Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/beetonsgreatbookOObeetrich BEETON'S GREAT BOOK OF POETRY: FROM C^DMON AND KING ALFRED'S BOETHIUS TO BROWNING AND TENNYSON. ALSO, A SEPARATE SELECTION OF AMERICAN POEMS, CONTAINING NEARLV TWO THOUSAND OF THE BEST PIECES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE; WITH SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY OF THE POETRY OF OUR COUNTRY, AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF THE POETS. Edited by S. O. BEETON. LONDON: WARD, LOCK, & TYLER, WARWICK HOUSE, PATERNOSTER ROW. PREFACE. THE intention of the Projector of the present Book of Poetry was to collect and publish as many poems, or parts of poems, as could be comprised within one large and handsome, but not unwieldy Volume. Beginning with the earliest known efforts in verse of English writers, the line of our Poets was to be traced from the very Fathers of English Poetry, through all the Periods of its greatness or decadence, to the Modern Masters of the Divine Art. To compile a work of the scope and magnitude of this collection has not been an easy task. More than thrice the number of years have been spent in completing the volume than was reckoned would be necessary in the original calculation of time. One of the chief assistants in the work, who looked upon his labours for this compilation as a delight and joy, has passed away from this world within the past twelve months, without seeing the consummation of an undertaking which he ably helped and longed to see brought to a conclusion. In the selection and rejection of poems, difficulties have occuiTed inseparable from the presence of a multitude of candidates. It was impossible to pass all as being able to obtain a place, although it was felt that many were omitted which were worthy of admittance, although not destined to the better fortune of those ultimately selected. The Earlier Poems have been carefully compared with the best originals to which access was possible ; the reading of various versions has been collated, and, where differences arose, the criticisms of our first literary guides have been searched, and their judgments consulted before a decision was taken. Since the first portion of the volume was printed, certain discoveries have been announced concerning English Poetry of the Fourteenth Century, which we have, unfor- tunately, been unable to take a*dvantage of. If it was difficult to deal with the enormous amount of English verse written up to the end of the last century, the task became infinitely harder as our own times were approached. The rights of property in the works of the living and dead had to be respected, and the law of copyright considered. In all cases where we discovered the existence of these rights, application was made to the poet or his representatives for permission to print the desired quotations. In nearly every instance the permission was kindly granted ; and we specially have to thank Mr. Strahan for his very generous reply to our requests ; also Messrs. Macmillan and Messrs. Moxon, besides many other publishers, for their courtesy, as well as Messrs. Wame & Co. It is, nevei'theless, necessary, in our view of the duty we owe to the interests of literature and to the sentiments of authors in connection with the laws of copyright, to refer to communications which passed between us and two firms oi publishers. In the one instance, IMessrs. Longman claimed to be in the possession of the copyright of the poem of Ivry, or the War of the League, written by Lord Macaulay, and first published in Charles Knight's " Quarterly Magazine." We believed, upon good grounds as we thought, that the copyright of this piece had i 069 PKEFACE. expired for some years^ and so stated our belief to Messrs. Longman. They, however, insisted they were right, and demanded that the electrotype plates containing that particular poem should be destroyed. Still believing that we were correct, we made further search, and proved to Messrs. Longman that they were claiming a right which had expired four or five years. If, however, they had been never so right, we contend that to refuse permission for the insertion in such a collection as our own, of a poem by an author of the rank of Lord Macaulay, is, at the least, a churlish piece of business, and unworthy of a house whose name stands so high in the estimation of its contemporaries. ♦ Surely, the possession of Lord Macaulay's copyrights for the legal term of forty-two years should be sufficient to satisfy the most extortionate. But here we see Messrs. Longman straining to assert their rights long after they had lapsed, and when Lord Macaulay's copyright had ceased to be individual property — to become, as the Legislature intended, the property of the nation. In the other instance, Messrs. Bell and Daldy refused to permit the insertion of any poems by Miss Procter. That charming poetess, to our great regret, is absent from these pages ; and wrongly, indeed, did they read her wishes who is now no more, when, after several applications on our part (even when we asked for one little poem, so that she should not be entirely unrepresented here), they still adhered to their very ungenerous resolution. It becomes, indeed, a matter for the public to find fault with, when extreme rights, such as we have referred to, are extremely insisted on. There would be no collection of modern prose, or poetry, possible, if firms who happen to be in the possession of the valuable works of deceased authors, to whom there is no appeal for assistance against the selfishness of the copyright-holders, should all declare their unwillingness to abate a jot of their pretensions even in behalf of the public welfare. This kind of procedure, also, becomes more reprehensible when such houses as we have named, who ought to be foremost in liberality, are the trans- gressors. The eminent men and women whose works they print, would consider that their j^ublishers were ill doing their duty to authors and to literature, if they were systematically to refuse to compilers a reasonable use for popular advantage of their writings. A word remains to say about the arrangement of this volume. Biographical notices of nearly all the Poets whose works are quoted precede the poems of each Period. Prefixed to each Period is a brief sketch of its Poetry. Every Poem has the name of the Author at its foot, with the iJate of his Birth and Death. As nearly as jDossible the Chronological sequence of the poems has been maintained. Lastly, the American Poets are represented in the final sheets of the volume, with as much of their biography as we have been able to discover. Many errors of omission and commission will be found in our Book of Poetry. We shall feel exceedingly obliged by critics and correspondents pointing out these blunders, so that we may correct them i^ future editions. But we sincerely believe that, with all its faults, this Volume stands, in regard to quantity and quality, high above any existing Selections yet made from the inestimable stores of our glorious English Poetic Literature. S. 0. BEETOK Patci-nostei' Roiv, 1870. INDEX. Names of the Poets, with the Periods in which thet Flourished Names of the Poets, with Numbers of Poems... Names of the Poets, with the Titles of Poems Alphabetical List of the Poems First Lines of the Poems Biographies of American Poets Names of American Poets, with Numbers of Poems Names of American Poets, avith the Titles of Poems . Titles of American Poems First Lines of American Poems vu xi XV XXXV xlix Ixvii Ixvii Ixvii Ixix Ixx NAMES OF THE POETS, WITH THE PERIODS IN WHICH THEY FLOURISHED. VERIUD Addison, Joseph v Aird, Thomas vii Akenside, Mark vi Alexander, William iii Alford, the Very Eev. Henry vii Alfred the Great i Alison, Richard iii Ancrum, Earl of iii Anstey, Christopher vi Armstrong', John vi Arnold, Matthew vii Atherstone, Edwin vii Aytoun, William vii B. Bailey, P. J vii Baillie, Joanna vii Bampfylde, John vi Barbauld, Anna Letitia ... vii Barbour, John i Barnard, Lady Anne vi Barnfield, Richard iii Barton, Bernard vii Baxter, Richard , iv Bayly, Thomas Haynes ... vii Beattie, James vi Beaumont and Fletcher ... iii Beckf ord, William vii Behn, Mrs. Aphra iv Belchier, Dabridgecourt... iii Bennett, William Cox ... vii Bishop, Samuel vi Blacklock, Thomas vi Blackmore, Sir Richard ... v Blackstone, Sir William... vi Blair, Robert vi Blake, William vii Blamire, Miss Susanna ... vii Blind Harry ii Bloomfield, Robert vii Booth, Barton v Boswell, Sir Alexander ... vii Bourd, Andrew ii Bowles, William Lisle vii Breton, Nicholas iii Brome, Alexander iii Brown, Thomas iv Browne, William iii Browning, Elizabeth vii PKKIOl) BrowTiing, Robert vii Bruce, Michael vi Bums, Robert vii Burton, Robert iii Butler, Samuel iv Byrom, John vi Byron, Lord George Gordon vii Brunne, Robert de i Buckinghamshire, John Sheffield, Duke of iv Caedmon i Campbell, Thomas vii Canning, George vii Carew, Thomas iii Carey, Henry vi Can-ington, N. T vii Cartwright, William iii Chalkhill, John iii Chamberlayne, William... iv Chapman, George iii Chatterton, Thomas vi Chaucer, Geoffrey i Chettle, Henry iii Churchill, Charles vi Cibber, Colley vi Clare, John vii Cleveland, John iii Cockburn, Mrs vi Coleridge, Samuel Taylor vii Coleridge, Hartley vii Collins, William vi Constable, Henry iii Cook, Eliza vii Corbet, Richard iii Cotton, Charles iv Cotton, Nathaniel vi Cowley, Abraham iv Cowper, William vii Crabbe, George vii Crashaw, Richard iii Crawford, Robert vi Crawfurd, William vi Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson vii Croly, George vii Crowne, John iv Cunningham, Allan vii Cunningham, John vi D. Dale, Rev. Thomas vii Daniel, Samuel iii Darwin, Dr. Erasmus vii Davenant, Sir William ... iii Davies, Sir John iii Davison, Francis iii Dekker, Thomas iii Denham, Sir John iv Dibdin, Charles vii Digby, George iv Dobell, Sydney (Yendys) vii Doddridge, Philip vi Dodsley, Robert vi Donne, John, D.D iii Dorset, Earl of iv Douglas, Gawain ii Dowland, John iii Drayton, Michael iii Drummond, William iii Dryden, John iv Dunbar, William ii Dyer, John yi E. Edwards, Richard ii Elliott, Ebenezer vii Elliot, Sir Gilbert vi Elliot, Miss Jane vi Etherege, Sir George iv F. Fairfax, Edward, B.D. ... iii Falconer, William vi Fanshawe, Sir Richard ... iii Farquhar, George v Fawkes, Francis vi Fenton, Elijah v Fergusson, Robert , vi Field, Nathaniel iii Fitzgeffrey, Charles iii Flatman, Thomas iv Fletcher, Giles iii Fletcher, Phineas iii Ford, John iii NAMES OF THE POETS, WITH FERIOn PERIOD PEEIOD Johnson, Dr. Samuel vi Mos3, Thomas vi Jones, Ernest vii Motherwell, William vu G. Jones, Sir William vi iii Jonson, Ren Gall, Richard via N. Garth, Sir Samuel V K. Nabbes, Thomas iii iii Gay, John V Robert iii Gifford, William vii Keats, John Vll Niccols, Richard HI Gilfillan, Robert vii Keble, John Vll NicoU, Robert Vll Gloucester, Robert of 1 Ken, Bishop V Norton, Hon. Caroline Glover, Richard VI iii King, Dr. Henry Kingsley, Rev. Charles ... iii vii Elizabeth Sarah vii Godolphin, Sidney Nugent, Earl vi Goffe, Thomas iii Kingsley, Henry Vll Goldsmith, Oliver vi Knowles, Herbert vii Gould, Robert iv Knox, William vii 0. Gower, John 1 Grahame, James vii Granger, Dr. James vi L. Oldys, William vi Grant, Mrs vn Oldmixon, John V Granville, George V vi Laidlaw,William vii Opie, Mrs. AmeKa Otway, Thomas ▼11 Gray, Thomas TifiTYiH r^hnrlAC! IV Green, Matthew V ■cii Overbury, Sir Thomas ... 111 Greville, Fulke iii Landor, Walter Savage ... Langhorne, John vii vi Oxford, Earl of, Edward Vere iii H. Langlande, Robert 1 Lee, Nathaniel iv P. Lewis, Matthew Gregory . vii Habington, William Hall, Joseph, D.D Hall, John in iii Leyden, John Lillo, George Lloyd, Robert Lockhart, John Gibson Vll V Pamell, Thomas V iii VI vii Patmore, Coventry vii HamUton, William VI Lodge, Thomas Logan, John Lovelace, Richard Peele, George m Harrington, John m • Penrose, Thomas VI Harrington, Sir John in iii Percy, Bishop VI Hart, Joseph Haughton, William vi Lydgate, John Lyly, John Lyndsay, Sir David Philips, Ambrose. .. V iii 11 Philips, John iv Hayley, William vii vi vii ii vi Philips, Katherine PoUok, Robert Pomfret, John i^ Headley, Henry Heber, Bishop Lyttelton, George, Lord... W iv Hemans, Felicia vii Pope, Alexander V Henrysone, Robert ii M Pope, Dr. Walter ir Herbert, George ni Praed Winthrop Maek- Hen-ick, Robert iii worth vii Hervey, T. K vii Macaulay, Lord vii Pringle, Thomas vii Heywood, John iii Mackay, Charles vii Prior, Matthew V Hey wood, Thomas iii MacNeill, Hector vii Procter, Bryan WaUer ... vu Hill, Aaron VI Macpherson, Jam«s vi Hislop, James Vll Maitland, Sir Richard iii Q. Hogg, James vii Mallett, David vi Hood, Thomas Vii Marlowe, Christopher iii Houghton, Lord vii ii Marston, John Marvell, Andrew iii iv Quarles, Francis » , if Howard, Henry Quarles, John iv Howitt, William and Mary vii Mhsoii, William vi Hume, Alexander iii Massey, G«rald vii Hunnis, William ii vii Massinger, Phillip iii vii R Hunt, James Henry Leigh Mathias, Thomas James... Hunter, Mrs Vll May, Thomas iii Mayne, John vii Raleigh, Sir Walter m Merrick, James vi Ramsay, Allan Randolph, Thomas T I. Mickle, William JuKua ... vi iii Middleton, Thomas Milman, Henry Hart ...... m vii Robert of Gloucester i Ingeland, Thomas iv Robert?, William Hay- ward Moir, David Macbeth vii vi Montgomery, Alexander . iii Rochester, Eaa-1 of iv J. Montgomery, James vii Roirers, Samuel vii Montgomery, Robert Vll RoUe, Richard i Moore, Edward VI Roscommon, Eari of IV Jago, Richard vi Moore, Sir John Henry ... vi Ross, Alexander vi James I. , King of Scotland ii iii Moore, Thomas More, Henry vii iv V James VI.. King Russell, Thomas vi SackvUle, Thomas iii Sandys, George iii Savage, Richard vi Scot, Alexander iii Scott, John vi Scott, Sir Walter vii Sedley, Sir Charles iv Seward, Miss Anna vii Sewell, Dr. George v Shad well, Thomas iv Shakspere, William iii Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckinghamshire iv Shelley, Percy Bysshe vii Shenstone, William vi Shirley, James iii Sidney, Sir Philip iii Skelton, John ii S mart, Christopher vi Smith, Alexander vii Smith, Mrs. Charlotte ... vii Smith, Horace vii Smith, James vii Smollett, Tobias vi Somerville, William v Sotheby, William vii Southeme, Thomas v Southey, Robert vii South ey, Mrs vii Southwell, Robert iii Spencer, the Hon. Wil- liam R vii Spenser, Edmund iii Stanley, Thomas iv Stepney, George iv PEEIOB still, John iii Stirling, Earl of iii Storer, Thomas iii Suckling, Sir John iii Swain, Charles vii Swift, Jonathan v Sylvester, Joshua iii T. Tannahiil, Robert vii Tate, Nahum v Taylor, Bishop Jeremy ... iv Tennant, William vii Tennyson, Alfred vii Thompson, Edward vi Thomson, James vi Thrale, Mrs vi Tickell, Thomas v Tighe, Mrs vii Toplady, Augustus vi Trench, Archbishop vii Tusser, Thomas ii U. Udall, Nicholas... V. W. Waller, Edmund ' iv Walsh, William iv Ward, Edward v Warner, William iii Warton, Joseph vi Warton, Thomas _..^ vi Wastall, Simon iii Watson, Thomas iii Watts, Alaric A vii Watts, Isaac ^ vi Webster, John * iii Wesley, Charles vi Wesley, John vi West, Gilbert vi White, H. Kirke vii Whitehead, Paul vi Whitehead, William • vi Wiflfen, J. H 'vii Wilde, Dr iii Wilson, Alexander vii Wilson, Professor John ... vii Winchelsea, Anne, Coun- • tess of ' V Wither, George ' iii Wolcot, John vii Wolfe, Charles vii Wordsworth, William vii Wotton, Sir Heory iii Wyat, Sir Thomas ii Wycherley, William iv Wyntoun, Andrew ii Vanbrugh, Sir John v I Yendys, Sydney (Dobell) vu Vaughao, Hem*y iv ; Young, Edward vi NAMES OF THE POETS. NO. OF POEM. A damson, John 743 Addison, Joseph 763-770 Akenside 901-903 Alford, Dean 1726-173G Alfred, King 5-12 Alison, Richard 48H Allingham, William 1838 Ancrura, Eai-1 of 395 Anonymous, 94, 95, 510-539, 709-711, 712-733, 735-736, 738-739, 742, 744-746, 1814 Anstey, Christopher 102") Armstrong, John 924-927 Arnold, Edwin 1757, 1758 Arnold, Matthew ... 1759-1761 Ayres, Philip 707,708 Ayton, Sir Robert 839 Aytomi, W. E 1662-1663 Bailey, Philip J 1672 Baillie, Joanna 1470-1473 Bampfylde, John ... 1007-1010 Barbauld, AnnaL.... 1104-1110 Barbour, John 32-35 Barnard, Lady Anne 1047 Bamtield, Richard 121 Barton, Bernard 1 453-1459 Baxter, Richard 570 Bayly, T. Haynes ... 1500-1502 Beattie 988-993 Beaumont and Fletcher, 21 2-220 Beckford, W 1519 Behn, Aphra 704,705 Belchiei-, Dabridgecourt... 445 Bennett, W. C 1764-1778 Bishop, Samuel 1002-1006 Blacklock, Thomas ... 975-978 liJlaekmore .' 787 Bl ackstone, Su- William ... 936 Blair, Robert 842-849 Blamire, Susanna ... 1102, 1103 Blind Harry 46,47 Bloomfield, Robert... 1123-1128 Boethius 9-12 Bonar, Horatius 1779,1780 Booth, Barton 836 Boswell, Sir A 1609-1611 Board, Andrew SO Bowles, W. L 1238-1271 KO OF POBM. Breton, Nicholas 116-118 Bi-istol, Lord 571 Brome, Alexander 381-383 Brooke, Lord 154-157 Brown, Frances 1781-1784 Brown, Thomas 679 Browne, William 285-291 Browning, Mrs 1558-1561 Browning, liobert... 1785-1788 Bruce, Michael 959-961 Brunne, Robert de 14,15 Brydgos,SirEgerton, 1520, 1521 Buchanan, R 1835 Buckinghamshire, Duke of 681 Burns, Robert 1575-1592 Burton, Robert 487 Butler, Samuel... 637-645, 734, 741 Byrom, John 1056, 1057 Byron, Lord 1337-1358 Cffldmon 1-4 Campbell, Thomas... 1297-1312 Canning, George ... 1144-1146 Carew, Thomas 258-270 Carey, Henry 1035 Carrington, N. T. ... 1613-1518 Cartwright, William... 337-339, 482, 483 Chalkhill, John 333-336 Chamberlayne, William, 579-584 Chapman, George 485 Chatterton, Thomas ... 940-944 Chaucer 19-28 Chottle 433,434 Churchill 952-958 Cibber, Colley 1033 Clare, John 1405-1413 Cleveland, John... 377,378, 740 Clough, A. H 1836,1837 Cockbum, Mrs 1049 Coleridge 1503-1512 Coleridge, Hartley... 1569-1574 Collins, William 887-892 Constable, Henry 164 Cook, Eliza 1720-1725 Corbet, Bishop 251-253 Cotton, Charles 646-649 Cotton, Nathaniel 1024 MO. OF POBK. Cowley, Abraham 540-554 Cowper 1077-1088 Crabbe, Geoi-ge 1173-1179 Crashaw, Richard 297-301 Ci-awfurd, William... 1028-1030 Croly, George 1538-1551 Crowne, John 695-699 Cunningham, Allan... 1617-1627 Cunningham, John... 1022,1023 Cunningham, Thomas 1648 D. Daniel, Samuel 135-140 Darwin, Erasmus ... 1092-1098 Davenant, Sir William, 372-374 Da vies. Sir John 221-226 Davison, Francis 498-500 Dekker, T 432-438 Denham, Sir John 576-578 Dibdin, Charles 1136-1140 Dickens, Charles 1818 Dobell, Sydney 1671 Doddridge 1058-1063 Dodsley, Robert 1000,1001 Dommett, Alfred 1792 Donne, John 227-236 Dorset, Earl of. 680 Dorset, Thomas Sackville, Earl of 96-98 Douglas, Gawain 66, 67 Dowland, John 497 Drayton, Michael 141-147 Drummond, William... 361-366 Dryden, John 658-665 Dunbar, William 51-55 Dyer, John 880 E. Edwards, Richard 91,92 Elliot, Sir Gilbert 1051 Elliot, Miss Jane 1048 Elliott, Ebenezer ... 1552-1557 Erskine, Ralph 711 Etherege, Sir George... 701-703 F. Fairfax, Edward 148-149 Falconer, William 945-949 NAMES OF THE POETS. NO. OF POEM. Fanshawe, Sir Richard 368-371 Fawkes, Francis 1014 Fenton, Elijah 834 Fergusson, Robert... 1052-1055 Field, Nathaniel 488 Fitzgeffrey, Charles ... 492, 493 Flatman, Thomas 672-675 Fletcher, Giles 310-313 Fletcher, Phineas 314-315 Ford, John 45&-459 Frere,J. H 1294-1296 Fulke Grevile, Lord Brooke 154-157 G. GaU, Richard 1603,1604 Garth, Samuel 786 Gascoigne, George 101-106 Gawain Douglas 56,57 Gay, John 792-805 Gemmet.T. M 1813 Giflford, William 1141-1143 Gilfillan, Robert 1646,1647 Gloucester, Robert of 13 Glover, Richard 997-999 Godolphin, Sidney 481 Gofife, Thomas 467, 468 Goldsmith 916-920 Gould, Robert 684, 685 Gower, John 29-31 Gi-ahame, James ... 1156-1164 Granger, Dr 1015 Grant, Mrs 1119,1120 Gray 907-912 Green, Matthew 815,816 Greene, Robert 419-427 Greet, J 1815 Greville, Mra 987 H. Habergham, Mrs. Fleet- wood 671 Habington, WiUiam ... 316-328 Hall, Bishop 248-250 Hall, John 375 Hamilton, William ... 881-883 Harrington, John 99,100 Harrington, Sir John 150-153 Hart 1075,1076 Haughton 433,434 Hayley, William ... 1089-1091 Headley, Henry 1041 Heber, Bishop 1377-1382 Hemans, Mrs 1436-1452 Heorysone, Robert 48-50 Herbert, George 302-309 Herrick, Robert 340-351 Hervey, T. K 1525-1529 Hey wood, John 400, 401 Heywood, Thomas 469-476 Hill, Aaron 1031 Hislop, James ... 1652 Hogg, James 1612-1616 Hood, Thomas 1484-1499 Hook, N 706 Houghton, Lord 1717-1719 Hewitt, Mary 1653-1660 NO. OF POEM. Howitt, William 1661 Hume, Alexander 391-393 Hume, Mary C 1817 Hunnis, William 93 Hunt, Leigh 1397-1404 Hunter, Mrs 1112-1115 Ingeland, Thomas 397 Ingelow, Jean 1832 Ingram, J. K 1793 J. Jago, Richard 985 James I. of Scotland 41-43 James VL, King 394 Johnson, Samuel 884-886 Jones, Emest 1794 Jones, Sir W 1011-1013 Jonson, Ben 237-247 K. Keats, John 1824,1825 Keble, John 1795-1798 Ken, Bishop 819-821 King Alfred 5-8 King, Bishop 254-256 Kingsley, Charles ... 1799, 1800 Knowles, Herbert 1383 Knox, William 1474-1477 L. Laidlaw, William 1649 Lamb, Charles 1228-1234 Lafidon, L. E 1460-1469 Landor, W.S 1272-1277 Langford, J. A 1816 Langhome, Dr 930-935 Lanadowne, George Gran- ville, Lord 837 Lee, Nathaniel 692-694 Lewis, M. G 1313 Leyden, John 1129-1135 Lillo, George 831 Lloyd, Pvobert 950, 951 Lockhart, J. G 1522-1524 Lodge, Thomas 428-431 Logan, John 962-964 Loker, T 1810 Longlande, Robert 17,18 Lovelace, Richard 352-3.57 Lydgate, John 36-40 LylyJohn 404-408 Lyndsay, Sir David 58-62 Lyttelton, Lord 904-906 Lytton, Lord 1828 Lytton, Robert 1829, 1830 M. Macaulay 1565-1668 NO OV POBM. Macdonald, George 1831 Mackay, Charles 1737-1742 Macneill, Hector ... 1595-1597 Macpherson, James 939 Maitland, Sir Richard 388 IVIallet, David 897-900 Marlow, Christopher 113 Marston, John 466 Marvell, Andrew 633-636 Mason 913-915 Massey, Gerald 1745-1756 Massinger, Philip 463-465 May, Thomas 367 Mayne, John 1605-1608 Meredith, George 1744 Merrick, James 1016,1017 Mickle 928,929 Middleton, Thomas ... 450-455 Milman, H.H 1664-1670 Milton, John 603-632 Moir, D. M 1534-1537 Montgomery, Alexander, 389, 390 Montgomery, James, 1384-1394 Montgomery, Robert, 1481-1483 Moore, Edward 1034 Moore, Sir John H. ... 983,984 Moore, Thomas 1278-1293 More, Henry 572-575 Morris, William 1839, 1840 Moss, Thomas 1027 Motherwell 1631-1641 Moultrie. John 1801 N. Nabbes, Thomas 376 Nash, Thomas 439-444 Niccols, Richard { 496 Nicholson, William 1650 Nicoll, Robert 1642-1645 Norton, Hon. Mrs... 1710-1716 Nugent, Earl 1044 O. Oldmixon, John 838 Oldys, William 1021 Opie, Mrs 1116-1118 Otway, Thomas 687-691 Ouseley, Thomas J. 1811, 1812 Overbury, Sir Thomas ... 495 Oxford, Edward, Earl of. . . 494 Parnell, Thomas 808-814 Peele, George 409-418 Penrose, Thomas 981,982 Percy, Dr. Thomas ... 937, 938 Philips, Ambrose 788-791 Philips, John ^^^ Philips, Katherine 384, 385 Pollok, Robert 1430-1435 Pomfret, John 677, 678 Pope, Alexander 776-783 Pope, Dr. Walter 686 NO. OF POBM. Praed,W. M 1709 Pringle, Thomas 1478-1480 Prior, Matthew 747-762 Procter, B.W 1673-1696 Q. Quarles, Francis, 292-296, 737 Quarles, John 676 n E. Ealeigh, Sir Walter ... 114, 115 Ramsay, Allan 824-826 Randolph, Thomas 358-360 Rands, W. B 1826, 1827 Redford,John 403 Robert de Brunne 14,15 Robert of Gloucester 13 Roberts, W. H 979, 980 Rochester, Earl of 654-657 Rogers, Samuel 1180-1188 RoUe, Richard 16 Roscommon, Earl of ... 650-653 Rosetti, Dante Gabriel 1841-1843 Ross, Alexander 1045, 1046 Rowe, Nicholas 828-830 Russell, Thomas 1042, 1043 S. Sandys, George 477--480 Savage, Richard 840, 841 Scot, Alexander 386,387 Scott, John 1018-1020 Scott, Sir W 1314-1336 Sedley, Sir Charles ... 667-670 Seward, Anna 1111 Sewell, Dr. George 832 Shadwell, Thomas 700 Shakspere, William ... 165-211 Shaw, Cuthbert 1036 Shelley, Percy B. ... 1359-1376 Shenstone 893-896 Shirley, James, 379, 380, 460-462 so. OF POEM. Sidney, Sir Philip 107 Skelton, John 63 Skinner, John 1050 Smart, Christopher ... 994-996 Smith, Alexander 1743 Smith, Charlotte ... 1099-1101 Smith, Horace 1418-1420 Smith, James 1417 Smith, J. & H 1414-1416 Smollett, Tobias 921-923 Somerville, William ... 806,»807 Sotheby, William ... 1235-1237 Southeme, Thomas 827 Southey, Caroline... 1530-1533 Southey, Robert 1213-1227 Southwell, Robert 108-112 Spencer, Peter 1807-1809 Spencer, Hon. W. R. 1395-1396 Spenser, Edmund 124-134 Stanley, Thomas 565-569 Stepney, George 682 Sterline, Earl of 489 Still, Bishop 402 Stirling, Earl of 396 Storer, Thomas 490, 491 S .ickling, Sir John 329-332 Surrey, Howard, Earl of. 64-71 S wain, Charles 1 697-1 702 Swift, Jonathan 771-775 Swinburne, Algernon Charles 1833, 1834 Sylvester, Joshua 119,120 Tannahill, Robert ... 1598-1602 Tate, Nahum 822, 823 Taylor, Jeremy 555 Tennant, William ... 1628-1630 Tennyson, Alfred ... 1703-1708 Tennyson, Frederick, 1804-1806 Thackeray, W. M.... 1762, 1763 Thompson, Edward 1038-1040 Thomson, James 864-879 Thrale, Mrs 1026 Tickell, Thomas 784, 785 Tighe, Mary 1121,1122 Toplady, A 1072-1074 Train, Joseph 1651 Trench, Richard C. 1802, 1803 Tusser, Thomas 81-90 NO. OP POEM, U. Udall, Nicholas 398,399 Uncertain 502-509 V. Vanbrugh, Sir John 833 Vaughan, Henry 556-564 Vere, Aubrey de ... 1789-1791 W. Waller; Edmund 585-602 Walsh, William 683 Ward, Edward 835 Warner, William 484 Warton, Joseph 974 Warton, Thomas 965-973 Wastell, Simon 501 Watson, Thomas 122-123 Watts, Dr 850-854 Webster, John 446-449 Wesley, Charles 1064-1066 Wesley, John 1067-1071 West, Gilbert 1032 White, H. Kirke ... 1165-1172 Whitehead, Paul 1037 Whitehead, W 986 Wilde, Dr 257 Wilson, A 1593,1594 Wilson, John 1421-1429 Wilson, R 432 Winchelsea, Anne, Coun- tess of 817,818 Wither, George 271-284 Wolcot, Dr 1147-1155 Wolfe, Charles 1562-1564 Wordsworth, William,1189-1212 Wotton. Sir Henry ... 158-163 Wyat, SirThomas 72-79 Wyntoun, Andrew 44, 45 Y. Young, Edward 855-863 NAMES OF THE POETS AND TITLES OF THE POEMS. VO. OF POBM. ADAMSON, JOHN. The Cavalier's Farewell to his Mistress 743 ADDISON, JOSEPH. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day 763 An Ode for St. Cecilia's Day 764 A Letter from Italy 765 An Ode 766 A Hymn 767 An Ode 768 A Hymn 769 Paraphrase on Psalm xxiii 770 AKENSIDE, MARK. Tendencies of the Soul towards the Infinite 901 Taste 902 An Epistle to Curio 903 ALFORD, DEAN. A Remembrance 1726 The Past ...-. 1727 One Summer's Night 1728 Morning and Evening 1729 The Cross 1730 Gentlest Girl 1731 England 1732 There is an Ancient Man 1733 The Father and Child 1734 Autumn 1735 My own dear Country 1736 ALFRED, KING. The Soul in Despair 5 Nothing on Earth Permanent 6 The Only Rest 7 The Happy Man 8 ALISON, RICHARD. There is a Garden in her Face 486 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. The Emigrant's Adieu to Ballyshannon 1838 ANCRUM, EARL OF. Solitary Life 395 ANONYMOUS. The Sailing of Beowulf 9 An Old Man's SoiTow 10 Good Night 11 Summer is i-cumen in 12 The Nut-brown Maid 94 I KO. OF POEM. King Arthur's Death 95 Robin Goodfellow 510 The Old and Young Courtier 511 Time's Alteration 512 Loyalty confined 513 Adam Bell 514 The Birth of Robin Hood 515 A Tale of Ptobin Hood 516 Robin Hood and Allan-a-Dale 517 Robin Hood rescuing the Widow's three Sons 518 Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne 519 Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar 520 How Robin Hood lends a Poor Knight Four Hundred Pounds 521 The Knight releases his Lands and suc- cours a Yeoman 522 Little John in the Service of the Sheriff of Nottingham 523 Robin Hood reimburses himself of his Loan 524 Robin Hood' s Death and Burial 525 Patient Grissell 526 The Twa Sisters o' Binnorie 527 The Hunting of the Cheviot 528 King John and the Abbot of Canter- bury 529 Edom o' Gordon 530 Thomas the Rhymer 531 The Water o' Wearie's Well 532 Lord Beichan 533 Love will find out the way 534 The Childe of Elle 535 King Edward IV. and the Tanner of Tamworth '. 536 The Heir of Linne 537 The Spanish Lady's Love 538 The Lass of Lochroyan 539 The Young Man's Wish 709 The Midnight Messenger 710 Smoking spiritualized 711 The Catholick 712 The Three Knights 713 The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green 714 Lord Delaware 715 The Golden Glove 716 King James I. and the Tinkler 717 The Keach i' the Creel 718 Sir John Barleycorn 719 The Nobleman's Generous Kindness 720 The Brave Earl Brand and the King of England's Daughter 721 The Jovial Hunter of Bromsgi'ove 722 b NAMES OF THE POETS AND NO. OF POEK. Lady Alice 723 The Useful Plow 7'2i The Farmer's Boy 725 The Mow 726 The Hitchin May-day Song .727 The Hayraakers' Song 728 The Garden Gate 729 The New-mown Hay 730 Begone Dull Care 731 When the King comes Home in peace again 732 I love my King and Country well 733 The New Litany 735 The Old Protestant's Litany 736 The Cameronian Cat 738 I thank you twice 739 Prattle your Pleasure under the Rose 742 The Cobbler and the Vicar of Bray ... 744 A Country Song intituled the Eestora- tion 745 The Loyal Soldier 746 Time's Song 1814 ANSTEY, CHRISTOPHER. A Public Breakfast 1025 ARMSTRONG, JOHN. Choice of a Rural Situation and De- scription of the Ague 924 Recommendation of a High Situation on the Sea-coast '. 925 Angling 926 Pestilence of the 15th Century 927 ARNOLD, EDWIN. Almond Blossom 1757 Woman's Voice 1758 ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Urania 1759 Philomela 1760 Euphrosyne 1761 AYRES, PHILIP. To the Nightingale 707 On the Sight of his Mistress's House 708 AYTON, SIR ROBERT. The Church EuHder 839 AYTOUN, W. E. Massacre of the Macphersons 1662 The Burial March of Dundee 1663 BAILEY, P. J. Love 1672 BAILLIE, JOANNA. Address to Miss Agnes Baillie 1470 The Black Cock 1471 The New Year's Gift 1472 The Kitten 1473 BAMPFYLDE, JOHN. Sonnets 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010 BARBAULD, ANNA L. Ode to Spring 1104 To a Lady, with some painted Flowers 1105 Hymn to Content 1106 irO. OF POBM. Washing-day 1107 The Death of the Virtuous 1108 Come unto Me 1109 Praise to God 1110 BARBOUR, JOHN. Apostrophe to Freedom 32 Character of Sir James of Douglas ... 33 Death of Sir Henry de Bohun 34 The Battle of By land's Path 35 BARNARD, LADY ANNE. Auld Robin Gray 1047 BARNFIELD, RICHARD. Address to the Nightingale 121 BARTON, BERNARD. Power and Gentleness 1453 To the Evening Primrose 1454 There be those 1465 Not ours the Vows 1456 Stanzas on the Sea 1457 The Solitary Tomb 1458 Bishop Hubert 1459 BAXTER, RICHARD. The Valediction 570 BAYLY, T. H. To his Wife 1500 Think not of the Future 1501 where do Fairies hide their Heads 1502 BEATTIE. Opening of the Minstrel 988 Morning Landscape 989 * Life and Immortality 990 Retirement 991 The Hermit 992 Ode to Peace 993 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Plighting Troth 212 Nature and Love 213 Csesar's Lamentation over Pompey's Head 214 Melancholy 215 Song 216 The Power of Love 217 To Sleep 218 From Rollo 219 Song to Pan 220 BECKFORD, W. Prayer 1519 BEHN, APHRA. Songs 704, 705 BELCHIER, DABRIDGECOURT. The Confession 445 BENNETT, W. C. Invocation to Rain in Summer 1764 To a Cricket 1765 Baby May 1766 Baby's Shoes 1767 The Worn Wedding-ring 1768 Wedding Words 1769 Mother and Son 1770 To a Lady I know, aged One 1771 Cradle Song 1772 TITLES OF THE POEMS. KO. OF POKM. ToW. G. B 1773 The Queen 1774 Sketches from a Painter's Studio 1775 From India 1776 The Boat-race 1777 The Wife's Appeal 1778 BISHOP, SAMUEL. To Mrs. Bishop 1002,1003 Epigrams 1004, 1005, 1006 BLACKLOCK, THOMAS. Flowers 975 Terrors of a Guilty Conscience 976 Ode to Aurora 977 The Author's Picture 978 BLACKMORE. Creation *... 787 BLACKSTONE, SIR WILLIAM. A Lawyer's Farewell to his Muse 936 BLAIR, ROBERT. The Grave 842 Friendship 843 The Miser 844 Unprepared for Death 845 Death 846 The Grave 847 The Death of a Good Man 848 The Resurrection 849 BLAMIRE, SUSANNA. The Nabob 1102 What ails this Heart o' mine 1103 BLIND HARRY. Adventure of Wallace while Fishing in Irvine Water 46 The Death of Wallace 47 BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT. The Farmer's Life 1123 Banquet of an English Squire 1124 The Soldier's Home 1125 TohisWife 1126 Song for a Highland Drover returning from England 1127 Lines addressed to my Children 1128 BOETHIUS. The Soul in Despair 5 Nothing on Earth permanent 6 The only Rest 7 The Happy Man 8 BONAR, HORATIUS. A Little While 1779 All Well 1780 BOOTH, BARTON. Song 836 BOSWELL, SIR A. Jenny dang the Weaver 1609 Jenny's Bawbee 1610 Good Night and Joy be wi' ye a' 1611 BOURD, ANDREW. Characteristic of an Englishman 80 NO. OP POBM. BOWLES, W. L. To Time 1238 Hope 1239 The Greenwich Pensioners 1240 The Greenwood 1241 Come to these Scenes of Peace 1242 On the Funeral of Charles I. ...TTTT.— 1243 At Oxford, 1786 1244 Written at Ty nemouth 1245 At Bamborough Castle 1246 To the River Wensbeck 1247 To the River Tweed 1248 Sonnet 1249 On leaving a Village in Scotland 1250 Sonnet 1251 On a Distant View of England 1252 To the River Cherwell 1253 Sonnet 1254 April, 1793 1255 Netley Abbey 1256 May, 1793 1257 On Revisiting Oxford 1258 On the Death of the Rev. William Benwell 1259 On Reviewing the foregoing 1260 Path of Life 1261 Sunrise 1262 Summer's Evening 1263 Spring.— Cuckoo 1264 Sheep-fold 1265 Primrose 1266 Bird's Nest 1267 Winter. ~ Redbreast 1268 Butterfly and Bee 1269 Glowworm 1270 Starlight Frost 1271 BRETON, NICHOLAS. Farewell to Town 116 A Pastoral of Phillis and Coridon 117 A Sweet Pastoral 118 BRISTOL, LORD. ■ Song 571 BROME, ALEXANDER. The Resolve 381 The Mad Lover 382 To a Coy Lady 383 BROOKE. FULKE GREVILE, LORD. Constitutional Limitation of Despotism 154 Imagination 155 OfChurch 156 Reality of a True Religion 157 BROWN, FRANCES. If that were true ! 1781 Is it come? 1782 Oh ! the pleasant Days of Old ! 1783 Losses 1784 BROWN, THOMAS. Song 679 BROWNE, WILLIAM. Morning 285 Evening 286 A Night Scene 287 Night 288 Songs 289, 290 Address to his Native Soil 291 ^2 NAMES OF THE POETS AND NO. or POBM. BROWNING, MRS. Cowper's Grave 1558 The Child and the Watcher 1559 Bertha in the Lano 1560 The Sleep 1561 BROWNING, ROBERT. One Way of Love 1785 In a Year 1786 Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 1787 The Lost Leader 1788 BRUCE, MICHAEL. A Rural Scene 959 Happiness of a Country Life 960 Elegy 961 BRUNNE, ROBERT DE. The Interview of Vortigem withRowen 14 Praise of Good Women 15 BRYDGES, SIR EGERTON. Echo and Silence 1520 To Autumn 1521 BUCHANAN, R. Iris, the Rainbow 1835 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, DUKE OF. Homer and Virgil 681 BURNS, ROBERT. To a Mountain Daisy 1575 Ae Fond Kiss 1576 My Bonnie Mary 1577 Mary Morison 1578 Bruce's Address 1579 My Heart's in the Highlands 1580 Auld Lang Syne 1581 Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes 1582 Of a' the Airts the Wind can blaw ... 1583 A Red, Red Rose 1584 Bonnie Leslie 1585 Highland Mary 1586 To Mary in Heaven 1587 My Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing ... 1588 John Anderson 1589 Here's a Health to them that's awa ... 1590 TamO'Shanter 1591 The Cotter's Saturday Night 1692 BURTON, ROBERT. Abstract of Melancholy 487 BUTLER, SAMUEL. Accomplishments of Hudibras 637 Religion of Hudibras 638 Personal Appearance of Hudibras . . . 639 Hudibras commencing Battle with the Rabble 640 Vicarious Justice 641 Hudibras consulting the Lawyer 642 The Elephant in tlie Moon 643 Miscellaneous Thoughts 644 To his Mistress 645 The Tub Preacher 734 The Roundhead 741 BYROM, JOHN. Careless Content 1056 A Pastoral 1057 NO. OV POBJI. BYRON, LORD. To Thomas Moore 1337 Maid of Athens 1338 The Girl of Cadiz 1339 Stanzas for Music 1340 The Dream 1341 When we two parted 1342 The Destruction of Sennacherib 1343 Song of the Greek Poet 1344 The Prisoner of Chillon 1345 The Gladiator 1346 Apostrophe to the Ocean 1347 Description of Haidee 1348 Haidee visits the shipwrecked Don Juan 1349 Haidee and Juan at the Feast 1350 The Death of Haidee 1351 All for Love 1352 She walks in Beauty 1353 Elegy on Thyrza 1354 Youth and Age 1355 Vision of Belshazzar 1356 To Belshazzar 1357 The Night before the Battle of Waterloo 1358 C. CiEDMON. The First Day The Fall of the Rebel Angels Satan's Speech The Temptation of Eve CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Hope Triumphant in Death Domestic Love Maternal Care Battle of Wyoming and Death of Gertrude To the Evening Star Song Lochiel's Warning Hohenlinden Ye Mariners of England Battle of the Baltic Lord Ullin's Daughter The Soldier's Dream Hallowed Ground The Parrot Napoleon and the Sailor Adelgitha 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 CANNING, GEORGE. The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-grinder 1144 Song by Rogero in "The Rovers" 1145 Lines on the Death of his Eldest Son . 1146 CAREW, THOMAS. Songs 258, 259, 260, 262, 263 The Compliment 261 Disdain returned 264 On Mr. W. Montague's Return from Travel 265 Persuasions to Love 266 Approach of Spring 267 Epitaph on the Duke of Buckingham . 268 ToSaxham 269 The Primrose 270 CAREY, HENRY. Sally in our Alley 1035 TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OP POBM. CARRINGTON, N. T. The Comtnencement of ''Dartmoor".., 1513 Dartmoor 1514 The Pixies of Devon 1515 England's Landscape 1516 Bird, Bee, and Butterfly 1517 Love and Nature 1518 CART WRIGHT, WILLIAM. A Valediction 337 ToChloe 338 Love's Darts 339 On the Death of Sir Bevil Grenville ... 482 Love's Darts 483 CHALKHILL, JOHN. Description of the Priestess of Diana 333 The Image of Jealousy in the Chapel of Diana 334 The Witches' Cave 335 The Votaress of Diana 336 CHAMBERLAYNE, WILLIAM. A Summer Morning 579 Virgin Purity 580 Argalia condemned on False Evidence 581 The Father of Pharonnida discovers her Attachment to Argalia 582 Argalia taken Prisoner by the Turks... 583 The Death of Janusa and Ammurat ... 684 CHAPMAN, GEORGE. Sonnet 485 CHATTERTON, THOMAS. Morning 940 Spring 941 The Prophecy 942 Bristow Tragedy 943 The Minstrel's Song in Ella 944 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY. The Canterbury Tales— The Prologue 19 The Squiere's Tale 20 The Cuckow and the Nightingale 21 To his Empty Purse 22 The House of Fame 23 Mercy 24 Introduction to the " Flower and the Leaf" 25 The Duplicity of Women 26 Praise of Women 27 T he Last Verses of Chaucer 28 CHETTLE. Sweet Content 433 Lullaby 434 CHURCHILL. Remorse 952 Smollett 953 Hogarth 954 On the Poverty of Poets 955 Character of a Fribble 956 Characters of Quin, Tom Sheridan, and Garrick 957 From the Prophecy of Famine 958 GIBBER, COLLEY. The Blind Boy 1033 CLARE, JOHN. To the Glowworm 1405 NO. OP POEM. From "the Fate of Amy" 1406 What is Life 1407 Summer Morning 1408 The Primrose 1409 The Thrush's Nest 1410 First Love's Recollections 1411 Dawningsof Genius 1412 Scenes and Musings of the Pedant Poet 1413 CLEVELAND, JOHN. His Hatred of the Scots 377 On Phillis walking before Sunrise 378 The Puritan 740 CLOUGH, A. H. Incitement to Perseverance 1 836 To a Sleeping Child 1837 COCKBURN, MRS. The Flowers of the Forest 1049 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY. Sonnet 1569 On Shakespere 1570 Sonnets to a Friend 1571 To certain Golden Fishes 1572 Song 1573 November 1574 COLERIDGE, SAMUEL T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 1503 Hymns before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni 1504 Love 1505 The Nightingale 1506 Frost at Midnight 1507 Song 1508 KublaKhan 1509 Severed Friendship 1510 Epitaph on an Infant 1511 Answers to a Child's Question 1512 COLLINS, WILLIAM. Ode to Pity 887 Ode 888 Ode to Evening 880 To the Passions 892 Dir^e in Cymbeline 891 Ode on the Death of Thomson 899 CONSTABLE, HENRY. Sonnet 164 COOK, ELIZA. The Old Arm-chair 1720 The Land of my Birth 1721 The Old Farm-gate 1722 The Loved One was not there 1723 The Old Water-mill 1724 A Home in the Heart 1725 CORBET, BISHOP. To his Son, Vincent Corbet 251 Journeyinto France 252 Farewell to the Fairies 253 COTTON, CHARLES. The New Year 646 Invitation to Isaak Walton 647 The Retirement 648 A Voyage to Ireland in burlesque 649 NAMES OF THE POETS AND jro. OF POEM, COTTON, NATHANIEL. The Fireside 1024 OOWLEY, ABEAHAM. Of Myself 540 The Chronicle 541 Anacreontics 542 Against Hope 543 For Hope 544 Claudian's Old Man of Verona 545 The Wish 546 From the Hymn to Light 547 From the Pindaric Odes 548 The Complaint 549 From Friendship in Absence 650 The Waiting Maid 551 Honour 552 Of Solitude 553 Epitaph on a Living Author 554 COWPER. The Character of Chatham 1077 The Greenland Missionaries 1078 Rural Sounds 1079 Conversation 1080 On the Receipt of his Mother's Picture 1081 To Maiy (Mrs. Unwin) 1082 English Liberty 1083 The Winter Evening 1084 Winter Evening in the Country 1085 Opening of the Second Book ot ** The Task" 1086 John Gilpin 1087 Epistle to Joseph Hill 1088 CRABBE, GEORGE. The Parish Workhouse and Apothecary 1173 Isaac Ashf ord, a Noble Peasant 1174 Phoebe Dawson 1175 An English Fen — Gipsies 1170 The Dying Sailor 1177 Reflections 1178 The Wife's Funeral 1179 CRASHAW, RICHARD. Sospetto d'Herode, Lib. T 297 Hymn to the Name of Jesus 298 Sudden Change 299 Music's Duel 300 Markxii. 17 301 CRAWFURD, WILLIAM. The Bush aboon Traquair 1028 Tweedside 1029 On Mrs. A. H. at a Concert 1030 CROLY, GEORGE. Pericles and Aspasia 1538 The French Army in Russia 1539 To the Memory of a Lady. 1540 Come, Evening Gale ! 1541 The Painter 1542 Rebellion 1543 A Lowering Eve 1544 A CalmEve 1545 Satan 1546 The Poet's Hour 1547 Noon _... 1548 Notre Dame 1549 Jacob 1550 The Angel of the World 1651 KO. OF POBM. CROWNE, JOHN. Wishes for Obscurity 695 Passions 696 Love in Women 697 Inconstancy of the Multitude 698 Warriors 699 CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN. Hame, Hame, Hame 1617 My Nanie, O 1618 The Young Maxwell 1619 Fragment 1620 She's gane to dwell in Heaven 1621 The Poet's Bridal-day Song 1622 A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea 1623 The Town Child and Country Child.... 1624 Thou hast vow'd by thy Faith, my Jeanie 1625 Gentle Hugh Herries 1626 The Sun rises bright in France 1627 CUNNINGHAM, JOHN. May Eve 1022 Content 1023 CUNNINGHAM, THOMAS. The Hills o' Gallowa' 1684 D. DANIEL, SAMUEL. Early Love 135 The Introduction of Foreign Vices de- precated 136 Richard II 137 An Epistle to the Countess of Cumber- land 138 The Nobility exhorted to the Patronage of Learning 139 Sonnets 140 DARWIN, ERASJIUS. Destruction of Sennacherib's Army ... 1092 The Belgian Lovers and the Plague ... 1093 Death of Eliza at the Battle of Mmden 1094 Philanthropy— Mr. Howard 1095 Persuasion to Mothers to suckle their own Children 1096 SongtoMay .. 1097 Song to Echo 1098 DAVENANT, SIR W. Gondibert 372 Song 373 To the Queen 374 DAVIES, SIR JOHN. The Vanity of Human Learning 221 That the Soul is more than a perfection or reflection of the sense 222 That the Soul is more than the tem- perature of the humours of the body 223 In what manner the Soul is united to Body 224 The Immortality of the Soul 225 An Appeal to the Heart 226 DAVISON, FRANCIS. Psalm XXX 498 Psalm xxiii 499 Psalm xiii 500 TITLES OF THE POEMS. wo. OF POEM. DEKKER, T. & WILSON R. The Summer's Queen 432 DEKKER, CHETTLE, & HAUGHTOX. Sweet Content 433 LuUaby 434 DEKKER, T. Virtue and Vice 435 Patience 436 A Contrast between Female Honour and Shame 437 A Description of a Lady by her Lover 438 DENHAM, SIR JOHN. Cooper's Hill 576 On the Earl of Strafford's Trial and Death 577 Song to Morpheus 578 DIBDIN. CHARLES. The Tar for all Weathers 1136 Sir Sidney Smith 1137 Love and Glory 1138 Nongtongpaw 1139 Tom Bowling 1140 DICKENS, CHARLES. The Ivy Green 1818 DOBELL, SYDNEY. How's my Boy? 1671 DODDRIDGE. The Gospel 1058 Evening Hymn 1059 To-morrow, Lord, is Thine 1060 On Recovery from Sickness 1 061 Preparing to meet God 1062 A Christmas Hymn 1063 DODSLEY, ROBERT. The Parting Kiss 1000 Song 1001 DOMMETT, ALFRED. A Christmas Hymn 1792 DONNE, JOHN. Address to Bishop Valentine 227 A Hymn to the Father 228 A Hymn to Christ 229 The Will 230 Valediction 231 Song 232 The Break of Day 233 The Dream 234 Sonnets 235 Ode 236 DORSET, EARL OF. Song 680 DORSET, THOMAS SACKVILLE, EARL OF. The Induction to the Complaint of Henry, Duke of Buckingham 96 AllegoricalPersonagesdescribedinHell 97 Henry, Duke of Buckingham, in the Infernal Regions 98 DOUGLAS, GAWAIN. The Shipwreck of the Caravel of Grace 50 Morning in May 57 DOWLAND, JOHN. Sleep BO. OF POEM. 497 DRAYTON, MICHAEL. Mortimer, Earl of March, and the Queen surprised by Edward HI. in Notting- ham Castle .^^...^ 141 Description of Morning, Birds, and Hunting the Deer 142 The Ballad of Agincourt 143 David and Goliah 144 To his Coy Love 145 Ballad of Dowsabel 146 Sonnet 147 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM. To a Nightingale 361 To his Lute 362 Spring 363 Think on thy Hume 364 John the Baptist 365 The Praise of a Solitary Life 366 DRYDEN, JOHN. Reason 658 Palamon and Arcite ; or, the Knight's Tale 659 Mac-Flecknoe 660 Alexander's Feast 661 Character of Shaftesbury 662 Character of Villiers, Duke of Buck- ingham 663 Theodore and Honoria 664 Enjoyment of the Present Hour re- commended 665 DUNBAR, W^ILLIAM. The Merle and Nightingale 51 The Vanity of Earthly Things 52 No Treasure without Gladness 53 Of Discretion in Giving 54 Of Discretion in Taking 55 DYER, JOHN. Grongar Hill 880 £. EDWARDS, RICHARD. Amantium irie Amoris Redintegratio est 91 The Lover requesteth some Friendly Comfort, affirming his Constancy.... 92 ELLIOTT, EBENEZER. To the Bramble Flower 1552 The Excursion 1553 Pictures of Native Genius 1554 Ajiostrophe to Futurity 1 o55 A Poet's Epitaph 1556 A Poet's Prayer 1557 ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT. Amynta 1051 ELLIOT, JANE. The Flowers of the Forest 1048 NAMES OF THE POETS AND ETHEREGE, SIR GEORGE. BO. OF POKM. 701, 702, 703 FAIRFAX, EDWARD. Description of Armida and her En- chanted Girdle 148 Rinaldo at Mount Olivet, and the En- chanted Wood 149 FALCONER, WILLIAM. Character of the Ship's Officers 945 The Ship departing from the Haven... 946 Distress .of the Vessel 947 Council of the Officers 948 The Vessel going to Pieces 949 FANSHAWE, SIR RICHARD. The Spring 368 A Rose 369 The Saint's Encouragement 370 A Rich Fool 371 FAWKES, FRANCIS.. The Brown Jug 1014 FENTON, ELIJAH. An Ode to the Right Hon. John Lord Gower 834 FERGUSSON, ROBERT. Braid Claith 1052 The Farmer's Ingle 1053 To the Tron Kirk Bell 1054 A Sunday in Edinburgh 1055 FIELD, NATHANIEL. Song 488 FITZGEFFREY, CHARLES. Sir Francis Drake 492 To Posterity 493 FLATMAN, THOMAS. For Thoughts 672 Dying 673 The Thought of Death 674 An Evening Hymn 675 FLETCHER. GILES, The Rainbow 310 The Sources of Vain Delights 311 A Hymn 312 The Demand of Justice 313 FLETCHER, PHINEAS. Happiness of the Shepherd's Life 314 Instability of Human Greatness 315 FORD, JOHN. The Real and the. Ideal 456 Summer Sports ' 457 Beauty beyond the Reach of Art ...... 458 Bridal Song 459 PRERE, J. H. Mr. Murray's Proposal 1294 The Giants and the Abbey 1295 War Song on the Victory of Brunnen- burg 1296 ^'o. OF POBJi. G. GALL, RICHARD. My only Jo and Dearie 1603 Farewell to Ayrshire 1604 GARTH, SAMUEL. The Dispensary 786 GASCOIGNE, GEORGE. The Arraignment of a Lover 101 Swiftness of Time 102 The Vanity of the Beautiful 103 Good Morrow 104 Good Night 105 DeProfundis 106 GAY, JOHN. The Monkey who had seen the World 792 The Painter who pleased Nobody and Everybody 793 The Lion and the Cub 794 The Old Hen and the Cock 795 The Goat without a Beard 796 The Sick Man and the Angel 797 The Fox at the Point of Death 798 The Council of Horses 799 The Poet and the Rose 800 The Hare and many Friends 801 S weet William's Farewell 802 A Ballad 803 The Country Ballad-singer 804 Walking the Streets of London 805 GEMMET, T. M. Ye're a' the Warl' to me, Lassie ! 1813 GIFFORD, WILLIAM. The Grave of Anna -. 1141 Greenwich Hill 1142 To a Tuft of Early Violets 1143 GILFILLAN, ROBERT. In the Days o' Langsyne 1646 The Exile's Song 1647 GLOUCESTER, ROBERT OF. The Muster for the First Crusade 13 GLOVER, RICHARD. A Night Scene 997 The Armies at Salamis 998 Admiral Hosier's Ghost 999 GODOLPHIN, SIDNEY. Love 481 GOFFE. THOMAS. The Madness of Orestes 467 Love without Return 468 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Edwin and Angelina 916 Retaliation 917 The Traveller 918 The Deserted Village 919 The Haunch of Venison 920 GOULD, ROBERT. Songs 684,685 GOWER, JOHN. The Tale of the Coffers or Caskets 29 TITLES OF THE POEMS. VO. OF POBM. Rosiphele's Vision of Ladies 30 The Envious Man and the Miser 31 GRAHAME, JAMES. Scotland 1156 A Spring Sabbath Walk 1157 A Summer Sabbath Walk 1158 An Autumn Sabbath Walk 1159 A Winter Sabbath Walk 1160 The Burial of the Righteous 1161 A Scottish Country Wedding 1162 The Impressed Sailor Boy 1163 To My Son 1164 GRANGER, DR. Ode to Solitude 1015 GRANT, MRS. As a Sprig of Heath A19 The Highland Poor 1120 GRAY. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 907 Hymn to Adversity 908 The Bard 909 Elegy \mitten in a Country Church- yard 910 Ode on the Spring 911 On Vicissitude 912 GREEN, MATTHEW. Contentment 815 The Seeker 816 GREENE, ROBERT. Beauty Suing for Love 419 Samela 420 Content 421 Sephestia's Song to her Child 422 The Shepherd and his Wife 423 A Roundelay 424 Philomela's Ode 425 Jealousy 426 Dorastus on Fawnia 427 GREET, T. Household Treasures 1815 GREVILLE, MRS. Prayer for Indifference 987 H. HABERGHAM, MRS. FLEETWOOD. The Seeds of Love 671 HABINGTON, WILLIAM. To Roses in the Bosom of Castara 31 6 To Castara 317, 318 A Dialogue between Hope and Fear... 319 To the Spring 320 To Seymors 321 Description of Castara 322 To Castara 323 To my Noblest Friend, I. C, Esq 324 Nomine Labia mea aperies 325 Paucitatem Dierum meorum nuncia mihi 326 Et exaltavit Humiles 327 Cupio dissolvi 328 NO. OF f OEIC. HALL, BISHOP. The Requirements of a Tutor 248 Portrait of a Poor Gallant 249 Discontent of Men with their Condition 250 HALL, JOHN. The Morning Star ^ 375 HAMILTON, WILLIAI^I. The Braes of Yarrow 881 Songs 882, 883 HARRINGTON, JOHN. Sonnet made on Isabella Markham 99 Verses on a most Stony-hearted Maiden 100 HARRINGTON, SIR JOHN. Of Treason 150 Of Fortune 151 Of Wx-iters who Carp at other Men's Books 152 Of a Precise Tailor 153 HART. Come, Holy Spirit, come 1075 Be Wise to run thy Race 1076 HAUGHTON. Sweet Content 433 Lullaby 434 HAYLEY, WILLIAM. Tribute to a Mother on her Death 1089 Inscription on the Tomb of Cowper ... 1090 On the Tomb of Mrs. Unwin 1091 HEADLEY, HENRY. From his " Invocation to Melancholy " 1041 HEBER, BISHOP. Passage of the Red Sea 1377 From Bishop Heber's Journal 1378 An Evening Walk in Bengal 1379 Epiphany 1380 Thou art gone to the Grave 1381 Spring 1382 HEMANS, MRS. The Homes of England 1436 The Treasures of the Deep 1437 The Voice of Spring 1438 The Graves of a Household 1439 Marguerite of France 1440 Bring Flowers 1441 Casablanca 1442 The Hour of Prayer 1443 Passing Away 1444 The Better Land 1445 A Father reading the Bible 1446 To a Family Bible 1447 The Child's First Grief. 1448 Willow Song 1449 The Wandering Wind 1450 The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England 1451 The Adopted Child 1452 HENRYSONE, ROBERT. Robene and Makyne 48 Dinner given by the Town Mouse to theCountry Mouse 49 The Garment of Good Ladies 50 NAMES OF THE POETS AND KO. 07 posai. HERBERT, GEORGE. Sunday 302 Virtue „ 303 The Flower 304 The Odour 305 Complaining 306 Easter 307 The Call 308 Man 309 HERRICK, ROBERT. The Kiss, a Dialogue 340 To Blossoms 341 To Daffodils 342 Song 343 To Meadows 344 The Country Life 345 To Primroses filled with Morning Dew 346 Julia 347 Cherry Ripe 348 A Thanksgiving for his House 349 To Find God 350 To Corinna to go a-May ing 351 HERVEY, T. K. The Convict Ship 1525 Dry up thy Tears, Love -1526 I am All Alone 1527 At his Sister's Grave 1528 Parting 1529 HEYWOOD, JOHN. Idleness 400 Be Merry, Friends 401 HEYWOOD, THOMAS. The Death-bell 469 What is Lova 470 Go, Pretty Birds 471 Diana's Nymphs 472 The Lark 473 Shepherd's Song 474 Shipwreck by Drink 475 Search after God 476 HILL, AARON. Verses written when alone in an Inn at Southampton 1031 HISLOP, JAMES. The Cameronian*s Dream 1652 HOGG, JAMES. When the Kye comes Hame 1612 The Skylark 1613 The Moon was a-waning 1614 Kilmeny 1615 To the Comet of 1811 1616 HOOD, THOMAS. Town and Country 1484 Song ;;;;;;;;; 1435 A Parental Ode to my Son I486 Flowers 1487 Autumn * 1438 To a Child embracing his Mother 1489 To my Daughter on her Birthday 1490 I Remember, I Remember 1491 Fair Ines 1492 Ruth 1493 The Dream of Eugene Aram 1494 The Bridge of Sighs I495 NO. or FOSM. The Song of the Shirt 1496 The Death-bed 1497 The Water Lady 1498 Song 1499 HOOK, N. From a Poem entitled Amanda 706 HOUGHTON, LORD. The Brookside 1717 The Men of Old 1718 The Long Ago 1719 HOWITT, MARY. Mountain Children 1653 The Fairies of the Caldonlow 1654 The Monkey 1655 Little Streams 1656 The Broom Flower 1657 Summer Woods. 1658 Little Children 1659 Cornfields 1660 HOWITT, WILLIAM. The Departure of the Swallow 1661 HUME, ALEXANDER. Early Dawn 391 The Noon-tide of a Summer's Day 392 Evening 393 HUME, MARY C. Render to Csesar tne things which are Csesar's 1817 HUMPHREYS, DAVID. Western Emigration 1847 HUNNIS, WILLIAM. The Love that is requited with Dis- dain 93 HUNT, LEIGH. On the Birth of the Princess Royal 1397 To T. L. H., six years old 1398 To the Grasshopper and Cricket 1399 Chorus of Flowers 1400 The Nun 1401 AbouBen Adhem 1402 Jaffar 1403 Mahmoud 1404 HUNTER, MRS. Songs 1112, 1113 To my Daughter, on being separated from her on her Marriage 1114 The Lot of Thousands 1115 INGELAND, THOMAS. My Fantasy will never turn... 397 INGELOW, JEAN. Requiescat in Pace ! 1832 INGRAM, J. K. The Memory of the Dead 1793 TITLES OF THE POEMS. JXO, OV F0Z3I. J. JAGO, EICHAED. Labour and Genius 985 JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND. Spring ...., 41 James bewails his Captivity 42 ♦Tames first sees the Lady Jane 43 JAMES VI., KING. Ane schort Poeme of Tyme 394 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. London 884 The Vanity of Human Wishes 885 On the Death of Dr. Robert Levett.... 886 JONES, ERNEST. Moonrise 1794 JONES, SIR W. An Ode in Imitation of AIcjbus 1011 A Persian Song of Hafiz 1012 Tetrastic 1013 JONSON, BEN. To the Holy Trinity „ 237 Cupid 238 Song of Hesperus 239 On Lucy, Countess of Bedford « 240 Song 241 Song to Celia 242 A Nymph's Passion 243 Epitaph on the Countess of Pembroke 244 A Celebration of Charis 245 A Hymn to God the Father 246 Advice to a Reckless Youth 247 K. KEATS, JOHN. From "Endymion" 1819 The Eve of St. Agnes ,. 1820 True Beauty in Women 1821 Ode to a Nightingale 1822 Ode on a Grecian Urn 1823 Sonnet 1824 La Belle Dame sans Merci 1825 KEBLE, JOHN. April 1795 The Elder Scripture 1796 St. Peter's Day 1797 Is this a time to Plant and Build 1 1798 KEN, BISHOP. MomingHymn 819 Evening Hymn 820 Midnight Hymn 821 KING ALFRED. The Soul in Despair 5 Nothing on Earth permanent 6 The only Rest 7 The Happy Man 8 KING, BISHOP. Song 254 Sic Vita 255 Life 256 NO. OF POEM. KINGSLEY, CHARLES. 0, Mary, go and call the Cattle home. 1799 The Fishermen 1800 KNOWLES, HERBERT. Lines written in the Churchyai'd of Richmond, Yorkshire .,^. j1383 KNOX, WILLIAM. Opening of the Songs of Zion 1474 Dirge of Rachel 1475 A Virtuous Woman 1476 Conclusion of the " Songs of Israel "... 1477 L. LAIDLAW, WILLIAM. Lucy's Flittin* 1C49 LAMB, CHARLES. To Hester 1228 A Farewell to Tobacco 1229 The Old Familiar Faces 1230 On an Infant Dying as soon as Bom... 1231 The Christening 1232 The Gipsy's Malison 1233 Childhood 1234 LANDON, L. E. From the Improvisatrice 1460 Crescentius 1461 The Shepherd Boy 1462 Little Red Riding Hood 1463 Night at Sea 1464 The Awakening of Endymion 1465 Hannibal's Oath 1466 The Grasp of the Dead 1467 The Troubadour 1468 Last Vei-ses of L. E. L 1469 LANDOR, W. S. The Maid's Lament 1272 The Brier 1273 Children 1274 Iphigenia and Agamemnon 1 275 To Macaulay 1276 The One Gray Hair 1277 LANGFORD, J. A. To the First Cuckoo of the Year 1816 LANGHORE, DR. Coun try J ustices and theii* Duties 930 Gipsies 931 An Appeal for the Industrious Poor ... 932 Mercy should have mitigated Justice.. 933 A Farewell to the Valley of Irwan 934 Owen of Carron 935 LANSDOWNE, GEO. GRANVILLE, LORD. Song 837 LEE, NATHANIEL. Speech 692 Love 693 Self-murder 694 LEWIS, M. G. Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogine 1313 NAMES OP THE POETS AND NO. OP POEM. LEYDEN, JOHN. Dying ia a Foreign Land 1129 Sonnet on Sabbath Morn 1130 Ode to an Indian Gold Coin 1131 The Mermaid 1132 To lanthe 1133 Ode to the Evening Star 1134 Scotland 1135 lilLLO, GEORGE. From Fatal Curiosity 831 LLOYD, ROBERT. The Miseries of a Poet's Life 950 Wretchedness of a School Usher 951 LOCKHART^ J. G. Bernardo and Alphbnso 1522 Zara's Ear-rings 1523 The Excommunication of the Cid 152-i LODGE, THOMAS. Beauty 428 Rosalind's Madrigal 429 Ro?ader's Sonetto 430 Another 431 LOGAN, JOHN. To theCuckoo 962 Written on a Visit to the Country in Autumn 963 Complaint of Nature 964 LOKER, T. Many, many Years ago 1810 LONGLANDE, ROBERT. Mercy and Truth 17 Covetousness 18 LOVELACE, RICHARD. Song 352 ToLucasta 353,354 To Althea 355 Song 356 A Loose Saraband 357 LYDGATE, JOHN. Canace 36 From " The London Lackpenny " 37 A Sylvan Retreat 38 TheGolden Age 39 God's Providence 40 LYLY, JOHN. Cupid andCampaspe 404 The Song of Birds 405 Complaint against Love 406 Apollo's Song of Daphne 407 Song to Apollo 408 LYNDSAY, SIR DAVID. Grievances of a Scottish Peasant of the 16th Century £3 The Exactions and Delay of the Law... 59 Description of Squy re M eldrum 60 Meldrum's Duel with the English Cham- pion Talbart 61 Christ Coming to Judgment 62 LYTTELTON, LORD. The Progress of Love 904 To the Rev. Dr. Ayscough 905 KO. OF POBM. To the Memory of the First Lady Lyttelton 906 LYTTON, LORD. The Secret Way 1828 LYTTON, ROBERT. The Apple of Life 1829 lipilogue 1880 M. MACAULAY, LORD. The War of the League 1565 Naseby 1567 MACDONALD, GEORGE. The Owl and the Bell 1831 MACKAY, CHARLES. The Parting of Lovers 1737 The Child and the Mourners 1738 Under the Holly Bough 1739 What might be Done 1740 The Good Time Coming 1741 The Sailor's Wife 1742 MACNEILL, HECTOR. The Ale-house 1595 The Husband's Return 1596 Mary of Castle-Cary 1597 MACPHERSON, JAMES. The Cave 939 MAITLAND, SIR RICHARD. The Town Ladies 388 MALLET, DAVID. William and Margaret 897 Edwin and Emma 898 Song 899 A Funeral Hymn 900 MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. The Passionate Shepherd to his Love . 113 MARSTON, JOHN. A Scholar and his Dog 46$ MARVELL, ANDREW. Thoughts in a Garden 633 The Emigrants in Bermudas 634 Young Love 635 The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn 636 MASON. 913 An Ode from Caractacus 914 Ode to Memory 915 Epitaph on Mrs. Mason MASSEY, GERALD. The Men of Forty-eight 1745 No Jewell'd Beauty is my Love 1746 A Poor Man's Wife 1747 Kisses 1748 Sweet and Twenty 1749 TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OF POKM. Sweet Spirit of my Love 1750 Old England 1751 England goes to Battle 1752 There's no Dearth of Kindness 1753 To a Beloved One 1754 A Wail 1755 Oh, lay thy Hand in mine. Dear ! 1756 MASSINGER, PHILIP. Welcome to the Forest's Queen 463 The Sweets of Beauty 464 Death 465 MAY, THOMAS. The Death of Rosamond 367 MAYNE, JOHN. Logan Braes 1605 Helen of Kirkconnel 1606 To the River Nith 1607 Mustering of the Trades to Shoot for the Siller Gun 1608 MEREDITH, GEORGE. Love in the Valley 1744 MERRICK, JAMES. The Chameleon 1016 The Wish 1017 MICKLK CumnorHall 928 The Mariner's Wife 929 MIDDLETON, THOMAS. The Three States of Woman 450 What Love is like 451 Happiness of Married Life 452 Devotion to Love 453 Indignation at the Sale of a Wife's Honour 454 Law 455 MILMAN, H. H. Summons of the Destroying Angel to the City of Babylon 1664 The Fair Recluse 1665 The Day of Judgment 1666 Bridal Song 1667 Hymn 1668 Brother, thou art gone 1669 Chorus 1670 MILTON, JOHN. L'Allegro 603 II Penseroso 604 Lycidas 605 Hymn on the Nativity 606 Praise of Chastity 607 The Lady's Song in Comus 608 The Spirit's Epilogue in Comus 609 On May Morning 610 Sonnet to the Nightingale 611 Sonnet on Age of Twenty-three 612 Sonnet on his Blindness 613 Sonnet on his Deceased Wife 614 Sonnet on the late Massacre in Pied- mont 615 Samson bewailing his Blindness and Captivity 616 Tran^^lation of Horace 617 Athens 618 NO. OF rOEM. The Invocation and Introduction to Paradise Lost 619 Satan's Address to the Sun 620 Assembling of the Fallen Angels 621 Satan meets Sin and Death 622 Address to Light 623 The Angelic Worship 624 Paradise .....TT....- 625 Adam and Eve 626 Eve's Recollections 627 Morning in Paradise 628 Evening in Paradise 629 The Messiah 630 Temperance 631 Expulsion from Paradise 632 MOIR, D. M. CasaWappy 1534 Langsyne 1535 The Unknown Grave 1536 Hymn 1537 MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. The Cherry and the Slae 389 Night is nigh gone 390 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Night 1384 The Grave 1385 Aspirations of Youth 1386 The Common Lot 1387 Prayer 1388 Home 1389 A Mother's Love 1390 ToaDaisy 1391 The Reign of Christ on Earth 1392 The Stranger and his Friend 1393 The Field of the World 1394 MONTGOMERY, ROBERT. The Stan-y Heavens 1481 Picture of War 1482 Lost Feelings 1183 MOORE, EDWARD. The Happy Marriage 1034 MOORE, SIR JOHN H. L' Amour Timide 983 Song 984 MOORE, THOMAS. 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer 1278 Wreathe the Bowl 1279 Fill the Bumper fair 1280 And doth not a Meeting like this 1281 Friend of my Soul 1282 Go where Gloiy waits thee ! 1283 Fly to the Desert .' 1284 The Harp that once through Tara's Halls 1285 Song 1286 0! Breathe not his Name 1287 Those Evening Bells 1288 Arranmore 1289 Miriam's Song 1290 Echoes 1291 The Light of other Days 1292 The Journey Onwards 1293 MORE, HENRY. The Philosopher's Devotion 572 Charity and Humility 573 NAMES OF THE POETS AND ifo. OF fobm:. The Soul and the Body 574 The Pre-existence of the Soul 575 MOERIS, WILLIAM. From '*The Loves of Guarun" ...1839, 1840 MOSS, THOMAS. The Beggar 1027 MOTHERWELL. Jeanie Morrison 1631 Sword Chant of Thoretein Raudi 1632 They come ! the Merry Summer Months 1633 The Water, the Water 1634 The Midnight Wind 1635 The Cavalier's Song 1636 The Bloom hath fled thy Cheek, Mary 1637 My Held is like to rend, Willie 1638 The Covenanter's Battle Chant 1639 When I beneath the cold red earth am sleeping 1640 Song of the Danish Sea-king 1641 MOULTRIE, JOHN. The Three Sons 1801 N. NABBES, THOMAS. Song by Love to Physander and Bel- lanima S76 NASH, THOMAS. Spring 439 The Decay of Summer 440 The Coming of Winter 441 Approaching Death 442 Contentment 443 Despair of a Poor Scholar 444 NICCOLS, RICHARD. Robert, Duke of Normandy, previ- ously to his eyes being put out 496 NICHOLSON, WILLIAM. The Brownie of Blednoch 1650 NICOLL, ROBERT. Thou^ts of Heaven 1642 We are Brethren a' 1643 Wild Flowers 1644 Death.... ^ ' 1645 NORTON, HON. MRS. Picture of Twilight 1710 The Mother's Heart ......* 1711 To Ferdinand Seymour 1712 We have been Friends together......... 1713 Allan Percy I714 Love not I715 The King of Denmark's Ride 17I6 NUGENT, EARL. Ode to Mankind IO44 OLDMIXON, JOHN. Sons: 838 iO. OF rOEM. OLDYS, WILLIAM. Song 1021 OPIE, MRS. AMELIA. The Orphan Boy's Tale 1116 A Lament 1117 Song 1118 OTWAY, THOMAS. A Blessing 687 Parting 688 Picture of a Witch 689 Song 690 Description of Morning 691 OUSELEY, T. J. The Angel of the Flowers 1811 The Seasons of Life 1812 OVERBURY, SIR THOMAS. The Wife ,. 495 OXFORD, EDWARD, EARL OF. Fancy and Desire 494 PARNELL, TH0^L4.S. A Fairy Tale 808 The Hermit 809 Hymn to Contentment 810 Song 811 Morning Hymn 812 Noontide Hymn 813 Evening Hymn 814 PEELE, GEORGE. -lEnone's Complaint 409 The Song of the enamoured Shepherd. 410 The Aged Man-at-Arms 411 England 412 Joab's Description of David 413 Joab's Address to David on Death ot' Absalom 414 King David , 415 Bethsabe bathing 416 Bethsabe's Address to the Zephyr 417 David enamoured of Bethsabe. 418 PENROSE, THOMAS. The Helmets 981 The Field of Battle 982 PERCY, DR. THOMAS. O Nanny, wilt thou gang wi' me 937 The Friar of Orders Gray 938 PHILIPS, AMBROSE. A Fragment of Sappho 788 Epistle to the Earl of Dorset 789 The First Pastoral 790 To Charlotte Pulteney 791 PHILIPS, JOHN. The Splendid Shilling 6Q& PHILIPS, KATHERINE. The Inquiry 384 A Friend 385 POLLOK, ROBERT. Thus stood his Mind 1430 TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OF POEM. Hell 1431 A Scene of Early Love 1432 The Death of the Young Mother 1 433 Friendship 1434 Happiness 1435 POMFRET, JOHN. Custom 677 The Wish 678 POPE, ALEXANDER. The Messiah 770 Satire 777 To a Lady 778 The Man of Ross 779 The Toilet 780 The Dying Christian to his Soul 781 The Quiet Life 782 Moonlight 783 POPE, DR. WALTER. The Old Man's Wish 68G PRAED, W. M. Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine 1709 PRINGLE, THOMAS. Afar in the Desert 1478 The Lion and the Giraffe 1479 The Emigrant's Farewell 1480 PRIOR, MATTHEW. An Ode 747 A Song 748 The despairing Shepherd 749 The Lady's Looking-glass 750 Cupid and Ganymede 751 Cupid mistaken 752 Mercury and Cnpid 753 The Garland 754 Henry and Emma 755 The Thief and the Cordelier 756 Protogenes and Apelles 757 Abra'sLove for Solomon 758 Epitaph, Extempore 759 For my Own Monument 760 An Epitaph 761 On Bishop Atterbury's burying the Duke of Buckingham 762 PROCTER, B. W. Address to the Ocean 1673 Marcelia 1674 Night 1675 The Sleeping Figure of Modena 1676 An Invocation to Birds 1677 To the Snowdrop Itj78 Song of Wood Nymphs 1679 The Blood Horse 1680 The Sea 1681 The Stormy Petrel 1682 The Sea in Calm 1683 The Hunter's Song 1684 The Owl 1685 A Song for the Seasons 1686 The Poet's Song to his Wife 1687 Softly woo away her Breath 1688 The Mother's last Song 1689 Peace! what do tears avail ? 1690 A Bridal Dirge 1691 Hermione * 1692 A Poet's Thought 1693 A Petition to Time 1694 KG. OF POEM. Sit down, sad Soul 1695 Life 1696 Q. QUARLES, FRANCIS. What is Lite 292 The Vanity of the World 293 Faith 294 Delight in God only 295 Song 296 Hey, then, up go we 737 QUARLES, JOHN. Hymn to the Almighty 676 R. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. The Nymph's Reply 114 The Country's Recreations 115 RAMSAY, ALLAN. Song 824 The last time I came o'er the moor ... 825 Ode from Horace 826 RANDOLPH, THOMAS. To a Lady admuring Herself in a Look- ing-glass 358 From the Muse's Looking-glass 359 To my Picture 360 RANDS, W. B. Lilliput Levee 1826 Baby 1827 REDFORD, JOHN Song of Honest Recreation 403 ROBERTS, W. H. Belshazzar and Daniel 979 The Jews' Return to Jerusalem 980 ROCHESTER, EARL OF. Song 654 Constancy 655 Song 656 Song 657 ROGERS, SAMUEL. From the " Pleasures of Memoiy " ... 1180 From " Human Life " 1181 From the " Voyage of Columbus" ... 1182 Genevra 1183 The Sleeping Beauty 1184 A Wish 1185 An Italian Song 1186 To the Butterfly 1187 On a Tear 1188 ROLLE, RICHARD. What is Heaven ? 16 ROSCOMMON, EARL OP Against False Pride 650 An Author should be sincei'e 651 A Quack 652 On the Day of Judgment 653 NAMES OF THE POETS AND IfO. OF POBM, ROSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. The Blessed Daraozel 1841 The Portrait 1842 Newborn Death 1843 ROSS, ALEXANDER. Woo'd and Married and a' 1045 Mary's Dream 1046 ROWE, NICHOLAS. Colin's Complaint 828 The Contented Shepherd 829 Song. 830 RUSSELL, THOMAS. Sonnet to Valclusa 1042 Sonnet, supposed to be written at Lemnos 1043 S. SANDYS, GEORGE. A Thanksgiving 477 Psalm xlii 478 Psalm Ixviii 479 Chorus of Jewish Women , 480 SAVAGE, RICHARD. Remorse 840 The Wanderer 841 SCOT, ALEXANDER. To his Heart 386 Rondel of Love 387 SCOTT, JOHN. The Tempestuous Evening 1018 Ode on hearing the Di-um 1019 Ode on Privateering 1020 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Description of Melrose Abbey 1314 Love of Country 1315 Death of Marmion 1316 Young Lochinvar 1317 Jock of Hazeldean 1318 Songs... 1319, 1320 Border Ballad 1321 Pibroch of Donuil Dhu 1322 Coronach 1323 Hymn of the Hebrew Maiden 1324 Cadyow Castle 1325 The Outlaw r. 1326 A Serenade 1327 Where shall the Lover rest 1328 The Maid of Neidpath 1329 The Pride of Youth 1330 Rosabelle 1331 Hunting Soug 1332 The Palmer 1333 The Wild Huntsman 1334 Christmas 1335 Hymn for the Dead 1336 SEDLEY, SIR CHARLES. To a very Young Lady 667 Song 668 Cosmelia's Charms 669 Song 670 SEWARD, ANNA. The Anniversary 1111 NO. OP POEM,. SEWELL, DR. GEORGE. Verses 832 SHADWELL, THOMAS. Inconstancy of Love 700 SHAKSPERE, WILLIAM. Mercy 165 Night 166 Night and Music 167 Grief that cannot be comforted 168 Flowers 169 Richard the Second's Lament 170 Soliloquy of Richard the Second in Prison 171 Hetspur's Defence 172 Rumour 173 Sleep 174 Henry the Fourth's Expostulation with his Son 175 The Answer of the Lord Chief Jus- tice to Henry V 176 The King's Answer 177 Henry the Fifth's Address to his Sol- diers before Harfieur 178 Henry the Fifth's Address at Agin- court 179 Henry the Fifth's Soliloquy on the Battle-field 180 Gloster's Soliloquy 181 Wolsey on his Fall 182 Cranmer's Prophecy of Queen EUza- beth 183 Hamlet's Soliloquy on Death 184 Macbeth before murdering the King. . . 185 Cassius to Brutus 186 Mark Antony's Oration on the Body of Csesar 187 Cleopatra 188 Life 189 Appearances 190 The Uses of Adversity 191 A Meditative Fool 192 The World a Stage 193 Adversity 194 Beauty 195 Ceremony 196 Friends falling off 197 Gold 198 Insanity 199 Self-inspection 200 Love 201 England 202 Order and Obedience 203 Proper use of Talents 204 Take the beam out of thine own eye 205 The Voice of the Dying 206 A Good Conscience 207 Good Name 208 Ariel's Song 209 The Fairy to Puck 210 Amiens' Song 211 SHAW, CUTHBERT. From "A Monody to the Memory of his Wife" 1036 SHELLEY, PERCY B. Opening of Queen Mab 1359 The Cloud 1360 To a Skylark 1361 Lines to an Indian Air 1362 I fear thy kisses 1363 TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OF POBM. Love's Philosophy 1364 To the Night 1365 The Flight of Love 1366 One Word is too often prof aned 1367 Invocation 1368 Stanzas written in Dejection near Naples 1369 Ozymandias of Egypt 1370 To a Lady, with a Guitar 1371 Ode to the West Wind 1372 Autumn 1373 The Widow Bird 1374 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 1 375 Mutability 1376 SHENSTONE. The Schoolmistress 893 A Pastoral Ballad 894 Ode to Memory 895 Written at an Inn at Henley. 896 SHIRLEY, JAMES. Upon his Mistress sad 379 Echo and Narcissus 380 Shepherd and Shepherdesses 460 The Common Doom 461 The Equality of the Grave 462 SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Sonnets 107 SKELTON, JOHN. To Mistress Margaret Hussey 63 SKINNER, JOHN. Tullochgorum 1050 8MART, CHRISTOPHER. Songto David 994 From aTx-ip to Cambridge 995 Ode 996 SMITH, ALEXANDER. Lady Barbara 1743 SMITH, CHARLOTTE. On the Departure of the Nightingale 1099 Written at the Close of Spring 1100 Recollections of English Scenery 1101 SMITH, HORACE. Address to the Mummy in Belzoni's Exhibition 1418 Hymn to the Flowers 1419 On the Death of George III 1420 SMITH, JAMES. The Upas in Marylebone-lane 1417 SMITH, JAMES AND HORACE. The Theatre 1414 The Baby's D€but 1415 A Tale of Drury-lane 1416 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. Ode to Independence 921 Ode to Leven Water 922 The Tears of Scotland 923 SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM. Description of a Hare-hunt 806 Praise of a Country Life 807 NO. OF POEM. SOTHEBY, WILLIAM. StafiFa 1235 Approach of Saul and his Guards against the Philistines 1236 Song of the Virgins celebrating the Victory 1237 SOUTHERNE, THOMAS. Song 827 SOUTHEY, CAROLINE. Autumn Flowers 1530 The Pauper's Deathbed 1531 The Last Journey 1532 Mariner's Hymn 1533 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The Widowed Mother 1213 A Moonlight Scene 1214 The Holly-tree 1215 The Alderman's Funeral 1216 Love 1217 The Miser's Mansion 1218 After Blenheim ; 1219 The Scholar 1220 Youth and Age 1221 The Complaints of the Poor 1222 The Old Man's Comforts 1223 The Inchcape Rock 1224 Bishop Hatto 1225 Mary the Maid of the Inn 1223 i St. Romuald 1227 SOUTHWELL, ROBERT. Love's Servile Lot 108 Look Home 109 Times go by turns 110 The Image of Death Ill Scorn not the least 112 SPENCER, PETER. Lines to Fanny 1807 Sent with a Rose to Rose 1808 A Thought among the Roses 1809 SPENCER, HON. W. R. Beth G61ert 1395 Wife, Children, and Friends 1396 SPENSER, EDMUND. Una and the Redcross Knight 124 Una followed by the Lion 125 The Sqnire and the Dove 126 Fable of the Oak and the Briar 127 From the Epithalamion 128 The House of Riches 129 The Ministry of Angels 130 j Prince Arthur's Address to Night 131 The Garden of Adonis 132 The Bower of Bliss 133 Sonnets 134 STANLEY, THOMAS. The Tomb 565 Celia Singing 566 Speaking and Kissing 567 La Belle Confidante 568 Note to Moschus 669 STEPNEY, GEORGE. To the Evening Star. 682 NAMES OF THE POETS AND NO. OF POEM. STERLINE, EARL OF, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Sonnets 489 STILL, BISHOP. Drinking Son^j 402 STIRLING, EARL OF. Sonnet 396 STORER, THOMAS. Wolsey's Ambition 490 Wolsey's Vision 491 SUCKLING, SIR JOHN. Song 329 A Ballad upon a Wedding. 330 Constancy 331 Song 332 SURREY, HOWARD, EARL OF. Imprisoned in Windsor, he recounteth his Pleasure there passed 64 No Age Content with his Own Estate. QJ) The Means to attain Happy Life QQ Description of Spring 67 How each Thing, save the Lover, in Spring re viveth to Pleasure 68 Description and Praise of his Loue, Geraldine 69 A Vow to Loue 70 A Lover's Complaint 71 SWAIN, C. The Death of the Warrior-king 1697 The Voice of the Morning 1698 The Mother's Hand 1699 TheOrphanBoy 1700 Sabbath Chimes 1701 Love's History 1702 SWIFT, JONATHAN. Morning "771 Description of a City Shower 772 Baucis and Philemon 773 Verses on his own Death 774 The Grand Question debated 775 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. The Sea 1833 Meleager Dying 1834 SYLVESTER, JOSHUA. The Soul's Errand 119 To Religion 120 TANNAHILL, ROBERT. The Braes o' Balquhither 1598 The Braes o' Gleniffer 1599 The Flower o' Dumblane 1600 The Midges dance aboon the Bum .... 1601 Gloomy Winter's now awa' 1602 TATE, NAHUM. The Birth of Christ 822 From Psalm civ 823 TAYLOR, BISHOP JEREMY. Of Heaven 555 KO. OF PftEM. TENNANT, WILLIAM. From Anster Fair 1628 The Heroine of Anster Fair..... 1629 Description of the Comers to the Fair 1630 TENNYSON, A. Song of the Brook 1703 The Reconciliation 1704 The Widow and Child 1705 From In Memoriam 1706 Lady Clare 1707 Dora 1708 TENNYSON, FREDERICK. First of March 1804 The Bridal 1805 The Blackbird 1806 THACKERAY, W. M. The Age of Wisdom 1762 Damages Two Hundred Pounds 1763 THOMPSON, EDWARD. The Sailor's Farewell 1038 Songs 1039, 1040 THOMSON, JAMES. Showers in Spring 864 Birds Pairing in Spring 865 Domestic Happiness 866 Musidora 867 A Summer Morning 868 A Summer Evening 869 Lavinia 870 The Hai-vest Storm 871 Autumn Evening Scene 872 A Winter Landscape 873 A Hymn 874 From the Bard's Song in the Castle of Indolence 875 Ode 876 Hymn on Solitude 877 The Happy Man 878 Rule Britannia 879 THRALE, MRS. The Three Warnings 1026 TICKELL, THOMAS. Colin and Lucy 784 To the Earl of Warwick on the Death of Addison 785 TIGHE, MARY. The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche .... 1121 The Lily 1122 TOPLADY, A. Love Divine, all love excelling 1072 Deathless Principle, arise 1 073 Rock of Ages cleft for me 1074 TRAIN, JOSEPH. Song 1651 TRENCH, R. C. Harmosan 1802 Be Patient 1803 TUSSER, THOMAS. An Introduction to the Book of Husbandry 81 TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OF POESI. A Preface to the Buyer of his Book on Husbandry 82 The Ladder to Thrift 83 Directions for Cultivating a Hop- garden 84 Housewifery Phj'sic 85 Good Husbandly Lessons S6 The Winds 87 A Christmas Carol 88 Posies for thine own Bed-chamber 89 Principal Points of Keligion 90 U. UDALL, NICHOLAS. The Work-girl's Song 398 The Minion Wife 399 UNCERTAIN. Sadne^^s 502 The Soul's Errand 503 Content 504 The Woodman's Walk 505 Canzonet 506 The Oxford Riddle 507 Ambitio Feminini Generis 508 Nee Sutor ultra 509 V. VANERUGH, SIR JOHN. Fable, related by a Beau to ^sop 833 VAUGHAN, HENRY. Early Rising and Prayer 556 The Feast 5.57 The Bee 558 Peace 559 They are all gone 560 The Timber 561 The Rainbow 562 The Wreath 563 The Retreat 564 VERE, AUBREY DE. Early Friendship 1789 Song 1790 Sonnet 1791 W. WALLER, EDMUND. On a Girdle 585 'On Love 586 A Panegyric to the Lord Protector. .... 587 At Penshurst f, 588 The Bud 589 Say, lovely Dream 690 Go, lovely Rose 591 Old Age and Death 592 To Amoret " 593 To Phyllis ;; 594 Of the Queen 595 On my Lady Sydney's Picture .' 596 On my Lady Isabella playing the Lute 597 To a Lady 598 Love's Farewell 599 NO. OP POEM. On Loving at First Sight 600 The Self-banished 601 The Night-piece "602 WALSH, WILLIAM. Song C83 WARD, EDWARD. Song 835 WARNER, WILLIAM. Tale of Argeutile and Curan 484 WARTON. JOSEPH. To Fancy 974 WARTON, THOMAS. The Hamlet 965 On Revisiting the River Loddon 966 Written on a Blank Leaf of Dugdale's Monasticon 967 Sonnet 968 Inscription in a Hermitage 969 The Suicide 970 Ode sent to a Friend on his leaving a Favourite Village 971 A Panegyric on Oxford Ale 972 The Progress of Discontent 973 WASTELL, SIMON. Man's Mortality 501 WATSON, THOMAS. The Nymphs to their May Queen 122 Sonnet '. 123 W^ATTS, DR. The Rose 850 A Summer Evening 851 Few Happy Matches 852 The Day of Judgment 853 God known only to Himself 854 WEBSTER, JOHN. A Dirge 446 The Madman's Song 447 The Preparation for Execution 448 Death 449 WESLEY, CHARLES. Come, thou Traveller 1064 Weary of Wandering 1065 Jesu, Lover of my Soul 1066 WESLEY, JOHN. From Tersteege 1067 From the German 1063 From Count Zuizendorf 1069 From Scheffler 1070 From the German 1071 WEST, GILBERT. Allegorical Desci'iption of Vertu 1032 WHITE, H. KIRKE, To an Early Primrose 1165 Sonnet 1166 The St*r of Bethlehem 1167 A Hymn for Family Worship 1168 TheChristiad 1169 The Shipwrecked Solitary's Song 1170 From Clifton Grove 1171 Hymn 1172 C2 NAMES OF THE POETS AND TITLES OF THE POEMS. NO. OF POEM. WHITEHEAD, PAUL. Hunting Song 10-j7 WHITEHEAD, W. Variety 986 WILDE, DR. ^ _. . . A Complaint of a Learned Divine m Puritan Times 257 WILSON. A. A VilUge Scold surprising her Hus- band in an Alehouse 1593 Aruular'sStory 1594 WILSON, JOHN. To a Sleeping Child 1421 The Sabbath Day 1422 Lines written in a lonely Burial- ground in the Highlands 1423 The Midnight Ocean 1424 The Evening Cloud 1425 Plague Scenes 1426 Address to a Wild Deer 1427 Mary 1428 The Widowed Mother 1429 WILSON, R. The Summer's Queen 432 WINCHELSEA, ANNE, COUNTESS OF. A Nocturnal Reverie , 817 Life's Progress 818 WITHER, GEORGE. Christmas 271 Sonnet upon a Stolen Kiss 272 The Companionship of the Muse 273 A Prisoner's Lay 274 From "A Dirge" 275 To a Brother Poet 276 The just Indignation of the oppressed 277 A persecuted Poet's Address to his King.. 278 My Heavenly Father and his erring Child 279 Against hired Flatterers 280 The 1 48th Psalm paraphrased 281 The Ford of Arle 282 The sequestered Retirement of Bent- worth 283 Prayer for Seasonable Weather 284 WOLCOT, DR. The Pilgrims and the Peas 1147 Dr. Johnson's Style 1148 Advice to Landscape Painters 1149 The Apple Dumplings and a King 1150 Whitbread's Brewery visited by their Majesties 1151 Lord Gregory 1152 May-Day ',[\\ 1153 Epigram on Sleep 1154 To my Candle , 1155 WOLFE, CHARLES. The Burial of Sir John Moore 1562 The Death of Mary , 1563 Song 1564 NO. OF POEM. WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. London, 1802 1189 The World is too much with us ......:. . 1190 On King's College Chapel, Cambridge 1191 Lines 1192 Lucy 1193 A Portrait 1194 Tinteru Abbey 1195 To a Highland Girl 1196 An Old Man's Reflections 1197 Ode 1198 Yarrow Visited 1199 To a Distant Friend 1200 Tothe Skylark 1201 To the Cuckoo 1202 Composed at Neidpath Castle 1203 Upon Westminster Bridge 1204 Admonition to a Traveller 1205 The Reaper 1206 The Daffodils 1207 To the Daisy 1208 By the Sea 1209 To Sleep 1210 Written in Early Spring 1211 The two April Mornings 1212 WOTTON, SIR HENRY. To his Mistress, the Queen of Bohe- mia 158 A Farewell to the Vanities of the World 1 59 The Good Man 160 A Meditation 161 On the sudden Restraint of the Earl Somerset, then falling from favour, . . 162 In praise of Angling 163 WYAT, SIR THOMAS. The Lover complaineth of the Un- kindness of his Love 72 The Lover's Lute cannot be blamed, though it sing of his Lady's Un- kindness 73 The re-cured Lover exulteth in his Freedom and voweth to remain Free until Death 74 That Pleasure is mixed with every Pain 75 A Description of such a one as he would love 76 An earnest Suit to his unkind Mis- tress not to forsake liim 77 To his Mistress 78 He lamenteth that he had ever Cause to doubt his Lady's Faith 79 WYNTOUN, ANDREW. The Return of David II. from Cap- tivity 44 Interview of St. Serf with Sathanas ... 45 Y. YOUNG, EDWARD. Night 855 On Life, Death, and Immortality 856 Thoughts on Time 857 Procrastination 858 The Emptiness of Riches 859 The Love of Praise 860 The Astronomical Lady 861 The Languid Lady 862 The Swearer 863 NO. OF POEM. A Ballad 803 A Ballad upoa a Wedding 330 A Blessing 687 ABHdalDirge 1691 A Calm Eve ]545 A Celebration of Charis 245 A Christmas Carol 88 A Christmas Hymn ..... 1063 A Christmas Hymn 1792 A Contrast between Female Honour and Shame 437 A Country Song, intituled the Restoration 745 A Description of a Lady by her Lover 438 A Description of such a One as he would love 76 A Dialogue between Hope and Fear 319 A Dirge 446 AFaiiyTale 808 A Farewell to the Vanities of the World... 159 A Farewell to the Valley of Irwan 934 A Farewell to Tobacco 1229 A Father reading the Bible 1446 A Fragment of Sappho 788 A Friend 385 A Funeral Hymn 900 A Good Conscience 207 A Home in the Heai't 1725 A Hymn 312 A Hymn 767 A Hymn 769 A Hymn 874 A Hvmn 1172 A Hymn to Christ 229 A Hymn to the Father 228 A Lament 1117 A Lawyer's Farewell to his Muse 936 A Letter from Italy 765 A Little While 1779 A Loose Saraband 357 A Lover's Complaint 71 A Lowering Eve 1544 A Meditation 161 A Meditative Fool •.... 192 A Moonlight Scene 1214 A Mother's Love 1390 A Night Scene 287 A Night Scene 997 A Nocturnal Reverie 817 A Nymph's Passion 243 A Panegyric on Oxford Ale 972 A Panegyric to the Lord Protector 587 A Parental Ode to my Son, aged three years and five months 1486 NO. OF POEM. A Pastoral 1057 A Pastoral Ballad 894 A Pastoral of Phillis and Condon 117 A Pedlar's Story 1594 A Persecuted Poet's Address to his King.. 278 A Persian Song of Hafiz 1012 A Petition to Time 1694 A Poet's Epitaph 1556 A Poet's Prayer 1557 A Poet's Thought 1693 A Poor Man's Wife 1747 A Portrait 1194 A Preface to the Buyer of his Book on Husbandry 82 A Prisoner's Lay 274 A Public Breakfast 1025 A Quack 652 A Red Red Rose 1584 A Remembrance 1726 A RichFool 371 A Rose 369 A Roundelay 424 ARural Scene 959 A Scene of Early Life 1432 A Scholar and his Dog 466 A Scottish Country Wedding 1162 A Serenade 1327 A Song for the Seasons 1686 A Spring Sabbath Walk 1157 A Summer Evening 851 A Summer Evening 869 A Summer Morning 579 A Summer Morning 868 A Summer Sabbath Walk 1158 A Sunday in Edinburgh 1055 A Sweet Pastoral 118 A Sylvan Retreat 38 A Tale of Drury Lane 1416 A Tale of Robin Hood 516 A Thanksgiving 477 A Thanksgiving for his House 349 A Thought among the Roses 1809 A Valediction ^ 337 A Village Scold surprising her Husband in an Alehouse 1593 A Virtuous Woman 1476 A VowtoLoue 70 A Voyage to Ireland in Burlesque 649 A Wail 1755 A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea 1623 A Winter Landscape 873 A Winter Sabbath Walk 1160 A V7ish 1185 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. NO. OF rOEM. Abou Ben Adhem 1402 Abra's Love for Solomon 758 Abstract of Melancholy 487 Accomplishments of Hudibras 637 Adam and Eve 626 Adam Bell 514 Address to a Wild Deer 1427 Address to Bishop Valentine 227 Address to his Native Soil 291 Address to Light 623 Address to Miss Agnes Baillie on her Birthday 1470 Address to the Mummy in Belzoni's Exhi- bition 1418 Address to the Nightingale 121 Address to the Ocean 1673 Adelgitha 1312 Admiral Hosier's Ghost 999 Admonition to a Traveller 1205 Adventure of Wallace while Fishing in Irvine Water 46 Adversity 194 Advice to a Keckless Youth 247 Advice to Landscape Painters 1149 Ae Fond Kiss 1576 Afar in the Desert 1478 After Blenheim 1219 Against False Pride - 650 Against Hired Flatterers 280 Against Hope 543 Alexander's Feast 661 All for Love 1352 All WeU 1780 Allan Percy 1714 Allegorical Description of Vertu 1032 Allegorical Personages described in Hell... 97 Almond Blossom 1757 Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene ... 1313 Amantium Irse Amoris Redintegratio est,. 91 Ambitio Feminini Generis 508 Amiens' Song 211 Amy nta 1051 An A ppeal for the Industrious Poor 932 An Appeal to the Heart 226 An Author should be sincere 651 An Autumn Sabbath Walk 1159 An Earnest Suit to his unkind Mistress not to forsake him 77 An English Fen— Gipsies 1176 An Epistle to Curio 903 An Epistle to the Countess of Cumberland 138 An Epitaph 761 An Evening Hymn 675 An Evening Walk in Bengal 1379 An Introduction to the Book of Husbandry 81 An Invocation to Birds 1677 An Italian Song 1186 An Ode 747 An Ode 766 An Ode 768 An Ode for St. Cecilia's Day 764 An Ode from Caractacus 913 An Ode in imitation of Alcseus 1011 An Old Man's Reflections 1197 An Old Man's Sorrow 10 Anacreontics 542 And doth not a Meeting like this 1281 Ane Schort Poeme of Tyme 394 Angling 926 Another 431 Answer to a Child's Question 1512 Apollo's Song of Daphne 407 Apostrophe to Freedom 32 NO. OF POEM. Apostrophe to Futurity 1555 Apostrophe to the Ocean 1347 Appearances 190 Approach of Saul and his Guards against the Philistines 1236 Approach of Spring 267 Approaching Death 442 April, 1793 1255 April 1795 Argalia condemned on False Evidence 581 Argalia taken Prisoner by the Turks 583 Ariel's Song 209 Arranmore 1289 Aspirations of Youth 1386 A ssembling of the Fallen Angels 621 At Bamborough Castle 1246 At his Sister's Grave 1528 At O-xford, 1786 1244 At Penshurst 588 Athens 61S Auld Lang Syne 1581 Auld Robin Gray 1047 Autumn 1373 Autumn 1488 Autumn 1735 Autumn Evening Scene 872 Autumn Flowers 1530 B. Baby 1827 Baby May 1766 Baby's Shoes 17()7 Ballad of Dowsabel 146 Banquet of an English Squire 1124 Battle of the Baltic 1306 Battle of Wyoming and Death of Gertrude 1300 Baucis and Philemon 773 Be Patient 1803 Be Merry, Friends 401 Be Wise to Run thy Race 1076 Beauty 195 Beauty 42a Beauty beyond the reach of Art 458 Beauty Suing for Love 419« Begone, Dull Care 731 Belshazzar and Daniel 979" Bernardo and Alphonso 1522 Bertha in the Lane 1560 Beth G61ert, or the Grave of the Grey- hound 1395 Bethsabe Bathing 416 Bethsabe's Address to the Zej)hyi' 417 Bird, Bee, and Butterfly 1517 Bird's-nest 1267 Birds Pairing in Spring 865- Bishop Hatto 1225 Bishop Hubert 1459 Bloom hath fled thy cheek, Mary 1639' Bonnie Leslie 1585 Border Ballad 1321 Braid Claith 1052 Bridal Song 459 Bridal Song 1667 Bring Flowers 1441 Bristow Tragedy, or the Death of Sir Charles Bawdin 943 Brother, thou art gone 1669- Bruce's Address 1579 Butterfly and Bee 1269 By the Sea ' 1209 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. C. • yo. OF POBM. Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes 1582 Cadyow Castle 1325 Caesar's Lamentation over Pompey's Head 21-1 Canace, condemned to death by her father, yEolus, sends to her g-uilty brother, Macareus, the last testimony of her unhappy passion ^36 Canzonet 506 Careless Content 1056 Casa Wappy 1534 Casablanca 1442 Cassius to Brutus 186 Celia Singing 566 Ceremony 196 Characterof a Fribble 956 Character of Shaftesbury 662 Characterof Sir James, of Douglas 33 Character of the Ship's Officers 945 Character of Villiers, Duke of Bucking- ham 663 Characters of Quin, Tom Sheridan, and Giirrick 957 Characteristic of an Englishman 80 Charity and Humility 573 Cherry Hipe 348 Childhood 1234 Children 1274 Choice of a Rural Situation and Descrip- tion of the Ague 924 Chorus 1670 Chorus of Flowers 1400 Chorus of Jewish Women 480 Christ coming to Judgment 62 Christmas 271 Christmas 1335 Claudian's Old Man of Verona ; 545 Cleopatra 188 Colin and Lucy 784 Colin's Complaint 828 Come, Evening Gale ! 1541 Con;o, Holy Spirit, come 1075 Come, O Thou Traveller 1064 Come to these Scenes of Peace 1242 Come unto Me 1109 Commencement of " Dartmoor " 1513 Complaining 306 Complaint against Love 406 Complaint of a Learned Divine in Puritan Times 257 Complaint of Nature 964 Composed at Neidpath Castle, the pro- perty of Lord Queeusberr„v, 1803 1203 Conclusion of the Sougs of Israel 1477 Constancy 331 Constancy 655 Constitutional Limitation of Despotism ... 154 Content 421 Content 504 Content, a Pastoral 1023 Contented Shepherd 829 Contentment 443 Contentment 815 Coopers Hill 576 Cornfields 1660 Coronach 1323 Cosmelia's Charms 669 Council of the Officers 948 Count Zinzondorf 1069 Country Justices and their Duties 930 yo. or roEsr. Country Song, intituled the Restoration ... 745 Covetousness 18 Cowper's Grave 1558 Cradle Song 1772 Cranmer's Prophecy of Queen Elizabeth... 183 Creation 787 Crescentius 1461 CumnorHall '.7:...^r^_, 928 Cupid 238 Cupid and Campaspe 404 Cupid and Ganymede 751 Cupid Mistaken 752 Cupio dissolvi 328 Custom 677' Damages Two Hundred Pounds 1763 Dartmoor 1514 David and Goliah 144 David enamoured of Bethsabe 418 Dawnings of Genius 1412" Day of Judgment 853 DeProfundis 106 Death 449 Death 465 Death 846 Death 1645 Death of Eliza, at the Battle of Minden ... 1094 Death of Marmion 1316 Death of Sir Henry de Bohun 34 Deathless Principle, arise ! 1073 Delight in God only 295 Description and Praise of his Loue G^raldine 69 Description of a City Shower 772 Description of a Hare-hunt 806 Description of Armida and her Enchanted Girdle 148 Description of Castara 322 Description of the Comers to the Fair 1630 Description of Haidee 1348 Description of Melrose Abbey 1314 Description of Morning 691 Description of Morning Birds and Hunting the Deer 142 Description of Spring 67 Description of Squyre Meldrum 60 Description of the Priestess of Diana 333 Despair of a Poor Scholar 444 Destruction of Sennacherib 1343 Destruction of Sennacherib's Army 1092 Devotion to Love 453 Diana's Nymphs 472 Dinner given by the Town Mouse to the Country Mouse 49 Directions for Cultivating a Hop Garden... 84 Dirge in Cymbeline 891 Dirge of Rachel 1475 Discontent of Men with their Condition ... 250 Disdain Returned 264 Distress of the Vessel 947 Dr. Johnson's Style 1148 Domestic Happiness 866 Domestic Love 1298 Dora 1708 Dorastus on Fawnia 427 Drinking Song 402 Dry up thy Tears, Love 1526 Dying 673 Dying in a Foreign Land 1129 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. E. yo. OP roEM. Early Dawn , 391 Early Friendship 1789 Early Love 135 Early Eising and Prayer 556 Easter 307 Echo and Narcissus 380 Echo and Silence 1520 Echoes 1291 Edom O'Gordon 530 Edwin and Angelina 916 Edwin and Emma 898 Elegy 961 Elegy on Thyrza 1354 Elegy written in a Country Chxu-chyard ... 910 England 202 England 412 England 1732 England goes to Battle 1752 England's Landscape 1516 English Liberty 1083 Enjoyment of the Present Hour recom- mended 665 Epigram 1004 Epigram , ;, 1005 Epigi-am 1006 Epigram on Sleep 1154 Epilogue 1830 Epiphany 1380 Epistle to Joseph Hill 1088 Epistle to the Earl of Dorset 789 Epitaph, Extempore 759 Epitaph on a Living Author 554 Epitaph on an Infant 1511 Epitaph on Mrs. Mason 915 Epitaph on the Countess of Pembroke 244 Epitaph on the Duke of Buckingham 268 Etexaltavit Humiles 327 Euphrosyne 1761 Eve's Recollections 627 Evening 286 Evening 393 Evening Hymn 814 Evening Hymn 820 Evening Hymn 1059 Evening in Paradise 629 Excommunication of the Cid 1524 Expulsion from Paradise 632 F. Fable of the Oak and the Briar 127 Fable related by a Beau to ^sop 833 Fair Ines 1492 Faith '.'...'. 294 Fall of the Rebel Angels 2 Fancy and Desire 494 Farewell to Ayrshire 1604 Farewell to the Fairies 253 Farewell to Town 116 Fatal Curiosity 831 Few Happy Matches ,[., 852 Fill the Bumper Fair 1280 First Love's Recollections 141] First of March 1804 Flowers 1(39 Flowers 975 Flowers [ 1487 Fly to the Desert 1284 NO. OF FOBM. For Hope 544 For my own Monument 760 For Thoughts 672 Fragment 1620 I Friend of my Soul 1282 } Friends falling off 197 Friendship 843 Friendship 1434 From "ADirge" 275 From a " Monody to the Memory of his Wife" 1036 From a Poem entitled * ' Amanda " 706 From a Trip to Cambridge, or the Grateful Fair 995 From " Anster Fair" 1628 From Bishop Heber's Journal 1378 From Clifton Grove 1171 From '' Conversation" 1080 From "Count Zinzendorf" 1069 From "Endymion" 1819 From " Friendship in Absence " 550 From his " Invocation to Melancholy" .... 1041 From " Human Life " 1181 From "In Memoriam" 1706 From India 1776 From "Lilliput Levee" 1826 From"Rollo" 219 From " Scheffler " 1070 From "Tersteege" , 1067 From the Bard's Song in the "Castle of Indolence" .. , 875 From the " Blessed Damozel " 1841 From the Epithalamion 128 From the "Fate of Amy" 1406 From the German 1068 From the German 1071 From the " Hymn to Light " 547 From the " Improvisatore " 1400 From the " London Lackpennv " 37 From the "Loves of Gudrun" 1839, 1840 From the ' ' Muses' Looking-glass " 359 From the Pindaric Odes 548 From the " Pleasures of Memory " 1180 From the "Portrait" 1842 From the "Prophecy of Famine" 958 From the ' ' Voyage of Columbus " 1 182 Frost at Midnight 1507 G. Garment of Good Ladies ''50 Gentle Hugh Herries 1626 GentlestGirl 1731 Ginevra 1183 Gipsies 931 Gloomy Winter's now awa' 1602 Gloster's Soliloquy 181 Glow-worm 1270 Go, lovely Ro.se ! 591 Go, pretty Birds ! 471 Go, where Glory waits Thee 1283 God known only to Himself 854 God's Providence 40 Gold 198 Gondibert 372 Good Husbandly Lessons 86 Good-morrow 104 Good Name 208 Good-night! H Good-night! 105 Good-nitxht. and jov be wi' ye a' ! 1611 Greenwich Hill ....* 1142 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. II NO. OF POEM. Grief that cannot be comforted 168 Grievances of a Scottish Peasant of the Six- teenth Century 58 GrongarHill 880 H. Haidee and Juan at the Feast 1350 Haidee visits the Shipwrecked Don Juan.. 1349 Hallowed Ground 1309 Hamc, Hame, Hame 1617 Hamlet's Soliloquy on Death 184 Hannibal's Oath 1466 Happiness 1435 Happiness of a Coimtry Life 960 Happiness of Married Life 452 Happiness of the Shepherd's Life 314 Harmosan 1802 He laraenteth that he had ever cause to doubt his Lady's Faith 79 Helen of Kirkconnel 1606 Hell 1431 Henry and Emma 755 Henry, Duke of Buckingham, in the In- fernal Regions 98 Henry the Fifth's Address at Agincourt ... 179 Henry the Fifth's Address to his Soldiers . before Harfleur 178 Henry the Fourth's Expostulation with his Son 175 Henry the Sixth's Soliloquy on the Battle- field 180 Here's a health to them that's awa' 1590 Hermione 1692 Heroine of Anster Fair 1629 Hey, then, up go we 737 Highland Mary 1586 Highland Poor 1120 Hills o' Gallowa' 1648 His hatred of the Scots 377 Hogarth 954 Hohenlinden 1304 Home 1389 Homer and Virgil 681 Honour 552 Hope 1239 Hope triumphant in Death 1297 Hotspur's Defence 172 Household Treasures 1815 Housewifery Physic 85 How each thing, save the Lover, -in Spring reviveth to Pleasure 68 How Robin Hood lends a poor Knight Four Hundred Pounds 521 How's my Boy? 1671 Hudibras commencing Battle with the Rabble 640 Hudibras consulting the Lawyer 642 Hunting of the Cheviot 528 Hunting Song 1037 Hunting Song 1332 Hymn ]537 Hymn (16th Sunday after Trinity) 1G68 Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of Cha- mouni 1504 Hymn for Family Worship 1168 Hymn for the Dead 1336 Hymn of the Hebrew Maid 1324 Hymn on Solitude 877 Hymn on the Nativity 606 Hymn to Adversity .' 908 NO. OT POEM. Hymn to Content 1106 Hymn to Contentment 810 Hymn to God the Father 246 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 1375 Hymn to the Almighty 676 Hymn to the Father 228 Hymn to the Flowers _1419 Hyma to the Name of Jesus 298 I am all alone 1527 I fear thy Kisses 1363 I love my King and Country well 733 I remember, I remember 1491 I thank j'ou twice 739 Idleness 400 If that were true ! 1781 II Penseroso 604 Imagination 155 Imprisoned in Windsor, he recounteth his Pleasure there passed 64 In a Year 1786 In praise of Angling 163 In 1»ho Days o' Langsyne 1646 In what manner the Soul is united to the Body 224 Incitement to Perseverance 1836 Inconstancy of Love 700 Inconstancy of the Multitude 698 Indignation at the Sale of a Wife's Honour 454 Insanity 199 Inscription in a Hermitage 969 Inscription on the Tomb of Cowper. 1090 Instability of Human Greatness 315 Interview of St. Serf with Sathanas 45 Introduction of Foreign Vices deprecated 136 Introduction to the "Flower and the Leaf" 25 Invitation to Izaak Walton 647 Invocation 1368 Invocation to Rain in Summer 1764 Iphigenia and Agamemnon 1275 Iris the Rainbow 1835 Is it come? 1782 Is this a time to plant and build ? 1798 Isaac Ashford, a Noble Peasant 11 74 J. Jacob 1550 Jaffar 1403 James bewails his Captivity 42 •James first sees the Lady Jane 48 Jealousy 426 Jeanie Morrison 1631 Jenny dang the Weaver 1609 Jenny's Bawbee 1610 Jesu, Lover of my Soul 1066 Joab's Address to David on the Death of Absalom 414 Joab's Description of David 413 Jock of Hazeldean 1318 John Anderson 1589 John the Baptist 365 Journey into France 252 Julia 347 xl ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. K. irO. OF POEM. Kilmeny 1615 King Arthur's Death 95 King David 415 King Edward IV. and the Tanner of Tarn- worth 536 King James I. and the Tinkler ..: 717 Kiug John and the Abbot of Canterbury 529 Kisses 1748 KublaKlian 1509 L. L' Allegro 603 L'Amour Timide 983 La Belle Confidante 568 La Belle Dame sans Merci *... 1825 Labour and Genius, or the Millstream and the Cascade • 985 Lady Jilice 723 Lady Barbara 1743 Lady Clare 1707 Langsyne 1535 Last Verses of L. E. L 1469 Lavinia 870 Law 455 Life 189 Life 256 Life 1696 Life and ImmortaUty 990 Life's Progress 818 Lilliput Levee 1838 Lines 1192 Lines addressed to my Children 1128 Lines on the Death of his Eldest Son 1146 Lines to an Indian Air 1362 Lines to Fanny 1807 Lines written in a Lonely Burial-ground in the Highlands 1423 Lines written in the Churchyard of Pvich- mond, Yorkshire 1383 Little Children 1659 Little John in the Service of the Sheriff of Nottingham 523 Little Eed Riding Hood 1463 Little Streams 1656 Loehiel's Warning 1303 Logan Braes 1605 Loudon 884 London, 1802 1189 Look Home 109 Lord Beichan 533 Lord Delaware 715 Lord Gregory 1152 Lord UUin's Daughter 1307 Losses 1784 Lost FeeUngs 1483 Love 201 Love 481 Love 693 Love 1217 Love 1505 Love 1672 Love and Clory 1138 Love and Kature 1518 Love Divine, all Love excelling 1072 Love in the Valley 1744 Love in Women 697 Love of Country 1315 Love of Praise 860 NO. OS- POEM. Love not 1735 Love will find out the way 534 Love without Return 468 Love's Darts 339 Love's Darts 483 Love's Farewell 599 Love's History 1 702 Love's Philosophy 1364 Love's Servile Lot 108 Loyalty confined 513 Lucy 1193 Lucy's Flittin' 1649 Lullaby 434 Lycidas 605 M. Macbeth, before Murdering the King 185 MacFlecknoe 660 Madness of Orestes 467 Mahmoud 1404 Maid of Athens 1338 Man 309 Man's Mortality 501 Many, many Years ago 1810 Marcelia 1674 Marguerite of France 1440 Mariner's Hymn 15-33 Markxii. 17 301 Mark Antony's Oration on the Body of Csesar 187 Marriage of Cupid and Psyche — Psyche's Banishment 1121 Mary 1428 Mary Morison 1578 Mary of Castle Cary 1597 Marj', the Maid of the Inn 1226 Mary's Dream 1046 Massacre of the Macpherson 1662 Maternal Care 1299 May, 1795 1257 May Day 1153 Melancholy 215 Meldrum's Duel with the EngUsh Champion, Talbart 61 Meleager Dying 1834 Memory of the Dead 1812 Mercury and Cupid 753 Mercy 24 Mercy 165 Mercy and Truth 17 Mercy should have mitigated Justice 933 xMidnight Hymn 821 Midnight Wind 1635 Miriam's Song 1290 Miscellaneous Thoughts 644 Mr. Murray's Proposal 1294 Moonlight 783 Moonrise 1794 Morning 285 Morning 771 Morning 940 Morning and Evening 1729 Morning Hymn 812 Morning Hymn ..'. 819 Morning in May 57 Morning in Paradise 628 .Morning Landscape 989 Mother and Son 1770 Mortimer, Earl of March, and the Queen, surprised by Edward III. in Notting- ham Castle 141 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. xli II I wo. ov roEM. Mountain Children 1653 Music's Duel 300 Musidora 8(57 ]Mustering of the Trades to shoot for the Siller Gun 1608 Mutability 1376 My Bonnie Mary 1577 My Fantasy will never turn 397 My Heart's in the Highlands 1580 My Heavenly Father and His erring Child 279 31y Held is like to rend, Willie 1638 MyNanie, 1618 My only Jo and Dearie, 1603 My own dear Country 1736 My Wife's a winsome, wee Thing 1588 N. Napoleon and the Sailor 1311 Naseby 1567 Nature and Love 213 Nee Sntor ultra 509 Nehusta's Lover 1725 Netley Abbey 1256 Newborn Death 1843 Night 166 Night 288 Night 855 Night 1384 Night 1675 Night and Music 167 Night at Sea 1464 Night is nigh gone 390 No Age content with his own Estate J^o No Jewell'd Beauty is my Love 1746 No Treasure without Gladness 53 Nomine Labia mea aperies 325 NocgtoDgpaw 1139 Noon 1548 Noontide Hymn , 813 Noontide of a Summer's Day 392 Not ours the Vows 1456 Note to Moschus 569 Nothing on Earth Permanent 6 Notre Dame 1549 November 1574 Nympl| complaining for the Death of her Fawn 636 0. ! breathe not his Name 1287 ! Mary, go and call the Cattle Home 1799 O ! Nanny, wilt thou gang wi' Me ._ 937 ! where do Fairies hide their Heads .' 1502 Ode 236 Ode 876 Ode 888 Ode 996 Ode 1198 Ode from Horace 826 Ode on a Grecian Urn 1823 Ode on hearing the Drum 1019 Ode on Mankind 1044 Ode on Privateering 1020 Ode on the Death of Thomson 892 Ode on the Spring 911 Ode sent to a Friend on his leaving a favourite Village 971 Ode to a Nightingale 1822 Ode to an Indian Gold Coin 1131 KO. OF POESr. Ode to Aurora 977 Ode to Evening 889 Ode to Independeuco 921 Ode to Leven-water 922 Ode to Memory 895 Ode to Memory 914 Ode to Peace ......,,^_ 993 Ode to Pity 887 Ode to Solitude 1015 Ode to Spring 1104 Ode to the Evening Star 1134 Ode to the Right Hon. John Lord Gower 834 Ode to the West Wind 1372 (Enone's Complaint 409 Of a Precise Tailor 153 Of a' the Airts the Wind can blaw 1583 Of Church 156 Of Discretion in Giving 54 Of Discrefton in Taking 55 Of Fortune 151 Of Heaven 655 Of Myself 540 Of Solitude 653 Of the Queen 695 Of Treason 150 Of Writers who carp at other Men's Books 152 Oh! lay thy Hand in mine, Dear! 1756 Oh, the pleasant Days of Old ! 1783 Old Age and Death 592 Old England 1751 On a Distant Prospect of Eton College 907 On a Distant View of England 1252 On a Girdle 585 On a Sprig of Heath 1119 On a Tear 1188 On an Infant Dying as soon as born 1231 On Bishop Atterbury's Burying the Duke of Buckingham, MDCcxx ' 762 On King's College Chapel, Cambridge 1191 On leaving a Village in Scotland 1250 On Life, Death, and Immortality 856 On Love 586 On Loving at First Sight ' 600 On Lucy, Countess of Bedford 240 On May Morning 610 On Mr. W. Montague's Ptetuni from Travel 265 On Mrs. A. H. at a Concert 1030 On my Lady Isabella playing the Lute 597 On my Lady Sydney's Picture 596 On Phillis Walking before Sunrise 378 On Pi,ecovery jrom Sickness 1061 On Pisvie wing the Foregoing 1 260 On Revisiting Oxford 1258 On Revisiting the River Loddon 966 On Shakspere 1670 On the Birth of the Princess Royal 1397 On the Day of Judgment 653 On the Death of George III 1420 On the Death of Sir Bevil Grenville 482 On the Death of Dr. Robert Levett 886 On the Death of the Rev. William Beuwell 1259 On the Departure of the Nightingale 1099 On the Earl of Strafford's Trial and Death 577 On the Fmieral of Charles 1 1243 On the Poverty of Poets 955 On the Receipt of his Mother's Picture .... 1081 On the Sight of his Mistress' House 708 On the Sudden Restraint of the Earl of So- merset, then falling from favour 162 On the Tomb of Mrs. Unwin 1091 On Vicissitude 912 One Summer Nisrht 1728 One Way of Love 1785 xlii ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. NO. OF POEM. One Word is too often profaned 1367 Opening of Queen Mab 1359 Opening of the Minstrel 988 Opening of the Second Book of the Task... 1086 Opening of the Songs of Zion 1474 Order and Obedience 203 Owen of Carron 935 Ozymandias of Egypt 1370 P. Palamon and Arcite ; or, the Knight's Tale 659 Paradise 625 Parting 688 Parting 1529 Passage of the Red Sea 1377 Passing away 1444 Passions .' 696 Patience 436 Patient Grissell 526 Path of Life 1261 Paucitatem Dierum meorura nuncia mihi., 326 Peace 559 Peace! What do tears arail ? 1690 Pericles and Aspasia 1538 Persian Song of Hafiz 1012 Personal Appearance of Hudibras .'. 639 Persuasion to Mothers to Suckle their own Children 1096 Persuasions to Love 266 Pestilence of the Fifteenth Century 927 Phoebe Dawson 1175 Philanthropy — Mr. Howard 1095 Philomela 1760 Philomela's Ode 425 Pibroch of Donuil Dhu 1322 Picture of a Witch 689 Picture of Twilight 1710 Picture of War 1482 Pictures of Native Genius 1554 Pixies of Devon 1515 Plague Scenes 1426 Plighting Troth 212 Portrait of a Poor Gallant 249 Posies for thine own Bedchamber 89 Power and Gentleness ; or, the Cataract and Streamlet 1453 Praise of a Country Life 807 Praise of Chastity 607 Praise of Good Women 15 Praise of Women 27 Praise to God 1110 Prattle your Pleasure under the Rose 742 Prayer 1388 Prayer ; 1519 Prayer for Indifference 987 Prayer for Seasonable Weather 284 Pre-existency of the Soul 575 Preparation for Execution 448 Preparing to meet God 1062 Pride of Youth 1330 Primrose 1266 Prince Ai-thur's Address to-Night 131 Principal Points of Religion 90 Procrastination 858 Proper U.se of Talents 204 Protogenes and Apelles 757 Psalm xiii 500 Psalm xxiii 499 Psalm xxiii,, Paraphrase on 770 Psalm XXX 498 Psalm xlii 478 NO. OF roEai. Psalm xlviii 479 Psalm civ 823 Psalm cxlviii. Paraphrased -281 E. Rainbow 310 ReaUty of a True Religion 157 Reason 658 Rebellion 1543 Recollections of English Scenery 1101 Recommendation of a High Situation on the Sea-coast 925 Reconciliation 1704 Red, Red Rose 1584 Reflections 1178 Reign of Christ on Earth 1392 Religion of Hudibras 638 Remorse 840 Remorse 952 Render to Csesar the Things which are Caesar's 1817 Requiescat in Pace ! 1832 Requirements of a Tutor 248 Retaliation 917 Retirement 991 Richard II. , the Morning before his Murder 137 Richard the Second's Lament 170 Rinaldo at Mount Olivet and the Enchanted Wood 149 Robene and Makyne 38 Robert, Duke of Normandy, previously to his Eyes being put out 496 Robin Goodfellow 510 Robin Hood and AUen-a-Dale 517 Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne 519 Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar 520 Robin Hood reimburses himself of his Loan 524 Robin Hood rescuing the Widow's three Sons 518 Robin Hood's Death and Burial 525 Rock of Ages, cleft for Me 1074 Rondel of Love 387 Rosabelle 1331 Rosader's Sonetto 430 Rosalind's Madrigal 429 Rosiphele's Vision of Ladies , . . 30 Rule Britannia 879 Rumour 1' 3 Rural Sounds 10' d Ruth 1413 S. Sabbath Chimes 1701 Sadness 502 St. Peter's Day 1797 St. Romuald 1227 Sally in our Alley 1035 Samela • 420 Samson bewailing his Blindness and Cap- tivity 616 Sardanapalus 1723 Satan 1546 Satan meets Sin and Death 622 Satan's Address to the Sun 020 Satan's Speech 3 Satire 777 Say, lovely Dream ! 590 Scene of Early Love 1432 Scenes and Musings of the Peasant Poet... 1413 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. jtliii NO. OF POEM. Scorn not the Least 112 Scotland 1135 Scotland 1156 Search after God 476 Self-inspection 200 Self-murder 694 Sent with a rose, to Rose 1808 Sephestia's Song to her Child 422 Severed Friendship 1510 She walks in Beauty 1353 She's gane to dwell in Heaven 1621 Sheepfold 1265 Shepherds and Shepherdesses 460 Shepherd's Song 474 Shipwreck by Drink 475 Shipwrecked Sohtary's Song to the Night . 1170 Showers in Spring 864 Sic Vita 255 Sir Francis Drake 492 Sir John Barleycorn 719 Sir Sidney Smith 1137 Sit down, Sad Soul 1695 Sketches from a Painter's Studio 1775 Sleep 174 Sleep 497 Smoking Spiritualized 711 Smollett 953 Softly woo away her breath 1688 Soliloquy of Richard the Second in Prison 171 Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 1787 Solitary Life 395 Song by Love, to Physander and Bellanima 376 Song by Rogero, in the " Rovers " 1145 Song for a Highland Drover returning from England 1127 Song for St. Cecilia's D3y at Oxford 763 Song for the Seasons 1686 Song— May Eve ; or, Kate of Aberdeen ... 1022 Song of Hesi^erus 239 Song of Honest Recreation 403 Song of the Brook 1703 Song of the Danish Sea King 1641 Song of the Greek Poet 1344 Song of the Virgins celebrating the Victory 1237 Song of Wood Nymphs 1679 Song— The Blind Boy 1033 Song- The Parting Kiss 1000 Song to Apollo 408 Song to Celia 242 Song to David 994 Song to Echo 1098 SongtoMay 1097 Song to Morpheus 578 SongtoPan 220 Songs, 216, 232, 241, 254, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 289, 290, 296, 329, 332, 343, 352, 356, 373, 488, 571, 654, 656, 657, ms, 670, 679, 680, 683, 684, 685, 690, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 748, 811, 824, 827, 830, 835, 836, 837, 838, 882, 883, 899, 984, 1001. 1021, 1039, 1040, 1112, 1113, 1118, 1286, 1302, 1319, 1320, 1485, 1499, 1508, 1564, 1573, 1651, 1790. Sonnet made on Isabella Markham 99 Sonnet on a Wet Summer 1009 Sonnet on Age of T wenty-three 612 Sonnet on His Blindness 613 Sonnet on His late Deceased Wife 61 4 Sonnet on Sabbath Morn 1130 Sonnet on the Late Massacre in Piedmont 615 Sonnet, supposed to be written at Lemnos 1043 Sonnet to the Nightingale 611 Sonnet to the Redbreast 1008 no. OF I'OEM. Sonnet to Valclusa 1042 Sonnet upon a Stolen Kiss 272 Sonnets, 107, 123, 134, 140, 147, 164, 235, 396, 485, 489, 968, 1007, 1010, 1166, 1249, 1251, 1254, 1569, 1791, 1824 Sonnets to a Friend 1571 Sospetto d'Herode, Lib. I ^....^ 297 Speaking and Kissing 567 Speech 692 Spring 41 Spring 363 Spring 439 Spring 941 Spring 1382 Spring Cuckoo 1264 Staffa 1235 Stanzas for Music 1340 Stanzas on the Sea 1457 Stanzas written in Dejection near Naples,. 1369 Starlight Frost 1271 Sudden Change 299 Summer's Evening 1263 Summer Morning 1408 Summer is i-cumen in 12 Summer Spoi'ts 457 Summer Woods 1658 Summons of the Destroying Angel to the City of Babylon 1664 Sunday 302 Sunday in Edinburgh 10.55 Sunrise 1262 Sweet and Twenty 1749 Sweet Content 433 Sweet Spirit of Mv Love 1750 Sweet William's Farewell 802 Swiftness of Time 102 Sword Chant of Thorstein Raudi 1632 T. Take the Beam out of thine Own Eye 205 Tale of Argentile and Curan 484 Tale of Drury Lane, by W. S 1416 Tamo'Shanter 1591 Taste 902 Temperance 631 Tendencies of the Soul towards the Infinite 901 Terrors of a Guilty Conscience 976 Tetrastic 1013 That Pleasiu-e is mixed with every Pain ... 75 That the Soul is more than a Perfection or Reflection of the Sense 222 That the Soul is more than the Tempera- ture of the Humours of the Body 223 The Adopted Child 1452 The Age of Wisdom 1762 The Aged Man-at-Arms 411 The Alderman's Funeral 1216 The Alehouse 1595 The Angel of the Flowers 1811 The Angel of the World 1551 The Angelic Worship 624 The Anniversai-y 1111 The Answer of the Lord Chief Justice to Henry V 176 The Apple Dumplings and a King 1150 The Apple of Life 1829 The Annies at Salamis 998 The Arraignment of a Lover 101 The Astronomical Lady 861 The Author's Picture 978 xUv ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. so. OF POEM. The Awakine; of Eadymion 1465 The Ballad of Agincourt 143 The Baby's Debut, by W. \V 1415 The Bard 909 The Battle of Byland's Path 35 The Bee 558 The Beggar 1027 The Belgian Lovers and the Plague 1093 The Better Land 1445 The Birth of Christ 822 The Birth of Eobin Hood 515 The Blackbird 1S06 The Black-cock 1471 The Blind Beggar of Bednall Green 714 The Blood Horse 1680 The Bloom hath fled thy Cheek, Mary 1637 The Boat-race 1777 The Bower of Bliss 133 The Braes o' Balquhither 1598 The Braes o' Gleniffer 1599 The Braes of Yarrow 881 The Brave Earl Brand, and the King of England's Daughter 721 TheBreakof Day 233 The Bridal 1805 The Bridge of Sighs 1495 The Brier.. 1273 The Brook-side '. 1717 The Broom-Flower 1657 The Brown Jug 1014 The Brownie of Blednock 1650 TheBud 589 The Burial of Sir John Moore 1562 The Burial of the Righteous 1161 The Burial-March of Dundee 1663 The Bush aboon Traquair 1028 The Call 308 The Cameronian Cat 738 The Cameronian's Dream 1652 The Canterbury Tales 19 The Catholick 712 The Cavalier's Farewell to his Mistress ... 743 The Cavalier's Song 1636 The Cave 939 The Chameleon 1016 The Character of Chatham 1077 The Cherry and the Slae 389 The Child and the Mourners 1738 The Child and the Watcher 1559 The Childe of EUe 535 The Child's First Grief 1448 The Christening , 1232 The Christiad 1169 The Chronicle 541 The Church-builder 839 The Cloud 1360 The Cobbler and the Vicar of Bray 744 The Coming of Winter 441 The Commencement of Dartmoor 1513 The Common Doom 461 The Common Lot ; 1387 The Companionship of the Muse 273 The Complaint "... 549 The Complaints of the Poor 1222 The Compliment 261 The Confession 445 The Contented Shepherd ! 829 The Convict Ship .." 1525 The Cotter's Saturday Night 1592 The Council of Horses 799 The Country Ballad-singer 804 The Country Life 345 The Country's Recreations 115 NO. OF POEJI. The Covenanter's Battle Chant 1639 The Cross 1730 The Cuckow and the Nightingale. '21 The Daffodils 1207 The Day of Judgment 853 The Day of Judgment 1666 The Death-bed 1497 The Death-bell 469 The Death of a Good Man 848 The Death of Haidee 1351 The Death of Jauusa and Ammurat 584 The Death of Mary 1563 The Death of Rosamond 367 The Death of the Virtuous 1108 The Deatli of the Warrior King 1697 The Death of the Young Mother 1433 The Death of Wallace 47 The Decay of Summer 440 The Demand of Justice 313 The Departure of the Swallow 1661 The Deserted Village 919 The Despairing Shepherd 749 The Dispensary 786 The Diverting History of John Gilpin 1087 The Dream 234 The Dream 1241, 1341 The Dream of Eugene Aram 1494 The Duplicity of Women 26 The Dying Christian to his Soul 781 The Dying Sailor 1177 The Elder Scripture 1796 The Elephant in the Moon 643 The Emigrant's Adieu to Ballyshannon.... 1838 The Emigrant's Farewell 1480 The Emigrants in Bermudas 634 The Emptiness of Riches 859 The Envious Man and the Miser 31 The Equality of the Grave 462 The Eve of St. Agnes 1820 The Evening Cloud 1425 The Exactions and Delay of the Law 59 The Excommunication of the Cid 1524 The Excursion 1553 The E.xile'sSong 1647 The Fair Recluse 1665 The Fairies of the Caldonlaw 1654 The Fairy to Puck 210 The Farmer's Boy 725 The Farmer's Ingle 1053 The Farmer's Life 1123 The Father and Child 1724 The Father of Pharonnida discovers her Attachment to Argalia 582 The Feast 557 The Field of Battle 982 The Field of the World 1394 The Fireside 1024 The First Day 1 The First Pastoral 790 The Fishermen 1800 The Flight of Love 1366 The Flower 304 The Flower o'Dumblane 1600 The Flowers of the Forest 1048 The Flowers of the Forest 1049 The Ford of Arle 282 The Fox at the Point of Death 798 The French Army in Russia 1539 The Friar of Orders Gray 938 The Friend of Humanity and the Knife- grinder 1144 The Garden of Adonis 132 The Garden Gate 729 NO. OF POEM. TheGarlcand 754 The Giants and the Abbey 1295 The Gipsy's Malison 1233 The Girl of Cadiz 1339 The Gladiator 1346 The Goat without a Beard 796 The Golden Age 39 The Golden Glove 716 The Good Man 160 The Good Time coming 1741 The Gospel 1058 The Grand Question debated 775 The Grasp of the Dead 1467 The Gi-ave 842 The Grave 847 The Grave 1385 The Grave of Anna 1141 The Graves of a Household 1439 The Greenland Missionaries 1078 The Greenwich. Pensioners 1240 The Greenwood 1241 The Hamlet, an Ode 965 The Happy Man 8 The Happy Man 878 The Happy Marriage 1034 The Hare and many Friends 801 The Harp that once through Tara's Halls . 1285 The Harvest Storm 871 The Haunch of Venison 920 The Haymaker's Song 728 The Heir of Linne 537 The Helmets 981 The Hermit 809 The Hermit 992 The Heroine of Auster Fair 1629 The Highland Poor 1120 The Hills o' Gallowa' 1648 The Hitchin May-day Song 727 The Holly Tree 1215 The Homes of England 1436 The Hour of Prayer 1443 The House of Fame 23 The House of liiches 129 The Hunter's Song 1684 The Hunting of the Cheviot 528 The Husband's Return 1596 The Image of Death Ill The Image of Jealousy in the Chapel of Diana 334 The Immortality of the Soul 225 The Impressed Sailor Boy 1163 The Inchcape Eock 1224 The Induction to the Complaint of Henry, Duke of Buckingham 9Q The Inquiry 384 The InterWew of Vortigem with Rowen ... 14 The Invocation and Introduction to Para- dise Lost ; 619 The Ivy Green 1818 The Jews' Return to Jerusalem 980 The Journey onwards 1293 The Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove 722 The Just Indignation of the Oppressed 277 The Reach i' the Creel 718 The King of Denmark's Ride 1716 The King's Answer 177 The Kiss, a Dialogue 340 The Kitten 1473 The Knight releases his Lands and suc- cours a Yeoman 522 The Ladder to Thrift 83 The Lady's Looking-glass 750 The Lady's Song in "Comus" 608 XO. OF POFM. The Land of My Birth 1721 The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers 1451 The Languid Lady 862 The Lark 473 The Lass of Lochroyan 539 The Last Journey 1532 The Last Time I came o'er the Moor 825 The Last Verses of Chaucer ....TTir.rr -28 The Light of other Days 1292 The Lily 1122 The Lion and Giraffe 1479 The Lion and the Cub 794 The Long-ago 1719 The Lost Leader 1788 The Lot of Thousands 1115 The Love of Praise 860 The Love that is requited with Disdain 93 Tlie Loved One was not there 1743 The Lover complaineth of the Unkiudness of His Love 72 The Lover requesteth some Friendly Com- fort, affirming his Constancy 92 The Lover's Lute cannot be blamed, though it smg of his Lady's Unkind- ness 73 The Loyal Soldier 746 The Mad Lover 382 The Madman's Song 447 The Madness of Orestes 467 The Maid's Lament 1272 The Maid of Neidpath 1329 The Man of Ross 779 The Mariner's Wife 929 The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche 1121 The Massacre of the Macpherson 1662 The Means to attain Happy Life 66 The Memory of the Dead 1793 The Men of Forty-eight 1745 The Men of Old 1718 The Merle and Nightingale 51 The Mermaid 1132 The Messiah 630 The Messiah • 776 The Midges dance aboon the Burn 1601 The Midnight Messenger 710 The Midnight Ocean 1424 The Midnight Wind 1635 The Minion Wife 399 The Ministry of Angels 130 The Minstrel's Song in Ella 944 The Miser 844 The Miser's Mansion 1218 The Miseries of a Poet's Life 9,50 The Monkey 1655 The Monkey who had seen the World 792 The Moon was a-waning 1614 The Morning Star 375 The Mother's Hand 1699 The Mother's Heart 1711 The Mother's last Song 1689 The Mow 726 The Muster for the First Crusade 13 The Nabob 1102 The New Litany 735 The New-mown Hay 730 The New Year 646 The New Year's Gift 1472 The Night before the Battle of Waterloo... 1358 The Night-piece ; or, a Pictxire Drawn in the Dark 602 The Nightingale 1506 The Nobility exhorted to the Patronage of Learning 139 xlvi ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POEMS. so. OP roHM. The Nobleman's generous Kindness 720 The Noontide of a Summer's Day 392 TheNuu liOl The Nutbrown Maid 94 The Nymph's Reply 114 The Nymphs to their May Queen 122 The Odour 305 The Old and Young Courtier 511 The Old Arm-chair 1720 The Old Familiar Faces 1230 The Old Farm-gate " 1722 The Old Hen and the Cock 795 The Old Man's Comforts 1223 The Old Man's Wish 686 The Old Protestant's Litany 736 The Old Water-mill 1724 The One Gray Hair 1277 The Only Eest 7 The Orphan Boy 1700 The Orphan Boy's Tale IIIG The Outlaw 1326 The Owl 1685 The Owl and the Bell 1831 The Oxford Riddle 507 The Painter 1542 The Painter who pleased NobodyandEvery- body 793 The Palmer 1333 The Parish Workhouse and Apothecary ... 1173 The Parrot 1310 The Parting of Lovers 1737 The Passionate Shephoi-d to his Love 113 The Past 1727 The Pauper's Death-bed 1531 The Philosopher's Devotion 572 The Pilofrims and the Peas 1147 The Pixies of Devon 1515 The Poet and the Rose 800 The Poet's Bridal-day Song 1622 The Poet's Hour 1547 The Poet's Song to his Wife 1687 The Power of Love 217 The Praise of a Solitary Life 366 The Pre-existency of the Soul 575 The Preparation for Execution 448 The Pride of Youth 1330 The Primrose 270 The Primrose 1409 The Prisoner of Chillon 1345 The Progress of Discontent 973 The Progress of Love 904 The Prophecy 942 The Puritan 740 The Queen 1774 The Quiet Life 782 The Rainbow 310 The Rainbow 562 The Real and the Ideal 456 The Reaper 1206 The Reconciliation 1704 The Re-cured Lover exulteth in his Free- dom, and voweth to remain Free nntil Death 74 The Reign of Christ on Earth 1392 The Resolve 381 The Resurrection 849 The Retirement 648 The Retreat 564 The Return of David II. from Captivity ... 44 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 1503 The Rose 850 The Roundhead 741 The Sabbath Day 1422 NO. OF POBM. The Sailing of Beowulf 9 The Sailor's Farewell 1038 The Sailor's Wife 1742 The Saint's Encouragement 370 The Scholar 1220 The Schoolmistress 893 The Sea 1681 The Sea 1833 The Sea in Calm 1683 The Seasons of Life 1812 The Secret Way 1828 The Seeds of Love 671 The Seeker 816 The Self-banished 601 The sequestered Retirement of Bentworth 283 The Shepherd and his Wile 423 The Shepherd Boy 1462 The Ship departing from the Haven 946 The Shipwreck of the Caravel of Grace .... 56 The Shipwrecked Solitary's Song 1170 The Sick Man and the Angel 797 The Skylark 1613 The Sleep 1561 The Sleeping Beauty 1184 The Sleeping Figure of Modena 1676 The Soldier's Dream 1308 The Soldier's Home 1125 The Solitary Tomb 1458- The Song of the Enamoured Shepherd 410 The Song of the Shirt 1496 The Songs of Birds 405 The Sorcerers of Vain Delights 311 The Soul and Body 574 The Soul in Despair 5 The Soul's Errand 119 The Soul's Errand 503 The Spanish Lady's Love 538 The Spirit's Epilogue in ''Comus" 609 The Splendid Shilling 666 The Spring 368 The S