap 08 Tomlinson Edith b.a.^. (Mrs Richard Gorham Badger) 9 Sparhawk st. Brightonf m. 6 Je 00; ch. Richard Gorham jr b. 25 Je 01, Dorothy b. 19 Mr 04 1899-00] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 103 ♦Tomlinson Emilie Curtiss b.s. (Mrs Henry Stedman Hitchcock) teacher Bethlehem Ct. fall of 99, Mitchell high sch. Woodbury 00-05 ; m. 30 Ag 05 ; ch. Stedman Tomlinson b. 9 Jl 06, Curtiss Summers b. 18 Ag 07; d. 16 Je 10 Torr" Mary Dykeman b.a. 1115 Broadway Logansport Ind. teacher (math.) Logansport high sch. 99- 04, 05-10, Mich. 04-05 Towne" Anna Mae b.a. Gardner trained nurse Tufts Lucy Runey b.a. (Mrs Frank Preston Bascom) 15 Winter Hill circle Winter Hillf m. 24 Ap 00; ch. Sally Adams b. 25 D 03, Carlton Hawkins b. 19 Ap 05, Nathan Tufts b. 1 N 06, Frances b. 9 O 08 Ufford" Mabelle Morris b.l. 165 Madison av. New Yorkf M.A. 04 Columbia; student (Eng.) Yale 99-02, Columbia 02-04; teacher New Haven high sch. 3 yr, head (Eng. dept) St Agatha sch. New York Vance" Martha Tenney b.l. (Mrs Robert Fife Drabble) Prospect hill, Easthampton student (normal training course) Clark sch. for the deaf Northampton 99-00; oral teacher Little Rock Ark. deaf-mute inst. 00-02; asst Clark lib. Northampton D 02-F 06; m. 11 Je 02; ch. George Vance b. 5 My 06 Warner Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs J. Spencer Voorhees) - Hees heights Lakeville Ct.f student (household economics) Simmons col. 03-04; m. 14 SOS Warner Lucy Hunt b.a. 14 Green st. Northampton student (physical geog.) Harvard summer sch. 01, (projective geometry) Smith 06-07; demonstrator (astron.) and official tutor (math, astron.) Smith 99-00; teacher (math, science) Northampton high sch. 00-03, (math.) Howard sem. West Bridge- water 03-06, prin. Howard high sch. 04-06, demonstrator (astron.) Smith 06-07, teacher (math.) Springfield technical high sch. 07 — Webb Ethel Moulton b.a. 10 Lincoln st. Brunswick Me. West Ethel Hebard b.l. (Mrs Ferdi- nand Quincy Blanchard) 92 Sussex av. East Orange N. J. m. 19 Je 01; ch. Edward Richmond b. 12 J104 Westinghouse Harriet Anna b.l. (Mrs Charles Waterman Stone) 18 State St. Schenectady N. Y.f m. 4 S 02; ch. Clara W. b. 30 Je 03, Mar- garet Beals b. 05 Wheeler" Frances Elizabeth b.a. Uxbridget teacher Northbridge Mass. pub. sch. 99-01, Moses Brown sch. Providence R. I. 01-10 White Maude^Lucy b.a. 312 Woodward av. Kalamazoo Mich. M.A. 06 Columbia; student (German lang. and ht.) Berlin univ. 01-02, (Eng. lit.) Columbia 05-06; teacher (Eng, German) high sch. Oconto Wis. 99-00, Maryville Mo. 02-04, Helena Mon. 06-08, Ottumwa la. 10 Whitman Sarah Nason b.a. 12 Central st. West Roxbury student (Eng.) summer courses Oxford Eng. 01; teacher Rhineland sch. Pough- keepsie N. Y. 99-00, Harvard Cuban sum- mer sch. 00, McLean sem. Simsbury Ct. 00-01, Hyde Park Mass. high sch. 01-02, private teacher Boston 02-10 Wiggin Deborah Allen b.l. (Mrs Frank Wentworth Plummer) 334 Pleasant st. Maiden teacher Millis Mass, high-grammar sch. 99-00; m. 11 F 03; ch. Richard Went- worth b. 11 Mr 04, John Allen b. 20 Mr 07, Elizabeth Wiggin b. 3 Ap 10 Wilcox Florence Edna b.l. 25 Everett st. Melrose student (nursing) Mass. general hospita 01-02, Adams nervine asylum Jamaica Plain Mass. 03-04; teacher and tutor Pine- hurst N. C. 00-01; supt of nurses Spar- hawk sanatorium Burlington Vt. Ja-Jl 05; in employ of Boston Associated charities Mr06— Wilkinson** Margaret Ewing b.l. (Mrs Charles Tousley Malcolm- son) 923 Airdrie pi. Chicago 111. m. 22 N 05; ch. Charles Tousley b. 16 Ag 06 Wilson" Jane b.a. Box 428 Orford, Grafton co. N. H. teacher Miss EUett's private sch. Rich- mond Va. 99-00, high sch. Harvard Mass. 01-05, Bridgewater 05-06, Salem 06-08 Woodruff Helen Lucy b.l. Mt Carmel Ct. mem. A.C.A. Workman Mabel Hyde b.a. (Mrs Herman Samuel Lovejoy) Branford Ct. teacher Windsor Ct. high sch. O 00-04; m. 18 Je 04; ch. Paul Workman b. 21 N 05 Total 193-*4 1900 Adams Pamelia Skilton b.l. 90 Longwood av. Brookline Albright Ruth b.l. (Mrs Evan Hollister) 762 W. Ferry st. Buffalo N. Y. m. 21 Ap 04; ch. Mary b. 25 Ag 06, Evan jr b. 22 F 08 104 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1900 Armstrong Agnes Maria b.a. Smith college library Northamp- ton Pd.B. 02 Albany fnormal col; private teacher 00-03; asst libn Forbes lib. North- ampton 03-05, John Crerar lib. Chicago 06-07, Lutheran theol. lib. Philadelphia 07-09, Univ. of 111, summer of 09, Smith 09 — ; mem. A.L.A. Baldwin Ella Mabel b.l. (Mrs George Frank Root) 22 3d St. Newport Vt. m. 24 F 03; ch. Howard Stockwell b. 30 Ag 05 Barber Alfa Curtis b.a. (Mrs Arthur Beecher Calkins) 11 Granite st. New London Ct. student (domestic science) Simmons col. 1 yr; m. 9 N 04 Barker^ Katherine Devereux b.a. 10 Church st. Wobum teacher (Greek, Eng.) Woburn high sch. Barnes Harriet Lycinthia b.l. Mrs Harold Irving Pratt) 232 Clinton av. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 29 Ag 01 ; ch. Harold Irving b. 8 F 04, Eleanor b. 08 Barse" Stella Louise b.a. (Mrs George Campbell Cole) 620 Frisco bld^ St Louis Mo. m. 12 D 04; ch. Lucia Barse Barton** Katharine Louise b.l. FraminghamJ Bates Elsie Wright b.a. (Mrs Al- bert Edward Saunders) 11 King St. Westfield student (p«ych.) Yale 1 yr; teacher Woodstock acad. 00-03, Milford high sch. 03-08; m. 17 O 08; ch. Lucy Bates b. 8 O 09 Beers Keturah Sherman b.a. (Mrs Woodward Holmes) 5445 Cornell av. Chicago 111. teacher (vocal music) Groff-Bryant inst. Chicago 06-07; m. 21 Ag 07; ch. Julianna b. 6 My 08 Bentley Meta Ellis b.a. 1443 Union st. Brooklyn N. Y. Bigelow Emily Marguerite b.a. (Mrs Clifton Sawyer Emery) 73 Pleasant st. Marlboro m. 7 My 02; ch. George Edward b. 18 Ap 04, Helen Bigelow b. 24 Jl 05 Blodgett Mary Emma b.l. 2626 Lake View av. Chicago 111. Bragg Agnes Wingate b.l. 91 Grove st. Bangor Me. Brigham Katharine b.l. (Mrs Philip Reginald Fox) 28 W. Wilson st. Madison Wis. asst libn Milwaukee "Wis. pub. lib. 01-02; m. 29 O 02 ; ch. Anna b. 13 Ja 04, Philip 3d b. 8 Ja 09 Brooks Florence b.l. (Mrs Edward Scribner Cobb) Karasumaru Dori, Kyoto Japan student (domestic science) Teachers col. 03-04; teacher (science) 00-01; sec. New York 01-04; miss'y A. B. C. F. M. Niigata Japan 04-05, 06-08, Tokyo 05-06, Kyoto 08—; m. 27 S 04: ch. William Brooks b. 13 Je 06, Edward Scribner jr b. 27 D 07 Brown"^ Aneita Doty b.a. 162 W. 76th St. New York student Woods Hole Mass, Columbia; teacher Ir\'ing sch. New York 00 — Brown Edith Imogene b.a. Northbridge student (math.) Cornell summer of 09; teacher (science, math.) Rutland Mass. high sch. 00-02, 9th grades Melrose 02-03, asst (astron.) Smith 03-04, teacher (math.) Rockland Me. high sch. 04-05, Warwick R. I. high sch. 05— Brown"^ Henrietta Thomson b.a. 406 Connecticut st. Buffalo N. Y.J private sec. Brown" Ruth Porter b.a. (Mrs Har- man Newell) Claremont N. H. m. 1 1 Je 03 Brown Sara Maude b.a. HudsonJ teacher Nahant Mass. 00-01, Revere 01-03, Everett high sch. 03-05 Buffum Ethel Vryling b.l. (Mrs Harrison Beecher McGraw) 1912 E. 70th St. Cleveland O. Burroughs" Mabel b.l. (Mrs Ross Warren Sanderson) 1346 Edward st. Lakewood O.J theme reader Oberlin acad. 00-01; teacher Oberlin high sch. 01-02, MLss Shipley's sch. 02-04, head (German and hist, dept) Bran- wood hall South Orange N. J. 04-05; m. 12 Ag08 Butler Irene Livingston b.l. (Mrs William Scott James) 60 Glenwood av. East Orange N.J. m. 21 .la 03; ch. William Scott jr b. 5 My 08 ♦Byrne^ Madalene Marie b.a. d. 2 Ag 00 Syracuse N. Y. Carver" Mabel b.l. (Mrs Edwin Carlos Baker) New Hartford, Oneida co. N. Y. teacher (German, Eng, gymnastics) Miss Phelps' collegiate sch. Columbus O. Ja 04- 05, Miss Childs' private sch. Binghamton N. Y. 05-F06; m. 14 Je 06 Chandler Ada May b.a. Amherst asst paymaster Nonotuck silk co. 01-02; libn Meekins lib. Williamsburg Mass. 03- 06, cataloger East Aurora N. Y. 06-07, head cataloger Forbes lib. Northampton 07-09, cataloger Springfield lib. 09-10, Mass. agric. col. lib. Amherst 10 — 1900] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 105 Chase^ Madeline Melissa b.l. 614 N. 7th St. St Joseph Mo. student (music) Conant M ary Sybil b . a . Sunderland student and teacher Commercial col. Northampton 02-03; teacher (commercial courses) Bloomfield N. J. high sch. Cook" Sara Josephine b.a. Hollev N. Y. student (German) Germany 05-06: teacher (Latin, German) Chatham N. Y. high sch. 00— Coolidge Helen b.l. 4752 Kimbark av. Chicago 111. teacher Ross Boyesen sch. 01-04 Cox" Frances Maria b.l. (Mrs Ray- mond Porter Tarr) 614 North I st. Tacoma Wash. teacher (Eng. lit.) Holyoke Mass. high sch. 00-03; m. 1 S 03; ch. Raymond Porter jr b. 16 S 04, Emily Howard b. 18 F 07; mem. A.C.A. Cromwell Otelia b.a. 1815 13th St. Washington D. C. M. A. 10 Columbia; student (Eng.) Colum- bia summers 07, 08, 09, (German) Nahren- dorf lochterschule, Rostock Germany 05; teacher Washington pub. sch. Cummings Frances Walkley b.a. Plantsville Ct. private sec. to mission study sec. Student volunteer movement New York 00-04, head (review division) tenement house dept New York Jl 04-lOii! Day** Lucy Elizabeth b.a. Hopedale substitute teacher Hopedale high sch. 06, asst 10; libn Hopedale town lib. 09-10 Deane Mary Louise b.a. East Windsor Hill Ct. teacher East Hartford Ct. 00-01, Maynard Mass. 01-02, Essex Vt. classical inst. 02-03, Easthampton Mass. high sch. 03-05, Brattleboro Vt. high sch. 05-09, Brunot hall Spokane Wash. 09 — Delabarre« Cora Estella b.l. (Mrs Raymond Wright Hunter) 22 Orchard st. Greenfield m. 25 S 01 ; ch. Louise Delabarre b, 15 My 06, John Patterson b. 14 Mr 08 Dickerman Amy Eliot b.a. 140 Cottage st. New Haven Ct. student (piano, harmony) Yale music sch. 00-01, (Eng.) Yale summer sch. 05 ; teacher (I^atin, Eng.) Misses Shipley's sch. Bryn Mawr Pa. 02-05, asst (Eng.) Smith 05-06; mem. A.C.A. Dillon Harriet Martha b.l. 20 Pleasant st. Hudson student (German) Dartmouth summer of 09, Univ. of Greifswald Germany summer of 10; teacher Epping N. H. 00, Monson Mass. 00-01, Butler grammar sch. Groton 01-02, Ayer grammar sch. 03-05, (German, hist.) Hudson high sch. 05 — Dole Miriam Drummond b.l. 122 Court St. Bangor Me. Dot)^** Madeleine Zabriskie b.l. 5 Nassau st. New Yorkf LL.B. N. Y. univ. law sch; teacher Miss Haskell's sch. Boston Dowling^ Cora Inis b.l. Elmwood, Nunda N. Y. Dunham Grace b.a. (Mrs James Artemas Gould) 2515 Irving av. S. Minneapolis Minn, student Munson shorthand inst. Ja-Je 04; stenographer and invoice clerk P. B. Mann grain commission; m. 9 Je 06; ch. Elenor Renwick b. 2 Jl 09 Dwight Adelaide Susan b.l. Talas, Cesarea, Turkey in Asia teacher Morrisville Vt. acad. 00-02 ; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M. Talas girls boarding sch. 02-10; substitute teacher Newark N. J. pub. sch. Ja-Ap 07 Edgcomb Jennie Florence b.a. 69 Storrs av. Braintree Eggleston" Charlotte b.a. 34 Central av. Tompkinsville, Staten Island N. Y. secondary diploma 05 Teachers col; stu- dent (math.) Columbia 00-01, 04-05; teacher Newtown high sch. Elmhvu"st L. I. Eldred» Stella Rennie b.l. Gardner 111. J teacher Thornton township high sch. Har- vey 111. 00-02, (hist.) Bloomington high sch. 02-05 Ellis Martha Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs George Freeman Parmenter) 3 Center pi. Waterville Me. m. 26 N 03; ch. Ellis Freeman b. 6 Ja 05 Elwell" Edith Madeleine b.a. (Mrs Edward James Rouse) 21 Hawthorne st. Maiden teacher Collinsville Ct. high sch. 00-01, Springfield Mass. grammar sch. 01-02, business col. 02-04, Westfield high sch. 04-05, New Britain Ct. high sch. 05-08; m. 12 Ag 08 Emerson Edith Wellington b.l. 320 Walnut av. Roxbury B.A. 01 Radcliffe (Mrs Emery" Emma Darling b.l. Elmer Fred Murch) 55 Adams st. Winter Hill m. 27 N 06 ; ch. Donald Emery b. 1 N 08 Fischer Faith Avery b.a. (Mrs Nicholas Leveric Johnson) Batavia 111. instructor (math, Latin) Brooks sch. Chicago 00-01, (Latin, Greek) Brownell hall Omaha Neb. 03-04; m. 16 Ag 04; ch. Avery Fischer b. 3 Ap 06, Nicola Dorothy b. 28 F 08, Marjorie Louise b. 16 F 10 106 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1900 Fish** Ethel Norcross b.l. (Mrs Stanley Hall Eldridge) Slocum road Lexingtonf Fletcher" Katharine Ogden b.a. Amherst student N. H. state normal sch. 00-01; teacher Plymouth N. H. high sch. 00-02, Stetson high sch. Randolph Mass. 02-05, Hyde Park high sch. 05-06, Newton high sen. Newtonville 06 — Fletcher^ Laurel Louise b.l. (Mrs Newton Booth Tarkington) c/o Fletcher nat. bank Indian- apolis Ind. m. 18 Je 02; ch. Laurel Louise b. 11 F 06 Foster Annie Louisa Ardagh b.l. (Mrs D. A. Murray) 22 Kawaguchi, Osaka Japanf Presbyterian miss'y 02 — Foster Eva CorneUa b.l. (Mrs Walter Leiseuring Righter) 825 First pi. Plainfield N. J. m. 24 Ap 02; ch. Volney Foster b. 0.3, Gertrude Foster b. 05 d. 06, Brewster b. 08 Foster Minnie Winchell b.a. 46 Capen st. Hartford Freeman"^ Mabel Loring b.l. 9 Ripley st. WorcesterJ placer of manuscripts with publishers New York 01-04 Gage Mary Agnes b.l. (Mrs Albert Henry Greenwood) 39 Capen st. Hartford Ct. m. 12 Ap 04; ch. James 2d b. 2 S 08 Gager" Helen b.l. (Mrs John Quincy Brown) c/o J. Q. Brown, Oakland trac- tion CO. Oakland Cal. m. 7 O 02; ch. Katharine b. 11 O 03 d. 26 Mr 07, Ann Rogers b. 15 S 08, John Quincy jr b. 19 Mr 10 Gallert Aimee Paula b.a. (Mrs Walter S. Heilborn) 619 W. 136th St. New Yorkf Garretson^ Etta Booth b.a. (Mrs Ulysses L. Leonhauser) 40 N. 7th av. Rockaway Park N. Y. student Chicago univ. grad. sch. of Eng. 00-01 ; sec. Pratt inst. 01-02, head of educ. and social work (welfare dept) Nat. cash register CO. Dayton O. 02-04; m. Je 04; ch. Paul b. 22 Je 05 Gilchrist" Martha Dalzell b.l. (Mrs Maurice Franfois Bayard) 4401 McPherson av. St Louis Mo. m. 26 Ap 05 Gladwin Gertrude Ella b.a. 1931 Orrington av. Evanston 111. Glennie Ella Louise b.a. (Mrs Henry E. Riexinger) 204 Richmond av. Buffalo N. Y. asst Ballston Spa N. Y. high sch. 00-02, head (Latin and Greek dept) Hornell high sch. 02-04, asst (Latin, Eng.) Brockport state normal and training sch. 04-08; m. 30 Je 08 Goodsell" Eliza Jane b.a. (Mrs Joel Foster Selleck jr) 92 Van Houten av. Passaic N. J.f ch. Jc ■ teacher (German) Courtland sch Foster 3d b. 4 N 09 oel Goodwin Harriet Louise b.a. (Mrs Cleaveland Floyd) 1398 Beacon st. Brookline m. 10 (Mrs *Gould Cornelia Brownell b.a. Fred Towsley Murphy) m. 8Ag04; d. 6 D 07 Gray Julia Marguerite b.l. 1532 Spruce pi. Minneapolis Minn. Greene Julia Adaline b.a. (Mrs Frank Sherman Bonney) 93 Mt Pleasant st. New Bedford teacher Hinsdale 111. 00-03, Springfield Mass. 03-My 06 ; m. 24 Jl 06 ; ch. Elizabeth and Edgar Greene b. 15 Ap 08 Grier" Caroline King b.a. (Mrs Her- bert Brotherson Jamison) 210 Callender av. Peoria Ill.f m. 1 O 01 ; ch. Herbert Woodward b. 28 D 02 Griggs Katharine Charlotte b.a. Middlebury Ct. teacher Wissahicken Heights sch. Phila- delphia 00-02, St Margaret's sch. Water- bury Ct. 02-06, 08-09, Westover sch. Middlebury 09-10 GroesbeckBertha Wendell B.A. (Mrs Clayton Kendall Haskell) Soldiers home, Bath N. Y. m. 7 Je 05; ch. Katharine Ide b. 23 S 06, Anson Groesbeck and Henry b. 11 Mr 08 Hancock Mary Elizabeth b.l. 1412 Elk St. FrankHn Pa. Harris Minnie Mildred b.a. (Mrs Frank Louis Taylor) 5543 East End av. Chicago 111. m. 9 Ap 02 Hartsuff Mabel Winifred b.a. (Mrs Luther Stephen Trowbridge jr) Grosse Point Mich. m. 10 N 03; ch. Albert Hartsuff b. 20 S 04, Luther Stephen 3d b. 6 N 09 Haskins Anna Catherine b.a. 547 State st. Meadville Pa. teacher (math.) Walnut Lane sch. German- town Pa. 06-09 1900] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 107 Henry Gertrude Mead b.a. (Mrs Edwin Bradley Mead) 2543 Piedmont av. Berkeley Cal. m. 13 F 02; ch. Eleanor b. 30 N 02 (class baby), Ruth b. 28 Je 07 Heywood" Clara Emily b.l. (Mrs Charles Ernest Scott) Tsingtau Chinaf student (German and Italian art) Munich univ. 00-01 ; state sec. Y. W. C. A. Mass. 02-03, Y. W. C. A. worker Holyoke 02-03, asst sec. Springfield branch W. B. F, M. 01-03; m. 9S03 Hincks Annie [Anne] Perry b.a. 183 Main st. Andover Hoegh Alma b.l. (Mrs Frederic Murray Ayres) 1606 N. Delaware st. Indianapo- lis Ind. m. 11 My 04; ch. Lyman Hoegh b. 5 Jl 08 Holden" Ruth Madeline b.l. 66 W. 83d St. New York student (parliamentary law) Berkeley lyceum 01 HoUis Edith Gray b.l. (Mrs Harold Marshall Curtiss) 94 Congress st. Milford m. 3 .Je 03; ch. Robert HoUis b. 14 S 04, Mary Gray b. 28 Ap 09 Holt" Lucinda Mary-Belle b.l. (Mrs Leon Valentine Walker) 3 Walker st. Portland Me. M.D. 04 Tufts; asst (anatomy) Tufts col. med. sch. 01-04; m. 28 F 08; ch. Dorothy Page b. 13 Ag 09 Howe" Frances Cruft b.l. (Mrs Herbert Leonard Sutton) c/o Amer. tube & stamping co. Bridgeport Ct. m. 24 D 02; ch. Frances Field b. 5 N 03, Sally b. 3 My 08 Hoye Aloysia Mary b.a. (Mrs Gil- bert Franklin Davis) Windsor Vt. B.A. 01 Radcliffe; student (zoology, chem, botany) Radcliffe 00-01; teacher (Eng, hist.) Dover N. H. high sch. 01-04; m. 7S04 Huffman Harriet Foley b.l. (Mrs Clarence Crossman Miller) 10 Lagrange st. Winchester m. 7 Je 05 ; ch. Robert Huffman b. 8 My 06 Hyde" Sylvia Sage b.a. (Baronne Camille Eynard) Chateau de Combertault par Ste Marie la Blanche, Cote d'Or France m. 12 O 05; ch. Camille Gabriel Antoine b. 16 Je 08, Suzanne Marie Antoinette b. 29O09 Janney Helen Mary b.l. (Mrs Charles Merritt Case) 2118 Pillsbury av. Minneapolis Minn, m. 28 My 02 ; ch. Benton Janney b. 13 Mr 0.3, Charles Merritt jr b. 24 S 05, George Price 2d b. 12 F 10 Jones" Marie Emilie M. b.l. (Mrs Lane Johnson) 531 Yankee road Middletown O. m. 26 Ap 05; ch. Lane jr b. 6 Mr 06, Marion Michel b. 1 Jl 08 Kerr Mina Mahala b.a. Milwaukee-Downer college Mil- waukee Wis. Ph.D. 09 Univ. of Pa; student (Eng. lit, philol, philos.) Univ. of Pa. 06-09, univ. scholar 06-07, Moore fellow 07-08, Bennett fellow 08-09; head (Eng. dept) Woman's col. Frederick Md. 00-06, Cornell col. Mt Vernon la. 09-10, dean Milwaukee-Downer col. 10— Kerruish Helen Constance b.l. 3812 Euclid av. Cleveland O. student Cleveland normal sch. 01-02; mem. A.C.A. King" Caroline b.l. (Mrs Alexander Davis Jenney) 5 Brattle road Syracuse N. Y. m. 2 N 03; ch. John Lord King b. 8 S 04, Alexander Davis, Cornelia Kingman Cornelia Amey b.a. 212 Benefit st. Providence R. L Kingsley Fanny Hubbard b.a. 12 Leyfred terrace Springfield teacher (Greek, Latin) high sch. Palmer Mass. 01-04, Newburyport 04-09, New Bedford 09— Kirkley Ella b.l. 1105 Jefferson av. Toledo O. private tutor and teacher private sch. Toledo 01-10 Kneeland Clara Louise b.a. 304 Park av. Worcester teacher (Eng.) Albert Lea Minn. col. and I)rep. sch. 00-02, Worcester south high sch. 03-04. (Latin, Greek) 04-- Ladd Mary Everett b.l. Lancaster N. H. Lauter Carolyn b.a. (Mrs Fred Paddock Robinson) 3854 W^ashington blvd Indian- apolis Ind. student Indianapolis normal sch. 00-01 ; teacher pub. sch. 01-05; m. 12 Je 06; ch. Fred Paddock b. 12 S 08 Leavens Faith Robinson b.l. 202 Broadway Norwich Ct. student Norwich art sch. 00-02, 06-08; instructor (drawing, hist, of art) Flushing N. Y. sem. 02-05, (free hand drawing, de- sign) Norwich free acad, Norwich art sch. 08-10 108 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1900 ♦Leeming^ Winifred Claxton b.l. (Mrs Karl Max Vogel) m.5O03; d. 14 My 08 Leese Alida King b.a. (Mrs Seth Minot Milliken) 951 Madison av. New York m. 5 O 07; ch. Alida Donnell b. 3 N 08 Levi Anna Beatrice b.l. (Mrs Thomas William Wilson) 548 Franklin st. Buffalo N. Y. m. 18 S 05 Lewis Ora Mabelle b.a. South LancasterJ student Cornell med. col. 03-05 Locke Emily Pauline b.l. 2 Irving st. Watertown M.A. 02 Columbia; student (botany) Smith 00-01, fbiol.) Teachers col. 01-02; asst (botany) Smith 03-05, teacher (science) private sch. 05-07, asst (botany) Wellesley 08-10 Loheed'* Bertha Miriam b.a. 12 Clifton av.(Campello) Brockton teacher (Eng.) high sch. 01 — Loomis Clara Denison b.a. 223 Bluff Yokohama Japan M.A. 01 Columbia; student (Greek, hist, nhilos.) Columbia, Union sem. 00-01 ; prin. Kyoritsu Jo Gakko girls sch. 01 — Lord"^ Lucy Eloise b.a. (Mrs Emile Barrangon) 4 Sanderson av. Northampton student (Greek archaeol, mod. Greek) Smith 00-01 ; head (Greek and philos. dept) Baptist univ. for women Raleigh N. C 01-03; tutor Smith, New York; substitute teacher Northampton high sch. 04-08; reader (hist, of art) Smith 08 — ; m. 27 D 02 ; ch. Maurice b. 22 N 03, Eloise b. 16 Ja 08 Lord Mary Tate b.a. 4857 Greenwood av. Chicago 111. Lyman Katharine Hart b.l. 700 Oneida bldg Minneapolis Minn, mem. A.C.A. Lyman" Margaret Hyde b.a. 841 Judson av. Evanston 111. student (botany, chem.) Northwestern univ. 04-05; teacher Brooks private sch. for girls Chicago 111. 00-01 Lynch Frances Henrietta b.a. 420 S. Market st. Canton O.t student Western Reserve lib. sch. 04-05 ♦Mabie" Lorraine Trivett b.l. d. 23 S 06 Mahony" Emogene b.l. 273 E. State St. Columbus O. grad. Detroit training sch. of expression Detroit Mich. 01, cert. Academic de Neu- chStel 08; student London, Paris 03, (archaeol.) Amer. classical sch. Rome 07-08; dramatic trainer private sch, settlements, churches, reader for clubs, hospitals; mem. A.C.A. Malone Mary Stapler b.a. 507 Washington st. Wilmington Del. Maloney" Alice May b.a. EasthamptonJ Mann Olive Louise b.a. (Mrs Frank Homer Brundage) 11 C St. S. E. Washington D. C. B.L.S. 02 N. Y. state lib. sch; cataloger Lib. of Congress Washington D. C. 02-05, Columbia 07-08; m. 25 Ag 08; ch. Laura Ashley b. 8 O 09 Marmon Caroline b.l. 970 N Delaware st. Indian- apolis Ind. Marsh'* Charlotte Lowry b.a. (Mrs Martin Mercillian Post) 3 Franconia st. Worcester teacher (Eng.) Washington Pa. sem. 00-04; m. 12 Ag 04; ch. Philip Malcolm b. 8 O 06 Meier Elizabeth Porter b.l. (Mrs William Valentine Schevill) 44 W. 77th St. New York teacher Miss Keller's sch. for girls New York 02-03; m. 1 Je 05; ch. William Ed- ward b. 2 Jl 06 Mellen Virginia Walker b.l. (Mrs Albert Savage Hutchinson) 69 Allerton road Newton High- lands m. 1 O 04; ch. Virginia Walker b. 10 F 08 Merrill^ Margaret Ellen b.l. (Mrs Thomas H. Ward) 32 Willard av. Springfieldf preceptress Me. central inst. Pittsfield Me. 01-02; teacher Portland high sch. 02-05; m. 1 S 06 Merritt" Ann Gordon b.l. 350 Main st. Danbury Ct.J Milham** Mabel b.l. (Mrs Charles Kirkland Roys) Wei Hsien, Shantung China nat. traveling sec. Student volunteer move- ment for foreign missions 00-02, sec. Y. W. C. A. of N. Y. & N. J. 02-03. of Minn. 03-04; m. 28 Je 04; ch. Elizabeth b. 28 N 05, Carolyn b. 15 N 08 d. 19 Ap 10, Mary b. 30 Ap 10 Mitchell Leslie b.l. (Mrs Otto Arthur Poirier) Virginia Minn, m. 20 Ap 10 Monfort** Marguerite Morehead b.l. (Mrs Leonard Bartow Simrall) 920 Foraker av. Cincinnati O. m. 27 O 03 Monson" Edith Dale b.l. 150 Grove st. New Haven Ct. student Art students league 02-04; teacher Miss Johnstone's sch. New Haven Ct. 00-02; in charge Fresh air playground New York summer of 03 1900] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 109 Moore" Grace Harlow b.l. 76 Elm St. Worcester asst Worcester free pub. lib. 02 — Morris" Margaret Cecilia b.s. 226 Houghton st. North AdamsJ teacher (math.) Drury high sch. 00-01 Morrison" Annie Stevens b.a. 411 Canal st. Lawrence J Morse Mildred b.l. (Mrs Ernest Perley Bartlett) 5239 Kimbark av. Chicago 111. asst Sutton Mass. high sch. 05-06, Clinton high sch. 06-07 ; m. 6 N 07 Morton" Alice b.l. (Mrs Harry H. Langenberg) 49 Vandeventer pi. St Louis Mo.f Munroe Lucy Adelaide b.l. (Mrs Charles Franklin Poor jr) c/o B. C. Pratt & co. 425 Main st. Worcester teacher (Eng.) Worcester classical high sch. 01-Ap09; m. 16 Je 09 Newell Anna Grace b.a. Morris house Northampton M.A. 08; student (invertebrate zoology) Leipzig univ. 07, Marine biol. station Naples spring of 07, Smith 07-08, (systematic en- tomology) Cornell summer of 08, 09 ; substi- tute teacher (zoology) Smith 03 (2d semes- ter), spring of 04, asst 04-05, 07-09, in- structor 09 — ; worker under Carnegie foun- dation North Amer. de.sert lab. Tucson Ariz, summer of 10; mem. Amer. ento- mological soc. Ober Helen b.l. 55 Weston st. Waltham teacher Hanover Mass. 00, North Attleboro 01, (Eng.) Waltham high sch. 02-10 Palmer Edna Louise b.l. 64 Summer st. St Johnsbury Vt. student (German) Harv'ard summer sch. 01. (French) L' Institut Rudy, Paris 06-07, (German) Berlitz sch. Munich and Heidel- berg 06-07 ; asst high sch. Northboro Mass. 00-01, teacher (French, German) Walling- ford Ct. 01-06, South Orange N. J. 07-09. head (French dept) Mt Vernon N. Y. 09-10 Parker Grace b.l. 325 S. Union st. Burlington Vt. student (sec. course) Simmons col. 06-07; clerk (editorial dept) A. B. C. F. M. Boston 07— Paton Julia Bayles b.a. 50 Forest st. Hartford Ct. student (biol, nhysiol.) Yale 08-10; in- structor (biol, chem.) Brattleboro Vt. high sch. 00-02, prof, (biol.) Amer. col. for girls Constantinople 02-06, head (biol. dept) New Haven high sch. 06-10; mem. A.C.A. Paxton Leonora Merrill b.l. 506 N. Main st. Princeton Ind.J Peirce Florence Ethel b.l. (Mrs How- ard Harlan Paige Wright) 18 Harrison st. Winchester m. 24 D 04 Perkins Florence Gertrude b.a. Lebanon N. H. teacher (math, Greek) Lebanon high sch. 00-04, Braintree Mass. high sch. 04-06, (math.) Somerville Latin sch. 06-10 Perkins Mabel Kingsley b.a. 265 Elm St. Northampton student (botany, zoology) Smith 00-01; demonstrator (botany) 00-01; teacher South Deerfield Mass. pub. sch. 02-04, Northampton center grammar sch. 04-06, commercial col. 09 — ; sec. Amer. sch. Mexico City Mex. 07-08 Perkins Marion Alice b.s. 526 W. 114th St. New Yorkf Perkins Mary Ruth b.a. Hampton N. H. clerk Christian endeavor office Boston N 00-D 02, private sec. Je 06-Ag 08, Pres- byterian board of home missions New York Ja 03-My 06, sec. Smith 08-S 09, Occidental col. Los Angeles Cal. 09 — Persons Phebe Tomkins b.l. (Mrs George Gilmore Scott) 899 Valley road Montclair Heights N.J. student Marine biol. lab. 01; resident worker settlement of the Church of sea and land New York summers 00-02; substitute teacher New York pub. sch. 00, teacher South Orange N. J. high sch. 01 ; m. 17 S 02 ; ch. Robert Townley b. 18 Je 04, Richard Persons b. 09 Pickett** Beatrice b.a. 2216N. Charles st. Baltimore Md.f teacher Mills col. Cal. 01-02, Syracuse N. Y. 02-03, Eastern 111. state normal sch. Charleston 111. 03-05 Pope^ Edith Gray b.a. (Mrs Milton Carter Holt) Jennings La. student (music), Moody Bible inst. Chicago O Oo-F 06; m. 2 O 06; ch. Mary Alice b. 24 Ja 08 Potter Helen b.a. 855 West End av. New York LL.B. 08 New York univ; student (law) New York univ. 06-08; cashier and book- keeper 01-04, lawyer in office of Goodale & Hanson New York N 08 — Prager Ida Marguerite b.l. (Mrs Max Mitchell) 64 Wallingford road Brightonf student (German, French) Berlin and Paris 00-01; m. 6 Ag 02; ch. Bertha Hannah b. 23 Ag 03 Puffer" Kate Fairbanks b.a. 45 Irving st. Cambridge Ph.D. 09 Radcliffe; student (psych, educ.) Radcliffe 0,'>-09, fellow 07-08; teacher Rogers hall Lowell Mass. 00-03, Boston 03-04, (psj'ch.) Keene N. H. normal sch. 09-10 V no SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1900 V Quirk» Nelle Faragher b.a. 1920 Vine pi. Minneapolis Minn.J Ram age Edith Mary b.l. (Mrs Lawson Ramage) Monroe Bridge student (lang, art) Munich univ. 00-01; m. 12 Je 06; ch. Lawson Paterson b. 19 Ja 09, Alexander b. 31 Ja 10 d. 1 F 10 ♦Ramsey Anna Laura b.l. d. 7 Ap 03 Cairo Egypt Randall Maude Beatrice b.a. 16 Rutland st. Hudson teacher Worthington Mass. Mr-Je 01, Berk- ley 01-Ap 02, Lincoln acad. New Castle Me. Ap 02-Je 04, Turners Falls Mass. high sch. 04-08, Newburyport high sch. 08 — Read^ Mary Alice b.l. (Mrs H. Kibbe Brooks) Swanton Vt. teacher Bellows Falls Vt. high sch. 05-06; m. 15 Ja 08; ch. Dorothy b. 4 .Ja 09, dau. b. 2 Mr 10 Reid Edith May b.l. 612 W. 137th St. New York substitute teacher Berkeley inst. 01-02, Halsted sch. Yonkers N. Y. 05-06; private tutor Brooklyn 02-05, 08-09, BriarclifF Manor 06-08; teacher lliverdale sch. 09-10 Revell Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs George B. McCallum) 21 Henshaw av. NorthamptonJ m. 11 Ap 01 ; ch. Revell b. 30 D 02 Richards"^ Helen Dorothy b.a. 35 Hillside av. Montclair N. J. teacher Miss Hills' sch. for girls Philadel- phia 00-02 Robotham" Georgia Isabel b.l. 66 Windham St. Willimantic Ct. teacher (commercial course) Willimantic high sch. 06-10 Rogers" Bessie [Elizabeth] Storrs b.a. 187 Lawrence st. New Haven Ct. teacher (Latin) Balliol sch. Utica N. Y. 00-01, Miss Johnstone's sch. New Haven 01-10, (Latin, Eng.) prep. sch. New York 10 — ; mem. A.C.A. Ross"^ Harriet Mumford b.l, Cambridge Springs Pa. Russell"^ Grace Louise b.l. (Mrs Harry Bartley Arnold) 1584 Hawthorne park Columbus O. teacher New York collegiate inst. 06-08; asst directress Amer. art students club Paris 08-09; m. 26 My 10 ♦Salmon Cornelia b.a. student (illustration) Boston 02-03; d. 11 S 05 Sanderson Sarah Watson b.l. (Mrs William Dunham Vanderbilt) 420 W. 118th St. New York asst (lang dept.) R. I. col. of agric. and mech. arts 00-03; private sec. to Mrs Levi P. Morton New York 03-06; m. 8 O 07; ch. Sanderson b. 12 Mr 09 Sanford" Bertha b.a. (Mrs Welton Stanford jr) Albany road Schenectady N. Y. chancellor's cert. 01 New York univ. law sch, grad. nurse's diploma 04 Sibley memorial hospital Washington D. C, grad. 04 Lucy Webb Hayes Nat. training sch. for missionaries and deaconesses; conse- crated deaconess M. E. church Ap 04, field deaconess and evangelist Nat. training sch. 04-06; m. 23O06 Sargent Loucasta Frances b.a. 127 Prospect av. Revere M.A. 02; teacher (science) Revere high sch. 02-04; mem. (cost dept) Revere rubber CO. 05-10 Sayles Mary Buell b.a. 160 Waverley pi. New York fellow Col. settlement assn 01-02; settle- ment worker Whittier house Jersey City N. J. 00-01, inspector N. Y. tenement house dept 02-06, mem. of staff Bureau of munici- pal research New York 07 — Scott" Fanny b.l. (Mrs Edward A. Rumel}'-) / 211 Rose St. La Porte Ind. student (French lit. and hist.) Villa Du- pont sch. Paris 04-05; m. 2 Ap 10 Shaw" Clara Louise b.a. (Mrs How- ard T. Walsh) 1257 Jackson st. Oakland Cal.f teacher Wareham Mass. 00-01, North Scituate 01-02, North Chelmsford high sch. 04-05 Shaw Sybil b.a. (Mrs Eliott Franks- ford Trull) Woburn m. 4 4e 02 ; ch. Deborah b. 13 My 07 Shedd Laura Abbie b.l. 4515 Drexel blvd Chicago 111. J Sheldon Edith Dudley b.a. Girard college Philadelphia Pa. normal student (domestic science) Drexel inst. Philadelphia 01-03, (bacteriology) Univ. of Pa. 03-05; director (domestic science dept) Bureau manual training and industrial sch. Philadelphia 04-05, instruc- tor (cookery) Drexel inst. 05-06 ; volunteer worker Y. W. C. A. 08-10; mem. A.C.A. Shepardson Florence Ethelyn b.a. R. F. D. 2 Athol student (Eng. lit.) summer of 07; teacher Charlemont Mass. grammar sch. 00-Ja 01, Williamsburg high sch. 01-03, Northamp- ton high sch. 03-05, Corning N. Y. free acad. 05-10 Sherman Clara Eliza b.a. ; 248 County st. New BedfordJ j student Harrington normal training sch. 00-01, Sorbonne Paris 04-05; teacher New Bedford 00-04 Slocum Agnes Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Maurice Bigelow Biscoe) 320 Humboldt st. Denver Col. asst prin. Abbot acad. Anehigh univ. 09-10; teacher (Latin, Eng.) Moravian sem. 01-10 Clifford Dora Louise b.a. (Mrs Charles Everett Monroe) 43 Winthrop av. Wollaston m. 20 Ja 09 Clough" Blanche Emeline b.a. (Mrs Leander Morton Farring- ton) 102 Florence av. Arlington Heightsf m. 15 Je04 Cobb Ethel Swan b.a. (Mrs William Percy Arnold) 125 Adams st. North Abington m. 1 Ja 02 ; ch. Malcolm Porter b. 29 My 03, Dwight Cobb b. 31 My 05, William Percy jrb. 11 Ag09 Coburn" Helen b.l. (Mrs Horace N Stevens) 1415 Prospect av. Plainfield N. J m. 17 Ap 09; ch. Mary V. b. 3 My 10 Coggeshall Mary Bancroft b.a. Pleasantville N. Y. student (architecture) New York sch. of applied design for women 04-07; designer Tiffany studios New York F 08-Ag 09, interior decorator New York D 09 — Collins Edna White b.l. The Cornwall, 921 E. 13th av. Denver Col. instructor (Eng.) Denver univ. 09-10 ; mem. A.C.A. Comstock" Ethel Young b.l. (Mrs John Cloyes Bridgman) 118 W. River st. Wilkesbarre Pa. student Wilkesbarre city hospital nurses training sch. 03-05 ; m. 7 Je 05 ; ch. John C. jr and David C. b. 27 My 06 Comstock^ Harriet EHzabeth b.l. (Mrs Edward Livingston Rob- ertson) 320 Farmer st. Syracuse N. Y. teacher Keble sch. Syracuse 03-04, Good- year-Burlingame sch. 04-06; m. 3 Je 08; ch. Edward Livingston jr b. 1 O 09 Criley^ Martha b.l. Lexington hotel Chicago lU.f Critcherson** Mary Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Benjamin H. Miller) Kennedy house 4423 W. 43d st. New York resident Hale house settlement 02-05, supt South end vacation sch. summers 03-04, visitor Chapel of divine providence New York 05-06, head worker Kennedy house settlement 06-O 10; m. 26 My 10 CroU" Elsie Lydia b.l. 3733 Walnut st. Philadelphia Pa.f Crowell Minerva Evelyn b.a. East Dennist 1901] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 115 Cummings Alice Sylvia b.a. (Mrs Gardner Kirk Hudson) 24 Pay son st. Fitchburgt m. 30 Je 03 Curtis Mary Beach b.a. 24 S. Maple av. East Orange N. J. student (voice) 03, Nat. conservatory dramatic art summer sch. 05, 05-06; gen- eral asst Courtland sch. Bridgeport Ct. 02-03, private teacher (elocution) East Orange 03-04, teacher Pratt inst. Brooklyn 04-07, Knox sch. Lakewood N. J. 05-09, Miss Jacobs' sch. New York 06-07, Hart- ridge sch. Plainfield N. J. 06-08, Mrs Dow's sch. Briarclift Manor N. Y. 07-09, Hebrew technical sch. New York summer of 09, instructor Smith 09 — Davidson" Eleanor Schureman b.a. (Mrs Howell North White) The Hill school Pottstown Pa. m. 27 Jl 07 Day Daisy Toles b.a. West Hartford Ct. student (pedagogy) Columbia summer sch. 03; teacher Williamsburg Ky. acad. 01-02, Miss Metcalfe's sch. Tarrytown N. Y. 03-04, (German, math.) Caldwell N, J. high sch. 04-09. (German) Plainfield high sch. 09— De Forest Charlotte Burgis b.a. Kobe college Kobe Japan M.A. 07; student (zoology) Cold Spring lab. Cold Spring L. 1. summer of 02, course mission study Sendai Ja 05; asst supt Walker miss'y home Auburndale Mass. 02-Ag 03, miss'y N 03-04; teacher (Eng, Bible) Kobe col. for giils 05 — , acting prin. Ja 10— De Forest Sarah Lydia b.a. (Mrs William Bacon Pettus) 120 Szechnen road Shanghai China traveling sec. Student volunteer movement 01-Mr 02; companion Providence R. I. 02- 03; girls club worker Madison sq. church house 03-Mv 04; teacher Northfield sem. 04-05 ; m. 13 Je 05 ; ch. John De Forest b, 1 My 09 De Long Ethel Marguerite b.a. 1209 Park av. Indianapolis Ind. teacher Springfield Mass. high sch. 01-05, (Eng.) Indianapolis manual training high sch. 05-10; housekeeper Vacation house for working women Allertoh Mass. summer of 04 DeRocheniont Marie B.A. Maynardf teacher Somersworth N. H. high sch. 02-05 Dewey Mildred Winslow b.a. (Mrs Willis Chenery Hay) Van Buren Me. sec. Horace Mann sch. New York 01-02; resident Music sch. settlement New York 08-09; m. 27N09 Dike Elizabeth Anderson b.l. 113 Hancock st. Auburndale M.A. 08 Radcliffe; student (Eng, munici- pal govt) Radcliffe 07-08; teacher (French, Eng.) Kimball union acad. Meriden N. H. 01-04, Holyoke Mass. high sch. 04-07, Miss Hake's private sch. for girls Rochester N. Y. 08-10, Miss Winsor's sch. Boston 10 — Dillon"^ Katherine Louise b.l. 20 Myrtle av. FitchburgJ student (Latin, Eng.) Columbia 03-05; teacher (Latin, Eng.) Plainfield N. J. 02-04 Dooly" Eleanor Frances b.l. (Mrs Ernest Bamberger) Salt Lake City Utaht m. 11 N 03; ch. Ruth Eleanor b. 21 O 04 Douglass Alice Maud b.a. Little Falls N. Y. B.P. 02 N. Y. state normal col; teacher (Eng.) Anniston Ala. 03-04, Little Falls high sch. 04-05, Holland Patent 07-10 Droste Louise Charlotte b.a. 28 S. Mountain av. Montclair N.J. Du Bois" Anne Lamson b.a. (Mrs Clarence West Hodges) 132 Parkwood blvd Schenectady N. Y. libn Kimball pub. lib. Randolph Vt. My 03- Jl 07: m. 13 O 07; ch. Charles DuBois and Albert Randolph b. 5 Mr 09, Clarence West jr b. 19 F 10; mem. A.L.A. Duckworth Alice France b.a. (Mrs Gardner Whitman Pearson) 69 CHtheroe st. Lowell teacher (Eng, math.) Lowell high sch. 02- 04; m. 28 Je 04; ch. Whitman b. 8 Jl 06, Sarah Hill b. 20 Ja 09 Duggan Ellen Hedican b.l. (Mrs Theobald Mathew Connor) 22 Kensington av. Northampton teacher Wethersfield av. sch. Hartford Ct. 02-06; m. 21 Ag 06; ch. Neil Anthony b. 27 Ag 07, Margaret b. 1 S 10 Duncan Annie Holbrook b.l. 297 Jefferson av. Brooklyn N. Y. Durkee Emma West b.l. East Patchogue N. Y. student (metalwork, jewelry) Columbia spring of 10 Ellsworth Lucy Morris b.l. (Mrs George Mason Creevey) 40 E. 63d St. New York m. 5 S 01; ch. Carlotta b. 13 S 02 (class baby), Kennedy b. 13 Jl 05 Emerson Ellen Tucker b.l. Lowell road Concord M.A. 04; student (botany) Radcliffe 01-02; fellow (zoology) Sniith 03-04; teacher priv- ate sch. 01-03; social worker Mass. general hospital Boston 06 — ; sec. Smith alum, assn 06-10; mem. A.C.A. Emerson Jennie [Jane] Little b.l. (Mrs Thomas McMuUen) 261 Garfield pi. Brooklyn N. Y. student (pedagogy) Teachers col. 03; teacher Prospect Heights sch. for boys 04-06; m. 26S06 Fales Leal May b.l. (Mrs Percy Newell Hall) 9 Woronoco av. Westfield teacher Turners Falls high sch. 01-02; m. 31 D 02; ch. John Lowell b. 24 Ja 04, Howard Fales b. 19 Ja 06, Jean b. 2 N 08 116 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1901 Fassett Mary Adams b.a. (Mrs Samuel James Sutherland) c/o War dept Washington D. C. m. 29 Je 05 Fawcett Edna Hague b.l. 1348 Euclid st. Washington D. C. student (botany) Barnard 02-03, research worker (botany) botanical gardens Bronx park N. Y. 04-05; fellow Woods Hole Mass. summer of 01 ; teacher Springfield Mass. ?ub. Bch. 01-02, Miss Keller's sch. New ork 02-05; scientific asst Bureau of Elant industry Dept of agric. Washington >.C.Ja06— Fayenveather Ruth b.a. (Mrs Charles Edward Brooks) c/o Northwestern university Evanston 111. student (sec. course) Simmons col. 04-05; private sec. to surgeon-in-chief Johns Hop- kins hospital 06-10 Fellows Marguerite b.l. (Mrs Fred- eric G. Melcher) 14 Oxford road Newton Center m. Je 10 Ferris Amy b.l. Russell terrace Montclair N. T. diploma in design 07 New York sch. of art; student St Luke's training sch. for nurses 02, (design) Vienna summer of 07 ; interior decorator New York D 08 — Fisher Mary Balberine b.a. 122 W. Franklin st. Baltimore Md.J teacher Edgeworth sch. Fisher" Sara Lawrence b.a. 215 N. Washington st. North Attleboro teacher Melrose Mass. high sch. 02-N 06, Winthrop high sch. N 06-09 Flower" Olive b.a. Oxford O. teacher Oxford col. 01 — ; mem. A.C.A. Foley** Edna Lois b.l. 158 Adams st. Chicago 111. R.N. 05 Hartford Ct. hospital training sch. for nurses; head nurse Hartford hospital 04-05, Albany childs hospital 05-06, Boston childrens hospital 06-07, supervising nurse Chicago tuberculosis inst. 09 — ; mem. A.C.A. Ford Mildred Elm b.a. (Mrs Frank Macmillan Cobb) 11302 Euclid av. Cleveland O. m. 3Je08; mem. A.C.A. ♦Forepaugh Edith b.a. teacher private sch. St Paul Minn. 01-02, Central high sch. 02-03, Mrs Backus' sch. for girls 04-05; d. 4 D 08 Forsyth" Anne Louise b.l. Claremont N. H.t teacher (French, Eng.) Poughkeepsie N. Y. 03-04, Stevens high sch. 04-05 Fosdick Nellie b.a. 98 Pleasant st. Fitchburg libn Fitchburg high sch. 04-08 Foster Claire Pearl b.a. (Mrs Frank John Rahe) 2318 Fairfield av. Fort Wayne Ind. m. 26 O 05 Gaines" Ruth Louise b.a. 47 Claremont av. New York student (lit. criticism, Eng. lit, versiGca- tion) Yale 01-02; asst editor and reader Rand McNally & co. Chicago 02-03, asst (Eng. dept) Nat. cathedral sch. Washing- ton D. C. 04-05 Gane Marjory b.l. 114 E. Walton pi. Chicago 111. student (Eng, Dante) Chicago vmiv. 04-05; .CA. Garejr" Pauline Marie b.a. 9 Bigelow St. Cambridgef Garrison Fanny b.a. 17 Fairview terrace West Newton grad. Boston normal sch. of gymnastics 03; instructor (gymnastics) Briarcliff sch. Briarcliff Manor N, Y. 03-05, Miss Knox's sch. for girls 05-07 Gates^ Ethel b.s. 1203 Merchants loan & trust bldg Chicago 111. student (zoology) Northwestern univ. 02; asst (zoology) Northwestern univ. 02; teacher (math, sciences) Dayton O. 02-03; sec. 04-05 Gere Laura Ella b.a. 122 Shonnard st. Syracuse N. Y. asst Michigamme Mich, high sch. 01-02, teacher Jenner's sch. for boys Syracuse 02-03, (geometry, German) Batavia high sch. 03-F 07, Syracuse technical high sch. F07— ; mem. A.C.A. Gilchrist** Agnes Hastings b.a. (Mrs John Sayle Watterson) 1955 E. 93d st. Cleveland O. m. 23 O 02; ch. John Sayle jr b. 18 S 03, David Gilchrist b. 21 O 05 Godfrey** Ethel b.l. (Mrs Herbert Richardson Loud) c/o Mrs Laura Godfrey "Fern Ledge" Bangor Me. M.A. 09 Univ. of Me; attended lectures (hist, lit.) Sorbonne and College de France 01-02, (lit.) Jena univ. 07-08, (hist, lit.) Univ. of Me. 09; m. 3 Ag 09; ch. Laura b. 29 Ap 10 Grant** Edith Annie b.l. 4 Nonotuck av. Chicopee student Westfield normal sch. 02-03; teacher N. J. 01-02, Springfield Mass. pub. sch. 03-07; asst postmaster Chicopee 07- 08; asst (commercial course) Oxford high sch. 10 Greene** Esther FoUansbee b.l. Peace Dale R. I.J 1901] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 117 Grumbine Lucy Coates b.l. 144 E. Walnut st. Titusville Pa. diploma 09 Drexel inst. lib. sch. Philadel- phia; libn Benson memorial lib. Titusville N 09 — ; mem. A.L.A. ♦Hall Gertrude Fiske b.l. (Mrs Joseph Nelson Hood) student (singing) 02-05; m. 26 D 08; ch. Andrew WUliam 4th b. 2 F 09 ; d. 25 F 09 Hammond Edna Elizabeth b.a. 37 Park st. Adams teacher high sch. Wihnington Vt. 01-07, Hanover Mass. 07-08, Claremont N. H. 08-09 Harris Harriet Louise b.l. (Mrs Sylvester Judd Beach) 20 Myrtle st. Augusta Me. m.7O09 Harsha Helen Louise b.l. (Mrs Edwin Morgan Sherman) 1139 Forest av. Evanston 111. m. 24 Ja 05; ch. Barbara b. 24 Ap 07, Elizabeth Harriet b. 29 Je 08 Hawkins" Ethel Wallace b.l. Pittsfield teacher Miss Hall's sch. for girb Pittsfield 01-10 Hedden Mabel b.l. (Mrs Harry Peck Havell) 52 Hedden pi. East Orange N. J. m. 29 Mr 10 Heidrich Mathilda Louelle b.a. (Mrs Theodore Herbert Page) 109 Crescent av. Peoria 111. m. 9 F 04; ch. Frances Louise b. 11 O 08 Higbie Mariana b.l. (Mrs George Barker) 30 Milford av. Newark N. J. m. 21N04; ch. George jr b. 8 Ja 06, Mary Thornton b. 29 N 08 Hinkley Florence b.a. (Mrs Philip Dana) 723 Main st. Westbrook Me. teacher (math.) Miss White's sch, for girls Portland Me. 04-07, St Gabriel's sch. Peekskill N. Y. 07-08; m. 21 N 08; ch. Philip jr b. 25 Ag 09 Hitchcock^ Annie [Anna] Stella b.l. Bethany Ct. teacher Reed's Ferry N. H. Ja 02-03, Brim- field Mass. 03-07, Utica N. Y. 07-10 ♦Holbrook" Marion Goodhue b.l. student (hist, lit.) Columbia; d. 23 N 04 New York Homer" Florence Mary b.a. 428 W. First st. Dayton O.f grad. Boston normal sch; teacher grammar sch. Boston 03-05 Hood'* Susan Mabel b.a. (Mrs George Waldo Emerson) 49 Sparhawk st. Amesbury private governess Great Falls Mon. 01-02; teacher (Latin, Greek) Amesbury high sch. 02-03; m. 5 O 04; ch. Edward Everett b. 2 S 05, Elizabeth Capen b. 22 N 06, Miriam b. 30 Je 09 Hosick« Lou Hinckley b.l. 1222 Lake av. Wilmette IlLf Hotchkiss Eleanor Benedict b.l. (Mrs Roderick Potter) 109 Ashland av. Buffalo N. Y. m. 1 Jl 05 ; ch. Mary Frances b. 26 Mr 07 Howard" Ethel Barstow b.a. 25 Crawford st. Roxburyt book decorator and illustrator 02 — Howes Helen Zabriskie b.l. (Mrs Charles Bemis Gleason) Waterston road Newton m. 3 O 06 ; ch. John Howes b. 6 Ag 08 Howey Martha Melissa b.l. 163 Gibson st. Canandaigua N. Y. teacher (Eng, hist.) Ogontz Pa. sch. 01-04, (lit.) Abbot acad. Andover Mass. 04-10 Hull Belsita Maud b.l. (Mrs Loren Henry Rockwell) 23 Windermere pi. Rockville, Long Island N. Y.f teacher Philippine Islands 01-03; m. 16 Ja 04 Hull Rosamond B.L. 40 Appleton av. Pittsfield Hunt Shirley May b.a. Southampton Long Island N. Y. student (zoology) Radchffe 01-F 02; stu- dent teacher (Latin) Somerville Mass. high sch. F-Je 02, teacher (biol.) Northfield sem. 05— Hunter Mary Seelye b.a. 268 State st. Albany N. Y. student (household economics) Amer. sch. of household economics Chicago Hurlburf* Edith Laurana b.l. Somers Ct. kindergartner New Britain Ct. Ja 03-08, Winsted Ja 09-10 Irvin** Grace Edna b.s. El Monte Cal.f student (German, zoology) Univ. of 111. summer of 02; teacher Bristol Vt. 01, Elm- wood 111. 02, Rushville Til. 02-03, Ely Minn, high sch. 03-05, Lindenwood col. St Charles Mo. 05-09, Westlake sch. for girls Los Angeles Cal. 09-10, (math, chem.) El Monte high sch. 10 — Jennings" Mary Fosdick b.a. 57 Garfield av. Detroit Mich mem. A.C.A. 118 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1901 Johnson Hannah Gould b.l. (Mrs Sanford Stoddard) 35 Milne st. Bridgeport Ct. m. 30 Je 03; ch. Johnson b. 25 S 04, Good- win b. 23 D 07 Jones" Amy Stetson b.a. (Mrs How- ard Crosby Rice) 30 Oak St. Brattleboro Vt. m. 21 My 02 ; ch. Howard Crosby b, 24 O 04 JuHand Clara Cornelia b.a. (Mrs R. D. Van Valkenburgh) 1602 Jefferson av. Scranton Pa.f m. 6 S 05 Kerr Jane Mercer b.a. 462 Rebecca st. Pittsburg Pa. teacher Westminster-Neville sch. for girls 06 ; mem. A.C.A. Kimball Alice b.a. 110 E. 29th St. New York student (domestic science) Teachers col. 03-04; settlement worker Church of the sea N. Y. 01-03, St Mark's parish house 01-03; tutor Elimball Jessamine b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Elliott Draper) 183 6th av. Lansingburg N. Y. m. 6 O 02 ; ch. Richard Elliott b. 19 Je 09 Kimball Louise [Louisa] Bleecker B.A. 110 E. 29th St. New York student (domestic science) Teachers col. 03-04; settlement worker Church of the sea N. Y. 01-03, St Mark's parish house 01-03; tutor King^ Bertha Pratt b.a. King Crawford classical sch. Terre Haute Ind. teacher Barber memorial sem. Anniston Ala. 2 yr, prin. private col. prep. sch. Terre Haute 06 — King Genevieve b.l. 1898 Broadway San Francisco Cal. Kitchel Helen West b.a. (Mrs Ralph Peabody Daniells) 857 Virginia st. Toledo O. teacher (hist, Eng.) Beloit Wis. 02-03, (Eng.) Milwaukee south division high sch. 03-05 ; m. 10 Je 05 ; mem. A.C.A. Knowlton^ Clara Myers b.l. (Mrs Frederick H. Strong) 250 King st. Portland Ore. teacher (hist.) Rosemary hall Greenwich Ct. 04-05; m. 10 O 05; ch. Dexter Knowl- ton b. 21 S 07 ♦Kriegsmann Eva Helena b.l. (Mrs William Richard Pritchard) m. Ag 03; ch. Edward Kriegsmann b. 11 S 04; d. 23 F 06 Charleston S. C. Lane"^ Ethel b.l. (Mrs Wellington Smith jr) Lee m. 17 D 02 ; ch. Elizabeth Lane b. 10 Ap 04, Wellington 3d b. 2 S 05 Larmonth"^ Grace King b.l. (Mrs Clarence B. Snow) 567 W. 149th St. New Yorkf teacher (Latin) Jamestown N. Y. high sch. 01-02. tutor 02-04 Laskey™ Edith De Blois b.l. (Mrs James Edgar Parker) 2 Gregory st. Marblehead teacher Marblehead high sch. 03-10; m. 8 O 10 , Leavens Delia Dickson b.a. Tun^chou, Peking China fresh air worker summers 02, 03; teacher Saluda N. C. sem. 03-06, Pleasant Hill Tenn. acad. 07-09; Smith col. miss'y Tung- chou 09 — Leese"^ Dorcas Floyd b.l. (Mrs Richard Mather Boardman) 915 Madison av. Plainfield N. J. class of 00 ; m. 2 Je 06 ; ch. Eleanor With- ington b. 8 Jl 07, Richard Mather jr b. 2 Je 09 Lent^ Rosamond Roberta b.l. 80 Riverside drive New Yorkf teacher St Mary's sch. New York 02-04 Lewis Mary Bell [Belle] b.a. 32 Harvard av. Brookline mem. A.C.A. Lips"- Frances Pauline b.l. (Mrs William Andrew Harshaw) 11440 Juniper road Cleveland O. tutor and teacher 01-04; m. 22 Mr 04; ch. Beatrice Caroline b. 26 My 05, Kathryn Jeanette b. 1 F 07 Locke^ Alison Neal b.l. 217 W. Ashley st. Jackson- ville Fla. Lockhart" Mary Annette b.a. (Mrs Francis Daniel Pastorius) 720 N. Cascade av. Colorado Springs Col.t m. 14 Mr 03 Logan Julia b.l. 79 Deer Hill av. Danbury Ct.f pres. Willoughby house settlement 03-05 Lord Grace Ethel b.l. (Mrs George Avery Porter) 8 Cumberland st. Boston teacher (biol.) Somerville Mass. Eng. high sch. 02-04; m. 9 D 08 Lord Laura Woolsey b.l. (Mrs Robert Leighton Scales) 36 Pinckney st. Bostonf m.6O08 Lusk" Ruth Alida b.a. (Mrs Walter Reeve Ramsey) 214 S. Grotto st. St Paul Minn, student (lit, hist, of art) Berlin vmiv. 07-08; , m. 19 Ap 02 1901] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 119 McGrew Elizabeth Lore b.s. (Mrs Everett Kimball) 319 Elm St. Northampton M.A. 05; student (physiol, zoology) Western reserve univ. 01-02; fellow (zool- ogy) Smith 04-05; anatomical draughts- man with surgeons Cleveland O. 05-06; m. 18 Je 06; ch. McGrew b. 12 Mr 07, Everett jr b. 4 N 09 Mack^ Rebecca Robins b.l. c/o El Paso tin mining & smelt- ing CO. El Paso Tex. teacher (singing, grade studies) Foulke & Long inst. Eden Pa. Ap 06-Ag 07, (Latin, German, math.) Miss Roney's sch. for girls Bala O 07-09 MacLeod" Christine Isabel b.a. (Mrs Edward G. Chase) Albion R. I.f Martin"^ Anne Louise b.l, 3639 Grand blvd Chicago 111. student (lit.) Chicago univ. 01-02, (music, lang.) Mason Georgia Anna b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Orne Damon jr) Care Lighthouse board Washing- ton D. C.t m. 2 O 01 Mead Mabel Converse b.l. 1078 Madison av. New York Meyer" Louise b.l. (Mrs Frederic Fechheimer) 4259 Drexel blvd Chicago 111. m. 29 D 03 Mills Nona Burnett b.a. (Mrs James Graham Hardy) Williamstown m. 22 D 05 Miner Maude Emma b.a. 165 W. 10th St. New York M.A. 06 Columbia; student (Amer. t, sociology) Columbia 05-D 06, New \ >ri-. sch. of philanthropy S-D 06; prof, (math.) Woman's col. Frederick Md. 01-04 (hist.) 04-05; probation officer New York city magistrates courts 07-09, sec. New York probation assn 09-10 Mitchell" Julia Post b.l. 430 W. 118th St. New York M.A. 04 Columbia; student (lit, lang.) Columbia 03-Ja 07, 08 — ; teacher Miss Sutphen's sch. Morristown N. J. and tutor Summit 01-03, instructor (Eng.) Vassar Ja 07-08 Moore Margaret King b.l. 856 W. State st. Jacksonville 111. instructor (German) Blackburn col. Carlin- ville 111. 02-05, (German, Eng. lit.) West- minster col. Salt Lake City Utah 05-07, preceptress and assoc. prof. (mod. lang.) Macalister col. St Paul Minn. 07-08, pre- ceptress Salt Lake City collegiate inst. 08 — Moore Mary Winifred b.l. 275 Bay st. Springfield student (pedagogy) Columbia summer of 01. (hist, of Eng. Ht.) Teachers col. 07; teacher New York pub. sch. 02-10 Morgan Helen Van Deren b.l. (Mrs Tom Wynyard Bellhouse) Highland Park lU.f m. 1 O 08 Morron Jean McLean b.a. 305 N. Jefferson av. Peoria 111. instructor Peoria high sch. 01-04; mem. A.C.A, Alliance franjaise Muir Margaret Purdum b.l. 329 Nelson av. St Paul Minn. teacher (hist.) St Paul mechanic arts high sch. 01-03, 08-10, (Eng.) summer high sch. 09, 10; mem. A.C.A. MuUally^ Mary Clare b.a. Pelham Manor N. Y. teacher Vail-Deane sch. Elizabeth N.y.'Ol- 05, Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. 05-06 Norris Clara Maud b.a. 283 Clifton st. Maiden M.A. 02 Boston univ; teacher (Eng.) Newburyport Mass. high sch. 03-07, Mai- den high sch. 07-10; mem. A.C.A.^N.E.A. Oakes Methyl Gertrude b.a. (Mrs John Gorham Palfrey) 88 Beacon st. Boston m. 3 O 05; ch. Margaret Germaine b. 7rO 06, Elizabeth Rowland b. 14 Ja 09 Page Marguerite Cutler b.a. -; (Mrs Walter Albert Hersey) 5 Maple pi. Wellesley Hills m. 5 Ap 04; ch. Winthrop Page b. 15|Mr 06, Francis Prescott b. 1 D 07 Palmer EmeHne b.l. (Mrs George B. Spaulding jr) Stonington Ct. resident Christodora settlement New York 05-08; m. 2S09 Palmer" Florence Louise b.a. (Mrs Boyce Walter Godsoe) 77 Erie av. Newton Highlands teacher Me. central inst. Pittsneld Me. 01- 02, Fairfield high sch. 02-04, asst Natick Mass. grammar sch. 04-06, Newton gram- mar sch. 06-09 ; m. 9 O 09 Parsons" Helen Maud Nelson b.a. ChicopeeJ teacher East Bridgewater Mass. 01-03, Northampton high sch. 03-05 Patton" Agnes b.l. (Mrs Schuyler Colfax Woodhull) Security bank bldg Minneapolis Minn, m. 24 Je 05; ch. Agnes Patton 2d b. 26 8 07, Caroline Vroom b. 29 Jl 09 Peck Margaret Edna b.a. Mrs Alfred Dunton Edwards) 706 Highland av. Elgin III. m. 14 O 09 Peters Grace Rarey b.a. 891 E. Broad st. Columbus O. M.A. 03; fellow (philos.) Smith 02-03; teacher (hist.) Columbus east high sch. 04-06,07-10; mem. A.C.A. 120 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1901 Piper" Margaret Rebecca b.l. 446 Main st. Fitchburg M.A. 10-, fellow (Eng.) Smith 09-10; head (EnK. dept) Windsor Vt. high sch. 03-07, Hillsboro N. H. 08-09, Washington Pa. sem. 10 — Pooke*» Florence Augusta b.a. 22 Winnemay st. Natick Pooke" Helen Custer b.a. / 22 Winnemay st. Natick Pope Amy Stoughton b.l. (Mrs George Wynn Shirk) Cornwall on Hudson N. Y. private sec. New York 01-02, 03-04; teacher grivate sch. 02-03; m. 30 N 04; ch. Mary [elena b. 22 Ag 05, Amy b. 3 Je 08 d. 4 Je 08 Porter" Clementine Bums b.a. Littleton N. H.J Prescott" Maude b.l. Salina Kan.J Putnam-Cramer Antoinette b.a. 322 Lawrence av. Westfield N. J. visiting tutor 01-09 Reed Clara Everett b.a. West Brookfield teacher (French, hist.) Warren Mass. high sch. 01-02, (Latin, French, German) Wick- ford R. I. high sch. 02— Rice Helen Hajnvard b.a. 12 Prichard st. Fitchburg Richardson" Alice b.a. 213 Branch st. Lowell teacher (math.) Lowell high sch. 04-10 Richardson Bertha June b.a. |(Mrs William Palmer Lucas) 261 Beacon st. Boston student (biol, economics) Barnard 02-03, Mary Lowell Stone fellow New York 03-04; teacher (biol.) Cleveland O. central high sch. 01-02; writer and lecturer New York 04-05; teacher (hist.) Brearley sch. 05-09; m. 11 S 09; mem. A.C.A. Riddle Gertrude Frieda b.l. (Mrs Eben Trask Bradbury) 6143 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo. m. 1 Je 08; ch. Eleanor Riddle b. 8 Ap 09; mem. A.C.A. Rising Katherine Bosworth b.l. (Mrs Sherman Lockwood Coy) Cloquet Minn, m. 12 Je 06; ch. Edward Dwight b. 19 Jl 08 Roberts Gertrude b.l. (Mrs Hervey J. Sherer) 22 Pennock terrace Lansdowne Pa. student Moorhead Minn, state normal sch. 92-93. (Eng. lit.) Univ. of Pa; teacher (Eng.) Friends' select sch. Philadelphia 01- 09; m. 18Ag09 Rowell Persis Eastman b.a. 451 29th St. Des Moines la.J teacher (Eng, hist.) South Berwick Me. acad. 01-02 Rumbold" Caroline Thomas b.l. 6903 Von Versen av. St Louis Mo. M.A. 03 Washington univ. Dr. olc. publ. 07 K. B. Ludwig-Maximilian's imiv; student (chem, botany) Washington univ, (plant pathology, forestry) Munich univ; scien- tific asst Bureau of plant industry U. S. dept of agric. Miss, valley lab, St Louis 02-05, asst (botany) Univ. of Mo. 08-10; mem. A.C.A, Amer. assn for advancement of science Sanborn Anna Louise b.a. 710 Stowell av. Milwaukee Wis. teacher (Eng.) high sch. Beloit Wis. 01- Mr 02, (Eng, physical geog.) Milwaukee 06-F 10, (Eng.) Portland Ore. F-Je 10 Sanborn** May True b.a. 96 Forest av. Bangor Me. student (piano) Boston 05 — Saunders Caroline Rhoda b.l. (Mrs Albert William Lindeke) 345 Summit av. St Paul Minn. m. 20 N 06 Sayles Mary Helen b.a. (Mrs Har- riot Van Deventer Moore) Hamilton av. Englewood N. J m. 25 N 03; ch. Charles Sayles b. 8 N Frances Tuttle b. 3 N 08 04. Saj^ward** Mary Amsden b.a. (Mrs Horace Freeman Bates) 144 Winthrop av. WoUaston teacher 6th grade Crouch sch. Quincy Mass. 01-03; m. 23 Ja 04; ch. Mary Amsden b. 26D04 Schauffler Clara Elizabeth b.a. 2862 Marion av. Bedford Park New York diploma (domestic science) 04 Teachers col; teacher (domestic science) New York pub sch. 04 — Seaver Susan Russell b.a. (Mrs Henry Latimer Seaver) 83 Van Winkle st. Dorchester Centerj- fellow (physics) Smith 05-06; instructor (physics) Wells col. Aurora N. Y. 01-05 See Lillian Randolph b.l. Elwood av. Mt Vernon N. Y. Sexton** Marie Louise b.a. (Mrs William Arthur Gregory) 49 Chamber of commerce Minne- apolis Minn. J m. 10 My 02 Sharp Marion Louise b.a. 12 Fairbanks st. Brookline teacher (Eng.) Gloucester Mass. high sch. 01-06, Oxford sch. Maiden 06-07, North Attleboro high sch. 07-08 1901] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 121 Shattuck Helen Barnes b.a. 17 Orange st. Nashua N.IH. lib. asst Forbes lib. Northampton Mass. 01-03, head cataloger 05-07, cataloger Springfield pub. lib. 02-03, lib. organizer 04, head cataloger Univ. of Minn. 07-09, libn Univ. of Vt. 09 — ; mem. A.L.A. Sheldon Janet Somerville b.l. (Mrs George Wadsworth Gordon) 318 Hamilton st. Evanston 111. m. 25 Ap 05 ; ch. George Sheldon b. 16 F 06, Janet Reid b. 21 S 07 Sherman" Martha Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs John Edward Dixon) 18 Berwyn st. Orange N. J. m. 5 O 05 ; ch. John Sherman b. 26 Jl 07 Shipman** Jennie Spaulding b.a. Bellows Falls Vt. teacher Bellows Falls high sch. 01-06, Joliet 111. high sch. 06-10 Shoemaker" Helen b.a. (Mrs Samuel Lewis Elmer) 188 Hawthorne st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 3 Ag 04; ch. Lucia M. b. 26 My 06, Mary Erety b. 16 Je 08, S. Lewis jr b. 3 N 09 Slade Ruth Eleanor b.l. 68 Barnes st. Providence R. I. student (educ.) Brown 01-02; student teacher Hope st. high sch. 01-02; mem. A.C.A. Smith Helen Parmenter b.a. Abbeville S. C f teacher (math.) Orange Mass. high sch. 01-04 Smith" Irene Lathrop b.l. (Mrs Paul Compton) 6248 Kensington av. St Loiiis Mo. kindergartner normal course St Louis pub. sch. 01-03; sec. and hostess Temple of fraternity World's fair 03-04; m. 4Ja05; ch. Paulme and Josephine Lathrop b. 13 D 05 Smith" Mary Lawrence b.a. (Mrs Russell Eugene Dexter) 152 Van Dyke av. Detroit Mich. m. 24 O 05 ; ch. IDoris b. 24 Mr 09 Smith" Rosa b.a. (Mrs William FoUansbee Bull) 304 Beechwood av. Bridgeport Ct. student New York sch. of applied design 04-06 ; m. 19 Jl 06; ch. Marjorie b. 15 O 07, Frances b. 28 Mr 09 Smyth Florence Josephine b.l.' (Mrs Harry Campbell Reynolds) Passaic av. Passaic N. J. m. 21 Ap 03; ch. Margaret b. 6 O 08 Sprague Clara Dwight b.a. (Mrs Harte Cooke) 10 Jefferson st. Auburn N. Y. Pd.B. 02 Albany normal col; teacher Auburn N. Y. central grammar sch. 02-04, (Eng.) Granger pi. sch. Canandaigua N. Y. 04-06, Roland Park sch. Baltimore Md. 06-07 ; m. 12 S 07 ; ch. Warren b. 31 My 08, Catherine b. 17 N 09 Spring Mary Louise b.l. (Mrs Paul Williams Cleveland) 604 Lee st. Evanston 111. m. 4 D 09 Stephens" Enola Genevieve b.a. (Mrs Arthur William Callender) 26 Forest st. Torrington Ct. m. 23 D 05 Stetson" Ethel Prescott b.l. (Mrs Norman Williams Bingham) 12 Putnam st. West Newton m. 23 F 04; ch. Katharine Stetson b. 12 Je 05, Elizabeth b. 29 Ap 09 Stettauer" Frances b.l. (Mrs Rob- ert C. Schaffner) 2026 Prairie av. Chicago 111. J m. 18 O 04 Stoddard" Sylvia Churchill b.a. (Mrs Louis Henry Butterworth) North Brookfieldt m. 9 S 03 Stone" Sarah Cleonice b.l. Petersham teacher Wells River Vt. 02-03, Alstead N. H. 03, Leyden, Turners Falls Mass. 03-04; office asst Worcester 04-05 Stratton Helen Florence b.a. 46 Highland av. Fitchburg libn and sec. 01-03; teacher (Eng. lit.) Fitchburg high sch. 03-09; private tutor summer of 09 Strong Marie Louise b.a. 69 Western av. Westfield teacher Westfield pub. sch. 01-06, Wal- tham 06-07, Springfield 07 — Stuart Marie b.a. (Mrs Richard Elbert Edwards) Menominee Mich.f m. 11 O 04; ch. Richard Arthur 2d b. 14 My 09 Sullivan" Julia Elizabeth b.a. 139 W. 90th St. New YorkJ student (educ.) Columbia summer of 01; teacher New York pub. sch. Sumner Bertha Cleora b l. 1 Harrington av. Worcester^ Sutton" Marian b.a. 63 Federal st. Springfield in business Swasey Lena Lewis b.a. (Mrs Artley Beeber Parson) 40 Boylston av. Providence R. I. m. 27 Ja 09 122 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1901 Taylor Amy Ethel b.l. Bedford st. Lexington Thayer" Laura Stiles b.a. (Mrs Morris Stanley Neal) CoUinsville Ct. teacher (science) CoUinsville high sch. 01- 03, substitute teacher and supt of grades 08-09: m. 27 Ag 03; ch. William Thayer b. 17 D 09 Thomson Anna Speck b.s. Thomson, Clark co. Ky. student (physiol.) Barnard, (pedagogy) Teachers col. O 05-F 06, (chem.) George Washington univ. 08-09 ; asst head worker Hartley house New York Ag-O 05; clerk Teachers col. O-D 05; teacher New York collegiate inst. D 05-06, (science) Miss Mittleberger's sch. Cleveland O. 06-08, (science, math.) Fairmont .sem. Washing- ton D. C. 08—; mem. A.C.A. Thome Anna Valentine b.l. 77 High St. Yonkers N. Y. Tilden Edith Selina b.s. 55 White st. Milton tutor Titcomb Miriam b.l. 1 66 Stone st. Augusta Me. student (Eng. lit.) Radcliffe 09-10; teacher (Eng.) Abbot acad. Andover Mass. 06-08, (math.) Augusta high sch. 08-09, Miss May's sch. Boston 09 — Tomlinson Ruth b.a. (Mrs J. Warner AUen) 1353 North av. Elizabeth N. J.f Trowbridge Miriam Augusta b.a. (Mrs John Barker) 30 Taylor st. Pittsfield tutor; m. 8 Je 05; ch. John jr b. 18 Mr 06, Nancy Trowbridge b. 3 Je 09 Van Home" Mabel Pauline b.a. (Mrs Leon Elmer Woodman) Orono Me. teacher Glen Ridge N. J. high sch, 01-02, Nashua N. H. high sch. 02-08; m. 8 S 08; ch. Eugene Harvey b. 18 O 09 Viele Grace b.l. 200 Porter av. Buffalo N. Y. diploma 02 Buffalo state normal sch ; teacher (Eng, hist.) Buffalo state normal sch. 02-06, 07— Vinal Leslie Thorning b.a. 9 Aldersey st. SomervilleJ student (geol.) Mass. inst. of tech. 04-05; associated charity worker Vrooman« Beatrice b.a. 328 Boulevard terrace Oakland Cal.t Waymoth Ida Josephine b.a. 258 South St. Fitchburg student Fitchburg state normal sch. 01-02; teacher Leominster high sch. 01-02, Fitch- burg high sch; clerk in office of paper manufacturer Weil Gertrude b.l. 200 Chestnut st. Goldsboro N. C. mem. joint com. Dept of sch. patrons of N.E.A; mem.A.C.A. Whittelsey Dolly Louise b.l. 216 E. 3d St. Mishawaka Ind. private tutor Providence R. I, substitute teacher Barre Vt. high sch, Brimfield Mass, acad, Providence R. I, teacher evening grammar sch. 01-07 Wi^ns** Inez Lbuise b.a. Warsaw N. Y. M.A. 07 Cornell; student (Eng, French, German) 06-07, 09-10; teacher (Eng, French, German) Suffield Ct. lit. inst. 01- 02, Syracuse N. Y. 03. (Eng, Greek) Oneonta 03, 04, (Eng.) Albra high sch. 04-05 Wilder Margaret Guild b.a. 53 Fairmont av. Newton student (household economics) Simmons col. 03-04, Boston normal sch. 05-06; teacher Boston pub. elementary sch. 06-09 Wilson Elizabeth Sophia b.a. 739 Park av. CoUingswood N. J. asst (chem. lab.) Friends' select sch. Phila- delphia 01-02; substitute tutor; teacher (math, physics) Brown col. prep. sch. Philadelphia Mr 05-10 Wilson" Jean Shaw b.a. 230 S. Fairmount av. Pittsburg Pa. teacher (Eng.) Monmouth 111. col. 01-03, Miss Gleim's col. prep. sch. Pittsburg 03-04, Allegheny high sch. 0.5-10 Wilson" Ruth b.a. (Mrs George M. B. Hawley) 473 S. Main st. Geneva N. Y. m. 15 Je 04 Winants Ona Lorene b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Patterson Borland) 431 Scarritt bldg Kansas City Mo. m. 27 Ap 04; mem. A.C.A. Witmer Helen b.l. 2900 Grand av. Des Moines la.J Woodward Sarah NicoU b.a. (Mrs Cameron Farquhar McRae) Amer. church mission Shanghai Chinaf prin. intermediate dept Lynden hall sch. Poughkeepsie N. Y. 01-03 Worthen Louise Wilcox b.s. 11 Webster av. Hanover N. H. fellow Boston sch. of housekeeping ; teacher (math, science) Albany N. Y. girls acad. 01-03, (physics, chem.) Mt Hermon boys sch. 03-04; asst chemist Groton & Knight leather co. Worcester Mass. Ap 04 — Wright Alice b.a. 230 Oneida st. Milwaukee Wis. Yeaw" Fannie Josephine b.a. Hope Valley R. I. teacher (Eng, hist, French) Hope Valley high sch. 01-06, (hist.) Torrington Ct. 06-10 1901-02] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 123 Zink Grace Matilda b.a. (Mrs Edgar Mason Smead) 41 South St. Union City Pa. m. 6 F 07 ; ch. Margaret Elizabeth b. 7 My 09 Total 256-*6 1902 Agard" Florence Edna b.a. (Mrs Harry Jaynes Babcock) 650 Belmont st. Portland Ore. student New Britain Ct. normal sch; teacher (Latin, math.) Westport Ct. high sch. 03- 04; m. 30 Ag 04; ch, Elizabeth Browning b. 7 O 07 Aldrich Marion b.s. (Mrs Nathaniel Allison) 4917 Berlin av. St Louis Mo. m. 9 Ja 09 AUen"^ Clara Harrington b.a. 175 Somerset av. Winthrop teacher Boston pub. sch. 03-10 Allison Mary Pardee b.a. 212 N. 6th St. AUentown Pa. sec. AUentown 03 — Altheimer Selma Eisenstadt b.l, 4349 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo.J Bancroft Mary Louise b.a. MiUbrook Inn MiUbrook N. Y. M.A. 07 Columbia; student (hist.) Colum- bia 06-07 ; teacher (hist.) Gilbert sch. Win- sted Ct. 03-06, Bennett sch. Millbrook 07— Barber" Annie Mildred b.a. 29 Wall St. Wallingford Ct. student (household economics) Simmons col. 02-03; settlement worker Neighbor- hood house New York 03-05; asst man- ager lunch rooms Women's educ. and in- dustrial union Boston 05 — Barlow" Achsa [Achsah] Leona b.l. 89 Bristol st. New Haven Ct. student Art students league New York, Castelluchio's and Lucien Simon's studios Paris; painter Barnes Blanche Elizabeth b.l. 52 Woodland st. Worcester}" asst prin. Oxford Me. high sch. 02-04, sub- stitute Worcester high sch. 04-05 Barnes Ethel b.l. (Mrs Edward Burns jr) 860 Prospect pi. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 2 D 05; ch. Ruth b. 10 O 06, Janet b. 24 Jl 08 Barta May Wallace b.a. (Mrs Kel- logg Birdseye) 351 Egmont av. Mt Vernon N. Y. student (German) Radcliffe 02-03; teacher Miss Brown's sch. Winchester Mass. 02-03, Miss Winsor's sch. Boston 03-06; m. 12 O 06; ch, Elinor b. 5 S 07 d. 6 S 07, Jean b. 15 Ap 09 Benedict^ Ruth Allen b.l. 11 Haviland st. Bostonf clerk subscription dept The Congregationalist 03-05 Berenson Rachel b.a. (Mrs Ralph Barton Perry) 104 Lake View av. Cambridge M.A. 04 Radcliffe; student (Greek, archaeol.) Radcliffe 02-04, Amer. sch. or classical studies Athens 04-05, (Greek) Newnham col, Cambridge summer of 04; m, 15 Ag 05; ch, Ralph Barton jr b. 29 S06 Berry Katherine Fiske b.a. 28 Trowbridge road Worcester student New York sch. of art 2 mo. 09; mem. A.C.A, Nat. geog. soc. Betts Ethel Keeler b,a. (Mrs Walter B. Barnhisel) Coulee City Wash. student Albany N. Y. law sch. 05-06; ch, Betty b. 5 Ja 09 Birch" Ethel H. b.l. (Mrs Warren Hale Horton) Devil's Lake N. D. m. 5 S 05 ; ch, Warren Birch b, 26 F 09 Bissell Blanche Watson b,a, 750 Jefferson av, Detroit Mich. Blanch ard Edith b.l. 38 School St. Montpelier Vt. kindergarten diploma 04 Teachers col; kindergartner Poughkeepsie N. Y. 04-05. New York 05-07, Asbury Park N. J, 08— Bliss** Anna Maria b.a. 10 Park St. Florence asst postmaster Florence Je^ 02-F 06, supt Florence station post pflfice F 06 — Bliss« Ethel May b.a. (Mrs Albert Leverett Woodworth) 69 Pineywoods av, Springfield m, 2 Jl 03; ch, Kingsley Bliss b, 14 F 05 Bohannan"^ Mary MacDonald b.a. Indianola and 16th avs. Colum- bus O.J Bonfoey" Emma Comstock b.a. Essex Ct.t teacher Newington Ct. grammar sch. 02-03, Edgartown Mass. high sch. 03-04, Everett high sch. 04-05, (hist.) MiddletownjC t.^06— Bradford" Flora Belle b.l, 84 N. Main st. Florence teacher Huntington Mass. 03-05, prin. Higganum Ct. 05-06, Hardwick Mass. 06-10 Bradley** Louise Cannon b.a. (Mrs Hermann Schaeffer) 1287 Chapel st. New Haven Ct.f Brainerd Jessie Johnson b.a. Orwell Vt, teacher pub. sch. 02-03, Capen sch. North- ampton 03-10 124 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1902 Brannick** Catherine Elizabeth b.a. Monsont Bright" Florence Jessie b.l. 310 Elm St. New Haven Ct.J Brown" Edith Warner b.l. (Mrs Charles H. Brown jr) 41 Saybrook pi. Buffalo m. 18 S 07 Brown Laura Alice b.l. 141 Lancaster av. BufiPalo N. Y.J Brun6" [Bruna] Eda von Leska b.l. 205 Montgomery st. West Pitt- ston Pa. teacher (Latin, Eng.) Highcliffe hall Yonkers N. Y. 03-04; actress 05 — Bryant Helen Winifred b.a. 272 Lewis av. Brooklyn N. Y. student (pedagogy) Adelphi col. 02, (Eng.) Teachers col. 09-10; teacher Mrs Winslow's private sch. New York 02-03, Adelphi acad. 05, Bloomsburg Pa. normal sch. 05-09 Burke Adelaide Louise b.l. (Mrs Theodore Horace Jameson) 33 Hancock st. Rochester N. Y. settlement worker Rochester 03-04; teacher (Eng.) East high sch. F 04-08; m. 21 Ap 09 Burton** Ednah Hall b.a. 206 Randolph av. Peoria 111. J Canedy Ruth Barbara b.a. (Mrs Philip Bardwell Hadley) Kingston R. L student (Germanic philol.) Heidelberg O 02-F 04; teacher (German) Francis W. Parker sch. Chicago 04-F 05, Misses Gra- ham's sch. New York O 06-07; m. 16 My 08; ch. Jarvis Bardwell b. 13 Jl 09 Cass*» Annie Amelia b.a. (Mrs Harvey Sherman Crouse) 3625 Paseo Kansas City Mo m. 27 Ap 07; ch. Edward Cass b. 25 O 08, Frances Cass b. 14 F 10; mem. A.C.A. Champion^ Gertrude Louise b.a. (Mrs Grove Frederic Ekins) Housatonic teacher Kimball union acad. Meriden N. H. Ja 03-04, Wheaton sem. Norton Mass. 05-06 ; m. 11 Jl 06; ch. Robert Champion b. 4 My 08, Margaret Lass b. 28 My 09 Chase Ethel Withington b.a. 80 4th av. New York private sec. 03, asst treas. McConike A Hubbell mfg. co. New York Ja 04 — Chesnutt Helen Maria b.a. 9719 Lamont av. N. W. Cleve- land O. teacher (Eng.) Baltimore Md. high sch. O 01-Mr 02, substitute teacher Cleveland O. central high sch. 02-04, teacher (biol.) 04- 06, (Latin, math.) 06 — Chew^ Ruth Ethel b.l. 203 S. Oxford st. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Bridgeton N. J. 05 V Childs Carolyn Helfenstein b.a. 48 Richardson st. Newton student (nursing) Newton hospital 06-09: asst in charge operating room and surgical wards Newton hospital D 09-F 10; private nurse Mr 10 — Claflin Edith Lilian b.a. 144 Pleasant st. Attleboro student (German) Weimar Germany 08-09; asst Rutland Mass. high sch. 02-03, Attle- boro high sch. 03-08, 09— Clark^ Anne Maud b.a. (Mrs Charles Sumner Joy) Bristol Ct. m. 30 S 08 Clark Helen Isabel b.a. (Mrs Frank Blake Hopewell) 9 Billings park NewtonJ m. 1 Je 04 Clexton Florence Emeline b.a. (Mrs Arthur Cleveland Hall) Gambler O. student (music) ; m. Je 07 (husband d. 10) Coburn'* Avis Josephine b.a. (Mrs Charles Whittier Churchill) 3d and Beacon sts. Lowell grad. Lowell training sch. 03; teacher Oxford sch. for boys Chicago 04, Lowell high sch. 05-07; m. 30 O 07; ch. Charles Whittier jr b. 10 O 09 Cobum Mary Hilton b.a. (Mrs Stirling Murray Rust) Leesburg Va. grad. Lowelltraining sch. 03; teacher (hist, Eng.) Joliet 111. high sch. 04-07; m. 8 8 08; ch. Alice Coburn b. 25 Jl 09 Coe Anne Harriet b.l. Durham N. H.J Collins Annie Olivia b.a. 18 CHnton av. Cortland N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Cortland high sch. 04-06, Binghamton N. Y. high sch. 06-07, Geneseo normal sch. 07-10 ♦Cooke Lucy Ethel b.a. d. 13 O 03 Watertown Ct. Coulter Mabel Post b.a. (Mrs Albert Smith) West Lafayette Ind. student (modern lang.) Purdue univ; m. 13 Je 07 Cox Sybil Lavinia b.a. c/o E. B. Barrows Brattleboro Vt. student (music) Boston 07-08 ; sec. to prin. Emma Willard sch. Troy N. Y. ,04-05; teacher (Eng, math.) Prospect hill sch. Greenfield Mass. 05-07, substitute teacher (Eng, hist.) Wheaton sem. Norton 09, head (Eng. dept) Laurel sch. Cleveland O. 09-10 Crandall Leona b.a. (Mrs Orville Reed Hagen) 493 Broadway Paterson N. J. teacher Emma Willard sch. Troy N. Y. 02-03; tutor 03-05; m. ISJeOS 1902] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 125 Cranska Annie Louise b.l. (Mrs William Austin Hill) 801 Goodrich av. St Paul Minn. m. 29 Je 04; ch. Margaret Linihan b. 28 Jl 06, Ruth Albro b. 31 D 08 Cruikshank Alice Dorothy b.a. 119 W. 106th St. New York student N. Y. state lib. sch. 03-04; cataloger Reform club lib. New York 04-05, Columbia lib. 05-07, 08-09 Curtis" Alice Louise b.l. (Mrs Mott) 61 Imlay st. Hartford Ct.t Davidson" Adeline Theresa b.l. Huntington N. Y. teacher Madison N. J. 02, Stamford Ct. 03-04, Mary Washington col. Norfolk Va. 04-05, Morristown N. J. high sch. 08-10 Davis" Clara [Carter] Louise b.a. (Mrs Gerald Mahony) Hubbard Woods 111. m. 8 N 07 Davis" Julia Anna b.s. (Mrs Clifton Frank Richmond) 44 Washington av. Northampton teacher (science) Barre Mass. high sch. 02-03. Bumham sch. Northampton 03-04. Palmer high sch. 04-N 07, Lawrence high sch. N 07-09; m. 30 Je 09 Davis Lucy May b.a. (Mrs Walter Edwin Rice) 916 Queen Anne av. Seattle Wash. sec. Boston; m. 19 N 09 Demond Anna Louise b.a. 8 Beacon st. Warren Dewey Lucia Coyle b.a. (Mrs Fred- erick C. Woermann) Sheffield 111. m. 9 N 04; ch. Catherine Dewey b. 29 D 05 Dewing" Winifred Woodford b.l. 518 W. Main st. Kalamazoo Mich.t Dill" Hope B.A. (Mrs Joseph Har- rison Raney) Coalinga Cal.f B.E. Shippensburg normal sch; teacher Woman's col. Frederick Md. 02-03, Chelton Hills sch. Wyncote Pa. 03-05 Dowling Florence Louise b.l. (Mrs Fred George Olp) Nunda N. Y. m. 27 S 05 ; ch. Harriet Dowling b. 30 D 06, Katharine Elizabeth b. 29 O 09 Drake" Harriet Frances b.l. 432 Marquette bldg Chicago Ill.| student (sewmg, cooking) Chicago sch. of domestic arts and sciences Dunton Emily Morgan b.l. HoUis, Long Island N. Y. student Jamaica N. Y. normal sch. 02-03; teacher Borough of Queens New York 03-10 Durkee" Helen Winslow b.l. 50 W. 45th St. New Yorkf Duryee Alice b.a. Amoy China miss'y under Board of foreign missions Reformed church in Amer. Amoy 03 — Eastwood Alice Laura b.a. 122 Clifton av. Louisville Ky. tutor Edwardes Ethel lone b.a. (Mrs C. Wesley Fryhofer) 109 Mountain View av. Nutley N.J.t I. 90r 07 Egbert Alice Edith b.a. (Mrs James Cox Howell) Cornwall on Hudson N. Y. m. 1 1 O 06 ; ch. Beatrice b. 8 O 07, Margaiet Randolph b. 24 N 08 Elder" Marjorie Louise b.a. (Mrs George Stanley Stevenson) 14 College av. Waterville Me. m. 24 Je 05; ch. Elizabeth Elder b. 5 Ja 09 Ely Edith Goodhue b.a. 120 E. Espanola st. Springs Col.f Colorado Emerson Jennie Foster b.a. (Mrs A. E. Bumham) 873 High St. Central Falls R. I. student (educ.) Brown 08-09; substitute teacher high sch. Weymouth Mass. 02-03, teacher Contoocook N. H. 03-04, Ashby Mass. 04-06, Barrington R. I. 06-10; m. 14S10 Ernsf* Clara Louise b.a. 75 Center st. Dorchester teacher (math.) Univ. prep. sch. Boston 04-10 Fales" Edith Elizabeth b.l. 4407 Spruce st. Philadelphia Pa. student (hist.) Univ. of Pa. 04-05; teacher (hist.) Brown prep. sch. Philadelphia 03-10 Farrell" Agnes b.a. 69 E. Mohawk st. Oswego N. Y. Femald Ethel Frances b.a. 104 W. Emerson st. Melrose Ferriss Margery b.a. (Mrs Nathaniel Meacon Semple) Normandy Mo. matron N. Y. working giils holiday house Miller's Place L. I. summers 06, 07; teacher (calisthenics. Greek) Mary inst. St Louis Mo. 07-09; m. 6N09 Fogarty^ Catherine Elizabeth b.a. 194 Canner st. New Haven Ct.f Freeman Ethel Hale b.l. 258 Mt Vernon st. West Newton student Boston museum of fine arts sch. 02-05, 06-07, (copying) Florence D 08; professional coach Wellesley Shakspeare soc. 05, 07, 08; treas. Smith alum, assn 07 — ; mem. A.C.A. 126 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1902 French Edna Bradstreet b.a. 190 Ellsworth av. New Haven Ct. teacher Pomfret Ct. rural sch. 04-05, Cheshire high sch. 05-06, Collins ville grammar sch. 06-07, New Haven grammar sch. 07-10; mem. A.C.A. French Ruth Hawthorne b.l. 75 Concord st. Nashua N. H. B.S. 10 Teachers col; student (domestic science) Teachers col. 09-10 Gaillard Marion Louise b.a. Harris bldg New London Ct. teacher Tillotson col. Austin Tex. 02-03, Worcester Mass. high sch. 03 — ; mem. A.C.A. Gardiner Frances Mary b.a, Norwalk O. M.A. 07 Western reserve univ; student (Eng. lit, philos.) Col. for women Western reserve univ; asst (Eng.) Col. for women F 06-07, instructor (Eng. lit.) Wilson col. 07-08 Gardner Mary Abbe b.l. (Mrs Wil- liam France Anderson) 507 Oakwood blvd Chicago 111. m. 19 O 04; ch. William David Lee b. 15 Ag 07, Robert Gardner b. 10 Ja 10 Gay Jessie Aline b.l. Sharon Ct.J Gerrish Clara Arabella b.l. (Mrs Donald McLean Barstow) 675 Congress st. Portland Me. grad. Gilbert normal sch. of dancing Boston 09 ; teacher in private family 07-08, (danc- ing) Boston 09-10; m. 30 Jl 04 (husband d. 9 Je 06) Gilson Marjary Lawrence b.a. Free public Ubrary Newark N. J. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 03-05; head (sch. dept) Newaik lib. 05-08, (art dept) 08-10; asst sec. Newark museum assn 09-10; mem. A. L. A. Gleason" Caroline Teller b.a. (Mrs Thomas S. Larkin) 313 Laurens st. Clean N. Y. m. 9 S 03; ch. Margaret Gleason b. 13 D 05 Glover Mary Wales b.a. 550 Center st. Newtonf Goss Stella Elizabeth b.a. 937 Lexington av. Avondale, Cincinnati O. teacher Miller sch. 02-04, (Eng, lit.) 09-10 Green'* Ethel Aurelia b.l. (Mrs John B5n"on Dixon) Puyallup Wash. teacher (music) Westfield N. J. 02-04, Cran- f ord pub. sch. 04-06 ; m. 3 Je 06 Hadd Eugenie Celine Irene b.l. 503 W. 122d St. New York student (pedagogy) Westfield normal sch. 02-03; teacher New York pub. sch. 04 — Hancox" Edith b.l. 27 Pearl st. Springfield in charge Albert Hancox estate Harter Katherine b.a. (Mrs Henry Morgan Alexander) Fairmound blvd ^Shaker heights, Cleveland O. m. 22 O 07 ; ch. Mary b. 2618 08 Hayes Lucretia Caroline b.a. (Mrs Norman Burt Sherry) Beman park Troy N. Y. m. 26 S 08; ch. EHzabeth b. 20 Ap 10; mem. A.C.A. Heinemann** Ida [Eda] Gertrude b.l. 564 Franklin st. Buffalo N. Y. Henderson Nellie Frances DuBois B.A. (Mrs Dewey J. Carter) 512 5th St. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 19 S 08 Hewes Carrie Madeleine b.a. Porter road AndoverJ Holbrooke Lilian b.a. Northboro teacher South Hadley Falls Mass. grammar sch. 03-04, asst Milford Ct. high sch. 04-08, head teacher 08-10 Holden Bertha Haynes b.a. (Mrs Louis Atwell Olney) 118 Riverside st. Lowell m. 24 Je 03 ; ch. Margaret I.ucia b. 24 Jl 04, Edna Elizabeth b. 10 S 05, Richard Holden b. 7 D 09 Holman Margaret b.a. Southport Ct. student Berlin univ. 06-07; official tutor /(Greek) Smith 02-03, head (Greek dept) , / Pa. col. for women Pittsburg Pa. 03-06, V (Greek and Latin dept) Tudor hall Indian- apolis Ind, (Greek and art hist, dept) Carleton col. Northfield Minn. 08-10 Holmes"- Katharine Wheeler b.a. 115 Park st. Newton J Howe Mary Reed b.l. c/o Dr E W. Taylor 457 Marl- \ / boro St. Boston \ / student (French lit, hist.) Sorbonne, Paris '. 02-03, (French lit.) Radcliffe 04-05; teacher (French) Dr Sachs' sch. for girls New York 05-10 Hull Blanche Wyckoff b.l. Allen court Kalamazoo Mich. J Hull LilHan Preston b.a. 91 N. Main st. Newark, Wayne CO. N. Y. teacher Prospect Hill sch. Greenfield Mass. Ja-Je 04, Corning N. Y. high sch. 06-07. Great Falls Mon. high sch. 08-10 Huntington Emily Douglas b.a. (Mrs Ernest Monroe Harwood) 254 Ocean av. New London Ct. student Y. W. C. A. sec. training inst. Mil- waukee Wis. Jl-Ag 02 ; asst sec. Y. W. C. A. Binghamton N. Y. 02-S 03, general sec. Passaic N. J. 03-S 05, traveling sec. Tenn. and Ky. N 05-07; m. 17 O 07; ch. Ernest Monroe jr b. 30 Jl 08 1902] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 127 Hurlbutt Ida Mae b.a. Butler pi. Northampton teacher (science) Northampton high sch. Hurley™ Grace Loretta b.l. (Mrs Thomas Francis Walsh) 466 Colorado av. Bridgeport Ct. teacher (German) Meriden Ct. nigh sch. 02-04, Bridgeport high sch. 04-08 ; m. 20 Jl 08 Ingraham" Clara Martha b.l. 56 Mapledell st. Springfield student (pedagogy, psych.) Westfield nor- mal sch. 02-03; teacher Springfield pub. sch. 03-08, Holyoke high sch. 08-10 Irving"^ Louise Henderson b.l. Henderson av. New Brighton N. Y. M.A. 06 Columbia; student (sociology, hist.) Columbia 04-05, (hist.) 05-06; mem. A.C.A. ♦Johnson Edith Taber b.l. (Mrs Henry Davis Bushnell) ch. Edith Johnson b. 16 My 04; d. 17 My 04 Pittsburg Pa. Jones™ Constance Newcomb b.a. 722 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. tutor Jouett Jean Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Alexander Maxwell Blackburn) Elizabeth N. J. m. 10 S 03; ch. Alexander Maxwell jr b. Ja06 Kelley Helen Esther b.l. (Mrs Chauncey Hunter Marsh) 34 Essex av. Orange N. J. student (Eng, sociology) Columbia 02-03; teacher (Eng, lit, hist.) Montrose high sch. South Orange 03-04; m. 17 N 04; ch. Chauncey Hunter jr b. 11 O 05 Kent Ruth Josephine b.a. 744 Benefit st. Pawtucket R. I. mem. A.C.A. Kidder" Alice Frothingham b.a. (Mrs Morton Chase Tuttle) 22 Chestnut terrace Newton Center ch. Cornelia b. 13 Jl 09 Knapp Louise b.a. (Mrs Walter Baumgarten) 4310a Maryland av. St Louis Mo. m. 20 S 10 Lamson Josephine Roland b.a. (Mrs Leslie Freeman Gates) 723 8th St. Wilmette 111. m. 21 D 03 Laporte" Anna Marie b.a. 157 Brown av. Holyoke Btudent (German) Hamburg Germany 06, (French) Paris 06; teacher (French) Middletown Ct. high sch. 02-03, Holyoke high sch. 03-10, official tutor Mt Holyoke 02-08, 10; assoc. editor L'Americain pub- lished in Springfield ; mem. Alliance fran^aise Leavitt Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Morti- mer Yale Ferris) Ticonderoga N. Y. m. 14 F 05 ; ch. Mary b. 6 F 06 Lewis^ Edith Labaree b.a. c/o McClure's magazine, 44 E. 23d St. New York editorial worker Century dictionary 03-06, Barnes publishing co. 06, McClure's maga- zine 06-10 Lobdell Edith White b.a. (Mrs William W. Pusey 2d) 1020 Rodney st. Wilmington Del. m. 20 O 04 Long^ Pauline Adele b.a. 20 Livingston av. New Bruns- wick N. J.J *Lusch"^ Margaret Virginia b.l. (Mrs Charles D. Allen jr) m. 20 S 04; ch. Virginia Silsbee b. 3 O 05; d. 29 Jl 09 Lyle"^ Clara Holmes b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Herbert) 149 N. Howard av. Austin sta- tion Chicago 111. sec. to head mistress Bryn Mawr sch. Balti- more Md. 06-07; m. 15 O 07; ch. Robert Beverley b. 29 Mr 09 Mabury Eloise b.l. 919 W. 28th St. Los Angeles Cal McClelland^ Myra b.a. Tabor la. McClintock Anna Colton b.l. 925 Logan av. Denver Col. MacDonnell" Mary Eulalia b.a. 12 Clinton av. Holyoke substitute teacher Holyoke pub. sch. 02-03, student teacher Springfield business sch. Ag 03-My 04, teacher (commercial course) South Hadley Falls high sch. 05-08; book- keeper Columbian photo paper co. Westfield My 04-Ap 05, Bennett paper box co. Springfield 08-Jl 09, private bookkeeper J109— MacDougall Grace Agnes b.a. 26 Meadow st. North Adams teacher (lang.) Cincinnatus N. Y. 02-03, (Latin) Tongaloo Miss. univ. 03 — McMahon"^ Agnes Loretto b.a. 25 Holyoke st. Easthampton teacher (math.) New Britain Ct. grammar sch. 02— Macniel" Elizabeth Hamlin b.a. (Mrs Charles M. Olmsted) Carnegie solar observatory office Pasadena Cal.f Mann Caroline Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Charles Edward Faulkner jr) 140 W. Elmwood pi. Minneapolis Minn, teacher Miss Childs' prep. sch. Binghamton N. Y. 03-05; m. 24 O 05; ch. Marion b. Jl 06, Edward Coryell b. F 08 128 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1902 Manning Beatrice Austin b.l. (Mrs Clarke Irving Oliver) 108 Chestnut st. Albany N. Y. m. 18 Ja 10 Manning" Helen Powers b.l. (Mrs Pliny Sexton Riggs) 302 Monterey av. Pelham Heights N. Y. m. 16 S 05; ch. Caroline b. 7 S 07 Marshall Sabina b.l. 67 Berkeley st. West Newton student Sch. of civics and philanthropy 05-06, (economics) Munich univ. 08; settlement worker Chicago commons Ja 06- 07, director and sec. League for protection of immigrant girls N 07-My 08, worker Denison house O 09-Ja 10, Je-Ag 10, South Chicago settlement F-My 10 Mason Grace Whiting b.a. (Mrs Percy Sacret Young) 830 Lake st. Newark N. J. teacher (Eng.) Chestnut Hill Mass. sch. 02-03, reader (Eng. lit.) Smith 03-04; m. 7 D 04; ch. Albert Mason b. 19 N 05 d. 21J1 08, Percy Sacret jr b. 12 Ap 07, Dorothy b. 15 S 08, George Wooldridge b. 20 My 10 Mellen Maude Ellis b.a. (Mrs Allen H. Nelson) c/o A. H. Nelson 66 5th av. New York teacher Fair Haven Vt. high sch. Ap-Je 03, Middlebury high sch. 03-05, Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 05-06; m. 1 Ja 07; ch. Alice Ellen b. 13 O 07, Mary Elizabeth b. 5 My 09 Merrill"^ Grace Evelyn b.l. 39 Abbott St. Lawrencet Minor Ursula b.a. (Mrs Henry Burr) 3942 Oak st. Kansas City Mo. m. 1 S 03; ch. John Minor b. 24 N 07; mem. A.C.A. Montgomery Beatrice b.a. (Mrs Charles Baldwin Goddard) 3506 SuUivan av. St Louis Mo. M.A. 05 Stanford univ; student (Eng, pedagogy) Stanford univ. 03-05; teacher (Eng, Latin, German) Red Oak la. high sch. 02-03, tutor (Eng.) Stanford 03-04, teacher (Eng.) Mills col. Cal. 05-06, Denton Tex. col. of industrial arts 06-08; m. 23 Je 09 Moore" Virginia Elizabeth b.a. 921 Holmes st. Kansas City Mo.J Morris" Elizabeth b.a. 266 Houghton st. North Adams teacher (Eng, hist.) Mechanics ville N. Y. high sch. 02-05 Neal Bessie [Elizabeth] Louisa b.a. 310 Hanover st. Manchester N. H. teacher Wilton N. H. 02-04, asst Bristol Ct. high sch. 04-05, Manchester high sch. 06— Nelson Lillie Harper b.l. 9 Prospect park W. Brooklyn N. Y. Newcomb Edith'Turner b.l. 31 Vauxhall st. New London Ct. Nickerson" Lulu Alva b.l. ReadvilleJ teacher Vineyard Haven Mass. 02-03, Pena- cook N. H. 03-04, Canton Mass. 04-05 Orne Lucy D wight b.l. (Mrs James Walker Heacock) Mather av. Wyncote Pa. teacher (Eng, hist.) Chelton hills sch. Wyncote 02-03; m. 30 S 05; ch. James Walker jr b. 9 Mr 07 Osborne" Grace Theresa b.l. (Mrs Edward C. Hayes) Acton m. 27 Ap 03; ch. Katharine b. 26 F 04, Donald Osborne b. 5 Je 07 Osgood Ellen Louise b.a. 17 Myrtle av. Plainfield N. J. teacher Scotch Plains N. J. pub, sch. 03-05, (hist.) Bayonne high sch. 05 — ; mem. Amer. hist. soc. Osgood Ethel Lewis b.l. 39 Hi^h St. Brattleboro Vt. student Alliance franjaise Paris summer of 05; tutor (French, German) 02-03; teacher (French, German) Lebanon N. H. high sch. 03-04, Brattleboro Vt. high sch. 04-05, (French) Trenton N. J. state normal and model sch. 05 — Otis" Emma Heywood b.a. (Mrs John Wilson) 17 Broadway Ban- gor Me. m. 2 D 03; ch. Caroline b. 26 Jl 05, John Otis b. 4 D 07 Parsons" Anna Mae b.a. (Mrs Virgil H. Voorhis) DeLand Fla. m. 29 Ag 06; ch. Joseph Manlius b. 9 N 09 Parsons Carpline [Carrie] Esther b.l. 26 Church st. Gloucester class of 98; student Radcliffe 01-02; teacher (French, German) Gloucester high sch. 98-99, 06 — , Miss Erstein's mod. sch. of lang. Boston 99-01, Dan vers high sch. 02-06 Patton" Constance Saltonstall b.a. 45 S. Walnut st. East Orange N.J. sec. St Timothy's ach. Catonsville Md. 02-03; teacher (hist.) Springside sch. Chestnut Hill Pa. 03-05, East Orange high sch. 06-10 Paxton" Laura Jerauld b.l. Princeton Ind. Pearsall'* Annie May b.a. Oxford Chenango co. N. J.f tutor 03; teacher and vice prin. Verona N. J. high sch. 03-05 Pease Helen Christine b.a. HuntingtonJ Peck Julia Emily b.l. 180 Lewis st. Lynn kindergarten diploma 04 Teachers col; private kindergartner Montpelier Vt. 04-06 1902] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 129 Peirce Maida b.a. (Mrs Maurice Harrison Steams) 602 Union trust bldg Providence R. I. teacher New York high sch. 04, 05, private sch. 06; m. 7 F 07; ch. Gordon Peirce b. 24 DOS Perkins Louise Childs b.a. 45 N. Main st. Rutland Vt. Pettengill Hulda Elizabeth b.a. 33 Franklin st. Rumford Me. Phillips Mary Hilliard b.a. 218 Union av. Framingham Platt« Edith Grace b.l. (Mrs Henry- Theodore Ferriss) 725 Clarendon av. St Louis Mo. in charge of music Assn house settlement Chicago O-D 02; teacher (dramatic ex- pression) Brownell hall Omaha Neb. 03-05, (Eng, hist.) Univ. sch. for girls Chicago 05-08; m. 14 N 08; ch. Anne Chittenden b. 18 O 09 Porteous** Helena Wenberg b.a. (Mrs Burwell Morgan Crosth- waite) Pelham Manor N. Y. m. 10 Jl 02; ch. Helena Porteous b. 16 O 03, Burwellb. llSOSd. 8D08 Porter May Victoria b.a. 171 North St. Auburn N. Y.J Potter Faith b.a. (Mrs Hugh Hous- ton Craigie Weed) 2242 Red Bud av. St Louis Mo. m. 27 D 09 Prentiss Bertha Helen b.a. 207 Elm St. Holyoke Prentiss Henrietta b.a. 111^ W. 84th St. New York M.S. 07 Univ. of la; student (biol.) Univ. of la. 05-07, scholar 06-07; teacher (read- ing, elocution) Bloomsburg Pa. state nor- mal sch. 02-05, instructor (Latin) Univ. of la. 05-06, (biol.) Adelphi acad. Brooklyn 07-08, (zoology) New York normal col. 08- 10 Pugsley" Marie b.l. (Mrs Albert Eaton Lombard) 3832 Wdrwick blvd Kansas City Mo. m. 23 S 03; ch. Marie b. 4 Ag 04, Albert Eaton jr b. 07 Putnam^ Louise Priest b.a. (Mrs E. B. Heisler) 364 Catherine st. Salt Lake City Utaht nurse St Luke's hospital New York; m. 6 09 Richards Sara Franklin b.l. 234 West av. Bridgeport Ct. Riggs" Martha Warner b.a. (Mrs Arthur D. Truax) 141 Broadway New York m. 24 N 03 ; ch. Margaret E. b. 25 Ag 04 Ripley Jennie [Jane] Stanley b.a. 296 Wethersfield av. Hartford Ct. Rogers^ Laura Mary b.l. Bennington Vt. teacher (Eng.) high sch. Bennington Vt. 02-04, Gardner Mass. 05, Peabody 06-07, Bradford acad. 07-09, Beverly high sch. 09-10 Ryan« Anna Arabella b.a. 1400 Marion st. Denver Col. teacher Wolcott sch. Denver 02-10; mem. Amer. archaeol. inst. Santee" Winifred Elizabeth b.a. 65 Main st. Hornell N. Y.J Sargent" Lydia Parrott b.a. (Mrs Walter Oliver Lee) 44 Gloucester st. Boston m. 1 N 07 Sater"^ Maroe b.a. (Mrs Field Scott) c/o Judge J. E. Sater Columbus O. student (biol.) Univ. of O. 02-03; m. 29 D 04; ch. Marcia b. 12 O 06 Schaff" Sarah Swift b.l. 44 Burroughs st. Jamaica Plain student (drama) Eadcliffe 08-09; teacher (Eng. lit.) St Margaret's sch. Waterbury Ct. 02-03, Miss Creech's sch. Boston 09-10 Secrest" Bernice Wood b.a. (Mrs Arthur Bovard Pyke) 1197 Andrews av. Cleveland O. teacher (math.) Tuscola 111. high sch. 02-03, Chillicothe O. high sch. 03-05; m. 6 Ja 04; ch. John Secrest b. 31 D 04 Shattuck Maude Alice b.a. 124 Winter st. Norwood Smith"^ Florence Evelyn b.a. (Mrs John Myers Bireley) 223 Pine av. Hollywood Cal. teacher (Latin, Eng.) Huntington hall sch. Los Angeles Cal. 05-08; m. S 07; ch. Paul Duncan b. F 09 Smith Julia Warren b.a. 225 S. Willard st. Burlington Vt. Smith Mary Gove b.l. 108 Summer st. Waltham diploma 04 New Haven Y. W. C. A. course in nursing; fellow Smith and Col. settle- ments assn. 04-05; asst worker Lowell house social settlement New Haven Ct. 03-04, resident fellow Denison house Boston 04-10 Smith Nanna Antonia b.s. (Mrs Frederick Addison Warner) 2700 Capital av. Sacramento Cal. bookkeeper and private sec ; m. 12 My 09 ; ch. Elizabeth b. 6 My 10 130 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1902 Smith Susan Dow b.a. Clinton teacher private sch. Lancaster Mass. 02-04, sec. to supt of sch. Clinton 04-08, teacher high sch, 08 — Souther Edith Eustace b.l. 6118 Westminster pi. St Loms Mo. student (hist, lit.) Cornell summer sch. 09; mem. A.C.A. Spencer Edith Louise b.a. 91 Brighton av. AUston M.A. 08; student (botany) Marine biol. lab. Woods Hole Mass. summer of 02, 06; fellow Smith 07-08 ; teacher Hancock N. H. village sch. 02-03, Belmont Mass. grammar sch. 03-05, (science, Eng.) Amherst high sch. 05-07, Westfield high sch, 08-10 Stout Edla Lansing b.l. (Mrs Thomas McBlain Steele) 90 Avon St. New Haven Ct. teacher (Eng,) St Margaret's sch. Water- bury Ct, 04-07; m. 10 S 07; mem. A.C.A. Straight Persis Rosamond b.a. 114 South av. Bradford Pa. M.D. 06 Johns Hopkins med. sch; prac- tising physician Bradford 06 — , non- resident pathologist Bradford hospital Stratton Ethel Marion b.l. (Mrs George Waldo Pettengill) Ardenacre Rumford Me. m. 14 Je 05 ; ch. George Waldo jr b, 6 Mr 06 Tallcott Ida Belle b.a. 345 Center st. Nutley N. J. M.A. 03 Syracuse imiv ; student ( pedagogy, Latin, sociology) Syracuse univ, 02-03; instructor (Latin) Poughkeepsie N. Y. high sch. 03-05, head (Latin dept) 05-09, Nutley 09-10 Terhune Marion b.a. 157 Mountain av. N. Montclair N.J. teacher Delancey sch. New York O 03-My 04, Montclair pub, sch, 06-10 Thalheimer Ethel Seymour b.a. 936 Marion av. Cincinnati O. Tifft" Henrietta Hawtin b.s. (Mrs Tames Frank Underwood) Poplar Mon. m. 26 Je 02; ch. Ethel Tiflft b. 5 S 03, Frances Ruth b, 1 Ag 05, Henrietta Marion b. 16 O 06, Dorothy b. 11 D 08 Tolar» Virginia Bell b.l. (Mrs Rob- ert Edward Henry) c/o Hallowell & Henry 52 Beaver St. New Yorkt m. 26 O 04 Treat^i Ethel Eddy b.l. FitzwiUiam Depot N, H. teacher (Eng,) Marlboro N. H. high sch. 03-06. Hingham Mass, high sch, 07-10 Truesdell^ Ada Fannie b.a. 1910 Dupont av. S. Minneapolis Minn. Htudent Univ. of Minn. Tubby Gertrude Ogden b.s. 202 Bellevue av. Upper Mont- clair N. J, private sec. to Edward Howard Griggs 02-07, special private sec. to Dr James H. Hyslop 07; private editor and pubhsher 07-10, managing editor Smith alumnae quarterly 09-10 Tuttle Berenice Rachel b.a. 2 Nickwackett st. Rutland Vt. proofreader Tuttle co, Rutland Ag 02-Je 08 ; editorial asst Amer. soc. mechanical en- gineers New York Ag 08 — Valentine Frances Wadsworth b.l. 47 Bowdoin av. Dorchester student Mass. agric. col. Ja-Mr 10; social worker Boston 05-07, special agent U. S. bureau of labor Washington D. C. O 08-O 09 ; farmer 10 — Vanderbilt Edith Wheeler b.l. (Mrs William Carrell Diamond) 54 Morningside drive New York m. 10 O 06; ch. Doris Vanderbilt b. 15 Je 08, Louise Ranney b. 23 Ag 09 Vanderbilt Louise Dunham b.a. Chestnut st. Englewood N. J. ♦Van Noorden Deborah b.a. d. 29 D 07 Van Tuyl« Ella Blodgett b.l. Beecher apartments N. Grand blvd East Detroit Mich. teacher Detroit pub. sch. 02-03, (Eng, hist,) Detroit sem, 03-08, (Eng, math.) high sch, 09-10 Vibberts Augusta Louise b.l. (Mrs Ernest Williams Pelton) New Britain Ct, teacher New Britain pub. sch. 03-06, Hartford pub, sch, 06-08; m. 6 Ap 09 Vogdes^ Anna Louise b.a. (Mrs William Ramsay) 1126 Foulkrod st. Frankford Pa. m. 15 Je 04; ch. Wayne Vogdes b. 20 Ja 10 Wadsworth Jessie Gertrude b.l. c/o Dr Herbert R. Moody Col- lege of the City of New York New York mem. A.CA, Walbridge Helen Isabel b.a. 302 W. 8th St. Plainfield N. J. teacher Hartridge sch, Plainfield 04-05 Walker Helen Duer b,a. 1617 Green st. Philadelphia Pa. student New York sch, of philanthropy 03-04, Univ. of Pa, 06-07 ; worker and asst sec. Brooklyn bureau of charities 03-04, agent Phila, soc, for organizing charity 04-07, district supt 08, editor Saturday evening post 08 — Wallace"^ Mary Louise b.l. (Mrs Arthur Pierce Robinson) 1229 Candler bldg Atlanta Ga. private tutor Cortland N. Y, 03-07; m. 19 Je 07: ch. Ellen Emeline b. 11 My 08, John Wallace b. 16 Ag 09 1902-03] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 131 Warfield Alice Bertha b.a. 11 Chapin pi. Hartford Ct. teacher New Britain Ct. state normal train- ing sch. 04-10 Warnick Elizabeth Anna b.a. (Mrs Nathan Carleton Phillips) Washington st. Gloucester^ m. 31 My 04 Warren Clara Louise b.a. (Mrs Eugene Bradford Bumsted) Riverside hotel Reno Nev. m. 27 Ap 04; ch. Eleanor b. 26 Jl 05 Watkins" Susan b.l. (Mrs Clarke Milligen Rosecrantz) 490 Marshall st. Milwaukee Wis.f m. 6 Ap 04; ch. John Opdyke b. 22 Ap 05 Watkinson Grace Blair b.a. 888 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. M.A. 05, Ph.D. 08 Zurich; student Marine bid. lab. Woods Hole Mass. 02, (biol.) Albert Ludwig univ. Freiburg Germany 03-04, Leipzig univ. 05-07, Zurich univ. 07-08; fellow American women's table Naples 06-07; asst (zoology) Smith 08-09; mem. A.C.A, Amer. soc. of zoologists Wead Mary Eunice b.a. c/o 167 Patent office Washington D. C. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 02-03; asst Lib. of Congress Ja 04-Ap 06, reference libn Smith 06— Weil Selma b.l. (Mrs Ludwig Eise- mann) 11 Keswick st. Boston m. 14 Ap 03; ch. Philip b. 11 Mr 04, Ruth b. 12 Ag 05, Charles W. b. 1 N 08; mem. A.C.A. Welles Margaret b.a. (Mrs Roy Newton Pierson) 1801 James av. S. Minneapolis Minn, m. 20 Je 08 ; ch. Newton Welles b. 23 Jl 09 Wells Edith May b.a. 3302 Baring st. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 06; student (sociology, economics) Smith 04-06; resident Light house settle- ment Phila. 02-04; general sec. S.C.A.C.W. 04-06, traveling student sec. Y. W. C. A. for N. E. 06-09, sec. Student volunteer move- ment New York 09-10, sec. Y. W. C. A. Pek- ing China 10 — West Louise Bronson b.l. 91 Crocus pi. St Paul Minn, student (Eng. drama) Radcliffe 03-04, (sec. course) Simmons col. 05-Ap 06; teacher (Eng.) St Paul high sch. 08-Ap 09 Westcott" Laura Johnson b.a. 151 N. Elm wood av. Oak Park 111. teacher Highland Park 111. 02-03, Ottawa high sch. 03-04, 111. woman's col. Jackson- ville 04-05, Amer. sch. City of Mexico 05-06, Erin. Amer. high sch. 07, teacher Rockland [ass. high sch. 07-08, Boston elem. sch. 08-10 Whitin Elizabeth Klock b.l. (Mrs Lawrence Murray Keeler) Whitinsville m. 1 Je 05 ; ch. Marston Whitin b. 28 Ap 06 d. 8 F 07, Murray Whitin b. 18 N 08 Wicker Lucy Southworth b.a. 599 West End av. New York Woodbury Louise b.l. 51 Baltimore st. Lynn Woodbury^ Mary b.a. (Mrs Tasker Howard) 388 Clinton st. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Bergen sch. for girls Jersey City N. J. 02-03, Montclair high sch. 03-05; m. 29 My 09 *Woolley^ Edith Sanford b.a. d. 09 Chicago 111. Young Dorothy Amy b.a. 830 Lake st. Newark N. J. tutor 02-03; teacher Miss Hoover's sch. Paterson N. J. 03-05, Brearley sch. New York 05— Total 231-*5 1903 ♦Aldrich Gladys Franksford b.a. (Mrs George Amasa Hutchins) teacher Amesbury Mass. high sch. 03-05, Brockton high sch. 05-06; m. 30 Je 09; ch. Morton Aldrich b. 6 My 10; d. 13 My 10 Allen" Helen Eva b.a. (Mrs Harry Edward Barlow) 167 Main st. Amherst student (economics) Smith 05 ; m. 30 O 09 Allen Myra Leonard b.l. East Freetown B.S. 07 Simmons col ; student (sec. course) Simmons col. 03-04; private sec. to nat. director Bureau of scientific temperance investigation 04, managing sec. Allegheny Pa. prep. sch. 05-07, sec. Miss Sayward's sch. Overbrook Pa. 08 — Ames Jessie b.l. R. F. D. 1 Lowell Bailey "^ Lucia Matilda b.a. (Mrs Robert Farwell Bliss) Montpelier Vt. m. 7 Jl 03; ch. Ella Belle (class baby) b. 28 My 04, Albert Chandler b. 28 O 05, Arthur Farwell b. 4 D 08 Bailey Marcia Curtis b.a. (Mrs Frederick Gaylord Marsh) 584 Chestnut st. Waban m. 18 O 05; ch. Robert Brewster b. 14 D 06 Baker Ruth Stephens b.a. Fremont st. Plymouth J student (German) Bonn Germany 04-05 Barbouf" Ellen Gray b.l. (Mrs Walter Ashley Glines) 16 Calle San Francisco, San Juan P. R. 132 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1903 Bartle Virginia b.l. Railway exchange bldg Chicago Bates Mary Ethel b.l. Webster Bean Caroline van Hook b.l. c/o Dr Bean 1 Madison av. New Yorkf special correspondent Enterprise newspaper assn Cleveland O. Becker" Eva May b.l. (Mrs Jesse Everett Shippee) 34 Irving st. Worcester m. 10 S 10 Beechei** Gertrude Roxana b.a. (Mrs Charles Francis Park jr) Englewood N. J. m. 22 09 Beecher" Sara Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs David Heydom Ray) 2273 Creston av. New York M.A. cert. 06 Yale; student (German) Yale 05-07, Germany 05-06; teacher New Haven Ct. high sch. 03-04, Meriden high sch. 04-05; m. 25 Je 08; ch. David H. jr b, 1 Ap 10 ♦Bingham" Sarah Louise b.a. ort high sch. 03-05, Franklin- ville N. Y. 05-06, Southboro Mass. 07-09, Uxbridge 09-10 Stout Helen Louise b.l. The Arnold-Thomas school 3560 Broadway Kansas City Mo. on staff New York Tribune 03-05 Strongs Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Warren Sherman Hayden) 706 Citizens bldg Cleveland O. m. 18 Ap 06 ; ch. Sherman Strong b. 9 F 08 Suffren Edith de Charny b.s. (Mrs Thomas D. Pitts) 2432 N. Charles st. Baltimore Md.f with Harper bros. New York 03-05 Talmage" Irma b.a. 315 N. Main st. Mt Gilead O.J Thacher Margaret Williams b.a. 69 Alleghany st. Roxbury student Boston sch. for social workers 2 yr, Russell Sage foundation fellow (social re- search) 1 yr; mem. A.C.A. Tindall" Kate b.a. (Mrs Edwin Francis Samuels) Maryland trust bldg Baltimore Md. teacher (math.) Washington D. C. central high sch. 03-07; m. 20 Je 07; ch. Lloyd b. 12 Ag08d. 11O09 Torrey EHzabeth Whittier b.a. 180 Harvard st. Dorchester teacher Southern home sch. Washington D. C. and Baltimore Md. .Ta 04-05, Suffield Ct. lit. inst. 05-F 06, Curtis Peabody sch. Boston 06-07, 08, 09— Treat Anna Bigelow b.a. 670 Astor st. Milwaukee Wis. teacher private sch. Milwaukee 03-10; mem. A.C.A. Trull^ Bertha Preston b.a. 629 Main st. Woburn asst Woburn pub. lib. 06-07, asst libn Mass. inst. of tech. Boston 07 — ; mem. A.L.A. TuUock Florence Louise b.a. (Mrs Frederick DeWolf Bolman) 624 S. Broadway Leavenworth Kan. m. 24 O 06; ch. Katherine Southwick b. 11 F08 Tuttle Annie Dyer b.a. 706 Irving av. Syracuse N. Y. student (botany) Syracuse univ. 03; teacher private sch. 04-05 Viles^ EHzabeth Hubbard b.a. (Mrs Arthur Andrews McBride) Amer. mission, BycuUa, Bombay India student Bible teachers training sch. New York 06-07; sec. Y. W. C. A. Waltham Mass. 04, Passaic N. J. 05-06, foreign miss'y A. B. C. F. M. 07—; m. 17 F 09; ch. Elizabeth Baldwin b. 30 D 09 Wagenhals Margaret Hamilton b.a. 216 E. Wayne st. Fort Wayne Ind.t M.A. 07; fellow (Eng.) Smith 06-07 Waldo Lula b.a. 201 Westmoreland av. Houston Tex.t teacher Misses Waldo's sch. 03-05 Ward" EHza Anne b.a. Brookfield prin. Fiskdale Mass. grammar sch. 03-04, teacher Southboro grammar sch. 04-05, Brockton, Southbridge, Lewiston Mon. Warner Alice Willard b.a. (Mrs Horatio Arnold Hamilton) 227 S. Main st. West Hartford Ct. m. 8 O 07; ch. Erskine E. b. 14 S 08 140 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1903-04 Warren Ella b a. 204 Randolph av. Peoria 111. teacher Franklin grammar sch. Peoria fall of 05, 06-07 Webber Alice Mary b.a. (Mrs Frank Plimpton Scofield) 18 Vernon st. Newton m. 3 O 04; ch. Mary b. 13 O 06, Elizabeth b. 7 S 09 Weeden Marie Louise b.l. (Mrs William Speight Langford) 21 Shoimard pi. Yonkers N. Y. teacher 03-04; m. 16 N 04; ch. Margaret Weeden b. 14 Mr 06, Mary Hazard b. 18 Je 07 Westwood" Elizabeth Howard b.a. 95 Rivington st. New Yorkf assoc. editor Mvn^ey'a magazine 03-05 Whipple Bertha Kingsbury b.a. Fitzwilliam Depot N. H. Wight« Isabel Caldwell b.l. (Mrs Frank Kollock Mitchell) 7 Woodlawn av. Wellesley Hills student Simmons col. lib. sch. 03-04; pri- vate cataloger summer of 04, 05-06, asst libn Perkins inst. for the blind Boston 04- 05, Smith 06-09; m. 18 O 09 Wilbur Florence b.l. 131 Niagara St. Providence R. I. J student Bridgewater Mass. state normal sch. 03-04; teacher New Britain Ct. high sch. 04-05 Wilson** Mabel Cynthia b.l. Palatka Fla. Woodbur)^^ Laura Brown b.l. 51 Baltimore st. Lynn Wyman Edith Louise b.a. (Mrs Charles Edwin Rolfe) 104 Atlantic av. Swampscott m. 30 Ja 06; ch. Maurice Wyman b. 12 Mr 07 ns Alta B.A. (Mrs Jesse J. Vine- yard) 8 W. 37th St. Kansas City Mo. student Sorbonne, Paris, Berlin univ; m. 8 F 07; ch. James Gibson b. 28 Ap 09; Total 240-*6 mem. A.C.A. 1904 Abbott Constance Lavinia b.a. 32 Broadway New York Abbott Harriet Parsons b.a. 42 West St. Northampton Alden** Florence Delia b.l. 37 EUiott St. Springfield student Boston normal sch. of gymnastics; gymnasium director Univ. of Mo. 06-08, Northfield Mass. sem. 09. Y. W. C. A. Omaha Neb. 09-10; mem. A.C.A. Allen Frances b.l. 26 Westmoreland pi. St Louis Mo. M.A. 05 Washington univ; student (philos, pedagogy) Washington imiv. 04-05 Armstrong Emma Dow b.a. (Mrs Herbert H. Oakes) 14 Overlook av. Orange N. J. m. 10 D 08; ch. Virginia Armstrong b. 13 S 09 Backus jean Wallace b.a. (Mrs Archibald N. Dawson) 1459 Mars av. Lakewood O. m. 10 Bancroft Mary Ethel b.a. Abbot academy Andover student (Amer. lit.) Yale 05; teacher New Haven Ct. high sch. 04-08; Abbot acad. 08- Bardwell" Ruby Irene b.a. (Mrs Albert Joseph Chidester) Simsbury Ct. teacher Smith acad. Hatfield Mass. 07-08; m. 30 Je 09 Barklev Mabel Merwyn b.a. 81 i'inckney st. Boston teacher (math.) Hamilton inst. New York, Brooklyn Heights sera. 04-07 ; social worker Sea Breeze fresh air home summer of 06, Nurses settlement New York 07, Mass. general hospital Boston 08, Carney hospital 09, social service sec. Berkeley infirmary Ap09— Barnard Elizabeth Finley b.a. (Mrs Gilbert Henry Stewart) c/o Capt. G. H. Stewart U. S. A. Ordnance office Washington D.C.f Barnes^ Alice Maria b.a. West BrookfieldJ teacher Hanover Mass. high sch. Barrett Alice Gertrude b.a. 35 Forbes av. Northampton student Faelten school of piano Boston 09- 10 Bartlett Florence Dibell b.l. 2720 Prairie av. Chicago 111 Beaupr6 Olive Kennon b.l. (Mrs Harry Edward Miller) 246 S. Lincoln av. Aurora 111. teacher (Eng.) East Aurora high sch. 04-06; m. 2 O 07 Behr ^Catherine b.l. (Mrs Herbert Lucien Minshall) Marietta O. m. 22 S 08 Benedict"^ Myrtis b.a. 115 Adams st. North Abington teacher (commercial course) Abington high sch. 04-10 Bennett Mildred Waldron b.a. Monticello N. Y. Benson Bessie Pendleton b.a. 73 Court St. Bangor Me. 1904] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 141 Bent" Mary Emily b.l. (Mrs Robert Smith Conklin) Framingham m. 25 Je 10 Berry^ Mary Lillian b.a. c/o Rear-Admiral A. G. Berry U. S. N. Navy dept Washington D. C. student (music) New York, (design) Hop- kins inst. of art San Francisco Cal. N 09- My 10 Biddlecome'* Elizabeth b.a. Newport N. H. teacher (Eng.) high sch. Webster 04-06, Melrose 06-07, Brockton 07-10 Bond Edith Howell b.l. (Mrs Law- rence Augustus Howard) Highland court Hartford Ct. prin. Makapala pub. sch. Kohala H. I. 04-08 Boutwell Alice Bradford b.a. (Mrs George Norman Pease) 784 Pettygrove st. Portland Ore. R.N. 08 Presbyterian hospital New York; head nurse Presbyterian hospital 08-09; m. 1 Ja 10 Bowley Flora Juliet b.l. Women's university club Madison av. and 29th st. New York professional dramatic worker 04-08 ; student (philos.) 08-10 ♦Brackett Ellen Augusta b.a. d. iMr 08 New York Brainerd Heloise b.a, c/o Internat. bureau of American Republics Washington D. C. stenographer, chief clerk and translator law office Mexico City Mex. 05-Mr 09; private sec. Internat. bureau of American Republics Mr 09— Breyman" Edna Cranston b.a. 582 Myrtle st. Portland Ore. Brown^ Mabel Robinson b.a. Deerfieldt Brown Maude Hooker b.l. (Mrs Raymond Mazeine) 2 Sherman court New Britain Ct. m. 6 Je 06 ; ch. Graham Brown b. 8 My 07 Brush" Ella Mead b.l. D anbury Ct. pupil asst Forbes lib. Northampton sum- mer of 04, student (shorthand, typewriting) Danbury high sch. 04 ; clerk and libn State normal training sch. D 04 — Bulkley Harriet Collins b.a. Litchfield Ct. prin. Madison Ct. high sch. 06-10 Burleigh Clara Matilda b.a. South Berwick Me. teacher Monson acad. 04-06. Marlborough sch. Los Angeles Cal. 06-08, Robinson sem. Exeter N. H. 08-10 Bumham Sophia Lord b.a. (Mrs William Read Westcott) 12 S. Broadway Irvington on Hudson N. Y. cert. 07 Women's law class New York univ; m. 29 D 08; ch. Sophia Bumham 2d b. 13 N 09 Butler Harriet Rosetta b.a. (Mrs Walter E. Crittenden) 104 Howe St. New Haven Ct. m. 10 O 08; ch. David Benton b. 18 D 09 Camp Edith Caroline b.l. 98 Woodlawn terrace Waterbury Ct. Carleton Bertha b a. (Mrs Wilbur Abbott Welch) 29 Washington av. South Nyack N. Y. m. 28 Je 04; ch. Oliver Loveland b. 26 Ap 05 d. 8 O 05. David b. 7 Ja 07 Casey Ella Josephine b.l. Lee student (phifos, Eng, French) Trinity col. Washington D. C. 04-05; teacher Lee 05- '^ Ja 06, Je 06-10 Chambers Marv Ballard b.a. (Mrs Philip Donald Folwell) 2006 Spring Garden st. Philadel- phia Pa. m. 12 O 04; ch. Nathan T. jr b. 7 Jl 06, Mary Kemble b. 10 F 08 Chapin Anne McClallan b.a. 290 State st. Springfield Chapin Leslie b.l. 20 Maple st. Springfield Childs^ Helen Sears b.a. (Mrs Frank Learoyd Boy den) Deerfield teacher Catherine Aiken sch. Stamford Ct. 04, Deerfield 05-06; m. 27 Je 07; ch. John Gary b. 22 D 09 Choate Helen Ashhurst b.a. Greenwich Ct. M.A. 09; fellow (botany) Smith 08-09; teacher Greenwich acad. 05-06, asst (botany) Smith 09— Cilley Helen b.l. (Mrs Eugene Charles Alder) 478 Washington av. Brooklyn N. Y. student Amherst summer lib. sch. 05; libn Phillips Exeter acad. 05-06; m. 3 Jl 06; ch. Bradbury Cilley b. 17 Mr 09 Clapp Marion Lazell b.a. 67 Winchester st. Brookline Clark Annetta Isabel b.a. 6 Hatfield st. Northampton student (stenography) Springfield Mass business sch. 04-05; teacher (commercia course) Perth Amboy N. J. high sch. 05-07 asst registrar Smith 07-09: sec. 09 — 142 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1904 Clark Florence Jeannette b.a. 7 Atlantic st. LynnJ Clark Miriam Belden b.a. 90 Maple st. Northanipton Christian science practitioner Jl 04 — Colbum^ Mary Peabody b.a. c/o Miss Anne Bogue Pittsford Vt. M. A. 10 Columbia; student (pedadogy, Eng.) Columbia 09-10; teacher Burr and Burton sem. Manchester Vt. 04-07, Haver- hill Mass. high sch. 07-08, Gardner 08-09, Wadleigh high sch. New York 10— Comer Mary b.l. (Mrs Mills Bee Lane) 26 Gaston st. E. Savannah Ga. m. 11 Jl 07; ch. Mary b. 15 Ag 08, Remer Young (son) b. 10 Mr 10 Comey Gertrude Julietta b.l. 13 Midland st. Worcester Conant Marie Bassett b.a. (Mrs Nathaniel Wales Faxon) Stoughton m. 22 S 05 ; ch. Nathaniel Conant b. 12 F 08, William Otis 2d b. 19 O 10 Cotter" JuUa Theresa b.a. 384 E. 18th St. Flatbush N. Y.f teacher (elocution) Crafts Florence Kate b.a. Bradford Vt. teacher (Eng, Latin) McGav/ normal inst. Reeds Ferry N. H. 05-06, Austin Tex. 06-07, Lexington Ky. 07-09, (Eng.) Avon N. Y. high sch. 09-10 Crawford Leslie Stafford b.a. (Mrs John Gale Hun) 132 Mercer st. Princeton N. J. jnry van Dyke; m. 26 Je 06; ch. Leslie Crawford b. 21 O 07, Eliza- private sec. to Henry van Dyke; beth Gale b. 9 Jl 09 Creighton^ Emilie b.a. (Mrs Albert Trowbridge Gould) 4 Avon St. Cambridge m. 23 D 09 Crossett Ruth Lewis b.a. (Mrs Russell Appleton) 31 Hereford st. Boston student Boston cooking sch. 04-05 ; m. 29 O 08 Cumming Mary Emma b.a. (now Mary Cumming Humstone) 213 Hancock st. Brooklyn N. Y. Cuseck Ellen Frances b.a. (Mrs James T. Connolly) 142 State st. Newburyport m. 29 Je 04; ch. Ruth Eleanore b. 8 F 07, Helen b. 19 F 09 Cushing Edna b.a. 50 Munn av. East Orange N. J. Dana Elizabeth Mabel b.a. 17 Harrington av. Worcester Dana Marion b.a. 26 Madison st. Rutland Vt. teacher Brandon Vt. high sch. 06-08, Rut- land high sch. 08-10 Davenport Sarah Bertha b.a. 437 Main st. Greenfield teacher Hampstead N. H. high sch. 04-05, Conway Mass. high sch. 09 — Davis Corinne Woodward b.a. (Mrs Leonard Gansevoort Bradley) 1732 E. First St. Duluth Minn. m. 18 O 05; ch. Mary Ten Eyck b. 19 N 08, Leonard Gansevoort jr b. 28 Mr 10 Davis"^ Fannie Stearns b.a. 116 South St. Pittsfield student (music) Boston; teacher (Eng.) Kemper hall Kenosha Wis. 06-07 Day Hazel Sanderson b.a. (Mrs George Willis Pike) 5 Madison av. Springfield m. 20 O 04 Dean Agnes Louise b.a. 106 E. 24th St. Minneapolis Minn. Denham^ Annie Turton b.a. (Mrs Charles William Pimper) Primrose, Chevy Chase Md. grad. Washington normal ach. 05; teacher Washington D. C. pub. sch. 05-Ja 07; m. 9 Ja 07; ch. Charles William jr b. 20 My 08 Dill Emma Hansell b.a. (Mrs Gordon Grand) 39 Hampton terrace Orange N. J. student (women's business law) N. Y. univ. law sch. 06-07 ; m. 14 Ja 09 Dinsmore Mabel Lee b.a. 225 W. 109th St. New Yorkf Douglas" Gertrude Elizabeth b.a. 104 Vernon st. Gardner M.A. 07 Cornell; student (botany) Cornell 05-06, summer of 06; teacher Pa. inst. for the deaf Mount Airy 04-05, Newark N. Y. high sch. D 06-08, Randolph-Macon wo- man's col. Lynchburg Ya. 09-10 Dunlop Hannah b.a. (Mrs Barrett Clendenin Andrews) Lawrence park Bronxville N. Y. m. 18 Je 06 Duryee Margaret Elmendorf b.a. 139 E. 36th St. New YorkJ Dutcher Mary Stranahan b.a. (Mrs Otis Swan Carroll) 39 Pierrepont st. Brooklyn N. Y. director Little Italy settlement Brooklyn; m. 16 N 10 Ehrich Lilian Ida b.a. (Mrs Charles A. Riegelman) 22 Melrose pi. Montclair N. J. student Barnard 02-03, Columbia 04-05; m. 14 Ap 06 ; ch. Carol b. 23 S 09 Emerson Marguerite Eliza b.a. 395 Broadway Cambridge 1904] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 143 England" Josephine Winifred b.a. (Mrs F. Howard Covey) Great Neck Lon^ Island N. Y. prin. daily vacation bible sch. New York summers of 03, 04, 05, 06; teacher Mrs Mead's sch. for girls Norwalk Ct. 04-05; tutor Alder Creek N. Y. 05-06; settlement worker Christodora house New York 06-08 ; investigator for Nat. child labor com. sum- mer of 07; prin. private sch. Great Neck 08-10; m. 16 Je 08 Estabrook Margaret Clarissa b.a. 29 Longwood av. Brookline diploma 05 Boston normal sch; teacher 05-06 Evans" Louise b.a. Hyde Park hotel Chicago Ill.t Field Mary Bates b.a. 85 Montview st. West Roxbury Fowler Ernestine b.a. (Mrs William Harold Adamson) 100 Ridge st. Glens Falls N. Y. m. 29 Ap 08; ch. Ernestine b. 12 Ap 10 Fuller Louise Stetson b.a. 150 Elm St. Northampton M.A. 05 Columbia; student Columbia (hist, economics, educ.) 04-05, fellow (hist.) Smith 06-07; reader (hist.) Smith 07 — ; mem. Amer. hist, soc, Nat. geog. soc. Garrison Eleanor b.l. 45 Percy road Lexington M.A. 06 Radcliffe; asst Agassiz museum 06— Gauthier Carrie Addie b.a. 47 Connecticut blvd East Hart- ford Ct. student New York sch. of philanthropy summer of 06; teacher 04-06; visitor Pa. soc. to protect children from cruelty Phila- delphia 06-07, Charity organization soc. Hartford Ct. Jl 07-.Ja 08; probation officer Hartford city police court Ja 08 — Geballe PauHne I. b.a. Salamanca N. Y.f teacher Honest Hill N. Y. district sch. Gilbert" Emily Lindsley b.l. c/o Judge Gilbert Portland Ore.f Gilligan** Annie Louise b.a. 72 Pearl st. Holyoke teacher (hist.) Holyoke high sch. 04 — Gilman Margaret Ellsworth b.a. 327 FrankHn st. Newton B.S. 07 Simmons col; student Simmons col. lib. sch. 04-05; asst libn Milton Mass. pub. hb. 05— Glazier" Laura Estella b.a. 3 Summer st. Hartford Ct.J teacher private sch. Hartford 04-05 Goode Edith Jeannette b.a. 1714.. N St. N..W. Washington D. C. Goodwin Carrie [Carolyn] Maria b.l. (Mrs Lawrence G. Brubaker) Eugene Ore.f m. 28 S 09 Graefe Elizabeth Theresa b.l. 1225 Columbus av. Sandusky O. Greenhalgh Grace Lenore b.a. (Mrs Walter A. Eversman) 124 Prescott st. Toledo O. m. 25 Je 10 Gregory Anne Chapman b.a. 237 Walnut av. Roxbury Gross« Dorothea b.a. (Mrs Arthur F. Ells) 42 Holmes av. Waterbury Ct.f Hall Helen Annette b.a. 8 Summit av. Winchester teacher Collegiate inst. Paterson N. J. 06, Laconia N. H. high sch. 08 Hamilton Mary b.a. 35 Fruit st. Worcester student Worcester art museum sch. 07-10 Hamlin Margaret Ruth Pomeroy b.a. 116 Main st. Easthampton Harlow Grace Evelyn b.a. (Mrs Charles Willard Bray) Chicopee Falls asst libn Clarke lib. Northampton Mr 06-10; m. 14 S 10; mem. A.C.A. Harrington Julia Gertrude b.a. Ware official tutor (Latin) Smith 04-05, aast 05- 09 Harris Elsie Milne b.l. (Mrs Harvey R. Durbin) Cement Tex. m. 16 O 06; ch. Gilbert Harris b. 10 Ag 07, Dorothy Milne b. 27 D 08 Haworth^ Grace Elizabeth b.l. (Mrs Abraham Malcolm Kershaw) Laurel ville O. teacher Kearny sch. New York 04-05, Nutley N. J. sch. inc. 05-09 ; m. 26 O 09 Haynes Muriel Sturgis b.l. Augusta Me. mem. A.C.A. Hazen Ethel Augusta b.a. (Mrs Walter Huston Lillard) Andoverf student (zoology) Dartmouth summer sch. 04; asst to Pres. Tucker's sec. Dartmouth 05-06; m. 5 S 07; ch. Walter Huston jr b. 14 Jl 08 Hendrick Ruby Edna b.a. (Mrs Warren T. Newcomb) 451 E. 4th St. Brooklyn N. Y. student Paris univ. 99-00, N. Y. state lib. sch. N 04-Mr 05 ; m. 20 O 08 144 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1904 Henry Eugenia May b.a. Oxford, Warren co. N. J. B.L.S. 06 N. Y. state lib. scli; student N. Y. state lib. sch. 04-06 ; asat libn Clark univ. 06-07, libn Attleboro Mass. pub. lib. 07 — ; mem. A.L.A. Higgins" Olive Chapin b.l. (Mrs Lewis Isaac Prouty) 1806 Beacon st. Brookline student (Eng.) Radcliffe 07; m. 12 Je 07; ch. Jane Chapin b. 20 O 09 Hildreth Ellen Elizabeth b.a. 6 Linnaean st. Cambridge Hiss Sophie Knowlton b.a. 107 Lancaster st. Albany N. Y. B.L.S. 06 N. Y. state lib. sch; student N. Y. state lib. sch. 04-06; asst cataloger N. Y. state lib. 06-07, asst libn Smith 07- 08, reviser of cataloging Rochester N. Y. theol. sera, summer of 08, catalog libn Cleveland O. pub. lib. 08 — ; mem. A.L.A. Hixon Maria Louise b.a. (Mrs Harvey Field Newhall) 51 Nahant st. Lynn m. 6 D 06 Hollow ay Metta Josephine b.a. (Mrs Edward Cairns) 384 Welling st. Richmond Hill Long Island N. Y. m. 15 Je 07; ch. Elizabeth Josephine b. 25 Ap 09 Hotchkiss Margaret Linton b.l. (Mrs Raymond Eugene Streit) 57 Willow St. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 11 Ja 06 ; ch. Margaret Linton b. 2 Mr 07, William Hotchkiss b. 18 N 09 Howe Lora Agnes b.a. (Mrs William Lane Robinson) Mt Vernon O. m. 12 S 10 Howes"^ Caroline Bradford b.a. Hanover student (art) Museum of fine arts Boston 05-08 Hudson" Anna Sophia b.l, (Mrs Linus Worthington Bagg) 76 Elizabeth av. Newark N. J. m. 23 O 07 Irving Charlotte Bertha Augusta B.L. 102 Henderson av. New Brighton, Staten Island N. Y. student (medieval hist, hist, of educ.) Coltunbia 06-07, New York sch. of philan- thropy summer of 08; mem. New York visiting com. State charities aid assn 07 — Jackson Elizabeth Robinson b.l. 1101 Washington st. Wilmington Del. James Mary Lois b.a. 607 E. Genesee st. Syracuse N. Y. M.A. 06; scholar (zoology) Woods Hole Mass. summer of 04, fellow Smith 05-08; asst Smith 06-07 Kellogg^ Johnson Hilda Sherman b.a. (Mrs Ernest Truslow) Short Hills N. J. m. 11 S 06; ch. Ann b. 1 My 08 Johnson^ Phila Borden b.a. (Mrs Lawrence Burroughs Burck) 665 Wilshire pi. Los Angeles Cal. m. 6 S 05; ch. Gail Johnson (son) b. 20 S 06, Barbara b. 1 My 08, Lawrence Burroughs jr b. 22 Mr 10 ♦Johnson Ruth Anne b.a. (Mrs Henry Clinton Newell) m, 12 .11 04; d. U5 Jones Alice Martin b.a. 69 N. Pine av. Albany N. Y. teacher Ogontz sch. Pa. 04-06, Girls classi- cal sch. Pasadena Cal. 06-08, Wilmington high sch. 08-10 Jones Eleanor Poor b.a. 225 Mill St. Haverhill Jouett Priscilla [Pearl] b.a. 21 Forest st Cambridge student Simmons col. lib. sch. 04-05 Keeney Flora Strong b.a. 932 Beach st. FUnt Mich. teacher Flint high sch. Georgina'B.L. 29 N. Benton av. Helena Mon.J student (French, German) Paris 04-05 Kemlo Elizabeth Wilson b.a. 151 W. 93d St. New York teacher (French, math.) Poughkeepsie N. Y. high sch. 04-07, (French, Eng.) Misses Anable's sem. New Brunswick N. J. 07-10; church visitor and pastor's asst Lenox av. collegiate church New York 10 — Ketcham Anna Marie b.a. 1806 H St. N. W. Washington D. C. D.O. 07 Phila. col. of osteopathy; practis- ing physician 07 — ; mem. Amer. osteo- pathic assn. Keys Adele b.l. 42 W. 38th St. New York grad. Warren sch. for lip reading and articu- lation Kidder" Edith Maynard b.a. (Mrs Ripley Lyman Dana) 34 Westboume road Newton Center m. 4 Je 08 Kimberly Msiry Emma b.a. (Mrs Elbert Walker Shirk) 1318 16th St. Bedford Ind. m. 7 Mr 05 Kincaid** Anna Douglas b.a. Hatton Grange, Albemarle co. Va.t student Univ. of Cal. 01-03, N. Y. state lib. sch. 04-Mr 05 1904] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 145 Kingsbury Edith Wheeler b.a. (Mrs William Harry Watson) 69 School St. Keene N. H. teacher Keene high sch. 05-08; m. 23 Jl 08; ch. Frederick Kingsbury b. 1 1 My 09 Knox Addie Louise b.l. (Mrs Leverett Dale Bristol) 897 Goodrich ay. St Paul Minn. teacher first grade primary Miss Wheeler's sch. Hartford Ct. 04-06; m. 27 Je 07; ch. Corabelle b. 2.5 Ap 08; mem. A.C.A. Knox Gertrude Emma b.a. 10 Watchung av. Upper Mont- clair N. J. student (pedagogy) Teachers col. 03-04; teacher elementary dept Knox sch. Lake- wood N. J. 04-08, private teacher New York 09, asst Miss Knox's sch. Upper Montclair 10 Lake Margaret Randolph b.l. 1708 Ridge av. Evanston III. Lane Martha Grace b.a. 15 Piedmont st. Worcester teacher (ancient and modem lang, Eng.) Leland and Gray sem. Townshend ,Vt. 04- 06, (Greek, Latin) Leland univ. New Orleans La. 06-10 Leatherbee Margaret Rhodes b.a. (Mrs Clifford H. Kendal) 617 W. 152d St. New York student (domestic science) Simmons col. 04-05; teacher (cooking) Miss Winsor's sch. Boston 06-08; m. 28 N 08; ch, Robert Leatherbee b. 1 F 10 Levy Elsa Katherine b.l. 1110 Grand av. Milwaukee Wis. mem. A.C.A. Lockey Frances Lord b.a. 69 West St. Leominster student Fitchburg normal sch; teacher (Latin) Leominster high sch. 05 — London Lucie Smith b.l. (Mrs Hansen Moore) 2412 Western av. Los Angeles Cal. m. 2 Ja 07 Lothrop Alice Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Frederic Foster Lincoln) Woonsocket R. L student (sec. course) Simmons col. 06; m. 11 Mr 09 Lovett" Florance Emilie b.a. (Mrs Walter Frank Bathricle) 61 Shurtleff st. Chelsea teacher Prattville training sch. 04-05, Beverly high sch. S-D 05; m. 16 D 06 Lupton Belle Corwin b.l. (Mrs Otis Grey Pike) Riverhead N. Y.f m. 22 Je 10 Lyman** Helen b.a. 42 High St. Greenfield Mabie Helen Rockwell b l. 3 Fernwood road Summit N. J. McBride"' Maud Walker b.a. 305 Merrick av. Detroit Mich. teacher Fayetteville W. Va. acad. high sch, 04-05, (Eng.) Detroit Mich, high sch. 06-10; mem. A.C.A. MacCarthy Alice Mary b.a. 83 N. Main st. North Brookfield teacher (math.) Reading Pa. girls high sch. McCluney Mildred b.a. 4427 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo. McKeighan Mabel b.a. (Mrs James McCluney) 179 E. Chestnut st. Chicago 111. m. 24 Ap 05 McKelvey Katherine Isabella b.a. (Mrs Charles Frederick Owsley) Torfoot, Youngstown O. m. 7 S 05; ch. Katherine b, 12 8 06, Richard Poyntz b. 13 F 08, Charles Henry 2d b. 14 SIO Mansfield Anna Carter b.a. 31 Avon St. Wakefield teacher Wakefield 04-07, Waltham 07-10 Marble Helen Chase b.a. 28 Cedar st. Worcester Mason Elizabeth Washburn b.a. (Mrs Frank Clarence Howland) 160 S. Union st. Akron O. m. 7 Je 06; ch. Elizabeth May b. 7 My 07 Mason Margaret Mary b.a. (Mrs John Haire) Fort Dodge la. teacher (Latin) high sch; m. 10 Ap 07; ch. George Mason b. 29 D 08 Mead Annie Kimball b.a. (Mrs Thomas Jasper Hammond) 233 Elm St. Northampton m. 26 Ap 05 Meding Elsie Ad^le b.a. Paterson N. J.f teacher (German) Mendell Margaret Beauvais b.l. (Mrs Coert Du Bois) c/o U. S. forest service Sansalito Cal. m. 2 Ag 10; mem. A.C.A. Merchant Abby Shute b.a. Gloucester]- on Munsey editorial board 04-06, editor Craftsman 09, Smith & Street publications O09— Mills Ruth Alice b.a. 126 Apple ton av. Pittsfield teacher Pittsfield high sch. 06-10 Mitchell Edith Jane b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Allen Olds jr) Lawrence park Bronxville N. Y. m. 10 O 08; ch. Edward Allen 3d b. 14 N 09 146 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1904 Monaghan" Helen Cecelia b.a. (Mrs P. F. McDonough) 19 Murray st. New Britain Ct. teacher (Latin, German) Bristol Ct. high sch. 04-08; m. 23 S 08 Moore^ Annie Crayton b.a. 198 Beech st. Holyoke teacher Williamsburg Mass. 04-06, New York pub. sch. 06-10 Mosher" Delia Evelyn b.a. 918 W. 80th St. Los Angeles Cal. teacher San Pedro Cal. high sch. 06-09 Nash Margaret b.a. 2330 Euclid av. Cleveland O. teacher (hist, Eng.) St Helen's hall Port- land Ore. 05-08, Hathaway-Brown sch. Cleveland 09 — Nesmith Florence b.s. Andover road Lowell Newton Alice b.l. (Mrs Fred Hinch- liff) 487 Adams st. Chicago lU.t Nichols Margaret Foster b.l. (Mrs Poyntell Caldclaugh Staley) 613 13th St. Altoona Pa. asst Salvation army kindergarten New York 06-07; m. 25 Ap 08; ch. Poyntell Caldclaugh jr b. 11 Mr 10 Norris Grace May b.a. 283 Clifton st. Maiden student (violin); private tutor; mem. A.C.A. Northrop" Jessie Eastman b.a. (Mrs Marion Cragg Walston) 5 Crescent court, Wellington crescent Winnipeg Can. student (lit, French) Univ. of Minn. 05; teacher (Eng, Latin) Flandreau S. D. 06, Argyle Minn. 07; m. 12 Ap 09 Oakman"^ Fanny Davenport b.l. (Mrs Crosby B. Spinney) 141 Magnolia terrace Springfieldf teacher (Latin, German) Susquehanna collegiate inst. Towanda Pa. Olds" Edna Allen b.a. (Mrs Frank- lin Barber Pease) Guilford Me. m. 20 Je 06; ch. Allen Franklin b. 14 N 08 O'Loughlin" Anne Loretta b.a. 124 High St. WilHmantic Ct. teacher Hartford Ct. south sch. 04 — Paige Marion Bancroft b.l. (Mrs Eugene Walter Leake) 155 Belmont av. Jersey City N.J. m. 6 O 06 ; ch. Constance b. 29 Ja 08 Parker Elisabeth Abbott b.a. 238 N. Main st. Concord N. H. Parker" Fanny Little b.a. 933 Westminster st. Washington D. C. B.S. 07 Simmons col; student Simmons col. lib. sch. 04-05, (shorthand) Comer's commercial col. 06; lib. asst U. S. dept of agric. lib. Washington D. C. Jl 06— Partenheimer Louise Schuler b.a. 8 Leonard st. Greenfield teacher Greenfield high sch; asst Danbury lib. 05-07, Chicopee lib. 07-10, Greenfield lib. My 10— Peabody Helen b.l. (Mrs Roscoe Harris Goodell) 1400 Judson av. Evanston Ill.f Peck" Mary Langford b.a. 6 WiUard pi. Hudson N. Y. Ferine" Mary Lucinda b.a. (Mrs Fred Latimer Hadsel) Oxford O. teacher (Eng. lit.) Oxford col. 04-05, Albion Mich, high sch. 05-10; m. 7 Ap 10 Peters" Florence May b.a. 891 E. Broad st. Columbus O. student (domestic science) Univ. of O. 07-08; mem. A.C.A. Plaisted" Helen Florence b.a. 40 Vinal av. SomervilleJ Pomeroy Dorothy Emma b.l. (Mrs Benjamin DeLong Hilton) Weedsport N Y. studetit (kindergarten) Cortland N. Y. normal sch. 04-Mr 05; m. 10 S 07; ch. Lindsay Pomeroy b. 21 Jl 08, Katharine DeLong b. 16 Ja 10 Pond Mary Hattie b.a. (Mrs Mat- thew Albert Hunter) 10 Larch av. Troy N. Y.f student (French, German) Europe Porter Ethel Maude b.a. 374 Main st. Cumberland Mills Me. Prince Nellie Judith b.a. (Mrs Everett Herbert Baker) Wilmington Vt. teacher Wilmington Vt. intermediate sch. 04-D 05; m. 20 F 06; ch. Herbert Everett b. 8 Jl 07, Winthrop Prince b. 1 Mr 10 Prouty Marion Rice b.l. (Mrs Albert Van Voast Bensen jr) 15 W. 8th St. New York student Simmons col. 06-07; teacher Miss Brown's sch. Boston 07-09; m. 8 O 10 Purves Elinor Kennedy b.a. Princeton N. J. teacher Misses Tewksbury's sch. Briarcliff Manor N. Y. 06-07, Brearley sch. New York 07-08, (hist.) Miss Fine's sch. Princeton N. J. 08-10 Pusey Mary Hunter b.a. 28 W. 33d St. New York sec. Armstrong assn New York My 09 — Quigley Ellen Barrett b.l. (Mrs Sanford Sawin) Elsmere Del.t teacher Miss Sellers primary sch. Wilming- ton Del. Rand Winifred b.a. 54 Gainsboro st. Bostonf 1904] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 147 Reynolds Grace Potter b.a. 98 Bedford st. Stamford Ct. M.A. 05 Columbia; student (chem, phy- sics) Columbia 04-05, (chem, physics, math.) Bryn Mawr 08-10, resident fellow 08-09; asst (chem.) Smith 05-06, Barnard 06-08 Rising Rachael Emilie [Emily] b.l. (Mrs Harold Hopkins Woods) 298 Union st. Springfield m. 31 O 06 Robe Bertha Augusta b.l. (Mrs William Eltinge Conklin) 391 Central park W. New York m. 19 My 10 Robinson Katharine b.l. (Mrs Sam- uel Copp McCluney) 4728 McPherson av. St Louis Mo. m. 17 My 05; ch. Katharine b. 17 D 06, Samuel Copp jr b. 9 D 09 Robson Alice b.a. 135 Federal st. Salem Rogers^ Anna Frances b.a. Rochdale teacher (PVench) Oxford Mass. high sch. 04-06, Marlboro high sch. 07-10 Rowell Clara Alice b.l. 70 Methuen st. Lowell Russ Anna b.a. 327 Prescott av. Scranton Pa. private tutor 04-05; teacher (German, Eng.) Scranton technical high sch. 05 — Sanderson Essie [Esther] Josephine B.A. 11 Union st. Greenfield teacher (Eng, hist, Latin) St John Bap- tist sch. New York 04-07, private teacher Greenfield 07-08; general sec. S. C. A. C. W. Smith 08 — Sawtelle Margaret Elizabeth b.a. 18 Marshall st. Watertown student (French) Paris 05, (physics) Wel- lesley 09-10; teacher Miss Slater's sch. Lancaster Pa. 04-08, asst (physics) Wellesley 08-10 Scales Elizabeth Cayme b.a. 840 Kenesaw terrace Chicago IlLf Schenck" Ella Louise b.a. The Normandie Omaha Neb.| Seward^ Christine b.a. 416 Main st. Orange N. J. teacher Miss Spining's sch. South Orange N. J. 08-10 Sherman Cathleen Alberta b.a. Castleton Vt.J Small AUana Butler b.a. Cherryfield Me. teacher (Eng.) Poughkeepsie N. Y. high sch. 04-07, Asbury Park N. J. high sch. 07-10 Smith Lucy b.a. Leicester teacher Hanson Mass. grammar sch. 04-05, special teacher (Eng.) grade 4 San Juan P. R. 05-06. for all native teachers 06-07; editorial worker Bureau of plant industry U. S. dept of agric. Washington D. C. 07-10 Smith Phoebe Cook B.L. (Mrs Henry Warner Pierpont) 312 N. 21st St. Omaha Neb.f Smith Sybil Laura b.a. 129 Woodland av. Gardner student (chem, physiol.) Columbia summer sch. 06, 09 ; head (science dept) Capen sch. Northampton 04 — Snow Florence Homer b.a. 184 Elm St. Northampton sec. (biol. dept and general lib.) Mass. inst. of tech. Ja 05-Ag 07 ; general sec. Smith alum, assn Northamptor* 07 — Souther^ Marguerite b.l. 3 Revere st. Jamaica Plain Southworth Elisabeth Shepard b.a. (Mrs John Smith Harrison) Harcourt cottage Gambier O. student (chem, physics) Gottingen 04-05; tutor Gambier 05-07; m. 27 Je 07; ch. William Ogden d. 12 Mr 09, Ada Deane b. 3 Je 10 Stanton Natalie b.l. (Mrs Sidney Robinson Kennedy) 15 Clark st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 15 N 06 Stein Amy Esther b.a. (Mrs Jonas Hamburger) 1727 Bolton st. Baltimore Md.f ch. EHzabeth (class baby) Stern Edna Levi b.a. 428 State st. Schenectady N. Y. Pd.B. 05 State normal col. Albany; teacher Chatham N. Y. high sch. 05-07, Pough- keepsie high sch. 07-08 Swan"^ Ethel French b.a. 88 Woodland av. Gardner student Boston normal sch. 04-05; teacher Gardner high sch. Telling Elisabeth Irma b.l. 2120 Lincoln park W. Chicago 111. Thompson Nellie Emma b.a. Southbridge teacher (Latin) Southbridge high sch. 04- 07, Augusta Me. high sch. 07-10 Thresher Bertha Louise b.a. Williamsburg teacher pub. sch. Easthampton Mass. 04-05, 06-07, Waltham 07-09, Brookline 09-10; mem. N.E.A. Thurber Candace b.a. 49 Sidney pi. Brooklyn N. Y. student (comparative lit.) Columbia 1 yr; teacher (Eng.) Miss Townsend's sch. Newark N. J. 10; asst sec. Columbia 10 — ; 1. A.C.A. 148 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1904 Trull Evelyn b.a. (Mrs Edgar Asa Bates) 218 S. Mountain av. Montclair N. T. I. 28 Jf m. 28 Je 05; ch. Helen b. 1 Je 07 d. 4 Je 07, John Trull b. 28 S 08 Turner" Mary Ramsey b.a. 314 5th St. Marietta O. Upham Dorothy Quincy b.l. (Mrs Thomas Wayland Vaughan) 1721 Riggs pi. Washin^on D. C. m. 22 Mr 09 Vaile Florence Isabella b.a. 435 N. Grove av. Oak Park lU.J teacher Vaille" Edith Wolcott b.s. (Mrs Otis Weeks) c/o Utah copper co, Bingham Canyon Utali ch. Frederick Vaille b. 18 Ap 08, Eleanor b. 6 Ja 10 van Dyke Brooke b.a. (Mrs Hamil- ton Gibson) Berkshire school Sheffield m. 30 Je 08; ch. William Hamilton 3d b. 20 Ap 10 Van Kleeck Mary Abby b.a. 39^ Washington sq. New York student (sociology, econ.) Columbia 05-07; Smith and Col. settlements assn fellow New York 05-07; sec. Sea Breeze fresh air home of N. Y. assn for improving condition of poor summer of 04; industrial sec. Alliance employment bureau New York 07-09; sec. Com. on women's work Russell Sagefoimda- tion New York 09 — ; mem. A.C.A , Amer. econ. assn Varney Annie Katharine b.a. South Berwick Me. teacher (Latin, French) York Me. high sch. 06-09, (Latin) Berwick acad. 09-10 vom Baur Edith b.l. (Mrs LaRue Van Hook) 618 W. 114th St. New York sec. Charity organization New York 04-05; asst editor New Idea magazine 05-07, editor 07-08; journalist Berlm 08-09; m. 14 Je 10 Waite" Mary Alice b.a. 105 Elm St. Worcester teacher Upton Mass. high sch, Worcester classical high sch. 08-10 Waldo Virginia b.a. 201 Westmoreland av. Houston Tex. teacher Misses Waldo's sch. Houston 04-10 Walker Hope Newell b.a. (Mrs John Sheldon Barnes) 1512 Harlem av. Rockford 111. m. 28 F 07 Ware Olive b.a. 16 University hall Cambridge student (sec. course) Simmons col. 06-07; Erivate teacher Cadiz Spain 04-05; asst ead worker Hartford Ct. social settlement 05-06; sec. to Prof. W. C. Sabine Harvard 07-10 Warren Blanche Louise b.a. (Mrs Alfred Edward Alton) 500 N. Georee st. Rome N. Y. m. 3 Ap 06; ch. Jean Warren b. 12 My 08 Watson Margaret b.a. (Mrs Thomas Perry) 2 Margin st. Westerly R. I.f ch. Frances b. 17 Ja 10 Wells Dorothea b.a. 45 Hunnewell av. Newton private sec. Boston and Brookline Ja 05- Ag 07; asst registrar Wellesley 07-08, sec. to dean Wellesley 08 — Wemple Harriet Leona b.a. (Mrs McCormick Smetters) Butte Mon. m. 26 My 09 Winchester Una Marie b.a. (Mrs Henry Childs Wamock) 14 Taylor st. Holyoke m. 11 O 05; ch. Eunice Winchester b. 22 N 07, Winchester b. 14 S 09 « - Works Marion Stella b.a. 973 N. Main st. Rockford Ill.J Wright Ahce Berry b.a. (Mrs Frank Henry Teagle) 8418 EucHd av. Cleveland O. m. 6 Je 06; ch. John 2d b. 10 Mr 07, Helen Wright b. 10 My 09 Wright Alice Morgan b.a. 393 State st. Albany N. Y.f student (clay modeling) Art students league New York 04-05, Ecole des beaux arts Paris 09-10 Wright Annie May b.l. (Mrs James Albert Munroe) 97 University road Brookline student (music, Italian) W. L. Whitney sch. of music; m. 2 Je 08 ■■ ' Total 241-*2 Advanced Degrees Czarnomska M. Elizabeth J. m.a. Wilson col. Chambersburg Pa. prof. (Eng. lit.) Smith 88-04; honorary mem. Alum, assn Kapp Marie F. m.a. 43 Franklin st. Northampton prof. (German) Smith 80 — ; honorary mem. Alum, assn Peck Ludella L. m.a. Smith college Northampton prof, (elocution) Smith 82 — ; honorary mem Alum, assn 1904-05] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 149 Whipple Inez Luanne m.a. (Mrs Harris Hawthorne Wilder) 72 Dryads green Northampton Ph.B. 00 Brown; student Smith 00-04; asst and instructor (zoology) 02 — 1905 Abbot Helen Barbara b.a. (Mrs Roger Dearborn Lapham) Seattle Wash. m. 30 O 07; ch. Lewis Abbot b. 7 Mr 09, Carol b. llJe 10 Adler"' Eleanor Henriette b.a. 152 W. 77th St. New York student (educ, math.) Teachers col, (Enj?. lit.) Columbia 06-07, fellow Sch. of phil- anthropy Bureau of social research 07-08, 09-10; worker Col. settlement New York 05-06 Alden Annie Morse b.a. Camden Me. Babcock Elizabeth Theodora b.a. (Mrs Dwight Phelps Cruikshank jr) 312 Nelson st. Ottawa Can. teacher Morrisville N. Y. high sch. 05-06; m. 14 Je 06; ch. Donald Babcock b. 16 J107 Baine Helen Winifred b.a. (Mrs Deming W. Isaacson) Hot Springs ranch Pool via Ben- son Ariz, m. 18 Jl lo; Bannard Florence Spears b.a. (Mrs Francis Adams jr) Winnetka 111. m. 25 S 09 Barclay" Inez Hunter b.a. 30 Hawley terrace Yonkers N. Y. teacher Shippen sch. for girls Lancaster Pa. 05-09, San Luis sch. Colorado Springs Col. 09-10 Beattie Grace May b.a. (Mrs Charles Edward Hardies) 290 Guy Park av. Amsterdam N. Y. m. 21 O 08 Beebe" Katherine Martin b.a. 4 Franklin terrace Hyde Park teacher Plainfield N. J. 06-10 Bemis" Florence Louise b.a. Charlemont teacher Arms acad. Shelbume Falls Mass. 05-06, Miss Dana's sch. Morristown N. J. 06-10 Bigelow Ruth Tracy b.a. (Mrs John Watson Christie) 1362 E. Long st. Columbus O. m. 28 Jl 09; ch. Catharine b. 12 Jl 10 Billings Hannah Louisa b.a. Hatfield teacher Newton Mass. high sch. 05-06, demonstrator (physics) Smith 06-08, asst 08— Blodgett Ruth Robinson b.a. 35 Williams st. Brookline Bourland" Julia Preston b.a. (Mrs George Arthur Clark) Peoria 111. teacher (biol.) Bradley polytechnic inst. Peoiia 05-06; m. 5 O 06; ch. Dorothy Preston b. 14 Ap 08 Bradley^ Alma Christy b.a. (Mrs John Harland Rush) 2298 Murray Hill road Cleveland O. teacher (vocal culture, dramatic interpre- tation, athletics) Hathawav-Brown sch. Cleveland O; m. 8 S 08; ch. Jane b. 18 Ag09 Bragg Florence Margaret b.a. (Mrs Edward Stetson Paine) Box 117 San Juan P. R. m. 12 S 07: ch. Edward Bragg b. 14 O 09 Brimson" Alice Worthington [Smith] b.a. 426 W. 62d st. Chicago 111. Brooks Bertha Phelps b.a. (Mrs Oren Elisha Parks) 111 N. Elm St. Westfield student Springfield Mass. business sch. 05-06; teacher Springfield Mass. business sch. S-D 06 ; asst registrar Smith Ja-Je 07 ; teacher (commercial course) Hyde Park Mass. high sch. 07-N 09; m. 29 D 09 Brooks Ethel Wallace b.a. (Mrs Harold Cheney) Pembroke N. H. m. 14 S 07; ch. Helen b. 16 My 08 Brown Eleanor Hinkley b.a. (Mrs Warren Appleton Whitney) 8 Trowbridge road Worcester teacher Kimball sch. Worcester 07-08; m. 22 Ar» 09 ; ch. George Clarkson 2d b. 28 S 10 Brown" Grace Adella b.a. 939 Washington st. Newtonville clerk Newton treasurer's office Ag 06 — Bruce Lucy Helen b.a. (Mrs James Loomis) Granby Ct.f Brumley Joan Duane b.a. (Mrs William Orchard Cooper) 180 Central av. East Orange N. J. m. 21 O 09 BuUis Ruth Nancy b.a. (Mrs Gil- bert Greene Dickerman) 55 Kent road Duluth Minn. sec. Kenwood inst. Chicago 05-06; m. 19 D 06; ch. Charles Edwin b. 20 O 07, Kent b. 15 Ja 09; mem. A.C.A. Bumham Ella Kellogg b.a. 2117 Independence blvd Kansas City Mo. Bumham Marv Cxenevieve b.a. 932 E. 50th St. Chicago 111. 150 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1905 Burpee Ethel Theodate b.a. Lakeport N. H. teacher Newbury Vt. hiRh sch. 05-06, La- conia N. H. pub. sch. 06-07, prin. Bristol high sch. 07-10 Campbell^ Mary Alice b.a. 289 Arlington av. Jersey City N.J. M.A. 09 Columbia. M.E. 09 Teachers col; student (sociology) Columbia 07, 09, (educ.) Teachers col. 08-09; teacher New York juvenile farm sch. summer of 05, Hasbrouck inst. Jersey City N. J. 05-10, teacher (na- ture study) and camp councilor Winona Fields camp Holderness N. H. summers 07, 08, 09; mem. Amer. nature study soc. Capen Julie Edna b.a. (Mrs John Henry Lapham) 17 Battery pi. New York m. 7 O 08; ch. John b. 17 O 09 CatHn'* Evelyn Esta b.a. (Mrs Christian Grolzinger) Rowley teacher Hill N. H. grammarjsch. spring of 06; m. 4S 07 Chapin Edith b.a. 102 Pond St. Natick Chase Charlotte Goldsmith b.a. 205 Quincy st. Brooklyn N. Y. asst (Eng.) Brooklyn girls high sch. Chick Mabel b.a. 347 Beacon st. Boston mem. A.C.A. Childs" Julia b.a. (Mrs Charles Tamlin Brimson) 1114 Armour blvd Kansas City Mo. m. 7O08 Childs Muriel Worthington b.a. (Mrs Walter A. Dyer) 65 Greenwich st. Hempstead N. Y. private tutor New York 05-07; m. 1 Je 07 Clapp" Grace Lucretia b.a. Windsor Locks Ct. M.A. 07; student (botany) Smith 05-06, fellow 06-07, student (botany) Chicago univ. 07-09, fellow 09-10 Clark Clara Sherman b.a. 619 Pleasant st. Belmont Clark Hilda Goulding b.a. 2 Oliver st. Salem pastor's asst Tabernacle church Ja08— Salem (Mrs Clark Mary Paddock b.a. Samuel Bass Elbert) Yerington Nev. M. Di. 08 la state teachers col; teacher Des Moines la. grammar sch. 08-09, (hist, math.) North high sch. 09-10; m. 14 Ap 10 Clarke** Elizabeth Dunton b.a. (Mrs Robert Longfellow Williams) 30 Waban Hill road Chestnut Hill Christian science practitioner Boston 07 — ; m. 23 Ap 09; ch. Myrtle b. 20 xMr 10 Clarke Helen b.a. 33 Washington st. Newton Clarke"^ [Clark] Katharine b.a. (Mrs Frederick Hill) 36 Clark st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 17 O 08 Clay" Martha Elliot b.a. 160 S. Union st. Grand Rapids Mich.t Coe Elizabeth Hamilton b.a. 26 Richards st. Worcester teacher Oxford Mass. high sch. 06-08, prep, sch. Worcester 08 — Colby" Helen Louise b.a. 578 E. Broadway South Boston teacher (hist.) New Britain Ct. 05-08, (hist, Eng.) Cohasset Mass. 08 — ColUer Amy Evelyn b.a. (Mrs James McDowell Patterson) 66 Parkway Chelsea m. 29 My 07 Collin Louise Park b.a. (Mrs Henry Ernst Haws) 143 E. 7th St. Plainfield N. J. teacher (Latin, hist.) St Louis Mich, high sch. 05-06, (Latin) Ehnira N. Y. free acad. 06-08; m. 14 O 09 Coney Ruth Eaton b.a. (Mrs Alex- ander Vinton Roe) 2 W. 86th St. New York student (German) Teachers col. 05-06; teacher Dearborn-Morgan sch. Orange N. ,1. 07-08; m. 10 F 09; ch. NataUe McDean b. 24 Ja 10 Cook Ruth Anna b.a. 52 Saratoga av. Cohoes N. Y. Pd.B. 07 N. Y. state normal col; student (collegiate course) N. Y. state normal col. 06-07; teacher N. Y. state normal col. 07 — Creevey" EHzabeth Hale b.a. 215 W. Jersey st. Elizabeth N. J. Curtis Alice Johnson b.a. (Mrs Frank Erastus Mansfield) 3 High St. Camden Me. m. 19 N 07 Danforth"^ Alice Foster b.a. 163 Westminster st. Springfield teacher (Latin, math.) Worthington Mass. high-grammar sch. 06-07, Huntington high sch. 07-10 Darling Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Ernest Thompson Hethrington) Bradford Vt. teacher Brandon high sch. 05-07, Newbury grammar sch. 08-09 ; m. 26 Ja 10 1905] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 151 Davidson Clara Willoughby b.a. Pleasantville Venango co. Pa. M.A. 08; fellow (Biblical lit.) Smith 07-08; student (biblical lit, hist.) Chicago univ. divinity sch. 08-09 ; mem. A.C. A, Religious educ. assn Day Alice Wilder b.a. 139 Mt Vernon st. Fitchburg teacher (German, Latin) Chelton Hills sch. Wyncote Pa. 05-06, (German) Fitchburg high sch. 08-10 Day Edna Frances b.a. (Mrs George Hubbard Blakeslee) 24 Richards st. Worcester m. 30 Mr 10 De La Vergne Katharine b.a. (Mrs Archibald Ewing Stevenson) 9 E. 39th St. New York m. 27 Ap 10 Dice Elizabeth Lind b.a. 19 W. 2d St. Portsmouth O. student Weimar German v; teacher (Ger- man, Latin) Portsmouth high sch. 06-10 Dodge" Louise b.a. (Mrs Chester Leland Whitaker) 103 Union av. Mt Vernon N. Y. diploma 06 Boston normal sch; substitute teacher Boston normal sch. Mr-Je 06; m. 14 O 07 Donohoe Marie Lois b.a. 28 Johnson st. Lynn Donovan"^ Grace Dorothy b.a. 256 Branch st. Lowell student Lowell training sch. 05-06; teacher Lowell pub. sch. Donovan" Marianna Louise b.a. 256 Branch st. Lowell student Lowell state normal sch. 05-06; teacher George junior Republic, Freeville N. Y. 06-08 Eckerson Sophia Hennion b.a. 170 Stevens av. Mt Vernon N. Y. M.A. 07; fellow (botany) Smith 05-06, student Chicago univ. 09 — ; demonstrator Smith 06-08, asst 08-09; mem. A.C.A. Emerson Ella May b.a. Winchester teacher Winchester 07 — Emerson Emily Sophia b.a. Hanover N. H. private sec. to dean of Dartmouth Erwin Myra b.a. 295 McKinley av. Salem O. Evans" Alice b.a. 1739 Washington blvd Chicago 111. Fairchild Kate Kellogg b.a. 2200 First av. S. Minneapolis Minn.t Farman" Nell Day b.a. 30 Cross St. Jamestown N. Y. teacher private sch. Jamestown 06-08, high sch. 09-10 Ferrell** Abigail Lucy b.a. 32 Tudor st. Chelsea Fisher Florence Lyon b.a. Lyons Falls Lewis co. N. Y. Flather Beatrice Grace b.a. 269 Main st. Nashua N. H. Forest Katherine b.a. 846 7th av. New Yorkf Frank" Marion Benney b.a. 7 Thane st. Dorchesterf Freeman Elizabeth (Mrs Edwin Hoyt Peirce) 57 Richmond av. Worcester m. 26 S 07; ch. EUzabeth b. 2 Ag08, Louise b. 13 My 10 FuUerton"- Pauline Valentine b.a. 41 Park row New Yorkf Gallagher Ruth Everett b.a. 34 Russell st. Milton Gary Marion b.a. 94 Grove st. Rutland Vt. tutor 05-07; asst Killington nat. bank svunmers 06-09 Gay Ingovar b.a. 434 2d av. Mt Vernon N. Y. clerk New London Ct. savings bank 06-10 Gill Isabella Rachel b.a. 228 W. Logan sq. Philadelphia Pa. M.A. 07 Univ. of Pa; student (Eng. lit, Eng. philol, philos.) Univ. of Pa. 05—; teacher (Eng.) Philadelphia evening high sch. for women 05-07, asst (geog.) Phila. normal sch. 07 — Gray" Jessie Callam b.a. 121 N. Linden av. E. E. Pitts- burg Pa. student (music, German) Leipzig Ja-Ag 06 Green" Susan Allen b.a. 20 Elm St. Worcester M.A. 06 Chicago vmiv; student (botany) Woods Hole Mass. marine lab. summer Oi6, (botany, zoology, physiol, chem.) Chicago univ. 05-06, summers 07, 08; head (biol. dept) Maryville Tenn. col. 06 — Gross Helen Clarissa b.a. 840 Asylum av. Hartford Ct. Guilfoil" Rose Veronica b.a. 76 Pleasant st. Northamptonf Hackett Bertha b.a. 74 Highland av. Newtonville Hall Lucy Pond b.a. 135 Hildreth st. Lowell teacher Newport Vt. high sch. 05-08, Rochester N. H. high sch. Ja-Ap 10 152 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1905 Harding Linda b.a. Derby Line Vt. teacher Stanstead col. Rock Island 111. S-D 06, Kingsthorpe.sch. Hamilton Ont. Ja-Je 09 Harris"^ Verna Rogene b.a. 1316 Judson av. Evanston III. teachers cert. 06 Amer. conservatory of music; student (music, piano) Amer. con- servatory of music Chicago 05-06; tutor and teacher (piano) 09-10 Hastings Mary Wilhelmina b.a. (Mrs Herbert Edwin Bradley) 6425 Jackson av. Chicago Ill.t m. Je 10 Hastings" Myra b.a. Hanover N. H. teacher Littleton Mass. high sch. 05-07, Hanover high sch. 07 — Hill Pansy Alice b.a (Mrs Herbert Russell Morss) 75 Seminary av. Rahway N. J. teacher Varney grammar sch. Manchester N. H. 05-06, Pierce sch. North Attleboro Mass. 06-07; m. 4 My 08 Hirth Emma Pauline b.a. 76 Jefferson st. Hartford Ct. teacher (German) Hartford high sch. 06- Ja 07 ; sec. to Faculty com. on recommenda- tions Smith 08-09 Holden Alice Margaret b.a. 17 Beeching st. Worcester sec. Dept of econ. and Division of hist, and political science Harvard 06 — Hollister" Mary Lois b.a. 382 West av. Rochester N. Y. Hooker Evelyn Russell b.a. 3639 Reading road Cincinnati O. Hopkins Alice Lucile b.a. 23 Lancaster st. Cambridge student Boston normal sch. 05-06, Simmons col. Ub. sch. 07-D8; teacher Winchester Mass. grammar and high sch. 06-07; asst libn Radclifle OS- Hyde Marietta Adelaide b.a. St Johnsville N. Y. teacher high sch. Hornell N. Y. 05-07, Lorain O. 07-09, Cleveland 09-10 Irwin Kathrvn [Katherine] Louise B.A. 83' Yale st. Bridgeport Ct. teacher Lauralton hall Milford Ct. 06-08, Bridgeport high sch. 08-10 Jackson Adeline Louise b.a. 125 S. Grove st. East Orange N. J. Jenks Mildred Dean b.a. 1 Center st. Adamsf Johnson** Alice Hannah b.a Mountain st. Worcester teacher 05 — , (math.) Worcester south high sch. 08 — Johnson Florence Edna b.a. (Mrs Arthur Nelson Collins) Austin Minn. m. 24 O 08; ch. Elizabeth Mead b. 15 Ar 09 Johnson Marcia Pratt b.a. Box 42 Orlando Fla. private tutor 05-07, teacher (Greek, nlath.) Cathedral sch. for girls Orlando D 07- My 09, vice prin. 09-My 10 Johnson Ruth Baird b a. 1324 E. Broad st. Columbus O King" Annie Marion b.a. (Mrs David Cowan Caesar) 10 Gardiner st. Newport R. I. m. 21 Jl 09 Kingsley Louise b.a. Brooklyn Windham co. Ct. student (pedagogy) Columbia summer sch. 07; teacher Washington 05-06, 09 — , Garrison on Hudson N. Y. 06-08, New York 08-09 Kitchell Harriet Tyrrell b.a. 48 Church st. Bethlehem Pa. student (physical training, dancing) Co- lumbia summer of 08 ; private tutor 06-08 ; teacher (physical training) Bishopthorpe .sch. South Bethlehem 08-09 Kurtz Lucy b.a. (Mrs Charles Al- fred Barnett) Union st. Glenbrook Ct. m. 2 D 05; ch. Nancy Catherine b. 27 S 06 Laughney** Elsie Allen b.a. 9 Durham st. Boston agent Boston children's aid soc. 05 — Lauter Sara b.a. 608 E. 13th St. Indianapolis Ind. Lawlor Alice Teresa b.a. (Mrs John P. Kirby) 336 Springfield st. Chicopee teacher McAlister Okla; m. 12 S 00; ch. Teresa Mary b. 17 N 07 Lincoln Nancy Louise b.a. (Mrs Leonard Wheeler Newell) Foxboro teacher (hist, algebra) Milford N. H. high sch. 05-06, Fairhaven Mass. high sch. 06-07; m. 10 D 07 Lockwood" Margery b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Henry Le Massena) Glen Ridge N. J. m. 18 My 09 Lord Florence b.a. 5450 Cornell av. Chicago 111. Lothrop Margaret Mulford b.a. Concordf Lovell" Bertha Chace b.a. 654 High St. Fall River teacher (Eng.) Searles high sch. Great Barrington Mass. 05-07; mem. A.C.A. Macdonald Lucy Esther b.a. 91 Mercer st. Princeton N. J.f 1905] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 153 Mansfield Bertha Dalrymple b.a. (Mrs William Edward Chamber- lain) 13 Garfield av. Medford teacher Miss Kearney's sch. for boys New York 05-06; m. 12 My 08 Mason Elsie Leonard b.a. (Mrs Alger Wheeler Powell) Ghent N. Y. m. 20 D 05 : ch. Charles Mason b. 16 O 06, Elizabeth Marcia b. 8 Je 10 Maxson Ruth Potter b.a. 661 W. 7th St. Plainfield N. J. Mayer Elsa Sarah b.a. 156 W. 86th St. New York student (econ.) Sch. of philanthropy 08 Megie^ Dagmar Louise b.a. (Mrs George William Ross) Boonton N. J.f m. 23 O 09 Moulton Elizabeth Morrison b.a. (Mrs John Routt Reigart) Nashwauk Minn, teacher Polo 111. 05-06, Ishpeming Mich. 06-07, Duluth Minn. 07-Ja 09; ni. 27 F 09 Murray Jessie b.a. c/o Col. C. H. Murray Columbus Barracks O. mem. A.C.A. Myers Alice b.a. 1301 Center st. Newton Center Nisbet Agnes Emma b.a. (Mrs Alfred W. Mellowes) Belle vue av. Dayton O. m. 8 Je 09 North Marguerite Field b.a. 604 Chapel st. New Haven Ct. mem. Alliance fran^aise Norwell Helen Hunter b.a. 5 Abbott St. Nashua N. H. teacher (Eng.) Nashua high sch. 06-07. 08-Mr 10 Noyes Katherine^-Cole b.a. (Mrs Donald Roderick McLennan) 920 Lincoln park blvd Chicago 111. ^ m. 14 F 06; ch. Jane b. 25 D 06, Donald Roderick jr b. 28 F 08 Ober Alice May b.a. Nashua N. H. M.A. 07 Columbia; student (educ, domes- tic science) Columbia 05-07 ; teacher (cook- ing) elementary sch. New York 07 — ; mem. Amer. home economics assn O'Malley Elizabeth Gertrude b.a. 269 Calle Bambang. Manila P. I.f Osgood^ Leslie b.a. 29 Faulkner st. Maiden student (Bible, sociology) Sec. training inst. Chicago 07; extension and industrial sec. Y. W. C. A. Camden N. J. 07— Page^ Bertha Benson b.a. (Mrs Carl Williams Smith) 217 Vaughan st. Portland Me. teacher Old Town high sch. 05-06, asst prin. Israel Putnam sch. Putnam Ct. 06-07, Woodstock Ct. acad. 07-08; m. 29 My 09 Peers Jennie May b.a. 62 Fair st. Wallingford Ct. M.A. 07; fellow (piano, theory) Smith 05-06; teacher (music) Ken Mar col. Hagerstown Md. 06-07, instructor Smith 07— Perr)^" Edith Jane b.a. 35 Rutger st. Utica N. Y. Pd.B. 09 N. Y. state normal col; teacher Castleton N. Y. high sch. 05-07, Miss Kearney's sch. New York 07-08, Tuxedo Park N. Y. high sch. 09-10 Perry" Helen Jeannette b.a. 322 30th av. Seattle Wash.f teacher (Eng.) Tokyo col. Tokyo Japan 09-10 Perry Marjorie b.a. 1140 Grant st. Denver Col. Perry^ Mary Alice b.a. (Mrs How- ard Rogers Whitney) c/o Southern Pacific & Mo. R. R. St Louis Mo. m. 12 O 09 Phelps Mary Austin b.a. (Mrs George Clark Guild) 10 Manhattan hall Springfield teacher (German, hiat.) Hon^ale Pa. high sch. 05-06; m. 3 O 06 Pond Jean Baird b.a. (Mrs Frank Weslev Wentworth) 2531 Etna st. Berkeley CaL M.A. 06 Chicago univ; student (hist, Eng. lit.) Chicago univ; teacher (Latin) Stevan sch. Chicago 05-06 ; m. 16 Je 10 Pooke" Marion Louise b.a. 22 Winnemay st. Natick diploma 08 Mass. normal art sch, diploma 10 Boston Museum of fine arts sch. Pratt Helen Bradford b.a. 67 Fisher av. Newton Highlands settlement worker Brooklyn 05-06 ; teacher Jonesport Me. 06-07, private sch. Merrimac Mass. 07-08; private tutor Upperville Va. 08-09 Protheroe Robina b.a. (Mrs Willis Glover Townes) Port Chester N. Y. student (Italian) Rome; m. 5 Ag 08 Rambo Susan Miller b.a. 331 Bushkill st. Easton Pa. student (math.) Columbia S-D 07; teacher (math.) Hoosick Falls N. Y. high sch. 05-07, asst Smith Ja 08 — Redington" Ruth Hayes b.a. (Mrs Harold Thomas Griswold) 1232 Ridge av. Evanston 111. student (violin) Chicago musical col. 06-07 , (musical theory) Northwestern musical col. 09; m. 17 O 08 154 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1905 Reed" Helen Elizabeth b.a. Box 412 Brewster N. Y. student Inst, of miLsical art New York 08 — Rees Sarah Tinsley b.a. 42 Highland st. Hartford Ct. student New York training sch. for dea- conesses fall of 09 — Rice" Lucy Fay b.a. Berlin asst Fairholme Amherst Mass. 05-06, Hampden Me. acad. 06-08; preceptress Burr and Burton sem. Manchester Vt. 08 — Rice Marion McCune b.a. 30 Oak St. Brattleboro Vt.f grad. (nursing) Pa. hospital Ja 10; private nurse Philadelphia Richardson Ellen Terese b.a. 51 E. 78th St. New Yorkf Ripley Bessie Whitney b.a. (Mrs Bryant Mower Harroun) Mansfield O. m. 15 Jl 08 Roberts Edith Adelaide b.a. Dover N. H. student (zoology) Woods Hole Mass. biol. lab. summer of 05, (botany) Chicago univ. 07; teacher Framingham Mass. high sch. 06, Shawnee Okla. high sch. 08, 09, Mt Holyoke 10 — Robinson Helen Dunford b.a. 77 Mt Pleasant av. Gloucester substitute teacher (German, Latin) Mt Hermon sch. for boys F-Ag 08, teacher Newburyport Mass. high sch. F 09 — Rogers Helen b.a. 127 Spring st. Rochester N. Y. Rogers" Mary Josephine b.a. 20 Robinwood av. Jamaica Plain demonstrator (zoology) Smith 06-08, teacher (science) Franklin sch. Boston 08-10, South Boston high sch. 10 — Root** Frances [Fannie Antoinette] b.a. 441 S. 43d St. Philadelphia Pa. mem. A.C.A, Rosenberg Elsie Josephine b.a. 2134 E. 79th st. Cleveland O. Rosenkrans" Edna Lillian b.a. East Stroudsburg Pa. head (Eng. dept) East Stroudsburg state normal sch. 05-10 Rumsey Marian Elizabeth b.a. 4346 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo.t Sanger^ Katherine Day b.a. 55 Lenox av. East Orange N. J. Srivate teacher (piano), substitute teacher [isses Metcalf's sch. Tarrytown N. Y, teacher (Eng.) Park Ridge N. J. 10 Scheither Mary Sophia b.a. R. F. D. 1 Millington N. J. Scofield Genevieve Hall b.a. (Mrs Robert Lincoln Barrows) Johns av. Bayside Long Island m. 11 F09 Shadd Harriette Parke b.a. 901 R St. Washington D. C.f Shedd Helen May b.a. 4515 Drexel blvd Chicago Ill.f Shepard"^ Hazel Belle b.a. Rockville Ct.f Shoemaker Lucile b.a. 109 S. Lincoln av. Massillon O. student (Eng.) Chicago imiv. 08; teacher (Eng.) Loraine O. high sch. 05-07, Univ. sch. for girls Chicago 08-09. (Latin) Hath- away-Brown sch. Cleveland O. 09-10 Shores Iva Isabelle b.a. (Mrs Charles F. Worcester) Townsendf m. 6 Ap fi9 Smith Edith Roberta b.a. 11603 Kinsman road Cleveland O. student (hist.) Western reserve univ. 05-06 Smiths Fannie May b.a. Warsaw N. Y. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 06-07; chil- dren's libn Brooklyn pub. lib. 07-Ap 09, first asst Reuben McMillan free lib. Youngs- town O. Ja 10 — Smith Martha Jeannette b.a. North Haven Ct. Smucker Grace Acheson b.a. 5937 Overbrook av. Philadelphia Pa. student (lit.) Bryn Mawr 06 Sperry^ Edith de Forest b.a. Derby Ct.f Springer^ Beatrice Congdon b.a. (Mrs Harold Douglas Church) The Plaza Detroit Mich. Stanburg Bertha Anna Hovey b.a. Forest port N. Y. teacher (math.) GloversAalle N. Y. high sch. 06-09, (Latin, math.) Utica free acad. 09-10 Stanton Marjorie Howes b.a. 110 Coming st. Beverly asst libn Beverly pub. lib. 05 — Starr Susie Belle b.a. (Mrs Robert Wilson Kelso) Blake and Clover sts. Belmont teacher Peoria 111. high sch. 05-09; m. 19 Je 09 ; ch. Jean b. 4 Ap 10 Stevens Josephine Flint b.a. (Mrs John Ayer) 34 Floral st. Newton Highlands m. 24 Je 09 1905-06] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 155 Streator Anne Bugher b.a. 1940 E. 73d St. Cleveland O. Terrien Mary Louise b.a. 5 Prospect st. Nashua N. H. private tutor Titsworth Ethel Lucile b.a. 109 W. 5th St. Plainfield N. J. Tower Lucie Aline b.a. (Mrs Robert W. Chandler) 40 Commonwealth av. Bostonf Tower Susea Bates b.a. (Mrs Percy Leet) Bridgeport Ct.f Trafton^ Lillian May b.a. Alfred Me. Tyler Emma Bickford b.a. (Mrs Louis Roussy Leonard) 618 W. 114th St. New York student (French lit, lang. and hist.) Sor- bonne Paris N 05-My 06 ; m. 20 Ag 08 Valentine Blanche Mary b.a. Windermere hotel 56th st. and Cornell av. Chicago 111. Vaughn^ Sara Jane b.a. (Mrs Jesse Alveo Millard) Oneonta N. Y. m. 30 S OS Voetsch" Rose b.a. (Mrs George Andrew Markle) 217 Main st. Greenfield teacher 05-08; m. 2 Je 09 Wagenhals Katherine Hamilton b.a. 216 E. Wayne st. Fort Wayne Ind. student Art students league New York 06-08, New York sch. of art 08-09 ; designer The Herter looms New York Jl 09— Webster Laura Josephine b.a. Orangeburg S. C. Pd.B. 07 N. Y, state normal col; fellow (hist.) Smith 10 — ; teacher (hist.) Asheville N. C. high sch. 07-10 Wellington Alice Webster b.a. 370 Meridian st. East Bostonf Wells Beulah b.a. 133 Aldine st. Rochester N. Y. teacher Rochester business inst. 05-06, (Eng.) West high sch. 06-10 Wemple Mary Edith b.a. Waverly 111. Wheeler Alice Moore b.a. 92 E. Genesee st. Auburn N. Y. Pd.B. 06 N. Y. state normal col; instruc- tor (hist.) Plattsburg N. Y. normal sch. 06-07, (Eng, Greek) Auburn high sch. 08— Wilson^ Jane b.a. 6 Johnston park Bostonf Wing Katharine McKie b.a. Fort Edward N. Y. Woodbury^ Marion Willard b.a. 692 Cambridge st. AUston Actress Wright Helen b.a. ^o Cleveland tool and supply co. Columbus road Cleveland O. teacher (Eng, Latin, math.) St John Baptist sch. New York 05-07, (math.) Hamilton inst. for girls New York 07-09, (math.) Dwight sch, for girls Englewood N. J. 09— Wright Lora b.a. (Mrs George Bas- sett Williams) 535 Clara av. St Louis Mo. M.A. 08 Univ. of 111; student (Amer. hist.) Univ. of 111; teacher (Eng.) Spring- field 111. high sch. Ja-Je 06 ; m. 23 S 08 Young Ethel Fanning b.a. Huntington, Long Island N. Y. Total 199 Advanced Degrees Dickinson Louise m.a. Amherst B.S. 93 Mt Holyoke col. 1906 Abbott Mary Lucille b.a. 1480 Elm St. Manchester N. H. Adamson Ethelwynne May b.a. 7 Pine st. Glens Falls N. Y. B.S. 08 Columbia; student (domestic science) Teachers col. 06-08; dietitian Newport R. I. hospital 08-09, Dept pub. charities New York 09 — Agard^ Lilla Sumner b.a. Tolland Ct. teacher high sch. Naples N. Y, Wethers- field Ct, Great Neck L. I. Ahem^ Agnes Madeleine b.a. 192 Farmington av. Hartford Ct. Alford Helena Bassett b.a. 16 Center st. Winsted Ct. student New York pub. lib. training class 07-Jl 08; asst instructor New York pub. lib. training class Jl 08-Jl 09; asst libn Riverside branch New York pub. lib. 09 — Allen Marjorie Stephens b.a. (Mrs Otto Henry Seiffert) Moline 111. student (theory of music) Amer. conserva- tory of music 06-08, 09-10; m. 20 Ja 10 Amerman Bessie Ely b.a. c/o William P. Sutphen 185 Liberty st. Bloomfield N. J. student (nursing) Orange N. J. memorial hospital 09 — ; asst registrar Smith Ag-D 06; stenographer Stonywold sanatorium Lake Kushaqua N. Y. 07-Ap 08; nurse Loomis N. Y. sanatorium Ap-Ag 08, Stony- wold sanatorium N 08-Mr 09 Arnold^ Elizabeth Parker b.a. (Mrs Arthur Robin) Lansdown house Wqodford Green Essex Englandf Atkins Bertha Myers b.a. 1502 Centennial av. Philadelphia Pa. student (music); teacher (piano) 09-10 156 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION [1906 Ayers Julia Caswell b.a. 734 University st. Walla Walla Wash. Bangs Ruth Lincoln b.a. (Mrs Marcus Arnold Rhodes) 2 Necomb pi. Taunton teacher Deerfield acad. 06-08; m. 1 S 08; ch. Louisa Bassett b. 12 F 10 Barclay Jessie Caroline b.a. 30 Hawley terrace Yonkers N. Y. teacher Miss Eastman's sch. Washington D. C. 06-08 ; sec. to dean of women Colorado col. 08 — Barker Alice Whiting b.a. (Mrs Harlan Hoge Ballard jr) 7 Mt Vernon terrace Newton- ville teacher (hbt, Eng. lit, psych.) St Mar- garet's sch. Waterbury Ct. 06-08; m. 18 Je08 Barker" Helen Almira b.a. 433 Broadway Somerville Barker Luliona May b.a. 16 Reservoir st. Worcester M.A. 08; lab. asst (physics) Newtonville Mass. high sch. 06-07; fellow (physics^ Smith 07-08; teacher (physics, math.) Ridgewood N. J. high sch. 08-10 Barrett** Lillian Foster b.a. Dresser st. Newport R. I. teacher Calhoun-Chamberlain sch. Spring Lake N. J. 07-09 Bartlett Sarah Ripley b.a. 9 Stow St. Concord B.S. 08 Simmons col ; student (lib. course) Simmons col. 07; asst libn Bangor Me. pub. Hb. 07 — Battles Edith Howard b.a. 428 N. Main st. Brockton student Bridgewater Mass. normal sch; teacher (hist, French, Latin) Walpole high sch. 07-10 Baumann Nettie Anna b.a. 530 Hawthorne pi. Chicago 111. Bennett Marion b.a. Tyngsboro student (cooking) Simmons col. 07-08 Bent Amelia Guild b.a. 75 Ashford st. AUston Berry Harriette Esselstyn b.a. 115 Warren st. Hudson N. Y.f Beye Marian b.a. (Mrs Charles Hovey Hurlbut) 1311 Wesley av. Evanston 111. teacher (Eng.) Port Huron Mich, high sch. F-Je 07, La Salle-Peru high sch. La Salle 111. 07-Ap 08, assoc. prof. (Eng.) Oshkosh Wis. state normal sch. Ap 08-Je 09; m. 16 D09 Bickel Mary Stevenson b.a. (Mrs Wilson McBride Connell) A and 9th sts. Oakmont Pa. libn Children's home lib. dept Carnegie lib. Pittsburg Pa. 08; m. 24 S 09 Bigelow** Marie Louise b.a. (Mrs James Carl Connell) 9 E. Oneida st. Baldwinsville N. Y. m. 9 S 09 Bishop Lola Lorraine b.a. 1911 Center av. Bay City Mich, substitute teacher (French, hist.) Bay City high sch. D 09-F 10, teacher 10— Bodine Louise Warden b.a. Villanova Pa. Bookwalter" Grace b.a. 207 S. 7th St. Hiawatha Kan. teacher Mt Ida sch. Newton Mass. 04-06; settlement worker Denison house Boston 08 Boyd Blanche Ruth b.a. 5i Weymouth st. Fitchburgt Breene" Vila Luella b.a. 37 Continental av. Springfield teacher Chester N. Y. high sch. 06-07, Hornell high sch. 07-08, 111. woman's col. Jacksonville 111. 08-10 Bridges Margaret Dickson b.a. Conklin Broome co. N. Y. teacher Conklin district sch. 06-07, River- side district sch. 07-08, substitute teacher Miss Childs' private sch. Binghamton 08 Brown Nellie Manville b.a. 574 Algoma st. Oshkosh Wis. mem. A.C.A. Burnham Odilee Gertrude b.a. 501 Main st. Saco Me. instructor (Latin) Thornton acad. Saoo 08-10 Cary Alice b.a. (Mrs James Andrew Newlands) 80 Pearl st. Middletown Ct. student (bacteriology) Wesleyan 07-08, (French) 08-09; asst chemist Ct. state board of health lab. Middletown 06-07, asst bacteriologist 07-08; m. 21 O 08 Gary Hazel b.a. (Mrs Charles Henry Kerr) Southbridge teacher (Eng, hist.) Forestville N. Y. high sch. 06-07, (Eng, physiol, botany) Niagara Falls high sch. 07-08; m. 15 N 09 Chapin« Mary Comfort b.a. (Mrs Albert Samuel Davis) Poplar St. and E. 3d av. Roselle N.J. m. 26 Je 08 Clark Emma Irene b.a. Groton teacher Miss Friend's sch. Groton 06-08 Cook Emeline Lucy b.a. 810 Main st. Torrington Ct.f Cook" Hazel Margaret b.a. 380 Riverside drive New York student (Latin) Columbia 09-10; teacher Ivy haU Bridgeton N. J. 06-09 1906] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 157 Cooley^ Clara Louise b.a. (Mrs Stuart Matthews Campbell) 36 High St. Northampton head C French dept) Northampton high sch. spring of 07 ; m. 28 Ap 09 Coolidge^ Susan Lois b.a. 37 Seyms st. Hartford Ct.f Cooper Gertrude May b.a. 4 Akron st. Roxbury Cox Virginia Roberts b.a. (Mrs Rockwell Smith Brank) 25 Oglethorpe av. W. Savannah Ga, m. 29 S 08; ch. Ruth Ann b. 23 Ja 10 Crosby" Anna Katharine b.a. 7 Grove st. West Somerville teacher Springfield Vt. 06-07, Bellows Falls 07-10 Crozer" Laura Esther b.a. 1943 Dwight way Berkeley Cal. Damon" Elsie Gushing b.a. 14 Beacon st. Fitchburg Davis Josephine Elizabeth b.a. (5 London st. Worcester teacher (botany) Worcester classical high sch. 06-10; mem. Nat. geog. soc. Davis Margaret EHza b.a. (Mrs Charles Edward Ide) 476 Brookside av. Redlands Cal. sec. Redlands associated charities 10 — ; m. 9 F 07; ch. George Henry b. 7 Ja 09 Day Louise Van Ness b.a. West Hartford Ct. student (vocal music) 06-07, (Eng.) Cornell summer sch. 10; teacher (Latin, math.) Windsor Ct. high sch. 07-08, (Eng.) West Hartford high sch. 08 — Dearborn Bernice Walker b.a. 107 Cedar st. Springfield M.A. 07; fellow (Eng.) Smith 06-07; teacher (Eng.) Forest park sch. Springfield Denison Rosamond b.a. 1006 Olive St. Montclair Col. teacher Wolfe hall girls episcopal sch. Den- ver Col. 07, Denver pub. high sch. 08-10; mem. N. E. A. Dixon Elizabeth Marguerite b.a. 241 Franklin pi. Flushing N. Y. teacher (Eng. lit, Latin, Greek) Finch sch. New York 06-09, (Eng, Latm, algebra, physics) Keller sch. New York 09-10 Dodd Marian Elza b.a. Glen Ridge N. J. libri Columbia 07-08, libn and sec. Nat. vigilance com. for suppression of white slave traffic 08 — Dodge Charlotte Peabody b.a. 1808 Punahou st. Honolulu H. I. asst (science, math, hist.) Oahu col. Hono- lulu 06-09, instructor (hist.) 09-10 Dunham Ella Mosher b.a. (Mrs Lawrence Lewis Moore) Redlands Cal. m. 1 D 09 Dunne Olive Henderson b.a. 159 Washington st. Newton Dunton Mary Baxter b.a. 15 Washington st. Rutland Vt.f Elliott" Lucy MacMillan b.a. 47 Penna av. Binghamton N. Y.f Ellis Edith Zeruiah b.a. (Mrs Henry A. Wentworth) 158 Auburn st. Auburndale m. 6 O 08 Ellis Louise b.a. (Mrs Fritz W. Baldwin jr) 94 Babcock st. Brooklinef Ellis Marian b.a. (Mrs Oscar Bowen Gilbert) 1 South st. Concord N. H. m. 4 My 10 Enright" Anna Hyland b.a. 249 Pearl st. BurHngton Vt. Faulkner Ahce b.a. Norwellf Fellows Helen b.a. 142 Homer st. Newton Center Fillebrown Helen Thomas b.a. Plymptonf Finch Ruth Stella b.a. 200 Main st. Easthampton student (physiol, math.) Cornell summer of 09; teacher (math, science) Lewis high sch.^Southington Ct. 06-07, East Pro\adence R. I. high sch. 07-F 08, Springfield Mass. central high sch. F 08 — Flagg Edith Mabelle b.a. Littleton student (lib. science) Simmons col. 07-08; teacher Hollis N. PL 06-07; asst libn Webster branch New York pub. lib. 08 — Flather Ruth Patience b.a. (Mrs Wallace Noble MacBriar) 141 Montgomery av. Cynwyd Pa. m. 16 Je 08 Fletcher Ruth Morrison b.a (Mrs William Coleman Common) 14 Henshaw av. Northampton teacher (French) Watertown N. Y. high sch. 06-08, (French, German, hist.) Nether- wood sch. for girls Rothesay N. B. Can. 08-09; m. 29 Je 09 Flint" Georgiana Elizabeth b.a. 147 Sycamore st. Winter Hillf Ford Mignonne b.a. Titusville Pa. student (sec. course) Simmons col. 09-10 Foster Alice Harrison b.a. (Mrs Frederick Halsey McCuUoch) 336 E. Berry st. Fort Wayne Ind. m. 16 O 07; ch. Margaret Willieon b 6 S 08 158 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1906 Foster Margaret Harlow b.a. (Mrs Metcalf W inthrop Melcher) 77 Lakewood road Newton High- lands class of 05; student (cooking) Simmons col. 06-07, 07; m. 8 O 08; ch. Elizabeth b. 09 Fox Eleanor Beatrice b.a. 61 Grove st. New Haven Ct. teacher New Hartford Ct. high sch. 08-09, Branford high sch. 09-10 Furbush Edith Mildred b.a. 69 Horton st. Lewiston Me. teacher Mechanic Falls Me. high sch. 06-07, Edward Little high sch. Auburn 07-08, Milton Mass. high sch. 08 — Furman Fannie b.a. 254 Alexander st. Rochester N. Y. Gager" Katharine b.a. 67 Hoffman av. Columbus O. teacher Garden City N. Y. pub. sch. 09-10 Gallup Mary Eloise b.a. (Mrs John Hynds Weidman) Marcellus N. Y. m. 28 Ap 09; ch. Emily Gallup b. 16 Jl 10; mem. A.C.A. Gardner Charlotte Riggs b.a. (Mrs Sumner T. McCall) 1022 Sheridan road Evanston IlLf Gates^ Hazel Merritt b.a. 360 Pearl st. Burlington Vt. Gleason** Ethel Maria b.a. (Mrs Robert Roy McGeorge) 797 Potomac av. Buffalo N. Y. m. 6 O 09 Goes Hazel Josephine b.a. (Mrs Maxfield Cook) 1662 W. 103d St. Chicago 111. m. 30 Je 08; ch. John Goes b. 31 D 09 Gray Agnes Russell b.a. (Mrs Fred B. Skinner) Greene N. Y. substitute libn Moore memorial lib. Greene 06 — ; m. 18 My 09; mem. Amer. sch. of home economics Hall Linda b.a. 35 High St. South Norwalk Ct. M.A. 09 Columbia; student (Eng.) Colum- bia, (educ, pedagogy) Teachers col; teacher (math.) Miss Baird's sem. Norwalk 06-08, (Eng, hist.) Norwalk high sch. 09 — Hallock Clara Dougrey b.a. Washingtonville N. Y.f Hammond Ethel b.a. 222 Elm St. Northampton teacher (math.) Science hill sch. Shelby- ville Ky. 06-07; asst demonstrator (astron.) Smith 07-F 09 Harrison Florence Louise b.a. The Virginia Minneapolis Minn.f teacher Rogers hall Lowell Mass. Hastings Anna Lucre ti a b.a. Rohersville Md. teacher Hatch" Margaret Hamilton b.a. 53 Westbourne terrace Brookline student (shorthand, typewriting) Simmons col. 08-09; teacher Warren R. I. 06-08; private sec. Boston N 10 — Higbee" Alice Frances b.a. c/o Edward W. Higbee Newport R. I. teacher (Eng.) Col. of sisters of Bethany, Topeka Kan. 06-09, (Eng, Latin) Misses Eastman's sch. Washington D. C. 09 — Hildebrand Alice Lyon b.a. 46 Allen pi. Hartford Ct. Hinman Caroline Borden b.a. 189 Summit av. Summit N. J. Holman Ruth Colburn b.a. Southport Ct. private tutor Brooklyn N. Y. 07-10 Holmes Mary Frances b.a. (Mrs Clyde Leslie Eastman) c/o War dept Washington D. C. m. 2 Je 08 Hurley^ Margretta Mary b.a. 195 West av. Bridgeport Ct. teacher Bridgeport high sch. 07-10 Hutchins Margaret b.a. Univ. of 111. library Urbana 111. B.L.S. 08 Univ. of 111; student Univ. of 111. lib. sch. 06-08; reference asst Univ. of 111. lib. 08—; mem. A.L.A. Johnson Lucia Belle b.a. 2257 Murray Hill road Cleveland O. private tutor Frankfort Ky. 06-07; school- room decorator and collector of material for course of picture studies Horace K. Turner art CO. Boston Jl 07-Jl 09; sec. to Faculty com. on recommendations Smith Ja 10 — Johnston^ Edith Gilmore b.a. 165 Vose av. South Orange N. J.f Kauffmann Barbara b.a. 1525 16th St. N. W. Washington D. C. Kearns Elsie Hemdon b.a. 830 President st. Brooklyn N. Y. student Amer. acad. of dramatic arts New York 06-08; asst (elocution) Smith 08-09; actress, mem. New theatre co. New York 10— Keeler Marion Holmes b.a. 120 Dudley av. Westfield N. J. Kennedy Claire Louise b.a. 216 Townsend st. Roxbury Kent Mabel Watson b.a. 134 Pleasant st. Worcester student (sec. course) Simmons col. 07-08; sec. to Dr Bailey, Harvard 08— 1906] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 159 Kerwin" Alice Maud b.a. 516 E. Forest av. Neenah Wis.f Kinsman Mary Cassandra b.a. 10 Cross St. Montclair N. J. teacher Kimberly sch. Montclair 06-10 Kittredge Mary b.a. 90 Rosedale st. Rochester N. Y. teacher Mechanics inst. Rochester 07-08, Mary inst. St Louis Mo. 08 — Klein Elsie Margaret b.a. (Mrs Girard B. Rosenblatt) The Leonard, Butte Mon. m. 22 S 09 Kuhfuss Gertrude b.a. 18 Clark st. Easthampton teacher Campbell sch. Windsor Ct. 06-08, Westbrook Me. high sch. 08-10 Lane Josephine Augusta b.a. 108 Florida st. Springfield instructor (hist, Greek) Putnam high sch. 06-07, teacher State st. grammar sch. 07-10 Larmonth Helen Mar b.a. 401 E. 6th St. Jamestown N. Y.f Leitch Harriet Elizabeth b.a. 265 Maple av. Edgewood Park Pa. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 09-10; sub- stitute teacher Niles O. pub. and high sch. 07, 08-09; mem. A.L.A. Lindman Alice Mae b.a. (Mrs Trevor Owen Hammond) 5052 Washington av. Chicago 111. m. 15 Mr 09 Loomis Emma Rebecca b.a. 114 W. 4th St. Mt Vernon N. Y. teacher Rose Mary hall Greenwich Ct. 07, prin. Garden City sch. Garden City N. Y. 08-10 ♦Loud Alice Chapman b.a. d. 11 My 08 Lowe" Annie Margaret b.a. (Mrs Edgar William Connell) 619 Stewart st. Shamokin Pa.f cBee Mary Vardrine b.a. Ashley hall 172 Rutledge av. Charleston S. C. M.A. 08 Columbia; student (hist, educ.) Columbia 07-08, (German) Jena univ. sum- mer sch. 08; teacher (math, hist.) Fair- mount sch. for girls Monteagle Tenn. 06-07; mem. Board of managers Jacob Riis set- tlement New York 08-09 ; prin. Ashley hall sch. for girls Charleston 09 — ; mem. Amer. geog. soc. McCall Ruth b.a. Myopia road Winchester McCord" Agnes Armitage [Roose- velt] b.a. (Mrs Thaddeus Hay- ward Brindley) LaCrosse Wis. m. 14 D 09 McCurrach»» Mary Kerr b.a. (Mrs Arthur Lowell Keiser) 856 Carroll st. Brooklyn N. Y. m. 08; ch. Janet Chaplin b. 29 Ag 09 McKay*^ Carrie Carswell b.a. Addison Steuben co. N. Y. preceptress Cincinnatus N. Y. high sch. 07, teacher (Latin, math.) Dodgeville high sch. 08, 09 MacLachlan Mary Winifred b.a. 47 Watson st. Detroit Mich. instructor (math.) Detroit eastern high sch. 08 — ; mem. A.C.A. MacRobert Edna Allan b.a. (Mrs Willard Vaughan Morse) Seaford Del. m. 2 N 07 Maher^ Amy Grace b.a. 1808 Jefferson st. Toledo O. Manker Margaret Mabel b.a. (Mrs W. H. C. Carhart) 6053 Monroe av. Chicago 111. Mann Florence b.a. (Mrs H. A. Spoehr) 3742 Pine Grove av. Chicago 111. settlement worker Henry Booth house Chicago 07-08; teacher Lake View inst. 08-09, Univ. sch. for girls 09-10; m. 17 D 10 Mann Lois Elizabeth b.a. 189 Marrett st. Cumberland Mills station Westbrook Me. asst Gorham Me. high sch. 06-10 Manning Frances Gleason b.a. 41 Clark road Brookline Marble Anna Theresa b.a. 28 Cedar st. Worcester teacher Miss Stiles' sch. Paterson N. J. 08-09, Whitinsville 09-10 Martin Anna May b.a. 11 Bradley st. Bristol Ct.f Mason Janet De Witt b.a. 222 Garfield pi. Brooklyn N. Y. asst resident worker Sch. settlement Brooklyn 08-09, resident Holy Trinity guild house Ja 10 Maxon Margaret Gansevoort b.a. (Mrs Warren Fales Draper) c/o Asst Surgeon W. F. Draper, U. S. pub health & marine hospi- tal service Washington D. C. student Boston children's hospital training sch. 08-09; m. 6 Ap 10 Mead Abby Gray b.a. 101 Park St. East Orange N. J. teacher (hist, critics) West Orange high sch. 07-10 Melcher Lucy Harwood b a. Whitinsville asst North Brookfield Mass. high sch. 06-07, New Britain Ct. high sch. 07 — Merrick Lulu b.a. 505 Kenwood av. Austin Minn.f 160 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1906 Merrifield Ethel Janet b.a, 89 Washington av. Batavia 111. Merrill Ida Nancy b.a. 56 Sparhawk st. Amesburyt Mihalovitch Elsie Fletcher b.a, (Mrs Adolph Friedman) 34 Richard terrace Grand Rapids Mich, m. 29 Je 08 Millard J. Blanche b.a. Ill S. West St, Kalamazoo Mich. Mitchell"^ Alice Townsend b.a. Herkimer N. Y.f Mitchell Catharine Adams b.a. Riverside 111. Mitchell Myra Agnes b.a. Hingham Center worker Organized charity Monson"^ Ethel Percy b.a. 160 Grove st. New Haven Ct. teacher Stratford Ct. high sch. 06-07, Miss Glendinning's sch. New Haven 08-09, Misses Thomas' sch. Memphis Tenn. 09-10 Mooney Aline b.a. (Mrs William Vernon Ryder) 67 Pomeroy terrace Northampton m. 9 O 07 Moore Edith b.a. 2101 Blaisdell av. Minneapolis Minn, mem. A.C.A. Moore Ethel Parsons b.a. Bradstreet teacher Island Pond Vt. 06-07, Bradstreet 08-10 Moore Helen Perrin b.a. (Mrs Aaron Clark Bagg) 72 Fairfield av. Holyoke m. 1 Je 09 Muhleman Harriet Pettes b.a. 20 Mitchell pi. East Orange N. T. teacher (Eng, hist.) Miss Baldwin's sch. East Orange 06-07, Newton high sch. 07-10 Murkland Marie b.a. East Middlebury Vt. M.A. 07 Middlebury col, M.A. 08 Smith; student (Greek drama, ethics) Middlebury col. 06-07, fellow (Greek philos.) Smith 07-08; teacher Dana hall Wellesley Mass. 08-09, (Eng.) Brewster free acad. Wolfe- boro N. H. 09-10 Mussaeus Marie Guenther b.a. Limeton, Warren co. Va. student (romance lang.) Yale 06-08, Co- lumbia 09-10; teacher (French, German) New Haven Ct. high sch. 06-08, Asbury Park N. J. high sch. 08-09, (German) Ely sch. Greenwich Ct. 09-10, (French, German) Springfield Mass. technical high sch. 10 — Nelson Christine Louise b.a. West Suffield Ct. t«acher (Latin, German) Brantwood hall Bronxville N. Y, 06-10 Newcomb Clara Winifred b.a. 31 Vauxhall st. New London Ct, teacher (Eng, hist,) Williams memorial inst. New London 08-10 Newhall Addie May b,a, 37 CloverhiU pi. Montclair N. T. teacher (Latin, math. hLst.) Swanton Vt. high sch. 06-07, (Latin, hist.) lavingston park sem. Rochester N. Y. 07-10 Norton Margaret b.a. 6737 Monroe av. Chicago III. student Univ. of 111. lib. sch. 06-07; worker Chicago univ. press Je 07-Ja 08, classifier Louisville Ky. free pub. lib. F 08 — Parker Florence Addie b.a. 194 Forest st. Cumberland Mills Me. Parker Mabel Lavina b.a. Dunstable student (piano) Boston Ap 08-S 09 ; teacher nub. sch. 06-07, tutor and governess Co- hasset Mass. and Boston 07-Ap 08, teacher (piano) Dunstable Ap 08-S 09, Nashua N. H. 09— Pierce Gladys Paige b.a. 88 Federal st. Greenfield Piollet"^ Emilie Victorine b.a. (Mrs Ray Spear) c/o Navy dept Washington D. C. m. 22 F 10 Pol Frances May b.a. 215 French st. Bangor Me. M.A, 09 Univ. of Me; student (Eng.) Columbia 06-07, (Eng, hist, Spanish) Univ. of Me. 07-09; teacher St .John Bap- tist sch. New York 06-07, PleasantviUe N. Y. 09-10 Pomeroy Helen Jackson b.a. 24 Reynolds terrace Orange N. J. Porter^ Clara Fisher b.a. 24 Union st. Montclair N. J. sec. Montclair high sch. 06-07; teacher Kimberly sch, 07-09; social worker New York 09-10 Porter Esther Baker b.a. 85 Porter pi. Montclair N. J. Prince Melinda Crosby b.a. (Mrs David Robert Smith) St Regis apartments 5806 Howe St. Pittsburg Pa. m. 4 S 06 Puffer^ Louisa WalHs b.a. 49 Irving st. Cambridge student (lit.) Radcliffe 08-09 Putnam" Helen Edna b.a. (Mrs Robert Tilden Kingsbury) 110 Court St. Keene N, H. m. 18 Je 10 1900] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 161 Randall Phoebe Ward b.a. Hartford Ct. student (shorthand) Chicago correspon- dence sch. 07, Olmstead's shorthand sch. &-D 07, O-D 08; teacher Warwick R I. fall of 06, prin. East Hartford Ct. grammar sch. spring of 07, teacher Vernon Center fall of 08; private sec. Hartford Ja 09 — Raymond Alice Gilbert b.a. 101 W. 85th St. New York tutor New York 1 yr, substitute teacher 1 yr Reed Bertha May b.a. 60 Woodland st. Worcester Reynolds Marion Susan b.a. 34 Newbury st. Brockton student (piano) Boston, (lit.) Boston univ. Richardson Margaret b.a. 28 Rockland st. Wellesley Hills Roberts Alma Elizabeth b.a. 206 N. Dithridge st. Pittsburg Pa. substitute teacher and tutor Roberts^ Elizabeth Louise b.a. Waupaca Wis. Robinson Fannie Harlow b.a. 142 Hammond st. Bangor Me. teacher (Latin, math.) Bangor high sch. 06-10 Robinson Marion Fulton b.a. 51 Court St. Dedham Rockwell Frances Sherman b.a. 1541 Central av. IndianapoHs Ind.f Rockwood Melinda Wheeler b.a. c/o Mr E. P. Earle Montclair N.J. Root Florence Kellogg b.a. 18 Franklin st. Northampton official tutor (Latin) Smith 06-10 Root Mary Elizabeth b.a. 121 South St. Bennington Vt.f Ryals"- Louise Marshall b.a. (Mrs Carlos Cravioto) c/o Alfonso Cravioto, 6a Pino 233, Mexico D. F.f m. 11 F 08 Scharps" Hannah De Rothschild b.a. 256 W. 94th St. New Yorkf Schureman Mary Osbom b.a. (Mrs George Frank Imig) 1223 N. 6th St. Sheboygan Wis. m. 3 Jl 07 Searle Esther Scott b.a. (Mrs Al- bert Harvey Shoup) 433 W. Otterman st. Greensburg m. 21 Je 06; ch. Albert Harvey jr b. 30 Mr 07 Sears" Martha Louise b.a. (Mrs Harold H. Phillips) 121 Berkeley av. Bloomfield N.J. teacher Sussex N. J. high sch. 06-09; m. 11 Ag09 Sergent Nellie Barney b.a. Cooperstown N. Y. Pd.B. 07 N. Y. normal col; • teacher West- port N. Y. 07-09, Warwick 09-10 Shaw Marcia Holmes b.a. (Mrs Waldo Francis Glidden) 17 Forest st. Cambridge m. 5 Mr 10 Shedd Minnie Louise b.a. 106 Florida st. Springfield private tutor 06-Ap 09, substitute teacher Rockville Ct. high sch. Ap-Je 09, teacher Stafford Springs high sch, 09-10 Sibley Theo Delia b.a. (Mrs Roger Nelson Squire) 88 Hancock st. Brooklyn^N, Y. m. 20 Je 08 ; ch. Sibley b. 15 Ag 09 Skidmore" Maud Whipple b.a. Riverhead Suffolk co. N. Y.f Sloan Jeanne Grace Cuddy b.a. Clarion Pa.f student (Spanish) Porto Rico 06-07; teacher govt sch. Anasco P. R. 06-07, 09-10, tutor in private family 07-08, teacher Ridgewood N. J. high sch. 08-09 Smith Mary Cynthia b.a. 2433 Girard av. S. Minneapolis Minn, student (Eng.) Univ. of Minn. 08-Ja 09; instructor (Eng.) high sch. Park River N. D. 07-08, Flandreau S. D. Ja-Je 09, prin. 09-10 Smith'^ Olive Mae b.a. 39 Hunter st. Glens Falls N. Y.f Pd. B. 07 Albany normal col. Smythe Alice Ring b.a. 242 E. Gay St. Columbus O. teacher Miss Livingston's sch. Kingston N. Y. 06-08, Portland sch. Portland Me. fall of 09, Brownell hall Omaha Neb. 09-10 Smythe Evelyn Bosworth b.a. The Rectory Falmouth Spalding Ethel May b.a. Woodstock Ct. alum. sec. Purdue univ. 06-07; teacher L'oUinsville Ct. high sch. 07-08, (hist.) Norwich free acad. 08-10 Sperry Pauline b.a. 32 Bedford terrace Northampton M.A. 08; fellow (music, math.) Smith 07-08; teacher (math.) Hamilton inst. for girls New York 06-07, asst Smith 08-10 Stemberger Florence Regina b.a. (Mrs Henrv Vivian Bisbee) 46 Babcock st. Brookline student (Eng.) Smith >4 yr; m. 2 Mr 10 162 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1906-07 Stone Margaret b.a. Cornwall on Hudson N. Y. Streeter Mary Adelaide Roxana b.a. Barre teacher Long Branch N. J. 06-07, Sound Beach Ct. 07-08, Worcester Mass. 08-10 Sweef* Martha Louise b.a. 58 Watson pi. Utica N. Y. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 06-07; asst Flower memorial lib. Watertown N. Y. 07-08, Utica pub. lib. 08-10 Tanner" Susan Lucinda b.a. 56 Walnut st. Winsted Ct. teacher Winsted 07-10 Taylor Gertrude b.a. Edwardsville Kan. Tearse" Helen Horton b.a. 275 Harriet st. Winona Minn. teacher (Eng, hist.) Dodge Center Minn. 1 yr, (Eng.) Winona high sch. 09-10 Thomas Julia Benner b.a. Spellman terrace Rutland Vt. teacher Burlington Vt. high sch. 06-Ja 07, substitute teacher Rutland high sch. 08-09, teacher 09-10 Thornton Mary Louise b.a. Bedford Ind. student (vocal music) New York 08-09, (vocal music, lang.) Whitney intemat. sch. of music Boston 09-10 Thrasher" Mertice Parker b.a. Gardner prin. Chestnut st. sch. Gardner 1 yr, Charlestown N. H. high sch. 3 yr Trask Ethel Mina b.a. (Mrs Walter O. Knight) Forest Hill av. East Cleveland o.t Treadwell Grace Rich b.a. (Mrs Edward Johnson) 54 Warren av. Woburn teacher Peabody Mass. grammar sch. 07- 08; m. 30 Je 08 Tritch Mary Gail b.a. 859 S. Main st. Findlay O. head (Latin dept) Findlay bigh sch. Ja 07-10 Vallentine"^ Jessie b.a. (Mrs Charles Thayer) South Hadleyt Walther"- Lucy b.a. The Lenox Buffalo N. Y.t Warfield Grace Elizabeth b.a. 11 Chapin pi. Hartford Ct. teacher New Britain Ct. state normal sch. 09-10 Warren Bessie Leland b.a. (Mrs Henry Herbert Skelton) 50 Hyde st. Newton Highlands m. 3 Je 07; ch. Edgar Warren b. 20 S 08 Warren Helen Goulding b.a. H olden Waters Genevieve b.a. Woodstock Ct. teacher (Latin) Glastonbury Ct. high sch. 06-10 WeilVJosephine Marie b.a. 2 W. 89th St. New York student New York sch. of art 09-10 Wells Edna Bowen b.a. 470 Exchange st. Athol teacher Barre Mass. grammar sch. 06-07, asst Greenfield high sch. 07-10 Wham Mary b.a. / McMillan hall Washington univ. St Louis Mo. student (French) I'lnstitut St Germain and Sorbonne, Paris 06-07; teacher (French) Mary inst. St Louis F 08 — ; mem. A.C.A. Wheeler Mary Alice b.a. 2110 14th St. N. W. Washington D. C teacher Cheyney Pa. training sch. 06-07, summers 06, 07, Washington D. C. normal sch. 07-08, M St. high sch. 08 — Wiggin Mary Isabelle b.a. Wytheville Va. Wiggin Mildred b.a. 24 Crawford st. Roxbury visitor and . volunteer worker Associated charities Boston Wilson Anna Mary b.a. (Mrs Wil- li am Reynolds Dickinson) 1605 Marquette bldg Chicago 111. m. 15 Je 08; ch. Martha b. 6 S 09 Wilson Mary Sherman b.a. 439 County st. New Bedford teacher Friends' acad. New Bedford 06 — Total 221-*1 1907 Adams"^ Mary b.a. 8 Wendell st. Cambridge teacher Miss Creech's sch. Boston 09-10 Adsit Marie Clifton b.a. Voorheesville N. Y.f Allen Jessie Reed b.a. (Mrs Robert Cole Knapp) 772 Park av. New York m. 26 F 08 Allison Catherine De Puy b.a. 16 Paradise road Northampton in training Clarke sch. for the deaf North- ampton 08-09; teacher Roger Askam sch. White Plains N. Y. 07-08, Clarke sch. 09— Angell^ Bertha b.a. Sidney N. Y. head (Eng. dept) Waverly N. Y. 08-10 Archibald" Rosamond Mansfield b.a. Wolfville Nova Scotiaf Arnold Helen Wallace b.a. 325 Adams st. North Abingtonf 1907] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 163 Baine Ethel Mildred b.a. 1921 E. 97th St. Cleveland|0. Baker" Eva b.a. 1728 Columbia road Washington D. C.t Ballard Elizabeth Bishop b.a. 247 South St. Pittsfield asst registrar Smith 08-09 Barber Helen Mary b.a. 91 Atwater av. Derby Ct. Barrows Marguerite b.a. East Lansing Mich. teacher (Eng, chem.) Keyport N, J. 07-08; clerk Automobile bureau sec. of state's office Columbus O. 09-10 Bartholomew Ethel May b.a. (Mrs James Douglas Kirkpatrick) 41 Pleasant st. New Haven Ct. social worker Col. settlement home Mt Ivy N. J. summer of 07, resident Col. set- tlement New York 07-08, kindergartner Sea Breeze fresh air home summers 08, 09, asst Bloomingdale guild settlement New York fall of 08; m. 1 S 09 Bates Leonora b.a. 4 Grand st. Somersworth N. H. Bathgate Mabel Agnes b.a. (Mrs Robert E. Hall) Dover Me. Blaikie" Mary Kerr b.a. The Donaldson Harrisburg Pa. Blanchard" Gertrude Helena b.a. 192 Pearl st. Gardner teacher Hancock N. H. district sch. fall of 07, Boxboro Mass. spring of 08, prin. Jef- fersonville Vt. high and grammar sch. 08- 09, teacher Spelman sem. Atlanta Ga. 09-10 Bowden Emma Bartoll b.a. (Mrs George Newton Proctor jr) 10 Beals st. Brookline m. 9 S 08; oh. George Newton 3d b. 10 N 09 Bradbury" Pearle Lord b.a. Saco Me. Bradbury Winifred Parry b.a. 20 Lexington st. Dover N. H. Brander Edith Elizabeth b.a. 470 10th St. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Woodbridge N. J. high sch. Britton"^ Jasmine Marie b.a. Catalla Alaska student Carnegie lib. training sch. for chil- dren's libns Pittsburg Pa. 09-10; teacher govt sch. Catalla 08-09; asst Carnegie lib. Pittsburg 09-10 Broadhurst Ruth Lavinia b.a. 320 Greene av. Brooklyn N. Y. M.A. 08 Columbia: student (hist.) Colum- bia 07-08; teacher Brooklyn pub. sch. 09-10 Brodrick Isabel b.a. (Mrs D. Mer- ton Rust) 70 Washington av. .Northampton tutor Capen sch. 08-10; m. N 08; ch. Susan Brodrick b. Ag 09 Bugbee Lura Alice b.a. (Mrs Mar- shall B. Cummings) 230 Loomis st. Burlington Vt. asst Orange Mass. high sch. 07-09, prin. Hartford Vt. grammar sch. 09-10; m. Ag 10 Bull Helen Roberts b.a. Kent Ct. teacher South Windsor Ct. 07-08, Middle- town 08-09; asst Brooklyn pub. lib. Burnett Mary Alice b.a. (Mrs Wil- liam Cleveland) 287 E. Main st. Spartanburg S. C. m. 10 Burns Avis Adella b.a. (Mrs Harry Ernest Fisher) Ayer m. 15 F 10 Bushee Grace Lydia b.a. Attleborof Buss Margaret b.a. 21 Royal st. Medford Buttrick Sibyl Andrews b.a. 120 Hemenway st. Boston Buxton Grace Agnes b.a. 246 S. Main st. Woonsocket R. I.t Campbell Mary Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Everett Leander Ford) Attleboro teacher high sch. Bridgton Me. 07-08, Attleboro Mass. 08-09, Fairhaven 09-10; m, 10 Carpenter Ada Esther b.a. 38 Prospect av. Binghamton N. Y. teacher Lady Jane Grey sch. Binghamton Ja 08—; mem. A.C.A. Carpenter Bertha Eleanor b.a. 424 N. Negley av. Pittsburg Pa. Carr Marion Codding b.a. (Mrs P. B. Condit) 3206 Prospect av. Cleveland O. m. 10 Catherwood Hazel Hartwell b.a. Hoopeston Ill.f Chiville Eva Harriet b.a. 3449 Elaine pi. Chicago 111. tutor in private family Hubbard Woods 111. 07-08, teacher (Eng. German) Centralia high sch. 08-09 Christiansen" Bertha Elfrida b.a. Greenfield teacher Lake Clear Junction N. Y. 07-08, preceptress Livingston Manor sch. 08-09; asst registrar Smith 09 — 164 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1907 Churchill Anna Qtiincy b.a. 32 Percival st. Dorchestert M.A. 10 Rad cliff e; student (zoology) Rad- cliffe 08-10, (corrective gymnastics) Boston normal sch. of gymnastics 09, Germany 10; asst Boston children's hospital clinic 09 Clark« Eleanor Billings b.a. 90 Maple st. Northampton stndent North Adams Mass. normal sch. 10; teacher Russel 07-09 Cobb Helen Field b.a. (Mrs Charles Ridgaway Bragdon) 1231 Asbury av. Evanston 111. m. 16 Je 09; ch. Florence EUzabeth b. 14 Mr 10 Coe Margaret Duryee b.a. (Mrs Clinton HamUn Blake jr) Brayton st. Englewood N. J. substitute teacher prep. sch. 07-08; m. 10 Je 08 ; mem. A.C.A. Cohen Ethel Harrison b.a. 184 High St. Orange N. J.f Collins Ada Fae b.a. c/o Dr A. N. Collins Austin Minn. worker Associated charities Boston Jl-Ag 07, Cambridge neighborhood house 07-Jl 09, director Providence R. I. course of salemanship for saleswomen 09-10; mem. A.C.A. Collins Katherine Estelle b.a. 18 CUnton av. Cortland N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Watertown N. Y. high sch. 07-08 Comstock Marjorie Stuart b.a. 76 Humboldt av. Providence R.I.t Cowing Ruth b.a. (Mrs George Tressler Scott) Hampton inst. Hampton Va. m. 27 Ap 09; ch. Margaret Tressler b. 28 My 10 Crosby Helen Ames b.a. (Mrs Robert Cairns Dobson) Rutland m. 29 Ap 09; ch. Barbara b. 23 Ag 10 Cruden« Gertrude b.a. 292 Garfield pi. Brooklyn N. Y. student (domestic art) Teachers col. 07-08 Curry Ethel Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Goodwin Beach) 54 Woodland st. Hartford Ct.f Curtis Helen Very b.a. 986 6th av. New York Curtis** Margaret b.a. 61 Trumbull st. New Haven Ct.f Curts Cordelia Ruth b.a. 184 E. Pearl st. Coldwater Mich. teacher (Coldwater high sch. 07-09, Colorado Springs Col. 09-10 Dana Marian Alexander b.a. (Mrs William H. Mason) 417 Clinton terrace Easton Pa. m. 29 Ja 08; ch. Elizabeth Montgomery (class baby) b. 15 Mr 09 Daniels Elinor Lothrop b.a. 73 E. 127th St. New York student New York sch. of philanthropy summer of 08; teacher (math.) Miss Low's sch. Stamford Ct. 07-09, Hamilton inst. for girls New York 09-10 Davis Dorothy Wendell b.a. 79 Vernon st. Hartford Ct. Dean" Amelia Blanche b.a. 71 Fairfield av. Holyoke Dean Helen Margery b.a. (Mrs Fred Macon Bog an) c/o A. J. Dean 106 E. 24th st. Minneapolis Minn. student (Eng. lit.) Univ. of Minn. 07-08; m. 12 O 09 De Forest Louise Hyde b.a. Cornwall Ct. student A. Y. Cornell summer sch. of music 08, Btookfield summer sch. of music 09; head (music dept) New Windsor Md. col. S-D 08, teacher and jirin. private day sch. Cornwall Ja 09— Dibble Clara May b.a. South Norwalk Ct. head (hist, dept) Windham high sch. Wil- limantic Ct. 07 — Dickson Louie Eleanor b.a. 52 Summit av. Jersey City N. J. Dow Ethel Robinson b.a. 46 Warren av. Woburn Dow" Helen Katherine b.a. Acushnet station New Bedford student (Latin, Greek) Chicago univ. 10; teacher (Latin, hist.) Oak Bluffs Mass. high sch. 07-08, prin. 09-10, teacher (Latin, math.) Baylor col. Belton Tex. 08-09 Duffee Gladys Smith b.a. Center Marshfield teacher Chelsea Mass. high sch. 07-08 Duffey Cherrie Edna b.a. 57 King st. Northampton teacher Weston Vt. high sch. Ja 08-09, Bumham sch. Northampton 09-10 Dupuy Helen Agnes b.a. 4526 N. Paulina st. Chicago 111. landscape gardener with O. C. Simonds & CO. Chicago 07 — Eddy Mary BiUings b.a. 22 Lancaster st. Albany N. Y. Pd.B. 09 N. Y. state normal col. Edmands Marian Elizabeth b.a. 38 Devon road Chestnut Hill 1907] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 165 Edson Suzane Grace b.a, Ludlow Vt. student Columbia lib. training sch. 07-Ap 08; cataloger Teachera col. Ap-Jl 08, asst Fletcher memorial lib. Ludlow Jl 08-Ja 09, cataloger Army war col. Washington D. C. Ja 09 — ; mem. A.L.A. Elliott Virginia Marie b.a. 6126 East End blvd Chicago 111. student (Eng.) Chicago univ; teacher Mrs Starrett's sch. for girls Chicago 07-09 Evans Dorothy b.a. (Mrs L. F. Nobles) 1045 S. Negley av. Pittsburg Pa. m. 10 Fagnant Anna Marie b.a. \ - 91 Howard st. Springfield \/ student (French) Univ. of Grenoble, France, Sorbonne, College de France, Ecole des Chartes, Paris 07-10 Failing Ernestine b.a. 617 Johnson st. Portland Ore.f Felt Marion b.a. 6 Federal court Salem Felton Fannie Ethel b.a. 35 Chapman st. Greenfield student (stenography) Northampton com- mercial col. 10 FoUett Harriet Hopkins b.a. Marietta O.f Foot"^ Mary Alice b.a. (Mrs James Lord) 73 Bradford st. Pittsfield teacher Weston Vt. high sch. 07-Ja 08; m. 31 Mr 08; ch. James jr b. 11 Ap 09 Forbes Louise Holt b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Granville Nellis) 144 E. 22d St. New York teacher New York pub. sch. N 07-My 08; m. 1 O 08; son b. and d. 10 Ag 09 Frankenstein Katherine Dixon b.a. 140 W. Broad st. Westerly R. I. teacher Littleton N. H. Ap-Je 09, North- field sem. 09 — Friedmann Ernestine Louise b.a. 1487 E. 10th St. Brooklyn N. Y. extension sec. Y. W. C. A. Jersey City N. J. 07-08, industrial sec. Colgate & co. 08-10, territorial sec. for N. Y, N. J. & N. E. 10— ♦Gallagher Edith Charters b.a. d. 7 My 08 Gasche Miriam Louise b.a. Dresden O.t Geddes Laura Casey b.a. 2105 Putnam st. Toledo O. mem. A.C.A. Gillette Alletta Maria b.a. 815 Nebraska st. Sioux City la, instructor (Eng.) Morningside col. Sioux City OS- Goodman Alice Edith b.a. (Mrs Thomas Byron Gilchrist) 261 89th St. Bay Ridge, Brook- lyn N. Y. m. 14 S 09 Goodman Mary Isabelle b.a. (Mrs Russel Carson) 20 Coolidge av. Glens Falls N. Y. m. 10 Gove Lydia Pinkham b.a. 254 Lafayette st. Salem Gray Edith b.a. 121 N. Linden av. Pittsburg Pa. teacher Miss Fulton's sch. for girls Pitta- burg 09-10 Greene Alice Cummings b.a. 128 E. North av. Atlanta Ga. mem. A.C.A. Greene Elizabeth Alice b.a. Warwick R. L teacher Medway Mass. 07-08, Peabody 08-10 Gruber Agatha Elizabeth b.a. 314 W. 92d St. New Yorkf student (German, French, Italian) Columbia 09-Ja 10, (music) Vienna 10; teacher (sing- ing) Miss De Lancey's prep. sch. New York 07-08 Haire Mildred Moore b.a. 22 Front st. Houghton Mich.f Hale Mary Kimball b.a. Newbury Vt. Hamilton Jane Steele b.a. (Mrs Lu- cien Wilcox) 1810 Ridgewood terrace Cedar Rapids la. m. 10 Hardy Mary Frances b.a. 10 Livermore road Wellesley Hills student (Latin) Harvard summer sch. 09; teacher Ivy hall Bridgeton N. J. 07-09, Miss Hall's sch. Pittsfield 09 — Harris Sophie Oliver b.a. (Mrs Rodman Armitage Nichols) 51 Clitheroe st. Lowell m. 29 Mr 10 Hasson Helen Arlene b.a. (Mrs Thomas Strother Scott) Valdez Alaska student (hist, educ.) Univ. of Wash. 07-08; asst prin. Valdez pub. sch. 08-09; m. 24 Ag 09; ch. Mary Hasson b. 13 Ag 10 Hawley Mary Frances b.a. 718 S. Crouse av. Syracuse N. Y. Hayden" Ruth Sara b.a. 50 Madison av. Springfield teacher (French) Montgomery Ala. girls high sch. 08, 09, Newton technical high sch. Newtonville Mass. 10 — 166 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1907 Hayden Viola Pauline b.a. Bedford Springs student (bookbinding) Hill Louise Carter b.a. 1910 Stevens av. Minneapolis Minn. Hilliard Carrie Gertrude b.a. (Mrs Alva Morrison Dow) 87 Middle st. Braintree m. 23 Je 09 Hilton Mary b.a. 191 Congress st. Bradford Pa. private sec. 23^$ yr Hinkley Helen Hartwell b.a. 723 Main st. Westbrook Me. Holder" Julia Montrose b.a. 302 Washington st. Bloomington 111. student (German) 111. Wesleyan col. 06; teacher Bloomington high sch. 07-10 Hollow ay Anna Lyne b.a. 182 E. High St. Lexington Ky. Holmes Mabel b.a. 135 Kenmore pi. Brooklyn N. Y. Hooper Christine Maxwell b.a. (Mrs George Arthur Mahl) 4 Amherst st. Rochester N. Y. teacher (French, German) Rochester east side high sch. 07-08; m. 15 Ag 08 Hopson Myra Haxtun b.a. West Mountain, Kent Ct. student (vocal music) Waterloo N. H. summers 08, 09, Brookline F-Ap 10 Howe Esther May b.a. (Mrs John Burtch) 5724 Monroe av. Chicago 111. student Sch. of expression Boston 07-08; instructor (public speaking) Massillon O. high sch. 08-10; m. 10 Howe Nathalie b.a. 149 W. 93d St. New York Huggins Edna Pearl b.a. (Mrs Carl J. Norton) 12 N. 3d St. North Yakima Wash.f Humphrey** Beatrice Isabel b.a. (Mrs John R. Milligan) 7210 Hough av. Cleveland O. m. 21 S 09 Humphreys Ethel b.a. Andover Hunter^ Grace b.a. 481 Franklin st. Buffalo N. Y. asst Buffalo pub. lib. 08 — Huntley^ Kate Eleanor b.a. 10 Broad st. Oneida N. Y.f Hurlbut Olive Ruth b.a. 627 W. 66th St. Chicago IlLf Jackson Florence Alberta b.a. Western military academy Upper Alton 111. Jackson Georgiana Alice b.a. 125 S. Grove st. East Orange'N. J. James Eloise Prindle b.a. 1 Prindle av. Ansonia Ct. teacher (Eng, science) Stratford high sch. 07-10 Jellerson Louise b.a. 21 Kimball terrace Newtonville Kaster Estelle Clarissa b.a. Rimersburg Clarion co. Pa. asst (Eng, German) Woman's col. Fred- erick Md. Ja-Je 08, teacher (Eng, Latin) Atlantic Highlands N. J. high sch. 08-F 09, head (Eng. dept) Latrobe Pa. high sch F09— Keefer" Mary Belle b.a. Box 184 Windsor Ct. teacher Covington Ky. pub. sch. 07-Ja 08 Keener Mabel Ruth b.a. 164 McKean st. Kittanning Pa. Kent Helen French b.a. 744 Benefit st. Pawtucket R. I. Kenyon" Ethel Belle b.a. (Mrs John Carleton Loomis) 92 SterUng st. Hartford Ct. m. 8 O 07; ch. Lyman Kenyon b. 12 N 08 Kern Mary Murison b.a. (Mrs Paul William Tutt) 120 E. Union st. Macon Mo. m. 14 Ja 09; ch. Elizabeth Alexandria b. 17 Ji 10 Ketchum Helen Anna b.a. 514 W. Main st. North Adams teacher Oxford sch. Maiden Mass. 07-08, Proctorsville Vt. high sch. 08-09, Ludlow Mass. high sch. 09-10 Kimball Emily b.a. 110 E. 29th St. New York student (vocal music); factory extension worker Knapp AHce Alden b.a. (Mrs Gordon MacDougall Taylor) 543 Clay av. Scranton Pa. m. 7 Jl 09 Koch Mabel Anna b.a. 539 Oakdale av. Chicago 111. teacher (Latin, German) Maine high sch. Des Plaines 111. Ja 08-10 Kriegsmann Anna Katrina b.a. 27 Wendell av. Schenectady N. Y. teacher (hbt, biol.) Scotia N. Y. high sch. 07-10 Legate"^ Marion Hunt b.a. 210 J^ High St. Newburyport Lehman Louise Catherine b.a. 4742 Grand blvd Chicago 111. 1907] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 167 Lewis" Millicent Vaughan b.a. Irvington on Hudson N. Y. teacher MacKenzie sch. Dobbs Ferry N. Y. 09-10 Lindsay Edna b.a. 238 E. 18th St. Brooklyn N. Y. mem. A.C.A. Lindsay Isabel Gray b.a. (Mrs Henry Frederic Helmholz) 1449 Dearborn av. Chicago 111. m. 30 D 07; ch. Lindsay b. 11 N 09 Linthicum Eda b.a. 1315 Forest av. Evanston 111. Little Eleanor Johnson b.a. 215 High St. Newburyport student (Eng.) Radcliffe 09-10; teacher (Eng.) Newburyport high sch. 08-09 Lotze Hazel Catherine b.a. Vermilion S. D. instructor Carthage S.D. high sch. 07-08, Springfield state normal sch. 08-09, Mitchell high sch. 09-10 Lytle Sophie Ridgely b.a. 125 W. 136th St. New Yorkf Mabie" Carmen Crittenden b.a. 125 Riverside drive New Yorkf McCaskie Florence Agnes b.a. 10 Chestnut st. East Orange N. J.f McCredie Margaret Jane b.a. 722 Douglas av. Elgin 111. McDougall^ Rebecca Vedder b.a. 302 Summer st. Buffalo N. Y.f McElroy" Alice b.a. 131 S. Lake av. Albany N. Y. Pd. B. 08 N. Y. state normal col ; student (kindergarten) N. Y. state normal col. 07- 08; kindergartner Overbrook Pa. sch. for the blind 08-09 McElroy^ Edith b.a. (Mrs WilUam Henry Gardiner jr) 131 S. Lake av. Albany N. Y. substitute teacher Albany high sch. Ja- Mr 09; m. 2 Je 09; mem. A.C.A. McPherson Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Ray- mond Garfield Wright) 903 Boylston st. Seattle Wash. m. 10 Major Lilian Dyott b.a. 939 Sterling pi. Brooklyn N. Y. Mann Harriette Daniell b.a. 46 Elm St. Worcester sec; mem. A.C.A. Manross Marion Roberta b.a. 352 Willow St. New Haven Ct.f Markley Eileen Hughes b.a. 52 W. 94th St. New Yorkf Maxcy Helen Bartlett b.a. Gardiner Me. M.A. 09 Radcliffe; student (Eng.) Rad- cUffe 08-09 May Anna b.a. 65 Mt Vernon st. Oshkosh Wis. lib. apprentice Oshkosh pub. lib. F 10 — ; mem. A.C.A. Mayer Hortense Lucille b.a. (Mrs Walter A. Hirsch) 111 Broadway New York m. 9 F 09 Merritt Florence Mabel b.a. 12 Lincoln av. St Albans Vt. teacher (Eng, hist.) St Albans grammar sch. 08 — Miller Jeanne Marie b.a. 511 Gladstone blvd Kansas City Mo. Miller Kathleen Amy b.a. 511 Gladstone blvd Kansas City Mo. Miller May Irene b.a. 197 Summer st. Stamford Ct. Mills Blanche Ethel b.a. 34 Howard st. Pittsfield teacher (Latin, Eng.) River head N. Y. high sch. 07-10 Montgomery Elizabeth Mason b.a. Frankfort Ky. Moodey Helen Chapin b.a. 603 Watchung av. Plainfield N.J. teacher Akeley hall Grand Haven Mich. 08-09, Miss Richmond's sch. Cranford N. J. 09-10 Moorhead Bessie b.a. (Mrs Allen Bevins Reed) c/o Navy dept Washington D. C. m. 25 S 09 Morrill Frances Ursula b.a. 80 Snow St. Fitchburg teacher Leominster Mass. high sch. 07 — Murphey Carobel b.a. Box 445 Tucson Ariz. student (Eng.) Univ. of Ariz. 09-10; teacher Tucson sch. 07-10; society editor Tucson Citizen 09-10 Murphy Harriett Frances b.a. (Mrs Jack Finncane) Clover St. Brighton N. Y. m. 21 Ap 09 Nichols Bertha Richards b.a. (Mrs Chester Holbrook Brown) Pomfret Center Ct. m. 2 Jl 07; ch. Carlton Nichols b. 28 Ap 10 Niles" Louisa Frances b.a. (Mrs Samuel Elverton Gates) c/o General electric co. Portland Ore. m. 25 Jl 08; ch. Charles Sneath Niles b. 23 SIO 168 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1907 Niles Marion Agnes b.a. c/o Old Colony trust co. Temple pi. Boston M.A. 10; student (music) Berlin 07-08, fellow Smith 08-10 Norris Mabel Etta b.a. 118 S. Mt Vernon av. Prescott Ariz, student (sociology) Columbia 07-08, fellow Smith and Col. settlements assn 07-08; resident Music sch. settlement New York 10— Noyes Mary b.a. 90 Remsen st. Brooklyn N. Y. O'Brien Agnes Mary b.a. 1159 Lake av. Rochester N. Y.f Oliver Jessie Stevens b.a. (Mrs Chal- mers Smith) 16 Lochiel apartments Niagara Falls N. Y. teacher (biol, hist.) Niagara Falls high sch. 08-10; m. 10 Ormsbee Mary Royce b.a. 435 Macon st. Brooklyn N. Y. newspaper writer and investigator 07-10 Owen Emily Pratt b.a. 614 State st. Madison Wis. M.A. 10 Univ. of Wis; student (Spanish, French, Portuguese) Univ. of Wis. 09-10 Park Julia Lyman b.a. 25 Sherwood pi. Englewood N. J. asst primary teacher Dwight sch. for girls Englewood 07-10 Parsons" Ethel Earle b.a. 344 Bridge st. Northamptonf Paton Margaret Young b.a. 423 Prospect st. New Haven Ct. teacher Winchester sch. New Haven 07-08, (math.) high sch. 08-10; mem. A.C.A. Penhallow Susan Mabelle b.a. 73 Washington st. New London Ct. Perry Edna McCloud b.a. Reedsburg Wis. B.M. 10 Amer. conservatory Chicago; asst (music) Brookings S. D. state col. 08-09, instructor (piano) Amer. conservatory 09-10 Peters Mary Louise b.a. 891 E. Broad st. Columbus O. student (domestic science, sociology) Univ. of O. 07-08; mem. A.C.A. Pitman Margareth Arnold b.a. 97 Williams st. Providence R. I. M.A. 10 Radcliffe; student (Eng.) Rad- cliffe 08-09, (German) Pembroke 09-10; primary teacher W. C. T. U. settlement Hindman Ky. 07-08 ; mem. A.C.A. Place Bertha Louise b.a. 109 First av. Gloversville N. Y. Porter Madeline b.a. 129 Pleasant st. Arlington Potter Ethel Annie b.a. Cazenovia N. Y. teacher Canaan Ct. high sch. 08-10 Potts'* Mary b.a. 1021 N. Lawrence av. Wichita Kan. Powers Josephine b.a. 25 Whittlesey av. New Haven Ct. student (hist.) Yale 09-10; teacher (hist.) New Haven high sch. 08-10; mem. A.C.A. Pratt Mary Brooks b.a. Elkhart Ind. Pratt Ruth Edma b.a. (Mrs Andrew Ivory Keener) 2010 K St. University pi. Lincoln Neb.f Prichard Elsie Hammond b.a. 40 Nahant st. Lynn Proctor Alvara [Rawson] b.a. Brownell hall Omaha Neb. asst prin. Erie 111. high sch. 07-08, demon- strator (physics) Smith 08-09, teacher Brownell hall Omaha 09-10 Rath von Mary Louise b.a. 1333 Pine st. Boulder Col. teacher Miss Wolcott's sch. Denver Col. 08-10; mem. A.C.A. Read Helen b.a. 313 Park lane Des Moines la. Reed Helen Ainsworth b.a. (Mrs Charles E. Bartlett) 2018 Spring Garden st. Philadel- phia Pa. student (household economics) Simmons col. 07-My 08; m. 10 Reid Dora Allan b.a. Kinnear apartments Seattle Wash.t Reynolds Anna Earll b.a. 1620 Grant st. Denver Col. mem. A.C.A. Reynolds Neva N. b.a. (Mrs William J. Minsch) 148 First st. New Brighton Staten Island N. Y. m. 10 Rhodes Isabella Knox b.a. c/o Cleveland public library Cleveland O. B.L.S. 10 N. Y. state lib. sch; asst N. Y. state lib. 08-Jl 10; mem. A.L.A. Richmond Myrtle Leila b.a. 2255 S. Fillmore Denver Col. M.A. 08 Denver imiv; teacher (math.) Denver imiv. prep, dept 07-09, Denver imiv. 09-10; asst to dean 08-10; mem. A.C.A. 1907] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 169 Roberts^ Alice Ward b.a. (Mrs William Roberts Colby jr) 2222 Crescent drive Interiaken, Seattle Wash, m. 18 Je 08; ch. Elizabeth Roberts b. 7 Je09 Roberts Margaret Oborn b.a. (Mrs Herbert W. Sanborn) 306 Main st. Waupaca Wis.t Roberts Marie Darrah b.a. 206 W. Dithridge st. Pittsburg Pa. teacher Claysville Pa. high sch. Ja 09-My 10 Robinson Regina Muriel b.a. (Mrs George Houston Burr) 103 Pond St. Natick director New York vacation playground summer of 07 ; primary teacher Irving sch. for boys New York 07-09, private tutor 08-09; m. 22 Je 09 Rodenbach Katrina Macy b.a. 56 Terrace av. Naugatuck Ct. Rosenberg Lucille Estelle b.a. 14 W. 88th St. New Yorkf Roura Katharine Fancher b.a. 244 Jefferson av. Brooklyn N. Y. student (hist, of educ, pedagogy) Teachers col. fall of 07, (sociology) Sch. of philan- thropy summer of 08; visitor New York charity organization 08-09 Rusk Katharine Gaul b.a. 2000 E. Baltimore st. Baltimore Md.t Russell Helen Lois b.a. Care Morgan Harjes & co. 31 blvd Haussmann Paris France Sanborn Lulu Morley b.a. 420 N. Jefferson av. Saginaw Mich, teacher Ironwood Mich, fall of 08 Savage Marion b.a. Bend o* the Road Plainfield N. J.f Schauffler Julia Dorothea b.a. (Mrs Robert George Higinbotham) 63 Fremont st. Bridgeport Ct. student Bible teachers training sch. New York S-D 07 ; substitute teacher New York D 07-Je 09; m. 11 Ja 10 Schlesinger Mae b.a. (Mrs Henry M. Butzel) 36 Marston court Detroit Mich, m. 26 N 07 Schricker^ Florence Hilda b.a. 505 Maiden av. Seattle Wash. teacher La Conner Wash, high sch. Mr 08- 09, Seattle high sch. 09 — Senior Clara b.a. 2220 Frances lane Cincinnati O. Sewell Mabel Elizabeth b.a. (Mrs Leigh Cilley Turner) 109 Lexington av. Syracuse N. Y. m. 15 S 09; mem. A.C.A. Sexton Leola Logan b.a. 1439 La Salle av. Chicago 111. Sheibley Mabel Matilda b.a. 260 W. Pomfret st. Carlisle Pa. teacher (Latin, Eng.) AUentown Pa. col. for women 07-08, head (Eng. dept) 08-10 Sheldon Sarah Meech b.a. 1129 37th St. Seattle Wash.f Sherman" Hope b.a. 37 Royal st. Medford substitute teacher Medford pub. sch. 07- O 08; scientific asst Carnegie nutrition lab. Roxbvuy O 08 — Shu art Christine b.a. 27 Mulberry st. Springfield Sikes Ruth Lathrop b.a. c/o S. R. Sikes co. 915 Washing- ton av. S. Minneapolis Minn. Simon Carolyn b.a. 65 Holden st. North Adamsf Smith" Bertha Wilson b.a. 76 Mt Vernon st. Fitchburg grad. Boston Y. W. C. A. sch. of domestic science 10; teacher (domestic science) Smith Harriet Lewis b.a. (Mrs Wilfrid Ernest Playfair) The Algonquin, 5 10th av. East Vancouver B. C. reporter Boston Herald Jl-D 07; m. 24 Je 08 ; ch. Portia Elizabeth b. 14 N 09 Smith Marion Bemardine b.a. 507 S. University st. Normal 111. Smith Valborg Sophia [Sophie] b.a. (Mrs George Sheldon Adams) Yankton S. D. student (dramatic reading, elocution); dramatic coach for sch; m. 10 N 10 Smith Virginia Jeffrey b.a. 123 Troup St. Rochester N. Y. Spencer Helen Louise b.a. Box 68 East Bridgewaterf Sternberger Elsie b.a. Idaho Springs Col. student (piano) Fox-Buonamici sch. Boston 07-08, Ap 09-Mr 10 Stocks Violet b.a. 141 Parkview av. Lowell teacher (math.) Science Hill sch. Shelby- ville Ky. 07-08, Lowell evening high sch. 09-10 Stockwell^ Louisa Maria b.a. (Mrs George Bradford Neumann) Chengtu West China teacher mission sch. 10; m. 14 Jl 08 170 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1907 V Stratton** Helen Anna b.a. 133 Chenango st. Binghamton N. Y. teacher 07-08; libn 08 — Strobhar Nettie Boyd b.a. River Bank Beverly N. J. student (German lit.) Berlin univ. 07-08 Tate Helen Hays b.a. 138 N. Main st. Gloversville N. Y. Taylor Frances b.a. 106 Wendell av. Pittsfield teacher 2d grade Ocean Grove N. J. pub. sch. 07-08, substitute teacher Pittsfield pub. sch. 08-10 Taylor Mildred Rebecca b.a. 1306 Broome st. Wilmington Del. Thomdike Myra Darling b.a. (Mrs Ralph Edson Tibbetts) c/o J. T. Robinson & Son 377 Broadway New York editor (woman's dept) Boston Herald Jl 07-08; m. 13 Je 08; ch. Mary Isbeil b. 4 Je 10 Thorne Louise Ophelia b.a. 1 Tower pi. Yonkers N. Y. teacher Cresson Pa. 07-10 Tolman Olive b.a. 18 Catherine st. Worcester instructor (classics) Monson Mass. acad. 07-10 Tower Beatrice b.a. 18 Myrtle av. Auburndale Townsend Edna Ballard b.a. R. F. D. 5 Augusta Me. Townshend Grace Margaret b.a. (Mrs Earl Partridge) 923 Summit av. Minneapolis Minn, m. 30 D 09 Trafton" Eleanor Somes b.a. 672 Broadway South Boston Treadwell Helen Adams b.a. (Mrs Howard Sargent Wilkinson) 319 Boston st. Lynn m. 9 O 07 Tucker Carolyn Virginia b.a. 60 South St. Waref Tuthill Stella Weston b.a. 1106 Lake Shore drive Chicago lU.t Varney Alice Marguerite b.a. 8 W. Concord st. Dover N. H.f Vaughan Agnes Gleason b.a. 30 Sever st. Worcester Viets Marion Tufts b.a. 155 Hunnewell av. Newton teacher Orthopaedic hospital White Plains N. Y. 08—; mem. A.C.A. ♦Vincent Marie b.a. d. 17 S 09 Walters Edith'Alice^B.A. Wyoming IlLf Welch Jeanne tte b.a. (Mrs Henry Strong Denison) 1450 Washington av. Denver Col.t m. 19 Ag 09 Wheeler" Leola ,b.a. Avilla Mo. diploma 08 Emerson col. of oratory; head (expression dept) Webb City Mo. high sch. 08-10 White Bessie Matilda b.a. 140 Prospect st. Ridgewood N. J. industrial sec. Y. W. C. A. Passaic N. J. Ja09— Wilds Sophie Emeline b.a. Middlebury Vt. Willard« Ethel Adelaide b.a. (Mrs Henry Francis Eddy) 6042 B Kingsbury blvd St Louis Mo. teacher Utuado P. II. pub. sch. 07-08, Leicester Mass. acad. 08-09 ; m. 5 O 09 Willis Hope b.a. \ / 1861 Mintwood pi. Washington / D. C. student (philos.) Sorbonne Paris 07-08 Winslow Dorothy Scott b.a. 2628 Hampden court Chicago 111. student Chicago art inst. 09-10 Winward Leonora Eugene b.a. 605 Highland av. Fall Riverf Wolle Helen Seiberiing b.a. 144 E. Market st Akron O. Wood Edna Bulkley b.a. 20 Forest Hill av. East Cleveland O. children's libn Cleveland pub. lib. 09-10 *Wood" Laura Aline b.a. d. Ag 08 Woodruff Marguerite Louise b.a. (Mrs George Starkweather Fow- ler) 33 Lincoln st. Glen Ridge N. J. m. 6 Ap 10 Woods Katharine b.a. (Mrs Ed- ward Norman Lacey) 15 Jason st. Ariington student Mass. general hospital nurses train- ing sch. Boston 07-D 09; m. 7 My 10 Woolf Lucy Ethel b.a. 918 Prudential bldg Atlanta Ga. teacher Atlanta girls high sch. 07-10 Woolverton Ethel b a. (Mrs Fred- erick Hanover Cone) 50 W. 45th St. New York m. 08 1907-08] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 171 Young Elizabeth Laird b.a. 796 Bergen av. Jersey City N. J, Total 268-*3 1908 Abbott Harriette Frances b.a. 6 Franklin st. Watertown teacher (Eng, hist.) Keene N. H. high sch. 08-09, (Eng.) St Mary's sch. Peekskill N. Y. 09-10 Adams Anna Brooks b.a. (Mrs Elvin Clement Taylor) 9 Temple st. Springfield m. 6 N 09 Adams"^ Ruth b.a. 10 Central st. Concord Junction teacher Ipswich Mass. high sch. Allen Hazel Laberta b.a. 21 Winter st. Boston Allen Sadie Dora b a. Terryville Ct. AUmond Mary Helen b.a. 600 Harvard av. N. Seattle Wash. Andrews^ Helen Hirst b.a. Fenton Mich, teacher Fenton 09, Manistee 10 Appleton Helen Lincoln b.a. 146 Joralemon st. Brooklyn N. Y. f Averill Mary Halsey b.a. 176 S. Parsons av. Flushing N. Y. teacher (Eng.) Homestead sch. Flushing Mr-Je 09, 09-10 Ayer Eugenia b.a. (Mrs Oliver Frost Cutts) 1425 Grand av. Seattle Wash. student (music) Boston 08-09 ; m. 30 Je 09 ; ch. Jeannette b. 13 Mr 10 Baker Mary Tryphosa b.a c/o H. N. Baker 11 Boylston terrace West Medford membership sec. Women's educ. and in- dustrial union Boston Ap-D 09; asst registrar Simmons col. D 09 — Barber Katherine Dew alt b.a. 333 S. Market st. Canton O. Barney Ida b.a. 346 Whitney av. New Haven Ct. student (math.) Yale 08-10; mem. A.C.A. Barr Helen b.a. 9 Amherst st. Nashua N. H. Bartle Ruth b.a. Railway exchange bldg Chicago 111. Batson Allison Blanche b.a. 69 South St. Northampton teacher (commercial dept) Hmgham Mass. high sch. 08-09, (sec. dept) Rockford col. 09-10 Batterson Florence b.a. (Mrs David A. Dowsett) c/o Mrs R. P. Crawford 5 Max- well St. Sullivan Ind.f Beane Katherine Edna b.a. Newington N. H. teacher Netherwood Rothesay N. B. Beasley Martha Mabel b.a. (Mrs George Albert Hill jr) 50 Riverdale st. West Springfield m. 18 F 09 Bliss Elizabeth Howe b.a. 100 Main st. Worcester teacher (Eng.) Watertown N. Y. high sch.. 08-10, (Eng, Latin) East Orange" N. J. high sch. 10 — B liven Emma Alma b.a. 4 Beech terrace Yonkers N. Y. teacher Sch. of Good Shepherd Asbury Park N. J. 08-09, (Eng, hist, Latin, algebra) Misses Metcalf's sch. Tarry town N. Y. 09-10 Boardman Mabel b.a. 367 W. 6th av. Columbus O. art-craft worker Bosart Dora Ellen b.a. 4704 E. Washington st. Indiana- polis Ind. B owne Ethel Middlebrook b.a ( Mrs Harold Chessman Keith) 1383 Main st. Brocktonf m. 12 Ap 10 Boyle Florence McCollough b.a. 648 Champlain st. Detroit Mich. teacher Terre Haute Ind. classical sch. 08-09, St Gabriel's sch. Peekskill N. Y, 09-10 Boynton Frances Clark b.a. 33 Beacon st. Florence student (German, math.) Smith 08; teacher Faulkton S. D. Ja 10— Boynton Josephine Anna b a. 101 Livingston av. Lowellf Brackett Caroline Russell b.a. (Mrs Robert Erastus Blakeslee) 63 Kenwood av. Newton Center m. 7 Ja 09; ch. Robert Willard b. 14 Ja 10 Bradley Kate b.a. (Mrs Burritt Samuel Lacy) The Arno Dubuque la. m. 19 D 08; ch, Benjamin Marvin b. 14 F 10 Bright Margaret b.a. (Mrs Edwin H. Parkhurst) 2436 Norfolk road Cleveland O. teacher (expression) Hathaway-Brown sch. Cleveland 08-09; m. 30 Ap 10 Briley Beatrice Annie b.a. 1893 Pacific st. Brooklyn N. Y.f teacher Berkeley inst. Brooklyn 08-09, Girls high sch. 09-10 172 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION [1908 Brown Annie Grertrude b.a. (Mrs Hazen Fancher Simpson) The Knoll Peekskill N. Y. M.A. 09; student (math, German) Smith 08-09; m. 2 N09 Brownlee Edith b.a. 312 8th av. Spokane Wash.f Burpee Carolyn May b.a. 219 Harvard st. Brookline ♦Burroughs Ethel b.a. d. 18 My 08 Burton Flora Emma b.a. 55 Garfield st. Cambridge settlement worker Cambridge neighbor- hood house 08-09 Butler Gertrude Mary b.a. 205 Haverhill st. Lawrence private teacher and tutor Butler Grace Marjorie b.a. 927 Michigan av. Niagara Falls N. Y. instructor (drawing) Niagara Falls high sch. 09, De Veaux sch. 10 Butler Mary Elizabeth b.a. 2 Green lane Worcester teacher (French, Latin) Newtown Ct. high sch. 08-09, substitute teacher Worcester high sch. 09-10 Camp Dorothy Hale b.a. 214 Clinton st. Watertown N. Y. Campbell Martha Alice b.a. (Mrs Max Meyer) 16 Bell st. Chicopee student (French lang. and art) Alliance fran^aise, Paris; asst West Hartford Ct. grammar sch. 08-09; clerk Mass. mutual life insurance co. Springfield 09-10 Carsley Fannie Belle b.a. Bridgton Me.f Carswell Harriet Townsend b.a. 128 S. 19th St. Philadelphia Pa.f Cary Bessie Ella b.a. 149 East av. Lockport N. Y.f Chandler Jean Emily b.a. 30 Kensington av. Northampton sec. to registrar Margaret Morrison Carnegie sch. for women Pittsburg Pa. 08-09, asst registrar Smith 09 — Chase Mary Louise b.a. 311 Lafayette av. Brooklyn teacher (science) Science Hill sch. Shelby- ville Ky. 08-10 Childs Harriet Evelyn b.a. Deerfield teacher Manchester Vt. 08-10 Christian Grace b.a. 404 N. Alabama st. Indianapolis Ind. Churchyard Constance b.a. 1555 Niagara st. Buffalo N. Y. head (Eng. dept) Perry N. Y. high sch. 08-10 Clancy Agnes Grace [Williams] b.a. South Egremont teacher (Eng.) St Mary's sch. Memphis Tenn. 08-09, reader (psych.) Smith 09-10 Clary Frances Ward b.a. (Mrs Silas Snow) 221 Gates av. Brooklyn N. Y. teacher Williamsburg Mass. high sch. 08- 09; m. 2 O09 Coale Mary Arabella b.a. Glen Ridge N. J. student (organ) Montclair N. J; teacher Miss Keller's sch. New York N 08-09, (Eng, music) Hamilton sch. for girls New York 09 — ; mem. Amer. guild of organists Conant Beatrice b.a. 11 Sheffield road Winchester teacher Middletown Ct. high sch. 08-09; asst dressmaking establishment 09-10 Copp Emily Avery b.a. Groton Ct. tutor Corbett Clara Louise b.a. (Mrs Denison Shoemaker Phelps) 43 Main st. Binghamton N. Y. m. 2 Je 09 Coursen Aline Toppin b.a. 194 Roseville av. Newark N. J. Cowperthwaite Edith Adele b.a. 249 Kimball av. Westfield N. J. Crow Martha Worrell b.a. 2112 Spring Garden st. Philadel- phia Pa. student (math.) Univ. of Pa. 09-10 ; teacher (science, math.) Milford Del. high sch. 08-09, (physics) Philadelphia high sch. for girls 09-10 Cumston Charlotte b.a. 18 Monmouth court Brookline Curtis Lena Riley b.a. 986 5th av. New York Cutter Edna b.a. 694 Mammoth road Dracut market gardener 08-10 Dauchy Katharine b.a. 870 Carroll st. Brooklyn N. Y. Davidson Helen Buffum b.a. (Mrs Bartlett Walton) Park av. Wakefield teacher Newport Vt. high sch. 08-Ja 10; m. 30 Ap 10 Davidson Mary Richmond b.a. Auburndale teacher Misses Allen's sch. West Newton Mass. 08-10 Dixon Florence b.a. 241 Franklin pi. Flushing N. Y. Doris Mary Monica b.a. 44 Berkeley st. Somerville Dorr Marion Harvey b.a. 249 Lake av. Newton Highlands 1908] ACADEMIC GRADUATES 173 Doughty Antoinette Varick b.a. 170 Engle st. Englewood N. J. Dow Mary Windsor b.a. Broad st. Claremont N. H.f Dudley Rose b.a. Georgetown Ky. Dunbar Ruth b.a. 43 Center st. Brookline Dunn Mary Louise b.a. (Mrs Frank Douglas Spaulding) 98 College st. Burlington Vt. m. 1 Je 10 Dyar Gladys Eleanor b.a. 376 W. 5th St. Winona Minn.f Edgar Louise b.a. 19 Monroe pi. Brooklyn N. Y. student (hist, of math.) Teachers col. 08- 09; mem. A.C.A. Edge Florence Matilda b.a. 148 W. 121st St. New Yorkf Edwards Margaret MacLaren b.a, 1721 Santa Barbara st. Santa Barbara Cal. Eliot Mary b.a. 48 Gordon av. Hyde Park kindergartner Miss Fisher's sch. Boston 09-10 Eliot Ruth Forbes b.a, 209 Church st. New Haven Ct. student N. Y. state lib. sch. 09-10 Ellsworth Helen Clare b.a. 362 Main st. Athol student (piano) Northampton 08-10 Emerson Josephine Burt b.a, Mascoma N. H, teacher (math.) Middlebury Vt. high sch. 08-10 Emerson Malleville Wheelock b.a. Amherst Enright Elizabeth Evelyn b.a. 249 Pearl st. BurHngton Vt. asst George Junior republic high sch. Freeville N. Y. Ja-Je 09, Highgate Vt. high sch. Mr-Je 10 *Evans'^ Winifred Margaret b.a. d. 1 Ap 08 Everett Amy King b.a, c/o E, H. Everett co, Newark O. Falding Phyllis b,a, c/o F. J, Falding 55 Broadway New York teacher Bristol Ct, high sch. 08-09, teacher and tutor Manor son. Larchmont N, Y. 09-10 Farman Mary Catharine b.a. 30 Cross St. Jamestown N. Y.f Farrill Ethel Alyne b.a. 260 Park pi. Kenosha Wis. teacher (Eng.) Kenosha high sch, F 10 — Fenton" Josephine Agnes b.a. 27 Suffolk St. Holyoket Fitzgerald Eleanor Elizabeth b.a. 124 Washington st. Hempstead Long Island N. Y. teacher Garden City 1>. I. pub. sch. 08-09, (French, German) Hempsteammonwealth av. Boston! OO-DOl Covell Carrie Langdon 27 W. 88th St. New Yorkt art 85-88 Cowan Irene (Mrs Watson Marshall) 724 Maryland av. Pittsburg Pa. 00-02; probation oflBcer Allegheny co. Pa. juvenile court Mr 05-My 09; m. 5 O 09; ch. Edward Cowan b. 11 Jl 10 Cox Edith (Mrs Howard Wurts Page) 717 Locust St. Philadelphia Pa. 86-87; m. 12 Ap 94; ch. Samuel Davis jr b. 27 My 95, Edith Nelson b. 11 My 97, Evelyn Byrd b. 16 O 98, Mary Cox b. 21 Mr 00 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 213 aCoy Jennie [Jane] Evelyn (Mrs Louis Derr) 83 Center st. Brookline 87-88; teacher Gushing acad. Aahburnham Mass. 91-92; m. 7 Je 93; ch. Thomaa Sieger b. 10 Je 96 Coyle Anna [Annie] Stuart (Mrs Paul Myron Goodrich) 18 Cherry st. North Adams 90- Ap 92; teacher North Adams grammar sch. 94-96, Normal practice sch. 96-99, private sch. Philadelphia 99-02; m. 8 O 03; ch. Mary Paul b. 24 S 08 aCraig Jean Maria 5540 Avondale pi. Pittsburg Pa. 78-79; teacher (Latin, Eng.) Pittsburg cen- tral high sch. 81-86, Chicago high sch. 95-96, Erep. sch. Pittsburg 97-02; private tutor, scturer (current events) 03-10 oCrandall Augusta (Mrs Robert G. Hughston) c/o W. E. Cramer 1022 Lexington av. New York 84-85; teacher Delhi N. Y. acad. 85-88; visitor N. Y. assn for improving condition of poor 98-99, supt Protective service club; m. 89 Crane Bertha Marie (Mrs Andrew Jenks Borden) 1327 Leavenworth st. San Francisco Cal.t 94-96; teacher 96-97; m. 4Je97; ch. Vivien Adelaide b. 5 Ja 99, Beatrice b. 9 Jl 01 Crapon Cora Geneva 105 Beacon av. Providence R. I. 90-91; student R. I. normal sch. 93, (Ger- man) European sch. of lang. Providence 2 yr. Biblical inst. Brown univ. 03-05; teacher Providence pub. sch. 94 — Crary Marion A. (Mrs Raymond V. Ingersoll) 263 Cumberland st. Brooklyn N. Y. 00-01; m. 29S08 Crawford Sara Letitia (Mrs William Fisher Dana) Carthage Ind.f 99-00; diploma 99 Pa. col. of music Mead- villePa; m. 24 S 03 flCrawley Melita 72 Gardner st. AUstonf 00-02; private sec. Cresswell Marion Helen Edgewater Park N. J. 03-04 Criley Katherine May Coates house Kansas City Mo. J 95-98 ♦Crittenden Daisy Laura (Mrs Edward Dyer) music 89-91; ch. Roland, Dorothy; d. 30 Jl 05 Crittenden Lottie Rosabel Shelbume Fallst music 91-92; grad. N. E. conservatory of music; instructor (music) Gushing acad. Ashburnham Mass. 02-05 Crocker Avice Webber 32 Lee st. Cambridge 98-Mr 99 Crocker Bertha Hyannis 85-86; student Springfield Mass. normal training sch. 93-94; teacher Springfield pub. sch. 94-07 Crocker Ella Adell (Mrs D. P. Aber- crombie jr) High st. Turners Fallsf music 94-97 Crofoot Sara Elizabeth 43 Caleb pi. Pontiac Mich. 88-91 Cross Jane [Jennie] Parthenia (Mrs Joel Frank Trull) 38 South St. Biddeford Me. 89-91; reader and teacher (voice culture); m. 24 D 94 Crossley Ida Louise 97 Arlington av. East Orange N. J.f art 98-99 Crouse Julia Munson (Mrs Horace Milton Houser) 578 E. Market st. Akron O. S-D 85; m. 12 F 96; ch. George Grouse b. 12 Mr 98, Martha Parsons b. 16 Ja 02 aCrowe Catherine Elizabeth (Mrs Melvin Tilden Holbrook) 68 Meny Mount road Quincy 0.3-D 04; m. 15 Ag 06; ch. Dorothy b. 13 Jl 07 aCrowell Delia Susan 473 June st. Fall River 06-07 Crowley Lilian Beatrice 610 Lowell St. Lawrencet 04-05 Cruikshank Maud Mary 30 W. 126th St. New York 98-99; student New York sch. of applied design for women 99-01 Cullinan Ellen Elizabeth 455 State st. Bridgeport Ct.J S-D 91 aCummings Lillian De Puy (Mrs Charles N. Fitts) 12 Bedford terrace Northampton! 87-88; m. 3 O 88; ch. Donald Gummmgs b. 6 Ap 91, Gharles Norman b. 19 Ag 95, Gordon Butler b. 29 S 00, Lillian Jean b. 10 03 d. 10 Cummins Anne (Mrs Roger Goodwin Culbertson) Warland Wyo. OO-FOl; m. 7S09 Cunningham Marie Garvin (Mrs John Stuart Hopkins) 1009 S. First st. Evansville Ind. 01-03; m. 2 Je 06; ch. Susan Garvin b. 24 My 07 214 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION aCunningham Marion Hobart (Mrs James Delamater Freeman) 16 Washington av. Northampton 77-80; teacher Montclair N. J. pub. sch. 80-81, private sch. Rochester N. Y. 81-83, Montclair 84-89; m. 10 D 89 (husband d. 4 Mr 05) ; ch. Marion Delamater b. 5 D 91 (Smith 14), Janet Horatia b. 8 JI 94 Curran Mary Eleanor 138 E. 40th St. New York 02-D 04; B.A. 08 Barnard; teacher Misa Hartridge's sch. Plainfield N. J. 08-09, Miss Chapin's sch. New York 09-10 Currier Clare Stennis 3 East av. Ithaca N. Y. 04-05; student (domestic economy) Cornell Currier Florence (Mrs Romeo Gould) Hanover N. H. 95-96; m. 15 O 04; ch. Dorrance Carrier (son) b. 6 F 06 Currier Helen Winifred 6 Chestnut st. Chelseaf 02-04 Currier Mary Mehetabel ent. fr. Wentworth N. H. S-D93 Curtis Cora Belle ent. fr. Batavia N. Y. music 81-82 Curtis Mabel 370 Plantation st. Worcester 93-94; manager greenhouse aCushman Hattie Frances music 82-83 Monson Cushman Lena Nina (Mrs Carl Her- man Carroll) c/o Mrs J. E. Cushman 31 School St. Burlington Vt. 05-06; m. 7 My 08; ch. Richard Cushman b. 16 Mr 09 Cutler Emila Pomeroy ent. fr. Amherst music 95-96 Cutler Ermina Augusta (Mrs Norman Whitney) 37 Everett st. Newport R. I. art 98-99; student Mass. normal art sch. 99-02; supervisor (drawing) Uxbridge and Whitinsville Mass. 03-04, Newport 04-05; m. 26 S 05 Cutler Henrietta Estella (Mrs Ray- mond Dodge) 107 Lawn av. Middletown Ct. 92-93; teacher 95-98; m. 18 Ag 97 Cutler Lucy Jane (Mrs Harry Whiting Kellogg) 19 Highland av. Greenfieldf music 84-85; church organist; m. 24 N 85; ch. Henry Cutler b. 4 O 86, Earle Nahum Whiting b. 21 O 88, Evelyn b. 10 Je 93 Cutter Susan Maria The Montgomery, N. Capitol and M sts. Washington D. C. 90-91; diploma 97 Albany N. Y. state normal col; teacher (hist, algebra, Eng.) North Plainfield N. J. 91-96, (zoology, physiol.) Montclair 97-10 Daggett Blanche Attleboro Fallst 97-99; student Boston normal sch. of cook- ery; teacher (cookery) 03-04 Dailey Ada Mary 219 Turley av. Council Bluffs la.f Ol-Ap 02; teacher Council Bluffs pub. sch. 02-10 Damon Emma Josephine (Mrs Robert Thomas Simison) 34 Washington av. Northampton art 99-01; student Northampton commer- cial col. Mr-Jl 02; stenographer 02-06; m. 18 Je 06; ch. Barbara Damon b. 22 S 07, Lalia Barnes b. 10 F 09 Damon Inez Field b.m. 03 Manchester N. H. music 00-03; student (music) Boston; grad. Inst, of music pedagogy; supervisor (music) and teacher Walpole Mass. and Chicopee pub. sch. 04-05, director (music) state normal sch. Moorhead Minn. 05-07, Newpaltz N. Y. 07-10, Univ. of Ga. Athens Ga. 10— Damon Lois (Mrs Percy Holmes Boynton) Chicago university Chicago 111. 94-95; teacher Smith acad. St Louis Mo. 96-02; m. 11 O 02; ch. Holmes b. 15 Ag 06, Damon b. 27 S 08 Damon Lucilla Simpson (Mrs Harry Sargent Oilman) 149 Newbury st. Boston art 98-00; student (design) Boston museum of fine arts 00-02; m. 19 O 04 *Dana Mary (Mrs Franklin Lumbard Wheeler) 82-83; m. 4 Je 85 (husband d. 12 Ja 92); d. 18 Ja 92 Dane Ada Warren (Mrs Clarence Norman Lovell) 87 Wyoming av. Melrose 91-92; m. 16 Je 03; ch. Sally b. 26 Ag 04, Norman Dana b. 27 F 08 Daniell Elizabeth Dwight Madison Ct.f art 98-99 Danielson Clara Maud c/o Richard Saltonstall Chestnut Hill 95-98 Dann Editha Lewis 1298 Bryden road Columbus O.t 94-96; student Ann Arbor Mich. 96-97; teacher (Eng.) Germany MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATE8 215 Darling Corinne Martin (Mrs Ralph Hamilton Chambers) 65 Sanford av. Flushing N. Y. 94-95; m. 27 My 96; ch. Corinne Martin b. 29 Mr 05. Robert Hamilton b. 17 F 09 Darling Mary Sheddon (Mrs Henry White) 112 MilHgan pi. South Orange N. J.f 95-96 ♦Darrah Edna Clare 00-01 Darrin Helen Mary (Mrs Charles Ed- ward Robertson) 2221 Kenmore av. Chicago 111. J 98- Ap 99, Ap-Je 00; m. 30 Je 03; ch. Del- mar b. 31 Jl 04 Darrin Katharine Eliza Addison N. Y. 96-98; B.A. 06 Columbia; student Teachers col; teacher Addison 98-02, Columbia sch. Rochester 06-07, Miss Rounds' sch. Brooklyn 07-10 d'Autremont Antoinette (Mrs Oliver S. Andresen) 2609 E. 5th St. Duluth Minn. 00-01; m. 6 Ja 09: ch. Karl d'Autremont b. 4 Ja 10 •Davenport Ruth 05-06; d. 26 Ag 06 Davis Bertha May (Mrs Herman David Bone) Wells River Vt. art 98-99; teacher Tarrytown N. Y. 03-04, in private family Easton Pa. 04-06; m. 25 D 05: ch. Charlotte Davis b. 12 O 06. Harriett Eleanor b. 13 O 09 Davis Edith Harriman (Mrs Frederick WiUiam Shontell) 320 Amherst st. Manchester N. H. 93-94; m. 20O03 Davis Edna 149 E. 2d St. Portsmouth O. 8-D 93, Ja-D 95 Davis Ethel Hyde (Mrs Roy A. Barnard) 6 Belvidere av. Worcester 95-97; m. 6 Je 06; ch. Lawrence Bigelow b. 16 Mr 07, Sarah Elizabeth b. 15 Ag 09 Davis Ethel May 828 Pennsylvania st. Denver Col. 05-06 Davis Grace Gilbert (Mrs Walter McDougall) 34 Lenox road Brooklyn N. Y. art 85-89; grad. art 89; m. 28 Ap 97; ch. Theodore Davis b. 19 Ap 98, Ellen b. 5 S 99, Elizabeth b. 14 Mr 02 aDavis Helen Louise (Mrs Harry L. Burgess) 27 Gardner st. Worcester art 91-95, 98-99; grad. art 95; teacher (drawing) 95-98, 01-05; m. 8 S 98 (husband d. 25 Ag 05) Davis Henrietta (Mrs Raymond West Ferris) 1611 Franklin park S. Columbus O. 06-08; m, 28 D 08; ch. Edward Mortimer b. 16 O 09 Davis Lizzie Mabel ent. fr. East Somerville 86-87 Davis Maude Belmont c/o State board of control St Paul Minn. 91-94; student (shorthand and typewriting) Hartford Ct. 98-Ap 99; teacher St Johns- bury Vt. acad. 99-02; stenographer Ja 04 — Davis May Lamson (Mrs George Marshall Rice) 260 Logan av. Denver Col. J S-D 85, S-D 87; m. 18 Jl 03 Davis Prudence Augusta 91 Eastern promenade Portland Me.t 97-98 Davison Helen Leavitt (Mrs Byron James Lambert) 5 Fairchild st. Iowa City la. 00-01; student la. state normal sch. 01-02; m. 8 N 02; ch. James Leavitt b. 19 Mr 04, Robert Davison b. 19 My 05, Mary Louise b. 18 Ap 08 Davison Jeannette Bonner Hotel Glencoe Cincinnati 04 OO-Mr 01 Davison Mary Lucinda ent. fr. Owego N. Y. music 91-92 ♦Davison Suvia (Mrs Lewis B. Paton) 85-D 86; m. 30 D 96; ch. Suvia Lanice b. 24Ap98; d. 20 Mr 04 Syria Dawson Clara Eliza [Elizabeth] b.m. 89 (Mrs Ferdinand Albert Hauslein) ! 48 Fry st. Denton Tex. j / music 84-89; student (music) Berlin 89-92, [y (Germanic lang. and lit.) Yale 92-93; m. 7 S 92; ch. John Dawson b. 18 Ap 93, Lucien b. 4 Jl 94, Florence Homer b. 3 N 96, Lydia Helen b. 2 Je 01, Leland Yorke b. 25 F 04, Cynthia De Robert b. 28 My 07, Francesca Finer b. 19 O 09 Day Alice Jerome (Mrs Harry Tiffany Cole) Catskill N. Y.f 97-N 98 Day Charlotte May [Mary] (Mrs Martin M. Dolan) 47 Main st. S. Glens Falls N. Y. 97-98; m. 00; ch. Clarence Robert b. 14 Ap 04, Margaret Day b. 23 Jl 06 Day Edith May (Mrs Samuel Harm- stead Chubb) c/o Miss D. T. Day, West Hart- ford Ct. 97-D 98; teacher Bordentown N. J. 00-01, Suffield Ct. 01-02, West Hartford 03-06, 08-09; m. 17 Je 10 216 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Day Jessie Ann (Mrs George Sloan Raley) 4 Pearl st. Glens Falls N. Y.f music 86-88; ch. Mary Rosamund b. 26 F 01 Day Mary Alma (Mrs Erasmus Val- chester Manson) The Stafford 8 Garden pi. Brooklyn N. Y. 91-92; business correspondent Bond inst. of mercantile training Daykin Martha Annette 2914 W. 14th St. Cleveland O. 04-06 Dayton Mary Thompson (Mrs William Alison Huntley) Oregon City Ore. J 87-88; m. 93; ch. Louise b. 12 Ag 94, William Dayton b. 25 Ap 00 Dean Eliza Wilson 39 Harvard st. Brockton 00-02; student Oberlin conservatory of music 07, Lowell training center 09, Univ. of S. D. Vermilion S. D. 09-10; sec. Y. W. C. A. Univ. of S. D. 09-10 oDean Elizabeth Lippencott Winding way Avondale, Cincinnati O. 99-D 02 Dean Frances (Mrs John Frederick Kuster) 21 Washington sq. Salem t 02-03. 04-05; m. 18 O 09 Deane Kate Bell (Mrs Alfred E. Stearns) 6 Chapel st. AndoverJ art 91-93; m. 29 Ag 00; ch. (2) De Cora Angel (Mrs William Henry Dietz) Carlisle col. Carlisle Pa. art 92-96; grad. art 96; student (art) Drexel inst. Philadelphia 96-99, Cowles art sch. Boston 99-00, Museum of fine arts 00-03; illustrator New York 03-06; in- structor (art) Indian sch. Carlisle 06-10; m. 07 Deering Ethel Miriam Saco Me. 99-01 Deering Rozella (Mrs William Francis Goodwin) 43 Mason st. Biddeford Me. 99-01; m. 31 D 03; ch. Dorothy Amelia b. 9 D 09 *De Golyer Nellie Louise (Mrs Walker Greenleaf) art 81-85; d. Las Vegas N. M. de la Barre Louise 2525 Park av. Minneapolis Minn. 06-07; student Univ. of Minn. 07 — Dement Nonie Eleanor 6131 Woodlawn av. Chicago 111. 96- Ap 98; student Chicago univ; teacher Mrs Starrett's sch. for girls Chicago 00-01 Denham Ruth Millicent Manor house Washington D. C. 05-06; B.A. 10 George Washington univ. Denison Eunice Dunbar (Mrs John Roland Spring) 7 Hall av. Nashua N. H. music 94-96; m. 18 Je 02; ch. John Denison b. 1 Ja 04, Elizabeth CaroUne b. 7 Mr 06 Denison Isabel Noyes Groton Ct.J 96-98; libn Bill memorial lib. Groton 00-04 aDenison Kate [M.] 26 Elm St. Oneonta N. Y.f 90-91; teacher NewiJaltz N. Y. 91-95, One- onta normal sch. 95-05 Denman Martha Luella (Mrs Albert S. Hanna)t 89-91 aDerby Alice Hubbard (Mrs Henry Rosemann Lang) 60 Trumbull st. New Haven Ct. 81-D82; m. 29Ag01 De Ridder Belle (Mrs George H. Ames) ent. fr. Schuylerville N. Y. 90-91 *De Riemer Alice 91-92 d'Este Elise 380 Essex st. Salemf 03-04 Dewey Grace Mortimer (Mrs John A. Ross) 29 Harrison av. Northampton! music 91-92; m. 26 O 92; ch. Donald Dewey b. 21 Jl 93, Helen b. 17 S 95, Mor- timer Dewey b. 31 My 99, Wendell Dewey b. 2 Ap 01 Dewey Mary 51 Hollenbeck av. Great Barrington 84-87 Dewey Sarah Stanley / 51 Hollenbeck av. Great Barrington / 87-88; student (music) Berlin 01-07; teacher / (piano) Mrs Backus' sch. for girls St Paul Minn. 07-09 Dick Mabel Eleanor Lake Forest 111. 99-01 Dick Mary Irene 189 S. Professor st. Oberlin O. 01-02; B.A. 03 OberUn col; asst (gymnas- tics) Oberlin 07-08, teacher (physical train- ing) 08-10 Dickinson Bessie Marsh (Mrs Harry Howard Clutia) Amherst 00-02; m. 21S04; ch. Elizabeth Dickinson b. 26 Je 05 Dickinson Martha Gilbert (Mrs Bianchi) Amherstf music 85-90 Diehl Grace Chandler 511 Hazel av. Highland Park 111. OO-FOl aDike Florence Blanchard (Mrs James Bronson Reynolds) 151 Central park W. New York 81-83; m. 98 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 217 Dill Helen Brooks 83 Harrison st. East Orange N. J.f 01-04 Dillon Josephine 684 Benton blvd Los Angeles Cal. 06-07; B.A. 08 Stanford univ; actress Belasco stock oo. Los Angeles 09-10 Dimick Esther 13 Russell av. Watertown 98-00; B.A. 02 RadclifTe; student Radcliflfe 02-03; teacher Bennington Vt. high sch. 04-Ja 05, Lee Mass. high sch. Ja-Je 05 aDivine Jeannette (Mrs Chester Young) Napanoch N. Y. 97-98; m. 26 N 01; ch. George Chandler b. 11J105 Dixon Elizabeth Susan 476 Main st. Winona Minn. 93-95; B.S. 06 Columbia; teacher 8t James Minn. 97-99, Winona high sch. 99-04, 06-09. Tacoma Wash. 09-10 Doane Marion Evans 16 Rockland st. Roxburyt 00-N02 Dobbin Margaret Hill Fairport N. Y. 03-04; student New York sch. of applied design 04-06; teacher (drawing) Niagara Falls N. Y. 09-10 Dodge Louise Vamum ent. fr. Shelburne 92-93 •Dodge Margaret Augusta 86-87; Ph.B. 90 Boston univ; writer; d. 20 D 98 Boston Dodge Mar)^ Elvira 96 Washington av. Brooklyn N. Y. art 83-84; student (stenography) Bryant and Stratton business col. Brooklyn 88; teacher pub. sch. Acworth N. H, Greenwich Mass, Chicopee, Royalston 84-88; sten- ographer New York Ja 88-S 00, Brooklyn 00— Dole Mary Mitchell 2008 Lasalle av. Los Angeles Cal. 89-90, 91-93; teacher Los Angeles poly- technic high sch. Donohoe Ellen Beatrix 28 Johnson st. Lynn 05-07 Douglas Helen Lea (Mrs E. A. Vaughan) 37a Madison st. Brooklyn N. Y.f 99-My 01 Douglas Maude Harris (Mrs James Hopkins) c/o Senator Hopkins Aurora Ill.f S-D99 Douglas Nellie Woods (Mrs Frank Adams Ellis) 1649 Arapahoe st. Denver Col. 87-Mr 88; student (Eng, German, French) Bryn Mawr F-Je 00; teacher Pittsburg Pa. 88-89; tutor 99-06; m. 7 F 06 Douglass Kate Sherrill Box 121 Long Beach Cal.f 95-D 96 Dow Alberta Gallatin (Mrs Fletcher Goodwill) Jamestown N. Y. 97-98; m. 10 O 07; ch. Eleanor Dow b. 7 Ag 08, Charlotte b. 6 S 10 Dow Alice Minerva (Mrs Thomas W. Allinson) 5830 Washington av. Chicago 111. J 87-89; m. Ap 92; ch. Brent Dow b. 6 F 93 Dowling Grace Boorman Eastern district high sch. Brooklyn N. Y.t 90-92; Ph.B. 99 Cornell; student Cornell 98-99; teacher Cuba N. Y. 94-95, Glens Falls 95-98, asst (Eng.) Smith 99-02, Brooklyn 02-05 Downing Nellie (Mrs Edwin Warner Howard) 38 Girard st. Rochester N. Y. 96-97; m. 9S03 Drake Nima Hodsdon (Mrs Arthur Vale Casselman) 731 N. 4th St. Reading Pa. 00-My 02; m. 26 Jl 05; ch. Louise Climena b. 9 Ja 08 Drake Persis Phillips 36 Holbrook st. Jamaica Plain 80-83: student (botany) Harvard summer sch. 88; teacher Quincy Mass. 83-87, Rox- bury high sch. Boston 87-08, head (Latin dept) 08— Dryer Clare Mary (Mrs James Lip- pincott Wick jr) 119 Parkview av. Youngstown O. 03-04; m. 16 My 08; ch. Perry Dryer b. 21 Ap 09 d. 10 My 09 aDuBois Yettie Antoinette (Mrs Wil- liam Darling Ballantine) c/o Voorman co. 110 Market st. San Francisco Cal. 99-00; m. 22 Je 03; ch. Gilbert DuBois b. 8 My 04, Viola b. 25 Ap 05, Elisabeth b. 17 Jl 10 Dudley Ellen (Mrs Robert Wallace) 127 Mulberry st. Springfieldf art 96-97 Duell Mary Louise (Mrs Otto Kean) West Point N. Y.f 02-04 Duffee Doris Center Marshfield 06-F 07, 07-08; teacher Prattville training sch. 09-10 oDuguid Harriet Eliza (Mrs George Loveless Amerman) Shadowside, Marcellus N. Y. 84- Ap 86, art 86-88; grad. (art) 88; m. 26 Ap 98; ch. Henry Duguid b. 24 Ag 00, Peter van Buren b. 24 Ja 05 *Duncan Mabel Ticknor 89-92; d. Je02 218 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Dunham Jennie Rainsford (Mrs How- ard M. Richards) Howard st. West Bridgewater 05-06; teacher (hist, Latin) Howard sem. West Bridgewater; m. 10 Dunkerson Louise (Mrs Samuel Lowry Orr) 903 First st. Evansville Ind. 96-98; m. 25 Mr 03; ch. Samuel b. 23 N 06, Laura Kendrick b. 19 D 09 Dunmore Clara Treadway (Mrs George I. Hovey) Deansboro Oneida co. N. Y. Ol-Ja 03; executive sec. Y. W. C. A. for N. Y. and N. J. 08-Jl 09; m. 12Ag09 Dunn Katherine Round hill Springfield art 93-94 *Dunton Ada Lamira (Mrs Carroll Baldwin Ross) 79-82; m. 85; ch. Paul Dunton b. 8 Ag 89, Adelaide Dunton b. 17 O 91; d. 29 Ja 92 Dunton Miriam Munson (Mrs Charles Albert Simpson) 24 Madison st. Rutland Vt. art 82-83; student N. E. conservatory of music 84, (art) Mrs Corey's sch. of applied design New York; m. 27 Ap 86 Dupee Helen 486 Dearborn av. Chicago Ill.t 02-03 Durand Ruth (Mrs William Mather Lewis) Lake Forest 111. 02-03; m. 20 D 06; ch. Sarah Durand b. 28 D 07 Durgin Florence (Mrs Martin L. C. Wilmarth) 3 Culvert st. Glens Falls N. Y. 95-97; student Chicago univ. 97-98; m. 4 O 05; ch. Martha Alice b. 5 Mr 08 d. 12 Mr 08 Dutton Lillian 411 W. 114th St. New York 02-04; student (music) *Dwight Alice Evelyn S-D 79; student Springfield Mass. training sch; teacher pub. sch; d. 13 S 00 Dwight Annie Waterman (Sister An- nette) 17 Louisburg sq. Boston^ music 81-83 Dyer Josephine Tyler (Mrs Robert Hoit Johnston) 26 Floral st. St Paul Minn, music 89-90; student (vocal music) Berlin; professional singer New York 5 yr, Minneap- olis and St Paul 8 jt; m. 9 F 98 oEager Louise 201 W. 55th St. New York 80-81, 82-85 Eames Harriet Murdock (Mrs Arthur James Lauder) Jacksonville Ill.t 97-99; m. 1 My 02 (husband d.); ch. Caroline Abigail b. 23 Ap 03, Ellen Joyce b. 29 J« 07 Eastman Alice Alvera (Mrs Silas Irv- ing Keeler) Central S. C. art 88-89; teacher; m. 31 My 94; ch. Alice Hazel b. 1 Mr 95, Gordon Eastman b. 10 N 97, Waldo Forrest b. 27 O 99, Paul Irving b. 28 S 01, Ruth Evelina b. 22 Ag 04, Louise Margaret b. 07 Eastman Lucy Hays 418 E. 15th St. N. Portland Ore.f Ol-D 02; Christian Science practitioner St Paul Minn. 05-08, Portland 08-10 Easton Ruth 225 37th St. Des Moines la.f 05-07 Eaton Alberta Louise b.m. 01 Stafford Springs Ct.f music 99-01 Eaton Ethelwyn (Mrs Charles Francis Read) Geneva 111. J 96-97; B.A.01 Beloit; m. 16 D 02 Eaton George May Lancaster N. H.J 97-99, 00-01 Eaton Helen Maria (Mrs Franklin O. Hudson) 18 Woronoco av. Westfield S-D 80; teacher 5 yr; m. 13 Ja 86; ch. Florence R. b. 14 O 88, Lucile F. b. 21 Je 93, Mary L. b. 15 Ap 96 Eaton Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Albert Marquis Beckwith) South Sudbury 98-D 99; teacher South Sudbury 01-03, Sudbury 03-07; m. 5 N 07; ch. Elizabeth Marquis Eaton Mary Laurette ent. fr. Weymouth 89-90 Eddy Caroline Simmons (Mrs Walter Alexis Hosley) 145 Clarendon st. Springfieldf 95-F97; m. 23 N 04 Eddy Jessica Louise ent. fr. Middlebury Vt. 91-92 *Edgerly Louise Graves 97-99 Edgerly Marion Cooper (Mrs Alex- ander Harvey Bill) 21 Chauncy st. Cambridge music 96-97; m. 12 Ap 99; ch. Elizabeth Harvey b. 3 Ap 00, Margaret Wendell b. 9 Je 01, Mary Frances b. 13 F 03, Catherine Marion b. 26 Je 05 Edgerton Lillian ent. fr. St Louis Mo. music 82-83 aEdson Julia Harris (Mrs Harry B. Davis) Bay View av. Plymouthf S-N 98, 99-00; stenographer; m. 27 O 06 ©Edwards Adelaide Frances Dyer (Mrs Frederick Newton Kneeland) 8 Paradise road Northampton 75-76; teacher Southampton high sch. 76-77; CoUinsville Ct. high sch, Plainfield acad. 78-79; m. 9 D 79; ch. Mary Frances b. 2 Ja 82, Robert Shepherd b. 26 Ap 83 (Am- herst 05, Harvard law sch. 08), Dorria b. 6 D 89 d. 6 My 91 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 219 Edwards Florence Madaline 1709 State st. Santa Barbara Cal. 00-ApOl Edwards Grace Judson Westhampton 96-97; student Oberlin kindergarten train- ing sch. 97-99; teacher Amherst Mass. 99-03, Springfield 03-05, Newton 05-10 Edwards Harriet Smith (Mrs Harry Walter Foster) 423 4th av. Newark N. J. 91-93; student (kindergarten) Teachers col. 93-95; private kindergartner Newark 95-99; m. 25 Ja 00; ch. Dudley Edwards b. 12 D 00, Margaret Edwards b. 14 Ag 02, Eleanor Pierpont b. 22 F 04, Harry Lincoln b. 12 F 06, Ralph Hamilton b. 3 N 07 d. 27 Mr 09 Edwards Helen Louise Cass St. La Crosse Wis.f S-D92 Edwards Nellie Eliza (Mrs Frank Snyder) Binghamton N. Y.J 79-80 Eells Emma Louise (Mrs John Schu- fret Kelley) 62 Henry st. Binghamton N. Y. 96-97; m. 21 Ag 02; ch. EHzabeth St John b. 06, John Eells b, 09 Elden Mary Philbrick (Mrs Shailer Mathews) 5736 Woodlawn av. Chicago 111. 81-82; m. 16 Jl 90; ch. Robert Elden b. 17 Ap 94, Helen b. 19 O 98, Mary b. 3 Mr 03 ♦Elder Mary Katharine 90-93 Eldredge Julia Ortentia ent. fr. Middlebury Vt. S-D81 EUingwood Louie Hooke (Mrs Daniel Owens Swan) 305 Nesmith st. Lowellf OO-Ap 01; m. 19 F 06; ch. Janet and Virginia b. 30 D 10 Elliot Nellie Grant (Mrs Eben Win- throp Freeman) 42 Highland st. Portland Me. 81-83; m. 16 N 92; ch. Sylvia b. 29 Mr 94, Elliot b. 26 F 96, Elizabeth Moor b. 9 Jl 99, Francis Pike b. 17 F 01 Elliott Alice Washburn (Mrs Thomas Anthony Brown) 429 N. 8th St. Quincy 111. 92-93; m. 6 O 96; ch. AUce Delia b. 22 Ja 98, Ruth Adams b. 6 Je 00 Elliott Elizabeth Jane ent. fr. Ashby 92-93 Elliott Elsie Cady (Mrs Archiland Allen Roff) 96 Saratoga av. Cohoes N. Y. 02-04; m. 11 O 05; ch. Virginia Helena b. 10 Jl 06 d. 8 O 07 Elliott Fannie Nunn Henderson Ky.t 98-N99 Ellis Anna Hale 276 Washington st. Braintree 01-02; B.S. Simmons col. Ellis Flora Eames 6 Church st. Putnam Ct. 02-04; grad. (kindergarten normal dept) Ethical culture sch. New York; kindergart- ner Ellis Grace ent. fr. New York 85-86 Ellis Myrtle Eva (Mrs George Bryant Robertson) 206 Washington st. Keene N. H. 95-96; m. 20 My 97; ch. Mary b. 15 F 98, Ellis b. 6 Je 00, Morris Henry b. 8 F 04, Margaret b. 30 O 05 ♦EUwood Mary Patience (Mrs John H. Lewis) 81-82; m. 1 O 84; ch. James Ellwood b. 23 N 87, Harriet Louise b. 28 F 95; d. 20 D 03 cElmer Blanche Annie Davis (Mrs Andrew Pierson Hoover) 117 Trenton st. Melrosef 95-97 Ely Elsie Lucile 201 E. Henry st. Savannah Ga.f 04-05 Emerson Abbie Belle ent. fr. Pittsfield N. H. fall of 04 *Emerson Louise Ruth (Mrs Herman Kotzschmar) 95-96; m. 10 O 99; d. 3 Ja 02 Emerson Mary 83-85 Gardnerf aEmerson Maud Lenore (Mrs Clarke Gushing Fitts) 15 Oak St. Brattleboro Vt. 89-91; teacher high sch. 92-95, Mystic Ct. and New York 96-01; m. 30 Je 03; iCh. Osmer Gushing b. 21 O 05 Emmons Harriet Sara 6 S. State st. Concord N. H. 98-00; teacher Concord 01 — , prin. granunar sch. 05 — Emory Carrie Jane 138 Spring st. Springfield music 81-84 Endicott Annie Blake 17 Lafayette av. Chelsea t 93-94 England Edith Jackson (Mrs Henry Millard Wood) 5813 Lathrop pi. College Hill O. 01-02; m. 13Je07 Entwistle Antoinette (Mrs George Metcalf Daniels) SaxonvilleJ 89-Ap 91; m. 20 S 99; ch. Elizabeth Ent- wistle b. 10 Jl 00 220 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Eppendorf Lina 161 Mariner st. Buffalo N. Y.f 78- Ja 79; student (painting) with Abbott Thayer, Metropolitan sch. of art, (design) Cooper union New York, embroidery for in- terior decoration 83-87; teacher (embroidery and design) Pratt inst. 88-91, designer rooms N. Y. assn artists 92, head (domestic art) Armour inst. 93-94; settlement worker 95-96 Eschenburg Elizabeth 1725 De la Vina st. Santa Barbara Cal. 98-N 99 Eshbaugh Mary Genevieve Montclair N. J.J 96-98 Estes Florence Elva 18 Laurel av. Auburn Me. 03- Ja 04; student Lewiston Me. normal training sch. 07 Evans Abbie Ayres ent. fr. Delaware O. art 81-82 Evans Alice Robinson (Mrs William Grey Miller) 169 E. Lincoln av. New Castle Pa. art 89-90; M.D. 98 Woman's med. col. of Pa; ■tudent (med.) Philadelphia 00, hospital resident 98-99; practising physician Youngs- town O. 99-00, Pittsburg Pa. 00-07; m. 14 F 08; mem. Amer. med. assn Evans Bemice ent. fr. New York 98-99 Evans Helena Cherry Easthampton art 84-93; grad. (art) 88; student (art) New York; superyisor (drawing) Easthampton pub. sch. •10 Everhard Ethel Rebecca (Mrs Charles A. Schmettan) 627 W. Woodruff av. Toledo O.J 88-90; m. 30J195 Fairbanks Alice Russell (Mrs William Alexander Frye) RoyalstonJ 90-91; teacher; m. 10 Jl 99; ch. Richard Fairbanks b. 7 S 00 •Fairbanks Almira Taylor 82-83; d. 03 Fairfield Mabel Edna (Mrs James Edward Kershaw jr) 4 Ducharme av. Willimansett 95-97; student Bellevue training sch. for nurses 97-00; nurse 99-01; m. 28 Ag 01; ch. Elizabeth Fairfield b. 5 Jl 02 d. 5 F 09, James Douglas b. 3 Mr 04, Ruth Agnes b. 20N07 Falconer Helen 06-07 Fales Katharine Mildred (Mrs Rob- bins Battell Stoeckel) Norfolk Ct. murao 89-90, 92-95; organist and teacher (music) Norfolk Jl 95 — ; m. 9 N 05 ent. fr. Chicago 111. Farmer Edith Hosmer (Mrs Edward Rutledge Lowndes) Cavite P. I.J music 88-89; m. 9 N 92; ch. Hazel Louise b. 11 D 93, Edward Rutledge b. 1 D 01 *Farquhar Sarah Elizabeth 94-96; d. 20 O 98 Newton Farr Flora Anna (Mrs Thomas Judson Morrow) 231 Oak st. Holyoke art 89-90; m. 29 S 91 ; ch. Marjory Heapeler b. 15 Mr 95, Isabel b. 26 D 97 Farrar Caroline Frances 597 Dudley st. Bostont music 85-88; teacher (music) Columbia Tenn. 88-89, Amherst Mass. 90-91 *Farrar Sarah Brainard 8-N88; d. 11 N 88 Farrington Mrs Margaret Vere 187 State st. Augusta Me. 85-86; m. 30 D 90 (Rev. William Farrand Livingston); ch. Robert Royce b. 29 D 93 d. 16 My 94, Margaret b. 28 Ap 95 Fassett Alice Elizabeth c/o Capt. Fassett War dept Wash- ington D. Ct 96-98 Faulkner Bessie Kellogg 10 Winslow St. Plymouth^ S-D 99; grad. Wheelock kindergarten train- ing sch. Boston; teacher Kingston 03-05 Fay Clara Evangeline (Mrs Arthur Gray Doane) 59 West St. Northampton art 95-98, 98-99; grad. (art) 98; teacher (drawing) 99-01; m. 3 O 01; ch. Philip Strong b. 21 Je 02 Fay Edith Marion (Mrs Eugene Frost HilUker) Box 145 Derby Ct. 06-08; teacher Shelton Ct. 8th grade; m. 20 Jl 10 Fay Gertrude (Mrs Marcus Lothrop) 1718 H W. Genesee st. Syracuse N. Y.t art 02-05 Fay Grace Louisa (Mrs Edward WilHam Whalen) 25 Summer st. Northampton 06-07; m. 11 Jl 07; ch. Edward Fay b. 29 My 08 Fay Julia Elizabeth 47 Spring st. Keene N. H.| 00-F 01 ; student (music) 01-05 aFay Julia Pike b.m. 00 (Mrs Charles D. Heywood) 254 Oak st. Holyoke music 96-00; teacher (music) Holyoke; m. 4 F 08 Faye Georgina Ransom ent. fr. Boston art 86-87 Felch Emma Laura (Mrs George Durward) 17 Wyman st. Wobum 96-D 98; teacher Woburn pub. sch. 90-01; m. 15 Ag 01; ch. Laura Elizabeth b. 29 Ag 03 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 221 Fellows May Fanny [Fannie] 17 Franklin st. Greenfield art 90-93; indexer of records Registry of deeds Franklin co. Ag 94-Ag 96, clerk Pro- bate office and Courts office 97 — Ferguson Marion (Mrs Robert H. Hubbell) Riverside av. Saugatuck Ct.f 04-05 Femald Mary 6 Woodbine st. Worcester! 94-Ap 95 flFerris Ada Josephine (Mrs Benjamin Franklin Liggett) Roselands, Visalia Cal. art 83-84; in business Chicago 96; m. (1) 20 O 86 (Henry James Sprague d. 9 N 89) ; ch. Henry Ferris b. 17 Je 88; m. (2) 8 O 02 (B. F. Liggett) Ferris Bertha May (Mrs Hiram Eugene Todd) 306 Ellis St. Peoria 111. 96-Ap 98, 98-Mr 99; teacher Peoria 99-00; m. 10 S 00; ch. Sarah Gerard b. 25 Jl 05, Harriet Asenath b. 25 Jl 08 Ferris Dorothy Latham 07-09 Carthage Ill.t Ferry Mrs Edward M. (Isabelle Herr- mann) 143 East St. Easthamptonf art 82-93. 03-05; grad. art 86; student (art) Julian's studio Paris 95; supervisor (draw- ing) Holyoke Mass. 87-02, 04-05; ch. Win- throp Herrmann Fiedler Clara Gertrude (Mrs Charlton Augustus Newborn) 506 Pontotac av. Memphis Tenn. 02-03; m. 11 D 07; ch. Eugenia b. 24 O 09 Field Charlotte Hamilton 804 Main st. Jackson Mich.f 91-92 Field Leila Alberta East Hampton Ct.J 96-98; Ph.B. 01 Wesleyan; teacher 02-04 Field Mabel Hichborn 18 Evergreen pi. East Orange N. J.f 91-92: artist New York artisan inst. 92-96 oField Maude Elizabeth Hillsboro 92-94; student (normal course) Boston cook- ing sch. Ja-Je 98; teacher Leyden Mass. 94-96, Stamford Ct. 96-97, (cooking) New Haven grammar sch. 98-04 Field Myra Stebbins (Mrs William Emrich Walker) Hillsboro 97-99; student Simmons col. 09-F 10; housekeeper Miss Spence's sch. New York 10—; m. 19 Jl 04 (husband d. 30 N 08); ch. Caroline Putnam b. 21 Ag 05 *Finch Edith music 84-85 Findley Grace Helen (Mrs C. A. Vogt) 1800 E. 84th St. Cleveland O.f 04-07 Fiscus Margaret Elizabeth 501 Franklin av. Wilkinsburg sta- tion Pittsburg Pa. 04-06 Fish Elizabeth Rowe (Mrs Alexander James Campbell) 16 Nathan Hale st. New London Ct. 98-99; student Vassar 99-01, Amer. inst. of applied music 01-02; teacher (music) D 01-04; m, 3 Ag 04; ch. Alexander Fish b. 24 Mr 06, Henry Cook b. 6 My 07, Elizabeth Covington b. 8 Jl 08 Fish Lavarah Dwinel (Mrs Percy Allen Wheaton) 80 School St. Manchester 98-99; student Vassar 99-Mr 00, 00-01, Wellington training sch. Cambridge Mass. Ja 04-Ap 05; teacher Lackawanna sch. Scranton Pa. 01-03. asst prin. Manchester grammar sch. Ap 05- Ap 07; m. 15 Je 07; ch. Lara Tappan b. 2 My 08, Alice Lyndon b. 19 Ag 09 Fisher Addle Meserve (Mrs Edward Marsh) 150 Court st. Dedham 95-D 97; m. 9 O 01; ch. Francis Marsh 2d b. 16 Ja 03 Fisher Annie Augusta (Mrs Otis Stafford Johnson) 24 San Rafael st. Colorado Springs Col.t music 82-83; m. 28 O 86; ch. Stafford Fisher b. 15 O 88, Richard Newhall b. 13 FOO Fisher Edith Winifred Woods Hole 97-98; student (design) Eric Pape sch. of art Boston 00-02, (interior decoration and design) Sch. of industrial art Phila. 02-04, 07, Paris 08-09; teacher 98-99, tutor 99-00; decorator and designer 00-04, with Chapman decora- tive CO. Phila. 03 — , with Kaufmann Bros. Pittsburg Pa. 05-06 Fisher Katherine Ferguson (Mrs Hiram Emery Miller) 65 Atkins av. Lynn art 97-98; m. 22 Je 04; ch. Josiah Stedman b. 26 O 08 Fisher Mary Emma (Mrs George Chapman Bosson jr) Hotel Bellevue Beacon st. Boston 84-85; m. 14 D 87; mem. Nat. geog. soc. Fisher Mary Preston b.m. 85 (Mrs Edward Parsons Seymour) Williamstownf music 80-85; teacher (music); m. 7 Jl 85; adopted ch. Arthur Lockhart b. 28 Ag 91, Mary Ester b. 12 O 96 Fiske Ida Mabel ent. fr. Montclair N. J. 85-87 aFitch Laura Forbes (Mrs Charles McQuiston) Croton Falls N. Y. 79-81; student (law) 82; m. 13 Je 89 (hus- band d. 15 S 00) ; ch. Marjory Fitch b. 10 Mr 91 (Smith 13), Charles Henry Fitch b. 27 Mr 97 ♦Fitzgerald Cora Belle 89-F 91; d. 31 Ag 98 l^ 222 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Fitzgerald Mabel Louise (Mrs Charles Wickwire) Tompkins st. Cortland N. Y.f 97-D 00; m. 9 O 02; ch. Helen Ardell b. 18 S 06, Charlotte Rouse b. 20 Mr 09 Flagg Lenora Enid Sunot and Park avs. San ]os6 Cal. 06-08; B.A. 10 Stanford Flanders Mary Eliza (Mrs Joseph Horton Howard) 119 Pleasant st. Holyoke music 83-86; m. 24 O 01 (husband d. 10 My 07) ; teacher (music) , organist Fletcher Elizabeth LeBaron Amherst art 90-92 Fletcher Mary 383 Spring st. Portland Me. 05-07 aFlynt Ella Eudocia (Mrs William Child Dewey) 240 Union st. Springfield 79-80; m. 3 83; ch. Alonzo Nelson b. 17 N 86 (Ph.B. 09 Yale), Eudocia Flynt b. 15 Ja 90, Dorothy Palmer b. 3 Ap 91 aFoley Edna (Mrs Clay Vamer San- ford) 129 Wyoming av. Cincinnati O. 95-97; m. 6 Ap 99; ch. Louis Angus b. 14 F 00, Stephanie b. 15 N 02, Clay Woodman b. 8 Mr 04 Foote Mary Ellen Port Henry N. Y. 78-79, 80-81; music 87-88; student (kinder- garten) Teachers col. Forbes Clara Belle (Mrs Alfred Gaither Allen) 718 Elberon av. Cincinnati O. 95-96; m. 10 D 01; ch Mildred b. 16 O 04, Edward Randall b. 6 F 08 Forbes Elizabeth Cornelia 453 S. Gray st. Webster Groves Mo. 06-07; B.A. 10 Washington univ. Forbes Esther Bradford Prospect St. Torrington Ct.f S-D 97; student (Latin, hist.) Teachers col. 08-10; teacher Torrington high sch. Forbes Ethel Louise 1768 E. 90th St. Cleveland O.f 05-06 Forbes Grace Mucia 1812 Chicago av. Evanston IlLf 97-98; grad. Chicago kindergarten col. 05 Force Marian Forsyth Lorraine av. and Park st. Upper Montclair N. J.t S-D 98 Ford Elisabeth Valentine (Mrs Walter Lawrence Bacon) The Essex 34th and Chestnut sts. Philadelphia Pa. 03-05; m. 14 My 10 Ford Florence Stella 357 Washington av. Brooklyn N. Y.t 06-08 Ford Helene Lillian Lebanon N. H. 06-07; student Valparaiso univ. 09 — ; teacher Lebanon pub. sch. 07-09, asst (hist.) Valparaiso univ. D 09 — Forrest Edith Faunce house Northampton art 89-91, 02-05; g^ad. art 03; teacher (art, hist.) Tilton N. H. sem. 91-94, Mrs. Cady's sch. New Haven Ct. 95, teacher (art) and preceptress Montpelier Vt. sem. 97-02, asst lady-in-charge Faunce house Miss Capen's ech. 02-10 Fosdick Lucy (Mrs Charles S. Minot) 227 Marlboro st. BostonJ 77-81 ; honorary mem. of Alum, assn Fosdick Sarah Woodbury 51 Brattle st. Cambridge 77-79, 80-82, honorary mem. of Alum, assn Foskett Emma Kellogg 642 Broad st. Meriden Ct. 87-88; student (hist.) Chicago univ. 07-09; teacher Wallingford Ct. high sch. 93-94, Meriden high sch. 94 — ; mem. Amer. hist, soc. Foss Harriet Campbell ent. fr. Noroton Ct. 83-84 Foss Ida Clift ent. fr. Noroton Ct. 81-82 Foss Ruth Brewster (Mrs Leslie Le , Roy Brewer) \ / 667 Main st. East Hartford Ct. \ / S-D 97; student Berlin; teacher (math.) / Miss Butts' sch. Norwich Ct. 01-02; m. 19 O 04; ch. PhvUis Josephine b. 25 Ag 07, Rowland Slade'b. 17 S 10 flFoster Alice May (Mrs Edward Wil- lard Blodgett) 9 Walnut st. South Framingham 95-98; m. 21Je00; ch. Eleanore b. 6 Ag 01, Bettina b. 16 D 03, Alice b. 15 N 07 aFoster Eleanor (Mrs Robert Lansing) 146 Mullin st. Watertown N. Y. 85-86; m. 15 Ja 90 Foster Esther Perley 160 Coyle st. Woodfords Me. S-D 00; teacher Portland Me. Foster Gertrude 317 Chestnut st. Lansing Mich. art 02-03; student Chicago art inst. 09-10 Foster Lucy Chapman (Mrs Harry Cabot Weare) 23 Trowbridge av. Newtonvillef 96-98; m. 28 O 03; ch. Harry Cabot b. 18 Ag 04 Foster Olive Grant Stafford Springs Ct. art 98-99; student New York sch. of art 99-Ja 01; miniature painter 01-05 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 223 flFowle Josephine Russell 10 Swan St. Arlington t 95-96; student Radcliffe 9G-97, Brookline Mass. training scb. for teachers 97-98, (short- hand) Hickox sch. Boston 99-00; public ste- nographer *Fowle Julia Henrietta music 80-81 Fowler Esther Brigham American mission Sholapur India art 82-84; teacher Mechanicsville N. Y. acad. 85; libn Westfield Mass. athenaeum 90-93; miss'y N 93— aFowler Florence Strong (Mrs Edward Mix Bradley) 309 Edwards st. New Haven Ct. 94-95; m. 23 Ap 96; ch. Edward Holbrook b. 4 My 97, Marian b. 19 Je 00 d. 17 Jl 00, Margaret b. 25 N 01, Donald Fowler b. 5 D 05 Fox Grace Madeline (Mrs James Monroe Smith) 185 Stone st. Watertown N. Y. S 87-Ap 88; m. 27 F 93; ch. Walter Fox b. 6 O 95 Fox Helen Augusta (Mrs Warner Thompson) Albion N. Y.J 95-97 Fox Pauline Saxton (Mrs John Stevens Murdock) Westbrook Ct. art 88-89; m. 6 N 91; ch. Paul Fox b. 17 S92 Frank Minna 1407 Eutaw pi. Baltimore Md.f 03-04 Fraser Violet 2928 Washington blvd Chicago 111. 04-05 aFreeman Florence Mabel (Mrs George Harpell Storm) 311W. 85th St. New York 96-98; m. 11 F 04 Freeman Julia Rawson (Mrs Clifford H. Belden) 30 Broad st. New London Ct.f 01-03; m. 14 Mr 08; ch. Eugene Seaberry b. 11 Ja 10 French Helen Burnham 75 Concord st. Nashua N. H. 03-04 ♦French Isabella 84-86; d. 92 French Margaret (Mrs William Ray Baldwin) 50 Elmhurst road NewtonJ 99-01; m. 7N03 ♦French Mary 76-80 French Mary Helen (Mrs Claude Adel- bert Freligh) 6 Abbott St. Nashua N. H. 88-89; m. 26 O 92; ch. Helen Elizabeth b. 8 My 96 French Maude Civilla (Mrs William Hudson Englesby) 395 College st. Burlington Vt. 95-96; student (physical culture) Dr Sav- age's sch. New York 97-99; teacher (physi- cal culture) New York settlements 98-99; m. 25 O 99; ch. Hudson French b. 9 O 00 ♦Fried rich Florence music 87-88; student (med.) Eclectic col. New York 95-98; d. 28 Mr 98 Frisbee Junia Catharine Fredonia N. Y.t 89-90 Frye Gertrude Harrison ent. fr. Belfast Me. art 81-82 Fuller Elizabeth Tate ent. fr. Phillipsburg N. J. 78-79 Fuller Josephine Estelle North Adamsf 93-94; teacher North Adams high sch. a Fuller Mary Alice (Mrs Charles 01m- 268 W. First st. Fulton N. Y. 91-N 92; tutor Cambridge Mass. 93, 97-99; m. 2 My 99; ch. Alan Carlisle b. and d. 30 Ag 06 Fuller Mildred Janet ent. fr. Chicopee Falls music 03-04 Fuller Violet (Mrs Augustus Tack) Deerfieldf art 89-^0 ♦Fulton Florence Ernestine 05-07; d. 07 Gabriel Fannie Esther 147 Vine st. Hartford Ct. 86-88; teacher 88-94 aGale Helen E. (Mrs Samuel Chase Coale) 416 Elm St. Westfield N. J. 02-D 03, 04-My 05; m. 27 F 08; ch. Samuel Chase jr b. 13 Ja 09, William Gale b. 19 Mr 10 Gale Sarah May ent. f r. Lynn 05-06 rtGallaudet Grace Worden (Mrs Wil- liam Baxter Palmer Closson) Magnolia 82-83; student Wheelock kindergarten train- ing sch. Boston 96-98, Phoebe A. Hearst kindergarten col. Washington 03-04, diploma 04; teacher private sch. Washington D. C. 83-87, Boston pub. kindergarten 98-03, Gar- land kindergarten training sch. 01-03, Gallau- det col. Washington D. C. 05-07; m. (1) 20 My 93 (Francis Lockwood Kendall d. 22 N 93). (2) 20 Ap 07 (W. B. P. Closson) 224 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Gait Elizabeth Irma (Mrs Edgar Aiken) Carlyle Ill.t 02-04 oGamage [Margaret] Thurlo (Mrs Harry Mortimer Specht) 464 Riverside drive New York 00-N 02, 03-04; ch. dau. Gamwell Olive Wells (Mrs Arthur Price Weeden) 83 Brown st. Providence R. I. art 89-90, 91-92; m. 10 Je 96 Gardiner Laura Alexander (Mrs John G. Whytlaw) Cranford N. J.f, 83-84 Gardner Alida 218 De Kalb sq. Philadelphia Pa. music 91-92; libn Univ. of Pa. lib. Gardner Fannie Elizabeth (Mrs Wil- liam R. Hill) 46 Calle B Vedado, Havana CubaJ 79-N 80; m. 16 N 81; ch. Edward Dexter b. 23 Mr 84 d. 27 D 84, Lucy Gardner b. 9 O 85 d. 17 D 89, Hazel Gardner b. 3 My 91 Gardner Mary Alice Manor farm Manor roads W. New Brighton N. Y.f 95-F 96; dramatic reader Gardner Sara Morgan (Mrs William Bruce Brown) 47 Garfield av. Hinsdale 111. OO-F 02; m. 2 D 05; ch. Gardner b. 16 8 06, Elizabeth Macdugal b. 10 Jl 09 Garland Katherine Morrison (Mrs Percival Madden Vilas) 1778 Humbolt av. S. Minneapolis Minn, muaic 93-95; m. 20 D 97; ch. William Howard b. 11 My 00 ♦Garrison Marjorie 04-05; d. 20 Jl 05 Gaylord Dema EasthamptonJ music 91-94; asst Forbes lib. Northampton 95-97, 00-05 Gaylord Ella Cropper (Mrs E. H. Beals) 499 Bird av. Buffalo N. Y. 00-01, 02-03; teacher Pa. 1 yr; m. 5 S 07 Geer Elizabeth Raymond (Baroness Adolf Wilhelm von Urff) Diedenhofen Germany 98-99; m. 6 D 05; ch. Harrison Adolf b. 3 S 06 ♦George Ruth Wilcox 99-00; d. 15 Ja 06 German Grace Miller 121 N. 13th St. Allentown Pa.t 09-10 Gibbs Minnie Dwight (Mrs Robert Rombout White) 341 W. .51st St. New York music 87-90; teacher (music); m. 7 Je 92; ch. Robert Rombout Jr b. 16 Mr 96 Giberson Belle 333 A av. W. Cedar Rapids la. 04-05; student Coe col. Cedar Rapids 05-07, (kindergarten) Harrison sch. 07-08; asst 08-09; accompanist 09-10 Gibson Mary Lucile 2934 Tracy av. Kansas City Mo. 02-03; asst curator Western gallery of art Kansas City 05 — Giddings Lena Marsh Great Barrington 00-01; music 01-02; teacher (sewing, bas- ketry) 08-10 Gifford Marguerite (Mrs Marshall / Davis) 2 Orland av. Portland Me. / 97-99; student Switzerland 99-01; m. 1 / Mr 05; ch. Gifford b. 11 Je 06, John Fred- erick b. 11 Jl 07, Kingsbury Hale b. 5 Ag 08 Gile Miriam Richards 121 N. Tejon st. Colorado Springs Col.t 06-08; student Colorado col. GilfiUan Rose Marion 75 Kensington av. Northampton music 97-01; accompanist and voice coach Worcester Mass. 01-03, New York 03-06, 07—, Paris 06-07 Gill Irene Eslette (Mrs George W. Keyser) 435 Greene av. Brooklyn N. Y.J 86-87; m. 3 Ag 93; ch. Mary Claypole b. 17 Ag 94 Gillan Ada Blanche (Mrs James M. Munyon jr) 372 Broadway Flushing N. Y.f music 05-06 ♦Gilligan Mary Genevieve 95-97; d. 11 Ja 99 Holyoke Gillis Emma Kinsman O. S-D 93; B.A. 94 Oberlin, M.A. 97 Radcliffe; student Oberlin 90-94, Radcliffe 96-97; teacher (Eng.) Oxford O. 95-96, West Bridge- water Mass. 99-04 Gilman Carrie Selby (Mrs Charles Edward Carey) Glenwood la. 97-98; student Chicago univ. 1 yr; m. 23 O 00; ch. Margaret b. 17 Jl 01 Gilman Frances Chandler (Mrs Albert G. Duncan) c/o Henry G. Gilman 38 Summer St. Haverhillt music 82-84 Gilpin Mary Elizabeth Adele (Mrs Samuel Howard McCain) Kittanning Pa.f 99-02 Gilson Isabel Clethra (Mrs James I. Adams) 25 Beacon st. Fitchburg 99-F 01; diploma 02 Boston cooking sch. Girdler Lydia Louise Beverly 78-80 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 225 Girvan Jessie Sprague (Mrs Morgan Bidleman Garlock) 41 Watson pi. Utica N. Y. 01-02; m. 10 S 07; ch. Sprague Girvan b. 21 8 08 Glover Willie Flower 316 Broadway Vincennes Ind. 05-06 Godfrey Vera May 91 Chambers st. New York 04-06; student (domestic science) Teachers col. 09— Goodale Dora Read Redding, Fairfield co. Ct.f art 87-90; grad. art 90 Goodale Rose Sterling (Mrs Reding- ton Dayton) 40 Elmwood av. South Norwalk Ct.t 88-D 89; ch. James, Theodore Goodell Katharine Abigail ent. fr. Denver Col. 95-F 96 Goodell Mary Evelyn (Mrs Wesley Harper Trippett) 437 Summit av. Redlands Cal.J 78-79; teacher 81-85; m. 19 Je 86 Goodenow Rae Lillian 308 St Albans st. St Paul Minn.f 05-06 Goodhue Frances ent. fr. Chicago 111. 06-07 •Goodrich Harriet May 92-93; d. 95 Goodrich Jennie Aurinda 106 Summer st. Fitchburg 78-79; teacher Fitchburg 80— aGoodsell Evelin Middlebrook (Mrs Edward Austin Jennings) 158 Brooklawn av. Bridgeport Ct. 97-99; m. 27 S 06; ch. Susan Middlebrook b. 6 N 07 Goodwin Elizabeth Lord North Berwick Me. 02-03; B.A. 07 Boston univ. Goodwin Jane Marette Sharon Ct.f 94-95 Goodwin Louise Annette Eno (Mrs David Crafts) 3 Pomeroy terrace Northampton! 96-00 Goodwin Mary Corinth Sharon Ct.f 93-95 cGorham Anna Kellogg 50 West St. Northampton 76-79 Gorham Jennie Sophia (Mrs Edgar L. Bliss) 1028 Main st. LongmeadowJ music 85-89; m. 13 My 91; ch. Arthur Gorham b, 14 Ja 93, Olive Ames b. 24 F 96, Theodore b. 27 Je 96, Stetson b. 16 My 98 d. 10 Ja 99, Gorham b. 2 S 01 Gorrill Addie Walker Rancho Canada Larga y Verde, San Buena Ventura, Ventura co. Cal.t 95-96 Gorrill Carrie Walker Rancho Canada Larga y Verde, San Buena Ventura, Ventura co. Cal.t 95-96 Gould Bertha 1931 16th St. Washington D. Ct music 94-97; supervisor (music) Vergennes Vt. pub. sch. 03-04, private sec. 04-05 Gould Ellen Frances 86 Firglade av. Springfield 98-0 00; editorial asst Merriam co. Spring- field 06- Ag 09; bank asat 09 — aGould Elsie (Mrs Harry Wells Ry- man) 56 Oak Ridge av. Summit N. J. 95-97; m. 5 My 03; ch. Frances Gould b. 8 Je 04, Charles Dewitt b. 7 O 06, Merlin Treadwell b. 9 N 08 Gould Florence Louise ent. fr. Portland Me. S-D 99 Gower Katy Helen (Mrs Charles Harrison Hatch) 99 Delaware av. Detroit Mich. 84-85; B.A. 88 Univ. of Mich; teacher88-93; m. 4 Ja 94; ch. John Gower b. 10 My 97 d. 4 F 98; Melville Harrison b. 25 N 98, Alfred Gower b. 20 F 01 Grable Katharine Lee 3261 Farman st. Omaha Neb. 06-07 Grant Frances Etheridge (Mrs Z. G. Simmons) Shadow Lawn Kenosha Wis. S-D 90 Grant Mariella (Mrs William Adams - Mackenzie jr) 1 Brattle road Syracuse N. Y, 96- Ap 97; m. 1 N 04 Graves Bertha Louise (Mrs Arthur Bartlett) Watson St. Marbleheadf music 97-99; student vocal music; church soloist; m. Je07; ch. Katharine b. Jl 08 Graves Edith ^ May (Mrs Bert H. Pearson) 101 West St. Northampton art 98-01: m. 31 Jl 07 226 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Graves Minnie Reba (Mrs Robert L. Belden) Bradstreetf 97-98; ch. Anna Hunt b. 06, Laura Eaton b. Ja 09 Gray Elizabeth Emma (Mrs Louis Seymour Caswell) Cynwyd Pa. art 00-02; m. 10 Je 03 Gray Florence Templeton Hinsdale N. H.J 93-94 •Gray Mabelle Retta (Mrs Frederic Delaskey Freeman) 99-00; d. 24 Ja 06 Gray Mary 600 N. 7th St. Kansas City Kan.f 06-07 Gray Ruth 600 N. 7th St. Kansas City Kan.f 06-08 Greeley Netta May Leedsf music 90-93 Green Carolyne Marie ent. fr. St Louis Mo. 98-00 Green Lena Ella (Mrs E. M. Hum- phreville) 8 Bush St. Westfieldt music 85-86 Greenbaum Eleanore Dorothy 4504 Drexel blvd Chicago 111. music 03-05 Greene Anna Maria Woodstock Vt. 86-87; teacher high sch. Brattleboro Vt. 88-89, Springfield Vt. 89-90, Middleboro Mass. 91-93, preceptress Pembroke N. H. acad. 96-07, asst Bennington Vt. high sch. 07-10 Greene Cora Louise 17 Tirrell st. Worcester 86-88 *Greene Marguerite Cleveland (Mrs Harold Clark) music 89-90; student (music) Oberlin col. 1 yr; teacher Honolulu H. L Ag 94- Je 96; m. 31 D 96; ch. 2 sons, dau; d. 3 Je 08 Toronto Canada Greenhalge Harriet Nesmith (Mrs Laurin Hovey Martin) Huntington st. Lowellf 97-98; m. 19 S 04; ch. Isabel Grace b. 26 J] 10 Greenland Katharine Hayward 315 Oak St. Syracuse N. Y.t art 98-99, music 99-00; illustrator Greeno Dorothy ent. fr. Milford O. S-D 00 Greenough Beulah (Mrs Thornton Sherburne Hardy) 30 Court St. Westfield art 93-94; student Boston normal art sch. 94-96, (art) Paris 96-98, London 98-99; m. 12 S 00; ch. Gelaton b. 9 JI 01, Evelyn b. 28 O 02 Greenwood Ruth Frances (Mrs Augus- tus Smith Cleaves) 65 School St. Gardner music 93- Ja 95; m, 17 O 00; ch. Alice Green- wood b. 14 N 02, Leighton Greenwood b. 20 Je 04, Charles Shipley b. 31 My 07 Griebel Gertrude Maria (Mrs Francis Joel Canedy) Shelburne Falls S-O 85, 87-88; trained nurse; m. 30 Mr 98; step ch. Grace Emma (Mrs Frederic A. Tupper) (Smith 89-91), Ruth Barbara (Mrs Philip B. Hadley) (B.A. 02 Smith) Griffith Roberta Francina 2412 South Ingleside Cincinnati 0.1 S-D 99 Griggs Anna Cornelia (Mrs Paul K. Dayton) c/o Niles-Bement-Pond co. Ill Broadway New York 04-05; student (domestic science) Columbia 09-10; m. 30 D 08 Grimshaw Grace 479 Ellison st. Paterson N. J. 04-05; student Paterson normal sch. 06-08; teacher Paterson 08-10 Griswold Alice Caroline 2317 Pleasant av. Minneapolis Minn.f art 86-87 Griswold Louise Darling (Mrs Arthur Anderson Brooks) 53 Mt Vernon st. Boston^ 79-81; m. 6 Je 89 Griswold Vivian (Mrs Frank Lincoln Williams) 210 W. 107th St. New York 96-97; m. 17 Je 03; ch. Elizabeth b. 12 My 04, Frank Griswold b. 7 Ja 10 Grosvenor Louise Payson ent. fr. Pomfret Center Ct. S-D 97 Grout Mary Taft 48 Waldo St. Pawtucket R. I. J 97-98; student Bridgewater normal sch. 04-05; teacher Bath N. H. 00-01, South Royalston Mass. 01-02, Amherst 02-04 Gund Elizabeth (Mrs J. H. Firestone) 34 Locust St. Freeport lU.t 93-94; (husband d.) aGutmann Gertrude Louise (Mrs William Colver Hill) 68 Monmouth st. Springfield art S-D 87, S-D 88; m. 25 N 08 Hackstaff Mai Elmendorf (Mrs Walker) 7 E. 54th St. New Yorkf 01-03 aHadley Ethel Marion b.m. 05 Malone N. Y. music 02-05; student (music) Vienna 06-07; teacher 07 — V MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 227 Hadley Mary Soule (Mrs Walter Summerhayes Case) 79 Hamilton pi. New Yorkf 04-08; m. 25 SOS Haight Elinor Church ent. fr. New York art 00-01 aHaines Mary Caroline (Mrs Sherrod Soule) 205 Sigourney st. Hartford Ct. music 81-83; m. 6 D 93; ch. Sherrod jr b. 8 Ja 95 d. 10 Ag 96, Theodate Haines b. 4 My 96, George b. 21 Ag 97, Lawrence Litchfield b. 25 Je 01 Hale Addie Deborah St Johnsbury Vt.t 82-83 *Hale Mary Oilman 84-85; d. 93 aHall Alice Evangeline (Mrs Herbert Eugene Walter) 53 Arlington av. Providence R. I. 90-93; teacher biol. station Cold Spring Harbor N. Y. 06-10; m. 25 Ag 96 Hall Amey Ellen (Mrs George Ses- sions Case) 17864 Lake road Lake wood O. 04-05; m. 4 D 06; ch. George Sessions jr b. 4 D 07 Hall Anna Bond (Mrs William Roberts Gait) Newburgh N. Y. art 87-88; m. 3 Je 91; ch. Eleanor Hall b. 29 Mr 01 Hall Anne Richardson St Joseph Mo.t 94-95 Hall Elizabeth Fambro Rio Piedras P. R. 96-98; student Columbia summer sch; teacher normal sch. Rio Piedras 02-08, 09 — , Internat. inst. for girls Madrid 08-09 aHall Florence Louise (Mrs Frank J. Marion) 39 Glenbrook road Stamford Ct. 94-F 97; m. 29 S 97; ch. Beatrice b. 25 Je 98, Hamilton Hall b. 9 Je 00, Louise b. 17 Ap04 Hall Louise Marion 101 Wendell av. Pittsfield music 92-95; sec. Pittsfield 95-03, Westfield 03-06; governess Westfield 06 — Hall Mary Lee Morrisville Vt, art 85-86; student Wellesley Hall Sarah Mabel (Mrs Charles True Walter) R.F.D. 1 Lyndon Vt. 84-85; m. 9 Je 86; ch. Dorothy Charlotte b. 27 Ap 89 (Brown 12), Elizabeth Gregory b. 4 Jl 91. Edward Hall b. 24 S 99, Alice Amelia b. 2 D 07 Hall Sybel Imogene (Mrs Charles Henry Haskins) North Amherst 90-91; teacher Hatfield Mass. 91-93; m. 18 O 93; ch. Ellsworth Henry b. 21 Ag 94 d. 15 F 07, Harold Arthur b. 2 Ap 98, Philip Hall b. 12 Je 01 Hall Theresa Corbett (Mrs Lyman Van Wickle Brown) Riverside Cal. 91-93; m. 10 S 96; ch. Charlotte Hall b. 17 F 04, Sara Barbara b. 9 Ja 07. Pauline b. 10 Ag 98 d. 15 Ag 98 cHamilton Caroline Fidelia 29 Ashley st. Hartford Ct. 90-92; teacher Hartford high sch. 94-95, East Hartford high sch. 95-03; sec. North- west sch. Hartford 06 — Hamilton Edith 35 Fruit st. Worcesterf 95-97; B.A. 04 Radcliffe; teacher (Eng.) St Agnes sch. Albany N. Y. 04-05, Dana hall Wellesley Hamilton Ethel (Mrs Otto T. Post) 107 Mifflin av. Wilkinsburg Pa.f 97-98; m. Jl 10 Hamilton Irene (Mrs James Herbert Young) Vernon court Newtonf 01-03; m. 29 O 09 Hamilton Lillian 45 Bank st. West Somervillef 00-01 Hamilton Mary Frances [Frances M.l (Mrs John Cousalus) Greenwich N. Y.J music 91-93; diploma (manual training) 03 Teachers col; supervisor Long Branch pub. sch. 03-05; m, 25 D 95; ch. Helen Hamil- ton b. 2 N 96 Hammett Elizabeth 18 Rhode Island av. Newport R. I. 90-91; prin. Fall River training sch. 91-96, Calvert sch. Newport R. I. 97-09, Mumford sch. 09-10 Hammond Maud 222 Elm St. Northampton 99-00 *Hampton Helen art 90-92; d. 25 N 09 Redlands Cal. cHancock Edna May (Mrs Leonidas Beck) c/o Chas. Beck co. 609 Chestnut st. Philadelphia Pa. 96-98; m. 24 F 09 Hand Ruth Boies 505 Jefferson av. Scranton Pa. 04-05, art 05-06; student New York art students league 09-10 Hanna Annie (Mrs Robert AuU Wil- son) Lexington Mo. 79-My 80, S-D 80; student (design) Central col. Lexington, (Eng, Bible) Chicago univ. 08; teacher 81-82, (needlework) Central col. 06-07, 09-10; m. 27 My 85; ch. Robert Whipple b. 23 D 89 228 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION iHanna Edith Joyce 3932 McGee st. Kansas City Mo. 97-99; student (hiat, lit.) Sorbonne. Paris 07-08; teacher Kansas city high sch. 09— Hanrahan Kate (Mrs Daniel William Devanney) 171 Francis av. Pittsfield music 86-88 Harber Mary Louise (Mrs Louis Oscar Eddy) 406 E. Washington st. Bloomington 111. S-D 06; m. 11 N 08; ch. Marion King b. 7 N 09 Harding Hattie [Harriet] 104 East St. Pittsfield 82-83 Harding Isabel 104 East st. Pittsfield 82-83 Harding Mary (Mrs Joseph William Stickler) 49 Mountain View av. Orange N. J. art 88-90 Hardy Grace Maud (Mrs William Tilden Gilbert) 23 Harvard st. Somerville 89-90; m. 03 (husband d. 08) Hargreaves Martha Blanche Lincoln Neb.t S-D 00 aHaring Mary Elma (Mrs Harry Eldredge King) 1 Bronson pi. Toledo O.J 79-80; m. 12 Je 83; ch. Harry Swayne b. 10 N 84 (Cornell 06), Margaret Haring b. 80 D 86, James Ernest b. 19 Jl 91, Grace b. 9 O 94 Harkness Sarah Ellen (Mrs John R. Kirby) 55 Lake st. Cooperstown N. Y. 99-00; student (music) Oberlin conservatory 01-03; teacher (muaic) Iowa state col. for the blind Vinton la. 03-04, Binghamton N. Y. 04-09; m. 16 O 09 Harlow Marian Josephine (Mrs Arthur Benjamin Enos) 39 S. Goodman st. Rochester N. Y. music 94-96; m. 26 S 06; ch. Marian b. 5 Mr 08, Carolyn b. 6 Ag 09 Harman Elsie 505 8th St. Plainfield N. J. 00-02 Harmon Irene 1732 Clifton pi. Minneapolis Minn.J Ja 91-Je 92 Harper Jennie Mildred ent. fr. Bellefonte Pa. 04-05 aHarriman Mary 5 Maple av. Windsor Ct. 99-01 ; student Church training and deacon- ess house Philadelphia 05-07; instructor (Latin, Greek) Windsor 03-05; miss'y to Indians, Minn; asst St Mark's church New York 09— Harrington Emma Caroline 212 Court St. Binghamton N. Y. S-D 93 Harris Anna Marian 62 Myrtle av. Montclair N. J.J 98-Mr 99 Harris Clara Elizabeth (Mrs James Tazewell Akers) 414 Johnson av. Lexington Ky. 79-0 80; teacher (music) Caledonia Mo. 82-85; supervisor Richmond Ky. high sch. 01-05; teacher Lexington pub. sch. 06 — ; m. 25 D 85 (husband d. 10 Ag 01); ch. Arthur Kellogg b. 6 N 86, Mary Elizabeth b. 13 Ap 88 (B.A. 09 Univ. of Ky.), Susan Grey b. 3 Ap 89 (B.A. 09 Univ. of Ky.), John Tazewell b. 16 O 90, Herbert Harris b. 25 F93 Harris Marion Chaplin ent. fr. Cambridge music 88-89 aHarris Mary Capen b.m. 00 16 Claflin st. Milford 96-00 Harris Rhoda 244 Main st. Hornell N. Y. 92-Ja 93 Harrison Frances Dake 1402 Ballinger st. Fort Worth Tex. 06-D 07 Harrison Olive Glasgow Mo. 02-04 aHarshaw Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Davis Hawley jr) 10 Idlewood av. Cleveland O. 05-07; m. 24 Mr 08 aHart Edith Maria (Mrs Fred A. Hol- comb) 114 Linden st. New Haven Ct. 92-93; m. 28 O OS Hart Helen Marguerite 2204 Grand av. Minneapolis Minn. 90-93; grad. Leland Powers sen. Boston 05; teacher and producer of plays Harte May Agnes [Jerome] (Mrs Bertram Stanley Bosman) Lyndhaven, Johnson park Buffalo N. Y. 01-03; teacher (Eng.) Lafayette high ich. Buffalo 03-10; m. 30 Je 10 Hartwell Blanche (Mrs Frank L. Barnes) 842 Main st. Walthamf 89-90 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 229 Harvey Josephine (Mrs George S. Capelle jr) 1321 Gilpin av. Wilmington Del. 96-98; m. 18 S 02; ch. Harold Dunlap b. 23 N 05 Harwood Carolyne Paul 143 W. 87th St. New Yorkf 81-83, 84-86 Harwood Edith May (Mrs Lewis K. Conant) Box 507 Medfieldf music 99-00 Hasbrouck Elizabeth (Mrs Joseph Randolph Nutt) 1828 E. 65th st. Cleveland O. 98-00; m. 27 N 07; ch. Joseph Randolph jr b. 15 Je 09 Hasey Marion Louise 34 Market st. Campello, Brocktont 99-00; bookkeeper 00-05 Haskell Evelyn Belle (Mrs Warren K. Dowe) W. Main st. Norwich Ct.f 81-84; m. Je 89 Haskins Mary Louise 713 Grand av. S. Bozeman Mon. 93-95; teacher Grafton Vt. 98-00; sec. to supt of sch. Northampton 05-07; stenog- rapher Mon. agric. experiment station 10 — Hastings Caroline Ella (Mrs Robert Ashton Lawrence) 28 Via Geno Capponi Florence Italy art 85-88; m. 93 (husband d. S 05) Hastings Florence Ellen South Berlin 03-05, 06-07. music Ja-Je 06 Hastings Phebe Daisy Palmer! 97-D 98 Hastings Stella Montclair N. J.t 00-01; teacher Pottersville N. J. 03-04, Ber- nardsville N. J. 04-05 flHatch Alice Venelia (Mrs James A. Nelson) c/o J. A. Nelson, 60 Wall st. New York 00- Ap 02, 02-04; m. 2 Ja 06 Hatch Edna ent. fr. Springfield 03-04 ^ ^ Hatch Helen (Mrs John Tyrrell Cheney) Winnetka 111. 01-02; m. 4 My 07; ch. Grace b. 21 Ji 08, Deborah b. 12 Mr 10 Hatch Mary Emily (Mrs Franklin Seamans Springstead) 611 West av. Rochester N. Y. 02-03; preceptress Atlanta N. Y. high sch. 01-02; m. 31 D 03; ch. Mary Celestia b. 31 D 06, Grace Caroline b. 15 My 10 Hauser Jeannette Shepard ent. fr. Evanston 111. art 85-86 Haven Eloise 5009 Washington av. Chicago 111. 04-05; student Chicago art inst. 05-09; instructor (juvenile dept) 07-08 Hawke Mabel Mears Calistoga Cal. 92-94 Hawkins Emma Jean b.m. 97 Malone N. Y.t 93-97; student N. Y. state lib. sch. 00-02; cataloger Bryn Mawr lib. 02-03, libn Eau Claire Wis. pub. lib. 03-05 Hawley Alberta Waldo 30 Champion av. Fond du Lac Wis. 06-07; B.A. 09 Univ. of Mich; teacher Grants Pass Ore. high sch. 09-10 Hawley Grace Evelyn (Mrs George Lora Dunham) 4 North St. Brattleboro Vt. art 88-89; m. 2 Jl 89; ch. Evelyn Hawley b. 30 Jl 95, Marion Hawley b. 2 Mr 99 Hayden Maud Louise 26 Bristol st. Springfield music 94-95; teacher (piano) Haydn Ruth Evelyn (Mrs F. W. Hitchings) 31 Windermere st. Cleveland O. 99-00; B.L. Western Reserve univ; m. O06; ch. Elisabeth Haydn b. 8 S 07 Hayes Clara Louise (Mrs Frederick Austin Robinson) 556 Cass av. Detroit Mich. 78-80; student (music) Boston 85-87; m. 20 My 88; ch. Frederick Hayes b. 24 Ag 98, Marian Louise b. 16 Ag 01 Hayes Millicent Gay (Mrs Francis Harold Dike) S-D 89 Ha3rward Susan Lydia (Mrs Karl J. Schneider) 919 Capitol av. Indianapolis Ind. 96-97; m. 14 Je 00 Haywood Leona (Mrs Roy Elder Adams) 2023 W. Alabama st. Indianapolis Ind. 00-02; m. 26 O 04; ch. Mary Anne b. 27 D 06 Hazard Louise Holyoke Grace church rectory Manchester N. H. 97-98, art 98-00; student Simmons col. lib. sch. 08; asat Manchester city lib. 09, asst cataloger univ. lib. Ann Arbor Mich. 10 — ; mem. A.L.A. Hazen Maria Frances (Mrs William Dickinson Woolson) Springfield Vt.t n 87-89; m. 14 My 91; ch. Ruth Irene b. 25 My 94, Kenneth Hazen b. 18 Je 97, Eric Amasa b. 7 N 98 230 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Hazlehurst Rachel Kimberly (Mrs Robert Pettit) 1021 Greenwood blvd Evanston 111. 01-02; m. 7 Je 05 Heade Mary Clark (Mrs Thomas C. Pollock) 214 S. 8th St. Monmouth lU. S-D 95; m. 23 O 00; ch. Thomas Clark b. 31 Mr 02, Margaret Heade b. 12 S 03, Martha Barnett b. 5 Ag 07 Headley Grace Edna (Mrs Norval Rogers Daugherty) 5818 Douglass av. Pittsburg Pa. 02-03; B.A. 01 Waynesburg col; m. 12 D 05; ch. William Robert b. 22 Ja 08 Heald Anna Jennie [Jennie A.] (Mrs Albert Clark Hill) 14 Chestnut st. Albany N. Y. 78-79: m. 20 Ag 79; ch. MTabel Amia b. 22 S 81 (B.A. 03 Smith) Heasley Gertrude May Emlenton Pa. 04-05 Hechelraan Lucy Otelia (Mrs Leonard Kent Guiler) 1417 Wightman st. Pittsburg Pa. 98-00; m. 2 Je 06; ch. Emma Elizabeth b. 26 D 09 Hedge Sara Woodbury (Mrs Cort- , landt Godwin) Englewood N. J. 88-Ap99; m. 30Ja01; ch. Charles Gorham Hedge b. 2 D 01, Doris b. 10 N 02, Priscilla Lothrop b. 16 My 09 Hedges Abbie May (Mrs Frank Tall- f madge) 1570 Hawthorn park Columbus O. 8-N 77; B.A. 77 Pa. col. for women; m. 1 O 79; ch. Trafford Brasee b. 28 Jl 80 (Ohio state univ.), Harold Hedges b. 5 N 83 d. 12 Mr 08 Hedges Gertrude May (Mrs Frederick S. Alstrom) 22 Hall St. Springfieldt music 84-85; m. 91; ch. Camilla G. b. 1 F 93, Edwin H. b. 16 Ag 95 Hemenway Edith Alice 05-07 Hopkinton Henderson Helen Beatty (Mrs George Stabler Butler) 76 Lexington av. Columbus O. 97-99; m. 4 O 02; ch. John Henderson b. 22 Je 04, George Chapman b. 23 O 06 Hendrick Mary Elizabeth 06-06 Norwicht Hendrie Frances 741 Washington st. Denver Col.t 88-90 Henry Esther Maria ent. fr. North Bennington Vt. S-D 79 Henry Mary Frances 2181 S. Columbine st. University Park, Denver Col. 01-03; B.A. 05 Colorado col; student Den- ver univ. 08; teacher Lander Wyo. high sch. 08-10 Herlihy Elizabeth Cecilia (Mrs Thomas Sullivan) Forbes av. Northampton! art 97-98 Herr Helen Hoffman 30 Emory st. Jersey City N. J. 04-05; student kindergarten normal course Ethical culture sch. New York 08-10 Herrick Harriet Bradstreet (Mrs Ed- ward Pay son Bradstreet) Winter pi. Cincinnati O.t 78-D 80; m. 7 Ag 83; ch. Marjora Herrick b. 26 S 84, Edward Payson b. 16 D 87, Anna Dolabella b. 11 S 89 aHerrick Harriet Fidelia (Mrs Charles Francis Carter) Hartford Ct. 80-Ja83; m. 28 My 84; ch. Thomas Walker b. 20 Jl 89, Dwight Herrick b. 16 F 91, Lyon b. 21 F 92, Frederick Dewhurst b. 10 Ap 97 Herrick Isabel St Clair 7 Logan st. Lawrence 01-02 Herrick Margaret 45 E. Schiller st. Chicago 111. / 07-08; student Florentine sch. for girls Flor- ence Italy 1 yr •Herrmann Rose Sylphina 87-88; student Bryn Mawr col. 97-99; teacher Brj'n Mawr 95-97, Dana hall Wel- lesley 99-02; d. 6 S 02 Heublein Alice (Mrs Percy Martin) The Spring, Kenilworth England 98-00; m. 30 Jl 02; ch. John Gilbert b. 27 D 05, Helen Moore b. 16 N 07 Hibbard Mary Grace (Mrs Edward William Schauffler) 3835 Wyandotte st. Kansas City Mo. 87-88; student (nursing); teacher (music); m. 15 F 98 Hickey Elizabeth Martha 43 Pine st. Florence music 93-96; teacher (music) and organist Florence 90 — Hickok Kate Morton 567 St Paul St. Burlington Vt. 00-02 Hidden Mary Belle 61 Dana st. Cambridge , 78-80, Ja-Je 81; student Conservatory of / music Karlsruhe Germany 92-93; teacher (singing) Boston and Cambridge 00 — Higbie Geraldine Winifred (Mrs P. Bowditch Palmer) 4645 Greenwood av. Chicago Ill.t 05-06 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 231 Higgins Alice Gertrude 130 State st. Newburyport 03-04 Higgins Eliza Rosalie ent. fr. Westhampton 89-90 Hildreth Hazel Ambler Herkimer N. Y. 04-06: teacher elementary sch. near Herkimer Hilger Clara Douglas (Mrs Romer Lee) c/o Messrs Cox and co. 16 Charing Cross London England 99-D 00; m. 16 D 07; ch. Charles Romer b. 30 Je 09 flHill Ginevra May [Mary Genevra] B.M. 90 Williamsburg music 86-90; teacher (music); in grain business aHill Henrietta Chrisinda : 44 Henry av. Pittsfield 98-00; teacher Winchester Ct. 00-01, West Stockbridge Mass. 01-02. Pittsfield high sch. OS- Hill Mary Abigail [Abbie] (Mrs Frank Danforth Lewis) Groton Ap 88-D 89; teacher Chester Vt. 92-94, Lenox Mass. 94-98; m. 10 N 98; ch. Law- rence Hill b. 23 N 99. Mary b. 15 O 01 Eliz- abeth b. 4 O 03, John Thornton b. 6 Mr 07 Hillard Fanny Seymour (Mrs George Lounes Morris) Bryn Mawr Pa. 92-94; B.A. 99 Radcliffe; teacher Hampton Va. inst. 94-96, St Margaret's sch. Water- burv Ct. 99-02; m. 22 My 02; ch. Theodore Hollingsworth b. 30 Ja 08, E. Brewster Hil- lard b. 7 F 09 flHillard Helen Lindsley 265 Henry st. New YorkJ music 84-87; student Training sch. for nurses S. R. Smith infirmaiy Staten Island N. Y. 97-01, Sloane maternity hospital and Foundling hospital New York 01; teacher (music) Rockford 111. sem. 88-91, visiting nurse Nurses settlement New York 03-05 *Hills Alma Elizabeth music 04- Ap 05; student N. E. conservatory of music Boston 03-06, 09-10; teacher (music) Industrial inst. and col. Columbus Miss. 06-09; d. Ja 11 Haydenvillei.,,; Hills Susan Clapp AmherstJ 00-01 Hilt Ada (Mrs Julian Leonard Street) 305 W. 80th St. New YorkJ 98-99; m. 13 Ja 00; ch. Julian Leonard b. 26 02 Hilt Susie Edna 95-F96 Hine Mary Helen ent. fr. Painesville O. 80-81 ent. fr. New York Hinman Frances Eleanor 146 Madison av. New Yorkt 02-04 Hirscheimer Elsa (Mrs Edward J. Joseph) 1497 E. 107th St. Cleveland O. 05-07; m. 23 Je 09; ch. Frances Elsa b. 8 S 10 Hislop Annie Balfour (Mrs Gurdon Spicer AUyn) 33 Broad st. New London Ct. S-D 98; m. 3 Ap 07; ch. James Hislop b. 2 Je08 Hitchcock Lucy Clark Amherstt art 80-81, 86-87, 89-90; grad. art 90 *Hoadley Mrs George A. music 83-85, 86-87 Hoagland Ruth Fisher 812 N. Corona st. Colorado Springs CoLt 02-03 Hobbey Louise Winslow Cragwold, Valley road Milton 93-94 Hodge Alice Mary 134 Ash St. Walthamt 93-95; B.A. 97 Boston univ; asot Winchester N. H. 98-00, Wareham Mass. high sch. 00-06 Hodges Agnes Susannah ent. fr. Plainville Ct. 00-01 Hodgman Mary Belle (Mrs Stephen Eugene BuzzeU) Brandon hall 1501 Beacon st. Brookline music 94-96; m. 8 N 99 HoflFman Marion South Hadley Falls music 05-07; student (music) Berlin 10; teacher aHogan Gertrude 1024 King st. Lacrosse Wis.f 87-89 Hogan Lulu [Lucy Mary] 1024 King st. Lacrosse Wis.f music 88-90 Holbrook Grace (Mrs John Adolphus HiUesheim) 2221 Kenmore av. Chicago Ill.f 99-00; m. 3 D 02 aHolbrook Margaret Chalmers (Mrs John Kirkland Clark) 746 St Nicholas av. New York 96-98; m. 16 Je 03; ch. Ann© Holbrook b. 19 Ap 04; John Kirkland jr b. 12 Ap 06, Marion Holbrook b. 7 O 09 Holbrook Mary Georgia ent. fr. Collinsville Ct. 80-81 232 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION V Holbrook Virginia (Mrs Ernst Dick) Basle Switzerland 91-93; B.A. 95 Radcliffe; student Franco- English guild Paris, Sorbonne 00-01 ; teacher Miss Ingals' sch. Cambridge Mass. 03-05, Miss Alice Brown's sch. Boston 0&-06; m. 9 Ap 06; ch. Elizabeth b. 7 N 07 Holden Charlotte Cheney (Mrs David Williams MacMorran) 2323 Military st. Port Huron Mich. 96-97; m. 16 D 99; ch. Charlotte Cheney b. 11 D 00, Henry Gordon b. 13 Ag 03 Holden Natalie Frances (Mrs Joseph Lovejoy) Hingham 99-00; m. 4 O 05; ch. Joseph jr b. 15 Ag 06, John Moulton b. 5 F 09 Holdship Alice (Mrs Edward Twichell Ware) Atlanta university Atlanta Ga. 91-92; organizer and sec. Tenement im- provement CO. 04-05; m. 30 Je 05; ch. Alex- ander Holdship b. Ag 06, Henry Holdship b. Jl 08 HoUister Emeline Ivison (Mrs Charles Park) 354 Allen st. Hudson N. Y. 86-88; m. 20 O 91; ch. Eleanor Holliater (Smith 14), Katrina, Gratia Buell Holman Edith Estelle ent. fr. Leominster 96-97 ©Holmes Emma Charlotte (Mrs An- thony Konrad Johnson) 1378 Beacon st. Brookline 89-90; m. 24 Je 96 Holmes Esther Reynolds 79-80 Monson Holmes Helen Phoebe ent. f r. Seattle Wash. music 97-98 Holmes May Salona Isolation hospital Worcester 90-92; M.D. 95 woman's med. col. of N. Y. infirmary; student (psych.) Clark univ. 05-06; house officer Washburn memorial hospital Worcester 95-96, supt and resident physician Worcester isolation hospital 96—; mem. Amer. home economics assn, Amer. hospital assn, Amer. med. assn Homans Nannie 169 E. 62d St. New Yorkf S-N 79, art 87-88; portrait painter Hood Grace Winifred 16 Preston road Somerville 06-N 08; sec. to exec, director of Boston chamber of commerce 09-Ja 10, sec. to Prof. W. M. Cole, Harvard Mr-My 10; substitute sec. to dean of grad. sch. of arts and sciences Harvard My 10— Hooker Ellen 4422 Chestnut st. Philadelphia Pa.t 0&-06 Hoover Helen Marie 1816 Linwood blvd Kansas City Mo.t music 01-02 Hopkins Mildred (Mrs Horatio Chis- holm) 225 E. Center st. Marion O.J 86-87; m. 5 Je 95; ch. Avis b. 16 D 96 Hopkins Theodora Crosby ent. fr. Canandaigua N. Y. music 84-85 *Home Evelyn 91-92 IHorton Margaret Armstrong 1 ; 598 Summit av. St Paul Minn.f V 05-07; student (violin) Berhn 10 ^osford Emma Sophia i Huntington Chambers Boston ; , music 80-84; student London and Paria; teacher (singing) Wellesley 97-02, Boston Hosmer Edith Tracy 350 Salem st. WobumJ 96-D 00; teacher Hotaling Mary Aurelia (Mrs Henry Payne Bigelow) Baldwinsville N. Y. music 86-87; m. 4 F 91 (husband d. 30 S 08); ch. Mildred Elizabeth b. 31 Mr 93 Hough Mrs T. E. 83 Prospect st. Cambridgef music 84-86 Howard Ella Stanley Haydenvillef music 93-96 ♦Howard Myra Lee (Mrs Kirke Hart Field) 86-87; m. 18 Je 90; d. 30 Je 08 Redlands Cal. Howe Fannie Bliss (Mrs Alfred Wil- liam Mucklow) 137 High St. Hartford Ct. 95-96; m. 5 Mr 02; ch. Brereton Harmon b. 29 Ja 03, Lucian Howe b. 17 Ja 05, Francis Alfred b. 13 N 08 Howell Adalove Keokuk la. 02-04 Howell Helen Treat (Mrs James Ray- mond Windsor) 3024 Ingersol av. Des Moines la.f 99-00; m. 30 O 01; ch. James Harvey b. 6 Je04 Howland Agnes art 82-Ja 84 Catskill N. Y. aHowland Elisabeth Collamore (Mrs Charles Sumner Millet) 281 Spring st. Brockton 88-89; m. 12 Ag 91; ch. Mariesta b. 3 Jl 92 d. 13 Jl 07, Lucia b. 26 Mr 99, John Howland b. 4 Mr 01, Elisabeth Frederica b. 17 Ap 03, Mary By ram b. 23 O 04, Ruth Dodge b. 11 N 06. Charles Sumner jr b. 22 Jl 08 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 233 Hoysradt Jessie Allen St. Hudson N. Y4 87-90 Hoyt Ida [May] (Mrs John Littlefield Tilton) Indianola la. 89-90; m. 4 S 90; ch. Besse Swinburne b. 15 Je 91 (Simpson col. 13) Hubbard Julia Louise 23 Kenwood park Springfield art 88-95; grad. art 92 Hubbard Katherine Dean 606 S. Broad st. Mankato Minn. 07-08 Hubbell Louise (Mrs Joseph B. Cotton) 2309 E. First st. Duluth Minn.f S-N 97; m. 00 Hubbell Mary Charlotte Bretton hall, Broadway and 86th St. New York 86-88 Hudson Alice Brown (Mrs William Chalmers Covert) 436 Oakwood blvd Chicago 111. music 85-86; teacher LaPorte Ind. 88, Toronto Can. 88-89; m. 14 My 90; ch. Katharine b. 14 Ja 93, Hudson b. 7 Je 94, Seward Austin b. 30 O 03 Hufnagle Alice ent. fr. Norristown Pa. music 96-97 Huggins Mary Augusta (Mrs David B. Gamble) 4 Westmoreland pi. Pasadena Cal. 78-79; m. 13 S 82; ch. Cecil Huggins b. 25 Ap 84 (B.A. 05 Princeton), Elizabeth b. 26 Ja 86 d. 4 D 90, Sidney David b. 12 Jl 90 (Princeton 12), Clarence James b. 10 Ja 94 ^Hughes Amy Madeline 915 Beacon st. Boston Hughes Margaret Anne 7 Hughes St. Adams • 96-98; teacher Adams 98-Mr 07, New York Mr 07— Hulbert Frances (Mrs Charles Ed- ward White) Fairport N. Y. 90-91; grad. 96 med. course Umv. of Mich; practising physcian 96 — ; m. 27 Ag 00; ch. Frances Louise b. 13 N 06, Charles Hulbert b. 13 S 09 Hull Florence 04-05 Sandusky O.f Hull Une (Mrs Francis Edward Greene) 1616 Cullom av. Chicago 111. 95-D 96; m. 12 O 97; ch. John Havens Day- ton b. 8 JI 98, Une Hull b. 15 Jl 00 Hultman Julia Eugenie 175 Lincoln st. Worcesterf 06-07 Hume Katharine Miller (Mrs O. D. Wanamaker) 15 S. Duncan st. Fayetteville Ark. music 98-99; tutor 02-06; teacher Kuling sch. Central China 06-07; m. 7 F 07 Humphrey Alice Caroline 77 Warren st. Concord N. H. 92-94; teacher (Latin, Greek, hist.) St Mary's sch. Concord Ja 95 — Humphreys Sarah Blake (Mrs Chester Corey) 700 Graceland av. Chicago lU.t 88-90; m. 2 Je 98; ch. Catharine Elizabeth b. 7 Mr 01 Hunt Maude Jennie music 93-94 ent. f r. Orange Hunter Bertha Lillian Hillside Wynnefield Philadelphia Pa. 04-05; student (design) Philadelphia arta and crafts league 05-08 Hurd Ella Morgan (Mrs Frederick T. Griffith) 2606 Severence st. Los Angeles Cal.t 88-89 Hurlburt Hortense (Mrs Stillman Scott Meservey) Fort Dodge la.t 00-02; m. 12 O 04 Husted Mary Irving 118W. 73dst. NewYorkJ art 87-91; grad. art 91; B.S. 03 Columbia; art student studios of William Chase etc; art instructor Orange N. J. 94-95, New York 94-05; art lecturer Hutchings Leda TumbuU Plaza hotel Minneapolis Minn.f 03-05 oHutchings Margaret Jean 123 Prospect st. Stamford Ct. 03-05, 06-07; substitute teacher Stamford pub. sch. 08— Hutchinson Juliet Perrott (Mrs Wil- liam Todd) c/o E. L. Hutchinson, Emerson Saw works Beaver Falls Pa.f 05-06 Hutchinson Rachel (Mrs Frederick Chaffee Thrall) 420 E. College st. Oberlin O. 98-99, OO-Ol; m. 13 S 04 aHutchinson Rosa Elizabeth Linden av. Englewood N. J. 00-03 Hyde Alice Charles 380 Commonwealth av. Boston 91-92; student (music) 6 yr, Boston univ, (horticulture and landscape gardening) Low- thorpe Groton 234 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION \/ Hyde Florence Anna (Mrs Jordan) Peekskill on Hudson N. Y.f art 94-95 cHyde Grace Palmer (Mrs Frederic Smith Ricker) Berwick Me. 93-95; m. 14 S 04; ch. Carolyn Hyde b. 3 J106 Illingworth Rhea (Mrs Charies Ster- ling Jernigan) Sparta Ga. 04-05; m. 6 Ja 09 Ingals Melissa Rachel (Mrs Clarehce Lyon Fisher) Lyons Falls N. Y. 01-02; assoc. of science Chicago univ, cert. Chicago sch. of domestic science; m. 21 F 07; ch. Clarence Ingals b. 21 Ag 09 Ingersoll Laura Perkins (Mrs Charles William McKinnon) Main st. Lancaster N. H. art 00-01; maker of col. flags and banners; m. 11 Jl 10 Ingham Julia Olney "Mangroville" Paget Bermuda art 03-04 *Inglis Agnes Claire 98-00; student (mod.) Univ. of Mich. 01-02; d. 3 F 02 ; Ingram Elizabeth Frances Wakefield 88-89; student (French) Boston 94, (art) Europe 08; teacher Wakefield 97— Ingram Lucy [Belle] (Mrs George Ray- mond Topliff ) 57 Cypress st. Brookline 90-91; student (Eng.) Columbia; teacher high sch. Everett, Somerville, head (Eng. dept) Brookline; m. 3 Ap 09 Irwin Abbie Alice ent. fr. Northampton music 80-81 Irwin Ida Riddle (Mrs Arthur Bacon Jones) 981 Central av. Plainfield N. J. 91-92; m. 8 N 00; ch. Lewis Irwin b. 27 My 03, Katharine b. 1 Jl 04 Jackson Alice Helen 69 Atkinson st. Bellows Falls Vt. music 88-89; student Amer. inst. Boston 89-91; supervisor (music) Bellows Falls Vt. 89—, Claremont N. H. 92-94, Newport N. H. 97-02, 05-10, Keene 01-04, Saxton's River Vt, Charlestown N. H. 00— *Jackson Edna Earle 95-96; d. 99 Jackson Elizabeth Massey Wilmington Del.f 90-92 Jackson Elvenia Josephine ent. fr. San Francisco Cal. 97-98 Jackson Emma Lillian ent. fr. Wilmington Del. 84-85 Jackson Mary Louise 112 S. 5th St. Goshen Ind.f 06-08 Jacobs Alice Walton (Mrs Arthur Eugene Whitmore) 605W. 111th St. New York 90-91; m. 20 O 09 Jacobs Clara Belle (Mrs Louis Emory Stoner) 154 N. Hartford Ct. 03-06; m. 24 D 06; ch. Arthur Merrick b. 30 Ja 08 James Alice (Mrs George Rossen) 132 Lorraine av. Upper Montclair N.J. 83-84; m. (1) 20 F 89 (George Martin d. 7 Ja 90) ; ch. Elizabeth Patterson b. 13 D 89; m. (2) 24 Ap 01 (George Rossen) ; ch. George jr b. 9 My 02, Mary James b. 10 Ag 03 ajames Alice Meribah (Mrs William Shewell Ellis) Moylan Pa. 96-D 97; m. 18 O 99; ch. Frances Edith b. 28 Ag 02 James Mary Marjorie (Mrs Samuel Ritter Wilkinson) Tacoma Wash. 05-07; m. 9 O 07; ch. Samuel James b. 27 J108 James Maud Williamsburgt art 83-84 Jameson Mary 5316 Cornell av. Chicago 111. 78-80; student Chicago acad. of design 75- 77, 80-81; teacher Bloomimgton 111. 82-83; supervisor (drawing) Wisconsin sch. for the deaf Delavan Wis. 84-87, Nebraska sch. for the deaf Omaha Neb. 87-88, Chicago III. pub. sch. 88-02 Jarvis Helen (Mrs William F. Farley) 144 Hammond st. Waltham 01-02 Jayne Eleanor [Ferguson] (Mrs Clar- ence Edward Breckenridge) 1476 Page st. San Francisco Cal.J 97-99; m. 19 F 03; ch. George Jayne b. 7 O04 Jenckes Clara Hunt 47 Spring St. Woonsocket R. I. 83-84; teacher Woonsocket pub. sch. ojenkins Edith Daisy (Mrs William Archibald Logan) Rio vista, Grand av. Keokuk la. J 96-97; Ph.B. 01 (kindergarten) Chicago univ; m. 7 Ap 01 (husband d. 6 S 05); ch. William b. O 03 ajenkins Jeannie Cooper Boonton N. J. 00-My 02; teacher Cedartown Ga. D-Mr 04; tutor in private family Montclair N. J. 04- 05, Northampton 05-06; teacher Burnham sch. Northampton 06 — MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 235 ♦Jenner Mary Sophronia (Mrs Clayton Clifford Wagner) 88-90; m. 2 S 91; ch. Florence Adelia b. 6 Ja 94, Chrystine Jenner b. 13 O 96; d. 17 NOO Jenness Ella Gertrude (Mrs George Barrows Washburn) Kendallshome, Butman road Lowell 94-95; m. 15 O 98; ch. Gertrude Cecilia b. 11 Ja 00, Kendall Jenness b. 7 F 01 d. 29 S 07, Catherine Barrows b. 19 O 02 Jepson Clara Louise 245 East Rock road New Haven Ct. 94-D 96; mem. A.C.A, Alliance fran^aise ajoel Julia Maria (Mrs Herbert Wil- liam Conn) 167 High St. Middletown Ct. 77-79, 80-81; teacher 83-85; m. 5 Ag 85; ch. Harold Joel b. 29 My 86 (Ph.B. 08 Wes- leyan), Bertha Viola b. 30 Mr 91 (Smith 14) Johnson Agnes Letournier 28 Waverley st. EverettJ 95-97; asst Parlin memorial lib. Everett 00-04 Johnson Caroline 15 Russell pi. Brooklyn N. Y. 90-91 Johnson Florence Warner 39 E. Manning st. Providence R. I. 03-05 Johnson Grace Estelle (Mrs Irving Robert Williams) 22 Waller av. Ossining N. Y. S-N 91; m. 19 O 97; ch. Robert Irving b. 30 N 98. Brewster Hallock b. 12 O 07 d. 11 Flo Johnson Julia Etta Hadleyf 93-95, 96-97 Johnson Lizzie Frances [Elizabeth Francis] (Mrs Oliver Huckel) 1515 Linden av. Baltimore Md. 80-81; m. 7 Ja 02; ch. Oliver Wentworth b. 30 Ap 03, Haldam Johnson b. 20 Mr 05 •Johnson Marion Phillips 94-N 97; d. 22 Je 99 Johnson Mary Sherman Maple hill Newington Ct.f music 95-97 Johnson Pauline Dustin 128W. nth St. New York 06-07; B.A. 09 Barnard Johnson Ray Lucille (Mrs Henry B. Morse) 345 Westlake av. Los Angeles Cal.f 03-04 Johnston Laura Maynard (Mrs Frank Loren Davis) 212 Lorraine av. Upper Montclair N.J. 88-90; m. 19 D 94; ch. Robert Johnston b. 26 S 96, Katharine b. 23 Jl 98. Anna Medora b. 14 N 99 Jones Alice Hall (Mrs Abraham Lewis jr) Bank of Hawaii Honolulu H. I. 99-00; m. 26Ap06; ch. Marion b. 20 Ja 07, Dudley Cushman b. 26 Mr 09 Jones Avis Sessions 625 N. Cascade av. Colorado Springs Col.f 05-09 Jones Connie Springs ent. fr. Charlotte N. C. music 91-92 Jones Edith Louise 1301 Ogden st. Denver Col.f 98-D 00 Jones Eleanor Genevra 15 James st. Greenfield 06-09 ajones Ethel Hannah 138 S. Main av. Scranton Pa. 06-08; student (dressmaking) Pratt inat- 08-10 Jones Grace Eleanor 267 North st. Buffalo N. Y.f 98-99 ojones Grace Lilian (Mrs Clarence Adolphus Backer) 54 Bellevue av. Melrose 84-85; m. 27 My 97 Jones Mabel Emma (Mrs George Ambrose Keith) 428 Main st. Keene N. H. 94-95, 96-97; teacher Keene grammer sch. 97-05; m. 11 D 07 Jones Mary Frances 219 S. Cleveland av. Canton O. 99-01 *Jordan Anne Mansfield 88-90; grad. Ogontz 91; d. 13 My 07 * Jordan Mary Wood music 86-87; d. Pasadena Cal. Joslin Lulu Broadbent 7 Grove st. Attleboro 00-N 01; B.A. 05 and M.A. 06 Brown; re- search asst (physics) Brown 05-07, asat Smith 07-09, instructor Goucher col. 09 — ; mem. Amer. physical soc. Judd Lillian Estelle (Mrs William E. Curtiss) 2929 W. 14th St. Cleveland O. 04-06; m. 24 Je 08; ch. Ruth Judd b. 13 Ag09 Judson Alice Cleveland (Mrs Gordon Jennings Laing) Chicago univ. Chicago 111. 98-99; m. 22 Ag 03 Kalish Bertha ent. fr. New York 80-81 Kane Gertrude Euretta 644 Woodward av. Detroit Mich. 04-Mr05 236 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Kane Mary Teresa 176 Prospect st. Northamptont 86-87; stenographer and bookkeeper Keator Ruth Frisbee (Mrs Ralph Samuel Ives) Roxbury Delaware co. N. Y. 03-05; m. 24 N 08; ch. Charles Keator b. 13 O 09 Keeler Katharine Marvin (Mrs Aubrey Trull Barnes) 1701 National av. Rockford 111. 95-97; m. 1 Je 98; ch. Barbara Trull b. 27 AgOO Keene Edith Gerry (Mrs Edward Chamberlin Bradlee) 134 Elmwood road Swampscott 93-94; teacher; m. 1 D 06; ch. Susan Bart- lett b. 7 Ja 08, Sarah Goddard b. 6 F 09 aKeith Liilie Hall (Mrs Eldon Bradford Keith) 36 South st. Campello 98-F 01; m. 20 My 03; ch. son b. 20 Mr 04 d. 25 Mr 04, George Eldon b. 8 N 05, Eldon Bradford jr b. 23 N 08 Keith Virginia ent. fr. Chicago 111. 04-05 Kellam Grace Willard 348 Humphrey st. New Haven Ct. 94-95 *Kelley Margaret Dana S-0 05; d. O 05 Kelly Amy Ruth ent. fr. Sandusky O. 98-99 Kelsey Hattie Gertrude (Mrs Howard David Gordon) Hazardville Ct.J art 88-F 89; m. 2 O 95; ch. John Stuart b. 29 Mr 01, Alexander Dorward b. 19 F 04 Kelton Louise Wilkeson 586 E. Town st. Columbus O. 99-00 Kendal Leslie Brigham ent. fr. New York 02-03 Kendall Avis Elizabeth (Mrs Edward Wallace Packard) 218 N. Fremont av. Los Angeles Cal.t 97-99; student Northampton commercial col. 00-01; bookkeeper Northampton 03-04; m. 31 Ag 04 Kendrick Helen (Mrs Ellis Peterson) 4 Einhorn road Worcester 98-00; m. 27 Mr 01; ch. Ellis jr b. 22 O 04 Kendrick Mary Lucy North Brookfield 88-89 Keniston Elizabeth Howe (Mrs Ken- nedy Furlong Rubert) 212 Main st. Owego, Tioga co. N. Y. 96-98; teacher Plymouth N. H. 98-99, Augusta Me. 99-00; m. 18 Ja 02; ch. Eliza- beth Thorndike b. 17 Je 03, Janet Burnett b. 16 Ja 05 d. 3 S 06, Kennedy Furlong b. 21 D 06, son b. and d. 25 Ag 07 aKennard Helen May (Mrs William Atkins MacKenzie) 684 Broad st. Meriden Ct. music 94-97; grad. music 97; student and teacher (music), choir soloist Meriden, New Haven, Bristol; m. 5 O 05; ch. Helen Mary b. 7 Je 07 Kennedy Bessie Marion b.m. 96 (Mrs Elliott) Berkeley Cal.f 92-96; m. 24 D 98 (Edward S. ElUott) Kennedy Carolina Cook 1907 E. 3d St. Duluth Minn. 06-08 Kenyon Florence Meachem (Mrs Dana Cheney Hyde) 22 Brattle road Syracuse N. Y. 99- Ja 02; student (music) Syracuse univ. 02-04; m. 16 N 04; ch. Georgia Kenyon b. 9 Ap 06 Kerr Florence 184 Summit av. St Paul Minn.f S-N93 Ketcham Eleanor ent. fr. Indianapolis Ind. 91-93 Ketcham Lilla Elizabeth ent. fr. Indianapolis Ind. music 91-92 Ketchum Mary ent. fr. New York S-N95 Keyes Bertha Evelyth 6 Adams st. Winter Hill, Somerville 00-01 Keyes Eva Beulah ent. fr. Oneonta N. Y. 97-98 Keyes Lucy Belle 56 High St. Springfield 89-90 Keyes Maud Vivian 9 Madison st. Hartford Ct. 98-01; student New Britain normal sch. 01- 02; teacher Englewood N. J. 02-03, Hart- ford 03-06, Horace Mann sch. New York 06 — ; mem. N.E.A. Kidder Anna Laura 12 Orchard st. Amherst music 84-93; student Vassar, New York; asst (harmony) Smith 94-05, Capen sch. Northampton 94 — Kidder Kate [Katherine] Weltha (Mrs Amory Francis Gale) 1620 3d av. S. Minneapolis Minn. 81-83; teacher (Eng.) Minneapolis central high sch. 85-05; m. 22 Ag 05 aKidder Mabel Agnes (Mrs George Lord Selden) 8 Jackson court Lawrence music 82-84; m, 8 D 92; ch. James Kirtland b. 1 Ja 94, Katharine Elizabeth b. 19 Mr 95, Marion Adelaide b. 26 D 97, Edward Gillette b. 24 Je 00 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 237 K[ilbon Caroline Eunice 41 Orleans St. Springfield 88-89; student (manual training) Teachers col. summer of 03; teacher (manual train- ing) private sch. 90-Ja 94, Springfield pub. sch. Ja 94 — Killius Elsa Susanna 8309 Detroit av. Cleveland O. 98-99; art 99-00 Kimberly Lulu Manville (Mrs Clinton James Curtis) 2555 E. Ocean av. Long Beach Cal. 96-97; m. 17 Ap 01; ch. Caleb Camp b. 10 F 02, John Kimberly b. 14 Mr 05, Helen Kimberly b. 15 Je 09 Kincaid Fay 195 Calle Herran Manila P. I.f 05-06 King Effie Bokewell 817 Bidwell st. Pittsburg Pa.f 77-79 IQng Hazel 1898 Broadway San Francisco Cal. 00-02 King Mary Schermerhom Winnetka 111. 04-06 King Myra Dorothy ent. fr. Chicago 111. 07-08 ♦Kingman Sarah Norton art 85-86; d. 5 N 88 Kingsley Delia Elmina R. F. D. 57 Easthamptont 98-99; student Weatfield state normal sch. 99-01, New Haven Ct. normal sch. 'of gym- nastics 08-09; teacher Easthampton pub. sch. 01-04, North Amherst 04-06, Housa- tonic 06-07, Seymour Ct. 07-08, supervisor (gymnastics) Lansdowne Pa. 09-10 Kinne Margretta Oliver 410 E. Genesee st. Syracuse N. Y. 00-Ja 01, 01-02 Kinney Mary Amelia (Mrs Chester Odiorne Swain) Bronxville N. Y. 00-02; m. 12 Je 07 Kirkley Florence 1105 Jefferson av. Toledo O. 02-03; student (physical educ.) Teachers col. 07-09; asst Toledo pub. sch. 09-10 Kistler Alice May 1100 E. 7th av. Denver Col.f 03-06 Kittredge Hattie muaio 88-90 ent. fr. Westfield Kittredge Minnie FishkiU on Hudson N. Y.f art 85-86 Kittredge Rose Frances (Mrs Charles Henry Cronise) 1635 Bath st. Santa Barbara Cal. 92-93; m. 19 O 99; ch. Margaret Lowrie b. 7 F 04, Dorothy Stewart b. 11 D 08 Klock Martha Frances Oneida N. Y. 86-87; B.A. 97 Chicago; student (Eng. lit.) Columbia 98-99; teacher New York 98-99; mem. A.C.A. Knapp Ida (Mrs Frederick Kammerer) 51 E. 66th St. New York 83-85; m. 23 Mr 07 Knight Alice Easthampton music 86-88; student (stenography, type- writing) Northampton commercial col. 04-06 ICnowles Jane Sherrill 148 Lancaster st. Albany N. Y. 85-87 *Kjiowles Margaret Babcock music 86-87; d. Ja 02 Kohn Eva 5122 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo.f 04-05 Kohn Gertrude (Mrs Magnus S. Haas) 1828 E. 81st St. Cleveland O. 01-03; m. 9 D 08 aKohn Lucille 5122 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo. 05-07 Kramer Helen (Mrs Lawrence R. Ack) 817 Walnut st. Cincinnati O. 06-08 ICreigsmann Mary Elizabeth 27 Wendell av. Schenectady N. Y. Ol-F 04; kindergartner 09-10 Krinbill Carrie Bright 48 E. 77th St. Chicago IlLf 77-78 Krohn Caroline Bertha (Mrs I. G. Levy) Del Prado hotel Chicago 111,} 89-90 Kruesi Emilie [Emily] Margaret (Mrs Wayne Ramsay Brown) 9 Sunnyside road, Scotia, Schenec- tady N. Y. 96-97; m. 9 Ap 01; ch. Anna Kruesi b. 11 Jl 02, Emily Margaret b. 19 Ja 05, Claire Kruesi b. 5 N 10 Kuechle Ada Everett (Mrs Edward Parks Hall) 304 E. 43d St. Kansas City Mo. 97-00; m. 18 Ag 08 Kyle Julia [Whittemore] 63 Otis St. Newtonville music 87-88; stenographer Boston 92-96, Wellesley col. 96-02, private sec. to PreB. Hazard 02-10 flLacey Caroline Elvira Jason terrace Arlingtonf musio 80-81; teacher (music) 238 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Lacey Hattie [Harriet] Louise Jason terrace Arlingtonf music 82-83; student Mass. normal art sch. 89-92; teacher (drawing) Framingham nor- mal sch. 89-91, 96-99 Lachmund Alice 3862 Russell av. St Louis Met 95-96 LaDame Mary North Adamst 02-04 Laflin Mary Frances (Mrs Robert H. Blinn) 43 Western View st. Springfieldf music 86-89 Laing Kate ent. fr. Schuylerville N. Y. 87-88 aLa Monte Annie Isabel (Mrs M. Marsden Griswold jr) 63 Columbus st. Newton Highlands 87-90; teacher Rye sem. 90-97; m. 16 S 97; ch. La Monte b. 27 S 98, Marion Ruth b. 2 Ag 03, Katharine b. 17 O 06 d. 6 Ag 07 La Monte [Lamonte] Lucy (Mrs John Palmer Gavit) c/o Associated press Washington D. C. 86-87; student Froebel-Pestalozzi kinder- garten training sch. Chicago 96-98, (Eng. i lit.) Chicago univ, Sch. of household eco- nomics Chicago; teacher Froebel-Pestalozzi sch; settlement worker Chicago Commons 95-00; m. 8 My 90; ch. Joseph Lamont b. 8 D 98, Lamont b. 4 Ja 01 d. 4 Jl 01 Lancaster Pearl Anna (Mrs W. A. Rodgers) Georgetown Ky.f S-D 87; asst editor Georgetown news 00- 04; manager and proprietor Lancaster hotel f 04-05; m. (1) 28 Mr 88 (David Mills Dodge d. 9 Ap 99) ; ch. George Lancaster b. 17 My 90, Linda b. Ap 92; m. (2) (W. A. Rodgers) Landen Hattie May (Mrs H. N. Mc- Merriman) 6621 Stokes st. Germantown Pa.f music 87-88 Lane Ednah Carolyn (Mrs Oliver E. Yale) Freeport L. 1.% art F 99- Je 00; m. 19 N 02; ch. John Lane b. 3 Mr 04 Lane Mrs Edward Biiiney (Esther Bridgman) 1020 Center st. Jamaica Plain music S-N 88; m. 29 My 88; ch. Spencer Bridgman b. 28 S 89, Arthur Binney b. 16 N 91, Robert Bridgman b. 27 F 98, Edward Gordon b. 25 My 04 Lane Florence Bosworth (Mrs Joseph Manley) Marietta O. 92-93; m. 26 Je 01; ch. Edward b. 8 Ap 04, Lucia b. 6 F 07 Lane Lottie Rachelle 409 A St. N. E. Washington D. C.t Oft-07 Lane Lucia Daggett ent. fr. West Derby Vt. S-D 86 *Langdon Camilla Louise 91-92 Lapham Alice Maud c/o Miss A. L. Gooding 60 Haw- thorne pi. Chicago Ill.t 85-86; student Univ. of Mich. 86-87, F 93- Je 94, N. Y. state lib. sch. 91-92, summer of 98 Larabie Elizabeth Deer Lodge Mon.t 01-02 ^ * Latham Jean c/o E. C. Latham 8 Reade st. New Yorkt 07-08 Lathe Martha Leonard Vernon court Newtonf 86-88; social and philanthropic worker Lathrop Bessie Stebbins 81 Bridge st. Northampton nausic 80-82; student (wood carving, de- sign) Pa. sch. of industrial art; teacher (wood carving) Clarke sch. for the deaf Northampton 86 — *Lathrop Clara Welles , art 82-88; grad. (art) 86; student Art stu- . / dents league New York, Paris, Pratt inst; teacher Northampton, Springfield, Pitts- field, instructor Smith 06-07; d. 15 Je 07 Lathrop Josephine Sherburne N. Y. 95-My 96 aLathrop Susie [Susanne] 81 Bridge st. Northampton / art 82-89; grad. (art) 86; student Philadel- ^ phia acad. of fine arts, Julian's acad. Paris; teacher Clarke sch. for the deaf, Burnham sch. Northampton *Latimer Mary Pelton 79-80 Lauder Ellen Lydia 628 Knoxville av. Peoria lU.f 05-06 Laundon Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Mel- vin Blake Johnson) Euclid heights Cleveland O.t music 81-83; m. 30 Ag 87; ch. David Laun- don b. 27 Je 88, Arthur Ernest b. 15 Ja 90, Malcolm Blake b. 11 D 97 Lawrence Caroline ent. fr. Saratoga N. Y. art 83-85 Lawrence Gladys 166 W. 88th St. New York 03- Ja 06; student (music) Lawrence Hattie Alice ent. fr. Haydenville music 94-95 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 239 Leach Gertrude Emily (Mrs Edwin Loomis Robinson) 5436 Vernon av. St Louis Mo.J music 93-96; student N. E. conservatory of music 97-98; teacher (music) 96-01; m. 30 Jl 01; ch. Albert Leach b. 25 S 02 Leach Margaret North BrookfieldJ 96-98. 99-00; libn North Brookfield free pub. Ub. 01-04 Leach Martha Henrietta (Mrs John Meeker Fisk) Bloomington and Dubuque sts. Iowa City la. 6-97; student Oswego N. Y. normal sch. 98-99; teacher 97-98; m. 5 Je 00; ch. Henry Leach b. 27 Mr 01, Charlotte b. 18 D 03 Leavitt Caroline Grace (Mrs Thomas Cascaden jr) 1022 W. 4th St. Waterloo la. music S-D 94; m. 10 Mr 96; ch. Mary b. 15 F 00. Caroline b. 2 Je 05 Lee Bertha (Mrs William S. Royce) 226 Oneida st. Fulton N. Y.f S-D 85 Lee Ida 143 E. Haverhill st. Lawrence 98-99 Leggett Louise Randall 8 S. Allen st. Albany N. Y.f 01-02 Lehman Lois Partridge Redlands Cal. 06-07; student Bryn Mawr Lentell Annie [Anne] Judson (Mrs Melvin Herbert Pingree) Buxton, Baltimore co. Md. art 93, 94, 95-97; grad. art 97; m. 31 D 01; ch. Margaret Lunette b. 22 Mr 03 d. 17 Ja 05. Hope Annette b. 16 Je 06 Lentell Mary Althea Amherst 89-90, Ap-Je 92; grad. 98 Buffalo free kinder- garten assn training sch; kindergartner Amherst 98-99. 09-10, Holyoke 00-05, State col. Pa. 05-06, Baltimore Md. 06-08 Leonard Annie Louise [Anne] (Mrs Jacques Loeb) 2616 Virginia st. Berkeley Cal.J 79-82. music 82; Ph.D. 90 Zurich; m. 6 O 90; ch. Leonard Benedict b. 91, Gertrude and Annie b. and d. 92, Robert Frederick b. 95, Anne Louise b. 02 Leonard Edith Richmond 329 Franklin pi. Plainfield N. J.J S-D 86 ♦Leonard Emily Roxanna (Mrs S. L. Haynes) music 81-83; d. 22 D 01 Leonard Mary Adeline (Mrs Frank Barker) ent. fr. West Newton 77-78 Leonard Norma Mabel (Mrs George Erwin Bartlett) Richmond Vt. 88-89; m. 30 Je 91; ch. Miriam Evelyn b. 19 Ap 92, Lois Lydia b. 27 Ag 98, Leonard Stephen b. 12 D 99, Frank Edgar b. 25 Je 04 LeRoy Cornelia 362 Commonwealth av. Boston OO-D 01; student Simmons col. 07-08, Sch. for social workers Boston 08-09; fellow (research dept) 09-10; mem. Amer. sociolog- ical soc. *Lester Grace Darling (Mrs Paul Ed- ward Seabrook) 78-80; m. 7 N 90; d. Mr 92 Levensaler Eliza Kellogg (Mrs Ed- ward Dillingham Carleton) Thomaston Me. 93-F 97, Ja-Mr 98; m. 14 Je 04; ch. Sarah Henrietta b. 26 Ap 07 Lewis Anna Eleanor Gunnison Col.t 93-94 Lewis Eva May 2026 Cornell road Cleveland O.f 97-My 99 Lewis Grace MiUard (Mrs Stuart Markham) 509 Terrace av. Milwaukee Wis. 97-99; m. 29 O 02; ch. Rosemary b. 16 F 04, Katherine b. D 05, Stuart b. N 09 oLewis Maria Anna 5741 Elmer st. Pittsburg Pa.f 83-85; teacher (biol.) Pittsburg high sch. 92-05 Lewis Mary Sinton (Mrs John David Leitch) c/o Hasler, Leitch & co. Norfolk I Va. 93-Ap 95; student France and Germany, (Eng, German, philos.) Columbia; edi- torial worker with Encyclopaedia Britannica; mem. of firm of Daly, Montgomery . 288 Exchange st. New Haven Ct. / 04-05; student Wesley an univ. 05-06, Paris \/ 06-07; tutor New Haven Ct. 07-08; clerk and libn Yale forestry sch. 09 — Peck Katherine (Mrs Mahlon Ogden Bradley) 2223 Pleasant av. Minneapolis Minn. 02-04; m. 9 Mr 09; ch. Mary Frances b. 2 Je 10 Peck Sally Perry 7 Shimo Ishibiki cho Kanagawa ^ Japan / art 89-94; grad. (art) 92; student Pari* ^ 95-96; teacher (art) Irving col. Mechan- icsburg Pa. 94-95, South Bethlehem 96-98, Wesleyan acad. Wilbraham Mass. 98-00, Girli uch. Kyoto Japan 01-10, Kanagawa 10 — 252 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION 1/ Peirce Annie Calder ent. fr. New Bedford 78-D79 Pendleton Edith May St George c/o Miss M. A. Lowell 19 Front st. Schenectady N. Y. 03-04; teacher Schenectady 05- Ap 10, Miss Porter's sch. Springfield Mass. 10 — Percy Ada Lieber 194 Aspinwall av. Brookline 01-03; student Sch. for social workers Boston Perkins Adelaide French 73 Institution av. Newton CenterJ 89-91 Perkins Edith (Mrs Thomas Tileston Baldwin) Hammond st. Chestnut Hill 86-88; m. 24 O 89; ch. Thomas Tileston jr b. 7 Ag 90, Eleanor b. 25 Ap 97, Francis Tiles- ton b. llJe 02 Perkins Ella Augusta (Mrs Alfred Fuller Howe Pillsbury) 1176 Worthington st. Springfield 80-82; m. 20 O 87; ch. Alfred Perkins b. 27 O 90 (Williams 14), Anna b. 7 My 92 (Smith 14) Perkins Fanny R. (Mrs George Negley Reed) 501 W. 2d st. Oil City Pa.J 78-79; teacher; m. O 86; ch. Frederick L. b. 88, Kenton Chickering b. 91, Truman Perkins b. 98 Perkins Sara Maude (Mrs Milton Gorham Sturgis) Seattle Wash. 92-94; student N. E. conservatory of music Boston, Leipzig 96-97; teacher (music); m. 19 O 04; ch. Isabel Andr6 b. 07, Milton Gorham jr b. 09 Perrin Luella (Mrs Elwood White) 1506 E. Ferry st. Lafayette Ind. 00-02; student and teacher Mrs Scoville's sch. for girls New York 05-07; m. 24 S 10 Perry Emmeline Potter ent. fr. Laprairie Canada 83-84 Perry Leonora ent. fr. Summit N. J. 04-05 Perry Lucy Ware 37 Norman st. Salem 79-80; student Pratt Inst. lib. sch. 98-01; Ubn 01-03 Peters Helen Eliza (Mrs Samuel Mar- tin Richardson) 656 Jewett av. West New Brighton N. Y. 97-99; m. 18 O 06 Peterson Helen Penelope b.m. 93 Norton Kan. J music 89-93; student (music) Boston, Chi- cago, Paris Peterson M. Louise Interlaken, Seneca co. N. Y.J 95-97; primary teacher Interlaken 00-04 Pettengill Annie Tyner 330 Clinton road Brookline 00-01; art 01-03 Pettengill Mary Louise 330 Clinton road Brooklinef 03-04 Pettit Grace Amelia 248 Park pi. Brooklyn N. Y. 94-96 *Phelps Jeannette Eliza 06- Ap 07; d. 7 Ap 07 Philip Charlotte Ailing ent. fr. Hudson N. Y. 06-07 PhilHps Alice Bertina (Mrs Gardner Cornett) 294 Governor st. Providence R. I-t 97-98; m. 6 Ap 04 Phillips Lillian Azubah State normal school Fitchburg 92-95; grad. Mass. normal art sch. 03; stu- dent Fitchburg state normal sch. 97, Mass. normal art sch. 99-04, Columbia summer sch. 05; teacher Fitchburg 98-99, (art) Georgetown Mass. 01-03, Keene N. H. 03, supervisor (drawing) Groveland Mass. 03, Woonsocket R. I. 04-05; director (manual training) Fitchburg state normal sch. 06 — ; mem. Nat. soc. for promotion of Indus, eduo. Phillips Lura Madeleine 5503 Cornell av. Chicago 111. 06-07 Phillips Maria (Mrs Joseph Perry) 176 Highland av. Worcester^ 79-80 Phillips Martha Cranford 29 W. 46th St. New Yorkf 86-88; teacher (art) Comstock sch. New York aPhillips Nella Sumner (Mrs William Herbert Shuart) 27 Mulberry st. Springfield 78-80; m. 7 F 84; ch. Christine b. 11 D 84 (B.A. 07 Smith), John Denton b. 16 N 94, Katharine Barrett b. 20 Je 99 Pickering Alice Colbath (Mrs Carl F. A. MorSe) 379 Lafayette st. Salem 98-99; m. 12 Je 01 Pierce Martha Ann South Deerfield 81-83; teacher Deerfield 84-86, Wallingford Ct. 86-94, Brockton Mass. 96-99, South Deer- field 09— Pike Edith May [Mary] (Mrs Freder- ick Ezekiel Bissell) 87 Fenelon pi. Dubuque la. 98-Mr 99; m. 19 My 08; ch. Frederick Ezekiel jr b. 11 Ja 10 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 253 Pinkham Lucy Emery (Mrs Charles Amos Burnham) 12 King's Beach terrace Lynn 03-04; m. 7 Je 05; ch. Jennie Pinkham b. 06, Lyndon Barker b. 09 *Piper Mabel Elizabeth 84-85; d. 16 O 85 Pitkin Sarah Eliza (Mrs Roy Sedg- wick Barker) 31 Phillips St. Providence R. I. music 88-89, 91-92; m. 15 N 93 Pitman Helen [Choate] Rosemary farm Wallingford Ct. 79-81 *Pitman Mary Talbot 86-88; teacher New York; d. 22 Ag 09 ♦Place Addie De Velle (Mrs Wendell Green Brownson) music 88-89; m. 21 Ap 97; ch. Alfred Gard- ner b. 15 Ap 99; d. 12 Ap 04 Plaisted Helen Florence Appleton St. Waterville Me.J 80-82 *Pomeroy Rachel Merrick 92-93; d. 7 F 95 Pond Anna West ent. fr. Athol 02-03 Pond Louise Carolyn (Mrs Ogden Jewell) Moorhead Miss.t 86-88; B.A. 90 Oberlin; student (Eng.) Rad- cliffe S-D 97, (sociology, Eng.) Chicago univ. 99-00; teacher 91-02; m. 10 D 03 Poole Ethel Love (Mrs Graton S. Brand) 55 Elm st. Montclair N. T. 00-01; m. 4 Je 08; ch. Marianna Love d. 8 Ap 09 aPoore Alice (Mrs Charles Luff Favinger) 54 Crescent av. Maiden 00-02; teacher (Latin) Jacob Tome inst. Port Deposit Md. N 05-Ja 09; m. 25 D 09 Pope Florence Whipple music 91-92 WalthamJ Porter AUie Williams c/o Dr H. M. Quimby Worcesterf music 84-85; teacher (music) and organist Winchester Va, North Adams Mass. Porter Elva Lois ent. fr. Bloomington N. Y. 02-03 Porter Gertrude Ellen (Mrs William Herman Hall) American college Beirlit Syria 92-94; m. 13 Ag 02; ch. Harry Hepburn b. 23 D 03, Rachel b. 19 Jl 05, Harvey Porter b. 16 N 09 *Porter Jeanne Perry 87-90, music 8-D 90; teacher (music); asst North Adams pub. lib. 92-00; d. 30 Ap 05 Porter Nellie Brown (Mrs George F. Piper) Bedford! music 80-81; teacher 82-87, 00-03; m. (1) 5 S 87 (William D. Harris d. 3 O 92), (2) 23 Ag 98 (G. F. Piper) Porter Nelly Louise 171 North St. Auburn N. Y. 98-00; student (music) New York; teacher (piano) Auburn 03 — Porter Susan Abigail (Mrs G. Fred Ball) 48 Grove st. North Attleboro 85-87; asst postmaster North Attleboro 88-08; m. 17 S 08 Potter Helen Wilson 88 Harvard av. Brookline 94-95 Potter Margaret (Mrs Ellis Adams) Hampton terrace Orange N. J.f S-D 00 Powell Gertrude Reed (Mrs Dudley Henry Morris) 161 W. 87th St. New York music 02-03; m. 23 Jl 07; ch. Elinor Reed b. 4 O 08 Powell Katherine Day (Mrs Ralph Archibald Smith) 610 Seneca av. McAlister Okla. music 04-05; m. 12 O 05; ch. Walter Harold b. 29 My 07, Ralph Archibald jr b. 21 Je 10 Prairie Etta Louise ent. fr. Adams 95-96 Pratt Ada Louise (Mrs Walter Earl Austin) 25 Congress st. Greenfield^ art 91-92; student Mass. normal art sch. 92- 93, 94-95; supervisor (drawing) 95-97; m. 24 Ag 97; ch. Helen L. b. 13 Je 98, Mildred E. b. 8 F 00, Esther M. b. 17 My 02 cPratt Amy Louise South (Glastonbury Ct. 00-02 Pratt Edith Louise Talledega Ala.t art 89-90, music 90-92 Pratt Emma Johnson (Mrs Henry Jones Blakeslee) 603 S. Grouse av. Syracuse N. Y. music 95-98; teacher (music) and organist Hartford Ct. 98-05; m. 6 Je 05; ch. Heaton Pratt b. 6 S 07 Pratt Florence Livingston 7 Oak St. Brattleboro Vt.J 95-Ja 96 aPratt Helen Folsom (Mrs Ernest Blaney Dane) Roughwood, Chestnut Hill 86-88; m. 8 O 03; ch. Ernest Blaney jr b. 25 O 05, Edward b. 24 F 07 Prentiss Mary Ellen 577 W. Ferry st. Buffalo N. Y. music 89-90, 90-92 *Presbrey Laura Edith 89-S 91; d. 91 254 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION (/ Prescott Alice Keith (Mrs Russell Cutler Low) 41 Spear st. Quincyf 97-98; m. 8 Je 09 aPrew Lina Marie b.m. 95 (Mrs George Arthur Savoy) 238 Elm St. Holyoke 94-95; m. 28 Ag 95; ch. John Arthur Guil- mant b. 7 Ap 97, George Prew b. 31 My 99, Harolde James b. 24 D 00, Paul Richard b. 27 F 03 Price Katharine Detwiler (Mrs Wil- liam N. Hubble) 60 Mulberry st. SpringfieldJ 88-89; m. 31 D 91; ch. Helen Jackson b. 6 Ap 93, Katharine Price b. 26 My 97 d. 1 D 99, William Bradford b. 20 S 02 Priebe Florence Theresa (Mrs Harrison Hudson Simpson) Minouk Woodford co. 111. 03-05 aPrindle Julia Imogene 19 Massasoit st. Northampton music 93-94, 95-97; cert. fr. Music sch; stu- dent Oberlin conservatory of music 94-95 Pritz Mildred Caroline (Mrs Carl Meyer) 125 Monroe st. Chicago 111. 98-99; m. 20 Je 05; ch. Martha Pritz b. 15 JI06 Procter Mabel Davis (Mrs James C. Tate) 3945 Walnut st. Kansas City Mo.J music 96-98; m. 29 O 02 Proctor Marion Wrentham 97-98; grad. Framingham training sch. for nurses 02; worker See. for helping destitute mothers and infants Boston Mr 10 — Proulx Lilian Irene 26 Main st. Hatfieldf art 01-02, music 02-04 Prouty Ellen Smith (Mrs Frank A. Dewey) 56 Wachusett st. Worcesterf music 86-89 Puffer Estella [Stella] Cornelia (Mrs Charles Mortimer Arnold) Southwick 97-99; teacher Southwick 05-08; m. 26 My 09; ch. Mary Louise b. 13 Mr 10 d. 8 Ap 10 Puffer Florence Lynne Ashland Wis.f 98-Mr 99; student (vocal music) New York, Chicago 111, Paris Purves Rebekah Sellers (Mrs William Park Armstrong) Library pi. Princeton N. J. 01-04; m. 8 D 04; ch. Rebekah Purves b. 7 Ap 06, William Park b. 31 My 07, George Purves b. 9 O 08 Putnam Ethel Appleton (Mrs John Hart Lewis) Minot N. D. 92-93; student Radcliffe 94-97; m. 29 Ap 03; ch. Frederic Ward Putnam b. 14 S 08, Esther Putnam b. 8 Ap 10 Putney Carrie Maria (Mrs George H, Bryant) 4514 N. Hermitage av. Ravens- wood, Chicago Ill.f 88-91; m. 5 My 92; ch. Sara b. 2 S 93 aPutney Mary Phillips (Mrs Lyman Parsons Wood) Bedford Hills N. Y. 90-91, music 91-92; m. 8 Je 93; ch. Ellen Putney b. 29 S 94, Lois Parsons b. 23 Mr 96, Charles Clement b. 5 Ag 97 Quigley Bessie Xjroves (Mrs Henry Robinson Fothergill) Liberty st. Girard O.f 95-96; m. 27 97; ch. Elizabeth b. 24 F 99, Henry Robinson b. 24 Ag 03 Rafsky Martha Hyman 5 Cardington st. Roxbury 05-06; tutor Roxbury 08-09 Ramsdell Emma Augusta (Mrs Jo- seph Gilbert Hastings) Warren 88-89; m. 26 N 95; ch. Elizabeth Stock- bridge b. 17 O 96 Ramsey Lida Crawford (Mrs William C. Sherwood) 135 Watchung av. Montclair N. J.f 94-96 Ramsey Ruth (Mrs John Vipond Davies) 24 Bowne av. Flushing N. Y. 87-88; m. 16 Ap 95; ch. Margaret Lawrence Lindsley b. 26 Ag 98, Muriel Emilv Vipond b. 29 N 02, John Vipond jr b. 6 Jl 08 ♦Rand Helen Abigail (Mrs Fred A. Hooper) 90-91; m. 28 S 92; ch. Henry Rand b. 11 Je 94 d. 9 Ag 95, Nelson Emery b. 16 My 96; d. 13 Je 96 Rand Mary (Mrs Edward Cushing Rand) Box 69 R. F. D. 2 Santa Rosa Cal. music 94-95; m. 28 Je 99 Rankin Emma (Mrs Barber) Springfield IlLf 99-F 00 Ranney Kate Eunice (Mrs. C. B. Gardner) Raynham music 81-85 Ransom Alia Burtis 1515 W. 25th St. Minneapolis Minn.f 01-03; student Northern state normal eoh. Ransom Laura Elma (Mrs Darius Frink) R. F. D. 1 Portsmouth N. H. 92-94; teacher 95-98; m. 5 98; ch. Harold Ransom b. 8 Jl 02 Ratcliff Margaret Gertrude 737 N. Kenil worth av. Oak Park 111. 06-07; B.A. 09 Drury col. Springfield Mo. MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 255 Rathbun Mary Elizabeth Northamptont S-D 93 Ray Julia Lincoln (Mrs James Park- hill Andrews) 1055 Prospect av. Hartford Ct. music 83-87; m. 27 Ag 95 Raymond Lillian Arnold 10 Roseland st. Cambridgef 99-00 Read Georgia Willis 646 West End av. New York 99-My 01 Rederich Elinor Josephine (Mrs Al- bert Orin Wakefield) 823 Jones st. Sioux City la. J 95-97; m. 5 N 03 *Redfern Clara Stanley 97-Mr 01; d. 30 Mr 01 Swampacott Reeve Katharine Mary 788 Lawrence st. Appleton Wis. 93-94; B.A. 96 Lawrence col. Appleton; student (Icindergarten) Armour inst. 96-98, (music) Boston 99-00, Sherwood music sch. 04; director (kindergarten) Appleton 98-99, 00-02, teacher (music) pub. sch. 04-06 Reeves Florence 103 Claremont av. Montclair N. J. 97-D 98; grad. (kindergarten dept) Pratt inst. 01 ; kindergartner New York pub. sch. 01-02, Montclair pub. sch. 02-10 Reid Alice 22 Strathallan N. Y. 87-8pring of 91 Reid Anna [Anne] Eugenia (Mrs Richard Browning Kent) Faribault Minn. 94-Ap 96; m. 20 F 06; ch. Anne Reid b. 31 J108 Reid Grace (Mrs William Raymond Nash) 27 N. Grand av. Pasadena Cal.f music 89-90 Reid Mary 612 W. 137th St. New York 00-03 park Rochester Rex May 03-05 ent. fr. Creston Pa. Reynard Edith EHzabeth 413 Rock St. Fall River music 82-83 Reynolds Harriet Lyman Greenwich Ct. 90-91; teacher Greenwich 91-05 Reynolds Judith ent. fr. Bedford Pa. music 04-07 Rice Caroline Montgomery 2053^ N. Madison av. Peoria 111. 93-F 95; Ph.B. 06 Chicago univ; student Chicago 06; teacher Denver Col, (Eng.) Peoria high sch. 06— Rice Emma Ida ent. fr. Rindge N. H. music 80-83 Rice Laura 2304 Crawford st. Houston Tex.f 06-07 Rice Lucy Adelaide 920 Cathedral st. Baltimore Md.f 05-07 Rice Mary Katrine (Mrs William Thompson Sedgwick) Mass. inst. of tech. BostonJ 79-D 80; m. 29 D 81 Rich Ahce Elizabeth (Mrs Eleazer Cate) 11 Oak st. Belmont 89-90; teacher Fall River Mass. 90-96; m. 17 Je 97; ch. Allan Miles b. 14 Ap 99, Doro- thea b. 4 Je 02, Robert Maxwell b. 12 Ja 07 Rich Mary Adelia (Mrs Ezra Francis Locke) Woods Hole 80-81; m. 17 Ag 84; ch. Esther Adams (Mrs G. H. B. Foote) b. 18 D 90, Evelyn Proctor b. 4 N 99 Richards Maude Idylle Arona pi. Easton Pa. J art 03-04 aRichardson Agnes Bell (Mrs Louis Tyler Hill) 317 Franklin st. Sparta Wis. 90-92; teacher Emma Willard sch. Troy N. Y. 92-95; m. 14 N 01; ch. Margaret Johnston b. 16 Ja 05, Elizabeth b. 23 My 07, Richard Ira b. 18 Je 09 Richardson Alice Balmaine (Mrs Philip Shillito) 2912 Troost av. Kansas City Mo.f 01-03 Richardson Alice Maude 8 Glengarry Winchesterf S-D 81 Richardson Augusta Hortense Castine Me. S-D 06; student Teachers col; teacher Richardson Constance Henrietta (Mrs William Arthur Kemper) c/o Butte Land and investment CO. Butte Mon. 02-04; m. 2 Ap 08 Richardson Dorothea (Mrs Dudley Bragdon) Clayton Mo.f S-N99 Richardson Jennie Mabel 233 West St. Leominster 87-89; asst Ansonia Ct. high sch. 90-08 256 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Richardson Lilian Louise (Mrs Lucian Herbert Shepherd) 155 W. Main st. Ilion N. Y. 85-86; student Vassar 87-89; m. 7 S 99 (husband d. 25 Ja 03); ch. Thomas Rich- ardson b. 10 F 01 Richardson Maria Jane (Mrs George L. Pollock) 318 Perry Payne bldg Cleveland O.f 97-98; m. 4 My 07; ch. Jane Willis b. 23 8 08 Richardson Vesta Eloise (Mrs Brain- erd Taylor) c/o War dept Washington D. C. 98-99; student (Eng.) Radcliffe 99-00; m. 5 Mr 02; ch. Brainerd Richardson b. 5 Ja 04 Richey Guida Hoen 5555 Cabann6 av. St Louis Mo.f 98-D99 Richolson Edna Lucile 1456 Jackson blvd Chicago 111. music 00-01; student Nat. conservatory of music 01-06; concert pianist 06-10 Rickard Annie ent. fr. Chicago 111. 80-81 Ricker Lillias Carrie Wells River Vt.f 04-06 Ricks Mary Helena ent. fr. Massillon O. 88-90 aRiddle Clara Margaretha (Mrs Ed- ward A. Morse jr) 5926 Gates av. St Louis Mo. 03-D 05; m. 16 O 06; ch. Mary Frieda b. 2 Ja 10 Riddle Edna Mary Blackmore Birge) 5076 Westminster pi. St Louis Mo. 98-00; m. 30 O 05; ch. Barbara Riddle b. 12 Ag 07. Frederica Riddle b. 12 S 09 aRiker Ida Elizabeth Harrodsburg Ky. music 81-83, Ap-Je 87 Riley Martha Bird (Mrs Charles Bid- well Hitchcock) 321 Long hill Springfield art 95-99; grad. art 99; m. 10 Jl 01; ch. John Emerson b. 6 Ap 03 oRipley Anna Lyman (Mrs Clarence Eugene Ordway) 371 Main st. Winchester 98-My 01; m. 8 Ap 02; ch. John Ripley b. 3 Ag 03, Dorothy b. 7 Ag 04, Marjorie b. 11 Je06 Ripley Florence Woodbury (Mrs Harry Snow Parsons) 156 Newbury st. Boston 01-02; student (German, Eng.) Boston univ. 02-03; m. 28 S 09 RitzwoUer Hazel Kate (Mrs William Nussbaum) 4530 Michigan av. Chicago lU.f 05-06 aRix Mary Louise (Mrs Herbert For- syth) 144 W. Dudley av. Westfield N. J. 90-Mr 92, Ap-D 93; B.A. 04 Columbia; teacher Lebanon N. H. high sch. 94-96, Lyn- don hall sch. 00-02; m. 27 S 04; ch. Elisa- beth Fay b. 4 Ag 06 Robbins Jane Elizabeth Wethersfield Ct. 79-80; M.D. 90 Woman's med. col. of N .Y. infirmary; interne 90-91; teacher Clinton col. 82-87; head worker New York col. set- tlement 92-95, Normal col. alum, house, exec. sec. Pub. educ. assn Robbins Katherine Chester Wethersfield Ct. 81-82, 83-84 Roberts Harriet Gertrude 4900 Ellis av. Chicago IlLf 06-07 oRobertson Jennie Maria (Mrs George H. Babbitt) Bellows Falls Vt. 84-D 85; m. 18 Mv 87; ch. Frances Robert- son b. 23 Mr 88, Donald George b. 5 N 91, Virginia b. 25 O 03 Robinson Eliza Angenette Plymouth Inn Northampton music 86-87 Robinson Emma Frances ent. fr. Bristol R. I. 90-91 Robinson Emma Jane Cook , 77 Mt Pleasant av. Gloucester (Mrs Arthur / 95-98; student (German) Sch. of modem ^ languages Boston 00-01, Berlin 03; teacher Gloucester 03-04, Bancroft sch. Worcester 05-06 Robinson Florence Alice 23 N. Main st. Middleboro 89-90; asst libn Middleboro pub. lib. Robinson Harriet Marcia (Mrs Ed- ward Payson Clapp) 210 Pleasant st. Worcester 85-87; m. 21 S 96 (husband d. 29 Mr 06) Robinson Margaret Arnold ent. fr. Brooklyn N. Y. music 80-81 *Robinson Marian 81-82; student Columbia col. sch. of Ub. economy 88-89; d. 13 S 99 Brunswick Ga. Robinson Marion Emma 22 Putnam st. Houlton Me. 05-06; teacher Houlton pub. sch. 07-10 Robinson Marjorie Chase 269 French st. Bangor Me. 04-06; stenographer Bangor 09-10 MUSIC AND ART GRADUATES AND NONGRADUATES 257 Robinson Mary Calcina 99 Harvard st. Dorchester 03-04; B.A. 07 Radcliffe; teacher Robinson Winifred Emma St Thomas Ontario Can.f 05-06; student Training sch. for nurses Johns Hopkins hospital Baltimore Md. oRobinson Winnifred Harriet (Mrs Ralph W. Rymer) 628 Quincy av. Scranton Pa. 97-98; m. 30 N 03; ch. Dana Robinson (dau.) b. 5 Mr 05 Robinson Myrtie May (Mrs Walter Grey Preston) 101 S. 34th St. Omaha Neb. 95-97; m. 30J101; ch. Walter Grey jr Rockwell Florence Ward Montague 85-87; teacher Montague high sch. 90-00 Rockwell Jessamine (Mrs Henry Kit- tredge Norton) 540 S. Euclid av. Pasadena Cal. art 00-01 ; student Hartford Ct. art sch. 02-04, Mass. normal art sch. 04; m. 15 Je 09 Rogan Lizzie Florence 112 Green St. Atholt 89-92; grad. art 92; supervisor (drawing) Athol 97-05, Amherst 03-05 aRogers Anna [Annie] (Mrs Charles D. Knowlton) 574 Warren st. BostonJ 90-F 92; m. 6 Je 95; ch. Vianna Rogers b. 13 D 96, Priscilla b. 5 O 98, Isabel b. 21 Mr 01, Louisa b. 23 N 02 Rogers Charlotte Woodman 30 Melville av. Dorchester Center 80-81 Rogers Ethel (Mrs Leartus G. Owen) Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind. music 93-95; m. 21 My 10 aRogers Gertrude Huntington South Manchester Ct. 84-86 Rogers Harriet Clara 4534 Perry st. Chicago 111. / music 80-81; student (music) Berlin 87-89; teacher (music). Centralizing sch. of music Chicago 06 — Rogers Julia McCord 596 Summit av. St Paul Minn, music 98-99 Rogers Madelaine Guild 44 High St. Brookline 97-98 Rogers Mary Letitia (Mrs Allen Bar- rows Doggett) 283 Marlborough road Flatbush, Brooklyn N. Y.f 82-Ap 83; m. 26 F 85; ch. Allen Barrows b. 23 O 87, Marvin Rogers b. 7 N 89 d. 15 Ja 00, Eunice Williams b. 20 Je 91, David Livingstone b. 23 Ag 93 Rogers Mary Susana 222 W. Colfax av. Denver Col. 03-D 05; student Boston normal sch. of gymnastics; teacher Baldwin sch. Bryn Mawr Pa. Rogers Sarah Philena 37 Prospect st. New Britain Ct.t 79-81 Rolfe Fanny Dennett (Mrs Cole) ent. fr. Concord music 88-89 Rood Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Frank Bennett) Highland Park Mich.t music 88-89; teacher (music); m. 5 F 90; ch. Martha Rood b. 31 Ja 91, Beulah Rood b. 9 Ap 95 Rosan Elizabeth Strong Farragut road Plainfield N. J. 00-01 ; asst to Alice Boughton photographer 03-Jl 10; private sec. 10— Rose Grace Beatson c/o John C. Rose 628 Equitable bldg Baltimore Md.t 06-D09 oRoseboom Evelyn May (Mrs Charles H. Meachem) 532 Barry av. Chicago 111. 91-93; student (music); m. 24 D 95; ch. William Roseboom b. 11 O 97 Rosebrooks Clara Belle (Mrs John F. Dinkel) Irvington N. Y.t music 80-81 Rosenfeld Bertha May 310 W. 94th St. New Yorkf 99-01; B.L. 03 Western Reserve univ; stu- dent Col. for women 01-03 Ross Cora ent. fr. Iowa City la. 87-88 Ross Edith (Mrs Charles G. Braley) St Johnsbury Vt.t 90-92 Ross Ellen Rosina (Mrs Eugene S. Campbell) 59 Washington st. Newburyport S-D 82; (husband d.) ; ch. Ross b. 29 Ag 92 (Mass. inst. of tech. 14) Ross Florence Emily Waltham hospital Waltham 99-01; student Waltham training sch. for nurses 01-05; head (operating room) 06, asst matron and matron 07 — Ross Mabel (Mrs Richard Harold Hunt) 96 Magnolia terrace Springfield 97- Ja 99; student (art) Drexel inst. 02; special teacher Springfield 02-03; m. 9 S 03; ch. Ross Franklin b. 27 N 04, Rosemary b. 6 Ap 07 cRothschild Irma Florine (Mrs George Walter Bowers Bartlett) 141 Bedford Court mansions Bed- ford sq. London W. C. Eng. 00-02; m. 4O09 258 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Rounds Anna Boynton 510 Whalley av. New Haven Ct. 03-D 05; student and teacher (piano); newspaper worker New Haven Roundy Ruth Smith (Mrs John Stet- son AUen) Walpole 93- Ap 94; B.A. 97 Brown; teacher Walpole high sch. 97-99, Monson acad. 99-01; m. 21 S 04; ch. Phoebe Roundy b. 2 O 05 d. 3 O05 *Rowe Annie Lincoln art 85-88; d. 98 Rowe Vera Gordon (Mrs Horace B. Sweet) 109 Elm St. Hartford Ct.t 97-99; m. 11 O 02; ch. Henry Gordon b. 7 Mr 04 ♦Rowley Lottie Eloise music 89-92; d. Je 92 ♦Rowley Mabel Estella music 95-98; d. 2 D 04 Rugge Helen (Mrs John Sutherland Stuart) Glens Falls N. Y.f 86-88; ch. Sutherland Rugge Rugge Marie Lydia (Mrs Charles B. Dix) 71 Ridge st. Glens Falls N. Y.f art 86-87 aRushmore Ellen Riley 429 Park av. Plainfield N. J. 93-96; B.A. 03 Barnard, M.A. 10 Columbia; student (domestic science) Drexel inst. 96- 98; instructor (domestic science) Mich, agric. col. 98-99; dietitian State hospital Kings Park N. Y. 99-04, specialist (domestic science) Brooklyn manual training high sch. 04 — ; mem. Amer. home economics assn Russel Ellen Cabot Jackson (Mrs George W. W. Houghton) 169 Glenwood av. Yonkers N. Y.t 83-85; m. 3 Je 86 Russell Helen Hale ent. fr. East Medway 83-84 Russell Pauline 55 Jason st. Arlington! 06-08 aRust Annie [Anne] Marinda 113 E. Main st. Meriden Ct. art 93-96; grad. art 96; student Yale sch. of fine arts 96-97; lib. asst 00-04; kinder- gartner 05-08; artist Ryals Elizabeth Cabell (Mrs Herman Renner Blickle) 5434 Dunmoyle av. Pittsburg Pa. 00-01; m. 26 Je06 Ryder Winifred Mary 148 Main st. Andover 91-92; Ph.B. 97 Oberlin; teacher high sch. Madison O. 97-05, Middletown 05-06, Day- ton 0&-10 Ryle Margaret Rix (Mrs Frederick Oakley Fayerweather) 606 E. 27th St. Paterson N. J. 04-Ja 06; m. 16 O 07; ch. Margaret Eliaa- beth b. 10 F 09 Sabin Mary Asenath (Mrs Fred Keeler Houston) Rockford 111. 91-92; B.A. 96 Rockford col; fellow Univ. of Wis. 96-97, Chicago univ. 99; sec. and instructor Rockfor0 00 Harriet Williams 93 (p. 8) Helen 10 Henry Payne Mrs (M A Hotaling) p. 232 Horace Mrs , / (A S Wells) p. 275 \j Jessie Elizabeth p. 202 Laura Gertrude 95 Lucy May 96 Marie Louise (Mrs J C Connell) 06 Ruth Tracy (Mrs J W Christie) 05 Bigham Lilian Marion p. 202 Bigney Mrs— (J K Smith) p. 263 jBikle I Henry Wolf Mrs i (L L Cable) 01 I Bill Alexander Harvey Mrs I (M C Edgeriy) p. 218 Charles Gurdon Mrs (S P Marsh) p. 243 Billings Anna Hunt 91 Emily Gertrude p. 202 Hannah Louisa 05 (p. 8) Marian Caroline , 01 Mary Andrus p. 202 Binford Jessie Florence p. 202 Bingham Helen EHza p. 202 Jennie Belle (Mrs F F Dowlin) 98 Jessie May (Mrs M R Kimball) p. 202 Katherine (Mrs F T Walsh) p. 202 Mary Homer 92 May [Mary] Holbrook (Mrs H W Kidder) p. 202 Norman Williams Mrs (E P Stetson) 01 Sarah Louise 03 Birch Ethel H (Mrs W H Horton) 02 Birdsall Gregg Custis Mrs (Isabelle Patterson) p. 251 Birdseye Kellogg Mrs (M W Barta) 02 Miriam 01 Bireley John Myers Mrs (F E Smith) 02 Birge Arthur Blackmore Mrs (E M Riddle) p. 256 Birmingham Beatrice p. 202 Bisbee Annie [Anna] Bartlett p. 202 Henry Vivian Mrs (F R Sternberger) 06 Mary Otis p. 202 Biscoe Maurice Bigelow Mrs (A E Slocum) 00 Bishop Dexter Leete Mrs (May Bauman) p. 200 Julia Lewis p. 202 Lola Lorraine 06 Mabel 08 (p. 8) Bissell Blanche Watson 02 Frederick Ezekiel Mrs (E M Pike) p. 252 Horace Greeley Mrs (B A Nichols) p. 248 Mary Eleanor 97 Bixby Ada Perry (Mrs R P Emery) p. 202 Alice Martin 99 J L jr Mrs (M M Cakes) p. 249 Mabel Symonds (Mrs W E Hoyt) 99 Bixler James Wilson Mrs (E J Seelye) p. 260 James Wilson Mrs (Mabel Seelye) 94 Black Armanella Jane p. 8 Morris Alfred Mrs (L E Schwab) p. 259 Blackburn Alexander Maxwell Mrs (J G Jouett) 02 290 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION y Blackinton Alice Anna 96 Roswell Mrs (F A Sturdy) p. 267 Blackstone Martha Blackwell 93 Blackwell Adah p. 202 Anna Marian (Mrs C F D Belden) p. 202 Charlotte Mirick (Mrs F E Tuttle) p. 202 Blagden J Converse Mrs (Florence Ward) 97 Blaikie Lillias Stone (Mrs H L Thomas) 97 Mary Kerr 07 Blaine Nettie Tripp p. 202 Blair Abbie [Abigail] Flor- ence (Mrs Llewelyn Owen) 97 Alice Amelia (Mrs M B Butler) 96 Frederick p. 8 Margaret Amidon p. 202 / Margene 99 Blaisdell Daisy Luana 88 Blake Anna Reeder p. 202 Charlotte Rogers p. 202 Clinton Hamlin jr Mrs (M D Coe) 07 Constance Hayes (Mrs J W Toumey) p. 202 Edith 97 Herbert A Mrs (H M White) 86 Isabel Dora p. 202 James Kingsley Mrs (H L Putnam) 93 Jennie Maria (Mrs A S Johnson) p. 202 Lucy Edith 97 Lyman Horace Mrs (L F Atwater) p. 197 Sarah Augusta 09 Sue Avis p. 8 Blakeney Mae Miller (Mrs E M Moore) p. 202 Blakeslee George Hubbard Mrs (E F Day) 05 Henry Jones Mrs (E J Pratt) p. 253 Robert Erastus Mrs (C R Brackett) 08 Blakey Halbert Brush Mrs (E M Miller) p. 245 Blanchard Ada Jennie (Mrs F A Hilary) p. 202 Alice Arabella 03 Alice Tessier p. 202 Cora Emma (Mrs J F Smith) p. 203 Edith 02 Ferdinand Quincy Mrs (E H West) 99 Florence Adelia p. 203 Gertrude Helena 07 Grace 82 Grace Eliza 98 (p. 8) Helen Train (Mrs B F Smith) p. 203 Mary Goddard (Mrs F F Marshall) p. 203 Mina Ethel (Mrs F L Brooke) p. 203 Blandin Ethel Irene 09 Blanke Everett Nexsen Mrs (H I Cutler) 97 Blickle Herman Renner Mrs (E C Ryals) p. 258 Blinn Harriet Louise 89 Robert H Mrs (M F Laflin) p. 238 Bliss Anna Maria 02 Annie Louise (Mrs Bliss Perry) p. 203 Charles H J Mrs (A E Powell) 96 Edgar L Mrs (J S Gor- ham) p. 225 Elizabeth Howe 08 Ethel May (Mrs A L Woodworth) 02 Y Harriet Chalmers 99 Helen Rockwell (Mrs J H Gray) p. 203 Laura Adelia p. 8 Bliss — Continued Robert Farwell Mrs (L M Bailey) 03 William Egerton Mrs (E B Cochran) p. 211 Bliven Emma Alma 08 Block Anna Christina 09 Helen Sylvester (Mrs W A Whittlesey) p. 203 Blodgett Anna EHzabeth 10 Benjamin C p. 8 Edward Willard Mrs (A M Foster) p. 222 Grace Allen (Mrs R H Seelye) 89 Mary 00 Mattie Bacon (Mrs R M Palmer) p. 203 Ruth Robinson 05 Sara Elizabeth 01 Blumenthal Harriet Ryder (Mrs Jacob Schoenfeld) p. 203 Blunt Eugenia p. 203 John Ellsworth jr Mrs (C M Curtis) 96 Blyth Kathryn (Mrs J T Keith) p. 203 Board Harold E Mrs (V R Foster) 08 Boardman Harriette Holland (Mrs M H Hunt) 88 Henry Bradford Mrs (Carolyn Peck) 91 Mabel 08 Richard Mather Mrs (D F Leese).01 Bobo Brieta (Mrs B T Stan- ton) p. 203 Bodel John Knox Mrs (E C Putnam) 03 Bodenschatz Rubina Lina 09 Bodine Bertha 10 George T Mrs (K H Weeks) p. 274 INDEX 291 / Bodine — Continued Louise Warden 06 Bodle Myrtie [Myrtle] Lu- cilla (Mrs J F Roe) p. 203 Bodman Clara Philena p. 203 Rosa Maria 87 Bogan Fred Macon Mrs (H M Dean) 07 Bogart Nell Stevens 10 Bogue Anna Tefft 03 Bertha (Mrs J E Ben- nett) 97 Stella Margaret (Mrs A T Campbell) 91 Bohannan Mary MacDonald 02 Boies Bessie 03 Orlow Henry Mrs (E G Bainbridge) p. 198 Boland Loretta Agnes (Mrs J A Hardman) p. 203 Bole John Archibald Mrs ( A S Kitchel) 95 Bolman Frederick De Wolf Mrs (F L Tullock) 03 Bolster Julia Agnes (Mrs F A Ferris jr) 01 May Morrill (Mrs R S Twitchell) 97 Bond Edith Howell (Mrs L A Howard) 04 Helen Augusta p. 203 Joseph Waldo Mrs (P S Sanborn) 03 Mary Dyer (Mrs W E Barnard) 89 Bone Herman David Mrs (B M Davis) p. 215 Bonfoey Emma Comstock 02 Bonney Frank Sherman Mrs (J A Greene) 00 Harry Charles Mrs (H J Lytle) 08 Bonney — Continued Mary Herrick (Mrs F E Smith) 79 Bonsall Mary AUegra p. 203 Booker Myrtie [Myrta] May (Mrs C F Robinson) 03 Bookwalter (Mrs A A Ward) 03 Grace 06 Lulu Gertrude p. 203 Boone Charlotte Keach (Mrs L P Slade) 96 Boonun Caroline Mather (Mrs EE Jackson jr) p. 203 Booth Charles Maclay Mrs (R B Collins) 98 Clement Mrs (E E Lyon) p. 241 Lucy Hariot p. 203 Marion Elizabeth 10 Mary Martyn 91 Mary Woodford p. 203 Minnie Day 90 Myra Budlong 99 Vera Douglas (Mrs H R Philbrick) 09 Borden Andrew Jenks Mrs (B M Crane) p. 213 Bessey 95 Fanny p. 8 Borland William Patterson Mrs (O L Winants) 01 Bosart Dora Ellen 08 Bosman Bertram Stanley Mrs (M A [J] Harte) p. 228 Boss Helen (Mrs F R Cum- mings) 97 Bosson George Chapman jr Mrs (M E Fisher) p. 221 Boswell George Copeland Mrs (M P Foskett) 87 Bosworth Henrietta Yale p. 203 Henry Hall Mrs (G S Wright) p. 279 Mary Evelyn (Mrs Hinsdale Smith jr) p. 203 Susie Belle (Mrs G L Munn) p. 203 Bothfeld Henry Edmund Mrs (H H Soule) 82 Both-Hendricksen Louise p. 8 Botsford Austin Nichols Mrs (S E Goodwin) 99 Bourland Caroline Brown 93 (p. 9) . / Elsie Parsons ^ (Mrs WT Abbott) 95 Julia Preston (Mrs G A Clark) 05 Boutwell Alice Bradford (Mrs G N Pease) 04 Bouve Marjorie p. 203 (p. 9) Stella p. 203 Bowden Emma Bartoll (Mrs G N Proctor jr) 07 Frederick Prescott Mrs (M E L Burnham) p. 206 Bowen Ethel Mills 09 Everett Anthony Mrs (Jennie Stetson) 91 Fanny Corey 90 Julia Anna p. 204 Lena Mae p. 204 Marion Plummer (Mrs A D Davis) p. 204 Bowers Herbert O Mrs (L E Shepard) 92 Mary Alice (Mrs R W Hall) 95 Bowes Jessie Reeves 09 William Alsop jr Mrs (M G Wadsworth) p. 272 292 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLAlTION Bowker Charles Henty Mrs (Elizabeth Dickin- son) 09 Bowler Alexander Mrs (R C Barnard) 98 Mabel Gertrude p. 204 Bowles Mary 09 Ruth Standish (Mrs W H Baldwin jr) 87 (p. 9) Bowley Flora Juliet 04 Bowman Alice Bertha (Mrs I T Hawk) 03 Blanche Wetherell (MrsEGWatkins)91 Katherine 10 Bowne Ethel Middlebrook (Mrs H C Keith) 08 Bowns F61ice Menuez p. 204 Boyd Blanche Ruth 06 Elizabeth Ellen (Mrs H F Marshall) p. 204 Emma E (Mrs F P Cobb) p. 204 Harriet Ann (Mrs C H Hawes) 92 (p. 9) Jean Hunter (Mrs G C Lake) p. 204 Mary (Mrs Oscar Lich- tenstein) p. 204 William Willard Mrs (E [M] O'Neil) p. 249 Boyden Frank Learoyd Mrs (H S Childs) 04 Boyer Edmund Swalm Mrs (C R Burleigh) p. 206 Boyle Florence McCoUough 08 Boynton Bertha Ella (Mrs J A Hainer) p. 204 Bessie [Elizabeth] Bell (Mrs E L Millard) p. 204 Carolyn Adelia 99 Ethel Corinne (Mrs W B Meikle) p. 204 Boynton — Continued Frances Clark 08 Helen Agnes p. 204 Josephine Anna 08 Lilian Farrand p. 204 Percy Holmes Mrs (Lois Damon) p. 214 Brace Emma (Mrs H H Don- aldson) p. 204 Bracken Opal May 10 Brackett Caroline Russell (Mrs R E Blakeslee) 08 Ellen Augusta 04 Georgianna May (Mrs F C King) 99 Bradbury Alice Emerson (Mrs F D Lewis) 86 Eben Trask Mrs (G F Riddle) 01 Ellen Brooks (Mrs Rus- sell Brittingham) 93 Marion (Mrs W B Hovey) 86 Pearle Lord 07 Winifred Parry 07 Bradford Anna Herbert (Mrs R S Hubbard) p. 204 Clara Louise (Mrs Bin- nie Morison) 03 Cornelia (Mrs J A Oakley) 97 /Elise Lord 10 Flora Belle 02 Stella Stevens 93 (p. 9) Bradlee Edward Chamberlin Mrs (E G Keene) p. 236 Bradley Alma Christy (Mrs J H Rush) 05 Carol Hiester p. 204 Edward Mix Mrs (F S Fowler) p. 223 Elizabeth (Mrs E R Lewis) p. 204 \: Emma Louise 86 I (Mrs Prentiss Camell) p. 204 Ethyl Haskell 01 Helen Osgood 10 Herbert Edwin Mrs (M W Hastings) 05 Bradley — Continued Kate (Mrs B S Lacy) 08 Leonard Gansevoort Mrs (C W Davis) 04 Lillian Alice (Mrs H W Geromanos) 03 Louise Cannon (Mrs Hermann Schaefifer) 02 Lucile Katharine 10 Lyman Richard Mrs (Katherine Lewis) 95 Mahlon Ogden Mrs (Katherine Peck) p. 251 Marguerite Hull p. 204 Bradshaw Margaret p. 9 Bradstreet Edward Payson Mrs (H B Herrick) p. 230 Brady Frances Cecilia p. 204 John Everett p. 9 Bragaw Mary Otis Hunting (Mrs C P Tinker) p. 204 Bragdon Charles Ridgaway Mrs (H F Cobb) 07 Claude Mrs (C C Wilkinson) 94 Dudley Mrs (Dorothea Richardson) p. 255 Bragg Agnes Wingate 00 Florence Margaret (Mrs E S Paine) 05 Brainard Edward Mrs (A K Brown) p. 205 Florence Atwater p. 204 Brainerd Heloise 04 Jessie Johnson 02 Braley Caroline [Carolyn] 95 Charles G Mrs (Edith Ross) p. 257 Bramley \ I Grace Wilcox (Mrs E 1/ L Matthews) p. 204 Branch Anna Hempstead 97 Caroline Ferre (Mrs E P Massonneau) 96 INDEX 293 [/ Branch — Continued Mary Lucy p. 204 Brand Graton S Mrs (E L Poole) p. 253 Brandegee Arthur Latimer Mrs (Grace Lord) p. 241 Brander Edith Elizabeth 07 Brank Rockwell Smith Mrs (V R Cox) 06 Brannick Catherine Elizabeth 02 Brannigan Minnie Anna p. 204 Brannon Alice Margaret 01 Brant Laura C p. 9 Braun Olive Mae p. 204 Bray Charles Willard Mrs (G E Harlow) 04 Josephine Compton 95 Brayton Emma Louise p. 204 Nancy Jarrette Bowers (Mrs J M Morton jr) 90 William Stanton Mrs (A D Waite) p. 272 Breaker John Charles Mrs (M A Woodruff) p. 279 Breckenridge Alice Hannah 03 Clarence Edward Mrs (E [F] Jayne) p. 234 Grace Edith (Mrs J B Fisk jr) 97 Maud 98 Breckinridge Lucy Hayes 03 Breed Marian Keene (Mrs G M Palmer) p. 205 Breene Vila Luella 06 Breese Arthur Bacon Mrs (Rfena Schermerhorn) 94 Brem Walter Vernon Mrs (M W Winkler) 00 Brenz Frieda Christine (Mrs H B Kyle) p. 205 Brett Maude Runyon p. 205 Brewer Leslie LeRoy Mrs (R B Foss) p. 222 Mabel Arva (Mrs R P Higgins) 01 Brewster {/Anna Gertrude p. 205 ^ Caroline Williams 96 Katharine Grant 85 Mary Bunce 10 Mary J p. 9 Breyman Edna Cranston 04 Bridges Eliza Wadsworth [Mc- Mechan] 92 Frances Antoinette (Mrs G H Atkinson) 98 Margaret Dickson 06 Bridgham Elmer Gerrish Mrs (B F Briggs) 98 Bridgman Esther (Mrs E B Lane) p. 238 John Cloyes Mrs (E Y Comstock) 01 Nellie Sands p. 205 Paul Revere Mrs (L E Clark) p. 210 Briggs Belle Florence (Mrs E G Bridgham) 98 Clarissa Abbott p. 205 Grace Catharine 10 Lena Walker (Mrs J E Porter) p. 205 Brigham Daniel Rufus Mrs (L B Rice) 94 Ethel Percy p. 205 Katharine (Mrs P R Fox) 00 Maude Flora 03 Bright Florence Jessie 02 JuHa Wylie (Mrs M E Mueller) p. 205 Margaret (Mrs E H Parkhurst) 08 Briley Beatrice Annie 08 Elsie Nora 10 Brill Edith p. 205 Brimson Alice Worthington [Smith] 05 Charles Tamlin Mrs (Julia Childs) 05 Mary Hunt (Mrs F A Grow) 01 Brindley Thaddeus Hay wardMrs (AA[R]McCord)06 Brisley Edward Betts Mrs (Mabel Capelle) 99 Bristol Leverett Dale Mrs (A L Knox) 04 Britt Constance Whitworth (Mrs D S Barmore) p. 205 Brittingham Russell Mrs (E B Bradbury) 93 Britton Jasmine Marie 07 Broadhead Helen Elizabeth (Mrs H C Smith) 03 Broadhurst Ruth Lavinia 07 Brock Albert Gardner Mrs (Annie Cartwright) p. 208 Brocklebank Ethel Susan 01 Brockway Alice 10 Bessie Norton 03 Brodel Max Mrs (R M Huntington) 99 Brodrick Isabel (Mrs D M Rust) 07 Bronson Charles Eli Mrs (A T Taintor) 95 Brooke Frederick Lee Mrs (M E Blanchard) p. 203 294 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Brooks Albert Sidney Mrs (Marjorie Bushnell) p. 206 Anne Smith 84 Annie Mabel 98 Arthur Anderson Mrs (L D Griswold) p. 226 Bertha Phelps (Mrs O E Parks) 05 (p. 9) Charles Edward Mrs (Ruth Fayerweather) 01 Ellen Rosette p. 205 Esther Clara Herrick 82 Ethel Wallace (Mrs Harold Cheney) 05 Florence (Mrs E S Cobb) 00 Frona Marie (Mrs Mor- gan Brooks) 83 Grace Leonard (Mrs F B Heathman) 97 H Kibbe Mrs (M A Read) 00 Jonas Hastings Mrs (M E McLeod) 96 Lawrence Ralston Mrs (E F Fifield) 95 Lucv Bagg (Mrs E C Weiser) p. 205 Mabel Frances 98 Maro Spalding Mrs (M S Wilder) 91 Morgan Mrs (F M Brooks) 83 Phillips p. 7 Ruby Miriam (Mrs H G Ely) p. 205 Broomell Clyde Washburn Mrs (G E Browne) 97 Brough Alexander Mrs (E J Schmid) p. 259 Brower Gladys 09 Brown Abby Kirtland (Mrs Edward Brainard) p. 205 Adelaide 88 Albert James Mrs (M I Clark) 98 Albert N Mrs (W W Baldwin) p. 199 Aneita Doty 00 \/ Brown — Continued Annie Gertrude (Mrs H F Simpson) 08 Cellissa (Mrs J A Nor- cross) 98 Charles David Mrs (S De L Sanford) 94 Charles H jr Mrs (E W Brown) 02 Chester Holbrook Mrs (B R Nichols) 07 Clara May (Mrs F A Killmer) 90 Edith Baker 92 Edith Imogene 00 (p. 9) Edith Warner (Mrs C H Brown jr) 02 Edward Miles Mrs (Mary Adkins) 79 Eleanor Hinklev (Mrs W A Whitney) 05 Elinor Garretson 10 Elisabeth Scribner (Mrs H A Stearns) 01 Elizabeth 10 Ellen [Nellie] (Mrs H S Clark) p. 205 I Emma Elizabeth 91 1 / Fanny Chamberlain */ (Mrs W G L Taylor) 82 Grace Adella 05 Harold Pitney Mrs (M S Taylor) p. 268 Harold Winthrop Mrs (Katherine Van Hov- enberg) 96 Harriet Irene p. 205 Harriet Langdon (Mrs H H Darling) 91 Helen 97 Helen Everton 01 Henrietta Thomson 00 Inez 94 James Franklin jr Mrs (L M Wheeler) 98 John Quincy Mrs (Helen Gager) 00 Katharine Louise p. 205 Laura Alice 02 Lyman Van Wickle Mrs (T C Hall) p. 227 Mabel 87 Mabel Robinson 04 Mary Belle (Mrs J S Harding) 91 Mattie Ireson (Mrs C L Fincke) 98 Brown — Continued Maude Hooker (Mrs Raymond Mazeine) 04 Mildred Tenney (Mrs E E Pearce) 01 Myrtie Belle (Mrs C H McNeil) p. 205 Nellie Manville 06 Nelson Pierce Mrs (Margaret Tucker) p. 270 Ophelia Sanger 94 Rachel p. 205 Ronald Ketchum Mrs (K E Weeks) p. 274 Roy H Mrs (G G Lockett) p. 240 Ruth (Mrs FE Godfrey) p. 205 Ruth Gray (Mrs W H Page) 97 Ruth Porter (Mrs Har- man Newell) 00 Sara Maude 00 Sarah Alice 81 Sarah Elizabeth 92 Thomas Anthony Mrs (A W Elliott) p. 219 Wayne Ramsay Mrs (E M Kruesi) p. 237 William Bruce Mrs (S M Gardner) p. 224 Browne Frances Eliza 94 Grace Ethelwyn (Mrs C W Broomell) 97 Helen Swale 94 Maude Lenore p. 205 Nina Eliza 82 Browning Katharine Clark 10 Marjorie Lathrop 10 Sarah Perry 85 Brownie e Edith 08 Brownson Wendell Green Mrs (A De V Place) p. 253 Brubaker Lawrence G Mrs (C M Goodwin) 04 Bruce Grace Adelle 91 (p. 9) Lucy Helen (Mrs James Loomis) 05 INDEX 295 Bruen James O'Neill Mrs (E D Wilson) p. 277 Bruere Alice H p. 9 Brumaghim Marguerite Ellsworth 10 Brumley Joan Duane (Mrs W O Cooper) 05 Bruna Eda von Leska 02 Bnmdage Frank Homer Mrs (O L Mann) 00 Brune [Brima] Eda von Leska 02 Bninet Elizabeth Marion 09 Brush Elizabeth Pamham 09 Ella Mead 04 Jessie Kendall p. 205 May [Mary] Elizabeth p. 205 Bryan Elizabeth Ewing 09 Bryant Arthur Alexis Mrs (L F Stevens) 08 Caroline Amelia 95 George H Mrs (C M Putney) p. 254 Helen Winifred 02 Joseph Stebbins Mrs (A L Taft) p. 267 Martha Jane (Mrs J H Cary) 87 Pearl Edna 09 Sheila 09 William Sohier Mrs (M L Cox) 84 Buchwalter Margaret Louise (Mrs H B Martin) 03 Morris Lyon Mrs (M F Knox) 85 Buck Grace Robertson (Mrs T A Stevens) p. 205 Seaver Burton Mrs (A K Allen) 95 Buckingham Grace Hammersley (Mrs J C Campbell) 93 Buckler Alfred E Mrs (G E Lindsey) p. 240 Buckley Harriet Frederica 10 Budd Helen Ridgway 09 Budlong Jessie Valentine 98 BueU Gertrude Frances (Mrs H E Decker) 89 Buffington Frances Crosby 01 (p. 9) Buffum Annie Maria 01 Ethel Vryling (Mrs H B McGraw) 00 Wilder Stoddard Mrs (W von C Walbridge) 92 Bufkin Marv Lee (Mrs W R Jones) 90 Bugbee Lura Alice (Mrs M B Cummings) 07 Bulkeley Grace Isabel p. 205 Bulkley Harriet Collins 04 Louise Jeannette (Mrs Harold Kountze) p. 205 Bull Helen Roberts 07 Vera Lillian 09 William FoUansbee (Rosa Smith) 01 Bullard Herbert Spencer Mrs (Elizabeth Williston) 93 Bullen Anne Stanwood (Mrs Albert Gage) p. 205 Charlotte Packard p. 206 Bullis Ruth Nancy (Mrs G G Dickerman) 05 Bumstead Henry Andrews Mrs (Luetta Ullrich) p. 271 Bumsted Eugene Bradford Mrs (C L Warren) 02 Bunker George Tracy Mrs (J H Bartlett) 96 Bunnell Edna Maria 10 Buntmg Blanche Gertrude p. 206 Burbank Edith (Mrs H L Farr) 01 Burbeck Bertha May p. 206 Burbridge Hereward Mrs (J A Cakes) 94 Burch Cara Van Cott 98 Eleanor 09 Burchard Caroline Lelia (Mrs F W Swannell) p. 206 Edward Lawver Mrs (AHce Barton) 90 Frances Margaretp. 206 Burck Lawrence Burroughs Mrs (P B Johnson) 04 Burdett Ruth Evelyn 09 WCMrs (M B Clough) 84 Burge Hazel Delavan 09 Burgess Charlotte Barkley 10 Harry L Mrs (H L Davis) p. 215 Mary Ellen (Mrs L A Goodenough) 93 Thomas Foljambe Mrs (L V Crane) 96 Burgin Edwin Mrs (L C Smith) 98 Burgoyne Stephen Hunt Mrs (I F Davis) 93 Burke Ada Ethel p. 206 Adelaide Louise (Mrs T H Jameson) 02 Elsie p. 206 Burleigh Anita Merithew 10 Charlotte Russell (Mrs E S Beyer) p. 206 Clara Matilda 04 Inez p. 206 296 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION ^ Burleigh — Continued Louise Dickerson p. 206 Burley Anna (Mrs L H Thomp- son) p. 206 Bume Caroline Stinson 10 Burnett Mary Alice (Mrs Wil- liam Cleveland) 07 Bimiette Clara Jean (Mrs O W Adams) p. 206 Juan Elmo Mrs (W L Carruthers) p. 208 Bumham AEMrs (J F Emerson) 02 Allen Stanley Mrs (Florence Dustin) 97 Charles Amos Mrs (L E Pinkham) p. 253 Clara Avery 96 Ella Kellogg 05 Ella Wonson p. 206 Frederick Grey Mrs (E G Pearson) p. 251 Grace Emma 10 Jessica [Jessie] Emma (Mrs J F Downing) 90 Mary Dorothea (Mrs W R Pond) 03 Mary Elizabeth Lyon p. 206 Mary Eunice Lord (Mrs F P Bowden) p. 206 Mary Genevieve 05 Mary Wesley (Mrs N S Kaime) p. 206 Odilee Gertrude 06 Sophia Lord (Mrs W R Westcott) 04 Bums Avis Adella (Mrs H E Fisher) 07 Edward jr Mrs (Ethel Barnes) 02 Isabella Sutherland p. 206 Janet Mary 96 Wylie Charles Mrs (A E Wilde) p. 276 Burpee Carolyn May 08 Ethel Theodate 05 Burr I George Houston Mrs I (R M Robinson) 07 i Gertrude Leland (Mrs \ J A O'Neil) p. 206 Henry Mrs (Ursula Minor) 02 Burrage , Edith May 99 (p. 9) Burrell Helen Merwin Mrs p. 9 Burrill Charles D Mrs (A Di Snow) p. 264 Burrington Grace Alice 88 Venila Spaulding (Mrs G W Colson) 94 Burritt Marion Tilden 92 Richard Horace Mrs (Isabel Works) p. 279 Burroughs I Ethel 08 Mabel (Mrs R W San- derson) 00 Burrows Florence Elizabeth p. 206 Burry Jerusha Caroline p. 206 Burt Anna Welsh p. 206 Daisy French (Mrs R W Scott) p. 206 Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs J L Procter) p. 206 Mabel Lawrence p. 206 Oren Clark Mrs (Frances P Lyman) 88 Burtch John Mrs (E M Howe) 07 Burton Alice Calbraith (Mrs J E McClaire) p. 206 Ednah Hall 02 Flora Emma 08 Marion Le Roy p. 7 Busbey L White Mrs (K O Graves) 94 Winifred Grace (Mrs J M Mayhew) 93 Busey Virginia Richards p. 206 Bush Eleanor Howard (Mrs R A Woods) 96 Eugenia p. 206 Harvey Safford Mrs (C [E] Meisel) p. 244 James Freeman Mrs (M E Gorham) 79 Lola Maude (Mrs E J Richardson) p. 206 Sally 83 Selma Ingersoll 10 Bushee Florence Fannie (Mrs J G Theobald) 97 Grace Lydia 07 Grace Worthington (Mrs Leonard Wor- cester) p. 206 Mary Elmer (Mrs J H Arthur) 97 Bushneli Henry Davis Mrs (E T Johnson) 02 Marjorie (Mrs A S Brooks) p. 206 Maude Edna 10 Buss Margaret 07 Bussard Gertrude Elise 09 Buswell Alice Maude [Maud] (Mrs H P Towle) 89 Butcher Mrs — (A D Sherman) p. 261 Butler Florence Agnes (Mrs John Roos) p. 207 Frances Isabel 96 Frances Josephine p. 207 Frances Louise p. 207 George Stabler Mrs (H B Henderson) p. 230 Gertrude Mary 08 Grace Marjorie 08 Harriet Perkins (Mrs G F Minns) p. 207 Harriet Rosetta (Mrs W E Crittenden) 04 Irene Livingston (Mrs W S James) 00 Katherine James p. 207 Mary EHzabeth 08 Mary Elizabeth p. 207 INDEX 297 V Butler — Continued Mary Lucretia (Mrs H C Pomeroy) p. 207 Morris Bradley Mrs (A A Blair) 96 Pierce Mrs (Cora Waldo) 98 Sarah Minot p. 207 Willis Howard Mrs (M H Wales) p. 272 Butterfield Alice 03 (p. 9) Frances Amanda p. 207 Myrtie Alice p. 207 Butters Robert Green Walker Mrs (M W Lovejoy) 89 Butterworth Louis Henry Mrs (S C Stoddard) 01 Buttrick Sibyl Andrews 07 Butzel Henry M Mrs (Mae Schlesinger) 07 Buxton Esther Wallace p. 207 Grace Agnes 07 Buzzell Edith Virginia (Mrs H F Cameron) 99 Stephen Eugene Mrs (M B Hodgman) p. 231 Bybee Mary Addison (Mrs W L Milliken) p. 207 Byers Harriet Gertrude 09 Byles Emma Axtell (Mrs Allan Cowper- thwait) 98 Florence Laura 01 Byrd Mary E p. 9 Byrne . Madalene Marie 00 \/ Male Bernadette (Mrs T H Bennett) 03 Byxbee Edith Sumner p. 207 Cable Louise Bartlett (Mrs J A Chard) p. 207 Lucy Leffingwell (Mrs H W Bikl6) 01 Cable — Continued Mary Boardman (Mrs ALP Dennis) p. 207 Cadwallader Edith Warner (Mrs T R Crowder) 91 W Caesar David Cowan Mrs (A M King) 05 Cahee Gertrude Marie (Mrs M D Chittenden) 95 Caben Alfred Mrs (E H Weiler) p. 274 Cairns Edith (Mrs L I Wight- man) p. 207 Edward Mrs (M J Holloway) 04 Caldwell Lura p. 207 Mary Louise (Mrs S W Merrell) 01 Calef \/ Mabel Stanley (Mrs y C R Allen jr) 96 Calhoun Corinne Harmon (Mrs W H Gray jr) 01 Flora Jane p. 207 Calkins Arthur Beecher Mrs (A C Barber) Mary Whiton 85 Raymond Mrs (E B Lathrop) 92 Susan Frenche 10 Callahan Lilian Jeanette p. 207 Callender Arthur William Mrs (E G Stephens) 01 Came William Otis Mrs (F M Barker) 92 Cameron Harry Frank Mrs (E V Buzzell) 99 Julian Abbot Mrs (L K Abbot) p. 196 Wallace jr Mrs (C M Kent) 97 William Henry Mrs (M G Taintor) p. 268 Camp Dorothy Hale 08 Edith Caroline 04 J.V11S Camp — Continued Eugene Lincoln Mrs (K E Livermore) p. 240 Hilda Mary 10 Mary Augusta p. 9 Campbell Alexander James Mrs (E R Fish) p. 221 Andrew Thomson Mrs (S M Bogue) 91 David Wass 2d Mrs (M L Lynch) p. 241 Donald F Mrs (L R Bates) p. 200 Eugene S Mrs (E R Ross) p. 257 J Barrett Mrs (D F Benedict) p. 201 Jenny [Jennie] Isabel 93 John Charles Mrs (G H Buckingham) 93 Louise Porter p. 207 Martha Alice (Mrs Max Meyer) 08 Mary Alice 05 Mary Burton (Mrs Loveland Munson) p. 207 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs E L Ford) 07 Sarah Ethel 96 Stuart Matthews Mrs (C L Cooley) 06 Campello Salone di p. 9 Canedy Francis Joel Mrs (G M Griebel) p. 226 Grace Emma (Mrs F A Tupper) p. 207 Ruth Barbara (Mrs P B Hadley) 02 Canfield Rodericka (Mrs L F Baker) 03 (p. 9) Canning Edward J p. 9 Evelyn Isabel 10 Capelle George S jr Mrs (Jose- phine Harvey) p. 229 Mabel (Mrs E B Bris- ley) 99 Capen Annie [Anne] 85 Bessie T p. 9 298 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE A8SOCLA.TION Capen — Continued Julie Edna (Mrs J H Lapham) 05 Louise p. 207 Carberry Jennie 03 Carey Charles Edward Mrs (C S Oilman) p. 224 [Gary] Henrietta Wood- worth (Mrs S B Pal- mer) p. 207 Carhart Llfred Bangs Mrs (M R Millett) p. 245 Anna Georgine 97 Rose p. 207 W H G Mrs (M M Manker) 06 Carle Katharine Elizabeth 01 Carleton Abbie Harriet p. 207 Alice Bowker p. 207 Bertha (Mrs W A Welch) 04 Edward Dillingham Mrs (E K Levensaler) p. 239 Ethel Winsor (Mrs J C Gabel) p. 207 Mabel Lillian (Mrs E B Nichols) p. 208 Spencer Mrs (E M Stevens) 03 Stanley Mrs (M I Davis) 94 Carley Glenn Mrs (Glara Mc- Dowell) 03 Carlile William Wilson Mrs (Florence Jeffrey) 93 Carlisle Alice Lucretia p. 208 Carlson Hilma Gecilia p. 208 Camell Prentiss Mrs (Ethel Bradley) p. 204 Carpenter Ada Esther 07 Alice Caroline p. 208 Alice Maude (Mrs Eugene Clapp) p. 208 Bertha Eleanor 07 V Carpenter — Con tinned Edith (Mrs Bond Thomas) p. 208 Elizabeth Louise p. 208 Eloise Gameron (Mrs Robert Wickham) 95 George B Mrs (Rhea Morrill) p. 246 Mabel Sara (Mrs W H Richardson) p. 208 Marion Geneva 09 Mary Frances 90 Mary Louise p. 208 Mary Maude (Mrs W D Murphy jr) 96 Percy Robert Mrs (P V Minich) p. 246 Roma Blanche (Mrs N D Goodhue) 03 Winifred Gillett 99 Can- Mrs — (Gail Stevens) p. 265 Agnes 89 George Wallace Mrs (H D Taylor) p. 268 Marion Codding (Mrs P B Condit) 07 Marjorie Leigh 09 Rebecca Dickinson (Mrs E J Stone) p. 208 William Watts Mrs (Margaret MacDou- gall) 92 Carrington Grace Brinton (Mrs A H Marvin) p. 208 Herbert DeWitt p. 9 Mary Belle p. 208 Carroll Carl Herman Mrs (LNCushman)p.214 Margaret Ethel p. 208 Otis Swan Mrs (M S Dutcher) 04 Carrott Matthew Finlay Mrs (E W Montgomery) 98 Carruth William Massey Mrs (E B Kaiser) 03 Carruthers Winifred Lee (Mrs J E Burnette) p. 208 Carsley Fannie Belle 08 Carson Edith Nancy 10 Ethel Daggett 93 Katherine Waller 03 Russel Mrs (M I Goodman). 07 Carswell Harriet Townsend 08 Carter Agnes Ruth 10 Anna Louise (Mrs W B Adams) 88 Charles Francis Mrs (H F Herrick) p. 230 Clara Louise (Mrs J W Higgins) p. 208 Dewey J Mrs (N F Du B Henderson) 02 Edith Hovey (Mrs W S Babcock) 93 Elinor Lawton (Mrs J A Lord) p. 208 Guv Burton Mrs (S C Tappan) p. 268 Helen Gertrude p. 208 Helen Richmond (Mrs Herbert Hewitt) 03 Jessie (Mrs A P White) 87 Jessie Stuart (Mrs Henry Tolman jr) p. 208 Lemuel Ray Mrs (M L Dillon) 98 Louise H o y t (M r s .^ Walter Kidde) p. 208 I Mary Abigail (Mrs G i M Duncan) 86 Phebe 10 Cartwright Annie (Mrs A O Brock) p. 208 Carver Mabel (Mrs E C Baker) 00 William Burgett Mrs (C B Finney) 95 Cary Alice (Mrs J A New- lands) 06 Bessie Ella 08 Earnest p. 9 Hazel (Mrs C H Kerr) 06 Henrietta Wordworth (Mrs S B Palmer) p. 207 INDEX 299 Cary — Ccntinued James Hussey Mrs (M J Bryant) 81 Lucia [Beecher] p. 208 Casavant Gertrude Jessie 09 Cascaden Thomas jr Mrs (C G Leavitt) p. 239 Case Charles Merritt Mrs (H M Janney) 00 Cyrena Allen (Mrs Howard Kellogg) p. 208 Elizabeth Lois (MrsJELind)p.208 George Sessions Mrs (A E Hall) p. 227 Myra Wilcox p. 208 Walter Summerhayes Mrs (M S Hadley) p. 227 Casey Ella Josephine 04 Casler Anna Delia 97 Lotta Alice 96 Cass Annie Amelia (Mrs H S Grouse) 02 Casselman Arthur Vale Mrs (N H Drake) p. 217 Cassoday Bertha May (Mrs C A Johnson) p. 208 Caswell Louis Seymour Mrs (E E Gray) p. 226 Cate Carrie Quincy 90 Eleazer Mrs (A E Rich) p. 255 Catherwood Hazel Hartwell 07 Catlin Evelyn Esta (Mrs Christian Grolzinger) 05 Frederick Ward Mrs (M L Ensign) 81 Cavanagh Catherine Agnes p. 208 Mary Margaret 10 Caverao Dorothea Ruth 97 Julia Harwood 87 (p. 9) Chadwell William Hall Mrs (R D MacNaughtan) p. 243 Chalfant James Graham Mrs (E S Steele) 03 Chamberlain Elizabeth Mary (Mrs C H Porter) p. 208 Emily (Mrs A S Cook) p. 208 Jennie (Mrs H H Hos- ford) 88 [Chamberlin] Louise (Mrs C J Warren) 99 William Edward Mrs (B D Mansfield) 05 Chamberlayne Fanny p. 9 Chamberlin Caroline p. 209 Harriet Adams p. 209 Louise (Mrs C J Warren) 99 Mary Louise (Mrs A J Folsom) 99 Chambers Catharine DeWitt p. 209 Charlotte Warner (Mrs M E Wright) p. 209 Herbert James Mrs (M L French) 94 Marguerite Eleanor (Mrs Rapp) p. 209 Mary Ballard (Mrs P D Folwell) 04 Ralph Hamilton Mrs (C M Darling) p. 215 Champion Florence Augusta (Mrs R W Roundy) 98 Gertrude Louise (Mrs G F Ekins) 02 Champney J Wells p. 9 Chandler Ada May 00 [Abbie] Belle p. 209 Eloise Ruggles 10 Frances Woods 94 Gertrude Burbank 10 Jean Emily 08 (p. 9) Robert W Mrs (L A Tower) 05 Chanler Laura [Astor] p. 209 Channing Helen McCurdy p. 209 Chapin Anne Harriet (Mrs W F Whiting) p. 209 Anne McClallan 04 Arthur Beebe Mrs (TLSherwood)p.261 Clara Maria (Mrs H A Phelps) 98 Edith 05 Edna Gertrude 01 Elizabeth p. 209 Gertrude 10 Grace Porter 99 Isabel Stillman p. 209 Leslie 04 Mary Comfort (Mrs A S Davis) 06 May (Mrs C B Wilbar) p. 209 Chapman • / Carita Atwill (Mrs [/ Robert MacDougall) 91 Elizabeth 09 Elizabeth Kimball 94 Etta Corlies p. 209 H C Mrs p. 209 Katharine Forrest (Mrs H W Crowell) p. 209 Marguerite Elisabeth 94 Marian Carter (Mrs S G Shartle) p. 209 Marion Elise (Mrs George Jacobus) 98 Vera Estelle p. 209 William Fleming Mrs (M D Whitney) p. 276 Chappell Marion Ida p. 209 Chard James Alfred Mrs (L B Cable) p. 207 Charles Pauline Margaret 92 Charlock Laura Stillson p. 209 Chamley Constance 01 Chase Alfred Lucius Mrs (B E Libby) 93 Allace Corbett 99 300 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION V, Chase — Continued Bertha Antoinette (Mrs E G Lancaster) 86 Charles Francis Mrs (E H Parker) p. 250 Charlotte Goldsmith 05 Cornelius Thurston Mrs (L L Tyler) 92 Edith (Mrs W A New- *> ton) 95 Edward G Mrs (C I MacLeod) 01 Ethel Withington 02 Howard Harland Mrs (H B Hayes) 99 Isabella Preble p. 209 Jessie Churchill 09 Lucy Maria [Mariah] (Mrs T N Glover) p. 209 Mabelle 88 Madeline Melissa 00 Marcus Mrs (G A Whipple) p. 275 Marion Abbott (Mrs W H Howard) 96 Mary p. 209 Mary Hoadly (Mrs W A Lane) p. 209 Mary Louise 08 Nellie Gertrude 98 Robert Savage Mrs (J M Anderson) 86 Wilson Mrs (L B Rice) 94 Chauncey Egisto Fabbei Mrs (E L Taft) 93 Cheever Charlotte Barrell (Mrs W J Tucker) 81 Elizabeth Bancroft (Mrs Leonard Wheeler) 85 Ellen Tyler (Mrs G I Rockwood) p. 209 Louisa Sewall 90 (p. 9) Chenery Mary Parsons (Mrs W L Salmon) p. 209 Cheney Emily Grace 99 Harold Mrs (E W Brooks) 05 John Tyrrell Mrs (Helen Hatch) p. 229 Robert Francis Mrs (I G Port) 93 Chesnutt Ethel Perry (Mrs E C Williams) 01 Helen Maria 02 Chester Grace D p. 9 Chevalier Margaret p. 209 Chew ^ Oswald Mrs (A C Knowlton) 97 Ruth Ethel 02 Chick Mabel 05 Chickering Frances Elizabeth p. 209 Chidester Albert Joseph Mrs (R I Bardwell) 04 Child Grace Annie p. 209 Childs Agnes Chamberlin (Mrs B B Hinckley) 01 (p. 9) Alice Louise 96 (p. 9) Breta Willis 10 Carolyn Helfenstein 02 Ethelind Thorpe (Mrs W A Dyer) 01 Harriet Evelyn 08 Helen Sears (Mrs F L Boyden) 04 John E M Mrs (S H Taylor) p. 268 Julia (MrsCTBrimson) 05 Mary Chaffin 99 Merrill Furbush Mrs (F E Shepard) 98 Muriel Worthington (Mrs W A Dyer) 05 Chinard Emma p. 10 Chippendale Arthur William Mrs (E M Barnes) p. 199 Chisholm Horatio Mrs (Mildred Hopkins) p. 232 Chittenden Edith Russell 99 Merritt Darrow Mrs (G M Cahee) 95 Chiville Eva Harriet 07 (p. (Mrs p. 209 Choate Helen Ashhurst 04 10) Mary Lillian p. 209 Miriam Foster 99 Christian Caroline Mary E H Hewitt) Grace 08 Christiansen Bertha Elfreda 07 (p. 10) Christie John Watson Mrs (R T Bigelow) 05 Chrysler Josephine Lee 01 Mabel p. 209 Chubb Percival Mrs (Louise Walston) 90 Samuel Harmstead Mrs (E M Day) p. 215 Church Cornelia Chapell 88 Edith Weare (Mrs E H Mackay) p. 210 Eugene Mrs (L A Husted) 88 Harold Douglas Mrs (B C Springer) 05 J William Mrs (V W Frame) 99 Churchill Alfred Vance p. 10 Anna Quincy 07 Charles Whittier (A J Coburn) 02 Gertrude Holbrook (MrsW A Whitney) 99 John W p. 10 Lillian 95 Churchyard Constance 08 Grace (Mrs S A Simons) 88 Mary 91 Chute Arthur Lambert Mrs (E R Swift) 92 CUley Helen (Mrs E C Alder) 04 Claflin . / Edith Lilian 02 Y Sue Esther p. 210 INDEX 301 Clancy Agnes Grace [Williams] 08 (p. 10) Laura Elizabeth (Mrs FWMcQuigg)p.210 Clapp Arthur Martin Mrs (E W Bates) 99 Bessie Louise p. 210 Edward Payson Mrs (H M Robinson) p. 256 Esther Fanny 98 Eugene Mrs (A M Car- penter) p. 208 Grace Lucretia 05 (p. 10) Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs A M Kelton) p. 210 Hattie Ellen p. 210 Lucia Maria (Mrs William Noyes) 81 Marion Lazell 04 Nellie Mae p. 210 Clark Abigail Hinsdale p. 210 Abigail Williams 93 Alden Hyde Mrs (M S Whitcomb) 00 Alice 98 Alice Benson 03 Allen Gates Mrs (Clara Stetson) 85 Amy Faith 10 Anne Maud (Mrs C S Joy) 02 Annetta Isabel 04 (p. 10) Annie Louise 85 Bertha Evangeline p. 210 Carrie Louise p. 210 Charles N p. 7 Clara Elizabeth p. 210 Clara May 84 Clara Sherman 05 Edith Ethelyn (Mrs C R Sligh) 91 Edith Lucia (Mrs W C Maynard) 92 Edith Lyman (Mrs D S Low) 98 Eleanor Billings 07 Elizabeth Spader 09 Ella Cleveland 84 Ellen Pamela (Mrs W A Trow) p. 210 Emily Lucretia 09 Clark — Continued Emma Hubbard p. 210 Emma Irene 06 Estelle Osborn p. 210 Ethel Birdseye p. 210 Flora Clapp (Mrs G W Winchester) 96 Florence Jeannette 04 Frank S Mrs (Eliza- beth Marvin) p. 243 Frederick Bayard Mrs (A T Lyman) p. 241 Genevra Fuller 96 George Abijah Mrs (F E Wilson) p. 277 George Arthur Mrs (J P Bourland) 05 Gwenn Marie p. 210 Hannah Belle (Mrs A V Powell) 87 Harold Mrs (M C Greene) p. 226 Harriet Sumner 03 Harry S Mrs (Ellen Brown) p. 205 Helen Isabel (Mrs F B Hopewell) 02 Helen May (Mrs W F B Leavitt) 99 Hilda Goulding 05 James S Mrs (M [P] L Waterman) p. 274 Jane Lucy p. 210 John B p. 7, 10 John Kirkland Mrs (M C Holbrook) p. 231 John Maxwell Mrs (M E Smith) p. 263 Josephine Adelaide 80 (p. 10) Josephine Maud (Mrs C E Ward) 98 Julia Adeline p. 210 Julia B p. 210 Katharine (Mrs Fred- erick Hill) 05 Laura Sophronia p. 10 Lavinia Rumsey p. 210 Lena Eliza (Mrs P R Bridgman) p. 210 Lincoln Mrs (Carrolle Barber) 99 Lucy Mason p. 210 Margaret Holmes 03 Mary Anna (Mrs H LeV Belden) p. 210 Clark — Continued Mary Annie (Mrs E V Mitchell) 83 Mary Barnard (Mrs C H Putnam) 94 Mary lola (Mrs A J Brown) 98 Mary Morris Mrs p. 10 Mary Paddock (Mrs S B Elbert) 05 Mary Sophia p. 210 Mary Webster (Mrs C W Jackson) 95 Miriam Belden 04 Robert Cushman Mrs (A K Perkins) 97 Ruth Swan 09 Sara Stockwell p. 210 Sophia Cook 82 Stephen Cutter Mrs (G M Greene) 82 Walter Haven Mrs (J E Gilman) 96 Walter Mack Mrs (S T Keniston) 03 William Abbott Mrs (A R Johnson) 89 William Bert Mrs (E [B] V Sanner) p. 259 William H p. 10 Clarke Alfreda Dudley p. 210 Edith Culbertson (Mrs C H Lund) 03 Elizabeth Dunton (Mrs R L Williams) 05 Ellen Williston p. 210 Florence Rolston 97 Helen 05 Howard Mrs (C W Bates) 96 John M p. 10 Josiah W p. 10 [Clark] Katharine (Mrs Frederick Hill) 05 Martha Reynolds (Mrs L W Williams) p. 210 Mary Reynolds p. 210 Rachael Chadsey 81 (p. 10) Samuel Fessenden p. 10 Samuel Fessenden Mrs (E C Lawrence) 83 (p. 7) Clary Frances Ward (Mrs Silas Snow) 08 302 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Clausen Henry William Mrs (M C Osbom) p. 249 Clay Howard Mrs (E C Fisher) 92 Martha Elliott 05 Miriam Elliott 10 Cleaves Augustus Smith Mrs (R F Greenwood) p. 226 Cleland Herdman Fitzgerald Mrs (H W Davison) 03 Clemenson Frederick Mrs (S M Smucker) p. 264 Clement Alice Wilson p. 210 Fannie Fletcher 03 Clerihew Alexander E Mrs (E J Forman) 83 Catharine Forman p. 210 Cleveland Paul Williams Mrs (M L Spring) 01 William Mrs (M A Burnett) 07 Clexton Florence Emeline (Mrs A C Hall) 02 Clifford Dora Louise (Mrs C E Monroe) 01 Clizbe Ruth Ellen (Mrs A G Merriam) p. 210 Closson William Baxter Palmer Mrs(GWGallaudet) p. 223 Cloud Mary Teresa p. 210 Clough Albert Lucien Mrs (Sara Hunt) 95 Alta Louise (Mrs W A Denison) p. 210 Anna Grace (Mrs G H Kemater) p. 211 Blanche Emeline (Mrs L M Farrington) 01 Clarence Edward Mrs (M E Shepard) 97 Clough — Continued Etta Louise (Mrs W H Merritt) 99 Mabelle Beatrice p. 211 Marion Belmont (Mrs W C Burdett) 84 Nathalie Duley 85 Cloyd ^ Genevieve 97 Clute Alice (Mrs W G Ely jr) 91 Clutia Harry Howard Mrs (B M Dickinson) p. 216 Coakley Elizabeth Tew (Mrs E A Becker jr) p. 211 Coale Mary Arabella 08 Samuel Chase Mrs (H E Gale) p. 223 Coatsworth Jane Electa p. 211 Cobb Edward Scribner Mrs (Florence Brooks) 00 Ethel Swan (Mrs W P Arnold) 01 Frank Macmillan Mrs (M E Ford) 01 Frank P Mrs (E E Boyd) p. 204 Harriet Redfield 89 (p. 10) Helen Field (Mrs C R Bragdon) 07 Mary Esther p. 211 Myra Elizabeth p. 211 Cobum Avis Josephine (Mrs C W Churchill) 02 Grace Eleanor (Mrs B C Mossman) 98 Harriet 99 Helen (Mrs H N Stevens) 01 Mary Hilton (Mrs S M Rust) 02 Cochran Elizabeth Bockius (Mrs W E Bliss) p. 211 Julia Andrew p. 211 Cochrane Francis Mrs (F R Rogerson) 91 Cochrane — Continued Theresa Jean (Mrs H W Armstrong) 03 Cockle Kathleen 10 Coe Anne Harriet 02 Carrie Elizabeth p. 211 Elizabeth Hamilton 05 Margaret Alice 96 Margaret Duryee (Mrs C H Blake jr) 07 Margaret Elmer 97 Miriam Storrs 99 Richard Mrs (S C Tappan) p. 268 Coeme Louis Adolphe p. 10 Coester Alfred Mrs (L B Haven) 81 Coflin Elizabeth Marshall (Mrs W P Gilbert) p. 211 Coggeshall Mary Bancroft 01 Coggshall Saba Drake p. 211 Cohen Ethel Harrison 07 Martin Mrs (Eugenia Adler) p. 196 Ruth Josephine p. 211 Cointat Agnes p. 10 Colt George Chandler Mrs (A C Atwood) 94 Nettie May (Mrs H E Hawkes) p. 211 Colbum Harriet C p. 10 Mary Peabody 04 Colby Helen Louise 05 Julia Cornelius p. 211 Mary Gardner (Mrs Yandell Henderson) p. 211 William Edward Mrs (Rachel Vrooman) p. 272 William Roberts jr Mrs (A W Roberts) 07 Colclazer Helen Mary 94 INDEX 303 Mrs— (F D Rolfe) p. 257 Beulah Virginia 10 Charles Buckingham Mrs (B W Dwight) 91 Edward Smith Mrs (M W Rockwell) 97 George Campbell Mrs (S L Barse) 00 Harry Tiffany Mrs (A J Day) p. 215 Henry Mrs ^^ ^^ (C T Mansfield) 92 John Silas jr Mrs (A M Dresser) 98 Julia Elizabeth (Mrs D J Fleming) 97 Lucy Brooks 09 Coleman Edith 10 Florence Hoyt 10 George Edwin Mrs (A W Edwards) 88 Joseph Mrs (M R Arvine) p. 197 Coles Frank Augustus Mrs (E N Strong) p. 267 Colgan Mary Ella 89 Collar Mary Sibyl (Mrs Pinckney Holbrook) i>- 211 Colles Julia Nelson 00 (p. 10) Collier Amy Evelyn (Mrs J McG Patterson) 05 John Mrs (Lucy Wood) p. 278 Collin Grace Lathrop 96 Harriet Beebe (Mrs C D Knapp) 03 Louise Park (Mrs H E Haws) 05 Sadie [Sarah] Louise p. 211 Collins Ada Fae 07 Annie Olivia 02 Arthur Nelson Mrs (F E Johnson) 05 Edna White 01 Collins — Continued Henrietta Merriam (Mrs A N Gibb) p. 211 Katherine Estelle 07 Mary Gould p. 211 Rejoyce Ballance (Mrs C M Booth) 98 William French Mrs (A D Howes) 95 Colman Elizabeth Woodman (Mrs W T Foster jr) p. 211 Colson George William Mrs (V S Burrington) 94 Colt Mary Laura (Mrs Sid- ney Coolidge) p. 211 Colton Cora Leyman (Mrs S R Peirson) p. 211 Gertrude Graham (Mrs F W Ridley) p. 211 Comer Mary (Mrs M B Lane) 04 Comey Annie Louise (Mrs E G Laurence) p. 211 Effie Marion (Mrs D E Manson) 98 Gertrude Julietta 04 Comings Harriet Adele (Mrs C W Wangerien) p. 211 Comins Ellen [Nellie] Maria (Mrs H K Whitaker) 91 Common William Coleman Mrs (R M Fletcher) 06 Compton Paul Mrs (I L Smith) 01 Comstock \ / Ada Louise 97 '^ Elizabeth p. 211 Ethel Young (Mrs J C Bridgman) 01 Frances Eloise (Mrs Copeland Morton) 98 Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs E L Robertson) 01 Lorraine (Mrs H C Evarts) p. 211 Comstock — Continued Louise Howard 09 Marjorie Stuart 07 Thomas L Mrs (Harriet B Allen) p. 196 Conant Beatrice 08 Bertha Adams p. 211 Esther 03 Harriet Wheeler (Mrs G H Spalding) p. 212 Jennie Frances 86 Lewis K Mrs (E M Harwood) p. 229 Marie Bassett (Mrs N W Faxon) 04 Marion Masury (Mrs I N Damon) 03 Mary Sybil 00 Conard Henry S Mrs (E L Moon) 94 Conde Bertha 95 Kathrina Clute (Mrs T E Knowlton) p. 212 Condit PB Mrs (M C Carr) 07 Cone Charles Morris Mrs (KE Morris) 79 (p. 7) Frederick Hanover Mrs (Ethel Woolverton) 07 Coney Ruth Eaton (Mrs A V Roe) 05 Conklin Robert Smith Mrs (M E Bent) 04 Viola Percy 97 William Eltinge Mrs (B A Robe) 04 Conkling Roscoe Piatt Mrs (G W Hazard) 99 Conn Herbert William Mrs (J M Joel) p. 235 Connell Edgar William Mrs (A M Lowe) 06 James Carl Mrs (M L Bigelow) 06 Wilson McBride Mrs (M S Bickel) 06 Connely Bertha Lillian 84 304 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Connett Lyndon Rutan Mrs (Carol Morrow) 98 Connolly James T Mrs (E F Cuseck) 04 Connor Theobald Mathew Mrs (E H Duggan) 01 Conro Ruth Dexter (Mrs W P Elkins) 95 Susan Arzelia p. 212 Conrow Helen Claire (Mrs H B Thurston) p. 212 Converse Clara Adra 83 Conway Earle Edwin Mrs (I P Salsich) p. 258 Conwell Agnes Elizabeth p. 212 Cook Mrs — (Marie Turner) p. 271 Albert Stanburrough Mrs (Emily Cham- berlain) p. 208 Anna Emeline f . (Mrs A L Rice) 93 l/Delia [Delano] p. 212 ./Elizabeth Christine 99 \ Ellen Parmelee 93 (p. ' 10) Emeline Lucy 06 Eva Lendell (Mrs M D Rudd) 96 Fannie Antoinette p. 212 Florence (Mrs F Y Gilbert) p. 212 Hazel Margaret 06 Katharine Beals p. 212 Mabell MeUssa p. 212 Margaret Cooper 03 Mary Augusta 93 Mary Merrow p. 10 Maxfield Mrs (H J Goes) 06 Ruth Anna 05 Sara Josephine 00 Cooke Harte Mrs (C D Sprague) 01 Leila Anna (Mrs G B Maxwell) p. 212 Lucy Ethel 02 / Cookman Gertrude Morris (Mrs Harper Silliman) p. 212 Cooley Caroline [Carrie] Re- becca (Mrs A A Adams) p. 212 Clara Louise (Mrs S M Campbell) 06 Clara White p. 212 Fred Smith Mrs (G C Smith) p. 263 Robert Charles Mrs (H C Mills) 93 Coolidge Cora Helen 92 Helen 00 Marcus Allen Mrs (E L Warren) 96 Sidney Mrs (M L Colt) p. 211 Susan Lois 06 Coonley Laura Amelia p. 212 Lura Sally p. 212 Cooper Caroline Ella p. 212 Elisha Hilliard Mrs (Margaret Miller) p. 245 Gertrude May 06 Mary Louise p. 212 William Orchard Mrs (J D Brumley) 05 Copeland Mary Emma (Mrs J C Kemater) p. 212 William Rogers Mrs (A H Young) 96 Copp Emily Avery 08 Laura Remick p. 212 Corbett Clara Louise (Mrs D S Phelps) 08 Elliott Ruggles Mrs (Alta Smith) 08 Corbin William Lee Mrs (E C Olin) p. 249 Corbusier Harold Dunbar Mrs (Louise Shepard) p. 261 Corey Chester Mrs (S B Humphreys) p. 233 Corey — Continued Emma (Mrs W A Allen) p. 212 Corliss Florence Haskell (Mrs T W Lamont) 93 Cornell Alice p. 212 Helen Gray (Mrs H D French) 98 Comett Gardner Mrs (A B Phillips) p. 252 Cornish Robert Harrison Mrs (I G Skilton) 84 Ross Carleton Mrs (B M Harris) 99 Corns Sarah Ann 86 Corser Theresa Isabel p. 212 Corwith Henry Phelps Mrs (Grace Kennedy) 97 Costelloe B F C Mrs (M W Smith) p. 263 Cotter Julia Theresa 04 Lucia Hosmer p. 212 Cotton Joseph B Mrs (Louise Hubbell) p. 233 Cottrell Cora Mabel (Mrs O S Bass) p. 212 Coudray Frederic J Mrs (A L Wyman) p. 280 Coulter Mabel Post (Mrs Albert Smith) 02 Coursen Aline Toppin 08 Cousalus John Mrs (M F Hamil- ton) p. 227 Covel Abbie Walker 94 Florence p. 212 Ina Frances 97 Covell Carrie Langdon p. 212 Covert William Chalmers Mrs (A B Hudson) p. 233 1/ INDEX 305 Covey F Howard Mrs (J W England) 04 James Garfield Mrs (Katherine Knox) 03 Cowan Edward C Mrs (L B Wells) p. 275 Elaine 03 Irene (Mrs Watson Marshall) p. 212 Cowing Ruth (Mrs G T Scott)107 Cowles William L p. 10 Cowperthwait Agnes Shepard (Mrs H L Houghton) 98 Allan Mrs (E A Byles) 98 Cowperthwaite Edith Adele 08 Cox Edith (Mrs H W Page) p. 212 Francis Maria (Mrs R P Tarr) 00 Margaret Griswold (Mrs F A Wright) 97 Martha Lyman (Mrs W S Bryant) 84 Sybil Lavinia 02 Virginia Roberts (Mrs R S Brank) 06 Coy Jennie [Jane] Evelyn (Mrs Louis Derr) p. 213 S Louise p. 10 Sherman Lockwood Mrs (K B Rising) 01 Coyle Anna [Annie] Stuart (Mrs P M Goodrich) p. 213 Georgianna Dunn (Mrs L H Hall) 98 Susan Edmond 94 Crafts David Mrs (L A E Goodwin) p. 225 Florence Kate 04 Cragin Edwin Bradford Mrs (M R Willard) p. 277 Craig Jean Maria p. 213 Craighead Ethel 98 Cram Benjamin Ralph Mrs (C A Stevens) p. 265 Cramer Stuart Warren Mrs (R W Tinkham) p. 269 Crandall Anna Elizabeth 09 Augusta (Mrs R G Hughston) p. 213 Leona (Mrs O R Hagen) 02 Regina Katherine 90 (p. 10) Crandon Laura Bishop 99 Crane Bertha Marie (Mrs A J Borden) p. 213 Cassie Louise 10 Esther 10 Katharine Priest 97 Laura Vernon (Mrs T F Burgess) 96 Crangle Benjamin Carroll Mrs (L E TarbeU) 98 Cranska Annie Louise (Mrs W A Hill) 02 Cranston Augustine Louise 94 Bertha (Mrs E M Philips) 99 Crapon Cora Geneva p. 213 Crary Marion A (Mrs R V Ingersoll) p. 213 Cravath Elizabeth Northway (Mrs H A Miller) 90 Craven Gertrude 99 Inez Helena 10 Mary S Mrs p. 10 Virginia Coryell 10 Cravioto Carlos Mrs (L M Ryals) 08 Crawiford Leslie Stafford (Mrs J G Hun) 04 Lyndon S Mrs Q G Greenough) 85 Crawford — Continued Rush Pohr Mrs (G A Patten) 08 Sara Letitia (Mrs W F Dana) p. 213 Crawley Melita p. 213 Cray Marguerite 10 Creelman Helen [McBeth] (Mrs J J Jackson) 03 Creevey Elizabeth Hale 05 George Mason Mrs (LM Ellsworth) 01 Crehore Mary Louise (Mrs Fred- erick Bedell) 92 Creighton Emilie (Mrs A T Gould) 04 Cresswell Marion Helen p. 213 Crew , / Caroline Ladd 87 1/ Winona Bell (Mrs W F Wickersham) 90 Criley Katherine May p. 213 Martha 01 Crim Annie Johnston 09 Erma Jane 09 Critcherson Mary Elizabeth (Mrs B H Miller) 01 Crittenden Daisy Laura (Mrs Edward Dyer) p. 213 Lottie Rosabel p. 213 Walter E Mrs (H R Butler) 04 Crocker Augusta Percival (Mrs J V Turner) 85 Avice Webber p. 213 Bertha p. 213 Ella Adell (Mrs D P Abercrombie jr) p. 213 Vesta Leach 09 Crofoot Sara Elizabeth p. 213 Croft William A jr Mrs (N T Stutson) p. 267 306 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Croll Elsie Lydia 01 Cromwell Otelia 00 Cronise Charles Henry Mrs (RFKittredge)p.237 Crook James W p. 10 Crooks Charles Melvis Mrs (A M Marcy) 99 Crosby Anna Katharine 06 Helen Ames (Mrs R C Dobson) 07 Raymond Moreau Mrs (E T Ames) p. 197 Crosier Charles Mrs (Louise Bagg) p. 198 Cross Jane [Jennie] Parthenia (Mrs J P Trull) p. 213 Crossett Ruth Lewis (Mrs Russell Appleton) 04 Crossley Ida Louise p. 213 Crosthwaite Burwell Morgan Mrs (H W Porteous) 02 Croston Rose Elaine 09 Crouse Harvey Sherman Mrs (A A Cass) 02 Julia Munson (Mrs H M Houser) p. 213 Martha Parsons (Mrs Thomas Parsons) 85 Crow Martha Worrell 08 Crowder Thomas Reid Mrs (E W Cadwallader) 91 Crowe Catherine Elizabeth (Mrs M T Holbrook) p. 213 Crowell Delia Susan p. 213 Edward P p. 10 Harold William Mrs (K F Chapman) p. 209 Crowell — Continued Jennie Caroline 95 John F p. 10 Mary Savage (Mrs L B Frieze jr) 84 Minerva Evelyn 01 Wilbur Saunders Mrs (G P Wenham) 94 Crowley Lilian Beatrice p. 213 Crozer Laura Esther 06 Crozier Harriet Sneaden 10 Marion Augusta 10 Cniden Gertrude 07 Cruikshank Alice Dorothy 02 Dwight Phelps jr Mrs (E T Babcock) 05 Maud Mary p. 213 Cryan Albert Newell Mrs (F M Reed) 98 Cubberly George Enyard Mrs (A J Ellis) 03 Cubbon Robert C Mrs (Mary Watkins) 08 Culbertson Roger Goodwin Mrs (Anne Cummins) p. 213 Cull Florence Estey 09 Cullinan Catherine (Mrs J E Sullivan) 89 Ellen Elizabeth p. 213 George Evans Mrs (M E Neyland) p. 248 Culver Charles L Mrs (B H Stevens) p. 265 Cumming Mary Emma (now M C Humstone) 04 Cummings Alice Sylvia (Mrs G K Hudson) 01 Elmer Lincoln Mrs (J C Wheelright) p. 275 Frances Walkley 00 Cummings — Continued Frederick Russell Mrs (Helen Boss) 97 Lillian DePuy (Mrs C N Fitts) p. 213 Mabel Homer 95 Marshall B Mrs (L A Bugbee) 07 Cummins Anne (Mrs R G Culbertson) p. 213 Cimiston Charlotte 08 Cunningham Marie Garvin (Mrs J S Hopkins) p. 213 Marion Hobart (Mrs J D Freeman) p. 214 Nellie 03 Curr Anna Murray Yule (Mrs R B Woodward) 96 Curran John McCoUum Mrs (M R Fuller) 97 Mary Eleanor p. 214 Currier Clare Stennis p. 214 Florence (Mrs Romeo Gould) p. 214 Helen Winifred p. 214 Mary Mehetabel p. 214 Curry Ethel Gertrude (Mrs Goodwin Beach) 07 Curtis Alice Johnson (Mrs F E Mansfield) 05 Alice Louise (Mrs Mott) 02 Carlene Mabelle (Mrs J E Blunt jr) 96 Clinton James Mrs (L M Kimberly) p. 237 Cora Belle p. 214 Elnora Whitman 92 Florence Freeland 10 Frances Florida (Mrs F O Fish) 95 Frank Irving Mrs (E K Freeland) 86 George Lewis Mrs (F S Wilcox) p. 276 Gertrude Freeman (Mrs A K Todd) 03 Helen Very 07 Lena Riley 08 INDEX 307 Curtis — Con tinued'i Louise Hadley 10 Mabel p. 214 Margaret 07 Mary Beach 01 (p. 10) Mary C p. 10 Mary Isabel 03 Curtiss Harold Marshall Mrs (E G Mollis) 00 Maude Somers 96 William E Mrs (L E Judd) p. 235 Curts Cordelia Ruth 07 Cuseck Ellen Frances (Mrs J T Connolly) 04 Gushing Edna 04 Eleanor Philbrook 79 (p. 10) Harry Alonzo Mrs (M E Newton) p. 248 Jane Delia 89 (p. 10) Cushman Hattie Frances p. 214 James Stewart Mrs (V C Scott) 98 Lena Nina (Mrs C H Carroll) p. 214 Margaret Adams 10 Robert Mrs (M R Poland) 96 Ruth Oilman (Mrs W G Anthony) 92 Cutler Anna Alice 85 (p. 10) Eleanor Evelyn (Mrs L M Daggett) 92 Emila Pomeroy p. 214 Ermina Augusta (Mrs Norman Whitney) p. 214 Harriet Isabelle (Mrs E N Blanke) 97 Henrietta Estella (Mrs Raymond Dodge) p. 214 Jane Ruth 92 Lucy Jane (Mrs H W Kellogg) p. 214 Martha Hill 97 Roland Rogers Mrs (M E Goodnow) 99 Cutter Edith Louise 10 Edna 08 Cutter — Continued Ehzabeth Reeve (Mrs D W Morrow) 96 Susan Maria p. 214 Cutts Oliver Frost Mrs (Eugenia Ayer) 08 Czamomska M Elizabeth J 04 (p. 11) Daggett Blanche p. 214 Ethel Augusta 09 Leonard Mayhew Mrs (E E Cutler) 92 Dailey Ada Mary p. 214 Frances Douglass (Mrs E P Johnson) 98 Dakin Wilson Sheldon Mrs (B L Kirkland) 97 Dale Esther Ellen p. 11 Dalrymple Louis A Mrs (P O Struble) 09 William Ferguson Mrs (E H Noyes) p. 249 Damon Edward Orne jr Mrs (G A Mason) 01 Elsie Gushing 06 Emma Josephine (Mrs R T Simison) p. 214 Estella Louise (Mrs R A Warner) 09 Gertrude p. 11 I Newton Mrs (M M Conant) 03 Inez Field p. 214 Lois (Mrs P H Boyn- ton) p. 214 Lucilla Simpson (Mrs H S Oilman) p. 214 Mary B p. 11 William Ward Mrs (M D Searl) 94 Dana Arthur Dwight Mrs (A A Smith) 94 Edward Mrs (H M Dunton) 81 Elizabeth Mabel 04 Helen (Mrs J B Draper) 09 Helen Trask 09 I Dana — Continued Marian Alexander (Mrs W H Mason) 07 Marion 04 Mary (Mrs FL Wheel- er) p. 214 Philip Dana Mrs (Florence Hinkley) 01 Ripley Lyman Mrs (E M Kidder) 04 William Fisher Mrs (S L Crawford) p. 213 Dane Ada Warren (Mrs C N Lovell) p. 214 Ernest Blaney Mrs (H F Pratt) p. 253 Danforth Alice Foster 05 Daniel Frank Joseph Mrs (C J Mitchell) 96 Daniell Elizabeth Dwight p. 214 Frederick Hayward Mrs (M A Barnard) 81 Daniells Ralph Peabody Mrs (H W Kitchel) 01 Daniels Charles Herbert Mrs (M L Underwood) p. 271 Elinor Lothrop 07 George Metcalf Mrs (Antoinette Entwistle) p. 219 Lucy Adaline (Mrs L S Doane) 96 Mary Bryant 82 Susan Elizabeth 83 ,' William C Mrs ^ (E M Turner) p. 271 Danielson Clara Maud p. 214 Dann Editha Lewis p. 214 Darling Corinne Martin (Mrs RH Chambers) p. 215 Ethel Maria 99 Frances (Mrs Edward Niles) 93 Herbert Henry Mrs (H L Brown) 91 308 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Darling — Continued Ida May (Mrs B L Engelke) 97 Laura Keene 09 Mary Louise (Mrs E T Hethrington) 05 Mary Sheddon (Mrs Henry White) p. 215 William Everett Mrs (E E N Sherman) p. 261 Darrah Edna Clare p. 216 Darrin Helen Mary (Mrs C E Robertson) p. 215 Katharine Eliza p. 215 Dart Fanny A Mrs p. 11 Daskam Josephine Dodge (Mrs Selden Bacon) 98 Dauchy Katharine 08 Margaret 10 Daugherty Norval Rogers Mrs (G E Headley) p. 230 d'Autremont Antoinette (Mrs O S Andresen) p. 215 Davenport George H Mrs (M S Sparrow) p. 264 Ruth p. 215 Sarah Bertha 04 Davidson Adeline Theresa 02 Clara Willoughby 05 (p. 11) Eleanor Schureman (Mrs H N White) 01 Elizabeth Matilda 10 Frank Forest Mrs (A W Allen) 90 Helen Buffum (Mrs Bartlett Walton) 08 Mary Richmond 08 Thomas p. 11 Davies John Vipond Mrs (Ruth Ramsey) p. 254 Davis Albert Samuel Mrs (M C Chapin) 06 Archibald Deming Mrs (M P Bowen) p. 204 Davis — Continued Archibald Hunt Mrs (S C Topliff) p. 270 Bertha May (Mrs H D Bone) p. 215 Bradley Moore Mrs (A E Paret) 95 C V Mrs (M L Aikens) 91 Clara [Carter] Louise (Mrs Gerald Mahony) 02 Corinne Woodward (Mrs LG Bradley) 04 David Mrs (E E Melluish) 97 Dorothy Wendell 07 Edith Harriman (Mrs F W ShonteU) p. 215 Edna p. 215 Ellen Rich (Mrs W C Wood) 86 Emily Porter 09 Ethel Hyde (Mrs R A Barnard) p. 215 Ethel May p. 215 Farmie Stearns 04 Frank Loren Mrs (L M Johnston) p. 235 Frank Parker Mrs (E A Kelly) 99 Gilbert Franklin Mrs (A M Hoye) 00 Grace Gilbert (Mrs Walter McDougall) p. 215 Harry B Mrs (J H Edson) p. 218 Helen Louise (Mrs H L Burgess) p. 215 Henrietta (Mrs R W Ferris) p. 215 Herbert E Mrs (E S Mott) 95 Ina Forest (Mrs S H Burgoyne) 93 Josephine Elizabeth 06 Julia Anna (Mrs C F Richmond) 02 Letty Lucile 10 Lizzie Mabel p. 215 Lucy May (Mrs W E Rice) 02 Lydia 09 Margaret Eliza (Mrs C E Ide) 06 Davis — Continued Marshall Mrs (Marguerite Gifford) p. 224 Mary Emily (Mrs E Y WooUey) 95 Mary Isabelle (Mrs Stanley Carleton) 94 Maude Belmont p. 215 May Lamson (Mrs G M Rice) p. 215 Ozora Stearns Mrs (G E Tinker) p. 269 Prudence Augusta p. 215 Davison Helen Leavitt (Mrs B J Lambert) p. 215 Helen Williams (Mrs H F Cleland) 03 Jeannette Bonner p. 215 Mary Lucinda p. 215 i Suvia (Mrs L B Paton) i p. 215 Dawes Anna L p. 7 Dawson Archibald N Mrs (J W Backus) 04 Clara Eliza [Elizabethl (Mrs F A Hauslein) p. 215 Percy Millard Mrs (A W Learned) 94 Day Alice Fairbanks 10 Alice Henrietta 96 Alice Jerome (Mrs H T Cole) p. 215 Alice Wilder 05 Anna Barnes (Mrs P L Hunt) 96 Carrie Elizabeth 87 Charlotte May [Mary] (Mrs M M Dolan) p. 215 Clive Mrs (E D Lewis) 95 Daisy Toles 01 Edith May (Mrs S H Chubb) p. 215 Edna Frances (Mrs G H Blakeslee) 05 Florence (Mrs J R Stevenson) 97 Harriet Burr (Mrs C S Wyckoff) 90 INDEX 309 Day — Continued Harriet Greene (Mrs C R Hansel) 87 Hazel Sanderson (Mrs G W Pike) 04 Jessie Ann (Mrs G S Raley) p. 216 Louise Van Ness 06 Lucy Elizabeth 00 Mary Alma (Mrs E V Manson) p. 216 Daykin Martha Annette p. 216 Dayton Mary Thompson (Mrs W A Huntley) p. 216 Paul K Mrs (A C Griggs) p. 226 Redington Mrs (R S Goodale) p. 225 Dean Agnes Louise 04 Amelia Blanche 07 Dudley Stuart Mrs (K S Raynolds) 95 Eliza Wilson p. 216 Elizabeth Lippincott p. 216 Emma Jane (Mrs W D Hutchins) 85 (p. 11) Frances (Mrs J F Kus- ter) p. 216* Harry Northup Mrs (A E Prentice) 95 Helen Margery (Mrs F M Bogan) 07 Deane Harriet Robinson 89 James Calhoun Mrs (C S Washburn) p. 273 Joseph Griswold Mrs (Rachel Shevelson) 88 Kate Bell (Mrs A E Stearns) p. 216 Mary Louise 00 Dearborn Bernice Walker 06 (p. 11) Debevoise Thomas McElrath Mrs (A F Whitney) p. 276 Decker Elizabeth Cordelia 10 Hiram Edmund Mrs (G F Buell) 89 De Cora Angel (Mrs W H Dietz) p. 216 Deering Ethel Miriam p. 216 Rozella (Mrs W F Good- win) p. 216 de Forest Henry Pelouze Mrs (A C Gilmour) 89 De Forest Charlotte Burgis 01 F M Mrs (W H Ripley) 94 Louise Hyde 07 Sarah Lydia (Mrs W B Pettus) 01 De Golyer Nellie Louise (Mrs Walker Greenleaf) p. 216 De Groat Harry DeWitt Mrs (H L Goodrich) 95 De Hart John Somers jr Mrs (Katharine Seward) p. 260 de la Barre Louise p. 216 Delabarre Cora Estella (Mrs R W Hunter) 00 De Land Helen Parce 92 D eland Frank Stanton Mrs (I F Adams) 96 Delano Sally Haskell 84 De La Vergne Katharine (Mrs A E Stevenson) 05 de Long Helen Bray 10 De Long Ethel Marguerite 01 Delpit Louise p. 11 Demarest Garret H Mrs (Mar- garetta Duncan) 86 Dement Nonie Eleanor p. 216 Demond Anna Louise 02 Helen Keyes (Mrs Albert Robinson) 99 Dempsey Leah Boylan 09 Denham Annie Turton (Mrs C W Pimper) 04 Mary Harriet (Mrs R L Lovelace) 95 Ruth Millicent p. 216 Denison Mrs — (B L Bennett) 95 Eunice Dunbar (Mrs J R Spring) p. 216 Henry Strong Mrs (Jeannette Welch) 07 Isabel Noyes p. 216 Kate [M] p. 216 Leon Hayes Mrs (M R Thacher) p. 269 Rosamond 06 William A Mrs (A L Clough) p. 210 Denman Helen Charlotte 10 Martha Luella (Mrs A S Hanna) p. 216 Dennen Grace Atherton 92 Dennett Daniel Clement Mrs (E G Redfern) 97 Dennis Alfred Lewis Prince Mrs (M B Cable) p. 207 Alfred Pearce p. 11 De Normandie Sara Yardley 91 Derby AHce Hubbard (Mrs H R Lang) p. 216 Joseph A Mrs (L D Bariow) 99 Warren Eveleth Mrs (Gertrude James) 90 De Ridder Belle (Mrs G H Ames) p. 216 De Riemer Alice p. 216 Dering Charlotte Ray (Mrs E S Barkwill) 99 De Rochemont Marie 01 De Rose Charles Anthony Mrs (H A Williams) 98 310 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Den- Louis Mrs (J E Coy) p. 213 Dervin Teresa Rose 03 Deshon Marjorie 09 d'Este Elise p. 216 Detmold Amy 09 Devanney Daniel William Mrs (Kate Hanrahan) p. 228 Devereux Isabel E Mrs p. 11 Devin Ethel Wyatt 94 De Vol Mary Frances (Mrs W C Wilcox) 88 Devoll Ida Eugenia (Mrs C A French) 80 I>ewey Frank A Mrs (E S Prouty) p. 254 Grace Mortimer (Mrs J A Ross) p. 216 Lucia Coyle (Mrs F C Woermann) 02 Mary p. 216 Mildred Winslow (Mrs W C Hay) 01 Sarah Stanley p. 216 William Child Mrs (E E Flynt) p. 222 Dewing Winifred Woodford 02 Dexter Florence Jeannette 10 Russell Eugene Mrs (M L Smith) 01 Dey Donald Mrs (M E Du- guid) 84 (p. 7) Diall Oliver Norton Mrs (Arta Smythe) p. 264 Diamond William Carrell Mrs (E W Vanderbilt) 02 Dibble Clara May 07 Mary Frances (Mrs Everett Smith) 81 v Dice Elizabeth Lind 05 Dick Ernst Mrs (Virginia Holbrook) p. 232 Mabel Eleanor p. 216 Mary Irene p. 216 Dickerman Amy Eliot 00 (p. 11) Elizabeth Street 94 Gilbert Greene Mrs (R N BuUis) 05 Dickey Maurice Woodbum Mrs (L M Melius) 98 Dickinson Bessie Marsh (Mrs H H Clutia) p. 216 Elizabeth (Mrs C H Bowker) 09 Ethel May (Mrs E W Beattie jr) 98 Evelina [EveHne] 83 Louise 05 Martha Gilbert (Mrs Bianchi) p. 216 William Reynolds Mrs (A M Wilson) 06 Dickson James Mrs (M W Tewksbury) 93 Louie Eleanor 07 Diebitsch Emil Mrs (R F Watterson) 93 Diehl Grace Chandler p. 216 Dieter Margaret Albertina 10 Dietrich Ruth Lucile 09 Dietz William Henry Mrs (Angel De Cora) p. 216 Dike Alice Norton 96 Elizabeth Anderson 01 Florence Blanchard (Mrs J B Reynolds) p. 216 Francis Harold Mrs (M G Hayes) p. 229 Samuel W p. 11 Dill Emma Hansell (Mrs Gordon Grand) 04 Helen Brooks p. 217 Dill — Continued Hope (Mrs J H Raney) 02 James B p. 7 Dillon I / Harriet Martha 00 / Josephine p. 217 Katherine Louise 01 Mae [May] Lucile (Mrs L R Carter) 98 Dimick Esther p. 217 Dinkel John F Mrs (C B Rosebrooks) p. 257 Dinsmore Mabel Lee 04 Divine Jeannette (Mrs Chester Young) p. 217 Dix Charles B Mrs (M L Rugge) p. 258 Dixon Elizabeth Marguerite 06 EUzabeth Susan p. 217 Florence 08 Frank Haigh Mrs (A L Tucker) 95 John Byron Mrs (E A Green) 02 John Edward Mrs (M E Sherman) 01 Margaret Elizabeth 95 Doane Arthur Gray Mrs (C E Fay) p. 220 Caroline Ida (Mrs R F Miner) 89 Jessie 03 Levi Stevens Mrs (L A Daniels) 96 Marion Evans p. 217 Dobbin Margaret Hill p. 217 Dobson Henry Thomas Mrs (M E Avery) p. 198 Robert Cairns Mrs (H A Crosby) 07 Dodd Marian Elza 06 Dodge Anna Marion 99 Caroline Louise 90 Charlotte Peabody 06 INDEX 311 Dodge — Continued David Mills Mrs (PA Lancaster) p. 238 Ellen (Mrs E H Scott) 97 Everett Francis Mrs (F A Grey) 08 Gardner Mrs (I C Adams) p. 196 Louise (Mrs C L Whit- aker) 05 Louise Varnum p. 217 Margaret Augusta p. 217 Margaret Nutter 09 Mary Elvira p. 217 Raymond Mrs (H E Cutler) p. 214 Doggett Allan Barrows Mrs (M L Rogers) p. 257 Dolan Martin M Mrs (C M Day) p. 215 Dole Catherine Augusta 91 Julia Lenore 09 Mary Mitchell p. 217 Miriam Drummond 00 Sarah Elizabeth [Sara L] 86 Donaldson Henry Herbert Mrs (Emma Brace) p. 204 Donnell Dorothy 09 Rachel Eleanor 10 Donohoe Ellen Beatrix p. 217 Marie Lois 05 Donovan Grace Dorothy 05 Marianna Louise 05 Doolittle Clara Sterling (Mrs HR Parsons) 97 Dooly Eleanor Frances (Mrs Ernest Bamberger) 01 Doris Mary Monica 08 Don- Cora Louise (Mrs F H Miller) 93 Marion Harvey 08 Percy Orrin Mrs (M H Lee) 09 Dorsey Francis Oswald Mrs (E M Smith) p. 263 Doty Frederick Vance Mrs (F E Olmsted) p. 249 [Helen] Harriet Parkes (Mrs Walter Wray) 88 Madeleine Zabriskie 00 Doughy Antoinette Varick 08 Douglas Donald Pierson Mrs (V A Wiley) p. 277 Gertrude Elizabeth 04 Helen Lea (Mrs E A Vaughan) p. 217 Maude Harris (Mrs James Hopkins) p. 217 Nellie Woods (Mrs F A Ellis) p. 217 Douglass Alice Maud 01 Hazel Ives 09 Kate Sherrill p. 217 Dow Ada Florence 03 Alberta Gallatin (Mrs ' Fletcher Goodwill) p. 217 Alice Minerva (Mrs T W Allinson) p. 217 Alva Morrison Mrs (C G Hilliard) 07 Ethel Robinson 07 Florence Estelle (Mrs Dana Estes) 99 Frederick Thompson Mrs (MM Skinner) 03 Helen Katherine 07 Marion Durant (Mrs W C Eaton) 93 Mary Windsor 08 Dowe Warren K Mrs (E B Haskell) p. 229 Dowlin Fred Forest Mrs (J B Bingham) 98 Dowling Cora Inis 00 Florence Louise (Mrs F G Olp) 02 Grace Boorman p. 217 (p. 11) Downing John Franklin Mrs (J E Burnham) 90 Nellie (Mrs E W Howard) p. 217 Downs Frederick D Mrs (F C Sheldon) 08 Dowsett David A Mrs (Florence Batterson) 08 Drabble Robert Fife Mrs (M T Vance) 99 Drake Edith Allen (Mrs W L Hyde) 03 Frances Hobbs (Mrs E A Sammis) 97 Harriet Frances 02 Nima Hodsdon (Mrs AVCasselman)p.217 Persis PhilHps p. 217 Stella Dorothy 98 Draper Charlotte Hartley 09 Edward ElHott Mrs (Jessamine Kimball) 01 James Battles Mrs (Helen Dana) 09 Warren Fales Mrs (M G Maxon) 06 William Franklin jr Mrs (F E Welch) p. 275 Dresser Angle Mary (Mrs J S Cole jr) 98 Drew Emily Fuller 03 Katharine van Valken- burgh 10 Marion 92 [^ Drinkwater Frederick A W Mrs (A W Hill) 99 Droste Louise Charlotte 01 Dniry Miriam 99 Samuel Dwight Mrs (C F Hough) 87 Dryer Clare Mary (Mrs J L Wick jr) p. 217 312 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Drysdale James William Mrs (T W Reed) 89 Du Bois Anne Lamson (Mrs CW Hodges) 01 Coert Mrs (M B Mendell) 04 Lilian (Mrs H K Wheeler) 88 Mary Susan 93 Yettie Antoinette (Mrs W D Ballantine) p. 217 Duck Berkley Wilson Mrs (L M Spann) p. 264 Duckworth Alice France (Mrs G W Pearson) 01 Ellen Burrows (Mrs E W Trull) 96 Dudley Ellen (Mrs Robert Wal- lace) p. 217 Rose 08 Duell Mary Louise! (Mrs Otto Kean) p. 217 Duff John Mrs (R H Duncan) 98 Duff 66 Doris p. 217 Gladys Smith 07 Duffey Cherrie Edna 07 Dugan Edith May 96 Ethel Rae 10 Duggan Ellen Hedican (Mrs T M Connor) 01 Mary Elizabeth 99 Duguid Harriet Eliza (MrsGL Amerman) p. 217 Mary Evelyn (Mrs Donald Dey) 84 Dumper Arthur Mrs (G C Sargent) p. 259 Dunbar Frederick W Mrs (Annie W h el d e n ) p. 275 Helen Lincoln 09 Dunbar — Continued Helen Otis 09 Olivia Howard 94 Ruth 08 Duncan Albert G Mrs (F C Oilman) p. 224 Alice Boorum (Mrs MacGregor Jenkins) 98 Annie Holbrook 01 George Martin Mrs (M A Carter) 86 James Cameron Mrs (J G Fuller) 86 Mabel Ticknor p. 217 Margaretta (Mrs G H Demarest) 86 Ruth Harland (Mrs John DuflF) 98 Dunham Ella Mosher (Mrs L L Moore) 06 George Lora Mrs (G E Hawley) p. 229 (Mrs J A Gould) 00 Jennie Rainsford (Mrs H M Richards) p. 218 Dunkerson Louise (Mrs S L Orr) p. 218 Dunlop Hannah (Mrs B C Andrews) 04 Dunmore Clara Treadway (Mrs G I Hovey) p. 218 Dunn Agnes Maud 09 Annie Elizabeth 03 Kate Clark (Mrs Wil- liam Spalding) 84 Katherine p. 218 Mary Louise (Mrs F D Spaulding) 08 Dunne Olive Henderson 06 Dunning Frederick Uhlmann Mrs (E P Klock) 99 Morton Dexter Mrs (M K Ward) 97 Dunton Ada Lamira (Mrs C B Ross) p. 218 Edith Kellogg 97 Emily Morgan 02 Dimton — Continued Florence Prouty 03 Harriette Mandana (Mrs Edward Dana) 81 Mary Baxter 06 Miriam Munson (Mrs C A Simpson) p. 218 Dupee Helen p. 218 Dupuy Helen Agnes 07 Durand Mabel Edna (Mrs F W Pine) 96 Ruth (Mrs W M Lewis) p. 218 Durbin Harvev R Mrs (E M Harris) 04 Durflinger Florence Imogene 03 Durgin Florence (Mrs M L C Wilmarth) p. 218 Durkee Emma West 01 Helen Winslow 02 Durward George Mrs (E L Felch) p. 220 Duryea Francis Wright Mrs (G C Wolcott) 95 Sara Sefton (Mrs C D Hazen) 96 Duryee Alice 02 Margaret Elmendorf 04 Dustan Grace Nichols (Mrs J S Rawson) 97 Dustin Anne Rogers (Mrs N S Bacon) 94 Florence (Mrs A S Burnham) 97 Litz (Mrs A L Rust) 96 Nette [Nita Ford] 95 Dutcher Mary Stranahan (Mrs O S Carroll) 04 Dutton Lillian p. 218 Martha Sweet 95 Maude Barrows (Mrs Frederick Lynch) 03 INDEX 313 1/ Duval Delphine p. 11 Dwight Adelaide Susan 00 Alice Evelyn p. 218 Annie Waterman (Sister Annette) p. 218 Bertha Woolsey (Mrs C B Cole) 91 Julia Strong Lyman 93 Marion Edith 10 Marion McGregor 88 Dwinnell Clifton Howard Mrs (E A Marshall) 96 Dyar Gladys Eleanor 08 Nora Gertrude (Mrs F W R von L ter Meulen) 97 (p. 11) Dyer Edward Mrs (D L Crit- tenden) p. 213 Josephine Tyler (Mrs R H Johnston) p. 218 Lora Genevieve 03 Walter A Mrs (M W Childs) 05 Walter Alden Mrs (E T Childs) 01 Winifred Henderson 10 Eads Charles Blackwell Mrs (E M Barnes) p. 199 Eager Louise p. 218 Eames Ella Florence (Mrs E E Wood jr) 83 Harriet Murdock (Mrs A J Lauder) p. 218 Earle Charles Henry Mrs (J M Perry) 90 Eastman Alice Alvera (Mrs S I Keeler) p. 218 Bessie [Elizabeth] 86 Clyde Leslie Mrs (M F Holmes) 06 Emma (Mrs E R God- frey) 99 Fanny Mears 99 Lucius Root jr Mrs (E L Hills) 96 Lucy Hays p. 218 Eastman — Continued Maria Rebecca 82 Mary 86 (p. 11) 1/ Mary Bentley (Mrs H W Whittemore) 94 Easton Ruth p. 218 Eastwood Alice Laura 02 Eaton Alberta Louise p. 218 Annie Thaxter 03 Clarace Goldner (Mrs T F Gait) 99 Ella Elizabeth (Mrs A C Gill) 80 (p. 11) Emma Florence 96 Ethelwyn (Mrs C F Read) p. 218 George May p. 218 Helen Maria (Mrs F O Hudson) p. 218 Isabel 88 (p. 11) John Nicholson Mrs (A L Allen) 99 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs A M Beckwith) p. 218 Mary Emma 95 Mary Field (Mrs E B Foth) 93 Mary Laurette p. 218 William Colby Mrs (M D Dow) 93 Eckelmann Ernst Otto p. 11, Eckerson Sophia Hennion 05 (p. 11) Eckstorm Jacob Andreasen Mrs (F P Hardy) 88 Eddy Caroline Simmons (Mrs W A Hosley) p. 218 Elizabeth 10 Henry Francis Mrs (E A Willard) 07 Jessica Louise p. 218 Louis Oscar Mrs (M L Harber) p. 228 Marjorie Kneeland 09 Mary Billings 07 Edgar Louise 08 Edgcomb Jennie Florence 00 Edge Florence Matilda 08 Edgerly Louise Graves p. 218 Marion Cooper (Mrs A H Bill) p. 218 Edgerton Lillian p. 218 Edmands Marian Elizabeth 07 Edson Julia Harris (Mrs H B Davis) p. 218 Suzane Grace 07 Edwardes Ethel lone (Mrs C W Fryhofer) 02 Edwards Adelaide Frances Dyer (Mrs F N Kneeland) p. 218 Alfred Dunton Mrs (M E Peck) 01 Anna Williams (Mrs G E Coleman) 88 F Boyd Mrs (J F McCarroll) 03 Florence Madaline p. 219 Grace Judson p. 219 Harriet Smith (MrsHW Foster) p. 219 Helen Louise p. 219 Margaret MacLaren 08 Nellie Eliza (Mrs Frank Snyder) p. 219 Richard Elbert Mrs (Marie Stuart) 01 Eells Emma Louise (Mrs J S Kelley) p. 219 Egbert Alice Edith (Mrs J C Howell) 02 Egerton Esther 09 Eggleston Charlotte 00 George Mahon Mrs (Amy Whittington) 95 Isabella (Mrs W A Fitch) 95 Ehrich Lilian Ida (Mrs C A Riegelman) 04 314 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Eisemann Ludwig Mrs (Selma Weil) 02 Eisenbrey Clara Morse p. 11 Ekins Grove Frederic Mrs (G L Champion) 02 Elbert Samuel Bass Mrs (W P Clark) 05 Elden Mary Philbrick (Mrs Shailer Mathews) p. 219 Elder Ella Louise Mrs p. 11 Joseph Ayres Mrs (M L Potter) 98 Marjorie Louise (Mrs G S Stevenson) 02 Mary Katharine p. 219 Eldred Stella Rennie 00 Eldridge Juha Ortentia p. 219 Stanley Hall Mrs (E N Fish) 00 Eliot Mary 08 Ruth Forbes 08 Elkins Wendell Phillips Mrs (R D Conro) 95 EUingwood Louie Hooke (Mrs D O Swan) p. 219 Elliot NeUie Grant (Mrs E W Freeman) p. 219 Elliott Mrs — (B M Kennedy) p. 236 Alice Washburn (Mrs T A Brown) p. 219 Elizabeth Jane p. 219 Elsie Cady (Mrs A A Roff) p. 219 Ethel p. 11 Fannie Munn p. 219 Lucy MacMillan 06 Luther Forrester Mrs (H B Hill) 86 Virginia Marie 07 ElUs Anna Hale p. 219 Annie Jones (Mrs G E Cubberly) 03 Ellis — Continued Edith Almira (Mrs H E Getchel) 99 Edith Zeruiah (Mrs H A Wentworth) 06 Flora Fames p. 219 Frank Adams Mrs (N W Douglas) p. 217 Grace p. 219 Louise (MrsFW Baldwin jr) 06 Marian (Mrs O B Gilbert) 06 Martha Elizabeth (Mrs G F Parmenter) 00 Mary p. 11 Mary Elizabeth 96 Mary Lunette 09 Myrtle Eva (Mrs G B Robertson) p. 219 William Shewell Mrs (A M James) p. 234 Ells Arthur F Mrs (Dorothea Gross) 04 Ellsworth Helen Clare 08 Lucy Morris (Mrs G M Creevey) 01 Ellwood Mary Patience (Mrs J H Lewis) p. 219 Elmendorf Louise Frelinghuysen 09 Elmer Blanche Annie Davis (Mrs A P Hoover) p. 219 Edith (Mrs A N Wood) 90 Samuel Lewis Mrs (Helen Shoemaker) 01 Eltinge I B Mrs (L A Schadee) p. 259 Elwell Edith Madeleine (Mrs E J Rouse) 00 Ely Edith Goodhue 02 Elsie Lucile p. 219 Henry Gilbert Mrs (R M Brooks) p. 205 Ely — Continued William Grosvenor jr Mrs (Alice Clute) 91 William S Mrs (H L Gamwell) 87 Emerick Charles FrankHn p. 11 Emerson Abbie Belle p. 219 Benjamin K p. 11 Benjamin Kendall Mrs (A H Seelye) 89 Benjamin Kendall jr Mrs (J D Sewall) 97 Charlotte Frelinghuy- sen (Mrs A W Hitch- cock) 95 (p. 11) Edith Wellington 00 Ella May 05 Ellen Tucker 01 Emilie EHzabeth (Mrs G R Montgomery) 97 Emily Sophia 05 George Waldo Mrs (S M Hood) 01 Jennie Foster (Mrs A E Burnham) 02 Jennie [Jane] Little (Mrs Thomas Mc- Mullen) 01 Josephine Burt 08 Louise Ruth (Mrs Her- man Kotzschmar) p. 219 Malleville Wheelock 08 Marguerite Eliza 04 Mary p. 219 Maud Lenore (Mrs C C Fitts) p. 219 Paul Eliot Mrs (G E Vary) p. 272 Emery Clifton Sawyer Mrs (E M Bigelow) 00 Emma Darling (Mrs E F Murch) 00 Robert P Mrs (A P Bixby) p. 202 Emmons Harold Hunter Mrs (M C Scotten) p. 260 Harriet Sara p. 219 Lorena Bates 09 Emory Carrie Jane p. 219 Endicott Annie Blake p. 219 INDEX 315 v Engelke Bernard L Mrs (I M Darling) 97 England Edith Jackson (Mrs H M Wood) p. 219 Josephine Winifred (Mrs F H Covey) 04 Englesby William Hudson Mrs (M C French) p. 223 Enos Arthur Benjamin Mrs (M J Harlow) p. 228 Enright Anna Hyland 06 Elizabeth Evelyn 08 Ensign Mary Louise (Mrs F W Catlin) 81 Entwistle Antoinette (Mrs G M Daniels) p. 219 Eppendorf Lina p. 220 Ernst Clara Louise 02 Erving William Gage Mrs (Emma Lootz) 97 Erwin Blanche 03 Myra 05 Eschenburg Elizabeth p. 220 Eshbaugh Mary Genevieve p. 220 Esselstyn Charles Mrs (Helen Peirce) 91 Estabrook Jane Dodge (Mrs A W Ewell) 96 Margaret Clarissa 04 Millicent Barrett 95 Esterbrook Edith Marsh 98 Estes Dana Mrs (F E Dow) 99 Florence Elva p. 220 Jean Louisa (Mrs Marr) 93 Esty WilHam C p. 11 Etheridge Fanny Sarah (Mrs J MacG Grant) 94 Eustaphieve Alexander A Mrs (Olive Mowat) p. 247 Evans Abbie Ayres p. 220 Ada Lesure (Mrs A D Howes) 10 Alice 05 Alice Robinson (Mrs W G Miller) p. 220 Bernice p. 220 Dorothy (Mrs L F Nobles) 07 Helen Barbour 10 Helena Cherry p. 220 Laura Livingston (Mrs H F Jordan) 94 Louise 04 Marion (Mrs Edward Stan wood jr) 03 Rowland Watkins Mrs (A F Tryner) p. 270 Winifred Margaret 08 Evarts Harold Chester Mrs (Lorraine Comstock) p. 211 Everett Amy King 08 Edith Mary 03 Herbert E p. 11 Martha Elizabeth (Mrs C E St John) 88 Samuel Andrews Mrs (M G Miller) p. 245 Everhard Ethel Rebecca (Mrs C A Schmettan) p. 220 Eversman Walter A Mrs (G L Greenhalgh) 04 Ewell Arthur Woolsey Mrs (J D Estabrook) 96 Ewing Addison Alvord Mrs (E [A] Learoyd) 92 Spencer Mrs (Lena Ullrich) 96 Eynard Camille Baronne (S S Hyde) 00 Fab ens Marguerite Adelaide (Mrs Clifford Lakin- Smith) 03 Fagnant Anna Marie 07 Failing Ernestine 07 Fairbairn J F Mrs (Helen Springer) p. 265 Rhys Dakers Mrs (I D Aikens) p. 196 Fairbank Mary Darling 99 Rose (Mrs L H Beals) 95 Fairbanks Alice Russell (Mrs W A Frye) p. 220 Almira Taylor p. 220 Charlotte 94 Dorothy 10 Lucy (Mrs J C Alvord) 91 Marion (Mrs C A Adams) 03 Fairbrook Joseph Henry Mrs (I V Smith) 95 Fairchild Kate Kellogg 05 Nellie Rebecca 98 Fairfield Mabel Edna (Mrs J E Kershaw jr) p. 220 Falconer Helen p. 220 Falding Phyllis 08 Fales Edith Elizabeth 02 Katharine Mildred (Mrs R B Stoeckel) p. 220 Leal May (Mrs P N Hall) 01 Fallows Alice Katharine 97 Farley Frank Cheney Mrs (E G Beers) p. 201 Sarah Matilda 90 William F Mrs (Helen Jarvis) p. 234 William T Mrs (M A Thayer) p. 269 Farman Mary Catharine 08 Nell Day 05 316 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE A8SOCLA.TION Farmer Edith Hosmer (Mrs E R Lowndes) p. 220 Farquhar Frederick George Mrs (F A Parker) 98 Sarah EUzabeth p. 220 Farr Flora Anna (Mrs T J Morrow) p. 220 Hazen Leroy Mrs (Edith Burbank) 01 Farrar Caroline Frances p. 220 Sarah Brainard p. 220 Farrell Agnes 02 Farrill Ethel Alyne 08 Farrington Leander Morton Mrs (B E Clough) 01 Mabel Idell 97 Margaret Vere Mrs p. 220 Farwell Catherine Arvilla (Mrs E R Hyde) 98 Fassett Alice Elizabeth p. 220 Anne Morrill 96 James Hiram Mrs (B C Smith) 93 Mary Adams (Mrs S J Sutherland) 01 Fast Louise [Louisa] Kim- ball 98 Faulkner Alice 06 Bessie Kellogg p. 220 Charles Edward jr Mrs (C E Mann) 02 Fauntleroy Anne Magill p. 11 Favinger Charles Luff Mrs (Alice Poore) p. 253 Fawcett Edna Hague 01 Faxon Nathaniel Wales Mrs (M B Conant) 04 Fay Clara Evangeline (Mrs A G Doane) p. 220 Edith Marion (Mrs E F Hilliker) p. 220 Fay — Continued Gertrude (Mrs Marcus Lothrop) p. 220 Grace Louisa (Mrs E W Whalen) p. 220 Julia Elizabeth p. 220 Julia Pike (Mrs C D Heywood) p. 220 Lillian Watkins 87 Mary Caroline (Mrs J L Merrick) 93 Robert Hamilton Mrs (Tassel Singleton) p. 262 Faye Georgina Ransom p. 220 Fayerweather Frederick Oakley Mrs (M R Ryle) p. 258 Ruth (Mrs C E Brooks) 01 Fearey Bessie p. 11 Fechheimer Frederic Mrs (Louise Meyer) 01 Federer Alice 09 Felch Emma Laura (Mrs George Durward) p. 220 Fellows Helen 06 Margaret AUine 10 Marguerite (Mrs F G Melcher) 01 May Fanny [Fannie] p. 221 Felt Marion 07 Felton Fannie Ethel 07 Fennell Guinevere 10 Fenton Josephine Agnes 08 Ferguson Marion (Mrs R H Hubbell) p. 221 Fermier Emile Terome Mrs (N E Barnhart) p. 200 Femald Ethel Frances 02 Mary p. 221 Ferrell Abigail Lucy 05 Ferrin Abbe Frances 10 Ferris Ada Josephine (Mrs B F Liggett) p. 221 Amy 01 Bertha May (Mrs H E Todd) p. 221 Dorothy Latham p. 221 Frank A jr Mrs (J A Bolster) 01 Mortimer Yale Mrs (EUzabeth Leavitt) 02 Raymond West Mrs (Henrietta Davis) p. 215 Ferriss Henry Theodore Mrs (E G Piatt) 02 Margery (Mrs N M Semple) 02 Ferry E Hayward Mrs (AG Parsons) 85 yfedward M Mrs (Isabelle H err man) p. 221 Newell Simmons Mrs (C W Taylor) 00 Fessenden Alice Grosvenor 03 William Mrs (A M Mehan) 84 Fiedler Clara Gertrude (Mrs C A Newborn) p. 221 Field Bertha Frances 95 Charlotte Hamilton p. 221 Elizabeth Peck (Mrs J L Field) 93 Georgie Louise 03 Grace Bowers (Mrs G E Spottiswoode) 93 Juanita Emily 10 Judson Leon Mrs (E P Field) 93 Kirke Hart Mrs (M L Howard) p. 232 Leila Alberta p. 221 Mabel Hichborn p. 221 Mary Bates 04 Maude Elizabeth p. 221 INDEX 317 Field— Continued Myra Stebbins (Mrs W E Walker) p. 221 Fielden Joseph Flanders Mrs (A G Gardner) 82 Fielding Frederick G Mrs (A L Starbuck) p. 265 Fifield Ethel Frances (Mrs L R Brooks) 95 FUer Grace Lillian 10 Fillebrown Helen Thomas 06 Winthrop Mrs (E P Hammond) 98 Fillmore Mabel Noyes 09 Finch I / Delia Maria 98 / Edith p. 221 ^ Ruth Stella 06 Fincke Charles Louis Mrs (M I Brown) 98 Findley Edwin Leigh Mrs (Maud Kinsley) 95 Grace Helen (Mrs C A Vogt) p. 221 Fine Jean Gurney (Mrs C B Spahr) 83 Finkbine Anna 10 Finncane Jack Mrs (H F Murphy) 07 Finney Clara Belle (Mrs W B Carver) 95 Firestone J H Mrs (Elizabeth Gund) p. 226 Fischer Faith Avery (Mrs N L Johnson) 00 Fiscus Margaret Elizabeth p. 221 Fish Elizabeth Rowe (Mrs A J Campbell) p. 221 Ethel Norcross (Mrs S H Eldridge) 00 Fish — Continued Franklin Wakefield Mrs (A M Ashworth) 01 Fred Ober Mrs (F F Curtis) 95 Lavarah Dwinel (Mrs P A Wheaton) p. 221 Fisher Ad^le Meserve (Mrs Edward Marsh) p. 221 Alice Evelyn 97 Annie Augusta (Mrs O S Johnson) p. 221 Clarence Lyon Mrs (M R Ingals) p. 234 Edgar Alexander Mrs (M C Baker) 86 ; Edith 03 '/Edith Winifred p. 221 Edwin Clarence Mrs (M I Bartlett) p. 200 Elizabeth Campbell (Mrs Howard Clay) 92 Emma Catherine 98 Florence Lyon 05 G E Mrs (M E Plack) 88 Harry Ernest Mrs (A A Burns) 07 Katherine Ferguson (Mrs H E Miller) p. 221 Mary Balberine 01 Mary Emma (Mrs G C Bosson jr) p. 221 Mary Preston (Mrs E P Seymour) p. 221 Sara Lawrence 01 Fisk Elizabeth Samantha 95 John Mrs (E R Slaght) p. 262 John Meeker Mrs (N H Leach) p. 239 Joseph Baker jr Mrs (G E Breckenridge) 97 Nina Perry (Mrs F U Paris) 84 Fiske Fanny Howe 09 Ida Mabel p. 221 Mavida 03 Samuel A p. 11 Fitch Laura Forbes (Mrs Charles McQuiston) p. 221 Walter Allen Mrs (Isabella Eggleston) 95 Fitts Charles N Mrs (L De P Cummings) p. 213 Clarke Gushing Mrs (M L Emerson) p. 219 Fitz Ellen Mary p. 11 Fitzgerald Cora Belle p. 221 Eleanor Elizabeth 08 Irene 08 Mabel Louise (Mrs Charles Wickwire) p. 222 Flagg Edith Mabelle 06 Gertrude Eusebia 93 Lenora Enid p. 222 Flanders Mary Eliza (Mrs J H Howard) p. 222 Flannery Margaret 09 Flather Beatrice Grace 05 Ruth Patience (Mrs W N MacBriar) 06 Fleming Daniel J Mrs (J E Cole) 97 Flershem Albertine Whitney (Mrs J L Valentine) 97 Fletcher Carleton A Mrs (D E Lord) p. 241 Elizabeth Le Baron p. 222 Katharine Ogden 00 Laurel Louise (Mrs N B Tarkington) 00 Mabel 85 Mabel 89 Mary p. 222 Ruth Morrison (Mrs W C Common) 06 318 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION |/. Flint George Henry Mrs (M P Storm) p. 266 Georgiana Elizabeth 06 Flower Olive 01 Floyd Cleveland Mrs (H L Goodwin) 00 Ernest Eldred Mrs (H L Vanderhoof ) 95 James L Mrs (Sarah Wilson) p. 278 Flynt Ella Eudocia (Mrs W C Dewey) p. 222 Fobes Harold Bartlett Mrs (E H Arnold) 98 Olive Northrop 09 Fogarty Catherine Elizabeth 02 Fogle James Underbill Mrs (Amanda Harter) 99 Foley Edna (Mrs C V San- ford) p. 222 Edna Lois 01 Margaret Baker 90 FoUett Harriet Hopkins 07 Folsom Arthur James Mrs (M L Chamberlin) 99 Bertha Carrie (Mrs R L Mann) 03 Helen Christian (Mrs E W Swift) 90 Henry H Mrs (M R Hardy) 96 Martha Thayer (Mrs L E Marple) 92 Folwell Philip Donald Mrs (M B Chambers) 04 Foot Mary Alice (Mrs James Lord) 07 Foote Edward A Mrs (E S Urner) p. 271 Ethelwyn (Mrs J S Bennett) 97 Henry Lewis Mrs (H E Risley) 86 Foote — Continued Isabella Southworth (Mrs W S Pinkham) 96 Mary Ellen p. 222 Susan Emily (Mrs G H Backus) 96 Thomas Heermans Mrs (M M Barton) 88 Forbes Charles E p. 7 Clara Belle (Mrs A G Allen) p. 222 Elizabeth Cornelia p. 222 Esther Bradford p. 222 Ethel Louise p. 222 Florence Dorothy 09 George Ostrum Mrs (M E Barnes) p. 199 Grace Mucia p. 222 Lillian Albertina Gor- don (Mrs C A L Wright) 97 Louise Holt (Mrs E G Nellis) 07 Vivien Jean 09 Force Marian Forsyth p. 222 Forcier May 08 Ford Clara Ray 08 Elisabeth Valentine (Mrs W L Bacon) p. 222 Everett Leander Mrs (M E Campbell) 07 Florence Stella p. 222 Helene Lillian p. 222 Mignonne 06 Mildred Elm (Mrs F M Cobb) 01 Fordyce William Chadwick Mrs (Christine Orrick) p. 249 Forepaugh Edith 01 Forest Katherine 05 Forman Evelyn Jean (Mrs A E Clerihew) 83 Frank Bridge Mrs (F M Harrison) 83 Forrest Edith p. 222 Virginia (Mrs V N Lucia) 90 Forsyth Anne Louise 01 Herbert Mrs (M L Rix) p. 256 Forte Eva Sophie 99 Fosdick Harry Emerson Mrs (F A Whitney) 00 Lucy (Mrs C S Minot) p. 222 Mary p. 11 Nellie 01 Sarah Woodbury p. 222 Foskett Emma Kellogg p. 222 Mary Page (Mrs G C Boswell) 87 Foss Harriet Campbell p. 222 Ida Clift p. 222 yRuth Brewster (Mrs '' LLeR Brewer) p. 222 Foster Mrs — (L W Kendall) 95 Alice Harrison (Mrs F H McCulloch) 06 Alice May (Mrs E W Blodgett) p. 222 Annie Louisa Ardagh (Mrs D A Murray) 00 Claire Pearl (Mrs F J Rahe) 01 David Mrs (C S Bell) 99 Eleanor (Mrs Robert Lansing) p. 222 Esther Perley p. 222 Eva Cornelia (Mrs W L Righter) 00 Gertrude p. 222 Harry Walter Mrs (H S Edwards) p. 219 Jennie Groendyke 97 Leila Lincoln 98 Lucy Chapman (Mrs H C Weare) p. 222 Margaret Harlow (Mrs M W Melcher) 06 Mary Louise 91 (p. 11) Minnie Winchell 00 INDEX 319 Foster — Continued Nellis Barnes Mrs (J C Morris) 98 Olive Grant p. 222 Sheila 09 Vesta Raven (Mrs H E Board) 08 William T jr Mrs (E W Colman) p. 211 Foth Erdman B Mrs (M F Eaton) 93 Fothergill Henry Robinson Mrs (B G Quigley) p. 254 Fowle Josephine Russell p. 223 Julia Henrietta p. 223 Fowler Ernestine (Mrs W H Adamson) 04 Esther Brigham p. 223 Florence Strong (Mrs E M Bradley) p. 223 George Starkweather Mrs (M L Woodruff) 07 Jeannette Elizabeth (Mrs C J Geer) 96 Jessie Agnes 95 Mary Pickering 98 Robert True Mrs (A E Barrows) p. 200 Fox Eleanor Beatrice 06 Grace Madeline (Mrs J M Smith) p. 223 Helen Augusta (Mrs Warner Thompson) p. 223 Horace Mrs (G L Bartlett) p. 200 Pauline Saxton (Mrs J S Murdock) p. 223 Philip Reginald Mrs (Katharine Brigham) 00 William Henry Mrs (M T Stevens) p. 265 Frame Virginia Woodson (Mrs J W Church) 99 Francis Vida Hunt 92 William Thomas Mrs (K [C] M Scott) p. 260 Frank Klara Elisabeth (Mrs G A Smith) 03 Marion Benney 05 Minna p. 223 Sonah Marian 10 Frankenstein Katherine Dixon 07 Franklin Mrs — (F I Payne) p. 251 Charlotte Graves 91 Laura Isabella Porteus 98 Ruth Barker 85 Fraser Annie Elizabeth 99 Marjorie 10 Violet p. 223 Frawley Josephine Elizabeth 10 Frazer Frank Mrs (Rachel Pea- body) p. 251 Frederickson Marion Emma 10 Freeland Elizabeth King (Mrs F I Curtis) 86 Freeman Albert M Mrs (E C Beetle) p. 201 Eben Winthrop Mrs (N G Elliot) p. 219 Elizabeth (Mrs E H Peirce) 05 Ethel Hale 02 Florence Mabel (Mrs G H Storm) p. 223 Frederic Delaskey Mrs (M R Gray) p. 226 Hermon Martin Mrs (E W Morse) 92 James Delamater Mrs (M H Cunningham) p. 214 Julia Rawson (Mrs C H Belden) p. 223 Louise (Mrs J H Stone) 03 Mabel Loring 00 Mary Dudley 08 Paulina 03 Freligh Claude Adelbert Mrs (M H French) p. 223 French Amy Hayes (Mrs A P Hosford) 08 Charles Austin Mrs (I E Devoll) 80 Clara 84 Edna Bradstreet 02 George LeRoy Mrs (F L Smith) p. 263 Helen Burnham p. 223 Howard Clark Mrs;5>j (G R Sperry) p. 264 Howard Dean Mrs (H G Cornell) 98 Isabella p. 223 Louise Hewitt 09 Margaret (Mrs W R Baldwin) p. 223 Marian Leslie (Mrs H J Chambers) 94 Marion Ellen (Mrs F N Hawley) 98 Martha E p. 11 Mary p. 223 Mary Helen (Mrs'C A FreHgh) p. 223 Maude Civilla (Mrs W H Englesby) p. 223 Ruth Hawthorne 02 Samuel Pingree Mrs (Florence Kelsey) 90 Frey C P Mrs (M G Rogers) 84 Robert Andrew Mrs (S M Nelson) p. 248 Frick William Henry Mrs (M F Gaylord) 89 Friedman Adolph Mrs (E F Mihalovitch) 06 Oscar Johnson Mrs (Clara Schlesinger) 98 Friedmann Ernestine Louise 07 Friedrich Florence p. 223 Frieze Lyman Bowers jr Mrs (M S Crowell) 84 Friend Alice Hinman (Mrs P H Mitchell) 08 320 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Frink Darius Mrs (L E Ransom) p. 254 Frisbee Junia Catharine p. 223 Frost Elizabeth Rollins 03 Mary Adeline 90 (p. 12) Mary Pepperell (Mrs J C Sawyer) 94 Frye Gertrude Harrison p. 223 William Alexander Mrs (A R Fairbanks) p. 220 Fryhofer C Wesley Mrs (E I Edwardes) 02 Fuller Bessie Graham 09 Caroline Macomber 95 Carolyn Malbone (Mrs L A Wheeler) 03 Edna May 10 Elizabeth Tate p. 223 Eunice 08 Florence 10 Grace Pierpont 03 Jessie Ginevra (Mrs J C Duncan) 86 Josephine Estella p. 223 Louise Stetson 04 (p. 12) Mae Rawson (Mrs J M Curran) 97 Mary Alice (Mrs Charles Olmstead) p. 223 Mary Breese 94 (p. 12) Mildred Janet p. 223 Susy [Susan] Gertrude (Mrs J J Albright) 91 Violet (Mrs Augustus Tack) p. 223 Fullerton Pauline Valentine 05 Fulton Blanche Dorothea [Dor- othy] 95 Florence Ernestine p. 223 Furbush Edith Mildred 06 Maude Louise 03 Furman ^Fannie 06 \/ Gabel John Coldovy Mrs (E W Carleton) p. 207 Gabriel Fannie Esther p. 223 Gage Albert Mrs (A S Bullen) p. 205 Benjamin Emmons Mrs (E M Austin) p. 198 Mary Agnes (Mrs A H Greenwood) 00 Gager Helen (Mrs J Q Brown) 00 Katharine 06 Gaillard Marion Louise 02 Gaines Ruth Louise 01 Galacar Laura Josephine 97 Galbraith Archibald Victor Mrs (H E Mcintosh) p. 242 Gale Alice (Mrs D P Jones) 87 Amory Francis Mrs (K W Kidder) p. 236 Anna (Mrs Clarkson Lindley) 89 Helen E (Mrs S C Coale) p. 223 Marion 94 Sarah May p. 223 Gallagher Amy 08 Edith Charters 07 Ruth Everett 05 Gallaudet Grace Word en (Mrs W B P Closson) p. 223 Gallert Aimee Paula (Mrs W S Heilborn) 00 Gallup C WMrs (H B Lambert) 94 Marv Eloise (Mrs J H Weidman) 06 Gait EHzabeth Irma (Mrs Edgar Aiken) p. 224 Gait — Continued Thomas Franklin Mrs (C G Eaton) 99 William Roberts Mrs (A B Hall) p. 227 Gamage [Margaret] Thurlo (Mrs H M Specht) p. 224 Gamble David B Mrs (M A Huggins) p. 233 Gamwell Helen Lincoln (Mrs W S Ely) 87 Olive Wells (Mrs A P Weeden) p. 224 Gane Gertrude 94 Marjory 01 Ganong Susan Brittain 99 William Francis p. 12 Gara Edith Austin 08 Gardiner E L Mrs (May Stetson) p. 265 Frances Mary 02 Harry Norman p. 12 Henrietta p. 12 Laura Alexander (Mrs J G Whytlaw) p. 224 Lucy Agnes 09 William Henry jr Mrs (Edith McElroy) 07 Gardner Ada Grant (Mrs J F Fielden) 82 Alida p. 224 Anna Elizabeth (Mrs H C Van Note) 95 Anna Warren 88 CB Mrs (K E Ranney) p. 254 Charlotte Riggs (Mrs S T McCali) 06 Fannie Elizabeth (Mrs W R Hill) p. 224 Mary Abbe (Mrs W F Anderson) 02 Mary Alice p. 224 Sara Morgan (Mrs W B Brown) p. 224 Garey Pauline Marie 01 INDEX 321 Garland Katherine Morrison (Mrs P M Vilas) p. 224 Olive Rosamond 91 Garlock Morgan Bidleman Mrs (J S Girvan) p. 225 Garman Charles E p. 12 Gamett Anne 10 Edward Muscoe Mrs (M L Maddison) p. 243 Garretson Etta Booth (Mrs U L Leonhauser) 00 Garrett Caroline Elizabeth 09 Willard Hayes Mrs (N B Ayers) 01 Garrison Eleanor 04 Fanny 01 Jeannette S Mrs p. 12 Katherine McKim (Mrs C D Norton) 95 Marjorie p. 224 Garst Julius Mrs (M E King) 84 Gary Marion 05 Gasche Miriam Louise 07 Gates Alice Lincoln (Mrs G T Hubbard) 97 Ethel 01 Hazel Merritt 06 Leslie Freeman Mrs (J R Lamson) 02 Louise Knapp 10 Samuel Elverton Mrs (L F Niles) 07 Theoda Elizabeth 08 Gaul Harvev Bartlett Mrs (H L Avery) p. 198 Gauld Isabella Rebecca 09 Gauthier Carrie Addie 04 Gavit John Palmer Mrs (Lucy La Monte [La- monte]) p. 238 Gay Florence Webster 96 I Ingovar 05 I Jessie Aline 02 ; Laura Shepard 96 ' Gaylord Dema p. 224 Edith Edwards 86 Ella Cropper (Mrs E H Beals) p. 224 Joanna Lanman 93 Mary Foster (Mrs W H Frick) 89 Paul Putnam Mrs (A H Hall) 98 Raymond Montague Mrs (R E Willcox) p. 277 Geballe Pauline I 04 Geddes Laura Casey 07 Geer Clarence James Mrs (J E Fowler) 96 Elizabeth Raymond (Baroness A W von Urff) p. 224 Geesaman Mary Ellen 10 Gehring Norman John Mrs (B M Wiley) p. 277 Gemmel Marion 97 Genung John F p. 12 George Ruth Wilcox p. 224 Thomas J Mrs (F E Taylor) p. 268 Gere Laura Ella 01 Mary Elizabeth 89 German Grace Miller p. 224 Geromanos Hercules W Mrs (L A Bradley) 03 Gerould Theodora Annette 03 Gerrans Gertrude 09 Gerrish Clara Arabella (Mrs D McL Barstow) 02 Gerry Annie Irene 09 Eloise p. 12 Gesell Margaret Elizabeth 09 Gesner Sara Louise (Mrs L L Robbins jr) 03 Getchel Herbert Eugene Mrs (E A Ellis) 99 Gibb Arthur Norman Mrs (H M Collins) p. 211 Gibbs Minnie Dwight (Mrs R R White) p. 224 Ralph Bemis Mrs (H B Lane) 99 Giberson Belle p. 224 Gibson Alice Edith 98 Edna Theresa 10 Genevieve Marguerite 10 Hamilton Mrs (Brooke van Dyke) 04 Helen 09 Mary Lucile p. 224 Giddings Lena Marsh p. 224 Gieseler Alfred Martin Mrs (B E Lang) 97 Gifford Alice Eliza 83 Helen Sturtevant 10 . Marguerite (Mrs !Mar- 1/ shall Davis) p. 224 ^^ Maud Lena 95 Ralph W Mrs (S L Parsons) p. 251 Gilbert Clara Culver 92 Emily Lindsley 04 Frank Yuba Mrs (Florence Cook) p. 212 Fred Macdonald Mrs (F J Anderson) 98 Gertrude Martha 09 (Mrs C F Graff) 03 Harriet Elizabeth 09 Lucia Fessenden 97 Margaret Loring 10 322 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Gilbert — Continued Oscar Bowen Mrs (Marian Ellis) 06 S D Mrs p. 12 Watson P Mrs (E M Coffin) p. 211 William Tilden Mrs (G M Hardy) p. 228 GUchrist Agnes Hastings (Mrs J S Watterson) 01 Lucy Convers 08 Martha Dalzell (Mrs M F Bayard) 00 Thomas Byron Mrs (A E Goodman) 07 Gile Miriam Richards p. 224 Giles Anne Harper 87 Henry Snow Mrs (E H Ripley) 08 J Edward Mrs (M C Vanderbeek) 93 Louise 09 Mabel 96 Ruth Marion 09 GUfiUan Rebecca Janet (Mrs E S Avery) 03 Rose Marion p. 224 Gill Adam Capen Mrs (E E Eaton) 80 Bessie Faunce 87 Edith Upham 10 Irene Eslette (Mrs G W Keyser) p. 224 Isabella Rachel 05 V Laura [Drake] 81 (p. 7) Gillan Ada Blanche (Mrs J M Munyon jr) p. 224 Gillett Arthur L p. 7 Edward B p. 7 Gillette AUetta Maria 07 John Westfield Mrs (G F James) 87 Gilligan Annie Louise 04 Mary Genevieve p. 224 Gillinder Edgar Alfred Mrs (C M Atwood) p. 198 Gillis Emma p. 224 Margaret Church 10 Gilman Carrie Selby (Mrs C E Carey) p. 224 Ethel Sears 99 Florence p. 12 Frances Chandler (Mrs A G Duncan) p. 224 Harry Sargent Mrs (L S Damon) p. 214 Julia Ellen (Mrs W H Clark) 96 Margaret Ellsworth 04 William Stewart Mrs (Marjorie King) 99 Gilmore Evelyn Langdon 83 Gladys Chase 08 Gilmour Anna Catharine (Mrs H P de Forest) 89 Gilpatric George Harold Mrs (I T Wheelock) p. 275 Gilpin Mary Elizabeth Adele (Mrs S H McCain) p. 224 Gilson Isabel Clethra (Mrs J I Adams) p. 224 Marjary Lawrence 02 Girdler Lydia Louise p. 224 Girvan Jessie Sprague (Mrs M B Garlock) p. 225 Gitterman John Milton Mrs (A L[L MAE] Sterne) 91 Gladden Alice 84 Gladwin Gertrude Ella 00 Glazier Laura Estella 04 Gleason Caroline Teller (Mrs T S Larkin) 02 Charles Bemis Mrs (H Z Howes) 01 Clara Belle 83 Ellen Harris 08 Gleason — Continued Ethel Maria (Mrs R R McGeorge) 06 Mary EUza 09 Glennie Ella Louise (Mrs H E Riexinger) 00 Glidden Waldo Francis Mrs (M H Shaw) 06 Glines Walter Ashley Mrs (E G Barbour) 03 Gloeckler Christine Alma (Mrs E O Greifenhagen) 08 Glokke Else p. 12 Glover Mary Wales 02 Theophilus N Mrs (L M Chase) p. 209 Willie Flower p. 225 Goddard Alpheus John Mrs (A M Rogers) 96 Charles Baldwin Mrs (Beatrice Montgom- ery) 02 Godfrey Edward Rawson Mrs > / (Emma Eastman) 99 1/Ethel f (Mrs H R Loud) 01 Frederick Edgecomb Mrs (Ruth Brown) p. 205 Vera May p. 225 William C Mrs (L E Ward) p. 273 Godsoe Boyce Walter Mrs (F L Palmer) 01 Godwin Cortlandt Mrs (S W Hedge) p. 230 Goes Hazel Josephine (Mrs Maxfield Cook) 06 Gold Harriet Margaretta (Mrs H J Armstrong) 97 Golden William Morris jr Mrs (Elizabeth Lathrop) 95 INDEX 323 Goldsmith Gertrude Brown 99 Goldthwait Eleanor Rand 99 Joel Ernest Mrs (J S Rand) 90 Goldthwaite Bertha Louise 09 Goodale Dora Read p. 225 Rose Sterling (Mrs Redington Dayton) p. 225 Goode Edith Jeannette 04 Goodell Katharine Abigail p. 225 Mary Evelyn (Mrs W H Trippett) p. 225 Roscoe Harris Mrs (Helen Peabody) 04 Goodenough Louis A Mrs (M E Burgess) 93 Goodenow Rae Lillian p. 225 Goodhind Cora Mabel 97 Goodhue Allan Edward Mrs (Gladys WoodruflE) p. 279 Frances p. 225 N D Mrs (R B Carpenter) 03 Gooding Edith 86 Goodman Alice Edith (Mrs T B Gilchrist) 07 Mary Alm^e 96 Mary Isabelle (Mrs Russel Carson) 07 Goodnow Anna Marion 86 Mary Edith (Mrs R R Cutler) 99 Goodrich Anna [Annie] Mason 92 CHnton Burr Mrs (J F Jolley) 98 Harriet May p. 225 Helen Louise (Mrs H DeW De Groat) 95 Jennie Aurinda p. 225 John Albert Mrs (E D Mellor) p. 244 Goodrich — Continued Julia Irene 97 / Mary Ida 93 / Nathaniel Lewis Mrs (M A Lyman) 99 Paul Myron Mrs (A S Coyle) p. 213 Goodridge EHnor Moody 08 Goodsell Eliza Jane (Mrs J F Selleck jr) 00 Evelin Middlebrook (Mrs E A Jennings) p. 225 Marguerite 08 Goodspeed Helen Jane 03 Goodwill Fletcher Mrs (A G Dow) p. 217 Goodwin \/AHce Phelps (Mrs J W ^ Schirmer) 97 Carrie [Carolyn] Maria (Mrs L G Brubaker) 04 Clara Kenrick 82 Elizabeth Lord p. 225 Frances Cullis 86 Harriet Louise (Mrs Cleaveland Floyd) 00 Jane Marette p. 225 Louise Annette Eno (Mrs David Crafts) p. 225 Maria [May] Amelia (Mrs P W Avirett) 89 Maria Bangs 95 Mary Corinth p. 225 Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs A N Botsford) 99 Sarah Storer 92 William Francis Mrs (Rozella Deering) p. 216 Goodyear Anna Lyman 99 Austin Briant Mrs (F M Winchester) p. 278 WiUiam H p. 12 Gordon George Wadsworth Mrs (J S Sheldon) 01 Grace (Mrs T B Young) 03 Gordon — Continued Howard David Mrs (H G Kelsey) p. 236 Lewis Edward Mrs (Elizabeth Keeney) 97 Gorham Anna Kellogg p. 225 Jennie Sophia (Mrs E L BHss) p. 225 Mary Etta (Mrs J F Bush) 79 (p. 12) Gormley Belle Budd 09 Gorrill Addie Walker p. 225 Carrie Walker p. 225 Gorsline Ambrose Richard Mrs (F V Scribner) p. 260 Goss Stella Elizabeth 02 Gould Albert Trowbridge Mrs (Emilie Creighton) 04 Bertha p. 225 Cornelia Brownell (Mrs F T Murphy) 00 Ellen Frances p. 225 Elsie (Mrs H W Ry- man) p. 225 Florence Louise p. 225 Grace Evelyn (Mrs J F Almquist) 86 James Artemas Mrs (Grace Dunham) 00 Jennie Etta (Mrs George Hopkins) 85 John Harold Mrs (M L Paine) 96 Maurice Phillip Mrs (A J Smith) 00 Nelle Julia (Mrs W C Vivash) 98 Romeo Mrs (Florence Currier) p. 214 Gove Lydia Pinkham 07 Gower Ethel Margaret 98 Katy Helen (Mrs C H Hatch) p. 225 Grable Katharine Lee p. 225 Graefe EUzabeth Theresa 04 324 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION GrafE Carroll F Mrs (Grace Gilbert) 03 Gragg Florence Alden p. 12 Julia Alice 09 Graham Bertha Ellen 98 Charles Andrew Mrs (Alice McClintock) 99 Christine Alexander 10 Laura May 10 Grand Gordon Mrs (E H Dill) 04 Grandin Mabel 09 Granger Edith 91 Grant Edith Annie 01 Elihu p. 12 Florence Anthine 10 Frances Etheridge (Mrs Z G Simmons) p. 225 Homer Blaikie Mrs (F H Paul) 91 Jessie [Janet] Clara (Mrs W A Macken- zie) 93 John MacGregor Mrs (F S Etheridge) 94 Mariella (Mrs W A Mackenzie jr) p. 225 Stephanie 03 Graves Bertha Louise (Mrs Arthur Bartlett) p. 225 Charles Burr Mrs (F M Miner) p. 246 Chester White Mrs (R L O'Donnel) 08 Edith May (Mrs B H Pearson) p. 225 Eva Wing 08 Katherine Olive (MrsLWBusbey)94 Lewis Eugene Mrs (F B Hall) 99 Minnie Reba (Mrs R L Belden) p. 226 Gray Agnes Russell (Mrs F B Skinner) 06 Edith 07 Elaine Pavne 10 Gray — Continued Elizabeth Emma (Mrs L S Caswell) p. 226 Emma Cutting Bent 81 Florence Templeton p. / 226 / Jessie Callam 05 John Henry Mrs (H R Bliss) p. 203 Julia Marguerite 00 Mabelle Retta (Mrs F D Freeman) p. 226 Marjorie 03 Mary p. 226 Nellie (Mrs WH Young) 89 Ruth p. 226 Solon Goodridge Mrs (H W Simons) 97 William Dodge p. 12 William Holder jr Mrs (C H Calhoun) 01 Greeley Netta May p. 226 Green Carolyne Marie p. 226 Ethel Aurelia (Mrs J B Dixon) 02 Lena Ella (Mrs E M Humphreville) p. 226 Nathan Williams Mrs (A L Harrington) 95 Susan Allen 05 Greenbaum Eleanore Dorothy p. 226 Greene Alice Cummings 07 Anna Edith (Mrs C A Stearns) 85 Anna Maria p. 226 Carleton Mrs (A B Lathrop) 90 Cora Louise p. 226 Edward Miller Mrs (K S Jameson) 84 Elizabeth Alice 07 Esther FoUansbee 01 Francis Edward Mrs (Une Hull) p. 233 Grace Miller (Mrs S C Clark) 82 Helen French 91 John M p. 7 Julia Adaline (Mrs F S Bonney) 00 Greene — Continued Marguerite Cleveland (Mrs Harold Clark) p. 226 Marv Seymour (Mrs C O Patch) 93 Rina Maude 03 Robert W Mrs (M P Grouse) 85 Greenhalge Harriet Nesmith (Mrs L H Martin) p. 226 Greenhalgh Grace Lenore (Mrs W A Eversman) 04 Margaret Elizabeth 09 Greenhood Marion Charlotte 10 Greenland Katharine Hayward p. 226 Greenleaf Walker Mrs (N L De Golyer) p. 216 Greenman Mary (Mrs E S Wor- cester) 99 Greeno Dorothy p. 226 Greenough Beulah (Mrs T S Hardy) p. 226 Clara May 94 Elizabeth Jean 03 Jeanie Grace (Mrs L S Crawford) 85 . Greenwood Albert Henry Mrs (M A Gage) 00 Grace (Mrs Cleveland Watrous) 97 Ruth Frances (Mrs A S Cleaves) p. 226 Gregory Anne Chapman 04 EHzabeth Stone 10 William Arthur Mrs (M L vSexton) 01 Greifenhagen Edwin O Mrs (C A Gloeckler)i.08 Grey Florence Aurelia (Mrs E F Dodge) 08 J Chester Mrs (M E Wheeler) p. 275 Gribbel Idella Louise 09 INDEX 325 Griebel Gertrude Maria (Mrs F J Canedy) p. 226 Griepenkerl Wilhelm Mrs (F V Smith) 93 Grier Caroline King (Mrs H B Jamison) 00 Isabel Hooker (Mrs W A Jack) 03 Griffin Anna Maria 10 Frederick Robertson Mrs (E J Bell) p. 201 Josie Magdalene 10 Griffith Frederick T Mrs (E M Kurd) p. 233 Mabel Emma 03 Roberta Francina p. 226 Griggs Anna Cornelia (MrsP K Dayton) p. 226 Katharine Charlotte 00 Grimshaw Grace p. 226 Griswold Alice Caroline p. 226 Harold Thomas Mrs (R H Redington) 05 Louise Darling (Mrs A A Brooks) p. 226 Lyman William Mrs (G C Kimball) 97 M Marsden jr Mrs (A I La Monte) p. 238 Vivian (Mrs F L Wil- liams) p. 226 William Church Mrs (H R Stout) 00 Groat George Gorham Mrs (E W Schiffer) p. 259 Groesbeck Bertha Wendell (Mrs C K Haskell) 00 Grolzinger Christian Mrs (E E Catlin) 05 Gross Dorothea (Mrs A F Ells) 04 Elizabeth Hayden 09 Helen Clarissa 05 Irene Treat 09 Grosvenor Edwin A p. 12 Louise Payson p. 226 Grout Mary Taft p. 226 Grover Chester Metcalf Mrs (F M Whiting) 97 Grow Fred Allen Mrs (M H Brimson) 01 Gruber Agatha Elizabeth 07 Gruening Martha 09 Grumbine Agnes Emeline (Mrs A J Nock) 98 Lucy Coates 01 Grush Merton Elkanah Mrs (M L Stearns) p. 265 Gubbins Genevra Ethel 09 Guernsey Henry Hoadly Mrs (M M Barstow) 01 Guild George Clark Mrs (M A Phelps) 05 Lora Elsine 88 Guiler Leonard Kent Mrs (L O Hechelman) p. 230 Guilfoil Rose Veronica 05 Guion LeRoy Partridge Mrs (E F Lormore) 97 Gulliver Chariotte Chester 83 (p. 7) Eunice Henrietta 91 Julia Henrietta 79 Mary 82 Gund Elizabeth (Mrs J H Firestone) p. 226 Gunderson Lily Elnora 99 Gunn Elizabeth Annabelle 09 Peari Adair (Mrs B S Winchester) 95 Guthrie Edward Buckingham Mrs (M E Seabury) 90 Gutmann Gertrude Louise (Mrs WC Hill) p. 226 Guyer Carrie [Caroline] Clark- son 81 Haake Annah Dora 88 Haas Magnus S Mrs (Gertrude Kohn) p. 237 Haberstroh Mabel Juliet (Mrs C N Hargraves) 03 Hackett Bertha 05 Sarah Balch 09 Hackstaff Mai Elmendorf (Mrs Walker) p. 226 Hadd Eugenie Celine Irene 02 Hadley / / Ethel Marion p. 226 [/ Mary Soule (Mrs W S Case) p. 227 Philip Bardwell Mrs (R B Canedy) 02 Hadsel Fred Latimer Mrs (M L Ferine) 04 Hadzsits Walter David Depue p. 12 Hafey Eileen Cecilia 10 Hagar Mary Lyon 93 Hagen Orville Reed Mrs (Leona Crandall) 02 Hager Edith Rey 09 Laura Winifred 03 Mary Earie 87 Hagerman Percy Mrs (H [N] B Lowry) p. 241 Raggett Kate Estelle (Mrs A F Warren) 86 326 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Hague Florence Amelia 09 Haight Elinor Church p. 227 Hainer John Albert Mrs (B E Boynton) p. 204 Haines Mabel (Mrs J B Martin) 85 Mary Caroline (Mrs Sherrod Soule) p. 227 Haire Anna Roberta 83 John Mrs _(M M Mason) 04 Mildred Moore 07 Hale Addie Deborah p. 227 Arthur Ernest Mrs (E F Lang) 95 Franc (Mrs E de W Wales) 97 Henry Ewing Mrs (F H Ward) 95 Martha Davis (Mrs W W Harts) 96 Mary Oilman p. 227 Mary Kimball 07 Haley Francis Raymond Mrs (E K Wilcox) p. 276 Hall Alice Evangeline (Mrs H E Walter) p. 227 Amey Ellen (Mrs G S Case) p. 227 Anna Bond (Mrs W R Gait) p. 227 Anne Hibbard (Mrs P P Gaylord) 98 Anne Richardson p. 227 Arthur Cleveland Mrs (F E Clexton) 02 Crowell Clarinton jr Mrs (M I Waite) 08 Edith Hayward 99 Edward Parks Mrs (A E Kuechle) p. 237 Elizabeth Fambro p. 227 Elizabeth Newcomb (Mrs J S Todd) 99 Flora Belle (Mrs L E Graves) 99 Florence Louise (Mrs F J Marion) p. 227 Hall — Continuedi Frances Shedd (Mrs Samuel Sparhawk) 96 Gertrude Fiske (Mrs J N Hood) 01 Helen Annette 04 Joseph A Mrs (L M Wheeler) 98 Joseph Ambrose Mrs (H L Parker) p. 250 Joseph Linville Mrs (Catherine Wamick) p. 273 Katharine Elsie 09 Linda 06 Louis Harrison Mrs (G D Coyle) 98 Louise Marion p. 227 Lucy Pond 05 Mary Lee p. 227 Mira Hinsdale 83 Percy Newell Mrs (L M Fales) 01 , Robert E Mrs (M A Bathgate) 07 Robert William Mrs (M A Bowers) 95 Ruth Bartlett 93 Sarah Mabel (Mrs C T Walter) p. 227 Sybel Imogene (Mrs C H Haskins) p. 227 Theresa Corbett (Mrs L Van W Brown) p. 227 William Herman Mrs (G E Porter) p. 253 Halligan Howard Mrs (M G Ballard) p. 199 Hallock Clara Dougrey 06 Eula09 Harriet Prentice (Mrs T W Moore) 97 Josephine 97 Nellie Elizabeth (Mrs A T Livingston) 85 Ham Bernice Barker 10 Hamburger Jonas Mrs (A E Stein) 04 Hamilton Caroline Elvira 95 Carohne Fidelia p. 227 Caroline Frances 85 Edith p. 227 Hamilton — Continued Ethel (Mrs Otto T Post) p. 227 George Edward Mrs (S M Morse) 97 Helen May 95 Horatio Arnold Mrs (A W Warner) 03 Irene (Mrs J H Young) p. 227 Jane Steele (Mrs Lucien Wilcox) 07 Lillian p. 227 Mary 04 Mary Emma 93 Mary Frances [Frances M] (Mrs John Cou- salus) p. 227 Maude Lines 10 Sarah Hook p. 12 Sidney Morrow Mrs (H B Weidman) 92 Hamlin Arthur George Mrs (Ella Payne) 83 Margaret Ruth ^ Pome- roy 04 Hammerslough Elsa Sachs (Mrs M C ^ Herrmann) 1 97^ Gertrude Eleanor (Mrs Jerome Alexander) 97 Hammett EHzabeth p. 227 Hammond Claire Forbes (Mrs H W Rand) 96 Edna Elizabeth 01 Elisabeth Penn (Mrs Winthrop Fillebrown) 98 Ethel 06 Frederic Francis Mrs (G M Smith) p. 263 Juliet 94 Mary Grace (Mrs C H Northrop) 82 Maud p. 227 Maud Bernice 10 May 03 Thomas Jasper Mrs (A K Mead) 04 Trevor Owen Mrs (A M Lindman) 06 Hampton Helen p. 227 INDEX 327 Hancock Edna May (Mrs Leoni- das Beck) p. 227 Mary Elizabeth 00 Hancox Edith 02 Hand Ruth Boies p. 227 Hann Winifred Travers 10 Hanna Albert S Mrs (M L Denman) p. 216 /Annie (Mrs R A Wil- li/ son) p. 227 (/ Edith Joyce p. 228 Hanrahan Kate (Mrs D W De- vanney) p. 228 Hanscom Elizabeth Deering p. 12 Hansel Charles R Mrs (H G Day) 87 Hanson Alice Marion 09 Fred Morril Mrs (M A Sargent) p. 259 Harber Mary Louise (Mrs L O Eddy) p. 228 Hardies Charles Edward Mrs (G M Beattie) 05 Harding Mrs— (N G McLach- lan) p. 242 Elizabeth Boyd 10 Hattie [Harriet] p. 228 Isabel p. 228 John Slosson Mrs (M B Brown) 91 Linda 05 Mary (Mrs J W Stick- ler) p. 228 Hardman James Angell Mrs (L A Boland) p. 203 Hardwick Rose Standish 90 Hardy Ashley Kingsley Mrs (A B Sanford) 93 Blanche Guy (Mrs Moritz Schlick) 03 Hardy — Continued Fannie Pearson (Mrs J A Eckstorm) 88 Grace Maud (Mrs W T Gilbert) p. 228 James Graham Mrs / (N B Mills) 01 VMary Chapman 85 Mary Frances 07 Mary Rust (Mrs H H Folsom) 96 Thornton Sherburne Mrs (Beulah Green- ough) p. 226 William Choate Mrs (A F Reed) 03 Hargraves Charles Neal Mrs (M J Haberstroh) 03 Hargreaves Martha Blanche p. 228 Haring Mary Elma (Mrs H E King) p. 228 Harkness Edith Alice 94 Frank Edgerton Mrs (Una McMahan) 94 Sarah Ellen (Mrs J R Kirby) p. 228 Harlow Arthur Bradford Mrs (GLBackwell)p. 198 Grace Evelyn (Mrs C W Bray) 04 Marian Josephine (Mrs A B Enos) p. 228 Harman Elsie p. 228 Harmon Irene p. 228 Harper Jennie Mildred p. 228 Harpham Edwin L Mrs (N H Smith) p. 264 Flora E p. 12 Harriman Edward Avery Mrs (B C Ray) 86 Mary p. 228 Harrington Anna Louise (Mrs N W Green) 95 Emma Caroline p. 228 Julia Gertrude 04 (p. 12) Harris Anna Marian p. 228 Bertha Marie (Mrs R C Cornish) 99 Clara Elizabeth (Mrs J T Akers) p. 228 Elsie Milne (Mrs H R Durbin) 04 Galen Moses Mrs (J W Lombard) p. 240 Gertrude Bertha 97 Harriet Louise (Mrs S J Beach) 01 Helen Fancher (Mrs N L Snow) 08 Helen Osborne 09 Helen Sophia (Mrs C F Williams) 98 Henrietta Clark [Clarke] (Mrs W A Harris) 83 Henrietta Corson 09 Mabel Austin (Mrs S M Rose) 97 Marion Chaplin p. 228 Mary Capen p. 228 Minnie Mildred (Mrs F L Taylor) 00 Rachel Dearborn 09 Rhoda p. 228 Sophie Oliver (Mrs R A Nichols) 07 Verna Rogene 05 William Allen Mrs (H C Harris) 83 William D Mrs (N B Porter) p. 253 William Johnson Mrs (T C Peck) 95 Harrison Florence Louise 06 Florence Marguerite (Mrs F B Forman) 83 Frances Dake p. 228 John Smith Mrs (E S Southworth) 04 Louise 98 Olive p. 228 Harroun Bryant Mower Mrs (B W Ripley) 05 Harsha Helen Louise (Mrs E B Sherman) 01 328 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Harshaw Helen Elizabeth (Mrs Davis Hawley jr) p. 228 William Andrew Mrs (F P Lips) 01 Hart Edith Maria (Mrs F A Holcomb) p. 228 Helen Marguerite p. 228 Jonathan T Mrs (E H Stone) p. 266 Margaret 10 Harte May Agnes [Jerome] (Mrs B S Bosman) p. 228 Harter Amanda Moore (Mrs J U Fogle) 99 Cornelia Sherman (Mrs W D Stiger) 98 Katherine (Mrs H M Alexander) 02 Hartman Clarence Alvin Mrs (E M Scholey) p. 259 Harts William Wright Mrs (M D Hale) 96 Hartshorn Kenneth Mrs (M H Strawn) p. 266 Hartsufif Mabel Winifred (Mrs L S Trowbridge jr) 00 Hartwell Blanche (Mrs F L Barnes) p. 228 John Warren Mrs / (Emma Todd) p. 269 /Mary Ann 94 \/ Maude [Maud] Apple- ^ ton 93 Hartzell Ralph Mrs (M S Barber) p. 199 Harvey Florence Gertrude 08 Josephine (Mrs G S Capelle jr) p. 229 Oliver M Mrs (F A Tutton) p. 271 Harwood Anne Penfield 09 Carolyne Paul p. 229 Harwood — Continued Edith May (Mrs L K Conant) p. 229 Ernest Monroe Mrs (E D Huntington) 02 Mary Emma 93 Mary Louisa 10 Hasbrouck Elizabeth (Mrs J R Nutt) p. 229 Gertrude Marie 99 Hasey Alice Mabel 10 Marion Louise p. 229 Haskell Charles Houston Mrs (M L Woodward) 83 Clayton Kendall Mrs (B W Groesbeck) 00 Evelyn Belle (Mrs W K Dowe) p. 229 Haskins Alice Crane (Mrs D B Swingle) 03 Anna Catherine 00 Charles Henry Mrs (S I Hall) p. 227 Mary Louise p. 229 Hasson Helen Arlene (Mrs T S Scott) 07 Hastings Alice Irene 96 Anna Lucretia 06 Bertha Almenia 99 Caroline Ella (Mrs R A Lawrence) p. 229 Delia Almira 03 Elsie Hayford 10 Ethel Deane (Mrs I L Todd) 99 Fanny 03 Florence Ellen p. 229 Henry Eurotas Mrs (H G Day) 87 James Monroe Mrs (Emma Tate) 80 Joseph Gilbert Mrs (E A Ramsdell) p. 254 Lucy Webb (Mrs W N HorsfaU) 03 Mary Ann p. 12 Mary Wilhelmina (Mrs H E Bradley) 05 Medora [Dora Loomis] 91 Myra 05 Hastings — Continued Phebe Daisy p. 229 Stella p. 229 Hatch Alice Venelia (Mrs J A Nelson) p. 229 Azel Farnsworth Mrs (E B Wright) 82 Charles Harrison Mrs (K H Gower) p. 225 Edith Hodgen 09 Edna p. 229 Harvey Gerould Mrs (Elizabeth Smith) p. 263 Helen (Mrs J T Cheney) p. 229 Helen Hamilton 03 Margaret Hamilton 06 Marguerite Southmayd 09 Mary Emily (Mrs F S Springstead) p. 229 Hatfield Margaret 09 Hauser Jeannette Shepard p. 229 Hauslein Ferdinand Albert Mrs (C E Dawson) p. 215 Hauxhurst Florence Clark 10 Havell Harry Peck Mrs (Mabel Hedden) 01 i Haven Eloise p. 229 Katherine Lillian (Mrs I H Upton) 92 Laura Belle (Mrs Alfred Coester) 81 Havens Mabel Fielder 10 Haver Jessie Rehwoldt 09 Hawes C H Mrs (H A Boyd) 92 Charles Sumner Mrs (Frances Wilson) p. 278 Mary Corintha 96 Hawk Ira Tapper Mrs (A B Bowman) 03 Hawke Mabel Mears p. 229 INDEX 329 Hawker [Haake] Annah Dora 88 Hawkes Edith May 95 Herbert Edwin Mrs (N M Coit) p. 211 Hawkins Emma Jean p. 229 Ethel Wallace 01 William Stuart Lee Mrs (R A Smith) p. 264 Hawks Emma Beatrice 92 Hawley Alberta Waldo p. 229 Amos Peck Mrs (A M Wheeler) 95 Davis jr Mrs (H E Harshaw) p. 228 Francis Nelson Mrs (M E French) 98 George M B Mrs (Ruth Wilson) 01 Gertrude Morgan 10 Grace Evelyn (Mrs G L Dunham) p. 229 Mary Frances 07 Haworth Grace Elizabeth (Mrs A M Kershaw) 04 Haws Florence Adelaide 08 Henry Ernst Mrs (L P Collin) 05 Hay Isabel Bancroft 85 Louise Catharine 09 Willis Chenery Mrs (M W Dewey) 01 Hayden Maud Louise p. 229 Ruth Sara 07 Viola Pauline 07 Warren Sherman Mrs (Elizabeth Strong) 03 Haydn Ruth Evelyn "(Mrs F W Hitchings) p. 229 Haydock Alma Estelle 09 Hayes Clara Louise (Mrs F A Robinson) p. 229 Edward C Mrs (G T Osborne) 02 George Mrs (S McC Lewisson) p. 239 \ Hayes — Continued Hope Beatrice (Mrs H H Chase) 99 Lucretia Caroline (Mrs N B Sherry) 02 Millicent Gay (Mrs F H Dike) p. 229 Haynes Margery 10 Muriel Sturgis 04 S L Mrs (E R Leonard) p. 239 Hays Elizabeth 09 Henry Cornwall Mrs (M A Mohr) 99 John Edward Mrs (E [M] Wood) 00 Hayward Grace 85 Harry Mrs (Lillian Woolson) 94 Susan Lydia (Mrs K J Schneider) p. 229 Haywood Leona (Mrs R E Adams) p. 229 H^ard 1 /Grace Walcott (Mrs R ^ P Conkling) 99 Louise Holyoke p. 229 Hazeltine Grace Adelaide 09 Hazen Annah Putnam 95 (p. 12) Charles Downer p. 12 Charles Downer Mrs (S S Duryea) 96 Emily 89 Ethel Augusta (Mrs W H Lillard) 04 Fanny Vose 10 Louise Coleman 98 Mabel Gibson 96 Maria Frances (Mrs W D Woolson) p. 229 Hazlehurst Rachel Kimberly (Mrs Robert Pettit) p. 230 Heacock James Walker Mrs (L D Orne) 02 Headden Margaret 09 Heade Mary Clark (Mrs T C Pollock) p. 230 Headley Grace Edna (Mrs N R Daugherty) p. 230 Heald Anna Jennie [Jennie A] (Mrs A C Hill) p. 230 Lucy Daisy 95 Healey Arthur Everett Mrs (R E Manley) 03 Healy John Jay Mrs (K H Andrews) 94 Thomas Davis Mrs (M L Hufifman) 90 Heard Sarah Webster 81 Heasley ■^A Gertrude May p. 230 Heath Lucie Florena 99 Heathman Frank Boltin Mrs (G L Brooks) 97 Hechelman Lucy Otelia (Mrs L K Guiler) p. 230 Hechtenberg Klara p. 12 Hedden Gertrude Searing 10 Mabel (Mrs H P Havell) 01 Hedge Sara Woodbury (Mrs Cortlandt Godwin) p. 230 Hedges Abbie May (Mrs Frank Tallmadge) p. 230 Edward Bancroft p. 12 Gertrude May (Mrs F S Alstrom) p. 230 Harriet Heloise 10 John R Mrs (M E Vennum) p. 272 Hedrick Ellen [A] 92 Heidrich Bertha Estelle (Mrs W S Miles) 98 Mathilda Louelle (Mrs T H Page) 01 HeUbom Walter S Mrs (A P Gallert) 00 Heine Aida Agnes 03 (p. 12) 330 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Heinemann Ida [Eda] Gertrude 02 Heisler E B Mrs (L P Putnam) 02 Hellman Max Mrs (H H Schwab) p. 259 Helmholz Henry Frederic Mrs (I G Lindsay) 07 Hemenway Edith Alice p. 230 Sarah Gross (Mrs Louis Bell) 86 Hemphill Helen Elma 10 Henderson Charlotte Avery 10 Helen Beatty (Mrs G S Butler) p. 230 Nellie Frances DuBois (Mrs D J Carter) 02 Yandell Mrs (M G Colby) p. 211 Hendrick , /Mary Elizabeth p. 230 1/ Ruby Edna (Mrs W T Newcomb) 04 Hendrie Frances p. 230 Henley Ruth 09 Hennion Louise Morrow 09 Henry Esther Maria p. 230 Eugenia May 04 Gertrude Mead (Mrs E B Mead) 00 Marjorie Louise 08 Mary Frances p. 230 Robert Edward Mrs (V B Tolar) 02 Ruth Whipple 08 Henshaw Mary Dana 92 Hepburn Clara Elizabeth 09 Charles Fisher Mrs (A M Smith) 03 Herbert Charles Mrs (E F Sedgwick) p. 260 Edward Mrs (C H Lyle) 02 Herlihy Elizabeth Cecilia (Mrs Thomas Sullivan) p. 230 Herman John Frederick Mrs (Katherine Hunger- ford) 92 Heron Robert Pryde Mrs (C E Sayles) p. 259 Herr Helen Hoffman p. 230 Herrick Ada Elizabeth 94 Bertha Frances (Mrs F M Lloyd) 96 Harriet Bradstreet (Mrs E P Bradstreet) p. 230 Harriet Fidelia (Mrs C F Carter) p. 230 Isabel St Clair p. 230 Israel Arthur Mrs (C B Piatt) 94 b Margaret p. 230 Percy Ruth 09 William Wilson Mrs (G D Miller) p. 245 Herrington Isabel 09 Herrmann Isabelle (Mrs E M Ferry) p. 221 Milton Charles Mrs (E S Hammerslough) 97 Rose Sylphina p. 230 Hersey Heloise E p. 12 Walter Albert Mrs (M C Page) 01 Hersom Mabel Lord (Mrs R H Jones) 97 Hesse Fanny C p. 12 Hethrington Ernest Thompson Mrs (M L Darhng) 05 Heublein Alice (Mrs Percy Mar- tin) p. 230 Hewes Carrie Madeleine 02 Hewins Charles Herbert Mrs (J F Andrus) p. 197 Hewitt Edward H Mrs (C M Christian) p. 209 Helen Witter 91 Henry 3d Mrs (H L Vaeth) p. 271 Herbert Mrs (H R Carter) 03 Mary Cornwall (Mrs S K Mitchell) 97 Heywood Charles D Mrs . (J P Fay) p. 220 X Clara Emily > / (Mrs C E Scott) 00 Lucy Florena (Mrs John Holden) 84 Hibbard Mary Grace (Mrs E W Schauffler) p. 230 Sidney B Mrs (G M Orcutt) p. 249 Hibberd Harriett Baldwin 10 Helen Laura 08 Hickey Elizabeth Martha p. 230 Lucy Agnes 97 Hickok Kate Morton p. 230 Mary W^hiting 03 Hidden Mary Belle p. 230 William Henrv jr Mrs (I D McKee) 82 Higbee Alice Frances 06 Edwin Wilbur Mrs (N E Wetherbee) 80 Higbie Geraldine Winifred (Mrs P B Palmer) p. 230 Mariana (Mrs George Barker) 01 Higgins Alice Gertrude p. 231 Eliza Rosalie p. 231 John Woodman Mrs (C L Carter) p. 208 Louise Marie (Mrs H R Tarbox) 98 Olive Chapin (Mrs L I Prouty) 04 INDEX 331 Higgins — Continued Reuben Paul Mrs (M A Brewer) 01 Higinbotham Robert George Mrs (J D Schauffler) 07 BKlary F^red A Mrs (A J Blanchard) p. 202 Hildebrand Alice Lyon 06 Hildreth Alfred Hitchcock Mrs (A S Russell) 99 Ellen Elizabeth 04 Hazel Ambler p. 231 John Mrs (K B Story) p. 266 Hildt John C p. 12 Hilger Clara Douglas (Mrs Romer Lee) p. 231 Hill Mrs— (A B Nichols) p. 248 Adalene Rogers 08 Albert Clark Mrs (A J Heald) p. 230 Alice Wilbur (Mrs F A W Drinkwater) 99 Edith Naomi 03 Ellen Elizabeth 91 Frederick Mrs (Kath- arine Clarke [Clark]) 05 Frederick Trevor Mrs (Mabel Wood) 91 George Albert jr Mrs (M M Beasley) 08 Ginevra May [Mary Genevra] p. 231 Harriet [Hattie] Bell (Mrs L F Elliott) 86 Helen Fairbanks 03 Henrietta Chrisinda p. 231 Isaac Mrs (C M Still- ings) p. 266 Josephine Alberta 09 Louis Tyler Mrs (A B Richardson) p. 255 Louise Carter 07 Mabel Anna 03 Mary Abigail [Abbie] (Mrs F D Lewis) p. 231 Mildred 09 Hill — Continued Pansy Alice (Mrs H R Morss) 05 Robert Thomas Mrs (J J Robinson) 80 (p. 7) Ruth (Mrs J B Arnold) 97 Susan Leland 03 Walter Briggs Mrs (M E Ball) p. 199 William Austin Mrs (A L Cranska) 02 William Cameron Mrs (L M Belden) p. 201 William Colver Mrs (G L Gutmann) p. 226 William R Mrs (F E Gardner) p. 224 Hillard Fanny Seymour (Mrs G L Morris) p. 231 Helen Lindsley p. 231 Hillesheim John Adolphus Mrs (Grace Holbrook) p. 231 HiUiard Caroline Elizabeth 83 Carrie Gertrude (Mrs A M Dow) 07 Hilliker Eugene Frost Mrs (E M Fay) p. 220 Hillman Harriet Louise 84 Hills Alma Elizabeth p. 231 Caroline Cheney (Mrs J W Allen) 99 Eva Louise (Mrs L R Eastman jr) 96 Helen Margaret (Mrs J M Hills) 08 James Mandly Mrs (H M Hills) 08 Jane Reed (Mrs G E Beardsley) 99 Susan Clapp p. 231 HHt Ada (Mrs J L Street) p. 231 Susie Edna p. 231 Hilton Benjamin De Long Mrs (D E Pomeroy) 04 Mary 07 Hinchliflf Fred Mrs (Alice Newton) 04 Hinckley Benjamin Barrett Mrs (A C Childs) 01 Mercy Adeline 95 Rose 95 Hincks Annie [Anne] Perry 00 Hinds Ellen Maria 89 Hine Edith Caroline 83 Mary Helen p. 231 Hines F B Mrs (L M Saunderson) 81 BKnkley Florence (Mrs Philip Dana) 01 Helen Hartwell 07 Marion 91 Hinman Caroline Borden 06 Frances Eleanor p. 231 Katharine Duble 08 Hirsch Walter A Mrs (H L Mayer) 07 Hirscheimer Elsa (Mrs E J Joseph) p. 231 Hirth Emma Pauline 05 (p. 12) Hislop Annie Balfour (Mrs G S AUyn) p. 231 Hiss Sophie Knowlton 04 (p. 12) Hitchcock Albert Wellman Mrs (M M Osgood) 83 Albert White Mrs (C F Emerson) 95 Annie [Anna] Stella 01 Charles Bidwell Mrs (M B Riley) p. 256 Florence Weller (Mrs J M James) 99 Henry Stedman Mrs (E C Tomlinson) 99 Lucy Clark p. 231 Hitchings F W Mrs (R E Haydn) p. 229 332 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Hixon Maria Louise (Mrs H F NewhaU) 04 Hoadley George A Mrs p. 231 Hoag Mary Stirling (Mrs N K Moody) 99 Hoagland Ruth Fisher p. 231 Hobart Bessie Jewett 85 Hobbey Louise Winslow p. 231 Hobbs Elizabeth Kittredge 97 John Howard Mrs (C M McFarland) 85 HobUt Norma Abigail 10 Hoblitt Margaret Smith 90 Hodgdon Nancy Plumer 08 Hodge Alice Mary p. 231 Samuel Colgate Mrs (L [E] R Mellen) p. 244 Hodges Agnes Susannah p. 231 Clarence West Mrs (A L DuBois) 01 Hodgman Mary Belle (Mrs S E Buzzell) p. 231 Hoegh Alma (Mrs F M Ayres) 00 Hoffman Marion p. 231 Hogan Gertrude p. 231 Lula [Lucy Mary] p. 231 Holies Bee Seymour 09 Hoisington Nancy Lyman 96 Holbrook Anna Laura 08 Frank E Mrs (Martha Van Nortwick) p. 271 Grace (Mrs J A Hilles- heim) p. 231 Holbrook — Continued Margaret Chalmers (Mrs J K Clark) p. 231 Marion Goodhue 01 Mary Georgia p. 231 Melvin Tilden Mrs (C E Crowe) p. 213 Pinckney Mrs (M S Collar) p. 211 Virginia (Mrs Ernst Dick) p. 232 William Chase Mrs (M B Rayner) 88 Holbrooke Lilian 02 Holcomb Fred A Mrs (E M Hart) p. 228 Harry Clifford Mrs (Margaret Manson) 96 Holden Alice Margaret 05 Anna Charlotte 03 Bertha Haynes (Mrs L A Olney) 02 Charles Revell Mrs (M A Towne) p. 270 Charlotte Cheney (Mrs D W MacMorran) p. 232 Eleanor Gilbert (Mrs Joseph Ingelfinger) 95 Harriet Eleanor (Mrs J E Oldham) 93 John Mrs (L F Heywood) 84 Natalie Frances (Mrs Joseph Lovejoy) p. 232 Ruth Madeline 00 Holder Frederick Blake Mrs (A L Woodruff) 90 Julia Montrose 07 Holdship Alice (Mrs E T Ware) p. 232 Holland Susie Warren 09 Holliday Ida Rebecca 10 Hollinger Georgie Anna 99 HoUis Edith Gray (Mrs H M Curtiss) 00 Frederick Stearns Mrs (G W Allen) 91 John T Mrs (N M Ripley) 99 HoUister Emeline Ivison (Mrs Charles Park) p. 232 Evan Mrs (Ruth Albright) 00 Mary Lois 05 HoUoway Anna Lyne 07 Metta Josephine (Mrs Edward Cairns) 04 Holman Edith 08 Edith Estelle p./232 Margaret 02 y Ruth Colburn 06 Holmes Abby Bradley 97 Emma Charlotte (Mrs A K Johnson) p. 232 Esther Reynolds p. 232 Fanny Randolph 08 Florence Isabel 10 Helen 87 Helen Phoebe p. 232 Jessie A p. 12 Jonathan Hiller Mrs (B B Allen) 95 Katharine Wheeler 02 Leila Strobridge (Mrs D L Vaill) 98 Mabel 07 Mary Frances (Mrs C L Eastman) 06 May Salona p. 232 Rebecca Wilder p. 12 Woodward Mrs (K S Beers) 00 Holt Ellen 90 Lucinda Mary-Belle (Mrs LV Walker) 00 Milton Carter Mrs (E G Pope) 00 Holton Susan May 97 Homans Nannie p. 232 Susan Manning (Mrs Henry VoUmer) 90 Homer Dora 09 INDEX 333 Homer — Continued Florence Mary 01 Ruth Louise (Mrs G F Allen) 99 Honey Frederick R p. 12 Honeyman Arthur Mrs (Carlotta Parker) 03 Honigman Edith Lloyd 09 Hood Grace Winifred p. 232 Joseph Nelson Mrs (G F Hall) 01 Susan Mabel (Mrs G W Emerson) 01 Hooker Ellen p. 232 Evelyn Russell 05 Hooper Christine Maxwell (Mrs G A Mahl) 07 Fred A Mrs (H A Rand) p. 254 Hoover Andrew Pierson Mrs (BAD Elmer) p. 219 Helen Marie p. 232 Jennie K p. 12 Hope Theodore Sherwood Mrs (Winifred Ayres) 92 Hopewell Frank Blake Mrs (H I Clark) 02 Hopkins Alice Lucile 05 Earle Cook Mrs (C L Bates) p. 200 Elizabeth J Mrs p. 13 Fred R Mrs (G E Wicks) p. 276 George Mrs (J E Gould) 85 James Mrs (M H Douglas) p. 217 John Stuart Mrs (M G Cunningham) p. 213 Martha Austin 89 Mary Murray 99 (p. 13) Mildred (Mrs Horatio Chisholm) p. 232 Sheldon Mrs (Ella Scribner) 89 Theodora Crosby p. 232 Hoppin Ruth p. 13 Hopson Myra Haxtun 07 Hopwood Florence Elizabeth 10 Home Catherine Josephine 09 Evelyn p. 232 Horsfall WiUiam NicoUs Mrs (L W Hastings) 03 Horton Charles Arthur Mrs (M L Keller) 96 Goldie Printis 10 (p. 13) Margaret Armstrong p. 232 Warren Hale Mrs (E H Birch) 02 Hosford Arthur Percy Mrs (A H French) 08 Emma Sophia p. 232 Henry Hallock Mrs (Jennie Chamberlain) 88 Hosick Lou Hinckley 01 Hosley Walter Alexis Mrs (C S Eddy) p. 218 Hosmer Edith Tracy p. 232 Hotaling Mary Aurelia (Mrs H P Bigelow) p. 232 Hotchkiss Eleanor Benedict (Mrs Roderick Potter) 01 Margaret Linton (Mrs R E Streit) 04 Rose McK Mrs p. 13 Hough Celeste Frances (Mrs S D Drury) 87 Garry de Neuville Mrs (M H Soule) p. 264 Jean Winifred 97 ' /Marjorie Hamilton 09 y Mary Elizabeth 97 T E Mrs p. 232 Houghton Elihu Russell Mrs (M L Phillips) 91 George W W Mrs (E C J Russel) p. 258 Herbert Lincoln Mrs (A S Cowperthwait) Houser Horace Milton Mrs (J M Grouse) p. 213 Houssais Jeanne p. 13 Houston Fred Keeler Mrs (M A Sabin) p. 258 Hovey George I Mrs (C T Dunmore) p. 218 William B Mrs (Marion Bradbury) 86 Howard Edwin Warner Mrs (Nellie Downing) p. 217 Ella Stanley p. 232 Ethel Barstow 01 Joseph Horton Mrs (M E Flanders) p. 222 Lawrence Augustus Mrs (E H Bond) 04 Myra Lee (Mrs K H Field) p. 232 Tasker Mrs (Mary Woodbury) 02 William Henry Mrs (M A Chase) 96 Howe Alice Gardner 10 Edith Helen (Mrs C W Sawbridge) 96 Elsie B p. 13 Esther May (Mrs John Burtch) 07 Fannie Bliss (Mrs A W Mucklow) p. 232 Florence Harriet 03 Frances Cruf t (Mrs H L Sutton) 00 Gordon M Mrs (M E Moody) 08 Jennie (Mrs W E Shoe- maker) 93 John Dawson Mrs (R McG Keith) 99 Lora Agnes (Mrs W L Robinson) 04 , ^ Mary Reed 02 ^ Myron W Mrs (E J Ayres) 82 Nathalie 07 Rose Anne 09 Howell Adalove p. 232 334 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION V Howell — Continued Helen Treat (Mrs J R Windsor) p. 232 James Cox Mrs (A E Egbert) 02 Walter Murdock Mrs (MWSanders)p.258 Howes Abigail [Abbv] Christina 86 Alice Derfla (Mrs W F Collins) 95 Almon Dyer Mrs (A L Evans) 10 Benjamin Alfred Mrs (E D Puffer) 91 Caroline Bradford 04 Helen Zabriskie (Mrs C B Gleason) 01 Mary K Mrs p. 13 Howey Martha Melissa 01 Howland Agnes p. 232 EHsabeth Collamore (Mrs C S Millet) p. 232 Frank Clarence Mrs (E W Mason) 04 Harold S Mrs (Madeline Sayles) p. 259 Marion 10 Hoy Mary Elizabeth 98 Hoye Aloysia Mary (Mrs G F Davis) 00 Hoysradt Jessie p. 233 Hoyt Anna Marilla (Mrs G H Washburn) 81 Annette Ladd 10 Charles Sumner Mrs (Florence Smith) 86 Ida [May] (Mrs J L Til- ton) p. 233 Irene Emma 10 William Everett Mrs (M S Bixby) 99 Hubbard Alice Clark 94 Alice J 87 Ethel May 08 Frank Allen Mrs (E A Wheeler) 94 Hubbard — Continued G Tracy Mrs (A L Gates) 97 % George W p. 7 i-' Grace Amanda 87 (p. ^ 13) Julia Louise p. 233 Katherine Dean p. 233 Olive Houghton 09 Ray Spencer Mrs (A H Bradford) p. 204 Hubbell Clara Marvin 87 Louise (Mrs J B Cot- ton) p. 233 Mary Charlotte p. 233 Robert H Mrs (Marion Ferguson) p. 221 Hubble William N Mrs (K D Price) p. 254 Hubbs Katharine Schuyler 10 Huckel Oliver Mrs (L F John- son) p. 235 Hudson Alice Brown (Mrs W C Covert) p. 233 Anna Sophia (Mrs L W Bagg) 04 Franklin O Mrs (H M Eaton) p. 218 Gardner Kirk Mrs (A S Cummings) 01 Harriet Louise 93 Huffman Harriet Foley (Mrs C C Miller) 00 Mary Lucy (Mrs T D Healy) 90 Hufnagel Frederick Bemhard Mrs (C W Thompson p. 269 Hufnagle Alice p. 233 Huggins Edna Pearl (Mrs C J Norton) 07 Gurry Ellsworth Mrs (M B Swasey) p. 267 Mary Augusta (Mrs D B Gamble) p. 233 Hughan Evelyn W p. 13 Hughes Amy Madeline p. 233 Hughes — Continued Clara Louise 08 Joseph H Mrs (M E Luce) 10 Margaret Anne p. 233 Hughston Robert G Mrs (Augusta Crandall) p. 213 Huguley Arthur Whitfield Mrs (M E Wilder) p. 277 Huiskamp James Woolson Mrs (E I Logan) p. 240 Hulbert Frances (Mrs C E White) p. 233 Hulburt Ella Gertrude (Mrs E B Wylie) 86 Hull Belsita Maud (Mrs L H Rockwell) 01 Blanche Wyckofif 02 C Hadlai Mrs (G M Stoddard) 08 Florence p. 233 Lillian Preston 02 Rosamond 01 Une (Mrs F E Greene) p. 233 Hulse Hiram Richard Mrs (F B Seymour) 97 Hulst Charles Wesley Mrs (M A Jackson) 98 Hultman Julia Eugenie p. 233 Hume George Moody Mrs (J C Kraffert) 08 Katharine Miller (Mrs O D Wanamaker) p. 233 Marguerite 09 Humphreville E M Mrs (L E Green) p. 226 Hiunphrey Alice Caroline p. 233 Beatrice Isabel (Mrs J R Milligan) 07 Harriette Zephine 96 Herbert Sydney Mrs (C P McCalmont) 96 Martha King 95 INDEX 335 Htunphr ey — Continued Mary King (Mrs B A Adams) 94 Sarah W p. 13 Humphreys Ethel 07 Sarah Blake (Mrs Ches- ter Corey) p. 233 Htunstone Mary Cumming (M E Cumming) 04 Hun John Gale Mrs (L S Crawford) 04 Hungerford Caroline Marsh (Mrs S R Mills) 82 Charlotte Elizabeth (Mrs W H Zantzin- ger) 85 Katherine (Mrs J F Herman) 92 Hunt Agnes 97 (p. 13) Alexander Everett jr Mrs (J W Roberts) 99 Charles Colman Mrs (M L Luce) 87 Lucy D p. 13 Lucy Olcott 97 Maude Jennie p. 233 Myron Hubbard Mrs (H H Boardman) 88 Per Lee Mrs (A B Day) 96 Richard Harold Mrs (Mabel Ross) p. 257 Sara (Mrs A L Clough) 95 Shirley May 01 William Brewster Mrs (A M Lloyd) 96 Htmter Bertha Lillian p. 233 Grace 07 Mary Seelye 01 Matthew Albert Mrs (M H Pond) 04 Raymond Wright Mrs (C E Delabarre) 00 Huntington Eliza Prentiss 81 Emily Douglas (Mrs E M Harwood) 02 Margaret 10 Ruth 97 Huntington — Continued Ruth Marian (Mrs Max Brodel) 99 William R p. 7 Huntley Kate Eleanor 07 William Alison Mrs (M T Dayton) p. 216 Hurd Ella Morgan (Mrs F T Griffith) p. 233 Mabel (Mrs A H Willett) 95 Hurlburt Edith Laurana 01 Hortense (Mrs S S Meservey) p. 233 Katherine Marie 86 Mary FreHnghuysen p. 13 Maude Ella (Mrs W B Rine) 03 Hurlbut Charles Hovey Mrs (Marian Beye) 06 Elizabeth Judson 95 Olive Ruth 07 Hurlbutt Ida Mae 02 Hurley Grace Loretta (Mrs T F Walsh) 02 Margretta Mary 06 Hurst Olver C Mrs (H S Martin) p.. 243 Hurtt ^ I / Ella Mae 97 1/ Hussa Theodore Frederic Mrs (C I Warburton) 94 Hussey Oliver Perry Mrs (A F Barnes) p. 199 Husted Louise Akerley (Mrs Eugene Church) 88 Mary Irving p. 233 Hutchens Martin J Mrs (L M Kennedy) 88 Hutchings Alice Marie 96 Leda Turnbull p. 233 Margaret Jean p. 233 Hutchms Frank Asbury Mrs (F R Story) 83 Hutchins — Continued George Amasa Mrs (G F Aldrich) 03 Margaret 06 Walter Dean Mrs (E J Dean) 85 Hutchinson Albert Savage Mrs (V W Mellen) 00 Eleanor Butler 10 Ethel 03 Fred Morris Mrs (Mame [Mary] O'Ble- ness) p. 249 Juliet Perrott (Mrs William Todd) p. 233 Rachel (Mrs F C Thrall) p. 233 Rosa Elizabeth p. 233 Hyde Alice Charles p. 233 Charles Oilman Mrs (Margherita Isola) 99 Dana Cheney Mrs (F M Kenyon) p. 236 Edgar Rhuel Mrs (C A Farwell) 98 Florence Anna (Mrs Jordan) p. 234 Grace Palmer (Mrs F S Ricker) p. 234 Harlow Mrs (Maria Woollen) 93 Jessie Litchfield 98 Louise 10 (p. 13) Margaret Ellen 95 Marietta Adelaide 05 Sylvia Sage (Baronne Camille Eynard) 00 Walter Lloyd Mrs (E A Drake) 03 Hyndman Helen Whitten 08 Hyslop James H p. 13 Iddings William Benjamin Mrs (Mary Van Ausdal) p. 271 Ide Charles Edward Mrs (M E Davis) 06 nes Constance Hurford 95 Ulingworth Rhea (Mrs C S Jemi- gan) p. 234 336 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Imbrecq Paule p. 13 Imig George Frank Mrs (M O Schureman) 06 Ingals Melissa Rachel (Mrs C L Fisher) p. 234 Ingelfinger Joseph Mrs (E G Holden) 95 IngersoU Laura Perkins (Mrs C W McKinnon) p. 234 Mildred 10 Raymond V Mrs (M A Crary) p. 213 Ingham Julia Olney p. 234 Inglehart Dorothy Gladys 10 Inglis Agnes Claire p. 234 Ingraham Clara Martha 02 Ingram Elizabeth Frances p. 234 Lucy [Belle] (Mrs G R Topliff) p. 234 Imnan Edith Loraine 95 Ireland Leah 10 Ireys Charles Goodrich Mrs (F D Wells) p. 275 Irons Helen Hathaway [Hatheway] 96 WiUiam Taylor Mrs (Lila Towar) p. 270 Irvin Grace Edna 01 Irving Charlotte Bertha Augusta 04 Louise Henderson 02 Irwin Abbie Ahce p. 234 Elisabeth Antoinette 03 Frank Mrs (M E Barrows) 97 Ida Riddle (Mrs A B Jones) p. 234 Kathryn [Katherine] Louise 05 Irwin-Martin Jeanne Clarke p. 243 Isaacson Deming W Mrs (H W Baine) 05 Isola Margherita (Mrs C G Hyde) 99 Ivershoff Adolph Ernest Mrs (M B Storrs) 96 Ives Ralph Samuel Mrs (R F Keator) p. 236 Jack Elizabeth 03 William Alexander Mrs (I H Grier) 03 Jackson Mrs — (G L Smith) p. 263 Adeline Louise 05 Alice 98 Alice Helen p. 234 Allen Winchester Mrs (M E Balch) 94 Annie Brown 82 Charles William Mrs (M W Clark) 95 Edith Bertha 10 Edna Earle p. 234 Edwin E jr Mrs (C M Boorum) p. 203 Elizabeth Higgle 10 Elizabeth Massey p. 234 Elizabeth Robinson 04 Elvenia Josephine p. 234 Emma Lillian p. 234 Florence 93 (p. 13) Florence Alberta 07 Georgiana Alice 07 John Jonathan Mrs (H [McB] Creelman) 03 Marietta Annie [Anne] 96 Mary Craig-Essie 95 Mary Louise p. 234 Maud AUiott (Mrs C W Hulst) 98 Jacobs Alice Walton (Mrs A E Whitmore) p. 234 Charles Pelton Mrs (Janette Logan) p. 240 Jacobs — Continued Clara Belle (Mrs L E Stoner) p. 237 Etta Luella 93 Harriet Ethel 92 Maude Eugenia 09 Jacobus George Mrs (M E Chapman) 98 Jacot Alice Blanche 10 James Alice (Mrs George Rossen) p. 234 AHce Meribah^(Mrs W S Elhs) p. 234 Arthur Curtis Mrs (H E Parsons) p. 251 Edith Marion 08 Eloise Prindle 07 Ethel (Mrs E A Quin) 99 Gertrude (Mrs W E Derby) 90 Grace Fairchild (Mrs W C Adams) 87 Grace Fidelia (Mrs J W Gillette) 87 John M Mrs (F W Hitchcock) 99 Mary Lois 04 (p. 13) Mary Majorie (Mrs S R Wilkinson) p. 234 Maud p. 234 William Scott Mrs (I L Butler) 00 Jameson Caroline Cogswell 88 Elizabeth Woodworth 10 Katharine Strong (Mrs E M Greene) 84 Lilian 90 Mary p. 234 Theodore Horace Mrs (A L Burke) 02 Jamison Herbert B rotherson Mrs (C K Grier) 00 Janes Edwin Heman Mrs (L P Babcock) p. 198 Mary Olmstead (Mrs P E Seabrook) 90 Janney Helen Mary (Mrs C M Case) 00 INDEX 337 (> Jaquith Charles Arthur Mrs (E N Lord) 96 Jarvis Edith Lillian 09 Helen (Mrs W F Far- ley) p. 234 Jayne Eleanor [Ferguson] (Mrs C E Brecken- ridge) p. 234 Jeffers Helen 10 Jeffrey Agnes (Mrs Frederick Shedd) 97 Florence (MrsWWCarlile)93 Jellerson Louise 07 Jenckes Clara Hunt p. 234 Jenison Eva 10 Jenkins Anna Spalding 90 (p. 13) Caroline Augusta 96 Edith Daisy (Mrs W A Logan) p. 234 Jeannie Cooper p. 234 Katherine Eleanor 10 MacGregor Mrs (A B Duncan) 98 Minnie Ethel 08 Robert Moore Mrs (R D Jenkins) 97 Ruth Dutilh (Mrs R M Jenkins) 97 Jenks Jessica Estelle 09 Mildred Dean 05 Jenner Mary Sophronia (Mrs C C Wagner) p. 235 Jenness Ella Gertrude (Mrs G B Washburn) p. 235 Jenney Alexander Davis Mrs (Caroline King) 00 Jennings Edward Austin Mrs (E M Goodsell) p. 225 Mary Fosdick 01 Jensen Estelle Louise 10 Jepson Clara Louise p. 235 Harry Benjamin Mrs (M P Wyatt) 93 Jessie Marie p. 13 Jemigan Charles Sterling Mrs (Rhea lUingworth) p. 234 Jessop Stephen George Mrs (G M Waldo) p. 272 Jewell Ogden Mrs (L C Pond) p. 253 Joel Julia Maria (Mrs H W Conn) p. 235 Joerder Hazel 08 Johns Samuel Karl Mrs (M C Barkwill) 99 Johnson Mrs — (J E Saunders) p. 259 Agnes Letournier p. 235 Alice Eline Theodore 03 j Alice Hannah 05 /Alice Robbins ^ (Mrs W A Clark) 89 Anna Louise 93 Anthony Konrad Mrs (E C Holmes) p. 232 Arthur Mills Mrs (M L Prouty) 94 Arthur Stoddard Mrs (J M Blake) p. 202 Bertha Louise 03 Beulah Winn (Mrs H M Parker) 03 Cameron Mrs (Belle Richardson) 94 Carl Alfred Mrs (B M Cassoday) p. 208 Caroline p. 235 Dora Lucille 08 Edith Taber (Mrs H D Bushnell) 02 Edward Mrs (G R Treadwell) 06 Eleanor Hope 94 Elizabeth 98 Ernest Phelps Mrs (F D Dailey) 98 Florence Edna (Mrs A N Collins) 05 Johnson — Continued Florence Merriam 97 Florence Warner p. 235 Grace Eleonora 09 Grace Estelle (Mrs I R Williams) p. 235 Hannah Gould (Mrs Sanford Stoddard) 01 Helen Augusta 92 Hilda Sherman (Mrs Ernest Truslow) 04 JuHa Etta p. 235 Lane Mrs (MEM Jones) 00 Lizzie Frances Eliza- beth Francis] (Mrs Oliver Huckel) p. 235 Lucia Belle 06 (p. 13) Marcia Pratt 05 Marion Phillips p. 235 Mary Augusta (Mrs C L Olds) 85 Mary Hooker 97 Mary Sherman p. 235 Melvin Blake Mrs (M E Laundon) p. 238 Nicholas Leveric Mrs (P A Fischer) 00 Otis Stafford Mrs (A A Fisher) p. 221 Pauline Dustin p. 235 Phiia Borden (Mrs L B Burck) 04 Ray Lucille (Mrs H B Morse) p. 235 Ruth Anne (Mrs H C Newell) 04 Ruth Baird 05 Wallace Mrs (E G Murlless) p. 247 Johnston Angeline 09 Edith Gilmore 06 Laura Maynard (Mrs F L Davis) p. 235 Mary Gertrude 09 Muriel 10 Robert Hoit Mrs (J T Dyer) p. 218 Johnstone Frances Adelaide 10 Mary Margaret Sewall 94 JoUey Josephine Fisk (Mrs C B Goodrich) 98 338 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Jones Alfred Hathaway Mrs (Elizabeth Waldron) 83 Alice Hall (Mrs Abraham Lewis jr) p. 235 Alice Martin 04 Amy Stetson (Mrs H C Rice) 01 Arthur Bacon Mrs (I R Irwin) p. 234 Avis Sessions p. 235 Connie Springs p. 235 Constance Newcomb 02 David Percy Mrs (Alice Gale) 87 Edith Louise p. 235 Eleanor Genevra p. 235 Eleanor Poor 04 Ellen Permelia (Mrs H C Sanders jr) 94 Ethel Hannah p. 235 Frances Eaton 96 Gilbert Norris Mrs (M C Atwater) p. 197 Grace Eleanor p. 235 Grace Lilian (Mrs C A Backer) p. 235 Helen Swift 10 Henry Titus Mrs (M B Large) 98 Mabel Elizabeth 08 Mabel Emma (Mrs G A Keith) p. 235 Marcia Esterbrook (Mrs J B Taylor) 97 Marian Hastings 97 Marie Emilie M (Mrs Lane Johnson) 00 Mary Frances p. 235 Matt Bushnell Mrs (G A Smith) 94 Mildred Katherine 10 Perrie 08 Rufus Horton Mrs (M L Hersom) 97 William Russell Mrs (F A Kellogg) 90 Wilmot R Mrs (M L Bufkin) 90 Jordan Mrs — (F A Hyde) p. 234 Anne Mansfield p. 235 Edwin Oakes Mrs (E F Pratt) 92 Jordan — Continued Frank Herbert Mrs (G E Wilson) p. 278 Henry Francis Mrs (L L Evans) 94 Mary Adela 92 Mary Augusta 10 (p. 13) Mary Wood p. 235 Joseph Edward J Mrs (Elsa Hirscheimer) p. 231 Joslin Lulu Broadbent p. 235 (p. 13) Mary Reed 98 Jouett Jean Gertrude'^ (Mrs A M Blackburn) 02 Priscilla [Pearl] 04 Joy Charles Sumner Mrs (A M Clark) 02 Judd Climena Lyman 97 p. (13) Jessie Axtell 97 Lillian Estelle (Mrs W E Curtiss) p. 235 Judge Mabel Estelle 08 Judson Alice Cleveland (Mrs G J Laing) p. 235 Mary Eunice 99 Juliand Clara Cornelia (Mrs'R D Van Valkenburgh) 01 Kaime Nathaniel Sherburne Mrs (M W Burnham) p. 206 Kaiser Ella Boynton (Mrs W M Carruth) 03 Kalish Bertha p. 235 Kaltenbach Alice Winifred 09 Kammerer Frederick Mrs (Ida Knapp) p. 237 Kane Gertrude Euretta p. 235 Mary Teresa p. 236 Kapp Marie F 04 (p. 13) Kasson Caroline L Mrs p. 13 Kaster Estelle Clarissa 07 Kastler Arthur Coquelin Mrs (F B Ordway) 91 Kauffmann Barbara 06 Keach John Everett Mrs (A B Ricker) 98 Kean Otto Mrs (M L Duell) p. 217 Keams ElsieHerndon06(p.l3) Keator Ruth Frisbee (Mrs R S Ives) p. 236 Keefer Mary Belle 07 Keeler Katharine Marvin (Mrs A T Barnes) p. 236 Katherine 92 Lawrence Murray Mrs (E K Whitin) 02 Marion Holmes 06 Silas Irving Mrs (A A Eastman) p. 218 Keenan Mary Veronica 08 Keene Annie Florence (Mrs N D Stanley) 08 Edith Gerry (Mrs E C Bradlee) p. 236 Keener Andrew Ivory Mrs (R E Pratt) 07 Mabel Ruth 07 Keeney Elizabeth (Mrs L E Gordon) 97 Flora Strong 04 Fred B Mrs (Lizzie Montgomery) p. 246 Keep Ethel Savory (Mrs F D Layton) 03 Keim William Franklin Mrs (A M Madison) 95 Keiser Arthur Lowell Mrs (M K McCurrach) 06 INDEX 339 Keith Clara May 09 Edward Douglas Mrs (R E Sedgwick) p. 260 Eldon Bradford Mrs (L H Keith) p. 236 Florence Elizabeth 97 George Ambrose Mrs (M E Jones) p. 235 Harold Chessman Mrs (E M Bowne) 08 James Thomas Mrs (Kathryn Blyth) p. 203 Kate 10 Lulie Hall (Mrs E B Keith) p. 236 Roberta McGee (Mrs J D Howe) 99 Virginia p. 236 Keizer Josephine 10 Kellam Grace Willard p. 236 Keller Helen Rex 99 Maria Louise (Mrs C A Horton) 96 Kelley George B Mrs (A E Wilbur) p. 276 Grace Marten (Mrs H A Tenney) 97 Helen Esther (Mrs C H Marsh) 02 John Schufret Mrs (E L Eells) p. 219 Margaret Dana p. 236 Kellogg Annie Prindle 88 (p. 13) Flora Arvilla (Mrs W R Jones) 90 Georgina 04 Grace 08 Harry Whiting Mrs (L J Cutler) p. 214 Howard Mrs (C A Case) p. 208 Sarah Delano 81 (p. 13) Kelly Amy Ruth p. 236 Edith Amanda (Mrs F P Davis) 99 Jane Downes (Mrs W C Sabine) 88 Susan Maria 93 1/ Kelsey Florence (Mrs S P French) 90 Harlan Page Mrs (Florence Low) 97 Hattie Gertrude (Mrs H D Gordon) p. 236 Louise Hoyt 84 Kelso Effie Marguerite 10 Robert Wilson Mrs (S B Starr) 05 Kelton Albert Morton Mrs (H E Clapp) p. 210 Louise Wilkeson p. 236 Kemater George Hugh Mrs (A G Clough) p. 211 John Capen Mrs (M E Copeland) p. 212 Kemlo Elizabeth Wilson 04 Kemper William Arthur Mrs (C H Richardson) p. 255 Kendal CHfford H Mrs (M R Leatherbee) 04 Leslie Brigham p. 236 Kendall Annis 10 Avis Elizabeth (Mrs E W Packard) p. 236 Francis Lockwood Mrs (G W Gallaudet) p. 223 Lydia Williams (Mrs Foster) 95 Kendrick Helen (Mrs Ellis Peter- son) p. 236 Mary Lucy p. 236 Mary Pearson 98 Keniston Elizabeth Howe (Mrs K F Rubert) p. 236 Sarah Thorndike (Mrs W M Clark) 03 Kennard Helen May (Mrs W A MacKenzie) p. 236 Margaret (Mrs A V Woodworth) 98 Mary (Mrs G C Scott) 99 Kennedy Bessie Marion (Mrs EUiott) p. 236 CaroHne Cook p. 236 Claire Louise 06 Grace 97 (Mrs H P Corwith) Leila Mantha (Mrs M J Hutchens) 88 Sidney Robinson Mrs (Natalie Stanton) 04 Susan Pratt (Mrs F W Tully) 03 Kent Charles Foster Mrs (E M Sherill) 90 Cora May (Mrs Wal- lace Cameron jr) 97 Everett E Mrs (M C Wilder) 00 Helen French 07 Mabel Watson 06 Richard Browning Mrs (A E Reid) p. 255 Ruth Josephine 02 Kenyon Dorothy 08 Ethel Belle (Mrs J C Loomis) 07 Florence Meachem (Mrs D C Hyde) p. 236 Kern Mary Murison (Mrs P W Tutt) 07 Keman John Devereux jr Mrs (C F Sherrill) p. 261 Kerr Charles Henry Mrs (Hazel Gary) 06 Florence p. 236 Guy Manning Mrs (B M Thompson) 93 Jane Mercer 01 Katherine Clara 08 Mina Mahala 00 Kerruish Helen Constance 00 Miriam Gertrude (Mrs C W Stage) 92 Kershaw Abraham Malcolm Mrs (G E Haworth) 04 James Edward jr Mrs (M E Fairfield) p. 220 340 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Kerwin Alice Maud 06 Ketcham Anna Marie 04 Eleanor p. 236 Lilla Elizabeth p. 236 Ketchum Florence (Mrs W R Westerfield) 99 Helen Anna 07 Mary p. 236 Keyes Bertha Anna 91 Bertha Evelyth p. 236 Eva Beulah p. 236 Louise 08 Lucy Belle p. 236 Maria Augusta (Mrs Walter Mooers) 96 Mary Willard 99 Maud Vivian p. 236 Keys Addle 04 Pierson Douglass Mrs (L S Stearns) p. 265 Keyser George W Mrs (I E Gill) p. 224 Eddde Walter Mrs (L H Carter) p. 208 Kidder Alice Frothingham (Mrs M C Tuttle) 02 Anna Laura p. 236 Edith Maynard (Mrs R L Dana) 04 Harry Welton p. 13 Harry Welton Mrs (M H Bingham) p. 202 Kate [Katherine] Weltha (Mrs A F Gale p. 236 Mabel Agnes (Mrs G L Selden) p. 236 Kilbon Amelia Jeannette 92 CaroHne Eimice p. 237 Kilbom Helen Marie 09 Ealbome Mary Allerton 10 Kilboume Edna Frances 08 Kilbum Alice Rebecca 09 KUlius Elsa Susanna p. 237 Eollmer Frederick Anthony Mrs (C M Brown) 90 Kilpatrick Lulu Evelyn 09 Kimball Alice 99 Alice 01 Celia Allen 10 Edith Amanda (Mrs R B Metcalf) 98 Eleanor Rosannah p. 13 Emily 07 Everett p. 13 Everett Mrs (E L McGrew) 01 Florence Blanche (Mrs J W Phelan) 96 Grace Clarke (Mrs L W Griswold) 97 Jessamine (Mrs E E Draper) 01 Louise [Louisa] Bleecker 01 Mark R Mrs (J M Bingham) p. 202 Martha Hayward 94 Martha Smith 92 Mary Frank 10 Maulsby Mrs (H S Stockton) 99 Myrtle Lydia (Mrs A H Wilde) 98 Rosamond 09 Kimberly Lulu Manville (Mrs C J Curtis) p. 237 Mary Emma (Mrs E W Shirk) 04 Kincaid Anna Douglas 04 Fay p. 237 King Annie Marion (Mrs D C Caesar) 05 Bertha Pratt 01 Caroline (Mrs A D Jenney) 00 Effie Bokewell p. 237 Elizabeth 96 Elsie Maud 03 Fanny 82 Florence Maud 94 Frank Campbell Mrs (G M Brackett) 99 Franklin p. 13 King — Continued Frederick A p. 13 Genevieve 01 Harry Eldredge Mrs (M E Haring) p. 228 Hazel p. 237 Helen Cushman 10 Katharine 10 Landreth Hezekiah Mrs (Florence Lord) 95 Margaret Josephine 08 Marjorie (Mrs W S Gil- man) 99 Mary Chase 10 Mary Emma (Mrs Julius Garst) 84 Mary Schermerhom p. 237 Myra Dorothy p. 237 Kingman Cornelia Amey 00 Sarah Norton p. 237 Elingsbury Edith Wheeler (Mrs W H Watson) 04 Maybelle Gifford 08 Robert Tilden Mrs (H E Putnam) 06 Kingsley DeHa Elmina p. 237 Fanny Hubbard 00 George Almon Mrs (L E Sinclair) 99 Louise 05 Margaret Appleton 08 Kinne Margretta Oliver p. 237 Kinney Mary Amelia (Mrs C O Swain) p. 237 Kinsley Maud (Mrs E L Findley) 95 Kinsman Mary Cassandra 06 Rebecca Nichols (Mrs F C Munroe) 95 Rose Adele (Mrs A F Bassett) 03 Kirby John P Mrs (A T Lawlor) 05 John R Mrs (SEHarkness)p.228, Kirkland / Bertha Louise V (Mrs W S Dakin) 97 INDEX 341 Kirkley Ella 00 Florence p. 237 Kirkpatrick James Douglas Mrs (E M Bartholomew) 07 Kirschner Charles Louis Mrs (C H Sutton) p. 267 Kissock May Sutherland 08 Kistler Alice May p. 237 Kitchel (/ Anna Sheldon ^ (Mrs J A Bole) 95 Anna Theresa 03 Harriet Tyrrell 05 Helen West (Mrs R P Daniells) 01 Kittelle Sumner Ely Wetmore Mrs (A L Sigsbee) p. 262 Kittredge Hattie p. 237 Mary 06 Minnie p. 237 Rose Frances (Mrs C H Cronise) p. 237 Klein Elsie Margaret (Mrs G B Rosenblatt) 06 Klock Eunice Pearl (Mrs F U Dunning) 99 Martha Frances p. 237 ICnapp Alice Alden (Mrs G MacD Taylor) 07 Carroll Duff Mrs (H B Collin) 03 Florence (Mrs J H Yocum)'97 Genevieve (Mrs Guth- rie McConnell) 97 Ida (Mrs Frederick Kammerer) p. 237 Louise (Mrs Walter Baumgarten) 02 Robert Cole Mrs (J R Allen) 07 Rodney A Mrs (I L Richards) 97 Kneeland Clara Louise 00 Kneeland — Continued Frederick Newton Mrs (A F D Edwards) p. 218 Mary Margaret 10 Knight Alice p. 237 Bessie Adele 03 John Watrous Mrs (M L Ware) 97 Sarah Winifred (Mrs L H Thornton) 98 Walter O Mrs (E M Trask) 06 Knowles Jane Sherrill p. 237 Margaret Babcock p. 237 Knowlton Ada Carrie [Caroline] (Mrs Oswald Chew) 97 Charles D Mrs (Anna [Annie] Rogers) p. 257 Clara Myers (Mrs F H Strong) 01 Mabel (Mrs R H Strong) 98 Theodore Ely Mrs (K C Cond^) p. 212 Elnox Addie Louise (Mrs L D Bristol) 04 Alice Adelaide 99 Gertrude Emma 04 Katherine . (Mrs J G Covey) 03 \/Mary Fake (Mrs M L ^ Buchwalter)85(p.l4) Susan Varick 93 Koch Mabel Anna 07 Koelker William Frederick Mrs (E S Steele) 99 Kohn Eva p. 237 Gertrude (Mrs M S Haas) p. 237 Lucille p. 237 Kotzschmar 1/ Dorothea (Mrs A W H Sachsse) 99 Herman Mrs (L R Emerson) p. 219 Kountze Harold Mrs (L J Bulk- ley) p. 205 Kraffert Jeannette Chase (Mrs G M Hume) 08 ICramer Helen (Mrs L R Ack) p. 237 Kreinheder Charlotte Louise 03 Kriegsmann Anna Katrina 07 Eva Helena (Mrs W R Pritchard) 01 Mary Elizabeth p. 237 Krinbill Carrie Bright p. 237 Krohn Caroline Bertha (Mrs I G Levy) p. 237 Kruesi Emilie [Emily] Mar- garet (Mrs W R Brown) p. 237 Kuechle Ada Everett (Mrs E P Hall) p. 237 Kuhfuss Gertrude 06 Kuhn Alice p. 14 Helen Belden (Mrs W N Palmer) 97 p. 14 Kummer Hannah OHve 08 Kurtz Lucy (Mrs C A Bar- nett) 05 William Mrs (P L Wei- deman) p. 274 Kuster John Frederick Mrs (Frances Dean) p. 216 Kyle Harry Brigs Mrs (F C Brenz) p. 205 Helen Sherwood (Mrs H R Piatt) 86 Julia [Whittemore] p. 237 Lacey Caroline Elvira p. 237 Edward Norman Mrs (Katharine Woods) 07 Hattie [Harriet] Louise p. 238 Lachmtmd Alice p. 238 342 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Lacy Burritt Samuel Mrs (Kate Bradley) 08 La Dame Mary p. 238 Ladd Mary Everett 00 Laflin Mary Frances (Mrs R H Blinn) p. 238 Lahm Katherine Hamilton (Mrs Frank Parker) 97 Laing Gordon Jennings Mrs (A C Judson) p. 235 Kate p. 238 Lake George Cheeseman Mrs (J H Boyd) p. 204 Margaret Randolph 04 Lakin-Smith Clifford Mrs (M A Fabens) 03 Lalor James p. 14 Lamb Lucy Inez 94 Lambert Byron James Mrs (H L Davison) p. 215 Elliot Cowdin Mrs (A M Thompson) p. 269 Helen Bordman (Mrs C W Gallup) 94 Helen Margaret 95 Lamont Thomas William Mrs (F H Corliss) 93 La Monte Annie Isabel (Mrs M M Griswold jr) p. 238 Helen Dean 95 [Lamonte] Lucy (Mrs J P Gavit) p. 238 Lamonte Lucy (Mrs J P Gavit) p. 238 Lamprey Eva Blanche 91 Lamson Josephine Roland (Mrs L F Gates) 02 Marion Helena (Mrs R E Matthews) 93 Lancaster E G Mrs (B A Chase) 86 Pearl Anna (Mrs W A Rodgers) p. 238 Lancy Benjamin Clement Mrs (Blanche Lauriat) 03 Land Emory Scott Mrs (E C Stiles) 03 Landen Hattie May (Mrs H N McMerriman) p. 238 Landers Mabel Edward (Mrs J M Ross) 96 Landon Grace (Mrs W J Rickey) 93 Mary 93 Landy Lillian Mary 10 Lane Alfred Church Mrs (S F Lauriat) 91 Annie Leighton 09 Ednah Carolyn (Mrs O E Yale) p. 238 Edward Binney Mrs (Esther Bridgman) p. 238 Ethel (Mrs Wellington Smith jr) 01 Florence Bosworth (Mrs Joseph Manley) p. 238 Grace (Mrs O L Beards- ley) 93 Grace Grover (Mrs J H Quint) 94 Josephine Augusta 06 Harriet Belle (Mrs R B Gibbs) 99 Lottie Rachelle p. 238 Lucia Daggett p. 238 Martha Grace 04 Mildred Hansell 09 Mills Bee Mrs (Mary Comer) 04 Walter Appleton Mrs (M H Chase) p. 209 Walter O Mrs (E C Putney) 99 Lang Bertha Elizabeth (Mrs A M Gieseler) 97 Lang — Continued Edna Frances (Mrs A E Hale) 95 Henry Rosemann Mrs (A H Derby) p. 216 Isoline Louise 99 Mary Susan (Mrs G M Strout) 91 Langdon Camilla Louise p. 238 Cavour S Mrs ([B] M Shaw) p. 261 Courtney Mrs (S H Taft) p. 268 Langenberg Harry H Mrs (Alice Morton) 00 Langford Alice Gertrude 09 William Speight Mrs (M L Weeden) 03 Langmade Eloise Thornton 09 Langworthy Jessie [Jessica] Linnell 92 Lansing Robert Mrs (Eleanor Foster) p. 222 Lapham Alice Maud p. 238 John Henry Mrs (J E Capen) 05 Roger Dearborn Mrs (H B Abbot) 05 Laporte \ / Anna Marie 02 y Larabie Elizabeth p. 238 Mary Ann 03 Larchar Arthur Burgess Mrs (J D Whitney) p. 276 Large Mabel Bailey (Mrs H T Jones) 98 Larkin Thomas S Mrs (C T Gleason) 02 Larmonth Grace King (Mrs C B Snow) 01 Helen Mar 06 Larmour Victoria Amanda 08 Larrison Eleanor Rose 82 INDEX 343 Laskey Edith De Blois (Mrs J E Parker) 01 Latham Jean p. 238 Lathe Martha Leonard p. 238 Mary Agnes 81 Lathrop Anna B Mrs p. 14 Anna Bartow (Mrs Carleton Greene) 90 Bessie Stebbins p. 238 Clara Welles p. 238 (p. 14) Elizabeth (Mrs W M Golden jr) 95 Emily Blackwell (Mrs Raymond Calkins) 92 Josephine p. 238 Mary Helen (Mrs B B Nelson) 98 Susie [Susanne] p. 238 (p. 14) Latimer Mary Pelton p. 238 Lauder Arthur James Mrs (H M Eames) p. 218 Ellen Lydia p. 238 Lauer Alvin Henry Mrs (Carolyn Adler) 99 Lauferty Lilian Eliel 03 Laughney Elsie Allen 05 Laundon Mary Elizabeth (Mrs M B Johnson) p. 238 Laiirence Everett G Mrs (A L Comey) p. 211 Lauriat Blanche (Mrs B C Lancy) 03 Susette [Susanne] Foster (Mrs A C Lane) 91 Lauter Carolyn (Mrs F P Robinson) 00 Sara 05 Law Frederick H Mrs (M K Thorp) 95 Helen Margaret 09 Lawlor Alice Teresa (Mrs J P Kirby) 05 Lawrence Caroline p. 238 Edith Collin 10 Elizabeth Crocker (Mrs S F Clarke) 83 Frances Temple 03 Gladys p. 238 Hattie Alice p. 238 Lulu Nell 09 Marion 85 Robert Ashton Mrs (C E Hastings) p. 229 William p. 7 Lawton Edward Parker Mrs (S W May) p. 244 Layton Frank Davis Mrs (E S Keep) 03 Katharine Alberta W p. 14 Leach Alice Lydia (Mrs E C Sharp) 94 Edith 83 Gertrude Emily (Mrs E L Robinson) p. 239 Margaret p. 239 Martha Henrietta (Mrs J M Fisk) p. 239 Osborne Mrs (A C Perkins) 99 Leake Eugene Walter Mrs (M B Paige) 04 Learned Agnes Wakefield (Mrs P M Dawson) 94 Harriet Palmer (Mrs A E Taussig) 96 Learoyd Elizabeth [Abbott] (Mrs A A Ewing) 92 Leatherbee Margaret Rhodes (Mrs C H Kendal) 04 Leavens Alice Emily 03 Delia Dickson 01 Faith Robinson 00 Sarah Hall 87 Leavenworth Philip Reynolds Mrs (S T Allen) 94 Leavitt Caroline Grace (Mrs Thomas Cascaden jr) p. 239 Elizabeth (Mrs M Y Ferris)',02 Roger Mrs (K S Town- send) p. 270 William F B Mrs (H M Clark) 99 Lebkuecher Carl Headly Mrs (M W Alden) p. 196 Bertha (Mrs W S Royce) p. 239 George Barstow^;, Mrs (A L Mead) 85 Gerald Stanley Mrs (TB Perry) 86 (p. 14) Ida p. 239 Mabel Holman (Mrs P O Dorr) 09 Romer Mrs (C D Hilger) p. 231 Walter Oliver Mrs (L P Sargent) 02 Edith May (Mrs A H Bannon) 96 Leeming Winifred Claxton (Mrs K M Vogel),00 Alida King (Mrs S M Milliken) 00 Dorcas Floyd (Mrs R M Boardman)4.01 Leet Percy Mrs (S B Tower) 05 Legate Grace Howe (Mrs H L Olmsted) 03 Laura Fisher 10 Marion Hunt 07 Leggett Blanche Chipman 93 Louise Randall p. 239 Le Gro Alice Blanche 10 Lehman Lois Partridge p. 239 Louise Catherine 07 Leighton Carlton Butler Mrs (V M Wilcox) p. 276 344 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Leighton — Continued Emma Elizabeth (Mrs H A Miller) 94 Grace Barry 97 Ruth 10 Leitch Harriet Elizabeth 06 John David Mrs (M S Lewis) p. 239 Leland Leslie 10 Le Massena William Henry Mrs (Margery Lockwood) 05 Lenhart Laura Edna 08 Lennon Alice Louise 95 Lent Rosamond Roberta 01 Lentell Annie [Anne] Judson (Mrs M H Pingree) p. 239 Mary Althea p. 239 Leonard Annie Louise [Anne] (Mrs Jacques Loeb) p. 239 Edith Richmond p. 239 Emily Roxanna (Mrs r . S L Haynes) p. 239 1/ Florence 88 Henrietta 79 ,Leola Baird 09 l/Lois Angle 99 Louis Roussy Mrs (E B Tyler) 05 Mary Adeline (Mrs Frank Barker) p. 239 Norma Mabel (Mrs G E Bartlett) p. 239 Ruth 10 William Jackson Mrs (P G Wiggin) 90 Leonhauser Ulysses L Mrs (E B Garretson) 00 Le Roy Cornelia p. 239 Le^Sauvage George Ross Mrs (H E Smith) p. 263 Lessmg Otto Edward p. 14 Lester Grace Darling (Mrs P E Seabrook) p. 239 Levensaler Eliza Kellogg (Mrs E D Carleton) p. 239 Le Veque Pearl Evelyn 10 Levi Anna Beatrice (Mrs T W Wilson) 00 Levy Elsa Katherine 04 I GMrs (C B Krohn) p. 237 Lewis Abraham jr Mrs (A H Jones) p. 235 Anna Eleanor p. 239 Archibald Heber Mrs (B H Williams) 93 Edith Labaree 02 \/ Elizabeth Dike (Mrs < Olive Day) 95 (p. 14) Ethel Oviatt 09 Eugene Richards Mrs (Elizabeth Bradley) p. 204 Eva May p. 239 Frances Wright 81 Frank Danforth Mrs (M A Hill) p. 231 Frank Dunham Mrs (A E Bradbury) 86 Grace Millard (Mrs Stuart Markham) p. 239 Helen Louise p. 14 Helen Tumor (Mrs G B Wilson) 98 John H Mrs (M P Ell- wood) p. 219 John Hart Mrs (E A Putnam) p. 254 Katherine (Mrs L R Bradley) 95 Leila Gordon 10 Margaret (Mrs W S Nickerson) 93 (p. 14) Maria Anna p. 239 Marjory 08 , /Mary Bell [Belle] 01 l/Mary Delia 94 (p. 14) ^ Mary Pratt 95 l/Mary Sinton (Mrs J D Leitch) p. 239 Millicent Vaughan 07 Ora Mabelle 00 Lewis — Continued William Mather Mrs (Ruth Durand) p. 218 Lewisson Sarah McOalmont (Mrs George Hayes) p. 239 Libbey Vivian Betsey 08 Libby Blanche Edith (Mrs A L Ohase) 93 Edith Frances (Mrs F S Benson) 08 Ella Frost p. 239 Lichtenstein Oscar Mrs (Mary Boyd) p. 204 Liesemer Lulu Agatha p. 239 Liggett Benjamin Franklin Mrs (A J Ferris) p. 221 Lillard Walter Huston Mrs (E A Hazen) 04 Lillibridge \ / Grace Rie (Mrs W S C 1/ Russell) 96 Lillie Alice Mercedes p. 239 Florence (Mrs F E Wheeler) 98 Ralph Stayner Mrs (H E Makepeace) 99 Lilly William Dixon Mrs (M R Putnam) 99 Limburger Edna Lucy (Mrs H L Schenerman) p. 239 Lincoln Alice Velma 99 Florence Belle (Mrs A H Washburn) p. 240 Frederic Foster Mrs (A G Lothrop) 04 George Taylor Mrs (H E Wilson) p. 278 Helen Celestia (Mrs R B Newell) p. 240 Helen Stoddard (Mrs A F Stone) 88 Kate Leland (Mrs R B Porter) 99 Louis Burnham Mrs (G E McAvoy) p. 242 Marion Buck 10 INDEX 345 Lincoln — Continued Nancy Louise (Mrs L W Newell) 05 Lind John E Mrs (E L Case) p. 208 Lindeke Albert William Mrs (C R Saunders) 01 Lindley Clarkson Mrs (Anna Gale) 89 Lindman Alice Mae (Mrs T O Hammond) 06 Lindquist Lilly 99 Lindsay Edna 07 Isabel Gray (Mrs H F Helmholz) 07 Susan Maria (Mrs C H p. 240 Lindsay Claire p. 240 Grace Emeline (Mrs A E Buckler) p. 240 Linehan Mary Lessey p. 240 Lingard Olga p. 240 Lingley Charles Ramsdell (H B Teasdale) 96 Linke Edith Adelaide 08 Linsley Charles Allen Mrs Q R Taylor) 93 Linthicum Eda07 Linton Eleanor Acheson 09 Lips Frances Pauline (Mrs W A Harshaw) 01 Minerva Ella 94 Lisman Charlotte Josephine 08 Litchfield Ruby 10 Little Edna Elizabeth [Elisa- beth] (Mrs C R Tag- gart) p. 240 Eleanor Johnson 07 Esther Louise 03 Little — Continued Lucy (Mrs Chester Abbe) p. 240 Margaret 08 Nettie Knox (Mrs F E Shepard) p. 240 Rachel Thayer 09 Livermore Kate [Katherine] Ella (Mrs E L Camp) p. 240 Robert Gurdon Mrs (M A Smith) 99 Livingston Alfred Tennyson Mrs (N E Hallock) 85 Arthur p. 14 Lloyd Anna Mary 96 (Mrs W B Hunt) Edith Josephine (Mrs C A Tuttle) p. 240 Frederick Merwin Mrs (B F Herrick) 96 Walter Mrs (M T Baker) 96 William Bross Mrs (Lola Maverick) 97 Lobdell Edith White (Mrs W W Pusey 2d) 02 Ethel (Mrs F C Sea- man) p. 240 Lockard Alvin S Mrs (Isabel Wright) p. 279 Locke Alison Neal 01 Emily Pauline 00 (p. 14) Emma Bates p. 240 Ethel Upham (Mrs J F Nutting) p. 240 Ezra Francis Mrs (M A Rich) p. 255 Gladys 08 John Whiteman Mrs (G S Nash) p. 247 Mary Stoughton 80 Owen A Mrs (M L Young) 08 Susan Agnes p. 240 Lockett Grace Greenwood (Mrs I / R H Brown) p. 240 \/ Jessie Walston 97 Lockey Frances Lord 04 Lockhart Marie Roberta (Mrs G G Merry) 03 Mary Annette (Mrs F D Pastorius) 01 Lockwood Jeanne Julia (Mrs A B Thompson) 94 Margery (Mrs W H Le Massena) 05 Loeb Jacques Mrs (A L Leonard) p. 239 Logan Agnes Allison p. 240 Eva Isabel (Mrs J W Huiskamp) p. 240 George Wood Mrs (Bertha Allen) 95 Janette (Mrs C P Jacobs) p. 240 Jennie Belle p. 240 Julia 01 William Archibald Mrs (E D Jenkins) p. 234 Loheed Bertha Miriam 00 Lombard Albert Eaton Mrs (Marie Pugsley) 02 James Phinney Mrs (Annabel Abell) p. 196 Julia Winifred (Mrs G M Harris) p. 240 London Harry Mahlon Mrs (L B McKillip) p. 242 Lucie Smith (Mrs Han- sen Moore) 04 Loney Frances Speck 10 Long Margaret 95 Pauline Adele 02 William Joseph Mrs (F M Bancroft) 94 Longdon Francis James Mrs (H M Ruger) 94 Longfellow Anne Sewall p. 240 Bertha Wales p. 240 Ethel Carol p. 240 Longstreet Edith p. 240 Longwell Susan A p. 14 346 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION V V Longyear [Abby] Elsa Beecher (Mrs A T Roberts) p. 240 Helen McGraw p. 241 Look F E Mrs (M A Ware) p. 273 Loomis Clara Denison 00 Emma Rebecca 06 Horace Arthur Mrs (E J Betts) 96 James Mrs (L H Bruce) 05 John Carleton Mrs (E B Kenyon) 07 Laura Weslev p. 241 Martha p. 241 Medora Eva (Mrs P A Ray) 95 Paul Henry Mrs (M E Trask) 00 Lootz Emma (Mrs W G Erving) 97 Lord Alice Tullis (Mrs Edg- erton Parsons) 97 Clara Gertrude p. 241 Clara Steele (Mrs W E Pratt) p. 241 Delia Elizabeth (Mrs C A Fletcher) p. 241 Eleanor Louisa 87 (p. 14) Eliza H p. 14 Eliza Nelson (Mrs C A Jaquith) 96 Florence 05 Florence (Mrs L H King) 95 George Mrs (E J Luck) 82 Grace (Mrs A L Bran- degee) p. 241 Grace Ethel (Mrs G A Porter) 01 Helen Augusta 91 Inez Clark p. 241 James Mrs (M A Foot) 07 John Anderson Mrs (E L Carter) p. 208 Kate Kimball p. 241 Laura Woolsey (Mrs R L Scales) 01 Lord — Continued Lucy Eloise (Mrs Emile Barrangon) 00 Mary Caroline 88 Mary Tate 00 Loring Ruth Dingley p. 241 Lormore Ellen Frances (Mrs L P Guion) 97 Lothrop Alice Gertrude (Mrs F F Lincoln) 04 Anna Maria p. 241 Grace Bernice p. 241 Marcus Mrs (Gertrude Fay) p. 220 Margaret Mulford 05 Lott Arthur Edward Mrs (M L Barry) p. 200 Lotze Hazel Catherine 07 Marie Louise 09 Loud Alice Chapman 06 Herbert Richardson Mrs (Ethel Godfrey) 01 Loutrel Cyrus Henry Mrs (Ethel McCluney) 08 Love Edith (Mrs C E Stock- der) p. 241 Grace Mabel (Mrs H W Baker) p. 241 Ida Lucille p. 241 Love joy Deborah Eliza 98 Herman Samuel Mrs (M H Workman) 99 Joseph Mrs (N F Holden) p. 232 Margaret Waldo (Mrs R G W Butters) 89 Lovelace Marcus G Mrs (A M Watts) p. 274 Robert L Mrs (M H Denham) 95 Loveland * \ / Helen Isabella 89 1/ Lovell ^ Bertha Chace 05 Lovell — Contin ued Charles Otto Mrs (M E Seymour) p. 260 Clarence Norman Mrs (A W Dane) p. 214 Edith Buffum p. 241 Lovett Florence Emilie (Mrs W F Bathricle) 04 Low David Scott Mrs (Edith Lyman Clark) 98 Florence (Mrs H P Kelsey) 97 Russell Cutler Mrs (A K Prescott) p. 254 Lowe Anne Elizabeth 09 Annie Margaret (Mrs E W Connell) 06 Lowell Annette Marion (Mrs A H Thorndike) 95 Edith Allen p. 241 Lowndes Edward Rutledge Mrs (E H Farmer) p. 220 Lowrey Ruth 09 Lowry Helen [Nellie] Beatrice (Mrs Percy Hager- man) p. 241 Lucas William Palmer Mrs (B J Richardson) 01 Luce Adella Matilda p. 241 Alice H p. 14 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs J H Hughes) 10 Maud Lilian (Mrs C C Hunt) 87 Lucey Margaret Mary 10 Lucia Victor Nathan Mrs (Virginia Forrest). 90 Luck Emma Josephine (Mrs George Lord) 82 Ludlow Frederick Orr Mrs (K C McConnell) p. 242 INDEX 347 Luitwieler Helen 10 Lumbard John Wheeler Mrs (E D Tarbox) 98 Lund Carl Hayes Mrs (E C Clarke) 03 Lunt Margaret Sargent 03 Nellie (Mrs R F Wat- kins) p. 241 Olive Ann Meservey p. 241 Lupton Belle Corwin (Mrs O G Pike) 04 Lusch Margaret Virginia (Mrs C D Allen jr) 02 Reuben Moffat Mrs (M M Smith) 03 Luscher Julia Gordon p. 241 //Xusk y Ruth Alida (Mrs W R Ramsey) 01 Lutz Nellie 03 Lyall Bertha 94 Katharine [Kitty] Earl (Mrs O B Merrill) p. 241 Lyle Clara Holmes (Mrs Ed- ward Herbert) 02 Lyman AHce p. 241 Alice Theresa (Mrs F B Clark) p. 241 Ethel 96 Eugene William Mrs (B B Thayer) 97 Florence p. 241 Frances Pease (Mrs O C Burt) 88 Grace Greenleaf 96 Helen 04 Katharine Hart 00 Laura Agnes (Mrs Austin Rice) 97 Margaret Hyde 00 Mary Alice (Mrs N L Goodrich) 99 Mary Elizabeth p. 241 Lyman — Continued Pearl Perry (Mrs J B , Soule) p. 241 / Rose Clarissa 90 " Virginia Dummer 93 Lynch Alice Allen (Mrs G P Alexander) 99 Caroline [Carrie] Vinia 94 Clara Julia 03 (p. 14) Frances Henrietta 00 Frederick Mrs (M B Button) 03 Katharine Gertrude 94 Maria Louise (Mrs D W Campbell 2d) p. 241 Lynde Mary Finney p. 241 Lyon Edith Estelle (Mrs Clement Booth) p. 241 Florence M p. 14 Georgia Elizabeth 03 Grace Taylor 97 Louise Whiting 92 (p. 14) Margaret Currier p. 242 Lyons Mary Beatrice 10 Lytic Florence Rebekah 09 Harriett Jackson (Mrs H C Bonney) 08 Sophie Ridgely 07 Lytton Walter Mrs (L S Ware) p. 273 Mabie Carmen Crittenden 07 Helen Rockwell 04 Lorraine Trivett 00 Mabon Emily T Mrs p. 14 Mabury Eloise 02 Eugenia Beatrice p. 242 McAfee Helen Flora 03 MacAlister Agnes Helen p. 242 Julia Clyde 98 McAuley Millie Gordon 99 McAvoy Grace Elizabeth (Mrs L B Lincoln) p. 242 Malcolm Mrs (M L Wright) p. 279 McBee Mary Vardrine 06 / MacBriar Wallace Noble Mrs (R P Flather) 06 McBride Arthur Andrews Mrs (E H Viles) 03 Maud Walker 04 McBumie Edith Norton 09 MacCabe Edith Magdalen p. 242 McCain Samuel Howard Mrs (M E A Gilpin) p. 224 McCall Laura Margaret (Mrs R M Northup) 08 Ruth 06 Samuel W p. 7 Sumner T Mrs (C R Gardner) 06 McCallum George B Mrs (Elizabeth Revell) 00 McCalmont Constance Plumer (Mrs H S Humphrey) 96 M'Calmont James Donald Mrs (E du P Smith) p. 263 McCandless Margaretta p. 242 McCandlish Lizzie Putnam Mrs p. 14 McCardell Edna May 08 McCarroU Jennie Frances (Mrs F B Edwards) 03 McCarthy Anna Ursula 09 Ella Maria [Ellen Mary] p. 242 Mary p. 242 MacCarthy Alice Mary 04 McCaskie Florence Agnes 07 348 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION McChesney Edith Downing (Mrs C E Pennock) p. 242 McClaire John E Mrs (A C Burton) p. 206 McClanahan Edmund Burke Mrs (N G Palmes) p. 250 McClellan George Mrs (M E Sanderson) p. 258 Katherine Elizabeth 82 Mary p. 242 McClelland Myra 02 McClench Cora Christine p. 242 Marion Hill 03 McClintock Alice (Mrs C A Gra- ham) 99 Anna Colton 02 Gertrude Valerie 10 McCloud Lucy Carter 85 McCluney Ethel (Mrs C H Lou- trel) 08 James Mrs (Mabel McKeighan) 04 Mildred 04 Samuel Copp Mrs (Katharine Robin- son) 04 McClure Anna Margaret (Mrs W M Samuel jr) p. 242 McCobb Callie Talbot p. 242 McCoU Jay Robert Mrs (B G Baldwin) 97 MacCoU Laura Ditto 10 McCoUester Lee Sullivan Mrs (L S Parker) 88 McConnell Edna Bertha 09 Eula Vandercook (Mrs A O Baumann) p. 242 Guthrie Mrs (Gene- vieve Knapp) 97 Kathrvn Charlotte (Mrs F O Ludlow) p. 242 McConnell — Continued Marguerite (Mrs W L Wilson) p. 242 McConway Anne (Mrs A W Mc- Eldowney) 93 Laura (Mrs H R Sco- ville) p. 242 McCord Agnes Armitage [Roose- velt] (Mrs T H Brind- ley) 06 Evan Mrs (E C Ben- nett) p. 201 McCredie Margaret Jane 07 McCulloch Frederick Halsey Mrs (A H Foster) 06 McCurdy Robert Houston Mrs (E L Tryner) 00 McCurrach Mary Kerr (Mrs A L Keiser) 06 McCutchen Margaret Wilson 03 McDonald Clara Bird 96 Margaret (Mrs Robert Webb) p. 242 Maud Anna p. 242 MacDonald Mary Edna p. 242 Mary Elizabeth 09 Mildred Louise 10 Macdonald Lucy Esther 05 MacDonnell Mary Eulalia 02 McD enough P F Mrs (H C Monaghan) 04 McDougall Nettie (Mrs C P Sco- field) 03 Rebecca Vedder 07 Walter Mrs (G G Davis) p. 215 MacDougall Grace Agnes 02 Margaret (Mrs W W Carr) 92 Robert Mrs (C A Chapman) 91 William Dugald Mrs (C S Stone) 93 McDowell Clara (Mrs Glenn Car- ley) 03 McDufifee Alice Louise 96 MacDuffie Jean Challis 09 McEldowney Allen Wilson Mrs (Anne McConway) 93 McElroy Alice 07 Edit.h (Mrs W H Gardiner jr) 07 McElwain Mabel Louise 09 McEvoy Mary Gertrude p. 242 McFadden Elizabeth Apthorp 98 McFarland Clara Mandana (Mrs J H Hobbs) 85 Macfarland Charles Stedman Mrs (M P Merrill) 97 McGaughey Clara [Carrie] Vene (Mrs H L Morris) p. 242 Juliet Daisy p. 242 McGeorge Robert Roy Mrs (E M Gleason) 06 McGraw Harrison Beecher Mrs (E V Buffum) 00 William Henry Mrs (Elizabeth [Bessie] Benedict) p. 201 McGrew Elizabeth Lore (Mrs Everett Kimball) 01 McGuire Alice Browne 10 Grace Browne 10 Machado Salome Amelia (Mrs Minton Warren) 83 Mcllvene Grace E Mrs p. 14 Mcintosh Helen Ecob (Mrs A V Galbraith) p. 242 Maclntyre Ida Whitcomb (Mrs F W Spring) 03 INDEX 349 Mack Isabella (Mrs C E Patton) 98 Marion Allen (MrsCASheffeld)03 Rebecca Robins 01 McKay Carrie Carswell 06 Percy Hamilton Mrs (Winifred Atkinson) p. 197 Mackay Edward Hart Mrs (E W Church) p. 210 Susan Haslett 98 McKee Isabel Dinwiddie (Mrs W H Hidden jr) 82 McKeige Ferdinand jr Mrs (A S Webster) p. 274 McKeighan Mabel (Mrs James Mc- Cluney) 04 McKelvey Katherine Isabella (Mrs C F Owsley) 04 MacKenzie Catherine 03 William Atkins Mrs (H M Kennard) p. 236 Mackenzie William Adams Mrs (J C Grant) 93 William Adams jr Mrs (Mariella Grant) p. 225 McKeown Ella Maranda (Mrs J A Wright) 82 McKillip Laura Brown (Mrs H M London) p. 242 McKinney Ida Ethelyn 95 McKinnon Charles William Mrs (L P Ingersoll) p. 234 McKnight Alice p. 242 McLachlan Nellie Gurney (Mrs Harding) p. 242 MacLachlan Mary Winifred 06 MacLam Grace Ruth 10 MacLaren Malcolm Niell Mrs (M W Sanford) 93 McLaurin Dorothy 09 McLellan Mary Butters (Mrs Wilson Snushall) p. 242 McLennan Donald Roderick Mrs (K C Noyes) 05 Edith Leavens p. 242 Marion 08 McLeod Maude Elizabeth (Mrs J H Brooks) 96 MacLeod Christine Isabel (Mrs E G Chase) 01 McMahan Una (Mrs F E Hark- ness) 94 McMahon Agnes Loretto 02 Gertrude EHzabeth 08 McMechan Erin Theresa 09 McMerriman H N Mrs (H M Landen) p. 238 McMillan William Northrup Mrs (Lucy Webber) p. 274 MacMillan Daniel W Mrs (Alice Robinson) 88 Frances p. 242 McMillen Charles Mrs (M F Sherman) p. 261 MacMorran David Williams Mrs (C C Holden) p. 232 McMullen Thomas Mrs (J L Emerson) 01 McMtillin Sally Jane 10 McMurray Susie Genevieve 09 McNair Preston F Mrs (L B Taylor) 85 Macnaughtan Rosetta Dewart (Mrs W H Chadwell) p. 243 McNay Luella Gallagher 09 McNeil Charles Higgins Mrs (M B Brown) p. 205 MacNeille Perry Robinson Mrs (Clausine Mann) p. 243 Macniel EHzabeth Hamlin (Mrs C M Olmsted) 02 Macomber Bertha May 03 McPherson Elizabeth (Mrs R G Wright) 07 Jeannette (Mrs C H Raymond) p. 243 McQuigg Frederick Willis Mrs (L E Clancy) p. 210 McQuiston Charles Mrs (L F Fitch) p. 221 McRae Cameron Farquhar Mrs (S N Woodward) 01 MacRobert Edna Allan (Mrs W V Morse) 06 McVitty Samuel Herbert Mrs (L P Winton) p. 278 McWilliams Anna Louisa 97 Mary (Mrs J P Marsh) 98 Maddison Mary Louise (Mrs E M Garnett) p. 243 Madeira Charles Mrs (A A Maynard) 97 Madison Augusta Morris (Mrs W F Keim) 95 Magee Ruth Agnes 09 Magna Joseph Nicholas Mrs (Ethel Updike) 09 Russell William Mrs (S E Scott) 09 350 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Iv Magnuson Mark Graham Mrs (E H Schofield) p. 259 Mahan Robert A Mrs (Grace Upson) p. 271 Maher Amy Grace 06 Mahl George Arthur Mrs (C M Hooper) 07 Mahoney Ida May 08 Mahony Emogene 00 Gerald Mrs (C [C] L Davis) 02 Major Lilian Dyott 07 Makepeace Helen Eva (Mrs R S Lillie) 99 John Crocker Mrs (G B Parker) 93 Malcolmson Charles Tousley Mrs (M E Wilkinson) 99 Maley Theresa Booth p. 14 Malley Grace Beatrice 03 Margaret Cecilia [Crandall] p. 243 Malone Alma p. 243 Eleanor Quayle 08 Mary Stapler 00 Maloney Alice May 00 Maloy Agnes Catherine p. 243 Maltbie Annie Louise p. 243 Maltby Edith Frances 97 Manatt Winifred A p. 14 Manker Margaret Mabel (Mrs W H C Carhart) 06 Manley Joseph Mrs (F B Lane) p. 238 Ruth Emma (Mrs A E Healey) 03 Mann Mrs— (N B Stursburg) p. 267 Caroline Elizabeth (Mrs C E Faulkner jr)02 Clausine (Mrs P R MacNeille) p. 243 Dorothea Lawrence p. 243 Edith Belle p. 243 Eleanor Cartwright 09 Elizabeth Ellen 95 (p. 14) Florence (Mrs H A Spoehr) 06 Frances Josepha Eddy 10 I i Harriette Daniell 07 V Kristine 95 Lois Elizabeth 06 Myrtle Margaret 08 Olive Louise (Mrs F H Brundage) 00 Roy Lothair Mrs (B C Folsom) 03 Mannheimer Estelle p. 243 Manning Beatrice Austin (Mrs C I OHver) 02 Caroline Thayer (Mrs E H Whitehill) p. 243 Edith Magdalene 10 Ethel wyn 08^ Florence Elizabeth p. 243 Frances Gleason 06 Helen Powers (Mrs P S Riggs) 02 Manross Marion Roberta 07 Mansfield Anna Carter 04 Bertha Dalrymple (Mrs W E Chamberlain) 05 Christine Tillson (Mrs Henry Cole) 92 Elizabeth Langley 94 Frank Erastus Mrs (A J Curtis) 05 Hilda Brownell 08 Mabelle Gardner p. 243 Manson Daniel Edgar Mrs (E M Comey) 98 Erasmus Valchester Mrs (M A Day) p. 216 Manson — Continued Margaret (Mrs H C Holcomb) 96 Virginia p. 243 Marble Anna Theresa 06 Charles Francis Mrs (A M Russell) 86 Helen Chase 04 Marcley Jessica Louise p. 243 Marcy Annie Maude (Mrs C M Crooks) 99 Henry Orlando jr Mrs (E H Nichols) 95 Marden Helen p. 243 Louise Estelle 10 Marion Frank J Mrs (F L Hall) p. 227 Mark Bessie 03 Pauline 95 Markham Stuart Mrs (G M Lewis) p. 239 Markle George Andrew Mrs (Rose Voetsch) 05 Markley Eileen Hughes 07 Marks Mary Helen 09 Marlin Mahlon Henry Mrs (M M Aldrich) p. 196 Marmon Caroline 00 Marple Lucius Elliot Mrs (M T Folsom) 92 Marples Herbert Mrs (M F Banks) 98 Man- Mrs— (J L Estes) 93 Marsan Gertrude Olivine p. 243 Marsh Anna Harris 03 Caroline Elizabeth 03 Carrie Amelia 83 Charlotte Lowry (Mrs M M Post) 00 Chauncey Hunter Mrs (H E Kelley) 02 INDEX 351 Marsh — Continued Edward Mrs (A M Fisher) p. 221 Frederick Gaylord Mrs (M C Bailey) 03 Genevieve Lottie 96 H^lene Alicia 10 John Porter Mrs (Mary , McWilliams) 98 [/ Sara Brayton (Mrs John Mustard) 95 Susan Preston (Mrs C G Bill) p. 243 William Rodney Mrs (Mina Ball) p. 199 Winifred (Mrs T W Whittelsey) 03 Marshall Mrs— (E B Scripture) p. 260 Anne McDowall p. 243 Eleanor 09 Eleanor Eltinge p. 243 Elisabeth Adamson (Mrs C H Dwinnell) 96 Frank Fay Mrs (M G Blanchard) p. 203 Harry Francis Mrs (E E Boyd) p. 204 Jessica Smith p. 243 /Mary Estella p. 243 Y Sabina 02 Watson Mrs (Irene Cowan) p. 212 William Frarer Mrs (R P Moore) 03 Martin Ada Belle p. 243 Agnes Eulalie (Mrs J Z Bayliss) 98 Alice Garrett (Mrs F A Weymouth) p. 243 Alice Lorinde 95 Anna May 06 Anne Louise 01 Cora Minerva 98 Emilie Frances 09 Florence Marian 10 George Mrs (Alice James) p. 234 George Curtis Mrs (E A Wood) p. 278 Harrie Brenneman Mrs (M L Buchwalter) 03 Harriet Goodrich 99 (p. 14) Martin — Continued Helen Sands (Mrs O C Hurst) p. 243 [Irwin- Martin] Jeanne Clarke p. 243 John Bliss Mrs (Mabel Haines) 85 Laurin Hovey Mrs (H N Greenhalge) p. 226 Mary Archer p. 243 Mary Etta Louise 10 Orville H Mrs (C C Taylor) 91 Percy Mrs (Alice Heu- blein) p. 230 Marvin Albert Henry Mrs (G B Carrington) p. 208 Anna Humphreys p. 243 Elizabeth (Mrs F S Clark) p. 243 Elizabeth Eliot p. 243 Mason Edna Harbour 98 Elizabeth Spaulding 87 (p. 14) Elizabeth Washburn (Mrs F C Howland) 04 Elsie Leonard (Mrs A W Powell) 05 Georgia Anna (Mrs E O Damon jr) 01 Grace Elizabeth p. 243 Grace Whiting (Mrs PS Young) 02 (p. 14) Janet DeWitt 06 Margaret Mary (Mrs John Haire) 04 Martha 94 Mary Arlina 89 Mary EHzabeth p. 243 Mary Lyman 84 Susan Hurlbut 09 William H Mrs (M A Dana) 07 Massey Lucretia Derby 09 Massoneau Edward Philip Mrs (C F Branch) 96 Mastin Theo p. 243 Mather AUie Skeel [Alice] (Mrs Williston Walker) p. 244 Lucy Olcott p. 244 Mary H Askew 83 Richard H p. 14 William A Mrs (FSM Newcomb) p. 248 Mathews Elizabeth Collins p. 244 Grace Elisabeth (Mrs H S Philbrick) 97 Milton H Mrs (Frances Wuichet) 95 Sarah Elizabeth 03 Shailer Mrs (M P Elden) p. 219 Mathison Clara Clifford Sherman (Mrs A J Skinner) 96 Matthews Bessie Louise p. 244 Edith Pearl (Mrs R L Tisdell) p. 244 Edwin Lynch Mrs (G W Bramley) p. 204 Laura Adelaide 03 Robert Earle Mrs (M H Lamson) 93 Maulere Lina H p. 14 Maverick Lola (Mrs W B Lloyd) 97 (p. 14) Lucy Madison p. 244 Maxam Ruth p. 244 Maxcy Helen Bartlett 07 Maxon Margaret Gansevoort (Mrs W F Draper) 06 Maxson Ruth Potter 05 Maxwell George Bryant Mrs (L A Cooke) p. 212 May Anna 07 Florence Emeline (Mrs W F Rice) 92 Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs A H Ward) 99 Margarita Britton 93 Maria Campbell p. 244 352 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION May — Conitnued Sara Wheeler (Mrs E P Lawton) p. 244 Mayer Elsa Sarah 05 Hortense Lucille (Mrs W A Hirsch) 07 Mayhew John Mills Mrs (W G Busbey) 93 Maynard Alice Adelaide (Mrs Charles Madeira) 97 Alice Elizabeth (Mrs A D Phelps) p. 244 Florence p. 244 Harriet Adelaide p. 244 Maude Pauline (Mrs G W Phypers) p. 244 William Clement Mrs (E L Clark) 92 Mayo Ella Caroline 09 Emily Stebbins (Mrs W P Schell) p. 244 Mays Ruth Emma (Mrs J H Anderson) p. 244 Mazeine Raymond Mrs (M H Brown) 04 Meachem Charles H Mrs (E M Roseboom) p. 257 Mead Abby Gray 06 Anna Leocadie (Mrs G B Lee) 85 Annie Kimball (Mrs T J Hammond) 04 Edwin Bradley Mrs (G M Henry) 00 Katherine Lois 91 Leon Mrs (G R Noyes) p. 249 Lydia Abigail 84 Mabel Converse 01 Marian Adams p. 244 Marion Elizabeth 09 Mary Louise (Mrs John Redwood) p. 244 Sara Elizabeth p. 244 Stella Baham p. 244 Meakin Florence Eleand 09 Means Elinor Haven 10 Margaret Appleton 10 Meara Frank Sherman Mrs (A M Sykes) 88 Meding Elsie Addle 04 Megie Dagmar Louise (Mrs G W Ross) 05 Mehan Alida Mary (Mrs Will- iam Fessenden) 84 Meidenbauer John George Mrs (I F Sargeant) 99 Meier Clara Edna 08 Elizabeth Porter (Mrs W V Schevill) 00 Meigs Katharine Hedges 91 Meikle William Bayard Mrs (E C Boynton) p. 204 Meisel Clara [Eveline] (Mrs H S Bush) p. 244 Meisenhelder Mary Elizabeth 08 Melcher Frederic G Mrs (Marguerite Fellows) 01 Lucy Harwood 06 Mary Merwin 95 Metcalf Winthrop Mrs (M H Foster) 06 Melden Margaret p. 244 Melius Lilla Marion (Mrs M W Dickey) 98 Pauline Charlotte 95 Mellen Lily [Elizabeth] Rollins (Mrs S C Hodge) p. 244 Maude Ellis (Mrs A H Nelson) 02 Virginia Walker (Mrs A S Hutchinson) 00 Mellor Erma Delia (Mrs J A Goodrich) p. 244 Ethel Louise p. 244 Mellowes Alfred W Mrs (A E Nisbet) 05 Melluish Edith Elizabeth (Mrs David Davis) 97 Mendell Margaret Beauvais (Mrs Coert Du Bois) 04 Mendenhall Charles Elwood Mrs (D M Reed) 95 William Orville Mrs (L J Osgood) p. 250 Mendum Gladys 10 Mensel Ernst Heinrich p. 14 Mercereau Grace Edith (Mrs A L Van Osdel) p. 244 Merchant Abby Shute 04 Helen Burnham 99 M err ell Irving Seaward Mrs (C L Snow) 96 Stanley Wilson Mrs (M L Caldwell) 01 Merriam Alice Caroline 08 Arthur Gardner Mrs (R E Clizbe) p. 210 Bessie [Betsey] Greene 84 Charles Wolcott Mrs (J B Sturtevant) 97 Florence Augusta (Mrs Vernon Bailey) p. 244 Louise Angele (Mrs George Way) p. 244 Merrick Fannie Gray (Mrs W B Norton) p. 244 Judson Leonard Mrs (M C Fay) 93 Lulu 06 > / Mary Frances 92 y O H Mrs p. 244 Merrifield Ethel Janet 06 Merrill Alice Frances 09 Bertha Alice 99 Clement Fessenden Mrs (B I Smith) 00 Edwin Augustus Mrs (V I O'Brion) 85 Ella Patten 99 Florence 98 / INDEX 353 Merrill — Continued Florence May p. 245 George F Mrs (Daisy O'Donoghue) p. 249 Georgiana (Mrs E T Root) p. 245 Grace Evelyn 02 Ida Nancy 06 Katharine Emily (Mrs W W Pope) p. 245 Margaret Ellen / (Mrs T H Ward) 00 [/ Mary Perley (Mrs C S Macfarland) 97 Oliver Boutwell Mrs (K E Lyall) p. 241 Merriman Mabel Lilian 94 Merritt Ann Gordon 00 Edith Lillian 09 Florence Mabel 07 William Hatch Mrs (E L Clough) 99 Merry George Gottlieb Mrs (M R Lockhart) 03 Mersereau Edith Almira p. 245 Merz Elsie p. 245 Meserve Alice Louise (Mrs W P Rankin) p. 245 Meservey Stillman Scott Mrs (Hortense Hulburt) p. 233 Metcalf Bertha Alice (Mrs J F Strickler) p. 245 Frank Hamilton Mrs (M A Warner) p. 273 Kate Lora p. 245 Robert Burrill Mrs (E A Kimball) 98 Winifred Christina L 10 Meyer Anna Rebecca p. 245 Carl Mrs (M C Pritz) p. 254 Jeannette p. 245 Louise (Mrs Frederic Fechheimer) 01 Max Mrs (M A Campbell) 08 Meysenburg Alice Virginia (Mrs L W Van Cleave) p. 245 Michael Clara p. 245 Michelbacher A J Mrs (M A Weil) p. 274 Mihalovitch Elsie Fletcher (Mrs Adolph Friedman) 06 Miles William Smith Mrs (B E Heidrich) 98 Milham Gertrude Ethel 10 Mabel (Mrs C K Roys) 00 Milius Evelyn p. 245 Milk Margaret Loduska p. 245 Mary Sherwood (Mrs H C Barton) p. 245 Millard Blanche Blackinton (Mrs R E Stevens) p. 245 Everett Lee Mrs (B [E] B Boynton) p. 204 J Blanche 06 Jesse Alveo Mrs (S J Vaughn) 05 Miller A M jr Mrs (H M Spencer) p. 264 Albert Edward Mrs (E [B] G Wilkinson) p. 277 Alice Mason (Mrs Rus- sell Whitman) 83 Anna Elizabeth p. 15 Benjamin H Mrs (M E Critcherson) 01 Clarence Grossman Mrs (H F Huffman) 00 Edna May (Mrs H B / Blakey) p. 245 , ,/Emma Esther 03 /Etta Laura 92 (p. 15) ^ Frank Hayden Mrs (C L Dorr) 93 Grace p. 245 Grace Dickinson (Mrs W W Herrick) p. 245 Miller — Continued Grace Emma 09 Harriet Louise p. 245 Harry Mrs (C B Nealley) 96 Harry Arthur Mrs (E E Leighton) 94 Harry Edward Mrs (O K Beaupr6) 04 Harvey Winfield Mrs (H M Pease) p. 251 Helen Lyman (Mrs E W Moore) p. 245 Helena Franklin 10 Herbert Mrs (S A Walters) p. 273 Herbert Adolphus Mrs (E N Cravath) 90 Hiram Emery Mrs (K F Fisher) p. 221 Irma Lois 10 Jeanne Marie 07 Jennie p. 245 Josephine Denison (Mrs H L Reed) p. 245 Kathleen Amy 07 Margaret (Mrs E H Cooper) p. 245 Margaret Elizabeth 10 Marion French p. 245 Mary [M] p. 245 Mary Mann p. 245 Maude Gertrude (Mrs S A Everett) p. 245 May Irene 07 Milton Cheney Mrs (E C Sligh) 97 Philip Northrop Mrs (Edith Sinclair) 08 William Grey Mrs (A R Evans) p. 220 William Hurd Mrs (M J Baker) p. 199 William Lott Mrs (C P Tearse) p. 268 Millett Charles Sumner Mrs (E C Howland) p. 232 Mabel Rosa (Mrs A B Carhart) p. 245 Milligan John R Mrs (B I Humphrey) 07 Josephine Ewing 82 Milliken Annaymar 10 354 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Milliken — Continued Charles F Mrs (Margaret Townley) p. 270 Louise Caroline 09 Seth Minot Mrs (A K Leese) 00 Walter Louis Mrs (M A Bybee) p. 207 Miilington Helen Esther (Mrs J E Welch) p. 245 Mills Alice Mountfort p. 246 Blanche Ethel 07 Elizabeth Tiffany 97 Frances Hungerford 09 Harriet Chidsey (Mrs R C Cooley) 93 Margaret Adelia 08 Marguerite p. 246 Nona Burnett (Mrs J G Hardy) 01 Ruth Alice 04 Silas Reed p. 15 Silas Reed Mrs (C M Hungerford) 82 Milne Ruth Parsons 98 Milroy Ina Annette p. 15 Milton Robert P Mrs (C I Smith) p. 262 Mindeleff Natalia Victoroona (Mrs H E Rockwell) p. 246 Miner Affa Sophia (Mrs C A Tuttle) 81 Dorothy 09 Editha 10 Frances Manwaring (Mrs C B Graves) p. 246 Maude Emma 01 Robert Frank Mrs (Caroline I Doane) 89 Minich Percy Viola (Mrs P R Carpenter) p. 246 Minkler Frederick C Mrs (H R Andrews) 09 Minns George Frederic Mrs (H P Butler) p. 207 Minor Harriet May 96 Ursula (Mrs Henry Burr) 02 Minot Charles S Mrs (Lucy Fosdick) p. 222 Minsch William J Mrs (N N Reynolds) 07 Minshall Arthur Gladstone Mrs (Catherine Turner) p. 271 Herbert Lucien Mrs (Katherine Behr) 04 Mitchell Alice Townsend 06 Anna Ames p. 246 Anne Coe 09 Besse Edith 08 Carrie [Caroline] Til- den (Mrs G W Bacon) 97 (p. 15) Catharine Adams 06 Charlotte Johnson (Mrs F J Daniel) 96 David Eaton Mrs (Grace Whiting) 97 Edith Jane (Mrs E A Olds jr) 04 Eliza Lamb 92 Elsie Bell 09 Emlyn Valentine Mrs (M A Clark) 83 Francis James Mrs (M A Baker) p. 199 Frank KoUock Mrs (I C Wight) 03 Julia Post 01 Leslie (Mrs O A Poi- rier) 00 Mary Belle (Mrs Ralph Putnam) 96 Max Mrs (I M Prager) 00 May Louise p. 246 Myra Agnes 06 Nellie Louise 99 Philip H Mrs (A H Friend) 08 Ruth Hobby 10 Sydney Knox Mrs (M C Hewitt) 97 Mix Mary Jacob (Mrs H D Barber) p. 246 Moehring Edna Chipman 10 Moffett Bessie Tuttle (Mrs H S Baldwin) p. 246 Mohr Marie [Mary] Ange- line (Mrs H C Hays) 99 Monaghan Helen Cecilia (Mrs P F McDonough) 04 Monfort Marguerite Morehead (Mrs L B Simrall) 00 Monroe Charles Everett Mrs (D L CHfford) 01 Lenore Moore 09 Monson Edith Dale 00 Ethel Percy 06 Montague Edith Florence (Mrs H W White) 97 [Bertha] Fanny Stock- bridge (Mrs Joshua Morse jr) p. 246 Ida Virginia (Mrs A D Russ) p. 246 Lucy Wales 97 Montgomery Anne (Mrs C B School- field) p. 246 Beatrice (Mrs C B God- dard) 02 Caroline Louise 10 Elise Shattuck 10 Elizabeth Mason 07 Esther Wells (Mrs M F Carrott) 98 George R Mrs (E E Emerson) 97 Georgina Gardiner 99 Lizzie (Mrs F B Keeney) p. 246 Thomas M Mrs (B J Potts) 03 Moodey Helen Chapin 07 Moody Mrs— (L C Steele) p. 265 Cornelia Chapin p. 246 INDEX 355 / Moody — Continued Madge Edna (Mrs G M Howe) 08 Nelson Kingsland Mrs (M S Hoag) 99 Mooers Walter Mrs (M A Keyes) 96 Moog Wilson Townsend p. 15 Moon Elizabeth Laetitia (Mrs H S Conard) 94 Mooney Aline (Mrs W V Ryder) 06 Moore Alice Edith p. 246 Alice Gertrude (Mrs R W Nutter) 99 Alice Katharine p. 246 Anna Lewis 95 Anna [Anne] Wells p. 246 Annie Crayton 04 Bessie (Mrs W C Pickersgill) p. 245 E M Mrs (M M Blake- ney) p. 202 Edith 06 Edwin White Mrs (H L Miller) p. 245 Ethel p. 246 Ethel Parsons 06 Grace Harlow 00 Gretchen 08 Hansen Mrs ( L S London) 04 Harriot Van Deventer Mrs (M H Sayles) 01 Helen Perrin (Mrs A C Bagg) 06 Henry L p. 15 Julia Harrison 89 Lawrence Lewis Mrs (E M Dunham) 06 Lilian AdMe p. 246 Mabel Reynolds (Mrs EHot White) 94 Margaret King 01 Mary Winifred 01 Philip Hooper Mrs (G L Nutting) p. 249 Rena Pauline (Mrs W F Marshall) 03 Thomas Waterman Mrs (H P Hallock) 97 Virginia Elizabeth 02 Moorhead Bessie (Mrs A B Reed) 07 Moot Richmond Dana Mrs (M W Atwater) p. 197 Moran Anna Louise p. 246 Morehouse Katherine AUynne p. 246 Moreland Carrie Hampton p. 246 Morey Charlotte Frances 96 Jennie Jasper p. 246 Morgan Clara Ethel (Mrs C N Searle) p. 246 Elisha Mrs (M W AuU) 01 Gerard Emorv Mrs (S F Viles) 'p. 272 Helen Van Deren (Mrs T W Bellhouse) 01 Marion Sherman (Mrs W F Pierce) p. 246 Nannie Louise 08 Raymond Beveridge Mrs (L D PufiEer) 95 Morgenthaler Rosalina Berk (Mrs W A Phares) p. 246 Morgenthau Florence Jessie (Mrs J H Wise) p. 246 Morison Binnie Mrs (C L Bradford) 03 Morrill Frances Ursula 07 Georgianna A p. 15 Rhea (Mrs G B Car- penter) p. 246 Morris Anne [Annie] Louise (Mrs R E Stevens) 93 Dudley Henry Mrs (G R Powell) p. 253 Elizabeth 02 Elizabeth (Mrs E N Whyte) p. 246 Eva Millward p. 246 George Lounes Mrs (F S Hillard) p. 231 Grace Elizabeth (Mrs E W Bassick) p. 247 Morris — Continued Harriet 97 Henry Leslie Mrs (C V McGaughey) p. 242 Julia Catharine (Mrs N B Foster) 98 Kate Eugenia (Mrs C M Cone) 79 Levi H Mrs (L B Snyder) p. 264 Margaret Cecilia 00 Morrison Alice Southworth p. 247 Annie Stevens 00 David Mrs (C L H Thompson) 94 Morron Jean McLean 01 Morrow Carol (MrsLRConnett)98 Dwight Whitney Mrs (E R Cutter) 96 Thomas Judson Mrs (F A Farr) p. 220 Morse Anna Augusta (Mrs G J Walker) p. 247 y Anna Gertrude p. 247 V Anna Louisa 83 Anna Louise 92 Anson Ely Mrs (R E Tucker) 98 Belle Thayer p. 247 Blanche Leonard 92 Carl F A Mrs (A C Pickering) p. 252 Edward A jr Mrs (C M Riddle) p. 256 Elizabeth Warner (Mrs H M Freeman) 92 Henry B Mrs (R L Johnson) p. 235 Jennie Cora (Mrs E B Smith) 84 Joshua jr Mrs ([B] F S Montague) p. 246 Katharine Duncan p. 247 Lillian Kimball p. 247 Lucy Douglas p. 247 Mildred (Mrs E P Bartlett) 00 Minnie Catherine 08 SteUa May (Mrs G E Hamilton) 97 356 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Morse — Continued Willard Vaughan Mrs (E A MacRobert) 06 Morss Herbert Russell Mrs (P A Hill) 05 Morton Alice (Mrs H H Lan- genberg) 00 Copeland Mrs (F E Comstock) 98 James Madison jr Mrs (N J B Brayton) 90 Moseley Elizabeth Lee 09 Henry Perkins Mrs (K M Williams) 96 Mosher Delia Evelyn 04 Mossman Burton C Mrs (G E Coburn) 98 Grace Ethel (Mrs W F Sawyer) 99 Mothershead Owen Mrs (M D Wilson) p. 278 Mott Mrs— (A L Curtis) 02 Edith Stewart (Mrs H E Davis) 95 Motter Ellen Inslee 98 Moulton Elizabeth Morrison (Mrs J R Reigart) 05 Gladys Ellsworth 10 Susy Pressey 99 Warren Joseph Mrs (H W Shute) 87 Mountain Effie Annolia May p. 247 Mowat Olive (Mrs A A Eusta- phi^ve) p. 247 Mowry AHce Angell p. 247 Jeanette Low p. 247 Moynihan Marie [Mae, Mary] Agnes p. 247 Mucklow Alfred William Mrs (F B Howe) p. 232 Mueller Anna Christine p. 247 Mueller — Continued Max E Mrs (J W Bright) p. 205 Muhleman Harriet Pettes 06 Muir Margaret Purdum 01 Mtilholland Mary Estelle p. 247 Mullally Elizabeth Keith 98 Mary Clare 01 Mulligan Mary 09 Mulvihill Catharine Margaret 03 Honora Elizabeth 09 Munn George Leslie Mrs (S B Bo^worth) p. 203 Munro Ruth Elizabeth 08 Munroe Bertha Nichols (Mrs A L Parker) p. 247 Frederick C Mrs (R N Kinsman) 95 James Albert Mrs (A M Wright) 04 Lucy Adelaide (Mrs C F Poor jr) 00 Munson David Curtiss Mrs (M E Ott) p. 250 Loveland Mrs (M B Campbell) p. 207 Maud Antoinette p. 247 Munyon James M jr Mrs (A B Gillan) p. 224 Murch Elmer Fred Mrs (E D Emery) 00 Murdock Dora McChesney 08 Henry Herbert jr Mrs (E M Wright) 09 John Stevens Mrs (P S Fox) p. 223 Murkland Charles Sumner Mrs (H M Tupper) p. 271 Charlotte Marie 93 Marie 06 (p. 15) Murlless Eloise Gertrude (Mrs Wallace Johnson) p. 247 Murphey Carobel 07 Murphy Alice 03 Elsie Bogardus p. 247 Fred Towsley Mrs (C B Gould) 00 Harriett Frances (Mrs Jack Finncane) 07 Jane Sewall p. 247 Rttta Sampson (Mrs J L Pitman) p. 247 William Dudley jr Mrs (M M Carpenter) 96 Murray Annie May 03 D A Mrs (ALA Foster) 00 Florence Grace lOij Harold Hauser Mrs (A P Searle) p. 260 Jessie 05 Katharine Stanley p. 247 Mussaeus Marie Guenther 06 Mustard John Mrs (S B Marsh) 95 Myers AHce 05 Edith Cook p. 247 Lotta Wright p. 247 Miriam Alma (Mrs Bernard West- termann) 08 Mynter Agnes 99 Myrick Hannah Glidden 96 Nagel Edith Clara p. 247 Naramore Elfrida Marguerite p. 247 Nash Eliot Mrs (N E Parker) p. 250 Ethel Scott 09 Gertrude Stuart (Mrs J W Locke) p. 247 Margaret 04 William Raymond Mrs (Grace Reid) p. 265 Nason Mabel Frances (Mrs George Nye jr) p. 247 INDEX 357 Natt Josephine Agnes 85 Neagle Grace Mary p. 248 Neal Bessie [Elizabeth] Lou- isa 02 Morris Stanley Mrs (L S Thayer) 01 Nealley Caroline Belle (Mrs Harry Miller) 96 Neely Frank Henry Mrs (R C Schlesinger) p. 259 Neff James Mitchell Mrs (C M Benham) 99 Neill Abby R Mrs p. 15 H Humphrey p. 15 Nelles Margaret Alexander p. 248 Nellis Edward Granville Mrs (L H Forbes) 07 Nelson Allen H Mrs (M E Mellen) 02 Ben Barr^re Mrs (M H Lathrop) 98 Christine Louise 06 Elizabeth Gertrude p. 248 Frederick John Mrs (I M Sprague) 95 James A Mrs (A V Hatch) p. 229 Lillie Harper 02 Mabel Esther p. 248 Mary Blanchard 99 Sarah Moody (Mrs R A Frey) p. 248 Nesmith Florence 04 Nethercut Mary Bell 09 Nettleton Mary Eliza p. 248 Neumann George Bradford Mrs (L M Stockwell) 07 Newberry Winifred Eells p. 248 Newborn Charlton Augustus Mrs (CG Fiedler) p. 221 Newcomb Clara Winifred 06 Edith Turner 02 Florence Mabel (Mrs W A Mather) p. 248 Marion p. 248 y^irginia p. 248 Warren T Mrs (R E Hendrick) 04 William Jefferson Mrs (M R Packard) 03 Newell yAnna Grace 00 (p. 15) *^ Grace Lestina p. 248 Harman Mrs (R P Brown) 00 Helen 10 Henry Clinton Mrs (R A Johnson) 04 Josephine Gushing 09 Leonard Wheeler Mrs (N L Lincoln) 05 Madeleine 03 Margaret Farrington p. 248 Robert Brewer Mrs (H C Lincoln) p. 240 Newhall Addie-May 06 Blanche Annie 09 Carrie Wright 10 Harriot Bennett p. 248 Harvey Field Mrs (M L Hixon) 04 Loella 03 Newland Sarah Luella (Mrs W J Rushmore) 89 Newlands James Andrew Mrs (Alice Gary) 06 Newton Aldace Walker Mrs (NIBatcheller)p.200 Alice (Mrs Fred Hinch- liff) 04 Edna Florence 08 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs H A Gushing) p. 248 William Alonzo Mrs (Edith Chase) 95 Neyland Mary Elizabeth (Mrs G E Cullinan) p. 248 Nichols Agnes Blanche (Mrs Hill) p. 248 Bertha Abigail [Abby] (Mrs H G Bissell) p. 248 Bertha Richards (Mrs C H Brown) 07 Edwin Bryant Mrs (M L Carleton) p. 208 Eleanor Hunnewell (Mrs H O Marcy jr) 95 Elizabeth Frances 10 Fanny Augusta (Mrs Edward Topanelian) p. 248 Fred L Mrs (E S Ben- jamin) p. 201 Helen Christine (Mrs H A Smith) p. 248 Lucy Gardiner p. 248 Margaret Foster (Mrs P C Staley) 04 May Louise 88 Minnie Louise p. 248 Rodman Armitage Mrs (S O Harris) 07 Rosa Aurelia (Mrs C L Reed) 92 Nicholson Carrie p. 248 Nickerson Ethel Susan p. 248 Lulu Alva 02 Winfield Scott Mrs (Margaret Lewis) 93 Nicolean Henri Ferdinand Mrs (E J Whipple) p. 275 NicoU Martha Sunderland p. 248 Nicols Henry Mrs (L [E] A Wright) p. 279 Niemeyer John H p. 15 NUes Bertha Eliza 09 Edward Mrs (Frances Darling) 93 Louisa Frances (Mrs S E Gates) 07 Marion Agnes 07 (p. 15) Marion Harris p. 248 358 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Ninomiya Tei 10 Nisbet Agnes Emma (Mrs A W Mellowes) 05 Nixon Bertha Duffield (Mrs George de Tarnow- sky) p. 248 Boyd Mrs (J L Whitney) 09 Charles Frederic Mrs (A I Wheelock) p. 275 Mary Stites 92 Noble Edith Moulton 97 Estelle p. 248 Julia Shepard p. 248 Mary Riggs p. 248 Stafford d'Oyly Mrs (Frederica Sawyer) p. 259 Nobles LFMrs (Dorothy Evans) 07 Nock Albert Jav Mrs (A E Grumbine) 98 Nolan Theresa Mary p. 248 Noonan Margaret Agnes p. 248 Marie Elizabeth 09 Norcross Emily p. 15 Joseph Arnold Mrs (Cellissa Brown) 98 Nordhoff Amy Davis p. 249 Evelyn Hunter p. 249 Normander Minnie [Mary] Agnes (Mrs G E Spicer) p. 249 Norris Charlotte 93 Clara Maud 01 George Henry Mrs (A R Safford) p. 258 Gertrude Louise (Mrs Edward Turner) p. 249 Grace May 04 Mabel Etta 07 Margaret 10 Pearl Adeline p. 15 North George Lincoln (Mrs A W Ayer) p. 249 Marguerite Field 05 Northrop Birdsey G p. 7 Charles Henry Mrs (M G Hammond) 82 Eleanore Hammond 09 Jessie Eastman (Mrs M C Walston) 04 Northup Robert Miles Mrs (L M McCall) 08 Northway Mary Isabel p. 15 Norton Ada Isabel 03 Agnes Bonnell p. 249 Carl J Mrs (E P Huggins) 07 Charles Dyer Mrs (K Mc K Garrison) 95 Dorothy Dewey (Mrs H C Payson) 09 Grace Peloubet p. 249 Henry Kittredge Mrs (Jessamine Rock- well) p. 257 Lewis Mills Mts (M A Peloubet) 82 p. 7 Margaret 06 Maud Mary (Mrs Tolman) p. 249 William B Mrs (F G Merrick) p. 244 Norwell Helen Hunter 05 Nowell Mary Ethel 03 Nowlan Nellie Waymouth 10 Noxon Anne Gray p. 249 Noyes Bertha Lizette (Mrs O L Stevens) 94 Emily Haskell (Mrs W F Dalrymple) p. 249 George Rapall Mrs (F A Paine) p. 250 Grace Richardson (Mrs Leon Mead) p. 249 Katharine Chamberlain p. 249 Noyes — Continued Katherine Cole (Mrs D R McLennan) 05 Mary 07 William Mrs (L M Clapp) 81 (p. 7) Nussbaum William Mrs (H K Ritzwoller) p. 256 Nute Mabel Lavinia 98 Nutt Joseph Randolph Mrs (Elizabeth Has- brouck) p. 229 Nutter Richard Winslow Mrs (A G Moore) 99 Nutting Grace Lavinia (Mrs P H Moore) p. 249 Joseph Francis Mrs (E U Locke) p. 240 Nye Caroline Huckins 85 George jr Mrs (M F Nason) p. 247 Oakes Herbert H Mrs (E D Armstrong) 04 Julia Anna (Mrs Here- ward Burbridge) 94 Margaret Maude (Mrs J L Bixby jr) p. 249 Methyl Gertrude (Mrs J G Palfrey):01 Oakley J Allyn Mrs (Cornelia Bradford) 97 Oakman Anna Cadle p. 249 Fanny Davenport (Mrs C B Spinney) 04 Ober Alice May 05 Helen 00 O'Bleness Mame [Mary] (Mrs F M Hutchinson) p. 249 O'Brien Agnes Mary 07 Alice Geraldine p. 249 Hugh J Mrs (E C Smith) 95 Louise Carver p. 249 O'Brion Virgie Inez (Mrs E A Merrill) 85 INDEX 359 0*Connell Grace Claudine 08 O'Connor Thomas Henry Mrs (M A Wright) p. 279 Odde John Alvin Lawson jr Mrs (E W Soule) p. 264 Odell Lillian Atherton 94 0»Donnel Jean Rhea 10 Ruth Leigh (Mrs C W Graves) 08 0*DonneIl Alice Elizabeth 09 Sarah Catherine 96 0*Donoghue Daisy (Mrs G F Mer- rill) p. 249 Ogden Katherine Carlotta (Mrs F M Savage) p. 249 Mary A Mrs p. 15 Oland Warner Mrs (E G Sheam) p. 261 Olcott Helen Knox p. 249 Oldham John Elliott Mrs (H E Holden) 93 Olds Charles Louis Mrs (M A Johnson) 85 Edna Allen (Mrs F B Pease) 04 Edward Allen jr Mrs (E J Mitchell) 04 Olin Ethel Christina (Mrs W L Corbin) p. 249 Oliver Clarke Irving Mrs (B A Manning) 02 Jessie Stevens (Mrs Chalmers Smith) 07 Oiler Marie 03 Olmstead /Charles Mrs 1/ (M A Fuller) p. 223 *' Miriam Parmerton 08 Olmsted Charles M Mrs (E H Macniel) 02 Olmsted — Continued Florence Farnham p. 15 Frances Elizabeth (Mrs F V Doty) p. 249 Harold L Mrs (G H Legate) 03 John Morgan Mrs (H M Prescott) 03 Robert E S p. 15 Olney Louis Atwell Mrs (B H Holden) 02 O'Loughlin Anne Loretta 04 Olp Fred G Mrs (F L Dowling) 02 Olyphant Ruth p. 249 O'Malley Alice Josephine 98 Elizabeth Gertrude 05 Hannah Katherine 09 0*Meara Alice Stephanie 10 O'Neil Edith [Mary] (Mrs W W Boyd) p. 249 John Ashworth Mrs (G L Burr) p. 206 Margaret Anne p. 249 O'Neill , /Anna M Mrs p. 15 /Helen McFarlan 96 Ongley Lucy Evelyn 08 Oppen Lucy von Hiddessen 08 Opper Sophia Burr 08 Orcutt Gertrude Maria (Mrs S B Hibbard) p. 249 Ordway Clarence Eugene Mrs (A L Ripley) p. 256 Fanny Blanche (Mrs A C Kastler) 91 Mary Elizabeth p. 249 Ormsbee Caroline Wyckoff 95 Mary Royce 07 Ome Lucy Dwight (Mrs J W Heacock) 02 Orr Matilda Kidder p. 249 Orr — Continued Samuel Lowry Mrs (Louise Dunkerson) p. 218 Susan Florantine (Mrs A H Abbott) 09 Orrick Christine (Mrs W C Fordyce) p. 249 Orvis Edward Church Mrs (M L Woods) p. 279 Gertrude p. 15 Osbom Marguerite Campbell (Mrs H W Clausen) p. 249 Mary Louise p. 249 Osborne Alice Cook (Mrs F S Atwood) 79 Edward Nelson Mrs (A L Williams) p. 277 Elizabeth (Mrs S C Wells) p. 250 Elizabeth Calef p. 250 Grace Theresa (Mrs E C Hayes) 02 Osgood Alice Florella (Mrs S F Thomas) 91 Ellen Louise 02 > Ethel Lewis 02 '/ , / Frances May (Mrs E S |/ Baumann) 98 Leslie 05 Lilla May 09 Lucy Jennette (Mrs W O Mendenhall) p. 250 Margarette Manton (Mrs A W Hitch- cock) 83 O'Shea Elizabeth Mary 08 Ostram Helen Margaret p. 250 Ostrom Louisa p. 15 Otis Emma Hejrwood (Mrs John Wilson) 02 Frances Louise 97 Otman Alice May 10 O'Toole Sarah Lauretta 95 360 SBilTH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Ott Miriam Elizabeth (Mrs D C Munson) p. 250 Ottenheimer Alice Clare p. 250 Owen Amelia Lucy (Mrs James Sullivan) 81 Emily Pratt 07 Leartus G Mrs (Ethel Rogers) p. 257 Llewelyn Mrs (A F Blair) 97 Mary Elizabeth Hodges p. 250 Mildred Van der Velde 10 Owsley Charles Frederick Mrs (K I McKelvey) 04 Edna Byrne 03 Ozier Margaret Lucille p. 250 Pftckard Caroline Etta p. 250 Edward Wallace Mrs (A E Kendall) p. 236 Grace Sophronia (Mrs C E Andelfinger) 88 Maybelle Rosamond (Mrs W J Newcomb) 03 Nellie Sanford (Mrs J A Webb jr) p. 250 Stella Emily 03 Packer Elsie Farrell p. 250 Paddock Ida Imogene (Mrs C M Rice) 84 Isabel Monteith p. 250 Padgham Estella Elizabeth 98 Page Alice 03 Benjamin Eldridge Mrs (Grace Rand) 91 Bertha Benson (Mrs C W Smith) 05 Ethel Sumner 08 Grace Maria (Mrs M S Bennett) 97 Howard Wurts Mrs (Edith Cox) p. 212 Katherine Bell [Kittie Belle] p. 250 Marguente Cutler (Mrs W A Hersey) 01 V Page — Continued Theodore Herbert Mrs (M L Heidrich) 01 William Herbert Mrs (R G Brown) 97 Paige Alma Stella p. 250 Marion Bancroft (Mrs E W Leake) 04 Paine Edward Stetson Mrs (F M Bragg) 05 Elizabeth Elmore (Mrs F L Palmer) 89 EUzabeth Knight p. 250 Florence Augusta (Mrs G R Noyes) p. 250 Florence Eva 09 (p. 15) Frederick Holmes Mrs (M E Tillinghast) p. 269 Lucy Theodora [Theo- dora Lucy] 96 Mabel Antoinette 95 Mary Louise (Mrs J H Gould) 96 Painter Margaret 09 Palfrey John Gorham Mrs (M G Oakes) 01 Palmer Anna Louise (Mrs Alex- ander Williams) 79 Charles Skeele Mrs , (H B Warner) 79 p/ Clara Frances 83 y Edna Louise 00 ' Emeline (Mrs G B Spaulding jr) 01 Florence Louise (Mrs B W Godsoe) 01 Francis Leseure Mrs (E E Paine) 89 Frank Herbert Mrs (L S White) p. 276 Grant Merrill Mrs (M K Breed) p. 205 Isabella Frances (Mrs J H Bartholf) p. 250 Joseph Coolidge Mrs (Z R Stone) p. 266 Leila Madge 99 Mary Learned 09 P Bowditch Mrs (G W Higbie) p. 230 Robert Manning Mrs (MBBlodgett)p.203 Palmer — Cintinued Shepard Brown Mrs (H W Carey [Gary]) p. 207 William Newberry Mrs (H B Kuhn) 97 Palmes Nannie Gertrude (Mrs E B McClanahan) p. 250 Pangbom Harry Leroy Mrs (GeorgiaWood)p.278 Parent Ora Winnifred 97 Paret Anna Elizabeth (Mrs B M Davis) 95 Paris Francis Ulshaeflfer (N P Fisk) 84 Park Caroline Doremus 10 Charles Mrs (E I HoUister) p. 232 Charles Francis jr Mrs (G R Beecher) 03 Christiana Maria p. 250 Edwards A p. 7 Julia Lyman 07 Margaret Marion 10 Sophia Breck p. 250 Parker Arthur Linwood Mrs (B N Munroe) p. 247 Carlotta (Mrs Arthur Honeyman) 03 Elisabeth Abbott 04 Elizabeth 08 Elizabeth Hance (Mrs C F Chase) p. 250 Emma Harriet 87 Fanny Little 04 Florence Addle 06 Frances Adeline (Mrs F G Farquhar) 98 Frank Mrs (K H Lahm) 97 Grace 00 Grace Bursley (Mrs J C Makepeace) 93 Hattie [Harriet] Eliza p. 250 Helen Eugenia 08 Helen Livingston (Mrs J A Hall) p. 250 Herbert Mack Mrs (B W Johnson) 03 INDEX 361 Parker — Continued James Edgar Mrs (E De B Laskey) 01 Joseph Walter Mrs (A R Safford) p. 258 Julia Frances (Mrs E H Sawin) 83 Lelia Clarissa (Mrs George Sturges) p. 250 Lizzie Southgate (Mrs L S McCoUester) 88 Louise Lang p. 250 Lucile 08 Lucy Persis 03 Mabel Lavina 06 Mary Emma p. 250 Nellie Edgerton (Mrs Eliot Nash) p. 250 Ruth 08 Paxkes Irene Edna p. 250 Parkhurst Edwin H Mrs (Margaret Bright) 08 Parks Jessie Ellis (Mrs J P Wheeler) p. 250 Oren Elisha Mrs (B P Brooks) 05 Parmelee Mabel Lainhart 10 Parmenter George Freeman Mrs (M E Ellis) 00 Parrish Margaret Louise p. 250 Mary Matilda 96 Parry Frances Camp 99 Phoebe Mae 10 Parson Artley Beeber Mrs (L L Swasey) 01 Parsons Mrs— (G M Steele) p. 265 Anna Mae (MrsVHVoorhis)02 Amie [Amelia] 01m- stead (Mrs E H Ferry) 85 Belle Martina p. 251 Caroline [Carrie] Esther 02 Clara Burt 95 Edgerton Mrs (A T Lord) 97 Parsons — Continued Eleanor Ray (Mrs R E Tomlinson) p. 251 Ethel Earle 07 Harriet Eddy (Mrs A C James) p. 251 Harriet [Hattie] Louisa (Mrs G H Wells) 86 Harry Robert Mrs (C S Doolittle) 97 Harry Snow Mrs (F W Ripley) p. 256 Helen Maud Nelson 01 Josiah Waite Mrs (L E Stone) p. 266 [Augusta] Lulu [Maria] p. 251 Martha Celina 92 Mary Prescott 08 Minnie p. 251 Pearl Frances (Mrs W H Stevens) 09 Sarah Lowell (Mrs R W Giflford) p. 251 Susan Morse 95 Theophilus Mrs (Florence Whitin) 00 Thomas Mrs (M P Crouse) 85 Partenheimer Louise Schuler 04 Partridge Delia Morgan 09 Earl Mrs (G M Townshend) 07 Warren Graham Mrs (M K Payne) p. 251 Paschall Ann Dixon p. 251 Passmore Charlotte Weller p. 251 Pastorius Francis Daniel Mrs (M A Lockhart) 01 Patch Charles Orin Mrs (M S Greene) 93 Harriet EHza (Mrs G W Woodbury) 97 Isaac Mrs (H M Andrew) 99 Paton Clara Marie 10 Julia Bayles 00 Lewis B Mrs (Suvia Davison) p. 215 Margaret Young 07 Patten Glenn Alda (Mrs R P Crawford) 08 Juliet Craik p. 251 Patterson Florence Ball p. 251 Harriette Whitney p. 251 Isabelle (Mrs G C Birdsall) p. 251 James McDowell Mrs (A E Collier) 05 Margaret Martin p. 251 Sara p. 251 Pattison Florence Helen 08 Patten Agnes (Mrs S C Wood- hull) 01 Charles E Mrs (Isabella Mack) 98 Constance Saltonstall 02 Helen Hepburn (Mrs L H Beers) 99 Marion Keep 10 Paul Anne Marie 94 Eleanor Frances 98 Florence Helen (Mrs H B Grant) 91 Paun Grace Irving p. 251 Isabella Frances (Mrs H H Ryder) 95 Paxton Laura Jerauld 02 Leonora Merrill 00 Payne Ella (Mrs AG Hamlin) 83 Florence Isabel (Mrs Franklin) p. 251 Hazel Laura 09 Henry Mace Mrs (A A Allis) 84 Lewella (Mrs Gamett Ryland) 08 Mary Kate [Katharine] (Mrs W G Partridge) p. 251 Payson George Shipman Mrs (L G Thaxter) p. 269 Harold Conant Mrs (D D Norton) 09 Peabody Andrew P p. 7 362 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION V Peabody — Continued EUen p. 251 Helen (MrsRHGoodell)04 Rachel (Mrs Frank Fra- zer) p. 251 Susan Perkins 82 Pearce Edward Ernest Mrs (M T Brown) 01 Pearl Alice Field (Mrs W H Whittemore) p. 251 Pearsall Annie May 02 Pearson Bert H Mrs (E M Graves) p. 225 Dana Mrs (L F Wright) 86 Ellen Gertrude (Mrs F G Burnham) p. 251 Gardner Whitman .Mrs (A F Duckworth) 01 Helen Sleeper 81 Pease Franklin Barber Mrs (E A Olds) 04 George Norman Mrs (A B Boutwell) 04 Helen Christine 02 Helen Maude (Mrs H W Miller) p. 251 Kathryn p. 251 Nettie [Jeannette] Au- relia (Mrs OB Smith) p. 251 Peberdy Blanche Mellen p. 251 Peck Annie S p. 15 Carolyn (Mrs H B Boardman) 91 Frederick B p. 15 Julia Emily 02 Julia Esther (Mrs F A Strong) 98 Katherine (Mrs M O Bradley) p. 251 Ludella L 04 (p. 15) . Margaret Edna (Mrs A D Edwards) 01 Mary Langford 04 Sally Perry p. 251 Teresina (Mrs W A Rowell) 94 Peck — Continued Theona Clare [Claire] (Mrs W J Harris) 95 Peers Jennie May 05 (p. 15) Peet Azalia Emma 10 Peirce Annie Calder p. 252 Edwin Hoyt Mrs (Elizabeth Freeman) 05 Eliza Metcalf 89 Florence Ethel (Mrs H H P Wright) 00 Helen (Mrs Charles \ Esselstyn) 91 ; Leona May 86 Maida (Mrs M H Steams) 02 Stuart Mrs (M J Walker) p. 272 Virginia (Mrs G H Wood) 10 Peirson S Ray Mrs (C L Colton) p. 211 Pelissier Adeline p. 15 Pellett Sarah Frances 82 Peloubet Harriet Louise 97 Mary Alice (Mrs LM Norton) 82 Pelton Ernest Williams Mrs (A L Vibberts) 02 Pendleton Edith May St George p. 252 Penhallow Susan Mabelle 07 Permock Charles Ellsworth Mrs (E D McChesney) p. 242 Penrose William Rex Mrs (M H Worthington) p. 279 Percy Ada Lieber p. 252 Blanche Rebekah (Mrs V M Allen) 92 Frank Hewitt Mrs (N J Watson) p. 274 Perine Mary Lucinda (Mrs F L Hadsel) 04 Perkins Adelaide French p. 252 Alice Choate (MrsJ Os- borne Leach) 99 Anna Katherine (Mrs R C Clark) 97 Charles Albert Mrs (M N S Rogers)! 90 Edith (Mrs T T Bald- win) p. 252 Ella Augusta (Mrs A F H Pillsbury) p. 252 Emelie Munson 10 Fanny R (Mrs G N Reed) p. 252 Florence Gertrude 00 Helen 94 Isabel Effie 91 Jane Holmes 10 Jessica Faxon 08 Louise Childs 02 Mabel Kingsley 00 Marion Alice 00 Mary Ruth 00 (p. 15) Ruth Shattuck 10 \ / Sara Maude (Mrs.M G 1/ Sturgis) p. 252 " Sarah Huntington 86 Perrin Ethel p. 15 Luella (Mrs Elwood White) p. 252 Perry Bliss Mrs (A L Bliss) p. 203 Cornelia Tyler p. 15 Edith Jane 05 Edna McCloud 07 Emmeline Potter p. 252 Helen Jeannette 05 Jeanne Hannah 09 Jennette Barbour (Mrs G S Lee) 86 Jennie May (Mrs C H Earle) 90 Joseph Mrs (Maria Phillips) p. 252 Josephine (Mrs E H Porter) 96 Leonora p. 252 Lucy Ware p. 252 Marjorie 05 Mary Alice (Mrs H R Whitney) 05 INDEX 363 Peny — Continued Mildred Rudd 10 Ralph Barton p. 15 Ralph Barton Mrs (Rachel Berenson) 02 Ralph Irving Mrs (C S Wurster) 00 Thomas Mrs (Margaret Watson) 04 Persons Phebe Tomkins (Mrs G G Scott) 00 Peters Florence May 04 Grace Rarey 01 Helen Eliza (Mrs S M Richardson) p. 252 Mary Louise 07 Peterson Ellis Mrs (Helen Ken- drick) p. 236 Helen Penelope p. 252 M Louise p. 252 Mary 10 Paul Chester Mrs (E S Sampson) 03 Pettengill Annie Tyner p. 252 Mary Louise p. 252 Pettibone Mary Cordelia (Mrs James Barber) 82 Pettingell Laura Keziah 10 Pettingill George Waldo Mrs (E M Stratton) 02 Hulda Elizabeth 02 Pettit Grace Amelia p. 252 Robert Mrs (R K Ha- zlehurst) p. 230 Pettus Charles Parsons Mrs (G A Wright) p. 279 William Bacon Mrs (S L De Forest) 01 Pfaff Gladys Barbara 09 Pfluke Ona Emily 10 Phsires Willard Alan Mrs (R B Morgenthaler) p. 246 Phelan Joseph Warren Mrs (F B Kimball) 96 Phelps Allyn D Mrs (A E Maynard) p. 244 Denison Shoemaker Mrs (C L Corbett) 08 Henry Arthur Mrs (C M Chapin) 98 Isaac King Mrs (Martha Austin) 92 Jeannette Eliza p. 252 Martha Emma 93 Mary Austin (Mrs G C Guild) 05 Minna Belle 90 Moses Stuart p. 15 Oliver Austin Mrs (F C Tait) 85 Ruth Shepard 99 William Bowler Mrs (E S Shaver) 95 Philbrick Halsey Raymond Mrs (V D Booth) 09 Herbert Shaw Mrs (G E Mathews) 97 Philip Charlotte Ailing p. 252 Philips Edward Mendinhall Mrs (Bertha Cran- ston) 99 Phillips Alice Bertina (Mrs Gardner Cornett) p. 252 Clara Holmes 03 Clara Hunt (Mrs H L Rogers) 97 Harold H Mrs (M L Sears) 06 Lillian Azubah p. 252 Lura Madeleine p. 252 Maria (Mrs Joseph Perry) p. 252 Martha Cranford p. 252 Mary Hilliard 02 Mary Louise (Mrs E R Houghton) 91 Maud (Mrs Oswald Speir) 90 Nathan Carleton Mrs (E A Warnick) 02 Nella Sumner (Mrs W H Shuart) p. 252 Phinney Charles Merton Mrs (E S Warner) 97 Phypers George William Mrs (M P Maynard) p. 244 Picher Oliver Sheppard Mrs (E I Stanton) 99 Pickering Alice Colbath (Mrs C F A Morse) p. 252 Eleanor 09 Minnie Maud 94 Pickersgill William Copeland Mrs (Bessie Moore) p. 246 Pickett Beatrice 00 Julia 98 X Mary 98 / Pier Garrett Chatfield Mrs (P A Wilson) 97 Pierce Alice Marjorie 09 Alice Reeve 96 Arthur Henry p. 15 Gladys Paige 06 Harriet Edith 94 j Martha Ann p. 252 William F Mrs I (M S Morgan) p. 246 Wilson Howard Mrs (A L Bancroft) p. 199 Pierpont j Henry Warner Mrs I (P C Smith) 04 Pierson Roy Newton Mrs (Margaret Welles) 02 Pigeon Anne Gardner 10 Pike Edith May [Mary] (Mrs F E Bissell) p. 252 George Willis Mrs (H S Day) 04 Kate Stevens 10 Otis Grey Mrs (B C Lupton) 04 Pillsbury Alfred Fuller Howe Mrs (E A Perkins) p. 252 John H p. 15 Maude Alice 10 364 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCLA.TION Pimper Charles William Mrs (A T Denham) 04 Pine Frank Woodworth Mrs (M E Durand) 96 Pingree Melvin Herbert Mrs (A J Lentell) p. 239 Pinkerton Elizabeth Downing (Mrs J S Webster) 87 Frances Bell p. 15 Pinkham Lucy Emery (Mrs C A Burnham) p. 253 Walter Samuel Mrs (I S Foote) 96 Piollet Emilie Victorine (Mrs Ray Spear) 06 Piper Florence Emily (Mrs M A Winch) 97 George F Mrs (N B Porter) p. 253 Mabel Elizabeth p. 253 Margaret Rebecca 01 (p. 15) Pitkin Sarah Eliza (Mrs R S Barker) p. 253 Pitman Helen [Choate] p. 253 Joseph Livingston Mrs (R S Murphy) p. 247 Margareth Arnold 07 Mary Talbot p. 253 Pitts Thomas D Mrs (Edith de C Suffren) 03 Place Addie De Velle (Mrs W G Brownson) p. 253 Bertha Louise 07 Plack Martha Elizabeth (Mrs G E Fisher) 88 Plaisted Helen Florence 04 Helen Florence p. 253 Piatt Ada Susan (Mrs J D Benedict) 94 Clara Boardman (Mrs I A Herrick) 94 I/' Piatt — Continued Edith Grace (Mrs H T Ferriss) 02 Eloise Clara (Mrs E G Benedict) 91 Henry Russell Mrs (H S Kyle) 86 Playfair Wilfrid Ernest Mrs (H L Smith) 07 Plummer Frank Wentworth Mrs (D A Wiggin) 99 Poirier Otto Arthur Mrs (Leslie Mitchell) 00 Pol Frances May 06 Poland Mary Reed (Mrs Rob- ert Cushman) 96 Pollock George L Mrs (M J Richardson) p. 256 Thomas C Mrs (M C Heade) p. 230 Pomeroy Dorothy Emma (Mrs B De L Hilton) 04 Harold Clifford Mrs (M L Butler) p. 207 Helen Jackson 06 Laura Holmes 08 Rachel Merrick p. 253 Pond Anna West p. 253 Jean Baird (Mrs F W Wentworth) 05 Louise Carolyn (Mrs Ogden Jewell) p. 253 Mary Hattie (Mrs M A Hunter) 04 William Raddin Mrs (M D Burnham) 03 Pooke Florence Augusta 01 Helen Custer 01 Marion Louise 05 Pool Sarah Ethel 03 Poole Ethel Love. (Mrs G S Brand) p. 253 Harriet [Hallie] Scho- edde 93 Poor Charles Franklin jr Mrs (L A Munroe) 00 Poore Alice (Mrs C L Favin- ger) p. 253 Harriet Paul 83 Pope Amy Stoughton (Mrs G W Shirk) 01 Edith Gray (Mrs M C Holt) 00 1 /Florence Whipple p. 253 / Georgia Washington ' (Mrs H B Sawyer) 96 William Walters Mrs (K E Merrill) p. 245 Port Irma Genette (Mrs R F Cheney) 93 Mary Alice 90 ]/ Porteous Helena Wenberg (Mrs B M Crosthwaite) 02 Porter Allie Williams p. 253 Annah Goldthwait 99 Charles H Mrs (E M Chamberlain) p. 208 Chester Tapley Mrs (G D Stone) p. 266 Clara Fisher 06 Clementine Burns 01 Edwin F Mrs (C B Strong) p. 266 Elias Hull Mrs (Josephine Perry) 96 Elva Lois p. 253 Emma Ernestine 97 Esther Baker 06 Esther Frances 10 Ethel Maude 04 Eva Augusta 03 George Avery Mrs (G E Lord) 01 Gertrude Ellen (Mrs W H Hall) p. 253 Jeanne Perry p. 253 John Edwards Mrs (L W Briggs) p. 205 Madeline 07 May Victoria 02 Nellie Brown (Mrs G F Piper) p. 253 Nelly Louise p. 253 Robert B Mrs (K L Lincoln) 99 Susan Abigail (Mrs G F Ball) p. 253 Portere-Baur Alice p. 15 INDEX 365 Post Jessie Wells 10 Laura 03 Martin Mercillian Mrs (C L Marsh) 00 Mary Helen 96 Otto T Mrs (Ethel Hamilton) p. 227 Potter Ethel Annie 07 Faith (Mrs H H C Weed) 02 Helen 00 Helen Wilson p. 253 Margaret (Mrs Ellis Adams) p. 253 Mary Lamb (Mrs J A Elder) 98 Roderick Mrs (E B Hotchkiss) 01 Potts Beulah Josephine (Mrs T M Montgomery) 03 Mary 07 Powell Alger Wheeler Mrs (E L Mason) 05 Ambrose Vincent Mrs (H B Clark) 87 Amy Elmira (Mrs C H J Bliss) 96 Francis Foster Mrs (Mildred Towne) 08 Gertrude Reed (Mrs D H Morris) p. 253 John T Mrs (A M Adams) p. 196 Katherine Day (Mrs R A Smith) p. 253 Powers Florence May 10 Harry H p. 15 Josephine 07 Nellie Bernadette 10 rager Ida Marguerite (Mrs Max Mitchell) 00 Prairie Etta Louise p. 253 Pratt Ada Louise (Mrs W E Austin) p. 253 Amy Louise p. 253 Edith Louise p. 253 Elsie Fay (Mrs E O Jordan) 92 Elsie Seelye 95 y A/1 Pratt — Continued Emma Johnson (Mrs H J Blakeslee) p. 253 Florence Livingston p. 253 Grace Tyler 92 (p. 15) Harold Irvang Mrs (H L Barnes) 00 Harriet Maria (Mrs F P Barton) 81 Helen Bradford 05 Helen Folsom (Mrs E B Dane) p. 253 Laura Melancia (Mrs S B Strang) 93 Lucy Adelaide (Mrs C L Short) 91 Mary Brooks 07 Ruth Edma (Mrs A I Keener) 07 Sarah [Marie] 94 Waldo Selden p. 16 William E Mrs (C S Lord) p. 241 Prentice Adelle Emarette (Mrs H N Dean) 95 Prentiss Albert Hawley Mrs (M L Ward) p. 273 Bertha Helen 02 Henrietta 02 Mary Ellen p. 253 Presbrey Florence Natalie 90 Laura Edith p. 253 Prescott Alice Keith (Mrs R C Low) p. 254 Helen Marguerite (Mrs J M Olmsted) 03 Maude 01 Preston Adelaide Belle 05 Grace Alma 82 (p. 16) Walter Grey Mrs (M M Robinson) p. 257 Prew Lina Marie (Mrs G A Savoy) p. 254 Price Eva Alfrieda 08 Katharine Detwiler (Mrs W N Hubble) p. 254 Prichard Elsie Hammond 07 Priebe Florence Theresa (Mrs H H Simpson) p. 254 Prince Florence Louise (Mrs G L Street jr) 08 Kate E p. 16 Melinda Crosby (Mrs D R Smith) 06 Nellie Judith (Mrs E H Baker) 04 Prindle Julia Imogene p. 254 Pritchard William Richard Mrs (E H Kriegsmann) 01 Pritz Carl E Mrs (Dora Wertheimer) p. 275 Mildred Caroline (Mrs Carl Meyer) p. 254 Procter Adeline Winthrop 93 James Lester Mrs (E C Burt) p. 206 Mabel Davis (Mrs J C Tate) p. 254 Proctor Alvara [Rawson] 07 (p. 16) George Newton jr Mrs (E B Bowden) 07 Marion p. 254 Mary Adaline 81 Protheroe Robina (Mrs W G Townes) 05 Proulx Lilian Irene p. 254 Prouty Ellen Smith (Mrs F A Dewey) p. 254 Lewis Isaac Mrs (O C Higgins) 04 Mabel Lucretia (Mrs A M Johnson) 94 Marion Rice (Mrs A Van V Bensen jr) 04 Provost Jane Birtwell 08 PufEer Estella [Stella] Cornelia (Mrs C M Arnold) p. 254 Ethel Dench (Mrs B A Howes) 91 (p. 16) Florence Lynn p. 254 Kate Fairbanks 00 366 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Puffer — Continued Laura Dana (Mrs R B Morgan) 95 Louisa Wallis 06 Pugsley Marie (Mrs A E Lom- bard) 02 Pullman John C Mrs / (H G Ribbel) 08 'Pulsifer Mary Oilman 99 Purmort Jean Crete 08 Purtill Frances Margaret (Mrs R P Stapleton) 03 Purves Elinor Kennedy 04 Rebekah Sellers (Mrs W P Armstrong) p. 254 Pusey Mary Hunter 04 William W 2d Mrs (E W Lobdell) 02 Putnam Beatrice 03 Charles Henry Mrs (M B Clark) 94 Eleanor Chester (Mrs J K Bodel) 03 Ethel Appleton (Mrs J H Lewis) p. 254 Helen Edna (Mrs R T Kingsbury) 06 Helen Langley (Mrs J K Blake) 93 Louise Day 09 Louise Priest (Mrs E B Heisler) 02 Margaret Ross (Mrs W D Lilly) 99 Ralph Mrs (M B Mitchell) 96 Putnam-Cramer Antoinette 01 Putney Carrie Maria (Mrs G H Bryant) p. 254 Edith Nichols 99 Ellen Clement (Mrs W O Lane) 99 Mary Phillips (Mrs L P Wood) p. 254 Pye Olive Fawcett 10 Pyke Arthur Bovard Mrs (B W Secrest) 02 Quarles William Charles Mrs (A L Stockton) p. 266 Quigley Bessie Groves (Mrs H R Fothergill) p. 254 Ellen Barrett (Mrs San- ford Sawin) 04 Quimby Aldana Ripley 10 Quin Edward Albert Mrs (Ethel James) 99 Quint John Hastings Mrs (G G Lane) 94 Quirk Anna Maria (Mrs Den- nis Short) 84 Nelle Faragher 00 Radzinski Louise p. 16 Rae Mabel 08 Ra£F George W jr Mrs (J R Williams) p. 277 Rafsky Martha Hyman p. 254 Rahe Frank John Mrs (C P Foster) 01 Raley George Sloan Mrs (J A Day) p.. 216 Ralston Gladys 09 Ramage /Edith Mary (Mrs Law- V son Ramage) 00 Lawson Mrs (E M Ramage) 00 Rambo Susan Miller 05 (p. 16) Ramsay Gordon Aiken Mrs (E [S] Symonds) 00 William Mrs (A L Vogdes) 02 Ramsdell Emma Augusta (Mrs J G Hastings) p. 254 Ramsey Anna Laura 00 Ramsey — Continued Lida Crawford (Mrs W C Sherwood) p. 254 Ruth (Mrs J V Davies) p. 254 Walter Reeve Mrs (R A Lusk) 01 Rand Edith Edwina 99 Edward Gushing Mrs (Mary Rand) p. 254 (Mrs B E Page) 91 Helen Abigail (Mrs F A Hooper) p. 254 Helen Chadwick (Mrs L H Thayer) 84 Herbert Wilbur Mrs (C F Hammond) 96 Jessie Sophia (Mrs J E Goldthwait) 90 Margaret 97 Mary (Mrs E C Rand) p. 254 Winifred 04 Randall Bertha Thatcher 93 Maude Beatrice (XI Phoebe Ward 06 Raney Joseph Harrison Mrs (Hope Dill) 02 Rankin Emma (Mrs Barber) p. 254 Isabel Poland 03 Margaret Clark 08 Mary Poland (Mrs O P Wardner) 92 Walter Poland Mrs (A L Meserve) p. 245 Ranney Kate Eunice (Mrs C B Gardner) p. 254 Oriana 08 Ransom Alia Burtis p. 254 Laura Elma (Mrs Da- rius Frink) p. 254 Rapp Mrs— (M E Chambers) p. 209 RatclifP Margaret Gertrude p. 254 Rathbun Mary Elizabeth p. 255 INDEX 367 V Rathvon Mary Louise 07 Rawls Ann Elizabeth 10 Rawson Joseph Scott Mrs (G N Dustan) 97 Ray Anna Chapin 85 Bertha Cornwall (Mrs E A Harriman) 86 David Heydom Mrs (S E Beecher) 03 Elizabeth Chesson 99 Julia Lincoln (Mrs J P Andrews) p. 255 Patrick A Mrs (M E Loomis) 95 Raymond Alice Gilbert 06 Charles Harlow Mrs (Jeannette McPher- son) p. 243 Joseph Walter Mrs (C I Tewksbury) p. 269 Lillian Arnold p. 255 Lucy Emma 08 Mary Elizabeth 91 Robert Bates Mrs (S M Skinner) p. 262 Rayner Mary Balmer (Mrs W C Holbrook) 88 Raynolds Kate Saxton (Mrs D S Dean) 95 Rea Rhoda Olive 08 Read Carolyn Howe 99 Charles Francis Mrs (Ethelwyn Eaton) p. 218 Elizabeth Fisher 96 Georgia Willis p. 255 Helen 07 Marion Pugh 98 Mary Alice (Mrs H K Brooks) 00 Readio Frank Manly Mrs (Delia [M A] Back) p. 198 Rederich Elinor Josephine (Mrs A O Wakefield) p. 255 / Redfem Clara Stanley p. 255 Elisabeth Goodwin (Mrs D C Dennett) 97 Ralph B Mrs (M G True) 00 Redington Ruth Hayes (Mrs H T Griswold) 05 Redwood John Mrs (M L Mead) p. 244 Reed Allen Bevins Mrs (Bessie Moorhead) 07 Alma Ethel (Mrs R H Whitney) 03 Almeda Frances (Mrs W C Hardy) 03 Bertha May 06 Charles Lincoln Mrs (R A Nichols) 92 Clara Everett 01 Clara Melinda 87 Dorothy Mabel (Mrs C E Mendenhall) 95 Faith Hamilton 08 Florence Munroe (Mrs A N Cryan) 98 George Negley Mrs (F R Perkins) p. 252 Harry Louis Mrs (J D Miller) p. 245 Helen Ainsworth (Mrs C E Bartlett) 07 Helen Elizabeth 05 Helen Winsor 08 Julia Goodspeed 08 Mabel Florence 96 Marcia 09 Theodora Williams (Mrs J W Drysdale) 89 Rees Helen Newton 10 Sarah Tinsley 05 Reeve Ada Belle 08 Katharine Mary p. 255 Reeves Bertha Butler 99 Florence p. 255 Reid Alice p. 255 Anna [Anne] Eugenia (Mrs R B Kent) p. 255 Reid — Continued Dora Allan 07 Edith May 00 Grace (Mrs W R Nash) p. 255 John Mrs (M L Richardson) 93 Mary p. 255 Reigart John Routt Mrs (E M Moulton) 05 Reilly Mary Louise 10 Remington Eunice Denison 09 Reno Anne Evans 09 Revell Elizabeth (Mrs G B McCallum) 00 Rex May p. 255 Reynard Edith Elizabeth p. 255 Reynolds Anna Earll 07 Bertha Capen 08 Grace Potter 04 (p. 16) Harriet Lyman p. 255 Harry Campbell Mrs (F J Smyth) 01 James B Mrs (F B Dike) p. 216 James Edward Mrs (I P Taylor) p. 268 Judith p. 255 Marion Susan 06 Neva N (Mrs W J Minsch) 07 Rhees Rush Mrs (H C Seelye) 88 Rhein Caroline Wilding Mrs p. 16 Rhoades W C P Mrs (A E Schreuder) p. 259 Rhodes Isabella Knox 07 Marcus Arnold Mrs (R L Bangs) 06 Riall Jessie Lee 10 Ribbel Helen Gwendolyn (MrsJCPuUman)08 368 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Rice Arthur Louis Mrs (A E Cook) 93 Austin Mrs (L A Lyman) 97 CM Mrs (I I Paddock) 84 Caroline Montgomery p. 255 Eliza B Mrs p. 16 Eliza O'B p. 16 Emma Ida p. 255 Ethel Hume 09 Frances Electa 99 George Marshall Mrs (M L Davis) p. 215 Helen Hay ward 01 Helen Rebecca (Mrs F D Barker) 01 Howard Crosby Mrs (A S Jones) 01 Josephine Bell (Mrs C W Tingley) 97 Laura p. 255 Lillian Ballance (Mrs Wilson Chase) 94 Lucy Adelaide p. 255 Lucy Fay 05 Mabel Agnes 98 Margaret Corey 08 Marion McCune 05 Mary Katrine (Mrs W T Sedgwick) p. 255 Walter Edwin Mrs (L M Davis) 02 William Foster Mrs (F E May) 92 Rich Alice Elizabeth (Mrs Eleazer Cate) p. 255 Edgar Judson Mrs (M L Aldrich) 85 Mary Adelia (Mrs E F Locke) p. 255 Ruby Lucy 89 Richards Alice Maud 95 E B Mrs p. 16 Helen Dorothy 00 Howard M Mrs (J R Dunham) p. 218 Irma Louise (Mrs R A Knapp) 97 Jean Marie 95 Marian Edwards 99 (p. 16) Marion Stevens 10 Martha Billings 92 Richards — Continued Maude Idylle p. 255 Sara Franklin 02 Richardson Agnes Bell (Mrs L T Hill) p. 255 Alice 01 Alice Balmaine (Mrs Philip Shillito) p. 255 Alice Maude p. 255 Augusta Hortense p. 255 Belle (Mrs Cameron Johnson) 94 Bertha June (Mrs W P Lucas) 01 Carrie Annie (Mrs Her- man Babson) 96 Carrie Lavinia 84 Constance Henrietta (Mrs W A Kemper) p. 255 Dorothea (Mrs Dudley Bragdon) p. 255 Edith Maria 93 Edwin J Mrs (L M Bush) p. 206 Ellen Terese 05 Frances Marion 08 Frank Milne Mrs (J L Scott) p. 260 George Edward Mrs (M J Tufts) p. 271 Grace Kyle 09 Jean [Jeanne] Scott 09 Jennie Mabel p. 255 Jennie May 84 Lilian Louise (Mrs L H Shepherd) p. 256 Margaret 06 Maria Jane (Mrs G L Pollock) p. 256 Mary Lilias 94 (p. 16) Mary Lincoln (Mrs John Reid) 93 Samuel Martin Mrs (H E Peters) p. 252 Vesta Eloise (Mrs Brainerd Taylor) p. 256 William Howard Mrs (M S Carpenter) p. 208 Richey Guida Hoen p. 256 Richmond Clifton Frank Mrs Q A Davis) 02 Richmond — Continued Gertrude Caroline (Mrs W D Turck)l98 Myrtle Leila 07 Wallace Everett Mrs (A E Barnes) p. 199 Richolson Edna Lucile p. 256 Rickard Annie p. 256 Ricker Alice Belle (Mrs J E Keach) 98 Alice Lillian 08 Frederic Smith Mrs (G P Hyde) p. 234 Lillias Carrie p. 256 Rickey Walter Josiah Mrs (Grace Landon) 93 Ricks Mary Helena p. 256 Riddle Clara Margaretha (Mrs E A Morse jr) p. 256 Edna Mary (Mrs A B Birge) p. 256 Gertrude Frieda (Mrs E T Bradbury) 01 Ridell Helen Catharine 09 Ridenour Ethel Baker 99 Ridgway Wilma 10 Ridley Frederick William Mrs (G G Oolton) p. 211 Riegelman Charles A Mrs (L I Ehrich) 04 Riexinger Henry E Mrs (E L Glennie) 00 Riggs Maria Louise 82 Martha Warner (Mrs A D Truax) 02 Pliny Sexton Mrs (H P Manning) 02 Righter Walter Leiseuring Mrs (E C Foster) 00 Riker Edith Caroline 10 Eleanor Hunter 08 Elsie Shaw 08 Ida Elizabeth p. 256 INDEX 369 Riker — Continued Robert Sinclair Mrs (Helen Robinson) 03 Riley Martha Bird (Mrs C B Hitchcock) p. 256 Mary Frances 10 Rine Walter B Mrs (M E Hurlburt) 03 Ringwalt Dorothy Rutgers 09 Ripley Anna Lyman (Mrs C E Ordway) p. 256 Bessie Whitney (Mrs B M Harroun) 05 Edward Pearson Mrs (E H Wheeler) 96 Ethelind Howe (Mrs H S Giles) 08 Florence Emily (Mrs G N Willis) 03 Florence Woodbury (Mrs H S Parsons) p. 256 Frances Payson (Mrs N W Willard) 97 Jennie [Jane] Stanley 02 Nettie Melville (Mrs J T HoUis) 99 Philip Franklin Mrs (M G Bacon) 96 Winifred Helen (Mrs F M DeForest) 94 Rising Katherine Bosworth (Mrs S L Coy) 01 Rachael Emilie [Emily] (Mrs H H Woods) 04 Risley Harriet Eliza (Mrs H L Foote) 86 Ritzwoller Hazel Kate (Mrs Wil- liam Nussbaum) p. 256 Rix Mary Louise (Mrs Her- bert Forsyth) p. 256 Robbins Alice Emily 94 Jane Elizabeth p. 256 Katherine Chester p. 256 Louis Leland jr Mrs (S L Gesner) 03 I Robe Bertha Augusta (Mrs W E Conklin) 04 Roberts Alice Ward (Mrs W R Colby jr) 07 Alma Elizabeth 06 Alton True Mrs ([A] E B Longyear) p. 240 Bessie ICnight 10 Edith Adelaide 05 Edna Alice 10 Elizabeth Louise 06 George Walton Mrs (C H White) 98 Gertrude (Mrs H J Sherer) 01 Harriet Gertrude p. 256 Henry Bellows Mrs (L E Tuckerman) p. 270 Ila Belle (Mrs A B Schneider) 96 Janet Waring (Mrs A E Hunt jr) 99 Lee Schoonover Mrs (H W Wittke) p. 278 Margaret Oborn (Mrs H W Sanborn) 07 Marie Darrah 07 Marjorie Estabrook 10 Robertson Charles Edward Mrs (H M Darrin) p. 215 Edward Livingston Mrs (H E Comstock) 01 George Bryant Mrs (M E Ellis) p. 219 Jennie Maria (Mrs G H Babbitt) p. 256 Robin Arthur Mrs (E P Arnold) 06 Robinson Albert Mrs (H K Demond) 99 Alice (Mrs D W Mac- Millan) 88 Annie Florence (Mrs HW Wright) 91 Arthur Pierce Mrs (M L Wallace) 02 Chalfant p. 16 Clara J p. 16 Clement Franklin Mrs (M M Booker) 03 i Robinson — Continued E Arthur Mrs (E A Voorhees) 97 Edwin Loomis Mrs (G E Leach) p. 239 Eliza Angenette p. 256 Emma Frances p. 256 j X Emma Jane Cook p. 256 [/ Esther T Mrs p. 16 Eva E Mrs p. 16 Fannie Harlow 06 Florence Alice p. 256 Fred Paddock Mrs (Carolyn Lauter) 00 Frederick Austin Mrs (C L Hayes) p. 229 Gertrude Ludlam 10 Grace V p. 16 Harriet Marcia (Mrs E P Clapp) p. 256 Helen (Mrs R S Riker) 03 Helen Dunford 05 Jennie Justina (Mrs R T Hill) 80 Julia Augusta 09 Katharine (Mrs S C McCluney) 04 Lois de Moss 09 Margaret Arnold p. 256 Marian p. 256 Marion Emma p. 256 . Marion Fulton 06 Marjorie Chase p. 256 Mary Calcina p. 257 Mary Clement 90 Regina Muriel (Mrs G H Burr) 07 Sarah A K Mrs p. 16 William Lane Mrs (L A Howe) 04 Winifred Emma p. 257 Winnifred Harriet (Mrs R W Rymer) p. 257 Robison Myrtie May (Mrs W G Preston) p. 257 Robotham Georgia Isabel 00 Wilson Mrs (J B Bar- tholomew) 01 Robson Alice 04 Rockwell Edith Antoinette 96 Florence Ward p. 257 Frances Sherman 06 370 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Rockwell — Conttnued Henry E Mrs (N V Mindeleff) p. 246 Jessamine (Mrs H K Norton) p. 257 Loren Henry Mrs (B M Hull) 01 Mary Watkinson (Mrs E S Cole) 97 Rockwood George Ichabod Mrs (E T Cheever) p. 209 Melinda Wheeler 06 Rodenbach Katrina Macy 07 Rodgers W A Mrs (P A Lancas- ter) p. 238 Rodman Mrs— (E J Wyman) p. 280 Mary Mitchell 96 Roe Alexander Vinton Mrs (R E Coney) 05 Frances 10 Joseph Franklin Mrs (M L Bodle) p. 203 Roff Archibald Allen Mrs (E C Elliott) p. 219 Rogan Lizzie Florence p. 257 Rogers Abby Mary (Mrs A J Goddard) 96 Anna [Annie] (Mrs C D Ejiowlton) p. 257 Anna Frances 04 Bessie [Elizabeth] Storrs 00 Charles Knight Mrs (Amy Willmer) 81 Charlotte Woodman p. 257 Ethel (Mrs L G Owen) p. 257 Gertrude Huntington p. 257 Harriet Clara p. 257 Helen 05 Howard Lewis Mrs (C H Phillips) 97 i Julia McCord p. 257 ! Laura Mary 02 I Louise 97 | Madelaine Guild p. 257 I Maria Adams 92 Rogers — Continued Mary Grace (Mrs C P Frey) 84 Mary Josephine 05 (p. 16) Mary Letitia (Mrs A B Doggett) p. 257 \ /Mary Susana p. 257 J Miriam Nancy Shelton ' (Mrs C A Perkins) 90 Noah Comwell Mrs (A N Shepard) p. 261 Sarah Philena p. 257 Rogerson Frances Rice (Mrs Francis Cochrane) 91 Rolfe Charles Edwin Mrs (E L Wyman) 03 Fanny Dennett (Mrs Cole) p. 257 Rood Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Frank Bennett) p. 267 Rooke Margaret p. 16 Rooney Blanche Marion 08 Roos John Mrs (F A Butler) p. 207 Root Annabel Abbott 10 ' Edward Tallmadge Mrs (Georgiana Merrill) p. 245 Elihu p. 16 Florence Kellogg 06 Frances [Fannie An- toinette] 05 George Frank Mrs (E M Baldwin) 00 Mary Elizabeth 06 Pauline p. 16 Rosan Elizabeth Strong p. 257 Rose j Alice Louisa [Louise] 96 | Grace Beatson p. 257 j Helen Cromwell 98 ! Marion Elizabeth 84 i Stanwood Merton Mrs i (M A Harris) 97 i Rosebioom I Evelyn May (Mrs C H i Meachem) p. 257 I Rosebrooks Clara Belle (Mrs J F Dinkel) p. 257 Mary Edith (Mrs Del- mer Runkle) 86 Rosecrantz Clarke Milligen Mrs (Susan Watkins) 02 Rosenberg Elsie Josephine 05 Lucille Estelle 07 Rosenblatt Girard B Mrs (E M Klein) 06 Rosenfeld Bertha May p. 257 Rosenkrans Edna Lillian 05 Lillian Margaret 92 Adeline Rebecca 99 Carroll Baldwin Mrs (A L Dunton) p. 218 Cora p. 257 Edith (Mrs C G Braley) p. 257 Ellen Rosina (Mrs E S Campbell) p. 257 Florence Emily p. 257 George William Mrs (D L Megie) 05 Harriet Mumford 00 John A Mrs (G M Dewey) p. 216 John Mason Mrs (M E Landers) 96 Mabel (Mrs R H Hunt) p. 257 Rossen George Mrs (Alice James) p. 234 Rosseter Harriet W Mrs p. 16 Louise W p. 16 Rost Martha Erminie 10 Rothholz Alma Sophia 10 Rothschild Irma Florine (Mrs G W B Bartlett) p. 257 Rounds Anna Boynton p. 258 Katharine EHzabeth 91 Roundy Rodney Wiley Mrs (F A Champion) 98 INDEX 371 Rotindy — Continued Ruth Smith (Mrs J S Allen) p. 258 Roura Katharine Fancher 07 Rouse Edward James Mrs (E M Elwell) 00 Frederick Thomas Mrs (C E Waite) p. 272 Rousmaniere Frances p. 16 Rowe Annie Lincoln p. 258 Vera Gordon (Mrs H B Sweet) p. 258 Rowell Clara Alice 04 Persis Eastman 01 Wilfrid Asa Mrs (Teresina Peck) 94 Rowley Helen Antoinette 92 Lottie Eloise p. 258 Mabel Estella p. 258 Royall William Mrs (N L Almirall) 01 Royce Sarah Grace 90 William S Mrs (Bertha Lee) p. 239 Royer Allou Whitfield (Mrs William Thompson) 95 Roys Charles Kirkland Mrs (Mabel Milham) 00 Rubert Kennedy Furlong Mrs (E H Keniston) p. 236 Ruble Zulema Alice 86 Rttdd Malcolm Day Mrs (E L Cook) 96 Rude Irene Fidelia 08 Rue Mabel 08 Ruger Harriet Marsh (Mrs F J Longdon) 94 Rttgg Harriet Alice 94 Rugge Helen (Mrs J S Stuart) p. 258 Marie Lydia (Mrs C B Dix) p. 258 Ruggles Charles A Mrs (A D Smith) 96 ^ Rumbold Caroline Thomas 01 Rmnely Edward A Mrs (Fanny Scott) 00 Rumsey Florence Maria 03 Marian Elizabeth 05 Olive 93 (p. 16) Runkle Delmer Mrs (M E Rosebrooks) 86 Rush John Harland Mrs (A C Bradley) 05 Rushmore Ellen RUey p. 258 William Joseph Mrs (S L Newland) 89 Rusk Katharine Gaul 07 Russ Albert Day Mrs (I V Montague) p. 246 Anna 04 Russel Elizabeth 96 Ellen Cabot Jackson (Mrs G W W Hough- ton) p. 258 RusseU Alice Symmes (Mrs A H Hildreth) 99 Anna 08 Annie Maria (Mrs C F Marble) 86 Elizabeth Lincoln 03 Gladys Elizabeth 10 Grace Louise (Mrs H B Arnold) 00 Helen Hale p. 258 Helen Lois 07 Lucia 97 Pauline p. 258 Waterman Spaulding Chapman Mrs (G R Lillibridge) 96 Rust Aloney Lyman (Mrs Litz Dustin) 96 Rust — Continued An'nie [Anne] Marinda p. 258 D Merton Mrs (Isabel Brodrick) 07 Stirling Murray Mrs (M H Cobum) 02 Ryals Elizabeth Cabell (Mrs H R Blickle) p. 258 Louise Marshall (Mrs Carlos Cravioto) 06 Ryan Anna Arabella 02 Ryder Evelyn Louise 10 Godfrey Mrs (Gertrude Yale) 83 Harland Holmes Mrs (I F Paun) 95 William Vernon Mrs (Aline Mooney) 06 Winifred Mary p. 258 Ryland Gamett Mrs (Lewella Payne) 08 Ryle Margaret Rix (Mrs F O Fayerweather) p. 258 Ryman Harry Wells Mrs (Elsie Gould) p. 225 Rymer Ralph W Mrs (W H Robinson) p. 257 Sabin Florence Rena 93 (p. 16) Mary Asenath (Mrs F K Houston) p. 258 Mary Sophia 91 Sabine Wallace Clement Mrs (J D Kelly) 88 Sachsse Arthur Wilhelm Hein- rich Mrs (Dorothea Kotzschmar) 99 Safford Abbie Rebecca (Mrs G H Norris) p. 258 Anne Williston 92 Helen p. 258 Margarita 03 Mary Bigelow p. 258 Sage Evan Taylor Mrs (S M Shanks) p. 260 1/ 372 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION St John Charles Elliott Mrs ) (M E Everett) 88 Edith Louise (Mrs J W Smith) 03 Salmon Cornelia 00 Edward Mrs (Florence Vale) p. 271 William Lester Mrs (M P Chenery) p. 209 Salsich Isabel Pearl (Mrs Earle Edwin Conway) p. 258 Samek Blanche p. 258 Sammis Edward ArmingtonMrs (F H Drake) 97 Sampson Elizabeth Seaver (Mrs P C Peterson) 03 Myra Melissa p. 16 Samson Edith p. 258 Samuel Webster Marshall jr Mrs (A M McClure) p. 242 Samuels Edwin Francis Mrs (Kate Tindall) 03 Sanborn Anna Louise 01 Herbert W Mrs (M O Roberts) 07 Kate A p. 16 Lulu Morley 07 May True 01 Pearl Smith (Mrs J W Bond) 03 Sanders Frank K p. 16 George Dana Mrs (A M Wonson) 90 Henry C jr Mrs (E P Jones) 94 Mabel Waugh (Mrs W M Howell) p. 258 Sanderson Essie [Esther] Jose- phine 04 Eva Maria (Mrs L P Strong) p. 258 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs George McClellan) p. 258 Sanderson — Continued Ross Warren Mrs (Mabel Burroughs) 00 Sarah Watson (Mrs W D Vanderbilt) 00 Sands Helen Elizabeth p. 258 Sanford Adelaide Benton (Mrs A K Hardy) 93 Bertha (Mrs Welton Stanford jr) 00 Clay Varner Mrs (Edna Foley) p. 222 Mabel Warren (Mrs M N MacLaren) 93 Martha Cobb p. 259 Stella De Land (Mrs C D Brown) 94 Sanger Katherine Day 05 Sanner Elizabeth [Bessie] Vir- ginia (Mrs W B Clark) p. 259 Santee , / Eloise Bentley 99 / Winifred Elizabeth 02 Sargeant Ida Frances (Mrs J G Meidenbauer) 99 Sargent Grace Chamberlin (Mrs Arthur Dumper) p. 259 Loucasta Frances 00 Lydia Parrott (Mrs W O Lee) 02 Mary Alvira (Mrs F M Hanson) p. 259 Sater Ivlaroe (Mrs Field Scott) 02 Saunders Albert Edward Mrs (E W Bates) 00 Caroline Rhoda (Mrs A W Lindeke) 01 Jessie Eliza (Mrs Johnson) p. 259 Saunderson Laura Maria (Mrs F B Hines) 81 Savage Francis Martin Mrs (K C Ogden) p. 249 Marion 07 Saville Caleb Mills Mrs (Eliza- beth Thomdike) p. 269 Savoy George Arthur Mrs (L M Prew) p. 254 Sawbridge Charles Watton Mrs (E H Howe) 96 Sawin Edward Heywood Mrs (J F Parker) 83 George A Mrs (G L Scofield) p. 260 Josephine Lyman 09 Laura Etta (Mrs C E Tilley) 91 Sanford Mrs (E B Quigley) 04 Sawtelle Amy Leslie 08 Margaret Elizabeth 04 Sawyer Amy Wentworth (Mrs H M Ayres) p. 259 Blanche Larabee p. 259 Edmund H Mrs (S E Winslow) p. 278 Eleanor Florence p. 259 Frederica (Mrs S d'O Noble) p. 259 Henry B Mrs (G W Pope) 96 James Cowan Mrs (M P Frost) 94 Louise p. 259 Mildred 10 Walter Fairbanks Mrs (G E Mossman) 99 Sayles Carrie Eliza (Mrs R P Heron) p. 259 Ethel p. 259 Madeline (Mrs H S Howland) p. 259 Mary Buell 00 Mary Helen (Mrs H Van D Moore) 01 Virginia Irene 08 Sayward Margaret Elise 08 Mary Amsden (Mrs H F Bates) 01 Mary Edith 94 Scaiefe Ethel May 10 INDEX 373 Scales Elizabeth Cayme 04 Robert Leighton Mrs (L W Lord) 01 Schadee Louisa Augusta (Mrs I B Eltinge) p. 259 Schaeffer Hermann Mrs (L C Bradley) 02 Schaff Sarah Swift 02 Schaffner Halle Josephine p. 259 Robert C Mrs (Fran- ces Stettauer) 01 Scharps Hannah De Rothschild 06 Schauffler Clara Elizabeth 01 Edward William Mrs (M G Hibbard) p. 230 Julia Dorothea (Mrs R G Higinbotham) 07 Scheither Mary Sophia 05 Schell Edna Louise 08 William Peter Mrs (E S Mayo) p. 244 Schenck Ella Louise 04 Sarah Johnson 10 Schenennan Henry L Mrs (E L Limburger) p. 239 Schermerhorn Rena (Mrs A B Breese) 94 Schevill William Valentine Mrs (E P Meier) 00 Schickle Mary Dorothea p. 259 Schiffer Elizabeth Westeen (Mrs G G Groat) p. 259 Schirmer J Walter Mrs (A P Goodwin) 97 Schleier Emma Gertrude 95 Schlesinger Alma Carrol 10 Schlesinger — Continued Clara (Mrs O J Fried- man) 98 Eugenie p. 259 Mae (Mrs H M Butzel) 07 Rachel Cohen (Mrs F H Neely) p. 259 Schley Chaloner Mrs (E M Turner) p. 271 Schlick Moritz Mrs (B G Hardy) 03 Schmettan Charles A Mrs (E R Everhard) p. 220 Schmid Emilie Johanne (Mrs Alexander Brough) p. 259 Louise Caroline p. 259 Schmidt Gertrude C p. 16 Schmitz Anna Louise 10 Schneider Adolph Benedict Mrs (I B Roberts) 96 Karl J Mrs (S L Hay- ward) p. 229 Schnierle Sarah Elizabeth p. 259 Schnurr Mabel Alice 09 Schoenfeld Jacob Mrs (H R Blu- menthal) p. 203 Schofield Elizabeth Horton (Mrs M G Magnuson) p. 259 Scholey Edith MadeHne (Mrs C A Hartman) p. 259 SchoU Emma Maria p. 16 Schoolfield Charles B Mrs (Anne Montgomery) p. 246 Schoonover Elisabeth Hirst 09 Schott Elizabeth Christine p. 259 Schreuder Anna Ellen (Mrs W C P Rhoades) p. 259 Schricker Florence Hilda 07 Schulte Helen Lillian Fargo (Mrs A S Tenney) p. 259 Schureman Mary Osborn (Mrs G F Imig) 06 Schwab Helen Hannah (Mrs Max Hellman) p. 259 Ida Amy p. 259 Lenore Ella (Mrs M A Black) p. 259 Schwarz Gertrude Florence 09 Seism Josephine 98 Scofield Clarence Powell Mrs (Nettie McDougall) 03 Frank Plimpton Mrs (A M Webber) 03 Genevieve Hall (Mrs R L Barrows) 05 Grace Louise (Mrs G A Sawin) p. 260 Scollay Anna Lane p. 260 Elinor Gertrude 09 Scott Alys Puffer (Mrs J S Anthony) p. 260 Charles Ernest Mrs (C E Heywood) 00 Edgar Hunter Mrs / (Ellen Dodge) 97 \/Fanny ' (Mrs E A Rumely) 00 Field Mrs (Maroe Sater) 02 George Cranch Mrs (Mary Kennard) 99 George Gilmore Mrs (P T Persons) 00 George Tressler Mrs (Ruth Cowing) 07 Irving Murray Mrs (A C Waterman) p. 273 Jennie Louise (Mrs F M Richardson) p. 260 Katie [Catherine] May (Mrs W T Francis) p. 260 374 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION / Scott — Continued Marguerite 10 Mary Augusta p. 16 Mary Blanchard p. 260 Mary Blanchard 10 Mary Stuart 94 Rufus Winfield Mrs (D F Burt) p. 206 Sarah Edith (Mrs R W Magna) 09 Thomas Strother Mrs (H A Hasson) 07 Vera Charlotte (Mrs J S Cushman) 98 Scotten Marion Clark (Mrs H H Emmons) p. 260 Scovill ,»; Florence May 93 Scoville Ella Josephine (Mrs l/ L S Treadwell) 03 V Florence Olive 09 Herbert Mrs (O A Zabriskie) 08 Homer Roswell Mrs (Laura McConway) p. 242 Scribner Ella (Mrs Sheldon Hop- kins) 89 Florence Vietta (Mrs A R Gorsline) p. 260 Scripture Bertha p. 260 Emma Bradford (Mrs Marshall) p. 260 Helen Richards 90 Scudder Charles Locke Mrs (A T Seelye) p. 260 Sara L Mrs p. 16 Vida Button 84 Seabrook PEMrs (M O Janes) 90 Paul Edward Mrs (G D Lester) p. 239 Seabury Maria Elizabeth (Mrs E B Guthrie) 90 Seager Olive p. 260 Seaman Frederic C Mrs (Ethel Lobdell) p. 240 Louise Pauline 08 Searl Irlavere Jane (Mrs W L Barnum) p. 260 Mabel Darrow (Mrs W W Damon) 94 Searle Annie Pier (Mrs H H Murray) p. 260 Clifford N Mrs (C E Morgan) p. 246 Edith Lucelia 92 Esther Scott (Mrs A H Shoup) 06 Katharine p. 260 Sears Edmund Hamilton Mrs (H C Swazey) p. 267 Hannah May p. 260 Lilian Blanche p. 260 Martha Louise (Mrs H H Phillips) 06 Seaver Etta Anne 92 Florence White (Mrs G A Slocomb) 89 Henry Latimer Mrs (S R Seaver) 01 Susan Russell (Mrs H L Seaver) 01 (p. 16) Seavey Marion Webster p. 260 Sebring ' Emma Goodeve 89 -j Seckerson / Howard Arnold Mrs (Unade Barnes) p. 199 Secrest Bernice Wood (Mrs A B Pyke) 02 Sedgwick Elizabeth Fenton (Mrs Charles Herbert) p. 260 Rose Emery (Mrs E D Keith) p. 260 William Thompson Mrs (M K Rice) p. 255 See Lillian Randolph 01 Seeber Elizabeth 08 Seeley Muriel 10 Seelye Abigail Taylor (Mrs C L Scudder) p. 260 Seelye — Continued Anna Hawley (Mrs B K Emerson) 89 Elizabeth James (Mrs J W Bixler) p. 260 Finette Scott 90 Harriet Chapin (Mrs Rush Rhees) 88 (p. 16) Henrietta Hurd 86 Henrietta Sheldon 98 Julius H p. 7 L Clark p. 7 Mabel (Mrs J W Bixler) 94 Ralph Holland Mrs (G A Blodgett) 89 Walter Clark Mrs (A I Barrows) 97 Seiffert Otto Henry Mrs (M S Allen) 06 Seller Grace Viola 09 Selden George Lord Mrs (M A Kidder) p. 236 SeUeck Joel Foster jr Mrs (E J Goodsell) 00 Seltzer Daniel Criss Mrs (A E Stahl) 08 Semple Nathaniel Meacon Mrs (Margery Ferriss) 02 Senior Clara 07 Sergeant Caroline Belle 84 Sergent Nellie Barney 06 Sessions Catherine Drummond 96 Hannah Sargent p. 260 Severance Millie Alice 09 Severens Mabel (Mrs J B Balch) 91 Sewall Charies T Mrs (L S Bagg) p. 198 Josephine Devereux (Mrs B K Emerson jr) 97 Katharine Mussey 09 INDEX 375 Seward Christine 04 Katharine (Mrs J S De Hart jr) p. 260 Sewell Mabel Elizabeth (Mrs L C Turner) 07 Sexton Lola Logan 07 Marie Louise (Mrs W A Gregory) 01 Seymour Clara Louise (Mrs H R Van Voast) p. 260 Edward Parsons Mrs (M P Fisher) p. 221 Frances Barrows (Mrs H R Hulse) 97 Helen 09 Mary Elizabeth (Mrs C O Lovell) p. 260 Mary Hyde p. 260 May 80 Olive Louise 10 Shadd Harriette Parke 05 Shaffer Annie Bakewell 09 Lucy Kennedy 08 Shanks Sophie Miriam (Mrs E T Sage) p. 260 Sharp Annabel Hitchcock 10 Edwin Cumberland Mrs (A L Leach) 94 Marion Louise 01 Shartle Samuel Grant Mrs (M C Chapman) p. 209 Shattuck Helen Barnes 01 Lois Mitchell (Mrs H F Allen) 03 Louise Morrill (Mrs W W Adams jr) 03 Maude Alice 02 Shaver Ella Schuyler (Mrs W B Phelps) 95 Shaw Adele Marie 87 Carolyn Louise 10 Clara Louise (Mrs H T Walsh) 00 De Witt C Mrs (S G Smith) p. 264 Shaw — Continued '/Elizabeth Emma 96 Florence Inez p. 260 Inez Linwood p. 260 Louise Cuyler p. 261 [Bertha] Mabel (Mrs C S Langdon) p. 261 Marcia Holmes (Mrs W F Glidden) 06 Sybil (Mrs E F Trull) 00 Shearer Blanche p. 261 Hallie Irene p. 261 Sheam Edith Gardner (Mrs Warner Oland) p. 261 Shedd Frederick Mrs (Agnes Jeffrey) 97 Helen May 05 Laura Abbie 00 Minnie Louise 06 Shefifeld Charles Arthur Mrs (M A Mack) 03 Sheibley Mabel Matilda 07 Sheldon Carol Louisa 09 Edith Dudley 00 Flora May 09 Florence Calista (Mrs F D Downs) 08 Helen Mary 84 James Milton Mrs (E L Stevens) p. 265 Janet Somerville (Mrs G W Gordon) 01 Millie Turner p. 261 Sarah Meech 07 Shepard Alice Lee p. 261 Anna North (Mrs N C Rogers) p. 261 Bertha Maria 93 Bertha May p. 261 Clara Alida 93 Frances Emelyn [Eme- line] (Mrs M F Childs) 98 Frank Emory Mrs (N K Little) p. 240 Hazel Belle 05 Lena May p. 261 Lillian Estella (Mrs H O Bowers) 92 Shepard — Continued Louise (Mrs H D Cor- busier) p. 261 Mary Ellen (Mrs C E Clough)l97 Shepardson Florence Ethelyn 00 Shepherd Ella Bradley 99 Lucian Herbert Mrs (L L Richardson)xp. 256 Ruth Elizabeth p. 261 Sherer Hervey J Mrs (Gertrude Roberts) 01 Sherman Annie Dean (Mrs Butcher) p. 261 Cathleen Alberta 04 Clara Eliza 00 'y " Clara Louise (Mrs R L Smith) p. 261 Edwin Morgan Mrs (H L Harsha) 01 Ellen Burns 01 Eva Emily Newhall (Mrs W E Darling) p. 261 Helen Louise 10 Hope 07 Jessie Belle 08 Martha Elizabeth (Mrs J E Dixon) 01 Mary p. 261 Mary French (Mrs Charles McMillen) p. 261 Sherrett Margaret p. 261 Sherrill Cecilia Adelaide 93 Charlotte Foote (Mrs J D Kernan jr) p. 261 Elizabeth Middleton (Mrs C F Kent) 90 Grace [Munger] p. 261 Ruth Dakin 90 Wilfrid Halsted Mrs (E H Sterling) 03 Sherry Norman Burt Mrs (L C Hayes) 02 Sherwood Alice Holman 91 Sarah Emily p. 261 376 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Sherwood — Continued Tirzah Lovejoy (Mrs A B Chapin) p. 261 William C Mrs (L C Ramsey) p. 254 Shevelson Rachel (Mrs J G Deane) 88 Shevlin Florence Hall (Mrs D D Tenney) p. 261 ShilUto Philip Mrs (A B Rich- ardson) p. 255 Shimer Mabelle Hannum (Mrs Oscar Wasgatt) p. 261 Shipman Angela Cosio p. 261 Carolyn Josephine (Mrs Whipple) 92 Florence Laura p. 261 Jennie Spaulding 01 Shippee Jesse Everett Mrs (E M Becker) 03 Shirk Elbert Walker Mrs (M E Kimberly) 04 George Wynn Mrs (A S Pope) 01 Shoemaker Harriet Louisa (Mrs L A Suggs) p. 261 Helen (Mrs S L Elmer) 01 Lucile 05 Mary Erety 93 Vesta Vetura 03 William Erety Mrs (Jennie Howe) 93 Shontell Frederick William Mrs (E H Davis) p. 215 Shook Anna Julia (Mrs A E Adams) p. 261 Shores Iva Isabelle (Mrs C F Worcester) 05 Short Anne Gleason (Mrs Ferdinand Beach) p. 261 Charles Lancaster Mrs (L A Pratt) 91 Short — Continued Dennis Mrs (A M Quirk) 84 Mabel Amanda 93 Mabelle Naomi p. 261 Shoup Albert Harvey Mrs (E S Searle) 06 Shuart Christine 07 Gertrude (Mrs W N Tubbs) p. 261 Stella p. 262 William Herbert Mrs (N S Phillips) p. 252 Shumway Edgar Solomon Mrs (Florence Snow) 83 Shute (Helen Winifred (Mrs ' W J Moulton) 87 (p. 17) Mae [Mary] Appleton (Mrs C S Thayer) 87 (p. 17) Sibley Edith Aurilla p. 262 Jennie Clare 96 Theo Delia (Mrs R N Squire) 06 Sigafus Anna Emily 10 Sigsbee Anna Lockwood (Mrs SEWKittelle)p.262 Sikes George Gushing Mrs (Madeline Wallin) p. 273 Ruth Lathrop 07 Sill Mary Mulinor p. 262 Silliman Harper Mrs (G M Cookman) p. 212 Silsbee Margaret Burnet (Mrs F E Wade) 99 Simis Grace Elizabeth (Mrs Warren Wright) p. 262 Simison Robert Thomas Mrs (E J Damon) p. 214 Simmons Adeline Gertrude 91 Marjorie Elliott 10 Sunmons — Continued Z G Mrs (F E Grant) p. 225 Simon Carolyn 07 Clara Louise p. 262 Janet 10 Simonds Gertrude Estelle 95 Simons I Clara Lee (Mrs A D Warren) p. 262 Eloise Frances 09 Harriet Winter (Mrs S G Gray) 97 Seward Adams Mrs (Grace Churchyard) 88 Simpson Alice Maysie p. 262 Charles Albert Mrs (M M Dunton) p. 218 Harrison Hudson Mrs (F T Priebe) p. 254 Hazen Fancher Mrs (A G Brown) 08 Kate Ludelia p. 262 Sarah Hull Jenkins 08 Simrall Leonard Bartow Mrs (M M Monfort) 00 Sims Sara Beaufort 09 Sinclair Edith (Mrs P N Miller) 08 Lucy Evelyn (Mrs G A Kingsley) 99 Marjorie [Rowley] p. 262 Singleton Tassel (Mrs R H Fay) p. 262 Sioussat St George Leakin p. 17 Siviter Frances Pierpont 10 Sjostrom Marie Elizabeth 08 Skelton Henry Herbert Mrs (B L Warren) 06 Skidmore Maud Whipple 06 Skilton \ / Alice Thomas 88 V Ida Galpin (Mrs R H Cornish) 84 INDEX 377 Skinner Arthur Jesse Mrs (CCS Mathison) 96 Bertha Louise 10 Elizabeth 10 Ellen Henrietta p. 262 Fred B Mrs ► / (A R Gray) 06 \l Lillian Marchant 91 Maud Melina (Mrs F T Dow) 03 Susie Mae [May] (Mrs RB Raymond) p. 262 Slack Charles G Mrs (M C WoodrufiE) p. 279 Slade Abby Maria Bennett 86 Agnes Angel (Mrs C W Smith) p. 262 Louis Palmer Mrs (C K Boone) 96 Ruth Eleanor 01 Slaght Ethelwyn Rebecca (Mrs John Fisk) p. 262 Slason Celia Frances p. 262 Sleeper Henry Dike p. 17 William Washburn Mrs (Mabel Allen) p. 197 Sligh Charles Robert Mrs (E E Clark) 91 Edith Conover (Mrs M C Miller) 97 Sloan Jeanne Grace Cuddy 06 Slocomb Charles Mrs (Bertha Maria Wolcott) p. 278 (p. 17) George Albert Mrs (F W Seaver) 89 Slocum Agnes Elizabeth (Mrs M B Biscoe) 00 Caroline Fonda 99 Victor J Mrs (H E Woodrufif) p. 279 Small AUana Butler 04 Smart Elizabeth Allen 10 J L Mrs p. 262 Smead Edgar Mason Mrs (G M Zink) 01 Smetters McCormick Mrs (H L Wemple) 04 Smith Abigail May 94 Agnes p. 262 Albert Mrs (M P Coulter) 02 Alice Abigail (Mrs A D Dana) 94 Alice May (Mrs C F Hepburn) 03 Alta (Mrs E R Corbett) 08 Amelia Dominque (Mrs C A Ruggles) 96 Anna Gertrude p. 262 Anna Jaffray (Mrs M P Gould) 00 Anne Dawson 10 Antoinette Julia (Mrs G A Angle) p. 262 Benjamin FamhamMrs (H T Blanchard) p. 203 Bertha Blanche (Mrs A M Amadon) 90 Bertha Chester (Mrs J H Fassett) 93 Bertha Elizabeth (Mrs S J Walker) p. 262 Bertha Harriet (Mrs C L Taylor) p. 262 Bertha Isabel (Mrs C F MerriU) 00 Bertha Linton (Mrs F E Stone) 92 Bertha May p. 262 Bertha Melora p. 262 Bertha Wilson 07 Bessie Dora [Dora Bes- sie] (Mrs S J War- ner) p. 262 Bridget Katharine 03 C Walter Mrs (A A Slade) p. 262 Carl Williams Mrs (B B Page) 05 Caroline Frances [Fan- ny] p. 262 Chalmers Mrs (J S Oliver) 07 Charles Sprague p. 17 Charlotte Archibald 09 Charlotte Jewell 08 Smith — Continued Clara Inwood (Mrs R P Milton) p. 262 Clara Janet Augusta p. 262 Cora Amelia 95 David Robert Mrs (M C Prince) 06 Dorothy Cowgill 09 Edgar Burr Mrs (J C Morse) 84 Edith Frances p. 262 Edith Maria (Mrs F O Dorsey) p. 263 Edith Roberta 05 Edna Cuyler (Mrs H J O'Brien) 95 Edward R p. 17 Eleuthera du Pont (Mrs J D M'Calmont) p. 263 Elizabeth [Elisabeth] (Mrs H G Hatch) p. 263 Elizabeth Hight 00 Emeline Cavarly p. 263 Emily Pauline p. 263 Emily Payne p. 263 Ernest Lynwood Mrs (M H Smith) 00 Esther Ann 10 Esther Margaret 10 Etta Lucy (Mrs A C Barren) p. 263 Evelyn Wilson 00 Everett Mrs (M F Dibble) 81 Fannie May 05 Flora Ella p. 263 Florence (Mrs C S Hoyt) 86 Florence Evelyn (Mrs J M Bireley) 02 Florence Van Duzer 96 Florence Virginia (Mrs Wilhelm Griepenkerl) 93 Frances Curtis 96 (p. 17) Frances Grace 93 (p. 17) Frances Louise (Mrs GLeRFrench)p.263 Frederic Eustace Mrs (M H Bonney) 79 George Abram Mrs (K E Frank) 03 George Milton Mrs (Katharine Ware) 94 378 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Smith — Continued Georgena May (Mrs F F Hammond) p. 263 Gertrude Cochrane Mrs 10 Gertrude Lilla (Mrs Jackson) p. 263 Grace (Mrs W A Adams) 94 Grace Angeline (Mrs M B Jones) 94 (p. 17) Grace Content (Mrs F S Cooley) p. 263 Grace Evelyn 09 Harriet Ella p. 263 Harriet Lewis (Mrs W E Playfair) 07 Harriet May (Mrs F H Snow) p. 263 Harriette Emma (Mrs G R Le Sauvage) p. 263 Harry Alexander Mrs (H C Nichols) p. 248 Helen Hemdon p. 263 Helen Marie p. 263 Helen Parmenter 01 Helen Pitner p. 263 Helen Porter 08 Henry Cowles Mrs (H E Broadhead) 03 Hinsdale jr Mrs (M E Bosworth) p. 203 Hortense Eugenie 10 Ida May p. 263 Irene Lathrop (Mrs Paul Compton) 01 Iva Valeria (Mrs J H Fairbrook) 95 James Monroe Mrs (G M Fox) p. 223 Jesse Fowler Mrs (C E Blanchard) p. 203 John William Mrs (E L St John) 03 Julia Warren 02 June Keith (Mrs Bigney) p. 263 Katherine Henrietta 96 Katherine Madge p. 263 Laura Elizabeth p. 263 Leolyn Seaver (Mrs J D Beard) 03 Lois Bulkley p. 263 Louise Kirkhuff 97 Lucy 04 Smith — Continued Lucy Cornelia (Mrs Edwin Burgin) 98 Lucy Hannah 83 Mabel Maria p. 263 Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs J M Clark) p. 263 Marion Bemardine 07 Marion Hinsdale (Mrs E L Smith) 00 Marion Mofl&t (Mrs R M Lusch) 03 Marion Rice 09 Marjorie Dearborn 10 Martha Jeannette 05 Mary Alice 97 Mary Alice (Mrs R G Livermore) 99 Mary Bartlett 97 Mary Byers 08 Mary Cynthia 06 Mary Gove 02 Mary Lawrence (Mrs R E Dexter) 01 Mary Louise 96 Mary Shannon p. 263 Mary Whitall (Mrs Bemhard Berenson) p. 263 Maude Ketchum 10 May Manning 91 Minnie Allen p. 263 Myra p. 264 Myrtle [Eve] 08 Nanna Antonia (Mrs F A Warner) 02 Nellie Gertrude 95 Nellie Hunt (Mrs E L Harpham) p. 264 Olga Lucile 08 Olive Mae 06 Oren Barron Mrs (N [J] A Pease) p. 251 Phoebe Cook (Mrs H W Pierpont) 04 Ralph Archibald Mrs (K D Powell) p. 253 Ralph Lancaster Mrs (C L Sherman) p. 261 Rita Creighton 99 Rosa (Mrs W F Bull) 01 Ruth Antoinette (Mrs W S L Hawkins) p. 264 Sophia Granger (Mrs DeWCShaw)p.264 Smith — Continued Susan Dow 02 Sybil Laura 04 Theodate Louise 82 Theodosia Weld p. 264 Valborg Sophia [Sophie] (Mrs G S Adams) 07 Virginia Jeffrey 07 WeUington jr Mrs (Ethel Lane) 01 William G p. 17 Winifred Barbara 10 Smucker Grace Acheson 05 Sara Melick (Mrs Fred- erick Clemenson) p. 264 Smyth Florence Josephine (Mrs H C Reynolds) 01 Mary Winslow 95 Smythe Alice Ring 06 Arta (Mrs O N Diall) p. 264 Evelyn Bosworth 06 Sneath E Hershey p. 17 Snell \/ Harriet Margaret 82 ^ Snook Helen 03 Snow Alice Deane (Mrs C D Burrill) p. 264 Bertha Frances p. 264 Caroline [Carolyn] Lou- ise (Mrs O S Merrell) 96 Clarence B Mrs (G K Larmonth) 01 Florence (Mrs E S Shumway) 83 Florence Homer 04 Frank Herbert Mrs (H M Smith) p. 263 Julia Warner p. 17 Maria Foster p. 264 Norman Leslie Mrs (H F Harris) 08 Silas (Mrs F W Clary) 08 Snushall Wilson Mrs (M B Mc- Lellan) p. 242 INDEX 379 Snyder Frank Mrs (N E Ed- wards) p. 219 Laura BeU (Mrs L H Morris) p. 264 Somers Marion Strong (Mrs A C Wise) 99 Somes Dana Barry Mrs (C M Allen) p. 196 Soper Mabel Browning p. 264 Soule Ardra 10 Edna Washington (Mrs J A L Odde jr) p. 264 Elizabeth [Bessie] Nye 93 Haidee Hobart (Mrs H E Bothfeld) 82 John Branning Mrs (P P Lyman) p. 241 Laura Louise (Mrs A S Apsey) p. 204 Margaret Howard (Mrs GdeNHough)p.264 Sarah Elizabeth p. 264 Sherrod Mrs (M C Haines) p. 227 Souther Edith Eustace 02 Marguerite 04 Southworth / Elisabeth Shepard ^ (Mrs J S Harrison) 04 Mary (Mrs H F Wil- liams) 99 Spahr Charles Barzillai Mrs (J G Fine) 83 Spalding Alice Eliza p. 264 Ethel May 06 George Homer Mrs (H W Conant) p. 212 Josephine Mabel p. 264 William Mrs (K C Dunn) 84 Spalter Florence May 95 Spann Anna Hester 95 Louise Marguerite (Mrs B W Duck) p. 264 Sparhawk Samuel Mrs (F S Hall) 96 Sparks ^ / Mary Estella 93 / Sparrow Mabel Sylvia (Mrs G H Davenport) p. 264 Spaulding Frank Douglas Mrs (M L Dunn) 08 Frank Ellsworth Mrs (M E Trow) 89 George B jr Mrs (Emeline Palmer) 01 ' .Mary Clarke p. 264 ■/ Nellie [Helen] Bailey 86 ' Samuel T p. 7 Sylvia Sanders (Mrs J L Videtto) p. 264 Spear Helen Mahlon 09 Mrs Ray (E V PioUet) 06 Specht Harry Mortimer Mrs ([M] T Gamage) p. 224 Speir Oswald Mrs (Maud Phillips) 90 Spelman Marion (Mrs F jE Walker) p. 264 Spencer Alice Isabelle p. 264 Bertha Elizabeth p. 264 Carrie Elizabeth p. 264 Edith Louise 02 (p. 17) VEUa Briggs 99 Helen Louise 07 Helen Mattocks (Mrs A M Miller jr) p. 264 John Edmonds Mrs (M A Wheeler) 96 Sperry Edith de Forest 05 Gertrude Rossiter (Mrs H C French) p. 264 Henrietta 10 Linnie Leora (Mrs A H Wales) p. 264 Pauline 06 (p. 17) Spicer George Ellsworth Mrs (M A Normander) p. 249 Spining Harriet Monfort p. 265 Spinney Crosby B Mrs (F D Oakman) 04 Spoehr H A Mrs (Florence Mann) 06 Spofford Grace Harriet 09 Spottiswoode George Edward Mrs (G B Field) 93 Sprague Clara Dwight (Mrs Harte Cooke) 01 Henry James Mrs (A J Ferris) p. 221 Ina Mabel (Mrs F J Nelson) 95 Leonora WoodrufiE 90 Spring Ellen [M] 03 Frederick William Mrs (I W Maclntyre) 03 Jennie Sweetser 85 John Roland Mrs (E D Denison) p. 216 Mary Louise (Mrs P W Cleveland) 01 Springer Ada 99 Beatrice Congdon (Mrs H D Church) 05 Helen (Mrs J F Fair- bairn) p. 265 Mildred p. 265 Springstead Franklin Seamans Mrs (M E Hatch) p. 229 Squire Anna Louise 08 Elizabeth p. 265 Marjorie 08 Roger Nelson Mrs (T D Sibley) 06 Charles Willard Mrs (M G Kerruish) 92 Stahl Alice Emeline (Mrs D C Seltzer) 08 Staley Poyntell Caldclaugh Mrs (M F Nichols) 04 Stanburg Bertha Anna Hovey 05 Stanford Welton jr Mrs (Bertha Sanford) 00 380 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Stanley Neil Dow Mrs (A F Keene) 08 Stanton Burt Tompkins Mrs (Brieta Bobo) p. 203 Emily Irish (Mrs O S Picher) 99 Louis C p. 17 Marjorie Howes 05 Natalie (Mrs S R Ken- nedy) 04 Stanwood E Harriet p. 17 Edward jr Mrs (Marion Evans) 03 Staples Abigail Rosilla 08 Mary Anne 10 Stapleton Julia Leah 09 Richard Prout Mrs (F M Purtill) 03 Starbuck Anna Lydia (Mrs F G Fielding) p. 265 Stark Harriet Bostwick p. 265 Starks Grace Evalynn p. 265 Starkweather Charles Merrick Mrs (Lucy Williston) p. 277 Stan- Sarah Lamson p. 265 Susie Bell (Mrs R W Kelso) 05 Steams Alfred E Mrs (K B Deane) p. 216 Charles A Mrs (A E Greene) 85 Georgia Harris 09 Hiram Austin Mrs (E S Brown) 01 Jean Pyott p. 265 Lucy Stephenson (Mrs P D Keys) p. 265 Marion Landers (Mrs M E Crush) p. 265 Maurice Harrison Mrs (Maida Peirce) 02 Stebbins Frederick Haile Mrs (M R Adams) 93 Josephine Marie p. 265 V. Stebbins — Continued Mary Granger (Mrs C B Atwater) 86 Stedman Mary Hilda 09 Steele Caroline Lounsbury 92 Edla Sperry (Mrs J G Chalfant) 03 Elizabeth Sumner (Mrs W F Koelker) 99 Grace Maria (Mrs Parsons) p. 265 Lillie Campbell (Mrs Moody) p. 265 Thomas McBlain Mrs (E L Stout) 02 Steen Margaret Hallock 08 Mary Henry 10 Steffen Elizabeth Goehring 09 Stegen Charlotte Stafford p. 265 Steiger Albert Mrs (I L Allen) p. 197 Stein Amy Esther (Mrs Jonas Hamburger) 04 Lenore Irene (Mrs R A Barnch) p. 265 Steiner Grace 09 Stephens Enola Genevieve (Mrs A W Callender) 01 Havena Tilden p. 265 Martha Blades p. 265 Minnie Florence (Mrs F G Allen) p. 265 Sterling Emma Hawley (Mrs W H Sherrill) 03 Stem Edna Levi 04 Stemberger Elizabeth Mary p. 265 Elsie 07 Florence Regina (Mrs H V Bisbee) 06 Sterne Alice Louie [Lillianne Mary Agnes Elsberg] (Mrs J M Gitter- man) 91 Stetson Clara (Mrs A G Clark) 85 Ella [Eleanor] Carleton (Mrs C S Tappan) p. 265 Ethel Prescott (Mrs N W Bingham) 01 Harriet Swan p. 265 Jane Witter (Mrs D W Beaman) 99 Jennie (Mrs E A Bowen) 91 May (Mrs E L Gard- iner) p. 265 Stettauer Frances (Mrs R C Schaffner) 01 Stevens Bella Horton (Mrs C L Culver) p. 265 Caroline Anna (Mrs B R Cram) p. 265 Edna Leona (Mrs J M Sheldon) p. 265 Emma Augusta p. 265 Ernesta Marion (Mrs Spencer Carleton) 03 Frances Osgood 09 Frederic William Mrs (E de G Twining) 93 Gail (Mrs Carr) p. 265 Grace Mildred p. 265 Grace Mildred I / (Mrs J L Wright) 93 ./Helen Bumham 00 Horace N Mrs (Helen Coburn) 01 Josephine Flint (Mrs John Ayer) 05 JuUa West p. 265 Katherine 10 Louise Frances (Mrs A A Bryant) 08 Maria Tyler (Mrs W H Fox) p. 265 Mary Burnham 09 Mary Katherine Cecile p. 265 Mary Louisa 84 Oscar Lundgren Mrs (B L Noyes) 94 Ralph Emerson Mrs (B B Millard) p. 245 Roland Eugene Mrs (A L Morris) 93 Ruth Hartwell 03 INDEX 381 Stevens — Continued Tyler Abbott Mrs (G R Buck) p. 205 William Heaman Mrs (P F Parsons) 09 Stevenson Archibald Ewing Mrs (Katharine De La Vergne) 05 George Stanley Mrs (M L Elder) 02 Helen Virginia 09 Joseph Ross Mrs (Florence Day) 97 Mabel 00 Mary Frances p. 265 Mary Goodman 09 Sarah p. 265 Stewart Ena Susie 03 Esther Cocilla p. 265 Fannie Resor 03 Florence (Mrs C A Anderson) 96 I Gilbert Henry Mrs \\\// (E F Barnard) 04 V K/ Grace Donald 09 ^ Luella Wilson p. 266 Stickler Joseph William Mrs (Mary Harding) p. 228 Stiger William Dexter Mrs (C S Harter) 98 Stiles Elizabeth Catharine (Mrs E S Land) 03 Lucy Goddard p. 266 Stillings Charlotte Melville (Mrs Isaac Hill) p. 266 Mary Walker p. 266 StiUweU Sara Richmond p. 266 Stimson Ethel 10 Yeoli 10 Stirling Grace Heathcote p. 266 Stitt Isabel Dinwiddle (Mrs W H Hidden jr) 82 Stockbridge Rachel Soule 03 Stockder Charles Edward Mrs (Edith Love) p. 241 Stocks Violet 07 Stockton Alice Louise (Mrs W C Quarles) p. 266 Harriet Sarah (Mrs Maulsby Kimball) 99 Stockwell Edith Carter p. 266 Louisa Maria (Mrs G B Neumann) 07 Stoddard Florence Huldah p. 266 Grace Margaret (Mrs C H Hull) 08 John Tappan p. 17 Lucy 97 \/May Baldwin (Mrs G "^ D Yeomans) 92 Sanford Mrs (H G Johnson) 01 Sylvia Churchill (Mrs L H Butterworth) 01 Stoeckel Robbins Battell Mrs (K M Fales) p. 220 Stokely Jessie Mae 09 (p. 17) Stone Arthur Fairbanks Mrs (H S Lincoln) 88 Charles Waterman Mrs (H A Westinghouse) 99 Charlotte Sackett (Mrs W D MacDougall) 93 (p. 17) Edward Josiah Mrs (R D Carr) p. 208 Elisabeth Wolcott 96 Elizabeth Hodges (Mrs J T Hart) p. 266 Esther Atherton 08 Frederick Edward Mrs (B L Smith) 92 Gertrude Dunton (Mrs C T Porter) p. 266 Helena 08 John H Mrs (Louise Freeman) 03 June Elizabeth p. 266 Lee Mabelle p. 266 Lilla Emma (Mrs J W Parsons) p. 266 Mabel Eleanor 09 Margaret 06 Mary Chandler 95 Myra Josephine 93 Stone — Continued Sarah Cleonice 01 Zilla Rhoda (Mrs J C Palmer) p. 266 Stoner Louis Emory Mrs (C B Jacobs) p. 234 Stork Amy Lynch p. 266 Storm Emily Zilphar (Mrs Myron Barlow) p. 266 George Harpell Mrs (F M Freeman) p. 223 Mary Payne (Mrs G H Flint) p. 266 Storrs Frances Louise p. 266 Jennie Laurie p. 266 Mary Ballou (Mrs A E Ivershoff) 96 Story Edwin Bruce p. 17 Frances Rebecca (Mrs F A Hutchins) 83 Helen Bruce 00 (p. 17) Kate B (Mrs John Hildreth) p. 266 Marion Barnes p. 266 Stoughton Edna p. 266 Stout Edla Lansing (Mrs T McB Steele) 02 Helen Louise 03 Helen Ruth (Mrs W C Griswold) 00 Straight Persis Rosamond 02 Strang S Bartow Mrs (L M Pratt) 93 Stratton Ethel Marion (Mrs G W Pettengill) 02 Helen Anna 07 Helen Florence 01 Lena Sophia p. 266 Strawn Myra Hartshorn (Mrs Kenneth Hartshorn) p. 266 Streator Anne Bugher 05 Street Esther Davenport p. 266 382 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION V Street — Continued George Levick jr Mrs (F L Prince) 08 Julian Leonard Mrs (Ada Hilt) p. 231 Streeter Mary Adelaide Roxana 06 Stella Georgiana 98 Streibich Anna Adele 10 Streit Raymond Eugene Mrs (M L Hotchkiss) 04 Strickland Edith Amanda p. 266 Frances Bradley 90 Mabel Emeline p. 266 Ruth 99 Strickler John Franklin Mrs (B A Metcalf ) p. 245 Stritter Karl August Mrs (K F Strout) p. 267 Strobhar Nettie Boyd 07 Strong Albert William Mrs (G F Swift) p. 267 Bertha Fairfax 97 Beulah p. 17 Cornelia Boardman (Mrs E F Porter) p. 266 Elizabeth (Mrs W S Hayden) 03 Estelle Norman (Mrs F A Coles) p. 267 Florence Davol (Mrs C O Wright) p. 267 Frederick Anthony Mrs (J E Peck) 98 Frederick H Mrs (C M Knowlton) 01 Gertrude Helen (Mrs R L Vaill) p. 267 Isabel Lawrence p. 267 Julia Worthington 93 Leslie Parsons Mrs (E M Sanderson) p. 258 Marie Louise 01 Maud Evelyn 93 Robert Henderson Mrs (Mabel Knowlton) 98 Strout Annie Elizabeth p. 266 Ethel Eulalie 08 George Morris Mrs (M S Lang) 91 Katie Fisher (Mrs K A Stritter) p. 267 Struble Phoebe Olive (Mrs L A Dalrymple) 09 Stuart John Sutherland Mrs (Helen Rugge) p. 258 Kerfoot Mrs (E N Vonnegut) p. 272 Marie (Mrs R E Ed- wards) 01 Studebaker Adriana Louise 08 Studley Rachel Mary p. 267 Sturdy Florence Alleda (Mrs Roswell Blackinton) p. 267 Sturges Caroline Margaret p. 267 George Mrs (L C Parker) p. 250 Sturgis Milton Gorham Mrs (S M Perkins) p. 252 Stursburg Nellie Bertha (Mrs Mann) p. 267 Sturtevant Florence Mellen p. 267 Julia Bemis (Mrs C W Merriam) 97 Stutson , Nellie Taylor (Mrs W I A Croft jr) p. 267 Stutz Josephine Rebecca p. 267 Suffren Edith de Charny (Mrs T D Pitts) 03 Suggs Leonidas A Mrs (H L Shoemaker) p. 261 Sullivan Edith p. 267 J E Mrs (Catharine Cullinan) 89 Sullivan — Continued James Mrs (A L Owen) 81 Jessie Laurel 10 Julia Elizabeth 01 Thomas Mrs (E C Heriihy) p. 230 Viola Marvin 10 Sumner Amie May Rand 08 Bertha Cleora 01 Caroline Louise 90 (p. 17) Suter Eliza 08 W N Mrs (Mary Benton) p. 201 Sutherland S J Mrs (M A Fassett) 01 Sutton Caroline [Carrie] Hicks (Mrs C L Kirschner) p. 267 » Herbert Leonard Mrs (F C Howe) 00 Marian 01 Swain Chester Odiome Mrs (M A Kinney) p. 237 Rachel 08 Swan Almira French p. 267 Daniel Owens Mrs (L H Ellingwood) p. 219 Ethel French 04 Mary Annie p. 267 Ysabel 98 Swannell Frederick Wells Mrs (C L Burchard) p. 206 Swanton Diana Jane (Mrs G E Alter) p. 267 Swasey Lena Lewis (Mrs A B Parson) 01 Marion Brooks (Mrs G E Huggins) p. 267 Swavze Mary Camilla p. 267 Swazev Hellen Clark (Mrs E H Sears) p. 267 INDEX Sweeney Cora Elizabeth 00 Elsie Irwin 10 Sweet Horace B Mrs (V G Rowe) p. 258 Martha Louise 06 Swett Carolyn Patten 95 Edith Josephine 94 Portia Mansfield 10 Swift Edgar Warren Mrs (H C Folsom) 90 Eliza Robinson (Mrs A L Chute) 92 Frances Damon 08 Grace Fuller (Mrs A W Strong) p. 267 Lucy Esther 09 Swingle Deane Bret Mrs (A C Haskins) 03 Sykes Alice May (Mrs F S Meara) 88 Sylvester Edith Eunice p. 267 Symmes Frances Newton (Mrs J A Allen) p. 267 Symonds Edith [Sedgwick] (Mrs G A Ramsay) 00 Taber Sarah p. 267 (p. 17) Tack Augustus Mrs (Violet Fuller) p. 223 Taft Alice Louise (Mrs J S Bryant) p. 267 Anna Gleason p. 267 Edith Lockwood (Mrs E F Chauncey) 93 Katharine Hoxie p. 267 Kitty Upson p. 267 Susan Hayward (Mrs Courtney Langdon) p. 268 Taggart Alice p. 268 Charles Ross Mrs (E E Little) p. 240 Esther Mary p. 268 Lucy Martha p. 268 Mary Waterworth 00 Taintor Amey Talbot (Mrs C E Bronson) 95 Mabel Grace (Mrs W H Cameron) p. 268 Tait Flora Chapman (Mrs O A Phelps) 85 Georgia Belle p. 268 Talbot Marjorie 10 Talcott Elizabeth Hannah / [Hannah Elizabeth] 85 John Gardner Mrs (C F White) 97 Minna p. 268 Tallant Alice Weld 97 Mary G Mrs p. 17 Tallcott Ida Belle 02 Tallmadge Frank Mrs (A M Hedges) p. 230 Talmage Daniel Mrs (M B Vaill) p. 271 Hilda p. 268 Irma 03 Tannahill Sallie Belle p. 268 Tanner Susan Lucinda 06 Tapley Elizabeth Pierce 93 Tappan Charles Sumner Mrs (E C Stetson) p. 265 Sarah Crapo (Mrs Richard Coe) p. 268 Tarbell Leona Estelle (Mrs B C Crangle) 98 Tarbox Anabel Rachel (Mrs Harold Wood) p. 268 Elizabeth Dearborn (Mrs J W Lumbard) 98 Harry Russell Mrs (L M Higgins) 98 Tarkington Newton Booth Mrs (L L Fletcher) 00 Tamowsky George de Mrs (B D Nixon) p. 248 Tan- Raymond Porter Mrs (F M Cox) 00 Tate Emma (Mrs J M Hast- ings) 80 Helen Hays 07 James C Mrs (M D Procter) p. 254 Taussig Albert Ernst Mrs (H P Learned) 96 Charlotte Edith p. 268 Taylor Agnes Louise p. 268 Albert p. 17 Alice Stanley (Mrs P W Ayres) 89 Amy Ethel 01 Anna May 92 Brainerd Mrs (V E Richardson) p. 256 Caro Gushing (Mrs O H Martin) 91 Carrie Wayland (Mrs N S Ferry) 00 Charles Lincoln Mrs (B H Smith) p. 262 Cornelia Charlotte p. 268 Edith 97 Elizabeth Davenport p. 268 Elvin Clement Mrs (A B Adams) 08 Frances 07 Frances Elizabeth (Mrs T J George) p. 268 Frank Louis Mrs (M M Harris) 00 Gertrude 06 Gordon MacDougall Mrs (A A Knapp) 07 Harriet Caroline p. 268 Helen Demarest (Mrs G W Carr) p. 268 Isabella Gibson 81 Isabella Peddie (Mrs J E Reynolds) p. 268 Jennie [Jane] Daven- port (Mrs F J War- ner) p. 268 John Bellamy Mrs (M E Jones) 97 384 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Taylor — Continued Julia Randell (Mrs C A Linsley) 93 Louise p. 268 Lucy Burgess (Mrs P F McNair) 85 Mabel Miranda 90 Margaret 09 Martha Skinner (Mrs H P Brown) p. 268 Maud p. 17 Mildred Rebecca 07 Sarah Hale (Mrs JEM Childs) p. 268 Susan Eleanor 10 William George Lang- worthy Mrs (F C Brown) 82 Teagle Frank Henry Mrs (A B Wright) 04 Teahan Marv Agnes Louise p. 268 Tearse Cornelia Pierce (Mrs W L Miller) p. 268 Helen Horton 06 Teasdale Florence Edna p. 268 Harriet Bramwell (Mrs C R Lingley) 96 Tebbetts Eva Cedelia 10 Harry Herbert Mrs (F M Ayer) 93 Telling Elisabeth Irma 04 Temple Elizabeth p. 268 Tenney Albert Seward Mrs (H L F Schulte) p. 259 David Darrow Mrs (F H Shevhn) p. 261 Henry Allen Mrs (G M Kelley) 97 Mary Alice p. 268 Tenny Mary E p. 17 Terhune Marion 02 ter Metilen Floris Wilhelm Ruble von Lilienstern Mrs (N G Dyar) 97 Terrien Mary Louise 05 Terry Bime (Mrs F A West) p. 268 Edna Roselle 08 Emily Hitchcock Mrs p. 17 Harriet Wadsworth 96 (p. 17) Tetlow Elizabeth Harrington p. 17 Tew Susan Dinsmore 92 Tewksbury Carrie Irene (Mrs J W Raymond) p. 269 Mary Weston (Mrs James Dickson) 93 Thacher Elisabeth Bates 98 Margaret Williams 03 Mary Rachel (Mrs L H Denison) p. 269 Thalheimer Ethel Seymour 02 Thatcher Anna Susannah 96 Thaxter Louise Godfrey (Mrs G S Payson) p. 269 Thayer | / Bertha Burton 1/ (Mrs E W Lymdn) 97 Charles Mrs (Jessie Vallentine) 06 Charles Snow Mrs (M A Shute) 87 Florence Edmund p. 269 Frank Herbert Mrs (A A Waterman) p. 273 Frederick Daniels Mrs (M E Wiley) 00 Laura Stiles (Mrs M S Neal) 01 Lucius Harrison Mrs (H C Rand) 84 (p. 7) Lucy Clarke 00 Luna fAllis] (Mrs C S Tillson) p. 269 Marion Adelaide (Mrs W T Farley) p. 269 Mary Sprague 89 Mary Vining 90 (p. 17) Mary Weston p. 269 Theobald Jean George Mrs (F F Bushee) 97 Thieme Clara Jeannette 10 Thomas Bond Mrs (Edith Car- penter) p. 207 Ella Louise 08 Eva Marion p. 269 Florence Lewis 08 Grace Mae p. 269 Helen Stillwell 09 Herbert Lloyd Mrs (L S Blaikie) 97 Julia Benner 06 Marian Maria 96 Marion 10 Rena Jenks 08 Stafford Fox Mrs (A F Osgood) 91 Thompson Amos Burt Mrs (J J Lockwood) 94 Anna [Annie] Maynard (Mrs E C Lambert) p. 269 Bertha Mary (Mrs G M Kerr) 93 Caroline 10 Carohne [Carrie] Lee Hualani (Mrs David Morrison) 94 Carrie Anna p. 269 Ceora Wilson (Mrs F B Hufnagel) p. 269 Effie Louise p. 269 Elizabeth Hardy 08 Elizabeth May 09 Ellen p. 269 / Frances Ellis 93 V Helen p. 269 Holland Mrs (I G Aitkin) 99 James Mrs (Frances Wheeler) 93 Jessie Bartlett 09 Leon Herbert Mrs (Anna Burley) p. 206 Mary Frances 88 Nathan D jr Mrs (E W Atwood) p. 198 Nellie Emma 04 Nina Edgerton 08 Warner Mrs (H A Fox) p. 223 William Mrs (A W Royer) 95 INDEX 385 Thomson Anna Speck 01 Clara Locke p. 269 Jane Eldridge 08 Lucy Doolittle 90 Mary Hanna p. 269 Mary Louise p. 269 Thorbum Virginia p. 269 Thomburg Myra Haldeman 09 Thomdike Ashley Horace Mrs (A M Lowell) 95 Carolyn Augusta 96 Elizabeth (Mrs C M Saville) p. 269 Myra Darling (Mrs R E Tibbetts) 07 Thome Anna Valentine 01 Louise Ophelia 07 Thornton Edith 10 Lewis Henry Mrs (S W Knight) 08 Mary Louise 06 Thorp Mary Kenniston (Mrs F H Law) 95 Thrall Frederick Chaffee Mrs (Rachel Hutchinson) p. 233 Thrasher Mertice Parker 06 Thresher Bertha Louise 04 Thuman Jane Ellis 08 Thurber Candace 04 Thurston Henry Bowring Mrs (H C Conrow) p. 212 Thyng Annie Vivien p. 269 Tibbets Jane Nason p. 269 Tibbetts Bertha Belle p. 269 Ralph Edson Mrs (M D Thorndike) 07 Tiemann Edith Winifred 99 Elsie Claire 84 Tifft Henrietta Hawtin (Mrs J F Underwood) 02 Tilden Edith Selina 01 Laura Bugbee 83 Tildsley John Lee Mrs (B A Watters) 94 Tiliey Charles Edward Mrs (L E Sawin) 91 Tillmghast Mary Elmer (Mrs F H Paine) p. 289 Tillson Charles Sanford Mrs (L [A] Thayer) p. 269 Tilson Bess Gladys 09 Tilton Annie Eugenia 83 John Littlefield Mrs (I [M] Hoyt) p. 233 Mabel Frances 08 Mary Susan 89 Timmerman [Zimmerman] Charlotte Lurilla p. 269 Tindall Kate (Mrs E F Sam- uels) 03 Tmgley Charles Worthington Mrs (J B Rice) 97 Tmker Charles Perley Mrs (M O H Bragaw) p. 204 Grace Emeline (Mrs O S Davis) p. 269 Tinkham Rebecca Warren (Mrs S W Cramer) p. 269 Tirrell Ada Maria p. 269 TisdeU Raymond Louis Mrs (EP Matthews) p. 244 Titcomb Miriam 01 Titsworth Ethel Lucile 05 Susan Sayre 97 Tobey Grace Baxter (Mrs R L WincheU) 99 Tobm Mary Agnes p. 269 Todd Alice Adele 98 Alvah Kittredge Mrs (G F Curtis) 03 David P p. 17 Emma (Mrs J W Hart- well) p. 269 Hiram Eugene Mrs (B M Ferris) p. 221 James Lewis Mrs (E D Hastings) 99 Judson Scott Mrs (E N Hall) 99 Marjory Caroline p. 269 William Mrs (J P Hutchinson) p. 233 Tolar Virginia Bell (Mrs R E Henry) 02 Tolman Mrs — (M M Norton) p. 249 Henry jr Mrs (J S Carter) p. 208 Olive 07 Tombs Nettie Adelle 90 Tomlin Maude Somerville 08 Tomlinson Edith (Mrs R G Badger) 99 Emilie Curtiss (Mrs H S Hitchcock) 99 Roy Everett Mrs (E R Parsons) p. 251 Ruth (Mrs J W Allen) 01 Toms Bernice Clarissa p. 269 Tooker Marion Farwell p. 269 Topanelian Edward Mrs (F A Nichols) p. 248 Topliff George Raymond Mrs (L [B] Ingram) p. 234 Susan Caroline (Mrs A H Davis) p. 270 Toppmg Ella Rachel 08 Margaret Atkinson (Mrs G W Tourtellot) 08 Torr Grace Rolston p. 270 Mary Dykeman 99 386 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Torrey Annie Louise (Mrs R G Williams) 00 David Clarence Mrs (J C Wheelwright) p. 275 Elizabeth Whittier 03 Tourney James William Mrs (C H Blake) p. 202 Tournier Valentine p. 17 Tourtellot George W Mrs (M A Topping) 08 Towar Lila (Mrs W T Irons) p. 270 Tower Beatrice 07 Eva Lillian p. 270 Lucie Aline (Mrs R W Chandler) 05 Mabel Gertrude p. 270 Ruth Nichols 95 Susea Bates (Mrs Percy Leet) 05 Towle Ethel Ward p. 270 Harvey Parker Mrs (A M Buswell) 89 Towne Anna Mae 99 Marion (Mrs C C Woodworth) p. 270 Mercy [Mertie] Ade- laide (Mrs C R Holden) p. 270 Mildred (Mrs F F Powell) 08 Townes Willis Glover Mrs (Robina Protheroe) 05 Townley Gertrude p. 270 Grace p. 270 Margaret (Mrs C F Milliken) p. 270 Townsend Edna Ballard 07 Katherine Seward (Mrs Roger Leavitt) p. 270 Therina (Mrs E L Barnard) 97 Townshend Grace Margaret (Mrs Earl Partridge) 07 Tracy Elmer Clark Mrs (I M Woodward) 83 Trafton Eleanor Somes 07 Lillian May 05 Mary Adelaide 84 Trask Elizabeth Haywood p. 270 Ethel Mina (Mrs W O Knight) 06 Mary EUery (Mrs P H Loomis) 00 Treadweli Grace Rich (Mrs Ed- ward Johnson) 06 Helen Adams (Mrs H S Wilkinson) 07 Louis S Mrs (E J ScoviUe) 03 Treat Alice Eddy p. 270 Anna Bigelow 03 Ethel Eddy 02 Grace Diana p. 270 Tredick Helen Folsom 97 Trippett Wesley Harper Mrs (M E Goodell) p. 225 Tritch Mary Gail 06 Trow / Mary Elizabeth (J^rs F E Spaulding) 89 William Austin Mrs (E P Clark) p. 210 Trowbridge Cornelia Rogers 91 Luther Stephen jr Mrs (M W Hartsuff) 00 Miriam Augusta (Mrs John Barker) 01 Truax Arthur D Mrs (M W Riggs) 02 True Edna Miriam 09 Marion Grace (Mrs R B Redfern) 00 Tniesdale Sarah Helen p. 270 Truesdell Ada Fannie 02 Trull Bertha Preston 03 Trull — Continued Edward Warren Mrs (E B Duckworth) 96 Eliott Franksford Mrs (Sybil Shaw) 00 Evelyn (Mrs E A Bates) 04 Joel Frank Mrs (J P Cross) p. 213 Mary Rozel p. 270 Trumbull Mary Fitch p. 270 Truslow Ernest Mrs (H S Johnson) 04 Tryner Alice Freeman (Mrs R W Evans) p. 270 Ethel Louise (Mrs R H McCurdy) 00 Tryon Dwight W p. 18 Emma Celine 92 Tubbs William Nelson Mrs (Gertrude Shuart) p. 261 Tubby Gertrude Ogden 02 Tuck Lellan Judson Mrs (E M Adams) 93 Tucker Abbie [Abby] Elizabeth 82 Alice Lester (Mrs F H Dixon) 95 Alice Pendleton p. 270 Carolyn Virginia 07 Ethelyn Maria p. 270 Helen Augusta 95 Helen Bradley (Mrs Joseph Wilkins) p. 270 Mabel p. 270 Margaret (Mrs N P Brown) p. 270 Marion La Verne p. 270 Ruth Estabrook (Mrs A E Morse) 98 William Jewett Mrs (C B Cheever) 81 (p. 7) Tuckerman Corinne Marie (Mrs C E Allen) p. 270 Florence Sophia 86 INDEX 387 Tuckerman — Continued Lillian Ellinwood (Mrs H B Roberts) p. 270 Tufts Alice Jenney 00 Amy Louisa p. 270 Bowen Mrs (O E Williams) p. 277 James Hayden Mrs (C H Whitaker) p. 276 Lucy Runey (Mrs F P Bascom) 99 Mary Jane (Mrs G E Richardson) p. 271 Tullock Florence Louise (Mrs F De W Bolman) 03 TuUy Francis William Mrs (S P Kennedy) 03 Tumey Sara May 08 Tupper Frederic Allison Mrs (G E Canedy) p. 207 Helen Mary (Mrs C S Murkland) p. 271 Ttirck William D Mrs (G C Richmond) 98 Turner Catherine (Mrs A G Minshall) p. 271 Edith May (Mrs Chal- oner Schley) p. 271 Edward Mrs (G L Norris) p. 249 Hope p. 271 James Varnum Mrs (A P Crocker) 85 Leigh Cilley Mrs (M E Sewell) 07 Marie (Mrs Cook) p. 271 Mary Ramsey 04 Tuthill Margaret Hall 09 Stella Weston 07 Tutt Paul William Mrs (M M Kern) 07 Tuttle Alice Smith p. 271 Annie Dyer 03 Berenice Rachel 02 Charles Ailing Mrs (E J Lloyd) p. 240 Tuttle — Continued Charles Augustus Mrs (A S Miner) 81 Franklin Elliott Mrs (C M Blackwell) p. 202 Morton Chase Mrs (A F Kidder) 02 Ruth Elizabeth 10 Tutton Frances Adelaide (Mrs O M Harvey) p. 271 Tuxbury Helen 80 Twichell Julia Curtis (Mrs H O Wood) p. 271 Sarah Edna 09 Twining Alice Kinsley (Mrs Eliot Watrous) 98 Edith de Gueldry (Mrs F W Stevens) 93 Twitchell Gertrude Marble 93 Richard Sears Mrs (M M Bolster) 97 Susie Helen 88 Tyler Amelia Whiting 95 Cornelius Boardman Mrs (ST Whittlesey) p. 276 Elizabeth Stearns 09 Emma Bickford (Mrs L R Leonard) 05 Eva Sessions p. 271 Florence Larned p. 271 Frances Maria 84 (p. 18) Frederick W p. 18 Henry M p. 18 Henry Mather Mrs p. 271 John M p. 18 Lena Louise (Mrs C T Chase) 92 Mary Elizabeth p. 271 William S p. 7 Ufiford Helen Harriet 08 Mabelle Morris 99 Uihlein Ella p. 271 Ullrich Lena (Mrs Spencer Ew- ing) 96 Luetta (Mrs H A Bumstead) p. 271 Underbill Florence Winn p. 271 Merta 09 Norma 09 Underwood Anna p. 271 CWMrs (Eva Barr) p. 200 Caroline Blanding p. 271 Elizabeth Scofield 92 Etta May 00 James Frank Mrs (H H Tifft) 02 Mary [Mari] Louise p. 271 Mary Louise (Mrs C H Daniels) p. 271 Rosamond 09 Updike Ethel (Mrs J N Magna) 09 Upham Dorothy Quincy (Mrs T W Vaughan) 04 Emma [Emily] Clark 87 Upson Grace (Mrs R A Mahan) p. 271 Upton Eleanor Stuart 09 Irving Hawkes Mrs (K L Haven) 92 Urban Wilbur Marshall Mrs (E N Wakelin) 94 Umer Eloise Stettinius (Mrs E A Foote) p. 271 Urquhart Vera Beryl 10 Utley Elinor Maebelle p. 271 Vaeth Hilda Louise (Mrs Henry Hewitt 3d) p. 271 Vaile Florence Isabella 04 Vaill Dudley Landon Mrs (L S Holmes) 98 Mary Breck (Mrs Dan- iel Talmage) p. 271 Robinson Lyman Mrs (G H Strong) p. 267 388 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Vaille Edith Wolcott (Mrs Otis Weeks) 04 Vale Florence (Mrs Edward Salmon) p. 271 Valentine Blanche Mary 05 Frances Wadsworth 02 Joseph Loring Mrs (A W Flershem) 97 Juliet Estelle 10 Marjorie 10 Vallentine Jessie (Mrs Charles Thayer) 06 Van Ausdal Mary (Mrs W B Id- dings) p. 271 Vance Martha Tenney (Mrs R F Drabble) 99 Van Cleave Lee Wallace Mrs (A V Meysenburg) p. 245 Van Demark Louise Johnson p. 271 Van Denbergh Eliza Phillips p. 271 Vanderbeek Mary Courtland (Mrs J E Giles) 93 Vanderbilt Edith Wheeler (Mrs W C Diamond) 02 Louise Dunham 02 Margaret 00 William Dunham Mrs (S W Sanderson) 00 Vanderhoof Hattie [Harriet] Luella (Mrs E E Floyd) 95 Van Deusen Mabel 10 Van De venter Gladys Remsen 10 van Dyke Brooke (Mrs Hamilton Gibson) 04 van Emden Clara Eva 10 Van Hook La Rue Mrs (Edith vom Baur) 04 Van Home Mabel Pauline (Mrs L E Woodman) 01 Van Hovenberg Katherine (Mrs H W Brown) 96 Van Iderstine AHce p. 271 Vanier Jessie Amanda p. 271 Van Kirk Annie [Anne] Dravo/87 Van Kieeck f Mary Abby 04 ' Van Laer Alexander T p. 18 Van Name Theodora 95 Vanneman Caroline Kerr 08 Van Noorden Deborah 02 Van Nortwick Martha (Mrs F E Hol- brook) p. 271 Van Note Henry Clay Mrs (A E Gardner) 95 Van Orsdale Mabel Craig p. 272 Van Osdel A L Mrs (G E Mer- cereau) p. 244 Van Slyke Dorothy Louise p. 272 Van Tuyl Ella Blodgett 02 Van Valkenburgh R D Mrs (C C Juliand) 01 Van Voast Harry Ramsay Mrs (C L Seymour) p. 260 Van Vleck Grace C Mrs p. 18 Van Wagenen Louisa Goddard 10 Van Wagner Katharine p. 272 Olive p. 272 Varick Katharine Romeyn 09 Vamey Alice Marguerite 07 Annie Katharine 04 Mildred Eva 08 Vary Grace Elizabeth (Mrs P E Emerson) p. 272 Vaughan Agnes Gleason 07 Vaughan — Continued E A Mrs (H L Douglas) p. 217 Hilda Estelle 09 Ruth 08 Thomas Wayland Mrs (D Q Upham) 04 Vaughn Sara Jane (Mrs J A Millard) 05 Veeder Jessie Budington p. 272 Venard Isabel 09 Vennum Margaret Effie (Mrs J R Hedges) p. 272 Ventres Adelaide Brainerd 88 Vermilye Jennie Thomas 97 (p. 18) Vemet-Wanston Sophie p. 18 Vibberts Augusta Louise (Mrs E W Pelton) 02 Vickers Thomas McElderry Mrs (L E Barnard) 97 Videtto John Lockwood Mrs (S S Spaulding) p. 264 Vieh George Clifford p. 18 Viele Grace 01 Viets Marion Tufts 07 Vilas Percival Madden Mrs (KM Garland) p. 224 vaes Elizabeth Hubbard (Mrs A A McBride) 03 Susie Frances (Mrs G E Morgan) p. 272 Vinal Leslie Thoming 01 Vincens Berthe 10 (p. 18) Vincent Marie 07 INDEX 389 Vineyard Jesse J Mrs (Alta Zens) 03 Vinton / Alexander H p. 7 V Maria Mitchell 82 Vivash . William Cross Mrs (N J Gould) 98 Voetsch Rose (Mrs G A Markle) 05 Vogdes Anna Louise (Mrs Wil- liam Ramsay) 02 Vogel Karl Max Mrs (W C Leeming) 00 Katherine Augusta p. 272 Vogt C AMrs (G H Findley) p. 221 Vollmer Henry Mrs (S M Homans) 90 vom Baur Edith (Mrs La Rue Van Hook) 04 Vonnegut Ella Nanette (Mrs Ker- foot Stuart) p. 272 von Urff Adolf Wilhelm Baroness (E R Geer) p. 224 Voorhees Elizabeth Anna (Mrs E A Robinson) 97 J Spencer Mrs (Elizabeth Warner) 99 Mabel p. 272 Voorhis Virgil H Mrs (A M Parsons) 02 Vrooman Beatrice 01 Rachel (Mrs W E Colby) p. 272 Wade Frank E Mrs (M B Silsbee) 99 Wadleigh Edna Blanche 98 Wadsworth Jessie Gertrude 02 Wadsworth — Continued Mary Gilney (Mrs W A Bowes jr) p. 272 Wagenhals Katherine Hamilton 05 Margaret Hamilton 03 (p. 18) Wagner Clayton Clifford Mrs (M S Jenner) p. 235 Wait Annar Marie 10 Waite Alice DoUoff (Mrs W S Brayton) p. 272 Alice Vinton 86 Constance Eliza (Mrs F T Rouse) p. 272 Jennie Gertrude 10 Jessie Evelyn p. 272 Marjory Ismene (Mrs C C Hall jr) 08 Mary Alice 04 Wakefield Albert Orin Mrs (E J Rederich) p. 255 Wakelin Elizabeth Newell (Mrs W M Urban) 94 Walbridge I Helen Isabel 02 I Isabel EHzabeth p. 272 Wilhelmina von Colson I (Mrs W S Buffum) 92 I Waldo Cora (Mrs Pierce But- ler) 98 Grace Margaret (Mrs S G Jessop) p. 272 Lula03 Virginia 04 Waldron Elizabeth (Mrs A H Jones) 83 Wales Albert H Mrs (L L Sperry) p. 264 Ernest de Wolfe Mrs (Franc Hale) 97 Mary Helen (Mrs W H Butler) p. 272 Walker Mrs— (M E Hack- staff) p. 226 Alice Malvina p. 272 Cara Louise p. 272 Dora Haines p. 272 Edith Francis 96 Walker — Continued Emma EHzabeth 87 Frederick Edgar Mrs (Marion Spelman) p. 264 Gertrude Annie 85 (p. 18) Granville Joseph Mrs (A A Morse) p. 247 Helen Duer 02 Hope Newell (Mrs J S Barnes) 04 Kenzie Wallace Mrs (H H Whitman) 93 Leon Valentine Mrs (L M Holt) 00 Lois Emma p. 272 Marguerite Morehead (Mrs O H Wallop) p. 272 Mary Malvina [Man- ning] p. 272 Maud Jane (Mrs Stuart Peirce) p. 272 Samuel Johnson Mrs (B E Smith) p. 262 William Emrich Mrs (M S Field) p. 221 Williston Mrs (A S Mather) p. 244 Wallace Janet Monroe 91 Louise B p. 18 Mary Louise (Mrs A P Robinson) 02 Robert Mrs (Ellen Dudley) p. 217 Rodney p. 7 Wallburg Amy Barbara 10 Walley Alice Louise p. 272 Wallin Madeleine (Mrs G C Sikes) p. 273 (p. 18) Wallop Oliver Henry Mrs (M M Walker) p. 272 Walradt Ella Marie p. 273 Walsh Frederick Thomas Mrs (Katherine Bingham) p. 202 Howard T Mrs (C L Shaw) 00 Thomas Francis Mrs (G L Hurley) 02 390 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Walsh — Continued Timothy Mrs (M A Wright) p. 279 William Lorison Mrs (L P Bartlett) 96 Walston Louise (Mrs Percival Chubb) 90 Marion Cragg Mrs (J E Northrop) 04 Walter Charles True Mrs (S M Hall) p. 227 Herbert Eugene Mrs (A E Hall) p. 227 Walters Edith Alice 07 Helen Mary 10 Sarah Ann (Mrs Her- bert Miller) p. 273 Walther Lucy 06 Mabel Josephine 09 Walton Alice Teannette (Mrs H M Wheeler) 08 Bartlett Mrs (H B Davidson) 08 Lily p. 273 Mabel Lilian (Mrs W H Wanamaker) 94 Mary Alice 87 Mary Esther (Mrs R H Wilkinson) 00 Virginia Florence p. 273 Wanamaker O D Mrs (K M Hume) p. 233 William H Mrs (M L Walton) 94 Wangerien Carl William Mrs (H A Comings) p. 211 Warburton Cora Isabel (Mrs T F Hussa) 94 Ward Alice (Mrs Bailey) 83 Andrew Henshaw Mrs (M E May) 99 Arthur Allen Mrs (Alice Bookwalter) 03 Carl Edwin Mrs (J M Clark) 98 Eliza Anne 03 Florence 10 Florence (MrsJCBlagden)97 V Ward — Continued Frances Hibbard (Mrs H E Hale) 95 Fred Lincoln Mrs (A M Allen) 95 Grace 93 [Rossie Grace] Grace Faulkner 00 Helen Ashton (Mrs P T B Ward) 00 Julia Jennings p. 273 Lily Emily (Mrs W C Godfrey) p. 273 Mary Kingsbury (Mrs M D Dunning) 97 Mary Louise (Mrs A H Prentiss) p. 273 Paul Theodore Bliss Mrs (H A Ward) 00 Thomas H Mrs (M E Merrill) 00 Warden Mrs— (Ethel Wheeler) p. 275 Wardner G Philip Mrs (M P Rankin) 92 Ware Edward Twichell Mrs (Alice Holdship) p. 232 Eloise Morrison p. 273 Katharine (Mrs G M Smith) 94 Louise Stevens (Mrs Walter Lytton) p. 273 Mary Augusta (Mrs F E Look) p. 273 Mary Lillian (Mrs J W Knight) 97 Olive 04 Warfield Alice Bertha 02 Grace Elizabeth 06 Waring Mary Kimberley 93 Warncke Alice Louise p. 273 Warner Alice Elizabeth p. 273 Alice Willard (Mrs H A Hamilton) 03 Bessie Sarah 95 Elizabeth (Mrs J S Voorhees) 99 Ethel Susie (Mrs C M Phinney) 97 Warner — Continued Frank Herbert Mrs (A E Welch) p. 274 Frank Julius Mrs (J D Taylor) p. 268 Frederick Addison Mrs (N A Smith) 02 Harriet Blanche (Mrs C S Palmer) 79 Lottie [Charlotte] Jane p. 273 Lucy Hunt 99 (p. 18) Mabel Armine (Mrs F H Metcalf) p. 273 Mary Annette (Mrs H E Wright) p. 273 Raymond A Mrs (E L Damon) 09 Sara Acland p. 273 Sidney Joseph Mrs (B D Smith) p. 262 Wamick Catherine (Mrs J L Hall) p. 273 Elizabeth Anna (Mrs N C Phillips) 02 Wamock Henry Childs Mrs (U M Winchester) 04 Warren Alfred Dalrymple Mrs (C L Simons) p. 262 Anna Grace p. 273 Arthur Forbush Mrs (K E Haggett) 86 Bessie Leland (Mrs H H Skelton) 06 Blanche Louise (Mrs A E Alton) 04 Charles Jackson Mrs (Louise Chamberlain [Chamberlin]) 99 Clara Louise (Mrs E B Bumsted) 02 Ella 03 Ethel Louise (Mrs M A Coolidge) 96 Helen Goulding 06 Helen Maria (Mrs H M Auger) p. 273 Jennie Priscilla p. 273 Mary Hodgson 08 Mildred Howell (Mrs G J Anderson) p. 273 Minton Mrs (S A Machado) 83 Ruth Annette 95 INDEX 391 ^ Wasgatt Oscar Mrs (M H Shimer) p. 261 Washburn Albert H Mrs (F B Lincoln) p. 240 Anna Loraine 10 Clara Spencer (Mrs J C Deane) p. 273 Emily (Mrs A W Ban- croft) 95 George Barrows Mrs (E G Jenness) p. 235 George Hamlin Mrs (A M Hoyt) 81 Martha Wilcox 10 May [Mary] Nightin- gale p. 273 Sophia Clarke (Mrs F E Bateman) 96 William B p. 7 Waskiewicz Katherine p. 273 Waterman Alice Augusta (Mrs F H Thayer) p. 273 Anna Charlotte (Mrs I M Scott) p. 273 Clara Theresa p. 273 Dorothy 10 Frank Allan p. 18 Martha [Patty] Lee (Mrs J S Clark) p. 274 ^^aters Alice Evelin 09 Genevieve 06 Grace Lydia (Mrs G H Bartholomew) p. 274 Watkins Edward Goodrich Mrs (B W Bowman) 91 Mabel (Mrs J E Austin) 08 Mary (MrsRCCubbon)08 Rawson Fuller Mrs (Nellie Lunt) p. 241 Susan (Mrs C M Rose- crantz) 02 Watkinson Grace Blair 02 (p. 18) Watling Lilian Lucile p. 274 Watrous Cleveland Mrs (Grace Greenwood) 97 Watrous — Continued Eliot Mrs (A K Twining) 98 Watson Albert Leisenring (M E Wheeler) 00 Constance 10 , Effie p. 274 / Essie [Esther] Jose- '' phine 82 (p. 18) Grace p. 18 Helen Sarah p. 274 Josephine Guthrie p. 274 Margaret (Mrs Thomas Perry) 04 Nellie Jane (Mrs F H Percy) p. 274 Olive Beatrice 10 William Harry Mrs (E W Kingsbury) 04 Watters ' Bertha Alice / (Mrs J L Tildsley) 94 Theodora [Dorothy] 96 Watterson Ada (Mrs R M Yerkes) p. 274 Helen Mary p. 274 John Sayle Mrs (A H Gilchrist) 01 Roberta Franc (Mrs Emil Diebitsch) 93 Watts Anna Mabel (Mrs M G Lovelace) p. 274 Way George Mrs (L A Mer- riam) p. 244 Waymoth Ida Josephine 01 Wead Katharine Howes 09 Mary Eunice 02 (p. 18) Weare Harry Cabot Mrs (L C Foster) p. 222 Weathered Mary Glover p. 274 Weaver Mary Alice 00 Webb Ethel Moulton 99 James Augustus jr Mrs (N S Packard) p. 250 Miriam Worrell 96 Nanette Boyd p. 274 Webb — Continued Robert Mrs (Margaret McDonald) p. 242 Stella Henrietta p. 274 Webber Alice Mary (Mrs F P Scofield) 03 Charlotte (Mrs C E Bell) 95 George N p. 18 Harriet, 09 Lucy (Mrs W N Mc- Millan) p. 274 Weber Eva Martha 09 Webster Amy Stuart (Mrs Ferd- inand McKeige ir) p. 274 John Stump Mrs (E D Pinkerton) 87 Laura Angeline 92 Laura Josephine 05 Margaret 08 Marion Cecile 10 Mary Sampson p. 274 Ruth Emily 08 Sarah Barber p. 274 Weed Alice Loraine p. 274 Hettie Barbara p. 274 Hugh Houston Craigie Mrs (Faith Potter) 02 Martha Gladys 08 Weeden Arthur Price Mrs (O W Gamwell) p. 224 Marie Louise (Mrs W S Langford) 03 Weeks Imogene 93 Katherine Hare (Mrs G T Bodine) p. 274 Kittie [Katharine] Ellen (Mrs R K Brown) p. 274 Otis Mrs (E W Vaille) 04 Weideman Elsa Louise p. 274 Pearl Laura (Mrs Wil- liam Kurtz) p. 274 Weidman Hannah Belle (Mrs S M Hamilton) 92 John Hynds Mrs (M E Gallup) 06 392 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Weil Gertrude 01 Hannah Elise (Mrs Louis Wertheimer) p. 274 Josephine Marie 06 Lily Regina p. 274 Margaret Adelaide (Mrs A J Michel- bacher) p. 274 Selma (Mrs Ludwig Eisemann) 02 Weiler Edith Henrietta (Mrs Alfred Cahen) p. 274 Weiser Edwin C Mrs (L B Brooks) p. 205 Minnie Isabel p. 274 Welch Anna Eliza (Mrs F E Warner) p. 274 Catharine Galbraith p. 274 Flora Emma (Mrs W F Draper jr) p. 275 James Elwyn Mrs (H E Millington) p. 245 Jeannette (Mrs H S Denison) 07 Mary Frances p. 275 Wilbur Abbott Mrs (Bertha Carleton) 04 Welles Margaret (Mrs R N Pierson) 02 Marguerite Fitch p. 275 Mary Crowell 83 (p. 18) Wellington Ahce Webster 05 Helen Maria (Mrs Robert Bell) p. 275 Wellman Ella F p. 18 Florence Maude p. 275 Wells Alice p. 275 Anna [Anne] Jonas p. 275 Anna Sophia (Mrs Horace Bigelow) p. 275 Beulah 05 Dorothea 04 Edith May 02 Edna Bowen 06 Wells — Continued Florence Dudley (Mrs C G Ireys) p. 275 George Herbert Mrs (H L Parsons) 86 Grace Harriet p. 275 Katherine Sturtevant 10 Louise Belden (Mrs E C Cowan) p. 275 Marguerite Milton 95 Marjorie 10 Marlea 09 Mary Byrd 97 Schuyler Carl Mrs (Elizabeth Osborne) p. 250 Welsh Clara May 08 Wemple Harriet Leona (Mrs McCormick Smet- ters) 04 Mary Edith 05 Wenham Grace Putnam (Mrs WS Crowell) 94 Wentworth Ellen Lang 88 Frank Wesley Mrs (J B Pond) 05 Henry A Mrs (E Z Ellis) 06 Wertheimer Dora (Mrs C E Pritz) p. 275 Louis Mrs (H E Weil) p. 274 Teresa Clare p. 275 Wesby Maude Earle 10 West Ethel Hebard (Mrs F Q Blanchard) 99 Frank Allen Mrs (Birne Terry) p. 268 Louise Bronson 02 Mary Jackson 10 Westcott Laura Johnson 02 William Read Mrs (S L Bumham) 04 Westerfield William Rogers Mrs (Florence Ketchum) 99 Westermann Bernard Mrs (M A Myers) 08 Westinghouse Harriet Anna (Mrs C W Stone) 99 Weston Alice Dexter p. 275 Grace 91 Irma Delight 09 Julia Carolyn 00 Westwood Elizabeth Howard 03 Wetherbee Marjorie p. 275 Netta Elizabeth (Mrs E W Higbee) 80 Weymouth Frederick Abbott Mrs (A G Martin) p. 243 Whalen Edward William Mrs (G L Fay) p. 220 Wham i / Mary 06 1/ Wheatley Edward Martin Mrs (E J Bacon) p. 198 Wheaton Percy Allen Mrs (L D Fish) p. 221 Whedon Frances Elizabeth p. 275 Wheeler Alice Mann (Mrs A P Hawley) 95 Alice Moore 05 Blanche Emily (Mrs E F Williams) 92 Edith Helen (Mrs E P Ripley) 96 Elizabeth Anna (Mrs F A Hubbard) 94 Ethel (Mrs Wardell) p. 275 Frances (Mrs James Thompson) 93 Frances Elizabeth 99 Frank Elisha Mrs (Florence Lillie) 98 Franklin Lumbard Mrs (Mary Dana) p. 214 Harry Kreider Mrs (Lilian Du Bois) 88 Harry M Mrs (A J Walton) 08 Jane Barker 09 INDEX 393 Wheeler — Continued John Perkins Mrs (J E Parks) p. 250 Leola 07 Leonard Mrs (E B Cheever) 85 Louis A Mrs (C M Fuller) 03 Lucia Anna 91 Lucia Mae (Mrs J A Hall) 98 Lucy May (Mrs J F Brown jr) 98 Mabel Eager (Mrs A L Watson) 00 Mabel Sarah (Mrs Bailey) p. 275 Mary Abbie (Mrs J E Spencer) 96 Mary Alice 06 Mary Louise p. 275 Maude Ella (Mrs J C Grey) p. 275 Wheelock Anna [Annie] Isabel (Mrs C F Nixon) p. 275 Annie Atchinson 09 Irene Taft (Mrs G H Gilpatric) p. 275 Wheelwright Jane Coombs (Mrs D C Torrey) p. 275 Whelden Annie (Mrs F W Dun- bar) p. 275 Whelen Acelie Thorbecke p. 275 Whidden Eleanor p. 275 Whipple Mrs— (C T Shipman) 92 Bertha Kingsbury 03 Elizabeth Judd (Mrs H F Nicolean) p. 275 Grace Adelaide (Mrs Marcus Chase) p. 275 Inez Luanne (Mrs H H Wilder) 04 Mary Hoyt p. 276 Whitaker Anna 09 Chester Leland Mrs (Louise Dodge) 05 Cynthia Hobart (Mrs J H Tufts) p. 276 Whitaker — Continued Hobart Karl Mrs (E [N] M Comins) 91 Whitcomb Carrie May 85 Ethel Winifred 00 Helen May 08 Marguerite Avis p. 276 Mary Sheafer (Mrs A H Clark) 00 White Alden Perley Mrs (Jessie Carter) 87 Bessie Matilda 07 Charles Edward Mrs (Frances Hulbert) p. 233 Charlotte Florence (Mrs J G Talcott) 97 Charlotte Helen (Mrs G W Roberts) 98 ! Eliot Mrs I (M R Moore) 94 i Elwood Mrs (Luella Perrin) p. 252 Florence Cora 00 Frances Mary 00 Genevieve p. 276 Georgia Laura p. 18 Grace Grosvenor 89 Harriet Mav (Mrs H A Blake) 86 Henry Mrs (M S Dar- ling) p. 215 Henry Wellington Mrs (E F Montague) 97 Howell North Mrs (E S Davidson) 01 Isabel May p. 276 i Joseph p. 7 I Lily Palmer p. 276 I Lucy Sophia (Mrs F H Palmer) p. 276 Marion Ballantyne p. 276 Mary Avery 83 Maude Lucy 99 ' Nellie Maria p. 276 Patti Louise p. 276 Robert Rombout Mrs (M D Gibbs) p. 224 Ruth Dickinson (Mrs A H Benton) 98 Whitehead C AMrs (M M Askew) p. 197 Whitehill Clara Agnes p. 276 Whitehill — Continued Edwin Hunt Mrs (C T Manning) p. 243 Whitfield Inez Harrington 89 Whitin Elizabeth Klock (Mrs L M Keeler) 02 Florence (Mrs The- ophilus Parsons) 00 Katharine Leland 10 Whiting Charles W Mrs (M L Barrett) p. 200 Florence May (Mrs C M Grover) 97 (Mrs DE Mitchell) 97 W F Mrs (A H Chapin) p. 209 Whitman Edith 08 Elaine Sheffield 10 Helen Hobart (Mrs K W Walker) 93 Mabel 93 Russell Mrs (A M Miller) 83 X Sarah Nason 99 1/ Whitmarsh Helen Elizabeth p. 276 Whitmore Arthur Eugene Mrs (A W Jacobs) p. 234 Whitney Anne Farnam (Mrs T McE Debevoise) p. 276 Ednah Augusta 10 Elizabeth Fay 00 Emma Seiler p. 276 Florence Allen (Mrs H E Fosdick) 00 Howard Rogers Mrs (M A Perry) 05 Jessie Dunn (Mrs A B Larchar) p. 276 Josephine Leaming (Mrs Boyd Nixon) 09 Mabel p. 276 Margaret Olive (Mrs W F Chapman) p. 276 Maria p. 18 Nettie Louise p. 276 Norman Mrs (E A Cutler) p. 214 394 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Whitney — Continued Ralph Holyoke Mrs (A E Reed) 03 Warren Appleton Mrs CE H Brown) 05 William Alonzo Mrs (G H Churchill) 99 Whiton Helen Isabel 94 (p. 18) Helen King 10 Mary Bartlett 79 Whittelsey Anna Horton 09 Dolly Louise 01 Theodore W Mrs (Winifred Marsh) 03 Whittemore Harry Weston Mrs (M B Eastman) 94 William H Mrs (A F Pearl) p. 251 Whitten Anna Luella p. 276 Helen Frances 84 Whittier Charlotte Maude p. 276 Whittington Amy (Mrs G M Eggles- ton) 95 Whittlesey Susie [Susan] Tilden (Mrs C B Tyler) p. 276 William Augustus Mrs (H S Block) p. 203 Whyte Elmer Norman Mrs (Elizabeth Morris) p. 246 Whytlaw John G Mrs (L A Gard- iner) p. 224 Wiard Grace Louise (Mrs A E Young) 97 Wick James Lippincott jr Mrs (C M Dryer) p. 217 Wicker Lucy Southworth 02 Wickersham William F Mrs (W B Crew) 90 Wickham Robert Mrs (E C Carpenter) 95 Wicks Grace Elizabeth (Mrs F R Hopkins) p. 276 Helen Davis 08 Ruth Egert 08 Wickwire Charles Mrs (M L Fitzgerald) p. 222 Wiggin Annie [Anne] 09 Charlotte Monroe 08 Deborah Allen (Mrs F W Plummer) 99 Mary Isabelle 06 Mildred 06 Pauline Gertrude (Mrs W J Leonard) 90 Wiggins Carrie Elva 08 Inez Louise 01 Mabel Emma 08 Wight Gwendolen Ross 08 Isabel Caldwell (Mrs F K Mitchell) 03 (p. 18) Wightman Lucius Irving Mrs (Edith Cairns) p. 207 Wilbar Charles B Mrs (May Chapin) p. 209 Wilbur Anna Elizabeth (Mrs G B Kelley) p. 276 Florence 03 Wilby Thomas W Mrs (Agnes Andrews) p. 197 Wilcox y Carra Emma S|l Elizabeth Kenyon (Mrs F R Haley) p. 276 Florence Edna 99 Frances Sophia (Mrs G L Curtis) p. 276 Lucien Mrs (J S Hamilton) 07 Mary Elizabeth p. 276 May [Mary] Isabel p. 276 Vera May (Mrs C B Leighton) p. 276 William Craig Mrs (M F De Vol) 88 Wilcoxen Jennie Sarah 88 WUd Laura Huldah 92 Wilde Alice Elizabeth (Mrs W C Bums) p. 276 Allan Hoyt Mrs (M L Kimball) 98 wader Arthur Silas Mrs (E C Abbot) 89 Bertha Frances 94 Constance Perley 95 Ena Vinal 00 Harris H Mrs (I L Whipple) 04 (p. 18) Harris Hawthorne p. 18 Margaret Guild 01 Mary Clement (Mrs E E Kent) 00 Matilda Sewell (Mrs M S Brooks) 91 May Estelle (Mrs A W Huguley) p. 277 Wilds Elizabeth Piatt 10 Sophie Emeline 07 Wiley Bertha May (Mrs N J Gehring) p. 277 Mary Elinor (Mrs F D Thayer) 00 Vonia [Vonie] Ames (Mrs D P Douglas) p. 277 WiUde Mary Sophia p. 277 Wilkin Josephine Dunlap 95 Wilkins Joseph Mrs (H B Tucker) p. 270 Wilkinson Charlotte Coffyn (Mrs Claude Bragdon) 94 Elizabeth [Bessie] George (Mrs A E Miller) p. 277 Howard Sargent Mrs (H A Treadwell) 07 Katharine May 97 Margaret Ewing (Mrs C T Malcolmson) 99 Rufus Herbert Mrs (M E Walton) 00 Samuel Ritter Mrs (M M James) p. 234 INDEX 395 Will Blanca p. 277 Willard Abby Gregory 83 Charlotte Richards 83 Eliza [Elisa] May 94 Ethel Adelaide (Mrs H F Eddy) 07 Mary Frances 90 Mary Randle (Mrs E B Cragin) p. 277 Nelson Wolcott Mrs (F P Ripley) 97 Willcox Katharine Elizabeth (Mrs R M Gaylord) p. 277 Willett Allan Herbert Mrs (Mabel Hurd) 95 Willetts Edith Holmes 10 Willey Helen Orpha p. 277 Williams Alexander Mrs (A L Palmer) 79 Alice Luella (Mrs E N Osborne) p. 277 Bessie Hastings (Mrs A H Lewis) 93 Chester F Mrs (H S Harris) 98 Clara Belle p. 18 Clara Louise 87 Cora May 83 David Percy Mrs (K M [Ml Ayres) p. 198 Edith Cadwallader 97 Edward Christopher Mrs (E P Chesnutt) 01 Elizabeth Sprague 91 Emile Francis Mrs (B E Wheeler) 92 Florence Adelaide 87 Florence Minnie [White] p. 277 Frank Lincoln Mrs (Vivian Griswold) p. 226 George Bassett Mrs (Lora Wright) 05 Grace Dean p. 277 Harriet Atwood (Mrs C A De Rose) 98 V' Williams — Continued Harriet J p. 18 Helen Isabelle p. 18 Helen Rachel 92 Herbert Frith Mrs (Mary Southworth) 99 Irving Robert Mrs (G E Johnson) p. 235 James M p. 18 Julia Rebbecca (Mrs G W Raff jr) p. 277 Kate Mallory (Mrs H P Moseley) 96 Leonard Worcester Mrs (M R Clarke) p. 210 Lura May p. 277 Mary Ella p. 18 Mary Louise 95 Mary Rogers p. 18 May Adeline 09 Mildred Claire 10 Octavia Emily (Mrs Bowen Tufts) p. 277 Robert Mrs (M E Baird) 91 Robert Gregory Mrs (A L Torrey) 00 Robert Longfellow Mrs (E D Clarke) 05 Sarah Holbrook 94 Stella p. 277 Susan Conover p. Winifred 09 Williamson Emeline Estelle p wniis Edith Charlotte p. Edna 08 Elias R B Mrs (M C Almy) p. Grenville Norcott (F E Ripley) 03 /Hope 07 ' John Howard Mrs (G A Ball) p. 199 Williston A Lyman p. 7 Agnes Louise 93 Constance Bigelow 95 Elizabeth (Mrs H S BuUard) 93 Lucy (Mrs C M Stark- weather) p. 277 WiUmer ^Mrs C K Rogers) 81 277 ). 277 277 197 Mrs Willson Inez Ora p. 277 Wilmarth Martin L C Mrs (Florence Durgin) p. 218 Wilmot Marion Elsie 10 Wilson Abigail Frances p. 277 Anna Mary (Mrs W R Dickinson) 06 Bertha Elizabeth p. 277 Blanche Dolores p. 277 Carrie [Caroline] Ellen (Mrs T P Alder) p. 277 Edith Doris (Mrs J O Bruen) p. 277 Elizabeth Sophia 01 Ella May p. 277 Ethel Somers 10 Flora Emeline (Mrs^G A Clark) p. 277 Frances (Mrs C S Hawes) p. 278 George Bennett Mrs (H T Lewis) 98 Gertrude Elizabeth 10 Grace Brown p. 278 Grace Evelyn (Mrs F H Jordan) p. 278 Hattie Ella (Mrs G T Lincoln) p. 278 Jane 99 Tane 05 Jean Shaw 01 Jennie Blanche p. 278 Jessie Campbell p. 278 John Mrs (E H Otis) 02 Mabel Cynthia 03 Martha 95 Mary Duncan (Mrs Owen Mothershead) p. 278 Mary Elizabeth 91 Mary Sherman 06 Mildred Wilcox 08 Nellie Frances p. 278 Pearl Adelaide (Mrs G C Pier) 97 Robert Aull Mrs (Annie Hanna) p. ^^^ Ruth (Mrs G M B Hawley) 01 Sarah (Mrs J L Floyd) p. 278 396 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION WUson — Continued Sophia Agnes p. 278 Thomas William Mrs (A B Levi) 00 William Lynn Mrs (Marguerite McCon- nell) p. 242 Winans Mary Grumman 10 Winants Ona Lorene (Mrs W P Borland) 01 Winch Moses Anthony Mrs (F E Piper) 97 Winchell Raymond Lynn Mrs (G B Tobey) 99 Winchester Benjamin Severance Mrs (P A Gunn) 95 Caleb T p. 18 Emma Jane 00 Florida Morse (Mrs A B Goodyear) p. 278 George Wesley Mrs (F C Clark) 96 Una Marie (Mrs H C Warnock) 04 Windsor James Raymond Mrs (H T H6well) p. 232 Wing Adeline Flint 98 Caroline Roberta 96 Helen Savory 09 Katharine McEae 05 Wingate Gladys Isabel 08 Grace Agnes p. 278 Wingfield Caroline Gibson (Mrs A P Baldwin) p. 278 Winkler Marion Wolcott (Mrs W V Brem) 00 Winship Charlotte EHzabeth 97 Winslow Dorothy Scott 07 Guy Monroe Mrs (C M Austin) 99 Susie [Susan] Ellen (Mrs E H Sawyer) p. 278 Virginia 09 Winsor Harriet Bartlett 98 Winsor — Continued Mary Pickard p. 278 Winthrop Louise Cummings 09 Winton Andrew Lincoln Mrs (C E Beers) p. 201 Lucy Patten (Mrs S H McVitty) p. 278 Wintringham Frances Manning 09 Wintter Cora Nanette p. 278 Winward Helen Buffinton 08 Leonora Eugene 07 Wise Arthur Chamberlin Mrs (M S Somers) 99 Joseph Herbert Mrs (F J Morgenthau) p. 246 Witham Rose Adelaide 95 Witherspoon Miriam Frances p. 278 Withington Roland Coolidge Mrs (E H Barry) p. 200 Witmer Helen 01 Wittke Henrietta Wray (Mrs L S Roberts) p. 278 Woermann Frederick C Mrs (L C Dewey) 02 Wolcott Bertha Maria (Mrs Charles Slocomb) p. 278 Charlotte Augusta (Mrs C F Bates) 86 (p. 18) Clara Gertrude 83 Grace Comins (Mrs F W Duryea) 95 Helen Libby 92 Wolf Emeline Kooser p. 278 Wolfs Marie L^onie 08 Wolle Helen Seiberling 07 Wonson Alice Manton (Mrs G D Sanders) 90 Wood Albert Norton Mrs (Edith Elmer) 90 Alice Dewey 94 Edna Bulkley 07 Edward Everett jr Mrs (E F Fames) 83 Elizabeth [M] (Mrs J E Hays) 00 Elizabeth Marshall 09 Emily Sibley p. 278 Estella Albra (Mrs G C Martin) p. 278 George H Mrs (Virginia Peirce) 10 Georgia (Mrs H L Pangborn) p. 278 Gladys 08 Grace Winifred p. 278 Harold Mrs (A R Tarbox) p. 268 Henry Millard Mrs (E J England) p. 219 Howard Ogden Mrs (J C Twichell) p. 271 Irving Francis p. 19 John R Mrs (M Z Worthen) p. 279 Julia Francis p. 278 Laura Aline 07 Lucia E p. 19 Lucy (Mrs John Col- lier) p. 278 Lyman Parsons Mrs (M P Putney) p. 254 Mabel (Mrs F T Hill) 91 Mary Ethel p. 278 Mina Emily [Emma] / p. 278 , Ruth Goulding 98 (p. \ / 19) ^ Walter Childs Mrs (E R Davis) 86 Woodberry Ethel Morton 98 Laura Goodwin 95 Woodbridge Frederick James Eugene Mrs (H B Adams) 92 Woodbury George Whittemore Mrs (H E Patch) 97 Georgiana Smith 85 (p. 19) Laura Brown 03 Louise 02 INDEX 397 \/ Woodbury — Continued Marion Willard 05 Mary (Mrs Tasker How- ard) 02 Woodfin Alice Townsend p. 279 WoodhuU Marianna 87 Schuyler Colfax Mrs (Agnes Patton) 01 Woodman Esther 98 Leon Elmer Mrs (M P Van Home) 01 Woodruff Agnes Lloyd (Mrs F B Holder) 90 Alice Ruth 09 Anna Beardsley 97 Dorothy 09 Eleanor Fraley p. 279 Gladys (Mrs A E Good- hue) p. 279 Harriet Estelle (Mrs V J Slocum) p. 279 Helen Lucy 99 Louise Webster Mrs p. 18 Marguerite Louise (Mrs G S Fowler) 07 Martha Charlieana 87 Mary Alvira (Mrs J C Breaker) p. 279 Mary Caroline (Mrs C G Slack) p. 279 (p. 19) Woods Harold Hopkins Mrs (R E Rising) 04 Katharine (Mrs E N Lacey) 07 Mary Lowe (Mrs E C Orvis) p. 279 Robert Archey Mrs (E H Bush) 96 Robert M p. 7 Woodward Carrie Belle 08 Helen Clifton 97 Ida Minette (Mrs E C Tracy) 83 Kate [Katharine] Shep- herd 85 (p. 19) Martha Gaunt p. 279 Mary Jane p. 279 Minnie Louise (Mrs C H Haskell) 83 W6< Woodward — Continued Roland Beavan Mrs (AMY Curr) 96 Ruth Allen p. 279 Ruth Margaret 08 Sarah NicoU (Mrs C F McRae) 01 Woodworth Albert Leverett Mrs (E M Bliss) 02 Amy Atwater p. 279 Arthur Vernon Mrs (Margaret Kennard) 98 Claudius Curtiss Mrs (Marion Towne) p. 270 Woolf Lucy Ethel 07 Woollen Maria (Mrs Harlow Hyde) 93 WooUey Edith Sanford 02 Erving Yale Mrs (M E Davis) 95 WOolson Lillian (Mrs Harry Hay- ward) 94 Maud Genevieve 10 William Dickinson Mrs (M F Hazen) p. 229 Woolverton Ethel (Mrs F H Cone) 07 Worcester Charles F Mrs (I I Shores) 05 Edward Strong Mrs (Mary Greenman) 99 Leonard Mrs (G W Bushee) p. 206 Worden Beitha Anna 97 Workman Mabel Hyde (Mrs H S Lovejoy) 99 Works Isabel (Mrs R H Bur- ritt) p. 279 Marion Stella 04 Worrick Ada Alice 09 Worthen Edris True p. 279 Louise Wilcox 01 Mabel Zora (Mrs J R Wood) p. 279 Worthington Mary [Mazy] Hallas (Mrs W R Penrose) p. 279 Woy Mary Elizabeth p. 279 Wray Walter Mrs ([H] H P Doty) 88 Wright AHce 01 Alice Berry (Mrs F H Teagle) 04 Alice Morgan 04 Annie May (Mrs J A Munroe) 04 Carolyn Augusta p. 279 Carrie Delia 10 Charles Albert Loring Mrs(LAGForbes)97 Charles Oscar Mrs (F D Strong) p. 267 Christina Cameron 98 Elizabeth A p. 19 Elizabeth Boleyn [Bul- len] (Mrs A F Hatch) 82 Elizabeth Curtis 10 Elizabeth May (Mrs H H Murdock jr) 09 Frederick Amaziah Mrs (M G Cox) 97 Georgia Austin (Mrs C P Pettus) p. 279 Grace Sherman (Mrs HHBosworth)p.279 Hattie Evelyn (Mrs Charles Wyman) p. 279 Helen 05 Helen Ethel 00 Henry Edwards Mrs (M A Warner) p. 273 Howard Harlan Paige Mrs (F E Peirce) 00 Herbert Walter Mrs (A F Robinson) 91 Isabel (Mrs A S Lock- ard) p. 279 Jeanette I Mrs p. 19 John A Mrs (E M McKeown) 82 John Leslie Mrs (G M Stevens) 93 Lizzie [Elizabeth] An- toinette (Mrs Henry Nicols) p. 279 SMITH COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION "Wright— Continued Lora (Mrs G B Williams) 05 Lucy Fitts (Mrs Dana Pearson) 86 Marian Adams (Mrs Timothy Walsh) p. 279 Martha Leola 95 Mary Louise (Mrs Mal- colm McAvoy) p. 279 Maynard E Mrs (C W Chambers) p. 209 Raymond Garfield Mrs (Elizabeth McPher- son) 07 Warren Mrs (G E Simis) p. 262 William Willard Mrs (C B Arey) p. 197 Wrightington Ethel Renfrew p. 279 Wuichet Frances (Mrs M H Mathews) 95 Wurster Carolyn Schubert [Shu- bert] (Mrs R I Perry) 00 Wyatt Mabel Preston (Mrs H B Jepson) 93 Wyckoflf Anna Statesir 90 Charles Sterling Mrs (H B Day) 90 Wylie Edgar Blaisdell Mrs (E G Hulbert) 86 Wyman Anna Wilson (Mrs John Beardsley) p. 279 Wyman — Continued Annie Lottie (Mrs F J Coudray) p. 280 Charles Mrs (H E Wright) p. 279 Edith Johnson (Mrs Rodman) p. 280 Edith Louise (Mrs C E Rolfe) 03 Evelyn May p. 280 Helen Lydia 94 Yale Gertrude (Mrs Godfrey Ryder) 83 Oliver E Mrs (E C Lane) p. 238 Yeaw Fannie Josephine 01 Rua Louise 10 Yeomans George Dallas Mrs (M B Stoddard) 92 Yerkes Robert Meeras Mrs (Ada Watterson) p. 274 Yerxa Florence Lena (Mrs H S Baker) p. 280 Yocum John Hanna Mrs (Florence Knapp) 97 Young Annie Horton (Mrs W R Copeland) 96 Archer Everett Mrs (G L Wiard) 97 Chester Mrs (Jeannette Divine) p. 217 Dorothy Amy 02 Elizabeth Laird 07 Young — Continued Emma [Estelle] p. 280 Ethel Fanning 05 Frances Henshaw (Mrs W B Allen) p. 280 Helen Augusta p. 280 James Herbert Mrs (Irene Hamilton) p. 227 Mary Louise (Mrs O A Locke) 08 Mary V p. 19 Olive Minerva p. 280 Percy Sacret Mrs (G W Mason) 02 Ruth Anna p. 280 Thomas Baker Mrs (Grace Gordon) 03 Walter Harris Mrs (Nellie Gray) 89 Willie Ramsay 09 Zabriskie Madeline p. 280 Orlena Adeline (Mrs Herbert Scoville) 08 Zantzinger William H Mrs (C E Hungerford) 85 Zens \ Alta V (Mrs J J Vineyard) 03 Zimmerman Chariotte Lurilla p. 269 Zink Grace Matilda (Mrs E M Smead) 01 Zulich Maida Morton 09 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which boi rrowed. 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