UC NRLF 11 ill 111 HF $B 3fl Mb'^ 5549 H5 Osi o PO0MS, RECORDS AND rail^ORTS IN PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION EDITED BY C, N, HITCHCOCK THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Copyright ig22 by The Umversity of Chicago m FORMS, RECORDS . n-;; AND REPORTS IN PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION EDITED BY C. N. HITCHCOCK THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Copyright ig22 by The University of Chicago INTRODUCTORY NOTE The purposes of this collection of forms and records are two: to suggest the type of data in the field of industrial relations which the management of a business should have at its disposal, the records necessary for its collection and some possible methods of presenting it for administrative use; and, quite incidentally, to illustrate the normal daily routine procedure of a personnel department. For the university student of administration, the first is much the more important of the two. The main purpose of records and reports in the personnel field is — or should be — the same as that of any other kind of accoun'Kng or statistical work in industry: namely, to give the management in the most convenient and suggestive form the kind of information which will best enable it to determine policies wisely and to administer them effectively. To state the same thing in other words, personnel records should be designed in such a way as to assist the management in establishing, revising, and enforcing proper standards, and the number and character of records and reports necessary in any given case will depend on the quantity and nature of the information which the management n.eeds to have. This means, of course, that the best system of records and reports for one business will vary in detail — ^perhaps in many details — from the best system for another business. All that can be accomplished by a collection like the present one, drawn as it is from many estab- lishments of widely different character, is to suggest some of the many kinds of information which some corporations have found necessary and various possible ways of presenting it effectively. The student is advised, however, to study the forms with an eye constantly on the chart on pages 12 and 13, suggesting a possible statistical scheme for a personnel organization, and to be asking himself continually why details called for on the routine forms are needed and how they may affect policy determination and administration. There should be little difficulty in following the sequence of the forms illustrating routine procedure. No effort has been made to cover every conceivable requirement, but the selection is beheved to be sufficiently inclusive to enable the student to work out for himself 500i09 A ^ J •; filthy 'character o^ omitted forms. In some cases overlapping is in- ' ' ' V6lv(^d through the insertion of two or three forms covering the same operation but illustrating some variation in procedure. Where it has seemed necessary a brief explanatory footnote or cross-reference has been added. Particular attention should be given to the intro- ductory notes to Sections IV and VII and to the questions at the end of each main section. Acknowledgment is due to the following for permission to repro- duce forms: The International Harvester Co., E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., the Hood Rubber Co., the Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., the American Rolling Mill Co., the Eastman Kodak Co., the Forbes Lithograph Co., the Willys-Overland Co., the Thos. A. Edison Inter- ests, the Plimpton Press, the MetropoHtan Life Insurance Co., the Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., the Dennison Mfg. Co., the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Illinois Steel Co., the Amoskeag Mfg. Co., the Fisk Rubber Co., the Norton Co., the W. H. McElwain Co., the Franklin Automobile Co., Sears, Roebuck and Co., the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the White Motor Co., the McGraw- Hill Book Co., the University of Wisconsin Extension Service, the College of Technology, Manchester, England; the editors of Industrial Management. CONTENTS I. FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CHART PAGE 1. Functions OF A Personnel Department: One View . . lo 2. Another View of Personnel Department Functions Insert 3. Possible Relations between Personnel and Production Departments .11 4. AU Employment Statistics Chart 11. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION Routine Procedure: Hiring FORM la. Requisition Blank 14 lb. Anticipated Requirements Blank 15 2. Requirements Schedule . . . ! 16 3. Schedule of Authorized Rates 16 4a. Job Specification Card — Factory Work^ -j^ ^ J, A r ^- r>i 1 /Obverse 19 Sa. Application Blanks ^ 5^. Another Form of Application Blanks -n 6a. Interviewer's Report on AppHcant . 22 6b. Reference to Physical Examiner 22 7. Notice of Engagement 23 8. Temporary Pass . 23 9. Workman's Introduction to Department Head or Foreman . 24 10. Application for Permanent Identification Badge .... 25 11. Notice to Time-Keeper of Engagement 25 12. Notice to Accounting Room 25 s B. Routine Procedure: Adjustment (Transfer and Change or Rate) /. Transfer FORM PAGE 13a. Recommendation for Transfer Out of Section — Used in a Commercial Business 26 13&. Recommendation for Change in Position Within Section — Used in a Commercial Business 26 13c. Request to Transfer — Used in an Industrial Plant ... 27 14. Transfer Notice 27 15. Notice to Foreman of Transfer 28 //. Change of Rate 16. Request for Rate Change 28 17. Summary of Rate Change Recommendations 29 18. Notice to Employee of Rate Increase 29 19. 'Summary Record of Salary Change Recommendations — Used in a Commercial Business' 30 C. Routine Procedure: Separation 20. Notice of Reference to Employment Office of Misfit Employee 31 2 Id. Foreman's Report on Exit 32 2ih. Leaving Notice — Used in a Commercial Business .... t^t, 22. Discontinuance Recommendation — Used in a Commercial Business 34 23. Clearance Notice to Paymaster 35 24. Cashier's Final Pay Receipt 35 25. Summary Record of Leaving Notices 35 D. Follow-up: Rating 26. Quarterly Rating Form ^6 27a. Rating Scale for Routine Employment 37 276. Rating Report: Routine Employment 38 28a. Summary Efficiency Report 39 286. Rating Record for Salesman 39 28c. Rating Scale for Foremen 40 E. Current Records: Individual Employee c • -D , /Obverse 42 29. Service Records ,-. ^ [Reverse 43 30a. Folder Form of Service Record 44 30&. Service Card Used in Form 3oas -^ ^ 31. Another Type of Service Records p ^ « 6 FORM PAGE _ , ^ , [Obverse *. 47 32. Foreman s Record I ^^^^^^^ ^^ S3. Mechanical Computation Card, Used for Assembling Employ- ment Data by Machine 48 F. Attendance: Procedure and Summary Records 34. Individual Time Card 49 35. Late Slip 49 36. Summary Absentee List 50 37. Summary Attendance Report . 51 38. Attendance Report by Departments and Nationalities . . 52 39. Another Type of Summary — Used by a Bank 53 40. Absentee Summary — Used by an Industrial Plant • • • 53 41. Follow-up Report on Absences < -n 42. Warning and Follow-up Notice on Absences^ ... 5 G. Employment Changes: Summary Records and Reports 43. Daily Summary of Emplo5anent Changes 57 44. Daily Labor Report 58 45. Summary of Changes on Different Classes of Work ... 59 46. Daily Turnover Record 60 Questions on Section II 61 III. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE TRAINING SECTION 47. Application Blank 63 48. Weight Chart for Selection '63 49. Apprentice Record Made Out by Foreman 64 50. Apprentice Classroom Report 64 51. Form Used for Obtaining Information about AppHcant by Mail 65 'Page I 66 Page 2 67 Questions on Section III 68 52. Complete Individual Record IV. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE HEALTH AND , ^^ SAFETY SECTION A. Health 53. A Simple Type of Physical Examination Records tj 54. A Card Showing Procedure in Checking Up on Report of Absence Due to Illness 71 55. Notice from Hospital to Foreman of Employee's Ability to Work 71 FORH PAGE 56. Hospital Record of Diagnosis and Treatment 72 57. Dental Office Summary 72 58. Form for Visiting Nurse's Report on Sick or Injured Employee 73 B. Safety 59. Record of Safety Meeting 74 60. Notice of Warning to Employee of Safety Rule Violation . 74 ^ , » . , T^ f Obverse jk 01. Foreman s Accident Report <-r, (^Reverse 75 62. Physician's Accident Report 76 63. Accident Report and Time Bill to Be Filled Out By Foreman 77 64. Form Showing Information Called for by Workmen's Com- pensation Act 78 65. Complete Individual Record of Illness or Accident ... 79 66. Another Form of Accident Record (Individual) <^ 67. Departmental Accident Record 82 68. Loss of Time Accident Record 8^ C. Summary Records: Health and Safety 69. Weekly Hospital Report 84 70. Another Form of Summary Report 85 Questions on Section IV 86 V. FORMS AND RECORDS AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE RESEARCH AND PLANNING SECTION Introductory Note . 87 A. Time and Motion Study 71. Request for Job Surveys ^ ' ^ •' -^ (^Reverse 90 72. "Over-all" Time Study Sheet 91 73. A Production Study Observation Sheet 92 74. Follow-up of Time-Study: a Fall-Down Card 94 B. Production Routing and Cost Compilation 75. Standing Order Card 94 ^ ^ . ^ , [Obverse 95 76. Instruction Card <-D ' [Reverse 95 77. Master Route Card — Time Ticket 96 78. Notice to Time-Keeper 96 79. Job Ticket 97 80. Interworks Report of Costs 97 81. Workman's Weekly Summary Report 98 82. Weekly Collation Report 99 83. Graphical Weekly Wage Record 100 FORM ' ' ^ ' ^ ■ . Pa6e C. Individual Production Records 84. Individual Production Record 10 1 85. Another Individual Production Record \^ ^ [Reverse .... 102 D. Occupational Rating and Wage Standardization 86. Job Specifications Card Used as Basis of Occupational Rating and Wage Determination < ^ ° [Reverse 105 87. Departmental Rate Survey and Summary 106 88. Salary Classification Sheet — Used in a Commercial Business 107 Questions on Section V 108 VI. MISCELLANEOUS FORMS— PROFIT-SHARING, INSURANCE, AND BENEFIT 89. A Profit-Sharing Contracts TD ^ ° [Reverse in 90. Report to Employee of Profits Distributed 112 91. AppHcation for Membership in an Employees' Benefit Association 113 92. Notice of Workman's DisabiHty for Relief Department . . 114 93. Employee's Statement in Connection with a Group Insurance Plan 114 VII. STATISTICAL REPORTS FOR MANAGERIAL USE Introductory Note 115 94. Cumulative Annual Turnover Record 118 95. A Method of Presenting Comparative Turnover Statistics . 119 96. Labor Report Showing Daily Activities 120 97. A Graphical Presentation of the Data Shown in Form 96 . 122 98. An Annual Graphical Summary of the Same Information . 122 99. Follow-up Report of Turnover to Head of Department Con- cerned 123 100. Cost Report of Service Outlay 124 loi. A Graphical Record of the Results on Lost Time of a Change of Hours 125 102. A Graphical Record of Output in Different Industries as Affected by Hours and Fatigue 126 103. A Graphical Record of Hourly Output under a Twelve-Hour Shift as Compared with an Eight-Hour Shift 127 Questions on Sections VII and I 128 FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION CHARTS FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION c.wvH" "* rt o 3 S*^ 3 en S' "3,rttJ^*< >.'^Wa. c/i G.-i3 h5 CJ OM fii fiH O *=- « CO -4 >0 ■3 g'-w nJ --^*J O JO O •2 i2 fe..^ *j-*^a; 2 a 5 .tJM-.'O OS S o .<«^ 51 ^ C3 o^' - "^-S S^-o Jo 2 ^S 8:2 §5 6 § 13 M « ^lO >o t^oo o> o •a ti u .2wh^ §^"2^ ■liili-isl.lKi2-lPJi3.Sxi W s-< O ,i ^ •S S E gi-^l-S i fe -o g to a- e o.a !«"2 ^'i en- o <: « *.i2o i" «- « c S °Se "a u Sj -^ O '-' rt O (0 H rt e3»-^ liy^|i2"^St3|o^ o > V u D bj „ Pm o;> w < ° ^ les H <: S ^ a H u a o en-; 22'! 1ll - i-i'^ uE w iJII i; rt & c 3 O o , ■5;13(^<^ " 1^ ell it Ob "ocO--*^^ «"S ^ S-S o ?! _'S^ C.3 rt in ^ P^ .2 »- >:"§-^-c ,^^5£ 01;; - 4) X > « c fo-tvovd PER R REQUfREnEffTS g 'S?S HiE OMvwanoHS gv i spcciricATioKS rea cmm S SUPPLY ceoiruus Mccmon < : MM VT(* cnn-OT i^ WDHTtO'AM l«.W>»APCR» TDMX J0O«IVM.5 l*9«aCI«TI0M JOUONAI.^ -m »W1.V H C|0tVU.0MI6 UMOMSTUOIfS ^ U: scNome roK au»uirii.D RKtRVC WPLICANTS WVtaTIWNG b PtRSONM SOllCITATion SN SELCCnOM 1 -Jl INTIRriAl. SUPPtV 1 ^ 1 -J. *OV*MCIfiG UtiOtRSTUOltS _j ^lAHALllme PRtSlNT FMCl 1 _| a 1 t«TtRI«L SUPPLY. RtSIRVtl — 12 OH TRAHSitnr 1 1 H 1 1 — j*|»PPHCAT«W 1 - •> t?;i*t?"'"'°" " ""' 1 -|c|pt.»O.A...T„v..„ 1 H.|.». 1 1 . ICOHSIMRATION Of PXYtUAl 1 -| * laoAuntATIOMS 1 -|f|sriS5ru.Yr,s«r" | H«EF''"-"'''"^ 1 1 f, ,r Posiiio-1 « A«e. MTH I — IH"*"- " 1 - .Ifwuoa orrnAHtts 1 - b|»AVWU DaCOKnNUMCtsI '|M1H.0Ytt WWM#nvSM| [l luTIUZmG CMfLOVCI » ^'[uMAurno 1— je niMtsruu 1 1 J iTentlT MOOUCTIOM ■j 1 rmcTUATWiJ '■^.^^rcr,!2iSkAT«4 I H — 1 LJk RCC06NITWH0F»UtVICC Ic tUNCH Koon L_T.H.rucr««-.«KArKH,| 1 -« roauMMsnuTMM r rOBCMANi ntvf i.0(>M£«r ~i ^B COUHMS • )NNEL Functions jement," in Industrial Management, LX (1920), 122.) R RECORDS i Mtooucrion ucmim -t AaiOCMT RtC«KD» -f 4 H t MMLV Rtfwrr «r m TAaULATMOS PERSONNEL ACTIVITY CHART II IPI 111 t^|l tll|r til lilt I ^1 llll Hit? fill lilil r - g So " -c' iS ° 2 o „ J; K _ c fc ° "^ S E I i oiai^x I ■Hi 44 Jl . Ml^tfiuA"' 535 Nouvonap w Z ^^0Ix^as ONiNNvid. ONV HOHvasan if &2 H = 2 e I li. c .2 .SQ If •S'S 13 II. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT SECTION A. ROUTINE procedure: HIRING REQUISITION FOR HELP Dfpt Datf Employment Dept. — Please furnish the following help for this Depart- ment. When wantfrl 1 Number Wanted For Job # (As per Job Analysis) Day or Night Work Piece Work or Day Work Day Rate to Start Remarks Date filk »H (I "illed in by Empl. Dept.) Foreman Form la. Requisition Blank 14 ANTICIPATED HELP REQUIREMENTS PERSONNEL DIVISION Date, Thli form Is to tie mide out In triplicate. Ilie llle copy is to tie retained liy die oltloe where It ortglnates. Tlie "Original" Mil "DeparliMnt" copies are to be forwarded to tli« Head ol the Wilmington Oepaitment ^>v ■: Jurisdiction over tlie worli. II lie appronei, the original will tie forwarded to the rersonnej Division, UtrAKIMbWi I Representative of the Department Interested, This Department will need the following helpi When required (ch'ck which) Indmediafeiy. In 30 days In .....days. As soon^ as obtainable, IViale or female (d..*T.i:ll!) Number required When the job number is known show it here Will Report to.. Describe the type of individual(s) wanted; and the nature of the work that is to be performed: Location of work _ Salary (Gl«e «n monthly biiis in nrmt ol toul piy not u bate uUry) (Eipecl to poy) $ (MwUnuni Pualbic) $.. Remarks: — Signed.., * Department , Approved by for the Department Date.. NOTE:— Request but one kind of help en a blank. Iny number of a single kind may be requested on a single blank. This blank U to b* uoed only for notifying the Poraonnal DIvlolon of antlelpatod holp roqulroments, and ohould ba forwarded. a> advload above In a oaaled envelope, well In advance of the time when the help will be needed. When the reaueM i« for help that lo difficult to obtain and the request is Indefinite In time so state under rrmarhs. OVER) Form ib. Anticipated Requirements Blank (Procedure noted on form.) IS Wanted Schedule 191 Foreman No. Work Rate Supplied Foreman No. Work Rate Supplied MIXING PACKING Kriensen Rowland Stewart SucU D Sullivan RECLAIM'G F. Sullivnn Flora H. H. Shirley Morrison HAW MTL- ; Rose Clinse Weaver Tolman CALENDER Calvin Snowman Lyons Riley CEMENT LACKERS Bowles Rich MerriU CLOTH BriKliam SHIPPING ^^^ IIEEI -"' 1 L — — ^"^"^ ^^— -J "^^«^ '-^^ Form 2. Requirements Schedule AUTHORIZED RATES . Shop Dept. Wnrlr. ,q Check Number Series Tn &'"?'"%" au''?b "ir T-aT 'l'' """'''''''''' NAME OF JOB REPORT TO TurD Si; Mrmal da> days week Author- ized Actual per Earninjs dar Earnints Bonus reler- lob retcreoce £4 brs Turn Form 3. Schedule of Authorized Rates 16 JOB SPECIFICATION FOR WORKS EMPLOYES Occupation No. ... Class Job No. Dept. .Division .. Section THE WORKER:- Age Limits Minim urn Weight QiVlan QSpeak English DStrong DAccuracy DUseJigs QWoman QRead English DQuicK QThoro'jgh QGauges QTall DWrite English . QDeliberato QGood Memory QTemplates nMedium QSth Grade DPatient QRead Scale QMicrometer nColored QSth Grade DObservant DSet Up Work QPrints Tools Operative Should Own How Taught. Promote FroTi To Form 4a. Job Specification Card — Factory Work — Obverse THE WORK:— DHcaviJ DStanding DHot DLight DSitting DCold DClose DStobping QWet DRough DReaching QDirty DHand Lift DRepetition DDusty DCrane Lift D D Approximate number engaged in this work: Men QFumes QOils DAcids DHard for Hands DEye Strain D Women DDay Work DPremium DPiece Work DStandard Time DGroup DTask Form 4a. Reverse 17 JOB SPECIFICATION FOR OFFICE EMPLOYEES Job No Dept Division Section . . No Class The Worker:— Age Limits... □ Man □ Grade □ English □ Accuracy □ Memory □ Woman □ High School □ Mathematics □ Alertness □ Initiative □ Tall □ Commercial □ Stenography □ Analytical □ Observation □ Medium □Technical □Typing □ Concentration □ Speed □ Short D □Writing □ Deliberate □ Systematic D D D □ Executive □Tact Experience (time) Remarks — - HowTaunht 1 Form 46. Job Specification for Office Employee — Obverse THE WORK:- Hours , to Sat AoDfoxifiiato Nurhber on This Work^Men ..to Women □Check □ Hourly □Salary D □A Jding Machine QBlje Prints □Co.-nptometsr nRoutins □ Dictaphone □Supervis33 □Slide Rule QRegular O/ertime □Sitting □Standing □Reaching □Walking Form 36. Reverse 18 a a •I = < Q Z < J| z ^ ^ < s ^ t3 I s :5 13 I ^1 ll X ^ z 8 z Ul oi § 1 i 1 1 1 B. >> C CS i •5 o Id z 5-S J *s 5 19 i < O m i 1 u Q 1 g Q 1 • ■a > a z :2 c 1 1 1 c .£ 2 •1 J c 1 > 1 Q 5 >• a > w ^1 II 1 z •5 <« g- «- H 05 \ Name of applii Address Did you ever work for this Company?. Rate of pay wanted Where bom Date of birth . Married? -Birthplace of father . -Birthplace of mother _ Number dependent for support _ Did you go to grammar school? College or Tech.: Name of last school attended _Did you graduate? What course did you take? What trade? Where learned?. Previous employment (Last 3 jobs) Firm Kind of Work From To Reasons for Leaving 1 References (preferably those working here.). •? & s « •§■ . / r Form $h. Another Form of Application Blank — Obverse Draw one line under those occupations in which the applicant has worked. Draw two lines under those in which he claims to be expert. Also state number of years experience in each occupation. Prnhahlp Inifiativp %^fLl^'-' Manners General Training Dress &1.??SS!oi," Features Experience Conversation S--"° Concentration r^'js?^'-'"' Ambition Energy I. Accountant 12-2. Auto Box Mach. 42 3 Auto 42-4. Blacksmith 5. Blocker 1.6. Bookkeeper 12-7. C.&C.P.Feed. 12-8. C&C. Press 12-9. C.aC.Cyl. Press 1511). Calender Mach. 11. Carpenter 12. Carton Dept. 13. Chemisi 23-14. Coal Passer 15. Coating Mach. 16 Compositor 17. Cutter 26-18. Die Cutter 19. Die Stamper 20. Draftsman 21. Electrician 23^. Elevator 23. Engineer 24. Engraver 25. Executive 26. FinishingDepl. 23-27. Fireman 28 Foreman 59-29. Freight Han 13-30. Ink Maker 31. Janitor 33-32 Job Feeder 33. Job Press 33-34. Kelley Press 11-35. Laborer 36. Litho Artist 40-37. Litho Feeder 40-38. Lilho Lumper 40-39. Lilho Offset Press 4Q. Litho Rotary Press 40-41. Lilho Stone Press (2. Machinist 44. Nurse 56-45. Packer 11-46. Painter 5-47. Photo En- graver 48. Photographer 49. Planning Dept. 50. Plumber 50-51. Plumber's Helper 52. Poster Artist 53. Prover 54. Restaurant 55. Roller Maker 56. Shipper 50-57. Steamfitter 58. Stenographer 59. Stores Keeper (Composing) 61. Stone Polisher Operator 63. Telephone Operator 64. Transferrer 66. TypeCyl Press 12-67. Varnish Mach. 68. Zinc Elcher , 69. Zinc Grainer 72. Farmer 42-73. Foundry Man 74. Housework 11-77. Rigser 78. Rubber Worker 79. Seafaring Man 81. Shoe Worker 82. Student S— If expert in any occupation not mentioned write it here Form 56. Reverse 21 INTERVIEWER'S REPORT Dale. Foreman. Check. Was the wage satisfactory? Was the work satisfactory? Was the instruction clear ? Was the foreman, inspectors courteous?. Reason for leaving Interviewed by. 191 Form 6a. Interviewer's Report on Applicant TO MEDICAL DEP'T". oatp PLEASE EXAMINE M SERIAL No. NATIONALITY CHURCH AnDRESS JOB TO EMPLOYMENT DEP'T: BEARER IS RATED AS FOLLOWS: height wtiCHT rr. IN. LBS. SHOULD RETURN FOR ANOTHER EXAMINATION ABOUT MEDICAL DIP'T Form 6h. Reference to Physical Examiner ADVICE OF WORKMAN SUPPLIED Date Mr. Mr. 6ENEUL FOIEKUK -has been engaged as Occupation No._ Occupation Has": Job Anal\ Card No sis Index S.Time Pramium PcWork Task Day Work Extra for Night Tn. Day rate effective at once; other rate effective when u employee starts on contract work, which should not be later than Physical Examination Chiss Check No Section. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT If workman fails to report for work, return this slip to Employment Department; otherwise it Is to acci Division if for cliec^ employee, or card 4486 to the Salary Record Division if for a salaried or hourly pass employee. 1M( form to Empkyncnt DciortiwnL mnanv Card 6400 to the Pay I Aoceunang Depoartimnt to re EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Please issue pass to bearer who is to begin work in Section „.. -Day Turn t^_. or XT- ui. 1' uiiie Night 1 urn Form 7. Notice of Engagement (Note procedure on form.) Pass to Employment Dept. M ^.... ...... has been employed and is to start work At $JJ Date 19. Emplojnnent Dept. DEPT. APPLICANT'S NUMBER ASSIGNMENT CLERK Form 8. Temporary Pass 23 INTRODUCTION Introducino individual named below for position mentioned. If applicant is satisfactory insert only the date effective and return to Employment Service Department witt) signature of Function Head. If applicant is not satisfactory shovy reason, sign opposite No. 1 and return to Employment Service Department in envelope at once. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT By- REJECTION NOTICE. APPLICANT IS NOT SATISFACTORY. NOTICE OF I Engagement XR^::EnjBagemen^ I R e-lnstatem ent I Transfer ON THE |Private^ayryU__ ii/l'n'f'g. Payroll Ttios. A. Edison Interests Name No. ADDRESS s M H Date Effective RATE PER Function EMPLOYMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO. TRANSFERRED TO AUTHORIZED I EMPLOYMENT SERVICE DEPT. DIV. MQR., DEPT. MOR.. FOREMAN Form 9. Workman's Introduction to Department Head or Foreman 24 REQUEST FOR IDENTIFICATION BADGE Ejnployment Dept. Please issue identificajtion badge to I Nev □ Replacem of old ba^ Replacement dge Signed. Employee Badge Number Approved Issued . Date, Form io. Application for Permanent Identification Badge NEW EMPLOYEE To The following applicant will enter our employ: Date Department Name Signed 19 Form ii. Notice to Time-Keeper of Engagement NAME DEPT. New Employee, hired at cents per hour dollars per week Overtime at after hours Raise from cents per hour x. doUari per week ^0 cents per hour dollars per week Beginning Remarks : Signed by Ok'd by Form 12. Notice to Accounting Room 25 B. ROUTINE procedure: ADJUSTMENT (TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF rate) /. Transfer Q O *♦* u 4> CO o S I 1°- §111 w •a 1? a E p^ § 0^ 11 u m ^ f/) SSSi i 11? ;? o H c; N CO Pm O H ti o ,,^ t/5 ■< Xi (^ ,_i H •S « g s ;?; n o H cS < a 'A xJ :^ i!f? s t) o c; w P^ I ^ O c I? o , .2 '^ -a fC c a> S 6 o u o ^ 2 e Si H U w C/i /: H H >• ;« o H ^ 1^ Hh d :^ O "c? A X o § O ^ «J ;5 C! o H 1 < tS 26 Request to Transfer D«te. Check _ No._ Dcpt. _No._ ID 2 'to Above employee requests a tran^ter to another line of work consistent with experience indicated on b<- ck of this ticket; such transfer not to be made until after two weeks, subject then to vacancies, and the furnishing to this department of a satisfactory substitute. Employee gives three days' notice of quitHng See pay-off schedule Immediate transfer approved Quits without notice Pay as per schedule Separate from this dept. PAY OFF SCHEDULE Ibe'^'p If blue and white copies Employee must reach Transfer stop work — on will be paid Office — o" Monday Tuesday 2:30 P.M. Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday 2:30 P.M. Thursday Wednesday Thursday 2:30 P.M. Friday Thursday Saturday 12:00 N. MondayP.M. Friday Monday 2:30 P.M. Tuesday Saturday Monday 2:30 P.M. TyesdayP.M. n Reliable □ Efficient □ Leaving City Q Dissatisfied with Wage □ Dissatisfied with Working Conditions [~~1 Reasons by Phone □ Non-Attendance □ Unreliable r~| Inefficient r~l Insubordinate □ " Careless □ Destructive Form 13c. Request to Transfer (Used in an industrial plant) TRANSFER NOTICE TRANSFERS TO BE REPORTED TO DEPARTMENT TIMEKEEPER. / EMPLOYMENT DEPT. TIMEKEEPER WILL FILL OUT NOTICE, EXCEPT NEW NUMBER, I COST DEPT. SENDING FIVE COPIES TO EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CLERK. / PAY ROLL DEPT. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CLERK WILL ASSIGN NEW NUMBERS ] PLANNING DEPT. AND SEND COPIES TO ( TIMEKEEPINQ OFFICE. Old Number Dept. New Number Dept. Name Date Change In Rate ? Yes or No. Signed Form 14. Transfer Notice (Note procedure on form.) 27 M Dept _ is to be transferred from on your department to Dept Reas on for transfer EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Per Form 15. Notice to Foreman or Transfer //. Change of Rate Dept Request for Rate Change Clock No Date.. Time Dept: — ^Please ( [Change Rate c Occupation. Occupat-on. m Present Rate. - Requested Rate .- To take effect — - "r )ate of laf r of start No No t change ing rate Grade- Grade. Reason for reauest : ,. - Foreman II Rate Date Occupation No. Grade Reason 0. < 1 Record Div. Date Div. Supt. Date-. Works Mgr. Date Dept. Ind. Relations Date Foreman: Keep White Copy. Form 16. Request for Rate Change (Made out in triplicate: one copy to timekeeper, one to employment office, one retained as foreman's record.) 28 u o JS ^ o D, ^ -? A« H ^o ° 1—4 1 § Oi £ S S W s IV ^ ^ Xi a> a M ^ 3 ;S g IS eS I D 29 S < :^ OT 1 )» ^ il s Id "^ a ^ u 3 > r9 s « X -^ «: < cu gcc S > B j3 a < 1 § § s s « H £ as S w < U 2 H e. bD C *u c (U s o U i < II ll y 1 III ^1 c > °-f-g o-g rt ^ Q U ^^•2 ^^ & ^ ^ ls.s -1^ CO o S !: 5 ts "£|l8 >, w -O '^' w i o n u o-:: z „ rt a *- o Pi < 2 g « *j rt o Q 1-5-s ■ 1 en o g| s 30 c. ROUTINE procedure: separatioj^ EMPLOYMENT ; DEPARTMENT Date. disposition Bearer: : Check N;o. Working as ; in the j... is referred to you for disposition because of: : i • }••• Would you r6-employ in your department?. PLEASE CHECK OFF THE CHARACTERISTICS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED. departmental record CharaceristiCs Eiceptioul Above ATcrage Areragt Below Ayerage Poor Quality of work i Quantity of work Dependability : Judgment 1 Iniatative Willing worker Safety Attitude Promptness : • ARMCO Spirit Disposition • : What qualities interfere with his progress? : Physical condition / y Please; give below, any additional information which you believp may help us to make disposition to the satisfaction of all concernied Advise re-employment in another Dept ?..... Where ?j. Signed ^ .....>. FOLD IN ON DOHED LINES Form 20. Notice of Reference to Employment Office of Misfit Employee 31 .2-0 S « =".2 3 e _ 111 •o " * S.2 V r --=8 8 H -f S.g£ mm §1.1 if O 2ii- a: l£:i if'' >> * £ g <, O C * «l 4) K « o . o .oa « U « «taS I— 1 O^ o 55 H «- g. o "-sij Jill's 3 « i$ u o « «-6 D. « Qi 32 ^1 1 cSi; •a o;- ga:^ i: = S . 2 s poor inaccurate unattractive rude antagonistic no evidence lacking late habitua slow poor poor c ^2 £ 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I ^ u i 1 1 i ! > r3 *^ i C TJ ^ o 13 o 2 S § >, eg •K - 1 J! J S.1 .2 fair ordinarily fair average degre satisfactory fair amount good late occasiona ordinary fair average c Q Z 2 > 5 li' >> 2 a £ t < i 1 1 j 1 2 , £ f- S5i 1 J e a >- X" 1 i J ^ 2 6 i > ^. s s z M -C _ u c g en J ? 1 -^ ^! 1 i^ 1 > Q H good except pleasii very excell marke lllll S ^ £ BO « 1^ i 2 Ji .. j i 2 M s 1 1 eg >- ° > 1 K ol § - ;' £ i |i : ao 2 ■a u. 60 C < .S i' H g£ O 5 -0 H I- ffl o 1 ^ v5 i Answer all of follow Attendance Accurate Address & Personal] Courteous Co-operation Executive ability Initiative Punctuality Speed Volume of work Workman i c g il •3 13 = C « K a L. 1 g J3 3 t U 2 j ; ^ fi i i i 5 2 1 1 fc a o 1 i : I 1 •< d ; 1 1 A \ 1 1 1 o •a 4) « w \ & 1 O 1 "S s r i H 1 i il 1 S> (s; 6 2 1 i B Qg i Q_) So ; C/3 1" s S 1 li el "1 j < 4> II i g i^ i 1 < a; 11 1 , ^ iJ izi i 1 1 S s 1 o 34 Cashier's Final Pay Receipt- Cashier Please Pay. . Depi Week Ending- Machine pvu ukI Silk *U returned 0. K. Employment Record 6 Days Absence Sickness or Dealh a DISCHARGED Suspended Account Would you re-eniploy in your Dept? Would you recommend re-employment (Employment Dept. Copy) Form 24. Cashier's Final Pay Receipt O o o o zzzz Q H Z u o « g « u u u •y^ <» j2 bo O to ki 0. 13 -a u to ii slJ c u <-> c 1^ 1^ o .& 8 8 8 - ^ ^ .ti o -a Q 2 2 -K 3 -G <2 ,0 C C OS CU CQH < < J o Z D, u 4-; ttJ l-l (tf ^ I 5 \ s \ u ce f ^ Sfc Sb. .. ' / t e So/ £S >2 >"Z ""1 \ 1 ll. ili .a i/> ilSsB 2ss i2s-l J \ s i M ill lil i i \ 1 III III III Is ■< / / l2l pil III ¥ > " . 7 1 ill bi yf e: u CQ S 3 z •8 \ J \ \ \ J2 \ ^ \ l/J \ U 1 \ S ) •< / 1 z 1 I 35 D. follow-up: rating Machine No. Type Size Class of Work REPORT OF WORKMAN FOR QUARTER ENDING Please Check the one Classification under each subject which in your opinion the workman should have. SUBJECT SPEED Exceptionally Rapid Very Rapid Average Speed Slow Very Slow ACCURACY Exceplionally Accurate Very Accurate Average Accuracy Inaccurate Careless NEATNESS OF WORK AND MACHINE Excellent Very Neat Untidy Very Untidy KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORK AU-Afound Mechanic All Around Man in His Department Zoo6 Knowledge of all jobs u, his class ol work Fair Knowledge ot dl jobs in his class of work Limited Knowledge of one K.b only ABILITY TO LEARN Exceptionally Quick to Learn Quick lo Learn Average Slow to Uam Dense INDUSTRIOUSNESS Exceptionally Industiiou. Very Industrious Good Average Worker Not very Industrious Lazy DEPENDABILITY Exceptionally Dependable Very Dependable Average Irregular Undependable INITIATIVE o, Ability lo ,o .Se«l wits . ,ob without b.in, told ..«, dct.il. -- Very Good Avpage Poor Very Poor INTEREST Enthusiastic Quite Interested Average Lacks Inleiest Disinterested CONFIDENCE Excellent Good Average Lacks Confidence Very Ttmid WILLINGNESS TO CO-OPERATE Unusually WUIing Willing Ave,^^ UnwiUmg Obstinate BROAD-MINDEDNESS Unusally Broad-Minded Broad-Mioded Aversge Nuiow-Mmded Very Narrow-Minded LEADERSHIP ABILITY Natural Leader Good Leader Average PooiUader No Leader at all CONDUCT IN THE SHOP Exceptionally Good Very Good WeU Behaved Somewhat Troublesome VeryTroublesome HABITS ExceHenl Ver>Good Average Bad Very Bad Additional Comment Sinned Foreman: OK Gen. Foreman Form 26. Quarterly Rating Form 36 o p-o-S-^r 01 3 a •a*a3sr3:s •a « = 2|'og>a g22>°§„5 ^•3.o3a3>-s o ■5 «i *. j-ai! Brt 37 OS £.1 h a a u .0 V ^0, 6o6 ^7 ^3 8 J, 4. "^ °/^£ fill ■3-o-az 1 1 ^3 5 O bi ^•9 38 EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY REPORT Head of. -Dept. Please list and rate the employees in your department according to the headings listed below. Give particular attention to the maximum value of each heading. Return to the office of the chief clerk no later than — .. .19 The ratings above are accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and are given without personal prejudice or bias on my part. Form 28a. Summary Efficiency Report SALESMAN'S RATING RECORD Date (fame Employed District Date Number in District Average District Rating M.n'9 Rating Class Rankin District tlaling Ranliin District Sales Mental Test Action Date Score Rating NOTE: For details see District Manager's Rating Report. For summary see Summary Card and Analysis of Ratings Sheet. Form 286. Salesman's Rating Record 39 RATING SCA INSTRUCTIONS WHAT IS THE RATING SCALE? 1. The Ratinsr Scale is a practical method of gauRinpr a foreman's capacity and fitness for pron: tion quickly, accurately and with uniformity and justice. 2. The rating scale itself is a numerical expression of the degree in which a foreman possesses t industrial qualifications deemed most essential; such as Trade Ability, Ability to Plan and Supervi Ability to Handle Men, Ability to Teach, and General Value to the Company. 3. The degree to which a foreman meets these qualifications is determined by a man-to-man co parison with other foremen. 4. Because the Rating Scale calls attention separately to each of the several essential qualificatic for a foreman, it lessens the danger that judgments may be based on minor defects, with disregard important virtues. 5. It takes about twenty minutes to make a working scale and sixty seconds to make a rating. 6. All ratings are confidential. Department heads will discuss a foreman's rating with him on request. HOW TO MAKE THE SCALE. 1. Write on a slip of paper the names of about a dozen foremen you know well. 2. If you do not have enough foremen in your own department to make a full list, use the nan of assistant foremen, department heads, or foremen in other departments. 3. Include all grades of ability from the highest to the lowest. 4. This list helps you to remember the names to be used in making the scale. 5. Disregard every characteristic of each of the foremen except TRADE ABILITY. Select fr your list the " foreman who stajids highest in TRADE ABILITY (disregarding all other qualiti* Write his name or initials on the line marked Highest. On the line marked lowest put the name of foreman who is poorest in this respect. Put the middle or average foreman on the third line and foremen who rank half way between the middle and the extremes on the other two limes. If you h two men in mind, equally good, put down either one. 6. Proceed similarly in constructing scales for the other four qualities. 7. Do not use the same set of foremen for all qualities. Try to use at least ten foremen. 8. The names for the highest and lowest on each section of the scale must represent extreme ca the best and poorest you have ^ver known. The name for the Middle should be that of an aver foreman, half way between the extremes. High and Low should be half way between the Middle the extremes. 9. Each foreman whose name appears on the scale should be one who shows clearly and distim the qualification and the degree of the qualification for which he has been chosen. 10. If you find difficulty in comparing the foremen being rated with any particular foreman on y scale, substitute the name of some other who will make the comparison easier. In this way wit little experience the scale can be used easily, rapidly and confidently. 11. In order to understand these instructions quickly and easily make up a trial scale. This t scale bears the same relf\tion to the finished scale that a first crude sketch bears to a finished draw After a few substitutions of names, the trial scale becomes a satisfactory scale. 12. If you are using the scale for the first time, make a few experimental ratings before actu rating one of your foremen. HOW TO USE THE SCALE. 1. Rate your foreman for TRADE ABILITY first. Consider kind and amount of trade (or dcp ment) experience; knowledge of, and resourcefulness in using machines, tools, materi.Tls, and ti methods. Compare the foremen you are rating with each of the five foremen in Section 1 of the Ra Scale and give him the number of points following the name of the foreman he most nearly equals 2. If he is a little higher or a little lower than the nearest foreman on the scale, -adjust his nun accordingly. For example, if a foreman, in TRADE ABILITY, seems to fall just below the Mij point but above Low give him 7 or 8. 3. Rate the foreman in a corresponding manner for each of the other four essential qualificatior 4. Make a man-to-man comparison of the foreman you are rating with the foremen whose na appear on your scale. 5. When rating several foremen, rate all of them on each qualification before adding the total any one foreman. 6. The total rating for a foreman is the sum of the ratings you give him in the five separate q ities. If directions are followed carefully the average of any considerable group of foremen rate about sixty points. 40 Form 28c. R FOREMEN. * RATING SCALE Highest , 15 iADE ABILITY. High 12 Consider kind and amount of trade (or department) experience; knowledge of, and resourcefulness in Middle , 9 using machines, tools, materials, and trade meth- ods. Low 5 Lowest 3 Highest 25 BILITY TO PLAN AND SUPERVISE. Consider ability to maintain standard quality work; to place help where they can do the best work; to High 20 Middle J 15 ready to get out orders on schedule time with min- imum production costs, and to keep a steady flow Low , 10 of work through the department. Lowest 5 Highest IS VBILITY TO HANDLE MEN. High 12 Consider initiative, decisiveness, resourcefulness, energy, self-control; and ability to deal fairly with his help; to earn their respect, good-will and con- fidence; to maintain just discipline and a stable working force. Middle Low Lowest . . .' 1 wBILITY TO TEACH. Consider his ability to explain his work clearly and thoroughly to a beginner, to gain the beginner's confidence and make him interested in the work; his success in developing all-around men, bettering men of lower grades, and increasing generally the knowledge and skill of the help under him. Highest High Middle 9 Low 6 Lowest 1 Highest ,..30 ENERAL VALUE TO COMPANY. Consider his years of service, his loyalty, his ability to understand and carry out the Company's poli- cies; orderliness of his department; his readiness and ability to co-operate with other departments and the management in giving new ideas and meth- ods a fair trial. High 24 Middle 18 Low a 1 R Foremen 41 E. CURRENT RECORDS: INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE II 1 1 III 1 1 3 1 1 . ^ ! I SI 5! ^. ^ ^ J 1 1 ] ••N 'P^O I5. '1 _^3'^ II •ON •«>qdq.j. J !■ 1 in ! I i* iiiiiyiiii 15 1 w 00 > -^3 ? c5 1 '^ CO « C/5 w s P^ M^ u ii > Pi a w f C/J u o^ 1 (N w s ^ H ^i. Note.— In many cases the application blank is so designed as to serve at once as a permanent service record, and as a folder for filing additional data regarding the employee, such as physical examination results, rate card, etc. 42 n i\ i li -^ ji i»: n ' II * Hi I i'l 111 I s « ^f 1 !| H a '1 ii r 1, a: 1 - fl is ■a Jl 43 PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS In shop or faaoty I NEXT LAST In shop or factory HOW LONG EMPLOYED 19 1 From , »9. CAUSE OF LEAVING Anf ph)rsicardefcco? Additional Information Regarding Applicant. MEMO FOR PUT-ON SUP Hired to start. 192 u A.M. P M -^ BuicRatc m= 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 I 9 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 ' 14 15 16 17 | 18 19 20 21 | 22 | 23 24 2S Front . Rear... FUt.. Asc Miined Depeoden Birthplace.... Descent Nationility Bcxrd or Live at Home Qock No. No, EDUCATION Grammat High..... CoUege AMERICANIZATION Years in U. S. A. .,. Rjit Papers At 192.... At 192. Form 30a. Folder Form of Service Record (Form 30& and additional cards may be inclosed in this folder for filing.) 44 C EMPLOYMENT RECORD -DISCHARGED E-LAIDOFF REGISTER NO B TRANSFERRED D-QUIT F— RE-INSTATED ] DATE SHOP OR DEPT CLOCK No. RATE FOREMAN OR DEPT. HEAD OPERATION OR DUTIES RATE CHANGE! DATE 1 RATE FINAL. RECORD OUIt ACCOUNT DrSCHARGED ACCOUNT ABILITY DISSATISFIED INCOMPETENT. CHARACTER LAID OFF SUSPENDED ACCOUNT DEPORTMENT BETTER JOB SIX DAYS ABSENT SICKNESS OR DEATH AT HOME RP-kllRP QAMF' nPPT7 O. K. TO RE-HIRE. OTHER DEPT? REN 1ARKS.. Form 306. Service Card Used with Form 30a — Obverse APPLICANT'S RECORD IGNATURE OF APPLICANT POSITION WANTED AGE COMPLEXION. BIRTHPLACE HEIGHT. WEIGHT. No OF DEPENDENTS NATIONALITY AMEglCAMZATIOH YRSINU.S. A FIRST PAPERS SECURED SECOND PAPERS SECURED AT 192. EDUCATION GRAMMAR HIGH COLLEGE YRS YRS YRS. NAME OF Any Relative Working Here PHYSICAL CONDITIO^ RECORD OF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT LAST EMPLOYER S NAME POSITION HELD ADDRESS WORKED FROM I9Z.... NEXT PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS NAME POSITION HELD WORKED FROM 192.... NEXT PREVIOUS EMPLOYER'S NAME POSITION HELD WORKED FROM 192.... ^EXT PREVIOUS EMPLOYER S NAME ADDRESS POSITION HELD WORKED FROM .-..192... TO ...192 Form 306. Reverse 45 i — T\ 1 s \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ t- 1 1 1 ~ MM 1 1 1 ^ ^n,«oN««, 11 1 M 1 -M 1 1 \ «..,««,o III II M M M I 1 \\ .A.x.,^m, III II M M M 1 / iKiM/mum 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M 1 1 1 / ^ f J i «„i-x"; Ml M M M M 1 1 j s s « Z l«ajJ3 III II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / i i ^ ? i I 5 ..3~i«N { 1 1 1 I 1 M M M 1 1/ I A^»no« i 1 1 1 1 MM! 1 / 1 - MM M M 1 1 1 i\ " 1 6 \ \ J is * \ C z i\ ^ i\ t \ i z i i 1 1/ f 1 \ 0^ n 1 1 j & I 2" 1 , 1 1 \ 5 i X n n i i 1 \ 1 1 r s s \ ~ A s "• " gi ! ^ i i i h / 1 I ( i H S \ :i I g e . 5 Si 1 b t 1 llll 5 I i \ i \ , m Ha 1 : ill K / t J n •'"N -H g ^ 1 .s H U fl') ^ 6 M -<-> C/3 ^3 § § tn M W) F^ a 46 Dept. ... Name. ..... Fi^ptinn 1 Position SALARY 19 De- 1 Labor fective Turn- Order. Over- due % Expense Control % Time. Late Day. Absent 19... De- fective Work V±' ^o,-?"- Expanse Con^tro. Time. Late .^^ Amt. Date Wcrk "% °r due % Fan. Jan. ?eb. Feb. '^ L__ War L Mj^ L-^ — - L^ -^ ^ Form 32. Foreman's Record — Obverse Trade Ability Total Ability to Plan and Supervise Standard quality of work Get work out on time Place men to best advantage Time and cost records Keep steady flow of work Total Ability to Handle Men Command respect Command good will Command confidence Understand human relations Can explain work to others 1 1 Total Character Bearing Cooperation Sense of justice Dependability Energy Initiative Judgment Resourcefulness Tact 1 Thoroughness Total Grand Total Dale Form 32. Reverse 47 5 ^ O ; ^ \% CM CO 1 ^ in CD i r-- CO cj);^ 0"» -» CM« CO^ ^g 1 o!^ CM CO ; rt in CD h- CO 0) 5o ■s o : - CM CO ; Tt in CD ! t^ 00 o)r. 1 o: ^ CM CO ! ^ m CD r^ CO (3)^ CM 00 1 Tt in CD r^ CO cJJg c: 3 X O i «- CM n \ ^ m CD r-» CO CJ)?3 Anticipated Yearly Famingrs Dollars 1111 CM 00 ; < 5 o i - CD h- CO CJ)2 S?, oi ^ CD CD CO CD CD - CJ) :° U.-->3S O 1 »- CD b- 00 CD'jiJ "Jdaa O 1 »- CD t*^ 00 cj):^ U.AIQ o ! ^ CD i "^ CO 0) ^ STIJOAV O 1 «- CD r^ 00 CJ)^ O 1 ^ CD h- CO CD- Serial No. 1 1 1 CD 1^ CO 0)0 CD ! 1^ 00 CJ)a> CD h- 00 CJ)m O ! *- CD I 1^ 00 CD,^ O ! »- CD 1 h- 00 0) o I O!^ CD 1 h- CO CDu, 1 oi ^ o : r- CD CD CO CO O) ^ CD „ CM CO ! ^ IT w s « O ^ t- .J CM g CO^ ^f =» IT >2CDor^sC0?i(3)c^ 3 °0« ^« CM >- COS ^a IT j^CD-^^h^^OOwO)-. 0181 ON WWOJ f9SfOl OMO -iViS lN3WA01dW3 48 F. attendance: procedure and summary records 1st half OF MONTH TIME CARD NAME- Form No. S 10464 MORNING IN NOON OUT NOON IN NIGHT OUT EXTRA IN EXTRA OUT L^ ^^ U--- L_^_^ L^ ^'"^'■^*---.,»^ ,^-^ Form 34. Time Card Name LATE SLIP Address Dept. Date Time Reason Form 35. Late Slip (To be filled out by time-keeper and sent to employment office.) 49 on Daily Absentee. List The following is a list of all men absent m Dept. No. IQ ShitV No. REASON 1 NO. NAME No Excuse Excused Sick or In. jured in Fmctory Uid Off » ) NUMBER NOT ASSIGNED | On Vacation On Compensation HayrolJ Laid off" temporarily TOTAL ASSIGNED WORKING 1 ABSENT Male Female Total CLERK Form 36. Summary Absentee List (Sent to employment office for record and follow-up.) SO 3 A V_ B5 ip^ A k\ 2 s \ \ K ^ u \ \ u IL ,t « \\ — 11 > 3 5 u I )) as 2 Ui // z / / ^ _ —/ 1\ 1 >. m if i J < \ s H (\ 3 UJ I Z 51 E 10 < \ N tf) U o 8 q: ^ 1 3 1 \ \ s o g a. // b: 2 L. 1 / / Q Z =y -^ \L s Va \ 1 ^ I 1- u a < u Q \ \ z < i 1 i \ ^ \ ^ < E >• s a. E B \ \ si 3 \ \\ 1 III i ' 5 n e \\ u 5 I // J i li ^ J 1- 7/1 !2 2 > E Q if I 1 IL ^2 oz 13 u > k s s ^ zo 111 \\ ^ ft! z 5 5 1 s ■ i 2 £ i 3 .2 S3 Z < \ Q Z \ S ~~ ~~ j Lil 3 / 1 / < 10 < 1 / Sm / Ji ^ f / 1 < G Hi a. i / Q Ui 1 \ z 1 \ 1 \ \ ^ - \ ) i 1 1 s .3 1 IJ ll II •1 1 1 1 1 < B ^ «i ^^ < n >< % "ri "J < -o hr, ^r' < *J C n) % S a" < < 1^ ii ^ ■^ -2 n3 u ^ a M ^ p bc Ph u 3 n. -B ^ i U ^ B PLh en >. rt Q H c ^ < S _^, "K Ah rt > ^ ^ < g !t^ 1 § p ^ § < 1 1 u ^ ^ t=^ H en Ph S M «! •C 1 t Q 1 T3 < M a c s 2 IH 2 ^ O O o i/j i3 e2 2 ^ "2 1 o c<3 Cu S >H B ^ (U ^ o g ^ ^3 w 1/3 B c3 w Cu U3 , 1 <^ •j2 r/J 3 o Tt '^f fl ^ C3 « cJ £ S3 a Ul z p 3 « i Offl hZ zo ^5 >0 op IL III 1> h- Hi Z z UI U) (D < u o 2 z 1- Z 5 0) u CQ ? > < a: < Ll Q. UJ o U 1- z UJ 18 < Q. t UJ X UJ 1 -I J • IQ UJ U) p (I u < r ' z 54 55 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF FOURTH DAY ABSENCE DATE TIME OFFICE NAME CHECK NUMBER ADDRESS DEPARTMENT FOREMAN ADVISES:— 1 FOREMAN 1 REMARKS: Form 42. Warning and Follow-up on Absence — Obverse MUTUAL INTEREST DEPARTMENT PLEASE ADVISE CAUSE OF ABSENCE I DATE AND HOUR INQUIRER REQUEST RECEIVED DATE OF VISIT ATTEND'G. FHySICLA.N I PROBABLE ABSENCE REPORT:— OUTSIDE CASE COMPANY CASE REPORT BY PLEASE RETURN THIS CARD PROMPTLY TO DEPARTMENT MAKING REQUEST Form 42. Reverse (Note. — See also Form 54.) S6 EMPLOYMENT CHANGES: SUMMARY RECORDS AND REPORTS TD < ' « s pa o 11 ^ " PL, X ■< fH «§ « <: 13 8 S Q > a ^ g ;z; «ti > 1^ ^ :2!a g <: H ^o ii >H OS h3 < $. Q eS (U ;S-| ^ -rf H 0$ ^- f^ ^ O ^ CI o ^ <1^ e2 o oil o ^ I-:) I ^ t ' > < P^ 3 3 § pq 3 ,. Vi '^ o W t=! O t—i U iJ^ p^ .3 OJ ;z; J:^ ^^ O 1 h-1 5 Ph 3 X o ^ "V >* t; s a a . s XI Cj T3 .'^ 3 > 3 Pi ^^ .2 CO a> o t^ U^ o W J2; 1 1 u i^ g Q «*-! a q >. X 57 si «5 e2 n aanaoNvo NSAio aoixoM xm5 s 2 VOM ON 9m;dpsiQ *> ^ 3DUBA3U0 •;suo3 qof 5 51-ioM ON •dUIODUI •qnsui •?V "Sa"! 1 o -oduiax 1 JU3U -BUIJ3J "3. 0< Xjbj -odiuax 1 }U3U 1= XinBUopBM 3SV X3S § 1 § 1 ^ Pi < 1 in 1 < 1 I^ox 3I^UI9J apH • i -oduisx (IH S| 5U9a -BUIJ9J H a i2 s i pS -odui9x fi. s 5U9U -BIUJ9J (:^ 1^ S w S 03 a ^ < 3§ ^ 2 0. H P!5 i -a S8 \ i? \ II \ .. ) 1 O 2 J 1= 111 ^ 1 1 1 A CD f-I 1\ ^ Z &5 , i cd ^ - cs « J\ u •■ c He e 1 1 1 1/ ^1 M/ -l •s 1 < 1 'J S 1 ' S R5 ^ 2 2 ^ lo 2 — o oo t^ to « ■«• CO e* ^ j 1 1 < 1 3 1 a 1 s 1 X 1 1 .1 K i 1 >■ i 1 f 1 1 1 s I- 1 1 s 1 1 1 2 .1 1 1 1 1 1 o •1 1 1 S 1 1 1 & •s 1 2 1 ■3 1 1 a 1 < 1 J 1 5 1 1 ■3 1 1 < J 1 g < 1 > 1 d 1 > 1 >< i aiavcnoAVjm aiavoiOAV 1 H 6o QUESTIONS ON SECTION II 1. Compare Forms la and ib as to procedure involved, and kind and quantity of information needed for fiUing out. Which seems to you to suggest the greater forethought and the better planned scheme of filling requirements ? Why ? 2. What additional columns might be provided in Form 2? (Note information called for in Schedule 3 of Chart 4.) 3. Redraft Form 16 in such a way as to provide for use of Forms 3 and 4a. 4. Compare and criticize Forms 5a and 5&. Omissions? Superfluous information ? Could they be used conveniently as permanent records ? 5. What disposition would be made of Form 6a? Would a monthly summary of the information on these forms be of any use to the manage- ment ? What use ? Draft a form providing for such a summary. 6. What use are the "nationality" and "church" items on Form 66? Should they be omitted ? What disposition would the employment office make of the second half of this form ? 7. Explain reasons for procedure called for on Form 7. 8. Compare procedure suggested by Form 7 with that suggested by Form 9. Can you see any reasons for preferring one to the other ? 9. Form 13a calls for five copies. To whom would they go? 10. Of what use to the employment office is the information called for at the bottom of Form 13c? Would any of this information reach the management ? How and in what form ? 11. Can you see any advantages in using Form 17 rather than Form 16? Should it be necessary for the board of directors to approve routine pay changes ? 12. Four copies of Form 22 are called for. To whom should they go ? 13. Compare the separation procedure suggested by Forms 20-23 and that suggested by Form 24. (Form 24 is made out in triplicate: one copy going to time-keeper, one to cashier, and one to employment office.) Which do you prefer ? Why ? 14. Would any of the information on Form 25 reach the management? How? 15. Compare the method of rating suggested by Form 26 and that sug- gested by Forms 27a and 276. Which is preferable? Why? Would your answer depend on the type of work being done ? On other factors ? Explain. 16. What disposition would be made of the information collected on these rating forms ? Who would use it ? 17. Criticize Form 29 in detail. Omissions? Superfluities? Compare and contrast with Forms 30a and s^b, and 31. Which suggests more careful planning ? Have you a general preference for either, or would choice depend on type of work and other factors ? 61 i8. Compare these records with Forms 84 and 85. Should they all be combined into a single record, or is some of the information superfluous ? 19. Is Form 32 adequate? What additional information, if any, should it contain ? 20. Draft a form for summarizing the information called for on Form 33. How and by whom would such a summary be used ? 21. Outline in full a method (or alternative methods) for following up absences, showing how each of Forms 34-44 might be used. 22. Trace each item shown on Forms 43 and 44, showing the source from which each would be posted. 23. How would Forms 43 and 44 be used ? To whom would Form 44 go ? Compare these two forms with Form 97. Which method of keeping a continuous record of employment changes would you prefer ? Why ? 24. Suggest at least five forms which might have been included in this section. Draft them. 62 III. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE TRAINING SECTION A COMPLETE SET OF FORMS USED BY THE WESTINGHOUSE APPRENTICE SCHOOL Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company EaslPillsburgh,Pa. EDUCATIONAL QEPARTMENT TRADES APPRENTICE APPLICATION FORM Name in Full ., Date 19! Present Address , ^ No. StrMt City Sut^ Remarks.. 1 have investigated the Tradjes Couraes of the Westinghouse EUectric & Manufacturing Company and hereby apply for an appointment on the course I have indicated. (Mark X after course desired.) |TRACERJ I I PATTERN MAKER | | |F0UNDRYMAN| j | MACHINIST] | [ TOOL-MAKER | 1 1 ELECTRIC IAn]~| If accepted, I should like to report ACCCPTANCC < HE ApruCAKT I* COWDITIONAI UPON Signature PAftSINO THE PHTSICAk EXAMINATION OP THE CLECTKIC & MANUPACTUMma < NOTE- — Application should.'be sent to Educational Department. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. East Pittsburgh. Pa., accompanied by a recent inexpensive photograph of yoursslf. Form 47. Trades Apprentice Application Form IS S ^15" 2 s ^. 11 •-I r>t 94 CO K O W O E a < a o R w « ■ S MHO D O B» O U » O -«J « § S £ Form 48. Weight Chart for Selection 63 APPRENTICE RECORD Machin* Tool or Work Sp««d. The rate at which he worka •• compared with the speed xxpected Workmanahip The grade ol the (inuhed %york aa compared to (tandard practice Attitude. Perional interest shovrn in his work and His conduct toward superior* and (dk>« Kno«tl*dco The antount of general information he has. in line with hia work. A -Very Good *■ Average C — Unsatiafactory In wrhat doea this i kcel? la wlwt W Im de6eiait> Sigt»«d Oat* Not*— Send to Educational Departnwnt Form 49. Apprentice Record Made Out by Foreman APPRENTICE SCHOOL— TERM REPORT \ Name, nmm. %%S,\ Machinist Tool Maker Pattern Maker j Foundryman j Electrician 1.— Excellent- —2. Good— 3: Medium— 4. Poor— 5. Failure— Passing Grade 70% | Times Lais f.^id. Term Examination Times Absent Final Examination Speed Class Work Neatness Home Work Accuracy Term Average Memory General Remarks: Reasoning Power Observation Effort Attitude Department Signed /into ZJ Form 50. Apprentice Classroom Report 64 Characteristic Excellent Good Average Poor Onsatisfactory 'a c o Physjqut' Bearing ^ieatne9s of person Cheerfulness Enthusiasm Courtesy Meaith s u 2 (J Ambitiou Thnft Honesty |i Dfink Camblins Immoral acts i s Common sense Leadersliip Application Tact Home Training 1 •a Towsrd his superiors Toward iiis associates Toward his instructors toward hi.*» work Me(.*.hanica{ aptitude Remarks: Signed Dede 191 Form 51. Form Used for Obtaining Information about Applicant BY Mail 6S ■ n \ K O z 1 £ \ 1 I S c i 0. •J 2 c n / Q8 5 s Is E 0= D / ECOR FACTURING 4lKh School nl Work Now Date XPERIENCI HERE Q UJ q: (0 / RENTICE R ELECTRIC AND MANU z 1 i e c Z D c k. tJ o u K ■Prawing OUS PRA OM 5 J \ AFP INGHOUSE LastG PREV WITH WH % "1 »PW9 9pn»!UV . 7 »JOwa / uo!)tAj»sqo 7 «MOd 7 WEST 09 Sn|uose3]| XJ0UI9W : 7 /i)iMn\ 7 II majssN . \ PMds . A CO ■? o T3 juasqv A lit ^1 = -eft Public Sghool Woi <1ND OF W 11 1 £ »l«1 \ Xtfl \ UIJ»i JHO \ ^ 5 1 « * * 3 r 1 iiti\ Z . C Q S tL U. 7 y 66 Q O \a a: Q. i to 2 < )^ o 5 67 QUESTIONS ON SECTION III 1. Make up a weight chart for a school for salesmen corresponding to that shown in Form 48. 2. What should be the final disposition of Form 52 ? 3. What information should be contained in the "follow-up" suggested in Schedule 9 of Chart 4 ? Draft a form providing for a summary of the information secured in such a follow-up for the information of the management. 4. Can you suggest additional information about its training school which the management should have ? 5. Draft a school record for the foremen attending a foremanship school in some specific industry. 68 IV. FORMS AND RECORDS FOR THE HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION HEALTH Hea-kK &SaLTfYitatio-n. Depart-ment Name Age Address Dept. No. Date Gen. Appearance Eyes: Vision Dist 10 Ft.-{^' n LI XT/ . L i^- Inches Ears: Hears Watch -J, ,^^j^^^ Nose Throat Tongue* Teeth Neck Chest Contour Heart Luncs Abdomen (Upper Ejctrem. \. (Lower Ing. Reg. G. U Spine Skin Reflexes Form 53. A Simple Type of Physical Examination Record — Obverse 6q k Puis B p. Urinalysis Color Alb. Ppt. Sugar Sp. Gr. Microscop React. Summary Form 53. Reverse 70 Employment Department CHECK NO. ABSENT CARD FOREMAN DEPARTMENT In compliance with your request, ar- rangements have been made to have the above mentioned employee EXAMINED BY THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT INTERVIEWED BY THE EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT The man will not know that you made this request unless you tell him. DIRECTOR OF CWPLOYMtNT LIFT THIS CARD ABSENT CARD TIME-KEEPER SICKNESS ABLE TO RESUME WORK Employment Department THE ABOVE EMPLOYEE RESUMED WORK INST R U j: T I O NS TAKE THIS CARD TO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION DEPT. GET ABOVE NOTICE OF ABLE TO. RESUME WORK CERTIFIED to BY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THEN BRING THIS CARD TO CLOCK HOUSE AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN YOUR CLOCK CARD PART I PART 2 Form 54. A Card Showing Procedure in Checking Up on Report of Absence Due to Illness Hospital Notice to Foremen Date. Name .No. Is able to do regular work beginning Returned to work. Date Hour Foreman Foreman wiH sign and return to Hospital Form 55. Notice from Hospital to Foreman of Employee's Ability to Work 71 NAME SICKNESS SLIP NO. DEFT. ADDRESS AGE DATF DURATION D. W- D. phys.'kxam. DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT Coryza Coryaa Coryai Hygienic and Diet Cough Spts. on tons. Tonsillitis Magn. Sulph, Sore Throat Red Throat Brooch. Castor Oil Chills ' Pharyngitis Hot Water BotUe Feverish Laryngitis Alk. Antisept. Tabs. Hoarseness Gastritis Stron. Salic. Backache Gastrocnt. Syr-Hydriotic Ac. Nausea Constipation 1 Elix. Brom Comp. | Diuiness Carious Tooth Sod. Bicarb. Vomiting Malaise Tr. Beni. Comp. Diarrhoea Myalgia Silver Nit. 4 per cent Constip. Furunculosis Migrain Tabs. Abd. pain Strapped Headache T. Thermolite Toothache P. Capsolin REMARKS: Form 56. Hospital Record of Diagnosis and Treatment (Posted to Hospital Summary and Workman's Record.) WEEKLY SUMMARY ' ITEMS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUK-SDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TOTALS Number of Patients No. of New " y Extractions L^^^^ y^ y^ ^^^^^^^^ y Tr.«tment.« ^-^ Chaneed ,^ \ Amalgam FilUngs J i^ Form 57. Dental Office Summary 72 73 B. SAFETY REPORT OF SAFETY MEETING * " ' - Number of pages Held (Date) P.iie Prom Depariment Copie.s to To HEALTH & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Those preseuti — Subiectti discussed:-^ Reeommendatiousi— Signed. Form 59. Record of Safety Meeting Name Pass No. Employed as Dept. Mill No. Div. The above named employee was this day found committing the following act in viola- tion of the rules of the Company and warned against a repetition of the offence and advised of the danger. Signed: This notice is to be mailed to the Employment Department. Form 60. Notice of Warning to Employee of Safety Rule Violation 74 c tti St D 5 h Ct3 o 3i u< H Z > b3 ■ H -< Q b2 « d H. p 1 O H ^ 8 g 1 Z H S5 c 5 '4. Q Q o 5^ C/) u <; o ■ 6 Z a i 1 1 J The above has received treatment at the hospital and is unable *° continue at work. ' Siirned H. & S. Dept. 1 •1 J , 75 PHYSICIAN'S REPORT OF ACCIDEZNT" Name Address Age Department Overseer Occupation Length of experience here and elsewhere in this employment Piece or time worlcer No. of Dependents Guardian if a Minor Nationality Interpreter Di^te of Accident Date Reported M. F. M. S. W. Patient's Description of Accident Injury Described by Physician ^..--^^^^^ ^^^ ^-^^^ ^^-^^ ^^-^^ V^ . ^^ ^^-^ Form 62. Physician's Accident Report (Note. — ^The back of this form is used by the physician for a record of treatment.) 76 No. Mill Pay For Manchester, N. H.. ACCIDENT TIME BILL Room .....ihours at $. ..Overseer ACODENT REPORT Name of person injured ._ _. : .-. „ _._ Date of Accident How long has this person worked for the Corporation ? Married or single ?.„ „ No. of Dependents. In your opinion, is this person honest regarding injury and worthy of a fair percentage of time lost ? In your opinion is there any liability on the part of the Corporation ? Special remarks about this accident , This recprt with Time BiU sUactied, both properly filled out, to he sent to - G>.. Accident Dept., in a sealed envelope. The same to be sent by Company's Mail service when person injured rettirns to work. ""' Overseer Form 63. Accident Report and Time Bill to Be Filled Out by Foreman 77 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT— MASSACHUSETTS ®{ie ®rabeler2( Snsiurance Company Hattfotb, Connecfftut Upon the occurrence of an accident, send one notice fo Branch Office, The Travelers Insurance Company, Rooms 810-812 Third National Bank Building, Springfield, Mass. Within forty-eight hours after the occurrence of an accident, send one notice to the Industrial Accident Board State House, Boston, Mass. Sec. 18, Part 3, Chap. 751, of the Acts of 1911 and amendments thereto prorides: "Any employer who refuses or neglects to make the report his section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $S0 for each offence." Return to be made within 48 hours after accident occurs. AH ANSWER SHOULD BE MADE TO EVERY QUESTION REPORT OF A PERSONAL INJURY TO AN EMPLOYEE REPORT NO. 1 ( Male... _... employees ( Female — EMPLOYER. PUCE AND TINE. 1. Employer's name. 3. Office address: Street and Na 4. City or town „ 5. Business (state exact nature) 6. Location of plant where injury occnrred Street and No _ 7. Date of injury — 10. If employee did not leave work on day of injury, • Average r I what day did incapacity begin?.- SECB. INSURANCt 1. Are you insured to provide payment to injured employees under the Workmen's Compensation Act? i. If so insured, give name of insurance company (not name of agent) _ 3. If a city, town, county or district, state whether Workmen's Compensation Act has been accepted , 4. Has injured employee gi\-en notice in writing, reserving common law rights?.„ S. If so, when?... 1. Name of injured 2. Address 3. Sex..„ 6. nployee.. 5. Married or antle — Occupatkm.. 7. In what < 8. Was this the regular occupation of ' 9. If not, stale regular occupation nployee?.. - 1. Name of machine, tool, applUnce, etc.. in connection with which injury occbrred _-.... 1 H#nH f!^ nr rP<^l<{]|nir{|l J, Dnrrihe fully how injury OTT'imfl - $ECI. _ 4. Part of machine on which injury occurred.- _ 5. Is it possible to provide a guard, safety appliance, or regulation in connection with this machine that might have prevented this injury? 6. What guard, safety applianoe, or rtguUtiaa to guard against the injury was in oae when it occutrcd?. — SECL NATURE OF Part of person Injured (state whether right or left in case of arms or hands).. Nature of injury, as near as possible 3. Attending physician or hospital where sent, name and address- _ 4. State probable period of disability (number of days employee is expected to be abeent from employment, dating from day of injury) S. Has Employee returned to work? . Date of report Made < IS- employee ia disabled, detach here, preserving remainder of blank for later use. t^° SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT A Supplemental Report should be filed: Immediately after the return to work of the employee; if employee < 60 days, at the end of such period; in every case, where an employee do .-...--. second report must be made to the Board at the end of the period of disability. Date of injury.. Name of injured person Previously reported... Pre«.nt address of employee g^'^J^o. - Name of employer. — - ..City or Town..™ I . What incapacity resulted to the employee by reason of this injury? StaU nature exactly, or as nca $ECF. EjrraiTof ■ $ECC. DURATION OF 5. If injured person not yet at work, state probable length of furlher n Form 64. Form Showing Information Called for by Workmen's Compensation Act 78 ACCIDENT-SICKNESS FORM. Clas* of Work Dept. late, hour of occurrence Day, date, hour of profemional aHention Nature— extent of injory or illnwa Statement of ncciHent by injiireil fjingoages Spoken *8" Length of Service Did foreman inatruct Ever hurt before — when— where Contributing Fantom— T ack of nafe gnarda- gogglen of good eye sight of aleep Fellow- workinan Poor phyaical condition Worry Form 65. Complete Individual Record for Illness or Accident (Note.— The inside of this folding form is used for additional description of injury or disease.) 79 55 °l^ z z z — " ■ • UJ 5£ UJ > o UI i,. £2 1 h §1 ' ceo UJ O fe < Si- Ul < 2 a.' < 0.' UJ oc '5 a o Z «ul|_2 UI z UJ a H 1 PECIFIC LC 8FIGUREM THER PAR OTAL PER EATH 5 i 5i Is UI 5 _ K- < < o 41 3- o5 Si - 5 UJ i 03 Q Ol-C -1 < O Ui oc 1 z 8 < - CO cc o UJ ^ S Jo UI cc Ui UJ $ 1- a UJ n UJ z 2 a p t 82 H }!' z o Ss 5 :? cc ^ h- o ^ Oi < u. o UI > 1!^ 5S ■7 o i s cr 5 8 1 _ii- c z o Ui I o < z UJ s o UI o UI iS MENTS OTHER TH ECK "KIND" OF SP < UJ »- 8 Ui ? ^ \- UI >I 3 Z LU D O 5 CC UJ O I 3 S S 5S z z s 1- z UJ > ? O I :i s - - Si- J (rd < ?5 UI t ■J (A ^. < z a: UI "~ i z z < UI 4» 4» Ui O UJ ? OCUI UJ < H ? 3 % SI -1 ^i^ ?? O g < <1 H 1- Z3 z s O O o n z . o 2 o il 1- I h- "I __ _^ ___ _^ 80 z s X 111 oc UJ z o u cc UJ 8 o o cc -1 < I < . CO K 111 Z 2 >- Ui Q. 8 -1 < 1- O < OC 2 Ui cc < z 2 1- Q. -1 < -1 I CO cc o }- o § D o < o UJ UJ > UJ 1 X UJ UJ i -1 o co oc < UJ cc V g U. u 1 i 1 ul i X 1 UI 12 Z Ui UJ (0 oc D m Q 8 1 Ui i 5 3 ^1 1 < i a:!*' g f' u. 8i •J o II w fA ajnp^jj Xpog uSpjoj ujng UIBJJS uiBJdg uoispuj ginpunj uoisnjuo3 ■ uoisBjqv UOp'BjaD'E'J a o < 9[qBiU3A -ajd uoN uoqip -U03 5ai} papjun3ufi 33/^oiduia painfui JO SS3USS3piB3 aaXoiduig; Moipj }o ssaussapjBQ . aaxHO.w saaOH ox xsoq sanoH aovxNaoa^tj aasaoAV s«noH o qiuoj^ SlU3pi3DV s^miiopif sjuapiDDv snbiA3jj 1 11. uoqBS -uaduioj 3UItX JO ssoq IIV aDNVQNaxxv < 1 ^ U • ^ , ^ 1 82 , «,,,,, d u s w 1 t/3 Q H !^ ^ < C3 "75 S s O Pi _^ 1 .3S c c Wc^ > " rt >> C^ •J3 C X 11 cS 3 g_< rt (u o a ^ P<- Q o i "cd ♦J Pi 8 U 1 (3 si Q a!5 e u u "=^.5 ^6 < OH fcL. ■ ■ w c a o :^ 4t H O 3 fe c C/2'-' o ^ c C/2 M .2 >. 2 P^ ■-1 a p^i B o § a 1 c 3 >v O o a .2 < ^ 2 w rt ^ ;2: 1 < rt ■ P^ , d *j 6 J « i/i s 1 11 H t-> x^ en cd (U < o« H O' P^ &3 C. SUMMARY records: HEALTH AND SAFETY £, sjuapyaav |B»OX 8«au](3|S a9u|s«3ip3H tiuapp^V iwox M3U1|3|S ■Suimajpou Moappav tMU^SIS •tuiacajpaH t)uap|33V 1«>0X S«U|n9Jp9)I ■)U»PP3V ■9a|M»jp»>i •)uap(39V •OS. -id^a K £ t -S r: / 84 STATISTICAL REPORT SICK AND ACCIDENT ACCIDENTS TREATED AT HOSPITAL Fro«. To. Wound. tf Ev F« S<^ ^ Am Bk.« WriM H«i l-f Km. Aikl. Fm( AM. Ckit UA ToUl Lacerated AbraMKl - Conttued Punctured Incised ■ 'Bdmi Sprain* Strain* Dialocation* Fracture Infected ForeicnBodr Total - ^— . Eye strain .. Infection Ckinjunctivitis Stye NOSE Gaurrh iryza DISEASES TREATED AT HOSPITAL From To _ EAR Otitis media. !| EXTREMITIES Infection arm Infection hand ection 6nger. Total Form 70. Another Form of Summary Report 85 QUESTIONS ON SECTION IV 1. Who would need access to Form 53 ? Should copies be maintained by- more than one office ? Any reasons for limiting its accessibility ? 2. Form 54 is made up of three parts, part one being in dupHcate and the duplicate parts of the three cards being filled out with the use of carbon paper. Trace the procedure involved. 3. Criticize Form 58 in detail. Superfluities? Omissions? Any informa- tion you would object to having gathered? Explain your answer. Would any of this information reach the management ? How and why ? 4. Compare Forms 65 and 66. Trace each item to its source, outHning procedure involved in getting the information, and explaining why the information is needed. Do the requirements of Form 64 explain the need of all the items ? What should be the final disposition of these two forms? How much of this information would the management need to get, in what form, and why ? 5. Draw up a form for a monthly inspection report on physical conditions about the plant. 6. Outline in detail the procedure involved in dealing with an individual accident case as suggested by the forms in this section. 7. Suggest at least three additional forms which might have been included in this section. Draft them. 86 V. FORMS AND RECORDS AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE RESEARCH AND PLANNING SECTION INTRODUCTORY NOTE In the assumed scheme for a personnel department around which the material of this manual is organized, the research and planning section is charged with such functions as the following: analysis of data relating to wage rates and recommendations based on its analyses; similar duties as to hours from various points of view; any other statistical studies or investigations of conditions within or outside the plant; the planning of the labor budget; any special cost studies desired, as of accidents, turnover, or the adminis- trative costs of the department; schedules of future requirements; the preparation of periodic statistical summary reports of all phases of personnel department operations. Some of this work may actually be carried out by other sections of the department. For example, fatigue studies may be made by the health section alone or in co-operation with members of the research section. For convenience, however, it is assumed that all research, planning, and statistical work is centered in the one section. Only part of the data for the work of this section can be secured from the routine records of the plant. Much of it will come from special investigations inside and outside the plant, and for these, obviously, no routine standard forms will serve. Forms 105-108, and Chart 4 on pages 12 and 13 will suggest the character of some investigations of this type. One of the most important functions of the section will be the collection and analysis of data bearing on wage determination. In any plant the actual system of rates arrived at will be the resultant of many variables, including among the most important the market or ''going" rates for the community, trade, or industry, costs and standards of living, the bargaining power of the parties to the wage contract, administrative convenience, production costs and individual efficiency, general business conditions, the regularity of employment and the prosperity of the individual industry and plant. It has been thought worth while to illustrate specifically in this section standard forms bearing on only one factor or group of factors: those having to do with efficiency and production costs. Those presented include time and motion study forms (71-74): a sampling of production control and cost accounting forms sufficient to suggest 87 methods of compiling labor costs (75-82);^ a summary graphical wage record (83); two somewhat elaborate individual production records (84-85) ; and three forms illustrating schemes of wage classi- fication based on occupational rating (86-88). As far as production costs and much other plant data relating to wages are concerned, the personnel department will depend typically on the production department and its planning division, the cost accounting organization, and the payroll division for the actual collection of the information. The research and planning section will be concerned only with the analysis of the data with reference to the task of setting and revising wages, and the records needed will be secured in duplicate or borrowed for this special purpose. It is obvious, however, that the task of the section cannot be performed effectively without the closest familiarity and contact with the pro- cedure involved in the maintenance of the records. ^ Forms 75-82 are taken from the production control scheme of the Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Co., which uses a "modified" Gantt system with task and bonus scheme of payment. The principles underlying this system will be found in Gantt's Work, Wages and Profits. Full explanation of forms similar to those illustrated here, however, can be obtained from any standard work on factory management. 88 A. TIME AND MOTION STUDY Requ est for Service of Cost Dept. ly Dept. Date Wanted Subject Operation EXPLAIN IN DETAIL WORK TO BE DONE 1* th ere a p resent piece rate? What is it? Why is new rate ncyded? I s there an ex perie n ced worke r available for the s tudies? Name If no piece work rate, give cost in time work. Average rate earned^ Give Approx. No.' of orders per y ear. Give Approx. Quantities per order. Total Sample File No. Signed Form 71. Request for Job Survey— Obverse 89 COST DEPT. RECORD Received Assigned to_ Summarized Date Figured Date Typed Sent for approval Rat e cards typed CHANGES MADE IN METHODS Present Hour* Per Revised Hours Per Present Rate Per New Rate Per Saving in Hours Per Saving Per Doz. Total Hours Per Year Saving in Hours Per Year | Form 71. Reverse 90 No. 19 REMARKS U KUI { d t^ \ ^ UI \ -DAT \ i i H lli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ >PERA D EMARKS \ \ i« _____) ii 7 _ _/ / ^ ": !3 w y & ;2 < s (0 \ sou < 3 S ^ UI t \ (0 1 tt \ i 1 \ u. \ O \ .2 ? -I y : OF DA _TO IMPLEM CONDI Q / / Z / 1- _y 01 £ -■i f~ » £! s g li i z 1 £ h CO « o en 1 « a: II 1 c _ o * K IS 1 1 S c 1 1 1- i 1 E 1 a E 2 ? ^ 1 1 T 1- = » a 1 c V c ^ z ... 3 i II li 1- *> 1 I 1 I-. E ^ * 1 1 SI 00 g X .J t !! 1 w II •» ■5 ■i a o5 i V t> 1 1 c I u 1 II J E 5 *" 1- II i = , > = , 1 "Ti <^ - "~ "~" z Z q! CO I raw (0 ~ z -* »R cc f •s in o ? 5 = 3 ; a li^ 1- < > ai I <3 2 : 1 s t> 8 c n 1 § i c 5 2 il a I 1 Iso 11 II II) u 1 § s n IS ■* m »- z a of » 1 1 c •0 to i S •0 1 ;3 t E 3 E 1 c HI 5 < 3 < * 1 * if 1 Is 1 5 1 II (E 1 1 1 •s d z V ir 5 ©1 - ~ ~ _ ■0 3 J» § U c IB |2 Q Z < ■s 1 3 >, 1 c z < I 6 l- 1 5 ^ ? 03 z ?! ^ ? .1 II H ^ I d < ^ E ? ? z H cl CC z ? ^ ■D ? '0? Q. m 1 < s I ^ z i C i 1 a l! -1 < c IB 18 1 V ^ 1 1 -.5 1" Q i 1 1 d c E 1 1 1 I •5 X II 1 E J i a A c .9 1 i I •a 5 1 1 c i 2 1 5 1 1 c 1 1 « ra II 1 II E ni La IB E J. 1 ti _ ^ CM " f 92 2 1 mi II II II V'BkDKs.J iJf m II II II 11 ^kooz 3 s il 1 Is m o - « « "i- lO - \ CO \ :: K ) 2 (£ m III »- ~ Cb z J / >■ J J \ _\ It « A ^ -- \ 2 ■o \ < f \ 1 ? i \ q; K k / i 1 / & / v O P ? / z o ( z « A 5p z \ '_ 1 \ c \ 5 \ — o \ ) 1 / ! z 1 J ( i \ K u \ a \ 98 h / 2 1- t / Ul tX\ y \ I \ 5 i ) 1^1 1 > c / ii ( it: tr O 1 ^ . 1 o O § s o ^ — / / \ B, Operator DATE Machin MACH. NO. \ 99 CONTINUOUS GRAPHICAL WAGE RECORD OPERATION OR WORK PERIOD FACTORY „ DIPT WHKIHMl ASaSLOW « W"^ '""'\ \ 3 \ '^ \ « ) Vr ■ « 7 1 9 / / " i f I * / /- ' / i- \ \ " \ ^ . — \ V \ \ 8 A ^ « V ^ \ y \ / / 1 * / A « / / 8 / / '-"7 (_. \ a L \ 1 « \ \" \ s ^ T !s y \t-I- } l.__ s / /--- a / / i " 1 I I \ / \ s \ N \ \ = \ \ ) ■ / \ a / \ . s / \ / / 1 IV.V I \ i _ \ 1 \ jl J \ \ zj N \ \ !!!! \ C. INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTION RECORDS lJ ^ 7 ^^L| / 1 ^-- ' — — _,^ / -&a» / jZ:;^;;;^^;^ ' — ! o / ' S^;:^ 5 "~~"^-~^!:^o I 1 \ iJ 1 ^ J 1 '"^ *8 ?§ii \ 113 1 \ ^^d^ 1 1 1 II^~:s=f^^ -._::-3oy \ \ rn \ »« / ii r •s . / Sisf\ :g7 •'•0 Colored _ J - f / I ( ] — \ \ \ 2 B \ •^«'». 1 i / / i \i •ON 1=>»13 ir 1 o 8 « p^ E § S G .S2 c^ Xi 1 1- 11 E ■ , • il 1 ■ E ii o - i " i S ■: i^ c 1 - ill .. .: 5 Hi -1 z o i h o t J n z ) 0. " '. « B = ? 1 2 5 , \ ■ s i i ^ o t: • ■ • ■ u § ■ . ^ i S lu. . =, i § o 111 < z s • S S i |i ^ s s g II n - !i So i - ' 1 1 1 1 '. J_ I02 The Babcock Wage Formula/ in connection with which the information called for by Form 85 is as follows: The equation is and for the determination of labor and indirect cost (not including materials) is: X={r{i+J)^-R)t The definitions of terms follow. They are common in both equations : r = Base hourly rate man is to receive K = A constant, when V is 100 per cent, to bring worker under standard conditions to standard rate B = Fundamental base rate, temporarily that of 1905 i = Percentage of increase in living since 1905, taken on the 15th of Janu- ary, April, July and October m = Percentage allowed for each extra process known or learned n = Percentage allowed for years of connected service y = Years of such service R = Fixed charges rate per hour which man has chance to modify e = Percentage of premium earned on time allowance V = 100, which is the standard accomplishment per cent E = Standard premium task time set Pa = Percentage of time absent or late S = Value of spoiled work per producing hours worked = Percentage of time under task = Percentage of time spent on non-task or straight time work C = Co-operation and conduct X = Labor and fixed charge cost / =Time taken to do work ^Adapted by permission from G. D. Babcock, "The Taylor System in the Franklin Shops" in Industrial Management for January, 191 7, since republished in book foim. 103 D. OCCUPATIONAL EATING AND WAGE STANDARDIZATION .t i D J? "2 «> Dill I DDD .8 n nnn 2 3 2 •§ J 5 as ^ -a « '^ U4 g S a O j2 D w iniEin H Q § O g 3 O t75S ^ p [X] nss D <^ <^ CO EDO O 4) •- Q. rt O 3 o O H ?3 4) c (A 4> 1^^ Oh D § s- IS CU DDD! -lit [x][xl[x] wl § 2 0. < ^ % I nnn nnni n ill ^ ij 104 I >- o -J Q. Ui i < Hi S5 zm si HO) a. o j2 ;S o o •« ^-- : :^ •o-?,sl d o 6 « «^ a b 2: > •n>^^ ^^ 111 .Si; 2 m ^51 i'J S^'S I^J^^ IT i - <0 .a «> a a yS42 a <« I- -^1 «£■£> }! .5 en 2, ■ft o 2 (« » >- K fl u w o ■M'" IS a — "** 'C « — MOO ^2 S Ji d« ^•2 flS rt i« SI o ? as d o£ i« u) M ^ c >, O rt r d 4> > ■" "3 <" g -| *-"y "Sja o d.t:3 (0 rt 1 .2 CD III Ti-OO P g-9 2 s- hi g S JE -ST M 6 .JJ « |1 4) 4> o S m ft o til ft o lOS a 1 2 CO P i 1 1^ 1 J 1 No Division DEPARTMENT RATE SURVEY ^^^ Dept. No. Dept. Namp 1_ 5 f B •< i r f- II 2; 1 Q < pa u c OS u E F AVE. RAtE TOTAL No. <• o < > a U 6 < H io6 gw ^ ^Y^^^^ IJJJSKK SjSSSK ssss 8 ';2o ?5 ass?;?s§ § «J «» CO «*> §55!5^K sss« s i" a s;35;?s?§ 9«§gffi KSS5K r:ssss t ^o CM 00 o Nio t^ CM ro «5 »0 Wl 5555^? gK5;ss g2:?23 ^ s^ S CM CM CM CM CM fO »0 CO «0 CO ^5:^?S isggg s i" 00 CM S!:?;??;;^ 59§5S KSSSS ^SSSo s j2o ^ ?5a«;?!i5 S§^5!5§ ?g!f5g53 fe^^S s »ta o CM J^SJQ?^^ — 1 CM ■*»0 t* CO fO CO CO CO ^5:5;§S SSSI8 s s« S 00 'H ro V) t^ CM fO <^ «^ fO 555^^ SR&;SS SKSS s iSJo ^ ss^?5;? ;?s§55i$ :§5:KE?S ISSKJ: s t-to g ssKi?:;?2 »0 ro CO ro CO S§5^S S£5§S fe * g" CM CM CM «0 ro fO S^555:§ 5SKSS ^i:SS S g asss^j SJQS?3 so n »rt r* 0> -« e«» CM N Sj::?3J5 ■* to 2 SSSS55 CM ro CO ro CO £;^5!!5§ S18SS IS : 3 22S-?J CM * t«. 00 O CM CM CM CM »*> »0 ;?;???§5! 3§§ffi55 SlSSfi '^ i CM a i:22gs J^ ?3 CJ CM CM CM »»> ?};?;?K;§ 5:5^SS ssss n fa Tj< Ift lO t^ 00 2g;;;j^ rofi, 2 (M CM CM CM CM a^5^S!J5 ;?S5i^5 ioirt So 3 1 1" J:22gj:3 S3SSJQ lo 1^ fOIrt t« O. O CM CM CM CM ro si;? 1^5;;? 55^S5; SS!8S k! or^oowo S CM CM CM ^ CM rj< O 00 0> CM CM CM CM CM p;?i;s5;?S g55^§S KSS:8 ^1 (M to ro ^ W) O t» 22gS <^«to o» SSSJQS sa;;??u? ;?S5:55: SSKS i: 2e:22s S?3?JS a« S ?:j^JQ?5a ro ro ro ro ro ^55§S SSSS s Irt O to 00 o» SS?i?5 ;So S ;:s;?:^s ^^^si;?;? S§3§$ Ksas s •^ to N rO ^ ift >0 ^22S -to Ov S?J!3«S sa^fj;;? JSS;§5:§ SRl^g 2 jjirtor^w 2S?:?J s« 2 S?iSS^ CM CO ro ro ro o "OI^ 22gf;3 ^to o> sasKJS CM ro CO ro CO ro «0 ^ ? •* s;^£5S 2 ^ to -H M fO * Ift 2E^ 22 00 CM CM M CM CM ot~ ooev 1 o -^ CM CO 'ion 2J::22g ssastQ SJ^SS r/^ ^^^ Z !f^ o a H «Jl :3 c; pQ (4 3 <: (U h-i u a >^ o ft! i_) <]j C C/J x) H) S D 1 o tXH 107 QUESTIONS ON SECTION V r. Make a list of the measurable factors involved in the setting of wage rates. How can each be measured ? How accurately ? 2 What is the purpose of the analysis called for by Form 71 ? Explain the reason for each of the items contained on this form. 3. What are the main differences between Forms 72 and 73 ? Under what circumstances might either be preferable to the other ? 4. Would the personnel department be interested specifically in Form 74 ? If so, why ? What use could be made of it ? 5. Trace the procedure involved in the use of Forms 75-79. How is the personnel department interested in these forms ? 6. Would the personnel department wish to receive and maintain duplicate records of Forms 81 and 82 ? Post this information to the man's service record ? Receive the duplicates and compile summary records of them? If the last, what kind of summary records and for what purpose ? 7. What are the purposes of Form 83 ? Do Forms 81, 82, and 83 throw any light on the sources of the information called for by Schedules 12, 14, and IS in Chart 4? Would you suggest modifications of these forms to assist in making up those schedules ? Can you draft a sum- mary form for recording the information called for by these schedules? 8. How about Form 84 — do the items called for here throw any light on the form which summary wage records for the personnel department should take? 9. What t3^e of wage system is suggested by Form 84 ? 10. Trace each of the items posted on Form 84 to its source, indicating procedure for obtaining it. 11. Do the same with Form 85. 12. The formula shown in connection with Form 85 is an effort to provide for and express mathematically all the factors involved in rate determi- nation. The individual worker's wage is thus determined automatically. Does this do away with the need for Schedules 12-15 ? Does it sug- gest additional data which should be collected ? Does it suggest the need for additional summary records? 13. What do you think of the expediency of maintaining a record like Form 85 in the average plant ? Why ? How could you judge ? 14. Look through the factors provided for in the formula. What method would you use in determining the quantitative value of each: for example, B, m, n, C? Should the worker be consulted ? 15. Form 86 is to be used as the basis for a scheme of classifying wages by occupational rating. Just how does it assist in setting a rate ? How determine that one job is "worth" more than another? How deter- mine how much more? What should be the initial job with which comparisons are to be made ? What the initial base rate ? Why ? 108 i6. Who should use the rate cards in this rating scheme? Should the worker help rate his own job? Determine the pecuniary difference between jobs? What would be the advantages of an occupational rating system ? The weaknesses ? 17. What are the uses of Form 87? Any help in the wage schedules in Chart 4 ? 18. What are the uses of Form 88? Does it suggest an "occupational rating" scheme? 109 VI. MISCELLANEOUS FORMS— PROFIT-SHARING, INSURANCE, AND BENEFIT CONTRACT CONTRACT FOR EXTRA REMUNERATION WITH EMPLOYEE INDUSTRIAL PARTNER (Not a Contract of Employment) DENNISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY (Inc'd 1911) and hereinafter called Employee Industrial Partner (or E. I. P.), in consideration of the following promises and agree- ments, do hereby contract as follows: (1) That this contract is effective experimentally and is subject to termination by the Company at the end of any year, but unless so terminated shall continue for a period of five years from January 1, 1920. (2) That the provisions of the Employees' Industrial Partnership Plan printed on the back of this contract are made a part of this contract. (3) That at the time of signing this contract, the name of said E. I. P. has been placed upon the list' of Employee Industrial Partners. (4) That said E. I. P. will be entitled so long as he remains an E. I. P. to receive as extra remuneration for his services during each calendar year, his proportional share of the E. I. P. Fund for that year. This extra remuneration shall be paid him in Employee Industrial Partnership certificates or stock, (with a cash payment in adjustment of any remaining amount due of less than ten dollars). (5) This contract is made subject to the Agreement of Association and By-laws of the Company and to any changes which may be made in the same. It may be modified in detail by agreement between the General Works Committee and the Company. (6) In case of his death, said Employee Industrial Partner hereby designates as beneficiaries of this con- tract and to be the holders of the Second Preferred stock to be issued in place of his E. I. P. certificates or stock, the persons whose names and permanent home addresses are classified below. The three classes shall receive benefits in numerical order and no person in a succeeding class shall receive benefits unless all persons in the preceding class or classes shall have died before the E. I. P. If there be more than one person in a class who shall survive the E. I. P. they shall receive benefits equally, unless said E. L P. shall otherwise indicate below: NAME PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS Gasftin Executed in duplicate this day of 19... DENNISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY By. Employee Induflrial Partner Form 89. A Profit-Sharing Contract — Obverse no Employee Industrial Partnership Plan Only abscncet which conxitute rciignation or diKhargt fthall fa« con- d ai intcrropting CONTINUOUS K^vic.. ;und. to be known aa the •Eraployeci' Indu.trial Parlnerihip « '" computing ACCUMULATED acrvicc after 1920. ihc aervicc o( anr und." which shall not exceed one hall ol what ii diilribmed ai extra remuneration Kmployee Induitrial Partner, prior to the day on which h« became in Em- . Principal Employed, kcreinalter called 'Manajcrial Induatr.al Parlnera." ployee Induatrial Partner. e»en though more than two yeara. ahall b< counted ai two yeara and no more, and the service o( an Employee Induatrial Partner whose rights have been auspciided. between the dale of sus0eniior its subsidiaries, on the first day on which his rights as an Employee Industrial Partner were restored, ,cycn though more than one year, ahall b« counted as one year and ito more. a. Who has completed at least l«o years of CONTINUOUS lull lime '■ >n determming length o( CONTINUOUS or ACCUMULATED service service with the Company, '" Jeara prior to 1920 the lengths ol service used for the purpose of distribut- b Who is eighteen years of age or over, '"* ''** ^^'^ Anniversary Fund shall be employed and'shall not be subject to P»rtner, (y FORM OF DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES' INDUSTRIAL PART. d. Whose name is placed upon the list ol Einployee Industrial Partners NERSHIP FUND. before February 1st ol any year by the Confmillee-on Operation. y^^-^ p^^^j ^1^1, ,,, ,ji,„ii,„,,j ,„ ,|„ g , p , ;„ E,„p|o,ee Industrial Partner- e. Who cojiforma to all rulea made jointly by the Genecal Works Com- ship certificates or stock as provided below m- are paid on Managerial Industrial Partnership atock during the same year, pany so long as he continues to fulfill the above conditions and uottt he retigna or is If and when the Plan shall become the permanent policy of the Company, the discharged from (he employ of the Company when hia right! as an Employee Indus- Company may issue instead of and in exchange for (he Empk>yees' Industrial Part- trial Partner shaft thereupon be suspended. If he subsequently returns to the empkjy nership certificates, a new form of stock to be knt>WD as Empbyees' Industrial Part- of the Company his rights aa an Empk>yee Industrial Partner shall be restored aa nership stock. This stock shall be non-voting, ahall have a par value of ten dollars soon as be has completed on the first day of any year after his teturit one year of a share and (he Company shall pay dividends thereon at the aame rale (hat divi CONTINUOUS full time service with tlie Company. denda are paid on Managerial Industrial Partnership stock during the same year Employee Industrial Partners, Bkcr other emptoyees, shall at all limes be subject These certificates or stock shall be non -transferable and non assignable- to the rules, discipline, and discharge of the Company. (7) e. I. p. CERTIFICATES OR STOCK VOID AFTER RESIGNATION, (J) BASIS OF DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES' INDUSTRIAL PART- DISCHARGE OR DEATH OF E. I. P. NERSHIP FUND. Whenever a holder of E- I- P. certificates or stock resigns or is discharged from The Employees' Industrial Partnership Fund of any year shall by March 15th ol ,1,, r„pioy „| ,he Company (whether he receives a pension or otherwise) or dies, or the following year, be distributed among the employees who were Employee Indus ,h|, plan i^ terminated, his right to interest on his certificates or dividends upon his trial Partnera on January 1st of tlje year for which diatril^utton is made. All auch jto^ij jfajn ^ease from the last previous interest or dividcnd'payment, and hia certif- Emptoyee Industrial Partners shall b< classified into ail' f roups on th< basis of ides or atock shall at once become DuU and void and said former E. I. P., hia legal length ol ACCUMULATED full Mm» service as indicated in.the loltowing table. The representative or any person having poiseaaion of aaid void cerlificales or ahares individual members of each group who have worked the full year shall each receive ,hall surrender Ihem up forthwith to the Company. The Cbmpany ahalL at its the same sum, which shall bear the ratio to the sums received by the individual option, redeem at oar in cash or issue ahares of Second Preferred stock of the same members of each of the other groups, that are also indicated in the foUowing table. par value 7s the toTSI of such E- I- P cerlificales or E. I- P. stoek in the namea of , . . „.,.., j|,.,i„, the beneficiariea deshwrted on the first page of Ihia contract, together with pay Term of Full time Service on .'M^T^t^",, r^Jwed bT^he ments in cash to hin. or them for an, remainder ol said certificate, or E- I. P. stock Jan. 1 of the year for which individual members ol each ol not exceeding nine, at par. and in adjustment for dividends on these sharea of Second I- . . . Less than S years 10 points E- I- P certificates (tr stoek. 2 ... 5 years to 10 yeara 12 pointa ' ■ ' ■ iS'SntoM'SII 11 ""-Su '" AN E. L p. BECOMING AN M. I. P. 5 ■ " .' 20 yeara to 25 years 21 points If the name of an E- I- P- shall at any time be pla.:ed upon the Ust of "Man- 6 . - . 25 yeara and over 24 points agerial Industrial Partnera" he ahall retain any cerlificales or atock which he may ,...,. , have acquired as an E. I. P-, but his name shall be removed from the list of Em- No Empfoye. Industnal Partner shall participate m the dialnbution of an, year i„d„„rial Partners, and he ahall not be entitled to share in the distribution of unless he ha. completed at kast six months of full-time «rvic. in that year. If he Emptayees' Industrial Partnership Fund after his nam. has been placed on and . has worked over six months but less than one year, he ahatt receive a share propor „ , ' „ i, remains on the M I P list tionale lo the number of full months worked. ' ..... Any Employee Industrial Partner who leaves the employ ol the Company altet CONTRACTS FOR EXTRA REMUNERATION. six months service, but before the end of the year, shall be given a statement indi- *■ ■ h ( d ThTfunds distributed are a apecial remuneration for extra efforts, Mving of waste, assented to by the O^pany. the change of beneficiariea which he wishes, and whole-hearted co-operalion and the fact tHa. thia special remuneration is paid COMMITTEE ON OPERATION. the employees shall not be considered in determming regular wage ratea. The Chairman of the General Woirka Committee and the Chairman of the Central (S) COMPUTATION OF LENGTH OF SERVICE. Committee, ex officio, ahall be a Committee on Operation lot the Employees' Indus- Length ol full time service shall be compuled as follows: trUI Partnership Plan. It shall be the duly of this committee to investigate Ihe a. Holidays, vacations not exceeding two weeks in one year, temporary '^"''■"> "I thU Plan for the purpose of del.rmlnilg whether it i. bring carried out abaence. not exceeding Ihe rate of 12 working days' in one year, Ui-j>IIs of " «""' P"'""'". »"'"<' "-I"" «nnuaUy 10 the General Work, r- I duration, and absences of lest than onV vrorUny day d, (he Committee on Operation thati at all ti . deducted from length of service, bu. all other absence. Irom work •»« <»-" "> •""'" "« '»»'" '"'' "'»""• °' the Company ,_^bul not lo compel by the Company. No other Employee Industrial Partner, bowtvpr, shall ■ve this right of inspection or any right to an -accounting by virtue of his contract >r extra remuneration, or otherwise. It shfttl also be the duty of this Committee to prepare according to the provisions iun be counted. of this Plan the list of Dennison Employee Indu»(-ial Partners for each year, desig- c. Time shall be computed and carried over from year to year in full riating the group to whkh each employee belongs. In ease any employee is not tatis- months only (and for this purpose a month shall be considered as having 25 fied with his position in this list or feels that he is unjustly exchidcd, h« may take working days), and any fraction of a month remaining at the' 'nd of a year his case up directly with the Committee on Operation, which ihalt reconsider hii shall be'distegarde*^ case. "For the purpobc of iuch rrconsiderltion. but for no other purposes, the Pre«i- .^ . dent o( the Company, shall, cx-ofRdo, be a member of the Committee on Operation. to-rc: For the year 1920 each 10 hours of absence in any week' shall be reckoned The decision of this Committee .upon any iUch reronstdered case ^U be final and as absftice for one working day. rot subject to alteration by th^ General Works Committee or the Company. Form 89. Reverse III Sears, Roebuck and Co. Employes' Savings and Profit Sharing Re^^on Fund December 31, i9i<^;> Appende(S;;hg]^wi^ is a statement of your account, showing the amount of mon^^^Avith which you have been credited this year and also the number of shares of Sears, Roebuck and Co. common capital stock in which all your money has been invested. Julius Rosenwald, Albert H. Loeb, o. c. doering, John H. Mullen, Mrs. a. Rudd Brooker, Trustees. 1 5 M shares Balance December 31, 191 7 | 1000 Earnings for 191 8 s f 2 9 41 Savings for 1918 / 5 00 1 "^ 1000 Company's Contribution for 191 8 ($3.26 per $1.00 savings) ^89 00 1 1 i 10 9l7t' Balance December 31, 1 91 8 -^ 1 1000 shares The total amount to your credit is invested m and represented by the number of shares of Sears, Roebuck and Co. common capital stock shown above. The total savings deposited by you since you joined the Fund amount to f. '^ 7 ** , ^^ ■ ind are included in the balance shown. Form 90. Report to Employee of Profits Distributed 112 Certificate No.. Class B ^t&T'' Carded. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN EMPLOYE'S BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Name of Company . ___^_ Employed at . Occupation Date entered Service . Check No Dept Nationality- To the Superintendent of Employes' Benefit Association, Company: I, ; , being years of age, and residing at Christian name in full No. Street in the City of , in the County of and {province} °^ ' '^^^ employed by the above named Company do hereby apply for membership (Class B) in said Employes' Benefit Association, and agree to be bound by the regulations of said Association, a copy of which has been by me received, and by any other regulations of said Benefit Association here- after adopted and in force during my membership. I also agree, request and direct that said Company, by its proper agents, and in the manner provided for in such rules, shall, during the continuance of my employment, apply as a voluntary contribution from any wages earned by me under said employment, one and one-half (ij) per cent of my wages, for the purpose of securing the benefits provided in the regulations for a member of Class B of said Association. Unless I shall hereafter otherwise designate in writing, with the approval of the Super- intendent of the Benefit Association, death benefits shall be payable to my wife (husband), if I am married at the time of my death; or if I have no wife (husband) living, then to my children, collectively, each to be entitled to an equal share, including as entitled to the parent's share the children of any dead child; or if there be no children or children's children living, then to if living, and if not living, to my father and mother jointly, or the survivor; or if neither be living, then to my next of kin, payment in behalf of such next of kin to be made to my legal representative; or, if there be no such next of kin, of if proper claim is not made to the Superintendent within one year from the date of my death, the death benefit shall lapse, and the amount thereof shall become and remain a part of the Benefit Fund. I also agree, for myself and those claiming through me, to be governed by the regulations providing for final and conclusive settlement of all claims for benefits, or controversies of whatever nature, by reference to the Superintendent of the Benefit Association, and an appeal from his decision to the Board of Trustees. I also agree that any untrue or fraudulent statement made by me to the Medical Examiner, or any concealment of facts in this application, or any attempt on my part to defraud or impose upon said Benefit Association, or my resigning from or leaving the service of said Company, or my being relieved or discharged therefrom, shall forfeit my membership in the said Benefit Association, and all rights, benefits and equities arising therefrom, except that such termination of my employment shall not (in the absence of any of the other foregoing causes of forfeiture) deprive me of any benefits to the payment of which I may be entitled by reason of disability beginning and reported before and continuing without interruption to and after such termination of my employment, nor the right to continue my membership in respect of death benefit only, as provided in said rules. I certify that I am correct and temperate in my habits; that, so far as I know, I am now in good health, and have no injury or disease, constitutional or otherwise, except as shown in the accompanying statement made by me to the Medical Examiner, which statement shall constitute a part of this application. In witness whereof, I have signed my name hereto at in the County of . {province} ^^ this day of , A.D. 19 , the member- ship issued under this application to take effect on such date as may be designated by said Superintendent, if I shall be at work for the Company on that date. If not at work on that date, then on such future date as may be designated by said Superintendent, provided I pass a new medical examination if the said Superintendent requires one. Signature of Applicant — Christian name in full Witness The foregoing application is approved at the office of the Superintendent of the Employes' Benefit Association, Company, at , this day of , A.D. 19 ; to take effect the day of , A.D. 19 Superintendent of Employes' Benefit Association Form 91. Application for Membership in an Employees' Benefit Association (The information called for on the reverse side of this form is similar to that called for by an ordinary insurance policy.) 113 NOTICE OF DISABILITY To be used hy a member in notifying the Relief Department in case of sickness on or ofiF duty, or of accident off duty 19__ r^ r> r ^ ^. r -r^ Placc and Date To Supt. of Relief Dept: Sec. Check Member- Class . Place. .livdng at No. ■Dept. Pass . Street No. is disabled on account of. which occurred at A.M. .P.M. Dr Remarks C9.IIS 191 and was first known to me 9 First day wages not paid 19 . at Head of Dept. Form 92. Notice of Workman's Disability for Relief Department H Z UJ Ijj H < H 0) 115 u O ;s D i ^ ^>- 2 U 1 (0 ^ UJ a z ;? < Oh Q; S< 2 -J u III ^ < 5 v^ a UJ o m "I ij 2 "5 s s s o § -- o O CQ •3 G •-r «-. ^« «a >. o — 3 2-S ^ a - « o §1 2 S •SS "S a; fl T3-a CO 2 «« 2 « S ^ 2l U * "5 1 *■' C " E eo N « DEPARTMENT (OR WHOLE PLANT) I. Average Normal Force for Month U. Number Hired to Replace Loawa III. Number Hired to Increase Force IV. Number Hired for Temporary Work VI. Total Hiiiro Reaaona for Lea\-ing Death Marriage Moved Away Unpreveotable Sicknen Better Poeition Returning to School Other Unavoidable Cauaea VII. Total Unavoidable Actndenta Nature of Work Diaaatinfartion with Wagea Drunkennm Irregular Attendance Laiinea. Not Adapted to Work Occupational Sicknei. Other Avoidable Cauaea VIII. Total Avoidable Cauaea IX. Thoae from VIII Diacharged X. Thoae from VIII Laid Off XI. Total Lbavino aisYoioAVHn aiavoiOAV ii8 1 S S s. - ss S g 4 ■ g V. ? to 5 S ^ S 1 N W ^ §5 g S c- « s 1 s s; s S s 1 s 1 to s 121 22 CO 5 s s 1 S 8? g i eo •xf Tj. er ^ oc in t- o 00 ec o oe 5823 95 104 1.63 1 c^ 1 to to 1 o CM ? ^ ^ ■xf w « 00 er IC e<- o> « ■^ «* O) g % oo c CO _( 00 W M § 0< c- eo e<- u. a CO 5 Sj 1 CO '^ * c o> 00 lO CO eo 5: ?? S S CM M eo s -a a ?^ c- c s ^ c >« o ^ O! « e 5S »4 t- eo (M eo 03 ■* -H CM TJ. ;3 S § 3 t- o: (( •* cq e- eo eo c t- ^ N " eo w ^ M IS ^ CM CM 0) l> ^ »r ^ OS lO O) eg Tf o 00 I- 5 s s B 64 C4 (C « o c •« CM i <3> rj eo eo ■ ^ § ir te T» !£ in © ■ o eo e^ e a o o s ev: t> 00 in rf eo eo 5 •«* o p. M (N 'If CO H '* -"i to eo © O o» -* o> § ^ c eo ■xf M CO kO s •H Im V M !? •* v. Tf CO t- ^ CO CO s s? ^ ^ * « t£ 1 t^ w to CM e^ t~ e>: O £ M CO »] 5 ^ o c j & "e > "^ ; & - \ 5 t ; "J 5 "S "J : ^ ^ "S o 1 . L ,. 5 t , t. j f. .. fci * ' j ( s 1 1 i .s £ i ^ i I i ; i i \ i i i 3 i i Z i J ^ > i g s £ £ £ * fr £ • £ ; £ E^ £ : H £ ■ ^ £ : S S ^ 3 s s 3 = J r . : 3 3 : 5 3 3 O ^ Of: Z g 1 , • ;z 2 ; ^^ : ^ ^ i : 2 \ 1 fe ^ 2 : Z 2 : fe ' 7 : 2: z ^ ka «o t^ 00 S 2 ^ a 3> S o> o> no SHIPYARDS. INC. Em DATE DEPARTMENTAL CHA TRADE HIRED TRANSFERRED .. OUT 1 < I i i I 1 I S i 2 J^ !i i i lit! HI ill Hi ? J ' AAC Accounting PR Production PU Purchasing EM YD Supt. Office YD B Blacksmiths c Carpenters Wood Caulkers Stage Builders Draftsmen and Tracers Clerks — Steno.— B. P. Bovs Draftsmen DM Draftsmen and Tracers Clerks and Stenographers E Electricians Elec. Welders Wiremen __ F Pipefitter* Coppersmiths H Patternmakers J Joiners Machine Men K Engineers (Stationary) Firemen (P. H.) Enaineers fCrane) Firemen (Crane) Erectors (Marine) M Machinists ML Loftsmen Joiners Template Makers N Storekeepers Stock Clerks Clerks and Stenographer Chauffeurs Laborers P f>ainters Painters (Bit) PG Plant Guards Q Laborers R Riggers Watchmen i Marine-Erectors 1 Erectors jI SA Steel Checkers m Anglesmiths ■ Furnacemen 1 ■ sr. Fitters ____ I20 ICE Department labor report 1 ATTENDANCE | INATED NON-PROOUCTIVe LABOR PROOUCTIVe LABOR z »- < < >• I s M »- 2 S < < 8 £ Z 1 I 1 1 1 1 r 2 I I t i i 1 5 -1 i 1 1 I i I i I I'll I I m ii 96. Labor Report Showing Daily Activities permission from "Visualizing Employment Records," by W. S. ent Manager of the Newburgh Shipyards, in Industrial Manage- 20.) 121 3000 — - _ ^^ :^ — =, ~t«~ ^ WMBeii \n Hffnu r'" — ■ — . 1 « '^ mw UH9 s^i ^7 \ ^ ^ — -^ — ^ , . .^ ^ rti — r \V ^ R ' ,wckKLr]iv£i^edn ABS£/rrE£/SM I r/ 1 Im ^ 1 1 11' !0 kFPl ICA-i hoM ; J- -wef/rLY'Avfiiiee \ f / ^ PCK ctin\OF \^/ ' N -W^ \ \ «*/ / \ -1 \ w/^ HO T\ ^ \ ^ w/ ^. \ vjl / 7/ <- /i V l/y ^ ~P JltW/UTTOk t\: -^ S !/// O-- / \ >< ^ -» r^ ^-^ ■^^^ ==; <^ ;;;;^ <^ ^-i- :::r d k >»-. ^ 7VM/ HSFCftS' S \ iH «,yl zzsi aol/pr S>ii>^ J\ ,/^ ,4%.. J \ ^ y ■ — J \ Vr y V K A -^ y^ J^ -^ -. ^ r \ /•M r \r -n y / weatheh 1 — f — 1 -' e ^ ' rt i ni F== s—< 5 — X - i b~^ r*^ P=! ^ b V i: * h% , y M . n 5 f^ rn Bib 5 ?i Form 97. A Graphical Presentation of the Data Shown in Form 96 4000 Form 98. An Annual Graphical Summary of the Same Information (Taken by permission from same source as Form 96) HLB No. Mr. The following is the turnover report for your dept. taken from our monthly report for REASONS FOR LEAVING Wages Job Hours Physical Social . Prospective advancement Accident pr ill-health previous to employment here Occupational accident or ill-health since employment here Non-occupational accident or ill-health since employment here Unknown ill-health Not physically adapted for the job Mistaken placement in other respect. Inefficiency , Unreliability ; ^. Misconduct Suspended [Departmental fluctation ; Temporarily employed, or leave of absence Unstable Job undesirable for purely personal reason Preferable position, perhaps without regard to (wages Distance Other personal reason: marriage, removal, relatives, home cares, rest, education, i Unknown Transferred out TOTAL Form 99. Follow-up Report of Turnover to Head of Department Concerned 123 Special Fund for Twelve Months, 1919 Average Employees, including General Office— 6,960 | December Estimated Average Cost Per Man Year Month Week Day 1— TOTAL EXPEND- TURES OF SPECIAL FUND $191,689.27 $32.22 $2,688 .6406 .1131 Special Fund 2-EXPENSES NEC- ESSARY TO COM- PLY WITH COM- The chart reproduced on this PENSATION page detailing the expenditures of LAW the Special Fund set aside from pro- SURGICAL — Doc- tors, Nurses and Expenses duction for the conduct of such 47,294.29 7.96 .66 .16 .03 activities as seem necessary or a Compensation good investment is self-explanatory. Paid Employees... 5,976.22 1.00 .08 .02 .003 The expense of the surgical TOTAL NECESSARY department was unavoidable under EXPENSE 53,270.61 8.95 .74 .18 .033 State law, even if it had not seemed desirable, and it is believed that 3— EXPENSES WHICH the remaining items, all of which ARE A DIRECT have received the endorsement of SAVING TO EM- PLOYEES the majority of employees, are ful- Loss on Factory Kitchen and filling their purpose of making more efficient workmen and better citi- Restaurant 66,860.77 11.24 .94 .22 .04 zens of the employees, and so Paid Employees for directly effecting an increase in time lost in Jury Service 4,163.96 .70 .06 .014 .002 productivity of the factory. Benefit Society The management is very much opposed to having this service con- Donations 6,231.35 JS8 .07 .017 .003 TOTAL SAVING sidered as "Welfare Work," because EXPENSE 76,246.07 12.82 1.07 .251 .045 it is paid for directly by the pro- duction of the employees to whom it is accorded, and is i» no wise 4— EXPENSES WHICH RENDER SPECIAL the gift of a loving parent to his SERVICE TO children. The total expense px;r EMPLOYEES man, however, as shown, under Medical Service, Doc- twelve cents a day, is much less tors, nurses and Expense 17.661.67 2.97 .25 .06 .01 than the individual could procure Amusement Fund- the same service for elsewhere. Choral Society, Band The elimination of the Factory and Orchestra ... 2,800.00 .47 .04 .01 .002 Kitchen alone would probably cost Baseball 1,900.00 .32 .08 .006 .001 the twelve cents extra outside, as Dances White Book Pub- lications 153.75 23,392.45 .03 3.93 .003 .3S .0006 .08 .0001 .013 a man can buy food more cheaply now in the factory than at home. Education and Library ■ Information Bureau 6,363.29 .90 .075 .018 .003 In addition, it is likely that without this service production and Industrial would be hampered to such an Service 10,911.53, 1.83 .16 .036 .006 extent that the entire amount saved TOTAL SERVICE could not be put into the pay envelope. EXPENSE 62,172.69 10.45 .878 .2096 .0351 12-28-1919 NOTE— This Mtlmate Is made on the basl of an Increase of force uo to 7.000 men. which will actually lower the cost per man to these figures. It Is also made oa a basis of 305 worUnc days a year, and allowlnc Mc a man It will show the followlni fUfurea: ESTIMATED TOTAL EX- PENDITURES OF SPE- CIAL FUND. 1920.... 1210,000.00 130.00 $2.60 .69 .10 Form ioo. Cost Report of Service Outlay 124 o 1 / u. oc UJ * i Ul — ■ O -' 3 3 s ui u. if > -1 «> c.' *- UJ s": oc s 1 1 1 < < s < 1 < 2 ^ _^ y \^ \^ \ > CHART OF LOST TIME AND NUMBER OF PERSONS LATE ON DIFFERENT DAYS OF THE WEEK FOR DIFFERENT MONTHS - ^ ':;; ^» ^ ,--1 .<__^ ,^ V D <^ ^ / \ \ f \ 1 — BB ^^ ^ o\ **= / t /• / /^ \ V 5 \ <>, ^ X i ^ ^ ^ 1 < = o 1 /• y ^' u ' ^ y ,c / > 7 .^ --' X ^ ^ / ^ L— ' ,-^- •— •^ 1 •— >tt ==*« M^ L/tT tM J 8;^B UJ9 »s/Cc iO asU 'MO 1 t:^ /* <•- y ^ , ^ y^ J == 5^ p> t 1 •*^ ' ' w p> 9 t^ iQ tn ? - HW Form ioi. Chart of Lost Time m Relation to Hours A Graphical Record of the Results on Lost Time of a Change of Hours from 56} to sof per week. (Taken by permission from "Time Lost in Industry," a bulletin issued by the College of Technology, Manchester, England, prepared by A. F. Stanley Kent, M.A.D.Sc, Oxon., Director of the Department of Industrial Administration.) 125 Silk Weaving (P lain) A I ^ Silk Wea\/ind (Fancu)__f B I ^'^ Boot-Making (Laitmdj c I — B MoNOAr • TueiDAr-WiDN£iOAfTHUfiio»-rniDAr • Saturday ^uNOAY Form 102. A Graphical Record of Output in Different Industries as Affected by Hours and Fatigue (Taken from the Second Annual Report of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board [British Government Report], September 30, 1921.) 126 IZ.U 1 1 1 — 1 r— 1 1 — IIS • - ^IIO ■-fA I^\/ \ A O \l\ t\ /A ^ / \ / \ I \ f I \ / \ 1 V 1 \ 1 \ 1 A 1 \J ' / ' \ / /■ X %I00 ■r Va/\ / / / \/ // V V Q ^95 / y ~ a- -V' - - 90 ~ ^^^m 12-HOUR SHIFTS 8 HOL^R SHIFTS ^ Ja/ Jan. Jl//. Jan. la J Jan. Jul. Jan. Jul. 1910 ISII 1911 1912 1912 1913 1913 I9li 191^ Form 103. A Graphical Record of Hourly Output under a Twelve- Hour Shift as Compared with an Eight-Hour Shift (Taken from same source as Form 102) 127 QUESTIONS ON SECTIONS VII AND I 1. Can you see any differences between Charts i and 2 (Section I) as to functions? as to provision for planning? as to responsibility and authority ? Are these differences essential or only superficial ? Why ? 2. Draw up an organization chart for a personnel department for a plant employing one hundred men. Draw up an organization chart for the plant as a whole, showing where you would put the personnel depart- ment in it. 3. Draw up a scheme of reports for the same plant. How many of Ihk. schedules shown in Chart 4 would be needed ? What records would be needed ? 4. Criticize the form of organization indicated in Chart 3. 5. Draw a chart showing the organization of a personnel department for a corporation with a central office and two large manufacturing plants, the plants being in different but nearby towns. Show relation personnel manager and his staff should bear (a) to vice-president in charge of production, (b) to the works managers in the individual plants. 6. Suggest additional reports which might be included among the schedules shown in Chart 4. 7. Draft forms for Schedules 2, 5, 9, 12. Include any modifications you think useful. 8. What are the uses of Form 95 ? Can you suggest other matters on which similar follow-ups might be used ? 9. Trace each of the items in Form 97 to its source, indicating procedure by which it would be collected. What do you think of the summary- method of presenting data suggested by Forms 97-99 as against a series of simpler reports ? How judge ? 10. Suggest several uses for an analysis such as that given in Form 100. Other things it might include ? 11. Outline the procedure involved in preparing a labor budget. 128 '"■■^S^'. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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